Produce a sentence that starts with: "if the blood".
If the blood is not drained, the meat will spoil quickly.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "if i was".
If I was spoiled as a kid in any way, it was in the seats I got for the theater because of my dad.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "this is her".
This is her first book.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: knowable, things, dissolves.
The mind dissolves from abandoning knowable things.
Generate a sentence with keywords: world, war, ii, bombing, hiroshima.
After the World War II bombing of Hiroshima, thousands of people sought refuge in the local rivers and ponds, unwittingly ingesting large amounts of radioactive material from the contaminated water.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "his stomach is".
His stomach is smooth and warm under the football jersey he lets me wear.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "it cited as".
It cited as its reason for concern the tenuousness of Jordan's legal claim to reversion of that territory.
Generate a sentence with keywords: city, benefit.
They didn't come here for the city's benefit.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "this state of".
This state of aloneness is too intolerable for a child, so he has to find a way to avoid it.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "god , she".
God, she was bright, but of course we were frequently at odds.
Generate a sentence with keywords: golfer, young, older, gush, adrenaline.
In a young golfer, or an older golfer who hasn't learned how to handle it, this gush of adrenaline can be devastating.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: hofmann, , kafka.
For Hofmann, Kafka comes out of the genius of his language.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "in fact ,".
In fact, a person with a sound, deliberate routine should be a faster player, because he or she will spend less time in the woods looking for lost balls.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: hard.
But you can't quit just because it's hard.
Generate a sentence with keywords: instant, breeze.
An instant later he was roaring off, enjoying the breeze.
Generate a sentence with keywords: opposition, government, leftist, leaders, dange.
Anticipating opposition, the government arrested the leftist leaders, including Dange.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "he was made".
He was made editor of the annual conference proceedings.
Generate a sentence with the following words: progress, relative.
But progress was relative.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: prefer, best, piece.
Some prefer those residing on the best piece of property.
Generate a sentence with keywords: immigrants, big, families.
Recently arrived immigrants have always had big families.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: system, right, athens.
They feel that they have the right to compel those in Athens to the political system they would prefer, and if they fail in that, they are happy to sever their ties with Athens altogether.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: problem, pattern, times.
However fixed the problem pattern may appear to be, there are always times when the client is doing some of the solution.
Generate a sentence with the following words: tape, blank, sherry.
Perhaps the tape was blank because Sherry had disclosed some aspects of her research that had never been publicly revealed.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "these carefully crafted".
These carefully crafted instructions have been so often cited for several reasons.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "i want to".
I want to hear how it'll amuse and distract me, how it plans to anaesthetise me into a numb, trancelike state.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: sure.
"Sure," he says.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "they both remain".
They both remain and they remain separate.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "oh yes ,".
Oh yes, it was one hell of a year.
Generate a sentence with the following words: trust, critical, ingredient.
Trust is the critical ingredient for successfully engaging in relationship exchanges that involve money or personal information.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: fridolin.
What was that all about, Fridolin asked himself.
Generate a sentence with the following words: guards, holding, mic.
Eluding the mobile police guards holding them back, they got up close and pushed a mic into Sayaka's face.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "he was also".
He was also ashamed to be a bystander; he ought to be marching in the van of those confronting the armed populace.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: new, winnetka, illinois, years, marlboro.
She was born in Winnetka, Illinois; after two years at Marlboro College in Vermont and an interval of travel, she yielded to New York's seemingly inevitable pull and pursued further studies at the New School for Social Research.
Generate a sentence with keywords: following, report, jackson, result, pain.
We see this in the following report from Jackson, as a result of his working on the pain he feels with the people he works with.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "a number of".
A number of theories have been proposed, which mainly seek to understand consciousness more accurately in terms of the operation of specific neural mechanisms, and these will be examined next.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "one beam of".
One beam of orange energy struck the Breen in the throat and another hit the Vorta in the chest.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: journal, effects, plant.
This journal is not meant to either encourage or discourage anyone from exploring the effects of this plant for themselves.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "he went on".
He went on the attack.
Generate a sentence with the following words: getting, father.
"I'm getting it for your father.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "it believes itself".
It believes itself free and always returns to its slavery.
Generate a sentence with keywords: promise, new, direction, debra.
"Promise is sort of a new direction for you," Debra said.
Generate a sentence with the following words: try, find.
But I have to at least try to find him.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "tell him how".
Tell him how that makes you feel and then leave him alone.
Generate a sentence with the following words: hands, face, able.
You held my hands and looked into my face and I longed to be able to do something.
Generate a sentence with the following words: distance, string, matchsticks.
From a distance, he said they looked like a string of matchsticks stuck in the sand, igniting one after the other until there were perhaps a hundred telephone poles burning at once.
Generate a sentence with keywords: generation, wars, peace.
Our generation, bloodied in wars, certainly deserves peace.
Generate a sentence with the following words: wife, rest, evening.
Instead, he blames his wife for ruining the rest of the evening with all her fuss and bother.
Generate a sentence with keywords: days, antibiotic, therapy, sinus, problem.
After just a few days of antibiotic therapy, the sinus problem had quietly gone into remission.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: believe, strong, able.
You may believe that somehow you should have been strong enough or able enough to handle the situation successfully without the need for the power boost of your anger.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: day, contradictory.
Throughout this day reports often contradictory and conflicting reached me.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: discomfort, members, state, department.
First was the discomfort of leading members of the State Department.
Generate a sentence with the following words: wiring, plumbing, things.
"Other than the wiring and the plumbing and things like that, we didn't spend any money," Guy says.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "calmer now ,".
Calmer now, they argued for a few minutes, and then Gonzales walked in, bringing Olson with him, and the four continued to argue.
Generate a sentence with keywords: institutions, time, laws, negative, experiences.
Institutions must have developed over time, and laws regulating them reacted to negative experiences.
Generate a sentence with the following words: .
Ours won't.
Generate a sentence with the following words: inaccurate, knew, thoughts.
I knew I had to identify my inaccurate thoughts.
Generate a sentence with keywords: .
Or one could go up to him, but not achieve anything.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: couple, weeks, later.
A couple of weeks later she died.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: diastase, potent, starch.
Diastase is incredibly potent in converting starch to sugar.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "i am a".
I am a walking, talking Bombay.
Generate a sentence with keywords: .
We'll notice if it stops, but not before.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: men, erectile, dysfunction.
In men, erectile dysfunction and delayed ejaculation are common.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "and so he".
And so he agreed.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "they got ten".
They got ten scintillas an hour, not a princely sum, but it was at least a start.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: overture, carnegie, hall, concert, marvin.
In the overture to the Carnegie Hall concert Marvin opened with Beethoven's "Waldstein" sonata, which then evolved into Captain Spaulding, followed by a medley of tunes from the Marx Brothers films, interspersed with quotations from Mozart and Gershwin.
Generate a sentence with keywords: cia, prepared, new, crowd, enthusiasts.
The CIA was simply not prepared for this new crowd of enthusiasts, who arrived on the scene armed with the deepest suspicions about the Agency itself.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "in some groups".
In some groups, everyone will have their personal scale allowing each person to be asked where they are and what puts them there rather than lower.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: universe, life, interpretation, necessity, conditions.
In this interpretation we are by necessity in a universe with conditions suitable for life, but only because we could not, by definition, exist in a universe that is unsuited to life.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "when you hear".
When you hear a song from your childhood, it's astonishing how much do you feel inside just how you felt when you first heard it.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: terrorist, attacks, sense.
"The terrorist attacks awakened a sense of patriotism long dormant in this country.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "i mean that".
I mean that's just simple math.
Generate a sentence with keywords: bullet, holes, books, today.
There are still bullet holes in some of the books there today.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "if the ball".
If the ball was short and heading for his chest he would simply let it pass by, and if they gave him an inch of width he could cut with power and pull the ball as well as anyone.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: phil, dan, trial, interested, bobby.
As Phil and Dan prepared for trial, they became very interested in Bobby Poole.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: best, massive, chocolate, dick, tongue.
I thought I was doing my best to focus on the massive chocolate dick that was sliding across my tongue.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: subsidiaries, companies, borrower, guarantor, acquisition.
These companies are usually the borrower and its subsidiaries, and any guarantor and its subsidiaries, but in an acquisition financing, the target company and its subsidiaries may also be included.
Generate a sentence with the following words: harpo, got, elevator.
So Harpo and I got into the elevator and took off all our clothes.
Generate a sentence with keywords: second, issue, accessibility, actual, use.
The second issue mentioned above concerns the accessibility or the actual use of corpora.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: jobs, minder, lift.
One of his first jobs as my 'minder' was to lift me off the floor of a car park after some lunatic had decided to spike my pint of beer.
Generate a sentence with keywords: school, san, francisco, bethany, little.
SAN FRANCISCO Bethany and I go to the little school on the rooftop of Raphael Weill, the huge public elementary school with the bad reputation.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: major, difference, nabby, abigail, writing.
There was, however, at least one major difference between Nabby's and Abigail's writing clubs.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "my hand was".
My hand was warm against the cool scales of her arm.
Generate a sentence with the following words: widespread, version, chymical.
A more widespread version of this "chymical resuscitation" comes, however, from Paracelsian Joseph Duchesne.
Generate a sentence with the following words: schemes, different, kind.
These schemes are different in kind from those of prescriptive planning.
Generate a sentence with keywords: share, bank, investment, fund, community.
Each bank receives a share of the investment fund allocated to the community, but this allocation is no longer governed by the principle of fair share.
Generate a sentence with keywords: necessary, point, important, distinction.
It is necessary at this point to clarify this important distinction.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: jensen, moment, smoothness, reporters.
Jensen smiled for a moment, then, with the smoothness that all reporters seem to have, looked serious again.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: man, reggie, rest, security, alert.
As the man got closer, Reggie and the rest of security suddenly became more alert and stiff spined.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "when he saw".
When he saw that I did, he invited me to come in and receive.
Generate a sentence with keywords: oma, way.
Oma always left it that way.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: wayne, kirkham, ultimate, referee, nightmare.
But surely Wayne Kirkham experienced the ultimate referee's nightmare.
Generate a sentence with keywords: perfumer, elixir, metaphor, wholeness, essences.
To the perfumer, then, the Elixir is a metaphor for the wholeness that can be experienced in working with the essences.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "technology , symptom".
Technology, Symptom and Dream.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "but the principles".
But the principles these specialists have used for decades to understand and redesign the workplace for optimum performance are a potential gold mine for IT developers.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "we found her".
We found her in Westlake Park.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: device, awareness.
The device awoke to awareness.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: steep, slope, eastern, street, flight.
Beyond where it would eventually be, rising up the steep slope on the eastern side of The Street, was a flight of broad wooden stairs.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "i turned back".
I turned back to the telephone book and began to riffle rapidly through it.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "six years later".
Six years later the Civilian Conservation Corps constructed trails, bridges, and cabins in the area, inviting more visitors.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "in her letter".
In her letter, Karen wrote about how she had always been there for Peter, helping him reach his goals.