COVID–19 Origin Act of 2023
[ [ "G000579", "Rep. Gallagher, Mike [R-WI-8]", "sponsor" ], [ "S001196", "Rep. Stefanik, Elise M. [R-NY-21]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001192", "Rep. Stewart, Chris [R-UT-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000609", "Rep. Rutherford, John H. [R-FL-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001115", "Rep. Cloud, Michael [R-TX-27]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000590", "Rep. Green, Mark E. [R-TN-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001302", "Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000048", "Rep. Pfluger, August [R-TX-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000806", "Rep. Webster, Daniel [R-FL-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000610", "Rep. Reschenthaler, Guy [R-PA-14]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1346 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1346 To require the Director of National Intelligence to declassify information relating to the origin of COVID-19, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Gallagher (for himself, Ms. Stefanik, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Cloud, Mr. Green of Tennessee, Mr. Biggs, Mr. Pfluger, and Mr. Webster of Florida) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and in addition to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require the Director of National Intelligence to declassify information relating to the origin of COVID-19, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that-- (1) identifying the origin of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is critical for preventing a similar pandemic from occurring in the future; (2) there is reason to believe the COVID-19 pandemic may have originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology; and (3) the Director of National Intelligence should declassify and make available to the public as much information as possible about the origin of COVID-19 so the United States and like-minded countries can-- (A) identify the origin of COVID-19 as expeditiously as possible, and (B) use that information to take all appropriate measures to prevent a similar pandemic from occurring again. SEC. 3. DECLASSIFICATION OF INFORMATION RELATED TO THE ORIGIN OF COVID- 19. Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Director of National Intelligence shall-- (1) declassify any and all information relating to potential links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origin of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), including-- (A) activities performed by the Wuhan Institute of Virology with or on behalf of the People's Liberation Army; (B) coronavirus research or other related activities performed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology prior to the outbreak of COVID-19; and (C) researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology who fell ill in autumn 2019, including for any such researcher-- (i) the researcher's name; (ii) the researcher's symptoms; (iii) the date of the onset of the researcher's symptoms; (iv) the researcher's role at the Wuhan Institute of Virology; (v) whether the researcher was involved with or exposed to coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology; (vi) whether the researcher visited a hospital while they were ill; and (vii) a description of any other actions taken by the researcher that may suggest they were experiencing a serious illness at the time; and (2) submit to Congress an unclassified report that contains-- (A) all of the information described under paragraph (1); and (B) only such redactions as the Director determines necessary to protect sources and methods. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Armed Forces and National Security" ]
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-03T14:00:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-10T18:44:44Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "systemCode": "hsif14", "url": "" } ], "systemCode": "hsif00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-03T14:00:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Intelligence (Permanent Select) Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T18:11:46Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "National Intelligence Enterprise Subcommittee", "systemCode": "hlig06", "url": "" } ], "systemCode": "hlig00", "type": "Select", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1346", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "relatedBills": [ { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-20", "actionTime": null, "text": "Became Public Law No: 118-2." }, "number": 619, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023", "type": "S", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1346", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "S001196", "district": 21, "firstName": "Elise", "fullName": "Rep. Stefanik, Elise M. [R-NY-21]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Stefanik", "middleName": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001192", "district": 2, "firstName": "Chris", "fullName": "Rep. Stewart, Chris [R-UT-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Stewart", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "UT", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000609", "district": 5, "firstName": "John", "fullName": "Rep. Rutherford, John H. [R-FL-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Rutherford", "middleName": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001115", "district": 27, "firstName": "Michael", "fullName": "Rep. Cloud, Michael [R-TX-27]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Cloud", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000590", "district": 7, "firstName": "Mark", "fullName": "Rep. Green, Mark E. [R-TN-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Green", "middleName": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001302", "district": 5, "firstName": "Andy", "fullName": "Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Biggs", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AZ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000048", "district": 11, "firstName": "August", "fullName": "Rep. Pfluger, August [R-TX-11]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Pfluger", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000806", "district": 11, "firstName": "Daniel", "fullName": "Rep. Webster, Daniel [R-FL-11]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Webster", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000610", "district": 14, "firstName": "Guy", "fullName": "Rep. Reschenthaler, Guy [R-PA-14]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Reschenthaler", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 9, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 9, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1346", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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[ [ "G000587", "Rep. Garcia, Sylvia R. [D-TX-29]", "sponsor" ], [ "P000604", "Rep. Payne, Donald M., Jr. [D-NJ-10]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000179", "Rep. Napolitano, Grace F. [D-CA-31]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001185", "Rep. Sewell, Terri A. [D-AL-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000009", "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Don't BLock Our Communities Act or the D-BLOC Act</b></p> <p>This bill prohibits railroad carriers from obstructing travel at public highway-rail crossings for more than 10 minutes, except under limited circumstances (e.g., safety issues). </p> <p>The Department of Transportation (DOT) must investigate and send notices to carriers of repeated incidents; carriers are subject to civil penalties for violations that occur after having received notice. </p> <p>Additionally, each Class I railroad carrier must publish on its home page an active link to the blocked highway-rail crossing portal that is maintained by the Federal Railroad Administration. The portal is used to (1) collect information from the public, including first responders, regarding blocked highway-rail grade crossing events; (2) solicit the apparent cause of the blocked crossing and provide examples of common causes of blocked crossings; (3) provide each complainant with the contact information for reporting a blocked crossing to the relevant railroad; and (4) encourage each complainant to report the blocked crossing to the relevant railroad.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1347 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1347 To amend title 49, United States Code, to limit railroad carriers from blocking railway-highway crossings, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Ms. Garcia of Texas (for herself, Mr. Payne, Mrs. Napolitano, Ms. Sewell, and Ms. Kaptur) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend title 49, United States Code, to limit railroad carriers from blocking railway-highway crossings, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Don't BLock Our Communities Act'' or the ``D-BLOC Act''. SEC. 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF 10-MINUTE TIME LIMIT FOR BLOCKING PUBLIC HIGHWAY-RAIL GRADE CROSSINGS. (a) In General.--Subchapter II of chapter 201 of title 49, United States Code, as amended by this division, is further amended by adding at the end the following: ``Sec. 20172. Time limit for blocking public highway-rail grade crossing ``(a) Time Limit.--A railroad carrier may not cause a blocked crossing incident that is longer than 10 minutes in duration, unless the blocked crossing incident is caused by-- ``(1) a casualty or serious injury; ``(2) an accident; ``(3) a track obstruction; ``(4) actions necessary to comply with Federal rail safety laws, regulations, or orders issued thereunder unless the action to comply could reasonably occur at a different time or location; ``(5) actions necessary to adhere to section 24308; ``(6) a train fully contained within rail yard limits or fully contained in a rail siding; ``(7) an act of God; or ``(8) a derailment or a safety appliance equipment failure that prevents the train from advancing. ``(b) Investigation of Frequently Blocked Crossings.--For any public highway-rail grade crossing that has had 3 or more blocked crossing incidents that exceed the time limit set forth in subsection (a) and are reported to the blocked crossing database, and such incidents have occurred on at least 3 calendar days within a 30-day period, the Secretary shall-- ``(1) provide an electronic notice of the number of reported blocked crossing incidents to the railroad carrier that owns the public highway-rail grade crossing; ``(2) investigate the causes of the blocked crossing incidents; and ``(3) investigate possible measures to reduce the frequency and duration of blocked crossing incidents at such grade crossing. ``(c) Recordkeeping.-- ``(1) In general.--A railroad carrier shall, upon receiving a notice under subsection (b), maintain train location data records for the public highway-rail grade crossing that was the subject of the notice. ``(2) Contents of records.--The train location data records required under paragraph (1) shall include-- ``(A) a list of all blocked crossing incidents at the public highway-rail grade crossing that is the subject of the report exceeding 10 minutes; ``(B) the cause of the blocked crossing incident (to the extent available); ``(C) train length; and ``(D) the estimated duration of each blocked crossing incident. ``(3) Consultation.--Beginning on the date on which a railroad carrier receives a notice under subsection (b), the Secretary may consult with the carrier for a period of 60 days to address concerns with blocked crossing incidents at the public highway-rail grade crossing that is the subject of the notice. ``(4) Expiration of data collection.--The requirement to maintain records under paragraph (1) shall cease with respect to a public highway-rail grade crossing noticed under subsection (b)(2) if there are no reports submitted to the blocked crossing database for blocked crossing incidents reported to occur at such grade crossing during the previous 365 consecutive calendar days. ``(d) Civil Penalties.-- ``(1) In general.--The Secretary may issue civil penalties in accordance with section 21301 to railroad carriers for violations of subsection (a) occurring 60 days after the date of submission of a notice under subsection (b). ``(2) Release of records.--Upon the request of, and under requirements set by, the Secretary, railroad carriers shall provide the records maintained pursuant to subsection (c)(1) to the Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration. ``(3) Alternate route exemption.--Civil penalties may not be issued for violations of subsection (a) that occur at a public highway-rail grade crossing if no alternate route created by a public highway-rail grade separation exists within a half mile by road of such public highway-rail grade crossing. ``(4) Grade separation project.--Civil penalties may not be issued for violations of subsection (a) if the violation occurs at a public highway-rail grade crossing for which there is a proposed grade separation project-- ``(A) that has received written agreement from the relevant local authorities; and ``(B) for which rail carrier and project funding from all parties has been budgeted. ``(5) Considerations.--In determining civil penalties under this section, the Secretary shall consider increased penalties in a case in which a pattern of the blocked crossing incidents continue to cause delays to State or local emergency services. ``(e) Application to Amtrak and Commuter Railroads.--This section shall not apply to Amtrak or commuter authorities, including Amtrak and commuter authorities' operations run or dispatched by a Class I railroad. ``(f) Definitions.--In this section: ``(1) Blocked crossing database.--The term `blocked crossing database' means the national blocked crossing database established under section 20173. ``(2) Blocked crossing incident.--The term `blocked crossing incident' means a circumstance in which a train, locomotive, rail car, or other rail equipment is stopped in a manner that obstructs travel at a public highway-rail grade crossing. ``(3) Public highway-rail grade crossing.--The term `public highway-rail grade crossing' means a location within a State in which a public highway, road, or street, including associated sidewalks and pathways, crosses 1 or more railroad tracks at grade.''. (b) Clerical Amendment.--The analysis for subchapter II of chapter 201 of title 49, United States Code, is further amended by adding at the end the following new item: ``20172. Time limit for blocking public highway-rail grade crossing.''. SEC. 3. BLOCKED CROSSING PORTAL. (a) Blocked Crossing Portal.--Section 22404 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (49 U.S.C. 22907 note) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a) by striking ``3-year''; (2) by striking subsection (h); (3) by redesignating subsection (i) as subsection (h); and (4) by striking subsections (j) and (k) and inserting the following: ``(i) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in this section may be construed to invalidate any authority of the Secretary with respect to blocked highway-rail grade crossings.''. (b) Publication of Blocked Crossing Information.--Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of the D-BLOC Act, each Class I railroad carrier shall publish on the home page of the publicly- available website of the railroad carrier an active link to the blocked crossing portal required by section 22404 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (49 U.S.C. 22907 note). SEC. 4. RAILROAD POINT OF CONTACT FOR BLOCKED CROSSING MATTERS. Section 20152 of title 49, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (1)-- (i) in subparagraph (C) by striking ``or'' at the end; (ii) by redesignating subparagraph (D) as subparagraph (E); and (iii) by inserting the following after subparagraph (C): ``(D) blocked crossing incident, as defined in section 20172; or''; (B) in paragraph (4)-- (i) by striking ``paragraph (1)(C) or (D)'' and inserting ``subparagraph (C), (D), or (E) of paragraph (1)''; and (ii) by striking ``and'' at the end; (C) in paragraph (5) by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and (D) by adding at the end the following: ``(6) upon receiving a report of a blocked crossing pursuant to paragraph (1)(D), the railroad carrier shall, within 14 days of receipt of the report-- ``(A) verify that the public highway-rail grade crossing, as defined in section 20172, was blocked for a period of at least 10 minutes; and ``(B) upon positive verification of the report, enter the report into the national blocked crossings database established in section 20173; and ``(7) promptly inform the Secretary of any update to the number maintained under paragraph (1).''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(c) Publication of Telephone Numbers.--The Secretary shall make any telephone number established under subsection (a) publicly available on the website of the Department of Transportation.''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Transportation and Public Works" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 41 (Friday, March 3, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Ms. GARCIA of Texas:\nH.R. 1347.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nSection 8 Article I of the Constitution\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nblocked railroad crossings\n[Page H1114]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 4, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 4, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-03", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-06", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials." }, "laws": null, "number": "1347", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Transportation and Public Works" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "G000587", "district": 29, "firstName": "Sylvia", "fullName": "Rep. Garcia, Sylvia R. [D-TX-29]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Garcia", "middleName": "R.", "party": "D", "state": "TX", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "D-BLOC Act", "titles": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:51Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:32:30Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1347", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Preserving Options for Everglades Restoration and National Defense in the Straits of Florida Act
[ [ "G000593", "Rep. Gimenez, Carlos A. [R-FL-28]", "sponsor" ], [ "S000168", "Rep. Salazar, Maria Elvira [R-FL-27]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000600", "Rep. Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL-26]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1348 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1348 To extend the prohibition on the joint use of Homestead Air Reserve Base, Homestead, Florida, by the Air Force and civil aircraft. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Gimenez introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To extend the prohibition on the joint use of Homestead Air Reserve Base, Homestead, Florida, by the Air Force and civil aircraft. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Preserving Options for Everglades Restoration and National Defense in the Straits of Florida Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON JOINT USE OF HOMESTEAD AIR RESERVE BASE WITH CIVIL AVIATION. Section 2874 of the James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 (Public Law 117-263) is amended by striking ``On or before September 30, 2026, the Secretary'' and inserting ``The Secretary''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Armed Forces and National Security" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 41 (Friday, March 3, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. GIMENEZ:\nH.R. 1348.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle 1 Section 8\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nTo extend the prohibition on the joint use of Homestead Air\nReserve Base, Homestead, Florida, by the Air Force and civil\naircraft\n[Page H1114]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 2, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 2, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-03", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-03", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services." }, "laws": null, "number": "1348", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Armed Forces and National Security" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "G000593", "district": 28, "firstName": "Carlos", "fullName": "Rep. Gimenez, Carlos A. [R-FL-28]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Gimenez", "middleName": "A.", "party": "R", "state": "FL", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": null, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Preserving Options for Everglades Restoration and National Defense in the Straits of Florida Act", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:51Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:51Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1348", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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African Burial Ground International Memorial Museum and Educational Center Act
[ [ "G000599", "Rep. Goldman, Daniel S. [D-NY-10]", "sponsor" ], [ "N000002", "Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000147", "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000081", "Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M. [D-NY-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000297", "Rep. Espaillat, Adriano [D-NY-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001137", "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001188", "Rep. Meng, Grace [D-NY-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001223", "Rep. Bowman, Jamaal [D-NY-16]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>African Burial Ground International Memorial Museum and Educational Center Act</b></p> <p> This bill establishes the African Burial Ground International Memorial Museum and Educational Center at the African Burial Ground National Monument in New York, New York.</p> <p> The National Park Service shall (1) acquire for the museum property that is located adjacent to the national monument or in any other area of the African Burial Ground National Historic Landmark in the city other than the location adjacent to the monument, and (2) construct the museum on the acquired property. </p> <p>The bill establishes within the Department of the Interior the African Burial Ground Advisory Council to (1) make recommendations on the construction of the museum, and (2) advise and assist Interior on all matters relating to the operation and preservation of the museum.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1349 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1349 To establish the African Burial Ground International Memorial Museum and Educational Center in New York, New York, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Goldman of New York (for himself, Mr. Nadler, Ms. Norton, Ms. Velazquez, Mr. Espaillat, Mr. Meeks, Ms. Meng, and Mr. Bowman) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To establish the African Burial Ground International Memorial Museum and Educational Center in New York, New York, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``African Burial Ground International Memorial Museum and Educational Center Act''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds that-- (1) the African Burial Ground National Historic Landmark in New York, New York, holds the remains of up to 20,000 enslaved Africans and early-generation African Americans from the colonial era; (2) the Africans and African Americans that suffered under slavery show us the strength of the human character and provide us with a model of courage, commitment, and perseverance; (3) as President George W. Bush stated on July 8, 2003, during his remarks at Goree Island, Senegal: ``For 250 years the captives endured an assault on their culture and their dignity. The spirit of Africans in America did not break. . . . All the generations of oppression under the laws of man could not crush the hope of freedom and defeat the purposes of God.''; (4) on February 27, 2006, President George W. Bush established the National Monument, which was comprised of the approximately 15,000-square foot parcel of the National Historic Landmark that was bounded by Duane and Elk Streets in Lower Manhattan; (5) an international memorial museum facility dedicated to those individuals who suffered the grave injustice of slavery in the United States, while at the same time helping to build the country, would-- (A) reflect the significance of the African Burial Ground; and (B) help the people of the United States understand the past and honor the history of all people in the United States; (6) in 1998, the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution-- (A) stated that the African Burial Ground affords the perfect opportunity to gain insight into-- (i) the institution of slavery, as practiced in urban, rural, northern, and southern parts of the United States; and (ii) the international slave trade; and (B) proposed that a partnership be formed among the Smithsonian, the National Park Service, and the General Services Administration to further develop the African Burial Ground; (7) the National Museum of African American History and Culture Act (20 U.S.C. 80r et seq.), which authorized construction of a museum in Washington, DC, identified the period of slavery as one of the periods of the African-American diaspora that would be encompassed by the museum; (8) the African Burial Ground-- (A) is unlike any other anthropological and symbolic site in the United States or the world; (B) includes DNA samples from the remarkably well- preserved human remains that will enable researchers to trace the home ``roots'' in Africa of those individuals buried at the African Burial Ground; and (C) provides a fitting location for a national memorial facility, relating to the National Museum of African American History and Culture that would-- (i) pay special tribute to-- (I) the thousands of enslaved individuals who are buried at the African Burial Ground; and (II) all of the individuals who were enslaved during the history of the United States; (ii) examine the African cultural traditions brought to the United States by the enslaved; and (iii) explore in-depth the institution of slavery; (9) a memorial museum at the site of the African Burial Ground-- (A) was first recommended by a Federal steering committee in 1992; and (B) in conjunction with the World Trade Center memorial and other nearby sites, would attract millions of visitors from the United States and abroad, making a substantial contribution to the development and revitalization of Lower Manhattan in response to the attacks on the World Trade Center of September 11, 2001; (10) Public Law 99-511 (100 Stat. 2080) encouraged support for the establishment of a commemorative structure within the National Park System or on other Federal land that is dedicated to the promotion of understanding, knowledge, opportunity, and equality for all people; (11) similar to the National Museum of the Native American that was established by section 3(a) of the National Museum of the American Indian Act (20 U.S.C. 80q-1(a)), a memorial museum at the site of the African Burial Ground would benefit from a partnership among-- (A) the Federal Government; (B) the State of New York; (C) the city of New York; and (D) members of the private sector; (12) the African Burial Ground-- (A) has been determined to be nationally significant as-- (i) a National Historic Landmark; and (ii) a National Monument; and (B) provides an important opportunity for interpretation, understanding, partnership, and pride; and (13) the National Park Service-- (A) has played an important role in the development of the African Burial Ground (including the designation of the African Burial Ground as a National Monument); (B) successfully operates other national facilities in the city of New York that symbolize freedom and the quest for freedom in America, including-- (i) the Statue of Liberty National Monument; and (ii) the Ellis Island National Monument; (C) provided key support to the Presidential Study Commission for the National Museum of African American History and Culture; and (D) is well-suited to assume a leadership role with respect to the creation of the Museum. SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) Administrator.--The term ``Administrator'' means the Administrator of the General Services Administration. (2) Advisory council.--The term ``Advisory Council'' means the African Burial Ground Advisory Council established by section 7(a). (3) City.--The term ``City'' means the city of New York, New York. (4) Expansion property.--The term ``expansion property'' means the property that is acquired by the Secretary under section 5(a). (5) Museum.--The term ``Museum'' means the African Burial Ground International Memorial Museum and Educational Center established by section 4(a). (6) National landmark.--The term ``National Landmark'' means the African Burial Ground National Historic Landmark in the City. (7) National monument.--The term ``National Monument'' means the African Burial Ground National Monument in the City. (8) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Director of the National Park Service. (9) State.--The term ``State'' means the State of New York. SEC. 4. ESTABLISHMENT OF MUSEUM. (a) Establishment.--There is established at the National Monument a memorial museum and educational center, to be known as the ``African Burial Ground International Memorial Museum and Educational Center''. (b) Purposes.--The purposes of the Museum are-- (1) to serve as a permanent living memorial-- (A) to the enslaved who are buried at the African Burial Ground; and (B) to other Africans and African Americans who were enslaved; (2) to examine the African cultural traditions brought to the United States by the enslaved; (3) to explore in-depth the institution of slavery in the United States and other parts of the world; (4) to provide a space for-- (A) permanent and temporary exhibits; and (B) the collection and study of artifacts and documents; and (5) to encourage collaboration between the Museum and the National Museum of African American History and Culture, other museums, historically Black colleges and universities, historical societies, educational institutions, and other appropriate entities and organizations, including collaboration with respect to-- (A) the development of cooperative programs and exhibitions, including through digital, electronic, and interactive technologies; (B) the identification, management, and care of Museum collections; and (C) the training of Museum and National Park Service professionals and other persons concerned with heritage preservation. (c) Association With National Museum.--The Museum shall become associated with the National Museum of African American History and Culture, in a manner to be determined by the Secretary, in consultation with the Advisory Council and the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. SEC. 5. SITE ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT. (a) In General.--The Secretary, in consultation with the Administrator, the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, the City, the State, and the Advisory Council, shall-- (1) acquire for the Museum property that is located-- (A) adjacent to the National Monument; or (B) in any other area of the National Landmark other than the location described in subparagraph (A); and (2) plan, design, and construct the Museum on the property acquired under paragraph (1). (b) Federal Share.--The Secretary shall pay \2/3\ of the total costs of-- (1) acquiring property for the Museum; and (2) planning, designing, constructing, reconstructing, and renovating, as applicable, the Museum. (c) Contracting Authority.-- (1) In general.--The Secretary and the Administrator may enter into any agreements with each other, the City, the State, and other parties that are necessary for the acquisition, by donation or other means, of property for-- (A) establishing the Museum; and (B) planning, designing, constructing, reconstructing, and renovating, as applicable, the Museum. (2) Site acquisition.--The Secretary may acquire property under subsection (a)(1) by purchase, long-term lease, or any other appropriate means of acquisition, as determined by the Secretary. (d) Expansion of National Monument.--The expansion property is incorporated in, and shall be managed as part of, the National Monument. SEC. 6. OPERATION OF THE MUSEUM. (a) In General.--The Secretary, in consultation with the Advisory Council, shall operate the Museum. (b) Authorities.--The Secretary, in consultation with the Advisory Council, may-- (1) purchase, accept, borrow, and otherwise acquire artifacts for the collections of the Museum; (2) loan, exchange, sell, and otherwise dispose of any part of the collections of the Museum, if the proceeds of the disposition are used for additions to the collections of the Museum; (3) specify criteria with respect to the use of the collections and resources of the Museum, including policies on programming, education, exhibitions, and research; (4) provide for preservation, restoration, and maintenance of the collections of the Museum; (5) solicit, accept, use, and dispose of gifts, bequests, and devises of real and personal property for the purpose of facilitating the work of the Museum; (6) contract with such parties as may be necessary to facilitate the operation of the Museum; (7) administer the National Monument as a unit of the National Park System in accordance with-- (A) this Act; and (B) the laws generally applicable to units of the National Park System, including applicable provisions of division A of subtitle I of title 54, United States Code; and (8) conduct any other activities that are necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act. SEC. 7. ADVISORY COUNCIL. (a) Establishment.--There is established within the Department of the Interior an advisory council to be known as the ``African Burial Ground Advisory Council''. (b) Membership.-- (1) Composition.--The Advisory Council shall be composed of the following members or their designees: (A) The Secretary, who shall serve as Chairperson of the Advisory Council. (B) The Director of the National Park Service. (C) The Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. (D) The Administrator. (E) The Governor of the State. (F) The Mayor of the City. (G) The President of the Borough of Manhattan. (H) Fourteen members, to be appointed by the Secretary, taking into consideration-- (i) recommendations from organizations and entities that are committed to the legacy of the African Burial Ground; and (ii) recommendations from the members of the Advisory Council. (2) Nonvoting members.--The Secretary may appoint as nonvoting members of the Advisory Council-- (A) members of the United States Senate; (B) members of the House of Representatives; (C) officials representing the City; (D) officials representing the State; and (E) any other individuals that the Secretary, in consultation with the members of the Advisory Council, determines to be appropriate. (3) Date of appointments.--The initial appointment of a member under paragraph (1) shall be made not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act. (c) Terms.-- (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), each member of the Advisory Council shall be appointed for a term of 3 years. (2) Initial appointees.--Of the members first appointed under subsection (b)(1)(H)-- (A) 5 members shall be appointed for a term of 1 year; (B) 5 members shall be appointed for a term of 2 years; and (C) 4 members shall be appointed for a terms of 3 years. (3) Reappointment.-- (A) In general.--A member of the Advisory Council may be reappointed, except that no individual may serve on the Advisory Council for a total of more than 2 terms. (B) Vacancy appointments.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the number of terms an individual serves on the Advisory Council shall not include any portion of a term for which an individual is appointed to fill a vacancy under paragraph (4)(B). (4) Vacancies.-- (A) In general.--A vacancy on the Advisory Council-- (i) shall not affect the powers of the Advisory Council; and (ii) shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment was made. (B) Term.--Any member of the Advisory Council appointed to fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall be appointed for the remainder of that term. (d) Duties.--The Advisory Council shall-- (1) make recommendations to the Secretary on the planning, design, and construction of the Museum; (2) advise and assist the Secretary on all matters relating to the administration, operation, maintenance, and preservation of the Museum; (3) provide significant opportunities for public input with respect to carrying out the duties under paragraphs (1) and (2); and (4) adopt bylaws for the operation of the Advisory Council. (e) Compensation.-- (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), a member of the Advisory Council shall serve without compensation. (2) Travel expenses.--A member of the Council shall be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, at rates authorized for an employee of an agency under subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5, United States Code, while away from the home or regular place of business of the member in the performance of the duties of the Advisory Council. (f) Meetings.-- (1) In general.--The Advisory Council shall meet at the call of the chairperson or on the written request of a majority of the members of the Advisory Council, but not fewer than 2 times each year. (2) Initial meetings.--During the 1-year period beginning on the date of the first meeting of the Advisory Council, the Advisory Council shall meet not fewer than 4 times for the purpose of carrying out the duties of the Advisory Council. (g) Quorum.--A majority of the members of the Advisory Council shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting business, but a lesser number may receive information on behalf of the Advisory Council. SEC. 8. DIRECTOR AND STAFF. (a) Director.-- (1) In general.--The Secretary shall appoint a Director for the Museum, taking into consideration recommendations by the Advisory Council. (2) Duties.--The Director of the Museum shall manage the Museum, in accordance with any policies established by the Secretary, in consultation with the Advisory Council. (b) Staff.-- (1) Appointment.--The Secretary may, without regard to the civil service laws, appoint 2 employees to assist the Director of the Museum in carrying out the duties of the Director. (2) Compensation.--The employees appointed under subsection (b) may be paid without regard to the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5, United States Code. SEC. 9. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. (a) In General.--Except as provided in subsection (b), there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this Act-- (1) $15,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; and (2) such sums as are necessary for each fiscal year thereafter. (b) Acquisition of Museum Site.--There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out section 5. (c) Availability.--Amounts made available under subsections (a) and (b) shall remain available, without fiscal year limitation, until expended. (d) Use of Funds for Fundraising.--Amounts made available under this section may be used to raise funds from private sources to support and promote the Museum. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Arts, Culture, Religion" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 41 (Friday, March 3, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. GOLDMAN of New York:\nH.R. 1349.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nUnder Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, Congress\nhas the power ``to make all Laws which shall be necessary and\nproper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and\nall other Powers vested by this Constitution in the\nGovernment of the United States, or any Department or Officer\nthereof''.\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nThe creation of a museum and education center\n[Page H1114]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 7, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 7, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-03", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-22", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Federal Lands." }, "laws": null, "number": "1349", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Arts, Culture, Religion" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "G000599", "district": 10, "firstName": "Daniel", "fullName": "Rep. Goldman, Daniel S. [D-NY-10]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Goldman", "middleName": "S.", "party": "D", "state": "NY", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "African Burial Ground International Memorial Museum and Educational Center Act", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T18:46:09Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T18:46:09Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1349", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-03T14:05:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-22T15:40:06Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Federal Lands Subcommittee", "systemCode": "hsii10", "url": "" } ], "systemCode": "hsii00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1349", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "relatedBills": [ { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-02-27", "actionTime": null, "text": "Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources." }, "number": 527, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "African Burial Ground International Memorial Museum and Educational Center Act", "type": "S", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1349", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "N000002", "district": 12, "firstName": "JERROLD", "fullName": "Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-12]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "NADLER", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "N000147", "district": 0, "firstName": "ELEANOR", "fullName": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "NORTON", "middleName": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "DC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "V000081", "district": 7, "firstName": "NYDIA", "fullName": "Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M. [D-NY-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "VELAZQUEZ", "middleName": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "E000297", "district": 13, "firstName": "Adriano", "fullName": "Rep. Espaillat, Adriano [D-NY-13]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Espaillat", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001137", "district": 5, "firstName": "GREGORY", "fullName": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "MEEKS", "middleName": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001188", "district": 6, "firstName": "Grace", "fullName": "Rep. Meng, Grace [D-NY-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Meng", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001223", "district": 16, "firstName": "Jamaal", "fullName": "Rep. Bowman, Jamaal [D-NY-16]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Bowman", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 7, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 7, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1349", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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No Pay Raise for Congress Act
[ [ "B001260", "Rep. Buchanan, Vern [R-FL-16]", "sponsor" ] ]
<p><b>No Pay Raise for Congress Act</b></p> <p>This bill cancels the automatic adjustment to the pay of Members of Congress that is based on the employment cost index if the Congressional Budget Office determines that there was a federal budget deficit in the last fiscal year.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 135 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 135 To provide that rates of pay for Members of Congress shall not be adjusted under section 601(a)(2) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 in the year following any fiscal year in which outlays of the United States exceeded receipts of the United States. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES January 9, 2023 Mr. Buchanan introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on House Administration, and in addition to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To provide that rates of pay for Members of Congress shall not be adjusted under section 601(a)(2) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 in the year following any fiscal year in which outlays of the United States exceeded receipts of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Pay Raise for Congress Act''. SEC. 2. AMENDMENTS TO THE LEGISLATIVE REORGANIZATION ACT OF 1946. (a) In General.--Section 601(a)(2) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 (2 U.S.C. 4501(2)) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(C) An adjustment in rates of pay may be made under this paragraph in a year only if the aggregate outlays of the United States during the last completed fiscal year did not exceed the aggregate receipts of the United States during such fiscal year, as determined by the Congressional Budget Office.''. (b) Technical Amendment.--Section 601(a)(2)(A) of such Act (2 U.S.C. 4501(2)(A)) is amended by striking ``Subject to subparagraph (B),'' and inserting ``Subject to subparagraphs (B) and (C),''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Congress", "Budget deficits and national debt", "Government employee pay, benefits, personnel management", "Inflation and prices", "Members of Congress" ]
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Cameron’s Law
[ [ "G000583", "Rep. Gottheimer, Josh [D-NJ-5]", "sponsor" ], [ "B001298", "Rep. Bacon, Don [R-NE-2]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Cameron's Law</b></p> <p>This bill increases the rate of the tax credit for clinical testing expenses for rare diseases or conditions from 25% to 50% (orphan drug tax credit). </p> <p>The bill also requires the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to complete a study to evaluate the feasibility of enhancing and expanding the infrastructure to track the epidemiology of rare diseases or conditions.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1350 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1350 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to restore the amount of the orphan drug tax credit, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Gottheimer (for himself and Mr. Bacon) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to restore the amount of the orphan drug tax credit, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as ``Cameron's Law''. SEC. 2. RESTORATION OF AMOUNT OF ORPHAN DRUG TAX CREDIT. (a) In General.--Section 45C(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ``25 percent'' and inserting ``50 percent''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act. SEC. 3. CDC FEASIBILITY STUDY ON SURVEILLANCE INFRASTRUCTURE FOR RARE DISEASES AND CONDITIONS. (a) Study.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (in this section referred to as the ``Director'') shall complete a study to evaluate the feasibility of enhancing and expanding the infrastructure to track the epidemiology of rare diseases and conditions, including with respect to the following: (1) Rates of mortality. (2) Potential for research and treatment. (3) Demographics. (4) Diagnosis and progression markers. (5) The history of the disease or condition. (6) Detection management. (b) Consultation.--In conducting the study required by subsection (a), the Director shall consult with relevant experts, including-- (1) epidemiologists with experience in disease surveillance; (2) representatives of national voluntary health associations; (3) health information technology experts or other information management specialists; (4) clinicians with expertise in rare diseases or conditions; (5) research scientists with expertise in rare diseases or conditions, or experience conducting translational research or utilizing surveillance systems for scientific research purposes; and (6) patients, and caregivers of patients, with rare diseases or conditions. (c) Report.--Not later than 3 months after completing the study required by subsection (a), the Director shall submit a report to the Congress on the results of the study. (d) Definition.--In this section, the terms ``rare diseases and conditions'' and ``rare diseases or conditions'' refer to human diseases and conditions that are-- (1) a rare disease or condition, as defined in section 526 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bb); or (2) determined by the Director to be rare and lacking in treatment options, so as to warrant consideration in the study required by subsection (a). &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Taxation" ]
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Save Oak Flat From Foreign Mining Act
[ [ "G000551", "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "sponsor" ], [ "S001177", "Del. Sablan, Gregorio Kilili Camacho [D-MP-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001068", "Rep. Huffman, Jared [D-CA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001160", "Rep. Moore, Gwen [D-WI-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000585", "Rep. Gomez, Jimmy [D-CA-34]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000273", "Rep. Leger Fernandez, Teresa [D-NM-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000618", "Rep. Porter, Katie [D-CA-47]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001218", "Rep. Stansbury, Melanie Ann [D-NM-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000380", "Rep. Kildee, Daniel T. [D-MI-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000147", "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001224", "Rep. Bush, Cori [D-MO-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001143", "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001068", "Rep. Cohen, Steve [D-TN-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000460", "Rep. Thompson, Mike [D-CA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000551", "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001072", "Rep. Carson, Andre [D-IN-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001080", "Rep. Chu, Judy [D-CA-28]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000607", "Rep. Pocan, Mark [D-WI-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000597", "Rep. Pingree, Chellie [D-ME-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001097", "Rep. Cárdenas, Tony [D-CA-29]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001300", "Rep. Barragan, Nanette Diaz [D-CA-44]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000788", "Rep. Williams, Nikema [D-GA-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000629", "Rep. Davids, Sharice [D-KS-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001145", "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000617", "Rep. DelBene, Suzan K. [D-WA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000191", "Rep. Neguse, Joe [D-CO-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000472", "Rep. Takano, Mark [D-CA-39]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000593", "Rep. Levin, Mike [D-CA-49]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001090", "Rep. Cartwright, Matt [D-PA-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000469", "Rep. Tonko, Paul [D-NY-20]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001081", "Rep. Hayes, Jahana [D-CT-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001188", "Rep. Meng, Grace [D-NY-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001055", "Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B000574", "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001067", "Rep. Clarke, Yvette D. [D-NY-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001223", "Rep. Bowman, Jamaal [D-NY-16]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001094", "Rep. Hoyle, Val T. [D-OR-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000586", "Rep. Garcia, Jesus G. \"Chuy\" [D-IL-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000599", "Rep. Ruiz, Raul [D-CA-25]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001217", "Rep. Moskowitz, Jared [D-FL-23]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000397", "Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-18]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001200", "Rep. Soto, Darren [D-FL-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001156", "Rep. Sánchez, Linda T. [D-CA-38]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S000185", "Rep. Scott, Robert C. \"Bobby\" [D-VA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000197", "Rep. Pelosi, Nancy [D-CA-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000481", "Rep. Tlaib, Rashida [D-MI-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000032", "Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000487", "Rep. Tokuda, Jill N. [D-HI-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000400", "Rep. Kamlager-Dove, Sydney [D-CA-37]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001292", "Rep. Beyer, Donald S., Jr. [D-VA-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001206", "Rep. Morelle, Joseph D. [D-NY-25]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000399", "Rep. Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-37]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000197", "Rep. DeGette, Diana [D-CO-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001150", "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-30]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000381", "Rep. Kilmer, Derek [D-WA-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001117", "Rep. Casten, Sean [D-IL-6]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Save Oak Flat From Foreign Mining Act</strong></p> <p>This bill withdraws Oak Flat (which consists of 2,422 acres of Forest System land in the Tonto National Forest in southeastern Arizona) from mining activity. The bill repeals authorization for Oak Flat to be exchanged for land held by Resolution Copper Mining, LLC.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1351 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1351 To repeal section 3003 of the Carl Levin and Howard P. ``Buck'' McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Grijalva (for himself, Mr. Sablan, Mr. Huffman, Ms. Moore of Wisconsin, Mr. Gomez, and Ms. Leger Fernandez) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To repeal section 3003 of the Carl Levin and Howard P. ``Buck'' McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Save Oak Flat From Foreign Mining Act''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds as follows: (1) Resolution Copper is jointly owned by two foreign mining companies, Rio Tinto and BHP. (2) The largest shareholder of Rio Tinto is a foreign mining entity, Shining Prospect Private Limited Company, that is based in Singapore and is owned by the company Chinalco. (3) Chinalco is a holding company of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) of the People's Republic of China. (4) Rio Tinto has a long record of human rights violations and environmental devastation, harming Indigenous and other communities around the world, including in Australia, Papua New Guinea, Madagascar, Indonesia, Mongolia, and Namibia. (5) In 2020, Rio Tinto used explosives to blow up a site sacred to the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura peoples in Western Australia, including the Juukan Gorge Rock Dwellings which have evidence of human habitation dating back 46,000 years, resulting in immeasurable cultural and spiritual loss and pain for Indigenous communities. (6) Oak Flat is located in the Tonto National Forest, which was established in 1905 from the ancestral homelands of American Indians who were forcibly removed at gunpoint from Oak Flat and other areas of the Forest by the United States Army during the 1880s and held as prisoners of war until the early 1900s. (7) Oak Flat is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as the Traditional Cultural Property of Chi'chil Bi5dagoteel Historic District. (8) Despite significant opposition in the United States Congress, section 3003 was included as a rider in the Carl Levin and Howard P. `Buck' McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 (16 U.S.C. 539p) that mandates the transfer of 2,422 acres of the sacred Oak Flat area to foreign-owned Resolution Copper within 60 days of publication of an Environmental Impact Statement. (9) To maximize shareholder profits through the monetization of American resources, foreign-owned Resolution Copper plans to use the cheapest and most destructive form of mining, block cave mining, to develop a large-scale copper mine that will obliterate the sacred Oak Flat area and result in a crater 1.8 miles long and at least 1,000 feet deep, depriving American Indians from conducting religious ceremonies and other traditional practices. (10) Section 3003 lacks any requirement for foreign-owned Resolution Copper to sell the copper it extracts from beneath Oak Flat in the United States. (11) According to the United States Geological Survey's 2023 annual report, over 25 percent of all copper mined in the United States in 2022 was exported overseas. (12) According to a 2020 University of Arizona report, copper has consistently been a top export from the State of Arizona, with most of it being shipped to the People's Republic of China from the Port of Guaymas in Sonora, Mexico. (13) Foreign-owned Resolution Copper intends to extract copper ore beneath Oak Flat, which will be slurried through 22 miles of pipelines and loaded onto trains to be likely shipped overseas according to the Arizona Department of Transportation. (14) Foreign-owned Resolution Copper's mine will deplete, destroy, and poison substantial amounts of limited and precious water resources in a region that is already suffering from severe water shortages by-- (A) pumping at least 775,000 acre-feet of water, which is approximately 250,000,000,000 gallons over the 40-year life of the mine and is enough water to support 140,000 homes annually for 40 years; and (B) redirecting water from the East Salt River Valley, which will comprise approximately seventy percent of the project's groundwater that will be used to slurry 1,370,000,000 tons of toxic mine waste through approximately 19 miles of pipelines to a massive toxic waste dump. (15) Foreign-owned Resolution Copper's massive depletion of local groundwater will cause land subsidence in the East Salt River Valley by as much as 4 feet, and groundwater level decreases by 199 feet in some areas. (16) Despite the rapidly deteriorating drought conditions in the Colorado River Basin, foreign-owned Resolution Copper received an allocation of over 2,200 acre-feet per year of Central Arizona Project water in 2021, while homes across the southwest continue to face looming water restrictions due to oversubscribed water supplies. (17) Foreign-owned Resolution Copper's mine will result in a permanent toxic waste dump site of approximately 500 feet high and 3 miles long, spanning approximately 4,000 acres, in the Gila River watershed, which will store 1,370,000,000 tons of mine waste and destroy the ecosystem and Tribal cultural resources in the region. SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. In the Act: (1) Oak flat.--The term ``Oak Flat'' means the approximately 2,422 acres of Forest System land in the Tonto National Forest in southeastern Arizona commonly known as ``Oak Flat'' and generally depicted as ``Oak Flat Withdrawal Area'' on the map titled ``Save Oak Flat From Foreign Mining Act'' and dated March 2, 2023. (2) Resolution copper.--The term ``Resolution Copper'' means Resolution Copper Mining, LLC, owned by the foreign entities of Rio Tinto and BHP. SEC. 4. REPEAL AND WITHDRAWAL. (a) Repeal.--Section 3003 of the Carl Levin and Howard P. ``Buck'' McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 (16 U.S.C. 539p) is repealed. (b) Withdrawal.--Subject to valid rights in existence on the date of the enactment of this Act, Oak Flat is withdrawn from all forms of-- (1) entry, appropriation, or disposal under the public land laws; (2) location, entry, and patent under the mining laws; and (3) disposition under all laws pertaining to mineral and geothermal leasing or mineral materials. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Public Lands and Natural Resources" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 5, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 41 (Friday, March 3, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. GRIJALVA:\nH.R. 1351.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nU.S. Constitution Article 1 Sections 1 and 8\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nTo repeal a land transfer to protect the sacred site of Oak\nFlat from desecration by foreign mining interests\n[Page H1114]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 55, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 55, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-03", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-04-14", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Federal Lands." }, "laws": null, "number": "1351", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Public Lands and Natural Resources" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "G000551", "district": 7, "firstName": "Raúl", "fullName": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Grijalva", "middleName": "M.", "party": "D", "state": "AZ", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Save Oak Flat From Foreign Mining Act", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:51Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:51Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1351", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Chu, Judy [D-CA-28]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Chu", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-17", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000607", "district": 2, "firstName": "Mark", "fullName": "Rep. Pocan, Mark [D-WI-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Pocan", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-17", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000597", "district": 1, "firstName": "Chellie", "fullName": "Rep. Pingree, Chellie [D-ME-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Pingree", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-17", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "ME", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001097", "district": 29, "firstName": "Tony", "fullName": "Rep. 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{ "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1351", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "titles": [ { "billTextVersionCode": null, "billTextVersionName": null, "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Save Oak Flat From Foreign Mining Act", "titleType": "Display Title" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Save Oak Flat From Foreign Mining Act", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "To repeal section 3003 of the Carl Levin and Howard P. \"Buck\" McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015, and for other purposes.", "titleType": "Official Title as Introduced" } ] }
Increasing Access to Biosimilars Act of 2023
[ [ "H001067", "Rep. Hudson, Richard [R-NC-9]", "sponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Increasing Access to Biosimilars Act of </b><b>2023</b></p> <p>This bill requires the Centers for Medicare &amp; Medicaid Services to establish a demonstration project to evaluate the benefits of providing additional payments to providers of biosimilars under Medicare. Specifically, under the demonstration project, participating providers receive an additional payment based on the difference between the costs to the provider of furnishing the biosimilar and the cost if the provider had furnished the underlying reference biological product instead. </p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1352 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1352 To require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to establish a demonstration project to increase access to biosimilar biological products under the Medicare program. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Hudson introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to establish a demonstration project to increase access to biosimilar biological products under the Medicare program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Increasing Access to Biosimilars Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. DEMONSTRATION PROJECT TO INCREASE ACCESS TO BIOSIMILAR BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (a) Establishment.--Beginning not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall establish and implement a 3-year nationwide demonstration project under part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act to evaluate the benefits of providing a shared savings payment for biosimilar biological products furnished under such part. (b) Participation.-- (1) In general.--Participation under the demonstration project shall be voluntary, and a participating provider may terminate participation at any time and the Secretary may terminate the participation of such a provider at any time. (2) Application and selection.--To participate under the demonstration project, an eligible provider shall submit to the Secretary an application in such form and manner and containing such information as specified by the Secretary. Each eligible provider who submits such an application shall be selected by the Secretary for participation under the demonstration project. (3) Clarification.--Participation under the demonstration project shall not preclude eligible providers from also participating in any model authorized under section 1115A of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1315a), including the Oncology Care Model and Oncology Care First Model, or impact eligible providers metrics or expenditures within other models authorized under such section. (c) Coverage.--Except as otherwise provided in this section, payment may be made under the demonstration project for a biosimlar biological product only if such product is covered under part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act and such payment shall be made in the same manner as payment is provided for such a product under such part. (d) Additional Payment.-- (1) In general.--Under the demonstration project, subject to paragraph (3), in addition to the payment that would otherwise be made under part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act for a biosimilar biological product furnished or dispensed by a participating provider to a Medicare beneficiary, there shall be made an additional payment, in an amount determined by the Secretary, that is based on the difference, if any, (or portion of such difference) between the costs to the provider in furnishing the biosimilar biological product and the costs to the provider if the provider had furnished the reference biological product. (2) No increase to medicare coinsurance.--The additional payment described under paragraph (1) shall not increase a Medicare beneficiary's cost-sharing liability, as described in section 1833 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395l). (3) Exception.--An eligible provider may only receive the additional payment described in paragraph (1), with respect to a biosimilar biological product, if the payment amount under section 1847A of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395w-3a) for such product is less than the payment amount under part B of title XVIII of such Act for the reference biological product. (e) Waiver Authority.--The Secretary may waive such requirements of title XVIII of the Social Security Act as may be necessary to carry out the demonstration project, except the Secretary may not increase the cost-sharing that would otherwise, without application of this section, be applied to an individual under section 1833 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395l). (f) Reports.-- (1) Interim evaluation and report.--Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that contains an analysis of the appropriateness of expanding or extending the demonstration project and, to the extent such analysis determines such an expansion or extension appropriate, recommendations for such expansion or extension, respectively. (2) Final evaluation and report.--Not later than one year after the date of completion of the demonstration project, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that contains a final analysis of the project and recommendations described in paragraph (1). (g) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Demonstration project.--The term ``demonstration project'' means the demonstration project conducted under this Act. (2) Biosimilar biological product.--The term ``biosimilar biological product'' means a biological product approved under an abbreviated application for a license of a biological product that relies in part on data or information in an application for another biological product licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262). (3) Eligible provider.--The term ``eligible provider'' means a provider of services or supplier that is eligible to receive payment under part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act for furnishing or dispensing biosimilar biological products. (4) Medicare beneficiary.--The term ``Medicare beneficiary'' means an individual who is enrolled for benefits under part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act. (5) Participating provider.--The term ``participating provider'' means an eligible provider that has been selected for participation under the project under subsection (b)(2) and with respect to whom such participation has not been terminated. (6) Reference biological product.--The term ``reference biological product'' means the biological product licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) that is referred to in the application described in paragraph (2) of the biosimilar biological product. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Health" ]
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-03T14:05:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-10T19:14:57Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "systemCode": "hsif14", "url": "" } ], "systemCode": "hsif00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-03T14:05:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hswm00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1352", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1352", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "titles": [ { "billTextVersionCode": null, "billTextVersionName": null, "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Increasing Access to Biosimilars Act of 2023", "titleType": "Display Title" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Increasing Access to Biosimilars Act of 2023", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "To require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to establish a demonstration project to increase access to biosimilar biological products under the Medicare program.", "titleType": "Official Title as Introduced" } ] }
Advanced, Local Emergency Response Telecommunications Parity Act
[ [ "J000292", "Rep. Johnson, Bill [R-OH-6]", "sponsor" ], [ "S001216", "Rep. Schrier, Kim [D-WA-8]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Advanced, Local Emergency Response Telecommunications Parity Act or the ALERT Parity Act</b></p> <p>This bill requires the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to facilitate the provision of emergency communication services (e.g., 9-1-1 calls and emergency alerts) in unserved areas. An unserved area is one that has no commercial mobile service capable of providing emergency services because of a lack of infrastructure, destruction of infrastructure, a power outage, or other reason.</p> <p>The FCC must establish a process for companies to apply for approval to access the electromagnetic spectrum in order to provide emergency services in unserved areas. To obtain approval, a company must demonstrate that it (1) has a technical proposal for providing services, (2) will not use the spectrum to provide additional services, and (3) has the capability to provide the services rapidly. The company must also demonstrate that the services can withstand earthquakes, hurricanes, and other major disasters. The FCC must publish a list of approved providers online.</p> <p>Additionally, the bill provides protections for authorized users of the spectrum. For example, a provider with FCC approval to provide emergency services to an area under this bill may only access the spectrum if (1) the entity that is typically authorized to use it expressly consents in writing to the approved provider's use, and (2) the approved provider's use does not interfere with the authorized entity's use. Authorized entities that receive a request for consent must reasonably engage with the provider submitting the request.</p> <p>The bill also limits the liability of an approved provider for certain harms resulting from the transmission of (or failure to transmit) emergency alerts or the release of subscriber information when delivering an alert.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1353 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1353 To direct the Federal Communications Commission to issue rules for the provision of emergency connectivity service, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Johnson of Ohio (for himself and Ms. Schrier) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To direct the Federal Communications Commission to issue rules for the provision of emergency connectivity service, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Advanced, Local Emergency Response Telecommunications Parity Act'' or the ``ALERT Parity Act''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY CONNECTIVITY SERVICE. (a) Rulemaking Required.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Commission shall issue rules for the provision of emergency connectivity service under which-- (A) a person may submit to the Commission an application for approval to provide such service to an area-- (i) that is an unserved area with respect to either or both services described in subsection (h)(5)(B); or (ii) in the event that such area becomes an unserved area with respect to either or both such services due to destruction of infrastructure, a power outage, or any other reason; and (B) for any period during which such approval is in effect and such area is an unserved area, such person will receive access to electromagnetic spectrum in accordance with subsection (d) to provide emergency connectivity service to such area. (2) Provider not licensee.--The Commission shall include in the rules issued under paragraph (1) language to ensure that approval of an application to provide emergency connectivity service under such rules does not render the provider of such service a licensee (as such term is defined in section 3 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 153)). (3) Deadline to initiate rulemaking.--The Commission shall initiate a rulemaking to issue the rules required by paragraph (1) not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. (b) Certifications.--In the rules issued under subsection (a), the Commission shall require a person who submits an application to provide emergency connectivity service under such rules, in order for such application to be approved, to certify to the Commission the following: (1) Such person has a technical proposal describing how such person plans to provide such service and has included in the application evidence demonstrating how the proposal complies with technical requirements included in such rules under subsection (d)(2). (2) Such person will not use any electromagnetic spectrum to which access is made available under such rules to provide any service other than emergency connectivity service, unless the other service is provided under a separate authorization to use such spectrum held by such person. (3) Such service proposed can withstand the impact of major natural disasters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, wildfires, floods, blizzards, and tornados. (4) Such person has the capability to begin providing such service in a rapid manner-- (A) in the case of an application to provide such service to an area that is an unserved area at the time at which the application is submitted, after the approval of the application; or (B) in the case of an application to provide such service to an area in the event that such area becomes an unserved area due to destruction of infrastructure, a power outage, or any other reason, after such area becomes an unserved area. (c) Publication of List of Providers.--The Commission shall publish on the internet website of the Commission a list of all providers of emergency connectivity service for which an approval is in effect to provide such service under the rules issued under subsection (a). (d) Access to Electromagnetic Spectrum.--The Commission shall include in the rules issued under subsection (a) the following: (1) In the case of a provider of emergency connectivity service that is approved to provide such service to an area under such rules and that seeks access to spectrum that another entity is authorized to use, access to such spectrum shall be made available to such provider only if such provider receives express, written consent for such access from such entity. (2) With respect to providers of emergency connectivity service that are approved to provide such service to an area under such rules, technical requirements applicable to such providers that ensure that the use of electromagnetic spectrum under a relevant approval does not cause harmful interference to the use of such spectrum by another entity authorized to provide a service to such area using such spectrum. (e) Areas Unserved With Respect to Both Services.--In the case of an area that is an unserved area with respect to both services described in subsection (h)(5)(B), the rules issued under subsection (a) shall require that, if a provider approved to provide emergency connectivity service to such area under such rules chooses to provide emergency connectivity service to such area, such provider shall provide both services described in subsection (h)(5)(B) to such area. (f) Limitation of Liability.-- (1) Transmission of alert messages.--Section 602(e)(1) of the Warning, Alert, and Response Network Act (47 U.S.C. 1201(e)(1)) shall apply to a provider of emergency connectivity service (including its officers, directors, employees, vendors, and agents) with respect to the provision of such service (to the extent such service consists of the provision of the service described in subsection (h)(5)(B)(i) of this section) in accordance with the rules issued under subsection (a) of this section, as if such provider were a provider of commercial mobile service that transmits emergency alerts and meets its obligations under such Act. (2) Provision of 9-1-1 service.-- (A) In general.--Section 4 of the Wireless Communications and Public Safety Act of 1999 (47 U.S.C. 615a) is amended-- (i) in subsection (a)-- (I) by inserting ``emergency connectivity service provider,'' after ``IP-enabled voice service provider,''; and (II) by inserting ``emergency connectivity service,'' after ``emergency services,''; (ii) in subsection (b)-- (I) by striking ``IP-enabled voice service or'' and inserting ``IP-enabled voice service, emergency connectivity service, or''; and (II) by inserting ``emergency connectivity service,'' after ``IP- enabled voice service,''; and (iii) in subsection (c), by inserting ``emergency connectivity service,'' after ``IP- enabled voice service,'' each place it appears. (B) Definitions.--Section 7 of the Wireless Communications and Public Safety Act of 1999 (47 U.S.C. 615b) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(11) Emergency connectivity service.--The term `emergency connectivity service' has the meaning given such term in paragraph (5) of section 2(h) of the Advanced, Local Emergency Response Telecommunications Parity Act, to the extent such service consists of the provision of the service described in subparagraph (B)(ii) of such paragraph. ``(12) Emergency connectivity service provider.--The term `emergency connectivity service provider' means a person who provides emergency connectivity service in accordance with the rules issued under section 2(a) of the Advanced, Local Emergency Response Telecommunications Parity Act.''. (g) Rules of Construction.--Nothing in this section may be construed to-- (1) preclude the Commission, before it issues rules under subsection (a), from permitting the use of electromagnetic spectrum by a person that otherwise meets the requirements of this section; or (2) preclude the Commission from approving an application to provide emergency connectivity service under the rules issued under subsection (a) that proposes using spectrum in a manner that is inconsistent with the Table of Frequency Allocations. (h) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Alert message.--The term ``alert message'' has the meaning given such term in section 10.10 of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations (or any successor regulation). (2) Commercial mobile service.--The term ``commercial mobile service'' has the meaning given such term in section 332(d) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 332(d)). (3) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal Communications Commission. (4) Covered device.--The term ``covered device'' means-- (A) a mobile device; or (B) any other device that is capable of-- (i) receiving alert messages; and (ii) providing emergency information to a public safety answering point (which may include enhanced 9-1-1 service). (5) Emergency connectivity service.-- (A) In general.--The term ``emergency connectivity service'' means a service-- (i) to which covered devices are capable of connecting-- (I) without any technical capability specific to such service; and (II) regardless of whether commercial mobile service or any other service is initialized on the device; and (ii) that consists only of the provision of a service described in subparagraph (B) to an area that is an unserved area with respect to such service. (B) Services described.--The services described in this subparagraph are the following: (i) Transmitting alert messages to covered devices. (ii) Providing emergency information from a covered device to a public safety answering point (which may include enhanced 9-1-1 service). (6) Enhanced 9-1-1 service.--The term ``enhanced 9-1-1 service'' has the meaning given such term in section 7 of the Wireless Communications and Public Safety Act of 1999 (47 U.S.C. 615b). (7) Mobile device.--The term ``mobile device'' has the meaning given such term in section 10.10 of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations (or any successor regulation). (8) Public safety answering point.--The term ``public safety answering point'' has the meaning given such term in section 7 of the Wireless Communications and Public Safety Act of 1999 (47 U.S.C. 615b). (9) Table of frequency allocations.--The term ``table of frequency allocations'' means the United States table of frequency allocations contained in section 2.106 of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations (or any successor regulation). (10) Unserved area.--The term ``unserved area'' means, with respect to a service described in paragraph (5)(B), an area that, due to lack of infrastructure, destruction of infrastructure, a power outage, or any other reason, has no provider of commercial mobile service that is capable of providing such service. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Science, Technology, Communications", "Administrative law and regulatory procedures", "Advanced technology and technological innovations", "Congressional oversight", "Emergency communications systems", "Federal Communications Commission (FCC)", "Government information and archives", "Radio spectrum allocation", "Telephone and wireless communication" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 21, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": [ { "description": "As ordered reported by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on March 24, 2023\n", "pubDate": "2023-04-21T21:01:00Z", "title": "H.R. 1353, ALERT Parity Act", "url": "" } ], "committeeReports": [ { "citation": "H. Rept. 118-39", "url": "" } ], "committees": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 41 (Friday, March 3, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio:\nH.R. 1353.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nDirects the Federal Communications Commission to issue\nrules for the provision of emergency connectivity services in\nunserved areas.\n[Page H1114]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 1, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 1, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-03", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-04-27", "actionTime": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation." }, "laws": null, "number": "1353", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Science, Technology, Communications" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "J000292", "district": 6, "firstName": "Bill", "fullName": "Rep. Johnson, Bill [R-OH-6]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Johnson", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "state": "OH", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 9, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "title": "Advanced, Local Emergency Response Telecommunications Parity Act", "titles": { "count": 6, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:52Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:52Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1353", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "actions": [ { "actionCode": null, "actionDate": "2023-04-27", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee", "systemCode": "sscm00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "H38310", "actionDate": "2023-04-26", "actionTime": "14:19:46", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H37300", "actionDate": "2023-04-26", "actionTime": "14:19:45", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 118, "date": "2023-04-26T18:19:45Z", "rollNumber": 197, "sessionNumber": 1, "url": "" } ], "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 422 - 1 (Roll no. 197). (text: 4/25/2023 CR H1922-1923)", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "8000", "actionDate": "2023-04-26", "actionTime": "14:19:45", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 118, "date": "2023-04-26T18:19:45Z", "rollNumber": 197, "sessionNumber": 1, "url": "" } ], "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 422 - 1 (Roll no. 197).(text: 4/25/2023 CR H1922-1923)", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H30000", "actionDate": "2023-04-26", "actionTime": "14:11:12", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1978-1979)", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H37220", "actionDate": "2023-04-25", "actionTime": "16:01:36", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H8D000", "actionDate": "2023-04-25", "actionTime": "16:01:35", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H.R. 1353.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H30000", "actionDate": "2023-04-25", "actionTime": "16:01:32", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. 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Information and Communication Technology Strategy Act
[ [ "J000302", "Rep. Joyce, John [R-PA-13]", "sponsor" ], [ "W000814", "Rep. Weber, Randy K., Sr. [R-TX-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001209", "Rep. Spanberger, Abigail Davis [D-VA-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000590", "Rep. Lee, Susie [D-NV-3]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Information and Communication Technology Strategy Act</b></p> <p>This bill requires the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to report on the information and communication technology supply chain and to develop a strategy to ensure the economic competitiveness of trusted information and communication technology vendors.</p> <p>The report must include (1) an identification of technology that is critical to U.S. economic competitiveness and the industrial capacity of U.S. vendors and other trusted vendors that produce such technology, (2) an assessment of whether and to what extent there is a dependence by providers of advanced telecommunications capability in the United States on technology that is not trusted, and (3) an identification of federal government actions and resources needed to support the economic competitiveness of trusted vendors and reduce dependence on companies that are not trusted.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1354 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1354 To require the Secretary of Commerce, acting through the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information, to report on and develop a whole-of-Government strategy with respect to the economic competitiveness of the information and communication technology supply chain, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Joyce of Pennsylvania (for himself and Mr. Weber of Texas) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require the Secretary of Commerce, acting through the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information, to report on and develop a whole-of-Government strategy with respect to the economic competitiveness of the information and communication technology supply chain, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Information and Communication Technology Strategy Act''. SEC. 2. ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SUPPLY CHAIN. (a) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report on the information and communication technology supply chain that-- (1) identifies-- (A) information and communication technology critical to the economic competitiveness of the United States; and (B) the industrial capacity of-- (i) United States vendors that produce information and communication technology identified under subparagraph (A); and (ii) trusted information and communication technology vendors that produce information and communication technology identified under subparagraph (A); (2) assesses the economic competitiveness of vendors described under paragraph (1)(B); (3) assesses whether, and to what extent, there is a dependence by providers of advanced telecommunications capability in the United States on information and communication technology identified under paragraph (1)(A) that is not trusted; (4) identifies-- (A) what actions by the Federal Government are needed to support, and bolster the economic competitiveness of, trusted information and communication technology vendors; and (B) what Federal resources are needed to reduce dependence by providers of advanced telecommunications capability in the United States on companies that-- (i) produce information and communication technology; and (ii) are not trusted; and (5) defines lines of effort and assigns responsibilities for a whole-of-Government response to ensuring the competitiveness of the information and communication technology supply chain in the United States. (b) Whole-of-Government Strategy.-- (1) In general.--The Secretary shall develop, on the basis of the report required by subsection (a), a whole-of-Government strategy to ensure the economic competitiveness of trusted information and communication technology vendors that includes-- (A) recommendations on how-- (i) to strengthen the structure, resources, and authorities of the Federal Government to support the economic competitiveness of trusted information and communication technology vendors, including United States vendors that are trusted information and communication technology vendors; and (ii) the Federal Government can address any barriers to a market-based solution for increasing the economic competitiveness of such information and communication technology vendors; (B) defined lines of effort and responsibilities for Federal agencies to implement the strategy; and (C) a description of-- (i) any change to a Federal program, Federal law, or structure of the Federal Government necessary to implement any recommendation under subparagraph (A); and (ii) any additional Federal resource necessary to implement any recommendation under subparagraph (A). (2) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report containing the strategy developed under paragraph (1). (c) Consultation Required.--In carrying out subsections (a) and (b), the Secretary shall consult with-- (1) a cross-section of trusted information and communication technology vendors; and (2) the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Attorney General, the Director of National Intelligence, the Chair of the Federal Communications Commission, and any other head of an agency the Secretary determines necessary. (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Advanced telecommunications capability.--The term ``advanced telecommunications capability'' has the meaning given that term in section 706 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (47 U.S.C. 1302). (2) Information and communication technology.--The term ``information and communication technology'' means a technology (including software), component, or material that enables communications by radio or wire. (3) Information and communication technology supply chain.--The term ``information and communication technology supply chain'' means all of the companies that produce information and communication technology. (4) Not trusted.--The term ``not trusted'' means, with respect to a company or information and communication technology, that the company or information and communication technology is determined by the Secretary to pose an unacceptable risk to the national security of the United States or the security and safety of United States persons based solely on one or more determinations described under paragraphs (1) through (4) of section 2(c) of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 (47 U.S.C. 1601(c)). (5) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Commerce, acting through the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information. (6) Trusted.--The term ``trusted'' means, with respect to a company, that the Secretary has not determined that the company is not trusted. (7) Trusted information and communication technology vendor.--The term ``trusted information and communication technology vendor'' means a company-- (A) that produces information and communication technology; and (B) that is trusted. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Commerce" ]
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Defund Heroin Injection Centers Act of 2023
[ [ "M000317", "Rep. Malliotakis, Nicole [R-NY-11]", "sponsor" ], [ "S001196", "Rep. Stefanik, Elise M. [R-NY-21]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000597", "Rep. Garbarino, Andrew R. [R-NY-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000632", "Rep. D'Esposito, Anthony [R-NY-4]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong></strong><b>Defund Heroin Injection Centers Act of 2023</b></p> <p>This bill prohibits federal funds from being made available to a state, local, tribal, or private entity that operates or controls an injection center (i.e., a medically supervised injection site) in violation of the federal statute commonly known as the Crack House Statute. The statute generally prohibits making facilities available for the purpose of unlawfully using a controlled substance. <br> </p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1355 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1355 To prohibit Federal funds for any State, local, Tribal, or private entity that operates or controls an injection center in violation of section 416 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 856; commonly referred to as the ``Crack House Statute''). _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Ms. Malliotakis (for herself and Ms. Stefanik) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To prohibit Federal funds for any State, local, Tribal, or private entity that operates or controls an injection center in violation of section 416 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 856; commonly referred to as the ``Crack House Statute''). Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Defund Heroin Injection Centers Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. NO FEDERAL FUNDS FOR ENTITIES OPERATING UNLAWFUL INJECTION CENTERS. No Federal funds may be made available to any State, local, Tribal, or private entity that operates or controls an injection center in violation of section 416 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 856; commonly referred to as the ``Crack House Statute''). &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Drug trafficking and controlled substances", "Drug, alcohol, tobacco use", "Health programs administration and funding" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 41 (Friday, March 3, 2023)]\n[House]\n[Pages H1114-H1115]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Ms. MALLIOTAKIS:\nH.R. 1355.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle I, Section 8, Clause 18\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nThis bill prohibits federal funds from being made available\nto a state, local, tribal, or private entity that operates or\ncontrols an injection center (i.e., a medically supervised\ninjection site) in violation of the federal statute commonly\nknown as the Crack\n[[Page H1115]]\nHouse Statute. The statute generally prohibits making\nfacilities available for the purpose of unlawfully using a\ncontrolled substance.\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 3, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 3, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-03", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-03", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability." }, "laws": null, "number": "1355", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Crime and Law Enforcement" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "M000317", "district": 11, "firstName": "Nicole", "fullName": "Rep. Malliotakis, Nicole [R-NY-11]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Malliotakis", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "state": "NY", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Defund Heroin Injection Centers Act of 2023", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:52Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:52Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1355", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "actions": [ { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-03", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "systemCode": "hsgo00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "Intro-H", "actionDate": "2023-03-03", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "1000", "actionDate": "2023-03-03", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1355", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "S001196", "district": 21, "firstName": "Elise", "fullName": "Rep. Stefanik, Elise M. [R-NY-21]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Stefanik", "middleName": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000597", "district": 2, "firstName": "Andrew", "fullName": "Rep. Garbarino, Andrew R. [R-NY-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Garbarino", "middleName": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000632", "district": 4, "firstName": "Anthony", "fullName": "Rep. D'Esposito, Anthony [R-NY-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "D'Esposito", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 3, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 3, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1355", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Public Diplomacy Modernization Act of 2023
[ [ "M001204", "Rep. Meuser, Daniel [R-PA-9]", "sponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1356 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1356 To modernize and streamline the public diplomacy capabilities of the Department of State, increase evaluation of public diplomacy programming, enhance strategic planning for the Department's public diplomacy physical presence abroad, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Meuser introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To modernize and streamline the public diplomacy capabilities of the Department of State, increase evaluation of public diplomacy programming, enhance strategic planning for the Department's public diplomacy physical presence abroad, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Public Diplomacy Modernization Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. AVOIDING DUPLICATION OF PROGRAMS AND EFFORTS. The Secretary of State shall-- (1) identify opportunities for greater efficiency of operations, including through improved coordination of efforts across public diplomacy bureaus and offices of the Department of State; and (2) maximize shared use of resources between, and within, such public diplomacy bureaus and offices in cases in which programs, facilities, or administrative functions are duplicative or substantially overlapping. SEC. 3. IMPROVING RESEARCH AND EVALUATION OF PUBLIC DIPLOMACY. (a) Research and Evaluation Activities.--The Secretary of State, acting through the Director of Research and Evaluation appointed pursuant to subsection (b), shall-- (1) conduct regular research and evaluation of public diplomacy programs and activities of the Department, including through the routine use of audience research, digital analytics, and impact evaluations, to plan and execute such programs and activities; and (2) make available to Congress the findings of the research and evaluations conducted under paragraph (1). (b) Director of Research and Evaluation.-- (1) Appointment.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall appoint a Director of Research and Evaluation (referred to in this subsection as the ``Director'') in the Office of Policy, Planning, and Resources for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs of the Department. (2) Limitation on appointment.--The appointment of the Director pursuant to paragraph (1) shall not result in an increase in the overall full-time equivalent positions within the Department of State. (3) Responsibilities.--The Director shall-- (A) coordinate and oversee the research and evaluation of public diplomacy programs and activities of the Department of State in order to-- (i) improve public diplomacy strategies and tactics; and (ii) ensure that such programs and activities are increasing the knowledge, understanding, and trust of the United States by relevant target audiences; (B) routinely organize and oversee audience research, digital analytics, and impact evaluations across all public diplomacy bureaus and offices of the Department; (C) support United States diplomatic posts' public affairs sections; (D) share appropriate public diplomacy research and evaluation information within the Department and with other appropriate Federal departments and agencies; (E) regularly design and coordinate standardized research questions, methodologies, and procedures to ensure that public diplomacy programs and activities across all public diplomacy bureaus and offices are designed to meet appropriate foreign policy objectives; and (F) report biannually to the United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, through the Subcommittee on Research and Evaluation established pursuant to subsection (f), regarding the research and evaluation of all public diplomacy bureaus and offices. (4) Guidance and training.--Not later than one year after the appointment of the Director pursuant to paragraph (1), the Director shall develop guidance and training, including curriculum for use by the Foreign Service Institute, for all public diplomacy officers of the Department regarding the reading and interpretation of public diplomacy program and activity evaluation findings to ensure that such findings and related lessons learned are implemented in the planning and evaluation of all public diplomacy programs and activities of the Department. (c) Prioritizing Research and Evaluation.-- (1) In general.--The head of the Office of Policy, Planning, and Resources for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs of the Department of State shall ensure that research and evaluation of public diplomacy and activities of the Department, as coordinated and overseen by the Director pursuant to subsection (b), supports strategic planning and resource allocation across all public diplomacy bureaus and offices of the Department. (2) Allocation of resources.--Amounts allocated for the purpose of research and evaluation of public diplomacy programs and activities of the Department of State pursuant to subsection (b) shall be made available to be disbursed at the direction of the Director of Research and Evaluation among the research and evaluation staff across all public diplomacy bureaus and offices of the Department. (3) Sense of congress.--It is the sense of Congress that the Department of State should gradually increase its allocation of funds made available under the headings ``Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs'' and ``Diplomatic Programs'' for research and evaluation of public diplomacy programs and activities of the Department pursuant to subsection (b) to a percentage of program funds that is commensurate with Federal Government best practices. (d) Limited Exemption Relating to the Paperwork Reduction Act.-- Chapter 35 of title 44, United States Code (commonly known as the ``Paperwork Reduction Act'') shall not apply to the collection of information directed at any individuals conducted by, or on behalf of, the Department of State for the purpose of audience research, monitoring, and evaluations, and in connection with the Department's activities conducted pursuant to any of the following: (1) The Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2451 et seq.). (2) Section 1287 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 22 U.S.C. 2656 note). (3) The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151 et seq.). (e) Limited Exemption Relating to the Privacy Act.-- (1) In general.--The Department of State shall maintain, collect, use, and disseminate records (as such term is defined in section 552a(a)(4) of title 5, United States Code) for audience research, digital analytics, and impact evaluation of communications related to public diplomacy efforts intended for foreign audiences. (2) Conditions.--Audience research, digital analytics, and impact evaluations under paragraph (1) shall be-- (A) reasonably tailored to meet the purposes of this subsection; and (B) carried out with due regard for privacy and civil liberties guidance and oversight. (f) United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy.-- (1) Subcommittee for research and evaluation.--The United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy shall establish a Subcommittee on Research and Evaluation to monitor and advise regarding audience research, digital analytics, and impact evaluations carried out by the Department of State and the United States Agency for Global Media. (2) Annual report.--The Subcommittee on Research and Evaluation established pursuant to paragraph (1) shall submit to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate an annual report, in conjunction with the United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy's Comprehensive Annual Report on the performance of the Department of State and the United States Agency for Global Media, describing all actions taken by the Subcommittee pursuant to paragraph (1) and any findings made as a result of such actions. SEC. 4. STREAMLINING OF SUPPORT FUNCTIONS. (a) Working Group Established.--Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall establish a working group to explore the possibilities and cost-benefit analysis of transitioning to a shared services model as such pertains to human resources, travel, purchasing, budgetary planning, and all other executive support functions for all bureaus of the Department of State that report to the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy of the Department. (b) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall submit to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a plan to implement any such findings of the working group established under subsection (a). SEC. 5. GUIDANCE FOR CLOSURE OF PUBLIC DIPLOMACY FACILITIES. (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall adopt, and include in the Foreign Affairs Manual, guidelines to collect and utilize information from each diplomatic post at which the construction of a new embassy compound or new consulate compound would result in the closure or co-location of an American Space, American Center, American Corner, or any other public diplomacy facility under the Secure Embassy Construction and Counterterrorism Act of 1999 (22 U.S.C. 4865 et seq.). (b) Requirements.--The guidelines required by subsection (a) shall include the following: (1) Standardized notification to each chief of mission at a diplomatic post describing the requirements of the Secure Embassy Construction and Counterterrorism Act of 1999 and the impact on the mission footprint of such requirements. (2) An assessment and recommendations from each chief of mission of potential impacts to public diplomacy programming at such diplomatic post if any public diplomacy facility referred to in section (a) is closed or staff is co-located in accordance with such Act. (3) A process by which assessments and recommendations under paragraph (2) are considered by the Secretary of State and the appropriate Under Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries of the Department of State. (4) Notification to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate, prior to the initiation of a new embassy compound or new consulate compound design, of the intent to close any such public diplomacy facility or co-locate public diplomacy staff in accordance with such Act. (c) Report.--Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall submit to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a report containing the guidelines required under subsection (a) and any recommendations for any modifications to such guidelines. SEC. 6. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) Audience research.--The term ``audience research'' means research conducted at the outset of a public diplomacy program or the outset of campaign planning and design regarding specific audience segments to understand the attitudes, interests, knowledge, and behaviors of such audience segments. (2) Digital analytics.--The term ``digital analytics'' means the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, accumulated in digital format, to indicate the outputs and outcomes of a public diplomacy program or campaign. (3) Impact evaluation.--The term ``impact evaluation'' means an assessment of the changes in the audience targeted by a public diplomacy program or campaign that can be attributed to such program or campaign. (4) Public diplomacy bureaus and offices.--The term ``public diplomacy bureaus and offices'' means, with respect to the Department, the following: (A) The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. (B) The Bureau of Global Public Affairs. (C) The Office of Policy, Planning, and Resources for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. (D) The Global Engagement Center. (E) The public diplomacy functions within the regional and functional bureaus. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "International Affairs" ]
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Congressional Oversight of Russian Sanctions Act
[ [ "M001204", "Rep. Meuser, Daniel [R-PA-9]", "sponsor" ], [ "M001157", "Rep. McCaul, Michael T. [R-TX-10]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001077", "Rep. Higgins, Clay [R-LA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000591", "Rep. Guest, Michael [R-MS-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000812", "Rep. Wagner, Ann [R-MO-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001214", "Rep. Steube, W. Gregory [R-FL-17]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1357 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1357 To provide for congressional oversight of certain sanctions imposed with respect to the Russian Federation. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Meuser (for himself, Mr. McCaul, Mr. Higgins of Louisiana, Mr. Guest, and Mrs. Wagner) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To provide for congressional oversight of certain sanctions imposed with respect to the Russian Federation. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Congressional Oversight of Russian Sanctions Act''. SEC. 2. CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT OF CERTAIN SANCTIONS IMPOSED WITH RESPECT TO THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. (a) In General.--Not later than 60 days after receiving a request from the chairman and ranking member of one of the appropriate congressional committees with respect to whether a person, foreign person, or foreign financial institution, as the case may be, meets the criteria of a person described in a covered Executive order, the President shall-- (1) determine if the person, foreign person, or foreign financial institution, as the case may be, meets such criteria; and (2) submit a classified or unclassified report to such chairman and ranking member with respect to such determination that includes a statement of whether or not the President imposed or intends to impose sanctions with respect to such person, foreign person, or foreign financial institution. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Appropriate congressional committees.--The term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives; and (B) the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate. (2) Covered executive order.--The term ``covered Executive order'' means-- (A) Executive Order 14024 (86 Fed. Reg. 20249; relating to blocking property with respect to specified harmful foreign activities of the Government of the Russian Federation) or any directive issued pursuant to such Executive order; or (B) Executive Order 14039 (86 Fed. Reg. 47205; relating to blocking property with respect to certain Russian energy export pipelines) or any directive issued pursuant to such Executive order. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "International Affairs" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "M001157", "district": 10, "firstName": "Michael", "fullName": "Rep. McCaul, Michael T. [R-TX-10]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "McCaul", "middleName": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "H001077", "district": 3, "firstName": "Clay", "fullName": "Rep. Higgins, Clay [R-LA-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Higgins", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "LA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000591", "district": 3, "firstName": "Michael", "fullName": "Rep. Guest, Michael [R-MS-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Guest", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MS", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000812", "district": 2, "firstName": "Ann", "fullName": "Rep. Wagner, Ann [R-MO-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Wagner", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001214", "district": 17, "firstName": "W.", "fullName": "Rep. Steube, W. Gregory [R-FL-17]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Steube", "middleName": "Gregory", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 5, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 5, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1357", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Combating Rural Inflation Act
[ [ "M001221", "Rep. Molinaro, Marcus J. [R-NY-19]", "sponsor" ], [ "N000191", "Rep. Neguse, Joe [D-CO-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000136", "Rep. Vasquez, Gabe [D-NM-2]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1358 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1358 To direct the Bureau of Labor Statistics to prepare and publish a Consumer Price Index for Rural Consumers, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Molinaro (for himself, Mr. Neguse, and Mr. Vasquez) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To direct the Bureau of Labor Statistics to prepare and publish a Consumer Price Index for Rural Consumers, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Combating Rural Inflation Act''. SEC. 2. CONSUMER PRICE INDEX FOR RURAL CONSUMERS. The Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor shall prepare and publish an index for each calendar month beginning with January 2024 to be known as the ``Consumer Price Index for Rural Consumers'' that indicates changes over time in expenditures for consumption which are typical for individuals in the United States who reside in rural communities. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Commerce" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "N000191", "district": 2, "firstName": "Joe", "fullName": "Rep. Neguse, Joe [D-CO-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Neguse", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "V000136", "district": 2, "firstName": "Gabe", "fullName": "Rep. Vasquez, Gabe [D-NM-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Vasquez", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NM", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 2, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 2, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1358", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1358", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "titles": [ { "billTextVersionCode": null, "billTextVersionName": null, "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Combating Rural Inflation Act", "titleType": "Display Title" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Combating Rural Inflation Act", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "To direct the Bureau of Labor Statistics to prepare and publish a Consumer Price Index for Rural Consumers, and for other purposes.", "titleType": "Official Title as Introduced" } ] }
Modernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act
[ [ "N000188", "Rep. Norcross, Donald [D-NJ-1]", "sponsor" ], [ "B001298", "Rep. Bacon, Don [R-NE-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000382", "Rep. Kuster, Ann M. [D-NH-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000483", "Rep. Trone, David J. [D-MD-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000466", "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000469", "Rep. Tonko, Paul [D-NY-20]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000620", "Rep. Pettersen, Brittany [D-CO-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000394", "Rep. Kim, Andy [D-NJ-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001038", "Rep. Higgins, Brian [D-NY-26]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000600", "Rep. Perez, Marie Gluesenkamp [D-WA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001085", "Rep. Houlahan, Chrissy [D-PA-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001068", "Rep. Huffman, Jared [D-CA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000130", "Rep. Vargas, Juan [D-CA-52]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000380", "Rep. Kildee, Daniel T. [D-MI-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001119", "Rep. Craig, Angie [D-MN-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001130", "Rep. Crockett, Jasmine [D-TX-30]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001315", "Rep. Budzinski, Nikki [D-IL-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000376", "Rep. Allred, Colin Z. [D-TX-32]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000482", "Rep. Trahan, Lori [D-MA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001090", "Rep. Harder, Josh [D-CA-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000230", "Rep. Davis, Donald G. [D-NC-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000148", "Rep. Auchincloss, Jake [D-MA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001296", "Rep. Boyle, Brendan F. [D-PA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001110", "Rep. Correa, J. Luis [D-CA-46]", "cosponsor" ], [ "U000040", "Rep. Underwood, Lauren [D-IL-14]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Modernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act</b></p> <p>This bill expands access to methadone for an individual's unsupervised use to treat opioid use disorder (OUD). (Typically, methadone must be dispensed to individuals in person through opioid treatment programs.)</p> <p>The bill (1) waives provisions of the Controlled Substances Act that require qualified practitioners to obtain a separate registration from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to prescribe and dispense methadone to treat OUD, and (2) requires the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the DEA to jointly report on the waiver.</p> <p>Additionally, the bill directs the DEA to register certain practitioners to prescribe methadone that is dispensed through a pharmacy for an individual's unsupervised use. Qualified practitioners must be licensed or authorized to prescribe controlled substances, and they must either work for an opioid treatment program or be a physician or psychiatrist with a specialty certification in addiction medicine. A state may request that the DEA stop registering such practitioners in its jurisdiction.</p> <p>Individuals who receive methadone for unsupervised use must continue to have access to other care through an opioid treatment program.</p> <p>For purposes of the waiver, the bill also requires the exclusive use of electronic prescribing, establishes prescription limits, and sets out requirements for informed consent. Further, the bill permits the use of telehealth to provide methadone treatment and related services if the state and the Department of Health and Human Services jointly determine the use is feasible and appropriate.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1359 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1359 To expand the take-home prescribing of methadone through pharmacies. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Norcross (for himself, Mr. Bacon, Ms. Kuster, Mr. Trone, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Tonko, Ms. Pettersen, and Mr. Kim of New Jersey) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To expand the take-home prescribing of methadone through pharmacies. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Modernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act''. SEC. 2. EXPANSION OF METHADONE FOR OPIOID USE DISORDER THROUGH PRESCRIBING AND PHARMACIES. (a) Registration; Other Care by Telehealth.-- (1) Definitions.--In this subsection: (A) Controlled substance; detoxification treatment; dispense; maintenance treatment; opioid.--The terms ``controlled substance'', ``detoxification treatment'', ``dispense'', ``maintenance treatment'', and ``opioid'' have the meanings given the terms in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802). (B) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Health and Human Services. (2) Waiver.-- (A) In general.--The requirements of section 303(h) of Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 823(h)) applicable to methadone medication for opioid use disorder are waived, and the Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary, shall register persons described in subparagraph (B) to prescribe methadone for opioid use disorder to be dispensed through a pharmacy for individuals for unsupervised use. (B) Persons described.--Persons described in this subparagraph are persons who-- (i) are licensed, registered, or otherwise permitted, by the United States or the jurisdiction in which they practice, to prescribe controlled substances in the course of professional practice; and (ii) are-- (I) employees or contractors of an opioid treatment program; or (II) addiction medicine physicians or addiction psychiatrists who hold a subspecialty board certification in addiction medicine from the American Board of Preventive Medicine, a board certification in addiction medicine from the American Board of Addiction Medicine, a subspecialty board certification in addiction psychiatry from the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, or a subspecialty board certification in addiction medicine from the American Osteopathic Association. (C) Requirements for prescribing methadone.--The prescribing of methadone pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall be-- (i) exclusively by electronic prescribing and dispensed to the patient treated pursuant to subparagraph (A); (ii) for a supply of not more than 30 days pursuant to each prescription; and (iii) subject to the restrictions listed in section 8.12(i)(3) of title 42, Code of Federal Regulations, or successor regulation or guidance. (D) Requirements for dispensing methadone.--The dispensing of methadone to an individual pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall be in addition to the other care that the individual continues to have access to through an opioid treatment program. (E) Registration requirements.--Persons registered in a State pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall-- (i) ensure and document, with respect to each patient treated pursuant to subparagraph (A), informed consent to treatment; and (ii) include in such informed consent, specific informed consent regarding differences in confidentiality protections applicable when dispensing through an opioid treatment program versus dispensing through a pharmacy pursuant to subparagraph (A). (F) Cessation and withdrawal of registration.--At the request of a State, the Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary, shall-- (i) cease registering persons in the State pursuant to subparagraph (A); and (ii) withdraw any such registration in effect for a person in the State. (G) Maintenance and detoxification treatment.-- Maintenance treatment or detoxification treatment provided pursuant to subparagraph (A) and other care provided in conjunction with such treatment, such as counseling and other ancillary services, may be provided by means of telehealth, as determined jointly by the State and the Secretary to be feasible and appropriate. (b) Annual Reporting.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use and the Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration shall jointly submit a report to Congress that includes-- (1) the number of persons registered pursuant to subsection (a); (2) the number of patients being prescribed methadone pursuant to subsection (a); and (3) a list of the States in which persons are registered pursuant to such subsection (a). SEC. 3. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON NEED TO REDUCE BARRIERS TO PATIENT CARE THROUGH OPIOID TREATMENT PROGRAMS. It is the sense of Congress that-- (1) patients receiving services through opioid treatment programs face barriers to their care; and (2) each State should align the regulation of opioid treatment programs in a manner that is consistent with the intent of this Act. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Health", "Congressional oversight", "Drug therapy", "Drug, alcohol, tobacco use", "Prescription drugs" ]
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-03T14:02:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-10T19:15:36Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "systemCode": "hsif14", "url": "" } ], "systemCode": "hsif00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-03T14:02:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsju00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1359", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "relatedBills": [ { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-02", "actionTime": null, "text": "Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions." }, "number": 644, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Modernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act", "type": "S", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1359", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "B001298", "district": 2, "firstName": "Don", "fullName": "Rep. Bacon, Don [R-NE-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Bacon", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NE", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000382", "district": 2, "firstName": "Ann", "fullName": "Rep. Kuster, Ann M. [D-NH-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Kuster", "middleName": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NH", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000483", "district": 6, "firstName": "David", "fullName": "Rep. Trone, David J. [D-MD-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Trone", "middleName": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MD", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "F000466", "district": 1, "firstName": "Brian", "fullName": "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Fitzpatrick", "middleName": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000469", "district": 20, "firstName": "Paul", "fullName": "Rep. Tonko, Paul [D-NY-20]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Tonko", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000620", "district": 7, "firstName": "Brittany", "fullName": "Rep. Pettersen, Brittany [D-CO-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Pettersen", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000394", "district": 3, "firstName": "Andy", "fullName": "Rep. Kim, Andy [D-NJ-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Kim", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NJ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "H001038", "district": 26, "firstName": "Brian", "fullName": "Rep. Higgins, Brian [D-NY-26]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Higgins", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000600", "district": 3, "firstName": "Marie", "fullName": "Rep. Perez, Marie Gluesenkamp [D-WA-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Perez", "middleName": "Gluesenkamp", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-10", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "H001085", "district": 6, "firstName": "Chrissy", "fullName": "Rep. 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[ [ "C000059", "Rep. Calvert, Ken [R-CA-41]", "sponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Help Ensure Legal Detainers Act or the HELD Act</b></p> <p>This bill prohibits the use of federal funds by a state or local subdivision that has in effect a law, policy, or procedure that prevents or impedes </p> <ul> <li> a timely response to a request by the Department of Homeland Security for information about an alien in custody, including the alien's estimated release date; or </li> <li> compliance with a detainer request.</li> </ul>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 136 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 136 To deny Federal funding to any State or political subdivision of a State that has in effect any law, policy, or procedure that prevents or impedes a State or local law enforcement official from maintaining custody of an alien pursuant to an immigration detainer issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES January 9, 2023 Mr. Calvert introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To deny Federal funding to any State or political subdivision of a State that has in effect any law, policy, or procedure that prevents or impedes a State or local law enforcement official from maintaining custody of an alien pursuant to an immigration detainer issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the-- (1) ``Help Ensure Legal Detainers Act''; or (2) ``HELD Act''. SEC. 2. DENIAL OF FEDERAL FUNDING TO STATES AND UNITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT THAT FAIL TO RESPOND TO IMMIGRATION DETAINERS. (a) In General.--With respect to fiscal years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act, no Federal funds may be used to assist any project or activity carried out by a State, or a political subdivision of a State, described in subsection (b). (b) States and Political Subdivisions Described.--A State, or political subdivision of a State, described in this subsection is any State, or political subdivision of a State, that has in effect any law, policy, or procedure that prevents or impedes State or local law enforcement officials from-- (1) timely responding to an immigration notice issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security that requests information about an alien in State or local custody, including the alien's estimated release date, in order that the Secretary may arrange to assume custody of the alien upon such release; or (2) maintaining custody of an alien for a period of up to 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) pursuant to an immigration detainer issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security in order that the alien can be transferred to the custody of such Secretary to determine whether the alien should be detained, placed in removal proceedings, released, or removed. (c) Construction.--A political subdivision of a State that is not ineligible under subsection (a) to receive Federal funds, but is part of a State or another unit of government that is so ineligible, may submit, notwithstanding any other provision of law, an application for direct receipt of any funds that the political subdivision otherwise only would receive through subgrant, allocation, or allotment made by the ineligible State or government unit. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Border security and unlawful immigration", "Detention of persons", "Immigration status and procedures", "Law enforcement administration and funding", "State and local government operations" ]
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American Cybersecurity Literacy Act
[ [ "O000019", "Rep. Obernolte, Jay [R-CA-23]", "sponsor" ], [ "E000215", "Rep. Eshoo, Anna G. [D-CA-16]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>American Cybersecurity Literacy Act</b></p> <p>This bill requires the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to develop and conduct a cybersecurity literacy campaign to increase knowledge and awareness of best practices to reduce cybersecurity risks.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1360 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1360 To establish a cybersecurity literacy campaign, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Obernolte (for himself and Ms. Eshoo) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To establish a cybersecurity literacy campaign, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``American Cybersecurity Literacy Act''. SEC. 2. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of the Congress that the United States has a national security and economic interest in promoting cybersecurity literacy amongst the general public. SEC. 3. ESTABLISHMENT OF CYBERSECURITY LITERACY CAMPAIGN. (a) In General.--The Assistant Secretary shall develop and conduct a cybersecurity literacy campaign (which shall be available in multiple languages and formats, if practicable) to increase the knowledge and awareness of the American people of best practices to reduce cybersecurity risks. (b) Campaign Requirements.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Assistant Secretary shall-- (1) educate the American people on how to prevent and mitigate cyberattacks and cybersecurity risks, including by-- (A) instructing the American people on how to identify-- (i) phishing emails and messages; and (ii) secure websites; (B) instructing the American people about the benefits of changing default passwords on hardware and software technology; (C) encouraging the use of cybersecurity tools, including-- (i) multi-factor authentication; (ii) complex passwords; (iii) anti-virus software; (iv) patching and updating software and applications; and (v) virtual private networks; (D) identifying the devices that could pose possible cybersecurity risks, including-- (i) personal computers; (ii) smartphones; (iii) tablets; (iv) Wi-Fi routers; (v) smart home appliances; (vi) webcams; (vii) internet-connected monitors; and (viii) any other device that can be connected to the internet, including mobile devices other than smartphones and tablets; (E) encouraging Americans to-- (i) regularly review mobile application permissions; (ii) decline privilege requests from mobile applications that are unnecessary; (iii) download applications only from trusted vendors or sources; and (iv) consider a product's life cycle and the developer or manufacturer's commitment to providing security updates during a connected device's expected period of use; and (F) identifying the potential cybersecurity risks of using publicly available Wi-Fi networks and the methods a user may utilize to limit such risks; and (2) encourage the American people to use resources to help mitigate the cybersecurity risks identified in this subsection. (c) Assistant Secretary Defined.--In this section, the term ``Assistant Secretary'' means the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Science, Technology, Communications", "Computer security and identity theft", "Computers and information technology", "Government information and archives", "Internet, web applications, social media" ]
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Safer Neighborhoods Gun Buyback Act of 2023
[ [ "P000604", "Rep. Payne, Donald M., Jr. [D-NJ-10]", "sponsor" ], [ "M000687", "Rep. Mfume, Kweisi [D-MD-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000551", "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000822", "Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie [D-NJ-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000788", "Rep. Williams, Nikema [D-GA-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000385", "Rep. Kelly, Robin L. [D-IL-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000400", "Rep. Kamlager-Dove, Sydney [D-CA-37]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001072", "Rep. Carson, Andre [D-IN-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000148", "Rep. Auchincloss, Jake [D-MA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001047", "Rep. Himes, James A. [D-CT-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001143", "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000197", "Rep. DeGette, Diana [D-CO-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000147", "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001038", "Rep. Higgins, Brian [D-NY-26]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001281", "Rep. Beatty, Joyce [D-OH-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C000537", "Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001067", "Rep. Clarke, Yvette D. [D-NY-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "I000058", "Rep. Ivey, Glenn [D-MD-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001110", "Rep. Correa, J. Luis [D-CA-46]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000487", "Rep. Tokuda, Jill N. [D-HI-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001125", "Rep. Carter, Troy [D-LA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000477", "Rep. Foushee, Valerie P. [D-NC-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000551", "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong></strong><b>Safer Neighborhoods Gun Buyback Act of 2023 </b> <p>This bill authorizes the Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) to make grants to states, local governments, or gun dealers to conduct gun buyback programs. The BJA may distribute smart prepaid cards for use by a state, local government, or gun dealer to compensate individuals who dispose of firearms.</p> <p>Additionally, the bill establishes a new criminal offense for using or accepting a smart prepaid card in the acquisition or transfer of a firearm or ammunition. A violator is subject to a fine, up to two years in prison, or both.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1361 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1361 To authorize the Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance to make grants to States, units of local government, and gun dealers to conduct gun buyback programs, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Payne (for himself, Mr. Mfume, Ms. Lee of California, Mrs. Watson Coleman, Ms. Williams of Georgia, Ms. Kelly of Illinois, Ms. Kamlager- Dove, Mr. Carson, Mr. Auchincloss, Mr. Himes, Ms. McCollum, Ms. DeGette, Ms. Norton, Mr. Higgins of New York, Mrs. Beatty, Mr. Clyburn, and Ms. Clarke of New York) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To authorize the Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance to make grants to States, units of local government, and gun dealers to conduct gun buyback programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Safer Neighborhoods Gun Buyback Act of 2023''. (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. TITLE I--GUN BUYBACK GRANT PROGRAM Sec. 101. Program authorized. Sec. 102. Applications. Sec. 103. Term of grant. Sec. 104. Smart prepaid cards. Sec. 105. Uses of funds. Sec. 106. Definitions. Sec. 107. Authorization of appropriations. TITLE II--CRIMINAL PROVISION Sec. 201. Use of smart prepaid card in the acquisition or transfer of a firearm. TITLE I--GUN BUYBACK GRANT PROGRAM SEC. 101. PROGRAM AUTHORIZED. (a) In General.--The Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (referred to in this title as the ``Director'') may make grants to eligible entities to conduct gun buyback programs. (b) Eligible Entity Defined.--In this title, the term ``eligible entity'' means-- (1) a State; (2) a unit of local government; or (3) a gun dealer if neither the unit of local government nor the State where such dealer is located receives a grant under this title. SEC. 102. APPLICATIONS. (a) Grants.--The chief executive of an eligible entity seeking a grant under this title shall submit an application to the Director at such time and containing such information as the Director may reasonably require. (b) Subgrants.--A gun dealer located in a unit of local government or State that does receive a grant under this title seeking a subgrant shall submit an application to the chief executive of such unit of local government or State at such time and containing such information as the chief executive may reasonably require, including proof of such dealer's license under section 923 of title 18, United States Code. SEC. 103. TERM OF GRANT. (a) Term.--The term of a grant awarded under this title shall be two years. (b) Availability of Grant Funds.-- (1) States or units of local government.--A State or unit of local government that receives a grant under this title shall return to the Director any remaining smart prepaid cards and any unused portion of such grant at the end of the two-year and 270-day period beginning on the date that the grant was awarded. (2) Gun dealers.--A gun dealer that receives a grant or subgrant under this title shall return to the Director any remaining smart prepaid cards and any unused portion of such grant or subgrant that was allocated to be used to buy back guns-- (A) in the case of a gun dealer receiving a grant, at the end of the two-year period beginning on the date that the grant was awarded; or (B) in the case of a gun dealer receiving a subgrant, at the end of the two-year period beginning on the date that the grant was awarded to the State or unit of local government from which the gun dealer received a subgrant. (c) Amounts Returned.--The Director shall return to the general fund of the Treasury any amounts returned under subsection (b). SEC. 104. SMART PREPAID CARDS. (a) In General.--In conducting the grant program authorized under section 101, the Director may reserve such funds as may be necessary to acquire and distribute smart prepaid cards to eligible entities that receive grants under this title. The Director shall distribute the smart prepaid cards without any funds loaded onto the cards. (b) Market Value of Guns.--The Director shall determine the market value of each gun that the Director determines should be included in the gun buyback program and make such information publicly available. (c) Prohibition on Use of Cards To Buy Guns.-- (1) In general.--A person may not use a smart prepaid card in the acquisition of a gun or ammunition, and a person may not accept a smart prepaid card in the transfer (including a loan) of a gun or ammunition. (2) Penalty.--A person that violates paragraph (1) shall pay to the Director an amount that is equal to the value of the prohibited sale. SEC. 105. USES OF FUNDS. (a) States and Units of Local Government.--A State or unit of local government receiving a grant under this title shall use such funds to do the following: (1) Gun buyback program.--Use such funds to-- (A) conduct a gun buyback program; or (B) make subgrants to gun dealers in such State or unit of local government to conduct gun buyback programs, and distribute the smart prepaid cards such State or unit of local government receives to gun dealers receiving subgrants. (2) Gun and ammunition recycling program.--Use not more than 10 percent of such funds to recycle the guns and ammunition that such State or unit of local government collects or receives from gun dealers. (3) Administrative costs.--Use not more than 15 percent of such funds for the administrative costs of carrying out the grant program under this title, including the criminal database checks under subsection (f). (b) Gun Dealers.-- (1) In general.--A gun dealer receiving a grant or subgrant under this title shall use such funds to conduct a gun buyback program. (2) Smart prepaid card amounts.-- (A) In order to purchase a gun through a gun buyback program, a gun dealer shall load onto a smart prepaid card 125 percent of the market value of the gun that the individual wishes to dispose of (as determined by the Director under section 104(b)). (B) A gun dealer may increase the purchase price of a gun and load an amount onto a smart prepaid card that is greater than 125 percent of the market value of the gun if the gun dealer determines that the gun has been altered in a way that would increase the market value of the gun (such as an altered grip, or the addition of a scope). (3) Guns received.-- (A) In the case of a gun dealer receiving a grant under this title, the gun dealer shall deliver a gun or ammunition the dealer receives under the gun buyback program to the closest office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives not later than 60 days after receiving such gun. (B) In the case of a gun dealer receiving a subgrant under this title, the gun dealer shall deliver a gun or ammunition the dealer receives under the gun buyback program to the State or unit of local government from which it receives the subgrant not later than 60 days after receiving such gun. (c) Ammunition Collection.--A State, unit of local government, or gun dealer conducting a gun buyback program under this title may accept ammunition from individuals wishing to dispose of it, which shall be recycled in accordance with paragraph (3), but may not use smart prepaid cards to purchase ammunition under the gun buyback program. (d) Incentives for Gun Dealer Participation.--To the extent that the Director determines necessary to facilitate participation of gun dealers in the gun buyback program, grant funds may be used to provide monetary or other incentives to gun dealers to participate in such program. For purposes of subsection (a), any such incentives shall be treated as part of the subgrant to the gun dealer described in paragraph (1)(B) thereof. (e) Resale of Guns Prohibited.--A State, unit of local government, or gun dealer conducting a gun buyback program under this title may not sell a gun or ammunition received under such program. (f) Criminal Database Check.--A State, unit of local government, or office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that receives a gun under a gun buyback program under this title shall, not later than 21 days after receiving the gun, use any database accessible to the State, unit of local government, or office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, as applicable, in order to determine whether the gun was used in the commission of a crime. If such a gun was used in the commission of a crime, the gun shall be delivered to the appropriate prosecuting authority. SEC. 106. DEFINITIONS. In this title: (1) Ammunition.--The term ``ammunition'' has the meaning given such term in section 921(a)(17)(A) of title 18, United States Code. (2) Gun.--The term ``gun'' means ``firearm'' as defined in section 921(a)(3) of title 18, United States Code. (3) Gun buyback program.--The term ``gun buyback program'' means a program under which a State, a unit of local government, or a gun dealer, using smart prepaid cards as described in section 105(b)(2), purchases back from individuals wishing to dispose of them, a gun identified by the Director under section 104(b). (4) Gun dealer.--The term ``gun dealer'' means a dealer of firearms licensed under section 923 of title 18, United States Code. (5) Smart prepaid card.--The term ``smart prepaid card'' means a card issued by the Director that-- (A) is redeemable at multiple, unaffiliated merchants or service providers; (B) contains a mechanism, for the purpose of preventing the cardholder from using it to purchase a gun or ammunition, that recognizes the merchant category code of a merchant and prohibits the use of such card at a place of business subject to a license to deal in firearms under section 923 of title 18, United States Code; (C) is honored, upon presentation, by merchants solely for goods or services, except for merchants described in subparagraph (B); (D) is loaded on a prepaid basis by a State, unit of local government, or gun dealer for use in a gun buyback program; (E) clearly and conspicuously bears the words ``THIS CARD MAY NOT BE USED TO PURCHASE A GUN OR AMMUNITION'' in capital and raised letters on the card; and (F) may not redeemed for coins or currency. (6) State.--The term ``State'' means each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, or any commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States. SEC. 107. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There is authorized to be appropriated $360,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2024 to carry out this title. TITLE II--CRIMINAL PROVISION SEC. 201. USE OF SMART PREPAID CARD IN THE ACQUISITION OR TRANSFER OF A FIREARM. (a) In General.--Chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``Sec. 932. Use of smart prepaid card in the acquisition or transfer of a firearm ``Whoever, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, uses a smart prepaid card (as such term is defined in section 106 of the Safer Neighborhoods Gun Buyback Act of 2017) in connection with the acquisition of, or accepts a smart prepaid card in connection with the transfer (including a loan) of a firearm or ammunition shall be fined under this title, imprisoned for not more than 2 years, or both.''. (b) Clerical Amendments.-- (1) Conforming amendment.--Section 924(a)(1) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after ``section 929'' the following: ``or section 932''. (2) Table of sections.--The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 931 the following: ``932. Use of smart prepaid card in the acquisition or transfer of a firearm.''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Criminal justice information and records", "Firearms and explosives", "Retail and wholesale trades" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 41 (Friday, March 3, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. PAYNE:\nH.R. 1361.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nPursuant to Article I, Section 8, Clause 18:\nCongress shall have Power to make all Laws which shall be\nnecessary and proper for carrying into Execution the\nforegoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this\nConstitution in the Government of the United States, or in\nany Department or Officer thereof.\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\npublic safety.\n[Page H1115]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 22, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 22, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-03", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-03", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary." }, "laws": null, "number": "1361", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Crime and Law Enforcement" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "P000604", "district": 10, "firstName": "Donald", "fullName": "Rep. Payne, Donald M., Jr. [D-NJ-10]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Payne", "middleName": "M.", "party": "D", "state": "NJ", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Safer Neighborhoods Gun Buyback Act of 2023", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T19:45:24Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T19:45:24Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1361", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "M000687", "district": 7, "firstName": "KWEISI", "fullName": "Rep. Mfume, Kweisi [D-MD-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "MFUME", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MD", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000551", "district": 12, "firstName": "BARBARA", "fullName": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-12]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "LEE", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000822", "district": 12, "firstName": "Bonnie", "fullName": "Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie [D-NJ-12]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Watson Coleman", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NJ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000788", "district": 5, "firstName": "Nikema", "fullName": "Rep. 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Saving America’s Energy Future Act
[ [ "P000048", "Rep. Pfluger, August [R-TX-11]", "sponsor" ], [ "L000578", "Rep. LaMalfa, Doug [R-CA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001219", "Del. Moylan, James C. [R-GU-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000071", "Rep. Ellzey, Jake [R-TX-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000189", "Rep. Newhouse, Dan [R-WA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001215", "Rep. Miller-Meeks, Mariannette [R-IA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001135", "Rep. Chavez-DeRemer, Lori [R-OR-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000304", "Rep. Jackson, Ronny [R-TX-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000032", "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Saving America's Energy Future Act</b></p> <p>This bill prohibits the Department of Agriculture and the Department of the Interior from declaring a moratorium on issuing new oil and gas leases and drill permits on certain federal lands. In addition, the bill prohibits the departments from declaring a moratorium on renewals of such permits.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1362 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1362 To prohibit the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture from issuing a moratorium on issuing new oil and gas leases and drill permits on certain Federal lands. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Pfluger (for himself, Mr. LaMalfa, Mr. Moylan, Mr. Ellzey, Mr. Newhouse, and Mrs. Miller-Meeks) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, and in addition to the Committee on Agriculture, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To prohibit the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture from issuing a moratorium on issuing new oil and gas leases and drill permits on certain Federal lands. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Saving America's Energy Future Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON MORATORIUM OF NEW OIL AND GAS LEASES ON CERTAIN FEDERAL LANDS. (a) Prohibition.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary concerned may not issue a moratorium on issuing new oil and gas leases and drill permits, nor renewals of such permits, on Federal lands under such Secretary's jurisdiction. (b) Definition.--In this section, the term ``Secretary concerned'' means-- (1) the Secretary of Agriculture, with respect to National Forest System lands; and (2) the Secretary of the Interior, with respect to public lands administered by such Secretary. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Energy" ]
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American Space Commerce Act of 2023
[ [ "P000599", "Rep. Posey, Bill [R-FL-8]", "sponsor" ], [ "S001200", "Rep. Soto, Darren [D-FL-9]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>American Space Commerce Act of 2023</b></p> <p>This bill allows a special allowance for bonus depreciation for qualified domestic space launch property and extends the termination of such allowance until the end of 2032. The bill defines <i>qualified domestic space launch property</i> as property placed in service before January 1, 2033, that is (1) a space transportation vehicle or payload that is launched from the United States, or (2) other property or equipment placed in service to facilitate a space launch from the United States.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1363 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1363 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide bonus depreciation for certain space launch expenditures, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Posey (for himself and Mr. Soto) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide bonus depreciation for certain space launch expenditures, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``American Space Commerce Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. SPECIAL ALLOWANCE FOR QUALIFIED DOMESTIC SPACE LAUNCH PROPERTY. (a) Allowance of Bonus Depreciation for Qualified Domestic Space Launch Property.--Section 168(k)(2)(A)(i) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended-- (1) by striking ``or'' at the end of subclause (III), (2) by striking ``or'' at the end of subclause (IV), (3) by adding ``or'' at the end of subclause (V), and (4) by adding at the end the following new subclause: ``(VI) which is qualified domestic space launch property (as defined in paragraph (11)),''. (b) Extension of Termination of Bonus Depreciation for Qualified Domestic Space Launch Property.-- (1) In general.--Section 168(k)(2)(A)(iii) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by inserting ``(in the case of qualified domestic space launch property, before January 1, 2033)'' after ``before January 1, 2027''. (2) Application of applicable percentage.--Section 168(k)(6) of such Code is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(D) Rule for qualified domestic space launch property.--Notwithstanding any other provisions of this paragraph, in the case of any qualified property which is qualified domestic space launch property, the term `applicable percentage' means, in the case of property placed in service after December 31, 2023, and before January 1, 2033, 100 percent.''. (c) Qualified Domestic Space Launch Property Defined.--Section 168(k) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(11) Qualified domestic space launch property defined.-- For purposes of this subsection-- ``(A) In general.--The term `qualified domestic space launch property' means property placed in service before January 1, 2033, that is-- ``(i) a space transportation vehicle or payload (as such terms are defined in section 50101 of title 51, United States Code) that is launched from the United States, or ``(ii) other property or equipment placed in service for the purpose of facilitating a space launch from the United States. ``(B) Special rule for space launches from aircraft.--A space transportation vehicle or payload that is launched from an aircraft shall be considered to be launched from the United States if, and only if, such space transportation vehicle or payload is-- ``(i) substantially manufactured within the United States, as determined by the Secretary, and ``(ii) launched from an aircraft on a flight that originated from United States soil. ``(C) United states.--The term `United States' includes the possessions of the United States.''. (d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to property placed in service after December 31, 2023. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Taxation", "Aviation and airports", "Business investment and capital", "Income tax deductions", "Space flight and exploration", "Spacecraft and satellites" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 41 (Friday, March 3, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. POSEY:\nH.R. 1363.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the Constitution to\n``provide for the common defense and general welfare of the\nUnited States.''\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nTo amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide bonus\ndepreciation for certain space launch expenditures\n[Page H1115]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 1, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 1, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-03", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-03", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means." }, "laws": null, "number": "1363", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Taxation" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "P000599", "district": 8, "firstName": "Bill", "fullName": "Rep. Posey, Bill [R-FL-8]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Posey", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "state": "FL", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 6, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "American Space Commerce Act of 2023", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:53Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:53Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1363", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Science-Based Grizzly Bear Management Act of 2023
[ [ "R000103", "Rep. Rosendale Sr., Matthew M. [R-MT-2]", "sponsor" ], [ "B001302", "Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000469", "Rep. Fulcher, Russ [R-ID-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B000825", "Rep. Boebert, Lauren [R-CO-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000633", "Rep. Duarte, John S. [R-CA-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000565", "Rep. Gosar, Paul A. [R-AZ-9]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Science-Based Grizzly Bear Management Act of 2023</strong></p> <p>This bill directs the Department of the Interior to reissue the final rule relating to removing the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem population of grizzly bears from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, published on June 30, 2017 (82 Fed. Reg. 30502), without regard to any other provision of statute or regulation that applies to issuance of such rule. Such reissuance shall not be subject to judicial review.</p> <p>Interior shall issue a final rule removing the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem population of grizzly bears from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife without regard to any other provision of statute or regulation that applies to the issuance of such rule. Such issuance shall also not be subject to judicial review.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1364 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1364 To direct the Secretary of the Interior to reissue a final rule relating to removing the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem population of grizzly bears from the Federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife and to issue a new rule removing the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem population of grizzly bears from such list. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Rosendale (for himself, Mr. Biggs, Mr. Fulcher, and Mrs. Boebert) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To direct the Secretary of the Interior to reissue a final rule relating to removing the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem population of grizzly bears from the Federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife and to issue a new rule removing the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem population of grizzly bears from such list. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Science-Based Grizzly Bear Management Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. REMOVAL OF GRIZZLY BEARS OF THE GREATER YELLOWSTONE AND NORTHERN CONTINENTAL DIVIDE ECOSYSTEMS FROM ENDANGERED AND THREATENED LISTS. (a) Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall reissue the final rule relating to removing the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem population of grizzly bears from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, published on June 30, 2017 (82 Fed. Reg. 30502), without regard to any other provision of statute or regulation that applies to issuance of such rule. Such reissuance and this subsection shall not be subject to judicial review. (b) Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem.--No later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall issue a final rule removing the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem population of grizzly bears from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife without regard to any other provision of statute or regulation that applies to the issuance of such rule. Such issuance and this subsection shall not be subject to judicial review. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Public Lands and Natural Resources" ]
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{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "relatedBills": [ { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-04-28", "actionTime": null, "text": "Ordered to be Reported by the Yeas and Nays: 22 - 17." }, "number": 1419, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Comprehensive Grizzly Bear Management Act of 2023", "type": "HR", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1364", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "B001302", "district": 5, "firstName": "Andy", "fullName": "Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Biggs", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AZ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "F000469", "district": 1, "firstName": "Russ", "fullName": "Rep. Fulcher, Russ [R-ID-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Fulcher", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "ID", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B000825", "district": 3, "firstName": "Lauren", "fullName": "Rep. Boebert, Lauren [R-CO-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Boebert", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000633", "district": 13, "firstName": "John", "fullName": "Rep. Duarte, John S. [R-CA-13]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Duarte", "middleName": "S.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000565", "district": 9, "firstName": "Paul", "fullName": "Rep. Gosar, Paul A. [R-AZ-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Gosar", "middleName": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AZ", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 5, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 5, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1364", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Lawless Cities Accountability Act of 2023
[ [ "R000103", "Rep. Rosendale Sr., Matthew M. [R-MT-2]", "sponsor" ], [ "B001311", "Rep. Bishop, Dan [R-NC-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000614", "Rep. Roy, Chip [R-TX-21]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1365 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1365 To provide that Federal funds may not be made available to lawless jurisdictions, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Rosendale (for himself, Mr. Bishop of North Carolina, and Mr. Roy) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To provide that Federal funds may not be made available to lawless jurisdictions, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Lawless Cities Accountability Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) It is the policy and purpose of the United States Government to protect the lives and property of all people in the United States from unlawful acts of violence and destruction. Without law and order, democracy cannot function, Americans cannot exercise their rights to peaceful expression, assembly, and protest, property is destroyed, and innocent citizens are injured or killed. (2) Unfortunately, lawlessness has beset some of our States and cities. Over the past few years, several State and local governments have contributed to the violence and destruction in their jurisdictions by failing to enforce the law, disempowering and significantly defunding their police departments, and refusing to accept offers of Federal law enforcement assistance amidst widespread, sustained violence. As a result of these State and local government policies, acts of violence and destruction have skyrocketed and continue unabated in many of America's cities. (3) By shirking their responsibility to carry out law and order, lawless jurisdictions enabled violent protestors and rioters to inflict well over $1 billion in property damage across the United States. Federal and State buildings, businesses, and infrastructure were indiscriminately destroyed by arsonists, vandals, and looters--harming their owners and taxpayers--who ultimately bear the costs of unchecked anarchy in American cities. (4) The failure of cities to enforce the rule of law has severe consequences and costs lives. In 2020, homicides in major American cities skyrocketed by 33 percent, a trend that continued into the first quarter of 2021. In certain cities such as Portland and Minneapolis, the surge in death and destruction is even starker, with homicides increasing by 733 percent in Portland and 82 percent in Minneapolis. The Federal Government cannot sit idly by as property is damaged and citizens are murdered in lawless jurisdictions. (5) After being continually demeaned by radical activists and politicians, having police funding slashed, being disempowered from enforcing the rule of law, and witnessing their cities deteriorate into lawless zones, our dedicated law enforcement personnel are demoralized and leaving the force in record numbers. In 2020, the New York Police Department saw 5,300 personnel leave the department, a 75 percent increase from the previous year. The Minneapolis Police Department saw 105 officers leave the department in 2020, more than double their average yearly attrition rate. Compounding the challenge of mass retirements and an inordinate number of law enforcement personnel on leaves of absence, police departments are facing unprecedented recruitment challenges, leaving departments ill- equipped to handle the dramatic rise in violent crime. (6) The Federal Government provides States and localities with hundreds of billions of dollars every year, which fund a wide array of programs, such as housing, public transportation, job training, and social services. These funds have been collected from American taxpayers who entrusted their money to the Federal Government to serve our communities and our citizens. (7) The Federal Government should not allow taxpayer dollars to fund jurisdictions that fail to enforce the rule of law and protect their residents. To ensure that Federal funds are neither unduly wasted nor spent in a manner that directly violates our Government's promise to protect life, liberty, and property, it is imperative that the Federal Government ensure Federal funds and grants do not go to jurisdictions that permit anarchy, violence, and destruction in America's cities. This is critical to ensure that Federal funds are used effectively, and to safeguard taxpayer dollars entrusted to the Federal Government for the benefit of the American people. SEC. 3. NO FEDERAL FUNDS FOR LAWLESS JURISDICTIONS. (a) In General.--No Federal funds may be made available to a jurisdiction that the Attorney General determines is a lawless jurisdiction. (b) Attorney General Determinations.--Not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act, and not less than quarterly thereafter, the Attorney General shall make determinations on which jurisdictions are lawless jurisdictions, and shall make such determinations, and an explanation of each determination, publicly available. (c) Reinstatement of Federal Funds.--A jurisdiction that the Attorney General determines is a lawless jurisdiction may begin receiving Federal funds on the later of-- (1) 180 days after the date on which the Attorney General first determines that the jurisdiction is lawless; or (2) the date on which the Attorney General determines that the jurisdiction is no longer a lawless jurisdiction. SEC. 4. DEFINITION. In this Act, the term ``lawless jurisdiction'' means a State or political subdivision of a State that-- (1) forbids a law enforcement agency from intervening to restore order amid widespread or sustained violence or destruction; (2) has withdrawn law enforcement protection from a geographical area or structure that law enforcement officers are lawfully entitled to access, but have been officially prevented from accessing or permitted to access only in exceptional circumstances, except when law enforcement officers are briefly withheld as a tactical decision intended to resolve safely and expeditiously a specific and ongoing unlawful incident posing an imminent threat to the safety of individuals or law enforcement officers; (3) disempowers or defunds law enforcement agencies; or (4) refuses to accept an offer of law enforcement assistance from the Federal Government amid widespread or sustained violence or destruction in the jurisdiction, during which the jurisdiction has been unable to restore order. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Crime and Law Enforcement" ]
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Keep Children and Families Safe from Lead Hazards Act of 2023
[ [ "R000609", "Rep. Rutherford, John H. [R-FL-5]", "sponsor" ], [ "G000586", "Rep. Garcia, Jesus G. \"Chuy\" [D-IL-4]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Keep Children and Families Safe from Lead Hazards Act of 2023</b></p> <p>This bill requires the Office of Multifamily Housing Programs to conduct a risk assessment of properties that receive low-income housing assistance to identify properties with the greatest risk of exposing children under six years old to lead hazards (e.g., lead-based paint and lead service lines).<br> <br> The office must develop an action plan for remediation and control of lead hazards in identified properties and submit a report on low-income housing properties with lead hazards, including the number of children under six living at those properties.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1366 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1366 To require the Department of Housing and Urban Development to conduct an annual risk assessment of properties receiving tenant-based or project-based rental assistance for lead-based hazards, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Rutherford (for himself and Mr. Garcia of Illinois) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require the Department of Housing and Urban Development to conduct an annual risk assessment of properties receiving tenant-based or project-based rental assistance for lead-based hazards, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Keep Children and Families Safe from Lead Hazards Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. LEAD-BASED PAINT. (a) Definitions.--In this section-- (1) the term ``covered housing'' means a dwelling unit receiving project-based rental assistance or tenant-based rental assistance under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437f); and (2) the term ``Department'' means the Department of Housing and Urban Development. (b) Annual Risk Assessment and Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and every year thereafter, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Multifamily Housing Programs of the Department, in collaboration with the Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes of the Department, shall-- (1) conduct a risk assessment of covered housing to identify properties with the greatest risk of exposing children under the age of 6 years old to lead hazards, including lead- based paint and lead service lines; (2) develop an action plan relating to remediation, control, and safeguards to address lead hazards, including lead-based paint and lead-service lines, in covered housing identified in the risk assessment conducted under paragraph (1), with priority given to those properties with children under the age of 6 years old; and (3) submit to Congress a report on properties with covered housing that have lead-based paint or lead service lines, including the number of children under the age of 6 years old living at these properties. (c) Uniform Physical Condition Standard Inspections.--In conducting uniform physical condition inspections in accordance with part 5 of title 24, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulation, the Secretary shall include lead-based paint and lead service lines in the graded scoring as an exigent health and safety deficiency to ensure that-- (1) lead-based paint and lead service lines are tracked at each applicable property; and (2) the owners of those properties are held accountable for remediating deficiencies. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Housing and Community Development", "Child health", "Congressional oversight", "Housing industry and standards", "Low- and moderate-income housing", "Metals", "Water quality" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "G000586", "district": 4, "firstName": "Jesus", "fullName": "Rep. Garcia, Jesus G. \"Chuy\" [D-IL-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Garcia", "middleName": "G.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 1, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 1, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1366", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Water System Threat Preparedness and Resilience Act of 2023
[ [ "S001145", "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "sponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Water System Threat Preparedness and Resilience Act of 2023</b></p> <p>This bill requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to create a program to support increased membership and involvement of certain smaller water utilities and water treatment works (e.g., wastewater systems) in the Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center (WaterISAC). As background, WaterISAC is a group of water and wastewater systems and associations that coordinate with the EPA and other federal agencies to collect and analyze data on water security and threats. WaterISAC also provides analysis and resources to support response, mitigation, and resilience initiatives.</p> <p>Under the bill, the EPA must develop a program to </p> <ul> <li>encourage and support WaterISAC membership by community water systems (e.g., public water systems that regularly serve at least 25 year-round residents) and water treatment works,</li> <li> offset membership dues for community water systems and water treatment works,</li> <li> cooperate and coordinate with WaterISAC to expand incident data collection and analysis of threats related to the water sector, and</li> <li> enhance WaterISAC's tools and resources for monitoring the water sector and increase the preparedness of community water systems and publicly owned water treatment works to identify and respond to malevolent acts or natural hazards.</li> </ul>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1367 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1367 To establish a program to increase drinking water and wastewater system threat preparedness and resilience, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Ms. Schakowsky introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and in addition to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To establish a program to increase drinking water and wastewater system threat preparedness and resilience, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Water System Threat Preparedness and Resilience Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. PROGRAM ESTABLISHMENT. (a) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Community water system.--The term ``community water system'' has the meaning given the term in section 1401 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. 300f). (2) Natural hazard.--The term ``natural hazard'' has the meaning given the term in section 1433(h) of the Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. 300i-2(h)). (3) Treatment works.--The term ``treatment works'' has the meaning given the term in section 212 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1292). (4) Water information sharing and analysis center.--The term ``Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center'' means the Information Sharing and Analysis Center referenced in section 1435(d) of the Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. 300i- 4(d)). (b) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall develop and carry out a program-- (1) to encourage, support, and maintain the participation of community water systems, treatment works, and other appropriate entities in the Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center; (2) to offset costs incurred by community water systems and treatment works that are necessary to maintain or initiate membership in the Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center; (3) to expand the cooperation and coordination of the Environmental Protection Agency with the Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center with respect to incident data collection and analysis of water sector-related threats; and (4) to enhance the tools, resources, and materials of the Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center for-- (A) monitoring the status of the water sector; and (B) enhancing the preparedness of community water systems and publicly owned treatment works to identify, protect against, detect, respond to, and recover from malevolent acts (within the meaning of section 1433 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. 300i-2)) or natural hazards. (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2024 and 2025, to remain available until expended. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Water Resources Development" ]
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{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "relatedBills": [ { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-06", "actionTime": null, "text": "Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works." }, "number": 660, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Water System Threat Preparedness and Resilience Act of 2023", "type": "S", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1367", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "cosponsors": [], "pagination": { "count": 0, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 0, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1367", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1367", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "subjects": { "legislativeSubjects": [], "policyArea": { "name": "Water Resources Development" } } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1367", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "textVersions": [ { "date": "2023-03-03T05:00:00Z", "formats": [ { "type": "Formatted Text", "url": "" }, { "type": "PDF", "url": "" }, { "type": "Formatted XML", "url": "" } ], "type": "Introduced in House" }, { "date": null, "formats": [], "type": null } ] }
{ "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1367", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "titles": [ { "billTextVersionCode": null, "billTextVersionName": null, "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Water System Threat Preparedness and Resilience Act of 2023", "titleType": "Display Title" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Water System Threat Preparedness and Resilience Act of 2023", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "To establish a program to increase drinking water and wastewater system threat preparedness and resilience, and for other purposes.", "titleType": "Official Title as Introduced" } ] }
Deter PRC Support to the Russian War Effort Act
[ [ "S001150", "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-30]", "sponsor" ], [ "T000468", "Rep. Titus, Dina [D-NV-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "Q000023", "Rep. Quigley, Mike [D-IL-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000616", "Rep. Phillips, Dean [D-MN-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000587", "Rep. Garcia, Sylvia R. [D-TX-29]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000581", "Rep. Gonzalez, Vicente [D-TX-34]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001121", "Rep. Crow, Jason [D-CO-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001143", "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001055", "Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001193", "Rep. Swalwell, Eric [D-CA-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000826", "Rep. Wild, Susan [D-PA-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000391", "Rep. Krishnamoorthi, Raja [D-IL-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000380", "Rep. Kildee, Daniel T. [D-MI-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000487", "Rep. Tokuda, Jill N. [D-HI-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000601", "Rep. Landsman, Greg [D-OH-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000582", "Rep. Lieu, Ted [D-CA-36]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000399", "Rep. Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-37]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S000344", "Rep. Sherman, Brad [D-CA-32]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001211", "Rep. Stanton, Greg [D-AZ-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000375", "Rep. Keating, William R. [D-MA-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000197", "Rep. Pelosi, Nancy [D-CA-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001047", "Rep. Himes, James A. [D-CT-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001068", "Rep. Cohen, Steve [D-TN-9]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1368 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1368 To impose sanctions with respect to the transfer of arms and related materiel by the People's Republic of China to the Russian Federation or the evasion or circumvention of United States sanctions or multilateral sanctions by the People's Republic of China with respect to the Russian Federation, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Schiff (for himself, Ms. Titus, Mr. Quigley, Mr. Phillips, Ms. Garcia of Texas, Mr. Vicente Gonzalez of Texas, Mr. Crow, Ms. McCollum, Mr. Case, Mr. Swalwell, Ms. Wild, Mr. Krishnamoorthi, Mr. Kildee, and Ms. Tokuda) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committees on the Judiciary, Financial Services, Ways and Means, and Oversight and Accountability, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To impose sanctions with respect to the transfer of arms and related materiel by the People's Republic of China to the Russian Federation or the evasion or circumvention of United States sanctions or multilateral sanctions by the People's Republic of China with respect to the Russian Federation, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Deter PRC Support to the Russian War Effort Act''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) The People's Republic of China (in this section referred to as the ``PRC'') and the Russian Federation have, in recent years, forged a closer relationship, based largely on their shared interest in challenging the rules-based international order, in an attempt to reshape that order into one that is more welcoming to their authoritarian systems of government. (2) The rhetoric of the PRC's leaders, including Xi Jinping, who called for the unification ``by force'' of Taiwan with the People's Republic of China, mirrors the Russian Federation's justification for invading Ukraine, poses a danger to international peace and security and the agreed to status quo on Taiwan in the Three Communiques exchanged between Beijing and Washington, and should be condemned by the international community. (3) On February 24, 2022, Russia launched an unprovoked and unjustified full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and in addition, the United Nation has reported more than 7,800,000 Ukrainian refugees forced to flee across Europe and more than 5,000,000 internally displaced in Ukraine since Russia's invasion began. (4) The PRC's Foreign Ministry spokesperson refused to categorize Russia's attacks as an ``invasion'' or ``war'' and referred repeatedly to the Russian Federation's statements on Ukraine, including reiterating criticisms of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and blaming the United States for starting the conflict. (5) Since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Biden Administration has imposed several tranches of sanctions on Putin's Russia. (6) On February 22, 2022, President Biden issued Executive Order 14065, which blocks property of certain persons and prohibits certain transactions with respect to continued Russian efforts to undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and expands the scope of the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13660 of March 6, 2014, Executive Order 13661 of March 16, 2014, and Executive Order 13662 of March 20, 2014, and takes additional steps with respect to Executive Order 13685 of December 19, 2014, and Executive Order 13849 of September 20, 2018, finding that the Russian Federation's purported recognition of the so-called Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) or Luhansk People's Republic (LNR) regions of Ukraine contradicts Russia's commitments under the Minsk agreements and further threatens the peace, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and thereby constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. (7) On March 8, 2022, President Biden issued Executive Order 14066, which prohibits certain imports and new investments with respect to continued Russian Federation efforts to undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and expands the scope of the national emergency declared in Executive Order 14024 of April 15, 2021, and takes additional steps with respect to Executive Order 14039 of August 20, 2021, finding that the Russian Federation's unjustified, unprovoked, unyielding, and unconscionable war against Ukraine, including its recent further invasion in violation of international law, including the United Nations Charter, further threatens the peace, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and thereby constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. (8) On March 11, 2022, President Biden issued Executive Order 14068, which further prohibits certain imports and new investments with respect to continued Russian Federation efforts to undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and takes additional steps with respect to the national emergency declared in Executive Order 14024 of April 15, 2021, and Executive Order 14039 of August 20, 2021, and expanded by Executive Order 14066 of March 8, 2022. (9) On April 6, 2022, President Biden issued Executive Order 14071, prohibiting new investment and certain services to the Russian Federation in response to continued Russian Federation aggression, and takes additional steps with respect to the national emergency declared in Executive Order 14024 of April 15, 2021, expanded by Executive Order 14066 of March 8, 2022, and relied on for additional steps taken in Executive Order 14039 of August 20, 2021, and Executive Order 14068 of March 11, 2022. (10) In March 2022, as the Biden Administration continued to increase pressure on Putin's regime through rollouts of the aforementioned sanctions, the head of the PRC's banking and insurance regulator said the PRC will not participate in the sanctions regime Western nations imposed on Russia and ``will continue to maintain normal economic, trade and financial exchanges'' with Russia despite its aggression against Ukraine. (11) Indeed, that same month, according to PRC customs data, Russia bought 9,950 metric tons of alumina from the PRC, which is nearly 10 times more than what it purchased in the same period a year earlier. The PRC's first-quarter exports of alumina to Russia are nearly six times the volume of all of 2021, suggesting the PRC may find new ways of providing support to Russia. (12) On June 28, 2022, the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security, added five Chinese companies to the Entity List, in response to their continued support to Russia's military efforts since the imposition of export controls in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. (13) In December 2022, the PRC's foreign minister stated his country would ``deepen strategic mutual trust and mutually beneficial cooperation'' with Russia, and trade between the countries has continued to grow. (14) As of February 2023, reports based on customs records indicate Chinese state-owned and private companies have exported parts and equipment to sanctioned Russian entities that could be facilitating Putin's war. This includes shipments of helicopter equipment, jamming technology, drones, and jet- fighter parts to sanctioned Russian government-owned defense firms. (15) On February 18, 2023, the Secretary of State publicly stated that Chinese companies were already providing non-lethal support to Russia's war effort and the PRC was considering providing lethal support, including weapons and ammunition. SEC. 3. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that-- (1) Russia's military invasion of Ukraine and the war crimes and human rights violations committed by the Kremlin, Russia's military, and Russia's intelligence and security services against the people of Ukraine should be strongly condemned; (2) any country or entity that provides material support for Russia's invasion is furthering Russia's unlawful belligerence and committing of war crimes; (3) Chinese Government officials and individuals and entities associated with People's Republic of China that assist the Russian Federation, including Russian Government officials or individuals or entities associated with the Russian Federation, by providing material support or in evading sanctions imposed following the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine are, in so doing, supporting the Russian Federation's unprovoked attack on Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, including alleged war crimes committed by Russian Armed Forces against civilians; (4) the President should continue to seek unity with European and other key partners and to uphold sanctions that continue to impose costs on Putin's regime and deplete the Russian Federation's war chest; (5) the President should impose sanctions with respect to those sectors and individuals and entities of the Russian Federation, including Russian Government officials, that are evading sanctions imposed by the United States and allied nations following Russia's invasion of Ukraine; and (6) the President should encourage other European countries and key partners to enact legislation that is similar to the provisions of this Act. SEC. 4. SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE TRANSFER OF ARMS AND RELATED MATERIEL BY CHINA TO RUSSIA. (a) Imposition of Sanctions.-- (1) In general.--The President is authorized to impose on a PRC person one or more of the sanctions described in subsection (b) if the President determines that such person has, on or after the date of the enactment of this Act, knowingly-- (A) exported, transferred, or otherwise provided to Russia financial, material, or technological support that contributes materially to the ability of the Government of Russia to undertake military action in Ukraine, such as-- (i) acquiring chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons or related technologies; (ii) acquiring ballistic or cruise missile capabilities; (iii) acquiring advanced conventional weapons; (iv) acquiring significant defense articles, defense services, or defense information (as such terms are defined under the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.)); or (v) acquiring items designated by the President for purposes of the United States Munitions List under section 38(a)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2778(a)(1)); or (B) facilitated or assisted in the evasion or circumvention of United States sanctions or multilateral sanctions with respect to the Russia. (2) Applicability to other prc persons.--The sanctions described in subsection (b) may also be imposed on any PRC person that-- (A) is a successor entity to a PRC person described in paragraph (1); or (B) is owned or controlled by, or has acted for or on behalf of, a PRC person described in paragraph (1) and has engaged in a sanctionable activity described in such paragraph. (b) Sanctions Described.--The sanctions described in this subsection are the following: (1) Blocking of property.--The President shall exercise all powers granted by the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (except that the requirements of section 202 of such Act (50 U.S.C. 1701) shall not apply) to the extent necessary to block and prohibit all transactions in all property and interests in property of the person if such property and interests in property are in the United States, come within the United States, or are or come within the possession or control of a United States person. (2) Inadmissibility of certain individuals.-- (A) Ineligibility for visas and admission to the united states.--An individual determined by the President to be a person described in subsection (a) is-- (i) inadmissible to the United States; (ii) ineligible to receive a visa or other documentation to enter the United States; and (iii) otherwise ineligible to be admitted or paroled into the United States or to receive any other benefit under the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.). (B) Current visas revoked.--An individual determined by the President to be a person described in subsection (a) is subject to the following: (i) Revocation of any visa or other entry documentation regardless of when the visa or other entry documentation is or was issued. (ii) A revocation under clause (i) shall cancel any other valid visa or entry documentation that is in the person's possession in accordance with section 221(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. (3) Other sanctions.-- (A) Export-import bank assistance for exports.--The President may direct the Export-Import Bank of the United States not to give approval to the issuance of any guarantee, insurance, extension of credit, or participation in the extension of credit in connection with the export of any goods or services to the person. (B) Loans from united states financial institutions.--The President may prohibit any United States financial institution from making loans or providing credits to the person in any 12-month period unless the person is engaged in activities to relieve human suffering and the loans or credits are provided for such activities. (C) Loans from international financial institutions.--The President should direct the United States Executive Director to each international financial institution to use the voice and vote of the United States to oppose any loan from the international financial institution that would benefit the person. (D) Prohibitions on financial institutions.--The following prohibitions may be imposed against the person if that person is a financial institution: (i) Prohibition on designation as primary dealer.--Neither the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System nor the Federal Reserve Bank of New York may designate, or permit the continuation of any prior designation of, the financial institution as a primary dealer in United States Government debt instruments. (ii) Prohibition on service as a repository of government funds.--The financial institution may not serve as agent of the United States Government or serve as repository for United States Government funds. (E) Procurement sanction.--The United States Government may not procure, or enter into any contract for the procurement of, any goods or services from the person. (F) Foreign exchange.--The President may, pursuant to such regulations as the President may prescribe, prohibit any transactions in foreign exchange that are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and in which the person has any interest. (G) Banking transactions.--The President may, pursuant to such regulations as the President may prescribe, prohibit any transfers of credit or payments between financial institutions or by, through, or to any financial institution, to the extent that such transfers or payments are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and involve any interest of the person. (H) Property transactions.--The President may, pursuant to such regulations as the President may prescribe, prohibit any other person from-- (i) acquiring, holding, withholding, using, transferring, withdrawing, transporting, importing, or exporting any property that is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and with respect to which the person has any interest; (ii) dealing in or exercising any right, power, or privilege with respect to such property; or (iii) conducting any transaction involving such property. (I) Ban on investment in equity or debt of person.--The President may, pursuant to such regulations or guidelines as the President may prescribe, prohibit any United States person from investing in or purchasing significant amounts of equity or debt instruments of the person. (J) Exclusion of corporate officers.--The President may direct the Secretary of State to deny a visa to, and the Secretary of Homeland Security to exclude from the United States, any alien that the President determines is a corporate officer or principal of, or a shareholder with a controlling interest in, the person. (K) Sanctions on principal executive officers.--The President may impose on the principal executive officer or officers of the person, or on persons performing similar functions and with similar authorities as such officer or officers, any of the sanctions under this subsection. (c) Exceptions.-- (1) Exception for intelligence activities.--Sanctions under this section shall not apply to any activity subject to the reporting requirements under title V of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3091 et seq.) or any authorized intelligence activities of the United States. (2) Exception to comply with international obligations and for law enforcement activities.--Sanctions under subsection (b)(2) shall not apply with respect to an alien if admitting or paroling the alien into the United States is necessary-- (A) to permit the United States to comply with the Agreement regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations, signed at Lake Success June 26, 1947, and entered into force November 21, 1947, between the United Nations and the United States, or other applicable international obligations; or (B) to carry out or assist law enforcement activity in the United States. (3) Exception relating to importation of goods.-- (A) In general.--The authority to block and prohibit all transactions in all property and interests in property under subsection (b)(1) shall not include the authority to impose sanctions on the importation of goods. (B) Good defined.--In this paragraph, the term ``good'' means any article, natural or man-made substance, material, supply or manufactured product, including inspection and test equipment and excluding technical data. (d) Waiver.--The President may waive the application of sanctions under subsection (b) with respect to a PRC person described in subsection (a) if the President determines that such a waiver is in the national interest of the United States. (e) Implementation; Penalties.-- (1) Implementation.--The President may exercise all authorities provided under sections 203 and 205 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 and 1704) to carry out the purposes of this section. (2) Penalties.--The penalties provided for in subsections (b) and (c) of section 206 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1705) may apply to a person that violates, attempts to violate, or conspires to violate, or causes a violation of, subsection (a) of this section, or an order or regulation prescribed under either such subsection, to the same extent that such penalties apply to a person that commits an unlawful act described in section 206(a) of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act. (f) Definitions.--In this section: (1) China.--The term ``China'' means the People's Republic of China. (2) Financial, material, or technological support.--The term ``financial, material, or technological support'' has the meaning given such term in section 542.304 of title 31, Code of Federal Regulations (or any corresponding similar regulation or ruling). (3) PRC person.--The term ``PRC person''-- (A) means-- (i) any citizen or national of China; or (ii) any entity organized under the laws of China or any jurisdiction within China; and (B) includes the Government of China, the Chinese Communist Party, and any Chinese State-owned enterprise. (4) International financial institution.--The term ``international financial institution'' has the meaning given that term in section 1701(c) of the International Financial Institutions Act (22 U.S.C. 262r(c)). (5) Russia.--The term ``Russia'' means the Russian Federation. (6) United states person.--The term ``United States person'' means-- (A) a United States citizen or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence to the United States; or (B) an entity organized under the laws of the United States or of any jurisdiction within the United States, including a foreign branch of such an entity. SEC. 5. SUNSET. The provisions of this Act shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act, and such provisions, including any sanctions or penalties imposed under this Act, shall terminate on the earlier of-- (1) the date on which the President determines the conflict in Ukraine has ended; or (2) the date that is 2 years after such date of enactment. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "International Affairs" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "T000468", "district": 1, "firstName": "Dina", "fullName": "Rep. Titus, Dina [D-NV-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Titus", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NV", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "Q000023", "district": 5, "firstName": "Mike", "fullName": "Rep. Quigley, Mike [D-IL-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Quigley", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000616", "district": 3, "firstName": "Dean", "fullName": "Rep. Phillips, Dean [D-MN-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Phillips", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000587", "district": 29, "firstName": "Sylvia", "fullName": "Rep. Garcia, Sylvia R. 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McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "MCCOLLUM", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001055", "district": 1, "firstName": "Ed", "fullName": "Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Case", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "HI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001193", "district": 14, "firstName": "Eric", "fullName": "Rep. Swalwell, Eric [D-CA-14]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Swalwell", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000826", "district": 7, "firstName": "Susan", "fullName": "Rep. Wild, Susan [D-PA-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Wild", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000391", "district": 8, "firstName": "Raja", "fullName": "Rep. Krishnamoorthi, Raja [D-IL-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Krishnamoorthi", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000380", "district": 8, "firstName": "Daniel", "fullName": "Rep. Kildee, Daniel T. [D-MI-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Kildee", "middleName": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000487", "district": 2, "firstName": "Jill", "fullName": "Rep. Tokuda, Jill N. 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Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act
[ [ "S000344", "Rep. Sherman, Brad [D-CA-32]", "sponsor" ], [ "K000389", "Rep. Khanna, Ro [D-CA-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000394", "Rep. Kim, Andy [D-NJ-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001110", "Rep. Correa, J. Luis [D-CA-46]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000147", "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000469", "Rep. Tonko, Paul [D-NY-20]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000586", "Rep. Garcia, Jesus G. \"Chuy\" [D-IL-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001302", "Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000468", "Rep. Titus, Dina [D-NV-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000481", "Rep. Tlaib, Rashida [D-MI-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001159", "Rep. Strickland, Marilyn [D-WA-10]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001224", "Rep. Bush, Cori [D-MO-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000305", "Rep. Jacobs, Sara [D-CA-51]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001145", "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000312", "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001303", "Rep. Blunt Rochester, Lisa [D-DE-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000297", "Rep. Espaillat, Adriano [D-NY-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000298", "Rep. Jayapal, Pramila [D-WA-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001080", "Rep. Chu, Judy [D-CA-28]", "cosponsor" ], [ "O000173", "Rep. Omar, Ilhan [D-MN-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000553", "Rep. Green, Al [D-TX-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000617", "Rep. Pressley, Ayanna [D-MA-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000551", "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000400", "Rep. Kamlager-Dove, Sydney [D-CA-37]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000582", "Rep. Lieu, Ted [D-CA-36]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000032", "Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000551", "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001168", "Rep. Sarbanes, John P. [D-MD-3]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1369 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1369 To review current restrictions on travel to North Korea, call for a formal end to the Korean War, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Sherman (for himself, Mr. Khanna, Mr. Kim of New Jersey, Mr. Correa, Ms. Norton, Mr. Tonko, Mr. Garcia of Illinois, Mr. Biggs, Ms. Titus, Ms. Tlaib, Ms. Strickland, Ms. Bush, Ms. Jacobs, Ms. Schakowsky, Mr. McGovern, Ms. Blunt Rochester, Mr. Espaillat, Ms. Jayapal, Ms. Chu, Ms. Omar, and Mr. Green of Texas) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To review current restrictions on travel to North Korea, call for a formal end to the Korean War, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress makes the following findings: (1) On July 27, 1953, the commander in chief of the United Nations Command signed an armistice agreement with the supreme commander of the North Korean People's Army and the commander of the Chinese People's Volunteers, aiming to ``insure a complete cessation of hostilities and of all acts of armed force in Korea until a final peaceful settlement is achieved''. (2) The armistice agreement neither formally ended the war nor represented a final peaceful settlement. (3) On April 27, 2018, in Panmunjom, the leaders of South Korea and North Korea declared that ``a new era of peace has begun on the Korean peninsula'', and committed ``to declare the end of war'' on the Korean peninsula 65 years after the signing of the armistice agreement. (4) In its roll out of its policy towards North Korea, the Biden Administration expressed support for the Singapore framework, which identifies peace on the Korean peninsula as an objective of any future negotiations between the United States and North Korea. (5) The United States should pursue a sustained and credible diplomatic process to achieve an end to the Korean war, and every effort should be made to avoid military confrontation with North Korea. (6) The persistence of a state of war does not serve the national interest of the United States and its allies. (7) One major consequence of the continuation of the Korean war is that the United States does not have formal relations with North Korea, which has prevented Korean Americans with relatives in North Korea from seeing their families. (8) Approximately 100,000 Americans have relatives living in North Korea. (9) At the Hanoi Summit in February 2019, the United States and North Korea discussed formally ending the Korean war and the exchange of diplomatic liaison offices, however these discussions did not advance due to a stalemate on nuclear and missile issues. (10) The ongoing nuclear- and ballistic-missile-related activities of North Korea continue to pose a threat to international peace and security. SEC. 3. HUMANITARIAN CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING VISITING NORTH KOREA. (a) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that the current restrictions barring United States nationals traveling to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) warrant review by the Secretary of State. (b) Review.--The Secretary of State shall conduct a full review of the restrictions in place conditioning the travel of United States nationals to the DPRK. Such review shall include consideration of the following: (1) The Department of State's guidance as to the nature of travel to the DPRK that qualifies as ``in the national interest'' of the United States, including whether the scope of travel qualifying as such should be adjusted. (2) The ``compelling humanitarian considerations'' that qualify a United States national for travel to the DPRK, including whether the scope of travel permissible under such considerations should be adjusted. (3) Whether, and if so, to what extent and under what conditions, travel to the DPRK for the purposes of attending to or witnessing funerals, burials, or other religious and family commemorations of relatives of United States nationals in the DPRK does or should qualify as ``compelling humanitarian considerations'' meriting issuance of Special Validation Passports to such nationals. (c) Report.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall submit to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a report detailing the review conducted under subsection (b). Such report shall include a comprehensive description of the Department of State's consideration of all matters described in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of such subsection, including, as applicable, any related policy changes and the rationale behind the Department's decision to make or refrain from making policy changes relating to such matters. (2) Form.--The report required under paragraph (1) shall be submitted in unclassified form but may contain a classified annex. SEC. 4. CALLING FOR A FORMAL END TO THE KOREAN WAR. (a) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that given the commitment of the leaders of South Korea and North Korea in Panmunjom on April 27, 2018, to actively promote meetings involving the United States ``with a view to replacing the Armistice Agreement with a peace agreement and establishing a permanent and solid peace regime'', the Secretary of State should pursue serious, urgent diplomatic engagement with North Korea and South Korea in pursuit of a binding peace agreement constituting a formal and final end to the state of war between North Korea, South Korea, and the United States. (b) Report.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall submit to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a report that describes a clear roadmap for achieving a permanent peace agreement on the Korean peninsula. (2) Contents.--The report required under paragraph (1) shall-- (A) contain an accounting of the steps necessary to enter into negotiations with North Korea and South Korea to conclude a binding peace agreement; (B) identify the key stakeholders involved in such negotiations; and (C) describe the challenges concerning the ability of the United States to achieve a binding peace agreement constituting a formal and final end to the state of war between North Korea, South Korea, and the United States. (3) Form.--The report required under paragraph (1) shall be submitted in unclassified form but may contain a classified annex. SEC. 5. ESTABLISHING LIAISON OFFICES. It is the sense of Congress that given the joint statement signed by the United States and North Korea in Singapore on June 12, 2018, which included an agreement to ``establish new U.S.-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity'', the Secretary of State should seek to enter into negotiations with the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea (DPRK) to establish liaison offices of the DPRK and the United States in the respective capitals of each such country. SEC. 6. RULE OF CONSTRUCTION. Nothing in this Act may be construed to affect the status of United States Armed Forces stationed in South Korea or any other foreign country. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "International Affairs" ]
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-03T14:03:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1369", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "K000389", "district": 17, "firstName": "Ro", "fullName": "Rep. Khanna, Ro [D-CA-17]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Khanna", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000394", "district": 3, "firstName": "Andy", "fullName": "Rep. Kim, Andy [D-NJ-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Kim", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NJ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001110", "district": 46, "firstName": "J.", "fullName": "Rep. Correa, J. Luis [D-CA-46]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Correa", "middleName": "Luis", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "N000147", "district": 0, "firstName": "ELEANOR", "fullName": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "NORTON", "middleName": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "DC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000469", "district": 20, "firstName": "Paul", "fullName": "Rep. Tonko, Paul [D-NY-20]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Tonko", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000586", "district": 4, "firstName": "Jesus", "fullName": "Rep. Garcia, Jesus G. \"Chuy\" [D-IL-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Garcia", "middleName": "G.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001302", "district": 5, "firstName": "Andy", "fullName": "Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Biggs", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AZ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000468", "district": 1, "firstName": "Dina", "fullName": "Rep. Titus, Dina [D-NV-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Titus", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NV", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000481", "district": 12, "firstName": "Rashida", "fullName": "Rep. Tlaib, Rashida [D-MI-12]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Tlaib", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001159", "district": 10, "firstName": "Marilyn", "fullName": "Rep. Strickland, Marilyn [D-WA-10]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Strickland", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001224", "district": 1, "firstName": "Cori", "fullName": "Rep. Bush, Cori [D-MO-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Bush", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "J000305", "district": 51, "firstName": "Sara", "fullName": "Rep. Jacobs, Sara [D-CA-51]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Jacobs", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001145", "district": 9, "firstName": "JANICE", "fullName": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middleName": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M000312", "district": 2, "firstName": "JAMES", "fullName": "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "MCGOVERN", "middleName": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001303", "district": 0, "firstName": "Lisa", "fullName": "Rep. Blunt Rochester, Lisa [D-DE-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Blunt Rochester", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "DE", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "E000297", "district": 13, "firstName": "Adriano", "fullName": "Rep. 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Justice for Victims of Kleptocracy Act of 2023
[ [ "C001068", "Rep. Cohen, Steve [D-TN-9]", "sponsor" ], [ "S000168", "Rep. Salazar, Maria Elvira [R-FL-27]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000466", "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong></strong><b>Justice for Victims of Kleptocracy Act of 2023</b></p> <p>This bill requires the Department of Justice to publish and regularly update its website with an accounting of property that is forfeited to the United States as a result of foreign government corruption. It also expresses the sense of Congress that recovered assets shall be returned for the benefit of the people harmed by the corruption.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 137 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 137 To require an accounting of certain property forfeited to the United States, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES January 9, 2023 Mr. Cohen (for himself, Ms. Salazar, and Mr. Fitzpatrick) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require an accounting of certain property forfeited to the United States, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Justice for Victims of Kleptocracy Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. FORFEITED PROPERTY. (a) In General.--Chapter 46 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``Sec. 988. Accounting of certain forfeited property ``(a) Accounting.--The Attorney General shall make available to the public an accounting of any property relating to foreign government corruption that is forfeited to the United States under section 981 or 982. ``(b) Format.--The accounting described under subsection (a) shall be published on the website of the Department of Justice in a format that includes the following: ``(1) A heading as follows: `Assets stolen from the people of ______ and recovered by the United States', the blank space being filled with the name of the foreign government that is the target of corruption. ``(2) The total amount recovered by the United States on behalf of the foreign people that is the target of corruption at the time when such recovered funds are deposited into the Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Fund or the Department of the Treasury Forfeiture Fund. ``(c) Updated Website.--The Attorney General shall update the website of the Department of Justice to include an accounting of any new property relating to foreign government corruption that has been forfeited to the United States under section 981 or 982 not later than 14 days after such forfeiture, unless such update would compromise an ongoing law enforcement investigation.''. (b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 46 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``988. Accounting of certain forfeited property.''. SEC. 3. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that recovered assets be returned for the benefit of the people harmed by the corruption under conditions that reasonably ensure the transparent and effective use, administration and monitoring of returned proceeds. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Accounting and auditing", "Criminal justice information and records", "Foreign property", "Fraud offenses and financial crimes", "Government ethics and transparency, public corruption", "Government information and archives", "Government trust funds" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 7 (Monday, January 9, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. COHEN:\nH.R. 137.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the Constitution of the\nUnited States\n[Page H110]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 2, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 2, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-01-09", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-01-09", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary." }, "laws": null, "number": "137", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Crime and Law Enforcement" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "C001068", "district": 9, "firstName": "Steve", "fullName": "Rep. Cohen, Steve [D-TN-9]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Cohen", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "state": "TN", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 8, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Justice for Victims of Kleptocracy Act of 2023", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:49:51Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:49:51Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "137", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "S000168", "district": 27, "firstName": "Maria", "fullName": "Rep. Salazar, Maria Elvira [R-FL-27]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Salazar", "middleName": "Elvira", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "F000466", "district": 1, "firstName": "Brian", "fullName": "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Fitzpatrick", "middleName": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 2, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 2, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "137", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "137", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "titles": [ { "billTextVersionCode": null, "billTextVersionName": null, "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Justice for Victims of Kleptocracy Act of 2023", "titleType": "Display Title" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Justice for Victims of Kleptocracy Act of 2023", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "To require an accounting of certain property forfeited to the United States, and for other purposes.", "titleType": "Official Title as Introduced" } ] }
Communications Security Act
[ [ "S001208", "Rep. Slotkin, Elissa [D-MI-7]", "sponsor" ], [ "W000798", "Rep. Walberg, Tim [R-MI-5]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1370 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1370 To direct the Federal Communications Commission to establish a council to make recommendations on ways to increase the security, reliability, and interoperability of communications networks, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Ms. Slotkin (for herself and Mr. Walberg) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To direct the Federal Communications Commission to establish a council to make recommendations on ways to increase the security, reliability, and interoperability of communications networks, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Communications Security Act''. SEC. 2. COUNCIL ON COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY, RELIABILITY, AND INTEROPERABILITY. (a) Establishment.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Commission shall-- (1) establish a council to advise the Commission on issues including the security, reliability, and interoperability of communications networks; or (2) designate for purposes of this section an advisory committee of the Commission that is operating on the date of the enactment of this Act under a charter for the purpose of addressing the issues described in paragraph (1) and, if the membership of such committee does not comply with subsection (b), modify such membership to comply with such subsection. (b) Membership.-- (1) Appointment.--The members of the council shall be appointed by the Chair. (2) Composition.--To the extent practicable, the membership of the council shall be composed of the following: (A) Representatives of companies in the communications industry, except companies that are determined by the Chair to be not trusted. (B) Representatives of public interest organizations or academic institutions, except public interest organizations or academic institutions that are determined by the Chair to be not trusted. (C) Representatives of the Federal Government, State governments, local governments, or Tribal Governments, with at least one member representing each such type of government. (3) Knowledge and experience.--Each member of the council shall have knowledge and experience relevant to the purpose and goals of the council. (4) Terms.-- (A) In general.--Each member of the council shall be appointed for a term of 2 years, except as provided in subparagraph (B). (B) Vacancies.--Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall be appointed only for the remainder of that term. A member may serve after the expiration of that member's term until a successor has taken office. (c) Reports.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 2 years after the date on which the council is established or designated (as the case may be) under subsection (a), and every 2 years thereafter, the council shall submit to the Chair each report adopted by the council during the preceding 2-year period, and any report adopted by any working group of the council during such period, including any such report of the council or a working group containing recommendations on ways to increase the security, reliability, and interoperability of communications networks, and on other relevant issues as appropriate. (2) Availability on commission website.--The Commission shall make each report submitted under paragraph (1) publicly available on the website of the Commission. (d) Duration.--Section 1013(a)(2) of title 5, United States Code (relating to the termination of advisory committees) shall not apply to the council. (e) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Chair.--The term ``Chair'' means the Chair of the Commission. (2) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal Communications Commission. (3) Council.--The term ``council'' means the council established under subsection (a)(1) or the advisory committee designated under subsection (a)(2), as the case may be. (4) Not trusted.-- (A) In general.--The term ``not trusted'' means, with respect to an entity, that-- (i) the Chair has made a public determination that such entity is owned by, controlled by, or subject to the influence of a foreign adversary; or (ii) the Chair otherwise determines that such entity poses a threat to the national security of the United States. (B) Criteria for determination.--In making a determination under subparagraph (A)(ii), the Chair shall use the criteria described in paragraphs (1) through (4) of section 2(c) of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 (47 U.S.C. 1601(c)), as appropriate. (5) State.--The term ``State'' has the meaning given such term in section 3 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 153). &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Science, Technology, Communications", "Broadcasting, cable, digital technologies", "Computer security and identity theft", "Congressional oversight", "Executive agency funding and structure", "Federal Communications Commission (FCC)", "Government studies and investigations", "Internet, web applications, social media", "Public-private cooperation", "State and local government operations", "Telephone and wireless communication" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 9, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": [ { "description": "As ordered reported by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on March 24, 2023\n", "pubDate": "2023-04-17T20:41:00Z", "title": "H.R. 1370, Communications Security Act", "url": "" } ], "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 41 (Friday, March 3, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Ms. SLOTKIN:\nH.R. 1370.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle I, Section 8, Clause 18: To make all Laws which\nshall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the\nforegoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this\nConstitution in the Government of the United States, or in\nany Department or Officer thereof.\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nThis bill provides statutory authority for a council that\nmakes recommendations to the Federal Communications\nCommission regarding ways to increase the security,\nreliability, and interoperability of communications networks.\n[Page H1115]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 1, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 1, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-03", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-24", "actionTime": null, "text": "Ordered to be Reported by the Yeas and Nays: 49 - 0." }, "laws": null, "number": "1370", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Science, Technology, Communications" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "S001208", "district": 7, "firstName": "Elissa", "fullName": "Rep. Slotkin, Elissa [D-MI-7]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Slotkin", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "state": "MI", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 11, "url": "" }, "summaries": null, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Communications Security Act", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:53Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:32:30Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1370", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "W000798", "district": 5, "firstName": "Tim", "fullName": "Rep. Walberg, Tim [R-MI-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Walberg", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MI", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 1, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 1, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1370", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 11 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1370", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "subjects": { "legislativeSubjects": [ { "name": "Broadcasting, cable, digital technologies" }, { "name": "Computer security and identity theft" }, { "name": "Congressional oversight" }, { "name": "Executive agency funding and structure" }, { "name": "Federal Communications Commission (FCC)" }, { "name": "Government studies and investigations" }, { "name": "Internet, web applications, social media" }, { "name": "Public-private cooperation" }, { "name": "State and local government operations" }, { "name": "Telephone and wireless communication" } ], "policyArea": { "name": "Science, Technology, Communications" } } }
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{ "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1370", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "titles": [ { "billTextVersionCode": null, "billTextVersionName": null, "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Communications Security Act", "titleType": "Display Title" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Communications Security Act", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "To direct the Federal Communications Commission to establish a council to make recommendations on ways to increase the security, reliability, and interoperability of communications networks, and for other purposes.", "titleType": "Official Title as Introduced" } ] }
Student Loan Disclosure Transparency Act of 2023
[ [ "S001209", "Rep. Spanberger, Abigail Davis [D-VA-7]", "sponsor" ], [ "W000823", "Rep. Waltz, Michael [R-FL-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001135", "Rep. Chavez-DeRemer, Lori [R-OR-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000292", "Rep. Johnson, Bill [R-OH-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001216", "Rep. Schrier, Kim [D-WA-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001211", "Rep. Stanton, Greg [D-AZ-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000609", "Rep. Rutherford, John H. [R-FL-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000582", "Resident Commissioner González-Colón, Jenniffer [R-PR-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001199", "Rep. Smucker, Lloyd [R-PA-11]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Student Loan Disclosure Transparency Act of </b><strong></strong><b>2023</b></p> <p>This bill requires lenders disbursing federal student loans to disclose additional information to borrowers and increase the frequency of such disclosures.</p> <p>Specifically, prior to disbursement, the lender making a loan must disclose (1) the principal amount, interest rate, and number of required monthly payments to be made on the loan; (2) the estimated balance owed by the borrower; and (3) the estimated aggregate amount the borrower will pay.</p> <p>Prior to repayment, the lender must disclose the projected total of interest charges that the borrower will pay on the loan, as well as projections of the borrower's monthly repayment amount.</p> <p>The bill also requires certain disclosures for the life of the loan. In particular, lenders must disclose information about loans on a monthly, rather than periodic, basis. Lenders must also provide borrowers who are not in a repayment status (e.g., a borrower who is in school or in a deferment period) with a monthly statement. </p> <p>The Department of Education must obtain feedback from borrowers and report on the usefulness and effectiveness of such disclosures.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1371 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1371 To improve Federal student loan disclosures, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Ms. Spanberger (for herself, Mr. Waltz, Mrs. Chavez-DeRemer, Mr. Johnson of Ohio, Ms. Schrier, and Mr. Stanton) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To improve Federal student loan disclosures, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Student Loan Disclosure Transparency Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. REQUIRED DISCLOSURES BEFORE DISBURSEMENT. Section 433(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1083(a)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (18); (2) by striking the period and inserting ``; and'' at the end of paragraph (19); and (3) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(20) a separate written or electronic statement, in simple and understandable terms, showing-- ``(A) for the loan or loans being disbursed-- ``(i) the principal amount of the loan, the stated interest rate on the loan, the number of required monthly payments to be made on the loan (which shall be based on a standard repayment plan or, in the case of a borrower who has selected another repayment plan, on the repayment plan selected by the borrower), and the estimated number of months before the start of the repayment period for the loan (based on the expected date on which the repayment period is to begin or the deferment period under 428B(d)(1) is to end, as applicable); ``(ii) the estimated balance to be owed by the borrower on such loan (including, if applicable, the estimated amount of interest to be capitalized) as of the scheduled date on which the repayment period is to begin or the deferment period under 428B(d)(1) is to end, as applicable, and an estimate of the projected monthly payment; and ``(iii) an estimate of the aggregate amount the borrower will pay for the loan or loans, including the total amount of monthly payments made over the life of the loan plus the amount of any charges for the loan, such as an origination fee; ``(B) for each other loan owed by the borrower to the lender, the information described in clauses (i) through (iii) of subparagraph (A); and ``(C) an estimate of the total cumulative amount the borrower will pay for all loans owed by the borrower to that lender, including the loan being disbursed, as determined by calculating the sum of the estimated aggregate amounts the borrower will pay for each loan in accordance with subparagraphs (A) and (B).''. SEC. 3. DISCLOSURE OF PROJECTED MONTHLY PAYMENT AMOUNTS. Section 433 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1083) is further amended-- (1) in subsection (b), by amending paragraph (9) to read as follows: ``(9) information of interest charges, accrual, and payments, including-- ``(A) the projected total of interest charges which the borrower will pay on the loan or loans, assuming that the borrower makes payments exactly in accordance with the repayment schedule; ``(B) projections of the borrower's monthly repayment amount, assuming interest accrual resulting from capitalization of interest while the borrower, or the student on whose behalf the loan is made, is in school (as applicable), which shall disclose the cost to the borrower of-- ``(i) capitalizing the interest; and ``(ii) paying the interest as the interest accrues; and ``(C) if the borrower has already paid interest on the loan or loans, the amount of interest paid;''; and (2) by striking subsection (d), and redesignating subsections (e) and (f) as subsections (d) and (e), respectively. SEC. 4. REQUIRED MONTHLY DISCLOSURES. Section 433(d) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as so redesignated by section 3 of this Act, is amended-- (1) in the subsection header, by striking ``During Repayment'' and inserting ``for the Life of the Loan''; and (2) by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows: ``(1) Pertinent information about loans provided on a monthly basis.--Each eligible lender shall provide the borrower of one or more loans made, insured, or guaranteed under this part or part D with a written monthly bill or statement (including through electronic means), in simple and understandable terms, of pertinent loan information described in this paragraph that-- ``(A) with respect to a borrower who is in repayment status, shall include a bill that corresponds to each payment installment time period in which a payment is due; ``(B) with respect to a borrower who is not in repayment status, shall be a statement for each month of the period during which the borrower is not required to make a payment to the eligible lender, including while the borrower is in school and during periods of deferment or forbearance; ``(C) shall be provided to the borrower of a loan not more than 30 days after the first disbursement of the loan, and monthly thereafter for the life of the loan; and ``(D) shall include, for all outstanding loans made, insured, or guaranteed under this part or part D by the eligible lender to the borrower-- ``(i) the original principal amount of each of the borrower's loans owed to that lender, and the original principal amount of those loans in the aggregate; ``(ii) the borrower's current balance on each loan and on all loans in the aggregate, as of the time of the bill or statement, as applicable; ``(iii) the interest rate on each loan; ``(iv) the total amount the borrower has paid in interest on each loan and on all loans in the aggregate; ``(v) the amount of interest that has accumulated on each loan and on all loans in the aggregate since the last statement, and the total interest accrued to date on each loan and on all loans in the aggregate during the life of the loans; ``(vi) the aggregate amount the borrower has paid for each loan and all loans in the aggregate, including the amount the borrower has paid in interest, the amount the borrower has paid in fees, and the amount the borrower has paid against the principal; ``(vii) an estimate of the aggregate amount the borrower will pay during the life of the loan for each loan and on all loans in the aggregate, including the total amount of monthly payments made over the life of the loans plus the amount of any charges for the loans, such as origination fees; ``(viii) a description of each fee the borrower has been charged for the most recently preceding installment time period; ``(ix) the date by which the borrower needs to make a payment in order to avoid additional fees and the amount of such payment and the amount of such fees; ``(x) with respect to a borrower who is not in repayment, the estimated balance to be owed by the borrower on each loan and on all loans in the aggregate, and an estimate of the projected monthly payment on each loan and on all loans in the aggregate, on the estimated date the borrower will enter (or re-enter) repayment status; ``(xi) a reminder that the borrower has the option to change repayment plans, a list of the names of the repayment plans available to the borrower, a link to the appropriate page of the Department's website to obtain a more detailed description of the repayment plans, and directions for the borrower to request a change in repayment plan; ``(xii) an explanation-- ``(I) that the borrower has the option to pay the interest that accrues on each loan while the borrower is a student at an institution of higher education or during a period of deferment or forbearance, if applicable; and ``(II) if the borrower does not pay such interest while attending an institution or during a period of deferment or forbearance, any accumulated interest on the loan will be capitalized when the loan goes into repayment, resulting in more interest being paid over the life of the loan; ``(xiii) an explanation that making even small payments of any amount while the borrower is a student at an institution of higher education, or during a period of deferment or forbearance, if applicable, can help to offset interest accrual over the life of the loan; ``(xiv) the lender's or loan servicer's address, toll-free phone number, and website for payment and billing error purposes, including information about how a borrower can make voluntary payments when a loan is not in repayment status; and ``(xv) an explanation to borrowers that loans made under this part of part D have significant protections for borrowers that aren't offered by the private market, including a number of income-driven repayment options, which offer flexible repayments terms and loan forgiveness for struggling borrowers.''. SEC. 5. REPORT TO CONGRESS ON CONSUMER TESTING. Not later than 24 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall-- (1) conduct consumer testing by obtaining feedback from individuals, including borrowers and prospective borrowers of loans under the Higher Education Act of 1965, on the usefulness and effectiveness of disclosing monthly terms of loans under section 433 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended by this Act, to maximize borrowers' understanding of the terms and conditions of such loans; and (2) submit to Congress a report on the results of such consumer testing. SEC. 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. The amendments made by this Act to the Higher Education Act of 1965 shall take effect 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Education" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 41 (Friday, March 3, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Ms. SPANBERGER:\nH.R. 1371.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle I Section 8\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nThis bill requires lenders disbursing federal student loans\nto disclose additional information to borrowers and increase\nthe frequency of such disclosures.\n[Page H1115]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 8, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 8, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-03", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-03", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce." }, "laws": null, "number": "1371", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Education" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "S001209", "district": 7, "firstName": "Abigail", "fullName": "Rep. Spanberger, Abigail Davis [D-VA-7]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Spanberger", "middleName": "Davis", "party": "D", "state": "VA", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Student Loan Disclosure Transparency Act of 2023", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T18:46:09Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T18:46:09Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1371", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-03T14:04:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsed00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1371", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "W000823", "district": 6, "firstName": "Michael", "fullName": "Rep. Waltz, Michael [R-FL-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Waltz", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001135", "district": 5, "firstName": "Lori", "fullName": "Rep. Chavez-DeRemer, Lori [R-OR-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Chavez-DeRemer", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "OR", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "J000292", "district": 6, "firstName": "Bill", "fullName": "Rep. Johnson, Bill [R-OH-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Johnson", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "OH", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001216", "district": 8, "firstName": "Kim", "fullName": "Rep. Schrier, Kim [D-WA-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Schrier", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001211", "district": 4, "firstName": "Greg", "fullName": "Rep. Stanton, Greg [D-AZ-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Stanton", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AZ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000609", "district": 5, "firstName": "John", "fullName": "Rep. Rutherford, John H. [R-FL-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Rutherford", "middleName": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000582", "district": 0, "firstName": "Jenniffer", "fullName": "Resident Commissioner González-Colón, Jenniffer [R-PR-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Gonzalez-Colon", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PR", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001199", "district": 11, "firstName": "Lloyd", "fullName": "Rep. Smucker, Lloyd [R-PA-11]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Smucker", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-02", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 8, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 8, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1371", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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American Patriots of WWII through Service with the Canadian and British Armed Forces Gold Medal Act of 2023
[ [ "S001209", "Rep. Spanberger, Abigail Davis [D-VA-7]", "sponsor" ], [ "K000388", "Rep. Kelly, Trent [R-MS-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000009", "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001068", "Rep. Cohen, Steve [D-TN-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001208", "Rep. Slotkin, Elissa [D-MI-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000193", "Rep. Nunn, Zachary [R-IA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000564", "Rep. Lamborn, Doug [R-CO-5]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>American Patriots of WWII through Service with the Canadian and British Armed Forces Gold Medal Act of 2023</strong></p> <p>This bill provides for the award of a single Congressional Gold Medal to all U.S. nationals who voluntarily joined the Canadian and British Armed Forces and their supporting entities during World War II in recognition of their dedicated service.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1372 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1372 To award a Congressional Gold Medal to all United States nationals who voluntarily joined the Canadian and British Armed Forces and their supporting entities during World War II, in recognition of their dedicated service. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Ms. Spanberger (for herself, Mr. Kelly of Mississippi, Ms. Kaptur, and Mr. Cohen) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committee on House Administration, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To award a Congressional Gold Medal to all United States nationals who voluntarily joined the Canadian and British Armed Forces and their supporting entities during World War II, in recognition of their dedicated service. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``American Patriots of WWII through Service with the Canadian and British Armed Forces Gold Medal Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) Americans from across the country served in defense of democracy and freedom during World War II (WWII) by volunteering for service with the Canadian and British militaries and other associated organizations that were fighting Nazi and Fascist aggression. Many United States citizens perceived the importance of this war and the severe impact Nazism and Fascism could have on the American way of life. Therefore, prior to the United States entry into the conflict and indeed throughout WWII these patriots independently crossed the border into Canada and entered Canadian and British Armed Forces recruiting offices or sought out representatives based in major United States municipalities and elsewhere. (2) When the ``United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'' and the ``British Commonwealth of Nations'' were drawn into WWII after Germany invaded Poland in 1939, the Canadian and British Air Forces made a concerted effort to recruit Americans. (3) It is documented that thousands of Americans joined the Canadian and British Armed Forces, a large percentage joining the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) alone. In a 1942 film Air Marshal William Avery ``Billy'' Bishop, an organizer and promoter of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP) and Director of the Royal Canadian Air Force, recognized the ``gallant lads from the United States who have come up here to help and serve with us''. Notably, many Americans were also recruited and processed through Canada before being assigned to or detached for the purpose of Royal Air Force (RAF) service. (4) General of the Army, Army of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, the former Supreme Allied Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force, referenced, in a speech on January 10, 1946, the ``some twelve thousand American citizens'' who crossed into Canada with the goal of entering the Canadian Armed Forces. Although the precise numbers of Americans who were in Canadian and British service are unknown, media accounts published by Allied journalists during the conflict nonetheless detail their legacies of volunteerism, personal sacrifice, and bravery. (5) Americans also joined the Canadian Aviation Bureau, and the Home Guard, Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA), and Royal Air Force Ferry Command/Transport Command in Britain. The existence of these ancillaries enabled patriotic citizens, who were, at least initially, unable to join a branch of the United States military due to gender, age, race, health, the lack of sufficient college education, or other reasons, to support the war effort. Those who contributed via these alternative concerns were no less essential to attaining victory. (6) The infusion of Americans into Canada helped to reduce shortages of civilian and military pilots in the BCATP, and President Franklin Roosevelt paid tribute to both Canada and the program in a wartime letter to Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King. Within the correspondence President Roosevelt used the phrase ``the Aerodrome of Democracy''. (7) As members of the Canadian and British militaries, the American volunteers served in many capacities. Extant military rolls and individual service records document, and thereby testify to, their contributions. (8) A sizable number of Americans lost their lives or were wounded while serving in the RCAF and RAF. The Canadian Army, British Army, Royal Canadian Navy, and Royal Navy also incurred American personnel casualties. Those who perished and the survivors demonstrated the exceptional courage that has been repeatedly displayed in the defense of freedom throughout American history. (9) A unique and highly publicized group of Americans, who were members of the RCAF and RAF, were posted to the famous RAF Eagle Squadrons and thereby showcased the important roles American volunteers were undertaking. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, whose mother was American, played an important role in originally promoting the concept of the Eagle Squadrons to the Air Ministry. (10) The early successes of female ferry aircrews paved the way for the formation in the United States of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) in 1943. The exceptional legacy of the Women Airforce Service Pilots, ATA, etc., provided essential support and paved the way for future generations of military women. (11) A substantial portion of the Americans serving in Canadian and British aerial forces transferred to the United States Army Air Forces between 1942 and 1944, while others elected to enter other branches of the United States Military. (12) The practical experience these veterans of Canadian and British service possessed provided the inexperienced American Forces with an immediate degree of competence and effectiveness. More than a few became accomplished combat pilots, the American Fighter Aces Association possessing many of them within the organization's core membership. (13) The bravery and foresight displayed by the Americans who enlisted in the Canadian and British Armed Forces represent a largely unrecognized story of valor, and their initiatives are worthy of official recognition. (14) The United States Nationals who volunteered for service with military-associated Canadian and British ancillary entities are to be equally recognized for their volunteerism, contributions, and sacrifices. SEC. 3. CONGRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL. (a) Award Authorized.--The President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall make appropriate arrangements for the award, on behalf of Congress, of a single gold medal of appropriate design to all United States nationals who voluntarily joined the Canadian and British Armed Forces and their supporting entities during World War II, in recognition of their dedicated service. (b) Design and Striking.--For the purposes of the award referred to in subsection (a), the Secretary of the Treasury (referred to in this Act as the ``Secretary'') shall strike the gold medal with suitable emblems, devices, and inscriptions, to be determined by the Secretary. (c) Smithsonian Institution.-- (1) In general.--Following the award of the gold medal under subsection (a), the gold medal shall be given to the Smithsonian Institution, where it will be available for display as appropriate and made available for research. (2) Sense of congress.--It is the sense of Congress that the Smithsonian Institution should make the gold medal received under paragraph (1) available for display elsewhere. (d) Duplicate Medals.--Under regulations that the Secretary may promulgate, the Secretary may strike and sell duplicates in bronze of the gold medal struck under this Act, at a price sufficient to cover the costs of the medals, including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and overhead expenses. SEC. 4. STATUS OF MEDALS. (a) National Medals.--Medals struck under this Act are national medals for purposes of chapter 51 of title 31, United States Code. (b) Numismatic Items.--For purposes of section 5134 of title 31, United States Code, all medals struck under this Act shall be considered to be numismatic items. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Armed Forces and National Security" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 41 (Friday, March 3, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Ms. SPANBERGER:\nH.R. 1372.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nU.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nTo honor the Americans who served in World War II with the\nCanadian and British militaries prior to America's\ndeclaration of war.\n[Page H1115]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 6, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 6, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-03", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-03", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committee on House Administration, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned." }, "laws": null, "number": "1372", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Armed Forces and National Security" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "S001209", "district": 7, "firstName": "Abigail", "fullName": "Rep. Spanberger, Abigail Davis [D-VA-7]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Spanberger", "middleName": "Davis", "party": "D", "state": "VA", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "American Patriots of WWII through Service with the Canadian and British Armed Forces Gold Medal Act of 2023", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:53Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:32:30Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1372", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "K000388", "district": 1, "firstName": "Trent", "fullName": "Rep. Kelly, Trent [R-MS-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Kelly", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MS", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000009", "district": 9, "firstName": "MARCY", "fullName": "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "KAPTUR", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "OH", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001068", "district": 9, "firstName": "Steve", "fullName": "Rep. Cohen, Steve [D-TN-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Cohen", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001208", "district": 7, "firstName": "Elissa", "fullName": "Rep. Slotkin, Elissa [D-MI-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Slotkin", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-25", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "N000193", "district": 3, "firstName": "Zachary", "fullName": "Rep. Nunn, Zachary [R-IA-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Nunn", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-25", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000564", "district": 5, "firstName": "Doug", "fullName": "Rep. Lamborn, Doug [R-CO-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Lamborn", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-22", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CO", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 6, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 6, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1372", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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SAFE Laboratories Act
[ [ "S001192", "Rep. Stewart, Chris [R-UT-2]", "sponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1373 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1373 To prohibit any head of a Federal agency from providing assistance to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other laboratories in certain other foreign nations. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Stewart introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To prohibit any head of a Federal agency from providing assistance to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other laboratories in certain other foreign nations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Stop Adversarial Funding Expenditures for Laboratories Act'' or the ``SAFE Laboratories Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON ASSISTANCE TO WUHAN INSTITUTE OF VIROLOGY AND OTHER FOREIGN LABORATORIES. No head of a Federal agency may provide assistance, directly or indirectly, to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, or any other laboratory located in a country determined by the Secretary of State to be a foreign adversary, including China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "International Affairs" ]
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Ending COVID Vaccine Mandates for Colleges and Universities Act
[ [ "T000478", "Rep. Tenney, Claudia [R-NY-24]", "sponsor" ], [ "L000578", "Rep. LaMalfa, Doug [R-CA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000564", "Rep. Lamborn, Doug [R-CO-5]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Ending COVID Vaccine Mandates for Colleges and Universities Act</b></p> <p>This bill prohibits an institution of higher education (IHE) from receiving federal funds or participating in federal higher education programs if the IHE imposes a COVID-19 vaccine mandate. <i>COVID-19 vaccine mandate</i> means any requirement that an individual receive an immunization that is intended to prevent or mitigate COVID-19 as a condition of that individual's admission to, enrollment in, attendance at, or employment at an IHE.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1374 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1374 To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to prohibit the imposition of COVID-19 vaccine mandates by institutions of higher education, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Ms. Tenney (for herself, Mr. LaMalfa, and Mr. Lamborn) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to prohibit the imposition of COVID-19 vaccine mandates by institutions of higher education, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ending COVID Vaccine Mandates for Colleges and Universities Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON COVID-19 VACCINE MANDATES. Part B of title I of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1011 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. 124. PROHIBITION ON COVID-19 VACCINE MANDATES. ``(a) Prohibition.--An institution of higher education that imposes a COVID-19 vaccine mandate shall be ineligible to receive funds or otherwise participate in programs under this Act for the duration of the period during which such mandate is in effect. ``(b) COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Defined.--In this section, the term `COVID-19 vaccine mandate' means any requirement that an individual receive an immunization that is intended to prevent or mitigate COVID- 19 as a condition of that individual's admission to, enrollment in, or attendance or employment at an institution of higher education.''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Education" ]
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[ [ "T000483", "Rep. Trone, David J. [D-MD-6]", "sponsor" ], [ "M001204", "Rep. Meuser, Daniel [R-PA-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000382", "Rep. Kuster, Ann M. [D-NH-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000380", "Rep. Kildee, Daniel T. [D-MI-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001090", "Rep. Harder, Josh [D-CA-9]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1375 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1375 To allow the Secretary of Health and Human Services to deny approval of a new drug application for an opioid analgesic drug on the basis of such drug not being clinically superior to other commercially available drugs. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Trone (for himself and Mr. Meuser) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To allow the Secretary of Health and Human Services to deny approval of a new drug application for an opioid analgesic drug on the basis of such drug not being clinically superior to other commercially available drugs. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring the FDA Fully Examines Clinical Trial Impact and Vitalness before Endorsement Act'' or the ``EFFECTIVE Act''. SEC. 2. REQUIREMENT FOR APPROVAL OF NEW OPIOID ANALGESICS. Section 505(c) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355(c)) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(6) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the Secretary may deny approval of an application submitted under subsection (b) for an opioid analgesic drug if the Secretary determines that such drug does not provide a significant advantage, in terms of greater safety or effectiveness, compared to an appropriate comparator drug, as determined by the Secretary.''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Health" ]
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COVID–19 Origin Act of 2023
[ [ "T000463", "Rep. Turner, Michael R. [R-OH-10]", "sponsor" ], [ "W000815", "Rep. Wenstrup, Brad R. [R-OH-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001192", "Rep. Stewart, Chris [R-UT-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001087", "Rep. Crawford, Eric A. \"Rick\" [R-AR-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001196", "Rep. Stefanik, Elise M. [R-NY-21]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000388", "Rep. Kelly, Trent [R-MS-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000585", "Rep. LaHood, Darin [R-IL-16]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000466", "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000579", "Rep. Gallagher, Mike [R-WI-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001189", "Rep. Scott, Austin [R-GA-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001072", "Rep. Hill, J. French [R-AR-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001120", "Rep. Crenshaw, Dan [R-TX-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000823", "Rep. Waltz, Michael [R-FL-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000061", "Rep. Garcia, Mike [R-CA-27]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1376 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1376 To require the Director of National Intelligence to declassify information relating to the origin of COVID-19, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Turner (for himself, Mr. Wenstrup, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Crawford, Ms. Stefanik, Mr. Kelly of Mississippi, Mr. LaHood, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Gallagher, Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia, Mr. Hill, Mr. Crenshaw, Mr. Waltz, and Mr. Mike Garcia of California) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and in addition to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require the Director of National Intelligence to declassify information relating to the origin of COVID-19, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that-- (1) identifying the origin of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is critical for preventing a similar pandemic from occurring in the future; (2) there is reason to believe the COVID-19 pandemic may have originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology; and (3) the Director of National Intelligence should declassify and make available to the public as much information as possible about the origin of COVID-19 so the United States and like-minded countries can-- (A) identify the origin of COVID-19 as expeditiously as possible; and (B) use that information to take all appropriate measures to prevent a similar pandemic from occurring again. SEC. 3. DECLASSIFICATION OF INFORMATION RELATED TO THE ORIGIN OF COVID- 19. Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Director of National Intelligence shall-- (1) declassify any and all information relating to potential links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origin of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), including-- (A) activities performed by the Wuhan Institute of Virology with or on behalf of the People's Liberation Army; (B) coronavirus research or other related activities performed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology prior to the outbreak of COVID-19; and (C) researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology who fell ill in autumn 2019, including for any such researcher-- (i) the researcher's name; (ii) the researcher's symptoms; (iii) the date of the onset of the researcher's symptoms; (iv) the researcher's role at the Wuhan Institute of Virology; (v) whether the researcher was involved with or exposed to coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology; (vi) whether the researcher visited a hospital while they were ill; and (vii) a description of any other actions taken by the researcher that may suggest they were experiencing a serious illness at the time; and (2) submit to Congress an unclassified report that contains-- (A) all of the information described under paragraph (1); and (B) only such redactions as the Director determines necessary to protect sources and methods. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Asia", "Cardiovascular and respiratory health", "China", "Congressional oversight", "Director of National Intelligence", "Government studies and investigations", "Infectious and parasitic diseases", "Intelligence activities, surveillance, classified information" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 12, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": [ { "description": "As ordered reported by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 7, 2023\n", "pubDate": "2023-03-09T18:03:00Z", "title": "H.R. 1376, COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023", "url": "" } ], "committeeReports": [ { "citation": "H. Rept. 118-32", "url": "" } ], "committees": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 41 (Friday, March 3, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. TURNER:\nH.R. 1376.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle 1, Section 8\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nTo require the Director of National Intelligence to\ndeclassify information relating to the origin of COVID-19\n[Page H1115]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 13, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 13, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-03", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-30", "actionTime": null, "text": "Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 20." }, "laws": null, "number": "1376", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Armed Forces and National Security" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "T000463", "district": 10, "firstName": "Michael", "fullName": "Rep. Turner, Michael R. [R-OH-10]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Turner", "middleName": "R.", "party": "R", "state": "OH", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 9, "url": "" }, "summaries": null, "textVersions": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "title": "COVID–19 Origin Act of 2023", "titles": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:54Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:54Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1376", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Promoting United States Wireless Leadership Act of 2023
[ [ "W000798", "Rep. Walberg, Tim [R-MI-5]", "sponsor" ], [ "D000624", "Rep. Dingell, Debbie [D-MI-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000292", "Rep. Johnson, Bill [R-OH-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000382", "Rep. Kuster, Ann M. [D-NH-2]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Promoting United States Wireless Leadership Act of 2023</b></p> <p>This bill requires the Department of Commerce to assist trusted companies (i.e., companies determined to pose no national security threat) and relevant stakeholders with participation in organizations that set standards for telecommunications, wireless devices, and related equipment.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1377 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1377 To direct the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information to take certain actions to enhance the representation of the United States and promote United States leadership in communications standards-setting bodies, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 3, 2023 Mr. Walberg (for himself, Mrs. Dingell, Mr. Johnson of Ohio, and Ms. Kuster) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To direct the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information to take certain actions to enhance the representation of the United States and promote United States leadership in communications standards-setting bodies, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Promoting United States Wireless Leadership Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. REPRESENTATION AND LEADERSHIP OF UNITED STATES IN COMMUNICATIONS STANDARDS-SETTING BODIES. (a) In General.--In order to enhance the representation of the United States and promote United States leadership in standards-setting bodies that set standards for 5G networks and for future generations of wireless communications networks, the Assistant Secretary shall, in consultation with the National Institute of Standards and Technology-- (1) equitably encourage participation by companies and a wide variety of relevant stakeholders, but not including any company or relevant stakeholder that the Assistant Secretary has determined to be not trusted, (to the extent such standards-setting bodies allow such stakeholders to participate) in such standards-setting bodies; and (2) equitably offer technical expertise to companies and a wide variety of relevant stakeholders, but not including any company or relevant stakeholder that the Assistant Secretary has determined to be not trusted, (to the extent such standards-setting bodies allow such stakeholders to participate) to facilitate such participation. (b) Standards-Setting Bodies.--The standards-setting bodies referred to in subsection (a) include-- (1) the International Organization for Standardization; (2) the voluntary standards-setting bodies that develop protocols for wireless devices and other equipment, such as the 3GPP and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; and (3) any standards-setting body accredited by the American National Standards Institute or Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions. (c) Briefing.--Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Assistant Secretary shall brief the Committees on Energy and Commerce and Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committees on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and Foreign Relations of the Senate on a strategy to carry out subsection (a). (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) 3GPP.--The term ``3GPP'' means the 3rd Generation Partnership Project. (2) 5G network.--The term ``5G network'' means a fifth- generation mobile network as described by 3GPP Release 15 or higher. (3) Assistant secretary.--The term ``Assistant Secretary'' means the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information. (4) Cloud computing.--The term ``cloud computing'' has the meaning given the term in Special Publication 800-145 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, entitled ``The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing'', published in September 2011, or any successor publication. (5) Communications network.--The term ``communications network'' means any of the following: (A) A system enabling the transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user's choosing. (B) Cloud computing resources. (C) A network or system used to access cloud computing resources. (6) Not trusted.--The term ``not trusted'' means, with respect to a company or stakeholder, that the company or stakeholder is determined by the Assistant Secretary to pose a threat to the national security of the United States. In making such a determination, the Assistant Secretary shall rely solely on one or more of the following determinations: (A) A specific determination made by any executive branch interagency body with appropriate national security expertise, including the Federal Acquisition Security Council established under section 1322(a) of title 41, United States Code. (B) A specific determination made by the Department of Commerce pursuant to Executive Order No. 13873 (84 Fed. Reg. 22689; relating to securing the information and communications technology and services supply chain). (C) Whether a company or stakeholder produces or provides covered telecommunications equipment or services, as defined in section 889(f)(3) of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (Public Law 115-232; 132 Stat. 1918). &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Science, Technology, Communications", "Congressional oversight", "International organizations and cooperation", "Public-private cooperation", "Technology assessment", "Telephone and wireless communication" ]
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Veterans’ Appeals Backlog Improvement Act
[ [ "C001133", "Rep. Ciscomani, Juan [R-AZ-6]", "sponsor" ], [ "M001220", "Rep. McGarvey, Morgan [D-KY-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001215", "Rep. Miller-Meeks, Mariannette [R-IA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000399", "Rep. Kiggans, Jennifer A [R-VA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001315", "Rep. Budzinski, Nikki [D-IL-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001127", "Rep. Cherfilus-McCormick, Sheila [D-FL-20]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1378 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1378 To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish an internship program within the Board of Veterans' Appeals, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Ciscomani (for himself, Mr. McGarvey, Mrs. Miller-Meeks, Mrs. Kiggans of Virginia, and Ms. Budzinski) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish an internship program within the Board of Veterans' Appeals, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans' Appeals Backlog Improvement Act''. SEC. 2. BOARD OF VETERANS' APPEALS INTERNSHIP PROGRAM. (a) In General.--Chapter 71 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new section: ``Sec. 7114. Internship program ``The Secretary shall establish a competitive internship program within the Department for the purpose of providing an opportunity for high-achieving students at law schools accredited by the American Bar Association to gain experience with the Board.''. (b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 71 of such title is amended by adding at the end the following new item: ``7114. Internship program.''. (c) Deadline.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall establish the internship program required by section 7114 of such title, as added by subsection (a), not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act. SEC. 3. PILOT PROGRAM ON ESTABLISHMENT OF DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS HONORS PROGRAM. (a) Establishment.--Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall establish a nine-year pilot program under which the Secretary shall carry out a competitive honors program within the Department of Veterans Affairs for the purpose of recruiting high-achieving law school students, recent law school graduates, and entry-level attorneys for employment with the Department. (b) Qualifications.--To be eligible to participate in the competitive honors program under the pilot program, an individual shall have graduated from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association and shall be a member in good standing of the bar of a state, territory, or the District of Columbia. The Secretary shall give priority consideration in application for the honors program to individuals who successfully complete the internship program established under section 7114 of title 38, United States Code, as added by section 2(a). (c) Student Loan Repayment Benefits.-- (1) In general.--Subject to an agreement under paragraph (2), the Secretary shall provide student loan repayment benefits under section 5379 of title 5, United States Code, to each participant in the pilot program who is eligible for student loan repayment benefits under such section. (2) Participant agreement.--The Secretary shall enter into an agreement with each participant in the pilot program who will receive benefits described in paragraph (1), in accordance with such section. Each such agreement shall specify that-- (A) the participant agrees to remain in the service of the Department for a period of not less than three years, unless involuntarily separated, in accordance with subsection (c) of such section; and (B) if separated involuntarily on account of misconduct, or voluntarily, before the end of the period specified in the agreement, the participant shall repay to the Government the amount of any benefits received by the individual from the Department in accordance with subsection (c) of such section 5379. (d) Professional Development Activities.-- (1) Assignment of mentors.--Not later than 90 days after the date on which an individual begins participating in the pilot program established under subsection (a), the Secretary shall assign the participant a mentor who is an employee of the Department who is-- (A) to the extent practicable, a managerial employee; and (B) outside the participant's chain of command. (2) Assignments to office of general counsel.--The Secretary shall provide each participant in the pilot program at least one assignment within the Office of General Counsel of the Department that includes full-time legal responsibilities in order to further the professional development of the participant. Such assignment shall be for a period of not less than 120 days and not more than 180 days, or longer at the discretion of the Secretary. (3) Other rotational assignments.--The Secretary may provide a participant in the pilot program one or more other short-term rotational assignments. Such an assignment shall be for a period of not less than 30 days and not more than 180 days, at the discretion of the Secretary. (e) Periodic Reports.-- (1) Reports required.--Not later than three years after the date on which the Secretary first accepts a participant into the competitive honors program carried out under the pilot program, and not less frequently than once every three years thereafter for the duration of the pilot program, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the findings of the Secretary with respect to the pilot program. (2) Contents.--Each report submitted under paragraph (1) shall include the following: (A) The findings of the Secretary with respect to the feasibility and advisability of establishing a permanent competitive honors program within the Department. (B) Such recommendations as the Secretary may have for legislative or administrative action to improve recruitment and retention of staff at the Department. SEC. 4. REPORT ON IMPROVING ACCESS TO BOARD OF VETERANS' APPEALS TELEHEARINGS. (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on improving access to hearings before the Board of Veterans' Appeals held by picture and voice transmission. (b) Contents.--The report required by subsection (a) shall include the following: (1) Recommendations on the feasibility and advisability of reimbursing veterans for expenses incurred for travel from the home of a veteran to the location at which a hearing before the Board of Veterans' Appeals is held by picture and voice transmission, if the Secretary determines that travel to such location is reasonably necessary for such a hearing. (2) Recommendations on establishment of pilot programs to assess the feasibility and advisability of using other methods that could improve veteran access to hearings before the Board of Veterans' Appeals held by picture and voice transmission from a veteran's home. (3) Such other recommendations to improve access to hearings before the Board of Veterans' Appeals held by picture and voice transmission as the Secretary may receive from stakeholders. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Armed Forces and National Security" ]
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Access to Small Business Investor Capital Act
[ [ "S000344", "Rep. Sherman, Brad [D-CA-32]", "sponsor" ], [ "H001058", "Rep. Huizenga, Bill [R-MI-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000194", "Rep. Nickel, Wiley [D-NC-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001296", "Rep. Boyle, Brendan F. [D-PA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001188", "Rep. Meng, Grace [D-NY-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001213", "Rep. Steil, Bryan [R-WI-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000148", "Rep. Auchincloss, Jake [D-MA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001157", "Rep. Scott, David [D-GA-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001047", "Rep. Himes, James A. [D-CT-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000620", "Rep. Pettersen, Brittany [D-CO-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001117", "Rep. Casten, Sean [D-IL-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000081", "Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M. [D-NY-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000581", "Rep. Gonzalez, Vicente [D-TX-34]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000397", "Rep. Kim, Young [R-CA-40]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000193", "Rep. Nunn, Zachary [R-IA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000569", "Rep. Luetkemeyer, Blaine [R-MO-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000812", "Rep. Wagner, Ann [R-MO-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000474", "Rep. Flood, Mike [R-NE-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000032", "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001282", "Rep. Barr, Andy [R-KY-6]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Access to Small Business Investor Capital Act </strong></p> <p>This bill allows a registered investment company to exclude from the calculation of acquired fund fees and expenses those incurred indirectly from investment in a business development company. Instead, such fees and expenses may be disclosed in a footnote. <em>Acquired fund fees and expenses</em> is a required line item on a fund's fee schedule that provides the operating expenses of the fund.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1379 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1379 To permit a registered investment company to omit certain fees from the calculation of Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Sherman (for himself and Mr. Huizenga) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To permit a registered investment company to omit certain fees from the calculation of Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Access to Small Business Investor Capital Act''. SEC. 2. AMENDMENTS TO ACQUIRED FUND FEES AND EXPENSES REPORTING ON INVESTMENT COMPANY REGISTRATION STATEMENTS. (a) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Acquired fund.--The term ``Acquired Fund'' has the meaning given the term in Forms N-1A, N-2, and N-3. (2) Acquired fund fees and expenses.--The term ``Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses'' means the Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses sub-caption in the Fee Table Disclosure. (3) Business development company.--The term ``business development company'' has the meaning given the term in section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a- 2(a)). (4) Fee table disclosure.--The term ``Fee Table Disclosure'' means the fee table described in Item 3 of Form N- 1A, Item 3 of Form N-2, or Item 4 of Form N-3 (as applicable, and with respect to each, in any successor fee table disclosure that the Securities and Exchange Commission adopts). (5) Form n-1a.--The term ``Form N-1A'' means the form described in section 274.11A of title 17, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulation. (6) Form n-2.--The term ``Form N-2'' means the form described in section 274.11a-1 of title 17, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulation. (7) Form n-3.--The term ``Form N-3'' means the form described in section 274.11b of title 17, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulation. (8) Registered investment company.--The term ``registered investment company'' means an investment company, as defined under section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under such Act. (b) Excluding Business Development Companies From Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses.--A registered investment company may, on any investment company registration statement filed pursuant to section 8(b) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-8(b))-- (1) omit from the calculation of Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses those fees and expenses that the investment company incurred indirectly as a result of investment in shares of one or more Acquired Funds that is a business development company; and (2) instead disclose in a footnote to the Fee Table Disclosure those fees and expenses that paragraph (1) describes, calculated according to the Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses formula. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Finance and Financial Sector" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "H001058", "district": 4, "firstName": "Bill", "fullName": "Rep. Huizenga, Bill [R-MI-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Huizenga", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "N000194", "district": 13, "firstName": "Wiley", "fullName": "Rep. Nickel, Wiley [D-NC-13]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Nickel", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-22", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001296", "district": 2, "firstName": "Brendan", "fullName": "Rep. Boyle, Brendan F. [D-PA-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Boyle", "middleName": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-24", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001188", "district": 6, "firstName": "Grace", "fullName": "Rep. Meng, Grace [D-NY-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Meng", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-24", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001213", "district": 1, "firstName": "Bryan", "fullName": "Rep. Steil, Bryan [R-WI-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Steil", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-24", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "A000148", "district": 4, "firstName": "Jake", "fullName": "Rep. Auchincloss, Jake [D-MA-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Auchincloss", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-30", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001157", "district": 13, "firstName": "David", "fullName": "Rep. 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Private Student Loan Bankruptcy Fairness Act of 2023
[ [ "C001068", "Rep. Cohen, Steve [D-TN-9]", "sponsor" ], [ "D000096", "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001193", "Rep. Swalwell, Eric [D-CA-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001285", "Rep. Brownley, Julia [D-CA-26]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000389", "Rep. Khanna, Ro [D-CA-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001160", "Rep. Moore, Gwen [D-WI-4]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Private Student Loan Bankruptcy Fairness Act of 2023 </b></p> <p>This bill modifies the treatment of certain student loans in bankruptcy.</p> <p>Specifically, it allows&nbsp;private student loans to be discharged in bankruptcy&nbsp;regardless of whether&nbsp;a debtor&nbsp;demonstrates&nbsp;undue hardship.&nbsp;Under current law,&nbsp;student loans may be discharged in bankruptcy only if the loans impose an undue hardship on the debtor.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 138 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 138 To amend title 11 of the United States Code to modify the dischargeability of debts for certain educational payments and loans. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES January 9, 2023 Mr. Cohen (for himself, Mr. Davis of Illinois, Mr. Swalwell, Ms. Brownley, and Mr. Khanna) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend title 11 of the United States Code to modify the dischargeability of debts for certain educational payments and loans. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Private Student Loan Bankruptcy Fairness Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. EXCEPTIONS TO DISCHARGE. Section 523(a)(8) of title 11, United States Code, is amended-- (1) by striking subparagraph (B); and (2) in subparagraph (A)-- (A) in clause (i)-- (i) by striking ``(i)''; and (ii) by inserting ``any program for which substantially all of the funds are provided by a'' after ``unit or''; and (B) in clause (ii)-- (i) by striking ``(ii)'' and inserting ``(B)''; and (ii) by striking ``or'' at the end. SEC. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE; APPLICATION OF AMENDMENTS. (a) Effective Date.--Except as provided in subsection (b), this Act and the amendments made by this Act shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act. (b) Application of Amendments.--The amendments made by this Act shall apply only with respect to cases commenced under title 11 of the United States Code on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Finance and Financial Sector", "Bankruptcy", "Higher education", "Student aid and college costs" ]
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Protecting America’s Rock Climbing Act
[ [ "C001114", "Rep. Curtis, John R. [R-UT-3]", "sponsor" ], [ "N000191", "Rep. Neguse, Joe [D-CO-2]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Protecting America's Rock Climbing Act</strong></p> <p>This bill requires the Department of Agriculture and the Department of the Interior to issue guidance on managing recreational climbing in designated wilderness areas.</p> <p>Specifically, such departments must issue guidance not later than 18 months after this bill's enactment. </p> <p>No significant management action may be taken without notice to the public and an opportunity to comment on the proposed action, with an exception for limited emergency action (time sensitive action necessary to protect natural resources or public health and safety).</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1380 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1380 To require the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to issue guidance on climbing management in designated wilderness areas, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Curtis (for himself and Mr. Neguse) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, and in addition to the Committee on Agriculture, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to issue guidance on climbing management in designated wilderness areas, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Protecting America's Rock Climbing Act''. SEC. 2. GUIDANCE ON CLIMBING MANAGEMENT IN DESIGNATED WILDERNESS AREAS. (a) Climbing Guidance Required.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary concerned shall issue guidance on climbing management in designated wilderness areas that recognizes the appropriateness of the allowable activities described in paragraph (2) in such areas, if the allowable activities are undertaken in accordance with-- (A) the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.); (B) other applicable laws (including regulations); and (C) any terms and conditions that are determined to be necessary by the Secretary concerned. (2) Allowable activities.--The allowable activities referred to in paragraph (1) are-- (A) recreational climbing; (B) the placement, use, and maintenance of fixed anchors; and (C) the use of other equipment necessary for recreational climbing. (b) Public Notice and Comment.-- (1) Requirement.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), prior to taking any significant management action affecting the allowable activities described in subsection (a)(2) on the land described in subsection (c)(1)(B), the Secretary concerned shall provide the public with notice and an opportunity to comment on the proposed action. (2) Exception with respect to emergency actions.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply to an emergency action that has a duration of less than 2 years. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Designated wilderness area.--The term ``designated wilderness area'' means an area-- (A) designated as a wilderness area pursuant to the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.); and (B) located in-- (i) National Forest System lands; or (ii) lands under the administrative jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior. (2) Emergency action.--The term ``emergency action'' means a time sensitive action necessary to protect natural resources or public health and safety. (3) Secretary concerned.--The term ``Secretary concerned'' means-- (A) the Secretary of Agriculture, with respect to National Forest System lands; and (B) the Secretary of the Interior, with respect to lands under the administrative jurisdiction of such Secretary. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Public Lands and Natural Resources", "Land use and conservation", "Outdoor recreation", "Wilderness and natural areas, wildlife refuges, wild rivers, habitats" ]
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American Dream Employment Act of 2023
[ [ "A000371", "Rep. Aguilar, Pete [D-CA-33]", "sponsor" ], [ "S001211", "Rep. Stanton, Greg [D-AZ-4]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1381 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1381 To provide that individuals who are beneficiaries of deferred action, deferred enforced departure, or temporary protected status shall be treated in the same manner as citizens of the United States for purposes of determining the eligibility of such individuals to serve as officers or employees of Congress. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Aguilar (for himself and Mr. Stanton) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on House Administration _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To provide that individuals who are beneficiaries of deferred action, deferred enforced departure, or temporary protected status shall be treated in the same manner as citizens of the United States for purposes of determining the eligibility of such individuals to serve as officers or employees of Congress. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``American Dream Employment Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. ELIGIBILITY OF BENEFICIARIES OF DEFERRED ACTION OR TEMPORARY PROTECTED STATUS FOR EMPLOYMENT IN CONGRESS. (a) Treatment in Same Manner as Citizens of United States.--For purposes of determining the eligibility of an individual described in subsection (b) to serve as an officer or employee of an office of Congress, the individual shall be treated in the same manner as an individual who is a citizen of the United States. (b) Individuals Described.--An individual described in this subsection is an individual-- (1) who has been issued an employment authorization document under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program of the Secretary of Homeland Security, established pursuant to the memorandum from the Secretary of Homeland Security entitled ``Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion with Respect to Individuals Who Came to the United States as Children'', dated June 15, 2012, or pursuant to the rule of the Department of Homeland Security entitled ``Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals'' (87 Fed. Reg. 53152); (2) whose employment is authorized pursuant to a grant of deferred enforced departure; or (3) who has temporary protected status under section 244 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S. 1254a). (c) Effective Date.--This section shall apply with respect to fiscal year 2024 and each succeeding fiscal year. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Immigration" ]
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TABS Act of 2023
[ [ "B001282", "Rep. Barr, Andy [R-KY-6]", "sponsor" ], [ "K000397", "Rep. Kim, Young [R-CA-40]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000032", "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000626", "Rep. Davidson, Warren [R-OH-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000816", "Rep. Williams, Roger [R-TX-25]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001195", "Rep. Mooney, Alexander X. [R-WV-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000474", "Rep. Flood, Mike [R-NE-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001072", "Rep. Hill, J. French [R-AR-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000294", "Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001204", "Rep. Meuser, Daniel [R-PA-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001213", "Rep. Steil, Bryan [R-WI-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000471", "Rep. Fitzgerald, Scott [R-WI-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000583", "Rep. Loudermilk, Barry [R-GA-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001093", "Rep. Houchin, Erin [R-IN-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000569", "Rep. Luetkemeyer, Blaine [R-MO-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000812", "Rep. Wagner, Ann [R-MO-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000599", "Rep. Lawler, Michael [R-NY-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000594", "Rep. De La Cruz, Monica [R-TX-15]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000480", "Rep. Timmons, William R. IV [R-SC-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000599", "Rep. Posey, Bill [R-FL-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000190", "Rep. Norman, Ralph [R-SC-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000372", "Rep. Allen, Rick W. [R-GA-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001291", "Rep. Babin, Brian [R-TX-36]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000134", "Rep. Van Duyne, Beth [R-TX-24]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000298", "Rep. Estes, Ron [R-KS-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000612", "Rep. Rose, John W. [R-TN-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001116", "Rep. Clyde, Andrew S. [R-GA-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000597", "Rep. Garbarino, Andrew R. [R-NY-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "Y000067", "Rep. Yakym, Rudy [R-IN-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000475", "Rep. Finstad, Brad [R-MN-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000379", "Rep. Alford, Mark [R-MO-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000193", "Rep. Nunn, Zachary [R-IA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000579", "Rep. Gallagher, Mike [R-WI-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000568", "Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan [R-VA-9]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Taking Account of Bureaucrats' Spending Act of 2023 or the TABS Act of 2023 </b></p> <p>This bill restructures the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and renames it as the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency. The new agency is established as an independent agency outside of the Federal Reserve System. </p> <p>The bill also changes the funding structure of the agency by prohibiting the transfer of funds to the agency from the Federal Reserve System and by authorizing appropriations for FY2024-2025.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1382 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1382 To change the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection into an independent agency named the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency, to transition the Agency to the regular appropriations process, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Barr (for himself, Mrs. Kim of California, Mr. Donalds, Mr. Davidson, Mr. Williams of Texas, Mr. Mooney, Mr. Flood, Mr. Hill, Mr. Emmer, Mr. Meuser, Mr. Steil, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Loudermilk, Mrs. Houchin, Mr. Luetkemeyer, Mrs. Wagner, Mr. Lawler, Ms. De La Cruz, Mr. Timmons, and Mr. Posey) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To change the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection into an independent agency named the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency, to transition the Agency to the regular appropriations process, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Taking Account of Bureaucrats' Spending Act of 2023'' or the ``TABS Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. CONSUMER FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT AGENCY. (a) Making the Bureau an Independent Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency.--The Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 (12 U.S.C. 5481 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 1011-- (A) in the heading of such section, by striking ``bureau of consumer financial protection'' and inserting ``consumer financial empowerment agency''; (B) in subsection (a)-- (i) in the heading of such subsection, by striking ``Bureau'' and inserting ``Agency''; (ii) by striking ``in the Federal Reserve System,''; (iii) by striking ``independent bureau'' and inserting ``independent agency''; and (iv) by striking ```Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection''' and inserting ```Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency' (hereinafter in this section referred to as the `Agency')''; (C) in subsection (b)(5), by amending subparagraph (A) to read as follows: ``(A) shall be appointed by the President; and''; (D) in subsection (c), by striking paragraph (3); (E) in subsection (e), by striking ``, including in cities in which the Federal reserve banks, or branches of such banks, are located,''; and (F) by striking ``Bureau'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Agency''; and (2) in section 1012-- (A) in subsection (a)(10), by striking ``examinations,''; and (B) by striking subsection (c). (b) Deeming of Name.--Any reference in a law, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection shall be deemed a reference to the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency. (c) Conforming Amendments.-- (1) Dodd-frank wall street reform and consumer protection act.--The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (12 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) is amended-- (A) in the table of contents in section 1(b)-- (i) by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; and (ii) in the table of contents relating to title X, in the items relating to subtitle B, subtitle C, and section 1027, by striking ``Bureau'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Agency''; (B) in section 2, by amending paragraph (4) to read as follows: ``(4) Agency.--The term `Agency' means the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency established under title X.''; (C) in section 342 by striking ``Bureau'' each place such term appears in headings and text and inserting ``Agency''; (D) in section 1400(b)-- (i) by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; and (ii) in the subsection heading, by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; (E) in section 1411(a)(1), by striking ``Bureau'' and inserting ``Agency''; and (F) in section 1447, by striking ``Director of the Bureau'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Director of the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''. (2) Alternative mortgage transaction parity act of 1982.-- The Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act of 1982 (12 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.) is amended-- (A) by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; and (B) in the subsection heading of subsection (d) of section 804 (12 U.S.C. 3803(d)), by striking ``Bureau'' and inserting ``Agency''. (3) Electronic fund transfer act.--The Electronic Fund Transfer Act (15 U.S.C. 1693 et seq.) is amended-- (A) by amending the second paragraph (4) (defining the term ``Bureau'') to read as follows: ``(4) the term `Agency' means the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency;''; (B) in section 916(d)(1), by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; and (C) by striking ``Bureau'' each place that term appears in heading or text and inserting ``Agency''. (4) Equal credit opportunity act.--The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (15 U.S.C. 1691 et seq.) is amended-- (A) in section 702 (15 U.S.C. 1691a), by amending subsection (c) to read as follows: ``(c) The term `Agency' means the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency.''; and (B) by striking ``Bureau'' each place that term appears in heading or text and inserting ``Agency''. (5) Expedited funds availability act.--The Expedited Funds Availability Act (12 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.) is amended-- (A) by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; and (B) in the heading of section 605(f)(1), by striking ``board and bureau'' and inserting ``Board and agency''. (6) Fair and accurate credit transactions act of 2003.--The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-159) is amended by striking ``Bureau'' each place such term appears in heading and text and inserting ``Agency''. (7) Fair credit reporting act.--The Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.) is amended-- (A) by amending section 603(w) to read as follows: ``(w) Agency.--The term `Agency' means the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency.''; and (B) by striking ``Bureau'' each place such term appears, other than in sections 626 and 603(v), and inserting ``Agency''. (8) Fair debt collection practices act.--The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. 1692 et seq.) is amended-- (A) by amending section 803(1) to read as follows: ``(1) The term `Agency' means the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency.''; and (B) by striking ``Bureau'' each place such term appears in heading or text and inserting ``Agency''. (9) Federal deposit insurance act.--The Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1811 et seq.) is amended-- (A) in the second paragraph (6) (with the heading ``Referral to bureau of consumer financial protection'') of section 8(t) (12 U.S.C. 1818(t))-- (i) in the paragraph heading, by striking ``bureau of consumer financial protection''; and inserting ``Consumer financial empowerment agency''; and (ii) by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; (B) by amending clause (vi) of section 11(t)(2)(A) (12 U.S.C. 1821(t)(2)(A)(vi)) to read as follows: ``(vi) The Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency.''; (C) in section 18(x) (12 U.S.C. 1828(x)), by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; (D) by striking ``Bureau'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Agency''; and (E) in section 43(e) (12 U.S.C. 1831t(e)), by amending paragraph (5) to read as follows: ``(5) Agency.--The term `Agency' means the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency.''. (10) Federal financial institutions examination council act of 1978.--The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Act of 1978 (12 U.S.C. 3301 et seq.) is amended-- (A) in section 1004(a)(4), by striking ``Consumer Financial Protection Bureau'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; and (B) in section 1011, by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''. (11) Financial institutions reform, recovery, and enforcement act of 1989.--The Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (Public Law 101-73; 103 Stat. 183) is amended-- (A) in section 1112(b) (12 U.S.C. 3341), by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; (B) in section 1124 (12 U.S.C. 3353), by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; (C) in section 1125 (12 U.S.C. 3354), by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; and (D) in section 1206(a) (12 U.S.C. 1833b(a)), by striking ``Federal Housing Finance Board'' and all that follows through ``Farm Credit Administration'' and inserting ``Federal Housing Finance Agency, the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency, and the Farm Credit Administration''. (12) Financial literacy and education improvement act.-- Section 513 of the Financial Literacy and Education Improvement Act (20 U.S.C. 9702) is amended by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''. (13) Gramm-leach-bliley act.--Title V of the Gramm-Leach- Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. 6801 et seq.) is amended-- (A) by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; and (B) in section 505(a)(8) (15 U.S.C. 6805(a)(8)), by striking ``Bureau'' and inserting ``Agency''. (14) Home mortgage disclosure act of 1975.--The Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975 (12 U.S.C. 2801 et seq.) is amended-- (A) by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; (B) by striking ``Bureau'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Agency''; and (C) in section 303, by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows: ``(1) the term `Agency' means the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency;''. (15) Homeowners protection act of 1998.--Section 10(a)(4) of the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 (12 U.S.C. 4909(a)(4)) is amended by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''. (16) Home ownership and equity protection act of 1994.-- Section 158(a) of the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act of 1994 (15 U.S.C. 1601 note) is amended by striking ``Bureau'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''. (17) Interstate land sales full disclosure act.--The Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act (12 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) is amended-- (A) by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Agency''; (B) in section 1402, by amending paragraph (12) to read as follows: ``(12) `Agency' means the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency.''; and (C) in section 1416, by striking ``Bureau'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Agency''. (18) Real estate settlement procedures act of 1974.--The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 (12 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.) is amended-- (A) by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; (B) by striking ``Bureau'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Agency''; and (C) in section 3, by amending paragraph (9) to read as follows: ``(9) the term `Agency' means the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency.''. (19) Revised statues of the united states.--Section 5136C(b)(3)(B) of the Revised Statutes of the United States (12 U.S.C. 25b(b)(3)(B)) is amended by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''. (20) Right to financial privacy act of 1978.--The Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978 (12 U.S.C. 3401 et seq.) is amended-- (A) by amending subparagraph (B) of section 1101(7) (12 U.S.C. 3401(7)(B)) to read as follows: ``(B) the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency;''; and (B) by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' each place such term appears in heading or text and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''. (21) S.A.F.E. mortgage licensing act of 2008.--The S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008 (12 U.S.C. 5101 et seq.) is amended-- (A) in section 1507, by striking ``Bureau, and the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; (B) by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; (C) by striking ``Bureau'' each place such appears, other than in sections 1505(a)(1), 1507(a)(2)(A), and 1511(b), and inserting ``Agency''; (D) in section 1503, by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows: ``(1) Agency.--The term `Agency' means the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency.''; (E) in the heading of section 1508, by striking ``bureau of consumer financial protection'' and inserting ``consumer financial empowerment agency''; and (F) in the heading of section 1514, by striking ``bureau'' and inserting ``agency''. (22) Telemarketing and consumer fraud and abuse prevention act.--The Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act (15 U.S.C. 6101 et seq.) is amended by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' each place such term appears in heading or text and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''. (23) Title 5, united states code.--Title 5, United States Code, is amended-- (A) in section 552a(w)-- (i) in the subsection heading, by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; and (ii) by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; (B) in section 609(d)(2), by striking ``Consumer Financial Protection Bureau of the Federal Reserve System'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''; and (C) in section 3132(a)(1)(D), by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''. (24) Title 10, united states code.-- (A) Section 987.--Section 987(h)(3)(E) of title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''. (B) NDAA fy 2015.--Section 557(a) of the Carl Levin and Howard P. ``Buck'' McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 (Public Law 113- 29; 128 Stat. 3381; 10 U.S.C. 1144 note), is amended by striking ``Consumer Financial Protection Bureau'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''. (25) Title 44, united states code.--Title 44, United States Code, is amended-- (A) in section 3502(5), by striking ``the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection,''; and (B) in section 3513(c), by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency''. (26) Truth in lending act.--The Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) is amended-- (A) by amending section 103(b) (15 U.S.C. 1602(b)) to read as follows: ``(b) Agency.--The term `Agency' means the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency.''; (B) by amending section 103(c) (15 U.S.C. 1602(c)) to read as follows: ``(c) Board.--The term `Board' means the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.''; (C) in section 128(f) (15 U.S.C. 1638(f)), by striking ``Board'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Agency''; (D) in sections 129B (15 U.S.C. 1639b) and 129C (15 U.S.C. 1639c), by striking ``Board'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Agency''; (E) in section 140A (15 U.S.C. 1651), by striking ``in consultation with the Bureau'' and inserting ``in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission''; (F) by striking ``Bureau'' each place such term appears in heading or text and inserting ``Agency''; and (G) by striking ``bureau'' and inserting ``Agency'' in the paragraph headings for-- (i) section 122(d)(2) (15 U.S.C. 1632(d)(2)); (ii) section 127(c)(5) (15 U.S.C. 1637(c)(5)); (iii) section 127(r)(3) (15 U.S.C. 1637(r)(3)); and (iv) section 127A(a)(14) (15 U.S.C. 1637a(a)(14)). (27) Truth in savings act.--The Truth in Savings Act (12 U.S.C. 4301 et seq.) is amended-- (A) by amending paragraph (4) of section 274 (12 U.S.C. 4313(4)) to read as follows: ``(4) Agency.--The term `Agency' means the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency.''; (B) by striking ``National Credit Union Administration Bureau'' each place such term appears and inserting ``National Credit Union Administration Board''; and (C) by striking ``Bureau'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Agency'', except in section 233(b)(4)(B). SEC. 3. BRINGING THE AGENCY INTO THE REGULAR APPROPRIATIONS PROCESS. Section 1017 of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 (12 U.S.C. 5497) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) by amending the heading of such subsection to read as follows: ``Budget, Financial Management, and Audit.--''; (B) by striking paragraphs (1), (2), and (3); (C) by redesignating paragraphs (4) and (5) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively; and (D) by striking subparagraphs (E) and (F) of paragraph (1), as so redesignated; (2) by striking subsections (b) and (c); (3) by redesignating subsections (d) and (e) as subsections (b) and (c), respectively; and (4) in subsection (c), as so redesignated-- (A) by striking paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) and inserting the following: ``(1) Authorization of appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out this title for each of fiscal years 2024 and 2025.''; and (B) by redesignating paragraph (4) as paragraph (2). &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Finance and Financial Sector" ]
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Houchin, Erin [R-IN-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Houchin", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000569", "district": 3, "firstName": "Blaine", "fullName": "Rep. Luetkemeyer, Blaine [R-MO-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Luetkemeyer", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000812", "district": 2, "firstName": "Ann", "fullName": "Rep. Wagner, Ann [R-MO-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Wagner", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000599", "district": 17, "firstName": "Michael", "fullName": "Rep. 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Marine Mammal Climate Change Protection Act
[ [ "B001285", "Rep. Brownley, Julia [D-CA-26]", "sponsor" ], [ "C001072", "Rep. Carson, Andre [D-IN-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000487", "Rep. Tokuda, Jill N. [D-HI-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001066", "Rep. Castor, Kathy [D-FL-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001068", "Rep. Huffman, Jared [D-CA-2]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Marine Mammal Climate Change Protection Act</strong></p> <p>This bill establishes requirements to protect marine mammals adversely affected by climate change, including by establishing a program within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to monitor the adverse impacts of climate change on marine mammals.</p> <p>In addition, it also requires NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to issue regulations that list marine mammal species in waters under U.S. jurisdiction for which climate change is more likely than not to result in a decline in population abundance, an impeded population recovery, or a reduced carrying capacity (i.e., the maximum population of a marine mammal species that an area will support without undergoing deterioration). The NMFS and the USFWS must update the list at least once every five years and issue regulations that include climate impact management plans for species on such list.</p> <p>The bill also directs the NMFS and the USFWS to review agreements with foreign governments concerning the management of marine mammals that are or may be affected by climate change. The Department of State must initiate amendments to such agreements or negotiate the development of such agreements in a manner consistent with the goals of the bill.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1383 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1383 To amend the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 to direct the Secretary of Commerce to establish a climate impact management plan for the conservation of certain marine mammal species, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Ms. Brownley introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 to direct the Secretary of Commerce to establish a climate impact management plan for the conservation of certain marine mammal species, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Marine Mammal Climate Change Protection Act''. SEC. 2. CONSERVATION OF MARINE MAMMALS ADVERSELY AFFECTED BY CLIMATE CHANGE. (a) In General.--The Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 120 the following: ``SEC. 121. CONSERVATION OF MARINE MAMMALS ADVERSELY AFFECTED BY CLIMATE CHANGE. ``(a) Climate Impact Management Plans.-- ``(1) Within 24 months after the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary, in consultation with the Marine Mammal Commission, shall publish in the Federal Register, after notice and opportunity for public comment, a list of those marine mammal species and population stocks in waters under the jurisdiction of the United States for which climate change, alone or in combination or interaction with other factors, is more likely than not to result in a decline in population abundance, of impeding population recovery, or of reducing carrying capacity. The list shall identify-- ``(A) any species or population stock for which such impacts are likely to occur within 20 years; and ``(B) any species or population stock listed as a threatened species or endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) for which such impacts have more than a remote possibility of occurring within 100 years. ``(2)(A) The Secretary, in consultation with the Marine Mammal Commission, shall review the list adopted pursuant to paragraph (1) at least once every 5 years, or more frequently if significant new information becomes available, and, after notice and opportunity for public comment, shall publish a revised list in the Federal Register. ``(B) Within 12 months after receiving the petition of an interested person under section 553(e) of title 5, United States Code, to add a marine mammal species or population stock to the list published under paragraph (1), the Secretary, in consultation with the Marine Mammal Commission and after notice and opportunity for public comment, shall publish in the Federal Register its finding of whether the petitioned action is warranted. If the petitioned action is deemed warranted, the Secretary shall publish at the same time the revision adding such species or population stock. ``(3) The list published under paragraph (1), and any revisions thereto made in accordance with paragraph (2), shall include a determination of whether a climate impact management plan will promote the conservation of species or stocks listed pursuant to paragraph (1). ``(4)(A)(i) The Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register a draft climate impact management plan for each marine mammal species or population stock-- ``(I) listed under paragraph (1)(A), within 18 months after the listing; and ``(II) listed under paragraph (1)(B), within 30 months after the listing. ``(ii) Each draft climate impact management plan shall be developed in consultation with the Marine Mammal Commission and, as appropriate, other Federal agencies, and shall be made available for public review and comment for a period not to exceed 90 days. ``(iii) No later than 120 days after the close of the comment period required under clause (ii), the Secretary shall issue a final climate impact management plan and implementing regulations that are consistent with the other provisions of this section and, to the full extent available under the Secretary's authorities under this Act and other statutes, implement the conservation and management measures identified in the plan. ``(B) Each climate impact management plan under subparagraph (A) shall include a comprehensive strategy for conserving and recovering of such marine mammal stocks and species given the anticipated direct and indirect effects of climate change and increasing resiliency in the species or population stock, and shall identify conservation and management measures to-- ``(i) conserve and recover such species and population stocks given the anticipated adverse effects of climate change on such species and population stocks and their prey; ``(ii) monitor, reduce, and prevent interactions with fisheries and other human activities that may occur as a result of changes in marine mammal distribution or other indirect effects of climate change; ``(iii) increase resiliency by materially reducing other human impacts on such species and population stocks, including but not limited to the reduction of incidental taking of marine mammals and of the degradation of the habitat of such species and population stocks, and by managing prey species to improve the availability of prey to such species and population stocks; and ``(iv) take any other action as may be necessary to implement the strategy set forth in the climate impact management plan. ``(C) Each climate impact management plan under subparagraph (A) shall include objective, measurable criteria for evaluating the effectiveness and sufficiency of such measures to meet the purposes of this Act. ``(D)(i) All other Federal agencies shall, in consultation with and with the assistance of the Secretary, utilize their authorities in furtherance of the strategy and conservation and management measures set forth in climate impact management plans developed under this subsection and ensure that their actions do not conflict or interfere with the objectives of such climate impact management plans. The Secretary shall consult with the Marine Mammal Commission and, as may be warranted, other agencies in the implementation of such climate impact management plans. ``(ii) With respect to any Federal agency action authorized, funded, or undertaken by such agency that, in the view of the Secretary or of the agency, may conflict or interfere with the objectives of such climate impact management plans, such agency shall, in consultation with the Secretary, ensure that such action is consistent with the climate impact management plan. To the extent that it is impossible for such action to be consistent with the climate impact management plan, the Secretary shall require measures to minimize any such conflicts, in addition to any other measures required by law, and the agency shall adopt such measures required by the Secretary. ``(E) When appropriate, the Secretary may, and is encouraged to, integrate climate impact management plans into conservation plans adopted under section 115(b) or recovery plans adopted under section 4(f) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1533(f)). ``(F) The Secretary shall review climate impact management plans and implementing regulations at least once every 5 years, and shall revise and amend them as necessary to meet the goals and requirements of this section. Any changes shall be subject to the procedures and requirements applicable to the adoption of the initial climate impact management plans and regulations. ``(5) The Secretary shall report to Congress 4 years after the date of enactment of this section, and every 2 years thereafter, on-- ``(A) actions taken to implement this section; ``(B) any backlog in meeting the schedule set forth in this subsection for adopting, reviewing, and implementing climate impact management plans, or additional resources necessary to address any such backlog; and ``(C) the effectiveness of implementation and sufficiency of the measures adopted in climate impact management plans, and any recommendations for improving the process or the applicable legislation. ``(b) Monitoring of Climate Impacts.--The Secretary shall establish a program within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to monitor the adverse impacts of climate change on marine mammals. The purposes of the monitoring program shall be to-- ``(1) improve models of projected future changes in marine mammal distribution and densities resulting from climate change; ``(2) identify and monitor interactions with fisheries and other human activities that may occur as a result of changes in marine mammal distribution or other effects of climate change; ``(3) monitor the abundance of species and population stocks, to an extent sufficient to detect a 20 percent population decline over 20 years; ``(4) improve understanding of the impacts of climate change on marine mammal species and population stocks; and ``(5) assess the direct and indirect contributions of marine mammals to carbon reduction, including through carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling. ``(c) Promulgation of Regulations for Listing Marine Mammals Adversely Impacted by Climate Change.--The Secretary shall, within 120 days after the date of the enactment of this section-- ``(1) publish in the Federal Register for public comment, for a period of not less than 60 days, regulations for listing marine mammal species and population stocks adversely impacted by climate change, alone or in combination or interaction with other factors, as described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a), taking into account both quantitative and qualitative indicators of adverse impacts of climate change and human activities on such species and stocks, including-- ``(A) direct and indirect mortality and serious injury; ``(B) loss or degradation of habitat; ``(C) changes in the distribution or availability of prey; ``(D) changes in the distribution of marine mammal species and population stocks; ``(E) decreased genetic diversity or reproductive success; ``(F) increased susceptibility to pathogens; and ``(G) increased likelihood of interactions with fisheries and other human activities; and ``(2) not later than 90 days after the close of the period for such public comment, publish in the Federal Register final regulations for listing marine mammals as required by paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a), to be reviewed at least once every three years. ``(d) Lack of Quantitative Information.--The lack of quantitative information shall not be a basis for a determination that a species or population stock is not adversely impacted by climate change, alone or in combination or interaction with other factors, as described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a). ``(e) Estimation of Potential Biological Removal.-- ``(1) The Secretary, in estimating the potential biological removal level in stock assessments prepared in accordance with section 117, shall consider the adverse impacts of climate change in determining the recovery factor applied to each stock. ``(2) The Secretary, in preparing stock assessments in accordance with section 117, shall reexamine the stock definition and geographic range of marine mammal species and population stocks to identify climate-related changes in spatial distribution and stock definition and to identify how such changes may affect human impacts to the species. ``(f) Authority To Enter Into Agreements.--The Secretary shall-- ``(1) periodically review the status of agreements with foreign governments under section 108(a) concerning the management of transboundary marine mammal species and population stocks, and their prey species, that are or may be affected by climate change; and ``(2) through the Secretary of State, initiate the amendment of any such agreement, or negotiations for the development of bilateral or multinational agreements, consistent with the goals and policies of this section. ``(g) Construction.--This section shall not be construed to limit or restrict any other responsibility of the Secretary or of any other person under this Act or any other statute. ``(h) Authorization of Appropriations.-- ``(1) There is authorized to be appropriated to the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to carry out this section $3,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2024 through 2028. ``(2) There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of the Interior to carry out this section $2,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2024 through 2028. ``(3) There is authorized to be appropriated to the Marine Mammal Commission to carry out this section $1,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2024 through 2028.''. (b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of contents in the first section of such Act is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 120 the following: ``Sec. 121. Conservation of marine mammals adversely affected by climate change.''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Animals" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "C001072", "district": 7, "firstName": "Andre", "fullName": "Rep. Carson, Andre [D-IN-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Carson", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000487", "district": 2, "firstName": "Jill", "fullName": "Rep. Tokuda, Jill N. [D-HI-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Tokuda", "middleName": "N.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-14", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "HI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001066", "district": 14, "firstName": "Kathy", "fullName": "Rep. Castor, Kathy [D-FL-14]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Castor", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-26", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "H001068", "district": 2, "firstName": "Jared", "fullName": "Rep. Huffman, Jared [D-CA-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Huffman", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-15", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 4, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 4, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1383", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Middle Class Mortgage Insurance Premium Act of 2021
[ [ "B001260", "Rep. Buchanan, Vern [R-FL-16]", "sponsor" ], [ "P000613", "Rep. Panetta, Jimmy [D-CA-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001160", "Rep. Moore, Gwen [D-WI-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000296", "Rep. Evans, Dwight [D-PA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000471", "Rep. Fitzgerald, Scott [R-WI-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001213", "Rep. Steil, Bryan [R-WI-1]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Middle Class Mortgage Insurance Premium Act of 2021</strong></p> <p>This bill increases the adjusted gross income threshold for the phaseout of the mortgage insurance premium tax deduction and makes such deduction permanent.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1384 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1384 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase the income cap for and make permanent the mortgage insurance premium deduction. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Buchanan (for himself and Mr. Panetta) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase the income cap for and make permanent the mortgage insurance premium deduction. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Middle Class Mortgage Insurance Premium Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. INCREASING THE INCOME CAP FOR AND MAKING PERMANENT THE MORTGAGE INSURANCE PREMIUM DEDUCTION. (a) In General.--(1) Section 163(h)(3)(E) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended-- (1) in clause (ii), by striking ``$100,000 ($50,000)'' and inserting ``$200,000 ($100,000)'', and (2) by striking clause (iv). (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this Act shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2021. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Taxation" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. BUCHANAN:\nH.R. 1384.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nThis bill is enacted pursuant to the power granted to\nCongress under Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United\nStates Constitution.\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nFederal taxation\n[Page H1150]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 5, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 5, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means." }, "laws": null, "number": "1384", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Taxation" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "B001260", "district": 16, "firstName": "Vern", "fullName": "Rep. Buchanan, Vern [R-FL-16]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Buchanan", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "state": "FL", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Middle Class Mortgage Insurance Premium Act of 2021", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:55Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:55Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1384", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "actions": [ { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "systemCode": "hswm00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "Intro-H", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "1000", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1384", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:04:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hswm00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1384", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "P000613", "district": 19, "firstName": "Jimmy", "fullName": "Rep. Panetta, Jimmy [D-CA-19]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Panetta", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001160", "district": 4, "firstName": "Gwen", "fullName": "Rep. Moore, Gwen [D-WI-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Moore", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "E000296", "district": 3, "firstName": "Dwight", "fullName": "Rep. Evans, Dwight [D-PA-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Evans", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "F000471", "district": 5, "firstName": "Scott", "fullName": "Rep. Fitzgerald, Scott [R-WI-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Fitzgerald", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-06", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001213", "district": 1, "firstName": "Bryan", "fullName": "Rep. Steil, Bryan [R-WI-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Steil", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-22", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WI", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 5, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 5, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1384", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1384", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "subjects": { "legislativeSubjects": [], "policyArea": { "name": "Taxation" } } }
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{ "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1384", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "titles": [ { "billTextVersionCode": null, "billTextVersionName": null, "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Middle Class Mortgage Insurance Premium Act of 2021", "titleType": "Display Title" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Middle Class Mortgage Insurance Premium Act of 2021", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase the income cap for and make permanent the mortgage insurance premium deduction.", "titleType": "Official Title as Introduced" } ] }
DOC Access Act of 2023
[ [ "C001103", "Rep. Carter, Earl L. \"Buddy\" [R-GA-1]", "sponsor" ], [ "C001067", "Rep. Clarke, Yvette D. [D-NY-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S000250", "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000133", "Rep. Van Drew, Jefferson [R-NJ-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000395", "Rep. Rogers, Harold [R-KY-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001291", "Rep. Babin, Brian [R-TX-36]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001185", "Rep. Sewell, Terri A. [D-AL-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000454", "Rep. Foster, Bill [D-IL-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000812", "Rep. Wagner, Ann [R-MO-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001295", "Rep. Bost, Mike [R-IL-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000309", "Rep. Jackson, Jonathan L. [D-IL-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000610", "Rep. Reschenthaler, Guy [R-PA-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000551", "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000129", "Rep. Valadao, David G. [R-CA-22]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000465", "Rep. Ferguson, A. Drew, IV [R-GA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000398", "Rep. Kean, Thomas H. [R-NJ-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000599", "Rep. Posey, Bill [R-FL-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000609", "Rep. Rutherford, John H. [R-FL-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000266", "Rep. LaTurner, Jake [R-KS-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000822", "Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie [D-NJ-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000288", "Rep. Johnson, Henry C. \"Hank,\" Jr. [D-GA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001301", "Rep. Bergman, Jack [R-MI-1]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Dentist and Optometric Care Access Act of 2023 or the DOC Access Act</b> <b>of 20</b><strong>23</strong></p> <p>This bill prohibits private health insurance plans from setting rates for items and services, except for dental cleanings, provided by a doctor of optometry, of dental surgery, or of dental medicine for which the plan does not pay a substantial amount.</p> <p>Additionally, an agreement between a plan and such a doctor for limited scope dental or vision benefits may last longer than two years only with the prior acceptance of the doctor for each term extension. Plans also may not restrict such a doctor's choice of laboratories or suppliers. </p> <p>Such doctors may elect to waive the application of the payment amount and choice of laboratories provisions of this bill.</p> <p>The bill does not supersede state laws regarding health insurers and dental or vision benefit plans.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1385 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1385 To amend title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act to improve health care coverage under vision and dental plans, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Carter of Georgia (for himself, Ms. Clarke of New York, and Mr. Sessions) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act to improve health care coverage under vision and dental plans, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Dental and Optometric Care Access Act of 2023'' or the ``DOC Access Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. IMPROVING HEALTH CARE COVERAGE UNDER VISION AND DENTAL PLANS. (a) In General.--Title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act is amended by inserting after section 2719A (42 U.S.C. 300gg-19a) the following new section: ``SEC. 2719B. IMPROVING COVERAGE UNDER VISION AND DENTAL PLANS. ``(a) In General.--Under a group health plan or individual or group health insurance coverage (including such a plan or coverage offering limited scope dental or vision benefits), the following shall apply: ``(1) Payment amounts from covered persons.-- ``(A) In general.--The plan or coverage shall provide that, with respect to a doctor of optometry, doctor of dental surgery, or doctor of dental medicine that has an agreement to participate in the plan or coverage and that provides items or services that are not covered services under the plan or coverage to a person enrolled under such plan or coverage, the doctor may charge the enrollee for such items or services any amount determined by the doctor that is equal to, or less than, the usual and customary amount that the doctor charges individuals who are not so enrolled for such items or services. ``(B) Items or services considered covered by a plan.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), an item or service shall be considered, with respect to a plan or coverage, to be covered services under the plan or coverage only if the item or service is an item or service with respect to which the plan or coverage is obligated to pay an amount that is reasonable and is not nominal or de minimis. ``(C) Exception for dental cleaning.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), a doctor of dental surgery or doctor of dental medicine that has an agreement to participate in the plan or coverage may charge an enrollee only the contracted network fee for any dental cleaning, including any dental cleaning that exceeds the annual maximum under the enrollee's plan or coverage. ``(2) Duration of limited scope vision and dental plans.-- In the case of an agreement between such a doctor and such a plan or coverage that offers limited scope dental or vision benefits-- ``(A) the agreement may be extended for a term longer than 2 years only with the prior acceptance of the doctor for each such term extension; and ``(B) the agreement may be extended for unlimited terms, subject to subparagraph (A). ``(3) No restrictions on choice of laboratories.--The plan or coverage may not, directly or indirectly, restrict or limit, such a doctor's choice of laboratories or choice of source and suppliers of services or materials provided by the doctor to an individual who is enrolled under the plan or coverage. ``(b) Notification.--The Secretary shall on an annual basis notify each State of the State's authority to enforce the provisions of subsection (a) against a group health plan or health insurance coverage described in subsection (a) pursuant to section 2723(a)(1) and request confirmation from the State whether or not the State will enforce the provisions of subsection (a). If a State notifies the Secretary that the State will not enforce the provisions of subsection (a) or fails to respond within 90 days of the Secretary's request, the Secretary shall treat such State as failing to substantially enforce such provisions for purposes of subsections (a)(2) and (b) of section 2723. ``(c) Relationship to Exception for Limited, Excepted Benefits.-- Section 2722(c)(1) shall not apply with respect to the requirements of this section. ``(d) Election To Be Excluded.-- ``(1) In general.--If a doctor of optometry, doctor of dental surgery, or doctor of dental medicine to which the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (3) of subsection (a) otherwise apply makes an election under this paragraph (in such form and manner as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe), the requirements of such paragraphs insofar as they apply directly to the plan or coverage shall not apply to such plan or coverage for such period, as described in paragraph (2). ``(2) Period of election.--An election under paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall apply for a single specified plan year; ``(B) may be extended through subsequent elections under this subsection; and ``(C) shall not be available with respect to the requirements concerning the duration of limited scope vision and dental plans under subsection (a)(2). ``(e) Definitions.--In this section: ``(1) The term `covered services' means dental care or vision care services for which reimbursement is available under a plan or coverage contract, or for which reimbursement would be available but for the application of contractual limitations, including deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, waiting periods, lifetime maximum, frequency limitations, and alternative benefit payments. ``(2) The terms `doctor of dental surgery' and `doctor of dental medicine' mean a doctor of dental surgery or of dental medicine, as applicable, who is legally authorized to practice dentistry by the State in which the doctor performs such function and who is acting within the scope of the license of the doctor when performing such functions. ``(3) The term `doctor of optometry' means a doctor of optometry who is legally authorized to practice optometry by the State in which the doctor so practices.''. (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 2722(c)(1) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300gg-21(c)(1)) is amended by striking ``The requirements'' and inserting ``Subject to section 2719B, the requirements''. (c) Exclusive Applicability of State Law.--Notwithstanding any amendment made by this Act, State law that directly affects any standard or requirement relating to health insurance issuers and dental or vision benefit plans, shall have exclusive application and the amendments made by this Act shall not apply to the extent that such State law conflicts with such amendments. The State shall retain exclusive jurisdiction over health insurance issuers and limited scope dental or vision benefit plans that are directly governed by such State. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Health", "Civil actions and liability", "Dental care", "Employee benefits and pensions", "Health care costs and insurance", "Health care coverage and access", "Hearing, speech, and vision care", "State and local government operations" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "C001067", "district": 9, "firstName": "Yvette", "fullName": "Rep. Clarke, Yvette D. [D-NY-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Clarke", "middleName": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S000250", "district": 17, "firstName": "PETE", "fullName": "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-17]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "SESSIONS", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "V000133", "district": 2, "firstName": "Jefferson", "fullName": "Rep. Van Drew, Jefferson [R-NJ-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Van Drew", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-22", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NJ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000395", "district": 5, "firstName": "HAROLD", "fullName": "Rep. 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Equal Citizenship for Children Act of 2023
[ [ "C001067", "Rep. Clarke, Yvette D. [D-NY-9]", "sponsor" ], [ "A000370", "Rep. Adams, Alma S. [D-NC-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000147", "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000297", "Rep. Espaillat, Adriano [D-NY-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000551", "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000312", "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000487", "Rep. Tokuda, Jill N. [D-HI-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001223", "Rep. Bowman, Jamaal [D-NY-16]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000586", "Rep. Garcia, Jesus G. \"Chuy\" [D-IL-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000481", "Rep. Tlaib, Rashida [D-MI-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000130", "Rep. Vargas, Juan [D-CA-52]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000305", "Rep. Jacobs, Sara [D-CA-51]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001300", "Rep. Barragan, Nanette Diaz [D-CA-44]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001131", "Rep. Casar, Greg [D-TX-35]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001188", "Rep. Meng, Grace [D-NY-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000788", "Rep. Williams, Nikema [D-GA-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000483", "Rep. Trone, David J. [D-MD-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000288", "Rep. Johnson, Henry C. \"Hank,\" Jr. [D-GA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "I000058", "Rep. Ivey, Glenn [D-MD-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001117", "Rep. Casten, Sean [D-IL-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000582", "Rep. Lieu, Ted [D-CA-36]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1386 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1386 To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide for the automatic acquisition of citizenship for certain children born outside the United States to a parent who is or becomes a United States citizen, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Ms. Clarke of New York (for herself, Ms. Adams, Ms. Norton, Mr. Espaillat, Ms. Lee of California, Mr. McGovern, Ms. Tokuda, Mr. Bowman, Mr. Garcia of Illinois, Ms. Tlaib, Mr. Vargas, Ms. Jacobs, Ms. Barragan, Mr. Casar, Ms. Meng, Ms. Williams of Georgia, Mr. Trone, Mr. Johnson of Georgia, and Mr. Ivey) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide for the automatic acquisition of citizenship for certain children born outside the United States to a parent who is or becomes a United States citizen, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Equal Citizenship for Children Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. AUTOMATIC ACQUISITION OF CITIZENSHIP FOR CERTAIN CHILDREN BORN OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES. Section 320 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1431) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking ``all of the following conditions'' and inserting ``each of the following applicable conditions''; (B) by amending paragraph (2) to read as follows: ``(2) If the parent is a naturalized citizen, the child is under the age of eighteen years at the time of the parent's naturalization.''; and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) by striking ``The child is residing'' and inserting ``While under the age of eighteen, the child resides''; (ii) by striking ``legal and physical custody'' and inserting ``legal custody''; and (iii) by inserting before the period at the end the following: ``, or a pending application to adjust status to lawful permanent resident''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(e) Definition.--For purposes of this section, the term `child' has the meaning given such term in section 101(c), except that such term includes the nonmarital child of a legal custodial citizen father, and the child of a United States citizen parent if the parent-child relationship satisfies the parentage laws of the child's or parent's residence or domicile, whether in the United States or elsewhere. ``(f) Clarifications.--Any provision of law (including section 301(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (as in effect before October 10, 1978), and the provisos of section 201(g) of the Nationality Act of 1940) that provide for a person's loss of citizenship if the person failed to come to, or reside or be physically present in, the United States shall not apply in the case of a person claiming United States citizenship based on such person's descent from an individual described in this section. Any provision of law (including sections 301 and 309 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and the provisos of 201(g) and 205 the Nationality Act of 1940) that require the citizen parent to reside in the United States for a number of years shall be deemed satisfied by subsection (a)(3). ``(g) Retroactive Application.--This section, as amended by the Equal Citizenship for Children Act of 2023 shall be applied to persons born after noon (Eastern Standard Time), January 9, 1941, as though this section, as amended, had been in effect on the date of their birth, except that the retroactive application described in this subsection shall not affect the validity of citizenship of anyone who has obtained citizenship under any other provision of law.''. SEC. 3. CHILDREN BORN AND RESIDING OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES. Section 322 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1433) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(e) Definition.--For purposes of this section, the term `child' has the meaning given such term in section 320.''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Immigration" ]
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Civics Learning Act of 2023
[ [ "C001061", "Rep. Cleaver, Emanuel [D-MO-5]", "sponsor" ], [ "B001223", "Rep. Bowman, Jamaal [D-NY-16]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001313", "Rep. Brown, Shontel M. [D-OH-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001224", "Rep. Bush, Cori [D-MO-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001072", "Rep. Carson, Andre [D-IN-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001117", "Rep. Casten, Sean [D-IL-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001084", "Rep. Cicilline, David N. [D-RI-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000623", "Rep. DeSaulnier, Mark [D-CA-10]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000624", "Rep. Dingell, Debbie [D-MI-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000297", "Rep. Espaillat, Adriano [D-NY-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000583", "Rep. Gottheimer, Josh [D-NJ-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000288", "Rep. Johnson, Henry C. \"Hank,\" Jr. [D-GA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "I000058", "Rep. Ivey, Glenn [D-MD-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000385", "Rep. Kelly, Robin L. [D-IL-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000380", "Rep. Kildee, Daniel T. [D-MI-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000391", "Rep. Krishnamoorthi, Raja [D-IL-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000382", "Rep. Kuster, Ann M. [D-NH-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000557", "Rep. Larson, John B. [D-CT-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000562", "Rep. Lynch, Stephen F. [D-MA-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001143", "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001188", "Rep. Meng, Grace [D-NY-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001160", "Rep. Moore, Gwen [D-WI-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001217", "Rep. Moskowitz, Jared [D-FL-23]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001225", "Rep. Mullin, Kevin [D-CA-15]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000002", "Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000147", "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000606", "Rep. Raskin, Jamie [D-MD-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000305", "Rep. Ross, Deborah K. [D-NC-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001156", "Rep. Sánchez, Linda T. [D-CA-38]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001205", "Rep. Scanlon, Mary Gay [D-PA-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001185", "Rep. Sewell, Terri A. [D-AL-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000193", "Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000468", "Rep. Titus, Dina [D-NV-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000469", "Rep. Tonko, Paul [D-NY-20]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000081", "Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M. [D-NY-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000822", "Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie [D-NJ-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000788", "Rep. Williams, Nikema [D-GA-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000808", "Rep. Wilson, Frederica S. [D-FL-24]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001066", "Rep. Castor, Kathy [D-FL-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000551", "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000826", "Rep. Wild, Susan [D-PA-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000483", "Rep. Trone, David J. [D-MD-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000375", "Rep. Keating, William R. [D-MA-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000487", "Rep. Tokuda, Jill N. [D-HI-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001130", "Rep. Crockett, Jasmine [D-TX-30]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001145", "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000296", "Rep. Evans, Dwight [D-PA-3]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Civics Learning Act of 2023</b></p> <p>This bill expands the use of American History and Civics Education&#8212;National Activities grants to prioritize innovative civics learning and teaching.</p> <p>Specifically, the bill expands the allowable uses of these grants to include activities related to women's suffrage and the civil rights movement; before-, during-, and after-school activities and extracurricular activities; activities that include service learning and community service projects that are linked to school curriculum; activities that encourage and support student participation in school governance; and online and video game-based learning.</p> <p>Further, the Department of Education must ensure that specified percentages of grant funds are awarded on a diverse basis to eligible entities (e.g., institutions of higher education) that serve students and teachers at elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1387 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1387 To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to increase civics education programs, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Cleaver (for himself, Mr. Bowman, Ms. Brown, Ms. Bush, Mr. Carson, Mr. Casten, Mr. Cicilline, Mr. DeSaulnier, Mrs. Dingell, Mr. Espaillat, Mr. Gottheimer, Mr. Johnson of Georgia, Mr. Ivey, Ms. Kelly of Illinois, Mr. Kildee, Mr. Krishnamoorthi, Ms. Kuster, Mr. Larson of Connecticut, Mr. Lynch, Ms. McCollum, Ms. Meng, Ms. Moore of Wisconsin, Mr. Moskowitz, Mr. Mullin, Mr. Nadler, Ms. Norton, Mr. Raskin, Ms. Ross, Ms. Sanchez, Ms. Scanlon, Ms. Sewell, Mr. Thompson of Mississippi, Ms. Titus, Mr. Tonko, Ms. Velazquez, Mrs. Watson Coleman, Ms. Williams of Georgia, Ms. Wilson of Florida, and Ms. Castor of Florida) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to increase civics education programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Civics Learning Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) The dearth of civics lessons available to students across the United States has helped to foster a political climate that is deeply partisan and divided. (2) Polarization in the United States has fractured public morale in our democratic institutions and has created an environment in which people are less likely to be well-informed on the processes of our constitutional republic, the current state of affairs, and the importance of participating in the political process. (3) It is impossible to tell the true, full history of this Nation and recognize the power of our representative democracy without discussing the painful and powerful history of the civil rights movement. It is incumbent on Congress to ensure the full history of our great Nation is being taught to the next generation of leaders. (4) According to the Annenberg Constitution Day Civics Survey conducted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, in 2022-- (A) only 47 percent of people in the United States surveyed were capable of naming all 3 branches of government, while 25 percent of Americans were not able to name any of the branches of government; (B) less than half of Americans (46 percent) correctly stated that the Supreme Court has the final responsibility for determining the constitutionality of laws if the President and Supreme Court disagree; and (C) 26 percent could not name any of the rights guaranteed under the First Amendment. (5) In 2018, only 24 percent of eighth graders were found to have performed at or above the proficient level on the National Assessment of Educational Progress civics exam conducted by the National Center of Education Studies. (6) A lack of knowledge regarding the structural basics of our constitutional republic and the history of our struggle for suffrage and civil rights creates an increasingly ill-equipped electorate which over time, can, and will continue to, contribute to a weakened democracy. SEC. 3. AMENDMENTS TO THE ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT OF 1965. Section 2233 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6663) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) by inserting ``and prioritize innovative civics learning and teaching, including by encouraging'' after ``to encourage''; and (B) by inserting ``(including students and teachers at high-need schools (as defined in section 2221))'' before the period; (2) in subsection (b)-- (A) by inserting ``and appropriated under subsection (h) of this section'' after ``2231(b)(2)''; and (B) by striking paragraph (2) and inserting the following: ``(2) may include-- ``(A) hands-on civic engagement activities for teachers and students; ``(B) activities about the history and principle of the Constitution of the United States, including the Bill of Rights, women's suffrage, and the civil rights movement; ``(C) before-school, during-school, after-school, and extracurricular activities; ``(D) activities that include service learning and community service projects that are linked to school curriculum; ``(E) activities that encourage and support student participation in school governance; and ``(F) online and video game based learning.''; (3) in subsection (c), by striking paragraph (3) and inserting the following: ``(3) Diversity of projects.-- ``(A) Diversity of grants.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall ensure that, to the extent practicable, grants are distributed among eligible entities that will serve geographically diverse areas, including urban, suburban, and rural areas, and public elementary schools. ``(B) Allocation of grant funding.--To the extent practicable based on the applications received under subsection (d), the Secretary shall ensure that-- ``(i) not less than 30 percent of the grant funds under this section are awarded to eligible entities that serve elementary school students and teachers; ``(ii) not less than 30 percent of the grant funds under this section are awarded to eligible entities that serve middle school students and teachers; and ``(iii) not more than 40 percent of the grant funds under this section are awarded to eligible entities that serve high school students and teachers.''; (4) in subsection (d), by inserting ``, and containing such information,'' after ``manner''; and (5) by adding at the end the following: ``(f) Grant Award Preference.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give preference to applications for programs that carry out the activities listed in subsection (b)(2) for the purpose of strengthening civics education and learning. ``(g) Annual Report.--Not later than 90 days after the end of each fiscal year, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Education and the Workforce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate a report containing-- ``(1) a description of each eligible entity awarded a grant under this section during the preceding fiscal year; ``(2) a description of whether each such eligible entity was able to meet each of the purposes under subsection (a), and if so, how such eligible entity was able to meet such purposes; and ``(3) any recommendations for continuation of the grant program under this section. ``(h) Authorization of Appropriations.--In addition to the amounts reserved under section 2231(b)(2), there are authorized to be appropriated $70,000,000 to carry out this section for fiscal year 2024.''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Education" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "B001223", "district": 16, "firstName": "Jamaal", "fullName": "Rep. Bowman, Jamaal [D-NY-16]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Bowman", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001313", "district": 11, "firstName": "Shontel", "fullName": "Rep. Brown, Shontel M. [D-OH-11]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Brown", "middleName": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "OH", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001224", "district": 1, "firstName": "Cori", "fullName": "Rep. Bush, Cori [D-MO-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Bush", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001072", "district": 7, "firstName": "Andre", "fullName": "Rep. 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DeSaulnier, Mark [D-CA-10]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "DeSaulnier", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000624", "district": 6, "firstName": "Debbie", "fullName": "Rep. Dingell, Debbie [D-MI-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Dingell", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "E000297", "district": 13, "firstName": "Adriano", "fullName": "Rep. Espaillat, Adriano [D-NY-13]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Espaillat", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000583", "district": 5, "firstName": "Josh", "fullName": "Rep. Gottheimer, Josh [D-NJ-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Gottheimer", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NJ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "J000288", "district": 4, "firstName": "Henry", "fullName": "Rep. Johnson, Henry C. \"Hank,\" Jr. [D-GA-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Johnson", "middleName": "C. \"Hank\"", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "GA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "I000058", "district": 4, "firstName": "Glenn", "fullName": "Rep. Ivey, Glenn [D-MD-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Ivey", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MD", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000385", "district": 2, "firstName": "Robin", "fullName": "Rep. Kelly, Robin L. [D-IL-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Kelly", "middleName": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000380", "district": 8, "firstName": "Daniel", "fullName": "Rep. Kildee, Daniel T. [D-MI-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Kildee", "middleName": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000391", "district": 8, "firstName": "Raja", "fullName": "Rep. Krishnamoorthi, Raja [D-IL-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Krishnamoorthi", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000382", "district": 2, "firstName": "Ann", "fullName": "Rep. Kuster, Ann M. [D-NH-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Kuster", "middleName": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NH", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000557", "district": 1, "firstName": "JOHN", "fullName": "Rep. Larson, John B. [D-CT-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "LARSON", "middleName": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CT", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000562", "district": 8, "firstName": "Stephen", "fullName": "Rep. Lynch, Stephen F. [D-MA-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Lynch", "middleName": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001143", "district": 4, "firstName": "BETTY", "fullName": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "MCCOLLUM", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001188", "district": 6, "firstName": "Grace", "fullName": "Rep. Meng, Grace [D-NY-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Meng", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001160", "district": 4, "firstName": "Gwen", "fullName": "Rep. Moore, Gwen [D-WI-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Moore", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001217", "district": 23, "firstName": "Jared", "fullName": "Rep. Moskowitz, Jared [D-FL-23]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Moskowitz", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001225", "district": 15, "firstName": "Kevin", "fullName": "Rep. Mullin, Kevin [D-CA-15]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Mullin", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "N000002", "district": 12, "firstName": "JERROLD", "fullName": "Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-12]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "NADLER", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "N000147", "district": 0, "firstName": "ELEANOR", "fullName": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "NORTON", "middleName": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "DC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000606", "district": 8, "firstName": "Jamie", "fullName": "Rep. Raskin, Jamie [D-MD-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Raskin", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MD", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000305", "district": 2, "firstName": "Deborah", "fullName": "Rep. Ross, Deborah K. [D-NC-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Ross", "middleName": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001156", "district": 38, "firstName": "Linda", "fullName": "Rep. Sánchez, Linda T. [D-CA-38]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Sánchez", "middleName": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001205", "district": 5, "firstName": "Mary", "fullName": "Rep. Scanlon, Mary Gay [D-PA-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Scanlon", "middleName": "Gay", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001185", "district": 7, "firstName": "Terri", "fullName": "Rep. Sewell, Terri A. [D-AL-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Sewell", "middleName": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000193", "district": 2, "firstName": "BENNIE", "fullName": "Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "THOMPSON", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MS", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000468", "district": 1, "firstName": "Dina", "fullName": "Rep. Titus, Dina [D-NV-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Titus", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NV", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000469", "district": 20, "firstName": "Paul", "fullName": "Rep. Tonko, Paul [D-NY-20]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Tonko", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "V000081", "district": 7, "firstName": "NYDIA", "fullName": "Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M. [D-NY-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "VELAZQUEZ", "middleName": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000822", "district": 12, "firstName": "Bonnie", "fullName": "Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie [D-NJ-12]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Watson Coleman", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NJ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000788", "district": 5, "firstName": "Nikema", "fullName": "Rep. Williams, Nikema [D-GA-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Williams", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "GA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000808", "district": 24, "firstName": "Frederica", "fullName": "Rep. Wilson, Frederica S. [D-FL-24]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Wilson", "middleName": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001066", "district": 14, "firstName": "Kathy", "fullName": "Rep. Castor, Kathy [D-FL-14]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Castor", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000551", "district": 12, "firstName": "BARBARA", "fullName": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-12]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "LEE", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000826", "district": 7, "firstName": "Susan", "fullName": "Rep. Wild, Susan [D-PA-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Wild", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000483", "district": 6, "firstName": "David", "fullName": "Rep. Trone, David J. [D-MD-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Trone", "middleName": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-10", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MD", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000375", "district": 9, "firstName": "William", "fullName": "Rep. Keating, William R. [D-MA-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Keating", "middleName": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-14", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000487", "district": 2, "firstName": "Jill", "fullName": "Rep. Tokuda, Jill N. [D-HI-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Tokuda", "middleName": "N.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-14", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "HI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001130", "district": 30, "firstName": "Jasmine", "fullName": "Rep. Crockett, Jasmine [D-TX-30]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Crockett", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-03", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001145", "district": 9, "firstName": "JANICE", "fullName": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middleName": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-06", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "E000296", "district": 3, "firstName": "Dwight", "fullName": "Rep. Evans, Dwight [D-PA-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Evans", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-25", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 46, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 46, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1387", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1387", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "textVersions": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T05:00:00Z", "formats": [ { "type": "Formatted Text", "url": "" }, { "type": "PDF", "url": "" }, { "type": "Formatted XML", "url": "" } ], "type": "Introduced in House" }, { "date": null, "formats": [], "type": null } ] }
{ "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1387", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "titles": [ { "billTextVersionCode": null, "billTextVersionName": null, "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Civics Learning Act of 2023", "titleType": "Display Title" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Civics Learning Act of 2023", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to increase civics education programs, and for other purposes.", "titleType": "Official Title as Introduced" } ] }
Sultana Steamboat Disaster Commemorative Coin Act of 2023
[ [ "C001087", "Rep. Crawford, Eric A. \"Rick\" [R-AR-1]", "sponsor" ], [ "T000463", "Rep. Turner, Michael R. [R-OH-10]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000814", "Rep. Weber, Randy K., Sr. [R-TX-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S000250", "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000804", "Rep. Wittman, Robert J. [R-VA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001195", "Rep. Smith, Jason [R-MO-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000585", "Rep. LaHood, Darin [R-IL-16]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001115", "Rep. Cloud, Michael [R-TX-27]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000460", "Rep. Thompson, Mike [D-CA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000589", "Rep. Lesko, Debbie [R-AZ-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000809", "Rep. Womack, Steve [R-AR-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001082", "Rep. Hern, Kevin [R-OK-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000048", "Rep. Pfluger, August [R-TX-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001306", "Rep. Balderson, Troy [R-OH-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000594", "Rep. De La Cruz, Monica [R-TX-15]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001295", "Rep. Bost, Mike [R-IL-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "Z000018", "Rep. Zinke, Ryan K. [R-MT-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001212", "Rep. Moore, Barry [R-AL-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001291", "Rep. Babin, Brian [R-TX-36]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000600", "Rep. Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL-26]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000376", "Rep. Kelly, Mike [R-PA-16]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001103", "Rep. Carter, Earl L. \"Buddy\" [R-GA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000304", "Rep. Jackson, Ronny [R-TX-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000299", "Rep. Johnson, Mike [R-LA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000821", "Rep. Westerman, Bruce [R-AR-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000871", "Rep. Mann, Tracey [R-KS-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000459", "Rep. Fleischmann, Charles J. \"Chuck\" [R-TN-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001189", "Rep. Scott, Austin [R-GA-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000301", "Rep. Johnson, Dusty [R-SD-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000594", "Rep. Gonzales, Tony [R-TX-23]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000026", "Rep. Nehls, Troy E. [R-TX-22]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001183", "Rep. Schweikert, David [R-AZ-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000294", "Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001072", "Rep. Hill, J. French [R-AR-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001052", "Rep. Harris, Andy [R-MD-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000465", "Rep. Ferguson, A. Drew, IV [R-GA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000135", "Rep. Van Orden, Derrick [R-WI-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000388", "Rep. Kelly, Trent [R-MS-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000575", "Rep. Rogers, Mike D. [R-AL-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001309", "Rep. Burchett, Tim [R-TN-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000546", "Rep. Graves, Sam [R-MO-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001068", "Rep. Cohen, Steve [D-TN-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000375", "Rep. Arrington, Jodey C. [R-TX-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000593", "Rep. Gimenez, Carlos A. [R-FL-28]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001298", "Rep. Bacon, Don [R-NE-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000246", "Rep. Fallon, Pat [R-TX-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000478", "Rep. Tenney, Claudia [R-NY-24]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000565", "Rep. Gosar, Paul A. [R-AZ-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001148", "Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000392", "Rep. Kustoff, David [R-TN-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001204", "Rep. Meuser, Daniel [R-PA-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000467", "Rep. Thompson, Glenn [R-PA-15]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000806", "Rep. Webster, Daniel [R-FL-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001132", "Rep. Crane, Elijah [R-AZ-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000582", "Resident Commissioner González-Colón, Jenniffer [R-PR-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001159", "Rep. McMorris Rodgers, Cathy [R-WA-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000466", "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000564", "Rep. Lamborn, Doug [R-CO-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000595", "Rep. Letlow, Julia [R-LA-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001257", "Rep. Bilirakis, Gus M. [R-FL-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001136", "Rep. McClain, Lisa C. [R-MI-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001314", "Rep. Bean, Aaron [R-FL-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001301", "Rep. Bergman, Jack [R-MI-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001221", "Rep. Molinaro, Marcus J. [R-NY-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000600", "Del. Radewagen, Aumua Amata Coleman [R-AS-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001195", "Rep. Mooney, Alexander X. [R-WV-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000598", "Rep. LaLota, Nick [R-NY-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000568", "Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan [R-VA-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001067", "Rep. Hudson, Richard [R-NC-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000190", "Rep. Norman, Ralph [R-SC-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B000740", "Rep. Bice, Stephanie I. [R-OK-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000557", "Rep. Larson, John B. [D-CT-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001199", "Rep. Mast, Brian J. [R-FL-21]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001199", "Rep. Smucker, Lloyd [R-PA-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000628", "Rep. Dunn, Neal P. [R-FL-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000055", "Rep. Aderholt, Robert B. [R-AL-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "O000086", "Rep. Owens, Burgess [R-UT-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000377", "Rep. Armstrong, Kelly [R-ND-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000576", "Rep. Grothman, Glenn [R-WI-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001222", "Rep. Santos, George [R-NY-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001317", "Rep. Brecheen, Josh [R-OK-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001219", "Del. Moylan, James C. [R-GU-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000235", "Rep. Ezell, Mike [R-MS-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000399", "Rep. Kiggans, Jennifer A [R-VA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000578", "Rep. LaMalfa, Doug [R-CA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001120", "Rep. Crenshaw, Dan [R-TX-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001118", "Rep. Cline, Ben [R-VA-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000369", "Rep. Amodei, Mark E. [R-NV-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001133", "Rep. Ciscomani, Juan [R-AZ-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000589", "Rep. Gooden, Lance [R-TX-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000633", "Rep. Duarte, John S. [R-CA-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000193", "Rep. Nunn, Zachary [R-IA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C000059", "Rep. Calvert, Ken [R-CA-41]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000603", "Rep. Rouzer, David [R-NC-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000599", "Rep. Lawler, Michael [R-NY-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000194", "Rep. Mace, Nancy [R-SC-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000398", "Rep. Kean, Thomas H. [R-NJ-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000189", "Rep. Newhouse, Dan [R-WA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000815", "Rep. Wenstrup, Brad R. [R-OH-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B000574", "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001072", "Rep. Carson, Andre [D-IN-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000579", "Rep. Ryan, Patrick [D-NY-18]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000193", "Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000613", "Rep. Panetta, Jimmy [D-CA-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000061", "Rep. Garcia, Mike [R-CA-27]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001160", "Rep. Moore, Gwen [D-WI-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001150", "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-30]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000148", "Rep. Auchincloss, Jake [D-MA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001287", "Rep. Bera, Ami [D-CA-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000399", "Rep. Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-37]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000559", "Rep. Garamendi, John [D-CA-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000551", "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "I000058", "Rep. Ivey, Glenn [D-MD-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000288", "Rep. Johnson, Henry C. \"Hank,\" Jr. [D-GA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000687", "Rep. Mfume, Kweisi [D-MD-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000312", "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001217", "Rep. Moskowitz, Jared [D-FL-23]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000034", "Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000604", "Rep. Payne, Donald M., Jr. [D-NJ-10]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001285", "Rep. Brownley, Julia [D-CA-26]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1388 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1388 To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins to honor and memorialize the tragedy of the Sultana steamboat explosion of 1865. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Crawford (for himself, Mr. Turner, Mr. Weber of Texas, Mr. Sessions, Mr. Wittman, Mr. Smith of Missouri, Mr. LaHood, Mr. Cloud, Mr. Thompson of California, Mrs. Lesko, Mr. Womack, Mr. Hern, Mr. Pfluger, Mr. Balderson, Ms. De La Cruz, Mr. Bost, Mr. Zinke, Mr. Moore of Alabama, Mr. Babin, Mr. Diaz-Balart, Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania, Mr. Carter of Georgia, Mr. Jackson of Texas, Mr. Johnson of Louisiana, Mr. Westerman, Mr. Mann, Mr. Fleischmann, Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia, Mr. Johnson of South Dakota, Mr. Tony Gonzales of Texas, Mr. Nehls, Mr. Schweikert, Mr. Emmer, Mr. Hill, Mr. Harris, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Van Orden, Mr. Kelly of Mississippi, Mr. Rogers of Alabama, Mr. Burchett, Mr. Graves of Missouri, and Mr. Cohen) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins to honor and memorialize the tragedy of the Sultana steamboat explosion of 1865. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Sultana Steamboat Disaster Commemorative Coin Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) On April 27, 1865, the Sultana, a Mississippi River paddlewheel steamboat, exploded killing nearly 1,200 of the 2,137 passengers and crew on board. Based on the number of recorded casualties, this event is the worst maritime disaster in United States history. (2) Those aboard the boat were mostly paroled Union soldiers recently released from the Confederate prisoner-of-war camps in Cahaba, Alabama, and Andersonville, Georgia. These men largely hailed from Ohio, Tennessee, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, and West Virginia. (3) The Sultana disaster was overshadowed by other major events surrounding the end of the American Civil War, including the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln on April 15, 1865, and subsequently, the killing of President Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth, on April 26, 1865, just 1 day before the Sultana disaster. (4) The Sultana Historical Preservation Society now operates the Sultana Disaster Museum in Marion, Arkansas, with artifacts, stories, and exhibits that tell this story. Plans and fundraising are progressing for a much larger facility that can better acquire and preserve the Sultana history. SEC. 3. COIN SPECIFICATIONS. (a) Denominations.--In recognition and remembrance of the tragedy of the Sultana steamboat explosion of 1865, which is the greatest maritime disaster in United States history, the Secretary of the Treasury (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the ``Secretary'') shall mint and issue the following coins: (1) $5 gold coins.--Not more than 100,000 $5 coins, which shall-- (A) weigh 8.359 grams; (B) have a diameter of 0.850 inches; and (C) contain not less than 90 percent gold. (2) $1 silver coins.--Not more than 500,000 $1 coins, which shall-- (A) weigh 26.73 grams; (B) have a diameter of 1.500 inches; and (C) contain not less than 90 percent silver. (3) Half-dollar clad coins.--Not more than 750,000 half- dollar coins which shall-- (A) weigh 11.34 grams; (B) have a diameter of 1.205 inches; and (C) be minted to the specifications for half-dollar coins contained in section 5112(b) of title 31, United States Code. (b) Legal Tender.--The coins minted under this Act shall be legal tender, as provided in section 5103 of title 31, United States Code. (c) Numismatic Items.--For purposes of sections 5134 and 5136 of title 31, United States Code, all coins minted under this Act shall be considered to be numismatic items. SEC. 4. DESIGNS OF COIN. (a) Design Requirements.--The designs of the coins minted under this Act shall be emblematic of the historical significance of the Sultana disaster and the sacrifice of the many people of the United States who died and survived on April 27, 1865. (b) Designation and Inscriptions.--On each coin minted under this Act, there shall be-- (1) a designation of the value of the coin; (2) an inscription of the year ``2023''; and (3) inscriptions of the words ``Liberty'', ``In God We Trust'', ``United States of America'', and ``E Pluribus Unum''. (c) Selection.--The designs for the coins minted under this Act shall be-- (1) selected by the Secretary after consultation with the Commission of Fine Arts; and (2) reviewed by the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee. SEC. 5. ISSUANCE OF COINS. (a) Quality of Coins.--Coins minted under this Act shall be issued in uncirculated and proof qualities. (b) Period of Issuance.--The Secretary may issue coins minted under this Act only during the 1-year period beginning on January 1, 2023. SEC. 6. SALE OF COINS. (a) Sale Price.--The coins issued under this Act shall be sold by the Secretary at a price equal to the sum of-- (1) the face value of the coins; (2) the surcharge provided in section 7(a) with respect to such coins; and (3) the cost of designing and issuing the coins (including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, overhead expenses, marketing, and shipping). (b) Prepaid Orders.-- (1) In general.--The Secretary shall accept prepaid orders for the coins minted under this Act before the issuance of such coins. (2) Discount.--Sale prices with respect to prepaid orders under paragraph (1) shall be at a reasonable discount. (c) Marketing and Educational Campaign.--The Secretary shall develop and execute a marketing, promotion, and educational program to promote the collecting of the coins authorized under this Act. SEC. 7. SURCHARGES. (a) In General.--All sales of coins issued under this Act shall include a surcharge of-- (1) $35 per coin for the $5 coin; (2) $10 per coin for the $1 coin; and (3) $5 per coin for the half-dollar coin. (b) Distribution.--Subject to section 5134(f) of title 31, United States Code, all surcharges received by the Secretary from the sale of coins issued under this Act shall be promptly paid by the Secretary to the Sultana Historical Preservation Society for the purpose of establishing, operating, and maintaining a museum to tell the story of the Sultana, including-- (1) constructing the museum facility; (2) creating, maintaining, and updating as necessary museum exhibits; (3) acquiring and preserving artifacts, memorabilia, and historic sites related to the Sultana disaster; and (4) maintaining an operational reserve fund for the purposes described in this subsection. (c) Audits.--The Sultana Historical Preservation Society shall be subject to the audit requirements of section 5134(f) of title 31, United States Code, with regard to the amounts received under subsection (b). (d) Limitation.--Notwithstanding subsection (a), no surcharge may be included with respect to the issuance under this Act of any coin during a calendar year if, as of the time of such issuance, the issuance of such coin would result in the number of commemorative coin programs issued during such year to exceed the annual 2 commemorative coin program issuance limitation under section 5112(m)(1) of title 31, United States Code (as in effect on the date of enactment of this Act). The Secretary may issue guidance to carry out this subsection. SEC. 8. FINANCIAL ASSURANCES. The Secretary shall take such actions as may be necessary to ensure that-- (1) minting and issuing coins under this Act will not result in any net cost to the United States Government; and (2) no funds, including applicable surcharges, are disbursed to the recipient designated in section 7 until the total cost of designing and issuing all of the coins authorized by this Act (including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, overhead expenses, marketing, and shipping) is recovered by the United States Treasury, consistent with sections 5112(m) and 5134(f) of title 31, United States Code. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Finance and Financial Sector" ]
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:01:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Financial Services Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsba00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1388", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "relatedBills": [ { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs." }, "number": 668, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Sultana Steamboat Disaster Commemorative Coin Act of 2023", "type": "S", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1388", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "T000463", "district": 10, "firstName": "Michael", "fullName": "Rep. Turner, Michael R. [R-OH-10]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Turner", "middleName": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "OH", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000814", "district": 14, "firstName": "Randy", "fullName": "Rep. Weber, Randy K., Sr. [R-TX-14]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Weber", "middleName": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S000250", "district": 17, "firstName": "PETE", "fullName": "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-17]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "SESSIONS", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000804", "district": 1, "firstName": "Robert", "fullName": "Rep. 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[ [ "C001121", "Rep. Crow, Jason [D-CO-6]", "sponsor" ], [ "B001298", "Rep. Bacon, Don [R-NE-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000608", "Rep. Peters, Scott H. [D-CA-50]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1389 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1389 To provide the Secretary of Energy with the authority to enter into contracts and cooperative agreements to improve the resilience of defense critical electric infrastructure and reduce the vulnerability of critical defense facilities to the disruption of the supply of electric energy to those facilities. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Crow (for himself, Mr. Bacon, and Mr. Peters) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To provide the Secretary of Energy with the authority to enter into contracts and cooperative agreements to improve the resilience of defense critical electric infrastructure and reduce the vulnerability of critical defense facilities to the disruption of the supply of electric energy to those facilities. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Guaranteeing Resilient Installations for Defense Act'' or the ``GRID Act''. SEC. 2. DEFENSE CRITICAL ELECTRIC INFRASTRUCTURE SECURITY. Section 215A of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824o-1) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (4), by striking ``of the 48 contiguous States or the District of Columbia'' and inserting ``State''; (B) by redesignating paragraph (8) as paragraph (9); and (C) by inserting after paragraph (7) the following: ``(8) Resilience.--The term `resilience' has the meaning given the term in section 1304A(j) of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (42 U.S.C. 17384a(j)).''; (2) in subsection (c), in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking ``the 48 contiguous States and the District of Columbia'' and inserting ``any State''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(g) Authority To Address Vulnerabilities.--The Secretary may, to the extent that funds are made available for such purposes in advance in appropriations Acts, enter into contracts or cooperative agreements with external providers of electric energy-- ``(1) to improve the resilience of defense critical electric infrastructure; and ``(2) to reduce the vulnerability of critical defense facilities designated under subsection (c) to the disruption of the supply of electric energy to those facilities.''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Energy" ]
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SHOW UP Act of 2023
[ [ "C001108", "Rep. Comer, James [R-KY-1]", "sponsor" ], [ "D000032", "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001302", "Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001115", "Rep. Cloud, Michael [R-TX-27]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000246", "Rep. Fallon, Pat [R-TX-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000589", "Rep. Gooden, Lance [R-TX-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001212", "Rep. Stauber, Pete [R-MN-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000610", "Rep. Reschenthaler, Guy [R-PA-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001136", "Rep. McClain, Lisa C. [R-MI-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000266", "Rep. LaTurner, Jake [R-KS-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000246", "Rep. Edwards, Chuck [R-NC-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000600", "Rep. Langworthy, Nicholas A. [R-NY-23]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000576", "Rep. Grothman, Glenn [R-WI-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000478", "Rep. Fry, Russell [R-SC-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001309", "Rep. Burchett, Tim [R-TN-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B000825", "Rep. Boebert, Lauren [R-CO-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000377", "Rep. Armstrong, Kelly [R-ND-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S000250", "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001077", "Rep. Higgins, Clay [R-LA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000450", "Rep. Foxx, Virginia [R-NC-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001316", "Rep. Burlison, Eric [R-MO-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000480", "Rep. Timmons, William R. IV [R-SC-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001054", "Rep. Carl, Jerry L. [R-AL-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001194", "Rep. Moolenaar, John R. [R-MI-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001118", "Rep. Cline, Ben [R-VA-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000612", "Rep. Rose, John W. [R-TN-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000465", "Rep. Ferguson, A. Drew, IV [R-GA-3]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Stopping Home Office Work's Unproductive Problems Act of 2023 or the SHOW UP Act of </b><b>2023</b></p> <p>This bill requires each executive agency to reinstate the telework policies that were in place on December 31, 2019. Agencies may not implement expanded telework policies unless the Office of Personnel Management certifies that such policies, among other requirements, will have a positive effect on the agency's mission and operational costs.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 139 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 139 To require Executive agencies to submit to Congress a study of the impacts of expanded telework and remote work by agency employees during the COVID-19 pandemic and a plan for the agency's future use of telework and remote work, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES January 9, 2023 Mr. Comer (for himself, Mr. Donalds, Mr. Biggs, and Mr. Cloud) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require Executive agencies to submit to Congress a study of the impacts of expanded telework and remote work by agency employees during the COVID-19 pandemic and a plan for the agency's future use of telework and remote work, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Stopping Home Office Work's Unproductive Problems Act of 2023'' or the ``SHOW UP Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. REINSTATEMENT OF PRE-PANDEMIC TELEWORK POLICIES, PRACTICES, AND LEVELS FOR EXECUTIVE AGENCIES. Not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act, each agency shall reinstate and apply the telework policies, practices, and levels of the agency as in effect on December 31, 2019, and may not expand any such policy, practices, or levels until the date that an agency plan is submitted to Congress with a certification by the Director of the Office of Personnel Management under section 3. SEC. 3. STUDY, PLAN, AND CERTIFICATION REGARDING EXECUTIVE AGENCY TELEWORK POLICIES, PRACTICES, AND LEVELS FOR EXECUTIVE AGENCIES. (a) In General.--Not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the head of each agency, in consultation with the Director, shall submit to Congress-- (1) a study on the impacts on the agency and its mission of expanding telework by its employees during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic that commenced in 2019, including an analysis of-- (A) any adverse impacts of that expansion on the agency's performance of its mission, including the performance of customer service by the agency; (B) any costs to the agency during that expansion attributable to-- (i) owning, leasing, or maintaining under- utilized real property; or (ii) paying higher rates of locality pay to teleworking employees as a result of incorrectly classifying such employees as teleworkers rather than remote workers; (C) any degree to which the agency failed during that expansion to provide teleworking employees with secure network capacity, communications tools, necessary and secure access to appropriate agency data assets and Federal records, and equipment sufficient to enable each such employee to be fully productive; (D) any degree to which that expansion facilitated dispersal of the agency workforce around the Nation; and (E) any other impacts of that expansion that the agency or the Director considers appropriate; (2) any agency plan to expand telework policies, practices, or levels beyond those in place as a result of section 2; and (3) a certification by the Director that such plan will-- (A) have a substantial positive effect on-- (i) the performance of the agency's mission, including the performance of customer service; (ii) increasing the level of dispersal of agency personnel throughout the Nation; and (iii) the reversal of any adverse impact set forth pursuant to paragraph (1)(D); (B) substantially lower the agency's costs of owning, leasing, or maintaining real property; (C) substantially lower the agency's costs attributable to paying locality pay to agency personnel working from locations outside the pay locality of their position's official worksite; and (D) ensure that teleworking employees will be provided with secure network capacity, communications tools, necessary and secure access to appropriate agency data assets and Federal records, and equipment sufficient to enable each such employee to be fully productive, without substantially increasing the agency's overall costs for secure network capacity, communications tools, and equipment. (b) Limitation.-- (1) In general.--An agency may not implement the plan submitted under subsection (a)(2) unless a certification by the Director was issued under subsection (a)(3). (2) Subsequent plans.--In the event an initial agency plan submitted under subsection (a)(2) fails to receive such certification, the agency may submit to the Director subsequent plans until such certification is received, and submit such plan and certification to Congress. (c) Definitions.--In this Act-- (1) the term ``agency'' has the meaning given the term ``Executive agency'' in section 105 of title 5, United States Code; (2) the term ``Director'' means the Director of the Office of Personnel Management; (3) the term ``locality pay'' means locality pay provided for under section 5304 or 5304a of such title; and (4) the terms ``telework'' and ``teleworking'' have the meaning given those terms in section 6501 of such title, and include remote work. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Government Operations and Politics", "Cardiovascular and respiratory health", "Commuting", "Computers and information technology", "Congressional oversight", "Emergency medical services and trauma care", "Government buildings, facilities, and property", "Government employee pay, benefits, personnel management", "Government information and archives", "Government studies and investigations", "Infectious and parasitic diseases", "Performance measurement" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 14, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": [ { "description": "As introduced on January 9, 2023\n", "pubDate": "2023-01-30T18:23:00Z", "title": "H.R. 139, SHOW UP Act", "url": "" } ], "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 7 (Monday, January 9, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. COMER:\nH.R. 139.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the U.S. Constitution,\nin that the legislation ``is necessary and proper for\ncarrying into Execution the . . . Powers vested by this\nConstitution in the Government of the United States, or in\nany Department or Officer thereof.''\n[Page H110]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 26, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 26, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-01-09", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-02-02", "actionTime": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs." }, "laws": null, "number": "139", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Government Operations and Politics" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "C001108", "district": 1, "firstName": "James", "fullName": "Rep. Comer, James [R-KY-1]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Comer", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "state": "KY", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 12, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "title": "SHOW UP Act of 2023", "titles": { "count": 6, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:49:51Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:49:51Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "139", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "actions": [ { "actionCode": null, "actionDate": "2023-02-02", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee", "systemCode": "ssga00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "H38310", "actionDate": "2023-02-01", "actionTime": "16:58:05", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H37100", "actionDate": "2023-02-01", "actionTime": "16:58:03", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 118, "date": "2023-02-01T21:58:03Z", "rollNumber": 103, "sessionNumber": 1, "url": "" } ], "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 221 - 206 (Roll no. 103). (text: CR H599-600)", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "8000", "actionDate": "2023-02-01", "actionTime": "16:58:03", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 118, "date": "2023-02-01T21:58:03Z", "rollNumber": 103, "sessionNumber": 1, "url": "" } ], "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 221 - 206 (Roll no. 103).(text: CR H599-600)", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H30000", "actionDate": "2023-02-01", "actionTime": "16:32:02", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H611-612)", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H8D000", "actionDate": "2023-02-01", "actionTime": "15:09:53", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on H.R. 139, the Chair put the question on passage and by voice vote, announced that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Comer demanded the yeas and nays and the Chair postponed further proceedings until a time to be announced.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H35000", "actionDate": "2023-02-01", "actionTime": "15:08:55", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H8D000", "actionDate": "2023-02-01", "actionTime": "14:11:00", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on H.R. 139.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H8D000", "actionDate": "2023-02-01", "actionTime": "14:10:06", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Rule provides for consideration of H.J. Res. 7, H.R. 139, H.R. 382 and H.R. 497. All bills are considered under a closed rule with one hour of general debate and one motion to recommit.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H30000", "actionDate": "2023-02-01", "actionTime": "14:10:01", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 75. (consideration: CR H599-607)", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H1L210", "actionDate": "2023-01-31", "actionTime": "10:06:19", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 75 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.J. Res. 7, H.R. 139, H.R. 382 and H.R. 497. All bills are considered under a closed rule with one hour of general debate and one motion to recommit.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-01-09", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "systemCode": "hsgo00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "Intro-H", "actionDate": "2023-01-09", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "1000", "actionDate": "2023-01-09", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "pagination": { "count": 14 }, "request": { "billNumber": "139", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "amendments": [], "pagination": { "count": 0 }, "request": { "billNumber": "139", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-02-02T16:43:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "ssga00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-01-09T22:20:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "139", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 2 }, "relatedBills": [ { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-01-31", "actionTime": "14:06:33", "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection." }, "number": 75, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "House", "type": "Related bill" }, { "identifiedBy": "House", "type": "Procedurally-related" } ], "title": "Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 7) relating to a national emergency declared by the President on March 13, 2020; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 139) to require Executive agencies to submit to Congress a study of the impacts of expanded telework and remote work by agency employees during the COVID-19 pandemic and a plan for the agency's future use of telework and remote work, and for other purposes; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 382) to terminate the public health emergency declared with respect to COVID-19; and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 497) to eliminate the COVID-19 vaccine mandate on health care providers furnishing items and services under certain Federal health care programs.", "type": "HRES", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "139", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "D000032", "district": 19, "firstName": "Byron", "fullName": "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Donalds", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001302", "district": 5, "firstName": "Andy", "fullName": "Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Biggs", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AZ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001115", "district": 27, "firstName": "Michael", "fullName": "Rep. Cloud, Michael [R-TX-27]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Cloud", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "F000246", "district": 4, "firstName": "Pat", "fullName": "Rep. 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Reschenthaler, Guy [R-PA-14]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Reschenthaler", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-25", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001136", "district": 9, "firstName": "Lisa", "fullName": "Rep. McClain, Lisa C. [R-MI-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "McClain", "middleName": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-26", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000266", "district": 2, "firstName": "Jake", "fullName": "Rep. LaTurner, Jake [R-KS-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "LaTurner", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-26", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "KS", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "E000246", "district": 11, "firstName": "Chuck", "fullName": "Rep. 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Fry, Russell [R-SC-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Fry", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-26", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "SC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001309", "district": 2, "firstName": "Tim", "fullName": "Rep. Burchett, Tim [R-TN-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Burchett", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-26", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B000825", "district": 3, "firstName": "Lauren", "fullName": "Rep. Boebert, Lauren [R-CO-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Boebert", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-26", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "A000377", "district": 0, "firstName": "Kelly", "fullName": "Rep. 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Identifying and Eliminating Wasteful Programs Act
[ [ "C001063", "Rep. Cuellar, Henry [D-TX-28]", "sponsor" ], [ "M000194", "Rep. Mace, Nancy [R-SC-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000308", "Rep. Jackson, Jeff [D-NC-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000194", "Rep. Nickel, Wiley [D-NC-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000483", "Rep. Trone, David J. [D-MD-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000032", "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000629", "Rep. Davids, Sharice [D-KS-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000616", "Rep. Phillips, Dean [D-MN-3]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Identifying and Eliminating Wasteful Programs Act</strong></p> <p>This bill requires each federal agency to compile a list of unnecessary programs.</p> <p>Specifically, each agency must compile a list of such programs, based on guidance provided by the Office of Management and Budget, that </p> <ul> <li>are unnecessary, defunct, or unnecessarily duplicative federal programs;</li> <li>another agency could administer more effectively; or</li> <li>could operate more effectively if the program or activity were consolidated with other programs or activities.</li> </ul> <p>Additionally, the President must include the list of identified programs or program activities in the annual budget submitted to Congress.</p> <p>An agency may submit to Congress recommendations for statutory changes to eliminate or consolidate programs or program activities identified in the list.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1390 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1390 To amend title 31, United States Code, to require the Chief Operating Officer of each agency to compile a list of unnecessary programs, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Cuellar (for himself and Ms. Mace) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend title 31, United States Code, to require the Chief Operating Officer of each agency to compile a list of unnecessary programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Identifying and Eliminating Wasteful Programs Act''. SEC. 2. IDENTIFICATION AND ELIMINATION OF UNNECESSARY AGENCY PROGRAMS OR PROGRAM ACTIVITIES. (a) Transparency of Programs, Priority Goals, and Results.--Section 1122(a)(3)(D) of title 31, United States Code, is amended-- (1) by redesignating clauses (vi) and (vii) as clauses (vii) and (viii), respectively; (2) by inserting after clause (v) the following: ``(vi) to the extent practicable and consistent with guidance issued by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, budget justification materials described in section 3(b)(2)(B) of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (31 U.S.C. 6101 note);''; and (3) in clause (vii), as so redesignated, by striking ``accountability; and'' and inserting ``accountability, including information included in the list compiled under section 1127(b)(1); and''. (b) Identification of Unnecessary Agency Programs or Program Activities.--Chapter 11 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``Sec. 1127. Identification of unnecessary agency programs or program activities ``(a) Definitions.--In this section: ``(1) Agency.--The term `agency' has the meaning given the term in section 1108(a). ``(2) Program.--The term `program' has the meaning given the term in section 1122(a)(1). ``(3) Program activity.--The term `program activity' has the meaning given the term in section 1115(h). ``(b) Agency Identification of Unnecessary Programs or Program Activities.--Not later than 20 days after the date on which the President submits the budget of the United States Government under section 1105(a) each year, and based on guidance provided by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Chief Operating Officer of each agency shall-- ``(1) compile a list that identifies any program or program activity of the agency that-- ``(A) is unnecessary, defunct, or unnecessarily duplicative of another program or program activity of the agency; ``(B) another agency could administer more effectively; or ``(C) could operate more effectively if the program or activity were consolidated with other programs or activities; ``(2) publish the list compiled under paragraph (1) in-- ``(A) with respect to each list compiled before the date of the implementation described in section 9601(b)(3) of title XCVI of the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (31 U.S.C. 1122 note) of the program inventory described in section 1122(a)(2)(B)(i) of this title, the pilot program described in section 9601(b)(2)(B) of title XCVI of that Act; and ``(B) with respect to each successive list, the program inventory described in section 1122(a)(2)(B)(i); and ``(3) submit the list compiled under paragraph (1) to-- ``(A) the relevant congressional committees of jurisdiction of the agency; ``(B) the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate; ``(C) the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate; ``(D) the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives; and ``(E) the Committee on Oversight and Accountability of the House of Representatives. ``(c) Recommendations.--Based on guidance issued by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the head of an agency may submit to Congress recommendations for statutory changes to eliminate or consolidate programs or program activities identified under subsection (b)(1).''. (c) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 11 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``1127. Identification of unnecessary agency programs or program activities.''. (d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall take effect on the date that is 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Government Operations and Politics", "Budget process", "Congressional oversight", "Executive agency funding and structure", "Government information and archives" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "M000194", "district": 1, "firstName": "Nancy", "fullName": "Rep. Mace, Nancy [R-SC-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Mace", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "SC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "J000308", "district": 14, "firstName": "Jeff", "fullName": "Rep. Jackson, Jeff [D-NC-14]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Jackson", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-10", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "N000194", "district": 13, "firstName": "Wiley", "fullName": "Rep. Nickel, Wiley [D-NC-13]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Nickel", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-10", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000483", "district": 6, "firstName": "David", "fullName": "Rep. Trone, David J. [D-MD-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Trone", "middleName": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-14", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MD", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000032", "district": 19, "firstName": "Byron", "fullName": "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Donalds", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-26", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000629", "district": 3, "firstName": "Sharice", "fullName": "Rep. Davids, Sharice [D-KS-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Davids", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "KS", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000616", "district": 3, "firstName": "Dean", "fullName": "Rep. Phillips, Dean [D-MN-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Phillips", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MN", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 7, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 7, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1390", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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No Fortune for Fraud Act
[ [ "D000632", "Rep. D'Esposito, Anthony [R-NY-4]", "sponsor" ], [ "M001221", "Rep. Molinaro, Marcus J. [R-NY-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000599", "Rep. Lawler, Michael [R-NY-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000598", "Rep. LaLota, Nick [R-NY-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000600", "Rep. Langworthy, Nicholas A. [R-NY-23]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000828", "Rep. Williams, Brandon [R-NY-22]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>No Fortune for Fraud Act</b></p> <p>This bill prohibits a Member of the House of Representatives from receiving compensation for a biography, a media appearance, or other creative work if the Member is convicted of specified felony offenses (e.g., bribing public officials or defrauding the government) or offenses related to violations of campaign finance laws. A Member who violates the prohibition shall be subject to a civil penalty of up to $10 million for each violation.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1391 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1391 To prohibit Members of the House of Representatives who are convicted of offenses involving financial or campaign finance fraud from receiving compensation for biographies, media appearances, or expressive or creative works, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. D'Esposito (for himself, Mr. Molinaro, Mr. Lawler, Mr. LaLota, Mr. Langworthy, and Mr. Williams of New York) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on House Administration _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To prohibit Members of the House of Representatives who are convicted of offenses involving financial or campaign finance fraud from receiving compensation for biographies, media appearances, or expressive or creative works, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Fortune for Fraud Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITING MEMBERS OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONVICTED FOR FINANCIAL OR CAMPAIGN FINANCE OFFENSES FROM RECEIVING COMPENSATION FOR BIOGRAPHIES, MEDIA APPEARANCES, OR EXPRESSIVE OR CREATIVE WORKS. (a) Prohibition.--A Member of the House of Representatives who is finally convicted of an offense described in subsection (b) may not, when serving as a Member or at any time after serving as a Member, receive compensation, or enter into an agreement to receive compensation, for a biography, media appearance, or an expressive or creative work. (b) Offenses Described.--An offense described in this paragraph is-- (1) any offense described in subparagraph (B) of section 8332(o)(2) of title 5, United States Code, without regard to whether the offense is described in subparagraph (A) of such section; or (2) any offense which is based on a violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 (52 U.S.C. 30101 et seq.). (c) Penalty.--An individual who violates subsection (a) shall be subject to a civil money penalty of not to exceed $10,000,000 for each such violation. (d) Definition.--In this Act, the term ``Member of the House of Representatives'' includes a Delegate or Resident Commissioner to the Congress. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Congress" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "M001221", "district": 19, "firstName": "Marcus", "fullName": "Rep. Molinaro, Marcus J. [R-NY-19]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Molinaro", "middleName": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000599", "district": 17, "firstName": "Michael", "fullName": "Rep. Lawler, Michael [R-NY-17]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Lawler", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000598", "district": 1, "firstName": "Nick", "fullName": "Rep. LaLota, Nick [R-NY-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "LaLota", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000600", "district": 23, "firstName": "Nicholas", "fullName": "Rep. Langworthy, Nicholas A. [R-NY-23]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Langworthy", "middleName": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000828", "district": 22, "firstName": "Brandon", "fullName": "Rep. Williams, Brandon [R-NY-22]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Williams", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 5, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 5, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1391", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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National Flood Insurance Program Extension Act of 2023
[ [ "D000626", "Rep. Davidson, Warren [R-OH-8]", "sponsor" ], [ "L000599", "Rep. Lawler, Michael [R-NY-17]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>National Flood Insurance Program Extension Act of 2023</strong></p> <p>This bill reauthorizes the National Flood Insurance Program through December 31, 2024.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1392 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1392 To reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program through December 31, 2024. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Davidson introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program through December 31, 2024. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``National Flood Insurance Program Extension Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. REAUTHORIZATION OF NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM. (a) Financing.--Section 1309(a) of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 4016(a)) is amended by striking ``September 30, 2022'' and inserting ``December 31, 2024''. (b) Program Expiration.--Section 1319 of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 4026) is amended by striking ``September 30, 2022'' and inserting ``December 31, 2024''. (c) Retroactive Effective Date.--If this Act is enacted after September 30, 2023, the amendments made by subsections (a) and (b) shall take effect as if enacted on September 30, 2023. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Finance and Financial Sector" ]
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To amend the Controlled Substances Act to define currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions, and for other purposes.
[ [ "D000631", "Rep. Dean, Madeleine [D-PA-4]", "sponsor" ], [ "M000194", "Rep. Mace, Nancy [R-SC-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B000574", "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000292", "Rep. Johnson, Bill [R-OH-6]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1393 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1393 To amend the Controlled Substances Act to define currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Ms. Dean of Pennsylvania (for herself and Ms. Mace) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Controlled Substances Act to define currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. CURRENTLY ACCEPTED MEDICAL USE WITH SEVERE RESTRICTIONS. (a) Definitions.--Section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802) is amended-- (1) by redesignating paragraph (58) (defining a serious violent felony) as paragraph (59); (2) by redesignating the second paragraph (57) (defining a serious drug felony) as paragraph (58); and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(60)(A) Subject to subparagraph (B), the term `currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions', with respect to a drug or other substance, includes a drug or other substance that is an active metabolite, moiety, or ingredient (whether in natural or synthetic form) of an investigational new drug for which a waiver is in effect under section 505(i) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355(i)) or section 351(a)(3) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262(a)(3)) and that the Secretary-- ``(i) designates as a breakthrough therapy under section 506(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 356(a)); or ``(ii) authorizes for expanded access under subsection (b) or (c) of section 561 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb), either alone or as part of a therapeutic protocol, to treat patients with serious or life-threatening diseases for which no comparable or satisfactory therapies are available. ``(B) A drug or other substance shall not be treated as meeting the criteria under subparagraph (A) for having a currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions if-- ``(i) in the case of a drug or other substance described in subparagraph (A)(ii)-- ``(I) the Secretary places the expanded access or protocol for such drug on clinical hold as described in section 312.42 of title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (or any successor regulations); ``(II) there is no other investigational new drug containing the drug or other substance for which expanded access has been authorized under section 561(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb(a)); and ``(III) the drug or other substance does not meet the requirements of subparagraph (A)(i); or ``(ii) the drug or other substance is approved under section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355) or section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262).''. (b) Authority and Criteria for Classification of Substances.-- Section 201(j) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 811(j)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1), by inserting ``a drug designated as a breakthrough therapy under section 506(a) of the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 356(a)), or a drug authorized for expanded access under subsection (b) or (c) of section 561 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb),'' after ``subsection (f),''; (2) in paragraph (2)-- (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``; or'' and inserting a semicolon; (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(C) the date on which the Attorney General receives notification from the Secretary of Health and Human Services that the Secretary has designated the drug as a breakthrough therapy under section 506(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 356(a)) or authorized the drug for expanded access under subsection (b) or (c) of section 561 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb); or ``(D) the date on which the Attorney General receives any written notification demonstrating that the Secretary, before the date of enactment of this subparagraph, designated the drug as a breakthrough therapy under section 506(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 356(a)) or authorized the drug for expanded access under subsection (b) or (c) of section 561 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb).''; (3) in paragraph (3), by inserting ``or paragraph (4)'' after ``paragraph (1)''; and (4) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) With respect to a drug moved from schedule I to schedule II pursuant to paragraph (1) and the expedited procedures described under this subsection, if the drug no longer has a currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions and the Secretary of Health and Human Services recommends that the Attorney General control the drug in schedule I pursuant to subsections (a) and (b), the Attorney General shall, not later than 90 days after receiving written notification from the Secretary, issue an interim final rule controlling the drug in accordance with such subsections and section 202(b) using the procedures described in paragraph (3) of this subsection.''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Crime and Law Enforcement" ]
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American SAFER Act of 2023
[ [ "F000246", "Rep. Fallon, Pat [R-TX-4]", "sponsor" ], [ "C001103", "Rep. Carter, Earl L. \"Buddy\" [R-GA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S000250", "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001115", "Rep. Cloud, Michael [R-TX-27]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000103", "Rep. Rosendale Sr., Matthew M. [R-MT-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001120", "Rep. Crenshaw, Dan [R-TX-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001077", "Rep. Higgins, Clay [R-LA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001211", "Rep. Miller, Mary E. [R-IL-15]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000564", "Rep. Lamborn, Doug [R-CO-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001302", "Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000304", "Rep. Jackson, Ronny [R-TX-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000589", "Rep. Gooden, Lance [R-TX-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001317", "Rep. Brecheen, Josh [R-OK-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000814", "Rep. Weber, Randy K., Sr. [R-TX-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000375", "Rep. Arrington, Jodey C. [R-TX-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000614", "Rep. Roy, Chip [R-TX-21]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000032", "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1394 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1394 To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to clarify that expedited removal of inadmissible arriving aliens applies regardless of where the alien is encountered or apprehended, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Fallon (for himself, Mr. Carter of Georgia, Mr. Sessions, Mr. Cloud, Mr. Rosendale, Mr. Crenshaw, Mr. Higgins of Louisiana, Mrs. Miller of Illinois, Mr. Lamborn, Mr. Biggs, Mr. Jackson of Texas, and Mr. Gooden of Texas) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to clarify that expedited removal of inadmissible arriving aliens applies regardless of where the alien is encountered or apprehended, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``American Safety and Fairness through Expedited Removal Act of 2023'' or the ``American SAFER Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. EXPANSION OF EXPEDITED REMOVAL OF INADMISSIBLE ARRIVING ALIENS. Section 235(b)(1)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1225(b)(1)(A)) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by inserting ``, regardless of where the alien is encountered or apprehended,'' after ``or is described in clause (iii)''; (2) in clause (ii), by inserting ``, regardless of where the alien is encountered or apprehended,'' after ``or is described in clause (iii)''; and (3) in clause (iii)-- (A) by amending subclause (I) to read as follows: ``(I) In general.--The Secretary of Homeland Security shall apply clauses (i) and (ii) of this subparagraph to all aliens described in subclause (II).''; and (B) by adding at the end the following: ``(III) Discretionary application to other aliens.--The Secretary of Homeland Security may apply clauses (i) and (ii) of this subparagraph to any or all other aliens who have not been admitted or paroled into the United States, as designated by the Secretary of Homeland Security. Such designation shall be in the sole and unreviewable discretion of the Secretary of Homeland Security and may be modified at any time.''. SEC. 3. RULEMAKING. (a) Nullification of Rule.--The rule of the Department of Homeland Security entitled ``Designating Aliens for Expedited Removal'' (69 Fed. Reg. 48,877; August 11, 2004) shall have no force or effect. (b) Implementation.--Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall make a rule to implement the amendments made by this Act. (c) Limitation on Rulemaking.--The Secretary of Homeland Security may not make any rules implementing section 235(b)(1)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1225(b)(1)(A)) that limit the authority for expedited removal by the distance from the border of the United States where an alien is encountered or apprehended. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Immigration" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "C001103", "district": 1, "firstName": "Earl", "fullName": "Rep. Carter, Earl L. \"Buddy\" [R-GA-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Carter", "middleName": "L. \"Buddy\"", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "GA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S000250", "district": 17, "firstName": "PETE", "fullName": "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-17]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "SESSIONS", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001115", "district": 27, "firstName": "Michael", "fullName": "Rep. Cloud, Michael [R-TX-27]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Cloud", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000103", "district": 2, "firstName": "Matthew", "fullName": "Rep. Rosendale Sr., Matthew M. [R-MT-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Rosendale", "middleName": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MT", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001120", "district": 2, "firstName": "Dan", "fullName": "Rep. Crenshaw, Dan [R-TX-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Crenshaw", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "H001077", "district": 3, "firstName": "Clay", "fullName": "Rep. Higgins, Clay [R-LA-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Higgins", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "LA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001211", "district": 15, "firstName": "Mary", "fullName": "Rep. Miller, Mary E. [R-IL-15]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Miller", "middleName": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000564", "district": 5, "firstName": "Doug", "fullName": "Rep. Lamborn, Doug [R-CO-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Lamborn", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001302", "district": 5, "firstName": "Andy", "fullName": "Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Biggs", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AZ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "J000304", "district": 13, "firstName": "Ronny", "fullName": "Rep. Jackson, Ronny [R-TX-13]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Jackson", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000589", "district": 5, "firstName": "Lance", "fullName": "Rep. Gooden, Lance [R-TX-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Gooden", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001317", "district": 2, "firstName": "Josh", "fullName": "Rep. Brecheen, Josh [R-OK-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Brecheen", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "OK", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000814", "district": 14, "firstName": "Randy", "fullName": "Rep. Weber, Randy K., Sr. [R-TX-14]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Weber", "middleName": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "A000375", "district": 19, "firstName": "Jodey", "fullName": "Rep. Arrington, Jodey C. [R-TX-19]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Arrington", "middleName": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000614", "district": 21, "firstName": "Chip", "fullName": "Rep. Roy, Chip [R-TX-21]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Roy", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000032", "district": 19, "firstName": "Byron", "fullName": "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Donalds", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-23", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 16, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 16, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1394", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Delaware River Basin Conservation Reauthorization Act of 2023
[ [ "F000466", "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "sponsor" ], [ "E000296", "Rep. Evans, Dwight [D-PA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001303", "Rep. Blunt Rochester, Lisa [D-DE-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001296", "Rep. Boyle, Brendan F. [D-PA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001085", "Rep. Houlahan, Chrissy [D-PA-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000147", "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001205", "Rep. Scanlon, Mary Gay [D-PA-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000822", "Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie [D-NJ-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000826", "Rep. Wild, Susan [D-PA-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000394", "Rep. Kim, Andy [D-NJ-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000631", "Rep. Dean, Madeleine [D-PA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001221", "Rep. Molinaro, Marcus J. [R-NY-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000583", "Rep. Gottheimer, Josh [D-NJ-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000579", "Rep. Ryan, Patrick [D-NY-18]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000398", "Rep. Kean, Thomas H. [R-NJ-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S000522", "Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Delaware River Basin Conservation Reauthorization Act of 2023</strong></p> <p>This bill reauthorizes the Delaware River Basin Restoration Program and increases the federal cost share for certain grant projects. The bill also adds Maryland to the current list of basin states: Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.</p> <p>The bill specifically extends the Delaware River Basin Restoration Program through FY2030 and increases the federal cost share of a grant project that serves a small, rural, or disadvantaged community to 90% of the total cost of the project. However, the federal share may be increased to 100% of the project's total cost if the grant recipient is unable to pay, or would experience significant financial hardship if required to pay, the nonfederal share.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1395 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1395 To amend the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act to reauthorize Delaware River Basin conservation programs, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Fitzpatrick (for himself, Mr. Evans, Ms. Blunt Rochester, Mr. Boyle of Pennsylvania, Ms. Houlahan, Ms. Norton, Ms. Scanlon, Mrs. Watson Coleman, Ms. Wild, Mr. Kim of New Jersey, Ms. Dean of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Molinaro) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, and in addition to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act to reauthorize Delaware River Basin conservation programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Delaware River Basin Conservation Reauthorization Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. DELAWARE RIVER BASIN CONSERVATION REAUTHORIZATION. (a) Findings.--Section 3501(2) of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (Public Law 114-322; 130 Stat. 1771) is amended by inserting ``Maryland,'' after ``Delaware,''. (b) Definitions of Basin and Basin State.--Section 3502 of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (Public Law 114- 322; 130 Stat. 1773) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1)-- (A) by striking ``4-State'' and inserting ``5- State''; and (B) by inserting ``Maryland,'' after ``Delaware,''; and (2) in paragraph (2), by inserting ``Maryland,'' after ``Delaware,''. (c) Cost Sharing.--Section 3504(c)(1) of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (Public Law 114-322; 130 Stat. 1775) is amended-- (1) by striking ``The Federal share'' and inserting the following: ``(A) In general.--Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the Federal share''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(B) Small, rural, and disadvantaged communities.-- ``(i) In general.--Subject to clause (ii), the Federal share of the cost of a project funded under the grant program that serves a small, rural, or disadvantaged community shall be 90 percent of the total cost of the project, as determined by the Secretary. ``(ii) Waiver.--The Secretary may increase the Federal share under clause (i) to 100 percent of the total cost of the project if the Secretary determines that the grant recipient is unable to pay, or would experience significant financial hardship if required to pay, the non-Federal share.''. (d) Sunset.--Section 3507 of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (Public Law 114-322; 130 Stat. 1775) is amended by striking ``2023'' and inserting ``2030''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Water Resources Development", "Aquatic ecology", "Delaware", "Economic development", "Environmental assessment, monitoring, research", "Floods and storm protection", "Intergovernmental relations", "Lakes and rivers", "Land use and conservation", "Marine and coastal resources, fisheries", "Maryland", "New Jersey", "New York State", "Pennsylvania", "Water quality", "Water resources funding", "Water use and supply", "Watersheds", "Wildlife conservation and habitat protection" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "E000296", "district": 3, "firstName": "Dwight", "fullName": "Rep. Evans, Dwight [D-PA-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Evans", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001303", "district": 0, "firstName": "Lisa", "fullName": "Rep. Blunt Rochester, Lisa [D-DE-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Blunt Rochester", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "DE", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001296", "district": 2, "firstName": "Brendan", "fullName": "Rep. Boyle, Brendan F. [D-PA-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Boyle", "middleName": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "H001085", "district": 6, "firstName": "Chrissy", "fullName": "Rep. Houlahan, Chrissy [D-PA-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Houlahan", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "N000147", "district": 0, "firstName": "ELEANOR", "fullName": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "NORTON", "middleName": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "DC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001205", "district": 5, "firstName": "Mary", "fullName": "Rep. Scanlon, Mary Gay [D-PA-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Scanlon", "middleName": "Gay", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000822", "district": 12, "firstName": "Bonnie", "fullName": "Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie [D-NJ-12]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Watson Coleman", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NJ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000826", "district": 7, "firstName": "Susan", "fullName": "Rep. Wild, Susan [D-PA-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Wild", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000394", "district": 3, "firstName": "Andy", "fullName": "Rep. Kim, Andy [D-NJ-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Kim", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NJ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000631", "district": 4, "firstName": "Madeleine", "fullName": "Rep. Dean, Madeleine [D-PA-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Dean", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001221", "district": 19, "firstName": "Marcus", "fullName": "Rep. Molinaro, Marcus J. [R-NY-19]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Molinaro", "middleName": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000583", "district": 5, "firstName": "Josh", "fullName": "Rep. Gottheimer, Josh [D-NJ-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Gottheimer", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-14", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NJ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000579", "district": 18, "firstName": "Patrick", "fullName": "Rep. Ryan, Patrick [D-NY-18]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Ryan", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-06", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000398", "district": 7, "firstName": "Thomas", "fullName": "Rep. Kean, Thomas H. [R-NJ-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Kean", "middleName": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-11", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NJ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S000522", "district": 4, "firstName": "CHRISTOPHER", "fullName": "Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "SMITH", "middleName": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-06-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NJ", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 15, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 15, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1395", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument Expansion Act
[ [ "G000559", "Rep. Garamendi, John [D-CA-8]", "sponsor" ], [ "T000460", "Rep. Thompson, Mike [D-CA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001059", "Rep. Costa, Jim [D-CA-21]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000389", "Rep. Khanna, Ro [D-CA-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001068", "Rep. Huffman, Jared [D-CA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000613", "Rep. Panetta, Jimmy [D-CA-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001285", "Rep. Brownley, Julia [D-CA-26]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001193", "Rep. Swalwell, Eric [D-CA-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000397", "Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-18]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000618", "Rep. Porter, Katie [D-CA-47]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001163", "Rep. Matsui, Doris O. [D-CA-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000623", "Rep. DeSaulnier, Mark [D-CA-10]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000593", "Rep. Levin, Mike [D-CA-49]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001112", "Rep. Carbajal, Salud O. [D-CA-24]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001080", "Rep. Chu, Judy [D-CA-28]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001300", "Rep. Barragan, Nanette Diaz [D-CA-44]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument Expansion Act</strong></p> <p>This bill modifies the boundary of the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument to include the Walker Ridge (Molok Luyuk) Addition, which is approximately 3,925 acres of federal land administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Lake County, California.</p> <p>The Department of the Interior shall administer the addition as part of the monument.</p> <p> Interior and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) shall jointly develop a comprehensive management plan for the monument in accordance with, and in a manner that fulfills the purposes specified in, Presidential Proclamation 9298 of July 10, 2015, relating to the establishment of the monument. </p> <p>The BLM or the Forest Service shall enter into agreements, contracts, and other similarly cooperative and collaborative partnerships if requested by an affected federally recognized Indian tribe regarding management of the monument pursuant to the relevant federal authority. </p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1396 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1396 To modify the boundary of the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument to include certain Federal land in Lake County, California, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Garamendi (for himself and Mr. Thompson of California) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To modify the boundary of the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument to include certain Federal land in Lake County, California, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument Expansion Act''. SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) Board.--The term ``Board'' means the Board on Geographic Names established by section 2 of the Act of July 25, 1947 (61 Stat. 456, chapter 330; 43 U.S.C. 364a). (2) Map.--The term ``Map'' means the map entitled ``Proposed Walker Ridge (Molok Luyuk) Addition Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument'' and dated October 26, 2021. (3) Molok luyuk.--The term ``Molok Luyuk'' means Condor Ridge (in the Patwin language). (4) National monument.--The term ``National Monument'' means the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument established by Presidential Proclamation 9298, dated July 10, 2015 (80 Fed. Reg. 41975), including all land, interests in the land, and objects on the land identified in that Presidential Proclamation. (5) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of the Interior. (6) Walker ridge (molok luyuk) addition.--The term ``Walker Ridge (Molok Luyuk) Addition'' means the approximately 3,925 acres of Federal land (including any interests in, or objects on, the land) administered by the Bureau of Land Management in Lake County, California, and identified as ``Proposed Walker Ridge (Molok Luyuk) Addition'' on the Map. SEC. 3. NATIONAL MONUMENT EXPANSION. (a) Boundary Modification.--The boundary of the National Monument is modified to include the Walker Ridge (Molok Luyuk) Addition. (b) Map.-- (1) Corrections.--The Secretary may make clerical and typographical corrections to the Map. (2) Public availability; effect.--The Map and any corrections to the Map under paragraph (1) shall-- (A) be publicly available on the website of the Bureau of Land Management; and (B) have the same force and effect as if included in this Act. (c) Administration.--Subject to valid existing rights, the Secretary shall administer the Walker Ridge (Molok Luyuk) Addition-- (1) as part of the National Monument; (2) in accordance with Presidential Proclamation 9298, dated July 10, 2015 (80 Fed. Reg. 41975); and (3) in accordance with applicable laws (including regulations). SEC. 4. MANAGEMENT PLAN. (a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary and the Secretary of Agriculture shall jointly develop a comprehensive management plan for the National Monument in accordance with, and in a manner that fulfills the purposes described in, Presidential Proclamation 9298, dated July 10, 2015 (80 Fed. Reg. 41975). (b) Tribal Consultation.--The Secretary and the Secretary of Agriculture shall consult with affected federally recognized Indian Tribes in-- (1) the development of the management plan under subsection (a); and (2) making management decisions relating to the National Monument. (c) Continued Engagement With Indian Tribes.--The management plan developed under subsection (a) shall set forth parameters for continued meaningful engagement with affected federally recognized Indian Tribes in the implementation of the management plan. (d) Effect.--Nothing in this Act affects the conduct of fire mitigation or suppression activities at the National Monument, including through the use of existing agreements. SEC. 5. AGREEMENTS AND PARTNERSHIPS. To the maximum extent practicable and in accordance with applicable laws, on request of an affected federally recognized Indian Tribe, the Secretary (acting through the Director of the Bureau of Land Management) and the Secretary of Agriculture (acting through the Chief of the Forest Service) shall enter into agreements, contracts, and other cooperative and collaborative partnerships with the federally recognized Indian Tribe regarding management of the National Monument under relevant Federal authority, including-- (1) the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.); (2) the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.); (3) the Tribal Self-Governance Act of 1994 (25 U.S.C. 5361 et seq.); (4) the Tribal Forest Protection Act of 2004 (25 U.S.C. 3115a et seq.); (5) the good neighbor authority under section 8206 of the Agricultural Act of 2014 (16 U.S.C. 2113a); (6) Executive Order 13175 (25 U.S.C. 5301 note; relating to consultation and coordination with Indian Tribal governments); (7) Secretarial Order 3342, issued by the Secretary on October 21, 2016 (relating to identifying opportunities for cooperative and collaborative partnerships with federally recognized Indian Tribes in the management of Federal lands and resources); and (8) Joint Secretarial Order 3403, issued by the Secretary and the Secretary of Agriculture on November 15, 2021 (relating to fulfilling the trust responsibility to Indian Tribes in the stewardship of Federal lands and waters). SEC. 6. DESIGNATION OF CONDOR RIDGE (MOLOK LUYUK) IN LAKE AND COLUSA COUNTIES, CALIFORNIA. (a) In General.--The parcel of Federal land administered by the Bureau of Land Management located in Lake and Colusa Counties in the State of California and commonly referred to as ``Walker Ridge'' shall be known and designated as ``Condor Ridge (Molok Luyuk)''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the parcel of Federal land described in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to ``Condor Ridge (Molok Luyuk)''. (c) Map and Legal Description.-- (1) Preparation.-- (A) Initial map.--The Board shall prepare a map and legal description of the parcel of Federal land designated by subsection (a). (B) Corrections.--The Board and the Director of the Bureau of Land Management may make clerical and typographical corrections to the map and legal description prepared under subparagraph (A). (2) Consultation.--In preparing the map and legal description under paragraph (1)(A), the Board shall consult with-- (A) the Director of the Bureau of Land Management; and (B) affected federally recognized Indian Tribes. (3) Public availability; effect.--The map and legal description prepared under paragraph (1)(A) and any correction to the map or legal description made under paragraph (1)(B) shall-- (A) be publicly available on the website of the Board, the Bureau of Land Management, or both; (B) be subject to a public notice and comment period of not less than 30 days; and (C) have the same force and effect as if included in this Act. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Public Lands and Natural Resources" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 5, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. GARAMENDI:\nH.R. 1396.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle IV, Section 3, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nPublic Lands and Natural Resources\n[Page H1151]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 15, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 15, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-22", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Federal Lands." }, "laws": null, "number": "1396", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Public Lands and Natural Resources" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "G000559", "district": 8, "firstName": "John", "fullName": "Rep. Garamendi, John [D-CA-8]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Garamendi", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "state": "CA", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument Expansion Act", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:56Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:56Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1396", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:00:50Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-22T15:17:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Federal Lands Subcommittee", "systemCode": "hsii10", "url": "" } ], "systemCode": "hsii00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1396", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "T000460", "district": 4, "firstName": "MIKE", "fullName": "Rep. Thompson, Mike [D-CA-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "THOMPSON", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001059", "district": 21, "firstName": "Jim", "fullName": "Rep. Costa, Jim [D-CA-21]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Costa", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000389", "district": 17, "firstName": "Ro", "fullName": "Rep. Khanna, Ro [D-CA-17]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Khanna", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "H001068", "district": 2, "firstName": "Jared", "fullName": "Rep. Huffman, Jared [D-CA-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Huffman", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000613", "district": 19, "firstName": "Jimmy", "fullName": "Rep. Panetta, Jimmy [D-CA-19]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Panetta", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001285", "district": 26, "firstName": "Julia", "fullName": "Rep. Brownley, Julia [D-CA-26]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Brownley", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001193", "district": 14, "firstName": "Eric", "fullName": "Rep. Swalwell, Eric [D-CA-14]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Swalwell", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000397", "district": 18, "firstName": "ZOE", "fullName": "Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-18]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "LOFGREN", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-17", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000618", "district": 47, "firstName": "Katie", "fullName": "Rep. Porter, Katie [D-CA-47]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Porter", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-17", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001163", "district": 7, "firstName": "Doris", "fullName": "Rep. Matsui, Doris O. [D-CA-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Matsui", "middleName": "O.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-13", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000623", "district": 10, "firstName": "Mark", "fullName": "Rep. DeSaulnier, Mark [D-CA-10]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "DeSaulnier", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-13", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000593", "district": 49, "firstName": "Mike", "fullName": "Rep. Levin, Mike [D-CA-49]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Levin", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-17", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001112", "district": 24, "firstName": "Salud", "fullName": "Rep. Carbajal, Salud O. [D-CA-24]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Carbajal", "middleName": "O.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001080", "district": 28, "firstName": "Judy", "fullName": "Rep. Chu, Judy [D-CA-28]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Chu", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001300", "district": 44, "firstName": "Nanette", "fullName": "Rep. Barragan, Nanette Diaz [D-CA-44]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Barragan", "middleName": "Diaz", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-16", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 15, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 15, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1396", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Future in Logging Careers Act
[ [ "G000592", "Rep. Golden, Jared F. [D-ME-2]", "sponsor" ], [ "T000467", "Rep. Thompson, Glenn [R-PA-15]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000597", "Rep. Pingree, Chellie [D-ME-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000469", "Rep. Fulcher, Russ [R-ID-1]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Future in Logging Careers Act </b></p> <p>This bill allows individuals who are 16 or 17 years old to work at certain timber harvesting operations that are owned or operated by at least one parent or a person standing in place of a parent. The bill, therefore, exempts such employees from child labor laws.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1397 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1397 To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to exempt certain 16- and 17-year-old individuals employed in timber harvesting entities or mechanized timber harvesting entities from child labor laws, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Golden of Maine (for himself, Mr. Thompson of Pennsylvania, Ms. Pingree, and Mr. Fulcher) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to exempt certain 16- and 17-year-old individuals employed in timber harvesting entities or mechanized timber harvesting entities from child labor laws, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Future in Logging Careers Act''. SEC. 2. CHILD LABOR LAW EXEMPTIONS FOR TIMBER HARVESTING ENTITIES AND MECHANIZED TIMBER HARVESTING ENTITIES. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 201 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 3 (29 U.S.C. 203), by adding at the end the following: ``(z)(1) `Timber harvesting employer' means an employer engaged in-- ``(A) the felling, skidding, yarding, loading and processing of timber by equipment other than manually operated chainsaws and cable skidders; ``(B) the felling of timber in mechanized operations; ``(C) the bucking or converting of timber into logs, poles, ties, bolts, pulpwood, chemical wood, excelsior wood, cordwood, fence posts, or similar products; ``(D) the collecting, skidding, yarding, loading, transporting and unloading of such products in connection with logging; ``(E) the constructing, repairing and maintaining of roads or camps used in connection with logging; the constructing, repairing, and maintenance of machinery or equipment used in logging; and ``(F) other work performed in connection with logging. ``(2) `Mechanized timber harvesting employer'-- ``(A) means an employer engaged in the felling, skidding, yarding, loading and processing of timber by equipment other than manually operated chainsaws and cable skidders; and ``(B) includes an employer engaged in the use of whole tree processors, cut-to-length processors, stroke boom delimbers, wheeled and track feller-bunchers, pull thru delimbers, wheeled and track forwarders, chippers, grinders, mechanical debarkers, wheeled and track grapple skidders, yarders, bulldozers, excavators, and log loaders.''; and (2) in section 13(c) (29 U.S.C. 213(c)), by adding at the end the following: ``(8) The provisions of section 12 relating to child labor shall apply to an employee who is 16 or 17 years old employed by a timber harvesting employer or mechanized timber harvesting employer in an occupation that the Secretary of Labor finds and declares to be particularly hazardous for the employment of children ages 16 or 17, except where such employee is employed by a timber harvesting employer or mechanized timber harvesting employer owned or operated by a parent or a person standing in the place of a parent of such employee.''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Labor and Employment" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. GOLDEN of Maine:\nH.R. 1397.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nTraining young loggers\n[Page H1151]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 3, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 3, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce." }, "laws": null, "number": "1397", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Labor and Employment" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "G000592", "district": 2, "firstName": "Jared", "fullName": "Rep. Golden, Jared F. [D-ME-2]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Golden", "middleName": "F.", "party": "D", "state": "ME", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Future in Logging Careers Act", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T19:01:25Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T19:01:25Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1397", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "actions": [ { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "systemCode": "hsed00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "Intro-H", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "1000", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1397", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:03:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsed00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1397", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "relatedBills": [ { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions." }, "number": 671, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Future Logging Careers Act", "type": "S", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1397", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "T000467", "district": 15, "firstName": "Glenn", "fullName": "Rep. Thompson, Glenn [R-PA-15]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Thompson", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000597", "district": 1, "firstName": "Chellie", "fullName": "Rep. Pingree, Chellie [D-ME-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Pingree", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "ME", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "F000469", "district": 1, "firstName": "Russ", "fullName": "Rep. Fulcher, Russ [R-ID-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Fulcher", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "ID", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 3, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 3, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1397", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1397", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "titles": [ { "billTextVersionCode": null, "billTextVersionName": null, "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Future in Logging Careers Act", "titleType": "Display Title" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Future in Logging Careers Act", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to exempt certain 16- and 17-year-old individuals employed in timber harvesting entities or mechanized timber harvesting entities from child labor laws, and for other purposes.", "titleType": "Official Title as Introduced" } ] }
Protect America’s Innovation and Economic Security from CCP Act
[ [ "G000589", "Rep. Gooden, Lance [R-TX-5]", "sponsor" ], [ "W000814", "Rep. Weber, Randy K., Sr. [R-TX-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000599", "Rep. Posey, Bill [R-FL-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000564", "Rep. Lamborn, Doug [R-CO-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000246", "Rep. Fallon, Pat [R-TX-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001118", "Rep. Cline, Ben [R-VA-6]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1398 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1398 To establish the CCP Initiative program, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Gooden of Texas (for himself, Mr. Weber of Texas, Mr. Posey, and Mr. Lamborn) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To establish the CCP Initiative program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Protect America's Innovation and Economic Security from CCP Act''. SEC. 2. CCP INITIATIVE PROGRAM. (a) Establishment.--There is established in the National Security Division of the Department of Justice the CCP Initiative to-- (1) counter nation-state threats to the United States; (2) curb spying by the Chinese Communist Party on United States intellectual property and academic institutions in the United States; and (3) focus on-- (A) identifying and prosecuting those engaged in trade secret theft, hacking, and economic espionage; and (B) protecting the critical infrastructure in the United States against external threats through foreign direct investment and supply chain compromises. (b) Steering Committee.--The CCP Initiative shall be led by a steering committee comprised of-- (1) the Assistant Attorney General for National Security; (2) senior officials in the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as determined by the Attorney General; (3) the Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice; (4) the Executive Assistant Director of the National Security Branch of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and (5) five United States attorneys, appointed by the Attorney General, from the judicial districts with the most cases involving espionage, intellectual property theft, and trade secrets during the preceding 5-year period. (c) Goals.--The CCP Initiative shall have the following goals: (1) Identify priority trade secret theft cases, ensuring that investigations are adequately resourced. (2) Work to bring the cases described in paragraph (1) to fruition in a timely manner and according to the facts and applicable law. (3) Develop an enforcement strategy concerning nontraditional collectors, including researchers in labs, universities, and the defense industrial base, that are being co-opted into transferring technology contrary to United States interests. (4) Educate colleges and universities about potential threats to academic freedom and open discourse from influence efforts on campus. (5) Apply the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended (22 U.S.C. 611 et seq.) to unregistered agents seeking to advance the political agenda of the People's Republic of China, bringing enforcement actions if appropriate. (6) Equip United States attorneys with intelligence and materials to be used to-- (A) raise awareness of the threats described in this section within their judicial districts; and (B) support outreach efforts. (7) Implement the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2018 (division A of title XVII of Public Law 115-232; 132 Stat. 2173) for the Department of Justice, including by working with the Department of the Treasury to develop regulations under that Act and prepare for increased workflow. (8) Identify opportunities to better address supply chain threats, especially ones impacting the telecommunications sector, prior to the transition to 5G networks. (9) Identify Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (Public Law 95-213; 91 Stat. 1494) cases involving Chinese companies that compete with United States businesses. (10) Increase efforts to improve Chinese responses to requests under the Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement with the United States. (11) Evaluate whether additional legislative and administrative authorities are required to protect United States assets from foreign economic aggression. (d) Requirement.--Under the CCP Initiative-- (1) all investigations and prosecutions shall be set as priority and not based on discretion; (2) the Initiative shall be separate from and not under the authority or discretion of any other Department of Justice initiative dedicated to countering nation-state threats; and (3) all resources used for the CCP Initiative shall solely be set aside for the CCP Initiative and shall not be combined to support any other Department of Justice program, including other programs and initiatives dedicated to countering nation- state threats. (e) Annual Briefing.--The Attorney General shall brief the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate and the Committee on Homeland Security and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives annually on the progress and challenges of the CCP Initiative. (f) Sunset.--This Act is effective beginning on the date of enactment of this Act and ending on the date that is 6 years after that date. (g) Severability.--If any provision of this Act, or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance, is held to be unconstitutional, the remainder of this Act, and the application of the provisions of such to any person or circumstance, shall not be affected thereby. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Crime and Law Enforcement" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. GOODEN of Texas:\nH.R. 1398.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nThe Constitutional authority on which this bill rests is\nthe power of Congress to lay and collect taxes, duties,\nimposts, and excises to pay the debts and provide for the\ncommon Defense and general welfare of the United States, as\nenumerated in Article I, Section 8, Clause 1. Thus, Congress\nhas the authority not only to increase taxes, but also, to\nreduce taxes to promote the general welfare of the United\nStates of America and her citizens. Additionally, Congress\nhas the Constitutional authority to regulate commerce among\nthe States and with Indian Tribes, as enumerated in Article\nI, Section 8, Clause 3.\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nThis bill would codify the ``China Initiative'' created by\nthe Department of Justice in 2018. The China Initiative was\nestablished to prevent spying by the Chinese Communist Party\non U.S. intellectual property and academic institutions by\nconducting research and investigations to identify and\nprosecute anyone engaged in trade secret theft, hacking, and\neconomic espionage.\n[Page H1151]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 5, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 5, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary." }, "laws": null, "number": "1398", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Crime and Law Enforcement" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "G000589", "district": 5, "firstName": "Lance", "fullName": "Rep. Gooden, Lance [R-TX-5]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Gooden", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "state": "TX", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": null, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Protect America’s Innovation and Economic Security from CCP Act", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:56Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:56Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1398", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "actions": [ { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Judiciary Committee", "systemCode": "hsju00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "Intro-H", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "1000", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1398", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:06:10Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsju00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1398", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "relatedBills": [ { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-02-16", "actionTime": null, "text": "Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary." }, "number": 511, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Protect America’s Innovation and Economic Security from CCP Act", "type": "S", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1398", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "W000814", "district": 14, "firstName": "Randy", "fullName": "Rep. Weber, Randy K., Sr. [R-TX-14]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Weber", "middleName": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000599", "district": 8, "firstName": "Bill", "fullName": "Rep. Posey, Bill [R-FL-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Posey", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000564", "district": 5, "firstName": "Doug", "fullName": "Rep. Lamborn, Doug [R-CO-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Lamborn", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "F000246", "district": 4, "firstName": "Pat", "fullName": "Rep. Fallon, Pat [R-TX-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Fallon", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001118", "district": 6, "firstName": "Ben", "fullName": "Rep. Cline, Ben [R-VA-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Cline", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-06", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "VA", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 5, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 5, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1398", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1398", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "titles": [ { "billTextVersionCode": null, "billTextVersionName": null, "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Protect America’s Innovation and Economic Security from CCP Act", "titleType": "Display Title" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Protect America’s Innovation and Economic Security from CCP Act", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "To establish the CCP Initiative program, and for other purposes.", "titleType": "Official Title as Introduced" } ] }
Protect Children’s Innocence Act
[ [ "G000596", "Rep. Greene, Marjorie Taylor [R-GA-14]", "sponsor" ], [ "M001211", "Rep. Miller, Mary E. [R-IL-15]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000565", "Rep. Gosar, Paul A. [R-AZ-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000589", "Rep. Gooden, Lance [R-TX-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000576", "Rep. Grothman, Glenn [R-WI-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000615", "Rep. Duncan, Jeff [R-SC-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000596", "Rep. Luna, Anna Paulina [R-FL-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001086", "Rep. Harshbarger, Diana [R-TN-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000190", "Rep. Norman, Ralph [R-SC-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000026", "Rep. Nehls, Troy E. [R-TX-22]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000595", "Rep. Good, Bob [R-VA-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001082", "Rep. Hern, Kevin [R-OK-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000103", "Rep. Rosendale Sr., Matthew M. [R-MT-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001291", "Rep. Babin, Brian [R-TX-36]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000564", "Rep. Lamborn, Doug [R-CO-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001077", "Rep. Higgins, Clay [R-LA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001214", "Rep. Steube, W. Gregory [R-FL-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001096", "Rep. Hageman, Harriet M. [R-WY-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000589", "Rep. Lesko, Debbie [R-AZ-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001302", "Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000599", "Rep. Posey, Bill [R-FL-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001218", "Rep. McCormick, Richard [R-GA-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000814", "Rep. Weber, Randy K., Sr. [R-TX-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001116", "Rep. Clyde, Andrew S. [R-GA-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000594", "Rep. De La Cruz, Monica [R-TX-15]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001317", "Rep. Brecheen, Josh [R-OK-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001222", "Rep. Santos, George [R-NY-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000610", "Rep. Reschenthaler, Guy [R-PA-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000032", "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000578", "Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000304", "Rep. Jackson, Ronny [R-TX-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000594", "Rep. Gonzales, Tony [R-TX-23]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B000825", "Rep. Boebert, Lauren [R-CO-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001212", "Rep. Moore, Barry [R-AL-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000871", "Rep. Mann, Tracey [R-KS-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "O000086", "Rep. Owens, Burgess [R-UT-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001108", "Rep. Comer, James [R-KY-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000133", "Rep. Van Drew, Jefferson [R-NJ-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000478", "Rep. Tenney, Claudia [R-NY-24]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001316", "Rep. Burlison, Eric [R-MO-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "O000175", "Rep. Ogles, Andrew [R-TN-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001052", "Rep. Harris, Andy [R-MD-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000299", "Rep. Johnson, Mike [R-LA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001054", "Rep. Carl, Jerry L. [R-AL-1]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Protect Children's Innocence Act</strong></p> <p>This bill places restrictions on the provision of gender affirming care. Gender affirming care includes performing surgery, administering medication, or performing other procedures for the purpose of changing the body of an individual to correspond to a sex that differs from the individual's biological sex.</p> <p>Specifically, the bill makes it a felony to perform any gender affirming care on a minor and it permits a minor on whom such care is performed to bring a civil action against each individual who provided the care.</p> <p>Additionally, the bill prohibits the use of federal funds for gender affirming care or for health insurance that covers such care. Such care may not be provided in a federal health care facility or by a federal employee. The bill also prohibits qualified health plans from including coverage for gender affirming care. Further, plans that include coverage for such care are not eligible for federal subsidies.</p> <p>Finally, the bill prohibits institutions of higher education from offering instruction in gender affirming care. It also makes any non-U.S. national (<em>alien</em> under federal law) who performs gender affirming care on a minor deportable and inadmissible to the United States.</p> <p>The restrictions under this bill do not apply to the provision of care under certain circumstances such as when an individual does not have normal sex chromosome structure, sex steroid hormone production, or sex steroid hormone action.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1399 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1399 To amend chapter 110 of title 18, United States Code, to prohibit gender-affirming care on minors, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Ms. Greene of Georgia (for herself, Mrs. Miller of Illinois, Mr. Gosar, Mr. Gooden of Texas, Mr. Grothman, Mr. Duncan, Mrs. Luna, Mrs. Harshbarger, Mr. Norman, Mr. Nehls, Mr. Good of Virginia, Mr. Hern, Mr. Rosendale, Mr. Babin, Mr. Lamborn, Mr. Higgins of Louisiana, Mr. Steube, Ms. Hageman, Mrs. Lesko, and Mr. Biggs) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Education and the Workforce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend chapter 110 of title 18, United States Code, to prohibit gender-affirming care on minors, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Protect Children's Innocence Act''. TITLE I--GENDER-AFFIRMING CARE ON MINORS PROHIBITED SEC. 101. GENDER-AFFIRMING CARE ON MINORS PROHIBITED. Chapter 110 of title 18, United States Code, is amended-- (1) by adding at the end the following: ``Sec. 2260B. Gender-affirming care on minors ``(a) In General.--Whoever, in any circumstance described in subsection (e), knowingly performs any gender-affirming care on a minor is guilty of a class C felony. ``(b) Prohibition on Prosecution of Person on Whom Intervention Is Performed.--No person on whom the gender-affirming care under subsection (a) is performed may be arrested or prosecuted for an offense under this section. ``(c) Civil Action.--A person on whom gender-affirming care is performed under this section may bring a civil action for appropriate relief, including compensatory and punitive damages, against each person who performed the gender-affirming care. ``(d) Definitions.--In this section: ``(1) Gender-affirming care.-- ``(A) In general.--For purposes of this chapter, except as provided in subparagraph (B), the term `gender-affirming care' means, with respect to an individual, any of the following: ``(i) Performing any surgery for the purpose of changing the body of such individual to correspond to a sex that differs from their biological sex, including-- ``(I) castration; ``(II) orchiectomy; ``(III) scrotoplasty; ``(IV) vasectomy; ``(V) hysterectomy; ``(VI) oophorectomy; ``(VII) ovariectomy; ``(VIII) metoidioplasty; ``(IX) penectomy; ``(X) phalloplasty; ``(XI) vaginoplasty; ``(XII) vaginectomy; ``(XIII) vulvoplasty; ``(XIV) reduction thyrochondroplasty; ``(XV) chondrolaryngoplasty; and ``(XVI) mastectomy. ``(ii) Any plastic surgery that feminizes or masculinizes the facial features for the purposes described in clause (i). ``(iii) Any placement of chest implants to create feminine breasts for the purposes described in clause (i). ``(iv) Any placement of fat or artificial implants in the gluteal region for the purposes described in clause (i). ``(v) Administering, supplying, prescribing, dispensing, distributing, or otherwise conveying to an individual medications for the purposes described in clause (i), including-- ``(I) gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues or other puberty-blocking drugs to stop or delay normal puberty; ``(II) testosterone or other androgens to biological females at doses that are supraphysiologic to the female sex; and ``(III) estrogen to biological males at doses that are supraphysiologic to the male sex. ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to the following individuals: ``(i) An individual with both ovarian and testicular tissue. ``(ii) An individual with respect to whom a physician has determined through genetic or biochemical testing that the individual does not have normal sex chromosome structure, sex steroid hormone production, or sex steroid hormone action. ``(iii) An individual experiencing infection, disease, injury, or disorder caused or exacerbated by previous gender transition procedures. ``(iv) An individual suffering from a physical disorder, physical injury, or physical illness that would, as certified by a physician, place the individual in imminent danger of death or impairment of a major bodily function unless the procedure is performed. ``(2) Biological sex.--The term `biological sex' means the indication of male or female sex by reproductive potential or capacity, sex chromosomes, naturally occurring sex hormones, gonads, or internal or external genitalia present at birth. ``(3) Minor.--The term `minor' means any person under the age of eighteen years. ``(e) Circumstances Described.--For purposes of subsection (a), the circumstances described in this subsection are that-- ``(1) the defendant or victim traveled in interstate or foreign commerce, or traveled using a means, channel, facility, or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce, in furtherance of or in connection with the conduct described in subsection (a); ``(2) the defendant used a means, channel, facility, or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce in furtherance of or in connection with the conduct described in subsection (a); ``(3) any payment of any kind was made, directly or indirectly, in furtherance of or in connection with the conduct described in subsection (a) using any means, channel, facility, or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce or in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce; ``(4) the defendant transmitted in interstate or foreign commerce any communication relating to or in furtherance of the conduct described in subsection (a) using any means, channel, facility, or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce or in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce by any means or in manner, including by computer, mail, wire, or electromagnetic transmission; ``(5) any instrument, item, substance, or other object that has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce was used to perform the conduct described in subsection (a); ``(6) the conduct described in subsection (a) occurred within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or any territory or possession of the United States; or ``(7) the conduct described in subsection (a) otherwise occurred in or affected interstate or foreign commerce. ``(f) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting provision of the medical services described in subsection (d)(1)(A) to address legitimate health issues, such as any male or female reproductive cancers, apart from changing the body to correspond to a sex that differs from one's biological sex.''; and (2) by amending the table of sections for such chapter by adding at the end the following: ``2260B. Gender-affirming care on minors.''. TITLE II--PROHIBITING FEDERALLY FUNDED GENDER-AFFIRMING CARE SEC. 201. PROHIBITING TAXPAYER-FUNDED GENDER-AFFIRMING CARE. Title 1, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new chapter: ``CHAPTER 4--PROHIBITING TAXPAYER-FUNDED GENDER-AFFIRMING CARE ``301. Prohibition on funding for gender-affirming care. ``302. Prohibition on funding for health benefits plans that cover gender-affirming care. ``303. Limitation on Federal facilities and employees, Federal lands and territories, and Tribal territories. ``304. Construction relating to separate coverage. ``305. Construction relating to the use of non-Federal funds for health coverage. ``306. Construction relating to complications arising from gender- affirming care. ``307. Treatment of individuals born with medically verifiable disorder of sex development. ``308. Gender-affirming care defined. ``309. Rule of construction. ``Sec. 301. Prohibition on funding for gender-affirming care ``No funds authorized or appropriated by Federal law, and none of the funds in any trust fund to which funds are authorized or appropriated by Federal law, including funds provided under titles XVIII, XIX, and XXI of the Social Security Act, shall be expended for any gender-affirming care. ``Sec. 302. Prohibition on funding for health benefits plans that cover gender-affirming care ``No funds authorized or appropriated by Federal law, and none of the funds in any trust fund to which funds are authorized or appropriated by Federal law, shall be expended for health benefits coverage that includes coverage of gender-affirming care. ``Sec. 303. Limitation on Federal facilities and employees, Federal lands and territories, and Tribal territories ``No health care service furnished-- ``(1) by or in a health care facility owned or operated by the Federal Government, Federal land or territory, or a Tribal territory; or ``(2) by any physician or other individual employed by the Federal Government, Federal land or territory, or a Tribal territory to provide health care services within the scope of the physician's or individual's employment, may include gender-affirming care. ``Sec. 304. Construction relating to separate coverage ``Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as prohibiting any individual, entity, or State or locality from purchasing separate coverage for gender-affirming care or health benefits coverage that includes gender-affirming care so long as such coverage is paid for entirely using only funds not authorized or appropriated by Federal law, federal programs, platforms, or infrastructure, such coverage does not cover any practice that would be subject to penalty under section 2260B of title 18, United States Code, and such coverage shall not be purchased using matching funds required for a federally subsidized program, including a State's or locality's contribution of Medicaid matching funds. ``Sec. 305. Construction relating to the use of non-Federal funds for health coverage ``Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as restricting the ability of any non-Federal health benefits coverage provider from offering coverage for gender-affirming care, or the ability of a State or locality to contract separately with such a provider for such coverage, so long as only funds not authorized or appropriated by Federal law are used, such coverage does not cover any practice that would be subject to penalty under section 2260B of title 18, United States Code, and such coverage shall not be purchased using matching funds required for a federally subsidized program, including a State's or locality's contribution of Medicaid matching funds. ``Sec. 306. Construction relating to complications arising from gender- affirming care ``Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to apply to the treatment of any infection, injury, disease, or disorder that has been caused by or exacerbated by the performance of a gender-affirming care. This rule of construction shall be applicable without regard to whether the gender-affirming care was performed in accord with Federal or State law, and without regard to whether funding for the gender-affirming care is permissible under section 307. ``Sec. 307. Treatment of individuals born with medically verifiable disorder of sex development ``The limitations established in sections 301, 302, and 303 shall not apply with respect to an individual described in section 2260B(d)(1)(B) of title 18, United States Code. ``Sec. 308. Gender-affirming care defined ``For purposes of this chapter, the term `gender-affirming care' has the meaning given such term in section 2260B(d)(1) of title 18, United States Code. ``Sec. 309. Rule of construction ``Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as prohibiting provision of the medical services described in section 2260B(d)(1)(A) of title 18, United States Code, to address any male or female reproductive cancers, apart from changing the body to correspond to a sex that differs from one's biological sex.''. SEC. 202. AMENDMENT TO TABLE OF CHAPTERS. The table of chapters for title 1, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new item: ``4. Prohibiting taxpayer-funded gender-affirming care...... 301''. TITLE III--APPLICATION UNDER THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT SEC. 301. CLARIFYING APPLICATION OF PROHIBITION TO PREMIUM CREDITS AND COST-SHARING REDUCTIONS UNDER ACA. (a) In General.-- (1) Disallowance of refundable credit and cost-sharing reductions for coverage under qualified health plan which provides coverage for gender-affirming care.-- (A) In general.--Subparagraph (A) of section 36B(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by inserting before the period at the end the following: ``or any health plan that includes coverage for gender-affirming care (other than any gender- affirming care or treatment described in section 306 or 307 of title 1, United States Code)''. (B) Option to purchase or offer separate coverage or plan.--Paragraph (3) of section 36B(c) of such Code is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(C) Separate coverage or plan for gender- affirming care allowed.-- ``(i) Option to purchase separate coverage or plan.--Nothing in subparagraph (A) shall be construed as prohibiting any individual from purchasing separate coverage for gender- affirming care described in such subparagraph, or a health plan that includes such gender- affirming care, so long as no credit is allowed under this section with respect to the premiums for such coverage or plan and such coverage or plan does not cover any practice that would be subject to penalty under section 2260B of title 18, United States Code. ``(ii) Option to offer coverage or plan.-- Nothing in subparagraph (A) shall restrict any non-Federal health insurance issuer offering a health plan from offering separate coverage for gender-affirming care described in such subparagraph, or a plan that includes such gender-affirming care, so long as premiums for such separate coverage or plan are not paid for with any amount attributable to the credit allowed under this section (or the amount of any advance payment of the credit under section 1412 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) and such coverage or plan does not cover any practice that would be subject to penalty under section 2260B of title 18, United States Code.''. (2) Disallowance of small employer health insurance expense credit for plan which includes coverage for gender-affirming care.--Subsection (h) of section 45R of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended-- (A) by striking ``Any term'' and inserting the following: ``(1) In general.--Any term''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) Exclusion of health plans including coverage for gender-affirming care.-- ``(A) In general.--The term `qualified health plan' does not include any health plan that includes coverage for gender-affirming care (other than any gender- affirming care or treatment described in section 306 or 307 of title 1, United States Code). ``(B) Separate coverage or plan for gender- affirming care allowed.-- ``(i) Option to purchase separate coverage or plan.--Nothing in subparagraph (A) shall be construed as prohibiting any employer from purchasing for its employees separate coverage for gender-affirming care described in such subparagraph, or a health plan that includes such gender-affirming care, so long as no credit is allowed under this section with respect to the employer contributions for such coverage or plan and such coverage does not cover any practice that would be subject to penalty under section 2260B of title 18, United States Code. ``(ii) Option to offer coverage or plan.-- Nothing in subparagraph (A) shall restrict any non-Federal health insurance issuer offering a health plan from offering separate coverage for gender-affirming care described in such subparagraph, or a plan that includes such gender-affirming care, so long as such separate coverage or plan is not paid for with any employer contribution eligible for the credit allowed under this section and such coverage or plan does not cover any practice that would be subject to penalty under section 2260B of title 18, United States Code.''. (b) Application to Multi-State Plans.--Section 1334(a) of Public Law 111-148 (42 U.S.C. 18054(a)) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(8) Coverage consistent with federal policy regarding gender-affirming care.--In entering into contracts under this subsection, the Director shall ensure that no multi-State qualified health plan offered in an Exchange provides health benefits coverage for which the expenditure of Federal funds is prohibited under chapter 4 of title 1, United States Code.''. (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by subsection (a) shall apply to taxable years ending after the date that is one year after the date of enactment of this Act, but only with respect to plan years beginning after such date, and the amendment made by subsection (b) shall apply to plan years beginning after such date. TITLE IV--ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS SEC. 401. PROHIBITION ON INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND ACCREDITING AGENCIES OR ASSOCIATIONS. (a) Prohibition on Institutions of Higher Education.--Section 487(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1094(a)) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(30) The institution will not offer instruction in gender-affirming care (as defined in section 2260B(d) of title 18, United States Code).''. (b) Prohibition on Accrediting Agencies or Associations.--Section 496(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1099b(a)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (7); (2) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (8) and inserting ``; and''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(9) such agency or association does not accredit any institution that offers instruction in gender-affirming care (as defined in section 2260B(d) of title 18, United States Code).''. SEC. 402. IMMIGRATION CONSEQUENCES WITH RESPECT TO PROVIDING GENDER- AFFIRMING CARE. (a) Definitions.--Section 101(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(53) The term `gender-affirming care' shall have the meaning given such term in section 2260B(d) of title 18, United States Code.''. (b) Classes of Aliens Ineligible for Visas or Admission.--Section 212(a)(1)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(1)(A)) is amended-- (1) in clause (iii)(II), strike ``or'' at the end; (2) in clause (iv), strike the comma at the end and insert ``, or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(v) who is determined to have performed gender-affirming care on a child that has not attained the age of 18 years old,''. (c) Classes of Deportable Aliens.--Section 237(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1227(a)) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(8) Gender-affirming care.--Any alien who has performed gender-affirming care on a child that has not attained the age of 18 years old is deportable.''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Health" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 8, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Ms. GREENE of Georgia:\nH.R. 1399.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle I, Section 8, United States Constitution\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nTo amend chapter 110 of title 18, United States Code, to\nprohibit gender affirming care on minors, and for other\npurposes.\n[Page H1151]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 43, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 43, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-17", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health." }, "laws": null, "number": "1399", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Health" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "G000596", "district": 14, "firstName": "Marjorie", "fullName": "Rep. Greene, Marjorie Taylor [R-GA-14]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Greene", "middleName": "Taylor", "party": "R", "state": "GA", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Protect Children’s Innocence Act", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:56Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:32:30Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1399", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "actions": [ { "actionCode": "H11000", "actionDate": "2023-03-17", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Health Subcommittee", "systemCode": "hsif14", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 1, "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": "Committee" }, { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "systemCode": "hsed00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Education and the Workforce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "systemCode": "hsif00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Education and the Workforce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "systemCode": "hswm00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Education and the Workforce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Judiciary Committee", "systemCode": "hsju00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Education and the Workforce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "B00100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H1119-1120)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "Intro-H", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "1000", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "pagination": { "count": 8 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1399", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:07:10Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-17T18:21:37Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "systemCode": "hsif14", "url": "" } ], "systemCode": "hsif00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:07:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsed00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:07:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hswm00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:07:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsju00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1399", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 0 }, "relatedBills": [], "request": { "billNumber": "1399", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "M001211", "district": 15, "firstName": "Mary", "fullName": "Rep. Miller, Mary E. [R-IL-15]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Miller", "middleName": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000565", "district": 9, "firstName": "Paul", "fullName": "Rep. Gosar, Paul A. [R-AZ-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Gosar", "middleName": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AZ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000589", "district": 5, "firstName": "Lance", "fullName": "Rep. Gooden, Lance [R-TX-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Gooden", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000576", "district": 6, "firstName": "Glenn", "fullName": "Rep. 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Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act
[ [ "C001108", "Rep. Comer, James [R-KY-1]", "sponsor" ], [ "J000289", "Rep. Jordan, Jim [R-OH-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001159", "Rep. McMorris Rodgers, Cathy [R-WA-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000576", "Rep. Grothman, Glenn [R-WI-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001302", "Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000600", "Rep. Langworthy, Nicholas A. [R-NY-23]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000194", "Rep. Mace, Nancy [R-SC-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000596", "Rep. Luna, Anna Paulina [R-FL-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001309", "Rep. Burchett, Tim [R-TN-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001077", "Rep. Higgins, Clay [R-LA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S000250", "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000246", "Rep. Edwards, Chuck [R-NC-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000266", "Rep. LaTurner, Jake [R-KS-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000565", "Rep. Gosar, Paul A. [R-AZ-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000478", "Rep. Fry, Russell [R-SC-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001136", "Rep. McClain, Lisa C. [R-MI-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000596", "Rep. Greene, Marjorie Taylor [R-GA-14]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act</b></p> <p>This bill generally prohibits federal employees from censoring the speech of others while acting in an official capacity.</p> <p>Specifically, the bill prohibits employees of executive agencies or who are otherwise in the competitive service from (1) using their official authority to censor a private entity; or (2) engaging in censorship of a private entity while on duty, wearing a uniform, or using official government property. The bill provides certain exceptions for law enforcement, subject to specified reporting requirements. </p> <p>Employees are subject to disciplinary action, civil penalties, or both for violations.</p> <p>The bill defines <i>censor </i>or <i>censorship</i> to mean influencing or coercing, or directing another to influence or coerce, for the removal of lawful speech, the addition of disclaimers, or the restriction of access with respect to any interactive computer service (e.g., social media).</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 140 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 140 To amend title 5, United States Code, to prohibit Federal employees from advocating for censorship of viewpoints in their official capacity, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES January 9, 2023 Mr. Comer (for himself, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Rodgers of Washington) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend title 5, United States Code, to prohibit Federal employees from advocating for censorship of viewpoints in their official capacity, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON FEDERAL EMPLOYEE CENSORSHIP. (a) In General.--Chapter 73 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SUBCHAPTER VIII--PROHIBITION ON FEDERAL EMPLOYEE CENSORSHIP ``Sec. 7381. Policy regarding Federal employee censorship ``It is the policy of the Congress that employees acting in their official capacity should neither take action within their authority or influence to promote the censorship of any speech, nor advocate that a third party, including a private entity, censor such speech. ``Sec. 7382. Prohibition on Federal employee censorship ``(a) In General.--An employee may not-- ``(1) use the employee's official authority or influence to advocate that any third party, including a private entity, take any action to censor any speech; ``(2) knowingly censor or discourage the exercise of speech of any person who-- ``(A) has an application for any compensation, grant, contract, ruling, license, permit, or certificate pending before the employing office of such employee; or ``(B) is the subject of or a participant in an ongoing audit, investigation, or enforcement action being carried out by the employing office of such employee; or ``(3) engage in censorship-- ``(A) while the employee is on duty; ``(B) in any room or building occupied in the discharge of official duties by an individual employed or holding office in the Government of the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof; ``(C) while wearing a uniform or official insignia identifying the office or position of the employee; or ``(D) using any vehicle owned or leased by the Government of the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof. ``(b) Further Restricted Employees.-- ``(1) In general.--An employee described in paragraph (2) may not knowingly censor or discourage the exercise of speech of a person at any time, including outside normal duty hours and while such employee is away from their normal duty post. ``(2) Further restricted employee described.--The provisions of paragraph (1) shall apply to any employee-- ``(A) whose duties and responsibilities of the employee's position continue outside normal duty hours and while away from the normal duty post; and ``(B) who is-- ``(i) an employee paid from an appropriation for the Executive Office of the President; or ``(ii) an employee appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, whose position is located within the United States, who determines policies to be pursued by the United States in relations with foreign powers or in the nationwide administration of Federal laws. ``(c) Exceptions.--Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prohibit an employee from engaging in lawful actions within the official authority of such employee for the purpose of exercising legitimate law enforcement functions directly related to activities to combat child pornography, human trafficking, or the illegal transporting of or transacting in controlled substances and safeguarding, or preventing, the unlawful dissemination of properly classified national security information. ``(d) Penalties.--An employee who violates this section shall be subject to-- ``(1) disciplinary action consisting of removal, reduction in grade, debarment from Federal employment for a period not to exceed 5 years, suspension, or reprimand; ``(2) an assessment of a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000; or ``(3) any combination of the penalties described in paragraph (1) or (2). ``(e) Enforcement.--This section shall be enforced in the same manner as subchapter III of this chapter. ``(f) Definitions.--In this subchapter-- ``(1) the term `censor' or `censorship' means ordering or advocating for-- ``(A) the removal or suppression of lawful speech, in whole or in part, from or on any platform (including an interactive computer service); ``(B) the addition of any disclaimer, information, or other alert to such speech being expressed on any platform (including an interactive computer service); or ``(C) the removal or restriction of access of any person on any platform (including an interactive computer service) generally available to the public, unless such person is engaged in criminal activities; ``(2) the term `employee' has the meaning given that term in section 7322; and ``(3) the term `interactive computer service' has the meaning given that term in section 230(f) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 230(f)).''. (b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 73 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``subchapter viii--prohibition on federal employee censorship ``7381. Policy regarding Federal employee censorship. ``7382. Prohibition on Federal employee censorship.''. (c) Severability.--If any provision of this Act or any amendment made by this Act, or the application of a provision of this Act or an amendment made by this Act to any person or circumstance, is held to be unconstitutional, the remainder of this Act, and the application of the provisions to any person or circumstance, shall not be affected by the holding. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Government Operations and Politics", "Employment discrimination and employee rights", "First Amendment rights", "Government employee pay, benefits, personnel management", "Internet, web applications, social media" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 48, "url": "" }, "amendments": { "count": 10, "url": "" }, "cboCostEstimates": [ { "description": "As ordered reported by the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability on February 28, 2023\n", "pubDate": "2023-03-02T20:36:00Z", "title": "H.R. 140, Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act", "url": "" } ], "committeeReports": [ { "citation": "H. Rept. 118-5", "url": "" } ], "committees": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 7 (Monday, January 9, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. COMER:\nH.R. 140.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle I, Section 8, clause 3 of the Constitution, in that\nthe legislation regulates forms of commerce specified in that\nclause; and, Article I, Section 8, clause 18 of the\nConstitution, in that the legislation ``is necessary and\nproper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers'' and\n``other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government\nof the United States, or in any Department or Officer\nthereof,'' including the powers of the President specified in\nArticle II of the Constitution.\n[Page H110]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 16, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 16, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-01-09", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-14", "actionTime": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs." }, "laws": null, "number": "140", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Government Operations and Politics" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "C001108", "district": 1, "firstName": "James", "fullName": "Rep. Comer, James [R-KY-1]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Comer", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "state": "KY", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 5, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "title": "Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act", "titles": { "count": 5, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:49:52Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:32:30Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "140", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "actions": [ { "actionCode": null, "actionDate": "2023-03-14", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee", "systemCode": "ssga00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "H38310", "actionDate": "2023-03-09", "actionTime": "16:41:02", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H37100", "actionDate": "2023-03-09", "actionTime": "16:40:42", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 118, "date": "2023-03-09T21:40:42Z", "rollNumber": 141, "sessionNumber": 1, "url": "" } ], "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 219 - 206 (Roll no. 141).", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "8000", "actionDate": "2023-03-09", "actionTime": "16:40:42", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 118, "date": "2023-03-09T21:40:42Z", "rollNumber": 141, "sessionNumber": 1, "url": "" } ], "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 219 - 206 (Roll no. 141).", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H36210", "actionDate": "2023-03-09", "actionTime": "16:32:17", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "systemCode": "hsgo00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 118, "date": "2023-03-09T21:32:17Z", "rollNumber": 140, "sessionNumber": 1, "url": "" } ], "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to recommit Failed by the Yeas and Nays: 204 - 218 (Roll no. 140).", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H30000", "actionDate": "2023-03-09", "actionTime": "16:00:51", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1230-1232)", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H8D000", "actionDate": "2023-03-09", "actionTime": "12:38:10", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on H.R. 140, the Chair put the question on the motion to recommit the bill and by voice vote announced that the noes had prevailed. Mr. Landsman demanded the yeas and nays and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the motion to recommit until a time to be announced.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H8A000", "actionDate": "2023-03-09", "actionTime": "12:37:58", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The previous question on the motion to recommit was ordered pursuant to clause 2(b) of rule XIX.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H36200", "actionDate": "2023-03-09", "actionTime": "12:36:36", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "systemCode": "hsgo00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Landsman moved to recommit to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability. 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Res. 199, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Rose amendment No. 10.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H8D000", "actionDate": "2023-03-09", "actionTime": "12:14:19", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. 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Ms. Jackson Lee demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until a time to be announced.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H8D000", "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "16:57:31", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 199, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Jackson Lee amendment No. 6.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H8D000", "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "16:49:31", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 199, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Good (VA) amendment No. 5.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H8D000", "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "16:46:29", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Perry amendment No. 4, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Fitzpatrick demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until a time to be announced.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H8D000", "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "16:40:41", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 199, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Perry amendment No.4.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H8D000", "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "16:27:34", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 199, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Bishop (NC) amendment No. 3.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H8D000", "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "16:19:06", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 199, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Comer amendment No. 2.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H8D000", "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "16:09:09", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 199, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Clyde amendment No. 1.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H8D000", "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "15:15:21", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "GENERAL DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of general debate on H.R. 140.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H32400", "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "15:15:12", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The Speaker designated the Honorable Mike Flood to act as Chairman of the Committee.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H32020", "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "15:15:11", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 199 and Rule XVIII.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H8D000", "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "15:14:44", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 140, H.J. Res. 27 and S. 619. The resolution provides for consideration of H.R. 140, under a structured rule. The resolution provides for consideration of H.J.Res. 27 and S. 619, under closed rules. General debate is limited to one hour of debate on all measures.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H30000", "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "15:14:39", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 199. (consideration: CR H1180-1194; text: CR H1185-1186)", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H1L210", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": "20:34:44", "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 199 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 140, H.J. Res. 27 and S. 619. The resolution provides for consideration of H.R. 140, under a structured rule. The resolution provides for consideration of H.J.Res. 27 and S. 619, under closed rules. General debate is limited to one hour of debate on all measures.", "type": "Floor" }, { "actionCode": "H12410", "actionDate": "2023-03-02", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": { "calendar": "U00002", "number": null }, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 2.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "actionCode": "H12200", "actionDate": "2023-03-02", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "systemCode": "hsgo00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Oversight and Accountability. H. Rept. 118-5.", "type": "Committee" }, { "actionCode": "5000", "actionDate": "2023-03-02", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "systemCode": "hsgo00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Oversight and Accountability. H. Rept. 118-5.", "type": "Committee" }, { "actionCode": "H19000", "actionDate": "2023-02-28", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "systemCode": "hsgo00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 1, "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Ordered to be Reported in the Nature of a Substitute (Amended) by the Yeas and Nays: 24 - 20.", "type": "Committee" }, { "actionCode": "H15000-B", "actionDate": "2023-02-28", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "systemCode": "hsgo00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 1, "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-01-09", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "systemCode": "hsgo00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "Intro-H", "actionDate": "2023-01-09", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "1000", "actionDate": "2023-01-09", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "pagination": { "count": 48 }, "request": { "billNumber": "140", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "amendments": [ { "congress": 118, "description": "An amendment numbered 10 printed in House Report 118-7 to add a findings section that states that inspectors general should not less than annually for the next seven years publicly report the number of complaints and tips received, the number of investigations opened, and statistics on how investigations were managed and their disposition by that inspector general related to compliance with the underlying bill and the amendments made by the underlying bill.", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-09", "actionTime": "12:33:41", "text": "On agreeing to the Rose amendment (A010) Agreed to by voice vote. " }, "number": "109", "purpose": null, "type": "HAMDT", "updateDate": "2023-04-20T13:58:22Z", "url": "" }, { "congress": 118, "description": "An amendment numbered 9 printed in House Report 118-7 to require mandatory annual training on the requirements of the underlying bill.", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-09", "actionTime": "12:24:42", "text": "On agreeing to the Rose amendment (A009) Agreed to by voice vote. " }, "number": "108", "purpose": null, "type": "HAMDT", "updateDate": "2023-04-20T13:58:22Z", "url": "" }, { "congress": 118, "description": "An amendment numbered 8 printed in House Report 118-7 to revise the civil penalty for senior government officials to be $50,000.", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "17:18:21", "text": "On agreeing to the Ogles amendment (A008) Agreed to by voice vote. " }, "number": "107", "purpose": null, "type": "HAMDT", "updateDate": "2023-04-20T13:57:26Z", "url": "" }, { "congress": 118, "description": "An amendment numbered 7 printed in House Report 118-7 to revise the disciplinary action consisting of removal, reduction in grade, debarment from federal employment for a period not to exceed 10 years, suspension, or reprimand.", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "17:11:44", "text": "On agreeing to the Ogles amendment (A007) Agreed to by voice vote. " }, "number": "106", "purpose": null, "type": "HAMDT", "updateDate": "2023-04-20T13:57:26Z", "url": "" }, { "congress": 118, "description": "An amendment numbered 6 printed in House Report 118-7 to strike section 2(e).", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "18:21:27", "text": "On agreeing to the Jackson Lee amendment (A006) Failed by recorded vote: 209 - 221 (Roll no. 139). " }, "number": "105", "purpose": "Amendment sought to strike the Prohibition on Federal employee censorship while using any information system or information technology (as defined under section 11101 of tile 40).", "type": "HAMDT", "updateDate": "2023-04-20T13:57:26Z", "url": "" }, { "congress": 118, "description": "An amendment numbered 5 printed in House Report 118-7 to clarify enforcement of obscene matters not protected by the First Amendment.", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "16:55:43", "text": "On agreeing to the Good (VA) amendment (A005) Agreed to by voice vote. " }, "number": "104", "purpose": null, "type": "HAMDT", "updateDate": "2023-04-20T13:57:26Z", "url": "" }, { "congress": 118, "description": "An amendment numbered 4 printed in House Report 118-7 to ensure that federal employees entering into collective bargaining agreements using taxpayer funded time (Section 7131) are prohibited from engaging in censorship of private entities.", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "18:16:22", "text": "On agreeing to the Perry amendment (A004) Failed by recorded vote: 207 - 223 (Roll no. 138). " }, "number": "103", "purpose": "Amendment sought to ensure that federal employees entering into collective bargaining agreements using taxpayer funded time (Section 7131) are prohibited from engaging in censorship of private entities.", "type": "HAMDT", "updateDate": "2023-04-20T13:57:26Z", "url": "" }, { "congress": 118, "description": "An amendment numbered 3 printed in House Report 118-7 to ensure that law enforcement can only take action against unlawful speech.", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "16:36:49", "text": "On agreeing to the Bishop (NC) amendment (A003) Agreed to by voice vote. " }, "number": "102", "purpose": null, "type": "HAMDT", "updateDate": "2023-04-20T13:57:26Z", "url": "" }, { "congress": 118, "description": "An amendment numbered 2 printed in House Report 118-7 to make technical edits and to add a conforming clarification for the authorities of the Office of the Special Counsel to ensure that the Act's monetary civil penalties under new section 7382(c)(2) can be fully enforced.", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "16:26:55", "text": "On agreeing to the Comer amendment (A002) Agreed to by voice vote. " }, "number": "101", "purpose": null, "type": "HAMDT", "updateDate": "2023-04-20T13:57:26Z", "url": "" }, { "congress": 118, "description": "An amendment numbered 1 printed in House Report 118-7 to require the Attorney General to submit an annual report to Congress evaluating the compliance of the Federal Government with the Protecting Free Speech from Government Interference Act. This amendment provides transparency and insight into any potential violations of the Act by government agencies or employees, and sunsets after 10 years.", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "16:18:28", "text": "On agreeing to the Clyde amendment (A001) Agreed to by voice vote. " }, "number": "100", "purpose": null, "type": "HAMDT", "updateDate": "2023-04-20T13:57:26Z", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 10 }, "request": { "billNumber": "140", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-14T19:43:46Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "ssga00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-03T01:30:00Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2023-02-28T14:57:07Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2023-01-09T22:20:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "140", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 2 }, "relatedBills": [ { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": "14:06:19", "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection." }, "number": 199, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "House", "type": "Related bill" }, { "identifiedBy": "House", "type": "Procedurally-related" } ], "title": "Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 140) to amend title 5, United States Code, to prohibit Federal employees from advocating for censorship of viewpoints in their official capacity, and for other purposes; providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 27) providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense and the Environmental Protection Agency relating to \"Revised Definition of 'Waters of the United States'\"; and providing for consideration of the bill (S. 619) to require the Director of National Intelligence to declassify information relating to the origin of COVID-19, and for other purposes.", "type": "HRES", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "140", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "J000289", "district": 4, "firstName": "Jim", "fullName": "Rep. Jordan, Jim [R-OH-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Jordan", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "OH", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001159", "district": 5, "firstName": "Cathy", "fullName": "Rep. McMorris Rodgers, Cathy [R-WA-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Rodgers", "middleName": "McMorris", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000576", "district": 6, "firstName": "Glenn", "fullName": "Rep. Grothman, Glenn [R-WI-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Grothman", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-02-01", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001302", "district": 5, "firstName": "Andy", "fullName": "Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Biggs", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-02-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AZ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000600", "district": 23, "firstName": "Nicholas", "fullName": "Rep. Langworthy, Nicholas A. [R-NY-23]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Langworthy", "middleName": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-02-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M000194", "district": 1, "firstName": "Nancy", "fullName": "Rep. Mace, Nancy [R-SC-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Mace", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-02-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "SC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000596", "district": 13, "firstName": "Anna Paulina", "fullName": "Rep. Luna, Anna Paulina [R-FL-13]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Luna", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-02-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001309", "district": 2, "firstName": "Tim", "fullName": "Rep. Burchett, Tim [R-TN-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Burchett", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-02-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "H001077", "district": 3, "firstName": "Clay", "fullName": "Rep. Higgins, Clay [R-LA-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Higgins", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-02-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "LA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S000250", "district": 17, "firstName": "PETE", "fullName": "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-17]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "SESSIONS", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-02-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "E000246", "district": 11, "firstName": "Chuck", "fullName": "Rep. Edwards, Chuck [R-NC-11]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Edwards", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-02-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000266", "district": 2, "firstName": "Jake", "fullName": "Rep. LaTurner, Jake [R-KS-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "LaTurner", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-02-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "KS", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000565", "district": 9, "firstName": "Paul", "fullName": "Rep. Gosar, Paul A. [R-AZ-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Gosar", "middleName": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-02-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AZ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "F000478", "district": 7, "firstName": "Russell", "fullName": "Rep. Fry, Russell [R-SC-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Fry", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-02-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "SC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001136", "district": 9, "firstName": "Lisa", "fullName": "Rep. McClain, Lisa C. [R-MI-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "McClain", "middleName": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-02-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000596", "district": 14, "firstName": "Marjorie", "fullName": "Rep. Greene, Marjorie Taylor [R-GA-14]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Greene", "middleName": "Taylor", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-02-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "GA", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 16, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 16, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "140", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Territories Statistics Collection Equity Act
[ [ "G000551", "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "sponsor" ], [ "S001177", "Del. Sablan, Gregorio Kilili Camacho [D-MP-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000610", "Del. Plaskett, Stacey E. [D-VI-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001219", "Del. Moylan, James C. [R-GU-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000582", "Resident Commissioner González-Colón, Jenniffer [R-PR-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000600", "Del. Radewagen, Aumua Amata Coleman [R-AS-At Large]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Territories Statistics Collection Equity Act</strong></p> <p>This bill requires implementation of a plan for federal agencies to collect and publish statistics regarding the U.S. territories in the same manner as statistics are collected and reported for the states.</p> <p>Specifically, the bill directs the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy to publish a list and assessment of existing federal statistical programs that collect and publish data for the U.S. territories comparable to the states.</p> <p>The council must submit to Congress a plan to collect and publish statistics regarding the territories in the same manner as statistics are collected and reported by federal agencies for the states.</p> <p>The council, in coordination with agencies, must implement the plan no later than four years after enactment of this bill.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1400 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1400 To direct the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy to develop a plan to collect and publish statistics regarding the Territories of the United States in the same manner as statistics are collected and reported by Federal agencies for the several States, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Grijalva (for himself, Mr. Sablan, Ms. Plaskett, Mr. Moylan, Mrs. Gonzalez-Colon, and Mrs. Radewagen) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, and in addition to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To direct the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy to develop a plan to collect and publish statistics regarding the Territories of the United States in the same manner as statistics are collected and reported by Federal agencies for the several States, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Territories Statistics Collection Equity Act''. SEC. 2. INCLUDING U.S. TERRITORIES IN FEDERAL STATISTICAL PROGRAMS. (a) Assessment.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the head of the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy shall publish a list and assessment of existing Federal statistical programs that collect and publish data for the U.S. Territories comparable to the several States. The assessment under this subsection shall include the following: (1) For each statistical program where a comparable program for the U.S. Territories does not exist, an explanation as to why the program does not include the U.S. Territories. (2) Impediments to data collection, analysis, and publishing with respect to the U.S. Territories. (3) A detailed description of the level of local government participation required in Federal statistical programs. (b) Plan.--Not later than 12 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the head of the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy shall submit to the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate a plan to collect and publish statistics regarding the U.S. Territories in the same manner as statistics are collected and reported by Federal agencies for the several States. The plan shall include-- (1) recommendations for including the U.S. Territories in Federal statistical programs; and (2) cost estimates for Federal and local governments for necessary changes to implement the recommendations under paragraph (1). (c) Report.--Not later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 12 months thereafter until the plan is fully implemented, the head of the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy shall submit to the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate a report that includes-- (1) a description of the plan developed under subsection (a); and (2) information on the implementation of such plan. (d) Implementation.--Not later than 4 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the head of the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy, in coordination with the heads of appropriate Federal agencies, shall fully implement the plan developed under subsection (a). SEC. 3. U.S. TERRITORIES DEFINED. For the purposes of this Act, the term ``U.S. Territories'' means American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands of the United States. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Government Operations and Politics" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 5, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. GRIJALVA:\nH.R. 1400.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle. IV. Section 3. Clause 2. ``The Congress shall have\nPower to dispose of and make all needful Rules and\nRegulations respecting the Territory or other Property\nbelonging to the United States; and nothing in this\nConstitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims\nof the United States, or of any particular State.''\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nEquitable Statistics Collection for the U.S. Territories\n[Page H1151]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 5, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 5, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-22", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs ." }, "laws": null, "number": "1400", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Government Operations and Politics" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "G000551", "district": 7, "firstName": "Raúl", "fullName": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Grijalva", "middleName": "M.", "party": "D", "state": "AZ", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Territories Statistics Collection Equity Act", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:56Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:56Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1400", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:04:10Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-22T15:28:13Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Indian and Insular Affairs Subcommittee", "systemCode": "hsii24", "url": "" } ], "systemCode": "hsii00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:04:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1400", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "S001177", "district": 0, "firstName": "Gregorio", "fullName": "Del. Sablan, Gregorio Kilili Camacho [D-MP-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Sablan", "middleName": "Kilili Camacho", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MP", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000610", "district": 0, "firstName": "Stacey", "fullName": "Del. Plaskett, Stacey E. [D-VI-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Plaskett", "middleName": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "VI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001219", "district": 0, "firstName": "James", "fullName": "Del. Moylan, James C. [R-GU-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Moylan", "middleName": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "GU", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000582", "district": 0, "firstName": "Jenniffer", "fullName": "Resident Commissioner González-Colón, Jenniffer [R-PR-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Gonzalez-Colon", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PR", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000600", "district": 0, "firstName": "Aumua Amata", "fullName": "Del. Radewagen, Aumua Amata Coleman [R-AS-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Radewagen", "middleName": "Coleman", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AS", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 5, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 5, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1400", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1400", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "titles": [ { "billTextVersionCode": null, "billTextVersionName": null, "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Territories Statistics Collection Equity Act", "titleType": "Display Title" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Territories Statistics Collection Equity Act", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "To direct the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy to develop a plan to collect and publish statistics regarding the Territories of the United States in the same manner as statistics are collected and reported by Federal agencies for the several States, and for other purposes.", "titleType": "Official Title as Introduced" } ] }
[ [ "G000591", "Rep. Guest, Michael [R-MS-3]", "sponsor" ], [ "T000483", "Rep. Trone, David J. [D-MD-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000235", "Rep. Ezell, Mike [R-MS-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001119", "Rep. Craig, Angie [D-MN-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001135", "Rep. Chavez-DeRemer, Lori [R-OR-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000590", "Rep. Lee, Susie [D-NV-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000594", "Rep. Gonzales, Tony [R-TX-23]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000468", "Rep. Titus, Dina [D-NV-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000599", "Rep. Lawler, Michael [R-NY-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000579", "Rep. Ryan, Patrick [D-NY-18]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001222", "Rep. Santos, George [R-NY-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001134", "Rep. Caraveo, Yadira [D-CO-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000032", "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000583", "Rep. Gottheimer, Josh [D-NJ-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001291", "Rep. Babin, Brian [R-TX-36]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1401 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1401 To require the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection to regularly review and update policies and manuals related to inspections at ports of entry. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Guest (for himself, Mr. Trone, Mr. Ezell, Ms. Craig, Mrs. Chavez- DeRemer, Mrs. Lee of Nevada, Mr. Tony Gonzales of Texas, and Ms. Titus) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Homeland Security, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection to regularly review and update policies and manuals related to inspections at ports of entry. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLES. This Act may be cited as the ``Eradicating Narcotic Drugs and Formulating Effective New Tools to Address National Yearly Losses of life Act'' or the ``END FENTANYL Act''. SEC. 2. ENSURING TIMELY UPDATES TO U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION FIELD MANUALS. (a) In General.--Not less frequently than triennially, the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection shall review and update, as necessary, the current policies and manuals of the Office of Field Operations related to inspections at ports of entry to ensure the uniform implementation of inspection practices that will effectively respond to technological and methodological changes designed to disguise illegal activity, such as the smuggling of drugs and humans, along the border. (b) Reporting Requirement.--Shortly after each update required under subsection (a), the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection shall submit a report to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives that summarizes the policy and manual changes implemented by such update. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Immigration" ]
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{ "pagination": { "count": 2 }, "relatedBills": [ { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-05-04", "actionTime": null, "text": "Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 44." }, "number": 206, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "END FENTANYL Act", "type": "S", "url": "" }, { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-05-16", "actionTime": null, "text": "Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 71." }, "number": 2, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Secure the Border Act of 2023", "type": "HR", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1401", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "T000483", "district": 6, "firstName": "David", "fullName": "Rep. Trone, David J. [D-MD-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Trone", "middleName": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MD", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "E000235", "district": 4, "firstName": "Mike", "fullName": "Rep. Ezell, Mike [R-MS-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Ezell", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MS", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001119", "district": 2, "firstName": "Angie", "fullName": "Rep. Craig, Angie [D-MN-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Craig", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001135", "district": 5, "firstName": "Lori", "fullName": "Rep. Chavez-DeRemer, Lori [R-OR-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Chavez-DeRemer", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "OR", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000590", "district": 3, "firstName": "Susie", "fullName": "Rep. Lee, Susie [D-NV-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Lee", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NV", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000594", "district": 23, "firstName": "Tony", "fullName": "Rep. Gonzales, Tony [R-TX-23]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Gonzales", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000468", "district": 1, "firstName": "Dina", "fullName": "Rep. Titus, Dina [D-NV-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Titus", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NV", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000599", "district": 17, "firstName": "Michael", "fullName": "Rep. Lawler, Michael [R-NY-17]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Lawler", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-20", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000579", "district": 18, "firstName": "Patrick", "fullName": "Rep. Ryan, Patrick [D-NY-18]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Ryan", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-05", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001222", "district": 3, "firstName": "George", "fullName": "Rep. Santos, George [R-NY-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Santos", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-05", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001134", "district": 8, "firstName": "Yadira", "fullName": "Rep. Caraveo, Yadira [D-CO-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Caraveo", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-23", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000032", "district": 19, "firstName": "Byron", "fullName": "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Donalds", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-23", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000583", "district": 5, "firstName": "Josh", "fullName": "Rep. Gottheimer, Josh [D-NJ-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Gottheimer", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-23", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NJ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001291", "district": 36, "firstName": "Brian", "fullName": "Rep. Babin, Brian [R-TX-36]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Babin", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-23", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 14, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 14, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1401", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Boxing Therapy for Parkinson’s Access Act of 2023
[ [ "H001038", "Rep. Higgins, Brian [D-NY-26]", "sponsor" ], [ "L000585", "Rep. LaHood, Darin [R-IL-16]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Boxing Therapy for Parkinson's Access Act of 2023</b></p> <p>This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to furnish boxing-based exercise classes to veterans who (1) are enrolled in the VA health care system, (2) have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease (or a similar movement disorder), and (3) elect to participate in such classes to treat the disease or disorder.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1402 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1402 To amend title 38, United States Code, to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide coverage for boxing-based exercise classes for veterans diagnosed with certain movement disorders, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Higgins of New York (for himself and Mr. LaHood) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend title 38, United States Code, to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide coverage for boxing-based exercise classes for veterans diagnosed with certain movement disorders, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Boxing Therapy for Parkinson's Access Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. BOXING-BASED EXERCISE CLASSES FOR TREATMENT OF VETERANS DIAGNOSED WITH CERTAIN MOVEMENT DISORDERS. (a) Coverage.--Subchapter II of chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new section (and conforming the table of sections at the beginning of such chapter accordingly): ``Sec. 1720K. Boxing-based exercise classes for treatment of certain movement disorders ``(a) Classes.--In furnishing medical services under this chapter, the Secretary shall furnish boxing-based exercise classes to a veteran (through the provision of such classes to the veteran at a medical facility of the Department or the reimbursement for such classes provided to the veteran at a non-Department facility) if the veteran-- ``(1) is enrolled in the health care system established under section 1705(a) of this title; ``(2) has been diagnosed with a covered movement disorder; and ``(3) elects to participate in such classes for the purpose of treating the covered movement disorder with which the veteran has been diagnosed. ``(b) Covered Movement Disorder Defined.--In this section, the term `covered movement disorder' means Parkinson's disease or a similar movement disorder.''. (b) Applicability.--The amendments made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to medical services furnished on or after the date that is 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Armed Forces and National Security" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "L000585", "district": 16, "firstName": "Darin", "fullName": "Rep. LaHood, Darin [R-IL-16]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "LaHood", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 1, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 1, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1402", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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[ [ "H001085", "Rep. Houlahan, Chrissy [D-PA-6]", "sponsor" ], [ "B001307", "Rep. Baird, James R. [R-IN-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000562", "Rep. Lynch, Stephen F. [D-MA-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000631", "Rep. Dean, Madeleine [D-PA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000825", "Rep. Wexton, Jennifer [D-VA-10]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1403 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1403 To amend the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to create a new national program to support mid-career workers, including workers from underrepresented populations, in reentering the STEM workforce, by providing funding to small- and medium-sized STEM businesses so the businesses can offer paid internships or other returnships that lead to positions above entry level. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Ms. Houlahan (for herself and Mr. Baird) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to create a new national program to support mid-career workers, including workers from underrepresented populations, in reentering the STEM workforce, by providing funding to small- and medium-sized STEM businesses so the businesses can offer paid internships or other returnships that lead to positions above entry level. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``STEM Restoring Employment Skills through Targeted Assistance, Re-entry, and Training Act'' or the ``STEM RESTART Act''. SEC. 2. RETURNING SKILLED WORKERS TO THE STEM WORKFORCE. (a) In General.--Subtitle D of title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act is amended-- (1) by redesignating section 172 (29 U.S.C. 3227) as section 173; and (2) by inserting after section 171 the following: ``SEC. 172. GRANTS TO SUPPORT SKILLED WORKERS IN RETURNING OR TRANSITIONING TO THE STEM WORKFORCE. ``(a) Findings.--Congress finds the following: ``(1) The Brookings Institution expects the coronavirus pandemic will have lasting effects on the labor market and could change the composition of available jobs indefinitely, with the ensuing economic decline ushering in a new era of automation. Employers will likely shed less skilled workers and replace them with higher-skilled technology workers, which increases labor productivity as a recession tapers off. ``(2) The current pipeline of engineering talent does not include many college graduates from large cohorts of the population. Women represent over 57 percent of college graduates but only 22 percent of the engineers entering the workforce. Within the workforce, only 14 percent of engineers are women. Women also leave the engineering profession in greater numbers than men do. ``(3) A 2018 Pew Research Center study showed there are wide racial gaps among current STEM workers regarding reasons why so few Black and Hispanic people work in STEM. For example, over 70 percent of Black STEM workers view lack of access to education and discriminatory hiring and promotion practices as reasons there are so few Black men and women in the STEM fields. By comparison, less than 30 percent of White and Asian STEM workers view that lack of access and those practices as barriers to Black people entering the fields. Additionally, 62 percent of Black STEM workers say they have faced discrimination in their jobs compared to just 13 percent of White STEM workers. ``(4) Among the 25,300,000 United States women ages 25 through 54 with a bachelor's degree or higher degree in 2017, 4,200,000 were out of the labor force. While some of those women were disabled or retired, the remaining 3,600,000 women may be candidates to return to work. ``(5) The Center for Talent Innovation's research shows that while 93 percent of women who left the workforce want to resume their careers, only 74 percent manage to get any kind of job at all and just 40 percent successfully return to work full-time. ``(6) Mid-career internship and other returnship programs are an effective way to address the difficulties of former STEM employees seeking to return to work, as the programs provide a probationary period and also an opportunity to obtain mentorship, professional development, and support as the participants transition back to work. Even more important, returnship programs allow an employer to base a hiring decision on an actual work sample instead of a series of interviews. At the same time, the programs give participants an opportunity to return to work together, in a cohort of similarly situated returners. ``(7) Fortune 500 companies like Apple, Honeywell, Northrop Grumman, Ingersoll Rand, and The Procter & Gamble Company have taken the initiative to try to close the gender gap among STEM professionals by providing mid-career internships for returning technical professionals. However, a 2008 study by Anthony Breitzman and Diana Hicks for the Office of Advocacy of the Small Business Administration, entitled `An Analysis of Small Business Patents by Industry and Firm Size', found that `Small firms are much more likely to develop emerging technologies than are large firms. This is perhaps intuitively reasonable given theories on small firms effecting technological change, but the quantitative data here support this assertion. Specifically, although small firms account for only 8 percent of patents granted, they account for 24 percent of the patents in the top 100 emerging clusters.'. ``(b) Purposes.--The purposes of this section are to-- ``(1) prioritize expanding opportunities, through high- quality internships or other returnships in STEM fields for unemployed or underemployed workers, particularly workers from underrepresented populations and workers from rural areas, who are mid-career skilled workers seeking to return or transition to in-demand industry sectors or occupations within the STEM workforce, at positions and compensation above entry level; and ``(2) establish grant funding and other incentives for small-sized and medium-sized companies in in-demand industry sectors or occupations to establish programs that provide on- the-job evaluation, education, and training for mid-career skilled workers described in paragraph (1). ``(c) Definitions.--In this section: ``(1) Medium-sized enterprise.--The term `medium-sized', used with respect to an enterprise, means an entity that employs more than 499 and fewer than 10,000 employees. ``(2) RESTART grant.--The term `RESTART grant' means a grant made under subsection (d). ``(3) Returnship.--The term `returnship' shall mean any internship, apprenticeship, re-entry opportunity, direct hiring opportunity with support, or other similar opportunity designed to provide workers seeking to return or transition to the STEM workforce with positions that-- ``(A) are above entry level; ``(B) provide salaries, stipends, or other payments, and benefits, that are above entry level; and ``(C) provide training that leads workers toward full-time careers and provides pathways toward advancement and leadership. ``(4) Rural area.--The term `rural area' means an area that is not an urban area (within the meaning of the notice of final program criteria entitled `Urban Area Criteria for the 2010 Census' (76 Fed. Reg. 53030 (August 24, 2011))). ``(5) Small-sized enterprise.--The term `small-sized', used with respect to an enterprise, means an entity that employs more than 49 and fewer than 500 individuals. ``(6) STEM.--The term `STEM' has the meaning given the term in section 2 of the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 (42 U.S.C. 6621 note). ``(7) Underrepresented population.--The term `underrepresented population' means a group that is underrepresented in science and engineering, as determined by the Secretary of Education under section 637.4(b) of title 34, Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on the date of enactment of the STEM RESTART Act). ``(8) Unemployed or underemployed individual.--The term `unemployed or underemployed individual' means-- ``(A) an unemployed or underemployed individual as defined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics; and ``(B) a displaced or furloughed worker. ``(d) Grant.-- ``(1) In general.--From the amounts made available to carry out this section, the Secretary shall award grants, on a competitive basis, to eligible entities, to carry out returnship programs that provide opportunities above entry level in STEM fields for mid-career skilled workers, and achieve the purposes described in subsection (b). ``(2) Periods.--The Secretary shall award the grants for an initial period of not less than 3 years and not more than 5 years. ``(3) Amounts.--In awarding grants under this subsection, the Secretary shall award a grant-- ``(A) for a small-sized enterprise, in an amount so that each annual payment for the grant is not less than $100,000 or more than $1,000,000; and ``(B) for a medium-sized enterprise or consortium, in an amount so that each annual payment for the grant is not less than $500,000 or more than $5,000,000. ``(e) Eligibility.-- ``(1) Eligible entities.--To be eligible to receive a RESTART grant under this section, an entity shall-- ``(A)(i) be located in the United States and have significant operations and employees within the United States; ``(ii) not be a debtor in a bankruptcy proceeding, within the meaning of section 4003(c)(3)(D)(i)(V) of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9042(c)(3)(D)(i)(V)) or under a State bankruptcy law; and ``(iii) be within an in-demand industry sector or occupation in a STEM field; and ``(B) be-- ``(i) a small-sized enterprise; ``(ii) a medium-sized enterprise; or ``(iii) a consortium of small-sized or medium-sized enterprises. ``(2) Eligible providers.-- ``(A) In general.--An eligible entity that desires to partner with a provider in order to carry out a returnship program under this section shall enter into an arrangement with an eligible provider. ``(B) Provider.--To be eligible to enter into such an arrangement, a provider-- ``(i) may or may not directly employ skilled workers in STEM fields but-- ``(I) shall have expertise in human resources-related activities, such as identifying or carrying out staffing with skilled workers or underrepresented populations; and ``(II) shall be capable of providing high-quality education and training services; and ``(ii) may be-- ``(I)(aa) an institution of higher education (as defined in section 101 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001)); or ``(bb) a non-degree-granting institution that is governed by the same body that governs an institutions of higher education described in item (aa); ``(II) a public, private for- profit, or private nonprofit service provider, approved by the local board; ``(III) a joint labor-management organization; ``(IV) an eligible provider of adult education and literacy activities under title II; or ``(V) an established nonprofit organization that conducts research or provides training on technical, social and emotional, and employability skills and knowledge aligned to the needs of adult learners and workers. ``(f) Applications.-- ``(1) In general.--To be eligible to receive a RESTART grant to carry out a returnship program, an entity shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time and in such manner as the Secretary may reasonably require. ``(2) Contents.--Such an application shall include-- ``(A) a description of the demand for skilled workers in STEM fields and how the RESTART grant will be used to help meet that demand; ``(B) a description of how the program will lead to employment of unemployed or underemployed individuals, particularly workers from underrepresented populations or from rural areas, who seek to return or transition to the STEM workforce; ``(C) if the entity has entered into or plans to enter into an arrangement with an eligible provider as described in subsection (e)(2) to carry out a returnship program, information identifying the eligible provider, and a description of how the arrangement will help the entity build the knowledge and skills of skilled workers participating in the program; ``(D) a description of how the eligible entity will develop and establish, or expand, a returnship program that adds to the number of full-time employees employed by the entity, but does not displace full-time employees currently (as of the date of submission of the application) employed by the entity; ``(E) an assurance that any new or existing returnship program developed and established, or expanded, with the grant funds will last for at least 10 weeks and provide compensation to participants in the form of a salary, stipend, or other payment, and benefits, that are offered to full-time employees with equivalent experience and expertise, such as health care or child care benefits; and ``(F) if the returnship program leads to a recognized postsecondary credential, information on the quality of the program that leads to the credential. ``(3) Priority.--In making grants under this section, the Secretary shall give priority to entities who are proposing programs that prioritize returnships for workers from underrepresented populations or from rural areas. ``(g) Use of Funds.-- ``(1) In general.--An entity that receives a grant under this section shall use the grant funds to carry out a returnship program, of not less than 10 weeks, through which the entity provides for-- ``(A) the education and training of returnship participants; and ``(B) the services of existing employees (as of the date the program begins) of the entity who are working with returnship participants in an educational, training, or managerial role, to maximize the retention rate and effectiveness of the returnship program. ``(2) Specific uses.--The grant funds may be used-- ``(A) to pay for the evaluation, and entry into the program, and education and training of returnship participants, including payment for the duration of the program for the participants for-- ``(i) equipment, travel, and (as necessary) housing; ``(ii) mentorship and career counseling; and ``(iii) salaries, stipends, or payments, and benefits, described in subsection (f)(2)(E); ``(B) to supplement, and not supplant, the compensation of those existing employees of the entity who are directly supporting a returnship program through the work described in paragraph (1)(B); and ``(C) to enter into an arrangement with an eligible provider to carry out a returnship program. ``(3) Existing employees.--Not more than 20 percent of the grant funds may be used to provide compensation for the existing employees performing the work described in paragraph (1)(B). ``(4) Coordination with state workforce boards.--An entity that receives a grant under this section shall coordinate activities with the State workforce development board established under section 101, to ensure collaboration and alignment of workforce programs. ``(h) Reporting and Evaluation Requirements.-- ``(1) Report to the secretary.--An entity that receives a grant under this section for a returnship program shall prepare, certify the contents of, and submit to the Secretary an annual report containing data regarding-- ``(A) the total number of the participants, and the number of such participants disaggregated by sex, race, and ethnicity; ``(B) the total number of the participants transitioned into full-time employment, and the number of such transitioned participants disaggregated by sex, race, and ethnicity; and ``(C) if the returnship program includes participants in an internship, the conversion rate of the internship participants to employees, for the total number of those participants and the conversion rate of those participants disaggregated by sex, race, and ethnicity. ``(2) Evaluation and report by the secretary.--Not later than 180 days after receiving the annual reports from grant recipients under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall-- ``(A)(i) prepare a report that presents the data collected through the reports, including data disaggregated by sex, race, and ethnicity, and an evaluation based on that data of the best practices for effectively implementing returnship (including internship) programs; and ``(ii) submit the report to the Committee on Education and the Workforce of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate; and ``(B) post information on a website on best practices described in subparagraph (A)(i). ``(i) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $50,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2024 through 2028.''. (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents in section 1(b) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act is amended-- (1) by redesignating the item relating to section 172 as the item relating to section 173; and (2) by inserting after the item relating to section 171 the following: ``Sec. 172. Grants to support skilled workers in returning or transitioning to the STEM workforce.''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Labor and Employment" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Ms. HOULAHAN:\nH.R. 1403.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nLegislating\n[Page H1151]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 4, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 4, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce." }, "laws": null, "number": "1403", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Labor and Employment" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "H001085", "district": 6, "firstName": "Chrissy", "fullName": "Rep. Houlahan, Chrissy [D-PA-6]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Houlahan", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "state": "PA", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": null, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "STEM RESTART Act", "titles": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:56Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:56Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1403", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "B001307", "district": 4, "firstName": "James", "fullName": "Rep. Baird, James R. [R-IN-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Baird", "middleName": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000562", "district": 8, "firstName": "Stephen", "fullName": "Rep. Lynch, Stephen F. [D-MA-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Lynch", "middleName": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-25", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000631", "district": 4, "firstName": "Madeleine", "fullName": "Rep. Dean, Madeleine [D-PA-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Dean", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-25", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000825", "district": 10, "firstName": "Jennifer", "fullName": "Rep. Wexton, Jennifer [D-VA-10]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Wexton", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-06-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "VA", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 4, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 4, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1403", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "pagination": { "count": 4 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1403", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "titles": [ { "billTextVersionCode": null, "billTextVersionName": null, "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "STEM RESTART Act", "titleType": "Display Title" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "STEM RESTART Act", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "STEM Restoring Employment Skills through Targeted Assistance, Re-entry, and Training Act", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "To amend the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to create a new national program to support mid-career workers, including workers from underrepresented populations, in reentering the STEM workforce, by providing funding to small- and medium-sized STEM businesses so the businesses can offer paid internships or other returnships that lead to positions above entry level.", "titleType": "Official Title as Introduced" } ] }
Facial Recognition and Biometric Technology Moratorium Act of 2023
[ [ "J000298", "Rep. Jayapal, Pramila [D-WA-7]", "sponsor" ], [ "S001145", "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B000574", "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001223", "Rep. Bowman, Jamaal [D-NY-16]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001224", "Rep. Bush, Cori [D-MO-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001131", "Rep. Casar, Greg [D-TX-35]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000297", "Rep. Espaillat, Adriano [D-NY-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000551", "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000147", "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000617", "Rep. Pressley, Ayanna [D-MA-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000481", "Rep. Tlaib, Rashida [D-MI-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000617", "Rep. Ramirez, Delia C. [D-IL-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001080", "Rep. Chu, Judy [D-CA-28]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000623", "Rep. DeSaulnier, Mark [D-CA-10]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000312", "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1404 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1404 To prohibit biometric surveillance by the Federal Government without explicit statutory authorization and to withhold certain Federal public safety grants from State and local governments that engage in biometric surveillance. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Ms. Jayapal (for herself, Ms. Schakowsky, Mr. Blumenauer, Mr. Bowman, Ms. Bush, Mr. Casar, Mr. Espaillat, Ms. Lee of California, Ms. Norton, Ms. Pressley, and Ms. Tlaib) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To prohibit biometric surveillance by the Federal Government without explicit statutory authorization and to withhold certain Federal public safety grants from State and local governments that engage in biometric surveillance. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Facial Recognition and Biometric Technology Moratorium Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) Biometric surveillance system.--The term ``biometric surveillance system'' means any computer software that performs facial recognition or other remote biometric recognition in real time or on a recording or photograph. (2) Byrne grant program.--The term ``Byrne grant program'' means the grant program authorized under subpart 1 of part E of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10151 et seq.), whether characterized as the Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Programs, the Local Government Law Enforcement Block Grants Program, the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program, or otherwise. (3) Facial recognition.--The term ``facial recognition'' means an automated or semi-automated process that-- (A) assists in identifying an individual, capturing information about an individual, or otherwise generating or assisting in generating surveillance information about an individual based on the physical characteristics of the individual's face; or (B) logs characteristics of an individual's face, head, or body to infer emotion, associations, activities, or the location of an individual. (4) Federal official.--The term ``Federal official'' means any officer, employee, agent, contractor, or subcontractor of the United States Government. (5) In the united states.--The term ``in the United States'' means all areas within the external boundary of the United States, its territories and possessions, including airports, ports of entry, and border zones. (6) Other remote biometric recognition.--The term ``other remote biometric recognition''-- (A) means an automated or semi-automated process that-- (i) assists in identifying an individual, capturing information about an individual, or otherwise generating or assisting in generating surveillance information about an individual based on the characteristics of the individual's gait or other immutable characteristic ascertained from a distance; (ii) uses voice recognition technology; or (iii) logs such characteristics to infer emotion, associations, activities, or the location of an individual; and (B) does not include identification based on fingerprints or palm prints. (7) Voice recognition technology.--The term ``voice recognition technology'' means the automated or semi-automated process that assists in identifying or verifying an individual based on the characteristics of an individual's voice. SEC. 3. PROHIBITION ON FEDERAL GOVERNMENT USE OF BIOMETRIC SURVEILLANCE. (a) In General.--Except as provided in subsection (b), it shall be unlawful for any Federal agency or Federal official, in an official capacity, to acquire, possess, access, or use in the United States-- (1) any biometric surveillance system; or (2) information derived from a biometric surveillance system operated by another entity. (b) Exception.--The prohibition set forth in subsection (a) does not apply to activities explicitly authorized by an Act of Congress that describes, with particularity-- (1) the entities permitted to use the biometric surveillance system, the specific type of biometric authorized, the purposes for such use, and any prohibited uses; (2) standards for use and management of information derived from the biometric surveillance system, including data retention, sharing, access, and audit trails; (3) auditing requirements to ensure the accuracy of biometric surveillance system technologies, standards for minimum accuracy rates, and accuracy rates by gender, skin color, and age; (4) rigorous protections for due process, privacy, free speech and association, and racial, gender, and religious equity; and (5) mechanisms to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Act. (c) Judicial Investigations and Proceedings.-- (1) Admissibility.--Except in a judicial investigation or proceeding alleging a violation of this section, information obtained in violation of this section is not admissible by the Federal Government in any criminal, civil, administrative, or other investigation or proceeding. (2) Cause of action.-- (A) In general.--A violation of this section constitutes an injury to any individual aggrieved by a violation of this Act. (B) Right to sue.--An individual described in subparagraph (A) may institute proceedings against the Federal Government whose official is alleged to have violated this section for the relief described in subparagraph (D) in any court of competent jurisdiction. (C) Enforcement by state attorneys general.--The chief law enforcement officer of a State, or any other State officer authorized by law to bring actions on behalf of the residents of a State, may bring a civil action, as parens patriae, on behalf of the residents of that State in an appropriate district court of the United States to enforce this Act, whenever the chief law enforcement officer or other State officer has reason to believe that the interests of the residents of the State have been or are being threatened or adversely affected by a violation of this Act. (D) Relief.--In a civil action brought under subparagraph (B) in which the plaintiff prevails, the court may award-- (i) actual damages; (ii) punitive damages; (iii) reasonable attorneys' fees and costs; and (iv) any other relief, including injunctive relief, that the court determines to be appropriate. (d) Civil Penalties.--Any Federal official who is found to have violated this section may be subject to retraining, suspension, termination, or any other penalty, as determined in an appropriate tribunal, subject to applicable due process requirements. (e) Federal Funding.-- (1) In general.--No Federal funds may be obligated or expended by a Federal law enforcement agency for the purchase or use of a biometric surveillance system. (2) Unallocated funds.--No Federal agency may use any unallocated funds appropriated to the agency for the purchase or use of a biometric surveillance system. (f) Rules of Construction.--Nothing in this section may be construed-- (1) to prohibit the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) from testing or researching biometric surveillance systems or other remote biometric recognition technologies in commercial use; or (2) to preempt or supersede any Federal, State, or local law that imposes a more stringent limitation than the limitations described in this section. SEC. 4. MORATORIUM ON STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT USE OF BIOMETRIC SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS. (a) Federal Financial Assistance.--Beginning on the first day of the first fiscal year beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act, a State or unit of local government is ineligible to receive Federal financial assistance under the Byrne grant program unless the State or unit of local government is complying with a law or policy that is substantially similar to the prohibition set forth in section 3(a). (b) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in this section may be construed to preempt or supersede any Federal, State, or local law that imposes a more stringent limitation than the prohibition set forth in section 3(a). &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Armed Forces and National Security" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Ms. JAYAPAL:\nH.R. 1404.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nThis bill is enacted pursuant to the power granted to\nCongress under Article I of the United States Constitution\nand its subsequent amendments, and further clarified and\ninterpreted by the Supreme Court of the United States.\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nTo prohibit biometric surveillance by the Federal\nGovernment without explicit statutuory authorization and to\nwithhold certain federal public safety grants from State and\nlocal governments that engage in biometric surveillance.\n[Page H1151]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 14, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 14, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned." }, "laws": null, "number": "1404", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Armed Forces and National Security" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "J000298", "district": 7, "firstName": "Pramila", "fullName": "Rep. Jayapal, Pramila [D-WA-7]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Jayapal", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "state": "WA", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": null, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Facial Recognition and Biometric Technology Moratorium Act of 2023", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-13T07:15:36Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-13T07:15:36Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1404", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "S001145", "district": 9, "firstName": "JANICE", "fullName": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middleName": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B000574", "district": 3, "firstName": "EARL", "fullName": "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "BLUMENAUER", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "OR", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001223", "district": 16, "firstName": "Jamaal", "fullName": "Rep. Bowman, Jamaal [D-NY-16]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Bowman", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001224", "district": 1, "firstName": "Cori", "fullName": "Rep. Bush, Cori [D-MO-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Bush", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001131", "district": 35, "firstName": "Greg", "fullName": "Rep. Casar, Greg [D-TX-35]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Casar", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "E000297", "district": 13, "firstName": "Adriano", "fullName": "Rep. Espaillat, Adriano [D-NY-13]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Espaillat", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000551", "district": 12, "firstName": "BARBARA", "fullName": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-12]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "LEE", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "N000147", "district": 0, "firstName": "ELEANOR", "fullName": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "NORTON", "middleName": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "DC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000617", "district": 7, "firstName": "Ayanna", "fullName": "Rep. Pressley, Ayanna [D-MA-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Pressley", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000481", "district": 12, "firstName": "Rashida", "fullName": "Rep. Tlaib, Rashida [D-MI-12]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Tlaib", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000617", "district": 3, "firstName": "Delia", "fullName": "Rep. Ramirez, Delia C. [D-IL-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Ramirez", "middleName": "C.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001080", "district": 28, "firstName": "Judy", "fullName": "Rep. Chu, Judy [D-CA-28]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Chu", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000623", "district": 10, "firstName": "Mark", "fullName": "Rep. DeSaulnier, Mark [D-CA-10]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "DeSaulnier", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-18", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M000312", "district": 2, "firstName": "JAMES", "fullName": "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "MCGOVERN", "middleName": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-06-12", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MA", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 14, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 14, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1404", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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IMPACTT Human Trafficking Act
[ [ "J000295", "Rep. Joyce, David P. [R-OH-14]", "sponsor" ], [ "T000468", "Rep. Titus, Dina [D-NV-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000812", "Rep. Wagner, Ann [R-MO-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001208", "Rep. Slotkin, Elissa [D-MI-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000590", "Rep. Lee, Susie [D-NV-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000472", "Rep. Franklin, C. Scott [R-FL-18]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001134", "Rep. Caraveo, Yadira [D-CO-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000597", "Rep. Lee, Laurel M. [R-FL-15]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1405 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1405 To improve services for trafficking victims by establishing, in Homeland Security Investigations, the Investigators Maintain Purposeful Awareness to Combat Trafficking Trauma Program and the Victim Assistance Program. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Joyce of Ohio (for himself, Ms. Titus, Mrs. Wagner, and Ms. Slotkin) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To improve services for trafficking victims by establishing, in Homeland Security Investigations, the Investigators Maintain Purposeful Awareness to Combat Trafficking Trauma Program and the Victim Assistance Program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``IMPACTT Human Trafficking Act''. SEC. 2. INVESTIGATORS MAINTAIN PURPOSEFUL AWARENESS TO COMBAT TRAFFICKING TRAUMA PROGRAM. (a) Establishment.--There is established, in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Investigators Maintain Purposeful Awareness to Combat Trafficking Trauma Program (referred to in this Act as the ``IMPACTT Program''). (b) Functions.--The IMPACTT Program shall-- (1) provide outreach and training to Homeland Security Investigations employees who have been exposed to various forms of trauma in working with victims of human trafficking, including-- (A) self-awareness training for the relevant employees on recognizing the signs of burnout, compassion fatigue, critical incident stress, traumatic stress, posttraumatic stress, secondary traumatic stress, and vicarious trauma; (B) training material that-- (i) provides mechanisms for self-care and resilience and notification of resources that are available through U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, such as the Employee Assistance Program, the Peer Support Program, the Chaplain Program, and other relevant accredited programs that are available; and (ii) provides examples of potential resources that are available outside of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which may include, faith-based and community-based resources; and (C) provide additional training to first line supervisors of relevant employees on recognizing the signs referred to in subparagraph (A) and the appropriate responses to employees exhibiting such signs; (2) include training modules that are carried out by-- (A) licensed and accredited clinicians who-- (i) have been trained on the exposure of various forms of trauma and other stressors experienced in working with victims; and (ii) may have experience working with faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, counseling programs, or other social service programs; and (B) additional subject matter experts who are available; and (3) be overseen and coordinated by the Department of Homeland Security Center for Countering Human Trafficking to ensure that-- (A) appropriate program materials are distributed; (B) training is offered to all relevant employees; and (C) any needed travel and equipment is provided. SEC. 3. HOMELAND SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS VICTIM ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. (a) In General.--Subtitle D of title IV of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 251 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. 447. HOMELAND SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS VICTIM ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. ``(a) Definitions.--In this section: ``(1) Forensic interview specialist.--The term `forensic interview specialist' is an interview professional who has specialized experience and training in conducting trauma- informed forensic interviews with victims of crime. ``(2) Victim.--The term `victim' has the meaning given such term in section 503(e)(2) of the Victims' Rights and Restitution Act of 1990 (34 U.S.C. 20141(e)(2)). ``(3) Victim assistance specialist.--The term `victim assistance specialist' is a victim assistance professional who-- ``(A) has experience working with victims of crime in a service capacity; ``(B) has been trained on the exposure of various forms of trauma and other stressors experienced in working with victims; and ``(C) may have experience working with local government and community-based organizations, including victim advocacy centers, child advocacy centers, child welfare agencies, faith-based organizations, and other social service programs. ``(b) In General.--There is established, in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Victim Assistance Program. ``(c) Functions.--The Victim Assistance Program shall-- ``(1) provide oversight, guidance, training, travel, equipment, and coordination to Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance personnel throughout the United States; ``(2) recruit not fewer than-- ``(A) 1 forensic interview specialist and 1 victim assistance specialist for each Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent in Charge office; ``(B) 1 victim assistance specialist for-- ``(i) every Homeland Security Investigations office participating in a human trafficking task force; and ``(ii) every Homeland Security Investigations office participating in a child sexual exploitation task force; ``(3) support Homeland Security Investigations regional attache offices, to the extent necessary; ``(4) provide training regarding victims' rights, victim- related policies, roles of forensic interviewers and victim assistance specialists, and an approach that is-- ``(A) victim-centered; ``(B) trauma-informed; and ``(C) linguistically appropriate, to the extent feasible; and ``(5) purchase emergency items that are needed to assist identified victims in Homeland Security Investigations criminal investigations, including food, clothing, hygiene products, transportation, and temporary shelter that is not otherwise provided by a nongovernmental organization.''. (b) Technical and Conforming Amendments.--The Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-296) is amended-- (1) in section 1(b) (6 U.S.C. 101 note)-- (A) by striking the item relating to section 442 and inserting the following: ``Sec. 442. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.''; and (B) by inserting after the item relating to section 446 the following: ``Sec. 447. Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.''; (2) in section 442-- (A) by amending the section heading to read as follows: ``u.s. immigration and customs enforcement''; (B) by striking ``bureau'' each place such term appears (except in subsection (a)(1)) and inserting ``agency''; (C) by striking ``the Bureau of Border Security'' each place such term appears and inserting ``U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement''; (D) in subsection (a)-- (i) in the subsection heading, by striking ``of Bureau''; (ii) in paragraph (3)(C), by striking ``affecting the Bureau of'' and inserting ``affecting U.S.''; and (iii) in paragraph (4), by striking ``the Bureau.'' and inserting ``the agency.''; and (E) in subsection (b)(2)-- (i) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by striking ``Bureau of Border Security'' and inserting ``U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement''; and (ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``the Bureau of'' before ``Citizenship and Immigration Services'' and inserting ``U.S.''; and (3) in section 443(2), by striking ``such bureau'' and inserting ``such agency''. SEC. 4. ANNUAL REPORT. Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit a report to Congress that identifies, with respect to the reporting period-- (1) the number of trainings that were provided through the IMPACTT Program and the number of personnel who received such training; and (2) the number of human trafficking victims who were assisted by the Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Immigration" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "T000468", "district": 1, "firstName": "Dina", "fullName": "Rep. Titus, Dina [D-NV-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Titus", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NV", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000812", "district": 2, "firstName": "Ann", "fullName": "Rep. Wagner, Ann [R-MO-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Wagner", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001208", "district": 7, "firstName": "Elissa", "fullName": "Rep. Slotkin, Elissa [D-MI-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Slotkin", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000590", "district": 3, "firstName": "Susie", "fullName": "Rep. Lee, Susie [D-NV-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Lee", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-05", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NV", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "F000472", "district": 18, "firstName": "C.", "fullName": "Rep. Franklin, C. Scott [R-FL-18]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Franklin", "middleName": "Scott", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-05", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001134", "district": 8, "firstName": "Yadira", "fullName": "Rep. Caraveo, Yadira [D-CO-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Caraveo", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000597", "district": 15, "firstName": "Laurel", "fullName": "Rep. Lee, Laurel M. [R-FL-15]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Lee", "middleName": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-24", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 7, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 7, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1405", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1405", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "titles": [ { "billTextVersionCode": null, "billTextVersionName": null, "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "IMPACTT Human Trafficking Act", "titleType": "Display Title" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "IMPACTT Human Trafficking Act", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "To improve services for trafficking victims by establishing, in Homeland Security Investigations, the Investigators Maintain Purposeful Awareness to Combat Trafficking Trauma Program and the Victim Assistance Program.", "titleType": "Official Title as Introduced" } ] }
Sustainable Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Services in the Home Act
[ [ "J000302", "Rep. Joyce, John [R-PA-13]", "sponsor" ], [ "P000608", "Rep. Peters, Scott H. [D-CA-50]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000589", "Rep. Lesko, Debbie [R-AZ-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000230", "Rep. Davis, Donald G. [D-NC-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000628", "Rep. Dunn, Neal P. [R-FL-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000466", "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001068", "Rep. Huffman, Jared [D-CA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000613", "Rep. Panetta, Jimmy [D-CA-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000377", "Rep. Armstrong, Kelly [R-ND-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001295", "Rep. Bost, Mike [R-IL-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001257", "Rep. Bilirakis, Gus M. [R-FL-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001218", "Rep. Stansbury, Melanie Ann [D-NM-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000194", "Rep. Nickel, Wiley [D-NC-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001214", "Rep. Steube, W. Gregory [R-FL-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000191", "Rep. Neguse, Joe [D-CO-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000575", "Rep. Rogers, Mike D. [R-AL-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000375", "Rep. Keating, William R. [D-MA-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000871", "Rep. Mann, Tracey [R-KS-1]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1406 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1406 To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to permanently extend certain in-home cardiopulmonary rehabilitation flexibilities established in response to COVID-19, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Joyce of Pennsylvania (for himself and Mr. Peters) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to permanently extend certain in-home cardiopulmonary rehabilitation flexibilities established in response to COVID-19, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Sustainable Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Services in the Home Act''. SEC. 2. CODIFYING IN-HOME CARDIOPULMONARY REHABILITATION FLEXIBILITIES ESTABLISHED IN RESPONSE TO COVID-19. (a) In General.--Section 1861(eee)(2) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395x(eee)(2)) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A)(ii), by inserting ``, including in the home of an individual when furnished as a telehealth service through two-way audio-visual communications technology, or when such home is designated as a provider-based location of a hospital outpatient department'' after ``outpatient basis''; and (2) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``, including through the virtual presence of such physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or clinical nurse specialist, through two- way audio-visual communications technology'' after ``under the program''. (b) Expanding Originating Sites.--Section 1834(m) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395m(m)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``and (9)'' through ``(as defined in paragraph (4)(E))'' and inserting ``, (9), and (10), the Secretary shall pay for telehealth services that are furnished via a telecommunications system by a physician (as defined in section 1861(r)) or a practitioner (as defined in paragraph (4)(E)), or by a hospital (as defined in section 1861(e))''; (2) in paragraph (2)(A), by striking ``or practitioner'' and inserting ``, practitioner, or hospital'' in each place that it appears; (3) in paragraph (4)(A), by striking ``or practitioner'' and inserting ``, practitioner, or hospital''; (4) in paragraph (4)(C)-- (A) in clause (i), by striking ``and (7)'' and inserting ``(7), and (10)''; and (B) in clause (ii)(X), by striking ``paragraph (7)'' and inserting ``paragraphs (7) and (10)''; (5) in paragraph (4)(F)(i), by striking ``paragraph (8)'' and inserting ``paragraphs (8) and (10)''; and (6) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(10) Treatment of in-home cardiac rehabilitation program, intensive cardiac rehabilitation program, and pulmonary rehabilitation program visits.--Beginning on the first day following the end of the emergency period described in section 1135(g)(1)(B), the geographic requirements described in paragraph (4)(C)(i) shall not apply with respect to telehealth services for cardiac rehabilitation programs and intensive cardiac rehabilitation programs (as such terms are defined in section 1861(eee)) and pulmonary rehabilitation programs (as defined in section 1861(fff)) at an originating site described in subclauses (V) and (X) of paragraph (4)(C)(ii).''. (c) Rulemaking To Establish Standards and Allow for Certain Programs To Utilize Telehealth Services.-- (1) In general.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall promulgate rules to-- (A) establish standards for the designation of the home of an individual with status as a provider-based organization of a hospital consistent with waivers issued through the Hospital Without Walls program for cardiac rehabilitation, pulmonary rehabilitation, and intensive cardiac rehabilitation; and (B) include cardiac rehabilitation programs and intensive cardiac rehabilitation programs (as such terms are defined in section 1861(eee) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395x(eee)), and pulmonary rehabilitation programs (as defined in section 1861(fff) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1395x(fff)) among telehealth services to be specified under section 1834(m)(4)(F) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1395m(m)(4)(F)). (2) Effective date.--The standards established under paragraph (1) shall take effect on the later of the date on which such standards are issued by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, or on the first day after the end of the emergency period described in section 1135(g)(1)(B) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5(g)(1)(B)). &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Health" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "P000608", "district": 50, "firstName": "Scott", "fullName": "Rep. Peters, Scott H. [D-CA-50]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Peters", "middleName": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000589", "district": 8, "firstName": "Debbie", "fullName": "Rep. Lesko, Debbie [R-AZ-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Lesko", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-22", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AZ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000230", "district": 1, "firstName": "Donald", "fullName": "Rep. Davis, Donald G. [D-NC-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Davis", "middleName": "G.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-22", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000628", "district": 2, "firstName": "Neal", "fullName": "Rep. Dunn, Neal P. 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Financing Lead Out of Water Act
[ [ "K000380", "Rep. Kildee, Daniel T. [D-MI-8]", "sponsor" ], [ "T000478", "Rep. Tenney, Claudia [R-NY-24]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001160", "Rep. Moore, Gwen [D-WI-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000376", "Rep. Kelly, Mike [R-PA-16]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000096", "Rep. Pascrell, Bill, Jr. [D-NJ-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000194", "Rep. Mace, Nancy [R-SC-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000136", "Rep. Vasquez, Gabe [D-NM-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001119", "Rep. Craig, Angie [D-MN-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000610", "Rep. Reschenthaler, Guy [R-PA-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000197", "Rep. DeGette, Diana [D-CO-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001300", "Rep. Barragan, Nanette Diaz [D-CA-44]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001072", "Rep. Carson, Andre [D-IN-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001145", "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Financing Lead Out of Water Act of 2023</strong></p> <p>This bill allows the issuance of tax-exempt private activity bonds to finance the replacement of any privately-owned portion of a lead service line in a public water system. Specifically, the bill provides that the use of proceeds from such bonds for replacement of a lead service line does not constitute private business use.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1407 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1407 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the private business use requirements for bonds issued for lead service line replacement projects. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Kildee (for himself, Ms. Tenney, Ms. Moore of Wisconsin, Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Pascrell) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the private business use requirements for bonds issued for lead service line replacement projects. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Financing Lead Out of Water Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. MODIFICATION OF PRIVATE BUSINESS USE REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTAIN BONDS. (a) In General.--Section 141(b)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(D) Clarification relating to qualified lead service line replacement use.-- ``(i) In general.--For purposes of this subsection, qualified lead service line replacement use shall not constitute private business use. ``(ii) Definitions.--For purposes of this subparagraph-- ``(I) Qualified lead service line replacement use.--The term `qualified lead service line replacement use' means, with respect to any public water system, use of the proceeds of an issue to replace any privately-owned portion of a lead service line connected to such system to facilitate, achieve or maintain compliance with a national primary drinking water regulation for lead. ``(II) Lead service line.--The term `lead service line' has the meaning given such term in section 1459B(a)(4) of the Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended. ``(III) National primary drinking water regulation for lead.--The term `national primary drinking water regulation for lead' means a national primary drinking water regulation for lead promulgated under section 1412 of such Act. ``(IV) Public water system.--The term `public water system' has the meaning given such term in section 1401(4) of such Act.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to obligations issued after December 31, 2022. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Taxation" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "T000478", "district": 24, "firstName": "Claudia", "fullName": "Rep. Tenney, Claudia [R-NY-24]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Tenney", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001160", "district": 4, "firstName": "Gwen", "fullName": "Rep. Moore, Gwen [D-WI-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Moore", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000376", "district": 16, "firstName": "Mike", "fullName": "Rep. Kelly, Mike [R-PA-16]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Kelly", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000096", "district": 9, "firstName": "WILLIAM", "fullName": "Rep. Pascrell, Bill, Jr. [D-NJ-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "PASCRELL", "middleName": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NJ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M000194", "district": 1, "firstName": "Nancy", "fullName": "Rep. Mace, Nancy [R-SC-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Mace", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "SC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "V000136", "district": 2, "firstName": "Gabe", "fullName": "Rep. Vasquez, Gabe [D-NM-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Vasquez", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NM", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001119", "district": 2, "firstName": "Angie", "fullName": "Rep. Craig, Angie [D-MN-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Craig", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000610", "district": 14, "firstName": "Guy", "fullName": "Rep. Reschenthaler, Guy [R-PA-14]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Reschenthaler", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-17", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000197", "district": 1, "firstName": "DIANA", "fullName": "Rep. DeGette, Diana [D-CO-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "DEGETTE", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-17", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001300", "district": 44, "firstName": "Nanette", "fullName": "Rep. Barragan, Nanette Diaz [D-CA-44]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Barragan", "middleName": "Diaz", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-17", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001072", "district": 7, "firstName": "Andre", "fullName": "Rep. Carson, Andre [D-IN-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Carson", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-17", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001145", "district": 9, "firstName": "JANICE", "fullName": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middleName": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-17", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 12, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 12, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1407", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Taylor Force Martyr Payment Prevention Act of 2023
[ [ "L000564", "Rep. Lamborn, Doug [R-CO-5]", "sponsor" ], [ "T000478", "Rep. Tenney, Claudia [R-NY-24]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001298", "Rep. Bacon, Don [R-NE-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000795", "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000392", "Rep. Kustoff, David [R-TN-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000814", "Rep. Weber, Randy K., Sr. [R-TX-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000466", "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000130", "Rep. Vargas, Juan [D-CA-52]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000614", "Rep. Roy, Chip [R-TX-21]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001291", "Rep. Babin, Brian [R-TX-36]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000628", "Rep. Dunn, Neal P. [R-FL-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000583", "Rep. Gottheimer, Josh [D-NJ-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001172", "Rep. Smith, Adrian [R-NE-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001222", "Rep. Miller, Max L. [R-OH-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001257", "Rep. Bilirakis, Gus M. [R-FL-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B000825", "Rep. Boebert, Lauren [R-CO-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000576", "Rep. Grothman, Glenn [R-WI-6]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Taylor Force Martyr Payment Prevention Act of 2023 </strong></p> <p>This bill expands the institutional factors the Department of the Treasury must consider when making a finding that a foreign financial institution is of primary money laundering concern and is therefore subject to special measures, including the prohibition of opening or maintaining correspondent accounts in U.S financial institutions. Specifically, Treasury must consider (1) the extent to which an institution knowingly provides financial services to Hamas, or to an agent of Hamas; and (2) the extent to which an institution, transaction, or type of account is used to facilitate or promote payments for certain acts of terrorism against U.S. and Israeli citizens.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1408 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1408 To deter foreign financial institutions from providing banking services for the benefit of foreign terrorist organizations and from facilitating or promoting payments for acts of terrorism. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Lamborn (for himself, Ms. Tenney, Mr. Bacon, Mr. Wilson of South Carolina, Mr. Kustoff, Mr. Weber of Texas, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Vargas, Mr. Roy, Mr. Babin, Mr. Dunn of Florida, Mr. Gottheimer, Mr. Smith of Nebraska, and Mr. Miller of Ohio) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To deter foreign financial institutions from providing banking services for the benefit of foreign terrorist organizations and from facilitating or promoting payments for acts of terrorism. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Taylor Force Martyr Payment Prevention Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS; SENSE OF CONGRESS. (a) Findings.--Congress makes the following findings: (1) Banks in nominally friendly jurisdictions evade United States anti-terrorism sanctions by avoiding an official presence in the United States, and continue to knowingly provide banking services, including dollar-denominated transactions, for terrorist organizations that target United States nationals for murder. (2) Such flouting of anti-terrorism financial regulations is only possible through the maintenance or use of correspondent accounts at United States banks for the benefit of terrorist organizations. (b) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that under authority granted by section 5318A of title 31, United States Code, as amended by section 3, the Secretary of the Treasury should-- (1) find foreign financial institutions that flout anti- terrorism financial regulations to be of primary money laundering concern; and (2) prohibit the maintenance or use of correspondent accounts in the United States by such institutions. SEC. 3. CONSIDERATION OF FACILITATION OF TERRORISM IN DESIGNATING INSTITUTIONS, ACCOUNTS, AND TRANSACTIONS AS OF PRIMARY MONEY LAUNDERING CONCERN. Section 5318A(c)(2)(B) of title 31, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``all 3'' and inserting ``all of the preceding''; (2) in clause (ii), by striking ``; and'' and inserting a semicolon; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and (4) by adding at the end the following: ``(iv) notwithstanding clause (ii), the extent to which such institutions knowingly provide, or cause other financial institutions to provide, financial services (including personal banking services) to the entity described in subsection (a) of section 594.319 of title 31, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation), or persons described in subsection (b) of that section; and ``(v) the extent to which such institutions, transactions, or types of accounts are used to facilitate or promote payments for acts of terrorism described in section 1004(a)(1)(B) of the Taylor Force Act (22 U.S.C. 2378c-1(a)(1)(B)).''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Finance and Financial Sector" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. LAMBORN:\nH.R. 1408.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArt. I, Sec. 8 ``To regulate commerce with foreign nations\n. . .''\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nThis bill expands the institutional factors the Department\nof the Treasury must consider when making a finding that a\nforeign financial institution is of primary money laundering\nconcern and is therefore subject to special measures,\nincluding the prohibition of opening or maintaining\ncorrespondent accounts in U.S financial institutions.\n[Page H1151]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 16, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 16, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services." }, "laws": null, "number": "1408", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Finance and Financial Sector" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "L000564", "district": 5, "firstName": "Doug", "fullName": "Rep. Lamborn, Doug [R-CO-5]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Lamborn", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "state": "CO", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Taylor Force Martyr Payment Prevention Act of 2023", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T19:01:25Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T19:01:25Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1408", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "T000478", "district": 24, "firstName": "Claudia", "fullName": "Rep. Tenney, Claudia [R-NY-24]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Tenney", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001298", "district": 2, "firstName": "Don", "fullName": "Rep. Bacon, Don [R-NE-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Bacon", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NE", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000795", "district": 2, "firstName": "Joe", "fullName": "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Wilson", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "SC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000392", "district": 8, "firstName": "David", "fullName": "Rep. Kustoff, David [R-TN-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Kustoff", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000814", "district": 14, "firstName": "Randy", "fullName": "Rep. Weber, Randy K., Sr. [R-TX-14]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Weber", "middleName": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "F000466", "district": 1, "firstName": "Brian", "fullName": "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Fitzpatrick", "middleName": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "V000130", "district": 52, "firstName": "Juan", "fullName": "Rep. Vargas, Juan [D-CA-52]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Vargas", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000614", "district": 21, "firstName": "Chip", "fullName": "Rep. Roy, Chip [R-TX-21]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Roy", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001291", "district": 36, "firstName": "Brian", "fullName": "Rep. Babin, Brian [R-TX-36]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Babin", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000628", "district": 2, "firstName": "Neal", "fullName": "Rep. Dunn, Neal P. [R-FL-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Dunn", "middleName": "P.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000583", "district": 5, "firstName": "Josh", "fullName": "Rep. Gottheimer, Josh [D-NJ-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Gottheimer", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NJ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001172", "district": 3, "firstName": "Adrian", "fullName": "Rep. Smith, Adrian [R-NE-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Smith", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NE", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001222", "district": 7, "firstName": "Max", "fullName": "Rep. Miller, Max L. [R-OH-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Miller", "middleName": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "OH", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001257", "district": 12, "firstName": "Gus", "fullName": "Rep. Bilirakis, Gus M. [R-FL-12]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Bilirakis", "middleName": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-10", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B000825", "district": 3, "firstName": "Lauren", "fullName": "Rep. Boebert, Lauren [R-CO-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Boebert", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-23", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000576", "district": 6, "firstName": "Glenn", "fullName": "Rep. Grothman, Glenn [R-WI-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Grothman", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-25", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WI", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 16, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 16, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1408", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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FDIC Board Accountability Act
[ [ "L000569", "Rep. Luetkemeyer, Blaine [R-MO-3]", "sponsor" ], [ "A000379", "Rep. Alford, Mark [R-MO-4]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>FDIC Board Accountability Act </strong></p> <p>This bill revises provisions related to the board of directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Specifically, the bill removes the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from the board as a voting member and requires the appointment of an individual with demonstrated primary experience working in or supervising small depository institutions. Further, the bill limits the term length of a board member to twelve years. </p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1409 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1409 To amend the Federal Deposit Insurance Act to revise the membership requirements for the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Luetkemeyer introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Federal Deposit Insurance Act to revise the membership requirements for the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``FDIC Board Accountability Act''. SEC. 2. FDIC BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Section 2 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1812) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (1)-- (i) in subparagraph (A), by adding ``and'' at the end; and (ii) by striking subparagraphs (B) and (C) and inserting the following: ``(B) 4 of whom shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, from among individuals who are citizens of the United States, 1 of whom shall have State bank supervisory experience, and separately 1 of whom shall have demonstrated primary experience working in or supervising depository institutions having less than $10,000,000,000 in total assets.''; and (B) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) Non-voting status of the director of the bureau of consumer financial protection.--The Director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection shall serve as a non-voting observer to the Board of Directors of the Corporation.''; (2) in subsection (c)-- (A) in paragraph (1), by adding at the end the following: ``No individual may be appointed as a member for more than two terms.''; and (B) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) Maximum length of service.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, no person shall serve as a member for more than twelve years in total.''; (3) in subsection (d)(2)-- (A) by striking ``Consumer Financial Protection Bureau'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection''; and (B) by inserting ``or observer, as the case may be,'' after ``member''; and (4) in subsection (f)(2), by striking ``or of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Finance and Financial Sector" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. LUETKEMEYER:\nH.R. 1409.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution: Congress\nshall have the power to make all laws which shall be\nnecessary and proper for carrying into Execution the\nforegoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by the\nConstitution in the Government of the United States, or in\nany Department or Officer thereof.\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nTo amend the Federal Deposit Insurance Act to revise the\nmembership requirements for the Board of Directors of the\nFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and for other\npurposes.\n[Page H1151]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 1, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 1, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services." }, "laws": null, "number": "1409", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Finance and Financial Sector" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "L000569", "district": 3, "firstName": "Blaine", "fullName": "Rep. Luetkemeyer, Blaine [R-MO-3]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Luetkemeyer", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "state": "MO", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "FDIC Board Accountability Act", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T19:01:26Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T19:01:26Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1409", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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No Pay for Disarray Act
[ [ "C001119", "Rep. Craig, Angie [D-MN-2]", "sponsor" ] ]
<p><b>No Pay for Disarray Act</b></p> <p>This bill eliminates one day of pay for each Member of the House of Representatives for any day of a Congress during which no Speaker has been elected.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 141 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 141 To reduce the pay of Members of the House of Representatives if a Speaker is not elected on the first day of a Congress. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES January 9, 2023 Ms. Craig introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on House Administration, and in addition to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To reduce the pay of Members of the House of Representatives if a Speaker is not elected on the first day of a Congress. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Pay for Disarray Act''. SEC. 2. REDUCTION OF PAY OF MEMBERS OF HOUSE IF SPEAKER IS NOT ELECTED. (a) Reduction of Pay.-- (1) Reduction.--If, by the end of the first day of a Congress, the House of Representatives has not elected a Speaker, the annual rate of pay applicable under section 601(a) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 (2 U.S.C. 4501) with respect to each Member of the House of Representatives for the year shall be reduced by an amount equal to the product of-- (A) an amount equal to one day's worth of pay under such annual rate; and (B) the number of 24-hour periods occurring during the Congress during which no Speaker has been elected for the Congress. (2) Effective date.--This subsection shall apply with respect to the One Hundred Nineteenth Congress and each succeeding Congress. (b) Rule for One Hundred Eighteenth Congress.-- (1) Holding salaries in escrow.--If, by the end of the first day of the One Hundred Eighteenth Congress, the House of Representatives has not elected a Speaker, the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives, or an employee of the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer who is designated by the Chief Administrative Officer to carry out this Act, shall-- (A) deposit in an escrow account and exclude from the payments otherwise required to be made for the compensation of each Member of the House of Representatives with respect to a pay period during which the House has not elected a Speaker an amount equal to the product of-- (i) the daily rate of pay of the Member under section 601(a) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 (2 U.S.C. 4501); and (ii) the number of 24-hour periods during which no Speaker has been elected for the One Hundred Eighteenth Congress; and (B) release amounts deposited in an escrow account under subparagraph (A) to such Member of the House of Representatives only upon the expiration of the period described in paragraph (2). (2) Period described.--The period described in this paragraph is the period that-- (A) begins on the first day of the One Hundred Eighteenth Congress; and (B) ends on the earlier of-- (i) the date on the House elects a Speaker for the One Hundred Eighteenth Congress; or (ii) the last day of the One Hundred Eighteenth Congress. (3) Withholding and remittance of amounts from payments held in escrow.--The Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives, or an employee of the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer who is designated by the Chief Administrative Officer to carry out this Act, shall provide for the same withholding and remittance with respect to a payment deposited in an escrow account under paragraph (1) that would apply to the payment if the payment were not subject to paragraph (1). (4) Release of amounts at end of the congress.--In order to ensure that this subsection is carried out in a manner that shall not vary the compensation of Representatives in violation of the twenty-seventh amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives, or an employee of the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer who is designated by the Chief Administrative Officer to carry out this Act, shall release for payment to Members of the House of Representatives any amounts remaining in any escrow account under this section on the last day of the One Hundred Eighteenth Congress. (c) Member Defined.--In this section, the term ``Member of the House of Representatives'' means an individual serving in a position in the House of Representatives which is covered under subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of section 601(a)(1) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 (2 U.S.C. 4501(1)). &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Congress", "Government employee pay, benefits, personnel management", "House of Representatives", "Legislative rules and procedure", "Members of Congress" ]
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Consumer Financial Protection Commission Act
[ [ "L000569", "Rep. Luetkemeyer, Blaine [R-MO-3]", "sponsor" ], [ "A000379", "Rep. Alford, Mark [R-MO-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000871", "Rep. Mann, Tracey [R-KS-1]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Consumer Financial Protection Commission Act</b></p> <p>This bill removes the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from the Federal Reserve System, converts the bureau into an independent commission, and modifies its leadership structure.&nbsp;Specifically, the bill eliminates the positions of director and deputy director and establishes a five-person commission appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1410 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1410 To amend the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 to make the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection an independent Consumer Financial Protection Commission, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Luetkemeyer introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 to make the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection an independent Consumer Financial Protection Commission, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Consumer Financial Protection Commission Act''. SEC. 2. MAKING THE BUREAU AN INDEPENDENT CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION COMMISSION. The Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 (12 U.S.C. 5481 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 1011-- (A) in the heading of such section, by striking ``bureau of consumer financial protection'' and inserting ``consumer financial protection commission''; (B) in subsection (a)-- (i) in the heading of such subsection, by striking ``Bureau'' and inserting ``Commission''; (ii) by striking ``in the Federal Reserve System,''; (iii) by striking ``independent bureau'' and inserting ``independent commission''; (iv) by striking ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Protection Commission (hereinafter in this section referred to as the `Commission')''; and (v) by striking ``Bureau'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Commission''; (C) by striking subsections (b), (c), and (d); (D) by redesignating subsection (e) as subsection (j); (E) in subsection (j), as so redesignated-- (i) by striking ``, including in cities in which the Federal reserve banks, or branches of such banks, are located,''; and (ii) by striking ``Bureau'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Commission''; and (F) by inserting after subsection (a) the following new subsections: ``(b) Authority To Prescribe Regulations.--The Commission may prescribe such regulations and issue such orders in accordance with this title as the Commission may determine to be necessary for carrying out this title and all other laws within the Commission's jurisdiction and shall exercise any authorities granted under this title and all other laws within the Commission's jurisdiction. ``(c) Composition of the Commission.-- ``(1) In general.--The Commission shall be composed of 5 members who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. ``(2) Staggering.--The members of the Commission shall serve staggered terms, which initially shall be established by the President for terms of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years, respectively. ``(3) Terms.-- ``(A) In general.--Each member of the Commission, including the Chair, shall serve for a term of 5 years. ``(B) Removal.--The President may remove any member of the Commission for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office. ``(C) Vacancies.--Any member of the Commission appointed to fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term to which that member's predecessor was appointed (including the Chair) shall be appointed only for the remainder of the term. ``(D) Continuation of service.--Each member of the Commission may continue to serve after the expiration of the term of office to which that member was appointed until a successor has been appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, except that a member may not continue to serve more than 1 year after the date on which that member's term would otherwise expire. ``(E) Other employment prohibited.--No member of the Commission shall engage in any other business, vocation, or employment. ``(d) Affiliation.--Not more than 3 members of the Commission shall be members of any one political party. ``(e) Chair of the Commission.-- ``(1) Initial chair.--The first member and Chair of the Commission shall be the individual serving as Director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection on the day before the date of the enactment of this subsection. Such individual shall serve until the President has appointed all 5 members of the Commission in accordance with subsection (c). ``(2) Subsequent chair.--Of the 5 members appointed in accordance with subsection (c), the President shall appoint 1 member to serve as the subsequent Chair of the Commission. ``(3) Authority.--The Chair shall be the principal executive officer of the Commission, and shall exercise all of the executive and administrative functions of the Commission, including with respect to-- ``(A) the appointment and supervision of personnel employed under the Commission (other than personnel employed regularly and full time in the immediate offices of members of the Commission other than the Chair); ``(B) the distribution of business among personnel appointed and supervised by the Chair and among administrative units of the Commission; and ``(C) the use and expenditure of funds. ``(4) Limitation.--In carrying out any of the Chair's functions under the provisions of this subsection the Chair shall be governed by general policies of the Commission and by such regulatory decisions, findings, and determinations as the Commission may by law be authorized to make. ``(5) Requests or estimates related to appropriations.-- Requests or estimates for regular, supplemental, or deficiency appropriations on behalf of the Commission may not be submitted by the Chair without the prior approval of the Commission. ``(f) Initial Quorum Established.--The first member and Chair of the Commission described under subsection (e)(1) shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business until the President has appointed all 5 members of the Commission in accordance with subsection (c). Following such appointment of 5 members, the quorum requirements of subsection (g) shall apply. ``(g) No Impairment by Reason of Vacancies.--No vacancy in the members of the Commission after the establishment of an initial quorum under subsection (f) shall impair the right of the remaining members of the Commission to exercise all the powers of the Commission. Three members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, except that if there are only 3 members serving on the Commission because of vacancies in the Commission, 2 members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. If there are only 2 members serving on the Commission because of vacancies in the Commission, 2 members shall constitute a quorum for the 6-month period beginning on the date of the vacancy which caused the number of Commission members to decline to 2. ``(h) Seal.--The Commission shall have an official seal. ``(i) Compensation.-- ``(1) Chair.--The Chair shall receive compensation at the rate prescribed for level I of the Executive Schedule under section 5313 of title 5, United States Code. ``(2) Other members of the commission.--The 4 other members of the Commission shall each receive compensation at the rate prescribed for level II of the Executive Schedule under section 5314 of title 5, United States Code.''; (2) in section 1012(c), by striking paragraphs (2), (3), (4), and (5); and (3) in section 1014(b), by striking ``Not fewer than 6 members shall be appointed upon the recommendation of the regional Federal Reserve Bank Presidents, on a rotating basis.''. SEC. 3. DEEMING OF NAME. Any reference in a law, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, except in subsection (e)(1) of section 1011 of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 (12 U.S.C. 5491), as added by this Act, shall be deemed a reference to the Consumer Financial Protection Commission. SEC. 4. CONFORMING AMENDMENTS. (a) Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010.-- (1) In general.--Except as provided under paragraph (2), the Consumer Financial Protection of 2010 (12 U.S.C. 5481 et seq.) is amended-- (A) by striking ``Director of the Bureau'' each place such term appears, other than where such term is used to refer to a Director other than the Director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, and inserting ``Consumer Financial Protection Commission''; (B) by striking ``Director'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Protection Commission'', other than where such term is used to refer to a Director other than the Director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection; and (C) in section 1002, by striking paragraph (10). (2) Exceptions.--The Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 (12 U.S.C. 5481 et seq.) is amended-- (A) in section 1013(c)(3)-- (i) by striking ``Assistant Director of the Bureau for'' and inserting ``Head of the Office of''; and (ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``Assistant Director'' and inserting ``Head of the Office''; (B) in section 1013(g)(2)-- (i) by striking ``Assistant director'' and inserting ``Head of the office''; and (ii) by striking ``an assistant director'' and inserting ``a Head of the Office of Financial Protection for Older Americans''; (C) in section 1016(a), by striking ``Director of the Bureau'' and inserting ``Chair of the Consumer Financial Protection Commission''; and (D) in section 1066(a), by striking ``Director of the Bureau is'' and inserting ``first member of the Commission is''. (b) Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.--The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (12 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 111(b)(1)(D), by striking ``Director'' and inserting ``Chair of the Consumer Financial Protection Commission''; and (2) in section 1447, by striking ``Director of the Bureau'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Protection Commission''. (c) Electronic Fund Transfer Act.--Section 920(a)(4)(C) of the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (15 U.S.C. 1693o-2(a)(4)(C)), as added by section 1075(a)(2) of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, is amended by striking ``Director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Protection Commission''. (d) Expedited Funds Availability Act.--The Expedited Funds Availability Act (12 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.), as amended by section 1086 of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, is amended by striking ``Director of the Bureau'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Protection Commission''. (e) Federal Deposit Insurance Act.--Section 2 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1812), as amended by section 336(a) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, is amended by striking ``Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Chair of the Consumer Financial Protection Commission''. (f) Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Act of 1978.--Section 1004(a)(4) of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Act of 1978 (12 U.S.C. 3303(a)(4)), as amended by section 1091 of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, is amended by striking ``Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau'' and inserting ``Chair of the Consumer Financial Protection Commission''. (g) Financial Literacy and Education Improvement Act.--Section 513 of the Financial Literacy and Education Improvement Act (20 U.S.C. 9702), as amended by section 1013(d)(5) of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, is amended by striking ``Director'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Chair of the Consumer Financial Protection Commission''. (h) Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975.--Section 307 of the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975, as amended by section 1094(6) of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, is amended by striking ``Director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Protection Commission''. (i) Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act.--The Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act, as amended by section 1098A of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, is amended-- (1) by amending section 1402(1) to read as follows: ``(1) `Chair' means the Chair of the Consumer Financial Protection Commission;''; and (2) in section 1416(a), by striking ``Director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection'' and inserting ``Chair''. (j) Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974.--Section 5 of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 (12 U.S.C. 2604), as amended by section 1450 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, is amended-- (1) by striking ``The Director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (hereafter in this section referred to as the `Director')'' and inserting ``The Consumer Financial Protection Commission''; and (2) by striking ``Director'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Consumer Financial Protection Commission''. (k) S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008.--The S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008 (12 U.S.C. 5101 et seq.), as amended by section 1100 of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, is amended-- (1) by striking ``Director'' each place such term appears in headings and text, other than where such term is used in the context of the Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision, and inserting ``Consumer Financial Protection Commission''; and (2) in section 1503, by striking paragraph (10). (l) Title 44, United States Code.--Section 3513(c) of title 44, United States Code, as amended by section 1100D(b) of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, is amended by striking ``Director of the Bureau'' and inserting ``Consumer Financial Protection Commission''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Finance and Financial Sector" ]
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CFPB–IG Reform Act of 2023
[ [ "L000569", "Rep. Luetkemeyer, Blaine [R-MO-3]", "sponsor" ], [ "A000379", "Rep. Alford, Mark [R-MO-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001058", "Rep. Huizenga, Bill [R-MI-4]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection-Inspector General Reform Act of 2023 or the CFPB-IG Act of 2023</b></p> <p>This bill establishes a separate Office of Inspector General for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Currently, such oversight of the CFPB is combined with the Office of Inspector General for the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1411 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1411 To require Senate confirmation of Inspector General of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Luetkemeyer introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, and in addition to the Committee on Financial Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require Senate confirmation of Inspector General of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection-Inspector General Reform Act of 2023'' or the ``CFPB-IG Reform Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. APPOINTMENT OF INSPECTOR GENERAL. Chapter 4 of title 5, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in section 401-- (A) in paragraph (1), by inserting ``the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection,'' after ``the Export- Import Bank of the United States,''; and (B) in paragraph (3), by inserting ``the Director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection;'' after ``the President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States;''; and (2) in section 415-- (A) in subsection (a)(1), by striking ``and the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection''; (B) in subsection (c), by striking ``For purposes of implementing this section, the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System shall appoint the Inspector General of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. The Inspector General of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection shall have all of the authorities and responsibilities provided by this Act with respect to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, as if the Bureau were part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.''; and (C) in subsection (g)(3), by striking ``and the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection''. SEC. 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR THE BUREAU OF CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION. (a) Establishment.--Section 1011 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (12 U.S.C. 5491) is amended-- (1) in subsection (b)-- (A) in the subsection heading, by striking ``and Deputy Director'' and inserting ``, Deputy Director, and Inspector General''; and (B) by inserting after paragraph (5) the following: ``(6) Inspector general.--There is established the position of the Inspector General.''; and (2) in subsection (d), by striking ``or Deputy Director'' each place it appears and inserting ``, Deputy Director, or Inspector General''. (b) Hearings.--Section 1016 of such Act is amended by inserting after subsection (c) the following: ``(d) Additional Requirement for Inspector General.--On a separate occasion from that described in subsection (a), the Inspector General of the Bureau shall appear, upon invitation, before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Financial Services and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives at semiannual hearings regarding the reports required under subsection (b) and the reports required under section 405 of title 5, United States Code.''. (c) Funding for Office of Inspector General.--Section 1017(a)(2) of such Act is amended-- (1) by redesignating subparagraph (C) as subparagraph (D); and (2) by inserting after subparagraph (B) the following: ``(C) Funding for office of inspector general.-- Each fiscal year, the Bureau shall dedicate 2 percent of the funds transferred pursuant to paragraph (1) to the Office of the Inspector General.''. (d) Participation in the Council of Inspectors General on Financial Oversight.--Section 989E(a)(1) of such Act is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(J) The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.''. (e) Deadline for Appointment.--Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the President shall appoint an Inspector General for the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection in accordance with section 403 of title 5, United States Code. SEC. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. (a) In General.--The amendments made by this Act shall take effect on the date on which the first Inspector General of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection is confirmed by the Senate. (b) Appointment.--The President may appoint, and the Senate may confirm, an Inspector General of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection before the amendments made by this Act take effect. (c) Transition.--The Inspector General of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection shall, upon the date on which the first Inspector General of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection is confirmed by the Senate, become the Inspector General of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Finance and Financial Sector" ]
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{ "actions": [ { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Financial Services Committee", "systemCode": "hsba00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, and in addition to the Committee on Financial Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "systemCode": "hsgo00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, and in addition to the Committee on Financial Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "Intro-H", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "1000", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "pagination": { "count": 4 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1411", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:02:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Financial Services Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsba00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:02:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1411", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "relatedBills": [ { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-04-26", "actionTime": null, "text": "Ordered to be Reported in the Nature of a Substitute (Amended) by the Yeas and Nays: 26 - 23." }, "number": 2798, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "CFPB Transparency and Accountability Reform Act", "type": "HR", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1411", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "A000379", "district": 4, "firstName": "Mark", "fullName": "Rep. Alford, Mark [R-MO-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Alford", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-25", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "H001058", "district": 4, "firstName": "Bill", "fullName": "Rep. Huizenga, Bill [R-MI-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Huizenga", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-25", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MI", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 2, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 2, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1411", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "pagination": { "count": 4 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1411", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "titles": [ { "billTextVersionCode": null, "billTextVersionName": null, "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "CFPB–IG Reform Act of 2023", "titleType": "Display Title" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "CFPB–IG Reform Act of 2023", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection-Inspector General Reform Act of 2023", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "To require Senate confirmation of Inspector General of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, and for other purposes.", "titleType": "Official Title as Introduced" } ] }
Digital Equity Foundation Act of 2023
[ [ "M001163", "Rep. Matsui, Doris O. [D-CA-7]", "sponsor" ], [ "B001278", "Rep. Bonamici, Suzanne [D-OR-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000215", "Rep. Eshoo, Anna G. [D-CA-16]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S000510", "Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000551", "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001125", "Rep. Carter, Troy [D-LA-2]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1412 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1412 To establish the Foundation for Digital Equity, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Ms. Matsui (for herself, Ms. Bonamici, Ms. Eshoo, Mr. Smith of Washington, Mr. Grijalva, and Mr. Carter of Louisiana) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To establish the Foundation for Digital Equity, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Digital Equity Foundation Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. FOUNDATION FOR DIGITAL EQUITY. (a) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Assistant secretary.--The term ``Assistant Secretary'' means the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information. (2) Board.--The term ``Board'' means the Board of Directors described in subsection (d)(1). (3) Business incubator.--The term ``business incubator'' has the meaning given the term in section 3 of the Native American Business Incubators Program Act (25 U.S.C. 5802). (4) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal Communications Commission. (5) Committee.--The term ``Committee'' means the Committee for the Establishment of the Foundation for Digital Equity established under subsection (b). (6) Community anchor institution; covered household; covered populations.--The terms ``community anchor institution'', ``covered household'', and ``covered populations'' have the meanings given those terms in section 60302 of the Digital Equity Act of 2021 (47 U.S.C. 1721). (7) Department.--The term ``Department'' means the Department of Commerce. (8) Digital equity.--The term ``digital equity'' means the condition in which individuals and communities have the information technology capacity that is needed for full participation in the society and economy of the United States. (9) Digital inclusion.--The term ``digital inclusion''-- (A) means the activities that are necessary to ensure that all individuals in the United States have access to, and the use of, affordable information and communication technologies, such as-- (i) reliable fixed and wireless broadband; (ii) internet-enabled devices that meet the needs of the user for telehealth, remote work, remote schooling, or other purposes; and (iii) applications and online content designed to enable and encourage self- sufficiency, participation, and collaboration; and (B) includes-- (i) obtaining access to digital literacy training; (ii) the provision of quality technical support; and (iii) obtaining basic awareness of measures to ensure online privacy and cybersecurity. (10) Digital literacy.--The term ``digital literacy'' means the skills associated with using technology to enable users to find, evaluate, organize, create, and communicate information. (11) Executive director.--The term ``Executive Director'' means the Executive Director of the Foundation described in subsection (f)(1). (12) Foundation.--The term ``Foundation'' means the Foundation for Digital Equity established under subsection (c). (13) Institution of higher education.--The term ``institution of higher education'' means-- (A) an institution of higher education, as that term is defined in section 101 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001); or (B) a postsecondary vocational institution, as that term is defined in section 102(c) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1002(c)). (14) Minority-serving institution.--The term ``Minority- serving institution'' means an institution described in any of paragraphs (1) through (7) of section 371(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1067q(a)). (15) NTIA.--The term ``NTIA'' means the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. (16) Older individual.--The term ``older individual'' has the meaning given the term in section 101 of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3001). (17) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Commerce. (18) Small business investment company.--The term ``small business investment company'' has the meaning given the term in section 103 of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 (15 U.S.C. 662). (19) Startup.--The term ``startup'' has the meaning given the term ``start-up business'' in section 362(f)(5)(C) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6322(f)(5)(C)). (20) Tribal broadband connectivity program.--The term ``Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program'' means the program established pursuant to section 905(c) of division N of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (47 U.S.C. 1305 note). (b) Committee for the Establishment of the Foundation for Digital Equity.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall establish the Committee for the Establishment of the Foundation for Digital Equity. (2) Members.--The Committee shall be composed of 5 members-- (A) who shall be appointed by the officials described in subsection (d)(2)(B)(i); (B) each of whom shall be a voting member of the Committee; (C) not fewer than 3 of whom shall have broad and general experience in matters relating to digital equity, digital inclusion, or digital literacy; and (D) not less than 1 of whom shall have broad and general experience in working with private nonprofit organizations. (3) Functions.--The functions of the Committee are as follows: (A) To carry out such activities as may be necessary to incorporate the Foundation under the laws of a State, including by-- (i) serving as the incorporators for the Foundation; and (ii) ensuring that the articles of incorporation for the Foundation require that the Foundation is operated in accordance with the requirements of this section. (B) To ensure that the Foundation qualifies for and (during the period in which the Committee is in existence) maintains the status described in subsection (c)(4). (C) To provide for the initial operation of the Foundation, including by ensuring that the Foundation has adequate facilities, equipment, and staff. (D) To appoint initial voting members of the Board who satisfy the requirements under subsection (d)(2)(C) and have such other qualifications as the Committee determines appropriate with respect to those members. (4) Chair.--The Committee shall, from among the members of the Committee, designate a member of the Committee to serve as Chair of the Committee. (5) Term.-- (A) In general.--Each member of the Committee shall serve for the duration of the Committee. (B) Vacancies.-- (i) No effect on authority.--A vacancy in the membership of the Committee shall not affect the authority of the Committee to carry out the functions of the Committee. (ii) Replacement.--If a member of the Committee does not serve for the duration of the Committee, the individual appointed to fill that vacancy shall be appointed by the ex officio members of the Board for the remainder of the applicable term. (6) Compensation.--A member of the Committee-- (A) shall not receive compensation for service on the Committee; and (B) may be reimbursed for travel, subsistence, and other necessary expenses incurred in carrying out the functions of the Committee. (7) Termination.--The Committee shall-- (A) complete the functions of the committee described in paragraph (3) not later than 180 days after the date on which the Secretary establishes the Committee under paragraph (1); and (B) terminate on the date that is 30 days after the date on which the Secretary determines that the Committee has completed the functions described in paragraph (3). (c) Establishment.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall establish a nonprofit corporation to be known as the ``Foundation for Digital Equity''. (2) Mission.--The mission of the Foundation shall be-- (A) to supplement, but not supplant, the work of the NTIA and the Commission in promoting the benefits of technological development in the United States, and of high-capacity, affordable broadband connectivity in particular, for all users of telecommunications and information facilities; (B) to raise, leverage, or match funding from other entities, including philanthropic organizations, the private sector, and State and local governments, to promote digital literacy, digital inclusion, and digital equity for communities with low rates of adoption of broadband; (C) to develop programs and partnerships to-- (i) spur greater rates of adoption of broadband among covered populations; (ii) collaborate with State, local, and Tribal governments, Minority-serving institutions, other anchor institutions, and stakeholders in the communications, education, business, and technology fields; (iii) publicize and incentivize the adoption of evidence-based programs; (iv) convene organizations and partnerships with related goals and interests to establish problem-solving processes; (v) strengthen and share best practices relating to-- (I) projects promoting digital inclusion, digital literacy, and digital equity; and (II) regional economic development; (vi) support job creation and workforce development; and (vii) support the goals of the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program; and (D) to promote equitable access to, and the adoption of, broadband technologies and digital applications that support accessibility, telehealth, distance learning, and online access to governmental benefits and services, including by preventing, detecting, and remedying digital discrimination. (3) Limitation.--The Foundation shall not be an agency or instrumentality of the Federal Government or any State or local government. (4) Tax-exempt status.--The Board shall take all necessary and appropriate steps to ensure that the Foundation is an organization that is described in section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of that Code. (d) Board of Directors.-- (1) Establishment.--The Foundation shall be governed by a Board of Directors. (2) Composition.-- (A) In general.--The Board shall be composed of the ex officio members described in subparagraph (B) and the appointed voting members described in subparagraph (C). (B) Ex officio members.-- (i) Members.--The ex officio members of the Board shall be the following individuals (or designees of those individuals): (I) The Secretary. (II) The Assistant Secretary. (III) The Chairman of the Commission. (IV) The Secretary of the Treasury. (V) The Under Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Development. (ii) Nonvoting members.--The ex officio members of the Board shall be nonvoting members of the Board. (C) Appointed members.-- (i) Representation.--The appointed members of the Board shall reflect a broad cross- section of stakeholders from academia, industry, nonprofit and civil rights organizations, community-based practitioners of efforts to promote digital inclusion, State or local governments, local school districts and libraries, other community anchor institutions, and the philanthropic community. (ii) Experience.--Each appointed member of the Board shall-- (I)(aa) have experience promoting digital equity, digital inclusion, and digital literacy; (bb) have experience in the technology sector; (cc) have experience in the telecommunications and broadband sector; (dd) have direct experience working with covered populations; or (ee) have research experience in foundation operations; and (II) to the extent practicable, represent diverse regions, sectors, and the communities corresponding to the covered populations that are the focus of the activities of the Foundation. (3) Chair and vice chair.-- (A) In general.--The Board shall designate, from among the appointed members of the Board-- (i) an individual to serve as Chair of the Board; and (ii) an individual to serve as Vice Chair of the Board. (B) Terms.--The term of service of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Board shall end on the earlier of-- (i) the date that is 3 years after the date on which the Chair or Vice Chair of the Board, as applicable, is designated for the position; and (ii) the last day of the term of service of the member, as determined under paragraph (4)(A), who is designated to be Chair or Vice Chair of the Board, as applicable. (C) Representation.--The Chair and Vice Chair of the Board-- (i) shall not be representatives of the same area of subject matter expertise, or entity, as applicable, under paragraph (2)(C)(ii); and (ii) shall not be representatives of any area of subject matter expertise, or entity, as applicable, represented by the immediately preceding Chair and Vice Chair of the Board. (4) Terms and vacancies.-- (A) Terms.-- (i) In general.--The term of service of each appointed member of the Board shall be not more than 5 years. (ii) Initial appointed members.--Of the initial members of the Board appointed under subsection (b)(3)(D), \1/2\ of the members shall serve for 4 years and \1/2\ of the members shall serve for 5 years, as determined by the Chair of the Board. (B) Vacancies.--Any vacancy in the membership of the appointed members of the Board-- (i) shall be filled by a majority vote of the appointed members of the Board in accordance with the bylaws of the Foundation; (ii) shall not affect the power of the remaining appointed members to execute the duties of the Board; and (iii) shall be filled by an individual selected by the Board. (5) Meetings; quorum.-- (A) Initial meeting.--Not later than 60 days after the date on which all of the members of the Board have been appointed, the Secretary shall convene a meeting of the ex officio and appointed members of the Board to establish the bylaws of the Foundation in accordance with paragraph (7). (B) Quorum.--A majority of the appointed members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for purposes of conducting the business of the Board. (6) Duties.--The Board shall-- (A) provide overall direction for the activities of the Foundation and establish priority activities; (B) provide guidance to the Executive Director such that the Executive Director may carry out any other necessary activities of the Foundation; (C) evaluate the performance of the Executive Director; and (D) actively solicit and accept funds, gifts, grants, devises, or bequests of real or personal property to the Foundation, including from private entities. (7) Bylaws.-- (A) In general.--The bylaws established under paragraph (5)(A) may include-- (i) policies for the selection of Board members and officers, employees, agents, and contractors of the Foundation; (ii) policies, including ethical standards, for-- (I) the acceptance, solicitation, and disposition of donations and grants to the Foundation, including appropriate limits on the ability of donors to designate, by stipulation or restriction, the use or recipient of donated funds; and (II) the disposition of assets of the Foundation; (iii) policies that subject all employees, fellows, trainees, contractors, consultants, and other agents of the Foundation (including ex officio and appointed members of the Board) to conflict of interest standards; and (iv) the specific duties of the Executive Director. (B) Requirements.--The Board shall ensure that the bylaws of the Foundation and the activities carried out under those bylaws shall not-- (i) reflect unfavorably on the ability of the Foundation to carry out activities in a fair and objective manner; or (ii) compromise, or appear to compromise, the integrity of any Federal agency or program, or any officer or employee employed by, or involved in, such an agency or program. (8) Compensation.-- (A) In general.--No member of the Board shall receive compensation for serving as a member of the Board. (B) Reimbursement of certain expenses.--In accordance with the bylaws of the Foundation, members of the Board may be reimbursed for travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, and other necessary expenses incurred in carrying out the duties of the Board. (e) Activities.-- (1) Studies, competitions, and projects.--The Foundation may conduct and support studies, competitions, projects, and other activities that further the mission of the Foundation described in subsection (c)(2). (2) Grants.-- (A) In general.--The Foundation may award grants for activities relating to digital equity, digital inclusion, or digital literacy. (B) Selection.--In selecting a recipient for a grant awarded under subparagraph (A), the Foundation-- (i) shall make the selection based on the comparative merits of-- (I) the proposed project of the potential recipient; (II) the impact of the project described in subclause (I) on promoting digital equity in local communities; and (III) the alignment of the project described in subclause (I) with-- (aa) the overall goals of the Foundation relating to diversity on the basis of geography; (bb) the type of need addressed by the project; and (cc) other factors specified in the strategic plan and grant guidelines of the Foundation; and (ii) may consult with a potential recipient regarding the ability of the potential recipient to carry out various projects that would further the mission of the Foundation described in subsection (c)(2). (3) Accessing facilities and expertise.--The Foundation may work with the Secretary and the Commission-- (A) to leverage the capabilities and facilities of the Department and the Commission; and (B) to assist with resources, including by providing information on assets of the Department and the Commission that may enable the promotion of digital equity, digital inclusion, or digital literacy. (4) Training and education.--The Foundation may support programs that provide training to researchers, scientists, and other relevant personnel at the Department, the Commission, and institutions of higher education to help promote digital equity, digital inclusion, and digital literacy. (5) Stakeholder engagement.--The Foundation shall convene, and may consult with, representatives from the Department, the Commission, institutions of higher education, the private sector, public interest stakeholders, and commercialization organizations to develop programs for the mission of the Foundation described in subsection (c)(2) and to advance the activities of the Foundation. (6) For-profit subsidiaries.-- (A) In general.--The Foundation may establish 1 or more for-profit subsidiaries, including an impact investment fund-- (i) to stimulate economic development activities relating to the mission of the Foundation described in subsection (c)(2); and (ii) to attract for-profit investment partners for digital equity, digital inclusion, and digital literacy activities. (B) Authorities of the for-profit subsidiary.--A for-profit subsidiary established under subparagraph (A) may-- (i) enter into a partnership with an economic development corporation, including a business incubator or small business investment company; (ii) pay for the cost of building and administering a facility, including a business incubator, to support the activities of the Foundation described in this subsection; and (iii) provide funding to a startup. (7) Supplemental programs.--The Foundation may carry out supplemental programs-- (A) to conduct and support forums, meetings, conferences, courses, and training workshops consistent with the mission of the Foundation described in subsection (c)(2); (B) to support and encourage the understanding and development of-- (i) data collection that provides clarity with respect to inequities and community needs in order to promote digital equity, digital inclusion, and digital literacy; and (ii) policies that make regulation more effective and efficient by leveraging the data collection efforts described in clause (i) for the regulation of relevant technology sectors; (C) for writing, editing, printing, publishing, and selling books and other materials relating to efforts carried out by the Foundation, the Department, or the Commission; and (D) to conduct other activities to carry out and support the mission of the Foundation described in subsection (c)(2). (8) Evaluations.--The Foundation shall support the development of an evaluation methodology, to be used as part of any program supported by the Foundation, that shall-- (A) consist of qualitative and quantitative metrics; (B) include periodic third party evaluation of the programs and other activities of the Foundation; and (C) be made publicly available. (9) Communications.--The Foundation shall develop an expertise in communications to-- (A) disseminate awareness of funding opportunities among community-based organizations that serve covered populations; and (B) promote the work of grant and fellowship recipients under paragraph (2), the successes of the Foundation, opportunities for partnership with the Foundation, and other activities. (10) Tribal broadband connectivity grants.--The Foundation may support a grant made under the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program if there are not adequate appropriations to support such a grant. (f) Administration.-- (1) Executive director.--The Board shall appoint an Executive Director of the Foundation, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. (2) Administrative control.--No member of the Board, any officer or employee of the Foundation, any officer or employee of any program established by the Foundation, or any participant in a program established by the Foundation may exercise administrative control over any Federal employee. (3) Strategic plan.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Foundation shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives a strategic plan that, incorporating the input of the community advisory committee convened under subsection (g)(1), contains-- (A) a description of the initial focus areas of, and primary purposes for, each program, grant, or award opportunity that the Foundation plans to implement during the 2-year period beginning on the date on which the strategic plan is submitted; (B) a description of the efforts that the Foundation will take to be transparent in the processes of the Foundation, including processes relating to-- (i) grant awards, including selection, review, and notification with respect to those awards; and (ii) communication of past, current, and future digital equity priorities; (C) a description of the financial goals and benchmarks of the Foundation for the 10-year period beginning on the date on which the report is submitted; and (D) a description of the efforts undertaken by the Foundation to ensure maximum complementarity and minimum redundancy with investments made by the Secretary and the Commission. (4) Recurring report.--Not later than 1 year after the date on which the Foundation is established, and once every 2 years thereafter, the Foundation shall make publicly available, and shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, the Committee on Commerce and Energy of the House of Representatives, and the Secretary, a report that, for the period covered by the report-- (A) describes the activities of the Foundation and the progress of the Foundation in furthering the mission of the Foundation described in subsection (c)(2); (B) provides a specific accounting of the source and use of all funds made available to the Foundation to carry out the activities described in subparagraph (A) to ensure transparency in the alignment of the missions of the Department and the Commission; and (C) includes a summary of each evaluation regarding the decision to award a grant that is conducted under the requirements of subsection (e)(2)(B). (5) Evaluation by comptroller general.--Not later than 5 years after the date on which the Foundation is established, and once every 5 years thereafter, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives-- (A) an evaluation of-- (i) the extent to which the Foundation is achieving the mission of the Foundation; and (ii) the operation of the Foundation; and (B) any recommendations regarding how the Foundation may be improved. (6) Audits.--The Foundation shall-- (A) provide for annual audits of the condition of the Foundation; and (B) make the audits, and all other records, documents, and papers of the Foundation, available to the Secretary and the Comptroller General of the United States for examination or audit. (7) Integrity.-- (A) In general.--To ensure integrity in the operations of the Foundation, the Board shall develop and enforce procedures relating to standards of conduct, financial disclosure statements, conflicts of interest (including recusal and waiver rules), audits, and any other matters determined appropriate by the Board. (B) Financial conflicts of interest.--An individual who is an officer, employee, or member of the Board may not participate in deliberations by the Foundation regarding a matter that would directly or predictably affect any financial interest of-- (i) the individual; (ii) a relative (as defined in section 109 of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.)) of that individual; or (iii) a business organization or other entity in which the individual has an interest, including an organization or other entity with which the individual is negotiating employment. (8) Intellectual property.--The Board shall adopt written standards to govern the ownership and licensing of any intellectual property rights-- (A) developed by the Foundation through activities funded by a for-profit subsidiary established under subsection (e)(6); or (B) otherwise derived from the collaborative efforts of the Foundation. (9) Liability.-- (A) In general.--The United States shall not be liable for any debt, default, act, or omission of-- (i) the Foundation; or (ii) a Federal entity with respect to an agreement of that Federal entity with the Foundation. (B) Full faith and credit.--The full faith and credit of the United States shall not extend to any obligations of the Foundation. (10) Nonapplicability of faca.--The Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) shall not apply to the Foundation. (g) Community Advisory Committee and Report.-- (1) Composition.-- (A) In general.--Not later 90 days after the date on which the Foundation is established, the Board shall convene an advisory committee comprised of community members from covered populations and experts with experience providing essential products and service to covered populations. (B) Stakeholders represented.--To the extent practicable, the Board shall ensure that members appointed to the advisory committee under subparagraph (A) represent diverse regions, sectors, and communities, including not less than 1 member who is affiliated with, or has experience working with, all of the following: (i) Digital inclusion practitioners. (ii) Rural-focused programs. (iii) Members of Indigenous communities. (iv) Civil rights advocates. (v) Consumer advocates. (vi) Libraries. (vii) School systems or education technology specialists. (viii) Accessibility advocates or experts. (ix) Retired or older individuals. (x) Private sector internet service providers. (xi) Other relevant groups with experience addressing the access, adoption, and affordability of broadband services. (2) Annual report.--Not later than 2 years after the date on which the Foundation is established, and annually thereafter, the Board shall direct the community advisory committee convened under paragraph (1) to submit to the Board a written report that includes recommended changes, if any, to the Foundation and any other matter the Board considers appropriate. (3) Reimbursement for certain expenses.--In accordance with the bylaws of the Foundation, members of the community advisory committee convened under paragraph (1) may be reimbursed for travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, and other necessary expenses incurred in carrying out the functions of that advisory committee. (h) Support Services.--The Secretary shall provide facilities, utilities, and support services to the Foundation if the Secretary determines that the provision of those items is advantageous to the programs of the Department. (i) Anti-Deficiency Act.--Section 1341(a)(1) of title 31, United States Code (commonly referred to as the ``Anti-Deficiency Act''), shall not apply to any Federal officer or employee carrying out any activity of the Foundation using funds of the Foundation. (j) No Preemption of Authority.--This section shall not preempt any authority or responsibility of the Secretary under any other provision of law. (k) Transfer Funds.--The Foundation may transfer funds to the Department, which shall be subject to all applicable Federal limitations relating to federally funded research. (l) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary-- (1) to the Secretary for fiscal year 2023 to establish the Committee; (2) to the Foundation for fiscal year 2024 to carry out the activities of the Foundation; and (3) to the Foundation for fiscal year 2025, and each fiscal year thereafter, for administrative and operational costs. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Science, Technology, Communications" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Ms. MATSUI:\nH.R. 1412.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nTo establish the Foundation for Digital Equity, and for\nother purposes.\n[Page H1151]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 5, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 5, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-17", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology." }, "laws": null, "number": "1412", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Science, Technology, Communications" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "M001163", "district": 7, "firstName": "Doris", "fullName": "Rep. Matsui, Doris O. [D-CA-7]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Matsui", "middleName": "O.", "party": "D", "state": "CA", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": null, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Digital Equity Foundation Act of 2023", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:57Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:32:30Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1412", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Expanding America’s National Cemetery Act of 2023
[ [ "M001136", "Rep. McClain, Lisa C. [R-MI-9]", "sponsor" ], [ "H001085", "Rep. Houlahan, Chrissy [D-PA-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000308", "Rep. Jackson, Jeff [D-NC-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000305", "Rep. Ross, Deborah K. [D-NC-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000804", "Rep. Wittman, Robert J. [R-VA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000131", "Rep. Veasey, Marc A. [D-TX-33]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000478", "Rep. Fry, Russell [R-SC-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000466", "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000604", "Rep. Payne, Donald M., Jr. [D-NJ-10]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000587", "Rep. Garcia, Sylvia R. [D-TX-29]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000307", "Rep. James, John [R-MI-10]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001130", "Rep. Crockett, Jasmine [D-TX-30]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001248", "Rep. Burgess, Michael C. [R-TX-26]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000579", "Rep. Ryan, Patrick [D-NY-18]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001135", "Rep. Manning, Kathy E. [D-NC-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001208", "Rep. Slotkin, Elissa [D-MI-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001199", "Rep. Mast, Brian J. [R-FL-21]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001194", "Rep. Moolenaar, John R. [R-MI-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000133", "Rep. Van Drew, Jefferson [R-NJ-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001072", "Rep. Carson, Andre [D-IN-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000617", "Rep. DelBene, Suzan K. [D-WA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001301", "Rep. Bergman, Jack [R-MI-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001282", "Rep. Barr, Andy [R-KY-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001217", "Rep. Moskowitz, Jared [D-FL-23]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000598", "Rep. LaLota, Nick [R-NY-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000399", "Rep. Kiggans, Jennifer A [R-VA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000193", "Rep. Nunn, Zachary [R-IA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001135", "Rep. Chavez-DeRemer, Lori [R-OR-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000480", "Rep. Timmons, William R. IV [R-SC-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001257", "Rep. Bilirakis, Gus M. [R-FL-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000629", "Rep. Davids, Sharice [D-KS-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000822", "Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie [D-NJ-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000583", "Rep. Loudermilk, Barry [R-GA-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000620", "Rep. Pettersen, Brittany [D-CO-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000589", "Rep. Lesko, Debbie [R-AZ-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001095", "Rep. Hunt, Wesley [R-TX-38]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000599", "Rep. Lawler, Michael [R-NY-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000032", "Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000246", "Rep. Edwards, Chuck [R-NC-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000381", "Rep. Kilmer, Derek [D-WA-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001054", "Rep. Carl, Jerry L. [R-AL-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000399", "Rep. Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-37]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001207", "Rep. Sherrill, Mikie [D-NJ-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000613", "Rep. Panetta, Jimmy [D-CA-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001195", "Rep. Mooney, Alexander X. [R-WV-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000369", "Rep. Amodei, Mark E. [R-NV-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000468", "Rep. Titus, Dina [D-NV-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000610", "Rep. Reschenthaler, Guy [R-PA-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001096", "Rep. Hageman, Harriet M. [R-WY-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001213", "Rep. Moore, Blake D. [R-UT-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001157", "Rep. Scott, David [D-GA-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001196", "Rep. Moulton, Seth [D-MA-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001159", "Rep. Strickland, Marilyn [D-WA-10]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1413 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1413 To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to expand or otherwise modify an existing national cemetery to ensure that full military honors are provided at such cemetery, to require the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to jointly submit to Congress a report containing a proposal to increase national cemetery capacity and an assessment of the criteria for interment at Arlington National Cemetery, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mrs. McClain (for herself, Ms. Houlahan, Mr. Jackson of North Carolina, Ms. Ross, and Mr. Wittman) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to expand or otherwise modify an existing national cemetery to ensure that full military honors are provided at such cemetery, to require the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to jointly submit to Congress a report containing a proposal to increase national cemetery capacity and an assessment of the criteria for interment at Arlington National Cemetery, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Expanding America's National Cemetery Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. MODIFICATION OF EXISTING NATIONAL CEMETERY TO CONTINUE PROVISION OF FULL MILITARY HONORS. (a) In General.--Before Arlington National Cemetery reaches capacity, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall expand or otherwise modify a national cemetery described in subsection (b) to ensure that full military honors are provided at such cemetery-- (1) in a manner that is consistent with the full military honors provided for interment in Arlington National Cemetery as of March 31, 2023; and (2) using the eligibility criteria in effect as of March 31, 2023, for providing full military honors for interment in Arlington National Cemetery. (b) National Cemetery Described.--A national cemetery described in this subsection is a national cemetery that is-- (1) in use as of the date of the enactment of this Act; and (2) under the control of the National Cemetery Administration. SEC. 3. REPORT ON CRITERIA FOR INTERMENT IN ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY AND PROPOSAL TO INCREASE NATIONAL CEMETERY CAPACITY. Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall jointly submit to Congress a report that contains each of the following: (1) A proposal to increase national cemetery capacity through the expansion or modification of a national cemetery described in section 2(b) that has, or will have, the capacity to provide full military honors. (2) The assessment of the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of the Army, with respect to any revisions that should be made to the revised criteria for interment in Arlington National Cemetery prescribed pursuant to section 598 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (Public Law 115-232; 38 U.S.C. 2402 note) in order to ensure that such criteria recognize exceptional service and honors. (3) An assessment of how the revised criteria described in paragraph (2) will affect-- (A) women; (B) veterans who served in non-combat occupations as members of the Armed Forces; (C) veterans who did not serve in combat as members of the Armed Forces; and (D) such other groups as the Secretaries consider relevant. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Armed Forces and National Security" ]
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[R-PA-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Fitzpatrick", "middleName": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-22", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000604", "district": 10, "firstName": "Donald", "fullName": "Rep. Payne, Donald M., Jr. [D-NJ-10]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Payne", "middleName": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-22", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NJ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000587", "district": 29, "firstName": "Sylvia", "fullName": "Rep. Garcia, Sylvia R. [D-TX-29]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Garcia", "middleName": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-18", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "J000307", "district": 10, "firstName": "John", "fullName": "Rep. 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Keep Innovation in America Act
[ [ "M001156", "Rep. McHenry, Patrick T. [R-NC-10]", "sponsor" ], [ "T000486", "Rep. Torres, Ritchie [D-NY-15]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000626", "Rep. Davidson, Warren [R-OH-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000389", "Rep. Khanna, Ro [D-CA-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000294", "Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001193", "Rep. Swalwell, Eric [D-CA-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001183", "Rep. Schweikert, David [R-AZ-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001200", "Rep. Soto, Darren [D-FL-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001072", "Rep. Hill, J. French [R-AR-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000032", "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000194", "Rep. Nickel, Wiley [D-NC-13]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Keep Innovation in America Act</strong></p> <p>This bill modifies provisions enacted by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act relating to the definitions of broker and digital assets and their reporting requirements. </p> <p>The bill redefines<em> broker</em>, for tax reporting purposes, to mean any person who (for consideration) stands ready in the ordinary course of business to effect sales of digital assets at the direction of their customers. </p> <p>The bill redefines <em>digital asset</em> to mean any digital representation of value which is recorded on a cryptographically secured distribution ledger (this revised definition eliminates the discretion of the Department of the Treasury to include <em>similar technology</em> in the definition of digital asset). </p> <p>The bill eliminates the cash reporting requirement for digital assets (i.e., receipt of more than $10,000) but requires Treasury, in consultation with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and other representatives of the digital asset industry, to conduct a study of, and report on, the effect of expanding the definition of cash to include any digital asset.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1414 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1414 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to clarify the definition of broker, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. McHenry (for himself, Mr. Torres of New York, Mr. Davidson, Mr. Khanna, Mr. Emmer, Mr. Swalwell, Mr. Schweikert, Mr. Soto, and Mr. Hill) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Committee on Financial Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to clarify the definition of broker, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Keep Innovation in America Act''. SEC. 2. CLARIFICATION OF DEFINITION OF BROKER. (a) In General.--Section 6045(c)(1)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended to read as follows: ``(D) any person who (for consideration) stands ready in the ordinary course of a trade or business to effect sales of digital assets at the direction of their customers.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to returns required to be filed and statements required to be furnished after December 31, 2025. SEC. 3. REPORTING OF DIGITAL ASSETS. (a) Brokers.-- (1) Definition of digital asset.--Section 6045(g)(3)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended to read as follows: ``(D) Digital asset.--The term `digital asset' means any digital representation of value which is recorded on a cryptographically secured distributed ledger.''. (2) Applicable date.--Section 6045(g)(3)(C)(iii) of such Code is amended to read as follows: ``(iii) January 1, 2025, in the case of any specified security which is a digital asset, and''. (b) Furnishing of Information.--Section 6045A(d) of such Code is amended to read as follows: ``(d) Return Requirement for Certain Transfers of Digital Assets Not Otherwise Subject to Reporting.--Any broker, with respect to any transfer (which is not part of a sale or exchange executed by such broker) during a calendar year of a covered security which is a digital asset from an account wholly controlled and maintained by such broker to an account which is not maintained by, or an address not associated with, a person that such broker knows or has reason to know is also a broker, shall make a return for such calendar year, in such form as determined by the Secretary, showing the information otherwise required to be furnished with respect to transfers subject to subsection (a). Information reported by brokers under this section shall be limited to customer information that is voluntarily provided by the customer and held by the broker for a legitimate business purpose.''. (c) Delayed Effective Date for Certain Information Reporting Changes; Reversal of Certain Additions to 6050I.--Section 80603 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is amended-- (1) by striking subsection (b)(3), and (2) in subsection (c), by striking ``December 31, 2023'' and inserting ``December 31, 2025''. (d) Effective Dates.-- (1) The amendments made by subsections (a) and (b) shall apply to returns required to be filed and statements required to be furnished after December 31, 2025. (2) The amendment made by subsection (c) shall take effect as if included in the enactment of section 80603 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. SEC. 4. STUDY AND REPORT ON TREATMENT OF DIGITAL ASSETS AS CASH UNDER CERTAIN LAWS. (a) Study.--The Secretary, in consultation with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, and representatives of the digital asset industry, organizations focused on individual privacy and civil liberties, organizations engaged in advocacy, research or developing standards relating to digital asset use, shall conduct a study on the effect of expanding the definition of cash to include any digital asset (as defined in section 6045(g)(3)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) solely for purposes of-- (1) section 6050I of such Code, and (2) section 5331 of title 31, United States Code. (b) Report.--Not later than 365 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall provide to relevant committees a report that contains all findings and determinations made in carrying out the study under subsection (a), including an analysis of-- (1) the interpretation of, regulations under, and enforcement of the sections specified in paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a), (2) the privacy and liberty rights and interests of taxpayers and other persons affected, (3) the cost-benefit analysis of compliance, (4) the effect on the use of and access to digital assets and the financial system, (5) the effect on innovation, and (6) the effect on the economic competitiveness of the United States. (c) Definitions.--For purposes of this section-- (1) Relevant committees.--The term ``relevant committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives, (B) the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate, (C) the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, and (D) the Committee on Finance of the Senate. (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of the Treasury (or the Secretary's delegate). SEC. 5. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) Advances in technology have led to the creation of digital assets and blockchain technology that will improve the United States financial system and create a more fair and equitable structure for everyday Americans. (2) The reporting requirements under current law require digital asset market participants to adhere to standards that are incompatible with this technology's operation. This will hinder the development of digital assets and its underlying technology in the United States, shifting its development outside the United States. (3) The Chinese Government's recent ban of cryptocurrency transactions provides the United States an opening to further enhance its role as the leading nation in the development of innovative blockchain technologies. Providing clear rules for both consumers and developers of digital assets is essential to taking advantage of this opportunity. (4) Miners and validators, hardware and software developers, and protocol developers are not actual brokers and do not collect or have reason to collect the information required under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. (5) It is not in the interest of American taxpayers for Congress to create uncertainty. (6) Consistent and accurate reporting on digital asset transactions is necessary. Congress must work to bring legal and regulatory certainty to the digital asset industry. Clear rules of the road fosters technology and innovation. (7) Any amendments made by this Act will not impact revenue estimated from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Taxation" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. McHENRY:\nH.R. 1414.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle I, Section 8, Clause 1:\nThe Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes,\nDuties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for\nthe common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;\nbut all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform\nthroughout the United States:\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nClarify Internal Revenue Code related to digtial asset\nreporting.\n[Page H1151]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 10, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 10, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Committee on Financial Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned." }, "laws": null, "number": "1414", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Taxation" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "M001156", "district": 10, "firstName": "Patrick", "fullName": "Rep. McHenry, Patrick T. [R-NC-10]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "McHenry", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "state": "NC", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Keep Innovation in America Act", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:57Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:32:30Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1414", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "actions": [ { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Financial Services Committee", "systemCode": "hsba00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Committee on Financial Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "systemCode": "hswm00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Committee on Financial Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "Intro-H", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "1000", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "pagination": { "count": 4 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1414", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:03:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Financial Services Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsba00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:03:35Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hswm00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1414", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "T000486", "district": 15, "firstName": "Ritchie", "fullName": "Rep. Torres, Ritchie [D-NY-15]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Torres", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000626", "district": 8, "firstName": "Warren", "fullName": "Rep. Davidson, Warren [R-OH-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Davidson", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "OH", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000389", "district": 17, "firstName": "Ro", "fullName": "Rep. Khanna, Ro [D-CA-17]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Khanna", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "E000294", "district": 6, "firstName": "Tom", "fullName": "Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Emmer", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001193", "district": 14, "firstName": "Eric", "fullName": "Rep. Swalwell, Eric [D-CA-14]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Swalwell", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001183", "district": 1, "firstName": "David", "fullName": "Rep. Schweikert, David [R-AZ-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Schweikert", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AZ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001200", "district": 9, "firstName": "Darren", "fullName": "Rep. Soto, Darren [D-FL-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Soto", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "H001072", "district": 2, "firstName": "J.", "fullName": "Rep. Hill, J. French [R-AR-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Hill", "middleName": "French", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AR", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000032", "district": 19, "firstName": "Byron", "fullName": "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Donalds", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-10", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "N000194", "district": 13, "firstName": "Wiley", "fullName": "Rep. Nickel, Wiley [D-NC-13]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Nickel", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-25", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NC", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 10, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 10, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1414", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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School Social Workers Improving Student Success Act
[ [ "M001160", "Rep. Moore, Gwen [D-WI-4]", "sponsor" ], [ "L000551", "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-12]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>School Social Workers Improving Student Success Act</strong></p> <p>This bill provides certain resources to increase the number of social workers in elementary and secondary schools. </p> <p>Specifically, the bill directs the Department of Education to award grants to high-need local educational agencies to retain or hire school social workers.</p> <p>The bill also establishes a national technical assistance center for school social work to, among other duties, develop strategies for improving the effectiveness of the school social work workforce.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1415 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1415 To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to provide grants to hire and retain school social workers, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Ms. Moore of Wisconsin (for herself and Ms. Lee of California) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to provide grants to hire and retain school social workers, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``School Social Workers Improving Student Success Act''. SEC. 2. SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKER GRANTS. (a) Purposes.--The purpose of this Act is to assist States and local educational agencies in hiring additional school social workers in order to increase access to mental health and other student support services to students in elementary and secondary schools in the United States to the minimum ratios recommended by the National Association of Social Workers, the School Social Work Association of America, and the American Council for School Social Work of one school social worker for every 250 students, and one school social worker for every 50 students when a social worker is providing services to students with intensive needs. (b) ESEA Amendments.-- (1) In general.--Subpart 4 of part F of title IV of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (10 U.S.C. 7271 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following new section: ``SEC. 4645. GRANTS FOR SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKERS. ``(a) Grants Authorized.-- ``(1) In general.--From the amounts appropriated under subsection (g), the Secretary shall award grants to high-need local educational agencies to enable such agencies to retain school social workers employed by such agencies or to hire additional school social workers. ``(2) Duration.--A grant awarded under this section shall be awarded for a period not to exceed 4 years. ``(3) Supplement, not supplant.--Funds made available under this section shall be used to supplement, and not to supplant, other Federal, State, or local funds used for hiring and retaining school social workers. ``(b) Application.-- ``(1) In general.--To be eligible to receive a grant under this section, a high-need local educational agency shall submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require. ``(2) Contents.--An application submitted under paragraph (1) shall include an assurance that each school social worker who receives assistance under the grant will provide the services described in subsection (d), and a description of the specific services to be provided by such social worker. ``(c) Use of Funds.--A high-need local educational agency receiving a grant under this section-- ``(1) shall use the grant-- ``(A) to achieve a ratio of not less than 1 school social worker for every 250 students served by the agency, by-- ``(i) retaining school social workers employed by such agency; or ``(ii)(I) employing additional school social workers; or ``(II) hiring contractors to serve as school social workers only in a case in which-- ``(aa) the local educational agency demonstrates to the Secretary that the agency-- ``(AA) has not been able to employ a sufficient number of school social workers under subclause (I) to achieve such ratio despite strong and continuing efforts to recruit and employ school social workers; and ``(BB) hiring contractors is the only viable option to ensure students have adequate access to school social work services; and ``(bb) each such contractor meets the requirements of subparagraphs (A) and (B) of subsection (h)(2); and ``(B) to ensure that each school social worker who receives assistance under such grant provides the services described in subsection (d); and ``(2) may use the grant to reimburse school social workers who receive assistance under such grant for-- ``(A) in the case of a school served by the agency in which the majority of students are higher risk students, to hire or retain additional school social workers in accordance with clauses (i) and (ii) of paragraph (1)(A) to achieve a ratio of not less than 1 school social worker for every 50 students; ``(B) travel expenses incurred during home visits and other school-related trips; ``(C) any additional expenses incurred by such social workers in rendering any service described in subsection (d); and ``(D) the cost of clinical social work supervision for such social workers. ``(d) Responsibilities of a School Social Worker.--A school social worker who receives assistance under a grant under this section shall provide the following services: ``(1) Identifying high-need students in each school that the social worker serves, and targeting services provided at the school to such students. ``(2) Providing students in each school that the school social worker serves, social work services to promote school engagement and improve academic outcomes, including-- ``(A) counseling and crisis intervention; ``(B) trauma-informed services; ``(C) evidence-based educational, behavioral, and mental health services (such as implementing multi- tiered programs and practices, monitoring progress, and evaluating service effectiveness); ``(D) addressing the social and emotional learning needs of students; ``(E) promoting a school climate and culture conducive to student learning and teaching excellence (such as promoting effective school policies and administrative procedures, enhancing the professional capacity of school personnel, and facilitating engagement between student, family, school, and community); ``(F) providing access to school-based and community based resources (such as promoting a continuum of services, mobilizing resources and promoting assets, and providing leadership, interdisciplinary collaboration, systems coordination, professional consultation, and connecting students and families to resource systems); ``(G) working with students, families, schools, and communities to address barriers to educational attainment (such as homelessness and housing insecurity, lack of transportation, food insecurity, equity, social justice issues, access to quality education, and school, family, and community risk factors); ``(H) providing assistance to schools and teachers to design social-emotional, educational, behavioral, and mental health interventions; ``(I) case management activities to coordinate the delivery of and access to the appropriate social work services to the highest-need students; ``(J) home visits to meet the family of students in need of social work services in the home environment; ``(K) supervising or coordinating district level school social work services; and ``(L) other services the Secretary determines, in partnership with students, educators, and community member voices are necessary to be carried out by such a social worker. ``(e) Grant Renewal.-- ``(1) In general.--A grant awarded under this section may be renewed for additional periods with the same duration as the original grant period. ``(2) Continuing eligibility application.--To be eligible for a renewal under this section a high-need local educational agency shall submit to the Secretary, for each renewal, a report on the progress of such agency in retaining and hiring school social workers to achieve the ratio of not less than 1 school social worker for every 250 students served by the agency, and shall include-- ``(A) a description of the staffing expansion of school social workers funded through the original grant received under this section; and ``(B) a description of the work conducted by such social workers for higher risk students. ``(f) Technical Assistance.-- ``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall provide technical assistance to high-need local educational agencies, including such agencies that do not have adequate staff, in applying for grants under this section. ``(2) Extension of application period.--The Secretary shall extend any application period for a grant under this section for any high-need local educational agency that-- ``(A) submits to the Secretary a written notification of the intent to apply for a grant under this section before requesting technical assistance under paragraph (1); and ``(B) after submitting the notification under paragraph (1), requests such technical assistance. ``(g) Authorization for Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section, $100,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2024 through 2028. ``(h) Definitions.--In this section: ``(1) High-need local educational agency.--The term `high- need local educational agency' has the meaning given the term in section 200 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1021). ``(2) School social worker.--The term `school social worker' means an individual who-- ``(A) has a graduate degree in social work from a social work program that is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education; and ``(B) meets all other State and local credentialing requirements for practicing as a social worker in an elementary school or secondary school.''. (2) Table of contents.--The table of contents in section 2 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 4644 the following: ``Sec. 4645. Grants for school social workers.''. SEC. 3. NATIONAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTER FOR SCHOOL SOCIAL WORK. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Education, acting through the Assistant Secretary, shall establish an evaluation, documentation, dissemination, and technical assistance resource center to provide appropriate information, training, and technical assistance to States, political subdivisions of States, federally recognized Indian tribes, tribal organizations, institutions of higher education, State and local educational agencies, and individual students and educators with respect to hiring and retaining school social workers at elementary schools and secondary schools served by local educational agencies. (b) Responsibilities of the Center.--The center established under subsection (a) shall conduct activities for the purpose of-- (1) developing and continuing statewide or tribal strategies for improving the effectiveness of the school social work workforce; (2) studying the costs and effectiveness of school social work programs at institutions of higher education to identify areas of improvement and provide information on relevant issues of importance to State, tribal, and national policymakers; (3) working with Federal agencies and other State, Tribal, and national stakeholders to collect, evaluate, and disseminate data regarding school social work ratios, outcomes and best practices of school-based mental health services, and impact of expanding the number of school social workers within elementary schools and secondary schools; (4) establishing partnerships among National, State, Tribal, and local governments, and local educational agencies, institutions of higher education, non-profit organizations, and State and national trade associations for the purposes of-- (A) data collection and dissemination; (B) establishing a school social work workforce development program; (C) documenting the success of school social work methods on a national level; and (D) conducting other activities determined appropriate by the Secretary. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) ESEA terms.--Except as otherwise provided, any term used in this section that is defined in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801) shall have the meaning given that term in such section. (2) School social worker.--The term ``school social worker'' has the meaning given the term in section 4645(h) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as added by section 2(b). &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Education" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\n[Pages H1151-H1152]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Ms. MOORE of Wisconsin:\nH.R. 1415.\n[[Page H1152]]\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle 1 Section 8\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nImproving access to school social workers.\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 1, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 1, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce." }, "laws": null, "number": "1415", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Education" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "M001160", "district": 4, "firstName": "Gwen", "fullName": "Rep. Moore, Gwen [D-WI-4]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Moore", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "state": "WI", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "School Social Workers Improving Student Success Act", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:57Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:57Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1415", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Inspector General Act of 2023
[ [ "N000147", "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "sponsor" ], [ "K000394", "Rep. Kim, Andy [D-NJ-3]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Inspector General Act of 2023</strong></p> <p>This bill establishes a Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Inspector General.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1416 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1416 To amend title 5, United States Code (commonly referred to as the Inspector General Act of 1978), to establish a Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Inspector General, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Ms. Norton introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend title 5, United States Code (commonly referred to as the Inspector General Act of 1978), to establish a Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Inspector General, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Inspector General Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF FEDERAL RETIREMENT THRIFT INVESTMENT BOARD INSPECTOR GENERAL. Section 401 of title 5, United States Code (commonly referred to as the Inspector General Act of 1978), is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1), by inserting ``the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board,'' before ``or the National''; and (2) in paragraph (3), by inserting ``the Executive Director of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board;'' before ``or the Director of the National''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Government Operations and Politics" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Ms. NORTON:\nH.R. 1416.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nclause 18 of section 8 of article I of the Constitution\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nThis bill would establish a Federal Retirement Thrift\nInvestment Board Inspector General.\n[Page H1152]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 1, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 1, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability." }, "laws": null, "number": "1416", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Government Operations and Politics" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "N000147", "district": null, "firstName": "ELEANOR", "fullName": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "NORTON", "middleName": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "state": "DC", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Inspector General Act of 2023", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:57Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:32:30Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1416", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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To repeal the provision of law that provides automatic pay adjustments for Members of Congress.
[ [ "N000193", "Rep. Nunn, Zachary [R-IA-3]", "sponsor" ] ]
<p>This bill eliminates automatic pay adjustments for Members of Congress, beginning with the 119th Congress.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1417 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1417 To repeal the provision of law that provides automatic pay adjustments for Members of Congress. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Nunn of Iowa introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on House Administration, and in addition to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To repeal the provision of law that provides automatic pay adjustments for Members of Congress. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ELIMINATION OF AUTOMATIC PAY ADJUSTMENTS FOR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. (a) In General.--Paragraph (2) of section 601(a) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 (2 U.S.C. 4501) is repealed. (b) Technical and Conforming Amendments.--Section 601(a) of such Act (2 U.S.C. 4501) is amended-- (1) by striking ``(a)(1)'' and inserting ``(a)''; (2) by redesignating subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) as paragraphs (1), (2), and (3), respectively; and (3) by striking ``as adjusted by paragraph (2) of this subsection'' and inserting ``adjusted as provided by law''. (c) Effective Date.--This section and the amendments made by this section shall take effect on the date on which the 119th Congress convenes. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Congress", "Education", "Government employee pay, benefits, personnel management", "Inflation and prices", "Members of Congress" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. NUNN of Iowa:\nH.R. 1417.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution\nTo make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for\ncarrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other\nPowers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the\nUnited States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nTo eliminate automatic pay adjustments for Members of\nCongress.\n[Page H1152]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": null, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on House Administration, and in addition to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned." }, "laws": null, "number": "1417", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Congress" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "N000193", "district": 3, "firstName": "Zachary", "fullName": "Rep. Nunn, Zachary [R-IA-3]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Nunn", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "state": "IA", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 5, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "To repeal the provision of law that provides automatic pay adjustments for Members of Congress.", "titles": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:57Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:32:30Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1417", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Animal Drug and Animal Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2023
[ [ "P000615", "Rep. Pence, Greg [R-IN-6]", "sponsor" ], [ "S001216", "Rep. Schrier, Kim [D-WA-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000590", "Rep. Lee, Susie [D-NV-3]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1418 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1418 To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to reauthorize user fee programs relating to new animal drugs and generic new animal drugs. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Pence (for himself and Ms. Schrier) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to reauthorize user fee programs relating to new animal drugs and generic new animal drugs. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Animal Drug User Fee Amendments of 2023''. SEC. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. The table of contents for this Act is the following: Sec. 1. Short title. Sec. 2. Table of contents. TITLE I--FEES RELATING TO ANIMAL DRUGS Sec. 101. Short title; finding. Sec. 102. Definitions. Sec. 103. Authority to assess and use animal drug fees. Sec. 104. Reauthorization; reporting requirements. Sec. 105. Savings clause. Sec. 106. Effective date. Sec. 107. Sunset dates. TITLE II--FEES RELATING TO GENERIC ANIMAL DRUGS Sec. 201. Short title; finding. Sec. 202. Authority to assess and use generic new animal drug fees. Sec. 203. Reauthorization; reporting requirements. Sec. 204. Savings clause. Sec. 205. Effective date. Sec. 206. Sunset dates. TITLE I--FEES RELATING TO ANIMAL DRUGS SEC. 101. SHORT TITLE; FINDING. (a) Short Title.--This title may be cited as the ``Animal Drug User Fee Amendments of 2023''. (b) Finding.--Congress finds that the fees authorized by the amendments made in this title will be dedicated toward expediting the animal drug development process and the review of new and supplemental animal drug applications and investigational animal drug submissions as set forth in the goals identified for purposes of part 4 of subchapter C of chapter VII of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, in the letters from the Secretary of Health and Human Services to the Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Chairman of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate as set forth in the Congressional Record. SEC. 102. DEFINITIONS. Section 739(8)(I) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-11(8)(I)) is amended to read as follows: ``(I) The activities necessary for implementation of the United States and European Union Mutual Recognition Agreement for Pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practice Inspections, and the United States and United Kingdom Recognition Agreement Sectoral Annex for Pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practices, and future mutual recognition agreements, with respect to animal drug products subject to review, including implementation activities prior to and following product approval.''. SEC. 103. AUTHORITY TO ASSESS AND USE ANIMAL DRUG FEES. (a) Types of Fees.--Section 740(a)(1)(A)(ii) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-12(a)(1)(A)(ii)) is amended-- (1) in subclause (I), by striking ``and'' at the end; (2) in subclause (II), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; and''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(III) an application for conditional approval under section 571 of a new animal drug for which an animal drug application submitted under section 512(b)(1) has been previously approved under section 512(d)(1) for another intended use.''. (b) Fee Revenue Amounts.--Section 740(b)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-12(b)(1)) is amended to read as follows: ``(1) In general.--Subject to subsections (c), (d), (f), and (g), for each of fiscal years 2024 through 2028, the fees required under subsection (a) shall be established to generate a total revenue amount of $33,500,000.''. (c) Annual Fee Setting; Adjustments.-- (1) Annual fee setting.--Section 740(c)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-12(c)(1)) is amended to read as follows: ``(1) Annual fee setting.--Not later than 60 days before the start of each fiscal year beginning after September 30, 2023, the Secretary shall-- ``(A) establish for that fiscal year animal drug application fees, supplemental animal drug application fees, animal drug sponsor fees, animal drug establishment fees, and animal drug product fees based on the revenue amounts established under subsection (b) and the adjustments provided under this subsection; and ``(B) publish such fee revenue amounts and fees in the Federal Register.''. (2) Inflation adjustment.--Section 740(c)(2) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-12(c)(2)) is amended-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``2020'' and inserting ``2025''; and (ii) in clause (iii), by striking ``Baltimore'' and inserting ``Arlington- Alexandria''; and (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``2020'' and inserting ``2025''. (3) Workload adjustments.--Paragraph (3) of section 740(c) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j- 12(c)) is amended-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) in the matter preceding clause (i)-- (I) by striking ``2020'' and inserting ``2025''; and (II) by striking ``subparagraphs (B) and (C)'' and inserting ``subparagraph (B)''; (ii) in clause (i) by striking ``and'' at the end; and (iii) by striking clause (ii) and inserting the following: ``(ii) such adjustment shall be made for each fiscal year that the adjustment determined by the Secretary is greater than 3 percent, except for the first fiscal year that the adjustment is greater than 3 percent; and ``(iii) the Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register notice under paragraph (1) the amount of such adjustment and the supporting methodologies.''; (B) by striking subparagraph (B); and (C) by redesignating subparagraph (C) as subparagraph (B). (4) Final year adjustment.--Section 740(c)(4) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-12(c)(4)) is amended to read as follows: ``(4) Operating reserve adjustment.-- ``(A) In general.--For fiscal year 2025 and each subsequent fiscal year, after the fee revenue amount established under subsection (b) is adjusted in accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3), the Secretary shall-- ``(i) increase the fee revenue amount for such fiscal year, if necessary to provide an operating reserve of not less than 12 weeks; or ``(ii) if the Secretary has an operating reserve in excess of the number of weeks specified in subparagraph (C) for that fiscal year, the Secretary shall decrease the fee revenue amount to provide not more than the number of weeks specified in subparagraph (C) for that fiscal year. ``(B) Carryover user fees.--For purposes of this paragraph, the operating reserve of carryover user fees for the process for the review of animal drug applications does not include carryover user fees that have not been appropriated. ``(C) Number of weeks of operating reserves.--The number of weeks of operating reserves specified in this subparagraph is-- ``(i) 22 weeks for fiscal year 2025; ``(ii) 20 weeks for fiscal year 2026; ``(iii) 18 weeks for fiscal year 2027; and ``(iv) 16 weeks for fiscal year 2028. ``(D) Publication.--If an adjustment to the operating reserve is made under this paragraph, the Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register notice under paragraph (1) the rationale for the amount of the adjustment and the supporting methodologies.''. (d) Exemption From Fees.--Section 740(d)(4) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-12(d)(4)) is amended to read as follows: ``(4) Exemption from fees for certain animal drug applications.--Fees under paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) of subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to any person who is the named applicant or sponsor of an animal drug application, supplemental animal drug application, or investigational animal drug submission if such application or submission involves the intentional genomic alteration of an animal that is intended to produce a drug, device, or biological product subject to fees under section 736, 738, 744B, or 744H.''. (e) Crediting and Availability of Fees.-- (1) Authorization of appropriations.--Section 740(g)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j- 12(g)(3)) is amended by striking ``2019 through 2023'' and inserting ``2024 through 2028''. (2) Collection shortfalls.--Section 740(g) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-12(g)) is amended-- (A) in paragraph (3), by striking ``and paragraph (5)''; and (B) by striking paragraph (5). SEC. 104. REAUTHORIZATION; REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. Section 740A of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-13) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``2018'' and inserting ``2023''; (2) by striking ``2019'' each place it appears in subsections (a) and (b) and inserting ``2024''; and (3) in subsection (d)-- (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ``2023'' and inserting ``2028''; and (B) in paragraph (5), by striking ``2023'' and inserting ``2028''. SEC. 105. SAVINGS CLAUSE. Notwithstanding the amendments made by this title, part 4 of subchapter C of chapter VII of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-11 et seq.), as in effect on the day before the date of enactment of this title, shall continue to be in effect with respect to animal drug applications and supplemental animal drug applications (as defined in such part as of such day) that on or after October 1, 2018, but before October 1, 2023, were accepted by the Food and Drug Administration for filing with respect to assessing and collecting any fee required by such part for a fiscal year prior to fiscal year 2024. SEC. 106. EFFECTIVE DATE. The amendments made by this title shall take effect on October 1, 2023, or the date of the enactment of this Act, whichever is later, except that fees under part 4 of subchapter C of chapter VII of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended by this title, shall be assessed for animal drug applications and supplemental animal drug applications received on or after October 1, 2023, regardless of the date of the enactment of this Act. SEC. 107. SUNSET DATES. (a) Authorization.--Sections 739 and 740 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-12) shall cease to be effective October 1, 2028. (b) Reporting Requirements.--Section 740A of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-13) shall cease to be effective January 31, 2029. (c) Previous Sunset Provision.--Effective October 1, 2023, subsections (a) and (b) of section 107 of the Animal Drug User Fee Amendments of 2018 (Public Law 115-234) are repealed. TITLE II--FEES RELATING TO GENERIC ANIMAL DRUGS SEC. 201. SHORT TITLE; FINDING. (a) Short Title.--This title may be cited as the ``Animal Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2023''. (b) Finding.--Congress finds that the fees authorized by the amendments made in this title will be dedicated toward expediting the generic new animal drug development process and the review of abbreviated applications for generic new animal drugs, supplemental abbreviated applications for generic new animal drugs, and investigational submissions for generic new animal drugs as set forth in the goals identified for purposes of part 5 of subchapter C of chapter VII of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, in the letters from the Secretary of Health and Human Services to the Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Chairman of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions of the Senate as set forth in the Congressional Record. SEC. 202. AUTHORITY TO ASSESS AND USE GENERIC NEW ANIMAL DRUG FEES. (a) Types of Fees.--Section 741(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-21(a)) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(4) Generic investigational new animal drug file fee.-- ``(A) In general.-- ``(i) Assessment of fee.--Each person that submits a request to establish a generic investigational new animal drug file on or after October 1, 2023, shall be assessed a fee as established under subsection (c). ``(ii) Existing files.--In the case of a generic investigational new animal drug file established prior to October 1, 2023, each person that makes a submission to such a file on or after October 1, 2023, shall be assessed a fee for the first submission on or after October 1, 2023, as established under subsection (c). ``(B) Payment.--The fee required by subparagraph (A)(i) shall be due upon submission of the request to establish the generic investigational new animal drug file. The fee required by subparagraph (A)(ii) shall be due upon the first submission to the generic investigational new animal drug file. ``(C) Exceptions.-- ``(i) Termination.--If a person makes a submission to the generic investigational new animal drug file to terminate that file, the person shall not be subject to a fee under subparagraph (A)(ii) for that submission. ``(ii) Transfers.--If a person makes a submission to the generic investigational new animal drug file to transfer that file to a different generic new animal drug sponsor, the person shall not be subject to a fee under subparagraph (A)(ii) for that submission.''. (b) Fee Revenue Amounts.--Section 741(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-21(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1)-- (A) by striking ``2019 through 2023'' and inserting ``2024 through 2028''; and (B) by striking ``$18,336,340'' and inserting ``$25,000,000''; and (2) in paragraph (2)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) by striking ``25 percent'' and inserting ``20 percent''; and (ii) by inserting before the semicolon at the end the following: ``and subsection (a)(4) (relating to generic investigational new animal drug files)''; (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``37.5 percent'' and inserting ``40 percent''; and (C) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``37.5 percent'' and inserting ``40 percent''. (c) Annual Fee Setting; Adjustments.-- (1) Annual fee setting.-- Section 741(c)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-21(c)(1)) is amended to read as follows: ``(1) Annual fee setting.--The Secretary shall establish, not later than 60 days before the start of each fiscal year beginning after September 30, 2023, for that fiscal year-- ``(A) abbreviated application fees that are based on the revenue amounts established under subsection (b), the adjustments provided under this subsection, and the amount of fees anticipated to be collected under subsection (a)(4) during that fiscal year; ``(B) generic new animal drug sponsor fees, and generic new animal drug product fees, based on the revenue amounts established under subsection (b) and the adjustments provided under this subsection; and ``(C) a generic investigation new animal drug file fee of $50,000 for each request or submission covered by subsection (a)(4)(A).''. (2) Inflation adjustment.--Section 741(c)(2) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-21(c)(2)) is amended-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``2020'' and inserting ``2025''; and (ii) in clause (iii), by striking ``Baltimore'' and inserting ``Arlington- Alexandria''; and (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``2020'' and inserting ``2025''. (3) Workload adjustment.--Section 741(c)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-21(c)(3)) is amended-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``2020'' and inserting ``2025''; (ii) in clause (i)-- (I) by striking ``and investigational generic new animal drug protocol submissions'' and inserting ``investigational generic new animal drug protocol submissions, requests to establish a generic investigational new animal drug file, and generic investigational new animal drug meeting requests''; and (II) by striking ``; and'' and inserting a semicolon; (iii) by redesignating clause (ii) as clause (iii); and (iv) by inserting after clause (i) the following: ``(ii) if the workload adjustment calculated by the Secretary for the adjustment in clause (i) exceeds 25 percent, the Secretary shall use 25 percent for the adjustment; and''; and (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``2021 through 2023'' and inserting ``2026 through 2028''. (4) Final year adjustment.--Section 741(c)(4) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-21(c)(4)) is amended-- (A) striking ``2023'' each place it appears and inserting ``2028''; and (B) striking ``2024'' and inserting ``2029''. (d) Fee Waiver or Reduction; Exemption From Fees.--Subsection (d) of section 741 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-21) is amended to read as follows: ``(d) Fee Waiver or Reduction.--The Secretary shall grant a waiver from, or a reduction of, one or more fees assessed under subsection (a) where the Secretary finds that the generic new animal drug is intended solely to provide for a minor use or minor species indication.''. (e) Effect of Failure To Pay Fees.--Section 741(e) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-21(e)) is amended by striking ``The Secretary may discontinue'' and inserting ``A request to establish a generic investigational new animal drug file that is submitted by a person subject to fees under subsection (a) shall be considered incomplete and shall not be accepted for action by the Secretary until all fees owed by such person have been paid. The Secretary may discontinue''. (f) Assessment of Fees.--Section 741(f)(2) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-21(f)(2)) is amended by striking ``sponsors, and generic new animal drug products at any time'' and inserting ``products, generic new animal drug sponsors, and generic investigational new animal drug files at any time''. (g) Crediting and Availability of Fees.--Section 741(g) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-21(g)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (3), by striking ``2019 through 2023'' and inserting ``2024 through 2028''; (2) by striking the following: ``(4) Offset.--If the sum of the cumulative amount of fees collected under this section for the fiscal years 2014 through 2016 and the amount of fees estimated to be collected under this section for fiscal year 2017 exceeds the cumulative amount appropriated under paragraph (3) for the fiscal years 2014 through 2017, the excess amount shall be credited to the appropriation account of the Food and Drug Administration as provided in paragraph (1), and shall be subtracted from the amount of fees that would otherwise be authorized to be collected under this section pursuant to appropriation Acts for fiscal year 2018.''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(5) Recovery of collection shortfalls.--The amount of fees otherwise authorized to be collected under this section shall be increased-- ``(A) for fiscal year 2026, by the amount, if any, by which the amount collected under this section and appropriated for fiscal year 2024 falls below the amount of fees authorized for fiscal year 2024 under paragraph (3); ``(B) for fiscal year 2027, by the amount, if any, by which the amount collected under this section and appropriated for fiscal year 2025 falls below the amount of fees authorized for fiscal year 2025 under paragraph (3); and ``(C) for fiscal year 2028, by the amount, if any, by which the amount collected under this section and appropriated for fiscal years 2026 and 2027 (including estimated collections for fiscal year 2027) falls below the amount of fees authorized for such fiscal years under paragraph (3).''. (h) Definitions.--Section 741(k) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-21(k)) is amended-- (1) by redesignating paragraphs (8), (9), (10), and (11) as paragraphs (9), (10), (11), and (13), respectively; (2) by inserting after paragraph (7) the following: ``(8) Generic investigational new animal drug meeting request.--The term `generic investigational new animal drug meeting request' means a request submitted by a generic new animal drug sponsor to meet with the Secretary to discuss an investigational submission for a generic new animal drug.''; (3) in paragraph (11) (as so redesignated), by adding at the end the following: ``(I) The activities necessary for exploration and implementation of the United States and European Union Mutual Recognition Agreement for Pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practice Inspections, and the United States and United Kingdom Recognition Agreement Sectoral Annex for Pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practices, and future mutual recognition agreements, with respect to generic new animal drug products subject to review, including implementation activities prior to and following product approval.''; and (4) by inserting after paragraph (11) (as so redesignated) the following: ``(12) Request to establish a generic investigational new animal drug file.--The term `request to establish a generic investigational new animal drug file' means the submission to the Secretary of a request to establish a generic investigational new animal drug file to contain investigational submissions for a generic new animal drug.''. SEC. 203. REAUTHORIZATION; REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. Section 742 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-22) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``2018'' and inserting ``2023''; (2) by striking ``2019'' each place it appears in subsections (a) and (b) and inserting ``2024''; and (3) in subsection (d), by striking ``2023'' each place it appears and inserting ``2028''. SEC. 204. SAVINGS CLAUSE. Notwithstanding the amendments made by this title, part 5 of subchapter C of chapter VII of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-21 et seq.), as in effect on the day before the date of enactment of this title, shall continue to be in effect with respect to abbreviated applications for a generic new animal drug and supplemental abbreviated applications for a generic new animal drug (as defined in such part as of such day) that on or after October 1, 2018, but before October 1, 2023, were accepted by the Food and Drug Administration for filing with respect to assessing and collecting any fee required by such part for a fiscal year prior to fiscal year 2024. SEC. 205. EFFECTIVE DATE. The amendments made by this title shall take effect on October 1, 2023, or the date of the enactment of this Act, whichever is later, except that fees under part 5 of subchapter C of chapter VII of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended by this title, shall be assessed for abbreviated applications for a generic new animal drug and supplemental abbreviated applications for a generic new animal drug received on or after October 1, 2023, regardless of the date of enactment of this Act. SEC. 206. SUNSET DATES. (a) Authorization.--Section 741 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-21) shall cease to be effective October 1, 2028. (b) Reporting Requirements.--Section 742 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379j-22) shall cease to be effective January 31, 2029. (c) Previous Sunset Provision.--Effective October 1, 2023, subsections (a) and (b) of section 206 of the Animal Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2018 (Public Law 115-234) are repealed. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Health", "Research and development", "User charges and fees", "Veterinary medicine and animal diseases" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "S001216", "district": 8, "firstName": "Kim", "fullName": "Rep. Schrier, Kim [D-WA-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Schrier", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000590", "district": 3, "firstName": "Susie", "fullName": "Rep. Lee, Susie [D-NV-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Lee", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-06-06", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NV", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 2, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 2, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1418", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Comprehensive Grizzly Bear Management Act of 2023
[ [ "R000103", "Rep. Rosendale Sr., Matthew M. [R-MT-2]", "sponsor" ], [ "Z000018", "Rep. Zinke, Ryan K. [R-MT-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001096", "Rep. Hageman, Harriet M. [R-WY-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001212", "Rep. Stauber, Pete [R-MN-8]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Comprehensive Grizzly Bear Management Act of 2023</strong></p> <p>This bill directs the Department of the Interior to issue a final rule relating to removing the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem population of grizzly bears from the federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife, without regard to any other provision of law that applies to issuance of such rule. Such issuance shall not be subject to judicial review.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1419 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1419 To direct the Secretary of the Interior to issue a new rule removing the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem population of grizzly bears from the Federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Rosendale (for himself, Mr. Zinke, and Ms. Hageman) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To direct the Secretary of the Interior to issue a new rule removing the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem population of grizzly bears from the Federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Comprehensive Grizzly Bear Management Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. REMOVAL OF NORTHERN CONTINENTAL DIVIDE ECOSYSTEM POPULATION OF GRIZZLY BEARS FROM FEDERAL LIST OF ENDANGERED AND THREATENED WILDLIFE. Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall issue a final rule removing the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem population of grizzly bears from the Federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife without regard to any other provision of law that applies to the issuance of such rule. Such issuance and this section shall not be subject to judicial review. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Public Lands and Natural Resources", "Administrative law and regulatory procedures", "Department of the Interior", "Endangered and threatened species", "Judicial review and appeals", "Mammals", "Montana" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "Z000018", "district": 1, "firstName": "Ryan", "fullName": "Rep. Zinke, Ryan K. [R-MT-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Zinke", "middleName": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MT", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "H001096", "district": 0, "firstName": "Harriet", "fullName": "Rep. Hageman, Harriet M. [R-WY-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Hageman", "middleName": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001212", "district": 8, "firstName": "Pete", "fullName": "Rep. Stauber, Pete [R-MN-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Stauber", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-06", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MN", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 3, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 3, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1419", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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End Dark Money Act
[ [ "C001121", "Rep. Crow, Jason [D-CO-6]", "sponsor" ], [ "S001168", "Rep. Sarbanes, John P. [D-MD-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000312", "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000147", "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001300", "Rep. Barragan, Nanette Diaz [D-CA-44]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001078", "Rep. Connolly, Gerald E. [D-VA-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000487", "Rep. Tokuda, Jill N. [D-HI-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001205", "Rep. Scanlon, Mary Gay [D-PA-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000559", "Rep. Garamendi, John [D-CA-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000582", "Rep. Lieu, Ted [D-CA-36]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000462", "Rep. Frankel, Lois [D-FL-22]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000618", "Rep. Porter, Katie [D-CA-47]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001150", "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-30]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>End Dark Money Act</b></p> This bill repeals in FY2023 the restriction on the use of funds by the Internal Revenue Service to issue any regulation or guidance relating to the standard for determining whether certain nonprofit civic organizations are being operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare.
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 142 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 142 To repeal the restriction on the use of funds by the Internal Revenue Service to bring transparency to the political activity of certain nonprofit organizations. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES January 9, 2023 Mr. Crow (for himself, Mr. Sarbanes, Mr. McGovern, Ms. Norton, Ms. Barragan, Mr. Connolly, and Ms. Tokuda) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To repeal the restriction on the use of funds by the Internal Revenue Service to bring transparency to the political activity of certain nonprofit organizations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``End Dark Money Act''. SEC. 2. REPEAL OF RESTRICTION OF USE OF FUNDS BY INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE TO BRING TRANSPARENCY TO POLITICAL ACTIVITY OF CERTAIN NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. Section 123 of the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2023 (division E of Public Law 117-328) shall have no force or effect during fiscal year 2023. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Taxation", "Administrative law and regulatory procedures", "Department of the Treasury", "Executive agency funding and structure", "Internal Revenue Service (IRS)", "Public participation and lobbying", "Tax-exempt organizations" ]
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-01-09T22:21:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hswm00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "142", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "S001168", "district": 3, "firstName": "John", "fullName": "Rep. Sarbanes, John P. [D-MD-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Sarbanes", "middleName": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MD", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M000312", "district": 2, "firstName": "JAMES", "fullName": "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "MCGOVERN", "middleName": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "N000147", "district": 0, "firstName": "ELEANOR", "fullName": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "NORTON", "middleName": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "DC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001300", "district": 44, "firstName": "Nanette", "fullName": "Rep. Barragan, Nanette Diaz [D-CA-44]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Barragan", "middleName": "Diaz", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001078", "district": 11, "firstName": "Gerald", "fullName": "Rep. Connolly, Gerald E. [D-VA-11]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Connolly", "middleName": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "VA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000487", "district": 2, "firstName": "Jill", "fullName": "Rep. Tokuda, Jill N. [D-HI-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Tokuda", "middleName": "N.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "HI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001205", "district": 5, "firstName": "Mary", "fullName": "Rep. Scanlon, Mary Gay [D-PA-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Scanlon", "middleName": "Gay", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-10", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000559", "district": 8, "firstName": "John", "fullName": "Rep. Garamendi, John [D-CA-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Garamendi", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-10", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "L000582", "district": 36, "firstName": "Ted", "fullName": "Rep. Lieu, Ted [D-CA-36]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Lieu", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-10", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "F000462", "district": 22, "firstName": "Lois", "fullName": "Rep. Frankel, Lois [D-FL-22]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Frankel", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-13", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000618", "district": 47, "firstName": "Katie", "fullName": "Rep. Porter, Katie [D-CA-47]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Porter", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-13", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001150", "district": 30, "firstName": "ADAM", "fullName": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-30]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "SCHIFF", "middleName": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-01-30", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 12, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 12, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "142", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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To modify the requirement to remain outside of the United States for Commonwealth Only Transitional Workers, and for other purposes.
[ [ "S001177", "Del. Sablan, Gregorio Kilili Camacho [D-MP-At Large]", "sponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1420 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1420 To modify the requirement to remain outside of the United States for Commonwealth Only Transitional Workers, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Sablan introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To modify the requirement to remain outside of the United States for Commonwealth Only Transitional Workers, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. AMENDMENTS TO THE REQUIREMENT TO REMAIN OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES. (a) In General.--Section 6(d)(7) of Public Law 94-241 (48 U.S.C. 1806(d)(7)) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A)-- (A) in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``subparagraph (B)'' and all that follows through ``a permit for'' and inserting ``subparagraphs (B) and (C), a permit for''; (B) by striking ``(I) shall'' and inserting the following: ``(i) shall''; (C) by striking ``(II) may be renewed'' and inserting the following: ``(ii) may be renewed''; (D) by striking ``periods; and'' and inserting ``periods, except that an alien may be eligible for an additional permit for such period if at any time after the expiration of the first renewal period and prior to application for such permit, the alien has remained outside the United States for a continuous period of at least 30 days.''; and (E) by striking clause (ii); and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(C) Deferral.-- ``(i) Mandatory deferral.--The Secretary of Homeland Security shall defer the requirement to remain outside of the United States until October 1, 2026. ``(ii) Discretionary deferral.--The Secretary of Homeland Security may defer this requirement during or in connection with-- ``(I) a presidentially declared major disaster or emergency under section 401 or 501 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 or 5191); or ``(II) a presidentially declared national emergency under section 201 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.).''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall take effect as if included in the enactment of Public Law 115-218. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Immigration" ]
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Improving Child Care for Working Families Act of 2023
[ [ "S001216", "Rep. Schrier, Kim [D-WA-8]", "sponsor" ], [ "F000466", "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000788", "Rep. Williams, Nikema [D-GA-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000147", "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000382", "Rep. Kuster, Ann M. [D-NH-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000193", "Rep. Nunn, Zachary [R-IA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000381", "Rep. Kilmer, Derek [D-WA-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000599", "Rep. Goldman, Daniel S. [D-NY-10]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000826", "Rep. Wild, Susan [D-PA-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000600", "Rep. Perez, Marie Gluesenkamp [D-WA-3]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Improving Child Care for Working Families Act of 2023</b></p> <p>This bill increases the limitation on the exclusion from employee gross income for employer-paid dependent care assistance from $5,000 to $10,500.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1421 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1421 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase the limitation of the exclusion for dependent care assistance programs. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Ms. Schrier (for herself and Mr. Fitzpatrick) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase the limitation of the exclusion for dependent care assistance programs. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Improving Child Care for Working Families Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. INCREASE IN LIMITATION OF EXCLUSION FOR DEPENDENT CARE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS. (a) In General.--Section 129(a)(2)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ``$5,000 ($2,500'' and inserting ``$10,500 (half such dollar amount''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to amounts paid or incurred in calendar years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Taxation" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "F000466", "district": 1, "firstName": "Brian", "fullName": "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Fitzpatrick", "middleName": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000788", "district": 5, "firstName": "Nikema", "fullName": "Rep. Williams, Nikema [D-GA-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Williams", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-13", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "GA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "N000147", "district": 0, "firstName": "ELEANOR", "fullName": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "NORTON", "middleName": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-13", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "DC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000382", "district": 2, "firstName": "Ann", "fullName": "Rep. Kuster, Ann M. [D-NH-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Kuster", "middleName": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-17", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NH", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "N000193", "district": 3, "firstName": "Zachary", "fullName": "Rep. Nunn, Zachary [R-IA-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Nunn", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-19", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "K000381", "district": 6, "firstName": "Derek", "fullName": "Rep. Kilmer, Derek [D-WA-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Kilmer", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-19", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000599", "district": 10, "firstName": "Daniel", "fullName": "Rep. Goldman, Daniel S. [D-NY-10]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Goldman", "middleName": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-25", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "W000826", "district": 7, "firstName": "Susan", "fullName": "Rep. Wild, Susan [D-PA-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Wild", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-27", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000600", "district": 3, "firstName": "Marie", "fullName": "Rep. Perez, Marie Gluesenkamp [D-WA-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Perez", "middleName": "Gluesenkamp", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-11", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WA", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 9, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 9, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1421", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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[ [ "S001148", "Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2]", "sponsor" ], [ "T000487", "Rep. Tokuda, Jill N. [D-HI-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000133", "Rep. Van Drew, Jefferson [R-NJ-2]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1422 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1422 To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to improve oral health care and dental benefits under the Medicaid program, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Simpson introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to improve oral health care and dental benefits under the Medicaid program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Strengthening Medicaid Incentives for Licensees Enrolled in Dental Act'' or the ``SMILED Act''. SEC. 2. SUPPORT FOR ENSURING INDIVIDUALS ENROLLED IN MEDICAID HAVE DENTAL SERVICES ACCESS EQUAL TO THE POPULATION OF THE STATE. Section 1903 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396b) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(cc) Equal Access to Oral Health Care Plan.-- ``(1) Provider participation and access requirements.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this paragraph, a State shall provide the Secretary with assurances that administrative barriers to the participation of licensed dentists under this title will be addressed, by-- ``(A) improving eligibility verification; ``(B) ensuring that any such dentist may participate in a publicly funded plan without also having to participate in any other plan; ``(C) simplifying claims forms processing; and ``(D) assigning a single plan administrator for the dental program. ``(2) Study on dentist participation.--Not later than 3 years after the date on which the assurance under paragraph (1) is submitted, each State shall conduct a study to determine whether the participation of licensed dentists have increased following the assurance provided under paragraph (1).''. SEC. 3. DENTAL AND ORAL HEALTH SERVICES DEFINED; AUDIT REQUIREMENT. (a) Dental and Oral Health Services Defined.--Section 1905 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396d) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(10), by inserting ``and dental and oral health services (as defined in subsection (jj))'' after ``dental services''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(jj) Dental and Oral Health Services.-- ``(1) In general.--For purposes of subsection (a)(10), the term `dental and oral health services' means dentures and denture services, implants and implant services, and services necessary to prevent oral disease and promote oral health, restore oral structures to health and function, reduce oral pain, and treat emergency oral conditions, that are furnished by a provider who-- ``(A) is legally authorized to furnish such items and services under State law (or the State regulatory mechanism provided by State law); ``(B) is initially credentialed by a State Medicaid program (or the designated entity of such program) through an integrated data collection system, as described in paragraph (3); and ``(C) is, as applicable, re-credentialed through such integrated data collection system by a State Medicaid program (or the designated entity of such program). ``(2) Selection of data collection system.--Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this subsection, the State Medicaid Director shall select an integrated data collection system (as defined in paragraph (3) that-- ``(A) minimizes provider paperwork burden; and ``(B) communicates final credentialing decisions to providers within 90 days of receipt of a completed application. ``(3) Integrated data collection system defined.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `integrated data collection system' means an electronic system maintained by a State and used for purposes of enrolling, screening, and credentialing dentists under a State Medicaid program.''. (b) Dental and Oral Health Services Audit Requirement.--Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, a State Medicaid program, including a program offered by a sponsor of a Medicaid managed care plan, that offers dental and oral health services audits a claim for such dental and oral health services shall-- (1) utilize a licensed health care professional from the dental specialty area of practice being audited to establish relevant audit methodology consistent with-- (A) established practice guidelines, standards of care, and State-issued dental Medicaid provider handbooks; and (B) established clinical practice guidelines and acceptable standards of care established by the dental professional or specialty organizations responsible for setting such standards of care; (2) develop and implement, in consultation with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, a procedure in which an improper payment identified by an audit may be resubmitted as a claims adjustment, including the resubmission of-- (A) claims denied as a result of an interpretation of scope of services not previously held by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; (B) documentation when the document provided is incomplete, illegible, or unclear; and (C) documentation when clerical errors resulted in a denial of claims for services actually provided; and (3) disallow the difference between the payment for the service that was provided and the payment for the service that should have been provided if a service was provided and sufficiently documented, but denied because it was determined that a different service should have been billed. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Health" ]
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911 Community Crisis Responders Act of 2023
[ [ "S000510", "Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9]", "sponsor" ], [ "F000466", "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001072", "Rep. Carson, Andre [D-IN-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000147", "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B000574", "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000483", "Rep. Trone, David J. [D-MD-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001127", "Rep. Cherfilus-McCormick, Sheila [D-FL-20]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000481", "Rep. Tlaib, Rashida [D-MI-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001157", "Rep. Scott, David [D-GA-13]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>911 Community Crisis Responders Act of 2023</b></p> <p>This bill authorizes grants to dispatch unarmed, specialized health care or social service providers to respond to nonviolent emergency calls instead of law enforcement officers.</p> <p>The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration may award grants to states, tribal governments (and consortia of tribal governments), and localities. Recipients may use the grants for hiring and training necessary staff, working with 9-1-1 dispatchers and 9-8-8 call centers to appropriately dispatch services in response to nonviolent emergency calls, and connecting individuals with local health and social service providers. (The 9-8-8 system provides callers with mental health or suicide crisis support and resources.)</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1423 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1423 To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use, to award grants to States, territories, political subdivisions of States and territories, Tribal governments, and consortia of Tribal governments to establish an unarmed mobile crisis response program, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Smith of Washington (for himself, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Carson, Ms. Norton, Mr. Blumenauer, Mr. Trone, Mrs. Cherfilus-McCormick, and Ms. Tlaib) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use, to award grants to States, territories, political subdivisions of States and territories, Tribal governments, and consortia of Tribal governments to establish an unarmed mobile crisis response program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``911 Community Crisis Responders Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. GRANTS FOR UNARMED MOBILE CRISIS RESPONSE PROGRAMS. Part D of title V of the Public Health Service Act is amended by inserting after section 552 (42 U.S.C. 290ee-7) the following new section: ``SEC. 553. GRANTS FOR UNARMED MOBILE CRISIS RESPONSE PROGRAMS. ``(a) In General.--The Secretary, acting through the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use, may award grants to States, territories, political subdivisions of States and territories (such as counties), Tribal Governments, and consortia of Tribal Governments to establish an unarmed mobile crisis response program under which nonviolent emergency calls are referred to unarmed professional service providers for response, instead of to a law enforcement agency. ``(b) Program Requirements.--An unarmed mobile crisis response program funded under this section shall-- ``(1) dispatch unarmed professional service providers in groups of two or more in a timely manner; ``(2) be capable of providing screening, assessment, de- escalation, trauma-informed culturally competent services, engagement and referrals to community-based treatment providers, and transportation to immediately necessary treatment; ``(3) when necessary, coordinate with health, housing, or social services; ``(4) not be subject to oversight of State, Tribal, or local law enforcement agencies; and ``(5) clearly outline the scope of calls that must or may be referred to the unarmed mobile crisis response program as first responders. ``(c) Uses of Funds.--A grant under this section may be used for-- ``(1) hiring unarmed professional service providers and public safety telecommunicators; ``(2) training unarmed professional service providers to respond to emergency calls by identifying, understanding, and responding to signs of mental illnesses, physical disabilities, developmental or intellectual disabilities, and substance use disorders, including by means of-- ``(A) de-escalation; ``(B) crisis intervention; and ``(C) connecting individuals to local service providers, health care providers, housing providers, community-based organizations, and the full range of other available providers and resources, with a focus on culturally competent service providers; ``(3) updating 911 response systems to enable triage between nonviolent 911 calls and those that require a response from law enforcement; ``(4) developing curriculum to train, and conducting training of, public safety telecommunicators on de-escalation and call processing; ``(5) coordinating with 9-8-8 call centers to establish a process for dispatching an unarmed mobile crisis response program; ``(6) building the capacity-- ``(A) to coordinate with local trauma-informed social service providers, health care providers, and community-based organizations; and ``(B) to provide multilingual and culturally competent services; and ``(7) collecting data for reports to the Secretary. ``(d) Application.--An applicant seeking a grant under this section shall submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may reasonably require, including the applicant's plan to train 911 public safety telecommunicators to determine when a call requires a response from an unarmed mobile crisis response program. ``(e) Reports to Secretary.--A recipient of a grant under this section shall submit to the Secretary, on a biannual basis, a report on the following: ``(1) The number of calls placed to 911 that were diverted to the grantee's unarmed mobile crisis response program. ``(2) Demographic information on the individuals served by the grantee's unarmed mobile crisis response program, disaggregated by race, ethnicity, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, location, mental illness, physical disabilities, developmental or intellectual disabilities, substance use disorders, and housing status. ``(3) The effects of the grantee's unarmed mobile crisis response program on emergency room visits, hospitalizations, use of ambulances, and involvement of law enforcement in mental health or substance use disorder crises. ``(4) An assessment of the types of events and crises to which the grantee's unarmed mobile crisis response program responded and the services provided, including-- ``(A) the number of individuals successfully transferred to an alternative destination; ``(B) the time between notification by a public safety telecommunicator and arrival at the scene by a provider; and ``(C) the time spent by providers at scene. ``(5) A cost analysis of the grantee's unarmed mobile crisis response program. ``(f) Reports to Congress.--The Secretary shall submit to the Congress, on a biannual basis, a report on the program under this section, including a summary of the reports submitted by grantees pursuant to subsection (e). ``(g) Grant Amount.--The Secretary may make grants to applicants that do not meet all of the criteria under subsection (b)(1), but applicants that do not meet all such criteria may not receive the full grant amount. ``(h) Definitions.--In this section: ``(1) The term `alternative destination'-- ``(A) means any service- or care-providing site other than a hospital emergency department or jail; and ``(B) includes an outpatient clinic, primary care provider's office, crisis apartment, crisis home, respite home, crisis stabilization center, urgent care facility, and community care center. ``(2) The term `nonviolent emergency call' means a 911 call that-- ``(A) relates to mental health, homelessness, addiction problems, social services, truancy, intellectual and developmental disabilities, or public intoxication; and ``(B) does not involve obvious violent behavior. ``(3) The term `unarmed professional service provider' means a professional (which may include a nurse, social worker, emergency medical technician, counselor, community health worker, trauma-informed personnel, social service provider, substance use disorder professional, or peer support specialist) who-- ``(A) is trained to deal with mental health or substance abuse crises or intellectual and developmental disabilities; and ``(B) does not carry a firearm. ``(i) Nondiscrimination.--No person in the United States shall, on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity funded, in whole or in part, with funds made available under this section.''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Health" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. SMITH of Washington:\nH.R. 1423.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle 1, Section 8, Clause 1\nArticle 1, Section 8, Clause 18\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nEmergency crisis response\n[Page H1152]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 8, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 8, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-17", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health." }, "laws": null, "number": "1423", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Health" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "S000510", "district": 9, "firstName": "ADAM", "fullName": "Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "SMITH", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "state": "WA", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "911 Community Crisis Responders Act of 2023", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:58Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:32:30Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1423", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "actions": [ { "actionCode": "H11000", "actionDate": "2023-03-17", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Health Subcommittee", "systemCode": "hsif14", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 1, "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": "Committee" }, { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "systemCode": "hsif00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "Intro-H", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "1000", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "pagination": { "count": 4 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1423", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:01:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-17T18:25:43Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "systemCode": "hsif14", "url": "" } ], "systemCode": "hsif00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1423", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "F000466", "district": 1, "firstName": "Brian", "fullName": "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Fitzpatrick", "middleName": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001072", "district": 7, "firstName": "Andre", "fullName": "Rep. Carson, Andre [D-IN-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Carson", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "N000147", "district": 0, "firstName": "ELEANOR", "fullName": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "NORTON", "middleName": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "DC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B000574", "district": 3, "firstName": "EARL", "fullName": "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "BLUMENAUER", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "OR", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000483", "district": 6, "firstName": "David", "fullName": "Rep. Trone, David J. [D-MD-6]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Trone", "middleName": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MD", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001127", "district": 20, "firstName": "Sheila", "fullName": "Rep. Cherfilus-McCormick, Sheila [D-FL-20]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Cherfilus-McCormick", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "T000481", "district": 12, "firstName": "Rashida", "fullName": "Rep. Tlaib, Rashida [D-MI-12]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Tlaib", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001157", "district": 13, "firstName": "David", "fullName": "Rep. Scott, David [D-GA-13]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Scott", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-22", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "GA", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 8, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 8, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1423", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Helping Schools Feed Kids Act of 2023
[ [ "S001209", "Rep. Spanberger, Abigail Davis [D-VA-7]", "sponsor" ], [ "F000466", "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001227", "Rep. McClellan, Jennifer L. [D-VA-4]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1424 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1424 To amend the Keep Kids Fed Act of 2022 to extend additional reimbursement rates for certain child nutrition programs, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Ms. Spanberger (for herself and Mr. Fitzpatrick) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Keep Kids Fed Act of 2022 to extend additional reimbursement rates for certain child nutrition programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Helping Schools Feed Kids Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF REIMBURSEMENT RATES. (a) Breakfasts and Lunches.--Section 2(a)(3) of the Keep Kids Fed Act of 2022 (42 U.S.C. 1753 note) is amended-- (1) by striking ``only''; and (2) by striking the period at the end and inserting ``and the school year beginning July 2023.'' (b) CACFP Meals.--Section 3(a) of the Keep Kids Fed Act of 2022 (42 U.S.C. 1766 note) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1), in the heading, by striking ``for 2022-2023 school year''; and (2) in paragraph (2)-- (A) by striking ``only''; and (B) by striking the period at the end and inserting ``and the school year beginning July 2023.'' SEC. 3. RESEARCH AND IMPLEMENTATION OF REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Agriculture (in this section referred to as the ``Secretary'') shall, in accordance with subsection (b), research or implement the recommendations contained in the Child Nutrition Reporting Burden Analysis Study (commissioned by the Food and Nutrition Service of the Department of Agriculture pursuant to House Report 114-531). (b) Activities.--The Secretary shall-- (1) implement, on the publicly available website of the Food and Nutrition Service, a user-friendly, single location for all guidance and policy materials provided to States and school food authorities by the Food and Nutrition Service of the Department of Agriculture; (2) create and submit to Congress a plan to restructure or simplify the school meal eligibility process, including-- (A) research on-- (i) the impact of using a unified school meal application form; and (ii) the use of census tract data on poverty levels for verification of eligibility under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.) and section 4 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 1773); and (B) recommendations for legislative changes needed to implement such plan; (3) create and submit to Congress a plan that includes recommendations for legislative changes that would allow school food authorities that serve fewer than 100 students and residential child care institutions to receive food from the USDA Foods in Schools program (or cash in lieu thereof) without participating in the school lunch program under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.); and (4) consolidate duplicative information requests across management evaluations and financial management reviews, while ensuring the purposes of both such reviews are met. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Agriculture and Food" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Ms. SPANBERGER:\nH.R. 1424.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nU.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nTo extend the increased reimbursement rate for school meal\nprograms.\n[Page H1152]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 2, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 2, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce." }, "laws": null, "number": "1424", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Agriculture and Food" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "S001209", "district": 7, "firstName": "Abigail", "fullName": "Rep. Spanberger, Abigail Davis [D-VA-7]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Spanberger", "middleName": "Davis", "party": "D", "state": "VA", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": null, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Helping Schools Feed Kids Act of 2023", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:58Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:58Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1424", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "actions": [ { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "systemCode": "hsed00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "Intro-H", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "1000", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1424", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:05:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsed00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1424", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "F000466", "district": 1, "firstName": "Brian", "fullName": "Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. [R-PA-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Fitzpatrick", "middleName": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "PA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001227", "district": 4, "firstName": "Jennifer", "fullName": "Rep. McClellan, Jennifer L. [D-VA-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "McClellan", "middleName": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-04-06", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "VA", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 2, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 2, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1424", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1424", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "subjects": { "legislativeSubjects": [], "policyArea": { "name": "Agriculture and Food" } } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1424", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "textVersions": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T05:00:00Z", "formats": [ { "type": "Formatted Text", "url": "" }, { "type": "PDF", "url": "" }, { "type": "Formatted XML", "url": "" } ], "type": "Introduced in House" }, { "date": null, "formats": [], "type": null } ] }
{ "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1424", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" }, "titles": [ { "billTextVersionCode": null, "billTextVersionName": null, "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Helping Schools Feed Kids Act of 2023", "titleType": "Display Title" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "Helping Schools Feed Kids Act of 2023", "titleType": "Short Title(s) as Introduced" }, { "billTextVersionCode": "IH", "billTextVersionName": "Introduced in House", "chamberCode": null, "chamberName": null, "title": "To amend the Keep Kids Fed Act of 2022 to extend additional reimbursement rates for certain child nutrition programs, and for other purposes.", "titleType": "Official Title as Introduced" } ] }
No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act
[ [ "T000165", "Rep. Tiffany, Thomas P. [R-WI-7]", "sponsor" ], [ "B001302", "Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B000825", "Rep. Boebert, Lauren [R-CO-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000471", "Rep. Fitzgerald, Scott [R-WI-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000589", "Rep. Gooden, Lance [R-TX-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000565", "Rep. Gosar, Paul A. [R-AZ-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001086", "Rep. Harshbarger, Diana [R-TN-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001093", "Rep. Houchin, Erin [R-IN-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001211", "Rep. Miller, Mary E. [R-IL-15]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000026", "Rep. Nehls, Troy E. [R-TX-22]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000614", "Rep. Roy, Chip [R-TX-21]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001224", "Rep. Self, Keith [R-TX-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S000250", "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001213", "Rep. Steil, Bryan [R-WI-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000478", "Rep. Tenney, Claudia [R-NY-24]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000576", "Rep. Grothman, Glenn [R-WI-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001096", "Rep. Hageman, Harriet M. [R-WY-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001214", "Rep. Steube, W. Gregory [R-FL-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001067", "Rep. Hudson, Richard [R-NC-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001194", "Rep. Moolenaar, John R. [R-MI-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000591", "Rep. Guest, Michael [R-MS-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "O000175", "Rep. Ogles, Andrew [R-TN-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001120", "Rep. Crenshaw, Dan [R-TX-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000615", "Rep. Duncan, Jeff [R-SC-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000103", "Rep. Rosendale Sr., Matthew M. [R-MT-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000190", "Rep. Norman, Ralph [R-SC-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000814", "Rep. Weber, Randy K., Sr. [R-TX-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001317", "Rep. Brecheen, Josh [R-OK-2]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1425 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1425 To require any convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reached by the World Health Assembly to be subject to Senate ratification. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Tiffany (for himself, Mr. Biggs, Mrs. Boebert, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Gooden of Texas, Mr. Gosar, Mrs. Harshbarger, Mrs. Houchin, Mrs. Miller of Illinois, Mr. Nehls, Mr. Roy, Mr. Self, Mr. Sessions, Mr. Steil, and Ms. Tenney) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require any convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reached by the World Health Assembly to be subject to Senate ratification. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress makes the following findings: (1) On May 18, 2020, President Donald Trump sent a letter to World Health Organization (referred to in this Act as ``WHO'') Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (referred to in this Act as the ``Director-General''), announcing that-- (A) United States contributions to WHO would be halted due its mismanagement of the COVID-19 outbreak and its lack of independence from the People's Republic of China; and (B) the United States would withdraw from WHO if it did not commit to substantive improvements within 30 days. (2) President Trump's May 18 letter cited numerous instances of WHO mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic, including-- (A) unjustified delays informing member states about a potentially serious disease outbreak in Wuhan, China; and (B) repeated grossly inaccurate or misleading claims about the transmissibility of the virus and about the Government of China's handling of the outbreak. (3) On June 30, 2020, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo formally notified the United Nations of the United States decision to withdraw from WHO, which would have taken effect on July 6, 2021, under the terms of a joint resolution adopted by Congress on June 14, 1948 (Public Law 80-643; 62 Stat. 441). (4) A Pew Research Center survey conducted in April and May 2020 indicated that 51 percent of Americans felt that WHO had done a poor or fair job in managing the COVID-19 pandemic. (5) On January 20, 2021, President Joseph Biden sent United Nations Director-General Antonio Guterres a letter retracting the United States notice of withdrawal from WHO. (6) On December 1, 2021, at the second special session of the World Health Assembly (referred to in this Act as the ``WHA'') decided-- (A) to establish an intergovernmental negotiating body (referred to in this section as the ``INB'') to draft and negotiate a WHO convention (referred to in this section as the ``Convention''), agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response, with a view to adoption under Article 19 or any other provision of the WHO Constitution; and (B) that the INB shall submit a progress report to the Seventy-sixth WHA and a working draft of the convention for consideration by the Seventy-seventh WHA, which is scheduled to take place beginning on March 18, 2024. (7) On February 24, March 14 and 15, and June 6 through 8 and 15 through 17, 2022, the INB held its inaugural meeting at which the Director-General proposed the following 5 themes to guide the INB's work in drafting the Convention: (A) Building national, regional, and global capacities based on a whole-of-government and whole-of- society approach. (B) Establishing global access and benefit sharing for all pathogens, and determining a global policy for the equitable production and distribution of countermeasures. (C) Establishing robust systems and tools for pandemic preparedness and response. (D) Establishing a long-term plan for sustainable financing to ensure support for global health threat management and response systems. (E) Empowering WHO to fulfill its mandate as the directing and coordinating authority on international health work, including for pandemic preparedness and response. (8) On July 18 through 22, 2022, the INB held its second meeting at which it agreed that the Convention would be adopted under Article 19 of the WHO Constitution and legally binding on the parties. (9) On December 5 through 7, 2022, the INB held its third meeting at which it accepted a conceptual zero draft of the Convention and agreed to prepare a zero draft for consideration at the INB's next meeting. (10) In early January 2023, an initial draft of the Convention was sent to WHO member states in advance of its formal introduction at the fourth meeting of the INB, which is scheduled for February 27 through March 3, 2023. The draft includes broad and binding provisions, including rules governing parties' access to pathogen genomic sequences and how the products or benefits of such access are to be distributed. (11) Section 723.3 of title 11 of the Department of State's Foreign Affairs Manual states that when ``determining whether any international agreement should be brought into force as a treaty or as an international agreement other than a treaty, the utmost care is to be exercised to avoid any invasion or compromise of the constitutional powers of the President, the Senate, and the Congress as a whole'' and includes the following criteria to be considered when determining whether an international agreement should take the form of a treaty or an executive agreement: (A) ``The extent to which the agreement involves commitments or risks affecting the nation as a whole''. (B) ``Whether the agreement is intended to affect state laws''. (C) ``Whether the agreement can be given effect without the enactment of subsequent legislation by the Congress''. (D) ``Past U.S. practice as to similar agreements''. (E) ``The preference of the Congress as to a particular type of agreement''. (F) ``The degree of formality desired for an agreement''. (G) ``The proposed duration of the agreement, the need for prompt conclusion of an agreement, and the desirability of concluding a routine or short-term agreement''. (H) ``The general international practice as to similar agreements''. SEC. 3. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that-- (1) a significant segment of the American public is deeply skeptical of the World Health Organization, its leadership, and its independence from the pernicious political influence of certain member states, including the People's Republic of China; (2) Congress strongly prefers that any agreement related to pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response adopted by the World Health Assembly pursuant to the work of the INB be considered a treaty requiring the advice and consent of the Senate, with two-thirds of Senators concurring; (3) the scope of the agreement which the INB has been tasked with drafting, as outlined by the Director-General, is so broad that any application of the factors referred to in section 2(11) will weigh strongly in favor of it being considered a treaty; and (4) given the level of public distrust, any relevant new agreement by the World Health Assembly which cannot garner the two-thirds vote needed for Senate ratification should not be agreed to or implemented by the United States. SEC. 4. ANY WORLD HEALTH AGENCY CONVENTION OR AGREEMENT OR OTHER INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENT RESULTING FROM THE INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATING BODY'S FINAL REPORT DEEMED TO BE A TREATY SUBJECT TO ADVICE AND CONSENT OF THE SENATE. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reached by the World Health Assembly pursuant to the recommendations, report, or work of the International Negotiating Body established by the second special session of the World Health Assembly is deemed to be a treaty that is subject to the requirements of article II, section 2, clause 2 of the Constitution of the United States, which requires the advice and consent of the Senate, with two-thirds of Senators concurring. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "International Affairs" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. TIFFANY:\nH.R. 1425.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle II, Section 2, Clause 2.\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nRequiring any agreement related to pandemic response\nreached by the World Health Assembly to be subject to Senate\nratification.\n[Page H1152]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 27, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 27, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs." }, "laws": null, "number": "1425", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "International Affairs" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "T000165", "district": 7, "firstName": "Thomas", "fullName": "Rep. Tiffany, Thomas P. [R-WI-7]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Tiffany", "middleName": "P.", "party": "R", "state": "WI", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": null, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:58Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:58Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1425", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "actions": [ { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "systemCode": "hsfa00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "Intro-H", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "1000", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1425", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:00:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1425", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "relatedBills": [ { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-02-15", "actionTime": null, "text": "Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations." }, "number": 444, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act", "type": "S", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1425", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "B001302", "district": 5, "firstName": "Andy", "fullName": "Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Biggs", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AZ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B000825", "district": 3, "firstName": "Lauren", "fullName": "Rep. Boebert, Lauren [R-CO-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Boebert", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "F000471", "district": 5, "firstName": "Scott", "fullName": "Rep. Fitzgerald, Scott [R-WI-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Fitzgerald", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000589", "district": 5, "firstName": "Lance", "fullName": "Rep. Gooden, Lance [R-TX-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Gooden", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000565", "district": 9, "firstName": "Paul", "fullName": "Rep. Gosar, Paul A. [R-AZ-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Gosar", "middleName": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AZ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "H001086", "district": 1, "firstName": "Diana", "fullName": "Rep. Harshbarger, Diana [R-TN-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Harshbarger", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "H001093", "district": 9, "firstName": "Erin", "fullName": "Rep. Houchin, Erin [R-IN-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Houchin", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001211", "district": 15, "firstName": "Mary", "fullName": "Rep. Miller, Mary E. [R-IL-15]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Miller", "middleName": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "N000026", "district": 22, "firstName": "Troy", "fullName": "Rep. Nehls, Troy E. [R-TX-22]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Nehls", "middleName": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000614", "district": 21, "firstName": "Chip", "fullName": "Rep. Roy, Chip [R-TX-21]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Roy", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001224", "district": 3, "firstName": "Keith", "fullName": "Rep. Self, Keith [R-TX-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Self", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S000250", "district": 17, "firstName": "PETE", "fullName": "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-17]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "SESSIONS", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001213", "district": 1, "firstName": "Bryan", "fullName": "Rep. 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Floriculture and Nursery Plant Health Initiative Act of 2023
[ [ "T000487", "Rep. Tokuda, Jill N. [D-HI-2]", "sponsor" ], [ "C001055", "Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-1]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><strong>Floriculture and Nursery Plant Health Initiative Act of 202</strong><b>3</b></p> <p>This bill establishes a research and extension grant program for a floriculture and nursery plant health initiative.</p> <p>Specifically, the bill authorizes the Department of Agriculture to provide competitive grants for</p> <ul> <li>developing and disseminating science-based tools and treatments to combat plant pests and pathogens that impact floriculture and nursery crops;</li> <li>establishing area-wide integrated pest management programs in areas affected by, or areas at risk of being affected by, invasive plant pests or pathogens;</li> <li>surveying and collecting data on the production of, health of, and markets for floriculture and nursery crops;</li> <li>investigating the biology, genomics, and production systems of floriculture and nursery crops; and</li> <li>conducting research on various factors that may contribute to (or be associated with) resilient floriculture and nursery crop systems, and combatting other serious threats to floriculture and nursery crops.</li> </ul>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1426 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1426 To amend the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 to establish a floriculture and nursery plant health initiative, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Ms. Tokuda (for herself and Mr. Case) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 to establish a floriculture and nursery plant health initiative, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Floriculture and Nursery Plant Health Initiative Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. ESTABLISHING THE FLORICULTURE AND NURSERY PLANT HEALTH INITIATIVE. (a) In General.--Section 1672(d) of the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 5925(d)) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(21) Floriculture and nursery plant health initiative.-- Research and extension grants may be made under this section for the purposes of-- ``(A) developing and disseminating science-based tools and treatments to combat plant pests (as defined in section 403 of the Plant Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 7702)) and pathogens that impact floriculture and nursery crops; ``(B) establishing area-wide integrated pest management programs in areas affected by, or areas at risk of being affected by, invasive plant pests or pathogens; ``(C) surveying and collecting data on the production of, health of, and markets for floriculture and nursery crops; ``(D) investigating the biology, genomics, and production systems of floriculture and nursery crops; and ``(E) conducting research on various factors that may contribute to (or be associated with) resilient floriculture and nursery crop systems, and combating other serious threats to floriculture and nursery crops, including research on-- ``(i) utilizing beneficial insects, soil improvement techniques, and chemicals (organic and nonorganic) to improve the health and productivity of floriculture and nursery crops; ``(ii) breeding new varieties to maintain the worldwide market advantage of the floriculture and nursery crop industries; and ``(iii) best management practices in floriculture and nursery crop growing regions under various climate conditions.''. (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--Section 1672(h) of the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 5925(h)) is amended by striking ``2023'' and inserting ``2034''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Agriculture and Food" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Ms. TOKUDA:\nH.R. 1426.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle 1, Section 8, Clauses 1 and 18 of the United States\nConstitution.\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nAmending the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act\nof 1990 to establish a Fioriculture and Nursery Plant Health\nInitiative.\n[Page H1152]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 1, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 1, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-04-04", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Conservation, Research, and Biotechnology." }, "laws": null, "number": "1426", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Agriculture and Food" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "T000487", "district": 2, "firstName": "Jill", "fullName": "Rep. Tokuda, Jill N. [D-HI-2]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Tokuda", "middleName": "N.", "party": "D", "state": "HI", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Floriculture and Nursery Plant Health Initiative Act of 2023", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:58Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:32:30Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1426", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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SNAP Second Chance Act of 2023
[ [ "T000483", "Rep. Trone, David J. [D-MD-6]", "sponsor" ], [ "C001110", "Rep. Correa, J. Luis [D-CA-46]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000147", "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000312", "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000822", "Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie [D-NJ-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S000510", "Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1427 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1427 To amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to limit the use of business integrity and reputation factors when determining the eligibility of a retail food store or a wholesale food concern to be approved to redeem supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Trone (for himself, Mr. Correa, Ms. Norton, Mr. McGovern, Mrs. Watson Coleman, and Mr. Smith of Washington) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to limit the use of business integrity and reputation factors when determining the eligibility of a retail food store or a wholesale food concern to be approved to redeem supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``SNAP Second Chance Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. AMENDMENT. Section 9(a) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2018(a)) is amended by adding at end the following: ``(5) Business integrity and reputation.-- ``(A) Treatment of criminal violations.-- ``(i) No retail food store or wholesale food concern may be denied authorization to redeem supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits solely based on a criminal conviction. ``(ii) For the purpose of approving an application for authorization to redeem supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits, the Secretary may only consider a criminal offense that occurs in the 5-year period ending on the date of such application. ``(iii) An applicant that is convicted of a criminal offense shall not be denied authorization to redeem supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits on the basis of business integrity and reputation of the if the applicant shows sufficient mitigation or rehabilitation as determined under subparagraph (B). ``(B) Sufficient mitigation or rehabilitation.--An applicant with a criminal conviction shall not be denied authorization to redeem supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits on the basis business integrity and reputation factors if the applicant establishes sufficient mitigation or rehabilitation by providing any of the following: ``(i) Evidence that a period of 5 years elapsed beginning on the date of a felony conviction, the release from any correctional institution for financial fraud or deception under Federal, State, or Tribal law, and compliance with all applicable terms and conditions of probation or parole. ``(ii) Evidence that a period of 3 years elapsed beginning on the date of a felony conviction, the release from any correctional institution without subsequent conviction of a crime, and compliance with all terms and conditions of probation or parole. ``(iii) Any other evidence of mitigation or rehabilitation and of present fitness provided, including-- ``(I) circumstances relative to the offense, including mitigating circumstances or social conditions surrounding the commission of the offense; ``(II) age of the person at the time the offense was committed; ``(III) the length of time since the offense was committed; and ``(IV) whether elements of the offense are directly related to the responsibilities and requirements for the redemption of the supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits.''. SEC. 3. RULEMAKING. Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall issue rules to carry out the amendment made under this Act. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Agriculture and Food" ]
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Free to Grow Act of 2023
[ [ "T000483", "Rep. Trone, David J. [D-MD-6]", "sponsor" ], [ "J000295", "Rep. Joyce, David P. [R-OH-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000194", "Rep. Mace, Nancy [R-SC-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000597", "Rep. Pingree, Chellie [D-ME-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B000574", "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000468", "Rep. Titus, Dina [D-NV-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001278", "Rep. Bonamici, Suzanne [D-OR-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S000510", "Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Free to Grow Act of 2023</b></p> <p>This bill repeals a federal provision barring individuals with certain felony drug-related convictions within the past 10 years from obtaining a license to grow hemp.</p> <p>Hemp is a variety of<i> Cannabis sativa</i> (the same plant as marijuana) which is grown to produce nonpsychoactive food, beverage, and consumer products. In 2018, Congress legalized hemp production.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1428 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1428 To amend the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 to repeal the prohibition for certain individuals convicted of a felony offense to participate in hemp production, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Trone (for himself, Mr. Joyce of Ohio, Ms. Mace, Ms. Pingree, Mr. Blumenauer, Ms. Titus, and Ms. Bonamici) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 to repeal the prohibition for certain individuals convicted of a felony offense to participate in hemp production, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Free to Grow Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. REPEAL OF FELONY WITH RESPECT TO HEMP PRODUCTION. Section 297B(e)(3)(B) of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 U.S.C. 1639p(e)(3)(B)) is repealed. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Agriculture and Food" ]
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TRUE EQUITY Act of 2023
[ [ "T000483", "Rep. Trone, David J. [D-MD-6]", "sponsor" ], [ "S001168", "Rep. Sarbanes, John P. [D-MD-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000606", "Rep. Raskin, Jamie [D-MD-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000687", "Rep. Mfume, Kweisi [D-MD-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H000874", "Rep. Hoyer, Steny H. [D-MD-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000576", "Rep. Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch [D-MD-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "I000058", "Rep. Ivey, Glenn [D-MD-4]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Transformational Reforms and Updates to Ensure Educational Quality and Urgent Investments in Today's Youth Act of 2023 or the TRUE EQUITY Act</b> <b>of 2023</b></p> <p>This bill establishes various grant programs to address educational inequities in elementary and secondary schools.</p> <p>Specifically, the bill creates grant programs related to (1) early childhood education, (2) high-quality and diverse teachers and leaders, (3) college and career readiness pathways, and (4) additional resources for at-risk students. For each grant program, the Department of Education (ED) must award a single grant to an eligible state.</p> <p> To be eligible for a grant, a state must establish an independent state oversight board. The oversight board must, among other duties (1) determine whether the state and its local educational agencies (LEAs) have met state educational equity goals, and (2) hold them accountable for failing to meet those goals. ED may renew a grant if the oversight board determines the state has met its goals.</p> <p>In addition, for each grant program, the bill outlines the activities authorized under the program, maintenance-of-effort requirements, and matching fund requirements.</p> <p>Finally, the bill permits ED to enter into a local flexibility demonstration agreement, through which a state educational agency may use funds to develop and implement a school funding system based on weighted per-pupil allocations for low-income and disadvantaged students. (Currently, ED may enter into these agreements with LEAs.)</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1429 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1429 To provide for a Federal partnership to ensure educational equity and quality. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Trone (for himself, Mr. Sarbanes, Mr. Raskin, Mr. Mfume, Mr. Hoyer, Mr. Ruppersberger, and Mr. Ivey) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To provide for a Federal partnership to ensure educational equity and quality. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Transformational Reforms and Updates to Ensure Educational Quality and Urgent Investments in Today's Youth Act of 2023'' or the ``TRUE EQUITY Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) The fate of our Nation and the opportunities it creates for our children and grandchildren to enjoy successful careers and rewarding lives depends on the quality, equal access, and effectiveness of pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade education in every local school district across the country. (2) Our education systems must prepare students to compete in an interconnected, global economy. (3) Despite the current combinations of Federal, State, and local funding and innovative educational policies, States with historically well regarded kindergarten through grade 12 education systems may find their students falling behind their peers nationally and internationally. In Maryland, a State with a historically well regarded kindergarten through grade 12 education system, fourth and eighth graders placed in the middle of the pack nationally in reading and math scores on the National Assessment of Education Progress. (4) The United States as a whole scored well down the second quartile among students from 72 countries on the Programme for International Student Assessment. (5) Even in States with reading and math scores higher than the national average, there may be significant and persistent racial, ethnic, and income disparity gaps between students of color and low-income students compared to their higher income and White peers. (6) These same disparities carry into college enrollment, with fewer students of color and low-income students enrolling in college than their higher income and White peers. (7) The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) health pandemic forced the physical closure of schools nationwide in March 2020, moving students from the classroom to online learning. The public health necessity to turn to online learning further exacerbated the significant and persistent racial, ethnic, and income disparity learning gaps as students struggled to access educational technology devices and the internet. (8) At the start of online learning, Maryland school districts reported that on average, nearly 25 percent of Maryland students had not logged into their new online classrooms or picked up paper work packets, falling out of sight and behind their peers. (9) Millions of children fell further behind as a result of opportunity gaps that fail to provide students with ready access to individualized instruction, healthy meals, mental health counseling services, and hands on career training programs. (10) As school systems have returned full time to the in- person learning environment, assessments to determine the effect of COVID-19 have shown that achievement and opportunity gaps have only widened between students of color and low-income students and their higher income and White peers. (11) In order to address these inequities in education and harm caused by COVID-19, certain States, including Maryland, have researched and enacted bold, transformative Federal, State, and local funding and policy changes to their pre- kindergarten through twelfth grade education systems, with five main policy areas under the 2021 authorized Blueprint for Maryland's Future which include the following focus areas: (A) Investing in high-quality early childhood education and care through a significant expansion of full day pre-school, to be free for all low-income three- and four-year-olds, so that all children have the opportunity to begin kindergarten ready to learn. (B) Investing in teachers and school leaders by elevating the standards and status of the teaching profession, including a performance-based career ladder and salaries comparable to other fields with similar education requirements. (C) Creating a world-class instructional system with an internationally benchmarked curriculum that enables most students to achieve ``college and career ready'' status by 10th grade and then pursue pathways that include early college, Advanced Placement courses, or a rigorous technical education leading to industry- recognized credentials and high paying jobs. (D) Providing supports to students that need it the most with broad and sustained support for schools serving high concentrations of poverty, with after school and summer academic programs and student access to needed health and social services. (E) Ensuring excellence for all through an accountability-oversight board that has the authority to ensure transformative education system recommendations are successfully implemented and produce the desired improvements in student achievement. SEC. 3. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that-- (1) no matter a child's ZIP Code, they deserve equal access to a quality, public pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade education; (2) no inequities in student achievement, college enrollment, or Federal, State, and local funding should be tolerated; (3) the Federal Government should live up to its original commitment in 1975 under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.) to provide 40 percent of the cost to educate children with disabilities and assist State educational agencies and local educational agencies in providing a free appropriate public education; and (4) the Federal Government should be an active partner with State educational agencies and local educational agencies that are willing to modify policies and commit additional State and local resources to address education inequities. SEC. 4. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) Local educational agency.--The term ``local educational agency'' has the meaning given the term in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801). (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Education. (3) State educational agency.--The term ``State educational agency'' has the meaning given the term in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801). TITLE I--EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION SEC. 101. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION GRANT PROGRAM. (a) Authorization.-- (1) In general.--The Secretary shall award a single grant, on a competitive basis, to an eligible State to enable the State to carry out the authorized activities described in subsection (c). (2) Eligible state.--In this section, the term ``eligible State'' means a State-- (A) that has established a State Oversight Board as described in section 501; and (B) that commits to educational equity. (3) Duration; renewal.--The grant awarded under this section shall be for a 2-year duration, and may be renewed by the Secretary for not more than 4 additional 2-year periods if the State Oversight Board of the State determines that the State has met the educational equity goals of the State, as described in section 501. (4) Maintenance of effort.--If the Secretary does not renew a grant awarded under this section to a State for an additional 2-year period for failure to meet the educational equity goals of the State, the State shall provide, from non-Federal sources, amounts for such 2-year period that are not less than the sum of the grant amount provided by the Secretary and the matching funds provided by the State under subsection (d) for the initial 2-year grant period. (b) Application.--An eligible State that desires to receive a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and accompanied by such information as the Secretary may require, including providing the State's educational equity goals and the accountability consequences for the State and local educational agencies in the State if the State Oversight Board determines that the State or a local educational agency fails to meet the educational equity goals of the State, including the potential withholding of funds, as described in section 501. (c) Authorized Activities.-- (1) In general.--An eligible State that receives a grant under this section shall use the grant funds to carry out activities authorized under the following provisions: (A) Section 619 and part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1419 and 1431 et seq.). (B) Paragraphs (1)(B)(i), (5)(A), and (5)(B) of section 640(a) of the Head Start Act (42 U.S.C. 9835(1)(B)(i), (5)(A), and (5)(B)). (C) Section 9212 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (42 U.S.C. 9831 note). (2) Subgrants.--An eligible State that receives a grant under this section may use the grant funds to award subgrants to local educational agencies to carry out the activities described in paragraph (1). (3) Compliance with programs.--In using grant funds provided under this section or subgrant funds provided under paragraph (2) to carry out the activities described in paragraph (1), the eligible State or local educational agency shall comply with the requirements of the programs under which such activities are authorized. (d) Matching Requirement.--Each eligible State that receives a grant under this section shall provide, from non-Federal sources, an amount equal to 200 percent of the amount of the grant (which may be provided in cash or in kind) to carry out the activities supported by the grant. (e) Supplement, Not Supplant.--An eligible State shall use Federal funds received under this section only to supplement the funds that would, in the absence of such Federal funds, be made available from State and local sources for activities described in subsection (c), and not to supplant such funds. (f) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section-- (1) $275,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; (2) $288,750,000 for fiscal year 2025; (3) $303,187,500 for fiscal year 2026; (4) $318,346,875 for fiscal year 2027; (5) $334,264,219 for fiscal year 2028; (6) $350,977,430 for fiscal year 2029; (7) $368,526,301 for fiscal year 2030; (8) $386,952,616 for fiscal year 2031; (9) $406,300,247 for fiscal year 2032; and (10) $426,615,259 for fiscal year 2033. TITLE II--HIGH-QUALITY AND DIVERSE TEACHERS AND LEADERS SEC. 201. HIGH-QUALITY AND DIVERSE TEACHERS AND LEADERS GRANT PROGRAM. (a) Authorization.-- (1) In general.--The Secretary shall award a single grant, on a competitive basis, to an eligible State to enable the State to carry out the authorized activities described in subsection (c). (2) Eligible state.--In this section, the term ``eligible State'' means a State-- (A) that has established a State Oversight Board as described in section 501; and (B) that commits to educational equity. (3) Duration; renewal.--The grant awarded under this section shall be for a 2-year duration, and may be renewed by the Secretary for not more than 4 additional 2-year periods if the State Oversight Board of the State determines that the State has met the educational equity goals of the State, as described in section 501. (4) Maintenance of effort.--If the Secretary does not renew a grant awarded under this section to a State for an additional 2-year period for failure to meet the educational equity goals of the State, the State shall provide, from non-Federal sources, amounts for such 2-year period that are not less than the sum of the grant amount provided by the Secretary and the matching funds provided by the State under subsection (d) for the initial 2-year grant period. (b) Application.--An eligible State that desires to receive a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and accompanied by such information as the Secretary may require, including providing the State's educational equity goals and the accountability consequences for the State and local educational agencies in the State if the State Oversight Board determines that the State or a local educational agency fails to meet the educational equity goals of the State, including the potential withholding of funds, as described in section 501. (c) Authorized Activities.-- (1) In general.--An eligible State that receives a grant under this section shall use the grant funds to carry out activities authorized under the following provisions: (A) Section 2101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6611). (B) Subpart 1 of part B of title II of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6631 et seq.). (C) Sections 2242, 2243, and 2245 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6672, 6673, and 6675). (D) Section 3131 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6861). (E) Subparts 1 and 2 of part D of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1451 et seq. and 1461 et seq.). (2) Subgrants.--An eligible State that receives a grant under this section may use the grant funds to award subgrants to local educational agencies to carry out the activities described in paragraph (1). (3) Compliance with programs.--In using grant funds provided under this section or subgrant funds provided under paragraph (2) to carry out the activities described in paragraph (1), the eligible State or local educational agency shall comply with the requirements of the programs under which such activities are authorized. (d) Matching Requirement.--Each eligible State that receives a grant under this section shall provide, from non-Federal sources, an amount equal to 200 percent of the amount of the grant (which may be provided in cash or in kind) to carry out the activities supported by the grant. (e) Supplement, Not Supplant.--An eligible State shall use Federal funds received under this section only to supplement the funds that would, in the absence of such Federal funds, be made available from State and local sources for activities described in subsection (c), and not to supplant such funds. (f) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section-- (1) $340,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; (2) $357,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; (3) $374,850,000 for fiscal year 2026; (4) $393,592,500 for fiscal year 2027; (5) $413,272,125 for fiscal year 2028; (6) $433,935,731 for fiscal year 2029; (7) $455,632,518 for fiscal year 2030; (8) $478,414,144 for fiscal year 2031; (9) $502,334,851 for fiscal year 2032; and (10) $527,451,594 for fiscal year 2033. TITLE III--COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS PATHWAYS SEC. 301. COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS PATHWAYS GRANT PROGRAM. (a) Authorization.-- (1) In general.--The Secretary shall award a single grant, on a competitive basis, to an eligible State to enable the State to carry out the authorized activities described in subsection (c). (2) Eligible state.--In this section, the term ``eligible State'' means a State-- (A) that has established a State Oversight Board as described in section 501; and (B) that commits to educational equity. (3) Duration; renewal.--The grant awarded under this section shall be for a 2-year duration, and may be renewed by the Secretary for not more than 4 additional 2-year periods if the State Oversight Board of the State determines that the State has met the educational equity goals of the State, as described in section 501. (4) Maintenance of effort.--If the Secretary does not renew a grant awarded under this section to a State for an additional 2-year period for failure to meet the educational equity goals of the State, the State shall provide, from non-Federal sources, amounts for such 2-year period that are not less than the sum of the grant amount provided by the Secretary and the matching funds provided by the State under subsection (d) for the initial 2-year grant period. (b) Application.--An eligible State that desires to receive a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and accompanied by such information as the Secretary may require, including providing the State's educational equity goals and the accountability consequences for the State and local educational agencies in the State if the State Oversight Board determines that the State or a local educational agency fails to meet the educational equity goals of the State, including the potential withholding of funds, as described in section 501. (c) Authorized Activities.-- (1) In general.--An eligible State that receives a grant under this section shall use the grant funds to carry out activities authorized under the following provisions: (A) Section 135 of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2355). (B) Subpart 11 of part A of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as added by section 302 of this Act. (2) Subgrants.--An eligible State that receives a grant under this section may use the grant funds to award subgrants to local educational agencies to carry out the activities described in paragraph (1). (3) Compliance with programs.--In using grant funds provided under this section or subgrant funds provided under paragraph (2) to carry out the activities described in paragraph (1), the eligible State or local educational agency shall comply with the requirements of the programs under which such activities are authorized. (d) Matching Requirement.--Each eligible State that receives a grant under this section shall provide, from non-Federal sources, an amount equal to 200 percent of the amount of the grant (which may be provided in cash or in kind) to carry out the activities supported by the grant. (e) Supplement, Not Supplant.--An eligible State shall use Federal funds received under this section only to supplement the funds that would, in the absence of such Federal funds, be made available from State and local sources for activities described in subsection (c), and not to supplant such funds. (f) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section-- (1) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; (2) $52,500,000 for fiscal year 2025; (3) $55,125,000 for fiscal year 2026; (4) $57,881,250 for fiscal year 2027; (5) $60,775,312 for fiscal year 2028; (6) $63,814,077 for fiscal year 2029; (7) $67,004,780 for fiscal year 2030; (8) $70,355,019 for fiscal year 2031; (9) $73,872,770 for fiscal year 2032; and (10) $77,566,408 for fiscal year 2033. SEC. 302. JUMPSTART TO COLLEGE GRANT PROGRAMS. Part A of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``Subpart 11--Jumpstart to College ``SEC. 420T. DEFINITIONS. ``In this subpart: ``(1) Eligible entity.--The term `eligible entity' means an institution of higher education in partnership with one or more local educational agencies (which may be an educational service agency). Such partnership may also include other entities such as nonprofit organizations or businesses, and schools in juvenile detention centers. ``(2) Institution of higher education.--The term `institution of higher education' has the meaning given the term in section 101. ``(3) ESEA terms.--The terms `dual or concurrent enrollment program', `early college high school', `educational service agency', `four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate', `local educational agency', `secondary school', and `State' have meanings given the terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. ``(4) Low-income student.--The term `low-income student' means a student counted under section 1124(c) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. ``(5) Recognized postsecondary credential.--The term `recognized postsecondary credential' has the meaning given the term in section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102). ``SEC. 420U. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. ``To carry out this subpart, there are authorized to be appropriated $137,500,000 for fiscal year 2024 and each of the nine succeeding fiscal years. ``SEC. 420V. GRANTS TO STATES. ``(a) In General.--The Secretary shall award a single grant to a State, on a competitive basis, to assist the State in supporting or establishing early college high schools or dual or concurrent enrollment programs. ``(b) Duration.--The grant under this section shall be awarded for a period of 2 years, and may be renewed by the Secretary for not more than 4 additional 2-year periods. ``(c) Grant Amount.--The Secretary shall ensure that the amount of the grant under this section is sufficient to enable the grantee to carry out the activities described in subsection (f). ``(d) Matching Requirement.--For each year that a State receives a grant under this section, the State shall provide, from non-Federal sources, an amount equal to 50 percent of the amount of the grant received by the State for such year to carry out the activities supported by the grant. ``(e) Supplement, Not Supplant.--A State shall use a grant received under this section only to supplement funds that would, in the absence of such grant, be made available from other Federal, State, or local sources for activities supported by the grant, not to supplant such funds. ``(f) Uses of Funds.-- ``(1) Mandatory activities.--A State shall use grant funds received under this section to-- ``(A) support the activities described in its application under subsection (g); ``(B) plan and implement a statewide strategy for expanding access to early college high schools and dual or concurrent enrollment programs for students who are underrepresented in higher education to raise statewide rates of secondary school graduation, readiness for postsecondary education, and completion of recognized postsecondary credentials, with a focus on students academically at risk of not enrolling in or completing postsecondary education; ``(C) identify any obstacles to such a strategy under State law or policy; ``(D) provide technical assistance (either directly or through a knowledgeable intermediary) to early college high schools and other dual or concurrent enrollment programs, which may include-- ``(i) brokering relationships and agreements that forge a strong partnership between elementary and secondary and postsecondary partners; and ``(ii) offering statewide training, professional development, and peer learning opportunities for school leaders, instructors, and counselors or advisors; ``(E) identify and implement policies that will improve the effectiveness and ensure the quality of early college high schools and dual or concurrent enrollment programs, such as eligibility and access, funding, data and quality assurance, governance, accountability, and alignment policies; ``(F) update the State's requirements for a student to receive a regular high school diploma to align with the challenging State academic standards and entrance requirements for credit-bearing coursework as described in subparagraphs (A) and (D) of section 1111(b)(1) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965; ``(G) incorporate indicators regarding student access to and completion of early college high schools and dual or concurrent enrollment programs into the school quality and student success indicators included in the State system of annual meaningful differentiation as described under section 1111(c)(4)(B)(v)(I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965; ``(H) disseminate best practices for early college high schools and dual or concurrent enrollment programs, which may include best practices from programs in the State or other States; ``(I) facilitate statewide secondary and postsecondary data collection, research and evaluation, and reporting to policymakers and other stakeholders; and ``(J) conduct outreach programs to ensure that secondary school students, their families, and community members are aware of early college high schools and dual or concurrent enrollment programs in the State. ``(2) Allowable activities.--A State may use grant funds received under this section to-- ``(A) establish a mechanism to offset the costs of tuition, fees, standardized testing and performance assessment costs, and support services for low-income students, and students from underrepresented populations enrolled in early college and high schools or dual or concurrent enrollment; ``(B) establish formal transfer systems within and across State higher education systems, including two- year and four-year public and private institutions, to maximize the transferability of college courses; ``(C) provide incentives to school districts that-- ``(i) assist high school teachers in getting the credentials needed to participate in early college high school programs and dual or concurrent enrollment; and ``(ii) encourage the use of college instructors to teach college courses in high schools; ``(D) support initiatives to improve the quality of early college high school and dual or concurrent enrollment programs at participating institutions; and ``(E) reimburse low-income students to cover part or all of the costs of an Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate examination. ``(g) State Applications.-- ``(1) Application.--To be eligible to receive a grant under this section, a State shall submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require. ``(2) Contents of application.--The application under paragraph (1) shall include, at minimum, a description of-- ``(A) how the State will carry out the mandatory State activities described in subsection (f)(1); ``(B) how the State will ensure that any programs funded with a grant under this section are coordinated with programs under-- ``(i) the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.); ``(ii) the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.); ``(iii) the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965; and ``(iv) the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; ``(C) how the State intends to use grant funds to address achievement gaps for each category of students described in section 1111(b)(2)(B)(xi) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965; ``(D) how the State will access and leverage additional resources necessary to sustain early college high schools or other dual or concurrent enrollment programs; ``(E) how the State will identify and eliminate barriers to implementing effective early college high schools and dual or concurrent enrollment programs after the grant expires, including by engaging businesses and nonprofit organizations; and ``(F) such other information as the Secretary determines to be appropriate.''. TITLE IV--MORE RESOURCES TO ENSURE ALL STUDENTS ARE SUCCESSFUL SEC. 401. STUDENT SUCCESS GRANT PROGRAM. (a) Authorization.-- (1) In general.--The Secretary shall award a single grant, on a competitive basis, to an eligible State to enable the State to carry out the authorized activities described in subsection (c). (2) Eligible state.--In this section, the term ``eligible State'' means a State-- (A) that has established a State Oversight Board as described in section 501; and (B) that commits to educational equity. (3) Duration; renewal.--The grant awarded under this section shall be for a 2-year duration, and may be renewed by the Secretary for not more than 4 additional 2-year periods if the State Oversight Board of the State determines that the State has met the educational equity goals of the State, as described in section 501. (4) Maintenance of effort.--If the Secretary does not renew a grant awarded under this section to a State for an additional 2-year period for failure to meet the educational equity goals of the State, the State shall provide, from non-Federal sources, amounts for such 2-year period that are not less than the sum of the grant amount provided by the Secretary and the matching funds provided by the State under subsection (d) for the initial 2-year grant period. (b) Application.--An eligible State that desires to receive a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and accompanied by such information as the Secretary may require, including providing the State's educational equity goals and the accountability consequences for the State and local educational agencies in the State if the State Oversight Board determines that the State or a local educational agency fails to meet the educational equity goals of the State, including the potential withholding of funds, as described in section 501. (c) Authorized Activities.-- (1) In general.--An eligible State that receives a grant under this section shall use the grant funds to carry out activities authorized under the following provisions: (A) Part A of title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6311 et seq.). (B) Part C of title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6391 et seq.). (C) Part D of title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6421 et seq.). (D) Part E of title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6491 et seq.). (E) Subparts 2 and 3 of part B of title II of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6641 et seq. and 6661 et seq.). (F) Subpart 1 of part A of title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6821 et seq.). (G) Subpart 1 of part A of title IV of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7111 et seq.). (H) Part B of title IV of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7171 et seq.). (I) Part D of title IV of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7231 et seq.). (J) Sections 4624 and 4625 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7274 and 7275). (K) Section 4641 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7291 et seq.). (L) Section 611 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1411). (2) Subgrants.--An eligible State that receives a grant under this section may use the grant funds to award subgrants to local educational agencies to carry out the activities described in paragraph (1). (3) Compliance with programs.--In using grant funds provided under this section or subgrant funds provided under paragraph (2) to carry out the activities described in paragraph (1), the eligible State or local educational agency shall comply with the requirements of the programs under which such activities are authorized. (d) Matching Requirement.--Each eligible State that receives a grant under this section shall provide, from non-Federal sources, an amount equal to 200 percent of the amount of the grant (which may be provided in cash or in kind) to carry out the activities supported by the grant. (e) Supplement, Not Supplant.--An eligible State shall use Federal funds received under this section only to supplement the funds that would, in the absence of such Federal funds, be made available from State and local sources for activities described in subsection (c), and not to supplant such funds. (f) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section-- (1) $750,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; (2) $787,500,000 for fiscal year 2025; (3) $826,875,000 for fiscal year 2026; (4) $868,218,750 for fiscal year 2027; (5) $911,629,688 for fiscal year 2028; (6) $957,211,172 for fiscal year 2029; (7) $1,005,071,731 for fiscal year 2030; (8) $1,055,325,318 for fiscal year 2031; (9) $1,108,091,584 for fiscal year 2032; and (10) $1,163,496,163 for fiscal year 2033. TITLE V--GOVERNANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY SEC. 501. STATE OVERSIGHT BOARDS. (a) In General.--In order to be eligible to receive a grant under title I, II, III, or IV, a State shall establish a State Oversight Board that is independent of the State educational agency, ensures educational equity in the State, and holds the State educational agency and local educational agencies in the State accountable for failure to meet such educational equity. (b) Authority of State Oversight Boards.--A State Oversight Board established pursuant to this section shall-- (1) determine implementation plans and guidelines for the State educational agency and local educational agencies in the State to meet the educational equity goals determined by the State under subsection (c); (2) determine whether the State and local educational agencies in the State have met the educational equity goals determined by the State; (3) hold the State and local educational agencies in the State accountable for a failure to meet the educational equity goals, pursuant to the accountability consequences described under subsection (c); and (4) provide to the Secretary, on an annual basis, the progress of the State and local educational agencies in the State towards meeting the educational equity goals. (c) Authority of State.--A State that establishes a State Oversight Board under this section shall determine-- (1) the educational equity goals of the State, that includes a requirement that the State and local educational agencies in the State maintain a level of financial support for elementary and secondary education that is not less than the level of such support for fiscal year 2023; and (2) the accountability consequences for the State and local educational agencies in the State if the State Oversight Board determines that the State or a local educational agency fails to meet the educational equity goals of the State, including the potential withholding of funds. (d) Technical Assistance and Oversight.-- (1) In general.--The Secretary and the Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Education shall provide technical assistance-- (A) to States in implementing the educational equity goals of the State; and (B) to State Oversight Boards in carrying out subsection (b), including in determining whether the State and local educational agencies in the State have met the educational equity goals determined by the State. (2) Authorization of appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subsection $1,000,000 for each fiscal year. TITLE VI--STATE FLEXIBILITY FOR EQUITABLE PER-PUPIL FUNDING SEC. 601. STATE FLEXIBILITY FOR EQUITABLE PER-PUPIL FUNDING. Section 1501 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6491) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by inserting ``and certain State educational agencies on behalf of a State's local educational agencies'' after ``local educational agencies''; (2) in subsection (b)-- (A) in paragraph (1)(A), by inserting ``and certain State educational agencies on behalf of a State's local educational agencies'' after ``local educational agencies''; and (B) in paragraph (2), by inserting ``and certain State educational agencies on behalf of a State's local educational agencies'' after ``local educational agencies''; (3) in subsection (c)-- (A) in paragraph (1), by inserting ``or 1 State educational agency on behalf of the State's local educational agencies'' after ``local educational agencies''; (B) in paragraph (2)-- (i) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting ``or State educational agency'' after ``local educational agency''; and (ii) in subparagraph (A), by inserting ``or consolidated State'' after ``local''; and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) by striking ``any local'' and inserting ``any''; and (ii) by striking ``with local'' and inserting ``with the''; (4) in subsection (d)-- (A) in paragraph (1)-- (i) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A)-- (I) by striking ``Each local'' and inserting ``Each''; and (II) by inserting ``or consolidated State'' after ``local''; (ii) in subparagraph (A)(ii), by striking ``local''; (iii) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``local''; (iv) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``local educational'' and inserting ``educational''; (v) in subparagraph (G), by striking ``local educational'' and inserting ``educational''; (vi) in subparagraph (H), by striking ``local educational'' and inserting ``educational''; (vii) in subparagraph (I), by striking ``local educational'' and inserting ``educational''; and (viii) in subparagraph (G), by striking ``local educational'' and inserting ``educational''; (B) in paragraph (2)-- (i) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``local educational'' each place the term appears and inserting ``educational''; (ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``local educational'' each place the term appears and inserting ``educational''; and (iii) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``local educational'' and inserting ``educational''; (5) in subsection (e), by striking ``local educational'' and inserting ``educational''; (6) in subsection (f)-- (A) by striking ``local educational'' and inserting ``educational''; and (B) by inserting ``or consolidated State'' after ``local''; (7) in subsection (g), by inserting ``or consolidated State'' after ``local''; (8) in subsection (h)-- (A) by striking ``local educational'' and inserting ``educational''; and (B) by inserting ``or consolidated State'' after ``local''; (9) in subsection (i), by striking ``local educational'' each place the term appears and inserting ``educational''; (10) in subsection (j), by inserting ``or consolidated State'' after ``local''; (11) in subsection (k)-- (A) by striking ``local educational'' and inserting ``educational''; and (B) by inserting ``or consolidated State'' after ``local'' each place the term appears; (12) in subsection (l)-- (A) in paragraph (1)-- (i) by inserting ``or State educational agency'' after ``local educational agency''; (ii) in subparagraph (D), by striking ``and'' after the semicolon; (iii) in subparagraph (E), by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and (iv) by adding at the end the following: ``(F) title I of the TRUE EQUITY Act; ``(G) title II of the TRUE EQUITY Act; ``(H) title III of the TRUE EQUITY Act; and ``(I) title IV of the TRUE EQUITY Act.''; and (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ``is in the highest 2 quartiles of schools served by a local educational agency, based on the percentage of enrolled students from low-income families'' and inserting ``serves students not less than 55 percent of whom are students who are eligible for a free or reduced price lunch under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.)''; and (13) by adding at the end the following: ``(m) Funding Flexibility for TRUE EQUITY Act Funds.-- ``(1) Technical assistance.--A State educational agency that submits a consolidated State flexibility demonstration agreement under this section shall provide technical assistance to local educational agencies in the State that desire to participate in the program under this section in submitting applications to enter into local flexibility demonstration agreements with the Secretary. ``(2) Duration and renewal.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the Secretary-- ``(A) is authorized to enter into local flexibility demonstration agreements for not more than 2 years with local educational agencies that are selected under subsection (c) and submit proposed agreements that meet the requirements of subsection (d) for flexibility to consolidate eligible Federal funds that are described in subparagraph (F), (G), (H), or (I) of subsection (l); and ``(B) may renew for not more than 4 additional 2- year terms a local flexibility demonstration agreement described in subparagraph (A).''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Education" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. TRONE:\nH.R. 1429.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle I, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United\nStates.\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nThis bill supports innovative educational policies to\npromote equitable academic outcomes.\n[Page H1152]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 6, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 6, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce." }, "laws": null, "number": "1429", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Education" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "T000483", "district": 6, "firstName": "David", "fullName": "Rep. Trone, David J. [D-MD-6]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Trone", "middleName": "J.", "party": "D", "state": "MD", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "TRUE EQUITY Act of 2023", "titles": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:58Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:58Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1429", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "actions": [ { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "systemCode": "hsed00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "Intro-H", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "1000", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "pagination": { "count": 3 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1429", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "pagination": { "count": 1 }, "relatedBills": [ { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "text": "Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions." }, "number": 667, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "TRUE EQUITY Act", "type": "S", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1429", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "S001168", "district": 3, "firstName": "John", "fullName": "Rep. Sarbanes, John P. [D-MD-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Sarbanes", "middleName": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MD", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000606", "district": 8, "firstName": "Jamie", "fullName": "Rep. Raskin, Jamie [D-MD-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Raskin", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MD", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M000687", "district": 7, "firstName": "KWEISI", "fullName": "Rep. Mfume, Kweisi [D-MD-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "MFUME", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MD", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "H000874", "district": 5, "firstName": "STENY", "fullName": "Rep. Hoyer, Steny H. [D-MD-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "HOYER", "middleName": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MD", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000576", "district": 2, "firstName": "C. A.", "fullName": "Rep. Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch [D-MD-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Ruppersberger", "middleName": "Dutch", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MD", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "I000058", "district": 4, "firstName": "Glenn", "fullName": "Rep. Ivey, Glenn [D-MD-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Ivey", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MD", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 6, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 6, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1429", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the United States.
[ [ "D000615", "Rep. Duncan, Jeff [R-SC-3]", "sponsor" ], [ "W000795", "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000190", "Rep. Norman, Ralph [R-SC-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001295", "Rep. Bost, Mike [R-IL-12]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p>This bill prohibits the Department of Defense (DOD) from using funds to transfer or release within the United States (including its territories or possessions) any detainee (1) who is not a U.S. citizen or member of the U.S. Armed Forces; and (2) who is or was held by DOD at U.S. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on or after January 20, 2009.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 143 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 143 To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the United States. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES January 9, 2023 Mr. Duncan (for himself, Mr. Wilson of South Carolina, and Mr. Norman) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. PROHIBITION ON TRANSFER OR RELEASE OF INDIVIDUALS DETAINED AT UNITED STATES NAVAL STATION, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA, TO THE UNITED STATES. No amounts authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for any fiscal year may be used to transfer, release, or assist in the transfer of or release to or within the United States, its territories, or possessions Khalid Sheikh Mohammed or any other detainee who-- (1) is not a United States citizen or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States; and (2) is or was held on or after January 20, 2009, at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by the Department of Defense. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Armed Forces and National Security" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 7 (Monday, January 9, 2023)]\n[House]\n[Pages H110-H111]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. DUNCAN:\nH.R. 143.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle I, Section 8, Clause 17 grants Congress the\nauthority to pass laws related to ``needful buildings'' on\nlands owned by the\n[[Page H111]]\nfederal government. Also Article I, Section 8, Clause 1\ngrants Congress the authority to ``provide for the common\ndefence''.\nSingle Subject Statement:\nThis legislation prohibits the Department of Defense (DOD)\nfrom using funds to transfer or release within the United\nStates any detainee who is not a U.S. citizen or member of\nthe U.S. Armed Forces, and who is or was held by DOD at U.S.\nNaval Station, Guatanamo Bay, Cuba, on or after January 29,\n2009.\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 3, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 3, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-01-09", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-01-09", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services." }, "laws": null, "number": "143", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Armed Forces and National Security" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "D000615", "district": 3, "firstName": "Jeff", "fullName": "Rep. Duncan, Jeff [R-SC-3]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Duncan", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "state": "SC", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the United States.", "titles": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:49:53Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:49:53Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "143", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Determination of NEPA Adequacy Streamlining Act
[ [ "V000129", "Rep. Valadao, David G. [R-CA-22]", "sponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1430 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1430 To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to use certain previously completed environmental assessments and environmental impact statements to satisfy the review requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Valadao introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, and in addition to the Committee on Agriculture, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to use certain previously completed environmental assessments and environmental impact statements to satisfy the review requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Determination of NEPA Adequacy Streamlining Act''. SEC. 2. DETERMINATION OF NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT ADEQUACY. (a) In General.--The Secretary concerned shall use previously completed environmental assessments and environmental impact statements to satisfy the requirements of section 102 of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332) with respect to any major Federal action if such Secretary determines that-- (1) the new proposed action is substantially the same as a previously analyzed proposed action or alternative analyzed in a previous environmental assessment or environmental impact statement; and (2) the effects of the proposed action are substantially the same as the effects analyzed in such existing environmental assessments or environmental impact statements. (b) Secretary Concerned.--In this section, the term ``Secretary concerned'' means-- (1) with respect to public lands, the Secretary of the Interior; and (2) with respect to National Forest System Lands, the Secretary of Agriculture. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Environmental Protection" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 5, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 2, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. VALADAO:\nH.R. 1430.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle I, Section 8, Clause 18: To make all Laws which\nshall be necessary and proper for carrying out into Execution\nthe foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this\nConstitution in the Government of the United States, or in\nany Department or office thereof.\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nTo increase American energy production and restore energy\nleadership by streamlining energy project related processes\nand requirements.\n[Page H1152]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": null, "introducedDate": "2023-03-07", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-04-25", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Forestry." }, "laws": null, "number": "1430", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Environmental Protection" }, "relatedBills": { "count": 4, "url": "" }, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "V000129", "district": 22, "firstName": "David", "fullName": "Rep. Valadao, David G. [R-CA-22]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Valadao", "middleName": "G.", "party": "R", "state": "CA", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "summaries": null, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Determination of NEPA Adequacy Streamlining Act", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:58Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:58Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1430", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "actions": [ { "actionCode": "H11000", "actionDate": "2023-04-25", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Forestry Subcommittee", "systemCode": "hsag15", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 1, "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Forestry.", "type": "Committee" }, { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Agriculture Committee", "systemCode": "hsag00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, and in addition to the Committee on Agriculture, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "H11100", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": [ { "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "systemCode": "hsii00", "url": "" } ], "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 2, "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, and in addition to the Committee on Agriculture, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "Intro-H", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "actionCode": "1000", "actionDate": "2023-03-07", "actionTime": null, "calendarNumber": null, "committees": null, "recordedVotes": null, "sourceSystem": { "code": 9, "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "pagination": { "count": 5 }, "request": { "billNumber": "1430", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:07:35Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Agriculture Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-04-25T16:28:31Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Forestry Subcommittee", "systemCode": "hsag15", "url": "" } ], "systemCode": "hsag00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-07T17:07:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": null, "systemCode": "hsii00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1430", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
{ "pagination": { "count": 4 }, "relatedBills": [ { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-30", "actionTime": "11:47:06", "text": "The Clerk was authorized to correct section numbers, punctuation, and cross references, and to make other necessary technical and conforming corrections in the engrossment of H.R. 1." }, "number": 1, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Lower Energy Costs Act", "type": "HR", "url": "" }, { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-23", "actionTime": null, "text": "Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 18." }, "number": 1335, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Transparency, Accountability, Permitting, and Production of American Resources Act", "type": "HR", "url": "" }, { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-22", "actionTime": null, "text": "Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources." }, "number": 947, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Lower Energy Costs Act", "type": "S", "url": "" }, { "congress": 118, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-05-04", "actionTime": null, "text": "Committee on the Budget. Hearings held." }, "number": 2811, "relationshipDetails": [ { "identifiedBy": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023", "type": "HR", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1430", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Landlord Accountability Act of 2023
[ [ "V000081", "Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M. [D-NY-7]", "sponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Landlord Accountability Act of 2023</b> </p> <p>This bill prohibits housing discrimination based on income, provides protections to tenants of certain federally assisted housing, and establishes a low-income housing maintenance tax credit for eligible landlords.</p> <p>Specifically, the bill prohibits discrimination in rental housing and residential real estate transactions based on an individual's source of income and provides for penalties. Protected income sources include</p> <ul> <li> housing vouchers and rental assistance, </li> <li>rental and homeownership subsidies, </li> <li>Social Security and disability income assistance, and</li> <li>spousal and child support.</li> </ul> <p>Additionally, landlords are prohibited from taking or failing to take certain actions with the intent to make a unit ineligible to receive Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) assistance. Landlords that violate this prohibition are subject to penalties and may be sued by harmed tenants. The bill further prohibits property owners of certain multifamily housing projects from intentionally leaving a unit vacant for more than 60 days. Property owners that violate this prohibition are subject to penalties.</p> <p>The bill also provides protections to tenants of multifamily housing projects, including by requiring HUD to increase the staffing level for the Multifamily Housing Complaint Line and to create a Multifamily Housing Complaint Resolution Program.</p> <p>In addition, HUD may provide grants to develop, expand, and assist tenant harassment prevention programs.</p> <p>Finally, the bill establishes a tax credit for qualifying landlords that is equal to the landlord's annual low-income housing maintenance expenses. To qualify, a landlord must have addressed within 30 days any relevant complaints filed under the complaint resolution program.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1431 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1431 To amend the Fair Housing Act, to prohibit discrimination based on use of section 8 vouchers, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Ms. Velazquez introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means, and the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Fair Housing Act, to prohibit discrimination based on use of section 8 vouchers, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Landlord Accountability Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITING HOUSING DISCRIMINATION BASED ON SOURCE OF INCOME. (a) In General.--The Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 802 (42 U.S.C. 3602), by adding at the end the following: ``(p) `Source of income' includes-- ``(1) current and future use of a tenant- or project-based housing voucher under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437f) and any form of Federal, State, or local housing assistance provided to a person or family or provided to a housing owner on behalf of a person or family, including rental vouchers, rental assistance, down payment assistance, other homeownership assistance, assistance to cover housing costs, and other rental and homeownership subsidies, or guarantees or financial assistance provided through government and nongovernment organizations, including both receipt of such assistance and compliance with its terms thereof; ``(2) income received as a monthly benefit under title II of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 401 et seq.), as a supplemental security income benefit under title XVI of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1381 et seq.), or as a benefit under the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974 (45 U.S.C. 231 et seq.) or income provided through Federal, State, or local governments or nongovernment organizations, or through any public or State-supported general or disability income assistance program or the terms of such income; ``(3) income received by court order, including spousal support and child support; ``(4) any payment from a trust, guardian, conservator, co- signer, or relative; and ``(5) any other source of income or funds, including savings accounts and investments.''; (2) in section 804 (42 U.S.C. 3604)-- (A) by inserting ``source of income,'' after ``familial status,'' each place that term appears; and (3) in section 805 (42 U.S.C. 3605)-- (A) in subsection (a), by inserting ``source of income,'' after ``familial status,''; and (B) in subsection (c), by inserting ``source of income,'' after ``handicap,''; (4) in section 806 (42 U.S.C. 3606), by inserting ``source of income,'' after ``familial status,''; (5) in section 807 (42 U.S.C. 3607), by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(c) Nothing under this title shall be construed to prohibit any entity from providing a preference for veterans or based on veteran status in the sale or rental of a dwelling or in the provision of services or facilities in connection therewith.''; (6) in section 808(e)(6) (42 U.S.C. 3608(e)(6)), by inserting ``source of income,'' after ``handicap,''; and (7) in section 810(f) (42 U.S.C. 3610(f)), by striking paragraph (4) and inserting the following: ``(4) During the period beginning on the date of enactment of the Landlord Accountability Act of 2023 and ending on the date that is 40 months after such date of enactment, each agency certified for purposes of this title on the day before such date of enactment shall, for purposes of this subsection, be considered certified under this subsection with respect to those matters for which the agency was certified on that date. If the Secretary determines in an individual case that an agency has not been able to meet the certification requirements within this 40-month period due to exceptional circumstances, such as the infrequency of legislative sessions in that jurisdiction, the Secretary may extend such period by not more than 6 months.''. (b) Prevention of Intimidation in Fair Housing Cases.--Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3631) is amended by inserting ``source of income (as defined in section 802),'' before ``or national origin'' each place that term appears. (c) Authorization of Appropriations for Enforcement.--There is authorized to be appropriated for contracts, grants, and other assistance-- (1) $90,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2024 through 2033 for the Fair Housing Initiatives Program under section 561 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987 (42 U.S.C. 3616a); (2) $47,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2024 through 2033 for the Fair Housing Assistance Program under the Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.); and (3) $3,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2024 through 2026 to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for a carrying out national media campaign to raise public awareness to help individuals understand their expanded rights under the Fair Housing Act and learn how to report incidents of housing discrimination. SEC. 3. PENALTIES FOR INTENTIONAL ACTS TO DISQUALIFY DWELLING UNITS FROM ELIGIBILITY FOR FEDERAL HOUSING PROGRAMS. (a) Violation.--An owner of a dwelling unit that is available for rental may not take any action, or fail to take any action, with the intent to make the dwelling unit insufficiently decent, safe, sanitary, or inhabitable, or cause such other physical condition, so that the dwelling does not qualify for assistance within the jurisdiction of the Department (as such term is defined in section 102(m) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989 (42 U.S.C. 3545(m))). (b) Civil Money Penalties.--Any person who is found by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, after notice and opportunity for a hearing in accordance with section 554 of title 5, United States Code, to have violated subsection (a) shall be assessed a civil money penalty by the Secretary in the amount of $100,000 for each such action or failure to act. (c) Liability to Tenants.--A tenant who, at the time of a violation under subsection (a), occupies the dwelling unit to which the violation relates may bring a civil action for damages in the following amounts: (1) $50,000 for each action or failure to act in violation of subsection (a). (2) Any actual damages and costs to the tenant resulting from the violation, including any costs of finding a replacement dwelling unit. SEC. 4. PENALITIES FOR VACANT UNITS. (a) Violation; Penalty.--In the case of a dwelling unit that is located in a multifamily housing project, qualifies for assistance within the jurisdiction of the Department (as such term is defined in section 102(m) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989 (42 U.S.C. 3545 (m))), is available for rental, and is found, after notice and opportunity for a hearing in accordance with section 554 of title 5, United States Code, to be intentionally left vacant by the owner for a period of more than 60 days that begins as provided under subsection (b), the owner shall be assessed a civil money penalty in the amount of $100,000 for every 30 days that the unit is found to be intentionally left vacant. (b) Timing.-- (1) New units.--In the case of a dwelling unit that has not previously been occupied, such 60-day period shall commence on the day that the unit is first habitable for occupancy, as determined by the Secretary. (2) Existing units.--In the case of a dwelling unit that has previously been occupied, such 60-day period shall commence on the day that the unit was vacated by the most recent tenant. (c) Treatment of Repairs.--In making a determination with respect to a violation under subsection (a)-- (1) the Secretary shall presume, subject to paragraph (2), that a dwelling unit that is vacant during any period between tenancies that the unit is being repaired, updated, renovated, or refurbished is not available for rental during such period; and (2) the Secretary shall treat such presumption as having been rebutted upon a showing by a prospective tenant, or agent thereof, that a reasonable period of time for such updating, renovation, or refurbishment elapsed. SEC. 5. RESOURCES FOR RECEIVING AND RESOLVING COMPLAINTS REGARDING MULTIFAMILY HOUSING PROJECTS. (a) Increased HUD Staffing for Complaint Call Staffing.-- (1) Increased staffing.--The Secretary shall, not later than the expiration of the 180-day period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, increase the staffing level for the Multifamily Housing Complaint Line established and operated by the Multifamily Housing Clearinghouse of the Department so that it is sufficient and appropriate to handle the volume of calls received without unreasonable waiting periods. (2) Authorization of appropriations.--For carrying out paragraph (1), there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary such sums as may be necessary for each fiscal year for carrying out paragraph (1). (b) Multifamily Housing Complaint Resolution Program.-- (1) In general.--The Secretary shall carry out a Multifamily Housing Complaint Resolution Program for receiving complaints about multifamily housing projects from voucher users who reside in such projects and local governmental officials, under which the Secretary shall provide for-- (A) gathering of information regarding each such complaint; (B) determining whether there is a likelihood that there is any violation of the requirements under the rental assistance voucher program relating to such complaint; (C) informing the owner or landlord of the complaint and any violations; and (D) attempting to resolve the complaint and violations, including through mediation. (2) Resolution.--The Secretary may provide for carrying out the activities required under paragraph (1)(D) through regional or field offices of the Department or through such local or private organizations or agencies as the Secretary determines have appropriate capabilities and expertise to carry out such activities. (3) Funding.--Amounts made available for administrative fees under section 8(q) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437f(q)) shall be available for carrying out the program under this subsection. (4) Regulations.--Not later than the expiration of the 12- month period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall issue any regulations necessary to establish the Program required under this subsection. SEC. 6. HUD DISCLOSURE OF LANDLORD COMPLAINTS. (a) Public Disclosure.--The Secretary shall publicly disclose, on a website of the Department and on a timely basis, information regarding each complaint received under the Program establish pursuant to section 5(b), which shall include for each such complaint-- (1) the nature of the complaint; (2) the date on which such complaint was submitted to the Department; (3) the disposition, as of the time of such disclosure, of such complaint; and (4) information identifying the multifamily housing project to which such complaint relates. (b) Reports to Congress.--The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall submit a report annually to the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate summarizing the complaints described in subsection (a) that were received by the Department during the preceding year and describing the disposition to such date of such complaints. SEC. 7. TAX CREDIT INCENTIVE FOR MAINTENANCE OF MULTIFAMILY HOUSING WITH VOUCHER USER TENANTS. (a) In General.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new section: ``SEC. 45AA. LOW-INCOME HOUSING MAINTENANCE CREDIT. ``(a) In General.--For purposes of section 38, in the case of an eligible landlord, the low-income housing maintenance credit determined under this section for the taxable year is an amount equal to the amount of the taxpayer's low-income housing maintenance expenses for such taxable year. ``(b) Limitations.-- ``(1) Per unit limitation.--The credit allowed under subsection (a) with respect to any taxpayer for any taxable year shall not exceed the product of $2,500 multiplied by the number of low-income housing units owned by the taxpayer. ``(2) Per building limitation.--The credit allowed under subsection (a) with respect to any taxpayer for any taxable year shall not exceed the product of $100,000 multiplied by the number of eligible low-income housing projects owned by the taxpayer. ``(3) Per taxpayer limitation.--The credit allowed under subsection (a) with respect to any taxpayer for any taxable year shall not exceed $500,000. ``(c) Eligible Landlord.--For purposes of this section, the term `eligible landlord' means any taxpayer for any taxable year if-- ``(1) such taxpayer owns one or more eligible low-income housing projects during such taxable year, and ``(2) either-- ``(A) each complaint that is filed, under the program under section 5(b) of the Landlord Accountability Act of 2023, during such taxable year with respect to a dwelling unit in an eligible low- income housing project owned by such taxpayer has been determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to have been remedied not later than the date which is 30 days after the date on which such complaint is so filed, or ``(B) no such complaint has been filed with respect to such a dwelling unit in such a housing project owned by such taxpayer during such taxable year. ``(d) Other Definitions.--For purposes of this section-- ``(1) Low-income housing maintenance expenses.--The term `low-income housing maintenance expenses' means the aggregate amount paid or incurred by the taxpayer during the taxable year for maintenance or improvement of low-income housing units. ``(2) Eligible low-income housing project.--The term `eligible low-income housing project' means, with respect to a taxable year, a housing project-- ``(A) that consists of five or more dwelling units at least one of which was occupied during such year by a family who rented the dwelling unit using a voucher for rental assistance under section 8(o) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437f(o)); and ``(B) with respect to which the eligible landlord has entered into such binding agreements as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall require to ensure that rents for dwelling units in the project do not, at any time after the taxable year in which a low-income housing maintenance credit under this section is allowable, exceed the applicable fair market rental under section 8(c) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437f(c)) for the market area in which the project is located. ``(3) Low-income housing unit.--The term `low-income housing unit' means a dwelling unit within an eligible low- income housing project. ``(e) Aggregation Rule.--All persons treated as a single employer under subsection (a) or (b) of section 52 or subsection (m) or (o) of section 414 shall be treated as one person for purposes of applying this section. The credit determined under subsection (a) (after application of subsection (b)) shall be allocated among such persons in such manner as the Secretary may prescribe. ``(f) Termination.--No credit shall be determined under this section with respect to any taxable year beginning after December 31, 2033.''. (b) Credit To Be Part of General Business Credit.--Section 38(b) of such Code is amended by striking ``plus'' at the end of paragraph (37), by striking the period at the end of paragraph (38) and inserting ``, plus'', and by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(39) in the case of an eligible landlord (as defined in section 45AA(c)), the low-income housing maintenance credit determined under section 45AA.''. (c) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 of such Code is amended by adding at the end the following new item: ``Sec. 45AA. Low-income housing maintenance credit.''. (d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2023. SEC. 8. PUBLIC DISPLAY OF TENANT'S RIGHTS AND COMPLAINT LINE. (a) Required Display.--An owner of a multifamily housing project which qualifies for assistance within the jurisdiction of the Department (as such term is defined in section 102(m) of the Department of Housing and Urban Reform Act of 1989 (42 U.S.C. 3545 (m)) shall display, at all times and in clear and conspicuous location on each floor of such project that contains any dwelling unit, a written notice that includes-- (1) a statement describing the rights under Federal law afforded to tenants of the project; (2) the phone number for the Multifamily Housing Complaint Line established and operated by the Multifamily Housing Clearinghouse; and (3) the phone number for a regional or local office of the Department which can provide tenants additional information regarding State and local resources for tenants. (b) Civil Money Penalty.--Any person who is found by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, after notice and opportunity for a hearing in accordance with section 554 of title 5, United States Code, to have failed to make a good faith effort to display notice complying with subsection (a) may be assessed a civil money penalty by the Secretary in the amount of $500 for each day of each such failure, except that the Secretary shall waive such penalty in any case in which an owner cures such violation within the 5-day period beginning upon notice by the Secretary of such violation. (c) Model Notice.-- (1) Development.--Not later than the expiration of the 12- month period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall develop and publish in the Federal Register a model notice that fulfills the requirements under subsection (a)(1). (2) Availability.--The Secretary shall make copies of the notice developed pursuant to paragraph (1) available, upon request, to owners of multifamily housing projects. (d) Applicability.--Subsections (a) and (b) shall apply beginning upon the expiration of the 60-day period that begins on the date that the Secretary publishes notice in the Federal Register pursuant to subsection (c)(1). (e) Regulations.--Not later than the expiration of the 180-day period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall issue regulations to carry out this section. SEC. 9. GRANTS FOR TENANT HARASSMENT PREVENTION PROGRAMS. (a) Authority.--The Secretary may, to the extent amounts are made available for grants under this section, make grants to States, Indian tribes, units of local government, and nonprofit, nongovernmental affordable housing organizations to develop, expand, or assist tenant harassment prevention programs. (b) Tenant Harassment Prevention Program.--For purposes of this section, the term ``tenant harassment prevention program'' means any program or activities designed to protect, assist, or educate tenants of residential rental dwelling units regarding harassing or illegal behavior by their landlords intended to force the tenant to vacate the dwelling unit or surrender any of their rights as tenants. Such term includes programs and activities providing legal assistance, counseling, education, intervention, complaint processes. (c) Federal Share.--The amount of a grant under this section for any tenant harassment prevention program may not exceed 75 percent of the total costs of the program or activities to be carried out, including administrative costs. (d) Applications.--The Secretary shall provide for eligible entities specified in subsection (a) to apply for grants under this section, which applications shall describe the tenant harassment prevention program to be assisted with grant amounts, the activities to be carried out under the program, and the projected costs of such activities. (e) Selection.--The Secretary shall select applicants to receive grants based on criteria that the Secretary shall establish. (f) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated $25,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2024 through 2028 for grants under this section. SEC. 10. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Act, the following definitions shall apply: (1) Multifamily housing project.--The term ``multifamily housing project'' means a housing project consisting of five or more dwelling units. (2) Rental assistance voucher.--The term ``rental assistance voucher'' means a voucher for rental assistance made available under section 8(o) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437f(o)). (3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. (4) Voucher user.--The term ``voucher user'' means a family who is renting a dwelling unit using a rental assistance voucher. SEC. 11. REGULATIONS. The Secretary may issue any regulations necessary to carry out this Act. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Housing and Community Development", "Civil actions and liability", "Congressional oversight", "Department of Housing and Urban Development", "Employee hiring", "Government employee pay, benefits, personnel management", "Government information and archives", "Housing discrimination", "Income tax credits", "Intergovernmental relations", "Landlord and tenant", "Low- and moderate-income housing", "Residential rehabilitation and home repair" ]
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[ [ "W000815", "Rep. Wenstrup, Brad R. [R-OH-2]", "sponsor" ], [ "P000613", "Rep. Panetta, Jimmy [D-CA-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000576", "Rep. Grothman, Glenn [R-WI-6]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p> <strong>VSO Equal Tax Treatment Act or the VETT Act </strong></p> <p>This bill expands the deductibility of charitable contributions to all federally-chartered tax-exempt organizations serving current and former members of the Armed Forces.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1432 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1432 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for the deductibility of charitable contributions to certain organizations for members of the Armed Forces. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Mr. Wenstrup (for himself and Mr. Panetta) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for the deductibility of charitable contributions to certain organizations for members of the Armed Forces. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``VSO Equal Tax Treatment Act'' or as the ``VETT Act''. SEC. 2. DEDUCTIBILITY OF CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS TO CERTAIN ORGANIZATIONS FOR MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES. (a) In General.-- (1) Definition of a charitable contribution.--Section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by inserting after paragraph (5) the following new paragraph: ``(6) An organization described in section 501(c)(19) that is a federally chartered corporation.''. (2) Percentage limitation.--Section 170(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ``or'' at the end of clause (viii), by adding ``or'' at the end of clause (ix), and by inserting after clause (ix) the following new clause: ``(x) an organization described in section 501(c)(19) that is a federally chartered corporation,''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to taxable years beginning after the date of enactment of this Act. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Taxation", "Charitable contributions", "Income tax deductions", "Veterans' organizations and recognition" ]
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Philippine Human Rights Act
[ [ "W000826", "Rep. Wild, Susan [D-PA-7]", "sponsor" ], [ "S001145", "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000586", "Rep. Garcia, Jesus G. \"Chuy\" [D-IL-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000312", "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000607", "Rep. Pocan, Mark [D-WI-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000606", "Rep. Raskin, Jamie [D-MD-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "O000173", "Rep. Omar, Ilhan [D-MN-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000585", "Rep. Gomez, Jimmy [D-CA-34]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000551", "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000147", "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000130", "Rep. Vargas, Juan [D-CA-52]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001177", "Del. Sablan, Gregorio Kilili Camacho [D-MP-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B000574", "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000599", "Rep. Goldman, Daniel S. [D-NY-10]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001080", "Rep. Chu, Judy [D-CA-28]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000298", "Rep. Jayapal, Pramila [D-WA-7]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1433 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1433 To suspend the provision of security assistance to the Philippines until the Government of the Philippines has made certain reforms to the military and police forces, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2023 Ms. Wild (for herself, Ms. Schakowsky, Mr. Garcia of Illinois, Mr. McGovern, Mr. Pocan, Mr. Raskin, Ms. Omar, Mr. Gomez, Mr. Grijalva, and Ms. Norton) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on Financial Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To suspend the provision of security assistance to the Philippines until the Government of the Philippines has made certain reforms to the military and police forces, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Philippine Human Rights Act''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) The United States State Department's 2021 Human Rights Report on the Philippines found ``significant human rights issues'' in the country, including ``extrajudicial killings, by and on behalf of the government and nonstate actors; reports of forced disappearance by and on behalf of the government and nonstate actors; torture by and on behalf of the government and nonstate actors; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary detention by and on behalf of the government and nonstate actors; serious problems with the independence of the judiciary.'' The Report also notes, ``serious restrictions on free expression and media, including violence, threats of violence, and unjustified arrests or prosecutions of journalists, censorship, and the use of criminal libel laws to punish journalists; high-level and widespread government corruption; serious government restrictions on or harassment of domestic human rights organizations; and threats and violence against labor activists''. (2) The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), reported in September 2022, that major human rights issues persist in the Philippines, including, ``harassment, threats, arrests, attacks, red-tagging against civil society actors, as well as the continued drug related killings by police,'' and, ``access to justice for victims of human rights violations and abuses remained very limited''. (3) A 2021 international independent investigation, Investigate Philippines, found that since 2020, ``the perpetuation of human rights violations by State forces has become more institutionalized, streamlined, and entrenched, and domestic remedies for such violations are insufficient, ineffective at providing redress and halting continued abuses''. Said investigation further found: police and military forces are perpetuating violations and obstructing justice; investigations are not impartial; mechanisms for civilians to hold police and military accountable are failing; court protections are inaccessible, slow and discriminatory; government forces are orchestrating political repression and militarizing governance; counterinsurgency activities are targeting lawyers and denying victims access to counsel; efforts to challenge unjust laws through legal channels are being dismissed; public institutions and bodies which should provide checks and balances or oversight have been eviscerated or lack clout. (4) In a 2023 report, Human Rights Watch reports there has been ``no letup'' in the War on drugs in the Philippines under the Ferdinand Marcos Jr. administration, which leading human rights organizations estimate took up to 30,000 lives under former President Rodrigo Duterte. (5) According to the Joint Report of Trade Unions to the International Labor Organization, from 2019 to the beginning of 2023, there have been 16 killing of trade unionists, two cases of forced disappearances, 68 cases of arrests and detention, 90 cases of forced disaffiliation, 58 cases of red-tagging, and 127 cases of intimidation of union leaders and members. Additionally, the Report notes that the Government of the Philippines has failed to act on any previous recommendations by the International Labor Organization to protect workers' rights, and responded directly to recommendations that, ``it requires further clarification as to what constitutes effective measures to prevent violence against workers; what constitutes immediate and effective investigation''. (6) In 2022, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) listed the Philippines as one of the ``10 worst countries in the world for working people'' for the sixth consecutive year. In its 2022 report, the ITUC stated: ``Workers and their representatives in the Philippines remained particularly vulnerable to violent attacks, intimidation and arbitrary arrests. Trade unionists, maliciously red-tagged by President Duterte, remained under immediate threat from the police and the army, which conducted targeted raids against them. Over 50 trade unionists have been killed since President Duterte came to power in 2016''. (7) In the first six months of the Marcos administration alone, the Alliance for Advancement of People's Rights (Karapatan) has documented 17 extrajudicial killings, 165 illegal arrests, 9,159 forced evacuations, and 357,726 cases of harassment and intimidation. (8) In 2021, the international NGO Global Witness declared the Philippines to be the deadliest country in Asia for environmental activists for the ninth consecutive year. Since President Duterte took office in 2016, 30 environmentalists, 54 indigenous people, and 207 farmers and peasants have been extrajudicially killed. Included in the targeting of environmental activists during this timeframe, was United States citizen, Brandon Lee, who was subjected to an assassination attempt on August 6, 2019. Brandon Lee has been subjected to repeated threats and harassment by the Philippine military due to his advocacy relating to the land and rights of indigenous people in Ifugao province and the surrounding Cordillera region of the Philippines. While Brandon Lee survived the attack, he has been left paralyzed and his assailants have not been brought to justice. (9) Philippine State actors have targeted lawyers, judges, and politicians for repression. According to the National Union of Peoples' Lawyers, 133 Filipino lawyers have been murdered over the past 40 years, with 59 being murdered during Duterte's 6-year term as President. (10) Since February 2017, Senator Leila de Lima, vocal critic of the Government of the Philippines' human rights violations, has been jailed on spurious charges. Amnesty International, other leading human rights organizations, and the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights have documented the fabricated charges, coerced testimonies, and other violations of Senator de Lima's rights that have occurred. This case reflects a broader pattern, with authorities in the Philippines consistently targeting political opposition leaders through politically motivated, spurious charges. (11) It is widely recognized that the Government of the Philippines silences dissent and the press. In May 2020, ABS- CBN, one of the Philippines' two major sources of news, and an occasional critic of Duterte's policies, was forced off air due to the denial of a franchise license by the Congress of the Philippines, at the behest of the Duterte administration. Similarly, Maria Ressa, a vocal critic of the repressive practices of State security forces, recipient of the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize, and founder of the digital news site Rappler was convicted of cyber libel in June 2020. Multiple journalists critical of the Government, including Percy Lapid--a radio broadcaster and critic of the Marcos administration who was killed in October 2022--have been murdered since the beginning of the Marcos administration. And according to Freedom House's 2022 report on the Philippines, ``impunity remains the norm for violent crimes against activists and journalists''. (12) On March 7, 2021, nine activists were killed in a joint operation conducted by the Philippine National Police and the Armed Forces of the Philippines in an event widely referred to as ``Bloody Sunday'' in the Philippines. Included in those who were killed by State security forces was labor leader Emmanuel ``Manny'' Asuncion. The Philippines' Department of Justice has declined to prosecute individuals implicated in the murder of Manny Asuncion, as well as in the murders of other activists. This failure to bring perpetrators to justice reflects the systemic lack of accountability within Philippine State security forces and prosecutorial agencies. (13) On July 3, 2020, the Anti-Terrorism Act of the Philippines was passed into law. While purporting to counter terrorism, the bill rolls back many civil liberties by lessening requirements for judicial warrants, allows for extended pre-trial detention, and allows for the prosecution of conduct that is considered protected political speech. The Anti-Terrorism Act is viewed by many as a threat to Freedom of Speech in the Philippines. Representative Jan Schakowsky, along with 49 other members of the United States Congress, urged the Government of the Philippines to repeal ``this repressive legislation''. (14) The practice of ``red-tagging'', wherein the Government labels activists, critics, and non-governmental organizations as terrorists, has been growing in the Philippines, including the red-tagging of overseas Filipinos, United States citizens, and Philippine election observers. This tactic is used to isolate individuals or groups and chill political speech, and in many cases, mark them for harassment or assassination by Philippines security or paramilitary forces. (15) The Government of the Philippines fails to cooperate in matters of international law, including the International Criminal Court investigation into alleged crimes committed in the Philippines between November 1, 2011, and March 16, 2019, in the context of the so-called ``war on drugs'' campaign. (16) The Armed Forces of the Philippines uses tactics of strafing and aerial bombings in military operations that have killed dozens and displaced thousands of civilians. In 2017, Armed Forces conducted a widespread bombing campaign on Marawi City, displacing 400,000 people and destroying the city. In 2019, AFP bombings in Mindanao displaced 300 Indigenous People. In November 2021, peace advocates called for a stop to ongoing aerial bombings in Bukidnon. In February 2022, the Armed Forces dropped at least 30 bombs in Cagayan Valley where there is a population of 41,680 people. In October 2022, the 94th infantry battalion conducted strafing and bombings in Negros Occidental, resulting in over 15,000 evacuees. (17) The United States continues to provide robust assistance to state security forces of the Philippines. Despite clear documentation of abuses and international condemnation, in April 2020, the United States announced a pair of arms sales totaling $2,000,000,000 for items including hellfire missiles and attack helicopters. In July 2020, the United States announced an additional sale of $126,000,000 worth of assault boats and armaments. In October 2022, the United States provided $100,000,000 in military financing. SEC. 3. SUSPENSION OF SECURITY ASSISTANCE. (a) Suspension of Security Assistance.--No Federal funds are authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available to provide assistance for the police or military of the Philippines, including assistance in the form of equipment or training, until the date described in subsection (d). (b) Loans From Multilateral Development Banks.--The President shall instruct United States representatives at multilateral development banks to vote against providing any loans to the police or military of the Philippines. (c) Report Required.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Inspectors General of the Department of State and Department of Defense shall jointly submit to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a report that-- (1) specifies all forms of security assistance or loans made available to the Philippine National Police or the Armed Forces of the Philippines, including any organizations or individuals operating with the authority of the Philippine National Police or the Armed Forces of the Philippines, by the United States or by multilateral development banks during the period beginning January 1, 2016, and ending on the date of the submission of the report; (2) contains all reports generated by recipients of United States security assistance or loans from multilateral development banks to the Philippines with respect to the use, investment, or transfer of such assistance or loans; and (3) details any and all misuses of security assistance and loans during the period beginning January 1, 2016, and ending on the date of the submission of the report by the Philippine National Police, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, or any affiliated groups or individuals, such as extrajudicial killings, intimidation of political opponents, illegal sales under Philippine or international law, or misappropriation. (d) Conditions for Lifting Suspension of Assistance.--The suspension of security assistance under subsection (a) shall terminate on the date on which the Secretary of State certifies to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate that the Government of the Philippines has-- (1) investigated and successfully prosecuted members of military and police forces who have violated human rights, ensured that the military and police cooperated in such cases, and affirmed that such violations have ceased; (2) withdrawn the military from involvement in domestic policing activities, in accordance with the Philippine Constitution, and ensured that all domestic police functions are separated from the military chain of command and are instead directly responsible to civilian authorities; (3) established that it effectively protects the rights of trade unionists, journalists, human rights defenders, critics of the Government, faith and religious leaders, and other civil society activists to operate without interference; (4) taken effective steps to guarantee a judicial system that is capable of investigating, prosecuting, and bringing to justice members of the police and military who have committed human rights abuses; and (5) fully complied with domestic and United States audits and investigations regarding the improper use of prior security assistance. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "International Affairs" ]
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "S001145", "district": 9, "firstName": "JANICE", "fullName": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middleName": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000586", "district": 4, "firstName": "Jesus", "fullName": "Rep. Garcia, Jesus G. \"Chuy\" [D-IL-4]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Garcia", "middleName": "G.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M000312", "district": 2, "firstName": "JAMES", "fullName": "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "MCGOVERN", "middleName": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000607", "district": 2, "firstName": "Mark", "fullName": "Rep. Pocan, Mark [D-WI-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Pocan", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WI", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "R000606", "district": 8, "firstName": "Jamie", "fullName": "Rep. Raskin, Jamie [D-MD-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Raskin", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MD", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "O000173", "district": 5, "firstName": "Ilhan", "fullName": "Rep. Omar, Ilhan [D-MN-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Omar", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000585", "district": 34, "firstName": "Jimmy", "fullName": "Rep. Gomez, Jimmy [D-CA-34]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Gomez", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000551", "district": 7, "firstName": "Raúl", "fullName": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Grijalva", "middleName": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "AZ", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "N000147", "district": 0, "firstName": "ELEANOR", "fullName": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "NORTON", "middleName": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-07", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "DC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "V000130", "district": 52, "firstName": "Juan", "fullName": "Rep. Vargas, Juan [D-CA-52]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Vargas", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-30", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001177", "district": 0, "firstName": "Gregorio", "fullName": "Del. Sablan, Gregorio Kilili Camacho [D-MP-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Sablan", "middleName": "Kilili Camacho", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-30", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "MP", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B000574", "district": 3, "firstName": "EARL", "fullName": "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "BLUMENAUER", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-30", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "OR", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000599", "district": 10, "firstName": "Daniel", "fullName": "Rep. Goldman, Daniel S. [D-NY-10]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Goldman", "middleName": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-30", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NY", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001080", "district": 28, "firstName": "Judy", "fullName": "Rep. Chu, Judy [D-CA-28]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Chu", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-09", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "J000298", "district": 7, "firstName": "Pramila", "fullName": "Rep. Jayapal, Pramila [D-WA-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": false, "lastName": "Jayapal", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-05-25", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "WA", "url": "" } ], "pagination": { "count": 15, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 15, "prev": null }, "request": { "billNumber": "1433", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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Stop Our Sexual Assault in the Military Act
[ [ "L000596", "Rep. Luna, Anna Paulina [R-FL-13]", "sponsor" ], [ "M001217", "Rep. Moskowitz, Jared [D-FL-23]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000246", "Rep. Edwards, Chuck [R-NC-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001219", "Del. Moylan, James C. [R-GU-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001120", "Rep. Crenshaw, Dan [R-TX-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000578", "Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000599", "Rep. Posey, Bill [R-FL-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000478", "Rep. Fry, Russell [R-SC-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000032", "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001072", "Rep. Carson, Andre [D-IN-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001214", "Rep. Steube, W. Gregory [R-FL-17]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000194", "Rep. Mace, Nancy [R-SC-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B000825", "Rep. Boebert, Lauren [R-CO-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000628", "Rep. Dunn, Neal P. [R-FL-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001136", "Rep. McClain, Lisa C. [R-MI-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000600", "Rep. Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL-26]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000624", "Rep. Dingell, Debbie [D-MI-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000230", "Rep. Davis, Donald G. [D-NC-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000582", "Resident Commissioner González-Colón, Jenniffer [R-PR-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000619", "Rep. Peltola, Mary Sattler [D-AK-At Large]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p><b>Stop Our Sexual Assault in the Military Act</b></p> <p>This bill requires servicemembers on active duty to receive self-defense training to combat sexual assault. Such training must occur once a month.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1434 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1434 To amend title 10, United States Code, to require a member of the Armed Forces serving on active duty to receive self defense training once a month to combat sexual assault. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 8, 2023 Mrs. Luna (for herself, Mr. Moskowitz, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Moylan, Mr. Crenshaw, Mr. Gaetz, Mr. Posey, Mr. Fry, Mr. Donalds, Mr. Carson, Mr. Steube, Ms. Mace, Mrs. Boebert, Mr. Dunn of Florida, Mrs. McClain, and Mr. Diaz-Balart) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend title 10, United States Code, to require a member of the Armed Forces serving on active duty to receive self defense training once a month to combat sexual assault. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Stop Our Sexual Assault in the Military Act''. SEC. 2. MONTHLY SELF DEFENSE TRAINING TO COMBAT SEXUAL ASSAULT FOR A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES SERVING ON ACTIVE DUTY. (a) Establishment.--Chapter 101 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new section: ``Sec. 2018. Monthly self defense training to combat sexual assault ``One day of physical training each month for a member serving on active duty shall consist of self defense training to combat sexual assault.''. (b) Rule of Construction.--Section 2018 of such title, as added by subsection (a), shall not be construed to increase the number of days of training required for a member of the Armed Forces serving on active duty. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Assault and harassment offenses", "Military education and training", "Sex offenses", "Violent crime" ]
{ "bill": { "actions": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "amendments": null, "cboCostEstimates": null, "committeeReports": null, "committees": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "congress": 118, "constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 44 (Wednesday, March 8, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mrs. LUNA:\nH.R. 1434.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle 1 Section 8 cl. 14\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nSelf defense/combat training for active duty service\nmembers\n[Page H1207]\n</pre>", "cosponsors": { "count": 19, "countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors": 19, "url": "" }, "introducedDate": "2023-03-08", "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2023-03-08", "actionTime": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services." }, "laws": null, "number": "1434", "originChamber": "House", "policyArea": { "name": "Armed Forces and National Security" }, "relatedBills": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "L000596", "district": 13, "firstName": "Anna Paulina", "fullName": "Rep. Luna, Anna Paulina [R-FL-13]", "isByRequest": "N", "lastName": "Luna", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "state": "FL", "url": "" } ], "subjects": { "count": 5, "url": "" }, "summaries": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "textVersions": { "count": 1, "url": "" }, "title": "Stop Our Sexual Assault in the Military Act", "titles": { "count": 3, "url": "" }, "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2023-06-08T12:51:59Z", "updateDateIncludingText": "2023-06-08T12:51:59Z" }, "request": { "billNumber": "1434", "billType": "hr", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "M001217", "district": 23, "firstName": "Jared", "fullName": "Rep. Moskowitz, Jared [D-FL-23]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Moskowitz", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "E000246", "district": 11, "firstName": "Chuck", "fullName": "Rep. Edwards, Chuck [R-NC-11]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Edwards", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "NC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M001219", "district": 0, "firstName": "James", "fullName": "Del. Moylan, James C. [R-GU-At Large]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Moylan", "middleName": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "GU", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001120", "district": 2, "firstName": "Dan", "fullName": "Rep. Crenshaw, Dan [R-TX-2]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Crenshaw", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "TX", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "G000578", "district": 1, "firstName": "Matt", "fullName": "Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Gaetz", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "P000599", "district": 8, "firstName": "Bill", "fullName": "Rep. Posey, Bill [R-FL-8]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Posey", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "F000478", "district": 7, "firstName": "Russell", "fullName": "Rep. Fry, Russell [R-SC-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Fry", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "SC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000032", "district": 19, "firstName": "Byron", "fullName": "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Donalds", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "C001072", "district": 7, "firstName": "Andre", "fullName": "Rep. Carson, Andre [D-IN-7]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Carson", "middleName": null, "party": "D", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "IN", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "S001214", "district": 17, "firstName": "W.", "fullName": "Rep. Steube, W. Gregory [R-FL-17]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Steube", "middleName": "Gregory", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "M000194", "district": 1, "firstName": "Nancy", "fullName": "Rep. Mace, Nancy [R-SC-1]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Mace", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "SC", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B000825", "district": 3, "firstName": "Lauren", "fullName": "Rep. Boebert, Lauren [R-CO-3]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Boebert", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CO", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "D000628", "district": 2, "firstName": "Neal", "fullName": "Rep. Dunn, Neal P. 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Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act
[ [ "J000302", "Rep. Joyce, John [R-PA-13]", "sponsor" ], [ "L000566", "Rep. Latta, Robert E. [R-OH-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001257", "Rep. Bilirakis, Gus M. [R-FL-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "O000019", "Rep. Obernolte, Jay [R-CA-23]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000294", "Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001196", "Rep. Stefanik, Elise M. [R-NY-21]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001114", "Rep. Curtis, John R. [R-UT-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000599", "Rep. Posey, Bill [R-FL-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001306", "Rep. Balderson, Troy [R-OH-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000610", "Rep. Reschenthaler, Guy [R-PA-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000048", "Rep. Pfluger, August [R-TX-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "R000614", "Rep. Roy, Chip [R-TX-21]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001222", "Rep. Miller, Max L. [R-OH-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "V000134", "Rep. Van Duyne, Beth [R-TX-24]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000475", "Rep. Finstad, Brad [R-MN-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "N000026", "Rep. Nehls, Troy E. [R-TX-22]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001199", "Rep. Mast, Brian J. [R-FL-21]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000615", "Rep. Pence, Greg [R-IN-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000804", "Rep. Wittman, Robert J. [R-VA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000589", "Rep. Gooden, Lance [R-TX-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000377", "Rep. Armstrong, Kelly [R-ND-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000292", "Rep. Johnson, Bill [R-OH-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000304", "Rep. Jackson, Ronny [R-TX-13]", "cosponsor" ], [ "I000056", "Rep. Issa, Darrell E. [R-CA-48]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B000825", "Rep. Boebert, Lauren [R-CO-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000591", "Rep. Guest, Michael [R-MS-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000071", "Rep. Ellzey, Jake [R-TX-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000814", "Rep. Weber, Randy K., Sr. [R-TX-14]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S000522", "Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001077", "Rep. Higgins, Clay [R-LA-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001067", "Rep. Hudson, Richard [R-NC-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001120", "Rep. Crenshaw, Dan [R-TX-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001103", "Rep. Carter, Earl L. \"Buddy\" [R-GA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001195", "Rep. Smith, Jason [R-MO-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001295", "Rep. Bost, Mike [R-IL-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001086", "Rep. Harshbarger, Diana [R-TN-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000446", "Rep. Feenstra, Randy [R-IA-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000816", "Rep. Williams, Roger [R-TX-25]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000032", "Rep. Donalds, Byron [R-FL-19]", "cosponsor" ], [ "O000086", "Rep. Owens, Burgess [R-UT-4]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000798", "Rep. Walberg, Tim [R-MI-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001215", "Rep. Miller-Meeks, Mariannette [R-IA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001189", "Rep. Scott, Austin [R-GA-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "G000568", "Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan [R-VA-9]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001218", "Rep. McCormick, Richard [R-GA-6]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B000740", "Rep. Bice, Stephanie I. [R-OK-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001212", "Rep. Stauber, Pete [R-MN-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "A000372", "Rep. Allen, Rick W. [R-GA-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000578", "Rep. LaMalfa, Doug [R-CA-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001082", "Rep. Hern, Kevin [R-OK-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "K000376", "Rep. Kelly, Mike [R-PA-16]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000266", "Rep. LaTurner, Jake [R-KS-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000615", "Rep. Duncan, Jeff [R-SC-3]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000463", "Rep. Turner, Michael R. [R-OH-10]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001248", "Rep. Burgess, Michael C. [R-TX-26]", "cosponsor" ], [ "W000815", "Rep. Wenstrup, Brad R. [R-OH-2]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000871", "Rep. Mann, Tracey [R-KS-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001199", "Rep. Smucker, Lloyd [R-PA-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "P000605", "Rep. Perry, Scott [R-PA-10]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001126", "Rep. Carey, Mike [R-OH-15]", "cosponsor" ], [ "T000478", "Rep. Tenney, Claudia [R-NY-24]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001135", "Rep. Steel, Michelle [R-CA-45]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001095", "Rep. Hunt, Wesley [R-TX-38]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000246", "Rep. Edwards, Chuck [R-NC-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000469", "Rep. Fulcher, Russ [R-ID-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001275", "Rep. Bucshon, Larry [R-IN-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "F000470", "Rep. Fischbach, Michelle [R-MN-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001108", "Rep. Comer, James [R-KY-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M001156", "Rep. McHenry, Patrick T. [R-NC-10]", "cosponsor" ], [ "D000594", "Rep. De La Cruz, Monica [R-TX-15]", "cosponsor" ], [ "L000589", "Rep. Lesko, Debbie [R-AZ-8]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000301", "Rep. Johnson, Dusty [R-SD-At Large]", "cosponsor" ], [ "E000298", "Rep. Estes, Ron [R-KS-4]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1435 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1435 To amend the Clean Air Act to prevent the elimination of the sale of internal combustion engines. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 8, 2023 Mr. Joyce of Pennsylvania (for himself, Mr. Latta, Mr. Bilirakis, Mr. Obernolte, Mr. Emmer, Ms. Stefanik, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Posey, Mr. Balderson, Mr. Reschenthaler, Mr. Pfluger, Mr. Roy, Mr. Miller of Ohio, Ms. Van Duyne, Mr. Finstad, Mr. Nehls, Mr. Mast, Mr. Pence, Mr. Wittman, Mr. Gooden of Texas, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Johnson of Ohio, Mr. Jackson of Texas, Mr. Issa, Mrs. Boebert, Mr. Guest, Mr. Ellzey, Mr. Weber of Texas, Mr. Smith of New Jersey, Mr. Higgins of Louisiana, Mr. Hudson, Mr. Crenshaw, Mr. Carter of Georgia, Mr. Smith of Missouri, Mr. Bost, Mrs. Harshbarger, Mr. Feenstra, Mr. Williams of Texas, Mr. Donalds, Mr. Owens, Mr. Walberg, Mrs. Miller-Meeks, Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia, Mr. Griffith, Mr. McCormick, Mrs. Bice, Mr. Stauber, Mr. Allen, Mr. LaMalfa, Mr. Hern, Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania, Mr. LaTurner, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Turner, Mr. Burgess, Mr. Wenstrup, Mr. Mann, Mr. Smucker, Mr. Perry, and Mr. Carey) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Clean Air Act to prevent the elimination of the sale of internal combustion engines. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act''. SEC. 2. STATE STANDARDS. (a) Amendments.--Section 209(b) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7543(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1)-- (A) in subparagraph (B), by striking the ``or'' at the end; (B) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``part.'' and inserting ``part, or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(D) such State standards directly or indirectly limit the sale or use of new motor vehicles with internal combustion engines, as such term is defined in section 63.9375 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect January 1, 2023.''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) The Administrator may not determine that any State standards amended after the date of enactment of this paragraph are within the scope of a waiver granted under paragraph (1) before the date of enactment of this paragraph.''. (b) Effect on Certain Existing Waivers.--The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall revoke a waiver granted under section 209(b) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7543(b)) during the period that begins on January 1, 2022, and ends on the date of enactment of this Act if the Administrator finds that such waiver does not comply with subparagraph (D) of section 209(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7543(b)(1)), as added by this Act. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Environmental Protection" ]
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{ "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-08T15:01:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2023-03-17T18:26:19Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Environment, Manufacturing, and Critical Materials Subcommittee", "systemCode": "hsif18", "url": "" } ], "systemCode": "hsif00", "type": "Standing", "url": "" } ], "request": { "billNumber": "1435", "billType": "hr", "billUrl": "", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json" } }
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{ "cosponsors": [ { "bioguideId": "L000566", "district": 5, "firstName": "Robert", "fullName": "Rep. Latta, Robert E. [R-OH-5]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Latta", "middleName": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "OH", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "B001257", "district": 12, "firstName": "Gus", "fullName": "Rep. Bilirakis, Gus M. [R-FL-12]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Bilirakis", "middleName": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "FL", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "O000019", "district": 23, "firstName": "Jay", "fullName": "Rep. Obernolte, Jay [R-CA-23]", "isOriginalCosponsor": true, "lastName": "Obernolte", "middleName": null, "party": "R", "sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-08", "sponsorshipWithdrawnDate": null, "state": "CA", "url": "" }, { "bioguideId": "E000294", "district": 6, "firstName": "Tom", "fullName": "Rep. 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To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions.
[ [ "S001157", "Rep. Scott, David [D-GA-13]", "sponsor" ], [ "A000370", "Rep. Adams, Alma S. [D-NC-12]", "cosponsor" ], [ "S001185", "Rep. Sewell, Terri A. [D-AL-7]", "cosponsor" ], [ "C001130", "Rep. Crockett, Jasmine [D-TX-30]", "cosponsor" ], [ "B001313", "Rep. Brown, Shontel M. [D-OH-11]", "cosponsor" ], [ "J000309", "Rep. Jackson, Jonathan L. [D-IL-1]", "cosponsor" ], [ "H001081", "Rep. Hayes, Jahana [D-CT-5]", "cosponsor" ], [ "M000312", "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2]", "cosponsor" ] ]
<p>This bill provides specified funds to the 1890 Scholarships Program for FY2025 and each succeeding year for student scholarships. The bill also permanently reauthorizes the 1890 Scholarships Program. This National Institute of Food and Agriculture program provides grants to 1890 Institutions (i.e., historically Black colleges and universities that belong to the U.S. land-grant university system) for students who intend to pursue a career in the food and agricultural sciences.</p>
<html><body><pre>[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1436 Introduced in House (IH)] &lt;DOC&gt; 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1436 To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 8, 2023 Mr. David Scott of Georgia (for himself, Ms. Adams, Ms. Sewell, Ms. Crockett, Ms. Brown, Mr. Jackson of Illinois, Mrs. Hayes, and Mr. McGovern) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDENTS AT 1890 INSTITUTIONS. (a) In General.--Section 1446(b) of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a(b)) is amended-- (1) by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (3) and (4), respectively; (2) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following: ``(2) Continuing mandatory funding.--Of the funds of the Commodity Credit Corporation, the Secretary shall make available to carry out this section $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2025 and each fiscal year thereafter, to remain available until expended.''; and (3) in paragraph (3) (as so redesignated), by striking ``each of fiscal years 2020 through 2023'' and inserting ``fiscal year 2020 and each fiscal year thereafter''. (b) Conforming Amendments.--Section 1446 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(3), by striking ``subsection (b)(1)'' and inserting ``paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (b)''; and (2) in paragraph (4) of subsection (b) (as redesignated by subsection (a)(1)), by striking ``paragraphs (1) and (2)'' and inserting ``paragraphs (1), (2), and (3)''. &lt;all&gt; </pre></body></html>
[ "Agriculture and Food", "Education" ]
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