834 values
833 values
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Cubone and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Forbidden Light and the flavor text: The skull it wears on its head is that of its dead mother. According to some, it will evolve when it comes to terms with the pain of her death. It has the attack Burdensome Bone with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40 with the description: This Pokemon can't attack during your next turn. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Ground attributes, the edge of the skull is cracked, the bone is held in the hand, the body is brown, the belly is flaxen, and the tail is short
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Combee and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Majestic Dawn and the flavor text: It collects and delivers honey to its colony. At night, they cluster to form a beehive and sleep. It has the attack Honey Scent with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Remove 2 damage counters from 1 of your Pokemon. It has the attack Flitter with the cost Grass, Grass, the energy cost 2 with the description: Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 20 damage to that Pokemon. This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness or Resistance. It has weakness against Fire +10. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
Insect attributes, like three beehives, each beehive has a face, each of the above two faces has an antennae, and each side has a wing
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Tentacool and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Legend Maker. It has the attack Poison Sting with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute and poison attribute, the whole body is blue, with a diamond-shaped nose, two gray tentacles, and two transparent objects similar to red agate on both sides of the head
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Grimer and 40 HP of rarity Common from the set Team Rocket and the flavor text: It has recently been found that Grimers are formed in waste-processing plants, and can move into towns via sewers. It has the attack Poison Gas with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the attack Sticky Hands with the cost Grass, Grass, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 more damage and the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed; if tails, this attack does 10 damage. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Poison attributes, the whole body is made of mud, with dark purple stripes around the body, with hands and no feet
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Bidoof and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Stormfront and the flavor text: With nerves of steel, nothing can perturb it. It is more agile and active than it appears. It has the attack Yawn with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the attack Self-abandonment with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage to the Defending Pokemon. If tails, Bidoof does 10 damage to itself. It has weakness against Fighting +10.
General attributes, the whole body is brown, the front teeth are large, and it stands on four legs
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Timburr and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Black & White and the flavor text: These Pokemon appear at building sites and help out with construction. They always carry squared logs. It has the attack Low Kick with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Pound with the cost Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Fighting attribute, Pokémon with gray skin, carrying a long columnar wooden bar, black nose, pink veins protruding
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Sudowoodo and 60 HP of rarity Rare from the set Aquapolis. It has the attack Copy with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Choose 1 of the Defending Pokemon's attacks. Copy copies that attack. This attack does nothing if Sudowoodo doesn't have the Energy necessary to use that attack. (You must still do anything else required in order to use that attack.) It has the attack Energy Draw with the cost Fighting, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for a basic Energy card and attach it to Sudowoodo. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has weakness against Water 2.
Rock attributes, similar to shrubs and trees in appearance, with five yellow spots on the abdomen and three green fingers on each hand
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Shieldon and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Armor Fossil from the set Platinum and the flavor text: It is outstandingly armored. As a result, it can eat grass and berries without having to fight. It has the attack Endure with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponent's next turn, if Shieldon would be Knocked Out by damage from an attack, Shieldon is not Knocked Out and its remaining HP becomes 10 instead. It has the attack Rock Slide with the cost Metal, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Does 10 damage to 2 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Fire +20. It has resistance against Psychic -20.
Rock properties, tawny body, head resembling a brown shield, walking on all fours, small claws
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Numel and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Crystal Guardians. It has the attack Take Down with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Numel does 10 damage to itself. It has weakness against Water 2.
It is a four-legged Pokémon with a fire attribute. The whole body is mainly yellow. There are green spots on the top of the hump. There is a bunch of yellow hair in the middle of the two small ears. The eyelids are half closed.
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Raikou and 70 HP of rarity Rare from the set Skyridge. It has the attack Lightning Sphere with the cost Lightning, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40+ with the description: You may flip a coin. If heads, discard all Lightning Energy cards attached to Raikou. This attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage for each Energy card discarded in this way. It has the ability Pure Body with the description: To attach a Lightning Energy card from your hand to Raikou, you must discard an Energy card attached to Raikou. (Attach the Lightning Energy, and then discard an Energy card from Raikou.) It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Electric attribute, shaped like a saber-toothed tiger, golden hair, sharp fangs, black steel headgear, X-shaped beard, electric light blue tail
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Jynx and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set HeartGold & SoulSilver and the flavor text: It rocks its body rhythmically. It appears to alter the rhythm depending on how it is feeling. It has the attack Mimic with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Shuffle your hand into your deck. Then, draw a number of cards equal to the number of cards in your opponent's hand. It has the attack Lick with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Ice attributes,human-shaped Pokémon, wearing a red long skirt with hidden feet, white arms, purple hands, purple face, pink lips, saucer eyes, long blond hair
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Spearow and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set HSUnleashed and the flavor text: It flaps its short wings to flush out insects from tall grass. It then plucks them with its stubby beak. It has the attack Roost with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Remove 4 damage counters from Spearow. Spearow can't retreat during your next turn. It has the attack Flap with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Lightning 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
General attributes, a bird Pokémon with a black back, a brown crest, a short and hooked beak, light pink feet with three claws, and pink wings
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Koffing and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Deoxys. It has the attack Smog with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
It is poisonous, purple in color, with a thin balloon-shaped body, with protrusions, two downward-pointing fangs, and a skull-shaped pattern on its abdomen
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Omanyte and 40 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Mysterious Fossil from the set Legendary Collection and the flavor text: Although long extinct, in rare cases, it can be genetically resurrected from fossils. It has the attack Water Gun with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each Water Energy attached to Omanyte but not used to pay for this attack's Energy cost. You can't add more than 20 damage in this way. It has the ability Clairvoyance with the description: Your opponent plays with his or her hand face up. This power stops working while Omanyte is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Rock properties, similar to snails, with many blue tentacles and a very huge shell on its back
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Gurdurr and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Timburr from the set Black & White and the flavor text: They strengthen their bodies by carrying steel beams. They show off their big muscles to their friends. It has the attack Bulk Up with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: During your next turn, each of this Pokemon's attacks does 20 more damage (before applying Weakness and Resistance). It has the attack Pound with the cost Fighting, Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Fighting attribute, a gray Pokémon holding an I-beam, with a fluffy protruding head, a round and big red nose and a thin waist
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Hypno and 110 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Drowzee from the set Sun & Moon and the flavor text: As a matter of course, it makes anyone it meets fall asleep and has a taste of their dreams. Anyone having a good dream, it carries off. It has the attack Meditate with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: This attack does 10 more damage for each damage counter on your opponent's Active Pokemon. It has the attack Hypnoblast with the cost Psychic, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 70 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Asleep. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Superpower attribute, it looks like a human being, with a yellow Pokémon all over its body, white hair on its neck, a ring tied with a string in its hand, and a pointed nose
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Electrike and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Ruby & Sapphire. It has the attack Headbutt with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Metal -30.
Electric attributes, like a small dog, with yellow markings on the body, a broad head, three protruding crowns, and four sharp teeth
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Koffing and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set HeartGold & SoulSilver and the flavor text: Its thin, filmy body is filled with gases that cause constant sniffles, coughs and teary eyes. It has the attack Smokescreen with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: If the Defending Pokemon tries to attack during your opponent's next turn, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, that attack does nothing. It has the attack Suffocating Gas with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
It is poisonous, purple in color, with a thin balloon-shaped body, with protrusions, two downward-pointing fangs, and a skull-shaped pattern on its abdomen
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Suicune and 70 HP of rarity Rare from the set Aquapolis. It has the attack Hypno Wave with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage. If tails, this attack does 30 damage and the Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the ability Pure Body with the description: To attach a Water Energy card from your hand to Suicune, you must discard an Energy card attached to Suicune. (Attach the Water Energy, and then discard an Energy card from Suicune.) It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Legend of water attribute, blue body, with white block pattern, blue jewel-like headdress and two white streamer-like tails
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Crobat and 130 HP of rarity Promo evolved from Golbat from the set BW Black Star Promos and the flavor text: Having four wings allows it to fly more quickly and quietly so it can sneak up on prey without its noticing. It has the attack Ultra-Toxic Fang with the cost Psychic, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. Put 4 damage counters instead of 1 on that Pokemon between turns. It has the ability Night Sight with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may draw a card. It has weakness against Lightning 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
Poison attributes, purple body, cyan inside wings, two pairs of wings, forming an X shape, yellow eyes, red pupils, triangular mouth
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Marowak and 100 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Cubone from the set Dragons Exalted and the flavor text: From its birth, this savage Pokemon constantly holds bones. It is skilled in using them as weapons. It has the attack Bone Lock with the cost Fighting, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30 with the description: The Defending Pokemon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn. It has the attack Vortex Chop with the cost Fighting, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60+ with the description: If the Defending Pokemon has any Resistance, this attack does 30 more damage. It has weakness against Water 2. It has resistance against Lightning -20.
Ground attributes,bipedal Pokémon, with a brown belly, a pointed object on the tail, eyes that are approximately triangular in shape, and a bone in its hand
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Pikachu and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set HSUndaunted and the flavor text: This intelligent Pokemon roasts hard berries with electricity to make them tender enough to eat. It has the attack Slam with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Metal -20.
It has an electric attributes, looks like a mouse, has yellow fur all over its body, a tail like lightning, a small mouth, long ears with black tips, short and thick front paws
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Litwick and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Noble Victories and the flavor text: While shining a light and pretending to be a guide, it leaches off the life force of any who follow it. It has the attack Teleportation Burst with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Switch this Pokemon with 1 of your Benched Pokemon. It has weakness against Darkness 2.
Ghost attribute, shaped like a candle, the body is mainly white, with a purple flame on the top of the head, melted wax covering its right eye, yellow left ey
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Machoke and 90 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Machop from the set Evolutions and the flavor text: Its formidable body never gets tired. It helps people by doing work such as the moving of heavy goods. It has the attack Karate Chop with the cost Fighting, Fighting, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 60- with the description: This attack does 60 damage minus 10 damage for each damage counter on this Pokemon. It has the attack Submission with the cost Fighting, Fighting, Fighting, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 80 with the description: This Pokemon does 20 damage to itself. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Fighting attributes, gray skin, strong muscles, a golden belt, a black pattern on the waist that resembles briefs, five fingers on the hands and feet, and a lizard-like face
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Clefairy and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set FireRed & LeafGreen. It has the attack Gesture with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon and switch it with the Defending Pokemon. Your opponent chooses the Defending Pokemon to switch. It has the attack Moon Kick with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Fairy attribute, pink fur, star-shaped body, small wings on the back, three toes on the hands, only one toe on the feet, a small tooth in the mouth, and brown ear tips
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Starmie and 60 HP of rarity Common evolved from Staryu from the set Base and the flavor text: Its central core glows with the seven colors of the rainbow. Some people value this core as a gem. It has the attack Recover with the cost Water, Water, the energy cost 2 with the description: Discard 1 Water Energy card attached to Starmie in order to use this attack. Remove all damage counters from Starmie. It has the attack Star Freeze with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, the body is mainly lavender, the front of the body is golden, there is a huge ruby, and new stars grow out of the back
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Decidueye and 140 HP of rarity Promo evolved from Dartrix from the set SM Black Star Promos and the flavor text: It fires arrow quills from its wings with such precision they can pierce a pebble at distances over a hundred yards. It has the attack Leaf Blade with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage. It has the attack Brave Bird with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 120 with the description: This Pokemon does 20 damage to itself. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Grass attribute, green feathers, white body, red wings like a cape, head like a hood, chest with a bow tie-like belt
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Excadrill and 120 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Drilbur from the set Dark Explorers and the flavor text: More than 300 feet below the surface, they build mazelike nests. Their activity can be destructive to subway tunnels. It has the attack Tunnel Strike with the cost Fighting, the energy cost 1 with the description: This attack does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the attack Dig Uppercut with the cost Fighting, Fighting, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50 with the description: Put a card from your discard pile into your hand. It has weakness against Water 2. It has resistance against Lightning -20.
Ground type, dark brown body, white face, two red lines on the cheeks, pink nose tip
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Pyukumuku and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set Unbroken Bonds and the flavor text: The tradition known as Pyukumuku chucking started from the custom of throwing Pyukumuku back into the sea after they wash onshore. It has the attack Call for Family with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for up to 2 Basic Pokemon and put them onto your Bench. Then, shuffle your deck. It has the attack Surprise Fist with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60+ with the description: You and your opponent play Rock-Paper-Scissors. If you win, this attack does 60 more damage. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, black sea cucumber, six rose-red cones are evenly arranged on its body, and its eyes are also rose-red
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Suicune and 110 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Lost Thunder and the flavor text: Said to be the embodiment of north winds, it can instantly purify filthy, murky water. It has the attack Aurora Gain with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 70 with the description: Heal 30 damage from this Pokemon. It has the ability Frozen Flow with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), if this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, you may have your opponent switch their Active Pokemon with 1 of their Benched Pokemon. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Legend of water attribute, blue body, with white block pattern, blue jewel-like headdress and two white streamer-like tails
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Eelektross and 140 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Eelektrik from the set Primal Clash and the flavor text: They crawl out of the ocean using their arms. They will attack prey on shore and immediately drag it into the ocean. It has the attack Electricannon with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 80+ with the description: You may discard all Lightning Energy attached to this Pokemon. If you do, this attack does 50 more damage. It has the ability Energy Connect with the description: As often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may move a basic Energy attached to 1 of your Benched Pokemon to your Active Pokemon. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Metal -20.
Electric attributes, gray-blue body, two gray-blue arms, and 3 thorn-shaped claws on the front of the arms
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Porygon and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Ancient Origins and the flavor text: A Pokemon that consists entirely of programming code. It is capable of moving freely in cyberspace. It has the attack Data Check with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Look through your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Sharpen with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
General attributes, Pokémon with irregular polygonal body, red head, blue mouth, and pentagonal eyes
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Ampharos and 150 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Flaaffy from the set Darkness Ablaze and the flavor text: Its tail shines bright and strong. It has been prized since long ago as a beacon for sailors. It has the attack Dazzle Blast with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 50 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Confused. It has the attack Electric Ball with the cost Lightning, Lightning, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 130. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Electric properties, yellow skin, a red ball on the forehead of the tail, white belly, flat hands, one toe
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Dragon with the title Dragalge and 100 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Skrelp from the set Flashfire and the flavor text: Their poison is strong enough to eat through the hull of a tanker, and they spit it indiscriminately at anything that enters their territory. It has the attack Poison Breath with the cost Water, Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has the ability Poison Barrier with the description: Your opponent's Poisoned Pokemon can't retreat. It has weakness against Fairy 2.
Poisonous, purple skin in the shape of a seahorse, cross-shaped leaves on the head, and two tentacles-like seaweeds on the back of the head
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Meditite and 40 HP of rarity Common from the set Power Keepers. It has the attack Psyshock with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the attack Cross Chop with the cost Fighting, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Fighting attributes, sky blue body, milky white circular pattern on arms, big eyes, black pupils, white feet
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Hoppip and 30 HP of rarity Common from the set Neo Discovery and the flavor text: Its body is so light, it must grip the ground firmly with its feet to keep from being blown away. It has the attack Rolling Tackle with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Fighting -30.
Grass nature, pink body, long green leaves on the head, triangular ears, yellow eyes
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Ditto and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Delta Species. It has the attack Linear Attack with the cost Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 2 with the description: Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 20 damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the ability Duplicate with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for another Ditto and switch it with Ditto. (Any cards attached to Ditto, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokemon.) If you do, put Ditto on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 Duplicate Poke-Power each turn. It has weakness against Water 2.
General attributes, the body is lavender. A pair of small black eyes, the body is soft and elastic, shaped like a cloud
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Bronzor and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Stormfront and the flavor text: Implements shaped like it were discovered in ancient tombs. It is unknown if they are related. It has the attack Gyro Swap with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 with the description: Put a number of damage counters on the Defending Pokemon equal to the number of Colorless Energy in Bronzor's Retreat Cost (after applying effects to the Retreat Cost). It has the attack Psyshock with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has weakness against Psychic +10. It has resistance against Fire -20.
Steel attributes, bronze in color, surrounded by six copper beads with a pattern of concentric circles in the center, yellow eyes
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Starmie and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Staryu from the set Team Up and the flavor text: Its sparkling core is called "the gem of the sea." This core can be made into high-priced accessories that are traded in secret. It has the attack Strange Wave with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 40 with the description: Search your deck for up to 3 in any combination of Water and Psychic Energy cards and attach them to 1 of your Benched Pokemon. Then, shuffle your deck. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Water attribute, the body is mainly lavender, the front of the body is golden, there is a huge ruby, and new stars grow out of the back
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Wartortle and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Squirtle from the set Base Set 2 and the flavor text: Often hides in water to stalk unweary prey. When swimming quickly, it moves its ears to maintain balance. It has the attack Withdraw with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done to Wartortle during your opponent's next turn. (Any other effects of attacks still happen.) It has the attack Bite with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, looks like a tortoise, with a lighter indigo blue body, furry ears, brown eyes, three sharp claws on the forelimbs, and a fluffy tail
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Corphish and 40 HP of rarity Common from the set Holon Phantoms. It has the attack Flail with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Does 10 damage times the number of damage counters on Corphish. It has the attack Crabhammer with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, most of the upper body is orange, the abdomen is white, and there are three pointed protrusions on the head
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Dragon with the title Axew and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Plasma Blast and the flavor text: Its large tusks have a tendency to break, but each time they grow back, they grow in harder and sturdier. It has the attack Strong Bond with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for a Supporter card named Iris, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Dragon Claw with the cost Fighting, Metal, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Dragon 2.
Dragon attributes, most of the body is cadmium green, one long white front teeth, red eyes, high horns on the head, the color of the neck looks like a scarf, and a short tail
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Sigilyph and 90 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set BREAKpoint and the flavor text: The guardians of an ancient city, they always fly the same route while keeping watch for invaders. It has the attack Reflective Shield with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: During your opponent's next turn, if this Pokemon is damaged by an attack (even if this Pokemon is Knocked Out), put 5 damage counters on the Attacking Pokemon. It has the attack Psy Report with the cost Psychic, Psychic, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Your opponent reveals his or her hand. It has weakness against Lightning 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
Superpower attributes, a blue eye, a trident-shaped ear-like structure, a pair of wings, and four feathers on the wings and tail
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Gastly and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set BREAKthrough and the flavor text: Born from gases, anyone would faint if engulfed by its gaseous body, which contains poison. It has the attack Sleep Poison with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Asleep and Poisoned. It has weakness against Darkness 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
Ghost attribute, is a thin gas-like life form, with a black spherical core, big white eyes, small black pupils, and a mouth with a pair of fangs
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Shuppet and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Celestial Storm and the flavor text: It loves vengeful emotions and hangs in rows under the eaves of houses where vengeful people live. It has the attack Headbutt with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Will-O-Wisp with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Darkness 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
Ghost attribute, the whole body is gray and black, with a sharp horn on the head, two big eyes, no feet
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fairy with the title Clefairy and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Generations and the flavor text: It is said that happiness will come to those who see a gathering of Clefairy dancing under a full moon. It has the attack Moonlight with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Heal 30 damage from this Pokemon. It has the attack Pound with the cost Fairy, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Metal 2. It has resistance against Darkness -20.
Fairy attribute, pink fur, star-shaped body, small wings on the back, three toes on the hands, only one toe on the feet, a small tooth in the mouth, and brown ear tips
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Magnemite and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Dragon. It has the attack Thundershock with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Electric attributes, gray body, one eye, a horseshoe magnet on the left and right sides of the body, a large screw on the top of the head, and two small screws on the front of the body
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Araquanid and 100 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Dewpider from the set Cosmic Eclipse and the flavor text: It usually passes its time in the water. When its belly is full, it stores its subdued prey in the water bubble on its head. It has the attack Headstrike with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40. It has the attack Liquidation with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 80 with the description: During your next turn, the Defending Pokemon takes 60 more damage from attacks (after applying Weakness and Resistance). It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, blue head, yellow-green legs, leg joints are blue, spherical, black body with brown stripes, big eyes, head surrounded by bubbles
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Seedot and 40 HP of rarity Common from the set Crystal Guardians. It has the attack Headbutt with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Grassy, like an acorn, with two beige feet, a gray hat covering the top of the head, and a beige mask-like pattern on the face
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Koffing and 40 HP of rarity Common from the set Team Rocket and the flavor text: First discovered in a weapons factory, this Pokemon can now be found almost anywhere. It has the attack Tackle with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Poison Gas with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
It is poisonous, purple in color, with a thin balloon-shaped body, with protrusions, two downward-pointing fangs, and a skull-shaped pattern on its abdomen
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Lunatone and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set XY and the flavor text: Because it turns active on nights of the full moon, it is said to have some link to the lunar phases. It has the attack Double Draw with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Draw 2 cards. It has the attack Moonblast with the cost Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: During your opponent's next turn, any damage done by attacks from the Defending Pokemon is reduced by 20 (before applying Weakness and Resistance). It has weakness against Grass 2.
A rocky, moon-like Pokémon with a golden body, red eyes on both sides of the body, and a special beak-like structure on the front of the body
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Snom and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Sword & Shield and the flavor text: It eats snow that piles up on the ground. The more snow it eats, the bigger and more impressive the spikes on its back grow. It has the attack Ram with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Metal 2.
Ice attributes,a Pokémon resembling a moth larva, with a snow-white body, two black spots for its eyes, ice crystals covering its body, and two meaty mouthparts
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Ledian and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Ledyba from the set Legends Awakened and the flavor text: It uses starlight as energy. When more stars appear at night, the patterns on its back grow larger. It has the attack Comet Punch with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip 4 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. It has the attack Baton Pass with the cost Grass, Grass, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50 with the description: You may switch Ledian with 1 of your Benched Pokemon. If you do, move as many Energy cards attached to Ledian as you like to the new Active Pokemon. It has weakness against Fire +20. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
Insect properties, some parts of the body and wings are beige, the rest are red, black antennae, feet wearing red shoes
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Drilbur and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Emerging Powers and the flavor text: It makes its way swiftly through the soil by putting both claws together and rotating at high speed. It has the attack Mud-Slap with the cost Fighting, Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40. It has weakness against Water 2. It has resistance against Lightning -20.
Ground attribute, the body is covered in black, Pokémon with navy blue twill stripes, the end of the high nose is pink, a pair of arms bigger than the soles of the feet
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Koffing and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Team Rocket Returns. It has the attack Gnaw with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the ability Knockout Gas with the description: If Koffing is your Active Pokemon and is Knocked Out by an opponent's attack, the Attacking Pokemon is now Confused and Poisoned. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
It is poisonous, purple in color, with a thin balloon-shaped body, with protrusions, two downward-pointing fangs, and a skull-shaped pattern on its abdomen
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Eelektross and 160 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Eelektrik from the set Vivid Voltage and the flavor text: They crawl out of the ocean using their arms. They will attack prey on shore and immediately drag it into the ocean. It has the attack Electrified Bite Mark with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 60 with the description: During your opponent's next turn, if they attach an Energy card from their hand to the Defending Pokemon, put 6 damage counters on that Pokemon. It has the attack Electro Sprinkler with the cost Lightning, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 120 with the description: This attack also does 30 damage to 1 of your Benched Pokemon and 30 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Electric attributes, gray-blue body, two gray-blue arms, and 3 thorn-shaped claws on the front of the arms
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Floatzel and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Buizel from the set Supreme Victors and the flavor text: It is a common sight around fishing ports. It is known to rescue people and carry off prey. It has the attack Razor Fin with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Jet Screw with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage. It has weakness against Lightning +20.
Water attribute, the body is orange, there are yellow floating bladders on the neck, blue fins on the back of the hands, and orange water drop patterns on the stomach
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Cyndaquil and 40 HP of rarity Common from the set Neo Genesis and the flavor text: It usually stays hunched over. If it is angry or surprised, it shoots flames out of its back. It has the attack Leer with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon can't attack Cyndaquil during your opponent's next turn. (Benching or evolving either Pokemon ends this effect.) It has the attack Swift with the cost Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, Pokemon Powers, or any other effects on the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Water 2.
Fire attribute, like a shrew, with a whistle-like head, dark blue on the back and the top of the head
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Sigilyph and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Legendary Treasures and the flavor text: The guardians of an ancient city, they use their psychic power to attack enemies that invade their territory. It has the attack Psychic with the cost Psychic, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50+ with the description: Does 10 more damage for each Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has the ability Safeguard with the description: Prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokemon by Pokemon-EX. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Superpower attributes, a blue eye, a trident-shaped ear-like structure, a pair of wings, and four feathers on the wings and tail
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Espurr and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Burning Shadows and the flavor text: The organ that emits its intense psychic power is sheltered by its ears to keep power from leaking out. It has the attack Perplexing Eyes with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: The Defending Pokemon's Weakness is now Psychic until the end of your next turn. (The amount of Weakness doesn't change.) It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Mainly gray body with clear pink eyes with purple eyeballs, white palms and gray hair on head, sides of face and neck
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Cacnea and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Sandstorm. It has the attack Light Punch with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the ability Poison Payback with the description: If Cacnea is your Active Pokemon and is damaged by an opponent's attack (even if Cacnea is Knocked Out), the Attacking Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Grass attribute, round body, strong arms, three dark green rhombus patterns on the chest, and a yellow flower on the top of the head
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Squirtle and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set HSUnleashed and the flavor text: The shell is soft when it is born. It soon becomes so resilient, prodding fingers will bounce off it. It has the attack Rain Splash with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Shell Attack with the cost Water, Water, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, with a pair of big purple eyes, three-toed limbs, small wavy tail, light blue body, light yellow abdomen
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Bronzor and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Fates Collide and the flavor text: Implements shaped like it were discovered in ancient tombs. It is unknown if they are related. It has the attack Iron Defense with the cost Metal, the energy cost 1 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokemon during your opponent's next turn. It has the attack Hammer In with the cost Metal, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Psychic -20.
Steel attributes, bronze in color, surrounded by six copper beads with a pattern of concentric circles in the center, yellow eyes
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Rhyhorn and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Emerald. It has the attack Horn Attack with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Horn Drill with the cost Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Water 2.
Ground attributes, the whole body is gray, with a small horn on the head, a very small tail, short four feet, and two toes
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Gastly and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Arceus and the flavor text: Born from gases, anyone would faint if engulfed by its gaseous body, which contains poison. It has the attack Gnaw with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Suffocating Gas with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Darkness +10. It has resistance against Colorless -20.
Ghost attribute, is a thin gas-like life form, with a black spherical core, big white eyes, small black pupils, and a mouth with a pair of fangs
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Torterra and 180 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Grotle from the set Forbidden Light and the flavor text: Small Pokemon occasionally gather on its unmoving back to begin building their nests. It has the attack Giga Drain with the cost Fighting, Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: Heal from this Pokemon the same amount of damage you did to your opponent's Active Pokemon. It has the attack Earthquake with the cost Fighting, Fighting, Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 180 with the description: This attack does 20 damage to each of your Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Grass 2.
Grass type, the half part and the lower jaw are green, a Pokémon that grows on the turtle shell, an oak-like tree and three gray regular triangular rocks
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Natu and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Unseen Forces. It has the attack Telekinesis with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 10 damage to that Pokemon. This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness or Resistance. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Superpower attributes, the shape is like a bird, the body is round, the feathers, tail feathers and feet are red, the beak is yellow and a pair of wings
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Octillery and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Remoraid from the set Mysterious Treasures and the flavor text: It lives in the gaps of boulders and in holes on the seafloor. Its suction cups grip prey tightly. It has the attack Crash Bomber with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30+ with the description: If the Defending Pokemon has any Special Energy cards attached to it, this attack does 30 damage plus 30 more damage. Then, discard a Special Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has the attack Aqua Liner with the cost Water, Water, the energy cost 2 with the description: Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. This attack does 40 damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Lightning +20.
Water attribute, red body, octopus-shaped Pokémon with yellow suction cups, and two long tentacles on the front side
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Rhydon and 90 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Rhyhorn from the set Skyridge. It has the attack Stomp with the cost Fighting, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage. It has the attack Giant Tail with the cost Fighting, Fighting, Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 5 and the damage of 100 with the description: Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. It has weakness against Grass 2. It has resistance against Lightning -30.
Ground attributes, the whole body is gray, with a sharp drill cone on the forehead, several sharp horns on the head, several spikes on the back, and two claws on the feet
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Mewtwo and 70 HP of rarity Rare from the set Expedition Base Set. It has the attack Hypnosis with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the attack Psychic with the cost Psychic, Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 20+ with the description: This attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
The legend of super power attribute, the image is similar to humanoid and feline, the whole body is silvery white, the eyes, tail and abdomen are purple, and the fingers are composed of three balls
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Skarmory and 100 HP of rarity Common from the set Phantom Forces and the flavor text: After nesting in bramble bushes, the wings of its chicks grow hard from scratches by thorns. It has the attack Slash with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has the attack Iron Wing with the cost Metal, Metal, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 90 with the description: Discard a Metal Energy attached to this Pokemon. It has weakness against Lightning 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
Steel attributes, the whole body is silver like armor, the inside of the wings is red, with sharp teeth
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Infernape and 130 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Monferno from the set Forbidden Light and the flavor text: It tosses its enemies around with agility. It uses all its limbs to fight in its own unique style. It has the attack Burst Punch with the cost Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Burned. It has the ability Flaming Fighter with the description: Put 6 damage counters instead of 2 on your opponent's Burned Pokemon between turns. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Fire attribute, a mass of flames on top of the head, reddish-brown body, blue eyes inlaid in yellow sclera, slender limbs, blue fingers and toes, long tail
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Electrike and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Darkness Ablaze and the flavor text: It stores static electricity in its fur for discharging. It gives off sparks if a storm approaches. It has the attack Thunderbolt with the cost Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50 with the description: Discard all Energy from this Pokemon. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Electric attributes, like a small dog, with yellow markings on the body, a broad head, three protruding crowns, and four sharp teeth
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Stantler and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set HSUnleashed and the flavor text: The curved antlers subtly change the flow of air to create a strange space where reality is distorted. It has the attack Call for Family with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for up to 2 Basic Pokemon and put them onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Mystifying Horns with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Confused. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
General attributes, strong body, brown body, beige abdomen, two small beige spots on the back, and a huge mass of tail
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Spearow and 40 HP of rarity Common from the set Crystal Guardians. It has the attack Spearhead with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Draw a card. It has weakness against Lightning 2. It has resistance against Fighting -30.
General attributes, a bird Pokémon with a black back, a brown crest, a short and hooked beak, light pink feet with three claws, and pink wings
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Bronzong and 100 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Bronzor from the set Fates Collide and the flavor text: Ancient people believed that petitioning Bronzong for rain was the way to make crops grow. It has the attack Guard Press with the cost Metal, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60 with the description: During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to this Pokemon by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance). It has the ability Metal Fortress with the description: Prevent all effects of your opponent's attacks, including damage, done to your Benched Pokemon. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Psychic -20.
It is of steel nature, looks like a bell, is bronze in color, has red ring-shaped eyes, a mouth in the center of the eyes, and a tree-shaped pattern on the back.
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Lillipup and 50 HP of rarity Promo from the set BW Black Star Promos and the flavor text: It faces strong opponents with great courage. But, when at a disadvantage in a fight, this intelligent Pokemon flees. It has the attack Knock Away with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 more damage. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
General attributes, looks like a puppy, brown coat, a pinch of blue hair on the neck, long hair covering the face, standing on four legs
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Starmie and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Staryu from the set Skyridge. It has the attack Energy Burst with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage times the number of Energy attached to Starmie and the Defending Pokemon. It has the attack Star Back with the cost Psychic, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40 with the description: Attach a basic Energy card from your discard pile to 1 of your Pokemon. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Water attribute, the body is mainly lavender, the front of the body is golden, there is a huge ruby, and new stars grow out of the back
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fairy with the title Clefable and 90 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Clefairy from the set Generations and the flavor text: Its hearing is so acute it can hear a pin drop over half a mile away. It lives on quiet mountains. It has the attack Follow Me with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon with your opponent's Active Pokemon. It has the attack Moonblast with the cost Fairy, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: During your opponent's next turn, any damage done by attacks from the Defending Pokemon is reduced by 30 (before applying Weakness and Resistance). It has weakness against Metal 2. It has resistance against Darkness -20.
Fairy attributes,pink star-shaped Pokémon, walks on two legs, has a curly tail, pointed ears, and the tips of the ears are black. Black eyes, large wings, each with three points
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Weepinbell and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Bellsprout from the set Base Set 2 and the flavor text: It spits out poisonpowder to immobilize the enemy, and then finishes the enemy with a spray of acid. It has the attack Poisonpowder with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has the attack Razor Leaf with the cost Grass, Grass, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Grass-type Pokémon that looks like a plant, with a very large trumpet head, brown tail hook, round big black eyes, and 3 dark yellow spots on the forehead
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Umbreon and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Eevee from the set Plasma Freeze and the flavor text: When exposed to the moon's aura, the rings on its body glow faintly and it's filled with a mysterious power. It has the attack Darkness Fang with the cost Darkness, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 70. It has the ability Dark Shade with the description: Each of your Team Plasma Pokemon in play gets +20 HP. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Psychic -20.
Evil attribute, with black hair, red eyes, ring-shaped patterns on the body, circle-like patterns on the legs that glow, ears and tails like leaves
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Magnemite and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Unified Minds and the flavor text: It's frequently the cause of power outages, which is why some power plants send out electrical signals that it can't stand. It has the attack Supersonic with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Confused. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Metal -20.
Electric attributes, gray body, one eye, a horseshoe magnet on the left and right sides of the body, a large screw on the top of the head, and two small screws on the front of the body
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Zubat and 40 HP of rarity Common from the set Neo Revelation and the flavor text: While flying, it constantly emits ultrasonic waves from its mouth to check its surroundings. It has the attack Bite with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Poison Spray with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has weakness against Psychic 2. It has resistance against Fighting -30.
It is poisonous and looks like a young bat. Its body is dark blue. The cochlea and wing membrane are purple. It has no eyes, four white teeth, and a V-shaped tail.
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Kabuto and 50 HP of rarity Common evolved from Mysterious Fossil from the set Neo Discovery and the flavor text: On rare occasions, some have been found as fossils which they became while hiding on the ocean floor. It has the attack Work Together with the cost Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, and Kabutops on your Bench. It has the ability Revive Friends with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a card named Kabuto and put it on your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. Treat the new Kabuto as a Basic Pokemon. This power can't be used if Kabuto is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed (or if your Bench is full). It has weakness against Grass 2.
Rock attributes, brown hemispherical shell, with two black dots on the top of the shell, which are its eyes
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Throh and 100 HP of rarity Rare from the set Black & White and the flavor text: When they encounter foes bigger than themselves, they try to throw them. They always travel in packs of five. It has the attack Circle Throw with the cost Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Your opponent switches the Defending Pokemon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokemon. It has the attack Storm Throw with the cost Fighting, Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 80 with the description: This attack's damage isn't affected by Resistance. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Fighting-type Pokémon with a red body, three fingers and three toes each, covered with white cloth, tied with a black belt, and black squares in front of the knees
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Parasect and 90 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Paras from the set Mysterious Treasures and the flavor text: A mushroom grown larger than the host's body controls PARASECT. It scatters poisonous spores. It has the attack Wild Spores with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: If Parasect evolved from Paras during this turn, this attack does 40 damage and the Defending Pokemon is now Asleep and Poisoned. It has the attack Extend Fungus with the cost Grass, Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60 with the description: Remove 2 damage counters from Parasect. It has weakness against Fire +20.
Insect type, orange body, white eyes, large mushrooms on the back covering the whole body, three pairs of legs, a pair of large pincers on the front feet
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Cherubi and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Stormfront and the flavor text: The small ball holds the nutrients needed for evolution. Apparently, it is very sweet and tasty. It has the attack Nap with the cost the energy cost 0 with the description: Remove 2 damage counters from Cherubi. It has the attack Bullet Seed with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip 4 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. It has weakness against Fire +10. It has resistance against Water -20.
Grass nature, round pink body, fuchsia striped face, a small red fruit on green leaves
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Frosmoth and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Snom from the set Sword & Shield and the flavor text: It shows no mercy to any who desecrate fields and mountains. It will fly around on its icy wings, causing a blizzard to chase offenders away. It has the attack Aurora Beam with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has the ability Ice Dance with the description: As often as you like during your turn, you may attach a Water Energy card from your hand to 1 of your Benched Water Pokemon. It has weakness against Metal 2.
Ice attribute, looks like a moth, white body, blue eyes, feathery tentacles growing on the head, translucent wings, small hands wrapped around the chest like a scarf
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Exeggcute and 40 HP of rarity Common from the set Neo Destiny and the flavor text: Its shell is very durable, allowing it to survive even if the shell becomes cracked. It has the attack Sleep Powder with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the attack Psyshock with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Grass-like, it looks like six light pink eggs with a few cracks on the shell, each head has a different facial expression
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Lucario and 90 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Riolu from the set Legends Awakened and the flavor text: It has the ability to sense the auras of all things. It understands human speech. It has the attack Focus Blast with the cost Fighting, the energy cost 1 with the description: Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 30 damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the attack Spike Lariat with the cost Fighting, Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60+ with the description: If the Defending Pokemon already has any damage counters on it, this attack does 60 damage plus 20 more damage. It has weakness against Psychic +20.
Fighting attributes, looks like a dog, the body is black gray and blue, with a thorn on the back of the hand and a thorn on the chest, pointy ears and mouth
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Ninetales and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Vulpix from the set Expedition Base Set. It has the attack Mislead with the cost Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 2 with the description: Flip 2 coins. If either of them is heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Confused. It has the attack Ethereal Flame with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 with the description: Discard all Fire Energy cards attached to Ninetales. This attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage for each card discarded this way. It has weakness against Water 2.
Fire attribute, four-legged Pokémon with the appearance of a fox, covered in beige hair, with a small pointed head, bright red pupils, and nine long tails
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Ledyba and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set HeartGold & SoulSilver and the flavor text: When the weather turns cold, lots of Ledyba gather from everywhere to cluster and keep each other warm. It has the attack Ram with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Comet Punch with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip 4 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
Insect attributes, the body is red, there is a straight line in the middle of the abdomen, blue hands, wearing white gloves, and five black spots on the wings
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Mankey and 30 HP of rarity Common from the set Jungle and the flavor text: Extremely quick to anger. It could be docile one moment, then thrashing away the next. It has the attack Scratch with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the ability Peek with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may look at one of the following: the top card of either player's deck, a random card from your opponent's hand, or one of either player's Prizes. This power can't be used if Mankey is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Fighting attributes, light yellow hair all over the body, brown limbs at the end, a pink nose like a pigs nose, triangular eyes, long tail
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Excadrill and 110 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Drilbur from the set Emerging Powers and the flavor text: It can help in tunnel construction. Its drill has evolved into steel strong enough to bore through iron plates. It has the attack Metal Claw with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30. It has the attack Drill Run with the cost Fighting, Fighting, Fighting, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 80 with the description: Discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Water 2. It has resistance against Lightning -20.
Ground type, dark brown body, white face, two red lines on the cheeks, pink nose tip
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Porygon2 and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Porygon from the set Ancient Origins and the flavor text: With planetary development software installed, it became capable of working in space. It has the attack Sharpen with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Tri Attack with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip 3 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
General attributes, looks like a duck, blue and red body, flat mouth, leaf-shaped tail, white eyes
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Chinchou and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Hidden Legends. It has the attack Pound with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Spark with the cost Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10 with the description: Choose 2 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. This attack does 10 damage to each of those Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Water attribute, blue body, a pair of small feet, yellow eyes, pupils are black crosses, small mouth, a pair of tentacles protruding forward from the tail
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Pineco and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set HSUndaunted and the flavor text: It hangs and waits for flying insect prey to come near. It does not move about much on its own. It has the attack Rollout with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Insect type, the body is mainly grayish dark green, the appearance is composed of layers of hard scales, there is a pair of red eyes between the two layers of scales, and the top of the head is like a protruding thorn
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Cyndaquil and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Neo Genesis and the flavor text: It is timid and always curls itself up in a ball. If attacked, it flares up its back for protection. It has the attack Fireworks with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If tails, discard 1 Energy card attached to Cyndaquil. It has the attack Quick Attack with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 more damage; if tails, this attack does 10 damage. It has weakness against Water 2.
Fire attribute, like a shrew, with a whistle-like head, dark blue on the back and the top of the head
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Machamp and 160 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Machoke from the set Evolutions and the flavor text: Its four ruggedly developed arms can launch a flurry of 1,000 punches in just two seconds. It has the attack Seismic Toss with the cost Fighting, Fighting, Fighting, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 120. It has the ability Counterattack with the description: If this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon and is damaged by an opponent's attack (even if this Pokemon is Knocked Out), put 3 damage counters on the Attacking Pokemon. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Fighting attributes, Pokémon similar in appearance to humans, light blue skin, golden belt, black pattern similar to triangle shorts, two hands, no nose
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Pikachu and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Cosmic Eclipse and the flavor text: Its nature is to store up electricity. Forests where nests of Pikachu live are dangerous, since the trees are so often struck by lightning. It has the attack Nuzzle with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the attack Volt Tackle with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 70 with the description: This Pokemon does 10 damage to itself. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Metal -20.
It has an electric attributes, looks like a mouse, has yellow fur all over its body, a tail like lightning, a small mouth, long ears with black tips, short and thick front paws