834 values
833 values
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Venusaur and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Ivysaur from the set Expedition Base Set. It has the attack Body Slam with the cost Grass, Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 40 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the ability Harvest Bounty with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), if you attach an Energy card to your Active Pokemon as part of your turn, you may attach an additional Energy card to that Pokemon at the same time. This power can't be used if Venusaur is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Grass attributes,four-legged reptilian Pokémon with blue-green skin, a pair of ears on the top of the head, and a huge flower on the back
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Solosis and 30 HP of rarity Common from the set Plasma Blast and the flavor text: Because their bodies are enveloped in a special liquid, they are fine in any environment, no matter how severe. It has the attack Hide with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokemon during your opponent's next turn. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Super power attribute, the body is like a spherical cell, with a quadrangular mouth, and a small yellow spiral similar to an organelle on the head
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Kyogre and 100 HP of rarity Rare from the set Legends Awakened and the flavor text: It is said to have widened the seas by causing downpours. It had been asleep in a marine trench. It has the attack Drizzle with the cost the energy cost 0 with the description: Choose up to 2 basic Water Energy cards from your hand and attach them to 1 of your Pokemon. It has the attack High Tide with the cost Water, Water, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60 with the description: Discard 2 Water Energy attached to Kyogre. This attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Lightning 2.
A water-type legend, a whale-like Pokémon with two huge pectoral fins, yellow eyes with dark whites
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Porygon and 30 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set Base and the flavor text: A Pokemon that consists entirely of programming code. Capable of moving freely in cyberspace. It has the attack Conversion 1 with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: If the Defending Pokemon has a Weakness, you may change it to a type of your choice other than Colorless. It has the attack Conversion 2 with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 with the description: Change Porygon's Resistance to a type of your choice other than Colorless. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Psychic -30.
General attributes, Pokémon with irregular polygonal body, red head, blue mouth, and pentagonal eyes
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Kirlia and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Ralts from the set Power Keepers. It has the attack Hypnosis with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the attack Dream Eater with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50 with the description: If the Defending Pokemon is not Asleep, this attack does nothing. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Super power attributes, white body, green legs, shoulder bangs, red horns
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Liepard and 100 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Purrloin from the set Champion's Path and the flavor text: Don't be fooled by its gorgeous fur and elegant figure. This is a moody and vicious Pokemon. It has the attack Slashing Claw with the cost Darkness, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 90. It has the ability Limber with the description: This Pokemon can't be Paralyzed. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Evil attribute, purple body looks like a cat, with yellow markings on the back, huge tail, slender legs and four legs
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Marowak and 100 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Cubone from the set Fates Collide and the flavor text: The bone it holds is its key weapon. It throws the bone skillfully like a boomerang to KO targets. It has the attack Bonemerang with the cost Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 60 with the description: Flip 2 coins. This attack does 60 damage times the number of heads. It has the ability Bodyguard with the description: Prevent all effects of attacks done to you or your hand by your opponent's Pokemon. Remove any existing effects. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Ground attributes,bipedal Pokémon, with a brown belly, a pointed object on the tail, eyes that are approximately triangular in shape, and a bone in its hand
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Ninjask and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Nincada from the set Dragon. It has the attack Supersonic with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Confused. It has the attack Sonic Wing with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: This attack's damage is not affected by Resistance. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Insect-like, moth-like in appearance, with a yellow head, a black stripe between the eyes, a black body, gray forelimbs, and two pairs of white wings
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Shinx and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Next Destinies and the flavor text: The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. It glows when in trouble. It has the attack Reckless Charge with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: This Pokemon does 10 damage to itself. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Electric attributes, the head and the first half of the body are light blue, the ears and tail have a yellow four-pointed star pattern, the end of the neck is black, and the front legs have yellow bands
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Pachirisu and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Plasma Freeze and the flavor text: A pair may be seen rubbing their cheek pouches together in an effort to share stored electricity. It has the attack Minor Errand-Running with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for 2 basic Energy cards, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Electric Tail with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
It is electric, looks like a squirrel, has blue ears, a yellow electric pouch on the side of the cheek, a large tail with three spikes protruding from the end, and relatively small hands and feet
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Kyurem and 130 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Noble Victories and the flavor text: It generates powerful, freezing energy inside itself, but its body became frozen when the energy leaked out. It has the attack Outrage with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: Does 10 more damage for each damage counter on this Pokemon. It has the attack Glaciate with the cost Water, Water, Colorless, the energy cost 3 with the description: This attack does 30 damage to each of your opponent's Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Metal 2.
Dragon attribute, a gray-blue Pokémon standing on two feet, ice-blue spiny nose, yellow crown horns, long gray neck and body, and three ice spikes at the end of the tail
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Raichu and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Pikachu from the set Generations and the flavor text: When its electricity builds, its muscles are stimulated, and it becomes more aggressive than usual. It has the attack Circle Circuit with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: This attack does 20 damage times the number of Pokemon on your Bench. It has the attack Thunderbolt with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 100 with the description: Discard all Energy attached to this Pokemon. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Metal -20.
Electric attributes, Pokémon in the shape of a bipedal rodent, with dark orange fur, electric light at the end of the black tail, and curled ears at the end
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Ninetales and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Vulpix from the set Mysterious Treasures and the flavor text: Its nine tails are said to be imbued with a mystic power. It can live for a thousand years. It has the attack Fire Blast with the cost Fire, Fire, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 60 with the description: Discard a Fire Energy attached to Ninetales. It has the ability Color Shift with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. Ninetales is the same type as that Pokemon (all if that Pokemon is more than 1 type) until the end of your turn. This power can't be used if Ninetales is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Water +20.
Fire attribute, four-legged Pokémon with the appearance of a fox, covered in beige hair, with a small pointed head, bright red pupils, and nine long tails
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Golduck and 110 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Psyduck from the set Cosmic Eclipse and the flavor text: Even fast-swimming fish Pokemon can be disabled by Golduck. It brings them to a standstill and seizes them. It has the attack Scratch with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30. It has the attack Energy Loop with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 80 with the description: Put an Energy attached to this Pokemon into your hand. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, blue body, a red bead on the forehead, small eyes, narrow and pointed bill, thorn-like protrusions on the top of the head, slender limbs, three fingers on the hand, and a long tail
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Seismitoad and 140 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Palpitoad from the set Legendary Treasures and the flavor text: It increases the power of its punches by vibrating the bumps on its fists. It can turn a boulder to rubble with one punch. It has the attack Round with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Does 30 damage times the number of your Pokemon that have the Round attack. It has the attack Hyper Voice with the cost Water, Water, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 70. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, large size, water blue body, ice blue abdomen and jaw, red eyes, protruding nose, wide and long mouth, short legs, with three toes
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Magcargo and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Slugma from the set Neo Revelation and the flavor text: The shell on its back is just skin that has cooled and hardened. It breaks easily with a slight touch. It has the attack Lava Flow with the cost Fire, Fire, Fire, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40+ with the description: You may discard any number of Fire Energy cards attached to Magcargo when you use this attack. If you do, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage for each Fire Energy card you discarded in this way. It has the ability Magma Pool with the description: If Magcargo is your Active Pokemon and moves to the Bench, remove 1 Fire Energy card attached to Magcargo, if any, and attach it to the new Active Pokemon. (You can't choose an Energy card that you used to pay the Retreat Cost.) It has weakness against Water 2.
There is a shell on the back, covered with lava, black pupils, yellow pupils
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Vespiquen and 100 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Combee from the set Diamond & Pearl and the flavor text: Its abdomen is a honeycomb for grubs. It raises its grubs on honey collected by COMBEE. It has the attack Leaf Honey with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 with the description: Discard a Grass Energy attached to Vespiquen and remove all damage counters from 1 of your Benched Grass Pokemon. It has the attack Attack Order with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 10 with the description: Does 10 damage times the number of Grass Pokemon in play (both yours and your opponent's). It has weakness against Fire +20. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
Insect attribute, looks like a bee, black hands and body, small wings around the face, black tentacles, body like a hive
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Voltorb and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Shining Legends and the flavor text: It was discovered when Poke Balls were introduced. It is said that there is some connection. It has the attack Electro Ball with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Metal -20.
Electric attributes, spherical Pokémon, the upper part is red, the lower part is white, no hands or feet, triangular eyes
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Lairon and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Aron from the set Crystal Guardians. It has the attack Roar with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Your opponent switches the Defending Pokemon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokemon, if any. It has the attack Metal Charge with the cost Metal, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: Put 1 damage counter on Lairon. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Grass -30.
Steel attributes, dark gray skin, sky blue eyes, a prominent ridge on the center of the back, horned straps on the feet, four-legged walking, two fangs
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Articuno and 80 HP of rarity Rare from the set Skyridge. It has the attack Freeze Solid with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: If there are any Water Energy cards in your discard pile, flip a coin. If heads, attach 1 of them to Articuno. It has the attack Ice Cyclone with the cost Water, Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 50 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. If tails, this attack does 10 damage to each of your Pokemon in play. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the ability Water Immunity with the description: You can't attach Water Energy cards from your hand to Articuno. It has weakness against Metal 2. It has resistance against Fighting -30.
Ice type, large bird Pokémon, blue feathers, three dark blue prismatic feathers on the head, red eyes, bunting tail
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Gulpin and 60 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set Arceus and the flavor text: Almost all of its body is its stomach. Its harsh digestive juices quickly dissolve anything it swallows. It has the attack Endure with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponent's next turn, if Gulpin would be Knocked Out by damage from an attack, Gulpin is not Knocked Out and its remaining HP becomes 10 instead. It has the attack Pound with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Psychic +10.
Poison attributes, is a green drop-shaped Pokémon with a black parallelogram on its back and yellow leaf-like attachments on its head
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Barboach and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Primal Clash and the flavor text: Its whiskers make a superb radar. They are used to locate prey, even in the murkiest of water. It has the attack Rain Splash with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, looks like loach, light gray body, light blue mouth with two slender beards, jagged black patterns on both sides, small eyes
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Poliwhirl and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Poliwag from the set HSUnleashed and the flavor text: The skin on most of its body is moist. However, the skin on its belly spiral feels smooth. It has the attack Hypnoblast with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the attack Light Punch with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, looks like a frog, blue skin, spherical eyes, small nostrils, white belly, hands like wearing mittens, and round feet
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Scyther and 60 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set HSUndaunted and the flavor text: When it moves, it leaves only a blur. If it hides in grass, its protective colors make it invisible. It has the attack Afterimage Strike with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: During your opponent's next turn, if Scyther would be damaged by an attack, flip a coin. If heads, prevent that attack's damage done to Scyther. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Reptile-like head, three separate horns, two pairs of small wings, and three toes with pointed claws on each foot
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Lampent and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Litwick from the set Rebel Clash and the flavor text: This Pokemon appears just before someone passes away, so it's feared as an emissary of death. It has the attack Reignite with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Attach a Fire Energy card from your discard pile to 1 of your Pokemon. It has the ability Top Entry with the description: Once during your turn, if you drew this Pokemon from your deck at the beginning of your turn and your Bench isn't full, before you put it into your hand, you may put it onto your Bench. It has weakness against Water 2.
Ghostly, shaped like a lampshade, black head with a tip, long swinging arms, bottom of body like a lamp holder, glass head with blue flames
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Litwick and 50 HP of rarity Promo from the set BW Black Star Promos and the flavor text: Litwick shines a light that absorbs the life energy of people and Pokemon, which becomes the fuel that it burns. It has the attack Call for Family with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for a Basic Pokemon and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Will-O-Wisp with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Darkness 2.
Ghost attribute, shaped like a candle, the body is mainly white, with a purple flame on the top of the head, melted wax covering its right eye, yellow left ey
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Nuzleaf and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Seedot from the set Legend Maker. It has the attack Pound with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Plunder with the cost Darkness, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Before doing damage, discard all Trainer cards attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Psychic -30.
It is of grass nature, its body is brown, there are two small black spots on its chest, its thighs are thick, its nose is pointed, its eyes look like it is wearing a light brown mask, and there is a leaf on top of its head
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Magby and 30 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set HSTriumphant and the flavor text: It is found in volcanic craters. Its body temperature is over 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit, so don't underestimate it. It has the attack Play with Fire with the cost the energy cost 0 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Burned. Magby is now Asleep. It has the ability Sweet Sleeping Face with the description: As long as Magby is Asleep, prevents all damage done to Magby by attacks.
Fire attribute, red body, yellow abdomen and mouth, frustum-shaped mouth, many bulbous protrusions on the head, a small thorn on the back, and a brown pattern on the neck
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Centiskorch and 130 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Sizzlipede from the set Sword & Shield and the flavor text: When it heats up, its body temperature reaches about 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. It lashes its body like a whip and launches itself at enemies. It has the attack Hundred Foot Flames with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 with the description: For each Fire Energy attached to this Pokemon, discard the top card of your opponent's deck. It has the attack Searing Flame with the cost Fire, Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 110 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Burned. It has weakness against Water 2.
Fire attribute, like a centipede, with a bright red body, a dark brown back, a yellow heater on the abdomen, ten pairs of legs, and four burning flames at the head and tail
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Pidgeot and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Pidgeotto from the set Legendary Collection and the flavor text: When hunting, it skims the surface of water at high speed to pick off unwary prey such as Magikarp. It has the attack Wing Attack with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Hurricane with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: Unless this attack Knocks Out the Defending Pokemon, return the Defending Pokemon and all cards attached to it to your opponent's hand. It has weakness against Lightning 2. It has resistance against Fighting -30.
General attributes, the feathers are cream-colored, three clusters of bright red long feathers grow from the crest on the top of the birds head, the fan-shaped tail feathers are red, and the wide and long wings
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Talonflame and 130 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Fletchinder from the set Unified Minds and the flavor text: Its tough wings don't allow fire to pass through them. A long time ago, firefighters' outfits were made from Talonflame wings. It has the attack Heat Wave with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 40 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Burned. It has the attack Flare Raid with the cost Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 100 with the description: Discard an Energy from this Pokemon. This attack does 50 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Water 2.
Fire attribute, looks like an eagle, with red feathers raised high, black beak, and three V-shaped patterns on the tail feathers
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Skrelp and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Flashfire and the flavor text: Camouflaged as rotten kelp, they spray liquid poison on prey that approaches unawares and then finish it off. It has the attack Spit Poison with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Poisonous, with a brown body, purple face and abdomen, resembling a seahorse, with a small neck
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Azumarill and 120 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Marill from the set Burning Shadows and the flavor text: Its long ears are superb sensors. It can distinguish the movements of living things on riverbeds. It has the attack Waterfall with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 80. It has the ability Thick Fat with the description: This Pokemon takes 30 less damage from the attacks of your opponent's Fire or Water Pokemon (after applying Weakness and Resistance). It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, two pink ears, round blue body, wavy pattern on the abdomen, black lightning-shaped tail, and a blue sphere at the end
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Claydol and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Baltoy from the set Hidden Legends. It has the attack Hyper Beam with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, discard 1 Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has the attack Ram with the cost Fighting, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50. It has weakness against Water 2.
Ground attribute, black body with many eyes
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Wingull and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Sun & Moon and the flavor text: Fishermen keep an eye out for Wingull in the sky, because wherever they're circling, the ocean sure to be is teeming with fish Pokemon. It has the attack Roost with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Heal 30 damage from this Pokemon. It can't retreat during your next turn. It has weakness against Lightning 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
Water attribute, the body is white, the beak and claws are orange-yellow, the beak is long, the wings are thin and long
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Seadra and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Horsea from the set Dragon. It has the attack Energy Cannon with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20+ with the description: Does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy attached to Seadra but not used to pay for this attack's Energy cost. You can't add more than 20 damage in this way. It has the attack Water Arrow with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 with the description: Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 30 damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, with horns or spikes all over its body, curly tail, beige and blue body colors, and a cylindrical mouth into a triangular prism
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Lopunny and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Buneary from the set Legends Awakened and the flavor text: An extremely cautious Pokemon. It cloaks its body with its fluffy ear fur when it senses danger. It has the attack Collect with the cost the energy cost 0 with the description: Draw 3 cards. It has the attack Cross-Cut with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30+ with the description: If the Defending Pokemon is an Evolved Pokemon, this attack does 30 damage plus 30 more damage. It has the ability Healing Tail with the description: As long as Lopunny is your Active Pokemon, remove 1 damage counter from each of your Benched Pokemon between turns. It has weakness against Fighting +20.
General attributes, shaped like a bunny, brown all over, super long ears, cream-colored arms with slow clumps, pink eyes and a small nose
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Tyranitar and 100 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Pupitar from the set Neo Discovery and the flavor text: Its body can't be harmed by any sort of attack, so it is very eager to make challenges against enemies. It has the attack Slam with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip 2 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. It has the attack Trample with the cost Darkness, Darkness, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 50 with the description: For each Benched Pokemon in play (yours and your opponent's), flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has resistance against Psychic -30.
Rock attributes, the whole body is covered with an armor-like green shell, with a circle of spikes at the end of the tail, the body is covered with spikes, a pair of sharp teeth on the upper and lower jaws, and three claws on the hands and feet
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Octillery and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Remoraid from the set Neo Revelation and the flavor text: It traps enemies with its suction cupped tentacles then smashes them with its rockhard head. It has the attack Constrict with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the attack Octazooka with the cost Water, Water, Water, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, whenever the Defending Pokemon attacks, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, that attack does nothing. (Benching or evolving that Pokemon ends this effect.) It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, red body, octopus-shaped Pokémon with yellow suction cups, and two long tentacles on the front side
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Cubone and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Team Magma vs Team Aqua. It has the attack Bone Attack with the cost Fighting, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Ground attributes, the edge of the skull is cracked, the bone is held in the hand, the body is brown, the belly is flaxen, and the tail is short
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Cacturne and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Cacnea from the set Great Encounters and the flavor text: It becomes active at night, seeking prey that is exhausted from the day's desert heat. It has the attack Pin Missile with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip 3 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. It has the attack Needle Arm with the cost Darkness, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50+ with the description: If the Defending Pokemon already has any damage counters on it, this attack does 50 damage plus 20 more damage. It has weakness against Fire +20. It has resistance against Psychic -20.
Grassy, with yellow eyes, dark green spikes, and a triangular, upside-down spine on its head that looks like a hat
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Emolga and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Emerging Powers and the flavor text: The energy made in its cheeks' electric pouches is stored inside its membranes and released while it is gliding. It has the attack Thundershock with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the attack Acrobatics with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 more damage for each heads. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Electric attributes, similar to a flying flying squirrel, the body is composed of white, black eyes and small nose, two yellow electric sacs, and the face has jagged skin
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Corsola and 60 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set Unseen Forces. It has the attack Cry for Help with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for a Water or Fighting Pokemon (excluding Pokemon-ex), show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Double Attack with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 with the description: Choose 2 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. This attack does 10 damage to each of them. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, mainly pink, with white abdomen and limbs, and four horns behind
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Ludicolo and 140 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Lombre from the set Celestial Storm and the flavor text: The rhythm of bright, festive music activates Ludicolo's cells, making it more powerful. It has the attack Circular Steps with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 70+ with the description: This attack does 10 more damage for each other Pokemon in play (both yours and your opponent's). It has the ability Swing Dance with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may draw a card. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, the body is green, the body is covered with yellow hair, there is a short brown stem on the top of the big lotus leaf on the head, and the limbs are green
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Magnemite and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Forbidden Light and the flavor text: It sends out electromagnetic waves, which let it float through the air. Touching it while it's eating electricity will give you a full-body shock. It has the attack Searching Magnet with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for up to 3 Lightning Energy cards, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck. It has the attack Tackle with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Metal -20.
Electric attributes, gray body, one eye, a horseshoe magnet on the left and right sides of the body, a large screw on the top of the head, and two small screws on the front of the body
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Swalot and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Gulpin from the set Emerald. It has the attack Blot with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Remove 1 damage counter from Swalot. It has the attack Poison Breath with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Poison attributes,tall, purple dough-shaped Pokémon with a row of black diamonds in the middle of the body, three fingers, red eyes, and yellow beard
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Pikachu and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Crimson Invasion and the flavor text: A plan was recently announced to gather many Pikachu and make an electric power plant. It has the attack Pika Draw with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Draw a card. It has the attack Quick Attack with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Metal -20.
It has an electric attributes, looks like a mouse, has yellow fur all over its body, a tail like lightning, a small mouth, long ears with black tips, short and thick front paws
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Shellder and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Sword & Shield and the flavor text: It swims facing backward by opening and closing its two-piece shell. It is surprisingly fast. It has the attack Water Splash with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attributes, similar to clam structure, the inside is covered by a sharp hard shell, the upper and lower shells have two spikes, the eyes are located in the black soft body inside the shell, and the big tongue
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Beedrill and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Kakuna from the set Skyridge. It has the attack Needle Rush with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Flip 4 coins. If you get 1 heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage. If you get 2 heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 more damage. If you get 3 heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 50 more damage. If you get 4 heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 90 more damage. It has the ability Venom Spray with the description: When you play Beedrill from your hand to evolve your Active Pokemon, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed and Poisoned. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Insect attributes, yellow and black, with two tentacles on the head, four legs attached to the abdomen, two pairs of wings, large and thick white needles on the hands, and a tapered tail
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Vespiquen and 100 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Combee from the set Stormfront. It has the attack Bee Drain with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: After your attack, remove from Vespiquen the number of damage counters equal to the damage you did to the Defending Pokemon. It has the attack Bee Powder with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50 with the description: Flip 2 coins. If both are heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Burned, Paralyzed, and Poisoned. It has the ability Green Dignity with the description: As long as you have more Prize cards left than your opponent, Vespiquen's attacks do 10 more damage for each Grass Pokemon on your Bench to the Active Pokemon (before applying Weakness and Resistance). It has weakness against Fire +20. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
Insect attribute, looks like a bee, black hands and body, small wings around the face, black tentacles, body like a hive
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Flaaffy and 60 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Mareep from the set Neo Genesis and the flavor text: As a result of storing too much electricity, it developed patches where even downy wool won't grow. It has the attack Discharge with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30 with the description: Discard all Lightning Energy cards attached to Flaaffy in order to use this attack. Flip a number of coins equal to the number of Lightning Energy cards you discarded. This attack does 30 damage times then number of heads. It has the attack Electric Current with the cost Lightning, Lightning, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Take 1 Lightning Energy cards attached to Flaaffy and attach it to 1 of your Benched Pokemon. If you have no Benched Pokemon, discard that Energy card. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Electric attributes, looks like sheep skin is pink, white fluff around the neck, short and thick arms, the ball at the end of the tail is blue, round fluff on the top of the head
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Palpitoad and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Tympole from the set Dark Explorers and the flavor text: It lives in the water and on land. It uses its long, sticky tongue to capture prey. It has the attack Bubble Beam with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, the body is water blue, there are three tumors on the head, three on the waist and back, no hands, three blue toes, beige belly
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Torterra and 140 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Grotle from the set Platinum and the flavor text: Some Pokemon are born on a TORTERRA's back and spend their entire life there. It has the attack Green Blast with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40+ with the description: Does 40 damage plus 10 more damage for each Grass Energy attached to all of your Pokemon. It has the attack Soothing Scent with the cost Grass, Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 80 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has weakness against Fire +30.
Grass type, the half part and the lower jaw are green, a Pokémon that grows on the turtle shell, an oak-like tree and three gray regular triangular rocks
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Weavile and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Sneasel from the set Diamond & Pearl and the flavor text: They live in cold regions, forming groups of four or five that hunt prey with impressive coordination. It has the attack Nasty Plot with the cost Darkness, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for any 1 card and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Dark Pulse with the cost Darkness, Darkness, Darkness, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 10 with the description: Does 10 damage times the total amount of Darkness Energy attached to all of your Pokemon. It has weakness against Fighting +20. It has resistance against Psychic -20.
Evil attribute, golden yellow jade on forehead, crown of wide feathers, dark gray body, white palms and toes, sharp claws
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Octillery and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Remoraid from the set BREAKthrough and the flavor text: It traps foes with the suction cups on its tentacles, then smashes them with its rock-hard head. It has the attack Hug with the cost Water, Water, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40 with the description: The Defending Pokemon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn. It has the ability Abyssal Hand with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may draw cards until you have 5 cards in your hand. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, red body, octopus-shaped Pokémon with yellow suction cups, and two long tentacles on the front side
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Scraggy and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Champion's Path and the flavor text: If it locks eyes with you, watch out! Nothing and no one is safe from the reckless headbutts of this troublesome Pokemon. It has the attack Stampede with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Ram with the cost Darkness, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Evil attributes,lizard-like Pokémon with a small nose and a red bump on its head
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Victreebel and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Weepinbell from the set Jungle and the flavor text: Said to live in huge colonies deep in jungles, although no one has ever returned from there. It has the attack Lure with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 with the description: If your opponent has any Benched Pokemon, choose 1 of them and switch it with his or her Active Pokemon. It has the attack Acid with the cost Grass, Grass, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon can't retreat during your next turn. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Grass attributes, flower-like shape, yellow body, leaves on the head covering the mouth, hands are leaves on both sides of the body, eyes are under the mouth, and the end of the tail is leaf-shaped
A Baby Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Igglybuff and 30 HP of rarity Promo evolved from Jigglypuff from the set Wizards Black Star Promos and the flavor text: Its extremely flexible and elastic body makes it bounce continuouslyanytime, anywhere. It has the attack Good Night Song with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep.
General attributes, pink body, three spheres on the head, small hands and feet, red pupils, and a mark of mosquito coil on the forehead
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Fletchling and 50 HP of rarity None from the set Kalos Starter Set and the flavor text: These friendly Pokemon send signals to one another with beautiful chirps and tail-feather movements. It has the attack Razor Wind with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. It has weakness against Lightning 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
General attributes, bird Pokémon, orange-red head, triangular yellow mark behind the eyes, thin and long claws
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Ducklett and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Black & White and the flavor text: These bird Pokemon are excellent divers. They swim around in the water eating their favorite foodpeat moss. It has the attack Water Gun with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Lightning 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
Water attribute, looks like a swan, most of the body is light blue, the hair protruding from the head is in the shape of a heart, the mouth is flat and big, and two blue wings
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Pidgeotto and 60 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Pidgey from the set Legendary Collection and the flavor text: Very protective of its sprawling territory, this Pokemon will fiercely peck at any intruder. It has the attack Whirlwind with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Your opponent switches the Defending Pokemon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokemon, if any. (Do the damage before switching the Pokemon.) It has the attack Mirror Move with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 with the description: If Pidgeotto was attacked last turn, do the final result of that attack on Pidgeotto to the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Lightning 2. It has resistance against Fighting -30.
General attributes, the appearance is like a bird, the feathers are mainly brown, other feathers are mainly milky white, pink claws have three toes
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Abomasnow and 130 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Snover from the set Ultra Prism and the flavor text: It lives a quiet life on mountains that are perpetually covered in snow. It hides itself by whipping up blizzards. It has the attack Hypno Hammer with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 80 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the ability Blessings of the Frost with the description: When you play this Pokemon from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokemon during your turn, you may attach a Water Energy card from your discard pile to 1 of your Pokemon. It has weakness against Metal 2.
Grass attributes,Blizzard King standing on two feet, with white fluff all over, lavender eyes, and a few long strips of fur covering its mouth
A Restored Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Kabuto and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Dome Fossil Kabuto from the set Fates Collide and the flavor text: This Pokemon was regenerated from the fossil of an ancient creature. It protects itself with a hard shell. It has the attack Mud Shot with the cost Fighting, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Rock attributes, brown hemispherical shell, with two black dots on the top of the shell, which are its eyes
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Exeggutor and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Exeggcute from the set Aquapolis. It has the attack Super Eggsplosion with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 40 with the description: Discard any number of Energy cards attached to any of your Pokemon. Flip a number of coins equal to the number of Energy cards discarded this way. This attack does 40 damage times the number of heads. It has the attack Called Shot with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 with the description: Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. This attack does 10 damage times the amount of Grass Energy attached to Exeggutor. (Don't apply Weakness or Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Fire 2.
Grass attributes, like a coconut tree with legs, thick legs with two toes, light yellow pads on the bottom of the feet, some leaves come out from the top
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Claydol and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Baltoy from the set Holon Phantoms. It has the attack Wide Laser with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the attack Hyper Beam with the cost Psychic, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Ground attribute, black body with many eyes
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Zapdos and 110 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Team Up and the flavor text: A legendary Pokemon that is said to live in thunderclouds. It freely controls lightning bolts. It has the attack Thunderous Assault with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10+ with the description: If this Pokemon was on the Bench and became your Active Pokemon this turn, this attack does 70 more damage. This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness. It has weakness against Lightning 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
Electric attributes, bird Pokémon with yellow feathers, long orange beak, a large number of spike-like feathers on the wings and tail, and a large cluster of sharp feathers on the crown
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Blitzle and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Noble Victories and the flavor text: When thunderclouds cover the sky, it will appear. It can catch lightning with its mane and store the electricity. It has the attack Agility with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokemon during your opponent's next turn. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Electric attributes, the whole body is black, with white zigzag patterns, a white electric horn on the top of the head, and four slender legs
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Corsola and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set Hidden Legends. It has the attack Coral Glow with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Draw a number of cards up to the number of your opponent's Basic Pokemon in play. (You can't have more than 10 cards in your hand in this way.) It has the attack Surf with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, mainly pink, with white abdomen and limbs, and four horns behind
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Igglybuff and 30 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set HeartGold & SoulSilver and the flavor text: Its extremely flexible and elastic body makes it bounce continuouslyanytime, anywhere. It has the attack Graffiti with the cost the energy cost 0 with the description: Igglybuff is now Asleep. During your opponent's next turn, the attack cost of each of the Defending Pokemon's attacks is Colorless more. It has the ability Sweet Sleeping Face with the description: As long as Igglybuff is Asleep, prevent all damage done to Igglybuff by attacks.
General attributes, pink body, three spheres on the head, small hands and feet, red pupils, and a mark of mosquito coil on the forehead
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Zangoose and 80 HP of rarity Rare from the set Call of Legends and the flavor text: Its fur would all stand on end if it smelled a Seviper nearby. Its sharp claws tear up its foes. It has the attack Swords Dance with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: During your next turn, Zangoose's Lost Claw attack's base damage is 80. It has the attack Lost Claw with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: Choose 1 card from your opponent's hand without looking and put it in the Lost Zone. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
General attributes, it looks like a big white cat with red patterns on its body, two black sharp claws and a red finger on its front paws, and the tip of its tail is divided into three parts
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Dragon with the title Vibrava and 80 HP of rarity Common evolved from Trapinch from the set Dragon Majesty and the flavor text: To help make its wings grow, it dissolves quantities of prey in its digestive juices and guzzles them down every day. It has the attack Sonic Edge with the cost Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50 with the description: This attack's damage isn't affected by any effects on your opponent's Active Pokemon. It has weakness against Fairy 2.
Ground attribute, looks like a mosquito, khaki body, green wings, big green eyes
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Ivysaur and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Bulbasaur from the set FireRed & LeafGreen. It has the attack Poison Seed with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has the attack Razor Leaf with the cost Grass, Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Grass attributes,four-legged Pokémon, similar to a toad in appearance, red eyes, black pupils, the seeds on the back grow into pink buds
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Geodude and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Flashfire and the flavor text: Found in fields and mountains. Mistaking them for boulders, people often step or trip on them. It has the attack Rollout with the cost Fighting, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Flail with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10 with the description: This attack does 10 damage times the number of damage counters on this Pokemon. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Rock properties, like a gray round stone, well-developed arms, five fingers
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Magmar and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set HSTriumphant and the flavor text: The fiery surface of its body gives off a wavering, rippling glare that is similar to the sun. It has the attack Eruption with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Each player discards the top card of his or her deck. This attack does 20 damage times the number of Energy cards discarded in this way. It has the attack Combustion with the cost Fire, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30. It has weakness against Water 2.
Fire attribute, the two tumors on the head have upward flames, there are fire patterns on the abdomen, and there are protruding red objects on the hands
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Jellicent and 100 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Frillish from the set Plasma Storm and the flavor text: Its body is mostly seawater. It's said there's a castle of ships Jellicent have sunk on the seafloor. It has the attack Aqua Bullet with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40 with the description: Does 10 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the ability Spiteful Spirit with the description: If this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon and is Knocked Out by damage from an opponent's attack, the Attacking Pokemon is now Confused and Poisoned. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, Pokémon with gender differences, the male body is blue, has a beard, no lips, the female pink body, the lips are heart-shaped
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fairy with the title Clefable and 120 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Clefairy from the set Hidden Fates and the flavor text: It can't help but hear a pin drop from over half a mile away, so it lives deep in the mountains where there aren't many people or Pokemon. It has the attack Pound with the cost Fairy, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40. It has the attack Moon Impact with the cost Fairy, Fairy, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 90. It has weakness against Metal 2. It has resistance against Darkness -20.
Fairy attributes,pink star-shaped Pokémon, walks on two legs, has a curly tail, pointed ears, and the tips of the ears are black. Black eyes, large wings, each with three points
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Duosion and 60 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Solosis from the set Plasma Blast and the flavor text: When their two divided brains think the same thoughts, their psychic power is maximized. It has the attack Focused Wish with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Super power attribute, the whole body is covered by a special cyan membrane, there is a white object in the cyan membrane, and there is a black line on the mouth
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Lombre and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Lotad from the set Crystal Guardians. It has the attack Plunder with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Before doing damage, discard all Trainer cards attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has the attack Wave Splash with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, biped Pokémon, green body, a large lotus leaf on the head, prong mouth, arms longer than legs, fingers and toes are red
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Samurott and 140 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Dewott from the set Boundaries Crossed and the flavor text: One swing of the sword incorporated in its armor can fell an opponent. A simple glare from one of them quiets everybody. It has the attack Waterfall with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50. It has the attack Destructive Whirlpool with the cost Water, Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 80 with the description: Discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, four-legged blue sea beast Pokémon, long white beard, a huge beige round with spear-like spikes on the back of the head, three dark blue toes
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Sandslash and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Sandshrew from the set Fossil and the flavor text: Curls up into a spiny ball when threatened. It can roll while curled up to attack or escape. It has the attack Slash with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Fury Swipes with the cost Fighting, Fighting, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip 3 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. It has weakness against Grass 2. It has resistance against Lightning -30.
A ground attributes,bipedal Pokémon similar in appearance to squamous animals, with mostly pale yellow skin and two large claws
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Slowbro and 90 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Slowpoke from the set HSUndaunted and the flavor text: Naturally dull to begin with, it lost its ability to feel pain due to Shellder's seeping poison. It has the attack Full-Belly Refresh with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Remove all Special Conditions and 3 damage counters from Slowbro. It has the attack Startling Trip with the cost Psychic, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Confused. If tails, Slowbro is now Confused. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, pink body, bipedal walking Pokémon, cream-colored band stripes on the abdomen
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Salazzle and 100 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Salandit from the set Unbroken Bonds and the flavor text: Salazzle lives deep in caves and forces the Salandit it has attracted with its pheromones to serve it. It has the attack Combustion with the cost Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 60. It has the ability Roast Reveal with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may discard a Fire Energy card from your hand. If you do, draw 3 cards. It has weakness against Water 2.
Poison attributes,tall and slender Pokémon standing on two feet, with a purple-red lace texture on its abdomen, and a pair of soft and elegant silk on its waist
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Swellow and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Taillow from the set Emerald. It has the attack Peck with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Skill Dive with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 with the description: Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 40 damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Lightning 2. It has resistance against Fighting -30.
General attributes, Pokémon similar to barn swallows, mainly dark blue feathers, white belly, red claws, yellow beak
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Graveler and 100 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Geodude from the set Flashfire and the flavor text: With a free and uncaring nature, it doesn't mind if pieces break off while it rolls down mountains. It has the attack Double-Edge with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60 with the description: This Pokemon does 20 damage to itself. It has the attack Rollout with the cost Fighting, Fighting, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 80. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Rock attributes,ball-shaped Pokémon with a stone appearance, gray skin, four arms, and three fingers at the corners of each hand
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Mesprit and 70 HP of rarity Rare from the set Legends Awakened and the flavor text: Known as "The Being of Emotion." It taught humans the nobility of sorrow, pain, and joy. It has the attack Extrasensory with the cost Psychic, Psychic, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: If you have the same number of cards in your hand as your opponent, this attack does 20 damage plus 50 more damage. It has the ability Psychic Bind with the description: Once during your turn, when you put Mesprit from your hand onto your Bench, you may use this power. Your opponent can't use any Poke-Powers on his or her Pokemon during your opponent's next turn. It has weakness against Psychic +20.
A legendary, gray fairy Pokémon with two tails, each with a red gemstone at the end, four long appendages, and a ruby on the forehead
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Bayleef and 90 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Chikorita from the set Call of Legends and the flavor text: A spicy aroma emanates from around its neck. The aroma acts as a stimulant to restore health. It has the attack Hammer In with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Razor Leaf with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Water -20.
Grass attributes, the body is yellow, there are seven leaves around the neck, a large sickle-shaped leaf protruding from the head, four feet with big toe nails
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Parasect and 60 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Paras from the set Neo Revelation and the flavor text: It stays mostly in dark, damp places, the preference not of the bug, but of the big mushrooms on its back. It has the attack Sleep Pinchers with the cost Grass, Grass, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the ability Allergic Pollen with the description: As long as Parasect is in play, cards in any player's discard piles are not affected by attacks or Pokemon Powers. This power stops working if Parasect becomes Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Insect type, orange body, white eyes, large mushrooms on the back covering the whole body, three pairs of legs, a pair of large pincers on the front feet
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Slaking and 140 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Vigoroth from the set Mysterious Treasures and the flavor text: The world's laziest Pokemon. When it is lounging, it is actually saving energy for striking back. It has the attack Lazy Blow with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 50. It has the ability Energetic Impulse with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), if Slaking is your Active Pokemon, you may flip a coin. If heads, Slaking's Lazy Blow attack's base damage is 130 during this turn. If tails, Slaking can't attack or retreat during this turn. (If Slaking is no longer your Active Pokemon, this effect ends.) It has weakness against Fighting +30.
General attributes, similar to baboons and gorillas, with a pink nose and beige skin, brown eye circles, and two bud-like white hairs on the head
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Heatmor and 120 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set Rebel Clash and the flavor text: There's a hole in its tail that allows it to draw in the air it needs to keep its fire burning. If the hole gets blocked, this Pokemon will fall ill. It has the attack Lick with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the attack Flamethrower with the cost Fire, Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 120 with the description: Discard an Energy from this Pokemon. It has weakness against Water 2.
Fire attribute, looks like an anteater, with a pointed mouth, red body, and a ring-like bracelet on the arm, with many holes on it.
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Snorlax and 150 HP of rarity Promo from the set SWSH Black Star Promos and the flavor text: It is not satisfied unless it eats over 880 pounds of food every day. When it is done eating, it goes promptly to sleep. It has the attack Rolling Tackle with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 80. It has the attack Heavy Impact with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 130. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
General attributes, white belly, squinting eyes, big belly
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Seel and 60 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set Base and the flavor text: The protruding horn on its head is very hard. This horn is used for bashing through thick ice. It has the attack Headbutt with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, with a bump on the top of the head, teeth upturned on both sides of the mouth, and a tongue sticking out
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Swanna and 90 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Ducklett from the set Black & White and the flavor text: Swanna start to dance at dusk. The one dancing in the middle is the leader of the flock. It has the attack Feather Dance with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: During your next turn, each of this Pokemon's attacks does 40 more damage (before applying Weakness and Resistance). It has the attack Aqua Ring with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40 with the description: Switch this Pokemon with 1 of your Benched Pokemon. It has weakness against Lightning 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
Water attributes, long yellow beak, two pinches of connected feathers on the head, black webbed
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Cloyster and 130 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Shellder from the set Sword & Shield and the flavor text: Its shell is extremely hard. It cannot be shattered, even with a bomb. The shell opens only when it is attacking. It has the attack Shell Grab with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the attack Tidal Wave with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 100. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, with protruding horns on the body, hard shell and purple body
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Gliscor and 90 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Gligar from the set Roaring Skies and the flavor text: Its flight is soundless. It uses its lengthy tail to carry off its prey... Then its elongated fangs do the rest. It has the attack Rock Slide with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: This attack does 20 damage to 2 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the attack Slash with the cost Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40. It has weakness against Water 2.
Ground attributes, like scorpions and bats, the whole body is gray-purple, with red ears, arms and abdomen, a pair of big yellow eyes, and a huge gray wing
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Kabutops and 150 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Kabuto from the set Fates Collide and the flavor text: A slim and fast swimmer. It slices its prey with its sharp sickles and drinks the body fluids. It has the attack Cling with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50 with the description: Heal from this Pokemon the same amount of damage you did to your opponent's Active Pokemon. It has the attack X-Scissor with the cost Fighting, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 80+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 60 more damage. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Rock properties, brown shell, breastplate, claws and sickles on hands are white, triangular head, walking upright
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Electrike and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Dragons Exalted and the flavor text: Using electricity stored in its fur, it stimulates its muscles to heighten its reaction speed. It has the attack Quick Turn with the cost Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Electric attributes, like a small dog, with yellow markings on the body, a broad head, three protruding crowns, and four sharp teeth
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Luxio and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Shinx from the set Next Destinies and the flavor text: Strong electricity courses through the tips of its sharp claws. A light scratch causes fainting in foes. It has the attack Jump On with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage. It has the attack Wild Charge with the cost Lightning, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60 with the description: This Pokemon does 10 damage to itself. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Electric attribute, the head and the first half of the body are blue, the second half of the body is black, black mane, tail is a four-pointed star, and there are two circles of yellow on each foot
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Salazzle and 100 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Salandit from the set Unified Minds and the flavor text: Salazzle lives deep in caves and forces the Salandit it has attracted with its pheromones to serve it. It has the attack Fire Claws with the cost Fire, Fire, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 70. It has weakness against Water 2.
Poison attributes,tall and slender Pokémon standing on two feet, with a purple-red lace texture on its abdomen, and a pair of soft and elegant silk on its waist
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Magikarp and 30 HP of rarity Common from the set Evolutions and the flavor text: It is virtually worthless in terms of both power and speed. It is the most weak and pathetic Pokemon in the world. It has the attack Flail with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: This attack does 10 damage times the number of damage counters on this Pokemon. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, it is a red fish with catfish-like filaments around its mouth and a golden crown-shaped fin on its head
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Wailmer and 120 HP of rarity Common from the set Celestial Storm and the flavor text: It shows off by spraying jets of seawater from the nostrils above its eyes. It eats a solid ton of Wishiwashi every day. It has the attack Wave Swallower with the cost Water, Water, Water, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: Flip a coin until you get tails. For each heads, heal 50 damage from this Pokemon. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, spherical whale, the upper part is blue, the lower part is white, with a mouth, teeth like piano keys, and eyes like small black beans