the theory of finite - size effects near phase transitions is an area of active research . well suited for a comparison between theory and experiment is the superfluid transition of @xmath3he @xcite . so far , however , primarily _ static _ properties have been investigated . very little is known about finite size effects on _ dynamic _ quantities . in particular no theoretical prediction exists for the validity of dynamic finite - size scaling along the lambda line of @xmath3he . here we present some results of the first renormalization - group calculation of finite - size effects on the thermal conductivity of @xmath3he above and at @xmath2 and compare our results with experimental data by kahn and ahlers @xcite . our calculations are based on model f @xcite which is defined by @xmath4 @xmath5 @xmath6 where @xmath7 @xmath8 we consider a rectangular @xmath9 box geometry and assume a stationary heat current _ q _ in the _ z _ direction which is generated by a heat source in the bottom plane @xmath10 and absorbed by a sink in the top plane @xmath11 , @xmath12 \;.\ ] ] we impose dirichlet boundary conditions for the order parameter ( @xmath13 ) and neumann boundary conditions for the entropy density @xmath14 ( vanishing spatial derivatives perpendicular to the sidewalls ) . eventually we let @xmath15 and define the superfluid current @xmath16 in the stationary state . we are interested in the finite - size effect on the thermal conductivity @xmath17^{-1}\ ] ] where @xmath18 is the @xmath19 component of @xmath20 . we have calculated @xmath21 analytically for @xmath22 up to one - loop order employing the minimal renormalization approach at fixed dimension @xmath23 @xcite and using the effective parameters known from bulk theory @xcite . we neglect possible non - scaling contributions due to cutoff effects and van der waals forces @xcite . 1 we present our prediction of @xmath24 at saturated vapor pressure . it agrees reasonably well with the experimental result for holes @xmath25 in diameter @xcite . from the bulk thermal conducivity @xmath28 at saturated vapor pressure for @xmath29 in the regime @xmath30 ( solid line ) where @xmath31 is the bulk correlation length above @xmath2 . it agrees reasonably well with the experimental data @xcite in this regime . our analytical theoretical expression for @xmath33 will be presented elsewhere @xcite . it will enable us to make quantitative predictions for the finite - size scaling function of @xmath34 and for the pressure dependence of the finite - size effects along the lambda line . this will provide the basis for testing the range of validity of universal dynamic finite - size scaling . v. dohm , phys . scripta * t 49 * ( 1993 ) 46 . a.m. kahn , g. ahlers , phys . * 74 * ( 1995 ) 944 . halperin , p.c . hohenberg , e.d . siggia , phys . rev . * b 13 * ( 1976 ) 1299 . v. dohm , z. phys . * b 60 * ( 1985 ) 61 ; * b 61 * ( 1985 ) , 193 ; r. schloms , v. dohm , nucl . * b 228 * ( 1989 ) 639 . v. dohm , phys . rev . * b 44 * ( 1991 ) 2697 ; r. folk , g. moser , preprint . chen , v. dohm , eur . j * b 7 * ( 1999 ) 183 ; * b 10 * ( 1999 ) 687 ; phys . rev . * e 66 * , 016102 ( 2002 ) ; d. dantchev , j. rudnick , eur . phys . j * b 21 * ( 2001 ) 251 . m. tpler , v. dohm , in preparation .
we present results of a renormalization - group calculation of the thermal conductivity of confined @xmath0he in a @xmath1 geometry above and at @xmath2 within model f with dirichlet boundary conditions for the order parameter . we assume a heat flow parallel to the boundaries which implies neumann boundary conditions for the entropy density . no adjustable parameters other than those known from bulk theory and static finite - size theory are used . our theoretical results are compared with experimental data by kahn and ahlers . , critical phenomena ; finite - size effects ; helium4 ; thermal conductivity
after the failure of the main mission of the wide field infrared explorer ( _ wire _ ) satellite , launched by nasa in 1999 march , its star tracker was used for asteroseismology of bright objects ( buzasi et al . 2000 ; buzasi 2002 ) . here we report on preliminary analysis of observations of the red giant arcturus ( @xmath3 boo ) , which is the brightest star in the northern hemisphere , and has been observed in velocity several times ( belmonte et al . 1990a ; 1990b ; merline 1995 ) . nearly 1.2 million 0.1-s exposures were obtained during 19 successive days in 2000 july - august . 1 presents the light curve . the data from each orbit were binned into a single mean point with a typical error of about 15 ppm . the light curve shows changes on time scales of hours to days . the upper panel of fig . 2 displays the amplitude spectrum of the data . there is an excess of power at low frequencies . the highest peak at 4.11 @xmath2hz is in agreement with the ground - based radial velocity and photometry study of belmonte et al . ( 1990a ; 1990b ) . table 1 lists the ten highest peaks in the power spectrum . the typical frequency error is @xmath10.1 @xmath2hz . peak 4 ( 0.98 @xmath2hz ) is questionable as the data extend over only @xmath12.5 cycles of it . 3 presents the amplitude spectrum at the frequency range of 0 - 20 @xmath2hz . the dotted vertical lines show the locations of the ten highest peaks . [ cols=">,>,^,^,^ " , ] the amplitude and frequency of the power excess in arcturus are consistent with solar - like oscillations ( kjeldsen & bedding 1995 ) . the strongest peaks have a frequency spacing of @xmath4 0.8@xmath5hz , which is in excellent agreement with the expected value of 0.9@xmath60.1 ( kjeldsen & bedding 1995 ) , but not with the value of 5.0 @xmath2hz reported by belmonte et al . ( 1990a ; 1990b ) . we note , however , that our value of @xmath7 is very close to our frequency resolution ( @xmath10.55 @xmath2hz ) , which is set by the length of the run . the same was true for the observations by belmonte et al . could granulation noise , rather than oscillations , be responsible for the excess power ? this is unlikely , since the variability is also detected in velocity , with an amplitude of @xmath160 m/s at 4.3@xmath2hz ( belmonte et al . 1990a ; 1990b ) . the ratio of the photometric amplitude to the velocity amplitude is as expected for sound waves , and about ten times greater than expected for granulation noise . we conclude that the variations in arcturus can be explained by sound waves , but it is not clear whether these are coherent p - mode oscillations or perhaps a single mode with a short lifetime . a longer time series is required to distinguish between the two options . belmonte j.a . , jones a.r . , palle p.l . , roca cortes t. , 1990a , ap&ss , 169 , 77 belmonte j.a . , jones a.r . , palle p.l . , roca cortes t. , 1990b , apj , 358 , 595 buzasi d. , 2002 , in aerts c. , bedding t. , christensen - dalsgaard j. , eds , asp conf . 259 , radial and nonradial pulsations as probes of stellar physics , p. 616 buzasi d. , catanzarite j. , laher r. , conrow t. , shupe d. , gautier t.n.iii , kreidl t. , everett d. , 2000 , apj , 532 , l133 kjeldsen h. , bedding t. , 1995 , a&a , 293 , 87 merline w.j . , 1995 , ph.d . thesis , the university of arizona ,
observations of the red giant arcturus ( @xmath0 boo ) obtained with the star tracker on the wide field infrared explorer ( _ wire _ ) satellite during a baseline of 19 successive days in 2000 july - august are analysed . the power spectrum has a significant excess of power at low - frequencies . the highest peak is at @xmath14.1 @xmath2hz , which is in agreement with the ground - based radial velocity and photometry study of belmonte et al . ( 1990a ; 1990b ) . the variability of arcturus can be explained by sound waves , but it is not clear whether these are coherent p - mode oscillations .
early - type galaxies obey a tight linear relation in 3-d log - space , the fundamental plane ( fp ; djorgovski & davis 1987 ; dressler et al . 1987 ) , defined by their size @xmath2 , average surface brightness @xmath3 and stellar velocity dispersion ( @xmath4 ) . via a study of the fp constraints on the formation epoch and evolution of early - type galaxies are possible . over the past twenty years a significant effort has been devoted to understand the physical processes involved in this empiric relationship in the nearby universe . previous works of field early - type galaxies at higher redshift up to @xmath5 found evidence for a mass dependent evolution ( e.g. , treu et al . 2005 ; di serego alighieri et al . recently , fritz et al . ( 2009a ) detected recent star formation in less - massive field early - type galaxies up to @xmath6 . this rejuvenation accounts for 5 - 10% in the total stellar mass budget of these galaxies , possible triggered through agn feedback . target galaxies were selected from the gemini / hst galaxy cluster project . this project is an extensive observational campaign to investigate the formation and evolution of distant galaxies in rich galaxy clusters from @xmath7 to the present - day ( jrgensen et al . 2005 ) . for 15 massive , @xmath8-ray luminous galaxy clusters ( @xmath9 erg s@xmath10 ) from @xmath11 to 1 , intermediate - resolution gemini / gmos spectroscopy and hst / acs or wfpc2 imaging were obtained . the mos masks included primarily expected cluster members , while vacant space was filled with slits for objects that have similar brightnesses but slightly bluer or redder colours than expected for early - type cluster members . out of three cluster fields , rxj0152.7 - 1357 , rxj1226.9 + 3332 and rxj1415.1 + 3612 , we have extracted 20 galaxies with early - type morphology and @xmath12 ( @xmath13 ) which are used in the following . the high @xmath14 and intermediate resolution galaxy spectra ( @xmath15 ) allows us to study in detail the internal kinematics and stellar populations of the galaxies . using deep hst / acs imaging , we fit model profiles to the galaxies to derive the effective parameters ( chiboucas et al . fig . [ fig1 ] shows the fp for field early - type galaxies ( squares ) in rest - frame johnson @xmath16-band , compared to 116 early - type galaxies in the coma cluster ( triangles ) . the slope of the fp for field galaxies at high redshift is steeper than that for their local counterparts . we interpret the slope difference between the distant and local relation as a mass - dependent evolution . less - massive field galaxies ( @xmath17 ) evolve faster than their more massive counterparts . the @xmath18 evolution with @xmath19 is under investigation . similar results have been found for galaxy clusters at @xmath20 ( jrgensen et al . 2006 , 2007 ; fritz et al . this suggest that environmental effects play only a minor role on the evolution of early - type galaxies . a combined analysis of the fp and absorption line strengths for the field galaxies will be presented in fritz et al . ( 2009c , in prep ) . af and ij acknowledge support from grant hst - go-10826.01 from stsci . based on observations obtained at the gemini observatory , operated by aura , inc . , under cooperative agreement with the nsf , on behalf the nsf , stfc ( uk ) , nrc ( canada ) , conicyt ( chile ) , arc ( australia ) , cnpq ( brazil ) , and secyt ( argentina ) .
we present the fundamental plane ( fp ) of field early - type galaxies at @xmath0 . our project is a continuation of our efforts to understand the formation and evolution of early - type galaxies in different environments . the target galaxies were selected from the comprehensive and homogeneous data set of the gemini / hst galaxy cluster project . the distant field early - type galaxies follow a steeper fp relation compared to the local fp . the change in the slope of the fp can be interpreted as a mass - dependent evolution . similar results have been found for cluster early - type galaxies in high redshift galaxy clusters at @xmath1 . therefore , the slope change of the fp appears to be independent of the environment of the galaxies .
assuming the kerr geometry , the keplerian and epicyclic orbital frequencies ( @xmath5 and @xmath6 ) for a given radius depend only on mass @xmath7 and spin @xmath8 of the black hole . it is therefore possible to infer the black hole spin or mass from the observed 3:2 frequencies and concrete orbital qpo models . the 3:2 qpo frequencies in grs 1915@xmath1105 are given by @xmath9 assuming relation ( [ equation:3:2 ] ) and the well known formulae for the orbital frequencies , we calculate the implied mass - spin functions for the models associating the 3:2 qpos with common radii by means of the definition relations given in table [ table1 ] . following @xcite and taking into account the estimated range of the mass of grs 1915@xmath1105 , @xmath10 we infer the expected ranges of the spin . the results are presented in table [ table1 ] . the above considered models assume that both of the observed 3:2 frequencies are produced by the same mechanism and excited at a certain ( common ) preferred radius . for the discoseismic modes the individual observed qpos correspond to different modes located at different radii . the frequencies of these modes depend on the black hole spin and the speed of sound in the accreted gas , and scale as @xmath11 . the mass ranges implied by combinations of the fundamental discoseismic modes overlap with those observationally determined only for the model relating the 3:2 qpos to the c - mode ( corrugation vertically incompressible waves near the inner edge of the disk ) and g - mode ( inertial - gravity waves that occur at the radius where @xmath12 reaches its maximum value ) provided that @xmath13 . details and references are given in @xcite . the internal ( epicyclic ) resonance and the discoseismic model ( dealing with c- and g- modes ) are favoured in the case of grs 1915@xmath1105 provided that @xmath2 . on the contrary , the td , wd , rp , and rp2 models are disfavoured . this statement was inferred assuming that @xmath14 , @xmath15 , and @xmath16 were the exact geodesic frequencies . analysis including the influence of non - geodesic effects would require a very detailed study . a rough estimate of their possible relevance can be done assuming the relative non - geodesic correction @xmath17 ( ( * ? ? ? * trk et al . , 2011 ) ) , which is needed to match the observations of grs 1915@xmath1105 with a given model for a certain spin . for @xmath18 and the rp model , it changes from @xmath19 to @xmath20 . the same is roughly true for the td and wd models , while for the rp2 model the required correction is even higher . thus , the above result is justified , except when very large non - geodesic corrections are taken into account . only the rp1 model can survive with corrections of @xmath21 up to @xmath22 , but the present physical interpretation of this model is unclear ( see ( * ? ? ? * trk et al . , 2011 ) for references ) . @xcite pointed out that since the 3:2 qpo frequencies in microquasars scale roughly as @xmath23 , their spins implied by a given resonance model should not much vary among them . if very different spins in grs 1915@xmath1105 , gro j1655@xmath2440 and xte j1550@xmath24564 were confirmed , the difficulty of matching all the observed 3:2 frequencies would clearly be rather generic for most of the orbital qpo models . because of the generic @xmath11 scaling , the above difficulty also arises for a unified 3:2 qpo model assuming fundamental discoseismic modes . + + * acknowledgements . * the authors acknowledge the research grant gar 209/12/p740 and the project cz.1.07/2.3.00/20.0071 `` synergy '' supporting international collaboration of the institute of physics at su opava .
the black hole mass and spin estimates assuming various specific models of the 3:2 high frequency quasi - periodic oscillations ( hf qpos ) have been carried out in ( * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * trk et al . ( 2005 , 2011 ) ) . here we briefly summarize some current points . spectral fitting of the spin @xmath0 in the microquasar grs 1915@xmath1105 reveals that this system can contain a near extreme rotating black hole ( ( * ? ? ? * e.g. , mcclintock et al . , 2011 ) ) . confirming the high value of the spin would have significant consequences for the theory of the hf qpos . the estimate of @xmath2 is almost inconsistent with the relativistic precession ( rp ) , tidal disruption ( td ) , and the warped disc ( wd ) model . the epicyclic resonance ( ep ) and discoseismic models assuming the c- and g- modes are instead favoured . however , consideration of all three microquasars that display the 3:2 hf qpos leads to a serious puzzle because the differences in the individual spins , such as @xmath3 compared to @xmath4 , represent a generic problem almost for any unified orbital 3:2 qpo model .
from statistical mechanics we know the energy density as @xmath2 . in lattice calculations the straightforward approach to calculate this quantity is to introduce different lattice spacings @xmath3 to perform the derivatives with respect to @xmath4 at fixed physical volume @xmath5 . therefore one introduces the lattice anisotropy @xmath6 and two gauge couplings in the action , @xmath7 the energy density @xmath8 contains then the derivatives of these gauge couplings , @xmath9 where [ cols= " < , < , < " , ] and @xmath10 the coefficents @xmath0 and @xmath1 were calculated pertubatively in @xcite . a different way to determine the energy density was used by the bielefeld group@xcite . the free energy density @xmath11 is obtained by integrating the difference of the plaquettes , @xmath12~.\ ] ] in large systems , where @xmath13 , @xmath8 can be found from the pressure , @xmath14 ~ , { \nonumber}\end{aligned}\ ] ] using the relation @xmath15 and the @xmath16-function from @xmath17 measurements , we can calculate @xmath0 and @xmath1 from ( [ ener ] ) , ( [ eins ] ) and ( [ e-3p ] ) . in figure 1 the results for @xmath0 and @xmath1 are shown as solid lines . they deviate clearly from the pertubative results ( broken lines ) . however , this is expected , as also @xmath18 deviate from the pertubative result . we also note , that the method works only above @xmath19 , because both @xmath20 and @xmath8 become very small below the critical point . an attempt to determine the lattice anisotropy was made by burgers et al.@xcite . consider the anisotropic couplings @xmath21 fig.1 . the derivatives @xmath0 and @xmath1 for the wilson action ( a ) ( @xmath22=4,6,8 ) and the 2x2-action ( b ) ( @xmath22=4 ) @xcite versus @xmath16 . the broken lines show the pertubative values@xcite . the sum @xmath18 is from the @xmath16-function . the dotted line shows an estimate form the different @xmath22-values . the single measurements are from the matching method . of the action ( [ action ] ) . the derivatives with respect to the lattice anisotropy @xmath23 are @xmath24 which requires the function @xmath25 or @xmath26 we vary the anisotropy of the couplings @xmath27 in the action @xmath28 and measure the anisotropy of the lattice spacing @xmath29 . wilson loops are suitable observables , since they depend on the physical size of the lattice . instead of matching wilson loops , measured in spatial and in temporal direction , directly , @xmath30 we match ratios of wilson loops , in order to cancel corner and selfmass contributions , @xmath31 @xmath32 since these ratios contain only wilson loops with the same extension in @xmath33 , the following matching condition holds , @xmath34 fig.2 . the ratios @xmath35 for fixed @xmath36 vs. @xmath37 , the open symbols are connected by solid lines . the ratios @xmath38 correspond to the bold face symbols and are shifted in @xmath33 by @xmath39 . we are using a @xmath40 lattice for @xmath41 $ ] , a @xmath42 lattice for @xmath43 $ ] and a @xmath44 lattice for @xmath45 . the link integration technique of ref.@xcite is applied to obtain accurate expectation values of large wilson loops with a statistics of 2000 measurements . the value of @xmath29 was chosen in such a way , that the square deviation of @xmath46 from the lines connecting the @xmath35 measurements was minimal . for each @xmath27 we find in this way a value of @xmath29 . figure 3 shows an example for @xmath47 . in all cases we found a linear behaviour of @xmath26 . the result for @xmath29 as a function of @xmath27 for @xmath47 . the solid line is a linear fit to @xmath26 . to obtain the derivative @xmath48 we have performed linear fits . the resulting @xmath0 are shown in figure 4 . obviously the matching procedure requires at least loops of an area eight . for larger wilson loops the results are consistent . employing a method of matching ratios of wilson loops on anisotropic lattices we have directly determined the derivatives @xmath0 and @xmath1 of the gauge couplings non - pertubatively . this has been done for both , the standard wilson action and the 2@xmath492 improved action@xcite . we found significant deviations from the pertubative result . qualitatively our results are in agreement with the indirect method used in@xcite , though they are a little lower . we assume that the difference is due to @xmath50 corrections , since they enter the two methods differently . the use of ratios of wilson loops was crucial in order to eliminate unphysical self energy contributions . the numerical matching technique for these ratios enabled us to obtain the required accuracy for @xmath29 . fig.4 . the derivative @xmath0 for @xmath47 from eq.([cs ] ) as a function of the minimal area @xmath51 of the smallest wilson loops included in the ratio matching . the solid line shows the average value for @xmath52 , the broken lines the error band .
by matching wilson loop ratios on anisotropic lattices we measure the coefficients @xmath0 and @xmath1 , which are required for the calculation of the energy density . the results are compared to that of an indirect method of determination . we find similar behaviour , the differences are attributed to different discretization errors .
at the lhc , top quark pairs ( @xmath3 ) will be produced mainly via gluon fusion . a recent prediction for the cross section at @xmath4 tev is a next - to - leading order ( nlo ) calculation with soft - gluon next - to - leading - log ( nll ) resummation @xcite : @xmath5 ( factorisation and renormalisation scales ) @xmath6 ( parton distribution function ( pdf ) ) pb . as @xmath7 , top quarks nearly always decay into a @xmath8-boson and a @xmath9-quark . a @xmath8-boson decays roughly 2/3@xmath10 of the cases into two quarks and 1/3@xmath10 into a lepton and a neutrino . therefore , @xmath3 decay can be divided into three channels : 4/9@xmath11 fully hadronic , 4/9@xmath11 semileptonic and 1/9@xmath11 dileptonic . the fully hadronic channel suffers from large qcd multi - jet background . the presence of missing transverse energy ( from undetectable neutrino s ) and at least one lepton in the two other channels creates the possibility to select @xmath3 events while reducing background considerably . these two channels are used in atlas for @xmath3 cross section measurements with the first 100pb@xmath2 integrated luminosity of data @xcite and will be discussed in the following sections . two complementary measurements in the single lepton channel are investigated : a counting method and a likelihood fit . events are selected that passed the electron ( muon ) trigger ` e22i ` ( ` mu20 ` ) and contain missing transverse energy @xmath12 gev , an isolated electron ( muon ) with transverse momentum @xmath13 gev / c and pseudo rapidity @xmath14 , three jets with @xmath15 gev / c and @xmath14 and an additional fourth jet with @xmath13 gev / c and @xmath14 . the hadronic top is reconstructed by taking the invariant mass @xmath16 of the three jet combination with the highest @xmath17 . to reduce background from jet combinatorics and other processes , at least one di - jet combination is required to be compatible with the @xmath8-boson mass @xmath18 gev / c@xmath19 . in the counting method the cross section is determined by subtracting the number of expected background events from the number of observed events in the @xmath16 distribution divided by the selection efficiency and integrated luminosity . the main background comes from @xmath8 + jets and single top . when tagging of @xmath9-quark jets is possible , the purity can be increased by a factor four , while the efficiency is only reduced by a factor two . the largest systematic uncertainty ( @xmath2010% ) in this analysis is the background normalisation . in the likelihood fit , only the correctly reconstructed @xmath3 events that end up in the peak of the distribution are used for the cross section measurement . the peak is fitted with a gaussian , while the combined background shape from jet combinatorics and other processes such as @xmath8 + jets is described by a chebychev polynomial . the cross section is calculated from the number of @xmath3 events in the peak divided by the overall efficiency for a @xmath3 event to end up in the peak and the integrated luminosity . the fit is sensitive to the shapes of the distribution and therefore this is the main systematic uncertainty ( @xmath2010% ) . the expected uncertainties on the cross section for 100 pb@xmath2 of data are : m. cacciari , s. frixione , m.l . mangano , p. nason and g. ridolfi , `` updated predictions for the total production cross sections of top and of heavier quark pairs at the tevatron and at the lhc '' , hep - ph/0804.2800 .
an accurate determination of the top quark pair production cross section at the lhc provides a valuable check of the standard model . given the high statistics which will be available ( about one top quark pair per second , at a luminosity of @xmath0@xmath1s@xmath2 ) , this check can be performed relatively fast after the turn on of the lhc . the prospects for measuring the total top quark pair cross section with the atlas detector during the initial period of lhc running is presented here . the cross section is determined in the single lepton channel and in the dilepton channel .
the investigation of the reaction of @xmath6 annihilation into hadrons at low energies accounts about thirty years history of the experimental studies . nevertheless , the understanding of the field is still rather far from the completeness . more precise measurements of the @xmath3- , @xmath4- and @xmath5-meson parameters are needed as well as properties of the continuum which provide unique information about interaction of light quarks and spectroscopy of their bound states . the knowledge of the total cross section of @xmath6 annihilation into hadrons at low energies and the magnitude of the exclusive cross sections is also necessary for precise calculations of various quantities . one of them is the strong interaction contribution into anomalous magnetic momentum of muon @xmath7 . tab . [ tab - hcgm ] shows contributions of various channels into @xmath7 ( details of calculations can be found in@xcite and@xcite ) . one can see , that the main contribution ( about 87% ) comes from the energy region below 1.4 gev and the dominant contribution ( 71% ) in this region is from the channel @xmath8 .
the cryogenic magnetic detector ( cmd-2 ) is shortly described . preliminary results for the cross sections of @xmath0 @xmath1 annihilation into hadrons and leptons are presented in the c.m . energy range from 0.37 to 1.39 gev . the total integrated luminosity of about 26 @xmath2 has been collected . the new results for the @xmath3 and @xmath4 meson parameters are reported . the major decay modes of the @xmath5 meson as well as its rare decays have been observed . = 11.6pt
tidal interactions are important in determining the fate of short - period extrasolar planets and the spins of their host stars . the extent of the spin - orbit evolution that results from tides depends on the dissipative properties of the body . these are usually parametrized by a dimensionless quality factor @xmath0 , which is an inverse measure of the dissipation , and which in principle depends on tidal frequency , the internal structure of the body , and the amplitude of the tidal forcing . the mechanisms of tidal dissipation that contribute to @xmath0 in fluid bodies are not well understood . we can generally decompose the response to tidal forcing into an equilibrium tide , which is a quasi - hydrostatic bulge , and a dynamical tide , which is a residual wave - like response . dynamical tides in radiation zones of solar - type stars take the form of internal ( inertia- ) gravity waves ( igws ) , which have frequencies below the buoyancy frequency @xmath1 . these have previously been proposed to contribute to @xmath0 for early - type stars ( e.g. ( * ? ? ? * zahn , 1975 ) ) . we consider a nonlinear mechanism of tidal dissipation in solar - type stars , extending an idea by @xcite . a short - period planet excites igws at the base of the convection zone , where @xmath2 , where @xmath3 is its orbital period . these waves propagate downwards into the radiation zone , until they reach the centre of the star , where they are geometrically focused and can become nonlinear . if their amplitudes are sufficient , convective overturning occurs , and the wave breaks . this has consequences for the tidal torque , and the stellar @xmath0 . we study this mechanism , primarily using numerical simulations . we solve the boussinesq - type system of equations derived in @xcite , which are valid in the central few per cent of the radius of a solar - type star , where @xmath4 and @xmath5 . the parameter @xmath6 measures the strength of the stable stratification at the centre , and takes a value @xmath7 , for the current sun . a cartesian spectral code is used to solve these equations , with our model being an initially non - rotating , 2d cylindrically symmetric star . we artificially excite @xmath8 waves in the outer parts of the computational domain , which are the dominant response for a planet on a circular , equatorial orbit . [ fig1 ] shows the azimuthal velocity , normalised to the farfield radial phase speed of gravity waves in the simulation for a calculation with small - amplitude ( left ) and large - amplitude ( right ) forcing . if waves are excited with small - amplitude forcing , such that they do not overturn the entropy stratification near the centre , then the waves reflect perfectly from the centre of the star , and global modes can form in the radiation zone . in this case efficient tidal dissipation only occurs at discrete resonances ( * ? ? ? * ( terquem et al . , 1998 ) ) . is satisfied , where @xmath10 are the stellar and planetary masses , waves are excited with large enough amplitudes so that isentropes are overturned by fluid motions in the wave , within the innermost wavelength . this leads to wave breaking and the deposition of angular momentum , which spins up the mean flow to the orbital angular velocity . this results in the formation of a critical layer , at which ingoing wave angular momentum is efficiently absorbed , and the star is spun up from the inside out . this results in efficient dissipation , leading to ( for waves launched where @xmath11 increases linearly from the interface ) , @xmath12 this is a potentially important nonlinear mechanism of tidal dissipation , which only operates in ( solar - type ) g or k stars , with radiative cores . this process requires massive planets or older / more centrally condensed stars . it is not in conflict with current observations of extrasolar planets , and may explain the absence of massive close - in planets around g - stars . this would not operate in f - type stars , with convective cores , and so its absence may partly explain the survival of massive close - in planets around f - stars , e.g. wasp-18 .
internal gravity waves are excited at the interface of convection and radiation zones of a solar - type star , by the tidal forcing of a short - period planet . the fate of these waves as they approach the centre of the star depends on their amplitude . we discuss the results of numerical simulations of these waves approaching the centre of a star , and the resulting evolution of the spin of the central regions of the star and the orbit of the planet . if the waves break , we find efficient tidal dissipation , which is not present if the waves perfectly reflect from the centre . this highlights an important amplitude dependence of the ( stellar ) tidal quality factor @xmath0 , which has implications for the survival of planets on short - period orbits around solar - type stars , with radiative cores .
super - kamiokande ( sk ) is a water cherenkov detector in kamioka , japan . solar neutrino data were collected at sk from may 31st , 1996 to july 15th , 2001 yielding a total detector live time of 1,496 days ( sk - i ) . the solar neutrino signal is extracted from the data using the angular deviation between the sun and the reconstructed direction of events @xcite . a total of @xmath0(stat . ) solar neutrino interactions were observed in 22.5 ktons of fiducial volume . the relatively high yield of real - time events in sk , 15 events per day , allows a search for short - time periodic modulations in the observed neutrino fluxes . the solar neutrino data , selected over 1,871 elapsed days from the beginning of data - taking , are divided into roughly 10-day long samples . the time period of each 10-day sample is chosen from consecutive 10-day periods from may 31st , 1996 through july 15 , 2001 . there are on and off periods of data - taking in the 10-day interval and thus the timing of each sample is calculated as a mean of the start and end times and corrected by sk livetime . fig.[fig:10day ] ( left ) shows the measured solar neutrino fluxes of the 10-day samples . all given uncertainties are statistical . the 1/@xmath1 ( squared average distance in a.u . ) variation caused by the eccentricity of the earth s orbit around the sun is corrected for the measured solar neutrino fluxes . the lomb periodogram method , a spectral analysis for unevenly sampled data , is applied to search for possible periodicities in the measured 10-day long fluxes . the method finds periodicities based on maximum deviation of data relative to a constant in time . a detailed description of the method can be found in ref.@xcite . the maximum power appears at frequency f=0.0726 day@xmath2 ( or time period t=13.76 days ) with lomb power 7.51 corresponding to 81.70% c.l . as a consistency check for the confidence level , 10,000 mc experiments are generated based on the observed timing information and the measured solar neutrino fluxes of the 10-day long data samples . the measured solar neutrino flux values are simulated according to a random gaussian fluctuation . for making these null modulation samples the average of the measured fluxes ( @xmath3 @xmath4 s@xmath2 ) is taken as a gaussian mean , and the standard deviation of the the measured flux ( @xmath5 @xmath4 s@xmath2 ) is taken as a gaussian error @xcite . the lomb method is applied to each mc experiment to obtain a periodogram and the maximum power is selected . out of 10,000 simulated experiments , 19.58% have maximum powers larger than 7.51 . this demonstrates that the confidence level for the t=13.76 day period of sk data is consistent with that of no modulation . we have studied the sensitivity of the sk - i solar neutrino data to find if a true periodicity indeed exists . the details of this sensitivity study can be found in ref.@xcite . the sensitivity of finding the correct period varies rapidly near the sampling time periods of 10 @xmath6 20 days . based on the mc study , the lomb method is expected to find the true periodicity of the sk - i data , if any , with an efficiency of 95% at a modulation amplitude of 10% of the averaged flux and a period of longer than 40 days in case of the 10-day long sample . we have presented the measured solar neutrino fluxes of 10-day long samples using all 1,496 days of sk data . no significant periodicity was found in the sk solar neutrino data when a search was made to look for periodic modulations of the observed fluxes using the lomb method . based on a mc study , we have obtained the probability of finding a true periodicity in the sk data as a function of the modulation magnitude . the lomb method should have found a periodic modulation in the sk - i solar neutrino data of 10-day long samples if the modulation period were longer than 40 days and its magnitude was larger than 10% of the average measured neutrino fluxes .
super - kamiokande(sk ) is a real - time detector capable of measuring the exact time of solar neutrino events . this , combined with a relatively high yield of these events of roughly 15 per day , allows a search for short - time variations in the observed flux . using all 1496 days of sk - i s solar data , we looked for periodic variations of the observed solar neutrino flux , and found no significant periodicity . = 14.5pt
twitter has attracted significant attention both in academic fields and in industry as a tool that may be useful for sharing and spreading important information during circumstances such as natural disasters . many people used twitter actively in japan following the march @xmath0 , @xmath1 earthquake , which is one example that has led people to tout social media as a useful device . although it may be a powerful tool , maintaining such activity is critical . suppose that we try to collect or spread information after a natural disaster using twitter . if the activity of users decays very quickly , we can not expect substantial response or influence . the persistence of activity provides another indication . although the use of hashtags was encouraged after the earthquake so that the users could refer to related information , few users actually used hashtags in their tweets . it has been argued that this was partly because they were not accustomed to using twitter . if such persistence is low , we will face the same problem in a future emergency . in this note , we investigate the degree of activity of twitter users after the earthquake . we show that many people created accounts and reacted to the information on the earthquake , but a significant fraction of these quickly went inactive afterward . in @xmath2 , a japanese project titled _ shinsaidata _ @xcite was conducted , and a complete dataset of twitter activity up to 1 week after the earthquake was distributed . the project was conducted for research purposes , and the data were accessible for only a limited period . the dataset contains all tweets posted in japanese and related information , such as user ids and time stamps . researchers accessing the data agreed to delete the original data when the project ended , and therefore , we no longer possess the data and were only able to retrieve the related statistics . based on the user ids in the dataset , we crawled information using the twitter api ran based on those ids . the analysis presented here was conducted in the fall of @xmath2 , and we used version @xmath3 of the api @xcite . within the distributed dataset , the total number of unique users who tweeted at least once in japanese within a week after the earthquake was @xmath4 . among them , we confirmed the existence of @xmath5 ( @xmath6 ) accounts using the api , and the remaining users probably deleted their accounts . of these users , the number of public users was @xmath7 ( @xmath8 ) , whereas we could not search information for private users . these indicate that most users kept their accounts and that our data analysis is a fairly good estimate of all users in japan . first , we measured the number of people who created accounts after the earthquake . as shown in fig . [ accountcreation ] , a significant number of people reacted sensitively to the event and created accounts right after the earthquake . specifically , the number of users who joined twitter within a week after the earthquake was @xmath9 , which is @xmath10 of @xmath11 users , or @xmath12 public users ( 6.46% of @xmath11 users ) . days . the inset shows the zoomed time series around the day of the earthquake , where each bin represents a period of @xmath3 day . ] users from the day of the earthquake to our measure date . ] users from the day of the earthquake to the measure date . ] we then plotted the cumulative distribution function of the latest tweet date among @xmath11 users ( see fig . [ cumulativeall ] ) . presented as a reversed j - shaped curve , rapid decay was observed after the earthquake for only @xmath13 of users , who stopped tweeting soon after the earthquake . on the contrary , if we naively define active users as those who tweeted at least once during a @xmath14-hour period , the fraction of active users was @xmath15 at our measure date . finally , we plotted the cumulative distribution function of the latest tweet date among @xmath16 users ( see fig . [ cumulativelow ] ) . roughly @xmath17 stopped tweeting shortly after the earthquake , compared to the small fraction of @xmath11 users who did so . that is , although a fairly large fraction of all users kept using twitter , a significant fraction of users who joined shortly after the earthquake practically quit by our measure date ( @xmath18 years after the earthquake ) . moreover , many of them quit soon after creating their own accounts . although we defined active users as those who actively tweet , accounts with no tweets do not necessarily mean that they are inactive , as they might be reading twitter feeds often . however , there is no way to identify such characteristics on twitter , and as expected , not all users are active . our analysis quantitatively shows the degrees of reaction and persistence before and after the march @xmath0 , @xmath1 earthquake . the goal of the workshop _ shinsaidata _ was to determine whether and how the distributed dataset can be useful for emergencies . while detailed social network analyses may be possible using the twitter dataset , we focused on a more fundamental question , because we believe it is relevant to the goal of the project ( although not challenging as academic research ) . we hope that our simple data analysis contributes as a guideline to estimating the expected reaction and persistence of twitter users . the author thanks twitter , inc . for sharing the dataset and the people who organized the workshop _ shinsaidata _ in @xmath2 for providing this opportunity . the author also thanks naoaki okazaki and yukie sano for sharing the clean data extracted from the raw dataset and taro takaguchi for the useful comments .
in this note , we list the results of a simple analysis of a twitter dataset : the complete dataset of japanese tweets in the 1-week period after the great east japan earthquake , which occurred on march @xmath0 , @xmath1 . our data analysis shows how people reacted to the earthquake on twitter and how some users went inactive in the long - term .
in order to sample cores in early stages of evolution , plume et al . ( 1992 , 1997 ) began a cs survey of h@xmath1o masers associated with star formation regions . masers indicate high - density regions ( n @xmath2 10@xmath3 @xmath4 ) and are believed to be in an earlier stage of evolution than ultracompact hii regions . because the cs j=7@xmath06 line has a high critical density ( n@xmath5x@xmath6 @xmath4 ) , we can probe the denser parts of the star forming cores . shirley et al . ( 2001 ) have mapped the cs j=5@xmath04 transition ( n@xmath7x@xmath8 @xmath4 ) which probes slightly less dense gas than the cs j=7@xmath06 line . from the cs spectra , we determine core sizes , virial masses , cs intensities , and radial profiles . using monte carlo simulations for cs emission with the temperatures for given density profiles from the 1-d dust continuum models ( mueller et al . 2001 ) , we can compare the spatial extent of the gas and the dust in the star forming regions . the size of each core was calculated by deconvolving the beam size from the size of the half power contour integrated intensity . sizes were determined ; however , 7 of those sources were not included in the statistics because their deconvolved sizes were less than half of the beam size . about 50@xmath9 of the cores had deconvolved sizes greater or comparable to the cso beam which is consistent with a power - law density distribution ( mueller et al . the virial mass contained within the calculated size was also determined . the cs j=7@xmath06 survey is biased against the highest mass cores observed in cs j=5@xmath04 due to observational exigencies ( i.e. they have not been mapped ) . the average size of the cores was 0.27 @xmath100.14 pc . in order to compare the virial masses of the cs5 - 4 and cs7 - 6 studies , we used the cs5 - 4 core sizes as our standard ( shirley et al . the average ratio of the cs7 - 6 to cs5 - 4 virial masses is 0.72 . this result shows that the emission of cs7 - 6 is more compact than the cs5 - 4 emission . the contour map of m8e is roughly symmetrical thus making this source a good candidate for 1-d modeling . the density and temperature profiles were determined from dust models ( mueller et al . the best fit power law to the dust data was p=1.75 . comparing the density and temperature profiles to the intensity profile for the cs data , we find that the gas seems to prefer a value of p between 1.5 and 1.75 ( see figure 1 ) . this slight disagreement between the dust and the gas can be due to the assumptions in both the dust and gas modeling . for example , we assume a constant molecular abundance but in reality the abundance may vary with radius . mueller , k. e. , shirley , y. l. , & evans , n. j. ii , 2001 , these proceedings plume r. , jaffe , d. t. , evans , n. j. 1992 , apj supp , 78 , 505 plume r. , jaffe , d. t. , evans , n. j. , martn - pintado , j. , & gmez - gonzlez , j. 1997 , apj , 476 , 730 shirley , y.l . , evans , n. j. ii , mueller , k. e. , knez , c. & jaffe , d. t. , 2001 , these proceedings
24 cores have been mapped in cs j=7@xmath06 at the cso . from the spectra we determine core sizes and virial masses . combining results from the cs and dust continuum studies for m8e , we use monte carlo simulations for the cs emission to get radial profiles .
agn are thought to be powered by accretion of material onto a central supermassive black hole via a disk that regulates the fueling rate . the extent of these disks is not well established but agn unification schemes advocate a geometrically thick or warped thin disk that hides the nucleus when viewed edge - on and accounts for the observed differences between broad ( type 1 ) and narrow - line ( type 2 ) agn . theoretical work indicates that uv / x - ray radiation from the central engine can heat , ionize and evaporate gas on the inner edge of the torus@xmath7 and recent high angular resolution vlba radio observations of the archetypal seyfert 2 galaxy , ngc 1068 , have shown that emission from the flat - spectrum radio component ` s1 ' may be associated with the thermal gas on the inner , ionized edge of the torus@xmath8 . this discovery highlights the possibility of using the vlba to image the pc - scale disks or tori in other seyfert galaxies . flat - spectrum nuclei in radio galaxies and quasars often represent non - thermal synchrotron self - absorbed radio emission with a much higher brightness temperature ( @xmath910@xmath3 k ) than is characteristic of component s1 in ngc 1068 , so high resolution radio observations are required to distinguish between the two emission processes . four of five sources imaged with the vlba at 8.4 ghz were detected ( figure 1 ) and show compact , unresolved nuclei with brightness temperatures , @xmath11 @xmath9 10@xmath3 k , monochromatic luminosities @xmath010@xmath12 w hz@xmath13 and sizes less than @xmath01 pc . we conclude that the sub - pc scale radio emission in these sources is non - thermal and self absorbed , and hence dominated by the central engine . we find no significant evidence of thermal disk - like emission extended perpendicular to the collimation axis in these sources . in contrast , the nucleus of ngc 4388 is not detected with the vlba but is detected with merlin at 5 ghz . the inferred brightness temperature of 2.4 @xmath14 10@xmath2 k @xmath15 @xmath11 @xmath15 2.2 @xmath14 10@xmath16 k is too low for synchrotron self absorption to be important and we propose a model in which the emission is optically thin thermal bremsstrahlung from a gas with electron temperature of @xmath17 @xmath9 10@xmath18 k and density @xmath19 @xmath9 1.6 @xmath14 10@xmath2 f @xmath20 @xmath21 ( f is the volume filling factor ) . the larger inferred values of @xmath22 @xmath23 10@xmath24 k and @xmath19 @xmath23 1.8 @xmath14 10@xmath16 f @xmath20 @xmath21 for the smaller source size set by the vlba limit , are similar to the values of @xmath010@xmath24 k and @xmath010@xmath24 @xmath21 found for thermal emission in ngc 1068@xmath8 , thus implying that we may be seeing the same phenomenon in ngc 4388 . it is notable that these two seyferts with detected thermal nuclear radio emission have large x - ray absorbing columns , suggesting that columns in excess of @xmath010@xmath5 @xmath6 are needed for such disks to be detectable .
parsec - scale vlba imaging of five seyfert galaxies with flat - spectrum radio nuclei was conducted to determine whether the flat spectrum represents thermal emission from the accretion disk / obscuring torus or nonthermal , synchrotron self - absorbed emission . four of the five show emission consistent with synchrotron self - absorption , with intrinsic sizes @xmath00.05@xmath10.2 pc ( or 10@xmath2 gravitational radii for a 10@xmath3 m@xmath4 black hole for the smallest ) . in contrast , ngc 4388 , which was detected with merlin but not the vlba , shows thermal emission with similar properties to that detected in ngc 1068 . it is notable that the two seyfert galaxies with detected thermal nuclear radio emission both have large x - ray absorbing columns , suggesting that columns in excess of @xmath010@xmath5 @xmath6 are needed for such disks to be detectable . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
the current burst of star formation ( sf ) dominates the spectral energy distribution ( sed ) in hii galaxies even if previous stellar populations are present , making difficult to know the star formation history ( sfh ) of the galaxy . in order to understand how the sf takes place we study the viability of a model @xcite using simultaneously the whole available information for the galaxy sample : the ionized gas , which defines the present time state of the galaxy , and spectrophotometric parameters , related to the galaxy sfh . we assume 11 successive attenuated star - bursts along 13.2 ga in a region with a total gas mass of 10@xmath0 . in each burst a certain amount of gas is consumed to form stars with a given initial efficiency . the sfh and the age - metallicity relation are given by the chemical evolution code ( based on * ? ? ? the sed of the ionizing population is computed using the single stellar populations ( ssp s ) from @xcite . finally , the emission lines are calculated by the photoionization code cloudy @xcite . the evolution of the oxygen abundance is shown in fig . [ fig1]a . models with initial efficiencies @xmath1 10% to 33% reproduce the data range of hii galaxies , ( * ? ? ? * dashed lines ) . once the sed of the ionizing continuum is computed , we obtain the emission lines , giving information about the current burst of sf . fig . [ fig1]b shows an excitation diagram for the ionized nebula . the model reproduces the observational data for hii galaxies . the effect of an underlying population should be more easily seen in the observed colours of these galaxies , since any star - burst previous to the currently observed one will contribute substantially to the total continuum luminosity at the different wavebands . the broad band colours with and without the contribution by the stronger emission lines are shown in fig . [ fig1]c ( dashed and solid lines respectively ) . most of observed ew(h@xmath2 ) values for hii galaxies are lower than 150 which implies the existence of an old non ionizing population . we plot the evolution of ew(h@xmath2 ) _ vs _ the pseudo - color i(3729)/i(5010 ) for the successive bursts of our model with @xmath3 in fig [ fig1]d . the data trend is reproduced by our model , not by any ssp . a metal - poor ssp ( black solid line ) show bluer colours than observed . in order to decrease ew(h@xmath2 ) and obtain redder colours , a more metal - rich ( @xmath4 ) ssp might be selected , but such high abundance is not observed . according to our model , a stellar population of at least 1.3ga must contribute to the continuum , making it redder and , simultaneously , decreasing ew(@xmath2 ) . in summary , our model reproduces abundances , colours , and emission lines of hii galaxies .
we present a self - consistent model under a star - bursting scenario for hii galaxies , combining different codes of chemical evolution , evolutionary population synthesis and photoionization . the results obtained reproduce simultaneoulsy the observed abundances , diagnostic diagrams and equivalent width - colour relations for local hii galaxies .
[ [ the - mocassin - code ] ] the mocassin code : + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + spatially - resolved studies of star - forming regions indicate that the assumption of spherical geometry is not realistic in most cases , further complication is added by the gas being ionised by multiple non - centrally located sources . the 3d photoionisation code mocassin was designed to treat all of the above , allowing for the transfer of both primary and secondary radiation to be treated self - consistently , without the need of approximations . the code was thoroughly benchmarked @xcite and has been applied to the study of several ionised regions . the current version includes a fully self - consistent treatment of the radiative transfer of dust grains mixed within the gas , taking into account the microphysics of dust - gas interactions within the geometry - independent monte carlo transfer . [ [ d - gas - and - star - distribution - on - the - emission - line - spectra - of - ionised - regions ] ] 3d gas and star distribution on the emission line spectra of ionised regions : + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + we are investigating geometric effects theoretically , via the construction of a number of 3d photoionisation models for a variety of spatial configurations and ionisation sources . we compare integrated emission line spectra from such configurations in search of systematic errors , which may be caused by the simplifying assumption of a single central location for all ionising sources . our study is initially tailored at h ii region spectra , but will successively be extended to star clusters and cluster complexes . our preliminary models are based on homogeneous or porous spherical density distributions ionised by 240 sources , comprising of 37m@xmath0 ( 35 kk ) stars and 56m@xmath0 ( 56 kk ) stars . the stars are either located at the centre or distributed in the half- or full - spherical volume . the ionising fluxes were calculated using starburst99 @xcite , assuming solar metallicities and an age of 1myr . the sum of the bright o forbidden lines ( @xmath1o iii@xmath2\lambda\lambda$]5007,4959 + @xmath1o ii@xmath2\lambda\lambda$]3727,29)/h@xmath3 is often the sole handle on metallicity for extragalactic h ii regions and starburst galaxies . we tested the robustness of abundances derived via this method using the calibration of @xcite . o abundance in our models for central half - volume distributed sources agree extremely well to the values obtained using @xcite calibrations for the appropriate excitation index , @xmath4 . significant deviations are shown , however , by the models with full - volume distributed sources for an homogeneous sphere ( @xmath5=100@xmath6 ) , this implies that _ o abundances could be underestimated by @xmath725% by empirical methods _ ( fig 1 , left ) . similar results were found for the other density distributions investigated so far . we tested the robustness of relations commonly assumed to hold between different ionic temperatures . good agreement is found for central and half - volume stellar configuration cases in homogeneous density spheres , however models where the stars are distributed over the full volume have significantly lower temperatures than would be estimated from 1d models ( fig . 1 , left ) for lower excitation species , such as o@xmath8 and n@xmath8 and higher for higher excitation ones . this means that the t@xmath1o iii@xmath2 $ ] , t@xmath1o ii@xmath2 $ ] relation of @xcite fails for the full - volume stellar distribution models . similar results were found for porous density distributions ; here , however , larger variations are found for the t@xmath1o iii@xmath2 $ ] , t@xmath1o ii@xmath2 $ ] relation , with t@xmath1o ii@xmath2 $ ] severely underestimated for all stellar configurations . ercolano , b. , barlow , m. j. , liu , x .- w . & storey , p. j. 2003 , mnras , 340 , 1136 ercolano , b. , barlow , m. j. & storey , p. j. 2005 , mnras , 362 , 1038 garnett , d. r. 1992 , apj , 103 , 4 leitherer , c. et al . 1999 , apjs , 123 , 3 pilyugin , l. s. , a&a , 369,594
emission line spectra from h ii regions are often used to study properties of the gas in star - forming regions , as well as temperatures and luminosities of the ionising sources . empirical diagnostics for the interpretation of observational data must often be calibrated with the aid of photoionisation models . most studies so far have been carried out by assuming spherical or plane - parallel geometries , with major limitations on allowed gas and dust density distributions and with the spatial distribution of multiple , non - centrally - located ionising sources not being accounted for . we present the first results of our theoretical study of geometric effects , via the construction of a number of 3d photoionisation models using the mocassin code for a variety of spatial configurations and ionisation sources . we compare integrated emission line spectra from such configurations and show evidence of systematic errors caused by the simplifying assumption of a single , central location for all ionising sources .
recently , measurements of diffractive jet rates in @xmath1 interactions at the tevatron were observed to be significantly lower than the theoretical expectations ( for a review see @xcite ) . the expectations were obtained using parameterizations of diffractive parton distribution functions extracted from @xmath0 interactions at hera . the discrepancy between the data and the calculations revealed the breakdown of factorization or the onset of absorptive corrections in @xmath1 diffractive events@xcite . the physical reason for the breakdown of factorization is likely to be related to the different color structure of the probes in @xmath1 and @xmath0 reactions . in @xmath0 , the compact , color singlet @xmath3 pair produced by the virtual photon has a smaller probability of interacting with the external color fields and therefore has a larger rapidity gap survival probability . in @xmath1 , the color octet gluon at comparable virtualities still interacts strongly with the external color fields , reducing its rapidity gap survival probability . the implications of the breakdown of factorization are now studied in nuclear shadowing and dijet production . nuclear shadowing is defined as the ratio of the @xmath2 to the @xmath4 total cross section , @xmath5 . the total cross section for @xmath2 interactions can be written as the sum of two terms @xmath6 where the second term , representing elastic and inelastic @xcite shadowing , can be written as@xcite @xmath7 , \end{aligned}\ ] ] where @xmath8 is the single diffractive cross section , @xmath9 is the coherence length of the resonance state x , and @xmath10 is the nuclear density ( @xmath11 is normalized to @xmath12 and is taken to be gaussian in all calculations presented here ) . in eq . [ deltasigma_pa ] , @xmath13 depends upon the @xmath4 diffractive cross section . unlike @xmath14 interactions , @xmath15 can not be directly associated with the shadowing of the structure functions ( for a review see @xcite ) . in regge theory , the dominant contribution to the single diffractive cross section at high energy is the triple pomeron term . the single diffractive cross section can be expressed as @xmath16 where @xmath17 and @xmath18 . in these expressions , @xmath19 represents the coupling of the pomeron to the proton , @xmath20 , and the pomeron intercept @xmath21 , where @xmath22 . while this form is able to describe the diffractive @xmath0 cross section , it fails to describe the recently observed energy dependence of the diffractive @xmath1 cross section . a reasonable parameterization of the diffractive @xmath1 cross section is obtained by normalizing @xmath23 according to the following scheme@xcite , @xmath24 where @xmath25 in this scheme , the cross section becomes constant at high energies , @xmath26 . the effect of using this parameterization on the correction term in eq . [ deltasigma_pa ] is shown in figure [ delta_sd ] . here , the solid line is a calculation of @xmath27 for @xmath28 with the parameterization , while the dashed line is the nive triple pomeron contribution . the normalization scheme needed to reproduce @xmath1 data results in a dramatic reduction of the shadowing in @xmath2 . a simple formula for calculating diffractive dijet production will be utilized in this section . to begin , the hadronic state @xmath29 is expanded in terms of its diffractive eigenstates @xmath30 @xcite , @xmath31 the diffractive cross section can be expressed as the sum over the cross sections for all diffractive final states minus the elastic cross section , @xmath32 , \label{diff_pa}\end{aligned}\ ] ] where @xmath33 is the nuclear thickness function . substituting eq . [ sum ] into eq . [ diff_pa ] , the diffractive cross section can be expressed as @xmath39 and the ratio of the @xmath2 to @xmath4 differential diffractive cross section is @xmath40 at large @xmath41 , eq . [ ratio ] represents the ratio of the diffractive dijet production in @xmath2 to @xmath4 . in figure [ ratio_pa ] , @xmath42 is plotted for @xmath43 ( higher curve ) and for @xmath28 ( lower curve ) at @xmath44 . as a increases , fewer diffractive dijets are produced relative to @xmath4 . a similar formula applies for @xmath14 diffractive dijet production ( changing @xmath45 and @xmath46 ) . the ratio for @xmath14 is shown in figure [ ratio_ea ] . the ratio of dijets with the @xmath47 probe is larger than in @xmath2 , since @xmath48 . measurements of diffractive dijet production and nuclear shadowing in @xmath2 interactions at rhic energies are needed to better understand the nature of diffraction and the quark - gluon wave function of the nucleus .
we study the implications of non - universality observed recently in @xmath0 and @xmath1 diffraction for nuclear shadowing and diffractive dijet production in @xmath2 collisions .
the gauge - fixing approach to lattice chiral gauge theories @xcite is presented in our first contribution to these proceedings @xcite , henceforth denoted by @xmath0 . here we discuss several issues in more detail . consider a continuum chiral gauge theory with a gauge group @xmath1 and a renormalizable gauge - fixing action , cf.eq . ( we use ( i.n ) to denoted eq . ( n ) in @xmath0 . ) now take the limit @xmath2 , keeping the product @xmath3 fixed . this _ reduction _ leads to a free higher - derivative action for the the gauge degrees of freedom ( ) which are still propagating because @xmath4 is finite . ( there are no faddeev - popov ghosts in the u(1 ) case . ) in addition , one obtains a set of free fermions in complex representations of u(1)@xmath5 , which are decoupled from the . this reduction is interesting for two purposes . first , it provides us with a well - defined procedure for assigning the fermions to representations of the gauge group . we can then inspect whether the fermion spectrum is vector - like or chiral . it also tells us what the continuum limit ( cl ) should be , if a similar reduction is applied to the lattice theory . on the lattice , setting @xmath6 with fixed @xmath4 means that the link variables are constrained to @xmath7 in the action , and the integration measure @xmath8 is replaced by @xmath9 . this defines the _ reduced _ model , which on the lattice is an interacting theory involving the compact scalar field @xmath10 . we note that also the lattice momentum takes values on a compact space ( unlike its continuum counterpart ) . the lattice kinematics has the all - important dynamical consequence , that the represented by the @xmath11 field _ couple _ to fermions even if we are careful to choose an anomaly - free spectrum . this coupling has led to the failure of many chiral fermion proposals ( for a review see @xcite ) , which can be explained @xcite by the applicability of the nielsen - ninomiya theorem @xcite to a wide class of models . here we consider the reduced model of a u(1 ) lattice gauge theory with a lorentz gauge - fixing action and a mass counterterm . for the gauge theory , the bosonic and fermionic lattice actions are respectively eqs . ( i.8 ) and ( i.1 ) . the reduced model s action is eq . ( i.11 ) , where @xmath12 . our main result is that the expected fermion spectrum is obtained in the cl of the reduced model . it consists of charged left - handed ( lh ) and neutral right - handed ( rh ) fermions , which are free and decoupled from the _ gdofs_. this reproduces correctly the @xmath2 limit of the target gauge - fixed continuum theory . if we now take @xmath13 , only the charged lh fermions will couple to the gauge field , and so we may expect that a u(1 ) chiral gauge theory will emerge in the scaling region of the full lattice gauge theory , provided the fermion spectrum is anomaly - free . we first consider the free wilson case ( dotted lines ) . here @xmath14^{-1}$ ] coincides with the lattice hamiltonian . for @xmath15 , the two spin - up eigenvalues are @xmath16 in the limit @xmath17 . these describe a positive - helicity ( rh ) and a negative - helicity ( lh ) fermion , which together constitute a dirac fermion . we now turn to our model . the small figure shows that the two eigenvalues form a continuous curve that doubly covers the periodic brillouin zone . as in the free wilson case , this is a consequence of locality . @xmath18 has a positive - slope and a negative - slope zero . technically , this is in agreement with the nn theorem . nevertheless , our model evades the negative physical conclusion of the theorem . for @xmath19 , @xmath20 is linear . we can absorb the @xmath21 renormalization constant via @xmath22 with @xmath23 . for @xmath24 we obtain the relativistic relation @xmath25 in the limit @xmath19 , which corresponds to a ( charged ) negative - helicity fermion . the positive - slope eigenvalue @xmath26 in fig . 5 is _ not _ linear : @xmath27 increases for small @xmath28 . @xmath26 is consistent with @xmath29 ( and a divergent slope @xmath30 for @xmath19 ) in the infinite volume limit for @xmath31 . this result is derived from the factorization formula eq . ( [ fctr ] ) where @xmath32 . as discussed before , it is consistent with the existence of a _ neutral _ positive - helicity fermion . ( the deviations from linearity of the data points are statistically significant . their smallness is explained by the smallness of the critical exponent @xmath33 . ) if , instead of setting @xmath34 , we take the cl and analytically continue @xmath35 , we find in the lh charged channel a pole @xmath36 . in this limit @xmath37 coincides with the lh weyl hamiltonian @xmath38 . this is not the case in the rh channel because of the @xmath39 factor . therefore @xmath40 is not a single - particle hamiltonian . this is a consequence of the infrared singularity @xmath41 of the goldstone field propagator for @xmath31 , for which no particle interpretation is known . fortunately , the physical fermions decouple from the unphysical sector . thus , for the first time , we obtain free chiral fermions in the cl of a four - dimensional lattice model .
in this more technical part we give additional details on the gauge - fixing approach @xcite presented in @xcite . we also explain how the gauge - fixing approach evades the nielsen - ninomiya @xcite no - go theorem . c i u # 1#1 # 1nucl . phys . * b#1 * # 1nucl . phys . ( proc . suppl . ) * b#1 * # 1phys . lett . * b#1 * # 1phys . rev . * d#1 * # 1phys . rev . lett . * # 1 *
rapid rotation can lead to efficient mixing of the whole star and hence alter the nucleosynthesis process and observed abundances . hydrogen burning products , such as nitrogen , are a strong indicator of rotational mixing , so nitrogen are expected to be proportional to observed rotational velocities . how the evolution and final fate of the star depends on rotation rate has been recently reviewed by langer ( @xcite ) and maeder & meynet ( @xcite ) . observations show that the picture of rotational mixing in massive stars are not that simple . hunter _ ( @xcite ) found a significant fraction of stars that can not be explained by current single rotating stars models . these are stars with strong nitrogen enhancement without rapid rotations and stars with rapid rotation without nitrogen enhancement . these observations show that other processes must be responsible for either the nitrogen enhancement or the current rotation velocity . sana _ et al . _ ( @xcite ) shows that almost all massive stars are born in a binary system , so significant fractions of stars observed must have undergone binary interaction to reach their current states . the aim of this work is to investigate whether binary interactions can account for the observed anomalies between nitrogen abundances and rotational velocities . bonnfires is designed to model the internal mixing and nucleosynthesis of binary stars in a timely fashion . internal structure variables are interpolated from input models produced by detailed evolutionary code . binary physics , mixing and nuclear reaction are calculated independently by bonnfires to study binary interactions and internal mixing . this will be the first population synthesis code with detailed internal composition profile , mixing processes and nuclear reaction networks . we follow heger _ ( @xcite ) for treatments of rotational mixing and brott _ ( @xcite ) for rotational mixing parameters . evolution of the binary systems are followed till the end of the main - sequence of the primary stars . figure 1 shows @xmath0 models with different initial rotational velocities by bonnfires . the surface nitrogen enhancement is much stronger for fast rotators . moreover , the main sequence lifetimes for fast rotators are longer because of additional hydrogen that are mixed down to the burning region . this result is consistent with models made by detailed evolutionary codes . for the short period systems , the primary stars interact with their companions during the main - sequence . typically , when the primary overflow its roche lobe , the star is expanding and hence spin down after mass loss . if the primary is initially rapidly rotating , its surface will be rich in nitrogen but it is now a slow rotating after mass transfer . alternatively , if the primary suffers heavy mass loss , its inner hydrgeon burning region will be exposed and so the surface will now be rich in nitrogen irregardless of any prior rotational mixing . these are possible formation channels of nitrogen - rich slow rotators . materials transferred onto companion stars also carry angular momentum , so the companion stars will be spun up and rotate faster . the surface abundances of the secondary depends on the compositions of the accreted materials as well as any subsequent mixing . because the secondary is now rapidly rotating it may mix materials from its inner hydrogen - burning region to the surface . however , if the secondary is previously slow rotating , the burning region has a much higher mean molecular weight . this mean molecular weight barrier can suppress rotational mixing , so nitrogen enhancement is much smaller than its single star counterpart that rotates at the same velocity from the beginning . it is therefore possible the secondary is observed as nitrogen - poor fast rotators . figure 2 illustrates a typical short period binary system . this systems consists of a @xmath1 primary , a @xmath2 secondary with 3 days period . the primary is initially rotating at @xmath3 and enhanced surface nitrogen to @xmath4 through rotational mixing , similar to a single star . then mass transfer from primary to secondary occurs and the primary spins down rapidly to become a nitrogen - rich slow rotators . surface nitrogen abundance of secondary also increase because the accreted material is enriched in nitrogen , but the secondary is spun up to critical velocity . if we compared to single stars model with the same rotational velocities , the secondary has significantly less nitrogen enhancement on the surface . in order to statistically compare with observations , we need to take into account the frequency of the above channels and also for how long the stars can be observed nitrogen - rich slow rotators and nitrogen - poor fast rotators . we will produce a fine grid of binary models with various assumptions of tides , efficiency of rotational mixing to determine whether the observed frequency can be reproduced . results should be expected in the early 2014 . 99 brott i. , . 2011 , a&a , 530 , a116 heger a. , langer n. , woosley s. e. , 2000 , apj , 528 , 368 hunter i. , . 2008 , apjl , 676 , l29 langer n. , 2012 , ara&a , 50 , 107 maeder a. , meynet g. , 2012 , reviews of modern physics , 84 , 25 h. , . , 2013 , a&a , 550 , a107
bonnfires , a new generation of population synthesis code , can calculate nuclear reaction , various mixing processes and binary interaction in a timely fashion . we use this new population synthesis code to study the interplay between binary mass transfer and rotation . we aim to compare theoretical models with observations , in particular the surface nitrogen abundance and rotational velocity . preliminary results show binary interactions may explain the formation of nitrogen - rich slow rotators and nitrogen - poor fast rotators , but more work needs to be done to estimate whether the observed frequencies of those stars can be matched .
the astronomical observatory of the autonomous region of the aosta valley ( oavda ; 45.7895n , 7.47833e ) has been identified as a potential site for hosting a photometric transit search for low - mass , small - size planets around nearby cool m dwarf stars . we carried out a study to gauge the near - term and long - term photometric precision achievable , observing known transiting systems in a range of transit depths under variable seeing and sky transparency conditions . we used a 25 cm maksutov f/3.8 reflector telescope equipped with a ccd moravian g2 - 3200me and an r filter centered at 610 nm ( field of view : 52.10 x 35.11 arcmin@xmath1 ; plate scale : 1.43 arcsec / pix ; qe@xmath287% at 610 nm ) . the seeing was monitored each night using a hartmann mask and the dimm technique . it varied in the range 1 - 3 arcsec ( median @xmath21.7 arcsec ) . data reduction and ensemble differential aperture photometry ( @xmath2100 reference objects ) were carried out with the version 1.0 of an automated , idl - based pipeline we have developed . in may - august 2009 we monitored three transiting systems : wasp-3 @xcite , hat - p-7 @xcite and gliese 436 @xcite . wasp-3 , a 1.24 msun star ( v=10.64 ) hosting a 1.76 mjupiter planet ( period=1.846834 days ) , was monitored for 19 nights , often reaching a photometric rms below 0.003 mag for stars with v@xmath013 . fig.1 shows one of the observed wasp-3b transits and the best - fit model is based on the formalism of , assuming quadratic limb darkening . we got : b=0.665@xmath30.003 ( impact parameter ) , i=81.24@xmath30.06 degrees ( orbital inclination ) , r=0.1091@xmath30.0006 ( planet - to - star radius ratio ) , tc=55041.411@xmath30.029 hjd ( time of mid transit ) . the median rms for the whole observing period is 0.006 mag ( v@xmath013 ) . the feasibility study demonstrated that the oavda is a promising site for a long - term photometric survey aimed to detect transiting low - mass , small - size planets . we are planning to set up a system of five 40 cm identical telescopes for an high - precision observing campaign focused on several hundreds nearby m dwarfs , improving the longitudinal coverage of similar programs already ongoing , such as the arizona - based mearth project . butler , p. et al . 2004 , apj , 617 , l580 mandel , k. & agol , e. 2002 , apj , 580 , l171 nutzman , p. & charbonneau , d. 2008 , pasp , 120 , 317 pl , a. et al . 2008 apj , 680 , 2 , 1450 pollacco , d. et al . 2007 , mnras , 385 , 1576
a feasibility study was carried out at the astronomical observatory of the autonomous region of the aosta valley demonstrating that it is a well - poised site to conduct an upcoming observing campaign aimed at detecting small - size ( r@xmath0rneptune ) transiting planets around nearby cool m dwarf stars . three known transiting planet systems were monitored from may to august 2009 with a 25 cm f/3.8 maksutov telescope . we reached seeing - independent , best - case photometric rms less than 0.003 mag for stars with v@xmath013 , with a median rms of 0.006 mag for the whole observing period .
three charged leptons are known , the electron and the heavier @xmath0 and @xmath1 leptons @xcite . relations between their mass values have been proposed @xcite . it is therefore interesting to note that the empirical formula @xmath2 , where @xmath3 is the mass of the electron , gives @xmath4 mev / c@xmath5 which is 0.5 per cent off the mass of the @xmath0-lepton @xcite , and @xmath6 mev / c@xmath5 which is 1.2 per cent off the mass of the @xmath1-lepton @xcite . that this formula reproduces the mass values of @xmath0 and of @xmath1 fairly well for integer values of @xmath7 as if @xmath7 is a quantum number suggests that @xmath0 and @xmath1 are excited states of the electron . if so , the electron would have to be a complex system of some constituents , e.g. rishons / preons @xcite . the electron and the proton are both stable particles . while a proton has constituents , has an electron constituents ? if so , and if they by analogy to the three quarks in a proton were two @xmath8 with electric charge @xmath9 each , and one @xmath10 with electric charge @xmath11 , where each @xmath8 and @xmath10 has lepton number @xmath12 , then a system with one @xmath8 and two @xmath10 could correspond to a neutrino . an @xmath13 system with lepton number zero could correspond to a boson . if @xmath8 and @xmath14 analogous to quarks may be `` dressed '' as proposed in fig.1 , an @xmath13 system may decay to a @xmath15 pair . `` spectators '' and `` leading particles '' are seen in @xmath16 reactions where a beam proton collides with the neutron in the deuteron with its proton as spectator @xcite , and in @xmath17 reactions with a leading meson due to a dressed spectator quark @xcite . if @xmath18 and @xmath19 have some structure , leading spectator constituents could by analogy be expected also in e.g. @xmath15 collisions . if they by analogy to quarks may be `` dressed '' , they may be observed . if one @xmath8 of a colliding @xmath18 is scattered and dressed to be an @xmath13 boson which decays to an @xmath15 pair , with the remaning @xmath20 system as a spectator which is dressed to be an @xmath21 electron as proposed in fig.2 , the result is trident production , i.e. @xmath22 . tridents have been observed @xcite and discussed from theoretical point of view @xcite . our fig.2 suggests an additional production model . our empirical mass formula and model for trident production suggest that electrons may have an inner structure and some constituents . particle data booklet 2004 , lbnl and cern , and phys . b * 592 * , 1(2004 ) . a.o.barut , phys . rev . lett . * 42 * , 1251 ( 1979 ) . p.caldirola , lett . nuovo cim . * 27 * , 225 ( 1980 ) . h.terazawa and m.yasue , phys . b * 307 * , 383 ( 1993 ) . y.koide , arxiv : hep - ph/0506247 v1 , 2005 . h.harari , phys . b * 86 * , 83 ( 1979 ) , and scientific american * 248 * , 48 ( 1983 ) . m.a.shupe , phys . b * 86 * , 87 ( 1979 ) . j.dugne , s.fredriksson , and j.hansson , europhys . lett . * 57 * , 188 ( 2002 ) . s.fredriksson , arxiv : hep - ph/0309213 v2 , sep . a.j.buchmann and m.l.schmid , phys . d * 71 * , 055002(2005 ) , and references therein . a.breakstone , e - print arhive : physics/0602118 , 2006 , and references therein . v.bakken and t.jacobsen , nuovo cim . a * 61 * , 219 ( 1981 ) , and references therein . f.balestra et al . , phys . b * 217 * , 43 ( 1989 ) . f.balestra et al . , phys . scripta * 43 * , 9 ( 1991 ) . p.h.fowler , d.h.perkins and c.f.powell , the study of elementary particles by the photographic method , pergamon press , london 1959 , and references therein . g.reading henry , phys . rev . * 154 * , 1534 ( 1967 ) , k.a.thompson and p.chen , slac pub 7776 ( 1998 ) , t.adams et al . , hep - ex/9811012 , 9 nov 1998 , and references therein .
for integer values of its free parameter , an empirical formula reproduces fairly well the mass values of the @xmath0 and @xmath1 leptons as if they were excited states of the electron . trident production might possibly be due to constituent collisions . pacs : 14.60.cd , 14.60.ef , 14.60.fg , 14.60.hi
the warkworth radio astronomical observatory for which a panorama photo is shown in figure [ fig : warkworth ] is located some 60 km north of the city of auckland , near the township of warkworth . specifications of the warkworth 12-m and 30-m antennas are provided in table [ t : wark ] . the 12-m radio telescope is equipped with an s / x dual - band dual - circular polarization feed at the secondary focus and an l - band feed at the prime focus . backend data digitizing is handled by a digital base band converter ( dbbc ) manufactured by the hat - lab , catania , italy . the 30-m radio telescope is currently equipped with a un - cooled c band dual - circular polarization receiver . the station frequency standard is a symmetricom active hydrogen maser mhm-2010 ( 75001 - 114 ) . mark 5b+ and mark 5c data recorders are used for data storage and streaming of recorded data off site . the observatory network is directly connected to the national network provided by research and education advanced network new zealand ltd ( reannz ) via a 10 gbps fibre link to the site @xcite . foundations have been laid for the future hosting of a gravimeter when in transit here in new zealand from antarctica . the site is just outside the 12-m antenna control facility so as to easily access utilities , and is also close to one of the linz ( land information new zealand ) gnss station hosted at the warkworth observatory . in march 2015 a site survey of the observatory will be undertaken with the assistance of linz . this will provide a useful check o fthe initial local tie survey of the 12-m antenna and gnss station conducted at the end of 2012 @xcite , and also provide a tie to the 30-m radio telescope for the first time . woodburn , l. , natusch , t. , weston , s. , thomasson , p. , godwin , m. , granet , c. , gulyaev , s. , conversion of a new zealand 30 metre telecommunications antenna into a radio telescope , publications of the astronomical society of australia , accepted , 2015 .
the warkworth radio astronomical observatory is operated by the institute for radio astronomy and space research ( irasr ) , aut university , auckland , new zealand . here we review the characteristics of the vlbi station facilities and report on a number of activities and technical developments in 2014 .
in the next few years there will exist all - sky datasets from two new satellite missions for the cosmic microwave background ( the map and planck missions ) , along with very large datasets from optical surveys such as 2df and sloan . the combined effect of these new data on quantitative cosmology will be enormous , but at the same time pose great problems in terms of the scale of data analysis effort required . as an example , the planck surveyor satellite , due for launch in 2007 , combines both hemt and bolometer technology in 10 frequency channels covering the range 30 ghz to 850 ghz , with a highest angular resolution of 5 arcmin . an artist s impression of this satellite is shown in figure [ fig : planck - pic ] , and the experimental parameters of the planck mission are summarized in table [ tab : planck - params ] . .approximate experimental parameters of the planck satellite . hfi refers to the high frequency part of the instrument , and lfi is the low frequency instrument . the @xmath0 sensitivity is per beam area in one year ( thermodynamic temperature ) [ cols="<,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^ " , ] [ comparison ] we have seen that a bayesian approach provides a common statistical framework for several important methods currently used in astronomical processing and analysis . by generalising one s view to include also the optimal choice of basis functions it is clear how significant improvements can be obtained both in the quality of the resulting reconstructions and in the speed at which the analysis can be carried out . these two aspects will both be crucial in the new era of quantitative cosmology which is now opening up . zaroubi s. , hoffman y. , fisher k.b . , lahav o. , 1995 , apj , 449 , 446 skilling j. , 1989 , in ` maximum entropy and bayesian methods ' , j.skilling ( ed ) , kluwer academic publishers , dordtrecht , p. 45 garrett a. , 2000 , ` maximum entropy from the laws of probability ' , in ` maximum entropy and bayesian methods ' , paris , ed . mohammad - djafari a. , aip . hobson m.p . , jones a.w . , lasenby a.n . , bouchet f.r . , 1998 , mnras , 300 , 1 bridle s.l . , hobson m.p . , lasenby a.n . , saunders r. , 1998 , mnras , 299 , 895 hoekstra h. , franx m. , kuijken k. , 2000 , apj , 532 , 88 hobson m.p . , lasenby a.n . , 1998 , mnras , 298 , 905 barreiro r.b . , vielva p. , hobson m.p . , martnez - gonzlez e. , lasenby a.n . , sanz j.l . , toffolatti l. , in this volume stolyarov v. et al . , in preparation pia r.k . , puetter r.c . , 1993 , pasp , 105 , 630 eke v. , in this volume puetter r.c . , 1994 , spie vol.2302 _ image reconstruction and restoration _ , 112 gull s.f . , 1989 , in ` maximum entropy and bayesian methods ' , j.skilling ( ed ) , kluwer academic publishers , dordtrecht , p. 53 skilling j. , 1998 , in ` maximum entropy and bayesian methods ' , g.erickson , j.t.rychert , c.ray.smith ( eds ) , kluwer academic publishers , dordtrecht , p. 14 skilling j. , 1999 , massinf programmers notes . maximum entropy data consultants ltd , royston
an overview is given of bayesian inversion and regularization procedures . in particular , the conceptual basis of the maximum entropy method ( mem ) is discussed , and extensions to positive / negative and complex data are highlighted . other deconvolution methods are also discussed within the bayesian context , focusing mainly on the comparison of wiener filtering , massive inference and the pixon method , using examples from both astronomical and non - astronomical applications .
given @xmath1 pairwise distinct real points and @xmath2 , let us consider a degree @xmath3 polynomial @xmath4 for some @xmath5 . such a polynomial is a _ least squares fit _ to the data if it minimizes the sum of the squares of the deviations from the data , @xmath6 computing the coefficients @xmath7 of that polynomial @xmath8 is equivalent to solve , in the least squares sense , the overdetermined linear system @xmath9 , where @xmath0 is the rectangular @xmath10 vandermonde matrix corresponding to the nodes @xmath1 . since @xmath0 is usually an ill - conditioned matrix , it was early recognized that solving the normal equations was not an adequate method . golub [ 7 ] , following previous ideas by householder , suggested the use of the _ qr factorization _ of @xmath0 , which involves the solution of a linear system with the triangular matrix @xmath13 . let us observe that , if @xmath14 with @xmath15 being an orthogonal matrix , then using the condition number in the spectral norm we have @xmath16 that is , @xmath13 inherits the ill - conditioning of @xmath0 while @xmath17 . in addition , as it was already observed by golub in [ 8 ] ( see also section 20.1 of [ 9 ] ) , although the use of the orthogonal transformation avoids some of the ill effects inherent in the use of normal equations , the value @xmath18 is still relevant to some extent . it is frequently assumed that this happens when bases of orthogonal polynomials , such as the basis of chebyshev polynomials , are considered . however , this fact is true when special sets of nodes are considered , but not in the case of general nodes . a basis which leads to a matrix @xmath0 better conditioned than the vandermonde matrix is the bernstein basis of polynomials , a widely used basis in computer aided geometric designed due to the good properties that it possess ( see , for instance , [ 2,10 ] ) . we illustrate these facts with table @xmath19 , where the condition numbers of vandermonde , chebyshev - vandermonde and bernstein - vandermonde matrices are presented for the nodes considered in example 5.1 and in example 5.2 . * remark 5.3 . * the accuracy of our algorithm is obtained by exploiting the structure of the bernstein - vandermonde matrix . every step of our algorithm , except the ones in which the standard matrix multiplication command of matlab is used , are developed with high relative accuracy because only arithmetic operations that avoid subtractive cancellation are involved [ 12,13 ] . our algorithm has the same computational cost ( @xmath23 arithmetic operations ) as the conventional algorithms that solve the least squares problem by means of the qr decomposition ignoring the structure of the matrix , when @xmath15 is explicitly required ( see section 2.4.1 of [ 1 ] ) . m. gasca , j. m. pea , _ on factorizations of totally positive matrices _ , in : m. gasca and c. a. michelli ( eds . ) , total positivity and its applications , kluer accademic publishers , dordrecht , 1996 , pp .
the problem of polynomial regression in which the usual monomial basis is replaced by the bernstein basis is considered . the coefficient matrix @xmath0 of the overdetermined system to be solved in the least squares sense is then a rectangular bernstein - vandermonde matrix . in order to use the method based on the qr decomposition of @xmath0 , the first stage consists of computing the bidiagonal decomposition of the coefficient matrix @xmath0 . starting from that bidiagonal decomposition , an algorithm for obtaining the qr decomposition of @xmath0 is the applied . finally , a triangular system is solved by using the bidiagonal decomposition of the r - factor of @xmath0 . some numerical experiments showing the behavior of this approach are included . _ ams classification : _ 65f20 ; 65f35 ; 15a06 ; 15a23 least squares ; bernstein - vandermonde matrix ; bernstein basis ; bidiagonal decomposition ; total positivity ;
a galaxy s environment plays a key role in determining its evolution . for elliptical galaxies , it is generally thought that mergers of disk galaxies in the field and in groups are the dominant formation mechanism . rich groups that fall in along filaments create the elliptical rich clusters we seen today . tracking the assembly of elliptical galaxies and the evolutionary status of groups would provide further insight into these processes . until recently it was very difficult to directly age date the stars in old stellar populations due to the age metallicity degeneracy . this degeneracy has now been broken by new spectroscopic observations and models ( e.g. worthey 1994 ; trager 1999 ) . thus it is now possible to form an evolutionary sequence of elliptical galaxy formation and to age date the ellipticals in different environments . in two recent papers ( forbes 1998 ; forbes & ponman 1999 ) we showed that a galaxy s position relative to the fundamental plane and other scaling relations depends on a galaxy s age . here age is the central luminosity weighted age of the galaxy from stellar spectroscopy . we found that young ellipticals were brighter with a higher surface brightness . ellipticals that were @xmath0 10 gyr old would lie on the fp . from simple starburst models , we showed that fading central starburst could explain the overall trend . the situation was similar for the deviations from 2d scaling relations such as b v vs m@xmath1 and mg@xmath2@xmath3 . younger galaxies would redden and their mg@xmath2 line strengths weaken as the central starburst faded . we concluded that these scaling relations are metallicity mass sequences with deviations caused by a galaxy s age . perhaps the best , high quality study of field ellipticals is that of gonzalez ( 1993 ) . he obtained new absoprtion line indices for about 40 early type galaxies in the field , and claimed that when plotted on a worthey ( 1994 ) grid of h@xmath4 vs [ mgfe ] they generally scatter across a range in ages with metallicities concentrated around solar . another high quality study is that of kuntschner & davies ( 1998 ) who studied early type galaxies in the fornax cluster . they found all ellipticals to have a similar age of @xmath0 8 gyrs , covering a range in metallicity . only the s0 galaxies scattered to young ages in the worthey grid . there is certainly support from the coma cluster that the colour magnitude relation is largely a metallicity mass sequence with the small scatter due to age effects ( terlevich 1999 ) . these field and cluster samples are shown in fig . 1 . although the cluster galaxy trends are fairly convincing , more field data is needed to confirm the gonzalez claims . @xmath5 if group ellipticals resemble field ellipticals , then it suggests that ` evolutionary ' processes have yet to occur , and must be related to cluster environments , e.g. ram pressure stripping , harassment . an h@xmath4 vs [ mgfe ] plot for loose groups and compact groups is shown in fig . 2 . in both cases , most early type galaxies are old ( @xmath0 10 gyr ) , with some of young age but there are too few to make conclusive statements . however building up large samples of group galaxies with age estimates should provide unique clues to their star formation histories , and in the case of compact groups the evolutionary status of the group itself . forbes , d. , ponman , t. , brown , r. , 1998 , apj , 508 . l43 forbes , d. , ponman , t. , 1999 , mnras , in press terlevich , a. , et al . 1999 , mnras , in press trager , s. , et al . 1999 , in preparation worthey , g. , 1994 , apjs , 95 , 107
we discuss recent developments on the age and metallicity distribution for early type galaxies in different environments .
although previously considered a system in equilibrium , observations of the hydra i cluster core , dominated by ngc 3311 , have shown instead a complex , ongoing process of assembly of matter . recently , reported the existence of an faint surface brightness offset envelope . in part i of our work ( see hilker at al . in this proceedings ) , we have shown that the envelope substructure have line - of - sight velocity distributions distinct from the surrounding regions , which is also related to a group of infalling galaxies . has shown that the stellar content in the region of the offset envelope is different from the other regions , thus attesting that stellar populations can be used to trace and constrain the processes involved in galaxy disruption and in the build up of the massive cd galaxies . however , a spatially resolved study to observe the shape and extent of the stellar population features was still missing . therefore , here we aim to further demonstrate that the hydra i core is indeed actively forming using stellar populations as tracers of the past evolution of the system . we have used our novel fors2/vlt spectroscopic data set ( programme 88.b-448 ; pi : richtler ) , i.e. short slits placed in an onion shell - like pattern onto ngc 3311 to mimic a coarse ` ifu ' . the data set consists of high resolution optical spectra for 130 positions out to @xmath130 kpc ( @xmath13 effective radii ) . we modelled seven absorption line features in the lick / ids system with the alpha - enhanced models of @xcite using a monte carlo markov chains method in order to obtain uncertainties and to access whether we can break the well known metallicity - age degeneracy . we present results for the luminosity - weighted ages , metallicities , and alpha element abundances in fig . the offset envelope exhibits populations which are slightly younger , more metal - rich and have lower alpha abundances . these results are consistent with the `` two stages '' formation scenario of central galaxies : the central parts form first `` in situ '' , possibly in a quasi monolithic collapse with violent starbursts . the outer regions then grow by accreting less massive systems with extended periods of star formation . based on observations made with eso telescopes at the la silla paranal observatory . ceb and cmdo are grateful to the so paulo research foundation ( fapesp ) funding ( procs . 2006/56213 - 9 , 2011/21325 - 0 and 2012/22676 - 3 ) . tr acknowledges support from fondecyt project nr.1100620 , the basal centro de astrofsica y tecnologas afines ( cata ) pfb-06/2007 , and a visitorship at eso / garching .
several observations of the central region of the hydra i galaxy cluster point to a multi - epoch assembly history . using our novel fors2/vlt spectroscopic data set , we were able to map the luminosity - weighted age , [ fe / h ] and [ @xmath0/fe ] distributions for the stellar populations around the cd galaxy ngc 3311 . our results indicate that the stellar populations follow the trends of the photometric substructures , with distinct properties that may aid to constrain the evolutionary scenarios for the formation of the cluster core .
in this contribution , we investigate the potential of the surface brightness fluctuation ( sbf ) method ( tonry & schneider @xcite ) to unambigously determine cluster membership of large samples of dwarf ellipticals ( des ) in nearby clusters . the sbf method exploits the fact that on a galaxy image each seeing disc contains a finite number of stars . this number is quadratically proportional to distance and thus its relative rms ( causing the sbf ) is inversely proportional to distance . + in the context of the sbf method , the distance modulus of a galaxy is given by the difference between apparent and absolute fluctuation magnitude @xmath2 . @xmath3 is measured directly , while @xmath4 is derived from a distance independent observable , mostly colour . + tonry et al . @xcite have determined a well defined relation between @xmath5 and @xmath4 for nearby giant early type galaxies in the range @xmath6 : @xmath7 regarding dwarf galaxies , the sbf method has only been applied to small samples of nearby des ( e.g. jerjen et al . @xcite ) . with the arrival of wide field imagers on large telescopes , the use of sbf to measure distances to large sets of des in nearby clusters will be possible . the simulations were performed by adding artificial galaxy images with implemented sbf signal onto a background field image obtained with vlt and fors1 in the i - filter . the exposure time was 3000 sec , the seeing 0.5@xmath8 , and the pixel scale 0.2@xmath8/pixel . the completeness limit for point sources was i @xmath9 mag . the colour range investigated was @xmath10 mag . @xmath11 $ ] was derived from tonry et al.s @xcite equation ( 1 ) and for @xmath12 from worthey s @xcite stellar evolutionary models for old and intermediate age stellar populations . a distance modulus of 31.4 mag to fornax ( ferrarese et al @xcite ) was adopted . the magnitude - surface brightness relation was chosen to fit the relation observed for fornax des by hilker et al . an exponential intensity profile was adopted . to measure the sbf , first an elliptical model of the galaxy light was subtracted from the image . the resulting image was divided by the square root of the model . on this image , contaminating point and extended sources were masked out . the contribution of contaminating sources below the detection limit was negligible . of the cleaned image , the power spectrum ( ps ) was calculated and azimuthally averaged . the result can be written in the form : @xmath13 @xmath14 is the ps of the seeing profile . @xmath15 is the amplitude of the sbf , given in adu . @xmath16 is the white noise component . 1 shows an example image and power spectrum for a simulated galaxy . 2 summarizes the results of the sbf measurements on the simulated des . for @xmath17 mag , about 50% of the measured galaxies have sbf with s / n@xmath18 and @xmath19 smaller than 0.5 mag . as nearby clusters such as fornax or virgo are isolated from background galaxies by several magnitudes in distance modulus , the sbf method therefore allows for unambigous cluster membership determination even for low s / n sbf data . to demonstrate that our simulations do not overestimate the s / n of the sbf measurement on real galaxies , we compared sbf measurements for centaurus cluster galaxies , obtained from vlt - fors1 images in the i - filter , with simulations tuned to reproduce the measured values for these galaxies . as one can see in fig . 3 , the s / n of the simulations matches well the s / n of real galaxy measurements . it has been shown that for nearby clusters such as the fornax cluster , the sbf method can yield reliable membership determination for des down to very faint magnitudes . we find that our simulations do not overestimate the achievable s / n , but are in good agreement with real measurements . an ideal application of the sbf method would be a deep wide field survey of nearby clusters such as fornax or virgo . ferrarese , l. , ford , h. c. , huchra , j. , 2000 , apjs 128 , 431 hilker , m. , mieske , s. , infante , l. , a&al , accepted jerjen , h. , rekola , r. , takalo , l. , coleman , m. , valtonen , m. , 2001 , a&a 380 , 90 tonry , j.l . , schneider , d.p . 1988 , aj 96 , 807 tonry , j.l . , blakeslee , j.p . , ajhar , e.a . , dressler , a. 1997 , apj 475 , 399 worthey g. , 1994 , apjs 95 , 107
the potential of the surface brightness fluctuation ( sbf ) method to determine distances to dwarf ellipticals in nearby clusters is investigated . we find that for the fornax cluster , the sbf method yields reliable results down to very faint magnitudes , in our case down to @xmath0 mag when observing for about 1 hour at good seeing with an 8m - class telescope in the @xmath1-filter . comparison between real and simulated data for the centaurus cluster shows that our simulations do not overestimate the achievable s / n of the sbf method .
the 48 ms radio pulsar psr b1259@xmath063 is in a highly eccentric 3.4 yr orbit with a be star ( johnston et al . 1992 ) . near periastron , for a sufficiently strong be star wind , psr b1259@xmath063 could possibly make a transition to an accretion regime , exhibiting x - ray pulsations of luminosity @xmath210@xmath3 erg s@xmath4 . _ asca _ x - ray observations at three epochs around the 1994 periastron passage ( kaspi et al . 1994 ; hirayama 1996 ) found the source to be unpulsed , with modest luminosity @xmath110@xmath5 erg s@xmath4 , for a distance of 2 kpc . these properties imply that shock emission produces the observed x - rays , rather than accretion ( tavani & arons 1997 ) . however radio timing observations suggested sudden , brief accretion events near periastron that could not be ruled out by the x - ray observations ( manchester et al . indeed the pulsar s anomalously low period suggests it may have undergone occasional accretion episodes in the past . _ asca _ observations during the 1997 periastron passage were impossible due to solar constraints . the asm on _ rxte _ has been observing bright celestial x - ray sources regularly since early 1996 . the instrument consists of three `` scanning shadow cameras , '' each containing a position - sensitive proportional counter that is mounted below a wide - field collimator , covered by a coded mask . the instrument provides roughly 5 celestial scans per day , with diminished exposure in directions toward the sun . further information on the asm is given by levine et al . ( 1996 ) . while psr b1259@xmath063 is not routinely monitored for the asm source - history database , we extracted an x - ray light curve as an archival analysis project using standard techniques . the derived light curve ( figure 1a ) covers the time interval of mjd 5017850762 ( 1996 apr 5 to 1997 nov 10 ) . the overall mean intensity of psr b1259@xmath063 during this time interval was @xmath6 erg s@xmath4 @xmath7 at 210 kev . this result is given with consideration of both the systematic bias and uncertainty in the asm light curves for faint , yet fairly isolated x - ray sources . figure 1b shows @xmath8 upper limits obtained in the periastron vicinity in 2-day averages . it shows that in the 2 weeks following periastron , the source was not observed to be brighter than @xmath110 times the 1994 periastron luminosity . the @xmath8 upper limits to the x - ray emission from psr b1259@xmath063 from the asm thus argue that the pulsar did not undergo even brief episodes of accretion during the 1997 periastron passage . this is consistent with the shock emission model , as well as with new conclusions based on timing that rule out the sudden `` spin - ups '' that were claimed previously ( wex et al . 1998 ) . hirayama , m. 1996 , phd thesis , university of tokyo kaspi , v. m. et al . 1995 , apj , 453 , 424 levine , a. m. et al . 1996 , apj , 469 , l33 manchester , r. n. et al . 1995 , apj , 445 , l137 tavani , m. , arons , j. 1997 , apj , 477 , 439 wex , n. et al . 1998 , mnras , in press
_ rxte_/asm observations of psr b1259@xmath063 near the 1997 periastron passage find no emission brighter than @xmath110 times that detected by _ asca _ during the 1994 periastron encounter , demonstrating that the pulsar is unlikely to have undergone even brief episodes of accretion .
wolf - rayet ( wr ) stars ( also know as helium stars ) are the likely progenitors of grbs . the more massive wr stars produce black holes at core - collapse and their radius is small enough for the relativistic jets to reach the stellar surface and produce the prompt grb emission . wr stars have dense high - velocity winds that produce large stellar - wind bubbles through which the afterglow jet will propagate after the grb event . observations of afterglows agree with models of the stellar wind bubbles ( e.g. eldridge et al.(2006 ) and reference therein ) . a problem remains that the free - wind region of the bubbles , where the density scales as @xmath0 , is always large and should be observed in every grb afterglow . however for many grb afterglows a constant density medium ( cdm ) has been inferred from afterglow observations . there is some uncertainty in estimating the circumburst environment but cdms tend to be preferred . van marle et al . ( 2006 ) have investigated how to move a cdm into closer proximity with the progenitor and found a number of possible effects such as stellar motion through the ism . however there is another possibility , the grb progenitors must be rapidly rotating at the time of core collapse to ensure that the material around the forming black hole has enough angular momentum to produce an accretion disk . stellar rotation can produce a strong effect on the stellar - wind bubble that has not been considered . ignace et al . ( 1996 ) investigated the effect of rotation on stellar winds for various stellar types . they found that even moderate rotation of a wr star will effect the density of the wind at different latitudes on the stellar surface . this will effect the position of the wind termination shock by varying the ram pressure ( @xmath1 ) with latitude . their work is supported by observations of wolf - rayet binary cx cephei . the light from the star is strongly polarised ( approximately 4 percent ) which was used to infer that the wr star is rapidly rotating producing a equator - to - pole wind density ratio of 5 ( villar - sbaffi et al . using the results of ignace et al . ( 1996 ) we produced models of the distorted wind bubbles modifying the code used by eldridge et al . density profiles through two simulations are shown in figure 1 . we see that if rotation reduces the polar wind density the distance to the cdm is reduced . therefore in the rotating case the afterglow jet is more likely to inferred to be propagating through a cdm . how close the cdm can move to the progenitor depends on how quickly the wind is accelerated and the rate of rotation . for a standard wr star wind the predictions in figure 1 are the result of a rotation rate of 45 percent of the stellar break - up velocity . we are currently working to determine how this effect changes for different wr stars . such calculations are complicated as wr winds are optically thick so common assumptions of line driven winds can not be applied . it is important to note that if the star is rotating close to break - up velocity then it may become highly distorted and the mass - loss geometry may become very different from that shown here ( owocki , cranmer & gayley 1996 ) .
gamma - ray bursts ; massive stars ; stellar - wind bubbles . if wolf - rayet stars are the progenitors of gamma - ray bursts ( grbs ) , they must rotate rapidly to produce the grb . this rotation may effect their stellar - wind bubbles and possibly explain why so many grb afterglows occur in a constant density medium . [ firstpage ]
when working with x - ray data each x - ray mission has its own software package to reduce the data due to the specific requirements of the detectors onboard . for the xmm - newton mission the reduction software package xmmsas has been developed . the main purpose of the xmmsas is to allow users to take the observational data file ( odf ) and create event files and at a later stage scientific files like images , spectra and lightcurves . each xmmsas task has a manual either in html format or as a postscript file ( please see at to get the whole list of available xmmsas tasks ) . the manual gives a description of the tasks and lists all available task parameters . however , this is often confusing to new users of the xmmsas in order to see which tasks are needed and how they have to be applied to their data . for this reason at mpe the idea was born to design a web - based cookbook that explains users how to work with their xmm - newton observational data files ( odf ) in order to create final scientific files like spectra and light curves . at first this cookbook was only written for users at mpe , but it has been now designed and make accessible to users from outside the mpe . to explain the tasks that have to be performed to create event files and finally scientific files , the cookbook first describes general tasks and is then organized by the instruments onboard xmm . there are chapters for epic pn , epic mos , the rgs , and the optical monitor ( om).the two epic chapters have an introductory part and are then split into sections for spatial , spectral and timing analysis of the data . fig [ epic_pn_page ] displays as an example the epic pn page . the cookbook has the following structure : 1 . general tasks 2 . data preparation 3 . epic pn * spatial analysis * spectral analysis * timing analysis 4 . epic mos * spatial analysis * spectral analysis * timing analysis 5 . the mpe cookbook for the xmmsas can be found here : the mpe xmmsas ` cookbook ' is of course not the only description of the xmmsas . first there is esa s official xmmsas users guide which is available at vilspa :
this paper will give a short description of a ` cookbook ' for the xmm - newton data reduction software xmmsas . this ` cookbook ' has been developed at the max - planck - institut fr extraterrestrische physik ( mpe ) , garching . the task of this ` cookbook ' is to describe the necessary xmmsas tasks and show examples to make it easy for new users of the xmmsas to understand the steps which have to perform to reduce their xmm x - ray data .
the relation between the measure theoretic and topological properties of canter set and generalized cantor sets are always surprising in their own right . in addition , the real valued functions on these sets have many applications in counterexamples . for example see @xcite for interesting applications of cantor sets and the related notions . the purpose of this note is to construct a continuous function @xmath0 \to \bbb r$ ] which cuts the real axis uncountable times and it is not absolutely continuous . note that we say a continuous function @xmath0 \to \bbb r$ ] cuts the real axis at @xmath1 if @xmath2 and for each open interval of @xmath1 , there exist some points @xmath3 and @xmath4 such that @xmath5 and @xmath6 . recall that a function @xmath7 \to \bbb r$ ] is said to be _ * absolutely continuous * _ if for each @xmath8 there exists @xmath9 such that @xmath10 whenever @xmath11 are pairwise disjoint open subintervals of @xmath12 $ ] for which @xmath13 . we construct a sequence of continuous functions on @xmath14 $ ] such that whose uniform limit is the desired function . first , divide the interval @xmath14 $ ] to three equal segments . define @xmath15 on @xmath16 $ ] as follows : @xmath17 it is easy to see that @xmath18 is continuous and it s graph is an isosceles triangle with the height @xmath19 . draw this triangle on the intervals @xmath20 $ ] and @xmath21 $ ] every other one , symmetrically . let @xmath22 be the function on @xmath14 $ ] whose graph is as above . from now on , our aim from upper(lower ) triangle in each step is those triangles that their corresponding function s values are positive(negative ) , respectively . for construction of @xmath23 , fix the lower triangle drawn on the interval @xmath24 $ ] in the graph of @xmath22 and divide both intervals @xmath25 $ ] and @xmath26 $ ] to three equal segments . now , define the function @xmath27 on the interval @xmath28 $ ] as follows : @xmath29 it is not difficult to verify that @xmath30 is continuous and it s graph is an isosceles triangle with the height @xmath31 . now , draw this triangle on the intervals @xmath32 $ ] and @xmath33 $ ] every other one , symmetrically . then , copy the obtained graph on the interval @xmath34 $ ] , on the interval @xmath35 $ ] exactly and suppose that the obtained graph on the interval @xmath14 $ ] is @xmath23 . for the step 3 , fix two lower triangles drawn on the intervals @xmath36 $ ] and @xmath37 $ ] and accomplish the same processes in the previous steps on the intervals @xmath38 $ ] , @xmath39 $ ] , @xmath40 $ ] and @xmath41 $ ] , respectively . now , for the step @xmath42 , define @xmath43 on the interval @xmath44 $ ] as follows : @xmath45 one can verify that @xmath43 is continuous and it s graph is an isosceles triangle with the height @xmath46 and then do the same procedure in the previous steps . in fact , in this step we have @xmath47 upper isosceles triangles with the height @xmath46 and @xmath48 lower isosceles triangles which @xmath49 of them have the height @xmath46 . let @xmath50 be arbitrary . then @xmath51 , for sufficiently large @xmath52 . now , using the cauchy test for uniform convergence ( see [ 1 ] ) , @xmath53 converges uniformly to a continuous functions @xmath54 . therefore , @xmath54 is a limit function which is constructed according to the construction of cantor set and thus it is identically to zero on the whole of cantor set and by the process of the construction , f cuts the real axis uncountable times . now , we show that f is not absolutely continuous . let @xmath9 be arbitrary . there exists @xmath55 such that @xmath56 . put @xmath57 and consider the sequence @xmath58 . from @xmath59 lower triangles constructed in the step @xmath60 with the height @xmath61 , choose one of them and consider a neighborhood from the initial of the base of the triangle to the it s middle on the real line . we have @xmath62 . let @xmath63 be arbitrary . then , @xmath64 , in which @xmath65 and @xmath66 are the points of the initial and the middle of the base of the chosen lower triangle in the step @xmath67 , respectively ; we have @xmath68 and @xmath69 . this shows that @xmath54 can not be absolutely continuous . 99 g. b. folland , real analysis , modern techniques and their applications , 1984 . w. rudin , principles of mathematical analysis , 3rd ed . mcgraw- hill , new york , 1976 . s. spataru , an absolutely continuous function whose inverse function is not absolutely continuous , note di matematica , j , ( 23 ) , n. 1 , 2004 , 4749 .
in this note , we construct a non - constant continuous function @xmath0 \to \bbb r$ ] which cuts the real axis uncountable times and also it is not absolutely continuous . functions of this type are very scarce in the literature .
powerful agn can be used as tracers of galaxy groups and clusters . especially , radio - loud agn at @xmath3 are known to lie in rich environments ( ellingson , yee , & green 1991 ; yee & green 1987 ) . however , the environments of rqq s have been found to be systematically different from rlq environments , suggesting that they prefer field - like environments ( ellingson et al . recent developments are beginning to cast doubt on this , e.g mclure et al . ( 1999 ) find that luminous rqq s have similar massive elliptical host galaxies as their radio - loud counterparts . we have carried out a study of the environments of rlq s and rqq s at @xmath0 with the 2.56 m nordic optical telescope and the hst . the radio - loud sample consists of steep - spectrum quasars spanning a wide range in radio luminosity , and the radio - quiet sample matches the radio - loud sample in @xmath1 luminosity . by covering a wide range in luminosity and a narrow redshift range , we aim to disentangle the effects that redshift and luminosity have on the amount of clustering around quasars . the excess of galaxies in each quasar field was obtained by subtracting background galaxy counts in observed control fields , and the clustering quantified as @xmath4 , the amplitude of the spatial galaxy - quasar cross - correlation function . on average , the quasars were found to occupy environments typical of poorer clusters ( @xmath2 abell 0 ) , but the richness was seen to cover a wide range , from groups of galaxies and poor clusters to clusters as rich as abell class 1 or more ( wold et al . the mean clustering amplitude for the radio - loud sample was found to be @xmath5 mpc@xmath6 with an error in the mean of 74 mpc@xmath6 ( from a combination of intrinsic dispersion in @xmath4 and measurement error ) . preliminary analysis of the radio - quiet sample shows that rqq s are found in similar environments as the rlq s ( fig . [ fig : figure1 ] , right ) , the two samples have practically the same mean richness . this is contrary to what has been observed before ( ellingson et al . 1991 ) , but broadly consistent with luminous rqq s having similar host properties as rlq s ( mclure et al . 1999 ) . using spearmans partial rank correlation analysis , we find a weak , but significant correlation between @xmath4 and quasar radio luminosity , @xmath7 , holding redshift constant . this correlation has a 3.4@xmath8 significance when we add @xmath4 for literature steep - spectrum quasars extending down to @xmath9 ( fig . [ fig : figure1 ] , left ) . we find no evidence for any @xmath10-dependence in richness . in wold et al . ( 1999 ) , we compare our data with a simple radio source model , and find that the observed range in environmental density can not account on its own for the range in radio luminosity , implying that the bulk kinetic power in the radio jets must also be an important factor in determining a quasar s radio luminosity . ellingson , e. , yee , h.k.c . , & green , r.f . 1991 , apj , 371 , 49 mclure , r.j . , kukula , m.j . , dunlop , j.s . , baum , s.a . , odea , c.p . , & hughes , d.h . 1999 , mnras , 308 , 377 wold , m. , lacy , m. , lilje , p.b . , & serjeant , s. 1999 , accepted by mnras yee , h.k.c . , ellingson , e. 1993 , apj , 411 , 43 yee , h.k.c . , & green , r.f . 1987 , apj , 319 , 28
we have observed the galaxy environments around two complete samples of radio - loud ( steep - spectrum ) and radio - quiet quasars ( rlq and rqq ) at @xmath0 that are matched in @xmath1-luminosity , and find that the environments of both quasar populations are practically indistinguishable . a few objects are found in relatively rich clusters , but on average , they seem to prefer galaxy groups or clusters of @xmath2 abell class 0 . by combining the rlq sample with samples from the literature , we detect a weak , but significant , positive correlation between environmental richness and quasar radio luminosity . this may give us clues about what determines a quasar s radio luminosity .
for a detailed comparison of the appearance of cluster of galaxies in x - ray and in the optical , we have compiled a large database of x - ray and optical properties of a sample of clusters based on the largest available x - ray and optical surveys : the rosat all sky survey ( rass ) and the sloan digital sky survey ( sdss ) . the x - ray - selected galaxy clusters of this rass - sdss catalog cover a wide range of masses , from groups of @xmath3 @xmath4 to massive clusters of @xmath5 @xmath4 in the redshift range from 0.002 to 0.45 . the rass - sdss sample comprises 114 clusters . for each system we have uniformly determined the x - ray and optical properties . for a subsample of 53 clusters we also compiled the temperature and the iron abundance from the literature . the cluster optical luminosity is calculated , after statistical background subtraction , as the sum of all the galaxies within the @xmath6 magnitude bins . a tight relation exists between @xmath1 and @xmath0 . in the @xmath7-@xmath8 plane , the @xmath9 relation is a line with slope 0.44@xmath100.03 and with a scatter of 0.3 . given the @xmath11 relation of reiprich & bhringer 2001 and our new @xmath12 relation , also the mass should increase faster than @xmath1 . to check this , we used the subsample of clusters with temperature , and with the @xmath13 relation of finoguenov et al . 2001 we estimated the mass and analysed the @xmath14 and the @xmath15 relations ( m and @xmath1 are calculated both within @xmath16 ) . @xmath2 shows a clear dependence on the cluster mass with a slope from 0.27 in the i and r bands to 0.22 in the z band . funding for the creation and distribution of the sdss archive has been provided by the alfred p. sloan foundation , the participating institutions , the national aeronautics and space administration , the national science foundation , the u.s . department of energy , the japanese monbukagakusho , and the max planck society . the sdss web site is http://www.sdss.org/. the sdss is managed by the astrophysical research consortium ( arc ) for the participating institutions . the participating institutions are the university of chicago , fermilab , the institute for advanced study , the japan participation group , the johns hopkins university , los alamos national laboratory , the max - planck - institute for astronomy ( mpia ) , the max - planck - institute for astrophysics ( mpa ) , new mexico state university , university of pittsburgh , princeton university , the united states naval observatory , and the university of washington .
solid observational evidences indicate a strong dependence of the galaxy formation and evolution on the environment . in order to study in particular the interaction between the intracluster medium and the evolution of cluster galaxies , we have created a large database of clusters of galaxies based on the largest available x - ray and optical surveys : the rosat all sky survey ( rass ) , and the sloan digital sky survey ( sdss ) . we analyzed the correlation between the total optical and the x - ray cluster luminosity . the resulting correlation of @xmath0 and @xmath1 shows a logarithmic slope of 0.6 , a value close to the self - similar correlation . we analysed also the cluster mass to light ratio , by finding a significant dependence of @xmath2 on the cluster mass with a logarithmic slope ranging from 0.27 in the i and r bands to 0.22 in the z band .
computing resources available for simulations of lattice qcd are now powerful enough to investigate unquenching effects . ukqcd has embarked on a programme of studying these effects in the light hadron spectrum , static quark potential , glueball spectrum and topological sectors . the purpose of this paper is to investigate unquenching effects in the first of these areas . it is well known that the lattice cut - off is a function of _ both _ the gauge coupling , @xmath0 , and dynamical quark mass , @xmath1 ( see e.g. @xcite ) . for this reason , the philosophy we have chosen is to simulate at points along the `` matched '' trajectory in the @xmath2 plane i.e. defined by_fixed _ lattice spacing , @xmath3 . this then disentangles lattice spacing artefacts with unquenching effects . any variation of a physical quantity along this trajectory can sensibly be attributed to unquenching effects rather than lattice systematics . this work has been published in full in @xcite . [ cols="<,<,<,<,<,<,<",options="header " , ] this paper attempts to uncover unquenching effects in the dynamical lattice qcd simulations at a fixed ( matched ) lattice spacing ( and volume ) and various dynamical quark masses . this approach allows a more controlled study of unquenching effects without the possible entanglement of lattice and unquenching systematics . however , we see no significant sign of unquenching effects in the meson spectrum . this is presumably since our dynamical quarks are relatively massive , and so the meson spectrum is dominated by the static quark potential . this potential is , by definition , matched amongst our ensembles at the hadronic length scale @xmath4 , and so any variation of the meson spectrum within our matched ensemble must surely be a `` higher '' order unquenching effect which is beyond our present statistics . we have however shown that unquenching effects exist in the static quark potential , and other work ( using the same ensembles ) has shown interesting unquenching effects in the glueball and topological sector @xcite .
we present recent results from the ukqcd collaboration s dynamical qcd simulations . this data has fixed lattice spacing but varying dynamical quark mass . we concentrate on searching for an unquenching signal in the mesonic mass spectrum where we do not find a significant effect at the quark masses considered .
radio jet of agn could be produced from either the disk accretion or the black hole ( bh ) spin , or even both . the accretion produced jet power could be linearly proportional to the product of the eddington ratio and bh mass , as found in radio loud quasars ( * ? ? ? * ( liu & han 2014 ) ) . whereas , in relative low luminosity agn , e.g. in spiral galaxies , the index of the power law relation between jet power and accretion rate is significantly less than unity , implying that besides the accretion , other mechanisms must be at work in the production of jet , e.g. the bh spin . in this paper , we investigate further in this aspect . the bh spin can produce jet as suggested by ( * ? ? ? * steiner et al . ( 2013 ) ) , which principally predicted by ( * ? ? ? * blandford & znajek ( 1977 ) ) , bz - jet hereafter . the bz - jet depends on the magnetic flux ( @xmath1 ) threading on the bh ergosphere and the spin ( @xmath2 ) of bh , and can be expressed as the function of @xmath2 and relative magnetic flux @xmath3 . the maximum magnetic flux @xmath4 has a root - squared relation with the disk accretion rate ( * ? ? ? * ( tchekhovskoy et al . 2011 ) ) and see ( * ? ? ? * yuan & narayan ( 2014 ) ) for a review , but it is not clear how the magnetic flux @xmath5 relates to the accretion rate . we think that a minimum accretion rate is required for the bh spin to produce a jet , since the magnetic flux ( outgoing poynting flux ) needs plasma from the accretion to the bh horizon . there may also exist a critical accretion rate for the maximum magnetic flux @xmath4 as noted by ( * ? ? ? * tchekhovskoy et al . ( 2011 ) ) and ( * ? ? ? * yuan & narayan ( 2014 ) ) for the bz - jet . exceeding the critical accretion rate ( or the critical eddington ratio @xmath6 for similar bh masses ) , the bz - jet could be suppressed , and the accretion disk would dominate the behavior of total jet power when the accretion rate is greater than the @xmath6 . there is a false linear proportional relation between the bz - jet power and the mass accretion rate ( see ( * ? ? ? * yuan & narayan 2014 ) ) , because the @xmath1 in that formula is also a function of the accretion rate . the relation between the bz - jet power and the mass accretion rate should be a non - linear form which we want to know . to consider both the accretion and the bh spin contribute to jet power , the total jet power should be the sum of the two but not the multiplying of two contributions . as the first approximation , we assume that the jet power is dominated by the accretion at high accretion rate ( e.g. @xmath7 , or @xmath8 for @xmath9 solar mass bh ) , and the jet power is dominated by the bz - jet at lower accretion rate ( @xmath10 , or @xmath11 ) , as noted by ( * ? ? ? * liu & han ( 2014 ) ) . attributing the jet power in the low accretion rate agn to the bz - jet , this thus implies that the jet power has a flatter spectrum than the accretion - dominated jet versus the accretion rate , as plotted in fig . [ fig1 ] that the @xmath12 for the bh spin dominated jet in the seyfert galaxies ( the slope @xmath130.3 from ( * ? ? ? * liu & han 2014 ) ) has a flatter spectrum than the linear proportional relation for the disk accretion - dominated jet power . the linear proportionality of jet power versus accretion rate is well constrained by the theory proposed by ( * ? ? ? * liu & han ( 2014 ) ) , and largely consistent with the data as observed in ( * ? ? ? * van velzen & falcke ( 2013 ) ) , ( * ? ? ? * fernandes et al . ( 2011 ) ) , and ( * ? ? ? * willott et al . ( 1999 ) ) , for radio loud quasars . however , in the lower accretion regime , the power law slopes are obviously flatter ( @xmath15 ) , see ( * ? ? ? * liu & han ( 2014 ) ) , for radio galaxies and seyferts / liners . the flatter spectrum is most likely due to that the bz - jet power dominates over the accretion jet power in the low accreting agn . of course , the bh spin must be high for producing such jet power efficiently , and this implies that most of radio - loud low - luminosity agn may have high - spin bhs , and there are some indications for this in ( * ? ? ? * martnez - sansigre & rawlings ( 2011 ) ) and ( * ? ? ? * wu et al . ( 2011 ) ) . contrarily , for the high accretion quasars , their accretion jet power is dominating over their bz - jet power , so that we can not identify whether their bh is highly spinning or not from their jet luminosity only .
from ( * ? ? ? * liu & han ( 2014 ) ) , the accretion - dominated jet power has a linear proportionality with the accretion rate , whereas the power law index is @xmath00.5 at lower accretion rate . attributing the jet power in low accretion rate agn to the black hole spin , it implies that the jet power has a flatter spectrum than the accretion - dominated jet versus the accretion rate . the black hole must be spinning rapidly for producing such jet power efficiently , and this may allow us to find high - spin black holes in the radio - loud low - luminosity agn .
quasar outflows are believed to be a ubiquitous phenomenon within luminous agn in distant galaxies , however the detailed physics of the outflows is not well understood . conducting variability studies of broad absorption lines ( bals ) , the signatures of outflowing gas , in quasars can prove useful in placing constraints on the physical properties of the gas . the motivation behind understanding the physics of outflows is fueled by the overall picture of galaxy evolution and the connection between the central smbh and its surrounding host . it is clear that the smbh mass correlates with host galaxy bulge properties ( e.g. , the @xmath3 relation ) , however what is not apparent is to what extent quasar outflows contribute to this connection . there is evidence of quasar outflows having a direct impact on star formation in the host galaxy ( ( * ? ? ? * farrah et al . 2012 ) ) , yet to probe this feedback mechanism further will require firm observational constraints on the outflow s properties . iron low ionization bals , or felobals , form a rare subclass of bal quasars ( @xmath2 1% ) that distinguish themselves by showing bals in fe ii and fe iii in addition to typical low and high ionization species found in the rest of bal quasars . theoretical models on the origin of felobal outflows are quite varied , as are their implications for the agn - host galaxy connection . * faucher - gigure et al . ( 2012 ) ) suggest that a quasar blast wave interacts with the ism at @xmath2 1 kpc from the smbh , creating cloudlets that form the absorption lines . * murray et al . ( 1995 ) ) , on the other hand , model a radiation - pressure - driven bal wind that arises from the accretion disk on sub - parsec scales from the smbh , a situation that might explain all the bal quasar subclasses . variability studies of felobal quasars are rare . ? * hall et al . ( 2011 ) ) observed absorption line variability in 1 felobal , constraining the absorber s distance to be between 1.7 and 14 pc from the smbh . * vivek et al . ( 2012 ) ) investigated 5 felobals , detecting changes in absorption from al iii and fe iii in one of their objects . more constraints need to be placed on felobal outflows in order to have a clearer understanding of their origins , structure , and impact on the surrounding host galaxy . we have obtained preliminary results from a variability study of 12 felobal quasars ( 0.69 @xmath4 1.93 ) observed over timescales ranging from @xmath210.3 days to @xmath27.03 years in the quasar s rest frame . the wavelength coverage across our sample spanned between @xmath23800 7250 , with up to 5 epochs available for a given object . the sample included spectra obtained using the mdm 2.4 m hiltner telescope at kitt peak , az , along with data from the 9.2 m het telescope at mcdonald observatory and sdss data release 7 . our initial analysis shows absorption - line variability mainly from fe ii and mg ii in 4/12 felobals over restframe timescales of @xmath20.5 to @xmath26.4 years . regions of variability occur both in portions of lines and across entire bal troughs . in one of our objects we have detected correlated absorption - line variability in fe ii from both ground ( uv 1,2,3 ) and excited ( uv 62,63,78 ) state transitions , an observation that is uncommon as most variability studies detect changes from resonance lines only . variability was quantified in each object by comparing flux differences between two spectra to the propagated noise of the resulting difference . we defined a preliminary criterion for variability to be that the flux difference between two epochs rises @xmath5 3@xmath6 above the noise across @xmath5 3 consecutive pixels in order to be significant . in order to place new physical constraints on felobal outflows , the cause of the variability becomes important . two scenarios for the origin of variability in quasar outflows are a change in ionization within the gas or a change of covering fraction due to transverse motions across the line of sight . using a typical crossing timescale of @xmath7 years for our sample , we can constrain the absorber to be @xmath8 20 pc from the smbh with crossing speeds @xmath9 500 km / s . categorizing the variability in our sample becomes challenging due to the large number of fe ii multiplets blended together and the possibility that multiple transitions from fe ii and/or other ions contribute to any given absorption line . a forthcoming paper will discuss individual objects in our sample along with the implications of the variability for constraining felobal outflows .
the physical properties and dynamical behavior of broad absorption line ( bal ) outflows are crucial themes in understanding the connections between galactic centers and their hosts . felobals ( identified with the presence of low - ionization fe ii bals ) are a peculiar class of quasar outflows that constitute @xmath0 of the bal population . with their large column densities and apparent outflow kinetic luminosities , felobals appear to be exceptionally powerful and are strong candidates for feedback in galaxy evolution . we conducted variability studies of 12 felobal quasars with emission redshifts @xmath1 , spanning both weekly and multi - year timescales in the quasar s rest frame . we detected absorption - line variability from low - ionization species ( fe ii , mg ii ) in four of our objects , with which we established a representative upper limit for the distance of the absorber from the supermassive black hole ( smbh ) to be @xmath220 parsecs . our goals are to understand the mechanisms producing the variability ( e.g. ionization changes or gas traversing our line of sight ) and place new constraints on the locations , structure , and kinetic energies of the outflows .
the _ spitzer _ wide - area infrared extragalactic legacy program ( swire ; * ? ? ? * ) is expected to detect over two million galaxies at infrared wavelengths from 3.6 to @xmath16 over @xmath17 and to redshifts @xmath18 . our elais - n1 sample corresponds to a completeness of @xmath19% and we used a @xmath1 central region where the completeness was uniform to within @xmath20 . reliability of each @xmath2 detection was ensured by requiring an irac @xmath21 association with snr @xmath22 ( where @xmath23 ) and separation @xmath24 . stars were identified and rejected using a combination of the @xmath21 stellarity index ( @xmath25 ) and cuts in @xmath26 versus @xmath27 flux ratio ( see * ? ? ? * ) . this study is the first of its kind at this wavelength and sensitivity , reaching a factor of @xmath28 deeper in flux density than the iras @xmath29 galaxy surveys . the method of counts - in - cells ( cics ; see * ? ? ? * and references therein ) provides the full galaxy count distribution function within a cell of given size , and its moments are related to the classical @xmath30-point correlations . the variance in particular is related to the cell - averaged _ two - point _ correlation function . the advantage of cics over traditional , direct binning methods is that the data does not require binning , moments from cics have better signal - to - noise ratio properties , no random comparison sample is needed , and systematics from catalog boundaries and finite sampling are better handled . figure [ fig ] ( left panel ) shows the angular - averaged correlation function as a function of cell diameter . the angular range corresponds to _ comoving _ scales of @xmath31mpc at the expected median redshift of @xmath32 for the full sample , as predicted from the @xcite model and @xmath33 . the striking feature is that redder ( mid - ir excess ) galaxies exhibit a stronger projected clustering than blue galaxies on scales @xmath15 . this difference is difficult to explain by varying projection effects since their _ photometric _ redshift distributions ( although incomplete ) are not too dissimilar . more work is needed to verify this . we have estimated correlation lengths by inverting limber s equation with three different model redshift distributions and assuming a simple evolution model for 3d clustering : @xmath34 , where @xmath35 is a proper coordinate and @xmath36 implies constant ( stable ) clustering in proper coordinates . we found spatial correlation lengths in the range @xmath37 to @xmath38mpc for the full sample assuming @xmath36 ( right panel in fig . [ fig ] ) . for the redshift model of @xcite , whose predictions agree remarkably well with observed @xmath2 counts ( e.g. , * ? ? ? * ) , we find @xmath10mpc . we also found that red galaxies are more clustered by a factor of @xmath39 in their spatial correlation amplitude on @xmath40mpc scales at @xmath41 than blue galaxies ( not shown ) . this may suggest that merger driven starbursts are dominating the mid - infrared excess population at @xmath42 . we note however that our 3d clustering estimates depend strongly on the assumed redshift distribution . this reinforces the need to establish the redshift distribution of swire galaxies . chary , r. et al . 2004 , , 154 , 80 king , a. j. , and rowan - robinson , m. 2003 , , 339 , 260 lagache , g. et al . 2003 , , 338 , 555 lonsdale , c. j. et al . 2003 , , 115 , 897 masci , f. j. et al . 2005 , , ( in preparation ) xu , c. k. et al . 2001 , , 562 , 179
we present initial results of galaxy clustering at 24@xmath0 by analyzing statistics of the projected galaxy distribution from _ counts - in - cells_. this study focuses on the elais - north1 swire field . the sample covers @xmath1 and contains 24,715 sources detected at @xmath2 to a @xmath3 limit of 250@xmath4jy ( in the lowest coverage regions ) . we have explored clustering as a function of 3.6 - 24@xmath0 color and 24@xmath0 flux density using angular - averaged two - point correlation functions derived from the variance of counts - in - cells on scales @xmath5 . using a power - law parameterization , @xmath6 , we find [ @xmath7 = [ @xmath8 for the full sample ( @xmath9 errors throughout ) . we have inverted limber s equation and estimated a spatial correlation length of @xmath10mpc for the full sample , assuming stable clustering and a redshift model consistent with observed @xmath2 counts . we also find that blue [ @xmath11 and red [ @xmath12 galaxies have the lowest and highest @xmath13 values respectively , implying that redder galaxies are more clustered ( by a factor of @xmath14 on scales @xmath15 ) . overall , the clustering estimates are smaller than those derived from optical surveys , but in agreement with results from iras and iso in the mid - infrared . this extends the notion to higher redshifts that infrared selected surveys show weaker clustering than optical surveys .
qcd predicts the existence of hybrid states which contain excited gluon fields . hybrid mesons with heavy @xmath0 quark pairs are the most amenable to theoretical treatment . they can be studied not only directly by numerical simulation , but also using the born - oppenheimer expansion which is our primary guidance for the development of a simple physical picture . the born - oppenheimer picture was introduced for the description of heavy hybrid states in refs . @xcite and was applied using hybrid potentials first calculated in lattice qcd in ref . @xcite . in this study , we work to leading order in the expansion and neglect higher - order terms involving spin , relativistic , and retardation effects . we test the accuracy of the born - oppenheimer approach by comparison with high - precision results from simulations . simulation parameters for the two lattices . [ table : simparams ] [ cols= " < , < , < , < " , ] the applicability of the leading born oppenheimer approximation relies on the smallness of the retardation effects . we can determine the size of this effect by comparing the two approaches taken here since the nrqcd hamiltonian only differs from the lbo hamiltonian by the inclusion of the @xmath1 coupling between the color charge _ in motion _ and the gluon field . the difference in splittings are tabulated in table [ table : results ] and shown in fig . [ fig : scaling ] . in the comparison , the scale ambiguity has been removed and the lattice artifacts were found to be small ( @xmath2 ) . furthermore , the splittings are insensitive to small changes in the @xmath3-quark mass . we thus conclude that the small differences ( @xmath4 from the two approaches is in fact due to retardation , hence validating the born - oppenheimer expansion . = 2.5 in the masses of 4 hybrid states were determined in leading order nrqcd in the quenched approximation . the magnitude of the retardation effects were found to be small validating the born - oppenheimer expansion . the level splittings in the lbo approximation were found to be rather insensitive to the b quark mass . the lbo wavefunctions revealed the spatial largeness of the hybrid meson states and also indicated that the finite volume effects in our simulations should be negligible . note that our lbo spectrum of hybrid mesons based on adiabatic surfaces calculated in the quenched approximation will very likely differ from the true spectrum due to our neglect of sea quark effects . the inclusion of such effects remains an important challenge for the future . 9 p. hasenfratz _ et al . _ , phys . b * 95 * , 299 ( 1980 ) ; d. horn and j. mandula , phys . d * 17 * , 898 ( 1978 ) . s. perantonis and c. michael , nucl . * b 347 * , 854 ( 1990 ) . c. morningstar and m. peardon , phys . d * 56 * , 4043 ( 1997 ) . juge , j. kuti , and c. morningstar , nucl . b ( proc . suppl . ) * 63 * , 326 ( 1998 ) . c. davies _ et al . _ , d * 58 * , 054505 ( 1998 ) .
the spectrum of heavy - quark hybrids is studied in the leading born - oppenheimer ( lbo ) approximation and using leading - order nrqcd simulations with an improved gluon action on anisotropic lattices . the masses of four hybrid states are obtained from our simulations for lattice spacings 0.1 fm and 0.2 fm and are compared to the lbo predictions obtained using previously - determined glue - excited static potentials . the consistency of results from the two approaches reveals a compelling physical picture for heavy - quark hybrid states .
the cf is one of the most popular statistical tools used to quantify the degree of galaxy clustering . it also has been used to characterize the dependence of the galaxy clustering on the properties of galaxies for example morphology @xcite , surface brightness , luminosity and internal dynamics . + generally , the cf is fit within the range @xmath8 1.5 - 2.3 and @xmath7 5 - 7.5 @xmath4 mpc for optically - selected galaxies , where @xmath9 = 100 @xmath10 km s@xmath11 mpc@xmath11 . the data being used for analyzing the cf here is hipass bgc [ 6 ] , which includes the 1,000 hi brightest galaxies from hi parkes all sky survey ( hipass ; [ 1 ] ) . the survey is the largest , least - biased survey of large - scale structure in hi - selected galaxies . since the survey has been done in radio regime so it can easily image through the milky way plane unlike optical or infrared surveys . approximately 70% of the new galaxies have been found in the zone of avoidance @xmath12 . the hipass survey has imaged the entire southern sky and 40% of northern sky using the parkes multibeam receiver . the survey has been looking for galactic and extragalactic neutral hydrogen ( hi ) and is sensitive to a volumn of six million cubic mpc . this survey is expected to eventually cataloque about 10,000 galaxies . the hipass bgc includes the 1,000 hi - brightest galaxies ( @xmath13 ) according to their hi peak flux in the global hi spectrum ( peak@xmath14 117 mjy / beam ) with a systemic velocity 350 - 8,000 km / s . all known galaxies with systemic velocity @xmath15 350 km / s have been added in the sample . figure 1a shows distribution of hipass bgc as a function distance , with the selection function multiplied by area , @xmath16 . the peak of distribution is around 13 @xmath4 mpc . two estimators have been used for analyzing the cf in hipass bgc : @xmath17 where @xmath18 refers to davis & peebles estimator @xcite and @xmath19 is hamilton estimator @xcite . @xmath20 , @xmath21 and @xmath22 are the number of data - data , data - random and random - random pairs respectively . comparing these two estimators , @xmath19 is less affected by the uncertainty in the mean density , which is a second order effect . nonetheless , even though @xmath18 explicitly depends on the mean density , it is the most commonly used estimator . in this analysis , both estimators have been weighted with the selection function , @xmath23 , and 20,000 random galaxies have been generated to match @xmath23 . + figure 1b shows a plot of @xmath0 for @xmath18 with poisson error bars . however this can be improved by using bootstrap method in the future work ( with deep hipass catalogue ) . it can be fit by @xmath24 ( @xmath25/@xmath26)@xmath27 with @xmath2 and @xmath3 @xmath4 mpc . when using @xmath19 , @xmath0 is fit by the same form with @xmath5 and @xmath6 @xmath4 mpc . these results definitely show less clustering than other optical selected surveys e.g. cfa redshift survey @xcite with @xmath28 and @xmath29 @xmath4 mpc , or stromlo - apm with @xmath30 and @xmath31 @xmath4 mpc @xcite . clearly , the cf from the hipass bgc shows less clustering than other existing surveys . however this result is expected , as hi - selected galaxies trace late - type galaxies which tend to avoid the densest region . correspondingly , this result supports the morphology - density relation which was first described by dressler @xcite . it will be interesting to see how the cf changes with deep hipass catalogue ( available late 2001 ) which will contain @xmath32 8,000 - 10,000 galaxies . barnes , d. , et al . , 2001 , 322 , 486 davis , m. & peebles , p.j.e . , 1983 , 267 , 465 dressler , a. , 1980 , 236 , 351 giuricin , g. , samurovic , s. , girardi , m. , mezzetti , m. & marinoni , c. , 2001 , 554 , 872 hamilton , a.j.s . , 1993 , 417 , 19 koribalski , b.s . in _ gas & galaxy evolution _ , asp conf series , eds j. e. hibbard , m. p. rupen and j. h. van gorkom .
the 2-point spatial correlation function ( cf ) , @xmath0 , has been used to study the clustering of the galaxies in the preliminary version of the hipass bright galaxy catalogue ( hipass bgc ) , which includes the 1,000 hi brightest galaxies in the southern sky . this is the first time the cf has been used to analyse an hi - selected sample . the cf is well described by a power law , @xmath1 , with slope @xmath2 and correlation length @xmath3 @xmath4 mpc using peebles estimator . however , when the hamilton estimator is used , the cf is fit with @xmath5 and @xmath6 @xmath4 mpc . note that , these hi - selected galaxies show less clustering than optically - selected surveys which have a correlation length @xmath7 5.5 @xmath4 mpc or larger . +
we simulate cassiopea ( upside - down ) jellyfish in channel flow using a classical immersed boundary method as developed by charles peskin and using datatank ( visual datatools , inc . ) for post processing of images . we performed laboratory dye visualization using a flow tank constructed by dr . steve vogel ( duke university dept . of biology ) and fluorescein dye ( flinn scientific . lot number : 118372 . ) a full pulse of the simulated jellyfish consists of a cycle of a contraction ( 0.6 s ) , a short pause ( 0.13 s ) , a relaxation ( 0.7 s ) and a longer pause ( 2.0 s. ) oscillating and periodic one - directional flows have a frequency of 0.21 hz . channel flow speeds were simulated at 0.0 cm / s , 1.0 cm / s and 2.0 cm / s as indicated in the videos . + each numerical simulation shows a vorticity plot for the fluid around the bell of the model jellyfish . the simulations show the speed and direction of the current influence the formation and shedding of vortices around the tips of the bell . the simulations also indicate the prominent oral arms structures play a role in vorticity trapping and shedding . dye visualization experiments qualitatively reveal similar results .
we present several dye visualization and numerical simulation fluid dynamics videos of a sessile jellyfish subjected to channel flow . the file:////anc / hamletv038lowres.mp4[low resolution video ] and the file:////anc / hamletv038highres.mp4[high resolution video ] display the vortex patterns in different channel flows . this description accompanies the video submission v038 to the 2011 aps dfd gallery of fluid motion .
-.3 cm jets are observed in young stellar objects , post - agb stars and in other astrophysical objects . models suggest that jets are launched and collimated by accretion , rotation and magnetic mechanisms ( pudritz et al . magnetized jets have recently been formed in laboratory experiments ( lebedev et al . the importance of the magnetic fields relative to the flows kinetic energy divides jets into ( i ) poynting flux dominated ( pfd ; shibata & uchida @xcite ) , in which magnetic fields dominate the jet structure , ( ii ) magnetocentrifugal ( blandford & payne @xcite ) , in which magnetic fields only dominate out to the alfvn radius . the observable differences between pfd and magnetocentrifugal jets are unclear , as are the effects that cooling and rotation have on pfd jets . -.3 cm we use the adaptive mesh refinement code astrobear2.0 ( cunningham et al . @xcite ) to solve the equations of radiative - mhd in 3d . the grid represents 160@xmath0160@xmath0400au divided into 64@xmath064@xmath080 cells plus 2 adaptive refinement levels . initially , the molecular gas is static and has an ideal gas equation of state ( @xmath15@xmath23 ) , a number density of 100cms@xmath3 and a temperature of 10000k . the magnetic field is helical , centrally localized and given by the vector potential ( in cylindrical coordinates ) @xmath4 \hat{\phi } + [ \alpha/8 \,(cos(2r ) + 1 ) ( cos(2z ) + 1 ) ] \hat{k}$ ] , for @xmath5 30au , and @xmath60 elsewhere . @xmath740 , has units of length and determines the ratio of toroidal to poloidal magnetic fluxes . the magnetic pressure exceeds the thermal pressure inside the magnetized region . source terms continually inject magnetic or kinetic energy at cells @xmath830au . we carry out 4 simulations : an adiabatic , a cooling ( dalgarno & mccray @xcite ) and a rotating ( keplerian ) pfd jet , as well as a hydrodynamical jet . the latter is constructed to have same time average propagation speed and energy flux as the adiabatic pfd jet . see huarte - espinosa et al . ( @xcite ) for details . r0.57 + -.3 cm magnetic pressure pushes field lines and plasma up , forming magnetic cavities with low density . the adiabatic case is the most stable . pfd jets decelerate relative to the hydro one ; the pfd case produces not only axial but radial expansion . pfd jet cores are thin and unstable , whereas the hydro jet beam is thicker , smoother and stable . the pfd jets are sub - alfvnic . their cores are confined by magnetic hoop stress , while their surrounding cavities are collimated by external thermal pressure . pfd jets carry high axial currents which return along their outer contact discontinuity . the pfd jets develop current - driven perturbations which are amplified by cooling , firstly , and by rotation , secondly , for the regimes studied . -.3 cm pfd jet beams are lighter , slower and less stable than kinetic - energy dominated ones . we predict characteristic emission distributions for each of these . current - driven perturbations in pfd jets are amplified by cooling , firstly , and base rotation , secondly : shocks and thermal pressure support are weakened by cooling , making the jets more susceptible to kinking . rotation amplifies the toroidal magnetic field which also exacerbates the kink instability . our simulations agree well with the models and experiments of shibata & uchida ( @xcite ) and lebedev et al . ( @xcite ) , respectively . acknowledgements : financial support for this project was provided by the space telescope science institute grants hst - ar-11251.01-a and hst - ar-12128.01-a ; by the national science foundation under award ast-0807363 ; by the department of energy under award de - sc0001063 ; by nsf grant phy0903797 , and by cornell university grant 41843 - 7012 . blandford , r. d. , & payne , d. g. , 1982 , mnras , 199 , 883 cunningham a. j. et al . , 2009 , apjs , 182 , 519 dalgarno a. , mccray r. a. , 1972 , ara&a , 10 , 375 huarte - espinosa , m. , frank a. , blackman e. g. , lebedev s. & ciardi a. 2011 , apj , ( in prep ) lebedev , s. v. , et al . , 2005 , mnras , 361 , 97 pudritz , r. e. , et al . , 2007 , protostars and planets v , 277 shibata , k. , & uchida , y. , 1986 , pasj , 38 , 631
we present 3d - mhd amr simulations of poynting flux dominated ( pfd ) jets formed by injection of magnetic energy . we compare their evolution with a hydrodynamic jet which is formed by injecting kinetic energy with the same energy flux than the pfd jets . we predict characteristic emission distributions for each of these jets . current - driven perturbations in pfd jets are amplified by both cooling and rotation for the regimes studied : shocks and thermal pressure support are weakened by cooling , making the jets more susceptible to kinking . rotation amplifies the toroidal magnetic field which also exacerbates the kink instability .
soft x - ray transients ( sxts ) are _ transient _ binary systems that consist of a black hole primary and a distorted ( i.e. roche lobe filling ) , late type , cool dwarf secondary . they display large and sudden _ x - ray _ and optical outbursts @xmath2 ; @xmath3mags ) , separated by long intervals of quiescence . their outbursts result from a sudden , dramatic increase in the accretion rate onto the compact object . sxts show a _ soft _ spectra compared to other x - ray sources . the secondary stars are visible and dominate the systemic infrared luminosity in quiescence , allowing us to observe and model the ellipsoidal variations of the secondary star as it orbits the primary . the most difficult parameter to determine when estimating the mass of the primary is the orbital inclination , @xmath4 . since the known sxts are not eclipsing , @xmath4 can only be determined through the modeling of ellipsoidal variations . ellipsoidal variations result from the rotational and tidal distortions of the roche lobe filling secondary star and its non - uniform surface brightness distribution ( limb darkening , gravity brightening ) . in the infrared , the secondary stars of stxs are brighter , and the variations are much less contaminated by any residual accretion disk or hot spot than in the optical regime . to construct the gs2000 + 25 j - band light curve shown in fig . 1 , differential photometry was performed on data taken with the grim ii infrared imager on the arc 3.5 meter telescope at apache point observatory . the newest version of the university of calgary s wilson - devinney light curve modeling code , wd98 , was used to model the data ( dr . josef kallrath , private communication ) . the model in fig . 1 includes a semi - detached system with a k5v secondary , circular orbit , reflection effect , logarithmic limb darkening coefficients , and a j - band kurucz atmosphere . circular orbit model from wd98 described in the text . error bars are @xmath5 . the data show a maximum to minimum amplitude of @xmath6 mags . ] the current wd98 model indicates an inclination angle of @xmath0 and a resulting mass of @xmath7 . no outburst x - ray eclipses were observed , so @xmath0 represents the upper limit of allowable inclinations . more data is needed to fill in the gaps in the light curve and better define the minima . each night of data has been carefully normalized , but until we have a data set that covers both a minima and maxima , the true maximum to minimum amplitude can not be conclusively determined . note that the circular orbit model does not fit the light curve perfectly . the possibility of an eccentric orbit will be explored once the minima are more clearly defined . if this system were to have an elliptical orbit , it would be an unexpected , yet important discovery .
soft x - ray transients ( sxts ) are binary systems that are believed to consist of a black hole and a normal late type dwarf star which fills its roche lobe . we have used grim ii on the arc 3.5 meter telescope at apache point observatory to obtain infrared photometry of gs2000 + 25 ( qz vul ) . by modeling the sxt ellipsoidal variations with wd98 , we can determine the orbital period and inclination of the system . the inclination for a best fit circular orbit is @xmath0 , and when combined with the observed mass function , corresponds to a primary mass of 6.55@xmath1 . more data is needed to better define the minima , fill in the small gaps in the light curve , and explore the possibility of an eccentric orbit .
how the galactic magnetic field can operate in early hubble - type galaxies and in the presence of strong orbital resonances is as yet unexplored . using the vla we investigated this problem and observed ngc4736 ( m94 ) the nearest and largest galaxy showing a ringed morphology ( buta & combes @xcite ) . its inner and outer rings are believed to coincide with lindblad resonances of a triaxial bulge , the inner disk ( oval distortion ) and/or the nuclear minibar . the giant inner ring located at a distance of about 47 " ( 1.1 kpc ) from the ( liner ) nucleus , is a region of intense star formation which dominates the uv , h@xmath0 , infrared and co images ( wong & blitz @xcite ) . we observed ngc4736 with the vla in its d array at 8.4 and 4.6ghz . the observed total radio intensity covers smoothly the whole galaxy bulge and reveals a distinct ring of radio emission ( fig . [ f : tp ] ) . the radio ring is closely related to the ring morphology visible in other spectral ranges , but the radio polarized emission at 8.4ghz seems to be not clearly associated with h@xmath0 emitting gas , or other ism phases . instead , it reveals a very coherent spiral pattern of the regular magnetic field ( fig . [ f : tp ] ) . image ( from knapen et al . contours are at ( 3 , 8 , 32 , 50 , 80 , 128 , 256)@xmath1g / b.a . vectors of length of 10 " correspond to polarized intensity of @xmath2g / b.a . , width=518 ] surprisingly , the prominent inner ring does not tune the magnetic field vectors . two magnetic spiral arms of constant pitch angle of about @xmath3 emerge from the centre of ngc4736 and cross the inner ring . this is opposite to what is observed in grand - design spiral galaxies where the regular magnetic field typically follows the shape of nearby gaseous spiral arms , even if a galaxy is perturbed ( chyy et al . @xcite ) . between the arms , and inside the ring , the regular field of ngc4736 has a smaller pitch angle . this seems to be related to a central minibar extending along the galaxy s minor axis . the magnetic field vectors also cross the nw long and strong dust lane , visible in optical images . a spiral network of dust armlets in the central part of the galaxy ( probably of acoustic origin ) seems also to be not associated with the magnetic spiral the magnetic vectors have typically larger pitch angles , by at least @xmath4 . nevertheless , the magnetic field may still help in channelling the surrounding gas and dust into an active liner nucleus . the discovered spiral structure of the magnetic field in ngc4736 seems to contradict the galaxy s ringed morphology . if the magnetic field is totally frozen into the interstellar plasma then the observed magnetic vectors may reveal the pattern of the galactic gas motions and shocks which is not yet discerned in other spectral ranges . on the other hand , and more likely , the spiral magnetic field can be of pure dynamo origin . in this case the magnetic field and the interstellar turbulence must be strong enough to resist the local gas flows and cross the star - forming ring imperceptibly . in each case ngc4736 seems to be a key object to study the resonant dynamics and a dynamo process of the magnetic field generation without spiral geometry of density waves . chyy , k.t . , ehle , m. & beck , r. 2007 , aa , in press , astro - ph 0708.1533 buta , r. & combes , f. 1996 , fund . cosmic phys . 17 , 95 wong , t. & blitz , l. 2001 , apj 540 , 771 knapen , j. h. , de jong , r. s. , stedman , s. and bramich , d. m. , 2003 , mnras , 344 , 527
we present high sensitivity radio polarimetric ( vla ) observations of a galaxy with strong orbital resonances ngc4736 . the total radio intensity at 8.4ghz covers smoothly the whole galaxy bulge and reveals a distinct ring of radio emission closely related to the ring morphology visible in infrared , co and h@xmath0 emission however , the magnetic field reveals a very coherent spiral pattern . the magnetic field vectors are crossing the inner starbursting ring , the dust lanes within the ring and other rather circularly shaped features visible in other gas traces . either the magnetic field uncovers the pattern of gas motions not seen in other spectral ranges , or the spiral magnetic field is of a pure dynamo origin , ignoring the ringed morphology of the galaxy .
quantum gravity effects coming from planck scale energies may appear as small violations of fundamental laws in the limit of low energies . one possibility is the breaking of both lorentz and cpt symmetries . a comprehensive investigation of this case is made viable , for instance , in the framework known as the standard model extension@xcite , the most general effective model comprising particle lorentz and cpt violation but coordinate invariant . the minimal extension respects the standard model @xmath0 gauge symmetry and is power - counting renormalizable . in this proceedings contribution we report our progress in the study of finite one - loop radiative corrections in the minimal lorentz- and cpt - violating qed extension . the lorentz- and cpt - violating qed extension for one dirac fermion can be described by the lagrange density@xcite @xmath1 where lorentz violation ( lv ) is parameterized by coefficients in the form of constant background fields see the last two terms of eq . ( [ qedex ] ) and the definitions @xmath2 @xmath3 we also add to ( [ qedex ] ) a photon mass term @xmath4 to control infrared divergences and a gauge - fixing piece @xmath5 . we follow the guidelines presented in ref . to deal with one - loop radiative corrections : evaluations are performed in the so - called concordant frames to avoid issues with the perturbative expansion ; nonlinear lv is disregarded because it could lead to effects comparable to multiloop ones , which we do not consider ; and lv pieces of the lagrange density ( [ qedex ] ) are treated as new interaction vertices , effectively entering as propagator or vertex insertions , as allowed by the experimental smallness of lv . as a first step , we considered only the @xmath6 and @xmath7 coefficients . results for the photon self - energy can be found in ref . , so our goal was first the vertex correction diagram , fig . [ fig : fig1](a ) . the electron self - energy was used so far only to check the related gauge identity ( more details below ) , and its evaluation will be our next goal . the lv contribution with one @xmath6 insertion comes from two diagrams , figs . [ fig : fig1](b ) and [ fig : fig1](c ) , with the new feynman rule @xmath8 and the contribution from @xmath7 comes from the one in fig . [ fig : fig1](d ) , where @xmath9 these insertions lower the superficial degree of divergence of vertex - correction loop integrals , making them actually finite , avoiding complications related to @xmath10 . aiming for generality , we computed both cases with fermions and photon off shell , i.e. , @xmath11 and @xmath12 , and we made no use of the dirac equation . since gordon identities are unavailable to make further simplifications they are valid only on shell the final result itself is not very illuminating because of its size and structure , but it is worth mentioning that because we do not use @xmath13 our expressions contain not only pieces symmetric under @xmath14 but also pieces that are antisymmetric . on the other hand , symmetry under @xmath14 is recovered when the fermions go on shell , and the final expressions are greatly simplified . for instance , the lv correction due to @xmath7 has the structural form @xmath15 and the result from the @xmath16 insertion has the same structure but with the additional form @xmath17 , which vanishes for the @xmath7 contribution . as a consistency check , we verified the ward - takashi identity , @xmath18 , for both cases up to order @xmath19 with arbitrary ir regulator @xmath20 , but so far with fermions on shell the off shell case is still to be done . the ward - takashi identity demands the evaluation of lv contributions to the electron self energy , which are divergent . nevertheless , only the finite piece of this integral is momentum dependent and contributes to the right - hand side of the ward - takashi identity . it is interesting to notice that , different from the conventional qed case , @xmath21 even when the dirac equation is used for the external leg spinors : even in this situation the momentum shift in the electron self energy still contributes to the identity . the next step is to establish the finite contributions coming also from the divergent piece of the electron self energy , which may require a careful choice of subtraction points . applications in physical processes will also be envisaged , as well as the analysis for other lv coefficients . financial support was provided by cnpq ( brazil ) .
we report on our current progress in the study of finite one - loop radiative corrections in the minimal lorentz- and cpt - violating qed extension .
the total masses and sizes of all galaxies are poorly determined quantities because we do not have suitable dynamical tracers at sufficiently large radii . the accurate measurement of the mass profile provides important clues to the nature of the dark matter . the milky way is the prime target for an accurate measurement . wilkinson & evans ( 1999 , hereafter we99 ) calculate the total mass of the milky way to be @xmath3 , using the full set of 27 known satellite galaxies and globular clusters ( hereafter satellites ) at galactocentric radii @xmath4 20 kpc ( six possess measured proper motions ) . the large errors are primarily a consequence of the small number of satellites . the sample must be nearly complete , so a new population of distant halo objects must be found in order to increase the number of dynamical tracers . this motivates a new survey for remote halo tracers at large galactocentric distances . we have solved the problem of how to find large numbers of bhb stars in the remote halo , and have begun a vlt programme to measure the kinematics of the population . the procedure involves three steps . first , we use u*g*r * photometry from the sdss database to detect a - type stars at high - galactic latitude . these stars are either bhb stars ( @xmath6 = 0.7 , luminous standard candles ) or blue stragglers which are @xmath7 2 mag . less luminous . second , we reduce the number of blue stragglers and increase the probability of good classification by limiting the colour ranges to 1.4 @xmath8 1.1 and -0.04 @xmath9 -0.2 . finally , using spectroscopy , described in clewley et al . ( 2002 ) , we are able to efficiently separate the two populations . we consistently find that about half of our target a - type stars are bhb stars . figure 1 ( middle ) shows the increase of distant halo tracers at galactocentric distances of 20 @xmath10 130 kpc from 23 ( left ) to 90 . preliminary results from the vlt are extremely encouraging . we have successfully isolated 16 bhb stars in the galactocentric distance range of 70 to 130 kpc from a target sample of 31 candidates . with this small programme we have nearly doubled the number of tracers known at @xmath11kpc . combined with the 23 satellites and 51 bhb stars at distances 20 to 60 kpc ( from previous work at the aat and wht ) we find the mass of the milky way is @xmath12 . clewley , l. warren , s. j. , hewett p. c. , norris john e. , peterson , r. c. , evans , n. w. , 2002 , mnras , 337,87 + clewley l. , 2002 , phd thesis , university of london + wilkinson m. , evans n. , 1999 , mnras , 310 , 645 +
we increase the number of remote halo tracers by using blue horizontal branch ( bhb ) stars out to galactocentric distances of 130 kpc . we use sdss edr photometry and the vlt to detect 16 bhb stars at galactocentric distances 70 @xmath0r @xmath1 130 , and to measure their radial velocities . we find the mass of the milky way is @xmath2 . when completed this survey will : ( i ) substantially reduce the errors in the total mass and extent of the milky way halo , ( ii ) map the velocity space in a hitherto unexplored region of the halo . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
the asymptotic giant branch ( hereafter agb ) phase lies at the end of the active life for low- and intermediate - mass stars ( m @xmath0 8 solar masses ) ; a detailed description can be found in ( * ? ? ? * busso et al . ( 1999 ) ) and references herein . stars in this phase lose mass very effectively ; stellar winds deeply affect their evolution , and are fundamental for the c - enrichment of the interstellar medium . moreover , agb winds account for about 70@xmath1 of all the matter returned after stellar evolution ( ( * ? ? ? * sedlmayr 1994 ) ) and provide the starting conditions for the formation of planetary nebulae . radiation from cool dust particles in the infrared ( ir ) normally dominates the energy distribution of agb stars : this fact is due to their strong stellar winds building up huge dusty circumstellar envelopes . our quantitative knowledge of crucial chemical and physical parameters of agb sources is unfortunately still poor . among the uncertain issues we emphasize in particular the mass loss rate and the distance , hence also the luminosity . these facts have hampered for decades our capability of satisfactorily describing the physics of these dust - enshrouded variable objects , despite their evolution is based on the two best known nucleosynthesis phases , namely h and he burning . we are performing an analysis of galactic agb stars looking for correlations between their basic parameters ( bolometric luminosity , mass loss rate , etc ... ) and observable quantities . our main aim is that of establishing observationally - based criteria permitting a more quantitative determination of mass loss rates and of luminosities for the various types of agb stars , thus providing general rules to be adopted in the improvement of stellar codes . extensive samples of well studied galactic agb stars ( m - type , s - type , c - rich ) have been collected . they are large enough ( several hundreds of sources per type ) that conclusions on them have a good statistical significance . they also have detailed and accurate spectral energy distributions ( seds ) at near- and mid - ir wavelengths and , very often , reliable measurements of mass loss rates and distances . the first results of this ongoing research have been already published for carbon - rich and s - type stars ( ( * ? ? ? * guandalini et al . 2006 ) , ( * ? ? ? * busso et al . 2007 ) , ( * ? ? ? * guandalini & busso 2008 ) ) . an extended wavelength coverage is fundamental in the study of the evolutionary phases of agb stars . in order to show this , fig.[fig1 ] displays the seds of evolved agbs ( usually miras ) , which emit a large part of their flux at mid - ir wavelengths . as a consequence , both near and mid - ir observations sources are necessary to obtain good estimates of the apparent bolometric magnitudes , either by physically integrating the seds , or by applying pre - calibrated , reliable bolometric corrections ( b.c . ) . examples of such corrections are presented in fig.[fig2 ] as a function of infrared colours ( see ( * ? ? ? * guandalini et al . 2006 ) , ( * ? ? ? * guandalini & busso 2008 ) ) . once mid - ir wavelengths and bolometric corrections have been properly included , an example of the ( absolute ) hr diagrams that can be obtained is shown in fig.[fig3 ] . the straight dashed line illustrates how , at least for mira variables , a rather well defined relation emerges between the absolute bolometric magnitude and a near - to - mid infrared color ( this last also directly linked to the extension and temperature of the circumstellar envelope ) . the study of the agb phase through the analysis of galactic sources presents many problems . as an example we can remember the large difficulties in estimating their distances . agb sources from the magellanic clouds will therefore be fundamental in our understanding of the agb evolution , because for them the problem of obtaining reliable distances is avoided by the good knowledge of the distance modulus . the above fact allows a good estimate for the luminosity in each photometric band , so that our bolometric corrections would provide the bolometric magnitudes directly . moreover , agb sources of the two magellanic clouds have different values of the metallicity , both with respect to each other and with respect to the galaxy . this will allow us to study global properties ( luminosity , mass loss rate , ratio of the number of c stars to m giants ) also as a function of the chemical composition . our aim is therefore to extend the analysis , which has been almost completed for galactic agb stars , to the magellanic clouds and to close - by dwarf spheroidal galaxies . for doing this , important tools will be offered by the exploitation of antarctic infrared astronomy , as offered by the italo- spanish robotic telescope irait ( ( * ? ? ? * tosti et al . 2006 ) ) .
the study of the evolutionary properties of asymptotic giant branch stars still presents unresolved topics . progress in the theoretical understanding of their evolution is hampered by the difficulty to empirically explain key physical parameters like their luminosity , mass loss rate and chemical abundances . we are performing an analysis of galactic agb stars trying to find constraints for these parameters . our aim is of extending this analysis to the agb stars of the magellanic clouds and of the dwarf spheroidal galaxies using also mid - infrared observations from the antarctic telescope irait . agb sources from the magellanic clouds will be fundamental in our understanding of the agb evolution because they are all at a well defined distance ( differently from the galactic agbs ) . moreover , these sources present different values of metallicity : this fact should permit us of examining in a better way their evolutionary properties comparing their behaviour with the one from galactic sources .
a first quick preliminary answer to define an image in the digital era is to say that an image is merely a _ picture_. a digital picture is represented by a _ grid of pixels _ @xmath0 , where at each position @xmath1 of the grid , a picture element ( _ pixel _ = picture x element ) stores a color rgb triplet : @xmath2 . the dimension of the image is the number of lines @xmath3 times its number of columns @xmath4 times the number of color channels . each _ color channel _ of a pixel stores an integer value , usually between @xmath5 and @xmath6 ( coded in binary by @xmath7 bits ) , but there exists also high - resolution color images with @xmath8-bit coded values or even more . indeed , the light sensors in the cameras convert the aggregated amount of light received during a time lapse ( the exposure time ) in an electrical response by photodiodes . these electrical signals are then discretized to form a digital photo . for uncompressed photograph images , the size of such a raw image is very large because it requires @xmath9 bits to store and manipulate . the most popular formats for image compression are the tiff and png standards . these formats get good compression ratio for _ synthetic pictures _ ( created by a drawing program ) but are not very effective for natural images : the _ photo pictures _ ! photo images of a natural scene captured by sensors under slight noise condition are almost indistinguishable perceptually by the human eye . it is therefore better to store images by compressing ( with a small but controlled loss ) : this is precisely the objective of the jpeg standard . [ [ images - are - regularly - distributed - spatio - temporal - data - obtained - by - raw - signal - reconstruction ] ] images are regularly distributed spatio - temporal data obtained by raw signal reconstruction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to reduce costs or to miniaturize digital consumer cameras , industrial companies do not use three sensors ( one for each rgb channel ) but rather a single sensor which is coated with a bayer filter . the color image is then reconstructed through a process called demosaicing ( see figure [ fig : bayer ] ) . so even your selfies taken with mobile phones are actually _ reconstructed images _ ! an image can be interpreted as a discrete signal : a discrete function sampled at regular positions of the pixels of the continuous density function which measures the amount of light received at a point on the sensor surface . luis von ahn , manuel blum , nicholas j. hopper , and john langford . : using hard ai problems for security . in _ proceedings of the 22nd international conference on theory and applications of cryptographic techniques _ , eurocrypt03 , pages 294311 , berlin , heidelberg , 2003 . springer - verlag .
a well - known old adage says that _ `` a picture is worth a thousand words ! '' _ ( attributed to the chinese philosopher confucius ca 500 years bc ) . but more precisely , what do we mean by information in images ? and how can it be retrieved effectively by machines ? we briefly highlight these puzzling questions in this column . but first of all , let us start by defining more precisely what is meant by an `` image . ''
the hi tully - fisher relation has been the most successful and widely applied tool to measure distances to galaxies ( e.g. , tully & fisher 1977 ; aaronson et al . 1986 ; pierce & tully 1988 ) . co linewidth has been also used in the instead of hi linewidth . hi linewidth almost coincides with co linewidth for galaxies in the coma cluster and other nearby clusters ( dickey & kazes 1992 ) , for field galaxies ( sofue 1992 ; schniger & sofue 1994 ) and for virgo cluster galaxies ( schniger & sofue 1997 ) . because the beamsize of co observations is much sharper than that for hi , we are able to resolve individual galaxies at higher redshift , and avoid contamination by other galaxies in one beam for co observations . observations for the co - line tully - fisher relation have been performed using the nobeyama radio observatory ( nro ) 45-m telescope ( hpbw = 15 ) , and co linewidths have been obtained for galaxies at redshift @xmath0 29,000 ( sofue et al . 1996 ) , at which the co beamsize is still small enough to distinguish galaxies . hi gas extends far from the center of galaxies beyond the optical radius , while it is deficient in the central region ( bosma 1981 ) . on the other hand , the molecular gas is known to be more concentrated in a better correlation with the optical disk ( young & scoville , 1982 ) . since the atomic and molecular gases in galactic disk are distributed separately in radius ( sofue et al.1995 ; honma et al.1995 ) , the hi linewidths may be more strongly disturbed by galaxy - galaxy interaction , which is inevitable in rich clusters of galaxies and at high redshifts . interacting galaxies are generally excluded from a sample of nearby galaxies for the tully - fisher relation . however , when we measure distances to farther galaxies , we may overlook features of interaction and overestimate the distances . in this paper we examine the correlation between co and hi linewidths of nearby galaxies and discuss the tully - fisher relation for interacting galaxies . in this study the data of co linewidths are taken from young et al . ( 1995 ) , who observed the @xmath1co ( @xmath2 ) emission line of 300 field galaxies using the 14-m telescope of the five college radio astronomy observatory ( fcrao ) ( hpbw = 45 ) . among them the co emission was detected at multiple positions for 103 galaxies . we excluded the following galaxies from our analysis ; ( 1 ) galaxies for which we could not obtain linewidths due to weak or strange position - velocity diagrams , ( 2 ) face - on galaxies ( @xmath3 ) in order to minimize the effect of inner velocity dispersion . as the result of these selection we selected 60 galaxies . we classified these galaxies into 17 interacting galaxies and 43 isolated galaxies . then we classified the interacting galaxies into three subclasses using the interaction class ( hereafter iac ) defined by dahari ( 1985 ) . although the dahari s iac is classified into 6 groups based on features of interaction , we classified them into three classes due to the small sample . our classification based on dahari s iac is as follows ; according to dahari s classification , iac = 1 stands for isolated galaxies . the classification for individual galaxies based on dahari s method is described in table 3a and 3b , as well as column 9 in table 1 . the galaxies which dahari classified are marked with asterisks . the co linewidths are obtained from position - velocity diagrams in the literature ( young et al . the hi linewidth and inclination of galaxies are taken from huchtmeier & richter ( 1989 ) . among hi data in the catalog , we selected the data observed at arecibo 1000-ft , effelsberg 100-m , nrao green bank 300-ft , jodrell bank 250-ft and parks 64-m telescopes in order to keep the quality of data set . linewidths are defined as the full width at 20% of maximum intensity of the global profile . in order to correct for an inclination effect , we adjust to an edge - on orientation by : @xmath4 where @xmath5 is the observed linewidth , @xmath6 is the inclination and @xmath7 is the linewidth corrected for the inclination . total magnitude , the galactic and internal extinction corrections and radial velocity corrected to the galactic standard of rest are taken from the third reference catalog of bright galaxies(rc3 ) ( de vaucouleurs et al .
we investigate effects of galaxy - galaxy interaction on the tully - fisher relation . the hi linewidth in interacting galaxies is significantly broader than the co linewidth , and the hi to co linewidth ratio is proportional to the strength of interaction . this provides different distances to galaxies measured by the tully - fisher relation with the co and hi linewidths . distances derived from the hi linewidths are 62% larger than those derived from the co linewidths for strongly interacting galaxies , and 25% larger for weakly interacting galaxies . we argue that the co - line tully - fisher relation will be more reliable to measure the distances of interacting galaxies as well as galaxies in rich clusters . v ifundefinedepsfboxinputepsf.sty @scaling.95 # 1@scaling#1 # 1=@scaling # 1#2=.45 = .45 # 1#2#3#4#5#6#7 to#2 ' '' ''
in order to identify @xmath0 binaries ( wielen et al . 1999a ) we compare the hipparcos proper motions ( esa 1997 ) , which are quasi - instantaneously measured within about three years , with long - term averaged , mean proper motions , which are derived by using ground - based data from a much longer observational period ( often a century or more ) . if the difference @xmath0 between the short - term and the long - term proper motion is statistically significant , the object is probably a binary or a multiple system . the statistical significance of @xmath0 is measured by the test parameter @xmath1 . if the errors of the proper - motion components were independent of the directions , @xmath1 would be equal to @xmath0/(mean error of @xmath0 ) . we take into account the non - isotropy of the errors of @xmath0 and the correlations between the components of @xmath0 . a value of @xmath2 3.44 corresponds to the same error probability as the familiar two - sided 3@xmath3 criterion , and is therefore used by us for identifying @xmath0 binaries . the long - term averaged proper motions are partially taken from available astrometric catalogues ; partially they are derived from the mean positions given in the ground - based catalogues and the positions in the hipparcos catalogue ( we call this proper motion @xmath4 ) . the ground - based catalogues are corrected for systematic errors by comparing them with the hipparcos catalogue . for determining various values of @xmath0 with respect to hipparcos , we have used the following astrometric catalogues : fk5 ( fricke et al . 1988 , 1991 ) , rsup ( schwan et al . 1993 ) , gc ( boss et al . 1937 ) , and tycho-2 ( hoeg et al . 2000 ) . more details will be given in other papers . for the basic fk5 stars , part i of the fk6 ( wielen et al . 1999b ) gives already many additional informations ( see also url : http://www.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/fk6 ) . a finding list for about 4000 @xmath0 binaries is given in the internet under url + + in a machine - readable format . the list gives identification numbers , @xmath6 values , and other informations on these @xmath0 binaries . for many of these objects , the probable duplicity was hitherto unknown . the highest fraction of @xmath0 binaries occurs among the basic fundamental stars , because their proper motions are most accurately measured . among the fainter stars , the fraction of identified @xmath0 binaries is smaller , due to the larger measuring errors . the highest sensitivity of our @xmath0 method for detecting binaries is reached for nearby stars . wielen r. , dettbarn c. , jahrei h. , lenhardt h. , schwan h. , 1999a , _ indications on the binary nature of individual stars derived from a comparison of their hipparcos proper motions with ground - based data . i. basic principles . _ a&a 346 , 675 wielen r. , schwan h. , dettbarn c. , lenhardt h. , jahrei h. , jhrling r. , 1999b , _ sixth catalogue of fundamental stars ( fk6 ) . part i. basic fundamental stars with direct solutions . rechen - inst . heidelberg no .
the comparison of quasi - instantaneously measured hipparcos proper motions with long - term averaged proper motions , derived from ground - based data , allows the identification of many stellar objects as @xmath0 binaries ( wielen et al . , 1999 , a&a 346 , 675 ) . we have used this method to find @xmath0 binaries among the fundamental stars , among the gc stars , and among the tycho-2 stars . a finding list for about 4000 @xmath0 binaries is given under the url http://www.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/dmubin in a machine - readable format . this information on the probable duplicity of the listed objects can be used for planning specific observing programs , for improving our knowledge of binary statistics , or for avoiding the use of these binaries in some astrophysical calibrations or as astrometric reference stars .
the european neutrino telescope experiments @xcite have joined their efforts in the km3net project @xcite to design a @xmath0-scale deep - sea neutrino telescope in the mediterranean . a neutrino telescope of these dimensions on the northern hemisphere , complementary to icecube @xcite , is necessary for high - energy neutrino astronomy . as a first step for the km3net project , a detailed simulation study of different detector models and photo - detectors is necessary . the software used by the antares collaboration , with some modifications , is flexible enough for this task and was used for this study . the modifications include the adaptation to a larger detector and a new causality filter for the event reconstruction @xcite . in addition some changes were necessary to implement the different photo - detection systems presented in this work . nonetheless the reconstruction and the selection cuts are optimized for antares , and are therefore not necessarily optimal for different detector designs . however as the results show similar efficiencies for the detector models studied in this work and for the antares detector , any reconstruction induced inefficiencies must be small . the event sample used contained @xmath1 muon neutrinos with energies distributed between @xmath2 and @xmath3 and incident isotropically from the whole solid angle . only charged - current @xmath4n interactions were simulated , and the hadronic component of the final state was neglected . a background rate of 91 hz per @xmath5 of photocathode area was used , corresponding to @xmath6 for a 10 " photomultiplier . for comparison of different detector models the neutrino effective area was calculated as a function of the neutrino energy . the angular resolution , defined as the median angular deviation between reconstructed and true neutrino direction , was derived from the results , again as a function of energy . the different photomultiplier ( pm ) configurations ( storeys ) considered in this work are depicted in fig.[fig1 ] . @xmath7 antares storey with 3 10 " pms . @xmath7 single cylinder with 35 3 " pms , where each pm is read out individually . @xmath7 three smaller cylinders with 12 3 " pms each , hits occuring in one of the sub - cylinders , within a predefined time window are added . the overall photocathode area of these structures is comparable . small pms generally have a higher quantum efficiency and a better transit time spread ( tts ) . + a disadvantage of the single cylinder structure lies in its vulnerability to mechanical stability problems . additionally individual readout of 35 pms within a very confined space might not be feasible . therefore the triple cylinder variant was proposed . by adding hits in one sub - cylinder the amount of necessary readout electronics is reduced considerably . + for comparison these photodetector units where placed in a cubic kilometer grid with a string and storey distance of @xmath8 ( 4913 storeys ) . effective areas calculated for these detectors are shown in fig.[fig2 ] . obviously the single cylinder storey is superior at energies below @xmath9 . the reconstruction requires a certain minimal number of pm hits , a fact that is especially important at low energies , where the number of signal hits is very low . in the single cylinders the high number of individual hits explains the good low - energy efficiency . at energies between one and a few hundred tev , the single and triple cylinder storeys are comparable and both superior to the antares storey . for the single cylinder this can again be explained by a larger number of hits . the reason in case of the triple cylinder is the requirement of local coincidences in one storey and/or hits with high amplitudes . coincident hits in one of the triple cylinders are added and therefore transformed into a high amplitude hit . the angular resolution is very similar for all three cases , with a common overall median of @xmath10 . the efficiency of a detector at low energies is correlated to the distance between the pms . a possible way to combine low- and high - energy performance is to use clusters of densely instrumented strings as shown in fig.[fig3 ] . low - energy muons have a high detection probability inside the clusters , while high - energy muons have a chance to hit several of the clusters , thus seeing a large instrumented volume . + as expected , effective area ( fig.[fig4 ] ) , and angular resolution ( fig.[fig5 ] ) are significantly better than for the cube at energies below @xmath11 . at higher energies the performance is about 20% worse . + + above approximately @xmath9 the muon range in water exceeds the dimensions of the instrumented volume of a @xmath0-scale detector . starting from this energy , most of the muons will enter the detector from the outside . therefore the cross section area of the detector starts to become more important than a densely instrumented volume . in order to exploit this effect the design of a ring - shaped detector with a densely instrumented boundary was studied . examples of string layouts for such detectors are shown in fig.[fig6 ] . + effective areas for the rings , as shown in fig.[fig7 ] , are slightly higher at low energies , due to the denser storey spacing in the ring . the angular resolution is very similar to the homogeneous case . several promising concepts of pm configurations and geometries for the design of the mediterranean @xmath0 neutrino detector were considered . through simulations it was shown that the use of many small pms in pressure cylinders can provide better performance as conventional large hemispherical pms . inhomogeneous geometries have been shown to increase efficiency at low energies with only small losses at high energies , while drastically reducing the number of necessary strings . the decision for a definite configuration has to depend on the physics priorities of the project , as the performance of the different detector concepts depends on the neutrino energy . further studies with dedicated software for a @xmath0-scale detector are absolutely necessary to further clarify the results presented here , since the software used for this work is optimized for the antares detector .
the km3net project is a common european effort for the design of a @xmath0-scale deep - sea neutrino telescope in the mediterranean . for the upcoming design study simulations have been done using modified antares software . several concepts and ideas have been tested for their merits and feasibility . + neutrino telescope , neutrino detection
there is increasing evidence that grbs are due to the collapse of massive stars ( see , e.g. , [ 1 ] for a discussion of this evidence ) . if grbs are indeed related to the collapse of massive stars , one expects the grb rate to be roughly proportional to the sfr . however , the observed redshift distribution of grbs differs noticeably from that of the sfr : the observed grb redshift distribution peaks at @xmath2 and few bursts are observed beyond @xmath3 , while the sfr peaks at @xmath4 and 10 - 40% of stars are thought to form beyond @xmath5 ( see , e.g. , [ 2,3 , ] ) . however , observational selection effects play an important role in determining the observed redshift distribution of grbs . the important question is therefore whether or not the discrepancy between the observed grb redshift distribution and the redshift dependence of the sfr is entirely due to selection effects ; i.e. , is the grb rate roughly proportional to the sfr after taking observational selection effects into account ? we address this question in this paper . -8pt + + -10pt we adopt a bayesian approach . we calculate the likelihood of the data given the model , and convert it to a posterior distribution on the model parameters . we assume a very general model for the grb rate , and a power - law model for the intrinsic grb photon luminosity distribution ( we assume that the amplitude and the power - law index of the photon luminosity distribution does not evolve ; we relax this assumption in future work ) . we determine the efficiency with which bepposax and the ipn detect grbs as a function of peak photon flux @xmath6 by comparing the bepposax and ipn peak photon flux distributions to that of batse . we fit the model jointly to the peak fluxes and redshifts of the 14 grbs with known @xmath0 , and the 7 grbs for which there are constraints on @xmath0 . we write the rate of grbs that occur per unit redshift and luminosity as -2pt @xmath7 -5pt where @xmath8 is the rate of grbs that occur at redshift @xmath0 , -2pt @xmath9^p \exp\left[q\left(1-{{t(z ) } \over { t(0)}}\right)\right]\ ] ] is the rate of grbs that occur at redshift @xmath0 per unit comoving volume ( see @xcite ) , @xmath10 is the elapsed time since the big bang , and -2pt @xmath11 is the intrinsic photon luminosity distribution of grbs . thus the model has five parameters : @xmath6 , @xmath12 , @xmath13 , @xmath14 , and @xmath15 . + + -17pt -15pt we write the efficiency with which grbs with known redshifts are found as @xmath16 , where @xmath17 is the efficiency with which the redshifts of grbs are determined from optical observations once they are detected by a @xmath18-ray burst instrument . we take @xmath19 for grbs whose redshifts were determined by detection of an absorption - line system in the optical afterglow of the burst and @xmath20 for grbs whose redshifts were determined by measuring emission lines in the spectra of the host galaxy . the latter expression accounts qualitatively for the difficulty in measuring redshifts when the @xmath21 and o[ii ] emission lines from host galaxies do not lie in the visible spectrum . the quantity @xmath22 is the `` stereo - temporal '' efficiency that accounts for limitations of exposure in time and solid angle and @xmath23 is the efficiency with which batse , the ipn and bepposax detect grbs as a function of peak flux @xmath6 . figure 1 compare the best - fit models of @xmath24 and the cumulative peak flux distributions of batse , the ipn , and bepposax , respectively . figure 2 shows the best - fit @xmath24 for each of the three experiments . the likelihood function is then given by -6pt @xmath25 -4pt where -12pt @xmath26 is the expected number of events observed within @xmath27 of @xmath28 . the quantity @xmath29 is the burst spectral index , which we set equal to one in this work . by an application of bayes theorem , we now regard @xmath30 as an ( unnormalized ) probability distribution on the model parameters . figure 3 shows 68% and 95% probability contours for the grb rate parameters @xmath6 and @xmath12 . also shown on the plots are the best - fit sfr models of madau et al . [ 4 ] and rowan - robinson [ 5 ] . the sfr models lie at about a 68% excursion from the best - fit grb rate model . thus we find that , despite the qualitative differences that exist between the observed grb rate and estimates of the sfr in the universe , current data are consistent with the actual grb rate being approximately proportional to the sfr . lamb , d. q. 2000 , phys . reports , * 333 * , 505 gnedin , n. y. , & ostriker , j. p. 1997 , apj , * 486 * , 581 valageas , p. , & silk , j. 1999 , a&a , * 347 * , 1 madau , p. , pozzetti , l. , & dickinson , m. 1998 , apj , * 498 * , 106 rowan - robinson , m. 1999 , ap&ss , * 266 * , 291
we exploit the 14 gamma - ray bursts ( grbs ) with known redshifts @xmath0 and the 7 grbs for which there are constraints on @xmath0 to determine the grb rate @xmath1 , using a method based on bayesian inference . we find that , despite the qualitative differences between the observed grb rate and estimates of the sfr in the universe , current data are consistent with @xmath1 being proportional to the sfr .
we investigate the evolution of barred galaxy solving the resistive set of mhd equations . we apply an isothermal equation of state . our galaxy is composed of four components : the large and massive halo , the central bulge , rotating disc of stars and finally the bar . the rotation curve of the stellar disc we deriveded from the isochrone potential . the bar component is described by the second order ferrers ellipsoid @xcite with semi - axes @xmath0 kpc , @xmath1 kpc , @xmath2 kpc . it is initiated into the galaxy gradually in time until it reaches its final mass @xmath3 . in order to conserve the total mass of the galaxy we reduce the bulge mass , so we have @xmath4 const . during the calculations . the bar angular velocity @xmath5 is set to be @xmath6 km s@xmath7 kpc@xmath7 . we assume that the initial magnetic field is azimuthal ( @xmath8 , @xmath9 , @xmath10 ) and its distribution strictly depends on the gas distribution via the following condition : @xmath11 the computational domain extends from @xmath12 kpc to @xmath13 kpc in the @xmath14 and @xmath15 direction , and from @xmath16 kpc to @xmath17 kpc in the @xmath18 direction . in all models we use the same value of the resistivity coefficient @xmath19 @xmath20s@xmath7 and the resolution @xmath21 , @xmath22 . we perform simulations of magnetic field evolution with a constant isothermal sound of speed @xmath23 km / s and @xmath24 ( @xmath25 g ) . below we discuss the time evolution of the distributions of polarization angle and polarized intensity superimposed onto the column density . in order to show the magnetic field behaviour in our model we present three crucial time steps ( fig . [ fig : polar ] ) : * at time @xmath26 gyr ( fig . [ fig : polar ] , left ) , as a consequence of the non - axisymmetric gravitational potential of a bar , the gaseous and magnetic arms are formed . in the inner part of the disk , where the bar is presented , we obtain the highest density region and the strongest magnetic field . moreover the magnetic field maxima are aligned along the gaseous ones . * as the simulation proceed , magnetic arms start to detach from gaseous spirals into the interarm regions ( see @xmath27 gyr fig . [ fig : polar ] , in the middle ) . * at @xmath28 gyr ( fig . [ fig : polar ] , right ) our magnetic arms are also visible in the interam region . this is because the magnetic arms do not corotate with gaseous spirals but have a slightly lower angular velocity . the process of drift of magnetic structures into the interarm area have also been obtained by @xcite . cm at selected times steps superimposed onto gaseous map . all maps have been smoothed to the resolution @xmath29,title="fig : " ] cm at selected times steps superimposed onto gaseous map . all maps have been smoothed to the resolution @xmath29,title="fig : " ] cm at selected times steps superimposed onto gaseous map . all maps have been smoothed to the resolution @xmath29,title="fig : " ] we started our simulations with mean magnetic field equal @xmath30 @xmath31 g . during the whole simulation time we observe the growth of the total magnetic energy this amplification is caused by a local compression accompanied with leading sides of the bar and inner edges of spiral arms . as we do not apply the dynamo effect the mean value of the @xmath32 flux in the galactic midplane drops . * we obtained the magnetic field vectors distributed along the bar , spiral arms and also in the interarm region . * magnetic arms are developing in the gaseous ones , but are detached from the density waves . in the consequence the magnetic arms are shifted to the interarm regions , what is in agreement with observations ( e.g. ngc 1356 @xcite ) * the magnetic field energy in barred galaxies can be amplified without any dynamo action but only due to non - axisymmetrical velocity .
we present results of three - dimensional , fully nonlinear mhd simulations of a large - scale magnetic field evolution in a barred galaxy . the model does not take into consideration the dynamo process . we find that the obtained magnetic field configurations are highly similar to the observed maps of the polarized intensity of barred galaxies , because the modeled vectors form coherent structures along the bar and spiral arms . due to the dynamical influence of the bar the gas forms spiral waves which go radially outward . each spiral arm forms the magnetic arm which stays much longer in the disk , than the gaseous spiral structure . additionally the modeled total energy of magnetic field grows due to strong compression and shear of non - axisymmetrical bar flows and differential rotation , respectively .
the system formed in nucleus - nucles ( aa ) collisions at lhc will provide further insight into the dynamics of the deconfined state of nuclear matter . there are also interesting effects anticipated for the initial state of the incoming nuclei related to shadowing of nuclear parton distributions and the space - time picture of the interaction . these should be studied in the more `` clean '' environment of a proton - nucleus collision . the initial - state effects constitute a baseline for calculation of the density of particles at all rapidities and affect therefore also high-@xmath0 particle suppression and jet quenching , as well as the total multiplicity . both soft and relatively high-@xmath0 , @xmath1 gev / c , particle production in pa at lhc energies probe the low-@xmath2 gluon distribution of the target nucleus at moderate scales , @xmath3 , and is therefore mainly influenced by nuclear shadowing . in the glauber - gribov theory @xcite , shadowing at low-@xmath2 is related to diffractive structure functions of the nucleon , which are studied at hera . the space - time picture of the interaction is altered from a longitudinally ordered rescattering at low energies , to a coherent interaction of the constituents of the incoming wave - functions at high energy . shadowing affects both soft and hard processes . calculation of gluon shadowing was performed in our recent paper @xcite , where gribov approach for the calculation of nuclear structure functions was used . the schwimmer model was used to account for higher - order rescatterings . the gluon diffractive distributions are taken from the most recent experimental parameterizations @xcite . shadowing will lead to a suppression both at mid- and forward rapidities in p+pb collisions at @xmath4 tev as seen in fig . [ fig : r_pa ] . we have plotted the curves for two distinct kinematical scenarios of particle production ; one - jet kinematics which may be well motivated for particle production at @xmath5 gev / c and two - jet kinematics that apply for high-@xmath0 particle producion . the uncertainty in the curves is due to uncertainty in the parameterization of gluon diffractive distribution functions . cronin effect is not included in the curves of fig . [ fig : r_pa ] . we estimate it to be a 10% effect at these energies . in fig . [ fig : coldnucl ] we present the suppresion due to cold - nuclear effects in pb+pb collisions at @xmath4 tev as a function of centrality ( top ) and rapidity ( bottom ) . also here we present the results for two kinematics . = 5.5 tev . ] = 5.5 tev.,title="fig : " ] + = 5.5 tev.,title="fig : " ]
we present predictions for nuclear modification factor in proton - lead collisions at lhc energy 5.5 tev from glauber - gribov theory of nuclear shadowing . we have also made predictions for baseline cold - matter nuclear effects in lead - lead collisions at the same energy .
the celestial reference frame ( crf ) , as realized by a set of coordinates for selected celestial objects , is widely used for numerous astronomy , navigation , time and other measurements . the crf accuracy and stability are all - important for successful solutions of all these tasks . after publishing of the first vlbi radio source catalogue ( rscs ) , attempts were made to improve the accuracy of radio - band crf by means of constructing combined catalogues , as it was customary for optical astronomy , where fundamental catalogues served as an international standard for astrometry and other measurements on the sky . different methods were used to obtain a combined rsc , e.g. @xcite also , up to 1995 , iers ( international earth rotation service , now international earth rotation and reference systems service ) used derived combined rsc for maintenance of the iers celestial reference frame . in 2007 , a joint iers / ivs working group has been established to consider practical issues of creating the next icrf generation , icrf-2 . the goal of the wg is to seek after ways to improve the existing icrf . large experience accrued by optical astrometry over centuries shows that combining catalogues of the star positions leads to better random and systematic accuracy than individual catalogues . in this work , we present a new version of pulkovo combined catalogue of radio source positions computed using the method proposed in @xcite . radio source catalogues that were submitted in 2007 in the framework of the wg activity were used as input for mutual comparison and combination . four combined catalogues have been calculated : 1 . the first two catalogues ( the one has been calculated using all input catalogues and the second one using only catalogues obtained with calc / solve software ) provide a stochastic improvement of the icrf 2 . and the last two of them one allow us to account also for systematic errors in the current icrf version . all computations have been done for the set of 194 icrf defining sources included in all input catalogues . .information about input catalogues [ cols="<,<,^,^,<",options="header " , ] ( left ) and by @xmath0 ( right ) , for 194 common sources . unit : microarcseconds , title="fig : " ] ( left ) and by @xmath0 ( right ) , for 194 common sources . unit : microarcseconds , title="fig : " ] weighted root - mean - square ( wrms ) differences of the radio source coordinates between the input catalogues and icrf are shown in fig . 1 ( unit microarcsecond ) . one can see from fig . 1 wrms differences have the least values for catalogues computed with calc / solve software , both for intercomparison of these catalogues and their comparison with icrf . the latter most probably is caused by the fact that the icrf was constructed using calc / solve software . moreover it can be clearly seen that all the input catalogues demonstrate rather large differences with the icrf , which may indicate significant systematic errors in the latter . the systematic differences between the input catalogues and the icrf found by the lf method were applied to all the input catalogues in order to transform them to the icrf system . after that , the coordinates of all sources in transformed catalogues were averaged with weights depending on the formal errors of coordinates . in result , the combined catalogue pul08c01a and pul08c01b ( only input catalogues constructed using calc / solve were used ) were constructed . ( left ) and by @xmath0 ( right ) , unit : mas , title="fig : " ] ( left ) and by @xmath0 ( right ) , unit : mas , title="fig : " ] ( left ) and by @xmath0 ( right ) , unit : mas , title="fig : " ] ( left ) and by @xmath0 ( right ) , unit : mas , title="fig : " ] figure 2 show the systematic differences between the combined catalogue pul08c01a and the icrf . one can see that the catalogue pul08c01a represents the icrf system at a level of about 10 microarcseconds . figure 3 shows the systematic differences between the combined catalogue pul08c01b and the icrf . the catalogue pul08c01b represents the icrf system at a level of about 5 microarcsec . four combined radio source catalogues have been constructed . the first two of them , pul08c01a and pul08c01b can be considered as stochastic improvement of the current realization of the icrf . the final combined catalogues pul08c02a and pul08c02b , provides both stochastic and systematic improvement of the icrf .
in 2007 , a joint iers / ivs working group has been established to consider practical issues of creating the next icrf generation , icrf-2 . the goal of the wg is to seek after ways to improve the existing icrf . in this study we investigate a possibility of icrf improvement by means of using combined icrf catalogue instead of a catalogue computed in a single analysis centre , even though using most advanced models and software . in this work , we present a new version of pulkovo combined catalogue of radio source positions computed using the method proposed in @xcite . radio source catalogues that were submitted in 2007 in the framework of the wg activity were used as input for mutual comparison and combination . four combined catalogues have been calculated : two first of them provide a stochastic improvement of the icrf , and last two of them allow us to account also for systematic errors in the current icrf version . ' '' '' width 0.4 0.2ex 5th ivs general meeting , st . petersburg , russia , 36 march 2007
one of the major tasks of the swift satellite is to detect and follow up the optical transients ( ots ) accompanying the outburst in the gamma energy range . although , the burst alert given by the bat on board of the satellite is followed by the xrt detection in the x - ray regime , except a few cases , a significant fraction of grbs remain without detected ot . since the vast majority of the grbs are detected both by bat and xrt , it is a reasonable question whether there are measurable differences in the gamma and /or x - ray properties between the bursts observed by the swift satellite but have or do not have ot . at its url location swift listed 276 grb detections until writing the paper ( oct 26 , 2007 ) . out of these xrt detected 231 and uvot 72 cases . in this work we use the @xmath0 and x - ray data measured by bat and xrt : t90 duration , fluence , 1-sec peak photon flux , early flux , initial temporal decay index , spectral index and column density ( nh ) . we formed two groups from these cases , with and without ot , and compared them by making use the discriminant analysis of the multivariate statistical analysis . discriminant analysis aims to make difference between groups in the multivariate parameter space , orders membership probabilities to the cases and one may use this scheme for classifying additional ones not having assigned group memberships . we use this technique to look for differences in the distributions of grbs with or without ot , in the parameter space defined by the bat and xrt variables mentioned above . let us have a set of @xmath1 measured variables on @xmath2 cases which are assigned to one of the @xmath3 classes ( @xmath4 in our case ) . we look for linear combination of the @xmath5 variables which gives maximal separation between the groups of the cases . there are altogether @xmath6 discriminating variables . in our cases we have only two groups so we have only one such a variable . it means we are looking for the variable @xmath7 with a suitable chosen @xmath8 coefficients ensuring a maximal separation between the two classes . there are several approaches to solve this problem ( for more details see @xcite ) . these are usually among the major ingredients of the professional statistical software packages . we used spss in our computations . we excluded those cases from our analysis when the slewing time was greater than 300 sec . with this choice we excluded the grbs when the normal slewing of the satellite was blocked by some reason . table [ tab : a ] summarizes the means and standard deviations of the variables in the analysis for the whole sample and for the groups , separately . in the table we listed all cases having measured values in all variables used in the analysis . we marked with bold face the peak flux and hydrogen column density , where the mean values differ significantly between the groups with and without ot . we give the results of the test of significance in table [ tab : b ] . peak flux . full dots refer to the bursts without and open circles with ot detected by uvot . note that bursts without ot have significantly higher column density and lower peak flux . ] .means and standard deviations of the variables in the analysis for the whole sample and for the groups , separately ( we marked with bold face where the mean values differ significantly between the groups with and without ot ) . [ cols= " < , < , > , > , > " , ] we performed discriminant analysis in order to look for physical differences between grbs with or without ot , detected by the swift satellite . we used the following variables measured by bat and xrt : t90 duration , fluence , 1-sec peak photon flux , early flux , initial temporal decay index , spectral index and column density ( nh ) . the analysis demonstrated a significant difference between the groups defined . the difference is significant at the 99.8% level . the difference is driven by two variables : peak flux of the gamma radiation and the hydrogen column density . this latter quantity is not directly associated to the burst . it rather relates to the environment . we are grateful for the valuable discussions with stefan larsson , peter mszros , felix ryde and gbor tusndy . this study was supported by the hungarian otka grant no . t48870 and 75072 , by a research program msm0021620860 of the ministry of education of czech republic , and by a gauk grant no . 46307 ( a.m. ) .
using the discriminant analysis of the multivariate statistical analysis we compared the distribution of the physical quantities of the optically dark and bright grbs , detected by the bat and xrt on board of the swift satellite . we found that the grbs having detected optical transients ( ot ) have systematically higher peak fluxes and lower hi column densities than those without ot . address = konkoly observatory , budapest , hungary address = bolyai military university , budapest , hungary address = etvs university , budapest , hungary address = charles university , prague , czech republic address = etvs university , budapest , hungary
dark matter ( dm ) halos in the cold dark matter scenario are formed via dissipationless hierarchical merging and harbor the infall / cooling of the primordial gas that leads to the formation of the present day galaxies . several studies have investigated the detailed structure of these halos by means of @xmath1-body simulations at a progressively higher spatial / mass resolution ( e.g. @xcite , @xcite ) . the outcome is well known : cdm halos have an universal " profile in their density which includes a steep central cusp . in detail , on galactic scales @xmath2 kpc : @xmath3 . simulations at the highest resolution indicate @xmath4 @xcite . [ cols="<,^,^,^,^,<",options="header " , ] let us represent generic halos , including the cdm ones , by means of : @xmath5 \ [ 1+(r / r_s)^{\alpha } ] ^{(\delta-\gamma)/\alpha}}\ ] ] where @xmath6 is the density inner slope , @xmath7 is the outer slope and @xmath8 settles the turnover point between the inner and outer regimes . the parameter @xmath9 indicates the presence of a constant density " ( inner ) region ( cdr ) . if @xmath10 , as in collisionless cdm , the density diverges for @xmath11 . in the case of @xmath12 , @xmath13 is the size of the cdr , whose value is @xmath14 . according to the above notation , the moore density profile corresponds to ( @xmath9 , @xmath8 , @xmath7 , @xmath6)= ( 0 , 1.5 , 3 , 1.5 ) and the burkert salucci one to ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 ) @xcite . we test these mass models by means of the dark halos detected around galaxies of a sample of low luminosity late type spirals . in these objects the dm distribution can be easily derived from the available high - quality _ optical _ rotation curves because the stellar and hi disks contribute very little to the gravitational potential so as the beam smearing effect , plaguing the hi rc s , is obviously absent . the sample includes 9 high quality _ optical _ rc s that are smooth and symmetric and extend at least out to the optical edge @xmath15 . the characteristics of merit are the following : the spatial resolution is better than @xmath16 and the velocity _ rms _ is @xmath17 . the mass modeling is furthermore simplified in that in these spirals the gas contribution to @xmath18 ( for @xmath19 ) is modest @xcite and the stellar surface brightness is very well fit by a freeman disk . the mass model includes _ i ) _ a stellar exponential thin disk with free parameter @xmath20 i.e. the fractional disk contribution to the total circular velocity at @xmath21 , and _ ii ) _ a dark spherical halo , whose contribution to @xmath18 is obtained from ( 1 ) in that : @xmath22 . once we choose the scenario ( i.e. @xmath12 or @xmath23 ) , we are left with two free parameters , @xmath14 and @xmath13 , the characteristic density and radius . both get determined by adjusting the model to data as in @xcite . the cdm halo profiles fail : in no case they can reproduce ( with or without an exponential disk ) the observed rc s . this is shown in fig . 1 : the discrepancy with data is very high at any radius . the cdm halos , even allowed to take any value for @xmath13 ( or for the concentration parameter ) , have definitely a too steep density profile in the innermost region and show a too flat profile in the outer regions . next , we fit the bs profile to the data : the results are shown in fig . 1 and table 1 . this model fits perfectly , indicating the values of parameters which are reported in table 1 . each of 9 halos has a central density @xmath14 of about @xmath24 g/@xmath25 that keeps constant out the edge of the stellar distribution . we definitely conclude , as in @xcite , that the dark halos embedding the stellar disks show a density distribution inconsistent with that predicted by cdm ( see fig.2 ) . real halos in the universe rather resemble , in the regions where the stars reside , some homogeneous spheres . crucially , the sample and the method employed here level off to zero the criticisms raised to previous claims for dm core radii in galaxies . furthermore , since the dm radial distribution out to @xmath15 is featureless , we can not link together the local and the global properties of the dark halos ; such a connection , which is a main consequence of the bottom up merging scenario appears to be just missing in nature . the cdm scenario , then , must find a way to cut off any signature of the gravitational collisionless collapse . for instance , the temperature " of the cdm particles , which initially @xmath26 for @xmath27 , must be largely heated up and kept constant out to the disk edge ( see @xcite ) . solving this deep mystery will be the guideline of our ( and others ) future research .
high quality optical rotation curves for a sample of low luminosity spirals evidence that the dark halos around galaxies are inconsistent with the output of proper cdm simulations . in fact , dark halos enveloping stellar disks are structures with approximately a constant density out to the optical edges . this is in strong disagreement with the characteristic @xmath0 cdm regime and severely challenges the standard " cdm theory also because the halo density appears to be heated up , at gross variance with the hierarchical evolution of collision free particles .
one of the great unsolved puzzles in particle physics revolves around the generation of mass : how do particles become massive ? this question is answered in the context of the standard model by the higgs mechanism , which is evoked to break electroweak symmetry . it predicts the existence of a neutral scalar particle , the yet unobserved higgs boson . in the standard model , the coupling strength between a fermion and the higgs boson , the yukawa coupling , determines the fermion mass , which is not predicted by the theory . for all fermions , this coupling is small , except for one particle : the top quark . the top quark mass is close to the electroweak breaking scale and its yukawa coupling is within a few percent of unity . those intriguing characteristics have lead some to speculate that the top quark itself is involved in electroweak symmetry breaking or that its mass is a fundamental parameter of a more basic , underlying theory . we currently know experimentally very little about both the higgs boson and the top quark . however , in the next few years , the cdf and d@xmath0 experiments at the fermilab tevatron collider will pursue a program of precision measurements of the top quark and will conduct an intensive search for the higgs boson . in these proceedings , i will summarize our current experimental understanding of the top quark and discuss the prospects for precision measurements in the coming years . i will then give an overview of the strategies that will be used to search for the higgs boson . the top quark was discovered by the cdf and d@xmath0 collaborations in 1995@xcite . this discovery was not unexpected since the structure of the sm requires that there be an su(2 ) partner to the b quark . what did come as a surprise was the top quark s mass : 175 @xmath1 , about 35 times more massive than the b quark , the heaviest known fermion at the time . given its mass , many properties of the top quark can be calculated within the standard model and are given in table [ smtop ] . an interesting consequence of the very short lifetime of the top quark is that it decays before it has time to hadronize . there are therefore no top hadrons and the top quark can thus be studied as a `` free '' quark . 0.1 in . _ top quark in th sm _ [ cols="<,^",options="header " , ] _ , width=566 ] the integrated luminosity required to observe or exclude a higgs boson as a function of higgs mass is shown in figure [ final ] . the study finds that a sm higgs with a mass up to 135 @xmath1 can be excluded at 95% cl with 6 @xmath2 and up to 180 @xmath1 with 10 @xmath2 . with 15 @xmath2 , one could obtain 3 @xmath3 `` evidence '' up to 135 @xmath1 . the study assumed a @xmath4 dijet mass resolution of 10% , b - tagging efficiencies of 75% on one of the b hadrons ( tight algorithm ) , and 60% on the other ( loose algorithm ) . acceptance and efficiencies for signal and backgrounds were estimated using a monte carlo simulation that parametrized the response of a generic run ii detector . the size of the bands on figure [ final ] reflect a 30% uncertainty that includes b - tagging , mass resolution , background rate and other effects . with the beginning of run ii at the tevatron , the era of precision top physics has begun and the hunt for the higgs boson has resumed . this exciting period will be followed with the commissioning of the lhc , a true `` top quark factory '' . the measurements made in the next decade should allow us to determine whether the generation of mass for elementary particles is indeed described by the higgs mechanism of the standard model and whether the top quark plays a special role in the breaking of electroweak symmetry . 99 f. abe _ et al _ , phys . lett . * 74 * , 2626 ( 1995 ) ; b. abachi _ et al _ , phys . * 74 * , 2632 ( 1995 ) . f. abe _ et al _ , phys . * 80 * , 2525 ( 1998 ) . b. abbott _ et al _ , phys . lett . * 88 * , 151803 ( 2002 ) . t. affolder _ et al _ , phys . 86 * , 3233 - 3238 ( 2001 ) . b. abbott _ et al _ , phys . lett . * 85 * , 256 - 261 ( 2000 ) . d@xmath0 collaboration , fermilab - pub-00 - 357-e , october 1996 . cdf collaboration , fermilab - pub-00 - 390-e , november 1996 . harris _ et al _ , fermilab - pub-02 - 134-t , hep - ph/0207055 , july 2002 . t. tait , c.p . yuan , phys . * d63 * , 014018 ( 2001 ) . f. teubert , these proceedings . m. carena _ et al _ , fermilab - conf-00 - 279-t , october 2000 .
we present a summary of our experimental understanding of the top quark and discuss the significant improvements expected in run ii at the fermilab tevatron collider . we also discuss prospects for a higgs boson discovery at the tevatron . = 14.5pt
[ cols="^,^ " , ] p. scheglov worked on increasing angular resolution of ground - based telescopes , realizing that the sensitivity to faint objects depends on the resolution as much as on the telescope diameter . he considered this to be a huge and poorly used resource of ground - based astronomy . he approached the problem from multiple sides . * select astronomical sites with best natural seeing . * study the man - made seeing in domes and telescopes , determine optimum parameters of astronomical domes ( height , ventillation regime ) . * interact with the optical industry to help build telescopes of high optical quality . p.s . had a strong interest in optical testing and telescope technology . * develop electronic and photographic detectors to approach the photon sensitivity limits . p.s . was a pioneer of using image intensifiers in astronomy . * increase the resolution by post - processing ( image sharpening ) and interferometry . p.s . was among the first to recognize and advocate the potential of speckle interferometry and long - baseline interferometers . p.s . tried to actively promote these ideas by presenting them at various colloquia and meetings , publishing review papers , russian translations of textbooks and proceedings on detectors and large telescopes of the future and , finally , writing his own books on new astronomical techniques . , height=264 ] p. scheglov teached at the moscow university . his course on experimental astronomy largely contributed to the education of many currently active researchers . he was the phd advisor of several graduate students working on site testing : s. novikov , a. guryanov , v. kornilov , a. tokovinin , a. kutyrev , yu . he has influenced the whole generation of astronomers in the former republics of the soviet union . p.v . scheglov ( sheglov , shcheglov ) published about 50 papers on site testing , some are listed below .
the multi - faceted contributions of dr . peter scheglov ( 1932 - 2002 ) in the area of site testing are briefly reviewed . he discovered and studied astronomical sites in the central asia , developed new site - testing instruments , promoted new methods and techniques among his colleagues and teached new generation of observational astronomers .
we select hipparcos subgiants in the northern hemisphere within 100 pc with @xmath0 , as shown in fig . [ fig - hrd ] . we exclude stars with known multiplicity or variability to avoid ambiguity in abundance and age analysis . a clean sample is essential to test the quality of the automated method itself . we use the arc 3.5-m telescope at apo to obtain hi - res echelle spectra ( r@xmath137,500 ) for our sample . we use standard iraf techniques for spectrum extraction and calibration . by collecting our own data , we ensure a uniform sample with high snr and consistency in data reduction . we use automated gaussian fitting for clean absorption features to obtain equivalent widths . we employ moog @xcite and kurucz model atmospheres @xcite in a fully automated analysis to derive effective temperature ( @xmath2 ) , spectroscopic surface gravity ( @xmath3 ) , microturbulent velocity ( @xmath4 ) , and iron abundance . values of @xmath2 , @xmath3 , and @xmath4 are obtained by simultaneously solving for constant fe i abundance across excitation potential and reduced equivalent width , and ionization balance between fe i and fe ii . these solutions are used to obtain abundances for other elements . we use bayesian estimation @xcite of padova isochrones @xcite to obtain age and mass . we use hi - res spectral atlases of sun and arcturus to test the validity of our method . for arcturus , we also have observed data to test the stability of our method at our echelle resolution . the results for these two stars agree with current standard values within errors , which implies that the method should work for our subgiants . disagreement between spectroscopic and trigonometric surface gravities has been reported by @xcite and @xcite , but is not well understood . in our results , we see an average scatter of @xmath10.2 dex in the difference between spectroscopic surface gravity from our automatic method and its trigonometric counterpart from bayesian estimation . the scatter is slightly larger at lower metallicity , which could be due to nlte effects @xcite . comparison of our results with literature values are shown in fig . [ fig - comp ] . our values are consistent with those from @xcite , who also used fully automated analysis but with a different algorithm . it is difficult to determine the significance of our disagreement with @xcite because their catalog is a compilation of various papers . we have considerable scatter and apparent offsets of @xmath10.1 dex and @xmath1100 k for [ fe / h ] and @xmath2 respectively compared to results from photometric studies @xcite . however these offsets are within errors . several stars that are in both photometric studies demonstrate [ fe / h ] discrepancies as large as @xmath10.5 dex between the papers , which suggests inconsistency in photometric calibrations . more spectra will be acquired until we have covered all the clean subgiants in our sample . we are currently investigating the discrepancy between our data and literature values . we will improve the accuracy of our abundances by enhancing the robustness of our method . our results will be available in the form of a catalog that is easily accessible to the scientific community . the ultimate scientific goal of the project is to use the observed metallicity to constrain solar neighborhood sfh and chemical evolution . by incorporating observables into sfh derivation via cmd modelling , we will have results that are not only qualitatively accurate but also quantitatively . allende prieto , c. , garca lpez , r. j. , lambert , d. l. , & gustafsson , b. 1999 , , 527 , 879 cayrel de strobel , g. , soubiran , c. , & ralite , n. 2001 , , 373 , 159 feltzing , s. , holmberg , j. , & hurley , j. r. 2001 , , 377 , 911 girardi , l. , et al . 2002 , , 391 , 195 j@xmath5rgensen , b. r. , & lindegren , l. 2005 , , in press , doi:10.1051/0004 - 6361:20042185 kurucz , r. 1993 , atlas9 stellar atmosphere programs and 2 km / s grid , kurucz cd - rom no . 13 ( cambridge : smithsonian astrophysical observatory ) nordstrm , b. , et al . 2004 , , 418 , 989 sneden , c. 2002 , moog lte stellar line analysis program takeda , y. , ohkubo , m. , sato , b. , kambe , e. , & sadakane , k. 2005 , , 57 , 27 thorn , p. , edvardsson , b. , & gustafsson , b. 2004 , , 425 , 187
accurate parallaxes from the hipparcos catalog have enabled detailed studies of stellar properties . subgiants are of particular interest because they lie in an area where isochrones are well separated , enabling dependable age determination . we have initiated a project to obtain hi - res spectra of hipparcos subgiants in a volume - limited sample within 100 pc . we obtain stellar properties and abundances via fully automatic analysis . we will use our results to constrain star formation history and chemical evolution in the solar neighborhood . we present initial results for our observed sample and discuss future development for this project .
line - of - sight velocity distributions are efficient probes of the dynamical structure of galaxies , and can be used to derive the mass distribution , intrinsic shape and the motions of stars and gas . non - axisymmetric components such as bars , or external triggers , can lead to significant galaxy evolution via , e.g. , redistribution of the angular momentum , triggering of star formation , or building of a central mass concentration ( e.g. , shloshman 1989 ; knapen 2000 ) . much can be learned about these processes by simultaneously studying both the stellar and gas dynamics of nearby galaxies by means of integral - field spectroscopy . here we summarize such a study for the spiral galaxy ngc 5448 , which was observed with sauron as part of a representative survey of 72 nearby early - type galaxies ( de zeeuw 2002 ; falcn barroso et al.2005 ) . a more comprehensive report can be found in fathi ( 2005 ) . we observed ngc 5448 with sauron on april 14th 2004 . detailed specifications for the instrument , reduction procedure , and the data preparation procedure can be found in bacon ( 2001 ) ; emsellem ( 2004 ) ; sarzi ( 2005 ) . the sauron flux map in fig . [ fig : datamaps ] displays a smooth stellar distribution and the presence of prominent dust lanes to the south of the nucleus . the stellar kinematics shows a global disk - like rotation with a smaller inner stellar disk within the central 7 radius . along the strong dust lanes , the gas shows a patchy distribution , with an asymmetric elongation of [ o@xmath0iii ] gas towards the east as well as the galactic poles . the gas velocity map clearly shows a prominent ` s'-shaped zero - velocity curve with sharp edges indicating very strong non - circular gas motions . in order to study the gas velocity field , we apply the tilted - ring decomposition combined with the harmonic expansion formalism from schoenmakers ( 1997 ) . this formalism allows us to extract the gaseous kinematic information such as the rotation curve , kinematic position angle variation , and higher harmonic terms . wong ( 2004 ) derived the higher - order harmonics for an axisymmetric potential with an @xmath1 bar perturbation . this bar model depends on a set of parameters describing the potential , as well as the viewing angle . we construct libraries of models with different input parameters , and find that we can describe our observed velocity field with the bar model shown in fig . [ fig : analysis ] . thus , the radial motions of the gas are associated with that of the large - scale bar ( see fathi 2005 for a detailed discussion ) . ngc 5448 exhibits clear signatures of the presence of other components than a single bar , which affect the observed velocity field . inspecting the photometry and the central parts of the gaseous and stellar velocity field , we find signatures of a central stellar disk embedded in the larger disk ( see fig . [ fig : diskmodel ] ) . we approximate the stellar velocity field with an exponential thin disk to emphasize the kinematic signatures of the central disk . [ fig : diskmodel ] illustrates our simple inclined disk model , after subtraction of which we find that the inner stellar disk - like component rotates faster than the outer disk . fitting also an exponential disk to the region interior to the 7 radius , we find that the central disk - like structure is misaligned with respect to the outer disk by @xmath2 . the stellar kinematic maps show that the central disk rotates faster than the main disk , and our observed gas distribution and kinematics indicate that this central disk also hosts gas which rotates faster than its stellar counterpart . it is known that bars are efficient in transferring mass towards the inner regions of their host galaxies . the centrally concentrated matter may be able to form a secondary bar or a central disk . our analysis shows that the non - circular gas kinematics in ngc 5448 could be driven by the large - scale bar . the central disk could then have been formed as a result of the gas accumulation at the centre . + it is a pleasure to acknowledge the entire sauron team for their efforts in carrying out the observations and data preparation and for many fruitful discussions . kf thanks the conference organizers for all their efforts .
we analyse sauron kinematic maps of the inner kpc of the early - type ( sa ) barred spiral galaxy ngc 5448 . the observed morphology and kinematics of the emission - line gas is patchy and perturbed , indicating clear departures from circular motion . the kinematics of the stars is more regular , and displays a small inner disk - like system embedded in a large - scale rotating structure . we focus on the [ o@xmath0iii ] gas , and use a harmonic decomposition formalism to analyse the gas velocity field . the higher - order harmonic terms and the main kinematic features of the observed data are consistent with an analytically constructed simple bar model , which is derived using linear theory . our study illustrates how the harmonic decomposition formalism can be used as a powerful tool to quantify non - circular motions in observed gas velocity fields . # 1*jfb comment : # 1 *
when a relativistic charged particle crosses the interface between two media of different dielectric properties , transition radiation ( tr ) is emitted . this process was calculated analytically by ginzburg and frank @xcite . @xmath0 where @xmath1 is electron charge , @xmath2 vacuum permittivity , c is the speed of light , @xmath3 is relativistic velocity and @xmath4 is the observation angle . we use their formula with virtual - quanta method to compute the backward tr from a finite screen@xcite @xmath5 ^ 2 \label{eq : eq3}\ ] ] where t is correction tern to finite size of the screen . this gives the single electron yield ( sey ) . from the sey the whole spectrum can be derived using the following formula : @xmath6 \label{eq : eq1}\ ] ] where n is the number of electrons in the bunch and @xmath7 is the form factor of the time profile of the bunch . using phase recovery methods , such as kramers - kronig or hilbert @xcite , it is possible to recover the phase and then the time profile of the bunch . the same formula , but with a different sey is used for calculation of the smith - purcell radiation ( sp ) spectrum . sp radiation occurs when a charged particle move above a metallic periodic structure . unlike tr , sp has the advantage that the emitted radiation is not concentrated in a small observation angle ( @xmath8 ) , but spread in angle . the wavelength of the radiation for sp depends on the observing angle according to the following : @xmath9 where l is the grating period , n is the order of radiation , @xmath4 is the observation angle and @xmath3 is the relativistic velocity . to calculate the sey and the total spectrum for sp effect , the gfw code was used @xcite . the calculation is based on the surface current model . taking into account the fact that the grating have a finite width , the energy per solid angle for a single electron can be written as : @xmath10 where z is the grating length , e is the electron charge and @xmath11 is the grating efficiency factor . calculation of the sey for sp and tr are presented on figure [ sey ] . the screen used in this case for tr is a metalic disk with radius 20 mm and the grating for sp has a length of 180 mm and a width of 40 mm with a pitch of 8 mm and a 30 degrees blaze angle . the beam - grating distance ( from center of the beam to the top of the teeth ) is 3 mm . the lorentz factor @xmath12 for both cases is 118 ( 60.3 mev ) . the other parameters were taken from the clio accelerator simulation in astra reported in @xcite . with 8 mm pitch and @xmath13 blaze angle . ] the sey spatial energy distribution for sp and tr are also significantly different . the spatial distribution of the energy per solid angle and per grating length is presented on figure [ sey2d ] . with 8 mm pitch and @xmath13 blaze angle . ] to beam propagation direction and have diameter 40 mm . ] the calculation of coherent radiation was done with the same parameters than for the sey . for others grating this distribution would be different , but this gives us an approximate space distribution of the cspr . from these simulations , we can conclude that most of the radiation is confined in approximatively @xmath14 in azimuthal ( @xmath15 ) angle . so a standard 50 mm parabolic mirror at a distance of 300 mm from the grating will collect most of the radiation . to choose the most appropriate grating pitch , one should use the condition given in equation [ eq : lmab ] . for maximum emission at 90 deg . the formula [ eq : pitch_pulselength ] is applicable . @xmath16 where l is grating pitch in meters and @xmath17 is the bunch fwhm in seconds . the relation between the the grating pitch , the pulse length and the angle of maximum emission is given on figure [ mae ] . we can see that the green band ( @xmath18 emission ) follows the rule given in equation [ eq : pitch_pulselength ] . we can also look at the total energy emitted by the grating as a function of the pulse length and the grating energy . this is shown on figure [ epp ] . on this figure the transition between the coherent and incoherent regime can clearly be seen . with @xmath13 blaze angle . the beam - grating separation is 3 mm . ] with @xmath13 blaze angle . ] in the case of cspr as the pulse length change the angular distribution of the energy will also change . this is shown on figure [ f14 ] . same dependence for ctr is shown on figure [ f15 ] . with pitch and blaze angle . ] using the bunch profile predicted for the clio free electron laser @xcite , as shown on figure [ prof1 ] we can predict the spectrum for both cspr and ctr as shown on figure [ spctr ] . we can see that the intensity of the ctr signal is lower , but it is concentrated in a small solid angle . for cspr the signal intensity depends on the beam - grating separation . with pitch and blaze angle . the screen diameter for tr is . the signal is measured as integrated with a diameter parabolic mirror located from the beam axis . ] we have studied both cspr and ctr and studied how to optimize the experimental parameters . using the clio parameters we expect a signal ( in the range 0.03 - 3 thz [ 0.1 - 10 mm ] ) of for cspr and for ctr .
smith - purcell radiation and transition radiation are two radiative phenomenon that occur in charged particles accelerators . for both the emission can be significantly enhanced with sufficiently short pulses and both can be used to measure the form factor of the pulse . we compare the yield of these phenomenon in different configurations and look at their application as bunch length monitors , including background filtering and rejection . we apply these calculations to the specific case of the clio free electron laser
one of the fundamental properties of qcd is the shrinking of the coupling constant as the energy of the interactions grows ( asymptotic freedom ) . this implies that perturbative techniques can be used to study high energy hadronic or leptonic phenomena . in spite of this , we can not rely completely on perturbation theory because the fundamental particles whose interactions become weak at high energy are deeply bound inside the hadrons we use as beams , targets or as observables . the solution is given by the factorization theorems , whereby cross sections can be expressed as the products of factors , each one involving phenomena appearing at different energy scales . a generic hadronic collisions with production of one hadron inclusive can be expressed as the convolution of the partonic hard cross section and structure and fragmentation functions , which represent respectively the parton density inside the hadrons and the hadron density inside the parton . those parton model distributions acquire a scale dependence when the qcd corrections are included , the scale being the point where collinear initial ( final ) state divergencies are subtracted . moreover these distribution are indipendent of the specific reaction . the universality of these distributions is a key property , since they are not calculated from first principles as they contain non - perturbative information . nevertheless they evolve with the scale following alterelli - parisi type equations and this permits to extract them from a low - energy process and use them to predict rates for another one . in this talk i ll concentrate on some recent sets of parton fragmentation functions into light mesons . these sets have been extracted from real and simulated @xmath0 data in a full nlo formalism . they have been used to predict inclusive single particle differential distributions at different energies and machine and to study jet fragmentation properties . the outline of the talk is the following : i ll describe briefly how the sets have been derived , then i ll give some results on the inclusive single particle predictions comparing with data when they are available . parton fragmentation functions are defined as the density probability to find a hadron @xmath1 inside a parton @xmath2 . they are parametrized in the following form : @xmath3 where @xmath4 is the fraction of parton momentum carried by the hadron , while @xmath5 is the scale the function is evaluated . they satisfied multiplicity , charge and momentum conservation sum rules and evolve following altarelli parisi type equation . this means that given a certain set of input functions at the scale @xmath6 we can obtain the functions at any desired scale simply solving the ap equation . to obtain the input sets we need to rely on experimental informations , because ff are not calculable from first principle , owing the fact that they contain non - perturbative informations . to extract the ff we use @xmath0 data . in the language of the qcd - improved parton model , in fact , the @xmath4 distribution of the process @xmath7 emerges from the @xmath4 distribution @xmath8 of @xmath9 through convolution with @xmath10 : @xmath11 where @xmath12 and @xmath13\right\}\ ] ] and @xmath14\ ] ] the functions @xmath15 , @xmath16 , @xmath17 and @xmath18 are shown in reference @xcite and represent the nlo corrections . using real and simulated@xcite data several different sets have been derived for neutral@xcite and charged pions@xcite , neutral and charged kaons@xcite and @xmath19 mesons@xcite at different reference scales . in figure 1 and 2 we give some examples on how well the different sets , when convoluted with the partonic cross sections , agree with @xmath0 data . we refer the readers to the previous references for further details . as already stated , fragmentation functions are process independent : this means that we can use them to make predictions for process different from the one we used to extract them . we simply need to convolute them with the appropriate partonic cross sections . in the previous references the different sets have been used to give predictions on inclusive single particle production in hadron - hadron , hadron - lepton and photon - photon@xcite collisions , and to phenomenologically describe jet fragmentation properties . in figures 3 , 4 and 5 we show again some examples on the nlo predictions for different energy ranges and process types . = 5.5 cm = 5.5 cm finally , in order to disentangle the fragmentation properties and the hadronization mechanism of high @xmath20 jets , we consider the ratio between the single hadron and jet cross sections , for fixed values of the variable @xmath21 . then , using the cone jet algorithm and the nlo evaluation of the jet cross sections of ref . @xcite , we present in figure 6 a result on jet fragmentation in charged and neutral pions , with the energy of the jet varying between 40 and 70 gev , and a jet cone radius r=0.7 centered around the @xmath22 direction . the overall theoretical uncertainty -which is not reported in figure- can be estimated to be of order 50% . we also show the analogous experimental result on jet fragmentation in charged hadrons from cdf , in reasonable agreement with the theoretical prediction . in this talk i reviewed the results on some recent nlo sets of parton fragmentation functions into light mesons . the possibilities to use them to make reliable predictions at different type of machines has been briefly shown . this work was supported in part by the `` maria rossi '' fellowship from collegio ghislieri of pavia , through the u.s . department of energy under contract de - ac03 - 76sf00098 .
next - to - leading order parton fragmentation functions into light mesons are presented . they have been extracted from real and simulated @xmath0 data and used to predict inclusive single particle distributions at different machines . lbnl-39176 * fragmentation functions approach in pqcd fragmentation phenomena * + + + _ e - mail : rolli@fnal.gov_ talk given at the xxxi rencontres de moriond , qcd and hadronic interactions , + les arcs , france march 24 - 31 1996
hyperbolic geometry is a consistent geometry where the euclidean playfair s parallel postulate is discarded and replaced by the existence of many lines @xmath3 not intersecting another given line @xmath4 and passing through a given point @xmath5 ( the @xmath3 s are said _ ultra - parallel _ to @xmath4 ) . hyperbolic geometry can be studied using various models @xcite : poincar disk or upper plane conformal models , klein non - conformal model disk model , hyperboloid conformal model , etc . from the viewpoint of computational geometry , we prefer to use klein model where lines / bisectors are euclidean straight @xcite and then convert the output to the desired model for visualization or navigation purposes @xcite . we report further novel results for constructing hyperbolic voronoi diagrams ( hvds ) in klein model @xcite and present yet another approach to get klein - type affine bisectors / diagrams from the hyperboloid model . the _ voronoi diagram _ of a set @xmath6 of @xmath7 points in @xmath8 w.r.t . @xmath9 can be computed equivalently as the _ minimization diagram _ of @xmath7 functions by observing that @xmath10 where @xmath11 , @xmath12 . thus the _ combinatorial structures _ are congruent : @xmath13 . furthermore , this minimization diagram amounts to compute the _ lower envelope _ of @xmath7 graph functions in @xmath2 : @xmath14 . let @xmath15 denotes the euclidean inner product . in the klein model @xcite , the distance between two points @xmath16 and @xmath17 in the open unit ball domain @xmath18 is @xmath19 where @xmath20 for @xmath21 is a monotonically increasing function . since the voronoi diagram does not change by composing the distance with a monotonous function , we consider the equivalent klein distance @xmath22 . to each point @xmath23 corresponds a function @xmath24 . since the denominator @xmath25 is common to all functions , the minimization diagram is equivalent to the minimization diagram of @xmath26 . the graph @xmath27 are _ hyperplanes _ in @xmath28 defined on @xmath29 , and the lower envelope can thus be computed from the intersection of @xmath7 halfspaces @xmath30 , yielding the voronoi unbounded polytope in @xmath2 . the hvd of @xmath7 points can be computed in the klein model as the intersection of @xmath7 half - spaces in @xmath2 and by projecting vertically ( @xmath31 @xmath32 ) the polytope on @xmath1 , and clipping it with the unit ball domain : @xmath33 . in euclidean ( and more generally bregman geometry ) , the voronoi polytope is built by lifting points to tangent hyperplanes to a _ potential function _ @xmath34 at site locations . this is the paraboloid lifting transformation : @xmath35 ( @xmath34 for a convex bregman generator @xmath36 ) . in the klein ball model , the _ potential function _ for lifting generators to hyperplanes is the _ concave _ function @xmath37 restricted to @xmath29 . proof : let us identify the hyperplane equation @xmath38 with the hyperplane tangent at @xmath17 to a potential function @xmath34 : @xmath39 . we have @xmath40 and the remaining term ( independent of @xmath16 ) is @xmath41 . the anti - derivative of @xmath42 is @xmath43 , and the constant @xmath44 solves to zero . this is the equation @xmath45 of the northern hemisphere for @xmath46 . observe that the hyperplanes tend to become vertical as we near the boundary domain @xmath47 , and are vertical at the boundary . since the klein bisector is affine , the @xmath0-order hvd is affine . we present two construction methods . this is a straightforward generalization of the euclidean procedure using the @xmath25 potential function . the @xmath0-order hvd is a _ cell complex _ that can be built by projecting to @xmath8 all the @xmath48-dimensional cells at @xmath0-level of the arrangement of the site hyperplanes @xmath49 of @xmath28 and clipping the structure to @xmath29 . figure [ fig : example ] displays some @xmath0-order diagrams and illustrates some degenerate cases . frank nielsen and richard nock . hyperbolic voronoi diagrams made easy . in b. o. apduhan et al . , editor , _ international conference on computational science and its applications _ , pages 7480 . ieee , 2010 . frank nielsen and richard nock . visualizing hyperbolic voronoi diagrams . in _ proceedings of the thirtieth annual symposium on computational geometry _ , socg14 , pages 90:9090:91 , new york , ny , usa , 2014 .
in euclidean geometry , it is well - known that the @xmath0-order voronoi diagram in @xmath1 can be computed from the vertical projection of the @xmath0-level of an arrangement of hyperplanes tangent to a convex potential function in @xmath2 : the paraboloid . similarly , we report for the klein ball model of hyperbolic geometry such a _ concave _ potential function : the northern hemisphere . furthermore , we also show how to build the hyperbolic @xmath0-order diagrams as equivalent clipped power diagrams in @xmath1 . we investigate the hyperbolic voronoi diagram in the hyperboloid model and show how it reduces to a klein - type model using central projections . * keywords * : + voronoi diagram ; hyperbolic geometry ; clipping .
photon orbital angular momentum ( poam ) [ @xcite ] has attracted attention for astronomical applications [ @xcite ] and applications at the quantum level for quantum communication [ @xcite ] . the generation of beams carrying poam , described by laguerre - gaussian ( l - g ) modes , proceeds thanks to the insertion in the optical path of a phase modifying device ( fork hologram ) imprinting a certain vorticity on the phase distribution of the incident beam [ @xcite ] . the vorticity is characterized by parameters @xmath0 and @xmath1 describing the orbital and azimuthal angular momentum . here we describe a prototype of a finger mask for binary systems using a @xmath2 fork - hologram . the coronagraphic mask setup was tested using as source two 632 nm he - ne lasers collimated into our @xmath2 fork hologram simulating a binary system having for each star angular diameter of 20marcsec , namely the one produced by a 8.2 m vlt - like telescope with adaptive optics . the primary star lies on the center of the optical system , on axis and crossing the fork - hologram singularity , while the light beam representing the secondary star is off - axis . tilted and displaced beams do not possess a single l - g mode , but show a spectrum of modes that depend on their geometrical properties [ @xcite ] , which makes possible the detection of a fainter companion . the light of the main star is spread over the donought - shaped disk , while the fainter companion appears as a modification of the l - g mode structures of the primary star . by setting the stars at a very small distance for which the star is unresolved , we note that the l - g profile of both the contributions has its characteristic donought - symmetric shape . when the fainter star is resolved following the rayleigh limit , we see that the first outer ring surrounding the donought becomes brighter and the level of the background in the ring region rises up the more the separated are the sources , thus revealing the presence of a fainter companion . a fork - shaped hologram is equivalent to a set of cylindric lenses as currently used in modern coronagraphs for extrasolar planets and have the same optical properties of modifying the phase of the light . further tests are currently being performed to improve the contrast of our finger - mask . photon distribution of light having non null orbital angular momentum presents certain features that could give some advantages to astronomical applications , such as giving better evidence to closeby or fainter sources in a double system . the authors would like to acknowledge the support of eso - feasibility study of owl instruments and zeilinger group , university of vienna , for the helpful discussions and support for this work .
we propose to realize an optical device based on the properties of photon orbital angular momentum ( poam ) to detect the presence of closeby faint companions in double systems using laguerre - gaussian ( l - g ) modes of the light . we test also the possibility of using l - g modes to build coronagraph mask . we realized in the laboratory a prototype using a blazed l=1 hologram to simulate the separation between two stars , as observed with a telescope , in laguerre - gaussian modes . keywords : instrumentation : miscellaneous , methods : laboratory , techniques : miscellaneous
our model , which will be described in detail elsewhere ( @xcite ) , combines the output of the stellar spectral synthesis code starburst 99 as input to the nebular modelling code mappings iiiq , including a 1-d dynamical evolution model of hii regions around massive clusters of young stars . this model includes all relevant dust and gas physics to provide the nebular line , continuum and dust re - emission spectrum . this allows us produce purely theoretical synthetic spectral energy distributions ( seds ) in the @xmath0 m wavelength range . we have applied this code to make models of solar metallicity starbursts lasting some @xmath1 years . we find that the expansion of the hii region stalls " when the internal pressure matches the pressure of the ambient ism , c.f . @xcite . dust in high pressure environments is closer to the exciting stars , and hotter , so that the far - ir sed peaks at shorter wavelengths . in addition , the covering factor of the molecular clouds with respect to the central stars largely determines the strength of the pah emission features in the @xmath2 m band , since the pahs are destroyed in the diffuse and ionized phases . molecular clouds around hii regions are destroyed and dispersed over time . as a result , the starburst sed shape is largely controlled by this molecular cloud dissipation timescale which determines the visibility of the central cluster at uv wavelengths and the strength of the pah emission bands in the ir . by contrast , the ambient ism pressure determines the sed mainly by controlling the dust temperature , which affects the peak of the fir dust re - emission feature . our models use a solar abundance set ( as modified by the latest abundance determinations of @xcite , and references therein ) depletion factors given by @xcite . to reproduce the pah emission features , we require that @xmath3% of the c is locked up in pahs . as a consequence , when pahs are destroyed by photodisscociation , the 2200 absorption feature becomes very weak , and the resulting theoretical attenuation curve looks almost identical to the @xcite curve determined empirically for starbursts . here , we have also added an agn contribution , assumed to be synchrotron self - compton emission from a trapped jet , becoming synchrotron self - absorbed in the @xmath4 m wavelength band . for a pure " agn , this model reproduces the @xcite mean seyfert i colors , derived from the @xcite iras dataset . figure 1 shows iras color : color diagrams for various agn contributions , expressed as a percentage of the bolometric flux of the starburst .
we present results of a self - consistent model of the spectral energy distribution ( sed ) of starburst galaxies . two parameters control the ir sed , the mean pressure in the ism and the destruction timescale of molecular clouds . adding a simplified agn spectrum provides mixing lines on iras color : color diagrams . this reproduces the observed colors of both agns and starbursts .
this work was funded by the national science foundation under grants cns-1330308 , cns-1546033 and cns-1065134 . swift has a significant financial interest in microsoft corp .
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evolutionary synthesis models have been traditionally used to study the physical properties of unresolved populations , but they should also be able to reproduce the integrated properties of resolved ones . in both cases the discreteness of the stellar populations must be taken into account and model results must be interpreted in a statistical way , i.e. model outputs are a _ mean value _ of a probability distribution with an _ intrinsic dispersion_. such dispersion must be taken into account in the interpretation of the data and it is especially important when the number of observed stars is small ( where the definition of `` small '' depends on the observable ) , or in the analysis of surveys . especially relevant is the use of diagnostic diagrams , that are , virtually , independent on the mass / number of stars in the system . i show in fig 1 the 90% confidence limits ( cl ) for the ew(wr bump ) and l(wr bump)/l(h@xmath0 ) ratios vs. ew(h@xmath0 ) for different amount of mass transformed into stars for evolutionary tracks with standard mass - loss rates and different metallicities . the plots show the 90% cl in the results arising from the dispersion in _ both axes _ and the correlation coefficients between them ; the ( gaussian ) covariance ellipses correspond to an effective number of stars larger than 10 , @xmath1 , and the rectangular boxes delimit the uncertainty region for @xmath2 .
in this contribution , i present the 90% confidence limits on the diagnostic diagrams of ew(wr bump ) and l(wr bump)/l(h@xmath0 ) ratio vs. ew(h@xmath0 ) resulting from evolutionary synthesis models that include the statistical dispersion due to finite stellar populations in real star forming regions .
copepods are small free - swimming crustaceans that are well adapted to life at a reynolds number of @xmath0 to @xmath1 . many aspects of their behavior , from swimming to feeding and escaping to mating , are influenced by the physics of the flow in this viscous regime and by their ability to sense that fluid environment . copepods feel their surroundings through their long antennules that bear fine setae that function as flow sensors . flow disturbances by prey , predators , or mates can be decoded by the copepod to inform them of their environment , and strain rates as low as @xmath2 can be detected . in this work , we present high speed tomographic piv videos ( taken at @xmath3 fps ) that demonstrate various aspects of the surprisingly sophisticated fluid - influenced behavior in one freshwater copepod , _ hesperodiaptomus shoshone _ , collected from alpine lakes high in the rocky mountains of montana . + _ hesperodiaptomus shoshone _ are predatory copepods that feed on smaller copepods and on daphnids ( water fleas ) . two piv video sequences demonstrate their ability to detect and attack their prey . in both cases , the flow disturbance generated by the moving prey initiates the attack by _ h. shoshone_. in the first case , the antennal beat of the water flea ( _ daphnia middendorffiana _ ) clues the copepod in to its location . in the second video , the smaller copepod ( _ h . kenai _ ) senses the approach of the larger _ h. shoshone _ and initiates an escape jump . the larger copepod then attempts to capture its prey with its cephalic appendages . in both cases , _ shoshone _ is unable to grasp its prey , and the prey escape . + copepods , however , are not at the top of the food chain , and _ h. shoshone _ also serve as prey for fish . in order to study how copepods detect and flee from fish predators , we built a fish mimic . this impulsive siphon mimics the aquatic suction feeding technique that fish use to attack their prey . the second piv sequence demonstrates copepods sensitivity to minute flow signals and their ability to perform high speed escapes . the tomographic piv system can be used to measure the flow structure surrounding the antennules in the milliseconds preceding the animal s escape in order to define a strain rate or vorticity escape threshold . when performing an escape jump with a speed of up to @xmath0 m / s , a copepod leaps into a regime where the effects of viscosity are much less important , and the reynolds number may reach up to @xmath4 . while most copepods successfully escaped , several animals were not so lucky and were captured by the fish mimic . these copepods may have been oriented such that they failed to perceive the fluid stimulus or they may have escaped in the `` wrong '' direction . + understanding the behavior of zooplankton such as copepods requires a fundamental understanding of the fluid mechanics involved in low reynolds number flows , an understanding enhanced by tools such as high speed tomographic piv .
in this fluid dynamics video , we present various aspects of copepod behavior at low _ re_.
the recurring transient x - ray pulsar v0332@xmath053was discovered in 1983 in _ tenma _ data @xcite . subsequently , a larger outburst was found to have occurred in the summer of 1973 when analyzing _ vela 5b _ data @xcite . the analysis revealed a 4.4s pulse period and an indication for a 34.25d orbital period @xcite . the optical counterpart is the o89 star bq cam @xcite . analysis of the _ tenma _ data revealed a spectral shape similar to that seen in other accreting x - ray pulsars with a flat power law , an exponential cutoff , and a cyclotron resonant scattering feature ( crsf ) at an energy of @xmath128kev . in 1989 september the source experienced another outburst , this time observed by _ ginga _ @xcite . with the energy range of the large area counters adjusted to cover the 260kev range , crsfs were detected at 28.5 and 53kev . most recently , v0332 + 53 went into outburst in 2004 november and was seen by the _ rxte_/all sky monitor ( asm ) to reach an intensity of @xmath11crab in the 1.512kev band @xcite . a long series of observations with _ rxte _ and _ integral_were made throughout the outburst . 53as observed by the _ integral _ instruments isgri and jem - x @xcite . ] during the decline phase , the observed fluxes first decay exponentially up to mjd53412 , followed by a linear decrease ( see fig . [ fig : flux ] ) . the decay timescales are different at lower and higher energies : while a decay time of 30d is observed above 20ke-0.09em v , it is only 20d below 15ke-0.09em v. such behavior is typically observed in systems where an irradiated disk is present which , however , is not the case for v0332@xmath053 . since @xmath2 , this picture suggests that @xmath3 . the transition to the linear phase would then be triggered by a yet unknown change in the disk . to study the evolution of the spectrum over the outburst , we used the simple model , modified by two gaussian absorption lines to model the crsfs at @xmath127ke-0.09em vand @xmath151ke-0.09em vfor all observations . while the folding energy remains constant at @xmath17.5ke-0.09em v , the power law index @xmath4 decreases from @xmath5 in the first observation to @xmath6 in the last observations the spectrum of v0332@xmath053hardens over the outburst . the fundamental cyclotron line also changes over the outburst : the energy increases from 27.5ke-0.09em vin the first _ integral_observation to 29.5ke-0.09em vin the last observations . moreover , during the previous _ rxte_observation , the fundamental crsf was observed at 26.3ke-0.09em v@xcite resulting in a total increase of more than 3ke-0.09em v. this change is highly significant : fitting the last _ integral_observations with a crsf energy fixed to 27.5ke-0.09em vresults in strong residuals and a completely unacceptable fit . the same holds true for the continuum : fixing the other continuum parameters also results in unacceptable fits . the determination of the parameters of the second crsf , however , is problematic for the second half of the observations as with decreasing flux , statistics become poor . the exponential decay of the flux and the transition to a linear phase later is frequently observed in sxts and dwarf novae @xcite . while the emission mechanism is entirely different for v0332@xmath053 , the similarity is striking and a yet unidentified change in the disk can be assumed to trigger the transition to the linear phase . the luminosity dependence of the energy of crsfs had already been observed previously @xcite and was assumed to be due a change in height of the crsf formation region in the accretion column . based on our data , we derive a change in height of @xmath1300 m ; however , a slightly different picture is also possible : the crsf emission region can be assumed to be extended along the accretion column . the observed broad crsfs would then be superposition of many narrower lines , each from a different height in the column . as the accretion rate drops , the extend of the emission region and its height both decrease and hence the energy of the crsf increases while it gets narrower as is observed for v0332@xmath053(see fig . [ fig : evol ] ) .
we present the spectral and temporal analysis of the 2004/2005 outburst of the transient x - ray pulsar v0332@xmath053as observed with _ integral_. after the discovery of the third cyclotron line in phase averaged spectra @xcite , detailed pulse phase spectroscopy revealed remarkably little variability of the cyclotron lines through the 4.4s x - ray pulse @xcite . during the decline of the outburst , the flux was observed to decay exponentially until 2005 feb 10 and linearly thereafter . the spectrum was found to become harder with time , while the folding energy remained constant . the energy of the fundamental cyclotron line increased with time from 26.5ke-0.09em vin the _ rxte _ observation up to 29.5ke-0.09em vin the last _ integral_one indicating that the emission region is moving closer to the surface of the neutron star . for a detailed analysis , see @xcite . 0.5
the aleph detector at lep collected close to 175 @xmath0 data at a centre - of - mass energy of 188.6 gev . searches in this data for the decays of supersymmetric particles have shown no evidence for supersymmetry . this data can be interpreted as excluded regions in the mssm parameter space . all conventions and notations are consistent with reference @xcite , where the searches for charginos and neutralinos using data taken at centre - of - mass energies near 183 gev are reported . these exclusions extend the previous results using the aleph data given in references @xcite . the results of the searches are interpreted as exclusions in the mssm parameter space assuming that r - parity is conserved and the neutralino is the lsp . sneutrino masses of less than 42 @xmath3 are already excluded by limits on @xmath4 @xcite . the search for gauginos was performed first under the assumption of high slepton mass . the visible topologies and energy in gaugino pair production depend on the decay chain of the gaugino to lsp and on the mass difference between the gaugino and the lsp . various topological searches are used , described in reference @xcite . the selections were reoptimised to give the best expected limit ( in the absence of a signal ) for the higher energy and luminosity . in total 25 chargino and 41 neutralino candidates were observed in at least one of the selections with the expected backgrounds from standard model processes being 23.0 and 44.3 events respectively . for the case of high sfermion mass the chargino will predominately decay via a w@xmath5 to the neutralino and the next to lightest neutralino ( @xmath6 ) will decay via a z@xmath5 . for the topologies sensitive to these cases the number of data events were 10 ( 4 ) for chargino ( neutralino ) selections with an expectation of 6.8 ( 5.3 ) events from standard model processes . the data sample is consistent with the standard model expectations and so limits on the production cross - sections of charginos and neutralinos are derived . only in the case of the ww background to the acoplanar lepton search are the expected backgrounds corrected for in the limits . the limits for gaugino production close to the kinematic limit are shown in figures [ fig : cs_limits_1],[fig : cs_limits_2 ] for the case of heavy sfermions . these limits are shown as excluded contours in the @xmath7 v @xmath8 parameter space for @xmath9 in [ fig : mu_m2_1 ] . using these exclusions all points in the mssm parameter space with neutralino masses of less than 32.3 @xmath3 are excluded for any @xmath10 and @xmath11 . the case of low slepton mass is also considered . the chargino and neutralino pair production cross - sections have a dependence on the value of @xmath12 due to the s - channel exchange of a @xmath13 and t - channel interference terms for the exchange of a @xmath14 or @xmath15 . also the branching ratio of leptonic decays are enhanced and invisible modes , for example @xmath16 , become kinematically allowed . the search for direct slepton production does however allow additional exclusions and the lep 1 limit on the non - standard model contributions to @xmath4 @xcite also excludes part of the parameter space . the combined exclusion for @xmath17 is shown in figure [ fig : mu_m2_2 ] . using the combination of these searches all points in parameter space with @xmath18 are excluded for all @xmath12 . the overall limit limit on the lsp mass in the mssm for the entire @xmath7 , @xmath8 , @xmath10 and @xmath12 parameter space is @xmath19 . this limit is set at the point of large @xmath12 , @xmath20 , @xmath21 and @xmath22 , here the lightest higgs mass is above 96 @xmath3 for large @xmath23 and stop mixing . the sensitivity of the aleph higgs boson searches @xcite at 189 gev does not allow the exclusion of this point . aleph collaboration , _ search for charginos and neutralinos in @xmath24 collisions at centre - of - mass energies near 183 gev and constraints on the mssm parameter space _ cern ep/99 - 014 , submitted to euro .
the lightest supersymmetric particle ( lsp ) is expected to be stable , massive and neutral . direct searches for supersymmetric particles in the context of the minimal supersymmetric extension to the standard model have been performed with the aleph detector . using about 175 @xmath0 of data with centre - of - mass energies near 189 gev a limit on the mass of the lsp of @xmath1 at @xmath2 confidence can be derived , assuming r - parity is conserved .
a major problem in modeling of encounters of galaxies is the extended parameter space which is composed by the orbital and the structural parameters of the interacting galaxies . traditional grid - based fitting strategies suffer from very large cpu - requirements . e.g. for a restricted 7-dimensional parameter space ( an encounter of a disc with a point mass ) and a resolution of only 5 values per dimension , one needs 78125 models , or about 26 years of integration time on a grape3af special purpose computer for a complete grid . more systematic search strategies like gradient methods depend strongly on the initial conditions , which makes them prone to trapping in local optima . an efficient alternative approach are evolutionary methods and especially _ genetic algorithms _ ( holland 1975 , goldberg 1989 , charbonneau 1995 ) . in combination with fast ( but not self - consistent ) _ restricted n - body_-codes ( toomre & toomre 1972 ) they allow for an efficient search in parameter space which can be used for both , an automatic search of interaction parameters ( provided sufficiently accurate data are available ) and/or a uniqueness test of a preferred parameter combination ( wahde 1998 , theis 1999 ) . the basic idea of gas is to apply an evolutionary mechanism including sexual reproduction operating on a population which represents a group of different parameter sets . all members are characterized by their fitness which quantifies the correspondance between simulations and observations . in order to determine the _ parents _ two individuals are selected according to their fitness . these parents represent two points in parameter space . the corresponding parameter set is treated like a _ chromosome _ , i.e. it is subject to a _ cross - over _ and a _ mutation _ operation resulting in a new individual which is a member of the next generation . such a breeding is repeated until the next generation has been formed . finally , the whole process of sexual reproduction is repeated iteratively until the population confines one or several regions of sufficiently high fitness in parameter space . here we present a parallel implementation of our genetic algorithm . we parallelized our code on the level of the ga by applying a master - slave technique using _ message passing _ ( mpi ) . on the master processor all the reproduction operations are performed . it sends the individual parameter sets to the slave processors which do the n - body simulations and determine the corresponding fitness values ( fig . the speed - up , i.e. the ratio of cpu - times @xmath0 and @xmath1 used by a calculation with one or @xmath2 processors , respectively , reaches values between 30 and 60 for 100 processors ( fig . 1 right ) . the deviation from the optimal gain is mainly caused by the spread of cpu - times required for the individual simulations . it becomes more important with decreasing population size . by parallelization the whole ga - fit using 10000 models reduces to less than 3 cpu minutes on a cray t3e . thus , an interactive analysis becomes possible . charbonneau p. , 1995 , , 101 , 309 goldberg d.e . , 1989 , _ genetic algorithms in search , optimization , & machine learning _ , addison - wesley , reading holland j. , 1975 , _ adaptation in natural and artificial systems _ , univ . of michigan press , ann arbor theis ch . , 1999 , rev . , 12 , 309 toomre a. , toomre j. , 1972 , , 178 , 623 wahde m. , 1998 , , 132 , 417
modeling of interacting galaxies suffers from an extended parameter space prohibiting traditional grid based search strategies . as an alternative approach a combination of a genetic algorithm ( ga ) with fast restricted n - body simulations can be applied . a typical fit takes about 36 cpu - hours on a pentiumii processor . here we present a parallel implementation of our ga which reduces the cpu - requirement of a parameter determination to a few minutes on 100 nodes of a cray t3e .
an energy - flow through a system is related to an entropy - flow . if the entropy - flow leaving the system is larger than the entering one , the system evacuates its internal , by irreversible processes produced entropy to the outer world . consequently order is created inside the system , diverging from the classical thermodynamical equilibrium of a closed system . far from equilibrium the system is no longer characterized by an extremum principle , thus losing its stability . therefore perturbations can lead to long range order , through which the system acts as a whole . such a behavior is well known in laboratory hydrodynamics and chemistry . the underlying concepts such as `` dissipative structures '' and `` self - organization '' were extensively studied ( see e.g. nicolis & prigogine 1977 ) . but in spite of their popularity they are until now only little studied in the context of non - equilibrium structures in self - gravitating astrophysical systems . therefore we take up some ideas of these concepts and build a simple model of an open self - gravitating system . with this model we want to check if an energy - flow can maintain a self - gravitating system in an statistically stable state , out of thermodynamical equilibrium and if gravitation in combination with an energy flow can create structures with a higher degree of order . taking into account the highly clumpy nature of the interstellar medium , we use in our model dissipative particles , representing dense cloud fragments , to simulate cosmic gas ( pfenniger 1998 ) . moreover , with such a realization we can check some thermodynamic results of self - gravitating systems . in order to prevent gravitationally unbound particles from dissolution , we confine the particles in a spherical potential well . this prevents matter flow . but the system is subjected to an energy flow , maintaining the system out of equilibrium . this flow is sustained by energy injection ( heating ) on large scales and local dissipation . the energy injection is due to time and position dependent potential perturbations . if the system represents a molecular cloud , then these potential perturbations can stem from star clusters , clouds or other high mass objects passing in the vicinity . indeed such stochastic encounters must be quite frequent in galactic discs and we assume , @xmath1 , where @xmath2 is the mean frequency of the encounters . thus these encounters can provide a continuing low frequency energy injection on large scales . the dissipation is due to `` inelastic particle encounters '' . therefore we add friction forces to the equation of motion , depending on the relative particle velocities and positions . if we switch off the heating process and use instead the local dissipation scheme ( `` inelastic particle encounters '' ) a scheme that dissipates the energy globally , then we can maintain the system during its evolution nearly in thermodynamic equilibrium . thus we can perform some simple `` thermodynamic experiments '' of self - gravitating systems with softened potentials . potential perturbations caused by astrophysical objects passing in the vicinity of a system can compensate the energy loss due to dissipation , thus prevent the system from collapsing and maintain a statistical equilibrium . this statistically steady state consists of a cold core moving in a hotter halo . the energy - flow leads however not to a phase transition to higher ordered structures . the gravo - thermal experiments lead to the following results : a plummer softened potential yields the same range of negative specific heat as found by follana & laliena . the negative specific heat range is related to a phase transition , separating a high energy homogeneous phase from a collapsed phase . as long as cooling processes are at work the collapsed phase shows no core - halo structure . after the cooling has stopped such a structure is formed on the relaxation time scale . follana e. , laliena v. , cond - mat/9911107 nicolis g. , prigogine i. , 1977 , self - organization in non - equilibrium systems , wiley , new york pfenniger d. , 1998 , in : @xmath3 in the early universe , eds . palla f. , corbelli e. , galli d. , memorie della societa astronomica italiana , 429
real physical systems are often maintained off equilibrium by energy or matter flows . if these systems are far from equilibrium then the thermodynamical branch become unstable and fluctuations can lead them to other more stable states . these new states are often endowed with higher degrees of organization . in order to explore whether an energy - flow in combination with self - gravity can lead to complex , inhomogeneous structures , like observed in the interstellar medium ( ism ) , we perform @xmath0-body simulations of self - gravitating systems subjected to an energy - flow . moreover we perform some simple `` gravo - thermal '' n - body experiments and compare them with theoretical results . we find negative specific heat in an energy range as predicted by follana & laliena ( 1999 ) .
the star hd 101584 ( @xmath6 ) is classified as a 7.01 visual magnitude f0iape with @xmath7 ( hoffleit 1983 ) , indicating an effective temperature of @xmath8 , @xmath9 , and thus @xmath10 ( landolt - brnstein 1982 ) . far- and near - infrared photometry reveals a strong infrared source at the position of the star ( humphreys & ney 1974 ; parthasarathy & pottasch 1986 ) . molecular line observations show bipolar outflow for the oh maser ( te lintel hekkert et al . 1992 ) and a very complex structure for the @xmath11 transition ( trams et al . 1990 ; loup et al . 1990 ; van der veen et al . the molecular line emission in oh and co is normally discussed in terms of evolved stars , and fits the idea that hd 101584 is a post - agb star . the first to classify the star hd 101584 as a post - agb star were parthasarathy & pottasch ( 1986 ) . their conclusion was based on the strong infrared excess of the star which seems to be due to a large amount of dust around the star . an extensive study by trams et al . ( 1991 ) shows the resemblance of the infrared excess of hd 101584 with other known post - agb stars . it is now reasonably well established that hd 101584 is a post - agb star . the low resolution iue spectra ( @xmath12 ) of hd 101584 , a a7i and a f0i standard star are shown in figure [ lhlfig - lores ] . before fitting the ultraviolet energy distribution to a standard star the spectrum was smoothed over @xmath13 and corrected for interstellar and circumstellar extinction ( mathis 1990 ) using a colour excess , @xmath14 , derived for spectral type a7i . the low resolution ultraviolet spectrum was best fitted to the standard a7i star , hd14873 . an even better fit is possible if also an a6i star would be available in the reference atlas ( heck et al . the spectrum of hd 101584 shows no flux lower then @xmath15 and can therefore not be fitted with a spectrum of a star of spectral type a5i or hotter . by comparing the spectrum of hd 101584 with the standard f0i star , @xmath16 , an excess of flux for the program star between @xmath17 indicates a higher temperature of the star . the slope of the continuum of the spectrum confirms the supergiant nature of the star . the data on the spectrum of hd 101584 and on the two reference stars is in table [ lhltab - lowspec ] . _ acknowledgements _ the author would like to thank dr . norman trams for making the hires spectrum of hd 101584 available for this work . christoffel waelkens was so kind to make the optical data of hei , ni , and @xmath18 lines available . dr . rens waters and prof . henny lamers made a large contribution to this work by having many discussion with the author . the author was supported by grant no . 782 - 371 - 040 by astron , which receives funds from the netherlands organization for the advancement of pure research ( nwo ) . this research has made use of the simbad database , operated at cds , strasbourg , france .
in this paper preliminary results are presented based on a study of the low and high resolution ultraviolet spectrum of the peculiar supergiant ( post - agb star ) hd 101584 . by a comparison of the low resolution spectrum ( @xmath0 ) with standard stars , the star is classified as an a7i , indicating an effective temperature of 8150 k , where literature quotes spectral type f0i . the doppler shift of the feii absorption lines in the high resolution spectrum ( @xmath1 ) show a relation with the line optical depth . this suggests an expanding accelerating wind , c.q . pseudo - photosphere . the relation is extended by a factor @xmath2 in optical depth by using available data from optical hei and ni lines . the relation suggests that the radial heliocentric velocity of the star is at least @xmath3 . from the @xmath4 line a velocity of @xmath5 is measured for the terminal velocity of the wind . -3 mm 0em 6ex + ' '' '' + ' '' '' +
the discoveries of space - based photometric missions such as _ kepler _ , _ corot _ and _ most _ have reshaped our understanding of the pulsation of rr lyrae stars . not long ago , these stars were thought to be fairly simple , with three distinct classes : fundamental - mode , first - overtone and double - mode pulsators , with the only , though serious complicating factor being the blazhko effect . it turned out , however , that the stars , especially the modulated ones show several dynamic phenomena : period doubling , additional modes and near - resonant states ( szab , in this volume , and references therein ) . due to their sharpness , light maxima of rr lyrae stars are not well covered by the 29.4 min long - cadence sampling of _ kepler_. therefore we analyzed only those rr lyrae stars which have available short - cadence ( sc ) data . we searched for regularities and beating patterns in the light curves of all modulated rrab stars and compared them to the frequency content of the data . beating can be separated from other proposed cycle - to - cycle irregularities ( ( * ? ? ? * gillet 2013 ) ) and temporal evolution can be followed with the visual method . we found four different types of behaviour occurring as an interaction between four different modes : the fundamental ( fm ) , the 1st , 2nd and 9th overtones ( o1 , o2 and pd ) . the modes labeled o1 and o2 are not necessarily radial modes in all cases but have similar frequency ratios in all stars . the 9th overtone has been observed only through period doubling when it is in resonance with the fundamental mode . * fm + pd + o1 ( rr lyr ) : the beating pattern of rr lyr is dominated by period doubling but beating with the first overtone sometimes creates quasi - repetitive patterns lasting six pulsation cycles with differing maximum brightnesses ( ( * ? ? ? * molnr et al . 2012 ) ) . * fm + o1 + pd ( v360 lyr ) : the first overtone has much higher amplitude than period doubling . the fm - o1 frequency ratio is close to 8:11 , resulting in the quasi - repetition of an 8 fm - period long beating pattern ( fig . [ fig1 ] ) . * fm + o2 ( v460 lyr ) : in this star only the fm and the 2nd overtone are visible , making it the third known fm / o2 double - mode star . the frequency ratio is close to 3:5 , leading to a quasi-3-cycle beating pattern . * fm + o2 + pd ( kic 7257008 ) : the period ratio is the same as above but more complicated patterns are also observable . the frequency spectrum shows the signs of period doubling as well as peaks around the o1 mode but the latter are in fact @xmath0 combination peaks . although other stars show more complicated patterns in the cycle - to - cycle amplitude variations that are harder to describe , almost all show similar additional frequencies . these findings support the mode - interaction model of the blazhko effect ( ( * ? ? ? * nowakowski & dziembowski 2001 ) ; ( * ? ? ? * buchler & kollth 2011 ) ) . on the other hand , similar cycle - to - cycle irregularities described in the shock - interaction model ( ( * ? ? ? * gillet 2013 ) ) most likely arise simply from the combined effect of the beating of the modes and the uncertainties induced by the sparse sampling of the long cadence data instead of stochastic processes . this work has been supported by by the hungarian otka grant k83790 , the mb08c 81013 mobility - grant of the mag zrt . , the ktia urkut_10 - 1 - 2011 - 0019 grant and the lendlet-2009 " young researchers programme . the work of l. molnr was supported by the european union and the state of hungary , co - financed by the european social fund in the framework of tmop 4.2.4 . a/2 - 11 - 1 - 2012 - 0001 ` national excellence program ' . was supported by the jnos bolyai research scholarship . l.m . and r.sz . acknowledge the iau grants for the conference .
we examined the complete short cadence sample of fundamental - mode _ kepler _ rr lyrae stars to further investigate the recently discovered dynamical effects such as period doubling and additional modes . here we present the findings on four stars . v450 lyr may be a non - classical double - mode rr lyrae star pulsating in the fundamental mode and the second overtone . for the three remaining stars we observe the interaction of three different modes . since the period ratios are close to resonant values , we observe quasi - repetitive patterns in the pulsation cycles in the stars . these findings support the mode - resonance explanations of the blazhko effect .
it is known that a significant number of black holes ( bhs ) of stellar origin should form in the first million years in globular clusters ( gcs ) , with masses @xmath1 . these bhs segregate toward the gc cores by dynamical friction where they form double binaries [ bh+bh ] and multiple systems . with time , bh@xmath2[bh+bh ] exchange interactions become overwhelmingly important and most of the bhs are ejected by recoil ( sigurdsson & hernquist 1993 ) . the last [ bh+bh ] binary(ies ) however will have no other bhs to eject and will remain in the cluster s core ( portegies zwart & mcmillan 2000 ) . in this cosmic dance some of the interacting bhs can grow in mass up to @xmath3 by cannibalizing other bhs ( miller & hamilton 2002 ) and these will be preferentially retained in the gc due to their higher inertia ( a high mass bh could also be primordial , born from the heaviest stars ) . figure 1 shows , for a binary with masses [ @xmath4 , the two lower bounds on the separation @xmath5 , denoted with @xmath6 and @xmath7 , as a function of @xmath8 below which recoil by an incoming bh of 10 @xmath9 ( or of @xmath10 ) , and gravitational wave ( gw ) emission would eject the binary and cause coalescence , respectively . can such a massive dark [ bh+bh ] binary in a gc be detected ? gcs host a number of millisecond pulsars ( msps ) tracing the population of neutron stars ( nss ) recycled to short periods in accretion events , after capturing the mass - losing star in dynamical encounters . we here show that psr j1911 - 5958a , a canonical binary msp , can probe the existence of a [ bh+bh ] binary in ngc6752 . psr j1911 - 5958 , recently discovered in ngc6752 ( damico et al . , 2002 ) , is a binary msp found at more than 3.3 half - mass radii from the cluster core . its companion is a dwarf star of mass @xmath11 moving along a circular orbit with period of 0.86 days . to reach it current position in the cluster halo , the pulsar should have been propelled out at a speed @xmath12 km s@xmath13 close to escape , due to recoil in an exchange interaction [ star , star]+ns @xmath14 [ star , ns ] + star . using knowledge of the binary pulsar parameters and constraints imposed by the recycling scenario , it is found that momentum conservation during the exchange implies an initial orbital separation suspiciously close to the currently observed value , and , most notably , occurrence times for the exchange much longer than the lifetime of ngc6752 ( see colpi , possenti , & gualandris 2002 , for details ) . thus , only a massive binary can be powerful enough to propel psr j1911 - 5958 out from the core by transferring a fraction of its binding energy to kinetic energy of the binary pulsar , in a pure scattering event ( see figure 1 ) . nearly @xmath15 stars would interact with the [ bh+bh ] over a hubble time : scaling to the number of nss and the relative fraction of active msp , we infer an interaction rate for psr j1911 - 5958 with [ bh+bh ] of @xmath16 gyr@xmath13 implying a detection probability of @xmath17 considering the typical lifetime of the pulsar .
ngc6752 hosts in its halo psr j1911 - 5958a , a newly discovered binary millisecond pulsar which is the most distant pulsar ever known from the core of a globular cluster . interestingly , its recycling history seems in conflict with a scenario of ejection resulting from ordinary stellar dynamical encounters . a scattering event off a binary system of two black holes with masses in the range of @xmath0 that propelled psr j1911 - 5958a into its current peripheral orbit seems more likely . it is still an observational challenge to unveil the imprint(s ) left from such a dark massive binary on cluster s stars : psr j1911 - 5958a may be the first case . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
a compound droplet generator is used eject compound droplets . the generator consists of a closed , pressurized water reservoir and an open silicone oil reservoir . the pressure in the water reservoir is controlled by a pressure supply system , and the pressure in the oil reservoir is controlled by increasing its height with respect to the nozzle orifice . in the method presented , a small amount of oil is allowed to flow into the water nozzle and both fluids are ejected as a compound droplet . a voltage waveform drives a piezoelectric diaphragm inducing pressure waves in the generator . the positive pressure pulse ejects a jet of fluid containing water and oil . this fluid jet is then pinched off into a compound droplet by a negative pressure pulse . experiments were performed to determine the affect of water pressure on the composition of compound droplets . the videos in this submission show pressures ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 inh2o in 0.2 inh2o incremental increases . the videos were captured using a phantom v9.0 high speed camera attached to an olympus szx16 dissecting microscope . all videos were recorded at 6400fps and played back at 8fps in the video submission . as the pressure in the water reservoir is increased , the thickness of the oil layer is decreased . prior to ejection , the distance of the water - oil interface to the nozzle surface decreases as the water pressure increases . this allows less oil to flow into the water nozzle and results in a lower percentage of oil in the ejected droplet . in general , the pinch - off caused by the negative pressure pulse induces oscillations in the ejected droplet . as the oil layer thickness increases , these oscillations are damped by the viscous nature of the silicone oil . oscillations are hardly noticeable in the low pressure tests and very apparent in the high pressure tests .
the generation of single , monodisperse compound droplets is shown in these fluid dynamics videos . in an apparatus designed to produce single compound droplets , a piezoelectric diaphragm generates a pressure pulse from a voltage waveform input to eject a droplet . in the method presented , oil is allowed to flow into the water nozzle with the pressure pulse ejecting both fluids as a compound droplet . experiments were performed to demonstrate how changes in water pressure affect compound droplet compositions . it was found that increasing the water pressure decreased the thickness of the compound droplet s oil layer .
fncma ( hd53974 ) is a bright ( @xmath2mag ) b0.5iii star and visually double . within about a century , the relative position of components a and b , which are separated by @xmath00.6 arcsec , has changed marginally at most . a is brighter than b by about 1.2 mag . the eso science archive contains 60 vlt/_uves _ echelle spectra of fncma obtained within 1.4 hours for a study of interstellar medium , and three more spectra from _ feros _ at the 2.2-m eso / mpg telescope , la silla . in 2009 and 2010 , an additional 59 echelle spectra were secured with the _ beso _ spectrograph , a clone of _ feros _ mounted on the bochum 1.5-m hexapod telescope on cerro armazones . as a result of variable seeing and imperfect guiding , some uves spectra contain a significantly higher fraction of light from component b than others . since the light combination is geometric it has no spectral dependency , and thus , under the assumption that certain spectral features are due to either a ( e.g. , siiii 4553 ) or b ( e.g. , heii 4540 ) alone , a simple linear set of equations can be used for the disentangling of the spectra from the two stars over the entire wavelength range . the inferred spectral light ratios , between 0.75 and 0.85 , are in good agreement with the known magnitude difference . * fncma b : * this component has a spectrum typical of mid - o main - sequence stars . compared to the b0.5iii primary , it would be considerably underluminous if the pair were physical . however , assuming an o subdwarf companion does not help because , then , component b would be about 2 mag _ over_luminous . components a and b display the same set of interstellar casc ii k lines except that the redmost one is significantly stronger in b. considering also incipient emission in niii and h@xmath3 , we conclude that component b is best described as an o6v((f ) ) background star . * fncma a : * in the literature , fncma has a record of low - amplitude photometric variability and modulated spectral line profiles . but there is no consensus about its nature . our analysis of the _ hipparcos _ photometry yields a period of 0.08866d ( 2.13h ; see left panel of fig . [ fncma ] ) with @xmath00.02mag amplitude . the combination of spectral type , period , and amplitude makes fncma a @xmath4 cephei star candidate , as already suggested by other observers . this is further supported by the rapid spectral line - profile variability of component a ( however , at just 1.4h , the _ uves _ data string is too short and the _ beso _ spectra are not sufficiently densely sampled to attempt an independent period determination ) . in any case , given the spectral variations seen in component a , we attribute the photometric variability to this component as well . much larger - amplitude long - term radial - velocity variability is apparent from the _ beso _ data : fncmaa is itself an sb1 binary with the following properties : [ cols= " < , > " , ] the radial - velocity curve of fncmaaa is shown in fig . [ fncma ] ( right panel ) . its relatively large amplitude suggests that the so - far ( directly ) undetected component fncmab is a fairly massive star . however , it appears too faint to be the carrier of the rapid variability . the high eccentricity and moderate orbital period of the subsystem fncmaaa@xmath5ab may enable searches for a tidal modulation of the pulsation of component aa . since fncma is bright and situated in a region with numerous other pulsating ob stars , it might be worthwhile including it in the target lists of wide - angle asteroseismology satellites such as brite .
fncma is visually double with a separation of @xmath00.6arcsec . sixty high - cadence vlt/_uves _ spectra permit the a and b components to be disentangled , as the relative contribution of each star to the total light entering the spectrograph fluctuates between exposures due to changes in seeing . component a exhibits rapid line - profile variations , leading us to attribute the photometric variability seen by hipparcos ( with a derived @xmath1d ) to this component . from a total of 122 archival and new echelle spectra it is shown that component a is an sb1 binary with an orbital period of 117.55 days . the eccentricity of 0.6 may result in tidal modulation of the pulsation(s ) of component aa .
a cluster of galaxies is a huge system bounded by gravitation , and is thought to be an ideal site for cosmic - ray acceleration , since cosmic - rays are confined in the system for a long time ( see , e.g. aharonian @xcite ) . high - energy particles , accelerated at large - scale shockes associated with accretion and merger processes , or in other processes , interact with ambient matter and radiation fields to produce non - thermal emission from radio to gamma - ray energies . gamma - ray emission in clusters may come from several processes ( see , e.g. review by blasi et al . @xcite ) . collision of hign - energy protons with intra - cluster medium produce gamma - ray emission via decay of neutral pions . high - energy electrons can upscatter ambient photons such as cosmic microwave background ( cmb ) , infrared , starlight and other soft photon fields to gamma - ray energies . gamma - ray production from inverse compton scattering by secondary electrons generated when ultra - high - energy protons interact with cmb via @xmath0 process . dark matter annihilation could also be a source of gamma - rays . in the gev band , association between clusters of galaxies and egret untidentified sources have been claimed by totani & kitayama @xcite , colafrancesco @xcite , kawasaki & totani @xcite , and scharf & mukherjee @xcite , but reimer et al . @xcite could not confirm the association and gave upper limits for 58 clusters . at tev energies , there are several attempts to search for emission from nearby clusters , but so far only upper limits have been reported for the perseus and abell 2029 clusters with the whipple telescope @xcite , perseus with magic @xcite , abell 496 and abell 85 with h.e.s.s . @xcite , coma with h.e.s.s . @xcite , abell 3667 and abell 4038 with cangaroo - iii @xcite ( see table [ tab : tev ] ) . [ cols="<,<,^,<,<",options="header " , ] [ tab : ul ] since no significant emission was found from any of 7 clusters of galaxies ( other than perseus ) , we discuss restrictions on some emission models . here we take the coma cluster as an example . figure [ fig : sed ] is a comparison of experimental limits on gamma - ray fluxes with some model predictions for the coma cluster case . @xmath1 model curves are taken from vlk and atoyan @xcite and e@xmath2e@xmath3 ic model curves are from inoue , sugiyama and aharonian @xcite . upper limits based on gev observations are just about to constrain @xmath1 model predictions , but do not restrict e@xmath2e@xmath3 ic models within a plausible range of parameters . although the tev upper limit is a little more restrictive on the @xmath1 model , accumulation of _ fermi _ data over a few years may reveal hadronic emission from the coma cluster if the maximum energy of accelerated protons are lower than the assumed model or the spectrum is steeper .
a cluster of galaxies is a huge system bounded by gravitation , and cosmic rays are thought to be confined in the system , thus it should contain much non - thermal components . many theories predict significant gamma - ray emission that could be detectable by state - of - the - art gamma - ray telescopes . some clusters have already been studied by using _ fermi _ gamma - ray space telescope in the gev band and cherenkov telescopes in the tev band , but most clusters are not studied in both energy bands . here i present results on gev gamma - ray emission from clusters of galaxies which have been given upper limits by cherenkov telescopes using _ fermi _ archival data .
the quasar j1819 + 3845 is , at radio wavelengths , the most extremely variable extragalactic source known ( dennett - thorpe & de bruyn , 2000 apjl 529 65 ) . at the beginning of 1999 it showed peak to peak variations of more than 600% at 5ghz , with just an hour between the minima . intrinsic variations of this rapidity would require not only absurd brightness temperatures , but a source which would be small enough to scintillate due to the galactic interstellar medium . we therefore consider refractive scintillations as the only cause of the hourly variations and concluded that : + @xmath0 the scattering occurs in a nearby ( @xmath125pc ) screen + @xmath0 @xmath255% of the flux density at 5ghz must be contained within a diameter of 30microarcseconds : or 5 light - months at the source redshift ( @xmath3=0.53 ) . + @xmath0 if the scintillations are due to one component , the brightness temperature t@xmath4=510@xmath5k + this high t@xmath4 combined with a spectral peak @xmath1 100ghz , requires that the source is a transient phenomenon ( @xmath6 5 months ) ; has an exotic emission process ; or has doppler factors of @xmath115 and a continuous energy input . we conducted a monitoring campaign with the wsrt to address the velocity of the scattering plasma ( a critical unknown in the application of the scintillation theory ) , the longevity of the source and the source structure . from the monitoring campaign we found that : + @xmath0 the source continued to scintillate throughout the 14 month observing period . + @xmath0 there is a yearly variation in the timescale of the modulations over this period ; with the fastest variations around february , and the slowest in august . the variations in august are around an order of magnitude slower than those in february . + @xmath0 there is no indication for a change in the strength of the modulations . + these results most easily explained as due to a seasonal change in the relative velocity of the earth and the scattering plasma . this changes the speed at which we move through the projected scintillation pattern . as j1819 + 3845 is very close to the ecliptic pole , there is very little change in the timescale of the modulations due to the earth s motion . we conclude , from fits to the observed timescale ( measured in several different manners ) , that _ the scattering plasma has a velocity @xmath1 25 kms@xmath7 w.r.t . the lsr_. this velocity is in the opposite sense expected due to differential galactic rotation , and further strengthens the notion that the _ scattering occurs predominantly in a discrete structure _ , not throughout the ism . the scintillations from a finite source are weighted towards the medium where the refractive scale ( medium dependent ) , fresnel size ( distance dependent ) and source size are matched . thus quasars ( unlike pulsars ) will be more affected by nearby scattering material . we note that the character of the modulations appears different around may ( smaller , faster variations accompanied with larger excursions ) than at other times of the year ( where the light curves seem smoother ) . furthermore , the period of slow modulations , which extends for almost 6 months , is longer than expected if the change in timescale is solely due to the peculair velocity of the plasma . work is underway to investigate that , in addition to the peculiar velocity of the plasma , there may be additional affects due to source elongation , anisotropic turbulence or contributions from other scattering media ( including the extended galactic ism ) . we have now measured the effective velocity of the scattering medium , and have therefore eliminated a previous unknown in our calculation . assuming that all the flux density in the ` scintillating component ' ( 75mjy at 5ghz ) is in a single component , we have a firm limit t@xmath8510@xmath5k . @xmath0 there is evidence for source structure . as the modulations do not reach 100% at any frequency , the source must have a component which is larger than the scattering zone , or @xmath2 30@xmath9arcsecs at 5ghz . furthermore , there is evidence for substructure in the source , on scales @xmath1 the scattering zone , from the persistent asymmetries in the lightcurves . variations in polarised flux also support multiple scintillating components . @xmath0doppler factors @xmath10 15 would allow for the compton losses which limit the intrinsic t@xmath4 . ( if @xmath11 does not greatly exceed this , the source should be compton limited and therefore a copious x - ray emitter . ) even so , the spectral peak @xmath1 100ghz means that these electrons would lose their energy in a matter of weeks . @xmath0the source shows intrinsic variations in polarisation over a period of months , but at centimeter wavelengths , the intrinsic luminosity of the source has been remarkably constant . at most it has shown a 20% increase .
we present new wsrt observations of the micro - arcsecond quasar j1819 + 3845 . all short term variations are attributed to interstellar scintillation of a source which is at most 30 micro - arcseconds in diameter . the timescale of the modulations changes over the year , which we interpret as due to a peculiar velocity of the scattering medium . the scintillation behaviour can be used to determine sub - structure in the source .
the @xmath0 and @xmath1 interactions at the lhc offer interesting potential for the studies of the higgs boson , quartic gauge couplings and the top quark as well as for searches of new physics @xcite . in particular , the clean and striking experimental signatures of the exclusive processes @xmath2 ( forward regions devoid of any hadronic activity apart from presence of two forward scattered protons ) are well suited for the search of new charged massive particles beyond the standard model @xcite . the two - photon pair production mechanism is simple and often results in simple final states ( as shown in figure[fig : prod - decay ] ) , in contrast to many other cases at the lhc with usual complex [ cols="^,^ " , ] a narrow peak centered on @xmath3 236 gev = 2@xmath4118 gev demonstrates possibility of an event - by - event determination of the @xmath5 and @xmath6 mass with few gev resolution . to be sensitive to the fb - level cross - sections , such studies have to be performed at the nominal lhc luminosity . the large event rates lead then to large backgrounds due to accidental coincidences of dileptonic events in the central detector and two forward protons detected in the vfds , but not coming from the same vertex @xcite . the effect of multiple interactions per beam collision was simulated by superimposing over dileptonic inclusive events , @xmath7 and @xmath8 production . ] @xmath9 overlap events on average for @xmath10 and @xmath11 for @xmath12 , and by distributing the extra vertices according to a @xmath13 mm wide gaussian @xcite . the probability to detect two diffractive accidental protons per beam collision ( one on each side of the interaction point ) is expected to be on average @xmath14 at low and @xmath15 at high luminosity . the associated background cross - sections reach @xmath16 fb and @xmath17 fb respectively . + this background can be reduced using the tracks associated to the dilepton vertex , which are not present in the exclusive events . one can therefore request no extra track with @xmath18 gev ( where @xmath19 reconstruction efficiency is assumed ) associated to the @xmath20 vertex . it provides a background reduction of @xmath21 . further background reduction can be made using precise time - of - flight proton detectors with a few pico - second resolution , and by reconstruction of the event vertex position from the proton timing @xcite . j. de favereau _ et al . _ , arxiv:0908.2020 [ hep - ph ] . j. ohnemus , t. walsh and p. zerwas , phys.lett.*b328 * 369 ( 1994 ) . n. schul and k. piotrzkowski , nucl.phys.proc.suppl.*179-180 * 289 ( 2008 ) , arxiv:0806.1097 [ hep - ph ] . m. battaglia _ et al . j. c33 ( 2004 ) 273 . k. piotrzkowski , phys . rev . * d63 * 071502 ( 2001 ) . + k. piotrzkowski , arxiv : hep - ex/0201027 . the fp420 collaboration , arxiv:0806.0302 [ hep - ex ] . j. de favereau , x. rouby and k. piotrzkowski , jinst2:p09005 ( 2007 ) . b. cox , f. loebinger and a. pilkington , jhep0710:090 ( 2007 ) , arxiv:0709.3035 [ hep - ph ] . s. white , arxiv:0707.1500 [ hep - ex ] . l. bonnet _ et al . _ , actaphys . b38:477 ( 2007 ) , arxiv : hep - ph/0703320 .
the two - photon exclusive production of charged supersymmetric pairs at the lhc has a clean and unique signature - two very forward scattered protons and two opposite charged leptons produced centraly . for low - mass susy scenarios , significant cross - sections are expected and background processes are well controlled . measurement of the forward proton energies would allow for mass reconstruction of right - handed sleptons and the lsp with a few gev resolution . methods to reduce backgrounds at high luminosity resulting from accidental coincidences between events in the central and forward detectors are discussed . address = center for particle physics and phenomenology ( cp3 ) + universit catholique de louvain , 1348 louvain - la - neuve , belgium address = center for particle physics and phenomenology ( cp3 ) + universit catholique de louvain , 1348 louvain - la - neuve , belgium
several models are considered in the literature to explain the origin of the soft excess below 1 kev in agn , which can not be explained by either of the two emission components usually considered in accreting black holes , namely the accretion disk and the high energy power law comptonized emission . spectra with a strong soft excess also often show a strong deficit at @xmath1 kev which again has no obvious identification . * partial covering models * allow for a spatially non - uniform cold absorber attenuating only a fraction of intrinsic radiation . they can explain the sharp features around 7 kev . however , they require an enormous overabundance of iron ( 5 - 30 times the solar value @xcite ; 5 times the solar value @xcite ) , and they can not simultaneously explain the soft x - ray emission . thus , we do not consider partial covering models in our analysis as they only provide a method to explain the sharp feature around 7 kev . the soft excess may originate in a distinct unknown physical process which manifests itself as * a separate spectral component * ( model 1 ) . it can be modeled e.g. with low temperature comptonization models @xcite ) . the apparent temperature of this component is rather similar ( @xmath2 kev ) across a diverse selection of agn ( e.g. @xcite ) . an obvious way to produce a fixed soft excess energy is to relate it to atomic processes rather than continuum emission . in reflection models , the dramatic strength of the soft excess requires that the source is * reflection dominated * ( model 2 ) . this might happen if the disc fragments at high accretion rates , hiding the hard x - ray source among many clumps . such models can successfully fit the spectra , but need a large range in ionization states of the reflecting material , and supersolar abundances ( @xcite ) . alternatively , the strong jump in opacity for partially ionized material could result in a soft excess from * absorption * ( model 3 , @xcite ) . the underlying continuum may be modeled by only one component . the soft excess and hardening of the spectrum at high energies would be only artifacts of absorption acting at 1 - 2 kev , while the h - like iron k alpha resonance absorption from the same material could produce the deficit at @xmath3 kev . the best fit models ( and their components ) together with the data to model ratios are shown in figure 1 . the models are additionally modified by galactic absorption , cold absorption at the redshift of the source , and one ( in 1h 0707 - 495 ) or two ( in pg 1211 + 143 ) warm absorbers modeling the narrow absorption features . thus , the only thing that differentiates the three models is the description of the origin of the soft excess . .results of spectral fits to the pg 1211 + 143 and 1h 0707 - 495 data [ cols="<,^,^,^ " , ] in pg 1211 + 143 the three models give virtually the same quality fits in terms of the reduced @xmath41.06 . in 1h 0707 - 495 the model of complex absorption results in a fit comparable to that of the model with a distinct spectral component ( with reduced @xmath0 of 1.10 and 1.08 , respectively ) . the best fit is obtained with the model of complex reflection ( with iron abundance set to 2 times the solar abundance ) with reduced @xmath0 of 1.03 . the values of @xmath0 and number of degrees of freedom in fits are presented in table 1 . based only on the @xmath0 criterion it is not possible to uniquely distinguish between the three kinds of models as each of them provides an adequate description . moreover , many * model * uncertainties can contribute to @xmath0 , e.g. in both the reflection and absorption scenarios we expect an ( unknown ! ) range of ionization states to be present . hence direct comparison of @xmath0 can be misleading when the models are known to be incomplete . instead , we should be guided as well by physical plausibility . the model with a distinct component involves an emission from an unknown physical process , with unknown process fixing its typical energy , which does not seem to have an analogue in the spectra of galactic black holes ( gbhs ) @xcite , and can not simultaneously explain the 7 kev feature . by contrast , both reflection and absorption are much more plausible , as they give a physical reason fixed energy for the soft excess and can reproduce the structure around iron k. however , the reflection models require quite strong supersolar abundances , and there is no evidence for reflection dominated spectra in the gbh systems . the absorption model seems to reproduce the strong soft excesses well with moderate column densities ( @xmath5 @xmath6 ) of solar abundance material . such material would not be seen in the gbhs because it would be completely ionized by the much higher accretion disc temperatures seen in the stellar mass black hole systems . thus the complex absorption model provides an interesting alternative because ( 1 ) it does not require a separate soft component in the spectra , ( 2 ) the hard radiation slope resulting from the fits is similar to that of gbhs in the high / soft state , ( 3 ) it describes the spectra of agns in terms of atomic processes , explaining the universal shape of the soft excess .
we investigate the nature of the soft excess below 1 kev observed in agn . we use the xmm - newton data of the low redshift , optically bright quasar , pg 1211 + 143 , and we compare it with the narrow line seyfert 1 galaxy , 1h 0707 - 495 , which has one of the strongest soft excesses seen . we test various ideas for the origin of the soft x - ray excess , including a separate spectral component ( for example a low temperature comptonized component ) , a reflection - dominated model , or a complex absorption model . all three can give good fits to the data , and @xmath0 fitting criteria are not sufficient to discriminate among them . instead , we favor the complex absorption model on the grounds that it is the most physically plausible . address = copernicus astronomical center , warsaw , poland address = university of durham , durham , uk
influence of the space charge ( sc ) on the transverse mode coupling instability ( tmci ) has been investigated first by blaskiewicz @xcite . the main conclusion which has be done by the author is that sc raises the tmci threshold that is improves the beam stability . however , several examples of a non - monotonic dependence of the tmci parameters on the sc tune shift have been represented in the paper as well . similar results have been obtained also with help of numerical solution of equation of motion performed by the same author @xcite . the stabilizing effect has been certainly confirmed at relatively small sc tune shift . special case of the dominant space charge is considered in papers @xcite . it is shown that the instability threshold grows up tending to infinity in this limiting case ( `` vanishing tmci '' ) . however , it was suggested in @xcite that the threshold growth can cease and turn back if the tune shift @xmath0 exceeds the synchrotron tune @xmath1 by factor about ten or more . the last statement has been supported in my recent paper @xcite . according to it , threshold of constant negative wake raises with sc up to @xmath2 but tends to 0 at larger space charge . however , after an additional examination , i must revoke this statement because of an insufficient accuracy of the numerical calculations was detected . more exact solutions of the same dispersion equation is represented in this paper leading to the conclusion that the tmci threshold is a monotonously increasing function of the tune shift . following up ref . @xcite , i will consider transverse coherent oscillations of a single bunch in the frameworks of boxcar model without chromaticity . dispersion equation for the coherent addition @xmath3 to the bare betatron tune @xmath4 has been obtained there in form of the infinite continue fraction : @xmath5 where @xmath6 is the normalized wake strength , @xmath7 and @xmath8 are the eigentunes and normalizing coefficients of the boxcar bunch without wake . the last problem has been solved by sacherer @xcite , and a convenient description of the solution is available in @xcite . generally , @xmath9 , and @xmath10 . in the conventional notation , @xmath11 is the multipole number whereas index @xmath12 is associated with number of radial mode . figs . 1 and 2 are represented in this paper as the low index examples . if a restricted series of the modes is used , the approximate dispersion equation obtains the form @xmath13 with following recurrent relations : @xmath14 and boundary conditions : @xmath15 first of them is actually the wake normalization condition to obtain the result @xmath16 in the lowest approximation . ( 2 ) is reducible to the algebraic equation of power @xmath17 . generally , it can be solved numerically , and the tmci threshold can be determined by enumeration of real roots . the results are represented in fig . 3 at @xmath18 . a comparison with figs . 7 and 8 of ref . @xcite demonstrates the full coincidence of the curves at @xmath19 . however , a drastic distinction appears at higher power leading us to revise the conclusions . it has been declared in @xcite that the saturation occurs at @xmath20 , and additional eigenvectors do not change the result even at very high value of @xmath21 . therefore decrease of the threshold at @xmath22 has been treated there as a real physical effect . however , this statement must be reconsidered now . it follows from fig . 3 that the great convergence of different approximations occurs only in the falling part of the curves which corresponds to the increasing instability threshold . it means also that the correct results can be ensured only at @xmath23 . the sequential decrease of the threshold should not be treated as a physical result because of absence of the convergence . the kink of the curves happens because of switching of the coalesced pairs which is illustrated by fig . it is seen that the coalescence of the modes @xmath24 @xmath25 is responsible for the instability before the kink , and the combination @xmath26 does it after the kink , with @xmath27 being dependent on the used approximation . the mistaken assertion has be done in @xcite that ( 5,5)+(4,4 ) is the highest combination , and saturation appears after that . this statement is not confirmed by the last calculations which are represented in fig . the lower curves refer to the combination described by eq . ( 5 ) in different approximations . very good convergence is seen in this part , so the addition on new basis eigenfunction merely prolongs the authentic area of instability . a completely different situation appears in the upper part of the graph where the highest tunes are represented being given by eq . ( 6 ) with different @xmath27 . the lines merge at rather large @xmath28 which value depends on @xmath27 . however , an absence of the convergence compels to treat these regions as the unphysical ones . the more precise calculation demonstrate a monotonous growth of the tmci threshold of the negative wake at increasing space charge tune shift . they do not support the supposition that the monotony can be violated at a higher sc tune shift . m. blaskiewicz , phys . rev . beams 1,044201 ( 1998 ) . m. blaskiewicz , in _ proceeding of international particle accelerator conference ( ipac2012 ) _ , weppr097 , may 20 - 25 , new orleans , usa , 2012 . a. burov , phys . rev . beams 12,044202 ( 2009 ) . v. balbekov , phys . rev . beams 14,094401 ( 2011 ) . v. balbekov , fermilab - pub-16 - 079-apc f. saherer , cern - si - br-72 - 5 ( 1972 ) .
transverse mode coupling instability of a bunch with space charge is considered in frameworks of the boxcar model . presented results demonstrate a monotonous growth of the tmci threshold at increasing space charge tune shift , and do not support the supposition that the monotony can be violated at a higher sc .
the equation of state ( eos ) represents the heart of hydrodynamic simulations for ultra - relativistic heavy - ion collisions . here , we present a realistic eos for qcd matter delivered by our quasiparticle model ( qpm ) faithfully reproducing lattice qcd results . the approach is based on @xcite adjusted to the pressure @xmath0 and energy density @xmath1 of @xmath2 quark flavors @xcite . as the qpm eos does not automatically fit to the hadron resonance gas eos in the confinement region , we construct a family of eos s by an interpolation between the hadron resonance gas at @xmath3 0.45 gev/@xmath4 and the qpm at flexible @xmath5 ( cf . @xcite for details ) . in this way , the influence of details in the transition region on hydrodynamic flow can be studied , since for @xmath6 and @xmath7 the eos is uniquely given by the resonance gas and the qcd - based qpm , respectively . in figure 1 , we exhibit the eos family in the form @xmath8 and the corresponding speed of sound @xmath9 . for lhc , baryon density effects are negligible . labelled in the following as qpm(@xmath5 ) with @xmath10 4.0 , 2.0 , 1.25 , 1.0 gev/@xmath4 ( solid curves ) combining qpm adjusted to lattice data @xcite and hadron resonance gas at matching point @xmath5 . for comparison the bag model eos ( dashed line ) right panel : corresponding @xmath11.,title="fig : " ] labelled in the following as qpm(@xmath5 ) with @xmath10 4.0 , 2.0 , 1.25 , 1.0 gev/@xmath4 ( solid curves ) combining qpm adjusted to lattice data @xcite and hadron resonance gas at matching point @xmath5 . for comparison the bag model eos ( dashed line ) is shown . right panel : corresponding @xmath11.,title="fig : " ] we concentrate on two extreme eos s , qpm(4.0 ) and the bag model eos being similar to qpm(1.0 ) . we calculate transverse momentum spectra and elliptic flow @xmath12 using the relativistic hydrodynamic program package @xcite with initial conditions for pb@xmath13pb collisions at impact parameter @xmath14 fm . for the further initial parameters required by the program we conservatively guess @xmath15 330 @xmath16 , @xmath17 0.4 @xmath16 and @xmath18 0.6 fm / c for initial entropy density , baryon density and time . within the qpm these translate into @xmath19 127 gev/@xmath4 , @xmath20 42 gev/@xmath4 and @xmath21 515 mev . the freeze - out temperature is set @xmath22 100 mev . in figure 2 , we exhibit our results at midrapidity for various primordial hadron species . striking is the strong radial flow as evident from the flat @xmath23-spectra and a noticeably smaller @xmath12 than at rhic in particular at low @xmath23 @xcite . details of the eos in the transition region as mapped out by our family are still visible . peshier a 1994 b * 337 * 235 peshier a 1996 d * 54 * 2399 peshier a 2000 c * 61 * 045203 peshier a 2002 d * 66 * 094003 bluhm m 2007 c * 49 * 205 karsch f 2003 c * 29 * 549 karsch f 2003 b * 571 * 67 bluhm m 2007 _ preprint _ arxiv : 0705.0397 [ hep - ph ] kolb p f 1999 b * 459 * 667 kolb p f 2000 c * 62 * 054909
we present a family of equations of state within a quasiparticle model adjusted to lattice qcd and study the impact on azimuthal flow anisotropies and transverse momentum spectra within hydrodynamic simulations for heavy - ion collisions at energies relevant for lhc .
the evolutionary status of bp and ap stars was hardly settled in the past . estimates on their evolution were based on the membership of magnetic stars in open clusters or associations , on their membership in binary systems , or on indirect arguments inferred from the assumption of a rigid rotator geometry . more recently , it was advocated that ap and bp stars are distributed uniformly across the width of the main sequence ( north 1993 ; wade 1997 ) , or alternatively that the magnetic stars are near the end of their main sequence life ( hubrig & schwan 1991 ; hubrig & mathys 1994 ; wade et al . one open question was whether part of the apparent inconsistency between these results might be related to the fact that not all ap and bp stars are necessarily strongly magnetic . now , with the release of the hipparcos data , it has become possible to determine the evolutionary state of magnetic stars with more reliability . in order to understand the physical processes taking place in b and a stars , we investigated possible differences of evolutionary state between magnetic and non - magnetic stars . for the present study , hipparcos parallaxes and photometric data have been compiled exclusively for two groups of stars with strong , well - established magnetic fields on their surface . the first group consists of stars known to have spectral lines resolved into their magnetically split components when observed in unpolarized light ( mathys et al . the second group includes bp and ap stars for which the mean quadratic magnetic field has been determined through application of the moment technique ( mathys 1988 ; mathys 1995 ; mathys & hubrig 1997 ) . while the first group is strongly biased against rapidly rotating objects , the second one is not affected by this bias . accurate hipparcos parallaxes ( @xmath0 ) are available only for 23 stars with magnetically resolved lines and for 12 stars with known mean quadratic magnetic fields . thus the whole sample contains 35 magnetic stars . effective temperatures of the magnetic stars have been derived from @xmath1 data or from photometric data in the geneva system . in almost all cases these temperatures are in good agreement with the spectral type classification taken from the literature . for 5 hot stars with mean quadratic field determinations , the discrepancy is rather large , up to a few thousand kelvin . for these stars , effective temperatures were inferred from detailed spectroscopic studies available in the literature or from the spectral types . in order to compare the positions of strongly magnetic ap and bp stars in the h - r diagram with those of normal main sequence stars , we selected all normal single main - sequence stars of spectral types b7 to f2 from the bs catalogue , with accurate hipparcos parallaxes . this sample consists of a total of 416 stars at distances below 100 pc ( @xmath2 mas ) . for all stars in both samples , we applied corrections for is absorption and duplicity ( for magnetic stars ) , and also the lk correction ( lutz & kelker 1973 ) . we find that the normal b7f2 stars fill the whole width of the main sequence band with some concentration towards the zams . magnetic stars are only rarely found close to either the zero - age or terminal - age sequences . no clear evidence of an evolution of magnetic field strengths across the main sequence is found . but we note that the stars with the strongest magnetic fields in most cases appear in the middle of the main - sequence band . this implies that they should already have spent a considerable fraction of their life on the main sequence . a possible interpretation of the distribution of magnetic stars in the h - r diagram might be that magnetic stars represent a transitory phase in the evolution of normal stars across the main sequence . since the region occupied by non - magnetic stars in the h - r diagram fully overlaps that where the magnetic stars are found , it would then appear that not all b and a stars pass through a `` peculiar '' phase . a kolmogorov - smirnov test applied between the distributions of the normal stars and of each group of magnetic stars has shown that the distribution of the values of @xmath3 for the sample of stars with magnetically resolved lines differs from the distribution for non - magnetic stars at a significance level of 99.2% . for the whole sample of magnetic stars , the difference with the non - magnetic stars is significant at the 92.6% level . in order to test the theories of magnetic field origin , it would be important to probe the evolution of the magnetic field strength across the main sequence . our sample of magnetic stars is too small to provide a really stringent test . the sample could be only marginally enlarged by incorporating stars with strong longitudinal fields and accurate hipparcos parallaxes . another relevant issue that should be considered is the evolutionary state of chemically peculiar b and a stars without detectable or with very weak magnetic fields . the study of the magnetic field geometry in stars of various ages and rotation rates will provide important clues to test theoretical predictions . several mechanisms have been proposed by which the angle between magnetic and rotation axes might change during the main - sequence life time . therefore one goal for observers should be to provide theorists with constraints on the distribution of magnetic field geometries .
the positions in the h - r diagram of strongly magnetic ap and bp stars are compared with those of normal main sequence stars of types b7 to f2 , with a view to investigating possible differences in evolutionary status between magnetic and non - magnetic stars . the normal b7f2 stars fill the whole width of the main sequence band with some concentration towards the zams , whereas the magnetic stars are only rarely found close to either the zero - age or terminal - age sequences .
weak lensing provides a potentially powerful probe of mass fluctuations in the universe (; and references therein ) . three independent groups have recently presented estimates of the shear variance from deep ` blank - field ' ccd imaging surveys . ( hereafter vwme+ ) measured the shear variance in circular cells of radii ranging from @xmath6 to @xmath7 ; ( hereafter bre ) measured the shear variance in square cells of side @xmath8 and ( hereafter wtk+ ) have provided estimates of the shear - shear correlation function at separations @xmath9 , @xmath10 and @xmath11 . here we present shear variance measurements from @xmath12 square degrees of deep photometry obtained as part of our ongoing weak lensing survey . we find results which are broadly in good agreement with the recently published estimates . the data were taken at the 3.6 m cfht telescope using the @xmath13 pixel uh8k camera at prime focus . the camera delivers a field size of @xmath14 with @xmath15 pixels . our survey strategy has been to target blank fields in six widely separated areas for ease of scheduling , and in each area we plan to make @xmath16 or so pointings scattered over a region of extent @xmath17 . in january 1999 the uh8k was replaced by the cfh12k camera . by that time we had completed 1 hour integrations in both v and i for two pointings in each of three areas . the field names , centers and also the estimated seeing are given in table [ tab : fields ] . one of the 8 devices in the mosaic ( lying in the nw corner of our images ) has very poor charge transfer efficiency and the data from this device were discarded . after further masking of regions around bright stars the total useful solid angle per field is @xmath18 square degrees . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] [ tab : vardata ] the i - v shear variance estimator is shown with an expanded vertical scale in figure [ fig : shearvar2 ] . also shown are the recently announced results . the bre result is shown as presented in their paper and with total error estimate including cosmic variance . the vwme+ circular cell average shear are plotted against @xmath19 . the vwme+ error bars are statistical only . wtk+ presented estimates of the ellipticity correlation function @xmath20 . we have converted their @xmath21 to an equivalent shear variance using formulae from with @xmath22 and assuming a spectral index @xmath23 . the lower panel shows the variance multiplied by averaging box size @xmath24 . for a @xmath23 spectrum , corresponding to a mass auto - correlation function @xmath25 , this quantity should independent of scale . at small scales @xmath26 arcmin there seems to be remarkably good agreement between the independent estimates . note that the measurements were made using three separate observing facilities . at @xmath27 we find @xmath28 . this about a factor 4 - 5 lower than the prediction for a light - traces mass @xmath29 cosmology , and an effective redshift for the background galaxies @xmath30 @xcite . at larger scales the shear variance we find falls below that of wtk+ . their largest scale estimates appear to conflict with our null result at about the 2-sigma level . our large - angle results are also smaller than the @xmath31 , @xmath32 theoretical model predictions . for an effective background galaxy redshift of @xmath33 these measurements probe mass fluctuations in a shell peaked at @xmath34 . at this redshift the @xmath2 field size corresponds to a comoving distance of about @xmath35mpc , so the cell variances presented here probe scales in the range @xmath36mpc . on the smaller end of this scale we find very good agreement with recently announced estimates from other groups , and also with canonical cosmological theory predictions . it is hard to definitively rule out the possibility that the small angle measurements are inflated by systematic errors , but one can safely rule out theories such as light - traces mass high density models which predict shear variance a factor @xmath37 higher than our results . on larger scales our measurements are extremely precise , yet we find only a null detection for our largest cells . these results show that on large scales the rms shear is at most a fraction of a percent . the apparent discrepancy between these results and the theoretical predictions is quite interesting , and suggests a steepening of the mass correlation function at scales @xmath38mpc . more data are needed however to definitively confirm this . the results here were extracted from data taken at the canada france hawaii telescope . the analysis was supported by nsf grants ast95 - 00515 , ast99 - 70805 . gw gratefully acknowledges financial support from the estate of beatrice watson parrent and from mr . & mrs . frank w. hustace , jr . we thank peter schneider and gary bernstein for helpful suggestions .
we present estimates of the gravitational lensing shear variance obtained from images taken at the cfht using the uh8k ccd mosaic camera . six fields were observed for a total of 1 hour each in v and i , resulting in catalogs containing @xmath0 galaxies per field , with properly calibrated and optimally weighted shear estimates . these were averaged in cells of sizes ranging from @xmath1 to @xmath2 to obtain estimates of the cosmic shear variance @xmath3 , with uncertainty estimated from the scatter among the estimates for the 6 fields . our most reliable estimator for cosmic shear is provided by the cross - correlation of the shear measured in the two passbands . at scales @xmath4 the results are in good agreement with those of , and and with currently fashionable cosmological models . at larger scales the shear variance falls below the theoretical predictions , and on the largest scales we find a null detection of shear variance averaged in @xmath2 cells of @xmath5 .
the origin of large scale magnetic fields in disk galaxies is an unsettled issue . proposed solutions to this problem fall in two categories . on the one hand , in - situ dynamo action has been invoked to exponentially amplify an initially weak , small scale , seed field ( for recent reviews , see beck et al . 1996 ; kulsrud 1999 ) . on the other hand , large scale pregalactic fields in the halos of forming galaxies might be compressed and stretched sufficiently during the formation and evolution of galactic disks to explain the observed large scale fields ( see e.g. howard & kulsrud 1997 ) . observations of @xmath0 g level large scale fields in slowly rotating irregular galaxies ( chyy et al . 2000 ) , high redshift objects ( e.g. perry et al . 1993 ) , and in the intracluster medium ( eilek 1999 ; colgate & li 2000 ) , pose fundamental problems for the classical @xmath1 galactic dynamo as a cornerstone for creating magnetic fields on galactic ( and larger ) scales . in addition , it seems difficult to attribute the strong vertical field found in the central molecular zone of our galaxy to a galactic dynamo , which may be suggestive of a primordial origin for this component of the galactic magnetic field ( sofue & fujimoto 1987 ; chandran , cowley , & morris 2000 ) . the observational evidence for magnetic fields in cluster halos and the association between these fields and outflows from agns suggests that similar processes may seed protogalactic halos with large scale magnetic fields . the compression and stretching of the field during the galaxy formation process further amplifies the halo field and could possibly account for the observed fields in present day disk galaxies . the conventional criticism that this kind of scenarios will result in an incorrect parity with respect to the galactic plane may be shown to result from overly simplified assumptions about the initial field . only in the case of a field that is both weakly inclined and initially located near the center of the potential well does it follow that the wound - up field is predominantly of odd parity . this has prompted us to study the compression and wind - up of initial halo fields during the build - up of a disk galaxy in a cooling flow . by adopting a smooth background potential and by using sufficient numerical resolution ( enhanced by grid stretching ) we achieve that the disk forming at the bottom of the potential well has the characteristic size , mass , and specific angular momentum of a typical disk galaxy ( the initial spin parameter @xmath2 is equal to 0.056 ) . the hot halo gas is threaded by a random magnetic field with approximately constant @xmath3 , plus a large scale component of similar energy content that has a non - zero inclination and offset from the rotation axis . if the initial field has a significant inclination and offset from the center , the resulting wound - up field has a reversal that is offset into the halo ( see fig . when observed face - on , in optically thin radio frequencies , the magnetic field would appear to be uni - directional , as is normally observed , because one of the winding directions dominates over the other . the reversal in the halo could be revealed by analyzing observations in different radio frequencies , as has indeed been done for m51 ( berkhuijsen et al . note that , in the model presented here , there is no creation of `` new '' magnetic flux the growth of magnetic energy ( fig . 1b ) is purely a result of compression and winding of an ( approximately conserved ) amount of magnetic flux , initially threading the disk plane over a range of radii . with sufficient numerical resolution of the disk dynamics , there would of course be additional fine scale structure and enhancement of the magnetic energy , associated with turbulence in the disk . the other common point of criticism against galactic magnetic fields originating from large scale , pre - galactic fields is the issue of pitch angle . here it should be remarked that conventional mean field dynamos invoke a large amount of magnetic diffusion , particularly in spiral arms , together with a rapid regeneration of the radial magnetic field component , to maintain the pitch angle . the magnetic diffusion is assumed to arise , for example , from turbulence driven by star formation . if such a mechanism was allowed for in the current experiments , it would be equally effective in maintaining the pitch angle . regeneration of the radial field component is not necessary ; apart from vertical transport effects , its magnitude is determined by the ( conserved ) amount of wound - up magnetic flux and the pitch angle . it has also been argued that galactic winds , caused by the same sne that drive the turbulence , could be a significant source of loss of magnetic field from galactic disks . however , as has been demonstrated by gudiksen ( 1999 ) , the hot wind emanates from the disc in `` chimneys '' , which are intermixed with much denser regions that are able to hold on to the magnetic field . loss of magnetic flux is also counteracted by the incoming cooling flow . in summary , the scenario adopted here is consistent both with current ideas about early agns as the origin of the observed , large scale magnetic fields in clusters , and with observed properties of galactic magnetic fields . since the results were obtained by simply tracing the magnetic field evolution in a cooling flow that results in a disk galaxy which is in other respect consistent with observations , one may even turn the argument around and conclude that the initial @xmath4 of the halo gas would have to be much smaller than the @xmath4 typical of large scale cluster magnetic fields , in order not to give rise to galactic magnetic fields similar to the observed ones .
we have studied the fate of initial magnetic fields in the hot halo gas out of which the visible parts of galaxies form , using three - dimensional numerical mhd - experiments . the halo gas undergoes compression by several orders of magnitude in the subsonic cooling flow that forms the cold disk . the magnetic field is carried along and is amplified considerably in the process , reaching @xmath0 g levels for reasonable values of the initial ratio of magnetic to thermal energy density .
three - dimensional cone - manifold is a metric space obtained from a collection of disjoint simplices in the space of constant sectional curvature @xmath4 by isometric identification of their faces in such a combinatorial fashion that the resulting topological space is a manifold ( also called the underlying space for a given cone - manifold ) . such the metric space inherits the metric of sectional curvature @xmath4 on the union of its @xmath5- and @xmath6-dimensional cells . in case @xmath7 the corresponding cone - manifold is called spherical ( or admits a spherical structure ) . by analogy , one defines euclidean ( @xmath8 ) and hyperbolic ( @xmath9 ) cone - manifolds . the metric structure around each @xmath10-cell is determined by a cone angle that is the sum of dihedral angles of corresponding simplices sharing the @xmath10-cell under identification . the singular locus of a cone - manifold is the closure of all its 1-cells with cone angle different from @xmath11 . for the further account we suppose that every component of the singular locus is an embedded circle with constant cone angle along it . for the further account , see @xcite . the present paper is an addendum to @xcite and comprises more general case of torus knot and link cone - manifolds . the cone angles are supposed to be equal for all components of the singular strata . denote a cone - manifold of torus knot type singularity and cone angle(s ) @xmath12 by @xmath13 . this cone - manifold is rigid : it is seifert fibred due to @xcite and the base is a turnover of cone angles @xmath12 , @xmath14 and @xmath15 . domains of existence for a spherical metric are given in terms of cone angle(s ) and volume formula is presented . denote by @xmath17 a torus knot or link depending on the case of @xmath1 or @xmath2 . in the latter case one obtains a link with @xmath3 components , see @xcite . as far as @xmath0 and @xmath18 torus links are isotopic one may assume that @xmath19 without loss of generality . denote @xmath13 a cone manifold with singular set the torus knot @xmath0 and cone angle @xmath12 along its component(s ) . we prove this theorem using the result on two bridge torus links obtained earlier in @xcite and the covering theory . every two bridge torus link is a @xmath23 torus link as shown at the fig . [ torknot2bridge ] . * 1st step . * using the reidemeister moves rearrange the diagram of @xmath24 , given at the fig . [ torknot2bridge ] link in order to place one of its components around the other . the diagram obtained is depicted at the fig . [ torknotarrange ] . denote by @xmath25 a cone - manifold with cone angles @xmath12 and @xmath26 along the components of @xmath24 . * 2nd step . * the diagram of @xmath27 is depicted at the fig . [ torknotpq ] . it is clearly seen that @xmath28 forms a @xmath29folded cyclic covering of @xmath30 branched along its central component , as depicted at the fig . [ torknotarrange ] . d. rolfsen , `` knots and links '' . berkeley : publish or perish inc . , 1976 . http://books.google.com/books?id=s4egeecsghyc&lpg=pp1&dq=inauthor%3a%22dale%20rolfsen%22&pg=pp17#v=onepage&q&f=false[google books . ]
the present paper considers an infinite family of cone - manifolds endowed with spherical metric . the singular strata is the torus knot or link @xmath0 depending on @xmath1 or @xmath2 . in the latter case one obtains a link with @xmath3 components . cone angles along all components of the singular strata are supposed to be equal . domain of existence for a spherical metric is found and a volume formula is presented .
nearly all lattice studies with dynamical fermions rely on pseudofermion techniques . this includes the standard hybrid monte carlo method for non - local boson actions @xcite and more recently multiboson methods proposed by lscher @xcite and extended to odd flavors by borii and de forcrand @xcite . while these methods are presently the most efficient available for dynamical fermion calculations , much improvement is still needed to combat algorithmic slowdown at light quark masses and large volumes . on the more theoretical side , one would also like to understand the microscopic dynamics of quarks in lattice simulations . ideally one hopes to see the effects of confinement on quark - antiquark pair separation and the effects of chiral symmetry breaking on light quark mobility . these questions are most easily answered in a framework which does not integrate out the fermionic degrees of freedom . with these goals in mind we investigate the possibility of simulating dynamical fermions in a confining gauge theory with explicit fermion dynamics . in this proceedings article we describe the beginning of a research program at nc state to understand dynamical fermions within a hamiltonian framework . as a testing ground we study compact qed@xmath0 , which exhibits confinement , glueballs , mesons , and chiral symmetry breaking . we discuss the methods that are being used and show preliminary data for the chiral condensate and compare with strong and weak coupling results . we follow the notation used in @xcite and @xcite . the hamiltonian is @xmath2 where @xmath3 is the lattice spacing and @xmath4 the dimensionless strong coupling constant , @xmath5 @xmath6 has three pieces , @xmath7 where @xmath8 \nonumber\\ w_{2 } & = -\sum_{p}\left ( u_{p}+u_{p}^{\dagger}\right ) \nonumber\end{aligned}\ ] ] and @xmath9 , @xmath10 . we use four component staggered fermions , which in the three - dimensional hamiltonian formalism gives one flavor of fermion . the dimensionless mass parameter @xmath11 is given by @xmath12 we start with a set of trial states @xmath13 and evaulate the quantities @xmath14 \left| \psi_{j}\right\rangle , \\ m_{ij}^{\delta } & = \left\langle \psi_{i}\right| \exp\left [ -h(t+\delta t)\right ] \left| \psi_{j}\right\rangle .\nonumber\end{aligned}\ ] ] improved trial states are given by @xmath15\left| \psi _ { j}\right\rangle .\ ] ] it is easy to see that @xmath16 \left| \psi_{j}^{\prime}\right\rangle .\end{aligned}\ ] ] we now find a matrix @xmath17 and unitary matrix @xmath18 such that @xmath19 from these we can read off approximate eigenvectors @xmath20 and eigenvalues @xmath21 the matrices @xmath22 and @xmath23 are evaluated by dividing into time slices , @xmath24 \cdots\exp\left [ -\tfrac { ht}{n}\right ] \left| \psi_{j}^{\prime}\right\rangle \text{.}%\ ] ] between the time slices we insert a complete set of states , and the basis we choose is the tensor product basis of gauge and fermion states . for the gauge states we use coherent states of the link fields , @xmath25 for the fermion states we use the usual position - space basis . for fixed coherent states of the gauge field between time slices , the fermion dynamics are generated a classical background field , @xmath26 in our calculations we keep the lowest few energy fermionic states in computer memory and calculate their dynamics exactly by matrix multiplication . we use a simple heat bath algorithm to propose new gauge updates . these updates are performed by sweeps through the spatial lattice , taking each time slice in succession . we use a metropolis accept / reject decision based upon an estimator that includes the contribution of the low energy fermion states . in comparison with quenched simulations , the use of this estimator is slower by a constant factor proportional to the number of low energy fermion states . after each sweep through all time slices , the contribution of other fermionic states are calculated using diffusion monte carlo sampling . in our initial studies of small to mid - sized lattices we store in memory the nine lowest energy fermion states in memory , the strong coupling ground state and the eight translationally invariant states connected to the ground state by a single hop . in figure 1 we show results for @xmath27 . the data is extrapolated from spatial lattice sizes @xmath28 , @xmath29 , and @xmath30 , and number of time slices @xmath31 , @xmath32 , and @xmath33 . the curves @xmath34 give the first few orders in the strong coupling expansion , and @xmath35 is the leading behavior in the weak coupling expansion . we find behavior consistent with strong coupling estimates at small @xmath4 and weak coupling estimate at large @xmath4 . we have described a first attempt to treat dynamical fermions within a hamiltonian framework . we considered compact qed@xmath0 , which shares some important features of qcd@xmath1 . at this time it is too early to say whether this approach would be viable for qcd@xmath1 with relatively light quarks . we are currently making accuracy and efficiency comparisons with pseudofermion methods in qed@xmath0 @xcite for exactly massless fermions . on the theoretical side there is clearly much potential in this approach to better understand the microscopic dynamics of quarks in lattice simulations . in future work we plan to study the effects of confinement and chiral symmetry breaking on quark dynamics .
we describe a first attempt to understand dynamical fermions within a hamiltonian framework . as a testing ground we study compact qed@xmath0 , which shares some important features of qcd@xmath1 such as confinement , glueballs , mesons , and chiral symmetry breaking . we discuss the methods used and show data for the chiral condensate .
open clusters ( ocs ) are believed to be coeval groups of stars born from the same proto - cluster cloud which may have been part of a larger star - forming region in the milky way . ages of clusters range from very young where stars are still forming to nearly 10 gyr ( dias et al . since all stars in most ocs are at the same distance and have the same chemical composition , basic stellar parameters like age , distance , and metallicity can be determined more accurately than for field stars . thus , ocs provide an excellent opportunity to map the structure , kinematics , and chemistry of the galactic disk with respect to galactic coordinates and time . the presence of chemical homogeneity among cluster members has been shown by the study of ocs , see , for example , spectroscopic analyses of the hyades ( paulson et al . 2003 ; de silva et al . 2006 ) and collinder 261 ( carretta et al . 2005 ; de silva et al . this observed homogeneity signifies that the proto - cloud is well mixed , and hence , the abundance pattern of a cluster bears the signature of chemical evolution of the natal cloud . chemical evolution of the milky way has , of course , been well studied using field stars . a large fraction of field stars are from disrupted ocs ( lada & lada 2003 ) . the youngest ocs may be intact . the oldest ocs may be totally disrupted . thus , the field stars do not fully sample the age distribution of ocs and , in particular , the youngest stellar generations are under - represented by field stars . in this paper , we report abundance analyses from high - resolution spectra of red giants in four ocs : ngc 752 , ngc 1817 , ngc 2360 , and ngc 2506 . these analyses are the first for these ocs to report elemental abundances for elements from na to eu . the structure of the paper is as follows : in section 2 we describe the data selection , observations and data reduction and section 3 is devoted to the abundance analysis . in section 4 we present our results and compare them with the abundances derived from samples of field thin and thick disk stars ( i.e. dwarfs and giants ) . finally , in section 5 we give the conclusions .
we have analyzed high - dispersion echelle spectra ( @xmath0 ) of red giant members for four open clusters to derive abundances for many elements . the spread in temperatures and gravities being very small among the red giants nearly the same stellar lines were employed thereby reducing the random errors . the errors of average abundance for the cluster were generally in 0.02 to 0.07 dex range . our present sample covers galactocentric distances of 8.3 to 10.5 kpc . the [ fe / h ] values are @xmath10.02@xmath20.05 for ngc 752 , @xmath10.07@xmath20.06 for ngc 2360 , @xmath10.11@xmath20.05 for ngc 1817 and @xmath10.19@xmath20.06 for ngc 2506 . abundances relative to fe for elements from na to eu are equal within measurement uncertainties to published abundances for thin disk giants in the field . this supports the view that field stars come from disrupted open clusters . [ firstpage ] galaxy : abundances galaxy : open clusters and associations stars : abundances : general open clusters : individual : ngc 752 , ngc 1817 , ngc 2360 , ngc 2506
coma berenices ( melotte 111 , ra@xmath023@xmath1 , dec@xmath200@xmath3 , j2000.0 ) is the second closest open cluster to the sun . the _ hipparcos _ distance of melotte 111 is @xmath4 pc ( ( * ? ? ? * van leeuwen 1999 ) ) , in agreement with older ground - based estimates ( e.g. @xmath5 pc , ( * ? ? ? * nicolet 1981 ) ) . the metallicity of the cluster has been derived by several authors . for example , ( * ? ? ? * cayrel de strobel ( 1990 ) ) determined [ fe / h ] @xmath6 dex , whereas ( * ? ? ? * friel & boesgaard ( 1992 ) ) found [ fe / h ] @xmath7 dex . the age of the cluster is estimated between 400 and 500 myr ( ( * ? ? ? * bounatiro & arimoto 1993 ) ) . as its physical parameters are well constrained , the variability studies in melotte 111 are very important . we have carried out a search for new pulsating stars in the direction of melotte 111 . as a result of this search , the star melotte 111 av 1224 was found to be a new variable star . this star was originally designated av 1224 in the astrometric catalogue for the area of coma berenices ( ( * ? ? ? * abad & vicente 1999 ) ) . it is listed as a cluster member in the simbad database . this work presents preliminary results aimed at characterizing the variability of this target . the ccd observations of the melotte 111 open cluster have been made with the 0.84-m f/15 ritchey - chrtien telescope at oan - spm observatory , during ten consecutive nights , between april 11 and 20 , 2009 . the telescope hosted the filter - wheel ` mexman ' with the marconi ( e2v ) ccd camera , which has a 2048 @xmath8 2048 pixels array , with a pixel size of 15 @xmath8 15 @xmath9m@xmath10 . the typical field - of - view in this configuration amounts to 7@xmath3 @xmath8 7@xmath3 . the observations were obtained through a johnson @xmath11 filter . the usual calibration procedures for ccd photometry have been carried out during our observing run . sky flat fields , bias and dark exposures were taken every night . the resulting light curve is not sinusoidal , but is strictly periodic ; the frequency spectrum reveals two peaks , @xmath12 d@xmath13 , @xmath14 23.2 mmag and @xmath15 d@xmath13 , @xmath14 10.6 mmag . the light curve of av 1224 phased with its main period , is shown in fig . we have also derived the following indices in the strmgren system for av 1224 : @xmath16 , @xmath17 , @xmath18 , and @xmath19 . spectroscopic observations of the star were conducted with the 2.12-m telescope of the oan - spm observatory in june 2011 . we used the same equipment as explained by ( * ? ? ? * baran et al . ( 2011 ) ) . in particular , we used boller & chivens spectrograph installed in the cassegrain focus of the telescope . the 400 lines / mm grating with a blaze angle of 4.18@xmath20 was used . the grating angle was set to 7@xmath20 to cover wavelength range from 4000 to 7500 . a 2048@xmath82048 e2v ccd camera was used in the observations . the typical resolution of the recorded spectra is 8 and the dispersion amounts to 1.8 per pixel . the reduction procedure was performed with the standard routines of the iraf package . [ fig1](b ) shows the reduced spectrum of av 1224 and , for comparison , the spectrum of a standard star of spectral type k0v taken on the same night . considering the strmgren indices and the stellar spectrum , the variability of av 1224 due to pulsations can be ruled out . its light curve resembles rather those observed in w ursae majoris - type variables ( wuma ) , also called ew stars . as it is known , the components of w uma systems are in contact and are main - sequence stars of nearly the same spectral type , from around middle a to early k. their orbital periods range from 0.2 to 1.4 days . an in - deep analysis of these observations will be given elsewhere .
a search for new pulsating stars in the coma berenices open cluster was carried out . as a result of this search , the cluster member melotte 111 av 1224 presented clear indications of photometric variability . in order to determine its physical parameters , strmgren standard indices and low - resolution spectra were acquired . in this work , we present the preliminary results of these observations .
there are many cosmological uses for rich clusters of galaxies . they provide useful constraints for theories of large - scale structure formation and evolution , and represent valuable ( possibly coeval ) samples of galaxies to study their evolution in dense environments . studies of @xmath0 , the cluster two - point correlation function , are a powerful probe of large - scale structure , and the scenarios of its formation . until recently , it has been impractical to obtain large numbers of redshifts for glaxy clusters , forcing cosmologists to deproject their distribution mathematically . we show that it is feasible to generate a catalog of galaxy clusters at @xmath1 with accurately estimated photometric redshifts . our data is taken from the digitized second palomar observatory sky survey ( dposs ) . the digitization , star - galaxy separation , and photometric calibration procedures are described in weir et al . we have improved star - galaxy classification using a much larger training set . we use a simple color selection of candidate cluster galaxies , coupled with the adaptive kernel method ( silverman , 1986 ) to generate galaxy surface density maps . a bootstrap technique is then used to generate the statistical significance map associated with a given surface density map . this map is then used to detect overdensities of galaxies on the sky which indicate candidate galaxy clusters . in our test fields , we recover all of the known abell clusters , and find a large number of new clusters . because the @xmath2 break is shifting through the blue bandpass of dposs at @xmath3 , the @xmath4 color changes rapidly with redshift . we make the crude assumption that all cluster galaxies are a single age , early type population , and use a k correction model to estimate redshifts from the @xmath4 color alone . we simply use the mean @xmath4 color of the galaxies in a cluster , after a background correction , to estimate the redshift . in figure [ fig-1 ] , a @xmath4 vs. @xmath5 diagram for galaxies to @xmath6 in a typical dposs field ( 36 sq . deg . ) is shown . also shown are the k - correction tracks for scd and e galaxies . the rapid change in @xmath4 between @xmath7 and @xmath8 for early type galaxies allows us to estimate redshifts for galaxy clusters . in practice , the redshift estimation must be done iteratively . first , we detectcandidate clusters in our galaxy density maps . from those areas in our maps where there are no clusters , we estimate the background galaxy density and @xmath4 color distribution . this background correction is then applied to each cluster candidate in a fixed radius , corresponding to an abell radius at @xmath9 , the expected median redshift of our clusters . the redshift of each cluster is then estimated from the mean @xmath4 color of the galaxies inside this radius . using this redshift estimate , we recalculate @xmath10 , and estimate the redshift using the mean color in this radius . this procedure is repeated until the estimated redshift converges . in figure [ fig-2 ] , we show the mean @xmath4 color for galaxies in 36 abell clusters with spectroscopic redshifts . the line shown is a theoretical k correction track for e type galaxies . it is not a fit to the data . the mean deviation of the data from the theoretical curve is @xmath11 . this suggests that we can estimate redshifts for our candidate clusters in an accurate , unbiased way , directly from calibrated plate photometry . this result relies on the large number of same age and type galaxies in clusters at low redshift . as the cluster galaxy population changes with redshift , this technique will eventually fail . for @xmath12 , the @xmath5 color could be used ; unfortunately , our @xmath13 plate data are not deep enough for this purpose . we have obtained deeper ccd imaging of our low@xmath14 candidates , where we will attempt to detect and estimate redshifts for more distant clusters . dressler , a. and gunn , j.e . , ( 1992 ) _ ap . 78 * , 1 picard , a. 1992 , ph.d thesis , caltech silverman , b.w . 1986 , _ density estimation for statistics and data analysis _ , ( london : chapman & hall ) weir , n. , djorgovski , s. , fayyad , u. , 1995 aj , 110 , 1
we report on the creation of an unbiased catalog of galaxy clusters from the galaxy catalogs derived from the digitized poss - ii ( dposs ) . utilizing the g - r color information , we show that it is possible to estimate redshifts for galaxy clusters at z<0.4 with an rms accuracy of 0.01 . # 1#2#3#4#5#6#7 to#2 ' '' ''
clusters modeled by stellar population synthesis models have been used as photoionization sources in several works ( @xcite , @xcite , @xcite among others ) . most of the current models assume that the initial mass function ( imf ) is completely sampled , but when the number of stars is small this assumption is incorrect . therefore standard synthesis models can not be applied to low mass clusters . @xcite , @xcite , @xcite showed that this question can be treated from a probabilistic point of view in which the imf is interpreted as the probability distribution function of the stellar mass rather than its deterministic expression . implementing the formalism developed by the mentioned authors , the sampling problem can be studied in a better way . the aim of this work is to show the importance of sampling effects in the imf for low mass clusters , the most abundant ones , and to emphasize the need of a probabilistic approach to this problem . using emission line diagnostic diagrams ( eldds ) we compare the emission - line spectra obtained with a synthesis model ( @xcite ) with others obtained with combinations of individual stars of 20 , 25 , 50 and 100 m@xmath0 . in each of these combinations the stars have the same mass so that sampling effects are important . with these models we can explore a three parameter space : mass , number of ionizing photons ( q(h@xmath1 ) ) and number of stars . we consider three cases : fixed mass equal to 100 m@xmath0 ; fixed q(h@xmath1 ) equal to the one of a 100 m@xmath0 star ; and fixed number of stars equal to n=1 . all the models have been computed for zams . using cloudy ( @xcite ) we compute the emission of model nebulae with orion abundances ionized by the clusters described above and calculate their representative points in eldds . figure 1 ( left ) show the differences in a selected eldd between the predictions of the synthesis model cases and those of the rest of the cases . the synthesis model cases fall either far from any of the stellar cases or very close to the 50 m@xmath0 stellar case . moreover , the points corresponding to the synthesis model cases closely follow the tendency of the 50 m@xmath0 cases . this is expected because the ionizing continuum for the synthesis model case is very similar in shape to the one 50 m@xmath0 star ( fig . 1 , right ) . in all the cases the same abundances are used , but there is a considerable dispersion in the position on eldds due to the differences in the ionizing continua of the stars used . so , if a comparison with theoretical grids of hii regions based on usual synthesis models were done , it could be wrongly deduced that our theoretical cases span a wide range in metallicity and/or age . @xmath25007/h@xmath3 vs. [ o i ] @xmath26300/h@xmath4 intensity ratios , dashed lines join cases with stars of the same mass . right : ionizing continua for fixed q(h@xmath1 ) cases.,title="fig : " ] [ fig:1 ] the dispersion shown by empirical eldds can be attributed not only a spread in metallicity and age but also to imf sampling effects , which introduce an additional degeneration . the smaller the cluster , the more severe the effect . if we can infer from observations the value of q(h@xmath1 ) or the mass of the underlying ionizing cluster it s impossible to accurately determine , by means of a standard synthesis model , the corresponding point in none of the eldds given the separation between the models . therefore standard synthesis models should not be applied to low mass clusters because they would lead to misinterpretations of observational or theoretical results . in order to complement this work , the relative probabilities of the different cases will be computed in the next future using the probabilistic formulation followed by cervio & luridiana ( @xcite . . this work was supported by the spanish project pnaya2004 - 02703 . mv is supported by a mec - fpi fellowship , vl by a _ csic - i3p _ fellowship and mc by a _ ramn y cajal _ fellowship .
the combination of stellar population synthesis models and photoionization models allows a better understanding of the spectral features of hii regions and hii galaxies . in this work we show that sampling effects in the initial mass function ( imf ) are very important in the low cluster mass case . to this aim , we compute photoionization models ionized by realistic clusters made up of various combinations of individual stars and clusters made up with a synthesis model . we discuss the differences in the position on diagnostic diagrams and their implications .
in flexible brane - world ( bw ) models , branons are the only new relevant low - energy particles @xcite . the sm - branon low - energy effective lagrangian reads @xcite : @xmath0 branons interact by pairs with the sm energy - momentum tensor @xmath1 , and their couplings are suppressed by the brane tension @xmath2 . in fact , they are generically stable and weakly interacting . these features make them natural dark matter @xcite candidates . on the other hand , the branon phenomenology is very rich since they are coupled with the entire sm . the branon signals can be characterized by their number @xmath3 , the brane tension scale @xmath4 , and their masses @xmath5 . for example , from the effective action given in equation ( [ lag ] ) , one can calculate the relevant cross - sections for different branon searches in colliders ( see table [ tabhad ] and references @xcite ) . in addition to the corresponding missing energy signatures , branons can also give rise to new effects through radiative corrections . by integrating out the branon fields in the action coming from @xmath6 it is possible to obtain an effective action for the sm particles @xcite whose more relevant terms are : @xmath7 .[radcoll ] limits from virtual branon searches at colliders ( results at the @xmath8 c.l . ) the indices @xmath9 denote the two - photon , @xmath10 and @xmath11 ( @xmath12 ) channels respectively . the first four analysis have been performed with real data , whereas the final four are estimations . the first two columns are the same as in table [ tabhad ] , and the third one corresponds to the lower bound on @xmath13 . [ cols="^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] @xmath14 being the cutoff setting the limit of validity on the effective description of branon and sm dynamics used here . this new parameter appears when dealing with branon radiative corrections since the lagrangian in ( [ lag ] ) is not renormalizable . the most relevant contribution of branon radiative correction at one loop is the modification of four - fermion interactions and fermion pair annihilation into two gauge bosons ( see table [ radcoll ] ) . in addition , electroweak precision observables and the @xmath15 anomalous magnetic moment are corrected at two loops . in @xcite has been shown that branons can explain the magnetic moment deficit of the muon found by the 821 collaboration at the brookhaven alternating gradient syncrotron @xcite and be consistent with the rest of measurements ( see figure [ rad ] ) . but it is more remarkable that the same parameter space which improve the fit of @xmath16 is able to explain the dm content of the universe . in fact , if the branon mass is of the order of the electroweak scale , or more precisely , if the branon mass is between @xmath17 gev and @xmath18 tev , branons could form the total non baryonic dm abundance observed by wmap @xcite ( see figure [ cdm ] ) . jarc acknowledges the hospitality and collaboration of workshop organizers and conveners , and economical support from the nsf and fulbright olp . this work is supported in part by dgicyt ( spain ) under project numbers fpa 2004 - 02602 and fpa 2005 - 02327 , by nsf grant no . phy0239817 and by the fulbright - mec ( spain ) program . cembranos , a. dobado and a.l . maroto , _ phys . lett . _ * 90 * , 241301 ( 2003 ) ; t. kugo and k. yoshioka , _ nucl . phys . _ * b594 * , 301 ( 2001 ) ; j.a.r . cembranos , a. dobado and a.l . maroto hep - ph/0402142 ; _ phys . rev . _ * d68 * , 103505 ( 2003 ) ; hep - ph/0406076 ; _ int . phys . _ * d13 * , 2275 ( 2004 ) ; hep - ph/0411076 ; astro - ph/0411262 and astro - ph/0512569 ; ams internal note 2003 - 08 - 02 muon g-2 collaboration ( h. n. brown _ et al . _ ) , _ phys.rev . lett . _ * 86 * , 2227 ( 2001 ) ; muon g-2 collaboration ( g. w. bennett _ et al . _ ) , _ phys . rev . lett . _ * 89 * , 101804 ( 2002 ) and _ phys . lett . _ * 92 * , 161802 ( 2004 )
in brane - world models with low tension , the fluctuations of the brane along the extra dimensions ( branons ) are the only relevant new low - energy modes . such branon fields are in general massive , stable and weakly interacting , and accordingly they are natural candidates to explain the universe missing mass problem . on the other hand , the branon phenomenology is very rich because they couple to all the standard model particles . distinctive branon signals could be observed in next colliders and in dark matter searches .
the rosat all - sky survey ( rass ) provides an excellent opportunity to study agns at low - redshifts . for the identification of rass sources , objective prism and direct plates from the hamburg quasar survey were used , giving a list of agn candidates . the agn nature of these candidates has to be confirmed by follow - up spectroscopy . our confirmation rate for agn candidates is @xmath1 95% , which makes this identification strategy powerful for creating agn samples . the rosac project makes use of this work to study the spatial properties of low - redshift agns . in particular the search for clusters or groups of agns and the determination of the 2-point - correlation function come to the fore . three regions in the constellations ursa major ( uma ) , coma berenices , and pisces were selected due to a ) low hydrogen column densities , b ) large numbers of known redshifts to reduce the observing time , and c ) the presence of interesting structures found in a first minimal spanning tree analyses . the most advanced subsample today is that in uma with a completeness of 87% . this region covers an area of 363 deg@xmath2 and consists of 200 confirmed agns . a first clustering investigation within the scope of the rosac project is restricted to uma ( fig . the 2-point - correlation function @xmath3 was applied . clustering properties of agns in the low redshift regime are uncertain . only a few investigations of small samples and with lower surface densities than the ones of the rosac project have been conducted so far . specifically , the two studies of x - ray selected agns ( boyle & mo 1993 , carrera et al . 1998 ) did not show clustering on small scales . the results of our investigation are outlined in fig 1 . a power law @xmath4 was fitted to the data . the correlation length gives @xmath5 and @xmath6 , which is consistent with the favoured value of @xmath7 for agns . additionally , a search for groups of agns was carried out using the minimal spanning tree ( mst ) technique . earlier studies could find 18 groups of agns in total . all of these groups were confirmed by the mst technique . we could detect two further agn groups comprising 21 and 14 members at mean redshifts of 0.081 and 0.222 . further work is necessary to quantify the exact significance of these results . the final rosac project will result in a sample of about 700 agns with surface densities between 0.3 and 0.5 agns / deg@xmath2 at redshifts z@xmath00.5 . consequently , the incorporation of the two other regions , which means 500 objects additionally , would provide a much better sample to study agn clustering .
we present the first rosac results of an agn clustering analysis . this study comprises a sample of 200 agns , 75% of which being at low redshifts z@xmath00.5 , in the ursa major constellation . the spatial 2-point - correlation function ( scf ) as well as the minimal spanning tree ( mst ) technique were applied . some evidence for clustering is found in the scf , although with low significance . using the mst technique , we could find two agn groups . this result is preliminary and the exact significance will be tested with careful simulations .
symbiotic stars are binary stars in which usually a white dwarf accretes from the wind of a red giant ( e.g. luthardt 1992 ) . their x - ray spectra are apparently dominated by distinct soft and hard x - ray components ( i do not discuss the third `` supersoft''case usually interpreted as steady nuclear burning of accreted material ) . as an example i take the asca gis2 spectrum of the bright symbiotic ch cyg , plotted in figure 1 . the emission is seen to peak at 1kev and at 5kev . in figure 1 i have also overlaid a simple 10kev bremsstrahlung spectrum that has been folded through the response of the telescope . the dip in the observed spectrum ( at 2kev ) corresponds to a maximum in the effective area of asca , and thus must be a true minimum in the x - ray emission of the ch cyg . the asca observation of ch cyg was analysed by ezuka , ishida & makino ( 1998 ) . to achieve an acceptable fit they required three emission components ( kt= + 0.2 , 0.7 , 7.3kev ) , each with a different absorption column , plus an additional partial - covering absorber . usually the hard emission is attributed to the accreting compact object and the soft emission to colliding winds of the two stars . in this paper i demonstrate that the spectrum can be understood with a far more simple model , and that there is no need for a separate soft component . the key to this new interpretation is to allow the absorbing medium to be partially ionised . this is reasonable because the wind of the red giant the obvious candidate absorber is strongly illuminated by ionising radiation from the accreting white dwarf . fitting the asca spectrum with a single - temperature emission model ( _ mekal _ ) absorbed by a photoionised medium ( _ absori _ ) i readily achieve a fairly good fit ( reduced @xmath0=2.4 with 172 d.o.f . ; top panel of figure 2 ) . the residuals are dominated by narrow features at 0.9kev and 6.4kev . adding narrow lines to the model i find an acceptable fit ( reduced @xmath0=1.4 with 168 d.o.f . ; bottom panel of figure 2 ) . best fitting parameters are kt=11kev , @xmath1 , @xmath2=840 ( ionisation parameter ) . the 6.4kev emission line is most likely due to k@xmath3 fluorescence of weakly - ionised iron . since the absorbing medium is strongly ionised , this fluorescence must arise elsewhere , probably through reflection from the surface of the compact object . the 0.9kev line is more difficult to identify because its energy is less well constrained and there are a large number of emission lines in this portion of the x - ray spectrum . however , its proximity to the strong oviii absorption edge ( see figure 3 ) suggests it is most likely the recombination continuum emission of oviii . the emission spectrum of the absorbing medium is neglected in the ionised absorption model ( _ absori _ ) . the consequence of my fit to the asca spectrum of ch cyg is that a separate low - temperature emission component is no longer needed . thus there is no need to invoke x - ray emission from colliding winds in this system , and indeed , no longer any need for a substantial wind from the white dwarf . the model spectrum ( figure 3 ) shows how the partially ionised absorber cuts deeply at intermediate energies but allows soft photons to leak through . most evidence taken to support x - ray emission from colliding winds has come from soft x - ray observations , e.g. rosat ( mrset , wolff & jordan 1997 ) . clearly the rosat spectrum ( 0.1 - 2.5kev ) of an absorbed system will reveal only the soft x - ray leak , and this could be mistaken for a low temperature emission spectrum . i believe that all the rosat spectra of symbiotic stars previously interpreted as emission from colliding winds may be reinterpreted as absorbed hard x - ray spectra .
symbiotic stars are thought to show distinct x - ray emission from the accreting object and from the colliding winds of the two stars . i show that the colliding wind component is unnecessary . instead , the spectra can be interpreted as emission only from the compact object that is strongly absorbed by the partially - ionised wind of the red giant . there remains no evidence of any x - ray emission from colliding winds , and thus no need for a substantial wind from the compact object .
during the course of the jodrell bank vla astrometric survey ( jvas ) ( browne et al . 1998 , wilkinson et al . 1998 ) the double gravitational lens b1030 + 074 was uncovered ( xanthopoulos et al . 1998 ) . this 1.56 arcsec separation double system , with a redshift of the lens of 0.599 and of the source of 1.535 , was confirmed based on both radio data ( vla , merlin , vlba , evn ) and optical data ( hst / wfpc2 v & i , nicmos h , keck spectra ) . an initial model of the system has predicted a time delay of 156/h@xmath0 days . the new vlba+effelsberg observations at 1.7 ghz ( 3mas resolution , figure 1 ) show the jet in the a - component extending up to 60 mas and resolved in 3 hotspot - like features along the length of the jet . the corresponding jet feature in the faint b - component mirrored and with a hotspot feature is detected also for the first time . the system was monitored with the vla from february to october 1998 at 8.4 ghz ( a , bna and b configuration ) . merlin long track and monitoring snapshot observations of the system were obtained in the c - band ( 5 ghz ) and l - band ( 1.7 ghz ) during 1998 . vsop data of b1030 + 074 were also obtained in may 1998 at the 1.7 ghz and 15 ghz frequencies . radio and optical observations have confirmed that b1030 + 074 is a gravitational lens system . there are 3 features that make this lens system special : a ) it is the lens system with the highest flux density ratio between its components b ) its lensing galaxy , a quasar / bl lac early spiral type galaxy has an asymmetric structure which might be part of the main body of the galaxy or another interacting galaxy c ) its extended jet - like structure revealed in both components from the vlba observations might make it the first lens from which a time delay could be measured from differential proper motions . b1030 + 074 has all the qualities of a `` golden lens '' , a lens appropriate for the measurement of the hubble constant .
we present an overview of all the observations ( radio - vla , merlin , vlba , evn - and optical - wfpc2 and nicmos - ) that were initially used to confirm the gravitational lens nature of the double jvas system b1030 + 074 . since the 1.56 arcsec system showed some first indication of variability it has been monitored with the vla and merlin to confirm its variable nature . we also present new vlba observations of the lens system at 1.7 ghz that have unveiled detailed structure of the jet in the strong component and first detection of the jet in the faint component .
for the lattice domain - wall fermion formulation there are two independent approaches which can be used to reduce the residual chiral symmetry breaking ( @xmath0 ) for practical sizes of @xmath1 . one way is to modify the fermion part of the action and another way is to improve the gauge action used . in this paper we take the second approach by studying the dbw2 gauge action in dynamical dwf calculations and considering the effects of also adding an adjoint term to the gauge action . the dbw2 gauge action reduces @xmath0 at finite @xmath1 in quenched dwf simulations by suppressing the topological lattice dislocations in the gauge field configurations@xcite . these simulations@xcite find that @xmath0 is about two orders of magnitude smaller than the corresponding value for the wilson action at a given lattice scale . here we investigate the size of that improvement for the corresponding dynamical dwf cases at zero and finite temperatures . the form of the dbw2 action is as follows : @xmath2@xmath3 it is a renormalization group improved action where @xmath4 is nonperturbatively computed@xcite . we extend the study of lattice dislocation suppression by adding an adjoint term to the dbw2 gauge action for the dynamical dwf case in the hope that it will improve further @xmath0 in the strong coupling sector without affecting the long distance physics much . as a measure of the residual chiral symmetry breaking we use the ratio@xcite : @xmath5 table 1 contains the parameters of the dynamical zero - temperature runs and the respective values for @xmath0 . the main feature of these results is that @xmath0 significantly increases with the gauge coupling . for the weak coupling of @xmath6 , @xmath0 is quite small and appears independent of the quark mass . for the strongest coupling from table 1 , @xmath7 , @xmath0 has risen to as much as one third of the input quark mass . [ cols="<,<,<,<,<",options="header " , ] = the dbw2 action significantly suppresses lattice dislocations and reduces @xmath0 at zero temperature for dynamical dwf runs at weak couplings . for @xmath8 there is an unphysical increase in @xmath0 . for @xmath9 , plots of @xmath0 are likely showing a plateau at weak coupling . the addition of an adjoint term to the dbw2 action in order to reduce further @xmath0 is still under investigation , but it shows promise for improvement .
we report on studies of the chiral properties of dynamical domain wall fermions combined with the dbw2 gauge action for different gauge couplings and fermion masses . for quenched theories , the dbw2 action gives a residual chiral symmetry breaking much smaller than what was found with more traditional choices for the gauge action . our goal is to investigate the possibilities which this and further improvements provide for the study of qcd thermodynamics and other simulations at stronger couplings .
we extend the studies of @xcite and @xcite and follow the cosmological evolution of a milky way - like halo from high redshifts until z=0 . coupled to the star formation process , we inject small - scale dipole - shaped magnetic seed fields ( see also * ? ? ? * ) given typical dimensions and magnetic field amplitudes found in canonical sn remnants . the seeding rate roughly corresponds to 10@xmath2 g / gyr . this is the only process of magnetic field seeding and we do not consider any other seeds as in many previous simulations ( see also * ? ? ? subsequently , the magnetic field strength increases exponentially on timescales of a few ten million years within the innermost regions of the halo . the amplification is due to dynamo action occurring during galaxy formation and at last , motions and turbulent diffusion carry the field towards the halo outskirts and magnetize the entire halo at z=0 . the simulations were run with the gadget @xcite code and the @xcite star formation prescription . figure [ sim_rm ] shows the intrinsic rm evolution of the innermost region of the halo and observational data taken from the literature . the @xmath3 is calculated as the line - of - sight integral of magnetic field and thermal electron density . in our simulations , at redshifts between z=4 and z=2 , high intrinsic rm values exceeding 1000 rad / m@xmath1 are due to high star formation rates and very efficient field amplification . as the halo virializes towards z=0 , the magnetic field diffuses and therefore the intrinsic rm values decline to 10 rad / m@xmath1 . at the moment , observational rm data at high redshifts is difficult to obtain and interpret . however , we think a careful comparison with existing data is already possible . these data shows both trends reproduced by our simulations for objects residing in the same environments and similar source sizes . galaxy formation at high redshifts undergoes extremely violent phases with excessive amounts of feedback . this could be the origin of the large intrinsic rm values see at that cosmic epoch . this work is supported by the dfg cluster of excellence universe , dfg research unit 1254 and by the magneticum project ( http://www.magneticum.org ) .
we present a model for the seeding and evolution of magnetic fields in galaxies by supernovae ( sn ) . sn explosions during galaxy assembly provide seed fields , which are subsequently amplified by compression , shear flows and random motions . our model explains the origin of @xmath0 g magnetic fields within galactic structures . we implement our model in the mhd version of the cosmological simulation code gadget-3 and couple it with a multi - phase description of the interstellar medium . we perform simulations of milky way - like galactic halo formation and analyze the distribution and strength of the magnetic field . we investigate the intrinsic rotation measure ( rm ) evolution and find rm values exceeding 1000 rad / m@xmath1 at high redshifts and rm values around 10 rad / m@xmath1 at present - day . we compare our simulations to a limited set of observational data points and find encouraging similarities . in our model , galactic magnetic fields are a natural consequence of the very basic processes of star formation and galaxy assembly .
@xmath1-band ( @xmath2 m ) images of 56 local galaxies ( @xmath3 mpc ) were obtained with the infrared imager and spectrograph 2 ( iris2 ) at the 3.9 m anglo - australian telescope ( aat ) between october 2004 and september 2006 . iris2 has a rockwell hawaii1 hgcdte array with a pixel scale of @xmath4 pixel@xmath5 and a @xmath6 field - of - view . the total on - source integration time was 30 min with a mean seeing of @xmath7 . the data reduction was carried out using the orac - dr pipeline within the starlink package . instrumental magnitudes for field stars were obtained employing standard iraf routines and were cross - correlated with the 2mass point source catalog to provide photometric calibration . the measured total @xmath1-band luminosity of each galaxy was converted into a stellar mass by adopting a mass - to - light ratio of @xmath8 . a detailed description the observations and analysis can be found in kirby et al @xcite . the relationship between the stellar mass ( from optical or near - ir measurements ) and the gas ( from 21 cm line observations ) in a galaxy provides insight into galaxy evolution . we use our data combined with data from the literature to examine the hi mass - to - light ratio as well as the relationship between the hi mass and the stellar mass . the literature data that we include is coming from virgo cluster galaxies listed in the goldmine database @xcite . we also include the @xmath0-band data of warren et al . @xcite and bouchard et al . @xcite which have been transformed to the @xmath1-band employing the optical - near infrared magnitude transformation discussed in kirby et al . @xcite . this allows us to investigate this relationship for a wide range of galaxy morphologies . [ cols="^,^ " , ] the hi mass - to - light ratio measures the relative amounts of gas and stars in a galaxy . in fig . [ ekirby.fig.m2l ] ( left panel ) we show the hi mass - to - light ratio for the selected galaxies . warren et al . @xcite proposed that there is an upper envelope to a galaxy s mass - to - light ratio at a given luminosity ( dashed line ) . this suggests that the minimum amount of stars that a galaxy will form is related to the initial baryonic mass , a hypothesis supported by the theoretical work of taylor & webster @xcite . for a galaxy to lie above this upper envelope , it would have to be very massive yet also have low surface brightness ( to remain optically undetected ) and low hi column density . however , hideep @xcite found no giant lsb galaxies and no galaxies with hi column density less than @xmath9@xmath10 despite a sensitivity limit 1.5dex lower than this . although the hi mass - to - light ratio is frequently used to describe the relationship between the gas and the stars in a galaxy , when examining fig . [ ekirby.fig.m2l ] ( left panel ) , it is important to note that the two parameters plotted are dependent on each other . a better way to look at this is presented in the right hand panel of fig . [ ekirby.fig.m2l ] where we show how the hi mass relates directly to the stellar mass . our sample , containing late - type dwarfs , is closer to the upper envelope than the early - type dwarf sample of bouchard et al . similarly , the sample of field galaxies of warren et al . @xcite is much closer to the upper envelope than the virgo cluster data that is dominated by es and des . this highlights that the relationship between the stellar and gas masses is dependent on the environment and hence implicitly on the morphological type . in the hi mass versus stellar mass plot , the upper envelope clearly does not have a gradient of unity . a 45@xmath11 line represents galaxies with exactly half their baryonic mass in stars and half in gas . high mass galaxies lie systematically below a 45@xmath11 line whereas low mass galaxies can fall either above or below a 45@xmath11 line . this means that the fraction of baryonic mass in stars is dependent on the total baryonic mass . in fig . [ ekirby.fig.bary ] , a direct comparison between the stellar fraction of the baryonic content and the total baryonic mass in a galaxy is given . the empirically determined dashed line represents the minimum mass fraction required for the galactic disk to remain stable against star formation . it seems that at lower masses , galaxies can stabilise with less of their gas converted into stars . this is again supported by the theoretical work of taylor and webster @xcite . [ ekirby.fig.bary ] shows that the minimum stellar fraction of the baryonic mass goes to 1 as the total baryonic mass approaches @xmath12 suggesting that there is an upper limit to the total baryonic mass a galaxy can have . this upper limit is in good agreement with the observed upper limit of high redshift galaxies ( @xmath13 ) found by rocca - volmerange et al . @xcite and the theoretical value discussed by rees and ostriker @xcite . comparisons of the gas mass and the stellar mass provides insight into galaxy evolution . galaxies with high baryonic mass - to - light ratios are often cited as solutions to ongoing cosmological problems , in particular reconciling the faint - end of the galaxy luminosity function with the predicted cdm halo mass function . the maximum total baryonic mass of a galaxy ( both observational and theoretical ) corresponds to the mass of a galaxy which has converted all of its gas into stars . our empirical results strongly suggest an upper baryonic mass limit of @xmath12 .
we present near - ir , deep ( 4 mag deeper than 2mass ) imaging of 56 local volume galaxies . global parameters such as total magnitudes and stellar masses have been derived and the new near - ir data combined with existing 21 cm and optical @xmath0-band data . we present multiwavelength relations such as the hi mass - to - light ratio and investigate the maximum total baryonic mass a galaxy can have .
a small collaboration within the na62 experiment is conducting a feasibility study for measuring the very rare decay @xmath0 . with a br(@xmath3 @xcite predicted by the standard model ( sm ) , no experiment has yet been capable of observing the decay . the goal of the `` klever '' experiment is to observe tens of these decays while keeping the signal to background ratio at 1:1 . the collaboration has published their initial findings in an na62 technical note @xcite , including the findings of this study . to accomplish this goal , long - lived , neutral kaons @xmath1 will be created by colliding 400 gev / c protons accelerated by cern s sps with a beryllium target . the most common charged decays from the @xmath1 , the signal decay , and their applicable br s are shown in table [ table ] . the signal is two photons from the @xmath4 detected by the liquid krypton electromagnetic calorimeter ( lkr ) and no other particles detected elsewhere . any difference between the experimental measurement and the sm branching ratio may point to new physics.@xcite a 10:1 signal to charged background ratio is necessary for the experiment . the rate of charged background and the reduction required to achieve the signal to background ratio were studied . the overall 1:1 signal to background ratio includes the neutral decays , with contributions primarily from @xmath5 , but is not discussed here . additional details can be found in @xcite . in addition to the lkr ( @xmath6 m from the target ) , there are 26 large angle vetoes ( lav ) upstream of the lkr , and a small angle calorimeter ( sac ) and inner ring calorimeter ( irc ) behind the lkr . their purpose is to detect photons and charged particles missed by the lkr . charged decays of the kaon were simulated with geant4 @xcite@xcite . a list of selection criteria was sequentially applied to each event in the resulting root @xcite file . events were eliminated if any of the following were true : a charged particle or photon was detected by the lavs , irc , or sac ; fewer than two energy clusters were detected by the lkr ( clusters closer than 6 cm were merged ) ; the reconstructed @xmath4 decayed outside of the fiducial region ( @xmath7 m ) ; an lkr cluster was closer than 35 cm to the beamline center ; or the transverse momentum of the reconstructed @xmath4 was less than 0.12 gev / c . designed primarily to eliminate background from the most problematic neutral decays , these criteria also significantly reduce charged background . some charged decays passed all of the selection criteria and were accepted as signal events because they were indistinguishable from the signal ( e.g. a pion and electron reconstructed as two photons from a @xmath4 ) [ see table [ table ] ] . * 6l decay & generated & accepted & @xmath8 & br & @xmath9 mode & @xmath10 & as signal & & & @xmath11 & 0.24 & 18 & @xmath12 & @xmath13% & @xmath14 @xmath15 & 44.8 & 23 & @xmath16 & @xmath17% & @xmath18 @xmath19 & 153.0 & 11 & @xmath20 & @xmath21% & @xmath22 @xmath23 & 0.73 & 16 & @xmath24 & @xmath25 & @xmath26 @xmath27 & 2.8 & 6678 & @xmath28 & @xmath29 & @xmath30 the last column of table [ table ] shows that a charged particle detection ( cpd ) system will need to reduce the charged background from @xmath31 to @xmath32 to achieve the 10:1 signal to charged background ratio a reduction by a factor of @xmath2 . this work was supported by the u.s . national science foundation under grant no . 1506088 and funding under a grant from the italian ministry of education , universities , and research ( miur ) as the `` klever '' project , a research project of significant national interest ( progetto di ricerca di rilevante interesse nazionale , prin ) , call 2010 - 2011 . buras , et al . 2015 _ j. high energy phys . _ jhep11(2015)033 a bradley , et al . 2016 internal report : na62 - 16 - 03 c smith 2014 arxiv:1409.6162 particle data group , k olive , et al . 2014 _ chinese physics _ c * 38 * s agostinelli , et al . 2003 _ nim _ a * 506 * 250 - 303 j allison , et al . 2006 _ ieee trans . sci . _ * 53 * 270 - 8 r brun and f rademakers 1997 _ nucl . inst . & meth . res . _ a * 389 * 81 - 6
measuring the rate at which the long - lived , neutral kaon decays into a neutral pion , neutrino , and anti - neutrino allows physicists an opportunity to test precise predictions made by the standard model . differences between theoretical predictions and experimental measurements may point to new physics . not only does the standard model predict a very low probability at approximately 3 @xmath0 decays in 100 billion @xmath1 decays , but many of the common decays leave false signals in the detector that look the same as the true signal . charged decays have been studied to determine the required detection efficiency necessary to eliminate them . the conclusion of these studies is that a reduction by a factor of @xmath2 will be required to achieve the 10:1 signal to charged background ratio necessary for the experiment .
magnetic fields in the interstellar medium of the milky way and other disc galaxies are , to a first approximation , frozen - in to the interstellar gas : put another way , the magnetic reynolds number of the medium is sufficiently high that advection dominates diffusion in the magnetic induction equation . one would therefore expect that strong velocity shear , such as that which occurs in barred galaxies , and large - scale shocks , like the density wave induced shocks along spiral arms , would lead to a strengthening of the magnetic field when the large - scale magnetic field is approximately perpendicular to the shear or parallel to the shock , as is commonly observed in barred ( @xcite ) and normal spiral galaxies ( @xcite ) . surprisingly , observations of the barred galaxies ngc 1097 and ngc 1365 ( @xcite ) show that the polarized radio emission , tracing the _ regular _ magnetic field , is hardly affected by the velocity shear of about @xmath0 , increasing by a factor of @xmath1@xmath2 whereas theoretically one would expect an increase by a factor of about @xmath3 . it is important to note that similar calculations are able to accurately predict the observed increase in the _ total _ radio emission , as a result of compression and shear of the turbulent magnetic field in the bar . in normal spiral galaxies a similar , but less pronounced , discrepancy is observed . for example in m51 the neutral gas density increases on average by a factor of @xmath4 in the spiral arms , which should produce an increase by a factor of at least @xmath5 in polarized emission if the magnetic field were frozen - in and depolarization remains constant , whereas on average there is no observed increase in polarized emission in the spiral arms ( fletcher et al . in prep . ) . we suggest that the weaker than expected increase in regular magnetic field strength in regions of strong shocks and shear is due to the multi - phase nature of the ism . the regions in bars and spiral arms where the ism density increases are also the regions where dense clouds of molecular gas ( @xmath6 ) are rapidly formed from diffuse interstellar gas ( @xmath7 ) . as clouds collapse in the turbulent flow , they will rotate faster , winding up the magnetic field lines that thread the cloud . the clouds can then become detached from the background magnetic field in the diffuse ism by flux expulsion ( @xcite ) via ambipolar diffusion ( @xcite ) or magnetic reconnection . the cartoon in figure [ fig ] shows the basic principle . the number of rotations a cloud makes can be bracketed by the following limits . assuming angular momentum conservation and turbulent flow , an initial density of @xmath8 in a proto - cloud of radius @xmath9 rotating at @xmath10 , where @xmath11 and @xmath12 are typical values for the largest turbulent eddies , a cloud will rotate about @xmath13 times in a typical lifetime of @xmath14-@xmath15 or @xmath16 times in a formation time of @xmath17-@xmath18 . on the other hand , observations of _ magnetically braked _ mature clouds suggest about @xmath19 rotations in the formation time ( @xcite ) . these estimates suggest that sufficient rotations for magnetic reconnection to occur are possible and the model is worth examining in more detail . we have carried out numerical simulations , in 2d and 3d , of clouds forming via the thermal instability in the diffuse , magnetized ism . we measure the fraction of magnetic flux threading gas at different densities once the instability has fully developed ( after approximately @xmath20 ) . the simulations show that magnetic flux is detached from the forming clouds , with the rate of detachment dependent on the magnetic diffusivity . furthermore , when the perturbations that trigger cloud formation have non - zero rotation the critical density at which flux detachment becomes important scales inversely with the rotation rate . if the dense clouds become detached from the regular magnetic field in the diffuse ism , then the mass - to - flux ratio will decrease for the diffuse gas . thus the regular magnetic field becomes more important in the dynamics of the diffuse gas and eventually will be strong enough to resist shearing and shocks in the diffuse ism . this dynamical importance will continue until the dense clouds are dissipated ( for example by star formation ) and their remaining gas reloads the regular magnetic field in the diffuse ism .
observations show that magnetic fields in the interstellar medium ( ism ) often do not respond to increases in gas density as would be naively expected for a frozen - in field . this may suggest that the magnetic field in the diffuse gas becomes detached from dense clouds as they form . we have investigated this possibility using theoretical estimates , a simple magneto - hydrodynamic model of a flow without mass conservation and numerical simulations of a thermally unstable flow . our results show that significant magnetic flux can be shed from dense clouds as they form in the diffuse ism , leaving behind a magnetically dominated diffuse gas .
heavy quark production in electron - proton collisions at hera is dominated by boson gluon fusion at leading order ( @xmath0 ) in which a virtual photon coming from the electron vertex interacts with a gluon from the proton to produce a heavy quark pair . there are two main kinematic regimes , deep inelastic scattering ( dis ) for photon virtualities q@xmath1gev@xmath2 and photoproduction ( @xmath3p ) for q@xmath4gev@xmath2 . studying the production of heavy quarks enables comparison of the experimental results to theoretical next to leading order ( nlo ) quantum chromodynamics ( qcd ) calculations . the experimental results can also be compared to leading order ( lo ) plus parton shower monte carlo ( mc ) programmes . measuring the d@xmath5 cross section at low q@xmath2 is a test of the nlo calculation for charm production in the transition region from dis to @xmath3p . q@xmath2 values in the range @xmath6gev@xmath2 are reached by measuring the scattered electron in the beam pipe calorimeter ( bpc ) @xcite . the measured cross section is well described by the predictions of nlo qcd ( figure 1 ) showing that this kinematic region is well understood theoretically . [ figa ] [ figb ] charm mesons have long lifetimes enabling them to be tagged via their displaced secondary vertices @xcite . selecting tracks depending on their decay length significance ( s@xmath7 ) greatly improves the purity of the signal . for s@xmath8 , the d@xmath9 signal to background ratio improves by factor of 50 , and 20% of the signal is kept ( figure 2 ) . for events containing a d@xmath5 and two jets in @xmath3p , correlations can be studied between the jets to allow detailed comparisons with qcd calculations @xcite . x@xmath10 is the fraction of the photon s four momentum , manifest in the two highest p@xmath11 jets , entering the hard dijet subprocess . the nlo calculation describes shape of the data for direct @xmath3p ( x@xmath12 ) , with the data favouring a lower charm mass . the shape is not as well described by the nlo calculation for resolved @xmath3p ( x@xmath13 ) , indicating a need for higher order corrections to the nlo calculations . the lo + parton shower mcs particularly herwig fit the data well for both direct and resolved @xmath3p ( figure 3 ) . similar results have been found looking at correlations between the d@xmath5 and a jet not containing the d@xmath5 @xcite . using the impact parameter significance of tracks , charm and beauty fractions can be calculated by fitting distributions in different x - q@xmath2 intervals @xcite . differential cross sections can then be measured and the structure functions f@xmath14 and f@xmath15 evaluated from the expression @xmath16\end{aligned}\ ] ] ( and similarly for f@xmath15 ) and plotted in figure 4 . the qcd calculations fit the data reasonably well with scaling violations apparent at low x. [ figd ] using the semileptonic decay of a b meson to a muon with an accompanying jet , the beauty can be separated from charm and light flavours by exploiting the high mass and long lifetime of b mesons . by simultaneously fitting the impact parameter and the relative transverse momentum of the muon to the axis of the associated jet the beauty fraction can be extracted @xcite . the nlo calculation describes the data reasonably well , though h1 have excess of events at low p@xmath17 ( figure 5 ) . by selecting events with two muons the background from charm and light flavours is suppressed . separating the sample into high and low mass , isolated and non - isolated , like and unlike sign regions further constrains the background @xcite and although this results in low statistics , the data agree with the theory and mc predictions ( figure 6 ) . figure 7 displays a summary of the beauty results from hera showing a good coverage of measurements . there is a tendency of the data to lie above the nlo prediction though measurements with smaller errors are closer to the theory . improved theoretical understanding is needed to include higher orders but also improved precision from the experimental results . [ fige ] [ figf ] [ figg ] in general the charm results from hera are in good agreement with nlo qcd . the beauty results are not as precise but tend to indicate that higher order theory calculations are needed .
the most recent beauty and charm results from the zeus and h1 collaborations are presented .