we used two methodologies for analyzing the data cube of ngc 404 . the first of them was the spectral synthesis with the starlight software ( cid fernandes et al ( 2005 ) ) . this software performs a spectral synthesis to fit an observed spectrum from a set of base spectra . from this spectral synthesis , starlight calculates , among other things , the fraction of light attributed to each stellar population used to perform the fit . the spectral synthesis was applied to the spectra of each spatial pixel of the data cube . the second methodology used for this analysis was the spectral simulations with the cloudy ( developed by g. ferland ) and mappings iii ( allen et al ( 2008 ) ) softwares . cloudy calculates the spectrum emitted by a non - equilibrium gas exposed or not to a radiation source . mappings iii works in a similar way , but the atomic ionization and excitation sources , in this case , are shock waves . in this work , we tried to reproduce the emission line ratios detected along the field of view of the studied object by performing simulations with theses softwares . by using starlight , we determined the flux and mass fractions corresponding to the stellar populations used in the spectral synthesis of the central region of ngc 404 . in figure 1 we can see that most of the stellar mass in the central region of this galaxy is due to stars with ages higher than @xmath3 years and with medium and high metallicities . therefore , photoionization models involving young stars can not explain the emission spectrum of this galaxy . the graph showing the flux fractions corresponding to the stellar populations used in the spectral synthesis appears to suggest the existence of several different star formation episodes along the evolution of this galaxy . in all simulations performed with cloudy for this object , we used an ionizing continuum with a power law shape and a spectral index of -1.7 , a filling factor of 0.01 and an electronic density of @xmath4 @xmath5 . in the simulations performed with mappings iii , we used an electronic density of 1 @xmath5 and a solar metallicity . in figure 2 , we can see that the photoionization by an agn ( with ionization parameters between @xmath6 and @xmath7 ) can reproduce part of the emission line ratios observed in the data cube of ngc 404 . however , since there are no observational evidences for the existence of an agn in this galaxy , a possible explication is that there was an agn in the past , but the accretion stopped and the agn was extinguished . now , some photons emitted by the agn are still propagating through the narrow line region , resulting in the observed spectrum . the simulations performed with mappings iii show that photoionization models involving shock waves ( with velocities between 275 and 350 km / s ) can reproduce a great part of the emission line ratios observed in the data cube of ngc 404 if a low electronic density ( 1 @xmath5 ) is assumed . however , this low density seems to be in disagreement with the observed [ s ii ] line ratios .
ngc 404 , at a distance of 3.4 mpc , is the nearest s0 galaxy . this galaxy harbors a liner ; however , since the spectrum does not show a broad h@xmath0 emission , it is not certain that this liner is a low luminosity agn and its nature is still an open question . hst observations show the existence of stellar populations with an age of @xmath1 years in the galactic bulge and with an age of @xmath2 years in the galactic disk . in this work , we present an analysis of the data cube of ngc 404 obtained with the ifu ( integral field unity ) of the gmos ( gemini multi - object spectrograph ) on the gemini north telescope .
stepie ( 2002 ) has shown that magnetic fields can spin up early type stars in the pms phase . it acts through mass - accretion and magnetic - disc locking , where the efficiency of the interaction can differ according to the content of metals in the star and circumstellar environments . be stars rotate at @xmath0 ( frmat et al . it is then expected that the efficiency of magnetic fields at establishing high initial stellar surface rotations can be different according to the metallic content of the medium where they are formed . we study whether there is some incidence of the metallicity on setting the be phenomenon up by analyzing the age / mass distribution of be stars situated towards the galactic center and in the anti - center direction . the work is based on spectroscopic data obtained with feros spectrograph at eso / la silla ( chile ) and with the coud spectrograph at the 1.60 m telescope of mct / lna ( brazil ) . the fundamental parameter determination uses models of rotating stellar interiors and atmospheres according to methods developed in levenhagen ( 2004 ) , frmat et al . ( 2005 ) and zorec et al . figure 1a shows the distribution of fractional ages ( @xmath1 = age / time spent in the ms ) against the stellar mass . although most of the studied stars lay in the second half of the ms strip , a non negligible number of them is still in the first half of the ms evolutionary phase . a lack of stars below @xmath2 0.2 is noticeable . stars with masses @xmath3 approach the tams limit . this may be due to the fast evolution of massive stars and to the lack of massive be stars at ages @xmath4 0.5 because of their rapid loss of angular through high mass - loss rates , which convert them into low rotators and disable them to display the be phenomenon . figure 1b shows samples of be stars divided into galactic - center " and anti - center " groups . the center " group outnumbers the anti - center " one , which is at odds with the announced expectancy . however , the distinction done here is based on the number of be stars , while the result would be more reliable if we could obtain differences in the fractions of be / b - type objects in the studied space volumes . frmat , y. , zorec , j. , a.m. hubert et al . 2005 , a&a , 440 , 305 levenhagen , r.s . 2004 , phd thesis , univ . sao paulo , brazil stepien , k. 2002 , a&a , 383 , 218 zorec , j. , frmat , y. , cidale , l. 2005 , a&a in press and stro - ph/0509119
fast rotation seems to be the major factor to trigger the be phenomenon . surface fast rotation can be favored by initial formation conditions such as metal abundance . models of fast rotating atmospheres and evolutionary tracks are used to determine the stellar fundamental parameters of 120 be stars situated in spatially well - separated regions to imply there is between them some gradient of metallicity . we study the effects of the incidence of this gradient on the nature of the studied stars as fast rotators .
the enigmatic of?p stars are identified by a number of peculiar and outstanding observational properties . the classification was first introduced by walborn ( 1972 ) according to the presence of c iii @xmath0 emission with a strength comparable to the neighbouring n iii lines . well - studied of?p stars are now known to exhibit recurrent , and apparently periodic , spectral variations ( in balmer , he i , c iii and si iii lines ) with periods ranging from days to decades , strong c iii @xmath0 in emission , narrow p cygni or emission components in the balmer lines and he i lines , and uv wind lines weaker than those of typical of supergiants ( see naz et al . 2010 and references therein ) . only 5 galactic of?p stars are known ( walborn et al . 2010 ) : hd 108 , hd 148937 , hd 191612 , ngc 1624 - 2 and cpd@xmath1 . three of these stars - hd 108 , hd 148937 and hd 191612 - have been studied in detail . in recent years , hd 191612 was carefully examined for the presence of magnetic fields ( donati et al . 2006 ) , and was clearly detected . recent observations , obtained chiefly within the context of the magnetism in massive stars ( mimes ) project ( martins et al . 2010 ; wade et al . , in prep ) have furthermore detected magnetic fields in hd 108 and hd 148937 , thereby confirming the view of of?p stars as a class of slowly rotating , magnetic massive stars . hd 191612 was the first of?p star in which a magnetic field was detected ( donati et al . subsequent mimes observations with espadons@cfht ( wade et al . , in prep ) confirm the existence of the field , and demonstrate the sinusoidal variability of the longitudinal field with the h@xmath2 and photometric period of 537.6 d. as shown in fig . 1 , the longitudinal field , h@xmath2 and photometric extrema occur simultaneously when folded according to the 537.6 d period . this implies a clear relationship between the magnetic field and the circumstellar envelope . we interpret these observations in the context of the oblique rotator model , in which the stellar wind couples to the kilogauss dipolar magnetic field , generating a dense , structured magnetosphere , resulting in all observables varying according to the stellar rotation period . hd 108 was the second of?p star in which a magnetic field was detected ( martins et al . 2010 ) . based on long - term photometric and spectroscopic monitoring , hd 108 is suspected to vary on a timescale of 50 - 60 y ( naz et al . the magnetic observations acquired by martins et al . from 2007 - 2009 show at most a marginal increase of the longitudinal field during more than 2 years of observation . this supports the proposal that the variation timescale is in fact the stellar rotational period , and that hd 108 is a magnetic oblique rotator that has undergone extreme magnetic braking . hd 148937 was recently observed intensely by the mimes collaboration , resulting in the detection of circular polarisation within line profiles indicative of the presence of an organised magnetic field of kilogauss strength ( wade et al . , in prep ) . although the field is consistently detected in the observations , no variability is observed , in particular according to the 7.03 d spectral period . this result supports the proposal by naz et al . ( 2010 ) that hd 148937 is observed with our line - of - sight near the stellar rotational pole . donati et al . , 2006 , _ mnras _ , 365 , 6 martins et al . , 2010 , _ mnras _ , in press ( arxiv:1005.1854 ) naz et al . a&a _ , in press ( arxiv:1006.2054 ) naz et al . 2001 , _ a&a _ , 372 , 195 walborn et al . 2010 , _ apj _ , 711 , 143
only 5 of?p stars have been identified in the galaxy . of these , 3 have been studied in detail , and within the past 5 years magnetic fields have been detected in each of them . the observed magnetic and spectral characteristics are indicative of organised magnetic fields , likely of fossil origin , confining their supersonic stellar winds into dense , structured magnetospheres . the systematic detection of magnetic fields in these stars strongly suggests that the of?p stars represent a general class of magnetic o - type stars .
collisions at lhc will hopefully answer many so far unanswered questions about standard model and beyond . here we focus on details of jet production at lhc due to valence quark - gluon interaction . this process is of interest since it may shed light on so called phenomenon of saturation and it may test different factorisation schemes . this process will be measured at central and forward calorimeters ( castor in cms ) . in first step we calculate hard matrix element for for @xmath1 , then we calculate the total cross section and show the differential cross sections as functions of @xmath2 and @xmath3 distribution of produced jets . to calculate jet production we use cascade monte carlo event generator @xcite we begin our study by calculating matrix element for @xmath1 ( this has been calculated in @xcite but in a different contest ) . in our studies we assume regge kinematics which means that we are going to work in regime where the total center of mass energy squared of proton - proton collision is much larger than any other scale involved in the collision . this practically means : @xmath4 where : @xmath5 ( see figure 1 ) . to calculate the amplitude we have to sum expressions for diagrams in figure 1 . we proceed by using sudakov decomposition of four momenta : @xmath6 + @xmath7 + @xmath8 + @xmath9 + where @xmath10 is longitudinal momentum fraction of incoming quark , @xmath11 is a longitudinal momentum fraction of incoming gluon ( @xmath12 ) , @xmath0 is its transverse momentum . @xmath13 is a longitudinal momentum fraction of outgoing quark , @xmath14 is its transverse momentum . @xmath15 is a longitudinal momentum fraction of outgoing gluon , @xmath16 is its transverse momentum . in calculations of matrix element the interesting kinematical regime is where the incoming gluon carries low longitudinal momentum fraction ( @xmath12 ) and we can make the eikonal approximation to the current . on the other hand since the incoming quark carries high momentum fraction ( @xmath17 ) we take the exact expression for the current . the resulting formula for the matrix element squared for @xmath18 for unpolarized quarks and gluons , after summing and averaging over colors of final and initial state particles , reads : ( 490,170 ) ( 10 , -160 ) @xmath19 from the expression for the matrix element squared we can see that in addition to term formally equal to the collinear result we get a term proportional to @xmath20 . this matrix element has interesting structure of singularities . singularities appear in 4 different points in the phase space when one of the final state partons four - momentum is collinear with a four - momentum of a quark in the initial state ( taking also the quark with the momentum @xmath21 into account ) . the cross section in @xmath0 factorisation approach can be schematically written as : @xmath22 where @xmath23 stands for integration over longitudinal , angular and transversal degrees of freedom , @xmath24 , @xmath25 are the factorisation scales . in the formula above @xmath26 is the unintegrated , gluon density obtained by solving the ccfm evolution equation and @xmath27 is the unintegrated valence quark density obtained from ccfm - like equation which is needed for technical reasons in monte carlo simulation . the initial valence quark distribution is provided by cteq 6.1 set . in our calculations we use running coupling constant and we make a @xmath28 cut on transverse momenta of out going jets . this cut is motivated by the experimental setup where jets at lower momenta are hardly measurable . this cut removes the collinear configuration singularities of the matrix element . as a first observable we calculated total cross section for two jet production in considered kinematical region and we obtained @xmath29 . as other observable we investigate the rapidity distributions of the produced jets . the results of the calculation of the rapidity distributions of outgoing partons is presented in figure 2 . as expected , the quark initiated jet is in the forward rapidity region while the gluon initiated jet is in the central rapidity region . we make here a comparison to pythia monte carlo prediction . the difference between distributions is due to missing sea quark contribution in cascade . the other interesting observable is the transverse energy @xmath2 ( figure 4 ) and @xmath3 distributions ( figure 5 ) of produced jets . the first of this distributions is of particular importance because it shows visible difference due to different assumptions about underlying physics . for example one sees that cascade including the off shell matrix element favors a harder spectrum than pythia which is based on collinear factorisation . the @xmath3 distributions generated by cascade and pythia differ because missing sea quarks in our approach . however , this difference is small in region of our interest ( large @xmath2 ) . 99 h. jung , comput.phys.commun . 143 ( 2002 ) 100 - 111 + m. ciafaloni , phys . lett . * b429 * 363 ( 1998 ) ; + slides : + ` http://indico.cern.ch/contributiondisplay.py?contribid=42&sessionid=8&confid=24657 `
we study in the @xmath0 factorisation framework jet production at lhc energies . in particular we are interested in valence quark and gluon initiated jets . the calculation of the relevant hard matrix element is presented . a ccfm like evolution equation for valence quark distribution is solved and the cross section for valence quark and gluon initiated process is calculated using monte carlo event generator cascade .
in valdarnini ( 2001 ) i propose an alternative method for analyzing the clustering morphology which is a generalization of the 2-point function @xmath1 ( peebles & hauser 1974 ) and is based on the spherical harmonic analysis . the method is drawn from molecular dynamics simulations , where it has been introduced for studying orientational order of supercooled liquids and metallic glasses ( wang & stroud 1991 ) . let us consider a system of @xmath2 particles . the @xmath3 particle has coordinates @xmath4 , in an arbitrary reference frame . for a specified cutoff radius @xmath5 all the particles such that @xmath6 are neighbors of @xmath7 . the line joining @xmath7 to one of the @xmath8 is termed a _ bond_. the angular coordinates of the vector @xmath9 are @xmath10 and the quantity q_lm(r_i)=_j i y_lm(_j,_j ) , eq : defq is the coefficient of the spherical harmonic expansion of the angular density of the bonds associated with the particle @xmath7 . in eq . [ eq : defq ] , and hereafter , summation is understood over all particles @xmath8 of the distribution such that @xmath6 . the coefficients @xmath11 are defined as the bond - orientational order parameters and they can be drastically changed by a rotation of the reference systems . a natural quantity to consider , which is rotation invariant , is q_l(r_i)=. eq : qla using the addition theorem for the spherical harmonics , the expression simplifies to q_l(r_i)= , eq : qlb where @xmath12 is the legendre polynomial , @xmath13 is the angle between two bonds and the summations in eq . [ eq : qlb ] are then independent of the chosen frame . an useful quantity is the auto - correlation @xmath14 of the coefficients @xmath15 . the function @xmath16 is defined as follows : for all of the @xmath17 pairs @xmath18 , such that @xmath19 , where @xmath20 is the thickness of the radial bin , then @xmath21 is the sum over all of these pairs this equation can be greatly simplified : let @xmath22 be the set of neighbors of the particle @xmath7 and @xmath23 that of the particle @xmath24 , which satisfy @xmath25 and @xmath26 . then the summation becomes g_l(r)=1 _ i _ k _ j _ p p_l(_jp ) , eq : gl4 with * @xmath27 * being the angle between @xmath28 and @xmath29 . the summation over the pairs is @xmath30 , with the sum over the particles @xmath24 only for those particles with @xmath19 . the effectiveness of the statistical analysis in quantifying clustering morphology is studied ( valdarnini 2001 ) by applying the statistical estimator @xmath16 to point distributions produced by an ensemble of cosmological @xmath31 body simulations with a cdm spectrum . the results shown that the statistical method defined by the function @xmath32 can be used to analyze the clustering morphology produced by gravitational clustering in a quantitative way . the function @xmath32 describes anisotropies in the clustering distribution by measuring the degree of correlation between the angular densities as seen from two different observers separated by @xmath33 . @xmath32 can then be considered a statistical measure of clustering patterns , with different scales probed by varying the input parameters @xmath34 and @xmath5 . with large redshift surveys becoming available in the next few years , the proposed statistical method appears as a promising tool for analyzing patterns in the galaxy distribution .
a new method for analyzing the morphological features of point patterns is presented . the method is taken from the study of molecular liquids , where it has been introduced for making a statistical description of anisotropic distributions . the statistical approach is based on the spherical harmonic expansion of angular correlations . @xmath0cdm
-the hadronic and @xmath0 couplings of light scalar mesons could provide an important information about their nature . + -k - matrix model has been used to describe @xmath3 and @xmath0 processes @xcite . + -this model is improved by introducing a form factor _ shape function _ in a single channel @xcite , which is generalized @xcite to the coupled channels case in order to extract the pole postions and the previous couplings of the @xmath1 and @xmath2 . + in this talk , we review these recent results . we introduce a real analytic form factor _ shape function _ @xcite : @xmath9 it allows for an alder zero @xmath10 and a pole at @xmath11 to simulate left hand singularities . the unitary @xmath12 s wave @xmath3 scattering amplitude is then written as : @xmath13 where : @xmath14 and hence : @xmath15 the real part of @xmath16 is obtained from a dispersion relation with subtraction at @xmath17 , @xmath18 where @xmath19 has been defined in ref . @xcite . in this case , one can introduce another shape function @xmath21 : @xmath22 where @xmath23 , and @xmath24\ . $ ] the single channel results are shown in fig . [ fig1 ] and table [ tab : param1 ] . the result of @xmath25 model shows that the existence of @xmath1 is not an artifact of a `` bare '' resonance entering into the parametrization of @xmath26 . @xmath12 s - wave phase shift.,width=158 ] .values of the bare parameters in @xmath27 . [ cols="<,^,^,^,<",options="header " , ] [ tab : diphotonwidth ] the previous possible gluonium assignement of the @xmath1 can be tested from @xmath28 and @xmath29 processes ( @xmath5 is a n unmixed hypothetical gluonium state ) as discussed respectively in @xcite and @xcite . we expect to have the branching ratios @xmath30 : & & b(j/_b)b(_b)(0.4~1.0 ) , + & & b(_b)0.12 , and : f__bm_c^2(1 ) , for @xmath31 gev , @xmath32 gev @xcite , where @xmath33 @xcite is the form factor associated to the @xmath34 semileptonic production . the rates of these productions are in fair agreement with existing data supporting again or not excluding a large gluonium component of the @xmath1 . -we use an improved coupled channel k - matrix model , taking into account adler zero and left hand singularities . we extract the pole positions and widths , as well as the hadronic and @xmath0 couplings of @xmath1 and @xmath2 by fitting experimental data . + -the values of their direct widths favour a large gluon content for the @xmath1 meson but are not decisive for explaining the substructure of the @xmath2 meson , which can mainly be either a @xmath4 or a gluonium . + -the large values of the rescattering widths , due to meson loops , can be also obtained if they are gluonia states but not necessarily if they are four - quark or molecule states . this work has been partly supported by cnrs - in2p3 within the project non - perturbative qcd and hadron physics . wang thanks the laboratoire de physique thorique et astroparticules ( lpta ) of montpellier for the hospitality . s. narison , _ nucl . * b 509 * ( 1998 ) 312 ; _ nucl . * 64 * ( 1998 ) 210 ; _ z. phys . _ * c 26 * ( 1984 ) 209 ; _ nucl . phys . _ * a 675 * ( 2000 ) 54c ; _ nucl . phys * 96 * ( 2001 ) 244 ; _ nucl . phys . _ * a 675 * ( 2000 ) 54c;_nucl . phys . proc.suppl._*121 * ( 2003 ) 131 .
we extract the pole positions , hadronic and @xmath0 widths of @xmath1 and @xmath2 , from @xmath3 and @xmath0 scattering data using an improved analytic k - matrix model . our results favour a large gluon component for the @xmath1 and a @xmath4 or / and gluon component for the @xmath2 but neither a large four - quark nor a molecule component . gluonium @xmath5 production from @xmath6 radiative and @xmath7 semi - leptonic decays are also discussed . @xmath0 and @xmath3 scatterings , radiative decays , light scalars , gluonia , four - quark states , qcd spectral sum rules .
we present preliminary results from a new class of hydrodynamical models for the formation of single elliptical galaxies ( pipino , dercole , & matteucci , 2007 ) in which we implement detailed prescriptions for the chemical evolution of h , he , o and fe . our aims are : i ) to test and improve our previous predictions of an outside - in formation for the majority of ellipticals in the context of the supernovae - driven wind scenario , by means of a careful study of gas inflows / outflows ; ii ) to explain the observed slopes , either positive or negative , in the radial gradient of the mean stellar [ @xmath0/fe ] , and their apparent lack of any correlation with all the other observables ( melhert et al . 2003 ; annibali et al . 2006 ; sanchez - blazquez et al . 2007 ) . we adopted a one - dimensional hydrodynamical model which follows the time evolution of the density of mass , momentum and internal energy of a galaxy , under the assumption of spherical symmetry . in order to solve the equation of hydrodynamics with source term we made use of an improved version of the bedogni & dercole ( 1986 ) eulerian , second - order , upwind integration scheme . our main novelty , in fact , is that we follow the chemical evolution of several elements , namely h , he , o and fe . this set of elements is good enough to characterize our simulated elliptical galaxy from the chemical evolution point of view . in fact , as shown by the time - delay model ( matteucci & greggio 1986 ) , the [ @xmath0/fe ] ratio is a powerful estimator of the duration of the star formation . all the models run undergo an outside - in formation as suggested by pipino , matteucci , & chiappini ( 2006 ) , in the sense that star formation stops earlier in the outermost than in the innermost regions , owing to the onset of a galactic wind . we find that the predicted variety of the gradients in the [ @xmath0/fe ] ratio can be explained by physical processes , generally not taken into account in simple chemical evolution models , such as metal enhanced radial flows coupled with different initial conditions . once transformed into predictions on the line - strenght indices , these gradients in the abundaces lead to @xmath1 mag per decade in radius , again in agreement with the typical mean values measured for ellipticals by several authors and confirming the pipino et al . ( 2006 ) best model predictions . the remarkable exception of some model with a steeper gradient seems to go in the direction of a few massive objects in the ogando et al . ( 2005 ) sample . by analysing typical massive ellipticals , we find that all the models that show values for their chemical properties , including the [ @xmath2 and the total metallicity gradients , within the observed ranges , show a variety of gradient in the [ @xmath0/fe ] ratio , either positive or negative , and one as no gradient at all . annibali , f. , bressan , a. , rampazzo , r. , zeilinger , w. w. , & danese , l. 2007 , a&a , 463 , 455 bedogni , r. & dercole , a. 1986 , a&a , 157 , 101 matteucci , f. & greggio , l. 1986 , a@xmath3a , 154 , 279 mehlert , d. , thomas , d. , saglia , r. p. , bender , r. , & wegner , g. 2003 , a&a , 407 , 423 ogando , r. l. c. , maia , m. a. g. , chiappini , c. , pellegrini , p. s. , schiavon , r. p. , & da costa , l. n. 2005 apj , 632 , 61 pipino , a. , dercole , a. , & matteucci , f. 2007 , arxiv:0706.2932 pipino , a. , & matteucci , f. 2004 , mnras , 347 , 968 pipino , a. , matteucci , f. , & chiappini , c. 2006 apj , 638 , 739 sanchez - blazquez , p. , forbes , d. a. , strader , j. , brodie , j. , & proctor , r. 2007 , astro - ph/0702572
elliptical galaxies probably host the most metal rich stellar populations in the universe . the processes leading to both the formation and the evolution of such stars are discussed by means of a new gas dynamical model which implements detailed chemical evolution prescriptions . moreover , the radial variations in the metallicity distribution of these stars are investigated by means of g - dwarf - like diagrams . by comparing model predictions with observations , we derive a picture of galaxy formation in which the higher is the mass of the galaxy , the shorter are the infall and the star formation timescales . the galaxies seem to have formed outside - in , namely the most external regions accrete gas , form stars and develop a galactic wind very quickly ( a few myr ) compared to the central core , where the star formation can last up to 1 gyr . we show for the first time a model able in reproducing the mass - metallicity and the color - magnitude relations as well as the radial metallicity gradient , and , at the same time , the observed either positive or negative slopes in the [ @xmath0/fe ] abundace ratio gradient in stars .
irdis sub - system is one of the three focal sub - systems of sphere , working in different configurations in the range of 0.92.3 @xmath2 m : dual - band imaging , long slit spectroscopy and polarimetric imaging . irdis can observe in its dual - band imaging mode in parallel with the other focal sub - instrument ifs . a series of laboratory tests has been performed to find the final capabilities of the instrument and check possible issues . contrast plots of the nirsur ( irdis in h2h3 and ifs in yj ) configuration is shown in figure 1 . the nirsur mode is the one optimized for planets search . it uses the spectral differential imaging ( sdi ) procedure ( ( * ? ? ? * racine et al . 1999 ) ) , a technique that permits the detection of faint companions in two narrow - band filters in which the contrast between primary and planet is very different ( e.g. wavelength close to the methane band head ) . l|l||l + turbulence & 0.@xmath36 and 0.@xmath38 seeing & backgroung subtraction + flat - filtering + filter & dual - band h2h3 & rescaling + coronograph & apodized lyot & median recombination of the data - cube frames + dithering & 4@xmath04 & spectral subtraction ( sdi ) + exposure time & 3584 s & no adi + ifs & yes & injection of synthetic planets of different position angles and separation + 85 seeing . the plot shows the contrast with respect to the host star ( black line ) vs the separation in arcsec . apodized lyot coronographic profile ( at 1 @xmath4 ) is showed by the red lines , while in green is represented the result of the dual band imaging ( dbi ) . the blue curve represents the ifs result after spectral deconvolution . vertical lines indicates separation from the host star of 0.5 , 0.8 ( limit of ifs ) , 1.0 and 1.5 arcsec.,width=374 ] the dual - band imager irdis will allow the detection of planets with a luminosity contrast of 2@xmath010@xmath1 at 0.5 arcsec of separation from the central star . synthetic fake planets have been injected in the raw data to better estimate the detection limits . we found that for planets with a contrast of 1@xmath010@xmath5 the signal to noise ratio ( snr ) goes from 6.4 for internal to 33.3 for external planets . during the observations at the vlt the exposures will be acquired in pupil - stabilized mode , where the field will rotate , to take advantage of the adi ( ( * ? ? ? * marois et al . 2005 ) ) technique in addition to the sdi . this configuration has not been tested realistically in the laboratory . simulations predict a gain of a factor 10 in contrast when using adi in addition to sdi . the photometric and astrometric characterization of faint companions , down to 17 mag of contrast ( at 0.5 arcsec ) with respect to their host stars , will be possible using the adi and sdi techniques .
next year the second generation instrument sphere will begin science operations at the very large telecope ( eso ) . this instrument will be dedicated to the search for exoplanets through the direct imaging techniques , with the new generation extreme adaptive optics . in this poster , we present the performances of one of the focal instruments , the infra - red dual - beam imaging and spectroscopy ( irdis ) . all the results have been obtained with tests in laboratory , simulating the observing conditions in paranal . we tested several configurations using the sub - system integral field spectrograph ( ifs ) in parallel and simulating long coronographic exposures on a star , calibrating instrumental ghosts , checking the performance of the adaptive optics system and reducing data with the consortium pipeline . the contrast one can reach with irdis is of the order of 2@xmath010@xmath1 at 0.5 arcsec separation from the central star . = 1
the sacy ( search for associations containing young stars ) survey was a spectroscopic effort to find southern nearby associations using as targets the possible tycho2/hipparcos stars counterparts of the rosat all - sky bright sources catalogue ( @xcite ; @xcite ) . to analyze the sacy survey we developed a method to find young associations and to define their high probability members . these bonafide members enable to obtain the kinematical and the physical properties of each association in a proper way . recently we noted a concentration in the @xmath0 plane and we found a new association we are calling asya ( all sky young association ) for its overall distribution in the sky . we also search hipparcos catalogue for other possible members and we found a total of 38 bonafide members ( including those from hipparcos and sacy ) . although kinematically ( @xmath1 km / s ) near the her - lyr moving group , asya is definitively distinct from it and younger - we estimated an age of 110 myr , the oldest of the young associations found in the sacy survey . a weak expansion in the x direction is present @xmath2 and the solution was obtained with a @xmath3 . we present its kinematical ( @xmath4 ) and space ( @xmath5 ) distributions in fig . [ fig : uvw_xyz ] and its li distribution ( @xmath6(li ) vs @xmath7 ) and its hr diagram ( @xmath8 vs. @xmath7 ) in fig . [ fig : hr_li ] . space for asya showing the well defined kinematical clustering . the position of the classical moving groups ( hyades supercluster ( hs ) , ursa major ( uma ) , ic2391 , castor , local association ( la ) and hercules - lyra , @xcite and @xcite ) and the young associations of sacy ( @xmath9 cha , tw hya , @xmath10 pic , tuc - hor , carina , columba , octans , argus and ab dor ) are also presented for comparison . note that asya is clearly separated from her - lyr and the other younger associations . _ lower panel _ : @xmath5 space for asya . , width=480 ]
to analyze the sacy ( search for associations containing young stars ) survey we developed a method to find young associations and to define their high probability members . these bona fide members enable to obtain the kinematical and the physical properties of each association in a proper way . recently we noted a concentration in the @xmath0 plane and we found a new association we are calling asya ( all sky young association ) for its overall distribution in the sky with a total of 38 bonafide members and an estimated age of 110 myr , the oldest young association found in the sacy survey . we present here its kinematical , space and li distributions and its hr diagram .
our data consist of polarization position angle ( e - field ) , percentage polarization , and total flux at @xmath0 for 3c 273 for each night of ut 10 , 12 - 18 february 1988 . the data for a representative night ( 12 feb . ) are shown in figure 1 , where the solid lines represent the best - fitting model for that night ( see 2 ) . the data were taken at ukirt with the mark ii hatfield polarimeter ( hough , peacock , & bailey 1991 ) , which makes simultaneous optical and near - infrared observations , important for this variable blazar . the data have been corrected for interstellar polarization and galactic extinction . a brief discussion of these data was presented by wills ( 1991 ) . at the time of our observations 3c 273 was in an outburst state ( courvoisier et al . this outburst has since been associated with the ejection of vlbi component c9 ( @xmath1 , bth et al . 1991 ) . at this time the polarization was higher than usual . in our data both the percentage polarization and the position angle are very frequency - dependent , and this dependence changes from night to night . the frequency dependence of @xmath2 , particularly a 90 flip on 14 feb . , is suggestive of the presence of two perpendicular polarized components of similar amplitude but different spectral shape . we have modelled our data with two power laws in polarized flux density that vary from night to night in amplitude , spectral index , and position angle . the addition of two such components for 12 feb . is illustrated in figure 2 . in all cases we find that the two components are approximately perpendicular , with the e - vector of the steeper component transverse to the projected jet direction . the model reproduces the data well . slight changes in the model parameters ( for example , @xmath33@xmath4 in position angle , @xmath30.05 in spectral index , and @xmath30.05 mjy in amplitude ) produce noticeably worse fits to the data . the two - component models are thus well - constrained by the data . we find that the components are correlated in amplitude and position angle , and probably spectral index ( significance levels of @xmath599.75% , @xmath599% , and @xmath593% respectively ) with a time lag of much less than one day . the changes of the amplitudes and position angles of the components with time are illustrated in figure 3 . we explain the polarization of 3c 273 in outburst with two synchrotron components . since these components are nearly perpendicular they tend to cancel each other out , resulting in low polarized flux . this blazar - like polarization is further diluted by a strong , unpolarized non - blazar continuum , resulting in the low observed percentage polarization for this object . the outburst emission of blazars is often explained in terms of a shocked jet model like that of marscher & gear ( 1985 ) . such models normally involve a quiescent component and a shock component . we instead require two components associated with the shock . these components must be nearly co - spatial to account for the very short time lag between their polarizations . the simplest model would involve an underlying magnetic field that is parallel to the jet , but which is compressed so as to be perpendicular in the region of the shock . one of our components , which has polarization parallel to the jet and a flatter spectrum , would originate from the region of the perpendicular b - field , as expected from the marscher & gear model . the other component , with perpendicular polarization , would be due to high energy electrons that have leaked from the shocked region and are accelerated where the b - field is parallel to the jet . we see these two components superimposed . bth , l. b. et al . 1991 , a&a , 241 , l1 . courvoisier , t. j .- 1988 , nature , 335 , 330 . hough , j. h. , peacock , t. and bailey , j. a. 1991 , mnras , 248 , 74 . marscher , a. p. and gear , w. k. 1985 , apj , 298 , 114 . wills , b.j . 1991 in variability of active galactic nuclei , ed . miller and p.j . wiita ( new york : cambridge university press ) , 87 .
we present @xmath0 polarization and flux density observations of the quasar 3c 273 obtained during a time of outburst over two weeks in 1988 february . we have modelled these data with two power law components , each with wavelength - independent position angle . these components are roughly perpendicular . the steeper - spectrum component has higher infrared polarized flux density , with the electric vector approximately transverse to the projected direction of the vlbi jet . the k - band polarized flux density and position angle , and possibly the spectral index of the two components , are correlated with a time lag of less than a day . we explain our results in terms of a shocked jet model with two nearly co - spatial components : a shock component with magnetic field approximately perpendicular to the jet and the other with magnetic field approximately parallel to the jet .
low - mass ( m - type ) stars represent some of the best targets for the discovery of potentially habitable exoplanets due to their low luminosities and the location of their habitable zones . presently , only a small number of planets have been detected around m stars , with terrestrial planets being common and giant planets being rare , although these results may be affected by a selection bias ( e.g. , ( * ? ? ? * mulders et al . 2015 ) , ( * ? ? ? * howard et al . 2012 ) ) . this trend may be a consequence of the intense high - energy radiation fields of low - mass , pre - main sequence stars . a great deal of mass in protoplanetary disks is lost from the surface of the disk due to heating ( photoevaporation ) from high - energy radiation from the central star . the x - rays from young stars drive disk dissipation and chemistry , influencing the timescale and conditions for exoplanet formation . according to ( * owen et al . ( 2012 ) ) , stellar x - ray luminosity alone sets the photoevaporation rate . however , ( * ? ? ? * gorti et al . ( 2015 ) ) demonstrate that x - ray spectral hardness is also important . hence , it is necessary to fully characterize the x - ray radiation fields incident on protoplanetary disks . to constrain the x - ray - induced photoevaporation rates of protoplanetary disks orbiting low - mass stars , we can examine stars from the galex nearby young - star survey ( galnyss ; ( * ? ? ? * rodriguez et al . 2013 ) ) that have been serendipitously observed by either xmm - newton or chandra . galnyss combines ultraviolet ( galex ) and near - ir ( wise and 2mass ) photometry with kinematics to identify candidate nearby ( d @xmath0 100 pc ) , young ( age @xmath0 100 myr ) , low - mass ( m - type ) stars . this survey has identified @xmath12000 candidates , with most of the stars having spectral types in the range m3-m4 . the xmm - newton data for galnyss candidates are being reprocessed and analysed using the scientific analysis system following standard procedures . spectra are extracted from the epic detectors using circular regions centered on the 2mass / wise positions of the objects . spectral modelling is performed with xspec . an example of the extracted spectra and resulting model fit is displayed in figure [ fig : spectrum ] . our models consist of x - ray spectra that result from optically thin plasmas in collisional ionization equilibrium ( vapec model in xspec ) . these emission spectra were combined with photoelectric absorption by using the xspec model wabs . our preliminary results demonstrate that serendipitous xmm - newton observations of galnyss stars are capable of producing useful constraints on the stellar x - ray temperature and luminosity and hence , on photoevaporation due to x - ray irradiation . these early results suggest that x - ray photoevaporation may not account for complete disk dispersal at ages @xmath2 8 - 20 myr . for the entire sample of serendipitously observed galnyss stars , we will determine x - ray temperatures and luminosities , the potential correlation between m star l@xmath3 and residual disk mass , and the mass dependence of l@xmath3/l@xmath4 . pictoris moving group candidate 99.24@xmath5 likelihood ) for pn ( blue ) and mos ( red and green ) detectors . overplotted are the best - fit models ( histograms ) . our model predicts plasma temperatures of @xmath6 and @xmath7 mk and an x - ray luminosity of @xmath8 erg s@xmath9 at a distance of @xmath10 pc.,width=384 ]
low - mass , pre - main sequence stars possess intense high - energy radiation fields as a result of their strong stellar magnetic activity . this stellar uv and x - ray radiation may have a profound impact on the lifetimes of protoplanetary disks . we aim to constrain the x - ray - induced photoevaporation rates of protoplanetary disks orbiting low - mass stars by analyzing serendipitous xmm - newton and chandra x - ray observations of candidate nearby ( d @xmath0 100 pc ) , young ( age @xmath0 100 myr ) m stars identified in the galex nearby young - star survey ( galnyss ) .
cg97 noted that with the zeldovich approximation , the least action solution is that which minimizes the mean square particle displacement , @xmath1 where the @xmath2 are particle displacements . cg97 assume the galaxies have equal mass . the galaxies are assigned , at random , initial positions drawn from a homogeneous distribution . these are represented by piza particles . applying piza is very simple . two galaxies are picked at random and their particles are swapped . if s decreases , the swap is kept . this is repeated until s has been minimized . cg97 found that @xmath3 500 swaps per particle are needed . piza minimizes real space galaxy displacements , but we have redshift space displacements . in linear theory , the two are related by ( taylor and valentine 1999 ) ; @xmath4 where @xmath5 is the inverse redshift space projection tensor . the displacement squared is then @xmath6 piza is carried out in the cmb frame , but the survey redshifts are in the local group frame . in the cmb frame , @xmath7 to find @xmath8 , a mock galaxy representing the local group is included in piza . in a flux limited survey , the number density of objects decreases with increasing redshift . we thus pick piza particles which obey the galaxy selection function , @xmath9 . to take account of galaxies below the flux limit , we assign each galaxy a mass of @xmath10 and each particle a mass of @xmath11 , where n is the particle - to - galaxy ratio . there are regions on the sky , such as the galactic plane , that the survey does not cover . we pick piza particles with the same sky coverage as the survey and neglect piza trajectories that cross the plane . we have developed a two step piza method to include these generalizations . two steps are needed because there are two possibly conflicting conditions to satisfy the action must be minimized and the mass of each galaxy should be equal to the mass of its particles . in the first step , each galaxy is assigned n particles . the particle masses are used in equation ( [ eq : one ] ) , and interchanges are carried out as usual . the second step attempts to improve on step one , by getting @xmath12 . a particle is taken from a galaxy with @xmath13 ( too many particles ) and reassigned to a galaxy with @xmath14 ( too few ) . piza is then applied again , conserving the new particle to galaxy ratios . generally this must be repeated 15 times . we have applied our new piza method to pscz - like mock catalogues . we have tested the reconstruction of real space positions and radial peculiar velocities , and compared our reconstruction with linear theory . the mock catalogues and linear theory reconstructions were provided by enzo branchini ( branchini et al 1999 ) . our conclusions from these tests include the following : @xmath15 the number of swaps needed is greater than that needed in the original piza approximately 4 times as many . @xmath15 our reconstructions are generally better than linear theory ( see figure [ fig : res2 ] ) @xmath15 the reconstructed local group velocity is not very sensitive to the assumed value of @xmath16 . we have applied our new generalized piza method to the pscz survey ( saunders et al 1995 ; also this volume ) , and present preliminary results here . further results and analysis may be found in valentine et al ( 1999 ) . @xmath15 the direction of the dipole was found to be @xmath17 away from the cmb dipole . comparing the amplitude of these dipoles leads to a value of @xmath0 . figure [ fig : bulkf ] shows the bulk flow and dipole . branchini , e. et al . 1999 , in press croft , r.a.c . , gaztaaga , e. 1997 , , 285 , 793 ( cg97 ) saunders , w. et al . 1995 , in wide field spectroscopy and the distant universe , eds maddox s.j . , aragon - salamanca a. , world scientific , singapore taylor , a.n . , valentine , h.e.m . 1999 , , 306 , 491 valentine , h.e.m . , saunders , w. , taylor , a.n . 1999 , in preparation
we present a generalized version of the path interchange zeldovich approximation ( piza ; croft and gaztaaga 1997 ; hereafter cg97 ) , which may be used to reconstruct density and velocity fields from realistic galaxy redshift surveys . the original piza does not include the possibility of using galaxies in redshift space with a selection function . we map galaxy positions from redshift to real space and from the local group rest frame to the cmb rest frame . to take account of the selection function , we minimize the mass - weighted action . we apply our new method to mock galaxy catalogues and find it offers an improvement in reconstructions over linear theory . applying piza to the pscz we can obtain real space density , initial density , and peculiar velocity fields , bulk velocities and the dipole . comparison of our reconstructed dipole with the cmb dipole gives @xmath0 .
sn 2002ap was a type ic sn discovered on jan 29.4 , 2002 in ngc 628 . the explosion energy of the sn was larger than usual type ic sne ( 4 - 10@xmath0 ergs ) . sn 2002ap was of great interest because it was one of the closest extragalactic sn ( d=7.3 mpc ) ; secondly it was a type ic sn and grb association of type ic is found in sn 1998bw ( with grb 980425 ) and sn 2003dh ( with grb 030329 ) . sn 2002ap has shown sn 1998bw like features like high velocity in early spectroscopy of optical data . study of type ic sne is interesting because they are devoid of h and he core and hence can probe closer to the central engine . xmm - newton observed sn 2002ap on feb 2 , 2002 for total 37.4 ksec with epic - pn and epic - mos . we found that chandra observatory has observed this field on jun 19 and on oct 19 , 2001 . inspection of pre - explosion chandra image reveals the presence of a source 14.9 `` away from the sn . ( see figure [ fig : images ] ) . a spectrum of the sn was extracted using circle of radius 40 '' . while deriving the flux of the sn , we subtracted the contribution of nearby chandra source . table [ tab:5 ] @xcite gives results of different models fitted to the x - ray emission from the sn with a subtracted contribution due to chandra source . both power - law and thermal bremsstrahlung models however we can not say which one is better due to sparse data . 20 " is centered at sn.,title="fig:",width=151 ] 20 " is centered at sn.,title="fig:",width=113 ] .best fit spectral parameters for epic - pn data [ cols="<,<,<,<,<,<",options="header " , ] + we suggest that repeated scattering of optical photons can account for the prompt x - ray emission from sn 2002ap . x - ray sphere ( 7@xmath1 cm ) lies between optical ( 3.5@xmath1)and the radio photosphere ( 4@xmath2 cm ) . both wolf - rayet and interacting binary case bb are capable of providing the adequate optical depth and are viable scenarios for the progenitor star . the properties of different kind of sne differ significantly from each other . in fact the same type of sne can show the significantly different properties . + we thank staff of xmm - newton and gmrt ( ncra - tifr ) that made these observations possible . 9 berger , e , kulkarni , s , chevalier , r. , apj , 177 , l5 , ( 2002 ) . chevalier , r , fransson , c , apj , 420 , 268 , ( 1994 ) . fransson , c , a&a , 111 , 140 , ( 1982 ) . habets , g , ph.d . thesis , univ . leonard , d , fillipenko , a , chornock , r et al , astro - ph/0206368 ( 2002 ) . mazzali , p et al , apj , 572 , l61 , ( 2002 ) . sutaria , f , chandra , p , ray , a , bhatnagar , s , a&a , 397 , 1011,(2003 ) .
here we report on combined x - ray and radio observations of sn 2002ap with xmm - newton too observation and gmrt observations aided with vla published results . in deriving the x - ray flux of sn 2002ap we account for the contribution of a nearby source , found to be present in the pre - sn explosion images obtained with chandra observatory . we also derive upper limits on mass loss rate from x - ray and radio data . we suggest that the prompt x - ray emission is non - thermal in nature and its is due to the repeated compton boosting of optical photons . we also compare sn s early radiospheric properties with two other sne at the same epoch .
the tmt project is currently an equal partnership between caltech , the university of california , and the association of canadian universities for research in astronomy ( acura ) to construct a 30 m telescope . tmt will have a 30-m f/1 primary mirror composed of 738 1.2 m segments . the final focal ratio of the telescope will be f/15 , and the field of view will be 20 arcminutes . sites are being tested in northern chile , hawaii and mexico . the instruments and their associated adaptive - optics ( ao ) systems will be located on two large nasmyth platforms , and each instrument station will be addressed by the articulated tertiary mirror . although both seeing - limited and ao observing modes will be supported at tmt , it is clear that ao will be key in realizing the full scientific potential of the d@xmath1 advantage " offered by such a large aperture . the telescope , enclosure , ao subsystems and instruments are therefore being designed simultaneously as an end - to - end system under stringent requirements imposed by ao - based science . some key system features that will benefit grb observations include : * rapid response : tmt is designed , as a system , to slew and acquire targets , set up active and adaptive optic systems , and be ready to observe with any instrument in less than 10 minutes . * adaptive optics : tmt s ao systems will deliver high strehl images in the nir and mir , resulting in a d@xmath1 advantage . laser tomography adaptive optics will substantially improve the image quality in the visible . since grbs are initially point sources , they will benefit the most from full ao correction , unlike distant galaxies . most of the proposed instruments will capitalize on the d@xmath1 efficiency gain and exquisite spatial resolution ( 7 milliarcsec images in j band ) offered by diffraction - limited images . tmt instruments will be able to address a broad range of grb science topics , including : \a ) identification of optical counterparts : * wfos ( wide field optical spectrograph ) : very efficient imaging and low resolution spectroscopy simultaneously in two wavelength bands 0.34 - 0.6@xmath2 ; @xmath3 * iris : low spectral resolution ( r = 4000 ) integral field spectroscopy and imaging from @xmath4 , assisted by high strehl adaptive optics . \b ) igm , ism , chemical evolution of the universe , fundamental physics * hros : very efficient high ( r = 50 - 100 , 000 ) resolution spectroscopy from @xmath5 . s / n = 100 at m@xmath6 @xmath7 for r = 50,000 * bnires : high resolution ( r = 50 , 000 ) spectroscopy from @xmath4 . assisted by high strehl adaptive optics ( d@xmath1 advantage ) . continuum sensitivity ( 1hr , @xmath8 ) : y , j or h @xmath9 . for z = 7 , nires spectra will cover ly@xmath10 , si ii , si iv , c iv , ni ii , al iii , cr ii and zn ii . * rnires : r = 100,000 3 - 5@xmath2 spectroscopy , fed by a mid ir ao system or by an adaptive secondary . continuum sensitivity ( 1hr , 100@xmath11 ) : l = 13.5 , m = 11.5 \c ) properties of host galaxies * iris : integral field spectroscopy with spatial resolutions of better than 100pc for all z @xmath12 1 . in direct imaging , iris will reach point sources as faint as k = 28 ( @xmath13 ) ( @xmath14 ) in 3 hours . the design of the tmt observatory offers huge potential to exploit the benefits of grbs . more details of tmt and its instruments can be found in @xcite
the thirty - meter telescope is an ambitious project to build a giant segmented mirror telescope with fully integrated adaptive optics systems that will produce diffraction - limited images . a powerful suite of instruments is being developed that , coupled with the ability to rapidly switch between targets and instruments , will allow tmt to take advantage of grbs to probe fundamental physics in extreme conditions and as the ultimate tomographic beacons , especially if some are as far as z @xmath0 . this article gives a brief summary of tmt and its instruments , and some examples of the potential offered by observation of grbs . [ 1999/12/01 v1.4c il nuovo cimento ]
in this talk , we introduce a new work@xcite on the flavor asymmetry of the nucleon sea as arising from the pure statistical effect without any parameter . it will be shown that we can reproduce the flavor asymmetry @xmath1 , which is in surprisingly agreement with the experimental observation , by just using the principle of detailed balance . we take the proton as an ensemble of a complete set of quark - gluon fock states , and these different fock states can be written as @xmath2 where @xmath3 represents the valence quarks of the proton , @xmath4 is the number of quark - antiquark @xmath5 pairs , @xmath6 is the number of quark - antiquark @xmath7 pairs , and @xmath8 is the number of gluons . then the density operator of the ensemble is @xmath9 where @xmath10 is the probability of finding a proton in the state @xmath11 and should satisfy the normalization condition , @xmath12 it will be shown that @xmath10 can be calculated by using the principle of detailed balance without any parameter . given an ensemble of quark - gluon fock states that has @xmath13 of finding proton in state a and @xmath14 of finding proton in state b , then the states may change between each others from time to time . the principle of detailed balance means that the changing between any two states balance each other . so during a period of time , the number of events that changed from state a to state b ( @xmath15 ) equals the number of events that changed from state b to state a ( @xmath16 ) , @xmath17 @xmath18 is proportional to both @xmath19 and the transition probability of a to b ( @xmath20 ) , @xmath21 we considered about b to a in the same way , @xmath22 then combining ( [ detailed balance ] ) , ( [ a - b ] ) and ( [ b - a ] ) , we have @xmath23 in order to know @xmath10 , transition probabilities should be calculated out first . in the recombination process that involving two kinds of partons , the transition probability is proportional to both the number of those two kinds of partons that may recombine in a certain state , @xmath25 \(1 ) in the translation process involving the creation or annihilation of gluon , only @xmath28 will be considered while @xmath26 neglected . so we have @xmath29 using formula ( [ ratio ] ) , we obtain a recursion formula , @xmath30 we can further get a more general formula , @xmath31 and we have @xmath32 , which we will used later . \(2 ) in the translation process involving the creation or annihilation of a pair of @xmath33 , we have @xmath34 using formula ( [ ratio ] ) , we obtain a recursion formula , @xmath35 using relation @xmath32 , we get @xmath36 \(3 ) in the translation process involving the creation or annihilation of a pair of @xmath37 , we have @xmath38 using formula ( [ ratio ] ) , we obtain a recursion formula , @xmath39 using relation @xmath32 , we get @xmath40 combining ( [ g - gg ] ) , ( [ g - uu ] ) , and ( [ g - dd ] ) , we obtain the general formula @xmath41 from this result and the normalization condition ( [ unit ] ) , all @xmath10 can be calculated out as shown in table 1 . from table 1 , we get the numbers of intrinsic gluons and sea quarks of the proton , @xmath42 the flavor sea - quark asymmetry @xmath43 can be checked by experiments directly because its @xmath44 dependence is small . it is a surprise that our result is in excellent agreement with the recent experimental result @xmath45 @xcite . this good agreement indicates that the principle of detailed balance plays an essential role in the structure of proton . we also give a complete set of fock states for the proton , with the probability of finding each fock state calculated without any parameter , as shown in table 1 . zhang , b. zhang and b .- q . ma , _ phys . lett . _ * b523 * , 260 ( 2001 ) . there is one misprint in formula ( 11 ) , in which 3 " should be 5 " . fnal e866/nusea collaboration , r.s . _ , _ phys . _ * d64 * , 052002 ( 2001 ) . for a recent review , see , e.g. , g. t. garvey and j. c. peng , _ prog . _ * 47 * , 203 ( 2001 ) .
in this study , the proton is taken as an ensemble of quark - gluon fock states . using the principle of detailed balance , we find @xmath0 , which is in surprisingly agreement with the experimental observation .
the fact that many late b - type sb systems contain a hgmn star as a primary points out that it is very likely that most normal late b - type stars formed in close binary systems are hgmn stars ( hubrig & mathys 1996 ) . from a survey of hgmn stars in close sbs , hubrig & mathys ( 1995 ) suggested that some chemical elements might be inhomogeneously distributed on the surface , with , in particular , preferential concentration of mn around the rotation poles and of hg along the equator . in a recent study of the star araur which is the only known eclipsing binary with a hgmn primary we concluded that certain elements are very likely concentrated in a fractured ring along the rotational equator ( hubrig et al . also our recent survey of a large sample of hgmn stars using uves at the vlt and feros at the eso 2.2 m telescope to search for spectral variability caused by an inhomogeneous distribution of various elements on the surface of these stars revealed that most hgmn stars exhibit spectral variability of various chemical elements ( gonzlez et al . 2007 , in preparation ) . typically , inhomogeneous chemical abundance distributions are observed only on the surface of magnetic chemically peculiar stars with large - scale organized magnetic fields . weak magnetic fields in the atmospheres of hgmn stars have been detected by mathys & hubrig ( 1995 ) , hubrig & castelli ( 2001 ) , and more recently by hubrig et al . ( 2006b ) . the structure of the measured field in hgmn stars is expected to be , however , sufficiently tangled so that it does not produce a strong net observable circular polarization signature the role that magnetic fields possibly play in the development of anomalies in binary systems , has never been critically tested by astrophysical dynamos . hubrig ( 1998 ) suggested that the tidal torque varying with depth and latitude in a star induces differential rotation . differential rotation in a radiative star can , however , be prone to magneto - rotational instability ( mri ) ( e.g. , arlt et al . recent magnetohydrodynamical simulations revealed a distinct structure for the magnetic field topology similar to the fractured elemental rings observed on the surface of hgmn stars ( fig . 1 ) . complex surface patterns can be obtained from the nonlinear , non - axisymmetric evolution of the mri . the combination of differential rotation and a poloidal magnetic field was studied numerically by the spherical mhd code of hollerbach ( 2000 ) . the initial model differential rotation was hydrodynamically stable ( taylor - proudman flow ) , but the introduction of a magnetic field excites the mri . the flows and fields resulting from the instability efficiently redistribute angular momentum and deliver a uniformly rotating star after about 10 - 100myr . the presented typical patterns of the velocity and the magnetic field on the surface of the star may as well be an indication for element redistribution on ( or in ) the star .
the important result achieved in our recent study of a large sample of hgmn stars using uves at the vlt and feros at the eso 2.2 m telescope is the finding that most hgmn stars exhibit spectral variability of various chemical elements , proving that the presence of an inhomogeneous distribution on the surface of these stars is a rather common characteristics and not a rare phenomenon .
glast is a next generation high - energy gamma ray observatory , onboard a satellite scheduled for launch in 2006 . it consists of a large area telescope ( lat , see brez , s. et al . 2001 ) and a glast burst monitor ( gbm , see kippen et al . 2001 ) , and is designed for making observations of gamma - ray sources in the 10 kev to 300 gev energy range . the lat is a pair conversion telescope , operating from 10 mev to more than 300 gev . it is composed of three subsystems : the anti - coincidence detector ( acd ) is responsible for vetoing the enormous charged cosmic - ray background and the earth albedo secondary electrons and nuclei . the tracker ( tkr ) consists of a four - by - four array of tower modules , each of which being composed of 19 pairs of interleaved planes of silicon strip detectors and tungsten converter sheets . the silicon strip detectors track the electron positron pair created by the incident gamma . the calorimeter ( cal ) is a segmented arrangement of csi(tl ) bars , designed to give both longitudinal and transverse information on the energy deposition pattern . the tracker will have the ability to determine the location of an object in the sky to within 0.5 to 5 arc minutes . the pair conversion signature is also used to help reject the background of charged cosmic rays . the gbm provides overlapping energy coverage in the range 10 kev to 25 mev for bright transients such as bursts and solar flares . it is composed of 4 triplets of nai(tl ) scintillators(low energy band ) and 2 bgo scintillators ( high energy band ) . due to its angular resolution ( 5 times better than egret ) and its improved afterglow sensitivity , glast will extend the knowledge about grb s . its large field of view ( about 2 sr ) and its improved effective area ( 10 times egret s ) will provide better burst statistics ( up to 100 bursts / year with many more photons detected . ) the gbm will enhance grb science with glast by providing low energy context measurements with high time resolution . this will improve glast s wide band spectral sensitivity , allow for comparison of low energy versus high energy temporal variability , and provide a continuity with current grb knowledge base ( e.g gro - batse . ) moreover , the gbm provides fast time / location triggers : within 2 seconds , it will provide approximate locations for ground or space follow up observations . in case of specifically interesting events , it will allow , within ten minutes , for repointing of glast for afterglow observations . the lat team has set up a complete simulation chain , including generation of the incoming flux , full simulation of the detector resonse , reconstruction chain and analysis of the final trigger and alert . it is to be noted that the flux simulations include background ( from albedo , cosmic and diffuse gamma ray events ) and two possible ways of signal generation : the first based on a complete physical model , the second based on a phenomenological extrapolation from batse data . orbit , tilting and correct exposure are also taken into account . the physical model has been validated in the following way : the batse observed distribution of duration has been fitted with a double gaussian , for short and long bursts ( see figure 1 , left panel ) . then , we used this bimodal distribution as input parameter for our model , which explores the parameter space and returns a burst with a given duration . the resulting simulated catalog is depicted in figure 1 , right panel . finally , the simulated fluences are compared with the observed ones , for the 4 batse channels ( figure 2 ) . in this way we have a calibration method to correlate the emission at high energy with the low energy observations . scaling laws are also reproduced . after calibrating the model , we investigated the efficiency of glast in triggering and reconstructing photons coming from grb events . in this preliminary study we have tested various efficiencies for a sample of gamma ray bursts without background . a set of grb s with different fluences above 100 mev has been generated , and the resulting signal has been processed through the lat instrument simulator . figure 3 ( left ) shows the number of incident , triggered and reconstructed gammas as a function of fluence above 100 mev . the general trend is that for a typical burst of @xmath0 erg/@xmath1 we expect approximately 100 incident photons , and a photon trigger efficiency of 30% . more than 90% of the triggered photons will then be reconstructed . for the purpose of this study , we use a strawman real time unbinned trigger algorithm : the sky is scanned with a sliding 20 event window , looking for clusters of events in a 35 degree circle ; then a joint spatial - temporal likelihood is formed . the threshold for this trial situation was set adopting an arbitrarily low background event rate of 3 hz , to produce less than one false trigger per week . the preliminary results of this trigger simulation are presented in figure 3 . for the quoted background event rate , efficiency reached about 85% for the baste - like bursts , with around 78% of those bursts detected by glast within one second of grb onset . we have investigated the performances of glast in detecting grb events , using a complete simulation chain . from our preliminary results , it appears that glast should be able to substantially improve on the egret detection rate of about one grb per year . in addition to burst alerts and localizations provided by the gbm , the lat should also be able to provide real time triggers and grb localizations .
we present preliminary results on gamma ray burst ( grb ) triggers with the gamma - ray large area space telescope ( glast ) . after a brief summary of the detector layout , glast expected performances on grb detection are recalled . status report on the simulation software and preliminary triggers studies are then reported , already showing significant improvement on egret results . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
the ant nebula , mz 3 is a young bipolar planetary nebula ( pn ) that consists of a bright core , two spherical bipolar lobes and two outer large filamentary nebulosities . in recent years , it has been extensively studied . there is evidence suggesting that mz 3 is not a normal pn but contains a symbiotic pair at the center ( schmeja & kimeswenger 2001 ) . zhang & liu ( 2002 ) find that the dense nebular gas at the center may have a different origin from that in the extended lobes , and suggest that mz 3 consists of a giant companion that gives rise to the central dense gas and a white dwarf that provides the ionizing photons . in the current study , we provide further supporting evidence for this scenario by determining the fe / ni abundance ratio in mz 3 . our observations have been described by zhang & liu ( 2002 ) . the slit was oriented approximately along the nebular major axis and through the central star . we divided the nebula into two regions . as shown in fig . 1 , [ fe ii ] and [ ni ii ] lines have been clearly observed from the central region , but are absent in the lobes , indicating a possible difference in chemical composition between the two regions . using the current available atomic data , we have constructed multilevel atomic models for fe@xmath0 ( 159 levels ) and ni@xmath0 ( 76 levels ) , which were used to obtain the fe@xmath0/h@xmath0 and ni@xmath0/h@xmath0 ratios . for our calculations , continuum fluorescent excitation of [ fe ii ] and [ ni ii ] lines was also considered based on the method of lucy ( 1994 ) . however , we found that fluorescent excitation is not important in this pn given its low - excitation ( @xmath1k ) and high density at the center ( @xmath2@xmath3 ) . as shown in table 1 , the derived fe@xmath0/h@xmath0 and ni@xmath0/h@xmath0 ratios are almost independent of the dilution factor of continuum radiation , @xmath4 . given that fe and ni have similar ionization potentials , we assume @xmath5 in deriving the fe / ni abundance ratios . .fe / ni ratio for the central emission region of mz 3 [ cols="<,^,^",options="header " , ] the solar fe / ni ratio is 18 ( lodders 2003 ) . iron serves as the dominant seed of @xmath6-process which occurs during the agb phase . according to the agb evolutionary models , iron in the envelop is diluted as material is dredged up to the surface from the he innershell ( the third dredge - up ) . therefore , fe / ni ratio is expected to decrease after the thermally pulsating agb phase . fe and ni have similar condensation temperatures , thus the amounts of depletion onto dust grains , if any , should be comparable . therefore , fe / ni ratio in a pn should be lower than the solar value . from the deep spectra presented by sharpee et al . ( 2004 ) , we obtain an fe / ni ratio of 4.8 for pn ic 418 , significantly lower than the solar value , consistent with the predictions of the agb models . however , no significant depletion of the fe / ni ratio is detected for the central dense emission region of mz 3 , as shown in table 1 , suggesting that the gas arises from winds of a giant companion where the @xmath6-process has not occurred yet . our results show an enhancement of the fe / ni ratio relative to the solar value and we attribute this to a slightly higher depletion of ni relative to fe .
we have analyzed the [ fe ii ] and [ ni ii ] emission lines in the bipolar planetary nebula mz 3 . we find that the [ fe ii ] and [ ni ii ] lines arise exclusively from the central regions . fluorescence excitation in the formation process of these lines is negligible for this low - excitation nebula . from the [ fe ii]/[ni ii ] ratio , we obtain a higher fe / ni abundance ratio with respect to the solar value . the current result provides further supporting evidence for mz 3 as a symbiotic mira .
grs 1915 + 105 is an energetic x - ray transient with associated relativistic jets ( e.g. mirabel & rodriguez 1994 ) . the source undergoes recurrent outbursts with correlated radio x - ray behaviour ( foster et al 1996 ) . there is no optical counterpart but spectroscopy of a variable infrared counterpart has revealed hi & hei emission lines during a period of outburst ( castro - tirada et al 1996 ) . grs 1915 + 105 is now being monitored in the radio , soft & hard x - ray regimes by the ryle telescope ( rt ) , xte / asm and gro / batse respectively . we combine these data sets for the period 1996 april may , during which a deep infrared spectrum of the source was also obtained . fig 1 presents the rt , asm and batse monitoring of grs 1915 + 105 over the period 1996 april may , indicating the date on which we obtained our infrared spectrum and when radio qpo were observed . lack of space precludes a discussion ; we only summarise the behaviour of the source in each energy regime . * * radio :* grs 1915 + 105 remained below detection levels ( @xmath0 mjy ) with the rt until may 23 when it underwent a rapid flare event . between may 2327 the source exhibited radio qpo with periods in range 20 100 min . * * infrared :* the ukirt ir spectrum obtained revealed ( at least ) strong hei 2.06 @xmath1 m and hi 2.16 @xmath1 m emission . * * soft x - ray :* grs 1915 + 105 had been in a gradual decline until @xmath2 may 20 , when it began brightening . during the period of the radio qpo many large amplitude , rapid brightness variations were observed ( see also greiner this proceedings ) . * * hard x - ray :* the hard x - ray brightness of grs 1915 + 105 varied over the entire 1996 april may period , but shows activity around the period of the radio flare , with a steady increase in flux up to @xmath3 may , when the flux again declined .
we present multiwavelength observations of the superluminal jet source grs 1915 + 105 in 1996 april may , over which period a variety of phenomena , including radio qpo , strong infrared emission lines and rapid x - ray flickering and outbursts were observed .
the coherent potential approximation ( cpa ) has been largely used to provide a simple single site description of disordered alloys@xcite . another application of cpa procedures is the description of _ pure _ metals in presence of electron - electron correlations@xcite . in this formulation , one describes the correlated electron by a spin and energy dependent effective self - energy which incorporates the effects of correlation . this self - energy is self - consistently determined by imposing the vanishing of the scattering @xmath0 matrix associated to a given site which exhibits the full coulomb interaction . in our model , the metal has two non - degenerate bands , @xmath1 and @xmath2 . the first is a hubbard - like narrow band with in - site interaction @xmath3 , hybridized with the second one , @xmath2 , a broader band . the hamiltonian we adopt to describe pure metals is then @xmath4 where @xmath5 ; @xmath6 denotes spin . @xmath7 denotes the tunneling amplitudes between neighboring sites @xmath8 and @xmath9 , in each band ; @xmath10 is the center of the @xmath1-band . we follow roth s approach@xcite to describe the electron - electron correlation through an effective hamiltonian @xmath11 where @xmath12 is the self - energy associated with electron - electron interaction . we recall that the main spirit of the method consists in replacing a tranlationally invariant problem , as defined by ( [ h ] ) , by the alloy problem , defined by ( [ heff ] ) , where only the origin incorporates the coulomb interaction . the effective hamiltonian ( [ heff ] ) still includes the difficulty of dealing with the coulomb intra - atomic term at the origin and we have to resort to some approximation . in the green s function method@xcite , the equation of motion of a given green s function generates higher order functions and we thus need a decoupling procedure . after some algebra@xcite we end up with the following green s functions : @xmath13 the green s function of the bare @xmath2 band , @xmath14 and the green s function of the renormalized @xmath2 band @xmath15 in these equations @xmath16 is the recursion relation of the renormalized @xmath1 band ; @xmath17 and @xmath18 denote the bare bands . the vanishing of the t - matrix gives a self - consistent equation for the self - energy : @xmath19 with @xmath20 this is equivalent to an alloy analogy approximation , where the broadening correction@xcite has been neglected . our self - consistent numerical results can describe a transition metal of the iron group ( then @xmath21 and @xmath22 ) or some f electron compounds ( @xmath23 and @xmath24 ) . in fig([dos ] ) we present the density of states ( dos ) of the @xmath1-band for @xmath25 and @xmath26 . in same units , the bare @xmath1 band width is @xmath27 . the fermi level is at @xmath28 . this gives @xmath29 and @xmath30 and thus a ferromagnetic moment of @xmath31 is developed . the dos here obtained exhibits a bimodal structure caracterizing a hubbard strongly correlated regime . in fig ( [ sigma ] ) the real part of @xmath12 is displayed for @xmath25 and @xmath26 . @xmath12 is a smooth funcion of energy and for this @xmath3 differs considerably from the constant hartree - fock values @xmath32 . -band , up and down , for @xmath25 and @xmath26 . the fermi level is at @xmath28 . as a result @xmath33 and @xmath30 , giving a ferromagnetic moment @xmath34 . the separation of the centers of the two subbands is @xmath3 , as expected.,scaledwidth=45.0% ] and @xmath26.,scaledwidth=45.0% ] the traditional view of the origin of ferromagnetism in metals has been under intense scrutiny recently @xcite ) . conventional mean - field calculations favor ferromagnetism but corrections tend to reduce the range of validity of that ground state @xcite . in this paper , using the single site approximation , we obtain ferromagnetic solution for a set of parameters ( e.g. @xmath35 and @xmath36 ) . a more complete study bringing up the interplay between @xmath3 and @xmath37 will be published elsewhere . cmc and at aknowledge the support from the brazilian agencies @xmath38 and @xmath39 .
the magnetic properties of pure transition - like metals are discussed within the single site approximation , to take into account the electron correlation . the metal is described by two hybridized bands one of which includes the coulomb correlation . our results indicate that ferromagnetism follows from adequate values of the correlation and hybridization . , , ferromagnetic metal ; correlation ; single - site approximation ; 71.10.-w , 71.10.fd , 71.20.be
to study more preciesely the glueball properties , one should compute not only the spectroscopy , but also the wave functions . once the wave functions are available , the matrix elements relevant for the glueball production and decays ( branch ratios ) become calculable . in some sence , the wave functions @xcite can give more physical information than the masses themselves . in this paper , we present a method for such a purpose . we begin with the vacuum wave function in the form @xmath0 where @xmath1 consists of wilson loops ( clusters ) @xcite , and the state @xmath2 is defined by @xmath3 . for the glueballs , we consider here only the anti - symmetric ( under a plane parity transformation ) lowest lying excited state , and take the wave function as @xmath4 where @xmath5 contains various wilson loops with the appropriate symmetry . it has been shown @xcite that we can establish a truncation scheme , which preserves the continuum limit , where the operators r and @xmath6 are expanded in order of graphs ( clusters ) : @xmath7 here @xmath8 ( or @xmath9 ) is the lowest order term in @xmath10 ( or @xmath6 ) , and is chosen to be @xmath11 , \end{aligned}\ ] ] @xmath12 . \end{aligned}\ ] ] with a coefficient @xmath13 ( and @xmath14 ) to be determined . higher order clusters can be produced by solving the eigenvalue equations @xcite for @xmath15 and @xmath16 order by order , from which we obtain @xmath17 here the repeated index j implies a summation over all the clusters up to some n - th order . in previous papers @xcite , we have shown that this method is very efficient in obtaining scaling behavior of physical quantities . first results @xcite for the glueball masses in qcd have been obtained from this method . in order to obtain the correlation of the states , we first investigate the continuum limit of the clusters . expanding @xmath18 ( plaquette ) , @xmath19 , and @xmath20 in order of the lattice spacing @xmath21 , we have @xmath22 then @xmath23 @xmath24 @xmath25 where @xmath26 is the field strength tensor , @xmath27 and @xmath28 are the covariant derivatives , and @xmath29 and @xmath30 or @xmath31 and @xmath32 are constants , corresponding to the cluster @xmath33 or @xmath20 respectively . the long wave length vacuum wave function is @xcite @xmath34}\end{aligned}\ ] ] according to eqs . ( [ 1.7 ] ) and ( [ 2.2 ] ) , @xmath35 from which we obtain the correlation length between the field strengths of the vacuum @xmath36 @xmath37 similarly , the long wavelength anti - symmetric glueball operator is @xmath38 \end{aligned}\ ] ] and @xmath39 the correlation length in the anti - symmetric glueball state @xmath40 is @xmath41 at this point , it should be noted that the results above are very general in the sense that the spacial dimension and the gauge group of the theory are not specified . for illustration and simplicity , we consider here a 2 + 1 dimensional u(1 ) model . it is well known @xcite that the theory is confining for all non - vanishing coupling constant . when @xmath21 goes to zero , the glueball mass @xmath42 is expected to decrease exponentially as @xmath43 where @xmath44 and @xmath45 are some constants . hence , in the scaling region @xmath46 @xmath47 @xmath48 @xmath49 @xmath50 @xmath51 in the continuum limit , @xmath52 , @xmath53 , @xmath54 , @xmath55 , @xmath56 , @xmath57 and @xmath58 should be constants , which means the curves of @xmath59 , @xmath60 , ...... against @xmath61 will be straight line with the expected slope in the scaling region . in figs . 1 and 2 , we present the results for @xmath59 and @xmath60 against @xmath62 from the 2nd to 5th order . in fig . 3 , we also show the result for @xmath63 from the 2nd order through 4th order against @xmath61 . all the curves show a nice exponential behavior and a clear trend towards convergence . in particular , the slope of @xmath64 is well consistent with the spectrum . for @xmath60,@xmath63 , @xmath65 , @xmath66 and @xmath67 , we expect that when the order increases , their slopes would approach their correct theoretical values . in conclusion , the method described above has proved to be very useful for calculating the vacuum and glueball wave functions and correlation lengths . the calculations in 3 + 1 dimensional qcd is in progress and the results will be reported elsewhere . 9 x.q . luo , et al . , _ * c47*(1990)635 ; _ j.phys . _ * g16*(1990)1181 ; _ phys . _ * d42 * ( 1990 ) 1293 ; _ _ * c51*(1991)423 ; _ commun . theor . phys . _ * 16*(1991)505 ; _ phys . _ * d46*(1992)814 ; _ phys . _ * d50*(1994)501 .
we describe a nonperturbative method for calculating the qcd vacuum and glueball wave functions , based on an eigenvalue equation approach to hamiltonian lattice gauge theory . therefore , one can obtain more physical information than the conventional simulation methods . for simplicity , we take the 2 + 1 dimensional u(1 ) model as an example . the generalization of this method to 3 + 1 dimensional qcd is straightforward .
in @xcite we presented mass models for a sample of 28 edge - on early - type disk galaxies ( s0sb ) . the models are composed of an axisymmetric stellar component , based on observed @xmath4-band photometry @xcite assuming a constant stellar mass - to - light ratio @xmath5 , and a spherical nfw dark halo @xcite of mass @xmath6 . the model parameters are constrained by solving the jeans equations assuming a constant anisotropy in the meridional plane @xmath7 , which yields a prediction of the second velocity moment , and comparing to observed stellar kinematics @xcite . these simple models are able to reproduce the wide range of observed stellar kinematics , which extend to 23 effective radii . the median @xmath5 for the sample is 1.09 ( solar units ) with an rms scatter of 0.33 . the median @xmath6 for the sample is @xmath1 with an rms scatter of 0.7dex . this is equivalent to halo concentrations between 7 and 9 . the mass models have a median dark / total mass fraction of 20% within a sphere of radius @xmath2 , the intrinsic half - light radius ( approximately equal to 1.33@xmath8 , where @xmath9 is the projected half - light ( or effective ) radius and 50% within @xmath3 . all but two models are consistent with being maximal @xcite , although they were not constructed under this assumption . models without a dark halo are also able to reproduce the observed kinematics satisfactorily in most cases , but the improvements when halos are added are statistically significant . moreover , a preliminary comparison shows that the stellar mass - to - light ratios of mass models without dark matter very significantly exceed the predictions of stellar population models for plausible initial mass functions , but this effect is significantly reduced for our preferred mass models with dark haloes . we will use these results to measure the normalization and universality of the imf in more detail in the future . -band luminosity , stellar mass and dynamical mass . spirals are shown as blue triangles , s0s as red circles . median error bars are shown in the top left of each plot . ] using the circular velocities of the models , we constructed tully - fisher relations ( tfrs ) as functions of luminosity , stellar mass , and dynamical mass for the s0s and spirals separately ( fig . [ fig : tfr ] ) . we find that s0s are 0.5mag fainter than spirals at @xmath10-band for a given rotational velocity . in stellar population synthesis models in which star formation is truncated , this fading would take @xmath11gyr , but we know that the processes which form s0s began at earlier times @xcite . we therefore rule out scenarios in which spirals are transformed into s0s by an environmental or secular process which simply truncates star formation , without affecting the dynamics or structure of the galaxies . the offset of the s0 tfr could be explained by recent star formation in s0s , but we find that the offset of the s0 tfr persists as a function of both stellar and dynamical mass ( s0s are 0.2dex less massive for a given model circular velocity ) . the offset could therefore be explained by a small ( 1020% ) but systematic contraction or compactification of spirals as they transform to s0s , an effect consistent with the morphological dependence of the local size luminosity relation @xcite . this possibility is discussed in more detail in our paper on the tfr @xcite .
we construct mass models of 28 s0sb galaxies . the models have an axisymmetric stellar component and a nfw dark halo and are constrained by observed @xmath0-band photometry and stellar kinematics . the median dark halo virial mass is @xmath1 , and the median dark / total mass fraction is 20% within a sphere of radius @xmath2 , the intrinsic half - light radius , and 50% within @xmath3 . we compare the tully - fisher relations of the spirals and s0s in the sample and find that s0s are 0.5 mag fainter than spirals at @xmath4-band and 0.2dex less massive for a given rotational velocity . we use this result to rule out scenarios in which spirals are transformed into s0s by processes which truncate star formation without affecting galaxy dynamics or structure , and raise the possibility of a break in homology between spirals and s0s . address = sub - department of astrophysics , denys wilkinson building , keble road , oxford ox1 3rh , uk , altaddress = eso , karl - schwarzschild - str . 2 , d-85748 garching bei mnchen , germany address = sub - department of astrophysics , denys wilkinson building , keble road , oxford ox1 3rh , uk address = sub - department of astrophysics , denys wilkinson building , keble road , oxford ox1 3rh , uk
in recent years , precision electroweak measurements have probed some of the fundamental parameters of the standard model . following the successful prediction of the mass of top quark , the precise measurement of electroweak parameters can now put significant constraints on the higgs boson mass . similarly , the unprecedented precision of the bnl measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment ( @xmath2 ) @xcite could also offer sensitivity to beyond - the - standard - model physics . however , interpreting those results requires precise theoretical predictions of standard model contributions . at present the leading source of uncertainty in these calculations arises from hadronic corrections , which can not be computed from first principles . for the higgs mass , this corresponds mainly to hadronic contributions to the running of @xmath3 , and hadronic corrections to the qed vertex for @xmath2 . these contributions can be related through dispersion integrals to the cross - section for @xmath4 , or equivalently to @xmath1 , defined as its ratio with the born cross - section for @xmath5 . for the running of @xmath3 , and the muon magnetic moment , we have respectively @xmath6 where @xmath7 is the qed kernel function . a precise measurements of @xmath1 over a wide energy range would have a significant influence on the determination of both these quantities . it would also shed some light on recently discovered discrepancies between hadronic data from @xmath0 collisions and @xmath8 decays , which have significant impact on the interpretation of the @xmath2 measurement . at present @xmath1 can be reliably calculated above @xmath9 using perturbative qcd . it would therefore be particularly useful to provide a precise measurement for energies below @xmath9 . there has recently been a renewed interest in the possibility that the the measurement of @xmath1 could be performed at fixed - energy colliders by using radiative return to lower energies @xcite . an especially attractive possibility would be to use the large event rates provided by the b - factories , where the fiducial cross - section is estimated to be of the order of @xmath10 for events with a hadronic system invariant mass less than @xmath11 . , yielding about @xmath12 million fiducial events in the current dataset of @xmath13 . it would in particular be possible to perform an inclusive analysis , which would rely only on the identification of the tagged initial - state radiation ( isr ) photon . a highly efficient hadronic selection would be performed , with minimal sensitivity to detector efficiency and event shape modeling . alternatively , an exclusive analysis could be performed , in which each possible hadronic decay channel is analysed separately . this would be especially advantageous for energies near to the @xmath14 mass , which provide the largest contribution to the @xmath2 integral , since the measurement of @xmath1 through @xmath15 benefits from the cancellation of radiative and efficiency corrections . the inclusive method would present the disadvantage that the photon energy resolution gives a large uncertainty on the effective center - of - mass energy @xmath16 in the deep isr regime . this would however not be a significant problem in the case of the running of @xmath3 , for which the dispersion integral has little sensitivity to uncertainties on @xmath16 . using the radiative return offers several advantages over energy - scan methods . the entire energy range for , from the @xmath14 peak to about @xmath11 can be covered in a single measurement . with the currently available datasets , the event rates in each energy region are expected to be competitive with other experiments : the latest bes measurement of @xmath1 @xcite , in the energy range @xmath17 is based on about @xmath18 events , while the current dataset should include about @xmath19 events in the same interval . the higher center - of - mass energy of the collision also leads to a different event geometry , with a collimated hadronic system recoiling at high momentum against the isr photon . by selecting tagged photons well within the detector we can ensure high fiducial acceptance for the hadronic system . in addition , the boost imparted to the hadron system produces particles with higher transverse momentum , thus reducing the kinematic bias in the event selection due to limited @xmath20 coverage . the high energy of the photon can also be used to reduce contamination from beam backgrounds such as beam - gas interactions , which form an important systematic uncertainty in the bes measurement . finally , the situation with respect to final - state radiation ( fsr ) is improved , with a clear geometrical separation between isr , mostly located in the vicinity of the collision axis , and fsr , which follows the directions of outgoing hadrons . this can furthermore be verified in data by studying the forward - backward asymmetry produced by isr / fsr interference . the radiative return method offers promising prospects at and other facilities . competitive measurements can already be made based an available datasets and preliminary results are expected in the coming months . 99 the muon g-2 collaboration , phys . lett . * 89*:101804 ( 2002 ) the cmd-2 collaboration , phys . b527*:161 - 172 ( 2002 ) s. binner , j.h . kuehn , k. melnikov , phys . b459 * 279 - 287 ( 1999 ) german rodrigo _ et al . _ eur.phys.j . * c24*:71 - 82 ( 2002 ) the bes collaboration , phys . lett . * 88*:101802 ( 2002 )
a precise measurement of the ratio of hadron to muon production in @xmath0 collisions , denoted by @xmath1 , is a necessary input for the interpretation of current precision electroweak measurements . we describe a method for measuring @xmath1 with the detector at the pep - ii b - factory using initial - state radiation events . = 14.5pt
over an extended period of years many attempts to obtain reliable direct measurements of magnetic fields of be stars have been rather unsuccessful . recently , weak field detections in a few be stars were reported by @xcite . below , we report some preliminary results of our most recent observing runs with the multi - mode instrument fors1 installed at the 8 m kueyen telescope at the vlt . we also present first results of our magnetic field time series in the be star @xmath1 eri . as it was already reported by @xcite , weak photospheric magnetic fields have been detected in four stars , hd56014 , hd148184 , hd155806 , and hd181615 . we also pointed out the likely presence of distinct circular polarisation features in the circumstellar components of ca ii h&k in the three stars , hd58011 , hd117357 , and hd181615 , indicating a probable presence of magnetic fields in the circumstellar mass loss disks . the fors1 observations of hd181615 are presented in the left panel of fig . [ fig : ca ] . new observations of classical be stars have been been carried out at the vlt from 2006 to 2008 . the be stars have been observed in 2006 in service mode with the grism 600b in the wavelength range 348 - 589 nm and with the grism 1200b in the spectral range 373 - 497 nm . the last observations we report here have been carried out in visitor mode in 2008 in the framework of the study of 15 b - type members of the open cluster ngc 3766 . and @xmath2 spectra in hd181615 ; right panels : cyclic variability of the magnetic field in @xmath1 eri with a period of 21.1min and fourier spectrum for the magnetic field data derived from hydrogen lines . , title="fig:",width=249,height=172 ] and @xmath2 spectra in hd181615 ; right panels : cyclic variability of the magnetic field in @xmath1 eri with a period of 21.1min and fourier spectrum for the magnetic field data derived from hydrogen lines . , weak magnetic fields have been detected in eight classical be stars . the magnetic field strengths of the studied be stars are found to be in the range 40 g to 150 g . a few be stars with detected magnetic fields show non - detections at some other observing dates , indicating possible temporal variability of their magnetic fields . to confirm this suggestion we performed time - resolved magnetic field measurements over one hour for a few be stars to get information about the behaviour of the magnetic field over at least a part of the stellar surface . the service mode observations revealed periodic changes of magnetic fields on the time scale of tens of minutes in a few classical be stars . among these stars , the star @xmath1 eri displays a cyclic variability of the magnetic field with a period of 21.1min ( see the right panel of fig . [ fig : ca ] ) . the results of the study of fifteen early b - type members of the open cluster ngc 3766 have already been reported by @xcite who noted two definite and two possible detections in the studied sample . we detected three additional stars with weak magnetic fields which are members of this cluster ( highlighted by bold face in table [ tab : ngc ] ) . our search for magnetic fields in be stars revealed that their magnetic fields are rather weak , but fields of less than @xmath0150 g are not rare . the magnetic fields are clearly variable and a non - detection of magnetic fields in some stars may be explained by temporal variability . a few classical be stars display cyclic variability of the magnetic field with periods of tens of minutes . the cluster ngc 3766 seems to be extremely interesting , where we find clear evidence for the presence of a magnetic field in seven early b - type cluster members out of fifteen members .
we report the results of our study of magnetic fields in a sample of be stars using spectropolarimetric data obtained at the european southern observatory with the multi - mode instrument fors1 installed at the 8 m kueyen telescope . the detected magnetic fields are rather weak , not stronger than @xmath0150 g . a few classical be stars display cyclic variability of the magnetic field with periods of tens of minutes .
in the spring of 1936 , the famous mexican muralist david alfaro siqueiros @xcite organized an experimental painting workshop in new york : a group of artists focused in developing painting techniques through empirical experimentation of modern and industrial materials and tools . among the young artists attending the workshop was jackson pollock @xcite . they tested different lacquers and a number of experimental techniques . one of the techniques , named by siqueiros as a `` controlled accident , '' consisted in pouring layers of paint of different colors on top of each other . after a brief time , the paint from the lower layer emerged from bottom to top creating a relatively regular pattern of blobs . this technique led to the creation of explosion - inspired textures and catastrophic images . we conducted an analysis of this process . we experimentally reproduced the patterns `` discovered '' by siqueiros and analyzed the behavior of the flow . we found that the flow is driven by the well - known rayleigh taylor instability @xcite : different colors paints have different densities ; a heavy layer on top of a light one is an unstable configuration . the blobs and plumes that result from the instability create the aesthetically pleasing patterns . we discuss the importance of fluid mechanics in artistic creation . we used the same type of paints that siqueiros used . their physical properties are shown in table [ table_props ] . with these combinations , both the reynolds and artwood numbers are small . the paint layers where dripping on top of a horizontal glass sheet . volumes of approximately 50 and 25 ml were deposited for the bottom and bottom layers , respectively . the flow was photographed with a computer - controlled hd digital camera ( finepix si pro , fujifilm ) , such that long term time sequences could be obtained . the time interval between photos was either 500 or 143 ms . .properties of the fluids and fluid combinations used . @xmath0 , is the artwood number and @xmath1 , is the reynolds number , where @xmath2 and @xmath3 and the velocity of the front and the thickness of the layer , respectively . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] to our knowledge an formal analysis of this process has not been studied to date . our video contributions can be found at :
this is an entry for the gallery of fluid motion of the 65st annual meeting of the aps - dfd ( fluid dynamics video ) . this video shows an analysis of the ` accidental painting ' technique developed by d.a . siqueiros , a famous mexican muralist . we reproduced the technique that he used : pouring layers of paint of different colors on top of each other . we found that the layers mix , creating aesthetically pleasing patterns , as a result of a rayleigh - taylor instability . due to the pigments used to give paints their color , they can have different densities . when poured on top of each other , if the top layer is denser than the lower one , the viscous gravity current undergoes unstable as it spread radially . we photograph the process and produced slowed - down video to visualize the process .
the aim of this paper is to present some details about the performance of the neutrino monte carlo generator of events developed at the wrocaw university . it differs from other generators ( e.g. neugen , nuance , neut ) @xcite in the treatment of the resonance region . our generator contains an explicit @xmath0 resonance excitation model but contributions from more massive resonances are absent . it is assumed that an average description of the cross section coming from those resonances is sufficient . in fact , in the low energy bnl data only the @xmath0 peak is clearly seen in all single pion production ( spp ) channels on free nucleon targets @xcite . in neutrino interactions with nucleus targets the fermi motion is supposed to average the cross section contributions from other then the @xmath0 resonance peaks . the performance of the wrocaw generator in the spp channels has been discussed elsewhere @xcite . the agreement with available data is satisfactory . in order to cover the entire allowed kinematical region it is necessary to apply the dis formalism to produce the events also for values of invariant hadronic mass @xmath1 gev . two problems arise then : ( i ) how to model the structure functions in order to reproduce the correct value of the inclusive cross section and ( ii ) how to produce the final states . the generally accepted way to describe the structure functions is to use bodek - yang low @xmath2 modifications , which have been introduced on the basis of the electron scattering data @xcite . recently the neutrino scattering data from the chorus and nutev experiments on nuclear targets ( iron and lead ) have become available @xcite and further progress and cross checks will be possible . in order to produce final hadronic states several strategies can be adopted . in our approach we assume that interactions take place on separate constituent of the nucleon . the first step of fragmentation is performed by our generator and of remaining quark - diquark system by means of pythia6 routines based on the lund model @xcite . several parameters of pythia6 were fine - tuned to get a good agreement with data @xcite . in effect it is possible to produce dis events for small values of the invariant hadronic mass down to the threshold for the single pion production @xmath3 . the low @xmath4 dis events are used in order to model the non - resonant background @xcite . [ cols="^,^ " , ] finally , in the fig . [ strange2 ] we show the cross section for neutral strange particles @xmath5 and @xmath6 . data points are taken from @xcite . we notice the good agreement of the generator s predictions with the data . the predictions of the wrocaw mc generator of events are in satisfactory agreement with the data . nevertheless additional effort is necessary to fine tune some of the free parameters of the generator in order to improve it s performance . the work on the nuclear effects module of the generator is in progress . the authors would like to thank c. juszczak for many conversations and for participating in this project at various stages . the authors were supported by kbn grant 105/e-344/spb / icarus / p-03/dz211/2003 - 2005 and by wrocaw university grant 2595/w / ift .
results from the wrocaw monte carlo neutrino generator of events are reported . predictions for charged hadron multiplicities , neutral pion and strange particle production are presented and compared with available data . = by -1
ic4634 is one of the most spectacular point - symmetric planetary nebulae ( pne ) . its remarkable double - s - shaped morphology is reflected in its kinematics , with two oppositely directed pairs of red- and blue - shifted features straddling the nebula ( schwarz 1993 ) . the morphology and kinematics suggest a precession or rotation of the source that produced these highly symmetric outflows . we have used narrow - band archival _ hst _ images in the [ o iii ] , h@xmath0 , and [ n ii ] lines to study the morphology of ic4634 and used complementary ctio 4 m telescope long - slit echelle observations of the h@xmath0 and [ n ii ] @xmath16583 lines to carry out a detailed study of its spatio - kinematical structure . the _ hst _ image of the central region of ic4634 ( figure 1-top - left ) reveals several morphological constituents . the nebula has a sharp central elliptical shell surrounded by a misaligned elliptical envelope . further emission found along pa@xmath2 and @xmath3 seems to form part of an irregularly shaped outer envelope . what makes ic4634 so remarkable are the two pairs of low - ionization , s - shaped arcs . in addition to these complex point - symmetric features , the image of the outermost regions of ic4634 ( figure 1-top - right ) shows an arc - like string of knots located at @xmath4 north of the central star . the bottom pictures in figure 1 reveals the bow - shock morphology of the outer north s - shaped arc ( the south counterpart has similar morphology ) . the [ o iii ] and h@xmath0 emission in these bow - shocks precede the [ n ii ] emission , indicating shock excitation . a shock velocity of 80 - 160 km s@xmath5 is derived from the [ o iii]/h@xmath0 line ratio . the [ n ii ] emission from the bow - shocks shows developing instabilities . the [ n ii]-bright string of knots arises from the edge of the bow - shocks , suggesting that they might be trailed material from the bow - shock . the h@xmath0 and [ n ii ] echellograms provide further insights on the structure of ic4634 . the inner shell can be described as an ellipsoide with its northwestern tip receding from the observer . the inner low - ionization arcs expand at an almost constant v@xmath6 of @xmath720 km s@xmath5 in opposite direction to the inner shell . the radial velocity in the outer low - ionization arcs shows an abrupt change from the bow - shock structure to the linear string of knots , suggesting a deceleration . a counterpart of the outermost arc - like string of knots is detected to the south of ic4634 at a radial velocity similar to its systemic velocity . from these results , we conclude that ic4634 has experienced a complex history of multiple collimated outflows . these outflows have been ejected along different directions and very likely during different phases of the pn formation .
we present a spatio - kinematical study of the planetary nebula ( pn ) ic4634 which has experienced several episodes of point - symmetric ejections oriented at different directions . the nebula displays two s - shaped low - ionization arcs that are probably related to two relatively recent point - symmetric ejections , the outer s - shaped arc representing a beautiful example of a bow - shock resolved in a pn . we report here the discovery of an arc - like string of knots at larger distances from ic4634 central star that represents a much earlier point - symmetric ejection .
we deposit droplets in various initial states which are subsequently tilted to near roll - off and then tilted back to horizontal . we study the deformation from initial to final state . droplets with different initial contact angles are achieved by depositing droplets of larger or smaller volume and emptying / filling these on the surface to the desired 50 @xmath0l . emptying results in contact angles closer to the receding angle , whereas filling results in contact angles closer to the advancing angle . if necessary , vibration can be used to achieve the most stable contact angle on the given surface , which will be roughly half - way the advancing and receding angles . when tilted the front or rear contact point of the droplet will move first , depending on the initial state of the droplet . when tilted close to the roll - off angle and then returned to horizontal the base length of all droplets , regardless of their initial shape , will have become similar . all droplets are distilled water of milliq quality and have a volume of 50 @xmath0l . the surface consists of a 4-inch silicon wafer coated with a 10 micron layer of pdms ( sylgard ) in 5:1 ratio with the curing agent . this results in advancing and receding contact angles of 119 and 92 degrees respectively . the substrate is tilted at a rate of 0.25@xmath1 .
in this short paper we present a fluid dynamics video of the deformation of droplets when tilted on a motorized stage . this is a submission to the 2013 gallery of fluid motion which is part of the 66th annual meeting of aps - dfd . the video shows how differently placed droplets on the same surface will show a universal behaviour when tilted back and forth .
-5 mm the most basic equations for shock wave theory are the systems of hyperbolic conservation laws @xmath0 where @xmath1 is the space variables and @xmath2 is the basic dependence variables . such a system represents basic physical model for which @xmath3 is the density of conserved physical quantities and the flux @xmath4 is assumed to be a function of @xmath5 . more complete system of partial differential equations takes the form @xmath6 with @xmath7 the viscosity matrix and @xmath8 the viscosity parameters , and @xmath9 the sources . other evolutionary equations which carry shock waves include the interacting particles system , boltzmann equation , and discrete systems . discrete systems can appear as difference approximations to hyperbolic conservation laws . in all these systems , shock waves yield rich phenomena and also present serious mathematical difficulties due to their strong nonlinear character . -5 mm much has been done for hyperbolic conservation laws in one space dimension @xmath10 see @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , and the article by bressan in this volume . because the solutions in general contain discontinuous shock waves , the system provides impetus for the introduction of new ideas , such as the glimm functional , and is a good testing ground for new techniques , such as the theory of compensated compactness , in nonlinear analysis . -5 mm physical models of the form of viscous conservation laws are not uniformly parabolic , but hyperbolic - parabolic . basic study of the dissipation of solutions for such a system has been done using the energy method , see @xcite . study of nonlinear waves for these systems has been initiated , @xcite , @xcite , however , much more remains to be done . the difficulty lies in the nonlinear couplings due to both the nonlinearity of the flux @xmath4 , which is the topic of consideration for hyperbolic conservation laws , as well as that of the viscosity matrix @xmath7 . for instance , the study of zero dissipation limit @xmath11 , see bressan s article , has been done only for the artificial viscosity matrix @xmath12 . -5 mm sources added to conservation laws may represents geometric effects , chemical reactions , or relaxation effects . thus there should be no unified theory for it . when the source represents the geometric effects , such the multi - dimensional spherical waves , hyperbolic conservation laws takes the form @xmath13 there has stablizing and destablizing effects , such as in the nozzle flows , @xcite . the chemical effects occur in the combustions . there is complicated , still mostly not understood , phenomena on the rich behaviour of combustions . one interesting problem is the transition from the detonations to deflagrations , where the combined effects of dissipation , compression and chemical energy gives rise to new wave behaviour . viscous effects are important on the qualitative behaviour of nonlinear waves when the hyperbolic system is not strictly hyperbolic , see @xcite . relaxation , such as for the kinetic models and thermal non - equilibrium in general , is interesting because of the rich coupling of dissipation , dispersion and hyperbolicity , @xcite . -5 mm conservative finite differences to the hyperbolic conservation laws , in one space dimension , take the form : @xmath14(x+\frac{\delta x}{2})-f[u^n](x-\frac{\delta x}{2})).\ ] ] it has been shown for a class of two conservation laws and dissipative schemes , such as lax - friedrichs and godunov scheme that the numerical solutions converge to the exact solutions of the conservation laws , @xcite . on the other hand , qualitative studies on the nonlinear waves for difference schemes indicate rich behaviour . in particular , the shock waves depend sensitively on the its c - f - l speeds , @xcite , @xcite . -5 mm shock wave theory originated from the study of the euler equations in gas dynamics . the classical book @xcite is still important and mostly updated on multi - dimensional gas flows . because of its great difficulty , the study of multi - dimensional shocks concentrate on flows with certain self - similarity property . one such problem is the riemann problem , with initial value consisting of finite many constant states . in that case , the solutions are function of @xmath15 , not general function of @xmath16 , see @xcite . see also @xcite for other self - similar solutions . however , unlike single space case , multi - dimensional riemann solutions do not represent general scattering data , and are quite difficult to study . it is more feasible to consider flows with shocks and solid boundary , e.g. @xcite @xcite . -5 mm the boltzmann equation @xmath17 contains much more information than the gas dynamics equations . nevertheless , the shock waves for all these equations have the same rankine - hugoniot relation at the far states . the difference is on the transition layer . there is beginning an effort to make use of the techniques for the conservation laws to study the boltzmann shocks , @xcite . this is a line of research quite different from the intensive current efforts on the incompressible limits of the boltzmann equation . -5 mm interacting particle systems is even closer to the first physical principles than the boltzmann equation . there is the long - standing problem , the zermelo paradox , in passing from the reversible particle systems to the irreversible systems such as the boltzmann equation , and the euler equations with shocks . this is fine for particle system with random noises . however , except for scalar models , so far the derivation of euler equations from the particle systems has been done only for solutions with no shocks , @xcite .
shock wave theory was first studied for gas dynamics , for which shocks appear as compression waves . a shock wave is characterized as a sharp transition , even discontinuity in the flow . in fact , shocks appear in many different physical situation and represent strong nonlinearity of the physical processes . important progresses have been made on shock wave theory in recent years . we will survey the topics for which much more remain to be made . these include the effects of reactions , dissipations and relaxation , shock waves for interacting particles and boltzmann equation , and multi - dimensional gas flows . 4.5 mm * 2000 mathematics subject classification : * 35 .
muons are secondary products of collisions between high - energy cosmic rays and atmosphere nuclei . the muon flux at sea level is roughly 160 @xmath0 . muon induced neutrons and long - lived radioactive isotopes are important background sources for low - energy underground experiments . there are three important muon induced backgrounds in the daya bay experiment , accidentals , fast neutron and @xmath1 . following are the processes that muon induces backgrounds.muon induced neutron can be produced by muon spallation that muon interactions with nuclei via a virtual photon producing a nuclear disintegration , muon elastic scattering with neutrons bound in nuclei , photo - nuclear reactions associated with electromagnetic showers generated by muons , and secondary neutron production following any of the above processes . muon induced isotopes can be produced by muon spallation and their secondary shower particles@xcite . locating the detectors at sites with adequate overburden is the only way to reduce the muon flux and the associated background to a tolerable level . being supplemented with a good muon identifier outside the detector , we can tag the muons going through or near the detector modules and reject backgrounds efficiently . fig.[muon_veto_sys ] is the muon veto system in daya bay reactor neutrino experiment@xcite . , width=177 ] , width=177 ] this water buffer is used as a cherenkov detector to detect muons . thus neutrons produced by muons in the detector module , the water buffer or surrounding rock will be effectively attenuated by the 2.5 m water buffer . together with rpc outside the water buffer , the combined muon tag efficiency is 99.5% , with an uncertainty smaller than 0.25% . veto time windows after tagged muon are [ 0 @xmath2s , 600 @xmath2s ] for water pool tagged muon , [ 0 ms , 1 ms ] for ad tagged muon , [ 0 s , 1 s ] for ad tagged shower muon , respectively . the reaction employed to detect the @xmath3 from reactor is the inverse beta decay . fig.[ibd_pro ] is the physical process of inverse beta decay . the reaction has a distinct signature : a prompt positron followed by a neutron - capture . selections of inverse beta decay events(ibd ) are energy of prompt signal : [ 0.7 mev , 12.0 mev ] , energy of delayed signal : [ 6.0 mev , 12.0 mev ] , delta time between delayed and prompt signal : [ 1 @xmath2s , 200 @xmath2s ] , multiple cut : no other @xmath50.7 mev triggers in 200 @xmath2s time window before prompt signal or after delayed signal . a single neutron capture signal has some probability to fall accidentally within the time window of a preceding signal due to natural radioactivity ( u , th , k , co , rn , kr ) , producing an accidental background . some other long - lived cosmogenic isotopes , such as @xmath6 , can fake the delayed neutron signal if they have beta decay energy in the 6 mev @xmath7 12 mev range . the expected accidental background can be calculated as : @xmath8 where , @xmath9 is rate of the triggers in prompt signal energy region that calculated every 4 hours , @xmath10 is number of the triggers in delayed signal energy region that counted every 4 hours . a fast neutron produced by cosmic muons in the surrounding rock or the detector can produce a signal mimicking the inverse beta decay reaction in the detector . fig.[fn_pro ] is the physical process of fast neutron , the recoil proton generates the prompt signal and the capture of the thermalized neutron provides the delayed signal.the energy spectrum of prompt signal of only inner water pool tagged fast neutron between 0 mev and 100 mev is linear distribution . , width=177 ] , width=188 ] thus we use linear extrapolation to estimate fast neutron background ( see fig.[fn_fit ] ) . first , relax the 12 mev prompt energy criterion in the ibd selection to 100 mev , then take the mean of zero and first order polynomial fit values in [ 12 mev , 100 mev ] range to extrapolate the backgrounds into the [ 0.7 mev , 12 mev ] region . the @xmath1 isotopes produced by cosmic muons have substantial beta - neutron decay branching fractions ( see fig.[li_pro ] ) . the beta energy of the beta - neutron cascade overlaps the energy range of positron signals from neutrino events , mimicking the prompt signal , and the neutron emission forms the delayed signal . [ li_fit],width=177 ] [ li_fit],width=177 ] @xmath11 fit the time since last muon distribution with eq.[lifunc ] to measure @xmath1 background@xcite . fig.[li_fit ] shows an example of fitting for @xmath1 backgrounds . the muon induced backgrounds in six antineutrino detectors(ad ) after muon rejection is listed in following table@xcite . sincerely thanks to every contributor to this study at daya bay collaboration . thanks to everyone who helped me .
muon induced neutrons and long - lived radioactive isotopes are important background sources for low - energy underground experiments . we study the produced processes and properties of cosmic muon induced backgrounds , show the muon veto system used for rejecting these backgrounds and the methods to estimate residual backgrounds in the daya bay reactor neutrino experiment .
supersymmetric extension of the standard model is beautiful and probably needed toward a solution of the gauge hierarchy problem @xcite . however , it introduces three outstanding problems : ( i ) the r - parity violating superpotential terms @xcite , ( ii ) the @xmath5 problem @xcite , and ( iii ) the flavor changing neutral currents @xcite . there exist many ideas to remedy these problems . in this paper , we concentrate on the r - parity violation and its probable effects in cosmology . the problem in the minimal supersymmetric standard model is that it allows the trilinear superpotential terms . for decay processes , let us consider the trilinear r - violating couplings defined by @xmath6 where the superfields are denoted as the upper case roman letters . there can be the bilinear r - violating couplings , @xmath7 , which can be rotated away at the superpotential level by redefining @xmath8 and @xmath9 fields . but if these bilinear parameters are given at the electroweak scale with soft terms present , one should worry about the correct minimum for the electroweak vacuum , implying that @xmath10 are physical parameters @xcite . but this subtle point is not of relevance in our study of the neutralino decay . if both @xmath11 and @xmath12 terms are present , the stability of proton is a function of @xmath13 . to remove one of these terms for proton stability , some employ discrete symmetries @xcite . but the most widely employed discrete symmetry is the r - parity , defined as @xmath14 where b is the baryon number , l is the lepton number and s is the spin of the particle . the fields in the standard model have r = 1 while their superpartners have r = 1 . namely superfields in eq . ( 1 ) carries r charge 1 , and all terms in eq . ( 1 ) are forbidden by the r - parity conservation assumption . in addition , if r - parity is conserved , there exists an absolutely stable lsp ( lowest mass supersymmetric particle ) which carries r = 1 and can not decay to ordinary particles due to the r conservation . this stable lsp can be a candidate for the constituent of the missing mass of the universe . the reason one considers the terms given in eq . ( 1 ) is that they are _ not _ forbidden by the gauge group and supersymmetry alone . therefore , phenomenologically it is important to know bounds on the strengths of the coupling parameters @xmath15 and @xmath16 . the most stringent laboratory bounds on these r - violating couplings are summarized in table 1 @xcite . however , a more severe bound comes from the lower limit of the lifetime of proton as mentioned above . if we take the universal strength for the couplings , then @xmath17 s must be less than @xmath18 from the proton stability condition . with this strong constraint the search for new effects in accelerator experiments may be futile .
in r parity violating theories , there does not exist the _ stable _ lightest supersymmetric particle ( lsp ) . the lsp , @xmath0 , of mssm decays to lighter ordinary particles with dimension 6 effective r violating interaction terms . since the lifetime of @xmath0 can be sufficiently long for small r - violating couplings , it can affect the standard nucleosynthesis scenario . this constraint gives an upper limit for the lifetime of @xmath0 in the small @xmath1 region ; @xmath2 s. this translates to the sum of squared r - violating couplings , for @xmath3 60 gev in the photino ( bino ) limit , @xmath4 .
we consider a mathematical model that describes the distribution of temperature with phase transitions at a given temperature @xmath0 in a domain @xmath1 . here @xmath2 is a domain with liquid phase , where the temperature is above the phase transition temperature @xmath3 and @xmath4 stands for a domain with solid phase , @xmath5 the phase transition occurs at a phase change boundary @xmath6 . for simulation of heat transfer with phase transitions , the classical stefan model is used @xcite , @xcite . this model describes the thermal processes accompanied by a phase change media , absorption and release of latent heat . we use @xmath7 where @xmath8 is thelatent heat of the phase transition , @xmath9 stands for the absolute permeability of the porous medium , @xmath10 is the water viscosity and @xmath11 is the pressure in the soil . for the coefficients of the equation , we have the following relations @xmath12 and @xmath13 where @xmath14 @xmath15 are the density and specific heat capacity of the melt and frozen zone , respectively . since we consider the process of heat propagation in porous media , then for the coefficients we have : @xmath16 @xmath17 where @xmath18 is the porosity . indexes @xmath19 denote the skeleton of the porous medium , water and ice . for the coefficients of thermal conductivity in the melt and frozen zone , we have similar relationships @xmath20 @xmath21 in practice , phase transformations do not occur instantaneously and can occur in a small temperature range @xmath22 $ ] @xcite . as the @xmath23-function , we can take @xmath24 : @xmath25 then we obtain the following equation for the temperature in the domain @xmath26 : @xmath27 the resulting equation ( [ 2 ] ) is a standard nonlinear parabolic equation . the equation ( [ 2 ] ) is suplemented with the initial and boundary conditions @xmath28 here @xmath29 is a place of contact with the freezing columns . the equation ( [ 2 ] ) is approximated using a finite element method . we multiply the temperature equation by a test function @xmath30 , and integrate it using the green formula @xmath31 here @xmath32 is a sobolev space , which consists of the functions @xmath30 such that @xmath33 and @xmath34 has a finite integral in the @xmath26 and @xmath35 . to approximate in time , we apply the standard fully implicit scheme and use the simplest linearization ( from the previous time level ) @xmath36 in such a way , we arrive at the following classical variational formulation of the problem : to find @xmath37|_{\gamma_d } \in h_0 ^ 1(\omega)$ ] such that @xmath38 the process of solving equation ( [ t.2.3 ] ) can be represented as follows . while @xmath39 : 1 . calculate @xmath40 : @xmath41 ; 2 . save a previous time lavel values @xmath42 ; 3 . recalculate the ambient temperature @xmath43 : @xmath44 4 . if the temperature of the soil is less than @xmath43 , then the freezing columns turn on , else turn off ; 5 . the temperature at the new time level are solved by a linear solver ; 6 . write the results to a file . numerical implementation is performed using the fenics package @xcite . for results visualization , the values at each time level were recorded in vtk file format that was visualized using paraview program . as a model problem , we consider the process of thermal stabilization of the mouth of the oil or gas wells @xcite , @xcite . the geometric domain was built using the netgen mesher . the computational domain is shown in fig . [ fig : netg ] and has a length of 40 meter in each direction , the well ( radius 0.1 meter ) is located in the middle of a field , where oil flows with a given positive temperature . a cement layer with the thickness of 0.2 meter is used for well heat insulation . 8 freezing columns with a radius of 0.05 meter are deepened to 14 meters around the well . the top sand layer has the thickness of 2 meters . near the well , there is laid penopleks ( 10 by 10 m , thickness of 200 mm ) . the numerical results are presented in fig . [ fig : t5 - 3d ] . figure [ fig : t5 - 2d ] illustrates the efficiency of the seasonal cooling devices , which accumulate the winter chill in the ground and provide additional bearing capacity in the summer . by numerical simulation of the temperature stabilization of soils using freezing system , we can conclude that the presence of freezing columns can reduce soil thawing around wells the calculations were performed using the nefu computational cluster _ ariane kuzmin_. the computation time using 64 processors ( see fig . [ fig : parallel ] ) was about 14 minutes , with 32 processors - about 21 minutes , and with 16 processors - about 40 minutes , which shows good efficiency of parallelization . tishchenko t.i . , gusev a. y. : technical solutions for the thermal stabilization of soils mouths of oil and gas wells . proceeding of the international scientific - practical conference on permafrost engineering ( 2011 )
temperature stabilization of oil and gas wells is used to ensure stability and prevent deformation of a subgrade estuary zone . in this work , we consider the numerical simulation of thermal stabilization using vertical seasonal freezing columns . a mathematical model of such problems is described by a time - dependent temperature equation with phase transitions from water to ice . the resulting equation is a standard nonlinear parabolic equation . numerical implementation is based on the finite element method using the package fenics . after standard purely implicit approximation in time and simple linearization , we obtain a system of linear algebraic equations . because the size of freezing columns are substantially less than the size of the modeled area , we obtain mesh refinement near columns . due to this , we get a large system of equations which are solved using high performance computing systems .
we developed a radiative - convective equilibrium model for young giant exoplanets . input parameters are the planet s surface gravity ( g ) , effective temperature ( teff ) and elemental composition . under the additional assumption of thermochemical equilibrium , the model predicts the equilibrium temperature profile and mixing ratio profiles of the most important gases . opacity sources include the h@xmath1-he collision - induced absorption and molecular lines from h@xmath1o , co , ch@xmath2 , nh@xmath3 , vo , tio , na and k. line opacity is modeled using k - correlated coefficients pre - calculated over a fixed pressure - temperature grid . cloud absorption can be added above the expected condensation level ( e.g. iron or silicates ) with given scale height and optical depth at some reference wavelength . scattering is not included at the present stage . + we compared the model predictions to measurements of planet @xmath0 pictoris b from ( * ? ? ? * bonnefoy ( 2013 ) ) . we built a grid of models with : a teff range between 1000 and 2500 k a log@xmath4(g[cgs ] ) between 3 and 5 , solar system abundances of the elements ( ( * ? ? ? * lodders 2010 ) ) and no cloud opacity . + for each model we selected the radius that minimizes the @xmath5 between the observed and calculated apparent magnitudes . we only kept models with a radius between 0.6 and 2 jupiter radius ( a realistic range derived from evolution models of ( * ? ? ? * mordasini 2012 ) ) . + the best one ( cloud - free model ) is a planet with an effective temperature of 1700 k , a log@xmath4(g[cgs ] ) of 3 and a radius of @xmath6 @xmath7 ( @xmath8 ) . this model clearly yields too much flux in the j and h bands ( fig . 1 ) . apparent flux of our model without ( doted line ) and with cloud opacity ( solid line ) , compared with measured apparent fluxes of @xmath0 pictoris b ( circles ) ] + in a second step , we added absorption from iron and silicates clouds . we used a particle radius of 30 @xmath9 m and assumed the same particle column density for both clouds . for each cloud the opacity is distributed between the condensation level and the 0.1-mbar level with a particle scale height equal to the gas scale height . + for teff = 1700 k and log@xmath4(g ) = 3 , using a particulate optical depth ( @xmath10 ) of 0.25 at 1.2 @xmath9 m allows us to obtain a @xmath5 of 7.5 for a radius of 1.43 @xmath7 . compared with the cloud free case , the flux in the j and h bands is lower and that in the ks , l , nb4.05 and m bands is higher . adding cloud opacity in the model is required to reproduce the data within uncertainties . in agreement with other models ( see references in ( * ? ? ? * bonnefoy 2013 ) ) we found that cloud opacity is needed to reproduce the observations of @xmath0 pictoris b. a model with teff = 1700 k , log@xmath4(g[cgs ] ) = 3 , and some cloud opacity agrees with observations within uncertainties , but other combinations of these parameters are probably possible . + we plan to explore the parameter space ( teff , g , @xmath10 ) for cloudy models of @xmath0 pictoris b , to apply our model to planetary system hr8799 , to update methane opacity with the exomol data base ( http://www.exomol.com/ ) , to add nh@xmath3 opacity . + this model will be used to analyze data from sphere after commissioning on the vlt in 2014 .
we present a radiative - convective equilibrium model for young giant exoplanets . model predictions are compared with the existing photometric measurements of planet @xmath0 pictoris b in the j , h , ks , l , nb 4.05 , m bands . this model will be used to interpret future photometric and spectroscopic observations of exoplanets with sphere , mounted at the vlt with a first light expected mid-2014 .
% of the sky , with exposures ranging from just a few seconds at the slew path edges , up to close to a minute in the overlap regions near the ecliptic poles . ] the publicly available xmm - newton slew data cover to date around 41% of the sky ( see fig.1 ) . the soft band ( 0.2@xmath02 kev ) sensitivity limit of the slews ( 6@xmath1ergs @xmath2 s@xmath3 ) is close to that of the rosat all - sky survey ( rass ) , and in the medium ( 2@xmath012 kev ) band , the slew data goes significantly deeper ( 4@xmath4ergs @xmath2 s@xmath3 ) than all other previous large area surveys . the current full catalogue ( the third update , released in june 2009 ) contains 19,720 detections . for details on the construction and characteristics of the xmm - newton slew survey catalogue , see saxton et al . ( 2008 ) , and for details of the initial science results from the slew survey , see read et al . the near real - time comparison of xmm - newton slew data with rass data is giving , for the first time , the opportunity of finding all manner of high - variability x - ray objects , e.g. tidal disruption candidates ( esquej et al . 2007 , and this conference ) , agn , blazars , and also galactic sources such as novae , flare stars , cataclysmic variables , and eclipsing x - ray binaries . it is only with a large - area survey , such as the xmm - newton slew survey , that such rare events have a chance of being caught . two such high - variability sources we have classified as new classical novae . xmmsl1 j070542.7 - 381442 ( read et al . 2008 ) , also known as v598 pup , was seen in the slew to be @xmath5750 times brighter than the rass upper limit . our magellan optical spectrum identified the source as an auroral phase nova , and the x - ray data indicates that the nova was in a super - soft state ( see fig.2 ) , and at a distance of @xmath53kpc . analysis of archival optical asas data showed an incredibly bright ( and at the time un - noticed ) source , rising from m@xmath614 to m@xmath7@xmath84.1 over three days , making it one of the very brightest novae this decade . a second source , xmmsl1 j060636.2 - 694933 ( read et al . 2009 ) , was seen in the slew to be @xmath9500 times brighter than in the rass , and xmm - newton , swift , magellan and asas data were able to classify it as again an auroral phase , very fast nova in the super - soft state ( fig.2 ) , though at a much further distance and likely situated in the lmc . with discoveries such as these , it is clear that xmm - newton slew data are continuing to offer a powerful opportunity to find new x - ray transient objects .
the data collected by xmm - newton as it slews between pointings currently cover almost half the entire sky , and many familiar features and new sources are visible . the soft - band sensitivity limit of the slew is close to that of the rass , and a large - area slew - rass comparison now provides the best opportunity for discovering extremely rare high - variability objects . address = university of leicester , leicester , le1 7rh , uk address = xmm soc , esac , villanuevade la canada , madrid , spain address = university of leicester , leicester , le1 7rh , uk address = university of leicester , leicester , le1 7rh , uk
the discovery of remarkable correlations between the masses of supermassive bhs hosted at the centers of galaxies and the global properties of the parent galaxies themselves @xcite leads to a natural link between the cosmological evolution of qsos and the formation history of galaxies @xcite . the investigation of such interesting correlations looks promising not only to better understand how and when galaxies formed , but also to obtain information on the qso population itself @xcite . here we focus on two specific points raised by the general remarks above : 1 ) the use of the `` magorrian relation '' to determine the qso duty cycle at redshift @xmath1 ; 2 ) the expected relation between the cosmological evolution of the total luminosity emitted by star forming galaxies and that of the total luminosity emitted by qsos . as we will see , an interesting consequence of this last point is the possible existence of a physical process limiting gas accretion onto bhs at high redshifts . observational _ inputs of our analysis are the magorrian relation @xcite , the galaxy mass to light ratio ( from the fundamental plane ) @xcite , the present - day luminosity function of spheroids @xcite , the present - day and the integrated qso cosmological ( light ) evolution @xcite , and finally the star formation history @xcite . a possible alternative to the use of the mass - to - light ratio is the use of the faber - jackson @xcite relation coupled with the so - called @xmath2 relation @xcite . the technical details will be given elsewhere @xcite . we start our analysis by deriving the qso s mean accretion efficiency associated with the bh s growth ( see , e.g. , @xcite ) as @xmath3 , where @xmath4 is the present - day total mass of bhs at the center of stellar spheroids , and @xmath5 is the total energy emitted by all qsos over the entire life of the universe . we then derive the qso ( mean ) duty cycle @xmath6 in two ways : @xmath7 \over\nq[\lq(x,0)]},\ ] ] where @xmath8 is such that qsos brighter than @xmath8 ( whose number is @xmath9 $ ] ) emit the fraction @xmath10 of @xmath11 , and @xmath12 is such that all bhs heavier than @xmath12 ( whose number is @xmath13 $ ] ) sum up to @xmath14 ( at z=0 ) . we found that the two ways give consistently @xmath15 and @xmath16 , in good agreement with theoretical results @xcite . our result is similar in spirit but different in detail from that derived in @xcite , who obtained a _ qso lifetime _ of @xmath17 yr at a hubble epoch of @xmath18 yr or , in our terms , @xmath19 . finally , an interesting expectation based on the magorrian relation would be a parallel evolution of the qso accretion and star formation histories . as is well known , at @xmath20 the qso total luminosity and the uv luminosity associated to the star formation history are indeed roughly parallel but at @xmath21 they have clearly divergent slopes . a fit shows that the qso luminosity evolution is reasonably well fitted under the assumptions that bhs are accreting at _ one tenth _ of the eddington luminosity , as computed under the standard assumption of pure electron scattering . a global picture could then be that at low redshift the bh accretion ( and star formation ) are limited by the available amount of gas , while at high redshift some extra source of opacity ( as for example bremsstrahlung opacity @xcite ) , able to reduce the eddington luminosity of one order of magnitude ( with respect to the pure electron scattering case ) , is at work @xcite .
we present a robust method to derive the duty cycle of qso activity based on the empirical qso luminosity function and on the present - day linear relation between the masses of supermassive black holes and those of their spheroidal host stellar systems . it is found that the duty cycle is substantially less than unity , with characteristic values in the range @xmath0 . finally , we tested the expectation that the qso luminosity evolution and the star formation history should be roughly parallel , as a consequence of the above mentioned relation between bh and galaxy masses .
identifying and studying dusty star - forming galaxies is of vital importance to understand galaxy evolution . besides looking directly for the emission from dust , these objects can also be identified by their extreme optical to near - infrared ( nir ) colours , forming a significant fraction of the so - called extremely red objects ( eros ) @xcite . radio wavelengths , unaffected by dust obscuration and being a measure of star formation rates in star - forming galaxies , can give an important insight to the characteristics of these dusty objects @xcite . performing an ero search in an ultra - deep radio field can thus provide an important step in understanding some of the more obscured galaxies . the phoenix deep survey is a multiwavelength survey based on deep radio ( 1.4ghz ) observations performed with the atca . with an area of over 4.5 square degree , and reaching flux densities of 60 @xmath1jy , the pds is one of the deepest wide angle radio surveys already made @xcite . follow - up optical ( @xmath2 ) data has recently been obtained , using the wide - field imagers at the aat , ctio and eso , reaching @xmath3mag in each band . near - infrared ( @xmath4 band ) observations were made on the central 200 square arcmin of the pds , using sofi at the ntt ( eso ) to a limiting magnitude of @xmath5 @xcite . based on 3@xmath6 aperture photometry , a sample of 432 eros ( @xmath7 ) , were selected . eighteen were directly identified in the radio catalogue , with radio fluxes between 65 and 991@xmath1jy . the ero population was separated into ellipticals and star - forming galaxies using the @xmath8 magnitudes , following the recent work by bergstrom et al . . this method seems to perform well for eros with redshifts @xmath9 @xcite , which seems appropriate for this survey ( a spectroscopic analysis of an ero sample with similar @xmath4 magnitude limits revealed a median redshift of @xmath10 , with a very small number of eros having @xmath11 @xcite ) . a total of 214 objects fall in the star - forming region of the @xmath8 colour - colour plot ( figure [ plots ] ) . after removing all ( @xmath12 ) radio detections , the radio images at the locations of the star - forming eros were stacked . a significant ( @xmath13 ) detection of 8.7@xmath1jy was revealed ( figure [ plots ] ) . assuming a median redshift for the sample of @xmath10 , and assuming the radio emission is solely due to star - formation , this implies an average star - formation rate of @xmath0 . improvement on the photometric analysis , by using the full photometric dataset to estimate photometric redshifts and classifications , is currently underway , and will result in a precise determination of the contribution of star - forming eros to the star - formation rate in the universe . amh acknowledges support provided by nasa through hubble fellowship grant hst - hf-01140.01-a awarded by stsci . ja acknowledges support from the science and technology foundation ( fct , portugal ) through the fellowship bpd-5535 - 2001 and the research grant pocti - fnu-43805 - 2001 . colour - colour plot ( left ) and the stacked radio image of the radio - undetected star - forming eros , revealing a 8.7@xmath1jy detection.,title="fig : " ] colour - colour plot ( left ) and the stacked radio image of the radio - undetected star - forming eros , revealing a 8.7@xmath1jy detection.,title="fig : " ]
insensitive to dust obscuration , radio wavelengths are ideal to study star - forming galaxies free of dust induced biases . using data from the phoenix deep survey , we have identified a sample of star - forming extremely red objects ( eros ) . stacking of the radio images of the radio - undetected star - forming eros revealed a significant radio detection . using the expected median redshift , we estimate an average star - formation rate of @xmath0 for these galaxies .
in the standard model ( sm ) , @xmath0 violation arises from the kobayashi - maskawa ( km ) phase in the weak interaction quark - mixing matrix . the sm predicts @xmath0 asymmetries in the time - dependent rates for @xmath6 and @xmath7 decays to a common @xmath0 eigenstate @xmath8 . recent measurements of the @xmath0 violation parameter @xmath9 by belle@xcite and babar@xcite collaborations established @xmath0 violation in @xmath10 and related decay modes at a level consistent with km expectations . comparisons between sm expectations and measurements in various modes are important to test the km model . in particular , the @xmath0 violation in the decays , dominated by the tree @xmath11 transition , is sensitive to the same angle @xmath12 as in the @xmath13 . if other contributions to the same final state are substantial , a precision measurement of the time - dependent @xmath0 asymmetry in @xmath11 may reveal a phase that differs from @xmath12 . one of the contribution leading to a different weak phase , is a penguin diagram , which is expected to be small in the sm . thus , the measurements of @xmath0 asymmetries in @xmath14 transitions play an important role to probe the sm . the analyses described here are based on @xmath15fb@xmath16 of data , corresponding to @xmath17 million @xmath18 pairs , collected with the belle detector at the kekb asymmetric energy storage rings . the details of the analysis are described in ref.@xcite . @xmath20 meson candidates are identified using the beam constrained mass @xmath21 and the energy difference @xmath22 , where @xmath23(@xmath24 ) is the energy(momentum ) of the @xmath20 candidate and @xmath25 is the center - of - mass ( cm ) beam energy . for extracting the @xmath0 asymmetry , the standard belle tagging and vertexing procedures@xcite after flavor tagging and vertex reconstruction , 91 @xmath26 candidates with @xmath27 purity are selected . @xmath28 and @xmath29 distributions for the candidate events are shown in fig . [ jpsipi0sig ] . and @xmath29 distributions for @xmath30 candidates . the superimposed curves show fitted contribution from signal ( dot - dashed line ) , @xmath31 background ( dotted line ) , combinatorial background ( dashed line ) and the sum of all the contributions ( solid line ) . ] in the decay chain @xmath32 , where one of the @xmath20 meson decays at time @xmath33 to a final state @xmath8 and the other decays at time @xmath34 to a final state @xmath35 that distinguishes between @xmath6 and @xmath7 , the decay rate has a time dependence given by@xcite @xmath36\ } , \label{eq : cprate}\end{aligned}\ ] ] where @xmath37 is the @xmath6 lifetime , @xmath38 is the mass difference between the two @xmath6 mass eigenstates , @xmath39 , and the @xmath40-flavor @xmath41 when the tagging @xmath20 meson is a @xmath6(@xmath7 ) . in @xmath11 transition the sm predicts @xmath42 and @xmath43 , where @xmath44 corresponds to @xmath0-even ( -odd ) final state ( @xmath45 in case of @xmath46 ) . we determine @xmath47 and @xmath48 by performing an unbinned maximum - likelihood fit to the observed @xmath49 distribution . the probability density function expected for the signal distribution is given by eq . [ eq : cprate ] taking into account the effect of incorrect flavor assignment and the finite vertex resolution . the fit yields @xmath0 violating parameters presented in table [ cpresult ] . [ jpsipi0dt ] shows @xmath49 distributions for @xmath50 decays tagged as @xmath6 and @xmath7 and @xmath0 violation asymmetry . distributions for a ) @xmath19 ( @xmath51 ) and b ) @xmath19 ( @xmath52 ) and the raw asymmetry c ) for the good tag region . the curves show the result of the fit , and dashed curves show the background distributions . ] @xmath53 meson candidates are identified using @xmath28 and @xmath29 variables . these distributions for the selected events are shown in fig . [ dstdst_sig ] . the fit yields @xmath54 signal events and the branching fraction is calculated to be @xmath55\times10^{-3}$ ] .
we report a measurement of the @xmath0 violation parameters in @xmath1 decays . mixing - induced @xmath0 violation involving this transition is studied using a sample of @xmath2 and @xmath3 decays with a data set accumulated at the @xmath4 resonance with the belle detector at the kekb energy - asymmetric @xmath5 collider . @xmath0 violation parameters are extracted from a fit to the distributions of time intervals between two @xmath6 meson decay vertexes .
pythagoras theorem is ilustrated in figure below . to prove this theorem it is enough to consider the particular case @xmath1 , for then the general case follows by rescaling . define the trigonometric functions @xmath2 and @xmath3 , for @xmath4 , as usual ( see figure 1 ) . the addition formula @xmath9 @xmath10 , can , in the same way , also be proved geometrically without using pythagoras theorem , from which it follows the half - angle formula @xmath11 if we use pythagoras formula ( [ fund ] ) in ( [ half1 ] ) then we get @xmath12 what if we could prove ( [ half2 ] ) without using pythagoras theorem ? then using ( [ half1 ] ) and ( [ half2 ] ) we would get the pythagoras formula ( [ fund ] ) ! first we observe the simple fact that in an isosceles triangle with two equal sides with length 1 , forming an angle @xmath13 , the length of the other side is @xmath14 . this can be seen by dividing the isosceles triangle in two right triangles with an angle @xmath15 . see figure 2 . here we prove the pythagoras theorem using formulas ( [ half3 ] ) and ( [ half4 ] ) ( instead of using formulas ( [ half3 ] ) and ( [ half1 ] ) ) . we get @xmath23 by mathematical induction we get @xmath24 for every natural number @xmath25 . clearly @xmath26 ( actually this quantity can be made arbitrarly small by making @xmath25 large ) . let @xmath13 be measured in radians . it follows from figure 3 that @xmath27 . then @xmath28 which is clearly arbitrarly small by making @xmath25 large enough . then ( [ ind ] ) implies the pythagoras formula ( [ fund ] ) .
only very recently a trigonometric proof of the pythagoras theorem was given by zimba @xcite , many authors thought this was not possible . in this note we give other trigonometric proofs of pythagoras theorem by establishing , geometrically , the half - angle formula @xmath0 .
one common problem in astronomical image processing is the detection of point or small - scale features against a varying background , or more generally , the separation of information on different spatial scales . i introduce a technique for filtering extended astronomical images based on a suggestion in . images can be decomposed into an arbitrary number of components , each representing structures on different spatial scales and whose sum equals the original image . each component is positive definite and therefore can be suitable , e.g. , for spectral index or optical color studies . the method is similar in some ways to the multi - scale wavelet analysis discussed by @xcite . i have applied the multiresolution filtering to a number of radio galaxies . i find that the spectra of fine - scale features do not follow a simple pattern , as opposed to the slow gradients which often characterize the more diffuse emission . in this paper , i will show some results on cygnus a as an example . for the simplest two - component image separation , the initial image is decomposed into _ filtered _ and _ open _ maps , where @xmath0 . the _ open _ map is made by first replacing each pixel on the original map by the minimum value in a box of fixed size which slides across the map , ( a process called erosion " ) , followed by replacing each pixel on the eroded " map by the maximum value in a sliding box across the map . the result is the _ open _ map . then , @xmath1 . the _ filtered _ map now contains only structures with sizes smaller than or on the order of the sliding box size . everything else , by construction , is in the _ open _ map . the method can be generalized by decomposing the _ open _ map itself into an additional _ filtered _ and _ open _ map by operating with a larger box on the _ open _ map . this method can be generalized to an arbitrary number of steps . in practice , i have found that a change in box size of approximately four between steps is necessary to isolate independent components . this technique has been implemented in aips with a trivial modification to the task mwflt and a run file to automate the various steps . it would also be quite straightforward to implement , e.g. , in idl . readers are encouraged to contact the author for details . the measurement of spectra in extragalactic radio sources is fraught with problems such as the confusion between overlapping structures , biases due to bowls , and the subjectivity of modelling or other techniques used to isolate features . each spectral measurement technique , e.g. , direct division , the regression , or `` t - t '' method , or even the tomography we have introduced @xcite , has its own particular problems . multiresolution filtering offers a complementary method which can be useful when applied with care . i have done a great deal of testing of the robustness of this technique , as will be described in an upcoming paper . an illustration of our results on cygnus a is shown in figure 1 . to calculate the spectral index , i first decompose the maps into two or more components . then , the spectral index can be calculated separately for each component , either by straight division or by regression . in cases where there is a clear bimodal ( or more ) distribution of spatial scales , this is a meaningful process . if , however , there is a continuous range of spatial scales , then the decomposition and the resultant spectra are somewhat arbitrary . they still may be useful , however , for seeing whether there are differences between fine- and large- scale spectra . in general , i find that fine - scale structure has a slightly flatter spectral index than the local large - scale structure . for cygnus a , however , there are locations in the source where the opposite is true . the one - dimensional plots at the bottom of figure 1 do not show the full range of spectra , but still give an indication of the richness of the fine - scale spectral structure . looking at the spectra of the large scale emission ( which might be most appropriate for ageing analyses if we could eliminate the problems due to magnetic field variations ) , we can use this filtering technique to assess / eliminate problems with confusion from small scale structures . in the case of cygnus a , this turns out not to be a significant problem , as seen by the close correspondence between the spectra of the original ( not decomposed ) and _ open _ maps . how can the large - scale and fine - scale spectra be different ? first , as seen in the numerical simulations such as those presented here by jones , tregillis and ryu , there can be filamentary or other structures with very different particle acceleration and/or loss histories than neighboring features . alternatively , the local magnetic fields may vary between structures , causing a change in the observed spectral index even if the relativistic particle populations are identical . it is this confusion which causes major problems for standard ageing analyses . i have also worked with colleagues to experiment with galactic plane continuum data and deep optical / ir images . it appears that multiresolution filtering will be useful for a wide range of astronomical images . this work is supported by nsf grant ast 96 - 16964 and ast ast 96 - 19438 at the university of minnesota . i am grateful to john dickey , andrew young , barron koralesky and deb katz - stone for many useful ideas and feedback . carilli , c.l . , perley , r. a. , dreher , j.w . & leahy , j.p . , 1999 , apj , 518,284 . katz - stone , d. m. , and rudnick , l. 1997 , apj , 488 , 146 . slezak , e. , durrett , f. and gerbal , d. , 1994 , aj108 , 1996 . starck , murtag and bijauoi , 1998 , image processing and data analysis , cambridge univ . press .
i introduce a straightforward technique for the filtering of extended astronomical images into components of different spatial scales . for a positive original image , each component is positive definite , and the sum of all components equals the original image . in this way , the components are each individually suitable for flux measurements and broadband spectra calculations . i present an illustration of this technique on the radio galaxy cygnus a.
of empirical distributions of financial indices using mixture of gaussian distributinos ( gaussian mixtures ) ( eq . ( [ gm ] ) ) has been recently discussed by tarasenko and artukhov @xcite . here i provide detailed explanation of steps and methods . the effective procedure for separation of mixtures was proposed by day @xcite and dempster et al . @xcite . this procedure is based on maximization of logarithmic likelihood function under parameters @xmath2,@xmath3 , ... , @xmath4,@xmath5,@xmath6 , ... , @xmath7 , where @xmath8 is number of mixture components : @xmath9 in general , the algorithms of mixture separations based on ( [ emopt ] ) are called estimation and maximization ( em ) algorithms . em - algorithm consists of two steps : e - expectation and m - maximization . this section is focused scheme how to construct em - algorithm . let @xmath10 is defined as posterior porbability of oservations @xmath11 to belong to @xmath12-th mixture component ( class ) : @xmath13 posterior probability @xmath10 is equal or greater then 0 and @xmath14 for any @xmath15 . let @xmath16 be a vector of parameters : @xmath16 = ( @xmath2,@xmath3 , ... , @xmath4,@xmath5,@xmath6 , ... , @xmath7 ) . next , we deompose the logarithms likelihood function into three components : @xmath17 for this algorithm to work , the initial value @xmath18 is used to calculate inital approximations for posterior probabilities @xmath19 . this is expectation step . then values of @xmath19 are used to calculate value of @xmath20 during the maximization step . each of components ( [ c1 ] ) and ( [ c2 ] ) are maximized independently from each other . this is possible because component ( [ c1 ] ) depends only on @xmath21 ( @xmath15=1, ... ,@xmath8 ) , and component ( [ c2 ] ) depends only on @xmath22 ( @xmath12=1, ... ,@xmath23 ) . as a solution of optimization task ( [ optweight ] ) @xmath24 a value of @xmath25 for the iteration @xmath26 is calculated as : @xmath27 where @xmath28 is iteration number , @xmath28 = 1,2 , , , , a solution of optimization task ( [ optdense ] ) @xmath29 depends on a particular type of function @xmath30 . next we consider solution of optimization task ( [ optdense ] ) , when @xmath30 is gaussian distribution . here we employ guassian distributions : @xmath31 therefore , a specific formula to compute posterior probabilities in the case of gaussian mixtures is @xmath32 according to the em - algorithm , the task is to find value of parameters @xmath22 = @xmath33 by solving maximization problem ( [ maxloglikegauss ] ) @xmath34 the solution of this mazimization problem is given by eqs . ( [ mean ] ) and ( [ std ] ) : @xmath35 having calculated optimal values for weights @xmath21 and paramaters @xmath22 ( @xmath12=1, ... ,@xmath8 ) during a single iteration , we apply these optimal values to obtain estimates of posterior probabilities during the expectation step of the next iteration . as a stop criterion , we use difference between values of loglikelyhood on iteration @xmath28 and iteration @xmath26 : @xmath36 where @xmath37 is infinitely small real value . in this section , i provide several examples of em - algorithm applications to approximate empirical distributions of financial indices with gaussian mixtures . i consider the following indices : dax , dow jones industrial , nikkei , rtsi , and s@xmath0p 500 . in figs . [ dax]-[sp500 ] , the green line corresponds to the gaussian distribution , the red line illustrates a gaussian mixture and the blue lines represent components of the gaussian mixture . .mixture model for dax [ cols="^,^,^,^ " , ] [ table1 ] p 500 values during the period 14 april 2003 - 14 april 2004 , p @xmath38 0.01 , ksstat=0.024,width=340 ] the results presented in this study illustrate that em - algrothim can be effectively used to approximate empiral distributions of log daily differences of financial indices . throughout the data for five selected indices , em - algorithm provided very good approximation of empoiral distirbution with gaussian mixtures .
in this study i briefly illustrate application of the gaussian mixtures to approximate empirical distributions of financial indices ( dax , dow jones , nikkei , rtsi , s@xmath0p 500 ) . the resulting distributions illustrate very high quality of approximation as evaluated by kolmogorov - smirnov test . this implies further study of application of the gaussian mixtures to approximate empirical distributions of financial indices . financial indices , gaussian distribution , mixtures of gaussian distributions , gaussian mixtures , em - algorithm
computer aided diagnosis ( cadx ) has been widely used for characterization of breast lesions based on dynamic contrast - enhanced magnetic resonance images ( dce - mris ) . traditional cadx systems automatically segment a lesion from the neighboring background and subsequently extract intuitive hand - crafted features that describe its size , shape , enhancement , or kinetics ^1 - 5^. once the features are extracted , they are used to build classification models to make diagnostic decisions ( e.g. likelihood of malignancy , molecular characteristics ) . despite the success of cadx predictive models , dce - mri cadx faces many challenges , one being the heterogeneity within the mr image data . one of the sources of the data instability comes from the variability of mr magnet strength . currently , clinical breast imaging is performed with 1.5 tesla ( t ) or 3 t mr scanners . the magnet strength has an effect on image quality , with lower strength scanners producing images with higher noise and lower resolution , leading to less resolved anatomical details ^6^. thus , cadx features may vary with the mri magnet strength . unfortunately , currently available medical image datasets are of limited sizes . separating the dce - mri data based on magnet strength is undesirable since it would further decrease the dataset sizes . the goal of this work is to search for a generalizable predictive model that will allow for incorporation of both 1.5 t and 3 t data . we hypothesize that despite the described differences , there exist underlying relationships between features extracted from images acquired with 1.5 t and 3 t scanners . based on this assumption , we explore multi - task learning ( mtl ) to generalize discrimination of malignant and benign lesions over different feature domains . the approach assumes that there exists relatedness between the different - domain features , which is utilized to improve the classification performance . assessment of the mtl method was performed on 1.5 t and 3 t dce - mri datasets of 447 and 193 breast lesions , respectively ( table [ dataset - table ] ) . the dce - mr images were acquired at the university of chicago medical center over a span of 6 years from 2006 to 2012 on either 1.5 t or 3 t philips scanners with t1-weighted spoiled gradient sequence . each lesion was characterized as benign or malignant based on pathology from biopsy . examples of 1.5 t and 3 t images of cancerous lesions are shown in figure 1 . [ dataset - table ] .the number of cases in 1.5 t , 3 t and merged ( 1.5t+3 t ) datasets . the table includes image resolution in each dataset . the resolution varies drastically between specific - magnet - strength datasets . [ cols="^,^,^,^ " , ] table [ sample - table ] summarizes performance metrics for the mtl and svm classifiers , while varying the decision boundary . compared to the svm classification , the mtl model results in higher positive ( ppv ) and negative ( npv ) predictive values and therefore , it has more correct than incorrect identifications of benign and malignant lesions . specificity values are higher for the mtl model , indicating reduction of false positive predictions . we conclude that mtl has higher performance than svm classifier with the resulting cross - validated auc values of @xmath0= 0.90 ( standard error ( se ) = 0.01 ) and @xmath1 = 0.88 ( se = 0.01 ) , for mtl and svm classifiers , respectively . figure 2 shows the roc curves for the classification . [ 1 ] gilhuijs , k.g . , giger ml , & bick u. ( 1998 ) computerized analysis of breast lesions in three dimensions using dynamic magnetic - resonance imaging . _ medical physics _ * 25*(9):16471654 . [ 3 ] chen , w. , giger , m.l . , li h. , bick , u. , & newstead , g.m . ( 2007 ) volumetric texture analysis of breast lesions on contrast - enhanced magnetic resonance images . _ magnetic resonance in medicine _ * 58*(3):56271 . [ 4 ] bhooshan , n. , giger , m.l . , jansen , s.a . , li h. , lan l. , & newstead , g.m . ( 2010 ) cancerous breast lesions on dynamic contrast - enhanced mr images : computerized characterization for image - based prognostic markers . _ radiology _ * 254*(3):68090 . [ 5 ] chen w. , giger , m.l . , bick , u. , & newstead , g.m . ( 2006 ) automatic identification and classification of characteristic kinetic curves of breast lesions on dce - mri . _ medical physics _ * 33*(8):287887 . [ 6 ] rahbar , h. , partridge , s. c. , demartini , w. b. , thursten , b. , & lehman , c. d. ( 2013 ) . clinical and technical considerations for high quality breast mri at 3 tesla . _ journal of magnetic resonance imaging _ * 37*(4 ) : 778 - 790 .
hand - crafted features extracted from dynamic contrast - enhanced magnetic resonance images ( dce - mris ) have shown strong predictive abilities in characterization of breast lesions . however , heterogeneity across medical image datasets hinders the generalizability of these features . one of the sources of the heterogeneity is the variation of mr scanner magnet strength , which has a strong influence on image quality , leading to variations in the extracted image features . thus , statistical decision algorithms need to account for such data heterogeneity . despite the variations , we hypothesize that there exist underlying relationships between the features extracted from the datasets acquired with different magnet strength mr scanners . we compared the use of a multi - task learning ( mtl ) method that incorporates those relationships during the classifier training to support vector machines run on a merged dataset that includes cases with various mri strength images . as a result , higher predictive power is achieved with the mtl method .
suppose a continuous random variable @xmath0 has cumulative distribution function ( cdf ) @xmath1 and a probability density function ( pdf ) @xmath2 . the differential entropy @xmath3 of the random variable @xmath0 is defined to be @xmath4 the entropy is one of the most applicable uncertainty measures in many statistical and engineering problems . in statistical literature , the entropy is used in calculation of the kullback - leibler ( kl ) information which is a powerful mean for performing goodness of fit tests . the kullback - leibler ( k - l ) information of @xmath2 against @xmath5 is defined in [ 7 ] to be @xmath6 since @xmath7 has the property that @xmath8 , and the equality holds if only if @xmath9 , the estimate of the k - l information has also been considered as a goodness of fit test statistic by some authors including [ 2 ] and [ 5 ] . it has been shown in the aforementioned papers that the test statistics based on the k - l information perform very well for testing exponentiality [ 5 ] as compared , in terms of power , with some leading test statistics . ranked set sampling ( rss ) has been developed by mcintyre ( 1952 ) . this method is applied for situations in which measuring a variable is costly or difficult , but where ranking in small subsets is easy . in this method , we first subdivide a sample of size @xmath10 randomly into @xmath11 subsamples of size @xmath11 , rank each subsample visually or using any simple or cheap method and then in the @xmath12 subsample , measure and record only the unit of rank @xmath13 which is denoted by @xmath14 @xmath15 . since the subsamples are independent , @xmath14 s are independent random variables . also the marginal distribution of @xmath14 is the same as that of @xmath16 order statistic from a sample of size @xmath11 of @xmath0 , i.e. @xmath17 . as it was proved by mcintyre , mean of this sample is an unbiased estimator of the mean of @xmath18 with an efficiency slightly less than @xmath19 , relative to the mean of a simple random sample ( srs ) of size @xmath11 . thus ranked set sampling should be useful when the quantification of an element is difficult but the elements of a set are easily drawn and ranked by judgment . " ( dell and clutter 1972 ) . this method was also extended to estimating variance ( stokes 1980a ) , correlation coefficient ( stokes 1980b ) and the situations in which the sample is subdivided into subsamples of different sizes . in this paper , we introduced two estimators for the entropy and compare them with each other and the estimator of the entropy in simple random sampling ( srs ) in the sense of bias and root of mean square errors ( rmse ) . it is observed that the rss scheme would improve this estimator . the best estimator of the entropy is used along with the estimator of the mean and two biased and unbiased estimators of variance based on rss scheme , to estimate the kl information and perform goodness of fit tests for exponentiality and normality . the desired critical values and powers are calculated . it is also observed that rss estimators would increase powers . the nonparametric estimation of the entropy @xmath20 an estimate of ( [ h ] ) can be constructed by replacing the distribution function @xmath21 by the empirical distribution @xmath22 the derivative of @xmath23 is estimated by @xmath24 . the estimate of @xmath25 is then @xmath26 .simulated minimum rmse ( mrmse ) and minimum absolute bias ( mab ) of @xmath27 and @xmath28 and optimal @xmath29 for @xmath30 and three distributions with different values of @xmath13 . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^ " , ] ahmad , i. a. and lin , p. e. a nonparametric estimation of the entropy for absolutely continuous distributions , " _ ieee trans . theory , _ vol . 22 , 372375 , 1976 .
the entropy is one of the most applicable uncertainty measures in many statistical and engineering problems . in statistical literature , the entropy is used in calculation of the kullback - leibler ( kl ) information which is a powerful mean for performing goodness of fit tests . ranked set sampling ( rss ) seems to provide improved estimators of many parameters of the population in the huge studied problems in the literature . it is developed for situations where the variable of interest is difficult or expensive to measure , but where ranking in small sub - samples is easy . in this paper , we introduced two estimators for the entropy and compare them with each other and the estimator of the entropy in simple random sampling ( srs ) in the sense of bias and root of mean square errors ( rmse ) . it is observed that the rss scheme would improve this estimator . the best estimator of the entropy is used along with the estimator of the mean and two biased and unbiased estimators of variance based on rss scheme , to estimate the kl information and perform goodness of fit tests for exponentiality and normality . the desired critical values and powers are calculated . it is also observed that rss estimators would increase powers . * keywords : * ordered ranked set sampling ; judgement ranking ; order statistic ; information theory ; exponential ; normal ; uniform
to fill the gap between the existing shallow wide - field ir surveys ( e.g. , 2mass , denis ) and deep surveys over small fields of view , we have begun a near - ir imaging survey on the 2.5 m int using the cirsi mosaic imager ( beckett et al . 1996 ; mackay et al . cirsi has an instantaneous field of view of 15.6 @xmath4 15.6 on the int ( 0.45 arcsec pixel@xmath5 ) , making it ideally suited to large area survey programs of moderate depth ( h = 1920 ) . in particular , the survey aims to cover 50 deg@xmath0 in the j and h bands with 5 sigma limits of j = 20.6 , h = 19.1 ( @xmath6 magnitudes fainter than 2mass ) during a total of @xmath7 nights in the spring of 2000 and 2001 . even with this modest investment of telescope time we sample a local volume @xmath8% that of 2mass . thus far we have obtained j and h observations covering @xmath9 deg@xmath0 in a southern galactic cap equatorial strip and several 30 @xmath4 30 mosaic images in the elais , lockman hole , and xmm fields . the fields were chosen to overlap datasets at other wavelengths , including the deep optical observations of the int wide field survey ( mcmahon et al . 2000 ) , and the xmm x - ray data . the cirsi near - ir survey has several scientific objectives , including identifying and measuring the space density of cool white dwarfs and t dwarfs , and selecting quasars and damped lyman-@xmath10 absorption systems at ir wavelengths ( see warren et al . the predicted surface density of qsos with @xmath11 and h @xmath12 is 510 deg@xmath13 , and thus in 50 deg@xmath0 we expect 250500 qsos with @xmath11 . the number density of damped lyman-@xmath10 ( dla ) systems is dn / dz @xmath14 0.1 ( storrie - lombardi , mcmahon , and irwin 1996 ) , and thus 2550 dla systems should be detected . these dla systems are important for comparison to the previous samples detected via optically selected quasars , given the expected bias of the optically derived samples against lines of sight that may contain gas rich dusty galaxies ( pei & fall 1995 ) . here we present the first results from a reddening independent quasar selection technique based on combined optical and near - ir color diagrams . as shown in figure 1 using model quasar colors , the reddening vector in the ( g @xmath3 z ) / ( z @xmath3 h ) color diagram does not drive quasars into the stellar locus ( in contrast to purely optical colour - colour plots ) . the corresponding observed color diagram for a 30 @xmath4 30mosaic image in the elais region is shown in figure 2 . the cirsi data were reduced using an automated pipeline ( sabbey et al . 2000 ) , and a sextractor object catalog was created and merged with the existing wide field survey optical catalog in this field to produce the color diagram . object identifications from wiyn hydra follow - up spectroscopy are labelled in the figure . hydra observations were obtained for a total of four fields during 2 and 3 september 2000 , confirming 80 quasars at redshifts @xmath15 ( including optical - only selected quasars ) , and reductions and interpretation are still in progress . the preliminary result is that quasar selection using the ( g @xmath3 z ) / ( z @xmath3 h ) diagram is a viable technique and is expected to be insensitive to reddening . beckett , m.g . 1996 , spie , 2871 , 1152 gunn , j.e . , & stryker , l.l . 1983 , apjs , 52 , 121 mackay , c.d . , et al . 2000 , spie 4008 , in press mcmahon et al . 2000 , astro - ph/0001285 pei , y.c . , & fall , s.m . 1995 , apj , 454 , 69 sabbey et al . 2000 , adass x , asp conference series , in preparation storrie - lombardi , l.j . , mcmahon , r.g . , & irwin , m. 1996 , mnras , 283 , l79 warren , s.j . , hewett , p.c . , foltz , c.b . 1999 , mnras , 312 , 827
we present preliminary results from a wide field near - ir imaging survey that uses the cambridge infrared survey instrument ( cirsi ) on the 2.5 m isaac newton telescope ( int ) . cirsi is a jh - band mosaic imager that contains 4 rockwell 1024@xmath0 hgcdte detectors ( the largest ir camera in existence ) , allowing us to survey @xmath1 deg@xmath0 per night to h @xmath2 . combining cirsi observations with the deep optical imaging from the int wide field survey , we demonstrate a reddening independent quasar selection technique based on the ( g @xmath3 z ) / ( z @xmath3 h ) color diagram . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
an ag - groupoid is a generalization of commutative semigroup , in which the left invertive law : @xmath1 holds @xcite . a groupoid @xmath2 is called left ( resp . right ) abelian distributive groupoids if it satisfies @xmath3 @xcite . here we extend these concepts to left ( right ) abelian distributive ag - groupoids . we prove their existence by providing non - associative examples of various finite orders . we also prove their relations with some of the already known subclasses@xcite of ag - groupoid and with other algebraic structures . ag - groupoids are enumerated up to order @xmath4 in @xcite using gap @xcite by one of our author . we also use the same technique to enumerate our new subclasses of ag - groupoids . table 1 , contains the counting of these new subclasses of ag - groupoids . an ag - groupoid s is called monoid if it contains a unique left identiy . every monoid satisfies the paramedial property . it is also interesting to note that if s possesses the right identity element then it becomes a semigroup . @xmath2 is called medial if it satisfies the identity , @xmath5 . it is is easy to prove that every ag - groupoid is medial . ag - groupoids have a variety of applications in flocks and geometry@xcite . in the following we give some defintions of ag - groupoids with their identies that will be used in the rest of this article . an abel - grassmann groupoid @xmath2 @xcite , abbreviated as an ag - groupoid , is a groupoid that satisfies the left invertive law , @xmath6 an ag - groupoid @xmath2 is called a. right commutative ag - groupoid , if @xmath7 @xcite . b. self - dual ag - groupoid , if @xmath8 @xcite . c. left distributive ( ld ) ag - groupoid , if @xmath9 @xcite . d. right distributive ( rd ) ag - groupoid , if @xmath10 @xcite . e. an ag@xmath11-groupoid if it satisfies the identity @xmath12 @xcite . f. flexible ag - groupoid if it satisfies the identity @xmath13@xcite . g. paramedial ag - groupoid if it satisfies the identity @xmath14 @xcite . h. medial ag - groupoid if it satisfies the identity @xmath15 @xcite . i. right commute ag - groupoid if it satisfies the identity@xmath7 . .enumeration of rad & lad ag - groupoids up to order @xmath4 . [ cols="<,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] an ag - groupoid @xmath2 is called abelian distributive ag - groupoid denoted by ad - ag - groupoid if it is both rad and lad ag - groupoids .
a groupoid that satisfies the left invertive law : @xmath0 is called an ag - groupoid . we extend the concept of left abelian distributive groupoid ( lad ) and right abelian distributive groupoid ( rad ) to introduce new subclasses of ag - groupoid , left abelian distributive ag - groupoid and right abelian distributive ag - groupoid . we give their enumeration up to order 6 and find some basic relations of these new classes with other known subclasses of ag - groupoids and other relevant algebraic structures . we establish a method to test an arbitrary ag - groupoid for these classes . 2010 mathematics subject classification : * 20n02 *
recent cold dark matter simulations of the formation and evolution of galaxies predict the existence of a significantly higher amount of substructure around big galaxies like the milky way @xcite , @xcite than observed in the form of dwarf galaxies @xcite . one solution for this so - called dwarf galaxy crisis could be that the predicted subhalos have been overlooked observationally and are hidden among the population of compact high - velocity clouds ( chvc ) . blitz et al . ( 1999 ) suggested that isolated chvcs might be the leftover building blocks predicted in the cmd scenario with mean distance of about 1 mpc . braun & burton ( 1999 , 2000 ) identified an intial catalog of 65 chvcs . we here present deep optical vlt imaging and 2mass archival studies of five chvcs to test them for the presence of a stellar population . v and i band observations were obtained with fors1 at the vlt down to limiting magnitudes to be sensitive to red giant stars at distances up to @xmath0 3 mpc . the field of view , 6.8 by 6.8 arcmin , was centered on the highest column density regions ( for four chvcs ) using effelsberg radio data . we also selected all stars within a radius of 1@xmath1 from 2mass ( second incremental data release ) . these near - infrared jhk data are sensitive to old stellar populations at the typical distances of milky way dwarf spheroidal companions . the optical ccd data were searched and analyzed with daophot ii @xcite . they are not only sensitive to old stars but would easily also reveal the presence of main sequence ( ms ) stars of a young stellar population to large distances . 1 shows color magnitude diagrams ( cmd ) for four of our chvc fields . 2 is the cmd of a hipass hvc . extended sources were excluded from the analysis ; the amount of unresolved background galaxies is small anyway due to the excellent seeing of the data , namely 0.65 arc sec fwhm . the cmds appear as expected for milky way halo fields . a visual inspection does not reveal any additional stellar component , e.g. a rgb or a ms at the expected distances / apparent magnitudes . a visual inspection of near - infrared 2mass cmds does not show any evidence for a spread - out rgb or agb population . for comparison , 2mass cmds of several dsph milky way companions , as well as positional plots of the stars , allow the detection of intermediate rich systems like for and scl , while umi can not be isolated from the halo stars . we performed statistical tests by adding artificially , diluted red giant branches of known dwarf galaxies , to the observed chvc cmds . we then compared these distributions to those originally observed using a kolmogorow - smirnow test . a population of about 50 rgb stars at a distance of @xmath0 0.5 mpc is at the detection limit of the vlt data ; richer systems such as those of the known dsph milky way satellites would easily be found . for details of this analysis , see hopp , schulte - ladbeck & kerp , 2003 ( mnras , in press ) . we conclude that the observed compact clouds do not host an intrinsic stellar population . our conclusions agree with and extend those reported by simon & blitz ( 2002 ) , who did not detect stars in chvcs on processed poss scans . this research has made use of the nasa / ipac infrared science archive , which is operated by the jet propulsion laboratory , california institute of technology , under contract with the national aeronautics and space administration . uh acknowledges support by the sfb 375 of the dfg . rsl thanks the department of physics & astronomy for a leave of absence , and the mpe garching for hosting her visit .
we are investigating the hypothesis that compact high velocity clouds ( chvcs ) are the left - over building blocks of local group galaxies . to this end , we are searching for their embedded stellar populations using fors at the vlt . the search is done with single - star photometry in v and i bands , which is sensitive to both , young and old , stellar populations . five chvcs of our sample have been observed so far down to i=24 . we pointed the vlt towards the highest hi column density regions , as determined in effelsberg radio data . in an alternate approach , we searched 2mass public data towards those 5 chvcs down to k=16 . while the vlt data probe the central regions out to distance moduli of about 27 , the 2mass data are sensitive to a population of red giant stars to distance moduli of about 20 . the 2mass data , on the other hand , cover a much wider field of view than the vlt data ( radius of 1 degree versus fors field of 6.8 arcmin ) . we did not find a stellar population intrinsic to the chvcs in either data . in this paper , we illustrate our search methods .
within the penn state - toru planet search ( ptps , ( * ? ? ? * niedzielski & wolszczan 2008 ) ) , which is a radial velocity project to search for and characterize planets around stars more massive than the sun , the stellar integral properties ( @xmath0 , @xmath1 and @xmath2 ) are currently determined from a combination of atmospheric parameters ( surface gravity , @xmath3 and [ fe / h ] ) together with the evolutionary tracks ( ( * ? ? ? * girardi 2000 ) ) . unfortunately this method is uncertain due to difficulties in accurate placement of individual stars on the h - r diagram . [ fig1 ] presents the comparison between the determinations of stellar radii from our spectroscopic analysis ( ( * ? ? ? * zieliski 2011 ) ) and the empirical calibration by ( * ? ? ? * alonso ( 2000 ) ) . both results are in general agreement , nevertheless , large discrepancies for individual objects are visible . the uncertainties of our radii determinations based on stellar @xmath3 and @xmath2 was found to be 0.8 @xmath4 on average but due to missing parallaxes the results are strongly dependent on adopted stellar evolutionary models as well as on photometric data quality . we plan to improve this by using the chara array ( ( * ? ? * ten brummelaar 2005 ) ) for direct measurements of stellar radii and , in turn , using the relation @xmath5 , constrain better the stellar mass . on the other hand , the luminosity can be calculated with high accuracy when using the stefan - boltzmann law directly . two stars from ptps survey were already observed with the chara array : hd 17092 ( ( * ? ? ? * baines 2009 ) ) and hd 214868 ( ( * ? ? ? * baines 2010 ) ) . the results obtained from direct measurements agree well with the spectroscopic values estimated by us ( see ( * ? ? ? * niedzielski 2007 ) , ( * ? ? ? * zieliski 2011 ) ) . however , the accuracy of interferometry - based measurements is significantly better . our observing list was derived from the ptps survey of evolved stars with rv planet candidates and comprises 212 stars suitable for chara observations . these stars have already been observed spectroscopically using the hobby - eberly telescope ( ( * ? ? ? * ramsey 1998 ) ) , so high - resolution spectra are available . the targets are sufficiently bright ( v @xmath6 mag and k @xmath7 mag ) and nearby ( @xmath8 mas ) giants with large radii that can be easily directly measured interferometrically . using new chara measurements we will be able to obtain high - precision radii measurements and in turn better estimates of the stellar masses . with the angular diameter of a precision of 2 % , the stellar radius can be determined with a precision better than 5 % . the largest contributor to the error budget is the parallax , therefore , after taking into account 10 % parallax uncertainty , the final mass will then be precise within 0.1 @xmath9 . this is significantly better compared to our current estimates based on moderate quality photometry and evolutionary models . for ptps targets studied in detail , we estimated masses between 1 and 3 @xmath9 and even after critical assessment an uncertainty of 30 % remains . hence , the chara data will improve the precision in mass sufficiently for the subsequent analysis . the research leading to these results has received funding from the european community s seventh framework programme under grant agreement 226604 . pz and an acknowledge the financial support from the polish ministry of science and higher education through grant n n203 510938 . mv is supported by vega 2/0094/11 . aw acknowledges support from nasa grant nnx09ab36 g . the center for exoplanets and habitable worlds is supported by the pennsylvania state university , the eberly college of science , and the pennsylvania space grant consortium .
we propose to measure the radii of the penn state - toru planet search ( ptps ) exoplanet host star candidates using the chara array . stellar radii estimated from spectroscopic analysis are usually inaccurate due to indirect nature of the method and strong evolutionary model dependency . also the so - called degeneracy of stellar evolutionary tracks due to convergence of many tracks in the giant branch decreases the precision of such estimates . however , the radius of a star is a critical parameter for the calculation of stellar luminosity and mass , which are often not well known especially for giants . with well determined effective temperature ( from spectroscopy ) and radius the luminosity may be calculated precisely . in turn also stellar mass may be estimated much more precisely . therefore , direct radii measurements increase precision in the determination of planetary candidates masses and the surface temperatures of the planets .
are supernovae ( sne ) round ? this simple question belies a menacing observational challenge , since all extragalactic sne remain unresolvable point sources throughout the crucial early phases of their evolution . since a hot young supernova ( sn ) atmosphere is dominated by electron scattering , which , by its nature , is highly polarizing , a powerful tool for investigating sn geometry is spectropolarimetry of the expanding fireball shortly after the explosion ( fig . typical polarizations of @xmath0 are expected for moderate ( @xmath1 ) sn asphericity @xcite . detecting such low polarization requires a very high signal - to - noise ratio , which has limited previous detailed spectropolarimetric studies to only the two brightest recent events , sn 1987a @xcite and sn 1993j @xcite . we thus began a program to obtain spectropolarimetry of nearby sne using the 10-m keck telescopes . a complication in the interpretation of all polarization measurements is disentangling the polarization intrinsic to the object from interstellar polarization ( isp ) produced by dust along the line - of - sight . fortunately , the isp is constant with time and a smoothly varying function of wavelength . therefore , we consider distinct spectral polarization features , temporal changes in the overall polarization level , or continuum polarization characteristics differing from the known form produced by interstellar dust as evidence for intrinsic sn polarization . single - epoch polarization data for six sne of various types are shown in fig . since determining the intrinsic sn polarization level requires knowledge of the ( unknown ) isp , we focus instead on the sharp changes seen in the polarization at the location of strong features in the total flux spectra ; these features remain , regardless of the isp contribution . since all the objects studied possess spectropolarimetric line features , we conclude that _ all _ types of sne show evidence for intrinsic polarization at early times , suggesting that asphericity may be a ubiquitous sn characteristic . the fact that the strongest spectropolarimetric features are often seen in the troughs of strong p - cygni lines is not surprising . a simple explanation may be that p - cygni absorption selectively blocks photons coming from the central , more forward - scattered ( and thus less polarized ) regions , thereby enhancing the relative contribution of the more highly polarized photons from the limb regions ( c.f . 1 ) . unfortunately , since different ( allowable ) choices for the isp can make inferred intrinsic polarization dips become peaks and vice - versa @xcite , we can not say for certain whether the changes seen here in p - cygni troughs represent increases or decreases in the intrinsic polarization level . we do note , however , that trough polarization increases are seen in the isp - corrected data of both sn 1987a @xcite and sn 1993j @xcite . a total flux spectrum dominated by strong line emission without p - cygni absorption is a distinguishing characteristic of sne iin @xcite , likely resulting from an intense interaction between the sn and a dense circumstellar environment ( csm ) . sn 1997eg ( fig . 2 ) shows sharp polarization changes across its strong , multi - component emission lines , suggesting distinct scattering origins for the intermediate ( full width at half maximum ( fwhm ) @xmath2 2000 km / s ) and broad ( fwhm @xmath2 15000 km / s ) components . two additional spectropolarimetric epochs ( not shown ) revealed a change in continuum polarization level of @xmath0 over 78 days , further confirming the presence of intrinsic polarization . a detailed analysis combining spectropolarimetry and total flux spectra of another iin event , sn 1998s , also found evidence for a highly aspherical ( @xmath3 ) continuum scattering region , with the csm likely distributed in a disk - like or ring - like morphology , quite similar to what is seen directly in sn 1987a @xcite , except much closer to the progenitor in the case of 1998s @xcite . the number of sne studied spectropolarimetrically is still very small , but early indications are that all types reveal intrinsic polarization if examined in sufficient detail . in addition to the implications of spectropolarimetry on the core - collapse mechanism , the mass - loss history of evolved stars , and the spatial distribution of sn ejecta , this work has direct consequences on the use of sne as cosmological distance indicators . although the empirically - based , standard - candle technique used to measure sn ia distances does not rely on spherical symmetry , distances derived to sne ii - p through the `` expanding photosphere method '' @xcite would need to be corrected for directionally - dependent flux if asphericity is found to be common among this sn class . we note that sn 1999em , a type ii - p event discovered shortly after this conference , showed no evidence for intrinsic polarization when it was observed less than two weeks after the explosion @xcite . it will be interesting to see if it remains unpolarized at an age comparable to the ii - p observation ( sn 1997ds , observed @xmath4 days after explosion ) presented here . we thank aaron barth for useful discussions and assistance with the observations and data reduction . supernova research is supported at uc berkeley through nsf grant ast-9417213 and nasa grant go-7434 .
we present results from a spectropolarimetric survey of young supernovae completed at the keck observatory , including at least one example from each of the major supernova types : ia ( 1997dt ) , ib ( 1998 t , 1997dq ) , ib / c - pec ( 1997ef ) , iin ( 1997eg ) , and ii - p ( 1997ds ) . all objects show evidence for intrinsic polarization , suggesting that asphericity may be a common feature in young supernova atmospheres .
we have started a study of the stellar populations in the large and small magellanic clouds using data ( u , b , v , i and h@xmath0 imaging ) collected as part of the wfpc2 pure parallel program ( wadadekar et al . 2006 ) . we have considered a number of fields comprising both young and old stellar populations , with ages ranging from a few myr to a few gyr and where also pre - main - sequence objects are clearly identified . in addition to the properties of these populations , we have studied the characteristics of the dust present in these regions . using the properties of red giant stars of the so - called `` red clump '' ( rc ) in the various colour magnitude diagrams , we have determined the extinction law in each field ( panagia & de marchi 2005 ; de marchi & panagia 2007 ) . the rc is populated by stars experiencing core he burning and its position in the cmd depends on : ( 1 ) the age and ( 2 ) metallicity of the population , ( 3 ) its distance and ( 4 ) the intervening absorption ( @xmath1 ) . our high precision and high resolution photometry in four or more bands allows us to disentangle the four effects and determine or constrain their values . for fields with large and variable extinction , the rc is particularly useful to derive the extinction value towards each individual rc star , i.e. the extinction towards old populations . we find that not only the amount of extinction but also its wavelength dependence varies considerably from site to site , indicating that the physical properties of the absorbing dust are not uniform across the clouds . for instance , we have determined the extinction law towards a region located @xmath2 sw of 30 dor and derived the absolute value of @xmath1 for all rc stars . the extinction law compares well with that obtained spectroscopically in a region containing sn 1987a ( scuderi et al . 1996 ) , but it is significantly shallower in the u and b bands ( see figure1 ) , thus implying the presence of relatively large dust grains . analytically , our extinction law in that specific field is equivalent to the galactic diffused ism law ( @xmath3 ) multiplied by a power law @xmath4 . this analysis also allows us to determine the relative three - dimensional distribution of the different populations as well as their location with respect to the absorbing dust clouds . for instance , in the field near 30 dor mentioned above we find that all young stars lie behind a layer of dust with @xmath5 and very few of them extend past @xmath6 , whereas the reddening towards rc stars spans the full range @xmath7 , indicating that the latter stars are evenly distributed along the line of sight . furthermore , although the reddening distribution that we derive for all rc stars is compatible with that of zaritsky et al . ( 2004 ) for the same field , it spans a considerably wider range of reddening . correcting for the appropriate extinction for each field _ individually _ , and following the procedures developed by panagia et al . ( 2000 ) , romaniello et al . ( 2002 ) , and romaniello , robberto & panagia ( 2004 ) , we determine the physical parameters , namely effective temperature and luminosity , of all stars present in the field ( de marchi et al . we find that , among young stars , those less massive than 2m@xmath8 are spatially more spread over each field than massive b type stars , whereas old stars are quite uniformly distributed . all young stars appear to be spatially associated with the nebular emission . an important corollary of our investigation is that unaccounted patchy absorption or a variable extinction law are likely to contribute significantly to the present discrepancies between various distance indicators for the magellanic clouds .
we present the first results of our study of stellar populations in the large and small magellanic clouds based on multi - band wfpc2 observations of `` random '' fields taken as part of the `` pure parallel '' programme carried out with the hst as a service to the community .
tears of wine , the soap boat , bubble motion are some of the commonly seen amazing effects due to marangoni flow - stresses generated by surface tension gradient causing fluid motion . here , we demonstrate a spectacular manifestation of the marangonic effect by using a shear - thickening fluid . the shear - thickening fluid is hydrophilic fumed silica nanoparticles ( aerosil@200 ) in low molecular weight polypropylene glycol ( ppg ) ( m.w 1000 g / mol ) . these dispersions demonstrate strong shear and extensional thickening behavior . in these two videos , http://ecommons.library.cornell.edu/bitstream/1813/8237/2/lifted_h2_ems t_fuel.mpg[video1 ] and http://ecommons.library.cornell.edu/bitstream/1813/8237/4/lifted_h2_iem _ fuel.mpg[video2 ] , we show a spontaneous and intense erratic motion of filaments of shear - thickening colloidal dispersion at air - water interface . the profound motion which begins as a back and forth motion for long fibres and transitions to high speed spinning as the fibres break and become shorter is due to marangonic effect - flow driven by stresses resulting from surface tension gradient . the surface tension of ppg is @xmath0 30 mn / m and that of water is 72.8 mn / m . when ppg is added to the water , the difference in the surface tension drives water away from ppg , due to the resulting local stresses in the fluid . when thin filaments of shear - thickening fluid is added to the water , the marangoni effect is exaggeraged by the shape of the filament constructs and the slow diffusion of ppg from the filaments which is limited by the presence of nanoparticles and the shear - thickening rheology of the fluid .
in this fluid dynamics video , we show the spontaneous random motion of thin filaments of a shear - thickening colloidal dispersions floating on the surface of water . the fluid is a dispersion of fumed silica nanoparticles in a low molecular weight polypropylene glycol ( ppg ) solvent . no external field or force is applied . the observed motion is driven by strong surface tension gradients as the polypropylene glycol slowly diffuses from from the filaments into water , resulting in the observed marangoni flow . the motion is exaggerated by the thin filament constructs by the attractive interactions between silica nanoparticles and the ppg .
recent observations show the gradual increase of the stellar mass density of the universe with time ( e.g. , * ? ? ? * ) . however , the studies on the stellar mass of galaxies at @xmath7 are restricted because the lack of sufficiently deep mid - infrared data . with the advent of spitzer , we can access the rest - frame optical wavelength , and thus , the stellar mass of galaxies at @xmath0 . in this work , we explore the stellar mass of lyman break galaxies ( lbgs ) at @xmath0 using the subaru / s - cam imaging data and the spitzer / irac data . we use the lbgs selected by @xcite . among them , we selected objects which appear to be isolated and not contaminated by neighboring objects in irac images with eye inspection . with the archival irac images for the goods - n and irac images we observed in the flanking fields , we construct observed seds for the large sample . we use the sed fitting algorithms based on @xcite . the observed seds are compared to the bruzual & charlot 2003 stellar population synthesis models with @xmath8 and the salpeter imf assuming the continuous star formation history . we use the calzetti s extinction law . we also consider an effect of h@xmath9 emission line . the median values of the resulting stellar masses , ages , color excesses , and star formation rates are @xmath4 , 25 myr , 0.23 mag , and @xmath10 , respectively . the detailed results are presented by ohta et al . ( 2008 this volume ) . the large sample of lbgs allows us to derive the stellar mass function ( smf ) . we construct a fiducial smf after applying incompleteness corrections . the smf of lbgs at @xmath0 is shown in the left panel of figure [ figure ] . the smf of our sample is compared with other observations and theoretical predictions . although our result disagrees with the result by @xcite , who only use up to @xmath11-band data in the sed fitting , our resulting smf broadly agree with @xcite , who incorporate irac data . @xcite reported that stellar masses tend to be overestimated without including irac data in the sed fitting , especially for @xmath7 galaxies . the number densities of our smf are generally smaller than those of the predictions of semi - analytic models . our result shows a downsizing phenomenon from @xmath0 to @xmath12 : the number densities in massive end are comparable to some @xmath12 results but the number densities in less massive part are smaller than the @xmath12 results . by integrating the fiducial smf down to @xmath5 , the cosmic stellar mass density at @xmath0 is calculated to be @xmath6 . the stellar mass estimation depends largely on the assumed star formation history . taking into account the uncertainties , we estimate a possible upper limit to be @xmath13 . the right panel of figure [ figure ] shows that our result broadly agrees with the overall trend of the increase of the stellar mass density with time . the possible upper limit of our result is almost comparable to predictions by semi - analytic models . however , the models globally tend to overproduce the stellar mass at most redshift . drory , n. et al . 2005 , , 619 , l131 elsner , f. , feulner , g. , & hopp , u. 2008 , , 477 , 503 iwata , i. et al . 2007 , , 376 , 1557 sawicki , m. & yee , h. k. c. 1998 , , 115 , 1329 wilkins , s. m. , trentham , n. & hopkins , a. m. 2008 , , 385 , 687
we present the results of spectral energy distribution ( sed ) fitting analysis for lyman break galaxies ( lbgs ) at @xmath0 in the goods - n and its flanking fields . from the sed fitting for @xmath1 objects , we found that the stellar masses range from @xmath2 to @xmath3 with a median value of @xmath4 . by using the large sample of galaxies at @xmath0 , we construct the stellar mass function ( smf ) with incompleteness corrections . by integrating down to @xmath5 , the cosmic stellar mass density at @xmath0 is calculated to be @xmath6 .
after one year of successful operation integral has gathered a large amount of scientific data . deeper performance verification , based on comparison of the scientific results obtained from the individual integral instruments and from other missions , now becomes crucial . this poster summarizes the current status of the cross - calibration with respect to spectral shape studies . the calibration issues should be studied for a bright , steady x - ray source with a rather simple , well established spectral model . below we present the comparison of integral crab spectra with the canonical model of the crab nebula : an absorbed power law , with spectral index , @xmath0 = 2.1 , and with a normalization at 1 kev , @xmath1 = 9.7 photons @xmath2 s@xmath3 kev@xmath3 @xcite . the absorption hydrogen column density , @xmath4 = @xmath5 @xmath2 , was adopted from the current xmm - newton measurements @xcite . spectral modelling was done using xspec 11.3 @xcite . 1 shows the ratios between the integral crab data and the canonical model . spectra from revolution 102 ( 15 - 17 august 2003 ) were extracted with the osa 3.0 software . for all instruments the absolute normalization is still not perfect . the result for jem - x 2 is not satisfying below 7 kev . this is due to an incorrect flux reconstruction for lower energies and makes the spectra appear more absorbed than they actually are . the isgri case is the worst , with the spectrum being distorted by snake - like features below @xmath6100 kev and with declining flux above 200 kev . the spi spectrum , except for normalization , agrees well with the model , being quite smooth in the 30 - 200 kev range . ] fixing the canonical model parameters we have fitted the relative normalization parameters for the integral instruments . ( jem - x 2 spectra are always fitted in the 7 - 21 kev range in the following , while the energy range used in fitting for isgri and spi is that shown in figures . ) the fit is bad and releasing the power law index does not improve it . for individual instruments we obtain almost acceptable fits for jem - x 2 and spi , but with a model which is a little too flat in the jem - x 2 case . the isgri model gives a slope equal to the canonical value but the fit is poor . all these results are listed in table 1 . during fitting we have applied only statistical errors , except for isgri , for which we have tested an alternative fit , after adding systematical errors of 10% to the data . this leads to an acceptable @xmath7 and a quite good absolute normalization but with a larger slope . it should be mentioned that the isgri spectra shown here were extracted for science windows with the source being on axis . selecting data with the object in the fully coded field of view gives a worse , lower normalization , about 50% of that obtained for on - axis spectra . in fig . 2 we present the comparison between the crab spectra extracted with the osa 3.0 and osa 2.0 packages . the data for spi are not shown , since for spi there was no change in the software affecting the calibration in these two osa releases . both jem - x 2 and isgri data from osa 2.0 are farther from the proper absolute normalization . however , with osa 3.0 the absorption feature mentioned above arises for jem - x 2 . the scattering of the isgri flux is suppressed for osa 3.0 in comparison to osa 2.0 but the overall spectral shape remains bad . please note the good agreement between the absolute jem - x 2 and isgri fluxes at 20 kev with osa 3.0 ] .results of spectral fitting obtained for crab spectra from integral revolution 102 . c values are the relative normalization factors , a and @xmath0 are parameters of the power law model . the second fit for isgri was done after adding systematic errors of 10% to the data . fixed parameters are denoted with f. [ cols="<,^,^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] [ tab : weaktable ] integral spectra extracted currently should be treated with caution . at the present time none of the integral instruments can be used to measure the absolute flux . the major problem of jem - x 2 with respect to the spectral shape is the artificial absorption excess observed below 7 kev . the response matrices for isgri are still preliminary and the spectra are too deformed to be used for detailed spectral modeling . only spi does not exhibit any serious problems in its spectral shape calibration . the calibration of the integral instruments is in progress , the new major release 4.0 of osa should solve many of the issues discussed here .
the status of the integral cross - calibration is presented for a standard x - ray astronomy source , the crab nebula , as well as for some weaker sources . the relative flux normalization for the different integral instruments is discussed together with spectral shape features .
experimental measurements of the reaction @xmath7 at neutron momenta of 1.88 gev / c @xcite show a typical cross section structure known as the abc effect @xcite . the main features of this effect can be explained by assuming a double @xmath8 excitation to be the dominant reaction mechanism for the @xmath4 production @xcite . therefore the @xmath7 reaction allows us to study the influence of direct @xmath5 and @xmath6 interaction potentials . the feynman diagram corresponding to the @xmath5 mechanism is shown in fig . in order to incorporate the interaction dynamics of the @xmath5 system in a proper and efficient way , we apply a coupled channel approach @xcite deduced from @xmath9hole models . the matrix element is calculated using the so called source function formalism @xcite . we set up a system of coupled integro differential equations for the correlated @xmath5 wavefunction , which can be solved in configuration space with the lanczos method @xcite . the @xmath9 resonance is treated thereby as a quasi particle with a given mass and an intrinsic , energy dependent width . we construct the interaction potentials @xmath10 and @xmath11 within a meson exchange model @xcite . the exchanged mesons taken into account are the pion ( @xmath12 ) , the rho ( @xmath13 ) , the omega ( @xmath14 ) , and the sigma ( @xmath15 ) . all the parameters of the potentials , such as the coupling constants , cutoffs and meson masses , are determined from other reaction studies , like single pion production and charge exchange reactions on the deuteron @xcite . fig . [ fig2 ] shows the result of our full model calculation compared to the experimental deuteron spectrum for @xmath2 . the overall agreement is very good . the cross section exhibits characteristic enhancements at missing masses close to @xmath16 ( corresponding to maximal and minimal deuteron recoil momentum in the laboratory frame ) and at the largest missing masses possible ( the central peak ) . this structure can be easily understood as follows @xcite . let us define @xmath17 where @xmath18 denote the four momenta of the two pions . the @xmath5 mechanism is most efficient if both @xmath9 s are on mass shell , which requires @xmath19 this condition is equivalent to @xmath20 and can be satisfied in two ways : in the latter case , the @xmath4 cms is identical to the rest frame of the deuteron and hence the overall cms . the two pions pick up the whole kinetic energy which means @xmath24 max . this leads to the high mass enhancement which corresponds to the anti parallel decay of the two @xmath9 s , while the low mass enhancement ( @xmath21 ) corresponds to the parallel decay . these two different kinematical situations are also manifest in the angular distributions shown in fig . [ fig3 ] . for @xmath25 gev / c ( in the lab frame ) , the pions are emitted back to back and any angle between @xmath26 and the beam axis is kinematically possible . the shape of the cross section reflects the spin structure of the @xmath3 excitation @xcite . for @xmath27 1.1 and 1.9 gev / c , the pions are emitted nearly parallel and have identical energies , hence @xmath26 is dominantly perpendicular to the beam axis . [ fig4 ] demonstrates the influence of the @xmath6 and @xmath5 interaction potentials in our model calculation . the result for @xmath28 ( dashed dotted line ) clearly shows the three peak structure as discussed above . the potential @xmath29 is attractive and thus results in even more pronounced peaks ( dashed line ) since it simply lowers the overall excitation energy . inclusion of @xmath30 , however , leads to a redistribution of strength from the peaks towards the kinematical less favored situations between ( solid line ) . this is the case because the optimal configuration with both @xmath9 s on mass - shell can now also be reached if the initial momentum distribution was asymmetric . to summarize we have shown that 1 . the @xmath3 excitation is the dominant reaction mechanism in the @xmath31 two pion production at @xmath1 gev / c , and 2 . the intermediate @xmath5 and @xmath6 interactions play an important role in this reaction which therefore may serve as a tool for closer examination of the interaction potentials .
the deuteron spectrum in @xmath0 at @xmath1 gev / c and @xmath2 is explained by considering a @xmath3 excitation as the reaction mechanism for the @xmath4 production . we study the influence of intermediate @xmath5 and @xmath6 interactions on the spectrum . the angular distribution of the pions is predicted .
anderson impurity models have been of considerable interest recently for studying the transport in mesoscopic structures @xcite as well as for describing strong correlations on the lattice in the limit of large dimensions @xcite . in both cases the doubly occupied impurity site , which is characterized by an additional energy cost @xmath1 , is essential for the correct physical description . in terms of pseudofermion ( @xmath2 ) and slave boson operators ( @xmath3 , @xmath4 ) the anderson model is defined by the hamiltonian @xmath5 where @xmath6 is the energy of the local @xmath7 level , @xmath1 is the coulomb interaction and @xmath8 are the hybridization matrix elements . a physical electron in the local level is created with the operator @xmath9 , where @xmath4 represents the empty level and @xmath3 the doubly occupied one ( in the following we will call @xmath3 and @xmath4 the heavy and the light boson , respectively ) . for the representation to be exact , the local operator constraint @xmath10 must be fulfilled at all times . this is guaranteed by a suitable projection technique @xcite . it is well known that the non - crossing approximation ( nca ) gives the correct kondo temperature @xmath0 in the limit of large coulomb repulsion @xmath1 while it fails to recover the correct kondo temperature for finite u. the reason may be seen from the schriffer - wolff transformation @xcite where the effective coupling constant has two equally important terms for @xmath11 @xmath12 where just one of them survives in the large @xmath1 limit . in eq . ( [ j ] ) the first ( second ) term is generated by exchange of a bare light ( heavy ) boson . this implies that the light ( @xmath4 ) and heavy ( @xmath3 ) bosons should appear symmetrically in all bare diagrams . in order to generate the corresponding diagrams of the luttinger - ward functional one may start with the nca diagram for the @xmath13 case ( first diagram in fig . [ functional]a ) ) and replace the light boson line by a heavy boson , exchanging the conduction electron lines appropriately . the result is the second diagram . this is not sufficient , however , because the diagrams should be symmetric in @xmath3 , @xmath4 on the level of bare diagrams . one may show that this exchange generates an infinite series of diagrams , each containing a circle of pseudoparticle lines with one light boson and @xmath14 heavy bosons ( or vice versa ) dressed by conduction electron lines spanning at most three pseudoparticle lines ( see fig . [ functional]a ) ) . the corresponding self - energies are obtained by functional differentiation and are shown in fig . [ functional]b ) in terms of vertex functions ( the dash- and cross - shaded half - circle areas ) . the green s function of the physical @xmath7 electrons can be calculated from the exact relation that can be derived with the help of the equation of motion @xmath15 the local conduction electron green s function can be expressed in terms of the local conduction electron self energy @xmath16 ( see fig . [ functional]c ) ) , @xmath17 the kondo temperature was extracted from the width of the abrikosov - suhl peak in the local electron green s function . the values we get from the present approximation are in excellent agreement with the exact values known from the bethe ansatz solution , as can be seen in fig . [ kondo_temp ] . the simple non - crossing approximation ( the first two terms in @xmath18 in fig . [ functional]a ) gives kondo temperatures several orders of magnitude too low . including one additional diagram does not increase @xmath0 sufficiently ( @xmath19 ) ( here we disagree with the corresponding claim in ref . @xcite ) . an _ infinite _ series of _ skeleton _ ladder diagrams is needed to get the correct scaling of @xmath0 with the coulomb energy @xmath1 and the local electron energy @xmath6 . in summary , we have shown that an infinite number of skeleton diagrams is necessary to recover the correct dynamic energy scale ( @xmath0 ) in the anderson impurity model with finite coulomb interaction energy . we found a systematic way to obtain those diagrams and have shown that the approximation is derivable a from luttinger - ward functional and therefore conserving . numerical results show excellent agreement with the exact values of @xmath0 .
we developed a self - consistent conserving pseudo particle approximation for the anderson impurity model with finite coulomb interaction , derivable from a luttinger ward functional . it contains an infinite series of skeleton diagrams built out of fully renormalized green s functions . the choice of diagrams is motivated by the schrieffer wolff transformation which shows that singly and doubly occupied states should appear in all bare diagrams symmetrically . our numerical results for @xmath0 are in excellent agreement with the exact values known from the bethe ansatz solution . the low energy physics of non - fermi liquid anderson impurity systems is correctly described while the present approximation fails to describe fermi liquid systems , since some important coherent spin flip and charge transfer processes are not yet included . it is believed that ctma ( conserving t - matrix approximation ) diagrams will recover also fermi liquid behavior for anderson models with finite coulomb interaction as they do for infinite coulomb interaction .
in the dvali - gabadadze - porrati ( dgp ) braneworld scenario @xcite our universe is a ( 3 + 1 ) space - time brane embedded in a five - dimensional minkowskian bulk . all the particles and fields of our experience are constrained to remain on the brane apart from gravity which is free to explore the empty bulk . beyond a certain threshold @xmath1 , which is a free - parameter of the theory and is fixed by observations to @xmath2 gigaparsec , gravity experiences strong modifications with respect to the usual four - dimensional newton - einstein picture : they allow to explain the observed acceleration of the expansion of the universe without resorting to the concept of dark energy . for a recent review of the phenomenology of dgp cosmologies see ref . 2 . with more details , an intermediate regime is set by the vainshtein scale @xmath3 , where @xmath4 is the schwarzschild radius of a central object of mass @xmath5 acting as source of gravitational field ; @xmath6 and @xmath7 are the newtonian gravitational constant and the speed of light in vacuum , respectively . for a sun - like star @xmath8 amounts to about 100 parsec . in the process of recovering the 4-dimensional newton - einstein gravity for @xmath9 , dgp predicts small deviations from it which yield to effects observable at local scales . they come from an extra radial acceleration of the form @xmath10 the minus sign is related to a cosmological phase in which , in absence of cosmological constant on the brane , the universe decelerates at late times , the hubble parameter @xmath11 tending to zero as the matter dissolves on the brane : it is called friedmann - lematre - robertson - walker ( flrw ) branch . the plus sign is related to a cosmological phase in which the universe undergoes a de sitter - like expansion with the hubble parameter @xmath12 even in absence of matter . this is the self - accelerated branch , where the accelerated expansion of the universe is realized without introducing a cosmological constant on the brane . thus , there is a very important connection between local and cosmological features of gravity in the dgp model . about the local effects , lue and starkman in ref . 5 and iorio in ref . 6 derived an extra - secular precession of the pericentre @xmath13 of the orbit of a test particle @xmath14 of @xmath15 arcseconds per century ( @xmath16 cy@xmath17 ) , while iorio in ref . 6 showed that also the mean anomaly @xmath18 is affected by dgp gravity at a larger extent @xmath19 the longitude of the ascending node @xmath20 is left unchanged . as a result , the mean longitude @xmath21 , which is a widely used orbital parameter for nearly equatorial and circular orbits as those of the solar system planets , undergoes a secular precession of the order of @xmath22 @xmath16 cy@xmath17 . such precessions are independent of the semi - major axis @xmath23 of the planetary orbits and depends only on their eccentricities @xmath24 via second - order terms . the effects of dgp gravity on the orbital period of a test particle were worked out by iorio in ref . 7 ; the dgp precession of a spin can be found in ref . 8 , but it is too small to be detectable in any foreseeable future . recent improvements in the accuracy of the data reduction process for the inner planets of the solar system , which can be tracked via radar - ranging , have made the possibility of testing dgp very thrilling . in particular , iorio in ref . 12 showed that the recently observed secular increase of the astronomical unit can be explained by the self - accelerated branch of dgp and that the predicted values of the lue - starkman perihelion precessions for the self - accelerated branch are compatible with the recently determined extra - perihelion advances , especially for mars , although the errors are still large . rather surprisingly , it was recently showed in ref . 15 that the kuiper belt objects , if not properly modelled in the dynamical force models of the data - reduction softwares used to process planetary data , might affect the dynamics of the earth and mars at a non negligible level with respect to the dgp features of motion . the possibility of using the outer planets of the solar system , suggested by lue in ref . 2 and , in principle , very appealing because all the compering newtonian and einsteinian orbital effects are smaller than the dgp precessions , is still very far from being viable . finally , we mention that it was argued that the launch of a lageos - like earth artificial satellite would allow to measure the dgp perigee precession , but such a proposal was proven to be highly unfeasible in ref . 11 . i am grateful to r. ruffini and h. kleinert for the grant received to attend the eleventh marcel grossmann meeting on general relativity , 23 - 29 july , freie universit@xmath25 t berlin , 2006 . standish , e.m . , the astronomical unit now , in _ transits of venus : new views of the solar system and galaxy , proceedings iau colloquium no . 196 _ , ed . kurtz ( cambridge university press , cambridge , 2005 ) .
in this talk we review the perspectives of testing the multidimensional dvali - gabadadze - porrati ( dgp ) model of modified gravity in the solar system . the inner planets , contrary to the giant gaseous ones , yield the most promising scenario for the near future . # 1 # 1 # 1#2_#1^#2 # 1eq . ( [ # 1 ] ) # 1#2([#1])-([#2 ] ) # 1eq . ( [ # 1 ] ) # 1#2([#1])-([#2 ] ) # 1 # 1#2 # 1#2 # 1#2 } \def\ear{\end{aligned}\ ] ] # 1#2#1#2 # 1 # 1[#1 ] 2@xmath0 # 1
one of the most surprising outcomes of the ultra - relativistic heavy - ion experiments was to show that the new state of matter , the so called quark - gluon plasma ( qgp ) , created in these reactions forms a strongly - coupled and correlated system with the smallest viscosity in nature . as a result , its space - time evolution may be , to the great extent , described within the framework of relativistic viscous fluid dynamics . the application of the latter is complicated by the fact that at the early stages of the evolution there are locally large momentum - space anisotropies present in the system , which eventually make the standard framework to break down . in order to account for this a great theoretical development of the relativistic fluid dynamics was done in the recent years . in particular , a new fluid dynamical framework , called anisotropic hydrodynamics was proposed @xcite , which is based on the reorganization of the hydrodynamic expansion around the anisotropic background . at the same time , in order to account for small viscous - like corrections , the framework was generalized by adding linear perturbations to the leading - order term @xcite . already at leading order the framework of anisotropic hydrodynamics was shown to agree very well with exact solutions of the underlying relaxation - type kinetic theory equations in the special cases of the bjorken @xcite and gubser @xcite velocity profiles . only recently the framework of anisotropic hydrodynamics was supplemented with the realistic quantum chromodynamics ( qcd ) equation of state and the freeze - out prescription allowing it to be applied to the central @xmath0 and @xmath1 collisions @xcite , see also @xcite . in this proceedings contribution we briefly review the framework presented in ref . @xcite and present its main results for @xmath1 reactions . in the case of central collisions at ultra - relativistic energies , considered in this work , one can restrict oneself to the boost - invariant and cylindrically symmetric ( 1 + 1)-dimensional system . using the exact solutions of the kinetic theory equations @xcite it was shown that within this symmetry the actual distribution function may be very well approximated by the ellipsoidal form @xmath2 @xcite , where @xmath3 is an equilibrium distribution function , @xmath4 , and the anisotropy tensor in local rest frame ( lrf ) reads @xmath5 and satisfies @xmath6 . the flow four - vector @xmath7 is restricted by the symmetry to the form @xmath8 . the equations of motion of anisotropic hydrodynamics are obtained by taking first and second moments of the boltzmann kinetic equation in the relaxation - time approximation @xcite . as a result one obtains four coupled partial differential equations for anisotropy parameters @xmath9 and @xmath10 ( @xmath11 ) , transverse momentum scale @xmath12 and transverse rapidity of the fluid @xmath13 @xcite . for a conformal system the following equation of state holds @xcite @xmath14 where @xmath15 and @xmath16 are the equilibrium expressions for the temperature dependence of energy density and pressure of the ideal gas of massless particles , respectively , @xmath17 are pressures acting in @xmath18-th direction and the functions @xmath19 and @xmath20 are defined in ref . @xcite . in order to include the realistic equation of state we exchange energy density and pressure of the ideal gas with the corresponding functions obtained within lattice qcd ( lqcd ) simulations by the wuppertal - budapest collaboration @xcite ( @xmath21 , @xmath22 ) . another important ingredient required for a realistic description of the qgp evolution is the self - consistent description of the decoupling of the system . for this purpose we assume that the momentum distribution of hadron spectra results from the cooper - frye formula applied to the ellipsoidal form @xmath23 on the isothermal freeze - out hypersurface . to set the initial energy density profile for our simulations we employ standard optical glauber model . ( a ) and their logarithmic slope ( b ) for @xmath24 collision obtained within leading - order anisotropic hydrodynamics and israel - stewart second - order viscous hydrodynamics.,width=491 ] we apply the leading - order anisotropic hydrodynamics framework to the central @xmath24 collisions , and compare its results with standard israel - stewart hydrodynamics . in fig . [ fig : spectra ] we present the comparison of the resulting @xmath25 @xmath26-spectra ( a ) together with their logarithmic slope ( b ) for the two approaches . one can see that the former ( dashed blue lines ) predicts much harder spectra than the viscous hydrodynamics ( solid black lines ) , which may be traced back to the fact that the pressure anisotropy is significantly overestimated in israel - stewart approach @xcite . moreover , one can also see that the self - consistent inclusion of anisotropy corrections at the freeze - out ( dashed blue lines ) , compared to the case where the corrections are neglected ( dashed - dotted green lines ) , leads to large corrections to the final spectra . it means that in small systems the off - equilibrium corrections are significant at the time when the system decouples and must be included properly . since the anisotropic hydrodynamics was shown to agree much better with the underlying kinetic theory than the israel - stewart theory @xcite we conclude that the anisotropic hydrodynamics leads to dramatic improvement of the description of the evolution of matter in heavy - ion collisions , especially when one considers asymmetric @xmath24 reactions . this contribution is dedicated to prof . jan pluta on the occasion of his 70-th birthday . r.r . was supported by polish national science center grant no . dec-2012/07/d / st2/02125 .
the framework of leading - order anisotropic hydrodynamics is supplemented with realistic equation of state and self - consistent freeze - out prescription . the model is applied to central proton - nucleus collisions . the results are compared to those obtained within standard israel - stewart second - order viscous hydrodynamics . it is shown that the resulting hadron spectra are highly - sensitive to the hydrodynamic approach that has been used .
figure 1 shows the m3 hb cmd for the innermost ( @xmath0 , upper panel ) and for the outermost ( @xmath1 ; lower panel ) cluster regions . the numbers of red ( r " ) , rr lyrae variable ( v " ) and blue ( b " ) hb stars are indicated . it is apparent that _ the innermost regions of m3 have a much bluer hb than the outermost ones_. even though the inner regions were observed with hst - wfpc2 while the outermost regions were observed from the ground , we emphasize that the difference is real , extremely significant , and _ can not _ be accounted for by any conceivable source of systematic observational error . the hb region of the cmd of pal 3 is shown in fig . 2 . this is essentially the same as the stetson et al . ( 1999 ) hst - wfpc2 cmd , except that here the individual rr lyrae variables are plotted , based on mean colors and magnitudes derived by combining the hst photometry and the borissova et al . ( 1998 ) ground - based photometry . note that _ all _ cluster rr lyraes are ab - type variables , and there are no blue - hb stars . a theoretical zahb and evolutionary track are overplotted . the single track spans the entire observed hb showing that little ( if any ) intrinsic dispersion in mass on the zahb is needed to account for the pal 3 hb morphology . extensive monte carlo simulations confirm this . ignoring , for the sake of argument , the internal 2ndp in m3 and the difference in mass dispersion between the m3 and pal 3 hbs , we find , using an approach similar to catelan s ( 2000 ) , that the relative hb types of m3 and pal 3 can be easily accounted for by a difference in age of @xmath2 gyr ( fig . 3 ) , as indeed favored by vandenberg ( 2000 ) from analysis of the clusters turnoffs . the larger age difference favored by stetson et al . ( 1999 ) , @xmath3 gyr , is not consistent with the relative hb types of the clusters under the assumption that this is a bona fide " 2ndp pair . borissova , j. , spassova , n. , catelan , m. , & ivanov , v. d. 1998 , in asp conf . 135 , a half - century of stellar pulsation interpretations , ed . p. a. bradley & j. a. guzik ( san francisco : asp ) , 188
we study the globular clusters m3 and palomar 3 as a second parameter ( 2ndp ) pair , " showing that : i ) m3 has a surprisingly strong _ internal _ 2ndp ; ii ) the dispersion in mass on the pal 3 horizontal branch ( hb ) is intrinsically very small , leading to the most apparent differences in hb morphology between m3 and pal 3 ; iii ) ignoring the difference in hb mass dispersion between m3 and pal 3 , their relative hb types can be accounted for by a fairly small difference in age , of order 0.51 gyr . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
so far , radial velocity exoplanet searches have mainly focused on solar - like main sequence stars . however , searches for exoplanets around m dwarfs have also been successful , and knowing the frequency of these objects places important constraints on planet formation scenarios . some of the least massive exoplanets known orbit low - mass m dwarfs ( e.g. gj581 and gj876 rivera et al . 2005 ; udry et al . 2007 ; mayor et al . 2009 ) . m dwarfs are the most common stars in the solar neighborhood , and their habitable zones lie close to them . this means that `` habitable '' planets around m dwarfs have large radial - velocity signatures and a large probability of showing transits . in spite of their interest , m dwarfs have not been searched for planets as extensively as late - f , g , and k stars , because of their faintness in the optical , where most radial velocity searches are being performed . a near - infrared spectrograph with a radial velocity accuracy on the ms@xmath0 level would be more efficient to detect earth - like planets around stars with spectral types later than about m3 . radial velocities measured in the near infrared would also be less susceptible to stellar radial - velocity noise . as a high - resolution near - infrared spectrograph dedicated to a planet survey does not exist yet , we have performed a study of such an instrument for the calar alto astronomical observatory . the carmenes study was initiated as a joint spanish - german answer to a call for ideas for new instruments for calar alto . in this contribution , we describe a summary of the carmenes configuration as it was presented in the conceptual design review in early october 2009 . ( the configuration may have changed since then ; visit our webpage for later developments ) . carmenes is expected to become operational in 2013 . carmenes will be fiber - fed from a front - end at the prime focus of the 3.5 m calar alto telescope . the three cross - dispersed echelle spectrograph channels ( nir , vis , mos ; see below ) will be located in the coud room of the telescope , where they can be thermally and mechanically stabilized . the instrument will cover from 500 to 1800 nm in one shot with a near - ir radial velocity precision requirement of 3ms@xmath0 . thanks to an optical design with a mosaic of two 2k@xmath12k detectors and an r2.9 echelle grating , the near - infrared ( nir ) channel will cover from 950 nm ( @xmath2 band ) to about 1800 nm ( @xmath3 band ) with a spectral resolution r = 85000 in 31 echelle orders . the cross disperser will consist of two s - nph2 prisms . most of the optomechanical components of the nir channel will be located inside a vacuum tank at @xmath4 = 30@xmath5c . the nir channel needs an image slicer and an image scrambler . the design of the visible ( vis ) channel , which will cover from 500 to 900 nm with r = 60000 in 42 echelle orders , will be based on the successful feros instrument . simultaneous observations with the nir and vis channels will allow us to monitor the main activity indicators ( h@xmath6 and the calcium triplet ) with the same temporal sampling as the radial - velocity curve , which will help us discriminate between activity - induced and planet - induced radial - velocity variations . the multiobject ( mos ) visible channel takes advantage of the @xmath70.8deg@xmath8 field of the 3.5 m telescope to acquire the spectra of @xmath712 bright stars during the m dwarf observations ; in this way a survey of g and k giants can be conducted without any additional telescope time . carmenes may share the telescope prime focus with another instrument . the design therefore foresees a common front end mounted at the primary focus behind the k3 corrector . this front end will contain the fiber positioners for the carmenes nir , vis and mos channels . our primary channels ( nir and vis ) require two fibers each : one for the object and one for a thar lamp or sky . the carmenes study was funded by the centro astronmico hispano - alemn , which is operated jointly by the max - planck - institut fr astronomie ( max - planck - gesellschaft ) and the instituto de astrofsica de andaluca ( consejo superior de investigaciones cientficas ) .
carmenes , _ calar alto high - resolution search for m dwarfs with exo - earths with a near - infrared echelle spectrograph _ , is a study for a next - generation instrument for the 3.5 m calar alto telescope to be designed , built , integrated , and operated by a consortium of nine german and spanish institutions . our main objective is finding habitable exoplanets around m dwarfs , which will be achieved by radial velocity measurements on the ms@xmath0 level in the near - infrared , where low - mass stars emit the bulk of their radiation .
the current picture of bulge demography reveals that disk galaxies can host bulges with different photometric and kinematic properties ( see * ? ? ? * for a review ) . classical bulges are similar to low - luminosity ellipticals and are thought to be formed by mergers and rapid collapse . pseudobulges are disk - like or bar - like components which were slowly assembled by acquired material , efficiently transferred to galaxy center where it formed stars . pseudobulges can be identified according to their morphologic , photometric , and kinematic properties because they retain a memory of their disky origin . pseudobulges are expected to be more rotation - dominated than classical bulges which are more rotation - dominated than giant elliptical galaxies . a list of pseudobulges characteristics was compiled by @xcite . the more apply , the safer the classification becomes . we derived the structural parameters , stellar kinematics , and line - strength indices for a sample of 14 disk galaxies in groups and clusters @xcite . the bulge of the sb spiral ngc 1292 has a srsic index @xmath0 and an apparent flattening which is similar to that of the galaxy disk ( @xmath1 ) . the measured @xmath2 is consistent with being significantly larger than that derived for an oblate spheroid ( fig . [ fig : vsigma_fj ] , left panel ) . moreover , the bulge of ngc 1292 is not consistent with the @xmath3band faber - jackson relation built from ( * ? ? ? * @xmath4 ) as done by @xcite . it is characterized by a lower velocity dispersion ( or equivalently a higher luminosity ) with respect to its early - type counterparts ( fig . [ fig : vsigma_fj ] , right panel ) . ngc 1292 is also a low-@xmath5 ( or a high-@xmath6 ) outlier with respect to the relationship found for faint early - type galaxies by ( * ? ? ? * @xmath7 ) . information about the stellar population give more constraints on its nature and formation process . the bulge population has a intermediate age ( 3 gyr ) and low metal content ( @xmath8 dex ) . the @xmath9fe enhancement is the lowest in our sample ( @xmath10 dex ) suggesting a prolonged star formation history . the presence of emission lines in the spectrum shows that star formation is still ongoing . according to the prescriptions by @xcite , the bulge of ngc 1292 is a good candidate to be pseudobulge . the properties of the stellar population of such a pseudobulge are consistent with a slow buildup within a scenario of secular evolution . and @xmath11 , respectively . left panel : the location of the sample bulges in the @xmath12 plane . the continuous line corresponds to oblate - spheroidal systems that have isotropic velocity dispersions and that are flattened only by rotation . right panel : the location of the sample bulges with respect to the fj relation by forbes & ponman ( 1999 , continuous line ) . [ fig : vsigma_fj],title="fig:",scaledwidth=49.0% ] and @xmath11 , respectively . left panel : the location of the sample bulges in the @xmath12 plane . the continuous line corresponds to oblate - spheroidal systems that have isotropic velocity dispersions and that are flattened only by rotation . right panel : the location of the sample bulges with respect to the fj relation by forbes & ponman ( 1999 , continuous line ) . [ fig : vsigma_fj],title="fig:",scaledwidth=49.0% ]
the photometric and kinematic properties of sb ngc 1292 suggest it hosts a pseudobulge . the properties of the stellar population of such a pseudobulge are consistent with a slow buildup within a scenario of secular evolution .
currently , the question of pulsation modulation of magnetic field in stars , both with convective and radiative envelopes , is still opened . * rr lyr . * * babcock ( 1958 ) ) reported a detection of a magnetic field in rr lyr . the longitudinal component of the field was found to be variable from @xmath31580 to + 540 g , but showed no correlation with the pulsation cycle of the star . * romanov et al . ( 1987 , 1994 ) ) also registered significant magnetic field in rr lyr , and found the field to be variable with an amplitude of up to 1.5 kg over the pulsation cycle . on the other hand , ( * * preston ( 1967 ) ) and ( * ? ? ? * chadid et al . ( 2004 ) ) detected no convincing evidence of a photospheric magnetic field in the star in the years 19631964 and 19992002 , respectively . * @xmath0 aql . * photoelectric magnetometer observations of @xmath0 aql , performed by ( * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * borra et al . ( 1981 , 1984 ) ) , detected no magnetic field in this star . * plachinda ( 2000 ) ) was the first who detected magnetic field on @xmath0 aql and reported pulsation modulation of the longitudinal component from @xmath3100 to + 50 g. ( * ? ? ? * wade et al . ( 2002 ) ) detected no statistically significant longitudinal magnetic field in @xmath0 aql during 3 nights in 2001 and concluded that @xmath0 aql is a non - magnetic star , at least at a level of 10 g. ( * ? ? ? * grunhut et al . ( 2010 ) ) registered clear zeeman signatures in stokes v parameter for @xmath0 aql and eight other supergiants . * @xmath4 peg . * * butkovskaya & plachinda ( 2007 ) ) reported the modulation of the longitudinal magnetic field in @xmath5 cephei - type star @xmath4 peg ( b2 iv ) with the amplitude of about 7 g over the 0.15-day pulsation period of the star . in order to shed some light on the problem of pulsational modulation of stellar magnetic fields , we continued spectropolarimetric monitoring of @xmath0 aql during 60 nights between 2002 and 2012 using coud spectrograph at the 2.6-m shajn telescope of the crimean astrophysical observatory ( ukraine ) . the technique of zeeman splitting , used for the measurement of the longitudinal magnetic field , is described in detail by ( * ? ? ? * butkovskaya & plachinda ( 2007 ) ) . we folded all values of the measured longitudinal magnetic field with the pulsational period according to the pulsation ephemeris : jd @xmath6 ( * ? ? ? * ( kiss & vink 2000 ) ) , where @xmath7 is the number of pulsation cycles . as an example , the pulsation modulation of the longitudinal magnetic field of @xmath0 aql in 2002 and 2004 is illustrated in fig . we found that the magnetic field sinusoidally varies in phase of the radial pulsation of @xmath0 aql . this confirms the previous conclusions of ( * ? ? ? * plachinda ( 2000 ) ) . however , the amplitude @xmath1 , mean field @xmath2 , and phases of maximum and minimum field are changing from year to year ( see table 1 where the f - test indicates the statistical reliability of the detected variability for each year ) . the possible reason for those variations is stellar axial rotation or dynamo mechanisms . aql folded with the 7.176726-day pulsation period : a ) our data obtained in 2002 ( _ closed and open circles _ ) , data by ( * ? ? ? * wade et al . ( 2002 ) ) ( _ black squares _ ) , and ( * ? ? ? * grunhut et al . ( 2010 ) ) ( _ open triangles _ ) ; b ) our data obtained in 2004 ( _ closed and open circles _ ) , data by ( * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * borra et al . ( 1981 , 1984 ) ) ( _ black squares _ ) . fitting sinusoids are shown by strong lines . open circles represent our data that have not been taken into account in the fits.,width=384 ]
we report the results of spectropolarimetric study of the classical cepheid @xmath0 aql . we found that the longitudinal magnetic field of @xmath0 aql sinusoidally varies with the radial pulsation period , while the amplitude @xmath1 , mean field @xmath2 , and phases of maximum and minimum field change from year to year . we hypothesize that possible reasons of those variations are stellar axial rotation or dynamo mechanisms .
interest rate is a rate charged for the use of the money . as an example we show the evolution of several interest rates on the market in figure [ fig : intro ] above . figure [ fig : intro ] below displays the interest rates with different maturities ( so called term structures ) at a given day . short rate models are based on specifying the evolution of the instantaneous interest rates ( also called short rate ) in terms of a stochastic differential equation . the remaining interest rates are then determined by the bond prices . after specifying the so called market price of risk , the price of a bond is a solution to the partial differential equation ( pde ) . alternatively , the short rate evolution can be given in so called risk neutral measure . in particular , if the short rate evolves in the risk neutral measure according to the stochastic differential equation @xmath2 where @xmath3 is a wiener process , then the price @xmath4 of the zero - coupon bond at time @xmath5 when the current level of the short rate is @xmath6 , is a solution to the pde @xmath7 the pde ( [ eq : pde1 ] ) holds for all @xmath8 and @xmath9 , where @xmath10 is the maturity of the bond . morover , since the bond pays its principal value at maturity , which can be normalized to be 1 , the function @xmath11 moreover satisfies the terminal condition @xmath12 for all @xmath8 . the interest rates @xmath13 is then given by the formula @xmath14 see , e.g. , @xcite or @xcite for more details on interest rates modelling . solution to the bond pricing pde ( [ eq : pde1 ] ) is known only i special cases , such as vasicek model @xcite or cox - ingersoll - ross ( cir ) model @xcite . sometimes , there is a closed form solution known but it is complicated , for example the bond price in dothan model @xcite involves special functions and two - dimensional integration . in general , however , there no closed form solution avalible . therefore , the bond prices are computed using monte carlo simulations , numerically solving the pde ( [ eq : pde1 ] ) or by looking for analytical approximative formulae . we follow the last approach in this paper . in papers @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , the chan - karolyi - longstaff - sanders ( ckls ) model @xcite @xmath15 and analytical approximate formulae for bond prices were considered . the time independence of the coefficients of the model enables us to write the bond price in terms of the time to maturity @xmath16 . the common feature of these approximations is that their order of accuracy can be expressed in the form @xmath17 as @xmath18 , where @xmath11 is the exact bond price and @xmath19 is the proposed approximation . the relation ( [ eq - order ] ) asserts that the taylor series of @xmath20 and @xmath21 coincide up to the certain order . in particular , in @xcite it has been shown that for the formula from @xcite the relation ( [ eq - order ] ) holds with @xmath22 and an improvement leading to @xmath23 has been derived . in @xcite a simple formula with @xmath24 has been proposed . these results suggest that the taylor expansion ( either of the price itself and its logarithm ) could be a good approximation too . a numerical illustration is presented in table [ tab : motivation - bond ] and table [ tab : motivation - rates ] . .zero coupon bond prices in the cir model with parameters @xmath25 , @xmath26 and @xmath27 ( taken from @xcite ) , @xmath28 : exact solution , approximation from @xcite and taylor expansions of the exact solution around @xmath0 . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] we considered the taylor expansion for bond prices and their logarithms in a general one factor model with time independent parameters . the expansion is considered with respect to time to maturity @xmath1 around @xmath0 . the coefficients of the taylor expansions can be computed recursively and expressed in a closed form . since the prices are expanded into series around @xmath0 , the most precise resuts are expected to be obtained ofr small @xmath1 . however , numerical examples dealing with cox - ingersoll - ross and dothan models show that we are able to obtain very precise approximations also for higher values of @xmath1 . this research was supported by vega 1/0747/12 grant . stehlkov , b.,_a simple analytic approximation formula for the bond price in the chan - karolyi - longstaff - sanders model _ , international journal of numerical analysis and modeling - series b 4 , ( 2013 ) 224 - 234 .
we consider a general one - factor short rate model , in which the instantaneous interest rate is driven by a univariate diffusion with time independent drift and volatility . we construct recursive formula for the coefficients of the taylor expansion of the bond price and its logarithm around @xmath0 , where @xmath1 is time to maturity . we provide numerical examples of convergence of the partial sums of the series and compare them with the known exact values in the case of cox - ingersoll - ross and dothan model .
ams @xcite ( alpha magnetic spectrometer ) is a precision spectrometer designed to search for cosmic antimatter , dark matter and to study the relative abundance of elements and isotopic composition of the primary cosmic rays . it will be installed in the international space station ( iss ) , where it will operate at least for three years . the spectrometer will be capable of measuring the rigidity ( @xmath0 ) , the charge ( @xmath1 ) , the velocity ( @xmath2 ) and the energy ( @xmath3 ) of cosmic rays within a geometrical acceptance of @xmath40.5m@xmath5sr . [ fig : ams ] shows a schematic view of the ams spectrometer . the system is composed of several subdectors : transition radiation detector ( trd ) , time - of - flight ( tof ) , silicon tracker ( std ) , anticoincidence counters ( acc ) , superconducting magnet , ring imaging erenkov detector and electromagnetic calorimeter ( ecal ) . [ fig : ams ] the rich is a proximity focusing device with a dual radiator configuration on the top made of 92 aerogel 25 mm thick tiles with a refractive index 1.050 and sodium fluoride ( naf ) tiles with a thickness of 5 mm in the center covering an area of 34@xmath634cm@xmath5 . the naf placement prevents the loss of photons in the hole existing in the center of the readout plane ( @xmath8 cm@xmath5 ) , in front of the ecal calorimeter located below . the detection matrix is composed of 680 multipixelized photon readout cells each consisting of a photomultiplier coupled to a light guide , hv divider plus front - end ( fe ) electronics , all housed and potted in a plastic shell and then enclosed in a magnetic shielding . the photon detection is made with an array of multianode hamamatsu tubes ( r7600 - 00-m16 ) coupled to a light guide . the effective pixel size is 8.5 mm . a high reflectivity conical mirror surrounds the whole set . it consists of a carbon fiber reinforced composite substrate with a multilayer coating made of aluminium and sio@xmath9 deposited on the inner surface . this ensures a reflectivity higher than 85% for 420 nm wavelength photons . ( left ) shows a schematic view of the rich detector . rich was designed to measure the velocity ( @xmath10 ) of singly charged particles with a resolution @xmath11 of 0.1@xmath12 , to extend the charge separation ( z ) up to iron ( z=26 ) , to contribute to @xmath13 separation and to albedo rejection . in order to validate the rich design , a prototype with an array of 9@xmath611 cells filled with 96 photomultiplier readout units similar to part of the matrix of the final model was constructed . the performance of this prototype has been tested with cosmic muons and with a beam of secondary ions at the cern sps produced by fragmentation of a primary beam in 2002 and 2003 . the light guides used were prototypes with a slightly smaller collecting area ( 31@xmath631mm@xmath5 ) . different samples of the radiator materials were tested and placed at an adjustable supporting structure . different expansion heights were set in order to have fully contained photon rings on the detection matrix like in the flight design . a segment of a conical mirror with 1/12 of the final azimuthal coverage , which is shown in left picture of , was also tested . the rich assembly has already started at ciemat in spain and is foreseen to be finished in july 2007 . a rectangular grid has already been assembled and has been subject to a mechanical fit test , functional tests , vibration tests and vacuum tests . the other grids will follow . the refractive index of the aerogel tiles is being measured and the radiator container was subjected to a mechanical test . the final integration of rich in ams will take place at cern in 2008 . [ cols="^,^ " , ] runs with a mirror prototype were also performed and its reflectivity was derived from data analysis . the obtained value is in good agreement with the manufacturer value . ams-02 will be equipped with a proximity focusing rich enabling velocity measurements with a resolution of about 0.1% and extending the charge measurements up to the iron element . velocity reconstruction is made with a likelihood method . charge reconstruction is made in an event - by - event basis . evaluation of both algorithms on real data taken with in - beam tests at cern , in october 2003 was done . the detector design was validated and a refractive index 1.05 aerogel was chosen for the radiator , fulfilling both the demand for a large light yield and a good velocity resolution . the rich detetector is being constructed and its assembling to the ams complete setup is foreseen for 2008 .
the alpha magnetic spectrometer ( ams ) to be installed on the international space station ( iss ) will be equipped with a proximity ring imaging cherenkov ( rich ) detector for measuring the velocity and electric charge of the charged cosmic particles . this detector will contribute to the high level of redundancy required for ams as well as to the rejection of albedo particles . charge separation up to iron and a velocity resolution of the order of 0.1% for singly charged particles are expected . a rich protoptype consisting of a detection matrix with 96 photomultiplier units , a segment of a conical mirror and samples of the radiator materials was built and its performance was evaluated . results from the last test beam performed with ion fragments resulting from the collision of a 158gev / c / nucleon primary beam of indium ions ( cern sps ) on a lead target are reported . the large amount of collected data allowed to test and characterize different aerogel samples and the sodium fluoride radiator . in addition , the reflectivity of the mirror was evaluated . the data analysis confirms the design goals .
the baikal neutrino telescope is deployed in lake baikal , siberia , from shore at a depth of . _ nt-200 _ , the medium - term goal of the collaboration @xcite , was put into operation at april 6th , 1998 and consists of 192 optical modules ( oms ) see fig.1 . an umbrella - like frame carries 8 strings , each with 24 pairwise arranged oms . three underwater electrical cables connect the detector with the shore station . in april 1993 , the first part of _ nt-200 _ , the detector _ nt-36 _ with 36 oms at 3 strings , was put into operation and took data up to march 1995 . a 72-om array , _ _ , run in . in 1996 it was replaced by the four - string array _ nt-96_. _ nt-144 _ , a six - string array with 144 oms , was taking data in . summed over 1140 days effective lifetime , @xmath0 muon events have been collected with . the oms are grouped in pairs along the strings . they contain 37-cm diameter _ pms which have been developed specially for our project @xcite . the two pms of a pair are switched in coincidence in order to suppress background from bioluminescence and pm noise . a pair defines a _ channel_. [ fig1 ] a _ muon - trigger _ is formed by the requirement of ( with _ hit _ referring to a channel ) within . @xmath1 is typically set to for such events , amplitude and time of all fired channels are digitized and sent to shore . a separate _ monopole trigger _ system searches for clusters of sequential hits in individual channels which are characteristic for the passage of slowly moving , bright objects like gut monopoles . the main challenge of large underwater neutrino telescopes is the identification of extraterrestrial neutrinos of high energy . in this paper we present results of a search for neutrinos with @xmath2tev obtained with the deep underwater neutrino telescope _ nt-96 _ at lake baikal @xcite . the used search strategy for high energy neutrinos relies on the detection of the cherenkov light emitted by the electro - magnetic and ( or ) hadronic particle cascades and high energy muons produced at the neutrino interaction vertex in a large volume around the neutrino telescope . we select events with high multiplicity of hit channels corresponding to bright cascades . the volume considered for generation of cascades is essentially _ below _ the geometrical volume of _ nt-96 . _ a cut is applied which accepts only time patterns corresponding to upward traveling light signals ( see below ) . the shape of the neutrino spectrum was assumed to behave like @xmath23 as typically expected for fermi acceleration . in this case , 90% of expected events would be produced by neutrinos from the energy range @xmath24gev . comparing the calculated rates with the upper limit to the actual number of events , 2.3 for 90% cl we obtain the following upper limit to the diffuse neutrino flux : fig.2 shows the upper limits to the diffuse high energy neutrino fluxes obtained by baikal ( this work ) , sps - dumand @xcite , amanda @xcite , eas - top @xcite and frejus @xcite ( triangle ) experiments as well as model independent upper limit obtained by v.berezinsky @xcite ( curve labelled b ) ( with the energy density of the diffuse x- and gamma - radiation @xmath26 ev @xmath27 as follows from egret data @xcite ) and the atmospheric neutrino fluxes @xcite from horizontal and vertical directions ( upper and lower curves , respectively ) . also , predictions from stecker and salamon model @xcite ( curve labelled ss ) and protheroe model @xcite ( curve labelled p ) for diffuse neutrino fluxes from quasar cores and blazar jets are shown in fig.2 . the limit ( 6 ) obtained for the diffuse neutrino flux is of the same order as the limit announced by frejus @xcite but extends to much higher energies . we expect that analysis of 3 years data taking with _ nt-200 _ would allow us to lower this limit by another order of magnitude . _ this work was supported by the russian ministry of research , the german ministry of education and research and the russian fund of fundamental research _ , , ) , _ and by the russian federal program `` integration '' ( project no .
we review the present status of the baikal neutrino project and present the results of a search for high energy neutrinos with the detector intermediate stage _ nt-96_.
the atlas trigger system is divided into two main parts : the level 1 ( lvl1 ) @xcite , hardware - based trigger , and the high level trigger ( hlt ) @xcite , using software selection algorithms . the hardware implementation of the lvl1 trigger is determined by very strong constraints in the processing time due to the high bunch - crossing rate of 40 mhz . only a few @xmath1 are available for the decision making at this level . due to the rate reduction achieved at lvl1 more decision time is allowed in the two stages of selection at the hlt : a few tens of milliseconds at the level 2 trigger ( lvl2 ) , and a few seconds at the event filter ( ef ) . in this section a brief description of the tau trigger will be presented . the lvl1 trigger @xcite uses trigger towers @xmath2=0.1@xmath30.1 within the electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeter to identify regions of interest ( roi ) to be investigated further in the hlt . the following quantities are used to select lvl1 features giving rise to a roi , see fig . [ l1scheme ] : a ) energy in 2@xmath31 pairs of em towers within a 2@xmath32 core region ; b ) energy in a 2@xmath32 group of hadronic towers behind the em core ; c ) energy in a 12 tower em isolation ring surrounding the central 2@xmath32 core ; d ) energy in a similar ring in the hadronic calorimeter . relatively low thresholds are applied at lvl1 and are subsequently refined at the hlt . triggers can be defined with and without an isolation requirement . due to the greater time available for decisions at the hlt , the cluster information can be refined using the full granularity of the calorimeter in conjunction with a cell energy calibration and tracking information from the inner detector can be included @xcite . the characteristics used to distinguish tau decays from particle jets are : [ cols="^,^,^ " , ] figure [ effest ] ( left ) shows the tau20i lvl1 trigger signature efficiency with respect to the offline selection for the qcd jets selected by a minimum bias trigger and passing the tau offline selection . a comparison with the lvl1 trigger efficiency for @xmath4 is also shown . figure [ effest ] ( right ) shows the full trigger efficiency using a tag & probe method . the z sample is selected via single electron or muon triggers . after offline selection , the trigger lepton is used as a tag and the other side of the event is probed for a tau trigger candidate , and the efficiency of the tau trigger relative to offline reconstruction is measured . both methods reproduce the shape and threshold of the trigger turn - on curves , but further work is needed to improve the background estimation and to gain a better understanding of the bias introduced by the event selection . many of the sm processes being investigated at atlas , as well as numerous bsm searches , contain tau leptons in their final states . being able to trigger effectively on the tau leptons in these events will contribute to the success of the atlas experiment . the tau trigger algorithms and monitoring infrastructure are ready for the first data , and are being tested with the data collected with cosmic muons . the development of efficiency measurements methods using qcd and @xmath5 events is well advanced .
many theoretical models , like the standard model or susy at large tan(@xmath0 ) , predict higgs bosons or new particles which decay more abundantly to final states including tau leptons than to other leptons . at the energy scale of the lhc , the identification of tau leptons , in particular in the hadronic decay mode , will be a challenging task due to an overwhelming qcd background which gives rise to jets of particles that can be hard to distinguish from hadronic tau decays . equipped with excellent tracking and calorimetry , the atlas experiment has developed tau identification tools capable of working at the trigger level . this contribution presents tau trigger algorithms which exploit the main features of hadronic tau decays and describes the current tau trigger commissioning activities .
the branching ratios of @xmath1 decays into octet baryon - antibaryon pairs were measured by the bes - i and cleoc collaborations , and the results differ significantly , as shown in table [ br_list ] . it is therefore important to make new measurements to help clarify these differences using the sample of @xmath0 @xmath1 events collected by besii , which is the world s largest @xmath10 @xmath1 sample . .[br_list]branching ratios of @xmath11 . [ cols="<,<,<",options="header " , ] the bes collaboration thanks the staff of bepc for their hard efforts . this work is supported in part by the national natural science foundation of china under contracts nos . 10491300 , 10225524 , 10225525 , 10425523 , the chinese academy of sciences under contract no . kj 95t-03 , the 100 talents program of cas under contract nos . u-11 , u-24 , u-25 , and the knowledge innovation project of cas under contract nos . u-602 , u-34 ( ihep ) , the national natural science foundation of china under contract no . 10225522 ( tsinghua university ) , and the department of energy under contract no.de-fg02-04er41291 ( u hawaii ) . 99 j. z. bai ( bes collab . ) , & 63&032002(2001 ) . t. k. pedlar ( cleo collab . ) , & 72&051108(2005 ) . s.j.brodsky and g.p.lepage , & 24&2848(1981 ) . m. claudson , s.l . glashow and m.b.wise , & 25&1345(1982 ) . c. carimalo ( college de france ) , & 2&249(1987 ) . j. z. bai ( bes collab . ) , & 591&42(2004 ) . m. ambrogiani ( e835 collab . ) , & 610&177(2005 ) . j. z. bai ( bes collab . ) , & 458&627(2001 ) . cern application software group , geant - detector description and simulation tool , cern program library long writeup * w 5013 * , geneva(1994 ) . m. ablikim ( bes collab . ) , & 552&344(2005 ) . x. h. mo , & 28&455(2004 ) . s. p. chi , x. h. mo and y. s. zhu , measurement of the integrated luminosity at @xmath12 gev . w. m. yao , j. phys . g 33 , 1 ( 2006 ) . r. g. ping , h. b. li , hep & np , 30 ( 09 ) , 819 ( 2006 ) . c. zeitnitz and t. a. gabriel , & 349&106(1994 ) . k. hanssgen , h. j. mohring and j. ranft , & 88&551(1984 ) ; j. ranft and s. ritter , & 20&347(1983 ) ; a. fasso , fluka 92 , proceedings of the workshop on simulating accelerator radiation environment , santa fe(1993 ) . m. ablikim ( bes collab ) , & 632&181(2006 ) . m. ablikim ( bes collab ) , & 619&247(2005 ) ; j. z. bai ( bes collab . ) , & 70&012005(2004 ) .
with a sample of @xmath0 @xmath1 events collected by the besii detector at the beijing electron positron collider ( bepc ) , the decay channels @xmath2 are measured , and their branching ratios are determined to be @xmath3 , @xmath4 , @xmath5 , @xmath6 , respectively . in the decay @xmath7 , the angular distribution parameter @xmath8 is determined to be @xmath9 .
recombination lines of carbon originate either in regions adjacent to regions ( classical regions ) or in neutral components ( or molecular ) of the interstellar medium ( diffuse regions ) . the diffuse regions are identified through observations of carbon rls in absorption at frequencies below @xmath3 100 mhz and in emission above @xmath3 150 mhz @xcite . this paper concerns new extensive observations of the diffuse regions in carbon rls at frequencies near 327 mhz . rl observations were made in the longitude range @xmath4 332@xmath1 89 , using the ort in two different angular resolutions 2@xmath5 2 and 2@xmath5 6@xcite . in the low resolution survey , carbon rls were detected at almost all the positions in the longitude range @xmath0 0 to 20 and at a few positions between @xmath0 20 to 89 . the diagram and the radial distribution , obtained from carbon rl emission near 327 mhz , show similarity with those obtained from hydrogen rls observed near 3 cm from regions and `` intense '' emission . this similarity indicates that the distribution of the diffuse regions in the inner galaxy is similar to that of the spiral arm components . towards several positions in the inner galaxy , the central velocities of the observed ( 2 @xmath5 2 resolution ) carbon rls coincide with known self - absorption features . self - absorption is observed when a cool ( @xmath3 20 k ) cloud appears in absorption against emission from warmer gas behind it . the similarity of the central velocities suggests that the diffuse regions in these directions coexist with the cool clouds . the observed widths ( @xmath3 4 ) of the hi self - absorption features are , however , much narrower than the typical widths ( @xmath3 15 ) of the carbon rls . the difference in line widths may be due to : ( 1 ) there may be several cool clouds with slightly different central velocities within the 2@xmath5 2 beam and most of them may produce carbon lines , which results in a broader rl . however , the observations will detect only the coldest hi clouds and hence the line will have a narrow line width . ( 2 ) alternatively , if `` warmer '' ( @xmath3 100 k ) , presumably more turbulent gas is associated with cool clouds then both `` warm '' and `` cool '' gas will emit carbon rls but only the cool component will be observed in self - absorption .
a survey of radio recombination lines ( rls ) in the galactic plane ( @xmath0 332@xmath1 89 ) near 327 mhz made using the ooty radio telescope ( ort ) has detected carbon rls from all the positions in the longitude range 0@xmath2 20 and from a few positions at other longitudes . the carbon rls detected in this survey originate from `` diffuse '' regions . comparison of the diagram and the radial distribution of carbon line emission with those obtained from hydrogen rls near 3 cm from regions and `` intense '' emission indicates that the distribution of the diffuse regions in the inner galaxy is similar to that of spiral arm components . towards several observed positions , the central velocities of the carbon rls coincide with self - absorption features suggesting an association of diffuse regions with cool . the observed widths of the lines from the two species are , however , different . we discuss possible reasons for the difference in the line widths .
in this paper we present for the first time an analysis of geological , meteorological and climatic data revealed in taviano ( le ) by `` smcs - stazione meteo - climatica e sismologica '' a project by meteorological and climatic change and geological department of ts corporation srl.@xcite compared in order to check local variations or meteorological conditions . we discuss the geological data , annual temperature means and differences between day time and night time mean values and their comparison with the down time . taviano is a little town in the south of italy . here are identifiable altimeter data , the geographic coordinates and seismic data . + + c|c|c * latitudine * & * longitude * & * share * @xmath0 n & @xmath1 e & 57 mt + + + + the geological map of the town is shown in geological and seismic data section . @xcite + lp0.2 * seismic zone * & * description * 4 & area with very low seismic danger . is the least dangerous area , where the possibility of seismic damage is low . the area has a value of ag < 0,05 g . + + taviano has a portion of its territory that borders the ionian sea . the place called `` marina di mancaversa '' is located on the ionian coast about 5 km from the center of taviano . the coast is mostly rocky and 900 meters long . the following table identifies climate data assigned by decree of the president of the republic n. 412 of 26 august 1993.@xcite . + + c|c * climatic zone * & * day degrees * c & 1.099 + + in this section we describe air temperatures ( t ) , dew point , humidity , pressure , day time and night time variation , rain s days and fog s day , obtained by an accurate analysis of the meteorological data from local data by archive @xcite @xcite . + should be noted that the values considered are related to the last twenty - four - year average and made available for the period 1990 - 2014 . + + 99 * tasselli , d. ricci , s. * , `` progetto stazioni meteoclimatiche e sismologiche '' , ts corporation srl - dipartimento meteorologia e climatologia , 2014 . * ente per le nuove tecnologie , lenergia e lambiente * , `` tabella dei gradi / giorno dei comuni italiani raggruppati per regione e provincia , legge 26 agosto 1993 , n. 412 , allegato a '' , 1 marzo 2011 , p. 151 . * ilmeteo.it * `` archivio dati meteo taviano ( le ) '' , ilmeteo.it . * eumetsat * `` archivio dati meteo taviano ( le ) '' , eumetsat . * atlantedelvento * `` archivio dati atlante eolico '' , http://www.atlanteeolico.it . * ispra * `` mappa geologica di taviano ( le ) - '' , ispra - dipartimento difesa del suolo - servizio geologico ditalia - regione puglia ( 2006 ) , foglio 223- http://www.isprambiente.it * webgis * `` webgis carta idrogeomorfologica della puglia '' , 2015 * european commission * `` italy - map of solar irradiation '' , 2012 * garzanti * `` atlante della terra - carta del rischio ambientale in italia '' , 1999 * zito g. , ruggiero l. , zuanni f. * aspetti meteoreologici e climatici della puglia , atti 1 workshop `` clima , ambiente e territorio nel mezzogiorno '' , taormina : 43 - 73 , 1989
this paper contains the result of the elaboration of informations about solar irradiation , geological , meteorological and climatic from the point of view of the quantitative data and social interaction recorded in taviano ( le ) over 24 years . these data are compared to check local variations , long term trends , and correlation with mean annual temperature . the ultimate goal of this work is to understand long term climatic changes in this geographic area . the classes of event considerated are hydro - geological phenomena , sun irradiation , seismic , volcanic , meteorological and climatological event . only event occurred between 1990 and 2014 are considerated . the analysis is performed using a statistical approach . a particular care is used to minimize any effect due to prejudices in case of lack of data . finally , we calculate the annual average from the monthly ones . data on this paper do nt come from a complete census of phenomena ; they are considered enough representative of the accepted vulnerability level at the beginning of this study . keyword : atmospheric effects - site testing - ground - failures - landslides - flood - earthquake - damages - taviano - methods : statistical . + this paper was prepared with the latex + 2
detached eclipsing binary star systems ( debs ) are our primary source of measurements of the physical properties of stars . the masses , radii , and surface gravities of stars in debs can be measured empirically , and to a precision and accuracy of 1% or better ( e.g. southworth et al . , 2005b , 2007 ) . with an effective temperature measurement we can obtain their luminosities directly . debs are the main checks and calibrators for theoretical stellar models ( e.g. pols et al . , 1998 ) , and thus form the foundation of stellar and galactic astrophysics . other important uses of debs include as direct distance indicators ( pietrzyski et al . 2013 ; southworth et al . , 2005a ) , calibrators of asteroseismic scaling relations ( frandsen et al . , 2013 ) , probes of the chemical evolution of massive stars ( pavlovski et al . , 2009 ) , tracers of binary evolutionary processes ( maxted et al . , 2013 ) , and characterisation of the host stars of transiting extrasolar planets ( southworth , 2009 , 2011 ) . the study of debs has a long history ( see stebbins , 1911 ; russell , 1912 ) . catalogues of well - studied systems have been published by popper ( 1967 ) , popper ( 1980 ) , harmanec ( 1988 ) , andersen ( 1991 ) and more recently by torres et al . ( 2010 ) . in early 2006 i constructed a catalogue of well - studied debs by updating the list of objects compiled by andersen ( 1991 ) . from this point onwards new results from refereed journals have been added as and when they are published . the result is , which is available at : ` http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/jkt/debcat/ ` . a changelog has been kept since february 2008 . the total number of objects in is currently 171 . for comparison , torres et al . ( 2010 ) list 94 debs . the requirements for inclusion in debcat are : ( 1 ) the evolution of the system has not been significantly affected by binarity , which restricts us to detached binary systems ; ( 2 ) measurements of the effective temperatures of both stars are available ; ( 3 ) the masses and radii of both components have been measured directly , i.e. without significant input from stellar theory , and to an accuracy of 2% . this restricts us almost entirely to double - lined debs . the 2% limit is relaxed for a few interesting objects . in future i will continue to maintain debcat , add measurements of the orbital eccentricity and apsidal motion period , lodge a version with the _ centre de donns astronomiques de strasbourg _ ( cds ) , and redesign the website ( currently created from ascii files by a fortran77 code ) . current and future space missions , such as _ kepler _ , k2 , tess and plato , should result in a huge increase in the number of well - studied debs suitable for inclusion in debcat . andersen , j. 1991 , a&arv , 3 , 91 frandsen , s. , et al . 2013 , a&a , 556 , a138 harmanec , p. , 1988 , 39 , 329 maxted , p. f. l. , et al . 2013 , _ nature _ , 498 , 463 pavlovski , k. , et al . 2009 , mnras , 400 , 791 pietrzyski , g. , et al . 2013 , nature , 495 , 76 pols , o. r. , et al . 1998 , mnras , 298 , 525 popper , d. m. , 1967 , ara&a , 5 , 85 popper , d. m. , 1980 , ara&a , 18 , 115 russell , h. n. , 1912 , apj , 35 , 315 southworth , j. , 2009 , mnras , 394 , 272 southworth , j. , 2011 , mnras , 417 , 2166 southworth , j. , maxted , p. f. l. , smalley , b. 2005 , a&a , 429 , 645 southworth , j. , et al . 2005 , mnras , 363 , 529 southworth , j. , bruntt , h. , buzasi , d. l. 2007 , a&a , 467 , 1215 stebbins , j. 1911 , apj , 34 , 112 torres , g. , andersen , j. , gimnez , a. 2010 , a&arv , 18 , 67
detached eclipsing binary star systems are our primary source of measured physical properties of normal stars . i introduce debcat : a catalogue of detached eclipsing binaries with mass and radius measurements to the 2% precision necessary to put useful constraints on theoretical models of stellar evolution . the catalogue was begun in 2006 , as an update of the compilation by andersen ( 1991 ) . it now contains over 170 systems , and new results are added on appearance in the refereed literature . debcat is available at : ` http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/jkt/debcat/ `
after the rediscovery in the early 1950s of spatial coincidences between cepheids and open clusters by @xcite , eggen ( see * ? ? ? * ) , and @xcite , a number of searches for additional coincidences were made by @xcite , @xcite , and @xcite , among others . tifft s search resulted in the discovery of a near spatial coincidence between the 4@xmath1.37 cepheid cg cassiopeiae and an anonymous open cluster , subsequently catalogued as berkeley 58 @xcite , which lies less than one cluster diameter to the west . the field is coincident with a portion of the perseus spiral arm that is relatively rich in open clusters , and the cluster ngc 7790 with its three cepheid members lies in close proximity . the possibility that cg cas might be an outlying member of ngc 7790 was raised at one time by @xcite , and found some support in a star count analysis by @xcite . more detailed star counts in the field @xcite indicate otherwise , as do the available proper motion data @xcite . the cepheid does lie in the corona of berkeley 58 @xcite , although frolov has argued that it is not a probable cluster member . given a probable distance of 3 kpc to both cg cas and berkeley 58 ( e.g. , * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ) , it is not clear that existing proper motion data are precise enough to provide conclusive evidence pertaining to the cluster membership of cg cas . the present study was therefore initiated in order to examine the case in more detail . as demonstrated here , there is strong evidence that cg cas is a likely member of berkeley 58 and that it can serve as a calibrator for the cepheid period - luminosity ( pl ) relation . a variety of observations were obtained for the present investigation . table 1 presents photoelectric _ ubv _ photometry for bright members of berkeley 58 , obtained during observing runs at kitt peak national observatory in 1981 september , 1982 august , and 1984 august . the data , acquired using 1p21 photomultipliers and standard _ ubv _ filter sets used in conjunction with pulse - counting photometers on the no . 40.4-m , no . 20.9-m , and 1.3-m telescopes at kitt peak , have associated uncertainties typical of our previous investigations of cepheid clusters @xcite , namely standard internal errors for a single observation of @xmath10 in @xmath11 and _ b v _ , and @xmath12 in _ u b _ , for stars brighter than @xmath13 . the estimated external errors for all but the faintest stars are similar in magnitude . the stars are identified by their numbering in fig . 1 , as well as by their 2000 co - ordinates in the 2mass survey @xcite ; the number of individual observations for each star is given in column 7 of table 1 . and is centred at 2000 co - ordinates : ra = @xmath14 , dec = + 60@xmath15 56@xmath16 07@xmath17 . the top image depicts the location of cg cas relative to the cluster core , the lower image identifies photoelectrically observed stars . [ the national geographic society - palomar observatory sky atlas ( poss - i ) was made by the california institute of technology with grants from the national geographic society.],width=226 ]
photoelectric , photographic , and ccd @xmath0 photometry , spectroscopic observations , and star counts are presented for the open cluster berkeley 58 to examine a possible association with the 4@xmath1.37 cepheid cg cas . the cluster is difficult to separate from the early - type stars belonging to the perseus spiral arm , in which it is located , but has reasonably well - defined parameters : an evolutionary age of @xmath2 years , a mean reddening of e@xmath3 s.e . , and a distance of @xmath4 kpc ( @xmath5 s.d . ) . cg cas is a likely cluster coronal member on the basis of radial velocity , and its period increase of @xmath6 s yr@xmath7 and large light amplitude describe a cepheid in the third crossing of the instability strip lying slightly blueward of strip centre . its inferred reddening and luminosity are e@xmath8 s.e . and @xmath9 . a possible k supergiant may also be a cluster member . [ firstpage ] stars : variables : cepheids stars : evolution galaxy : open clusters and associations : individual : berkeley 58 .
the he i feature at 10 830 is predicted to be one of the deepest absorption lines of the diffuse and extended exosphere in the optical and near - ir transmission spectrum the goal of the present study is to search for exospheric signatures in the spectrum of hd209458 , during transits of the planet . shkolnik et al . ( 2003 ) suggested that a chomospheric activity can be induced by the planet orbit . we searched for such a signature in stellar chromospheric lines . we performed observations of hd209458 in the uv with vlt / uves in the 0.33 - 0.67 @xmath1 m region at high spectral resolution . 1 transit was covered with r=70000 in december 1999 in two spectral range : blue ( 0.328 - 0.4562 @xmath1 m ) and red ( 0.4583 - 0.6686 @xmath1 m ) . 6 transits were covered with r=100000 : 1 in june 2000 in blue and red and june to september 2002 in red ( 0.475 - 0.680 @xmath1 m ) . we searched for ions and neutral molecules originating in the planet s exosphere and located in the evaporated material around the planet . observations of 1 transit in the infrared was also performed with vlt / isaac at medium resolution ( r=10000 ) around the he i line at1.083 @xmath1 m ( 1.06 - 1.1 @xmath1 m ) . a sample of these spectra centered around this feature is shown is fig . 1a . from observations during one full transit with isaac in june 2001 of the spectral region around 1.083 @xmath1 m , no detection of he was obtained due to strong instrumental fringing affecting the data . an 3 @xmath0 upper limit of 0.5% deep absorption feature was derived . following the suggestion of shkolnik et al.(2003 ) , we searched signatures of a chromospheric activity induced by the ( magnetic more probably than tidal ) heating of the star s outer atmosphere by the planet . we have recovered high - resolution uves spectra in the blue arm during one transit ( and its off - transit ) period in 2000 . the ca ii k at 3933 , ca ii k at 3968 and al i at 3944lines can be related to chromospheric activity . a sample of these spectra centered around the ca ii k feature is shown is fig . our spectra show emission enhancement observed in the ca ii h band but we found nothing significant in the two otherbands . the variations could be indicative of the stellar chromospheric activity with the planet s magnetic field . uves data from the 5 transits in june - september 2002 are currently being analysed to look for exospheric planetary signature of other constituents . further and improved observations are required . we have time allocation this year . moutou , c. , coustenis , a. , schneider , j. , queloz , d. & mayor , m. , 2003 , in , 405 , 341 and references therein + shkolnik , e. , walker , g. a. h , & bohlender , d. a. , 2003 , submitted to +
we searched for spectral signatures from the exosphere of hd209458 in the uv and the near - ir with uves and isaac at the vlt . we looked in particular for the helium absorption feature at 10 830 predicted to be among the strongest ones . the upper limit of the he i line derived is 0.5% at 3 @xmath0 for a 3 bandwith . planet - induced chromospheric activity search on hd209458 was also performed . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
v1241 tau was first observed by henrietta leavitt ( @xcite ) . although @xcite defended a @xmath0 sct type variation on the light curve of the system , @xcite mentioned that no trace of pulsation can be seen . the light variation of gq dra was first determined by hipparcos ( @xcite ) . bvri light curves of v1241 tau were obtained with 0.4-m telescope of the university of athens observatory in november 2012 . gq dra was observed with the 1.22-m telescope of the onsekiz mart university observatory in 7 nights between march - april 2013 . light curves of both systems were analysed using phoebe ( pra and zwitter 2005 ) software . results show that the system v1241 tau has a semi - detached configuration where the inclination is about 81@xmath1.5 and the mass ratio is 0.44 . the hotter and cooler components has the temperature values of 7500 k and 4906 k , respectively . we concluded that 95 percent of the light in @xmath2 filter comes from the primary component . our solution of semi - detached binary gq dra is the first light curve solution in the literature . mass ratio of the system is found to be 0.25 and the orbital inclination was calculated as 75@xmath1.3 during the solution . the temperature of the secondary derived as 5050 k where the primary s value was fixed to 8750 k. the agreement between results and the observations is drawn in fig . we tried to represent the residuals with a periodic variation using fourier transformation techniques . in the case of v1241 tau , our research has resulted in one frequency ( f=2.13 c / d ) which can be attributed to a change in the light curve . however , it is worth to emphasize that this kind of variation may be assigned to other reasons as well , such as observational effects and atmospheric conditions . the same method was applied to the residuals yielded from the binary solution of gq dra which showed no remarkable oscillation - like variation . the main result regarding the pulsational behaviour of the systems is that there is no trace of pulsations in neither of them . the residual light curve of the system v1241 tau can be represented by a periodic variation , however , it is not satisfactorily enough to mention any physical ( low amplitude ) oscillation and it may be assigned to other reasons which mentioned in the previous section .
we present new photometric observations of eclipsing binary systems v1241 tau and gq dra . we use the following methodology : initially , wd code is applied to the light curves , in order to determine the photometric elements of the systems . then the residuals are analysed using fourier transformation techniques . the results show that one frequency can be barely attributed to the residual light variation of v1241 tau , while there is no evidence of pulsation on the light curve of gq dra .
half - metallic ferromagnets have been proposed as ideal candidates for spin injection devices because they have been predicted to exhibit 100 % spin polarization at the fermi energy ( @xmath3 ) @xcite . from the applications point of view , a high curie temperature for a half - metallic ferromagnet may be an important condition . for this reason , heusler alloys ( @xmath2 structure ) have recently attracted great interest . some of these alloys exhibit high curie temperatures and , according to theory , should have a high spin polarization at the fermi energy @xcite . calculations also show that anti - site disorder will destroy the high spin polarization @xcite , implying that precise control of the atomic structure of the heusler alloys is required . the heusler alloy co@xmath0mnsi has attracted particular interest because it is predicted to have a large minority spin band gap of 0.4 ev and , at 985 k , has one of the highest curie temperature , among the known heusler compounds @xcite . structural and magnetic properties of co@xmath0mnsi have been reported for films and single crystals @xcite . from tunnelling magneto resistance ( tmr ) data with one electrode consisting of a co@xmath0mnsi film sakuraba _ et al _ @xcite measured a tmr ration of 159 % at 2k and @xmath4 % at 300k . if using co@xmath0fesi as one electrode inomata _ et al _ @xcite obtained tmr ratios of 60 % at 5k and 41 % at 300k . an important quantity for the application of the half - metallic ferromagnets is the size of the gap in the minority states and the position of @xmath3 inside of the gap . small gaps may be easily destroyed by temperature effects or quasi - particle excitations @xcite . the half - metallicity may also be easily destroyed if @xmath3 is located close to the band edges , either of the minority valence or conduction bands . the recent tmr results @xcite show that elctrodes made of heusler compounds result in high tmr ratios at low temperatures but the temperature dependence is still a challenge which has to be solved to use heusler electrodes in applications . the present investigation focuses on searching for a mixed compound where the half - metallic behaviour is stable against temperature effects . the self - consistent electronic structure calculations were carried out using the full potential linearized augmented plane wave method ( flapw ) as provided by wien2k @xcite . the lda@xmath5 method @xcite was used to account for on - site correlation at the transition metal sites . semi - empirical values corresponding to 7.5% of atomic values of coulomb - exchange parameter have been used as suggested in our previous publication @xcite . the size of the minority band gap and position of @xmath3 can be seen from the calculated energies displayed in fig . [ fig-1 ] for the heusler alloy co@xmath0mn@xmath6fe@xmath7si . in co@xmath0mnsi , @xmath3 is close to the top of the valence band . in co@xmath0fesi , the situation is different and @xmath3 is near to the bottom of the conduction band . both of the compounds are at the two corners of the gap . in co@xmath0mn@xmath1fe@xmath1si @xmath3 is directly in the middle of the minority band gap and therefore this compound should be more stable against temperature effects or quasi - particle excitations compared to pure co@xmath0mnsi and co@xmath0fesi . co@xmath0mn@xmath1fe@xmath1si samples were prepared by arc melting of stoichiometric amounts of the constituents in an argon atmosphere at 10@xmath8 mbar . the polycrystalline ingots were then annealed in an evacuated quartz tube at 1273 k for 21 days . the samples exhibiting the heusler type @xmath2 structure with a lattice parameter of 5.64 ( see fig . another proof of the high order of the samples are the results from the @xmath9fe mbauer spectra taken of the samples ( see fig . the spectrum is dominated by an intense sextet with a line width of approximately @xmath10 mm / s . in addition to the sextet , a much weaker line at the centre of the spectrum is visible . its contribution to the overall intensity of the spectrum is approximately 3.5 % . the origin of the singlet may be caused by anti - site disorder leading to a small fraction of paramagnetic fe atoms . the hyperfine field ( hff ) at the fe sites amounts to @xmath11 a / m . for more details and other properties of the whole series of co@xmath0mn@xmath6fe@xmath7si with the fe concentration ranging from @xmath12 to 1 in steps of 0.1 see ref.@xcite . electronic structure calculations predicted the heusler compound co@xmath0mn@xmath1fe@xmath1si due to the position of @xmath3 in the middle of the minority band gap as very stable against any kind of effects destroying the halfmetalicity and therefore well suited for spintronic applications . polycristaline samples were prepared exhibiting @xmath2 structure and a high magnetic order .
electronic structure calculation were used to predict a new material for spintronic applications . co@xmath0mn@xmath1fe@xmath1si is one example which is stable against on - site correlation and disorder effects due to the position of the fermi energy in the middle of the minority band gap . experimentally the sample were made exhibiting @xmath2 structure and a high magnetic order .
since the pion is the goldstone boson of the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry , observables related to the pion give insight into the chiral dynamics of qcd . for example the pion scattering length is a parameter entering the effective chiral lagrangian of qcd and a precise determination of this observable in an ab - initio lattice calculation is desirable . on the lattice scattering data of stable particles can be calculated using lscher s formula @xcite which relates the scattering length to the energy @xmath2 of the scattering state . the crucial technical challenge is a very precise determination of @xmath2 and advanced strategies for error reduction have to be used . for chirally sensitive quantities , such as the pion scattering length , it is important to be able to work with small pion masses . using fermions based on the ginsparg - wilson equation it is now possible to reach pion masses much lower than what was accessible with more traditional formulations . this implies that the chiral extrapolation of the results to the physical pion mass becomes more reliable . our calculation is based on the chirally improved ( ci ) dirac operator @xcite . ci fermions are a systematic approximation of a solution of the ginsparg - wilson equation and have been tested successfully @xcite in spectroscopy down to pion masses of @xmath3 mev . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] table 2 . our final results for @xmath4 compared to experimental data and to 2-loop chiral perturbation theory . we thank jimmy juge for important comments and discussions . our computations were done on the hitachi sr8000 at lrz in munich and at the rz regensburg . c. gattringer , phys . d 63 ( 2001 ) 114501 ; c. gattringer , i. hip and c. b. lang , nucl . phys . b 597 ( 2001 ) 451 . c. gattringer _ [ bgr collaboration ] , nucl . b 677 ( 2004 ) 3 ; nucl . suppl . 119 ( 2003 ) 796 ; c. gattringer , nucl . phys . suppl . 119 ( 2003 ) 122 . c. gattringer , r. hoffmann and s. schfer , phys . d 65 ( 2002 ) 094503 . juge [ bgr collaboration ] , nucl . suppl . 129 ( 2004 ) 194 . j. gasser and h. leutwyler , annals phys . 158 ( 1984 ) 142 .
we report preliminary results for the @xmath0 pion scattering length @xmath1 , calculated with chirally improved fermions . after chiral extrapolation our results are in good agreement with both , experimental and theoretical predictions .
in ref . @xcite , section 2.4(impossibility of superposing states belonging to different coherent sectors ) , the authors construct a proof using a superoperator g that commutes with all observables of the system . the eigenstates of operator g are of the form @xmath0 where @xmath1 and @xmath2 are labels to distinguish different eigenvectors all of which are non - degenerate , i.e. @xmath3 if @xmath4 . + in the next section(2.4 ) , they construct a vector @xmath5 = @xmath6 superposing the eigenstates of g and claim that since g commutes with every other observable , @xmath5 should be an eigenstate of every operator in a complete set of commuting observables of the system . + now we know that if @xmath7 and @xmath8 are eigenvectors of an operator g , then @xmath9 is not an eigenvector unless they have the same eigenvalue since : @xmath10 ( for some @xmath11 ) unless a = b , which is not true in general and definitely not true for the hermitian operators with non - degenerate eigenvalues in the paper . it is true that if g commutes with every other observable and has non - degenerate eigenvalues , then all such obervables share the same eigenvectors . but @xmath5 itself is not an eigenvector of g as proved above . and so @xmath5 can not be an eigenvector of other observables too . to summarize , the proof of superselection rules proposed is thus is not valid for the case discussed by the authors . whether a similar proof can be constructed is still open . 10 c cisneros et al 1998 _ eur . j. phys _ 19 237 , doi:10.1088/0143 - 0807/19/3/005 , limitations on the superposition principle : superselection rules in non - relativistic quantum mechanics .
this is a comment to the paper , limitations on the superposition principle : superselection rules in non - relativistic quantum mechanics by c cisneros et al 1998 eur . j. phys . 19 237 . doi:10.1088/0143 - 0807/19/3/005 . + the proof that the authors construct for the limitation on the superposition of state vectors corresponding to different sectors of the hilbert space , partitioned by a superoperator has a flaw as outlined below .
tres-3b is one of the more massive transiting extrasolar planets . the planetary system consists of a nearby g - type dwarf and a massive hot jupiter with an orbital period of 1.3 days . it was discovered by ( * ? ? ? * odonovan et al . ( 2007 ) ) and a discovery - quality light curve has also been obtained by the superwasp survey ( ( * ? ? ? * collier cameron et al . 2007 ) ) . follow - up transit photometry has been presented by ( * ? ? ? * sozzetti et al . ( 2009 ) ) and ( * ? ? ? * gibson et al . ( all observations used in this study were carried out at the several observatories : star lesn ( slovakia ) , toru center for astronomy ( poland ) , michael adrian observatory ( germany ) , university observatory jena ( germany ) and vihorlat observatory ( slovakia ) . we used telescopes with diameters of the primary mirrors in the range of 30120 cm and optical ccd - cameras ( ri - bands ) . in order to have a homogeneous dataset we have used the composition of 560 data points from two nights obtained at one observatory in the same filter ( see fig . 1 ) . to obtain an analytical transit lc we assumed the quadratic limb darkening law . the limb darkening coefficients @xmath0 and @xmath1 were linearly interpolated from ( * ? ? ? * claret ( 2000 ) ) for the following stellar parameters : @xmath2 = 5650 k , @xmath3 ( g ) = 4.4 and [ fe / h ] = -0.19 ( based on the results of sozzetti et al . finally , the orbital parameters of the system were redetermined : @xmath4 = 0.1819(20 ) , @xmath5 = 0.1785(70 ) , @xmath6 = 80.9(7 ) , @xmath7 = 0.876@xmath8 @xmath9 and @xmath10 = 1.551@xmath11 @xmath12 . to estimate the uncertainties of parameters we have used the monte carlo simulation method . based on the transits obtained at other observatories we calculated following new linear ephemeris for tres-3b : @xmath13 = 2454538.5807(1 ) + e @xmath14 1.30618595(15 ) . in this part of our work , we investigate the gravitational influence of tres-3b on a potential second planet in the system . * gibson et al . ( 2009 ) ) claimed , that their data are sensitive enough to probe small mass planets on circular orbits near the 2:1 mean - motion resonance ( mmr ) with tres-3b . we performed numerical simulations for studying the stability of orbits and checking their chaotic behavior using the method of maximum eccentricity ( e.g. ( * ? ? ? * dvorak et al . we have generated @xmath15 massless particles to represent small planets ( earth - like ) in this system . the long - term stability plot in @xmath16 plane showing the maximum eccentricity after 500 years ( about 140 000 revolutions of tres-3b around the parent star ) is shown on fig.[f1 ] ( right plot ) . we found that the region from @xmath17au to @xmath18au is almost completely depleted , excepted the regions near 1:1 and 3:4 mmrs . the region near 2:1 mmr is richly populated , but the particles have relatively high eccentricities and inclinations , thus the stability and also the detection using the ttv method is questionable . more stable regions are beyond the 1:3 mmr , where the gravitational influence of the tres-3b is weak . more detailed study of the long - term stability in this system ( especially near 2:1 mmr ) will be presented in the future work . + * acknowledgements * this work has been supported by grant , vega no . 2/0078/10 , 2/0074/09 , 2/0094/11 . pd received the support from apvv grant lpp-0049 - 06 and lpp-0024 - 09 . tk thanks the grant ga r gd205/08/h005 . gm acknowledges iuventus plus grant ip2010 023070 . sr thanks the german national science foundation ( dfg ) for support in project ne 515 / 33 - 1 .
we present new transit observations of the transiting exoplanet tres-3b obtained in the range 2009 2011 at several observatories . the orbital parameters of the system were redetermined and the new linear ephemeris was calculated . we performed numerical simulations for studying the long - term stability of orbits .
light simple atoms are basically described by quantum electromagnetic theory . quantum electrodynamics ( qed ) is well established and in particular it covers all interactions of leptons ( electrons and muons ) and photons . such a lepton - photon theory is obviously incomplete because even pure leptonic systems are not free of hadronic effects which enter through virtual hadronic intermediate states . effects of strong interactions can not be calculated _ ab initio _ and additional experimental data and/or phenomenological models are needed . here we consider qed tests with hyperfine splitting in light hydrogen - like atoms paying attention to both : basic _ ab initio _ qed theory and relatively small , but most uncertain , hadronic contributions . an application of qed to the bound state problem , bound state qed , is much more complicated than ordinary qed and it deserves serious tests . some of such tests are significant for the determination of fundamental constants and in particular of the fine structure constant @xmath2 , which may be obtained from the hyperfine structure ( hfs ) interval in muonium ( see reviews @xcite for more detail ) . the hfs interval in hydrogen and some other light atoms has been known for a while with an experimental accuracy at the level of a part in @xmath3 . meanwhile , the related theory suffers from uncertainties of the nuclear structure effects at one - ppm level . here , we consider a few possibilities to perform qed tests going far beyond this level of accuracy . problems in accurate calculations of the proton or nuclear structure effects drew attention to studies of pure leptonic atoms such as a bound system of a positive muon and an electron , the muonium . in contrast to the hydrogen atom , the nucleus , a muon , is free of effects of strong interactions . nevertheless , those effects enter through hadronic vacuum polarization . that sets an ultimate limit on any qed tests with muonium . uncertainties of the qed theory and of calculations of the hadronic effects are presented in @xcite . muonium is of metrological interest due to determination of the fine structure @xmath2 , muon - to - electron mass ratio @xmath4 and some other fundamental constants @xcite . a calculation of the hadronic effects @xcite is similar to those for the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon @xcite . it is based on the low energy @xmath5 data which accuracy , although fast improving , is still behind the measurement of the muon @xmath6 value @xcite . the current difference between the experimental value and its theoretical prediction differs from zero by almost three standard deviations @xcite . attempts to increase the accuracy of the prediction by adding data on the @xmath7 lepton decays revealed one more possible deviation from the standard model expectation @xcite . [ cols="<,<,<,<,<",options="header " , ] + we summarize state - of - the - art in the precision tests of the bound state qed theory of the hyperfine structure in table [ t : exp ] . the theoretical accuracy is limited by our ability to calculate higher - order radiative , recoil and radiative recoil effects ( see review @xcite for more detail ) . the higher - order contributions crucial for the uncertainty are related to the same diagrams and thus all tests listed in the table are really competitive . theory and experiment are generally in good agreement . there is a minor discrepancy for positronium up to approximately 3 standard deviations , but statistically that is acceptable if the tests as a whole are considered . the work was supported in part by dfg and rfbr ( under grant # 06 - 02 - 16156 ) . j. r. sapirstein , e. a. terray and d. r. yennie , phys . d29 ( 1984 ) 2290 ; + a. czarnecki , s. i. eidelman , and s. g. karshenboim , phys . d65 ( 2002 ) 053004 ; + s. g. karshenboim and v. a. shelyuto , phys . b517 , ( 2001 ) 32 ; + s. i. eidelman , s. g. karshenboim , and v. a.shelyuto , can . j. phys . 80 ( 2002)1297 .
we consider the most accurate tests of bound state qed , precision theory of simple atoms , related to the hyperfine splitting in light hydrogen - like atoms . we discuss the hfs interval of the @xmath0 state in muonium and positronium and of the @xmath1 state in hydrogen , deuterium and helium-3 ion . we summarize their qed theory and pay attention to involved effects of strong interactions . we also consider recent optical measurements of the @xmath1 hfs interval in hydrogen and deuterium .
lattice reduction algorithms are essential tools in computational number theory and cryptography . a lattice is a discrete subset of @xmath0 that is also a @xmath1-module . the goal of lattice reduction is to find a ` nice ' basis for a lattice , one which is near orthogonal and composed of short vectors . since the publication of the 1982 lenstra , lenstra , lovsz @xcite lattice reduction algorithm many applications have been discovered , such as polynomial factorization @xcite and attacking several important public - key cryptosystems including knapsack cryptosystems @xcite , rsa under certain settings @xcite , and dsa and some signature schemes in particular settings @xcite . one of the important features of the lll algorithm was that it could approximate the shortest vector of a lattice in polynomial time . this is valuable because finding the exact shortest vector in a lattice is provably np - hard @xcite . given a basis @xmath2 which satisfies @xmath3 , the lll algorithm has a running time of @xmath4 using classical arithmetic . recently there has been a resurgence of lattice reduction work thanks to nguyen and stehl s @xmath5 algorithm @xcite which performs lattice reduction in @xmath6)$ ] cpu operations . the primary result of @xmath5 was that the dependence on @xmath7 is only quadratic allowing for improvement on applications using large input vectors . * the main result : * many applications of lll ( see the applications section below ) involve finding a vector in a lattice whose norm is known to be small in advance . in such cases it can be more efficient to reduce a basis of a sub - lattice which contains all targeted vectors than reducing a basis of the entire lattice . in this paper we target short vectors in specific types of input lattice bases which we call knapsack - type bases . the new algorithm introduces a search parameter @xmath8 which the user provides . this parameter is used to bound the norms of targeted short vectors . to be precise : the specifications of our algorithm are as follows . it takes as input a knapsack - type basis @xmath11 of a lattice @xmath12 with @xmath13 @xmath14 and a search parameter @xmath8 ; it returns a _ reduced basis generating a _ sub - lattice @xmath15 such that if @xmath16 and @xmath17 then @xmath18 . _ _ the schnhage algorithm is not widely implemented because of its impracticality . for most polynomials , @xmath19 is much smaller than @xmath20 . our main algorithm will reduce the all - coefficients matrix with a competitive practical running time , but constructing the matrix itself will require more hensel lifting than seems necessary in practice . in @xcite a similar switch - complexity bound to section [ psect ] is given on a more practical factoring algorithm . the problem of finding a minimal polynomial from an approximation of a complex root was attacked in @xcite using lattice reduction techniques using knapsack - type bases . for an extensive treatment see @xcite . [ algnumrecon ] suppose we know @xmath21 bits of precision of a complex root @xmath22 of an unknown irreducible polynomial , @xmath23 , where the degree of @xmath24 is @xmath25 and its maximal coefficient has absolute value @xmath26 . algorithm [ mainalg ] can be used to find @xmath23 in @xmath27 cpu operations . this new complexity is an improvement over the @xmath5 algorithm which would use @xmath28 cpu operations to reduce the same lattice . although , one can prove a better switch - complexity with a two - column knapsack matrix by using ( * ? ? ? * lem . 2 ) to bound the determinant of the lattice as @xmath29 and thus the potential function from @xcite is @xmath30 , leading to a switch complexity of @xmath31 ( posed as an open question in @xcite ) . using this argument the complexity for @xmath5 is reduced to @xmath32 . * acknowledgements . * we thank damien stehl , nicolas brisebarre , and valrie berth for many helpful discussions . also ivan morel for introducing us to h - lll . this work was partially funded by the lareda project of the agence nationale de la recherche , it was also supported in part by a grant from the national science foundation . it was initiated while the second author was hosted by the laboratoire dinformatique de robotique et de microlectronique de montpellier ( lirmm ) .
we present a lattice algorithm specifically designed for some classical applications of lattice reduction . the applications are for lattice bases with a generalized knapsack - type structure , where the target vectors are boundably short . for such applications , the complexity of the algorithm improves traditional lattice reduction by replacing some dependence on the bit - length of the input vectors by some dependence on the bound for the output vectors . if the bit - length of the target vectors is unrelated to the bit - length of the input , then our algorithm is only linear in the bit - length of the input entries , which is an improvement over the quadratic complexity floating - point lll algorithms . to illustrate the usefulness of this algorithm we show that a direct application to factoring univariate polynomials over the integers leads to the first complexity bound improvement since 1984 . a second application is algebraic number reconstruction , where a new complexity bound is obtained as well .
broad absorption lines ( bals ) are observed in the uv spectra of about 10 - 20% qsos and taken as an important indicator for the central engine of qsos . bal carries only information of the bal region along the line of sight to the continuum source while the global information is contained in the scattered polarized light . bal qsos are the only highly polarized population among radio quiet qsos . ogle et al . ( 1999 ) studied the polarization of 36 bal qsos and found : position angle(pa ) rotation in the bals , blueshifted bals in polarized flux relative to that in total flux spectra and deficit of polarized flux redward of the bals . in order to explain these features we perform a monte - carlo simulation to calculate resonant and electron scattering for radial outflows of two different geometries : equatorial and funnel - shaped outflows with and without rotational velocity we refer the readers to wang et al.(2005 , 2007 ) for details . we present our results in fig 1(left ) for rotated outflow with geometry similar to elvis(2000 , his figure 3 ) . in an axisymmetric model , pa rotation in the bals can be produced only when the outflow carries angular momentum . the pa rotation increases with the angular velocity as well as the subtending angle of the flow . in order to produce a pa rotation @xmath0 10observed in a few bal qsos , subtending angle of the outflow should be larger than 25 . similar requirement is imposed to explain the red deficit of polarized flux observed in some bal qsos . if the subtending angle of outflow is larger than 25the polarization plane of back - scattered light is perpendicular to that of continuum and the polarization vectors of the light redward of the bal cancel , giving a deficit of polarized flux(wang et al . 2007 ) . assuming the electron scattering region(for example the shielding gas , murray et al . 1995 , proga et al . 2000 ) is cospatial with the outflow , we calculate the effect of electron scattering to the polarization in bals . because of rotation of the outflow and similar size of two scattering regions , the electron scattered light fill the trough at @xmath1 , where @xmath2 is the rotational velocity of outflow at the launching radius , and the bal in polarized flux is blueshifted relative to that in the total flux , just as shown in fig . 1(right ) . we also find resonantly scattered light will contribute a significant part of nv line that is widely used to determine the metal abundance of qsos . for an equatorial outflow the maximum ratio between the equivalent width(ew ) of the scattering emission to the bal ew increases from 11% to 18.6% if the covering factor of balr increases from 20% to 40% . the scattering emission of nv is even stronger because of the scattering of the strong ly@xmath3 emission line . therefore , a strong nv may not indicate a high metal abundance but a large covering factor of the balr(wang et al . 2007 ) . , where @xmath4 is the radial terminal velocity of outflow . in the left panel we only calculate the resonant scattering and in the right panel we consider both resonant and electron scattering.,title="fig : " ] , where @xmath4 is the radial terminal velocity of outflow . in the left panel we only calculate the resonant scattering and in the right panel we consider both resonant and electron scattering.,title="fig : " ] elvis , m. 2000 , , 545 , 63 murray n. , chiang j. grossman s.a . , voit g.m . , 1995 , apj , 451 , 498 - 509 ogle p.m. , cohen m.h . , miller j.s . , tran h.d . , goodrich r.m . , martel a.r . , 1999 , 125 , 1 - 34 proga , d. , stone , j. m. , & kallman , t. r. 2000 , , 543 , 686 wang , h .- y . , wang , t .- , & wang , j .- x . 2005 , , 634 , 149 wang , h .- y . , wang , t .- , & wang , j .- x . 2007 , apjs in press , astro - ph/0609469
polarization is a useful probe to investigate the geometries and dynamics of outflow in bal qsos . we perform a monte - carlo simulation to calculate the polarization produced by resonant and electron scattering in balr . we find : 1)a rotated and funnel - shaped outflow is preferred to explain many observed polarization features . 2)the resonant scattering can contribute a significant part of nv emission line in some qsos .
there has been an increasing interest in the few last years in the _ sign problem _ or _ phase problem _ in qcd . for finite chemical potential , the fermion determinant matrix is non - positive definite , so it is not possible to perform monte - carlo simulations @xcite . the glasgow method @xcite and rewheighting techniques @xcite have made great advances in the description of phase transitions on the lattice , considering a set of parameters near the transition line . however , the problem is still far from being solved . there is special interest in the region of high temperature and low chemical potential , since it corresponds to the high - energy heavy - ion collision scenario . in this regime it is possible to expand the fermion determinant in powers of @xmath0 @xcite . this kind of expansion is what we are interested in investigating . as one performs this expansion , some questions arrise : what order is enough to cut the expansion ? which is its range of validity ? how to distinguish between real and complex terms ? differently from what is done in the previously mentioned papers , we keep the expanded series as a functional of the gauge fields , giving rise to an effective non - local yang - mills action . for simplicity , consider one - flavor massless quarks . the qcd generating functional at finite chemical potential in euclidean space is defined as @xmath1},\ ] ] where @xmath2 are the gluon fields , also present in the covariant derivative @xmath3 , and @xmath4 is the yang - mills action . we can expand the fermion determinant in powers of the chemical potential assuming that @xmath5 : @xmath6 where @xmath7 is the dressed fermion propagator , which can be expressed as a series in powers of the gauge field and the free fermion propagator . the expansion , then , will contribute to additional terms in the yang - mills effective action @xmath8 where the vertices @xmath9 are series in powers of the chemical potential : @xmath10 , with @xmath11 . in this way we have a positive - definite fermion determinant and the contribution from the chemical potential will be part of an effective yang - mills action . the problem now is to find criteria to cut this infinite series in terms of the chemical potential and gauge fields . to test the expansion , we study it firstly in the perturbative sector . setting @xmath12 , we find naturally the way to cut the gauge field series , which is given by the order of perturbative corrections . for one - loop corrections , we just need the effective action up to order @xmath13 , so @xmath14 we calculate , then , the pressure up to order @xmath13 . considering the expansion on chemical potential up to order @xmath15 , we surprisingly obtain the same result as in the usual pertubative qcd calculation with the chemical potential included in the quark propagator @xcite . however , the next terms in the chemical potential series are non - zero . in particular , the next vacuum contribution for the pressure is @xmath16 which is negligible only for @xmath17 . more than establishing the range of validity , this result shows that this kind of expansion contains some spurious information , at least for the massless case , and in principle the only indication on where to cut the series is the dimension of the desired observable . for the non - perturbative regime , we need another criterium to cut the series . the most appropriate is the weinberg power counting @xcite , i.e. considering the external momentum as a small parameter , @xmath18 , and also assuming that the chemical potential and the expectation value of the fields are of the same order , @xmath19 . this gives a low - energy theory where the effective lagrangian can be expanded in soft modes . in the case of yang - mills theories , this soft - mode expansions for high temperatures correspond to the hard thermal loop ( htl ) approximation @xcite . the minimal action must be of order @xmath20 . so , applying the power counting , the minimal effective action is @xmath21 = s_{{\mbox{\tiny{ym}}}}[g ] + s^{(0,2)}(\mu ) + s^{(0,4)}(\mu ) + s_{{\mbox{\tiny{lo}}}}^{(2,2)}[g,\mu]+ s_{{\mbox{\tiny{lo}}}}^{(3,1)}[g,\mu]~,\ ] ] where the indices @xmath22 denote powers of @xmath23 in the gauge field and @xmath24 in the chemical potential , and lo means leading order in the htl approximation . in this case , the appearance of imaginary terms will happen for @xmath25 . the whole series of gauge fields is gauge invariant in every order in the @xmath26 expansion , i.e. @xmath27 is gauge invariant for all @xmath24 . in the case of the minimal effective action , the contributions @xmath28 and @xmath29 are independently gauge invariant , and htl preserves this feature . of course this effective action must be tested , but in principle it could provide rich information on the confinement - deconfinement transition line . we thanks phillipe de forcrand for comments and suggestions . we acknowledge financial support from capes , claf , cnpq , faperj and fujb - ufrj .
we present a construction of an effective yang - mills action for qcd , from the expansion of the fermionic determinant in terms of powers of the chemical potential at high temperature for the case of massless quarks . we analyze this expansion in the perturbative region and find that it gives extra spurious information . we propose for the non - perturbative sector a simplified effective action which , in principle , contains only the relevant information .
absorption bands of h@xmath3o and ch@xmath1 dominate the ir spectra of dwarfs cooler than @xmath41400k and are a backbone of the t dwarf classification schemes defined by geballe et al . ( 2002 ) and burgasser et al . accurate and complete opacity data for these molecules are thus essential for modelling the atmospheres of t dwarfs . we have updated the phoenix model atmosphere code with a new methane list based on theoretical calculations with the spherical top data system ( stds ) ( wenger & champion 1998 ) . compared to our ames - cond models ( allard et al . 2001 ) , with @xmath437000 ch@xmath1 lines from the hitran and geisa databases , this has added 1.2@xmath5 lines ( homeier et al . we have computed opacity sampling spectra in the limiting case of fully settled dust clouds as described in allard et al . the main difference in the line lists is a much larger set of faint lines , mostly due to a coverage in rotational quantum number extending up to @xmath2=40 , as compared to typically @xmath610 in the hitran and geisa data . we discuss the changes in these models on the case of the t4.5 dwarf sdss0207 + 00 observed by geballe et al . ( 2002 ) . as can be seen in the absorption feature around 2.2@xmath7 m , rotational levels up to about @xmath2=30 need to be included to reproduce the band shape over its full width . less evident in the spectra is the dense background of faint lines at higher @xmath2 , which effectively closes any windows of small opacity throughout all of the @xmath8 and @xmath9 bands . this results in a stronger redistribution of flux towards shorter wavelengths , and thus a brightening of the @xmath2 band of about 05 compared to an ames - cond model with the same parameters . we note that the colors can be `` fixed '' with lower log@xmath10 models in the ames - cond grid , but at the cost of an even worse spectral fit in the @xmath8 and @xmath9 bands . we could significantly improve our synthetic ir spectra for t dwarfs with the new stds line list for methane . in addition , the new models produce a shift of emergent flux towards the @xmath2 band due to stronger blanketing , reproducing well the blue ir colors of t dwarfs . to clarify the exact role of the onset of ch@xmath1 in the rapid brightening in @xmath2 observed at the l - t transition , a new set of models will be necessary that also provides a consistent treatment of the settling of the cloud layer below the photosphere expected to occur in about the same temperature range ( allard et al . , these proceedings ) . * acknowledgments . * we thank d. alexander , v.boudon , j .- champion and u. jrgensen for helpful discussions and s. leggett for access to observational data . this work is supported by nfs grant n - stars rr185 - 258 . allard , f. , hauschildt , p. h. , alexander , d. r. et al . 2001 , apj 556 , 357 burgasser , a. j. , kirkpatrick , j. d. , brown , m. e. et al . 2002 , apj 564 , 421 geballe , t. r. , knapp , g. r. and leggett , s. k. et al . 2002 , apj 564 , 466 homeier , d. , hauschildt , p. h. and allard , f. 2002 , in : http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-abs_connect?bibcode=2002sam..worke[stellar atmosphere modeling , eds . k. werner , i. hubeny & d. mihalas , pasp , _ in press _ ] , http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0209163[astro-ph/0209163 ] wenger , c. & champion , j. p. 1998 , jqsrt 59 , 471
we have updated our phoenix model atmospheres and theoretical spectra for ultracool dwarfs with new opacity data for methane based on line strength predictions with the stds software . by extending the line list to rotational levels of @xmath0 we can significantly improve the shape of the near - ir absorption features of ch@xmath1 , and in addition find an enhanced blanketing effect , resulting in up to 50% more flux emerging in the @xmath2 band than seen in previous models , which may thus contribute to the brightening in @xmath2 and blue ir colors observed in t dwarfs . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
the only star we can study easily with any spatial resolution is the sun , and now with the stereo spacecrafts we can do it even in 3-d . for other stars we are usually restricted to using indirect methods for getting information of their surface structures . here a short review on methods for studying stellar interiors and surfaces and the main recent results are presented . kepler has not only revolutionised the exoplanet research , but also stellar astrophysics . the short , one minute , cadence data is uniquely suited for studying stellar oscillations and thus the interiors of stars ( see , e.g. , ( * ? ? ? * gilliland 2010 ) ) . recent kepler results , based on a sample of 500 solar - like stars , show that even though distribution of observed radii is similar to the one predicted by models of synthetic stellar populations in the galaxy , the distribution of observed masses seems to deviate significantly from the predicted distribution ( ( * ? ? ? * chaplin 2011a ) ) . this result raises interesting questions on the star formation rate and initial mass function . studying the same sample of solar - like stars further reveals that the number of stars showing oscillations decreases significantly with increasing levels of activity ( ( * ? ? ? * chaplin 2011b ) ) . this on the other hand implies that the magnetic fields can inhibit the amplitudes of solar - like oscillations . the strength of the dynamo - created stellar magnetic fields and the frequency of the associated phenomena ( e.g. , starspots and flares ) is strongly linked to the rotation of the star , with rapid rotation enhancing the field generation ( e.g. , ( * ? ? ? * pallavicini 1981 ) ) . many active stars , rapid rotation usually induced either by youth or binarity , show large starspots which are detectable even using photometric observations from small ground - based telescopes ( e.g. , ( * ? ? ? * kron 1947 ) ) . in some cases the monitoring has become almost nightly after the implementation of automatic photometric telescopes in the late 1980 s ( e.g. , ( * ? ? ? * rodon & cutispoto 1992 ) ; ( * ? ? ? * strassmeier 1997 ) ) . these observations give crucial information on the stellar activity cycles ( e.g. , ( * ? ? ? * olh 2009 ) ) and long - term spot longitudes ( e.g. , ( * ? ? ? * lehtinen 2012 ) ) , i.e. , 2-d information where one dimension is longitude and the other time . with observations using multiple filters crude spot latitudes can be obtained ( e.g. , ( * ? ? ? * roettenbacher 2011 ) ) , making the reconstruction 3-d ( longitude , latitude and time ) . similarly , the continuous , high precision , space - based light - curves allow for recovering latitudinal and longitudinal information in addition to the temporal variations . for obtaining more detailed stellar surface structures doppler imaging techniques have to be used ( e.g. , ( * ? ? ? * vogt , penrod & hatzes 1987 ) ) , giving a 2-d snapshot of the surface temperature with a reasonable resolution ( e.g. , ( * ? ? ? * korhonen 2010 ) ) . combining many observations from different epochs adds the third dimension , namely time ( e.g. , ( * ? ? ? * skelly 2010 ) ; ( * ? ? ? * hackman 2012 ) ) . doppler images can also be used for studying stellar surface rotation and its dependence on latitude ( for a recent review see ( * ? ? ? * korhonen 2012 ) ) . if spectral lines formed at different heights in the stellar atmosphere are used in the reconstruction , also vertical structures in starspots can be mapped ( ( * ? ? ? * berdyugina 2011 ) ) , coming closer to what is possible in the solar case . obtaining multi - dimensional infromation on the active stars , which are just point sources , is challenging but not impossible . observations give us detailed information , both temporal and spatial , on occurrence of starspots . in the future long baseline infrared / optical interferometry can offer a direct check on some of the results . furthermore , while the interferometric imaging is restricted to the brightest and nearest stars , the method does not require large projected rotational velocities , like doppler imaging does . this will open up new targets that have not been approachable earlier , significantly widening the parameter space for activity studies .
stars are usually faint point sources and investigating their surfaces and interiors observationally is very demanding . here i give a review on the state - of - the - art observing techniques and recent results on studying interiors and surface features of active stars .
in recent years , the wide success of the generally accepted cosmological concordance model has been overshadowed by some inconsistencies , one of which being the problem of dark energy , addressing the unexplained positive accelerated expansion of the universe @xcite . various efforts , mostly in the form of modifications or extensions of the standard model of cosmology , have been introduced to understand the physical nature of dark energy . many models have been developed in the literature , but unfortunately none of them has managed to clarify the origin and nature of dark energy satisfactorily @xcite . most of these models are based on the notion of a homogeneous and isotropic universe , described by the friedmann - robertson - walker ( frw ) metric , @xmath2 . given the considerable amount of proposals to resolve the issue of dark energy and the difficulties in distinguishing fairly between models and evaluating precisely the degree of accordance between a model and the data , it is desirable to develop an analysis which describes solely the kinematics of the universe without relying implicitly on a particular model @xcite . the purpose of this work is twofold . we first discuss the concept of cosmography , a technique of data analysis able to fix bounds on the observable universe from a model - independent point of view ; giving particular regard to developing a viable cosmographic redshift parametrization , which reduces the systematic errors on the fitting coefficients . in addition to that , we derive constraints on the equation of state ( eos ) parameter of the universe directly from data , alleviating the degeneracy problem between cosmological models . in this section , we present the basic principles of cosmography and illustrate the way of performing the cosmographic analysis . by involving the cosmological principle only , and correspondingly the frw metric , it is possible to infer in which way dark energy or alternative components are influencing the cosmological evolution , without implicitly presuming any specific properties or nature of these components . the idea is to expand the most relevant observables such as the hubble parameter or cosmological distances into power series , and introducing cosmological parameters directly related to these observable quantities @xcite . in doing so , it is possible to appraise which models are well in accordance with data and which ones should be discarded as a consequence of not satisfying the basic demands of cosmography . in expanding the luminosity distance @xmath3 into a taylor series in terms of the cosmological redshift @xmath0 , we introduce two further notions of redshift , defined as @xmath4 . these parameterizations are designed to reduce some disadvantages of the commonly used and well - known notion of the redshift @xmath0 for the analysis , as e.g. the loss of convergence of the power series for values of @xmath5 . in particular , while @xmath6 was previously introduced in the literature @xcite , we propose to use @xmath7 , which has been obtained by requiring a better convergence behavior of @xmath3 . our recipe for determining a redshift variable consists in satisfying three considerations : @xmath8 the luminosity distance should not behave too steeply in the interval @xmath9 , @xmath10 the luminosity distance should not exhibit sudden flexes and @xmath11 the curve should be one - to - one invertible . it turns out that the newly introduced @xmath7 is more suitable for a cosmographic analysis than @xmath6 . for @xmath7 , the parametrization of the luminosity distance is given by @xmath12 $ ] . furthermore , to counteract the problem of high inaccuracies which is created by cutting the power series expansions too early , we have expanded all quantities up to sixth order . for the numerical fits we made use of the recent data of union 2 supernovae ia , of the hubble space telescope ( hst ) measurements of the hubble parameter , and of the @xmath13 compilations @xcite , using a markov chain monte carlo method by modifying the publicly available code cosmomc @xcite . in addition to our generalizations regarding different notions of redshift , we also include a parametrization of the cosmological distance in terms of the eos parameter @xmath14 of the universe and of the derivatives @xmath15 of the total pressure . this allows us to directly fit the eos parameter of the universe from data without having to undergo disadvantageous error propagation in calculating the values from the cosmographic series . this procedure gives clear constraints on the eos parameter and on the pressure derivatives in the framework of general relativity , and thus provides a direct way to compare the predictions of a model for the eos to observational data @xcite . the parametrization of the luminosity distance in terms of the eos parameter set and as a function of @xmath7 is given by @xmath16 $ ] . the numerical results for the parameters of the cosmographic series , i.e. @xmath17 etc . , using the newly introduced redshift @xmath7 , can be found in table [ tab : y4 ] . the numerical results show a good agreement with @xmath1cdm , although they seem to be compatible with dark energy possessing constant pressure and an evolving equation of state as well . the corresponding cosmological model @xcite appears to be quite indistinguishable from @xmath1cdm . r. amanullah et al . ( scp collaboration ) , astrophys . j. * 716 * , 712 ( 2010 ) ; a.g . riess et al . , astrophys . j. * 699 * , 539 ( 2009 ) ; r. jimenez , l. verde , t. treu , and d. stern , astrophys . j. * 593 * , 622 ( 2003 ) .
we use cosmography to present constraints on the kinematics of the universe without postulating any underlying theoretical model _ a priori_. to this end , we use a markov chain monte carlo analysis to perform comparisons to the supernova ia union 2 compilation , combined with the hubble space telescope measurements of the hubble constant , and the hubble parameter datasets . the cosmographic approach to our analysis is revisited and extended for new notions of redshift presented as alternatives to the redshift @xmath0 . furthermore , we introduce a new set of fitting parameters describing the kinematical evolution of the universe in terms of the equation of state of the universe and derivatives of the total pressure . our results are consistent with the @xmath1cdm model , although alternative models , with nearly constant pressure and no cosmological constant , match the results accurately as well .
the large and small magellanic clouds ( lmc / smc ) possess rich stellar clusters of masses comparable to milky way globular clusters ( mwgc ) , but with ages @xmath1 yr . these two systems therefore permit direct observational studies of globular cluster evolution . we have assembled and reduced archival hubble space telescope ( hst ) data for 53 lmc and 10 smc clusters spanning the full age range , and have measured parameters such as the core radius @xmath2 and the total mass and luminosity for each cluster using surface brightness profiles ( mackey & gilmore 2002a ; 2002b ) . our results , figure 1(a ) , show a clear trend in @xmath0 with increasing age for both systems , including an apparent bifurcation of the distribution at @xmath3 yr so that old clusters may have either large or small @xmath0 . as discussed in mackey & gilmore ( 2002a , 2002b ) , we conclude that the observed trend with age represents genuine physical evolution of clusters in these two systems . the mechanism by which some clusters undergo large scale core expansion while otherwise similar clusters do not is as yet unidentified , and we are exploring possibilities via @xmath4-body simulations . another avenue of investigation is to observe whether any other local systems show globular clusters with expanded cores . unlike the lmc / smc clusters , all other local globular clusters are old ( @xmath5 yr ) . fornax and sagittarius ( sgr ) are the two most massive dsph galaxies associated with the milky way , and the only two to have globular clusters . fornax has five ( c1-c5 ) while sgr has four ( m54 , ter 7 , ter 8 , arp 2 ) plus one clearly previously associated ( pal 12 ) . again using archival hst data , we have measured @xmath0 of @xmath6 pc , @xmath7 pc , @xmath8 pc , @xmath9 pc , and @xmath10 pc for fornax c1-c5 respectively ( mackey & gilmore 2002c ) . like the old lmc / smc clusters , these clusters are either compact ( @xmath11 pc ) or expanded ( @xmath12 pc ) . from the catalogue of harris ( 1996 ) the sgr clusters have @xmath0 of @xmath13 pc , @xmath14 pc , @xmath15 pc , @xmath16 pc , and @xmath17 pc for m54 , ter 7 , ter 8 , arp 2 , and pal 12 respectively . we again observe a similar @xmath0 distribution . we also examine the mwgc system , using the data of harris . the mwgc system may be split by [ fe / h ] and horizontal branch type according to the prescription of zinn ( 1993 ) . plotting binned @xmath0 distributions for each subsystem , figure 1(b ) , we see each is distinct , with the `` young '' halo subsystem containing the majority of clusters with large cores . we can form a composite `` satellite '' system , containing the old lmc / smc clusters , and the fornax and sgr dsph clusters . the @xmath0 distribution for this system appears very similar to that for the `` young '' halo subsystem . a simple k - s test shows the unbinned distributions to be similar at @xmath18 significance . the satellite system and the thick - disk and `` old '' halo subsystems are different at @xmath19 and @xmath20 significances respectively . this result supports zinn s ( 1993 ) hypothesis that the `` young '' halo clusters have been accreted from destroyed satellite galaxies , while the thick - disk and `` old '' halo clusters are mostly intrinsic to the milky way . alternatively , if one already accepts this picture , our result shows that clusters with large cores do not survive ( or perhaps form ) in regions with strong tidal fields . core expansion may therefore be exclusively a weak - field effect . harris , w. e. 1996 , , 112 , 1487 mackey , a. d. , & gilmore , g. f. 2002a , , in press ( astro - ph/0209031 ) mackey , a. d. , & gilmore , g. f. 2002b , , in press ( astro - ph/0209046 ) mackey , a. d. , & gilmore , g. f. 2002c , , submitted zinn , r. 1993 , in asp conf . 48 , the globular cluster - galaxy connection , ed . g. h. smith & j. p. brodie ( san francisco : asp ) , 303
observations of rich lmc and smc clusters reveal an increasing spread in core radius ( @xmath0 ) with age . this trend likely represents real physical evolution in these systems . old clusters appear either large or small . similar @xmath0 distributions are observed for the fornax and sagittarius dsph cluster systems and in the `` young '' halo milky way subsystem . these observations have implications for the formation of the galaxy and the dynamical evolution of globular clusters . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
we have obtained a photometric redshift catalog @xcite of objects in the hdf @xcite . the catalog is complete to @xmath2 , and it has been measured to be accurate to @xmath3 when compared to available spectroscopic values . as the hdf observations cover a wide wavelength range ( 30008000 ) , we can obtain the @xmath4-band rest - frame flux of every object with @xmath5 and the @xmath6-band rest - frame flux of those with @xmath7 without the need of applying any k - correction . this advantage , together with the unprecedented depth of the hdf images , allows us to estimate the @xmath4- and @xmath6-band lf down to very faint absolute magnitudes , and to break it in several redshift bins . complete details of this procedure will be presented elsewhere , but we mention here that the obtained lfs show a steep increase in number in the faint end ( at @xmath8 ) and that there is no evidence for strong evolution up to @xmath9 , although number evolution might be necessary to fit the measured lf at higher @xmath10 . recently chen @xcite have shown the existence of a relationship between the luminosity of a galaxy and the size of the gaseous halo around it : @xmath11 , where @xmath12 is the minimum impact parameter at which a galaxy with luminosity @xmath13 will produce an absorption line with ew@xmath14 ( using @xmath15 and @xmath16 , @xcite obtain @xmath17 for a @xmath18 galaxy ) . this relationship , used in conjunction with the obtained lfs , allows us to calculate @xmath19 , the average expected density of `` halo crossings '' per unit redshift for a line of sight to a background qso that would produce such lines . these numbers are plotted in figure 1 ( left ) , with different marks corresponding to the values obtained from the @xmath4- and @xmath6-band lfs at different redshifts . we have integrated the functions only down to @xmath20 , although in none of the actual cases the function diverges when @xmath21 tends to zero . the results described in @xcite refer to galaxies over the redshift range 0.11.2 . we are extending those results towards slightly higher values of @xmath10 , but as high-@xmath10 galaxies are expected to have even higher gas contents than their low-@xmath10 counterparts , this represents a conservative estimate . a direct comparison can be established with the known redshift evolution of lyman @xmath1 absorbers , @xmath22 ( @xcite , @xcite ; see figure 1 right ) . the plots show clearly that galaxies alone are able to account for _ all _ the absorption lines produced in qso spectra up to redshifts @xmath23 . there is also a hint of a break in the function @xmath19 that can be compared to the one in @xmath22 , although this result must be tested with lfs that extend to higher redshift . these results , when taken together with recent measurements of the metal abundances of lyman @xmath1 clouds @xcite , their clustering properties @xcite and the optical identification of the galaxies responsible for lyman @xmath1 absorption on qsos @xcite , lead us to maintain that there seems to be little or no place for the hypothesis of a second intergalactic population of lyman @xmath1 clouds . 99 bahcall , j.n . , 1993 , apjs , 87 , 1 bechtold , j. , 1994 , apjs , 91 , 1 chen , h .- w . , lanzetta , k.m . , webb , j.k . & barcons , x. , apj , _ submitted _ cowie , l.l . , songaila , a. , kim , t.s . & hu , e.m . , 1995 , aj , 109 , 1522 fernndez - soto , a. , lanzetta , k.m . , barcons , x. , carswell , r.f . , webb , j.k . & yahil , a. , 1996 , apj , 460 , l85 fernndez - soto , a. , lanzetta , k.m . & yahil , a. , 1997 , _ in preparation _ lanzetta , k.m . , bowen , d.v . , tytler , d. & webb , j.k . , 1995 , apj , 454 , l19 williams , r.e . , 1996 , aj , 112 , 1335
we use our catalog of photometric redshifts in the hubble deep field ( hdf ) to estimate the luminosity function ( lf ) of galaxies up to @xmath0 . using the obtained lf and a relationship between luminosity and halo size , we calculate the expected density of galactic halo crossings for any arbitrary line of sight . this density is then compared with the known one of lyman @xmath1 lines , showing that the observed density of galaxies is enough to account for the observed absorption lines .
according to the recent definition given by gershberg et al . ( 1999 ) , these stars are on the lower part of the ms and show activity similar to the sun ( sporadic flares , dark spots , variable emission from the chromosphere and the corona , radio , x - ray and uv outbursts ) . the uv cet - type stars are relatively young ( possibly zero - age or pre - ms stars ) with ages @xmath0myrs or younger . they may be former members of recently dispersed t or ob associations or may be ejected stars from associations by a three body encounter ( like run - away t tauri stars ) . a local dispersed association does not appear unlikely : the translucent high - latitude cloud mbm 12 with ongoing star formation is located at @xmath1pc ( hearty et al . 2000 ) and the tw hya association at @xmath2pc , which has dispersed its gas and dust ( webb et al . 1999 ) are already known . hence , there are indeed young t associations within @xmath0 pc . a few isolated young nearby stars are also known , e.g. gj 182 at 27pc and 20myrs . we observe all these stars with foces and feros , the high resolution echelle spectrograph of the calar alto observatory in spain and at eso la silla observatory in chile , respectively . a first reduction of the spectra of some stars shows the existence of strong lithium absorption line at 6708 . as an example , hip 71631 shows strong lithium absorption at 6707with @xmath3 , stronger than calcium at 6718 . this star has been classified as g0.ve . the parallax given by hipparcos measurement is @xmath4mas which corresponds to a distance of @xmath5pc . the v - magnitude is @xmath6mag . according to the hr - diagramm and the dantona & mazzitelli ( 1994 ) tracks and isochrones the star has @xmath7 and an age of @xmath8 years . the high resolution echelle spectra enables us to study the stellar properties of the stars in detail . especially we can measure radial velocity , temperature , metallicity , gravity and rotational velocity ( @xmath9 ) to distinguish between pre - ms - dwarfs and post - ms - giants . stars in the sample which appear young will be proposed for vlbi observations to spatially resolve possible coronal loops and they are prime targets for direct imaging of extra - solar planets in the ir .
flare stars were discovered in the late 1940s in the solar vicinity and were named uv cet - type variables ( classical fss ) . among the fss within 100pc we search for young stars . for the search we take spectra with sufficient resolution to resolve lithium at 6707 and calcium at 6718 of all the stars . the real young stars are prime targets for the search of extra - solar planets by direct imaging . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
in 1982 , c. camacho and p. sad @xcite proved that any holomorphic foliation in @xmath6 has at least one invariant anaylitc curve passing through @xmath7 . this result was searched for , at least , since xix century ( cf . @xcite in which it was proved for what are now called _ simple _ singularities ) . afterwards , the same camacho generalized it to vector fields in singular surfaces whose dual resolution graph is a tree @xcite . in 1993 , j. cano @xcite gave a constructive proof , which he simplified in 1997 @xcite . camacho and sad s requires a detailed ( and rather cumbersome ) study of the combinatorial behaviour of what has since been called the _ camacho - sad index _ of an invariant manifold . j. cano s , on the other hand , although being much simpler , introduces a somewhat artificial condition on that index . our work relies on the new , as far as the author knows study of the behaviour of sequences of blowing - ups under ramification morphisms . these maps were used successfully in @xcite regarding thom s gradient conjecture ( see @xcite ) and @xcite for studying some properties of the polar curves of a foliation . in the present paper we show roughly speaking how a sequence of blowing - ups can be modified by a ramification to obtain a new sequence _ without combinatorial terms _ : in the same way as one can modify a ( singular ) plane curve by a ramification in order to get a union of regular curves , we `` modify '' a sequence of blowing - ups in order to get another one which is `` regular '' .
we study the behaviour of sequences of blowing - ups under ramifications , and use the results to give a simple proof of camacho - sad s theorem on the existence of separatrices for singularities of plane holomorphic foliations . the main result we prove is that for any finite sequence @xmath0 of blowing - ups , there is a ramification morphism @xmath1 such that the elimination of indeterminations @xmath2 of @xmath3 is a sequence of blowing - ups _ with centers at regular points of the exceptional divisors _ ; moreover , we show that if @xmath0 is the reduction of singularities of a foliation @xmath4 , then @xmath1 can be such that @xmath5 has only simple singularities .
the mtcc @xcite took place in the second half of 2006 . it was a first and successful major performance test of a small fraction of the cms detector @xcite , including the magnet , using cosmic - ray muons as a particle beam , before it was lowered to the experimental cavern . the detector elements participating in the mtcc are shown in figure [ setup - f1 ] ( left ) . a cosmic muon detected in cms during the mtcc is displayed in figure [ setup - f1 ] ( right ) . the analysis is performed with the dts alone ( sector 10 of wheels yb+1 , yb+2 ) . the runs used in the analysis ( 5 in total ) were taken at b @xmath0 4 t , all with similar dt trigger conditions ( at least mb2+mb3 stations ) . a control sample taken at 0 t is used to make detailed checks of detector performance . simulated samples ( b = 0 t and b = 4 t ) @xcite are used for cross - checks and minor corrections . the events are reconstructed using the standard reconstruction software of the cms experiment . the so - called _ standalone muon reconstruction _ was adapted for dealing with the specific spatial configurations of cosmic muons @xcite . the reconstruction procedure uses special dt calibration constants @xcite , in order to account for the random arrival time of cosmic muons . alignment corrections @xcite , calculated from survey data @xcite , are applied to the measured hits before the track reconstruction . the analysis strategy is selecting a sample of high quality muons , obtaining the momentum spectra as a function of the muon charge and calculating the charge ratio as a function of the momentum . in order to select well - reconstructed muons and avoid bias in the relative acceptance for @xmath1 and @xmath2 , caused by trigger configuration ( mb2+mb3 ) , momentum resolution and asymmetric geometrical acceptance due to magnetic field , muons are required to leave hits in at least 3 stations ( triplets / quadruplets ) , and to be fully contained in a left - right symmetric region in sector 10 of wheels yb+1 and yb+2 . figure [ geometry - f2 ] helps understanding the influence of the geometric acceptance in the relative efficiency for @xmath1 and @xmath2 with the same momentum , entering the detector in symmetric points , and with the same angle , with respect to the vertical axis . the distributions of the momentum of the muon tracks and their azimuthal angle are shown in figure [ selection_plots - f3 ] for quadruplet muons in the selected sample . good agreement between different runs and simulation is observed . the global cms coordinate system is used , in which the @xmath3 axis goes along the beam - line , that is , @xmath4 and @xmath5 for vertical muons . the charge ratio is computed as the ratio of the @xmath6 spectrum of @xmath1 to that of @xmath2 , as a function of the measured muon momentum ( @xmath6 ) , for all runs and their combination . a correction due to charge confusion and the estimation of systematic uncertainties are performed . the measured muon charge ratio and its statistical uncertainty is displayed in figure [ charge_ratio_all - f4 ] ( left ) , for quadruplets , for the individual runs analyzed . the deviations observed among different runs are consistent with statistical fluctuations . the individual systematic uncertainties on the charge ratio measurement are summarized in figure [ charge_ratio_all - f4 ] ( right ) , as a function of the measured muon momentum , together with the statistical error . the measurement of the charge ratio using cms data is depicted in figure [ results - f5 ] as function of the measured muon momentum , together with the results from other experiments @xcite . given the experimental accuracy , the charge ratio is consistent with being independent of the muon momentum in the range of study . under this assumption , the mean value of the charge ratio , integrated over the muon momentum , is @xmath7 . good agreement with previous measurements within the experimental accuracy is observed . m. aldaya , p. garcia - abia , `` measurement of the charge ratio of cosmic muons using cms data '' , cms - note 2008/016 ; + m. aldaya , `` measurement of the cosmic muon charge ratio using cms data and discovery potential of the standard model higgs boson in the @xmath8 channel '' , phd . thesis cms - ts-2008/013 .
we have performed the measurement of the cosmic ray muon charge ratio , as a function of the muon momentum , using data collected by the cms experiment , exploiting the capabilities of the muon barrel drift tube ( dt ) chambers . the cosmic muon charge ratio is defined as the ratio of the number of positive- to negative - charge muons . cosmic ray muons result from the interaction of high - energy cosmic - ray particles ( mainly protons and nuclei ) , entering the upper layers of the atmosphere , with air nuclei . since these collisions favour positive meson production , there is an asymmetry in the charge composition and more positive muons are expected . the data samples were collected at the _ magnet test and cosmic challenge _ ( mtcc ) . while the mtcc itself was a crucial milestone in the cms detector construction , not having physics studies among its primary goals , it provided the first opportunity to obtain physics results and test the full analysis chain using real data in cms before the lhc startup , together with a complementary check of the detector performance .
that pulsars can be cosmic ray accelerators is an old idea @xcite ( see also @xcite for a relevant discussion of pulsars at the knee and for further references ; our study must have been provoked by @xcite ) . now that the weak pulsar magnetosphere has been calculated and the fermi telescope @xcite has catalogued the pulsars ( and confirmed the theory ) , this old idea needs an update . we show in [ accel ] that a weak axisymmetric pulsar of spin - down power @xmath1 accelerates nuclei of charge @xmath2 ( if these are lifted into the radiation zone ) to energies e4ze(l_sdc)^1/2 , or , in astrophysical notation , e0.7zl_34 ^ 1/2pev . now consider ( a dark counterpart of ) one of the brightest pulsars as seen from earth , psr j0633 + 1746 . this is a weak nearly - axisymmetric pulsar with spin - down luminosity @xmath3 . it therefore accelerates nuclei to about e_fe=33pev , e_c=7.6pev , e_he=2.5pev . if the ( dark ) pulsar does the nuclear acceleration with the same efficiency with which psr j0633 + 1746 accelerates electrons , then the expected cosmic ray flux at earth is f=410 ^ -9erg^2f_difff_sources , where @xmath4 and @xmath5 are dimensionless factors , both @xmath6 . the first factor , @xmath4 , accounts for the diffusive ( rather than ballistic ) propagation of cosmic rays : unlike free - streaming photons , whose energy density scales as @xmath7 with the distance from the source @xmath8 , diffusive propagation of cosmic rays gives the scaling @xmath9 ( the diffusive flux through a sphere of radius @xmath8 does not depend on @xmath8 ) . the second factor , @xmath5 , comes from the same @xmath9 scaling of the energy density of cosmic rays emitted by a source at a distance @xmath8 . as the number of sources scales with the distance as @xmath10 with @xmath11 between 2 and 3 ( probably closer to 2 ) , the distant sources actually dominate . arbitrarily taking @xmath12 , we get the cosmic ray flux @xmath13 , which compares interestingly to the observed cosmic ray flux at the knee @xmath14 . we actually got @xmath15 , assuming some ( not obviously wrong ) diffusion model , but reproducing the argument here would be pointless diffusion at these high energies ( and on such small distances ) is obviously highly uncertain . besides , the true bottleneck is not diffusion , it is a ( supposedly ) purely theoretical question : _ do some pulsars use nuclei as major positive charge carries _ ? we took an axisymmetric weak pulsar magnetosphere @xcite , placed nuclei at the boundary of the radiation zone ( with small random initial velocities ; the initial positions on the radiation zone boundary were chosen so as to get the nuclear current in the radiation zone proportional to the known positron current ) , and numerically calculated the resulting motion and the final energy . we used the leftover magnetosphere calculated in a small box of size 2x4 ( light cylinders ) ; to account for further acceleration we arbitrarily multiplied our final energy ( reached at distance 1.9 from the pulsar ) by 1.5 . the results should be about 50% accurate . the accuracy can be easily improved , but again this is not the bottleneck . the final energies for the 9 trajectories shown in the figure were ( in units of @xmath16 ) : 3.5 , 3.7 , 3.7 , 2.5 , 1.9 , 1.4 , 1.1 , 0.86 , 0.58 . if nuclei are major positive charge carries in some weak pulsars , then fermi ( -like ) weak pulsars can well be prominent sources of cosmic rays at the knee energies . i thank andrei beloborodov and mal ruderman for telling me that some pulsars can use nuclei as major positive charge carriers . ( in the era of `` precision pulsology '' , this claim needs to be confirmed by a full calculation of nuclear transport , and showing that it occurs without usual plasma avalanches which could ground the nuclei . ) i thank george pavlov for telling me about neutron star atmospheres ( can be anything from he to fe , and maybe even protons ; can be altogether absent ) .
nuclei , if lifted into the radiation zone of a weak axisymmetric pulsar , are accelerated to quasi - monoenergetic spectrum , with more than half of the nuclear luminosity emitted nearly monoenergetically , at the energy @xmath0 , where @xmath1 is the spin - down power . with a number of ( not obviously wrong ) assumptions , this turns fermi ( -like ) weak pulsars into prominent accelerators at energies near the cosmic ray knee . the main uncertainty is purely theoretical : one needs to understand if nuclei are major positive charge carries in some weak pulsar magnetospheres .
the s235 star - forming region includes small optical nebulosities ( s235a , s235b , and s235c ) , and it is located about 10@xmath1 south of s235 , which is a well known hii region . this star - forming region has been identified by @xmath2 maser ( lo et al . 1975 , genzel & downes 1977 ) , infrared emission ( krassner et al . 1997 , evans et al . 1981 , felli et al.1997 ) , radio continuum ( krassner et al . 1979 , felli et al . 1997 ) , and molecular line spectra ( evans et al . 1981 , makoto et al . 1986 , snell et al . 1990 , felli et al . according to previous results , the region has several components with somewhat different spatial distributions . we present the initial findings of a major observing campaign aimed at understanding the complexity of s235 with greater lucidity . we observed the dust emission from s235 at 350 @xmath0 with the submillimeter high angular resolution camera ( sharc ) at the cso during december 1997 and show the resulting map , with a resolution of about 11 , in figure 1 . there are two dust cores ; the northern one is close to and , presumably , related to the compact hii region , s235a , and the infrared source , irs3 . krassner et al . ( 1979 ) found two 2.2 @xmath0 point source in s235a , and felli et al . ( 1997 ) observed molecular hydrogen emission distributed around the hii region . this @xmath3 emission is along the southeast edge of our northern dust core . several infrared point sources observed at 2.2@xmath0 ( felli et al . 1997 ) are located between the two dust cores . on the other hand , the southern dust core is not associated with any optical nebula , hii region , or nir point source to heat it . s235b and irs4 , the nearest signposts of activity , are about 0.3 pc away from the peak of this core . therefore , we suggest that this is a less evolved star - forming core . we observed over 50 transitions of 23 molecules ( @xmath4 , @xmath5 , @xmath6 , @xmath7 , @xmath8 , @xmath9 , @xmath10 , @xmath11 , @xmath12 , @xmath13 , @xmath14 , @xmath15 , @xmath16 , @xmath17 , @xmath18 , @xmath19 , @xmath20 , @xmath21 , @xmath22 , @xmath23 , @xmath24 , @xmath25 , and @xmath26 ) at the cso from 1998 to 2000 . the typical line width of these molecular spectra is about 3kms@xmath27 at the peak for the northern molecular core . the cs @xmath28 integrated intensity map ( figure 1 ) clearly resolves two molecular cores , of which the southern core is less pronounced . the two dust cores , however , are not resolved due to poorer angular resolution ( 25 ) , but we do see a slight extension of the northern molecular core in the direction of the southern dust core . further molecular line observations with better angular resolution are needed to study gas components associated with the two dust components .
we present the results of a multi - faceted study of the high - mass star - forming region s235 . with the caltech submillimeter observatory ( cso ) , we have observed and/or mapped over fifty molecular transitions and 350 @xmath0 dust emission in an attempt to learn more about the chemistry , kinematics , and mass distribution within this rich region . we have found two dust cores that are not resolved in our molecular line observations and suggest that one of these is a less evolved star - forming core .
the large hadron collider ( lhc ) will enable production of the standard model higgs boson in the entire range of its allowed mass ; from the lower experimental exclusion limit of 114.4 @xcite to the theoretical limit of @xmath01 . an early discovery of the higgs boson is the primary objective of the two general purpose detector experiment , atlas and cms . the search requires a good understanding of both the data and the physics of the background processes , and extensive studies based on mc simulation are being carried out by both experiments to prepare for the analysis of the lhc data . over the past years , the analyses have constantly been improved . new event generators and more precise description of the detector in the simulation are employed , and more sophisticated analysis techniques and tools are being developed . in this paper , an overview of the activities within the atlas and cms collaborations towards the discovery of the higgs boson at the lhc is presented . this includes basic ideas and the particular challenges , as well as some of the new developments and recently updated results for the main channels studied . many of the analyses are targeted towards the first year to 3 years of physics runs where a low luminosity ( l = ) environment is assumed . both experiments are currently undertaking a major update of the analysis results , many of which are unavailable at present , however , new results are expected to be made public in the near future before the arrival of the lhc physics data . the prospects for the higgs searches in the early years of lhc operation including all the channels introduced here are summarised at the end . the most dominant mechanism for the production of the higgs boson at the lhc is the gluon fusion , followed by the vector boson fusion ( vbf ) which is approximately an order of magnitude smaller in cross section ( fig . [ fig : higgs ] ( a ) ) . while inclusive searches have the advantage of having a large cross section , the vbf or other production mode specific studies are also carried out by the atlas and cms experiments to improve the sensitivity of the search by exploiting the additional signatures in the final state . if the higgs boson mass is below @xmath0130 , the main decay modes are bb and ( fig . [ fig : higgs ] ( b ) ) . these are also the challenging channels due to the presence of hadronic decay and the relatively small involved in the final state particles . the h decay mode , on the other hand , provides a clean signature of high photons which can be well reconstructed , hence plays an important role in the higgs searches at the lhc . for the higher higgs mass region , the decays to the vector bosons , w and z , are the dominant channels . both atlas and cms detectors were designed to deliver the optimal performance for the observation of these benchmark channels . [ cols="^,^ " , ] the prospects for the standard model higgs boson search at the lhc have been presented . a wide range of higgs production and decay channels are studied by the two general purpose detector experiments , atlas and cms , and the results show that the discovery would be possible for all the mass range already in the first year or two of physics data . there are continuing efforts to improve the analyses and to be ready for the first physics data at the lhc expected in the coming year . 9 the lep working group for higgs boson searches ( aleph , delphi , l3 and opal collaborations ) , `` search for the standard model higgs boson at lep '' , phys . b 565 ( 2003 ) 61 , hep - ex/0306033 , cern - ep/2003 - 011 cms collaboration , `` towards the search for the standard model higgs boson produced in vector boson fusion and decaying into a tau pair in cms with 1 : tau identification studies '' , cms pas hig-08 - 001 .
an overview of the searches for the standard model higgs boson at the lhc is presented . the main higgs production and decay modes that have been studied are introduced , and the analysis techniques and the recent developments done by the atlas and cms experiments are described . some preliminary results from current studies are included . the discovery potential within the first few years of physics running is evaluated .
neutron stars ( nss ) with magnetic field @xmath0 stronger than the quantum critical value , @xmath1 g , are called magnetars . observationally , a magnetar may appear as a soft gamma - ray repeater ( sgr ) or an anomalous x - ray pulsar ( axp ) . it is believed that its persistent x - ray luminosity is powered by the consumption of their @xmath0-decay energy ( e.g. ( * ? ? ? * duncan & thompson 1992 ) ; ( * ? ? ? * paczynski 1992 ) ) . however , the formation of strong @xmath0 of a magnetar remains unresolved , and the possible explanations are divided into three classes : ( i ) @xmath0 is generated by a convective dynamo ( ( * ? ? ? * duncan & thompson 1992 ) ) ; ( ii ) @xmath0 is essentially of fossil origin ( e.g. ( * ? ? ? * ruderman 1972 ) ; ( * ? ? ? * ferrario & wickramasinghe 2006 ) ) ; and ( iii ) @xmath0 has evolved from some radio pulsars after many glitches ( e.g. ( * ? ? ? * lin & zhang 2004 ) ) . in this paper we propose that a magnetar is likely formed during the hyperaccreting process of nss . stage 1 : _ @xmath0 magnified significantly in hyperaccreting process . _ it is generally believed that @xmath0 , which could be magnified by magneto - rational instability ( ( * ? ? ? * balbus & hawley 1991 ) ) or dynamo process on the disk , affects the angular momentum transfer effectively via a variety of modes ( e.g. ( * ? ? ? * blandford 1976 ) ; ( * ? ? ? * blandford & payne 1982 ) ; ( * ? ? ? * balbus & hawley 1991 ) ) . for hyperaccretion disks , @xmath0 must be magnified extremely strongly so that the accretion rate can be as high as @xmath2 . in detailed magnetohydrodynamic simulations of binary ns merger processes , @xmath0 is amplified by kelvin - helmholtz instabilities , and finally grows to @xmath3 g ( ( * ? ? ? * price & rosswog 2006 ) ; ( * ? ? ? * giacomazzo , rezzolla & baiotti 2009 ) ) . the basic equations describing the magnetized hyperaccretion flow consist of the angular momentum equation , energy equation and the equation of state ( di matteo et al . 2002 ; lovelace , 1995 ; xie et al . 2009 ) . stage 2 : _ @xmath0 inherited by the central ns . _ the magnified @xmath0 in the form of loops and chaotic configuration is sheared by the disk differential rotation , leading to open field lines ( ( * ? ? ? * romanova 1998 ) ) . the fields froze - in to highly conducting disk plasma , are transported to the central object by the inward motion of the disk matter ( e.g. ( * ? ? ? * ghosh & abramowicz 1997 ) ; ( * ? ? ? * spruit & uzdensky 2005 ) ) . we get the magnetic flux of the whole disk by @xmath4 if the poloidal field @xmath5 anchored at the disk could be mainly collected and inherited by the central ns , the field strength near its pole area can be as high as @xmath6 . this means that a magnetar is formed during the hyperaccreting process . for the new - born magnetar , its dipole fields are mainly composed of @xmath5 and radial component @xmath7 of the disk , since they are closely related to the toroidal current in the disk , and the toroidal component @xmath8 corresponds to multipolar fields . the ratios of the field components of the disk are quite similar to the field configuration of a magnetar . stage 3 : _ @xmath0-decay and dominant toroidal field component . _ several avenues exist for @xmath0-decay in isolated nss : ohmic decay , ambipolar diffusion , and hall drift ( ( * ? ? ? * goldreich & reisenegger 1992 ) ; ( * ? ? ? * heyl & kulkarni 1998 ) ) . depending on the strength of @xmath0 , each process may dominate the evolution . it has been found that the power released by the decay of dipole fields can not fuel the persistent x - ray luminosity of several magnetars . however , the power released by the decay of the toroidal component is sufficient for persistent x - ray luminosity of all magnetars . this could be an indirect observational evidence for the existence of their dominant toroidal @xmath0 . we suggest that a magnetar could be formed during the coalescence of binary nss or collapse of a massive star , through collecting and inheriting the magnetic fields magnified by the hyperaccreting disk . after the magnetar is born , its dipole magnetic fields in turn have a major influence on the following accretion . the decay of toroidal fields can fuel the persistent x - ray luminosity of either an sgr or axp ; however the decay of only the poloidal field is insufficient to do so .
we propose that a magnetar could be formed during the core collapse of massive stars or coalescence of two normal neutron stars , through collecting and inheriting the magnetic fields magnified by hyperaccreting disk . after the magnetar is born , its dipole magnetic fields in turn have a major influence on the following accretion . the decay of its toroidal field can fuel the persistent x - ray luminosity of either an sgr or axp ; however the decay of only the poloidal field is insufficient to do so .
supersymmetry ( susy ) predicts the existence of a new particle for every standard model ( sm ) particle , differing by half a unit in spin . the quantum number @xmath6-parity @xcite , defined as @xmath7 , where @xmath8 , @xmath9 and @xmath10 are the baryon , lepton and spin quantum numbers , is @xmath11 for sm and @xmath12 for susy particles . often @xmath6-parity is assumed to be conserved , which leaves the lightest supersymmetric particle ( lsp ) stable . however , susy does not require @xmath6-parity conservation . if @xmath6-parity violation ( ) is allowed , the following trilinear and bilinear terms appear in the superpotential @xcite : @xmath13 where @xmath9 and @xmath14 are the lepton and quark su(2 ) doublet superfields and @xmath15 , @xmath16 , @xmath17 denote the singlet fields . the indices have the following meaning : @xmath18 = family index ; @xmath19 = weak isospin index ; @xmath20 = color index . the coupling strengths are given by the yukawa coupling constants @xmath21 and @xmath22 . the last term , @xmath23 , mixes the lepton and the higgs superfields . the @xmath24 and @xmath25 couplings give rise to final states with multiple leptons , which provide excellent signatures at the tevatron . all analyses presented here require that only one coupling is of significant size , since strict limits exist on the product of two couplings , i.e. from the proton lifetime @xcite . a detailed review of susy is given in @xcite . the data for this analysis were recorded by the d detector between april 2002 and august 2004 at a center - of - mass energy of @xmath26 tev . the integrated luminosity corresponds to @xmath27 pb@xmath5 . a detailed description of the d detector can be found in @xcite . b. c. allanach , a. dedes , and h. dreiner , phys . d * 60 * , 075014 ( 1999 ) ; f. ledroit and g. sajot , gdr - s-008 ( isn , grenoble , 1998 ) ; v. barger , g. f. giudice , and t. han , phys . d * 40 * , 2987 ( 1989 ) . v. abazov _ et . ( d collaboration ) , `` search for neutral , long - lived particles decaying into two muons in @xmath0-collisions at @xmath28 tev '' , submitted to phys . rev . lett . ( 2006 ) , hep - ex/0607028 .
searches for r - parity violating supersymmetry with the d detector at the fermilab tevatron @xmath0-collider are presented . in the case of non - zero couplings @xmath1 , multi - lepton final states , and for a small coupling @xmath2 di - muon final states are studied . the case of non - zero coupling @xmath3 leads to final states with two muons and jets . a total integrated luminosity of @xmath4 fb@xmath5 collected between april 2002 and august 2004 is utilized . the observed numbers of events are in agreement with the standard model expectation , and limits on supersymmetry are derived , extending significantly previous bounds . + address = iii . phys . inst . a , rwth aachen , germany , auterman@fnal.gov
the video ( entry # v011 , aps 64@xmath0 annual dfd meeting 2011 ) demonstrates the patterns exhibited by gravity - driven , particle - laden thin films flowing down a solid substrate . the results from three experiments are shown in the video . a finite volume of fluid mixed with particles is allowed to flow down the solid plane ; visualization is achieved from the front view and the videos have been recorded with a digital slr camera ( canon eos rebel t2i ) . the substrate angle of inclination is fixed at @xmath1 while the dimensionless particle concentration , @xmath2 ( scaled on a characteristic concentration associated with maximum packing ) increases from left ( blue particles , @xmath3 ) to middle ( red particles , @xmath4 ) to right ( yellow particles , @xmath5 ) . the runtime associated with the individual videos has been fast - forwarded in order to demonstrate concurrently the onset of flow instabilities as well as the development of fingering patterns . from left to right , the runtime speed has been increased by 2 , 4 and 20 times , respectively . the choice of parameters allows the presentation of three , distinct regimes . in this video , we attribute solely the difference in interfacial characteristics between the three regimes , to variations in particle concentration . for small concentrations ( left video , blue particles ) , the particles settle rapidly allowing the clear fluid to flow over them which results in fingering . for relatively large concentrations ( right video , yellow particles ) , the particles aggregate at the contact line , forming a particle - rich ridge which appears to suppress the fingering . for intermediate concentrations ( middle video , red particles ) , we observe a well - mixed regime characterized by finger formation . + + * references * + 1 . t. ward , c. wey , r. glidden , a. e. hosoi , and a. l. bertozzi . experimental study of gravitation effects in the flow of a particle - laden thin film on an inclined plane , _ phys . fluids _ , * 21 * , 083305 ( 2009 ) . b. cook , o. alexandrov and a. l. bertozzi . linear stability of particle - laden thin films , _ the european physical journal - special topics _ , * 166 * , 1 , 77 - 81 ( 2009 ) . n. murisic , j. hob , v. huc , p. latterman , t. koche , k. linf , m. mata , a.l . particle - laden viscous thin - film flows on an incline : experiments compared with a theory based on shear - induced migration and particle settling , _ physica d : nonlinear phenomena _ * 240 * , 20 , 1661 - 1673 ( 2011 ) . + + * acknowledgements * + the authors would like to thank dr . sungyon lee and mr . gilberto urdaneta for their invaluable help and useful insight they have provided in the laboratory and in the making of this video .
this arxiv article describes the fluid dynamics video on ` gravity - driven thin - film flow with negatively buoyant particles ' , presented at the 64th annual meeting of the aps division of fluid dynamics in baltimore , md in november 2011 . the video shows three different experiments where a thin film of silicone oil laden with particles , is allowed to flow down an incline under the action of gravity . the videos were recorded at the ucla applied math laboratory .
let @xmath1 be defined by the open unit disk @xmath3 the basic tool in proving our results is the following lemma due to miller and mocanu @xcite ( also @xcite ) . [ jack ] let the function @xmath4 be analytic in @xmath1 with @xmath5 . if @xmath6 attains its maximum value on the circle @xmath7 at a point @xmath8 , then there exists a real number @xmath9 such that @xmath10 applying lemma [ jack ] , we derive the following result . [ p01thm1 ] let @xmath0 be analytic in @xmath1 with @xmath2 and suppose that there exists a point @xmath11 such that @xmath12 and @xmath13 for some real @xmath14 and @xmath15 , @xmath16 and @xmath17 . then we have @xmath18 and @xmath19 where @xmath20 and @xmath21 let us define the function @xmath22 by @xmath23 clearly , @xmath22 is analytic in @xmath1 with @xmath24 and @xmath25 for a point @xmath26 such that @xmath27 . also , let us put @xmath28 then , we have that @xmath4 is analytic in @xmath29 , @xmath5 , @xmath30 for @xmath29 and @xmath31 from lemma [ jack ] , we obtain @xmath32 this shows that @xmath33 and @xmath34 is a negative real number . from the fact that @xmath34 is a real number and @xmath35 is a pure imaginary number , we can put @xmath36 where @xmath37 is a real number . for the case @xmath38 , we have @xmath39 and for the case @xmath40 , we get @xmath41 on the other hand , let us consider @xmath42 then we have @xmath43 this completes our proof . putting @xmath44 in theorem [ p01thm1 ] , we have corollary [ p01cor1 ] @xcite . [ p01cor1 ] let @xmath0 be analytic in @xmath1 with @xmath2 and suppose that there exists a point @xmath11 such that @xmath45 @xmath46 and @xmath47 . then we have @xmath48 where @xmath37 is a real and @xmath49 for @xmath50 and @xmath51 for @xmath52 . [ p01ex1 ] we consider the function @xmath0 given by @xmath53 for some real @xmath16 . especially , the function @xmath67 is one of the example of theorem theorem [ p01thm1 ] . in fact , when we choice a point @xmath26 such that @xmath68 for @xmath69{2}}$ ] , the function @xmath0 satisfies that @xmath70 for @xmath29 and @xmath71 .
for analytic functions @xmath0 in the open unit disk @xmath1 with @xmath2 , nunokwa has given a result which called nunokawa lemma ( proc . japan acad . , ser . a * 68 * ( 1992 ) ) . by studying nunokawa lemma , we obtain this expansion . in this paper , we introduce this result and its example .
.quantum numbers of doubly heavy baryons analyzed in this study . @xmath0 is the spin parity of the baryon , and @xmath1 is the spin of the heavy degrees of freedom . @xmath2 denotes a light @xmath3 or @xmath4 quark . mass predictions from ref . @xcite obtained using the al1 interquark potential of ref.@xcite are also given . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] we have checked the constraints imposed by hqss on form factors and decay widths . to our knowledge those constraints have not been exploited before to check the consistency of different quark model calculations . we have shown that our calculation is consistent with hqss . the ratios in eqs.([eq : snzrbc],[eq : snzrbb ] ) , obtained using hqss with strict zero recoil approximation , and the approximate ratios in eqs.([eq : hqssdw1]-[eq : hqssdw4 ] ) , where we have relaxed that approximation , compare well with the results in our model and the one by ebert _ et al . _ @xcite , but they are incompatible with the calculation in ref . we think that although this is not enough guarantee for the predictions here and in ref . @xcite to be fully correct ( in fact the few results in refs . @xcite are not incompatible with hqss constraints while they are a factor of four larger than ours ) , it certainly indicates problems either in the model or in the calculation performed in ref . @xcite . this research was supported by dgi and feder funds , under contracts fis2005 - 00810 , fis2006 - 03438 , fpa2007 - 65748 , and the spanish consolider - ingenio 2010 programme cpan ( csd2007 - 00042 ) , by junta de andaluca and junta de castilla y len under contracts fqm0225 and sa016a07 , and it is part of the eu integrated infrastructure initiative hadron physics project under contract number rii3-ct-2004 - 506078 . s. nussinov and w. wetzel , phys . rev . d 36 , 130 ( 1987 ) . shifman and m.b . voloshin , sov . 45 , 292 ( 1987 ) ( yad . 45 , 463 ( 1987 ) ) . politzer and m.b . wise , phys . b 206 , 681 ( 1988 ) ; 208 , 504 ( 1988 ) . n. isgur and m.b . wise , phys . b 232 , 113 ( 1989 ) ; 237 , 527 ( 1990 ) .
' '' '' we show how heavy quark symmetry constraints on doubly heavy baryon semileptonic decay widths can be used to test the validity of different quark model calculations . the large discrepancies in the results observed between different quark model approaches can be understood in terms of a severe violation of heavy quark spin symmetry constraints by some of those models .
lwa1 ( `` long wavelength array station 1 '' ; figure [ flwa1 ] ) is a new radio telescope operating in the frequency range 1088 mhz , collocated with the very large array ( vla ; @xmath2 w , @xmath3 n ) in central new mexico . the telescope consists of an array of about 260 pairs of dipole - type antennas whose outputs are individually digitized and formed into beams . the principal technical characteristics of lwa1 are summarized in table [ tspecs ] . lwa1 is so - named because it is envisioned to be the first `` station '' of a 53-station long - baseline aperture synthesis imaging array known as the long wavelength array ( lwa ) , described in @xcite . although the future of the lwa is uncertain , lwa1 was completed in fall 2011 @xcite and has been operational as an `` open skies '' radio observatory under the u.s . national science foundation s `` university radio observatories '' program since spring 2012 . the lwa1 radio observatory is currently conducting user - proposed observations supporting research on topics including pulsars , astrophysical transients , extrasolar planets , cosmology , space weather , the sun , jupiter , and the ionosphere . .[tspecs]lwa1 technical characteristics . [ cols="<,<",options="header " , ] non - astronomical applications of the lwa1 include study of the earth s ionosphere , meteor ionization trails , and propagation by reflection from aircraft . a vivid example is shown in fig . [ fjoeh ] . recent results on ionospheric characterization and meteor trails are documented in @xcite and @xcite , respectively . lwa1 s combination of high sensitivity , large bandwidth , and high time resolution has also resulted in significant progress in the study of jupiter and the sun ; documentation of this work is in preparation . preliminary examples of work in these and other areas can be found on the website http://lwa1.info . additional information on lwa1 engineering and science operations can be found at the project web sites http://lwa.unm.edu and http://lwa1.info , and in the lwa memo series , http://www.ece.vt.edu / swe / lwa/. the project web sites also include information on proposal submission , which is possible through periodic calls for proposal , or in some cases by contacting observatory management directly . interested users are encouraged to contact the authors for more information . the authors acknowledge contributions to the design and commissioning of lwa1 made by personnel from the following organizations : burns industries , nasa jet propulsion laboratory ( jpl ) , u.s . naval research laboratory ( nrl ) , university of new mexico ( unm ) , university of texas at brownsville , and virginia tech ( vt ) . construction of lwa1 was supported by the office of naval research under contract n00014 - 07-c-0147 . support for operations and continuing development of lwa1 is provided by the national science foundation under grants ast-1139963 and ast-1139974 of the university radio observatories program . additional support for lwa1 technical development is provided by the national science foundation under grant ast-1106054 . the lwa1 user computing facility is an internally - funded joint project of jpl , unm , and vt . basic research in radio astronomy at nrl is supported by 6.1 base funding . the authors acknowledge the support of the national radio astronomy observatory . braude _ et al . _ , `` decametric survey of discrete sources in the northern sky : i. the utr-2 radio telescope . experimental techniques and data processing , '' _ astrophys . space sci . _ , vol . 54 , pp . 336 , 1978 . s. w. ellingson , `` sensitivity of antenna arrays for long - wavelength radio astronomy , '' _ ieee trans . ant . & prop . _ , vol . 59 , no . 6 , june 2011 , pp . 1855 - 1863 . also available as http://arxiv.org/abs/1005.4232 . soriano , m. , navarro , r. , daddario , l. , sigman , e. & wang , d. 2011 , implementation of a digital signal processing subsystem for a long wavelength array station , . 2011 ieee aerospace conf . _ , big sky , mt . also available as long wavelength array memo 179 at http://www.ece.vt.edu / swe / lwa/. j.f . et al . _ , `` passive over - the - horizon radar with wwv and the first station of the long wavelength array , '' _ radio sci . _ , _ submitted _ , 2013 . preprint : http://www.ece.vt.edu/swe/lwa/memo/lwa0195.pdf .
lwa1 is a new large radio telescope array operating in the frequency range 1088 mhz , located in central new mexico . the telescope consists of about 260 pairs of dipole - type antennas whose outputs are individually digitized and formed into beams . simultaneously , signals from all dipoles can be recorded using one of the telescope s `` all dipoles '' modes , facilitating all - sky imaging . notable features of the instrument include four independently - steerable beams utilizing digital `` true time delay '' beamforming , high intrinsic sensitivity ( @xmath0 kjy zenith system equivalent flux density ) , large instantaneous bandwidth ( up to 78 mhz ) , and large field of view ( about 310@xmath1 , depending on frequency and zenith angle of pointing ) . this paper summarizes the design of lwa1 , its performance as determined in commissioning experiments , and results from early science observations demonstrating the capabilities of the instrument .
relatively few hadronic states are stable to strong decays ( i.e. via qcd with degenerate @xmath2 and @xmath3 quarks ) . among the mesons , we have @xcite : [ cols= " < , < " , ] some of these states ( @xmath4 , @xmath5 ) are stable ( in qcd in the isospin conserving limit ) whereas the rest have other channels open . there is a large literature , stretching over 40 years , discussing the consequences of the nearby threshold on these states . one definite implication is that isospin breaking is enhanced by mass splittings in thresholds ( eg . @xmath6 compared to @xmath7 is 8 mev higher and this induces isospin mixing between the states at 980 mev ) . this level of detail is not accessible in lattice studies at present , but lattice qcd should be able to address the issue of the influence of thresholds on these states . the observation of a state near a 2-body threshold implies that there is an attractive interaction between the two bodies . but this is a topic like that of whether the chicken or egg was created first : an attractive interaction implies and is implied by a nearby state . what can lattice qcd offer here ? we are in the position of being able to vary the quark masses and this is a very useful tool . a two - body threshold will move in general in a different way with changing quark mass than a @xmath8 state . we can also move the strange and non - strange masses separately and this can be helpful too . another line of investigation is that lattice studies can explore the wavefunction of a state - either the bethe - salpeter wavefunction or the charge or matter spatial distribution . one can also explore the coupling of a state to a 2-body channel , as was discussed above . the prototype of a molecular state is the deuteron : it has a tiny binding energy ( 2.2 mev ) and a very extended spatial wave function . pion exchange between neutron and proton gives a mechanism for this long - range attraction . in general it is difficult to reproduce such small binding energies in lattice studies . another case where a long - range pion exchange can give binding is in the @xmath9 system . here lattice results indicate @xcite the possibility of molecular bound states in some quantum number channels which have an attractive interaction from pion exchange , but also the possibility of bound multi - quark states which are not described as hadron - hadron but where the two heavy quarks form a colour triplet and the light quarks are arranged as in a heavy - light - light baryon . this @xmath9 example illustrates the rich structure available to multi - quark systems . one case where lattice studies have been able to shed considerable light is for the @xmath10 and @xmath11 scalar mesons . since , in the isospin conserving limit , these states can not couple to @xmath12 , @xmath13 , they have a lightest open decay channel @xmath14 , @xmath15 . lattice studies @xcite indicate that , in both cases , the scalar meson lies below the open threshold , so the states should be stable . because simple quark model expectations were that these scalar mesons were unstable , theorists have suggested that a @xmath14 , @xmath15 molecular composition was responsible . this can be explored on a lattice by measuring the spatial distribution of the heavy - light meson . a study @xcite of the charge distribution of the light quark in a @xmath5 meson is illustrated in fig.[fig : jk2 ] . this shows that the light quark spatial distribution is similar to that of other @xmath16 states ( eg . @xmath17 ) for which no molecular interpretation is proposed . this reinforces the conclusion that the @xmath5 is predominantly a @xmath18 state . the decay transition from @xmath5 to @xmath14 has also been determined ( see above ) and it has an effective coupling constant which is consistent with that found for other ( non - molecular ) decays . overall , lattice evidence does not support the hypothesis that @xmath5 is a molecular state . lattice can address hadronic structure : * form factors ( eg . charge wavefunctions ) can be evaluated * decay transitions ( and mixing transitions ) can be evaluated * structure function moments can be evaluated ( steady but slow progress here ) * hadronic matrix elements are needed to interpret experiment ( eg @xmath19 relates @xmath20 meson to @xmath21 quark , etc .. ) in searches for signs of physics beyond the standard model . hadronic physics involves _ unstable _ states and lattice techniques are being developed to study these as we have summarised . these techniques have been tested against experiment for @xmath22 and @xmath23 . in particular we presented evidence that the spin exotic hybrid meson ( made of light quarks ) is at a mass around 2 gev and has a wide width . we discussed scalar mesons , and presented evidence that the @xmath24 meson is basically a @xmath25 state and that the @xmath5 meson is also predominantly a @xmath26 state .
i review the lattice qcd approach to determining hadronic decay transitions . examples considered include @xmath0 ; @xmath1 ; hybrid meson decays and scalar meson decays . i discuss what lattices can provide to help understand the composition of hadrons .
low mechanical loss materials are demanded in instruments with extraordinary precision to decrease their thermal noise as mechanical losses and thermal noise are linked @xcite . for instance , low loss materials like crystalline silicon , sapphire , calcium fluoride and quartz are candidates for the optical components of future cryogenic interferometric gravitational wave detectors @xcite . due to the anisotropy of the crystals and the search for an optimal operating temperature of the detectors systematic measurements of the mechanical losses have to be performed . therefore , our novel mechanical spectroscopy method , cryogenic resonant acoustic spectroscopy of bulk materials ( cra spectrocopy ) , was applied in the temperature range from 5 to 300 k. instead of the small losses in the detection band , the reciprocals of the losses at the resonant frequencies , the mechanical quality factors q , have been measured . following the test of our method on the fairly well - known material crystalline quartz @xcite , results on silicon and calcium fluoride are presented . for details on the measuring set - up and method see references @xcite and @xcite . the sample was of cylindrical shape , 76.2 mm in diameter and 12 mm thick . the reciprocals of the measured q factors , corresponding to the mechanical loss at the particular resonant frequency and temperature , of two selected modes have been plotted in fig.[fig : si]a ) and b ) . a ) b ) .fit parameters of the relaxation peaks in fig.[fig : si]a ) and b ) . the upper limit of the background damping is @xmath0 . [ cols="<,^,>,>,>,>,^ " , ] in the low temperature range the mechanical losses are dominated by thermoelastic damping ( black line in fig.[fig : caf2]b ) ) @xcite @xmath1 with the thermal conductivity @xmath2 , the volume thermal expansion coefficient @xmath3 , density @xmath4 and specific heat c. hence , the phonon - peak is less visible . the damping at higher temperatures offers an orientation for fitting . according to it , the relaxation strength has been modelled to be proportional to t@xmath5 . an investigation of the losses below 5 k where the thermoelastic damping decreases would be helpfull for a better determination of the shape of the maximum . a further interpretation of the damping peaks according to their characteristic parameters is in progress . we thank f. bechstedt for the helpfull discussion as well as the german dfg for the support under contract sfb transregio 7 . 8 callen h b and welton t a 1951 _ phys . rev . _ * 83 * 34 - 40 rowan s et al . 2005 a _ * 347 * 25 - 32 zimmer a et al . 2007 _ rev . instr . _ * 78 * 063905 - 1 - 063905 - 8 nawrodt r , nietzsche s , zimmer a , thrk m , vodel w and seidel p 2006 _ cryogenics _ * 46 * 718 - 23 heinert d et al . 2007 high - sensitivity tool ... _ j. phys . _ * same volume * de batist r 1972 _ internal friction of structural defects in crystalline solids _ ( amsterdam : north - holland ) landau l and rumer g 1937 _ physik . z. sowjetunion _ * 11 * 18 - 25 akhieser a 1939 _ j. phys . ( moscow ) _ * 1 * 277 - 87 lam c c and douglass d h 1981 _ j. low temp . * 44 * 259 - 64 watkins g d and corbett j w 1961 _ phys . rev . _ * 121 * 1001 - 14 berry b s 1979 _ bull . * 24 * 252 coutinho j et al . 2003 _ phys . b _ * 68 * 184106 - 1 - 184106 - 111 johannesen et al . 2000 _ phys . rev . b _ * 61 * 4659 - 66 pomerantz m 1970 _ phys b _ * 1 * 4029 - 36 nawrodt r et al . p 2007 _ eur . phys . _ * 38 * 53 - 9 braginsky v b et al . 1985 _ systems with small dissipation _ ( chicago : the university of chicago press ) p. 11
mechanical losses of crystalline silicon and calcium fluoride have been analyzed in the temperature range from 5 to 300 k by our novel mechanical spectroscopy method , cryogenic resonant acoustic spectroscopy of bulk materials ( cra spectrocopy ) . the focus lies on the interpretation of the measured data according to phonon - phonon interactions and defect induced losses in consideration of the excited mode shape .
in the atlas experiment @xcite at the large hadron collider ( lhc ) at cern , straw - tube transition radiation tracker ( trt ) barrel detectors will play an major role in providing precise tracking with transition radiation ( tr ) capability for electron identification . to achieve stability against high - voltage breakdown at the very high interaction rate of the lhc , it is important that the sense wires be centered in the 1.44 m - long straws . an off - center ( offset ) wire will break down at a lower high voltage than a centered wire , reducing the range of operation of the device . wires can be offset as a function of position for a variety of reasons , including bending of the 1.44 m - long straws . since the average gas gain also increases with offset , a measurement of gas gain as a function of position along a wire can be used to indicate whether or not the wire is offset at any point @xcite . here , we briefly describe the common features of two x - ray scanners built at hampton university to determine whether wires are offset . the x - ray photon energy for the gain survey can be chosen to optimize the time to obtain the required gas gain resolution . this depends on several factors : attenuation of the x - rays in the module , conversion of the x - rays in the active gas , and ability to find the gain through an analysis of the spectrum . for surveying the largest of the three module types ( type 3 ) , we found that 12 kev is close to optimum . to obtain a photon beam of this energy , x - ray fluorescence from bromine was used ; the primary beam came from a 50 kv x - ray tube . the basic chain of the electronics @xcite and the data acquisition ( daq ) scheme are shown in figure [ fig1 ] . the signals from the sense wires are amplified and shaped and then passed on to adcs . for each wire , spectra are collected from 50 positions along the @xmath0 direction . for each spectrum , a monitor spectrum was collected from a fixed point on a straw ( not being scanned ) exposed to an @xmath1fe source . the ionization gas was a mixture of argon and co@xmath2 ( 70:30 ) with a flow rate of about 1 straw volume / hr . the nominal operating high voltage ( hv ) for surveying was set to 1235 volts . figure [ fig2 ] shows a typical spectrum from the @xmath1fe source and bromine xrf , respectively . the raw spectra were recorded with straw number , run number , @xmath0 position , and slow control data . later , the peak in each spectrum was fitted with a gaussian function that determines the mean ( @xmath3 ) , standard deviation ( @xmath4 ) , and goodness of fit . the ratio of the straw mean to the monitor mean of @xmath1fe is multiplied by 500 to give the normalized gain , @xmath5 . the gain variation @xmath6 is defined as @xmath7 and used to determine the wire offset from the center as shown in figure [ fig3 ] . x - ray scanners for the purpose of quality control of the atlas trt barrel detector modules were developed at hampton university and are operating at hu and cern . the scanners map the gain using 12 kev photons at 50 points along each straw . results were used to decide whether wires were removed or re - strung , and to evaluate overall module quality . atlas technical proposal , cern / lhcc/94 - 38 , cern , 1994 . t. akesson _ et al _ , an x - ray scanner for wire chambers , nucl . instr . and meth . a 507 ( 2003 ) 622 . kenneth mcfarlane , hampton university atlas group internal report , 2002 .
x - ray scanners for gain mapping of atlas barrel transition radiation tracker ( trt ) modules were developed at hampton university for quality assurance purposes . gas gain variations for each straw of the trt modules were used to decide whether wires should be removed or restrung , and to evaluate overall module quality . = 14.5pt
one of the most important questions is how massive can the most massive stars in the universe be today . in other words what is the upper limit of the initial mass function in the universe . the arches cluster provides us with a unique opportunity to address this question . being a young massive cluster which lies near the galactic center , it is bound to contain massive eclipsing binary systems , which provide the means to accurately measure parameters of massive stars ( * ? ? ? * ( bonanos 2009 ) ) . we used two datasets in the @xmath1 band . the first dataset was obtained with gemini s niri infrared camera covering 8 nights from april to july of 2006 . the niri data have undergone a linearity correction . the second dataset was obtained with the vlt s naco infrared camera on 29 nights between june of 2008 and march of 2009 . the reduction of the niri images was performed with the iraf gemini v1.9 package while the reduction of the naco images was performed via the naco reduction pipeline , based on eso s common pipeline library . we tested four different methods in order to achieve accurate photometry . initially , we began with the image subtraction package isis ( * ? ? ? * ( alard & lupton 1998 ) ( * ? ? ? * , alard 2000 ) ) , which is optimal for detecting variables in crowded fields and iraf s daophot ( * ? ? ? * ( stetson 1987 ) ) package . both of these software packages use a mathematical psf model in order to model the stellar light profile and produce large photometric errors ( the order of 2 - 5 magnitude differences for the same object from frame to frame which is not physically acceptable ) primarily because of the speckles that are being introduced by the use of adaptive optics . we concluded that it is impossible to fit a mathematical function on these speckles . in order to solve this problem we tried a different approach with the use of an empirical psf . for this reason we used the starfinder code ( * ? ? ? * ( diolaiti et al . 1999)@xcite ) . with the original version of the code we saw a big improvement as far as the photometric errors are concerned ( the magnitude differences have dropped below 1 magnitude which is physically acceptable ) . however we were not able to identify any non - variable stars . the reason for this is that the starfinder code does not allow for a spatially variable psf option which is crucial in our case since the already imperfect correction by the adaptive optics degrades rapidly with increasing distance from the ao guide star . in order to improve our results further we used the version of the starfinder code developed by schoedel ( * ? ? ? * ( 2010 ) ) . the main difference of this version is that it uses a local psf by dividing the frame into several subframes with large overlap with each other . the psf is considered to be stable across these subframes . moreover the code performs photometry on each object with more than one psf models ( on most occasions the same object appears on more than one frames due to the large overlap ) which helps the statistics of the actual counts value . another interesting and helpful feature of dr . schoedel s approach is that the code performs photometry on a wiener deconvolved version of the original image which favors the deblending of nearby sources in dense fields . after applying this method on our frames we saw further improvement on our results . the magnitude differences have now dropped even further ( in the range of 0.2 to 0.6 magnitudes ) but the problem of not finding stable stars remains . this behavior of our data may be explained by the underestimated errors produced by starfinder ( an issue that has been discussed by several researchers ) , by a possible contamination of our data ( aborted nights , bad performance of the ao system etc . ) or by a combination of the above . currently we are trying to check our sample for possible contamination with bad quality frames and to better estimate the errors that the code produces . we conclude that the use of an empirical psf is mandatory for accurate photometry on ao data . moreover the use of wiener deconvolution is very helpful when one works on crowded regions as it favors the deblending of nearby sources .
we present preliminary results of the first near - infrared variability study of the arches cluster , using adaptive optics data from niri / gemini and naco / vlt . the goal is to discover eclipsing binaries in this young ( 2.5 @xmath0 0.5 myr ) , dense , massive cluster for which we will determine accurate fundamental parameters with subsequent spectroscopy . given that the arches cluster contains more than 200 wolf - rayet and o - type stars , it provides a rare opportunity to determine parameters for some of the most massive stars in the galaxy .
direct photons , i.e. photons not from hadronic decay , provide a powerful probe for the initial state of matter created in heavy ion collisions , since they interact with the medium only electromagnetically and therefore provide a baseline for the interpretation of jet - quenching models . the primary motivation for studying the direct photons has been to extract information about the gluon density inside proton in conjunction with dis data . however , this task has yet to be fulfilled due to difference between the measurement and perturbative qcd calculation which is difficult to explain by altering the gluon density function ( see ref . @xcite and references therein ) . we have recently shown that the color dipole formalism coupled to dglap evolution is an viable alternative to the parton model and provided a good description of inclusive photon and dilepton pair production in hadron - hadron collisions @xcite . here we predict the transverse momentum spectra of direct photons at the lhc energies @xmath0 tev and @xmath1 tev within the same framework . although in the process of electromagnetic bremsstrahlung by a quark no dipole participates , the cross section can be expressed via the more elementary cross section @xmath2 of interaction of a @xmath3 dipole . for the dipole cross section , we employ the saturation model of golec - biernat and wsthoff coupled to dglap evolution ( gbw - dglap ) @xcite which is better suited at large transverse momenta . without inclusion of dglap evolution , the direct photon cross section is overestimated @xcite . in fig . [ fig-1 ] , we show the gbw - dglap dipole model predictions for inclusive direct photon production at midrapidities for rhic , cdf and lhc energies . we stress that the theoretical curves in fig . [ fig-1 ] , are the results of a parameter free calculation . notice also that in contrast to the parton model , neither @xmath4-factor ( nlo corrections ) , nor higher twist corrections are to be added . no quark - to - photon fragmentation function is needed either . indeed , the phenomenological dipole cross section is fitted to dis data and incorporates all perturbative and non - perturbative radiation contributions . for the same reason , in contrast to the parton model , in the dipole approach there is no ambiguity in defining the primordial transverse momentum of partons . such a small purely non - perturbative primordial momentum does not play a significant role for direct photon production at the given range of @xmath5 in fig . [ fig-1 ] . notice that the color dipole picture accounts only for pomeron exchange from the target , while ignoring its valence content . therefore , reggeons are not taken into account , and as a consequence , the dipole is well suited mainly for high - energy processes . as our result for rhic and cdf energies indicate , we expect that dipole prescription to be at work for the lhc energies . at the tevatron , in order to reject the overwhelming background of secondary photons isolation cuts are imposed @xcite . isolation conditions are not imposed in our calculation . however , the cross section does not vary by more than @xmath6 under cdf isolation conditions @xcite . one should also notice that the parametrizations of the dipole cross section and proton structure function employed in our computation have been fitted to data at considerably lower @xmath5 values @xcite . at @xmath7 tev @xcite and ( left ) for direct photon at @xmath8 for rhic energy @xmath9 gev @xcite . the error bars are the linear sum of the statistical and systematic uncertainties . [ fig-1],width=11 ] this work was supported by fondecyt grants 1070517 and 1050519 and by dfg grant pi182/3 - 1 . 99 kopeliovich b z , rezaeian a h , pirner h j and schmidt i , arxiv:0704.0642[hep - ph ] . bartels j , golec - biernat k and kowalski h 2002 _ phys . * d66 * 014001 cdf collaboration 1994 _ phys . lett . _ * 73 * 2662 ; 1995 * 74 * 1891 phenix collaboration 2007 _ phys . lett . _ * 98 * 012002
the dglap improved color dipole approach provides a good description of data for inclusive direct photon spectra at the energies of rhic and tevatron . within the same framework we predict the transverse momentum distribution of direct photons at the cern lhc energies