Unnamed: 0
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.7.8.8 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 37 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F.5.14 Steering Protection Steering system racks or mounting components that are external (vertically above or below) to the Primary Structure must be protected from frontal impact . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.7.8.8 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Each Roll Hoop or Accumulator Container to Chassis attachment point must contain one of the two: a. A solid insert that is fully enclosed by both the inner and outer skin b. Local elimination of any gap between inner and outer skin, with or without repeating skin layups
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.7.9.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.7.9.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Required Loads a. Each attachment point for the Shoulder Belts must support a minimum load of 15 kN before failure with a required load of 30 kN distributed across both belt attachments. b. Each attachment point for the Lap Belts must support a minimum load of 15 kN before failure. c. Each attachment point for the Anti-Submarine Belts must support a minimum load of 15 kN before failure. d. If the Lap Belt and Anti-Submarine Belt mounting points are less than 125 mm apart, or are attached to the same attachment point, then each mounting point must support a minimum load of 30 kN before failure.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.1.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.1.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Forward of the Front Bulkhead there must be an Impact Attenuator with an Anti Intrusion Plate between the Impact Attenuator and the Front Bulkhead.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.1.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.1.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
All methods of attachment of the Impact Attenuator to the Anti Intrusion Plate, and of the Anti Intrusion Plate to the Front Bulkhead must provide sufficient load paths for transverse and vertical loads if off-axis impacts occur.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.2.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.2.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The Anti Intrusion Plate must be one of the following: a. 1.5 mm minimum thickness solid steel b. 4.0 mm minimum thickness solid aluminum plate c. Composite material per F.8.3
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.2.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.2.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The outside profile requirement of the Anti Intrusion Plate depends on the method of attachment to the Front Bulkhead: a. Welded joints: the profile must align with or be more than the centerline of the Front Bulkhead tubes on all sides b. Bolted joints, bonding, laminating: the profile must align with or be more than the outside dimensions of the Front Bulkhead around the entire periphery
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.2.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.2.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Attachment of the Anti Intrusion Plate directly to the Front Bulkhead must be documented in the team’s SES submission. The accepted methods of attachment are: a. Welding • All weld lengths must be 25 mm or longer • If interrupted, the weld/space ratio must be 1:1 or higher b. Bolted joints • Using no less than eight 8 mm or 5/16” minimum diameter Critical Fasteners, T.8.2. • The distance between any two bolt centers must be 50 mm minimum. • Each bolt attachment must have pullout, tearout and bending capabilities of 15 kN c. Bonding • The Front Bulkhead must have no openings • The entire surface of the Anti Intrusion Plate must be bonded, with shear and peel strength higher than 120 kN d. Laminating • The Anti Intrusion Plate must be in front of the outer skin of the Front Bulkhead • The lamination must fully enclose the Anti Intrusion Plate and have shear capability higher than 120 kN
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.3.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.3.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Composite Anti Intrusion Plates: a. Must not fail in a frontal impact b. Must withstand a minimum static load of 120 kN distributed over the 200 mm x 100 mm minimum Impact Attenuator area
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.3.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.3.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Strength of the Composite Anti Intrusion Plate must be verified by one of the two methods: a. Physical testing of the AIP attached to a structurally representative section of the intended chassis • The test fixture must have equivalent strength and stiffness to a baseline front bulkhead or must be the same as the first 50 mm of the Chassis • Test data is valid for only one Competition Year b. Laminate material testing under F.4.3.2 and F.4.3.5 and calculations of 3 point bending and perimeter shear
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.4.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.4.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Teams must do one of: • Use an approved Standard Impact Attenuator from the FSAE Online Website • Build and test a Custom Impact Attenuator of their own design F.8.8
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.4.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.4.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The Custom Impact Attenuator must meet the following: a. Length 200 mm or more, with its length oriented along the fore/aft axis of the Chassis. b. Minimum height 100 mm (perpendicular to the ground) and minimum width 200 mm (parallel to the ground) for a minimum distance of 200 mm forward of the Front Bulkhead. c. Segmented foam attenuators must have all segments bonded together to prevent sliding or parallelogramming. d. Honeycomb attenuators made of multiple segments must have a continuous panel between each segment.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.4.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.4.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
If the outside profile of the Front Bulkhead is more than 400 mm x 350 mm, or the team uses the Standard Honeycomb Impact Attenuator, and then one of the two must be met: a. The Front Bulkhead must include an additional support that is a diagonal or X-brace that meets F.3.2.1.b or Equivalent (integral or attached) for Monocoque bulkheads F.2.3.1 • The structure must go across the entire Front Bulkhead opening on the diagonal • Attachment points at both ends must carry a minimum load of 30 kN in any direction b. Physical testing per F.8.8.6 and F.8.8.7 must be performed to prove that the Anti Intrusion Plate does not permanently deflect more than 25 mm.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.5.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.5.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The attachment of the Impact Attenuator to the Anti Intrusion Plate or Front Bulkhead must be documented in the SES submission
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.5.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 37 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F.5.14 Steering Protection Steering system racks or mounting components that are external (vertically above or below) to the Primary Structure must be protected from frontal impact . EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.5.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
If the Impact Attenuator is attached by bonding: a. Bonding must meet F.5.5 b. The shear strength of the bond must be higher than: • 95 kN for foam Impact Attenuators • 38.5 kN for honeycomb Impact Attenuators • The maximum compressive force for custom Impact Attenuators c. The entire surface of a foam Impact Attenuator must be bonded d. Only the pre-crushed area of a honeycomb Impact Attenuator may be used for bond equivalence
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.5.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 37 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F.5.14 Steering Protection Steering system racks or mounting components that are external (vertically above or below) to the Primary Structure must be protected from frontal impact . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 51 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Must not have line of sight to the driver, with the Firewall installed or removed F.10.5 Attachment F.10.5.1 Attachment of the Accumulator Container must be documented in the SES F.10.5.2 Accumulator Containers must : a. Attach to the Major Structure of the chassis A maximum of two attachment points may be on a chassis tube between two triangulated nodes. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.5.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
If the Impact Attenuator is attached by welding: a. Welds may be continuous or interrupted b. If interrupted, the weld/space ratio must be 1:1 or higher c. All weld lengths must be more than 25 mm
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.5.5 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 37 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F.5.14 Steering Protection Steering system racks or mounting components that are external (vertically above or below) to the Primary Structure must be protected from frontal impact . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 51 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Must not have line of sight to the driver, with the Firewall installed or removed F.10.5 Attachment F.10.5.1 Attachment of the Accumulator Container must be documented in the SES F.10.5.2 Accumulator Containers must : a. Attach to the Major Structure of the chassis A maximum of two attachment points may be on a chassis tube between two triangulated nodes. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.5.5 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
If the Impact Attenuator is attached by bolting: a. Must have no less than eight 8 mm or 5/16” minimum diameter Critical Fasteners, T.8.2 b. The distance between any two bolt centers must be 50 mm minimum c. Each bolt attachment must have pullout, tearout and bending capabilities of 15 kN d. Must be bolted directly to the Primary Structure
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.5.6 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.5.6 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Impact Attenuator Position a. All Impact Attenuators must mount with the bottom leading edge no more than 220 mm above the lowest point on the top of the Lower Side Impact Structure b. A Custom Impact Attenuator must mount with an area of 200 mm or more long and 200 mm or more wide that intersects a plane parallel to the ground that is no more than 220 mm above the lowest point on the top of the Lower Side Impact Structure
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.5.7 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 37 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F.5.14 Steering Protection Steering system racks or mounting components that are external (vertically above or below) to the Primary Structure must be protected from frontal impact . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.5.7 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Impact Attenuator Orientation a. The Impact Attenuator must be centered laterally on the Front Bulkhead b. Standard Honeycomb must be mounted 200mm width x 100mm height c. Standard Foam may be mounted laterally or vertically
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.6.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.6.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The only items allowed forward of the Anti Intrusion Plate in front view are the Impact Attenuator, fastener heads, and light bodywork / nosecones Fasteners should be oriented with the nuts rearwards
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.6.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.6.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Front Wing and Bodywork Attachment a. The front wing and front wing mounts must be able to move completely aft of the Anti Intrusion Plate and not touch the front bulkhead during a frontal impact b. The attachment points for the front wing and bodywork mounts should be aft of the Anti Intrusion Plate c. Tabs for wing and bodywork attachment must not extend more than 25mm forward of the Anti Intrusion Plate
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.6.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.6.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Pedal assembly at full travel and adjustment must have a minimum 25 mm clearance to the: a. Rear face of the Anti Intrusion Plate b. All Front Bulkhead structure F.6.1, F.7.2, F.8.4.3 c. All Non Crushable Items inside the Primary Structure Non Crushable Items include, but are not limited to batteries, master cylinders, hydraulic reservoirs
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.7.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.7.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The combination of the Impact Attenuator assembly and the force to crush or detach all other items forward of the Anti Intrusion plate must not exceed the peak deceleration specified in F.8.8.2 Ignore light bodywork, light nosecones, and outboard wheel assemblies
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.7.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 37 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F.5.14 Steering Protection Steering system racks or mounting components that are external (vertically above or below) to the Primary Structure must be protected from frontal impact . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.7.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The peak load for the type of Impact Attenuator: • Standard Foam Impact Attenuator 95 kN • Standard Honeycomb Impact Attenuator 60 kN • Tested Impact Attenuator peak as measured
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.7.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 37 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F.5.14 Steering Protection Steering system racks or mounting components that are external (vertically above or below) to the Primary Structure must be protected from frontal impact . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.7.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Use the Test Method F.8.7.4 or the Calculation Method F.8.7.5 to prove the force requirement
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.7.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 37 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F.5.14 Steering Protection Steering system racks or mounting components that are external (vertically above or below) to the Primary Structure must be protected from frontal impact . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.7.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Test Method Get the peak force from physical testing of the Impact Attenuator and any Non Crushable Object(s) as one of the two: a. Tested together with the Impact Attenuator b. Tested with the Impact Attenuator not attached, and add the peak load from F.8.7.2
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.7.5 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 37 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F.5.14 Steering Protection Steering system racks or mounting components that are external (vertically above or below) to the Primary Structure must be protected from frontal impact . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.7.5 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Calculation Method a. Calculate a failure load for the mounting of the Non Crushable Object(s) from fastener shear, tearout, and/or link buckling b. Add the peak attenuator load from F.8.7.2
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.8.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.8.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
All teams must include an Impact Attenuator Data (IAD) report as part of the SES.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.8.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.8.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Impact Attenuator Functional Requirements These are not test requirements a. Decelerates the vehicle at a rate not exceeding 20 g average and 40 g peak b. Energy absorbed must be more than 7350 J When: • Total mass of Vehicle is 300 kg • Impact velocity is 7.0 m/s
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.8.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.8.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
When using the Standard Impact Attenuator, the SES must meet the following: a. Test data will not be submitted b. All other requirements of this section must be included. c. Photos of the actual attenuator must be included d. Evidence that the Standard IA meets the design criteria provided in the Standard Impact Attenuator specification must be included with the SES. This may be a receipt or packing slip from the supplier.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.8.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.8.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The Impact Attenuator Data Report when NOT using the Standard Impact Attenuator must include: a. Test data that proves that the Impact Attenuator Assembly meets the Functional Requirements F.8.8.2 b. Calculations showing how the reported absorbed energy and decelerations have been derived. c. A schematic of the test method. d. Photos of the attenuator, annotated with the height of the attenuator before and after testing.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.8.5 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 37 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F.5.14 Steering Protection Steering system racks or mounting components that are external (vertically above or below) to the Primary Structure must be protected from frontal impact . EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.8.5 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The Impact Attenuator Test is valid for only one Competition Year
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.8.6 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.8.6 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Impact Attenuator Test Setup a. During any test, the Impact Attenuator must be attached to the Anti Intrusion Plate using the intended vehicle attachment method. b. The Impact Attenuator Assembly must be attached to a structurally representative section of the intended chassis. The test fixture must have equivalent strength and stiffness to a baseline front bulkhead. A solid block of material in the shape of the front bulkhead is not “structurally representative”. c. There must be 50 mm minimum clearance rearwards of the Anti Intrusion Plate to the test fixture. d. No part of the Anti Intrusion Plate may permanently deflect more than 25 mm beyond the position of the Anti Intrusion Plate before the test. The 25 mm spacing represents the front bulkhead support and insures that the plate does not intrude excessively into the cockpit.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.8.7 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.8.7 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Test Conduct a. Composite Impact Attenuators must be Dynamic Tested. Other Impact Attenuator constructions may be Dynamic Tested or Quasi-Static Tested b. Dynamic Testing (sled, pendulum, drop tower, etc.) of the Impact Attenuator must be conducted at a dedicated test facility. This facility may be part of the University, but must be supervised by professional staff or the University faculty. Teams must not construct their own dynamic test apparatus. c. Quasi-Static Testing may be performed by teams using their University’s facilities/equipment, but teams are advised to exercise due care when performing all tests.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.8.8.8 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.8.8.8 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Test Analysis a. When using acceleration data from the dynamic test, the average deceleration must be calculated based on the raw unfiltered data. b. If peaks above the 40 g limit are present in the data, a Channel Filter Class (CFC) 60 (100Hz) filter per SAE Recommended Practice J211 “Instrumentation for Impact Test”, or a 100 Hz, 3rd order, low pass Butterworth (-3dB at 100 Hz) filter may be applied.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.9 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.2.2 First Year Vehicle A vehicle which has, at minimum, a new ly built chassis and is in its initial Competition Year GR.9.2.3 Second Year Vehicle A vehicle which has competed in a previous Competition Year GR.9.2.4 Third Year Vehicle A vehicle which has competed in more than one previous Competition Year GR.9.3 Formula SAE Competition Eligibility GR.9.3.1 Only First Year Vehicles may enter the Formula SAE Competitions. a. If there is any question about the status as a First Year Vehicle, the team must provide additional information and/or evidence. GR.9.3.2 Second Year Vehicles m ust not enter Formula SAE Competitions, unless permitted by the organizer of the specific competition. GR.9.3.3 Third Year Vehicles m ust not enter any Formula SAE Competitions Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. ``` What does rule F.9 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
FUEL SYSTEM (IC ONLY) Fuel System Location and Protection are subject to approval during SES review and Technical Inspection.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.9.1.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.2.2 First Year Vehicle A vehicle which has, at minimum, a new ly built chassis and is in its initial Competition Year GR.9.2.3 Second Year Vehicle A vehicle which has competed in a previous Competition Year GR.9.2.4 Third Year Vehicle A vehicle which has competed in more than one previous Competition Year GR.9.3 Formula SAE Competition Eligibility GR.9.3.1 Only First Year Vehicles may enter the Formula SAE Competitions. a. If there is any question about the status as a First Year Vehicle, the team must provide additional information and/or evidence. GR.9.3.2 Second Year Vehicles m ust not enter Formula SAE Competitions, unless permitted by the organizer of the specific competition. GR.9.3.3 Third Year Vehicles m ust not enter any Formula SAE Competitions Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. ``` What does rule F.9.1.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Any portion of the Fuel System that is less than 350 mm above the ground, and all parts of the Fuel Tank, must be inside the Primary Structure (F.1.10).
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.9.1.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 2 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS GR - General Regulations . . . . 5 GR.1 Formula SAE Competition Objective . . . . 5 GR.2 Organizer Authority . . . . 6 GR.3 Team Responsibility . . . . 6 GR.4 Rule s Authority and Issue . . . . 7 GR.5 Rules of Conduct . . . . . 7 GR.6 Rules Format and Use . . . . 8 GR.7 Rule s Questions . . . . . 9 GR.8 Protests . . . . . 9 GR.9 Vehicle Eligibility . . . . 10 AD - Administrati ve Regulations . . . . 11 AD. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.2.2 First Year Vehicle A vehicle which has, at minimum, a new ly built chassis and is in its initial Competition Year GR.9.2.3 Second Year Vehicle A vehicle which has competed in a previous Competition Year GR.9.2.4 Third Year Vehicle A vehicle which has competed in more than one previous Competition Year GR.9.3 Formula SAE Competition Eligibility GR.9.3.1 Only First Year Vehicles may enter the Formula SAE Competitions. a. If there is any question about the status as a First Year Vehicle, the team must provide additional information and/or evidence. GR.9.3.2 Second Year Vehicles m ust not enter Formula SAE Competitions, unless permitted by the organizer of the specific competition. GR.9.3.3 Third Year Vehicles m ust not enter any Formula SAE Competitions Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. ``` What does rule F.9.1.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
In side view, any portion of the Fuel System must not project below the lower surface of the chassis
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.9.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 2 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS GR - General Regulations . . . . 5 GR.1 Formula SAE Competition Objective . . . . 5 GR.2 Organizer Authority . . . . 6 GR.3 Team Responsibility . . . . 6 GR.4 Rule s Authority and Issue . . . . 7 GR.5 Rules of Conduct . . . . . 7 GR.6 Rules Format and Use . . . . 8 GR.7 Rule s Questions . . . . . 9 GR.8 Protests . . . . . 9 GR.9 Vehicle Eligibility . . . . 10 AD - Administrati ve Regulations . . . . 11 AD. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.2.2 First Year Vehicle A vehicle which has, at minimum, a new ly built chassis and is in its initial Competition Year GR.9.2.3 Second Year Vehicle A vehicle which has competed in a previous Competition Year GR.9.2.4 Third Year Vehicle A vehicle which has competed in more than one previous Competition Year GR.9.3 Formula SAE Competition Eligibility GR.9.3.1 Only First Year Vehicles may enter the Formula SAE Competitions. a. If there is any question about the status as a First Year Vehicle, the team must provide additional information and/or evidence. GR.9.3.2 Second Year Vehicles m ust not enter Formula SAE Competitions, unless permitted by the organizer of the specific competition. GR.9.3.3 Third Year Vehicles m ust not enter any Formula SAE Competitions Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. ``` What does rule F.9.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Protection All Fuel Tanks must be shielded from side or rear impact
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.1.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 2 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS GR - General Regulations . . . . 5 GR.1 Formula SAE Competition Objective . . . . 5 GR.2 Organizer Authority . . . . 6 GR.3 Team Responsibility . . . . 6 GR.4 Rule s Authority and Issue . . . . 7 GR.5 Rules of Conduct . . . . . 7 GR.6 Rules Format and Use . . . . 8 GR.7 Rule s Questions . . . . . 9 GR.8 Protests . . . . . 9 GR.9 Vehicle Eligibility . . . . 10 AD - Administrati ve Regulations . . . . 11 AD. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.1.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
All Accumulator Containers must be: a. Designed to withstand forces from deceleration in all directions b. Made from a Nonflammable Material ( F.1.18 )
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.1.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 2 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS GR - General Regulations . . . . 5 GR.1 Formula SAE Competition Objective . . . . 5 GR.2 Organizer Authority . . . . 6 GR.3 Team Responsibility . . . . 6 GR.4 Rule s Authority and Issue . . . . 7 GR.5 Rules of Conduct . . . . . 7 GR.6 Rules Format and Use . . . . 8 GR.7 Rule s Questions . . . . . 9 GR.8 Protests . . . . . 9 GR.9 Vehicle Eligibility . . . . 10 AD - Administrati ve Regulations . . . . 11 AD. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. ``` What does rule F.10.1.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Design of the Accumulator Container must be documented in the SES. Documentation includes materials used, drawings/images, fastener locations, cell/segment weight and cell/segment position.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.1.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.2.2 First Year Vehicle A vehicle which has, at minimum, a new ly built chassis and is in its initial Competition Year GR.9.2.3 Second Year Vehicle A vehicle which has competed in a previous Competition Year GR.9.2.4 Third Year Vehicle A vehicle which has competed in more than one previous Competition Year GR.9.3 Formula SAE Competition Eligibility GR.9.3.1 Only First Year Vehicles may enter the Formula SAE Competitions. a. If there is any question about the status as a First Year Vehicle, the team must provide additional information and/or evidence. GR.9.3.2 Second Year Vehicles m ust not enter Formula SAE Competitions, unless permitted by the organizer of the specific competition. GR.9.3.3 Third Year Vehicles m ust not enter any Formula SAE Competitions Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule F.10.1.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The Accumulator Containers and mounting systems are subject to approval during SES review and Technical Inspection
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.1.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.1.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
If the Accumulator Container is not constructed from steel or aluminum, the material properties should be established at a temperature of 60°C
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.1.5 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.1.5 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
If adhesives are used for credited bonding, the bond performance should be established at a temperature of 60°C
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.2.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 2 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS GR - General Regulations . . . . 5 GR.1 Formula SAE Competition Objective . . . . 5 GR.2 Organizer Authority . . . . 6 GR.3 Team Responsibility . . . . 6 GR.4 Rule s Authority and Issue . . . . 7 GR.5 Rules of Conduct . . . . . 7 GR.6 Rules Format and Use . . . . 8 GR.7 Rule s Questions . . . . . 9 GR.8 Protests . . . . . 9 GR.9 Vehicle Eligibility . . . . 10 AD - Administrati ve Regulations . . . . 11 AD. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.2.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The Floor or Bottom must be made from one of the three: a. Steel 1.25 mm minimum thickness b. Aluminum 3.2 mm minimum thickness c. Equivalent Alternate / Composite materials ( F.4.1, F.4.3 )
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.2.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.2.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Vertical Walls, Covers and Lids must be made from one of the three: a. Steel 0.9 mm minimum thickness b. Aluminum 2.3 mm minimum thickness c. Equivalent Alternate / Composite materials ( F.4.1, F.4.3 )
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.2.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.2.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The accepted methods of joining walls to walls and walls to floor are: a. Welding • Welds may be continuous or interrupted. • If interrupted, the weld/space ratio must be 1:1 or higher • All weld lengths must be more than 25 mm b. Fasteners Combined strength of the fasteners must be Equivalent to the strength of the welded joint ( F.10.2.3.a above ) c. Bonding • Bonding must meet F.5.5 • Strength of the bonded joint must be Equivalent to the strength of the welded joint ( F.10.2.3.a above ) • Bonds must run the entire length of the joint
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.2.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.2.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Covers and Lids must be attached with a minimum of one fastener F.10.2.3.b for each external vertical wall per section
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.3.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.2.2 First Year Vehicle A vehicle which has, at minimum, a new ly built chassis and is in its initial Competition Year GR.9.2.3 Second Year Vehicle A vehicle which has competed in a previous Competition Year GR.9.2.4 Third Year Vehicle A vehicle which has competed in more than one previous Competition Year GR.9.3 Formula SAE Competition Eligibility GR.9.3.1 Only First Year Vehicles may enter the Formula SAE Competitions. a. If there is any question about the status as a First Year Vehicle, the team must provide additional information and/or evidence. GR.9.3.2 Second Year Vehicles m ust not enter Formula SAE Competitions, unless permitted by the organizer of the specific competition. GR.9.3.3 Third Year Vehicles m ust not enter any Formula SAE Competitions Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule F.10.3.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Walls a. Construction of Internal walls (vertical or horizontal) separating cells and/or segments must meet F.10.2.2 b. Internal vertical walls separating cells and/or segments: • Must have minimum height of the full height of the Accumulator Segments • Should extend to the lid above any segment c. Fastened connections between the floor and any vertical wall of each Section must have minimum of two fasteners d. Removable horizontal interior walls must be fastened with a minimum of one fastener for each external vertical wall per section Folding or bending plate material to create flanges or to eliminate joints between walls is recommended.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.3.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.3.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Sections a. Internal vertical walls divide the Accumulator Container into “Sections” b. A maximum of 12 kg is allowed in any Section c. Fastened connections between vertical walls around Sections containing 8kg or less must have a minimum of two fasteners d. Fastened connections between vertical walls around sections containing between 8 kg and 12 kg must have a minimum of three fasteners
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.3.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible D.3.2.2 The organizer may specify additional restrictions for the Staging Area. These could include limiting the number of team members and what may be br ought into the area. D.3.2.3 The organizer may establish requirements for persons in the Dynamic Area, such as closed toe shoes or long pants. D.3.3 Driving Under Power D.3.3.1 Vehicles m ust move under their own power only when inside the designated Dynamic Area(s), unless otherwise directed by the officials. D.3.3.2 Driving a vehicle outside of scheduled ev ents or scheduled practice will result in a 200 point penalty for the first violation and disqualification for a second violation. D.3.4 Driving Offsite - Prohibited Teams found to have driven their vehicle at an offsite location during the period of the compet ition will be excluded from the competition. ``` What does rule F.10.3.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
If segments are arranged vertically above other segments, each layer of segments must have a load path to the Chassis attachments that does not pass through another layer of segments
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.3.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. D.3.2.2 The organizer may specify additional restrictions for the Staging Area. These could include limiting the number of team members and what may be br ought into the area. D.3.2.3 The organizer may establish requirements for persons in the Dynamic Area, such as closed toe shoes or long pants. D.3.3 Driving Under Power D.3.3.1 Vehicles m ust move under their own power only when inside the designated Dynamic Area(s), unless otherwise directed by the officials. D.3.3.2 Driving a vehicle outside of scheduled ev ents or scheduled practice will result in a 200 point penalty for the first violation and disqualification for a second violation. D.3.4 Driving Offsite - Prohibited Teams found to have driven their vehicle at an offsite location during the period of the compet ition will be excluded from the competition. ``` What does rule F.10.3.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Cells and Segments a. The cells and/or segments must be appropriately secured against moving inside the Container. b. This mounting system design must withstand the following accelerations: 40 g in the longitudinal direction (forward/aft) 40 g in the lateral direction (left/right) 20 g in the vertical direction (up/down) c. Calculations and/or tests proving these requirements are met must be included in the SES. d. Any fasteners must be 6 mm or 1/4” minimum diameter
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.4.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.4.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The Accumulator Container(s) exterior or interior walls may contain holes or openings, see EV.4.3.4
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.4.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.4.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Any Holes and Openings must be the minimum area necessary
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.4.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.4.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Exterior and interior walls must cover a minimum of 75% of each face of the battery segments
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.4.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 117 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 IN.14.2.3 Once the vehicle receives Inspection Approval , the ONLY modifications permitted to the vehicle are the following: • Adjustment of belts, chains and clutches • Adjustment of brake bias • Adjustment to engine / powertrain operating parameters, including fuel mixture and ignition timing, and any software calibration changes • Adjustment of the suspension • Chang ing s prings, swa y bars and shims in the suspension • Adjustment of Tire Pressure , subject to V.4.3.4 • Adjustment of wing or wing element(s) angle, but n ot the location T.7.1 • Replenishment of fluids • Replacement of worn tires or brake pads. Replacement tires and brake pads must be identical in material/composition/size to those presented and approved at Technical Inspection. The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.4.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Holes and Openings for airflow: a. Must be round. Slots are prohibited b. Should be maximum 10 mm diameter c. Must not have line of sight to the driver, with the Firewall installed or removed
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.5.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.5.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Attachment of the Accumulator Container must be documented in the SES
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.5.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 51 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Must not have line of sight to the driver, with the Firewall installed or removed F.10.5 Attachment F.10.5.1 Attachment of the Accumulator Container must be documented in the SES F.10.5.2 Accumulator Containers must : a. Attach to the Major Structure of the chassis A maximum of two attachment points may be on a chassis tube between two triangulated nodes. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.5.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Accumulator Containers must: a. Attach to the Major Structure of the chassis A maximum of two attachment points may be on a chassis tube between two triangulated nodes. b. Not attach to the Shoulder Harness Mounting
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.5.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.5.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Any fasteners used to attach Accumulator Container(s) are Critical Fasteners, see T.8.2
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.5.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 51 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Must not have line of sight to the driver, with the Firewall installed or removed F.10.5 Attachment F.10.5.1 Attachment of the Accumulator Container must be documented in the SES F.10.5.2 Accumulator Containers must : a. Attach to the Major Structure of the chassis A maximum of two attachment points may be on a chassis tube between two triangulated nodes. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.5.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Each fastened attachment point to a composite Accumulator Container requires backing plates that are one of the two: a. Steel with a thickness of 2 mm minimum b. Alternate materials Equivalent to 2 mm thickness steel
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.5.5 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 51 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Must not have line of sight to the driver, with the Firewall installed or removed F.10.5 Attachment F.10.5.1 Attachment of the Accumulator Container must be documented in the SES F.10.5.2 Accumulator Containers must : a. Attach to the Major Structure of the chassis A maximum of two attachment points may be on a chassis tube between two triangulated nodes. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 68 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.5.5.2 The vehicle must be capable of being tilted to a 45° angle without leaking fluid of any ty pe. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.5.5 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Teams must justify the Accumulator Container attachment using one of the two methods: • Corner Attachments and Analysis per F.10.5.6 and F.10.5.8 • Load Based Analysis per F.10.5.7 and F.10.5.8
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.5.6 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.5.6 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Accumulator Attachment – Corner Attachments a. Eight or more attachments are required for any configuration. • One attachment for each corner of a rectangular structure of multiple Accumulator Segments • More than the minimum number of fasteners may be required for non rectangular arrangements Examples: If not filled in with additional structure, an extruded L shape would require attachments at 10 convex corners (the corners at the inside of the L are not convex); an extruded hexagon would require 12 attachments b. The mechanical connections at each corner must be 50 mm or less from the corner of the Segment c. Each attachment point must be able to withstand a Test Load equal to 1/4 of total mass of the container accelerating at 40 g
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.10.5.8 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 51 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Must not have line of sight to the driver, with the Firewall installed or removed F.10.5 Attachment F.10.5.1 Attachment of the Accumulator Container must be documented in the SES F.10.5.2 Accumulator Containers must : a. Attach to the Major Structure of the chassis A maximum of two attachment points may be on a chassis tube between two triangulated nodes. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.10.5.8 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Accumulator Attachment – All Types a. Every fastener must withstand the Test Load in pure shear, using the minor diameter if any threads are in shear b. Every Accumulator bracket, chassis bracket, or monocoque attachment point must withstand the Test Load in bending, in pure tearout, pure pullout, pure weld shear if welded, and pure bond shear and pure bond tensile if bonded. c. Monocoque attachment points must meet F.7.8.8 d. Fasteners must be spaced minimum 50 mm apart to be counted as separate attachment points
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.11 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.11 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
TRACTIVE SYSTEM (EV ONLY) Tractive System Location and Protection are subject to approval during SES review and Technical Inspection.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.11.1.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 2 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS GR - General Regulations . . . . 5 GR.1 Formula SAE Competition Objective . . . . 5 GR.2 Organizer Authority . . . . 6 GR.3 Team Responsibility . . . . 6 GR.4 Rule s Authority and Issue . . . . 7 GR.5 Rules of Conduct . . . . . 7 GR.6 Rules Format and Use . . . . 8 GR.7 Rule s Questions . . . . . 9 GR.8 Protests . . . . . 9 GR.9 Vehicle Eligibility . . . . 10 AD - Administrati ve Regulations . . . . 11 AD. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.11.1.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
All Accumulator Containers must lie inside the Primary Structure (F.1.10).
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.11.1.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 2 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS GR - General Regulations . . . . 5 GR.1 Formula SAE Competition Objective . . . . 5 GR.2 Organizer Authority . . . . 6 GR.3 Team Responsibility . . . . 6 GR.4 Rule s Authority and Issue . . . . 7 GR.5 Rules of Conduct . . . . . 7 GR.6 Rules Format and Use . . . . 8 GR.7 Rule s Questions . . . . . 9 GR.8 Protests . . . . . 9 GR.9 Vehicle Eligibility . . . . 10 AD - Administrati ve Regulations . . . . 11 AD. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.11.1.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
When used, Outboard Wheel Motors and their connections must meet EV.4.1.3
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.11.1.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.11.1.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Tractive System (EV.1.1) components including cables and wiring other than those in F.11.1.2 above must be contained inside one or both of: • The Rollover Protection Envelope F.1.13 • Structure meeting F.5.16 Component Protection
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.11.2.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 2 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS GR - General Regulations . . . . 5 GR.1 Formula SAE Competition Objective . . . . 5 GR.2 Organizer Authority . . . . 6 GR.3 Team Responsibility . . . . 6 GR.4 Rule s Authority and Issue . . . . 7 GR.5 Rules of Conduct . . . . . 7 GR.6 Rules Format and Use . . . . 8 GR.7 Rule s Questions . . . . . 9 GR.8 Protests . . . . . 9 GR.9 Vehicle Eligibility . . . . 10 AD - Administrati ve Regulations . . . . 11 AD. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.11.2.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Side Impact Protection a. All Accumulator Containers must be protected from side impact by structure Equivalent to Side Impact Structure (F.6.4, F.7.5) The Accumulator Container must not be part of the Equivalent structure. b. Accumulator Container side impact protection must go to a minimum height that is the lower of the two: • The height of the Upper Side Impact Structure • The top of the Accumulator Container at that point c. Tractive System components other than Accumulator Containers in a position below 350 mm from the ground must be protected from side impact by structure that meets F.5.16 Component Protection
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.11.2.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 2 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS GR - General Regulations . . . . 5 GR.1 Formula SAE Competition Objective . . . . 5 GR.2 Organizer Authority . . . . 6 GR.3 Team Responsibility . . . . 6 GR.4 Rule s Authority and Issue . . . . 7 GR.5 Rules of Conduct . . . . . 7 GR.6 Rules Format and Use . . . . 8 GR.7 Rule s Questions . . . . . 9 GR.8 Protests . . . . . 9 GR.9 Vehicle Eligibility . . . . 10 AD - Administrati ve Regulations . . . . 11 AD. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. fabrication or as a consequence of moving, contact the track s urface are prohibited and any unintended contact with the ground which causes damage, or in the opinion of the Dynamic Event Officials could result in damage to the track, will result in forfeit of a run or an entire dynamic event V.2 DRIVER V.2.1 Accommodation V.2.1.1 The vehicle must be able to accommodate drivers of sizes ranging from 5 th percentile female up to 95 th percentile male. • Accommodation includes driver position, driver controls, and driver equipment. • Anthr opometric data may be found on the FSAE Online Website. V.2.1.2 The driver’s head and hands must not contact the ground in any rollover attitude. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.11.2.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Rear Impact Protection a. All Accumulator Containers must be protected from rear impact: • When the rear impact structure is 100 mm or less from an Accumulator Container, the structure must be Equivalent to Side Impact Structure (F.6.4, F.7.5) • When the rear impact structure is more than 100 mm from an Accumulator Container, the structure must meet F.5.16 Component Protection • The Accumulator Container must not be part of the Equivalent structure. b. The Rear Impact Protection for the Accumulator Container must: • Go to the Upper Side Impact Height at minimum • Have a structural and triangulated load path from the top of the Rear Impact Protection to the Upper Side Impact Structure F.6.4, F.7.5 at the Main Hoop • Have a structural and triangulated load path from the bottom of the Rear Impact Protection to the Lower Side Impact Structure F.6.4, F.7.5 at the Main Hoop c. Other Tractive System components in a position below 350 mm from the ground must be protected from rear impact by structure meeting F.5.16 Component Protection d. Differential mounts or a plate behind upper and lower rear impact tubes may be used as Rear Impact Protection. If used, the mounts or plate must be 25 mm or more larger at both the top and bottom of the upper and lower tubes
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.11.2.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.11.2.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
All Non Crushable Items should have a minimum 25 mm clearance to the surface of the Accumulator Container. Non Crushable Items include, but are not limited to motors, differentials, and the side or rear impact structure itself. Accumulator mounts do not require clearance
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule F.11.2.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 117 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 IN.14.2.3 Once the vehicle receives Inspection Approval , the ONLY modifications permitted to the vehicle are the following: • Adjustment of belts, chains and clutches • Adjustment of brake bias • Adjustment to engine / powertrain operating parameters, including fuel mixture and ignition timing, and any software calibration changes • Adjustment of the suspension • Chang ing s prings, swa y bars and shims in the suspension • Adjustment of Tire Pressure , subject to V.4.3.4 • Adjustment of wing or wing element(s) angle, but n ot the location T.7.1 • Replenishment of fluids • Replacement of worn tires or brake pads. Replacement tires and brake pads must be identical in material/composition/size to those presented and approved at Technical Inspection. The driver must always be able to steer and brake the vehicle normally. D.2.1.3 When the Push Bar is attached , the engine must stay off, unless authorized by the officials D.2.1.4 Vehicles must be Shutdown when being moved around the paddock D.2.1.5 Vehicles with wings must have two team members , one walking on each side of the vehicle when the vehicle is being pushed D.2.1.6 A 25 point penalty may be ass essed for each violation D.2.2 Fueling and Charging (IC only) Officials must conduct al l fueling activities in the des ignated location. ``` What does rule F.11.2.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Non Crushable Items mounted behind the Rear Impact structure must not be able to come through the Rear Impact structure.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.1.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 2 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS GR - General Regulations . . . . 5 GR.1 Formula SAE Competition Objective . . . . 5 GR.2 Organizer Authority . . . . 6 GR.3 Team Responsibility . . . . 6 GR.4 Rule s Authority and Issue . . . . 7 GR.5 Rules of Conduct . . . . . 7 GR.6 Rules Format and Use . . . . 8 GR.7 Rule s Questions . . . . . 9 GR.8 Protests . . . . . 9 GR.9 Vehicle Eligibility . . . . 10 AD - Administrati ve Regulations . . . . 11 AD. . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 6 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.2 ORG ANIZER AUTHORITY GR.2.1 General Authority SAE International and the competition organizing bodies reserve the right to revise the schedule of any competition and/or interpret or modify the competition rules at any time and in any manner that is, in their sole judgment, required for the efficient operation of the event or the Formula SAE series as a whole. GR.2.2 Right to Impound GR.2.2.1 SAE International and other competition organizing bodies may impound any onsite vehicle or part of the vehicle at any time during a competition . GR.2.2.2 Team access to the vehicle or impound may be restricted . GR.2.3 Problem Resolution Any problems that arise d uring the competition will be resolved through the onsite organizers and the decision will be final. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. ``` What does rule T.1.1.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The template shown below must pass through the cockpit opening
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.1.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 2 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS GR - General Regulations . . . . 5 GR.1 Formula SAE Competition Objective . . . . 5 GR.2 Organizer Authority . . . . 6 GR.3 Team Responsibility . . . . 6 GR.4 Rule s Authority and Issue . . . . 7 GR.5 Rules of Conduct . . . . . 7 GR.6 Rules Format and Use . . . . 8 GR.7 Rule s Questions . . . . . 9 GR.8 Protests . . . . . 9 GR.9 Vehicle Eligibility . . . . 10 AD - Administrati ve Regulations . . . . 11 AD. . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. ``` What does rule T.1.1.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The template will be held horizontally, parallel to the ground, and inserted vertically from a height above any Primary Structure or bodywork that is between the Front Hoop and the Main Hoop until it meets both of: ( refer to F.6.4 and F.7.5.1 ) a. Has passed 25 mm below the lowest point of the top of the Side Impact Structure b. Is less than or equal to 320 mm above the lowest point inside the cockpit
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.1.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 2 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS GR - General Regulations . . . . 5 GR.1 Formula SAE Competition Objective . . . . 5 GR.2 Organizer Authority . . . . 6 GR.3 Team Responsibility . . . . 6 GR.4 Rule s Authority and Issue . . . . 7 GR.5 Rules of Conduct . . . . . 7 GR.6 Rules Format and Use . . . . 8 GR.7 Rule s Questions . . . . . 9 GR.8 Protests . . . . . 9 GR.9 Vehicle Eligibility . . . . 10 AD - Administrati ve Regulations . . . . 11 AD. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.1.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Fore and aft translation of the template is permitted during insertion.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.1.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 2 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS GR - General Regulations . . . . 5 GR.1 Formula SAE Competition Objective . . . . 5 GR.2 Organizer Authority . . . . 6 GR.3 Team Responsibility . . . . 6 GR.4 Rule s Authority and Issue . . . . 7 GR.5 Rules of Conduct . . . . . 7 GR.6 Rules Format and Use . . . . 8 GR.7 Rule s Questions . . . . . 9 GR.8 Protests . . . . . 9 GR.9 Vehicle Eligibility . . . . 10 AD - Administrati ve Regulations . . . . 11 AD. . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. ``` What does rule T.1.1.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
During this test: a. The steering wheel, steering column, seat and all padding may be removed b. The shifter, shift mechanism, or clutch mechanism must not be removed unless it is integral with the steering wheel and is removed with the steering wheel c. The firewall must not be moved or removed d. Cables, wires, hoses, tubes, etc. must not block movement of the template During inspection, the steering column, for practical purposes, will not be removed. The template may be maneuvered around the steering column, but not any fixed supports. For ease of use, the template may contain a slot at the front center that the steering column may pass through. mm 57 mm 004 mm 001 mm 053
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.2.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 2 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS GR - General Regulations . . . . 5 GR.1 Formula SAE Competition Objective . . . . 5 GR.2 Organizer Authority . . . . 6 GR.3 Team Responsibility . . . . 6 GR.4 Rule s Authority and Issue . . . . 7 GR.5 Rules of Conduct . . . . . 7 GR.6 Rules Format and Use . . . . 8 GR.7 Rule s Questions . . . . . 9 GR.8 Protests . . . . . 9 GR.9 Vehicle Eligibility . . . . 10 AD - Administrati ve Regulations . . . . 11 AD. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. ``` What does rule T.1.2.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Requirement: a. The cockpit must have a free internal cross section b. The template shown below must pass through the cockpit
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.2.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 2 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS GR - General Regulations . . . . 5 GR.1 Formula SAE Competition Objective . . . . 5 GR.2 Organizer Authority . . . . 6 GR.3 Team Responsibility . . . . 6 GR.4 Rule s Authority and Issue . . . . 7 GR.5 Rules of Conduct . . . . . 7 GR.6 Rules Format and Use . . . . 8 GR.7 Rule s Questions . . . . . 9 GR.8 Protests . . . . . 9 GR.9 Vehicle Eligibility . . . . 10 AD - Administrati ve Regulations . . . . 11 AD. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. ``` What does rule T.1.2.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Conduct of the test. The template: a. Will be held vertically and inserted into the cockpit opening rearward of the rearmost portion of the steering column. b. Will then be passed horizontally through the cockpit to a point 100 mm rearwards of the face of the rearmost pedal when in the inoperative position c. May be moved vertically inside the cockpit
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.2.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.2.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
During this test: a. If the pedals are adjustable, they must be in their most forward position. b. The steering wheel may be removed c. Padding may be removed if it can be easily removed without the use of tools with the driver in the seat d. The seat and any seat insert(s) that may be used must stay in the cockpit e. Cables, wires, hoses, tubes, etc. must not block movement of the template f. The steering column and associated components may pass through the 50 mm wide center band of the template. For ease of use, the template may contain a full or partial slot in the shaded area shown on the figure
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.3.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.3.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The driver’s feet and legs must be completely contained inside the Major Structure of the Chassis. mm 05 mm 053
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.3.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.3.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
While the driver’s feet are touching the pedals, in side and front views, any part of the driver’s feet or legs must not extend above or outside of the Major Structure of the Chassis.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.3.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 56 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.1.3.2 While the driver’s feet are touc hing the pedals, in side and front views, any part of the driver’s feet or legs must not extend above or outside of the Major Structure of the Chassis. T.1.3.3 All moving suspension and steering components and other sharp edges inside the cockpit between the Front Hoop and a vertical plan e 100 mm rearward of the pedals must be covered by a shield made of a solid material. Moving components include, but are not limited to springs, shock absorbers, rocker arms, anti - roll/sway bars, steering racks and steering column CV joints. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.3.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
All moving suspension and steering components and other sharp edges inside the cockpit between the Front Hoop and a vertical plane 100 mm rearward of the pedals must be covered by a shield made of a solid material. Moving components include, but are not limited to springs, shock absorbers, rocker arms, anti- roll/sway bars, steering racks and steering column CV joints.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.3.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.3.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Covers over suspension and steering components must be removable to allow inspection of the mounting points
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.4.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.4.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Accelerator Pedal a. An Accelerator Pedal must control the Powertrain output b. Pedal Travel is the percent of travel from a fully released position to a fully applied position. 0% is fully released and 100% is fully applied. c. The Accelerator Pedal must: • Return to 0% Pedal Travel when not pushed • Have a positive stop to prevent any cable, actuation system or sensor from damage or overstress
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.4.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.4.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Any mechanism in the throttle system that could become jammed must be covered. This is to prevent debris or interference and includes but is not limited to a gear mechanism
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.4.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.4.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
All Vehicle Controls (steering, gear change, Cockpit Main Switch / Cockpit Shutdown Button) must be operated from inside the cockpit without any part of the driver, including hands, arms or elbows, being outside of: a. The Side Impact Structure defined in F.6.4 / F.7.5 b. Two longitudinal vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the uppermost member of the Side Impact Structure
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.4.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 117 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 IN.14.2.3 Once the vehicle receives Inspection Approval , the ONLY modifications permitted to the vehicle are the following: • Adjustment of belts, chains and clutches • Adjustment of brake bias • Adjustment to engine / powertrain operating parameters, including fuel mixture and ignition timing, and any software calibration changes • Adjustment of the suspension • Chang ing s prings, swa y bars and shims in the suspension • Adjustment of Tire Pressure , subject to V.4.3.4 • Adjustment of wing or wing element(s) angle, but n ot the location T.7.1 • Replenishment of fluids • Replacement of worn tires or brake pads. Replacement tires and brake pads must be identical in material/composition/size to those presented and approved at Technical Inspection. ``` What does rule T.1.4.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
All Vehicle Controls must stay below the top-most point of the Front Hoop in any operational position
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.5.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.5.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The Driver’s Seat must be protected by one of the following: a. In side view, the lowest point of any Driver’s Seat must be no lower than the upper surface of the lowest structural tube or equivalent b. A longitudinal tube (or tubes) that meets the requirements for Side Impact tubing (F.3.2.1.e), passing underneath the lowest point of the Driver Seat.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.6.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 23 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 F - CHASSIS AND STRUCTURAL F.1 DEFINITIONS F.1.1 Chassis The fabricat ed structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single fabricated structure, multiple fabricated structures or a combination of composite and welded structures. F.1.2 Frame Member A minimum representative single piec e of uncut, continuous tubing. F.1.3 Monocoque A type of Chassis where loads are supported by the external panels F.1.4 Main Hoop A roll bar located alongside or immediately aft of the driver’s torso. F.1.5 Front Hoop A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in prox imity to the steering wheel. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. ``` What does rule T.1.6.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
When seated in the normal driving position, sufficient heat insulation must be provided to ensure that the driver will not contact any metal or other materials which may become heated to a surface temperature above 60°C.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.6.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 56 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.1.3.2 While the driver’s feet are touc hing the pedals, in side and front views, any part of the driver’s feet or legs must not extend above or outside of the Major Structure of the Chassis. T.1.3.3 All moving suspension and steering components and other sharp edges inside the cockpit between the Front Hoop and a vertical plan e 100 mm rearward of the pedals must be covered by a shield made of a solid material. Moving components include, but are not limited to springs, shock absorbers, rocker arms, anti - roll/sway bars, steering racks and steering column CV joints. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.6.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Insulation may be external to the cockpit or incorporated with the Driver’s Seat or Firewall.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.6.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 56 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.1.3.2 While the driver’s feet are touc hing the pedals, in side and front views, any part of the driver’s feet or legs must not extend above or outside of the Major Structure of the Chassis. T.1.3.3 All moving suspension and steering components and other sharp edges inside the cockpit between the Front Hoop and a vertical plan e 100 mm rearward of the pedals must be covered by a shield made of a solid material. Moving components include, but are not limited to springs, shock absorbers, rocker arms, anti - roll/sway bars, steering racks and steering column CV joints. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.6.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The design must address all three types of heat transfer between the heat source (examples include but are not limited to: exhaust pipe, coolant hose/tube, Accumulator Container) and the panel that the driver could contact (seat or floor): a. Conduction Isolation by one of the following: • No direct contact between the heat source and the panel • A heat resistant, conduction isolation material with a minimum thickness of 8 mm between the heat source and the panel b. Convection Isolation by a minimum air gap of 25 mm between the heat source and the panel c. Radiation Isolation by one of the following: • A solid metal heat shield with a minimum thickness of 0.4 mm • Reflective foil or tape when combined with conduction insulation
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.7.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.7.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
All vehicles must have a Floor Closeout to prevent track debris from entering
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.7.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.7.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The Floor Closeout must extend from the foot area to the firewall
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.7.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 56 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.1.3.2 While the driver’s feet are touc hing the pedals, in side and front views, any part of the driver’s feet or legs must not extend above or outside of the Major Structure of the Chassis. T.1.3.3 All moving suspension and steering components and other sharp edges inside the cockpit between the Front Hoop and a vertical plan e 100 mm rearward of the pedals must be covered by a shield made of a solid material. Moving components include, but are not limited to springs, shock absorbers, rocker arms, anti - roll/sway bars, steering racks and steering column CV joints. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.7.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
The panel(s) must be made of a solid, non brittle material
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.7.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.7.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
If multiple panels are used, gaps between panels must not exceed 3 mm
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.8.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.8.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Requirement A Firewall(s) must separate the driver compartment and any portion of the Driver Harness from: a. All components of the Fuel System, the engine oil, the liquid cooling systems, any lithium batteries b. (EV only) All Tractive System components other than Outboard Wheel Motors EV.4.1.3 where mounted at the wheels or on the front control arms
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.8.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.8.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Construction Any Firewall must: a. Be a non permeable surface made from a rigid, Nonflammable Material b. Seal completely against the passage of fluids (the Firewall itself, edges, any pass throughs and Floor Closeout) c. Be rigidly mounted
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.8.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.8.3 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Positioning The Firewall must extend sufficiently far upwards and/or rearwards and/or sideways where any point on the drivers body less than 100 mm above the bottom of the helmet of the tallest driver must not be in direct line of sight with any part given in T.1.8.1 above
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.8.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.4.3.3 Draft rules or proposals may be issued for comments, however they are a courtesy, are not valid for any competitions, and may or may not be implemented in whole or in part. GR.4.4 Rules Compliance GR.4.4.1 All participants must comply with the latest issue of the Formula SAE R ules. Refer to the FSAE Online W ebsite to verify the current version. GR.4.4.2 Teams and team members must comply with the general rules and any specific rules for each competiti on they enter. GR.4.4.3 Any regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the Formula SAE Rules by reference . As examples, all compet ition site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to Formula SAE participants. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.8.4 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Details a. Firewalls composed of multiple panels must overlap and be sealed at the joints Sealing between firewalls must not be a stressed part of the Firewall b. Grommets must be used to seal any pass through for wiring, cables, etc c. Any seals or adhesives used with the Firewall must be rated for the application environment
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.8.5 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 68 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.5.5.2 The vehicle must be capable of being tilted to a 45° angle without leaking fluid of any ty pe. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.8.5 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
(EV only) The Accumulator Container must not be part of the Firewall
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.9.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. EV.3.5.4 The respective data of each run in which a team has a Violation and the resulting decision may be made public. EV.4 COMPONENTS EV.4.1 Motors EV.4.1.1 Only electrical motors are allowed. The number of motors is not limited. EV.4.1.2 Motors must meet T.5.3 EV.4.1.3 If used, Outboard Wheel Motors , where the motor, attendant cables and wiring do not meet F.11.1.3 , must: a. Include a n Interlock EV.7.8 This Interlock(s) must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.7.2.2 before failure of the T ractive System wiring when the wiring is damaged or the Wheel/Motor assembly is damaged or knocked off the vehicle. b. Reduce the length of the portions of wiring and other connections that do not meet F.11.1.3 to the extent possible ``` What does rule T.1.9.1 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Tractive System Firewalls must meet the requirements of T.1.8 above
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Attached is the FSAE rules document. What does rule T.1.9.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
We are a student engineering team designing a vehicle for the FSAE competition. Below is context from the FSAE rule document which might or might not be relevant for the question: ``` . 16 DR.2 Submission Details . . . . 16 DR.3 Submission Penalties . . . . 17 V - Vehicle Requirements . . . . 19 V.1 Configuration . . . . . 19 V.2 Driver . . . . . 20 V.3 Suspension and Steering . . . . 20 V.4 Wheels and Tires . . . . 21 F - Chassis and Structural . . . . 23 F.1 Definitions . . . . . 23 F.2 Documentation . . . . . 25 F.3 Tubing and Material . . . . 25 F.4 Composite a nd Other Materials . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . . . . 28 F.5 Chassis Requirements . . . . 30 F.6 Tube Frames . . . . . 37 F.7 Monocoque . . . . . 39 F.8 Front Chassis Protection . . . . 43 F.9 Fuel System (IC Only) . . . . 48 F.10 Accumulator Container (EV Only) . . . . 49 F.11 Tractive System (EV Only) . . . . 52 T - Technical Aspects . . . . 54 T.1 Cockpit . . . . . 54 T.2 Driver Accommodation . . . . 58 T.3 Brakes . . . . . 63 T.4 Electronic Thro ttle Components . . . . 64 T.5 Powertrain . . . . . 66 Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 3 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 T.6 Pressurized Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 68 T.7 Bodywork and Aerodynamic Devices ................................ ................................ ................................ . 69 T.8 Fasteners . . . . . 71 T.9 Electrical Equipment . . . . 72 VE - Vehicle and Driver Equipment . . . . 74 VE.1 Vehicle Identification . . . . 74 VE.2 Vehicle Equipment . . . . 74 VE.3 Driver Equipment . . . . 76 IC - Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles . . . 78 IC.1 General Requirements . . . . 78 IC.2 Air Intake System . . . . 78 IC.3 Throttle . . . . . 80 IC. GR.1.3 Engineering Competition Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a seri es of events, both off track and on track against the clock . Each competition give s teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. GR.1.4 Vehicle Design Objectives GR.1.4.1 Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. GR.1.4.2 The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the event s at the Formula SAE competitions. GR.1.4.3 Additional design factors include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, and manufacturability. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 5 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR - GENERAL RE GULATIONS GR.1 FORMULA SAE COMPETITION OBJECTIVE GR.1.1 Collegiate Design Series SAE International's Collegiate Design Series (CDS) programs prepare undergraduate and graduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines for future employment in mobility - related industries by challenging them with a real world, engineering application. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 7 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.3.5.3 There are no makeups for missed appearances. GR.4 RULES AUTHORITY AND ISSUE GR.4.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formu la SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. GR.4.2 Rules Validity GR.4.2.1 The Formula SAE Rules posted on the website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition. GR.4.2.2 Rules appendices or supplements may be posted on the website and incorporated into the rules by reference. GR.4.2.3 Additional guidance or reference documents may be posted on the website. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 9 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.7 RULES QUESTIONS GR.7.1 Question Types Designated o fficials will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require new or novel rule interpretations. Rules Questions may also be used to request approval, as specified in these rules. GR.7.2 Question Format GR.7.2.1 All Rules Questions must include: • Full name and contact information of the person submitting the question • University name – no abbreviations • The specific competition your team has, or is planning to, enter. GR.9.1.2 Information Sources The student team may use any literature or knowledge related to design and informatio n from professionals or from academics as long as the information is given as a discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons. GR.9.1.3 Professional Assistance Professionals must not make design decisions or drawings. The Faculty Advisor may be required to sign a statement of compliance with this restriction. GR.9.1.4 Student Fabrication Students should perform all fabrication tasks GR.9.2 Definitions GR.9.2.1 Competition Year The period beginning at the event of the Formula SAE series where the vehicle first competes and continuing until the start of the corresponding event held approximately 12 months later. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 10 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 GR.8.5 Protest Period Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed in the protest period announced by the co mpetition organizers or 30 minutes of the posting of the scores of the event to which the protest relates. GR.8.6 Decision The decision regarding any protest is final. GR.9 VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY GR.9.1 Student Developed Vehicle GR.9.1.1 Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, automotive engineers, racers, machinists or related professionals. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 11 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS AD.1 THE FORMULA SAE SERIES AD.1.1 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post rule vari ations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. Vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions. AD.1.2 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams must read the published announcements by SAE International and the other organizing bodies and be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and any released rules interpretations. AD.1.3 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 12 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 AD.3.1.3 Teams which are formed with members from two or more universities are treated as a single team. A student at any university making up the team may compete at any competition where the tea m participates. The multiple universities are treated as one university with the same eligibility requirements . AD.3.1.4 Each team member may participate at a competition for only one team. This includes competitions where the University enters both IC and EV te ams. AD.3.2 Age Team members must be minimum 18 years of age. AD.3.3 Driver’s License Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a valid, government issued driver’s license. Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 16 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 DR - DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS DR.1 DOCUMENTATION DR.1.1 Requirements DR.1.1.1 The documents supporting each vehicle must be submitted b efore the deadlines posted on the Event Website or otherwise published by the organizer. DR.1.1.2 The proced ures for submitting documents are published on the Event Website or otherwise identified by the organizer . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 19 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 V - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS V.1 CONFIGURATION The vehicle must be open wheeled and open cockpit (a formula style body) with four wheels that are not in a straight line. V.1.1 Open Wheel Open Wheel vehicles must satisfy all of the following criteria: a. The top 180° of the wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from vertically above the wheel. b. The wheels/tires must be unobstructed when viewed from the side. c. No part of the vehicle may e nter a keep out zone defined by two lines extending vertically from positions 75 mm in front of and 75 mm aft of , the outer diameter of the front and rear tires in the side view elevation of the vehicle, with tires steered straight ahead. 6.1.9 The driver must be protected from failure of the cylinder/tank and regulator T.6.2 High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps and Lines This section T.6.2 does not apply to Brake lines or hydraulic clutch lines T.6.2.1 The driver and anyone standing outside the vehicle must be shielded from any hydraulic pumps and lines with line pressures of 2100 kPa or higher. T.6.2.2 The shields must be steel or aluminum with a minimu m thickness of 1 mm. T.7 BODYWORK AND AERODYNAMIC DEVICES T.7.1 Aerodynamic Devices T.7.1.1 Aerodynamic Device A part on the vehicle which guides airflow for purposes including generation of downforce and/or change of drag. Examples include but are not limited to: wings, undertray, splitter, endplates, vanes T.7.1.2 No power device may be used to move or remove air from under the vehicle . Formula SAE ® Rules 202 4 © 20 23 SAE International Page 71 of 140 Version 1.0 1 Sep 2023 c. Forward of the cente rline of the front wheel axles and outboard of two vertical planes parallel to the centerline of the chassis touching the inside of the front tires at the height of the hubs must be no higher than 250 mm above the ground T.7.7.2 Bodywork height is not restricted when the Bodywork is located: • Between the transverse vertical planes positioned at the front and rear axle centerlines • Inside two vertical fore and aft planes 400 mm outboar d from the centerline on each side of the vehicle T.8 FASTENERS T.8.1 Critical Fasten ers A fastener (bolt, screw , pin, etc ) used in a location specified in the applicable rule T.8.2 Critical Fastener Requirements T.8.2. ``` What does rule T.1.9.2 state exactly? Answer with only the text of the rule and no other words.
Tractive System Firewalls must be: a. Made of aluminum b. Grounded, refer to EV.6.7 Grounding