Unnamed: 0
10 values
1 value
the rest of the neocon scum
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
US the UK and Europe will be a radioactive ruin for thousands of years
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the President of the United States sold out the American people to Russia
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Trump is a traitor because he wants peace with Russia
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Millions of Americans will continue to wonder if the only possible explanation for this dangerous behavior is the possibility that President Putin holds damaging information over President Trump
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
disgraced Obama CIA director John Brennan
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Republican Patriots Where are you
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
imbecilic he is wholly in the pocket of Putin
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
extremely hostile reaction
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the despicable US Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the insouciant American voters
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the propaganda ministry that is the Western press
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Trump can be assassinated or overthrown in a political coup for selling out America to Russia
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Russian traitors
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Americans are so unaware that they have no idea of the risk that President Trump is taking by challenging the US military security complex
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the legendary senator
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
emergence from The Matrix
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
marshall their forces
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the utterly corrupt elite that rule American
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Today right now at this moment we are faced with a massive effort of the militarysecurity complex the neoconservatives the Democratic Party and the presstitute media to discredit the elected President of the United States and to overthrow him in order that the utterly corrupt elite that rule American can continue to hold on to power and to protect the massive budget of the militarysecurity complex that along with the Israel Lobby funds the elections of those who rule us
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
The rightwing wrapped in the flag dismisses all truth as antiAmerican
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the ire of the media
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a watchdog over government
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the traitorous Russian Fifth Column
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
they are insane
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
numerous unquestionable crimes in plain view of everyone
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Russiagate is an orchestratration to prevent peace between the US and Russia
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a hoax designed for the purpose of preventing President Trump from normalizing relations between the US and Russia
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
which has the power to destroy the entirety of the Western World at will
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the aggressive actions of the West against the Russian homeland
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
in the trash can of history
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Keep in mind that no media informs you better than my website
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
No valid information comes from the US government or the Western presstitutesIf you sit in front of the TV screen watching the Western media you are brainwashed beyond all hopeNot even I can rescue youNor God himself
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
I doubt that few of the Americans who elected Trump will be taken in by the antiTrump propagana
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
In the West which the Russians are so anxious to join all freedoms are dead
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Today there are no countries less free than the United States of America
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
deluded fools
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
that lives high off the hog on the insouciant American taxpayer that it is questionable if the US is even a second class military power
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
neocon scum
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
blatantly false accusation
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
If you dont believe that this is orchestrated between Pelosi and Schumer you are stupid beyond belief
black and white fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
corrupt filth
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Russiagate hoax
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
complex was a threat to American democracy
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
such an enormous budget
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a proven hoax
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
has turned the normal everyday responsibility of the Presidentone acknowledged and acted upon by every previous presidentto defuse tensions that could lead to nuclear war into a high crimePresident Trump is accused of treason for trying to make peace
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
In 1961 President Dwight Eisenhower warned Americans in his last public address that the militaryindustrial complex was a threat to American democracy
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the deplorables
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Trump has only the deplorables and they are unorganized and will experience retribution once Trump is removed
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
butting their heads against a stone wall
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
This vast sum
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
President Trump is accused of treason for trying to make peace
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a treasonous enemy
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
President Trump has been setup as a treasonous enemy of America
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
they will understand that war or surrender is their only option
black and white fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
most brutal and barbaric
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
This federal judge should know what the Constitution actually says
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Are you people serious
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
not even fit to sit on the bench
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
not fit to be in the office
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Doesnt make much sense
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
have absolutely no problem
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
nothing short of a menace
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
dangerous and reckless
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
saddest living conditions and poverty I have seen
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
extremists of the Muslim belief
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
horrifying compound
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a Muslim ExtremistRun Compound
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
armed Muslim extremists
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
deplorable living conditions
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
two very heavily armed men
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the shanty
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a compound
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
most surprising and heartbreaking
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
five adults and 11 children that looked like third world country refugees
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Filthy New Mexico Compound
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Armed Muslim Extremists
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
extremist of the Muslim belief
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
it was the saddest living conditions and poverty I have seen
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
dirty rags for clothing
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
dragging their feet
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
beyond frustrated
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Compound wasnt searched thoroughly
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
It was the saddest living conditions and poverty I have seen
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a horrifying scene
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
When we first went up there nothing was overturned he saidYou could tell nobody had looked underneath that nobody had looked underneath thisFather allegedly took boy in November
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
why police waited so long to search New Mexico compound
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
his fugitive father
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a filthy compound
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
They were dragging their feetThey were taking too long
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a wretched compound
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the horrid compound
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
raised alarm
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence