BEDROOM - PREDAWN In a Simi Valley housing tract. It's dark. CLOSE ON ALARM CLOCK 4:59 AM. WIDER ANGLE: Eyes glisten in the clock's shine, patiently watching the time. BZZZZ! The ALARM SOUNDS. A hand that's been hovering over the clock drops. Silence. JAKE HOYT, a fit young man, rolls over, throws an arm over his sleeping wife -- JAKE It's time. -- she's not there, just empty blan
Boyle ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. STREET. DAY Legs run along the pavement. They are Mark Renton's. Just ahead of him is Spud. They are both belting along. As they travel, various objects (pens, tapes, CDs, toiletries, ties, sunglasses, etc.) either fall or are discarded from inside their jackets. They are pursued by two hard-looking Store Detectives in identical uniforms. The men are fast, but Renton and Spud maintain the
The Roman Empire has fallen. The land lies in ruins, divided amoung feuding tribes. To the west, Ireland has flourished untouched by the Romans, protected by the sea. Led by their powerful and ruthless King, the Irish have subdued the Britons. Knowing that if Ireland is to prosper, the tribes must never be allowed to unite.
June 12, 2009 White letters on a black screen: The wicked flee when none pursueth. The quotation fades. A woman's voice: Voice-Over People do not give it credence that a young girl could leave home and go off in the wintertime to avenge her father's blood, but it did happen.
appears on a black screen. "One doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time." Andre Gide The title fades off, replaced by a second title. "We're all in this alone." Lily Tomlin INT. A WOMB. DAY. A fiber optic camera observes a five-month-old MALE
SHOOTING DRAFT February 11, 2008 FADE IN: 1 EXT. RAIN FOREST, OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK, WASHINGTON - DAWN Moss-draped. Shadow-drenched. Tortured tree trunks twist upward, reaching for rare sunlight. BELLA (V.O.) I'd
A FULL MOON FILLS THE FRAME -- Luminous, tinged with gold. Slowly, a penumbral shadow begins to spread across the moon's surface, darkening it from left to right... BELLA (V.O.) "These violent delights have violent ends..." ... until the moon is enveloped in shadow; a new moon... which disappears into the darkness.
David Lynch and Bob Engels Typed By: Deep Thought Lynch/Frost Productions Shooting Draft FADE IN: 1. EXT. WIND RIVER, WASHINGTON - DAY On screen it reads: "1988, WIND RIVER, DEER MEADOW, WASHINGTON" TERESA BANKS' body wrapped in plastic floating through Hells Canyon,
all to his SON. The boy swings, connects, sends the ball flying. DAD smiles. BRANDON LANG'S VOICE That's me. Five years old. I remember that day. Believe it or not, I remember that hit. I remember it because of the smile that spread over my dad's face... EXT. HOME MOVIE - 1983 - DAY BRANDON shooting hoops. DAD drinks a Bud, frowns as he miss
and Richard Rutowski & Oliver Stone NOTE: THE HARD COPY OF THIS SCRIPT CONTAINED SCENE NUMBERS AND SOME "OMITTED" SLUGS. THEY HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR THIS SOFT COPY. EXT. SOMEWHERE IN THE DESERT SOUTHWEST - DAY BEGIN TITLES OVER: It is early morning and already hot. INSECTS drone, crackle, and scurry for shade. PRAIRIE DOGS burrow to escape the sun. We can see the heat shimmering off the surface of th
LOGO DE « UFA COMACICO » Le logo de « UFA Comacico » représente un éléphant de cirque devant un rideau de scène. Il lève la patte et la trompe, et il barrit. TIGREVILLE - PLAGE - EXTÉRIEUR JOUR Plan d'une portion déserte de la plage. Une ponton en béton part de la plage et s'avance dans l
m.night.shyamalan INT. CLOTHING STORE - AFTERNOON Women's casual wear department. J.C. Penny. Legend "1961" An African-American man carrying two J.C. Penny shopping bags is ushered past the department store managers and security guards on walkies that have gathered at the entrance to the woman's dressing rooms. CUT TO: INT. DRESSING ROOM - AFTERNOON A bed has been formed by a chair and thr
SOMEWHERE IN AFRICA EXT. GRASSY PLAINS - DUSK BIRDS ARE FLUSHED FROM HIDING. A soldier carrying an automatic weapon rises up out of the grass and looks around. A mortar shell explodes nearby. There are no sound effects. He seems unperturbed. Several more explosions in the field. The soldier motions with his arm and: FIFTY M
02.10.09 FADE IN: INT. PASSENGER JET - EARLY MORNING Sleepy thick fatigue, the end of a red-eye flight. Most passengers still asleep, a few read, or stare blankly. In business class, A HUSBAND and WIFE, mid-30's. He's awake, reading a document. She sleeps nestled against his shoulder. He's trim, sharp, good looking in an academic way. Even in
NEWSREEL ANNOUNCER (V.O.) "Movietown News" presents... Spotlight on Adventure! The mysterious SOUTH AMERICAN JUNGLE. A massive waterfall cascades down a gigantic, flat-topped mountain. NEWSREEL ANNOUNCER (V.O.) What you are now witnessing is footage never before seen by civilized humanity: a l
ruction 1. A SPOTLIGHT reveals RYAN BINGHAM standing at a PODIUM. He unzips a BACKPACK and sets it down beside him. RYAN How much does your life weigh? Ryan pauses to let us consider this. RYAN (CONT'D) Imagine for
FADE IN: In the darkness, we hear a voice, a woman's voice. Her name is Evey. EVEY (V.O.) "Remember, remember, the fifth of November, the gunpowder treason and plot. I know of now reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot." Her voice has a stre
of the German Reich, and that I shall at all times be prepared, as a brave soldier, to give my life for this oath. 1 BLACK 1 And from out of the blackness a voice. A man speaking in German - faint at first, crackling over the radio. Subtitles translate the voice of Adolf Hitler. HITLER (V.O.) My comrades. Once again - I don't know how many times it has been now
ss. THIRTY PEOPLE and an inexpensive bier SEEN from the back of the hall. ANGLE A MAN's back FILLS the SCREEN. He is dressed in a black suit; his hands are clasped behind him. ANOTHER MAN stands next to him. The Second Man reaches behind the First Man's back and puts a discreetly folded ten-dollar bill into his hands. ANGLE These Two Men from the front. Both
his modestly furnished Colonial house. He is holding a glass of wine and peering out through the drapes. After a few moments an OLD CAR pulls up. A slightly overweight WOMAN gets out of the car. She starts to walk up to the house. Walter steps back from the window and waits. The doorbell rings. Walter takes a last sip of wine and sets the glass down on the end table. And then he goes t
, or quoted or published in any medium without the prior written consent of Warner Bros. July 27, 2000 WARNER BROS. © 2000 4000 Warner Boulevard WARNER BROS. Burbank, California 91522 All Rights Reserved BLACK A young man's V.O.: ADULT LANDON (V.O.) I was born in Beaufort, North Carolina. A place where
We home in on a boat coming in to shore. Off walks a man, he is carrying a backpack and wearing shades. EXT. TOWN He walks through a town, passing various stores and the general bustle of the people there. He notices a baby in a pram left out on the sidewalk, then sees the mother is in an alleyway doing what looks like a drug deal. EXT. LU
/87 Rev. 4/15/87 Rev. 4/20/87 Rev. 4/23/87 EXT. WALL STREET - EARLY MORNING FADE IN. THE STREET. The most famous third of a mile in the world. Towering landmark structures nearly blot out the dreary grey flannel sky. The morning rush hour crowds swarm through the dark, narrow streets like mice in a maze, all in pursuit of one thing: MONEY... CREDITS RUN. INT. SUBWAY PLATFORM - EARLY MORNING We hear the ROAR of the trains pulling out of the station. Blurr
traction... the Federal Reserve created more paper reserves. The excess credit spilled over into the market triggering a fantastic speculative boom... " EXT. CLINTON CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - DAY It's a summer day. The heat floats above the pavement. A cab waits in the lot. The large gates of New York's largest prison open and today's group of newly released emerge. They pass a guard wh
"Out there, there's a world outside of Yonkers..." More stars. Distant galaxies, constellations, nebulas... A single planet. Drab and brown. Moving towards it. Pushing through its polluted atmosphere. "...Close your eyes and see it glisten..." EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE - CONTINUOUS A range of mountains takes form in the haze. Moving
NOVEMBER 30, 2015 BLACK SCREEN PRIMITIVE WAR DRUMS POUND OMINOUSLY... as a LEGEND BEGINS: Fifteen years ago, a scientific experiment gone wrong gave RISE to a species of intelligent apes... and destroyed most of humanity with a virus that became known as the Simian Flu. The word "RISE" lingers, moving toward us as it FADES... With the DAWN of a new ape civilization led by Caesar, the surviving humans
The bucolic magnificence of the Devon countryside. We fly low over the high, thick hedges untouched for hundreds of years. The thick verdant countryside in all its splendor, ancient woodlands, fields of corn, and finally a paddock in a typical Devonshire dale. We come to rest beside three farmers standing over a pregnant mare. The mare is in distress - she is about to give birth. The farm
limpse of sunlight desperately tries to force its way through a gray sky before being obliterated. 4 A MAN, sunburned and bearded, lets himself fall from the edge of a boat and into the ocean. D UNDERWATER, through shafts of light, white limbs are FLAILING. The MAN struggles, alone. Bubbles stream upward. He breaks the surface and gasps for air. He begins to swim. His massive arms and shoulders grab at the
EXT. PITTSBURGH, PA - TWILIGHT A beautiful blue-collar city approaching nightfall. Bridges. Rivers. Churches. The working class poetry of the `Burgh. EXT. ST. MARY'S CHURCH - SAME PADDY CONLON (60) exits the doors of a run-down church holding a 12-STEP BOOK. He is followed by a cluster of other PEOPLE in the pr
An upstate New York town. A CIRCUS is being dismantled...The Big Top falls and is gathered up by workmen...Trucks are being loaded with animals. EXT. PARKING LOT - CIRCUS GROUNDS - CONTINUOUS - NIGHT AN ELDERLY MAN , JACOB JANKOWSKI - 93 year old - stands alone, with a walker in the middle of the empty parking lot. His shirt is stained with sweat - as if it took great effort for him to get there. As he
1 AERIAL PANORAMA - DAY TO NIGHT 1 A slow, steady, downward view. The camera seemingly floats as the curve of the globe passes beneath. Beginning in the green jungles of Sikkim in Northern India it crosses the Himalayas, down into Tibet and beyond to China - the zigzag line of the Great Wall clearly visible. Then the Gobi desert is flowing beneath, and as the lig
Gliding closer, a group of tiny fish dart before the camera. We're UNDERWATER. Arriving at the form, it finally sharpens into focus. It's a WOMAN'S BODY submerged in dark water, arms floating lazily at her side. The face is obscured by flowing hair. All that is visible is a pair of COLD, STARING GREEN EYES, which blink closed... MORPH TO: ...then open as BLUE EYES, as a DIFFERENT FACE emerges from water. CLAIRE SPENCER awakens
December 20, 2006 MAP GRIDS From the pages of a Thomas guide converge, overlap and re- configure across the screen. The endlessly ironic names of American suburbs parade before us, their violet territories marching forward like a bruise into dark green patches of forest and wilderness. Closer in on one last map grid which fades into a transparency of itself overlaid across the actual location of the suburb. The name of
GIRL'S VOICE (O.S.) (UKRAINIAN) I can't see anything... Are you there? Silence. GIRL'S VOICE (O.S.) (UKRAINIAN) (CONT'D) Are you there!? Giggling. LUBA, 15, dangerous, flicks a lighter, sparking a cigarette, and grins in the flickering flame. LUBA (UKRAINIAN) God I'm drunk... Where's this damn door? She scans the space with the lighter. Illuminating...
E VILLA - MORNING 1 Stare at my broken face in a gilded mirror. The breaks occurred a lifetime ago, healed uneven. I wear a white tropical button-down, a Republican-gold Rolex, a pirate-patch over what was my left eye. ME (V.O.) I'm old. And all I have left is the will to remember... I reach into a dresser drawer, pull out a yellowed black & white picture of HER: this beatif
horse. We can't see his face. Only his boots, spurs, whip, the taut reins, the horse's foamy mouth, the movements that steer the animal. We watch him for a while and hear the SNORTS of the horse, the dull SOUND of THE HOOVES on the ground, the fast-uttered COMMANDS of the rider. Then we start to hear a gentle voice: NARRATOR (o.s.):I don't know if the story that I want to tell you, reflects the truth in every detail. Much of it I only know by hearsay, and a
REDITS OVER Wind on the water. Soaring gulls and sand pipers glide over the pilings and sagging bulkheads. OLDER CHUCK (V.O.) Though I hadn't seen or spoken to Sheldrake in over thirty years, it seemed impossible that his heart was the thing that had finally failed him... INT. LATE MODEL CAR - SAME CHUCK GIEG, 49, thin, windswept and handsome, is behind the wheel. He pulls down a narrow cobble ston
Greg Rucka December 22, 2006 SCROLL OVER BLACK: Antarctica. Six million square miles of ice. The coldest place on earth. Forty-six countries have competing claims and maintain outposts. The Antarctic Treaty holds these claims in check. There is no regular law en
Japanese motorcycle - wound out to maximum R.P.M. up the street. CUT TO: 2. SIGN BY ROADSIDE The sign reads “KIDS PLAYING - SPEED BUMPS”. CUT TO: 3. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY With a whine from hell, the front tire of the motorcycle hits a speed bump. The motorcycle becomes airborne and on the way up slices itself in half as it scrapes along the full length of a Datsun Kingcab. In the air, the rider and motorcycle twist violently as they fly by.
MANDALAY ENTERTAINMENT January 21, 1997 1202 West Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232 FADE IN: MAIN TITLE SEQUENCE -- BLACK INTERCUT -- QUICK FLASH-FORWARDS INSIDE A STEAMY SHOWER -- A wet naked woman and man wrapped around each other in ecstasy -- legs, arms, hair, mouths. BLACK -- MORE TITLES -- then Moonlight reflects on a vehicle's shiny surface. FISTS THUD
flawless DIAMONDS, glinting in the morning sun. Tounted on crushed velvet, the identical diamonds are on a glass covered pedal stool in the middle of a vast, marble MUSEUM HALL. The stunning beauty of the stones is matched only by the breathtaking beauty of the young woman who's admiring them. MARIE CLIFFORD's creamy seventeen year old skin is dappled in the cornucopia of colors emanating from t
esolate. In the far off distance a man is jogging. He banks around the end of a small pond and runs right at us. This is MIKE FLAHERTY, FORTY-TWO. He is running hard. Or at least as hard as he can. Suddenly TWO JOGGERS blow past him. INT. HOUSE, BEDROOM - SAME. A HOME MADE STAIN GLASS ANGEL hangs on a window. It falls to
EXT. LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. COUNTRYSIDE – DAY TITLE SEQUENCE The faces of several young children are presented in CLOSEUP, as they walk TOWARD US across a ploughed field. On the SOUND TRACK, the haunting SOUNDS OF A GREGORIAN FUNERAL CHANT. The CAMERA PANS UP to the faces of older brothers and sisters, then to parents and grandparents. These are not familiar
DS appear, twisting and vaguely transparent, reflected on the window GRADY TRIPP stands before as he reads from a sheaf of NEATLY-TYPED PAGES. GRADY 'The young girl sat perfectly still in the confessional... 1 INT. CLASSROOM - UNIVERSITY - AFTERNOON Grady--45-year-old novelist, professor, and insomniac--is in the midst of reading a story to the dozen college STUDENTS who make up his Advanced Writing Workshop. GRADY ...listening to her father's boots s
Winner 1st Prize 2001 Slamdance Screenplay Competition July 30, 2002 BEGIN TITLES - OPENING SEQUENCE MONTAGE Over black we HEAR the rhythmic sound of machinery. This sound will continue throughout the title sequence as other sounds fade in and out. We move forward and back in time.
FADE IN: MUSIC: DEF LEPPARD - "ROCK ROCK (TILL YOU DROP)" Over OPENING CREDITS, a montage of OLD WRESTLING-MAGAZINE PHOTOS. Action shots of RANDY "THE RAM" ROBINSON taking on a keffiyeh-wearing heel named THE AYATOLLAH before 20,000 screaming fans at Madison Square Garden. The sounds of a SCREAMING, CHEERING CROWD overwhelm us.
INT./EXT. A CAR (MOVING). NIGHT The shifting lights from the odd passing car play over the faces of MR. and MRS. PRESCOTT, a pleasant-looking couple in their late thirties, dressed up for a night out. Mr. Prescott drives them along a dark hilly two-lane highway. MRS. PRESCOTT Why do they always put braces on teenage girls at the e
deep HEAVING BREATHS. Moist FLESH FLAPPING accompaniment. Someone is beating off. A pause as the someone turns the page of a magazine. The beating off resumes at a quickened pace. The SQUEAKING of bed springs joins in. Another page is turned. Feverish THUMPING until a MALE VOICE lets out a quiet MOAN. The breathing gradually slows to normal and lets out a relieved sigh of finality.
We hear the actual recorded emergency calls made by World Trade Center office workers to police and fire departments after the planes struck on 9/11, just before the buildings collapsed. TITLE OVER: SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 We listen to fragments from a number of these calls...starting with pleas for help, building to a panic, ending with the caller's grim acceptance that help will not arrive, that the situati