y 8th, 2010 EYES. Expressive, alive. Human? No. They belong to a FEMALE CHIMPANZEE: BRIGHT EYES. EXT. GROVE OF TREES -- DAY She sits in a tree with ALPHA, her mate - large and muscular, a PROMINENT WHITE BIRTHMARK ACROSS HIS SHOULDER, LIKE A SHOOTING STAR. Around them, under the TREE CANOPY, a COMMUNITY OF CHIMPANZEES naps, eats, plays. EXT. WEST AFRICAN JUNG
dges, moldings and cornices; the phantoms of decaying Victorian wealth floating like disembodied ghosts in the darkness. It is May 6, 1924 The harsh flare of a match being struck A shadowy male figure lights a series of nine candles on a birthday cake. Beyond the cake we can see a bed. On the bed lies a woman in her early forties. She is ashen and sickly. Dying. The shadowy male figure finishes lighting the candles, blows out the match and disappears as the wom
T. CORN FIELD - DAY The intense BUZZING of summer insects and the SONG of songbirds. A birds eye view of a bucolic mid west farming landscape, corn field, blue skies, sunshine, a FARMER PLOUGHING a nearby field with a TRACTOR, grain silos and a hay stack. A MAN with a horse. A clapboard house with a strawberry field, a woman's hand picks strawberries; a WOMAN lying in grass, lazing... OPENING CREDITS...
FT Trilogy Entertainment Group in association with: July 10, 1990 WARNER BROS. INC. © 1990 4000 Warner Boulevard WARNER BROS. INC. Burbank, California 91522 All Rights Reserved PRINCE OF THIEVES FADE IN: SUNSET The glowing orb ripples like a blood-red eye. BLACK, ROBED FIGURE A face of the ages. Dark, wrinkled skin. Wizened, almond eyes. He howls at the sun. His voice ECHOES across
SUPERIMPOSE OVER ACTION... "NOVEMBER 12, 1975 - PHILADELPHIA" ... The club itself resembles a large unemptied trash-can. The boxing ring is extra small to insure constant battle. The lights overhead have barely enough wattage to see who is fighting. In the ring are two heavyweights, one white the other black. The white fighter is ROCKY BALBOA. He is thirty years old. His face is scarred and thick around the nose... His black hair shines and hangs in his eyes. Rocky fights in a plo
faint background hum of a refrigerator. A light clicks on, briefly, then snaps off again. Then on again, for a little longer. We wake groggily with JACK (five), blinking up at MA (26). She's standing in a worn t-shirt and underwear beside a lamp, switching it on and off at apparently random intervals. She cranes up at the recessed skylight, Room's only window. The irregular flashes of lamp-light reveal glimpses of this little world lined with cork: t
INT. COLLEGE DORM ROOM - DAY Sunlight pours through the window of an empty, silent dorm room. The room seems alive, somehow. As if it's waiting patiently for this year's kids. A long beat. The room darkens for an instant. Just the sun, right, dipping behind a cloud? Maybe. INT. DORM HALLWAY - DAY OVER CREDITS, we PAN DOWN a hallway full of COLLEGE KIDS. They carr
head. The bad weather that has hovered over the Eifel mountains, (in Germany), the past three days is on it's way out.. 2 AN EYE FLICKERS - WIDE OPEN - STARING INTENTLY 2 A pupil dilates and contracts in the light. The eye stares. Blinks. Thinks. Making evaluations.. 3 EXT. CLOUDY SKY - GERMANY - DAY 3 The first rays of sunshine break through. The voices of international TV commentators in diff
1. THE CHILD Gradually more and more visible in the darkness, the face of a child, Sam. He is 6 years old, blond, pale and miserably thin. As we move in on his eyes, we see his lids quickly contracting. Under his eyelids: vestiges of the day's lights and shadows, of the day's noise. 2. EXT. - NORTHWEST LANDSCAPES. DAY A grim region where the sky hangs low and the win
n the bed, playing a TRUMPET, his white dress shirt defaced by a flower of blood. The room is ON FIRE all around him. He is playing Miles Davis' moody, Spanish-influenced SAETA, a haunting and lonely piece. DANNY (V.O.) My name is Tom Van Allen ... (beat) or Danny Flynne ... A DUFFLE BAG FULL OF MONEY ON THE BED. The money burning, tiny flaming pieces floating around the room.
June 10 th, 1992 A FADED KODACHROME PHOTO Of the 9 best (11-year-old) buddies that ever lived. On a makeshift baseball diamond - a sandlot... circa 1962: SCOTTY SMALLS, studious-looking; ALAN "YEAH-YEAH" McCLENNAN, little, hyper; HAMILTON "HAM" PORTER, tubby with a huge smile; KENNY
-- FIRST SET OF REVISIONS Cort/Madden Company Paramount Studios 5555 Melrose Avenue Chevalier Building, Ste. 203 Los Angeles, California JUNE 11, 1999 FADE IN: 1 EXT. PENNSYLVANIA COUNTRYSIDE - LONG SHOT - DAY 1 of an empty stretch of land parted down the middle by railroad tracks. An Amtrak Commuter crests the horizon, heads TOWARD us. As it gets CLOSER, we GO IN TIGHTER to see -- 2 FACE OF SARA JOHNSON
ar song opening and then a voice - male. TRAVERS (V.O.) (SINGING) Winds in the East Mist coming in-- FADE IN: A whoosh of wind spins us around in a blue sky, spinning, spinning until we slow to a stop and find ourselves amongst white fluffy clouds. A shadow (oddly shaped like an umbrella) dances amongst the nimbus. TRAVERS (V.O.)
------------------------------------------------ FADE IN: CREDITS: White lettering over a back background. The THUNDEROUS SOUNDS OF A MASSIVE NAVAL BARRAGE are heard. The power is astonishing. It roars through the body, blows back the hair and rattles the ears. FADE IN: EXT. OMAHA BEACH - NORMANDY - DAWN The ROAR OF NAVAL GUNS continues but now WE SEE THEM
ator. NARRATOR In May 1900, Fidel Castro -- in an effort to normalize relations with the Carter Administration -- opened the harbor at Mariel, Cuba with the apparent intention of letting some of his people join their relatives in the U
TRAIN WHEELS grinding against track, slowing. FOLDING TABLE LEGS scissoring open. The LEVER of a train door being pulled. NAMES on lists on clipboards held by clerks moving alongside the tracks. CLERKS (V.O.) ...Rossen... Lieberman... Wachsberg... BEWILDERED RURAL FACES coming down off the passenger train. FORMS being set out on
The world is a fine place, and worth fighting for. - Ernest Hemingway For Whom the Bell Tolls 1940 EXT. COUNTRY CHURCH -- DAY The white cross on the church steeple stands against blue sky. The church bell rings, resonating. Mass has
EXT. PLAINS COUNTRY - CLOSE SHOT - MOVING JUST ABOVE GROUND LEVEL - A STUDY OF HOOFPRINTS - LATE AFTERNOON The hoofprints are deeply etched in the ground, picking their way through scrubby desert growth. An occasional tumbleweed drifts with the light breeze across the pattern of prints; and lightly-blown soil and sand begin the work of erasing them. The CAMERA FOLLOWING the hoofprints
3/16/11 "Too much happens... Man performs, engenders so much more than he can or should have to bear. That's how he finds that he can bear anything." - William Faulkner INT. WALTER'S APARTMENT, BROOKLYN - MORNING Walter Mitty (30s) sits at his small kitchen table, balancing his che
- NIGHT - TITLE SEQUENCE A series of traveling shots. A well-dressed, pompous-looking individual (JOHN DASHWOOD, 35) is making an urgent journey on horseback. He looks anxious. EXT. NORLAND PARK - ENGLAND - MARCH 1800 - NIGHT Silence. Norland Park, a large country house built in the early part of the eighteenth century, lies in the moonlit parkland. INT. NO
1 SUBTITLE Berkeley, California -1981- DISSOLVE TO ACTUAL TV NEWS FOOTAGE FROM 1981 A busy intersection near the UC Berkeley campus. A strange, self-propelled motorized gurney whirrs into view and makes its way over a pedestrian crosswalk. The passenger, MARK O'BRIEN, in his early 30s, is visible only from the neck up. The rest of him is covered by a blanket. He operates the gurney with a mouth control and a set of m
his squire JONS is snoring loudly. He has fallen asleep where he collapsed, at the edge of the forest among the wind-gnarled fir trees. His open mouth gapes towards the dawn, and unearthly sounds come from his throat. At the sudden gust of wind, the horses stir, stretching their parched muzzles towards the sea. They are as thin and worn as their masters. The KNIGHT has risen and waded into the shallow water, where he rinses his sunburned face and blistered lips. JONS rolls over to f
g boutique. In the window -- a MANNEQUIN is wearing -- the best of everything. A PRETTY TWENTY-SOMETHING girl looks in at the display: dreaming of the day. CARRIE (V.O.) Year after year, twenty-something women come to New York City in search of the two "L's": labels and love. 1 EXT. 5TH AVENUE/TIFFANY -- DAY -- SUMMER 1 Four TWENTY-SOMETHING WOMEN walk a
69 Cutlass while smoking a cigarette. One could describe his appearance as punk/arty, but neither would do him justice. He is a man of obvious intelligence, and his face is amiable. There is only one key on his keyring, and it is in the ignition. ANN (voice over) Garbage. I started thinking about wh
E - DAY From an AERIAL VIEW we see the outline of a city. Any city will do. Mirrored high rises. Sprawling apartment complexes. A lot of people live here...whoever they are. As we move closer we discover that this is not a real city at all, but a scale model of one. Everything is in miniature -- the buildings, parks, and freeways. GLIDING over this tabletop metropoli
riters and audiences. North of the city was the Curtain Theatre, home to England's most famous actor, Richard Burbage. Across the river was the competition, built by Philip Henslowe, a business with a cash flow problem... ...The Rose... Gradually a building is revealed, The Rose Theatre, three- tiered, open to the elements and empty. On the floor, roughly printed, a poster--torn, soiled, out of date. It says:
ntal strip of face, eyes motionless and unblinking. DAVID (VOICE-OVER) Take trust, for instance, or friendship: these are the important things in life, the things that matter, that help you on your way. If you can't trust your friends, well, what then? EXT. DAWN A series of fast-cut static scenes of empty streets. DAVID (VOICE-OVER)
n a distant apartment. The MUFFLED PAD of FOOTSTEPS crossing overhead- BRANDON listens then gets up, pulls blinds and heads out towards the bathroom- The SOUND of his feet disappearing down a distant corridor. The MURMUR of an answer phone as we hear BRANDON peeing, in a far off bathroom. 2 INT. PLATFORM. SUBWAY. DAWN. 2 BRANDON stands, looking down, watching until- A SUDDEN breeze, the subway trai
wouldn't it be niiiice?... we could be married, then we could be happy, wouldn't it be niiiiice?" Through it there has been the SOUND of BANGING, distinct and rhythmic. It GROWS LOUDER as the MUSIC ENDS. There are also WHIMPERING SOUNDS from a woman. FELICIA'S VOICE Oh, no. GEORGE'S VOICE ... what?... FELICIA'S VOICE That headboard. GEORGE'S VOICE Nobody can hear it. It BAN
-- CABIN -- NIGHT (1946) A dark, empty room. The door bursts open. A MAN and WOMAN enter, drunk and giggling, horny as hell. No sooner is the door shut than they're all over each other, ripping at clothes, pawing at flesh, mouths locked together. He gropes for a lamp, tries to turn it on, knocks it over instead. Hell with it. He's got more urgent things to do, like getting her blouse open and his hands on her breasts. She arches, moaning, fumbling with his fly. H
Glaring fluorescence, trash overflowing with cheap detergent boxes, empty Coke machine flashing all lights orange. Only two dryers are humming. It's very late. Keep PANNING to... ...a wiry, gimlet-eyed WOMAN, furtively removing crumpled newspapers from a dryer. She flattens and folds them meticulously, her glance darting angrily everywhere. Top secret mission. ...a natty little black man. PARTRIDGE has spread a late supper on a neat cloth atop a dryer. Small cold fowl. Brie, bague
eep in the surf. White shirt, neck tie, hair perfectly parted. Wire framed glasses rest on the bridge of his nose. His name is ALEJANDRO. He rises his face to the sun. ALEJANDRO(V.O.) I think about the price. The price of appetite. The cost of forgetting who we are. Pretending we are... who w
UNDER THE STUDIO LOGO: KNOCKING at a door and distant dog BARKING. NOW UNDER BLACK, a CARD -- SATURDAY The rapping, at first tentative and polite, grows insistent. Then we hear someone get out of bed. MILES (O.S.) ...the fuck... A DOOR is opened, and the black gives
98 SHOOTING DRAFT FADE IN: EXT. TYRE, LEBANON - DAY A coast road. Date palms. Burnt-out hulks that once were Russian T-54 TANKS have long ago been left to rust in the sun. A 4-door MERCEDES hurtles down the ancient road. DEVEREAUX (V.O.) We're online for exactly two minutes.
w of a house. The backyard is large and green with a wooden jungle gym, worn from use. A single tree throws shade onto a barbecue and a picnic table. The backyard is lined by crops. Corn. Golden and brown. Six feet high. Everything is perfect. Like a postcard. And then we HEAR A CHILD SCREAM. IT'S FAR AWAY. WE DON'T KNOW WHERE IT'S COMING FROM. CUT TO: INT. BEDROOM - MORNING GRAHAM HESS wakes up from his sleep. He
arris FADE IN: INT. GRUBBY HOTEL CORRIDOR - DAY (DIMLY LIT) A woman's face BACKS INTO SHOT, her head resting against grimy wallpaper. She is tense, sweaty, wide-eyed with concentration. This is CLARICE STARLING, mid-20's, trim, very pretty. She wears Kevlar body armor over a navy windbreaker, khaki pants. Her thick hair is piled under a na
Shooting draft INT. KAREL PSYCHIATRIC FACILITY - DAY OVER BLACK PAT What, are you kidding me? Sundays? I love Sundays. I live for Sundays. The whole family's together. Mom makes braciole. Dad puts the jersey on. We're all watching the game. Yea
T, OUT-OF-FOCUS, OVAL-SHAPED COLORS. The colored shapes dart around the screen -- the impression of looking through a kaleidoscope. As the image comes into sharp focus, we discover that we are inside a CANDY BOWL. A MAN'S FINGERS are frantically removing all the cherry-flavored pieces of candy. EXT. STUDIO LOT - DAY The man performing this curious task is writer/producer/director, VIKTOR TARANSKY, forties, conservatively dressed in suit and tie. He sits alone at
COLUMBIA PICTURES LOGO BLACK SCREEN On a black screen, the words (without capital letters in front of the words) : columbia pictures presents and then : a film by barbet schroeder BATHROOM - INTERIOR We don't know if it's day or night. We see a little girl, aged around eight, putting lipstick on her lips. She is wearing earrings and a ring on the middle finger of her right hand. She moves forward and we see another girl about the same age.
ITTREDGE'S APARTMENT LIVING ROOM DAWN JOHN FLANDERS KITTREDGE and LOUISA KITTREDGE ("FLAN" and "OUISA") , an attractive couple in their 40s, in their night clothes are in an uncharacteristic state of shock. Some sort of horrible disaster has happened to them. THEY survey their living room which under normal circumstances would appear to be a serene haven. But why are they-so aghast? And terrified? Has the apa
CK FOOTSTEPS AS ANNA CROWE moves down the stairs. Anna is the rare combination of beauty and innocence. She stands in the chilly basement in an elegant summer dress that outlines her slender body. Her gentle eyes move across the empty room and come to rest on a rack of wine bottles covering one entire wall. She walks to the bottles. Her fingertips slide over the labels. She stops when she finds just the right one. A tiny smile as she slides it out. Anna turns to leave.
o a crisp dress shirt and tie. His expression is vacant, faraway. A breeze blows but he doesn't react to it. In the distance the architecture of the Chicago skyline. SAM Mommy got sick and it happened just like that and there was nothing anybody would do. (continued) And pull back to reveal: EXT. CHICAGO - A GRAVESITE - DAY Next to Sam is his son Jonah, age 9. Sam's hand is on his shoulder. As the mourn
the crayon guy. This is CHARLES. Another man, KARL, sits in a chair staring at the floor and rubbing his hands together. We cut back and forth between Charles staring and Crayon Man scratching. After a moment, an attendant approaches Charles. ATTENDANT You can't smoke in here. Charles stares at him blankly for a moment and continues smoking. He looks back to Crayon Man again for a moment then looks over at Karl and then goes and sits down be
1 An expensive bathroom suite. Excess of marble and gold taps. Into the bath, a hand is scattering rupee notes. Hundreds and hundreds of notes, worth hundreds of thousands of rupees. The sound of a fist thumping on the bathroom door, furious shouting from the other side. JAVED O/S Salim! Salim! 2 INT. STUDIO. BACKSTAGE. DAY. 2 Darkness. Then, glimpses of faces. In the
ther assorted BAR SOUNDS. KARAOKE ANNOUNCER (V.O.) Let's give a hand to Rodney! Scattered APPLAUSE and LAUGHTER. KARAOKE ANNOUNCER (V.O.) Next up, we've got a little lady named...KATE! Joyful APPLAUSE. BAR VOICES (V.O.) Yeah, Kate! THE OPENING MUZAK STRAINS OF A "KARAOKE SONG TO BE DETERMINED"
A narration accompanies this passage: "The events depicted herein were believed have taken place in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. All manner of record as they might pertain to these events have been seized by the Department of Justice" INT. VAN -- NIGHT Wall-to-wall surveillance set-up. Two FBI AGENTS: DONALD CARRUTHERS 30's and RICHARD MESSNER 30's, man the post, staring at video monitors. Both
March 3, 1997 EXT. THE SUSAN MARIE, SHIP CHANNEL BANK - NIGHT Fog. Penetrated only by sound. The LAPPING of sea at a drifting hull. Tendrils of mist part, revealing... ...a face. Strong and blond and handsome. SUPERIMPOSE: SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 LONG ANGLE...from below, we watch CARL HEINE, high on the cross spar of his mast. He has pulled a SHUTTLE of TWINE from his rubber overalls, and is LASHING
Inspired by the Brothers Grimm's "Little Snow White" November 22nd, 2011 1 EXT. GARDENS/ CASTLE - DAY. 1 From high above we see the castle gardens covered in a blanket of snow. We hear the tread of footsteps then see a beautiful WOMAN in a fur-lined cloak heading towards
MARK (V.O.) Did you know there are more people with genius IQ's living in China than there are people of any kind living in the United States? ERICA (V.O. ) That can't be true. MARK (V.O.) it is true. ERICA (V.O.) What would account for that? MARK (V.0.) Well first of all
October 4, 2001 First, over BLACK, we hear the sound of a light rain. Then: A MAN'S VOICE I'm not a poet. I've never moved anyone with my words. (beat) Maybe that's why they chose me. EXT. WOODS - DAY A mural of leafless trees beneath an overcast sky. Rain continues to fall. Maybe now we begin to notice a strange quality to the light (or is it the sky?). Something vaguely unsettling.
bassinets, isolettes, incubators. BABIES sleeping, BABIES blinking, BABIES cooing, BABIES chirping, BABIES squalling. It's the SQUALLING BABIES, the ones with pinched faces and tiny bunched fists, that seem to interest the TWO ANONYMOUS MEN in Military Uniforms. (Their anonymity is assured by the angles from which they are seen; they are hands, they are feet, they are the backs of heads.) A lone NURSE watches them grimly as they make their "
REVISED December 4, 1986 FADE IN: INT. MIKE'S HOUSE - QUEENS - EARLY EVENING Winter. A celebration. Close friends, cop friends, family all here to celebrate patrolman MIKE KEEGAN'S promotion to detective, NYPD. The party spills through the house -- front room, dining room, kitchen, with a small fenced backyard visible beyond that. A community of cops on their off-hours, their wives, kids. A mix of generations, al
HOT AUGUST NIGHT - MUSIC OVER MIDTOWN. A Brunette Beauty crosses in front of a stack of cabs, her sheer dress clinging to her remarkable body. A Club in THE MEATPACKING DISTRICT. A long line waits to get in. A couple of Gorgeous Girls show up at the velvet rope and are promptly" let inside. SOHO. A Crowd spills out of a Bar and onto the sidewalk. A Confident Knock Out in jeans and a tank top laughs, drinking a beer out of the bottle. HARRY (V.O.)
It is a man's back..... a perfect back... good dark color, slim, muscular. LATIN MUSIC PLAYS... a song.... if you understood the words you would hear love confronted and considered in a very specific way...We are in a Mexico City suburb. The day is hot; small beads of sweat are seen on the man's back, the first indication that we are in slow motion..Perfect red fingernails come into view...and now a woman's hand goes beautifully to work...part sensual back
herself heavily as she moves up a steep hillside. She looks behind her quickly, and continues. ANGLE, we see a young man, and then another, running through the woods, out of breath. They are dressed in filthy BDU's, and show several days growth of beard. The leader stops for a moment, and looks around. The two men separate. ANGLE, the young woman, who has come to a small ledge, over a ravine. She stops, panting, and bends over, to attempt to catch her breath. She looks around, an
in its many forms. The biological pulse finding its way heroically through the cold manipulation of science. CREDITS as we see a beautiful montage of futuristic medical technology. Through a microscope we see cells multiplying and gene strands exponentially increasing with the vibrancy of exploding flowers. We see laser splicing and biological manipulation on the molecular level. CREDITS continue as we fade to... INT. ROMULAN SENATE CHAMBER - NIGHT Politics... In a caverno
EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT The wail of a siren grows out of the distance and very faintly through the fog we see the headlights and flashing blue rack lights of a police car coming toward us. It drops into a dip, reappears almost immediately, hurtling down the center of the deserted highway. It gets closer and closer until the lights and siren fill our senses then zooms past us.
e of RACHEL KELLY rolls into frame. Then out of it. Alarm keeps BLASTING. Back she comes, pulling the sheets OVER her head. Motionless now, as we hear... ... the DEAFENING SILENCE of the alarm shutting off. A beat. Rachel SITS BOLTS UPRIGHT. LEAPS out of the room. From the back we see that she's dressed only in a pair of men's boxers. She makes it halfway down the hall, does a U TURN back into the bedroom, frantically YANKS a robe hanging from the door, taking the wall
the screen: AUGUST, 1936 FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. A SLUM AREA OF JOLIET - DAY It's a bleak, windy morning, the kind that clears the streets of all but the winos (who carry their own heaters), and the point-men for juvenile gangs. We pick up a solitary figure, Joe Mottola, coming down the street and entering what appears to be an abandoned tenement. He pauses a second to dust his white-winged alligator shoes on the back of his pants leg. Sharply dressed a
ARCUS Hey, you want to hear my short story now? VI Huh? MARCUS (lifts a MS from a shelf by his bed) I can read it to you. VI You mean, again? MARCUS Well, I changed the ending a little. VI Oh. What happens now? MARCUS Well, actually, it's the same, but longer. I think it's better. More...raw. VI Well then, maybe you should just read the ending. MARCUS But it won't
1 An AVALANCHE of SOUNDBITES, colliding and overlapping. Coming so fast, we can barely process them. A virtual sound book... WAR ON DRUGS. NANCY REAGAN. CRACK. DARYL GATES. CRIPS & BLOODS. Everything from KNIVES to PISTOLS to ASSAULT RIFLES. All these images add up to a minute and a half recap of not just black history but American history. As soon as they're done, we find ourselves plunged into --
eady? SECOND VOICE (LENNY) Yeah. Boot it. A burst of bright white static exploding across the darkness. A high whine on the audio track gives way to street sounds and rapid breathing. AN IMAGE wavers and stabilizes: A nervous POV. We're in a car, sitting in the backseat, and we're nervous, the view swinging around, showing the street rolling by outside the windows, then whipping back to the two guys in the f
ON STATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. DAY LONG SHOT THE CAPITOL DOME IN THE B.G. AND THE AUTOMOBILE ENTRANCE TO THE STATION IN THE F.G. LOW CAMERA Activity of cars and taxis arriving and discharging passengers with luggage, busy redcaps, etcetera. We FOCUS on a taxi pulling up and stopping, The driver hands out modest looking luggage, including a bunch of tennis rackets in cases to a redcap. CAMERA PANS DOWN as the passenger gets out of the taxi so that we see only his shoes and the lower pa
From the novel by Paul Brodeur FINAL SHOOTING SCRIPT -1- THE STUNTMAN FADE IN: 1 EXT. ROADSIDE DINER - EARLY MORNING A strip of two-lane highway runs through a tall p
e. A game is currently in progress. A1 ON THE FIELD Wearing KANSAS CITY KNIGHTS uniforms, mostly Black and dark- skinned Dominicans as well as several lighter-skinned Venezuelans (17-22 years old) are set in their positions, poised for the next pitch. CLOSE ON the pitcher, MIGUEL SANTOS (aka AZÚCAR/SUGAR - 19, lean, Black and handsome). Sweat drips down his face in the oppressive
n the gutter lie dead leaves, scraps of paper, burnt matches and cigarette butts. It is early morning. Now the CAMERA leaves the sign and MOVES EAST, the grey asphalt of the street filling the screen. As speed accelerates to around 40 m.p.h., traffic de- marcations, white arrows, speed-limit warnings, man- hole covers, etc., flash by. SUPERIMPOSED on all this are the CREDIT TITLES, in the stencilled styl
1 ROSE LORKOWSKI, 30, drives through Albuquerque. She passes small adobe houses, the Air force base, parched earth playgrounds, University cafes and other distinctive sights. On the highway she passes under the freeway interchange, a tangle of rust and turquoise ramps. The Sandia mountains rise in the distance as Rose heads up to the nicer neighborhoods of the foothills. 2 EXT. SEVEN FIGURE HOUSE - D
November 30, 2001 FADE IN: ...on a BLACK WAVE - vast, oceanic, and coming right at us. BEGIN TITLES. The wave is relentless, huge, menacing. We can't tell if this is daytime or night because it simply obscures everything - noisily. It sucks, it yawns, it roars. Then we realize... this massive wave of darkness is actually just a RUN-OFF of dirty black WATER alongside the edge of an Interstate. We PULL OUT OF IT now...
"Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim Book by Hugh Wheeler Based on a version of "Sweeney Todd" by Christopher Bond 18th DECEMBER, 2006 PAGE 1. 1 INT. DARK CHAMBER -- NIGHT 1 Foreboding org
Based on the novel by Russell Banks Final revised draft Copyright c1997 Ego Film Arts All Rights Reserved FADE IN INT. SUMMER COTTAGE -- DAY A young family together in bed. It is a bright summer morning. Father, mother
ESS FADE IN: EXT. INT. GLOBE NEWSPAPER BUILDING - DUSK - N.Y. A row of newspaper delivery trucks is lined up against the long loading bay, waiting for the edition. In the foreground a large clock establishes the time as 8:10 PM. A rumbling noise warns the men to take their positions; a few seconds later the bales of newspapers come sliding the spiral chutes onto the moving belts from which they are manhandled onto the trucks. Much noise and shouting. The front truck moves out
Dec. 13, 1994 Third draft 1 EXT. HOLLYWOOD - NIGHT 1 The soundtrack opens with Frank Sinatra's "Fly Me to the Moon". A HELICOPTER SHOT OF THE L.A. basin. The pool of golden light disintegrates into the thousands of points which constitute it as we rapidly draw closer to the
sound of a radio and pots and pans clanging fades in. Caden, 40, opens his eyes in bed, and groggily looks at himself in the bureau mirror. The bedside clock reads 7:45. 1 INT. CADEN AND ADELE'S KITCHEN - FALL 2005 - SAME1 Adele, 40, in t-shirt and sweats, mixes a bowl of instant oatmeal, puts it in the microwave. RADIO VOICE ... a Labor Day luncheon today -- OLIVE (O.S.) RADIO VOICE
all corners of the earth exactly the same. And anywhere one can dream is good, providing the place is obscure, and the horizon vast. VICTOR HUGO If a triangle could speak it would say that God is eminently triangular. SPINOZA FADE IN: 1
raft EXT. LAFORCHE HOME - DAY Sun spikes through the jostling leaves of a maple tree. A strong wind bends them back, showing their light green bellies. This is a modest house in a row of modest houses. Propane tanks and farmland at their backs show this neighborhood to be more rural than suburb. CURTIS LAFORCHE(35) stands in his driveway. His eyes, locked on the sky, narrow as he star
EARLY DRAFT February 28, 2003 FADE IN: INT. BUS STATION - DAY SUPERIMPOSE: 17 YEARS AGO Small, Canadian, rural. Just the Native American CASHIER jotting down sports stats from the paper. MARTIN, 16, enters. Slight, pale and frail, new clothes, a tag still hangs from his stiff work jacket. Martin stands in front of the Cashier a beat. Nervously tugs an earlobe. MARTIN Sir. Sir, may I have
16th April 1973 1. FADE IN: (BEFORE TITLES) EXT. NEW YORK CITY - BLOOMINGDALE'S - DAY The busy block between 59th and 60th-Streets in the middle of a weekday afternoon. Buses, taxis, trucks; shoppers, messengers, teenagers. In one corner of the screen the time is SUPERIMPOSED: "1:52"
INT. BERLIN CONCERT HALL (1944) - NIGHT A man conducting Beethoven. Air raid in progress. Bombs falling nearby. The orchestra continues to play. Suddenly the lights go out. The music stops. INT. BACKSTAGE CORRIDOR, CONCERT HALL - NIGHT A beam from a torch, bouncing, making shadows. An ATTENDANT, carrying the torch, hurries down the corridor. The air raid c
HIGHSMITH 1st November 1999 NOTE: THE HARD COPY OF THIS SCRIPT CONTAINED SCENE NUMBERS AND SOME "SCENE OMITTED" SLUGS. THEY HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR THIS SOFT COPY. 1958 PROLOGUE: INT. RIPLEY'S CABIN. EVENING. Fade up on Ripley, as in the final scene of the film, sitting, desolate in a ship's cabin. The camera rotates around his face, which begins in light and ends in
Posy Simmonds 20th October 2009 1 SUMMER. POSY DRAWING 1 2 EXT. DAY. STONEFIELD - THE GROUNDS. 2 Andy Cobb, early thirties, is digging an English garden in the hot sun. He is lean, naked to the waist. It's hard to tell which century he inhabits. Only when he stops to drink from a plastic bot
ief that loneliness, far from being a rare and curious phenomenon, is the central and inevitable fact of human existence." --Thomas Wolfe, "God's Lonely Man" TRAVIS BICKLE, age 26, lean, hard, the consummate loner. On the surface he appears good-looking, even handsome; he has a quiet steady look and a disarming smile which flashes from nowhere, lighting up his whole face. But behind that smile, around his dark eyes, in his gaunt cheeks, one can see the ominous stains caused by a l
NATOR A1 TITLE SEQUENCE - SLITSCAN EFFECT A1 1 EXT. SCHOOLYARD - NIGHT 1 Silence. Gradually the sound of distant traffic becomes audible. A LOW ANGLE bounded on one side by a chain-link fence and on the other by the one-story public school build- ings. Spray-can hieroglyphics and distant streetlight sha- dows. This is a Los Angeles public school in a blue collar n
shooting script 1 EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Downtown L.A. Noon on a hot summer day. On an EXTREME LONG LENS the lunchtime crowd stacks up into a wall of humanity. In SLOW MOTION they move in herds among the glittering rows of cars jammed bumper to bumper. Heat ripples distort the torrent of faces. The image is surreal, dreamy... and like a dream it begins very slowly to DISSOLVE TO:
NOVEMBER 2013 "I now predict that I was wrong." STEPHEN HAWKING RUN OPENING TITLES OVER:
The engines of a silver Lockheed U-2F rasp upon the trace oxygen here at 72,500 feet. Scattered cloud formations hang over the blue brilliance of sea far, far below. In the haze, the looming edge of land. SUPER: FLIGHT G-3101. OCTOBER 14TH, 1962. OVER CUBA. The spy plane's CAMERA DOORS whine open. The glassy eye of the 36-inch camera focuses. And then with a BANGBANGBANGBANG, its high-speed motor kicks in, shutter flying. MATCH CUT TO: INT. O'DONNELL BEDRO
1 It is 1957, and we are in the deserts of Utah. TONY BENNETT sings "Rags to Riches" on the SOUNDTRACK. Breath-taking scenery stretches out on either side of a highway. The CAMERA MOVES to reveal a Nash Ambassador as it labors up a hill. Twelve cars are caught behind the thirty-mile- per-hour pace. Two cars decide to ignore safety and cross the solid yellow line to pass the pokey car. 2 INT. NASH AMBASSADOR - PARALLEL TIME
ve songs, sporadic ZAPS from BUG LIGHTS, and an occasional random THWOCK as we -- FADE IN: 1 EXT. TEXAS - DRAMATIC ANGLE - SUNSET 1 Out west where the sun descends gloriously over desolate mountains. A sense of timeless and incorruptible beauty if you ignore the TWANG of the MUSIC, the SPUTTER of the TRACTOR, the ZAPS, the THWACKS... and something else... ... MEN'S VOICES. Garrulous with drink, fraternity and amuseme
ILLAC DEALERSHIP - DAY 1 BILL BABOWSKY ("BB"), a wiry, dapper-looking man in his mid-thirties, is circling a baby blue Cadillac. A SALESMAN follows on his heels. SALESMAN She's a beauty. BB (looking at Salesman) Who? SALESMAN What? BB Wh
serene, peaceful. Then, as we begin to PULL BACK, we hear a faint whine, increasing in volume, until it's the roar of two MiG jet fighters, cutting across the skyline. The PULL BACK reveals a YOUNG BOY watching the jets, exclaiming excitedly in Hungarian. 2 EXT. BUDAPEST STREET - DAY 2 LATERALLY TRACKING down a bustling street, as the jets scream by overhead. Pedestrians look up. All except one man who continues walki
head of the other, and passes close enough to FILL FRAME, looking like a spacecraft blazing with lights, bristling with insectile manipulators. TILTING DOWN to follow it as it descends away into the limitless blackness below. Soon they are fireflies, then stars. Then gone. CUT TO: 2 EXT./ INT. MIR ONE / NORTH ATLANTIC DEEP PUSHING IN on one of the falling submersibles, called MIR ONE, right up to its circular view
irst Draft Polish August 5, 2005 FADE IN: EXT. STAR-FILLED SKY - NIGHT 1 Studio logo transitions into a CONSTELLATION in space. Cam pulls BACK, as more stars enter frame, forming a starfield. SPLINTER (V.O.) A sensei once counseled a grief-
p shoes. His hat almost covers his eyes, which are two points of greenish coals. The fruit in the bowl is engulfed in flames. The flames look as if they are DRIPPING from the tablecloth to the floor. Gideon's shoes start to SMOULDER. His shoes BURST INTO FLAMES which spread up his pants leg. His head falls forward as if he had suddenly fallen to sleep. He twiddles his thumbs very slowly in a circle. He crosses his legs as if to get comfortable. The camera moves to a CLOSE UP of his
ollage of old photos, prints, etc., and silent live-action vignettes, all dark and heavily shadowed like a dimly-remembered dream. The first images show the opulence of the Gilded Age, the epic vistas of the west, cattle drives and cowtowns with all their violence.... V.O. NARRATION "The economic explosion following the Civil War created an unprecedented nation-wide market for beef. Previously worthless ca
plane to plane, plane to carrier. Aerial dialogue in small case is ICS; an inter-cockpit system; a live mike, heard by pilot and RIO only. TG1 REVISED 04APR85 . 1. EXT. NIGHT. - THE PACIFIC IS ANYTHING BUT WINDS HOWL. Rain drives horizontal. The sea surges up, nearly to the flight deck of the Aircraft Carrier USS Kitty Hawk. The carrier plunges, driving its bow into a wall of grey water. The deck pit
June 9 2008 EXT. PARIS - DAY CRANE DOWN from a view of Paris on a misty day. Cool, gray and beautiful. A taxi stops by the curb of a wide, cobbled street. All around there is bustle and activity, with cars and people hurrying about their business. The door opens and a pair of exquisitely shaped female legs in Christian Louboutin high heels swing out.
EXT. COLUMBUS, OHIO - DAY The state capital of Ohio. It's an impressive building for a city this size. SUPERTITLE: COLUMBUS, OHIO - STATE CAPITAL INT. OHIO STATE SUPREME COURT - DAY In chambers striving for august, JUSTICES listen to a lawyer MR. RODMAN, argue his case before the highest court in Ohio. Mr. Rodman enjoys the sound of his own voice. MR. RODMAN This informant, paid by the police, using taxpayers dollars to continue his felony drug