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Lori Ziganto
History is Hard. For Rep Sheila Jackson-Lee
History is Hard. For Rep Sheila Jackson-Lee Actually, not just history is hard for Congresswoman Jackson-Lee (D-TX). It appears as if thinking itself is rather difficult for her. After watching this, I couldn’t decide if I was wiping away tears of laughter or tears of dismay at the state of our alleged representatives in Congress. Via RedState: Oh, my. Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee is on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. No, really. These are the people in charge of our health care now. How comforting! It has been pointed out that the one thing she got correct was the number of American troops killed in Vietnam, therefore, she couldn’t have been confusing Vietnam with North and South Korea. Which makes no sense anyway — North and South Korea clearly do not live in harmony. Well, clearly if you are not a damn fool. Additionally, surely the culturally sensitive Jackson Lee wouldn’t confuse two separate cultures and peoples like that, would she? I mean, she’s the one who thought having racially diverse names for hurricanes was of the utmost import. I expect that next Sheila Jackson-Lee will regale us with more historical tales like “It all ended well, as we know. Brutus and Caesar became super best friends forever!”: The worst part? That wasn’t the only idiotic thing she said this week. As Hot Air notes, Gateway Pundit has her remarks from the NAACP meeting, as follow below: × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now And I thank you professor very much. I’m going to be engaging you with those very powerful numbers that you have offered on what the tea party recognizes, uh, or is recognized as. Might I add my own P.S.? All those who wore sheets a long time ago have now lifted them off and started wearing [applause], uh, clothing, uh, with a name, say, I am part of the tea party. Don’t you be fooled. [voices: “That’s right.”, applause] Those who used to wear sheets are now being able to walk down the aisle and speak as a patriot because you will not speak loudly about the lack of integrity of this movement. Don’t let anybody tell you that those who spit on us as we were walking to vote on a health care bill for all of America or those who said Congresswoman Jackson-Lee’s braids were too tight in her hair had anything to do with justice and equality and empowerment of the American people. Don’t let them fool you on that [applause]…. Sorry, Representative Jackson-Lee but the only fool I see here is you. By the way, another History is Hard moment for you, Ms. Jackson-Lee — the Ku Klux Klan was a Democrat group. And the man you all recently lionized upon his passing, Senator Robert Byrd, was heavily involved in the KKK and was even an “Exalted Cyclops.” But, that’s cool, huh? Because George Bush. Or something. What delusional, alleged thinking is next, Democrats? Y’all will try to tell us that oil spills and terrorism can be stopped, if only we had more windmills? Oh, wait. Somewhere in Texas, a village is missing its idiot. I think we’ve found her! Originally: posted at NewsReal
Lori Ziganto
Hollywood Indulging ‘Left Wing Fantasy’ in Upcoming Iron Lady Film? Thatcher Family Appalled
Hollywood Indulging ‘Left Wing Fantasy’ in Upcoming Iron Lady Film? Thatcher Family Appalled Originally posted at NewsReal Hollywood, the place where so many have been paid so much for so little worth. Their lack of rational thought and honesty astounds even me sometimes, and I have very low expectations. Their latest delusional propaganda, in the form of an upcoming film about Margaret Thatcher entitled The Iron Lady, comes as no surprise but is still infuriating. Inaccurately vilifying Thatcher is totally acceptable, you see, because she has the utter temerity of: being a conservative woman. Egads, the horror! Thatcher’s family members are rightly horrified and call the film somethng from a “left wing fantasy”. They classily stopped short of calling it “sick” fantasy, but I have no such qualms. Mandrake hears that the screenplay of The Iron Lady depicts Baroness Thatcher as an elderly dementia-sufferer looking back on her career with sadness. She is shown talking to herself and unaware that her husband, Sir Denis Thatcher, has died. “Sir Mark and Carol are appalled at what they have learnt about the film,” says a friend of the family. “They think it sounds like some Left-wing fantasy. They feel strongly about it, but will not speak publicly for fear of giving it more publicity.” I don’t wish to give the alleged film publicity either and normally would just ignore it, as I hope movie-goers will. I would usually just push it aside using one of Thatcher’s own quotes: “I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.” However, the reasons behind the left’s intense hatred for Prime Minister Thatcher need to be pointed out, if only for the youth who know nothing of The Iron Lady and her staggering contributions to the world at large. It’s not just that she was a strong and able partner to the equally hated by the Left Ronald Reagan. A: partnership, forged in the belief of freedom and the power of the individual, that was immensely beneficial not only to our two countries, but to the entire globe. It’s also because she was a conservative woman who not only stated that proudly, but who also refused — absolutely refused — to give any credence to feminists or the “Women’s Lib” movement of her time. I owe nothing to Women’s Lib. – Margaret Thatcher So, to the left, any accomplishments she had, which were innumerable and immeasurable, are off-set by her failure to walk in lock-step with the progressive agenda disguised as feminism. Extolling the accomplishments of women only happens if you are “the right kind” of woman. You know, one who cloaks herself in perpetual victim-hood and cries sexism at every turn. One who screeches constantly about nebulous ‘reproductive rights’, yet wants to hand over individual liberty and personal freedom to Big Daddy government and have that Nanny State run every aspect of our lives. Margaret Thatcher did none of that. She believes in the individual. She fought for freedom around the globe. She understands that the power of the individual is far greater and does far more good in this world than government ever could. She understands that “Europe was created by history. America was created by philosophy” and, more importantly, she understands that philosophy itself. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now This cannot stand, according to the Left. A woman achieving things on her own? That’s not how it is supposed to work! Women are supposed to believe that they are considered lesser and victimized, so that they need progressives to “save them.”: That’s their bread and butter and their means of staying in power. For The Women â„¢ is really Use The Women. So, the Left must now try to diminish Margaret Thatcher, who personified the scariest truth to them — a woman who already knows she is equal. The result? They portray her as a sad old woman full of regrets, who suffers from dementia to boot. Says the managing director of the film-maker: “It is a film about power and the price that is paid for power. In that sense, it is the story of every person who has ever had to balance their private life with their public career.” He says Lady Thatcher’s health will be featured, but insists that it will be “treated with appropriate sensitivity”. He adds of the film: “Although fictional, it will be fair and accurate.” The price that is paid for power? Oh, the icky power hungry woman! That’s the only reason one could possibly be a woman and conservative, right? She must be some sort of power-mad, gender traitor. And fictional, yet accurate? I’m confused. Maybe because I seem to have lost my English to Cuckoo Pants dictionary. I suggest that before inventing new definitions like fictional but accurate,: Hollywood should just try out the accurate part. I know it will be hard. Change isn’t easy and cleaning up the mess left behind from your years and years of blind ideology will be equally difficult. But, I’ll help them out: watch: a few of Margaret Thatcher’s speeches.: Start with this one; she even gives you cleaning up tips (h/t Cubachi for video): That is Margaret Thatcher. That is the woman about whom I’ll teach my daughter. Proudly. –— (cross-posted from NewsReal) Follow Lori : on: Twitter
Ben Shapiro, Evil In America
Straight Outta Solutions
Straight Outta Solutions Over the weekend, the hagiographic film “Straight Outta Compton” pulled in $$60 million at the box office. The film follows the trials and travails — but not the woman-beating, gay-bashing, violence-promoting activities — of NWA, the iconic rage hip-hop group made most famous by their anthem, “F— Tha Police.” The theme of the film, according to reviewers, centers on the evils of the Los Angeles Police Department and white authority. Paul Giamatti, playing Paul Giamatti on steroids, screams at a group of stock-casting cops, “You cannot harass my clients because of what they look like!” He tells the group, “You have a unique voice. The world needs to hear it.” But while the world may hear this whitewashed version of NWA’s nastiness — after all, Ice Cube now plays cops on TV rather than cursing them — the movie won’t be seen in one place: Compton itself. According to CBS Los Angeles, Compton has no movie theaters. “It’s a low income area, it’s been heavily dis-invested in,” says USC professor of sociology Manual Pastor. “When you live in a community that doesn’t have that kind of retail, it’s a sign that the community is devalued and people within the community feel devalued.” Compton doesn’t lack a theater because of a feeling of victimhood. It lacks a theater because Compton overflows with crime. According to Neighborhood Scout, Compton’s violent crime rate is 12.87 per 1,000 residents; chances of being victimized by a crime stand at 1 in 78, as opposed to 1 in 249 across California as a whole. The murder rate is reportedly 37 per 100,000 in Compton; the murder rate in the United States is less than 5 per 100,000. So much for NWA changing the world. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now NWA merely reiterated the anti-police propaganda that has kept inner city communities enmeshed in brutality and poverty for generations. Jill Loevy, reporter for The Los Angeles Times, describes in agonizing detail the lack of law and order in South Central Los Angeles, which covers Compton. She talks about how the police are underfunded in such areas, how witnesses are cowed into silence, how informal mechanisms of authority — gangs — fill the gap. “Residents would still holler ‘One time!’ at the cops,” she writes. “The term derived from the memory of police touring black neighborhoods once a day, making no real effort to address crime. ‘One time’ was a stock anticop insult, just like ‘po-po’ and ‘blue-eyed devil.’ Yet it contained a plaintive note — a paradoxical suggestion that more times might be better.” The 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which contains the critical mandate for “equal protection of the laws,” was designed to stop selective prosecution. The Civil Rights Act of 1866, the precursor to the 14th Amendment, explicitly stated that citizens — more specifically, black citizens — had to have “full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of persons and property … and shall be subject to like punishment, pains and penalties, and to none other.” Leaving parts of America unpoliced, the Radical Republicans who wrote the 14th Amendment understood, placed them squarely in the lap of chaos. Today, Compton’s murder rate looks more like that of war zones than that of a modern American city. That’s because any area in which no one enforces law and property rights devolves into pandemonium. Hollywood can glorify NWA; the Democratic Party can humor the counterproductive, criminal-glorifying Black Lives Matter movement. None of it will solve the underlying problem in heavily black inner city areas. Leaving black Americans at the mercy of lawlessness used to be a mandate of racism; now it’s a mandate of political correctness. No matter who pushes that agenda, the outcome is the same: disaster. Ben Shapiro, 31, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, a radio host on KTTH 770 Seattle and KRLA 870 Los Angeles, editor-in-chief of, and senior editor-at-large of Breitbart News. He is The New York Times best-selling author of “Bullies.” He lives with his wife and daughter in Los Angeles. Also see, Evil In America
Ben Shapiro, Evil In America
Ashley Madison, Josh Duggar and the Nasty Left
Ashley Madison, Josh Duggar and the Nasty Left Last week, Internet criminals responsible for hacking the adultery website Ashley Madison released full records of those who registered to use the service. The media began perusing the list — and naturally, the first major name to hit the media was Josh Duggar. The media busted Duggar several months ago, too, when they released information that the former “19 Kids and Counting” reality star had molested children as a teenager. What makes Duggar’s infidelity noteworthy? The fact that he purported to be a religious Christian. In his adulthood, Duggar became executive director of Family Research Council Action, the legislative wing of the traditional family values promoting Family Research Council. He spoke frequently about traditional morality and traditional marriage. The left media finds Duggar’s hypocrisy on sexual morality absolutely delicious. The execrable Dan Savage, supposed anti-bullying icon, said that while he generally opposed “outing” adulterers from Ashley Madison — after all, adultery is a natural part of marriage, according to doorknob-licking Savage – that standard doesn’t apply to advocates of Judeo-Christian morality. Savage wrote, “I feel bad for everyone who has been outed by the Ashley Madison hackers — everyone except Josh Duggar. … Duggar — demagogue, liar, political operative — was a legitimate target for outing.” Why? Because, Savage stated, quoting Evan Hurst of Wonkette, “he tried to hurt lots of people, because of how they have sex, which is why it is 100 percent A-OK to take this information and use it to grind that arrogant, fundamentalist pr—‘s nuts into a fine powder so that we may snort it up and trip holy karmic balls.” Delightful. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now One of the great problems with modern American political and moral discussion lies in our hatred for hypocrisy above all other sins. Adultery, according to Savage and his anti-moral moralists, isn’t a sin; rather, preaching against adultery and then failing your own standard is the great sin. But that makes all standards irrelevant. This logic sets up a perverse moral system whereby those without standards freely pursue whatever activities they choose, while those with standards are destroyed for their sins. The result: rational people choose to embrace amorality, secure in the knowledge that without standards, they will never be held to account. Bill Clinton can allegedly rape a woman and sexually harass several others, and he will never feel the wrath of the left: he does not promote sexual decency. But Newt Gingrich will never hear the end of his affair with Callista Bisek because he had the temerity to question Clinton’s sexual peccadillos in the Oval Office. The war on hypocrites isn’t a war on sin: it’s a war on standards. Josh Duggar may be an evil human being, but his evil springs not from the standards he attempted to preach, but from his failure to meet those standards. The left’s backward obsession with Duggar shows their true hypocrisy: They violate all of their own standards in order to target someone with a different set of values. They are against outing, unless they want to utilize it to fight their enemies; they are in favor of adultery, unless it’s convenient to use adultery as a club against their opponents; they’re against sexual judgmentalism, unless they can use sexual judgmentalism to bash those loyal to Judeo-Christian beliefs. Josh Duggar deserves to pay for his sins, and pay richly. He’s vile. But those who fight against basic standards of morality don’t have any moral authority to act as the agents of that judgment. For such jackals to play at such judgment smacks of the same hypocrisy they condemn. Ben Shapiro, 31, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, a radio host on KTTH 770 Seattle and KRLA 870 Los Angeles, editor-in-chief of, and senior editor-at-Large of Breitbart News. He is The New York Times best-selling author of “Bullies.” He lives with his wife and daughter in Los Angeles. Also see, Evil In America
Ben Shapiro, Evil In America
The Extreme Party
The Extreme Party During last Thursday night’s inaugural 2016 Republican presidential debate, Fox News’ Megyn Kelly got into a spat with Donald Trump over his history of vulgar comments about women. Trump followed up that tiff by dropping a thinly veiled reference to Kelly’s menstruation in the media. Those comments prompted Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton to praise Kelly — a woman with whom she would never deign to do an interview — bash Trump, and then lash out at Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla., whom she perceives as the most serious threat to her presidential aspirations. “Yes, I know [Trump] makes great TV,” said Clinton. “I think the guy went way overboard – offensive, outrageous, pick your adjective. But what Marco Rubio said has as much of an impact in terms of where the Republican Party is today as anybody else on that stage.” What, pray tell, was Rubio’s great sin? He said that he believed the Constitution protects the unborn: “What I have advocated is that we pass law in this country that says all human life at every stage of development is worthy of protection. In fact, I think that law already exists. It is called the Constitution of the United States.” According to Clinton and her allies in the media, this makes Rubio — and any Republican who agrees with him — too extreme for the general public. And it’s not just abortion. Polls show that 52 percent of Americans say that the Republican Party is more “extreme” in its positions than the Democratic Party; just 35 percent say the reverse. But is that true? On abortion, for example, the Republican Party platform states that the Constitution warrants protections for the unborn; the Democratic Party position states that taxpayers should foot the bill for the killing of unborn children at every stage of pregnancy, including partial-birth abortion, a gruesome procedure in which children are pulled feet-first out of their mother’s wombs, their skulls pried open and brains sucked out. Then the Democrats want to fund Planned Parenthood to carve up those babies for organ sale. Which position is more extreme? × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now On same-sex marriage, the Republican Party wants to pass a Constitutional amendment to enshrine traditional marriage as the only governmentally rewarded form of marriage; until such time, Republicans acknowledge that same-sex marriage is legally a state’s rights issue. The Democratic Party wants to force religious Americans to participate in homosexual weddings without recourse to the Constitution. Which is more extreme? On health care, Republicans want Americans to be able to choose the healthcare they receive and pay for; Democrats want to force Americans to pay into a system from which they receive less than they would if they expended their dollars privately. Extremism, anyone? The list goes on and on. Democrats want no major changes to the educational system, except for spending more money on corrupt teachers’ unions; they also want to use taxpayer dollars to subsidize students majoring in useless subjects at second-tier colleges. Republicans want to allow Americans to keep more of their own money, and they want American parents to be able to spend that money as they see fit on the education of their children. Democrats want to dramatically increase taxes; Republicans want to decrease them. Democrats want no meaningful enforcement of America’s immigration system; supposedly, Republicans want to enforce immigration laws. Yet the media portray Republicans as the extremists. That rhetorical trick has its desired effect: Republicans are seen as nasty and unpleasant, even while Democrats move so far to the left that an open socialist is now their second leading contender for the presidency. Republicans counter by insisting that they are kind and generous, wonderfully moderate. This strategy is destined to fail. But Republicans have no idea how to fight extremists, even as the left portrays them consistently as America’s most extreme political party. Ben Shapiro, 31, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, a radio host on KTTH 770 Seattle and KRLA 870 Los Angeles, editor-in-chief of, and senior editor-at-large of Breitbart News. He is The New York Times best-selling author of “Bullies.” He lives with his wife and daughter in Los Angeles. Also see, Evil In America
Ben Shapiro, No, The Democrats Don T Care About Israel
Hillary Searches For a Heart
Hillary Searches For a Heart Hillary Clinton has now decided to re-relaunch her flailing campaign. She’ll do so by showing “more humor and heart,” according to The New York Times. In other news, the Wizard gave Joe Biden a brain and Bernie Sanders courage. The Wizard also apparently gave Biden and Sanders better poll numbers: In the latest Monmouth poll, Clinton still leads at 42 percent, but Biden picks up 22 percent and Sanders 20 percent. That’s trouble in Clintonia. Clinton’s new new new campaign will feature her dazzling wit and oozing charm, say her handlers. She’ll be heading to “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” where Ellen will undoubtedly dance awkwardly with the former secretary of state — the most awkward dance since Clinton had to fake loving her husband for the cameras during the Lewinsky scandal. She’ll also join Jimmy Fallon for “The Tonight Show,” and “plans to talk extensively with several nontraditional outlets.” Presumably, she’ll head to GloZell’s bathtub for a round of Froot Loops and foreign affairs. It won’t work. Clinton is like “Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace”: overproduced, heartless and starring a lead incapable of drawing sympathy. Some of her fans believe that if she trots out former President Bill Clinton, that will save the day; the Times reports that “Bill Clinton, who has had virtually no presence on the campaign trail, will begin to travel the country to help with fund-raising this fall.” It won’t help — Bill’s spontaneity and glee undermine her in the same way that actual hardwood shames Pergo when the two are placed side by side. Clinton does have a backup strategy: If Clinton can’t overcome her status as the Tin Man, she can always go full witch. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now Which is the plan, according to her campaign spokeswoman, Jennifer Palmieri: “The true game changer is when there’s a personified opponent.” She’s hoping for a Republican opponent to emerge so she can pounce. Clinton is far more comfortable smothering her opponents with a pillow than cuddling with babies on the campaign trail. That’s why Clinton has now placed heavy focus in her campaign speeches on attacking Donald Trump and the other Republicans: She’s struggling to connect with Americans other than in opposition to those on the other side. But what happens if she’s unable to smear the person on the other side? What happens if she has to make an affirmative case for her own candidacy? Clinton will be faced with that challenge if put up against an authentic, famous political cipher like Donald Trump, who now outpolls her nationally. Trump may be the perfect candidate to take down Clinton in a general election, in fact: He’s not as susceptible to personal attacks, since everyone knows and has an opinion about Trump already; he’s hard to peg down on policy, and actually agrees with Clinton on matters ranging from taxes to affirmative action; most of all, he seems like an unproduced person, rather than a remarkably lifelike robot capable of occasional homo sapiens-like jargon. Over time, Clinton will likely grow more desperate — and thus, more unattractive. She’s billing herself as Chillary Clinton in an attempt to seem like Cool Grandma to the under-30 crowd, but like an old PC, she glitches and freezes up regularly. Eventually, she’ll run out of re-re-relaunches. The only question is whether the Democratic National Committee can wheel her to victory before other candidates catch up with her. Ben Shapiro, 31, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, a radio host on KTTH 770 Seattle and KRLA 870 Los Angeles, editor-in-chief of, and senior editor-at-large of Breitbart News. He is The New York Times best-selling author of “Bullies.” He lives with his wife and daughter in Los Angeles. Also see, No, the Democrats Don’t Care About Israel
Ben Shapiro, Ashley Madison, Josh Duggar, The Nasty Left
No, the Democrats Don’t Care About Israel
No, the Democrats Don’t Care About Israel For years, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee has hosted President Obama or a high-ranking representative of his administration at their annual conference in Washington, D.C. No matter how anti-Israel the Obama administration’s policies have been, no matter how hostile to Israel the president’s rhetoric, AIPAC has offered President Obama or his lackeys a platform from which to tout their supposed pro-Israel credentials. AIPAC has always rationalized such outreach as an attempt to keep the pro-Israel position bipartisan, to cultivate supporters for the Jewish state on both sides of the aisle. What a waste. With President Obama’s despicable Iran deal set for passage this week, with solely Democrat support, the Democratic Party has called the leftist Jewish community’s bluff. Leftist Jews have played a sad game with the Democratic Party: They pretend that Israel’s safety and security is their top priority, then make excuses as the Democratic Party moves more and more boldly to undermine that safety and security — because, in truth, leftist Jews care less about Israel and Judaism than abortion and redistributionism. Former George H.W. Bush advisor James Baker discounted the Jewish vote by saying, “F— the Jews, they don’t vote for us anyway.” The Obama administration, with the Iran deal, has adopted a similar view: F— the Jews, they vote for us anyway. And there is no question that the Iran deal screws the Jews. Under the best-case scenario, Iran receives $$150 billion immediately in unfrozen assets and oil money from the United States and her allies. In return, Iran pinky swears not to develop nuclear weapons. But they don’t need nukes with all of the benefits President Obama just gave them. Iran wants nukes in order to use such weapons as a deterrent while pursuing terrorist activity across the world, preventing the rest of the world from leveraging sanctions. But now the rest of the world has accepted Iran’s terrorist activities openly. President Obama’s deal guarantees regional power to Iran — and then allows them to go nuclear with no consequences 10 years from now. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now And that’s the best-case scenario. Under the worst-case scenario, Iran grabs its money, funnels it into terrorism throughout the world, continues its takeover of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen, and precipitates regional wars with virtually all of its neighbors. Meanwhile, Iran secretly builds a nuclear weapon — and Obama’s verification regime does nothing either to verify or hold accountable. The deal contemplates a three-month delay between Iranian objections to inspections and supposed sanctions “snapbacks” — and even a “snapback” would require a new vote from the same countries now lifting sanctions, a dubious proposition at best. The Democratic Party’s latest kabuki theater involves allowing supposed pro-Israel allies like Senator Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., to vote against the deal, knowing that Obama already has the votes locked up to pass it. Obama acts angry, Schumer gets to look tough, and Israel feels the brunt of President Obama’s Jew-hating displeasure all the same. Meanwhile, leftist Jews get to comfort themselves with the idea that Democrats split over the Iran deal — and maybe, just maybe, President Obama has Israel’s best interests at heart after all. He doesn’t. Neither do Democrats, or their leftist Jewish allies. President Obama’s Iran deal will end in blood. And he won’t be the only pathetic character in this drama with bloody hands. Ben Shapiro, 31, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, a radio host on KTTH 770 Seattle and KRLA 870 Los Angeles, editor-in-chief of, and senior editor-at-large of Breitbart News. He is The New York Times best-selling author of “Bullies.” He lives with his wife and daughter in Los Angeles. Also see, Ashley Madison, Josh Duggar and the Nasty Left
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The Last Refuge
Cats or Dogs? Lets get acquainted, everybody. How about we take a little time, have a little fun, and find out what makes us all special as we sit aound the tree house, OK? Here are some fun questions to get … Continue reading →
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Thursday Open Thread – February 17
I know this is not the normal open thread picture. But it just,… well,….. needed to be shared. The more you look at it, the more it just speaks volumes. It is easily my favorite pic of the year so far. It’s frilliant. What’s on your mind today? Advertisements
US Dollar ‘Very Likely’ to Get Stronger Over Next Few Years
Christine Lagarde stated that the US dollar is likely to grow stronger over the next few years. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The US dollar is likely to grow stronger over the next few years, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde stated Friday. "It is very likely," Lagarde said in a Bloomberg News interview when asked if a stronger dollar is a given in coming years. The IMF chief predicted that the dollar will strengthen if the administration of President-elect Donald Trump implements his proposals for tax cuts and infrastructure investment. On Wednesday, Trump’s nominee for secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, said he will focus on changing the US tax code and developing the country’s infrastructure if confirmed for the post.
Dollar Snaps Post-Fed Rally as Wall Street Cautious of Economic Reality
The US dollar posted surprising losses in Friday trading just days after the Federal Reserve raised its base borrowing costs, suggesting investor concern of the uncertain economic prospects in the next year overshadowed a typical post-hike bullish sentiment. © AFP 2017/ BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI For Once, the Fed Gets It Right: US Inflation Extends Gains as Job Market Tightens Kristian Rouz – The US dollar reversed its gains on Friday after having rallied on a bullish Fed policy outlook in the previous several days as traders and investors realigned their portfolios due to a high degree of uncertainty in the economic forecasts for 2017. Global economic growth is still not robust enough, and whilst the US central bank is poised to tighten its monetary policies further, the lack of dollar-denominated liquidity in overseas markets might pose a significant challenge for international economy in the form of trade disruptions and FX rates anxiety. Meanwhile, in case the new US administration underperforms delivering their promised fiscal stimulus cutting taxes and boosting budget spending, US growth might also be facing increased downward pressure, rendering the global economic outlook even more volatile and unimpressive at best. The dollar retreated against a basket of its peers on Friday with the euro advancing to $$1.04526 in New York. The previous day, the dollar hit its 13-year highest against the common currency due to the concern of the looming Italian banking crisis. The yen, having dropped some 2.4pc for the week, was flat against the greenback, suggesting more weakness in the US currency is possible in the wake of the rebound in oil and raw material prices. “Today’s move is a minor correction,” Lutz Karpowitz of Frankfurt-based Commerzbank AG said. “We could easily head a bit lower until the end of the year, but all the arguments are on the dollar’s side. Interest rate expectations in the U.S. show the Fed has regained most of its credibility and the market is now convinced there will be an aggressive rate-hiking cycle.” Indeed, with another three interest rate hikes scheduled by the Federal Reserve for 2017, US financial assets are set to appreciate, as reflected by the fixed-income market dynamics: the benchmark 10-year US Treasury note halted its declines, along with gold, potentially signaling a renewed investor interest in safe havens. The election of Donald Trump for US President encouraged markets worldwide, prompting a selloff in haven assets, however, until Trump’s 100-day economic program commences sometime after the inauguration of 20 January, safe havens might reevaluate slightly due to the lingering economic concern across advanced economies and emerging markets. "Mr. Trump and his team have promised growth of 3.5 to 4 percent or more, which we see as 'magical thinking' unless accompanied by accelerated productivity growth," Michael Carey of New York-based CA-CIB said. There is still a substantial degree of persistent weakness in emerging markets, in particular, with Brazil in recession, and most Asian economy underperforming due to weak international demand for manufactured goods. With an industrial renaissance in the Trumpian US and the post-Brexit UK, and the still robust German manufacturing powerhouse, commodity prices are positioned for moderate gains – that is, as long as the fiscal stimuli of the US Treasury and the British Exchequer would foster expansion in their respective domestic manufacturing. "The risks of gray or black swans – negative spillover from the dollar or from US rates upon the rest of the world — was just jacked up a notch," Martin Enlund of Nordea Markets stated. "Will global markets positively digest this hawkish message; or will something break? The latter is usually the case." The US dollar index is, however, still far below its historic highs: most recently, the measure peaked out at a reading of 163 in early 1984, declining to as low as 80 in mid-1990s. The dollar index currently stands at its 2002 levels at 103.080 after having hovered about 80 in 2005-2014. "We are getting tightening from a stronger dollar and steeper [US] yield curve now. That's the biggest risk for 2017," Marios Maratheftis of Standard Chartered Plc said. A pickup in the US economy in 2017 would be greatly beneficial for commodity-exporting nations across the world pushing industrial metals and energy prices up. However, the looming tightening of monetary conditions in many advanced economies and a subsequent credit squeeze would impair consumer demand for manufactured goods, whilst the US abstinence from new trade deals all pose major challenges for Asian economies.
California Solar Panel Plant Going “Bust” Despite $$535 M Stimulus Bailout
California Solar Panel Plant Going “Bust” Despite $$535 M Stimulus Bailout by Jane Jamison | January 30, 2011 9:30 pm Obama’s Expensive “Green”: Project : is Epic “RED-INK” Fail in California One Billion Dollars Wasted in Fremont, CA —“Where are the Customers?” Solyndra Bail-out Merits Congressional Investigation Inconvenient truth for President Barack Obama, California Governor Jerry Brown, Senators Feinstein and Boxer: Solyndra Solar Panel plant in Fremont, California has wasted a billion dollars, $$535 million of those a direct bailout from U.S. taxpayers, and it is going “bust.” The Solyndra Solar panel plant[1] in Fremont, California served as the convenient “backdrop” for Barack Obama’s “green economy” speeches in California, and other campaigning Democrats. Flashback, 8 months ago:[2] “The promise of clean energy isn’t just an article of faith,” Obama said, “It’s not just some abstract possibility for science fiction movies or a distant future or 10 years down the road or 20 years, it’s happening right now. The future is here.” — President Obama, speaking at Solyndra Solar. There were warning signs of the President’s hypocrisy. For example, the “inconvenient optic,” non-union Solyndra workers, were told to “stay home” with no pay on the day of Obama’s plant tour and speech. [3] Never one to let the facts get in the way of a photo op, Democrat Barbara Boxer shamefully shilled[4] for the “green” Solyndra “cause” prior to her re-election. That was “then,” a billion dollars ago, ($$535 million of those dollars are a bailout from the 2009 “stimulus” bill )[5] this is now. The “green” industry is propped up by government subsidies, it has no basis in science, it’s not economic, and most of all, NOBODY is buying “green,” at least not in big enough numbers to make it a viable business. Just one day after the November election, after the company had just served its “duty” as the “green” “success story” of Democratic energy policy, came the “shocking” admission that Solyndra was actually in deep financial trouble: “Shocking Layoffs At Solyndra After $$535 Million Bailout”[6] By Daya Baran at November 03, 2010 “Solyndra, the poster child of green energy in Silicon Valley, that was going to create the jobs of the future, announced that it will layoff 17.5% of its workers[7] just one day after the elections. The company received $$535 million in U.S. tax payer bailout to create jobs. President Obama and Senator Barbara Boxer visited and campaigned at the plant.” Stop wasting taxpayer dollars on “green” projects that have no basis in reality: What has happened in Fremont, California is a failure of epic proportions that should not be repeated over and over again. China, whose murderous dictator was just wined and dined as a “friend” at the White House, has determined to put the American “green” industry out of business by heavily subsidizing its own competing industries[8] in solar panels and wind turbines. America, no matter how much it cuts costs, cannot compete with SLAVE LABOR. We will never win a “price-point” war with China. Something needs to change. Free trade with China as it is now, MUST end. We are subsidizing China’s military,[9] while they restrict what they allow their own people to buy from us. Free trade is a fraud on the American worker. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know [10] by Sir John Hawkins [10] John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now[11] Buy Now[11] Exhibit “A” is what has just happened in Fremont, California: Read it all here at San Jose Mercury News.[12] Here are just a few excerpts: Solyndra canceled its plans for an IPO in June, citing “adverse market conditions.” Then in July, Chris Gronet, the company’s founder, was replaced as CEO by Brian Harrison. Gronet remains at the company and chairs the board of directors. […] Harrison’s first big move was to shut down Solyndra’s older factory, consolidating production in Fab 2, the newer Fremont factory, and disrupting the company’s plans to add 1,000 jobs. […] “The company says it shipped 60 megawatts worth of panels last year and expects to double that quantity this year. One megawatt of power is enough to power about 200 California homes. But analysts question whether it can capture enough of the market. “At the end of the day, customers pay the bills,” [Ramesh Misra, a semiconductor and solar energy analyst at Brigantine Advisors ]said. “Where are their customers? That’s where the story starts to unravel. Solyndra is a disaster waiting to happen.” The bottom line is…..the bottom line: “Many low-cost Chinese manufacturers, which benefit from massive government support, are manufacturing at costs in the $$1.10 to $$1.20 a watt range. Thin-film leader First Solar, based in Tempe, Ariz., manufactures at 75 cents a watt and aims to be at 53 cents a watt by 2014. Solyndra says its current manufacturing costs are about $$3 per watt.” Greg Pollowitz of National Review Online has been asking for an investigation in the Department of Energy’s $$535 million bailout of Solyndra. Agree. A round of subpoenas is way overdue. House Republicans, are you listening?[13] Sources: Brian Sussman, Human Events: “Why the Government Should Stay Out of Green Energy”[14] New York Times UPI Christian Science Monitor Flashback, Obama on Solyndra: Cross-posted at[15] Endnotes: Solyndra Solar panel plant: Flashback, 8 months ago:: For example, the “inconvenient optic,” non-union Solyndra workers, were told to “stay home” with no pay on the day of Obama’s plant tour and speech. : Barbara Boxer shamefully shilled: ($$535 million of those dollars are a bailout from the 2009 “stimulus” bill ): “Shocking Layoffs At Solyndra After $$535 Million Bailout”: 17.5% of its workers: heavily subsidizing its own competing industries: We are subsidizing China’s military,: 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know : Buy Now: Read it all here at San Jose Mercury News.: Agree. A round of subpoenas is way overdue. House Republicans, are you listening?: Brian Sussman, Human Events: “Why the Government Should Stay Out of Green Energy”: Cross-posted at Source URL:
Radical Islamists on the Move in Egypt: U.S. Labor and Code Pink Offer Help
Radical Islamists on the Move in Egypt: U.S. Labor and Code Pink Offer Help by Jane Jamison | February 7, 2011 3:21 am The American media want us to believe that the Egyptian revolution is a student-led fairy-tale fight for free elections and democracy. This is very, very naive. However, anyone who believes otherwise is being branded a “kook conspiracist.”[1] [2] Code Pink Founder Medea Benjamin in Cairo The “official” journalistic talking point is that Muslim Brotherhood is just another “faction” trying to have a voice in the new government, that outside radical Islamists and leftists are not involved, and that Mohamed El Baradei is a “moderate” Nobel Peace Laureate to lead the country. (They skip that little part about him lying for years to the United Nations and the U.S. about the real nature and scope of Iran’s nuclear weapons development.)[3] To show how quickly things can sour, in just three days, while America was distracted with the Super Bowl, the noose started to tighten around Egypt’s “process” of regime change and Israel next door. Let’s review: Trevor Loudon at “New Zeal” website [4]reports late Sunday that American labor thugga-chieftain Richard Trumka is making overtures to the “new” coalition of Egyptian unions who are in the “overthrow Mubarak” camp: From the Communist Party USA[5]‘s Peoples World[6]. Egyptian workers…have broken away to form their own independent unions and federation and join the popular protests against President Hosni Mubarak’s dictatorial rule. In a Jan. 30 declaration the new Egyptian Federation of Independent Unions said its demands include the right to organize and the right to work at a decent minimum wage, rather than be unemployed. Like the other protesters, the new federation also demands Mubarak quit. The federation then called a general strike to back its demands. The new federation, unveiled at a press conference in the jammed central Tahrir Square in Cairo, includes the Real Estate Tax Authority (RETA) workers, the Retired Workers Union, the Health Professionals Union, the Teachers Independent Union and several other independent unions. The workers’ movement drew support from both AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and the International Trades Union Congress. Trumka said the new confederation’s role in the protests “inspires us and will not be forgotten…” Trumka wrote to RETA President Kamal Abu Eita and to Kamal Abbas, director of the Independent Egyptian labor group, the Center for Trade Union Worker Services, that their “organizations symbolize the strength and courage of Egyptian workers and their families who have been standing up to repression for many years.” Ayatollah Khamenei in Iran Predicts[7] Israel, U.S. will be Destroyed in Islamic Revolution “Uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia will spell an “irreparable defeat” for the United States, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Friday, adding that the recent wave of unrest sweeping through the Mideast was a result of Iran’s Islamic Revolution. […] Khamenei said that “if they [protesters] are able to push this through then what will happen to the U.S. policies in the region will be an irreparable defeat for America. Today’s events in North of Africa, Egypt, Tunisia and certain other countries have another sense for the Iranian nation. They have special meaning. This is the same as ‘Islamic awakening…’ […] “Iran also warns that any opposition to the movement of the Egyptian people … will bring about the anger and hatred of all Muslims around the world,” the statement said.” In just the past 24 hours, Mr. “Moderate” Al Baradei has suddenly taken a hard turn:[8] Mohamed ElBaradei, one of the key leaders of Egypt’s protest movement, has brought his country’s peace treaty with Israel into doubt in an interview with Der Spiegel[9]. From the Der Spiegel Interview[10]: SPIEGEL: Are you now saying that a government that included participation by the Muslim Brotherhood would continue on with Mubarak’s policies toward Israel? ElBaradei: No. Something the Israelis also need to grasp is that it’s impossible to make peace with a single man. At the moment, they have a peace treaty with Mubarak, but not one with the Egyptian people. The Israelis should understand that it is in their long-term interest to have a democratic Egypt as a neighbor, and that it is prudent to acknowledge the legitimate interests of the Palestinians and to grant them their own state. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know [11] by Sir John Hawkins [11] John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now[12] Buy Now[12] What ElBaradei is saying isn’t exactly surprising. He’s suggesting a more democratic government in Egypt would reflect Egyptian opinion and public sentiment, which is that Israel should do more to remove itself from Palestine and allow it to become an independent state. While it may not be surprising, it may be unsettling to many hoping that the relationship between Israel and Egypt would remain “stable” in the wake of a new Egyptian government. Instead, it seems as if the relationship will change with Egypt pushing for changes in the region’s status quo, if a new democratic government does form. [Read the full interview at Der Spiegel] [13] Muslim Brotherhood officially “re-emerges” as political force,[14] tells Japanese TV there will be no peace treaty with Israel The Muslim Brotherhood, banned for 30 years by the Mubarak government, has been very low-key or downright confusing in[15] all its communications with western media, but gave a very “insightful” interview with NHK TV, which was picked up by the Russian media:[16] Rashad al-Bayoumi said the peace treaty with Israel will be abolished after a provisional government is formed by the movement and other Egypt’s opposition parties. “After President Mubarak steps down and a provisional government is formed, there is a need to dissolve the peace treaty with Israel,” al-Bayoumi said.” U.S. “Charity” Code Pink Breaks Federal Law by Fund-raising to Overthrow Mubarak Breitbart “Big Peace” contributors Kristinn Taylor and Andrea Shea King[17] have followed the political activities of Code Pink for years. They point out that radical activist group is has thumbing its nose at U.S. tax code by openly soliciting donations for two years to support the anti-Mubarak groups in Egypt. The latest web campaign Friday had supposedly raised $$10,000. [18] There is no guarantee that Code Pink will spend the money solely on “flowers…blankets, food and medicines for the protesters in the streets.” As the group says at the end of the appeal, “Our CODEPINK team is on the ground in Cairo doing everything we can to support the movement.” Will the “CODEPINK team” dip into the donations to cover their expenses? Will they be buying hash, cigarettes and liquor in the Cairo streets or hookah bars? Will some of that money be used by protesters to buy Molotov cocktail supplies, or worse? Code Pink has a history of working with and giving humanitarian aid to terrorist groups like Hamas. It passes itself off as non-violent but supports those who engage in violence against America and her allies—especially Israel. Code Pink knows that humanitarian aid relieves pressure on groups to provide the basics to combatants and their families so that the tools of revolution can be bought and morale maintained. Betsy Galliher at American Thinker[19] says what Code Pink is doing under its “tax exempt” shelter as a “charity” cannot possibly be legal, but who in the Obama administration will question them? “Code Pink is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization, classified as a 501(c)(3): To be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code, an organization must be organized and operated exclusively for exempt purposes set forth in section 501(c)(3), and none of its earnings may inure to any private shareholder or individual. In addition, it may not be an action organization, i.e., it may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities and it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates. ([20])” Besides the fund-raising for the Mubarak overthrow in Egypt, Code Pink co-sponsored a rally of 1,0000 protesters against a meetings of a conservative group held a fund-raiser for California governor Jerry Brown last fall, and raised $$600,000 for the Fallujah, Iraq village where American personnel were tortured, murdered, burned and hung. The group supports dictators such as Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Fidel Castro in Cuba.[21] Why isn’t the media asking questions about all this of Barack Obama? Clearly, there is much more at play in Egypt than a group of college students. Radical Islamists are accepting help from around the world to create enough chaos to move in and take over. Previously on Update:Code Pink Leader Arrested Inside Blackwater Exec’s Home Terrorist-Loving Code Pink for Jerry Brown Roundup Update:Jerry Brown Takes $$$$ from Hamas-Supporting, Military-Hating Code Pink Code Pink for Jerry Brown : Leftists Funded by Marxist Billionaire Protest Meeting by GOP Billionaires Code Pink Raises Stink Over Israeli Makeup in San Francisco : Cross-posted at[22] Endnotes: who believes otherwise is being branded a “kook conspiracist.”: [Image]: lying for years to the United Nations and the U.S. about the real nature and scope of Iran’s nuclear weapons development.): Trevor Loudon at “New Zeal” website : Communist Party USA: Peoples World: Ayatollah Khamenei in Iran Predicts : suddenly taken a hard turn: : an interview with Der Spiegel:,1518,743825,00.html Der Spiegel Interview:,1518,743825,00.html 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know : Buy Now: Read the full interview at Der Spiegel] :,1518,743825,00.html Muslim Brotherhood officially “re-emerges” as political force, : downright confusing in: which was picked up by the Russian media:: Breitbart “Big Peace” contributors Kristinn Taylor and Andrea Shea King: [Image]: Betsy Galliher at American Thinker: The group supports dictators such as Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Fidel Castro in Cuba.: : Cross-posted at Source URL:
New Technology Makes Abortion More Viable Issue in Congress and Courts
New Technology Makes Abortion More Viable Issue in Congress and Courts by Jane Jamison | February 4, 2011 6:48 am There are many, many developments in Congress and in the courts regarding abortion. This report is a summary of recent events with many links for you to research further. Obama Administration Refuses to Release National Abortion Statistics As exclusively reported by Erick Erickson on RedState Thursday: [1]For the first time in 40 years, the Obama administration is hiding national abortion statistics through Planned Parenthood and is refusing requests to publish them. This is historic and very, very suspect. Congress has been reacting in the past 24 hours.[2] Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Texas)[3]: Most Americans – regardless of their view on abortion – share the goal of reducing abortions. These statistics play an important role in determining whether our public and private efforts are effective. As long as abortion is legal in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should continue to provide doctors, health care providers, policymakers, and individuals with standard public health information. It is my sincere hope that the CDC does not intend to abdicate this most basic public health role. I would respectfully request a response to this letter detailing your agency’s future plans regarding the Abortion Surveillance System. If your agency does not intend to collect or publish this data now and in the future, I would also request a detailed explanation as to why the agency has reversed its position on the public health benefits of abortion surveillance and all internal documents discussing this topic, including emails and memoranda. “Big Nanny” Health Legislation Creates Liberal Hypocrisy About Abortion Liberals are trying to have it “both” ways. The left prides itself on a supposedly “scientific” approach to such things as evolution. Conveniently now, the left wants to “ignore” new scientific developments which have made the Roe v. Wade opinion legalizing abortion in 1973 “outmoded” and barbaric. Feminists don’t want to see 3-D ultrasounds of infants in utero fighting for their little lives. And now, the government doesn’t want the public to know how many abortions are being performed. The desire to be slutty and irresponsible with no guilt about getting rid of something “inconvenient” is at the base of the abortion “discussion.” Very few want to describe it that way, but that’s what it is. The hypocrisy of liberals is, they claim to the liberty to do as they wish with “their” bodies, but don’t want to consider when a new life inside them becomes “its” own life. They want “freedom” of their body, but yet they support all kinds of “big government” encroachments into bodily freedoms: salt intake,[4] smoking in public places and even out of doors (see: New York),[5] banning “trans-fats” in food,[6] Happy Meals with toys,[7] baked goods and pizza fundraisers during school hours[8], fluoridation of tap water,[9] and so on. New Technology Changes Everything There are much-improved technologies in ultrasound since 1969 when Roe v. Wade to legalize abortion was going through the courts. These new ultrasounds show a very clear picture of what a pre-born infant is doing in utero at what age.They are so detailed and graphic that Planned Parenthood workers who are now viewing them have begun quitting their jobs to become pro-life advocates. [10] We know now what we didn’t know 38 years ago: that the little in-utero people that pro-abortionists call “fetuses” are actually fighting the suction wand as it moves in to crunch them into pieces in a “first trimester” abortion. ( See “Silent Scream” video here.)[11] New Legislation is Based on New Technology Based on this, there is a court case from Nebraska making its way through the courts having to do with “fetal pain.” The law restricts abortions after 20 weeks.[12] In Oklahoma, a state law requiring all prospective abortion patients to see an ultrasound of their baby one hour before the procedure is also bound for the high court.[13] There is another thought to make abortion illegal sooner, when the baby’s heart starts beating. Bills are pending in the House and Senate. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know [14] by Sir John Hawkins [14] John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now[15] Buy Now[15] One News Now: Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) is sponsoring the “Life at Conception Act” (S.91[16]), which will define personhood from the moment of conception. Sen. Wicker has 13 co-sponsors thus far. In Harry Blackmun’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, he wrote that “if personhood is established, the appellant’s case (i.e., ‘Roe’), of course collapses, for the fetus’ right to life is then guaranteed specifically by the [14th] amendment.” Under S.91, a “human person” and a “human being” includes every individual “at all stages of life, including, but not limited to, the moment of fertilization, cloning and other moment at which an individual…comes into being.” If this bill is enacted into law, it thus will not only provide protection for unborn babies, it will follow the path Justice Blackmun laid out 38 years ago for overturning Roe v. Wade, an act of judicial activism that has led to the deaths of 53 million infants before they have drawn their first breath. Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) has introduced a parallel bill in the House (H.R.374) which currently has 53 co-sponsors. Another area of discussion is whether low-income mothers should have their abortions funded by the government. “Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act”[17], sponsored by Congressman Mike Pence of Indiana. If passed, the law would deny federal money to any organisation that provides abortions at all — the argument being that there is no definitive way to guarantee that funds used for, say, birth control or STD treatments won’t slip into the “abortion pot”. The effect would be to severely limit, if not eliminate, groups like Planned Parenthood that provide a variety of family planning needs. Late-term abortions are now being scrutinized anew after a grand jury investigation of Dr. Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia. A grand jury has found that Gosnell was going far beyond the gruesome late-term abortion procedure. He has killed hundreds of live 7-or 8-month-old babies by cutting their spinal cords with scissors after he delivered them alive. Update: Where is the News Coverage of the Millionaire Baby-Killing Doctor? Read the Grand Jury Report: Late-Term Abortion Doctor Charged For Killing Live Babies After Birth The annual “Walk for Life” which is held in cities nationwide each year on the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision to legalize abortion, are growing in size. Even in liberal San Francisco, 50,000 people marched for life in January this year. Last year, 35, 000 people showed up in San Francisco in pouring, torrential rains. “50,000 Walked for Life in San Francisco” The pro-life group “LiveAction” has just conducted sting operations at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics in several cities which shows the clinic workers conspiring with LiveAction’s undercover “pimps” and “prostitutes” to provide abortions for under-age sex slaves. Go here to read about the LiveAction “sting operations”[18] at Planned Parenthood clinics in New Jersey and Virginia. In short, the left claims to have “logic” and “science” on its side in so many debates. There is now new science to dispel justification for abortion at many stages. Roe v. Wade is “outmoded.” The law and our society’s morality must “catch up” to the science which shows, without a doubt, we are murdering humans that have every chance to be viable…..if only we allow them to live. SusaninGlendale, Big Journalism: “Make-Believe Media Circle Wagons Around Planned Parenthood; Tie Pro-Life Whistleblowers to Arizona Shooting[19]” Cross-posted at[20] Endnotes: As exclusively reported by Erick Erickson on RedState Thursday: : Congress has been reacting in the past 24 hours.: Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Texas): salt intake,: (see: New York),: banning “trans-fats” in food,: Happy Meals with toys,: baked goods and pizza fundraisers during school hours: fluoridation of tap water,: These new ultrasounds show a very clear picture of what a pre-born infant is doing in utero at what age.They are so detailed and graphic that Planned Parenthood workers who are now viewing them have begun quitting their jobs to become pro-life advocates. : ( See “Silent Scream” video here.): there is a court case from Nebraska making its way through the courts having to do with “fetal pain.” The law restricts abortions after 20 weeks.: In Oklahoma, a state law requiring all prospective abortion patients to see an ultrasound of their baby one hour before the procedure is also bound for the high court.: 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know : Buy Now: S.91:[email protected]&userid=21274078&fl=&extra=MultivariateId=&&&104&&& “Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act”: Go here to read about the LiveAction “sting operations”: Make-Believe Media Circle Wagons Around Planned Parenthood; Tie Pro-Life Whistleblowers to Arizona Shooting: Cross-posted at Source URL:
Watching Liberals Turn On Each Other is Fun!
Watching Liberals Turn On Each Other is Fun! by Lori Ziganto | January 16, 2010 12:23 pm When Nancy Pelosi loses the old crank, Jack Cafferty, of all people, you know times are tough for the Democrats. Heck of a job, Nancy! Seriously, I mean it. You are improving my mood greatly, due to the many pointing and snickering opportunities that you provide. Cafferty: pulled one of his: famous hit and runs[1], only this time it was super funny and he knocked Pelosi off of her high horse, instead of a bicycle. The “horrible woman” line is priceless. Newsbusters has: the full transcript[2], but the money quotes follow below: CBS News has a stunning report on the all-expense-paid trip of at least 20 members of Congress to the Copenhagen climate summit last month. The bipartisan delegation led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was so large, they needed three military jets, two 737s, and a Gulfstream 5. Some members of Congress brought along their spouses, their kids. There were also senators and staff members who made the trip to Denmark, most of them flying over commercial. Pelosi refused to answer any questions about costs for this or where they all stayed, even though she was the one who decided who went. Her office says only that it will – quote – “comply with disclosure requirements” – unquote. CBS puts the cost of military jet flying time at about $$170,000, plus the cost of dozens of commercial flights, hundreds of hotel stays, many of them at the five-star Marriott, and tens of thousands in meals and other entertainment expense. It’s a disgrace. The national unemployment rate is 10 percent. Employers cut more jobs than expected just last month. We got the numbers on Friday. People are suffering in this country. What a horrible woman she is – Wolf. (LAUGHTER) × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know [3] by Sir John Hawkins [3] John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now[4] Buy Now[4] BLITZER: Jack, you have got to tell us how you really feel about Nancy Pelosi. CAFFERTY: I just did. BLITZER: I – I… CAFFERTY: She’s a horrible woman. The only thing I don’t like is that I agree one hundred percent with Cafferty on this. Fair warning: I think that may be one of the seven signs of the apocalypse. (Cross-posted at:[5]) Endnotes: famous hit and runs: the full transcript: 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know : Buy Now: Source URL:
Former Bush Aide John Yoo: Obama “Too Afraid” to Take Bin Laden Alive
Former Bush Aide John Yoo: Obama “Too Afraid” to Take Bin Laden Alive by Jane Jamison | May 7, 2011 8:00 am Cross-posted at[1] The man America should REALLY be thanking for Osama bin Laden’s capture is John Yoo, yet very few people have even heard his name. Yoo is the George W. Bush administration attorney who wrote the memo legalizing waterboarding and other forms of “enhanced interrogations” for Al Qaeda suspects. He has come forward in the past few days to blast President Obama’s handling of the Osama bin Laden as a “huge fail.” John Yoo is an incredibly brave truth-teller, and what he is saying now is absolutely correct. [read his WSJ editorial last year: “My Gift to the Obama Administration.”[2] ] Important background: John Yoo became a favorite whipping boy of the left[3] during the Bush years. He was also threatened by the Obama administration with prosecution for “war crimes,” a witch hunt that quietly went by the boards during one late Friday night document dump.[4] Even in finding no wrongdoing, the Obama administration insidiously leaked negative information[5] about Yoo and others, knowing he was under gag order and couldn’t respond. No Obama ideologue ever made an apology to Yoo for the defamation of his character. No member of any leftist group [6]ever expressed remorse for the years of nearly 24/7 stalking, threats and harassment at his home and workplace in Berkeley, California. [See “No Shame on Yoo”[7] for details of what he endured.] Now read John Yoo’s assessment of the bin Laden bungling by this leftist, radical, rookie president who won’t even get his fingernails dirty at a Mexican restaurant, and certainly has no clue what it takes to be a warrior. Listen to how Yoo tore smirking liberal slimester Elliott Spitzer on CNN a new one. I pray we elect a Republican president and bring back John Yoo to the nation’s service. We need him. TalkingPointsMemo:[8] × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know [9] by Sir John Hawkins [9] John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now[10] Buy Now[10] John Yoo says President Obama is too afraid of the politics of Guantanamo Bay to capture and interrogate terrorists. The former Gorge W. Bush administration lawyer, Yoo wrote the infamous torture memos[11] used to justify the “enhanced interrogation techniques” that were a central legacy of Bush’s Global War On Terror. He now says that the killing of Osama bin Laden will go down in history as one of President Obama’s biggest national security fails. Yoo told CNN on Thursday night that the special forces team sent to kill bin Laden should have instead taken him alive and kept him as a source of future intelligence. Failing to do that, Yoo says, cost the U.S. a valuable asset. That was a mistake, Yoo says. “If they were going in with no options other than to kill him, then that’s a problem,” Yoo told CNN’s Eliot Spitzer. In an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal[12] Wednesday, Yoo wrote that shooting the unarmed bin Laden meant “one of the most valuable intelligence opportunities since the beginning of the war has slipped through our hands.” Yoo told Spitzer “that a deliberately small force was sent in” to Abbottabad, Pakistan by the White House because “they don’t want to capture high-level al Qaeda leaders.” Why? As Yoo said in his op-ed, the administration is terrified of backing the Bush administration’s moves in the war on terror. “Capturing [bin Laden] alive would have required the administration to hold and interrogate bin Laden at Guantanamo Bay,” Yoo wrote, “something that has given this president allergic reactions bordering on a seizure.” Endnotes: Cross-posted at : “My Gift to the Obama Administration.”: whipping boy of the left : during one late Friday night document dump. : Even in finding no wrongdoing, the Obama administration insidiously leaked negative information: No member of any leftist group : “No Shame on Yoo”: http://../2010/02/no-shame-on-yoo/ TalkingPointsMemo: : 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know : Buy Now: torture memos: Wall Street Journal: Source URL:
Ben Shapiro, Rich Socialists, The Bernie Sanders Moment
‘Clock Boy’ and America’s Suicidal PC Tendencies
‘Clock Boy’ and America’s Suicidal PC Tendencies Last week, Muslim 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed made national news after being detained by police for bringing a deconstructed clock to his Texas school. The clock, to inexpert eyes, looked like a bomb. Ahmed’s English teacher thought so and called the police; when they questioned Mohamed, he reportedly stonewalled them. They released him after realizing that the device posed no threat and was not meant as a hoax explosive. But this being Barack Obama’s America, that didn’t end the story. The boy’s father, a self-proclaimed anti-Islamophobia activist, decided to make a federal case out of his kid’s detainment. He called his son’s brief detention in an air conditioned room “torture.” He called in the terrorism-linked Council on American Islamic Relations to protest Ahmed’s treatment. When he reached the police station, he insisted that the police leave handcuffs on his son so that the boy’s sister could take pictures. Then, when Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban called up Ahmed to deliver his sympathies and began asking questions about the situation, Ahmed’s sister fed him the answers. None of those details made the press, however. The media simply played the story as a pure case of Islamophobia, a targeted attack on an innocent young Muslim genius who “invented” a clock. Never mind that Ahmed no more “invented” the clock than my daughter “invented” my keyboard by dismantling it. Never mind that children across America have been suspended or even prosecuted for far less than bringing a device with bomblike appearance to school. Form your fingers into a gun, and go home with the threat of prosecution looming. Chew a pop tart into the shape of a firearm, and you can guarantee it’ll go on your permanent record. But build a device that looks awfully like an IED, and so long as you’re Muslim, the world will respond with outrage. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now We have now come 180 degrees since Sept. 11. In the aftermath of that attack, we vowed we would not be hit again. To prevent that from happening, we told ourselves that if we saw something, we would say something; we also vowed to put political correctness to the side when it came to protecting safety. Now, we’ll say something if we see something, unless that something is a suspicious act with regard to a possible explosive held by a young Muslim male. When a 16-year-old black girl brought a science experiment to school several years back in Florida, she was arrested; Barack Obama didn’t say a word, because she wasn’t Muslim. But Ahmed now looks forward to a trip to the White House for breaking down an old clock and then getting testy with the police. This is America, post-frontal lobotomy. While we can all recognize and celebrate that Ahmed won’t be going to jail, the treatment of Ahmed’s case by the president and the press ensure that next time a young Muslim student brings a suspicious object to school, administrators will ignore it for fear of career-ending consequences. And next time, that suspicious object may not be a disassembled clock. Ben Shapiro, 31, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, a radio host on KTTH 770 Seattle and KRLA 870 Los Angeles, editor-in-chief of, and senior editor-at-large of Breitbart News. He is The New York Times best-selling author of “Bullies.” He lives with his wife and daughter in Los Angeles. Also see, Rich Socialists and the Bernie Sanders Moment
Trump-Obama Sanctions Standoff: Punish Russia v 'Get On With Our Lives'
US President Barack Obama pledged to hit Russia with a raft of new sanctions over the country's alleged interfered in the 2016 Presidential election - but President-elect Donald Trump responded by saying the US needs to "get on with" their lives, as "nobody knows what's going on." Trump justified his comments by again attacking allegations lodged by the CIA and FBI that Russia was behind the hack of Democratic Party emails. © REUTERS/ Mike Segar Trump Administration Could Lift Latest US Sanctions Against Russia - Foreign Ministry Asked by reporters if he supported the imposition of fresh sanctions, Trump said computers had "greatly" complicated everyone's lives, creating an atmosphere in which "nobody knows what's going on." "I think we ought to get on with our lives," he added. In an official statement, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned that Russia was tired of the lies emanating from the US government about the hack. #Zakharova: We are tired of lies about Russian hackers that continue to be spread in the US from the very top — MFA Russia 🇷🇺 (@mfa_russia) December 29, 2016 ​"The Obama administration launched this misinformation campaign six months ago in an attempt to play up his desired candidate in the November presidential election — not having achieved he desired result, and looking for an excuse for his own failure, vengeance has been wrought on Russian-American relations." The validity of the Russian hack claims has been questioned by many. Former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray has said with certainty the source of the emails was an "insider leak," from "someone with legal access" to the emails, as he's met one of the leakers in question. A campaigning group, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, has also stated it "beggars belief" that US intelligence services have been unable to name a single individual behind the alleged hack. "All signs point to leaking, not hacking. If hacking were involved, the National Security Agency would know it — and know both sender and recipient. Since leaking requires physically removing data — on a thumb drive, for example — the only way such data can be copied and removed, with no electronic trace of what has left the server, is via a physical storage device," the group said in a statement. Trump's dovish remarks follow a statement issued by Russian Foreign Ministry Ambassador at Large, Andrey Krutskikh, on December 29, which said Russia did not view itself as the enemy of the US, and the country would aim to pursue cooperation and achieve stability in bilateral relations. The diplomat added that current restrictions on Russia hampered this inclination. Warmongers John McCain and Lindsey Graham are calling for new sanctions against Russia without any proof Putin is responsible for hacks! — Makada 🇺🇸 (@_Makada_) December 29, 2016 ​The potential of a Trump Presidency to create detente between Moscow and Washington has been noted by numerous journalists. In the course of his election campaign, Trump threw Article Five of the NATO's founding treaty into question, saying Washington would come to its allies' aid only if those nations had "fulfilled their obligations" to the US. This has led some observers to suggest Trump's win means NATO "might not survive" much longer. On December 20, the US expanded sanctions against Russia, imposing additional individual restrictions on seven Russian citizens and sectorial sanctions on eight Russian entities and two vessels. However, there is a widespread and growing wave of voices suggesting they should be lifted. It has been reported US foreign policy luminary Henry Kissinger has endorsed the strategy and offered to assist Trump in his reconciliation efforts. On December 28, US Secretary of State John Kerry confirmed Obama's intention to levy further sanctions, saying the soon to be former President has "the right to respond to Russia at the place and time and manner of his choosing… Believe me, it will be his choosing."
Harsh US Sanctions Ban Russian Use Of Maryland’s Grills, Ocean Views
Ruthless US sanctions have banned the use of a highly-private and strategically placed Russian “spy compound,” a vacation retreat center in Maryland where families grilled burgers, hot dogs, and maybe even nuclear-Russian shish kebobs. On Thursday unmarked SUVs surrounded a Maryland property belonging to the Russian Embassy to the United States to send a clear signal: Russians are not welcome any more.The Obama administration designated the vacation retreat as a compound used for ‘spying purposes’ without expanding on what kind of spying was going on in the remote location. — Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) December 29, 2016 Unsurprisingly, it is extremely difficult to justify intelligence gathering here, as no military base or government building can be found anywhere nearby and everyone in the neighborhood has known for decades that the spot is a retreat for Russian diplomats and their families. If you had been a spy, coming here would be the best way to blow your cover. Nevertheless, this quaint family vacation spot is what the US has targeted in their latest round of sanctions. © NBC News Washington Unmarked Vehicles Outside Russian Retreat Center ​Google maps gives a detailed look at this 'spy nest,' revealing several wooden summer houses and a 1920s Georgian-style abode to be the home of some of Russia’s most lethal weapons, including lush magnolia, cypress, and boxwood trees. With great views and perfectly-charbroiled steaks on the way, maybe the Obamas want to spend some vacation time there themselves. © AP Photo/ Alexander F. Yuan A fence encloses an estate in the village of Upper Brookville in the town of Oyster Bay, N.Y., on Long Island on Friday, Dec. 30, 2016 — Michael McFaul (@McFaul) December 30, 2016 The Washington Life magazine previously ran a feature on the covert operations center, revealing that the "dacha" (that’s Russian for summer house), is a cherished getaway. "It’s a Russian tradition," Yuri Ushakov, the Russian Ambassador at the time, told the magazine. "You will find Moscow empty on Saturdays and Sundays, even in winter. A dacha is a good place to spend time outdoors with family and friends." ​​However, the Obama administration felt that enough is enough, and it was time to put an end to these egregious activities. Russian diplomats, after all, should not have too much fun while in the US, as, otherwise, they might like it here and become too friendly with Americans, something that the outgoing administration has worked hard to prevent at all costs — even if it seriously complicates the lives of US diplomats in Russia. After all, there’s no doubt that Moscow will take similar measures toward Americans, as the diplomatic tradition requires. But who cares, if you can have another great headline, and show how tough you are on the Russians. And their barbeque.
Lone Wolf Muslim Jihadi Who Rushed Cockpit on SF Flight Now Claims….He’s Crazy
Lone Wolf Muslim Jihadi Who Rushed Cockpit on SF Flight Now Claims….He’s Crazy by Jane Jamison | May 14, 2011 3:00 am Cross-posted at[1] What’s that? The prosecutor, defense attorney and the news media in San Francisco aren’t calling this a “lone wolf jihad” attack by a Muslim?: Have they even called him a “Muslim” yet? : Why are we not surprised? No, according to the San Francisco Political-Correctness squads, we are supposed to believe that a Yemeni with no job, no luggage, two inexplicable checks for $$15,000, on a coast-to-coast flight with no known purpose (even the Muslims claiming to be his “family” did not know he was flying to San Francisco) who rushes an airline cockpit screaming, “Allah Akhbar!” is a just a poor, misunderstood, unhappy…nutjob. And please let him go home to his “family.” [Read it all at][2] Thank goodness the judge would have none of this taqqiya poppycock, at least for now. However, a mental health examination will be done. What are the chances that, before we know it, in the liberal San Francisco area, Mr. Al-Muzzlimo-whatever, will be demanding and getting halal meal menus, prayer rugs, conjugal visits, a personal Koran, and mandatory masturbation minutes per day? × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know [3] by Sir John Hawkins [3] John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now[4] [ Read the many links here[5] on how many times Muslims have gotten away with jihad crimes in the United States only to have it “excused” as being “upset” about something or temporarily crazy. ] [Recall the Muslim television executive in New York who beheaded his wife[6] in his television studio because she had filed for divorce. He lured her to the office, sliced through her neck in less than a minute and threw her head down the hallway. He claimed HE was a victim of spousal abuse, [with a straight face] and the prosecutor said the crime had “nothing to do with religion,” implying that it was not an honor killing. ] Will SOMEONE in the San Francisco bay area please stop self-hating and guilt-tripping long enough to advocate for the public safety? Prosecutors, the defense, and the judge are concerned about his mental health because[7] Rageh Ahmed Mohammed Al-Murisi, while aboard the flight to San Francisco last week: “…… told an air marshal during the incident that he wanted to kill himself, prosecutors and a federal judge said today.” Attention, legal geniuses in San Francisco: Radical Muslims who are trying to martyr themselves for jihad scream “Allah Akhbar” as they commit their suicidal crimes. Prescribing Ambien and giving them three hot squares a day is NOT going to change their minds about killing themselves to kill infidels. Good grief. Read this bit of “discombobulation” [8] by a Muslim writing for the HuffPo. He’s mad that Muslims are screaming Allah Akhbar when they commit their crimes, and is demanding they commit their crimes in their OWN names. He doesn’t denounce the crimes or deny that Muslims are doing what the Koran is telling them to do…he’s just mad about the “optics.” Endnotes: Cross-posted at [Read it all at] : 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know : Buy Now: many links here: Muslim television executive in New York who beheaded his wife: http://../2011/03/muslim-tv-executive-sentenced-in-buffalo-for-beheading-wife/ Prosecutors, the defense, and the judge are concerned about his mental health because: Read this bit of “discombobulation” : Source URL:
Navy SEALS to Piehole of the U.S.: Why Don’t You Shut Up?
Navy SEALS to Piehole of the U.S.: Why Don’t You Shut Up? by Jane Jamison | May 14, 2011 2:06 am Cross-posted at[1] Geronimo and his relatives[2] are pissed, the Navy SEALS are pissed, so why don’t we just rename the OBL kill-mission, “Operation POTUS Piehole?” Oh to be a bug on the wall, when U.S. Navy SEAL Team “Six” met last week[3] with Community-Organizer-in-chief 2012.o. [review my memo on why radical leftists who have never been in the military or run a company have no business EVER being the Commander-in-Chief][4] We are beginning to hear, from many sources, [and it’s about time] that Navy SEAL Team “Six,” which is typically extremely “black op”: and usually not ever named, identified, or acknowledged in any way, does not appreciate the President’s “over-sharing” of so many mission details. [We are up to 30 different versions now????][5] The following three authors exhaustively explain the negligence of Barack Obama as he has taken his victory laps and how he has threatened national security by politicking a covert mission: Jeff Emanuel at “Do Victory Laps and Spiking the Football outweigh Operational (and Personal) Security? [6]“ Marc Ambinder at National Journal: “Government Fears too Much Disclosure in bin Laden Raid Will Jeopardize Future Missions” [7] × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know [8] by Sir John Hawkins [8] John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now[9] Buy Now[9] Paul Bedard at U.S. News’ Washington Whispers: “SEALS Angry at Attention and Want it Stopped”[10] Marine Col. David Lapan[11] requested news media outlets stop trying to seek out mission members for interviews or to identify them or their geographic location in any way. “Rob Curtis, who writes the Gear Scout blog for Military Times[12], said that there are concerns that the focus on the bin Laden raid has distracted the special operations world. “There are still plenty of HVTs [high-value targets] out there that Joint Special Operations Command is hunting and according to my sources close to and inside of SOCOM this story has become a huge distraction for the community.” What’s more, he adds, “It’s my feeling that the administration has aimed a spotlight into one of the darkest corners of our national security apparatus without regard for the damage it might do to its ongoing operations.” Defense secretary Robert Gates was getting it between the eyes as he met with Marines around the country and in an interesting move, blamed his boss for the snafu:[13] “A Marine asked what measures were being taken to protect “the identities and the lives” of the SEALs involved in the takedown of bin Laden in Pakistan a week ago, as well as other troops deployed in the region, from the threat of retaliation. “We are very concerned about the security of our families — of your families and our troops, and also these elite units that are engaged in things like that. And without getting into any details … I would tell you that when I met with the team last Thursday, they expressed a concern about that, and particularly with respect to their families,” Gates told the audience. “Frankly, a week ago Sunday, in the Situation Room, we all agreed that we would not release any operational details from the effort to take out bin Laden. That all fell apart on Monday, the next day.” [listen to it on the video…Gates sounds pissed.] Endnotes: Cross-posted at : Geronimo and his relatives: met last week: [review my memo on why radical leftists who have never been in the military or run a company have no business EVER being the Commander-in-Chief] : http://../2011/05/chinese-military-stealing-technology-from-downed-seals-chopper-in-pakistan/ [We are up to 30 different versions now????] : “Do Victory Laps and Spiking the Football outweigh Operational (and Personal) Security? : “Government Fears too Much Disclosure in bin Laden Raid Will Jeopardize Future Missions” : 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know : Buy Now: SEALS Angry at Attention and Want it Stopped” : Marine Col. David Lapan : Military Times: blamed his boss for the snafu:: Source URL:
Happy 4th of July Food Court Flash Mob
× 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins [2] John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now[3]
Vatican declares Nancy Pelosi may no longer receive Communion
Vatican declares Nancy Pelosi may no longer receive Communion by Michael Dorstewitz | September 26, 2013 5:19 am The: Vatican: has finally had enough of U.S. House Minority Leader: Nancy Pelosi: illogically insisting she’s a “good Catholic” while consistently supporting unrestricted abortion. The Vatican’s chief justice, Cardinal Raymond Burke, said the California Democrat may no longer receive the sacrament of Holy Communion, according to: CNS News. “Certainly this is a case when Canon 915 must be applied,” Burke in a Sept. 5 interview with The Wanderer, a national Catholic weekly, CNS News reported Monday. “This is a person who obstinately, after repeated admonitions, persists in a grave sin – cooperating with the crime of procured abortion – and still professes to be a devout Catholic.” Burke emphasized that Catholics have to at least attempt to live their faith. “This is a prime example of what Blessed John Paul II referred to as the situation of Catholics who have divorced their faith from their public life and therefore are not serving their brothers and sisters in the way that they must – in safeguarding and promoting the life of the innocent and defenseless unborn, in safeguarding and promoting the integrity of marriage and the family,” the cardinal said. CNS reported: × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know [1] by Sir John Hawkins [1] John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now[2] Buy Now[2] In mid-June at a Capitol Hill press conference, Pelosi was asked if there is a moral difference between aborting a baby at 26 weeks and what Dr. Kermit Gosnell did in Philadelphia in delivering babies alive at 23 weeks and then severing their spinal cords to kill them? [3]Rather than answer the Vatican directly, Pelosi said (TO WHOM? WHEN?), “As a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me when we talk about this. I don’t think it should have anything to do with politics, and that’s where you’re taking it and I’m not going there.” So much for living her faith. “To say that these are simply questions of Catholic faith which have no part in politics is just false and wrong,” the cardinal told The Wanderer. “I fear for Congresswoman Pelosi if she does not come to understand how gravely in error she is. I invite her to reflect upon the example of St. Thomas More who acted rightly in a similar situation even at the cost of his life.” St. Thomas More was beheaded for refusing to swear to Henry VIII’s Oath of Allegiance after the king broke with the Catholic Church. More’s last words were, “The king’s good servant, but God’s first.” As for Pelosi, let’s not get any ideas – we don’t behead people in the West anymore. Ex-communication maybe? This post was used with the permission of BizPac Review[4]. Endnotes: 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know : Buy Now: [Image]: BizPac Review: Source URL:
Kansas school board brings back student-led prayer
Kansas school board brings back student-led prayer by Michael Dorstewitz | September 28, 2013 2:21 am A rural: Kansas: School Board courageously defied 50 years of U.S. Supreme Court rulings by allowing: student-led prayer: at all school activities, even broadcasting them on the school’s public address system. [1] What began as an unscheduled, impromptu suggestion at a Monday: ISD No. 480 School Board: meeting ended up as a motion that was immediately seconded, discussed and unanimously approved, according to the: Leader and Times. “I think that’s one of the greatest things we’ve ever done,” said Board Member Tammy Sutherland-Abbott, who seconded Board Member Nick Hatcher’s motion. Hatcher had spontaneously introduced the idea. “I would like to see us bring prayer back to the games,” he told his fellow board members. “I have struggled with that – not having prayer at our activities – because it’s ‘not the thing to do,’ but if the board thought it was important enough that they would support it, and defend it if the time came, I’d like to ask that we do that at our next meeting.” The schools superintendent questioned why the board should wait until the next meeting. “We do live in a democratic society, and I personally feel like our community would support that decision, regardless of the rest of the world,” Hatcher said. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know [2] by Sir John Hawkins [2] John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now[3] Buy Now[3] The Leader and Times reported: Several years ago, LHS discontinued prayer at events like football games. Administration voiced concern that, by making the P.A. system available for prayers led by students or community members, the district could be perceived as sanctioning or even promoting traditional Christian prayer in violation of federal law. Student-led prayers then moved to the football field itself, prior to the game. However, no microphone or speaker system allowed spectators to hear such prayers. Monday night’s vote will permit students to utilize the P.A. system for prayer before football games and all other special activities in the district. The Warren Supreme Court declared school-sanctioned prayer unconstitutional in the 1962 case of Engel v. Vitale. In that case, the New York officials were challenged for encouraging public schools to recite prayers written by them. The 2000 case of Santa Fe Independent School Dist. v. Doe, however, is more directly on point. In that case, the court ruled 6-3 that student-composed and -led prayer prior to football games is unconstitutional as a violation of the First Amendment’s establishment clause. Kansas is a part of a Middle America region unflatteringly known as “flyover country,” where residents pay their taxes without squabble, send their sons and daughters off to fight our wars and whose word is unhesitatingly their bond. Note that it wasn’t small-ttown bankers that had to be bailed out in the waning days of 2007. They wouldn’t dream of making an investment that could jeopardize the hard-earned life savings of their depositors and shareholders – not when they have to face those same people at the local supermarket, pharmacy or in chuech on Sunday. More than anything, the people inhabiting flyover country are expected to do all they can for their country and countrymen and keep their mouths shut while the geniuses in Washington, New York and Los Angeles make the really important decisions. It’s both encouraging and heartwarming to see the people in this area of Kansas rise up and revolt, Spartacus-like, as they tell Washington, D.C.: “We tried your way, thank you. We’ll go back to doing it our way.” This post was used with the permission of BizPacReview[4]. Endnotes: [Image]: 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know : Buy Now: BizPacReview: Source URL:
Five Syrian Children Return Home After Medical Treatment in Russia
The Russian center for Syrian reconciliation informs that five Syrian children have returned home after being successfully treated in Russia’s St. Petersburg. HMEYMIM (Sputnik) – Five Syrian children have returned home after being successfully treated in Russia’s St. Petersburg, the Russian center for Syrian reconciliation informs. "Since this mission is being carried out ahead of New Year, we considered it possible to set a table and give children New Year’s presents," a representative of the reconciliation center informed on Thursday, as the children were greeted in the Syrian city of Latakia. The Syrian children, aged 6-14, were taken to St. Petersburg in November, from areas in Syria that had long been under the control of terrorists. © Sputnik/ Michael Alaeddin Russian Embassy in Syria Comes Under Mortar Fire Again - Foreign Ministry Russian medical specialists also provide regular medical assistance to residents of areas in Syria that have already been liberated from militants. Since 2011, Syria has been engulfed in a civil war, with government forces fighting against numerous opposition and terrorist groups, including the Islamic State (ISIL, also known as Daesh), which is banned in a range of countries, including Russia. On December 16, the Russian Defense Ministry's center for Syrian reconciliation said that the Syrian army operation to liberate eastern neighborhoods of the Syrian city of Aleppo was over, and that Syrian government troops were eliminating separate hotbeds of militant resistance.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Slams Obama's Middle East Policy
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasted US President Barack Obama over his administration's Middle East policies after Secretary of State John Kerry delivered a major speech on a two-state solution. "Terror is everywhere" and "for an entire hour" the US Secretary of State didn't see that "Israel is the only place in the Middle East where Christians can celebrate Christmas," without worrying that they might be attacked, Netanyahu said. "Like the Security Council resolution that Secretary Kerry advanced in the U.N., his speech tonight was skewed against Israel," Netanyahu claimed in a statement following Kerry's speech Wednesday, noting that Kerry "obsessively dealt with settlements" during the speech. Netanyahu further reiterated that Israel has evidence the US orchestrated the UN resolution. "It's all true" he said, though not all media would get access since it contains sensitive material. While Netanyahu offered his enthusiasm about working with Trump he expressed sincere disapproval with the US moving to further work against Israeli interests in the UN until Trump takes office. © Sputnik/ Michael Klimentyev Israel to Give Trump ‘Ironclad’ Proof Obama Was Behind UN Vote "The persistent refusal of the presence of a Jewish state is at the core of the issue," Netanyahu said, adding that he regrets Kerry does not see this "simple truth." Kerry delivered perhaps the most scathing speech in US history against Israel on Wednesday in which he condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Netanyahu began his speech in Hebrew before switching to English in order to directly address the US public. Last week's UN resolution encourages sanctions against Israel, "that's effectively what it does," Netanyahu added. "Israel looks forward to working with President-elect Trump" to "mitigate" the damage done by the UN resolution, he said. "War and terror are horrible," he noted, adding that Palestinian children are not currently taught peace, "but Palestinian authorities teach children to reject the presence of a Jewish state." ​​"By passionately condemning a policy to allow Jews live in their historic homeland," Kerry gave an "unbalanced" speech. "Nobody wants peace more than Israel," but it must be via direct negotiations, as Israel has done with previous agreements among regional partners, including Egypt and Jordan. Earlier on Wednesday, US Secretary of State John Kerry insisted that a two-state agreement is the only way to ensure safety for all parties in the region. Settlement expansion in the West Bank and ongoing terror threats reinforce the polarized status quo, he said. “Israel’s economy could enjoy unprecedented growth” and take advantage of trade opportunities with Arab partners by opting for peace. “We cannot in good conscience do nothing” when peace is possible, Kerry said, even though the incoming Trump administration may split with the current administration’s stance on the settlements. On Wednesday morning, Trump vowed to improve relations with Israel upon assuming office.
Russia-Turkey-Iran Agreements on Syria Attract Other Potential Signatories
According to a diplomatic source, various countries have shown interest in joining the agreements on Syria reached in the Russia-Turkey-Iran format. © REUTERS/ Omar Sanadiki Putin, Erdogan Agree Aleppo Liberation Lays Ground For Syria Peace Process – MOSCOW (Sputnik)Various countries have shown interest in joining the agreements on Syria reached in the Russia-Turkey-Iran format, a diplomatic source said. "The joint statement says that the three countries agree, but who wants to, may also join… in particular, the United States, Saudi Arabia, Qatar," the source told RIA Novosti. The foreign ministers of Russia, Iran and Turkey discussed in Moscow on December 20 the situation in Syria, including Aleppo. Given the involvement of all three countries' military officials in the events in Syria, the defense ministers joined the negotiations. After the talks, the ministers said it was important to expand the ceasefire regime in Syria and voiced readiness to become the guarantors of an agreement between Damascus and the opposition that was being drafted. Besides, Russia, Iran and Turkey agreed a joint statement to revive the political process to end the conflict in Syria. The document reaffirms respect for Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Never miss a story again — sign up to our Telegram channel and we'll keep you up to speed!
The True Message of Russia-Turkey Agreement on Syria to US, UN
Commenting on the agreement on Syria recently reached between Russia and Turkey, which has been submitted to Damascus for consideration, Turkish political scientist Emre Erşen sat down with Radio Sputnik to discuss what the deal could achieve and the hurdles it might encounter along the way. Turkey is ready to serve as a guarantor of a ceasefire in Syria alongside Russia and hopes to see the nationwide truce by year-end, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Thursday. His comments come after reports on Wednesday that Turkey and Russia have agreed on the outlines of a nationwide ceasefire plan in Syria to be presented to Damascus for consideration. The framework agreement between Russia and Turkey on Syria proposed the end of hostilities in the country starting at midnight local time on December 29. Should the pact hold, the Syrian government and opposition will launch peace talks in the Kazakh capital of Astana brokered by Russia and Turkey. Radio Sputnik discussed the issue with Emre Erşen, Lecturer at Istanbul-based Marmara University’s Department of Political Science and International Relations, expert on Russia-Turkey relations. "I think the agreement is very important considering that it is currently the only ceasefire plan on the table," he told Radio Sputnik. "Turkey and Russia have been latterly working very closely on the ground in Syria and this agreement is actually the result of this process. However we should keep in mind that similar plans on Syria have failed in the past. Therefore we might need some time to see whether this new plan is successful in the long-term," he explained, The political scientist then added that there are many different state and non-state actors operating in the Syrian conflict. And how they perceive this new process will be equally important. Emre Erşen also commented on the similar agreement brokered between Russia and the US, which failed in its infancy, and suggested what might hamper the current nationwide ceasefire plan. "We know that the US has provided military support to some of the groups in Syria but it has actually never wanted to be involved very actively in the Syrian conflict from the very beginning. Which, in time, has seriously weakened its hand at the diplomatic table," he explained. © Sputnik/ Natalia Seliverstova Trilateral Talks Without US: New Trend in Russian Diplomacy At the same time, he said, one should keep in mind that there are serious disagreements between Ankara and Moscow regarding the final solution in Syria. Turkey, he said, is against Assad having a role in the transition period while Russia believes Assad should stay in power. The two countries also have different perceptions about the definitions of the terrorist groups in Syria: Turkey believes that the Kurdish YPG forces (The People's Protection Units) should also be defined as a terrorist organization. For Russia, the priority is fighting Daesh (ISIL/IS) and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, formerly known as the al-Nusra Front. The political scientist suggested that if a Russian attack on Idlib, which is currently a stronghold of the opposition groups that are supported by Turkey, takes place, this might also cause serious friction between Ankara and Moscow. All of these issues could become serious obstacles for the ceasefire agreement, at least in the short-term. Erşen also commented on the recent trilateral meeting of Russia, Turkey and Iran in Moscow, explaining why, in his opinion, Tehran's inclusion in the process is so important. "It is very significant that apart from Turkey and Russia, Iran is also included in this new process. These are the three countries whose military forces actually have some sway on the ground. We should also remember that this trilateral cooperation was very effective in solving the Aleppo crisis," he said. The expert further explained that Russia and Iran have been acting together to solve the Syrian crisis from the very beginning. However the inclusion of Turkey is also very important because Turkey and Iran are the two major regional powers in the Middle East and the cooperation between them can produce important outcomes not only to the solution of the Syrian conflict but to other significant issues in the Middle East, such as Turkey's relations with Iraq and the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. Therefore it is a step in the right direction, with Russia monitoring this process. © AP Photo/ Hassan Ammar Russia-Turkey-Iran Brokered Agreement on Syria Brings US' Ploys to Naught Commenting on the prospects that Iraq might join the troika, the political analyst noted that Iraq has already been working closely with Iran, Russia and the Assad regime since last year. For instance, he said, they have established an information center in Baghdad to coordinate their efforts in fighting terrorism. However Turkey's relations with the Baghdad government are certainly complicated due to the presence of Turkish soldiers at the Bashiqa camp near Mosul. "Russia however may play a role in mending ties between Baghdad and Ankara," he suggested. "Turkey has some concerns about the future of Mosul. And if the Baghdad government can reach an understanding with Ankara on this issue, this might also pave the way for a new trilateral rapprochement between Turkey, Iraq and Iran which would definitely be very significant for the change of the geopolitical balance in the Middle East," he explained. Erşen also discussed what message the Russia-Turkey agreement is sending to the West. "Currently we know that the US and UN are largely excluded from the new ceasefire process and I don't think that they are very happy about this. Especially considering that Turkey is a member of NATO," he explained. Yet the political scientist recalled that the US is currently in a transition period with the president-elect to be inaugurated on January 20. "How the new US administration will perceive the situation in Syria and how it will react remains to be seen and is very important. If Trump decides to reach an understanding with Russia and Turkey over Syria than there is a chance that the US might become one of the major actors of the peace process in Syria again," he suggested. While commenting on the real possibility of the talks between the Syrian government and the opposition, he suggested that they are most likely to take place otherwise Russia, Iran and Turkey would not have mentioned them in the Moscow declaration. "Turkey is very influential on the opposition groups and Russia and Iran are very influential on the Assad government," he noted. However we should keep in mind, he said, that similar initiatives have failed in the past, and so achieving a lasting peace in Syria will take time. The three countries are well aware of this. The initiation of this process in Astana is already an extremely important move because currently there is no better option, he finally stated. Have you heard the news? 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Israeli Media: Netanyahu Under Investigation for Bribery
Police are gearing up to launch a full-blown criminal investigation into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for bribery, according to Israeli media reports on Monday. For the past nine months, Israeli police have been conducting a secret inquiry into criminal wrongdoing by Netanyahu, and now believe that they have enough information for a formal investigation, the Times of Israel reported. It is alleged that the Prime Minister accepted bribes in the form of donations during his 2009 campaign. A spokesperson for Netanyahu denied the allegations, however, calling them “nonsense.” “Since Netanyahu’s victory in the last elections and even before, hostile elements have made heroic efforts to attempt to bring about [Netanyahu’s] downfall, with false accusations against him and his family. This [latest attempt] is absolutely false. There was nothing and there will be nothing,” the spokesperson told Haaretz. © Sputnik/ Michael Klimentyev Israel to Give Trump ‘Ironclad’ Proof Obama Was Behind UN Vote It was reported as far back as June that police chief Roni Alsheich had launched an investigation using special police unit Lahav 433, often referred to as Israel’s FBI, while demanding that those involved conduct the investigation in secrecy and not leak any information to the media. “On Sunday, police descended on the Defense Ministry to gather information relating to a ship-building contract with Germany, as part of a probe into how negotiations for multi-billion shekel naval deals were handled,” the Times of Israel reported. Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit also reportedly instructed his employees to look into allegations that Netanyahu had accepted approximately $$1.1 million from French tycoon and alleged fraudster Arnaud Mimran in 2009. This is not the first time that Netanyahu has faced allegations of financial wrongdoing. He and his wife have previously been accused of spending state funds to finance a luxurious lifestyle.
US Sanctions Russia Over Alleged Interference in Election
The US Department of the Treasury has authorized certain transactions with the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) which was sanctioned for its alleged involvement in cyberattacks against the United States. Russian lawmaker Lyudmila Bokova said that the Trump team appears to be looking for ways to resolve the issue.
Rich Socialists, The Bernie Sanders Moment
‘Clock Boy’ and America’s Suicidal PC Tendencies
‘Clock Boy’ and America’s Suicidal PC Tendencies by Ben Shapiro | September 25, 2015 12:07 am Last week, Muslim 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed made national news after being detained by police for bringing a deconstructed clock to his Texas school. The clock, to inexpert eyes, looked like a bomb. Ahmed’s English teacher thought so and called the police; when they questioned Mohamed, he reportedly stonewalled them. They released him after realizing that the device posed no threat and was not meant as a hoax explosive. [1] But this being Barack Obama’s America, that didn’t end the story. The boy’s father, a self-proclaimed anti-Islamophobia activist, decided to make a federal case out of his kid’s detainment. He called his son’s brief detention in an air conditioned room “torture.” He called in the terrorism-linked Council on American Islamic Relations to protest Ahmed’s treatment. When he reached the police station, he insisted that the police leave handcuffs on his son so that the boy’s sister could take pictures. Then, when Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban called up Ahmed to deliver his sympathies and began asking questions about the situation, Ahmed’s sister fed him the answers. None of those details made the press, however. The media simply played the story as a pure case of Islamophobia, a targeted attack on an innocent young Muslim genius who “invented” a clock. Never mind that Ahmed no more “invented” the clock than my daughter “invented” my keyboard by dismantling it. Never mind that children across America have been suspended or even prosecuted for far less than bringing a device with bomblike appearance to school. Form your fingers into a gun, and go home with the threat of prosecution looming. Chew a pop tart into the shape of a firearm, and you can guarantee it’ll go on your permanent record. But build a device that looks awfully like an IED, and so long as you’re Muslim, the world will respond with outrage. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know [2] by Sir John Hawkins [2] John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now[3] Buy Now[3] We have now come 180 degrees since Sept. 11. In the aftermath of that attack, we vowed we would not be hit again. To prevent that from happening, we told ourselves that if we saw something, we would say something; we also vowed to put political correctness to the side when it came to protecting safety. Now, we’ll say something if we see something, unless that something is a suspicious act with regard to a possible explosive held by a young Muslim male. When a 16-year-old black girl brought a science experiment to school several years back in Florida, she was arrested; Barack Obama didn’t say a word, because she wasn’t Muslim. But Ahmed now looks forward to a trip to the White House for breaking down an old clock and then getting testy with the police. This is America, post-frontal lobotomy. While we can all recognize and celebrate that Ahmed won’t be going to jail, the treatment of Ahmed’s case by the president and the press ensure that next time a young Muslim student brings a suspicious object to school, administrators will ignore it for fear of career-ending consequences. And next time, that suspicious object may not be a disassembled clock. Ben Shapiro, 31, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, a radio host on KTTH 770 Seattle and KRLA 870 Los Angeles, editor-in-chief of, and senior editor-at-large of Breitbart News. He is The New York Times best-selling author of “Bullies.” He lives with his wife and daughter in Los Angeles. Also see, Rich Socialists and the Bernie Sanders Moment Endnotes: [Image]: 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know : Buy Now: Source URL:
Ben Howe, Dan Spencer, Jd Rucker, Susan Wright, Brad Slager, Posted At Am On February
University of Central Florida Hosts Terrorists & Forcibly Removes Their Detractors
While it’s certainly the case that a University may host an event paneled by individuals that the University leadership does not agree with or even may find reprehensible, it starts to look more like endorsement when they get into the habit of tossing law abiding citizens for asking questions of the University guest that may be uncomfortable. Such was the case in the almost universally overlooked incident that took place at the University of Central Florida (UCF) in November of last year. [youtube][/youtube] John Guandolo at Big Peace describes what is taking place: It captures a member of the Florida community, Randy McDaniels (Chapter Leader, ACT! for America), asking a pointed question to Jamal Badawi about Islamic Law based on facts sited from the Islamic Law book McDaniels is holding during the exchange – Islamic Law which was approved by the Fiqh Council of North America of which Badawi is a member. McDaniels is forcefully removed by uniformed police at the event for asking this question. Where are we today in America when a university will warmly welcome terrorists, and forcefully remove Americans who challenge them? The question that Mr. McDaniels is asking is related to Islamic law, specifically a book translated to english called “Reliance of the Traveller: The Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law Umdat Al-Salik,” which, as McDaniels points out, is accepted by the Fiqh Academy at Jedda and the Fiqh Council of North America as “a valuable and important work, whether as a textbook for teaching Islamic jurisprudence to English-speakers, or as a legal reference for use by scholars, educated laymen, and students in this language.” Since Badawi, the panelist at the UFC event, sits on the Fiqh Council which literally put their stamp of approval inside the book, McDaniels asks if he, as result, endorses the laws in the book which calls for the stoning and execution of apostates who leave Islam as well as all non-Muslims. Even though Mr. McDaniels asks his question in a completely calm manner and then proceeds to sit and listen to the response, he is in short order, asked to leave and then eventually forcibly removed from the event. The best that apologists seem to be able to come up with as justification is that there were panel rules expressed at the beginning of the event which apparently must have made clear that no questions which might detract from the propaganda being spewed by this Hamas co-conspirator is to be allowed. As noted, the media is essentially silent on this issue as apparently, it’s only freedom of speech if you are throwing pies at Ann Coulter or ransacking the stage when a member of the Minute Men is speaking at our sacred universities. However, the reason for the censorship in this case appears far more devious than typical political correctness. As was noted at Redstate recently, this Friday the UCF will again host radicals as Sirhaj Wahajj, another unindicted co-conspirator, this time for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, will be speaking to the university. Hopefully Mr. McDaniels will again be there to do the work that the mainstream media will not. And the designation “unindicted co-conspirator” should not cause you to feel any less concern about folks like Badawi and Wahajj. Badawi was on the Board of Directors of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States (a Hamas front group) and was listed as a coconspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Trial, otherwise known as the largest terrorism fundraising trial in American History. Wahajj testified on behalf of Omar Abdel Rahman, known by most as the Blind Sheikh. So then why weren’t they found guilty? Better question is “why weren’t they found innocent?” As the Judge in the HLF Trial noted in his opinion: The Government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA and NAIT with HLF, the Islamic Association for Palestine (“IAP”), and with Hamas. While the Court recognizes that the evidence produced by the Government largely predates the HLF designation date, the evidence is nonetheless sufficient to show the association of these entities with HLF, IAP, and Hamas. (emphasis mine) Maybe UCF is inviting these men to speak purely for educational reasons? Without passing judgement on what they are saying? Aside from the tossing of any who question them, there’s a far worse reason to believe that it is something else. To quote the Muslim Brotherhood: The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. The panel that Badawi, and now Wahajj, are invited to speak on is organized by the campus group Muslim Students Association (MSA). In 1963, the MSA was created at the University of Illinios by an Islamic interest group. You may have heard of them … The Muslim Brotherhood. Cross-Posted at Liberty Pundits
Trump Doubles Down on Anti-China Rhetoric After Taiwan Phone Call
Trump Doubles Down on Anti-China Rhetoric After Taiwan Phone Call On today's episode of Loud & Clear, Walter Smolarek fills in for Brian Becker and is joined by writer and columnist Patrick Lawrence to discuss the controversy surrounding Donald Trump's phone call with the President of Taiwan. Donald Trump talks tough against China days after a historic phone call with the President of Taiwan that marked the first direct communication between leaders of the two countries since 1979. Is Trump set to inflame tensions with China further after taking office? Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has resigned after being trounced in a referendum on political reforms. The turbulence in Europe continues with this vote, as well as controversy over the Austrian election and debt relief for Greece. Smolarek talks to John Wight, host of Radio Sputnik's Hard Facts. Donald Trump said that “almost all” of his cabinet positions will be filled this week. However, his picks so far are starkly at odds with much of the populist rhetoric he campaigned on. Anoa Changa, host of the weekly radio show The Way with Anoa, talks about the significance of Carson's appointment and the administration Trump is building. We'd love to get your feedback at
White House Says US-Taiwan Ties Limited, But Contacts, Joint Work Persist
US-Taiwan relations have for years operated within certain limits but still allow for some degree of communication and partnership, White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Monday. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – China considers Taiwan a renegade province and has never renounced the possibility of using military force to reunite the island with the mainland. "The relationship between the United States and Taiwan is an unofficial one, but it is not frozen," Earnest said. "After all, Taiwan is the ninth-largest trade partner of the United States." © AP Photo/ Evan Vucci, Chinag Ying-ying US State Dept. Was Unaware of Trump's Phone Conversation With Taiwan President On Friday, President-elect Donald Trump received a congratulatory phone call from President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan on Trump’s victory in the US election last month. After the call, Trump’s transition team announced that the two had discussed economic, political and security ties between Washington and Taipei. Earnest stressed that even though outgoing President Barack Obama has not had official contact with Tsai since her election in May, several US officials are in touch with Taiwan’s government on a regular basis. Trump is the first US president or president-elect to speak with a Taiwanese leader in an official capacity since the United States severed ties with the island in 1979 in favor of recognizing the government in Beijing as the only Chinese state.
Russia Opens Syria Ceasefire Hotline With Turkey - Russian Defense Minister
Russia has prepared a hotline on the latest ceasefire in Syria to maintain cooperation with Turkey. MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russia has opened a hotline on the latest ceasefire in Syria with its co-guarantor of the truce Turkey, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Thursday. "The Defense Ministry has prepared a 'hotline' to maintain cooperation with Turkey, which together with Russia acts as a guarantor of compliance with the ceasefire and compliance with the reached agreements," Shoigu said.
Trump Not Planning to Invest in Taiwan - Trump Organization Representative
There have been no authorized visits to Taiwan on behalf of Trump Hotels for the purposes of development, nor are there any active conversations, according to a representative of the Trump Organization. MOSCOW(Sputnik) — US President-elect Donald Trump's company is not looking for potential business opportunities in Taiwan, despite a recent phone call with the country's leader, a representative of the Trump Organization said. "There have been no authorized visits to Taiwan on behalf of Trump Hotels for the purposes of development, nor are there any active conversations," the representative said, as quoted by the Wall Street Journal on Saturday. Trump spoke with Tsai Ing-wen on Friday in a move that broke with the White House’s four-decade-long policy on what Beijing considers its breakaway province. Trump emphasized in a tweet the talks were not his initiative. He said President Tsai congratulated him on his November 8 victory. © AP Photo/ Evan Vucci, Chinag Ying-ying China Lodges Protest With US Over Trump's Telephone Call With Taiwan President In November, Taiwanese media reported remarks by Cheng Wen-tsan, the mayor of the northern Taiwanese city of Taoyuan, that representatives for the Trump Organization were exploring a possible hotel venture near the city’s international airport. After Chinese Nationalist forces were defeated by Mao Zedong’s Communists, the Nationalist government moved to Taiwan in 1949. Since then, Beijing has viewed the self-ruled, democratic island as a breakaway province. The United States, along with many other countries, does not recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation and sticks officially to a "One China" position, but has kept informal relations with the island after severing diplomatic ties with it in 1979.
US, NATO Likely to Give Erdogan Free Hand in Dealing With Russia
The United States and NATO have no real choice but to acquiesce in Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s new policy of restoring close economic and diplomatic ties with Russia, analysts told Sputnik. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in St. Petersburg for the first talks to reset bilateral relations after the November 2015 downing of a Russian aircraft by Turkey. "By playing in [Russian President Vladimir] Putin's band without totally burning bridges to Europe and the United States, Erdogan has been given a win-win hand, but it was given to him, not created by his own initiative," Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) senior editor Jeff Steinberg said on Tuesday. In talks with Putin in St. Petersburg on Tuesday, Erdogan apologized for the shooting down of a Russian bomber outside Turkish air space last November and the two leaders then agreed on a series of measures to boost economic and other ties. Steinberg said Erdogan needed Russia’s support because he felt vulnerable and exposed following the failure of an attempted military coup to topple him on July 15. The US government has denied any involvement but the Turkish government has accused it of supporting the plot. "Erdogan is weak and paranoid after the coup attempt. The shoot down of the Russian plane resulted in economic sanctions that badly damaged Turkey's economy and recent terrorist incidents, including the Chechen-led attack on Istanbul Airport badly damaged tourism revenue," Steinberg said. However, the failure of the coup reinforced Erdogan’s determination to implement the turn towards Russia that he began just before it, Steinberg remarked. "Putin was in Baku today meeting with [Azerbaijan President Ilham] Aliyev and [Iranian President Hassan] Rouhani to discuss the North-South economic corridor, which Turkey can be a crucial part of," Steinberg noted. Erdogan was now in a position to benefit from restored close ties with Russia, Steinberg judged. "He is a captive of a good process and he should enjoy the ride, while not pretending that he is the conductor. He can maneuver this situation to his ultimate advantage, but not as a fully independent actor. It is his best play at this time," Steinberg said. Independent Institute Center on Peace and Liberty Director Ivan Eland told Sputnik that despite Erdogan’s clear embrace of Russia, the United States would passively accept that and other increasingly anti–US and anti-Western policies from him. "The US interventionist elite consider Turkey a ‘strategic ally’ on the frontline against the Islamic State and Russia. The US thinks it needs the base at Incirlik to bomb [Daesh] in Iraq and Syria and for Turkey to close its border to Islamists going to those countries," Eland said. Therefore the US government would continue to accept and support whatever Erdogan did, even though the Turkish leader needed an aggressive foreign policy to stay in power, Eland claimed. US Department of State spokesperson Elizabeth Trudeau said in a briefing on Tuesday that the United States is not concerned that Putin’s meeting with Erdogan might lead to a weakening of Washington’s relationship with Ankara,
Putin and Erdogan Talks: Will Russia-Turkey Reset Spell the End of NATO, EU?
In his first foreign trip after the failed coup attempt in his country, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is in St. Petersburg with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in the hopes of mending ties as Ankara is increasingly isolated from the West. On Monday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in St. Petersburg, Russia, with a public goal of reestablishing between the countries diplomatic and economic relations frayed in the wake of a Russian bomber aircraft shot down along the Turkish-Syrian border. At the time, Russia contended that its bomber was over Syrian airspace, while Turkey claimed the aircraft drifted some meters into Turkish airspace for all of 16 seconds. In the wake of the failed coup attempt against Erdogan, Turkey is now reconsidering that decision, as well as its friends and allies around the world. Erdogan has repeatedly accused the United States, alongside his leading Turkish ministers, of playing an active role in the failed overthrow attempt or sympathizing with coup plotters. The Turkish leader at one point referred to his former ally Fethullah Gulen, now the number one candidate for Erdogan’s ire, as only "a pawn." The United States, for its part, provided no warning to the Turkish regime, if it did indeed know prior to events that there was a threat of overthrow, and had been hesitant to provide an endorsement of the Erdogan regime, until it became clear that the government would survive the coup plot. © AP Photo/ Pablo Martinez Monsivais Obama’s Offering of Largest Military Aid Package Ever Is Not Enough for Israel Turkey has similarly received a cold shoulder from European Union member states, who refuse to consider fast-tracking Ankara’s accession into the EU or providing visa-free travel to its citizens, citing what they view as the Erdogan regime’s human rights violations in the post-coup attempt purge that has led to the arrest of some 18,000 soldiers and judges and the firing of nearly 100,000 people for purportedly sympathizing with the coup from all sectors of civil service. Scorned by those he once considered his closest foreign allies, facing growing hostility from neighboring states for supporting the US-led effort against Assad in Syria, and dealing with the difficult aftermath of conducting society after an attempted government overthrow, Erdogan now looks to Russian President Vladimir Putin as perhaps his last resort. On Monday, Loud & Clear’s Brian Becker sat down with security analyst Mark Sleboda to discuss the implications of the thaw in relations between Turkey and Russia, as well as what can be expected from a meeting between Putin and Erdogan. ​"Well, it would be false to say that it is without significance, but I think that the press in both Turkey and Russia, and to some extent the West, are blowing this out of proportion," said Sleboda. "I think that the best that can be expected, not only out of this meeting, because this is only the beginning of a process, would be the restoration of ties between the two countries — something approximate to what it was before last November, when Turkey shot down a Russian plane along the Syrian-Turkish border, but not quite to that same level." Does Putin have the upper-hand as Erdogan has become scorned by the West? "It has to be remembered that for a long time now, and particularly in the beginning years of Erdogan’s regime in Turkey, Ankara has had a policy of no problems with their neighbors, peace abroad and peace at home was their mantra," said Sleboda. "However, as a result of Turkey siding with the US, Saudi Arabia, and the EU in the attempt to overthrow the Syrian government with this proxy war, they have managed to alienate everyone, all of their neighbors, their partners in NATO, the EU, and Russia, who was an important economic partner." "Erdogan was already seeking to improve relations with Russia before the coup took place, as well as Israel and Egypt. But there can be no doubt that after the coup these plans were vastly accelerated." "I don’t think the West had a direct hand in orchestrating it, as Erdogan himself and members of his party have put out or insinuated, not very subtly, but I believe the West knew about it, and while it was going on they stood back and didn’t provide the assistance to a NATO member, as they have done in previous coups of Turkey," said Sleboda. "They stood back to see what would happen before they very belatedly announced their support for Erdogan’s government." "Erdogan finds himself in a much tighter place now."
Obama THREATENING DICTATORSHIP When Trump Wins The Election!
…how Democrats face lies as taught by Adolf Hitler and Saul Alinsky. Never admit to the truth and always accuse those who speak the truth of being the liar, misinformed, lack wits who don’t understand, etc., etc. Pathological liars will deny the truth even when it’s in their face and come up with another lie to cover up the truth of the first lie. If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” – Joseph Goebbels Democrats understand the nature of man’s dark side. While they have surrogates attack Trump with lies to distract from the issues, they attack him as being mentally unfit and his supporters as being as too stupid to be allowed to vote. As they curse Trump and his supporters in the eyes of their own ignorant supporters Hillary goes up in the polls. Had Hillary been speaking during this time then Trump would have been attacking her and her own personality would cause her polls to plunge as they always do because she is crap. This is how Democrats are going to campaign for the next three months and the Trump Campaign crew must adjust to take on her and the media and not be distracted from their goal.
Watch: Kolkata Flyover Collapse: Several Dead and Many Feared Trapped
Firefighters and residents try to rescue those trapped under wreckage of road that had been under construction in Indian city. At least 10 people have died and 150 are feared to be trapped after a flyover being built in Kolkata collapsed. Firefighters and residents were trying to rescue those trapped under the wreckage of the metal and cement structure, which came down in a busy commercial district of the Indian city. “Monumental tragedy. Rescue ops on. Many feared dead,” Derek O’Brien, spokesman for the left-wing party that governs the state of West Bengal of which Kolkata is the capital, said in a tweet. Television footage from the scene showed a bloodied hand reaching out from under what appeared to be a massive girder. People were trying to hand bottles of water to survivors pinned underneath. “The condition is pathetic. At this moment no one has any clue how many people are C,” said Raichand Mohta, a police officer at the scene. VIDEO ON NEXT PAGE >>>
Ben Carson Makes STUNNING Announcement , Shocks Everyone.. [Video]
Dr. Ben Carson found himself once again under scrutiny for comments he made about the Second Amendment that have gun lovers across the country a little concerned. Gun control is a huge topic of discussion right now thanks to the terror attack in Orlando almost two weeks ago. Here’s what started all the fuss. From Bearing Arms: Donald Trump surrogate Dr. Ben Carson went on MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell yesterday, and was asked about attempts by the Democrat Party to undermine the Constitution by pushing gun control bills that would gut the 5th and 14th Amendment rights to due process to hundreds of thousands of American citizens. Carson’s answer has many people freaking out on both sides. “I think that the people who are protesting certain feel that they are absolutely 100% right. But, of course, the people on the other side think that they’re 100% right, too, and that’s why we need to get back to a point of having civil discussions. “Let’s put on the table: what is the reason for the Second Amendment? And is there a reason that we need to change those things right now? And let’s put the data on the table and let’s talk about like intelligent people, rather than getting in our respective corners and hurling insults at each other.” Now, there’s a lot of folks jumping to conclusions on both sides of this debate about Carson’s comments. However, it might be wise to allow him a chance to clarify his statement before jumping the gun, no pun intended. Carson’s approach to hot button issues is typically more reasonable than most folks and he usually doesn’t go for all the bluster so perhaps he’s attempting to come at this debate from a different angle? Hopefully soon he’ll clarify his statement and put the controversy to rest.
Anne Nordhaus-Bike
Article: Planetary Politics: Astrological Analysis of GOP Presidential Race
- Advertisement - Zipping through the zodiac is a powerful way to get nonpartisan astrological political analysis. Here's an astrological roundup of the four major contenders for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, based on their Sun signs. Old Glory by Anne Nordhaus-Bike Newt Gingrich Newt Gingrich is a Gemini, born 17 June. That gives him a quick mind and a gift for communication. - Advertisement - With Gemini, things generally come in twos because it's the sign of the Twins; that duality often manifests as someone having two personalities ("good twin/bad twin"), two careers (often both at once), or even two major hobbies. Gingrich has two children, for example; he also has admitted to being involved with two women at once at times in his life. When misused, Gemini energy may be expressed as savage verbal attack, relentless criticism, being less than truthful, talking out of both sides (that's the two again) of one's mouth, and using words to manipulate others. Gemini also gives a talent for word play and performance--note that two of Gingrich's businesses are Gingrich Productions and Gingrich Communications. Being ruled by Mercury, Gemini is often "mercurial" and restless. There also may be a tendency to skim the surface because this air sign is the lightest sign of the zodiac: one of Gingrich's projects experienced scandal, and he admitted to not paying attention to the details. Sometimes Gemini may have difficulty maturing and aging gracefully because this sign's youthful quality finds it hard to "set aside childish things" when the time comes to move forward in life. - Advertisement - U.S. presidents who were Geminis: John F. Kennedy, the elder George Bush. Ron Paul Ron Paul is a Leo, born 20 August. That gives him a big heart and a gift for leadership. With Leo, life takes on a charismatic and regal air because this is the sign of the royal Lion. It's also a fire sign, which brings strong, hot energy (and often emotional drama). Leo often manifests as someone who likes to lead, be in the spotlight, and give orders; Paul is an MD, one of very few who have served in Congress, and accustomed to being in charge and literally giving medical "orders". When misused, Leo energy may be expressed as a big ego (the titles of Paul's newsletters include his own name), bossing others around, holding oneself superior to others, feeling a right to all the finer things in life, and fiery attacks of rage against those who disagree or refuse to bend to the Lion's will. At the same time, the Lion can be surprisingly sensitive; the royal antics usually hide someone deeply insecure who has a strong emotional need for attention. There also may be a tendency to be stubborn (this is a fixed sign, after all); the upside is that this sign usually is deeply loyal--Paul has been married to the same person since 1957. - Advertisement - Leo is ruled by the Sun and is associated with the metal gold. Paul originally decided to enter politics when the U.S. gave up the gold standard. Also, he was involved in a coin business for many years, and he once introduced legislation called the "Sunlight Rule." U.S. presidents who were Leos: Benjamin Harrison, Herbert Hoover, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. Mitt Romney Next Page 1 | 2
Mike Rivage-Seul
"Cloud Atlas": A Film for the Ages (But perhaps not for ours)
- Advertisement - A couple of friends and I saw the film "Cloud Atlas" yesterday. It was a wild ride to say the least. The movie was visually spectacular -- Academy Award quality indeed. Though its storyline was at times difficult to follow, its message about revolutionary resistance and liberating reincarnation was beautiful and inspiring. It made me think about the worth of self-sacrifice and about what happens after death. Featuring actors like Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Susan Sarandon, Hugh Grant, and other well-known stars, "Cloud Atlas" chronicles the six lives of the Hanks and Berry characters over a period of roughly five hundred years. The action takes place in the South Pacific of 1849, England of 1936, San Francisco of 1973, the United Kingdom of 2012, Neo Seoul (South Korea) of 2144, and the Hawaiian Islands of 2321. Over the course of the epic's nearly three hours, six separate apparently unconnected stories are told. The first tells of Adam Ewing, a lawyer who converts from his father's slaving business to abolitionism because a Maori slave responds heroically to Ewing's own act of kindness. That tale is followed by Robert Forbisher's, a bi-sexual musical genius, who commits suicide after accidently murdering a mentor who attempts to steal Forbisher's musical masterpiece, "the Cloud Atlas Sextet." The story helps viewers appreciate a love story between two men in a culture hostile to relationships like theirs. The third narrative introduces us to the journalist, Luisa Rey, who fights to expose big oil companies intending to stage a nuclear accident for the benefit of the oil companies themselves. Rey's fate turns out to be reminiscent of Karen Silkwood's. Then there's the account of Timothy Cavendish who at age 65 is imprisoned in a nursing home by a vengeful brother. Cavendish triumphs over the nursing home's ageism by executing a successful escape along with three other patients. "Cloud Atlas'" fifth episode takes us to Neo-Seoul where a clone named Sonmi-451 joins the Resistance to take down an all-controlling multinational fast food giant which, she discovers, is turning "fabricants" like her into food. Finally, "Cloud Atlas" tells of Zachary whose tribe lives in a post-civilization wilderness after modernity has been destroyed by global warming. - Advertisement - Though each of these stories at first seems unrelated to the others, the Hanks and Berry characters bring them all together -- but not without some work on the part of the viewers. Hank's post-apocalyptic Zachary is the film's unifying narrator. He begins and ends "Cloud Atlas" telling its stories to his wide-eyed grandchildren around a fire on the Cloud Atlas planet itself. In the starry distance, he points out a faint blue dot -- the destroyed Planet Earth where he used to live. "Grand-P's" stories assert the connection of everything and how acts of kindness or cruelty influence not just the reincarnated selves of the agents, but the entire planet and all of its inhabitants. More specifically, the film is about ordinary people sacrificing themselves in the face of overwhelming odds. The rebellious heroes include a slave, that bi-sexual man in prudish England, a power plant whistleblower, a crusading reporter, a rebellious clone, and a man facing his own internal guilt and fears following a haunting act of cowardice. All are pitted against systemic abuse caused by slavery, homophobia, big oil, ageism, the fast food industry and the devil himself. Against such forces, each act of sacrifice is infinitesimally small -- a mere drop in the ocean, as one of the films characters puts it disdainfully. Nonetheless, as another character replies, the ocean itself is made up of innumerable drops. Each human has a small part to play, but the final effect can have the force of a tsunami. That's the revolutionary message of "Cloud Atlas." What the film says about reincarnation is equally thought provoking. What happens to us after death? The movie's response: We pass through an open door moving from one room to another, from one time, from one place to others. And we carry our karma with us. What we sow, we reap. - Advertisement - In the meantime all of us are one. "Cloud Atlas" conveys this idea by having all of its actors play wildly different characters. In one epoch we're born as men, in another as women; we are heterosexual and homosexual; we are black and white, Asian and European; we are clones; we are primitives and technological wizards; we are heroic; we are knaves. In hating others belonging to any of those categories, we hate ourselves. Our loathing will come back to haunt us shaping both our destinies and that of our planet. Some reviewers have found offensive the film's insistence on having each actor play multiple roles. Why, they ask, did the film's directors cast westerners as Asians with unconvincing make-up chiefly having to do with eyes? Couldn't the casting directors easily have found suitable actors from Korea or China? Though reflecting an admirable concern for inclusion and equal opportunity, the question misses one of the film's major points about reincarnation and karma. Differences in each incarnation, "Cloud Atlas" implies, are superficial like badly applied makeup. After all, body appearances really are only cosmetic. Underneath it all is our true essence, our real Self which is the same in every instance. Therefore we must be careful about whom we despise because we may well come back as those very people. And so it is that Tom Hanks appears as a malpracticing doctor, a hotel manager, a nuclear power plant employee, a thuggish novelist, as an actor, and as a member of a survivalist tribe after the apocalypse. In each case, viewers can recognize the Tom Hanks we know and love underneath the cosmetics, no matter how heavily or skillfully applied. Our recognition of Tom Hanks in every instance gestures towards the film's (dare I say it?) spiritual question. What is it that enables us to say that each character is Tom Hanks? Or put more generally, if reincarnation is a reality, how can we say that the same person appears across eons of time? If I was a woman, but now am a man and don't even remember having been a woman, how can I really be described as "reincarnated?" In what sense does the reincarnation represent a continuation of me? Buddhists and others, of course, have a ready answer to such questions. However this is not the place to address them. But in provoking the question, "Cloud Atlas" will create suitable places for doing so across coffee tables, in classrooms, and in those quiet moments when each of us considers our final destiny. - Advertisement - As OpEdNews' Rob Kall has indicated, "Cloud Atlas" is a movie for revolutionaries -- perhaps the best since "Avatar." Like "Avatar," I also see it as a deeply spiritual film. But don't expect your right wing brother-in-law to like it, or that it will get favorable reviews in the corporate media. This is a film for the ages -- but maybe not for ours.
Mike Rivage-Seul
Article: The Case for and Intimate Relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene
- Advertisement - Was Jesus married? The truth is we'll never know for sure. However, the evidence is mounting that he was, and that his wife or lover was Mary Magdalene. And I'm not just referring to the recent stir caused by the "Wife Papyrus Fragment" that just surfaced at Harvard. The reference is instead to the Gospel of Thomas, the Pistis Sophia and the Gospel of Mary (Magdalene) all of which came to light in 1945 with the Nag Hammadi discoveries of 52 mostly Gnostic texts that had been suppressed by Athanasius of Alexandria in the 4 th century. Those texts show an intimate and very special relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Moreover, a close examination of the canonical gospels themselves supports the position of those so-called "heretical" gospels. Together the "heretical" and canonical gospels suggest a concerted effort on the part of early church leaders to erase the central role of Mary Magdalene and of women in general from the standard narrative about Jesus and the founding of the church. Of course, the ecclesiastical campaign against women continues down to our own day. - Advertisement - Begin by considering the early second century Gospel of Thomas. There we find the words - Advertisement - ". . . the companion of the Savior is Mary Magdalene. But Christ loved here more than all the disciples, and used to kiss her often on her mouth. The rest of the disciples were offended . . . They said to him, "Why do you love her more than all of us?' The Savior answered and said to them, "Why do I not love you as I love her?' " Here the word for "companion" is koinonos which refers to a consort of a sexual nature. Moreover in the Pistis Sophia (Faithful Wisdom), Magdalene emerges as Jesus' star pupil and the center of his attention. He praises her as "one whose heart is raised to the kingdom of heaven more than all thy brethren." He predicts that she "will tower over all my disciples and over all men who shall receive the mysteries." Jesus even calls her the "apostle of apostles." Additionally, following Jesus' ascension, it is Magdalene who comes to the fore to encourage the disheartened apostles to man-up and get on with the business of understanding and living out the teachings of Jesus. But even apart from such "heretical" texts, consider Mary Magdalene's importance and closeness to Jesus as she appears within the "Sacred Canon." In Luke 8:1-3 an apparently wealthy Mary Magdalene is listed as a financial supporter of Jesus' ministry. In the apocryphal ending of Mark's Gospel, she is the first witness of the resurrection (16:9). John's Gospel also identifies her in this way. From this material alone, and to say the least, Mary Magdalene was the most prominent of Jesus' women followers. Even more, as the first witness of Jesus' resurrection, she might arguably be identified as the foremost of all disciples, male or female, and even as the legitimate head of the church. This is because ignoring women altogether, the patriarchy's traditional argument for identifying Peter as "head of the church" has been that the risen Christ appeared first to him of all the (male) apostles. - Advertisement - By the way, nowhere in the "sacred texts" is the woman "called Magdalene" identified as a prostitute. In fact, that identification surfaces only much later in a homily delivered by Pope Gregory I in 591 CE. Only in 1969 did the Catholic Church repudiate Gregory's defamation of the Magdalene. However, even apart from the tradition's late origin and retraction, a prostitute Magdalene seems unlikely in the light of the role Luke assigns her as a financial supporter of Jesus' work. Otherwise, we are faced with a Jesus and a Peter who were happy to live off the wages of a prostitute! Scholars find good reason to identify Mary Magdalene with Mary of Bethany who interacts with Jesus in a way that can be appropriately described as intimate. She anoints Jesus with "spikenard" before his execution. The act speaks volumes about Jesus' relationship to the Magdalene. In any case, the anointer and anointed were on familiar terms. For one thing, this Mary disregards Jewish law restricting women and governing interaction between the sexes. For another, she wears no head covering in public -- an omission associated with sexual license in Jesus day (as it is today among Muslims and Jews in the Middle East). Moreover, she flaunts this disrespect of Jewish custom by appearing before Jesus (and those present at the event) as a woman was allowed only before her husband -- with hair loose and flowing. The act she performs could only be seen by onlookers as inappropriately intimate. She incessantly kisses his feet, wets them with her tears, and dries them with her hair. She finishes by breaking open an alabaster vessel of costly spikenard ointment and using its content to anoint Jesus' feet. All of this Jesus approves. Far from rebuking her, Jesus is remembered as saying "I tell you the truth, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her" (Mk. 14:4). In other words, Jesus saw this woman's act not only as appropriate but as central to his mission and to the preaching of the gospel. Next Page 1 | 2
Mike Rivage-Seul
Article: Sunday Homily: Pope Francis to Women: The Next Pope Should Be One of You!
- Advertisement - Readings for 3rd Sunday of Lent: EX 17:3-7; PS 95: 1-2, 6-9; ROM 5: 1-3, 5-8; JN 4: 5-42. (Parenthetical numbers in today's homily refer to Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel.) The Lenten project of my parish in Kentucky has a group of about 25 parishioners studying Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel (JG). All of us have been inspired by its positive tone and its call for "changing everything" (JG 27). We're encouraged by the words of the text and by what discussion causes to emerge from the spaces between the lines. And we're finding what the pope says about women to be surprising and hopeful. In fact it suggests that women should run the church from top to bottom! That's relevant to today's gospel reading -- the familiar story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. The story says a lot about Jesus and his "preferential option" for women. It also exemplifies once again how the women in Jesus' life were more perceptive and courageous leaders than the rather dull, timorous men with whom he surrounded himself. Pope Francis, if not exactly on the same page as Jesus, is only a few paragraphs behind. He might even lag a sentence or two behind his own reasoning processes. Before I explain, recall today's gospel episode. Jesus finds himself in Samaria among "those people" the Jews hated. Since the reasons for the hatred were located in Israel's distant past, many Jews probably remained foggy about the exact reasons for their anti-Samaritanism. No matter: they had no doubts that Samaritans were despicable. [Just to remind you: Samaritan s were the ones in Israel's Northern Kingdom who seven centuries earlier had intermarried with Assyrian occupiers. Like "collaborators" everywhere, Samaritans were considered unpatriotic traitors. Religiously they were seen as enemies of God -- apostates who had accommodated their religious beliefs to those of foreign occupation forces. (Grudges connected with foreign occupation and religion die hard.)] - Advertisement - In any case, in today's gospel we have the counter-cultural Jesus once again on the social margins transgressing his people's most cherished taboos. It's not bad enough that he is in Samaria at all. He's there conversing alone with a woman, and a Samaritan woman at that! (What self-respecting rabbi would do either?) And besides, it's a loose woman who's his partner in conversation. She has a shady past that continues to darken her life. She's been married five times and is currently living with a man with benefit of wedlock. Yet the compassionate Jesus eschews moralism and instead of scolding chooses this marginal woman to reveal his identity in ways more direct than to his male disciples. With no word of reproach, he tells her clearly, "I am the Messiah, the source of "living water' that quenches thirst forever." After her literalist failures to grasp Jesus' spiritual imagery, the woman finally "gets it." She calls her neighbors and shares the good news: "Come see a man who told me everything I have done. Could he possibly be the Christ?" In sharing her good news, the Samaritan woman not only illustrates the privileged position of women in early Christian traditions (like the Gospel of John), she epitomizes as well the corresponding "missionary" role that Pope Francis centralizes in the Apostolic Exhortation that my friends and I have been discussing during Lent. There we find that, following Jesus, Pope Francis expresses a "preferential option" for women. He even suggests that women should be in charge before male priests and bishops. - Advertisement - I know; I know . . . You're probably thinking, "But aren't women the weak point of the pope's "Exhortation?'" True: that's what everyone said immediately following its publication last November. Commentators said that Francis simply endorsed the position of his two conservative predecessors and excluded women from the priesthood. That said it all, they declared. It's right there in black and white: the exclusively male priesthood is not open to discussion (104). But there was more -- lots more. That is, while Francis' rather wishful (and, of course, impossible) thinking clearly says "the reservation of the priesthood to males . . . is not a question open to discussion" (104), his prohibition actually downgrades the priesthood and bishops in the process, while raising to unprecedented heights the position of women precisely as women. The pope's reasoning runs like this: 1. Why should women consider the priesthood so important? After all, it's just one ecclesiastical function among others. That function is simply to "administer the sacrament of the Eucharist." Apart from that, the priest has no real power or special dignity (104). - Advertisement - 2. Real Christian power and dignity come from baptism, not from ordination -- or in the pope's words: "The ministerial priesthood is one means employed by Jesus for the service of his people, yet our great dignity derives from baptism, which is accessible to all." These words pull priests off their traditional pedestals and return them to the rank and file of "the People of God" along with other servants of their peers. 3. Even more, according to the pope, women enjoy a dignity above bishops simply in virtue of their gender. The pope sets the stage for this conclusion by stating, "Indeed, a woman, Mary, is more important than the bishops" (104). Next Page 1 | 2
Michael Greger M.D. Faclm
How to Develop a Healthy Gut Ecosystem
Below is an approximation of this video’s audio content. To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video. As I’ve explored before, whether you’re young or old, male or female, smoker or non-, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, high cholesterol or low, having high levels of a toxic compound called TMAO—trimethylamine oxide—in your bloodstream is associated with a significantly higher risk of having a heart attack, stroke, or dying over a three-year period. Where does TMAO come from? The choline in foods, like eggs, can be turned by gut bacteria into TMAO, which is then absorbed back into our system. And, the more eggs we eat, the higher the levels climb. “Given the similarity in structure between…carnitine and choline,” the same group of Cleveland Clinic researchers wondered if carnitine found in red meat, energy drinks, and supplements might also lead to TMAO production. So, they put it to the test. If you feed someone a steak, their TMAO levels shoot up. Now, this was someone who regularly ate meat. Those who eat strictly plant-based may start out with almost no TMAO in their system, presumably because they’re not eating any meat, eggs, or dairy. But, even if the vegan eats a sirloin, almost no TMAO is made. Why? Presumably, they don’t have steak-eating bacteria in their guts. No TMAO is produced if you don’t have TMAO-producing bacteria in your gut. If you don’t regularly eat meat, then you’re not fostering the growth of the meat-eating microbes that produce TMAO. This suggests that “once we develop a plant-based [gut ecosystem], our bacteria will not [produce] TMAO,” even if we eat meat every once in a while. However, we still don’t know how rapidly gut bacteria shift after a shift in our diet. But, it does not appear to be all or nothing. If you take men eating the Standard American Diet, and have them eat two sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits, before and after just five days of eating lots of high-fat meals like that, you can boost TMAO production even higher. So, it’s not just, do you have the bad bugs or not? You can apparently breed more of them, the more you feed them. On the other hand, meat-free diets “have been demonstrated to have a profound influence on human metabolism.” You can analyze a urine sample, and tell what kind of diet people eat, based on measurements like how low the TMAO levels are in the urine of those eating egg-free vegetarian diets. You can even take the same people, and rotate them through three different diets, and you can tell who is who; who is on a high-meat, low-meat, or no-meat diet—in part, based on the different compounds churned out by the different gut flora, or different flora activity, after just about two weeks on the different diets. It’s possible that some of the beneficial effects of whole plant foods may be mediated by the effects they have on our gut bacteria. At the same time, the Standard American Diet may increase the relative abundance of undesirables that produce toxic compounds, including the cardiotoxicant TMAO. Strictly plant-based diets “have gained acceptance as a dietary strategy” for preventing and managing disease. Perhaps, in part, because of their rather unique gut flora, less of the disease-causing bacteria, and more of the protective species. So, all along, we thought the reason those eating plant-based had lower heart disease rates was because they were eating less saturated fat and cholesterol. But, maybe, their lower TMAO levels may also be contributing to their benefits—thanks to their reduction of ingestion of carnitine and choline. I talked about the egg industry response to the choline revelation. How has the carnitine supplement industry reacted? Well, the former VP of Advocare, a multilevel marketing company that sells carnitine supplements, like “Slam,” while getting slammed with lawsuits, finding them, for example, guilty of “false, misleading, or deceptive…practices,” forced to pay over a million dollars in response to the research implicating carnitine in TMAO production, he questioned whether there was a secret vegan conspiracy at the Cleveland Clinic. Restricting our intake of meat or carnitine supplements to prevent our gut bacteria from making TMAO, he argues, is like trying to prevent car accidents by restricting “the sale of fuel.” Uh, okay, but there are benefits to transportation. We’re talking about TMAO, which may be fueling our epidemic of heart disease, the #1 killer of men and women in this country. As far as I’m concerned, the more we can cut the fuel for that, the better. Please consider volunteering to help out on the site.
Will Phoenix, Navy Corpseman
2013 May 20 (4) : Political Blind Spot
Neil deGrasse Tyson is the world’s most famous astrophysicist, and he is a HUGE Trekkie. The host of StarTalk Radio is a fan of science fiction and futuristic movies, and of Star Trek in particular. Considering his love for space and science, that’s no surprise. What is surprising, though, is his distaste for a certain sci-fi series with […] Share this: Share Facebook Twitter Google LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Email Print
Александр Артамонов, Руслан Веснянко, Любовь Степушова
Турецкий телеканал отключили во время интервью с оппозиционерами
Турецкий телеканал отключили во время интервью с оппозиционерами В Турции правительство начало вести активную борьбу с неугодными ей телеканалами. Источник: архив Правда. Ру Так во время интервью с оппозиционными журналистами на турецком телеканале IMC TV, вещание внезапно было прервано. Оказалось, что генеральный прокурор Анкары связался со спутниковой компанией, которая обслуживает этот телеканал, и потребовал немедленно остановить вещание. Руководству спутниковой компании ничего не оставалось, как отключить IMC TV от сети. "Генеральный прокурор Анкары утверждает, что наш канал занимается пропагандой терроризма. Он направил спутниковой компании, с которой у нас заключён контракт, требование прекратить транслировать наш сигнал на время расследования. Это незаконно. Прокурор не имеет права прибегать к подобной мере. Не было принято никакого решения. Нам до сих пор не объяснили, по какой причине было приостановлено вещание", — рассказал программный директор телеканала Эюп Бурч. Как утверждает руководство IMC TV, канал был отключен от вещания из-за приглашения на интервью оппозиционных журналистов одной из турецких газет, которым в Турции грозит пожизненное заключение за свои расследования, которые дают турецкому народу понять, что именно правительство Эрдогана поддерживает террористов в Сирии и Ираке. На время расследования, телеканалу было разрешено вещать только в интернете. "В этом трагическом событии есть доля иронии. Наш канал со дня его создания защищает свободу слова. Мы вели репортаж об освобождении Эрдема Гюля и Джана Дюндара, и нас отключили во время прямого эфира. Даже если это только совпадение, оно имеет огромное историческое значение. С одной стороны, все радуются освобождению журналистов, а с другой — снимают с эфира телеканал, который стремится быть голосом демократического мира. Как видите, с каждым днём Турция становится более тоталитарной. С этим нельзя смириться", — добавил Бурч. IMC TV известен в Турции тем, что освещает практически все события с участием курдов, включая и их истребление турецкими военными, что делает этот канал неугодным турецкому правительству. Правда.Ру сообщала, что СМИ опубликовали видеодоказательства сотрудничества ИГ и Турции. Читайте последние новости Pravda. Ru на сегодня. Не забывайте присоединяться к Pravda.Ru во ВКонтакте, Telegram, Одноклассниках, Google+, Facebook, Twitter. Установи "Правду.Ру" на главную страницу "Яндекса". Мы рады новым друзьям!
Betty Freauf -- In The Best Interest of The Child
IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD By Betty Freauf April 30, 2008 When we first began to hear the phrase “In the Best Interest of the Child” we thought it was a noble concept that protected the vulnerable children by removing them from abusive or negligent parents; yet it also has led to levels of intervention unimaginable a few decades ago and suddenly many people were being accused of child abuse. Child Protective Services (CPS), because of something a child may have said to a teacher or written in an essay, which may even have been misconstrued, was kidnapping children at schools. Because of draconian actions by the child protectors, many felt they were overstepping their boundaries, so the Oregon legislature passed legislation creating a Citizen Review Board, which was to become watchdogs over social workers who were determining who were unsuitable parents. I volunteered in the mid-1980s to become an unpaid member. A number of boards were set up in each county. Our Constitution gave government no jurisdiction over family life and I felt constitutionally it was the county sheriff’s duty to investigate the crime of abuse because he was the “elected” official and the public could hold him responsible. I contacted our local sheriff and he was more than happy to take responsibility but this never happened. Instead, the social workers would contact the sheriff, or the local city police, and they would accompany the social workers to a home to supervise arrests of often times innocent people and take traumatized, screaming children to be “interrogated” and then to some “licensed” foster care home where it was not unusual for the child to be abused again. Bleeding-heart liberals who believed everything the media printed about this so-called epidemic felt the children would be safe in foster care because they were “licensed.” “Licensing” by Big Brother, whether it is for day care, foster care, restaurants, entertainment centers, for any and all professionals, somehow gives the impression of safety and trust. Was the sheriff intimidated by the “experts” or did he not recognize his Constitutional authority even though he took an oath to defend it? His proper position should have been, “NOT IN MY COUNTY!!” Once again we saw the hand of the Communist infiltration in America. Goal #38 of the Communist Takeover of America is: Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies and treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand (or treat). Across America, thousands of families have been ripped apart by child protection bureaucracies who terminate parents’ rights on a whim. Soviet Communist party educators in 1918 were instructed at a conference to take the children and nationalize them. American children became nationalized on September 30, 1971 with the Comprehensive Child Development Programs, which I touched upon in June 2003 – one of the first articles I wrote for NewsWithViews. The legal training manual for the Department of Human Resources said social workers must be trained to accept “state values” regarding “our children.” Day care centers began to replace the parents, as “unemployed” mothers were encouraged to seek gainful employment outside the home. Our CPS operates under the Oregon’s Department of Human Resources that was created in 1973. By a margin of three votes, the House of Representatives passed one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation ever to come before Congress at the behest of none other than another Republican president who stressed “family values.” Yes, none other than President Richard Nixon. Congressman John R. Rarick (D-LA) said Nixon addressed Congress in 1969 and recommended the government become involved in developing children during “the first five years of life. The anticipated age ranged was expected to be from infancy to kindergarten” and the Congressman asked, “What significant educational training can there be for babies in arms except to condition them to be away from their mothers and look to the State for security and guidance?” He also noted, “The child development programs are not to help working mothers but rather to establish federal custodial centers” and he said it was hypocrisy that “Repeated inferences (in the legislation) that parents don’t know how to control their children or lack the understanding and interest to discipline them” and then the Congressman supports what I more or less said in another of my articles: Congressman Rarick said “For years the progressive experimenters of the new educational system have encouraged smart-aleckness as free speech and dissent. Children have been taught their parents are old-fashioned and out of step with and ignorant of the needs of changing times.” And we can see the results today. These child development programs, whose chief sponsor/proponent was John Brademas (D-IN), went so far as to include “home visits” for new parents (which Hillary Clinton supports). It was an amendment to the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) bill and passed by a vote of 186 to 183 in the House of Representatives. In Shirley Scheibla's book, Poverty is Where the Money Is, a hard-nosed analysis of the War on Poverty, she indicated OEO became the most confused, profligate and overpaid bureaucracy ever spawned by Congress, but it wasn’t the last. It was set up with the avowed aim of coordinating the War on Poverty and was waged by all the multifarious arms of the government. I touch upon this Commie boondoggle in my article Build the Trough and They Will Come: Agitation by federal anti-poverty workers caused anarchy and wide-scale riots exploded in cities throughout the country in July 1967, with accompanying death and destruction. OEO's director, Sargent Shriver, retreated to the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts. Advertisement According to Congressman John R. Rarick (D-LA), “The Brademas legislation laid the foundation for the federal government to replace the home and for bureaucratic ‘experts’ to replace the parents.” Without any statistics, logic or truth, this legislation also implied that millions of children had no parents and were from broken homes and in homes where they were mistreated or the parents were insensitive to the child’s demands and by the government stepping in would reduce crime and dissidence in society. Ya sure! How’s it been working? When Big Brother wants something that would naturally be rebuffed by most informed Americans, they use scare tactics and get the media to sensationalize a few isolated cases. Congressman Rarick said this power grab over our youth was reminiscent of the Nazi Youth Movement; in fact, he says, it goes far beyond Hitler’s wildest dreams or the most outlandish of the Communist plans. Goal #40 of the Communist takeover of America: Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. Number 41: Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents. Please, read that again! In trying to protect their children and provide the best opportunity to learn, many parents put their children in private Christian schools or home educated them. But as stated in Goal #41 above, the “experts” decided this seemingly well-meaning behavior is destructive to the psychological health of youngsters and now home educators are under attack. Enter another “separated” group, the Eldorado, Texas, polygamists who were raided as a result of a call to the child abuse hot line. How did the supposedly isolated young caller know whom to call and where did she find a phone? Red flags! Radio celebrity and former leftist, Tami Bruce, announced the weekend of April 19th that police had found the person who made the call. I heard on the radio that she was from Colorado Springs, Colorado, is an El Paso Democrat, and a Barack Obama delegate. DNA is being taken from the Texas children to prove parentage. In addition to government monitoring of private phone calls, data mining has become another bone of contention for those alarmed by Big Brother government. Many years ago, without parental permission, some fourth graders were included in a University of Vermont Smoking survey funded through a $$1,000,000 research grant from the National Cancer Institute. Two strangers came into the room and the children were told to do as these people directed. Some questions were asked of the children and two women placed a piece of cotton on each child’s mouth. They were told this was strictly confidential and no one would ever know about the answers or anything else on the survey. The labels were supposedly coded differently and the answers that the children gave were stored with names different than the codes but weren’t told that a computer could match them. The unsuspecting parents of one fourth grader eventually moved away and the children were home schooled beginning in 1987. In January 1992, the mother received a phone call from someone at the University of Minnesota asking for her daughter and stated the daughter had been part of a study done by the University of Vermont and that the University of Minnesota was doing a follow-up survey of the kids who had engaged in the experiment. So much for privacy! DNA is now being taken at an alarming rate from every source imaginable such as from newborn babies, from criminals when they are arrested, for people who go into surgery and every other possible source and all this information is put into a master database. Are the residents of the Texas compound another part of a social experiment of data mining? A friend of mine, an Iowan at the time, told me that she was warned by her son's fourth grade classmate's mother to not allow her son to take an "outside, special" test in 1992. She asked the principal about it and he told her a random number of students had been chosen to take the test and assured her that her son could not be linked to the test in any way. She hadn't asked that question, so that put up a red flag. Her instincts told her to opt her son out of the testing and she was surprised at the principal's irritated reaction. At a later school board meeting, in front of many witnesses, he said that the test was numbered but it could not be linked to any of his students personally. A couple years later, my friend read the article, When Johnny Takes the Test and knew that her instincts had saved her son's information from being put into that database -- allegedly they were testing the community's belief system. The only reason that a community's belief system would need to be evaluated would be to be able to later come in and change the curriculum to suit the State's desires and goals!! As a CRB member in the '80s, I would see the social workers recommend that fathers move out of the home and leave the children and the mothers. There were some women who refused to boot the husband out after a child accused him because they said he wasn’t guilty. Some kids tried to recant and said they made up the lie to get even with their fathers or stepfathers for some discipline, all to no avail. The children would end up in foster homes. Testimonies on the Internet indicate people in need of organ transplants are now adopting children for their “extra” organs. Kids were never meant to be government-issues. They are gifts from God but when the Gestapo gets involved, everyone becomes a loser. There has been alienation of affection; children rebelled and many ran away. Many of them may be in gangs today because Big Brother makes a lousy mother! But wouldn’t keeping the mothers and the children at the Texas Yearning for Zion Ranch while keeping the men away be a better solution to this dilemma in Texas in “the best interests of the children?” But not if they want to test how much they can get by with as far as separations and testing! The men are accused of being the perpetrators and they are walking free. WHY doesn't that set up red flags for us? More than 400 children are suddenly available for DNA testing -- how convenient. Be prepared, your child may be next in line. In 1990 I read where a CRB member had been reprimanded for critical remarks of Oregon’s child abuse industry that allow children to die and no one was ever held responsible. A Senator said the agency shouldn’t try to shut up its critics (CRB members) but by then, it was too late for me. I got “fired” from my (unpaid) volunteer position for the same reason. I complained to legislators but nothing got done. In April some Oregon parents were charged in a faith-healing death of their infant daughter. Big Brother has the “experts” and “legal counsel” at its disposal to wear down the saints. The bureaucracy works in secrecy and behind confidentiality laws and they cover each other’s butts. And things haven’t changed. Using the Waco example and fearing trouble, the authorities again responded with armored tanks and police in this most recent Texas raid. At Waco, President Bill Clinton and his Attorney General, Janet Reno, illegally used the military on the Branch Davidians and in “the best interest of the children” incinerated them and others in a fire. The lone survivors went to prison. This whole child abuse industry is a lucrative racket for judges, attorneys and social workers. Senator Walter Mondale fathered the multi-billion-child protection industry in America when he sponsored the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) in 1974 -- referred to in my July 26, 2007, article, Build the Trough and They Will Come. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Am I in favor of what has been alleged to have taken place at the Texas compound? No. However, we have thousands of minor girls pregnant that end up on Welfare just like what is being reported at their Compound and those girls are not part of any “fringe separatist” groups. When a minor girl goes for an abortion, Planned Parenthood protects the men who impregnate these girls by falsifying or not reporting their ages so they don’t have to report the perpetrator to the police as required by law. Physician, heal thyself!
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo
In Ukraine, highest pension makes up $$420, lowest - $$49
In Ukraine, highest pension makes up $$420, lowest - $$49 Ukraine's Social Policy Minister Nikolai Shambir announced the size of maximum and minimum pensions in the country. "Since 2011, there are no pensions that would be assigned in the amount of more than 10,740 hryvnia," Ukrinform quoted the minister as saying. "There are pensions that were assigned before, they are somewhat larger," Shambir added. He was asked about high pensions for judges. "Judges receive monthly lifetime cash allowance, but this is not a pension," the minister replied. The average pension in Ukraine as of January 1, 2017 amounts to 1,828 UAH, which is about 72 US dollars. The minimum pension equals 1,247 UAH or 49 dollars. Ukraine currently works on a pension reform: this is a key requirement of the IMF that Ukraine has to meet to receive the next tranche. The deficit of the Pension Fund of the country reached 140 billion hryvnia (5.4 billion dollars) and threatens the stability of the financial system of Ukraine. To reduce the burden in this sector, the government was recommended to raise the retirement age. To retire at 60 years old, a Ukrainian citizen should have 35 years of pensionable service. The initiative has already caused sharp criticism in Ukraine. Pravda.Ru Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru
Dmitriy Sudakov, Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo
Billions and billions for Crimea: Where will they go?
Billions and billions for Crimea: Where will they go? Russia's Ministry for Economic Development and Trade allocates an additional amount of 56 billion rubles to fund projects for the construction and reconstruction of highways, additional reconstruction of existing transport junctions, and the construction of pedestrian crossings. One of the most important components of the program is the construction and reconstruction of highways, the provision of transport communication with mainland Russia, the modernisation of ports and the development of tourism. Pravda.Ru requested an expert opinion on the subject of the financial support for the Crimea from Sergei Tsekov, Senator from the Republic of Crimea, member of the Federation Council Committee for International Affairs. "The federal target program for the development of the Crimea and Sevastopol was approved in 2015 embracing the period of five years. What has been done for the time being?" "A lot has been done already, given the fact that Ukraine had not been investing much in the economy of the Crimea after the breakup of the USSR. Kindergartens, roads the water supply system and the power supply system were wearing out. Nowadays, three years after the Crimea became a part of the Russian Federation, more than 10,000 kindergartens and schools have been built. The economy of the region is developing, infrastructure and health care are improving." "The government plans to assign a lot of money for the development of infrastructure of the Crimea, in particular, for the construction of roads. How do you assess the development of the region in this area?" "Roads constitute one of the main directions of our work. We understand that car roads in the Crimea are in a very bad condition. There are many roads that have not seen any reconstruction since Soviet times, and there are many roads that need to be built. Even major highways are in need of high-quality repairs. The quality of roads between small towns and settlements leaves much to be desired as well. One can reduce the gap in the quality of life between the southern coast of the Crimea and the north of the peninsula only if one builds good roads. A goos road will make a journey across the Crimea last for about two hours. "Good roads resolve issues of housing and employment. If there are good roads, a person can live in a small town, but go to work in a large city, such as Simferopol. I also think that the federal target program will also highlight the water supply of the Crimea. When we do this, we will resolve issues related to residence and employment in the Crimea." "The expansion of the road network in the Crimea will entail the development of the economy of the peninsula. What sectors are going to be developed in the first place?" "Most promising areas are tourism and construction. In addition, there is also agriculture and processing. This year, the Crimea has seen the largest harvest in all post-Soviet years. It's not only cereals, but also vegetables and fruits. The processing of agricultural products and livestock develop as well. The Crimea is a self-sufficient region in terms of food products - from bread to high quality meat products. "The Crimea can produce very good quality and environmentally friendly baby food. Light industry can also develop on the peninsula. Port facilities have great prospects for development. Shipbuilding is also on the rise. There are shipbuilding plants in Kerch, Feodosia, Sevastopol. "There are a lot of opportunities for investment. As a doctor, I believe that the Crimea is a region where one can get an injection of health, so I believe that it is necessary to build medical centres there. Many Soviet people used to come to the Crimea for medical treatment, and I am sure that many Russians and citizens of other countries will be choosing the Crimea to improve their health." Interviewed by Lady Korotun Pravda.Ru Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo
Ukrainian politician frustrated about Ukraine's backwardness
Ukrainian politician frustrated about Ukraine's backwardness In Ukraine, coordinator of "Uspishna krayina" civil platform, Pavel Sebastianovich, expressed his frustration about Ukraine's backwardness. According to the politician, Russia is implementing major unique projects in the Crimea, which Ukraine can not even dream of because of its backwardness. "I was not interested in the Kerch bridge, until I saw joyful posts on the net about an arch that sank for two meters. I searched for the Kerch bridge on YouTube and I was shocked to see a major construction of the century. They call the future bridge the Crimean Bridge. This is a four-lane 19 kilometer-long bridge that has two railway lines. Automobile lanes are to be launched next year, and railroads - in 2019. The old ferry will continue working as well. How is it possible? Our hurray-patriots were promising that the bridge would fall apart," Sebastianovich wrote on his Facebook. "I should not have watched it. The Russians now control access to the ports of the Sea of Azov. I do not know if the ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk work now. What do we have in Ukraine for 2018 - 2019? I looked at the reform plan of the Cabinet. Groisman promised to introduce control over incomes and expenses of citizens in 2018-2019. What can I say? This is a large infrastructure project too. I am depressed by the economic backwardness of Ukraine in this story, we are waiting for Mordor to collapse while doing nothing for our own development," he added. Later, the politician tried to justify himself by adding that he was not going to defame his country. "It's not a post of vengeance. We try to be larger than life and we have hooray type of patriotism. Why writing negative things about the construction of the bridge if it is about to finish? The worst things is that we have no major projects in Ukraine. There is too much money in the world, there's not enough place for money, one only needs to create favourable condition for it to come, and it will come here. However, they artificially hinder the process for the creation of favourable conditions. I do not believe that war shows a negative influence on the economy. War is a challenge and now is the time for radical reforms. Yet, we have done nothing for the economic breakthrough. The information about the bridge was like a cold shower for me. The future of the Crimea with such a transport artery will change dramatically," the official added. It is worthy of note that a recent opinion poll conducted in Ukraine showed that only 2.2 percent of Ukrainians approve of the activity of President Poroshenko. As many as 75.5 percent of the polled disapprove of the work of the Ukrainian president. Pravda.Ru Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru
Devvy Kidd -- FLDS raid and the NAFTA super highway
FLDS RAID AND THE NAFTA SUPER HIGHWAY By: Devvy June 13, 2008 � 2008 - "I will say this, however. I was, frankly, surprised would be a mild word, to say that anyone that would suggest that the Attorney General should resign because some religious fanatics murdered themselves. (Applause.)" Bill Clinton, April 20, 1993; remarks on WACO It's been over two months since the raid on the FLDS (Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) property known as the Yearning for Zion Ranch. Immediately, the intellectually lazy zombies who work in the controlled "mainstream media" swooped down on the area and the circus went into full swing. According to irresponsible anchors across the board on cable networks, over 400 children were rescued from rapists and child molesters. It didn't take long to see the interviews of people in cafes around Texas parrot the same statements. I know because I watched an elderly couple being interviewed. The man said the FLDS devils were all rapists and should be jailed. It might have shocked this fellow to know that many of the married couples only have one spouse and don't want another one. Do I support or endorse polygamy? No. Do I endorse or think child molesters should be given a free pass because they claim it's covered under their religious beliefs? No. Do I support young girls being forced into marriage with any man, never mind these so-called 'spiritual marriages' of under age girls with men forty, fifty or older? No. Is polygamy illegal in the State of Texas? Yes. Do I want to see children protected from child abuse? Of course, I do. Having said that, everyone has had their say on this in columns and on the tube. Some of the most intelligent writing has come from William N. Grigg; see here. When the Texas Supreme Court ruled against the gangsters at Child Protective Services (CPS), media anchors and pundits all went nuts. The rapists and child molesters were to get their children back to abuse them! These boob tube pundits and 'experts' declared the children had 'signs of broken bones' in the past. Any evidence? Deseret Morning News: "Parker said he spoke Wednesday with the doctor who operated a clinic at the FLDS Church's YFZ Ranch. "The breaks he's seen haven't occurred in a setting where he would suspect child abuse at all," the attorney said. "They can treat some simple fractures (at the ranch clinic), but usually it's in consultation with an orthopedic doctor in San Angelo," Parker said, adding that doctors are required to report any suspicions of child abuse. "There's not a single episode of child abuse (of FLDS) reported in Texas, or Utah or Arizona, either." "Isn't it ironic that (Child Protective Services) is talking about broken bones when a little 7-year-old girl in the care of CPS broke an arm while she was at the Wells Fargo Pavilion?" FLDS member Willie Jessop said Wednesday. "When we inquired about the incident, they came after us with this sensational story. They are distorting the facts and trying to justify their barbaric actions." While all the legal wrangling was going on, America saw members of this FLDS ranch and yes, they are creepy in my mind. The women all dress identical in clothes far too hot for this area. They all wear their hair the exact same way like 'Stepford Wives.' All the little girls are dressed in the same pioneer era clothes. But, that doesn't make them child molesters, rapists or abusers of children. The Texas Supreme Court upheld the lower appeals court in that there was no evidence whatsoever of any "cycle of sexual abuse of teenage girls" or that any of the children were in immediate danger. CPS blustered and got their demands met -- at least some of them. The mothers are being forced to under go DNA testing and parenting classes. CPS states this is an on-going investigation and they will not back down. Of course, they won't. This mess and believe me, it is a major mess, was created by them based on a phone call that is a lie. With no due process, just like WACO, in swooped para militarized law enforcement -- take a good look at these two pictures released to the media by a terrified FLDS ranch resident. Just what the heck do these law enforcement think is going on there at a ranch full of women and children? Take a real good look, America. With NO due process and no warning, this is what happens when out of control agencies like Child Protective Services relies on an anonymous phone call. Also remember this: these agencies cannot stay in business without victims. If there's no victim, they create one. I've read as many horror stories about these "righteous" bureaucrats as I've read on other issues. This one in El Dorado is the biggest kidnapping in the history of this country based on unverified information. CPS had the calvary come in to save the children from...who? This is NOT an isolated case: "Billy Dan Carroll spent the better part of the past three decades assaulting and raping dozens of victims -- from girls as young as two years of age to adult women whom he lured to his home and then drugged into unconsciousness....A court-appointed special advocate (CASA) for abused children. This means that he worked -- albeit as a volunteer -- for the same Texas Department of Family and Protective Services that recently abducted 460 children at gunpoint from their parents at the FLDS Church's YFZ Ranch." Polygamy Trail Leads to Colorado Texas Rangers Take Part in Arrest of Woman Who Allegedly Made Hoax Call in Colorado "Texas Rangers participated in the arrest of a Colorado woman who allegedly pretended to be a girl locked in a basement. The Rangers were in the state as part of their investigation into the Texas polygamy custody battle, local police told ABC News....It was unclear if the arrest was related to the phone call from a woman who claimed to be a 16-year-old girl, a phone call that sparked what has become one of the largest child custody cases in U.S. history....Texas child protection lawyers have said they believe the girl does exist, even though they have not found her." Texas CPS lawyers have their backsides in a meat grinder. These children were ripped from their mothers, some infants, with no warning at the end of a gun and massive fire power at that. They've been forced to undergo "evaluations' by state shrinks. You want to talk about cruel and unjust punishment upon children. I watched an interview of a couple who live on that ranch. I watched them try to explain, in between the mother's tears, what happened. This couple is strictly monogamous. He has no other wives, doesn't want any. They looked to be in their late 30s. The stupid mainstream media reporter asked him, "Well, then how come you live here?" The man said they live there in peace. They home school their children. They grow their own food and he has a regular job. What a crime. Their six children were ripped from them, farmed out to six different foster homes and the parents told CPS was going to adopt all of them out! As the legal battles continue to play out, and I hope some of these Americans sue the pants off the State of Texas, one has to ask the question: Why in April, 2008? Based on a phone call from someone they haven't even verified exists to this day? Remember WACO? Only a few days before the initial gassing and burning of almost 100 human beings by the feds, David Koresch was in town. He could have been picked up at any time. Instead, we had the ATF pull off one of the most deadly and stupid jock raids this country has ever seen - for NO legitimate reason: NY Times. Death in WACO: The Government's Plan; Confusion Abounds in the Capital On Rationale for Assault on Cult "The Federal Bureau of Investigation had no recent evidence that children were being beaten in the Branch Davidian compound, F.B.I. Director William S. Sessions said today. The Director's remarks contradicted assertions by President Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno that escalating child abuse had been a major reason to assault the complex near Waco, Tex., on Monday. "Mr. Session's comments were part of a sometimes confused effort by the Clinton Administration, in the face of considerable public second-guessing, to present a coherent rationale for deciding to fire gas into the complex. Officials believe that 86 people died in the flames that began after the F.B.I. used armored tanks equipped with ramming prods that pumped tear gas through holes punched in the walls of the compound. On Monday, Ms. Reno said her fears about recent reports of child abuse were high among the factors driving the timing and tactics of the operation. "The President's Grief. President Clinton said today that Ms. Reno emphasized the threat of child abuse in seeking his approval Sunday for her plan to fire gas into the compound on Monday. "We did everything we could to avoid the loss of life," the President said. "They made the decision to immolate themselves, and I regret it terribly, and I feel awful about the children." Of course those children who lived at Mt. Carmel made the decision to burn themselves to death! I'm not going to cover WACO any further, because I've already written extensively on it. You can also get a refresher course in evil by your government here. Not to mention one of my dearest friends, retired USAF Brigadier General Ben Partin, was deeply involved with members of Congress and the investigations. I KNOW what went on. It was murder and all the deaths - including 17 children and federal agents- did NOT have to happen. I can tell you without any doubt that everyone in the immediate region knew what was going on at that ranch. There's no way the sheriff and the town of El Dorado didn't know polygamists were living there. So, if everyone knew what was going on - why didn't anyone do anything about it? Why did the State of Texas sit on their concerned hands until this alleged phone call from a phantom "young girl" who is no where to be found suddenly happen? Why didn't CPS investigate in a sane and legal way, instead of this massive show of force? Why did this happen in April of 2008? This ranch has been there for years; see this short video taken in 2005. Because I live so close (130 miles), on June 5, 2008, I drove over to El Dorado to look for myself. This is a very rural area of Texas. El Dorado has no fast food junk food joints. A few gas stations, little town hall, small businesses and residential. As soon as I got into town, I went to the sheriff's office and then drove out to the property. Let me say that Temple is huge, far bigger than it looks on television; see this 1:58 second aerial video. This ranch is 1700 acres. While the raid took place a little over two months ago, there is a huge amount of construction going on - all fresh wood. Because I wasn't allowed to drive onto the property, I couldn't get up close. But, there is one area up the road that sits high enough to see quite well. The man guarding the only entrance gate from town told me the children were being returned and they just wanted privacy. I didn't have a problem with that because I really only wanted to ask him a question: Did he know anything about a new highway going through the area? Talk of a major freeway or anything like that? He replied no and I drove back to town. The reason I asked this question is because the question was raised: Is this 1700 acre ranch in the path of the NAFTA Super highway to Hell? I received an email dated April 16, 2008, which raised my radar: "Eureka! I looked up Eldorado on my DeLorme Atlas, and sure enough, its location is right on the intersections of Hwys 190 and 277, just 10 miles North of major rte, U.S.10. Nearest populated town that I see on the map is San Angelo, Tx. some 60 miles due north of Eldorado..It appears to be right in the path of the planned NAFTA superhighway, which is supposed to connect to a major seaport to be built on the Mexican coast, just across the inlet from Cabo San Lucas at the southern tip of Baja, Calif (Mexican territory). Perhaps to use the town of Mazatlan as the hub of shipping. The port of Long Beach, California, now one of the fourth largest U.S.seaports will become an empty vessel; excuse the pun." I drove into El Dorado from San Angelo, about 45 miles. When you get into El Dorado, you turn left at the Catholic Church and the entrance is four miles up the road. In the middle of this small, rural town is an intersection, 277 and 190. Now, I want you to look at this map, click here. Next look at this one in pdf form. This weekend watch this ten minute video on the Texas Trans Corridor. Watch our fellow Americans beg YOU to help stop this insanity about to destroy their lives and livelihood. And, if you think your property won't be in the way someday of some foreign company and traitors like Governor Rick Perry (R-TX), you're in denial. This IS the destruction of this nation. This octopus of corridors for foreigners to rape our nation via trade is the destruction of the way of life for hundreds of thousands of Texans and MILLIONS of Americans in their path. The people of this country sat back and allowed the federal dragoons to destroy the ranchers and farmers of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Yes, thousands of us did what we could, but Congress allowed this to happen because the American people didn't stop it. I went up there twice in 2001. Anger is a mild word for my feelings as I spoke with my fellow country men and women standing at that canal watching their life blood drain away. What a coincidence that Klamath Falls solved the energy crisis for California in the summer of 2001; that water gushing down the rivers into California saved the $$10 billion dollar ag crop and California's summer tourist trade. The FLDS property would not be given up easily by the people who live there, not without a fight and possible years in court. Much easier to have an anonymous phone call making tearful allegations of mass child abuse and in comes massive law enforcement. If the state can make it stick, legal bills will kill the residents and the property would go into foreclosure. How very convenient. What a huge coincidence. I know it's the weekend, but "the fun times are killing us." Watch the videos below and get involved. Contacts: Terri Hall, Founder/Director, (210) 275-0640, Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom (or TURF); Hank Gilbert, TURF Board member & acting President of Piney Woods Subregional Planning Commission, (903) 871-2424; EMAIL: [email protected]; WEB: Remember the Alamo. Don't let this happen to our country as it's happened to Europe with their damnable EU. Money is the name of the game and that's all these multinational corporations and politicians care about. In a discussion with my friend, Dr. Edwin Vieira, regarding these corridors, Edwin said, "Corporations involved are laying down a lot of scratch for concrete and road tar and they expect a return - soon." Stop buying foreign food, fruits, vegetables and products - especially clothing and toys. Starve the enemy. Don't put money in the pockets of these foreign companies buying up our land and roads. Go to my web site, click here, and you'll see Made in USA. You can buy Made in America. Invest in America. Save American jobs. Create new jobs for America. Say NO to foreign countries and investors. Our land is NOT for sale to the highest bidder. If it takes marching on your state capitols and recalling (if you have that option under your state constitution) members of your state legislature who don't fight to stop this, then do it. The final steps are underway to end these united States of America. Only we can stop it. Videos: 1 - A Big Easy North American Union (10 minutes) 2 - Lou Dobbs - NAFTA Superhighway (5:29 minutes) 3 - Landowners protest Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC 69) (1:14 minutes) 4 - Hank Gilbert -Trans Texas Corridor-Fort Worth (3:56 minutes) 5 - Understanding the North American Union - Excellent DVD by Joan Veon. Get a copy and share with family and friends Links: 1 - Where have all the men gone? 2 - Questioning America's Manhood Draws More Excuses 3 - Oklahoma Recalls Bill That Would Have Facilitated NAFTA Superhighway 4 - Cost of Polygamist Case Tops $$7 Million 5 - FLDS Raid - A Dangerous Legal Precedent 6 - Bush says US wants partnership with Europe Klamath Falls - the destruction of our fellow country men and women 1 - Klamath River Salmon Protections Ruled Illegal - Federal Court says Endangered Species Listing of Klamath Coho is Bogus 2 - Enron, 9/11, Lay, Schwarzenegger & Oregon's Water
Kelleigh Nelson -- Three Wise Men
THREE WISE MEN By Kelleigh Nelson December 25, 2011 I've always thought there were three Wise men who came to see Jesus. After all, all the crèches or nativity scenes have three wise men, right? I have ornaments on my tree of the three wise men, two sets in fact, one is the wise men on camels. But in reality, we have no idea how many Wise men went to visit the young child Jesus. The story is best told in Matthew 2:1-12, and the clarification of this came only a week or so ago in Volume 1, Number 2 of Ariel Ministries' newsletter. Yes, I immediately thought of the words of a favorite Christmas song, "We three kings of orient are." But as Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum points out in this teaching, nowhere in the Bible does it specify how many there were. Of course as he also points out, "wise men" is plural, so it had to be two or more, but the only reason legend alludes to three is simply because three gifts were brought to the King: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. There could have been three, or twenty, or thousands. We simply do not know. Also explained in the text of this teaching is the fact that these men were not "kings." The specific title in the Greek text is Magoi or "Magi," which means "wise men," or "astrologers." Some years ago in Sunday school when our pastor told us the wise men were astrologers, I was pretty astonished. I couldn't quite grasp how those of astrology which is verboten in the Bible could come to worship the King of Glory. Well, finally that too is explained. But let's go back and ask even more questions--how did the Magi know? In verse 2, they ask, "Where is he that is born King of the Jews?" Dr. Fruchtenbaum first takes us to the Star in the Sky and explains that the Greek word for 'star' simply means radiance or brilliance. The brilliant light that the astrologers were witnessing was no ordinary star as this star could move north to south, east to west and hover over one house in Bethlehem. What these Magi actually saw was the Shechinah Glory, and they deduced that it was a signal that the King of the Jews, the Messiah, had finally been born. So, if it was not a star and thus not by astrology that the Magi knew--how then did they know anything about the birth of a Jewish king? The explanation is as follows and is found in the Old Testament. According to this teaching, the only place in the entire Old Testament that dates the Messiah's coming is the famous Seventy Sevens or weeks of Daniel found in Daniel 9:24-27. Also, the Book of Daniel was not written in Israel but in the city of Babylon and in Aramaic, the language of the Babylonian Empire. Daniel was closely associated with Babylonian astrologers according to Daniel 1:19-20; 2:12-13, 47; 4:7-9; 5:11-12. Now, remember the Bible story of King Nebuchadnezzar who when his astrologers were unable to decipher his dreams, he would sentence them to execution. Daniel and his three friends were sentenced to die because these four Hebrew men were viewed as part of the Babylonian School of Astrology. Daniel requested and received an audience with the King, was able to decipher the King's dream, and saved the lives of all the other astrologers. Dr. Fruchtenbaum goes on to explain that Nebuchadnezzar had little spiritual discernment and did not realize the source of Daniel's ability was the God who created the stars of the heavens, not the astrology of the stars themselves. Nebuchadnezzar made Daniel head of all the astrologers of Babylon. It was in this environment that Daniel wrote his book, revealing the time of the Messiah's coming. Since Daniel saved their lives as well as becoming their leader, he undoubtedly was able to lead many of them to the saving knowledge of Jehovah God, the one true God of Israel. A line of Babylonian astrologers from generation to generation worshipped the one true God and having Daniel's prophecy looked forward to the coming of the King of the Jews. Next in this teaching is the question, "How did the astrologers know anything about a star that would somehow announce the birth of Messiah?" Once again, Dr. Fruchtenbaum takes us back to the Old Testament to the story of Balaam who was hired by the king of Moab to curse the Jews. He tried four times, but God spoke through him every time turning his intended curses into blessings. In the course of these blessings of the Jews he came up with four key Messianic prophecies. One is found in Numbers 24:17, I see him, but not now, I behold him, but not nigh; There shall come forth a star out of Jacob and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel, And shall smite through the corners of Moab and break down all the sons of tumult. Balaam was forced by God to prophesy the coming of the Jewish Messiah that related to that star. Both the "star" and the "sceptre" are one and the same and the term "sceptre" is a symbol of royalty or kingship. The "star" that would rise out of Jacob is a king. Balaam was also an astrologer! He came out of the city of Pethor, a city on the banks of the Euphrates River in Babylonia (Num. 22:5; Deut. 23:4). Daniel spelled out how many years would transpire before the birth of the King of the Jews, and the prophecy of Balaam, who was part of the Babylonian School of Astrology, brought forth the revelation of a star in relation to the Messiah's birth. He too undoubtedly passed this information down to his colleagues. And centuries later, Daniel was able to expound on the time that a "star" out of Jacob would come. So, the wise men knew, not by astrology and star gazing, but by the revelation of God as contained in the Scriptures by means of Daniel and Balaam's prophecies. And as Dr. Fruchtenbaum states, "Hence, the story of the Magi gives no validity to astrology whatsoever." Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: We know the gifts were gold, frankincense, and myrrh. All are symbolic of the King whose birth we celebrate each December 25th. Gold of course is the symbol of royalty. Frankincense was the symbol of deity because it was part of the incense burned on the Altar of Incense in the Holy Place penetrating into God's presence in the Holy of Holies itself. Frankincense emphasizes that Jesus is God. Myrrh was associated in the Old Testament with death and embalming, emphasizing his sacrifice for our sins. These gifts to the family of Jesus when he was about two years old, provided the income for the family to be able to escape to Egypt, and to live there for approximately two years. This also financed their trip back to Nazareth after the death of Herod the Great. May Jesus, the King of Glory, bring you joy unspeakable during this yearly celebration of our Savior's birth. God's infinite love, what better gift than this! For more insight and great Bible teaching, visit Ariel Ministries. © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Phony Rightwing, Ron Paul, Part 1
THE PHONY RIGHTWING PART 1 of 4 By Kelleigh Nelson December 30, 2011 Ron Paul Yep we're slaves alright. Tax law being the most nefarious of the lot. Certainly, we are no longer living in a land of "justice". . We have lots and lots of laws of "Control and Obedience" to the American Royalty erroneously called The Federal Government. We have King and Queen Obama and a bunch of Czar's...Does anybody remember "America"? (the land of the free?) -J. Carlton, Calgary This is for everyone who keeps writing me and asking, "When are you going to write about Ron Paul?" No matter what I write about Ron Paul, I will be loved by some and hated by others. Please remember I started with the worst of the lot and, IMHO all but Bachmann and Paul are globalists. Michele carries a lot of baggage, working for the IRS to me is as damaging as Herman Cain having worked for the Federal Reserve. With Ron Paul, you have a man who, among other things, wants to rid us of the Federal Reserve, (watch this important video) give power back to the states, is staunchly pro-life, doesn't believe in World Government, wants to stop the federal spending, wants to stop all foreign aid, wants to bring our soldiers home, has a way to cut spending and the deficit, wants to eliminate federal departments responsible for pushing the horrid UN Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development, would repeal Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, and Sarbanes-Oxley, would lower the corporate tax to 15%, and is a Christian who isn't pandering his faith like so many of the candidates. [Link] Here is Ron's statement of faith and I love it. [Link] Congressman Paul's detractors will list many points against him, but if one only searches the reasoning behind Paul's stances, you'll find that many of them are constitutional. Ron Paul was born in August of 1935, and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Gettysburg College and the Duke University School of Medicine, before proudly serving as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force during the 1960s. He and his wife Carol moved to Texas in 1968, where he began his medical practice in Brazoria County. As a specialist in obstetrics/gynecology, Dr. Paul has delivered more than 4,000 babies. He and Carol, who reside in Lake Jackson, Texas, are the proud parents of five children and have 18 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Paul was raised Lutheran, but now attends a Baptist Church. Paul is a libertarian and thus there will be many facets of his belief system that constitutional conservatives might disagree with albeit his reasoning in most instances is sound and constitutional. If the states were given back their original power under the Constitution to decide issues such as abortion, that action would deprive the Federal government from passing laws like Roe v. Wade which resulted in a national law that forces all States to uphold abortion. Let's look at some of the issues conservatives may have problems with, as well as those areas where we'd agree Ron Paul is the only candidate for President who is truly a constitutional conservative and who could put this nation back on the right track. Please take special notice of the links as they're quite informative and important. 1. Ron Paul voted for the repeal of "Don't Ask. Don't Tell." [Link] Paul seems to waver on whether homosexuality is a sin. [Link] The Congressman also believes the government should not be in your bedroom and says, "Gay couples can do whatever they want and call it whatever they want as long as they don't impose it on someone else." [Link] Ron Paul stated in an article in the Huffington Post, "Everybody is an individual person, and everybody has the same rights as anyone else. The government has no business in your private life, you know, so if one person is allowed to do something so should everyone else. The whole gay marriage issue is a private affair, and the federal government has no say." Get the government out of our bedrooms! It is very important to see that this is an issue of individual justice rather than social justice. 2. Many Libertarians like Ron Paul are closer to the leftists in their love affair with Islam which is one area that is extremely troubling inasmuch as the desire of Islam is to overtake America and make it a Muslim nation. Paul doesn't believe the religion of Islam is our enemy and I'd have to disagree with him on this issue. [Link] 3. Congressman Paul says U.S. intervention motivated 9/11 attacks. [Link] Two weeks prior to the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Ron Paul says that U.S. intervention in the Middle East is a main motivation behind terrorist hostilities toward America, and that Islam is not a threat to the nation. [Link] Ron Paul has spoken about ";," which is the unintended consequences of foreign operations that were deliberately kept secret from the American public. In Christopher Simpson's 1988 book, Blowback, he thoroughly explains America's recruitment of Nazis into the CIA and its disastrous effect on our domestic and foreign policy that has lasted for years. The same goes for the other CIA foreign operations the public has no knowledge of even today. Please see this important video on Blowback. Paul also believes we should get out of the Muslim countries now. I too believe this, albeit I want all our soldiers brought home and put on our borders with 50 caliber machine guns to protect our nation from drug cartels and illegal aliens. 4. Ron Paul, the most visible libertarian in the US (under the Republican banner), has said he thinks that sending illegal aliens home where they came from is not "humanitarian." He also doesn't believe in building a 700 mile fence. Now it seems the Libertarian Party is following this same kind of reasoning. [Link] But wait! Here's what Ron says about illegal aliens in an interview with John Stossel. He wants to get rid of the subsidies for illegals, as well as any mandates by the Federal Government. This would include food stamps, social security, medical care, automatic citizenship under the guise of amnesty, free education, etc. Stop the free rides and they'll stop rushing over our borders. I agree with his stance. If the bird feeder is empty, the birds won't come. With soldiers on the border, terrorists won't either. Paul is against amnesty. [Link] 5. Ron Paul's libertarian views would support legalization of pornography and prostitution. [Link] Again, Ron's view is the First Amendment protection and that parents can restrict and control their children and it is not the Federal government's responsibility to do same. [Link] Prostitution is still going on today whether it is legalized or not and this is a social issue like homosexuality and pornography. Congressman Paul doesn't believe the government should legislate virtue or morality. I wish he'd tell this to the leftist Fabian socialists and Marxists we have in government control. [Link] Advertisement One of the factors that has brought the decline of morality in America is the failure of today's churches in teaching sound biblical doctrines and exhorting the members to read and study God's Word and spread the Gospel and we need to understand this rather than laying the blame elsewhere. 6. Ron Paul is staunchly pro-life and would have laws protecting life decreed by the States rather than by federal law. As I explained above, Ron would like to see Roe v. Wade repealed and let the States decide rather than having the Federal Government making abortion a nationalized law. [Link] 7. Paul believes the government has no role or authority in regulating drugs, another Libertarian concept. However, his stance has a great deal of merit inasmuch as it actually does pull the rug out from under the drug cartels and their profits. Am I in agreement? Not necessarily, but here's the Congressman's take on this issue. [Link] 8. Ron says terrorists should be tried in American civil courts. The opposition says, "Foreign terrorists belong in a military court." As for American Citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed by a U.S. drone strike in Yemen, like Ron Paul I have to ask, "Are we setting a precedent that will be used against other US citizens in the future?" [Link] It is something we definitely need to consider. Remember, what our government will do to an undesirable citizen, they can also do to us. Note the bill that just passed and will be signed into law H.R.1540 NDAA 9. Florida Republican Congressman John Mica offered the following morally clear Amendment (5/25/2011-H.AMDT.318 (A018) Amends H.R.1540): Amendment requires that the rules of engagement [ROE] allow any military service personnel assigned to duty in a designated hostile fire area to have rules of engagement that fully protect their right to proactively defend themselves from hostile actions. The results? (tallied here): 143 out of 185 Democrats present — 77% — voted against this amendment; 217 out of 235 Republicans present — 92% — voted for it. As for the two Republicans in Congress running who are Presidential candidates, Michele Bachmann voted for the amendment; Ron Paul against it. AND here is the caveat, the law authorizes the United States to use military force anywhere it says there are terrorists, including within the borders of our own country and including against American citizens . This bill eliminates habeas corpus making detention indefinite. It represents the largest hand-over of unchecked war authority from Congress to the executive branch in modern American history. The founders were seriously opposed to handing this much power over to executive, fearing tyranny, which is what we have today. If enacted into law, this provision would make Obama a total dictator who can wage war without the consent of the American people, which he has already done with Libya, but would legitimize it. This bill will legalize an unconstitutional act. [Link] Ron Paul has clearly sounded the alarm regarding the imminent destruction of the Republic. [Link] 10. The bogus claim of anti-Semitism arises with Ron Paul for several reasons. Basically his stance on our intervention in the Middle East which he feels resulted in terrorist attacks against us, and his pro-Islamic Mosque stance in New York have fueled this belief. Unfortunately Congressman Paul sponsored a bill that would have eliminated all aid to Israel alone rather than all foreign aid to any country. I do believe Paul wishes to eliminate all foreign aid and I'm in agreement with this stance. As well, I have Jewish friends in Israel who wish Israel would decline any monies from America so Israel could act as Israel sees fit and would not have to bow to American interests. Here is what my one Israeli friend said, "US aid to Israel has made us (Israel) a puppet under the power of a terrible prez we didn't elect. US money enslaves us. If no one has the guts to speak truth, they don't merit to lead a nation. We in Israel live with empty words of blowhard politicians who're afraid of making the Arabs mad. If you don't tell the truth, they'll kill more of us. IF you tell the truth, they'll kill more of us. I'd rather die for the truth than a lie. The fact is, archeology- facts on the ground- and the history of the region attest to Jews not Palestinians being here from the beginning of time. Go study." I have to agree with my Israeli friends and with Paul inasmuch as the strings attached to accepting US dollars inhibits Israel from proper defense of their country. In Paul's book The Revolution: A Manifesto, at the end the Congressman includes a section called "A Reading List for a Free and Prosperous America." And on that recommended reading list is John T. Flynn's book, As We Go Marching. Congressman Paul is recommending the writings of a man who, in his day, was seen as a driving force behind the anti-Semitic liberal Republican Senator Nye and the Senate investigation into Jewish influence in Hollywood. [Link] [Link] More troubling is the fact that Ron Paul's website mourned the passing of virulent anti-Semite, Eustace Mullins. [Link] In my files I have a copy of Mullins' booklet, "My Life In Christ," which was printed for him by Aryan Nations. Any investigation of Mullins reveals strong anti-Semitism. The question is who controls Ron's website? I am sure Paul does not. Ron's real stance on Israel is clear and the rumors of anti-Semitism are false. Here is Ron's stance on Israel in this interview. Here is Ron's interview with Newsmax on his support of Israel and from The Atlantic, "Ron Paul is More Mainstream than His Opponents on Foreign Policy." 11. Ron Paul's new Plan to Restore America basically abolishes all the cabinet level departments tasked with implementation and dissemination of Agenda 21. His supporters have been hot on all the Agenda 21 issues for a long time. They're probably the ones who got Rand Paul up to speed on the issues, since he didn't have a clue when one of our researchers wrote to him. Ron is proposing One Trillion dollars in budget cuts! [Link] Here are the key components of Paul's economic plan, "Restore America," released in October. It’s not mentioned by name anywhere in Ron Paul's 11 page Plan to Restore America; but, the cabinet-level departments he’s abolishing (page 2 on his plan) are the same departments (Energy, HUD, Commerce, Interior & Education) that Bill Clinton appointed to his President’s Council on Sustainable Development in 1993 to co-ordinate with the UN’s Agenda 21. [Link] For this reason alone I'd cast my vote for Ron Paul. If you are unaware of what UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development/Smart Growth/Smart Meters/Wildlands Project is all about, then visit Tom DeWeese's site on Agenda 21. Conclusions No one has ever accused Ron Paul of being a flip-flopper. He has been saying the same things for 35 years. Now the latest events in America and the world have conspired to make him look increasingly on target. Congressman Paul is by far the most radically anti-big government candidate in the running. He'd boil the Federal government back down to a few skeletal constitutional functions. He'd cut all foreign aid, abolish the Patriot Act, get rid of Obamacare, return us to a gold standard, as well as eliminating the welfare state, and federal income taxes. He hates bipartisan compromise and loves gridlock! Are there things on which I'd disagree with Dr. Paul? You bet there are! But there are far more things I agree with him on, especially his love of liberty and the Constitution. I have spent the better part of six months researching Dr. Paul and have collected hundreds of documents and articles on the man. The elite establishment politicos and media will do anything to destroy the reputation of this man, yet he gains more followers as the days go by. Recently he was on the Jay Leno Show. Leno asked him how he liked the debates so far and Ron answered that standing there for two hours to speak for three minutes wasn't very enjoyable. Jay also made the statement that the bottom 15% of Americans pay no taxes. Ron quipped back, "That's a good start!" If you wish to know more about Ron Paul, go to his website, Ron Paul on the Issues. Another site that contains valid information is Wikipedia's Political Positions of Ron Paul. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Paul isn't a 6'2" square jawed hunk of male flesh with a pompous arrogant, know-it-all attitude. He's a little Banty rooster who's smaller and faster than the globalists he's running against and who loves freedom. If there's any chance in saving our country, I believe it's with Congressman Ron Paul. P.S. Here is a recent article written by his first and only speech writer in 1976. I think you'll enjoy it! P.P.S. As the MSM falsely attacks Ron Paul for racist remarks, see the truth here and here. Make sure you watch the video. © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4 , Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Phony Rightwing: Rick Santorum, Part 2
THE PHONY RIGHTWING PART 2 of 4 By Kelleigh Nelson February 8, 2011 Rick Santorum Most of your typical Republicans would vote for Lucifer if he is the party nominee, yet they criticize Ron Paul, who is the only candidate with a plan to reduce the size of the federal government and balance the budget. -Tona Monroe, January, 2012 I never intended to write an article on Rick Santorum, but people have encouraged me to in case he becomes the “fall-back” candidate, despite the fact I still believe he is an "also-ran." Rick Santorum to me is another globalist, war mongering, elitist, leftist politician masquerading as a conservative. I have to disagree with the claims of his social conservatism. So, once again I ask you to pay special attention to the links I've provided and bear with me as I dredge through the mud of another presidential hopeful. This is only part one of a two part article because there is so much to tell. Are the Primaries Valid? I grew up in Chicago where dead people voted for Kennedy to make him the winner in the 1960 presidential election against Richard Nixon. I've read about the dead voters in Texas who elected Lyndon Baines Johnson to the Senate in 1948. I also know the countless reports of voter fraud since then, thus there is no way I believe Romney, Newt, and Santorum received the votes claimed by the Mainstream Media. After all, we now have dead people voting in the New Hampshire primary. [Link] Also, a caucus vote counter in Iowa says "type-o's" gave mistaken counts of 22 votes to Romney in Iowa rather than the real count of two. [Link] Business Insider magazine says Ron Paul may have secretly won the Iowa caucuses. [Link] Now the Chicago Tribune says Rick Santorum may have won Iowa. And finally, Voter fraud in Iowa is now official. So who is the real winner? At the end of December the state of South Carolina received notification that the Justice Department was rejecting South Carolina’s law requiring voters to show photo ID before casting their ballots. The department claims the law makes it harder for minorities to vote. Does this give license for the dead to vote again? The Huffington Post reported Newt cancelled an appearance prior to the SC primary for lack of attendance, but then he went on to win the SC primary? In my local Knoxville News Sentinel on Saturday, December 17, 2011, the lead article was "Haslam Concerned About Voter ID Law." Our leftist Republican Governor Haslam has "voiced concern to legislators that the new state law requiring voters to have photo ID will make it 'unnecessarily hard' for some people to cast ballots in next year's elections." The law was enacted by a Republican-controlled legislature and signed by Haslam earlier in 2011. Tennessee's primary is on Super Tuesday, March 6, 2012. The conclusions are obvious. Who are the Eligible Candidates? Before we look closely at Rick Santorum, let's first look at all the ineligible candidates running in the race for president. The term “natural born citizen” was well defined at the time the Constitution was written. The definition was given clearly in The Law of Nations by Emerich D. Vattel, a book that was sent to Franklin during the drafting of the Constitution. The founders specifically made the distinction from a regular citizen to insure that our presidency would not be co-opted by someone with foreign interests at heart (like the POTUS we now have). In order to be a natural born citizen, one must be born of two citizen parents and Obama clearly does not qualify, regardless of where he was born or if the certificate he posted is real. If this requirement can be so easily be ignored, everything is up for grabs. Next let's look at Willard Mitt Romney whose father was born in Mexico and whose grandparents left America for Mexico because of US polygamy laws. In Devvy Kidd's recent article in NWV's, she stated, "Mitt Romney is NOT a Natural Born Citizen unless he can prove that George Romney gained citizenship from naturalization prior to Mitt's birth in 1947. I have found no records showing this to be the case." Marco Rubio has been mentioned many times as a Vice Presidential candidate. I'm certainly not a fan of Rubio, but again Rubio is not eligible. Article 2 of the constitution, which says, “no person except a natural born citizen … shall be eligible to the Office of President.” The above writings of Vattel, along with others, verify what is meant by Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution. Rubio was born in 1971 at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, but his parents didn't become citizens until 1975. Now let's take a look at Rick Santorum. Rick Santorum was born in Winchester, Virginia, and raised in Berkeley County, West Virginia, and Butler County, Pennsylvania. He is a son of Aldo Santorum (1923-2011) and his wife, Catherine Santorum (née Dughi, born 1918). His father was an Italian immigrant, originally from Riva del Garda, Italy, and his mother is of half-Italian and half-Irish descent. Santorum’s father emigrated from Italy before WWII. Although his wife has claimed that he served in the U.S. military during WWII, no documentation of that service can be found, and no evidence can be found that he ever became a U.S. citizen. Now, according to Dr. Herb Titus, counsel to the law firm William J. Olson, he explains Natural Born Citizen most likely means the offspring born in the country of two citizen parents. Here is his video explanation of the term, "natural born citizen." So, the question Rick Santorum eligible to be president of the United States? Of course, Obama has already set the precedent, and the constitution and writings of founders have been denied, so it may have become a moot point to the elite. Santorum and Politics Rick Santorum received a B.A. with honors in political science from Pennsylvania State University in 1980, an M.B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh in 1981, and a Juris Doctorate degree with honors from the Dickinson School of Law in 1986. Santorum first became actively involved in politics through volunteering for the late Senator John Heinz, a Republican from Pennsylvania and heir to the H.J. Heinz fortune. In 1990 he was elected to the US House of Representatives for two terms. He became a Senator in 1994 during the "Republican takeover." He served as Senator from Pennsylvania from 1995 to 2006. Advertisement Santorum would not be our first Catholic president. In 2002, Rick traveled to Rome to speak at a centenary celebration of the birth of Saint Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei. He and his wife were invested as Knight and Dame of Magistral Grace of the Knights of Malta in a ceremony at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York on November 12, 2004. Rick disagrees with former President John Kennedy who espoused distinctions between personal beliefs and public responsibility saying this had caused great harm. However, JFK served in the White House long before the social issues of today like abortion and homosexuality were on the front burners of campaign rhetoric. Rick says his personal beliefs would be his public stances. Let's see if that's really true. Pro-Life Santorum's real claim to fame is his pro-life stance, and his alleged social conservatism. However, in the 1980s his wife Karen while a nursing student, dated the abortion doctor who happened to have delivered her. [Link] Their affair went on for over six years and she left the doctor after meeting Rick Santorum. Her 40 year senior lover, Dr. Tom Allen stated in a Newsweek interview, "When she moved out to go be with Rick, she told me I’d like him, that he was pro-choice and a humanist,” he said at the time. “But I don’t think there’s a humanist bone in that man’s body.” [Link] Of course, we all do stupid things in our youth and our ideas and beliefs can change. Rick and his wife, Karen Garver Santorum have seven living children. The youngest is Isabella who was diagnosed with a serious genetic disorder most often caused by the advanced age of the mother. Little "Bella" was recently hospitalized. The Santorum's were recently on James Dobson's radio program talking about the tragedy of losing their son Gabriel in 1996. They claimed he was born prematurely and died two hours after birth. Other articles claim the child was stillborn. They brought the deceased infant home from the hospital and introduced him to their children as their brother Gabriel before the funeral and burial. In a 2004 interview on PBS with Terry Gross, Rick Santorum talked about his wife's 1996 second trimester abortion. They obviously don't like to describe it that way. Karen had to justify her decision to save her own life by explaining that if she had not had the late term abortion, she could have died and her other children would have lost their mother. In Karen's 19th week of pregnancy check up, the Santorum's were told the baby had a defect and was going to die. A bladder shunt surgery was done on the baby, but the risk of infection was high. Karen developed a high fever two days later and was rushed to the hospital. They were told she had an intrauterine infection and the baby was the source. Once Karen was put on IV antibiotics for the infection, they knew the baby was lost as this induced labor. Gabriel was delivered and died two hours later. Both Karen and the baby very well would have died had they not intervened to save Karen's life. It was a terrible loss for the family. I certainly do not consider this an abortion, although some might. However, there are problems with what occurred in the Santorum family versus Rick's public statements. Santorum’s views are unapologetically black-and-white. He advocates that any doctor performing an abortion under any circumstances should be criminally charged, even for rape, even for incest, and even for saving the mother’s life. None of them justify abortion in Rick Santorum’s world, unless of course, it's his own wife. Support for Pro-Abort Christine Todd Whitman In 1997, Santorum campaigned for the abortion promoting governor of New Jersey, Christine Todd Whitman, CFR member and former EPA administrator (2001-2003). Governor Whitman has deep associations with radical abortion supporting groups; Republicans for Choice and The Republican Majority for Choice. In fact, Whitman is even an active proponent of partial birth abortions. In January 2008, she was named a co-chair of the globalist new age Aspen Institute's Health Stewardship Project. The former head of the Aspen Institute, new age environmentalist Maurice Strong, has membership in the following organizations, but this does not include the entire list: • Senior Advisor to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan • Senior Advisor to World Bank President James Wolfensohn • Chairman of the Earth Council (Agenda 21/Sustainable Development) • Chairman of the World Resources Institute • Co-Chairman of the Council of the World Economic Forum • member of Toyota’s International Advisory Board He is also a long time member of the Futurist Society (which Newt Gingrich belongs to as well as Newt’s long time friends Alvin and Heidi Toffler). Advertisement According to her bio on the Whitman Strategy Group website, Whitman has the following affiliations: Director, Americans Elect (corporations promoting presidential candidates for corporate benefit) • Co-chair, National Smart Growth Council (Agenda 21) • Member, governors' board of the Oquirrh Institute • Board of Directors, S. C. Johnson and Son, Inc. • Board of Directors, Texas Instruments • Board of Directors, United Technologies • Board of Directors, Millennium Challenge Corporation (sustainable economic growth) • Board of Directors, Council on Foreign Relations • Honorary Board, Republicans for Environmental Protection In June 2008, Whitman was named chair of the Water Policy Institute. The bottom line is...why would a so-called social conservative ever support a woman like Whitman who is anathema to Santorum's spouted beliefs? Or is she? Support for Radical Abortionist Senator Arlen Specter In 2001, Senator Santorum actively campaigned for pro-abort Senator Arlen Specter instead of pro-life congressman Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania. Santorum had previously endorsed Specter in his short-lived campaign for president in 1996. Specter had previously supplied Santorum with key political staff for his successful run in 1994. Specter of course changed from a left-wing Republican to a left-wing Democrat hoping to retain his seat. Specter has never been a conservative. He served as assistant counsel for the Warren Commission investigating the assassination of John F. Kennedy and helped devise the "single bullet theory," or "magic bullet theory" as it's called by critics. Specter's opposition to Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork in 1987 is seen as an important factor in the nomination's failure. In April 2009, Specter switched parties giving the Democrats a 60th vote in the Senate when Al Franken was declared the winner in Minnesota and sworn in after court challenges in July 2009. Specter put that vote to good use casting the 60th vote for cloture on Obamacare in late December 2009. Having enabled Obamacare to proceed to a full vote, Specter cast the 50th vote for Obamacare (guaranteeing passage because Biden could cast a tie breaker). Santorum claims he had to support Specter's Senate race because Specter was the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee and could see to it that the skids were greased for President Bush's Supreme court nominees. All but 22 Democrats voted to approve Roberts. Specter supports LGBT rights. He voted to prohibit job discrimination based on sexual orientation, and was a co-sponsor of the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Specter is opposed to same-sex marriage, but is also opposed to a federal ban and supports civil unions. Specter also voted in favor of repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell in the lame-duck session of the 111th Congress. Specter voted 50% of the time with the Democrats when he was a Republican and 90% of the time when he became a Democrat. Thanks to President Bush and Santorum, Arlen Specter is responsible for giving us the draconian Obamacare legislation. Why would "Mr. Pro-Life" strongly campaign for a rabid pro-abortion candidate against a strong pro-life candidate? Santorum and Planned Parenthood The following is from the New American article which appeared January 17, 2012 entitled, Santorum Voted to Subsidize Abortion, Planned Parenthood, by Alex Newman. Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) received $$487.4 million in tax dollars over a twelve-month period and performed 329,455 abortions. Santorum's votes to indirectly fund (through title X family planning) abortion provider Planned Parenthood clinics makes him a partner in crime of the ungodly murder of the innocent unborn. "Mr. Pro-life" voted to have innocent Americans placed into the PP vegi-matic laboratories and enthusiastically campaigned for pro abortion Arlen Specter against the more conservative Pat Toomey. Rick may mistakenly believe that his votes to indirectly fund Planned Parenthood can be hidden from Christians that march for life, but they can't. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Santorum has also voted for legislation that is being used to federally prosecute peaceful pro-life protesters who demonstrate outside of abortion clinics. He also argued that he voted for the unconstitutional appropriations — used for terminating pregnancies, lobbying against pro-life legislation, handing out birth control, and litigating to keep abortion legal — because they were part of bigger spending bills he supported. Santorum also voted for the Democrat-sponsored “Freedom of Access to [Abortion] Clinic Entrances Act,” legislation purportedly making it a federal crime to “interfere” with a person seeking to terminate a pregnancy. As critics warned at the time, the bill has been used with increasing frequency to prosecute peaceful protesters. Mathew 7:16-17 states, "Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit." It is not by their words, but by their actions we are to judge these politicians, and thus in effect we are to be "fruit inspectors." In Part 11, we'll look at the rest of Santorum's voting record and whether he's brought forth good or evil fruit. For part three click below. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4 , © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Phony Rightwing: Rick Santorum, Part 3
THE PHONY RIGHTWING PART 3 of 4 By Kelleigh Nelson February 12, 2012 Rick Santorum "I believe there are more instances of abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations ..." -James Madison Many of you who read my articles and write me wonderful letters and even take the time to send me gifts have actually become wonderful cyber friends. Because so many of you have requested these articles on the GOP candidates, I've had to dredge through their backgrounds and their voting records for documentation. It has not been an easy task, and I'm always relieved when I'm finished with writing about another one of these traitorous leaders. In the previous article on Santorum, the research was on his somewhat hypocritical pro-life stance. In this article we'll be looking at his voting record and fiscal policies. The articles on Rick Santorum will be three parts. Rick Santorum has the dubious distinction of being one of the most corrupt politicians in America, and one of the most corrupt senators in his brief so-called ‘representation’ of Pennsylvania–when he didn’t even live there. His rhetoric may be that of a conservative, but research shows he's closer to the communist Santorum clan in Italy than they or we know. Perhaps the acorn hasn't fallen far from the tree. No Child Left Behind January, 2012 marks the 10-year anniversary of the day Bush signed NCLB into law in Hamilton, Ohio. By his side were the leaders of the education committees in Congress, Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass, the bipartisanship duo that made this horrible Act possible. Rick Santorum voted for and strongly supported legislation that doubled the size of the Department of Education and he was a big supporter of NCLB who joined with Kennedy to push passage of this Act. This legislation, which passed 381-41 in the House and 87-10 in the Senate in January 2002, is accompanied by the largest dollar increase ever in federal education aid . Education Week, 1/9/02, describes the No Child Left Behind Act as follows: "The mega-measure is accompanied by the largest dollar increase ever in federal education aid. The Department of Education's overall budget will rise by $$6.7 billion in fiscal 2002, to nearly $$49 billion." The legislation, although pretending to terminate the highly controversial Goals 2000 and the School-To-Work (STW) legislation passed in the nineties under President Clinton and initiated in the eighties under Presidents Reagan and Bush, Sr., actually continues the totalitarian agenda because all states have implemented the requirements of Goals 2000 and STW. On her website Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt , the brilliant education researcher and former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education, has a wonderful article exposing the truth about this horrid legislation. A quote from it states: Although Pres. Bush, according to a Washington Times article by Bill Sammon, 1/9/02, said in regard to the education bill he signed that "Parents will have more information about the schools and more say in how their children are educated . . . from this day forward, all students will have a better chance to learn, to excel and to live out their dreams." Pardon me, but this is a plain lie, and a lie embraced by Mass. Senator Ted Kennedy and others (like Rick Santorum John Boehner) supporting this legislation as well. How can parents have a say in how their children are educated when the federal government is mandating testing of children's attitudes and values? (Sixty percent of the test items on National Assessment of Educational Progress - NAEP are attitudinal .) Bush's mandate for testing will of course call for a mandated federal curriculum since one can't test what one hasn't taught. What tiny bit of local control remained prior to this legislation will be swept away. School superintendents and good teachers are already complaining about having lost control. Even the New York Times has problems with Leave No Child Behind. It bragged that the more than 1000-page giant education bill will "dramatically extend the federal role in public education" and, indeed, is "a breathtaking intrusion of the federal government on states' control of education." Rick didn't stop there, he voted to increase Federal funding for teacher testing, and to increase spending for the Department of Education by $$3.1 billion. Second Amendment Senator Santorum has a mixed record on the second amendment. He claims he's staunchly pro-second amendment. However, in the 90s, he voted to support the Lautenberg Gun Ban, which stripped for life, law-abiding gun owners of their Second Amendment rights, simply because they spanked their children or did nothing more than grab a spouses wrist. He voted for a bill in 1999 disguised as an attempt to increase penalties on drug traffickers with guns… but it also included a provision to require federal background checks at gun shows. And then he voted with gun-controlling Democrats Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, and Frank Lautenberg to mandate locks on handguns in 2005. (S Amdt 3230 Gun Lock Requirement Amendment) Worst of all, Rick Santorum has a storied history of bailing out anti-gun Republicans facing reelection. Santorum came to anti-gun Arlen Specter’s defense in 2004 when he was down in the polls against pro-gun Republican Pat Toomey. Specter won and continued to push for gun control during his years in the Senate. Santorum also flip-flopped here by voting FOR Title: Firearms Manufacturers Protection Bill and then he voted against S1805 – Firearms Manufacturers Protection Bill. In 2004, Senator Santorum voted for legislation to require child locks on all weapons. That same legislation contained the Gun Free School Zone Act. That legislation made it illegal to be in possession of a firearm on school grounds. Senator Santorum has repeatedly supported Project Exile. Project Exile was a federal program started in Richmond, Virginia in 1997. The project was designed to shift the prosecution of illegal technical gun possession offenses from state courts to federal court , where they carried a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in federal prison under the federal Gun Control Act of 1968. Santorum Voted to require pawn shops to do background checks on people who pawn a gun. Voted twice to make it illegal to sell a gun without a secure storage or safety device. Voted for a Federal ban on possession of “assault weapons” by those under 18. Voted for Federal funding for anti-gun education programs in schools. Voted for anti-gun juvenile justice bill. Sounds to me like Rick Santorum made a lot of unconstitutional deals. Advertisement Fiscal Responsibility Rick Santorum voted five times to raise the debt ceiling adding trillions to the debt and stated, "I am no longer a deficit hawk, I had to spend the surpluses." (The Hill, 2/5/03). While in office, Santorum voted to spend taxpayer money to fight AIDS globally, to help underprivileged children in third world countries, to pay off debts owed to the US by other nations and to combat political instability in Sudan. Where is any of this allowed in our constitution? On Welfare alone he voted to allow welfare to a minor who had a child out of wedlock and who resided with an adult who was on welfare within the previous two year. Santorum voted against both food stamp and Medicaid Reform, and voted for $$2 billion for low income heating assistance. He voted to increase welfare programs such as Healthy Start. Such social-welfare spending projects are not typically associated with the concept of Republican conservatism, or at least they didn't used to be. He also strongly supported the largest hike in welfare entitlement spending in history (prior to Obamacare) – Medicaid Part D and Voted to increase tobacco taxes to pay for Medicare prescription drugs. This was the largest expansion of entitlement spending since President Lyndon B. Johnson, creating $$16 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities. This was George W. Bush’s free prescription medicine program, virtually socializing the pharmaceutical industry which is now being funded by ever increasing prescription drug prices to consumers. Santorum was quite happy to vote to enrich the industry from which he had received so many campaign contributions. In fact, Santorum was such a favorite of GlaxoSmithKline that, following the loss of his senate seat, executives wrote, “The defeat of [Santorum] creates a big hole we need to fill.” The leaked memo is evidence that unprincipled politicians, like Santorum, can still be bought and sold in the USA. Santorum cosponsored the Workplace Religious Freedom Act with John Kerry. Other backers included Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy. This Act would have forced all business owners to accommodate the religious practices of all their employees. Rick believes if companies don't cater to the different faiths of their employees, then they should be compelled by law to do so. From Wikipedia, "This legislation has garnered the diverse support of various religious groups including, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, the Southern Baptist Convention, the National Council of Churches, the North American Council for Muslim Women, the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Council on American Islamic Relations, B'nai B'rith International, the American Jewish Committee, Agudath Israel of America, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and other groups." Can you imagine the cost to small businesses? No true fiscal conservative would sanction this type of law with the variety of so-called religions today. His Tax Increases alone would disqualify him as a fiscal conservative, but truly across the board he is a big government spender. He voted to increase tobacco taxes (a sin tax) four times. He voted to increase taxes by $$9.4 billion to pay for this same amount in an increase to student loans. He voted twice for internet taxes. Santorum voted against the repealing of the Clinton 4.3 cent gasoline tax increase. The Senator voted to make Medicare part B premium subsidies a new entitlement. He voted to raid Social Security instead of using surpluses to pay down the debt, and then he voted for giving $$18 billion to the IMF! Of course paying off the debt (at $$5.6 trillion at the time) within 30 years didn't appeal to him either. He actually voted to raise the debt ceiling five times! On Immigration, the Senator voted against hiring an additional 1,000 border patrol agents, paid for by reductions in some state grants. Subsequently, the border patrol was cut even further and when I wrote to my Senators, Lamar Alexander wrote back to me that he would send my letter to Homeland Security and they would answer me. (Was that a threat Senator?) I have yet to hear a word and I comment about it in every letter I write to Alexander, but back to Senator Santorum. He voted against increasing the number of immigration investigators and voted to allow illegal immigrants to receive the "earned income" tax credit before becoming citizens! Excuse me, but this is blatant redistribution of wealth and to illegal aliens who have not contributed to society. The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) benefited from Santorum's vote for taxpayer funding of same. He also made sure he voted against a 10% cut in the budget for the NEA. Why would Santorum, as a Catholic, vote for funding the NEA when they feel a crucifix in a jar of urine is art? This is a social conservative? On Free Trade, Rick made the right choice and voted against NAFTA in 1993, but in subsequent votes he voted yes for the Oman, Morocco, Singapore, Chile, and Australia FTA as well as CAFTA. He voted yes to the Trade Authority as well as to normal trade relations with China. HOW SANTORUM VIEWS GOVERNMENT Rick Santorum made this statement, "One of the criticisms I make is to what I refer to as more of a Libertarianish right. They have this idea that people should be left alone, be able to do whatever they want to, government should keep our taxes down and keep our regulations low, that we shouldn't get involved in the bedroom, we shouldn't get involved in the cultural issues. That is not how traditional conservatives view the world. There is no such society that I'm aware of where we've had radical individualism and that it succeeds as a culture." [Link] [Link] Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Well now excuse me Rick, but isn't that what America was founded on, INDIVIDUALISM? Are you saying you prefer Obama's form of collectivism and communitarianism? Sure does sound like it since you and Hillary Clinton are the only two people who are directly attacking the "pursuit of happiness." You are no constitutionalist, fiscal conservative or small government are exactly the opposite. In the final article on Rick Santorum, we'll look at his Defense and Foreign Policy record as well as his connection with pedophile Jerry Sandusky, how he's treated veterans, the "K Street Project," and the ways politicians like Santorum become quite wealthy. For part four click below. © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4 , Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo
Saakashvili may eat another tie, this time for Ukraine
Saakashvili may eat another tie, this time for Ukraine Ukrainian Prime Minister Vladimir Groysman commented on yesterday's act, when former Odessa region Governor and former President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili crossed the border between Poland and Ukraine on foot being unable to use any transport means to enter Ukraine. According to Groysman, Saakashvili committed an "attack on Ukrainian statehood." Source: YouTube screencap "The forceful breakthrough of the Ukrainian border is a crime, and those who are involved in the organisation of this act must be held accountable for it. This is the beginning of another attack against Ukrainian statehood," Groysman wrote on Facebook. The President of Ukraine also spoke on the situation. Commenting on the illegal crossing of the Ukrainian state border by former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, Petro Poroshenko expressed a hope that Saakashvili would be just as zealous to return to his homeland. "I am convinced that this is a case for law enforcement agencies and they have started to act accordingly. Let's leave politics to politicians, crime to law enforcers, prosecutors and court ... I hope that this gentleman will have the same zeal to make his way to Georgia, as he tried to get to Ukraine," Poroshenko said. Mikhail Saakashvili, who is known for his tie-chewing habit, stated that he lost his Ukrainian passport, which was a legal way for him to enter. According to him, he left his Ukrainian passport in a bus on the border with Ukraine, but then "the police came and stole it." Saakashvili, a disgraced politician, boarded an Intercity train in Poland to travel to Ukraine's Lvov, but the train was delayed "because of a passenger without a right to enter the territory of Ukraine." Without waiting for the train to leave, Saakashvili switched to a bus, on which he reached Shegini checkpoint. A live chain of border guards and SBU officers blocked the entrance to the checkpoint. However, Saakashvili's supporters broke the cordon of border guards having carried the disgraced politician onto the territory of Ukraine. The border guards took no measures in response. Later, Saakashbili had a dinner with Mayor of Lvov, Andrey Sadovy. Pravda.Ru Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo
Ukraine hopes to receive lethal weapons from USA and Canada
Ukraine hopes to receive lethal weapons from USA and Canada Kiev still hopes to receive both American and Canadian lethal weapons for its troops in the Donbass, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Ivanna Klimpush-Tsintsadze said. AP photo In an interview with reporters, she said that Kiev still harbors such hopes as a result of recent meetings in the United States. "We understand that they fully support the provision of weapons to Ukraine," the vice-premier told 112. Ukraine TV channel. "We hope that President Trump will make the decision, and we will be able to defend our military men," she said adding that it may go about shipments of long-range radar stations from the USA. Today, the vice premier met with members of the Standing Committee on National Defense of the House of Commons of the Parliament of Canada. The officials discussed the Ukrainian-Canadian relations, as well as prospects for expanding cooperation in the field of security and defense. Meanwhile, non-factional deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, Viktor Baloga, believes that Kiev should not count much on supplies of lethal weapons from the US or Canada. In his opinion, this will never happen, because "the world does not live in Ukrainian problems." Pravda.Ru Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo
Crimean border guards to build 50-km wall on border with Ukraine
Crimean border guards to build 50-km wall on border with Ukraine Border guards of the Crimea intend to build a 50-kilometer wall on the border with Ukraine to ensure the security of the republic, officials with the border department of the FSB of Russia in the Republic of Crimea said. AP photo According to the press service of the department, the construction of the wall will cost more than 200 million rubles. The government procurement website says that the works for the construction of the wall between the Crimea and Ukraine are to be completed already this year. The agency announced a tender for the supply and installation of a fence with a height of more than two meters and a length of 49.5 km. The construction will be erected in the Krasnoperekopsky district that borders on Ukraine. The tender documentation indicates that the works should be completed by December 20, 2017, the maximum (initial) cost of the contract is 212.88 million rubles. Pravda.Ru Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru
Will Phoenix, Navy Corpseman
UK Man has Prostate Removed after Tests Reveal ‘Jolie’ Gene Flaw
By Tom Porter Angelina Jolie has revealed she underwent a double masectomy when tests revealed genes associated with breast cancer A 53-year-old British father has become the first man to have his prostate removed because tests revealed he was carrying a “faulty” cancer gene. A clinical trial at London’s Institute of Cancer Research revealed that he carried the BRCA2 gene, which research shows is associated with a high risk of developing prostate cancer. Several of the man’s family had suffered from breast or prostate cancer, which is why he took part in the study. The closely associated BRCA1 gene has been known for some time to have links with breast cancer, and last week actress Angelina Jolie revealed that she had undergone a double mastectomy when tests revealed that she carried the gene. After receiving the news the man asked doctors to remove his prostate, which tests had shown to be healthy. Surgeons were initially reluctant, since the potential side effects of the operation include infertility, incontinence and sexual dysfunction. MRI scans and a prostate-specific antigen, or PSA tests, did not show the presence of malignant cells, but microscopic examination revealed cell changes associated with cancer, prompting the surgeons to act. Surgeon Roger Kirby told the Sunday Times: “The relatively low level of cancerous cells we found in this man’s prostate before the operation would these days not normally prompt immediate surgery to remove the gland, but given what we now know about the nature of BRCA2, it was definitely the right thing for this patient.” After the gland was removed, tests revealed previously undetected cancers. “This patient is now absolutely fine. A number of these BRCA families have now been identified, and knowing you are a carrier is like having the sword of Damocles hanging over you. You are living in a state of constant fear. I am sure more male BRCA carriers will now follow suit.” Doctors believe that other men who know they carry the rogue gene may now opt for a similar procedure. Prostate cancer is the most common form of male cancer in the UK. It affects about one in eight men, and kills approximately 10,000 each year. Share this: Share Facebook Twitter Google LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Email Print Related Posts via Taxonomies
Sabrina Tavernise, Will Phoenix, Navy Corpseman
Becoming An American Could Be Bad For Your Health…
Esther Angeles, 41, with her daughter, Johanna Marisol Gomez, 7. Ms. Angeles has developed diabetes since coming to the United States and struggles to see that her daughter eats healthfully. By SABRINA TAVERNISE A growing body of mortality research on immigrants has shown that the longer they live in this country, the worse their rates of heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. And while their American-born children may have more money, they tend to live shorter lives than the parents. The pattern goes against any notion that moving to America improves every aspect of life. It also demonstrates that at least in terms of health, worries about assimilation for the country’s 11 million illegal immigrants are mistaken. In fact, it is happening all too quickly. “There’s something about life in the United States that is not conducive to good health across generations,” said Robert A. Hummer, a social demographer at the University of Texas at Austin. For Hispanics, now the nation’s largest immigrant group, the foreign-born live about three years longer than their American-born counterparts, several studies have found. Why does life in the United States — despite its sophisticated health care system and high per capita wages — lead to worse health? New research is showing that the immigrant advantage wears off with the adoption of American behaviors — smoking, drinking, high-calorie diets and sedentary lifestyles. Here in Brownsville, a worn border city studded with fast-food restaurants, immigrants say that happens slowly, almost imperceptibly. In America, foods like ham and bread that are not supposed to be sweet are. And children lose their taste for traditional Mexican foods like cactus and beans. For the recently arrived, the quantity and accessibility of food speaks to the boundless promise of the United States. Esther Angeles remembers being amazed at the size of hamburgers — as big as dinner plates — when she first came to the United States from Mexico 15 years ago. “I thought, this is really a country of opportunity,” she said. “Look at the size of the food!” Fast-food fare not only tasted good, but was also a sign of success, a family treat that new earnings put in reach. “The crispiness was delicious,” said Juan Muniz, 62, recalling his first visit to Church’s Chicken with his family in the late 1970s. “I was proud and excited to eat out. I’d tell them: ‘Let’s go eat. We can afford it now.’ ” For others, supersize deals appealed. “You work so hard, you want to use your money in a smart way,” said Aris Ramirez, a community health worker in Brownsville, explaining the thinking. “So when they hear ‘twice the fries for an extra 49 cents,’ people think, ‘That’s economical.’ ” For Ms. Angeles, the excitement of big food eventually wore off, and the frantic pace of the modern American workplace took over. She found herself eating hamburgers more because they were convenient and she was busy in her 78-hour-a-week job as a housekeeper. What is more, she lost control over her daughter’s diet because, as a single mother, she was rarely with her at mealtimes. Robert O. Valdez, a professor of family and community medicine and economics at the University of New Mexico, said, “All the things we tell people to do from a clinical perspective today — a lot of fiber and less meat — were exactly the lifestyle habits that immigrants were normally keeping.” As early as the 1970s, researchers found that immigrants lived several years longer than American-born whites even though they tended to have less education and lower income, factors usually associated with worse health. That gap has grown since 1980. Less clear, however, was what happened to immigrants and their American-born offspring after a lifetime in the United States. Evidence is mounting that the second generation does worse. Elizabeth Arias, a demographer at the National Center for Health Statistics, has made exploratory estimates based on data from 2007 to 2009, which show that Hispanic immigrants live 2.9 years longer than American-born Hispanics. The finding, which has not yet been published, is similar to those in earlier studies. Still, the data does not break down by generation. Ms. Arias cautioned that subsequent generations — for example, grandchildren and great-grandchildren — may indeed improve as they rise in socioeconomic status, which in the United States is strongly correlated with better health.
Michael Greger M.D. Faclm
Does Caramel Color Cause Cancer?
Used as a coloring agent in products ranging from colas and beer to gravies and soy sauce, caramel coloring may be the world’s most widely consumed food coloring. It helps grocery stores sell more than a billion servings of food and beverages a day. Unfortunately, the manufacturing of certain artificial caramel colorings can lead to the formation of carcinogens such as 4-methylimidazole, which causes cancer in mice but not rats (or at least, not male rats). However, it is unclear whether humans are more like mice or rats in terms of their response to the carcinogen. To be safe, California officially listed it as a carcinogen and started requiring warning labels on soft drinks containing more than 29 micrograms per serving. The soft drink industry was unsuccessful in opposing the action, so they were forced to reduce carcinogen levels in their products—but only in California. Buy Coke anywhere else, and it may have up to five times the limit (See Is Caramel Color Carcinogenic?). There’s another class of additives that the soda industry uses to make its soda brown (see Phosphate Additives in Meat Purge and Cola). There are other harmful additives in soda as well (Is Sodium Benzoate Harmful? and Diet Soda and Preterm Birth). Similarly the junk food industry uses titanium dioxide to whiten processed foods (Titanium Dioxide & Inflammatory Bowel Disease). The meat industry has also used potentially toxic additives for cosmetic purposes such as arsenic-containing drugs (Arsenic in Chicken) and phosphate additives in chicken to make poultry pink. Carbon monoxide is used to keep red meat red, and acanthoxanthins keep salmon pink (Artificial Coloring in Fish). It’s amazing the risks the food industry will take to alter appearances (Artificial Food Colors and ADHD). -Michael Greger, M.D. PS: If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to my videos for free by clicking here and watch my full 2012 – 2015 presentations Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death, More than an Apple a Day, From Table to Able, and Food as Medicine.
Александр Артамонов, Руслан Веснянко, Любовь Степушова
Российский аналог NASA TV создаст "Роскосмос"
В России появится телеканал о космосе В государственной корпорации "Роскосмос" планируют создать телеканал, посвященный космической тематике, заявил директор по коммуникациям "Роскосмоса" Игорь Буренков форуме Inspace, посвященном частной космонавтике в РФ. По словам Буренкова, этот канал должен стать аналогом телевидения NASA-TV. По его мнению, российская пропаганда космических достижений должна быть не хуже, чем в США, где выходит огромное количество фильмов и телепередач о космосе. В настоящий момент у госкорпорации есть своя телестудия, которая публикует видеоматериалы на канале в YouTube и собственном сайте, сообщает "Интерфакс". С 2006 года на телеканале "Россия 24" еженедельно выходит программа телестудии "Космонавтика". Читайте последние новости Pravda.Ru на сегодня
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Phony Rightwing: Rick Santorum, Part 4
THE PHONY RIGHTWING PART 4 of 4 By Kelleigh Nelson February 15, 2012 Rick Santorum, Part 3 "You have rights antecedent to all earthy governments; rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; rights derived from the Great Legislator of the Universe." -John Adams I was remiss in not researching and writing about Rick Santorum long ago. It was my mistake and many of my readers and a couple of my friends were right. Kelleigh Nelson - 1/5/12 Rick's Money Man Foster Friess is the money man behind Rick Santorum. In 2006 Friess gave $$250,000 to Santorum's failed Senatorial campaign. The Daily Finance states, "The super PAC to which Friess is the largest donor, the Red White and Blue Fund, has given to the former Speaker of the House, but the amount the group has spent on pro-Gingrich ads -- more than $$70,000 -- is eclipsed by the $$2.2 million spent so far on Santorum. By comparison, the former Pennsylvania senator's campaign has spent less than $$1 million dollars on its own so far. " In this same article by Daily Finance, Friess sounds like the epitome of a wealthy capitalist Christian patriot. Scratch the surface however, and you'll find some very disturbing connections. Friess is a charter member of the secretive Council for National Policy (CNP) which I wrote about in my three part article, Saving the Republic? The Democratic Daily wrote an article entitled, Dominionist Cash and You, which shows some of the Friess Foundation's donations. The Council for National Policy was started allegedly to counter the workings of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), yet there were five CFR members on the early membership rosters of the CNP. The CNP was started in 1981 by Nelson Bunker Hunt, CBN founder Pat Robertson, Tim LaHaye, (who accepted millions from Sun Myung Moon, the cultist who claims he came to finish what Jesus started) and T. Cullen Davis who helped finance the fledgling group. T. Cullen Davis was tried for murder not once, but twice. A book written about the trials is still available entitled, “Blood Will Tell: The Murder Trials of T. Cullen Davis” by Gary Cartwright. For a short synopsis click here. Foster Friess is also a member of the Koch brothers (David and Charles) Million Dollar Donor Club. I wrote extensively about David Koch in Part 1 of The Tea Parties. Koch is a member of the globalist new age Aspen Institute whose former head was none other than new age environmentalist Maurice Strong whom I wrote about in More Republican Deception. Please note, Strong is with the United Nations and heavily involved in Agenda 21/Sustainable Development/Smart Growth. To top it off Foster is on the board of the John Templeton Foundation which awards millions each year to recipients such as William F. Buckley (CFR, TC, Bonesman) and charter CNP member Rich DeVos, Amway founder. The Templeton Foundation has swayed far from its original intent as a Christian philanthropic organization. [Link] [Link] The phony right wing is funding their left wing Republican for president, just as they've done for the past three decades under the umbrella of the CNP. Santorum and Veterans The Armed Forces Retirement Home, run by the Department of Defense (DoD), bills itself as the "premier home for military retirees and veterans." The Home has 272 acres in northern Washington, DC. Nearly 600 veterans who live there now enjoy a beautiful view of the Washington Monument, US Capitol, and Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. More than 2,000 veterans of World Wars I and II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War lived there. The primary source of revenue for the Home was a 50 cent deduction from the paychecks of active-duty service members, but with today's smaller all volunteer army it wasn't enough to keep the Home operating fully. They trimmed their staff by 24 percent and reduced the vet population by 800. Still there were problems and the older historic facilities began to run into disrepair. The Chairman of the Home's Board of Directors told Congress in 1999, they could lease a 49 acre piece of land worth $$49 million for a potential lifeline. The parcel could be developed and the home could pocket a figure around $$105 million in income over 35 years for its trust fund. The Chairman, David Lacy, did not want to sell the land because then it would be a lost asset forever. Advertisement Rick Santorum has pledged to "make veterans a high priority" if elected president. However as a US Senator he engineered a rotten and controversial land deal that robbed the military's top veterans' Home of tens of millions of dollars and even worsened the deteriorating conditions of the Home. At the behest of the Roman Catholic Church, and unknown to the Home, Santorum slipped an amendment into the 1999 National Defense Authorization Act handcuffing how the Home could cash in on those 49 acres. The Amendment forced the Home to sell, not lease, the land to its next-door neighbor, the Catholic University of America. They bought 46 acres of the tract of land for $$22 million. The Home lost the land for good, and by its own estimates pocketed $$27 million less than the land's value and $$83 million less than what it could've made under the lease plan. Laurence Branch, the executive director of the Home's board at the time said the Santorum amendment was "a travesty" and the Church's lobbying for the land a case of "coveting thy neighborhood's goods." To this day Branch is convinced that Santorum is no friend of veterans. How He Votes Rick Santorum voted to give $$25 million in foreign aid to North Korea, voted against transferring $$20 million from Americorps to veterans, voted for the START II Treaty, voted to allow the sale of supercomputers to China, voted against requiring Congressional authorization for military action in Bosnia, voted to require Federal bureaucrats to get the same pay raises as uniformed military, voted for the Chemical Weapons Convention, but then voted against requiring the President to certify that the CWC is effectively verifiable! Finally he voted against requiring the President to certify that Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, North Korea, China and all other countries determined to be state sponsors of terror have joined the CWC prior to submitting the instrument of ratification. Santorum has even voted to expand NATO. As far as the assassination of American citizen, Anwar Awlaka, Santorum thinks this is a good thing, so what can be done to one unsavory US citizen can be done to any US citizen the government decides needs assassinating. He even believes in bombing countries that have never attacked the United States and has verbally stated as President he would bomb Iran's nuclear facilities unless they were opened up for international arms inspectors. According to one website US bases surround the country of Iran! This man is another warmonger who feels he has the right to meddle in the affairs of every other country on earth. How about bringing the soldiers home, rebuilding the bases closed by Clinton in the 90s, and defunding welfare for illegal aliens? Big Labor Santorum voted with liberals like Ted Kennedy on multiple occasions in support of big labor's radical agenda. Santorum voted for an increase in the minimum wage six times, voted twice in support of the Unionization of Fedex, voted for Job Corps funding, voted against National Right to Work Act, voted for mandatory Federal child care funding, voted to require a union representative on an IRS oversight board, voted to exempt IRS union representatives from criminal ethics laws, and voted against creating an independent Board of Governors to investigate IRS abuses. The Senator didn't seem to have a problem with voting for Sarbanes Oxley either. Opponents of the bill claim it has reduced America's international competitive edge against foreign financial service providers, saying SOX has introduced an overly complex regulatory environment into U.S. financial markets. Guess who pays the increased costs to services? Right to Privacy Santorum has frequently been asked about his belief in the "right to privacy." His position is that no such right exists under the Constitution. He said, "...this right to privacy doesn't exist in my opinion in the United States Constitution." Our Constitution also does not spell out the right to marriage, right to having children, the right to eat or drink, right to purchase, etc. Advertisement The Constitution isn't about what people can do; it's about what government can do. The Constitution was created to spell out the limited rights or powers given to the federal government. It was clearly understood that the government had no powers that weren't authorized in the Constitution. Nevertheless, Santorum is comfortable supporting legislation that imposes his own values on everyone else. He supports the prohibition of contraception! He even supports punitive actions against people who do not follow the government's warnings in evacuation circumstances. Santorum likes strong government and doesn't seem to have a problem with exercising punitive control over American citizens. The Sandusky Pedophile Ring Senator Santorum denies he was tied to Jerry Sandusky, the ex-assistant football coach accused of pedophilia at Santorum's alma mater, Penn State University. In 2002, Sandusky was caught by assistant coach Mike McQueary molesting a boy about 10 years old in the locker room showers, as has been subsequently reported to the grand jury. A day later, McQueary reported this to head coach, Joe Paterno. Paterno allegedly notified Penn State University athletic director Tim Curley and former senior vice president Gary Schultz who apparently reported the abuse to campus police rather than local police. Santorum and Sandusky worked closely in the "Second Mile" project, a charity supposedly to aid troubled youngsters. Second Mile was founded by Sandusky in 1977. Sandusky founded Second Mile to take in troubled and orphaned vulnerable children, but used these children for far different purposes than purported. Many of them were raped. Sandusky had sex with at least eight of them. Other children were allegedly farmed out to be used as sex objects. Some of these young people from Second Mile were used as pages in Santorum's offices because of his affiliation with Sandusky and Second Mile. Allegedly many other U.S. Congressmen and Senators used these children for various minor positions in their offices through Santorum's connections to Second Mile. In 2002, Santorum actually regarded Sandusky so highly that he personally nominated and gave him an award, the Congressional Angels in Adoption Award. Now, however, Santorum is doing his best to distance himself from Sandusky saying he, "does not know Sandusky personally." Well, then who was it that presented the award to Sandusky? Santorum even defended Joe Paterno and said he should be treated leniently. Even after Paterno was questioned as to why he did not report the crime, Santorum defended him. What is so bizarre is that even after the child rape was officially reported by the police, the highly compromised Santorum stood strong for both men. In contrast, he never said a word of concern about the victims or their families. Second Mile was closed and all assets were seized in order to settle suits of the traumatized youths who kept coming forward with charges of sexual abuse. Corruption Retail giant Wal-Mart lined Santorum's pockets with campaign cash of $$10,000 in one month alone. Of course the giant received votes from Santorum relating to overtime, minimum wages, tort reform and charitable giving credits. etc. Rick created a charitable foundation in 2001. Operation Good Neighbor Foundation gave out $$474,000 to community groups in its first few years. However within that time it had raised over a million dollars. The remaining half million was paid out as salaries and consulting fees to lobbyists and fundraisers connected to Santorum's campaign. Only 36% of the money raised actually made it to the designated help. In a political action committee formed by Santorum that was supposed to be raising money to help fellow Republican candidates, only 18% of the funds went to those candidates. The remaining funds were used by Santorum with reports showing dozens of trips to fast food joints, supermarkets, Starbucks and other everyday expenses that had little to do with the action committee. In other legislative favors, Santorum was given $$6,000 from Miller Brewing only six months after he'd introduced legislation to cut taxes on large brewing companies. The same went for the US Tobacco Company the day after he voted against a tobacco regulation bill. Santorum made headlines when he stopped to visit Terri Shiavo who in 2005 lay on her deathbed in Tampa, Florida. Allegedly the real reason for his visit was to collect $$250,000 in money raised for him by the execs of Outback Steakhouse. Of course Rick agreed with Outback that the minimum wage should not be increased. The senator flew back on a Wal-Mart corporate jet. Taking money from corporations and then voting for legislation that favors their positions is called corruption. Santorum also became involved in a scandal known as the "K Street Project." Led by convicted felon, Congressman Tom Delay, the project had associations with lobbyists including Council for National Policy member Jack Abramoff. These lobbying firms were pressured to hire high ranking Republican lawmakers and to grant GOP lobbyists with access to influential decision makers. Santorum played the role of Senate liaison. These connections landed Santorum high paying lobbying opportunities after he lost his seat. Rick joined a Washington DC "think tank" earning $$250,000 a year as well as being a Fox News contributor. He also found other employment as a lobbyist for various industries where he earned over a million a year in 2010 alone. He has padded his own wallet as a corporate lobbyist at the expense of the taxpayer. Santorum is pro NDAA, pro Patriot Act, pro War with Iran, pro Federal Reserve, voted for Sonia Sotomayor for Circuit Court Judge, and in 2008 he chose to support Willard Mitt Romney for President. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Conclusion Recently someone commented to me they felt some of the GOP candidates had changed and were much more conservative because of what they were saying in the debates. I had to laugh! What they say and what they do are two totally different things. The American electorate would do well to research the voting records of these candidates rather than listening to their pre-election lies. The package they're presenting prior to the elections is totally different than what you'll get after they're elected. Jesus himself said, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits." Matthew 7:15-16. © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4 , Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- Tea Party Patriots, Harvard and the Constitutional Convention, Part 1
TEA PARTY PATRIOTS, HARVARD AND THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION PART 1 By Kelleigh Nelson March 7, 2012 The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests. -Patrick Henry In September of 2011, I wrote a two part article entitled, The Constitutional Convention Con, regarding the Tea Party Patriots and Harvard University co-sponsoring a Conference to specifically discuss the feasibility of holding a Constitutional Convention. According to an article in the Daily Caller, the event included experts who discussed “their interpretations of Article V, their understanding of how the Founders viewed the provision and how a Constitutional Convention would operate today." In response to that article, I received an e-mail from Hal Shurtleff, the North-Eastern Regional Director of the John Birch Society. He informed me he and several others would be attending this conference on the Con-Con held at Harvard. Unfortunately, they were not invited as participants and had to question guests as they left the conference. Hal sent me several interviews with participants regarding what took place inside the conference. A special thanks to my friend Chey, who transcribed one of the interviews for me, which I've included a portion of below. As always, thank you to Hal for his generosity, for his informative and timely phone calls from Harvard, and his videos of interviews. The Sponsors The September 24th and 25th, 2011 Conference on the Constitutional Convention was sponsored by Harvard Law School's Lawrence Lessig, Rootstrikers (which works to reduce the role of special interest money in elections, and is backing the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators) and Tea Party Patriots, represented by co-founder Mark Meckler. The list of attendees reads like a who's who of the left with a few moderates from the right thrown in for "balance." Even Cenk Uygur and Bill Walker, two vociferous proponents of opening a Con-Con were invited. Obviously absent were the anti-Con-Con folks, the John Birch Society, Eagle Forum, American Policy Center's Tom DeWeese, Daughters of the American Revolution, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and virtually every Second Amendment organization (other than NRA) and countless others who could have balanced the attendees. The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) group is not only demanding the UN one-percent tax, but now they are also demanding a Constitutional Convention for the purpose of changing the entire social structure of the US. Those of you who read my articles know I've written several times about the dangers of a Constitutional Convention. See The Constitutional Convention Con, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing?, and Occupy Wall Street and the Constitutional Convention for the full ramifications of a call for a convention. Leftist commentator, Cenk Uygur (mentioned above in my OWS article) has announced the formation of Wolf-PAC to campaign for a Constitutional Convention. His call to action was featured on a website, Amped Status, run by David DeGraw who is one of the original founders of the OWS movement. Here is a video of Cenk's dangerous Constitutional Convention announcement. Cenk Uygur and Lawrence Lessig In this interview after the Con-con Conference, Cenk Uygur claims he came to Harvard to discuss what could be done to get rid of the money in politics. He says he came to find out, "Is there a better alternative than an amendment to clean up and get rid of the money influence in politics? My guess is no after having listened to all this. We do need an amendment, there is not a better alternative. Is there a better alternative than a convention to get that done? Again, my answer is so far, NO, there is not a better alternative. Conventions are not easy, a Con-con is really hard, but you know what, I walked away from this thinking that it's even more possible than I thought it was. So I'm thinking, let's go get em. So all of a sudden we're having fun." Lawrence Lessig is professor of law at Harvard Law School (HLS) and director of Harvard’s Edmond J. Safra Foundation Center for Ethics. Lessig is a leading figure on the social democratic left. Former HLS Dean and now US Supreme Court Justice, Elena Kagan said of Lessig, "Larry Lessig is one of the most brilliant and important legal scholars of our time…. His work has recast the very terms of discussion and debate in multiple areas of law, ranging from intellectual property to constitutional theory. His new focus on questions of governance and corruption will be similarly transformative.” According to Citizen Wells News Blog, Lawrence Lessig was an associate of Obama’s at the University of Chicago. Lawrence Lessig considers Obama a friend and has supported Obama on his website and in speaking engagements. Lessig is mentioned on Obama’s site as part of his technology initiative. In a 2008 article at Sic Semper Tyrannis about Lawrence Lessig, it states, "Killing God and destroying the right to private property are usually associated with communism. They also seem important to the prominent legal theorist serving as Barack Obama’s technology adviser. It should not be surprising that Obama doesn’t want the world knowing to what extent Lessig is involved in advising the Democratic front-runner. The former Harvard Law School professor is the leading light of what is known as the “free culture movement,” which insists that the age of the Internet should mean the abolition of intellectual property rights. Lessig is openly gay and has a radical opinion about gay rights. He also has radical ideas about intellectual property rights and government information. What is more disturbing to me is a video he produced and presented at a conference that mocks Jesus and portrays Jesus as Gay. Cenk Uygur interviewed Larry Lessig after the Conference and Lessig said, "This Conference was to try to bring people together from the left and the right, people who support the idea of a convention and people who oppose it, to at least begin to put the idea out there in a way that answers questions and begins to address some of the craziness around the idea of a convention. And I've been driven to the idea that the convention is really essential because like you, I think the fundamental problem in American politics is the corruption of our political system. It's a corruption that makes it impossible for the left to get what the left wants and the right to get what the right wants." This is the Hegelian Dialectic. These two men actually believe they could open a Con-Con and even if it was a runaway Convention as the first one was (precedent set) the states would not allow out-of-control amendments. As far as I'm concerned we only have one true statesman in Congress and the rest are traitors to their oaths of office and to the Constitution. The Governors of our states are just as much to blame, a good example is our so-called Christian conservative Governor of Tennessee whom I wrote about in Taxed Enough Already, and who is supporting Romney for President. Can you just imagine the type of delegates the states would send to the Con-con? I shudder at the thought. Hal Shurtleff and Dan McGonigle Transcribed here is part of an interview with Constitutionalist, Dan McGonigle and Hal Shurtleff outside Austin Hall at Harvard's Con-Con Conference. Hal: We're here at the Harvard Law School, Austin Hall, September 25, 2011. This is the end of a two-day conference on the Con-Con. One of our constitutionalists on the spot here is Dan McGonigle. Dan did not participate inside; but, he was out here handing out information about why we shouldn't have a Con-Con. A view, by the way, that was not well-received here. At the closing remarks there was a closing panel discussion and everybody on the panel favored a Con-Con; from the Tea Party Patriots to Larry Lessig. So Dan, give us some of your comments on the conversations you had with attendees; pro, con and indifferent. What do you think the results of this conference will be? By the way, Dan McGonigle is the head of the Committees of Safety and also a local John Birch Society member. Advertisement Dan: As Hal said, I wasn't inside. I had just a few brief conversations with some people who attended out here. One particular gentleman was for a convention and I tried to.... at the end of the conversation it came down to, “Okay, if we don't have a convention, how are we going to fix what's wrong with the general government?” I gave him the mantra of what I'm focused on which is revitalizing the two ancient powers of the purse and the sword at the state level. Hal: I only attended the morning session here on Sunday; but, no mention of Article 10 of the Constitution, the 10th Amendment, I should say, one way or the other of the way states can resume their powers instead of having an open convention where anything can happen. There are people that have legitimate concerns of a runaway convention because the only precedent we have was the first one under the Articles of Confederation, etc. The bottom line is there are some folks that are pretty bold about what they want. There was a book that was published in the 1980s, “The Power to Lead,” by James McGregor Burns, who is still living at this time. He's in his 90s and is a very influential man. People look at him like he's some kind of legal god and he said, “Our founders did a great thing then; but, it's well outdated and we have to make right what they put asunder.” So, I don't think it will be a runaway like there'll be all kinds of different agendas being carried out. I think there are some folks with clear cut objectives that will really dramatically change our Constitution. (The goal is to eliminate it). The people on the Left know exactly what they want. I don't think they want just a little amendment that would rein in corporations. I think they're going to have some serious issues here if we do have a convention. By the way, the 10th Amendment is basically, the powers that the Constitution did not give to the federal government or denied to the states, are retained by the states unto the people. Dan: Right! And, just a few minutes ago I was talking to a 3rd year law student who's volunteering here at the conference. He made a statement that from what he's learned here in law school, since the 1840s it's pretty well settled, according to him, that nullification by the states can't be done. Now, obviously the very famous Dr. Tom Woods...just recently published a book titled, “Nullification.” Hal: What's interesting is that Harvard Law School would actually co-sponsor and host the event. Harvard Law School, probably since the mid-1880s has this evolutionary perspective of Law. Roscoe Pound was the professor that was hired to promote the idea that not only do we evolve as human beings--- you know, from monkeys into humans--- which I would reject; but, everything evolves, including the law, including the Constitution! So, what was meant in 1787, 1788 and 1789 really doesn't mean what it means today and that everything is changing. On the other hand, the Tea Party Patriot-types, we hope, would be advocates of limited government, fixed law, a republic. By the way, the words “democracy” and “republic” were used interchangeably here as if they had the same meaning. That was quite interesting. Dan: I believe that this conference is off-point. From what they're saying, the intent is to amend the Constitution. I think first we need to restore dormant clauses in the Constitution that are not currently being enforced. Hal: Well, my suggestion is first off; these folks in this conference, most of them mean business! They want to have a convention..... My issue is that if you want one and you're on the Right, you're going to work with the Left and push a convention. Ask yourself, “What do these people on the Left want?” Is it going to get more government, more power to Congress or less power? So, before you say, “Oh, let's have consensus," and I heard that word being used by one of the Tea Party activists. Consensus is something from the Delphi Technique! In other words, we may disagree; but, let's come together and walk out of here all in agreement ready to have a plan of action. I would hope that most Tea Party people do not agree! I think Lawrence Tribe, a professor here at Harvard Law School, has been on the record as “against' one. He said, “It simply cannot be controlled.” The idea is that you can pass a resolution basically controlling it. Well, a Convention is a sovereign body. They can do whatever they wish! Even if the resolution says they'll be recalled or given a fine or put in jail, I don't think they're going to be worried about that if their agenda is to radically change the Constitution. So, with that folks, we have our work cut out for us. Harvard Law School doesn't have these conventions unless they mean business so we need to mean business too! For more information, please go to Stop the Con-Con! "Why would politicians suddenly start following an amended Constitution after ignoring and violating it for so long? The remedy so desperately needed to return our country to good government is to enforce the Constitution, not amend it." Conclusion Essentially, 80% of the attendees invited were pro-Constitutional Convention. At the end of the Conference nearly all were in agreement for a Convention. Co-founder Jenny Beth Martin stated, "Mark is attending the ConConCon not in support or against a Constitutional Convention, but rather as information and debate on it. We are not taking a stand on a Constitutional Convention one way or other." Prior to the Conference, Mark Meckler stated, "But we must also remember what many of the founders and especially Thomas Jefferson said to us, "Some men look at constitutions with sanctimonious reverence and deem them like the ark of the covenant, too sacred to be touched. They ascribe to the men of a preceding age a wisdom more than human and suppose what they did to be beyond amendment..." Again, he did not think it good to change them frequently or for small reason. But he would have been vehemently opposed to the idea that amendments should not be considered nor discussed openly." Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: I wrote extensively about those who fund and back the Tea Party Patriots in Part 3 of the Tea Parties, many of whom have ties to the left. Yet I was shocked that Mark Meckler, co-founder of TPP would attend a conference like this, much less come to the conclusion we need a Constitutional Convention. The question remains, why as a co-sponsor of this event did TPP not seek out and invite the brilliant anti-Constitutional Convention experts and scholars to attend the Conference? Why were the majority of invitees pro-Constitutional Convention? Why for heaven's sake would anyone join with Harvard Law School to debate the Constitution without insisting that legal scholars against a Con-Con being invited? In Part 2, we'll discuss the latest new constitutions being written, those of both the left and right who are pushing for a Convention, and the recent resignation of Mark Meckler from Tea Party Patriots. © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Joel B. Pollak
Jerry Brown: California Taxpayers are ‘Freeloaders’
by Joel B. Pollak California Governor Jerry Brown referred to taxpayers as “freeloaders” last week for objecting to his new gas tax and car fee hikes. “The freeloaders — I’ve had enough of them … They have a president that doesn’t tell the truth and they’re following suit,” he said. Brown was speaking in Orange County, defending State Assembly newcomer Josh Newman (D-Fullerton), who is facing a recall effort after voting for Brown’s new transportation taxes in April. The new tax raises existing gas taxes — already among the highest in the nation — by 12 cents per gallon, with higher taxes on diesel, and slaps car owners with higher annual registration fees. Critics have pointed out that the burden of the tax falls most heavily on middle-class Californians. The Orange County Register, which covered Brown’s remarks, adds that Brown is sparing no effort to keep Newman in office. “He’ll have whatever he needs,” the Register quotes the governor as saying. Kira Davis, commenting at RedState, remarks: The 1,000,000 citizens in Los Angeles county alone who collect food stamps provided by taxpayers are not freeloaders. The millions of illegal immigrants being harbored in California’s sanctuary cities to the cost of taxpayers are not freeloaders. Illegal immigrants being provided “free” legal help by the state on the backs of taxpayers are not freeloaders. The bloodsuckers in the Sacramento legislature who get paid $$178 a day in per diem funds on top of their bloated salaries just for walking in the door to their job every day are not freeloaders. No, you – the burdened, law-abiding taxpayer are the freeloader for simply asking the government of California be more fiscally responsible with the money they already have instead of stealing more of your money without your consent to pay for programs that are already funded but have been raided for pet projects and personal enrichment. Read more at Breitbart If you believe in the mission of Oath Keepers, to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, please consider making a donation to support our work. You can donate HERE.
Daniel Geery
Article: A Stroll Through the Mind of a Genius
- Advertisement - Reprinted from The Wildness Within: Remembering David Brower, c. 2012 by Kenneth Brower. Used with Permission of the Publisher, Heyday, and author Ken Brower, in a book of interviews about his father and founder of the modern environmental movement, according to many. ALMOST EVERY YEAR Amory Lovins leaves his Rocky Mountain Institute in Colorado, or departs whatever continent, island group, corporation, government, or military high command he is advising at the moment, and he travels to Northern California to teach a workshop at Esalen Institute on the Big Sur coast. At the most recent of these workshops, in a break between sessions, Lovins and I sat at a bench that looked down the rows of Esalen's large vegetable garden, out past cliffside cypresses, and across inshore kelp beds to the Pacific horizon. The dark cypresses stood in lovely Maxfield Parrish light. Against the shine of the sea, the kelp stipes, fronds, and flotation bladders showed in sharp Edward Weston resolution. We talked about Lovins's youth, about his most influential mentor, and about the range of miniature yet haunting mountains where his life path took the turn that led to where he is today. The miniature mountains are called Eryri, which derives from the Welsh for "eagle," or perhaps just "highlands." They make a landscape out of Tolkien. A shepherd in Eryri once spoke to Lovins of "mynyddoedd yn llawn hiraeth," mountains full of longing. The young Lovins understood this in two ways: the peaks feel a sorrow for things gone, but longing is also what you feel for these mountains whenever you are somewhere else. - Advertisement - Where Lovins is today, after following that path diverging in enchanted mountains, is securely positioned as the planet's foremost expert on energy efficiency. He is the winner of MacArthur and Ashoka Fellowships, the Mitchell Prize, the Right Livelihood Award, the Lindbergh Award, Time magazine's Hero for the Planet Award, the World Technology Award, the Heinz Award, the National Design Award, the Happold Medal, the Benjamin Franklin Medal, the Blue Planet Prize, the Volvo Environment Prize, the Zayed Prize, the first Aspen Institute/National Geographic Energy and Environment Award, the first Delphi Prize awarded by the Onassis Foundation, and the Nissan Prize, awarded for his invention of superefficient ultralight-hybrid automobiles. He has taught as lecturer or visiting professor at the universities of California, Stanford, British Columbia, Colorado, Dartmouth, Oklahoma, St. Gallen, and Peking. He is the author of 31 books and more than 450 articles. In 1982, he cofounded the Rocky Mountain Institute, which he describes as an independent, entrepreneurial think-and-do tank. The mission of RMI is "the efficient and restorative use of resources to help create a world thriving, verdant, and secure, for all, for ever." RMI has offices in Snowmass and Boulder, Colorado, with a staff of around eighty and an annual budget of thirteen million dollars. - Advertisement - Lovins's clients at RMI have included Accenture, Allstate, AMD, Anglo American, Anheuser-Busch, Bank of America, Baxter, BorgWarner, BP, HP Bulmer, Carrier, Chevron, Ciba-Geigy, CLSA, Coca-Cola, ConocoPhillips, Corning, Dow, Equitable, General Motors, Hewlett-Packard, Interface, Invensys, Lockheed Martin, Mitsubishi, Monsanto, Motorola, Norsk Hydro, Petrobras, Prudential, Rio Tinto, Royal Ahold, Royal Dutch Shell, Shearson Lehman/American Express, STMicroelectronics, Sun Oil, Suncor, Texas Instruments, UBS, Unilever, Walmart, Westinghouse, Xerox, and more than one hundred energy utilities. His public-sector clients have included the Australian, Canadian, Dutch, German, and Italian governments, the US Congress, the US energy and defense departments, and the United Nations. In 2009, Time named him one of the one hundred most influential people in the world, and Foreign Policy named him one of the one hundred top global thinkers. Amory Lovins is, in other words, a force of Nature. "I've recycled I don't know how many hundreds of his lines," Lovins told me, on the garden bench at Esalen, as we spoke of his mentor David Brower. "And probably some vice versa." Definitely some vice versa. Lovins was the protege at the start, perhaps, but afterward the two men would continually swap that role, even as they recycled each other's lines. "In the absence of a hierarchical command, leaders developed faster," my father once wrote, in musing on his experience in nurturing leadership. "I finally put my philosophy in words I spoke gently to myself: find good people, delegate authority and responsibility, talk things over if serious mistakes are made, and try to make fewer yourself. This is not a commercial, nor is it an objective view. Check it out with the victims. Try Amory Lovins first, and see if he can remember my directing him to do anything when he was Friends of the Earth's United Kingdom representative. I spent most of my time listening and marveling." AT SIXTEEN I started at Harvard, and then halfway through my undergraduate course I transferred to Magdalen College, Oxford. Harvard wanted me to specialize too much. They had not only plugged all the loopholes behind me, but they were plugging loopholes ahead of me, trying to get me to concentrate on something. So I became a grad student at Magdalen, pronounced "Maudlin." Meanwhile, to help strengthen defective knees, I'd been starting to hike a lot and do some guiding in New Hampshire in the White Mountains. I had written a monograph on wilderness safety, which I needed to photocopy. Photocopiers were rare in those days. This was 1968. At Oxford there was one of these precious machines in the physics department. I was nominally a physics grad student, because they didn't know what else to do with me. The photocopier kept breaking down and had to be operated by a technician. Philip Evans was the guy, the technician at the Oxford physics lab. He happened also to be probably the top color landscape photographer in Britain, but was essentially unknown. Philip and I got to talking, because the copier was so slow we got to read each page as it went through. We talked about mountains. He wanted to introduce me to his mountains, in northern Wales. Really? In Wales? How tall are they? Well, the tallest is just 3560 feet. But they really look and act like real mountains. - Advertisement - There was a cabin in Wales that belonged to the Oxford University Mountaineering Club, a stone hut in the Ogwen Valley, so we started going up there. Philip and I were hiking and scrambling and photographing. He'd been doing photography much of his life, and I had done very little photography, but he got me started and taught me some things. After a while, when we had photographed quite a lot, mostly separately, sometimes together, we began talking about the need to cover our film costs. Kodachrome and processing it were fairly expensive, and we were both running out of money. I thought we should send our chromes to the National Geographic, because I heard they pay well. The Geographic courteously responded, one of their senior editors. "This is beautiful work," he said, "but it's really too atmospheric for us. It's not representational enough. We want pictures that are more in the style we publish, not so much like fine art. But you might send it to Dave Brower, he likes this sort of thing." Of course, Philip and I had always been in awe of Dave's Exhibit Format books, and thought, well, there's no harm in sending in some chromes. Maybe he'll have some advice about where we can make some money off them and pay for our film. We sent a bunch of them to him at Friends of the Earth in San Francisco. We didn't hear anything for a long time. Eventually, I contacted Dave again. I didn't think they'd been lost in the mail, or anything, but I just wanted to check. Dave said, "Well, as it happens, I'm coming to London next week. Can you meet me in London?" So we did. It turned out to be the organizing meeting to set up Friends of the Earth in the United Kingdom. In a sidebar to that big organizational conversation, Dave asked Philip and me if we could photograph in more seasons, because we didn't have much winter. He also asked if I could write something about the area. I was a fairly novice writer at that point. So we said, "Okay, we'll do that. And we'll send you some more chromes." Dave said he liked our photography. He gave us some hints about what to do more of or less of, including teaching us Brower's Sky Rule: "Everybody knows the sky is there. So don't show it unless it's doing something interesting, and then show a lot of it." In other words, point the camera somewhat down or somewhat up, but not horizontally. Good rule. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Michael Greger M.D. Faclm
Foie gras ban in California: human health implications
Originally featured on One Green Planet. The New York Times recently ran a story on the upcoming foie gras ban in California. July 1, 2012, the Golden State will join over a dozen nations that have prohibited the production of foie gras, the enlarged liver of a duck or goose produced through force-feeding. Arguments against the production practice have focused on animal welfare concerns, but have largely ignored the human health implications. As I detail in my International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health paper, microscopic infectious protein fibers in foie gras may trigger and accelerate a variety of serious human diseases in susceptible individuals via a “mad cow disease”-like mechanism. Amyloidosis is a group of potentially fatal diseases in which accumulated misshapen proteins (amyloid) damage body tissues and disrupt organ function. In their paper “Amyloidogenic Potential of Foie Gras,” published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a collaboration of researchers found amyloid deposits in commercially available foie gras and discovered that they could orally induce amyloidosis in a laboratory setting. The principal investigator concluded: “Perhaps people with a family history of Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or other amyloid-associated diseases should avoid consuming foie gras and other foods that may be contaminated.” What other meat may be contaminated? While ducks under stress deposit amyloid throughout their internal organs, chickens tend to localize amyloid deposits in their joints. The way laying hens are processed, however, means that amyloid deposits found in joints could still end up in certain chicken products. When laying hens are killed at the end of their productive lives, approximately half are slaughtered for human consumption. In the past, “spent” hens were mainly used for soup (Campbell’s™ and Stouffer’s™ were the major buyers), but to reduce the risk of skeletal splinters from the laying hens’ brittle bones, soup manufacturers now tend to use broiler chickens instead. Today’s spent hens are likely to be extruded into“mechanically separated meat,” a substance used in products such as Slim Jims and McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets. It is this homogenization of birds into products such as broths, meat pastes, and flavorings that may result in joint amyloid finding its way into the food supply. The chief investigator of the Proceedings paper is quoted as saying “It is not known if there is an increase of Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes or other amyloid-related disease in people who have eaten foie gras.” Indeed, though undercooked duck liver may harbor the brain parasites toxocara or toxoplasma, foie gras consumption and disease has never been studied on a population scale, nor have there been many studies on dietary risk factors for amyloidoses. A striking contrast has been noted, though, between the rates of amyloidosis triggered by leprosy in the United States compared to India. Whereas historically approximately half of autopsied U.S. leprosy victims have shown evidence of amyloidosis, one study of over a thousand leprosy patients in India found not a single case. The researchers conclude: “Consumption of a mainly vegetarian diet in our population and that of meat in Western population has been suggested to be the probable cause of the difference of amyloidosis observed in the two groups of people.” Based on the leprosy studies blaming animal product consumption, contemporary researchers have suggested “dietary modification [to avoid amyloid containing foods] may be of therapeutic potential in preventing [amyloidosis triggering] amyloid fibril formation.” Dr. Erik Gruys, the former chair of Domestic Animal Pathology at Utrecht University, and colleagues wrote that amyloid deposits in the tissues of food animals such as foie gras and chicken by-products could have “tremendous food safety implications.” “Like prions,” they conclude, “this pathological material should be banned for risk groups of consumers.” The new law in California may therefore safeguard the welfare of both animals and the public. -Michael Greger, M.D.
Kelleigh Nelson -- Tea Party Patriots, Harvard and the Constitutional Convention, Part 2
TEA PARTY PATRIOTS, HARVARD AND THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION PART 2 By Kelleigh Nelson March 21, 2012 "As democracy is perfected, the office of President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright moron." -H.L. Mencken, The Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920 One has to wonder what Tea Party Patriot (TPP) leaders Mark Meckler and Jenny Beth Martin were thinking when they agreed to attend and co-sponsor the September 2011, Constitutional Convention Conference with Harvard, and to accept what appears to be a stacked deck of pro-Convention advocates at this Conference in September of 2011. TPP's Republican Affiliations In Part 3 of The Tea Parties, I wrote about TPP's ties to members of the secretive Council for National Policy such as Jack Abramoff, Gary Aldrich, Ernest Istook, Ralph Reed, and many others. The CNP is basically an establishment Republican club, yet the Tea Parties were allegedly founded without allegiance to any party. Even charter member of the CNP and Muslim convert, Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), is aligned with the Tea Parties and convinced the Council to join with TPP. [Link] Clearly, TPP hopes that people like Elsa Prince of the CNP (mother of Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater), Tony Perkins of Family Research Council, direct-mail king Richard Viguerie, Becky Norton Dunlop, the vice president for external relations at the Heritage Foundation, Dick Armey of FreedomWorks, and American Family Association's Don Wildmon, will all help with funding the TPP. In early June, 2011, Meckler appeared on a panel in DC discussing the future of the Tea Party movement. Speaking at former disgraced Christian Coalition leader, Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom Conference, Meckler stated the Tea Party was in a battle for the culture of the country. Once again he was aligned with the former friends of CNP member Jack Abramoff. This conference was organized by CNP politico Ralph Reed, with whom virtually every GOP presidential contender will be trying to court evangelical voters. In 2006 Reed was getting hammered in a race for lieutenant governor of Georgia, in no small part, because of his close ties to the felonious lobbyist, Jack Abramoff, from whom he raked in $$4 million to rally Christian voters to vote against Native American casinos. TPP has a contract with MDS Communications which does phone fundraising for GOP congressional campaign organizations including Bush-Cheney reelection campaign. They work with the evangelicals on the right, Beverly LaHaye's Concerned Women for America (CNP), and Tony Perkins' Family Research Council (CNP) (UN-NGO). Most of the returns to the non-profits are less than 15%. Their deal with TPP states they will keep at least 70% of the money they raise. Another deal was negotiated with Capitol Resources, allegedly one of the most effective GOP phone fundraising operations in the state of Iowa. This company keeps 75% of the money it raises by calling other Tea Partiers for donations. The firm's owner is Nicole Schlinger who helped Mitt Romney's victory in the 2007 Iowa presidential straw poll. The worst however seems to be the Richard Norman Company, and it too represents political action for prominent GOP. Of course TPP insists it wants to simply focus and strategize on fiscal responsibilities and limited government, avoiding divisive social issues like kicking God out of America, and the murder of 56 million babies in the womb. Norman's clients are many in the rightwing CNP groups, including a group headed by CNP member Gary Kreep of the US Justice Foundation. Kreep has written articles muddying the water on the facts of the calls for a constitutional convention. [Link] Even Judge Napolitano and his friend, Randy Barnett, professor at Georgetown University, were pushing a Con-Con. [Link] [Link] TPP's affiliation with the GOP is well documented. For many decades both the left and the right have been advocating for a Constitutional Convention. Why wasn't the TPP working instead to enforce the Constitution, not amend it through a Con-Con? Do they really believe opening a Constitutional Convention for another amendment will stop the corruption in D.C? Do they really not understand the dangers of a Con-Con? Politicians will not suddenly start following an amended Constitution when they're not following the Constitution now! [Link] This is a ploy to destroy the Constitution we have now and replace it with a constitution that gives all power to the federal government rather than the people. Proposed Constitutions Waiting in the wings is the New States Constitution the New World Order needs and wants in order to succeed with the end goal of their plans. In 1964, the Ford and Rockefeller tax-free Foundations paid $$25 million to draw up this new constitution at the Center for Democratic Institutions. This model constitution took 10 years to write, and is in its 35th draft, drawing on the efforts of over 100 people. In 1974 an essentially final version was quietly published in a book entitled, “The Emerging Constitution,” by Rexford G. Tugwell (Harper & Row) the man who directed the formulation of the new constitution. The New States Constitution eliminates our God given unalienable rights and creates for us a document in which the Federal government grants us privileges. See the Constitutional Convention Con for the full ramifications of this Ford/Rockefeller Constitution. If the New States Constitution wasn't bad enough, the Communist Party USA has a Constitution for New Socialist North America and is planning a revolution against capitalism, "with violence if necessary." [Link] Both of these "new" Constitutions are for a socialist/communist society and totally destroy the God given rights and liberties of a free people. Advertisement The Balanced Budget Amendment Hoax In their recent book, "Tea Party Patriots: The Second American Revolution," Meckler and Martin discuss their desire for a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) which can easily lead to a Constitutional Convention. The BBA is a hoax and a huge trap. The politicians on both the left and right are selling this to the people because it has such a great sounding name...of course we want a balanced budget! The problem with this Amendment (which quite obviously all 47 Republican Senators pushing this and most of the Republican Representatives pushing this don't understand, because they never read the constitution) is that the constitution LIMITS the expenditure by the federal government of our taxpayer dollars. It is so limited that the funding of outrageous items today would fill an encyclopedia. Our constitution does not authorize foreign aid, or museums about rock stars, or studying of the blue lizard, or Chinese prostitutes, and on and on. We have a Republican majority in the House now, along with all the 2010 elected Tea Party reps, so why in heaven's name aren't they balancing the budget now without an amendment? This BBA, which the TPP absolutely loves, wants passed, and talks so enthusiastically about to their members and the dumbed down electorate would actually LEGALIZE CONSTITUTIONALLY ILLEGAL SPENDING, and give Congress a free hand to spend whatever they want on any frivolous item that floats by their desks. The Constitution limits Congress on what they are authorized to fund with our tax dollars, and Congress alone has the power for these Constitutional expenses. They continue to take our money for government activities that are nowhere to be found in our Constitution. The BBA will usher in a totalitarian dictatorship by legalizing unauthorized Constitutional spending. Pursuant to the unconstitutional Budget Act of 1921, the President has been preparing the budget. Since the Budget Act is unconstitutional, the President’s preparation of the budget has been likewise unconstitutional. Section 3 of the BBA would legalize what is now unconstitutional and unlawful. But Section 3 of the BBA does more than merely legalize the unlawful, it actually transfers the Constitutional power to make the appropriations and to determine taxes to the President. Congress will become a rubber stamp." Please read Publius Huldah's important article on this diabolical change to our Constitution planned by the Republicans who have long been in bed with the left. The 28th amendment making e-mail rounds is just as dangerous. Neo-con Senators Jim DeMint and Mike Lee are determined to jam this down our throats. Don't tell me they don't understand fully what they're doing because nearly every one of these people are lawyers and they've certainly studied the law. In the July 7, 2011, WSJ, Jim DeMint joined with that bastion of conservative politics, Olympia Snowe of Maine to push the BBA stating it is THE ONLY REFORM THAT WILL RESTRAIN SPENDING. Liars and thieves! Using the "kiss" method to explain, an amendment to the Constitution is first proposed by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a Constitutional Convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. None of the 27 amendments to the Constitution have been proposed by Constitutional Convention, nor is it necessary despite what TPP would have us believe. Then it is sent to the states for their votes. If 38 of the states ratify the amendment, it will be added to the Constitution. [Link] Another huge danger with this proposed BBA is, of course the Constitutional Convention which is also part of Article V and has never been used. Those of us who have written about the Con-con call have grave concerns that this BBA could easily turn into an Article V convention. Should the BBA fail to get 38 or three-fourths of the states to ratify, the Republicans (who seem to be pushing this for both parties) could easily tell the electorate they can't get the Democrats to go along with balancing the budget, so we need to get these same states to put out a call for a Constitutional Convention where we can open the Constitution for one reason only and that's to balance the budget. They only need two-thirds or 34 states to put out a call for a Constitutional Convention to open one. I wrote about this in detail in my article, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing?, and Tom DeWeese of American Policy Center has written about it extensively as have the John Birch Society, and Bernadine Smith of the Second Amendment Committee and countless others. [Link] The States should be enforcing the Constitution, not calling a Convention to revise it! [Link] Meckler Resigns Meckler has been keeping a lower profile in recent months since his arrest last December for trying to carry a firearm on board an airplane in New York. He is licensed to carry in California, but the license was not valid in New York. He pleaded guilty on disorderly conduct charges and paid a small fine. According to the Daily Caller, Meckler had fought long and hard to maintain the group as an organization from the bottom up, but felt he had lost the fight and thus TPP had become a top down or "Soviet" organization. He also stated that the board granted Jenny Beth Martin "almost complete power over the day-to-day operations." Meckler said he was complaining about the top down direction as well as the finances of the organization. TPP's board member Ginny Rapini also resigned. According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution Political Insider, by Jim Galloway (co-author of the famous book, We Were Soldiers Once and Young) there were financial disagreements and problems. Jenny Beth's husband, Lee Martin managed TPP's finances and was identified as the group's assistant treasurer in some corporate filings. He managed payroll and personnel issues. Martin had lost his own business of eight years and filed bankruptcy in 2008. He and Jenny Beth were in debt over $$1.4 million and owed the State of Georgia tax authorities an additional $$172,000.. Most former TPP members feel there's a lack of wisdom in placing a person with a dubious financial background and a load of debt in charge of the TPP's finances, especially since he's the spouse of one of the leaders. According to a source close to TPP hierarchy, "A board of directors was created sometime in 2009. On that board were grassroots members that had been with TPP from the start including Mark Meckler who was appointed treasurer. As time went on, certain members of the board were dismissed for various reasons but generally they had problems with Jenny Beth. Replacing these members were people from inside the beltway such as an ex-congressman (as one of the top executives) from Oklahoma (Scott Crockett) and a long time professional lobbyist from Washington DC. There are now three of the "board members" who are not grassroots in any stretch of the term. As time went on Mark was gradually relieved of one treasurer duty at a time until he was Treasurer with no duties. It finally came to a head a couple of months ago which led to his resignation." Meckler stated, "I have repeatedly expressed, over a long period of time, my discomfort with the way the financial affairs of TPP have been handled, and that I believe that TPP is fiscally irresponsible in the way that it spends and manages donor monies." A total of $$250,000 was spent to sponsor a South Carolina debate of the GOP candidates and aired by CNN. Meckler said, "The money could have done an enormous amount of good if it had been distributed to local tea parties to help them with their ground games in 2012. Instead, it was a colossal waste, which served to foster the narrative that TPP is a tool of the Republican Party..." As Jim Galloway stated in his opinion article, "There is more than a hint of worry that the group Meckler helped build is on its way to becoming a mirror image of the "politics-as-usual" that the tea party movement protested against." According to the 10th Amendment Center, Tea Parties have become 92% loyal to the GOP. Conclusion I believe the Tea Parties were co-opted by the establishment Republicans within six days to six weeks of their inception. Remember, in 2008 FreedomWorks Foundation paid Dick Armey $$550,000 to head the Tea Party even before the Tea Parties had their first gathering in April of 2009! So the entire program was planned. Looks to me like some pre-planning of Tea Party propaganda to infuse the angry grassroots Americans, doesn't it? Here is FreedomWorks 990 for 2008, see page 7. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Many of the TP groups are simply waving flags and complaining at meetings. They're accomplishing very little inasmuch as they've been infiltrated, and neutralized by change agents from both parties, but especially the Republican Party. A recent article by JBS entitled, "Tea Party, RIP," stated, " Newt Gingrich won the Tea Party Patriots presidential straw poll January 30, with 35 percent of the vote, compared with 31 percent for Rick Santorum (and Mitt Romney, 18 percent; Ron Paul 11 percent)." Pure establishment Republican! Nevertheless, hard working patriots have seen the inaction of the original Tea Parties and have broken away to form groups that are dynamic and are working in their cities, towns and counties to change the advancement of the Communist Agenda in America. These are the groups worth joining and working with to stop the onslaught. These are the real patriots of America and these are the ones fighting to save the Republic. May God bless their efforts as we repent for allowing the decay of our beloved country and plead for His mercy. For part one click below. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- Biking for Babies
BIKING FOR BABIES By Kelleigh Nelson May 9, 2012 "What an irony that a society confronted with plastic bags filled with the remains of aborted babies should be more concerned about the problem of recycling the plastic"... - Winifred Egan "Each child is sent into this world by God with a "Unique Message" to deliver, a new personal act of love to bestow"... - John Powell, S.J., Professor of Theology My recent article, Culture of Death was one of the most difficult articles I've ever written. Yet, the response from pro-life websites and pro-life supporters was extraordinary. My article has been reprinted on many of these wonderful sites and I thank each of them. An email from Biking for Babies came as a response to my article. Biking for Babies caught my eye because I have a dear cousin who is married to a retired physician. This retired doctor rides his bicycle with his friends every day and I don't mean just around a few blocks. Five or so years ago when Dr. Bob was 75, he and his friends and their wives flew out to San Diego, CA and then he and his retired buddies biked from San Diego to St. Augustine, Florida. Yes, at 75 years of age. The ladies went shopping and flew home. So, I'm hoping these wonderful young people will take a lesson from my dear cousin's amazing husband and ride for health and for the babies for many years to come. "Biking for Babies" should fill you with joy at what our young people are doing to help women in crisis pregnancies. I've heard so many pro-abort people state that children are abused and thus abortion should be legal. Yes, children are abused, but with this thinking, it's better to kill them? Certainly not all unwanted pregnancies end up with abused children. This group of young people who are bicycling hundreds of miles to raise money for unborn babies are the youth we need to support and applaud. They are courageous and should fill us all with hope. Founded by Jimmy Becker (25), and Mike Schaefer (23), who became fast friends while students at the University of Illinois, this is the fourth year for the ride for babies. Jimmy is originally from Des Moines, Iowa and now works as a missionary with FOCUS Missions, a Fellowship of Catholic University Students at the University of Texas in Austin. Mike Schaefer is originally from Freeburg, Illinois and currently works as the Associate Director at the New Center at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois. I asked Mike what made him a prolife supporter. He said it started out as a 100 mile bike ride when they were in college. He mentioned it to his friend Jimmy Becker and they decided the next summer they'd ride 500 miles and do it for pro-life. Both young men came from strong Catholic families and communities and grew up with a love for life and for the prolife movement. Mike commented, "We want everyone to have the opportunity to experience the beauty of life as we have, and with the ride, we are doing our best to promote the protection of life from the moment of conception to a natural death." Mike said the future vision is to have multiple routes riding from different points all over the country that will converge on Chicago at the Planned Parenthood Clinic in Aurora, Illinois. [Link] Unfortunately, The National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF) has already raised $$400,000 from its third annual “Abortion Bowl-aThon” to help fund what it calls “reproductive justice” (ironic that they would call it that). They hope to raise another $$40,000 for abortions in Washington, DC, from their “Abortion miniature golf-a-thon.” [Link] In stark contrast, the fourth annual Biking for Babies hopes to raise $$40,000 for six pro-life organizations in the midwest. The original Biking for Babies ride was a 600 mile trip from Carbondale, Illinois to Chicago over the boys' spring break and they raised $$13,000. They've increased their fundraising every year and hope to reach a goal of $$40,000 in this year's ride. Beneficiaries of the endeavor include organizations in six different states. This year's ride will be from May 21 - 29, nine days. The group of 10 young men and women will bike from New Orleans to Chicago on this year's Biking for Babies ride. They will ride between 90 and 190 miles per day, with stops in Columbia, Jackson and Greenwood, Mississippi; Memphis, Tennessee; Cape Girardeau, Missouri, Freeburg and Champaign, Illinois, and concluding in Chicago. They prepare and train by cycling long distances, running and weight training. Many of the riders are competitive athletes. Jimmy Becker, Stacy Hague of Chicago, and Jeremy Winter of Mobile, Alabama are all triathletes. Hague is also on the Cross Country Team at University of Illinois. Schaefer runs marathons and was able to convince fellow teammate Taylor Caputo, of Streator, Illinois into running a half marathon this past fall for conditioning for Biking for Babies. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: As I've stated in many of my articles, the core of all our problems in this country come from two things...kicking God out of every facet of American life, and murdering innocent babies in their mothers' wombs. These young people are working for God and for the unborn. Won't you please support them with a donation. A crisis pregnancy is most difficult for young women, but their lives and the lives of their babies can be made so much easier with your donation to Biking for Babies. You can send a check to Biking for Babies, 1116 West College Avenue, Peoria, Illinois 61606-1728, or you can go to their website, and donate with a credit card. You can also visit them on facebook. Every penny counts towards life. Please help the unborn. Deuteronomy 30:19 20 “… I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the LORD your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.” © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- Mind Control and Smart Growth
MIND CONTROL AND SMART GROWTH By Kelleigh Nelson May 15, 2012 Joseph Goebbels once said "It is the absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of public opinion." "[I]f the public are bound to yield obedience to laws to which they cannot give their approbation, they are slaves to those who make such laws and enforce them." -Candidus, Pen name of Samuel Adams during the era of the Sons of Liberty. Source: in the Boston Gazette, 1772 Do you cherish your God-given constitutional right to own property? So do I! UN Agenda 21's Smart Growth is in full bloom across our nation. In East Tennessee the five county local "Regional" program is called Plan East Tennessee, (Regional Plan for Livable Communities), a plan which will eliminate private property rights in these five counties. [Link] It is a plan for Smart Growth. Rosa Koire, author of, "Behind the Green Mask," defines Smart Growth on her website, as " Human habitation as it is referred to now is restricted to lands within the Urban Growth Boundaries of the city . Only certain building designs are permitted. Rural property is more and more restricted on what uses can be on it ." In my recent article, Taxed Enough Already, I explained how our former Knoxville City Mayor, Bill Haslam (now Tennessee's Governor) hired his Democratic opponent, Madeline Rogero to work in his Republican Mayoral administration since the election was very close. He wanted a second term without her running against him. Rogero is now the new Knoxville City Mayor. While she was in Haslam's administration, she apparently received permission and applied for a federal grant from Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities. [Link] In fact, Governor Haslam has refused to even sign a resolution against Agenda 21 even though a Resolution has absolutely no power of law. [Link] These grants, part of the Obama administration's Partnership for Sustainable Communities, bring together HUD, the Department of Transportation, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Two types of grants were awarded — those to update existing plans, and those to develop sustainability plans from scratch. Knoxville's Plan ET is from scratch and Knoxville received $$4.32 million from the HUD grant. Another $$2.5 million came from a Consortium of partners which includes non-profits. Knoxville is also a dues paying member of ICLEI since 2007. From Tom DeWeese's article, Agenda 21 in One Easy Lesson, "ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability (formally, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). Communities pay ICLEI dues to provide “local” community plans, software, training, etc. Additional groups include American Planning Association, The Renaissance Planning Group, International City/ County Management Group, aided by US Mayors Conference, National Governors Association, National League of Cities, National Association of County Administrators and many more private organizations and official government agencies. The Foundation and government grants drive the process." Community Forums and The Delphi Technique From the Plan ET website, "Over the three-year PlanET process, three phases will lead to a targeted, meaningful outcome. Phase One (August 2011 – July 2012) will bring East Tennesseans together to establish a shared identity and vision (alleged data gathering). Phase Two (April 2012 – March 2013) will take that vision, and while educating and engaging the public, will develop a shared direction.(framework) Phase Three (January 2013 – December 2013) will produce and report the final product and focus on implementation activities." (Action plan for Smart Growth) Series II of Plan ET held a week of six forums in every one of the five "regional" counties (Blount, Knox,(2) Anderson, Loudon and Union) asking for "community input." Yet, Plan ET's definition of "community input" seems to be neutralization of any expressed opposition to their plans of eliminating private property ownership under the guise of Smart Growth. Their "community consensus" is scripted for their pre-determined outcome via their use of the evil Rand Corporation's mind-control Delphi Technique. RAND developed the Delphi method in the 1950s for the U.S. Department of Defense. It was originally intended for use as a psychological weapon during the cold war. These forums are headed by trained Delphi Technique facilitators at small table groups of 6 to 8 people. The facilitators or change agents are always likeable people who will smile and agree with your comments. The discussion consists of issues previously decided upon by the leadership of these forums. The facilitator manipulates the discussion in the desired direction, isolating and demeaning opposing viewpoints. Rarely does anyone ever challenge the process, thinking they were probably in the minority with their answers. Actually, the conclusions were established in the back room long before the meeting ever took place. The general public believes this program was theirs, but in fact, the outcomes had all been decided long before the meetings ever took place. The Delphi Technique is being used again and again to change our representative republic, given to us by our Founding Fathers, into a "participatory democracy." Who Are The Facilitators? Wallace, Roberts, and Todd (WRT) architectural firm, headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the Plan ET partner chosen to head the forums. They are paid $$1.7 million to accomplish the pre-determined outcome of these forums through facilitation of the Delphi Technique. WRT was established in 1963 by David Wallace and they are expert "regional planners" [Link] with the firm's origins rooted in "sustainability." The American Planning Association (APA) has continually recognized this firm and their principal leaders for their contributions to sustainability and Smart Growth. The APA even has a "Policy Guide on Smart Growth." In Tom DeWeese's article, Lies and Doublespeak of the APA, these APA Sustainablists are teaching their planners to lie through their teeth to the opposition of their UN Agenda 21 Smart Growth policies. The American Planning Association and their allies are countering the anti-Agenda 21 movement with these lies, double speak and stealth. Why? Aren't they proud of their policies? I guess Seattle planner J. Gary Lawrence said it best when he admitted several years ago that "participating in a U.N. advocated planning process would very likely bring out many...who would actively work to defeat any elected official... undertaking Local Agenda 21. So we will call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth." Now, even those words have caught up with their secret agenda. So now they're having to invent more new words. All of the following leaders from WRT are members of the American Planning Association. The leading facilitator and principal from WRT is John Fernsler. John's bio states, "John is particularly adept at creating consensus among competing interests and in communicating Smart Growth planning concepts to diverse audiences." It also states he is adept at helping communities "striving to contain sprawl." Yes, they don't want you living in the rural areas, and they hate the suburbs. Plan ET's website contains pictures of downtown Knoxville, nothing of the rural community, suburbs, or Smoky Mountains. Fernsler has been the driving force from WRT since the very first Plan ET meeting in Knoxville last summer. I met him there and spent an hour talking with him. He said WRT had just "finished" Austin, Texas. He also said to me, "Maybe you'd understand a bit better if we called what we're doing, "stewardship." Now I see on their website they are using God's Word for "care of the earth" as a euphemistic term for their total control of our lives and property through Smart Growth. Another facilitator and Senior Associate from WRT is Rob Kern. Rob's area of expertise is Transit design (they want us out of our cars and using public transportation, bicycles, or our feet). He is also adept, as they all are with Smart Growth planners, in urban design. (Once again, forget suburbia and rural communities). Another WRT principal is David Rouse. His bio states, "David has a special interest in planning and design for sustainability, community engagement in the planning process, and capacity-building for implementation." (Capacity building is the stack-em and pack-em mega multi-family high rises built in the urban landscape after you've been moved off your suburban or rural property.) From WRT's website, "Principal David Rouse is one of 11 members of the American Planning Association's Sustaining Places Task Force, established earlier this year to address the use of the comprehensive plan as the leading policy document and tool to help communities of all sizes achieve sustainability. The Task Force is part of the Sustaining Places Initiative, announced in March 2010 by APA President Bruce Knight and Chief Executive Officer Paul Farmer at the United Nation's Fifth World Urban Forum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sustaining Places is a multi-year, multi-faceted program to define the role of planning in addressing all human settlement issues relating to sustainability." David Rouse, UN Smart Growth architect of Wallace, Roberts and Todd stated in the Times Free Press newspaper last fall that he is "committed to an open process, and that property rights won't be impacted without the public's consent." (Note: He said "without the public's consent, not the property owner's.) Knoxville's Metropolitan Planning Commission Mark Donaldson, the MPCExecutive Director has been at every single forum meeting and is trained as a Delphi facilitator. At one of the first meetings in Series I, he did not present himself as Executive Director of MPC, but said he was Mark from Minnesota. Other members of MPC were also at many of the Plan ET meetings as well as countless members of Knoxville's Energy and Sustainability Task Force. Also present at all the Series II forums was Knoxville's "Regional" Transportation Planning Coordinator, Jeff Welch who, like Mark Donaldson is trained as a Delphi facilitator. Invitees and Paid Attendees Here's the real rub with this whole "community input" nonsense this UN Agenda 21 Smart Growth bunch is pulling. At the majority of meetings, there were18 to 23 Plan ET members present who are Delphi facilitators, along with WRT and MPC staff. Then there were 20 to 25 invitees from local governments including local government Planning Committees, Community Development , Oak Ridge National Labs, University of Tennessee, etc. All of these invitees are employed by government and have a vested interest in this Plan ET coming to full fruition. I have attended nearly all of the Plan ET forums, and at every table, the "shills" who were invited answered all the questions with the pre-determined and ordained outcomes the Smart Growth facilitators desired. Then there are another 18 to 25 people who know what Agenda 21 really is all about. The majority of meetings have approximately 40 to 45 people, not counting the facilitators, but if those of us against UN Agenda 21 did not attend, the only people giving "community input" would be the invited government shills who have a vested interest in Smart Growth and should not be voting at these Delphi meetings as it is a conflict of interest! At one meeting, one of the invitees admitted she was a paid participant. By the way, these attendance numbers were also given by the Plan ET staff present at all the forums. At the Plan ET South Doyle Middle School forum on Wednesday, April 25th, I sat across the table from a woman named Linda. She works for Knoxville County Mayor Burchett's administration. Her boss, Grant Rosenberg, Community Development Director, was the invitee, but couldn't attend, so he sent Linda. I made a comment about UN Agenda 21 at this table and Linda adamantly stated that she loved everything about UN Agenda 21. What a shocker to hear one of these planted shills actually speak the truth. Most of them tell you they never heard of Smart Growth or UN Agenda 21. I asked her if she agreed with the 85% population reduction of Agenda 21 and she answered that was a total lie. How about limiting our usage of water to 28 gallons a day? She said that was a lie too. She should have gone to see one of my friends across the room who had the UN Agenda 21 book with him and he could have shown her the truth. At the 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Plan ET forum at the Loudon County Technical Center on Thursday, April 26th, the leaders of the forum were in a hurry to usher us out of the building. One of our participants called the Tech Center the next day and asked if there was a time limit on how long we could be there chatting after the meeting. The person she spoke with told her there was no rush to close the building, but the Plan ET people had been there since 8 a.m. They had actually been taking the leading children in this Technical Center school and putting them through the Delphi Technique all day long! These are minor children. Then she called Public Affairs of Knox County Schools and found out children in other high schools in these counties were being Delphied as well. When she asked if the parents had given permission, she was told the school board had okayed the forums. Finally, at the last meeting on Saturday morning, April 28th, at Union County High School in Maynardville, Tennessee, [video] there were only six invited local government employees and about 10 or 12 of us. At one table, one of our people was tossed out of the forum for asking too many questions. Then his daughter was tossed out. When I began to scream that this was a community forum and we were allowed to ask questions, I was threatened with being thrown out. Another woman was asking questions as well, and Jack Rhyne, the City Manager of Maynardville, kept pointing at her and telling her to get out. She kept saying, "No, I want to hear what the gentleman is asking." Rhyne actually took her elbow in an effort to grab her and escort her out of the building when facilitator Rob Kern of WRT stepped in to move her to another table. As an aside, this woman is a survivor of 9/11 at the Pentagon. Conclusion At the Board of Mayors meeting, which was the kickoff of Plan ET's Series II, several of us in the audience stood to ask questions of WRT's Rob Kern and the Mayor of Anderson County after the initial presentation. There must have been 10 or 15 people asking questions and raising hands and stating they wanted to hear answers. Both the Mayor and Rob Kern said, "We'll answer questions outside." We didn't want the questions outside in the foyer, we wanted them in the main room. Needless to say, these two men ended up running out of the room. At other meetings they would allow questions after the meeting in a corner with no microphone, but then we forced open mic questions and there were plenty. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Our property rights and God-given constitutionally guaranteed freedoms are being lost at exponential rates today. The 20 year anniversary of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio occurs next month, June 2012. The planners intend to make UN Agenda 21 into hard law. This plan has existed for decades and was written about by six Russians in a book entitled, The Ideal Communist City. It was translated into English in the 60s. It is all about Smart Growth. I would urge you to buy Rosa Koire's book, Behind the Green Mask. It is available on and clearly and succinctly tells the whole story of the damnable UN Agenda 21. © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- Who is Grover Norquist? Part 1
WHO IS GROVER NORQUIST? PART 1 By Kelleigh Nelson May 22, 2012 “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." --Marcus Cicero I recently finished Jack Abramoff's book, Capitol Punishment. [Link] Abramoff is a long time member of the secretive Council for National Policy (CNP) which I've often mentioned in previous articles. [Link] I found it interesting that throughout the book, Jack's friends and co-workers were also CNP members; mentioned were Ralph Reed, Howard Phillips, Dick Armey, Tom DeLay, and Grover Norquist. According to an investigative report from the Senate Indian Affairs Committee on the Jack Abramoff scandal, released in June 2006, Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) served as a "conduit" for funds that flowed from Abramoff's clients to finance grass-roots lobbying campaigns. Records show that donations from the Choctaw and Kickapoo tribes to ATR were coordinated in part by Abramoff, and in some cases preceded meetings between the tribes and the White House. Abramoff and Norquist are long time friends and in their youth they were partners in College Republicans. At the end of the book, Abramoff states, "In my view, only the creation of a new organization dedicated to a serious agenda of reform can push the legislative changes which must be enacted to clean up our system. The organization should be modeled like the effective and powerful group Grover built, Americans for Tax Reform, and hold Congressional feet to the fire in the same forceful way ATR does it." I read Abramoff's final statement and I wanted to scream! Obviously he learned nothing during his stint in prison! Remember the words of Clinton's mentor, Carroll Quigley, professor of history at Georgetown University and author of the 1966 book, Tragedy and Hope. "The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can 'throw the rascals out' at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy . Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies." Abramoff never mentioned anything in his book about Norquist's membership in either the Council for National Policy nor the Council on Foreign Relations. [Link] In Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, he said this about the CFR, "The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which originated in England ... [and] ... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established." The Real Grover Norquist Grover Glenn Norquist (born October 19, 1956) is an American lobbyist, claims to be a conservative activist, and is founder and president of Americans for Tax Reform. He grew up in Weston, Massachusetts and enrolled in Harvard in 1974 where he obtained both a B.A. and an M.B.A. Norquist is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association and in 2010, he joined the advisory board of GOProud, an organization of conservative gay Republicans. He is also on the boards of the Hispanic Leadership Fund, the Indian-American Republican Caucus, and, an organization that wishes to add a Parental Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution. The dangers of trying to add an amendment to our Constitution today have been written about many times. With today's political corruption, adding an amendment could easily lead to a Constitutional Convention and a new socialist/communist constitution. [Link] [Link]. Grover was the economist and chief speechwriter for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce from 1983-1984. Erica Carle wrote a three part article entitled, "Who is in Charge of the New World Order," that exposes the Chamber's one-world-order agenda. Norquist was Executive Director for the National Taxpayers' Union (NTU) from 1978 to 1982, the same years we fought the first accelerated drive for a Constitutional Convention under the guise of a Balanced Budget Amendment. James Dale Davidson founded the NTU in 1969 and was the major force for a Con-Con especially during the years Norquist was Executive Director. The ruse back then was a Balanced Budget Amendment, the same excuse they're using today. [Link] Grover was formerly a federally registered lobbyist for Microsoft. The CEO of Microsoft is Bill Gates, who recently donated $$1 billion to the United Nations for its population control agenda. See also, Bill Gates And Neo-Eugenics: Vaccines To Reduce Population | Rockefeller Foundation. The ATR founder also supports Obama's amnesty for illegal aliens and has been a facilitator of Islamist infiltration of the right. Even fellow CNP member Joe Farah of World Net Daily wants to dump Grover from the so-called "Conservative Movement." Norquist is staunchly against Arizona's immigration law and totally supports the 13 story Ground Zero Mosque, and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. American Legislative Exchange Council ATR is a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). ALEC is a member of the Council for National Policy and was founded by Paul Weyrich, the former grand poobah of the CNP. ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It's not just a lobby or front group, ALEC is one of the most powerful unelected councils in the country. Corporations hand to state legislators their "wish lists" of legislation to benefit their bottom lines. The membership of ALEC is 98% corporate and the corporate membership is the one that funds almost all of ALEC's operations. They have bought their way into the process by which corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve "model" bills. ALEC's legislative leaders are responsible for getting the bills introduced and passed. They introduce the bills in their statehouses as their own brilliant ideas. They never disclose that corporations wrote and vetted these bills along with politicians behind closed doors at ALEC meetings. So, everyone who is a member of ALEC is influencing not only state bills, but likely most federal bills as well, written by corporations with vested interests...along with lobbyists like Grover. ALEC is also a long time supporter of a Constitutional Convention. More on ALEC in a future article. Choice, Vouchers and Charter Schools In 1995, Norquist was the keynote speaker at the National Conference on School Choice, which is sponsored by the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA). The NCPA is a free market think tank primarily funded by private foundations established by wealthy neo-conservative business families and billionaires, including Charles and David Koch. I wrote about David Koch in The Tea Parties, Part One. Koch is a member of the globalist new age Aspen Institute formerly headed by socialist UN member Maurice Strong, who wrote UN Agenda 21. [Link] How typical of Council for National Policy members like Norquist to argue for the communist School Choice. Other Conference speakers included Paul Hill of the Rand Corporation. RAND developed the mind control Delphi method in the 1950s for the U.S. Department of Defense. It was originally intended for use as a psychological weapon during the cold war. Also present was Peter Flanigan who was assistant to the president of the United States under Nixon and founded the Center for Education Innovation at the Manhattan Institute. The Manhattan Institute was founded in 1978 by none other than former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, William Casey. A number of Council for National Policy members are promoting School Choice, Vouchers, and Charter Schools including the Family Research Council, Eagle Forum, James Dobson formerly with Focus on the Family, and The Heritage Foundation. Heritage was founded in 1973 by three CNP members, grand poobah Paul Weyrich, Edwin Fuelner and Joseph Coors. Richard Mellon Scaife, who funds both sides of the aisle was a major early contributor and has given a total of $$19.6 million to Heritage. Scaife initially funded Heritage groundbreaking efforts to the tune of $$900,000, and he currently serves as vice-chairman of the Heritage Foundation board of trustees. [Link] Scaife also funds Planned Parenthood and had a full page ad in the WSJ on April 4, 2011, stating, "Why Conservatives Should Oppose Efforts to Defund Planned Parenthood." Grover's relationship with Heritage Foundation, started in 1994 when he worked with Newt Gingrich and the Heritage Foundation to draft the Contract with America. See Chey Simonton's, The Rockefeller/Heritage Connection for the truth about Heritage Foundation. [Link] Heritage is presently promoting Grover's new book, Debacle: Obama's War on Jobs and Growth and What We Can Do Now to Regain Our Future. [Link] Charlotte Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education blew the whistle in the 80s on government activities withheld from the public. Here's what she said about School Choice, "School Choice is the Trojan Horse to bring our country down. The tragedy of the matter is that many of our own people are involved in the demise of our Constitutional system of government and are willing to merge with Russia (the old Soviet Union). Charter schools are ungraded, continuous progress, mastery learning, come under the Effective School Research label, are international, involved with multinationals, and use the Skinner method." [Link] [Link] Another wonderful article by Jed Brown that exposes the communist rot of School Choice is The Dirty Little Secret of School Choice and Charter Schools. In a 1995 letter from Charlotte Iserbyt to Phyllis Schlafly, Charlotte exposes choice, vouchers, and Charter schools. Charlotte has the documented proof that Outcome Based Education (OBE) is communist and based on the 1933 Eight-Year Study drawn up by Progressive Education Association types (PEA being a communist front). These PEA members travelled back and forth to the Soviet Union in the thirties. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Charlotte also included the draft of a Charter School Initiative in Washington state by Jim Spady, a friend of new age futurist, Barbara Marx Hubbard, recommending a complete move from representative government to participatory government, using councils and unelected persons! She attached copies of letters from those who supported Spady's initiative along with letters from luminaries who supported this communist change to American education. They include former Reagan education czar, William Bennett, Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander, and of course, Grover Norquist. I urge you to thoroughly read and research the people mentioned in Charlotte's letter. It is essential people understand that Phyllis never responded to Iserbyt's letter, and that they had worked closely together on education for many years with Charlotte providing Schlafly with most of her information for "Child Abuse in the Classroom." By all means purchase The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. In Part 2, we'll discuss Grover's influence with former President George W. Bush and how he ushered silver-tongued jihadists into the Oval Office of our President after the worst attack ever on American soil. © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- Decoration Day
DECORATION DAY By Kelleigh Nelson May 29, 2012 "Naturally, the common people don't want war ... but after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country." --Hermann Goering-leading member of the Nazi Party There are only two holidays a year that bring me to tears. The first is Decoration Day (now Memorial Day) and the second is Independence Day, July 4th. Last July I wrote an article entitled Real Americans. I told of the loss and heartbreak I felt when I saw the flags waving and heard the firecrackers. The loss of what we once had and what we have become is overwhelming. The same feeling is present with Decoration Day. Decoration Day started with a commemoration to the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War. In the south, southern ladies' groups commemorated the fallen on different days than the holiday of the north. However, by the 20th century, all American soldiers who had fallen in war were remembered on the last Monday in May, although originally May 30th. Decoration Day meant placing flowers on the graves of the fallen, but soon became a memorial for all family members who had passed. Today, those who know the real meaning of the holiday visit the cemeteries not only to decorate the graves of fallen American soldiers, as well as those who served our country, but also to remember our deceased ancestors. Decoration Day was officially changed to Memorial Day by Federal law in 1967. On June 28, 1968, the Congress passed the Uniform Holidays Bill, which moved four holidays, including Memorial Day, from their traditional dates to a specified Monday in order to create a convenient three-day weekend. The change moved Memorial Day from its traditional May 30th date to the last Monday in May. The law took effect at the federal level in 1971. This has no doubt changed the tenor of the remembrance day into one of a spring-into-summer three-day weekend holiday, which has caused the solemn honor of the original commemoration to be lost. Japanese Nisei, Daniel Inouye, Hawaii's Senator, and a WWII veteran has tried every year to return the holiday to May 30th. The Memorial Day flag is to be raised briskly to the top of the pole at dawn and then lowered to half mast until noon. This is done in remembrance. At noon, the flag is again raised to the top of the pole for the remainder of the day. Today, this holiday of commemoration has become one of barbeques, picnics, baseball and swimming. It no longer is a day of solemn remembrance of our nation's loss. When I think of all those who have served, I remember those in my own dear family. My maternal grandfather served in the Army as a cook in WWI. His two sons, my mother's older and younger brothers and my uncles, both served in WWII in Europe and in Germany respectively. I remember my Uncle Bob telling me about how he hitchhiked across Czechoslovakia to see his cousin, Norm, who was also in the Army. My paternal grandfather graduated from the Presidio (officer's training) in 1917 with the Army Cavalry. I still have the humorously written program for his graduation dinner. His degrees were in international law and French. He married my grandmother that same year and went off to war. His older brother was also a soldier in WWI. In a nine page typewritten letter my Baptist preacher and physician great-grandfather wrote to his former church in Bozeman, Montana, he mentioned how his wife worried and prayed for her two sons in France. My grandfather remained in the military for many years. I have obtained all his military records through my congressman. He was retired prior to WWII, but at the start of WWII and at the age of 50, he re-enlisted. He was in charge of a German prisoner- of-war camp for a year or so. The photos of this camp and the inmates look as though it was a great holiday for the Germans. These original photos are at the Mazal Holocaust Library in San Antonio, Texas. At the close of WWII, my grandfather, Colonel Morse, was in charge of the MPs at Nuremburg. His Army Cavalry uniform and his boots are also at the Mazal Holocaust Library along with documents and photos. After the war, my grandparents were very concerned about the second generation Japanese Americans who fought on our side during WWII, the Nisei. My grandmother was the inspiration for a veterans hall for them and the Nisei Veterans' Memorial Hall was born. My grandfather brought it to fruition and his picture still hangs prominently in their veteran organization. The 100th/442nd Regimental Combat Team, composed of approximately 14,000 Japanese American soldiers, became the most decorated unit for its size and length of service in American history. Among their many awards, they earned eight Presidential Citations, over 9000 Purple Hearts, and 21 Medals of Honor. The 100th/442nd fought many battles. One of the most historic was the Rescue of the Lost Battalion in October 1944, when the unit led a heroic drive through German lines in the Vosges Mountains to rescue 211 surviving soldiers of the 36th Texas Division. For this the governor of Texas named the Nisei soldiers \"Honorary Texans.\" In 1945, the courageous actions of the 100th/442nd were critical in breaking the German Gothic Line. They fought the Germans through intense combat and liberated towns such as Bruyeres, Biffontaine, and Belvedere. They also helped free Holocaust victims from a Dachau concentration camp. Approximately 6,000 Japanese Americans served in the Pacific Theater in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) of the US Army. These soldiers utilized their knowledge of the Japanese language and culture to defeat the Japanese military in the Pacific. General Douglas MacArthur's intelligence chief, Major General Charles A. Willoughby, estimated that these contributions shortened the war by at least two years and saved countless lives in the process. For this, the MIS was awarded a Presidential Unit Citation. When my retired, aging, California grandparents needed assistance, the Japanese were there to help them in every way. At their funeral masses, the priests were both Japanese. The eulogies from these brave Nisei are simply beautiful and showed what great love these Japanese American war heroes had for my paternal grandparents. Today is a Different Story The Presidio today is nothing like what my grandfather would envision. Congress voted in 1989 to end the Presidio's status as an active military installation and on October 1, 1994, it was transferred to the National Park Service, ending 219 years of military use and beginning its next phase of mixed commercial and public use. Sadly that use is now part and parcel of the UN Agenda 21 program of destroying national sovereignty and our liberties. In 1996, the United States Congress created the Presidio Trust to oversee and manage the interior 80% of the park's lands, with the National Park Service managing the coastal 20%. In 1993, the Gorbachev Foundation USA was invited to sink roots at the Presidio as part of the post's conversion from the headquarters of the 6th U.S. Army to a national park. From the website, Mikhail Gorbachev, Creatively Marketing Global Communism, comes this statement regarding Gorbachev's State of the World Forum, "Former Soviet Communist Party boss Mikhail Gorbachev, founder of the State of the World Forum six years ago, used a $$5,000 per person gathering of the world's political and business elite to plea for the United Nations to adopt a Soviet-style " central authority " to manage the world's business and environmental concerns." And this, "The collapse of the Soviet Union as presented in the western media was a fraud. The Soviet Union didn't collapse and communism didn't die. They just reorganized. This is Gorby's goal for the United States... and that's what the UN program of regionalization is about. The movement is to dissolve the United States as a nation and then to break it up into areas of regional governance under an unelected continental government similar to the European Union." If my grandparents on both sides, who fought in WWI and WWII for American freedoms knew of Gorbachev's group in the Presidio, they would roll over in their graves. They would never have believed it would happen, nor would they ever have believed we'd be fighting undeclared wars and passing unconstitutional laws. Think about Obamacare, NDAA, NDRP, Homeland Security, TSA, the Patriot Act, to name just a few of the hundreds of thousands of illegal and unconstitutional laws, acts, and executive orders. My mother would never have believed it, much less my grandparents. In fact, my grandparents never even heard of a "Trillion dollar debt." Undeclared Wars How many undeclared wars are we going to allow our young men and women to fight? How many of our young people are we going to allow to be maimed and die at the hands of politicians who have no concern for human life or Constitutional law? These wars are not WWI or WWII. To say it more succinctly, here is a letter my dear friend Ruth wrote in comment of the article, The Price of Freedom, "This Memorial Day, I mourn the lives of the tens of thousands of our troops, who are maimed and disfigured. I mourn the lives of the troops still stuck in the hell holes of Afghanistan and Iraq and those engaged all around the world in illegal interventions and wars of aggression, greed and empire building. I grieve for the returning veterans, whose minds are so broken, upon contemplating the horrors they have witnessed and the true nature of these wars, they are committing suicide in shocking numbers. Those, who gave all, may be the lucky ones. Unfortunately, these brave young men and women are not fighting for our freedom; they know it, and you know it. They are fighting to stay alive. They are mere pawns of the Military Industrial Complex. IT IS TIME TO BRING THEM ALL HOME NOW." Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Conclusion So I grieve. I grieve for what we've lost, what we were, what we once had, and what we've now become. I grieve for my nation, for her soul, and for her people who are too busy watching Dancing with the Stars and American Idol to see what has happened to our beloved country. I grieve because we've thrown God out of every facet of American society. I grieve because we think nothing of murdering 50 million babies in the wombs. I grieve because I see the losses. I grieve because I know too much, and I grieve because so few are fighting to save her...our once great America and her God-given freedoms. I grieve, I mourn, and I weep and I'm still fighting to save her. Unless more Americans stand up for truth, righteousness, liberty and freedom, I'm afraid all is lost. Dear God in heaven, I grieve. © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Александр Артамонов, Руслан Веснянко, Любовь Степушова
Региональные телевизионщики получат свою "кнопку" в списке обязательных каналов
Региональные телевизионщики получат свою "кнопку" в списке обязательных каналов Депутаты Госдумы предложили в перечень обязательных общедоступных региональные телеканалы — по одному в каждому субъекте Федерации. Инициаторами законопроекта стал глава комитета по информполитике, информационным технологиям и связи Леонид Левин ("Справедливая Россия") и Ольга Тимофеева ("Единая Россия"). Авторы проекта уточнили, что обязательный общедоступный телеканал субъекта может выбираться из числа телеканалов, продукция которых содержит не менее 75% телепрограмм собственного производства и трансляция которых осуществляется на территории проживания не менее 50% населения региона. Предполагается, что обязательный общедоступный региональный телеканал будет транслироваться на 21-й кнопке. Дело в том, что последовательность "кнопок" общероссийских обязательных общедоступных телеканалов определяется президентом РФ с первой по десятую позицию. А для иных обязательных общедоступных каналов последовательность позиций с 10 по 20 определяется по результатам торгов. По мнению авторов инициативы, принятие этого законопроекта "создаст условия по обеспечению населения субъектов РФ наиболее полной и актуальной информацией о событиях, происходящих в конкретном субъекте, по удовлетворению информационных и культурных потребностей аудитории", сообщает ТАСС. По словам Леонида Левина, законопроект уже получил поддержку минкомсвязи. Напомним, президент России Владимир Путин ранее поддержал инициативу гендиректора телеканала "Санкт-Петербург" Сергея Боярского о включении региональных телеканалов в общедоступные телепакеты кабельных сетей. "Хорошо, что у нас кабельные сети сохранились. Вы знаете, что еще чуть-чуть, и мы могли их потерять. Несколько лет назад все наши кабельные сети могли уйти к иностранному оператору. Но этого не случилось, и они сейчас находятся у российских собственников. Поскольку вы с минокомсвязи уже обо всем договорились. Я здесь вам точно не буду мешать!" — сказал президент на медиафоруме ОНФ "Правда и справедливость". В свою очередь, Сергей Боярский, комментируя сообщение о законопроекте, назвал его "огромным шагом навстречу небольшим региональным телекомпаниям". "Я полностью поддерживаю эту инициативу, я обращался по этому вопросу напрямую к президенту РФ на медиафоруме ОНФ. Это долгожданное решение вопроса для всех без исключения регионов", — сказал Боярский. "Региональная повестка нисколько не уступает по важности для жителей федеральной повестке, тем не менее доступ к ней значительно осложнен чехардой и перебросом каналов с места на место", — отметил он.
Александр Артамонов, Руслан Веснянко, Любовь Степушова
Британцы выдали рассказ актера за "разоблачение тайных операций России в Сирии"
Актер из Москвы рассказал Sky News о "тайных операциях России в Сирии" Актер из Москвы Александр Агапов сыграл роль российского "наемника Дмитрия" в "разоблачительном" документальном фильме британского телеканала Sky News о войне в Сирии. Телеканал опубликовал интервью россиян "Александра" и "Дмитрия", которые рассказали, что они якобы участвовали в качестве наемников на стороне правительственных войск в боевых действиях в Сирии. По их словам, наняты они были частной компанией "Вагнер". В Сирию их якобы переправили на военных транспортных самолетах. "Александр" и "Дмитрий" также рассказали, что в боях погибли "500-600 российских наемников", а еще как минимум 50 бывших участников боевых действий "ходят по улицам Москвы без документов". Как сообщает телеканал НТВ, "все началось несколько месяцев назад". "Британская съемочная группа отправилась в Ростовскую область на поиски участников секретного "отряда Вагнера"... Почему именно туда - одним британцам известно. Не найдя ни одного из них по понятным причинам, иностранцы решили привлечь к съемкам местных казаков. Нам удалось связаться с одним из них", - говорится в репортаже. Далее человек по имени Дмитрий сообщил о встрече с британцами: "Попросили рассказать про Сирию, как наши там воюют. Но я не хотел с ними связываться, и я им посоветовал парня одного - он актер". Именно так британская съемочная группа и вышла на Агапова, который играет в московском театре-мастерской Олега Буданкова. "Ему заплатили за интервью, а текст выступления написали заранее", - утверждает НТВ со ссылкой на актера. Гонорар составил сто тысяч рублей. Сам Агапов в качестве доказательства, что это именно он является тем самым "темным силуэтом, рассказывающим про несуществующих российских наемников в Сирии", представил диктофонную запись этого интервью.
Kelleigh Nelson -- Mayor Rescinds Membership in Smart Growth
MAYOR RESCINDS MEMBERSHIP IN SMART GROWTH By Kelleigh Nelson June 2, 2012 To have striven, to have made the effort, to have been true to certain ideals - this alone is worth the struggle. -William Penn On May 1st, 2012, Mayor Micheal Williams (correct spelling) of Union County, Tennessee. wrote a letter to the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization rescinding his membership in the Plan ET Regional five-county Smart Growth agenda. In my recent article, Mind Control and Smart Growth, I discussed the seven five-county forums we attended in their Series II. Union County was the last forum held in the series. Rocky Top Freedom Campaign is fortunate to have some very wonderful and driven activists, researchers, and members. In particular, our Co-Chairman, Tommy Helms, and our Anti-Agenda 21 Coordinator, Kathleen Marquardt, were instrumental in speaking with Mayor Williams about the threats of Smart Growth to Union County. Tommy and his family plan on moving to Union County in the near future and this is the reason Tommy made his first solo visit to Mayor Williams of Union County. A couple months later, Tommy and Kathleen visited with Mayor Williams to discuss with him Plan ET and UN Agenda 21. The Mayor stated he certainly was not for Smart Growth or the elimination of private property rights via UN Agenda 21. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Tommy and Kathleen were pleased to hear this news. When Mayor Williams stated that the previous Mayor of Union County, Larry Lay, had signed onto Plan ET, Tommy and Kathleen suggested to the Mayor that perhaps he could send a letter rescinding Union County's membership in Plan ET. The Mayor said he'd think about it. Tommy's research found that the previous Mayor of Union County, Larry Lay, had signed onto Plan ET on August 3, 2010. Several emails to the Mayor and telephone conversations with the Mayor's secretary ensued. On May 3, 2012, Tommy received an email from the Mayor's secretary stating she was sending him a copy of the Mayor's letter in a separate email. This letter was rescinding Union County's membership in Plan ET. [Link] This is the way every-day American citizens can be active and shut down Smart Growth in their communities and keep their God-given, constitutionally-guaranteed, private property rights. I hope the efforts of Tommy and Kathleen inspire everyone to continue the fight against the Communitarian overthrow of our once great Representative Republic by UN Agenda 21. © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- Who is Grover Norquist, Part 2
WHO IS GROVER NORQUIST? PART 2 By Kelleigh Nelson June 13, 2012 After the insiders have established the United Socialist States of America (in fact, if not in name), the next step is the Great Merger of all nations of the world into a dictatorial world government. … The Insiders’ code word for the world super state is “new world order,” a phrase often used by Richard Nixon. The Council on Foreign Relations states in its Study No. 7: “The U.S. must strive to: A. BUILD A NEW INTERNATIONAL ORDER. A world government has always been the object of the Communists." --Gary Allen (1936-86) American journalist The New World Order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...but in the end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault." CFR member Richard Gardner, writing in the April 1974 issue of the CFR's journal, Foreign Affairs. Remember, Norquist is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, yet he claims he's a "conservative" by his membership in the so-called secretive "conservative Christian" Council for National Policy. --Kelleigh Nelson Norquist and Islam In 2004, at age 48, Grover married a Palestinian Muslim named Samah Alrayyes, a Kuwaiti Public Relations specialist who was formerly a director of the Islamic Free Market Institute and specialist at the Bureau of Legislative and Public Affairs at United States Agency for International Development (USAID). (USAID is the United States federal government agency primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid.) The couple have two children adopted from abroad. (The Islamic Free Market Institute was founded by Norquist and Khaled Saffuri.) Grover has said he's a "white bread Methodist," however, a devout Muslim like Samah supposedly would not marry a non-Muslim, and of late, Grover has refrained from answering the question of his religion. Gary Johnson, Jr., wrote, Khaled Saffuri: Where is He Now in September of 2010. Here is a portion of that article: Grover founded the Islamic Free Market Institute (referred to as Islamic Institute) with Khaled Saffuri in 1998. The Safa Trust donated at least $$35,000, and the International Institute of Islamic Thought contributed $$11,000. Both organizations were alleged to be part of the so-called SAAR Network of interrelated business and non-profit entities with ties to sources of terrorism financing, and were among the subjects of a March 20, 2002 raid conducted by the U.S. Custom Service under the auspices of Operation Green Quest. Before linking up with Grover Norquist, Khaled Saffuri was involved in the American Muslim Council (AMC). Saffuri’s boss, Abdurahman Alamoudi, the Executive Director of the AMC, utilized his links with over 20 Muslim organizations in America to peddle influence in the Clinton White House. The Operation Green Quest raids led to the convictions of two people, including Abdurahman Alamoudi, who worked for the SAAR Foundation. Alamoudi admitted that he plotted with Libya to assassinate the Saudi ruler and was sentenced to 23 years in jail. Alamoudi would provide Grover Norquist with $$20,000 to help create the Islamic Free Market Institute. (And Alamoudi allegedly gave $$50,000 to the lobbying group Janus-Merritt Strategies, which Norquist co-founded.) A further five years down the road, in 2003, Alamoudi would be captured with over a quarter million dollars in funds from Libya’s Qaddafi, earmarked to support jihad. Alamoudi was among a group of Muslim Brotherhood operatives who were invited on May 1, 2000 to meet with Bush in the Texas governor’s mansion. Saffuri was designated the Bush campaign’s Muslim outreach coordinator and Norquist assisted another prominent Brother, Sami al-Arian, to obtain a commitment from candidate Bush that, if elected, he would prohibit the use of classified intelligence evidence in deportation proceedings.” Three years later Sami al-Arian, the University of South Florida professor, would be brought up on charges of supporting Palestinian Islamic Jihad. These connections alone should give pause to anyone truly believing Norquist is a conservative. Yet, he is still lauded for his anti-tax stances and getting various congress criminals to sign his petition of no new taxes. In reality, our taxes seem to rise every year, or perhaps even more often, and will take huge leaps in 2013 with Obamacare. The truth is, despite what these congress people sign, every time they have the opportunity, they vote for bills that increase our taxes and put more monies in the federal coffers. Nevertheless, Norquist claims his fame in the signatures he has garnered from these politicians stating they will not increase taxes. President George W. Bush and Norquist On September 26, 2001, President Bush gathered 15 prominent Muslim and Arab Americans at the White House. Bush proclaimed that "the teachings of Islam are teachings of peace and good." He also stated that Christians and Muslims "worship the same God." Norquist had arranged this meeting with these Islamic supremacists to get the President to show how Muslims rejected terrorism. Bush allowed this meeting because he trusted Norquist who had vouched for the Muslim leaders. Grover Norquist, is a member of the Board of Directors of the American Conservative Union, which hosts CPAC. The Conservative Political Action Committee was founded in 1973 and features establishment republican speakers such as Limbaugh, Reagan, Palin, etc. This would seem to be one of the top reasons Bush would trust Norquist's judgment. Yet, Norquist had formed alliances with prominent Islamic radicals who have ties to both the Saudis and to Libya and to Palestine Islamic Jihad and who are now under indictment by U.S. authorities. President's Bush's trust of Norquist was obviously terribly misplaced. Norquist introduced Dr. Yahya Basha, president of the American Muslim Council. AMC is an organization whose leaders have repeatedly called Hamas "freedom fighters." AMC is also a member of the American Muslim Political Coordination Council (AMPCC), along with the American Muslim Alliance (AMA), Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). AMPCC's primary concern is to coordinate the member organizations on activism and lobbying, something Norquist has great skill at doing. Remember Grover was a proficient lobbyist with Jack Abramoff regarding the Indian tribes. Muzammil Siddiqi, president of the Islamic Society of North America was also present. He had told a Washington crowd chanting pro-Hezbollah slogans that, "America has to learn if you remain on the side of injustice, the wrath of god (Allah) will come." Another invited Muslim, Salam Al-Marayati, executive director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, actually told a radio audience on the afternoon of September 11, 2001, that "we should put the state of Israel on the suspect list." Nihad Awad was introduced to the President as well. Awad is co-founder and executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR is allegedly the premier Muslim civil rights organization. However, U.S. Terror expert, Steve Emerson said, "CAIR, which touts itself as America's premier Muslim civil rights organization, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Terror trial." He noted that CAIR co-founders Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad attended "a 1993 Philadelphia meeting where the HAMAS members and supporters discussed a strategy to kill the Oslo Peace Accords, which threatened to marginalize HAMAS. The group also discussed ways to improve HAMAS fundraising in America." From Pamela Geller's article Grover Norquist's Jihad, Steven Spencer, author, scholar, and co-founder with Pamela Geller of Freedom Defense Initiative, stated, "CAIR operatives have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR's cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Honest Ibe Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements. CAIR has warred against free speech in the past." Support for Ground Zero Mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf [1] and proponents of his plan to build a 13-story Islamic center near Ground Zero were helped by Grover Norquist. Grover and his friends distributed a letter saying that the Republicans fighting Imam Rauf’s plan are infringing upon religious freedom and are “alienating millions of Arab American and Muslim American voters who believe, as we do, in the principles of our party—individual liberty, traditional values, and the rule of law.” Among those signing the letter were Suhail A. Khan, listed as the Chairman of the Conservative Inclusion Coalition and Norquist’s wife, Samah, listed as a Senior Advisor to Arab and Muslim Outreach for the U.S. Agency for International Development under the Bush Administration. Grover Norquist, Muslim Mole, by Ryan Mauro, states, "Khan’s mother served on the board of CAIR’s California branch and Khan accused critics of CAIR of exploiting the Fort Hood shooting for their 'political partisan and worse, for their racist ends.' ” Frank Gaffney, President of the Center for Security Policy, told me that an FBI Special Agent involved in terrorism investigations informed him that Khan is indeed a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Khan was also intimately involved in Norquist’s efforts to help these groups develop a partnership with the Bush Administration. He was reported as being the one at the White House responsible for managing the outreach to the Brotherhood-tied groups whose events he has a history of speaking for." This is who Grover Norquist supports. Like the Soros-funded study, “Fear, Inc.,” from the Center for America Progress, Grover labels anyone who disagrees with his views as “Islamophobic.” In a Human Events article from October, 2011, Representative Frank Wolf, Republican from Virginia, called out Grover Norquist for his ties to Islamic supremacists and jihad terrorists. Norquist never answered the charges. He used the tried and true tactic of the leftists by screaming racism, victim status, and anti-Muslim bigotry. Then he topped it off by making personal attacks against Wolf. Conclusion AT CPAC in 2010, Grover Norquist told a George Soros publication that Islam “is completely consistent with the U.S. Constitution and a free and open society,” a statement that reveals either a profound lack of understanding of Islamic law, or a conscious effort at deception. Norquist is still a member of the secretive Council for National Policy who claims to be a cabal of rightwing groups, even though we know differently. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and he has documented ties to Islamist terrorist groups. The phony right has long been in bed with the left's agenda and Norquist is a prime example. But what really boggles my mind is the statement by Jack Abramoff that a new organization modeled on Grover's ATR is needed to push a serious agenda of legislative changes to clean up the lobbying corruption. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Of interest is that Jack Abramoff is an Orthodox Jew, and his good friend, Grover Norquist is not only very close to Islamic groups, but also is married to a Muslim woman. These groups and their leaders have documented ties to Islamic jihadists, and Grover has accepted money from many of these Islamic leaders. I've known for decades about the establishment Republicans being in bed with the left. Nothing ever changes. The quotes from Carroll Quigley in part one of this article make that clear. Norquist is an easy phony to spot, unlike many of the other phony "conservative Christians" and their groups. Most others wear such amazing masks of conservative covering that it is terribly difficult for the uneducated to grasp the depths of deception. We all need to have greater discernment in judgment. Click here for part -----> 1, © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Dmitriy Sudakov, Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo
The biggest question is: Can Ukraine live without Maidan riots at all?
Riots spark in Ukraine again, but people will not die for idiots this time Is there another Maidan brewing in Ukraine now with the help of former Governor of the Odessa region and exiled President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili? On the one hand, there is a crowd of protesters, there are tents and field kitchens, people demand a change of power again. On the other hand, the number of protesters is too small in comparison with the riots that Kiev saw in the winter of 2013-2014. Today, there are no burning tyres, no Molotov cocktails, and no (thank God) victims. Only three protesters and one police officer were hurt. Mikhail Saakashvili came to Kiev's central square to speak, but he could speak for only 10-15 minutes. Some people in the crowd started shouting: "Saakashvili is our president!" They were obviously paid for that. In his emotional speech, the ex-President of Georgia urged sitting Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to step down. When concluding his speech, Saakashvili, against whom there are a few criminal cases pending in his home country Georgia, promised to struggle against corruption in Ukraine. "They will not be able to buy us! I've been to two revolutions here, I know what it looks like." In other words, Mr. Saakashvili confessed that he, when serving as President of Georgia, had taken part in anti-government actions in Ukraine. "They use people and then they scam them. They use people's blood and make billions out of it. We will not let Poroshenko do it again, because we are stronger and wiser. The people of Ukraine will defeat thieves, corruption, their lies and the external enemy that stands on our borders and inside our borders," Saakashvili said. It remains unclear, though, what "our borders" Mr. Saakashvili had in mind: he is a man of no citizenship, he is not a Ukrainian either. Strangely enough, no one has reminded him of his past "victory" over the external enemy, after which he had eaten his tie. If Saakashvili had promised to end the war, stop the inflation rate, raise tariffs and unemployment, people could have believed him. For the time being, though, he is acting in a cheap play for a low profile theatre. Petro Poroshenko said that he respected the protesters, but he urged them to act within the framework of the law: "I respect the protests and their participants, but it is important law-enforcement bodies should ensure the actions go peacefully. We must not allow irresponsible politicians repeat the tragic events that took place on August 31," Poroshenko said, saying no word about the "revolution of dignity" that took the Chocolate King straight to the office of Ukraine's President. Political scientist Mikhail Pavlov believes that one does not need to indulge in vain hopes about the current protests in Kiev. "There were clashes between two very different Ukraines in 2004 and 2014. There was a very clear division into "we" and "them." Those conflicts led to what happened to the Donbass and the Crimea. Today, the story is different. These are the protests inside one of those Ukraines. "The current protests may well result in the change of power. This is a struggle for power, in which the crowd despises the leaders of the protests as much as they despise the government. Today's protesters will not die for idiots. Most likely, Ukraine will have to deal with a coalition crisis and the stagnation of Poroshenko's power and management vertical," the expert added. Economist Alexander Okhrimenko analysed the material component of the current protests in Kiev. "The Orange Revolution and the Euro-Maidan started during the good years, when people's incomes were growing, when people could make good money and even save some. If we look at Ukrainian salaries, 2004 and 2013 were best years at this point, but those were the years when the revolutions occurred. Now it is difficult to make thousands of Ukrainians take to the streets for another Maidan, the expert believes, because Ukraine is going through hungry years now. Many Ukrainians live from one salary to another, they scrape and save, the level of consumption decreases, many entrepreneurs have to close their businesses. Many leave Ukraine, because there are no jobs for them in the country. "People curse the authorities, they are unhappy with tariffs, prices, salaries, but they do not run to Maidan. The organisers of the new Maidan are greedy, they can not pay the crowd much for the mess. The revolutionary impulse is weak, and we may wait for the good years to come for another Maidan to occur in Ukraine," the economist said. The big question is whether Ukraine can do without Maidans at all. Yuri Grigoruk Pravda.Ru Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru
El Cáncer de Mama y El Alcohol: ¿Cuánto es Seguro? Casi 5000 muertes por cáncer de mama al año pueden ser atribuidas al consumo leve de alcohol (hasta una sola bebida al día).
Kelleigh Nelson -- Anarchotyranny or Revolution
ANARCHOTYRANNY OR REVOLUTION By Kelleigh Nelson June 30, 2012 My friend, Joe, sent me a great article from the June, 2012 Chronicles magazine. It is entitled, "Sam Francis was Right," by Tom Piatak. Joe said, "Kelleigh, this article is everything you've been saying to me since I met you!" I want to give a few pertinent quotes from that article and apply it to what has happened in America, not just today, but over many decades. Political analyst, Sam Francis, said, "What we have in today's America is Anarchotyranny." Here is his definition: "What we have in this country today ... is both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny--the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes; the criminalization of the law-abiding and innocent through exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation, the invasion of privacy, and the engineering of social institutions, such as the family and local schools; the imposition of thought control through "sensitivity training" and multiculturalist curricula, "hate crime" laws, gun-control laws that punish or disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens, but have no impact on violent criminals who get guns illegally, and a vast labyrinth of other measures." We all can name the exact things Sam Francis is talking about, but the Obamacare law is the epitome of laws "by the state for oppressive purposes." If our government can tell us we must buy health insurance, then they can tell us what we must buy to live in, what we must buy to drive, what we must buy to eat, what we must buy to wear, what we must buy in books, what we must buy in education for our children, and on and on and on. Wait until the food police give you a ticket for not buying broccoli one week! The precedent is now set it granite. The passage of the bill wasn't enough. The Supreme Court has given its "opinion," and although it is just that, an "opinion," it is taken as law. Can it be overturned? Of course. Will it be overturned? Highly unlikely, since both the left and the right have had the same agenda for umpteen decades now, and people are still failing to understand both parties have the same exact agenda. No matter which presidential candidate wins in November, ANARCHOTYRANNY will not disappear. Francis wrote in 1993 that the institutions that most American conservatives have trusted are simply not up to the task. I'd go even farther than that, but here is what Francis had to say: "There is virtually no reason to think that either the Republican party establishment or the neo-conservative intelligentsia, or for that matter, most of the mainstream conservative establishment, either wants or is able to mount an effective challenge to the dominant cultural apparatus of the left in this country." Of course he's absolutely right. We've seen it time and again with how the Republicans cave to the Democrats on bills we do not want passed, they cave to bipartisanship, when we want partisanship. The 60 some new 2010 Tea Party elected congress critters have voted along moderate lines at best, and many times with the Democrats. There's not a one of them that is any different than what we had in D.C. before we elected them! We haven't had a decent RNC backed candidate since Barry Goldwater in 1964. They wouldn't ever back Ron Paul. Instead the RNC gives us the likes of Nixon, Ford, Dole, Bush Sr. and Jr., McCain, and now Romney. None of these candidates was/is a true Constitutional conservative! They aren't even moderates! In fact, Sam Francis made a comment about this very thing as well, in one of the 1994 Chronicle magazines, when he wrote the following: The "religious right" is merely the latest incarnation of the on-going Middle American Revolution, a cultural and political movement that has underlain the political efforts of the American right since the end of World War II. Despite what many right-wing sages would like to believe, the movement never had much to do with their perennial holy cow, the free market, but rather with the perception that the white middle class core of American society was being evicted from its historic position of cultural and political dominance and was in fact in the process of becoming an exploited and repressed proletariat. Is there a member of Congress, in the House or Senate that understands this? Is there a member that is fighting for what is right and just according to the Constitution of the United States? The only one who consistently stood for our Constitution is Ron Paul, and we're losing him to retirement in January of 2013. With today's Supreme Court decision, June 28, 2012, the middle class is now on the final death ride. The middle class represented all that was great about America. It was where everyone strived to arrive. It was the house in the suburbs with two cars, the white picket fence, a couple of kids, a dog and maybe a kitty or a hamster. You know what it was. The remnants are still here, but they'll be gone within 15 to 20 years. The Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare is the result of the deliberate dumbing down of Americans since 1934 when the Carnegie Corporation said, "We are going to use the schools to change the United States from a free market system to a planned economy." In a planned economy, the administration chooses what your child will do all through their lives. (In a planned economy, the government chooses everything for the people.) The Communist countries are all geared towards performance rather than increased knowledge and a planned economy has never succeeded. Our electorate is so absolutely dumbed down that they haven't a clue of what independence, freedom, and liberty are all about. Realize that 30% of the population of America believes Obamacare is wonderful! The loss of America has happened because we have allowed it to happen. Those few town criers ringing the bells of freedom over the decades, and crying for the people to hear them, had too few that would listen. Obamacare is UN Agenda 21. Obamacare is part and parcel of the depopulation of the United States. The UN Agenda 21 plans are to eliminate 85% of the earth's population. The largest glut of humanity in America today are the baby boomers, and we are of course, collecting the money WE PAID INTO Social Security and WE PAID INTO Medicare. Obamacare says, "You're old, you're sick, and you'd bleed the healthcare funds, so here is a physician who will help you die, and will give you "comfort care" until you expire." Not a chance Grandma or Grandpa could have that life saving operation that would give them another 10 years with their children and grand children. Nope, you're a "useless-eater," so please do us all a favor and die now. Wouldn't you think that by now there would be OUTRAGE from the people? Have you seen any that has been effective in stopping the onslaught of Communism in America? Is there another Revolution brewing or are all our people so deliberately dumbed down that reality-shows and sports keep them occupied. I went through the bank drive-thru today and mentioned to the teller (a gal about 50) that Obamacare had passed, and it was the death knell of our once wonderful healthcare system. She said, "Oh I don't pay much attention to politics." Sadly, her answer is all too common. So what are we going to do? Are there men left who have the heart and soul to actually fight for our lost liberties? Is another Revolution brewing as I hear some whisper, or are we just a dying ember of what we used to be? Will we just whine and snivel and complain or will we stand up for our God given unalienable rights? Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: The fourth of July is upon us and my heart bleeds for my nation. My heart bleeds for my children and grand-children. I don't barbeque or picnic or hang my flag out anymore, because July 4th is now a day of mourning. I know what we're experiencing is because we've turned our back on God who has blessed our nation. I know our God is a merciful God, and I know He hears our prayers, but I also know He expects us to always stand for righteousness. I can't stop fighting, but in my heart of hearts, I believe all is lost. I know there are others who mourn with me and cry tears of desperation and sadness. If there is to be a Revolution to stop the Communist onslaught... it had better start now. © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- Tennessee Governor Haslam, Water Rights and Agenda 21 Corruption, Part 1
TENNESSEE GOVERNOR HASLAM, WATER RIGHTS AND AGENDA 21 CORRUPTION PART 1 of 7 By Kelleigh Nelson July 8, 2012 We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office. ~Aesop Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on office, a rottenness begins in his conduct. -Thomas Jefferson Tennessee Passes Resolution Against Agenda 21-Governor Refuses to Sign Tennessee House Joint Resolution 587 (HJR 587) denounced "the destructive and insidious nature of UN Agenda 21." It was passed by Republican legislators over Democratic complaints that it buys into a conspiracy theory. The Resolution was approved, 72-23 in the House and by a 19-11 vote in the Senate. This is a non-binding position statement by the General Assembly, not a law that is implemented. Our Republican Governor, Bill Haslam, allegedly a "conservative Christian," refused to sign the Resolution. [Link] It is the first Resolution he has refused to sign since he took office in 2010. When Haslam was Mayor of the City of Knoxville, he hired his former opponent, environmental extremist, Madeline Rogero, as Director of Community Development. While in this position, she applied for the Smart Growth federal grant from Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The grant gave the City of Knoxville $$4.3 million and another $$2.5 million came from non-profits. The City of Knoxville is now a member of ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). The ICLEI name has been changed to Local Governments for Sustainability. We are now fighting "Smart Growth," thanks to our Governor and the new Mayor of the City of Knoxville, Madeline Rogero. [Link] Why did the Governor refuse to sign a non-binding Resolution? Perhaps the rest of this story will explain the Governor's stance. Also remember, Governor Haslam's family owns Pilot Oil/Flying J. Bear with me while I explain the technical details as clearly as possible so one can understand the full ramifications of the corruption with these alphabet soup environmental groups, the developer of a Waste Water Treatment Plant, an intermodal railroad facility, the legislators of Tennessee, and our Governor, Bill Haslam. This is a huge story with a large number of interwoven players. Then we'll get to the core of this rotten mess which exists in the State of Tennessee and probably in every other State in the Union. The Bottom Line - Woody Degan for State Senate, District 32 Woody Degan is running for Tennessee State Senate Seat, District 32. In supporting Woody Degan, you'll not only be helping the citizens of Tennessee, but those of the entire United States to save our private property and water rights. After you read this story, please send a donation to help Woody fight the battle for all of us and to unseat the incumbent, Mark Norris, who is certainly not representing the rights of the Citizens of Tennessee. This story has UN Agenda 21 and state control of our water and personal property rights written all over it. All water in the state of Tennessee belongs to the citizens. A bunch of good-old-boy politicians, environmental groups, and land developers have colluded to change the law where all water in Tennessee would be controlled by the State. The land of the Wolf River Airport has been owned by the Degan family for two generations. The airport property is threatened because of the developer of a Waste Water Treatment Plant for the City of Piperton and an intermodal rail yard being developed by Norfolk Southern Railroad. The developer bypassed applying for and receiving proper permits, bypassed state environmental laws, and failed to abide by the federal Clean Water Act. Key to Alphabet Soup Environmental Groups TDEC - Tennessee Department of Environmental Conservation TWRA - Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency TWRF - Tennessee Wildlife Resources Foundation TSMP - Tennessee Stream Mitigation Program AMEC - American Engineering Consulting (Ireland owned) TDOT - Tennessee Department of Transportation WWTP - Waste Water Treatment Plant CWA - Clean Water Act WRC - Wolf River Conservancy Tennessee Water Rights Tennessee Water Law, (T.C.A. 69-3-102 (a) (b), states, "waters of the state are held in trust for the citizens.."). So, the citizens of Tennessee own the rivers, the lakes, the streams, the aquifers, the channels, the spillways, every drop...yes, all of Tennessee's water. We own it. That's what the law states. So why then is the state selling our streams and our water rights for $$200 per linear square foot through the Tennessee Stream Mitigation Program (TSMP) "In Lieu Fee" program? The Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) requires “No Net Loss” regarding mitigation issues. Easy enough. Whatever natural resources are damaged due to development, that same amount MUST be replaced (mitigated). Thus, the “No Net Loss” standard. An "In Lieu Fee" is substituted for the "No Net Loss" requirement in the CWA, when the stated requirement cannot be met, or would be quite difficult to satisfy. In other words, if you pay a fee "In Lieu Of" repairing the stream you are damaging with the development, the Tennessee Stream Mitigation Foundation is supposed to use those funds to recreate a similar water way to replace the one which was lost. This means, "No Net Loss." According to the Tennessee Stream Mitigation Program (TSMP) they have made great strides to provide mitigation to offset stream impacts permitted through §404/401 of the federal Clean Water Act. These "Mitigation measures" are supposed to include: 1. Restoration of degraded stream reaches and/or "riparian zones"; (those areas that surround water bodies in the watershed and are composed of moist to saturated soils, water-loving plant species and their associated ecosystems) 2. New (relocated) stream channels; 3. Removal of pollutants from and hydrologic buffering of storm water runoff; and 4. Any other measures which have a reasonable likelihood of increasing the resource value of a state water. In layman's terms, this is saying it is supposed to be nearly impossible for a developer to destroy a stream. However, the law is set up to where the developer is to try to build around the stream first. If that doesn't work, they're supposed to engineer and find a newly approved path to direct the stream with minimal damage. Lastly...and here's the caveat, if that doesn't work, the developer writes a check and destroys the stream. In other words, any developer can simply buy the stream through "In-Lieu-Fee" rather than fixing or mitigating the problem he's made, and therefore, destroy the stream for development purposes. The check is supposed to go to repairing a stream somewhere else, but once it is written, the company is off the hook. They have no responsibility in terms of correcting the stream or mitigating any downstream damage to other property owners, as in the case of the Wolf River Airport. The money goes to the TSMP and they are supposed to either repair the damaged stream or find another stream that is in need of repair within close proximity to this development and use the monies for same. Every foot of stream damaged is to be replaced with a foot of stream. This is "NO NET LOSS" required by the Clean Water Act. The Tennessee Stream Mitigation Program began in 2002 and so far $$56 million has gone into the program so developers could do what they want with a stream. What is happening in Tennessee is, rather than doing "No Net Loss," they're paying this "In Lieu Fee." The TSMP is just taking a fee rather than doing all of the work they're supposed to do according to the Federal Rules of Mitigation and the Federal Clean Water Act. When wetland mitigation, which is legal, came down to the states in the 2002 Memorandum of Understanding from the Federal Government, it was mandated that it be under the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, (TWRA). The Agency was to establish a Tennessee Wildlife Resources Foundation (TWRF) and this foundation is to administer the mitigation program. In addition, developers can purchase "mitigation credits" which are basically an acre a piece, and cost $$40,000. These credits are not readily available to the smaller developers who couldn't afford three or four acre purchases of these credits. However for the big developers, the price is not outrageous. In the case of Wolf River Airport, there are two streams upstream from the airport that both come down and converge on the airport property. They are about a mile to a mile and a half away. With the curvature of the streams, or the natural bends of the streams, each is about three miles of stream. Norfolk-Southern and William Adair bought 4900 ft., and in another case, 3600 ft. of stream and paid money into a bank account for causing damage and tearing up those streams. Rather than mitigate properly and consider downstream use, or downstream impacts, as called for under the Federal Rules of Mitigation, the TSMP just put the money in an account. The key here in Tennessee is that they took the money and put it into an account that was not consistent with the 2002 agreement they had reached with the federal government under the Clean Water Act when Mitigation came to this state. What they did was they put that money in a private bank account off the books of the state of Tennessee. That bank account currently has $$13 Million in it, and has had over $$56 million run through it. The TSMP takes the money, the land, and the water through the Mitigation Banks. The non-profits, for-profits, and other third party organizations run the Mitigation Banks. The Corps of Engineers is doing their books (reports) and filings in order to keep it off of the books of the state, bypassing the CLEAN WATER ACT. This is against both state and federal law. They couldn’t have it on the books because IN LIEU FEE is not in the regulations or the law and doesn’t meet the federal mitigation requirements of NO NET LOSS. All of this is to get around the federal CLEAN WATER ACT, and Tennessee's own water laws. This is an illegal process of taking money and putting it into an off-the-books bank account and nobody knows what they're doing with it. TSMP even put $$5.4 million into Fannie Mae--outside of state fiscal oversight--and they're totally unregulated! Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: There's no cap on how much nature these developers can tear up. In the Wolf River Airport case, the developers bought 4600 ft. of one stream and 3600 feet of another. However, there are three miles of each stream, and they're tearing up the entire two streams all the way to the Wolf river. Mitigation is supposed to rectify any downstream impacts, but as you'll see in this story, it is simply not happening. Codifying (to reconcile the law and incorporate it into the law) the "In Lieu Fee" and "No Net Loss," is the official stated goal of mitigation. In fact, an amendment was even removed from SB2211 in the House that would have made downstream impacts a more significant issue. We'll get to SB2211 and HR2349 later in this tome. In Part 2, we'll discuss the Cast of Characters. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- Tennessee Governor Haslam, Water Rights and Agenda 21 Corruption, Part 2
TENNESSEE GOVERNOR HASLAM, WATER RIGHTS AND AGENDA 21 CORRUPTION PART 2 of 7 By Kelleigh Nelson July 8, 2012 Woody Degan and Wolf River Airport Why is Woody Degan's running for State Senate in District 32? The answer is because of the Tennessee corruption that is destroying private property and the water rights of the State's citizens. Tennessee has a $$56 million dollar bank account that is off the state books! It currently has $$13 Million in the account! The money comes from the state selling our rights to the water and waterways of Tennessee. Governor Haslam's bagman, Senator Mark Norris, attempted to legalize that process through SB2211, stripping the citizens of their water rights under Tennessee Law! Woody exposed it and defeated Sen. Norris' AGENDA 21 legislation, and saved our water rights! Who is Woody Degan? He's a graduate of the University of Memphis with a B.A. degree in Marketing, Advertising and Corporate Communications. He is president and co-owner/manager of Wolf River Airport. He is certified in General Aviation Security through the Transportation Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security. He produces and engineers live concerts. He is a band leader, a lead vocalist, and has shared the stage with stars like Stevie Wonder, Chuck Berry, Ray Charles, Isaac Hayes, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Charlie Pride. Woody is also a groundskeeper and farmer and has 30 years of experience in special use Turf maintenance. The list goes on. The Degan Family, Woody, his brother Reg, and his mother Mary, all own Wolf River Airport. The airport is east of Memphis about three miles into the next county, which is Fayette County. It was an old airport from the 1940's. Woody's father was a world renowned aviator. He was the guy who identified and located the Lost Squadron under the Greenland ice cap, which is actually a History Channel special. Colonel Roy E. Degan, Jr. wanted a small place where youngsters could go to learn to fly and was outside of the control zone. He had three boys and decided he would build his own place, and so he joined with 10 other people and bought this old airstrip. They made a number of major improvements, including constructing buildings and hangars. They now house about 45 aircraft there. The airport is a general aviation airport and is federally numbered; 54M is the Wolf River Airport. It serves as the training place for the 101st airborne out of Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. They're the copters that took SEAL Team 6 to get Osama Bin Laden and they also do training operations at the airport. Wolf River Airport also services domestic traffic, local traffic, and emergency helicopters. Wolf River Airport has been flooded by the developers of a Waste Water Treatment Plant and the developers of the new Norfolk Southern Intermodal Rail Yard. The damage to two streams, as well as the land surrounding the airport, is horrendous. The Degans are fighting to keep their business and their property from being destroyed. When this happened, Woody and his brother did their due diligence on how the developer got their permits. Tennessee has some great water laws, and the federal Clean Water Act is very clear and thorough in addressing water situations. However, Woody and his brother learned these developers had essentially "bought" their permits, which is illegal and should be! To do what they're doing with the streams that caused the Wolf River Airport flooding is certainly illegal. This is the story of corruption, destruction of private property, pollution of waterways, failure to follow state and federal environmental laws, payoffs and monetary gains by the rich and powerful. It is the story of Woody Degan's fight to expose what is ultimately UN Agenda 21 in the State of Tennessee. It is a story that is happening across the Nation. It is the story of the destruction of God-given and Constitutionally guaranteed rights for all citizens. It is a story that goes to the top politician in the state, Governor Haslam. It is a story that needs to be exposed. The Cast of Characters William Adair is a developer in Memphis, Tennessee. He owns William C Adair Development Co LLC, established in 2008 in Tennessee. His partner is Pierre DeWet, a Texas billionaire. DeWet is the developer of "The Heart of Tyler, Texas Main Street Program." The Main Street website states, "The Texas Main Street Program, part of the Texas Historical Commission's Community Heritage Development Division, helps Texas cities revitalize their historic downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts by utilizing preservation and economic development strategies. The program began in 1981 and is affiliated with the National Trust for Historic Preservation." This is United Nations' Agenda 21 Smart Growth. William Adair started Direct General Insurance in 1991 and sold it for $$685 million in 2007. He and his wife then moved back to Colliersville, TN. He decided to build a $$100 million project in Piperton which would include homes, industry, charter schools, and retail stores. He paid $$28 million for the 3,000 acres known as Twin Hill Ranch, most of which he plans to develop into a mixed-use subdivision called Piperton Hills. It would be patterned upon his business partner, Pierre DeWet's "Heart of Tyler" program which is referred to as the "ideal city." Besides the obvious comparison to Smart Growth cities promoted by the United Nations Agenda 21, I am reminded of the book, "The Ideal Communist City." It was written in the 50s by six Soviets describing the ideal cities built in communist Russia that are exactly what the Smart Growth agenda is promoting in America today. Adair is also responsible for the construction of the Piperton, Tennessee Waste Water Treatment Plant. He is spending $$5 million of his own money for the Waste Water Plant as a gift to the City. He is also involved in the development of the Norfolk Southern rail yard intermodal. Adair actually sold the land for the intermodal to Norfolk Southern. Mark Norris is Tennessee Senator Majority Leader, from District 32, and serves as Chairman of the Senate Rules Committee. He is a member of the Finance Ways and Means Committee, Ethics Committee, State and Local Governments Committee, and Energy and Environment Committee. Norris is an attorney for Adams and Reese, LLC. He is a member of the Litigation Practice Group where he represents small businesses, health care providers and property owners, and he provides general counseling to individuals, charities, corporations and nonprofit organizations. Adams and Reese also specializes in representation of clients in the oil industry before all courts, governmental regulatory bodies and tribunals, as well as in alternate dispute resolutions, including arbitration and mediation. This plays an important role in this expose`. Norris is also a member of the Council of State Governments' Southern Legislative Conference. As a member of the delegation of presiding officers from The Council of State Governments' Southern Legislative Conference, he recently traveled to China at the invitation of the Chinese government. The goal of the China-US Exchange Foundation is to help Americans across many spectrums gain a deeper understanding of the environmental, economic, social and political developments in China. The Southern Legislative Conference delegation was among the invited guests to the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The delegation gathered several hours before the parade began at Tiananmen Square to witness the vast display of Chinese military power, including 52 weapons systems, 151 warplane flyovers, 12 intercontinental-range missiles, and a new missile, the Dongfeng 21-C, along with thousands of marching troops. Norris is also the Chairman for the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (TACIR), which is the liberal, Rockefeller spawned southeast division of Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR). On April 21, 1935, the New York Times magazine published a plan in which the states would merge into new units called Federal Regions, that would be controlled from Washington, DC. In 1959, Nelson Rockefeller called for an Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR), which became a federally-funded Rockefeller think-tank within Congress to prepare a working formula for the concept. Norris's seemingly close relationship with Governor Haslam is not surprising inasmuch as TACIR is a proponent of Agenda 21's Smart Growth. TACIR's "Growth Policy," which includes limitations on "urban sprawl," makes it quite clear they're a proponent of Agenda 21. Remember, Haslam allowed Smart Growth into Knoxville when he was the City Mayor, and Haslam refused to sign the non-binding Resolution against Agenda 21,--the first Resolution he's refused to sign. Mark Norris plays an integral part in this story. His closeness with the Governor has him carrying legislation the Governor wishes to see passed. One such piece of legislation was SB2211 which would have codified the unlawful activities with "In Lieu Fees" via the Tennessee Stream Mitigation Program. Typically the Senate will let the bills run their course in the House before they act on them; this way the Senator has some cover. He doesn't have to publicly take a stand on the issue. These bills are in what is called " summer study" and can be brought up again as soon as session starts in January of 2013. Therefore, these bills must be watched closely. Norris Campaign Donations Governor Haslam recently appointed Samir Ali to the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (ECD). In the Governor's Constituent Newsletter #21, he referenced Dr. Subhi Ali who is Samar's father. Dr. Ali is past President of the Tennessee Medical Association (TMA). Rosine Ghawji states in her newsletter, that one likely explanation is "simple politics and cronyism." The appointment has caused some intense backlash against the Governor for many reasons. Samar Ali's background is of particular interest inasmuch as she will be International Director for the ECD under Commissioner Bill Hagerty. She served an internship for the Islamic International Arab Bank in Amman, Jordan. She was working as an associate at the international law firm Hogan Lovells where she specialized in advising clients on "Shariah-Compliant transactions." Samir was a founding member of the first U.S. delegation to the World Islamic Economic Forum where key leaders declared Shariah Finance to be "dawa" (missionary) activity to promote Islam and Shariah. She was one of the 13 appointed fellows serving in the Obama White House. She was also a donor to Democrat Harold Ford, Jr.'s Tennessee campaign. Samar Ali donated to the 2008 Obama Victory Fund. In 2004, Samir Ali's father, Dr. Subhi Ali donated to several Democrats, one of whom is pro-Hamas/anti-Israel Cynthia McKinney, a staunch supporter of the Nation of Islam. Of special interest is a donation to McKinney of $$2,000 from Abdurahman Alamoudi, former Director of the American Muslim Foundation, and al Qaeda's top fundraiser in America. He is currently serving a 23 year prison sentence. [Link] Other donations to Democrats included Lincoln Davis, Bob Clement, and former Tennessee Governor Bredesen. Of extreme interest is the fact that Dr. Ali has also donated to Senator Mark Norris. The Independent Medicine Pac (IMPACT) has also donated to Senator Mark Norris. The PAC is listed among the affiliates and partners of Dr. Ali's Tennessee Medical Association (TMA). Dr. Ali's other daughter, Yasmine Ali, M.D., is listed as a Board Member of the TMA. One might also like to ask why Tennessee Republican State Senator Norris has donated to well-known Agenda 21 Senator, Lamar Alexander. Ali was recommended to the position by Will Alexander, the son of U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander, who was promoted to chief of staff of the department in May. Hagerty and Haslam signed off on the appointment, which is an executive-level position. The reality is, Woody found out what was going on in the state of Tennessee, why it was horribly askew, and why his representative, Mark Norris, wasn't representing him or the Citizens of the State of Tennessee. People encouraged Woody to run against Senator Norris. It took him about 9 weeks to get used to the idea and when he did, he threw his hat in the ring. [Link] If we elect Woody Degan, these bills will never get the opportunity to see the light of day again. Once Norris found out Woody was running against him, he hired a private detective to spy on Woody and the Wolf River Airport. Fortunately for Woody, the detective wasn't as smart as Norris assumed. The bills for the detective's time were sent to Woody's Campaign Headquarters rather than to Mark Norris, so Woody had a head's up on the fact that he was being followed and spied upon. Wonder how the detective was paid... Representative David Hawk is a House member of the 103rd through 107th House Assemblies. He is a member of the House General Sub-Committee of Conservation and Environment and he is also the Chairman of the House Conservation and Environment Committee. Interestingly enough, Hawk is also involved with Main Street Greeneville, TN, the same program both William Adair and his partner Pierre DeWet have invested in with Piperton, TN and Tyler, Texas respectively. This is a Smart Growth project. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: More importantly however, Representative Hawk carries legislation in the House for the Governor and especially in the House Conservation and Environment Committee where he hoped to pass HR2349 which would have codified the unlawful activities with "In Lieu Fees" via the Tennessee Stream Mitigation Program. Link to video Hawk tried to suspend the rules and push this bill forward. Thank God for a few good Democrats in the room who smelled a rat and put this bill under some serious scrutiny. Fortunately, this bill did not pass. However, the mounting pressure of his inability to deliver the bill back to Norris and the Governor so infuriated Representative Hawk that he apparently went home and physically abused his wife later that weekend. [Link] In Part 3, we'll look at William Adair and Norfolk Southern's intermodal rail yard. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- Tennessee Governor Haslam, Water Rights and Agenda 21 Corruption, Part 3
TENNESSEE GOVERNOR HASLAM, WATER RIGHTS AND AGENDA 21 CORRUPTION PART 3 of 7 By Kelleigh Nelson July 13, 2012 Norfolk Southern Railroad announced in 2009 that it would build a $$129 million intermodal rail yard terminal on 570 acres in newly annexed land in Rossville, which is in rural Fayette County. The map of the plan shows the site for the yard, which will include a rail spur from Norfolk Southern's main line north of Tenn. 57 and an access road to U.S. 72 in Mississippi. The original site chosen was known as the “Windyke” site because it is owned by the proprietors of Memphis’ Windyke Country Club and was slated for a golf course. Railroads have the power of eminent domain, thus this location could have been chosen despite being owned by the Country Club. Norfolk Southern could have put up to 2,000 trucks a day onto highway Tenn. 57. Several groups were against this site. The Wolf River Conservancy was worried about the effects a large intermodal yard would have on the Wolf River and the Memphis Sands aquifer, which is the source of public drinking water. Southern Fayette Alliance was another group formed by Buck Clark as a non-profit to keep the rail yard from being built on this site and polluting the Wolf River. This site was six miles east of Degan's Wolf River Airport. The City of Memphis was practically giving the railroad a site in the Frank C. Pidgeon Industrial Park on what is called President’s Island. It is literally on the Mississippi River, just South of the Hanrahan bridge. They would have had rail, riverboat, and trucking, but they just didn’t want to go into downtown Memphis. Since William Adair had purchased his 3,000 acre farm and was planning to build his rural development of Piperton Hills on it, Buck Clark, from Wolf River Conservancy, and Southern Fayette Alliance, approached Adair about using some of Adair's site for the rail yard. Buck had land adjacent to Adair's property. Since Adair had a 3,000 acre ranch, he said he'd sell them the 300 to 600 acres they needed and make it adjacent to his Piperton Hills development. Then he'd get it rezoned so the rail yard would be in Rossville. What he did was buy farmland in the surrounding area. None of the Aldermen of the City of Rossville, population under 1,000, approved whatever Adair and Clark were going to do, but instead gave them carte blanche to do as they pleased with Norfolk Southern. When Norfolk Southern intimated they would use eminent domain to take some of Adair's property, he wasn't as cozy with them as he once was, but they have still remained in business together. Adair's development company is doing the dirt moving work for the rail yard facility, moving over 3.4 million yards. Intermodal freight transport involves the transportation of freight in an intermodal container or vehicle, using multiple modes of transportation (rail, ship, and truck), without any handling of the freight itself when changing modes from truck to rail, or from ship to rail, etc. Norfolk Southern's rail yard will receive 4,000 to 5,000 trucks per day and deliver containers to be off-loaded on the trains for delivery. This intermodal will allegedly remove up to a million long-haul trucks from the road. That's one million jobs being cut. The Intermodal will serve as a key component of the railroad’s Crescent Corridor, a 2,500-mile, $$2.5 billion public-private partnership rail network linking the southeastern and northeastern U.S. The $$105 million terminal is a part of the railroad's Crescent Corridor program of projects to establish a high-speed intermodal freight rail route linking the Gulf Coast and the Northeast. Anyone else find the name "Crescent" rather disturbing? Sixty U.S. legislators endorsed the Crescent Corridor concept, including U.S. Sens. Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker of Tennessee and U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen of Memphis. Alexander and Corker have proven themselves to be on board with UN Agenda 21, along with Representative Cohen. The railroad is planning to fund $$31 million of the project’s $$112 million price tag, and the state had requested $$81.2 million in federal stimulus money under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009’s Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Program. Norfolk Southern received $$105 million in federal stimulus money and will use half that money, or $$52.5 million, for the facility. The other half will be used for an intermodal facility in Birmingham, Ala. I'm sick of trillions of tax dollars being given to private corporations under the guise of stimulus! As for their green claim, residents are wondering how green it can be. Trees are being felled, ponds are being drained, streams are being bulldozed, and roads are being built over the area’s rolling hills in preparation for hundreds – and later thousands – of trucks coming in and out each day. Governor Bill Haslam says, "I'm excited about the jobs this project will bring to Fayette County and Tennessee. My administration continues to focus on making Tennessee the No. 1 location in the Southeast for high-quality jobs, and this project is indicative of why one of our target industry clusters for job growth is transportation, logistics, and distribution." Haslam tells Tennessee the intermodal's projection for jobs by 2020 is 6,200, and by 2030 9,000 new jobs. What he doesn't tell you is that 1.3 million truck drivers will lose their jobs. In reality, very few jobs are actually created at the Intermodal Facility, perhaps 15. The ancillary jobs might come from other corporate relocations there, which would inevitably mean additional stream mitigation. The list of supporters of this intermodal system reads like a Who's Who of UN Agenda 21 promoters all under the guise of going "green," and saving the highways, fuel, interstate congestion, and of course fewer tons of CO2 released annually. Adair and Norfolk Southern's Intermodal Rail Yard This story sounds like countless other stories we've heard about big government, the elite, and the trampling of the little guy's rights, but it's not, it's way, way more. This story affects not only Woody Degan's family airport, it affects every citizen in the State of Tennessee. This man and his brother are fighting for the God-given rights of every citizen in our state and perhaps the country. When the citizens of a state lose control of their water to the state government, all the rest of the dominos in the UN Agenda 21 program will fall. Here's what happened in 2008 before the Waste Water Treatment Plant and Norfolk Southern Intermodal was started. Ronnie Lee is a personal friend of the Degan family, and he's also a real estate agent who works for William Adair. In 2008, Ronnie had talked to Woody and his brother Reg about buying the whole airport. However, the Degans never gave him a price because they didn't want to sell. Shortly thereafter, Southwest Management of Phoenix, AZ sent a surveyor to snoop around the airport to look at the land, and ask about them selling some of the land off the end of the runway. Woody said no, that it would make the runway too short. What was happening is the developers were looking at putting the rail yard right smack next to the airport, while Adair and the City of Piperton were looking at putting the Waste Water Treatment Plant adjacent to the airport. The first letter Woody received from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) stated they were going to impact one of his streams because they were doing some work upstream on a project and it would impact so much land and so forth. They stated the developer was going to participate in the Tennessee Stream Mitigation Program and that's how the damages would be offset. Several months later Woody received a letter from the Corps of Engineers that stated the same thing, except it was on another stream they were buying on the other side and they would be participating in the same program to offset damages. Woody couldn't understand why he was getting very similar letters on two different streams from two different agencies. The key here is that the Corps of Engineers is doing their books for them on the state level. They do their reports so they can keep it off the state books and this is to get around both the State Water Act and the federal Clean Water Act. There is no legislation that allows this, either at the federal or state level. It is done just so they can keep their developments going in spite of being illegal. The letters were about the development of an intermodal rail yard by Norfolk Southern which is right across the street from Wolf River Airport. It is basically a hub for trains. They come in, reconfigure and go back out. Woody and his family are all for the rail yard and the corporations that will surround it as this will help his business, but he can't operate if he's a foot under water. As mentioned above, the Windyck site was six miles east of the present location, but the opposition was so heavy because it was going to pollute the Wolf River Watershed being so close to the river. The runoff and drainage would go into the river and kill the fish. Exactly the same thing is happening now at the present site in Rossville in Fayette County, Tennessee. These two streams converge on Woody's property, and the north end of Woody's property abuts the Wolf River. The Rossville location is closer to the interstate, so they mitigated here. They also knew about Adair, who was already doing a development in the same area, and they bought the acreage from him. There are federal stipulations or advisories from the FAA, the National Transportation Administration, the Corps of Engineers, the EPA, and they are all signatory to these "Memorandums of Agreement," stating they will NOT DO exactly what they're doing. So, not only are they getting around the federal Clean Water Act, they are doing things in close proximity to the airport that they shouldn't be doing. The state wants this project for the jobs the ancillary businesses surrounding the intermodal will create. Everyone understands this. It is actually a perfect situation with an airport and an intermodal with surrounding supporting businesses. However, this intermodal rail yard did not have to be near the Wolf River Airport. The City of Memphis was practically giving them a place called President's Island. The infrastructure was there, the rails were there, the land was available, but they refused it. There is enough unoccupied building inventory around the country, that we shouldn't even have to talk about mitigation. There is now a stream outside of Woody's building at the airport that is nine feet deep in pristine, white, hard-edged sand, which means that sand hasn't been in the creek for long, and it is clean without other mixed dirt. This means that sand most likely came from underground, which also means the project hit an aquifer. This is a Memphis sand aquifer feeder so this project is potentially polluting the groundwater. An environmental assessment was paid for by the project itself, and done by the Irish company, American Engineering Consultants (AMEC). The assessment stated there is a 50/50 probability of breaching the aquifer and polluting it. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: The project developers, Norfolk Southern, along with AMEC, and the former Attorney General, Paul Summers, of the State of Tennessee, came and sat in the airport office, at their request, and showed Woody and his brother maps. They knew there was an airport, and they knew the airport was federally numbered. When they produced their Environmental Assessment and all of their official TDEC paperwork, they left the airport completely out of any Environmental Assessment they did. In fact, they stated that all the downstream use for the land use was agricultural. The airport has been flooded twice. The plan is for 34 to 35 Corporations to locate around this project, so what's going to happen when they start hard surfacing land that used to absorb runoff? The first flood caused the airport to lose computers, records, and filing cabinets that ended up turned over. The condition of the property, including the grass, was so damaged that it was back to square one to repair the loss. The developers were sent numerous letters of complaint by Woody and his brother and their representatives, and then the developers lied saying they'd never received them, until they had to produce them in state court. The entire cadre of state organizations has misrepresented facts and has lied all the way up to the Environment Conservation Committee in Nashville, TN. The developers and state organizations have lied from the beginning to where they are now. They know Wolf River Airport has been flooded multiple times as a result of what they've done. They were in court arguing about not having an impact while Burlington Northern trains were stopped at the creek crossing, refusing to go across because they considered the water level too dangerous. The water was actually coming up over the rail tracks. An engineer for Burlington Northern, who shares tracks with Norfolk Southern, halted his train and refused to cross the stream bridge when the tracks were flooded. The cost of that delay came to approximately $$1 million per hour. Trucks and backhoes show up at the crossing, on the Airport's private road, and Woody goes out to ask what they're doing. They don't want to tell Woody that they've put the rail on restriction because an engineer from Burlington refused to cross it. Norfolk Southern, AMEC and TDEC all say everything's okay, but Burlington Northern who is not part of this conspiracy, says otherwise. Part 4 will explain the impact on neighboring properties and the pollution of the aquifers that supply the area's drinking water. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- Tennessee Governor Haslam, Water Rights and Agenda 21 Corruption, Part 4
TENNESSEE GOVERNOR HASLAM, WATER RIGHTS AND AGENDA 21 CORRUPTION PART 4 of 7 By Kelleigh Nelson July 16, 2012 Impact on Neighboring Properties Woody's neighbor on the East lost his stream flow from one of the streams that converges on the Airport property, but crosses the neighbor's property first. He lost his stream flow to a wetland. The neighbor is currently in front of a Water Board in the State of Tennessee trying to rectify that impact. On the other side, the other stream has exponentially more water flowing from it. One inch of rain on a 300 acre parcel of land, in its natural state, which is what this was, produces 500,000 gallons of storm water runoff. When developers covered the 300 acres with a hard surface, that same one inch of rain produced eight million gallons of storm water runoff. So just as the engineers told Woody, he was eight inches under water. That was the first impact. It is against Tennessee Law to increase the water flow of a water way. Retention ponds and basins are to be utilized in order to keep this from happening. After the rain subsides, the additional waters can be released from the holding areas without negatively impacting the downstream areas. Measuring Turbidity of the Water The second impact is the water pollution. The federal limit on turbidity is 280 units (NTU). Turbidity basically measures the solids in the water to determine the level of pollution. It is the ability to shine a light through a water sample to see the suspended solids in the water. When the streams started being contaminated due to the development, Woody, and his brother, Reg, bought a machine to test the waters and check the impact to see how bad the pollution was on their property. The machine they purchased only goes up to 4,000 NTU, the measurement of turbidity. Their measured numbers were regularly in the 2,400 to 3,500 turbidity ranges until they started going so high they could no longer be measured. The numbers were off the machine, over 4,000 NTU. Reg called the factory, had the machine calibrated and checked to make sure it was properly reading the turbidity numbers. Since the machine was functioning properly, Woody and Reg had an official engineer come out to take certified stream readings because their readings would not be legally valid if litigation ensued. He calibrated and used their machine. The official readings were the same as theirs had been. Please keep in mind the federal limit on turbidity is 280. Come to find out later when the Tennessee Department of Conservation released their turbidity readings from their own monitoring stations in the stream, they were up to 14,000 units. That's 50 times higher than the safe limit specified in the Clean Water Act. This intermodal is built on a Memphis aquifer feeder and they're running 14,000 NTU polluted water straight into the watershed. This is the same watershed they were afraid to build on at the previous site for fear of pollution. Woody and Reg can no longer drink water from the well on their property because the water is so contaminated. This is real water, real aquifers, real people, real wells, real streams, and these big developers are essentially buying their way around the regulations. The true turbidity that they're dumping into the Wolf River is now over 16,000 NTUs. This is documented by TDEC and Woody has the official files. TDEC has turned their backs on this pollution, as has the Wolf River Conservancy. Keith Cole, Executive Director of the WRC stated they are "not concerned with enforcement." When the turbidity is that high and they say they're not concerned about enforcement, then you know there's a big payoff somewhere. Remember that land that Adair donated to the Wolf River Conservancy that has become the Wolf River Mitigation Bank? Well, the WRC was selling off mitigation credits at $$40,000 each, which made the value of those 80 acres of donated land worth $$3.2 million dollars. So, in essence, the very issue - water pollution of the Wolf River Watershed - that the WRC opposed previously, is happening right now before their very eyes, and they are not concerned with enforcement of the laws. Perhaps the $$3.2 million dollar donation by William Adair has a bearing on that issue. Ultimately, when Woody and Reg exposed this entire illegal program at the state level, the WRC closed its illegal mitigation bank and turned it back over to the TWRA to run, trying to get out before being exposed themselves. William Adair bought the 3,000 acre Twin Hill Ranch property in 2007. An important factor in this land use decision for the intermodal that has garnered little attention is the fact that Twin Hill Ranch serves as an important recharge area for the region’s drinking water source. The Memphis Sand Aquifer touches the surface in numerous places on the Ranch and the site for the proposed intermodal facility sits atop the Memphis Sand Aquifer. The intermodal facility environmental assessment shows drinking water wells in the vicinity that serve people living on Knox Road, Neville Road and U.S. 57. The town of Rossville obtains its public supply from three other shallow wells. If any drinking water wells are affected, these likely will be the first ones where contamination could appear. Quite obviously with the turbidity count so high on Wolf River Airport, there is little doubt other wells in the vicinity that serve the area are also polluted or soon will be. Where Does the Money Go? Woody and Reg have exposed this entire program. They were told they were crazy and the "In-Lieu-Fee" program didn't exist. They went to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) office and TDEC refused to give them any documents regarding In-Lieu-Fee's. TDEC stated the documents went back to Nashville, so Woody and Reg went to Nashville to get them. In Nashville, they were told the documents had been sent back to Memphis. Again they went back to the Memphis Field Office of TDEC and when they went in, they were told the copy machine wasn't working. They told the men they could look at the documents, but not copy them. Fortunately, Reg was prepared and he brought his copy machine with him and copied all the documents. The In-Lieu-Fee program does exist. In one case, the developers bought one stream beside Woody's airport for $$787,700. The other stream on the other side they bought for $$946,000. Keep in mind they only bought the upper portion of either one of those streams. They didn't buy the entire stream. The questions they were asking in the TDEC files were not, "Should we impact this much stream?" or "Is this too serious?" No, the only question they asked was, "How much money do we charge?" Adair and the Piperton Waste Water Treatment Plant The Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) is a gift from Adair to the City of Piperton and it is still not finished. Power lines were just run to it the first of June, 2012. Of course because this is a tax free gift to the citizens of Piperton through politics, the politicians are accommodating every move Adair makes. In 2009, Woody started writing letters to the city of Piperton, and the City Engineer. He told them the plans for the treatment plant were too close to the airport by Federal Aviation Administration Advisory standards. Any ground water attracts birds and other wildlife. You can't have either near an airport. They told him they didn't care, they were still putting it in where they planned, which was right smack next to the airport. Woody actually has the original plat from Neel Schaffer Engineering, and the woman who gave it to him got fired. In 2010, Woody wrote emails to the City of Piperton, to Mr. Vojin Janjic at Tennessee Department of Environmental Conservation (TDEC), and to William Adair stating the Waste Water Plant was too close to the airport. Of interest is the fact that Adair's name is on the permit for the plant, but only a municipality can be the permit holder for a Waste Water Plant. Technically, Piperton issued the permit illegally, but it was only because they were getting everything gratis from William Adair. Actually, Piperton Mayor, Buck Chambers, applied for the permit, but Adair signed it. He was the developer and applicant for the permit. The City Manager of Piperton, Stephen Steinbach, told Woody verbatim, "I can find no evidence to suggest that there exists any mandatory federal locational criteria that would prevent the City from realizing its goal of having its first centralized Waste Water Treatment facility constructed on the selected site." In other words, they felt, no obeisance to federal regulation, Memorandums of Agreement laws, or their own state laws, or desire to protect the property of their citizens. William Adair bought land down from the airport, and apportioned other parcels of land by eminent domain to be used in part for the WWTP. Adair said he was "horse trading" for these several parcels of land during the eminent domain process on other properties (private entities) for the WWTP he was giving to Piperton. In trading the land, he donated 80 acres to the Wolf River Conservancy to establish and operate the Wolf River Wetland Mitigation Bank. The Wetland Mitigation Bank, according to federal standards, is also too close to the Airport. (FAA-CIRCULAR-150_5200_33b) The City of Piperton also took land by eminent domain from a neighbor, Bruce Bowling, and paid him $$16,000 per acre. The man didn't want to sell, and he didn't want to lose his property as it had been in the family for generations, but Adair wanted it for his WWTP. When a city is having a Waste Water Treatment Plant built for them free of charge, they'll accommodate the one paying the bill. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Then Woody arranged a conference call between Vojin Janjic of TDEC, (which is a subsidiary of EPA) and a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) official from Atlanta to explain the agreements that have long existed in the Memorandum of Understanding between FAA and EPA, Corps of Engineers, the Navy, and other agencies. These agreements state there must be a 5,000 foot minimum separation between the Waste Water facilities and airport operations. The WWTP was only 1,750 feet from the airport! Waste Water Treatment Plant's are specifically mentioned in the Advisories. They state that bird strikes are the number one cause of aircraft crashes and thus any sitting water is a danger to aircraft within a specified area. (Remember Captain Sullenberger who landed in the Hudson? His plane ran into a flock of geese). We'll continue the battle of the WWTP location and the ensuing lawsuit in part 5. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- Tennessee Governor Haslam, Water Rights and Agenda 21 Corruption, Part 5
TENNESSEE GOVERNOR HASLAM, WATER RIGHTS AND AGENDA 21 CORRUPTION PART 5 of 7 By Kelleigh Nelson July 17, 2012 On March 17, 2010 a letter was sent from Piperton, TN, signed by the City Manager, Stephen Steinbach. It was sent to Adair, Woody, the construction company Adair had hired, the Mayor of Piperton, the City attorney, and the engineer of Piperton. The letter was a "Cease and Desist" letter stating the WWTP was too close to the airport. It didn't end there, however. The Mayor called Woody and said Adair told him he had it all worked out with the airport owners. Woody informed the Mayor there was nothing worked out. Adair had informed the Mayor they'd moved the WWTP far enough away, but they hadn't, and the Wolf River Airport was being flooded. They were still building in the same locale and the WWTP was still not 5,000 feet away from the airport. When the WWTP site was inspected to see exactly how far away from the airport it was, the inspectors found that Adair was having it built on the wrong site, on the wrong side of the railroad tracks. The Mayor of Piperton ended up calling other local landowners in an attempt to acquire access to other potential sites for the project, reportedly yelling at some property owners, to no avail. They didn't want a WWTP in their backyard. June 20, 2010, Woody and Reg had met with Adair several times and Woody was actually working with Adair's partner at the time, in Tyler, Texas, Pierre DeWet, who among other investments, owns an event center and recording studio. With Woody's extensive background in music, he and DeWet hit it off, but the studio personnel couldn't etch the sound they actually wanted. So Pierre tells Woody he'll finance half the money they need for marketing and recording the music. Then he told Woody that he’d “have to go see William” (Adair) to get the rest of the money. By this time, Woody did not have a favorable opinion of William, as he and Reg knew Adair’s statements had not been consistent with his actions at all. So, to take the advice of DeWet, Woody conceded to visit William Adair. He met with Adair on July 20th, 2010. Adair was still hopping mad about the "Cease and Desist" letter, and that's all he could talk about. Adair told Woody “you should have come to me first,” to which Woody replied, “I did come to you, William. We’ve talked about it three times now.” Woody told him he could have lost his airport license had he done nothing, as addressing WWTPs are specifically charged in FAA advisories. Adair told Woody he'd think about giving him the rest of the money for his recording and Woody told him, "No thank you," he wasn't selling out the airport and his family for recording money. To top it all off, Adair says, "My stock here will never be higher. I've got all the mayors of all the surrounding areas in my back pockets, from Rhea Taylor in Fayette County on down. So, you and your brother get yourself a list together as to what you need and we'll get started on the political side." Although Adair consistently stated he'd address the water issue with them, he never did. Repeatedly, Adair summoned Woody and Reg to his office for meetings and discussions, but it became simply a broken record of Adair's self-aggrandizement. He constantly reiterated all of the great things he was doing and how wonderful this would be for everyone. Yet, the airport flooded. The only request Woody and Reg ever made to William Adair was to not be flooded. Woody and Reg ended up telling Adair in a meeting on September 1, 2010, that they wanted the WWTP moved and the water issues and pollution allegedly caused by the rail development to be fixed. They told Adair they had a five and 10-year business plan and they were under review based on everything happening. They simply couldn't move forward with their own development plans, because they first had to know the water problems were going to be fixed and no flooding would occur. On September 22, 2010, Woody's attorney, Elizabeth Murphy and a hired engineer, Ron Hale, drove from Nashville to meet them in Memphis. They had a meeting scheduled with Adair, but he was a no-show, and instead sent his personal engineer to meet with them. They went and looked at streams five and six and were shocked. Both Woody and Reg have taken pictures exposing the entire mess, from the very beginning. In January of 2011, pictures were taken from the air of the entire area and what they were doing. The development was disturbing many more acres than they were allowed to be disturbing. On July 29th, 2010, to allay their frustration, Adair told Woody and his brother that he'd give them enough dirt to raise the airport four feet. Adair said at the time he was moving 5.2 million yards of dirt for the rail yard, because when he cut the deal for the rail yard, he cut two other deals with it. He was hired to do all the dirt work on 300 acres of sloped property that needed to be leveled. He also said he'd supply the diesel to the trains because the railroad is not allowed to keep 3,000 to 4,000 gallons of diesel fuel on the site. Reg then advised Adair that he could utilize river barges to bring the diesel from New Orleans, and save as much as 25 cents per gallon. In the subsequent meeting, Adair stated that he had checked on Reg's advice and could save as much as 32 cents per gallon with the quantity he anticipated. Woody and Reg were well informed about the intermodal project while these discussions with Adair were taking place. During that time their attorney, Elizabeth Murphy, sent an environmental conservation group to look at the situation and they advised that the developers shouldn't be able to do what they were doing with regards to the water. They stated it posed a significant danger to the airport. I certainly don't mean to get tedious with this explanation, but all of it needs to be exposed to understand the full ramifications of what the legislature of Tennessee tried to do in codifying the law to legalize illegal federal and state activity. Lawsuit Wolf River Airport went before the State Water Board in March/April 2010. The Water Board wouldn’t hear it. Then they went to Chancery Court. Chancery Court ruled, but then suspended the ruling and sent Wolf River Airport back to the Water Board. PictSweet Corporation (a farm corporation property to the East of the airport who lost flow because of the developments) is currently in front of the Water Board every 2nd Tuesday of the month. Woody's attorneys are monitoring the PictSweet strategy closely, but they're not optimistic about the outcome. Woody thinks, "A victory for PictSweet should be a victory for us due to the fact that we share that stream. It will be hard to assess damages on one side of the stream and not the other." The Wolf River Airport state lawsuit was eventually suspended in April of 2011. TDEC left the Wolf River Airport off the lists for notifications, and denied that they had even received letters of opposition from the Wolf River Airport. Then, all of a sudden, when in court, they "found" the letters Woody stated he and his counsel had sent. The March 5, 2010 letter from Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) to the City of Piperton, sent by the State to the Mayor, stated they'd received letters from Wolf River Airport. It also stated Piperton hadn't completed all mitigation or permits, but then they ultimately excused them! This letter was signed by Vojin Janjik of TDEC! Woody then sent a certified letter to Janjic at TDEC on March 8, 2010. TDEC is signatory to these MOU agreements and is supposed to uphold them, but was not following the law. Tennessee annotated code says they're to follow those laws and regulations, but they weren't doing it. He had even requested they rescind the permits. So TDEC sent the letter to Piperton and had them rescind Adair's local permit, but since Adair was giving them the Waste Water Plant, nothing happened. Woody even cited the Clean Water Act. TDEC has awareness on every issue and then later on they repeatedly deny it. Neel Schaffer Engineering was managing the deal for William Adair and was going to talk to them about the FAA situation with the water problems. When Woody's brother, Reg, went to meet with them, a man representing himself as an FAA official was present. Reg became suspicious of the man's lack of knowledge, checked him out further, and found out the man was not an FAA official, nor did he represent the FAA. Initially, Wolf River Airport was to be notified about the plant and was told it was all going to be underground, but it wasn't. Vince Malavasi of Neel Schaffer Engineering was supposed to have filed form 7060-1, but he hadn't. He said he wasn't going to, but when you are going to affect any water, you must file this form. So they eventually filed. Piperton's Mayor Chambers and Adair both stated the facility was supposed to be underground. Tiffany Hill-Heard worked for Neel Schaffer and gave the original engineering plat files to Woody. They did not show any underground facility, but instead showed the Waste Water Plant right adjacent to the airport, on the airport's road, Wolfport Way. Vince Malavasi fired Tiffany Hill-Heard for doing this. The original plan and plat also called for Wolf River Airport's private road, Wolfport Way, to be used for access to their plant. Wolfport Way is NOT IN PIPERTON! Woody had allowed Wolfport Way to be annexed by the City of Rossville seven years prior, as the road was the dividing line between the two cities. The airport on the north side of the rail was what they wanted to annex, but they weren't annexing any other properties north of the rail, for some two miles back to the City proper. So, Woody gave them just the 50' wide road, south of the rail, and the road is now in Rossville. Now, Piperton comes back years later and documents in their plans that they're going to use Wolfport Road and it's not even in their jurisdiction! Public notice for the Waste Water Plant was given back on February 9, 2009. Janjic referred Woody to Jo Ellen Brazil, and Terry Templeton, Manager of Water Pollution Control for the Memphis field office of TDEC and told him that all letters from Woody should be forwarded to them. The public notice meetings for review were scheduled for March of 2010, but they never happened until a year later. Link to Steven Steinbach letter, City Manager, Piperton. Jo Ellen Brazil told Woody the reason they didn't get the letter of notification was because Norfolk Southern Railroad hadn't applied for permits yet. However, Adair applied for a timber permit to cut trees and a mining permit to move and sell all the dirt. He was selling hundreds of thousands of yards of dirt to the State of Mississippi for millions of dollars. At one point, a representative of Southwest Management showed up at Wolf River Airport and was sent to buy property so the railroad could put in one more railway. When Woody told him the land wasn't for sale, the representative got snarky with him and stated, "Well, we really don't need your participation, we can eminent domain it." [Link] This is what our Supreme Court did to us with the Kelo decision wherein land can be taken by eminent domain to transfer property from one private owner to another to further "economic development." Certainly not what our founders had in mind. Add in "blighting" today, where local governments tell property owners to bring their property up to the standards the politicians have set for them or lose their property to the city. All of this is UN Agenda 21. Woody told him the airport was federally numbered and that he couldn't put a rail yard on his property anyway because the ground wouldn't support it. The man came back later and admitted to Woody that he was right. When Adair got the permit with his name on it for the WWTP, the maps used showed part of the airport as a wetland area, and the streams shown on the maps haven't been there for 25 years. About seven or eight years ago the Corps of Engineers tried to put in a wildlife refuge next to the airport on PictSweet land, and they cut a horseshoe out of the Wolf River. The EPA fined them $$400,000 and the farmers found out about mitigation in the State of Tennessee. A Mitigation Bank is replacing something you've torn up (i.e., the stream or wetland) with something else. The whole issue comes down to mitigation under federal rules of "No Net Loss." As I previously explained, in Tennessee, when they can't, or won't, adhere to the federal standards, they use the shady practice of "In-Lieu-Fees," so they pay the money to the bank in-lieu-of doing what is right. When they cut this horseshoe hook out of the Wolf River for whatever reason and got fined, the Corps went to the Mitigation Bank which is either run by a non-profit or for-profit and who is supposedly restoring it to its natural state. What the Corps did was pay $$40,000 per acre for ten acres and then received their wetland mitigation credits and used the credits to apply for a wildlife duck habitat and stream pond adjacent to the airport. Fortunately, the media found out about it and the proposal was dropped. Woody wrote a letter to the Corps explaining why this wouldn't work. The Wolf River Conservancy and Corps of Engineers were saying there was no problem with putting in a wildlife preserve. They said none of the neighbors objected, until Woody raised his hand and asked about that big strip of land and all the buildings that were shown on the left side of the map being projected on the wall. They had told the audience they'd walked all the adjacent properties, but they didn't know what it was. Woody told them the land was an airport, and they couldn't put a preserve there because it's a federally numbered airport! He also stated the Corps of Engineers was signatory to a Memorandum of Understanding specifically stating they would respect the law regarding birds and airports. The Corps was irked big time, but they stated they just didn't know about the airport, and they would delete that part of their presentation from the overall project. However, two weeks later at a presentation in Vicksburg, MS, they once again made the same presentation with the same big map projected on the wall stating they'd walked the entire property! Woody's brother Reg, and Mary, the third owner were at the meeting and again raised their concerns. The Corps lost their battle in Vicksburg, Mississippi. A wildlife refuge next to an airport is specifically addressed in the MOU. Something like this is never to be established next to an airport, because birds near an airport are dangerous. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: When Woody called the Director of the Corps of Engineers in the Vicksburg office later the next week, he told Woody to "go to hell," and that he'd "build the wildlife bird habitat next to the airport no matter what the FAA thinks about it." This was said before Woody could even introduce the other parties to the conference call, one of whom was the Regional Director of the FAA in Atlanta, Georgia. The other was an FAA liaison out of Memphis, Diane Gusky. They were very unhappy with the comments they'd heard from the Corps official. The next year, the Corps of Engineers in Vicksburg was cleaned out. Now, seven years later, Woody is again having to make it clear to Adair and Norfolk Southern that standing water cannot be within 5,000 feet of an airport according to federal advisories and regulations. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Pbspot Admin, Will Phoenix, Navy Corpseman
Outrage As African Nation of Angola BANS Islam
No, this is not a product of one of the new wave of fake news and poorly executed satire sites. Admittedly this move was so brazen, oppressive and unprecedented that we had to spend some time absolutely verifying the story before we ran it. But it turns out that the account is absolutely true. The African nation of Angola has banned the practice of the religion of Islam, classifying it as a “cult” rather than a religion. Several Angolan newspapers have asserted that the nation has become the first country to ban Islam and Muslims and is moving to destroy mosques throughout the country. Rosa Cruz e Silva, the Angolan Minister of Culture, was quoted by Agence Ecofin, saying that “The process of legalization of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, their mosques would be closed until further notice.” Silva said that Islam, along with other non-recognized religions will face the same fate of prohibition. “All sects on the list published by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in the Angolan newspaper Jornal de Angola are prohibited to conduct worship, so they should keep their doors closed,” she said further. We will keep you updated on any developments with this story. (Article by Isa Abu Jamal and Micah Naziri) Share this: Share Facebook Twitter Google LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Email Print Related Posts via Taxonomies
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Michael Greger M.D. Faclm, Escrito Por
What’s the Mediterranean Diet’s Secret?
Image Credit: Couleur / Pixabay. This image has been modified. The Mediterranean Diet is an “in” topic nowadays in both the medical literature and the lay media. As one researcher put it, “Uncritical laudatory coverage is common, but specifics are hard to come by: What is it? Where did it come from? Why is it good? Merits are rarely detailed; possible downsides are never mentioned.” So, let’s dig in…. After World War II, the government of Greece asked the Rockefeller foundation to come in and assess the situation. Impressed by the low rates of heart disease in the region, nutrition scientist Ancel Keys—after which “K” rations were named—initiated his famous seven countries study. In this study, he found the rate of fatal heart disease on the Greek isle of Crete was 20 times lower than in the United States. They also had the lowest cancer rates and fewest deaths overall. What were they eating? Their diets were more than 90% plant-based, which may explain why coronary heart disease was such a rarity. A rarity, that is, except for a small class of rich people whose diet differed from that of the general population—they ate meat every day instead of every week or two. So, the heart of the Mediterranean diet is mainly plant-based, and low in meat and dairy, which Keys considered the “major villains in the diet” because of their saturated fat content. Unfortunately, no one is really eating the traditional Mediterranean diet anymore, even in the Mediterranean. The prevalence of coronary heart disease skyrocketed by an order of magnitude within a few decades in Crete, blamed on the increased consumption of meat and cheese at the expense of plant foods. Everyone is talking about the Mediterranean diet, but few do it properly. People think of pizza or spaghetti with meat sauce, but while “Italian restaurants brag about the healthy Mediterranean diet, they serve a travesty of it.” If no one’s really eating this way anymore, how do you study it? Researchers came up with a variety of Mediterranean diet adherence scoring systems to see if people who are eating more Mediterranean-ish do better. You get maximum points the more plant foods you eat, and effectively you get points deducted by eating just a single serving of meat or dairy a day. So, it’s no surprise those that eat relatively higher on the scale have a lower risk of heart disease, cancer, and death overall. After all, the Mediterranean diet can be considered to be a “near vegetarian” diet. “As such, it should be expected to produce the well-established health benefits of vegetarian diets.” That is, less heart disease, cancer, death, and inflammation; improved arterial function; a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes; a reduced risk for stroke, depression, and cognitive impairment. How might it work? I’ve talked about the elegant studies showing that those who eat plant-based diets have more plant-based compounds, like aspirin, circulating within their systems. Polyphenol phytonutrients in plant foods are associated with a significantly lower risk of dying. Magnesium consumption is also associated with a significantly lower risk of dying, and is found in dark green leafy vegetables, as well as fruits, beans, nuts, soy, and whole grains. Heme iron, on the other hand—the iron found in blood and muscle—acts as a pro-oxidant and appears to increase the risk of diabetes, whereas plant-based, non-heme iron appears safe. Similarly, with heart disease, animal-based iron was found to significantly increase the risk of coronary heart disease, our number one killer, but not plant-based iron. The Mediterranean diet is protective compared to the Standard American Diet—no question—but any diet rich in whole plant foods and low in animal-fat consumption could be expected to confer protection against many of our leading killers. Here are some more videos on the Mediterranean Diet: For more information on heme iron, see Risk Associated With Iron Supplements. More on magnesium is found in How Do Nuts Prevent Sudden Cardiac Death? and Mineral of the Year—Magnesium. And more on polyphenols can be seen in videos like How to Slow Brain Aging by Two Years and Juicing Removes More Than Just Fiber. In health, Michael Greger, M.D. PS: If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to my free videos here and watch my live, year-in-review presentations:
azúcar en la sangre
Las legumbres y el efecto de la segunda comida El llamado “efecto lenteja” o “efecto de la segunda comida” describe el efecto notable de las alubias y otras legumbres para ayudar a controlar los niveles de azúcar durante horas, e incluso durante el día siguiente, tras consumirlas.
Kelleigh Nelson -- Tennessee Governor Haslam, Water Rights and Agenda 21 Corruption, Part 6
TENNESSEE GOVERNOR HASLAM, WATER RIGHTS AND AGENDA 21 CORRUPTION PART 6 of 7 By Kelleigh Nelson July 20, 2012 Alleged Threats and Intimidation by Piperton Police on Airport Property While Woody and his brother were fighting the illegal activities of the Waste Water Plant, Woody's brother Reg, and their mother reportedly were threatened. These are the allegations as told to me by Woody and Reg Degan and reported in the Fayette County police reports by Reg Degan (Link)and his mother, Mary Degan, (Link), along with their 911 phone call, and the Wolf River Airport Security Report. In August of 2011, Woody was out of town, and Mary and Reg were in the car together when they noticed several motorcyclists entering the airport's private road up ahead of them. When they caught up with the bikers, they had traversed through the main gate, down the private road, and out to the restricted area of the hangars and runway. There, in the backyard of their private airport, Reg identified himself and Mary as the airport owners, and asked the bikers who they were with, thinking they might be looking for a particular pilot. The lead biker answered, "No one." Reg then advised them they were in a restricted area of the airport which is only open to pilots. The biker responded that "he wasn't going anywhere," and he didn't "have to do a G__ D___ thing you say." Reg instructed him again, at which time the other motorcyclists drove up and blocked the car. Reg asked to see identification repeatedly and was refused. Reg and Mary called the police immediately. These bikers had come through the private gate and around the backyard of the airport's buildings. According to Reg and his mother, the lead biker, later discovered to be Piperton Police Captain Edward R. Palmer, repeatedly refused to leave the area or to provide any identification. (The former Police Chief, prior to the present one, was convicted of a felony while in office. A former Fayette County officer, who often slept in the airport parking lot, later became famous as the "Big Belly Rapist.") Reg immediately called Woody who is General Aviation Certified by the Transportation Administration: Homeland Security for the airport. Woody has been day and night security for the airport for nearly 30 years. As Homeland Security for the Wolf River Airport, Woody had been warned in late July 2011, by DHS, of small plane threats with the upcoming 10 year anniversary of September 11th. This was reported by media in early September and was reason to be on high alert for any questionable airport activity, over and above normal security. Woody advised Reg and his mother to immediately report the incident as airport owners are charged with checking everyone who comes onto the airport. A template report has to be updated and filed every year. When local police and the County Sheriff arrived, they simply let the Piperton Police Captain go, and refused to even get identification. Charges were filed, but nothing was done, not even in regard to the charge of trespassing. It is alleged that this policeman, out of his jurisdiction, threatened their 78 year old mother with a gun, even riding up to the side of her car. He leaned into Woody's mother's window and asked, "Who the hell are you?" Mrs. Degan had already put on her glasses to shield her eyes, and was frightened, but prepared, when the rogue cop backed out of her window. Notice what looks like a firearm on the right side of the cop in the red helmet. Apparently folks in the Piperton vicinity don't think much of the police department. Some extremely negative comments regarding Piperton police appear below an article in The Commercial Appeal, from Memphis, TN. If you scroll down to the comments by "Misanthrope" and read on, it is apparent the locals are not too pleased with Piperton Police Chief Ed Palmer or the City of Piperton. Here is one of the comments, "And yes, you can trust that Piperton's loathsome, immoral and unethical police department, headed by that awful Ed Palmer, will continue to make Piperton a dreadful little sewer. Never... ever trust a Piperton cop." HB 2349 and SB 2211 House Bill 2349 was introduced by Governor Haslam and carried for him by Representative David Hawk of District 5. Senate Bill 2211 was carried for Governor Haslam by his bagman, Senator Mark Norris of the 32nd District in the House Environment Conservation meetings. It was both Norris's and Hawk's intention of codifying the law to legalize the illegal activities of In-Lieu-Fees and Mitigation Banking. In doing so, the State of Tennessee law [T.C.A. 69-3-102 (a) (b), waters of the state held "in trust for the citizens.."] that says all water belongs to the Citizens of Tennessee would change and the water would be controlled by the State of Tennessee politicians. This is UN Agenda 21! Woody is running against Norris for his Senate seat because Norris is complicit in many Agenda 21 programs and this entire In-Lieu-Fee is one of them. Fortunately, there were some good Democrats sitting on Committee, because the majority of Republicans wanted these two bills to move forward to codify this "off-the-books" program and make it legal. The Republicans basically told Woody and Reg they knew this was impacting them and they were getting screwed, but "we've got the votes and it's going upstairs." This means the bill is going back up to the full House and over to the Senate, and then to the Governor's desk to be signed into law. Nevertheless, in the end, it was some of the Republicans who broke this open, and Representative Frank Niceley (R- Strawberry Plains) was one of them. Representative Niceley had this to say about the non-profit Tennessee Wildlife Resources Foundation, "You show me a non-profit, and I’ll show you bloated salaries and padded expense accounts." In the House Environment Conservation Committee meeting, the State's Attorney, Alan Laiserson, representing Norris, TDEC, TWRA, TWRF, and the TSMP, repeatedly represented that this illegal In-Lieu-Fee program and the process, was codified when it wasn't. Repeatedly he stated, "The program is in the codes, in the codes, in the codes." But it is NOT in the codes! They were trying to take the program from NOWHERE TO CODIFIED, completely bypassing the rules and regulations. On February 15, 2012, Nashville attorney for Wolf River Airport, Elizabeth Murphy, spoke at the House Environment Conservation Committee meeting on HB2349. She said, "The pending litigation challenges legality of the mitigation program. The present system is effectively selling the state’s water quality “outside any regulatory function” of the state." Murphy said mitigation money collected in East Tennessee can now be spent in West Tennessee, or vice versa, in a "program with no regulations." Woody Degan, president of the Wolf River Airport, said about 300 acres were cleared of trees and streams. In building the Memphis Regional Intermodal Facility in Fayette County, the extensive changes they've done have caused major flooding of airport offices and other facilities. When the mitigation and “in lieu fee” were challenged in the ensuing legal dispute, Woody said in an interview, “All of a sudden this bill came out of nowhere.” Here are the proceedings wherein Elizabeth Murphy addresses the Committee: First, Richard Floyd, Republican from Chattanooga presented the amendment which deletes permits and interagency review teams. The In-Lieu-Fee operates without authority. Then, McDonald and Niceley make requests. Mr. Clifton who is a lobbyist for the TN Conservation voters speaks first. He says the purpose of this bill is to put into state law something that has not been there. He also states there is no way through the Mitigation Banks for the monies to be used to help people who have been impacted by stream mitigation. TDEC's position is the first to avoid property owners logical concerns. He wants the bill deferred and TDEC overseen. Niceley then introduces Elizabeth Murphy, Attorney at Law. Niceley says, "What's going on in this bill is not in rules, not in regulations, not in the statute." Chairman David Hawk gives the okay for Elizabeth to speak, and says, " I understand there is pending litigation on a particular issue that you may be discussing. I want to be very clear that we will not litigate that issue in this Committee today. We're not here, this is not a courtroom, we're not going to litigate anything. Saying that, I will give you the same amount of time I gave Mr. Clifton. Please tell us your name and who you're with." Elizabeth says the following, "Thank you Chairman Hawk. My interest today has nothing to do with anything, and there's not a litigation component to it. My specialty area is water law and this touches on the regulations, and in a number of my cases, I'm the one who has to brief this subject to an appellate court and say, 'Here's what the legislature intended or did not intend.' So I think you would benefit from what I know, and if it helps you and if not, that's fine too. My name's Elizabeth Murphy. I'm licensed in CA and TN. I've been practicing for 23 years, state and federal. The first thing that popped out for me was the In-Lieu-Fee language or program does not exist in the regulations. It never has, it's never even made it to rule making. That is significant because it leapt from nowhere to now it will be in the code. What is the ILF mitigation? Well, it is a program and that program operates OUTSIDE any regulatory structure, so when I first started to try to figure out what it was years ago when I represented a farmer out of East Tennessee, I learned about the program and nothing really has changed since. This law, this bill, would codify and make it the law of the land that our streams and our wetlands are open for wholesale auction. And here's the kicker, the money goes directly into a NON-PROFIT FOUNDATION run by the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Foundation. The formation documents that created the program very clearly say, and some of you may have copies of that document, the foundation shall handle the money, the foundation shall make the decisions, the foundation shall staff the program, etc., etc. The Army Corps of Engineers produces the annual report about the money and program. It doesn't come from TWRA or TWRF. It comes from the Army Corps, so if you were looking in the state material to find that document, you won't find it. It's over in the Corps website. If you look at the report, the year ending balance for 2010 was over $$13 million so that's a lot of lettuce as they say. Those are just the streams, that's not your wetlands. So, forget for a minute the bugs and bunnies and fish and all that fun stuff. I mean it can be viewed as an environmental issue, absolutely, but I take a much more practical approach from what I see with clients coming in from different areas. They want to understand why they either got flooded or they lost flow from an upstream watershed. And the reason is, a permit went down and they didn't know about it, not that they could have done anything about it in the first place, but the permit changed the watershed dramatically. So the Wolf River Airport, which brought one of those pieces of litigation,(which, by the way, is now sitting dormant and nothing is happening with it, it's inactive); their problem, as a practical matter, was that, 'Our Airport offices got flooded and we've never before been flooded in our offices; however, it happened after they took out a mile of stream up ahead of us because it rains about 42" a year and sometimes more in Tennessee, and the water's got to go someplace.' So what I would suggest you all consider, is that you've got a program with no regulations. It has between 10 and 13 million bucks in it every year, no one really knows, and there are no rules and criteria for what they have to do with the money. I tried to find them (the rules and criteria) and they don't exist. I'm kind of a hound dog and if someone tells me to go find it, I will find it and I have not found them and I've written certified letters and can't get it. It's not out there. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: So before you take that program and put it in state law, you should think very carefully about this because it has serious consequences for all the rural landowners across the state. My closing comment would be this, "You can very quickly Google a little phrase, and it's called, "water, the new oil." Newsweek's written about it, Goldman Sachs has rebalanced their portfolio so they can buy water. Tennessee's got a ton of it. Why would you sell it and just give that money away? It makes absolutely no sense at all. Now the people in the mitigation program have a good intention. They're all good people. I know them and I work with them, but putting this in the code is a bridge too far. Thank you." In the final part of this article, we'll look at Governor Haslam's involvement with the State of Tennessee's water rights and the Norfolk Southern intermodal rail yard. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Share This Article Click Here For Mass E-mailing Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected] Home Woody Degan, president of the Wolf River Airport, said about 300 acres were cleared of trees and streams. In building the Memphis Regional Intermodal Facility in Fayette County, the extensive changes they've done have caused major flooding of airport offices and other facilities.
Kelleigh Nelson -- Tennessee Governor Haslam, Water Rights and Agenda 21 Corruption, Part 7
TENNESSEE GOVERNOR HASLAM, WATER RIGHTS AND AGENDA 21 CORRUPTION PART 7 of 7 By Kelleigh Nelson July 22, 2012 In the February 29, 2012 meeting of the Tennessee General Assembly Conservation and Environment Committee, Representative Andy Holt requested of Chairman Hawks that Ed Pitts be allowed to speak. Ed is the Chairman of the Perry County Tea Party and Chairman of the 7th Congressional Coalition District. He fully understands what these codification bills would do. He and Woody met because Ed was there to speak to the concern of water rights. Here's what Ed said in the very few minutes he was allowed to speak by Chairman Hawk: "I put together a presentation here, but I'm going to make it a little more brief than that. I have had personal experience with these mitigation programs. I've ranched a good deal of my life. I have friends in California where this all started. They've lost their entire ranch to this Wetland Mitigation. It started out somewhat similar to what they're presenting here and EPA is involved in this. As EPA goes on with this, their regulatory outreach becomes greater and greater. They pretty much do what they want to do in the end. It cost a personal friend of mine his ranch, they just took it. They had a nice ranch right on the ocean, 1,700 acres. It was a beautiful place and the EPA came in and just mitigated, actually they used the eminent domain issue to just take it from him. All because it was wetland, and they found a bird on it. Having said all that, that's just a personal story; it's not the real issue. The real issue we have with this is that it is Agenda 21 encroaching upon our state. Before we go making little tin foil hats and all that, I would like to bring to your attention, I have four bills in front of me that are Agenda 21 that are before the Tennessee House and Senate right now. In addition to that, I have a document that infers that the National Republican Committee will take up Agenda 21 on its platform." Hawk stops Ed and tells him to stay on the piece of legislation (SB2211). Ed says, "This legislation does one thing that we really oppose. As Representative Sheila Butt pointed out, it sets up an entity that is separate and apart from the government to which public funds, power, and property is being forwarded to. This entity works outside and is not responsible to anyone that we can tell so far. I'm pleased to hear that the comptroller is on this. As far as we can tell, at least they're not responsible to this body inasmuch as what they do with the funds and properties they receive from the public. This is not a healthy government situation. With that I will conclude, we have more people I understand who wish to speak." Republican Representative Andy Holt, House District 76, has spoken publically about these In-Lieu-Fees, and calls this extortion. The road builders benefit, the pipe builders benefit, anyone with a huge project to develop, a big developer benefits, but the little guy suffers. Andy Holt says he's called this extortion in every meeting he's had about it, but it's only extortion if you're the little guy. If you're a big developer, it's the cost of doing business. The entire practice has been exposed and is under fiscal review now. Wolf River Airport took TDEC and the In-Lieu-Fee Program to state court, a decision was rendered, but the decision was suspended. The state court judge agreed with us, but suspended the ruling, knowing it was going to federal court. That is when our Governor stepped in through Woody's opponent, Sen. Mark Norris, with SB2211, which would codify (legalize) these illegal activities. Woody and his brother went through all of this, they went through the flooding, through the letters to Tennessee Department of Environmental Conservation, many legal conversations, and nobody would do anything. He says, "We were flooded in exactly the same manner in which our engineers told us we would be flooded." Governor Bill Haslam According to a conversation real estate agent Ronnie Lee had with Woody Degan, Ronnie met Mr. Adair and became his “fisherman,” bringing Homebuilders to meet with Adair regarding building homes in the 4,200 home planned development of Piperton Hills. He requested Woody and Reg to go and talk to Mr. Adair about the airport, and fitting it into the model of this development. Ronnie found some excellent road-builders with a new substrate composite for road construction. He also brought in Jon Albright, now with CB Richard Ellis, Memphis, (formerly with Investec Realty) to manage the sale and development of the corporate/industrial land around the rail yard. Woody thinks he solicited Jon Albright because he needed some separation in the deal as well as Albright’s expertise. Woody says, "Albright is a fine man, really top shelf." Adair told Woody and Reg two years ago that there were 36 corporations ready to sign letters and build. Of course, Adair will once again do all of the dirt work, roads, and building that he can. The question is still, "Just WHERE is all of that water going to go?" Finally, Ronnie Lee was also the initial contact to bring Governor Haslam down to William Adair. He told Woody the entire story of how, in attempting to meet the Governor, he met Haslam’s female assistant in the parking lot at a venue where Haslam was speaking, and got his entre’ from there. Haslam visited William Adair at the site, in the state car -- according to Adair -- to cut the deal to provide diesel fuel to the train yard. Remember the two deals Adair cut when he sold the land to Norfolk Southern? One was the dirt work and the other is diesel fuel to the trains. Haslam is now providing the diesel to the trains, and building a Pilot Oil/Flying J truck stop at the corner of MS Hwy 302 and US72. Just those two deals alone would result in $$25 to $$40 million net profit per year to Haslam's Pilot Oil/Flying J. Quite obviously Haslam doesn't want anything to stop this intermodal facility. He introduced HR2349 and SB2211, and had Norris and Hawk carry these bills for him so these large developments could continue unimpeded from State and Federal restrictions. Of special interest is the story that came out on February 3, 2012, in the Commercial Appeal in Memphis: "Republican Gov. Bill Haslam's administration has fired two top officials at the Department of Environment and Conservation, while a third has announced his retirement. The department said in a statement today that the changes are "designed to streamline our structure and build management efficiencies." Changes are to include the creation of a single water resources division encompassing the department's pollution control, water supply and groundwater management programs, according to the statement. The fired officials are Mike Apple, head of the department's solid waste management division, and Paul E. Davis, who was in charge of water pollution control. Meanwhile, Mike Carlton is retiring as director of Tennessee state parks. (emphasis mine) The Tennessean newspaper first reported the TDEC shakeup on its website this afternoon. Apple told the paper he had been called in to the office of deputy commissioner Shari Meghreblian earlier this week, and that he was given no explanation for the firing other than that "they wanted to make a change." The Governor's office deferred questions about the changes back to the department." Makes one kinda wonder, doesn't it, just why these folks were fired by Governor Haslam. Shortly thereafter, on February 15, 2012, HB2349 is discussed in the House Conservation and Environment Committee in order to legalize the illegal activities. Woody and his brother Reg had already been discussing HB2349, when Haslam fired the TDEC people. Woody heard that once Haslam realized he wasn't going to get the bill out of the House Environment and Conservation Committee, he "topped off TDEC." What Needs to Be Done What Woody and his brother, Reg have found out is that this is a UN Agenda 21 issue. Ultimately, this is stripping of the rights of the citizens. In Tennessee, the code says we as citizens' all own the waterways of the State, the lakes, the ponds, the streams, the wetlands, the aquifers, all the waters. The codifying of the "In Lieu Fee" program and putting it in the state code as was tried in SB2211 and HR2349 would have put all water under the control of the state and eliminated our rights. Never before had Woody and Reg heard about Agenda 21. Woody says, "In short, Agenda 21 is the United Nations agenda for the 21st century for sustainable development. Chances are everyone has an office of sustainable development in their city and/or county. We have several right here in Memphis. Sustainable Development means, let's slow things down in the United States and stop this urban sprawl (suburbs and rural areas) and let's take the rights of the people away. Now this is not mandatory, they don't come in and snatch your rights away from you. What they do, as in the case of the flooding of our airport, is the authorities come in with stimulus grant money or a bill to codify something that seems like it is a good idea. In doing so and accepting that money it gets into the regulations of whatever they're trying to do. It may be land use control, or it may be water. In the case of Memphis right now they have some groups that are studying the use of the land around the new Memphis loop which is an I-69 bypass, the I-69 Canada to Mexico Highway (this is the North American Union folks). Agenda 21 is specifically the agenda for the United Nations and it comes in through grant money and codifications of the law like what I am going through, and this will take your water rights away. Other things will take your land use away, or it will take your property ownership rights away. In 15 to 25 years we'll come down to the level of the rest of the world so we can all be equalized in this one big globally controlled Communitarian society. This is America! We have individual rights! We have the right that is God given to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What I argue is, LIFE IS WATER and confirming that, Tennessee says, we all own the waterways. Our Governor is a big oil governor. His family owns Pilot Oil/Flying J. Governor Haslam's goal in this deal is to supply diesel fuel for the trains at this Norfolk Southern intermodal rail yard. So when we got our suspended decision at the state level, the attorney for the Governor stepped in with SB2211. Senator Norris who put it forth for the Governor is a petroleum marketing attorney and he is my opponent in this race. That's why I'm running in this race, because Senator Norris moved to sell out the water rights of the citizens of the State of Tennessee so he could do an oil deal. " Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Woody is running for Senate District 32 in Tennessee. This is the kind of man we need representing the citizens of Tennessee. In fact, we need a slew of Woody Degan's to represent the citizens of this state in order to protect our unalienable God-given rights. When I think of my parents and grandparents and the America I grew up in, tears run down my cheeks for what we have lost and what we once were...the greatest nation on earth. I want her back, and so should every God fearing and freedom loving American. Winston Churchill said;"The inherent vice of Capitalism is the unequal sharing of its blessings; the inherent vice of Socialism is the equal sharing of its miseries." Help us keep the America of shared blessings. We can do it with men like Woody Degan. The battle requires money. Please give what you can to Woody's campaign, even if you can only afford a few dollars. Support Woody Degan for Senator of the 32nd District. His website. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Restless Boomers: America Revisits Socialism
– Editor’s Note: Originally published at their website, the following article was written by “Restless Boomers” and submitted to Oath Keepers for publication. The authors are proud members of Oath Keepers. In exploring their website I discovered a pleasing collection of wise perspectives on many topics, ranging from health to retirement to creating income to technology, politics, economics, and more. Enjoy their article here, but do yourself a favor and explore their website, where you will find unpretentious and objective perspectives written with clarity and sharp focus. Salute! Elias Alias, editor ____________________ *** Democratic presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, an ‘Independent’ Senator from Vermont, generally votes along Democratic Party lines, but readily admits he’s a Socialist at heart. Sanders’ popularity, catapulted by a plain spoken, no nonsense style, has translated into an increasing ability to draw large, enthusiastic crowds. The Sanders phenomenon has piqued America’s interest in ‘Socialism’ which is presently the Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s most popular online search term. Merriam-Webster’s defines Socialism as: 1. any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods 2. a system of society or group living in which there is no private property 3. a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state 4. a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done Socialism involves the taking of money, assets and property from one individual or group and giving or redistributing it, through the political process, to others, using the force and power of government. Americans have increasingly become disillusioned with Capitalism which, it is claimed, has allowed the top 1% to gather the lion’s share of our national wealth, leaving the 99% indebted, dangerously adrift, and desperately fending for them selves in an increasingly uncertain world. Some, like the very poor, get tossed a few bones, but the bottom line is: Americans are stressed following decades of shrinking real wages. Just how fair is this criticism of Capitalism, especially since most Americans have never actually experienced it? Capitalism strives to provide equality of opportunity, but offers no guarantees regarding outcomes. It puts forth that individuals, with different wants, desires, ambitions, motivations, skills, abilities, agendas and needs, should, just like in a race, start from the same position (equality of opportunity), but have no expectation of crossing the finish line together. Capitalism, like life, can be unpredictable and even a bit messy, but if allowed to proceed unfettered, tends to self-regulate and correct disparities over time. Capitalism dispenses honesty, a commodity in short supply and often in even lesser demand. America’s present economic system is not Capitalism, but a merger between giant corporations and government, sometimes referred to as Crony Capitalism. One time Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, named this coming together of corporation and state ‘Fascism’ but Americans prefer to call it the Public/Private Partnership (PPP). Many are beginning to recognize that this Partnership has run our nation off the rails and into the ditch, corrupting everything it touches. Economics, banking, finance, politics, business, industry, education, science, research, the judiciary, legal profession and electoral processes have been severely compromised. America faces existential crises. The Republic is at risk. While not all Americans are familiar with the details, an increasing number realize the present situation is not sustainable, and one way or another, change is coming. What has yet to be decided is: will this transition be thoughtful, smooth, deliberate and orderly, or will things be allowed to play out until the inevitable collapse leads to immense economic hardship, social upheaval, political unrest, chaos or even violent revolution? Corporate Masters of the Universe and Ruling Elites well understand the mess they’ve caused and are extremely concerned that this latent energy could turn kinetic. Police, increasingly dressed in combat gear, driving gnarly militarized war wagons is not accidental; nor is Media ‘race baiting’, designed to turn neighbour against neighbour, coincidental. Deranged psychopaths are shooting up the place on an almost daily basis, despite the fact that Americans are piss tested, groped, stopped, strip searched, fingerprinted, poked, surveilled and monitored by government agencies that record every email, keystroke, phone call and conversation using sophisticated algorithms (algos) that can predict our next thought and action with 80% accuracy. Are we to believe that a government that can do all this, plus lock onto and drone Doctors Without Borders half way around the world, isn’t able to prevent mass shootings here at home? As one former member of the intelligence community recently stated: “In today’s world there are no accidents or coincidences”. As if the plate isn’t full enough, a Technology Revolution, more powerful and disruptive than the Industrial Revolution, is underway and will not be denied. This wave of innovation offers unprecedented opportunity to lift up mankind, but also poses tremendous challenge. How are we going to address massive unemployment, as bots, driven by algos and AI (artificial intelligence), displace large swaths of the work force? No sector of society will be left untouched. Industrial processes, manufacturing, medicine, media, journalism and the legal profession are already being impacted along with fast food workers, wait staff and bar tenders. Have you tried the beer vending machines now appearing at sports stadiums? What about those commercial scale coffee machines producing espresso, fraps and a whole lot more, better and faster than any barista? How about cars, trains, trucks and planes that require no drivers, operators or pilots? Continuous, unsettling change is about to become the new normal. Joseph Sobran defined politics as “the conspiracy of the unproductive but organized against the productive but unorganized“. In case you haven’t noticed, the unproductive have been extremely busy creating untold rules, regulations, laws and financial weapons of mass destruction that are being sanctioned by all too willing politicians and judges. Wall Street banksters, fraudsters, corporate masters and political lap dogs have engineered a massive train wreck. Signs of instability are everywhere and people are becoming frightened. Chickens are coming home to roost. Every decision we make has consequences. The 2016 presidential election season is upon us. While several candidates have already folded their tents, it’s much too early to be picking the winner. It’s going to be a long and dusty road and Americans could very well be in a different frame of mind come Election Day. One thing is for sure, before it’s over, all but one candidate will have stumbled and faltered. America has fallen hard and it’s going to take more than another charismatic snake oil salesman to set things right. The wizard knows exactly which siren songs we desire to hear, and candidates magically appear before us singing those very words and phrases, that is, until they’re installed in office, when it’s back to business as usual. Americans are being played like a fiddle, and despite being knocked over the head several times already, we seem to like the tune as much as ever. Self-governance, never meant to be a spectator sport, is being severely tested, as apathy, generated by endless entertainment from TV, Hollywood, sports, video gaming, social media, gambling, electronic gadgets, the Kardashians, selfies and propaganda masquerading as news, have captured our hearts, minds and attention. ‘Pray for Our Nation’ signs are sprouting on lawns like weeds after a hard rain. Americans know their nation is in trouble. Restoring confidence, sanity, fiscal responsibility, prosperity, freedom, peace and liberty isn’t going to be easy. It’s time to set the toys aside and get to work. God help us.
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Estudios sobre Grasa Saturada: Enmantecando al Público Campañas de la industria láctea para “neutralizar la imagen negativa de la grasa láctea entre los reguladores y los profesionales de la salud en relación con las enfermedades del corazón” buscan socavar las últimas directrices de la Asociación Americana del Corazón y el Colegio Americano de Cardiología.
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Deliberate Destruction of Education in Tennessee, Part 1
THE DELIBERATE DESTRUCTION OF EDUCATION IN TENNESSEE PART 1 of 2 By Kelleigh Nelson August 28, 2012 In religion and politics people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing. - Autobiography of Mark Twain It was my pleasure to be invited to participate in a Conference on Education in Maine. The Conference was given by my dear friend, Charlotte Iserbyt, a brilliant researcher and former Senior Policy Advisor in Reagan's Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) in the US Department of Education. Here is the text of my speech. My name is Kelleigh Nelson. I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, now the number one indebted state in the Union. For the past 25 years I have lived in Tennessee, the state twice voted the most corrupt in the Nation. The Governor of TN is Bill Haslam. Haslam is co-owner of Pilot Oil/Flying J. He is a pro-UN Agenda 21 governor and like the rest of the phony right, he is in favor of vouchers, choice, and charter schools. Prior to Haslam's election as Governor in 2010, there was a moratorium on charter schools in the state of TN. He has now lifted that moratorium. Haslam's bagman, Senator Mark Norris, carried the bill to passage allowing UNLIMITED Charter schools in the state of TN. Want ads in our local paper are now advertising for Knox County Schools to issue requests for charter school proposals. And, Governor Haslam is eyeing adding funding to pre-K and creating a larger voucher system in Tennessee. It was in 2008 when Mayor Bill Haslam and the leftist Chamber of Commerce boys in Knoxville put their school board posse onto a jet to head up to Boston to fetch down a fresh Eli Broad-trained graduate to begin Knox County's transition to corporatized schools. The Knoxville school board selected, by a 5-4 vote, Boston's James McIntyre as Superintendent of Knox County schools. This followed backroom machinations by then-Mayor, Bill Haslam, who in 2010 bought his way to the Governor's Office in Nashville and has since become Bill Gates's and Eli Broad's chief edu-stooge among Southern governors. McIntyre's base salary is $$222,800 per year plus countless perks. [Link] By the way, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is spending $$1.1 million testing galvanic skin response bracelets to see if they can measure whether students find their teachers engaging. I wonder how long it will be before our Governor decides we need these bracelets on the students in Tennessee. As if that isn't enough, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Gov. Bill Haslam participated in a forum on education reform in June of 2011, video link. Knox County School Superintendent, James McIntyre, served as moderator of the panel discussion. Haslam pushed measures to change teacher tenure laws and to open the door for more charter schools in Tennessee. The Gates Foundation, the Walton Family Foundation, and the Eli and Edyth Broad Foundation form a powerful trifecta. The combined net worth of the three families who operate these foundations is $$152 billion. These three foundations have been able to steer the direction of education reform over the past decade, by strategically deploying their immense wealth in training school leaders, financing think-tank reports, and supporting “Astro Turf” advocacy groups, The Broad Foundation is the least wealthy of the three, but has still spent nearly $$400 million on its mission of “transforming urban K-12 public education through better governance, management, labor relations and competition.” Countless Eli Broad graduates who have become infamous superintendents of schools have all used a top-down dictatorial approach. Most have alienated parents. Many closed schools. A number had questionable audits on their watch. More than one had false or questionable data to support their reforms. All commanded large salaries with perks, while at the same time, slashing services for children and closing schools in the name of financial scarcity. A number of them avoided informing the elected school board of their plans or actively withheld information from them, effectively bypassing democracy. One of Broad's newest board of directors is none other than Representative Harold Ford, Jr., a former five-term Congressman and chairman of the Democratic Leadership Council. His bio states, "Ford is currently managing director and senior client relationship manager at Morgan Stanley and professor of public policy at New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. On the House committee on education and the workforce, Ford sought results-oriented solutions to address issues of American workforce preparedness and social challenges faced by faith and community based groups." Knoxville's Eli Broad-trained Superintendent, James McIntyre, is pushing STEM curriculum schools, Magnet schools (forestry and agriculture in surrounding "region"), replacing all public schools with charter schools and funding teachers with stimulus grant monies from Race to the Top. Tennessee is one of the first two states to win Race to the Top funding in 2009 and thus received a waiver of No Child Left Behind. Race to the Top requires certain education policies, such as performance based standards for teachers, complying with nationwide standards, promoting charter schools and computerization. In order to be eligible for these grants, the states had to adopt the Common Core State Standards which are now fully implemented in TN. Common Core Standards are funded by the governors and state schools chiefs, with additional support from that bastion of conservative ideology, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. Since his appointment as Superintendent, McIntyre has been a faithful water-carrier for the TN Business Roundtable agenda, as witnessed in his supporting of teacher bonus pay for test scores, downsizing instructional and non-instructional personnel, outsourcing public jobs such as janitorial services to corporations, and marginalizing teachers and the Knox County Education Association. McIntyre has also been at the forefront of making state Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) test scores a significant part of student grades. As a result of his recommendation, the Knox County School Board passed a plan last January to make TCAP scores count 15 percent of student school grades. So if economically disadvantaged and special needs children were not being treated unfairly enough already, now they have an additional disincentive for going to school. Since 1965, the Southern states have traditionally had the lowest education scores since the Skinnerian Direct Instruction training experimentation has been used on them. While the northern states remained academically focused, they always had higher scores. The change has come with all of the states now implementing the Skinnerian work force training. Because the southern states are now teaching to the "tests" and the tests are on the training, the scores for the southern states are rising. On July 27, 2011,TN Governor Haslam was thrilled to announce the TCAP score growth in all four subjects, reading, math, science and social studies. He just announced the same results for 2012. The gains are a total lie. Our children are deliberately being dumbed down for the global work force. Now, the latest stealth attack by corporate stooge, Supt. Jim McIntyre, comes in the form of a brazen attempt to put himself in charge of deciding which public schools in Knoxville will be converted into corporate welfare charter schools. Conversion of existing schools to charters may be initiated through reorganization decisions made by the Director of Schools, through charter decisions by the Board of Education, or through consideration of charter petitions by 75% of faculty and/or 75% of families at the school to be potentially converted. And who gave McIntyre the authority to institute the constitutionally-challenged Parent Trigger to change or close a school? And just where is our Board of Education? We just had an opportunity in Knoxville, to elect a school board member who understands what is going on, but Gov. Haslam funded her opponent who will go right along with Haslam and Superintendent McIntyre's goals. Taxpayer-funded Charter schools with their unelected boards, (they do away with school boards and have appointed or unelected boards or councils) are necessary for implementation of the global work force training. WORKFORCE On August 1, 2012, local business leaders told Gov. Bill Haslam they do not have enough qualified workers with specific skills, a high work ethic, and critical thinking abilities. Meanwhile, college and university leaders said they need more resources to adequately educate and graduate more students to fill those jobs. The exchange was part of an hour long roundtable hosted by the governor at Scripps Networks Interactive in West Knoxville. Haslam brought together local business executives and college leaders to discuss how the state's higher education system can better meet its workforce needs. After the meeting the former Knoxville mayor said, "It's a crying shame in today's economy, where we have huge unemployment, that there's still a lot of good jobs going (unfilled) because we haven't prepared people for it, whether it be a welder or an engineer. We're trying to have those conversations around the state to make certain we're providing positions that will train people for the jobs that are there today." The meeting focused entirely on matching the education system to the job market, but Haslam has said he wants to also examine costs and accessibility. The governor said he expects to have legislation to put before the next General Assembly. I can only imagine what that would entail. Haslam's close friend and ally is Senator Lamar Alexander, a long time proponent of privatization. Alexander doesn't want just pre-K schools, he wants the babies the minute they're born and here's how he'd do it. Alexander said, "The private sector is charging ahead, helping clear the way for reform. One of the ways privatization can 'clear the way' is by avoiding the accountability due elected officials." Sure, there are no elected officials. Dr. Hamburg, chief negotiator for the Soviet exchange admitted, "privately endowed foundations can operate in areas government may prefer to avoid." By getting rid of elected officials . At the 1989, Governors' Conference, Lamar Alexander stated, " I would go down to the maternity ward of the local hospital, or whatever you call the part of the hospital where the nurses are who are there when the babies are born. Find out how many babies are born out of wedlock, how many babies are born with single parents. Just so you know that! I would think the Brand New American School would be year-round, open from 6:00 to 6:00. A second characteristic might be that these schools will serve children from age 3 months old to age 18. That may be a shocking thought to you; but, if you were to do an inventory of every baby in your community and think about what the needs of those babies were for the next four or five years, you might see that those needs might not be served any other way. They have to be served in some way and maybe around the school. Or, if you study a little more, you might go back and think the school might have to serve the pregnant mother of the baby in terms of prenatal healthcare...." A few months ago, Superintendent McIntyre asked for a 35 million increase in school funding. At the County Commissioners meeting, they listened to the community and over 45 people spoke for 3 minutes each. Our County Mayor is Tim Burchett and his proposed budget did not include the 35 million. Union members filled the auditorium and spoke. When I spoke to the Commission I asked them why we'd want to keep throwing money at the schools and getting lower test scores. I told about Direct Instruction, Pavlovian and Skinnerian training. I told about the Carnegie Corporation and the Soviet/US education agreements. The next day the local paper referred to me as a conspiracy theorist. The 35 million request failed. Our Knoxville schools are 62% of the county budget, and that does not include the cafeteria, or maintenance and operations, which brings the cost to an annual 75% of the county budget for schools. The total school funding for Knox County is over $$400 million for less than 500,000 people. The very next night I was at the communist pro-Agenda 21, Council for West Knox County Homeowners and the Mayor came in to speak. He told about the budget and then told about a new reading program wherein the reading level of the children was brought up exponentially in a short period of time. I raised my hand and asked him what the name of the program was, and if it was truly phonics based. He talked around the subject and gave me no answer. I raised my hand again and said, "But Mayor, what is the name of the program and is it phonics based?" He told me to call his office the next day. Before he left, I gave him a copy of Charlotte Iserbyt's new book. The reading program our Mayor is so thrilled about is called Voyager. Voyager reading instruction is one of several programs, along with Reading Mastery, which uses scientific, research-based instruction, which is Skinner and is nothing more than Seigfried Englemann's Direct Instruction dog training. It apparently was designed for disabled students, was first used on minorities, and is being used (far as I can tell) on all students. The math follows the core curriculum. It is, of course, a computer course that uses a timer, colored dots for reinforcement, i.e., mastery learning. Same old, same old stuff. I checked the cost on line, and it is a very expensive program. Reading gains are shown in the first few grades, and then drop precipitously in third and fourth grade. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: I called the Mayor's office and asked for a luncheon appointment. I gave him countless documents on Direct Instruction, but since our Mayor has little influence on the schools, especially after the commission denied Superintendent McIntyre's request for 35 million, the mayor said to get together with our state reps and force a bill that would elect rather than appoint our school superintendents. Another job to tackle. What is happening in Knoxville, is happening throughout our entire state and is being directed by our Governor, Bill Haslam. For part two click below. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Deliberate Destruction of Education in Tennessee, Part 2
THE DELIBERATE DESTRUCTION OF EDUCATION IN TENNESSEE PART 2 of 2 By Kelleigh Nelson August 28, 2012 BUT LET'S LOOK AT WHO IS BEHIND IT In 1934, the Carnegie Corporation said we are going to use the schools to change the US from a free market system to a planned economy. In a planned economy, as in Communist countries, the administration chooses at an early age what your child will do all throughout their lives. They want your child to decide by 5th grade! I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up! This plan was carried out with the signing of the education agreements by President Reagan with the Soviet Union in 1985 and 1988. The Soviet polytech system is being implemented right now with students being tracked into specific training at an early age to suit the needs of the corporate fascist global economy. Vouchers and education choice originally came from the left and was sold to the right. Now, both the right and left support this shift in emphasis from academics to work force training. This is proven by the fact the elites from both parties, including the globalist, NWO U.S. Chamber of Commerce; the internationalist Aspen Institute, of which UN Agenda 21 Maurice Strong was Director; President Obama, his Secretary of Education Arne Duncan; the Heritage Foundation and all other neo-con Trotskyite groups; AND the globalist Council on Foreign Relations (founded in 1921 by the global-minded Rockefellers) support charter schools and vouchers. Chris Whittle's Edison Project (Whittle was in Knoxville, TN originally). was an early pioneer in public/private partnerships in K-12 education in America. The project had countless members and financiers such as: Vanderbilt University professor and former Assistant Secretary of Education in the Reagan Administration, Chester Finn, a noted neo-con education “change agent," who is deeply involved in the school choice/work force training agenda and John Chubb of the liberal Brookings Institution and Center for Education Innovation. The words of John Chubb and Terry Moe, of The Brookings Institute and Stanford University respectively, -- “Our guiding principle in the design of a choice system is this: Public authority must be put to use in creating a system that is almost entirely beyond the reach of public authority.” (Politics, Markets and America's Schools, 1990) This is elimination of the local school boards, elimination of community input, and is blatant "taxation without representation." Chubb was on the Executive Committee of the Center for Educational Innovation, an independent project of the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, another neo-con group loaded with CFR members like Dick Cheney and Condoleeza Rice. The Center's work is made possible by grants and gifts from: The Chase Manhattan Bank, Exxon Education Foundation, The Lauder Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation and others. ASPEN INSTITUTE Lawrence C. Pierce delivered a paper to Aspen Institute in 1976 entitled "School Site Management," which called for education vouchers. School Site Management was an early term used by the NEA in the 80s and 90s. The call for the use of vouchers which will supplant "choice" is essential for the international school-to-work program. Globalist World Federalist member, Mortimer Adler, was one of the most visible facilitators for the Aspen Institute of Humanistic Studies which was developed in the 40s. This group is responsible for training most of our govt. leaders in the dialectical process of reaching consensus. His book, "The Paidea Proposal," was used to introduce the concept of charter type schools into mainstream school reform. The Director of Aspen, Walter Isaacson, makes a base pay of $$760,425. per year. The left started the whole voucher/choice/charter school designs for American education. It has been sold to the nation's conservatives by the Heritage Foundation. SO, NOW LET'S LOOK AT HERITAGE FOUNDATION The 1955 UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) book, MENTAL HEALTH IN EDUCATION, is the earliest reference to the need for "choice" in education. The Charter Schools concept, strongly marketed around the country by Heritage affiliates in every state, attempts to link patriotic free enterprise themes to a blatantly unconstitutional system of corporate fascism to business/government partnerships in the education of children. Today, Edwin J. Feulner, is the president of Heritage Foundation. His yearly income including deferred compensation is $$1,098,612. Former Attorney General, Edwin Meese, takes home half a million a year from Heritage. Feulner is a charter member of the Council for National Policy as was the original president and co-founder of Heritage, Paul Weyrich until 1974. Who is the Council for National Policy? They are a rightwing group founded in 1981 by oil man, Nelson Bunker Hunt; Dominionist Pat Robertson of Christian Broadcasting Network; Tim LaHaye who finds no problem in accepting millions from cultist Sun Myung Moon; and T. Cullen Davis of Texas, twice tried for murder and attempted murder of his wife and her friend. The CNP was allegedly founded to counter the Council on Foreign Relations, but the charter membership roster had 5 CFR members on the board. Richard Mellon Scaife, (Chase Mellon Bank) and heir of the Carnegie-Mellon fortune, has been on the board of trustees of Heritage since 1985, and the Sarah Scaife Foundation has donated nearly $$16 million to Heritage and initially funded them $$900,000 to get them started. There were other financiers of Heritage, Amoco, General Motors, Chase Manhattan Bank (through David Rockefeller) and Olin and Bradley, a right-wing foundation. Feulner was recruited in 1977 by Richard Mellon Scaife to become Heritage president. One must remember that Scaife funds both sides of the aisle and is a strong pro-abort and proponent of taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. Heritage's Richard Allen first proposed the idea of creating a North American free trade zone from the Yukon to the Yucatan. In Charlotte Iserbyt's recent article on Heritage Foundation, she states, "What we are looking at now in education is a result of NAFTA which got the ball rolling in the development of work force skills standards by the National Skills Standards Board, endorsed by the U.S. Labor Department Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) This study originated under Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole in 1990 and eventually led to the School-to-Work Opportunities Act and the dumbing down of American education curriculum for workforce training." And from education researcher, Chey Simonton's article on the Rockefeller/Heritage Connection, she states, "The top men of the Heritage Foundation, first Weyrich and now Ed Feulner with the trust and cooperation of masses of sincerely committed conservatives have been in a position to further elitist Rockefeller goals. Along with radical World Government advocate, Walter Hoffman of the World Federalist Association, they participated on the 16 member U.S. Commission on Improving the Effectiveness of the United Nations. Working with the US Information Agency, Feulner also participated in facilitating the infamous 1985 US-Soviet Education Technology and Cultural Exchange Agreement. Soviet pedagogy, based on behavioral conditioning for a compliant collective labor force, is a dream come true for the dozens of multinational corporations funding all the think tanks promoting American education reform. The humanist Carnegie Foundation, a century-long collaborator with Rockefeller philanthropy, facilitated the Soviet side of this Exchange Agreement." Heritage's communist connections, were established rapidly after the historic meeting between Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev at the Geneva Summit. Feulner was appointed by Reagan as chairman of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. The commission was responsible for expediting a signed Soviet-American Educational Exchange Agreement. At the same time, note that Heritage founder, Weyrich, once served as advisor to former Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Both Feulner and Weyrich were also involved with other powerful players and shadowy figures, some from the right and some from the left. They have been included in groups formed to reinvent the UN, supposedly to face the 21st century. It is becoming more and more evident that Weyrich and Feulner were in fact organizing a tight group that represented the merger of right and left, which we have seen over the past 65 years. Feulner carries on as Heritage president. ONE LAST POINT ON TENNESSEE'S GOVERNOR AND AGENDA 21 Tennessee House Joint Resolution 587 denounced "the destructive and insidious nature of UN Agenda 21." It was passed by Republican legislators over Democratic complaints that it buys into a conspiracy theory. The Resolution was approved, 72-23 in the House and by a 19-11 vote in the Senate. This is a non-binding position statement by the General Assembly, not a law that is implemented. Our Republican Governor, Bill Haslam, refused to sign the Resolution. It is the first Resolution he has refused to sign since he took office in 2010. When Haslam was Mayor of the City of Knoxville, he hired his former opponent, who lost by only a few points, environmental extremist, Madeline Rogero, as Director of Community Development. While in this position, she applied for the Smart Growth federal grant from Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The grant gave the City of Knoxville $$4.3 million and another $$2.5 million came from local non-profits. The City of Knoxville is now a member of ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). The ICLEI name has been changed to Local Governments for Sustainability. We are now fighting "Smart Growth," thanks to our Governor and the now new Mayor of the City of Knoxville, Madeline Rogero. In East Tennessee the five county local "Regional" SMART GROWTH program is called Plan East Tennessee, (Regional Plan for Livable Communities), a plan which will eliminate private property rights in five counties. (REGIONAL MEANS COMMUNIST) Series II of Plan ET held a week of six forums in every one of the five "regional" counties (Blount, Knox,(2) Anderson, Loudon and Union) asking for "community input." Yet, Plan ET's definition of "community input" seems to be neutralization of any expressed opposition to their plans of eliminating private property ownership under the guise of Smart Growth. Their "community consensus" is scripted for their pre-determined outcome via their use of the evil Rand Corporation's mind-control Delphi Technique. RAND developed the Delphi method in the 1950s for the U.S. Department of Defense. It was originally intended for use as a psychological weapon during the cold war. Wallace, Roberts, and Todd (WRT) architectural firm, headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the Plan ET partner chosen to head the forums. They are paid $$1.7 million to accomplish the pre-determined outcome of these forums through facilitation of the Delphi Technique. WRT was established in 1963 by David Wallace and they are expert "regional planners" [Link] with the firm's origins rooted in "sustainability." The American Planning Association (APA) has continually recognized this firm and their principal leaders for their contributions to sustainability and Smart Growth. The APA even has a "Policy Guide on Smart Growth." Governor Haslam helped spur residential and retail growth in the downtown area, mainly by offering developers tax subsidies. He helped implement a master plan for the development of the South Knoxville riverfront, which was given an Outstanding Planning Award by the Tennessee Chapter of the American Planning Association. So he is quite familiar with the American Planning Association. Another top WRT principal is David Rouse. His bio states, "David has a special interest in planning and design for sustainability, community engagement in the planning process, and capacity-building for implementation." (Capacity building is the stack-em and pack-em mega multi-family high rises built in the urban landscape after you've been moved off your suburban or rural property.) From WRT's website, "Principal David Rouse is one of 11 members of the American Planning Association's Sustaining Places Task Force, established earlier this year to address the use of the comprehensive plan as the leading policy document and tool to help communities of all sizes achieve sustainability. The Task Force is part of the Sustaining Places Initiative, announced in March 2010 by APA President Bruce Knight and Chief Executive Officer Paul Farmer at the United Nation's Fifth World Urban Forum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sustaining Places is a multi-year, multi-faceted program to define the role of planning in addressing all human settlement issues relating to sustainability." David Rouse, UN Smart Growth architect of Wallace, Roberts and Todd stated in the Chattanooga Times Free Press newspaper last fall that he is "committed to an open process, and that property rights won't be impacted without the public's consent." (Note: He said "without the public's consent, not the property owner's.) Here's the real rub with this whole "community input" nonsense this UN Agenda 21 Smart Growth bunch is pulling. At the majority of meetings, there were18 to 23 Plan ET members present who are Delphi facilitators, along with WRT and Metropolitan Planning Commission (unelected) staff. Then there were 20 to 25 invitees from local governments, including local government Planning Committees, Community Development , Oak Ridge National Labs, University of Tennessee, etc. All of these invitees are employed by government and have a vested interest in this Plan ET coming to full fruition. I have attended nearly all of the Plan ET forums, and at every table, the "shills" who were invited answered all the questions with the pre-determined and ordained outcomes the Smart Growth facilitators desired. Then there are another 18 to 25 people who know what Agenda 21 really is all about. The majority of meetings have approximately 40 to 45 people, not counting the facilitators. If those of us against UN Agenda 21 did not attend, the only people giving "community input" would be the invited government shills who have a vested interest in Smart Growth and should not be voting at these Delphi meetings as it is a conflict of interest! At one meeting, one of the invitees admitted she was a paid participant. By the way, these attendance numbers were also given by the Plan ET staff present at all the forums. The total number of attendees in the 6 forums of Series Two, were 235 people. Of those 235 people, almost 100 of them were patriotic Americans who are fighting Smart Growth and Agenda 21. This means that 135 invited government employees were deciding the future property rights of the 800,000 people in the five county area of Plan ET. Not a very balanced community input now, is it? Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: This is what our Governor brought to Knoxville when he was our Mayor. He is now working to change TN law regarding water rights. All the water in TN belongs to the citizens, the aquifers, rivers, lakes, wetlands, etc. Our governor wants the state to control the water and the water to belong only to the state, not the citizens. If we lose this battle, the loss of our private property rights can be laid at the feet of our Republican "Conservative Christian" Governor. AND FINALLY, In our recent primary election, held on August 2nd, 2012, two local knowledgeable candidates lost to candidates apparently funded and obviously backed by the Governor of Tennessee to continue to carry out his education agenda as well as his United Nations Agenda 21 Smart Growth/Sustainability goals. Despite Tennessee being the very buckle of the Bible Belt, the state is not the conservative bastion of leaders one would expect. In fact, it is just the opposite. We are loaded with neo-con Trotskyite traitors who are destroying our children and our freedoms, and the people continue to sleep. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, Related Article: 1- The American Planning Association and Its "Faulty" Handbook © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- God is Still on the Throne
GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE By Kelleigh Nelson November 30, 2012 I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administered; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.” -Ben Franklin "It also gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware the people around us are of what is really happening to them." -Adolph Hitler Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. -Matthew 5:44-45 KJV Author and Pulitzer Prize Winning journalist, Christ Hedges said, "We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy." Of course, he is right. The day after the election, my inbox was flooded and my phone rang off the hook. Everyone was depressed, disheartened and discouraged. They knew there wasn't much difference between Willard Romney and Obama, but another four years of a President they considered a Marxist Muslim who is communizing America, was more than they could tolerate. Tears flowed in grief, and I fully understood. Some said they were going off was over. What we are all forgetting is that GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE and HE'S STILL IN CHARGE! He said, "But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil." Proverbs 1:33. Yes, it's ugly and yes, it's very bad for America, but our God loves His people. Let's take a look at the real cause of this election. The Reported Reasons Obama Won One of the reasons is the dumbed down electorate who knows nothing of the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution's Bill of Rights, much less who the candidates are or what they believe! Nevertheless, they have spoken, and we're stuck with Ahab and Jezebel for another four years. There are two other obvious reasons I've heard most conservatives voice. One is voter fraud and the other is the entitlement mentality. In a revelatory article on Fellowship of the Minds website, there is an explanation as to why the GOP will never challenge the vote fraud. Here's what it says, "The Republican Party made an agreement 30 years ago with the Democrat Party NOT to ensure voting integrity and NOT to pursue suspected vote fraud." What? How can that be? Well, the story is more diverse than one would think, and all of it resulted from a lawsuit by the DNC against the RNC and the New Jersey Republican State Committee (RSC). The end result was the RNC and DNC making a Consent Decree 30 years ago in 1982. The agreement in effect gives a carte blanche to the Democrat Party to commit vote fraud in every voting district across America that has, in the language of the Consent Decree, “a substantial proportion of racial or ethnic populations.” The term “substantial proportion” is not defined. Do yourself a favor and read the article! Romney was not wrong when he stated that 47 percent of the people would vote for Obama because they were the entitlement class. They believe the government has a responsibility to take care of them, they believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. Worse yet, they voted for this Marxist incumbent president, no matter what. These are the 47 percent of people who pay no income tax. In fact, in a recent debate between the film maker of 2016, Dinesh D'Souza, and Skeptic's Michael Shermer, D'Souza explains the entitlement mentality quite well. In a new book on the growth of government-funded entitlements in the US, political economist and globalist CFR member, Nicholas Eberstadt, points out that in 2010, no less than one-third of households received anti-poverty transfers while the poverty rate was less than half that (15.1 percent of the population) -- and these households accounted for nearly half of all America's children. Today, astonishingly for a wealthy country, half of all American families receive some kind of government benefit. In fact, says Eberstadt, over the past 50 years, entitlement payments have "turned American governance upside down," growing through good times and bad -- and under Republican administrations as well as Democratic -- from well under a third of the federal government's outlays to two-thirds by 2010. Today, all the other responsibilities of government make up barely one-third of federal spending. I believe it's far worse than what globalist Eberstadt reports, but that's for another article. Social Security and Medicare are not entitlements. The citizens of this country have paid into these funds all their working lives. This does not count the illegal aliens who receive benefits they are not eligible for, but were given by politicians buying their illegal votes. The reason those funds are bankrupt are many, but basically it is because these accounts have been transferred to the "general" fund and spent by our corrupt politicians, who have no regard for Constitutional limits. Of course, having said that, Social Security and Medicare are just as unconstitutional. There are many other factors, Ron Paul's treatment by the RNC, the failure of the Republicans to run a candidate the people would truly consider a conservative (think of Nixon, Ford, Bush, Dole, Bush Jr., McCain, Romney), no desire to vote for the "lesser of two evils," and countless other subjective reasons. But, are any of these really the root cause? The Real Reason Obama Won Getting down to the nitty gritty reality of what has happened to our beloved country, the above reasons are valid on the surface, but are not the real reasons for our country's demise. We are no longer a nation blessed by God. How can any of us believe in our hearts that God's Hand would continue to bless a nation who murders its unborn? We are, after all, a culture of death! We have Bill Maher saying, "We need to promote death." We have Bill Gates saying we need to depopulate through vaccines and health care. How can we believe God would continue to bless a nation who has kicked Him and prayer out of every public function? How can we believe God would bless America when she fails to follow any of the precepts of His Word? And how can we expect God to bless America when we have a President who has turned his back on our only friend in the Middle East, Israel? Genesis 12:1-3 is part of the unconditional Abrahamic Covenant to Israel that so few people truly understand. God said, "Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." We have been blessed with Messiah Jesus from the genealogical line of King David. Those families who accept Jesus as their Saviour, knowing He died for their sins, are the families of the earth who are blessed. Please, all you anti-Semites, don't bother sending me your hate mail. God's Word is still true. The reasons our nation is no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave are legion, but the bottom line is our faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and His Son, our Messiah, the King of Glory, Jesus. We have abrogated our first love, and in turning our backs on God, His Hand of blessing is lifted. When we have College Students Cheering for Karl Marx, Socialism and Barack Obama, it is obvious we have failed to bring them the truth. Dave Jolly wrote in Godfather Politics that this was a Romans 1 election, and I have to agree with him. Where are the Christians? In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus uses a parable to urge his followers to "occupy" (Luke 19:13, KJV) until he returns. Christians are not to be passive spectators in society's culture. While our primary task is the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8), we are to engage the culture at all levels, advancing moral principles and seeking to restrain evil. Today's church, no matter the denomination, has failed! The 1800s were the Missionary Age, and Christians believed the world was being won for Christ. The 1900s ushered in the Age of Apostasy and we have declined in morality and Biblical truth ever since. Our responsibility includes being "salt of the earth" and "light of the world" in the public square and the corridors of government. (Matthew 5:13-14). This is how Christians prevent governments from becoming evil! Yet, we are silent! Even in the case of flawed, corrupt, and evil governments, Christians are expected to adhere to Biblical principles, (I Timothy 2:1-2), (Romans 13:1-7), (Matthew 22:21), and (Romans 13:1-7, I Peter 2:17). However, they are not to take part in evil actions themselves and may, under certain circumstances, resort to civil disobedience (Acts 5:29). The Reverend David L. Ricken, Bishop of Green Bay, spoke the truth in a letter to his parishioners. The Bishops of the Catholic Church are standing against the government mandate to act against their teachings forced on them by Obama care. Where is the outcry from the rest of the Christian churches? Christians are encouraged to speak truth to power, as the prophet Nathan did to King David (II Samuel 12:7) and John the Baptist did with Herod Agrippa (Matthew 14:3-5). The pastors seem silent and so does the body of Christ. What We Can and Should Do We live in a time that can easily become turbulent and destructive to many American citizens and their families. If we want to be that "salt and light" God called us to be, this is the time! Wisdom is God given, not the result of mere human effort or ability. It is available to us through God's Word. The beginning of a new year is upon us. I've found great comfort and wisdom in reading the Bible chronologically. Here is a two page chronological plan you can put in your Bible. If you know the truth, it will set you free. Our nation needs to be on her knees in repentance to God and pleading for His mercy. Our people are following false gods, still living on the remnants of the blessings we once had thinking things will never change. Dancing With the Stars, sports, the latest movies, all of them are still more important to our people than the King of Glory, our Messiah. As times in this country change, those of us who know the Saviour have the greatest opportunity on earth to spread the do our primary task of the Great Commission and to bring more into the fold to know Him. This is what we can and must do! Pray for our country, pray for our leaders (even if you're praying David's imprecatory psalms), read your Bible daily, talk to your friends about the Saviour of the world, and tell them what He's done for you. Prepare for grave situations, buy and store items you may need, not only your family, but for others who may be in need. In doing so, you'll have an opportunity to speak to them about Jesus as Saviour. Stay on top of what is happening in the political realm as well. This is not the time to go into hiding. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. Ephesians 6:12-18 And take heart. God is still on the throne and He still answers prayer! © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- The "Christmas Thing"
THE "CHRISTMAS THING" By Kelleigh Nelson December 14, 2012 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John 3:16 KJV For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. -Isaiah 9:6, KJV, Handel's Messiah It's Christmas, with all the joy and frenzy and shopping, and food, and family gathering, and it's THE CELEBRATION OF OUR SAVIOUR'S BIRTH! Can you say Hallelujah! I love Christmas...I simply love it! Baking Most of you know I own a wholesale commercial bakery and I'm very busy this time of year. In September I start baking Christmas cookies to be shipped all over the country. It is the part of my business that I enjoy the most. I love creating the cookies, buying the boxes, ribbon, and ornaments for packing, and sending them to all the folks that look forward to them every year. It's a labor of love, and I enjoy this part of the Christmas preparations the most. That might sound crazy to some of you, but my great-great grandfather was a restaurateur, confectioner, and amazing baker in Philadelphia, PA. He also owned an ice cream shop along with his three restaurants. G. Byron Morse actually developed the pinafore bread that became the Hoagie bun. So, the baking gene runs in my blood. This, however, is not what Christmas is all about...yet, it too is a part of the joyous celebration and the joy of giving. Christmas Cards Christmas cards are special for me. Every year, the local Christian bookstore runs a 60% off sale on Christmas cards the day after Christmas. Since I've lived all over the country, we send out over 100 cards every year, and we want them to express the truth of why we celebrate the birth of Messiah. So, I'm there at 7 a.m. the morning after Christmas. My sweet friends in Florida sent us a beautiful Christmas card this year that I want to share with you. Like the cards I choose, this one relays the essence of was the Christ child, born for us, to die on a cross for our sins, so we could approach the throne of God with the blood of Jesus having washed away our sins, gone, not just covered over, but gone. This card was so lovely in its message, I simply had to share it. So here it is: JUST A LITTLE DONKEY Just a little donkey, but on my back I bore, The one and only Savior, the world was waiting for. Just a little donkey, but I was strong and proud--I gladly carried Mary through the chaos of the crowd. I brought her to a stable where she made a tiny bed...A place for Baby Jesus to lay His little head. I pray the world remembers that special Christmas night, when just a little donkey carried Heaven's Precious Light. -Rita S. Beer I hope the sentiment in this card touches your heart as it touched mine. It is the story of the King of Glory who humbled Himself to come to earth as a baby, to die on the Cross for all of us. The cards are special greetings to those we know and love who are brothers and sisters in the faith, and they are a part of Christmas, but not the full essence, just a part of the whole celebration of the King's birth. Decorations There are not many places in America bereft of Christmas decorations, except perhaps Dearborn, Michigan. Many of the yards and windows of homes are adorned with lights and wreaths put up around Thanksgiving. Holley Gerth wrote about the wonderful Christmas Wreath: "The Christmas wreath is more than just a's a special reminder of Jesus, the reason for our celebration. The circle of a Christmas wreath is a never-ending ring, a reminder of eternal love from our Lord and King. The Christmas wreath is a sign of welcome, inviting all to enter in...a reminder of Christ's invitation for all to come to Him. The middle of a Christmas wreath is a bare and empty space, a reminder of what life would be without Christ's love and grace. So each time you see a Christmas wreath hanging from a door, may your heart rejoice in the One that Christmas is truly for!" When I was a child, my mother and I would get on the train and go into Chicago to see the decorated store windows on State Street; Marshall Fields, Wieboldts, Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company, Goldblatts, and so many more. In the 1950s, there were amazing crèche displays in the store windows...and of course Santa and the reindeer. The crowds were enormous. Decorations were everywhere. When I see all the homes alight with decorations, I think of them as candles on the Saviour's birthday cake. This is another part of the celebration of Messiah's birth, and it speaks to believers and non-believers..."We have lighted up our homes to celebrate the birth of the Saviour of the World." Shopping Then there's the shopping. Since I have owned my bakery for 23 years, my shopping has to be finished before Thanksgiving and ready to ship to out-of-town family the Monday after Thanksgiving. I really don't like to shop during December, especially on the weekends, and I don't do Black Fridays...not ever. Having said that, the joy of the celebration is in the majority of stores. The time goes quickly for employees when it's busy and they all seem to be smiling and happy and saying, Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas. Of course I prefer Merry Christmas, but Happy Holidays is from the original, Happy Holy Days. So, when I'm wished "Happy Holidays," I always answer them with, "Merry Christmas to you and Happy Holy Days!" This is the south and we're in the buckle of the Bible Belt, so everyone smiles! Shopping is the part of Christmas where we buy gifts to give to our family, friends, and those less fortunate, to share the love of the Christ child whose birth we celebrate. One of my wonderful Christian cyber buds sent me a short email of vast import. When you're out doing the hectic last minute shopping thing, remember this story, "Who Started This Christmas Stuff?" A woman was out Christmas shopping with her two children. After many hours of looking at row after row of toys and everything else imaginable; and after hours of hearing both her children asking for everything they saw on those many shelves, she finally made it to the elevator with her two kids. She was feeling what so many feel during the holiday season time of the year - overwhelming pressure to go to every party, every housewarming, taste all the holiday food and treats, getting that perfect gift for every single person on our shopping list, making sure we don't forget anyone on our card list, and the pressure of making sure we respond to everyone who sent us a card. Finally the elevator doors opened, and there was already a crowd in the car. She pushed her way into the car and dragged her two kids in with her and all the bags of stuff. When the doors closed, she couldn't take it anymore and she stated, "Whoever started this whole Christmas thing should be found, strung up and shot." From the back of the car, everyone heard a quiet, calm voice respond, "Don't worry, we already crucified Him." For the rest of the trip down in the elevator, it was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. This year, don't forget to keep "the One who started this whole Christmas thing" in your every thought, deed and words. If we all did it, just think of how different this whole world would be. It's not simply the baking and cooking, it's not the cards, or the decorations, it's not the shopping, or the family gatherings, it's all of these things! It's because this is the month of the birthday celebration of the King of Glory, the Messiah. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Ahh, yes, the "Christmas thing." The "Christmas thing" is Christ. The "Christmas thing" is the Saviour of the world, the "Christmas thing" is that He came and died for all of us, the "Christmas thing" is the joy in knowing that we have everlasting life because the perfect, sinless, creator of the world shed His blood for us, the "Christmas thing" is that God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die for us. The "Christmas thing" is that we are to celebrate His birth with joy, love, peace, kindness and gentleness. And we're to share our reason for that joy! So for the month of might want to answer those who say Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas with a resounding, "Happy Birthday Jesus!" That's the "Christmas thing!" © 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Share This Article Click Here For Mass E-mailing Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group. Website: E-Mail: [email protected] Home It's not simply the baking and cooking, it's not the cards, or the decorations, it's not the shopping, or the family gatherings, it's all of these things! It's because this is the month of the birthday celebration of the King of Glory, the Messiah.
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Visualizing The Global War On Cash
There is a global push by lawmakers to eliminate the use of physical cash around the world. This movement is often referred to as “The War on Cash”, and there are three major players involved: 1. The Initiators Who? Governments, central banks. Why? The elimination of cash will make it easier to track all types of transactions – including those made by criminals. 2. The Enemy Who? Criminals, terrorists Why? Large denominations of bank notes make illegal transactions easier to perform, and increase anonymity. 3. The Crossfire Who? Citizens Why? The coercive elimination of physical cash will have potential repercussions on the economy and social liberties. Is Cash Still King? Cash has always been king – but starting in the late 1990s, the convenience of new technologies have helped make non-cash transactions to become more viable: Online banking Smartphones Payment technologies Encryption By 2015, there were 426 billion cashless transactions worldwide – a 50% increase from five years before. And today, there are multiple ways to pay digitally, including: Online banking (Visa, Mastercard, Interac) Smartphones (Apple Pay) Intermediaries ( Paypal , Square) Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin) The First Shots Fired The success of these new technologies have prompted lawmakers to posit that all transactions should now be digital. Here is their case for a cashless society: Removing high denominations of bills from circulation makes it harder for terrorists, drug dealers, money launderers, and tax evaders. $$1 million in $$100 bills weighs only one kilogram (2.2 lbs). Criminals move $$2 trillion per year around the world each year. The U.S. $$100 bill is the most popular note in the world, with 10 billion of them in circulation. This also gives regulators more control over the economy. More traceable money means higher tax revenues. It means there is a third-party for all transactions. Central banks can dictate interest rates that encourage (or discourage) spending to try to manage inflation. This includes ZIRP or NIRP policies. Cashless transactions are faster and more efficient. Banks would incur less costs by not having to handle cash. It also makes compliance and reporting easier. The “burden” of cash can be up to 1.5% of GDP, according to some experts. But for this to be possible, they say that cash – especially large denomination bills – must be eliminated. After all, cash is still used for about 85% of all transactions worldwide. A Declaration of War Governments and central banks have moved swiftly in dozens of countries to start eliminating cash. Some key examples of this? Australia, Singapore, Venezuela, the U.S., and the European Central Bank have all eliminated (or have proposed to eliminate) high denomination notes. Other countries like France, Sweden and Greece have targeted adding restrictions on the size of cash transactions, reducing the amount of ATMs in the countryside, or limiting the amount of cash that can be held outside of the banking system. Finally, some countries have taken things a full step further – South Korea aims to eliminate paper currency in its entirety by 2020. But right now, the “War on Cash” can’t be mentioned without invoking images of day-long lineups in India. In November 2016, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi demonetized 500 and 1000 rupee notes, eliminating 86% of the country’s notes overnight. While Indians could theoretically exchange 500 and 1,000 rupee notes for higher denominations, it was only up to a limit of 4,000 rupees per person. Sums above that had to be routed through a bank account in a country where only 50% of Indians have such access. The Hindu has reported that there have now been 112 reported deaths associated with the Indian demonetization. Some people have committed suicide, but most deaths come from elderly people waiting in bank queues for hours or days to exchange money. Caught in the Crossfire The shots fired by governments to fight its war on cash may have several unintended casualties: 1. Privacy Cashless transactions would always include some intermediary or third-party. Increased government access to personal transactions and records. Certain types of transactions (gambling, etc.) could be barred or frozen by governments. Decentralized cryptocurrency could be an alternative for such transactions 2. Savings Savers could no longer have the individual freedom to store wealth “outside” of the system. Eliminating cash makes negative interest rates (NIRP) a feasible option for policymakers. A cashless society also means all savers would be “on the hook” for bank bail-in scenarios. Savers would have limited abilities to react to extreme monetary events like deflation or inflation. 3. Human Rights Rapid demonetization has violated people’s rights to life and food. In India, removing the 500 and 1,000 rupee notes has caused multiple human tragedies, including patients being denied treatment and people not being able to afford food. Demonetization also hurts people and small businesses that make their livelihoods in the informal sectors of the economy. 4. Cybersecurity With all wealth stored digitally, the potential risk and impact of cybercrime increases. Hacking or identity theft could destroy people’s entire life savings. The cost of online data breaches is already expected to reach $$2.1 trillion by 2019, according to Juniper Research. As the War on Cash accelerates, many shots will be fired. The question is: who will take the majority of the damage? * * * The Money Project is an ongoing collaboration between Visual Capitalist and Texas Precious Metals that seeks to use intuitive visualizations to explore the origins, nature, and use of money.