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Kelleigh Nelson -- The Phony Rightwing, Part 2
THE PHONY RIGHTWING PART 2 of 2 By Kelleigh Nelson June 3, 2011 Newt Gingrich and THE THIRD WAVE Okay, so we've gone over what Newt has done in the past, and part of what he stands for, but we haven't touched at all on his belief in Alvin and Heidi Toffler's THE THIRD WAVE. To make it quite clear, Toffler's beliefs are rooted solidly in communism, but dressed up thoroughly in neo-con speak and sprinkled with the tiniest bit of capitalism. This is why so many of our electorate are fooled by the RINOs and why so many of these RINOs go along with the communists in the Democrat party. In 1994, Newt presented a list of 8 books he wanted everyone to read....first was the Declaration of Independence, second the Federalist Papers, and third was the THIRD WAVE by Alvin Toffler printed by the new age Progress and Freedom Foundation. Alvin Toffler is Newt Gingrich's mentor, so we need to take a closer look at what Toffler espouses in THE THIRD WAVE. By the way he never mentioned reading the constitution and for good reason. He wants to be rid of it. Toffler believes mankind is entering a new system. To the founding fathers in his book, he wrote, "For the system of government you fashioned including the very principles on which you based it, is increasingly obsolete, and hence increasingly, if inadvertently, oppressive and dangerous to our welfare. It must be radically changed and a new system of government invented, a democracy for the 21st century. For this wisdom, above all, I thank Mr. Jefferson who helped create the system that served us so well for so long, and that now must, in its turn, die and be replaced." Gingrich, who swore an oath 10 times to uphold and defend the constitution urges with his mentor Toffler, the very death of the American Constitutional system. Gingrich wrote the forward to Toffler's book, "Creating a New Civilization." As my friend, Constance Cumbey wrote in her recent article, the very best information on The Third Wave and Newt Gingrich was written by Steve Farrell. The entire 8 part series is here. If you never do any other reading, print this 8 part series out and read it carefully. It is a picture of what is happening to America. Connie also mentioned in her blog that new Catholic convert Newt (formerly a Southern Baptist) recently spoke at John Hagee's church in San Antonio. Apparently Hagee's staff doesn't research the backgrounds of their invited speakers and thus has influenced and poisoned thousands with the neo-con rhetoric of Gingrich who is selling the old doctrine of communism. I am going to quote heavily from Steve Farrell's article so you will know at least part of what we're facing with the right's love of the Third Wave. "The Third Way/Wave may sound new and innocuous to many, but its founders include such earlier notables as Plato (The Republic), Karl Marx (The Communist Manifesto), and Adolf Hitler (National Socialism), certainly not the best crew for men and women sworn to defend our Constitution and to turn to for inspiration." "Plato didn't call his revolutionary plan for tyranny 'tyranny.' Who would? Rather he cloaked every item of revolutionary change in more palatable terms like, 'justice,' or 'the heavenly ideal,' or 'the pursuit of the good,' or 'the love of truth.' " He believed in and practiced double talk just as the politicians on both the left and right do today. "He believed so much in his double talk that he convinced casual readers that they were mulling over a Judeo-Christian appeal to virtue. Virtue, he taught, is whatever sustains or brings about the ideal city. And such an ideal city was his! Communist, through and through." Here are the 'Virtuous' Aims of Plato's Third Wave 1. Private property must be abolished, the wealthy hated and their wealth redistributed by state mandate. 2. Children belong to, and are born to serve the state. The influence of parents is noxious and disruptive to the interest of the state, thus every child should be raised in government nurseries, without knowledge of who his or her parents are and without the parents having knowledge of who their offspring are. Every child becomes the common property of every parent in the city. Every parent has the collective duty to watch over them. (Hillary Clinton's, It takes a Village) 3. Private education, like traditional parenting, is at the very headwaters of falsehood and social strife. It must be eliminated and replaced with a closely monitored state school system. 4. Old values passed down in history, song, children's books, all need to be rewritten to discredit and erase the old virtues and to exalt and enthrone the new. 5. Frivolous children's games eliminated, new games developed that emphasize law and order. 6. Private industry is self serving. State should have absolute control of all industry for benefit of the whole. 7. Class mobility is a revolutionary idea that threatens the stability of the state and the pre-eminence of true philosophy. A strict caste system and the elimination of career choice is the answer. 8. Talent must never be allowed to wander or be wasted. Early on, children must be identified and channeled by the state for the benefit of the state into careers selected by the state. 9. Under the guise of equality, women ought to be exploited: first to foment 'class war' during the Third Wave (women's roles are reversed to men's); next, to be promptly put into their place as part of a 'community of women' to be shared collectively by male guardians. 10. Selective breeding is beneficial to the state (Hitler) 11. Unwanted babies, inferior babies, deformed babies and the adult handicapped are an unnecessary drag on the prosperity and well-being of society. They should be left to die. Unproductive adults, likewise, should be terminated. (Abortion, Obamacare) 12. Homosexuality is morally acceptable and homosexual rape of lower-class males and boys is a right of rulers, guardians and war heroes. 13. Only a few men are foreordained to understand life and higher good...the rest are equivalent of dumb sheep. 14. Absolute loyalty to the government is vital for the success and safety of society. A state sanctioned KGB-like network is an essential good. 15. Wealth is not essential to the safety of the state. 16. Virtue rejects troublemaking democracy (pure or direct democracy) as an end, yet shrewdly identifies it as the quickest, surest route to promoting the communist view of equality of ends. There are more, but these are the ultimate goals, the communist goals, of Plato's Third Wave/Third Way and where all this business begins. "Marx, like his forbearers of the 18th century communist cabal known as the Illuminati, invented nothing new. He stole heavily from Plato's "Republic" without due credit and then "borrowed" heavily from Hegel's Godless dialectic view of history, Aristotle's quantum leap view of evolution, and Plato's cynical conception that the source of all law, morality, and religion is simply the strong and the rich erecting protectionist walls around their property and power. Hitler's German national Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi) was another Third Wave setting. Hitler was a bit more advanced in the newer beliefs of the Third Wave. Hitler taught that the masses were dumb and needed a leader, they couldn't self-rule. Fascism embraces much of Plato and Marx but utilizes different, and perhaps, superior methods of control; --for all the while it lets citizens think they have a safe amount of freedom." Just like their talk about decentralization and democracy, Third Way proponents today talk of national "service" (Obama), "Compassionate Conservatism" (Bush), "Faith-Based" subsidies, and moral effective "partnerships" with cash for conversion. (most politicians). "Gingrich openly calls himself a futurist, which is the study of, and interest in, forecasting or anticipating the future, or theorizing on how to impose controls on events. Gingrich revealed to Congress that he began working with the Tofflers in the early 1970s on a concept called anticipatory democracy. He says, "For twenty years we (who's we?) have worked to develop a future-conscious politics and popular understanding that would make it easier for America to make the transition from the Second Wave civilization (the one the founders gave us) --which is clearly dying--to the emerging, but in many ways undefined, Third Wave civilization (Alvin Toffler's Centrist Utopia)." The majority of the above statements are directly from Steve Farrell's wonderful article which I hope you'll all take the time to read because of its utmost importance in understanding what is happening today with Republicans especially. Conclusions Truly we are surrounded in both the left and the right with Communists. Both are adept at hiding the truth of their doctrine in euphemistic language. Some are more bold than others like Newt Gingrich, but nearly all of the GOP candidates and most of our GOP politicians believe in much of what Toffler's Third Wave represents for this country. As I wrote in my article, WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING, it is the rightwing that is desperately trying to destroy our constitution with a new constitutional convention and don't believe it when they tell you there are no dangers. The father of our constitution James Madison knew better and voiced a strong concern regarding any call for another convention. The so-called "White Hats" have such pretty speech that they convince the uneducated that they are helping to save the country, when in fact, they are part and parcel of the purposeful destruction. We need to force them to obey the constitution, not destroy or replace it. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: I know that all things are in God's Hands and He has the ultimate control. I also know that the only true thing that will save this country is the preaching of God's Word. Having said that, we also must stand and fight for what we know is right and defeat the enemies of freedom. We'll discuss some of the other GOP candidates for president in the next article. For part one click below. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Phony Rightwing, Part 3
THE PHONY RIGHTWING PART 3 By Kelleigh Nelson June 15, 2011 Willard Mitt Romney "The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." Norman Thomas (1884-1968) six time U.S. Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America. Norman Thomas and Gus Hall, the U.S. Communist Party Candidates, both quit American politics, agreeing that the Republican and Democratic parties had adopted every plank of the Communist/Socialist party and they no longer had an alternate party platform on which to run. Willard Mitt Romney was born in 1947 in Detroit, Michigan to former Governor of Michigan, George W. Romney and his wife, Lenore Romney. He was raised in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan and attended Brigham Young University. When Willard was a sophomore in high school he participated in the campaign for his father's first term as Governor of Michigan. CFR member George Romney was reelected twice and Mitt even worked for him as an intern. He went to the 1964 Republican National Convention when his moderate father battled conservative Barry Goldwater for the party nomination over issues of civil rights and ideological extremism. The family ended up supporting Lyndon Baines Johnson for president. Willard got his Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration degrees from Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School. In 1966, Mitt left for France as a Mormon missionary which is a traditional duty of sons of Mormons. This was the first time Mitt was living a life of deprivation. With the rules of no drinking or smoking, he failed to gain many converts in France. The French Catholics are wine loving people and prove especially resistant to a religion that prohibits alcohol. His missionary years were not the best esteem builders, yet he still holds a great fondness for France. Romney entered into management consulting and had a position at Bain and Company. He eventually served as it's CEO and led it out of a financial crisis. He was the founder too of a spinoff company Bain Capital, a profitable equity investment firm. He had an excellent record of success with clients like Monsanto Company, Burlington Industries, and Corning Incorporated. Of course Monsanto is responsible for the majority of GMO seeds and foods in our nation today. He won the election for Governor of Massachusetts in 2002, but only served one term. The state was in financial peril and had a projected $$3 billion shortfall. The reason it was in peril is like all states, the politicians overspend and then expect the taxpayers to make up the difference. Unexpected revenue came in from a previously enacted capital gains tax increase and $$500 million in federal grants which decreased the deficit to $$1.2 to 1.5 billion. Through some budget manipulating and cuts in state aid to cities and towns, and major cuts to universities which increased the tuition by 63% over four years, as well as his vetoing many items, although all were overridden by the Democrat majority legislature, he managed to bring in more to the Massachusetts treasury. What Romney really did to fix the budget was what most Governors, both left and right do. They raise taxes on the people of the state. He raised fees for marriage, driver's, and gun licenses. He increased the state gasoline fee by 2 cents per gallon and he closed tax loopholes that caused businesses to pay more taxes. This brought in $$541 million to the coffers, but created financial hardships on businesses in Massachusetts. Romney Care Of course this all didn't last long with the adoption of the socialist universal health care mandate Willard gave Massachusetts. He promised it wouldn't raise taxes, but incorporated a new payroll tax. He also pushed for incorporating an individual mandate at the state level. His past rival Ted Kennedy (he ran against Kennedy for Senator in 1994), who had pushed universal health coverage for years became a close friend of Romney's and helped push the state's Democrats into voting for it along with the Republicans. With Romney Care all residents of the state are required to buy health insurance or face escalating tax penalties such as the loss of their personal income tax exemptions. This is, in effect a tax on their very existence in the state of Massachusetts! The most draconian sections of the bill that would put burdens on businesses were vetoed by Romney, but the Democrat legislature overrode them all. Romney Care also finances abortion with a $$50 dollar co-pay. This entire bill was endorsed by Marxists Hillary Clinton, Teddy Kennedy and of course Planned Parenthood who has now helped murder 56 million American babies in the womb with help of plans like Romney Care. Advertisemen At the same time Massachusetts also created a new state entitlement that was already trembling on the verge of bankruptcy inside of a year. It is called Commonwealth Care, it uses a sliding income scale to subsidize coverage for everyone under 300% of the federal poverty level, or about $$63,000 for a family of four. In 2008, the year's appropriation for Commonwealth Care was $$472 million, but officials have asked for an add-on that will bring it to $$625 million. For 2009, Governor Deval Patrick requested $$869 million but conceded that even that huge figure is too low. Over the coming decade, the expected overruns float in as much as $$4 billion over budget. So, despite Romney's getting the state out of the red with new fees and taxes, he turned around and gave the state a huge new bureaucracy that now has it near bankruptcy. Romney on Abortion 1994 - Romney stated, "I believe abortion should be safe and legal in this country. 2001 - While campaigning in Utah, Romney said, "I am not pro-choice." 2002 - While in Massachusetts, Romney quipped, "I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose. 2004 - Romney again magically became pro-life. 2005 - Once again in liberal Massachusetts, Romney spoke these words, "I am actually committed to my promise to maintain the status quo with regards to laws related to abortion and choice. He even exempted Catholic and Christian hospitals from refusing the morning-after pill in case of rape. Not only does Romney not advocate a ban on embryonic research, he actually supports government funding for the lethal use of the tiniest children for research, demonstrating the falsity of both his conversion and his account of it. And yet many pro-family "leaders" have chosen to ignore the truth, and believe lies. Now on the campaign trail again, he's saying he's pro-life, but let's look at his record. After he claimed a pro-life conversion, Willard Mitt Romney • authorized tax-funded surgical elective abortion two years after he claimed he was pro-life. • advocated grisly research on embryos after he claimed a pro-life conversion. • nominated a pro-abort Democrat judge after he claimed a pro-life conversion. • gave Planned Parenthood a permanent seat on a state board after he claimed a pro- life conversion. • bragged that he would continue to defend abortion "rights" after he claimed a pro-life conversion. His record is absolutely shocking and in another campaign speech he stated he is personally pro-life, but doesn't want to push his personal religious beliefs on society. So, society's cultural decline and the murder of 56 million innocent babies shouldn't have any commentary from the religious sidelines? To top it off, the Pro-Life Family Movement discredits themselves again and again. Many conservatives repeat his false claim of being pro-life including Ann Coulter, saying "Romney governed as a pro-lifer." Jordan Sekulow through his father's organization, ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice) wrote, "Governor Romney would and still could make a great candidate." Jay Sekulow is a CNP member. Tony Perkins (CNP) at the Family Research Council says Romney is, "solidly conservative across the board," and a Focus Action Candidate Commentary video from Focus on the Family(CNP) shockingly agrees with Romney that, "on the social issues we are so similar." Remember, these groups are members of the secretive Council for National Policy and nearly all are UN-NGO's. As UN-non governmental organizations, they must agree with the planks of the Marxist UN to get NGO status. These groups and people say all this of a man who • funded abortion statewide through taxpayer monies • opposed a Massachusetts Defense of Marriage Constitutional amendment • said homosexuals should be allowed in the boy scouts • officially celebrated "Gay-Straight Youth Pride Day" • sat on the board of directors for a leading purveyor of pornography without opposing the corporation's exploitation of women • instituted homosexual marriage • was ahead of Barack Obama in promoting government controlled health care. Advertisemen Willard Mitt Romney states, "On every piece of legislation, I came down on the side of life." Gay Rights and Marriage When Romney ran against Ted Kennedy for Senator in 1994, he wrote a letter to the Log Cabin Republicans stating, "We must make equality for gays and lesbians a mainstream concern." Romney also stated in 2002 that "All citizens deserve equal rights, regardless of their sexual orientation." Willard said that domestic partnership status should be recognized in a way that includes the potential for health benefits and rights of survivorship. Most companies today give health benefits to homosexual partners. One of the first was the conservative company of Colorado, Coors Beer while their backyard neighbor and fellow Council for National Policy member James Dobson of Focus on the Family railed against one of the airlines for giving health benefits to homosexual partners. Romney also supported hate crimes legislation during his campaign for governor. In 2002, Romney also opposed a Massachusetts constitutional amendment that would have banned same-sex marriage and domestic partnerships because the amendment would have prohibited domestic partnership benefits for gays and lesbians. • supported Bill Clinton's "Don't ask, don't tell" and thinks it worked and shouldn't be changed. • boosted funding for homosexual "education" starting in kindergarten • opposes a ban on homosexual scoutmasters • forced Catholic Charities, the nation's #1 adoption and foster care service to place children with same sex couples even though he was under no legal obligation to do so. • passed over Republican lawyers for three quarters of the 36 judicial vacancies he faced and nominated two open homosexuals. • supports passage at the state level of the Employment non-discrimination Act which would force churches and other religious organizations to hire homosexuals and transvestites or face criminal fines and prosecution. Global Warming/Climate Change and Cap and Trade On CBS with Katy Couric in February, 2009, Romney said this, "I think the risks of climate change are real. And that you're seeing real climate change. And I think human activity is contributing to it. I would develop within this country sources of energy which would allow us to be free of foreign oil. But sources that don't emit CO2." "I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire." Romney supports regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, primarily through voluntary measure. He would eliminate "dirty" coal power plants even at the cost of losing jobs because he believes coal plants kill people. Illegal Aliens and Amnesty Although Romney says he's against amnesty for illegal aliens, he also says, "I don't believe in rounding up 11 million people and forcing them at gunpoint from our country." (Willard, it's probably more like 40 or 50 million people here illegally and according to FBI statistics they murder 25 American citizens per day!) Willard says he would like to see illegal immigrants register with the government, pay taxes, and apply for citizenship. What? How about entering the country the way all our ancestors did? How about coming into this country legally? Does Willard have any idea of how many "other types" are crossing the border so easily? Education Romney supported the infamous, No Child Left Behind, as well as the federal government's involvement in education. See Charlotte Iserbyt's article. He approved efforts in Massachusetts to REQUIRE parents in poorly performing schools to attend parental education classes. He also is for Charter Schools. See education expert, Char Iserbyt's article on Charter Schools. Second Amendment Willard Romney has stated in past campaigns that he is a proponent of gun control and fully supports a ban on assault weapons. He enacted a ban in Massachusetts on many so called "military style assault weapons." Romney stated, "These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people." Sorry Willard, but you don't know squat about firearms, nor do you understand that the second amendment is the very teeth of the Bill of Rights. And you don't even own a gun! In 1994, Willard also supported the Brady Bill. The Center for Handgun Violence which is Sarah Brady's organization, is responsible for countless lawsuits against manufacturers and various state firearm laws. They are rabid anti-gunners, as obviously is Willard Mitt Romney. Sustainable Development and Agenda 21 In 2004, as part of Willard's goal to adopt a strategic approach to "land protection" in Massachusetts, he launched a plan to help cities and towns adopt "smart growth" policies that foster sustainable development. He stated that he wanted a more coordinated approach to "land conservation," involving housing, environmental and transportation agencies. As I mentioned in my previous article on Newt Gingrich, federal or state land grabs under the guise of sustainability are wholly unconstitutional. However, once again, elimination of land by the federal or state governments when it belongs to the people, is fully a plank of the communist manifesto. Conclusions Obviously Willard Mitt Romney is no conservative. His stances on issues are tainted with communist tenets, and I've only covered a few of them. Why then do people who claim to be "conservatives" and "Christians," like Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, Hugh Hewitt, Mark DeMoss, Richard Land, Stu Epperson, Jay Sekulow, Jim Dobson, Tom Minnery, and Tony Perkins, claim that he's a conservative? Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Sadly, we are dealing with many false friends of the constitution and what I call "controlled" opposition to the communist agenda. The above facts regarding Romney's platforms change depending upon which group he is speaking to and whether they're liberal or conservative. However, his actions in Massachusetts as governor speak volumes about what Romney really stands for and it's certainly not the constitution...more like the communist agenda. We've many other candidates, many with far less communist tenets than Newt or Willard, but none that are really solid true constitutionalists. We'll discuss them in the next article. Proverbs 12:20 - Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the counselors of peace is joy. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Phony Rightwing, Part 4
THE PHONY RIGHTWING PART 4 By Kelleigh Nelson June 21, 2011 Herman Cain "Socialism in America will come through the ballot box." Arvo Gustav Halberg (Gus Hall) (1910-2000) leader of the Communist Party USA and its four-time U.S. presidential candidate and recipient of the Order of Lenin. I really thought that many of the GOP candidates had far less sinister ideas than the first two I wrote about that I really consider communists. Our GOP candidates are so much farther to the left than was Democratic candidate John F. Kennedy in 1960 who at that time was considered to be an extreme liberal. How far we've come in 50 years! Herman Cain is supposedly a Tea Party favorite, but most of the Tea Party folks I associate with are wise to the real Herman Cain. Cain was born in Memphis, Tennessee on December 13, 1945, but was raised in Georgia. His mother was a cleaner and his father was a chauffeur. He graduated from Morehouse College in 1967 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in mathematics and received a Master of Science degree in computer science from Purdue University in 1971, while he was also working full-time in ballistics for the U.S. Department of the Navy. He is an American businessman, politician, columnist, and radio host from Georgia. He is best known as the former chairman and CEO of Godfather's Pizza. He is a former deputy chairman (1992–94) and chairman (1995–96) of the board of directors to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Herman lives in the Georgia suburbs and is the minister of a Baptist Church. The Federal Reserve Most conservatives believe the Federal Reserve needs to be eliminated and is unconstitutional. As well, there's been a recent push by Ron Paul to get the Fed audited. Herman doesn't think the Fed needs auditing and stated there is nothing to find. He is a staunch defender of the central banking system. But what we want to know Herman is just exactly how the Fed handled the financial crisis. Herman has also stated that the Fed is not unconstitutional because it was created by a congressional statute in 1913 by that progressive leader, Woodrow Wilson. After the uproar regarding his stance, he common with politicians. So, which is it Herman? Herman Cain Supported Romney Here's what Herman said when Romney was running for President in the primaries for the 2008 election, "Anyone who wishes to find a reason not to vote for Romney can easily find one. But the reasons to vote for him are far more compelling. He has successfully managed a real business with other people’s money and some of his own. He has balanced budgets. He successfully led a turnaround situation with the Olympics. And he has spent more of his career outside government than inside." TARP Herman was and still is a strong supporter of TARP which we see as one of the worst public policy atrocities since LBJ's programs, not to mention the corruption and debt. He stated it was good economics and the Bush information on the financial crisis was sound. Seems like he didn't listen to the electorate and didn't hear them on radio when they called in against it. Patriot Act Herman says the Patriot Act is 90% right on. He doesn't tell us what he feels is wrong with the other 10% that isn't good, but he still sides with it. How about the constitution Herman? Ever read that? What about the fourth amendment to the Bill of Rights Herman? The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. In 2007, FBI Director Robert Mueller admitted to abuses of the PATRIOT Act. In fact, there were more than 1,000 instances of the FBI misusing the law, according to the Washington Post. [Herman Cain would trade liberty for security] Foreign Policy Mr. Cain can't tell us his foreign policy on Afghanistan until he says, "he takes office." He said he didn't want to second guess Obama's handling of the war, saying he didn't have enough information to make a definitive statement. Education Cain is for “expanding school vouchers and charter schools” and says “a critical component of improving education in our country is to decentralize the federal government’s control over it.” He has written that the establishment of the Department of Education “took control of education policy and curriculums away from local school districts and the states and placed it in the hands of unaccountable bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.” Mr. Cain is either on the side of Obama with Charter schools or he's greatly deceived. If you don't understand what the problem with Charter schools is, here are excerpts from: THE DIRTY LITTLE SECRET OF SCHOOL CHOICE & CHARTER SCHOOLS By O. Jerome (Jed) Brown - 1995 Choice/Charter schools destroy the electoral process and the rational-bureaucratic structure that has worked for 200 years and would continue to work if people would stop voting idiots into office, holding those they vote in accountable. Yes, Choice/Charter schools will alter the politics and government of education so that our schools are in sync with the New International Orders. Instead of proper public policy being effectively administered under the old social contract, schools are to be ineffectively administered by site-based councils under the terms of their charter. In other words, schools are to be governed chaotically, by consensus of group of unqualified people according to their international charter under regional authority. The new social contract also gives each parent the right to choose any school for his child, as long as it meets or exceeds these international standards of mediocrity. The words of John Chubb and Terry Moe, of The Brookings Institute and Stanford University respectively, would have gotten them an invite to a tar and feather party -- “Our guiding principle in the design of a choice system is this: public authority must be put to use in creating a system that is almost entirely beyond the reach of public authority.” (Politics, Markets and America's Schools, 1990) Second Amendment and Gun Control In an interview with the infamous Wolf Blitzer, Cain stated that he was pro-second amendment, but that it should be up to the states. Well now, wait a he saying he believes our federal constitution's Bill of Rights should be decided by the states, that they are not the entire country's restrictions on government and for the people? The Bill of Rights is NOT subject to state approval. Advertisement Here's what Jazz Shaw, author of this article said about Cain's statements during this interview and I agree with him, "The other possibility, though, is that he’s one of those “Constitutional” conservatives who rejects the entire idea that the Federal Bill of Rights should be applied to the states. Ron Paul believes this, and it’s one reason I’m not entirely a fan of his either. Is this Cain’s position? Does he believe that, not just the 2nd, but also the 1st, 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th Amendments shouldn’t apply to the states? Some clarification on this issue would be most helpful." Muslims in the Cain Administration After coming out strongly against Islam and appointing Muslims to his cabinet, Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain reversed course completely. Pressure came from the PC crowd and Muslims' Advocacy groups and he caved saying he'd appoint Muslims to his administration and to judgeships. Security and Prosperity Partnership or NAU Cain has been one of the CEOs on the North American Competitiveness Council almost since its creation. This is the think tank for promoting the agenda of the Security and Prosperity Agreement Bush signed with Canada and Mexico which gives up our sovereignty and erases our borders with those countries by establishing the North American Union (NAU). Cain appears to be in favor of free trade. He favored the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1993, saying "Free trade is not a zero sum game… Everyone can benefit.” On trade with China, he says that “China is not the problem…Our economic growth is the problem. If we can start to grow in a robust fashion, we won’t even have to look back at China.” His suggestion for stimulating economic growth is to cut the top corporate tax rate from 35% to 25% and “take the capital gains rate to zero.” I like that, but Herman...there are no jobs here because they're now all in China! He is on numerous boards, and many of the people that are members of the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission repeatedly show up on the same boards. Cain is friends with the Koch brothers who pose as libertarians but attend the Bilderberg group meetings. The Koch brothers support Cain for nomination and he is their puppet. They are behind, "Americans for Prosperity" and are connected to both the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations. We'll discuss the Koch brothers another time. If you scroll down, the last name on the list in the Competitive Council is Herman Cain. To validate this is Herman Cain, here is a website with a picture of Cain celebrating the grand opening of a Whirlpool distribution center. American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) In August of 2009, Herman Cain spoke to ALEC, which I wrote about in Part 2 of Saving the Republic? Richard Mellon Scaife has allegedly funded ALEC to the tune of more than 7 million dollars. One must remember that Scaife funds both sides of the aisle and is connected to Rockefeller (Chase Mellon Bank). Scaife also recently had a full page ad in the WSJ stating why it was so important for taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood and what they do for American women. ALEC writes nearly all of the bills for state legislatures. The danger in the ALEC organization is that its leadership apparently wants to rewrite our Constitution and they claim a membership of 2,500 plus of our 7,500 legislators. Members of ALEC include the Church of Scientology, which has spoken at ALEC meetings. ALEC is pushing for a constitutional convention which is by far the biggest danger in America today. Herman Cain and a Constitutional Convention Cain often substitute hosts for radio personality, Neal Boortz and like Boortz pushes the Fair Tax which is a consumption tax. However, Boortz also pushes a constitutional convention to rid us of the 16th Amendment (income tax) when the fair tax is passed. Boortz is a lawyer and you'd think would understand the danger of a Constitutional Convention. To open a Con-Con would mean taking the entire constitution down and all of it could be changed. Can you imagine the delegates that would be appointed or the involvement of Feinstein, Reid, or Pelosi? Remember too that a NEW STATES CONSTITUTION is waiting in the wings written at a cost of 25 million dollars over 10 years by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations. This NEW STATES CONSTITUTION eliminates all unalienable God given rights and makes any rights privileges granted by the federal government. Boortz states we need a convention to rid ourselves of the 16th Amendment, but we didn't need a constitutional convention to get rid of the 18th Amendment which was the prohibition of liquor...we simply had another amendment (21st) which repealed the 18th! James Madison made the statement only a year after the original convention in 1787 that he trembled at the thought of a new convention with the many dishonorable politicians itching to change the constitution only one year later. We need to force the congress criminals to obey the constitution we have, not allow them to destroy it and make one that perfectly fits their New World Order agenda. Herman Cain is a staunch promoter of the Fair Tax, but a Constitutional Convention is the final death Knell of the United States of America. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Conclusion Once again, I have to say, Herman Cain is not a constitutional conservative and is definitely not my choice. I thought he was better than the previous two candidates I wrote about, but after doing the research, I'm appalled at how much he is like the typical establishment Republican. Is there anyone that would lead us out of the NWO mire we're in now? I've come to the conclusion that unless we get on our faces in the dirt and pray like we've never prayed before for our beloved nation, that we haven't a chance of turning this mess around. The powers in place will not allow a constitutionalist to win, but with prayer anything is possible. I don't just mean a five minute chat with the Almighty. I mean heartfelt, tear stained prayer of repentance, sorrow and broken heartedness for our nation wherein we ask God to help us. Can we be saved like Nineveh? See the Book of Jonah. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- American Citizens as Guinea Pigs, Part 9
AMERICAN CITIZENS AS GUINEA PIGS PART 9 By Kelleigh Nelson June 28, 2011 Health Care Harm Health care mistakes are the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States. A landmark 1999 report by the Institute of Medicine showed that 100,000 deaths occur in the US each year as a result of health care harm. A 2007 CDC Control report said that an additional 99,000 people die annually from hospital-acquired infections. There have been more than 80 reported deaths in the United States linked to the use of contaminated Heparin (produced by Baxter International). Most of the deaths occurred among patients that were administrated with a contaminated batch of Baxter Heparin supplied by a Chinese facility. The contaminated Heparin caused a severe allergic reaction that led to many deaths. In February 2008, Baxter International recalled their entire Heparin supply. In April of 2008 I traveled to Seattle, Washington to see renowned Thoracic and Esophageal surgeon, Dr. Ralph Aye. He performed the Hill Posterior Gastropexy on me, which is a surgery to correct severe acid reflux. It is not the more common surgery called a Nissen Fundoplication done by most general surgeon. The Hill requires a more skilled surgeon and is done laparoscopically. I spent only 24 hours in the hospital and had few if any side effects during the 6 week recovery. During the night of my 24 hour stay, the nurse came in three times to give me a shot of Heparin. Because my husband and I were well aware of the dangers of Baxter Heparin, we made sure that was not what the nurse was administering. Let me say that Swedish Medical Center was the finest facility I have ever been in and the care was top rate. I've been well ever since, thanks to Dr. Aye's surgical skill. Sadly this is not the case in all healthcare facilities. On the afternoon of November 17, 2007 actor Dennis Quaid and his wife noticed a sore on their twin son's umbilical cord. Their daughter had a similar irritation on one of her fingers. The couple's pediatrician sent them to Cedars-Sinai. (Remember I wrote about Cedars-Sinai and CT scans in Part 8 of this series.) Both children, only 12 days old, were diagnosed with staph. The parents would not leave their children's sides. They even watched the next morning as a nurse dispensed a substance into their IVs. She explained that it was Hep-Lock, routinely used to prevent blood clots at IV sites. Without knowing it the new parents had just witnessed the first of two massive overdoses of heparin, another being given several hours later when the IV bags were changed. Finally that night the exhausted parents went home to rest. At 6 a.m. the next morning when they returned to Cedars-Sinai, they learned of the overdose. They rushed to their children and were intercepted by representatives from the risk-management division of Cedars-Sinai. The hospital was of course worried about liability rather than the health and welfare of the children. It outraged Quaid and his wife. When they later looked into the frequency of medical errors, they learned that U.S. hospitals (and probably around the world) are not required to publically report errors, and that caregivers often conceal mistakes to avoid malpractice lawsuits. Cal Sheridan, now 15, was insufficiently treated for jaundice as an infant and now suffers from a plethora of illnesses -- cerebral palsy and auditory and vision impairment. Four years after Cal failed to be properly treated, his father, Patrick, was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor; a follow-up pathology report indicating that the tumor was malignant was misfiled and Patrick, late to begin treatment, lost his battle with cancer in 2002. Cal's mother, Sue Sheridan now heads up two non-profit organizations to address medical errors. But back to the Quaid children. After launching an investigation in how the overdose to the twins happened, Quaid learned that the nurses had twice mistakenly given each infant a 10,000 unit dose of heparin, used to treat illnesses in adults, instead of the similarly packaged 10 unit dose called Hep-Lock, appropriate for use in IVs for infants. Three infants at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis had died a year earlier from the exact same overdose. I know Methodist well as my daughter was treated there as a young girl. Advertisement Baxter soon changed how it packaged the two dosages. Instead of being identical in size and similar in color, the higher dose would now carry an orange label and warning. However, the company FAILED TO RECALL THE EXISTING BOTTLES! As Quaid said, "Companies recall dog food! Why weren't they recalled?" Yes, the Quaids have sued Baxter for negligence and the case is pending. As for Cedars-Sinai, the hospital agreed to make changes to prevent an overdose from occurring again. As part of the settlement with the Quaids, Cedars spent millions on electronic record keeping, bedside bar coding, computerized physician order entry systems. So, the Quaids are happy with this result. I wonder if they know about the 200 patients that received 8 times the normal dosage levels in CT scans at Cedars-Sinai. The medical system has played a large role in undermining the health of Americans. According to several research studies in the last decade, a total of 225,000 Americans per year have died as a result of their medical treatments: • 12,000 deaths per year due to unnecessary surgery • 7000 deaths per year due to medication errors in hospitals • 20,000 deaths per year due to other errors in hospitals • 80,000 deaths per year due to infections in hospitals • 106,000 deaths per year due to negative effects of drugs Thus, America's healthcare-system-induced deaths are the third leading cause of the death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer. Medical mistakes seem to be a leading cause of death because most physicians and dentists are so rushed to see a certain number of patients in a day, that they rarely take time to read a patient's full chart. The only physician that ever read all 50 some pages of my medical history (I keep my own history on my computer) was Dr. Aye of Swedish Medical Center. It really didn't used to be like this. A 15 year old autistic boy, Michael Blankenship, was brought into the dental clinic in a hospital that specialized in treating children. When Michael was discharged the hospital’s chief pediatric dentist made a fatal mistake. She prescribed a Fentanyl “pain patch” because Michael’s mother informed the hospital that her son could not, or would not, ingest oral medication due to his autism. This fact had also been recorded in Michael’s chart years earlier. The pharmacist that filled the script failed to catch the error as well. That evening, Michael's mother put the patch on her son at bedtime. Michael was found dead the next morning. The Fentanyl patch delivered so much of the narcotic to Michael’s system that it caused respiratory arrest and this caused his death. The FDA has been warning since 2005 against misuse of the patch system, which was designed for use only by patients who have developed a tolerance for opium-derived painkillers such as morphine . In a recent public health advisory, the agency warned against prescribing the patch in circumstances identical to those that Blankenship found himself in. Michael had never ever been exposed to narcotics. One would think a script for a liquid painkiller would have been much more appropriate for a tooth extraction. The FDA, according to the statement, "continues to receive reports of death and life-threatening side effects in patients who use the Fentanyl patch." "The reports indicate that doctors have inappropriately prescribed the Fentanyl patch to patients for acute pain following surgery, for headaches, occasional or mild pain, and other indications for which a Fentanyl patch should not be prescribed," the warning's authors said, according to the FDA Web site. In Blankenship's case, he was given a patch designed to release 100 micrograms of the drug per hour -- which was the maximum dose available. His dentists, according to the allegations, had not previously prescribed the drug to any of their patients. There are countless stories like this that are simply heartbreaking. One thing I've learned before taking any prescribed medication is to check out the side effects and any negative reactions with other medications. As well, we can check the physicians and the hospitals. One of the 20 or so questions I asked Dr. Aye in our phone consult prior to traveling to Seattle was what the infection rate was at Swedish Medical for Staph, MRSA, Clostridium Difficile Colitis, etc. etc. ad nauseum. I was pleased with the answer. You will find however, that in today's hospitals, the doctors and surgeons will readily tell you to go home as quickly as possible in order to stay well. There are many reasons for mistakes and for infections from hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, and other health care facilities, but with the advent of the unstoppable Obama care, we all need to be our own best advocates for all facets of our health care. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: As for "tort reform," what is your father, mother, sister, brother, child, husband, or wife worth? The advocates of tort reform want to limit the amount paid out to $$250 thousand. As seen in the Quaid case, they could have sued the hospital for millions, but instead chose to have them spend the money to keep it from happening again. If tort reform had been in place, would they have bothered to change anything knowing the limit the Quaid's could collect was $$250,000? Who is tort reform good for? Certainly not the patient that loses their life or has damages that destroy the quality of life. And one last point, the horrible mistake that happened to the Quaid children leaked out to the media. Hundreds of thousands of people prayed for the 12 day old twins. Dennis Quaid and his wife, Kimberly openly admit that those prayers saved their children. God does answer prayers. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
US Army Deploys Tanks to Europe Ratcheting Up Tensions With Russia
US Army Deploys Tanks to Europe Ratcheting Up Tensions With Russia 0 December 21, 2016 This article comes from by Peter Korzun On December 16, US tanks and armor vehicles arrived in the Netherlands to be deployed in a storage depot located in the province of Limburg. The facility, the former Eygelshoven military base near Kerkrade, will be used to keep and maintain tanks, armored vehicles and heavy artillery pieces for a US armored brigade combat team. In January, the US Army in Europe is due to deploy a total of 4,000 American troops and around 2,000 military vehicles on a rotational basis to Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and the Baltic nations. NATO forces will move to the Baltic States in early spring. In an overtly provocative move, an American battalion will be stationed in Poland near the border with Kaliningrad, Russia’s Baltic enclave. The US Army is implementing the annual defense authorization act which approved a $$3.4 billion spending plan to boost NATO forces, including reopening or creating five equipment-storage sites in the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium and two locations in Germany. In September, the US Army began to assemble more Army Prepositioned Stocks (APS) for permanent storage in Europe. The additional combat equipment will give the Army the option for another heavy armored brigade. Presently, it has only two light brigades in Europe: 173rd Airborne Brigade and the 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment. The US military has over 62,000 permanently assigned service members in Europe. Read more here. Comment from Stewart Rhodes: Looks like the Globalists who control Obama are dead set on starting a war with Russia before Trump can get in and put the breaks on. Our military should refuse all Obama’s orders along those lines, since there has been no declaration of war by Congress, but we all know they will go along and do as told, under the grossly expanded “Imperial Presidency” powers that Obama inherited from Bush, and all predecessors since Truman. This is the problem with the broad acceptance of “presidential war making powers” which have allowed Presidents to make ware without bothering to even ask Congress for a declaration of war, with WWII being our last declared war. And so, a demonstrated traitor to this nation, hell bent on its destruction, can STILL spark a war with Russia during his final month in power, despite the people having sent the clear message they want no such war. Where is Congress on this? Why won’t they assert their authority?
Trump Will Be President – How Alt-Market Predicted The Outcome Five Months In Advance
Trump Will Be President – How Alt-Market Predicted The Outcome Five Months In Advance 0 November 9, 2016 This article comes from by Brandon Smith Taking a hard-line position on the outcome of any world changing event is not an easy thing to do, especially when your position is contrary to about 99% of your peers. The chorus of voices telling you that you are wrong (or crazy) is enough to drive most people to simply parrot the majority view and avoid the incessant browbeating. The alternative media and the liberty movement suffer from this problem almost as much as the so-called mainstream does. That said, you do what you have to do when you see a subversive play unfolding in the geopolitical game that the elites are playing. During the first half of 2016, I made the “wild” prediction that the Brexit referendum vote would in fact be successful. Only a couple of other analysts in the world made the same prediction, but did so months beforehand and never reiterated their prediction again. I based my prediction, which I stood by to the very day of the vote, on the behavior and rhetoric I had observed among the global banking elites prior to the Brexit. The elites had adopted a steady narrative; the claim that “populists” (conservatives) were about to rise in political power, and that this would lead to the collapse of the financial world. My theory – elites and globalists were about to open the door for conservatives to take control of a ship that was already sinking. And, once our financial ship sunk, they would blame conservative movements for the collapse that the ELITES had originally created. In other words, conservatives are being set up as scapegoats for a global fiscal crisis that has been decades in the making. In my post-Brexit analysis article titled ‘Brexit Aftermath – Here’s What Happens Next‘, published in June, I stated: “In light of the Brexit I’m going to have to call it here and now and predict that the most likely scenario for elections will be a Trump presidency. Trump has consistently warned of a recession during his campaign and with the Brexit dragging markets lower over the next few months, he will probably be proven “prophetic.” ….Even if Trump is a legitimate anti-establishment conservative, his entry into the Oval Office will seal the deal on the economic collapse, and will serve the globalists well. The international banks need only pull the plug on any remaining life support to the existing market system and allow it to fully implode, all while blaming Trump and his conservative supporters. The mainstream media has been consistently comparing Trump supporters to Brexit supporters, and Trump himself has hitched his political wagon to the Brexit. This fits perfectly with the globalist narrative that populists and conservatives are killing the global economy and placing everyone at risk.” In my article ‘2016 Will End With Economic Instability And A Trump Presidency‘ I stated: “I am consistently reminded of the Brexit surprise when I look today at the polling numbers on the U.S. election. The erratic and inconsistent polling shows Trump climbing, then suddenly sinking days later, then climbing again without any clear catalysts. Many polls contradict each other, just as the polls did before the Brexit, and, the same kind of circus atmosphere is present, if not more prevalent. It may be possible, if not certain, that this is all a game. The Brexit outcome was predetermined, which is how elites like George Soros scored successful investment bets on the referendum passing, and the reason why the Bank for International Settlements gathered central bankers from around the world as the vote was taking place. I believe that the U.S. presidential election has also been predetermined; with a Trump win.” In my most recent article ‘Why The U.S. Presidential Election Has The Entire World Confused‘ I stated: “U.S. elections are indeed controlled, and have been for decades, primarily through the false left/right paradigm. However, as I have been pointing out since I correctly predicted the success of the Brexit referendum, I don’t think that Clinton is the choice of the elites.” “To be clear, my position is that Trump is slated to take the White House and that this is by design. This has been my position since before Trump won the Republican Primaries, it was my position when the election cycle began, it has never changed, nor have my views on the reasons for this outcome ever changed…” I have to say, I received more attacks on my Trump call than I did my Brexit call. The vast consensus was that a Hillary Clinton win was inevitable. It would seem that my position has once again been vindicated (and yes, I am congratulating myself). The bottom line is, Trump is on the way to the White House because the elites WANT HIM THERE. Now, many liberty proponents, currently in a state of elation, will either ignore or dismiss the primary reason why I was able to predict the Brexit and a Trump win. These will probably be some of the same people that were arguing with me only weeks ago that the elites would NEVER allow Trump in office. So, to clarify: Trump may or may not be aware that he and his conservative followers have been positioned into a a trap. We will have to wait and see how he behaves in office (and he WILL be in office, despite the claims of some that the elites will try to “stop him” before January). My primary point is THAT IT DOES NOT MATTER, at least not at this stage. The elites will initiate a final collapse of the global economy under Trump’s watch (this will probably escalate over the course of the next six months), and they WILL blame him and conservatives in general. This IS going to happen. The elites play the long game, and so must we. While millions of Americans are celebrating Trump’s win today, I will remain even more vigilant. The party is just getting started, folks. Don’t get too comfortable. Stay tuned for my next article, in which I will predict the likely trends and changes that will take place through December into 2017. In the meantime, please continue to support Alt-Market so that I can keep bringing accurate analysis and predictions to the Liberty Movement.
Kelleigh Nelson -- Real Americans
REAL AMERICANS By Kelleigh Nelson July 8, 2011 “The Framers of the Bill of Rights did not purport to “create” rights. Rather they designed the Bill of Rights to prohibit our Government from infringing rights and liberties presumed to be preexisting.” – Justice William J. Brennan (1906-1997) U. S. Supreme Court Justice I know that God is still on the throne and that only He is our answer through his son, the King of Glory, Jesus the Messiah. As for this country, my heart hurts and especially during July 4th celebrations for what we once were and what we've now become. I need to write about this...because whenever I think of what has happened to us, tears spring to my eyes. The fact is our electorate has purposely been dumbed down and most of them haven't a clue. Sadly that includes a lot of Tea Party folks, Oath keepers, We the People, and lesser known groups. I know that prayer is the only thing that will save us. I know that as a country we must get on our faces and plead with God for mercy. I know that the only chance we have of saving our republic and liberty is with God. I know that the enemy of freedom is satan (purposely not capitalized) and that this entity wants us in chains. I know that every day the chains grow stronger and tighter. I know that it may be too late when the rest of the sleeping giant awakes. And I know that in many hearts the knowledge of our bondage is known and rebelled against daily with every fiber of our beings. I know that many people believe it's too late. I also know that until my dying breath I cannot give up fighting for what my country once was, the greatest bastion of freedom ever known in world history. I have a handful of good friends in Knoxville who know the truth of what is happening and the depth of the betrayal by our politicians and representatives. Throughout the country I have many other friends that also are aware of the vast conspiracy to destroy the greatest nation on earth and her people. These friends know that both the right and left have been in bed together with the same agenda for decades. When you've found that those that claim they're on our side are actually working with the enemy, why would one want to keep them? In 1966, Carroll Quigley wrote Tragedy and Hope. He was a professor in the History Department at Georgetown University and Bill Clinton's mentor. He wrote on page 1247 of his book, and I'll quote, "The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can "throw the rascals out" at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method .....Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but WILL STILL PURSUE, with new vigor, approximately the SAME BASIC POLICIES." Now, this is what exists today in America. The above book had its first printing in 1966 and the powers that be (CFR, etc) were so horrified that he'd let out so many secrets that the book was not reprinted and Macmillan destroyed the plates. It wasn't until 1974 that Jack Meserole got permission from Quigley and reprinted it and sold it for his cost. Quigley laughed because he knew the noose was so tight around the necks of Americans that even with the truth of his book, nothing would change. The thing that I'm trying to do and it's not to separate and fraction those that love freedom, but to weed out those that are in agreement with the enemy of freedom and liberty. To have any chance of saving this failing and all but lost Republic, we must find and vote only for those who are not owned...and have no allegiance to those that are connected with the enemy of liberty and freedom. The problem is the phony so-called "Christian" right and their influence in propaganda and brainwashing of America's electorate and they've been at it a long, long time through the Republican Party. This is why nothing ever changes even when the Republicans have had control of the House, Senate, and White House. Voting for a Republican does not mean we are "safe." Rockefeller Republicans are the so-called moderates or cultural liberals. Take a look at Olympia Snowe, John McCain, Susan Collins, Scott Brown, Ben Nelson, and dozens of others. When Henry Kissinger and Newt Gingrich are called conservatives, what in heaven's name does the word even mean? Where are those that love the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and even have read it? I highly doubt there's more than a handful of politicians in D.C. today who have opened our constitution and refreshed themselves of our laws and liberties. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Americans that love freedom absolutely must take the time to do research on every single candidate for office as well as groups claiming they will help and asking for donations every time we turn around. We simply must investigate and vet each and every one of them and we absolutely must be involved in the primary elections. And we must above all things get on our faces and pray for our country. The very best thing we all should do is take the few minutes each day to read God's Word and I'd suggest in chronological order. The Manufacturer's Handbook has the answers to all of life's problems and the solutions for today. When I see the fireworks in the sky and the American flags waving on the fourth of July, tears run down my cheeks for what we have lost and what we once were...the greatest nation on earth. I want her back and so should every God fearing and freedom loving American. © 2011 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Phony Rightwing, Part 5
THE PHONY RIGHTWING PART 5 By Kelleigh Nelson July 13, 2011 James Richard Perry A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves. -Bertrand de Jouvenel des Ursins, usually known only as Bertrand de Jouvenel (31 October 1903, Paris – 1 March 1987) was a French philosopher, political economist, and futurist. James Richard "Rick" Perry assumed the governorship of Texas in 2000 when he took over from George W. Bush who resigned to take the oath of office of President. He holds all records for Texas gubernatorial tenure. Perry has the distinction of being the only governor in modern Texas history to have appointed at least one person to every possible state office, board, or commission position which requires gubernatorial appointment (as well as to several elected offices to which the governor can appoint someone to fill an unexpired term, such as six of the nine current members of the Texas Supreme Court). Perry was born in 1950 in West Texas to rancher parents. His father was a Democrat on the school board of Haskell County and was also a commissioner. Rick Perry graduated in 1972 from Texas A & M with a degree in animal science. After graduation, he was commissioned in the United States Air Force, completed pilot training and flew C-130 tactical airlift in the United States, the Middle East, and Europe until 1977. He left the Air Force with the rank of captain, returned to Texas and went into business farming cotton with his father. Sounds good so far, doesn't he? Perry said that his interest in politics probably began in November 1961, when his father took him to the funeral of Sam Rayburn, (Mr. Democrat) who during his long public career served as speaker of the Texas House and the U.S. House of Representatives. In 1984, Perry was elected to the Texas House of Representatives as a Democrat from a district that included his home county of Haskell. He served three two-year terms in office. He befriended fellow freshman state representative Lena Guerrero of Austin, a staunch liberal Democrat who endorsed Perry's reelection bid in 2006 on personal, rather than philosophical grounds. Perry supported Al Gore in the 1988 Democratic presidential primaries and was chairman of the Gore campaign in Texas. In 1989, Perry announced he was joining the Republican Party. Perry is a member of the National Governors Association (NGA). Bill Clinton is the only member of the NGA who ever became president of the United States. The Bilderberg Conference In 2007, Rick Perry attended the Istanbul, Turkey Bilderberg Conference. Link, Link In "What You Don't Know About The Bilderberg Group," by Thierry Meyssan, he states, "The Bilderberg Group is a creation of NATO. It aims to influence key leaders on a global scale and through them, to manipulate public opinion to get it to embrace the ideas and actions of the Northern Atlantic Alliance." Link The Bilderbergers, Trilateralists, and Council on Foreign Relations, along with many other organizations are the groups implementing the New World Order. Tort Reform As Governor, Perry supported tort reform to limit malpractice lawsuits against doctors, and as lieutenant governor he had tried and failed to limit class action awards and allowing plaintiffs to allocate liability awards among several defendants. In 2003, Perry sponsored a controversial state constitutional amendment to cap medical malpractice awards, which was narrowly approved by voters. This legislation has resulted in a 30 percent decrease in malpractice insurance rates and a significant increase in the number of doctors seeking to practice in the state. Tort reform is heavily pushed by the insurance industry. Link Many states have passed variable limited amounts in their tort reform. Obviously the majority of thinking Americans are against frivolous lawsuits. However, there are countless cases of not only physician error/negligence, but also of hospital error/negligence. What is the life worth of your child, husband, wife, or anyone you love? Would tort reform increase negligence and erase patients' rights? Link, Link Big Government and Fiscal Conservatism In 2000, when Perry took office as governor, total spending by the state of Texas was $$49 billion. At the end of 2010, it had almost doubled to $$90 billion. Perry campaigns on his fiscal conservatism and small government, but he has enlarged the government and budget of Texas and now the state has some severe debt problems since he took office. Although he's not raised the sales tax in Texas nor implemented a state income tax, he has raised about every other fee and tax he could think of including a surcharge on traffic violations. (As an aside, Georgia now has fees along with fines on traffic violations and they are as high as $$800.00. Fines have set limits, but fees do not, so the state has found new ways to tax the people with high fees.) He also raised the franchise taxes on Texas's small businesses. As anticipated, Texas businesses paid more in franchise taxes after the overhaul than they did before: In 2006 and 2007, franchise tax revenue was $$5.75 billion. In 2008 and 2009, the first two years of the revised tax, total revenue rose to $$8.7 billion. Link Perry has borrowed money for many projects in Texas which has created difficult debt situations. Link Here's the Texas debt clock, Link. The Sordid Details of the Trans Texas Corridor Scandal Gov. Rick Perry may not be the spider, but he certainly has become one of the strands in the web of international conspiracy for those who see a stealth plan to merge the United States with Canada and Mexico. A key element of that alleged plan is Perry’s Trans-Texas Corridor, specifically the 1,200-foot wide toll road that is proposed from Laredo to the Oklahoma border. A toll road likely to be built by a consortium headed by Spanish Cintra S.A. and Zachry Construction Co. of San Antonio. The first step to creating a North American Union is merging the nations’ transportation systems and the Trans-Texas Corridor is the first step. Link Advertisement Perry seemed to have his own plans for farm and ranch lands of Texas all along. Rick Perry wanted to build 4,000 miles of mega-highway over a million and half acres of prime, productive Texas farmland. Over a million people would have been kicked out of their homes, ranches & businesses. Behind closed doors, a contract worth billions was signed with a Cintra S.A. to pave clear across the state and collect tolls for the next 50 years. After he pushed this through, Perry’s war chest swelled with millions from big business buddies who stood to grow even richer off the deal. But citizens revolted against this outrage of cronyism and government overreach. The legislature tried to stand up for Texas families by passing a law to protect homes and farms, but Perry vetoed it. Only days after he won his primary, transportation officials announced a proposal to extend a major toll road in Austin (SH-130) north towards the Waco area – following the same route as Perry’s Trans-Texas Corridor! In 2009, TXDOT decided to phase out the all-in-one corridor concept in favor of developing separate rights-of-way for road, rail, and other infrastructure using more traditional corridor widths for those modes. In 2010, official decision of "no action" was issued by the Federal Highway Administration, formally ending the project. The action eliminated the study area and canceled the agreement between TXDOT and Cintra Zachry. In 2011, the Texas Legislature formally canceled the Trans-Texas Corridor because of the outrage of Texas citizens. Backdoor Toll Roads In October of 2009, Perry removed the Superintendent of Schools in Dallas who was chair of the board that oversees the $$88 billion Teacher Retirement System. He replaced him with a member of his own campaign finance team. This came shortly after the death of the Trans Texas Corridor. The new man in charge is to urge the Teacher Retirement System to invest in Perry's risky toll road schemes as a means to funnel money into the TXDOT (Texas Dept. of Transportation). So Perry hasn't given up on his plans. Link Rick Perry's toll roads are a gargantuan TAX INCREASE of tens of billions of dollars, debt time-bombs putting Texans at risk for financial explosion, and an attack on property rights. Terri Hall explains it well in her June 25, 2011 article on her website. "Agenda 21's stated goals are to abolish private property and restrict mobility in individual cars (i.e. - herd people into the cities and make them dependent on mass transit). Public private partnerships are a primary means to accomplish these goals, which is the sale of our public roads to private, even foreign corporations which not only mean toll rates as high as 75-80 cents PER MILE, it also restricts the expansion of free lanes and allows the government to abuse its eminent domain powers to steal your land and give it to another private interest for profit." "Check out Glenn Beck's expose' on YouTube. Here's an example of the sort of propaganda sustainable development proponents produce in order to make it "cool" and "green" to give up your property rights and freedom to travel. Link." Perry Lies About Foreign Creditors Terri Hall writes, "By selling off Texas' public buildings (including the capitol buildings owned by the people) and roads to foreign corporations like Cintra and Balfour Beatty, Perry and the Legislature are clearly making future generations of Texans pay for a bailout of lawmakers for their chronic underfunding of and raiding of highway funds. Entering into public private partnerships for every sort of infrastructure is the flavor of the month that lawmakers turn to in order to hawk-up our public 'assets' (like taking out a second mortgage) to get quick cash rather than match spending with revenues or end gas tax diversions for non-road purposes. In other words, PPPs give politicians a get out of jail card to engage in spending beyond their means, using the same 'foreign creditors' that Perry denounced." (Remember Arizona sold off all their public buildings, including the Capitol building...still think Brewer is wonderful?) "For more on the bills passed that allow this, go here. Also, Texas currently has 20 deals in the works with none other than China." Rick Perry, Merck and Parental Rights On February 2, 2007, Perry issued an executive order that made Texas the first state to require girls entering the sixth grade to receive the HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) vaccine starting in the fall of school year 2008. The vaccine was Merck's Gardasil which had only received FDA approval in June of 2006, for 9 to 26 year old women, so it wasn't even a year old. The cost was $$360 per shot in Texas and Merck was lobbying to get the rest of the states on board with the mandatory vaccine. Two of Perry's former Chiefs of Staff worked for Merck, and the mother of one of them was involved in lobbying for Texas state law to inoculate young girls. His former chief of staff was paid $$250,000 by Merck to lobby for this. A Texas state legislator (Diane White Delisi) was pushing for it and working with Merck and her daughter-in-law was the current chief of staff. Merck had doubled its lobbying budget in Texas and funneled money through an organization called Women in Government, to which Perry has a number of personal ties. Perry also received $$6000 from Merck's political action committee during his re-election campaign. Gardasil allegedly only protects from one to three of the hundred or so forms of HPV and the side effects are devastating, including death. Link and Link Girls were allowed to refuse the vaccine if their parents filed an objection on religious or other philosophical grounds. However, what is to prevent the school from vaccinating that child before the parent even is aware of when it will take place? I personally have no desire to receive any government or state mandated vaccine. Advertisement Parents sued the state on moral and safety concerns and on May 9, 2007, Perry allowed a bill to go into law that would undo his executive order. Interestingly enough, Perry asked for federal assistance in fighting the non-existent 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. Education Texas has the second highest number of enrollments in Charter Schools which Governor Perry backs and seemingly are pushed in every state by the Heritage Foundation. See The Rockefeller/Heritage connection and Saving the Republic? Part 2. "The significance of the charter school/school choice issue is NOT related strictly to educational choice. It is related to acceptance of a communist system of governance where decisions are made by appointed, not elected officials. Appointed officials cannot be removed from office by voters/taxpayers." For a thorough overview of the Charter School Trap see Charlotte Iserbyt's article and ask yourself why all these so-called conservative Republicans are backing Obama's push for charter schools. Perry also backed No Child Left Behind which became law through the efforts of both John Boehner and Ted Kennedy for President George W. Bush. "It is basically the United Nations Lifelong Learning-Brainwashing Agenda under the umbrella of what will eventually be "unelected" school and community councils (council is defined as "soviet" in many dictionaries) which will make all decisions for us at the local level." Link The Anti-TSA Bill Oh how all the nation would have loved to have Governor Rick Perry sign into Texas law the Anti-TSA law preventing groping or fricasseeing in airports. There were actually two bills, HB1937 and HB1938. Texas State Rep. David Simpson, offered the bill that civilly penalizes TSA agents who use full body scanning machines at airport security check points, and also offered a second bill penalizing TSA officials who do enhanced pat downs. Representative Simpson and his supporters, who are of considerable number and come from both sides of the aisle, believe that they are on firm, Constitutional ground. The Fourth Amendment protects American citizens from "unreasonable search and seizure." The 10th Amendment suggests that the operation of airports is a state and not a federal function. So what happened? Why didn't it pass and get signed into law? After passing in the house, it stalled in the Senate. The U.S. attorney for the Western District of Texas, said the Transportation and Security Administration would ground flights "for which it could not ensure the safety of passengers and crew." Great excuse for killing the bills. Originally there was support for Simpson's bills, but then when the Justice Department wrote a scathing memo against the bill, which threatened legal action against the state, the measure became enmeshed in Senate politics. Perry stated at the outset there wasn't enough support for the bill and he didn't push it, but it garnered him positive publicity. The Tea Party activists and other enraged citizens pressured the governor's office wherein he finally added the bill to the special-session agenda after at least 200 other special sessions' bills were introduced . The special-session runs until June 29. Is there a chance it will become law? Highly doubtful. Link, Link Supreme Court Justice Steven Wayne Smith Perry has made numerous appointments to the Texas courts, to commissions, to boards, etc. in his tenure as I mentioned above. One of Perry's first selections was the appointment of Xavier Rodriguez to succeed Greg Abbott on the Texas Supreme Court. Rodriguez, a self-proclaimed moderate,(progressive republican) was unseated in the 2002 Republican primary by a true constitutional conservative Steven Wayne Smith, the attorney in the Hopwood v. Texas suit in 1996, which successfully challenged affirmative action at the University of Texas Law School. Smith was elected by a comfortable margin over Democratic opposition in the 2002 general election. After his defeat, Rodriguez returned to private practice briefly before being appointed to the Federal District Court for the Western District of Texas in San Antonio by President George W. Bush. Perry objected to Smith's tenure on the court and refused to meet with the new justice when Smith attempted to mend fences with the governor. (What does this tell you about Perry?) Perry encouraged Judge Paul Green to challenge Smith in the 2004 Republican primary. Green defeated Smith in the primary and was elected without opposition in the general election. Smith attempted a comeback in the 2006 Republican primary by challenging Justice Don Willett, another Perry appointee who was considered a conservative on the court. Smith polled 49.5 percent of the primary vote, but Willett narrowly prevailed. According to many Texans, Steven Wayne Smith was the Robert Bork of Texas and the best supreme court judge they'd had in 50 years. Eminent Domain Rick Perry vetoed the Eminent Domain bill that would have helped landowners in Texas. He claimed the compensation was too high, but in reality it strengthened the protection of privately held land from being grabbed by Texas legislators. “With this veto, Governor Perry has left every home, farm, ranch and small business owner vulnerable to the abuse of eminent domain,” said Steven Anderson, director of the Institute for Justice’s Castle Coalition, a national grassroots advocacy group committed to ending the private-to-private transfer of property using eminent domain. Link Perry Signs Hate Crime Bill Signing the Hate Crime Bill was one of the first things Perry did as governor. Hate Crime laws are laws that make some crimes worse than others because of a person’s perceived bias to some class or group. In reality these laws are thought crime laws and murder is murder and should be punished accordingly no matter the person or group. The Texas law, which received final legislative approval on in 2001 (signed by Rick Perry), strengthens penalties for crimes motivated by a victim's race, religion, color, sex, disability, sexual preference, age or national origin. Link Amnesty Rick Perry often gives speeches about illegal immigration, but when you look at the facts, he has been incredibly soft on the issue. Eric Holder is soft on immigration and against SB 1070. So is Perry. Eric Holder talks a tough game while loosening enforcement. So does Perry. A little ritual troop marching on the border does not block illegals from jobs and entitlements. Perry is working on watered down laws to please his Latino constituency. If Rick Perry does not plan to secure the border, then he should not be president because illegal immigration is absolutely devastating many areas of the southwest United States. Governor Rick Perry supports in-state tuition for illegal aliens, opposes the border fence, supports the Trans-Texas Corridor, and has refused to crack down on services to illegal aliens. He has even stated openly in the past that he has a moderate record on immigration. Link Conclusion Perry is a globalist not much different than Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney or Herman Cain. There is so much more I could write about Perry's governorship, but it would take a book. Texan Robert Morrow states, "Rick Perry is a Trojan Horse of statism cloaked in Tea Party rhetoric and Bible Buzzwords." Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Muslim convert Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform has delayed a planned GOP presidential debate in Las Vegas, NV, in order to first allow Rick Perry to throw his ten gallon hat into the ring. Secret Council for National Policy member Norquist is the perfect model of the fatal co-opting of the conservative and Tea Party movements by corrupt transnationalists. If you wish to see just how, read Gulag Bound's February article, “The Trouble at CPAC & the Real Dividing Line for Conserving America.” “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12. Pray without ceasing for our nation for our only hope is in God. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
Anne Nordhaus-Bike
Article: Sacred Conversation
Anne Nordhaus-Bike At 5:52 p.m. Eastern time on May 19, the Sun leaves placid, nature-loving Taurus for talkative, information-loving Gemini. Then, at 7:12 a.m. on May 23, the Moon begins a new monthly cycle when it leaves the balsamic (or final) phase of its Taurus cycle and enters the new (or dark moon) phase in this year's Gemini lunar cycle. These events grant us our annual double dose of Gemini. This yearly emphasis on the sign of the Messenger asks us to focus on our minds, communication, learning new information and skills, and interacting with siblings and our local communities. This year, however, our efforts require a deeply spiritual approach because Mercury--which rules the sign of Gemini--is retrograde. Whenever any planet is retrograde (meaning it appears to move backward as seen from our vantage point on Earth), it indicates a need to review the area of life the planet governs. It also invites us to perform this review by going within via reflection, solitude, prayer, and meditation so that our minds operate on a spiritual level. Later, whenever the planet in question ends its retrograde and begins to move forward again, we can apply any insights we gain to improve ourselves as well as our interactions with family and friends and our contributions to society via work and volunteer efforts. - Advertisement - The current Mercury retrograde began May 6, while the planet was in its home sign of Gemini; by May 13, Mercury had slipped far enough backward to re-enter Taurus. Taken together, the retrograde and the shift to Taurus tell us clearly how to work with this month's planetary energies: focus our thoughts on the spiritual aspects of our material world by contemplating nature's higher purpose and the pleasures of being a soul incarnate in a human body. Ultimately, this inward process leads us to consider the feminine--especially God's female aspect as the Divine Mother, Holy Spirit, or Divine Feminine. Probably since the first humans walked our planet, people have associated the sky with male or active energy and the Earth with female or passive energy. This impulse led people to personify our planet as Gaia or the Goddess and led astrologers to associate all the zodiac's earth signs with the feminine. Taurus, earthiest of all, comes during spring in the northern hemisphere, when earth's explosion of flowers proclaims our planet's fertility and beauty. Given this timing, May became associated with the Goddess and marked the time for ancient cultures' fertility celebrations; some of those rituals remain with us, such as the maypole and the custom of making May Day baskets filled with flowers. As Christianity began to dominate the West, the Divine Feminine became associated with Mary, the mother of Jesus, and eventually the Roman Catholic Church designated May as Mary's month. Today, this devotion survives in the May crowning (placing a crown of flowers on the head of a statue of Mary), special prayers, and other observances throughout May. - Advertisement - All of us, regardless of our religious background, can benefit from harmonizing with this powerful, beautiful energy during this fertile, flower-filled month. Those whose background does not include any experience with Roman Catholicism might choose to tap into the Divine Feminine by reflecting on our material mother, Earth, or by researching and then meditating on ancient Goddess images and cultures or by spending time alone in a park or other natural setting. One of the most apt approaches for all of us, and one that elegantly combines the highest Taurus and Gemini energies, can be found in a type of Italian Renaissance painting called the sacra conversazione. Translated as "holy conversation" or "sacred conversation," the sacra conversazione arose because Renaissance painters sought new ways of depicting the ubiquitous theme of the Madonna and child with various saints. Until that time, artists typically created multi-panel paintings showing Mary and Jesus in the central panel and the saints specified by the purchaser (generally a church or a rich person) in separate panels flanking the central image; sometimes the donors and perhaps their family members might appear in such paintings, often kneeling among the saints. With the Renaissance development of perspective came the ability to paint realistic depictions of space, and Italian painters began placing Mary, Jesus, and all the selected saints together in a single architectural space that was rendered as realistically as possible. In such works, the saints stand nearby Mary's chair, but all the figures appear to be communicating silently (presumably about elevated spiritual subjects and feelings) with mouths closed and faces at rest, rather than holding an everyday conversation with their mouths open and faces looking at one another. Such images combine Taurus's energy of the Divine Feminine and material fertility with Gemini's energy of the Higher Mind and human sociability. By contemplating these paintings, we can learn to make fertile use of our minds by dwelling on beautiful thoughts. We also can receive inspiration to make our conversations with others as holy or sacred as possible by avoiding gossip and judgment in favor of constructive subjects, kind words, and a spirit of unconditional love. The sacra conversazione also suggests our great spiritual potential. Although saints, ascended masters, and all other spiritually evolved beings may dwell on the spiritual plane, they started out like us: souls who had to evolve through incarnation in a human body. Their spiritual achievement proves that we can reach the spiritual heights, too--if we are willing to elevate our thoughts and dedicate ourselves to goodness. To begin, we can enter into our own sacred conversation with such beings through prayer and meditation and ask for their help. Just as a mother hears her child's cry and responds, so will the Divine Feminine hear our petition and grant us whatever help we need. May her spirit inspire you well at this auspicious time. - Advertisement -
Daniel Geery
Article: Living on Sunshine, Underground & Off the Grid.
- Advertisement - Some parts got cut in the video, but you can see the 600 watts of solar panels in back, and an old windmill stand, if you pay attention. This was an extension of the concepts I wrote about in Solar Greenhouses: Underground in the late seventies. - Advertisement - Had the whole country moved in this direction for real, we would be detached from Mideast oil by now, and for sure, not need nukes. Doing this should be even easier now, given the developments in the building field, from insulation to heat pumps and more efficient lighting. We eventually did get a small Honda generator, which we used mainly in the very low light months of January and February. Congrats to Honda, they know how to build things. Very efficient, and just one pull to start the sucker. I support them over Briggs and Stratton or Black and Decker any day. Did I mention GE? - Advertisement - The earth is like a thermal battery, and much of the valuable work done on earth temps was done when we were building bomb shelters. I dug a lot of that info up and put in the aforementioned book, that I intend to cut down from 400 pages to about 50 and have available soon (TAB Books made me make too long, in spite of my arguments. Unfortunately I was too dumb to argue, but fortunately they are no longer around). That's me running around there with the burns; I guess I was about 40, as opposed to the current 63. Noisy the cat made the day for my kids, but had a horrible demise while warming up under the hood of a Ford F250. I won't go into the details, except to say that she probably would have preferred water boarding. And I do not recommend Fords. The greenhouse was going to grow vegetables, but they often need long sunlight hours and particular care, and so we evolved fairly quickly to indoor house plants. Hibiscus and that Hawaiian fig tree did all too well. There is such a thing as living too close to nature. The toilet was I think from Europe and took 1.5 gallons to flush even the biggest one. I haven't seen them lately (the toilet, that is), so they obviously work too efficiently for Americans. The water heater was hard to clean after a time, and it did give off CO, that laid me down twice. But it could be I just didn't know how to clean the thing. I'd put money on that one. - Advertisement - The one acre pond was A+, but the only video I had of that went to someone who won't likely give it back, long story there. I was trying to grow illegal tilapia, but, I suppose fortunately, they did not fare well. On the other hand, the pond attracted ibises, sandpipers, barn swallows, and a white heron every once in a while. Ducks and salamanders and countless other critters too. Nature will come back, if we give Her half a chance, based on my observations. This was in Shelley, Idaho, which got the northern jet stream and had incredible and virtually infallible sunrises and sunsets. From a small hill that was built from a pond, you could sit on a swinging bench, wine in hand, and easily believe in light at the end of the tunnel, in spite of novels and philosophers to the contrary. I miss the sunsets, but life goes on, and we do get some good ones here in Salt Lake. Next Page 1 | 2
Anne Nordhaus-Bike
Article: Sun Into Sagittarius: Time to Seek the Meaning of Life
- Advertisement - Welcome to Sagittarius time! The Sun left Scorpio and entered Sagittarius on Tuesday, November 22, at 10:09 a.m. CST (4:09 p.m. GMT). It will remain there until December 21 (or December 22, depending on your time zone). Sagittarius This shift is bringing all of us new opportunities to expand our lives and ourselves. Along the way, we can gain new insights about why we are here and what comes next in our continuing quest for understanding and meaning. - Advertisement - - Advertisement - When the Sun travels through Sagittarius each year, it brings a restless energy that inspires us to set off on all kinds of adventures. As the great explorer of the zodiac, Sagittarius seeks far and wide to understand life and discern its higher meaning. When it must stay at home or cannot travel any longer, it becomes the great storyteller, reliving journeys by sharing its tales of adventure with others. At its best, it serves as the wise elder and philosopher who inspires others to undertake life's ultimate quest: the search for truth within ourselves. One key to understanding Sagittarius comes from considering its ruler, Jupiter. This great giant of our solar system, named for the Roman king of the gods, infuses Sagittarius with dreams of greatness, an urge to expand everything it touches, and a benevolent spirit ready to share whatever it has with others. Jupiter also gives Sagittarius a jovial, optimistic nature and an inner desire for complete freedom so it can discover new places, people, and experiences. Often, Sagittarius energy beckons us to wide open spaces, in keeping with the Sagittarian love of freedom, big ideas, and constant expansion. - Advertisement - - Advertisement - A powerful exception, however, was the great and wise centaur, Chiron, who gained renown as a teacher, healer, and astrologer-prophet who mentored Greece's heroes (including Heracles). Like Chiron, we can overcome our lower impulses (represented by the horse part of a centaur) by using our minds (the centaur's upper, human half) to harness and direct our passions. Then we will be able to aim our bows high, toward a spiritual ideal, and shoot our arrows straight by focusing only on what is worthy. Sagittarius today In modern times, when the Sun travels through Sagittarius each year, this sign's drive to expand and experience may manifest as a desire for whatever is big and showy and a quest for the best (and most expensive) of everything. Sagittarius's natural enthusiasm and optimism also can create a feeling of being able to do anything, almost as if by magic, and a tendency to trust to luck (rather than hard work and self-control) to get through any challenge. During Sagittarius time, the urge to be on the go constantly to discover new things can feel overwhelming. Even the most careful among us may overextend, overspend, overpromise, and overdo. Worse yet, we may become self-indulgent at the expense of health and inner well-being. Keeping aware of this tendency can help us set sensible limits so we can balance the need for fun and joy and socializing with our need for solitude and self-care, especially during the holidays. Also, this time of year offers a good opportunity to examine our beliefs, another area associated with Sagittarius through its connection with religion, justice, and higher education. Narrow or outworn beliefs keep us from growing and can cause negative consequences such as judging others or becoming fanatical or dogmatic about a personal cause or idea. Yet if we allow ourselves to be receptive, this time of year can help us open to new and nobler ideas. - Advertisement - - Advertisement - At its best, however, Sagittarius time pushes us to make life meaningful and to expand in the only place it really counts: inside ourselves and within our consciousness. This year, some powerful astrological energy supports this higher aspect of Sagittarius: Mercury entered Sagittarius on November 3. This planet symbolizes thought and communication, so our minds (Mercury) are on Sagittarian themes already. On November 24, Mercury went retrograde (meaning it will appear to be traveling backwards) and will remain so until December 13. Because of this motion it will spend about two months in Sagittarius instead of the approximately three weeks it stays in a sign when there is no retrograde, so we have some extra time to do some important inner work. Whenever a planet is retrograde, we have an invitation to slow down and turn inward to examine its energies and the areas of life it rules. Events in the outer, material world tend to assist this introspection: Mercury retrograde, for example, often disrupts or stalls areas ruled by Mercury (travel, communication--including online connections--commerce, and electronics) so we can re-think, re-work, or re-new. In this case, we have a big (Sagittarius) opportunity to meditate (Mercury retrograde) about our thoughts (Mercury), our beliefs (Sagittarius), and how we communicate (Mercury). In addition, jovial Jupiter, which rules Sagittarius, went retrograde August 30 and will remain so until December 25. This factor is expanding (Jupiter) our need to turn inward mentally (Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius). Jupiter is traveling through Taurus, a sign concerned with the material world, nature, possessions, and resources both tangible and intangible. That placement gives us an opportunity to meditate (Mercury retrograde) about the material world (Taurus) and examine our beliefs (Jupiter, Sagittarius) about the world, our possessions, and what we really need. Also, Taurus is associated with value and worth. Jupiter in this sign is expanding our need to discover essential values and understand our true worth; with Jupiter retrograde, we discover that our ultimate worth (Taurus) must be measured spiritually and our value is enormous (Jupiter) on the inner plane (retrograde Mercury and Jupiter) by virtue of our souls and our higher aspirations (Sagittarius). Spiritual food and drink During this Sagittarius time, we feel strong impulses to "eat, drink, and be merry." This year, let some of that impulse support your pursuit of spiritual food and drink as well. Each astrological sign is associated with a phrase, and for Sagittarius that phrase is "I see." This sight can be used negatively by seeing a world to be judged or controlled by a self-appointed guru. As its best, though, this urge becomes inner sight that views life through the lens of the soul and understands how free we really are: Next Page 1 | 2 | 3
Anne Nordhaus-Bike
Article: Art Institute of Chicago ushers in new era with Modern Wing
The Art Institute of Chicago capped more than ten years of planning, fundraising, and building with the recent grand opening of its new Modern Wing. As the museum welcomed throngs of visitors during the free, day-long civic dedication recently, it also officially ushered in a new era for art, philanthropy, and the city it calls home. First started as an art school in 1866 and expanded to include a museum in 1879, the Art Institute moved to its current location in 1893. By the end of the 20th century, it had evolved into one of the world's leading museums, with the third largest art collection in the U.S.; however, despite six major additions over the years, it had outgrown its space. In the 1990s, a group of donors stepped forward to assist, giving the Art Institute "a cornerstone gift of about $$50 million" toward the new building's $$294 million cost, said Erin Hogan, the museum's director of public affairs. Their contribution helped the museum raise more than $$410 million-enough to cover all design and construction costs as well as an operating endowment and reinstallation throughout the museum's older sections. Nearly all these funds came from private sources. As a result, "The building is already paid for," and with the endowment "we won't go bankrupt trying to maintain it," Hogan said. In a move almost unheard of in our era, "The donors preferred to remain anonymous, which is why the new building is called the Modern Wing" instead of being named for an individual or corporation, Hogan explained. The donors also wanted to "name the building for the spirit of Chicago, which is a force that's always moving forward, always progressing, progressing, progressing," she said. "You can see it in the city's history, in the architecture, and in a lot of the businesses that are in Chicago. The Modern Wing-both the name and the building itself-represents that relentless pushing forward." - Advertisement - In 1999, the museum hired Italian architect Renzo Piano to design what would become its largest expansion ever. Besides having won the prestigious Pritzker Architecture Prize (an award paid and named for a Chicago philanthropic family) and bringing major museum design experience (including the Centre Pompidou in Paris), Piano expresses his architectural vision with what James Cuno, the Art Institute's director, called "a kind of elegant modesty" that fits well with the Art Institute's design goals. Culture and nature - Advertisement - The Modern Wing combines culture (in both its architecture and the museum's art collection) with nature by taking advantage of its location in Grant Park and adjacent to Millennium Park. The new building's entrance faces north onto Millennium Park, where a pedestrian bridge enables visitors to stroll south from the park's lawn, across and above Monroe Street, and into the museum's new outdoor sculpture garden. Large, ample windows throughout the building's three stories provide numerous park and skyline views, an interior garden and exterior plantings further integrate outdoors with indoors, and extensive use of glass and semi-transparent, adjustable window coverings along with skylights and a light-capturing canopy above the roof flood the building with natural light while keeping temperatures comfortable and artworks safe from overexposure. Based on these and numerous other green features, the museum is applying for LEED certification. Visitors entering at the new Monroe Street doors find themselves in a light-filled central court soaring three stories above street level. On the left (east), on the first floor, sits a spacious, multimedia education center for all ages and galleries for photography, film, video, and new media; the second and third floors house galleries for contemporary art and modern European art. To the right (west) of the central court, the first floor offers a new museum shop, coat check and other visitor services, and special exhibit galleries for temporary shows of modern and contemporary art; the second and third floors hold galleries for architecture and design, a new restaurant, and the outdoor sculpture garden with access to the pedestrian bridge. To inaugurate the special exhibit galleries and underscore the Modern Wing's commitment to nature, the Art Institute is presenting Cy Twombly: The Natural World, Selected Works 2000-20007, now through Sunday, September 13. In addition, the photography, architecture and design, and contemporary art departments have organized five special exhibits that combine significant works from the museum's collection with selected pieces by photographers Gaylen Gerber, Liz Deschenes, and Judith Turner; sculptor Scott Burton; and video artist Steve McQueen. The real stars, however, are the Art Institute items on display. As Cuno noted, the architect "worked directly with the curators to create spaces with specific works in mind" and to show such works at their best via natural light whenever possible. A roomful of painted aluminum pieces from Robert Ryman's Elliott Room series reinforces these modernist white works' cool, calming, and poetic effects by placing them in a space filled with windows and a long, white oak bench that invites contemplation. The third floor gallery housing modern European painting and sculpture particularly exemplifies this effort: Picasso's beautiful Portrait of Sylvette David from 1954, which shows a young woman with ponytail and blue slacks in a style that echoes elements in Chicago's beloved Picasso sculpture in Daley Plaza, can be found all by itself in the little area that leads into the gallery. Inside the gallery, Rene Magritte's 1938 painting of Time Transfixed, which shows a steam locomotive bursting out from a fireplace's back wall, hangs alone on a large wall; beyond and behind it, windows give glimpses of that natural world surrounding the Modern Wing. Perhaps most moving is Magritte's 1958 painting The Banquet, a haunting vision of a sunset occupying the far wall of a long Surrealist gallery devoted largely to Joseph Cornell's mysterious boxes. New admission policies, prices, hours - Advertisement - As of May 23, the museum took another step into the future with what Cuno described as "a robust program of free and discounted ticketing." For decades, the Art Institute had a "suggested" admission charge rather than a required one; those who could not afford it were admitted as long as they paid something, however little. In 2006, the museum ended that practice by making its posted admission fees ($$12 for adults; $$7 for children, students, and seniors; free for children younger than 12) required. Combined with fees for checking coats and extra charges for special exhibits (let alone a meal or a purchase at the museum shop), the cost of visiting the museum has climbed significantly in recent years. "Today, we are reconfirming our commitment to the city, a commitment that spans generations," Cuno said. "Now, for a single price of $$18--$$12 if you're a student or $$2 off that if you're a Chicago resident-you can have access to the entire museum. And that includes everything, because coat check is free, and there's no charge for special exhibits." The museum also is expanding opportunities to enjoy its offerings for free. It has doubled the number of free admission passes at Chicago Public Library branches to ten per branch for a potential 3,280 free admissions daily. It also has made admission free for children younger than 14 (instead of 12) as well as for active duty armed forces personnel, Chicago Police and Fire Department employees, Illinois educators, and disabled veterans. Besides free admission in February and on Thursday evenings, summertime hours now will include free evening admission on Friday as well as Thursday and a later closing time of 9 p.m. In addition, Hogan noted that the public "can come and enjoy the new sculpture garden and the education center at any time without paying us a dime." Next Page 1 | 2
Галина Тычинская, Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo
Trump employs advisers from Russia and Ukraine. That is terrible
Trump employs advisers from Russia and Ukraine. That is terrible Donald Trump feels like a presidential candidate from the Republicans at the elections in 2016. It is evidenced with his serious speech on the foreign policy issues. Trump rejects globalism policy and intends to find out how reasonable Russians are. Yet, he has his own business project in this respect. Source: Pravda.Ru photo archive US foreign policy "Foreign policy of the US President Barack Obama is a disaster. No vision. No purpose. No direction. No strategy," odds-on favourite at the presidential post from the Republicans said. Trump defined rise of world disorder as major threat to the American security and interests, and he is right, the Wall Street Journal stated. His words that Obama "dislikes our friends and bows to our enemies" also depict reality, the newspaper is sure. Trump criticized the US intrusion into Libya as part of the erstwhile Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He believes it led to vacuum in the security sphere, that was filled with the ISIS. Trump promised to destroy the Islamites, but did not present a precise plan, saying that "they will disappear promptly". "We're going to finally have a coherent foreign policy based upon American interests and the shared interests of our allies". "The world must know that we do not go abroad in search of enemies, that we are always happy when old enemies become friends and when old friends become allies. We want to bring peace to the world," Donald Trump claimed. "Some say the Russians won't be reasonable. I intend to find out. If we can't make a deal under my administration, a deal that's great - not good, great - for America, but also good for Russia, then we will quickly walk from the table," the politician said. Leader of the Republican primaries criticized allies in Europe and Asia, which don't bear the burden of their own security, and said that he didn't plan to accept advice from the foreign policy elite, and that his agenda reflects a mix of ideas of the Conservatives from the Republicans to Democrats. Trump's speech "drew negative reaction across the political spectrum," the New York Times, a mouthpiece of the Democrats reacted. The newspaper cited a Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who posted on Twitter that "Ronald Reagan must be rolling over in his grave" after such talks. "He's casting these thunderbolts and threats at our allies, and yet there was almost a kid-glove treatment of Russia and China," Nicholas Burns, a former senior State Department official under Mr. Bush who now advises Mrs. Clinton, noted. The Republican mouthpiece Washington Post keeps up with the critics too. He read "his 40-minute address from a teleprompter without his usual bombast and with relatively few off-script interjections," the newspaper sneered. Trump and globalism Trump rejected globalism as a "false song", which helped to bring America down to its knees. He made the President Obama responsible for chaos in the Middle East, rise of China and "hostility" of Russia, along with a range of international humiliations, which dropped respect of the US authorities. Donald Trump promised to reconsider relations with international institutions and alliances given their service to the US interests. The newspaper noted that this time he didn't have any shocking statements about Mexico, Muslims and so on. "Trump's advisers have now set their sights on reforming the billionaire's image with establishment Republicans and moderate voters who remain skeptical that he is prepared for the presidency." it should be noted that despite calls to peace, Trump will find what to feed the American military-industrial complex. He promised to modernize nuclear arsenal, the Navy and Air Forces. "We will spend what we need to rebuild our military. . . . We will develop, build and purchase the best equipment known to mankind." "The central motif, like all of Mr. Trump's political thought, is that the businessman has the brains and strength to solve a given problem, and everybody else is a pathetic loser," the Wall Street Journal noted. "I am the only person running for the presidency who understands this and this is a serious problem. I'm the only one - believe me, I know them all, I'm the only one who knows how to fix it," the newspaper cited. And here are some readers' comments under the article in the Washington Post. - I am afraid to death of Trump. Every sensible American should be afraid of him. - Protectionism and isolationism are awful ideas, especially after we have scarcely escaped the Great recession. - I don't support Donald Trump - he is an out and out racist - but he's right about "globalism" and fact that it's gutted American manufacturing, resulting in massive unemployment -- he and Bernie Sanders both understand this. Hillary Clinton talks about "jobs" - but has yet to say a single word about how she'll create them. Unless she begins to see and talk about realities most Americans are living with today, she will not know what hit her in the election. - Good speech from Trump. He is correct that the nation-state is still the primary actor on the international stage. International institutions have not, yet, taken sovereignty away from nation-states, and nations will continue to place their vital interests first. As they ought to. "America should think not of peace, but of itself" "Trump places the American problems first today. The US should think not of peace, but of itself, that's the main thing in his policy. I'd call him an American nationalist," Vladimir Vasilyev, chief research scientist at the Institute for US and Canadian Studies told Pravda.Ru. After each victory at the primaries, they wait Trump starting adjusting to the highest ranks. But it doesn't happen, the expert noted. Trump speaks more and more consecutively that his presidency will put an end to the previous policy, which has lasted for 20 or 25 years after the end of Cold War. Namely this generates complete rejection of Trump in the American establishment and fear of him. The expert believes that authorities of the Republican and Democratic parties are in horror that if Trump becomes a President, he will start carrying out this policy. "That is why they put up such a harsh line of resistance," Vladimir Vasilyev pointed out. "There exists such a notion in the US as "Washington consent" as we call it, these are centres which serve the foreign policy, and are supraparty to some extent. Trump stated the most terrible things for these centres, that he will engage other advisers, and he has already started doing it. "In particular, his adviser on the Ukrainian issues is a political strategist who served the Party of Regions. And for Russia he took a person who used to be the Gazprom's adviser in Russia. So, it's such a business approach, and we in Russia should take his words at face value. It's an attempt to change America, and it will be undertaken. Trump will try to change a lot of things in case he comes to power," the expert concluded. Lyuba Lulko Pravda.Ru Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo
Trump has no time to meet with Poroshenko
Trump has no time to meet with Poroshenko Donald Trump did not react to offer of the Petro Poroshenko to hold a meeting in New York. Administration of the Ukrainian president reported about this deplorable news. They used to send a request for a meeting to the UN General Assembly and to the campaign team of the Republican presidential candidate as well as to their competitors from the Democratic party. As a result, ill Hillary Clinton agreed upon the meeting (it took place yesterday), while representatives of Trump ignored the request. Kiev claimed overtly whom it would like to see as the US president. Ukraine's Ambassador to the US Valeriy Chaly predicted some time ago, that Trump might be deprived of the votes of the Americans of Ukrainian origin because of his statements regarding Crimea and cooperation with Russia. However, as it can be evidenced in the neighbouring Canada - which rejected visa-free regime for Ukrainians - Kiev tends to overestimate the role of its diaspora. Pravda.Ru Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Phony Rightwing, Part 6
THE PHONY RIGHTWING PART 6 By Kelleigh Nelson July 23, 2011 Jon Meade Huntsman, Jr. "There's no difference between the Crips and the Bloods." -Former Congressional candidate Greg Goodwin, describing Republican and Democrat candidates for President. June, 2011 I actually feel that even writing about Jon Huntsman is a waste of time and effort, and that he's an also-ran. Yet, knowing his father has billions to help elect his son gives me pause. Huntsman is considered a moderate and extolled by the liberal media. Considering the fact that the media also calls both Newt Gingrich and Henry Kissinger conservatives, one has to wonder what the "moderate" Jon Huntsman is all about. Huntsman supported McCain over fellow Mormon Romney for president in 2008, and none of us really like McCain's liberal politics, nor do we consider him a conservative. Nonetheless, the elite may push Huntsman and thus we need to know what he champions and why. Jon Huntsman was born in 1960 and raised in Palo Alto, California. His father is Jon Huntsman Sr., a billionaire businessman and philanthropist who owns Huntsman Corporation, a chemical company with thousands of employees and over $$9 billion in revenue in 2010. Huntsman is the paternal great-great-great grandson of early LDS Church leader Parley P. Pratt, and a third cousin, once-removed, of former Massachusetts governor Willard Mitt Romney. Huntsman dropped out of high school to play in a rock band, but later got his G.E.D. and went on to graduate from the University of Pennsylvania with a B.A. in international politics. He also was a Mormon missionary in Taiwan for two years, attaining fluency in Standard Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese Hokkien. Jon Huntsman and his family have forged close ties to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Huntsman Jr. has not directly donated to Harry Reid, but his parents and brothers have sent $$25,000 to Reid. While governor, Huntsman appointed Reid’s son, Josh, to Utah’s Board of Regents. Huntsman’s father even spread the goodwill to Democrats in general, sending $$5,000 to the Nevada Democratic Party in 2008. Seems like many of the GOP candidates have either been Democrats or were raised in Democrat supporting households. Huntsman has worked for four presidents. First he was a White House staff assistant for President Reagan. He worked for the first President Bush as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for trade development for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, as well as U.S. Ambassador to Singapore. He served as Deputy United States Trade Representative in the George W. Bush administration. He also served as an executive in his father's company. In 2004, he was elected to the governorship of Utah and re-elected in 2008 with more than 70% of the vote. President Obama nominated Huntsman for Ambassador to China in May of 2009 because of his Mandarin language proficiency. He began his ambassadorship in August of 2009, but on January 31, 2011, he resigned his post and as most expected, threw his hat in the ring for the GOP presidential nomination. McCain is backing him for the nomination for 2012 and in the 2008 GOP convention, Huntsman introduced Governor Sarah Palin as McCain's vice presidential running mate. Huntsman's Liberal Policies He says he isn't for gay marriage, but supports "gay rights" and same-sex unions which many consider a big step in the direct of legalizing gay marriage. The Republican party platform amazingly still tries to occasionally stand for traditional families, so Huntsman's stand has irritated the GOP standard bearers. Fiscal Realities The libertarian Cato Institute praised Huntsman's conservative tax policies. He was lauded for his tax cut policies. However, the Cato report also noted that he increased per capita spending at about 10 percent annually during his tenure. The state budget rose from $$16.7 to $$22.8 billion. The most fiscally irresponsible bill in American history was the $$800 billion Porkulus (also known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 or ARAA). All the House Republicans and all but three GOP Senators (Specter, Snowe, and Collins) opposed it as did many others. Specter has been voted out of Congress since then. Snowe and Collins of Maine either need to change parties, or better yet be voted out of office and run out of town on a rail. But Jon Huntsman thinks that the problem with the Porkulus is that it wasn't large enough! Cap and Trade Governor Huntsman is on record supporting cap and trade. For example, Governor Huntsman was one of only two Republican Governors (the other was Arnold Schwarzenegger) to sign onto the Western Climate Initiative, which “is an alliance of states and provinces along the western edge of North America seeking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lay the groundwork for a regional cap and trade system.” Let me tell you a little about Governor Huntsman's involvement. Huntsman appeared in an Environmental Defense Action Fund ad in late 2007, saying, "Now it's time for Congress to act by capping greenhouse-gas pollution." In January 2009, he said he found it "enormously frustrating" that Republicans had not been working toward a national climate policy. "We would not need the Western Climate Initiative if it were not for the foot-dragging nature of Congress," he said. Governor Butch Otto of Idaho, a Republican, in conjunction with ICLEI (International Council of Local Environmental Initiative), and Project 60, (which is supposed to create jobs for Idahoans) has given over thousands of acres of land to the Red Chinese. He says he's sold it to them, but if you read between the lines, it's a partial payoff for our China debt. Project 60 is permanent citizenship for Chinese immigrants that come to work here under ICLEI. Project 60 is being sold to the American public as jobs and an economic recovery initiative for Americans, but the US government doesn't have the constitutional right to own land except in forest preserves and national parks. (That is strictly a communist plank). So whose land is it the government gave away to create a Chinese OWNED city in the USA? Patrick Henry Hayes, the Mayor of North Little Rock, Arkansas and friend of NWO guy Bill Clinton, is the Chairman of ICLEI. Advertisement ICLEI supporter Huntsman is assisting Gary Herbert, the current Utah Governor in going full speed ahead to implement Project 60 in Utah. Huntsman is a globalist and obviously an anti-Constitutionalist. ICLEI operates in conjunction with Project 60 which codifies regulations set forward in UN Agenda 21. On June 9, 2011, Obama signed executive order number 13575 at the White House which was established to cover 16 percent of the American population that live in rural counties. [Link] The stated objective of 13575 is to increase federal regulation of food production, land use, and implement cap and trade. Healthcare What a guy, right in line with his distant cousin Willard Romney on the Massachusetts healthcare reforms as well as being for portions of Obamacare, albeit Utah's state healthcare is much less egregious than Massachusetts. Huntsman once said “health care is a right,” and he once threatened insurance companies in Utah with adding mandates if they did not reduce the price of health insurance, saying that after a year of asking “If that doesn't work, then I think we're looking very realistically at an individual mandate in getting us to where I think we need to be.” Everyone of these healthcare proponents are wealthy enough never to suffer without the very best care. The American citizen however, is another case altogether. Governor Huntsman also expressed support for President Obama’s choice of liberal Kathleen Sebelius to be Health and Human Services Secretary more than two months before he was appointed Ambassador to China by President Obama. “Kathleen brings a fundamental wealth of knowledge and experience that will be indispensable in leading the reform efforts that are so critical to our nation going forward,” Governor Huntsman said at the time. Free Trade In 2002, then-Trade Representative Huntsman called NAFTA “a success beyond anyone's expectations… It has allowed the average family to save in terms of what they pay for goods, products that would otherwise carry a higher cost.” Indeed, Huntsman seemed to demonstrate an understanding that free markets lead to economic growth (for other countries, not the USA). He said in a stop in New Hampshire in May of 2011 that imposing tariffs on Chinese imports “would throw us into a depression." Oh yeah? Well, you know the American made goods I grew up with lasted forever. You could buy a freezer and expect it to last 30 to 50 years, and they did, same with other appliances. I actually have several that are Made in America and are over 35 years old. Now if you buy a new appliance or TV, you can expect it to last 8 to 10 years. Why? Because it's not made as well as it was in America. So, we don't "save money" on cheaper items, we pay the same money for the product, if not more, but it lasts a much shorter time, so in reality we have to buy it more often. And Chinese junk can kill you. Doesn't sound too good to me. Obviously Huntsman doesn't know history and that tariffs paid for government many years ago as well as protecting American manufacturing. NAFTA was passed by both parties when the phone calls against it were 10 to 1 and none of the criminals in D.C. would listen. Education In 2007, Governor Huntsman signed the Parent Choice in Education Act, “the largest school-voucher bill to date in the United States. This massive school-choice program provides scholarships ranging from $$500 to $$3000 to help parents send their children to the private school of their choice. The program is open to all current public school children as well as some children already in private school.” Charlotte Iserbyt and others have exposed time and again the problems with choice, charter schools, and vouchers. [Link] What the government pays for, the government controls. Immigration and Illegal Aliens Huntsman states, "There’s got to be an alternative rather than sending people back. That’s unrealistic." Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. said the concept of a border fence “repulses” him, but he believes that it is a necessity for the United States to get a handle on its illegal immigration problem. At the same time, he calls it unrealistic to believe the millions of undocumented people already here can be deported. In June of 2007, Huntsman joined with other Western governors urging the passage of comprehensive immigration reform (citizenship for illegal aliens) stating America needed these workers since American workers wouldn't do the same jobs. [Link] Huntsman has not discussed reducing immigration numbers, ending chain migration or the Visa lottery, and actually has a history of calling for more foreign workers rather than fewer. Obviously like many other candidates, he is pro-amnesty despite the fact that 25 American citizens die per day at the hands of illegal aliens according to FBI statistics. I would bet that number is actually higher. Of course American citizens dying doesn't seem to bother the elite, it just helps with their "population control." Conclusion John Huntsman is not a viable candidate for the presidency. He has fawned over Obama in letters obtained and published by the Daily Caller, Huntsman called Obama "a remarkable leader." The word remarkable, as the Caller's Jonathan Strong notes, is underlined. There's a second letter the site obtained where Huntsman is effusive in his praise for Bill and Hillary Clinton. I would hope that Americans are so angry at what is transpiring in our country via the NWO gang that they take time to research the backgrounds of the candidates for office. Unfortunately I have yet to find any of them that are true and knowledgeable constitutionalists. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: So many of America's electorate have been seduced by candidates' words and promises that hold absolutely no validity. Unless we find and draft a candidate worthy of the founders of our country, we haven't a chance of becoming a Nineveh. This is a pivotal election and truly it may be too late. Nevertheless, we must try to help our beloved nation. Far too many generations have thought America would go on as always, land of the free, home of the brave. But we are losing her quickly to communism and to a third world way of life when she has been the greatest nation on earth and the only nation in the world offering the freedoms our founding fathers gave us. We cannot let all the brave soldiers who have died for the cause of freedom to have died in vain. We need to be on our knees in repentance for having thrown God out of our nation. We really do need to be pleading for mercy. May the heavenly Father hear our prayers. Do any of the candidates today represent these verses from God's Word? (Emphasis mine) Proverbs 3:3-4 "Let not mercy and truth forsake thee; bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: 4 So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man. For part one on Michelle Bachmann click below Click here for part -----> 1, 2, © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Tea Parties, Part 1
THE TEA PARTIES PART 1 By Kelleigh Nelson July 29, 2011 "It is a known fact that the policies of the government today, whether Republican or Democrat are closer to the 1932 platform of the Communist Party than they are to either of their own party platforms in that critical year." --Walter Trohan (1903-2003) Chicago Tribune reporter (1929-1972) and bureau chief in Washington, D.C. The frustration level from attending tea party meetings is so high that I simply have to walk out the door and go home. If I imbibed, I'd have to have a glass of wine to calm my emotions. It is with grief and melancholy that I am writing this article, but I also think I must speak the truth. At the tea party I have attended the most, there are four very knowledgeable people who know there are major problems we should be focusing on at every meeting. Then there are a number who have just awakened to the problems and are not at all educated on the situation we face, but know they love their country and want to do anything they can to save her. The balance of these people are infiltrators and change agents that continually preach the RNC propaganda that has gotten us where we are today. "Compromise" is what they do and is a dirty word in my lexicon. The Origins of Today's Tea Party The Tea Party movement got its start when CNBC’s Rick Santelli went on a rant against government efforts to protect Americans from home foreclosures and called for “tea parties” as a means to protest against government intervention in the economy. Despite Tea Party folks making it clear in the beginning they were not part of the RNC, it has not stopped the infiltration by the phony rightwing Republicans. Grover Norquist The first nationwide tea parties in February of 2009 were co-sponsored by Americans for Tax Reform, whose president, Grover Norquist is a charter member of the secretive Council for National Policy (CNP). Norquist married a Muslim woman in 2005 and has since converted. Link Allegedly his donations to Muslim charities also fund Al Qaeda. The association of Norquist and Islamists became known in 1998, when he became the founding chairman of an organization called the Islamic Free Market Institute, better known as the Islamic Institute. Norquist is also a lobbyist for Bill Gates' Microsoft. American Spectator The American Spectator was the other sponsor and their then-managing editor organized the rally near the White House, according to promotional materials and participants. The Spectator was originally funded by Richard Mellon Scaife with $$25,000 (Chase Mellon Bank - Rockefeller) and Scaife funds both sides of the aisle. He is also a strong Planned Parenthood pro-abort who recently had a full page article in the WSJ stating why we should support Planned Parenthood with our tax dollars. Emmett Tyrrell, the "Alternative's" founder (later to be the American Spectator) cultivated the rightwing neo-cons to write for the magazine, including Irving Kristol a member of the Young People's Socialist League in the 1930s, and whose son Bill Kristol also wrote for the Spectator. Nelson Rockefeller directly gave Irving Kristol $$100,000 through his Commission on Critical Choices for just 15 short essays. Irving's son, William Kristol did make it big time of course and is a Fox News contributor and commentator. He is also a member of the Bilderberger group. William Kristol is one of the top three strategists of the GOP. He launched a weekly magazine called the Standard and is backed financially by CFR Ruppert Murdock. Kristol is assembling the next generation of socialists on behalf of the NWO. The Kristol's have plotted for several decades under the disarming word, "neoconservative." Richard Mellon Scaife continually funded The Spectator as did the widow of the pharmaceutical magnate Eli Lilly. She sent $$3,000 and offered to give much more if the magazine could be set up as a charitable foundation, which would make her contributions tax-deductible. This was done and supplied Tyrrell with enough money to live a stylish life. Other influential writers and board members of the Spectator included, Jeanne J. Kirkpatrick (Former Director of CFR; Ambassador to UN; Trilateral Commission; Co-Director, Empower America; Board Member, American Spectator); Adrian Karatnycky, President (CFR, Publisher Freedom Review Publisher; Conservative author, American Spectator). Richard "Dick" Armey and FreedomWorks Former House Republican Leader Dick Armey’s FreedomWorks and Americans for Prosperity, which is funded by the Koch family’s oil wealth, also have worked behind the scenes to build the Tea Party movement. Dick Armey is a charter member of the CNP. He is staunchly pro-amnesty, which has cost him some of the tea party allegiance. Advertisement In 2003, Armey became co-chairman of Citizens for a Sound Economy, which in 2004 merged with Empower America to become FreedomWorks. In 2004, Citizens for a Sound Economy split into two new organizations, with Citizens for a Sound Economy being renamed as FreedomWorks, and Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation becoming Americans for Prosperity. In 2008 Freedomworks Foundation Paid Dick Armey $$550,000 even before the Tea Parties Got going in 2009! So the entire program was planned. Looks to me like some pre-planning of tea party propaganda to infuse the angry grassroots Americans, doesn't it? Here is FreedomWorks 990 for 2008, see page 7. Empower America was founded in 1993 by high stakes gambler and former Drug Czar and Education Secretary William Bennett, who was involved with the US-Soviet education exchanges and treaties and implementing the Soviet quota system; former Secretary of HUD Jack Kemp (charter CNP member); former UN Ambassador Jeanne J. Kirkpatrick; and former Representative Vin Weber, CNP member and co-director of the globalist Aspen Institute's Domestic Strategy Group. Link Charlotte Iserbyt exposed Bill Bennett for his purposeful destruction of education since she worked under T. H. Bell in Reagan's education department. Bennett continued all of Bell's socialist/communist policies, especially OBE and the Skinner method. Regarding Bennett's role in U.S./Soviet education agreements, he wasn't overtly involved, but he, when asked by Malcolm Lawrence about the agreements, responded "I'm not in that loop." [Link] Empower America was largely filled with Council for National Policy members, CFR members, Trilateralist members, as well as Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church members such as Josette Shiner Sheeran, now Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Programme. David Koch and Americans for Prosperity Americans for Prosperity has worked closely with the Tea Party since the movement’s inception. In the weeks before the first Tax Day protests, in April, 2009, Americans for Prosperity hosted a Web site offering supporters “Tea Party Talking Points.” Peggy Venable, State Director for AFP explained that the role of Americans for Prosperity was to help “educate” Tea Party activists on policy details, and to give them “next-step training” after their rallies, so that their political energy could be channeled “more effectively.” And she noted that Americans for Prosperity had provided Tea Party activists with lists of elected officials to target. She said of the Koch's, “They’re certainly our people. David’s the chairman of our board. I’ve certainly met with them, and I’m very appreciative of what they do.” A Republican campaign consultant who has done research on behalf of Charles and David Koch said of the Tea Party, “The Koch brothers gave the money that founded it. Tim Phillips is president of AFP for the Koch's. Phillips was a political veteran who had worked with Council for National Policy member Ralph Reed, the so-called evangelical leader and Republican activist, co-founding Century Strategies, a campaign-consulting company that became notorious for its ties to the disgraced lobbyist and fellow CNP member Jack Abramoff. Century Strategies had many political clients, including Dick Armey. Phillips also has a history of anti-Semitic smear campaigns and lobbying work on behalf of a forced-abortion sweatshop owner. David Koch and his brother, Charles own Koch Industries, the 2nd largest privately owned company in the country after Cargill. David and Charles are lifelong libertarians and David ran as vice president to Ed Clark on the Libertarian party in the 1980 election funding 2 million of his own dollars into the campaign. Ed Clark told The Nation that libertarians were getting ready to stage “a very big tea party,” because people were “sick to death” of taxes. The Libertarian Party platform called for the abolition of the F.B.I. and the C.I.A., as well as of federal regulatory agencies, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of Energy. The Party wanted to end Social Security, minimum-wage laws, gun control, and all personal and corporate income taxes; it proposed the legalization of prostitution, recreational drugs, and suicide. William F. Buckley, Jr., CFR and Yale Skull and Bonesman alleged conservative, called the movement “Anarcho-Totalitarianism.” In 1977, the Koch's provided the funds to launch the nation’s first libertarian think tank, the Cato Institute. According to the Center for Public Integrity, between 1986 and 1993 the Koch family gave eleven million dollars to the institute. They've also heavily funded Heritage Foundation which is connected to Rockefeller, just as are the Koch brothers. Heritage has fascist, communist, United Nations, and Sun Myung Moon connections. See part 2 of my article, Saving the Republic? David Koch is on the board of Trustees of Rockefeller University. He is also on the board of the globalist new age Aspen Institute formerly headed by new age environmentalist Maurice Strong which I wrote about in More Republican Deception. He is also on the board of Earthwatch Institute, an environmental, sustainability, Agenda 21 group. See this map of Koch's many connections. David Koch also supports gay marriage and stem-cell research. Council for National Policy The Council for National Policy was started allegedly to counter the workings of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), yet there were five CFR members on the early membership rosters of the CNP. The CNP was started in 1981 by Nelson Bunker Hunt, Pat Robertson, Tim LaHaye, (who accepted millions from Sun Myung Moon who claims he came to finish what Jesus started) and T. Cullen Davis who helped fund the CNP to get it off the ground. T. Cullen Davis was tried for murder not once, but twice. A book written about the trials is still available entitled, “Blood Will Tell: The Murder Trials of T. Cullen Davis” by Gary Cartwright. For a short synopsis click here. Many of CNP's highest-ranking members also belong to the Masonic Knights of Malta and are associated with Fabian socialism and the eugenics movement, not to mention cultists like Sun Myung Moon and Scientology as well as the heretical and cultic Dominionist/Reconstructionist movement. Oil baron and CNP member Nelson Bunker Hunt was a former member of the racist pro-eugenics group called the International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics. The group was heavily involved in the promotion of eugenics and segregation. I know two members who left the CNP stating it was in bed with the left from its inception. One of these former members writes for Fiddling While Rome Burns The very first tea party meeting I attended was a few years ago in another county. I got up and left when the speaker who was supposed to be guiding the audience to educational forums told them to go to Third Wave futurist Newt Gingrich's and Heritage Foundation sites. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: About two months ago I got a call from a young man who attends the local tea party and wanted me to come and critique what they were doing. This first meeting had our state senator speak to us about the legislation that passed and failed to pass in Tennessee. I thought it was a pretty decent meeting although I ended up challenged regarding charter schools and tort reform. Sadly many have bought into the rightwing propaganda regarding both. For part two click below. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Tea Parties, Part 2
THE TEA PARTIES PART 2 of 2 By Kelleigh Nelson July 29, 2011 The second meeting had about half the people as the first meeting and someone from the audience read a one page article on California and Texas statistics resulting after tort reform. There was another gentleman that fully understood the problems with this reform which is basically socialistic, leads to higher negligence, increases the deficit and should be fought by every tea party. One officer of this group was particularly staunch on his support of tort reform, but then his father is a physician. Sadly under Obama care we will have no recourse for poor or deadly healthcare. Also at this meeting were two women running for a state senate seat that had been vacated. Neither have the background nor experience. One is a school teacher who is convinced that charter schools are wonderful, as does Obama, and the other woman is the sister of our district's alleged conservative representative in congress. This particular congressman took over the seat when his father died, and is training his son to take it over when he retires. This congressman also voted for the UN Goals 2000 and NAFTA. When I spoke up that charter schools would be run by corporations with "school to work," as well as eliminating the school board and resulting in taxation without representation, I was shouted down by more than one of the tea party officers neither of whom knows anything about what's really behind charter schools. As well, I spent days sending articles by Charlotte Iserbyt and Jed Brown, two of the most knowledgeable and brilliant people who have exposed what has been done to American education and this young man writes me back and says, "I find this all very confusing drivel." What is difficult to understand in this article from Jed Brown? "Finally, the entire plan to establish this quasi-privatized education system has a brilliantly conceived marketing plan. Those pushing the New World Order agenda have implored the conservative citizens to swallow school-choice plans in the name of the founding fathers, who would roll over in their graves. The words of John Chubb and Terry Moe, of The Brookings Institute and Stanford University respectively, would have gotten them an invite to a tar and feather party -- “Our guiding principle in the design of a choice system is this: public authority must be put to use in creating a system that is almost entirely beyond the reach of public authority.” (Politics, Markets and America's Schools, 1990) I hadn't given up yet however, and when an article came out in a local paper about our newly elected RINO Governor Bill Haslam pushing for a national internet sales tax, I called up the young man that wanted me to critique the tea party and told him about it and sent him the article. Isn't this right up the tea party's alley? It's more taxation! Haslam had stated he was going to contact the other 49 governors and have them push the congress to pass legislation taxing any and all out-of-state internet sales. So he said since he was in charge that evening, we'd discuss it. Immediately I made 20 copies of the article and called two former congressional candidates to see if they'd attend. There were a total of five of us there that fully understand the agenda of both the right and the left and that it's the same, just couched in different verbiage. First we listened to the treasurer tell us that way too much money goes to social security, Medicare, and defense. Excuse me but all of us have paid into social security and Medicare and it is NOT an entitlement. We have paid for it! As for the military, it is the one constitutionally legal funding that should be at the top of our budget to protect American citizens. Next we listened to another officer tell us that he visited a MoveOn.Org meeting and the people were quite nice, just deceived and it was under the guise of "knowing our enemy." Needless to say I think all of us that care one iota about our country understand who George Soros is and what he stands for and it's certainly not freedom. I sat there thinking, "Why are we visiting George Soros' groups, why aren't we picking our battles and fighting them?" Next we heard from a lady who was to speak to us about Agenda 21, sustainability, and the latest land grabs by our federal and state governments. Granted, some people in the audience may not have fully understood this diabolical UN plan, but the Tea Party board could have had info that could have been handed out which also included a website for more information. Instead, our guest speaker spoke for about 15 to 20 minutes, and we didn't even get to discuss it afterward. The president of the Tea Party who had given little notice to the guest, failed to plan ahead for visuals or even appropriate time allotment. After asking this guest to speak, the president didn't even show up for the meeting. Unlike many other Tea Parties, this one is doing absolutely nothing about Agenda 21/sustainability. When an audience member asked when we were to discuss our governor's new push for internet sales taxes, the young man I had called about this said, "There's some misinformation regarding this subject matter," and he dismissed it. We all looked at each other. Advertisement I asked him later why he had done that and he told me that he'd called our state senator and was told that Tennessee already collects internet sales tax. Obviously the young man did not understand what our senator told him. If you purchase something on the internet that is made in your state or whose company has a store or division in your state, you pay your state's sales tax because they reside IN YOUR STATE. However, if you purchase something on the internet or via a catalogue phone order from another state and that store does NOT have a facility in your state, you DO NOT pay sales tax. Our RINO governor wants to rectify this by making us pay each state's tax whether they have a company in our state or not. Typical tax and spend! The five of us walked out of the meeting shaking our heads. All of us agreed that it was a total waste of time and that it's too late to educate...we must be on top of the issues. The meeting prior to this should have concerned the debt ceiling shenanigans and we should have had a plan of attack on the politicians. We also should have connected with the other tea parties around the country with a plan to flood D.C. with complaints. At this meeting, we should have had a discussion of our governor's new tax plan and getting this information to the rest of the tea parties in the state and then to the tea parties throughout the country. We didn't even discuss it because the young man didn't understand the issue. False Friends Lastly, on the website of this local tea party is the link to American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) which is a spin-off of the Heritage Foundation. ALEC is a shadowy group and member of the secretive Council for National Policy founded by former grand poobah of the CNP, Paul Weyrich. (Please again see part 2 of Saving the Republic?) Originally it was funded to the tune of 7 million dollars by Richard Mellon Scaife who funds both sides of the aisle. ALEC is a group that brings together state legislators and representatives of corporations to draft model bills that can then be introduced at the state level of government. An archive of ALEC documents was recently leaked. Reporter John Nichols says, " "All of those pieces of legislation and those resolutions [in the documents] really err toward a goal, and that goal is the advancement of an agenda that seems to be dictated at almost every turn by multinational corporations." This map shows their success of getting their legislative agenda in terms of bills passed on a state by state basis. Any legislator who jumps on their bandwagon is just a lamb to the slaughter, in my opinion. Legislators in ALEC pay a minimal fee to join the group, while corporations pay much more — up to $$25,000, Nichols says. The corporations make up the huge majority of members. One of their top corporations is Koch Industries. Along with the corporations, another major funder is The Church of Scientology. ALEC's main goal is privatization which has been done extensively to prisons, thus making corporations quite wealthy on prison labor and keeping pot sellers and smokers in for longer periods of time. ALEC is also at the head of the pack calling for a constitutional convention which would totally destroy the nation. Link - Link On their website is of course a link to David Koch's Americans for Prosperity. Also linked is the horrible Mt. Vernon Pledge, see part 1 of Saving the Republic for those involved, including Islamist Grover Norquist. Another group listed is Contract for America which advertises for Koch's Americans for Prosperity, Grover Norquist's ATR, American Solutions which is communist Newt Gingrich, and the worst of the lot, if there is such a thing, is the NATIONAL TAXPAYERS UNION, founded by James Dale Davidson who has pushed a constitutional convention since the late 70s and who we fought tooth and nail in the early 80s to stop the destruction of our constitution. Davidson gives $$100,000 a year towards the efforts to call a constitutional convention, which our founder James Madison warned against only a year after the original convention. Davidson also sits on the board of Newsmax. On the Blog site, Heritage Foundry is listed as well as the anti-Semitic Republic Broadcasting Network. My God in heaven, did anyone do any research before linking to these groups? They need to know that "a false friend is more dangerous than an open enemy." Conclusion If this doesn't frustrate all of us that are weeping over our losses, I don't know what will. I recently read an article by fellow writer and retired SEAL, Jim O'Neill entitled, It's Time to Reboot America. Give it a gander because I believe Jim has once again hit the nail on the head. As Claire Wolfe said, "We're at that awkward stage where it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." I also do not want my good readers to think that all tea parties are fully infested with change agents, infiltrators, or power hungry know-nothing leaders as so many in our part of Tennessee seem to be. One tea party leader who communicates with me is from Tea-MAC in Elkhart County, Indiana, and here's what he says, "Yeah, we know about the infiltrators and have been on guard. We are in the crosshairs of the enemies of the nation because of our effectiveness. You are right and it is very, very, worrisome and we are actually developing a very effective way of discovery and elimination in our groups. We've been dialing our little fingers off and e-mailing our little computers dry to Boehner, Cantor, McCarty and our own reps. Most Hoosier tea parties I know are urging their members to do so. And the opposition knows it and that's why they've decided to infiltrate. And they are using the Saul Alinsky method against us. We don't care, it's full bore ahead." George Miller keeps me informed as well from the Ventura County, California Tea Party. They have an excellent website and try to keep people informed with up-to-date information on what our congress criminals are up to and how to fight it. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: There are another half dozen large Tea Parties that encouraged me to write this article in the hope that other groups would do some heavy house cleaning and understand that the enemy comes in both left and right propaganda. May the Lord open the eyes of those who love America and give them discernment for without it I'm afraid we're lost. Pray without ceasing fellow patriots, for our Heavenly Father is our only hope. May He have mercy on our nation. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- American Citizens as Guinea Pigs, Part 10
AMERICAN CITIZENS AS GUINEA PIGS PART 10 By Kelleigh Nelson August 7, 2011 Prescription Drugs When we go to our doctors, we obviously want an end to whatever problem we're experiencing. The best bet for help is an older doctor. A study at the Medical College of Wisconsin Researchers found that physicians with fewer than 10 years of experience described almost 25% of their patients as "difficult," whereas more seasoned doctors said the same of just 2% of their patients. If you have a stubborn health issue or a prescription drug issue, then a physician with some years is preferable. Why? Because younger doctors have a tendency to medicate every problem and less and less time to read patient charts or listen to their patients. Many medications increase problems rather than solving them, and some can cause not only horrible side effects, but death. We assume that the drugs the doc prescribes have been carefully tested to make sure they are both safe and effective. Most times they are. Yet sometimes the drugs cause more problems than they solve. Adverse drug reactions kill tens of thousands of people annually; one widely cited study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 1998 puts the number at more than 100,000, but other sources state over 320,000 die per year from FDA approved drugs. [Link] According to the U.S. General Accounting Office, close to 51% of FDA-approved drugs have serious adverse effects not detected prior to approval. Each year prescription drugs injure 1.5 million people so severely they require hospitalization. In 2007, 149 Americans died from tainted heparin (a blood thinner) imported from China. China is now the largest supplier of pharmaceutical chemicals, actually hundreds of tons annually to the world, most especially for generic drugs. When Baxter Healthcare sourced cheap heparin from China, it carried out all the legally required tests. However, those tests were unable to detect the contaminant that caused fatal allergic reactions and the dangerous drug slipped through. (See Part 9 of this series). Small hard-to-detect flaws such as trace impurities caused by unhygienic practices can easily be undetected. By law Western pharmaceutical firms must buy from certified manufacturing plants only. But with so many steps in between and certification only at the last stage, it doesn't mean the chemicals are good. Many pharmaceutical industry experts in China admit that up to 25% of ingredients purchased in China by Western companies come from unknown sources. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has established an office in China and is increasing investigations of the plants that export to the U.S., but it can assess only one site in every 13 years. Needless to say the FDA has failed Americans many times over and now that these drugs are manufactured in China, the potential for a large scale catastrophe in the USA is growing. In 2002, the U.S. imported $$331 million of pharmaceutical chemicals from China, but by 2010 it was $$1.74 billion and rising. So, we're looking at a future that might be like Russian Roulette with prescription drugs made in China and it is truly a growing concern. The FDA oversees, food, drugs, medical devices, vaccines, blood and biologics, animal and veterinary, cosmetics, radiation emitting products, and tobacco products. The FDA is not the savior of America's health and well being. [Link] Over the last 30 years, 20% of the drugs approved by the FDA have been recalled as "bad" drugs. To help ensure the status quo on U.S. drug regulation and pricing, the pharmaceutical industry has thousands of lobbyists in Washington, DC that lobby Congress and protect their interests. [Link] The pharmaceutical industry spent $$855 million, more than any other industry, on lobbying activities from 1998 to 2006, according to the non-partisan Center for Public Integrity. [Link] The list of drugs with horrendous side effects grows longer every year. Where pharmaceutics have been shown to cause side-effects or death, civil action has occurred, especially in countries where tort payouts are likely to be large. Due to high-profile cases leading to large compensations, most pharmaceutical companies endorse tort reform, but tort reform can and will increase negligence. Tort reform won't lower health care costs and it's socialism. There are many reasons why patriots and tea party activists understand that tort reform is devastating to Americans. How can you determine if you are dealing with a BAD DRUG? Here are the early warning signs: 1) The drug has been recalled or given a black box warning which means serious side effects. List of drugs with a black box warning. 2) The drug is in litigation with numerous lawsuits against the drug company. Drug litigation by lawyers gives us an early warning sign about a bad drug. Drug litigation can uncover secret information about adverse drug side effects which drug companies hide from the public. Computer Search Engine Listing of Drugs in Litigation. Click here for Unsafe drugs in litigation (1.5 Million hits). 3) The drug has been banned in other countries. Advertisement Prescription Drugs That Kill 1. Darvon/Darvocet - pain killer - the drug has been causing deaths in the U.S. since the 1970’s when it was cited as the cause of 589 deaths and called “the most dangerous prescription drug in the U.S." There are probably hundreds of thousands of Americans who have either had a heart attack or heart arrhythmia issues from these drugs. Both Darvon/Darvocet were finally recalled in the U.S. on November 19, 2010 in compliance with a request by the FDA for its being linked to heart arrhythmias, and other side effects such as suicide, overdose and death. 2. Avandia - used for a treatment in Type 2 diabetes - increases heart attack risk by 43% and is linked to deadly side effects such as congestive heart failure, heart attacks and strokes. The FDA now limits the drug use to "last resorts." GlaxoSmithKlein, according to Bloomberg News, paid $$250 million dollars to settle numerous claims of injury and death related to its use. 3. Yaz/Yasmine - new birth control pill that had the added benefits of reducing acne, and reducing PMS. Young girls have died from blood clots, have been having strokes, and coming down with gall bladder disease. The drug has been linked to over 50 deaths since its launch. Through early 2011, there have been over 4000 lawsuits related to its use filed in state and Federal courts. Other severe side effects include heart attacks and liver cancer. The F.D.A. has made the drug’s manufacturer redo deceptive TV commercials and ordered the recall of 33,000 boxes of the drug in November 2009, due to defective manufacturing. Despite all these dangers, it is still on the market today. 4. Accutane - acne drug - deadly and dangerous side effects including depression, inflammatory bowel disease, and suicide. Roche stopped selling it in the US in 2009 because of defending large lawsuits and having spent 56 million and still more suits pending. 5. Nuvaring - birth control device - linked to almost half a dozen deaths, as well as a large number of life threatening blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes. The number of lawsuits seeking compensation against Schering-Plough related to Nuvaring injuries has ballooned to over 300; yet the sales continue, with most people completely unaware of the risks. Past and Present Dangerous Drugs Thalidomide was introduced in the late 50s as a sedative for morning sickness. It caused horrendous birth defects. Worldwide victims are estimated at 10,000 to 20,000. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT's) I remember years ago seeing a young female physician that told me HRT's would prevent heart problems, Alzheimer's, and osteoporosis. I looked at her and said, "Yeah? Well to me it's cancer in a bottle." She was pretty irked that I refused her medication, but not too many years later I was glad I did. HRT's have actually increased the risk of heart disease, strokes, emboli and breast cancer. I've always been hesitant to take prescription drugs, wondering if 10 years later I'd wake up with a third eye in my forehead. Anti-Cholesterol Drugs Statin drugs like Lipitor, Crestor, Baycol, and Zocor all have side effects. Baycol has been recalled because it causes muscle damage which releases muscle debris into the bloodstream which then clogs up the kidneys and causes renal failure. Lipitor causes memory loss, muscle damage, pain and weakness, and Crestor has the greatest kidney toxicity causing muscle breakdown to clog the kidneys. Vioxx, Celebrex, Bextra Recent controversies have involved Vioxx because of an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, and instant cardiac death. According to the FDA Vioxx caused 160,000 deaths from heart attack and stroke. Forty five thousand have sued Merck and Merck has spent a billion on legal fees. Merck’s strategy is to fight every case by bringing it to trial and drag out the proceedings. On November 9, 2007, Merck agreed to pay $$4.85 billion to settle all of the court claims. Anti-Depressants Another series of drugs with massive problems are SSRI antidepressants, which have a huge list of side effects including suicide and violent aggressive behavior. Some 200 legal actions have been filed against Eli Lilly, Pfizer, and GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturers of Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil to recover for suicides or homicides by patients. The lawsuits claim that the companies knew about, but hid the documents which showed increased risk of akathisia, a form of agitation causing suicide and violence. Here is a list of school shootings where the perpetrator was medicated with SSRI antidepressants. Prozac has been prescribed so often in the UK that it is now in their water supply and cannot be removed. [Link] Advertisement Ritalin Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) are both often treated with Ritalin. The use has skyrocketed since the 80s when this drug became available for attention and activity in children that has no biological origin. Ritalin is often referred to as "Kiddie Cocaine" for good reason. Long-term Ritalin effects have been linked to brain development abnormalities similar to those found with cocaine use. While research now indicates adverse long-term Ritalin side effects physically, other studies show that Ritalin use does not make an impact on behavior in the long run. There are dozens of adverse effects from this drug given mainly to children, but now also marketed to adults. Boniva and Fosamax These two drugs are used for the prevention of bone loss from osteopenia (slightly below normal bone density) and osteoporosis. Boniva is a once a month drug made by Roche and Fosamax is taken daily. In a patient brochure that Merck produced in 1997, one headline reads, "Menopause is the single most important cause of osteoporosis." The FDA called the statement false and Merck had to stop distributing literature with these statements. The marketing plan was to get every post menopausal woman on Merck's drug Fosamax telling them that it would prevent them from getting osteoporosis. They didn't market however to more elderly women that were bent over from the disease and probably at the advanced age could have benefited from the drug. These medications taken at earlier ages pose frightening risks. Any woman that had bone density scans that showed lower bone strength with osteopenia, but not osteoporosis, were urged to get on these drugs. So many women started taking these bisphosphonates at age 50. The best fracture prevention however is when women only take the drug if they develop osteoporosis. The side effects of these drugs can be miserable. Stomach pain, heartburn, and acid reflux are major complaints and gastroenterologists are seeing more and more post menopausal women for these complaints while they're on these drugs. Another common complaint is severe muscle and joint pains. British researchers also found that the risk of esophageal cancer doubled after taking these drugs for three to five years . Another side effect is femur fractures. The femur is the strongest bone in the human body. Bisphosphonates work by reducing the activity of the cells which normally break down bone. But suppressing the bone's normal cycle of breakdown and buildup appears to not be healthy in the long run. Basically this means the old cells of the bone are not sloughed off; new cells are just packed on top of them. Many women have complained of bone and joint pain which most likely is the result of multiple micro-fractures. The pathologic abnormalities in bone structure that leads to increased bone density on the density scans from these drugs fools people. Paradoxically, this dense bone is weaker, brittle and prone to pathological fracture at the mid-shaft level of the femur. A fracture at this mid-femur location is highly characteristic of a Fosamax induced fracture and these mid-femur fractures are very difficult to heal even with the best treatments. Another debilitating side effect of Fosamax is jaw necrosis, a painful and potentially disfiguring condition where the jaw bone deteriorates and dies. Complications may result in jaw infections and exposed bone inside the mouth. The jaw necrosis caused by Fosamax, also known as osteonecrosis of the jaw, ONJ, dead jaw or bis-phossy jaw, could result in permanent decay of the jaw bone. Stopping the drug does not reverse the jaw damage and there is no easy or effective treatment for ONJ. Merck faces an onslaught of more than 900 cases awaiting litigation and this is only for ONJ. We have been hoodwinked by the marketing ads with Sally Fields. As mid-femur fractures and ONJ become more common, it is likely these drugs will be banned. There are alternatives for these drugs; proper weight bearing exercises, walking, healthy diets and good calcium supplements that contain vitamin K and magnesium. This is by no means a complete list of problem medications. There are hundreds and thousands of drugs on the market with adverse side effects and major problems for the consumer. Ask your pharmacist for a list of side effects on every script you order. Check the drugs on the internet before you take the first dose. In today's society, we must be our own best advocates. Government Experiments Throughout history our government has had no qualms about experimenting on its citizenry. The latest experiment started in 2007 and is being conducted on black women in South Africa by the British government, the US government and population-reduction advocate Bill Gates. The drug being tested is an AIDS prevention drug called Tenofover. Young women are told to apply this gel to their sexual organs 12 hours before having relations with their AIDS infected partners. Remember folks, they're testing this and using human beings as lab rats! The effective rate was only about 35%, which means hundreds of women have already been given a death sentence. Even worse, their blind studies included a placebo group! This year the group is saying the effective rate is now nearly 60%, but that still leaves a large number of deaths from this drug testing. Taxpayer funding of this Nazi style testing is beyond belief. After 1947’s development of the Nuremberg Code of justice resulting from the Nazi war crimes trials after WWII, they are most likely breaking the law. The Nuremburg Code includes 10 principles to guide physicians in human experimentation. Yet, South Africa's young black women are exempt? And the international community is lauding these efforts in the fight against HIV? The teams leading these experiments in South Africa were actually awarded the Drug Information Association President's Award for outstanding Achievements in World Health! Human life means nothing to scientists, governments and drug them humans are simply guinea pigs and lab rats. Conclusion Even acetaminophen, trade name Tylenol, is dangerous to our health. Doses of acetaminophen greater than the recommended doses are toxic to the liver and may result in severe liver damage. The potential for acetaminophen to harm the liver is increased when it is combined with alcohol or drugs that also harm the liver. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: The question remains, are we willing to be guinea pigs with the newest drugs on the market or are we going to do some research on their side effects prior to even purchasing the drug? Are we going to find alternatives that are far safer than the drugs the pharmaceutical companies market and advertise on television? Or, are we going to continue to be accomplices in their draconian experiments on human beings? Yes, they're hard questions...and yes we want to trust our doctors. As American citizens we must, especially in the light of Obamacare, take personal responsibility for our own healthcare and therapies and do the research before swallowing any pill your doctor orders for you. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Tea Parties, Part 3
THE TEA PARTIES PART 3 By Kelleigh Nelson August 30, 2011 "Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it." -John Adams, 2nd president of the United States 1797-1801 There are several reasons for additional articles on our Tea Parties. First let me say, the response to the first two parts of the article were overwhelming. I received over 800 e-mails and hopefully succeeded in answering all of them. Many said I'd hit the nail on the head with explaining the problems the various Tea Party organizations around the country were facing. Many of the parties had already faced the problem of infiltration by progressive republicans, leftists masquerading as Tea Party folks, and change agents. A few had solved the problems, but the majority were still at odds, especially with leadership which seemed to be the biggest area of concern. Some felt they had been infiltrated and totally neutralized. Secondly, I had about 50 e-mails that wanted to know about the two largest entities, Tea Party Patriots and Tea Party Nation. I believe fellow News With Views writer, J.B. Williams has actually covered some of the problems. This article will hopefully delve into more detail regarding these larger organizations. Third and of special importance is a correction that needs to be made from the first article. I don't know of a journalist or a researcher that doesn't make mistakes from time to time, but I pride myself on targeting the truth and on correcting errors. This time, I made an error by believing an old and vicious rumor that I should have checked more thoroughly before I linked to it. The link was in regards to the John Birch Society founder, Robert Welch. The link stated that Welch's candy company was purchased by a Rockefeller holding at a large sum of money in order that Welch head up the new John Birch Society. Now it is well known that Rockefeller monies have funded other large organizations, but the JBS through Welch's candy company is not one of them. Robert's candy company had failed and he went to work for his brother's candy company until 1956. I believe it was in 1958 that he started the John Birch Society. It wasn't until the early 60s that James Welch sold his candy company to Nabisco. Whether Nabisco was owned in part or in whole by any Rockefeller entity is of no importance inasmuch as funds from the sale of James' candy company were not instrumental in funding Robert's new Society. At his request, I was fortunate enough to have an opportunity to speak to John McManus, the President of the John Birch Society for 90 minutes by phone. It was a personal and private conversation that I will never release. However, Mr. McManus explained thoroughly to me the various rumors and innuendos that had been circulating from the very beginning of the JBS and his frustration in trying to quell them. I found him to be totally forthright and honest as well as being a total gentleman when I asked some very hard questions. I've always had respect for John McManus, having put him on dozens of radio shows over the years when I was an executive producer for talk show hosts, but now I really think the world of him. We discussed the various situations that JBS ran into through the years that seem to be parallel to what the Tea Parties are facing, with both members and organizations that weren't what they originally represented themselves to be. Mr. McManus made it clear that many members actually left their unsavory affiliations when they learned through JBS of what was really behind these groups. Some organizations and members however had to be dropped from any association with the Society because of their undesirable activities and alliances. No matter what group is started that is working to restore the Republic, it will be attacked by the sources seeking to destroy the Republic. Infiltrators come in all shapes and sizes and with many different masks. Mr. McManus gives us the answer, and it should make it clear. If we can't show those who join the Tea Party with untoward intentions how wrong they are, then the only solution that remains is to exclude their access. Mr. McManus and I may disagree on certain points, but for the love of our country and those we know are the enemies of freedom, we are in total agreement. I grew up surrounded by my mother's friends, many of whom were Birch members. All of them were dear to me and all of them loved their country. My sincere apologies to the JBS for a link that proved to be false. And my sincere thanks for a very frank and honest discussion of what JBS has faced through the years as well as what we face in the Tea Parties. Mr. McManus was very kind to me as well as very complimentary on my article. I hope he considers me a friend and a fellow patriot. Now, on to the business at hand. Tea Party Nation Tea Party Nation (TPN) was started by a former assistant district attorney Judson Phillips in Shelby County, Tennessee in 2009. According to Tami and Smith Kilmarx, former Tea Party volunteers, after opening his own law practice, Phillips would meet his meager clientele in Starbuck's . He has failed to pay IRS taxes and has been saddled with liens, and since 2002, he has failed to update state mandated paperwork for his business. Smith says, "From the beginning, Phillips wanted to make money on the Tea Party movement." Tami Kilmarx said she heard him say he wanted to make a million on the Tea Party project. Phillips convinced people to volunteer hundreds of hours of their time to make a Tea Party social network for conservatives, and he wanted it bigger than Facebook. What disturbed Smith was the fact that on the Tea Party Nation website, the donation box went straight into wife, Sherry Phillips' PayPal account. While Smith was working as a volunteer, more than $$4000 came in as donations and there was no accounting of these funds. Advertisement Most of us remember what happened here in Nashville in February of 2010 and have always considered Judson Phillips to be a patriot for profit. TPN organized the National Tea Party Convention held in Nashville with guest speakers, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Tennessee Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, and Tea Party Patriots. This event turned into a "for profit" cost of $$549 per person for the convention and another $$349 for the Palin speech that put the proceeds into his wife's PayPal account. When news got out, everyone including co-sponsors, American Liberty Alliance and National Precinct Alliance backed out except for Sarah Palin who was receiving $$100,000 for her speaking engagement. At the convention, it was announced that a 501(c)(4) corporation and political action committee (PAC) called "Ensuring Liberty" would be formed to support candidates for office in the 2010 elections. Journalist J.B. Williams wrote in his article, When Profits Trump Patriotism, "There are two very important mistakes that will cause conflict within the patriot movement immediately… 1. Any attempt to profit on the volunteer work of other patriots 2. Any appearance of an RNC effort to control the people’s movement" TPN is one of the larger groups and I'd agree with many of their stances, including mentioning the eligibility question in July of 2011. Few other Tea Parties have uttered a word, much less championed the eligibility cause. Obama care is another high priority for elimination that no one in the Tea Parties nor the GOP candidates even mention. Everyone knows that conservatives differ so much that getting them together on any one subject is like herding cats, but this group sure leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I have to ask, "What are they doing to save the Republic?" Journalist and retired Seal Jim O'Neill recently had a short article on this very subject which is well worth the read. At the bottom of the article is for donations to the Navy Seal Foundation. Tea Party Patriots Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler and Amy Kremler are co-founders of Tea Party Patriots, a non-profit organization with an alleged 1,800 chapters and 15 million members around the country. Martin is the CEO and National Coordinator for TPP. She was also the National Coordinator for the 9/12 March on DC and is the Director of Political Operations for Smart Girl Politics. She is 39 years old, the mother of young twins and was raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Before Martin became a Tea Party star, she was scrubbing floors and cleaning houses for suburbanites after her husband's business went bankrupt in 2007. Nothing wrong with physical labor and hard work, but she's sure had a lifestyle change heading up TPP. Today she is making $$6,000 a month. Let's take a look at who Jenny Beth Martin had as speakers at the 9/12 March on D.C. One of the top guests was former FBI agent Gary Aldrich, long time secret Council for National Policy (CNP) member. He now runs the Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty, a group he founded whose board includes CNP members Ollie North (Rex 84 and Fema), Edwin Meese, Dominionist Howard Phillips, Beverly LaHaye and many others. Others at the podium that day were former Oklahoma Congressman and fellow CNP member, Ernest Istook. Odd that the organizers would choose someone like Istook when he was implicated in fellow CNP member Jack Abramoff's lobbying scandal. Along with receiving at least $$29,000 in campaign contributions from Abramoff's firm, he got Jack's sky box tickets during a Washington Redskins game for a fundraiser. Istook returned the favor by asking Abramoff what his clients would like to see in an upcoming transportation bill loaded with juicy treats of pork barrel spending. Istook's chief of staff pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges for taking perks from lobbyists for favors. Why in heaven's name would the Tea Party people want to be aligned with someone like Istook? It's quite obvious the old CNP folks who have been in bed with the left for decades have easily infiltrated these large groups. Again I'd have to ask, "What did any of this do to help save the Republic?" Jenny Beth's husband Lee Martin ran his own company, Indwell for about eight years, a company that supplied non-English speaking temporary day laborers to local businesses. He blamed a former business partner for the company failure, but he also failed to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in payroll taxes. According to TPM, "the couple's bankruptcy filing, made in August 2008 to the US Bankruptcy Court for Georgia's Northern District stated that Martin and her husband Lee Martin, of Woodstock, Georgia, owed the IRS $$510,000, after making a payment of $$16,640 that June. The couple also owed just over $$71,000 to Ford Motor Credit, the automaker's financing arm." At the time of the bankruptcy filing they were in debt more than $$1.4 million and also owed the Georgia tax authorities $$172,000. Today, Lee Martin manages TPP's finances and is identified as the group's assistant treasurer in some corporate filings. He manages payroll and personnel issues. Most former TPP members feel there's a lack of wisdom in placing a person with a dubious financial background and a load of debt in charge of the TPP's finances, especially since he's the spouse of one of the leaders. Certainly seems like a conflict of interest. Mark Meckler was originally a disk jockey, then a business attorney and Internet political entrepreneur in southern California; his firm, Opt-In Movement, worked for Republican causes including CNP member Dick Armey's FreedomWorks. He was a Tea Party movement activist before co-founding Tea Party Patriots (TPP). Meckler has worked hard to position the movement as a grassroots uprising, independent of both political parties. However, only a few years ago, Meckler was involved in an online political consulting firm with ties to the GOP -- a fact that could intensify the fears of some Tea Party activists that their movement is being hijacked by Republican political operatives, which I believe is already a done deal in the majority of them. Meckler is now a commentator on Fox News. In early June, 2011, Meckler appeared on a panel in DC discussing the future of the tea party movement. Speaking at CNP member and former Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom Conference, Meckler stated the Tea Party was in a battle for the culture of the country. What he didn't tell you was that once again he was aligned with the former friends of CNP member Jack Abramoff. This conference was organized by CNP politico and former head of Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition, Ralph Reed, with whom virtually every GOP presidential contender will be trying to court evangelical voters. In 2006 Reed was getting shellacked in a race for lieutenant governor of Georgia in no small part because of his close ties to the felonious lobbyist Jack Abramoff where he raked in $$4 million from Abramoff to rally Christian voters to vote against Native American casinos. Emails released during the Abramoff investigation did not show Reed in a Godly light. In many of them he was pressing Abramoff to send him clients and cash saying, "I need to start humping in corporate accounts!...I'm counting on you to help me with some contacts." The e-mails also suggested he lied about how much he knew regarding what Abramoff was up to. Reed's downfall at the time was a huge disgrace, but now he's back. Reed's new organization is Faith and Freedom Coalition designed to be a link between Tea Parties and churches. So when he shows up with his slanted voter guides, beware of what he's up to. Decades ago, we caught the Christian Coalition voter guides purposely "accidentally" misrepresenting constitutionalists, and giving rave votes to the RINOs. Amy Kremler has since left TPP and started Tea Party Express. Meckler said TPP rejected Amy Kremler because TPP tries to be nonpartisan, while the "Our Country Deserves Better" PAC, which founded Tea Party Express, raises funds for Republicans. Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black since there's a huge amount of evidence of TPP accepting funds from prominent Republicans. Her leaving was acrimonious. Tea Party Patriots' Finances TPP was incorporated in Woodstock, George in June of 2009, and identified the group as a 501(c)(4). This means the group does not pay taxes, but donations to the group are not tax deductible. And here's the clincher, TPP will suck in millions of dollars from partisan fat-cats who know that 501(c)4 groups don’t have to reveal their donors and can be heavily involved in politics without giving up their exemption. Tea Party Patriots have courted the GOPs evangelical wing through the secretive Council for National Policy. Grover Norquist convinced the CNP to join with the Tea Party, please see this important article. Even though TPP raised millions of dollars since its founding in February 2009, they had not applied to the IRS for official status. This is allowable by the IRS prior to official approval, nevertheless they are required to file 990s which disclose how much money they've raised, how much staff is paid and where the funds are spent. TPP normally should have filed a 990 in April 2010, or with an extension by November 15, 2010. Instead, TPP has decided May 31, is the end of their fiscal year. Thus, their first tax form for 2009 didn't have to be filed until April 2011, two years after they were founded. I could not find their 990 listed on There is nothing illegal here, but like our D.C. politicians, they're certainly not being transparent. Tea Party leaders have refused to share financial information with their members and those who have tried to gain access to the information have found themselves threatened with lawsuits or shut out of the organization. TPP has even tried to buy the silence of former board members, offering thousands for confidentiality agreements. Their lack of openness about finances has left many staffers and organizers in the dark about the millions of dollars the group has raised in the last two years. TPP's national website clearly states that 100% of the funds raised go to furthering their efforts, yet that's after paying out salaries, consultants, telemarketers, attorneys, expenses, etc. They are now soliciting funds from all the small tea parties around the country. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Meckler has refused to say how much he's being paid and rumors are fueled by the fact that he and Jenny are spending on rallies, hotels, airfares so they can talk to potential donors. Much of this money has come from the small tea party groups nationwide. Meckler and Martin seem to be adept at raising money and have hired a team of high-priced PR consultants and GOP connected direct mail and telemarketing firms that work for the "Who's who" of the Republican politicians, including some of the GOP's most secretive campaign operations. Yet, they are also adept at avoiding any transparency on their finances. These two bash the Republicans for not doing enough to cut the spending, yet both fly around in private jets, stay at high priced hotels, and apparently dine quite well. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Tea Parties, Part 4
THE TEA PARTIES PART 4 By Kelleigh Nelson August 30, 2011 Questionable Deals TPP has a contract with MDS Communications who does phone fundraising for GOP congressional campaign organizations including Bush-Cheney reelection campaign. They work with the evangelicals on the right, Beverly LaHaye's Concerned Women for America (CNP), and Tony Perkins' Family Research Council (CNP) and UN-NGO. Most returns to the non-profits are less than 15%. Their deal with TPP state they will keep at least 70% of the money they raise. Another deal was negotiated with Capitol Resources, allegedly one of the most effective GOP phone fundraising operations in the state of Iowa. This company keeps 75% of the money it raises by calling other Tea Partiers for donations. The firm's owner is Nicole Schlinger who helped Mitt Romney's victory in the 2007 Iowa presidential straw poll. The worst however seems to be the Richard Norman Company, and it too represents political action for prominent GOP. Of course TPP insists it wants to simply focus and strategize on fiscal responsibilities and limited government, avoiding divisive social issues like abortion and the murder of 56 million babies in the womb. Norman's clients are many in the rightwing CNP groups, including a group headed by CNP member Gary Kreep of the US Justice Foundation. Kreep has written articles muddying the water on the facts of the calls for a constitutional convention. See part 3 of Saving the Republic. Given the amount of cash the TPP leaders have gone through in two years, many of the staff and regional coordinators have left in disgust and disillusionment. Many of the local groups have accused them of using and abusing the local groups for their own fame and fortune. Laura Boatright, a former regional leader from California says, "I can't attribute one victory to them at all." Another California coordinator says they're actually diverting funds from the smaller groups that need them. Others have put up thousands of dollars for arrangements for events and then getting stiffed when the bills came due. Many of the former TPP activists said they came to feel like fundraising marks. Unfortunately, it seems quite obvious the TPP leaders have joined with the RNC when they are supposed to remain autonomous. Tea Party Partners The Partners shown on the TPP website are very similar to those I discussed in Part 1 of this short series. The Leadership Institute headed by CNP honcho Morton Blackwell who helped Jerry Falwell (CNP) and Sun Myung Moon gift recipient, in founding the Moral Majority. Morton Blackwell worked with Plinio de Correa de Olivier's Tradition, Family & Property (TFP) and endorsed Olivier's book, Nobility & Analagous Traditional Elites, on the necessity of restoring traditional Nobility & Elites to rule the world. In the Forward Blackwell wrote: "One does not have to accept Papal infallibility to appreciate a case persuasively made, using theological, moral, and prudential arguments. This book will convince many readers, whatever their faith, that good elites are legitimate, desirable and, yes, necessary." The Secret Story of a Cult Apologist by Miguel Martinez features a picture of CNP members Paul Weyrich and Morton Blackwell with the American head of TFP, which is the parent organization of CESNUR, the cult apology network for cults such as Scientology. Another is new age futurist and Third Wave communist aficionado, Newt Gingrich's American Solutions. Newt Gingrich was discussed in Part 1 and 2 of The Phony Right Wing, as well as in Part 2 of The Tea Parties. For more on the real internationalist Newt Gingrich, see this marvelous video. Erick Erickson's Red State is listed and they work with the Conservative Action Project (CAP), a new group of conservative leaders chaired by Reagan-era attorney general and CNP member Edwin Meese III. CAP, whose influential memos ‘for the movement’ circulate on Capitol Hill, is an offshoot of the secretive Council for National Policy. Of course CNP member Dick Armey's FreedomWorks is listed. We discussed FreedomWorks and their connections at length in Part 1 of The Tea Parties. Then of course, there's Smart Girl Politics which has little information about their organization on the website, but we know that Jenny Beth Martin is their Director of Political Operations. There are of course, several excellent links on their website as well, but sadly many uneducated folks who love their country are led astray by the false friends of freedom. Fiddling While Rome Burns When the Tea Parties suggest anything, I always ask, "What will this do to save the Republic?" Actually I feel many of them are like hamsters just spinning away on their little wheels and going nowhere. Sadly many of the e-mails I received from around the country said they were not accomplishing much. Yet there were a few who really had a good grip on the problems and were working hard in their local county, city and state legislatures. As I mentioned in Part 2 of the Tea Parties, I'd requested a few minutes to discuss our governor's desire for an internet sales tax at my local Tea Party. Several more articles have appeared in our local paper regarding Governor Haslam's push for an internet sales tax. Internet retailers cannot be compelled to collect sales taxes if they have no physical presence in a state under a 1992 U.S. Supreme Court decision. Governor Haslam is pushing the other 49 state governors to join him in urging congress to pass a bill making internet sales tax collectable from every state even if the company does not have a presence in your state. Compounding this situation is the fact that our previous governor made a promise to Amazon that they would not tax Tennessee citizens if Amazon brought 3 shipping hubs to Tennessee with hundreds of jobs. It would make them actually have a presence in the state, but Amazon has stated they will not come here if the citizens of TN are taxed for sales from Amazon. Now our new progressive Republican governor wants to break that promise. Yet, lawmakers in Tennessee have pushed to tax her citizens on Amazon internet sales for this reason only. Our newly elected progressive Republican Governor obviously is not a fiscal conservative and simply wants more money in his coffers. The Amazon situation just muddies the waters regarding the reality of what our governor is up to. They call it the "internet" sales tax, but prior to internet, people got tons of catalogues in the mail and ordered from out-of-state companies via phone orders and never have had to pay sales taxes on purchases from other states that did not have a presence in the state where they lived. Advertisement TEA Party stands for Taxed Enough Already. Wouldn't one believe this would be an important item of discussion? What I had to do to get an opportunity to even speak for 10 minutes at a meeting had to be decided by the communications committee as well as the board although the Vice Chair told me it was no problem. Finally on August 16th, 2011, I was told I could speak. Before I had even thoroughly explained the situation, hands were raised. A member stated he felt we should get the taxes (not understanding this would be nationwide) because he was a small businessman and he thought it was unfair that Amazon had any advantage of 10% sales tax, which is close to what our state pays since we have no state income tax. Before I could answer, the president told me we'd run out of time and I hadn't been on the schedule. I remarked that I had gotten permission, but to no avail. I had spent exactly four and a half minutes trying to explain this devious new proposed tax on all American citizens. The president said, "Well, we probably need to research this." Excuse me? I didn't get a chance to tell the gentleman that raising taxes on the rest of the nation so everything was "an equal playing field" was not a conservative response to the problem, more like a plank of the Communist Manifesto. We need to get the taxes on small businesses in the counties, cities and states lowered, not raise taxes on all Tennessee citizens so everything would be "fair and equal." As well he didn't understand the major concern is nationwide taxation on every American citizen. Socialism, of course, loves a "leveled" playing field as I'm sure you've heard Obama spout many times. Fortunately a man sitting next to me spoke up for me and said it was patently rude and unfair not to let someone speak who thought they had at least 10 minutes and there was no usage whatsoever of Robert's Rules of Order. Next up was a young man in shorts, t-shirt and flip flops that is running for Knoxville City Mayor. He was given the floor for 37 minutes. After he was finished I was told I could continue my talk. I said a polite, "No thank you," and left. I have never been treated so rudely or humiliated in such a fashion by young people who couldn't even give me the promised 10 minutes or allow me to answer questions from the audience. UN Agenda 21 and the Tennessee Land Grab In our local paper on Friday, June 3, 2011, an article appeared entitled, "TN Senators Re-file Bid to Expand Forest." Tennessee's two very progressive Republican U.S. Senators, Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker are once again asking Congress to add nearly 20,000 acres of wilderness in East Tennessee to the Cherokee Nation Forest. In Part 2 of The Phony Rightwing, I discussed the communist planks of Newt Gingrich's Third Wave policies. The government appropriation of land is not only a Marxist tenet, but part of the UN Agenda 21 sustainability, being pushed by both the left and right at a rapidly accelerating rate. The United Nations in turn accredits thousands of so-called Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) for the purpose of implementing the United Nations’ Agenda 21. Nothing has even been mentioned regarding this despite the Agenda 21 speaker from the last meeting trying to explain what is happening in every county in the country. Electoral College In a Steering Committee meeting a few weeks ago for the officers of this particular Tea Party, the president mentioned that she wanted to attend the Glenn Beck Israel gathering. My first thought was, "What does this do to save the republic?" Apparently this led to her comment stating that fundamentalist Christians were just as hostile and terroristic as Islamic Jihadists. Sounded like Joe Biden to me...and this is the Tea Party leader. At the most recent Steering Committee meeting apparently she and two of the other five chairs were on the bandwagon for eliminating the Electoral College and instituting a popular vote. This was suggested some time ago by Hillary Clinton and then pushed in the Bob Basso YouTube videos where he plays Thomas Paine and spreads falsehoods and propaganda, which Devvy Kidd so eloquently pointed out in her article on same. It is obvious that both the right and left are together in this push to eliminate the Electoral College and a Soros funded "popular vote" group is behind it. If you'll recall in Part 2 of the Tea Parties, I mentioned that one of the other "chairs" of this Tea Party had visited a MoveOn.Org group. What these folks don't seem to understand is that with a popular vote, the states with the largest populations will always elect the President. The electoral college was put into the constitution by our founders to give the smaller states equal voting rights. Elimination of the Electoral College is a toxic formula for mob rule, which moves us again into being a democracy rather than a representative republic. Eight states have now voted to eliminate the Electoral College, despite it being part of our constitution in Article 2, Section 1, as well as Amendment 12. Later, these three decided they were "just kidding," after one of the other members educated them. At this same meeting, the treasurer brought up information regarding the push for the elimination of the electoral college and stated that eight states had already passed a popular vote. This can't be done without an amendment to the constitution, which could easily happen and could be dangerously close to opening a constitutional convention. His last statement was basically that there was nothing we could do. If that's so, what are the Tea Parties here for? The recent Cut, Cap, Balance vote was never discussed weeks prior to the vote nor were any suggestions made regarding contacting the legislators and demanding a "No" vote to raising the debt ceiling. Nothing has since been said about this unconstitutional Super Congress as well and there is nothing on the website. I have to ask, "What are they doing to save the Republic?" Conclusions The original ruckus the first Tea Party gatherings caused gave hope to those who understand what is happening to our beloved nation. Before the first Tea Party gathering was arranged, they had been infiltrated and many today are fully neutralized and accomplish nothing to "save the Republic." Most are already aligned to Republican candidates and policies, many of which are the same policies of the left although presented in neo-con language. Link, Link After 5 meetings over a period of several months at my local Tea Party, I have not seen one thing that has been done to try to save the Republic...not one! There are countless suggestions that could be done quickly and easily, like phone trees, and Action Alerts on their websites. Most of the true Tea Party groups have both their financial statements and their by-laws on their website for transparency. They also only link to other Tea Parties in their areas or states who are like minded, not the national ones. I would certainly urge Tea Parties to check thoroughly the groups they link and lead their uneducated participants to. The good news is that many in my local Tea Party are aware of the problems and are now trying to either eliminate the change agents or start a new Tea Party. Unfortunately, those who volunteer to lead are often the ones who have no place in leadership positions or are those who wish to lead the uneducated in the groups astray. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: We need knowledgeable leaders and chair members who can guide the uneducated in the groups to a full understanding of both parties having the same agenda. We want honesty, integrity, character and transparency. I'll close this long and laborious article with this quote from communist Joseph Stalin, "America is like a healthy body and its resistance is three fold, its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within." It's up to each of us to attack this onslaught. God does answer prayer and He is merciful. I beg each of you to pray for our nation and to work daily against this assault of communism, because that's exactly what we're fighting. May the Lord have mercy upon us. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
Dmitriy Sudakov, Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo
Ukrainian missiles in North Korea: Rejection as salvation
Ukrainian missiles in North Korea: Rejection as salvation An article in The New York Times, which said that the DPRK successfully makes new missile engines based on Ukrainian missile technologies, received a development. Representatives for the Kiev government strongly rejected the very possibility of it, but there were other, quite contradictory statements made on the subject. At first, Ukrainian officials claimed that Ukraine does not make such engines Afterwards, it was said that ripoffs of the engines could be made in another country to be supplied to North Korea via China. Predictably, Moscow was accused of staging the scandal. The head of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Alexander Turchynov said that it was an "anti-Ukrainian campaign" orchestrated by Russian special services, while the head of the Ukrainian Space Agency is confident that "the article in the NYT was inspired by Russia to harm Ukraine's image." Yesterday, CNN published a video, which, according to Ukrainian special services, shows the arrest of two "North Korean spies," who were allegedly captured red-handed in 2011 in a garage in the city of Dnepropetrovsk as they were trying to make copies of top secret documents. During a recent meeting with reporters, one of them denied the guilt, while the other one pleaded guilty partially. The video was published in response to accusations of Ukrainian missile technologies allegedly used in the DPRK. What exactly did the American television channel want to say by airing the video recording provided by the Ukrainian side? Does it mean that spies tried to infiltrate Ukrainian missile maker Yuzhmash, but Ukrainian counterintelligence agents were able to protect missile secrets? Soon after the publication of the NYT article, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko invited its authors to come to Ukraine to confirm that the accusations against Kiev were groundless. Later, Poroshenko ordered to set up a work group to verify the information published in the authoritative US newspaper. The Ukrainian president gave three days for the investigation. This time is up, but no official announcements made at all. Spokespeople for Yuzhmash factory denied the information as well. At the same time, general designer of the company, Alexander Degtyarev, said in an interview with Strana.Ua publication that copies of the engines could be made elsewhere. Former employee of Yuzhnoye Design Bureau told the same publication on conditions of anonymity that the DPRK could obtain missile technology from the Ukrainian design bureau. According to him, the North Koreans could find an "unofficial approach to the Ukrainian side." Apparently, the story is not about to end. The source of North Korea's surprise "missile power" is likely to be unveiled in the near future. Pravda.Ru Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru
Mike Rivage-Seul
Article: Sunday Homily: Pope Francis' New Song -- Seven Things You May Have Missed in 'The Joy of the Gospel'
- Advertisement - Readings for Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: IS 49: 3, 5-6; PS 40: 2, 4, 7-10; I COR 1: 1-3; JN 1: 29-34 What will Pope Francis do next? Since his election nine month ago, he seems to be in the news on a daily basis. - Advertisement - We all know, for instance, that he was Time Magazine's "Person of the Year." And just last week, the New York Times ran two substantial articles on him. "He has already transformed the tone of the papacy," one of those articles said, "confessing himself a sinner, declaring "Who am I to judge ' when asked about gays, and kneeling to wash the feet of inmates, including Muslims." The article went on to describe the reforms the pope is making in the Vatican. He has disempowered influential conservatives favored by his predecessor, Benedict XVI. The demoted include American Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, and Italian Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, along with Archbishop Guido Pozzo. Such reactionaries have been replaced with Francis' allies like Secretary of State Pietro Parolin whom the pope listed among those he will make a cardinal in February. Even more broadly, the Times described the pope's employment of six Jesuit "spies" to assess and report on various Vatican offices. That's making Roman apparatchiks very nervous. As a result, job insecurity has become the order of the day in Vatican City, where clerical careerists , the Times said, have responded like sulking teenagers plugging in their headphones, retiring to their rooms, and hoping the storm will pass them by. - Advertisement - Another Times - Advertisement - last week detailed Pope Francis' recent appointments to the College of Cardinals. The Parolin appointment notwithstanding, the nominations represent a departure from tradition in that the majority of the 19 new cardinals will come from Latin America, Africa, and Asia instead of Italy and Europe. The appointees promise to change the tone of the consistory the pope plans to convene at the end of next month where discussions will begin about decentralizing church decision-making processes and about pastoral responses to changes in family structure including questions of divorce and homosexuality. Couple last week's moves with last September's hugely successful mass demonstration in St. Peter's against the bombing of Syria, with his denunciation of free market capitalism, under-regulated financial speculation, and "murderous" world-wide income inequality, and you have a worthy successor to John XXIII, the soon-to-be-canonized Great Reformer who convened the Second Vatican Council (1962-'65). Put otherwise, in a very short time, Pope Francis has made his own the words of today's responsorial psalm, "The Lord has put a new song in my mouth." The song the pope is singing takes the emphasis off formal religion -- what the responsorial calls the "sacrifice and offerings." That's not what God wants, the psalmist says. Instead God's desire is "a people that hear and obey" -- specifically the law of justice that God has placed in the heart of all human beings whether they think of themselves as believers or not . So far, the pope's actions show that he agrees. In terms of today's gospel reading -- a continued reflection on last Sunday's account of Jesus' baptism -- it's as if we're witnessing the descent of the Holy Spirit upon a man determined to follow in the footsteps of Jesus of Nazareth. Like Jesus, Francis has made a "preferential option for the poor." He's signaled justice for the oppressed as the overriding theme of his papacy. He has completely rejected war as a solution to any of the world's problems. This pope is no hawk or friend of hawks -- or of the rich who advocate free market solutions to problems of poverty and its attendant hunger and disease. For him, terrorism is blowback for injustice. As most of us know, all of this is clearly explained in Francis' "Evangelii Gaudium" whose significance in terms of church reform cannot be overstated. But there are some important aspects of the pope's exhortation that may have escaped notice. Let me name just seven that have special connection with today's liturgical readings and their emphasis on peace, justice and the Spirit of God. (Parenthetical numbers refer to the relevant sections in the papal document.): - Advertisement -
Mike Rivage-Seul
Article: What You Don't Know About Cuba Tells You About YOUR Future
(Image by lift_cuba_embargo_by_latuff2.jpg) Permission Details DMCA - Advertisement - All of us are stoked. My wife, Peggy and I and 14 Berea College students are leaving for three weeks in Cuba beginning on Monday (May 5th). We'll return on the 25th. So I probably won't be writing here till then. Last Wednesday night, Thursday evening, as well as Friday morning and afternoon, Dr. Cliff Durand -- the co-founder of the Center for Global Justice in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico -- helped us all understand what we're getting into. Cliff has been leading delegations to Cuba for the last 25 years. He's an honorary member of the faculty at the University of Havana. Here are some of the salient ideas he shared: - Advertisement - 1. One cannot understand Cuba's revolution without understanding neo-colonialism. Neo-colonialism refers to the dynamics of control whereby "former" colonies continue to be governed by their colonial masters even after "independence." The control remains because the now-liberated colony continues its economic relationships with its "mother country." Of necessity, these relationships foster a dependency similar to that which characterized the original colonial relationship. 2. In other words, former colonies find it impossible to break free from domination by their colonial masters unless they also break free from the capitalist system which of necessity has local governors placing the interests of their international partners ahead of their own citizens. Put otherwise, there is an indissoluble link between revolution, independence, and capitalism's alternative, socialism. 3. Cuba is the first country in the world to engage in a revolution as a neo-colonial state. Although after 1902 it had freed itself from the domination of Spain, it did so only to become an economic appendage of the United States. Dependency and control by the United States was the form neo-colonialism took in Cuba. - Advertisement - 4. The Cuban Revolution of 1959, led by a trained lawyer (Fidel Castro) and a medical doctor (Che Guevara) opened the way to a new experiment in human dignity and social justice. The experiment's adoption of socialism promised to free Cuba from the dependency international capitalism uniformly imposed on former colonies. 5. Cuba has proven resilient in the face of a 50 year economic embargo imposed by its former neo-colonial "mother country"--the United States. The economic support of the former Soviet Union made it possible for Cubans to enjoy a "middle class" way of life that made Cuba the envy of the Third World. 6. Though characterized in the U.S. as "subsidies," the Soviet contributions to the Cuban economy were seen in Cuba as "fair trade." Economic relationships indexed the prices of Cuban raw materials (sugar, tobacco, nickel . . .) to those of the finished products (tractors, refrigerators, spare parts . . .). In fact, this represented an implementation of the New International Economic Order (NIEO) petitioned in 1973 by the entire former colonial world in reparation for the exploitation experienced under colonialism. (Nations of the Global South also demanded transfer of capital and technology -- also provided by the USSR to Cuba.) 7. Cuban Democracy: Cuba has a parliamentary system with no political parties, which are seen as divisive. The Communist party is not an electoral organization; it sponsors no candidates. Rather it is the depository of the ideals of the Cuban revolution. In the Cuban form of democracy, elections are held at the municipal, provincial and national levels. At the national level, "Mass Organizations" (five federations of (1) workers, (2) women, (3) small farmers, (4) students, and (5) Committees for the Defense of the Revolution) nominate candidates. (Mass organizations are like 5 political parties sharing commitment to cooperation rather than competition.) All the organizations enjoy equal representation in the Cuban parliament. Forty-seven percent of the delegates there are women. The National Assembly (parliament) elects a Council of State, which then elects a president and vice-president. According to frequent independent polls, well over 80% of the Cuban population supports this system. 8. The Cuban Revolution has passed through five identifiable stages: o 1960s Revolutionary Fervor: Here the revolutionary government implemented land reform, nationalization of industries and virtually the entire Cuban economy. The U.S. economic embargo (specifically intended to produce hunger, sickness, and social chaos) necessitated alliance with the Soviet Union. During this early period moral incentives worked to unite the people in a common social project. Che and Fidel enjoyed great trust on the part of Cubans. - Advertisement - o 1970s Adoption of Soviet-Style Central Planning: Here Cuba followed the example of the Soviet Union, the most prominent model of socialism available. More specifically, it adopted the agricultural methods of the Green Revolution with its heavy dependence on chemical pesticides and fertilizers. The entire agricultural system was organized into state farms. (This was later admitted to have been a major mistake). o 1985 Rectification: In the face of excessive bureaucracy and inefficiencies, the entire Cuban population participated in a national dialog to suggest remedies. The process was interrupted by the collapse of the Soviet Union. Overnight Cuba lost 80% of its trading partners. A decade-long period mirroring the experiences of the world's "Great Depression" (1929-'45) set in for Cuba. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3
Mike Rivage-Seul
Article: Muhammad as Liberationist Prophet (Pt. 2 of 4 on Islam as Liberation Theology)
(Image by Permission Details DMCA (This is the second in a series on Islam as liberation theology and Muhammad as a prophet for our time. The series is inspired by Karen Armstrong's "Muhammad: Prophet for Our Time" (London: Harper Perennial, 2006) To understand Islam as liberation theology, it is important to place Muhammad in his historical and economic context. That setting shares important elements with the world's current socio-economic circumstances shaped by an ethic of corporate globalization which ignores responsibilities for the world's most vulnerable. Contextualizing Muhammad also helps us understand why Muslims consistently describe the United States as "the Great Satan," or more accurately as the Great Shaytan. - Advertisement - Begin by trying to understand early seventh century Mecca. By the time the prophet had received his call, Mecca was already a prosperous focal point for Arabian culture. It had remained independent of control by both the Byzantine and Persian Empires which were then fighting for regional supremacy. However, both empires found the hostile desert terrain of the Arabian Peninsula too forbidding for them to concern themselves with the area's mostly Bedouin population. Moreover those constantly moving herds-people resisted domination in virtue of their fierce independence and absolute commitment to their tribes and ancestral ethos. Bedouin culture lionized the karim-- the tribal hero who was courageous, arrogant, violent and vengeful. The karim ideal was absolutely generous (not to say profligate) in dealing with his own people, but ruthless with others who were always considered inferior and expendable. Mired in chronic circumstances of scarcity, the karim economy required periodic wealth-redistribution in the form of "acquisition raids" on neighboring clans. Those attacks considered normal and necessary by the standards of the time, were careful to pillage but not kill -- if only to avoid reprisals and vendettas. - Advertisement - In the 7th century, all of this was changing with the emergence of a strong commercial class interested in maintaining inter-tribal peace for purposes of facilitating business interactions. Hence, the merchant class developed a culture and ethos markedly different from the Bedouins'. Peace and order became much more important to doing business than they had been to Bedouin tribes struggling over scarce pastures. So conflict, violence, vendetta and vengeance were outlawed. Acquisition raids were particularly taboo. This need for pragmatic peace was intensified by new technology related to commerce. The recent invention of a saddle for camels had dramatically increased the volume of goods capable of being transported. Consequently the quantity of foods, sandalwood, fabrics, spices and other products sold throughout the Arabian Peninsula increased dramatically. This impacted Muhammad's birthplace (Mecca) in especially powerful ways. Long since, Mecca had been important to Arab merchants. A "miraculous" water source (Zamzam) had been discovered there making it a natural stopping point for caravans circulating among a series of markets set up around the periphery of the Arabian Peninsula. A temple (Kabah) identifying the spring as a divine gift had been erected and included representations of all tribal deities from across Arabia. The final market of the year was held in Mecca and tribal merchants celebrated with inclusive "ecumenical" religious rites at the Kabah. There circumambulations of the Kabah helped the pilgrims integrate their mercantile journeys around the Arabian Peninsula into the divine scheme of things. With all of this, Mecca became the logical location for a new religion emphasizing an empire-resistant trans-tribal Arab unity focused on peace and non-violence. At the time of Muhammad's birth, there was great expectation of an Arabian prophet to crystalize such often-unspoken religious aspirations coherent with Mecca's commercial and religious standing. Before that would happen however, a downside to cultural dominance by the commercial class emerged. Slowly but surely tribal ties with their ancillary ethos were weakened. Ancestrally established obligations towards the widow, orphan, and infirm members of the community became less pressing and even rejected. Tribal arrogance reasserted itself in a new form of self-sufficiency that implicitly (and at times explicitly) denied the need for what we today would call "social justice." All of this strongly impacted the young Muhammad. True, he was born into one of Mecca's leading commercial families. However, it had recently fallen on hard times. Muhammad himself had been orphaned early on. He was handed over to a series of clan care-takers who lovingly trained him in the ways of business and commerce. Though able strong and charming, Muhammad struggled to find his place in Mecca's bustling marketplace. He would never forget those early struggles or his (non) status as an orphan. The poor would be centralized in his new religion. - Advertisement - At last, Muhammad improved his economic life by marrying a wealthy widow and businesswoman called Khadija. (In a culture that encouraged polygamy, she always remained his favorite wife.) It was Khadija who served as the prophet's main support, confidante and advisor as he experienced his surprising call to become the prophet his culture generally expected. Muhammad's vocation story is reminiscent of similar accounts of Jewish Testament prophets. In a cave, he's seized by God's Spirit experienced (in Rudolf Otto's terms) as fascinans et tremenda. The Spirit commands him to "recite." (Qur'an means "recitations"). Muhammad objects; he is unworthy. He is no orator or poet; he can't even read or write. Yet he is literally pressed into the service of Allah and begins reciting sutras of extraordinary beauty and depth of meaning -- even by exalted Arab standards of poetry. After an initial experience of this type, he is abandoned by the Spirit for a period of two years, only to have it return with even greater insistence and frequency. It would remain with him for 23 years, leading him to speak out on all manner of community problems. The thrust of the prophet's revelations was profoundly counter-cultural. It contradicted not only tribal arrogance, but also the ostentatious profligacy of the karim as well as the self-sufficiency of the commercial classes. Instead, Muhammad's faith called for humility, service of others, complete submission (the very meaning of the word "Islam"), and care for the poor and weak.
Michael Greger M.D. Faclm
Best Foods to Improve Sexual Function
Below is an approximation of this video’s audio content. To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video. What are some “[p]ill-free ways to improve your sex life”? “Exercise,…quit smoking,” don’t drink too much, don’t weigh too much, and “[e]at a healthy diet.” But, what does that mean? “[H]eart-healthy lifestyle changes” are sex-healthy lifestyle changes—as has been demonstrated in studies from around the world, including in women. “Sexual function in women is [also] significantly affected by [coronary artery disease],” atherosclerotic narrowing of blood flow through our arteries, including the arteries that supply our pelvis. So, high cholesterol may mean “lower arousal, orgasm, lubrication, and satisfaction,” and the same with high blood pressure. So, putting women on a more plant-based diet may help with sexual functioning. Researchers found that improvements in Female Sexual Function Index scores were related to “an increased…intake of fruit, vegetables, nuts and [beans],” and a shift from animal to plant sources of fat. And, the same with men: a significant improvement in international Index of Erectile Function scores. In fact, the largest study on diet and erectile dysfunction found that “each additional daily serving of fruit[s or] vegetable[s]” may reduce the risk by 10%. But, why? It may be due to the anti-inflammatory effects. Two years on a healthier diet resulted in “a significant reduction [in] systemic inflammation, as indicated by…reduced levels of C[-reactive protein].” Fiber itself may play an “anti-inflammatory role…” Those who eat the most fiber tend to have significantly lower levels of inflammation in their bodies. The opposite was found for saturated fat, associated with an “increased likelihood of elevated C[-reactive protein]” levels. This is how we’re used to seeing changes in inflammatory markers—over weeks, months, or years. But, people don’t realize that the level of inflammation in our bodies can change after a single meal. For example, there’s a pro-inflammatory signaling molecule in our bodies called interleukin-18, thought to play a role in destabilizing atherosclerotic plaques. As such, the level of “Interleukin-18 [in the blood] is a Strong Predictor of Cardiovascular Death…” What would happen if you fed people one of three different types of meals: sausage and egg-butter-olive oil sandwiches, or cheese-less pizza with a white flour crust, or the same cheese-less pizza, but with a whole wheat crust? Within hours of eating the sausage sandwich, interleukin-18 levels shot up about 20%—an effect not seen eating the plant-based pizza. And, those eating the whole food, plant-based pizza had about a 20% drop in IL-18 levels within hours—reinforcing dietary recommendations to eat a diet “high in fiber and [starches], and low in saturated fat, to prevent chronic diseases.” But, the billions are in pills, not plants, which is why “[t]he pharmacology of the…female orgasm” has been studied ever since 1972, when a researcher at Tulane University implanted tubes deep within the brain of a woman, so he could inject drugs directly into her brain, and was able to induce “repetitive orgasms.” A man who had electrodes placed into similar parts of his brain was given a device for a few hours that allowed him to press the button himself to stimulate the electrode. He pressed the button up to “1,500 times.” Please consider volunteering to help out on the site.
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Phony Rightwing, Michelle Bachmann
THE PHONY RIGHTWING PART 7 By Kelleigh Nelson September 12, 2011 Michelle Bachmann “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." -Marcus Cicero, 43 BC First let me thank all of my avid readers of this series, for copying, e-mailing and passing to all your friends these many articles on our GOP candidates as well as for all the radio interviews. I have received literally hundreds of e-mails and most of you are asking me, "When are you going to tell us about Bachmann and Ron Paul? I've tried to save the least worst for last, but it seems the more I delve into the backgrounds of these candidates, the more appalled and disgusted I become. So, with trepidation, here is Michelle Bachmann. The Early Years Michelle Amble Bachmann, first Republican female congresswoman from Minnesota and now GOP presidential candidate, was born in Waterloo, Iowa in April of 1956 to a family of Norwegian Lutheran Democrats. Seems to me that most of these GOP candidates were once Democrats themselves, as were Perry and Willard Romney, but they also seem to have grown up in Democrat households. After the family moved to Minnesota, her parents divorced. Her mother remarried when Michelle was a teen and the new family totaled 9 children. After graduation from high school, Michelle journeyed to Israel and spent a summer working on a Kibbutz Be’eri near Beer Sheva. In 1978, she graduated from university and in 1979 attended the first class of the O.W. Coburn School of Law, a part of the charismatic Oral Roberts University (ORU). In 1986 she received a Juris Doctor degree from Oral Roberts University. She was a member of the final graduating class of the law school at ORU, and was part of a group of faculty, staff, and students who moved the ORU law school library to what is now charismatic Pat Robertson's Regent University. She also received an LL.M. degree in tax law from the William & Mary School of Law. I really find Bachmann's love for Israel unusual for a Lutheran inasmuch as their doctrine is replacement theology, (i.e., the church has replaced Israel), and her love for the nation of Israel and her statements regarding same are more attuned to the Baptist doctrine. I see nothing wrong with her stance and am delighted she is a supporter of our only friend in the middle east. Only a few short months before declaring for President, Bachmann and her husband left the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (The denomination’s website states: "We identify the Antichrist as the Papacy. This is an historical judgment based on Scripture.") and joined Eagle Brook Church, which is Baptist in origin, but has spread out to a more informal worship service including all denominations. I am really shocked at this statement by her former church since I was raised in the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church and it is very close to Catholicism especially in liturgy. In 2009, the pastor hosted an event at Eagle Brook where hundreds of church leaders listened to a dialog with Rev. Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Church in the Chicago area on effective ways to organize and run a large church. Hybels is considered by orthodox Christianity to be into heretical doctrines. I'm not saying Michelle is into Hybels, nor that she attended, I'm just mentioning this as fact to give the flavor of the church they are now attending. While still a democrat, Michelle and her fiancé worked on the 1976 Carter campaign and voted for him, similar to Perry working on Gore's campaign and voting for him. That same year she became enamored with Francis Schaffer's works and pro-life as well as being discouraged with the liberal Carter agenda. In 1980 she campaigned and voted for Ronald Reagan. From 1988 to 1993, she was an attorney working for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). She spent the next four years making sure all of us paid our dues to the Internal Revenue Service, which makes her Tea Party-leader hypocrisy quotient about average. She left her position with the IRS to become a full-time mother after her fourth child was born. I wonder who took care of the first three children while she worked. Early Involvement in Education In 1993, she and other parents started the K-12 North Heights Charter School in Stillwater. Like other charter schools, the school took government funds and therefore had to maintain a separation of church and state, as well as state testing so Bachmann was reportedly careful to keep God out of the initial outlines of the school's curriculum. Nevertheless, she soon left the board of that school when parents complained she was introducing Christian teachings into the curriculum. Bachmann began speaking against a state-mandated set of educational standards, which propelled her into the world of politics. On this, she's right. "The significance of the charter school/school choice/voucher issue is NOT related strictly to educational choice. It is related to acceptance of a communist system of governance where decisions are made by appointed, not elected officials. Appointed officials cannot be removed from office by voters/taxpayers." For a thorough overview of the Charter School Trap see Charlotte Iserbyt's article and ask yourself why all these so-called conservative Republicans are backing Obama's push for charter schools. In 1999, she joined four other Republicans in Stillwater in an attempt to seize control of the local school board. The slate of five had been put together by a local Republican kingpin named Bill Pulkrabek, who was jailed this spring for domestic assault after he allegedly pulled his mistress down a set of stairs by her hair. Bachmann seems to understand the educational threat and what is being pushed in the government schools today a la Reagan's Soviet/US education treaty. However, she lost this election along with the other four Republicans, but apparently she still favors vouchers/choice and charter schools, not understanding (or perhaps she does) that what the federal government funds, the federal government controls. Here is a quote from an article by education researcher Jed Brown, "Finally, the entire plan to establish this quasi-privatized education system has a brilliantly conceived marketing plan. Those pushing the New World Order agenda have implored the conservative citizens to swallow school-choice plans in the name of the founding fathers, who would roll over in their graves. The words of John Chubb and Terry Moe, of The Brookings Institute and Stanford University respectively, would have gotten them an invite to a tar and feather party -- “Our guiding principle in the design of a choice system is this: public authority must be put to use in creating a system that is almost entirely beyond the reach of public authority.” (Politics, Markets and America's Schools, 1990) Michelle and Early Politics In 2000, Michelle was elected state senator to Minnesota defeating an 18 year incumbent for the Republican nomination, and then defeating the Democrat Farm Labor Party and the Minnesota Independence Party to win her seat. She held that seat for 6 years with the conservative platform issues of opposition to abortion and gay marriage.In November of 2006, she was elected to Minnesota's 6th congressional district and has held that seat for 3 consecutive two year terms. Michelle, like many other politicians, has never held a job in the private sector. She has always worked for government. She has openly stated that God told her to run for congress and now for president of the United States. "Politicians and operatives claiming that God spoke to them is as old as the hills," says Frederick Clarkson, author of "Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy." "Whether said in earnest or as a matter of crass pandering, when people say such things, they should be viewed with extreme skepticism. Not so much to question whether or not God spoke to them, but because they were so unwise as to say so." Perry fits nicely into this category as well. She and her husband have five children and have provided foster care for 23 other children, all teenage girls. This seems to be her biggest claim to fame, and the one she constantly mentions. Why? Because as a politician she knows that people vote based on emotion and not necessarily on fact. The Bachmann home was legally defined as a treatment home, with a daily reimbursement rate per child from the state. Some girls stayed a few months, others more than a year. Farm Subsidies A family farm in Wisconsin, in which Michelle is a partner collected more than $$260,000 in federal farm subsidies (mostly for dairy and corn) between 1995 and 2006 — that was her father-in-law's. And if you ask her about farm subsidies, she walks away or changes the subject. Bachmann stated that the subsidies went to her in-laws and she never received "one penny" from the farm. However in financial disclosure forms she reported receiving between $$32,503 and $$105,000 in income from the farm, at minimum between the above years. Her public stance is against federal farm payments. In the 2008 farm bill, (a $$307 billion package that would govern federal agriculture policy for five years) she declared that it was loaded with pork and subsidies for ethanol growers. However, just a year later she wrote to Ag Secretary Tom Vilsac, praising the feds for helping to prop up the prices of pig products and dairy by directly buying the commodities, a move that of course benefited her constituents. In a letter she wrote on October 5, 2009, she even encouraged the government to "take any additional steps to prevent further deterioration of these critical industries, such as making additional commodity purchases." Commodity purchase programs are not technically a subsidy, but are a deliberate effort of the feds to prop up these industries. Bachmann has insisted naturally, that she and her family have not benefited at taxpayer expense. She actually had requests in 2009 to the government that echoed the arguments Republicans lampooned Obama for using. A bridge project could create nearly 3,000 jobs a year, Bachmann wrote, while a highway project would "promote economic prosperity." In an interview with National Journal, she softened her stance and insisted that “our federal budget needs a complete overhaul, and agricultural subsidies are no exception,” Bachmann would not commit to doing away with them without seeing details of any future legislation. “If all farm subsidies were ended, that would be a complete change of policy over the last 80 to 90 years of American history, and that would be a very interesting vote,” she said. “So, of course, I would have to look at that before I could tell you how I was going to cast my vote.” Of course all congress critters want to bring back federal monies to their districts. Nothing new here. Marcus Bachmann's Clinic Bachmann and Associates, Inc. is a Christian mental health clinic founded and run by Michelle Bachmann's husband. It has been receiving money from the state of Minnesota's coffers from its inception in 2003. Since 2007 the clinic has taken in nearly $$30,000. Bachmann's rhetoric always opposes government handouts and socialized medicine, but it appears her husband is benefiting from these programs. In Minnesota, they have their own version of socialized medicine, just as we do in Tennessee. It is called Medical Assistance and Bachmann's family business actively sought to gain access to these taxpayer funds. The business applied for a Rule 29 license in the fall of 2003. Minnesota's Rule 29 certification describes the program as one that "establishes standards for community mental health centers and clinics and is required for certain categories of Medical Assistance payments. It is a voluntary program, not every clinic subscribes to it. Bachmann and Associates also applied for and was accepted into the Rule 31 program, which also covered payments for chemical dependency treatments. According to the state's Transparency and Accountability Project (TAP), the Bachmann's earned $$27,564 in state payments since 2007. The clinic likely received more since TAP's payout data only records payments since 2007. So yes, her husband is benefiting from taxpayer funded government programs that Michelle refers to as "socialism," while at the same time she's demanding that taxes be cut, which I would definitely agree with! Okay, so it's not much money, but it's the principle of sounds as though Michelle is speaking out of both sides of her mouth. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: The MSM has been vociferous on their vituperative and vitriolic attacks of Marcus Bachmann's Christian Clinic and the counseling for homosexuals that want to leave that lifestyle. As far as I'm concerned the MSM needs to practice what they preach. How about learning some tolerance for Christians and homosexuals that truly want help in gaining a normal Biblical life? Of course not! Anything Christian that helps those in sin is obviously diabolical to them. Sin used to slink around in the back alleys, but now it parades with pride down Main Street. As for psychology, one would think that a Christian would run from psych 101 with all the Freud and Jung propaganda, nevertheless, I applaud Marcus Bachmann's clinic for offering hope to those who want to change. For part two on Michelle Bachmann click below. Click here for part -----> 2, Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Phony Rightwing, Michelle Bachmann
THE PHONY RIGHTWING PART 7 By Kelleigh Nelson September 12, 2011 Michelle on Homosexual Marriage Michelle has always led the fight in her home state against homosexual marriage and states that marriage is between one man and one woman. Most conservatives are in agreement with her. However, in April of 2005, she held a town hall event as she was running for congress. Apparently some folks from a gay community attended the meeting. Allegedly when the question and answer session turned to gay marriage, Bachmann ended the meeting early and rushed to the bathroom. One of the lesbian women and a nun followed her into the ladies' room hoping to have a chance to speak with her. When they approached her to speak, Bachmann apparently started screaming "Help, Help, I'm being held against my will." If this is true, according to the article in the Daily Beast, why didn't she stay and talk with them and point out Biblical references to her stance in both Leviticus and Romans? Why the rush to get away from her constituents? Is it because Helen LeFave, one of Michelle's step sister's, is a lesbian? The Tea Party Caucus Michelle Bachmann founded the Tea Party Caucus in July, 2010 in order to give voice to Americans who were sick and tired of the government's fiscal irresponsibility. However, according to an article in National Journal, 52 members of the Caucus who have pledged to cut spending and reduce the size of government actually requested a total of 764 earmarks valued at $$1,049,783,150 during Fiscal Year 2010. Michelle Bachmann and 13 of her Caucus colleagues did not request any earmarks, but others, all Republicans, made themselves pigs at the trough. Just a bit disingenuous isn't it? Bachmann's Proposed Federal Budget Cuts Guess where Representative Bachmann wants to cut funding from the Federal Budget? In late January of 2011, she proposed the elimination of $$400 billion from the federal budget, which included billions in cuts to veterans' health care and disability benefits. According to the Raw Story article, her plan would freeze health care funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and slash $$4.5 billion in disability benefits to military veterans. I can think of hundreds of areas to slash the budget, but this is certainly not one of them. Bring our soldiers home from these insane wars and put them on our borders...that's how you protect America. Michelle wants to take the few benefits they have from them when we've got our military spread so thin in all these unconscionable wars. I find this deplorable. Bachmann on Immigration Michelle only gets a B- on immigration from Numbers (that's not to say I trust Numbers, but let's take a look). She's strongest on opposing legalizing amnesty, securing the borders, supporting local law enforcement and ending birthright citizenship. She's totally unhelpful on reducing overall immigration, ending the Visa Lottery, limiting unfair worker competition, and implementing entry/exit laws. Unfortunately, and this is the real crux of the matter, she is 100% for E-Verify. Goals 2000 is in place, School to Work is in place, Secondary, Elementary Education Act is in place, and ALL THAT IS LEFT IS THE GLOBAL WORKFORCE! How would you like to go through the government data base for employment? [Link] This is what E-Verify does, for everyone! Read Marc Tucker's letter to Hillary. All that is left to finish their agenda is the workforce and they will hide that in "inconspicuous legislation." What a more perfect place than illegal legislation. To top it off, most of the anti-illegal organizations were founded by John Tanton. Here is a list of his network, and please notice population control and eugenics. John Tanton M.D. is "publisher of The Social Contract and served as editor for its first 8 years. He is a retired eye surgeon whose boyhood on a farm made him into an ardent conservationist and advocate for the environment. His conviction that continued human population growth was a large part of the conservation problem led him to chair the National Sierra Club Population Committee (1971-74), and to the national board of Zero Population Growth (1973-78, including a term as president, 1975-77). In 1979, Tanton shifted his focus towards fighting immigration to reduce the U.S. population, and organized the anti-immigrant Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) based in Washington, D.C. Since then, Tanton has formed, funded, or otherwise been affiliated with many prominent anti-immigration organizations, in what has been termed the John Tanton Network. He is also closely affiliated with a number of white supremacist organizations such as the Pioneer Fund. Tanton's close relationships with white nationalists and eugenics is documented at the Center for New Community. Stimulus Monies According to a Huffington Post article, Bachmann actually petitioned the government for financial aid via stimulus funds. She even made requests of the EPA, one of the agencies she says she'd eliminate as President. She also took out a home loan in 2008 with her husband which offered federally subsided lower costs to the borrower. She and her husband signed for a 5200 square foot golf course home borrowing $$417,000. Experts believe her loan was backed by Fannie and Freddie, and only a few weeks later she called for the dismantling of these government subsidies. Financial Backing According to Ron Olsen of, he went to to find out who Bachmann's biggest contributors were, none other than the Club for Growth. Here's what Ron Olsen says about them in his article, “Chaired by prominent Wall Street investors like Thomas Rhodes and Richard Gilder, as well as the wealthy and reclusive Howie Rich, the Club collects funds from employees of J.P. Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs, while being buoyed by large donations like a $$1.4 million contribution from investor Stephen Jacksons of Stephens Groups Inc. The hand-picked candidates of the Club claim to lead the tea party movement, even though polls show that 70% of self identified tea partiers want the government to help create jobs, and nearly half want government to rein in executive bonuses.” Since 1989, the Club for Growth has been Congresswoman Bachman’s biggest contributor, donating $$92,630 to her campaigns. TCF Financial, is her third largest contributor, at $$40,900. Somewhat farther down the ladder is the American Bankers Association, which kicked in another $$24,000." The Balanced Budget Amendment The BBA is a hoax and a huge trap. Again, the politicians are selling this to the people because it has such a great sounding name...of course we want a balanced budget! The problem with this Amendment (which quite obviously all 47 Republican Senators and most of the Republican Representatives don't understand because they never read the constitution) is that the constitution LIMITS what the federal government is allowed to spend money on with our taxpayer dollars. It is so limited that the funding of outrageous items today would fill an encyclopedia. Our constitution does not authorize foreign aid, or museums about rock stars, or studying of the blue lizard, or Chinese prostitutes, and on and on. We have a majority of Republicans in congress why in heaven's name aren't they balancing the budget now without an amendment? This BBA that all these folks absolutely love and want passed and talk so openly about to the dumbed down electorate would actually LEGALIZE CONSTITUTIONALLY ILLEGAL SPENDING, and give them a free hand to spend whatever they want to on any frivolous item that floats by their desks. The constitution limits CONGRESS alone to the spending of money! "The BBA will usher in a totalitarian dictatorship. Pursuant to the unconstitutional Budget Act of 1921, the President has been preparing the budget. Since the Budget Act is unconstitutional, the President’s preparation of the budget has been likewise unconstitutional. Section 3 of the BBA would legalize what is now unconstitutional and unlawful. But Section 3 of the BBA does more than merely legalize the unlawful. It actually transfers the constitutional power to make the appropriations and to determine taxes to the President. Congress will become a rubber stamp." Please read Publius Huldah's important and thorough article on this diabolical change to our constitution planned by the rightwing who have long been in bed with the left. Senators Jim DeMint and Mike Lee (neo-cons) are determined to jam this down our throats along with Congressional creatures like Michelle Bachmann. Don't tell me they don't understand fully what they're doing because nearly every one of these people are lawyers and they've certainly studied the law. In the July 7, 2011, WSJ, Jim DeMint joined with that bastion of conservative politics, Olympia Snowe of Maine to push the BBA stating it is THE ONLY REFORM THAT WILL RESTRAIN SPENDING. Liars and thieves! Using the "kiss" method to explain, an amendment to the constitution is first proposed by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a Constitutional Convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. None of the 27 amendments to the Constitution have been proposed by Constitutional Convention. Then it is sent to the states for their votes. If 38 of the states ratify the amendment, it will be added to the Constitution. [Link] Another huge danger with this proposed BBA is a Constitutional Convention which is also part of Article V and has never been used. Those of us who have written about the con-con call have grave concerns that this BBA could easily turn into an Article V convention. Should the BBA fail to get 38 or three-fourths of the states to ratify, the Republicans (who seem to be pushing this for both parties) could easily tell the electorate they can't get the Democrats to go along with balancing the budget, so we need to get these same states to put out a call for a Constitutional Convention where we can open the constitution for one reason only and that's to balance the budget. They only need two-thirds or 34 states to put out a call for a Constitutional Convention to open one. I wrote about this in detail in my article, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing?, and Tom DeWeese of American Policy Center has written about it extensively as has the John Birch Society, and Bernadine Smith of the Second Amendment Committee, as well as many others. Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Warren Burger (no friend of conservatives) vigorously opposed convening a Constitutional Convention. He wrote in 1988, “I have also repeatedly given my opinion that there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention. The Convention could make its own rules and set its own agenda. Congress might try to limit the Convention to one amendment or to one issue, but there is no way to assure that the Convention would obey. After a Convention is convened, it will be too late to stop the Convention if we don’t like the agenda. The meeting in 1787 ignored the limit placed by the Confederation Congress ‘for the sole and express purpose.' “ And lastly, here is a copy of the NEW STATES CONSTITUTION waiting in the wings for just this opportunity. It was written over a period of 10 years at a cost of $$25 million by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations. It eliminates all unalienable God given rights. Voting Record You can check Michelle Bachmann's entire voting record here, and most conservatives would agree with many of her votes. Her most recent voting record can be found here. On February 10, Bachmann voted to bring Patriot Act reauthorization back to the House floor, despite the fact that it had just been voted down. On the evening of Valentine’s Day, Michelle Bachmann rejected a motion to follow House Rules and send the Patriot Act to the appropriate committees so members could propose sensible reforms. A few minutes after that, Bachmann voted YES to support final passage of the Patriot Act’s renewal in the House. All of these votes operated under conditions that permitted no amendments, no compromise, no reform, and mere minutes of debate. Here is a video of her telling why she voted for reauthorization. She voted yes on $$192 Billion additional anti-recession stimulus spending which certainly doesn't match with her rhetoric. To my knowledge, Michelle Bachmann has never offered a bill to stop all foreign aid, to get us out of these endless wars and bring the soldiers home and put them on our borders, to eliminate the endless numbers of unconstitutional tax payer funded federal agencies like NEA, EPA, National Endowment for the Arts, Department of Energy, etc, etc., ad nauseum. The list is endless, but her offered legislation is miniscule. Of course Michelle is pro-life, and she has stated that she would eliminate Obama care, which I am all for doing. She also kept her promise and voted against the cut, cap and balance debt ceiling bill, but really, what are her major accomplishments? Buying Votes Bachmann was giving out 6,000 free tickets to supporters in order to allow them to vote for her without paying the $$30 fee. She also paid to have Grammy Award winning country singer Randy Travis perform in a special air-conditioned tent. She beat out Ron Paul by only 152 votes in Ohio. Very questionable indeed. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Conclusion Obviously Michelle is not a hardcore socialist like Willard Romney, Newt Gingrich, or Rick Perry, but she's still not what I consider good presidential material. Of course we haven't seen great material for president in so long, that I've come to believe true statesmen and women no longer exist. The problem that concerns me the most with Michelle is her avid push for a BBA. It is one of the most dangerous efforts out there and today even the Tea Parties are being fooled into believing a Constitutional Convention would be a great thing. How wrong they are! Once again folks, we'd best be on our knees in prayer asking God for guidance, forgiveness and above all mercy. We cannot expect his blessing when we've allowed 56 million babies to be murdered in their mother's wombs. This is not the America I grew up loving. For part one on Michelle Bachmann click below. Click here for part -----> 1, Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo
European Commission President Juncker knocks Poroshenko down a peg
European Commission President Juncker knocks Poroshenko down a peg European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker stated that Ukraine was not a European country in terms of its membership in the European Union. AP photo "My friend Poroshenko said a few days ago that Ukraine is both the European Union and NATO. At the moment, however, Ukraine is neither," Juncker said speaking at the ambassadorial conference before the heads of foreign missions of the EU in Brussels. "We need everyone to know this," Juncker added. Earlier, the EU defined its priorities in foreign policy for 2018. They include defence policy, fight against terrorism, migration, stabilisation of the situation in the Balkans and strengthening of the system of international relations. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini spoke about the above-mentioned priorities at the opening of the meeting of the heads of diplomatic missions of the European Union. She mentioned Ukraine only once. "The support of multinational and multilateral structures remains an important priority for us. The system based on those structures is now under attack from various sides that I will not name, leaving this to your imagination. This system is extremely important for the implementation of the Paris climate agreement and the settlement of all crises - from the DPRK to Ukraine," she said. Pravda.Ru Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo
Ukraine to declare Russia aggressor state on legislative level
Ukraine to declare Russia aggressor state on legislative level Ukraine will call Russia an "aggressor state" on the legislative level, in a law about the reintegration of the Donbass, spokesperson for Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in the parliament, Irina Lutsenko said. Source: Pravda.Ru photo archive "The definition of Russia as an aggressor state will be introduced for the first time on the legislative level," she said. Ukraine will thus have the right to defend itself against the Russian Federation. As Lutsenko said, "this is not war, but self-defense." The bill is to be adopted in autumn. It is worth noting that there is no Russian regular army in the Donbass, and even Ukrainians recognise that. According to Georgy Tuk, Deputy Minister for Affairs of Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine, "we can not legally prove the presence of the regular Russian army in the Donbass." The official also said that it is impossible to talk about "the occupation of Russia by Donbass" from the legal point of view, because there are "no Russian authorities" in the region. Pravda.Ru Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Constitutional Convention Con, Part 1
THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION CON PART 1 By Kelleigh Nelson September 22, 2011 "I have also repeatedly given my opinion that there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitution Convention. The Convention could make its own rules and set its own agenda. Congressmen might try to limit the Convention to one amendment or to one issue, but there is no way to assure that the Convention would obey it." -Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Warren E. Burger "Having witnessed the difficulties and dangers experienced by the first Convention, I would tremble for the result of the second." -James Madison, Father of the Constitution and fourth President of the United States Tea Party Patriots and the Constitutional-Convention Only two days after submitting my article on the Tea Parties, Part 3 and 4, I received a shocking e-mail. I immediately called Paul Walter at News With Views and asked him what I should do. He said, "Write another article just on this subject." The reason I called was because the article on the Tea Parties included an expose of Tea Party Patriots and the e-mail I received was entitled, "Tea Party Group to Convene Conference Harvard." Yes, Tea Party Patriots (TPP) are going to Harvard on September 24th and 25th to discuss with legal experts the different ways to amend the Constitution and how feasible it would be to hold a Constitutional Convention (Con-Con). According to several articles on this Conference, The Tea Party Patriots and Harvard Law School are co-sponsoring and co-hosting this event. In the Tea Party Insider, it states this is being held to address potentially changing the Constitution. There are an expected 400 attendees who will be there seeking reform on various issues and this will provide the forum for whether a Constitutional Convention should be organized. David Segal, a former Democratic State representative from Rhode Island said that a Constitutional Convention could be just what the country needs! Segal claims that the purpose of a federal Con-Con is to give states powers to propose amendments similar to the power imparted on Congress, but the states already have that power. The states have had that power all along, it is just that they have not made use of it for so long it has atrophied. So to say they need a Con-Con for this has to be a Trojan horse for a far more nefarious plan. In an article in The Daily, co-founder and national coordinator of TPP Mark Meckler states, “The founders included the amendment process for the states to resist federal overreach and a convention would give states the chance to exert their authority and overturn unconstitutional laws,” He said the group isn’t yet supporting the idea of a convention, but is interested in exploring it. When TPP co-founder, Jenny Beth Martin was asked about this Con-Con Conference in an e-mail from a TPP member who had been questioned regarding same, she commented by return e-mail, "She probably does not understand that Mark is attending the ConConCon not in support or against a Constitutional Convention, but rather as information and debate on it. We are not taking a stand on a Constitutional Convention one way or other." Mark Meckler answered another question in an e-mail, "Tea Party Patriots is co-sponsoring this event. We will be present along with many others from the conservative movement to protect and defend the Constitution and the vision of the Founders." Meckler also stated in e-mail correspondence with a questioning member that the approval for attending came from State and Local Coordinators on their Monday night National calls. He said, "To make sure we are clear, TPP is not expressing an organizational opinion on the advisability of an Article V Convention (with the exception of my personal opinion that this is not the time for such a convention). We are going to Harvard to fight for the Constitution and the Framers' intent." Sounds good, right? But then he muddies the water.... In the next to last paragraph Meckler says, "I understand your fear of people messing with the Constitution. It is not irrational, and not wrong to feel protective of the document. But we must also remember what many of the founders and especially Thomas Jefferson said to us, "Some men look at constitutions with sanctimonious reverence and deem them like the ark of the covenant, too sacred to be touched. They ascribe to the men of a preceding age a wisdom more than human and suppose what they did to be beyond amendment..." Again, he did not think it good to change them frequently or for small reason. But he would have been vehemently opposed to the idea that amendments should not be considered nor discussed openly ." Thomas Jefferson did not attend the 1787 Convention, he was the Ambassador to France at the time. He wished the Constitution had contained term limits for all politicians so they would not make it a lifelong position. Advertisement When I read these words in this forwarded e-mail I was shocked that these two leaders and their members do not understand the dangers of a Constitutional Convention, nor do they understand we do not need a Con-Con for amendments to the Constitution. In my opinion, they are either part of the "controlled" opposition or they are so ignorant of the dangers, they should never be in leadership roles. The John Birch Society will be in attendance to present the dangers of a Constitutional Convention and what could happen to us. The JBS understands there are newly written constitutions waiting in the wings for just this opportunity. Here is a look at one of them written over a period of 10 years at a cost of $$25 million by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations. It is called, The New States Constitution. It is written in an "obverse" style which means "forming a counterpart." As an example, Article I, Section 11 states, "Education shall be provided at public expense for those who meet appropriate test of eligibility." The "obverse" of this statement is just as important as the statement itself and means, "All education shall be at public expense." In other words, all education will be government controlled and funded by taxpayer dollars, there will be no private schools that are not controlled by the federal government. Section V of Article I states, "There shall be no discrimination because of race, creed, color, origin or sex." This opens the door to pedophilia and bestiality. Section X of Article I states, "Those who cannot contribute to the productivity shall be entitled to a share of the national product. But distribution shall be fair, and the total may not exceed the amount for this purpose held in the National Sharing Fund." Talk about a communist government! Of course we've allowed our country to get to a stage similar to this and we simply must force these Congressional criminals to obey the Constitution we have. Origins of the Con-Con Back in the early 80s, the same excuse was used then as is being used now to push for a Constitutional Convention -- a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA). We fought then with prayer and hard work. Unfortunately, this BBA and Con-Con rhetoric once again sounds good and seems plausible to so many of the uneducated electorate who only want to save their country from the out-of-control abusive politicians, but who are ignorant of the ramifications of such an action. Along with this danger, we must remember too, that a "false friend" is more dangerous than an open enemy. In many of my articles I've exposed how the Republicans and the phony rightwing have been in bed with the left for decades. So, when I name names that are alleged conservatives, do not think for one minute they are ill informed or do not know what they're doing. Over the years, the pro-Con-Con lobbyists and politicians have attempted to dismiss the concerns about what they call a runaway Convention. But the above words of James Madison and Warren Burger, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who was an expert Constitutional scholar, and scores of others equally qualified make it plain that opening a Con-Con is very dangerous business. When the gavel fell on the first and only Constitutional Convention which took place in 1787, the delegates proceeded to disregard Congress' preset agenda, a limited agenda that was given to them calling for modification only of the Articles of Confederation which were in force at that time. They threw out the Articles of Confederation, i.e. they threw out the existing government at that time, and they wrote a whole new Constitution. About 50 of the 55 delegates at that Constitutional Convention were practicing Christians, so the Constitution they wrote was rooted squarely in the Word of God and the Ten Commandments. It maximized individual liberty while at the same time limiting government power. [1] Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: To ensure the new Constitution was adopted, the delegates simply ignored the existing ratification rules and wrote new ones which they used to get their new Constitution ratified. It was a gift of God for sure, but there are absolutely no Constitutional guarantees that the legal precedent of the first Convention will not be repeated by the second one with the result being a new Constitution, but you can rest assured that this one will not be from Godly Christian men. Back in the early 80s, many of the states that called for a one-item Convention like the BBA and wrote limiting language into their calls (thinking they could indeed control the agenda they stated they would secede from the Convention if it overstepped the bounds), but the precedent of the first Convention is the basis for American jurisprudence. [2] A Con-Con is not just the amendment that is at issue. The entire document is taken down from its pedestal and is put on the table and people go to work on it, tearing it apart. We no longer have statesmen like our founders. Can you imagine the delegates from each state and those who would work on our law-of-the-land document today? For part two click below. Click here for part -----> 2, Footnotes: 1. Constitution in Crisis, Kenneth C. Hill and Joan Collins. 2. Ibid, page 12 3. Ibid, page 13 4. Ibid, page 30 5. Ibid, page 13 6. Ibid, page 17 © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- The Constitutional Convention Con, Part 2
THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION CON PART 2 By Kelleigh Nelson September 22, 2011 Who is Behind the Con-Con Push The Constitution has been a target from its very inception. In the mid 1800s, the American Fabian Society wrote in its journal that the Constitution was too highly individualist to allow for the gradual implementation of socialism. In the 1950s, the World Constitution and Parliamentary Association was calling for a world constitutional convention. They've been at it ever since and one of the Constitutions slated for inclusion in the Convention is theirs and it would help introduce a world constitution. Henry Hazlitt, formerly the economic advisor to pro Constitutional Convention James Dale Davidson's National Taxpayer's Union, was a renowned conservative and he wrote a book which he republished in 1974 called, "A New Constitution Now." This book is extremely dangerous inasmuch as he states things like, "an amendment could be proposed that would strike out everything after "We the people," and that of course includes the Bill of Rights. He was of course suggesting that everything after "We the people" on down be scrapped and rewritten, which is amazing as this document has provided more human dignity and freedom for more people than any other in recorded history. [3] The one purpose of the Con-Con is to eliminate the allegiance of this nation to God, family and country. To do that, the elimination of inalienable, permanent rights from God must happen. James Dale Davidson has been at the forefront in pushing for a Con-Con for decades and used to give $$100,000 per year towards that cause. He was also one of the initial board members on Newsmax along with CFR members Alexander Haig and Arnaud de Borchgrave. Newsmax is Christopher Ruddy's organization and was funded by Richard Mellon Scaife who funds both sides of the aisle much like the Koch brothers and Soros. Scaife is pro-abortion and strongly believes in taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. In 1980, the committee on the constitutional System (the CCS) came together in D.C. It was comprised of globalists, internationalists and career politicians. The CCS was founded by members of the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission (TC) and funded by Ford, Rockefeller, American Express and Hewlett Foundations Their directors were nearly all CFR and TC members. Those involved included former Attorney General Thornburgh, former Secretary of the Treasury Brady, sitting Senators like Kassebaum, Moynihan and Hollings, and the wealthy and influential Robert McNamara, William Fulbright and Douglas Dillon, among others. Career elitist politicians from both the Republican and Democrat camps have been strong proponents of a Con-Con, including 3rd party advocates like Ross Perot (CFR), President Clinton (CFR), President G.H.W. Bush. Today of course the majority of both parties would love a Con-Con. The State Legislative Lobbyists are some of the worst however and this includes the rightwing American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) who has been pushing a Con-Con for decades. Part 4 of The Phony Right Wing speaks to the efforts of ALEC and their corporate members wishing to rewrite the Constitution. All of the One-Worlders want and need a Constitutional Convention despite taking an oath to uphold the original document. The majority are CFR members, globalists, New World Order planners, Trilateralists, Order of Skull and Bones, Transnationalists, Bilderbergers, Geopoliticians, Club of Rome and Bohemian Club Members. [4] Other partners are the likes of Judge Anthony Napolitano who started pushing a Con-Con on the Glenn Beck show May 1, 2009, after the very first Tea Party on April 15th, 2009. The attack on our Constitution has never come from some fringe element, but from powerful and ostensibly upstanding people on both the right and the left. Nearly always those in the "white hats" or "our guys" are the ones pushing a Con-Con to the conservatives and making it sound oh-so-wonderful to the electorate who haven't a clue of the protections from government which the Constitution gives them. [5] What is Required to Add an Amendment An amendment to the constitution is first proposed by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a Constitutional Convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. None of the 27 amendments to the Constitution have been proposed by Constitutional Convention. This is the way we've ratified amendments since the Bill of Rights. It is then sent to the states for their votes. If 38 of the states ratify the amendment, it will be added to the Constitution. Advertisement A proposed amendment becomes part of the Constitution as soon as it is ratified by three-fourths of the States (38 of 50 states). When the Office of the Federal Register (OFR) verifies that it has received the required number of authenticated ratification documents, it drafts a formal proclamation for the Archivist to certify that the amendment is valid and has become part of the Constitution. This certification is published in the Federal Register and U.S. Statutes at Large and serves as official notice to the Congress and to the Nation that the amendment process has been completed. [Link] The other way is to have two-thirds of the states, that is thirty-four states of our fifty states petitioning Congress for a Constitutional Convention. With an amendment, the only thing that is examined, dissected, reviewed, and surgically changed is the amendment itself. But a Constitutional Convention is not just the amendment that is at issue. The whole document is taken down from its pedestal and is put on the table and the people go to work on it. This is fertile ground for someone to step in and say, "Here is a new modern Constitution which has been developed by the great brains of the world today." These are not statesmen with the God given rights of the people in their hearts and minds, but globalists and internationalists seeking to control every single breath we take and dying when they deem it necessary. [6] Today's Balanced Budget Amendment Ruse Today's Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) is a hoax and a huge trap. Again, the politicians are selling this to the people because it has such a great sounding name, just like it did a couple decades ago when we fought the push for a Con-Con then. The problem with this Amendment (which quite obviously all 47 Republican Senators and most of the Republican Representatives don't understand because they never read the Constitution) is that the Constitution LIMITS what the federal government is allowed to spend with taxpayer dollars. It is so limited that the funding of outrageous items today would fill an encyclopedia. Our Constitution does not authorize foreign aid, or museums about rock stars, or studying of the blue lizard, or Chinese prostitutes, or unconstitutional wars, etc. ad nauseum. We have a majority of Republicans in congress why in heaven's name aren't they balancing the budget now without an amendment? This BBA that all these folks absolutely love and want passed and talk so openly about to the dumbed down electorate would actually LEGALIZE CONSTITUTIONALLY ILLEGAL SPENDING, and give them a free hand to spend whatever they want to on any frivolous item that floats past their desks. The Constitution limits CONGRESS alone to the spending of money! "The BBA will usher in a totalitarian dictatorship. Pursuant to the unconstitutional Budget Act of 1921, the President has been preparing the budget. Since the Budget Act is unconstitutional, the President’s preparation of the budget has been likewise unconstitutional. Section 3 of the BBA would legalize what is now unconstitutional and unlawful. But Section 3 of the BBA does more than merely legalize the unlawful. It actually transfers the Constitutional power to make the appropriations and to determine taxes to the President. Congress will become a rubber stamp." Please read Publius Huldah's, "Why the BBA is a Hoax" on this diabolical change to our constitution planned by the rightwing who have long been in bed with the left. Senators Jim DeMint and Mike Lee (neo-cons) are determined to jam this down our throats along with Congressional creatures like Michelle Bachmann. Don't tell me they don't understand fully what they're doing because nearly every one of these people are lawyers and they've certainly studied the law. In the July 7, 2011, WSJ, Jim DeMint joined with that bastion of conservative politics, Olympia Snowe of Maine to push the BBA stating it is The Only Reform That Will Restrain Spending. Liars and thieves! Another huge danger with this proposed BBA is the Constitutional Convention. Those of us who have written about the Con-Con call have grave concerns that this BBA could easily turn into an Article V convention. Should the BBA fail to get 38 or three-fourths of the states to ratify, the Republicans (who seem to be pushing this for both parties) could easily tell the electorate they can't get the Democrats to go along with balancing the budget, so we need to get these same states to put out a call for a Constitutional Convention where we can open the constitution for one reason only and that's to balance the budget. They only need two-thirds or 34 states to put out a call for a Constitutional Convention to open one. I wrote about this in detail in my article, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing?, and Tom DeWeese of American Policy Center has written about it extensively as has the John Birch Society, and Bernadine Smith of the Second Amendment Committee, as well as many others. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E-Mail Address: Conclusion Hard work and a great deal of prayer went into fighting off the first big call for a Constitutional Convention when we came within two states of seeing it happen. The effort has regained new speed with a new generation that knows nothing of the dangers of a Con-Con, nor the history of our founders and the document itself. I pray people will come to the realization that our freedoms are disappearing at a rapid rate by degrees every single day and will wake up in time to save the one protection we have left. We need to be forceful and vigilant in demanding our representatives obey their oaths of office to the Constitution rather than allowing them to rewrite the very document that is our last protection against total annihilation of our God given unalienable rights. It is only the voices of the people, the grass roots, with everything to lose, who can stop this. It was Thomas Jefferson who said, "the price of freedom is eternal vigilance." Click here for part -----> 1, Footnotes: 1. Constitution in Crisis, Kenneth C. Hill and Joan Collins. 2. Ibid, page 12 3. Ibid, page 13 4. Ibid, page 30 5. Ibid, page 13 6. Ibid, page 17 © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
Kelleigh Nelson -- Born Again Bunny
BORN AGAIN BUNNY By Kelleigh Nelson October 10, 2011 Unlike the latest television perversion entitled, The Playboy Club, I can actually tell you the truth about being a Bunny and working in the Chicago Playboy Club in the 60s. If you're wondering why I bring this up 45 years after the fact, it's simple. One of my readers took exception with my article on GOP presidential candidate Richard Perry, and decided to go after the messenger rather than the message. I find it humorous that anyone would think exposing me as a Playboy Bunny in my youth should affect what readers think of my research and articles today. Apparently this individual believes it will negate my Christian conservative message. Half of today's Christian Right came out of the acid-dropping hippie 60s, not to mention the leftists that "never inhaled." Legalists like this man will brag on what they do or don't do, not on what Jesus has already done, and of course ridicule is a substitute for reason. My friend and fellow writer, Jim O'Neill wrote this to me, "I believe that conservatives have to be on guard against allowing the left to paint us into a corner, put us in a box, or otherwise dictate to us who we are, and how we behave. All too often the Left are the ones who make up the rules of the game as they go along, and conservatives do nothing but react to their gambits. We simply must stop allowing them to tell us who, and what, a conservative is. They are constantly trying to put us in a grim, reactionary straightjacket -- as if being a conservative automatically makes one a hell-fire and brimstone prude, who is shocked at the glimpse of an ankle. It would be funny if it weren't such an effective tool." This goes for those of us who are Christian conservatives as well. And gasp! Some of the Bunnies were Christians who actually prayed together for our families and each other, as well as before shifts at the club! So, let me tell you a little bit about what it was like being a waitress in a bathing suit in the 60s at the Chicago Playboy Club. And by the way, we were much more covered up than the girls on Oak Street Beach! We each had three Bunny costumes made just for us by the expert seamstresses who helped us dress for every shift. Basically, the uniforms were tight fitting corsets and were designed to enhance the attributes of each girl's figure as well as to conceal any flaws. There are common misconceptions regarding Bunnies. Playboy Bunnies and Playboy Playmates are totally different. Bunnies worked in the clubs as waitresses, greeters, camera Bunnies and bumper pool Bunnies. Playmates were the centerfolds in the monthly magazine. There were some Bunnies who were centerfolds in the monthly magazines, but it was not a common occurrence. There were also Bunnies who spoke several languages and they worked on the top floor serving dinner to foreign guests. Every room in the Chicago Club had a manager who watched over all of us. A camera constantly scanned the area and the manager was able to watch over the entire room via the television screen. Bunnies were "untouchable" by the key holders and guests. We were the most protected women in the country. Most key holders knew the rules, but there were occasions where a few lost their keys forever. We were also never allowed to date any of the customers who came into the club. If we got caught dating a customer, we lost our jobs. [Link] Most of the girls I worked with were either in college themselves, like I was, or were supporting husbands who were in medical or law school. I remember one lovely black gal, Patty, who was putting her husband through residency and they had four children! Many of the girls were also working and saving their incomes to open businesses for themselves. All of the Bunnies were intelligent, hard working women with definite goals for their lives. Yes, we were the glamorous highlight of the era, but we were also the most chaperoned and sheltered working women in the country. When we went home at 4:30 in the morning, cabs were called for us and those who could walk home always went in groups even though the Chicago north side was always police patrolled and always busy with nightlife. At the Playboy Mansion where I lived for a time, we had doormen who were always there to watch our entrance and exit. The "Bunny Hutch" at the Mansion was a dormitory for about 20 girls. We each had a bunk bed, locking closet and dresser as well as a huge living room and bathroom. We paid $$50.00 a month and our food was prepared for us 24/7 at cost. We had full use of all the facilities, sauna, steam, swimming pool, exercise room, big screen TV and movies, etc. I had the pleasure of playing pool one night with Bill Cosby in the basement of the Mansion...we played for a nickel a game. I've always thought highly of that funny and kind gentleman whom I met again years later in Dayton, Ohio. I could have ended up like pro-abort (Choice USA) political activist and ex-bunny feminist-on-steroids, Gloria Steinem! Her name is far more recognized than mine of course, but then I've never worked with leftist commies like Hanoi Jane Fonda, Social Activist and feminist Bella Abzug and mega feminist National Organization of Women (NOW) leader Betty Friedan. Thank the Lord for blessing me with a constitutionally conservative mother who brought me up as a Bible reading and believing Christian whose sins are "washed in the blood" of Jesus! A few years ago the people at NBC who were putting together the PLAYBOY CLUB television show called me for some juicy inside tidbits they could use. Unfortunately, nothing I could tell them would be titillating enough for the provocative or risqué tales they desired for their purposes. Needless to say, it was a short conversation. It was the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Chicago Playboy Club in February of 2010. The BBC (British Broadcasting Company) called me for an interview since I had worked at the original Chicago Club on Walton Street. I had to go to the local NPR station inasmuch as they had the equipment to transmit clearly an interview that went "across the pond." I was asked a variety of questions for almost an hour and the last question she asked me was, "How did working at the Playboy Club affect your attitude toward the sexual revolution?" My answer was simple. "It didn't affect me at all. I was a Christian then and I'm an even more devout believer today." The entire interview ended up being only 10 minutes long with part of it being Hugh Hefner answering a few questions. Of course my last question and answer was omitted. My closest friend and sister in Christ, Chey Simonton, put together a little photo montage of my life from then to now and I hope you enjoy it. [Link] And finally, attacking the messenger rather than the message is an old leftist tactic. Apparently this reader believes Rick Perry would make a fine president, but vilifying me for being a Bunny in my youth certainly doesn't taint the research or writing I do today. To disparage my articles because of where I worked 45 years ago seems farcical and asinine, but he has made it his latest life work to e-mail this information as far and wide as possible. I'm still laughing because I loved being a Playboy Bunny and was proud that I was chosen, and if he believes this tarnishes the research I do today, well, I guess he can just kiss my ex-Bunny cottontail. My sweet wonderful Christian husband still tells folks that his wife was a Playboy Bunny and he also says, "By the way, she's a really good shot." © 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved Click here to visit home page. Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail: [email protected]
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No Mulligans For Fowl Deed: 900 Chickens Beaten to Death With Golf Clubs
116 SHARES Facebook Twitter Reddit Stumbleupon Pinterest Liberals are out of control! It’s getting to where you can’t even beat 900 chickens to death with golf clubs anymore without them crying ?abuse? into their limp, blue hankies and blathering about ?animal rights?. The Corporate States of America have been pushed too far! Offering a $$5,000 reward matching the monetary cost of the lost chickens, potentially doubling Foster Farms poultry company’s loss to $$10,000, only proves what a sand trap Big Business has swung its balls into as of late. It’s no wonder CEOs all over the country are living hand to mouth! And now these blue coats with their stars and stripes pinned to their chest have apprehended four fine citizens minding their own business on the back nine of Riverdale, CA. Three of them are even kids, and what have they done other than tee off an air of suspicion toward authorities for breaking and entering and beating a few hundred chickens, give or take six hundred? Fine, if you call peeling back a fence on Sept. 20 and entering private property ?breaking and entering,? then you might as well call the riots in Ferguson, MO the result of police brutality and oppression. Liberals love that word as much as they love ?everyone?. Okay, sure, numerous tips come in pointing toward poor 18-year-old Gabriel Quintero ? the ?adult? of the group. Sure, print his name all over the place just because a couple of the others are 17 and the other is only 15. Go ahead and slap felonies for burglary and ?cruelty to animals? on them while you’re at it, why don’t you? Fine. That makes a lot of sense, as if animals live, breathe, and feel pain like the rest of us. And then Fresno Sheriff’s Department spokesperson Christian Curtice can’t even say what brought on, let’s face it, little more than kids being kids, clowning around and beating nearly a thousand chickens to death. Come on, already! We’ve all been there, right? And this ?Sheriff’s Department? is so sure of itself that it’s not anticipating arresting anyone else? These kids don’t even have attorneys, and why should they need them for a little innocent chicken massacring? You don’t eat chicken nuggets every time you pass McDonald?s? There’s more than one way to make pink slime, you know. So they nab these average American kids with detectives from a special agricultural task force based out of Fresno; it’s not like they killed all the chickens. A few were still pecking around amongst the dead, their bellies full of their brothers? and sisters? eyeballs and entrails, so what is everyone complaining about? Those chickens had a smorgasbord! Sure, some died, but some feasted like kings thanks to these kids and their 18-year-old ?adult?. Even Foster Farms spokesperson Ira Brill will tell you that! These chicken barns are filled with thousands of chickens, so what’s the big deal? So these kids had some fun and killed maybe a third of them. Big whoop. Ira Brill wants everyone to know Foster Farms and the American Humane Association take the incident ?seriously?. Brill said: ?This disturbs us all. It appears to be a very senseless act of animal cruelty.? Continue reading below the advertisement And that’s the problem with liberals, always taking everything so seriously. If a boy and a few of his chums can’t even beat some 900 chickens to death with golf clubs anymore, what are we coming to in this country? Before you know it we’ll have peace on earth, and then how are we going to steal the rest of the world’s oil? Think about it, people. Let us know your thoughts at the Liberal America Facebook page. Sign up for our free daily newsletter to receive more great stories like this one. Dylan Hock is a poet, novelist, professor and social activist. He is published in a number of little magazines and has an essay on the muzzling of Ezra Pound included in the anthology “Star Power: The Impact of Branded Celebrity”. Follow him on Ello, Google+, LinkedIn, RebelMouse and Goodreads. Hire him for freelance writing and editing work on Elance.
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Trump Fails To Mention White Supremacists In Speech, Spurs Bipartisan Outrage (TWEETS)
President Donald Trump was forced to issue a stronger statement on Sunday that went beyond his bland comments in which he failed to name the groups who clashed Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia, and instead blamed “hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides — many sides” after being heavily criticized by lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, The Hill reports. What Trump Didn’t Say Is What Upset People In a statement, a White House spokesperson said “Of course” the president condemns violence by “white supremacists, KKK, Neo-Nazi and all extremist groups.” And the White House also said: “The president said very strongly in his statement yesterday that he condemns all forms of violence, bigotry and hatred. He called for national unity and bringing all Americans together.” Legislators from both parties criticized Trump for failing to take a strong stand in the initial statement he released following Saturday’s tragic violence that killed three people and left scores of others injured. A car mowed down a crowd of counter-protesters, killing one person and two Virginia police officers were killed when their helicopter crashed. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) was one of the first of several lawmakers to denounce Trump for his earlier remarks, calling for him to “call evil by its name.” Mr. President – we must call evil by its name. These were white supremacists and this was domestic terrorism. — Cory Gardner (@SenCoryGardner) August 12, 2017 A number of other Republicans also had a few things to tell Trump. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), second-ranking Senate Republican Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) also criticized Trump. Very important for the nation to hear @potus describe events in #Charlottesville for what they are, a terror attack by #whitesupremacists — Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) August 12, 2017 And numerous Democrats jumped in as well, including Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). It is not too much to ask to have a President who explicitly condemns nazis. Continue reading below the advertisement — Brian Schatz (@brianschatz) August 12, 2017 Repeat after me, @realDonaldTrump: white supremacy is an affront to American values. #Charlottesville — Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) August 12, 2017 And former Vice President Joe Biden publicly denounced Trump for claiming that “many sides” were to blame. There is only one side. #charlottesville — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 12, 2017 Trump’s remarks on this tragic situation have also done one other thing: They have diverted our attention away from the situation with North Korea, after a solid week of rather frightening rhetoric from the president indirectly pointed at Kim Jong Un. Some White House aides came to Trump’s defense, with National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster saying he thinks Trump was “very clear” in his response. He added that the U.S. can’t “tolerate this kind of bigotry.” But the president’s first statement on the deadly protest in Charlottesville is indefensible. He sounded like he was reading off of index cards. His speech was bland, his speech patterns stumbling. The bipartisan criticism is well-deserved. My guess is that stumbling will continue for however long he is president. Featured image courtesy of Al Jazeera English
Liar in Chief …. Jonathan Pie – Jackpine Radicals
Liar in Chief …. Jonathan Pie Pie has trouble finding the words to describe Trump. WARNING: Contains Strong Language! Buy the book here: See the LIVE show here: A little weird likes this
BREAKING: Limbaugh Shocked By Trump Speech For 1 Incredible Reason
Billionaire businessman and presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump delivered a speech Wednesday morning that focused on the shortcomings of his likely rival in the general election, presumptive Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton. In his speech, Trump referred to Clinton as a “world class liar” who utilizes the “politics of personal profit” and was best described as “the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency.” The hard-hitting speech was nearly too much for conservative talk radio king Rush Limbaugh to take, not because he disagreed, but because he was astonished that a Republican presidential candidate actually said out loud what a majority of the American people think or say among themselves. “So Trump basically said things about Hillary Clinton that you just don’t hear Republicans saying,” Rush explained to the listeners of his daily radio program. “You’ve heard them before. You’ve heard them on this program, of course. You’ve probably heard similar things that Trump said in other areas,” he continued. “But you just do not hear Mitt Romney say this, for example. You wouldn’t hear the Bush family talk this way about Hillary. You wouldn’t. You just wouldn’t hear it,” he added. Rush noted that … KEEP READING ON NEXT PAGE>>>
Dr. Mark Christian – AMERICAN TODAY
An Egyptian ex-Muslim Imam with family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood has just come forward with disturbing information concerning Hillary Clinton and her involvement with the designated terrorist group. Just in time for the presidential debate, he’s leaking the startling details that further criminalize Hillary and could absolutely devastate her
Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Youth Reads: The Green Rider series
If your teens love fantasy, adventure, and a strong female protagonist, then they’re in for a “wild ride” with Kristen Britain’s Green Riderseries. (They’ll get the joke when they read the books . . . let’s just say there’s magic involved.) The series, which consists of five books and one more to be released this time next year, is an epic fantasy adventure based in a medieval world called Sacoridia. When our story begins in Book One, it’s been nearly two hundred years since the Long War, a period of chaos and violence. We’re in a time of relative peace and prosperity when we meet Karigan G’ladheon. But that peace is certainly short-lived for poor Karigan. When she’s suspended from her private school for winning a fistfight with a pompous peer, Karigan runs away. She plans to embark on the small adventure of a few days’ walk home and never expects to encounter real peril. However, when a horse erupts from the trees on her second day of walking, bearing a half-dead rider, Karigan’s fate is decided. The rider, impaled with two black arrows in his back, pleads with the girl to take his horse and the message he bears: a message of life-or-death importance to King Zachary. This man, F’ryan Cobblebay, is a Green Rider and his life is devoted to bearing and delivering messages for the king. That is, until he dies, with the horse and Karigan as the only witnesses. Karigan’s only choice is to honor F’ryan’s mission and deliver his message, but she quickly realizes that the king and the Green Riders have strong enemies. Kristen Britain released the first book in the Green Rider series in 2000, and the most recent book (titled “Mirror Sight“) was released in May of 2015. I’m not ashamed to admit that I’ve read the books through at least two and a half times since discovering them a few years ago. I don’t often encounter a protagonist that I adore—but Karigan is the wonderful exception. She is strong, brave, awkward, humble, stubborn, and irrevocably special. Additionally, the world of Sacoridia is so detailed and complex that I am always thoroughly transported when I return to the books. It’s one of those series that you don’t just read for the story. You read it because it carries you off, like a dream. The general good vs. evil conflict in the series is well-crafted and unique. Much of the conflict is caused by a crumbling wall that protects Sacoridia from Blackveil, a forest tainted with evil magic. Though I love the series, I’ll admit a few flaws (begrudgingly). The latest book in the series was sub-par, though still a gripping read. I won’t spoil it for you, but it dealt with time travel and felt very much like a 500+ page filler full of fluff. Parents should be warned that this is a book directed towards older teens, and there is some questionable material. There are a few sexual scenes, which are fairly detailed, in the later books in the series. Awkward and inappropriate? Yes. I’d suggest discussing this with your young readers beforehand, and decide whether or not to block out and skip these short sections (or skip the series altogether). Since the story is an epic, there is a lot of violence. I won’t sugarcoat it, the story gets quite grisly and gruesome. Older teens should be okay with this level of violence, but if you’re uncomfortable with it then this series may have to wait. Parents should also be aware of the religious situation in the books. Sacoridia is a polytheist society with a plethora of gods and goddesses with their own mythologies. Our protagonist and a few other characters are somewhat skeptical of this religion. Karigan (spoiler alert!) does interact with a god’s horse at one point, so Britain does seem to point to a reality in the pantheon, though it is very “seeing is believing.” Mornhaven the Black, the major villain in the series, is from a faraway land called Arcosia. He is a monotheist and his “one god” seems to direct his evil intent. The fact that his religion is monotheistic could be taken as a veiled reference to Christianity, but I don’t believe that Britain is making any negative comments about Christians or their beliefs. These confusing religious aspects could be troubling to some parents, or they could be an interesting outlet for conversation! So parents will need to exercise discernment about these aspects. On the whole, though, I am quick to recommend this series to anyone who loves an epic fantasy, an epic romance, and a fun, fast-paced read. Image copyright DAW. Review copy from the reviewer’s personal collection. Samantha Van Slyke is a student at Grove City College. Articles on the BreakPoint website are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BreakPoint. Outside links are for informational purposes and do not necessarily imply endorsement of their content.
religious organizations – AMERICAN TODAY
On Tuesday, presumed GOP Republican nominee Donald Trump spoke to a crowd of nearly 1,000 religious leaders and made his stance known on a long-standing religious freedom rule. What he had to say not only stunned the clergy in attendance, but also resonated throughout the country to millions of listeners. Trump
Get Over It Snowflakes! Without Illegal Vote Tally Trump Would Have Won Popular Vote in a Landslide
Results to date from the 2016 Presidential election show an even larger Trump landslide over Hillary Clinton than originally reported. Current data shows Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in Electoral College votes, states won and even the popular vote when considering the vast amount of voter fraud. It has been widely reported that there were more than 3 million votes cast by illegal aliens and most were cast for Hillary Clinton. When accounting for these votes, Trump beat Clinton by more than 1 million in the popular vote. Trump destroyed Clinton in the Electoral College votes 306 to 232 or 57% to 43%. Trump also won more than 30 states with his win of 1 of four delegates in Maine. Trump ended up with 30.25 state wins to Hillary’s 19.75 wins. Hillary didn’t even win 20 states and Trump beat her 61% to 39% in state wins. Also, Trump won 84% of the US’s 3,083 counties – this was truly a Trump landslide win in all areas. Too bad Snowflakes !!!
billionaire – AMERICAN TODAY
George Soros has been in the spotlight for financing the riots and protests around the countries, even bussing in rioters to certain places and now it appears that he is ready to commit even more money to the chaos he’s started. Soros only wants to cause upset around the country because
Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Creating and Killing
In a scene in The Two Towers, the second in J. R. R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, the traitor Saruman is torturing the noble wizard Gandalf. “What,” the evil wizard asks Gandalf, “is the greatest power?” “Life,” Gandalf replies. “You fool,” says Saruman. “Life can be destroyed. Did I teach you nothing?” Trying again, Gandalf says, “Creation.” “Yes,” answers Saruman, “the power to create life.” This passage comes to mind when we consider that this month marks the thirtieth anniversary of the start of the modern holocaust: the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. Some 50 million babies have died since that ruling was handed down. Terrible as Roe was, we are now facing an even worse horror. In Roe, we took life — which was bad enough — but at least we were not pretending to be God. But now, with cloning, humans will play God, the Author of life: We will create life for our own purposes. In fact, if reports are true, we already have. The Raelians, a religious group that believes humans are the clones of extraterrestrials, claim that a cloned child, a baby girl named Eve, was born on December 26. This is not some science-fiction story — it’s an immediate concern. Sadly, just as most Christians were asleep when Roe was decided, we are in danger of sleeping through the alarm of this latest moral catastrophe. Nearly the only people who opposed abortion-on-demand in 1973 were our Catholic brethren. Many said, “It’s just a Catholic issue.” Hard as it is to believe today, Southern Baptists — my own denomination — were in favor of abortion. And now, on an issue of even greater moment, we may do the same thing. We’re not talking about taking the lives of 50 million kids, as horrible as that is. We’re talking about creating the lives of 50 million kids — and then killing them, ostensibly for the good of humanity. Where will all this lead us? C. S. Lewis offered a prophetic warning half a century before human cloning became a potential reality. “If any one age,” he wrote, “really attains, by eugenics and scientific education, the power to make its descendents what it pleases, all men who live after are the patients of that power,” slaves to the “dead hand of the great planners and conditioners.” Just as Lewis foresaw, the biotech revolution is moving like a steamroller, crushing everything in its path — including ethical questions. The reason is that secular ethics have been drained of moral content. In the political debate, the utilitarians — those who demand the “greatest good for the greatest number” — have seized the high ground, offering dazzling promises of cures to come. As Christians, it’s our duty to raise even bigger moral questions. The worst atrocities are performed in the name of humanitarian causes. And sacrificing one to benefit all soon makes all vulnerable. This month I’ll be devoting quite a bit of time to life issues and the social forces that have driven the demand for legal abortion and how they lead to the demand for euthanasia and assisted suicide. I’ll also describe the challenges for Christians in this “brave new world.” You’ll learn what specific things you can do to wake up your neighbors — before the abolition of man triumphs over the human race. For further reading: C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man (HarperSanFrancisco, 2001). Charles Colson, “Can We Prevent the Abolition of Man?“, an address to U.S. Congress members and staff, BreakPoint Online, 2001. Peter Kreeft, How to Win the Culture War: A Christian Battle Plan for a Society in Crisis (InterVarsity, 2002). Visit the Council for Biotechnology Policy website for more information on bioethics and biotechnology issues.
Gina Dalfonzo, Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Youth Reads: Challenger Deep
(This review contains spoilers.) “I can’t remember when this journey began,” Caden Bosch tells us, near the start of Neal Shusterman’s “Challenger Deep.” “It’s like I’ve always been here, except that I couldn’t have been, because there was a before, just last week or last month or last year. I’m pretty certain that I’m still fifteen, though. Even if I’ve been on board this wooden relic of a ship for years, I’m still fifteen. Time is different here. It doesn’t move forward; it sort of moves sideways, like a crab.” The journey that Caden is describing isn’t exactly what it seems. Though he describes the ship in vivid detail, along with the captain, the crew, and even the captain’s parrot, the truth is that none of it is real. Caden Bosch is in fact an ordinary American 15-year-old boy in an ordinary family, going to an ordinary school. But what’s happening in his mind is anything but ordinary. Caden is suffering from severe mental illness, and his imaginary life on the ship is his mind’s way of interpreting what’s happening to him. Bestselling novelist Neal Shusterman based “Challenger Deep” on his son Brendan’s struggle with mental illness, and the book includes several of Brendan’s drawings. The book has earned considerable critical acclaim, and won the 2015 National Book Award for Young People’s Literature. Though it’s hard to really get to know Caden as he slowly loses touch with reality, to the point where he finally has to be hospitalized, he still manages to win our sympathy and support. Shusterman is an excellent writer, who deals with this tough topic with both frankness and sensitivity. And the book is full of beautifully written passages that make both Caden’s real life and his imagined one come alive. Nonetheless, I sometimes wondered if “Challenger Deep” might be one of those books that wins praise and awards more because adults like it than because teenagers will. As Caden’s narrative shifts back and forth between the real world and the world of the ship, without transitions or explanations, the reader shares his sense of disorientation. In one way, this works well, as it helps us to identify a little more easily with our troubled protagonist. In another way, it doesn’t work quite so well, as it makes the book so confusing and hard to follow at times. Also, I believe — though I’m not quite certain — that there are some jumps backward and forward in time, which make things even more complicated. As much as I admired and appreciated Shusterman’s effort, there were times when I got a bit lost and found my mind wandering, which makes me wonder what the teen reading experience would be like. While some teenagers probably do just fine with the book, others may struggle. As for the subject matter, there’s occasional violence on Caden’s “ship,” and occasional profanity, but very little sexual content (it’s limited to Caden telling us that his medications have lowered his sex drive). There are a few religious references — sometimes neutral, sometimes positive, occasionally sarcastic — and some drinking. But of course the main topic is a tough one for readers of any age to deal with. Caden’s illness, and that of the other kids in the hospital, is handled with both realism and hope. Caden hates the hospital and hates the drugs, even while at some level he recognizes the need for them, and he knows that the treatment is far from perfect. But it brings him to the point where he’s able to function again, and is able to take life a day at a time, without the devouring anxieties and hallucinations that once plagued him. One friend of Caden’s in the hospital, Hal, doesn’t do so well. He goes off his medication, as does Caden at one point — but unlike Caden, Hal commits suicide. (Caden never finds out for sure whether Hal’s attempt was successful, but he suspects that it was.) Caden himself doesn’t want to commit suicide — if nothing else, he believes his love for his little sister will keep him from it — but he can imagine all too easily what led to it: I still can’t figure out if it’s bravery or cowardice to take your own life. I can’t figure out whether it’s being selfish, or selfless. Is it the ultimate act of letting go of oneself, or a cheap act of self-possession? People say a failed attempt is a cry for help. . . . It’s more a cry to be taken seriously. A cry that says “I’m hurting so badly, the world must, for once, come to a grinding halt for me.” The question is, what do you do next? The world stops, and looks at you lying there with your wounds bandaged, or your stomach pumped, and says, “Okay, you have my attention.” Most people don’t know what to do with that moment if they get it. Which makes it definitely not worth the cost of getting there. Especially if that failed attempt accidentally succeeds. Clearly this is not a book for every teen. But with parental guidance and discussion, it might be a good book for some. Despite the difficulties, it does a good job of dealing with a problem many teens have to face in themselves or in their families or friends, without either glorifying it or wallowing in it. Image copyright HarperTeen. Gina Dalfonzo is editor of and Dickensblog. Articles on the BreakPoint website are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BreakPoint. Outside links are for informational purposes and do not necessarily imply endorsement of their content.
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Evangelical college joins Catholic University in mandate lawsuit
Evangelical college joins Catholic University in mandate lawsuit % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Washington D.C., Jul 19, 2012 / 04:07 am (CNA).- A leading evangelical college in Illinois has joined The Catholic University of America in filing a lawsuit in D.C. District Court against the contraception mandate issued under the health care law. “I think the fact that evangelicals and Catholics are coming together on this issue ought to be a sign to all Americans that something really significant in terms of religious liberty is at stake,” said Dr. Philip Ryken, president of Wheaton College. Ryken explained at a July 18 press call that the college – a Christian liberal arts institution with approximately 2,400 undergraduate students and 600 graduate students – allows its faith to penetrate all aspects of campus life, from hiring decisions to theology to its “community covenant.” The college opposes both drugs and procedures that cause abortion, he said, and “we should not be coerced to provide these services.” The lawsuit marks the most recent legal action taken against a federal mandate that will soon require employers and colleges to offer health insurance plans that cover contraception, sterilization and early abortion-causing drugs free of charge. Kyle Duncan, general counsel for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which is representing Wheaton College in the case, said that the new suit shows the threat posed by the mandate to people who hold a wide variety of religious beliefs. He stressed that while most houses of worship are exempt from the mandate, religious institutions such as schools and charitable agencies do not qualify for an exemption because they hire and serve those of other faiths. Furthermore, he said, the administration’s proposed “accommodation” was never actually put into law and fails to adequately protect religious institutions from involvement in the objectionable coverage. According to the Becket Fund, Wheaton College’s action marks the first time that a Catholic and evangelical institution have come together in a partnership to oppose the same regulation in court. John Garvey, president of The Catholic University of America, also spoke at the press call, saying that he welcomed Wheaton College and was happy to stand in solidarity with his evangelical brothers. The fact that Protestant colleges are joining in the lawsuits against the mandate shows that the issue is not merely a Catholic one, Garvey said. Nor is it an issue of contraception, he added, since evangelicals do not morally object to artificial contraception. Rather, Garvey explained, it is a matter of religious freedom, which properly belongs to people of all faiths. Nearly 60 plaintiffs have filed a total of more than 20 lawsuits against the mandate. While a Nebraska judge dismissed one of these lawsuits on July 17, Duncan said that this was the result of a mere technicality and did not affect Wheaton’s legal action at all. Other plaintiffs in ongoing lawsuits include numerous colleges, dioceses, Catholic Charities agencies and private business owners throughout the country, along with religious media network EWTN and Catholic publishing group Our Sunday Visitor. In a statement announcing the new lawsuit, Ryken said that “distinctively Christian institutions” such as Wheaton College “are faced with a clear and present threat to our religious liberty.” “Our first president, the abolitionist Jonathan Blanchard, believed it was imperative to act in defense of freedom,” he said. “In bringing this suit, we act in defense of freedom again.” Garvey agreed, explaining that “Wheaton’s lawsuit is another sign of how troubling many people of faith find the government’s efforts to chip away at our first freedom.” Read more at CNA Daily News – US Source:
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Denver’s new archbishop urges fidelity to Christ
Denver’s new archbishop urges fidelity to Christ % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Denver, Colo., Jul 18, 2012 / 06:27 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- In his role as Denver’s new shepherd, Archbishop Samuel J. Aquilla told the archdiocese that his heart for the community is that they follow Christ above all else. “My vision … is the same vision that was given to us 2000 years ago,” Archbishop Aquila said during the homily of his installation Mass July 18. “That is that Christ is always to come first,” he told the hundreds gathered in the Basilica Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, “and we are to proclaim this Gospel, we are to do whatever he tells us.” He urged locals to not view their faith in Christ “as a private act,” but as a public witness of “choosing to stand with the Lord so as to live with him.” A former Denver resident, Archbishop Aquila was installed as the fifth archbishop in the same cathedral where he was ordained a priest in 1976. His appointment closes a 10-month vacancy in Denver, which was left when Archbishop Charles J. Chaput was assigned to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. An attendee of the event, Archbishop Chaput was was given a standing ovation when publicly thanked by his successor. Other guests at the installation Mass included over 400 priests, former Denver archbishop Cardinal James F. Stafford, U.S. Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Carlo M. Viganò, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper and Denver Mayor Michael Hancock. During his homily Wednesday, Archbishop Aquila told the packed cathedral that Catholics should live out the call to follow Christ by declaring “the dignity of the human person and human life” and by refusing actions that are in violation of natural law. Specifically, he said that the people of the Archdiocese of Denver need to oppose the federal contraception mandate. Announced in January by the Obama administration, the federal rule will require religious groups to provide health insurance that covers contraception, sterilizations and abortion-inducing drugs, even if doing so violates employers’ beliefs. “If we truly believe in the dignity of the human person and human life,” he said, “we must stand opposed to the violation of conscience.” He added that with defending the dignity of the human person also comes the defense of traditional marriage because it “preserves the dignity of who we are created” as men and women.” The new archbishop then acknowledged all the men and women religious in attendance, calling them “a complete counter-witness to everything that this world today stands for,” due to their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. “You are a counter-witness to the evils and rampant rejection of the dignity of human sexuality and of chastity,” he told them, “You are a contradiction to the secularism that says you can live life and be happy without God.” Lay people, the archbishop noted, have the crucial role of living authentically Christian lives in the midst of the world. “If you are truly to be disciples,” he said, “you are not to be hidden in the world, but rather to be a bright light to the world.” All Catholics in the archdiocese, he said, have a call to have “attitudes of docility and receptivity” as well as “trust, kindness and obedience.” Read more at CNA Daily News – US Source:
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Our Sunday Visitor becomes English distributor for Vatican newspaper
Our Sunday Visitor becomes English distributor for Vatican newspaper % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Huntington, Ind., Jul 19, 2012 / 12:06 pm (CNA).- The world’s largest English-language Catholic publisher, Our Sunday Visitor, has reached an exclusive deal to distribute a translated edition of the official Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano. Greg Erlandson, Our Sunday Visitor’s president and publisher, said the partnership “works well for both entities,” allowing the Indiana-based publishing house “to expand on our mission to serve the Church in a very direct way and assist the Vatican in its mission at the same time.” The Vatican will be able “to take full advantage of our leadership position as one of the largest publishing and distribution houses in the United States,” Erlandson noted in a July 16 announcement. Our Sunday Visitor will start its distribution of L’Osservatore Romano in August. Under the agreement, the publisher will also provide customer service and marketing support for the Vatican newspaper. Published 50 times a year, L’Osservatore Romano is known for its coverage of papal events and speeches and other developments in the Church, with special sections devoted to the Pope’s foreign travels. It also publishes commentary on culture and current events. Founded in 1912 by Father (later Archbishop) John Francis Noll, Our Sunday Visitor publishes a range of periodicals including OSV Newsweekly. Its catalogue of over 1,700 Catholic books, pamphlets, and textbooks includes several titles by Pope Benedict XVI. During 2012, Our Sunday Visitor is celebrating its 100th anniversary. Erlandson said the arrangement with the Vatican newspaper was in keeping with Archbishop Noll’s mission, helping people “to see what is real and important in this life, and how it will connect them to the next.” Read more at CNA Daily News – US Source:
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Hearing outlines forced marriages, conversions in Egypt
Hearing outlines forced marriages, conversions in Egypt % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Washington D.C., Jul 19, 2012 / 04:45 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- A recent hearing in the nation’s capital drew attention to the growing accounts of Coptic women in Egypt being kidnapped and forced to marry and convert to Islam against their will. Nearly a year and half since the country’s revolution, Egypt remains in the “fires of transition,” where “order seems to hang by a thread,” said Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J), chairman of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. On July 18, the commission – also known as the U.S. Helsinki Commission – held a hearing on increasing accounts of abduction, forced conversion and coerced marriage among young Coptic women in Egypt. Witnesses warned that the violent actions, as well as the government’s failure to acknowledge and address them, could have grave consequences on the future of democracy and human rights in the country. The urged the U.S. and the entire international community to stand up on behalf of the Coptic women who are victims of these crimes. Michele Clark, adjunct professor at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University, testified at the hearing, presenting the findings of a new report that she co-authored on the subject. While exact numbers are difficult to pinpoint, attorneys interviewed for the report said that disappearance and abductions cases have been increasing in recent months, with one attorney referring to nearly 1,000 women petitioning in recent years to have their Christian identities restored. As the number of abdications seems to be rising, it appears that fewer young women are returning to their families, the attorneys added. While there is speculation that they may be trafficked overseas, this possibility has not yet been confirmed. The individuals interviewed also said that the disappearances are the result of “organized and systematic planning.” They often involve attempts to befriend victims, or else use force and fraud. Abductors target vulnerable young Coptic women, members of a religious minority who come from “closed, insular communities,” Clark said. They physically separate these women from their families and proceed to abuse, threaten and brainwash them. Clark called for local police in Egypt to investigate and report all disappearance claims and for the national government to keep a registry documenting disappearances. Furthermore, she said, children of parents who convert should retain their birth religion until age 18, which is the legal age of consent in Egypt. She asked the Coptic Church to maintain a registry documenting disappearances, abductions, forced marriages and conversions among Coptic women, as well as to educate its members about these threats. Clark recommended that a legal defense fund be established to help Coptic families in need of an attorney. She also called on international organizations to acknowledge the significance of the problem and stop referring to the disappearances as mere “allegations.” Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett, who chairs the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, also testified at the hearing, discussing the commission’s ongoing concerns about the state of religious freedom within the country. For years, religious freedom conditions in Egypt “have been extremely problematic,” she said, explaining that the nation’s transitional government “continues to engage in and tolerate systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of religious freedom.” Despite some “hopeful developments” in recent months, “Copts and other religious minorities aren’t being sufficiently protected,” she warned. In the last year alone, sectarian violence has left some 100 people dead, she observed. On behalf of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, Lantos Swett recommend that the U.S. government “take strong action in support of religious freedom” by working to urge Egypt to include “robust” constitutional protections for religious freedom, to remove discriminatory decrees and to prosecute crimes against religious minorities. “Copts must be protected – along with every other member of Egyptian society – from attacks on their right to order their lives and practice their beliefs in dignity and peace,” she said. Read more at CNA Daily News – US Source:
BREAKING: We Just Found Out What Hillary Said 2 HOURS Before Trump BOMBED Syria- Liberals PANICKING
Liberal supporters of Hillary Clinton are freaking out about the possibility of a Trumpmaggedon nuclear war on the heels of the missile strikes against airfield targets in Syria. But before pointing fingers, the liberal morons should know that their precious Hillary called for the United States to “take out” Syrian government-controlled airfields just hours before President Trump launched air strikes against Bashar Assad’s regime. That’s right! She said she would do the same damn thing! LMAO! The Independent has more: Speaking to the New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, Mrs Clinton said she believed the US had been wrong not to have previously launched such an offensive. She said: “Assad had an air force, and that air force is the cause of most of the civilian deaths, as we have seen over the years and as we saw again in the last few days.” “And I really believe that we should have and still should take out his airfields and prevent him from being able to use them to bomb innocent people and drop Sarin gas on them.” Asked by Mr Kristof if she felt not acting more decisively on Syria had been her gravest foreign policy mistake, Mrs Clinton said she had been aware the conflict could become “one-sided” in the first stages of the Syrian conflict. She said: “When I was secretary of state I teamed up with Dave Petraeus, then director of the CIA, Leon Panetta, then secretary of defence, to present a plan for us to move more aggressively to support protesters to provide some back up in what I thought could turn out to be a very one-sided battle.” “This was before Isis really came to public awareness with their plan for a caliphate and their setting up of headquarters in Raqqa.” “I believed then, and I’ve said this repeatedly, I believe we should have done more at that point.” So, let’s not pretend that Donald Trump did anything Hillary Clinton wouldn’t have done. If Trump’s Syrian strikes lead to further tension between the United States and Russia, or even widespread military conflict, it has nothing to do with a Republican or Democrat being in office.
Young Billy Declares Obama Stole $$95 From Him!
Young Billy Watson needed a new baseball uniform and the cost would be almost $$100. The responsible young man wanted to do it himself and not burden his parents. Little Billy wanted the $$100 badly and so he prayed for two weeks for a way to raise the money but nothing happened. Then he decided to write God a letter requesting the $$100. When the postal authorities received the letter addressed to God, USA, they decided to send it to President Barack Obama. The Obama was so impressed, touched, and amused that he instructed his secretary to send Billy a $$5.00 bill. President Obama assumed that this would appear to be a lot of money to a little boy. Billy received the $$5 bill from the White House. Billy was delighted with the $$5.00 and sat down to write a thank you note to God, which read: “Dear God, Thank you very much for sending the money, however, I noticed that for some reason you had to send it through Washington D.C. and, as usual, those crooks deducted $$95.00.” Thanks, Billy While this joke is funny, it really is based in some reality. Money goes from the taxpayers to the federal government and back to the states. Just that process takes a large chunk, as much as 30 cents on the dollar, out of taxpayer monies. Waste, fraud and abuse is rampant. Here is another funny example: Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House. One is from Chicago, another is from Tennessee, and the third is from Minnesota. All three go with a White House official to examine the fence. The Minnesota contractor takes out a tape measure and does some measuring, then works some figures with a pencil. “Well,” he says, “I figure the job will run about $$900. $$400 for materials, $$400 for my crew, and $$100 profit for me.” The Tennessee contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then says, “I can do this job for $$700. $$300 for materials, $$300 for my crew, and $$100 profit for me.” The Chicago contractor doesn’t measure or figure, but leans over to the White House official and whispers, “$$2,700.” The official, incredulous, says, “You didn’t even measure like the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?” The Chicago contractor whispers back, “$$1000 for me, $$1000 for you, and we hire the guy from Tennessee to fix the fence.” “Done!” replies the government official. And that, my friends, is how the new stimulus plan will work.
Obama’s Economy Breaks New Record Of How Many Americans Are Not in Labor Force
…known as the U-6 measure, was 9.3 percent in November, which declined from 9.5 percent in the previous month. Democrats such as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) and Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen have said this measure accounts for discouraged workers and those working part time instead of full time for economic reasons and is more representative of the labor market. There were 5,669,000 Americans working part-time in November who would rather have a full-time job but cited economic reasons for not having such employment. According to the bureau, involuntary part-time workers are “persons who indicated that they would like to work full time but were working part time (1 to 34 hours) because of an economic reason, such as their hours were cut back or they were unable to find full-time jobs.” “Job creation among small businesses was relatively weak in November, but there are clear signs that business owners are feeling better about the future,” said National Federation of Independent Businesses president and CEO Juanita Duggan. “They are trying to hire, but they are still having a difficult time finding qualified employees. source
Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Spin Control
Note: This commentary was delivered by Prison Fellowship President Mark Earley. Although many abortion advocates would never admit it, this is a vulnerable time for their movement. Several issues, including the passage of the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, have people thinking seriously and rightly about the beginning of life. Two recent articles in the online magazine Slate reveal that the pro-choice ranks don’t feel too comfortable with that situation — especially since not all of them are sure how to respond. In an article called “Face the Fetus,” William Saletan writes that the pro-choice camp — of which he is a member — has severely harmed its cause by refusing to acknowledge a fetus as human. He points out, “Each time pro-lifers have tried in recent years to treat the embryo or fetus as a person . . . pro-choicers have responded by treating the fetus as a nonentity.” It’s no wonder, he concludes, that people identify more with pro-lifers who call the fetus a human being than with pro-choicers who in some cases won’t even use the word fetus. (As Saletan reminds us, the failed Feinstein amendment to the Unborn Victims Act spoke only of “pregnancy,” not of “fetuses.”) After all, most of the American public, even those who are ambivalent on abortion, have sense enough to realize that you can’t be pregnant without a fetus being involved. Saletan, by the way, is the author of the new book Bearing Right: How Conservatives Won the Abortion War — a title that tends to raise skeptical eyebrows among pro-lifers, but one that tells you just how uneasy many pro-choicers are feeling these days. In another article for Slate, Liza Mundy reports that certain technological developments — such as embryonic research, improved fertility procedures, and better ultrasound technology — are contributing to abortion advocates’ unease. For instance, parents now have a much clearer view of their unborn children. Pro-choice activist Kirsten Moore says this has “prompted us to realize [that] . . . our movement’s messages [stink].” Meanwhile, Mundy writes, “As more and more women find themselves in fertility clinics, veteran pro-choice groups like Planned Parenthood are reconsidering the old paradigms. What does it mean for their approach, their pitch, and their priorities that a woman desperately hoping for a positive pregnancy test has a whole new attitude toward the embryo?” The solutions people are proposing to these problems are a sign of just how morally bankrupt their worldview is. For instance, Saletan thinks that acknowledging the humanity of the fetus doesn’t have to mean that pro-choicers abandon their cause. As he puts it, “Such consideration need not override Roe‘s central principle that a woman’s privacy rights trump the legal value of a pre-viable fetus.” And the activists that Mundy interviewed agree that they need to find ways to make their message more palatable to people who aren’t buying the old arguments anymore. I’ve got news for them: If your message is rotten at the core, all the spin control and image-polishing in the world can’t fix it. If the unborn child is really causing that much trouble for pro-choice activists, perhaps they too ought to take a fresh look at just what they’ve been treating so callously all this time. They’ll find it’s one of us — a living human being who deserves protection. For further reading and information: Liza Mundy, “Hazy Conceptions,”, 5 February 2004. William Saletan, “Face the Fetus,”, 29 March 2004. Read more about Saletan’s new book, Bearing Right: How Conservatives Won the Abortion War. Francis J. Beckwith, “Choice Words,” Touchstone, January/February 2004. See responses from Terry Schlossberg, David Mills, and Frederica Mathewes-Green. Charles A. Donovan, “Good Things to Life,” BreakPoint Online, 15 April 2003. Johannes L. Jacobse, “Women Are Abortion’s Second Victims,” BreakPoint Online, 22 January 2003. Gina Dalfonzo, “No Choice,” BreakPoint Online, 25 July 2002. See the “Worldview for Parents” page “Big Business.” BreakPoint Commentary No. 031001, “Pretty Stones and Dead Babies.” BreakPoint Commentary No. 031007, “Antics with Semantics.” Peter Kreeft, Three Approaches to Abortion (Ignatius Press, 2002). Teresa R. Wagner, Back to the Drawing Board: The Future of the Pro-Life Movement (Dumb Ox Books, 2003).
Gowdy Goes BRUTAL on Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary – Got Him to Confess Under Oath!
Obama’s former head of the Department of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, has been grilled by Senate Intelligence member Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and during that time, Gowdy got Johnson to admit on the record that there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russians over election tampering. In a succinct display of tearing apart a witness, Gowdy quickly broke down the gist of what happened and zeroed in for the kill, reports Real Clear Politics. Gowdy and Johnson both agreed that Russian was a “career offender, they have a history of cyber-attacks on our country. We suspected before the November [elections].” Gowdy then got Johnson to concede an assessment the Dems probably don’t like hearing, “At the time you separated from service in January of 2017, you have seen no evidence that the Russians were successful at changing voter tallies or voter totals?” “Correct,” replied Johnson. Gowdy moved to elaborate on this confession. “At the time you separated from service in January 2017, had you seen any evidence that Donald Trump or any member of his campaign colluded, conspired or coordinated with the Russians or anyone else to infiltrate or impact our voter infrastructure?” Unable to just speak the truth and say “No”, Johnson had to try and obfuscate a bit. “Not beyond what has been out there open-source, and not beyond anything that I’m sure this committee has already seen and heard before, directly from the intelligence community.”
TRUMP WINS BIG! President Trump Just Did The IMPOSSIBLE In Mexico! Liberals Are FREAKING OUT!
You definitely will NOT hear the Mainstream Media talking about this! Donald Trump just managed to do in Mexico the one thing liberals said was absolutely impossible. TRUMP HAS BASICALLY ENDED ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION FROM MEXICO! No, I am not even exaggerating. Just take a look at this graph of Illegal border crossings of the Rio Grande (the BIGGEST crossing point for illegals) since Trump took office: Wanna see it even better? Well here are the last 5 years in terms of illegal immigration vs 2017: See? Now that is NO CONTEST. Are you wondering exactly WHY they quit coming? Well, according to border patrol agents… …Illegal Immigrants are no longer willing to take the risk and pay the high fees to come here illegally because they KNOW they will just get arrested and deported! I mean this is so huge, EVERYONE should be reporting on it. For God’s sake, in Yuma Arizona, illegal border crossings have dropped from 1155 in January to just 336 in March! UNBELIEVABLE! And what did Trump have to do to accomplish this Herculean feat? It’s simple, all he did was sign an Executive Order saying the Border Patrol were allowed to enforce the laws already on the books. Donald Trump wants to protect the rights of Americans and will NOT see these people being let in ILLEGALLY to take jobs just so leftists can use slaves guilt-free. He is gonna make America self-reliant and proud again. If you are proud of the job that President Donald Trump has done and want to help STOP the leftist media from hiding his accomplishments, then do your part and help Share this everywhere. Also send a Prayer for Trump and his family!
Obama’s Economy Breaks New Record Of How Many Americans Are Not in Labor Force
446,000 more individuals stayed out of the labor force this month than last The number of Americans not participating in the labor force hit a new record in November, exceeding 95 million for the first time, according to the latest numbers released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In November, there were 95,055,000 Americans not in the labor force, an increase of 446,000 people from the previous month. The bureau counts those not in the labor force as people who do not have a job and did not actively seek one in the past four weeks. The labor force participation rate, which is the percentage of the population that has a job or actively looked for one in the past month, declined from 62.8 percent in October to 62.7 percent in November. The unemployment rate for all Americans declined from 4.9 percent in October to 4.6 percent in November. This measure does not account for those individuals who have dropped out of the labor force and simply measures the percent of those who did not have a job but actively sought one over the month. While the unemployment rate declined this month, the number of Americans joining the labor force declined by 226,000 individuals. The “real” unemployment rate, otherwise… KEEP READING ON NEXT PAGE>>>
Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Note: This commentary was delivered by Prison Fellowship President Mark Earley. One day in 1981, when Jeannette Watson was visiting her doctor for a pregnancy checkup, she told him about her congenital hip displaysia. The doctor informed her, “In a few years there is going to be a genetic test to determine early in a pregnancy if the fetus carries that defective gene.” Jeannette, who considered herself pro-choice, responded, “I would never kill my baby because he had hip displaysia.” Jeannette’s husband, Alexander Sanger, disagrees. He tells this personal story in his new book, Beyond Choice: Reproductive Freedom in the 21st Century. Sanger is the grandson of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. Like his grandmother, Sanger is a pro-abortion activist. To him, the moral of this story is that his wife “simultaneously thinks that abortion should be legal and that it is in many cases wrong” — he considers that a problem. Sanger believes that, like his wife, this country is “pro-choice, mostly.” And for him, “mostly” is not enough. As Sanger reports, the number of Americans who support abortion in all circumstances has changed very little in the three decades since the Roe v. Wade decision. So he wrote the book to share some pro-choice arguments that he hopes will be more convincing than the old ones. He thinks we need to learn to see abortion not just as morally justifiable, but as morally right. If we base our thinking on biology, Sanger argues, we see that both abortion and birth control are necessary means of taking “control of our reproduction” and making sure our genes are passed along. He claims that it may be in a woman’s “reproductive interests” to abort a child who isn’t healthy, or for whom she can’t care, and try to have another one later when the circumstances are more favorable. This, he says, is the best way of ensuring that her genes will be passed on to future generations. Near the end of the book, he sums up this argument as follows: “The only thing more important than life is the propagation of life.” That statement is chilling. I think if I were Sanger’s son, I would be frightened by my father’s words, especially when you consider that story of his wife’s conversation with her doctor. While he dedicates his book to his son, among others, he claims that any child — his son included, I presume — is replaceable. And yet I would be surprised if Sanger really believes that about his own child. I suspect he’s a lot like the philosopher Peter Singer, who argues in favor of euthanasia for the weak while lavishing care on his sick, elderly mother. While Sanger is an influential and respected man in some circles, I don’t think his arguments are going to be as effective as he believes. Even if you don’t believe that each human being has an indisputable right to life, most people can’t get past the fact that each human life is unique, that no one is replaceable. If that’s the best he can do, I’m afraid Sanger will have to resign himself to the fact that the American public still has some respect left for unborn human life — a respect on which those of us who are pro-life need to continually build. For further reading and information: “About Beyond Choice,” interview with Alexander Sanger at his website. Logan Jenkins, “Sanger continues his feminist grandmother’s work,” San Diego Union-Tribune, 8 March 2004. Gary Rosen, “No Truce in This Culture War,” Wall Street Journal, 17 February 2004. (Reprinted at “Alex Sanger Discusses His Controversial New Book,” transcript from The O’Reilly Factor, FOX News, 20 January 2004. Julianne Malveaux, “Sanger’s Legacy Is Reproductive Freedom and Racism,” WENews, 18 July 2001. Michael Specter, “The dangerous philosopher” (profile of Peter Singer), New Yorker, 6 September 1999. (Reprinted at Specter’s website.) BreakPoint Commentary No. 040420, “Spin Control: Abortion Advocates Attempt to Fix Their Message.” Peter Kreeft, Three Approaches to Abortion (Ignatius Press, 2002). Teresa R. Wagner, Back to the Drawing Board: The Future of the Pro-Life Movement (Dumb Ox Books, 2003).
EXECUTION: Trump Just Said The One Thing That James Comey Didn’t Want Getting Out
“That is so illegal,” President Trump just tweeted about the fact that James Comey leaked classified information to the media. Ironically, this is the same thing that Hillary did and that James Comey let off for, says Daily Mail. Look what Trump said next. “James Comey leaked classified information to the media. That is so illegal!” Trump said after a Fox News story reported the allegation from the Hill. Trump then retweeted Sean Hannity. HRC mishandles and destroys classified info-NO PROBLEM! Pay/play on Uranium one NO PROBLEM! Lynch BC tarmac: it's a "matter" NO PROBLEM — Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) July 10, 2017 If that wasn’t enough, Trump retweeted Jason Chaffetz. .@jasoninthehouse: Comey went silent when I asked him about his memos, which raised a lot of eyebrows. — FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) July 10, 2017 James Comey criticized Hillary Clinton for her handling of classified information. Now, he is getting accused of doing the same thing. Here is what the FBI’s Employment Contract says: “Unauthorized disclosure, misuse, or negligent handling of information contained in the files, electronic or paper, of the FBI or which I may acquire as an employee of the FBI could impair national security, place human life in jeopardy, result in the denial of due process, prevent the FBI from effectively discharging its responsibilities, or violate federal law.” Share this if you think that Trump needs to drain that swamp right now. Flush all these liars and cheats down that swamp drain with the rest of the s*&@. We the people are getting tired of this.
Out of this World! Trump Just SAVED Taxpayers This Much so Far!
As promised during his campaign, President Donald Trump made certain that he would in fact cut taxes in this country; relieving the awful tax burdens, delivering economic growth, and putting back into America’s pockets. After three months into his new presidency, President Trump has followed through by keeping his word, and signed another new order, which is “Identifying and Reducing Tax Regulatory Burdens.” (VIDEO BELOW) “I’M GOING TO CUT THE HELL OUT OF TAXES!” DONALD TRUMP According to the White House, the new order states that numerous tax regulations issued over the last several years have effectively increased tax burdens, impeded economic growth, and saddled American businesses with onerous fines, complicated forms, and frustration. Immediate action is necessary to reduce the burden existing tax regulations impose on American taxpayers and thereby to provide tax relief and useful, simplified tax guidance. (VIDEO BELOW) The Hill recently reported President Trump has saved taxpayers an astonishing $$86 billion in regulatory costs during his first three months in office! This confirmed by the American Action Forum (AAF), who cited several Obama-era regulations that Trump has either rolled back on his own, or with the help of Republican lawmakers, using the Congressional Review Act (CRA). The following regulations Trump has rolled back consist of: the Education Department’s school accountability standards, the Environmental Protection Agency’s waters of the United States rule, and the so-called “blacklisting” rule for government contractors. (VIDEO BELOW) Since President Trump took office, he and the help of Congress, have repealed 13 rules with the CRA, allowing lawmakers to overturn recent rules they disapprove of, with a simple majority in Congress. These lawmakers can then send the action to the president for his signature. “Just as there are fiscal costs for new significant rules, there can be savings from repealing old rules through comprehensive regulatory reform,” said Sam Batkins, director of regulatory policy at the AAF. (VIDEO BELOW) SHARE if love that President Trump is making this America Great Again!
Stephen Bannon – AMERICAN TODAY
The very thing that so many conservatives feared regarding the Trump presidency seems to be coming true, as liberal elements push their way into the White House. Could this be the end of what so many fought so hard to achieve? Stephen Bannon’s departure from the Trump White House was the source
Donald Trump Jr. – AMERICAN TODAY
Donald Trump Jr may be a lot of things, but I’d wager what he is best known for is honesty. That’s why it’s no surprise how little time it took for him to come out and tell the REAL story of WHY he met a Russian attorney during the 2016
Boom: Obama’s Legacy Just Took A Massive Hit…His Own Expert Reveals The Truth!
The debate rages on on over the “economic growth” that took place under Obama’s time as president. Many have tried to point to an apparent decrease in unemployment to suggest that Obama’s policies have helped bring jobs back to America and fix the recession experienced at the end of the Bush administration. While the numbers do seem to support this idea, there is always more going on than what the mainstream media is telling you. Often they refuse to acknowledge the unemployment numbers are down, only because millions of people stopped seeking jobs at all. They also neglect to explain that while jobs were added, they often weren’t of the sort that we’re used to seeing in a thriving economy. From Zero Hedge – Fast forward 6 years, when a report by Harvard and Princeton economists Lawrence Katz and Alan Krueger, confirms exactly what we warned. In their study, the duo show that from 2005 to 2015, the proportion of Americans workers engaged in what they refer to as “alternative work” soared during the Obama era, from 10.7% in 2005 to 15.8% in 2015. Alternative, or “gig” work is defined as “temporary help agency workers, on-call workers, contract company workers, independent contractors or freelancers”, and is generally unsteady, without a fixed paycheck and with virtually no benefits. While new jobs were created under the Obama administration, they weren’t steady, traditional jobs that provided security and benefits. Instead they were part-time gigs or sporadic freelance work, that don’t provide advancement, raisers, or steady growth. In fact, a top White House economist says that 94% of the job growth was of this kind of work. Considered “alternative” work, it come in stark contrast to the type of careers most Americans have traditionally sought, careers that provide stable work for years. But it’s not all that bad. While the finding is good news for some, such as graphic designers and lawyers who hate going to an office, for whom new technology and Obamacare has made it more appealing to become an independent contractor. But we can’t forget that not everyone is a graphic designer or lawyer and many of these gig type jobs are not attractive to everyone. It’s a sign that our society and economy is changing. A little bit for the better, but perhaps overall for the worse. Only time will tell if these types of jobs turn out to be a better path for workers in years to come. source
Hungarian President Applauds Trump In His Holiday Message “2017 WILL BE THE YEAR OF REVOLT”
Hungarian President Mihály Orbán gave a very “pro-West” Christmas message that insists the EU needs a YUGE upheaval. Orban also praised Trump’s victory as the start of a new revolt in 2017. From Gateway Pundit: He said: “It is unprecedented that in the heart of Europe, Christians were murdered at Christmas.“It’s clear that, in the case of migration, nothing can remain the way it was before. “Brussels needs to change, migrants who entered Europe illegally must be deported, the borders need to be protected and the inflow of migrants has to be eliminated.” The Hungarian PM says he’s predicting a year of revolt after US president-elect Donald Trump takes office. “A year ago no one would have believed that the UK would withdraw from the European Union (EU), or that Americans would reject the Clinton clan. Hungary is a stable island in the turbulent western world because the people were consulted on their opinions here, and we defended the country against illegal immigration. This will continue in 2017, which will be the year of revolt for European democracy.”
Romney Recruiting Kasich and Sen. Ben Sasse to Run Third-Party
Twice failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney has become an attention hound recently, as he is a vocal anti-Trumper. Why he won’t just go away doesn’t make sense since Republicans have made it clear they’re supporting Trump, but what he’s doing now is beyond sensible. From The Blaze: … Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, has made personal overtures to both Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R), who suspended his presidential campaign earlier this month, and Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse (R), one of Trump’s most outspoken critics. John Weaver, Kasich’s chief strategist, said the governor is uninterested in launching a third party campaign. A spokesperson for Sasse declined to comment to The Hill. The likelihood of a third party campaign launching at this late stage in the presidential cycle is not looking good, the report noted. Deadlines for getting on the ballot in large states like Texas have already passed, but organizers argue that a legal challenge would be successful. If true conservative Ted Cruz can’t get passed Trump after campaigning for over a year, then both Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse have zero chance at winning over voters. Romney is giving the Left the ammunition they covet, which is funny considering they despise guns. Enough is enough.
BREAKING : Chelsea Clinton Makes Decision on Whether or Not She’ll Run for Office
From ConservativeTribune: In an interview with Variety, the daughter of former President Bill Clinton stated bluntly, “I am not running for public office.” “I really am constantly surprised by the stories of me running for — fill in the blank — Congress, Senate, city council, the presidency,” Clinton said, revealing that she’s heard the question since she was a child in the Arkansas governor’s mansion. “I really find this all rather hysterical, because I’ve been asked this question a lot throughout my life, and the answer has never changed.” Clinton said that those considering a run for public office must first ask themselves two important questions: “Do you have a vision for what you want to do in this job?” and “Do you think you’d do a better job than whomever else is there now?”It appeared that at least with regard to the current crop of Democrat politicians Clinton is represented by in New York, she was unable to answer “yes” to her second question. “I love my city councilwoman. She’s awesome,” gushed Clinton. “I’m obsessed with Tish James, who is our public advocate in New York City. I support our mayor. I love my congresswoman. I love our senators.”“I clearly do not support the president and certainly hope that he is defeated in the next election, but I don’t think I’m the best person for that job,” she added.However, CNN noted that Clinton seemed to leave the door to a future political run slightly open with a bit of wiggle room, stating, “If someone steps down or something changes, I’ll answer those questions at that time. But right now, no, I’m not running for public office. Period.” “Right now … Period.” That’s a Clintonian answer if ever there was one.
The FBI has given immunity to five Clinton aides for no apparent reason other than to shield the Clinton oligarchy from the law. Corruption has become one of the few areas in which there is transparency in government. WATCH :
Rancho Mirage – AMERICAN TODAY
Barack Obama will be out of office in less than a month, and for millions of Americans, it’s not a moment too soon. Obama’s legacy will be one of promoting “diversity” — which has turned into another word for division: As president, he should have been more condemnatory of Black Lives
BREAKING : Eric Trump CALLS OUT Crooked Loretta Lynch
After watching the relentless attacks on his father, President Donald Trump, Eric Trump is taking the gloves off and going after the REAL criminals in politics. Eric, while talking with Fox & Friends, asked, “How has [Loretta Lynch] not been subpoenaed?” He makes an extremely valid point; as Democrats continue their onslaught into President Trump, his administration staff, and even his family, the wanton and blatant crimes of the Dems themselves have largely been swept under the rug. The biased, lying mainstream media has gone out of their way to shield Democrat crooks, such as Loretta Lynch, James Comey, and Hillary Clinton herself, from any and all scrutiny.Among Lynch’s personal repertoire of shady and less-than-legal behavior, one incident stands out above the rest: her private meeting with former President Bill Clinton on a tarmac, which occurred just days before his wife Hillary was cleared of her own criminal wrongdoing…
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) – AMERICAN TODAY
A high-ranking political appointee of President Barack Obama’s at the Department of Commerce violated federal rules when he wasted thousands of taxpayer dollars on swanky hotels, limos and plush office decor, according to a new Commerce Department Office of Inspector General (IG) report. The Obama appointee wasn’t named by the IG
Scientists Just Named A New Parasite After Obama
President Barack Obama has become the first president to have a bloodsucking parasite named after him. Scientists gave a newly discovered parasitic flatworm the name “Baracktrema obamai,” and it’s not really clear whether this is intended to be an insult or compliment. “Baracktrema obamai” have long, thin thread-like bodies and have been found living inside the lungs of two species of freshwater turtles in Malaysia. The parasites use a sucker to latch onto their host to feed. It is not clear if “Baracktrema obami” can infect humans, but they are related to worms that can. Parasites can eat the tissues of their hosts and produce toxic waste, which can cause debilitating health problems in the infected. President Barack Obama is apparently the fifth cousin, twice-removed of one of the scientists who discovered the worm. Previously, parasites have been named after individuals as a form of revenge. The worm represents both a new genus and species of parasitic flatworm. Obama already has a spider, a fish and a dinosaur named after him. Similar flatworms cause several diseases in humans and livestock and typically live inside their hosts, eating half-digested food that is found in their intestines. They live in extremely tropical areas and are spread in fecal matter or unclean drinking water.
Jennifer Lopez Tries To Overthrow Trump In Grammy Speech- America Responds!
The Grammy Awards on Sunday were a quite interesting show to watch. We have all been expecting the liberal media as well as the liberal Hollywood celebrities to start throwing punches at Trump, and they did not fail to deliver. The celebrities have managed to ruin every award show since Trump got elected president, by getting all political and totally ignorant, while we’re at it. They just love to teach us conservatives to differ right from wrong and to stay open minded, while they are saving up their millions on building fancy mansions and keeping their money all to themselves.A video on YouTube, showcasing Jennifer Lopez and her ridiculousness, surfaced and we are mostly embarrassed by her. Luckily, we have sane people who can tell the actual facts straight up and directly. Jennifer Lopez may have spoken on how every celebrity needs to speak up if they want to be heard and if they are willing to make a change, but in our minds, that is nothing short of stupidity. Honestly, Jennifer Lopez has done nothing smart or significant to even consider her a serious voice of reason. Blabbing doesn’t help, but that seems to be the Hollywood celebrities’ favorite thing to do nowadays.Aside from Jennifer Lopez, other celebrities also attempted to crush Trump, including Grammy’s host, James Corden and Paris Jackson (is she famous yet?). Well, this is just disgraceful. It seems to me that no decent award shows are left to watch since everything already went south and only poor political opinions by insignificant individuals are ruling the also liberal media. source
Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
A Little Too Much Reality TV
How’s this for “reality TV “? Tuesday night a British network televised an abortion. In a documentary titled “My Foetus,” England’s Channel 4 showed a London doctor using the “vacuum pump” method on a woman who was four weeks pregnant — then placing the aborted fetus on a Petri dish. The documentary also displayed fetuses terminated at 10 through 21 weeks — when limbs and a face are clearly visible. What’s behind something so grotesque? For one thing, it’s Western culture’s jadedness. What shocked us yesterday has become commonplace, so we descend another step into once-forbidden territory to “get a buzz” today. Deviancy continues to be defined downward. But the problem is even deeper. Josephine Quintavalle, director of Britain’s pro-life Comment on Reproductive Ethics, noted that even the title of the program was spin-doctored: ” . . . if anybody has ever heard a pregnant woman talking about her ‘foetus,’ I’d like to meet them. Every pregnant woman talks about her baby. The title dehumanizes the issue and denies the foetus a voice.” The program’s producer, Julia Black, had an abortion at age 21, and her father founded an abortion clinic. She told the London Telegraph, “I think the pro-choice movement can no longer rely on just arguing abortion is a woman’s right. They have to start engaging with the reality.” Ms. Black explained that her abortion forced her to acknowledge that “abortion ends the life” of what she euphemistically calls “a potential human being.” Wednesday’s Telegraph added, “But as a second — wanted — baby took shape inside her, she began to wonder if the 180,000 British women who opted for abortion each year were fully informed when they made their choice.” Sounds like she was becoming pro-life and going to warn others. Black, you see, decided that a woman needs “to be convinced that abortion is a morally legitimate procedure, even after knowing what it involves.” So she took viewers on her journey of learning to accept abortion as legitimate. She believed in showing real images and would “engage with the reality” in order to deny that reality and, therefore, dull the consciences of hundreds of thousands of women. The same technique showed up at a pro-abortion conference this year in the United States, where the conferees watched a partial-birth abortion actually performed. When the operation was over and the baby dead, they applauded. The strategy seems to be to shock our consciences for a moment in order to anesthetize them for a lifetime. Another event with similar aims is scheduled for Washington this coming Sunday. A coalition calling itself “March for Women’s Lives” is organizing what they call a massive demonstration on behalf of women. It alleges that “the lives and health of women” are imperiled by any restriction on the “right” to terminate what they say is a “product of conception.” I hope the result of the television production “My Foetus” and this upcoming march will be a strong sense of revulsion. Yet we have to remember that this is an age in which evil is portrayed as good, even with something so grotesque as an abortion performed on television. But it is why it is so important for you and me to speak out as Christians and to argue lovingly and gently that life is a gift from God. For further reading and information: Helen Brown, “Bloody reality of abortion brought to our living rooms,” Telegraph (London), 21 April 2004. “Should Channel 4 air My Foetus?” Telegraph (London), 19 April 2004 (reader reaction). “‘There are only two categories of human being: wanted and unwanted,’” Telegraph (London), 18 April 2004. Hugh Davies, “Channel 4 defends plan to screen an abortion,” Telegraph (London), 5 April 2004. “Church leader supports TV abortion,” Telegraph (London), 14 April 2004. Jason Hopps, “TV Abortion Footage Stirs Debate in Britain,” Reuters, 19 April 2004. Life Dynamics has a CD that includes the pro-abortion conference at which a partial-birth abortion was performed. Read transcript highlights from National Abortion Federation, et al. v. Ashcroft, the partial-birth abortion court case (warning: graphic descriptions). (Adobe Acrobat Reader required.) Also see the trial notebook from the American Center for Law and Justice. Learn more about Comment on Reproductive Ethics. See the “March for Women’s Lives!” website. Deborah Zabarenko, “Abortion Rights March Could Bring Thousands,” Reuters, 21 April 2004. Keith Peters, “Pro-Lifers Barred from Abortion March Sidelines, Lawsuite Filed,” Family News in Focus, 21 April 2004. Fred de Miranda, MD, FCP, “When Human Life Begins,” American College of Pediatricians, 17 March 2004. Alexander Pope, Essay on Man, Epistle II: “Vice is a monster of so frightful mien/As to be hated need but to be seen;/Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,/We first endure, then pity, then embrace.” See BreakPoint commentaries “Irreplaceable” and “Spin Control.” Charles A. Donovan, “Good Things to Life,” BreakPoint Online, 15 April 2003. Peter Kreeft, Three Approaches to Abortion (Ignatius Press, 2002). Robert Hart, “Her Mother’s Glory,” Touchstone, January/February 2004.
Man Uses Women’s Restroom, Snaps Pictures of 10-Year-Old Girl
We told you this would happen, and we’ve seen it a bunch of times now. We told you the LGBT agenda was bad, Lefties. But you refused to listen. This man may just be a pervert, but “bathroom bills” make it easier for him to get away with these sort of actions… From Breitbart: A Pennsylvania man who was arrested for taking photos of a 10-year-old girl in a public restroom has now also been hit with child porn charges, police report. Quarryville, PA, resident James Thomas Shoemaker, 19, was arrested last week when he was found hiding in a stall of the woman’s bathroom in the Sheetz store on Manheim Pike. Police said he was taking images of young girls on his cell phone. The arrest comes as progressives step up their judicial and media push to force American adults and youths to share all of their public bathrooms and changing rooms with the small number of people who try to live and look like people of the opposite gender. In mid-April, for example, Target stores announced they would only allow mixed-gender changing rooms and toilets. On April 21, media outlets claimed that Donald Trump supported the progressive campaign to eliminate single-gender bathrooms. We’ll continue to see more and more of this if states keep passing “bathroom bills” that allow mentally ill men to use the women’s facilities. It’s only natural. Obama took a stand yesterday and came out in support of allowing men in the women’s rooms, as it’s just another notch on his belt in an attempt to destroy the greatest nation in the world. Crazy times. RELATED:Trump: Transgender people can use whatever bathroom they want [Video]
Woman Born In Nazi Germany Asked If Trump’s Like Hitler, Her Response Is VIRAL
Hitler led what is considered the largest atrocity against a “people” in modern times. And that is the person to which today’s liberals compare our president, Donald J. Trump.Marion Ingeborg Andrews, who lived under Hitler in Germany, shared her perspective, “Trump is not like Hitler. Just because a leader wants order doesn’t mean they’re like a dictator.” (via IJR) Comparing any person to Hitler is such a pitiful argument that it usually ends the conversation right then and there.It also indicates the person making the comparison just doesn’t understand the devastation Hitler caused.Andrews knows it first-hand. She was born in Dusseldorf, Germany. She spent her formative years hiding in air raid shelters and cleaning up the rubble from bombed buildings around her neighborhood.She ate maple leaves and grass, just out of desperation. Most of the people she knew as a child, died. Millions more, across the globe, also lost their lives to the horror Hitler brought upon our planet. In complete contrast, Donald Trump is for our Constitutional rights and would never threaten them. He has Jewish grandchildren, and he does not want to target any group. He instead wants to enforce our existing laws, and beef up our response to those who threaten the lives and livelihood of Americans.Donald Trump is not looking for war, unlike Barack Obama, I might add. Comparing Trump to Hitler is like saying a Ford Escort reminds me of Sunday brunch. The two things are just not even in the same ball park.In fact, Andrews went on to sat that what does remind her of Nazi Germany are our university campuses, where professors are teaching lies to our youth. That’s what concerns her most. Oddly enough, some of the recruiting documents we have seen from liberal organizations specifically discuss approaching children in middle schools. Does THAT not remind people of the Hitler Youth Groups? source
Obama Pops Up In Germany For G20 Acting Like The President With What He Just Did To Screw Trump
In the middle of President Donald Trump is doing a masterful job in Germany today meeting with world leaders and forging deals to make America great again, his predecessor went into total meltdown. Barack Obama can’t handle passing his coveted power over to a capable person who’s for America, so he decided to try to take over and do his hardest to derail Trump at the G-20 Summit with the disgusting thing he did behind his back when he showed up unexpectedly in Hamburg. Obama has been obsessed with relinquishing the power from Trump that he enjoyed as president for two terms too long. He’s so vindictive that he simply does things to screw with Donald Trump and make his job hard as we saw on our president’s first overseas trip and now again on his second one where Obama appears to have stepped up his juvenile game. It’s bad enough that the Obamas take endless vacations with an army of protection surrounding them at all times that’s paid for by the American people, but Barack has now added insult to that injury. Instead of keeping to himself on his ongoing Indonesian vacation and allowing the American people the opportunity to forget him, he just insulted the nation he formerly led for eight years by going on a destructive apology tour while Trump is standing up for the U.S. at the G-20 Summit, which the Obamas never did. If that wasn’t disgusting enough, what else he did behind Donald and Melania’s backs is a truly foul move. It’s no secret that Obama loves to protect the so-called “religion of peace” which aims to destroy Western life as we know it. He used part of his vacation to perpetuate his apology to Muslims for the way Americans see them, during a disgusting speech he gave in Jakarta about “religious tolerance.” Completely overlooking the fact that Jakarta’s Christian Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama was recently imprisoned by Islamic forces who accused him of blasphemy, Obama had the audacity to criticize the United States for our supposed “religious injustice” in the midst of actual injustice in the very place he was delivering his stinging remarks. Obama called on the world to confront “discrimination against people based on race or ethnicity or religion,” so long as it only protected followers of Islam, not Christianity. “If we don’t stand up for tolerance and moderation and respect for others, if we begin to doubt ourselves and all that we have accomplished, then much of the progress that we have made will not continue,” Obama said. “What we will see is more and more people arguing against democracy, we will see more and more people who are looking to restrict freedom of the press, and we’ll see more intolerance, more tribal divisions, more ethnic divisions, and religious divisions, and more violence.” While his words sound like he’s pushing something positive, his apology about America’s actions suggested the complete opposite. “The world is at a crossroads,” he said. According to the Hill, the former president spoke against pursuing national interests to the detriment of the international community. The implication that President Trump was doing exactly such a thing was made explicit when Obama criticized “the temporary absence of American leadership” on climate change while riffing on nationalism, Conservative Report reported. “We start seeing a rise in sectarian politics, we start seeing a rise in an aggressive kind of nationalism, we start seeing both in developed and developing countries an increased resentment about minority groups and the bad treatment of people who don’t look like us or practice the same faith as us,” Obama said. After these insulting remarks made about not just our president, but Jakarta’s Governor as well, Obama doubled down on his resentful reaction to Trump being president with what he did to him in Germany ahead of G-20. It was reported on Thursday that the first couple couldn’t find luxury accommodations in Hamburg and now it’s come out that this was likely the work of Obama to try to deter the president from a successful trip. Young Conservatives reports: “Donald Trump is in Hamburg, Germany for the G-20 summit and apparently he wasn’t able to get a hotel room at one of the top 5 star hotels.” “The media has been joking around about how dumb Trump is but, as usual, they are leaving out a key piece of information.” “The hotels were already booked on Election Day.” “Which means, it was up to Obama to make sure that the next president was set up.” While he will likely make is sound like a simple oversight, it was probably and intentional move since Barack Obama has proven to not be above these childish punishments to his replacement. It would have been the right things to do for the current administration to make sure everything was in place for their replacement, but details like that were not important to Obama when he found out Trump was taking office and not Hillary Clinton. “The White House is blaming the Obama administration for leaving President Donald Trump without a proper hotel during this week’s G20 summit,” Daily Mail reports. “Every top-shelf lodging was already booked by the time the Trump White House began making inquiries – but that, two White House officials say, is because their predecessors never booked rooms for an American delegation.” “The funny thing,” a second Trump White House official said Friday, “is that the U.S. delegation probably also wouldn’t have had hotel rooms if Hillary Clinton had become president. It was already too late by Election Day. Trump still defeated Obama’s best efforts and found “room at the inn” because he has more pull overseas than his predecessor. However, that didn’t stop the mainstream media from slandering Trump on this by saying he wasn’t prepared.
Gina Dalfonzo, Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Youth Reads: Tell the Wind and Fire
In a future New York City, society is divided between Light and Dark, and people are treated accordingly. Those who live behind walls in the Dark part of the city are referred to as “the buried ones”; they are feared and disliked, but they’re also necessary. The Lights and the Darks practice different kinds of magic, and each is dependent on the other for their very survival. Lucie Manette is a Light magician, born in the Dark city. Her mother was murdered and her father arrested and tortured for violating the city’s laws; Lucie decided that she would stop at nothing to get him out. Now they both live in the Light city, where Lucie is widely admired as a symbol of freedom for what she did for her father, but all she feels about it is guilt and anguish. She can’t fully enjoy her exciting new life with boyfriend Ethan, haunted as she is by memories of the past and by her father’s shattered state. And then a new threat appears in the form of Ethan’s doppelganger, Carwyn, and Lucie realizes that even what little safety and happiness she now has could be taken from her. If Lucie’s name rings a bell, there’s a reason: Her story, “Tell the Wind and Fire,” is an update of Charles Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities.” Acclaimed Young Adult author Sarah Rees Brennan has taken Dickens’ classic story and created her own version, set in a fantasy world that nonetheless contains strong echoes of the turbulent French Revolution period from the original. Brennan skillfully weaves in Dickens’ plot threads, character elements, and language to create a story that’s both a tribute to his book, and a compelling work all her own. More than that, she understands and shares many of his views about societal conflict. Like Dickens before her, Brennan commendably resists the urge to villainize or idolize either side in the battle between the haves and the have-nots. Both authors make a strong case, as the cycle of vengeance plays out in their respective novels, that there is good and bad on both sides, and that redemption and restoration can never come through hatred, no matter how justified it may be. Watching her beloved aunt preparing to torture one of the cruel and powerful members of the Light ruling elite, Lucie realizes, “His hate was as futile as hers had been for years. The power might have changed sides, but there was hate on both sides, inescapable. I felt like I was choking on it.” But also, both novels have a cynical main character who experiences his own redemption and saves others out of love, his sacrificial actions contrasting sharply with the cataclysmic hatred and rage around him. Seeing this sacrifice teaches Lucie, among other things, that “People will come up with a hundred thousand reasons why other people do not count as human, but that does not mean anyone has to listen.” Also like “A Tale of Two Cities,” “Tell the Wind and Fire” contains violent episodes. In place of Dickens’ guillotines, for instance, Brennan portrays cages in which prisoners are pierced with spikes, sometimes lingering for days. As in Dickens’ novel, the violent scenes are not explicit, but they are memorable. Other content issues include sexual references, including mention of the sexual relationship between Lucie and Ethan; though both of them come across as older, they’re still both supposed to be teenagers, so the fact that all the adults in their lives are somehow completely fine with this seems more than a little odd. As for profanity, there’s only a very small amount. “A Tale of Two Cities” contains explicit religious elements. There are fewer of these in “Tell the Wind and Fire.” Light is occasionally referred to as if it were a deity (though not one that anyone is actually shown worshiping), and there are a few mentions of Dark rituals, including the one that created the doppelganger Carwyn. Near the end, there’s a mention of sins being wiped away, and though it’s subtler than the religious language and imagery in Dickens’ novel — and it’s not made clear who is wiping them away — it’s still a strong and significant idea. As well as being a moving and powerful novel in its own right, “Tell the Wind and Fire” makes a good stepping stone for teens who may then want to go on and read Dickens’ original work. (Over at Dickensblog I’ve posted a piece that goes more deeply into the parallels between the two. I’ve also posted an excerpt from Brennan’s novel.) Their shared message about the dangers of hatred, and the possibility of transcending it through love and forgiveness, is always a timely and important one, in any age. Image copyright Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Review copy obtained from the publisher. Gina Dalfonzo is editor of and Dickensblog.
President Trump Just Announced His New National Security Advisor
President Trump announced from Mar-a-Lago on Monday that Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster will be his new national security advisor after Michael Flynn stepped down last week.McMaster, who is a highly decorated Army officer, joined the president for the announcement along with acting advisor Lt. General Joseph Keith Kellogg, Jr. “We have been working all weekend, very diligently and very hard,” Trump said. “Gen. H. R. McMaster will become the national security advisor. He is a man of tremendous talent and tremendous experience. I watched and read a lot over the last two days. We are very honored to have him.” The president noted that Kellogg will stay on as chief of staff for the National Security Council.On Saturday, a White House spokesman said Trump would interview four candidates for the job — McMaster, Kellogg, Lt. Gen. Robert L. Caslen Jr., and John Bolton.Flynn resigned Monday night after reports surfaced that he misled Vice President Mike Pence about conversations he had with the Russian ambassador concerning sanctions. source
James Woods stole the spotlight, and a shoe, from Patton Oswalt at the WGA Awards.Comedian Patton Oswalt hosted the event on Sunday and incorporated an ample amount of jokes knocking President Donald Trump, who he’s made no secret of loathing on social media. At one point the “King of Queens” star
BREAKING! Paris Is Under Attack! President Trump’s Predictions Are COMING TRUE!
President Trump has warned Americans that terrorists are on the move and he will do anything to protect our borders to keep us safe. He has verbalized recent terror attacks before they occurred in Europe, but no one seems to listen. Places like, Nice, Paris, Brussels, Sweden were all hit recently by radical Islamic terror attacks. President Trump was proven right once again today by yet another Islamic attack in France. “A radicalised Muslim on a terrorist watchlist opened fire on three police officers at a road check before attacking a soldier at a Paris airport. The gunman launched his first attack after being stopped for speeding at a road check north of the city early this morning, shooting a policewoman in the head. He then held up a woman motorist at gunpoint, stealing her car and driving to Orly airport. In the airport terminal the attacker assaulted a patrol of three counter-terrorism soldiers, wrestling one of them to the floor and trying to take her gun. The man was shot dead by patrol officers as they attempted to protect the women and members of the public at the airport, according to France’s Interior Ministry.” Just last month, president Trump called out the dangers in Europe that are largely going ignored. “Sweden — they took in large numbers,” Trump said. “They’re having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what’s happening in Brussels. You look at what’s happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris.” This is yet another example of why we NEED to listen to our president when it comes to radical Islamic terror! Our president knows what he is talking about!! source
ALERT: Check Your Bananas NOW – If You Find A Red Streak In Them, This Is The SICKENING Thing It Is
Not long after snack time, Lissa Melin’s young daughter began to feel dizzy and said that she was feeling sick. The little girl was feeling fine before she had snack time, but her condition quickly worsened. The mother began to obviously begin to panic not sure why her daughter was so sick all the sudden. Melin quickly ran to the banana that she had given her 8-year-old child and after inspecting it made a gruesome discovery. Melin like any other parent in the world fed her daughter Dionne a banana not thinking that it could make her precious child sick. However, after taking just a couple bites of the yummy fruit the little girl fell ill. When Melin looked closely at the banana on Dionne’s plate she noticed thick red streaks in the center of the fruit. Melin then did a quick internet search and discovered what the red streaks and is now warning other parents. As it turns out the red streak is a fungus that is naturally occurring and is called Nigrospora. “I was panicking and I didn’t know what to do. She had only a couple mouthfuls but I was really worried about her,” Melin said. “She was fine until she had that banana and then all of a sudden she was feeling dizzy and sick.” Melin’s daughter deteriorated rapidly so armed with the information from the internet she quickly took her to the emergency room in the U.K where they are from. Thankfully, the doctors were able to help and she made a quick recovery. The doctors confirmed that the fungus is not life-threatening, but it can make the person who consumes the fungus quite ill. It appears that the fungus is mostly psychosomatic, but that does not change the fear this young mother felt. Because the fungus occurs in the center of the banana it difficult to see it before it is too late. Morrisons supermarket where the Melin’s purchased the contaminated banana has since apologized. “We are sorry for Mrs. Melin’s daughter’s distress,” a Morrisons representative said. “This product did not meet our strict quality standards. However, we would like to assure her that it is a naturally occurring mold which is not harmful to humans.” While this fungus is 100% real, leave it to the internet rumors to change the actual facts. Recently, people have been circulating this story again on social media sites, but are saying this fungus is something else. Instead of people accurately reporting that this is a naturally occurring fungus they are claiming it is HIV Positive blood. American News, is one of those sites that has been found to be peddling this false story to people. Here is an excerpt from their article. “According to some disturbing new reports, officials in the United States have just warned the public that somebody has been injecting HIV-infected blood into bananas. Newsbake reports that eight children were diagnosed with HIV in the month of March, all from eating bananas from a Tulsa, Oklahoma Walmart. The mothers of these children became concerned when the children, all under the age of 17, started showing symptoms like fatigue, chills, rashes, and mouth sores. A woman named Anna Aquavia posted a shocking message on Facebook about the incident, noting: “This happened to my friends sister who lives in Nebraska but please share this and be aware. Someone is injecting blood into bananas. The hospital tested the banana and it is indeed blood. After researching on the Internet, apparently someone is injecting HIV positive blood into bananas and oranges.” Now, there is allegedly a major recall on bananas coming from India, due to many of them being injected with the virus. An estimated 2 million bananas were affected by the disease. There is a little thing that is called integrity which so many people seem to lack today. This fungus is real and it caused a little girl to become very ill. Why not report on the actual cause of the red streak so others can be aware of it? To tell people that it is HIV positive blood is reckless and highly irresponsible. Words do matter and when reporting the news it is important for us all to double check the sources that are being presented to us. This mother and daughter went through something very frightening and does not need her words to be changed. As Melin said previously, all she just wanted to do was issue a warning to other parents to be on the lookout. I know for myself I will keep a closer eye on the fruit that I feed my child. I did not know about this fungus, but I am glad I do now. In my opinion, an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of a cure. Which means, in this case, to take the extra steps and cut the fruit into pieces to ensure it is safe. H/T [ Boston Standard ]
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National, local leaders pray for victims of Colo. shooting
National, local leaders pray for victims of Colo. shooting % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Washington D.C., Jul 20, 2012 / 11:15 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Elected officials at both the national and local levels have voiced grief and promised prayers and support after a shooting in Colorado left at least 12 people dead and dozens more wounded. “It is beyond the power of words to fully express our sorrow this morning,” said Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper. “Our prayers and condolences go first to the families of those killed, and we share the grief of everyone affected by this senseless event.” “Coloradans have a remarkable ability to support one another in times of crisis,” the governor said. “This one of those times.” Early on the morning of July 20, during the midnight premiere of “The Dark Knight Rises,” a gunman entered Century Movie Theater in Aurora, Colo. According to reports, the man wore a gas mask and released at least one canister containing noxious gas before shooting members of the crowd. The suspect, 24-year-old James Holmes, has been arrested. Current reports indicate that at least 12 individuals were killed and about 50 more were wounded in the incident. As the deadliest mass shooting since the 2007 Virginia Tech tragedy, the July 20 event generated national concern. President Barack Obama said that he was “shocked and saddened” to learn of the shooting. “All of us must have the people of Aurora in our thoughts and prayers as they confront the loss of family, friends, and neighbors, and we must stand together with them in the challenging hours and days to come,” the president said. Presidential candidate Mitt Romney said that he and his wife, Ann, are “praying for the families and loved ones of the victims during this time of deep shock and immense grief.” U.S. Senator Michael Bennet said that his staff was offering support to legal and medical officials as they responded to the tragedy. “This was a horrible, senseless and abhorrent act,” the senator said. “My family and I are shocked and deeply saddened this morning and our hearts are with the victims and their families.” Numerous local officials also issued statements offering support, condolences and prayers for all those affected by the shooting. State Rep. Rhonda Fields announced a 7 p.m. prayer vigil at the Aurora Municipal building. She welcomed people from surrounding areas to join her in praying for the victims and helping to support “the families, friends and community members whom have been impacted.” Read more at CNA Daily News – US Source:
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Denver’s bishops grieve with community after shooting massacre
Denver’s bishops grieve with community after shooting massacre % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Denver, Colo., Jul 20, 2012 / 10:46 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila and auxiliary Bishop James D. Conley mourned with the Denver community after a gunman opened fire in a local movie theater on July 20, killing 12 and wounding 50. “We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters cast into that darkness. They do not stand alone. As Catholic bishops, we ‘weep with those who weep,’” they said. “We are shocked and saddened by this tragedy. Our hearts and prayers go out to those impacted by this evil act.” At a packed midnight showing of the “Dark Knight Rises” at Century Movie Theater in the eastern suburb of Aurora, Colo., a man identified as James Holmes, 24, entered the front of the theater and set off what appeared to be a noxious canister of gas. Clad in a gas mask and armed with a shotgun, a rifle, and two handguns, Holmes began shooting at random. Stunned moviegoers, many of whom initially thought the noise was part of the show, began to flee as Holmes ascended the aisle. According to Aurora Police, Holmes was apprehended outside the theater at 12:30 a.m., shortly after the attack, and taken into custody. In their statement released Friday morning, Archbishop Aquila and Bishop Conley prayed for the conversion of the “perpetrator of this terrible crime.” “Evil ruled his heart last night,” they wrote. “Only Jesus Christ can overcome the darkness of such evil.” The mass shooting has been the worst in Colorado since the Columbine High School massacre, which occurred in Littleton in April of 1999. Twelve students and a teacher were killed and 26 others wounded after teenage gunmen Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold opened fire, before killing themselves. Archbishop Aquila and Bishop Conley stressed that the Archdiocese of Denver “stands ready to assist the victims of this tragedy, and our community,” and noted that the Regina Caeli Counseling Services of Catholic Charities will “offer counseling over the next few weeks to those who need it.” “We look for opportunities to pray with our community. And we continue to work to support families and communities in forming people of peace.” The two bishops offered prayers especially for those who were killed, adding that they “commend their souls, and their families and friends, to God’s enduring love.” “For those who were wounded – physically, emotionally, and spiritually, our hope is in their recovery and renewal,” they said. “To them we offer our prayers, our ears to listen, and our hearts to love. The road to recovery may be long, but in hope we are granted the gift of new life.” Read more at CNA Daily News – US Source:
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Local priest reacts to ‘terrible’ theater shootings
Local priest reacts to ‘terrible’ theater shootings % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Aurora, Colo., Jul 20, 2012 / 02:08 pm (CNA).- Aurora priest Father Mauricio Bermudez said the murderous movie theater shootings have had a “devastating” effect on the community. “It’s terrible. Everybody is just sad, shocked. People are really frustrated and some are worrying about what will happen with security around here,” he told CNA on July 20. Fr. Bermudez is a parochial vicar at Aurora’s Queen of Peace parish, the Catholic church closest to the Century Aurora 16 Theater where a gunman killed 12 people and wounded 59 more during a premiere showing of “The Dark Knight Rises” early Friday morning. “I’m really sorry about what happened,” the priest said. “I don’t understand why that happened and why this guy did the things he did.” He is not yet aware if anyone he knows was injured or killed in the shooting. “I’m very sad for all the people who died,” he said. “At least for now, I can offer my prayers and my support to all of them, especially the families that lost their members.” Fr. Bermudez himself went to an early showing of the movie, but at another cinema. “Now I’m really concerned about what the culture is becoming and the violence we are promoting, in one way or another,” he told CNA. Queen of Peace will host a 5 p.m. Mass on Friday with the new Archbishop of Denver Samuel J. Aquila, who was installed July 18. “We want to pray for all the victims,” Fr. Bermudez said. Federal authorities have identified James Holmes, 24, as the suspected gunman. The gunman wore a gas mask and set off gas canisters in the theater before opening fire. He wore a bullet-resistant vest and used several weapons. The suspect told police he had explosives in his apartment five miles from the theater. Police have evacuated nearby apartments and say his apartment is rigged with explosive devices and trip wires. Holmes, a graduate of a San Diego high school, was a graduate student in neuroscience at the University of Colorado-Denver. He was in the process of withdrawing from classes, according to the Denver Post. Archbishop Aquila and auxiliary Bishop James D. Conley released a July 20 statement saying they are “shocked and saddened” by the shootings. “We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters cast into that darkness. They do not stand alone. As Catholic bishops, we ‘weep with those who weep’,” they said. Read more at CNA Daily News – US Source:
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Denver archdiocese excited and grateful for new leader
Denver archdiocese excited and grateful for new leader % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Denver, Colo., Jul 20, 2012 / 04:08 am (CNA).- Catholics in the Archdiocese of Denver welcomed their new archbishop with enthusiasm and hope for the future following his July 18 Installation Mass. “I am thrilled and overjoyed with the appointment of Archbishop Aquila,” Auxiliary Bishop James D. Conley of Denver told CNA in July 17 interview. Bishop Conley, who served as Denver’s Apostolic Administrator for nearly a year, said he is looking forward to serving Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila in his new role. “I consider him a friend and admire him for what he has done in Fargo,” he said, “so I am really excited (to be) serving with him and continue serving the people of Colorado.” On July 18, Archbishop Aquila was officially installed as the shepherd of Catholics in the Denver archdiocese at the Basilica Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. The ceremony drew hundreds of people, including local politicians, 400 priests, 40 bishops, Cardinal James F. Stafford, and papal representative Archbishop Carlo M. Vigano. Monsignor Thomas S. Fryar, who serves as the pastor of the cathedral and as parochial vicar to the archdiocese, said having a new archbishop has caused “wonderful joy within the community.” Archbishop Aquila filled the vacancy left by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, who was named by Pope Benedict XVI to lead the Philadelphia archdiocese last fall. “I think we can expect that the good initiatives that began under Archbishop Chaput and Cardinal Stafford will continue and flourish,” Bishop Conley said. Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, who was previously an auxiliary bishop in Denver, described the experience of seeing his “personal friend” become the head of the archdiocese as “a great joy.” “I know he is going to serve well (for) the people in the Archdiocese of Denver,” he said. Bishop Paul D. Eitenne of Cheyenne, Wyo. said he is glad to have Archbishop Aquila “back out to the West,” but especially back in Denver, which is home to over half a million Catholics. Cara Ryhne, a consecrated laywoman in the Marian Community of Recollection, said that Archbishop Aquilla “can count on prayers and friendship” from her community. “We want to work together with you to be a light here in Denver and to bring the Lord Jesus to all,” she said. Seminarian Josh Meier said that he and his fellow classmates at the St. John Vianney Theological Seminary are “excited to be under new leadership.” “We are excited to have someone that knows the seminary,” Meier said of Archbishop Aquila, who served as the first rector of the seminary from 1999 to 2001. His installation, which makes him the fifth archbishop and the eighth bishop to lead Denver, is especially important to the hundreds of clergy in the area, according to local Catholic Peggy Tynan. “I am very excited for our priests to have such a loving father,” she said, “and excited for what is in store for them.” Read more at CNA Daily News – US Source:
ALERT: Bananas Being Injected With HIV Blood… Here’s How You Can Tell
According to some disturbing new reports, officials in the United States have just warned the public that somebody has been injecting HIV-infected blood into bananas. Newsbake reports that eight children were diagnosed with HIV in the month of March, all from eating bananas from a Tulsa, Oklahoma Walmart. The mothers of these children became concerned when the children, all under the age of 17, started showing symptoms like fatigue, chills, rashes, and mouth sores. A woman named Anna Aquavia posted a shocking message on Facebook about the incident, noting: “This happened to my friends sister who lives in Nebraska but please share this and be aware. Someone is injecting blood into bananas. The hospital tested the banana and it is indeed blood. After researching on the Internet, apparently someone is injecting HIV positive blood into bananas and oranges.” Now, there is allegedly a major recall on bananas coming from India, due to many of them being injected with the virus. An estimated 2 million bananas were affected by the disease.
JUST IN: Deputy AG Rosenstein Slams His Hand Down As Russia Investigation Goes Too Far
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, despite his previous reputation for integrity, has bowed to the dictates of liberal manipulators. His investigation on possible Trump and Russia collusion is based on a series of falsehoods concocted by Hillary and Obama sycophants. However, his overreaching inquiries have been halted by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. On Sunday, Rosenstein spoke to Fox News host Chris Wallace and explained the scope of the investigation. He specifically stated that Mueller would not be conducting a “fishing expedition.” The news comes in the wake of Mueller’s constant expansion of the Russia probe. Specifically, he has requested the financial information for the president’s family and is searching through retired Lt. General Michael Flynn’s ties to a Dutch company, which has possible ties to Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The entire witch hunt began with the Obama administration’s unlawful unmasking of Trump’s campaign associates. Basically, they requested classified information on everyone near the man who was a threat to their control of the United States. While laughing at him, the democrats were secretly scared that Trump would be elected, so they took illegal steps to dig up any dirt they could find. The unmasking’s were possibly ordered by Hillary. The recent proof of her conniving with Comey and Lynch indicates that she had Washington and media liberals in the palm of her hand. After the illegal unmasking, a democrat “research group” paid for a fake dossier to be created about President Trump. The group circulated the report and distributed it among the leftist media so that Hillary’s real collusion with Russia would be diluted or even ignored. However, just last month the company refused to answer questions about who really funded the false information. When that happened, all the supposed proof of collusion vanished. Although the evidence has been shown a hoax, Mueller wants to keep going with the “investigation.” He reportedly asked for financial information of the president’s family. Now he wants to probe Michael Flynn’s supposed connection to the Turkish president. Exactly what Turkey has to do with Russia or the election is hard to understand. Hours of work has been spent pouring over the documents of Flynn’s business dealings with a Turkish-American businessman who worked with the consulting company, Flynn Intel Group. Apparently, Flynn’s business was paid by the Dutch company Inovo BV to discredit a man living in Pennsylvania. The U.S.-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gülen, according to a number of sources, is the leader of a large, sleeper terrorist network that operates globally. For years, Turkish authorities and others in American have lobbied for the extradition of Gulen, who is known as a radical Islamist. Turkey’s president Erdogan blames Gulen for the recent uprising in his country, which claimed the lives of more than 300 people. Erdogan pressured former president Obama to review the evidence against Gulen, but he avoided the issue and allowed the cleric to remain safe in the U.S. The Dutch company has close ties to Erdogan, and Flynn has been outspoken about the entire affair. On election day last year Fylnn said, “From Turkey’s point of view, Washington is harboring Turkey’s Osama bin Laden.” Now, Mueller wants to find out if Flynn’s company received kickbacks from Inovo BV, and if those kickbacks originated from Turkey. Again, this has absolutely nothing to do with President Trump. The scope of his investigation is supposed to center around the imaginary Russia interference in the election of 2016. Rosenstein said that if Mueller discovers a crime outside of that space, he’ll have to seek permission to expand the investigation. In fact, he’d have to ask permission from Rosenstein, who has the power to fire Mueller if he sees reason. His warning answers a few questions about the polarizing issue. It’s good to know that Mueller won’t be able to extend his already bogus investigation. Most American’s are ready to see the end of this witch hunt and want to move on to the real investigation of Hillary, Obama, Comey, and Lynch. The democrat’s illegal, immoral, and reprehensible conduct while in office is widely documented and should result in the criminal conviction of each. Hopefully, that will begin soon. For now, Rosenstein has put his foot down on the scope of Mueller’s probe. Given the fact that it started illegally with false information, it should fizzle out soon.
Gigi Hadid apologizes in a handwritten note for mocking Melania Trump; guess who’s not buying it?
Supermodel Gigi Hadid appears to be having some regrets.But, the American people are not buying it.It was only about 5 minutes into the American Music Awards show Sunday night when the celebs couldn’t hold in their Trump disdain one minute longer. In an effort to mock the president-elect and the soon to be first lady, show host Hadid did an unflattering impression of Melania Trump. Trump-hate started 5 min. into American Music Awards; ‘racist’ Melania impression was lowest moment Trump supporters and normal people everywhere who just wanted one night free from polarized politicking were quick on social media to condemn the poorly scripted bit. After a slew of backlash poured in, Hadid changed her tune and took to Twitter Monday night to apologize with a handwritten note. Hadid explained that the bit was all in good fun, and not meant to be malicious. Unfortunately for Hadid, she set up the “joke” at the AMA’s by taking a sour grapes jab at the Electoral College which exposed the bitter underbelly of her true intentions. In other words, folks weren’t buying her handwritten excuse. @GiGiHadid What a HORRIBLE person you are. Melanie's just the wife of someone who ran for pres (and won). Did you ever bash Michelle O.???? — SANDY SIMPSON (@SandySimpson100) November 22, 2016 source
The Trump curse is real !!! Mark Cuban did everything in his power to assure Donald Trump was not elected. Not only did he fail miserably, but now his precious Dallas Mavericks are in last place in the NBA. People on 4chan noticed a while ago everyone who goes up against Trump seems
Woman Born In Nazi Germany Asked If Trump’s Like Hitler, Her Response Is VIRAL
Sponsored: Hitler led what is considered the largest atrocity against a “people” in modern times. And that is the person to which today’s liberals compare our president, Donald J. Trump. Marion Ingeborg Andrews, who lived under Hitler in Germany, shared her perspective, “Trump is not like Hitler. Just because a leader wants order doesn’t mean they’re like a dictator.” (via IJR) Comparing any person to Hitler is such a pitiful argument that it usually ends the conversation right then and there. It also indicates the person making the comparison just doesn’t understand the devastation Hitler caused. Andrews knows it first-hand. She was born in Dusseldorf, Germany. She spent her formative years hiding in air raid shelters and cleaning up the rubble from bombed buildings around her neighborhood. She ate maple leaves and grass, just out of desperation. Most of the people she knew as a child, died. Millions more, across the globe, also lost their lives to the horror Hitler brought upon our planet. In complete contrast, Donald Trump is for our Constitutional rights and would never threaten them. He has Jewish grandchildren, and he does not want to target any group. He instead wants to enforce our existing laws, and beef up our response to those who threaten the lives and livelihood of Americans. Donald Trump is not looking for war, unlike Barack Obama, I might add. Comparing Trump to Hitler is like saying a Ford Escort reminds me of Sunday brunch. The two things are just not even in the same ball park. In fact, Andrews went on to sat that what does remind her of Nazi Germany are our university campuses, where professors are teaching lies to our youth. That’s what concerns her most. Oddly enough, some of the recruiting documents we have seen from liberal organizations specifically discuss approaching children in middle schools. Does THAT not remind people of the Hitler Youth Groups? She compares her own attitude upon becoming an American to what she’s seeing in the streets, “The young people who are rioting and destroying property, who have no respect for elders and freedom of speech, I was so proud to become a citizen of this country.” Liberals say the right is taking us down an evil path, yet it is THEIR actions that are emulating one of the most dangerous times in the history of the world. Click here to get my DAILY Trump email newsletter free!! What do you think about these comparisons of Trump to Hitler? Please share the story on Facebook and tell us because we want to hear YOUR voice!
Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Don’t Tell Me What to Do
“I think abortion is killing a life. [But] the person who is pregnant should decide whether to do it or not.” Those are the words of Estrella Flores, an immigrant from Ecuador, who attended the so-called “March for Women’s Lives,” held here in Washington, D.C., this past Sunday. Ms. Flores and thirty-four other immigrants from her Brooklyn neighborhood were bused to the march by the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, one of the march organizers. They were among the reported 500,000 who marched in the pro-choice rally. I’ve been in Washington since the civil-rights marches of the sixties, and from my office in the White House, I have watched the anti-Vietnam protestors. There’s one thing I have learned that’s true of almost all of these demonstrations: People don’t come. They are brought. Last weekend’s group understood this very well. They brought many protestors by downplaying the issue that the march was supposed to be about. According to the New York Times, “A selling point for Latinos was the idea that they would march, not just for abortion rights, but for a range of issues that affect immigrant women, including the need for better prenatal health care, medical insurance, and access to birth control. . . . ‘They’re not going to come to an abortion rally, but they are going to come to a rally that’s about taking control of your life,’ said Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez, president of the Hispanic Federation.” And T-shirts read in Spanish: “Health. Dignity. Justice.” Now, with this kind of advertising, it sounds like the ranks of the marchers were more heavily padded than the organizers would like to admit. But let’s think about what “taking control of your life” actually means in this context. It brings us back to Estrella Flores’s ideas about abortion: that it’s wrong — in fact, that it’s “killing” — but that people should be able to do it anyway, because it’s their life to control. Ms. Flores’s attitude is deeply troubling, especially when you realize how widespread it is. Over and over again, people at the march made similar comments — the kind of comments that make your hair stand on end. The political debate is changing among activists on the ground. They’re now willing to admit that abortion is killing. But they’re arguing that their right to do what they want, without restraint, justifies that killing. What we are seeing, of course, is the logical consequences of the desire for personal autonomy in an era of moral relativism. People can say with a perfectly straight face and without a twinge of conscience, “Yeah, it is wrong. It is murder. But nobody is going to tell me I can’t do it.” If this is really the position that the pro-abortion movement is taking, then we’re in a heap of trouble. If my neighbor thinks to himself, “I know stealing is wrong, but I don’t want anybody to tell me I can’t do it,” I’m going to start putting extra padlocks on my house and bars on my windows. If somebody says, “I know pedophilia is a bad thing, but I have the right to do what I want with my own body,” I am going to start keeping my grandkids locked in the house when they come to visit. The “don’t tell me what to do” mentality will unravel the very fabric of our society. If people actually believe that their autonomy is so important that it gives them the right to kill the innocent, then none of us is safe. I wonder how many of those folks getting bused to Washington ever thought of that. For further reading and information: “‘Keep Your Laws Off My Body!’ Screamed Left-Wing Celebrities,” CyberAlert, Media Research Center, 27 April 2004. Andrea Elliott, “Against Abortion but in Favor of Choice,” New York Times, 26 April 2004. (Free registration required.) Pia de Solenni, “Sounds of Silence,” National Review Online, 29 April 2004. Erin Montgomery, “‘Abort Bush’,” Weekly Standard, 27 April 2004. Kathryn Jean Lopez, “We’re F*****’ Feminists!” National Review Online, 26 April 2004. See also this article. Kathleen Parker, “Abortion march is ugly spectacle,”, 28 April 2004. Suzanne Fields, “Where women can’t march,”, 29 April 2004. Lynn Vincent, “The end is near,” World, 1 May 2004. See also the “Worldview for Parents” pages “Big Business” and “What’s the Big Deal about Abortion?” BreakPoint Commentary No. 040419, “Building Better Babies.” BreakPoint Commentary No. 040420, “Spin Control.” BreakPoint Commentary No. 040421, “Irreplaceable.” William Saletan, “Face the Fetus,” Slate, 29 March 2004. Peter Kreeft, Three Approaches to Abortion (Ignatius, 2002).
SHOCK: Obama FINALLY AGREES To Raise The Border Wall! [Video]
According to the Secret Service briefing, the agency’s plans would raise the current 6-foot-tall fence to 11 feet. A new concrete “footing” and “foundation” for the fence are also planned. Secret Service and National Park Service plans for the new fence would also include “anti-climb features” to deter fence jumpers. Small spikes, which officials call “pencil points,” were added to the current fence in 2015 after a series of jumpers leapt the fence on to White House grounds. Obviously the President of the United States must be protected and his security taken seriously, but it would be nice if Obama cared about the rest of the United States, too. That’s why Trump’s plan for a border wall has resonated so much with the American people. In fact, Trump had this to say on Facebook last fall when he was questioned about the wall. Good point, Trump. America needs a border for the same reason the White House needs a fence. Obama wants his home to be safe. The rest of us do, too. What do you think about Trump’s plan to build a wall at America’s border with Mexico? Watch the video and comment below! RELATED:Lena Dunham Says if Trump Wins She’s Moving to Canada, Trump Responds by Saying…
Obama Gets Approval To Secure White House… Trump Has A HUGE Smile On His Face
Liberals have called Donald Trump crazy for proposing a strong wall to protect our southern border. It’s ironic, then, that they feel confident that a wall will protect the White House. According to reports, the federal government just approved a new higher wall to keep fence jumpers off the grounds. The Commission of Fine Arts approved the changes to the fence after a presentation by the Secret Service and the National Park Service. On Thursday, they said yes to a new 11-foot-7-inch fence surrounding the White House grounds. Today, the fence stands until 7 feet tall. The new fence also “incorporates anti-climb and intrusion detection technology, while respecting the historical significance and visitor experience at the White House and President’s Park,” a joint statement from the two major groups read. Over the past few years, there have been numerous incidents of people scaling the fence and climbing the barrier. In 2014, one intruder named Omar Gonzalez managed to make it all the way into the East Room before he was apprehended. Somewhere on the campaign trail, Donald Trump is smiling. It seems that his logic has been proven right by liberals once more. What do you think? Do you support Trump and his wall?
Fox News Has Already Made HUGE Changes After Bill O’Reilly’s Firing
Well, that didn’t take long. Yesterday, we told you that Fox News fired Bill O’Reilly and changed their entire primetime lineup. There’s still a little bit of float time between now and when the lineup officially goes into effect. So, “The O’Reilly Factor” still has a few episodes until it’s completely gone. According to this, however, the network has already made some pretty obvious changes with how they’re packaging the show. Last night, Dana Perino (who was subbing for O’Reilly while he’s on vacation) introduced a newly renamed “The Factor” – And according to the sourcelink, Dana got to make one mention of Bill’s absence from the network at the end of the show, but that was it – ‘Finally tonight, it is the end of an era here at the Fox News Channel. ‘As we mentioned earlier, Bill O’Reilly is leaving this chair and this network after more than 20 years. ‘Bill has been the undisputed king of cable news and for good reason. ‘He is an incredibly talented broadcaster who raised the bar for interviewers everywhere. ‘He has also held his staff to exacting standards in his quest to put the best possible program on the air and they are great. ‘And you his audience responded in record numbers making The Factor the number one cable news show for more than 16 years. You have also been loyal and we can’t tell you how much that means to everyone on The Factor. ‘In the memo to The Factor staff today, Rupert Murdoch described Bill this way: ‘In fact, his success by any measure is indisputable. We wish him the very best.’ ‘I’m Dana Perino, thanks for watching us, I’ll be here again tomorrow, goodnight.’ Soooo, it kind of looks like O’Reilly’s just… gone. Here’s O’Reilly’s statement on his firing – Bill O'Reilly statement: "It is tremendously disheartening that we part ways due to completely unfounded claims" — The Situation Room (@CNNSitRoom) April 19, 2017 Kind of an expected reaction from him. Though it’s kind of weird that they didn’t wait for him come back from vacation before canning him like that. I don’t know – the whole situation is strange. True, O’Reilly wasn’t my favorite Fox personality, but he had interesting guests and fun segments (I always enjoyed seeing Dennis Miller on his show). But I haven’t had cable TV in my house for several years, so it’s not like I’ve been able to watch Fox News (or any conventional TV channel) on a regular basis for a long time. If I suddenly had TV again and could watch Fox News, I don’t think I’d recognize the network anymore. To be truthful (and this is probably an unpopular opinion), I don’t miss it all that much. Not just watching Fox News, but watching TV in general. I’ll stick with what I get on Netflix and Hulu and on the internet. It’s much cheaper.
Mexican President Apologizes To Trump, And Trump’s Response Is AMAZING [Video]
The presumptive GOP nominee said he wasn’t backing down from his position that Mexico should pay for a border wall. “Look, we lose a fortune with Mexico. Trade deficit: $$58 billion a year. The wall’s gonna cost 10. Believe me, they’ll be able to afford it and we’re going to end up having a very good relationship with Mexico. But right now, sadly, like everybody else, they’re taking advantage of our country on trade and at the border. So, we’ll get it straightened out.” Check out Trump’s response below … Fox also said that Trump is “a false prophet” whose proposals will result in the loss of jobs, instead of saving jobs. He said the Mexican people are ‘offended and worried’ about his possible election. Comment: Do you think Trump will actually be able to build the wall AND make Mexico pay for it? Share your thoughts below.
Obama’s Lavish Euro Vacation Comes To Screeching Halt After Getting This Horrible News
The Obamas continued their arrogant behavior last week when they traveled to Italy at the same time as President Trump, who was there for his first foreign trip since taking office. After their European trips ‘coincidentally’ lined up, the Obamas returned to the states to some very bad news. According to new reports, Judicial Watch has obtained records from the Secret Service and the Air Force in response to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests that prove the Obama family travel cost taxpayers a grand total of $$99,714,527.82. Here is what the new records show, courtesy of The Patriot Beacon: • The March 2014 trip to Key Largo during Spring Break – where the First Family stayed at the exclusive Ocean Reef Club – cost the Secret Service $$247,827.50: $$182,120.33 for hotels and $$65,707.17 in travel expenses. The total cost of that trip with previously released $$885,683 in flight costs from the Air Force is $$1,133,510.50. • Other documents show that Michelle Obama’s February 2015 Aspen vacation cost the Secret Service a total of $$64,807.41: $$47,109.28 for hotels, $$3,559.43 in rental cars and $$14,138.70 in other travel expenses. The total cost of the trip with$$57,068.80 in flight costs from previously released Air Force records is $$121,876.21. • Judicial Watch released documents from the Air Force concerning the 2016-2017 Obama family Christmas trip to Honolulu showing 17.9 hours flying at $$142,380 per hour, bringing the total flight cost to $$2,548,602. Judicial Watch has also reportedly filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for Secret Service records associating with Obama’s travel schedule since leaving the White House. The lawsuit is seeking, “All records of former President Barack Obama’s movements, schedule, activities, and/or meeting for January 21, 2017, through March 21, 2017. Such records include, but are not limited to, U.S. Secret Service schedules and activity reports.”
Gina Dalfonzo, Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Youth Reads: Wink Poppy Midnight
(Note: This review contains minor spoilers.) “The first time I slept with Poppy, I cried,” Midnight tells us in the first sentence of April Genevieve Tucholke’s “Wink Poppy Midnight.” That opening sets the tone for what’s to come — a story that many young readers seem to find wild, rebellious, and exciting, given its bestselling status, but that many adults are likely to see as a book about kids who are in way over their heads. The book is named after its three main characters, who take turns narrating, providing us with very different views of what’s going on. Midnight is a sensitive, imaginative boy who’s desperately in love with Poppy, despite her cruel treatment of him and others. But when he and his father move out to the country, he sees it as his “first step to my freedom. My freedom from Poppy.” Especially when he realizes that he now lives next door to Wink, a schoolmate who couldn’t be more different from Poppy. Wink is a girl from a big family, a girl who loves to read and dream, and Midnight sees an air of innocence about her that appeals strongly to him, as a complete change from what he’s used to. But as he will gradually discover, Wink has secrets of her own. The tagline of the book — “A hero. A villain. A liar. Who’s who?” — reminds us that there’s more to people, even simple and straightforward people, than meets the eye. There’s a dark, unsettling vibe to the story that deepens as it goes on. Poppy’s recklessness, pride, and hardheartedness, her willing and conscious embrace of her own “cruel streak,” are a large part of that. So are the occult elements in the book. Wink’s mother earns her living by reading tarot cards and tea leaves, and ghosts, seances, and possession of the living by the dead all play an important role in the story. Other content issues include frank discussion of sex, a girl-on-girl kiss, frequent profanity, and occasional violence, which is handled in a rather disturbing fashion. (For instance, Poppy falls in love with a boy the day he beats up another girl so badly that she “was never the same” afterwards, mentally or emotionally. The other girl was a bully, but her punishment seems far out of proportion to the crime, and Poppy’s reaction is more than a little creepy.) As the plot twists and turns and comes to an unexpected resolution, we’re supposed to believe that few of these characters or events were actually what they seemed at the time — that few of them were as bad or dangerous as they appeared to be. But Tucholke isn’t able to sell that idea convincingly. It comes off as more implausible than the idea of seances or possession were in the first place. And the ultimate reasons behind everything that happened don’t make a lot of sense. As for the writing, I found it disappointing. Tucholke has a gift for worldbuilding, but she’s given to overwriting her descriptions, creating characters who are just too quirky to be believable, making her adolescents sound like adults, and using slipshod sentence structure that’s supposed to be creative but just comes off as lazy. For instance: “Thomas was so wounded and sad all the time, broken home and a dead baby sister and he was one of those people who felt things deeply, deeply. . . .” A little of that sort of thing goes a very long way. The book is not without a few interesting and potentially positive ideas: that no one is all good or all bad, that friendship is as powerful a force as romantic love, and that, while stories are a wonderful thing, it’s possible to let them take us too far from reality. But in my opinion, these merits aren’t enough to overcome its thematic and artistic flaws. While it’s up to each parent to know what his or her child can handle, and while every child is different, “Wink Poppy Midnight” is not a book that I personally would feel comfortable giving to a teenager. Gina Dalfonzo is editor of BreakPoint and Dickensblog. Articles on the BreakPoint website are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BreakPoint. Outside links are for informational purposes and do not necessarily imply endorsement of their content.
Brian Childress – AMERICAN TODAY
Just hours after the shooting in Dallas came to an end, more attacks against law enforcement are underway. This past week week it appeared that day after day, the headlines were dominated by stories of black men killed by police. After the past two days, many have reason to fear that
Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Youth Reads: Walk on Earth a Stranger
(Note: This review contains spoilers.) History, magic, and adventure come together in “Walk on Earth a Stranger,” the first installment in The Gold Seer Trilogy by Rae Carson. The novel opens in rural Georgia at the onset of the California gold rush in 1849 and introduces us to 15-year-old Leah Westfall. The pragmatic and resourceful daughter of gold prospectors, Leah has managed to become a skilled hunter and capable farmer, all while going to school. But a strong work ethic and uncommon maturity are not the only characteristics that set her apart. Leah possesses a secret power: Much like a water diviner, she is able to detect the presence of gold, whether it’s buried below her feet or in the pockets of those around her. Leah’s parents instructed her never to tell anyone what she can do. While she understands the importance of such secrecy, the true gravity of her circumstances becomes tragically clear when her parents are murdered. When their killer then attempts to kidnap Leah, to take her to California and exploit her powers, she is forced to run for her life. Disguised as a boy, Leah heads for Independence, Missouri. There she hopes to reconnect with her best friend, Jefferson, who has run from his troubled home life. They plan to join a wagon train, head to California, and make their fortune before Leah’s would-be captor finds her. But from the time she leaves Georgia, Leah’s journey westward is fraught with danger. Thieves and bandits, harsh elements and changing topography, and sickness and disease weaken and shrink the wagon train. Trust, friendship, and family are all major themes in “Walk on Earth a Stranger.” Kindness, compassion, and selflessness are also addressed as Leah and those she travels with are all forced to reconcile their own self-interest with the needs of others. When they don’t, tragedy strikes and lives are often lost. Truth, honesty, and the importance of identity are highlighted as well. Initially Leah decides to conceal her identity for her own safety. But the longer she travels disguised as a young man, the more difficult it is for her to ask for help, and the more isolated and lonely she becomes. I found myself wondering if Carson’s trilogy will ultimately be making a greater statement about religion. There are multiple characters that fit typical negative Christian stereotypes, and Leah is vocal about not seeing much else besides hypocrisy in churchgoers. Despite this, she still values treating others fairly, doing the right thing, and living by the Golden Rule, even if her values often come across with an attitude of “mama-raised-me-right” banality. Additionally, the titles of the individual books are drawn from old hymns. Perhaps there’s no greater significance other than the appropriateness of the words themselves, but I find it hard to believe that an author would be either unaware or unintentional when deliberating over the titles for her work. But regardless of the trilogy’s ultimate statement about Christianity as a worldview or way of life, Christian virtues and an individual’s ability to walk them out are certainly addressed throughout the first book. Overall, I found the novel portrayed a detailed and informative picture of pioneers’ journey west, and rooted for Leah and her traveling companions. However, Leah’s language felt very heavy-handed: Her southern accent became a distraction and her colloquialisms made me roll my eyes more than once, as they detracted from her character, making her seem less three-dimensional and more stereotypical. There were other stereotypical characters as well, such as the self-righteous and legalistic religious family, the fire-and-brimstone preacher detached from reality, and the strong, straight-faced, and silent Native American. With such a wide variety of characters at such an interesting time in history, if stereotypes could not be avoided altogether, these characters could have at least experienced more transformative growth in a way that would have challenged stereotypical norms. “Walk on Earth a Stranger” contains some violence, and implies but does not explicitly use foul language. There are also some graphic scenes describing human biology, childbirth, and medical procedures, but nothing a mature young reader should be unable to handle. Leah’s divining powers are obviously magical in nature, and she uses the words “witch” and “witchy” when referring to it and herself. There are a few characters who are subtly described as being gay, but homosexuality is not a thematic element throughout the book, and the reference is seemingly more historical than editorial in nature. “Like A River Glorious,” the second book in The Gold Seer Trilogy, is scheduled to be released in September 2016 and will follow Leah and her friends as they begin their search for gold in the hills of California. Image copyright Greenwillow Books. Review copy obtained from the reviewer’s local library. Annie Provencher is a writer in Northern Virginia. Articles on the BreakPoint website are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BreakPoint. Outside links are for informational purposes and do not necessarily imply endorsement of their content.
BREAKING: 2 More Cops SHOT In Georgia…
routine patrol when he was shot at shortly before 1 a.m. Friday. Police said in a statement early Friday that the officer tried to stop the vehicle, and a short pursuit ended with the suspect crashing. The suspect was taken into custody. As for the second, courtesy of Breitbart: Authorities say a man opened fire on a police officer investigating a report of a damaged vehicle in south Georgia and was wounded when an officer returned fire. Valdosta Police Chief Brian Childress says the officer also was wounded, but both men are expected to survive. He says the officer was shot “multiple times” but is going to be fine. The suspect was not identified. Childress would not discuss a possible motive. Georgia Bureau of Investigation spokesman Scott Dutton says one of the shots hit the officer in the abdomen, just below his protective vest. Other shots hit the officer’s vest. Dutton said it’s early in the investigation, but there’s nothing to indicate that the shooting was related to the ambush of police officers in Dallas It’s still unclear if these attacks were planned or coordinated, or if they have any connection to the Dallas shooting. It’s hard not to speculate that they may. If so, let’s hope any other lone-wolf Black Lives Matter radicals have aim that’s just as bad.
Democrats Slammed With Major Arrest… It’s Finally Happening
In his eight years in the White House, Barack Obama allowed millions of able-bodied Americans to game the welfare system. Now that Donald Trump has taken over, these abusers are going to find out the hard way that their free rides are coming to an end. It’s sad that we’ve gotten to this point. What began as a good-hearted effort to combat hunger and malnutrition among the poor have turned into an opportunity for people to sit back and enjoy a taxpayer-funded lifestyle without having to work. Mohammed Shafiq, a Baltimore resident, has just seen justice for his food stamp fraud. He is now facing a conviction and a sentence to four years in prison followed by three years of post-prison supervision. Shafiq was also ordered to make a payment of $$3.7 million. “Shafiq was the latest defendant to be sentenced in a series of prosecutions of 14 retailers in the Baltimore area,” one article notes. “A federal grand jury indicted the retailers in August 2016 for food stamp wire fraud. The 14 retailers stole a total of $$16 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture by illegally exchanging food stamps for cash, according to the indictment.” This is not the first case of this kind. Though selling food stamps to someone else for cash is highly illegal, “multiple stores across the country have been cited for millions of dollars in food stamp fraud.” In fact, investigators have uncovered more than $$20 million worth of food stamp fraud at retailers in Florida, and 140 stores in Chicago were cited. This is a huge problem, and it’s fortunate we finally have a president who is not going to turn a blind eye.
Obama Calls Trump A Coward, Eats His Own Words Seconds Later
Barack Obama proved once again how disrespectful he truly is when he traveled to Berlin, Germany last week and proceeded to criticize President Donald Trump. “In this new world that we live in, we can’t isolate ourselves,” Obama told a crowd in Germany. “We can’t hide behind a wall.” This not-so-subtle jab at President Trump is particularly frustrating because of Obama’s immense hypocrisy. At that very moment, workers in Washington were busy building a wall around Obama’s 8,200 square foot, 9-bedroom, 8.5 bathroom mansion. Clearly, Obama understands the validity of having a wall for protection, after all! More importantly, he seems intent on discrediting the new president in an effort to defend his legacy—and Americans are tired of it.
Two Bailiffs Killed, One Injured After Gunfire Erupts In Michigan Courthouse
come to their rescue and take the shooter down,” Bailey later said. Bailey said the sheriff’s department is investigating the shootings along with the St. Joseph’s Police Department and Michigan State Police. He said he did not know how the gunman acquired the weapon. A county commissioner told ABC 57 from South Bend that the suspect grabbed the gun of the deputy and killed him. @wzzm13 — David Bailey (@DavidBaileyWZZM) July 11, 2016 WZZM reported that a Berrien County Commissioner has said that the incident took place when a man who was on his way to jail grabbed the gun from a law enforcement officer and opened fire. “We’re in a difficult time in the world. We all know that. It’s unfortunate that it’s coming close to home. … I’m discouraged and disgusted,” said Berrien County Commissioner Jeanette Leahey. “Please join me in praying for those affected,” tweeted Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder.