Three shortboarders are walking down the beach toward an outcropping of black boulders.
Three people are walking on the sand towards black rocks.
Three shortboarders are riding bikes on the beach.
Young riders on an amusement park ride.
Young Riders riding an amusement park ride
Young Children doing their homework
A pole vaulter leaving the pit with his pole.
The pole vaulter left the pit.
The man left the pole.
Four people looking at some cattle beside a barn.
Cattle are beside a barn.
Four people are stargazing.
Kids having fun in their house after an evening dinner.
Kids playing after finishing their meal.
A man singing to a woman.
A dark-haired young in a red and white uniform is holding a vaulting pole.
A young person wearing a uniform.
A young person doing gymnastics.
A man and woman prepare a brown and white cow to be presented at a fair.
A cow is prepared for the fair.
A cow is prepared to be butchered.
A man in a Tyrolean hat decorates a tan and white cow with ribbons and evergreen while a woman holds the cow's head.
A man and woman tends to a cow.
A man and woman cooking a side of beef.
A pole vaulter is carrying his equipment while looking away.
The pole vaulter is looking away while carrying his equipment.
The pole vaulter is in the middle of his jump.
A badminton player dressed in red and yellow at the London 2012 Olympics leaps in the air as she plays the game.
Someone is playing badminton.
Nobody is playing a sport.
Large dog plays with two smaller dogs on grass.
Three dogs are playing on the grass.
Three dogs are swimming in an aquarium.
A big dog holds its paw out to keep another dog at bay.
A big dog is holding its paw up to another dog.
Two cats sleep in front of a fireplace with no other animals around.
A bald baby laughs as he holds onto his mom's jacket.
the baby was laughing
the dad rocked the baby to sleep
A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background.
A group of young children play ball in a field next to the lake.
A group of young children egg a house and speed away on their bikes.
A number of children enjoy themselves on the coast of a city.
A number of chilfren enjoy themselves on the coast of a city
The number of children were not having fun at all
Some children are playing football with a seacoast in the background.
Children are playing a sport near the ocean.
Children are hiking in the mountains.
BMX rider, riding downhill on forest path.
A bike rider in the forest.
A unicycle rider in the city.
A young red-haired girl wants to see what comes after the clowns in the parade.
A girl is watching a parade.
A girl is throwing up on the clowns at a parade.
Tourists pose for camera at night.
travellers pose for camera
man at work
Water splashes down as the awning is washed.
An awning is being cleaned.
The owning is dry.
Some hospital employees reading books in a hallway.
Employees are in the hallway.
A woman is washing dishes.
A man and a woman in wedding clothes look out toward the water.
The man and woman have their eyes looking toward the water.
The man is alone crying in the kitchen.
a doctor and nurses in a hospital standing behind a cart
A doctor and some nurse standing in a hospital.
The doctor is pushing the cart.
An individual pushing rain off the tops of the canopy.
A person is pushing rain off of a canopy.
A person is folding up a fabric canopy.
A woman in a long white bridal gown and a man in a black suit are standing at a rail looking at the ocean.
A couple in wedding outfits are looking at the ocean.
Two kids are looking at the ocean.
Two dogs are fighting and playing with each other while running through some grass.
Two dogs play in the grass.
Two dogs play on the couch.
Four young men walking along a sidewalk.
Four men walking.
Four young women running down the street.
Four teenagers dressed in black and white shirts and blue jeans walk down a sidewalk.
four teenagers are walking down a sidewalk
the teenagers are doing homework at their house
Woman climbing an artificial rock wall.
A woman is climbing a rock wall inside a climbing gym.
A man is playing checkers.
The girl is in a harness, climbing rocks.
A child is rock climbing.
A boy plays on the rocks.
a woman in a yellow shirt and green shorts is climbing an artificial red wall whilst wearing a safety harness.
The woman is climbing.
A man attempts to climb a wall without a safety harness
Two people on a rock looking at each other.
Two people look at each other
Two people are at a movie theater.
A busy operating room with high tech equipment to assist the doctors.
Equipment are lying in operating room
A judge and an accused are staring at each other.
The girl is climbing a rock wall.
A girl is rock climbing.
A woman sits on the couch and watches TV
young boy in orange sweatshirt on a log.
A young boy in an orange sweatshirt on a log outside.
A young boy in a blue sweatshirt sleeping on a deck.
Boy in a black shirt standing in front of an advertisement.
The boy was wearing a black shirt.
The boy was at school.
A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall.
A graffiti artist paints a poster.
A man is taking his dog on a walk
A young man is texting while standing in front of a poster.
A man texts.
A woman talks on the phone.
A man in a green shirt is standing between two cars holding up 3 fingers.
A man is standing between cars.
A man is standing between bikes.
A man in a green shirt hailing a taxi in a large city.
A man wearing green clothing wants to go somewhere.
A man is skinny-dipping alone in a mountain stream.
A man in a green shirt hailing a cab.
Man is getting a cab
A man is driving his own car.
A boy and a girl wearing a blue jacket are having their own snowball fight.
A snowball fight is in progress.
The children pay in the mud.
A group of guys playing soccer in a park with onlookers in pavilions behind them.
Men are playing soccer in a park.
A group of guys are playing football in a bowling alley.
There are several young men kicking a ball around, with a pavilion behind them with people standing under them.
There are several young men kicking a ball around.
Several men are sleeping on a bed.
A woman laughing at a man.
A woman laughing.
A woman crying.
The man in the black shirt made the lady laugh.
The man made a lady laugh.
The girl didn't like the joke.
A woman with a long ponytail and a man with short hair enjoy a laugh while eating dessert.
A woman and a man are eating dessert.
A young couple are walking their dog in the park.
A man with a pen and paper checking stock.
A person is checking stock.
A man is driving his car in the rain.
A little girl is holding a colorful end war Ron Paul sign, some adults are also standing near her in the picture.
Adults stand near a child holding a political sign.
Everyone is playing poker in a smoke-filled room.
A blond girl sitting in a yellow chair texting.
The girls is sitting down while sending a text.
The blonde girl is walking through the halls talking to her teacher.
A blond in flip-flops and shorts is sitting on a yellow chair outside.
A blond in flip-flops and shorts is sitting outdoors.
A blond in flip-flops and shorts is ice skating.
The black dogs are running in a grassy field
The black dogs are in a grass field.
The black dogs are sitting.
A woman in an apron is carrying a tray of ice cream with cones on top.
A woman is carrying ice cream cones
A man is carrying ice cream sandwiches
A man is walking on the roof of a building under construction.
Man walking on a roof.
Man is snorkeling in the great barrier reef.
A man wearing a black hat standing next to a black pole.
A guy in a hat is standing by a pole.
A man in a coat sits ontop of a fire hydrant.
A man unlocks a blue garage door.
A man unlocks a door.
A woman calls the cops when someone breaks into her house.
A man bending to pick something up.
A man is picking something up.
A woman is bending to pick something up.
A man appears to be closing a gate next to a nail-gloss ad.
A man is closing his gate after parking his car
Car parks with gate on top
A man raising or lowering a blue and red garage door next to a nail polish poster.
A garage door is moving
The garage door is broken
The children in blue are singing for a group of people.
There are people singing.
Adults are singing while a group of children dressed in red listen.
Several adults are tending their children outside on a sunny day.
The adults have children.
The adults do not have children.
A group of children, boys and girls, dressed in blue choir robes are standing in front of an audience.
some kids in choir robes stand near other people
two boys preach to a group of sheep
Two men dressed jackets and hats are standing on a terrace
2 well dressed men are outside
3 women are outside
Four children are standing to pose for a photo.
Four children are posing for a photo.
Four adults are standing to pose for a photo.
A group of four kids stand in front of a statue of a large animal.
four kids standing
the kids are seated
a kid doing tricks on a skateboard on a bridge
a kid is skateboarding
a kid is inside
Four dirty and barefooted children.
four children have dirty feet.
four kids won awards for 'cleanest feet'
A man is surfing in a bodysuit in beautiful blue water.
On the beautiful blue water there is a man in a bodysuit surfing.
A man in a business suit is heading to a board meeting.