a young girl doing karate kicking a board while others watch
A human doing karate
Nobody is doing karate
People exercising in the road in early autumn.
People exercising.
People exercising in a gym in the winter.
A person walks by some blue-green water while holding a rail.
A person walking next to water.
A person inside watching tv.
A long-haired man walking away beside a canal whist holding onto a railing.
There is a long haired man walking.
There is a short haired man walking.
Two players block a spike in an intense men's volleyball match.
Volleyball players block a spike.
Volleyball players dive and miss a spike from the opposing team.
Two young children getting orange ice cream.
Two children enjoy some ice cream
Two children getting coal for Christmas
A family is hiking through a spring.
A family is hiking through a spring
The people hiking in the spring were really great friends.
A dog running out of the water onto the beach.
The dog came onto the beach and out of the water.
The injured dog came running out of the water and into the beach.
Two young kids are buying ice cream.
Two children are purchasing a frozen dairy product.
Two children are inside reading.
A woman in a blue jean skirt walking down the street near her reflection in a building.
A woman is walking down the street.
A man in a suit walking down the street.
Two men on the third floor of a building.
Two men are in a building.
Two men are waiting in the lobby.
One dog biting at another dog's face in a grassy field.
A dog is biting another dog.
Two dogs are cuddling each other in a grass field.
A collection of boats gathers on the ocean during a sunny day.
Boats gather on a sunny day.
Boats started to sink in the ocean.
Men dressed in camouflage assist in helping clean up a grassy area.
Men help clean a field.
Some soldiers pretend to clean while scoping out a possible enemy village.
A man sits upon a gray horse with a sombrero on.
a man on a gray horse dons a sombrero
two footballers for the broncos sign autographs
a boy holding an oar walk through the ocean.
A boy holding an oar walks through the ocean.
A dog is sleeping on the chair.
A young child riding on a plastic yellow car
A child rides a plastic car.
A child rides a rocking horse.
2 hikers are in the water trying to cross.
People are trying to cross the water.
A man is working out at the gym.
A toddler rides a plastic vehicle while another watches in the background.
One toddler playing and the other is watching him play.
Two toddlers are being taken to school.
Beautiful asian girl wears a blue and white striped dress with thigh high boots seated in a clothing store.
A girl seated in a clothing store.
A woman chases after a shopping cart that is rolling away.
A father, wearing a white puma brand shirt, holding his smiling daughter.
A father is holding his happy daughter.
A father is holding his crying daughter.
A person jumping into a hole.
A person is near a hole.
A person is jumping into a pool.
A man in a red shirt rappelling down a waterfall with a red rope.
A man is by a waterfall.
A man in a blue shirt falls off a waterfall.
a man in a harness wearing a white hat climbing down a waterfall
A person is climbing down a waterfall wearing a hat and safety gear.
A woman is climbing up a rock cliff with a waterfall.
A man in red is climbing a waterfall with a red rope.
The man wearing red climbed the waterfall with a red rope.
The woman climbed the waterfall with the red rope.
The man in red is propelling down the waterfall.
The man is descending the waterfall.
The man is falling off the cliff.
A man belaying down a waterfall
a man climbs down a raging waterfall
a dog rests his head
A man and his children in a boat.
A man and his children taking a ride on a boat outside.
A man and his children sleeping in their beds.
A woman is in a deep sleep without her shoes on.
The woman is laying down without wearing shoes.
The woman is using a laptop.
The furry brown and white dog is jumping around near a door.
The dog his jumping by the door.
The dog is fast asleep.
A Snowboarder in mid jump with a large building in the background, perhaps a hotel.
A snowboarder jumps.
Olaf tap dances.
A woman wearing blue and orange graduation robes holds a book up for a group of people.
A woman is wearing blue and orange
A woman is eating
A girl in pink slides down the slide at a playground.
A girl slides down the playground slide.
A girl is sitting at home watching TV.
A young woman in sweatpants looks behind her while standing near the public toilets.
A young woman standing in public toilets.
A young woman in the kitchen.
A man wearing a plaid shirt is holding a microphone while standing in a room.
A man is holding a microphone in a room.
A Woman is giving a speech to a room full of clowns.
A woman with long hair jumps from a stone bench to another.
A woman with long hair is jumping on stone benches.
A woman with long hair does somersaults in the grass.
Man enjoys food at family style eatery.
A man is in a restaurant.
A man is at his office.
A woman in a blue helmet and red pants riding a motorcycle.
A woman is riding a motorcycle.
A woman is driving a car.
Three cowboys on horses work together to rope a calf.
Cowboys are roping a calf.
A girl is unleashing her dog.
a group of children running with a dog down a grassy hill.
Children are running with a dog.
A group of dogs are running with a child.
People shopping in an open produce market.
People buying produce in an outdoor market
People shopping for cars in the produce market.
The people are horseback riding.
There are people riding horses.
The people hopped in their go-karts and were off to the races.
a young woman jumping to a beam
A woman is jumping
THe woman is sleeping.
A woman ironing a delicate blue fabric.
a woman ironing a blue cloth
a person looking at a red shirt
A person approaches a escalator while holding a bag.
A person approaches a escalator while holding a bag.
A person was walking down the hall holding a bag.
A man holding a suitcase walks alone towards an escalator in a dimly-lit area.
An escalator with a man walking toward it is dimly lit.
A man is about to get on an elevator.
A man about to go up the escalator or stairs at an airport.
A man using escalator going for stairs airport
A man stairs airport and going escalator
A dog chasing another dog by a lake.
a dog chases another
the dogs sleep in the house
The woman hula hoops down the sidewalk.
There is a woman on the sidewalk.
The woman is jumping rope.
A construction worker working on a bridge.
A worker is working.
A woman is resting.
a girl catches a baseball.
The girl is catching something.
The girl is catching a basketball.
Two black children, one wearing a floatation device, play in a pool.
The kids were enjoying their play in the pool.
The adults were playing in the pool.
A woman in shorts and sandals is being pulled by a small child as a subway train goes by.
A person and child in a subway station.
People in coats get on a ski lift.
A group of people sitting at a conference table.
A group of people are at a conference table.
A group of people are eating at a restaurant.
Six women and two men are in a meeting.
A group of people meeting with each other.
The group is playing volleyball
Two young people in a department store roughhousing on a couch.
Young people at a store.
Young people eating dinner at home.
A group of professionals sitting around a table.
Professionals sitting at a table.
People standing near a table.
A woman in a white wedding gown with gold trim standing with a man in a black suit.
A woman is wearing a white and gold wedding dress.
The woman is at a funeral.
Two people are cleaning up a watery area.
A watery area is being cleaned by two people.
Two people are crossing the desert on a camel.
Several people standing around a bowl, in which one man is manipulating a brown object.
The bowl contains a brown object.
The bowl is empty.
Someone surfing in the sunset.
An individual surfing at the beach in the sunset.
Someone is running along the beach shore.
Two people are cleaning the road.
Two people are cleaning the dirty road.
Two young people are dancing on the road.
Mixing some concoction with hands.
mixing something.
mixing something with feet.
His nanny watches as a young boy rides his toy down the sidewalk.
A nanny is watching the child she watches play outside.
A nanny puts a child to sleep
A little girl and boy sit while reading books.
A girl and boy are reading books.
A group of children paint the walls.
A person wearing blue jeans and a red sweater us turning the corner of a brick wall.
A person is turning the corner.
A person running into a brick wall
A young boy and girl sit on a blue bench while reading books.
A younger male and female are sitting on a blue bench while reading books.
The boy and girl are playing games together inside.
A little kid in a baseball uniform is pointing to his head.
A baseball player points to his head.
A boy catching a ball.
Two toddlers are sitting down and reading picture books.
Two toddlers are sitting down and reading books.
Two teenagers are sitting down and reading picture books.
A boy wearing a yellow hat and a shirt that says "Elmo", is pointing to his forehead.
A boy wearing an Elmo shirt touches his forehead.
A girl is wearing a big bird shirt.
A person hanging from a rocky cliff.
A woman hanging from a cliff.
A woman is riding a bike.
A person in red rock climbing, a mountain in the background.
A person is climbing with a mountain in the background.
A dog is sleeping next to another dog.
A woman performing at a concert.
A woman is at a concert.
A woman feeds ducks in a park.
a boy in a white shirt with blue stripes holding a tin can.
A boy is holding a soup can.
A boy is hold his football.
A male and female, both wearing yellow shirts, are loitering by the side of a brick building.
a man and a woman are are loitering
a man and a woman are having a threesome
a crowd of people is setting outside watching a performance.
People are watching a performance.
People are standing inside a museum.
A man in a hat eating at Ikea.
The man was eating.
The man had no hat on.
two older people standing near a model airplane in a field.
Two people are near a plane.
The plane is in a parking lot.
Man working on a model airplane as a woman watches the action.
The man is working on a plane.
The man is sleep.
A man in a brown Adidas baseball hat, drinking out of a mug and having breakfast.
A man in a brown adidas hat
definitely a false
A man in a blue shirt and brown baseball hat eating eggs at a restaurant.
A man consumes eggs while eating out
A man eats fried tofu at a restaurant
Spectators on a rocky, grassy beach sit and watch events unfolding on a lake.
The spectators are outside.
The spectators are driving home from the baseball game.
A cyclist in a helmet and yellow jersey.
The cyclist has his head covered.
The cyclist is not wearing a shirt.
Five girls dancing and bending feet in ballet class.
Five girls are dancing.
Five girls are running around
A dog is chewing on a metal pole.
This dog likes to chew on things.
The dog is chasing a cat.
A woman is standing next to a microphone while a crowd gathers to watch.
A woman is near a crowd.
A cup is filled with coffee.
A guy is sitting by a tree watching a girl sing with a blue bucket in front of her.
2 people are by a tree
two dogs are singing by a tree
A man is rowing a large canoe towards a group of children in the water.
man rows canoe
bird looks at man
A man in a yellow shirt is reading a book.
A man is reading.
A man is sleeping.
Tourists taking a break from shopping.
The tourists are relaxing.
The tourists are playing soccer.
Six people sit on a stone bench outside a restaurant looking in different directions.
Six people sit outside.
Eight people sit outside.
A man is walking in a field holding a bale of grass or some type of long crop over his head.
A man is walking in a field
A man is walking in the sky
a brown puppy is gnawing in a metallic post that is stuck into the ground.
the puppy chews on the post
the dog eats berries
Worker carries a bale of grass while harvesting out in a field.
Worker working outside.
Worker planting crops of corn.
An African man carries a large bundle of long grasses in a marshy field.
An African man is working in a field.
An African man is carrying water.
A person is carrying crops from a muddy field.
Someone laboring in a field.
Two dogs watching a cat.
A window cleaner balances himself while he dries the window.
The window cleaner is holding something to dry the window.
The window cleaner is cleaning the toilet.
Window cleaner attached to a harness.
A window cleaner is on the job.
A man is cooking dinner for his family.
Three people surround a table full of colored jars.
People surround a table full of colored jars.
Three people surround a bed full of colored jars.
A global group race car.
A race car.
A global group horse and wagon.