Prèque, prèque, M.15, bon vol, 25 0,030, runway 25, CétoLand.
break break mosquito 15 bravo 250 degrees 10 knots runway 25 cleared to land
Merci d'avoir regardé la vidéo, on va voir ce que tu as en train de faire par vous.
cleared to land runway 25 mosquito 15 bravo
Il y a des margillemets, il va tout!
india lima you may leave a toute
Dobra, jedziemy, chodźmy do piedu.
thank you very much hotel golf kilo
או תריקו איקר העלווין קרל מרונת 25 קרל סטארט של גורם
hotel echo xray wind calm runway 25 cleared touch and go
I don't like to fight in a second.
runway 25 cleared touch and go
So we just cut
hotel echo xray
à l'étranger du report positionner altitude.
heli charlie zulu report position altitude
Le Gorge de Montanar est 6000 km.
le golf de montana 3200
Richard, the traffic is now just exactly in the middle between Echo and Echo 2,4600 feet.
roger the traffic is now just exactly in the middle between echo 1 echo 24600 feet
We are going to take the tank out for holding point, then the 25R fully ready.
bravo juliett tango alfa holding point delta 25 we are fully ready
Hotel Tengual, Farré Port passing 13000 feet, wind 260 degrees, 1-0-0, runway 25, care for takeoff.
hotel tango alfa report passing 13000 feet wind 260 degrees 10 knots runway 25 cleared for takeoff
You take off 25, next report to 13000 feet hotel, 10 miles.
cleared takeoff 25 next report the 13000 feet hotel tango alfa
Je suis arrivé à Paris, tu comprends? Je me procède de Chaminot?
charlie papa to confirm you proceed to chermignon
Rockshot Lima Delta, tion bonjour, Tienesh 1-0-2-3, wind calm runway 25, cleared for takeoff, footboard novembre whiskey.
foxtrot lima delta sion bonjour qnh 1023 wind calm runway 25 cleared for takeoff report november whiskey
That is co-extra number one, but final.
hotel echo xray number 1 report final
So one report final, very quick space.
number 1 report final hotel echo xray
Manche Leute gibt man, das ist mein aller Vorbild.
9 juliett lima 3 miles final departure
מייג'ואט לימאוווין 240° 170.325, קלחת הולן
9 juliett lima wind 240 degrees 17 knots runway 25 cleared to land
runway 25 cleared to land 9 juliett lima
2400 feet for landing
clouds 400 feet for landing
Takeoff runway 25 will report 7 miles from Siong, maximum 11000 feet, PST 466.
takeoff runway 257 miles from sion maximum 11000 feet vista jet 467
Et c'est déjà tout pour la fixation.
vista jet 467
Тамо 31, 3 санграны, Рагент, такси, approved.
tango 313 sion ground hello again taxi approved
Autor de l'éco-extrait, wind 260°, 100°, runway 25, clear to land.
hotel echo xray wind 260 degrees 10 knots runway 25 cleared to land
to land or only to fiber-delicate space.
cleared to land runway 25 hotel echo xray
C'est cocteur 1
takeoff sierra number 1
Number one of the request.
number 1 hotel echo xray
November Alpha, Sierra, Line up runway to 5.
november alfa sierra line up runway 25
Deze auto is in de directe locatie, het is een prachtige auto.
hello tower helicopter india juliett hello again we are descending croix de coeur 6000 feet 6800 feet descend to left 52
Le jeunesse reporté à la CERRA ou GO CERRA QNH 1017
india juliett report hotel sierra or golf sierra qnh 1017
Check out 511. Good afternoon.
nav checker 511 good afternoon
We are on the way to your airfield and I would like to know what is the actual cloud space you have in your area?
nav checker 511 we are on the way to your airfield and i would like to know what is the actual ground base you have in your area
uniform golf wind 240 degrees 14 knots runway 25 clear takeoff right turn out climb approved report leaving
Takeoff right turn out and the report leaving in ifongos.
cleared to takeoff right turn out and report leaving uniform golf
Teleco Express 9125, attention, go.
hotel echo xray downwind 25 for touch and go
Fox Delta, hier vom Line-Up and Wait, war ja Intersection, all fucking H1217.
foxtrot delta uniform line up and wait via intersection alfa qnh 1017
What's the name of this party?
lufthansa mike which parking
But Mike continue for about 2-0 meters and then we'll be first yellow line to the right.
lufthansa mike continue for what 20 meters and then will be first a yellow light to the right
سيتحنقوه تلافاويسكي
35 tango hotel alfa whiskey
OK, approximately 15 minutes for start, thank you.
ok approximately 15 minutes before starting thank you
NBM-51 start-up approved on way 25, QNH-12 report ready for taxi.
b air 951 startup approved runway 25 qnh 1012 report ready for taxi
I approve, Kinej 1012, report ready for taxi BN952.
approved qnh 1012 report ready for taxi b air 952
En fait la coiffeur est réglée à la plaine dans le tout fil.
hotel echo xray recleared full stop landing runway 25
I'm sure it works out well on the inside of this thing.
recleared full stop runway 25 echo xray
Auté le coexpert, report downwind, swing calm on a 25, take off.
hotel echo xray report downwind wind calm runway 25 cleared for takeoff
هل تلقى البابا يقوم بإمكانه في المخلوق؟
hotel papa mike 1 speed visual control make 118 backtrack to vacate at alfa
T'as les coexprés, n°1, report final.
hotel echo xray number 1 report final
one, folks find out a bit of great space.
number 1 report final hotel echo xray
Sie haben sich verbringt, da darf ich auf einmal nach oben.
we have the traffic in sight nav checker 511
Et passons à 100 000 ft, à 100 000 ft, à revoir le site au renseignement.
when passing 10 thousand feet to 4000 feet mosquito 15 bravo
Bonn feier Bravo, thank you.
15 bravo thank you
إلي أسكاوز الروف رقصية جنبروف جنب
heli oscar zulu frequency change approved schone
تاتشونا عليوه السلام
beste schone heli oscar zulu
Thanks for doing your roundtrip, take off, 5-1.
taxi going around nav checker 511
Wir sind jetzt auf der Krampe, wir werden uns jetzt noch eine nächste Foto durchfallen.
charlie zulu seaching hotel sierra for landing fato 25
Charlie 0, wind 250,140, far 2 to 5, any on this question?
charlie zulu wind 25 which is at 14 knots fato 25 landing on discretion
Ich denke, das ist ein stressfreitür 2.5, ich kann nicht so los.
landing on discretion fato 25 charlie zulu
We are not ready now for the kingdom.
we are not ready now foxtrot lima delta
Auto Station, Coding please, Passiermessage.
roger station calling please pass your message
ლლლ, ლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლლ�
sion victor oscar hook mission completed now landing victor call you before departure
Пикдовская ротжатор.
victor oscar roger talk to you later
thank you
Je vous remercie, vous pouvez laisser la fréquence, bye bye!
helicopter tango oscar you may leave the frequency bye bye
Jag tror att jag har läst en riktig sysselsättning.
tango oscar leave the frequency bye bye
Now check the 511 for the climb is approved.
nav checker 511 further climb is approved
Fertig klein, mal 50 k, abtäckert Fauer.
further climb approved again nav checker 511
Maché car 511 contact sur approach 126.825, talk to you later.
nav checker 511 contact sion approach 126.825 talk to you later
16825, nach der Knappe.
126825 talk to you later nav checker 511
C'est à ça, Whiskey?
delta whiskey
Wind 2.5 degrees, 22 knots, runway 2.5, here to land.
wind 250 degrees 22 knots runway 25 cleared to land
Please turn on the telephone with me.
cleared to land hotel delta whiskey
Il y a bien plus de 50, 60 km de la salle de la salle, mais qui peut être encore un mince à taux?
hotel yankee saint martin 65000 feet for landing fato
The hotel Yankee report total anchor Gulf, I go QNH 1017
heli hotel yankee report hotel echo golf echo qnh 1017
Nous sommes en train de prendre des outils pour les roues de l'autoroute pour les roues de l'autoroute.
sion heli hotel bravo zulu charlie zulu we just upon val d annivier low altitude for hook mission established for 1 low altitude
Auté d'autor d'Azionki, wind calm, photo 25, end of discussion.
hotel hotel yankee wind calm fato 25 landing own discretion
Tango 365, Chantarelle, Okinawa 1023, reporte Hotel November, runway 25 in use.
tango 365 sion tower hello qhn 1023 report hotel november runway 25 in use
2, 3, 2, 5, thanks for the wrap, for shipping, success
sion 23 runway 25 next hotel november for 365
Dr, Lima Delta, wind 250°, 12 knots, runway 25, clear touch and go.
foxtrot lima delta wind 250 degrees 12 knots runway 25 cleared touch and go
November hotel Juliet, vacate next left intersection Gulf and then taxi to Honey Point Delta.
november hotel juliett vacate next left intersection golf and then taxi to holding point delta
Bailback correct, Anastatopie de ProSkin H1014
read back correct startup is approved qnh 1014
Tango 313, Goldisar etc. 5300, questo c'è il gioco.
tango 313 col du sallest at 8000 feet requested change
Fais rentrer, je me livre les 4,4, merci, bonne soirée.
c est rentre you may leave frequency merci bonne soiree
Leading, merci à toi et bonne soirée, ça vous suit aussi.
leaving merci a toi et bonne soiree tango 313
روتياليكو اكفرين نمبران
hotel echo xray number 1
Number one authentic outfit.
number 1 hotel echo xray
Opel Bravo Kilo Charlie Juliet, Echo 1, 5000 ft, 4800 ft.
hotel bravo kilo charlie juliett echo 15000 and 84800 feet
Это чарли и очевидетный кшипот и катун
hello charlie juliett next report echo 2
Teleka is 3 wind 263.9 en 0.5, dus voor het touchen.
hotel echo xray wind 26 degrees 9 knots runway 25 cleared for touch and go
Взлет в Темперо, на 2-футболе.
cleared for touch and go runway 25 hotel echo xray
Enceinte à avoir hotel Bravo Kilo Echo X3
sion tower hotel bravo kilo echo xray
Other Quebec Juliet, traffic, Piper, single engine, position 3 miles south of your position, proceeding towards Willisau, 4000 feet indicating not verified.
hotel quebec juliett traffic piper single engine position 3 miles south of your position proceeding towards willisau 4000 feet indicating not verified
Das ist der Rennwagen, der kommt auf der Autobahn zu, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist, wie es hier ist
berne tower hello again helicopter hotel bravo zulu whiskey juliett uttigen 2300
Autorized Zulu Whiskey Juliet, burn tower in lower ground, roger, under control phone via route Zulu QNH 1027
hotel bravo zulu whiskey juliett berne tower hello again enter control zone via route zulu qnh 1027
Och nu är det en kväll som inte är direkt på mig.
hotel golf papa leaving ctr direction november
AutoCOLT's Papa frequency change approved.
hotel golf papa frequency change approved
Hotel Yankee X-ray make one orbit to the left, report completed.
hotel yankee xray make 1 orbit to the left report completed
Atbrakilo Golf November, Burn Tower, Elokion H1027, enter Vairut Zulu, runway 32, Newstrafik, rega helicoptor. Just a beam get to say leaving direction, to indicating 4500 feet, not verified opposite.
hotel bravo kilo golf november berne tower hello qnh 1027 enter via route zulu runway 32 in use traffic rega helicopter just abeam gerzensee leaving direction thun indicating 4500 feet not verified opposite
I'll go Papa, make a 180, stay clear of the runway, taxi to holding point, Foxrot.
hotel golf papa make a 180 stay clear of the runway taxi to holding point foxtrot