Hepatitis B is a contagious virus that affects the liver, infection can last from a few weeks to a serious lifelong illness. Two different types of infection exist for this disease, "acute" and "chronic." Acute Hepatitis B is a short term illness that occurs within 6 months of exposure, Chronic Hepatitis B is long term and happens when the virus remains in the body. The younger the child is, the greater their chance of developing a chronic infection and this risk goes down as the child gets older. Approximately 90% of infected infants will develop a chronic infection.[3]
Bob has just graduated from medical school. He went on to serve his community. Especially he is interested in treating children. One day he saw two children, child M and child N, and found child M is infected with Acute Hepatitis B while child N is infected with Chronic Hepatitis B. Next day he saw two other children, child O and child P. Child O was younger, but child P was older.
Which child had more chance of developing a chronic infection, child O or child P?
{ "text": [ "child O" ] }
Hepatitis B is a contagious virus that affects the liver, infection can last from a few weeks to a serious lifelong illness. Two different types of infection exist for this disease, "acute" and "chronic." Acute Hepatitis B is a short term illness that occurs within 6 months of exposure, Chronic Hepatitis B is long term and happens when the virus remains in the body. The younger the child is, the greater their chance of developing a chronic infection and this risk goes down as the child gets older. Approximately 90% of infected infants will develop a chronic infection.[3]
Bob has just graduated from medical school. He went on to serve his community. Especially he is interested in treating children. One day he saw two children, child M and child N, and found child M is infected with Acute Hepatitis B while child N is infected with Chronic Hepatitis B. Next day he saw two other children, child O and child P. Child O was younger, but child P was older.
Which child had less chance of developing a chronic infection, child O or child P?
{ "text": [ "child P" ] }
Groundwater salinization compromises buffering properties. Vegetation clearance, along with irrigation, causes serious issues. Irrigation increases the water table and mobilizes salts, and vegetation clearance allows it to come in contact with water habitats and vegetation. This stresses species not adapted to high salinity. High levels of salinity reduces water uptake in plants, by causing stomatal closure, reducing photosynthesis. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths because these conditions make them more susceptible to droughts. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths making them more susceptible to droughts.
In the sixteenth century the State of Michigan had forests all over. But that has long been gone. Especially, in the state's northeast part the vegetation has been cleared in the twentieth century. Wooded areas were replaced by farm lands. All these farmlands were under heavy Irrigation. At one time, in the sixteenth century, plant species like elm and oak used to be plentiful. We still had some elms and oaks in the twentieth century, but they were not great many in number.
Was the water table increased or decreased in northeast Michigan in the twentieth century?
{ "text": [ "increased" ] }
Groundwater salinization compromises buffering properties. Vegetation clearance, along with irrigation, causes serious issues. Irrigation increases the water table and mobilizes salts, and vegetation clearance allows it to come in contact with water habitats and vegetation. This stresses species not adapted to high salinity. High levels of salinity reduces water uptake in plants, by causing stomatal closure, reducing photosynthesis. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths because these conditions make them more susceptible to droughts. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths making them more susceptible to droughts.
In the sixteenth century the State of Michigan had forests all over. But that has long been gone. Especially, in the state's northeast part the vegetation has been cleared in the twentieth century. Wooded areas were replaced by farm lands. All these farmlands were under heavy Irrigation. At one time, in the sixteenth century, plant species like elm and oak used to be plentiful. We still had some elms and oaks in the twentieth century, but they were not great many in number.
Was the water table in increased or decreased level in northeast Michigan during sixteenth century?
{ "text": [ "decreased" ] }
Groundwater salinization compromises buffering properties. Vegetation clearance, along with irrigation, causes serious issues. Irrigation increases the water table and mobilizes salts, and vegetation clearance allows it to come in contact with water habitats and vegetation. This stresses species not adapted to high salinity. High levels of salinity reduces water uptake in plants, by causing stomatal closure, reducing photosynthesis. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths because these conditions make them more susceptible to droughts. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths making them more susceptible to droughts.
In the sixteenth century the State of Michigan had forests all over. But that has long been gone. Especially, in the state's northeast part the vegetation has been cleared in the twentieth century. Wooded areas were replaced by farm lands. All these farmlands were under heavy Irrigation. At one time, in the sixteenth century, plant species like elm and oak used to be plentiful. We still had some elms and oaks in the twentieth century, but they were not great many in number.
Which century saw northeast Michigan's water table increased, sixteenth century or twentieth century?
{ "text": [ "twentieth century" ] }
Groundwater salinization compromises buffering properties. Vegetation clearance, along with irrigation, causes serious issues. Irrigation increases the water table and mobilizes salts, and vegetation clearance allows it to come in contact with water habitats and vegetation. This stresses species not adapted to high salinity. High levels of salinity reduces water uptake in plants, by causing stomatal closure, reducing photosynthesis. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths because these conditions make them more susceptible to droughts. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths making them more susceptible to droughts.
In the sixteenth century the State of Michigan had forests all over. But that has long been gone. Especially, in the state's northeast part the vegetation has been cleared in the twentieth century. Wooded areas were replaced by farm lands. All these farmlands were under heavy Irrigation. At one time, in the sixteenth century, plant species like elm and oak used to be plentiful. We still had some elms and oaks in the twentieth century, but they were not great many in number.
Which century saw northeast Michigan's water table at decreased level, sixteenth century or twentieth century?
{ "text": [ "sixteenth century" ] }
Groundwater salinization compromises buffering properties. Vegetation clearance, along with irrigation, causes serious issues. Irrigation increases the water table and mobilizes salts, and vegetation clearance allows it to come in contact with water habitats and vegetation. This stresses species not adapted to high salinity. High levels of salinity reduces water uptake in plants, by causing stomatal closure, reducing photosynthesis. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths because these conditions make them more susceptible to droughts. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths making them more susceptible to droughts.
In the sixteenth century the State of Michigan had forests all over. But that has long been gone. Especially, in the state's northeast part the vegetation has been cleared in the twentieth century. Wooded areas were replaced by farm lands. All these farmlands were under heavy Irrigation. At one time, in the sixteenth century, plant species like elm and oak used to be plentiful. We still had some elms and oaks in the twentieth century, but they were not great many in number.
Was the mobilized salts in increased or decreased level in northeast Michigan in the twentieth century?
{ "text": [ "increased" ] }
Groundwater salinization compromises buffering properties. Vegetation clearance, along with irrigation, causes serious issues. Irrigation increases the water table and mobilizes salts, and vegetation clearance allows it to come in contact with water habitats and vegetation. This stresses species not adapted to high salinity. High levels of salinity reduces water uptake in plants, by causing stomatal closure, reducing photosynthesis. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths because these conditions make them more susceptible to droughts. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths making them more susceptible to droughts.
In the sixteenth century the State of Michigan had forests all over. But that has long been gone. Especially, in the state's northeast part the vegetation has been cleared in the twentieth century. Wooded areas were replaced by farm lands. All these farmlands were under heavy Irrigation. At one time, in the sixteenth century, plant species like elm and oak used to be plentiful. We still had some elms and oaks in the twentieth century, but they were not great many in number.
Was the mobilized salts at increased or decreased level in northeast Michigan in the sixteenth century?
{ "text": [ "decreased level" ] }
Groundwater salinization compromises buffering properties. Vegetation clearance, along with irrigation, causes serious issues. Irrigation increases the water table and mobilizes salts, and vegetation clearance allows it to come in contact with water habitats and vegetation. This stresses species not adapted to high salinity. High levels of salinity reduces water uptake in plants, by causing stomatal closure, reducing photosynthesis. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths because these conditions make them more susceptible to droughts. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths making them more susceptible to droughts.
In the sixteenth century the State of Michigan had forests all over. But that has long been gone. Especially, in the state's northeast part the vegetation has been cleared in the twentieth century. Wooded areas were replaced by farm lands. All these farmlands were under heavy Irrigation. At one time, in the sixteenth century, plant species like elm and oak used to be plentiful. We still had some elms and oaks in the twentieth century, but they were not great many in number.
Were the northeast Michigan's plant species in less stress or more stress due to salinity in the sixteenth century?
{ "text": [ "less stress" ] }
Groundwater salinization compromises buffering properties. Vegetation clearance, along with irrigation, causes serious issues. Irrigation increases the water table and mobilizes salts, and vegetation clearance allows it to come in contact with water habitats and vegetation. This stresses species not adapted to high salinity. High levels of salinity reduces water uptake in plants, by causing stomatal closure, reducing photosynthesis. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths because these conditions make them more susceptible to droughts. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths making them more susceptible to droughts.
In the sixteenth century the State of Michigan had forests all over. But that has long been gone. Especially, in the state's northeast part the vegetation has been cleared in the twentieth century. Wooded areas were replaced by farm lands. All these farmlands were under heavy Irrigation. At one time, in the sixteenth century, plant species like elm and oak used to be plentiful. We still had some elms and oaks in the twentieth century, but they were not great many in number.
Were the northeast Michigan's plant species in less stress or more stress due to salinity in the twentieth century?
{ "text": [ "more stress" ] }
Groundwater salinization compromises buffering properties. Vegetation clearance, along with irrigation, causes serious issues. Irrigation increases the water table and mobilizes salts, and vegetation clearance allows it to come in contact with water habitats and vegetation. This stresses species not adapted to high salinity. High levels of salinity reduces water uptake in plants, by causing stomatal closure, reducing photosynthesis. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths because these conditions make them more susceptible to droughts. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths making them more susceptible to droughts.
In the sixteenth century the State of Michigan had forests all over. But that has long been gone. Especially, in the state's northeast part the vegetation has been cleared in the twentieth century. Wooded areas were replaced by farm lands. All these farmlands were under heavy Irrigation. At one time, in the sixteenth century, plant species like elm and oak used to be plentiful. We still had some elms and oaks in the twentieth century, but they were not great many in number.
In which century plant species in northeast Michigan were in less stress, sixteenth century or twentieth century?
{ "text": [ "sixteenth century" ] }
Groundwater salinization compromises buffering properties. Vegetation clearance, along with irrigation, causes serious issues. Irrigation increases the water table and mobilizes salts, and vegetation clearance allows it to come in contact with water habitats and vegetation. This stresses species not adapted to high salinity. High levels of salinity reduces water uptake in plants, by causing stomatal closure, reducing photosynthesis. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths because these conditions make them more susceptible to droughts. Forests undergo decline in areas of high salinity and shallow groundwater depths making them more susceptible to droughts.
In the sixteenth century the State of Michigan had forests all over. But that has long been gone. Especially, in the state's northeast part the vegetation has been cleared in the twentieth century. Wooded areas were replaced by farm lands. All these farmlands were under heavy Irrigation. At one time, in the sixteenth century, plant species like elm and oak used to be plentiful. We still had some elms and oaks in the twentieth century, but they were not great many in number.
In which century plant species in northeast Michigan were in more stress, sixteenth century or twentieth century?
{ "text": [ "twentieth century" ] }
A firm with high fixed costs requires a large number of customers in order to have a meaningful return on investment. This is where economies of scale become important. Since each firm has large initial costs, as the firm gains market share and increases its output the fixed cost (what they initially invested) is divided among a larger number of customers. Therefore, in industries with large initial investment requirements, average total cost declines as output increases over a much larger range of output levels.
City D's mayor wants to invite more businesses in the city. Three firms, firm A, firm B, and firm C, took advantage of this opportunity. Firm A does not require large initial costs, but firm B and firm C require large initial costs. Firm B managed to increase its market share, but firm C failed to increase its market share.
Which firm would not have meaningful return on investment if they don't get large number of customers, firm A or firm B?
{ "text": [ "firm B" ] }
A firm with high fixed costs requires a large number of customers in order to have a meaningful return on investment. This is where economies of scale become important. Since each firm has large initial costs, as the firm gains market share and increases its output the fixed cost (what they initially invested) is divided among a larger number of customers. Therefore, in industries with large initial investment requirements, average total cost declines as output increases over a much larger range of output levels.
City D's mayor wants to invite more businesses in the city. Three firms, firm A, firm B, and firm C, took advantage of this opportunity. Firm A does not require large initial costs, but firm B and firm C require large initial costs. Firm B managed to increase its market share, but firm C failed to increase its market share.
Which firm would most likely have meaningful return on investment even if they don't get large number of customers, firm A or firm B?
{ "text": [ "firm A" ] }
A firm with high fixed costs requires a large number of customers in order to have a meaningful return on investment. This is where economies of scale become important. Since each firm has large initial costs, as the firm gains market share and increases its output the fixed cost (what they initially invested) is divided among a larger number of customers. Therefore, in industries with large initial investment requirements, average total cost declines as output increases over a much larger range of output levels.
City D's mayor wants to invite more businesses in the city. Three firms, firm A, firm B, and firm C, took advantage of this opportunity. Firm A does not require large initial costs, but firm B and firm C require large initial costs. Firm B managed to increase its market share, but firm C failed to increase its market share.
Would firm A most likely fail or succeed in achieving a meaningful return on investment if they don't get a large number of customers?
{ "text": [ "succeed" ] }
A firm with high fixed costs requires a large number of customers in order to have a meaningful return on investment. This is where economies of scale become important. Since each firm has large initial costs, as the firm gains market share and increases its output the fixed cost (what they initially invested) is divided among a larger number of customers. Therefore, in industries with large initial investment requirements, average total cost declines as output increases over a much larger range of output levels.
City D's mayor wants to invite more businesses in the city. Three firms, firm A, firm B, and firm C, took advantage of this opportunity. Firm A does not require large initial costs, but firm B and firm C require large initial costs. Firm B managed to increase its market share, but firm C failed to increase its market share.
Would firm B most likely fail or succeed in achieving a meaningful return on investment if they don't get a large number of customers?
{ "text": [ "fail" ] }
A firm with high fixed costs requires a large number of customers in order to have a meaningful return on investment. This is where economies of scale become important. Since each firm has large initial costs, as the firm gains market share and increases its output the fixed cost (what they initially invested) is divided among a larger number of customers. Therefore, in industries with large initial investment requirements, average total cost declines as output increases over a much larger range of output levels.
City D's mayor wants to invite more businesses in the city. Three firms, firm A, firm B, and firm C, took advantage of this opportunity. Firm A does not require large initial costs, but firm B and firm C require large initial costs. Firm B managed to increase its market share, but firm C failed to increase its market share.
Which firm would most likely enjoy economies of scale, firm A or firm B?
{ "text": [ "firm B" ] }
A firm with high fixed costs requires a large number of customers in order to have a meaningful return on investment. This is where economies of scale become important. Since each firm has large initial costs, as the firm gains market share and increases its output the fixed cost (what they initially invested) is divided among a larger number of customers. Therefore, in industries with large initial investment requirements, average total cost declines as output increases over a much larger range of output levels.
City D's mayor wants to invite more businesses in the city. Three firms, firm A, firm B, and firm C, took advantage of this opportunity. Firm A does not require large initial costs, but firm B and firm C require large initial costs. Firm B managed to increase its market share, but firm C failed to increase its market share.
Which firm would most likely not be able to achieve economies of scale, firm A or firm B?
{ "text": [ "firm A" ] }
A firm with high fixed costs requires a large number of customers in order to have a meaningful return on investment. This is where economies of scale become important. Since each firm has large initial costs, as the firm gains market share and increases its output the fixed cost (what they initially invested) is divided among a larger number of customers. Therefore, in industries with large initial investment requirements, average total cost declines as output increases over a much larger range of output levels.
City D's mayor wants to invite more businesses in the city. Three firms, firm A, firm B, and firm C, took advantage of this opportunity. Firm A does not require large initial costs, but firm B and firm C require large initial costs. Firm B managed to increase its market share, but firm C failed to increase its market share.
Which frim's average total cost would decline, firm B or firm C?
{ "text": [ "firm B" ] }
A firm with high fixed costs requires a large number of customers in order to have a meaningful return on investment. This is where economies of scale become important. Since each firm has large initial costs, as the firm gains market share and increases its output the fixed cost (what they initially invested) is divided among a larger number of customers. Therefore, in industries with large initial investment requirements, average total cost declines as output increases over a much larger range of output levels.
City D's mayor wants to invite more businesses in the city. Three firms, firm A, firm B, and firm C, took advantage of this opportunity. Firm A does not require large initial costs, but firm B and firm C require large initial costs. Firm B managed to increase its market share, but firm C failed to increase its market share.
Which frim's average total cost would not decline, firm B or firm C?
{ "text": [ "firm C" ] }
A firm with high fixed costs requires a large number of customers in order to have a meaningful return on investment. This is where economies of scale become important. Since each firm has large initial costs, as the firm gains market share and increases its output the fixed cost (what they initially invested) is divided among a larger number of customers. Therefore, in industries with large initial investment requirements, average total cost declines as output increases over a much larger range of output levels.
City D's mayor wants to invite more businesses in the city. Three firms, firm A, firm B, and firm C, took advantage of this opportunity. Firm A does not require large initial costs, but firm B and firm C require large initial costs. Firm B managed to increase its market share, but firm C failed to increase its market share.
Would firm B's average total cost decline or not decline?
{ "text": [ "decline" ] }
A firm with high fixed costs requires a large number of customers in order to have a meaningful return on investment. This is where economies of scale become important. Since each firm has large initial costs, as the firm gains market share and increases its output the fixed cost (what they initially invested) is divided among a larger number of customers. Therefore, in industries with large initial investment requirements, average total cost declines as output increases over a much larger range of output levels.
City D's mayor wants to invite more businesses in the city. Three firms, firm A, firm B, and firm C, took advantage of this opportunity. Firm A does not require large initial costs, but firm B and firm C require large initial costs. Firm B managed to increase its market share, but firm C failed to increase its market share.
Would firm C's average total cost decline or not decline?
{ "text": [ "not decline" ] }
To determine the concentration of an acid in an aqueous solution, an acid-base titration is commonly performed. A strong base solution with a known concentration, usually NaOH or KOH, is added to neutralize the acid solution according to the color change of the indicator with the amount of base added.[7] The titration curve of an acid titrated by a base has two axes, with the base volume on the x-axis and the solution's pH value on the y-axis. The pH of the solution always goes up as the base is added to the solution.
Due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere more an more carbon dioxide is mixing with ocean water - thus increasing the acidity of the world's oceans. Rob is a climate scientist. He is measuring the acidity of the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific Ocean. To determine ocean water acidity he performed an acid-base titration. His conclusion is that Atlantic Ocean's acidity reached higher level than Pacific Ocean's acidity.
In which ocean's acidity test Rob would have to add more base, Atlantic Ocean or Pacific ocean?
{ "text": [ "Atlantic Ocean" ] }
To determine the concentration of an acid in an aqueous solution, an acid-base titration is commonly performed. A strong base solution with a known concentration, usually NaOH or KOH, is added to neutralize the acid solution according to the color change of the indicator with the amount of base added.[7] The titration curve of an acid titrated by a base has two axes, with the base volume on the x-axis and the solution's pH value on the y-axis. The pH of the solution always goes up as the base is added to the solution.
Due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere more an more carbon dioxide is mixing with ocean water - thus increasing the acidity of the world's oceans. Rob is a climate scientist. He is measuring the acidity of the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific Ocean. To determine ocean water acidity he performed an acid-base titration. His conclusion is that Atlantic Ocean's acidity reached higher level than Pacific Ocean's acidity.
In which ocean's acidity test Rob would have to add less base, Atlantic Ocean or Pacific ocean?
{ "text": [ "Pacific Ocean" ] }
To determine the concentration of an acid in an aqueous solution, an acid-base titration is commonly performed. A strong base solution with a known concentration, usually NaOH or KOH, is added to neutralize the acid solution according to the color change of the indicator with the amount of base added.[7] The titration curve of an acid titrated by a base has two axes, with the base volume on the x-axis and the solution's pH value on the y-axis. The pH of the solution always goes up as the base is added to the solution.
Due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere more an more carbon dioxide is mixing with ocean water - thus increasing the acidity of the world's oceans. Rob is a climate scientist. He is measuring the acidity of the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific Ocean. To determine ocean water acidity he performed an acid-base titration. His conclusion is that Atlantic Ocean's acidity reached higher level than Pacific Ocean's acidity.
Whould Rob have to add more base or less base for Atlantic Ocean's acidity test?
{ "text": [ "more base" ] }
To determine the concentration of an acid in an aqueous solution, an acid-base titration is commonly performed. A strong base solution with a known concentration, usually NaOH or KOH, is added to neutralize the acid solution according to the color change of the indicator with the amount of base added.[7] The titration curve of an acid titrated by a base has two axes, with the base volume on the x-axis and the solution's pH value on the y-axis. The pH of the solution always goes up as the base is added to the solution.
Due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere more an more carbon dioxide is mixing with ocean water - thus increasing the acidity of the world's oceans. Rob is a climate scientist. He is measuring the acidity of the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific Ocean. To determine ocean water acidity he performed an acid-base titration. His conclusion is that Atlantic Ocean's acidity reached higher level than Pacific Ocean's acidity.
Whould Rob have to add more base or less base for Pacific Ocean's acidity test?
{ "text": [ "less base" ] }
To determine the concentration of an acid in an aqueous solution, an acid-base titration is commonly performed. A strong base solution with a known concentration, usually NaOH or KOH, is added to neutralize the acid solution according to the color change of the indicator with the amount of base added.[7] The titration curve of an acid titrated by a base has two axes, with the base volume on the x-axis and the solution's pH value on the y-axis. The pH of the solution always goes up as the base is added to the solution.
Due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere more an more carbon dioxide is mixing with ocean water - thus increasing the acidity of the world's oceans. Rob is a climate scientist. He is measuring the acidity of the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific Ocean. To determine ocean water acidity he performed an acid-base titration. His conclusion is that Atlantic Ocean's acidity reached higher level than Pacific Ocean's acidity.
In which ocean's acidity test the y-axis would be higher than the other ocean's acidity test, Atlantic Ocean or Pacific Ocean?
{ "text": [ "Atlantic Ocean" ] }
To determine the concentration of an acid in an aqueous solution, an acid-base titration is commonly performed. A strong base solution with a known concentration, usually NaOH or KOH, is added to neutralize the acid solution according to the color change of the indicator with the amount of base added.[7] The titration curve of an acid titrated by a base has two axes, with the base volume on the x-axis and the solution's pH value on the y-axis. The pH of the solution always goes up as the base is added to the solution.
Due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere more an more carbon dioxide is mixing with ocean water - thus increasing the acidity of the world's oceans. Rob is a climate scientist. He is measuring the acidity of the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific Ocean. To determine ocean water acidity he performed an acid-base titration. His conclusion is that Atlantic Ocean's acidity reached higher level than Pacific Ocean's acidity.
In Which ocean's acidity test the y-axis would be lower than the other ocean's acidity test, Atlantic Ocean or Pacific Ocean?
{ "text": [ "Pacific Ocean" ] }
To determine the concentration of an acid in an aqueous solution, an acid-base titration is commonly performed. A strong base solution with a known concentration, usually NaOH or KOH, is added to neutralize the acid solution according to the color change of the indicator with the amount of base added.[7] The titration curve of an acid titrated by a base has two axes, with the base volume on the x-axis and the solution's pH value on the y-axis. The pH of the solution always goes up as the base is added to the solution.
Due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere more an more carbon dioxide is mixing with ocean water - thus increasing the acidity of the world's oceans. Rob is a climate scientist. He is measuring the acidity of the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific Ocean. To determine ocean water acidity he performed an acid-base titration. His conclusion is that Atlantic Ocean's acidity reached higher level than Pacific Ocean's acidity.
In the Atlantic Ocean's acidity test would the y-axis be higher or lower than Pacific Ocean's acidity test?
{ "text": [ "higher" ] }
To determine the concentration of an acid in an aqueous solution, an acid-base titration is commonly performed. A strong base solution with a known concentration, usually NaOH or KOH, is added to neutralize the acid solution according to the color change of the indicator with the amount of base added.[7] The titration curve of an acid titrated by a base has two axes, with the base volume on the x-axis and the solution's pH value on the y-axis. The pH of the solution always goes up as the base is added to the solution.
Due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere more an more carbon dioxide is mixing with ocean water - thus increasing the acidity of the world's oceans. Rob is a climate scientist. He is measuring the acidity of the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific Ocean. To determine ocean water acidity he performed an acid-base titration. His conclusion is that Atlantic Ocean's acidity reached higher level than Pacific Ocean's acidity.
In the Pacific Ocean's acidity test would the y-axis be higher or lower than Atlantic Ocean's acidity test
{ "text": [ "lower" ] }
To determine the concentration of an acid in an aqueous solution, an acid-base titration is commonly performed. A strong base solution with a known concentration, usually NaOH or KOH, is added to neutralize the acid solution according to the color change of the indicator with the amount of base added.[7] The titration curve of an acid titrated by a base has two axes, with the base volume on the x-axis and the solution's pH value on the y-axis. The pH of the solution always goes up as the base is added to the solution.
Due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere more an more carbon dioxide is mixing with ocean water - thus increasing the acidity of the world's oceans. Rob is a climate scientist. He is measuring the acidity of the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific Ocean. To determine ocean water acidity he performed an acid-base titration. His conclusion is that Atlantic Ocean's acidity reached higher level than Pacific Ocean's acidity.
In which ocean's acidity test the PH of the solution would be higher as a result of amount of added base, Atlantic Ocean or Pacific Ocean?
{ "text": [ "Atlantic Ocean" ] }
To determine the concentration of an acid in an aqueous solution, an acid-base titration is commonly performed. A strong base solution with a known concentration, usually NaOH or KOH, is added to neutralize the acid solution according to the color change of the indicator with the amount of base added.[7] The titration curve of an acid titrated by a base has two axes, with the base volume on the x-axis and the solution's pH value on the y-axis. The pH of the solution always goes up as the base is added to the solution.
Due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere more an more carbon dioxide is mixing with ocean water - thus increasing the acidity of the world's oceans. Rob is a climate scientist. He is measuring the acidity of the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific Ocean. To determine ocean water acidity he performed an acid-base titration. His conclusion is that Atlantic Ocean's acidity reached higher level than Pacific Ocean's acidity.
In which ocean's acidity test the PH of the solution would not be that high as a result of lesser amount of added base, Atlantic Ocean or Pacific Ocean?
{ "text": [ "Pacific Ocean" ] }
The water level is seasonal, being lowered by about 10 feet (3.0 m) over the winter. The reservoir fills in the spring from snow melt and underground springs. The lake is usually at full level by late spring, but in the occasional years of low snow melt and low rainfall, it may remain up to several feet below its typical level. Water is let out of the lake in the fall so that ice will not damage docks and other structures around the lake. This also leads to excellent water quality, as a significant portion of the water is replaced every year.
There are two hydroelectric dams in North Dakota. Both of them has large lakes or reservoirs, reservoir A and reservoir B. Since North Dakota has one the lowest unemployment rates in the country, it's hard to find an engineer to regulate and maintain the reservoirs. This year reservoir A could hire an engineer, but reservoir B failed to find an engineer. As a result, there is no one to regulate reservoir B. The engineer for reservoir A let the water out in the fall. But there was no one to do that for reservoir B.
Which reservoir would most likely casue damaged dock, reservoir A or reservoir B?
{ "text": [ "reservoir B" ] }
The water level is seasonal, being lowered by about 10 feet (3.0 m) over the winter. The reservoir fills in the spring from snow melt and underground springs. The lake is usually at full level by late spring, but in the occasional years of low snow melt and low rainfall, it may remain up to several feet below its typical level. Water is let out of the lake in the fall so that ice will not damage docks and other structures around the lake. This also leads to excellent water quality, as a significant portion of the water is replaced every year.
There are two hydroelectric dams in North Dakota. Both of them has large lakes or reservoirs, reservoir A and reservoir B. Since North Dakota has one the lowest unemployment rates in the country, it's hard to find an engineer to regulate and maintain the reservoirs. This year reservoir A could hire an engineer, but reservoir B failed to find an engineer. As a result, there is no one to regulate reservoir B. The engineer for reservoir A let the water out in the fall. But there was no one to do that for reservoir B.
Which reservoir would most likely not casue damaged dock, reservoir A or reservoir B?
{ "text": [ "reservoir A" ] }
The water level is seasonal, being lowered by about 10 feet (3.0 m) over the winter. The reservoir fills in the spring from snow melt and underground springs. The lake is usually at full level by late spring, but in the occasional years of low snow melt and low rainfall, it may remain up to several feet below its typical level. Water is let out of the lake in the fall so that ice will not damage docks and other structures around the lake. This also leads to excellent water quality, as a significant portion of the water is replaced every year.
There are two hydroelectric dams in North Dakota. Both of them has large lakes or reservoirs, reservoir A and reservoir B. Since North Dakota has one the lowest unemployment rates in the country, it's hard to find an engineer to regulate and maintain the reservoirs. This year reservoir A could hire an engineer, but reservoir B failed to find an engineer. As a result, there is no one to regulate reservoir B. The engineer for reservoir A let the water out in the fall. But there was no one to do that for reservoir B.
Will the structures around the reservoir A be damaged or stay intact?
{ "text": [ "stay intact" ] }
The water level is seasonal, being lowered by about 10 feet (3.0 m) over the winter. The reservoir fills in the spring from snow melt and underground springs. The lake is usually at full level by late spring, but in the occasional years of low snow melt and low rainfall, it may remain up to several feet below its typical level. Water is let out of the lake in the fall so that ice will not damage docks and other structures around the lake. This also leads to excellent water quality, as a significant portion of the water is replaced every year.
There are two hydroelectric dams in North Dakota. Both of them has large lakes or reservoirs, reservoir A and reservoir B. Since North Dakota has one the lowest unemployment rates in the country, it's hard to find an engineer to regulate and maintain the reservoirs. This year reservoir A could hire an engineer, but reservoir B failed to find an engineer. As a result, there is no one to regulate reservoir B. The engineer for reservoir A let the water out in the fall. But there was no one to do that for reservoir B.
Will the structures around the reservoir B be damaged or stay intact?
{ "text": [ "be damaged" ] }
The water level is seasonal, being lowered by about 10 feet (3.0 m) over the winter. The reservoir fills in the spring from snow melt and underground springs. The lake is usually at full level by late spring, but in the occasional years of low snow melt and low rainfall, it may remain up to several feet below its typical level. Water is let out of the lake in the fall so that ice will not damage docks and other structures around the lake. This also leads to excellent water quality, as a significant portion of the water is replaced every year.
There are two hydroelectric dams in North Dakota. Both of them has large lakes or reservoirs, reservoir A and reservoir B. Since North Dakota has one the lowest unemployment rates in the country, it's hard to find an engineer to regulate and maintain the reservoirs. This year reservoir A could hire an engineer, but reservoir B failed to find an engineer. As a result, there is no one to regulate reservoir B. The engineer for reservoir A let the water out in the fall. But there was no one to do that for reservoir B.
Which reservior would most likely have excellent water quality, reservoir A or reservoir B?
{ "text": [ "reservoir A" ] }
The water level is seasonal, being lowered by about 10 feet (3.0 m) over the winter. The reservoir fills in the spring from snow melt and underground springs. The lake is usually at full level by late spring, but in the occasional years of low snow melt and low rainfall, it may remain up to several feet below its typical level. Water is let out of the lake in the fall so that ice will not damage docks and other structures around the lake. This also leads to excellent water quality, as a significant portion of the water is replaced every year.
There are two hydroelectric dams in North Dakota. Both of them has large lakes or reservoirs, reservoir A and reservoir B. Since North Dakota has one the lowest unemployment rates in the country, it's hard to find an engineer to regulate and maintain the reservoirs. This year reservoir A could hire an engineer, but reservoir B failed to find an engineer. As a result, there is no one to regulate reservoir B. The engineer for reservoir A let the water out in the fall. But there was no one to do that for reservoir B.
Which reservior would most likely not have excellent water quality, reservoir A or reservoir B?
{ "text": [ "reservoir B" ] }
The water level is seasonal, being lowered by about 10 feet (3.0 m) over the winter. The reservoir fills in the spring from snow melt and underground springs. The lake is usually at full level by late spring, but in the occasional years of low snow melt and low rainfall, it may remain up to several feet below its typical level. Water is let out of the lake in the fall so that ice will not damage docks and other structures around the lake. This also leads to excellent water quality, as a significant portion of the water is replaced every year.
There are two hydroelectric dams in North Dakota. Both of them has large lakes or reservoirs, reservoir A and reservoir B. Since North Dakota has one the lowest unemployment rates in the country, it's hard to find an engineer to regulate and maintain the reservoirs. This year reservoir A could hire an engineer, but reservoir B failed to find an engineer. As a result, there is no one to regulate reservoir B. The engineer for reservoir A let the water out in the fall. But there was no one to do that for reservoir B.
Will the water quality of reservoir A be excellent or not excellent?
{ "text": [ "excellent" ] }
The water level is seasonal, being lowered by about 10 feet (3.0 m) over the winter. The reservoir fills in the spring from snow melt and underground springs. The lake is usually at full level by late spring, but in the occasional years of low snow melt and low rainfall, it may remain up to several feet below its typical level. Water is let out of the lake in the fall so that ice will not damage docks and other structures around the lake. This also leads to excellent water quality, as a significant portion of the water is replaced every year.
There are two hydroelectric dams in North Dakota. Both of them has large lakes or reservoirs, reservoir A and reservoir B. Since North Dakota has one the lowest unemployment rates in the country, it's hard to find an engineer to regulate and maintain the reservoirs. This year reservoir A could hire an engineer, but reservoir B failed to find an engineer. As a result, there is no one to regulate reservoir B. The engineer for reservoir A let the water out in the fall. But there was no one to do that for reservoir B.
Will the water quality of reservoir B be excellent or not excellent?
{ "text": [ "not excellent" ] }
The water level is seasonal, being lowered by about 10 feet (3.0 m) over the winter. The reservoir fills in the spring from snow melt and underground springs. The lake is usually at full level by late spring, but in the occasional years of low snow melt and low rainfall, it may remain up to several feet below its typical level. Water is let out of the lake in the fall so that ice will not damage docks and other structures around the lake. This also leads to excellent water quality, as a significant portion of the water is replaced every year.
There are two hydroelectric dams in North Dakota. Both of them has large lakes or reservoirs, reservoir A and reservoir B. Since North Dakota has one the lowest unemployment rates in the country, it's hard to find an engineer to regulate and maintain the reservoirs. This year reservoir A could hire an engineer, but reservoir B failed to find an engineer. As a result, there is no one to regulate reservoir B. The engineer for reservoir A let the water out in the fall. But there was no one to do that for reservoir B.
In which reservoir a good portion of the water would most likely be replaced?
{ "text": [ "reservoir A" ] }
The water level is seasonal, being lowered by about 10 feet (3.0 m) over the winter. The reservoir fills in the spring from snow melt and underground springs. The lake is usually at full level by late spring, but in the occasional years of low snow melt and low rainfall, it may remain up to several feet below its typical level. Water is let out of the lake in the fall so that ice will not damage docks and other structures around the lake. This also leads to excellent water quality, as a significant portion of the water is replaced every year.
There are two hydroelectric dams in North Dakota. Both of them has large lakes or reservoirs, reservoir A and reservoir B. Since North Dakota has one the lowest unemployment rates in the country, it's hard to find an engineer to regulate and maintain the reservoirs. This year reservoir A could hire an engineer, but reservoir B failed to find an engineer. As a result, there is no one to regulate reservoir B. The engineer for reservoir A let the water out in the fall. But there was no one to do that for reservoir B.
In which reservoir a good portion of the water would most likely not be replaced?
{ "text": [ "reservoir B" ] }
The Figure below shows a graph of plotted against pressure for 1 mol of a gas at three different temperatures - 200 K, 500 K, and 1000 K. An ideal gas would have a value of 1 for that ratio at all temperatures and pressures and the graph would simply be a horizontal line. As can be seen, deviations from an ideal gas occur. As the pressure begins to rise, the attractive forces cause the volume of the gas to be less than expected and the value of drops under 1. Continued pressure increase results in the volume of the particles to become significant and the value of rises to greater than 1. Notice, that the magnitude of the deviations from ideality is greatest for the gas at 200 K and least for the gas at 1000 K.
Tony is heating up a container of leftovers in his microwave for dinner tonight. When he puts the container in the microwave he leaves the lid on so it is still sealed. About two minutes into heating the food he hears a loud "pop" noise and looks to see the lid has completes blown off the container.
Will increasing the temperature in a sealed container increase or decrease the pressure inside the container?
{ "text": [ "increase" ] }
The Figure below shows a graph of plotted against pressure for 1 mol of a gas at three different temperatures - 200 K, 500 K, and 1000 K. An ideal gas would have a value of 1 for that ratio at all temperatures and pressures and the graph would simply be a horizontal line. As can be seen, deviations from an ideal gas occur. As the pressure begins to rise, the attractive forces cause the volume of the gas to be less than expected and the value of drops under 1. Continued pressure increase results in the volume of the particles to become significant and the value of rises to greater than 1. Notice, that the magnitude of the deviations from ideality is greatest for the gas at 200 K and least for the gas at 1000 K.
Tony is heating up a container of leftovers in his microwave for dinner tonight. When he puts the container in the microwave he leaves the lid on so it is still sealed. About two minutes into heating the food he hears a loud "pop" noise and looks to see the lid has completes blown off the container.
Will removing the lid of a pressurized container cause the pressure to increase or decrease?
{ "text": [ "decrease" ] }
The Figure below shows a graph of plotted against pressure for 1 mol of a gas at three different temperatures - 200 K, 500 K, and 1000 K. An ideal gas would have a value of 1 for that ratio at all temperatures and pressures and the graph would simply be a horizontal line. As can be seen, deviations from an ideal gas occur. As the pressure begins to rise, the attractive forces cause the volume of the gas to be less than expected and the value of drops under 1. Continued pressure increase results in the volume of the particles to become significant and the value of rises to greater than 1. Notice, that the magnitude of the deviations from ideality is greatest for the gas at 200 K and least for the gas at 1000 K.
Marcus is working with a sealed container of oxygen. He is trying see how temperature effects its deviations from ideality. He slowly increases the temperature of the oxygen and continues to measures its deviations.
Will increasing the temperature cause the magnitude of deviations to increase or decrease?
{ "text": [ "decrease" ] }
The Figure below shows a graph of plotted against pressure for 1 mol of a gas at three different temperatures - 200 K, 500 K, and 1000 K. An ideal gas would have a value of 1 for that ratio at all temperatures and pressures and the graph would simply be a horizontal line. As can be seen, deviations from an ideal gas occur. As the pressure begins to rise, the attractive forces cause the volume of the gas to be less than expected and the value of drops under 1. Continued pressure increase results in the volume of the particles to become significant and the value of rises to greater than 1. Notice, that the magnitude of the deviations from ideality is greatest for the gas at 200 K and least for the gas at 1000 K.
Marcus is working with a sealed container of oxygen. He is trying see how temperature effects its deviations from ideality. He slowly increases the temperature of the oxygen and continues to measures its deviations.
Will increasing the pressure cause the expected volume be more or less?
{ "text": [ "less" ] }
The Figure below shows a graph of plotted against pressure for 1 mol of a gas at three different temperatures - 200 K, 500 K, and 1000 K. An ideal gas would have a value of 1 for that ratio at all temperatures and pressures and the graph would simply be a horizontal line. As can be seen, deviations from an ideal gas occur. As the pressure begins to rise, the attractive forces cause the volume of the gas to be less than expected and the value of drops under 1. Continued pressure increase results in the volume of the particles to become significant and the value of rises to greater than 1. Notice, that the magnitude of the deviations from ideality is greatest for the gas at 200 K and least for the gas at 1000 K.
Marcus is working with a sealed container of oxygen. He is trying see how temperature effects its deviations from ideality. He slowly increases the temperature of the oxygen and continues to measures its deviations.
Will increasing the temperature cause the pressure to increase or decrease?
{ "text": [ "increase" ] }
The "concentration" of a solid is essentially another way of measuring its density. A certain number of moles are present for a given volume of the solid, and this value does not depend on how much of the solid is present. As the reaction proceeds, the amount of solid reactant will decrease, but so will the volume it occupies. A similar argument can be made for liquids. As a result, the concentrations of solids and liquids are essentially constant over the course of a reaction.
Cindy has a ball of iron. She measures its density then drops it in a vat of hydrochloric acid. Ashe then removes the irom from the acid noting that the acid ate away as a good potion of the iron. To her suprise however the density of the iron remained constant.
Will a solids density decrease or stay constant when some of it reacts to a chemical?
{ "text": [ "constant" ] }
The "concentration" of a solid is essentially another way of measuring its density. A certain number of moles are present for a given volume of the solid, and this value does not depend on how much of the solid is present. As the reaction proceeds, the amount of solid reactant will decrease, but so will the volume it occupies. A similar argument can be made for liquids. As a result, the concentrations of solids and liquids are essentially constant over the course of a reaction.
Cindy has a ball of iron. She measures its density then drops it in a vat of hydrochloric acid. Ashe then removes the irom from the acid noting that the acid ate away as a good potion of the iron. To her suprise however the density of the iron remained constant.
Given cindy drops an ice cube in warm water then removes it, will the density of the remaining ice change or remain constant.
{ "text": [ "remain constant" ] }
Circadian rhythms are regular changes in biology or behavior that occur in a 24-hour cycle. In humans, for example, blood pressure and body temperature change in a regular way throughout each 24-hour day. Animals may eat and drink at certain times of day as well. Humans have daily cycles of behavior, too. Most people start to get sleepy after dark and have a hard time sleeping when it is light outside. In many species, including humans, circadian rhythms are controlled by a tiny structure called the biological clock . This structure is located in a gland at the base of the brain. The biological clock sends signals to the body. The signals cause regular changes in behavior and body processes. The amount of light entering the eyes helps control the biological clock. The clock causes changes that repeat every 24 hours.
Marcus has a long day ahead of him. He woke up early, around 7 AM to start his day. For a research study he takes his blood pressure around 9 AM and continues on through his day. Around noon he takes his blood pressure again noting that it has increased a little. He takes his blood pressure one more time before going to bed around 10PM
Will Marcus' blood pressure have increased or decreased when he is ready for bed?
{ "text": [ "decreased" ] }
Circadian rhythms are regular changes in biology or behavior that occur in a 24-hour cycle. In humans, for example, blood pressure and body temperature change in a regular way throughout each 24-hour day. Animals may eat and drink at certain times of day as well. Humans have daily cycles of behavior, too. Most people start to get sleepy after dark and have a hard time sleeping when it is light outside. In many species, including humans, circadian rhythms are controlled by a tiny structure called the biological clock . This structure is located in a gland at the base of the brain. The biological clock sends signals to the body. The signals cause regular changes in behavior and body processes. The amount of light entering the eyes helps control the biological clock. The clock causes changes that repeat every 24 hours.
Marcus has a long day ahead of him. He woke up early, around 7 AM to start his day. For a research study he takes his blood pressure around 9 AM and continues on through his day. Around noon he takes his blood pressure again noting that it has increased a little. He takes his blood pressure one more time before going to bed around 10PM
When an animal is ready to sleep for the day does their blood pressure increase or decrease?
{ "text": [ "decrease" ] }
Circadian rhythms are regular changes in biology or behavior that occur in a 24-hour cycle. In humans, for example, blood pressure and body temperature change in a regular way throughout each 24-hour day. Animals may eat and drink at certain times of day as well. Humans have daily cycles of behavior, too. Most people start to get sleepy after dark and have a hard time sleeping when it is light outside. In many species, including humans, circadian rhythms are controlled by a tiny structure called the biological clock . This structure is located in a gland at the base of the brain. The biological clock sends signals to the body. The signals cause regular changes in behavior and body processes. The amount of light entering the eyes helps control the biological clock. The clock causes changes that repeat every 24 hours.
Marcus has a long day ahead of him. He woke up early, around 7 AM to start his day. For a research study he takes his blood pressure around 9 AM and continues on through his day. Around noon he takes his blood pressure again noting that it has increased a little. He takes his blood pressure one more time before going to bed around 10PM
Will an animals blood pressure be at its highest in the middle of the day or at its lowest?
{ "text": [ "highest" ] }
Circadian rhythms are regular changes in biology or behavior that occur in a 24-hour cycle. In humans, for example, blood pressure and body temperature change in a regular way throughout each 24-hour day. Animals may eat and drink at certain times of day as well. Humans have daily cycles of behavior, too. Most people start to get sleepy after dark and have a hard time sleeping when it is light outside. In many species, including humans, circadian rhythms are controlled by a tiny structure called the biological clock . This structure is located in a gland at the base of the brain. The biological clock sends signals to the body. The signals cause regular changes in behavior and body processes. The amount of light entering the eyes helps control the biological clock. The clock causes changes that repeat every 24 hours.
Marcus has a long day ahead of him. He woke up early, around 7 AM to start his day. For a research study he takes his blood pressure around 9 AM and continues on through his day. Around noon he takes his blood pressure again noting that it has increased a little. He takes his blood pressure one more time before going to bed around 10PM
Given an animals blood pressure is at its lowest point for the day, is it the middle of the day or the end of the day?
{ "text": [ "end" ] }
Plants also have a touch response called thigmotropism . If you have ever seen a morning glory or the tendrils of a pea plant twist around a pole, then you know that plants must be able to sense the pole. Thigmotropism works much like the other tropisms. The plant grows straight until it comes in contact with the pole. Then, the side of the stem that is in contact with the pole grows slower than the opposite side of the stem. This causes the stem to bend around the pole.
George builds a fence in his back yard and plants a vine next to it. As the vine grows it comes in contact with the fence. and begins to grow wrapping itself around the fence. Once it reaches the top of the fence its growth stops.
Given a plant comes in contact with an object while growing, will it stop growing or grow at a different angle?
{ "text": [ "different angle" ] }
Plants also have a touch response called thigmotropism . If you have ever seen a morning glory or the tendrils of a pea plant twist around a pole, then you know that plants must be able to sense the pole. Thigmotropism works much like the other tropisms. The plant grows straight until it comes in contact with the pole. Then, the side of the stem that is in contact with the pole grows slower than the opposite side of the stem. This causes the stem to bend around the pole.
George builds a fence in his back yard and plants a vine next to it. As the vine grows it comes in contact with the fence. and begins to grow wrapping itself around the fence. Once it reaches the top of the fence its growth stops.
Given George plants another plant that grows strait up but puts a roof over it, will the plant stop growing when it reaches the roof or grow at a different angle?
{ "text": [ "different angle" ] }
Current Situation : Currently the heating effect of extra greenhouse gases (since the start of the industrial revolution) is equal to about . Thus the recent period has recorded parallel increases in concentration of carbon dioxide and average global temperature. As more greenhouse gases are put into the atmosphere the temperature will increase further. There are certain effects of a warmer Earth (discussed more in optional section), which could accelerate the process, even if no more greenhouse gases are put into the atmosphere (an unlikely prospect for the foreseeable future).
Due to an increase in the number of factories releasing carbon dioxide the concentration of it has increased. Recent reports show a correlation between increasing levels of carbon dioxide and the average global temperature increasing.
Will releasing more carbon dioxide cause the average temperature to increase or decrease?
{ "text": [ "increase" ] }
Current Situation : Currently the heating effect of extra greenhouse gases (since the start of the industrial revolution) is equal to about . Thus the recent period has recorded parallel increases in concentration of carbon dioxide and average global temperature. As more greenhouse gases are put into the atmosphere the temperature will increase further. There are certain effects of a warmer Earth (discussed more in optional section), which could accelerate the process, even if no more greenhouse gases are put into the atmosphere (an unlikely prospect for the foreseeable future).
Due to an increase in the number of factories releasing carbon dioxide the concentration of it has increased. Recent reports show a correlation between increasing levels of carbon dioxide and the average global temperature increasing.
Given the average temperature increases even more, will the concentration of carbon dioxide have increased or decreased?
{ "text": [ "increased" ] }
Catalytic converters in cars increase the rates of several important reactions. Unburned hydrocarbons can more easily be converted to carbon dioxide and water in the presence of a catalyst. Additionally, carbon monoxide (a harmful gas produced by incomplete combustion of fuel) is further oxidized to carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide compounds (which contribute to smog and acid rain) are transformed back into nitrogen and oxygen gases. By passing car exhaust over these catalysts before their release into the air, the emissions from a combustion engine are made into much less harmful substances, resulting in a much cleaner atmosphere.
Daniel drives a new car that uses catalytic converters. His best friend Kelvin however driving an older car. His car does not use any type of catalytic converter. They decide they want to go on a road trip together but dont know who's car they should take.
Which car would they take on the road trip if they want to create less pollution, Daniel's car or Kelvin's car?
{ "text": [ "Daniel's" ] }
Catalytic converters in cars increase the rates of several important reactions. Unburned hydrocarbons can more easily be converted to carbon dioxide and water in the presence of a catalyst. Additionally, carbon monoxide (a harmful gas produced by incomplete combustion of fuel) is further oxidized to carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide compounds (which contribute to smog and acid rain) are transformed back into nitrogen and oxygen gases. By passing car exhaust over these catalysts before their release into the air, the emissions from a combustion engine are made into much less harmful substances, resulting in a much cleaner atmosphere.
Daniel drives a new car that uses catalytic converters. His best friend Kelvin however driving an older car. His car does not use any type of catalytic converter. They decide they want to go on a road trip together but dont know who's car they should take.
Given a family wants to buy a new car that causes less pollution, should they buy a car with catalytic converters or without?
{ "text": [ "with" ] }
Catalytic converters in cars increase the rates of several important reactions. Unburned hydrocarbons can more easily be converted to carbon dioxide and water in the presence of a catalyst. Additionally, carbon monoxide (a harmful gas produced by incomplete combustion of fuel) is further oxidized to carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide compounds (which contribute to smog and acid rain) are transformed back into nitrogen and oxygen gases. By passing car exhaust over these catalysts before their release into the air, the emissions from a combustion engine are made into much less harmful substances, resulting in a much cleaner atmosphere.
Daniel drives a new car that uses catalytic converters. His best friend Kelvin however driving an older car. His car does not use any type of catalytic converter. They decide they want to go on a road trip together but dont know who's car they should take.
Will Kelvin buying a car like Daniel's increase or decrease the amount of pollution he creates while driving?
{ "text": [ "decrease" ] }
Catalytic converters in cars increase the rates of several important reactions. Unburned hydrocarbons can more easily be converted to carbon dioxide and water in the presence of a catalyst. Additionally, carbon monoxide (a harmful gas produced by incomplete combustion of fuel) is further oxidized to carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide compounds (which contribute to smog and acid rain) are transformed back into nitrogen and oxygen gases. By passing car exhaust over these catalysts before their release into the air, the emissions from a combustion engine are made into much less harmful substances, resulting in a much cleaner atmosphere.
Daniel drives a new car that uses catalytic converters. His best friend Kelvin however driving an older car. His car does not use any type of catalytic converter. They decide they want to go on a road trip together but dont know who's car they should take.
Given a family buys a car like Daniel's, will it create more or less pollution than if they bought a car like Kelvin's?
{ "text": [ "less" ] }
As shown here, pressure decreases to less than 25% of ground-level atmospheric pressure when we get to an altitude of about six miles. Since this is a common cruising altitude for commercial airplanes, pressurized cabins are needed for the comfort and survival of the passengers. This is because the density of the air decreases along with the decreasing air pressure, so there is less oxygen in a breath of air. You've probably noticed this effect in high-mountain areas, as it often feels harder to breath.
Mark and Jordan want to take a trip together. Mark wants to go mountain climbing while Jordan wants to go to a concert out of state. Jordan sometimes has a hard time breathing as well so they take this into consideration while making the plans for their trip.
Which location should Jordan and Mark go to considering Jordan's health, the concert or the mountain?
{ "text": [ "concert" ] }
As shown here, pressure decreases to less than 25% of ground-level atmospheric pressure when we get to an altitude of about six miles. Since this is a common cruising altitude for commercial airplanes, pressurized cabins are needed for the comfort and survival of the passengers. This is because the density of the air decreases along with the decreasing air pressure, so there is less oxygen in a breath of air. You've probably noticed this effect in high-mountain areas, as it often feels harder to breath.
Mark and Jordan want to take a trip together. Mark wants to go mountain climbing while Jordan wants to go to a concert out of state. Jordan sometimes has a hard time breathing as well so they take this into consideration while making the plans for their trip.
Will there be more oxygen in the air at the top of the mountain or at the concert?
{ "text": [ "concert" ] }
As shown here, pressure decreases to less than 25% of ground-level atmospheric pressure when we get to an altitude of about six miles. Since this is a common cruising altitude for commercial airplanes, pressurized cabins are needed for the comfort and survival of the passengers. This is because the density of the air decreases along with the decreasing air pressure, so there is less oxygen in a breath of air. You've probably noticed this effect in high-mountain areas, as it often feels harder to breath.
Mark and Jordan want to take a trip together. Mark wants to go mountain climbing while Jordan wants to go to a concert out of state. Jordan sometimes has a hard time breathing as well so they take this into consideration while making the plans for their trip.
Which person will have a harder time breathing at the top of the mountain, Mark or Jordan?
{ "text": [ "Jordan" ] }
As shown here, pressure decreases to less than 25% of ground-level atmospheric pressure when we get to an altitude of about six miles. Since this is a common cruising altitude for commercial airplanes, pressurized cabins are needed for the comfort and survival of the passengers. This is because the density of the air decreases along with the decreasing air pressure, so there is less oxygen in a breath of air. You've probably noticed this effect in high-mountain areas, as it often feels harder to breath.
Mark and Jordan want to take a trip together. Mark wants to go mountain climbing while Jordan wants to go to a concert out of state. Jordan sometimes has a hard time breathing as well so they take this into consideration while making the plans for their trip.
Will the density of the air increase or decrease as you get to the top of a mountain?
{ "text": [ "Will the density of the air increase or decrease as you get to the top of a mountain?" ] }
When humans dig up and use fossil fuels, we have an impact on the carbon cycle ( Figure below ). This carbon is not recycled until it is used by humans. The burning of fossil fuels releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than is used by photosynthesis. So, there is more carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere than is coming out of it. Carbon dioxide is known as a greenhouse gas , since it lets in light energy but does not let heat escape, much like the panes of a greenhouse. The increase of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere is contributing to a global rise in Earth’s temperature, known as global warming or global climate change.
Recently a large amount of factories have been built in Illinois using fossil fuels as their main energy source. In Indiana however, many of their factories have been shut down and replaced by parks with many plants and trees.
Which state ,Illinois or Indiana, will produce more carbon dioxide this year?
{ "text": [ "Illinois" ] }
When humans dig up and use fossil fuels, we have an impact on the carbon cycle ( Figure below ). This carbon is not recycled until it is used by humans. The burning of fossil fuels releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than is used by photosynthesis. So, there is more carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere than is coming out of it. Carbon dioxide is known as a greenhouse gas , since it lets in light energy but does not let heat escape, much like the panes of a greenhouse. The increase of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere is contributing to a global rise in Earth’s temperature, known as global warming or global climate change.
Recently a large amount of factories have been built in Illinois using fossil fuels as their main energy source. In Indiana however, many of their factories have been shut down and replaced by parks with many plants and trees.
Given Illinois adds even more of these fossil fuel burning factories will the levels of carbon dioxide increase or decrease?
{ "text": [ "increase" ] }
When humans dig up and use fossil fuels, we have an impact on the carbon cycle ( Figure below ). This carbon is not recycled until it is used by humans. The burning of fossil fuels releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than is used by photosynthesis. So, there is more carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere than is coming out of it. Carbon dioxide is known as a greenhouse gas , since it lets in light energy but does not let heat escape, much like the panes of a greenhouse. The increase of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere is contributing to a global rise in Earth’s temperature, known as global warming or global climate change.
Recently a large amount of factories have been built in Illinois using fossil fuels as their main energy source. In Indiana however, many of their factories have been shut down and replaced by parks with many plants and trees.
Given illinois decides to shut down half of the fossil fuel burning factories will carbon dioxide levels increase or decrease?
{ "text": [ "decrease" ] }
When humans dig up and use fossil fuels, we have an impact on the carbon cycle ( Figure below ). This carbon is not recycled until it is used by humans. The burning of fossil fuels releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than is used by photosynthesis. So, there is more carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere than is coming out of it. Carbon dioxide is known as a greenhouse gas , since it lets in light energy but does not let heat escape, much like the panes of a greenhouse. The increase of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere is contributing to a global rise in Earth’s temperature, known as global warming or global climate change.
One year an astronomical amount of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere due to burning fossil fuels. Many places become much hotter than usual. Another study is done and it is found that the Earths temperature has increased by 4 degrees on average.
Will reducing the amount of carbon dioxide increase or decrease the temperature of the Earth?
{ "text": [ "decrease" ] }
When humans dig up and use fossil fuels, we have an impact on the carbon cycle ( Figure below ). This carbon is not recycled until it is used by humans. The burning of fossil fuels releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than is used by photosynthesis. So, there is more carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere than is coming out of it. Carbon dioxide is known as a greenhouse gas , since it lets in light energy but does not let heat escape, much like the panes of a greenhouse. The increase of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere is contributing to a global rise in Earth’s temperature, known as global warming or global climate change.
One year,due to extreme use of fossil fuels, an astronomical amount of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere due to burning fossil fuels. Many places become much hotter than usual. Another study is done and it is found that the Earths temperature has increased by 4 degrees on average.
Given that even more carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere, will the temperature increase or decrease?
{ "text": [ "increase" ] }
There are two basic types of energy in the universe: potential energy and kinetic energy. Potential energy is stored energy that is available to do work, but it has not yet been released. The wood in a fireplace possesses potential energy. It is available for producing heat, but has not yet been ignited, so it is not releasing heat into the surrounding environment. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. A waterfall is an example of kinetic energy. The moving water can erode the rocks in the stream, wearing them down into smaller particles. This same water motion can turn a turbine to generate electricity. In both cases, the movement of the material (water) causes work to be done.
While out on a hiking trip Ricky stumbles upon a waterfall. While looking at it he notices that the rocks around and behind the waterfall as well as the rocks in the stream it flows into are smooth, When he is no longer near the waterfall the rocks are very jagged and cracked and sharp.
Will the area near a water fall have sharp or smooth rocks?
{ "text": [ "smooth" ] }
Generally, nearsightedness first occurs in school-age children. There is some evidence that myopia is inherited. If one or both of your parents need glasses, there is an increased chance that you will too. Individuals who spend a lot of time reading, working or playing at a computer, or doing other close visual work may also be more likely to develop nearsightedness. Because the eye continues to grow during childhood, myopia typically progresses until about age 20. However, nearsightedness may also develop in adults due to visual stress or health conditions such as diabetes. A common sign of nearsightedness is difficulty seeing distant objects like a movie screen or the TV, or the whiteboard or chalkboard in school.
Michael and his brother Brandon grew up in the same house together. They however devoloped completely different hobbies. Michael liked to go outside and play sports. Brandon on the other hand enjoyed reading and playing games on his computer. Eventually brandon ended up having to get glasses to correct his nearsitednes while Michael did not.
Will spending long hours infront of a computer screen increase or decrease your chances of developing nearsightedness?
{ "text": [ "increase" ] }
Generally, nearsightedness first occurs in school-age children. There is some evidence that myopia is inherited. If one or both of your parents need glasses, there is an increased chance that you will too. Individuals who spend a lot of time reading, working or playing at a computer, or doing other close visual work may also be more likely to develop nearsightedness. Because the eye continues to grow during childhood, myopia typically progresses until about age 20. However, nearsightedness may also develop in adults due to visual stress or health conditions such as diabetes. A common sign of nearsightedness is difficulty seeing distant objects like a movie screen or the TV, or the whiteboard or chalkboard in school.
Michael and his brother Brandon grew up in the same house together. They however devoloped completely different hobbies. Michael liked to go outside and play sports. Brandon on the other hand enjoyed reading and playing games on his computer. Eventually brandon ended up having to get glasses to correct his nearsitednes while Michael did not.
Will being nearsighted make it easier or harder to see things that are far away?
{ "text": [ "easier" ] }
Generally, nearsightedness first occurs in school-age children. There is some evidence that myopia is inherited. If one or both of your parents need glasses, there is an increased chance that you will too. Individuals who spend a lot of time reading, working or playing at a computer, or doing other close visual work may also be more likely to develop nearsightedness. Because the eye continues to grow during childhood, myopia typically progresses until about age 20. However, nearsightedness may also develop in adults due to visual stress or health conditions such as diabetes. A common sign of nearsightedness is difficulty seeing distant objects like a movie screen or the TV, or the whiteboard or chalkboard in school.
Michael and his brother Brandon grew up in the same house together. They however devoloped completely different hobbies. Michael liked to go outside and play sports. Brandon on the other hand enjoyed reading and playing games on his computer. Eventually brandon ended up having to get glasses to correct his nearsitednes while Michael did not.
Which of the brothers is nearsighted, Michael or Brandon?
{ "text": [ "Brandon" ] }
Generally, nearsightedness first occurs in school-age children. There is some evidence that myopia is inherited. If one or both of your parents need glasses, there is an increased chance that you will too. Individuals who spend a lot of time reading, working or playing at a computer, or doing other close visual work may also be more likely to develop nearsightedness. Because the eye continues to grow during childhood, myopia typically progresses until about age 20. However, nearsightedness may also develop in adults due to visual stress or health conditions such as diabetes. A common sign of nearsightedness is difficulty seeing distant objects like a movie screen or the TV, or the whiteboard or chalkboard in school.
Michael and his brother Brandon grew up in the same house together. They however devoloped completely different hobbies. Michael liked to go outside and play sports. Brandon on the other hand enjoyed reading and playing games on his computer. Eventually brandon ended up having to get glasses to correct his nearsitednes while Michael did not.
Given Michael decides to take up his brothers hobbies of playing computer games and reading, will his chances of developing nearsightedness increase opr decrease?
{ "text": [ "increase" ] }
Generally, nearsightedness first occurs in school-age children. There is some evidence that myopia is inherited. If one or both of your parents need glasses, there is an increased chance that you will too. Individuals who spend a lot of time reading, working or playing at a computer, or doing other close visual work may also be more likely to develop nearsightedness. Because the eye continues to grow during childhood, myopia typically progresses until about age 20. However, nearsightedness may also develop in adults due to visual stress or health conditions such as diabetes. A common sign of nearsightedness is difficulty seeing distant objects like a movie screen or the TV, or the whiteboard or chalkboard in school.
Dorian goes to the eye doctor to figure out what is wrong with his vision. Ever since he was a child things that were far away seemed very blurry to him but it didn't affect his ability to read or play with friends so it never really bothered him. After the doctor gave him an eye exam he was given a new pair of glasses to correct
Given both of Michael's parents needed glasses, will the chance that Michael needs glasses increase or decrease?
{ "text": [ "increase" ] }
Generally, nearsightedness first occurs in school-age children. There is some evidence that myopia is inherited. If one or both of your parents need glasses, there is an increased chance that you will too. Individuals who spend a lot of time reading, working or playing at a computer, or doing other close visual work may also be more likely to develop nearsightedness. Because the eye continues to grow during childhood, myopia typically progresses until about age 20. However, nearsightedness may also develop in adults due to visual stress or health conditions such as diabetes. A common sign of nearsightedness is difficulty seeing distant objects like a movie screen or the TV, or the whiteboard or chalkboard in school.
Dorian goes to the eye doctor to figure out what is wrong with his vision. Ever since he was a child things that were far away seemed very blurry to him but it didn't affect his ability to read or play with friends so it never really bothered him. After the doctor gave him an eye exam he was given a new pair of glasses to correct
Will a nearsighted person have a harder time viewing close objects or far objects?
{ "text": [ "far" ] }
Generally, nearsightedness first occurs in school-age children. There is some evidence that myopia is inherited. If one or both of your parents need glasses, there is an increased chance that you will too. Individuals who spend a lot of time reading, working or playing at a computer, or doing other close visual work may also be more likely to develop nearsightedness. Because the eye continues to grow during childhood, myopia typically progresses until about age 20. However, nearsightedness may also develop in adults due to visual stress or health conditions such as diabetes. A common sign of nearsightedness is difficulty seeing distant objects like a movie screen or the TV, or the whiteboard or chalkboard in school.
Dorian goes to the eye doctor to figure out what is wrong with his vision. Ever since he was a child things that were far away seemed very blurry to him but it didn't affect his ability to read or play with friends so it never really bothered him. After the doctor gave him an eye exam he was given a new pair of glasses to correct
Will spending long periods of time reading or working on a computer increase or decrease your chances of becoming nearsighted?
{ "text": [ "increase" ] }
Acceleration is a measure of the change in velocity of a moving object. It measures the rate at which velocity changes. Velocity, in turn, is a measure of the speed and direction of motion, so a change in velocity may reflect a change in speed, a change in direction, or both. Both velocity and acceleration are vectors. A vector is any measurement that has both size and direction. People commonly think of acceleration as in increase in speed, but a decrease in speed is also acceleration. In this case, acceleration is negative and called deceleration. A change in direction without a change in speed is acceleration as well.
Angela is driving on a highway. She is stuck between two cars but needs to get to the off ramp and decides to speed up. She hits the gas making her car go faster so she can get ahead of the two cars she is stuck in between and makes it to the ramp in time.
Which thing did Angela's car do, accelerate or decelerate?
{ "text": [ "accelerate" ] }
Acceleration is a measure of the change in velocity of a moving object. It measures the rate at which velocity changes. Velocity, in turn, is a measure of the speed and direction of motion, so a change in velocity may reflect a change in speed, a change in direction, or both. Both velocity and acceleration are vectors. A vector is any measurement that has both size and direction. People commonly think of acceleration as in increase in speed, but a decrease in speed is also acceleration. In this case, acceleration is negative and called deceleration. A change in direction without a change in speed is acceleration as well.
Angela is driving on a highway. She is stuck between two cars but needs to get to the off ramp and decides to speed up. She hits the gas making her car go faster so she can get ahead of the two cars she is stuck in between and makes it to the ramp in time.
Given Angela decided decelerate instead would her car have gone faster or slower?
{ "text": [ "slower" ] }
Acceleration is a measure of the change in velocity of a moving object. It measures the rate at which velocity changes. Velocity, in turn, is a measure of the speed and direction of motion, so a change in velocity may reflect a change in speed, a change in direction, or both. Both velocity and acceleration are vectors. A vector is any measurement that has both size and direction. People commonly think of acceleration as in increase in speed, but a decrease in speed is also acceleration. In this case, acceleration is negative and called deceleration. A change in direction without a change in speed is acceleration as well.
Johnny is playing with a toy train set his parents bought him. The controls for this train set allow him to make it go faster or slower and it even has a rail switch to make it travel on different tracks branching off to the left or right.
Will making the train switch to a different track be considered acceleration, yes or no.
{ "text": [ "yes" ] }
Acceleration is a measure of the change in velocity of a moving object. It measures the rate at which velocity changes. Velocity, in turn, is a measure of the speed and direction of motion, so a change in velocity may reflect a change in speed, a change in direction, or both. Both velocity and acceleration are vectors. A vector is any measurement that has both size and direction. People commonly think of acceleration as in increase in speed, but a decrease in speed is also acceleration. In this case, acceleration is negative and called deceleration. A change in direction without a change in speed is acceleration as well.
Johnny is playing with a toy train set his parents bought him. The controls for this train set allow him to make it go faster or slower and it even has a rail switch to make it travel on different tracks branching off to the left or right.
Given Johnny decides to slow the train down, will this be an example of acceleration or deceleration?
{ "text": [ "deceleration" ] }
Acceleration is a measure of the change in velocity of a moving object. It measures the rate at which velocity changes. Velocity, in turn, is a measure of the speed and direction of motion, so a change in velocity may reflect a change in speed, a change in direction, or both. Both velocity and acceleration are vectors. A vector is any measurement that has both size and direction. People commonly think of acceleration as in increase in speed, but a decrease in speed is also acceleration. In this case, acceleration is negative and called deceleration. A change in direction without a change in speed is acceleration as well.
Johnny is playing with a toy train set his parents bought him. The controls for this train set allow him to make it go faster or slower and it even has a rail switch to make it travel on different tracks branching off to the left or right.
Will Johnny using the rail switch be an example of a change in direction or a change in speed?
{ "text": [ "direction" ] }
Acceleration is a measure of the change in velocity of a moving object. It measures the rate at which velocity changes. Velocity, in turn, is a measure of the speed and direction of motion, so a change in velocity may reflect a change in speed, a change in direction, or both. Both velocity and acceleration are vectors. A vector is any measurement that has both size and direction. People commonly think of acceleration as in increase in speed, but a decrease in speed is also acceleration. In this case, acceleration is negative and called deceleration. A change in direction without a change in speed is acceleration as well.
Johnny is playing with a toy train set his parents bought him. The controls for this train set allow him to make it go faster or slower and it even has a rail switch to make it travel on different tracks branching off to the left or right.
Given Johnny decides to make the train accelerate and change tracks, will the velocity of the train increase or decrease?
{ "text": [ "increase" ] }
All machines make work easier, but they don’t increase the amount of work that is done. You can never get more work out of a machine than you put into it. In fact, a machine always does less work on an object than the user does on the machine. That’s because a machine must use some of the work put into it to overcome friction. Friction is the force that opposes motion between any surfaces that are touching. All machines involve motion, so they all have friction. How much work is needed to overcome friction in a machine depends on the machine’s efficiency.
Andrew just moved into his new apartment but realized he made a mistake. He loaded a box too heavy for him to lift. He decides to try to push the mox into his house from the back of his building which has a very rough path and struggles to get the box in the house.
Given the pavement in front of Andrews apartment is much smoother would it be easier or harder to push the box inside?
{ "text": [ "easier" ] }
All machines make work easier, but they don’t increase the amount of work that is done. You can never get more work out of a machine than you put into it. In fact, a machine always does less work on an object than the user does on the machine. That’s because a machine must use some of the work put into it to overcome friction. Friction is the force that opposes motion between any surfaces that are touching. All machines involve motion, so they all have friction. How much work is needed to overcome friction in a machine depends on the machine’s efficiency.
Andrew just moved into his new apartment but realized he made a mistake. He loaded a box too heavy for him to lift. He decides to try to push the mox into his house from the back of his building which has a very rough path and struggles to get the box in the house.
Will the amount of effort needed to push something across a rough surface increase or decrease as compared to a smooth surface?
{ "text": [ "increase" ] }
All machines make work easier, but they don’t increase the amount of work that is done. You can never get more work out of a machine than you put into it. In fact, a machine always does less work on an object than the user does on the machine. That’s because a machine must use some of the work put into it to overcome friction. Friction is the force that opposes motion between any surfaces that are touching. All machines involve motion, so they all have friction. How much work is needed to overcome friction in a machine depends on the machine’s efficiency.
Andrew just moved into his new apartment but realized he made a mistake. He loaded a box too heavy for him to lift. He decides to try to push the mox into his house from the back of his building which has a very rough path and struggles to get the box in the house.
Will reducing friction increase of decrease the effort needed to push an object?
{ "text": [ "decrease" ] }
All machines make work easier, but they don’t increase the amount of work that is done. You can never get more work out of a machine than you put into it. In fact, a machine always does less work on an object than the user does on the machine. That’s because a machine must use some of the work put into it to overcome friction. Friction is the force that opposes motion between any surfaces that are touching. All machines involve motion, so they all have friction. How much work is needed to overcome friction in a machine depends on the machine’s efficiency.
Andrew just moved into his new apartment but realized he made a mistake. He loaded a box too heavy for him to lift. He decides to try to push the mox into his house from the back of his building which has a very rough path and struggles to get the box in the house.
Will decreasing the amount of friction make pushing an object more difficult or less difficult?
{ "text": [ "less" ] }
All machines make work easier, but they don’t increase the amount of work that is done. You can never get more work out of a machine than you put into it. In fact, a machine always does less work on an object than the user does on the machine. That’s because a machine must use some of the work put into it to overcome friction. Friction is the force that opposes motion between any surfaces that are touching. All machines involve motion, so they all have friction. How much work is needed to overcome friction in a machine depends on the machine’s efficiency.
During the summer Anthony found it was way too hot to be comfortable. He went out to his garage to get an old fan. The fan was spins on a metal bearing but because it is old it was slightly rusted. When he turned the fan on it spun very slow, struggling to move. He then decided to lubricate the bearing that rotates the fan blades and the fan started spinning normally.
Will reducing the friction in a machine make the machine require more or less work?
{ "text": [ "less" ] }
All machines make work easier, but they don’t increase the amount of work that is done. You can never get more work out of a machine than you put into it. In fact, a machine always does less work on an object than the user does on the machine. That’s because a machine must use some of the work put into it to overcome friction. Friction is the force that opposes motion between any surfaces that are touching. All machines involve motion, so they all have friction. How much work is needed to overcome friction in a machine depends on the machine’s efficiency.
During the summer Anthony found it was way too hot to be comfortable. He went out to his garage to get an old fan. The fan was spins on a metal bearing but because it is old it was slightly rusted. When he turned the fan on it spun very slow, struggling to move. He then decided to lubricate the bearing that rotates the fan blades and the fan started spinning normally.
Given a rusted machine and a freshly lubricated machine, which one will require less work to operate, the rusted one of the lubricated one?
{ "text": [ "lubricated machine" ] }
All machines make work easier, but they don’t increase the amount of work that is done. You can never get more work out of a machine than you put into it. In fact, a machine always does less work on an object than the user does on the machine. That’s because a machine must use some of the work put into it to overcome friction. Friction is the force that opposes motion between any surfaces that are touching. All machines involve motion, so they all have friction. How much work is needed to overcome friction in a machine depends on the machine’s efficiency.
During the summer Anthony found it was way too hot to be comfortable. He went out to his garage to get an old fan. The fan was spins on a metal bearing but because it is old it was slightly rusted. When he turned the fan on it spun very slow, struggling to move. He then decided to lubricate the bearing that rotates the fan blades and the fan started spinning normally.
Given that Adam decided to tighten the bearing in his fan will the work it requires to operate increase or decrease?
{ "text": [ "increase" ] }
All machines make work easier, but they don’t increase the amount of work that is done. You can never get more work out of a machine than you put into it. In fact, a machine always does less work on an object than the user does on the machine. That’s because a machine must use some of the work put into it to overcome friction. Friction is the force that opposes motion between any surfaces that are touching. All machines involve motion, so they all have friction. How much work is needed to overcome friction in a machine depends on the machine’s efficiency.
During the summer Anthony found it was way too hot to be comfortable. He went out to his garage to get an old fan. The fan was spins on a metal bearing but because it is old it was slightly rusted. When he turned the fan on it spun very slow, struggling to move. He then decided to lubricate the bearing that rotates the fan blades and the fan started spinning normally.
Given a lawn mower with a rusted blade, will it reqiore more or less work to operate than one with a normal blade?
{ "text": [ "more" ] }
In addition to insects, weeds have also been a menace to farmers - just ask anyone with a garden how much they hate weeds. They can quickly compete for water and nutrients needed by other plants. Sure, farmers can use herbicides to kill weeds, but do these chemicals also harm the crops? Can biotechnology help with this issue? Some crops have also been genetically engineered to acquire tolerance to the herbicides - allowing the crops to grow, but killing the weeds. But the lack of cost effective herbicides with a broad range of activity - that do not harm crops - is a problem in weed management. Multiple applications of numerous herbicides are routinely needed to control the wide range of weeds that are harmful to crops. And at times these herbicides are being used as a preventive measure – that is, spraying to prevent weeds from developing rather than spraying after weeds form. So these chemicals are being added to crops. This practice is followed by mechanical and/or hand weeding to control weeds that are not controlled by the chemicals. Crops that are tolerant of herbicides would obviously be a tremendous benefit to farmers ( Figure above ). The introduction of herbicide tolerant crops has the potential to reduce the number of chemicals needed during a growing season, thereby increasing crop yield due to improved weed management and decreased harm to the crops.
Jamie decided he wants to build a garden in his back yard. He finishes planting a nice crop of tomatoes and zucchini and is very happy with himself. About a month later he checks in on his garden only to see a plethora of weeds has grown with his crop. The tomato and zucchini plants are much smaller than he expected and some are even dying.
Given Jamie removes all the weeds in his garden, will his plants get more or less nutrients and water?
{ "text": [ "more" ] }
In addition to insects, weeds have also been a menace to farmers - just ask anyone with a garden how much they hate weeds. They can quickly compete for water and nutrients needed by other plants. Sure, farmers can use herbicides to kill weeds, but do these chemicals also harm the crops? Can biotechnology help with this issue? Some crops have also been genetically engineered to acquire tolerance to the herbicides - allowing the crops to grow, but killing the weeds. But the lack of cost effective herbicides with a broad range of activity - that do not harm crops - is a problem in weed management. Multiple applications of numerous herbicides are routinely needed to control the wide range of weeds that are harmful to crops. And at times these herbicides are being used as a preventive measure – that is, spraying to prevent weeds from developing rather than spraying after weeds form. So these chemicals are being added to crops. This practice is followed by mechanical and/or hand weeding to control weeds that are not controlled by the chemicals. Crops that are tolerant of herbicides would obviously be a tremendous benefit to farmers ( Figure above ). The introduction of herbicide tolerant crops has the potential to reduce the number of chemicals needed during a growing season, thereby increasing crop yield due to improved weed management and decreased harm to the crops.
Jamie decided he wants to build a garden in his back yard. He finishes planting a nice crop of tomatoes and zucchini and is very happy with himself. About a month later he checks in on his garden only to see a plethora of weeds has grown with his crop. The tomato and zucchini plants are much smaller than he expected and some are even dying.
Will increasing the amount of weeds growing in a garden increase or decrease the health of the plants?
{ "text": [ "decrease" ] }
The Table above includes the ideal mechanical advantage of each class of lever. The mechanical advantage is the factor by which a machine changes the input force. The ideal mechanical advantage is the increase or decrease in force that would occur if there were no friction to overcome in the use of the machine. Because all machines must overcome some friction, the ideal mechanical advantage is always somewhat greater than the actual mechanical advantage of the machine as it is used in the real world.
James lives out on the country, He wants to gather some water from a well out from behind his house. When he gets there he realizes that the wheel on the lever that pulls up the bucket is rusted which adds more friction. He decides to oil the wheel to reduce the friction.
Will the lever James is using get closer or further to it's ideal mechanical advantage when he oils it?
{ "text": [ "closer" ] }
The Table above includes the ideal mechanical advantage of each class of lever. The mechanical advantage is the factor by which a machine changes the input force. The ideal mechanical advantage is the increase or decrease in force that would occur if there were no friction to overcome in the use of the machine. Because all machines must overcome some friction, the ideal mechanical advantage is always somewhat greater than the actual mechanical advantage of the machine as it is used in the real world.
James lives out on the country, He wants to gather some water from a well out from behind his house. When he gets there he realizes that the wheel on the lever that pulls up the bucket is rusted which adds more friction. He decides to oil the wheel to reduce the friction.
Will the ideal mechanical advantage on the lever always be less than or greater than its actual mechanical advantage?
{ "text": [ "greater" ] }
The Table above includes the ideal mechanical advantage of each class of lever. The mechanical advantage is the factor by which a machine changes the input force. The ideal mechanical advantage is the increase or decrease in force that would occur if there were no friction to overcome in the use of the machine. Because all machines must overcome some friction, the ideal mechanical advantage is always somewhat greater than the actual mechanical advantage of the machine as it is used in the real world.
James lives out on the country, He wants to gather some water from a well out from behind his house. When he gets there he realizes that the wheel on the lever that pulls up the bucket is rusted which adds more friction. He decides to oil the wheel to reduce the friction.
Will the input force required to get the lever James is using increase or decrease when he oils it?
{ "text": [ "decrease" ] }
Middle adulthood lasts from the mid-30s to the mid-60s. During this stage of life, many people raise a family and strive to attain career goals. They start showing physical signs of aging, such as wrinkles and gray hair. Typically, vision, strength and reaction time start declining. Diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular or heart disease, and cancer are often diagnosed during this stage of life. These diseases are also the chief causes of death in middle adulthood.
Adam and his older brother Chris were born almost 15 years apart from each other. Adam is 27 now which means Chris is 41. Lately Chris has started noticing grey hairs come in. When Adam and him play games together Chris also seems to lose more often now even though historically he has always been better.
Will Chris' signs of aging continue to increase or decrease as more time passes
{ "text": [ "increase" ] }
Middle adulthood lasts from the mid-30s to the mid-60s. During this stage of life, many people raise a family and strive to attain career goals. They start showing physical signs of aging, such as wrinkles and gray hair. Typically, vision, strength and reaction time start declining. Diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular or heart disease, and cancer are often diagnosed during this stage of life. These diseases are also the chief causes of death in middle adulthood.
Adam and his older brother Chris were born almost 15 years apart from each other. Adam is 27 now which means Chris is 41. Lately Chris has started noticing grey hairs come in. When Adam and him play games together Chris also seems to lose more often now even though historically he has always been better.
Which of the brothers is likely showing more signs of aging, Adam or Chris?
{ "text": [ "Chris" ] }
Middle adulthood lasts from the mid-30s to the mid-60s. During this stage of life, many people raise a family and strive to attain career goals. They start showing physical signs of aging, such as wrinkles and gray hair. Typically, vision, strength and reaction time start declining. Diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular or heart disease, and cancer are often diagnosed during this stage of life. These diseases are also the chief causes of death in middle adulthood.
Adam and his older brother Chris were born almost 15 years apart from each other. Adam is 27 now which means Chris is 41. Lately Chris has started noticing grey hairs come in. When Adam and him play games together Chris also seems to lose more often now even though historically he has always been better.
Given both Adam and Chris are about equally healthy, which brother has a lower chance of getting type 2 diabetes?
{ "text": [ "Adam" ] }