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UNFPA MHTF 2019-2024 - UNFPA MHTF 2019-2024 (New strategy 2018-2022) UNFPA MHTF 2019-2024 | UNFPA är FN:s befolkningsprogram för sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. Organisationen bildades 1969 och verkar idag i över 150 länder.
Insatsen innefattar ett öronmärkt stöd till UNFPA:s Maternal and Newborn Health Thematic Fund (MHTF) fas III, om 305 MSEK för avtalsperioden 2019-2022. Sida har tidigare gett stöd till MHTF för fas I (2008–2013) respektive fas II (2014–2017).
MHTF lanserades 2008 som ett flaggskepsprogram för att stärka nationella system för mödrahälsovård i syfte att minska mödra- och barnadödligheten i de länder som låg längst ifrån att uppnå MDG 5. MHTF:s affärsplan (business plan) 2019-2022 är helt i linje med UNFPA:s Strategiska Plan 2018-2021. Det unika med MHTF är att det är en global fond som bidrar med katalytiska medel till UNFPA:s olika landkontor. "Katalytisk" inom fonden innebär bl. a. att medel som kanaliseras genom MHTF skall bidra till att initiera/starta igång initiativ för att uppmärksamma gap/problem inom uppsatta/överenskomna mål relaterat barn- och mödrahälsa. Det kan också betyda att ta fram evidens som saknas för att länderna skall kunna gå vidare med implementering av initiativ i större omfattning (scale up). Tanken är att initiativen skall generera finansiering från regeringar, olika givare och finansieringsmekanismer (t. ex. GFF) på landnivå. Initiativ finansierade genom MHTF är således inga projekt och/eller program.
Sida:s erfarenhet av fonden är att den har bidragit till att synliggöra vikten av mödra- och barnhälsa, stärkt utbildning för barnmorskor och deras roll samt förbättrad vård och behandling inom obstetrik och gynekologi. MHTF har också bidragit till att många av UNFPA:s landkontor har stärkt sin kapacitet inom mödra- och barnhälsa. Dessa framsteg bekräftas i den utvärdering som Sida gjorde 2017.
Målet med MHTF fas III är att stödja länder med hög mödra- och barndödlighet, i säkerställandet av kvinnors, flickors och nyföddas rätt till överlevnad och god hälsa. Fonden innefattar fyra fokusområden för att bidra till att:
1) Stärka utbildning av barnmorskor liksom stärka deras roll/proffession;
2) Tillhandahålla akut obstetrik och neonatal vård;
3) Stärka och utveckla uppföljnings- och åtgärdssystem kring mödra- och spädbarnsdöd;
4) Bidra till tillgång av obstretisk behandling av fistula och andra dödliga skador i samband med graviditet och förlossning.
Fokusområdena är integrerade med varandra, bland annat genom att stöd till utbildning av barnmorskor och stärkande av nationella hälsosystem bidrar till ökad tillgång till rättighetsbaserade sexuella- och reproduktiva hälsotjänster.
Som nämnts ovan är MHTF:s affärsplan helt i linje med UNFPA:s strategiska plan 2018-2021 men bidrar särskilt till målet; 1) att nå ut till fler kvinnor och ungdomar, framförallt de mest utsatta och sårbara, med integrerad SRH service, samt 2) att alla ungdomar är berättigade till SRHR. Jämlik tillgång till information och hälsoservice, kvalitet samt ansvarsutkrävande är tre principer som genomsyrar MHTF.
Fas III innebär att UNFPA anammar ett brett perspektiv på sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter (SRHR) som inkluderar tillgång till säker abort, abortvård och ett tydligt fokus på unga människors sexuella och reproduktiva hälsa och rättigheter. Detta anses av Sida vara av särskild vikt att stödja då det är avgörande för att minska den globala mödradödligheten. UNFPA:s starkare uttryck att arbeta mer med säkra aborter ser Sida som ett viktigt momentum. Sverige/Sida för en kontinuerlig dialog med UNFPA om integrering av mänskliga rättigheter inkl. säkra aborter och jämställdhet i UNFPA:s verksamhet och MHTF är en ingång för en fortsatt sådan dialog.
Fonden riktar sig till länder med den högsta mödra- och barnadödligheten i världen. För fas III har trettiotvå länder (Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Congo Brazzaville, Elfenbenskusten, DRC, Etiopien, Ghana, Guinea Conarky, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Kenya, Laos, Liberia, Madagaskar, Malawi, Mauritania, Mocambique, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Timor-Leste, Togo, Uganda, Zambia) identifierats utifrån behov och prestationsförmåga. UNFPA:s respektive landkontor tillsammans med landet, kommer att utveckla en flerårig arbetsplan som innehåller de mål och indikatorer som är fastställda i resultatramverket för MHTF. Varje land har möjlighet att själva välja indikatorer som är mest relevanta för deras landkontext. Teamet som arbetar med MHTF vid UNFPA:s huvudkontor i New York (UNFPA-HK) kvalitetsgranskar planerna och ser till att länderna svarar upp emot hela SRHR/MHTF-agendan.
MHTF är en fond som avser att vara katalytisk, bidra till innovation liksom skapa kunskap och intresse för investeringar inom mödra- och barnhälsa. Merparten (ca 70%) av budgeten är avsedd för landkontoren och deras partners. Varje landkontor får ett relativt begränsat bidrag från MHTF-budgeten med syfte att fonden skall generera finansiellt stöd på landnivå. Detta förväntas, enligt UNFPA, skapa ett större ägarskap för initiativet jämfört med fullfinansierade projekt/program.
UNFPA:s regionala kontor skall ge tekniskt stöd till länderna. De har också en viktig roll i planering, uppföljning och rapportering av MHTF. Givarna kommer att ingå i MHTF:s rådgivande kommittee tillsammans med enhets- och avdelningschefer vid UNFPA-HK, de regionala kontoren, och hälsoministerierna. Kommitténs roll är att granska och godkänna MHTF:s prioriteringar och strategier liksom rapporter och andra riktlinjer. In 2008 The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) launched the Maternal and
Newborn Health Thematic Fund (MHTF). MHTF is a thematic fund aiming at improving maternal and newborn health and wellbeing in countries with high burden of maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity by supporting the strengthening of the countries health systems. The goal of the MHTF in Phase III is to support countries to ensure the health, survival and rights of every woman, adolescent girl and newborn. The fund assists countries with high burdens of maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity in strengthening health systems to provide equitable and accountable access to quality sexual, reproductive, maternal and newborn health care. Sida has supported Phase I (2008-2013) and Phase II (2013-2017) of MHTF and this contribution refers to Phase III (2019-2022) and part of UNFPA’s strategic plan (2018-2021). Phase III is driven by a more comprehensive SRHR agenda and inclusion of newborn health. Further, Phase III of MHTF has a more pronounced
focus on adolescents reproductive and sexual health and rights, access to safe abortion
and post-abortion care, and support throughout women and girl’s lifespan. MHTF is a thematic fund aiming at improving maternal and newborn health and well being in countries with high burden of maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity by strengthening of national health systems.
The vision of the third phase of the fund is to support countries to ensuring the health, survival, and rights of every woman, adolescent girl and newborn, by supporting countries to strengthen their health systems for providing equitable and accountable access to quality sexual and reproductive and newborn health care.
The fund is set up to provide strategic directions and technical assistance for the development, implementation and monitoring of maternal and newborn health interventions. The fund focuses on four key intervention areas: midwifery, comprehensive SRH in Emergency Obstetric and Newborn care (EmONC) facilities, obstetric fistula and other obstetric morbidities and Maternal (and Perinatal) Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR).
MHTF, will contribute to UNFPA's Strategic Plan 2018-2021, in particular on:
outcome 1: "Every woman, adolescent and youth everywhere, especially those furthest behind, has utilized integrated sexual and reproductive health services and exercised reproductive rights, free of coercion, discrimination and violence" and
outcome 2: "Every adolescent and youth, in particular adolescent girls, is empowered to have access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, in all contexts".
Through the following programme specific outcomes;
Outcome 1 midwifery: Every woman and adolescent girl can access right based quality sexual and reproductive health information and services delivered by midwives and that are women centered, equitable and accountable. The objective of phase III is to further accelerate the delivery of quality midwifery care. Phase III will also support midwives to address the needs of SRHR of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged women and adolescent girls.
Outcome 2 emergency obstetric and newborn care (EmONC): Every woman, adolescent girl and newborn in need of emergency obstetric and newborn care can access a referral maternity facility, staffed with skilled attendants at birth and monitored to deliver quality essential sexual and reproductive healthcare, including EmONC. In phase III there will be emphasis on implementing monitoring and quality improvement process for EmONC and SRH more broadly.
Outcome 3 maternal (and perinatal) death surveillance and response (MPDSR): Causes of maternal and perinatal deaths are identified and addressed through MPDSR programmes. The objective of phase III are to improve notification of maternal deaths, increase the number and quality of maternal death reviews, and implement multisectoral responses to address root causes of maternal and perinatal deaths.
Outcome 4 obstetric fistula and other obstetric morbidities: Every woman and adolescent girl can access quality sexual and reproductive health information and services to prevent and, if needed, to treat them from obstetric fistula and other obstetric morbidities. In phase III, MHTF will further strengthening national programmes for ending fistula and other obstetric morbidities.
According to UNFPA, WASH is an integral part of quality and availability of services and care for women and girls. It is addressed through the program from different angels through quality assurance work, policies, implementation plans and in facilities. It is also addressed in training programs. However, UNFPA's role is generally to alert UNICEF if the water is not available in the maternity facility that falls under UNFPA support. | null | sv|en | 1 | UNFPA MHTF 2019-2024 - UNFPA MHTF 2019-2024 (New strategy 2018-2022) UNFPA MHTF 2019-2024 UNFPA är FN:s befolkningsprogram för sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. Organisationen bildades 1969 och verkar idag i över 150 länder.
Insatsen innefattar ett öronmärkt stöd till UNFPA:s Maternal and Newborn Health Thematic Fund (MHTF) fas III, om 305 MSEK för avtalsperioden 2019-2022. Sida har tidigare gett stöd till MHTF för fas I (2008–2013) respektive fas II (2014–2017).
MHTF lanserades 2008 som ett flaggskepsprogram för att stärka nationella system för mödrahälsovård i syfte att minska mödra- och barnadödligheten i de länder som låg längst ifrån att uppnå MDG 5. MHTF:s affärsplan (business plan) 2019-2022 är helt i linje med UNFPA:s Strategiska Plan 2018-2021. Det unika med MHTF är att det är en global fond som bidrar med katalytiska medel till UNFPA:s olika landkontor. "Katalytisk" inom fonden innebär bl. a. att medel som kanaliseras genom MHTF skall bidra till att initiera/starta igång initiativ för att uppmärksamma gap/problem inom uppsatta/överenskomna mål relaterat barn- och mödrahälsa. Det kan också betyda att ta fram evidens som saknas för att länderna skall kunna gå vidare med implementering av initiativ i större omfattning (scale up). Tanken är att initiativen skall generera finansiering från regeringar, olika givare och finansieringsmekanismer (t. ex. GFF) på landnivå. Initiativ finansierade genom MHTF är således inga projekt och/eller program.
Sida:s erfarenhet av fonden är att den har bidragit till att synliggöra vikten av mödra- och barnhälsa, stärkt utbildning för barnmorskor och deras roll samt förbättrad vård och behandling inom obstetrik och gynekologi. MHTF har också bidragit till att många av UNFPA:s landkontor har stärkt sin kapacitet inom mödra- och barnhälsa. Dessa framsteg bekräftas i den utvärdering som Sida gjorde 2017.
Målet med MHTF fas III är att stödja länder med hög mödra- och barndödlighet, i säkerställandet av kvinnors, flickors och nyföddas rätt till överlevnad och god hälsa. Fonden innefattar fyra fokusområden för att bidra till att:
1) Stärka utbildning av barnmorskor liksom stärka deras roll/proffession;
2) Tillhandahålla akut obstetrik och neonatal vård;
3) Stärka och utveckla uppföljnings- och åtgärdssystem kring mödra- och spädbarnsdöd;
4) Bidra till tillgång av obstretisk behandling av fistula och andra dödliga skador i samband med graviditet och förlossning.
Fokusområdena är integrerade med varandra, bland annat genom att stöd till utbildning av barnmorskor och stärkande av nationella hälsosystem bidrar till ökad tillgång till rättighetsbaserade sexuella- och reproduktiva hälsotjänster.
Som nämnts ovan är MHTF:s affärsplan helt i linje med UNFPA:s strategiska plan 2018-2021 men bidrar särskilt till målet; 1) att nå ut till fler kvinnor och ungdomar, framförallt de mest utsatta och sårbara, med integrerad SRH service, samt 2) att alla ungdomar är berättigade till SRHR. Jämlik tillgång till information och hälsoservice, kvalitet samt ansvarsutkrävande är tre principer som genomsyrar MHTF.
Fas III innebär att UNFPA anammar ett brett perspektiv på sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter (SRHR) som inkluderar tillgång till säker abort, abortvård och ett tydligt fokus på unga människors sexuella och reproduktiva hälsa och rättigheter. Detta anses av Sida vara av särskild vikt att stödja då det är avgörande för att minska den globala mödradödligheten. UNFPA:s starkare uttryck att arbeta mer med säkra aborter ser Sida som ett viktigt momentum. Sverige/Sida för en kontinuerlig dialog med UNFPA om integrering av mänskliga rättigheter inkl. säkra aborter och jämställdhet i UNFPA:s verksamhet och MHTF är en ingång för en fortsatt sådan dialog.
Fonden riktar sig till länder med den högsta mödra- och barnadödligheten i världen. För fas III har trettiotvå länder (Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Congo Brazzaville, Elfenbenskusten, DRC, Etiopien, Ghana, Guinea Conarky, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Kenya, Laos, Liberia, Madagaskar, Malawi, Mauritania, Mocambique, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Timor-Leste, Togo, Uganda, Zambia) identifierats utifrån behov och prestationsförmåga. UNFPA:s respektive landkontor tillsammans med landet, kommer att utveckla en flerårig arbetsplan som innehåller de mål och indikatorer som är fastställda i resultatramverket för MHTF. Varje land har möjlighet att själva välja indikatorer som är mest relevanta för deras landkontext. Teamet som arbetar med MHTF vid UNFPA:s huvudkontor i New York (UNFPA-HK) kvalitetsgranskar planerna och ser till att länderna svarar upp emot hela SRHR/MHTF-agendan.
MHTF är en fond som avser att vara katalytisk, bidra till innovation liksom skapa kunskap och intresse för investeringar inom mödra- och barnhälsa. Merparten (ca 70%) av budgeten är avsedd för landkontoren och deras partners. Varje landkontor får ett relativt begränsat bidrag från MHTF-budgeten med syfte att fonden skall generera finansiellt stöd på landnivå. Detta förväntas, enligt UNFPA, skapa ett större ägarskap för initiativet jämfört med fullfinansierade projekt/program.
UNFPA:s regionala kontor skall ge tekniskt stöd till länderna. De har också en viktig roll i planering, uppföljning och rapportering av MHTF. Givarna kommer att ingå i MHTF:s rådgivande kommittee tillsammans med enhets- och avdelningschefer vid UNFPA-HK, de regionala kontoren, och hälsoministerierna. Kommitténs roll är att granska och godkänna MHTF:s prioriteringar och strategier liksom rapporter och andra riktlinjer. In 2008 The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) launched the Maternal and
Newborn Health Thematic Fund (MHTF). MHTF is a thematic fund aiming at improving maternal and newborn health and wellbeing in countries with high burden of maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity by supporting the strengthening of the countries health systems. The goal of the MHTF in Phase III is to support countries to ensure the health, survival and rights of every woman, adolescent girl and newborn. The fund assists countries with high burdens of maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity in strengthening health systems to provide equitable and accountable access to quality sexual, reproductive, maternal and newborn health care. Sida has supported Phase I (2008-2013) and Phase II (2013-2017) of MHTF and this contribution refers to Phase III (2019-2022) and part of UNFPA’s strategic plan (2018-2021). Phase III is driven by a more comprehensive SRHR agenda and inclusion of newborn health. Further, Phase III of MHTF has a more pronounced
focus on adolescents reproductive and sexual health and rights, access to safe abortion
and post-abortion care, and support throughout women and girl’s lifespan. MHTF is a thematic fund aiming at improving maternal and newborn health and well being in countries with high burden of maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity by strengthening of national health systems.
The vision of the third phase of the fund is to support countries to ensuring the health, survival, and rights of every woman, adolescent girl and newborn, by supporting countries to strengthen their health systems for providing equitable and accountable access to quality sexual and reproductive and newborn health care.
The fund is set up to provide strategic directions and technical assistance for the development, implementation and monitoring of maternal and newborn health interventions. The fund focuses on four key intervention areas: midwifery, comprehensive SRH in Emergency Obstetric and Newborn care (EmONC) facilities, obstetric fistula and other obstetric morbidities and Maternal (and Perinatal) Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR).
MHTF, will contribute to UNFPA's Strategic Plan 2018-2021, in particular on:
outcome 1: "Every woman, adolescent and youth everywhere, especially those furthest behind, has utilized integrated sexual and reproductive health services and exercised reproductive rights, free of coercion, discrimination and violence" and
outcome 2: "Every adolescent and youth, in particular adolescent girls, is empowered to have access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, in all contexts".
Through the following programme specific outcomes;
Outcome 1 midwifery: Every woman and adolescent girl can access right based quality sexual and reproductive health information and services delivered by midwives and that are women centered, equitable and accountable. The objective of phase III is to further accelerate the delivery of quality midwifery care. Phase III will also support midwives to address the needs of SRHR of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged women and adolescent girls.
Outcome 2 emergency obstetric and newborn care (EmONC): Every woman, adolescent girl and newborn in need of emergency obstetric and newborn care can access a referral maternity facility, staffed with skilled attendants at birth and monitored to deliver quality essential sexual and reproductive healthcare, including EmONC. In phase III there will be emphasis on implementing monitoring and quality improvement process for EmONC and SRH more broadly.
Outcome 3 maternal (and perinatal) death surveillance and response (MPDSR): Causes of maternal and perinatal deaths are identified and addressed through MPDSR programmes. The objective of phase III are to improve notification of maternal deaths, increase the number and quality of maternal death reviews, and implement multisectoral responses to address root causes of maternal and perinatal deaths.
Outcome 4 obstetric fistula and other obstetric morbidities: Every woman and adolescent girl can access quality sexual and reproductive health information and services to prevent and, if needed, to treat them from obstetric fistula and other obstetric morbidities. In phase III, MHTF will further strengthening national programmes for ending fistula and other obstetric morbidities.
According to UNFPA, WASH is an integral part of quality and availability of services and care for women and girls. It is addressed through the program from different angels through quality assurance work, policies, implementation plans and in facilities. It is also addressed in training programs. However, UNFPA's role is generally to alert UNICEF if the water is not available in the maternity facility that falls under UNFPA support. |
Strengthening Women and Youth leaders in Malaysian Grassroots CSO for Enhanced Participation in Inclusive Governance and Development Initiatives | Contract related to: Strengthening Women and Youth leaders in Malaysian Grassroots CSO for Enhanced Participation in Inclusive Governance and Development Initiatives - The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia. Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach; enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT. | null | en | 1 | Strengthening Women and Youth leaders in Malaysian Grassroots CSO for Enhanced Participation in Inclusive Governance and Development Initiatives Contract related to: Strengthening Women and Youth leaders in Malaysian Grassroots CSO for Enhanced Participation in Inclusive Governance and Development Initiatives - The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia. Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach; enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT. |
Africa Group Frame 09 - AGS Dev. cooperation Africa Group Frame 09 | The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | Africa Group Frame 09 - AGS Dev. cooperation Africa Group Frame 09 The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. |
Domstolsadm, Litauen Courts Adm, Lithuania | Projektet kommer att innefatta 7 specificerade områden inriktade på uppgradering och reformering av domstolsadministrationen i Litauen. Målet med insatsen är att introducera moderna metoder inom domstolsadministrationen och förbättra personalens kompetens. The project will concentrate in seven identified areas with the objective of modernizing the methods within court administration and increasing the knowledge of concerned staff | null | sv|en | 0 | Domstolsadm, Litauen Courts Adm, Lithuania Projektet kommer att innefatta 7 specificerade områden inriktade på uppgradering och reformering av domstolsadministrationen i Litauen. Målet med insatsen är att introducera moderna metoder inom domstolsadministrationen och förbättra personalens kompetens. The project will concentrate in seven identified areas with the objective of modernizing the methods within court administration and increasing the knowledge of concerned staff |
Economic Development Policy Grant (EDPG) 2014-2018 | To strengthen effective delivery by the Government of Mozambique of its role in facilitating broad based economic development and inclusive growth. | null | en | 1 | Economic Development Policy Grant (EDPG) 2014-2018 To strengthen effective delivery by the Government of Mozambique of its role in facilitating broad based economic development and inclusive growth. |
HI Béton | Note: This project has been cancelled, because of the ongoing political instability in Mali.Bamako is one of the fastest growing cities in Africa and a lot of new constructions are built. Because there is no commercial concrete plant, the concrete is of poor quality and buildings, especially multi-storey ones are not secure.This project will establish the first commercial concrete mixing plant in Mali. Mixtures will be made on demand and transported with mixer trucks to the building site where it will be distributed by concrete pumps to the exact spot where it is needed.32 jobs will be created and a total yearly production of 25,000 m3 of concrete will be realised.Strict Dutch safety regulations will be enforced at the plant, both for personnel safety as for environmental hazards. The partners, Van Den Herik B.V. and Ibraco Sarl, will form a joint venture to execute this activity.Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)The project partners agree that a robust standing with respect to CSR is of great importance to the success of the project. Van den Herik's CSR policy will provide a starting point for the joint venture's approach to CSR.The joint venture will not make use of any form of forced or child labour, nor will they work with suppliers or sub-contractors that do. Remuneration and working hours shall comply with local labour laws and wages will be at least 229% of the nationally agreed minimum wage. All employees will receive training on aspects relating to health and safety at work and all necessary safety equipment such as working clothes, shoes, helmets, ear protectors and first aid kits. In order to promote gender diversity, the joint venture will actively encourage female employment. Initially 16% of the total workforce will be female.With respect to the environment, the company will do all that is reasonable and practicable to minimise any adverse effects of its activities. Production will be done according to NEN-norms.Impact• Employment and working conditionsThe project partners will offer good working conditions to their employees to retain and motivate them. The project will create a total of 32 permanent jobs. Workers will be provided with official labour contracts. In a country where informal employment prevails, this is an important positive feature.Remuneration and working hours shall comply with local labour laws and wages will be at least 229% of the nationally agreed minimum wage of around FCFA 35.000. Next, the joint venture will do all that is reasonable and practicable to protect the health and safety of its employees. All employees will receive training on aspects relating to health and safety at work and all necessary safety equipment such as working clothes, shoes, ear protectors and first aid kits. In addition, they will receive training on the prevention of HIV/Aids. Lastly, all employees will be treated equally and in order to promote gender diversity, the joint venture will actively encourage female employment.At the production site, the VCA checklist (VGM Checklist Aannemers (VGM = Veiligheid Gezondheid en Milieu)) will be used to assure a safe working environment.• Innovation / Transfer of knowledgeAll aspects of the knowledge transfer are new to the country as concrete mixing does not exist on a commercial basis in Mali. As the construction sector is a very important economic sector in Mali, the employees trained by the project will be highly demanded by other companies because of their enhanced knowledge and their new skills, especially those who are trained partly in the Netherlands.• Chain effectsThe parties that will benefit directly from this project will be construction companies and suppliers of raw materials. In general, the construction sector will be offered the possibility to build faster, better and cheaper as a result of this project. We estimate that some 100 construction companies will benefit directly from this project.For the raw materials, some three to 5 suppliers of sand, cement and gravel will benefit directly, as well as the electricity company and an insurance company.A very important beneficial effect is the fact that building houses will be safer with the use of good quality concrete. This will save lives as accidents due to poor concrete quality are common in Mali.• EnvironmentThe project does not pose any risk to the environment as no toxic or dangerous substances are used.Special environmentally friendly dust filters will be installed on the cement silo to avoid that too much dust will cover the surrounding area and to prevent that the employees have to work in dusty surrounding.A waste management system will be in place and all employees, including operators and mechanics will be trained on minimising waste, pollution and fuel and energy consumption and maximising efficiency.The rest water from the concrete plant will be filtered before discharged.Any waste in hardened concrete will be crushed and used for road construction or pavements.• Position of women16% of the workforce will consist of women. One of the women will hold a high-level position as a member of the Board of Directors. The Finance Manager will also be a woman and this is a high-level position as well. Furthermore, the secretary, the receptionist and two cleaners will be women.Men and women will be treated equally at the workplace. They will all have the same opportunities. Promotions will be based on merit and performance strictly. Male and female employees will receive equal pay for equal work. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated. To establish a, ready made, concrete plant in Bamako, Mali, to produce 25,000 m3 of concrete per year to be sold to building companies in the "greater Bamako area". | null | en | 0 | HI Béton Note: This project has been cancelled, because of the ongoing political instability in Mali.Bamako is one of the fastest growing cities in Africa and a lot of new constructions are built. Because there is no commercial concrete plant, the concrete is of poor quality and buildings, especially multi-storey ones are not secure.This project will establish the first commercial concrete mixing plant in Mali. Mixtures will be made on demand and transported with mixer trucks to the building site where it will be distributed by concrete pumps to the exact spot where it is needed.32 jobs will be created and a total yearly production of 25,000 m3 of concrete will be realised.Strict Dutch safety regulations will be enforced at the plant, both for personnel safety as for environmental hazards. The partners, Van Den Herik B.V. and Ibraco Sarl, will form a joint venture to execute this activity.Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)The project partners agree that a robust standing with respect to CSR is of great importance to the success of the project. Van den Herik's CSR policy will provide a starting point for the joint venture's approach to CSR.The joint venture will not make use of any form of forced or child labour, nor will they work with suppliers or sub-contractors that do. Remuneration and working hours shall comply with local labour laws and wages will be at least 229% of the nationally agreed minimum wage. All employees will receive training on aspects relating to health and safety at work and all necessary safety equipment such as working clothes, shoes, helmets, ear protectors and first aid kits. In order to promote gender diversity, the joint venture will actively encourage female employment. Initially 16% of the total workforce will be female.With respect to the environment, the company will do all that is reasonable and practicable to minimise any adverse effects of its activities. Production will be done according to NEN-norms.Impact• Employment and working conditionsThe project partners will offer good working conditions to their employees to retain and motivate them. The project will create a total of 32 permanent jobs. Workers will be provided with official labour contracts. In a country where informal employment prevails, this is an important positive feature.Remuneration and working hours shall comply with local labour laws and wages will be at least 229% of the nationally agreed minimum wage of around FCFA 35.000. Next, the joint venture will do all that is reasonable and practicable to protect the health and safety of its employees. All employees will receive training on aspects relating to health and safety at work and all necessary safety equipment such as working clothes, shoes, ear protectors and first aid kits. In addition, they will receive training on the prevention of HIV/Aids. Lastly, all employees will be treated equally and in order to promote gender diversity, the joint venture will actively encourage female employment.At the production site, the VCA checklist (VGM Checklist Aannemers (VGM = Veiligheid Gezondheid en Milieu)) will be used to assure a safe working environment.• Innovation / Transfer of knowledgeAll aspects of the knowledge transfer are new to the country as concrete mixing does not exist on a commercial basis in Mali. As the construction sector is a very important economic sector in Mali, the employees trained by the project will be highly demanded by other companies because of their enhanced knowledge and their new skills, especially those who are trained partly in the Netherlands.• Chain effectsThe parties that will benefit directly from this project will be construction companies and suppliers of raw materials. In general, the construction sector will be offered the possibility to build faster, better and cheaper as a result of this project. We estimate that some 100 construction companies will benefit directly from this project.For the raw materials, some three to 5 suppliers of sand, cement and gravel will benefit directly, as well as the electricity company and an insurance company.A very important beneficial effect is the fact that building houses will be safer with the use of good quality concrete. This will save lives as accidents due to poor concrete quality are common in Mali.• EnvironmentThe project does not pose any risk to the environment as no toxic or dangerous substances are used.Special environmentally friendly dust filters will be installed on the cement silo to avoid that too much dust will cover the surrounding area and to prevent that the employees have to work in dusty surrounding.A waste management system will be in place and all employees, including operators and mechanics will be trained on minimising waste, pollution and fuel and energy consumption and maximising efficiency.The rest water from the concrete plant will be filtered before discharged.Any waste in hardened concrete will be crushed and used for road construction or pavements.• Position of women16% of the workforce will consist of women. One of the women will hold a high-level position as a member of the Board of Directors. The Finance Manager will also be a woman and this is a high-level position as well. Furthermore, the secretary, the receptionist and two cleaners will be women.Men and women will be treated equally at the workplace. They will all have the same opportunities. Promotions will be based on merit and performance strictly. Male and female employees will receive equal pay for equal work. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated. To establish a, ready made, concrete plant in Bamako, Mali, to produce 25,000 m3 of concrete per year to be sold to building companies in the "greater Bamako area". |
Activity under preparation INVALID: Fight Against Gender Based Violence (AAP 2023) | For the MIP 2021-2027, the EU intends to support a stand-alone G2 programme to `Ensure that Women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity are better protected from all forms of gender-based violence. The programme will replace the Spotlight Initiative | null | en | 1 | Activity under preparation INVALID: Fight Against Gender Based Violence (AAP 2023) For the MIP 2021-2027, the EU intends to support a stand-alone G2 programme to `Ensure that Women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity are better protected from all forms of gender-based violence. The programme will replace the Spotlight Initiative |
Stärkung der Advocacy für eine Jugendperspektive auf die Entwicklungsagenda 2063, Fortführung Strengthening advocacy for a youth perspective on the 2063 development agenda, continuation | Stärkung der Advocacy für eine Jugendperspektive auf die Entwicklungsagenda 2063, Fortführung Strengthening advocacy for a youth perspective on the 2063 development agenda, continuation Das Projekt befähigt junge Menschen, Akteure ihrer eigenen Entwicklung zu sein und die Zukunft Afrika's aktiv mitzugestalten. Dabei stehen die Themen Klimawandel und Jungendperspektivlosigkeit im Vordergrund. Über innovative Maßnahmen wie dem Entwickeln von spielerischen Lernräumen und Workshops sollen viele Jugendlichen einfacher erreicht werden.Eine weitere Komponente ist die Lobby- und Advocacyarbeit auf nationaler und regionaler Ebene zu Themen, die aus den Interventionen der jungen Erwachsenen mit ihrem Umfeld gewonnen werden. The project empowers young people to be actors in their own development and to actively shape Africa's future. The focus is on the issues of climate change and youth lack of perspective. Through innovative measures such as the development of playful learning spaces and workshops, many young people are to be reached. Another component is lobbying and advocacy work at national and regional level on issues gained from the young adults' interventions with their environment. | null | de|en | 1 | Stärkung der Advocacy für eine Jugendperspektive auf die Entwicklungsagenda 2063, Fortführung Strengthening advocacy for a youth perspective on the 2063 development agenda, continuation Stärkung der Advocacy für eine Jugendperspektive auf die Entwicklungsagenda 2063, Fortführung Strengthening advocacy for a youth perspective on the 2063 development agenda, continuation Das Projekt befähigt junge Menschen, Akteure ihrer eigenen Entwicklung zu sein und die Zukunft Afrika's aktiv mitzugestalten. Dabei stehen die Themen Klimawandel und Jungendperspektivlosigkeit im Vordergrund. Über innovative Maßnahmen wie dem Entwickeln von spielerischen Lernräumen und Workshops sollen viele Jugendlichen einfacher erreicht werden.Eine weitere Komponente ist die Lobby- und Advocacyarbeit auf nationaler und regionaler Ebene zu Themen, die aus den Interventionen der jungen Erwachsenen mit ihrem Umfeld gewonnen werden. The project empowers young people to be actors in their own development and to actively shape Africa's future. The focus is on the issues of climate change and youth lack of perspective. Through innovative measures such as the development of playful learning spaces and workshops, many young people are to be reached. Another component is lobbying and advocacy work at national and regional level on issues gained from the young adults' interventions with their environment. |
Estrat¿gias de melhora dos ConHecimentos e Atitudes dos joveNs angolanos em mat¿ria de sa¿de reproduCtiva e sExual (Projeto CHANCE) | Contract related to: Estrat¿gias de melhora dos ConHecimentos e Atitudes dos joveNs angolanos em mat¿ria de sa¿de reproduCtiva e sExual (Projeto CHANCE) - Human rights and democracy are founding values of the EU. Protecting and promoting HR&D is therefore a key priority of the EU¿s external action. It is also a precondition for sustainable development and for building more inclusive, open and resilient societies.Yet, recent data show that globally, most countries are far from having acceptable human rights and democracy track records. In this context, worsened by the COVID crisis, the EU re-affirmed its commitment to support human rights and democracy worldwide by adopting the `Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024¿. The Action Plan identifies priorities and key actions, to ensure that the EU plays a greater role in promoting and defending human rights and democracy throughout its external action. The Regulation (EU) 2021/947 (Global Europe) establishes the legal basis for the human rights and democracy actions. Particularly, its annex III details the areas of intervention for human rights and democracy.The overall objective of the present action is to contribute to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law worldwide. The action will achieve this objective by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy issues in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. Consequently, it will contribute to the 5 priorities of the Multiannual Indicative programme 2021-2027 as well as the specific priorities set out for the additional funding coming from the cushion.This action will mainly be implemented by EU Delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iii) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The actions financed at country level will be in line with: (i) the EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies or priorities under the EU accession process. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focusing on promoting gender equality. | null | en | 1 | Estrat¿gias de melhora dos ConHecimentos e Atitudes dos joveNs angolanos em mat¿ria de sa¿de reproduCtiva e sExual (Projeto CHANCE) Contract related to: Estrat¿gias de melhora dos ConHecimentos e Atitudes dos joveNs angolanos em mat¿ria de sa¿de reproduCtiva e sExual (Projeto CHANCE) - Human rights and democracy are founding values of the EU. Protecting and promoting HR&D is therefore a key priority of the EU¿s external action. It is also a precondition for sustainable development and for building more inclusive, open and resilient societies.Yet, recent data show that globally, most countries are far from having acceptable human rights and democracy track records. In this context, worsened by the COVID crisis, the EU re-affirmed its commitment to support human rights and democracy worldwide by adopting the `Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024¿. The Action Plan identifies priorities and key actions, to ensure that the EU plays a greater role in promoting and defending human rights and democracy throughout its external action. The Regulation (EU) 2021/947 (Global Europe) establishes the legal basis for the human rights and democracy actions. Particularly, its annex III details the areas of intervention for human rights and democracy.The overall objective of the present action is to contribute to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law worldwide. The action will achieve this objective by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy issues in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. Consequently, it will contribute to the 5 priorities of the Multiannual Indicative programme 2021-2027 as well as the specific priorities set out for the additional funding coming from the cushion.This action will mainly be implemented by EU Delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iii) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The actions financed at country level will be in line with: (i) the EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies or priorities under the EU accession process. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focusing on promoting gender equality. |
Institutional Capacity-Building Project Facility - Expert fund Progetto Facility per Capacity-Building Istituzionale. FE | The project aims at providing qualified technical and institutional assistance to the Albanian Government in the formulation and implementation of the “National Strategy for Development and Integration 2014-2020”, the sectoral development strategies and the related programmes, with particular regard to the private, agricultural, social and infrastructure sectors and with the aim of promoting the “Sector Wide Approach” (SWAp). The planned activities will be carried out through field missions and/or local appointment of sectoral experts and consultants that will provide the necessary technical and operational assistance to the “Department for Development Programming, Financing and Foreign Aid” (DPFFA), established at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Albania, and to the relevant line ministries in the formulation and implementation of the strategic framework for 2014-2020 and of the relevant sectoral programmes.<br>Project concluded. L’iniziativa intende fornire assistenza tecnica ed istituzionale qualificata al Governo albanese nella formulazione ed implementazione della “Strategia Nazionale per lo Sviluppo e l’Integrazione 2014-2020”, delle strategie di sviluppo settoriali ad essa afferenti e dei relativi programmi di attuazione, con particolare riferimento ai settori privato, agricolo sociale e infrastrutturale, con l’obiettivo di promuovere l’approccio di settore (Sector Wide Approach-SWAp). Le attività previste saranno svolte attraverso l’invio in missione e/o la contrattazione in loco di esperti e consulenti settoriali che forniscano la necessaria assistenza tecnica e operativa al “Department for Development Programming, Financing and Foreign Aid” (DDPFFA), istituito presso la Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri albanese, e ai Ministeri di linea nella formulazione ed implementazione del quadro strategico per il periodo 2014-2020 e dei relativi programmi settoriali. Progetto terminato. | Commitment - Financial Year 2015 Disboursement - Financial Year 2015 Commitment - Financial Year 2016 Disboursement - Financial Year 2016 Commitment - Financial Year 2017 Disboursement - Financial Year 2017 | it|en | 2 | Institutional Capacity-Building Project Facility - Expert fund Progetto Facility per Capacity-Building Istituzionale. FE The project aims at providing qualified technical and institutional assistance to the Albanian Government in the formulation and implementation of the “National Strategy for Development and Integration 2014-2020”, the sectoral development strategies and the related programmes, with particular regard to the private, agricultural, social and infrastructure sectors and with the aim of promoting the “Sector Wide Approach” (SWAp). The planned activities will be carried out through field missions and/or local appointment of sectoral experts and consultants that will provide the necessary technical and operational assistance to the “Department for Development Programming, Financing and Foreign Aid” (DPFFA), established at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Albania, and to the relevant line ministries in the formulation and implementation of the strategic framework for 2014-2020 and of the relevant sectoral programmes.<br>Project concluded. L’iniziativa intende fornire assistenza tecnica ed istituzionale qualificata al Governo albanese nella formulazione ed implementazione della “Strategia Nazionale per lo Sviluppo e l’Integrazione 2014-2020”, delle strategie di sviluppo settoriali ad essa afferenti e dei relativi programmi di attuazione, con particolare riferimento ai settori privato, agricolo sociale e infrastrutturale, con l’obiettivo di promuovere l’approccio di settore (Sector Wide Approach-SWAp). Le attività previste saranno svolte attraverso l’invio in missione e/o la contrattazione in loco di esperti e consulenti settoriali che forniscano la necessaria assistenza tecnica e operativa al “Department for Development Programming, Financing and Foreign Aid” (DDPFFA), istituito presso la Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri albanese, e ai Ministeri di linea nella formulazione ed implementazione del quadro strategico per il periodo 2014-2020 e dei relativi programmi settoriali. Progetto terminato. Commitment - Financial Year 2015 Disboursement - Financial Year 2015 Commitment - Financial Year 2016 Disboursement - Financial Year 2016 Commitment - Financial Year 2017 Disboursement - Financial Year 2017 |
Regulärbeitrag im Jahr 2014 Basic Pledge for 2014 | Regulärbeitrag im Jahr 2014 Basic Pledge for 2014 Regulärbeitrag im Jahr 2014 Basic Pledge for 2014 | null | de|en | 0 | Regulärbeitrag im Jahr 2014 Basic Pledge for 2014 Regulärbeitrag im Jahr 2014 Basic Pledge for 2014 Regulärbeitrag im Jahr 2014 Basic Pledge for 2014 |
Sustainable support to persons displaced by conflict and natural disasters and their host communities in Afar Region of Ethiopia | Contract related to: Sustainable support to persons displaced by conflict and natural disasters and their host communities in Afar Region of Ethiopia - Ethiopia is currently facing a complex crisis due to prolonged internal conflicts and drought, which have heavily impacted the economy and have caused high levels of food insecurity, gender-based violence, widespread displacement and limited access to basic services. The proposed action will enable conflict and climate-induced internally displaced people (IDPs) and host communities (HC) to move towards recovery and resilience through three main objectives:1) Living conditions of IDP¿s and host communities, especially those belonging to marginalised groups,are improved through access to WaSH services; 2) Livelihood opportunities coupled with targeted skills training and financial and economic support opportunities;3) Social cohesion and protection services are strengthened through an area-based community development approach substantiated by needs-based data collection and capacity building of relevant stakeholders;The Action will be implemented in three clusters in four regions of Ethiopia, notably Amhara, Afar, Tigray and Benishangul Gumuz, which are facing protracted displacement challenges. The Action duration is 36 months and it will focus on a new policy area for Ethiopia, which encompasses integration and better access to services for internally displaced people and their host communities, and builds on and expands other EU programmes with community based and protection approaches. Moreover, it uses the added value of the implementing partners (IPs) in relevant sectors, which is crucial in addressing the multidimensional problem of displacement. Marginalised groups, including female-headed households, the elderly, refugees and people with disabilities (PwD) will also benefit from this intervention.It is envisioned that the action is implemented both through direct and an indirect management modality, through the joint efforts of Member State Development agencies, UN agencies, and Red Cross Societies. The collaboration among these agencies will pool relevant technical expertise, ensure synergies, and streamline the integrated area based approach across geographic clusters.The action is complementary to other ongoing EU-funded projects in the area of migration, health, livelihood and peace-building, in particular projects initiated under IM1, IM2 and IM3. It will also seek synergies with activities implemented by ECHO and FPI in Ethiopia, as well as by other donors, ensuring that the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus (HDP) approach is fully taken into account. | null | en | 1 | Sustainable support to persons displaced by conflict and natural disasters and their host communities in Afar Region of Ethiopia Contract related to: Sustainable support to persons displaced by conflict and natural disasters and their host communities in Afar Region of Ethiopia - Ethiopia is currently facing a complex crisis due to prolonged internal conflicts and drought, which have heavily impacted the economy and have caused high levels of food insecurity, gender-based violence, widespread displacement and limited access to basic services. The proposed action will enable conflict and climate-induced internally displaced people (IDPs) and host communities (HC) to move towards recovery and resilience through three main objectives:1) Living conditions of IDP¿s and host communities, especially those belonging to marginalised groups,are improved through access to WaSH services; 2) Livelihood opportunities coupled with targeted skills training and financial and economic support opportunities;3) Social cohesion and protection services are strengthened through an area-based community development approach substantiated by needs-based data collection and capacity building of relevant stakeholders;The Action will be implemented in three clusters in four regions of Ethiopia, notably Amhara, Afar, Tigray and Benishangul Gumuz, which are facing protracted displacement challenges. The Action duration is 36 months and it will focus on a new policy area for Ethiopia, which encompasses integration and better access to services for internally displaced people and their host communities, and builds on and expands other EU programmes with community based and protection approaches. Moreover, it uses the added value of the implementing partners (IPs) in relevant sectors, which is crucial in addressing the multidimensional problem of displacement. Marginalised groups, including female-headed households, the elderly, refugees and people with disabilities (PwD) will also benefit from this intervention.It is envisioned that the action is implemented both through direct and an indirect management modality, through the joint efforts of Member State Development agencies, UN agencies, and Red Cross Societies. The collaboration among these agencies will pool relevant technical expertise, ensure synergies, and streamline the integrated area based approach across geographic clusters.The action is complementary to other ongoing EU-funded projects in the area of migration, health, livelihood and peace-building, in particular projects initiated under IM1, IM2 and IM3. It will also seek synergies with activities implemented by ECHO and FPI in Ethiopia, as well as by other donors, ensuring that the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus (HDP) approach is fully taken into account. |
Contribution to the IFAD programme FARMS 'Facility for refugee, migrants, forced displacement and rural stability.' Contributo al programma dell'IFAD - FARMS Struttura per rifugiati, migranti, trasferimenti obbligati e stabilità rurale | Italian contribution to the International Fund for Agriculture Development programme FARMS 'Facility for refugee, migrants, forced displacement and rural stability to be implemented in Puntland region of Somalia'. The contribution will provide funds to a series of activities under three main components: 1. Constructed/ rehabilitated irrigation infrastructure and introduced climate- smart technologies; 2. Improved sustainable agricultural production and market access; 3. Increased range and small ruminants productivity. <br>The overall goal is to sustainably improve food security, nutrition and livelihoods, resilience building among vulnerable households and communities, with a special focus on internally displaced people. L'obiettivo generale del progetto è quello di migliorare in modo sostenibile la sicurezza alimentare, la nutrizione ed i mezzi di sostentamento e costruire resilienza per le famiglie vulnerabili e le comunità di appartenenza nel territorio del Puntland, regione Nord-orientale della Somalia, con particolare attenzione agli sfollati. Il raggiungimento di tale obiettivo avrà come ricaduta positiva il rafforzamento dei processi di rafforzamento della pace dovuto al maggiore sviluppo economico e sociale nella regione nel lungo periodo | Commitment - Financial Year 2019 Disboursement - Financial Year 2019 Disboursement - Financial Year 2022 | it|en | 1 | Contribution to the IFAD programme FARMS 'Facility for refugee, migrants, forced displacement and rural stability.' Contributo al programma dell'IFAD - FARMS Struttura per rifugiati, migranti, trasferimenti obbligati e stabilità rurale Italian contribution to the International Fund for Agriculture Development programme FARMS 'Facility for refugee, migrants, forced displacement and rural stability to be implemented in Puntland region of Somalia'. The contribution will provide funds to a series of activities under three main components: 1. Constructed/ rehabilitated irrigation infrastructure and introduced climate- smart technologies; 2. Improved sustainable agricultural production and market access; 3. Increased range and small ruminants productivity. <br>The overall goal is to sustainably improve food security, nutrition and livelihoods, resilience building among vulnerable households and communities, with a special focus on internally displaced people. L'obiettivo generale del progetto è quello di migliorare in modo sostenibile la sicurezza alimentare, la nutrizione ed i mezzi di sostentamento e costruire resilienza per le famiglie vulnerabili e le comunità di appartenenza nel territorio del Puntland, regione Nord-orientale della Somalia, con particolare attenzione agli sfollati. Il raggiungimento di tale obiettivo avrà come ricaduta positiva il rafforzamento dei processi di rafforzamento della pace dovuto al maggiore sviluppo economico e sociale nella regione nel lungo periodo Commitment - Financial Year 2019 Disboursement - Financial Year 2019 Disboursement - Financial Year 2022 |
TAIEX INTPA - Institutional capacity building through Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument 2024-2026 (TAIEX 9) | The overall aim of TAIEX, as part of the institution-building instruments, is to provide peer-to-peer technical assistance and capacity building to support partner countries in the harmonisation of their regulatory frameworks and sustainable policy reform and to share best practices in EU policy-related fields, according to the justified demands and priorities of duty bearers from partner countries and the strategic priorities of the EU, also in line with EU values (e.g. promotion of human and fundamental rights, including gender equality, and inclusion). As a result, the instrument contributes to strengthening inclusive societies and good governance in partner countries.TAIEX is a key institutional capacity-building enabler for Global Gateway priority sectors (digital, climate and energy, transport, health, education) in partner countries, and can facilitate improvements in their regulatory environment and help increase their attractiveness for private investments. It provides short and medium-term, needs-driven, and strategically oriented assistance. It complements and works alongside other programmes to help partner countries reinforce their institutions and support sustainable policy reforms. As such, TAIEX brings enhanced capacity for the partner countries¿ institutions in policy development, in a Team Europe approach, fostering partnerships and improving know-how and information on the priority sectors of Global Gateway (see above). | null | en | 1 | TAIEX INTPA - Institutional capacity building through Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument 2024-2026 (TAIEX 9) The overall aim of TAIEX, as part of the institution-building instruments, is to provide peer-to-peer technical assistance and capacity building to support partner countries in the harmonisation of their regulatory frameworks and sustainable policy reform and to share best practices in EU policy-related fields, according to the justified demands and priorities of duty bearers from partner countries and the strategic priorities of the EU, also in line with EU values (e.g. promotion of human and fundamental rights, including gender equality, and inclusion). As a result, the instrument contributes to strengthening inclusive societies and good governance in partner countries.TAIEX is a key institutional capacity-building enabler for Global Gateway priority sectors (digital, climate and energy, transport, health, education) in partner countries, and can facilitate improvements in their regulatory environment and help increase their attractiveness for private investments. It provides short and medium-term, needs-driven, and strategically oriented assistance. It complements and works alongside other programmes to help partner countries reinforce their institutions and support sustainable policy reforms. As such, TAIEX brings enhanced capacity for the partner countries¿ institutions in policy development, in a Team Europe approach, fostering partnerships and improving know-how and information on the priority sectors of Global Gateway (see above). |
ITP272 Local Environmental Management ITP272 Local Environmental Management ITP 2008-2012 | International Training Programme 272 "Lokal Miljöförvaltning" International Training Programme 272 "Local Environmental Mangagement in Urban Areas" | null | sv|en | 0 | ITP272 Local Environmental Management ITP272 Local Environmental Management ITP 2008-2012 International Training Programme 272 "Lokal Miljöförvaltning" International Training Programme 272 "Local Environmental Mangagement in Urban Areas" |
Myanmar 2023 - IRC HUM 2021-2025 | International Rescue Committee, IRC, is a non-profit international organisation, working with humanitarian and development work in more than 40 countries world-wide. As per IRC’s mission statement, their goal is “to help people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster, including by the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future” in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Their focus is on activities with the sectors of health, safety/protection, education, livelihoods and ensuring people have the power to influence decisions that affect their lives. Their main target group is people who flee from war, conflict and disaster, and the host communities that support them.
Currently, IRC is mainly a self-implementing organisation who conduct the bulk of their work through their 17 000 global staff members. However, IRC is striving to increase their cooperation with local partners (authorities, organisation, community groups) to reach a goal of sub-granting 25 % of their means through third party, and will continue to work towards achieving this target during 2024 and 2025.
In 2024, the IRC will receive humanitarian programme-based support in 17 countries, as well as funding for the IRC's Rapid Response Mechanism, whose function is to rapidly channel funds to emerging or worsening crises. In addition to the ongoing methodology and capacity projects, the IRC is starting two new 2-year projects this year, focusing on protection for one, and localisation for the other. International Rescue Committee (IRC) är en enskild internationell organisation, aktiv i humanitär respons och resiliens i mer än 40 länder globalt. Deras huvudsakliga syfte är att bistå människor vars liv och försörjningsmöjligheter slagits i spillror till följd av konflikter, naturkatastrofer och klimatförändringar genom att erbjuda överlevnadsstöd och aktiviteter för återhämtning. Fokus ligger på aktiviteter inom hälsa, skydd, utbildning, försörjningsmöjligheter samt människors stärkta egenmakt och beslutsförmåga. Huvudsaklig målgrupp är människor som flyr från krig och katastrofer, samt de värdsamhällen som bistår dem.
I dagsläget är IRC huvudsakligen självimplementerande och utför sitt arbete med hjälp av sina 17 000 medarbetare världen över. IRC har däremot ett mål om att utöka sitt samarbete med lokala partners (myndigheter, organisationer, organiserade samhällsgrupper) för att på sikt kanalisera 25 % av finansiella medel genom tredje part, och kommer under 2024 och 2025 att försätta arbeta för att detta ska bli verklighet.
År 2024 får IRC humanitärt programbaserat stöd i 17 länder, samt medel till IRCs snabbfinansieringsmekanism ”Rapid Response Mechanism” vars funktion är att snabbt kunna kanalisera medel till hastigt uppkomna eller kraftigt förvärrade kriser. Utöver de pågående metod och kapacitet projekt börjar IRC två nya 2-åriga projekt i år, med fokus på skydd för den ena, och lokalisering för den andra. IRC respond to the worlds worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic well being and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. Their mission is to help people whose lives and livelihoods have been shattered by conflict and disaster, including the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future.
IRC consider their interventions successful when their clients see improvement in their safety from physical, sexual and psychological harm; in their health status, including physical and mental well-being; in education, including literacy and numeracy, social-emotional, and life skills (including safe schools); in economic well-being, including ability to provide basic material needs and income asset growth; and in power to have influence over the decisions that affect their lives. IRC strive to reach these goals while continuously trying to tackle gender inequalities in and through all of their work.
As Sida supports IRC in a variety of countries, not one specific objective can be identified for the whole contribution, but for the sake of exemplifying, a number of country specific goals are outlined below:
Ukraine: People are safe in their homes and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks.
Myanmar: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of
gender-based violence, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people access water, sanitation and hygiene services and live in an enhanced environment, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people lead their recovery and development.
Central African Republic: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, children survive and are healthy, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks, people lead their own recovery and development.
Across the country programmes relevant for Sida funding in 2024, IRC will engage i formal and informal partnerships with local and national actors. The cash modality will be explored in all contexts. | null | sv|en | 1 | Myanmar 2023 - IRC HUM 2021-2025 International Rescue Committee, IRC, is a non-profit international organisation, working with humanitarian and development work in more than 40 countries world-wide. As per IRC’s mission statement, their goal is “to help people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster, including by the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future” in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Their focus is on activities with the sectors of health, safety/protection, education, livelihoods and ensuring people have the power to influence decisions that affect their lives. Their main target group is people who flee from war, conflict and disaster, and the host communities that support them.
Currently, IRC is mainly a self-implementing organisation who conduct the bulk of their work through their 17 000 global staff members. However, IRC is striving to increase their cooperation with local partners (authorities, organisation, community groups) to reach a goal of sub-granting 25 % of their means through third party, and will continue to work towards achieving this target during 2024 and 2025.
In 2024, the IRC will receive humanitarian programme-based support in 17 countries, as well as funding for the IRC's Rapid Response Mechanism, whose function is to rapidly channel funds to emerging or worsening crises. In addition to the ongoing methodology and capacity projects, the IRC is starting two new 2-year projects this year, focusing on protection for one, and localisation for the other. International Rescue Committee (IRC) är en enskild internationell organisation, aktiv i humanitär respons och resiliens i mer än 40 länder globalt. Deras huvudsakliga syfte är att bistå människor vars liv och försörjningsmöjligheter slagits i spillror till följd av konflikter, naturkatastrofer och klimatförändringar genom att erbjuda överlevnadsstöd och aktiviteter för återhämtning. Fokus ligger på aktiviteter inom hälsa, skydd, utbildning, försörjningsmöjligheter samt människors stärkta egenmakt och beslutsförmåga. Huvudsaklig målgrupp är människor som flyr från krig och katastrofer, samt de värdsamhällen som bistår dem.
I dagsläget är IRC huvudsakligen självimplementerande och utför sitt arbete med hjälp av sina 17 000 medarbetare världen över. IRC har däremot ett mål om att utöka sitt samarbete med lokala partners (myndigheter, organisationer, organiserade samhällsgrupper) för att på sikt kanalisera 25 % av finansiella medel genom tredje part, och kommer under 2024 och 2025 att försätta arbeta för att detta ska bli verklighet.
År 2024 får IRC humanitärt programbaserat stöd i 17 länder, samt medel till IRCs snabbfinansieringsmekanism ”Rapid Response Mechanism” vars funktion är att snabbt kunna kanalisera medel till hastigt uppkomna eller kraftigt förvärrade kriser. Utöver de pågående metod och kapacitet projekt börjar IRC två nya 2-åriga projekt i år, med fokus på skydd för den ena, och lokalisering för den andra. IRC respond to the worlds worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic well being and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. Their mission is to help people whose lives and livelihoods have been shattered by conflict and disaster, including the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future.
IRC consider their interventions successful when their clients see improvement in their safety from physical, sexual and psychological harm; in their health status, including physical and mental well-being; in education, including literacy and numeracy, social-emotional, and life skills (including safe schools); in economic well-being, including ability to provide basic material needs and income asset growth; and in power to have influence over the decisions that affect their lives. IRC strive to reach these goals while continuously trying to tackle gender inequalities in and through all of their work.
As Sida supports IRC in a variety of countries, not one specific objective can be identified for the whole contribution, but for the sake of exemplifying, a number of country specific goals are outlined below:
Ukraine: People are safe in their homes and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks.
Myanmar: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of
gender-based violence, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people access water, sanitation and hygiene services and live in an enhanced environment, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people lead their recovery and development.
Central African Republic: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, children survive and are healthy, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks, people lead their own recovery and development.
Across the country programmes relevant for Sida funding in 2024, IRC will engage i formal and informal partnerships with local and national actors. The cash modality will be explored in all contexts. |
Advancing Capacity for and Coverage of the Essential Services package through Systems strengthening (ACCESS)
LOT 1 - Ain Zara | <p>This grant, together with 2 sister grants, implements the expected output 1: Minimum package of key health services available in targeted areas of the Financing Decision ENI/2020/42-691. With the overall objective of improving the health status of the population in targeted areas, the project works to (1) operationalize the ESP in a way that is made accessible to communities (2) improve the management and coordination capacities and the accountability of Health Officers in the municipalities.</p> | null | en | 1 | Advancing Capacity for and Coverage of the Essential Services package through Systems strengthening (ACCESS)
LOT 1 - Ain Zara <p>This grant, together with 2 sister grants, implements the expected output 1: Minimum package of key health services available in targeted areas of the Financing Decision ENI/2020/42-691. With the overall objective of improving the health status of the population in targeted areas, the project works to (1) operationalize the ESP in a way that is made accessible to communities (2) improve the management and coordination capacities and the accountability of Health Officers in the municipalities.</p> |
Preventing and addressing Trafficking in Human Beings and the Smuggling of Migrants in South Asia | The Action seeks to ensure that South Asian countries develop and implement more effective responses to human trafficking (TIP) and migrant smuggling (SOM), with a focus on criminal justice elements, in accordance with international law and with full respect for human rights.In particular, it will assist South Asian countries in developing and implementing evidence-based strategies, policies, and legal frameworks to combat TIP and SOM, in accordance with UN Protocols, gender equality, children's rights, and human rights obligations. Building rights-based and gender-equal operational capacity to dismantle the business model of TIP and SOM: Following a human rights-based, gender-equal, and child-friendly approach, increased their capacity to investigate and/or prosecute TIP and SOM cases, with a focus on destroying the business model. In addition, it will improve the ability to trace illicit financial flows originating from TIP and SOM and promote closer coordination between law enforcement and financial regulators. Officials from law enforcement border agencies will receive training on new trends and methods of smuggling and trafficking. Activating and strengthening agency-to-agency communication and facilitating bilateral, regional, and international cooperation on criminal justice matters between the relevant authorities of concerned countries. The action will facilitate exchanges between partner nations on two levels: police-to-police cooperation (also taking referrals from victims into account) and judicial cooperation on criminal matters, with the aim of supporting action to dismantle organised TIP/SOM crime networks. In addition, it will promote regional cooperation and exchange with the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), and the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons, and Related Transnational Crimes. Through networks of judicial cooperation, the action will also facilitate exchanges with European nations and agencies (Frontex, Europol, and Eurojust). Enhanced bilateral and international cooperation, guided by a human rights-based, gender-equal, and child-friendly approach, will assist in dismantling the business models of TIP and SOM. Enhancing the empowerment and protection of women and children who may be victims of TIP and intensified SOM: Throughout its intervention, the action will address the gendered nature of the crimes and advocate for rights-based and gender-equal law enforcement responses. In addition, the action will strengthen the access of vulnerable female and child victims of trafficking and smuggled migrants to protection and assistance services (health, access to justice), with the assistance of selected CSOs. | null | en | 1 | Preventing and addressing Trafficking in Human Beings and the Smuggling of Migrants in South Asia The Action seeks to ensure that South Asian countries develop and implement more effective responses to human trafficking (TIP) and migrant smuggling (SOM), with a focus on criminal justice elements, in accordance with international law and with full respect for human rights.In particular, it will assist South Asian countries in developing and implementing evidence-based strategies, policies, and legal frameworks to combat TIP and SOM, in accordance with UN Protocols, gender equality, children's rights, and human rights obligations. Building rights-based and gender-equal operational capacity to dismantle the business model of TIP and SOM: Following a human rights-based, gender-equal, and child-friendly approach, increased their capacity to investigate and/or prosecute TIP and SOM cases, with a focus on destroying the business model. In addition, it will improve the ability to trace illicit financial flows originating from TIP and SOM and promote closer coordination between law enforcement and financial regulators. Officials from law enforcement border agencies will receive training on new trends and methods of smuggling and trafficking. Activating and strengthening agency-to-agency communication and facilitating bilateral, regional, and international cooperation on criminal justice matters between the relevant authorities of concerned countries. The action will facilitate exchanges between partner nations on two levels: police-to-police cooperation (also taking referrals from victims into account) and judicial cooperation on criminal matters, with the aim of supporting action to dismantle organised TIP/SOM crime networks. In addition, it will promote regional cooperation and exchange with the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), and the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons, and Related Transnational Crimes. Through networks of judicial cooperation, the action will also facilitate exchanges with European nations and agencies (Frontex, Europol, and Eurojust). Enhanced bilateral and international cooperation, guided by a human rights-based, gender-equal, and child-friendly approach, will assist in dismantling the business models of TIP and SOM. Enhancing the empowerment and protection of women and children who may be victims of TIP and intensified SOM: Throughout its intervention, the action will address the gendered nature of the crimes and advocate for rights-based and gender-equal law enforcement responses. In addition, the action will strengthen the access of vulnerable female and child victims of trafficking and smuggled migrants to protection and assistance services (health, access to justice), with the assistance of selected CSOs. |
ASCEND EG SCI - CIV | In three years, the Ascend programme aims to transform millions of lives by treating trachoma, river blindness, lymphatic filariasis, schistosomiasis and intestinal worms. We will work alongside ministries of health, communities and partners including the World Health Organization (WHO) in endemic countries to deliver one of the most significant NTD programmes in history. | Incoming Funds Jan 2019 to Dec 2019 Incoming Funds Jan 2021 to Dec 2021 Incoming Funds Jan 2020 to Dec 2020 Commitment 2019 Commitment 2020 Commitment 2021 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2021 to Mar 2021 Disbursement Jul 2021 to Sep 2021 Disbursement Oct 2019 to Dec 2019 Disbursement Oct 2019 to Dec 2019 Disbursement Oct 2019 to Dec 2019 Disbursement Oct 2020 to Dec 2020 Disbursement Oct 2020 to Dec 2020 Disbursement Oct 2021 to Dec 2021 Expenditure Jul 2019 to Sep 2019 Expenditure Jul 2020 to Sep 2020 Expenditure Oct 2019 to Dec 2019 Incoming Commitment Jan 2019 to Dec 2019 Incoming Commitment Jan 2020 to Dec 2020 Incoming Commitment Jan 2021 to Dec 2021 | en | 1 | ASCEND EG SCI - CIV In three years, the Ascend programme aims to transform millions of lives by treating trachoma, river blindness, lymphatic filariasis, schistosomiasis and intestinal worms. We will work alongside ministries of health, communities and partners including the World Health Organization (WHO) in endemic countries to deliver one of the most significant NTD programmes in history. Incoming Funds Jan 2019 to Dec 2019 Incoming Funds Jan 2021 to Dec 2021 Incoming Funds Jan 2020 to Dec 2020 Commitment 2019 Commitment 2020 Commitment 2021 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2021 to Mar 2021 Disbursement Jul 2021 to Sep 2021 Disbursement Oct 2019 to Dec 2019 Disbursement Oct 2019 to Dec 2019 Disbursement Oct 2019 to Dec 2019 Disbursement Oct 2020 to Dec 2020 Disbursement Oct 2020 to Dec 2020 Disbursement Oct 2021 to Dec 2021 Expenditure Jul 2019 to Sep 2019 Expenditure Jul 2020 to Sep 2020 Expenditure Oct 2019 to Dec 2019 Incoming Commitment Jan 2019 to Dec 2019 Incoming Commitment Jan 2020 to Dec 2020 Incoming Commitment Jan 2021 to Dec 2021 |
Building a resilient social protection system in Armenia | <p>The overall objective of the action is to contribute to inclusive, resilient and sustainable socio-economic recovery and growth in the post-pandemic and post-conflict period, in line with the EU-Armenia CEPA provisions.</p> | null | en | 1 | Building a resilient social protection system in Armenia <p>The overall objective of the action is to contribute to inclusive, resilient and sustainable socio-economic recovery and growth in the post-pandemic and post-conflict period, in line with the EU-Armenia CEPA provisions.</p> |
Protection of vulnerable groups in conflict-affected areas of the South-West and North-West Regions of Cameroon | <p>the project earmarks specifically the protection of women, youth, people living with HIV in default from treatment, survivors of sexual violence, disabled persons, people living in remote area harder to reach, with a focus on critically disadvantaged regions such as the NW and SW regions of Cameroon</p> | null | en | 1 | Protection of vulnerable groups in conflict-affected areas of the South-West and North-West Regions of Cameroon <p>the project earmarks specifically the protection of women, youth, people living with HIV in default from treatment, survivors of sexual violence, disabled persons, people living in remote area harder to reach, with a focus on critically disadvantaged regions such as the NW and SW regions of Cameroon</p> |
Technical Assistance to support the quality of education and TVET | <p>The overall objective of the Programme of which this contract will be a part of is follows: to support Jordan in achieving enhanced social equity and sustainable growth through to free and equitable access to quality of primary and secondary education and development of relevant qualified skills for employment. At the impact level, this will make an important contribution towards developing a workforce with the skills, qualifications, capabilities and behaviors necessary to achieve Jordan</p> | null | en | 1 | Technical Assistance to support the quality of education and TVET <p>The overall objective of the Programme of which this contract will be a part of is follows: to support Jordan in achieving enhanced social equity and sustainable growth through to free and equitable access to quality of primary and secondary education and development of relevant qualified skills for employment. At the impact level, this will make an important contribution towards developing a workforce with the skills, qualifications, capabilities and behaviors necessary to achieve Jordan</p> |
Phungu Wanga (My MP) | <p>The grant seeks to enhance technical and capacity services of various departments within the Parliament of Malawi </p> | null | en | 1 | Phungu Wanga (My MP) <p>The grant seeks to enhance technical and capacity services of various departments within the Parliament of Malawi </p> |
Review of Internal Management and Control of CHwB Kosovo and REC - Review of Internal Management and Control of CHwB Kosovo Review of Internal Management and Control of CHwB Kosovo and REC | The contribution is a call-off for risk analysis consultancy services that will support the Embassy to conduct the assessment/review of internal management and control of two organizations:
- Kosovo Foundation Cultural Heritage without Borders (55140003)
- Regional Environmental Centre Office in Kosovo (55140007)
The Consultant is expected to identify eventual weaknesses and make recommendations. Based on findings, the Embassy will require that organizations address the weaknesses as appropriate before and during the agreement phase. Insatsen är en call-off för konsulttjänster rörande riskanalyser, vilka ska stödja ambassaden i genomförandet av bedömningen/utvärderingen av den interna ledningen och kontrollen hos två organisationer:
- Kosovo Foundation Cultural Heritage without Border (55140003)
- Regional Environmental Centre Office in Kosovo (55140007)
Konsulten förväntas identifiera eventuella svagheter och ge rekommendationer. Baserat på de svagheter som identifieras, kommer ambassaden begära att organisationer tar itu med dessa svagheter på lämpligt vis, både före och under avtalsfasen | null | sv|en | 0 | Review of Internal Management and Control of CHwB Kosovo and REC - Review of Internal Management and Control of CHwB Kosovo Review of Internal Management and Control of CHwB Kosovo and REC The contribution is a call-off for risk analysis consultancy services that will support the Embassy to conduct the assessment/review of internal management and control of two organizations:
- Kosovo Foundation Cultural Heritage without Borders (55140003)
- Regional Environmental Centre Office in Kosovo (55140007)
The Consultant is expected to identify eventual weaknesses and make recommendations. Based on findings, the Embassy will require that organizations address the weaknesses as appropriate before and during the agreement phase. Insatsen är en call-off för konsulttjänster rörande riskanalyser, vilka ska stödja ambassaden i genomförandet av bedömningen/utvärderingen av den interna ledningen och kontrollen hos två organisationer:
- Kosovo Foundation Cultural Heritage without Border (55140003)
- Regional Environmental Centre Office in Kosovo (55140007)
Konsulten förväntas identifiera eventuella svagheter och ge rekommendationer. Baserat på de svagheter som identifieras, kommer ambassaden begära att organisationer tar itu med dessa svagheter på lämpligt vis, både före och under avtalsfasen |
Health systems capacity and Gaza evacuee-related health support in Egypt | The current conflict in Israel and Palestine is marked by unprecedented violence, loss of life, injury and destruction. The appalling terrorist attack by Hamas, which the EU immediately condemned in the strongest possible terms, exascerbated a cycle of violence that escalated into a humanitarian tragedy in Gaza. The ongoing conflict has severely compromised the overall health system in Gaza. The unprecedented level of violence has resulted in extensive destruction and damage of medical facilities, impeding the ability to provide essential care to those in need. The strain on health services is further exacerbated by the tight blockade of Gaza causing acute shortage of medical supplies as well as medical personnel. This 18-months exceptional assistance measure will focus on supporting care for injured individuals evacuated to Egypt by providing funding for medical equipment and health system capacity and resilience building of affected Egyptian hospitals. Children will be amongst those who will require medical attention or will accompany those requiring medical attention. The measure will provide immediate humanitarian relief with longer-term system and equitable access capacities strengthening. | null | en | 1 | Health systems capacity and Gaza evacuee-related health support in Egypt The current conflict in Israel and Palestine is marked by unprecedented violence, loss of life, injury and destruction. The appalling terrorist attack by Hamas, which the EU immediately condemned in the strongest possible terms, exascerbated a cycle of violence that escalated into a humanitarian tragedy in Gaza. The ongoing conflict has severely compromised the overall health system in Gaza. The unprecedented level of violence has resulted in extensive destruction and damage of medical facilities, impeding the ability to provide essential care to those in need. The strain on health services is further exacerbated by the tight blockade of Gaza causing acute shortage of medical supplies as well as medical personnel. This 18-months exceptional assistance measure will focus on supporting care for injured individuals evacuated to Egypt by providing funding for medical equipment and health system capacity and resilience building of affected Egyptian hospitals. Children will be amongst those who will require medical attention or will accompany those requiring medical attention. The measure will provide immediate humanitarian relief with longer-term system and equitable access capacities strengthening. |
Support to the Guatemalan HR Ombudsman (PDH) - 2017 -Support to the Guatemalan Ombudsman Stöd till Guatemalas HR-Ombudsman (PDH) | This contribution aims to strengthen the Human Rights Ombudsman, and is focused on its strategic plan in order to fulfil its mandate. Insatsen avser att stärka PDH och fokuserar på dess strategiska plan för att fullfölja institutionens mandat. | null | sv|en | 2 | Support to the Guatemalan HR Ombudsman (PDH) - 2017 -Support to the Guatemalan Ombudsman Stöd till Guatemalas HR-Ombudsman (PDH) This contribution aims to strengthen the Human Rights Ombudsman, and is focused on its strategic plan in order to fulfil its mandate. Insatsen avser att stärka PDH och fokuserar på dess strategiska plan för att fullfölja institutionens mandat. |
Virulensutveckling av japanskt encefalitvirus längs axeln för grisar, myggor och människor i Asien Virulence evolution of Japanese encephalitis virus along the axis of pigs, mosquitoes, and humans in Asia | Virulens används vanligtvis för att definiera hur farliga patogenerna är för värdarna. Detta projekt kommer att undersöka om de nya JEV-varianterna från grisar och vissa myggarter kan bli farligare för människor och till och med kunna orsaka större utbrott i Vietnam och Kambodja, där JE är en konstant sjukdomsbörda. Genom att studera virusets genetiska skillnader från JE patienter med olika klinisk svårighetsgrad kommer vi att förstå hur sjukdomsbild är relaterad till de genetiska förändringarna. Vi kommer också att utvärdera viruset genom att använda cell-, mygg- och mus-modeller. I dessa modeller kommer vi att se hur dessa olika JEV-varianter beter sig och om några infektionsmönster kan kopplas till specifik JEV-typ.Denna studie kommer också att använda flera ”omics-metoder”, som syftar till kollektiv karaktärisering och kvantifiering av pooler av biologiska molekyler. Vi kommer att samla JE-patientprover och försöka förstå JEV-infektionen på molekylär nivå genom att bl.a. sekvensera alla RNA-transkript och kvantifiera tusentals proteiner.Sist, men inte minst, kommer vi att använda en så kallad "bottom up"-metod för att efterlikna JEV överföringscykler i laboratoriet. JEV-infektionerna kommer att överföras mellan grisceller och myggor. Efter det kommer vi att sekvensera det genetiska materialet för att se hur virus förändrats. När RNA-virus utvecklas kommer vissa specifika mutationer att dyka upp i olika situationer. Genom dessa studier av infektionscykler kommer vi att hitta de intressanta mutationerna av betydelse för framtida JEV-utbrott.Vårt projekt kommer att integrera genomisk epidemiologi med nyligen utvecklade evolutionära analyser och avancerad molekylär virologi genom att använda en "One Health"-metod med fokus på JEV-virulens, som syftar till att förbättra både djurs och människors hälsa. The nature of unceasingly mutating RNA viruses drives the evolution of virulence, which determines the consequence of zoonotic virus infections. The zoonotic infections of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) from pigs and via mosquitoes to humans, causes most serious human acute viral meningitis in Asia. The recent replacement of JEV genotype III with genotype I highlights the alteration of JE epidemiology with ill-understood questions. How JEV evolves along the host axis and especially how these changes are linked to the virulence evolution, are the key scientific questions for understanding the epidemiology of JE, which will provide valuable knowledge for updating the JE vaccine program for animals and humans. To this end, the proposal aims to decipher JEV virulence evolution features by epidemiological and phylogenomic studies of JEV along its transmission chains between pigs, mosquitoes, and humans in Vietnam and Cambodia. Furthermore, we will employ omics approaches and application of susceptible cell, mosquito, and mouse models to evaluate the mutations of interest and their association with viral virulence. Additionally, based on the theory of convergent evolution in RNA viruses, we will establish laboratory infection cycles of JEV to identify the key mutations that might emerge in future outbreaks. Altogether, this project will yield comprehensive knowledge on virulence evolution of JEV, which will help reducing JE disease burden in the southeast Asia. | null | sv|en | 0 | Virulensutveckling av japanskt encefalitvirus längs axeln för grisar, myggor och människor i Asien Virulence evolution of Japanese encephalitis virus along the axis of pigs, mosquitoes, and humans in Asia Virulens används vanligtvis för att definiera hur farliga patogenerna är för värdarna. Detta projekt kommer att undersöka om de nya JEV-varianterna från grisar och vissa myggarter kan bli farligare för människor och till och med kunna orsaka större utbrott i Vietnam och Kambodja, där JE är en konstant sjukdomsbörda. Genom att studera virusets genetiska skillnader från JE patienter med olika klinisk svårighetsgrad kommer vi att förstå hur sjukdomsbild är relaterad till de genetiska förändringarna. Vi kommer också att utvärdera viruset genom att använda cell-, mygg- och mus-modeller. I dessa modeller kommer vi att se hur dessa olika JEV-varianter beter sig och om några infektionsmönster kan kopplas till specifik JEV-typ.Denna studie kommer också att använda flera ”omics-metoder”, som syftar till kollektiv karaktärisering och kvantifiering av pooler av biologiska molekyler. Vi kommer att samla JE-patientprover och försöka förstå JEV-infektionen på molekylär nivå genom att bl.a. sekvensera alla RNA-transkript och kvantifiera tusentals proteiner.Sist, men inte minst, kommer vi att använda en så kallad "bottom up"-metod för att efterlikna JEV överföringscykler i laboratoriet. JEV-infektionerna kommer att överföras mellan grisceller och myggor. Efter det kommer vi att sekvensera det genetiska materialet för att se hur virus förändrats. När RNA-virus utvecklas kommer vissa specifika mutationer att dyka upp i olika situationer. Genom dessa studier av infektionscykler kommer vi att hitta de intressanta mutationerna av betydelse för framtida JEV-utbrott.Vårt projekt kommer att integrera genomisk epidemiologi med nyligen utvecklade evolutionära analyser och avancerad molekylär virologi genom att använda en "One Health"-metod med fokus på JEV-virulens, som syftar till att förbättra både djurs och människors hälsa. The nature of unceasingly mutating RNA viruses drives the evolution of virulence, which determines the consequence of zoonotic virus infections. The zoonotic infections of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) from pigs and via mosquitoes to humans, causes most serious human acute viral meningitis in Asia. The recent replacement of JEV genotype III with genotype I highlights the alteration of JE epidemiology with ill-understood questions. How JEV evolves along the host axis and especially how these changes are linked to the virulence evolution, are the key scientific questions for understanding the epidemiology of JE, which will provide valuable knowledge for updating the JE vaccine program for animals and humans. To this end, the proposal aims to decipher JEV virulence evolution features by epidemiological and phylogenomic studies of JEV along its transmission chains between pigs, mosquitoes, and humans in Vietnam and Cambodia. Furthermore, we will employ omics approaches and application of susceptible cell, mosquito, and mouse models to evaluate the mutations of interest and their association with viral virulence. Additionally, based on the theory of convergent evolution in RNA viruses, we will establish laboratory infection cycles of JEV to identify the key mutations that might emerge in future outbreaks. Altogether, this project will yield comprehensive knowledge on virulence evolution of JEV, which will help reducing JE disease burden in the southeast Asia. |
Vanuatu Cyclone Recovery - Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin | Package of assistance to support Vanuatu's recovery from Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin which swept through the country in March 2023. | Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year | en | 1 | Vanuatu Cyclone Recovery - Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin Package of assistance to support Vanuatu's recovery from Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin which swept through the country in March 2023. Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year |
Samstämmigt jordbruk Coherent Agriculture | Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | Samstämmigt jordbruk Coherent Agriculture Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. |
Human Rights - Our Concern! Community action to strengthen evidence-based advocacy for the protection and promotion of human rights and freedoms in Uganda | <p>The action is aimed at strengthening evidence-based advocacy to safeguard respect for HR and freedoms in UG This is done through qualitatively and quantitatively improving the data base concerning the state of HR and freedoms in UG and using this data base to consolidate HR advocacy and thereby prompting duty-bearers, public institutions, and citizens to become advocates for HR. The action comprises thee main activity streams: a) capacity-building; b) monitoring/reporting and c) advocacy.</p> | null | en | 1 | Human Rights - Our Concern! Community action to strengthen evidence-based advocacy for the protection and promotion of human rights and freedoms in Uganda <p>The action is aimed at strengthening evidence-based advocacy to safeguard respect for HR and freedoms in UG This is done through qualitatively and quantitatively improving the data base concerning the state of HR and freedoms in UG and using this data base to consolidate HR advocacy and thereby prompting duty-bearers, public institutions, and citizens to become advocates for HR. The action comprises thee main activity streams: a) capacity-building; b) monitoring/reporting and c) advocacy.</p> |
Oceans and Cl Change Sida Development Area Hav o klimat Sida Development Area | Sida Development Area Symposium 2010-10-12 w title "Oceans and Climate Change - The scientific basis for meeting future challenges for coastal Development and poverty reduction". Target group is Swedish and int orgs and partners dealing w international development cooperation. The SDA is arranged with Sida KOM and Stockholm Resilience Center. Sida Development Area Symposium (SDA) 2010-10-12 med titeln "Oceans and Climate Change-The scientific basis for meeting future challenges for coastal Development and poverty reduction". Målgruppen är svenska och int. organisationer och partners vars verksamheter har kopplingar till internationellt utvecklingssamarbete. Samarranegeras med Sida-KOM och Stockholm Resilience Center. | null | sv|en | 0 | Oceans and Cl Change Sida Development Area Hav o klimat Sida Development Area Sida Development Area Symposium 2010-10-12 w title "Oceans and Climate Change - The scientific basis for meeting future challenges for coastal Development and poverty reduction". Target group is Swedish and int orgs and partners dealing w international development cooperation. The SDA is arranged with Sida KOM and Stockholm Resilience Center. Sida Development Area Symposium (SDA) 2010-10-12 med titeln "Oceans and Climate Change-The scientific basis for meeting future challenges for coastal Development and poverty reduction". Målgruppen är svenska och int. organisationer och partners vars verksamheter har kopplingar till internationellt utvecklingssamarbete. Samarranegeras med Sida-KOM och Stockholm Resilience Center. |
Danida Business Explorer Evershelter ApS | . | null | en | 0 | Danida Business Explorer Evershelter ApS . |
Venezuela 2024 - IRC HUM 2021-2025 | International Rescue Committee (IRC) är en enskild internationell organisation, aktiv i humanitär respons och resiliens i mer än 40 länder globalt. Deras huvudsakliga syfte är att bistå människor vars liv och försörjningsmöjligheter slagits i spillror till följd av konflikter, naturkatastrofer och klimatförändringar genom att erbjuda överlevnadsstöd och aktiviteter för återhämtning. Fokus ligger på aktiviteter inom hälsa, skydd, utbildning, försörjningsmöjligheter samt människors stärkta egenmakt och beslutsförmåga. Huvudsaklig målgrupp är människor som flyr från krig och katastrofer, samt de värdsamhällen som bistår dem.
I dagsläget är IRC huvudsakligen självimplementerande och utför sitt arbete med hjälp av sina 17 000 medarbetare världen över. IRC har däremot ett mål om att utöka sitt samarbete med lokala partners (myndigheter, organisationer, organiserade samhällsgrupper) för att på sikt kanalisera 25 % av finansiella medel genom tredje part, och kommer under 2024 och 2025 att försätta arbeta för att detta ska bli verklighet.
År 2024 får IRC humanitärt programbaserat stöd i 17 länder, samt medel till IRCs snabbfinansieringsmekanism ”Rapid Response Mechanism” vars funktion är att snabbt kunna kanalisera medel till hastigt uppkomna eller kraftigt förvärrade kriser. Utöver de pågående metod och kapacitet projekt börjar IRC två nya 2-åriga projekt i år, med fokus på skydd för den ena, och lokalisering för den andra. International Rescue Committee, IRC, is a non-profit international organisation, working with humanitarian and development work in more than 40 countries world-wide. As per IRC’s mission statement, their goal is “to help people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster, including by the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future” in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Their focus is on activities with the sectors of health, safety/protection, education, livelihoods and ensuring people have the power to influence decisions that affect their lives. Their main target group is people who flee from war, conflict and disaster, and the host communities that support them.
Currently, IRC is mainly a self-implementing organisation who conduct the bulk of their work through their 17 000 global staff members. However, IRC is striving to increase their cooperation with local partners (authorities, organisation, community groups) to reach a goal of sub-granting 25 % of their means through third party, and will continue to work towards achieving this target during 2024 and 2025.
In 2024, the IRC will receive humanitarian programme-based support in 17 countries, as well as funding for the IRC's Rapid Response Mechanism, whose function is to rapidly channel funds to emerging or worsening crises. In addition to the ongoing methodology and capacity projects, the IRC is starting two new 2-year projects this year, focusing on protection for one, and localisation for the other. IRC respond to the worlds worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic well being and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. Their mission is to help people whose lives and livelihoods have been shattered by conflict and disaster, including the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future.
IRC consider their interventions successful when their clients see improvement in their safety from physical, sexual and psychological harm; in their health status, including physical and mental well-being; in education, including literacy and numeracy, social-emotional, and life skills (including safe schools); in economic well-being, including ability to provide basic material needs and income asset growth; and in power to have influence over the decisions that affect their lives. IRC strive to reach these goals while continuously trying to tackle gender inequalities in and through all of their work.
As Sida supports IRC in a variety of countries, not one specific objective can be identified for the whole contribution, but for the sake of exemplifying, a number of country specific goals are outlined below:
Ukraine: People are safe in their homes and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks.
Myanmar: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of
gender-based violence, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people access water, sanitation and hygiene services and live in an enhanced environment, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people lead their recovery and development.
Central African Republic: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, children survive and are healthy, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks, people lead their own recovery and development.
Across the country programmes relevant for Sida funding in 2024, IRC will engage i formal and informal partnerships with local and national actors. The cash modality will be explored in all contexts. | null | sv|en | 1 | Venezuela 2024 - IRC HUM 2021-2025 International Rescue Committee (IRC) är en enskild internationell organisation, aktiv i humanitär respons och resiliens i mer än 40 länder globalt. Deras huvudsakliga syfte är att bistå människor vars liv och försörjningsmöjligheter slagits i spillror till följd av konflikter, naturkatastrofer och klimatförändringar genom att erbjuda överlevnadsstöd och aktiviteter för återhämtning. Fokus ligger på aktiviteter inom hälsa, skydd, utbildning, försörjningsmöjligheter samt människors stärkta egenmakt och beslutsförmåga. Huvudsaklig målgrupp är människor som flyr från krig och katastrofer, samt de värdsamhällen som bistår dem.
I dagsläget är IRC huvudsakligen självimplementerande och utför sitt arbete med hjälp av sina 17 000 medarbetare världen över. IRC har däremot ett mål om att utöka sitt samarbete med lokala partners (myndigheter, organisationer, organiserade samhällsgrupper) för att på sikt kanalisera 25 % av finansiella medel genom tredje part, och kommer under 2024 och 2025 att försätta arbeta för att detta ska bli verklighet.
År 2024 får IRC humanitärt programbaserat stöd i 17 länder, samt medel till IRCs snabbfinansieringsmekanism ”Rapid Response Mechanism” vars funktion är att snabbt kunna kanalisera medel till hastigt uppkomna eller kraftigt förvärrade kriser. Utöver de pågående metod och kapacitet projekt börjar IRC två nya 2-åriga projekt i år, med fokus på skydd för den ena, och lokalisering för den andra. International Rescue Committee, IRC, is a non-profit international organisation, working with humanitarian and development work in more than 40 countries world-wide. As per IRC’s mission statement, their goal is “to help people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster, including by the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future” in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Their focus is on activities with the sectors of health, safety/protection, education, livelihoods and ensuring people have the power to influence decisions that affect their lives. Their main target group is people who flee from war, conflict and disaster, and the host communities that support them.
Currently, IRC is mainly a self-implementing organisation who conduct the bulk of their work through their 17 000 global staff members. However, IRC is striving to increase their cooperation with local partners (authorities, organisation, community groups) to reach a goal of sub-granting 25 % of their means through third party, and will continue to work towards achieving this target during 2024 and 2025.
In 2024, the IRC will receive humanitarian programme-based support in 17 countries, as well as funding for the IRC's Rapid Response Mechanism, whose function is to rapidly channel funds to emerging or worsening crises. In addition to the ongoing methodology and capacity projects, the IRC is starting two new 2-year projects this year, focusing on protection for one, and localisation for the other. IRC respond to the worlds worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic well being and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. Their mission is to help people whose lives and livelihoods have been shattered by conflict and disaster, including the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future.
IRC consider their interventions successful when their clients see improvement in their safety from physical, sexual and psychological harm; in their health status, including physical and mental well-being; in education, including literacy and numeracy, social-emotional, and life skills (including safe schools); in economic well-being, including ability to provide basic material needs and income asset growth; and in power to have influence over the decisions that affect their lives. IRC strive to reach these goals while continuously trying to tackle gender inequalities in and through all of their work.
As Sida supports IRC in a variety of countries, not one specific objective can be identified for the whole contribution, but for the sake of exemplifying, a number of country specific goals are outlined below:
Ukraine: People are safe in their homes and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks.
Myanmar: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of
gender-based violence, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people access water, sanitation and hygiene services and live in an enhanced environment, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people lead their recovery and development.
Central African Republic: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, children survive and are healthy, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks, people lead their own recovery and development.
Across the country programmes relevant for Sida funding in 2024, IRC will engage i formal and informal partnerships with local and national actors. The cash modality will be explored in all contexts. |
Improve Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Léogâne and Gressier Améliorer les droits en matière de santé sexuelle et reproductive à Léogâne et Gressier | This project aims to improve the exercise of the right to sexual and reproductive health (SDSR) of Haitians. Direct beneficiaries targeted by age group include girls and boys aged 7-14, 15-19, as well as adult aged 20-45 in the municipalities of Léogâne and Gressier Western Department of Haiti. This project is implemented by L'OEUVRE LÉGER, Social Justice Connection (CJS) and the Haitian Institute of Community Health (INHSAC). The project will work on two fronts: the first aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of community and societal actions Léogâne and Gressier, particularly women and adolescents, youth and women's groups, to assert their sexual and reproductive health rights (rights holders); and the second, to support this same civil society to initiate a dialogue on the sexual and reproductive health and rights with political leaders, officials and managers of the health institutions of the two municipalities and the communal health coordination body (Community Health Unit strengthen the accountability of these same institutions (debtors of obligation) to their communities. The issues surrounding sexual and reproductive health rights are intrinsically linked to those of gender equality and gender-based violence, and for this reason, the project will also aim to empower women and girls with respect to their sexual and reproductive health rights in terms of access to information, education, and health and family planning services. Ce projet vise à améliorer l’exercice des droits à la santé sexuelle et reproductive des Haïtiens et Haïtiennes. Le projet vise les tranches d’âge de 7-14 ans, 15-19 ans ainsi que 20-45 ans dans les communes de Léogâne et Gressier, Département de l’Ouest d’Haïti. Ce projet est mis en œuvre par L’ŒUVRE LÉGER, Connexion justice sociale (CJS) et l’Institut Haïtien de Santé Communautaire (INHSAC). Le projet travaillera sur deux fronts : le premier visant à améliorer l’efficience et l’efficacité des actions des communautés et de la société civile de Léogâne et Gressier, particulièrement les femmes et les adolescentes, les jeunes et les groupes de femmes, à faire valoir leurs droits en matière de santé sexuelle et reproductive (les détenteurs de droits); et le second, à soutenir cette même société civile à initier un dialogue sur les droits en matière de santé sexuelle et reproductive auprès des leaders politiques, des responsables et gestionnaires des institutions de santé des deux communes et de l’instance de coordination communale de santé (Unité communale de santé), ainsi qu’à renforcer l’imputabilité de ces mêmes institutions (les débiteurs d’obligation) auprès de leur communauté. Les questions entourant les droits à la santé sexuelle et reproductive sont intrinsèquement liées à celles de l’égalité entre les genres et de la violence basée sur le genre, pour cette raison, le projet visera aussi à renforcer l’autonomisation des femmes et des filles en matière de droits à la santé sexuelle et reproductive au point de vue de l’accès à l’information, à l’éducation en la matière et aux services de santé et de planification familiale. | null | fr|en | 1 | Improve Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Léogâne and Gressier Améliorer les droits en matière de santé sexuelle et reproductive à Léogâne et Gressier This project aims to improve the exercise of the right to sexual and reproductive health (SDSR) of Haitians. Direct beneficiaries targeted by age group include girls and boys aged 7-14, 15-19, as well as adult aged 20-45 in the municipalities of Léogâne and Gressier Western Department of Haiti. This project is implemented by L'OEUVRE LÉGER, Social Justice Connection (CJS) and the Haitian Institute of Community Health (INHSAC). The project will work on two fronts: the first aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of community and societal actions Léogâne and Gressier, particularly women and adolescents, youth and women's groups, to assert their sexual and reproductive health rights (rights holders); and the second, to support this same civil society to initiate a dialogue on the sexual and reproductive health and rights with political leaders, officials and managers of the health institutions of the two municipalities and the communal health coordination body (Community Health Unit strengthen the accountability of these same institutions (debtors of obligation) to their communities. The issues surrounding sexual and reproductive health rights are intrinsically linked to those of gender equality and gender-based violence, and for this reason, the project will also aim to empower women and girls with respect to their sexual and reproductive health rights in terms of access to information, education, and health and family planning services. Ce projet vise à améliorer l’exercice des droits à la santé sexuelle et reproductive des Haïtiens et Haïtiennes. Le projet vise les tranches d’âge de 7-14 ans, 15-19 ans ainsi que 20-45 ans dans les communes de Léogâne et Gressier, Département de l’Ouest d’Haïti. Ce projet est mis en œuvre par L’ŒUVRE LÉGER, Connexion justice sociale (CJS) et l’Institut Haïtien de Santé Communautaire (INHSAC). Le projet travaillera sur deux fronts : le premier visant à améliorer l’efficience et l’efficacité des actions des communautés et de la société civile de Léogâne et Gressier, particulièrement les femmes et les adolescentes, les jeunes et les groupes de femmes, à faire valoir leurs droits en matière de santé sexuelle et reproductive (les détenteurs de droits); et le second, à soutenir cette même société civile à initier un dialogue sur les droits en matière de santé sexuelle et reproductive auprès des leaders politiques, des responsables et gestionnaires des institutions de santé des deux communes et de l’instance de coordination communale de santé (Unité communale de santé), ainsi qu’à renforcer l’imputabilité de ces mêmes institutions (les débiteurs d’obligation) auprès de leur communauté. Les questions entourant les droits à la santé sexuelle et reproductive sont intrinsèquement liées à celles de l’égalité entre les genres et de la violence basée sur le genre, pour cette raison, le projet visera aussi à renforcer l’autonomisation des femmes et des filles en matière de droits à la santé sexuelle et reproductive au point de vue de l’accès à l’information, à l’éducation en la matière et aux services de santé et de planification familiale. |
Stärkung der Resilienz sowie Habitat und Wohnbedingungen ländlicher Gemeinden und ihrer Organisationsstrukturen in Guatemala Strengthening resilience and habitat and housing conditions of rural communities and their organisational structures in Guatemala | Stärkung der Resilienz sowie Habitat und Wohnbedingungen ländlicher Gemeinden und ihrer Organisationsstrukturen in Guatemala Strengthening resilience and habitat and housing conditions of rural communities and their organisational structures in Guatemala Guatemala gehört zu den am stärksten von Naturkatastrophen gefährdeten Ländern der Welt. Trotzdem gibt es keine effektiven politischen Maßnahmen im Bereich Prävention oder Wiederaufbau nach Erdbeben. Das Projekt knüpft an vorherige Erfahrungen an, die zur Katastrophenprävention durch die Verbreitung erdbebenresistenter und lokal angepasster Bauweisen beitragen. Es wirkt auf die öffentliche Wohnraumversorgungspolitik zugunsten besonders armer Familien ein und führt Weiterbildungen für ländliche Gemeinden durch. Zielgruppe sind lokale Führungspersonen. Guatemala is one of the countries most vulnerable to natural disasters in the world. Despite this, there are no effective policies in the field of prevention or reconstruction after earthquakes. The project builds on previous experiences that contribute to disaster prevention through the dissemination of earthquake-resistant and locally adapted construction methods. It influences public housing policies in favour of particularly poor families and conducts further training for rural communities. The target group is local leaders. | null | de|en | 0 | Stärkung der Resilienz sowie Habitat und Wohnbedingungen ländlicher Gemeinden und ihrer Organisationsstrukturen in Guatemala Strengthening resilience and habitat and housing conditions of rural communities and their organisational structures in Guatemala Stärkung der Resilienz sowie Habitat und Wohnbedingungen ländlicher Gemeinden und ihrer Organisationsstrukturen in Guatemala Strengthening resilience and habitat and housing conditions of rural communities and their organisational structures in Guatemala Guatemala gehört zu den am stärksten von Naturkatastrophen gefährdeten Ländern der Welt. Trotzdem gibt es keine effektiven politischen Maßnahmen im Bereich Prävention oder Wiederaufbau nach Erdbeben. Das Projekt knüpft an vorherige Erfahrungen an, die zur Katastrophenprävention durch die Verbreitung erdbebenresistenter und lokal angepasster Bauweisen beitragen. Es wirkt auf die öffentliche Wohnraumversorgungspolitik zugunsten besonders armer Familien ein und führt Weiterbildungen für ländliche Gemeinden durch. Zielgruppe sind lokale Führungspersonen. Guatemala is one of the countries most vulnerable to natural disasters in the world. Despite this, there are no effective policies in the field of prevention or reconstruction after earthquakes. The project builds on previous experiences that contribute to disaster prevention through the dissemination of earthquake-resistant and locally adapted construction methods. It influences public housing policies in favour of particularly poor families and conducts further training for rural communities. The target group is local leaders. |
Free Press Unlimited 2021-2024 - Old strategy - Free Press Unlimited 2021-2024 Free Press Unlimited 2021-2024 | Genom programmet "Cohesion through Independent and Inclusive Media (CIIM)", ämnar Free Press Unlimited stärka medias roll som brobyggare i samhällsdialogen, öka media literacy bland unga samt genom att öka kunskapen bland civilsamhällets aktörer att utkräva ansvar. Trough the program "Cohesion through Independent and Inclusive Media (CIIM)", Free Press Unlimited aims to strengthen the role of media in promoting dialogue among divided communities, with a focus on media literacy targeting youth and by enhancing the role of media and CSOs to demand accountability. | null | sv|en | 0 | Free Press Unlimited 2021-2024 - Old strategy - Free Press Unlimited 2021-2024 Free Press Unlimited 2021-2024 Genom programmet "Cohesion through Independent and Inclusive Media (CIIM)", ämnar Free Press Unlimited stärka medias roll som brobyggare i samhällsdialogen, öka media literacy bland unga samt genom att öka kunskapen bland civilsamhällets aktörer att utkräva ansvar. Trough the program "Cohesion through Independent and Inclusive Media (CIIM)", Free Press Unlimited aims to strengthen the role of media in promoting dialogue among divided communities, with a focus on media literacy targeting youth and by enhancing the role of media and CSOs to demand accountability. |
Contribution to the programme OAS-AICMA "Assistance to landmine survivors and their socio-economic reintegration in Colombia" Contributo al programma OSA-AICMA "Assistenza per i sopravvissuti ad incidenti con mine antiuomo in Colombia e loro reinserimento socio-produttivo" | The project aims to identify victims of mines and other explosive devices in order to allow their physical and psychological rehabilitation, improve training processes and educational opportunities, implement micro-projects to strengthen socio-economic reintegration processes in their communities and families. L'iniziativa propone di identificare le vittime delle mine e di altri ordigni esplosivi al fine di facilitare l'assistenza integrale per favorire la loro riabilitazione fisica e psicologica, migliorare i processi di formazione e le opportunità educative, attuare microprogetti destinati a rafforzare i processi di reinserimento socioeconomico nelle loro comunità e nelle loro famiglie. L'iniziativa propone di identificare le vittime delle mine e di altri ordigni esplosivi al fine di facilitare l'assistenza integrale per favorire la loro riabilitazione fisica e psicologica, migliorare i processi di formazione e le opportunità educative, attuare microprogetti destinati a rafforzare i processi di reinserimento socioeconomico nelle loro comunità e nelle loro famiglie. L'iniziativa propone di identificare le vittime delle mine e di altri ordigni esplosivi al fine di facilitare l'assistenza integrale per favorire la loro riabilitazione fisica e psicologica, migliorare i processi di formazione e le opportunità educative, attuare microprogetti destinati a rafforzare i processi di reinserimento socioeconomico nelle loro comunità e nelle loro famiglie. | Commitment - Financial Year 2020 Disboursement - Financial Year 2020 | it|en | 1 | Contribution to the programme OAS-AICMA "Assistance to landmine survivors and their socio-economic reintegration in Colombia" Contributo al programma OSA-AICMA "Assistenza per i sopravvissuti ad incidenti con mine antiuomo in Colombia e loro reinserimento socio-produttivo" The project aims to identify victims of mines and other explosive devices in order to allow their physical and psychological rehabilitation, improve training processes and educational opportunities, implement micro-projects to strengthen socio-economic reintegration processes in their communities and families. L'iniziativa propone di identificare le vittime delle mine e di altri ordigni esplosivi al fine di facilitare l'assistenza integrale per favorire la loro riabilitazione fisica e psicologica, migliorare i processi di formazione e le opportunità educative, attuare microprogetti destinati a rafforzare i processi di reinserimento socioeconomico nelle loro comunità e nelle loro famiglie. L'iniziativa propone di identificare le vittime delle mine e di altri ordigni esplosivi al fine di facilitare l'assistenza integrale per favorire la loro riabilitazione fisica e psicologica, migliorare i processi di formazione e le opportunità educative, attuare microprogetti destinati a rafforzare i processi di reinserimento socioeconomico nelle loro comunità e nelle loro famiglie. L'iniziativa propone di identificare le vittime delle mine e di altri ordigni esplosivi al fine di facilitare l'assistenza integrale per favorire la loro riabilitazione fisica e psicologica, migliorare i processi di formazione e le opportunità educative, attuare microprogetti destinati a rafforzare i processi di reinserimento socioeconomico nelle loro comunità e nelle loro famiglie. Commitment - Financial Year 2020 Disboursement - Financial Year 2020 |
Activity under preparation Social Protection for Workers | <p>The Multi-Donor Action ¿Social Protection for Workers¿ is jointly co-financed by the European Union and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ as part of the BMZ project ¿Social Protection for Workers in the Textile and Leather Sector¿. It is intended to carry out technical services in the area of social protection for the EU budget support operations. The duration of this Action is scheduled from 01.04.2024 to 31.09.2026 (30 months) with a total budget of 4.7 Mio EUR (EU contribution 0.9 Mio EUR and BMZ contribution 3.8 Mio EUR, BMZ¿s total funding for the BMZ project ¿Social Protection for Workers in the Textile and Leather Sector¿ is 7,3 Mio. EUR).</p> | null | en | 1 | Activity under preparation Social Protection for Workers <p>The Multi-Donor Action ¿Social Protection for Workers¿ is jointly co-financed by the European Union and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ as part of the BMZ project ¿Social Protection for Workers in the Textile and Leather Sector¿. It is intended to carry out technical services in the area of social protection for the EU budget support operations. The duration of this Action is scheduled from 01.04.2024 to 31.09.2026 (30 months) with a total budget of 4.7 Mio EUR (EU contribution 0.9 Mio EUR and BMZ contribution 3.8 Mio EUR, BMZ¿s total funding for the BMZ project ¿Social Protection for Workers in the Textile and Leather Sector¿ is 7,3 Mio. EUR).</p> |
Technical assistance to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology to strengthen the capacity of government to deliver its Education results and provide oversight monitoring and influencing functions through a programme funded post | This activity Technical assistance to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology to strengthen the capacity of government to deliver its Education results and provide oversight monitoring and influencing functions through a programme funded post is a component of Education Programme For Results (EP4R) reported by FCDO with a funding type of 104 - Procurement of Services and a budget of £10,687,359. It works in the following sector(s): Upper Secondary Education (modified and includes data from 11322), Primary education. | This is an outgoing commitment to Mott MacDonald Limited of £4556765.00. Technical & Advisory services UK Salaries - Basic Pay UK Staff overseas - Overseas Allowances Employer contribution to pensions UK Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Boarding School Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Salaries - Basic Pay Employer contribution to pensions UK UK Staff overseas - Overseas Allowances UK Staff overseas - Overseas Allowances Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Transfer costs UK Staff overseas - Transfer costs Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance Storage & Distribution costs Storage & Distribution costs UK Staff overseas - Transfer costs Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Boarding School Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Transfer costs Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services This is an outgoing commitment to Mott MacDonald Limited of £93000.00. Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Boarding School This is an outgoing commitment to Mott MacDonald Limited of £4384331.00. Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Boarding School Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Salaries - Basic Pay Employer contribution to pensions UK Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Salaries - Basic Pay Employer contribution to pensions UK Cost of Living Allowance UK Staff overseas - Boarding School UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Salaries - Basic Pay Employer contribution to pensions UK UK Staff overseas - Overseas Allowances UK Staff overseas - Transfer costs Technical & Advisory services Loss of Acc Stores - Proven of suspected fraud, theft, arson, sabotage | en | 0 | Technical assistance to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology to strengthen the capacity of government to deliver its Education results and provide oversight monitoring and influencing functions through a programme funded post This activity Technical assistance to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology to strengthen the capacity of government to deliver its Education results and provide oversight monitoring and influencing functions through a programme funded post is a component of Education Programme For Results (EP4R) reported by FCDO with a funding type of 104 - Procurement of Services and a budget of £10,687,359. It works in the following sector(s): Upper Secondary Education (modified and includes data from 11322), Primary education. This is an outgoing commitment to Mott MacDonald Limited of £4556765.00. Technical & Advisory services UK Salaries - Basic Pay UK Staff overseas - Overseas Allowances Employer contribution to pensions UK Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Boarding School Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Salaries - Basic Pay Employer contribution to pensions UK UK Staff overseas - Overseas Allowances UK Staff overseas - Overseas Allowances Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Transfer costs UK Staff overseas - Transfer costs Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance Storage & Distribution costs Storage & Distribution costs UK Staff overseas - Transfer costs Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Boarding School Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Transfer costs Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services This is an outgoing commitment to Mott MacDonald Limited of £93000.00. Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Boarding School This is an outgoing commitment to Mott MacDonald Limited of £4384331.00. Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Boarding School Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Salaries - Basic Pay Employer contribution to pensions UK Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Salaries - Basic Pay Employer contribution to pensions UK Cost of Living Allowance UK Staff overseas - Boarding School UK Staff overseas - Flexi Travel Allowance UK Salaries - Basic Pay Employer contribution to pensions UK UK Staff overseas - Overseas Allowances UK Staff overseas - Transfer costs Technical & Advisory services Loss of Acc Stores - Proven of suspected fraud, theft, arson, sabotage |
Rural Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Project | The Action Rural Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Project is envisaged to be implemented during the period 2023-2027 and will focus on drinking water supply, sanitation and hygiene in rural areas of Khatlon province, paying special attention to upgrading WASH conditions in schools and hospitals. It will combine support at the institutional level for implementing and coordinating the water supply and sanitation reform agenda with the local-level aimed at delivering improved services. The Action will finance rehabilitation and expansion of small/medium-scale water supply and sanitation networks, with the potential to reach 100.000 people in the region. Attention to water and sanitation in schools and hospitals will ensure the project¿s coherence with Human Rights EU targets and mainstreaming.The Action will plug into the work done under the World Bank-financed Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project, and the follow on Tajikistan Water Supply and Sanitation Project (SOP1), which is consciously designed with a modular approach in order to coagulate investments and to progressively cover the most densely-populated districts within the Khatlon region. | null | en | 1 | Rural Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Project The Action Rural Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Project is envisaged to be implemented during the period 2023-2027 and will focus on drinking water supply, sanitation and hygiene in rural areas of Khatlon province, paying special attention to upgrading WASH conditions in schools and hospitals. It will combine support at the institutional level for implementing and coordinating the water supply and sanitation reform agenda with the local-level aimed at delivering improved services. The Action will finance rehabilitation and expansion of small/medium-scale water supply and sanitation networks, with the potential to reach 100.000 people in the region. Attention to water and sanitation in schools and hospitals will ensure the project¿s coherence with Human Rights EU targets and mainstreaming.The Action will plug into the work done under the World Bank-financed Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project, and the follow on Tajikistan Water Supply and Sanitation Project (SOP1), which is consciously designed with a modular approach in order to coagulate investments and to progressively cover the most densely-populated districts within the Khatlon region. |
Renewable energy communities and food sovereignty in Pinar del Río Comunità energetiche rinnovabili e sovranità alimentare a Pinar del Río | The initiative aims to improve the technical-productive capacity of the agri-food sector, to promote innovations and the use of renewable sources to reduce food insecurity levels and respond to the energy crisis that characterize the province of Pinar del Rio. The strategy intends to reduce vulnerability, promote a greater degree of resilience of local communities and ensure food and energy self-sufficiency. The initiative intends to create the managerial, technological and governance conditions necessary to establish a self-sufficient Renewable Energy Community capable of feeding the national grid. The strategy is articulated in two main results which, in a complementary and synergistic way, intend to strengthen local capacity in the management of agroforestry systems for the production of energy from renewable sources and foods with high nutritional value for vulnerable segments of the population (pregnant women, children , elderly, population with intolerances and metabolic deficits). The action foresees the participation of institutions, research centers and civil society organizations. It is characterized by being an intervention with a high degree of innovation and strong interest from the Cuban government as a possible model to be replicated in other areas of the country that present a similar context to that of the intervention L’iniziativa si propone di migliorare la capacità tecnico-produttiva del settore agroalimentare, promuovere innovazioni e l’uso di fonti rinnovabili per ridurre i livelli di insicurezza alimentare e rispondere alla crisi energetica e precarietà che caratterizzano la provincia di Pinar del Rio. La strategia intende ridurre la vulnerabilità, promuovere un maggior grado di resilienza delle comunità locali e assicurare l’autosufficienza alimentare ed energetica. L’iniziativa si propone di creare le condizioni gestionali, tecnologiche e di governance necessarie per costituire una Comunità Energetica Rinnovabile in grado di alimentare la rete nazionale. La strategia si articola in due risultati principali che in modo complementare e sinergico intendono rafforzare le capacità a livello locale nella gestione dei sistemi agroforestali per la produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili e alimenti con alto valore nutrizionale da destinare alle fasce vulnerabili della popolazione (donne in gravidanza, bambini, anziani, popolazione con intolleranze e deficit metabolici). L’azione prevede la partecipazione di istituzioni, centri di ricerca e organizzazioni della società civile. Si caratterizza per essere un intervento con un alto grado di innovazione e forte interesse da parte del governo cubano in quanto possibile modello da replicare in altre aree del Paese che presentano un contesto similare a quello dell’intervento. | Commitment - Financial Year 2023 Disboursement - Financial Year 2024 | it|en | 0 | Renewable energy communities and food sovereignty in Pinar del Río Comunità energetiche rinnovabili e sovranità alimentare a Pinar del Río The initiative aims to improve the technical-productive capacity of the agri-food sector, to promote innovations and the use of renewable sources to reduce food insecurity levels and respond to the energy crisis that characterize the province of Pinar del Rio. The strategy intends to reduce vulnerability, promote a greater degree of resilience of local communities and ensure food and energy self-sufficiency. The initiative intends to create the managerial, technological and governance conditions necessary to establish a self-sufficient Renewable Energy Community capable of feeding the national grid. The strategy is articulated in two main results which, in a complementary and synergistic way, intend to strengthen local capacity in the management of agroforestry systems for the production of energy from renewable sources and foods with high nutritional value for vulnerable segments of the population (pregnant women, children , elderly, population with intolerances and metabolic deficits). The action foresees the participation of institutions, research centers and civil society organizations. It is characterized by being an intervention with a high degree of innovation and strong interest from the Cuban government as a possible model to be replicated in other areas of the country that present a similar context to that of the intervention L’iniziativa si propone di migliorare la capacità tecnico-produttiva del settore agroalimentare, promuovere innovazioni e l’uso di fonti rinnovabili per ridurre i livelli di insicurezza alimentare e rispondere alla crisi energetica e precarietà che caratterizzano la provincia di Pinar del Rio. La strategia intende ridurre la vulnerabilità, promuovere un maggior grado di resilienza delle comunità locali e assicurare l’autosufficienza alimentare ed energetica. L’iniziativa si propone di creare le condizioni gestionali, tecnologiche e di governance necessarie per costituire una Comunità Energetica Rinnovabile in grado di alimentare la rete nazionale. La strategia si articola in due risultati principali che in modo complementare e sinergico intendono rafforzare le capacità a livello locale nella gestione dei sistemi agroforestali per la produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili e alimenti con alto valore nutrizionale da destinare alle fasce vulnerabili della popolazione (donne in gravidanza, bambini, anziani, popolazione con intolleranze e deficit metabolici). L’azione prevede la partecipazione di istituzioni, centri di ricerca e organizzazioni della società civile. Si caratterizza per essere un intervento con un alto grado di innovazione e forte interesse da parte del governo cubano in quanto possibile modello da replicare in altre aree del Paese che presentano un contesto similare a quello dell’intervento. Commitment - Financial Year 2023 Disboursement - Financial Year 2024 |
U-LEAD roll-out fasen, uppföljning och utvärdering 2018-2020 U-LEAD Roll-out phase, monitoring and evaluation 2018-2020 | Under U-LEAD roll-out fasen kommer det vara nödvändigt med löpande uppföljning och utvärdering av genomförandet av U-LEAD programmet. För att genomföra detta, kommer Sida att handla upp en lämplig utvärderingsaktör. During the U-LEAD Roll-out phase it will be necessary to continuosly follow-up and evaluate the implementation of the U-LEAD programme. To implement this, Sida will procure a suitable monitoring agency. Sida implements Component 2 of the U-LEAD with Europe Porgramme through delegation of the EU Commission over the period of 2016 to 2021. The objective of this intervention is to monitor Sida's and the implementing partners' (SALAR, NIRAS and EGA) work within Component 2 of U-LEAD. The implementing partner of this monitoring assignment, FCG Sweden AB, monitors the implementation through surveys conducted with partner hromadas, heads of hromadas and ASCs and ASC visitors, follows up results against the intervention's Results Framework and also provides recommendations for the implementers, based on the findings of the surveys. | null | sv|en | 1 | U-LEAD roll-out fasen, uppföljning och utvärdering 2018-2020 U-LEAD Roll-out phase, monitoring and evaluation 2018-2020 Under U-LEAD roll-out fasen kommer det vara nödvändigt med löpande uppföljning och utvärdering av genomförandet av U-LEAD programmet. För att genomföra detta, kommer Sida att handla upp en lämplig utvärderingsaktör. During the U-LEAD Roll-out phase it will be necessary to continuosly follow-up and evaluate the implementation of the U-LEAD programme. To implement this, Sida will procure a suitable monitoring agency. Sida implements Component 2 of the U-LEAD with Europe Porgramme through delegation of the EU Commission over the period of 2016 to 2021. The objective of this intervention is to monitor Sida's and the implementing partners' (SALAR, NIRAS and EGA) work within Component 2 of U-LEAD. The implementing partner of this monitoring assignment, FCG Sweden AB, monitors the implementation through surveys conducted with partner hromadas, heads of hromadas and ASCs and ASC visitors, follows up results against the intervention's Results Framework and also provides recommendations for the implementers, based on the findings of the surveys. |
Bürgerschaftliches Engagement Jugendlicher zur Erreichung von Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in drei Städten im Bundesstaat Maharashtra Active citizenship of youth for gender equality in three cities in the State of Maharashtra | Bürgerschaftliches Engagement Jugendlicher zur Erreichung von Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in drei Städten im Bundesstaat Maharashtra Active citizenship of youth for gender equality in three cities in the State of Maharashtra Bürgerschaftliches Engagement Jugendlicher zur Erreichung von Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in drei Städten im Bundesstaat Maharashtra Active citizenship of youth for gender equality in three cities in the State of Maharashtra | null | de|en | 0 | Bürgerschaftliches Engagement Jugendlicher zur Erreichung von Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in drei Städten im Bundesstaat Maharashtra Active citizenship of youth for gender equality in three cities in the State of Maharashtra Bürgerschaftliches Engagement Jugendlicher zur Erreichung von Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in drei Städten im Bundesstaat Maharashtra Active citizenship of youth for gender equality in three cities in the State of Maharashtra Bürgerschaftliches Engagement Jugendlicher zur Erreichung von Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in drei Städten im Bundesstaat Maharashtra Active citizenship of youth for gender equality in three cities in the State of Maharashtra |
Promoting the translation of international human rights obligations and commitments into improved laws, policies and practices in developing countries | URG will elaborate guiding principles for the establishment and development of NMIRFs, conduct pilot projects in two developing countries to establish or strengthen NMIRFs, identify good practices with the national implementation of human rights recommendations and measure the impact on children’s and women’s rights in 10 developing countries, and conduct two capacity-building workshops for environmental human rights defenders in Africa and South-East Asia. URG will partner with OHCHR, UNFPA, UNICEF and UNEP.
The key objective of the project is to promote the translation of international human rights obligations and commitments into improved national laws, policies and practices in developing countries. This will in turn help strengthen progress towards the achievement of the SDGs ‘leaving no one behind,’ the strengthening of democracy and rule of law, and the prevention of human rights crises and conflict. | null | en | 0 | Promoting the translation of international human rights obligations and commitments into improved laws, policies and practices in developing countries URG will elaborate guiding principles for the establishment and development of NMIRFs, conduct pilot projects in two developing countries to establish or strengthen NMIRFs, identify good practices with the national implementation of human rights recommendations and measure the impact on children’s and women’s rights in 10 developing countries, and conduct two capacity-building workshops for environmental human rights defenders in Africa and South-East Asia. URG will partner with OHCHR, UNFPA, UNICEF and UNEP.
The key objective of the project is to promote the translation of international human rights obligations and commitments into improved national laws, policies and practices in developing countries. This will in turn help strengthen progress towards the achievement of the SDGs ‘leaving no one behind,’ the strengthening of democracy and rule of law, and the prevention of human rights crises and conflict. |
Supporting Economic Empowerment and Development in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (SEED OPTs) | This programme will focus DFID economic development assistance to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) in the areas of water, electricity, access & movement and trade, and fiscal losses and customs. Programme activities will support institutional capacity building and infrastructure development, working closely with the Palestinian Authority and Government of Israel. The overarching goal is to support economic growth and job creation in the OPTs. | null | en | 1 | Supporting Economic Empowerment and Development in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (SEED OPTs) This programme will focus DFID economic development assistance to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) in the areas of water, electricity, access & movement and trade, and fiscal losses and customs. Programme activities will support institutional capacity building and infrastructure development, working closely with the Palestinian Authority and Government of Israel. The overarching goal is to support economic growth and job creation in the OPTs. |
AAP 2022 - Neighbourhood South Youth Package | Component 1-YMV II:This component is anchored in the legacy of the previous Young Mediterranean Voices programme (2018-2021) and Young Arab Voices programme (2011-2016) and will support the cooperative engagement of citizens of the two shores of the Mediterranean in public affairs, political participation as well as local and regional transformative initiatives, targeting young women and men, empowering them to assume an active and visible role in addressing social challenges with intercultural values and principles.The component will contribute to the achievement of SDG 16 (Peace, Security and Strong Institutions) as the key SDG that is targeted.Component 2-NEET: This component will operate as a Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) supporting, on a demand-driven basis, the institutions / stakeholders in the MENA region that are willing to develop innovative options in order to reengage NEET youth (population aged 15-29) in education, training and the labour market, particularly inactive young women, discouraged workers, long-term excluded or with disabilities and those with low educational attainment. In the medium run, the TAF can be instrumental in establishing or even piloting some Young Guarantees Schemes (YGS) inspired by those existing in the EU.This component will contribute to the achievement of SDG 4 ¿Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all¿; SDG 8: ¿Decent work and economic growth¿ (key targeted SDGs).Overall, this action will address the issue of active citizenship of youth through engagement in the society and labour market. | null | en | 1 | AAP 2022 - Neighbourhood South Youth Package Component 1-YMV II:This component is anchored in the legacy of the previous Young Mediterranean Voices programme (2018-2021) and Young Arab Voices programme (2011-2016) and will support the cooperative engagement of citizens of the two shores of the Mediterranean in public affairs, political participation as well as local and regional transformative initiatives, targeting young women and men, empowering them to assume an active and visible role in addressing social challenges with intercultural values and principles.The component will contribute to the achievement of SDG 16 (Peace, Security and Strong Institutions) as the key SDG that is targeted.Component 2-NEET: This component will operate as a Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) supporting, on a demand-driven basis, the institutions / stakeholders in the MENA region that are willing to develop innovative options in order to reengage NEET youth (population aged 15-29) in education, training and the labour market, particularly inactive young women, discouraged workers, long-term excluded or with disabilities and those with low educational attainment. In the medium run, the TAF can be instrumental in establishing or even piloting some Young Guarantees Schemes (YGS) inspired by those existing in the EU.This component will contribute to the achievement of SDG 4 ¿Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all¿; SDG 8: ¿Decent work and economic growth¿ (key targeted SDGs).Overall, this action will address the issue of active citizenship of youth through engagement in the society and labour market. |
Multisectoral assistance in emergency for refugees and asylum seekers in Maradi region, Niger Assistenza multisettoriale di emergenza per i rifugiati e richiedenti asilo nella regione di Maradi, Niger | The project will directly target 17,917 registered Nigerian refugees living in the three Villages of Opportunity – Dan Dadji Makaou, Chadakori, and Garin Kaka, in the Maradi region, Niger - to improve their self-reliance and livelihood, strengthen child protection prevention and response, improve GBV prevention and response, assist persons with specific needs and provide shelters to refugee families in need. The project will indirectly target 94,421 registered refugees in host villages and their host communities. Il progetto si coinvolgerà direttamente a 17.917 rifugiati nigeriani registrati che vivono nei tre Villaggi Opportunità - Dan Dadji Makaou, Chadakori e Garin Kaka, nella regione di Maradi, in Niger - per migliorare la loro autosufficienza e i loro mezzi di sostentamento, rafforzare la prevenzione e la risposta in protezione dell'infanzia, migliorare la prevenzione e la risposta alla violenza di genere, assistere le persone con bisogni specifici e fornire alloggi alle famiglie di rifugiati in stato di necessità. Il progetto ha come target indiretto 94.421 rifugiati registrati nei villaggi di accoglienza e nelle loro comunità ospitanti. | Commitment - Financial Year 2023 Disboursement - Financial Year 2023 | it|en | 1 | Multisectoral assistance in emergency for refugees and asylum seekers in Maradi region, Niger Assistenza multisettoriale di emergenza per i rifugiati e richiedenti asilo nella regione di Maradi, Niger The project will directly target 17,917 registered Nigerian refugees living in the three Villages of Opportunity – Dan Dadji Makaou, Chadakori, and Garin Kaka, in the Maradi region, Niger - to improve their self-reliance and livelihood, strengthen child protection prevention and response, improve GBV prevention and response, assist persons with specific needs and provide shelters to refugee families in need. The project will indirectly target 94,421 registered refugees in host villages and their host communities. Il progetto si coinvolgerà direttamente a 17.917 rifugiati nigeriani registrati che vivono nei tre Villaggi Opportunità - Dan Dadji Makaou, Chadakori e Garin Kaka, nella regione di Maradi, in Niger - per migliorare la loro autosufficienza e i loro mezzi di sostentamento, rafforzare la prevenzione e la risposta in protezione dell'infanzia, migliorare la prevenzione e la risposta alla violenza di genere, assistere le persone con bisogni specifici e fornire alloggi alle famiglie di rifugiati in stato di necessità. Il progetto ha come target indiretto 94.421 rifugiati registrati nei villaggi di accoglienza e nelle loro comunità ospitanti. Commitment - Financial Year 2023 Disboursement - Financial Year 2023 |
Sustainable Development and Poverty Alleviation in Sudan: Empowering Women in Agribusiness and Fishing value chains in Red Sea State Sviluppo sostenibile e poverty alleviation in Sudan: empowerment delle donne nell' agrobusiness e nella pesca | The project will contribute to sustainable development, economic transformation, women’s empowerment and improved livelihood in Sudan trough women’s effective contribution to employment, job and income creation. In particular, the project will build women’s capacity in agribusiness focusing on baby food making, fish preservation and processing and fish net making. These are sectors in which women already have a comparative advantage, but up to date have received very minimal strategic attention and support. The project will be implemented in Eastern Sudan, Red Sea State. The project will reach out to empower 500 urban, peri-urban and rural women and girls in the most vulnerable situations including women with disabilities, women survivors of GBV, refugees and IDP women, to become vibrant economic change agents. Il progetto contribuirà allo sviluppo sostenibile, alla trasformazione economica, all'emancipazione delle donne e al miglioramento della vita nel Sudan attraverso il contributo effettivo delle donne all'occupazione, al lavoro e alla creazione di reddito. In particolare, il progetto svilupperà la capacità delle donne nel settore agroalimentare che si concentra sulla produzione di alimenti per l'infanzia, la conservazione e l'elaborazione dei pesci e la produzione di pesce. Si tratta di settori in cui le donne hanno già un vantaggio comparato, ma hanno ricevuto un'attenzione e un sostegno strategico minimo. Il progetto sarà attuato nel Sudan orientale, Stato del Mar Rosso. Il progetto mirerà a potenziare 500 donne e ragazze urbane, periurbane e rurali nelle situazioni più vulnerabili tra cui le donne con disabilità, le donne sopravvissute alla GBV, i profughi e le donne IDP, per diventare agenti di cambiamento economico vibranti. | Commitment - Financial Year 2017 Disboursement - Financial Year 2017 | it|en | 1 | Sustainable Development and Poverty Alleviation in Sudan: Empowering Women in Agribusiness and Fishing value chains in Red Sea State Sviluppo sostenibile e poverty alleviation in Sudan: empowerment delle donne nell' agrobusiness e nella pesca The project will contribute to sustainable development, economic transformation, women’s empowerment and improved livelihood in Sudan trough women’s effective contribution to employment, job and income creation. In particular, the project will build women’s capacity in agribusiness focusing on baby food making, fish preservation and processing and fish net making. These are sectors in which women already have a comparative advantage, but up to date have received very minimal strategic attention and support. The project will be implemented in Eastern Sudan, Red Sea State. The project will reach out to empower 500 urban, peri-urban and rural women and girls in the most vulnerable situations including women with disabilities, women survivors of GBV, refugees and IDP women, to become vibrant economic change agents. Il progetto contribuirà allo sviluppo sostenibile, alla trasformazione economica, all'emancipazione delle donne e al miglioramento della vita nel Sudan attraverso il contributo effettivo delle donne all'occupazione, al lavoro e alla creazione di reddito. In particolare, il progetto svilupperà la capacità delle donne nel settore agroalimentare che si concentra sulla produzione di alimenti per l'infanzia, la conservazione e l'elaborazione dei pesci e la produzione di pesce. Si tratta di settori in cui le donne hanno già un vantaggio comparato, ma hanno ricevuto un'attenzione e un sostegno strategico minimo. Il progetto sarà attuato nel Sudan orientale, Stato del Mar Rosso. Il progetto mirerà a potenziare 500 donne e ragazze urbane, periurbane e rurali nelle situazioni più vulnerabili tra cui le donne con disabilità, le donne sopravvissute alla GBV, i profughi e le donne IDP, per diventare agenti di cambiamento economico vibranti. Commitment - Financial Year 2017 Disboursement - Financial Year 2017 |
WARDA WARDA | The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | WARDA WARDA The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. |
Scale up of Rehabilitation of Inmates: A Professional and Artistic Way to come back into Society Part 4 | The main aim is to address violence and crime with a specific target of at risk groups that use their sentence time as a learning opportunity in promoting robust changes among the prisons population, to enhance awareness and fight abuses, providing them with all instruments capable to create better people and different mind sets through education, professional skills, entrepreneurship, mental help, medical assistance and the introduction of human right | null | en | 1 | Scale up of Rehabilitation of Inmates: A Professional and Artistic Way to come back into Society Part 4 The main aim is to address violence and crime with a specific target of at risk groups that use their sentence time as a learning opportunity in promoting robust changes among the prisons population, to enhance awareness and fight abuses, providing them with all instruments capable to create better people and different mind sets through education, professional skills, entrepreneurship, mental help, medical assistance and the introduction of human right |
HCPT - Housing Consumer Protecti HCPT | Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | HCPT - Housing Consumer Protecti HCPT Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. |
Support to GPE I final report Support to GPE I final report - TA GPE I Final report | TA final reporting GPE I TA final reporting GPE I | null | sv|en | 1 | Support to GPE I final report Support to GPE I final report - TA GPE I Final report TA final reporting GPE I TA final reporting GPE I |
IM Info/Kom 2018 IM Information/Communication 2018 - IM Information/Communication 2018, återbetalning | IM:s insats består av att gå tillbaka till egna insatser utförda för 5, 10, 20 eller 30 år tillbaka i tiden, för att se vilken, om någon, påverkan/förändring som har skett. Genom att lyfta de långsiktiga effekterna av biståndsinsatser, både på individ- och samhällsnivå, förväntas IM:s insats öka kunskap om internationellt utvecklingssamarbete samt ge exempel på hur utvecklingsprojekt kan förändra människors liv. Insatsen riktar sig främst till IM:s medlemmar, volontärer och givare men vill även skapa allmän debatt om bistånd. IM vill nå ut till sina målgrupper genom att producera och sprida filmer där personer som IM stöttat genom insatser intervjuas. Filmerna kommer även att visas i IM:s butiker, på IM:s hemsida, IM:s Youtube kanal, Facebook och Instagram. IM's project consists of returning to own projects performed 5, 10, 20 or 30 years back in time in order to examine the effect / change that has occurred due to the intervention. By examining the long-term impact of aid projects, both for the individual and the community, IM's initiative is expected to increase knowledge of international development cooperation and provide examples of how development projects can change people's lives. The initiative is primarily aimed at IM’s members, volunteers and donors, but also aims at creating a general debate about aid. IM wants to reach its target groups by producing and distributing films where people who were supported by IM through interventions are interviewed. The movies will also appear in IM's stores, on IM's website, IM's Youtube channel, Facebook and Instagram. Genom insatsen Hållbart bistånd vill IM att en del av den svenska allmänheten, det vill säga IM:s medlemmar, givare och volontärer, ska ha fått en ökad kunskap och medvetenhet om bistånd och utvecklingssamarbete. Att kunskapen har ökat gällande hållbarhet i bistånd samt effekterna av insatser på ett längre perspektiv. Samt en förståelse för hur livet för människor i utvecklingsländer ser ut. | null | sv|en | 1 | IM Info/Kom 2018 IM Information/Communication 2018 - IM Information/Communication 2018, återbetalning IM:s insats består av att gå tillbaka till egna insatser utförda för 5, 10, 20 eller 30 år tillbaka i tiden, för att se vilken, om någon, påverkan/förändring som har skett. Genom att lyfta de långsiktiga effekterna av biståndsinsatser, både på individ- och samhällsnivå, förväntas IM:s insats öka kunskap om internationellt utvecklingssamarbete samt ge exempel på hur utvecklingsprojekt kan förändra människors liv. Insatsen riktar sig främst till IM:s medlemmar, volontärer och givare men vill även skapa allmän debatt om bistånd. IM vill nå ut till sina målgrupper genom att producera och sprida filmer där personer som IM stöttat genom insatser intervjuas. Filmerna kommer även att visas i IM:s butiker, på IM:s hemsida, IM:s Youtube kanal, Facebook och Instagram. IM's project consists of returning to own projects performed 5, 10, 20 or 30 years back in time in order to examine the effect / change that has occurred due to the intervention. By examining the long-term impact of aid projects, both for the individual and the community, IM's initiative is expected to increase knowledge of international development cooperation and provide examples of how development projects can change people's lives. The initiative is primarily aimed at IM’s members, volunteers and donors, but also aims at creating a general debate about aid. IM wants to reach its target groups by producing and distributing films where people who were supported by IM through interventions are interviewed. The movies will also appear in IM's stores, on IM's website, IM's Youtube channel, Facebook and Instagram. Genom insatsen Hållbart bistånd vill IM att en del av den svenska allmänheten, det vill säga IM:s medlemmar, givare och volontärer, ska ha fått en ökad kunskap och medvetenhet om bistånd och utvecklingssamarbete. Att kunskapen har ökat gällande hållbarhet i bistånd samt effekterna av insatser på ett längre perspektiv. Samt en förståelse för hur livet för människor i utvecklingsländer ser ut. |
SCC 2007-2008 Bolivia SCC 2007-2008 Bolivia | The program aims to strengthen people and organizations in rural areas to increase their knowledge-sharing and efforts to design and implement community development. It will be implemented in El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras and Bolivia. The program will allow to draw conclusions at the regional level. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | SCC 2007-2008 Bolivia SCC 2007-2008 Bolivia The program aims to strengthen people and organizations in rural areas to increase their knowledge-sharing and efforts to design and implement community development. It will be implemented in El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras and Bolivia. The program will allow to draw conclusions at the regional level. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. |
Women’s Fund Asia and Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights Asia Women’s Fund Asia and Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights Asia - Internal Control Review WFA | The overarching goal of the Women's Fund Asia (WFA) and Urgent Action Fund, Asia & Pacific (UAF AP) collaboration is to strengthen the sustainability of feminist activists and organisations in the region to resist and absorb backlash; as well as to advance the human rights of all women, girls and nonbinary persons in Asia and the Pacific. Det övergripande målet för samarbetet med Women's Fund Asia (WFA) och Urgent Action Fund, Asia & Pacific (UAF AP) är att stärka bärkraften för feministiska aktivister och organisationer i regionen för att motstå och absorbera motreaktioner; samt att främja de mänskliga rättigheterna för alla kvinnor, flickor och icke-binära personer i Asien och Oceanien. The overarching goal of the proposed collaboration between WFAs and UAF APs funds is to strengthen the sustainability of feminist activists and organisations in the region to counter backlash; as well as to advance the human rights of all women, girls and nonbinary persons in Asia and the Pacific. The objectives include:
1) Resource defenders, activists and organisations at the frontline of claiming and sustaining of rights of women, girls and non-binary persons
2) Strengthen regional networks, spaces and opportunities for linking, learning and building solidarity
3) Amplify the resource justice advocacy for feminist movements of the Asia and the Pacific region in global funding advocacy spaces | null | sv|en | 1 | Women’s Fund Asia and Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights Asia Women’s Fund Asia and Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights Asia - Internal Control Review WFA The overarching goal of the Women's Fund Asia (WFA) and Urgent Action Fund, Asia & Pacific (UAF AP) collaboration is to strengthen the sustainability of feminist activists and organisations in the region to resist and absorb backlash; as well as to advance the human rights of all women, girls and nonbinary persons in Asia and the Pacific. Det övergripande målet för samarbetet med Women's Fund Asia (WFA) och Urgent Action Fund, Asia & Pacific (UAF AP) är att stärka bärkraften för feministiska aktivister och organisationer i regionen för att motstå och absorbera motreaktioner; samt att främja de mänskliga rättigheterna för alla kvinnor, flickor och icke-binära personer i Asien och Oceanien. The overarching goal of the proposed collaboration between WFAs and UAF APs funds is to strengthen the sustainability of feminist activists and organisations in the region to counter backlash; as well as to advance the human rights of all women, girls and nonbinary persons in Asia and the Pacific. The objectives include:
1) Resource defenders, activists and organisations at the frontline of claiming and sustaining of rights of women, girls and non-binary persons
2) Strengthen regional networks, spaces and opportunities for linking, learning and building solidarity
3) Amplify the resource justice advocacy for feminist movements of the Asia and the Pacific region in global funding advocacy spaces |
Activity under preparation Support to South Africa's Just Energy Transition | The underlying intervention logic for this Action is to contribute to South Africa (SA)¿s efforts to achieve a well-managed and sustainable just energy transition that will drive job creation and skills development as well as sustainable economic growth notably through the support of green economy value chains, social justice and poverty alleviation. | null | en | 1 | Activity under preparation Support to South Africa's Just Energy Transition The underlying intervention logic for this Action is to contribute to South Africa (SA)¿s efforts to achieve a well-managed and sustainable just energy transition that will drive job creation and skills development as well as sustainable economic growth notably through the support of green economy value chains, social justice and poverty alleviation. |
I-RENEW: Inclusive Religious Engagement in Nigeria Enhanced by Women | <p>I-RENEW: Inclusive Religious Engagement in Nigeria Enhanced by Women</p>-I-RENEW: Inclusive Religious Engagement in Nigeria Enhanced by Women | null | en | 1 | I-RENEW: Inclusive Religious Engagement in Nigeria Enhanced by Women <p>I-RENEW: Inclusive Religious Engagement in Nigeria Enhanced by Women</p>-I-RENEW: Inclusive Religious Engagement in Nigeria Enhanced by Women |
Elaboraci¿n de la Estrategia de Comunicaci¿n y Diplomacia P¿blica de la DUE en Venezuela | <p>VE 2024 -Contrato de servicios, consultor para elaboracion de la Estrategia de Comunicaciones y diplomacia publica</p> | null | en | 1 | Elaboraci¿n de la Estrategia de Comunicaci¿n y Diplomacia P¿blica de la DUE en Venezuela <p>VE 2024 -Contrato de servicios, consultor para elaboracion de la Estrategia de Comunicaciones y diplomacia publica</p> |
Acquisition de mat¿riels roulants destin¿s aux structures de soins de sant¿ de 1¿re ligne (¿ Essaha Aziza ¿) | <p>Fourniture d'équipements biomédicaux, roulants et autres pour améliorer la qualité des soins dans les structures de santé de 1e ligne, et la continuité de certains parcours de soins (1e, 2e et 3e lignes) : matériels roulants</p> | null | en | 1 | Acquisition de mat¿riels roulants destin¿s aux structures de soins de sant¿ de 1¿re ligne (¿ Essaha Aziza ¿) <p>Fourniture d'équipements biomédicaux, roulants et autres pour améliorer la qualité des soins dans les structures de santé de 1e ligne, et la continuité de certains parcours de soins (1e, 2e et 3e lignes) : matériels roulants</p> |
Terrabuena, Improvement of health and nutritional condition of pregnant woman and infants Terrabuena, Verbesserung des Gesundheits- und Ernäherungszustands von Schwangeren und Kleinkindern | Terrabuena, Improvement of health and nutritional condition of pregnant woman and infants Terrabuena, Verbesserung des Gesundheits- und Ernäherungszustands von Schwangeren und Kleinkindern Terrabuena, Improvement of health and nutritional condition of pregnant woman and infants Terrabuena, Verbesserung des Gesundheits- und Ernäherungszustands von Schwangeren und Kleinkindern | null | de|en | 0 | Terrabuena, Improvement of health and nutritional condition of pregnant woman and infants Terrabuena, Verbesserung des Gesundheits- und Ernäherungszustands von Schwangeren und Kleinkindern Terrabuena, Improvement of health and nutritional condition of pregnant woman and infants Terrabuena, Verbesserung des Gesundheits- und Ernäherungszustands von Schwangeren und Kleinkindern Terrabuena, Improvement of health and nutritional condition of pregnant woman and infants Terrabuena, Verbesserung des Gesundheits- und Ernäherungszustands von Schwangeren und Kleinkindern |
Activity under preparation KFW - Socio-economic development support and infrastructure services for refugees and host communities in Türkiye following the February 2023 earthquakes - Extension | Contract related to: KFW - Socio-economic development support and infrastructure services for refugees and host communities in Türkiye following the February 2023 earthquakes - Extension - The proposed action aims to provide support in the area of socio-economic support and social cohesion, as well as infrastructure in Türkiye following the earthquakes of 6 February 2023. It should continue to build on the results, experience and deliverables of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey and additional European Union (EU) refugee support provided after 2019. The projects are part of the EU pledge made at the international donors¿ conference for the people in Türkiye and Syria[1] that took place in Brussels on 20 March 2023 and aim to support refugees and host communities to rebuild their lives in harmony following the disaster. By seeking to improve socio-economic support services for refugees and host communities, the action will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goal no.8 (Decent work and economic growth). It will contribute to gender equality and women¿s empowerment as well as the inclusion of persons with disabilities through its accessibility approach. Eventually, it will also address the root causes of migration.In partnership with relevant stakeholders and Turkish ministries, the action seeks to ensure inclusive employment and provide better access and opportunities for all in an effort to reduce poverty and social exclusion (including that of children) and develop more sustainable livelihoods. It also aims to provide for a stimulus to reduce social tensions and promote cooperation between the refugee and host communities in the affected areas. The action aims to ensure the effective functioning of the labour market by removing barriers to education, training and labour-market participation, and by including investment in technical education, language training and skills transfer. At the same time, the action aims to increase the demand for labour in specific target areas by supporting and empowering start-ups and enterprises in improving their production, stimulating the formal employment of refugees and vulnerable national citizens. The action is to be implemented in direct management (grants) with the Turkish Ministry of Environment Urbanisation, and Climate Change, as well as through indirect management with pillar-assessed entities, respectively Kreditanstalt Für Wiederaufbau (KfW), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Deutsche Gesellshaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). [1] https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/stronger-europe-world/donors-conference-turkiye-and-syria_en | null | en | 1 | Activity under preparation KFW - Socio-economic development support and infrastructure services for refugees and host communities in Türkiye following the February 2023 earthquakes - Extension Contract related to: KFW - Socio-economic development support and infrastructure services for refugees and host communities in Türkiye following the February 2023 earthquakes - Extension - The proposed action aims to provide support in the area of socio-economic support and social cohesion, as well as infrastructure in Türkiye following the earthquakes of 6 February 2023. It should continue to build on the results, experience and deliverables of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey and additional European Union (EU) refugee support provided after 2019. The projects are part of the EU pledge made at the international donors¿ conference for the people in Türkiye and Syria[1] that took place in Brussels on 20 March 2023 and aim to support refugees and host communities to rebuild their lives in harmony following the disaster. By seeking to improve socio-economic support services for refugees and host communities, the action will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goal no.8 (Decent work and economic growth). It will contribute to gender equality and women¿s empowerment as well as the inclusion of persons with disabilities through its accessibility approach. Eventually, it will also address the root causes of migration.In partnership with relevant stakeholders and Turkish ministries, the action seeks to ensure inclusive employment and provide better access and opportunities for all in an effort to reduce poverty and social exclusion (including that of children) and develop more sustainable livelihoods. It also aims to provide for a stimulus to reduce social tensions and promote cooperation between the refugee and host communities in the affected areas. The action aims to ensure the effective functioning of the labour market by removing barriers to education, training and labour-market participation, and by including investment in technical education, language training and skills transfer. At the same time, the action aims to increase the demand for labour in specific target areas by supporting and empowering start-ups and enterprises in improving their production, stimulating the formal employment of refugees and vulnerable national citizens. The action is to be implemented in direct management (grants) with the Turkish Ministry of Environment Urbanisation, and Climate Change, as well as through indirect management with pillar-assessed entities, respectively Kreditanstalt Für Wiederaufbau (KfW), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Deutsche Gesellshaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). [1] https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/stronger-europe-world/donors-conference-turkiye-and-syria_en |
To provide humanitarian support to Save the Children in Lebanon | To improve the homes and communities of vulnerable Syrian refugees and Lebanese, creating more secure, dignified and healthy surroundings. 4,000 households will be provided with shelter interventions and 3,000 individuals will benefit from site improvements in informal settlements. | null | en | 1 | To provide humanitarian support to Save the Children in Lebanon To improve the homes and communities of vulnerable Syrian refugees and Lebanese, creating more secure, dignified and healthy surroundings. 4,000 households will be provided with shelter interventions and 3,000 individuals will benefit from site improvements in informal settlements. |
Zimbabwe Humanitarian and Resilience Programme (ZHARP) 2019-25 | This programme will provide a monthly unconditional cash transfer of USD $13 to at least 11,000 people with very high levels of food insecurity in urban areas. Each person (up to 5 in one family) will receive the transfer for a minimum period of 9 months, allowing them to purchase basic food stuffs and try to avoid resorting to damaging coping strategies during the peak lean season. In addition, the programme will work on synergies with WFP and other donors to pilot approaches to building the resilience of vulnerable urban populations to economic and climatic shocks. WFP will also further develop and mainstream the Toose GBV approach in a form that can be added or ‘layered’ onto WFP assistance programmes across Zimbabwe and potentially globally. | null | en | 1 | Zimbabwe Humanitarian and Resilience Programme (ZHARP) 2019-25 This programme will provide a monthly unconditional cash transfer of USD $13 to at least 11,000 people with very high levels of food insecurity in urban areas. Each person (up to 5 in one family) will receive the transfer for a minimum period of 9 months, allowing them to purchase basic food stuffs and try to avoid resorting to damaging coping strategies during the peak lean season. In addition, the programme will work on synergies with WFP and other donors to pilot approaches to building the resilience of vulnerable urban populations to economic and climatic shocks. WFP will also further develop and mainstream the Toose GBV approach in a form that can be added or ‘layered’ onto WFP assistance programmes across Zimbabwe and potentially globally. |
info session for call for proposals CSOS and HR&D | Contract related to: info session for call for proposals CSOS and HR&D - Human rights and democracy are founding values of the EU. Protecting and promoting HR&D is therefore a key priority of the EU¿s external action. It is also a precondition for sustainable development and for building more inclusive, open and resilient societies.Yet, recent data show that globally, most countries are far from having acceptable human rights and democracy track records. In this context, worsened by the COVID crisis, the EU re-affirmed its commitment to support human rights and democracy worldwide by adopting the `Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024¿. The Action Plan identifies priorities and key actions, to ensure that the EU plays a greater role in promoting and defending human rights and democracy throughout its external action. The Regulation (EU) 2021/947 (Global Europe) establishes the legal basis for the human rights and democracy actions. Particularly, its annex III details the areas of intervention for human rights and democracy.The overall objective of the present action is to contribute to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law worldwide. The action will achieve this objective by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy issues in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. Consequently, it will contribute to the 5 priorities of the Multiannual Indicative programme 2021-2027 as well as the specific priorities set out for the additional funding coming from the cushion.This action will mainly be implemented by EU Delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iii) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The actions financed at country level will be in line with: (i) the EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies or priorities under the EU accession process. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focusing on promoting gender equality. | null | en | 1 | info session for call for proposals CSOS and HR&D Contract related to: info session for call for proposals CSOS and HR&D - Human rights and democracy are founding values of the EU. Protecting and promoting HR&D is therefore a key priority of the EU¿s external action. It is also a precondition for sustainable development and for building more inclusive, open and resilient societies.Yet, recent data show that globally, most countries are far from having acceptable human rights and democracy track records. In this context, worsened by the COVID crisis, the EU re-affirmed its commitment to support human rights and democracy worldwide by adopting the `Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024¿. The Action Plan identifies priorities and key actions, to ensure that the EU plays a greater role in promoting and defending human rights and democracy throughout its external action. The Regulation (EU) 2021/947 (Global Europe) establishes the legal basis for the human rights and democracy actions. Particularly, its annex III details the areas of intervention for human rights and democracy.The overall objective of the present action is to contribute to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law worldwide. The action will achieve this objective by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy issues in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. Consequently, it will contribute to the 5 priorities of the Multiannual Indicative programme 2021-2027 as well as the specific priorities set out for the additional funding coming from the cushion.This action will mainly be implemented by EU Delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iii) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The actions financed at country level will be in line with: (i) the EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies or priorities under the EU accession process. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focusing on promoting gender equality. |
Low Carbon for Low and Middle Income Countries | This activity Low Carbon for Low and Middle Income Countries is a component of Low Carbon for Low and Middle Income Countries reported by FCDO with a funding type of 104 - Procurement of Services and a budget of £63,280. This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified. It works in the following sector(s): Environmental policy and administrative management. | Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Research & Development Research & Development Research & Development Research & Development Technical & Advisory services Research & Development Research & Development Technical & Advisory services | en | 0 | Low Carbon for Low and Middle Income Countries This activity Low Carbon for Low and Middle Income Countries is a component of Low Carbon for Low and Middle Income Countries reported by FCDO with a funding type of 104 - Procurement of Services and a budget of £63,280. This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified. It works in the following sector(s): Environmental policy and administrative management. Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Research & Development Research & Development Research & Development Research & Development Technical & Advisory services Research & Development Research & Development Technical & Advisory services |
Activity under preparation KFW - Improved access to education for refugees and host communities | Contract related to: KFW - Improved access to education for refugees and host communities - The proposed action aims to provide support in the area of health and education infrastructure in Türkiye following the earthquakes of 6 February 2023. It should continue to build on the results, experience and deliverables of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey and additional European Union (EU) refugee support provided after 2019. The projects are part of the EU pledge made at the international donors¿ conference for the people in Türkiye and Syria[1] that took place in Brussels on 20 March 2023 and aim to support refugees and host communities to rebuild their lives in harmony following the disaster. In partnership with relevant stakeholders and Turkish ministries, the action seeks to improve the conditions of refugees and host communities in the areas (directly or indirectly) affected by the earthquakes by enhancing the accessibility of education and healthcare services. The specific objectives are to: 1. improve access for refugees and host communities to education. 2. increase access to primary healthcare services for refugees and host communities.The action will be implemented in indirect management with pillar-assessed entities, respectively Kreditanstalt Für Wiederaufbau (KfW) and the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) for the education and health components. By seeking to improve access to education and health services of refugees and host communities, the action will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and 4 (Quality Education). It will contribute to gender equality and women¿s empowerment as well as the inclusion of persons with disabilities through its accessibility approach. Strong environmental, climate, and disaster risk reduction components will shape this action. Eventually, it will also address the root causes of migration.[1] https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/stronger-europe-world/donors-conference-turkiye-and-syria_en | null | en | 1 | Activity under preparation KFW - Improved access to education for refugees and host communities Contract related to: KFW - Improved access to education for refugees and host communities - The proposed action aims to provide support in the area of health and education infrastructure in Türkiye following the earthquakes of 6 February 2023. It should continue to build on the results, experience and deliverables of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey and additional European Union (EU) refugee support provided after 2019. The projects are part of the EU pledge made at the international donors¿ conference for the people in Türkiye and Syria[1] that took place in Brussels on 20 March 2023 and aim to support refugees and host communities to rebuild their lives in harmony following the disaster. In partnership with relevant stakeholders and Turkish ministries, the action seeks to improve the conditions of refugees and host communities in the areas (directly or indirectly) affected by the earthquakes by enhancing the accessibility of education and healthcare services. The specific objectives are to: 1. improve access for refugees and host communities to education. 2. increase access to primary healthcare services for refugees and host communities.The action will be implemented in indirect management with pillar-assessed entities, respectively Kreditanstalt Für Wiederaufbau (KfW) and the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) for the education and health components. By seeking to improve access to education and health services of refugees and host communities, the action will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and 4 (Quality Education). It will contribute to gender equality and women¿s empowerment as well as the inclusion of persons with disabilities through its accessibility approach. Strong environmental, climate, and disaster risk reduction components will shape this action. Eventually, it will also address the root causes of migration.[1] https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/stronger-europe-world/donors-conference-turkiye-and-syria_en |
Activity under preparation Inclusive Economic Development, Improving the competitiveness of MSMEs, cooperatives and rural financial services institutions | <p>To expand the availability of financial services and products for SMEs, legal entities, and entrepreneurs, to venture and compete in markets and contribute to poverty reduction, human development, improvement of livelihoods and the stimulation of inclusive economic growth with emphasis on rural population and women.</p> | null | en | 1 | Activity under preparation Inclusive Economic Development, Improving the competitiveness of MSMEs, cooperatives and rural financial services institutions <p>To expand the availability of financial services and products for SMEs, legal entities, and entrepreneurs, to venture and compete in markets and contribute to poverty reduction, human development, improvement of livelihoods and the stimulation of inclusive economic growth with emphasis on rural population and women.</p> |
Getlini, upphandlingsstöd Getlini, procurm.support - add procurm.supp MM | The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | Getlini, upphandlingsstöd Getlini, procurm.support - add procurm.supp MM The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. |
European Development Fund 19/20 | This activity European Development Fund 19/20 is a component of European Development Fund reported by FCDO with a funding type of 109 - Multilateral organisation and a budget of £575,600,977. This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified. It works in the following sector(s): Sectors not specified. | This is an outgoing commitment to European Investment Bank of £39838710.00. This is an outgoing commitment to European Commission - Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development of £552421183.00. Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations | en | 0 | European Development Fund 19/20 This activity European Development Fund 19/20 is a component of European Development Fund reported by FCDO with a funding type of 109 - Multilateral organisation and a budget of £575,600,977. This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified. It works in the following sector(s): Sectors not specified. This is an outgoing commitment to European Investment Bank of £39838710.00. This is an outgoing commitment to European Commission - Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development of £552421183.00. Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations |
Programme de Renforcement du Syst¿me de Sant¿ en R¿publique Centrafricaine (RCA) - Lot 4: Approvisionnement en m¿dicaments essentiels | <p>Il s'agit d'assurer l'approvisionnement des 7 districts sanitaires appuyés (Bimbo<strong>, </strong>Boda<strong>, </strong>Bossangoa Bangassou, Ouango<strong>-</strong>Gambo<strong>, </strong>Haut-Kotto, Vakaga) en médicaments et d'autres intrants essentielles y inclus l'achat, stockage et distribution .</p> | null | en | 1 | Programme de Renforcement du Syst¿me de Sant¿ en R¿publique Centrafricaine (RCA) - Lot 4: Approvisionnement en m¿dicaments essentiels <p>Il s'agit d'assurer l'approvisionnement des 7 districts sanitaires appuyés (Bimbo<strong>, </strong>Boda<strong>, </strong>Bossangoa Bangassou, Ouango<strong>-</strong>Gambo<strong>, </strong>Haut-Kotto, Vakaga) en médicaments et d'autres intrants essentielles y inclus l'achat, stockage et distribution .</p> |
OCSE - Voluntary Contribution 2019 - Peer review OCSE - Contributo Volontario 2019 - Peer review | OCSE - Voluntary Contribution 2019 OCSE - Contributo Volontario 2019 | Commitment - Financial Year 2019 Disboursement - Financial Year 2019 | it|en | 0 | OCSE - Voluntary Contribution 2019 - Peer review OCSE - Contributo Volontario 2019 - Peer review OCSE - Voluntary Contribution 2019 OCSE - Contributo Volontario 2019 Commitment - Financial Year 2019 Disboursement - Financial Year 2019 |
UN Women - Programstöd 2023-2027 UN Women - Programme support 2023-2027 | Det övergripande målet för programmet är att se till att "kvinnor och flickor i Nordmakedonien gynnas av ansvarstagande, transparent och jämställdhetsmedveten samhällsstyrning". Programmet syftar också till att uppnå starkare synergier och ett starkt lokalt ägarskap av resultaten.
Förändringsteorin är uppbyggd kring två utfall, som syftar till en långsiktig och hållbar ambition att integrera ett genusperspektiv på alla förvaltningsnivåer och att säkerställa ett gradvis och systematiskt ägarskap från statens sida.
Stödet är inriktat på att stärka de nationella mekanismerna för att säkerställa fortsatt och hållbar kapacitetsutveckling, jämställdhetsbudgetering och systematisk jämställdhetsintegrering i förvaltning och offentliga finanser. Dessutom kommer transparensen och ansvarsskyldigheten att stärkas genom stöd till stärkandet av de viktigaste tillsynsinstitutionernas kapacitet. De viktigaste institutionerna för EU:s närmande kommer att få stöd när det gäller att införliva EU:s regelverk om jämställdhet i lagstiftning och strategiska dokument, samtidigt som de använder sakkunskap om jämställdhetsintegrering för att främja de nationella strategierna, policy- och förhandlingsramarna och deras anpassning till EU:s regelverk om jämställdhet.
Programmet ligger i linje med prioriteringarna i Strategi för Sveriges reformarbete på västra Balkan och i Turkiet 2021–2027, med fokus på att främja demokrati, mänskliga rättigheter, rättsstatens principer och jämställdhet. Det bidrar också till att bygga fredliga och inkluderande samhällen, som ett delmål.
Programmets genomförandeperiod är 42 månader, oktober 2023 - mars 2027. Den sökta programbudgeten är 22 miljoner kronor. Parallellt med Sveriges stöd stöds även delar av verksamheten av Schweiz och givarsamordningen kommer att fortsätta som tidigare. The overall programme objective is to ensure that "women and girls in North Macedonia benefit from accountable, transparent and gender-sensitive governance". The programme also aims to achieve stronger synergies and strong local ownership of the results.
The theory of change is built around two outcomes, aimed at a long-term and sustainable ambition to integrate a gender perspective at all levels of government and to ensure gradual and systematic ownership by the government.
Support focuses on strengthening national mechanisms to ensure continued and sustainable capacity development, gender budgeting and systematic gender mainstreaming in administration and public finances. In addition, transparency and accountability will be strengthened by supporting the strengthening of the capacity of key supervisory institutions. The main institutions of EU rapprochement will be supported in transposing the EU acquis on gender equality into legislation and strategic documents, while using expertise in gender mainstreaming to promote the national strategy, policy and negotiation frameworks and their alignment with the EU acquis on gender equality.
The programme is in line with the priorities of the Strategy for Sweden's reform work in the Western Balkans and Turkey 2021–2027, with a focus on promoting democracy, human rights, the rule of law and gender equality. It also contributes to building peaceful and inclusive societies, as a sub-goal.
The implementation period of the programme is 42 months October 2023 - March 2027. The requested programme budget is SEK 22 million. In parallel with Sweden's support, parts of the activities are also supported by Switzerland and donor coordination will continue as before. The Republic of North Macedonia has committed to achieving gender equality and women empowerment by becoming a signatory of the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the UN Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA), the Istanbul Convention, and by implementing EU related reforms framed with the Stabilization and Association Agreement and relevant Negotiation Chapters. Moreover, the Government program (2022-2024) highlights among its priority areas the promotion of gender equality policies, women empowerment, and increased participation of women and other disadvantaged and marginalized groups in all spheres of political, economic and public life.
However, the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, the global crises caused by the Ukrainian conflict, and the intensified gender backlash are causing widening of the existing gender inequalities and negatively effect the most vulnerable groups and rural communities.
UN Women is a trusted implementing partner to Sweden, and a well-established partner in gender equality area to the Government and to the institutions in North Macedonia.
During the period 2018-2023, Sweden joined Switzerland in support of the Gender Responsive Budgeting project (contribution by Sweden 14.2 MSEK), and during 2020-2023 the Gender Equality Facility project (contribution by Sweden 16.4 MSEK), implemented by UN Women. Both projects have been successfully implemented and achieved noticeable results in the gender responsive budgeting at central and local level, and in mainstreaming gender in the institutions and transposing EU gender equality acquis in the national legislation. The external evaluation of the Gender Responsive Budgeting project assesses that the project was effectively implemented, the results are achieved to the greatest extent and processes were advanced in many ways, particularly in regard to awareness raising of Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) importance, and mobilization of women to request local policies and measures in line with their needs and capacities and mobilization of civil society to promote and safeguard GRB processes are increased.
The Embassy's assessment is that the two projects have in general terms achieved the planned results, and coordinated with each-other on priorities and project activities. However, they remained working in silos, and failed to define synergies and to build on achieved results of each-other.
The programme Support to Gender Responsive Governance of North Macedonia 2023-2027/ Programme support to U/N Women 2023-2027, is a unified programme that brings the two previous projects under one framework, aiming to achieve stronger synergies, and strong local ownership of results under the contribution.
The overall programme goal is to ensure that "women and girls in North Macedonia benefit from accountable, transparent and gender responsive governance."
The theory of change of the suggested programme is structured around two outcomes, geared towards sustainability of longstanding efforts to mainstream gender at all levels of governance, and to ensure gradual and systemic ownership by the Government.
With this contribution Sweden will provide support to advancement of the Government of North Macedonia in gender equality and in promotion of civil society and women participation in decision making through gender responsive policies and budgeting processes. It will focus on strengthening the role of the national gender mechanism in ensuring continued and sustainable capacity development on gender responsive budgeting, and systematic integration of gender perspective in the public finance management. Further, strengthening of oversight and accountability mechanisms through increased engagement and capacity strengthening of key oversight institutions will be supported. The key EU integration institutions will be supported to transpose the EU Gender Equality Acquis in the legislation and strategic documents, while utilizing gender mainstreaming expertise for the advancement of the national legislative, strategic, policy and negotiation frameworks, and their alignment with the EU Gender Equality acquis.
The expected programme results are aligned with the National development priorities set in the UNSDCF 2021-2025 and contribute towards achieving its expected long-term results under the Outcome 4- the Good Governance strategic pillar.
The programme is in line with the priorities in the strategy for Sweden's reform work in the Western Balkans and Turkey 2021-2027, with a focus on promoting democracy, human rights, rule of law and gender equality. It also contributes to building Peaceful and inclusive societies, as a strong sub-goal.
The programme implementing period is 42 months October 2023- March 2027. The requested programme budget is 22 MSEK.
The Embassy assesses that the proposed programme is relevant and timely in light to the country's priorities: the Government programme 2020-2024, and in favor of fulfillment of commitments with the signed CEDAW, BPfA, Istanbul Convention and EU accession related reforms. The suggested programme builds on results and lessons learned from the predecessor projects, and it benefits from the expertise and accumulated knowledge at UN Women both at regional and country level.
The planned support includes the most relevant stakeholders like the Parliament; Ministry of labor and social policy, Secretariat for European Affairs; Ministry of finance, Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister in Charge of Good Governance Policies; State Statistical Office; State Audit Office central institutions, municipal authorities and the Civil Society Organizations, which creates an opportunity to approach the planned objectives at several levels and to achieve significant results.
The program approach shall be monitored and strengthened based on lessons learned during this programme implementation, and in coordination with other programmes that have taken similar approach (UNDP).
Based on the above -mentioned assessments, it is proposed that Sweden supports the program UN Women - Programme support 2023-2027 with 22 MSEK during the period October 2023- March 2027. | null | sv|en | 0 | UN Women - Programstöd 2023-2027 UN Women - Programme support 2023-2027 Det övergripande målet för programmet är att se till att "kvinnor och flickor i Nordmakedonien gynnas av ansvarstagande, transparent och jämställdhetsmedveten samhällsstyrning". Programmet syftar också till att uppnå starkare synergier och ett starkt lokalt ägarskap av resultaten.
Förändringsteorin är uppbyggd kring två utfall, som syftar till en långsiktig och hållbar ambition att integrera ett genusperspektiv på alla förvaltningsnivåer och att säkerställa ett gradvis och systematiskt ägarskap från statens sida.
Stödet är inriktat på att stärka de nationella mekanismerna för att säkerställa fortsatt och hållbar kapacitetsutveckling, jämställdhetsbudgetering och systematisk jämställdhetsintegrering i förvaltning och offentliga finanser. Dessutom kommer transparensen och ansvarsskyldigheten att stärkas genom stöd till stärkandet av de viktigaste tillsynsinstitutionernas kapacitet. De viktigaste institutionerna för EU:s närmande kommer att få stöd när det gäller att införliva EU:s regelverk om jämställdhet i lagstiftning och strategiska dokument, samtidigt som de använder sakkunskap om jämställdhetsintegrering för att främja de nationella strategierna, policy- och förhandlingsramarna och deras anpassning till EU:s regelverk om jämställdhet.
Programmet ligger i linje med prioriteringarna i Strategi för Sveriges reformarbete på västra Balkan och i Turkiet 2021–2027, med fokus på att främja demokrati, mänskliga rättigheter, rättsstatens principer och jämställdhet. Det bidrar också till att bygga fredliga och inkluderande samhällen, som ett delmål.
Programmets genomförandeperiod är 42 månader, oktober 2023 - mars 2027. Den sökta programbudgeten är 22 miljoner kronor. Parallellt med Sveriges stöd stöds även delar av verksamheten av Schweiz och givarsamordningen kommer att fortsätta som tidigare. The overall programme objective is to ensure that "women and girls in North Macedonia benefit from accountable, transparent and gender-sensitive governance". The programme also aims to achieve stronger synergies and strong local ownership of the results.
The theory of change is built around two outcomes, aimed at a long-term and sustainable ambition to integrate a gender perspective at all levels of government and to ensure gradual and systematic ownership by the government.
Support focuses on strengthening national mechanisms to ensure continued and sustainable capacity development, gender budgeting and systematic gender mainstreaming in administration and public finances. In addition, transparency and accountability will be strengthened by supporting the strengthening of the capacity of key supervisory institutions. The main institutions of EU rapprochement will be supported in transposing the EU acquis on gender equality into legislation and strategic documents, while using expertise in gender mainstreaming to promote the national strategy, policy and negotiation frameworks and their alignment with the EU acquis on gender equality.
The programme is in line with the priorities of the Strategy for Sweden's reform work in the Western Balkans and Turkey 2021–2027, with a focus on promoting democracy, human rights, the rule of law and gender equality. It also contributes to building peaceful and inclusive societies, as a sub-goal.
The implementation period of the programme is 42 months October 2023 - March 2027. The requested programme budget is SEK 22 million. In parallel with Sweden's support, parts of the activities are also supported by Switzerland and donor coordination will continue as before. The Republic of North Macedonia has committed to achieving gender equality and women empowerment by becoming a signatory of the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the UN Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA), the Istanbul Convention, and by implementing EU related reforms framed with the Stabilization and Association Agreement and relevant Negotiation Chapters. Moreover, the Government program (2022-2024) highlights among its priority areas the promotion of gender equality policies, women empowerment, and increased participation of women and other disadvantaged and marginalized groups in all spheres of political, economic and public life.
However, the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, the global crises caused by the Ukrainian conflict, and the intensified gender backlash are causing widening of the existing gender inequalities and negatively effect the most vulnerable groups and rural communities.
UN Women is a trusted implementing partner to Sweden, and a well-established partner in gender equality area to the Government and to the institutions in North Macedonia.
During the period 2018-2023, Sweden joined Switzerland in support of the Gender Responsive Budgeting project (contribution by Sweden 14.2 MSEK), and during 2020-2023 the Gender Equality Facility project (contribution by Sweden 16.4 MSEK), implemented by UN Women. Both projects have been successfully implemented and achieved noticeable results in the gender responsive budgeting at central and local level, and in mainstreaming gender in the institutions and transposing EU gender equality acquis in the national legislation. The external evaluation of the Gender Responsive Budgeting project assesses that the project was effectively implemented, the results are achieved to the greatest extent and processes were advanced in many ways, particularly in regard to awareness raising of Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) importance, and mobilization of women to request local policies and measures in line with their needs and capacities and mobilization of civil society to promote and safeguard GRB processes are increased.
The Embassy's assessment is that the two projects have in general terms achieved the planned results, and coordinated with each-other on priorities and project activities. However, they remained working in silos, and failed to define synergies and to build on achieved results of each-other.
The programme Support to Gender Responsive Governance of North Macedonia 2023-2027/ Programme support to U/N Women 2023-2027, is a unified programme that brings the two previous projects under one framework, aiming to achieve stronger synergies, and strong local ownership of results under the contribution.
The overall programme goal is to ensure that "women and girls in North Macedonia benefit from accountable, transparent and gender responsive governance."
The theory of change of the suggested programme is structured around two outcomes, geared towards sustainability of longstanding efforts to mainstream gender at all levels of governance, and to ensure gradual and systemic ownership by the Government.
With this contribution Sweden will provide support to advancement of the Government of North Macedonia in gender equality and in promotion of civil society and women participation in decision making through gender responsive policies and budgeting processes. It will focus on strengthening the role of the national gender mechanism in ensuring continued and sustainable capacity development on gender responsive budgeting, and systematic integration of gender perspective in the public finance management. Further, strengthening of oversight and accountability mechanisms through increased engagement and capacity strengthening of key oversight institutions will be supported. The key EU integration institutions will be supported to transpose the EU Gender Equality Acquis in the legislation and strategic documents, while utilizing gender mainstreaming expertise for the advancement of the national legislative, strategic, policy and negotiation frameworks, and their alignment with the EU Gender Equality acquis.
The expected programme results are aligned with the National development priorities set in the UNSDCF 2021-2025 and contribute towards achieving its expected long-term results under the Outcome 4- the Good Governance strategic pillar.
The programme is in line with the priorities in the strategy for Sweden's reform work in the Western Balkans and Turkey 2021-2027, with a focus on promoting democracy, human rights, rule of law and gender equality. It also contributes to building Peaceful and inclusive societies, as a strong sub-goal.
The programme implementing period is 42 months October 2023- March 2027. The requested programme budget is 22 MSEK.
The Embassy assesses that the proposed programme is relevant and timely in light to the country's priorities: the Government programme 2020-2024, and in favor of fulfillment of commitments with the signed CEDAW, BPfA, Istanbul Convention and EU accession related reforms. The suggested programme builds on results and lessons learned from the predecessor projects, and it benefits from the expertise and accumulated knowledge at UN Women both at regional and country level.
The planned support includes the most relevant stakeholders like the Parliament; Ministry of labor and social policy, Secretariat for European Affairs; Ministry of finance, Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister in Charge of Good Governance Policies; State Statistical Office; State Audit Office central institutions, municipal authorities and the Civil Society Organizations, which creates an opportunity to approach the planned objectives at several levels and to achieve significant results.
The program approach shall be monitored and strengthened based on lessons learned during this programme implementation, and in coordination with other programmes that have taken similar approach (UNDP).
Based on the above -mentioned assessments, it is proposed that Sweden supports the program UN Women - Programme support 2023-2027 with 22 MSEK during the period October 2023- March 2027. |
Studien- und Fachkräftefonds Study and Expert Funds | Finanzierung von Vorbereitung, Planung und Durchführung von TZ- Vorhaben, sonstigen Studien und Gutachten und von anderen strategischen und Financing of preparation, planning and implementation of TC-measures, other studies and appraisals and of other strategically and-or politically important TC-measures Finanzierung von Vorbereitung, Planung und Durchführung von TZ- Vorhaben, sonstigen Studien und Gutachten und von anderen strategischen und Financing of preparation, planning and implementation of TC-measures, other studies and appraisals and of other strategically and-or politically important TC-measures | null | de|en | 1 | Studien- und Fachkräftefonds Study and Expert Funds Finanzierung von Vorbereitung, Planung und Durchführung von TZ- Vorhaben, sonstigen Studien und Gutachten und von anderen strategischen und Financing of preparation, planning and implementation of TC-measures, other studies and appraisals and of other strategically and-or politically important TC-measures Finanzierung von Vorbereitung, Planung und Durchführung von TZ- Vorhaben, sonstigen Studien und Gutachten und von anderen strategischen und Financing of preparation, planning and implementation of TC-measures, other studies and appraisals and of other strategically and-or politically important TC-measures |
From Words to Deeds: Providing Tools for an Effective Engagement of Armed Non-State Actors to Improve Humanitarian Protection | The project will examine the practice and interpretations of armed non-State actors with respect to the law of armed conflict and international human rights law. Through a comparative analysis of selected norms, it aims at generating a better understanding of their perspectives, inform humanitarian protection strategies and provide practical tools for humanitarian actors to enhance their engagement with armed non-State actors.
While field research will be conducted in nine specific contexts (Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lebanon, Mali, Myanmar, Occupied Palestinian Territories, the Philippines, Syria and Yemen), the findings of the project will have broader significance since many conflicts in the world involve armed non-State actors.
In addition to a comprehensive comparative thematic analysis, a number of case studies, as well as practical guidelines for the humanitarian engagement of armed non-State actors will be published. These outputs will be distinctively relevant for: (i) humanitarian protection actors, including the partnering and supporting organisations (Geneva Call, the Norwegian Refugee Council and Diakonia); (ii) other actors that operate in conflict settings such as aid agencies; (iii) as well as academics, policy-makers and donors. Research and development activity contributing to the UK’s strategy to address key development challenges. | null | en | 1 | From Words to Deeds: Providing Tools for an Effective Engagement of Armed Non-State Actors to Improve Humanitarian Protection The project will examine the practice and interpretations of armed non-State actors with respect to the law of armed conflict and international human rights law. Through a comparative analysis of selected norms, it aims at generating a better understanding of their perspectives, inform humanitarian protection strategies and provide practical tools for humanitarian actors to enhance their engagement with armed non-State actors.
While field research will be conducted in nine specific contexts (Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lebanon, Mali, Myanmar, Occupied Palestinian Territories, the Philippines, Syria and Yemen), the findings of the project will have broader significance since many conflicts in the world involve armed non-State actors.
In addition to a comprehensive comparative thematic analysis, a number of case studies, as well as practical guidelines for the humanitarian engagement of armed non-State actors will be published. These outputs will be distinctively relevant for: (i) humanitarian protection actors, including the partnering and supporting organisations (Geneva Call, the Norwegian Refugee Council and Diakonia); (ii) other actors that operate in conflict settings such as aid agencies; (iii) as well as academics, policy-makers and donors. Research and development activity contributing to the UK’s strategy to address key development challenges. |
Promoting Intercultural Dialogue for Development: Programme on Religious Thoughts and Social Issues | The goal of the project is to contribute to formation of a more pluralistic, tolerant and inclusive society, through mobilizing community leaders to engage in intercultural dialogue. | null | en | 0 | Promoting Intercultural Dialogue for Development: Programme on Religious Thoughts and Social Issues The goal of the project is to contribute to formation of a more pluralistic, tolerant and inclusive society, through mobilizing community leaders to engage in intercultural dialogue. |
Danish Ref Council 2010-2011 - Danish Ref Counc RRM 2010-2011 Danish Ref Council 2010-2011 | The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | Danish Ref Council 2010-2011 - Danish Ref Counc RRM 2010-2011 Danish Ref Council 2010-2011 The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. |
CAP01/ETH/UNICEF CAP01/ETH/UNICEF | The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | CAP01/ETH/UNICEF CAP01/ETH/UNICEF The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. |
Contribution to the programme OAS-AICMA "Assistance to landmine survivors and their socio-economic reintegration in Colombia" Contributo al programma OSA-AICMA "Assistenza per i sopravvissuti ad incidenti con mine personali in Colombia e loro reinserimento | This project proposes to facilitate integral assistance to landmine and other explosive devices victims in order to allow their physical and psychological rehabilitation, improve training processes and education opportunities, implement micro-projects designed to strengthen the socio-economic reintegration processes into their communities of them and their families and identify new survivors. supportare un’assistenza integrata ai sopravvissuti attraversonon solo la riabilitazione fisica e psicologica, ma anche grazie al miglioramento dei processi di formazione e delle opportunità educative, la realizzazione di microprogetti finalizzati al rafforzamento dei processi di reinserimento socio-economico delle vittime e delle loro famiglie nelle rispettive comunità di appartenenza. | Commitment - Financial Year 2019 Disboursement - Financial Year 2019 | it|en | 1 | Contribution to the programme OAS-AICMA "Assistance to landmine survivors and their socio-economic reintegration in Colombia" Contributo al programma OSA-AICMA "Assistenza per i sopravvissuti ad incidenti con mine personali in Colombia e loro reinserimento This project proposes to facilitate integral assistance to landmine and other explosive devices victims in order to allow their physical and psychological rehabilitation, improve training processes and education opportunities, implement micro-projects designed to strengthen the socio-economic reintegration processes into their communities of them and their families and identify new survivors. supportare un’assistenza integrata ai sopravvissuti attraversonon solo la riabilitazione fisica e psicologica, ma anche grazie al miglioramento dei processi di formazione e delle opportunità educative, la realizzazione di microprogetti finalizzati al rafforzamento dei processi di reinserimento socio-economico delle vittime e delle loro famiglie nelle rispettive comunità di appartenenza. Commitment - Financial Year 2019 Disboursement - Financial Year 2019 |
Emergency initiative for vulnerable and displaced populations affected by the Ukrainian crisis in Poltavska Oblast Iniziativa di emergenza per le popolazioni vulnerabili e sfollate colpite dalla crisi ucraina a Poltavska Oblast | The intervention aims to provide winterisation and primary health assistance to 22,419 people, including vulnerable people from host communities and displaced women, men and children in Poltavska Oblast. L’intervento mira a fornire un’assistenza di winterisation e di salute primaria a 22.419 persone, tra donne, uomini e bambini vulnerabili delle comunità ospitanti e sfollati nell’Oblast di Poltavska. | Commitment - Financial Year 2022 Disboursement - Financial Year 2022 Commitment - Financial Year 2023 Disboursement - Financial Year 2023 Commitment - Financial Year 2024 | it|en | 1 | Emergency initiative for vulnerable and displaced populations affected by the Ukrainian crisis in Poltavska Oblast Iniziativa di emergenza per le popolazioni vulnerabili e sfollate colpite dalla crisi ucraina a Poltavska Oblast The intervention aims to provide winterisation and primary health assistance to 22,419 people, including vulnerable people from host communities and displaced women, men and children in Poltavska Oblast. L’intervento mira a fornire un’assistenza di winterisation e di salute primaria a 22.419 persone, tra donne, uomini e bambini vulnerabili delle comunità ospitanti e sfollati nell’Oblast di Poltavska. Commitment - Financial Year 2022 Disboursement - Financial Year 2022 Commitment - Financial Year 2023 Disboursement - Financial Year 2023 Commitment - Financial Year 2024 |
Internal management and control IUCN ISK IUCN | Denna insats syftar till att utvärdera IUCNs interna styrning och kontroll. Den avropade konsulten förväntas identifiera eventuella svagheter i den interna förvaltnings- och kontrollmiljön vid IUCN som måste tas upp före eller under avtalets genomförande. This contribution aims at assessing the internal management and control of IUCN
ECARO. The call-off consultant is expected to identify eventual weaknesses in the internal management and control environment at IUCN that needs to be adressed before or during the agreement phase. | null | sv|en | 0 | Internal management and control IUCN ISK IUCN Denna insats syftar till att utvärdera IUCNs interna styrning och kontroll. Den avropade konsulten förväntas identifiera eventuella svagheter i den interna förvaltnings- och kontrollmiljön vid IUCN som måste tas upp före eller under avtalets genomförande. This contribution aims at assessing the internal management and control of IUCN
ECARO. The call-off consultant is expected to identify eventual weaknesses in the internal management and control environment at IUCN that needs to be adressed before or during the agreement phase. |
Errichten eines Staudamms mit angeschlossenen Anlagen/ Leitungsystemen für Wasserversorgung der Dorfbevölkerung und Grundschulkinder von Kohti- Mbindia und für die Elektrifizeirung von Kohti Construction of a Dam for Improvement of a Water Supply fot Kohti- Mbindia and of a Micro Hydro Electrification for Kohti | Errichten eines Staudamms mit angeschlossenen Anlagen/ Leitungsystemen für Wasserversorgung der Dorfbevölkerung und Grundschulkinder von Kohti- Mbindia und für die Elektrifizeirung von Kohti Construction of a Dam for Improvement of a Water Supply fot Kohti- Mbindia and of a Micro Hydro Electrification for Kohti Errichten eines Staudamms mit angeschlossenen Anlagen/ Leitungsystemen für Wasserversorgung der Dorfbevölkerung und Grundschulkinder von Kohti- Mbindia und für die Elektrifizeirung von Kohti Construction of a Dam for Improvement of a Water Supply fot Kohti- Mbindia and of a Micro Hydro Electrification for Kohti | null | de|en | 0 | Errichten eines Staudamms mit angeschlossenen Anlagen/ Leitungsystemen für Wasserversorgung der Dorfbevölkerung und Grundschulkinder von Kohti- Mbindia und für die Elektrifizeirung von Kohti Construction of a Dam for Improvement of a Water Supply fot Kohti- Mbindia and of a Micro Hydro Electrification for Kohti Errichten eines Staudamms mit angeschlossenen Anlagen/ Leitungsystemen für Wasserversorgung der Dorfbevölkerung und Grundschulkinder von Kohti- Mbindia und für die Elektrifizeirung von Kohti Construction of a Dam for Improvement of a Water Supply fot Kohti- Mbindia and of a Micro Hydro Electrification for Kohti Errichten eines Staudamms mit angeschlossenen Anlagen/ Leitungsystemen für Wasserversorgung der Dorfbevölkerung und Grundschulkinder von Kohti- Mbindia und für die Elektrifizeirung von Kohti Construction of a Dam for Improvement of a Water Supply fot Kohti- Mbindia and of a Micro Hydro Electrification for Kohti |
Increasing community access to information and participation in the development and governance processes in Zimbabwe | Contract related to: Increasing community access to information and participation in the development and governance processes in Zimbabwe - The amount indicated do not include Neighbourhood countries | null | en | 1 | Increasing community access to information and participation in the development and governance processes in Zimbabwe Contract related to: Increasing community access to information and participation in the development and governance processes in Zimbabwe - The amount indicated do not include Neighbourhood countries |
EU Twinning SCB Palestine Support strengthening of official statistics phase 1 EU-Twinning SCB Palestina Support strengthening of official statistics fas 1 | Statistics Sweden, SCB, applies for support for full cost coverage in phase 1B (preparation and presentation of twinning proposals) within the framework of the EU twinning project "Support the strengthening of official statistics in order to better answer the needs of the users and building on exchanges and transfers with/from the EU statistical system", which will take place in Palestine. EU reference: PS 18 ENI ST 01 19 R. In this project, Statistics Sweden will be a junior partner in a consortium with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWI). The partner's beneficiary administration involved in the twinning project is the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics - PCBS. Statistiska centralbyrån, SCB, ansöker om stöd för fas 1B (utarbetande och presentation av twinningförslag) inom ramen för EU-twinningprojektet "Support the strengthening of official statistics in order to better answer the needs of the users and building on exchanges and transfers with/from the EU statistical system", vilket kommer ske i Palestina. EU:s referens: PS 18 ENI ST 01 19 R. I detta projekt blir SCB junior partner i konsortium med det tyska Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWI). Partnerns förmånsförvaltning som är involverat i twinningprojektet är Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics - PCBS. Statistiska centralbyrån, SCB, har ansökt och beviljats stöd för fas 1B (utarbetande och presentation av twinningförslag) inom ramen för EU-twinningprojektet "Support the strengthening of official statistics in order to better answer the needs of the users and building on exchanges and transfers with/from the EU statistical system", vilket kommer ske i Palestina. EU:s referens: PS 18 ENI ST 01 19 R. I detta projekt var SCB junior partner i konsortium med det tyska Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWI). Partnerns förmånsförvaltning som är involverat i twinningprojektet är Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics - PCBS. | null | sv|en | 0 | EU Twinning SCB Palestine Support strengthening of official statistics phase 1 EU-Twinning SCB Palestina Support strengthening of official statistics fas 1 Statistics Sweden, SCB, applies for support for full cost coverage in phase 1B (preparation and presentation of twinning proposals) within the framework of the EU twinning project "Support the strengthening of official statistics in order to better answer the needs of the users and building on exchanges and transfers with/from the EU statistical system", which will take place in Palestine. EU reference: PS 18 ENI ST 01 19 R. In this project, Statistics Sweden will be a junior partner in a consortium with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWI). The partner's beneficiary administration involved in the twinning project is the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics - PCBS. Statistiska centralbyrån, SCB, ansöker om stöd för fas 1B (utarbetande och presentation av twinningförslag) inom ramen för EU-twinningprojektet "Support the strengthening of official statistics in order to better answer the needs of the users and building on exchanges and transfers with/from the EU statistical system", vilket kommer ske i Palestina. EU:s referens: PS 18 ENI ST 01 19 R. I detta projekt blir SCB junior partner i konsortium med det tyska Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWI). Partnerns förmånsförvaltning som är involverat i twinningprojektet är Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics - PCBS. Statistiska centralbyrån, SCB, har ansökt och beviljats stöd för fas 1B (utarbetande och presentation av twinningförslag) inom ramen för EU-twinningprojektet "Support the strengthening of official statistics in order to better answer the needs of the users and building on exchanges and transfers with/from the EU statistical system", vilket kommer ske i Palestina. EU:s referens: PS 18 ENI ST 01 19 R. I detta projekt var SCB junior partner i konsortium med det tyska Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWI). Partnerns förmånsförvaltning som är involverat i twinningprojektet är Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics - PCBS. |
CREA Strategic Plan 2016-2023 - ISK CREA CREA Strategisk Plan 2016-2023 | CREA, is an international feminist women´s human rights organisation based in New Delhi. CREA builds feministic leadership and movements, works for women´s human rights and to expand sexual and reproductive freedom. Creating Resources for Empowerment and Action Inc, CREA är en internationell feministisk kvinnorättsorganisation baserad i New Delhi, Indien. CREA har inkommit med en förfrågan om stöd på 20 miljoner kronor för en period på fyra år (2016-2019). Detta för att stödja deras Strategiska plan 2015-2020. Ett kärnstöd till CREAs aktiviteter möjliggör för organisationen att uppnå dess strategiska prioriteter och mål.
CREAs strategi syftar till att bygga feministiskt ledarskap och rörelser, arbeta för kvinnors mänskliga rättigheter och för att expandera sexuell och reproduktiv frihet. CREAs arbete följer i huvudsak tre strategier: 1) bygga ledarskapskapacitet, kunskap och färdigheter för i huvudsak aktivister från små, rättighetsbaserade organisationer i syd genom att tillhandahålla kapacitetsbyggande kurser, studieresor och utbytesprogram. 2) Stärka feministiskt ledarskap och rörelser genom att bygga kapacitet för kvinnor att ställa upp i val, att utöva sin rösträtt och engageras sig i beslutsprocesser samt stärka deras ledarskap och möjlighet att mobilisera samhället runt frågor som påverkar kvinnor och flickor. 3) Utöka kunskap och skapa en resursbas från ett sydperspektiv, och utöva påverkan för förändring av lagar, policyer genom nätverkande och samarbete med andra.
I relation till den globala/tematiska resultatstrategin bedömer Sida att relevansen i att stödja CREA är tydlig. Enheten INTEM/DEMO har identifierat behovet av att öka stöd till jämställdhet och till sydbaserade organisationer som når gräsrotsnivån. CREAs mervärde ligger i det faktum att organisationen är sydbaserad och arbetar utifrån ett sydperspektiv med nära koppling till gräsrotsnivån. Detta mervärde blir särskilt tydligt när det gäller frågor som är politiskt och kulturellt känsliga som jämställdhet, sexuella rättigheter inklusive HBTI personers rättigheter då dessa ibland uppfattas som introducerade och ålagda utifrån västerländska värderingar. CREA har ett tydligt fattigdomsperspektiv och rättighetsperspektivet genomsyrar deras arbete.
CREAs totala budget för strategiperioden 2015-2020 är ca 229,190,000 SEK. För närvarande har CREA ca 108,617,000 SEK i säkrade medel med Sidas stöd inräknat. Strategic Objectives
Strategic Objective 1: Feminist leadership and movements are strong, intersectional, inclusive, and amplify the voices of structurally excluded people.
Strategic Objective 2: Sexual and reproductive health and rights are advanced so that all people exercise bodily autonomy, consent and control over their choices and decisions.
Strategic Objective 3: Responses to gender-based violence expand and promote well-being, security and rights.
Strategic Objective 4: Feminist, human rights and allied movements defend and expand civic space and foster collective resilience.
Strategic Objective 5: CREA manifests its values to be an intersectional, inclusive, accessible, diverse, innovative, collaborative and multigenerational feminist organisation that strives to operate at high levels of excellence, effectiveness and accountability. | null | sv|en | 1 | CREA Strategic Plan 2016-2023 - ISK CREA CREA Strategisk Plan 2016-2023 CREA, is an international feminist women´s human rights organisation based in New Delhi. CREA builds feministic leadership and movements, works for women´s human rights and to expand sexual and reproductive freedom. Creating Resources for Empowerment and Action Inc, CREA är en internationell feministisk kvinnorättsorganisation baserad i New Delhi, Indien. CREA har inkommit med en förfrågan om stöd på 20 miljoner kronor för en period på fyra år (2016-2019). Detta för att stödja deras Strategiska plan 2015-2020. Ett kärnstöd till CREAs aktiviteter möjliggör för organisationen att uppnå dess strategiska prioriteter och mål.
CREAs strategi syftar till att bygga feministiskt ledarskap och rörelser, arbeta för kvinnors mänskliga rättigheter och för att expandera sexuell och reproduktiv frihet. CREAs arbete följer i huvudsak tre strategier: 1) bygga ledarskapskapacitet, kunskap och färdigheter för i huvudsak aktivister från små, rättighetsbaserade organisationer i syd genom att tillhandahålla kapacitetsbyggande kurser, studieresor och utbytesprogram. 2) Stärka feministiskt ledarskap och rörelser genom att bygga kapacitet för kvinnor att ställa upp i val, att utöva sin rösträtt och engageras sig i beslutsprocesser samt stärka deras ledarskap och möjlighet att mobilisera samhället runt frågor som påverkar kvinnor och flickor. 3) Utöka kunskap och skapa en resursbas från ett sydperspektiv, och utöva påverkan för förändring av lagar, policyer genom nätverkande och samarbete med andra.
I relation till den globala/tematiska resultatstrategin bedömer Sida att relevansen i att stödja CREA är tydlig. Enheten INTEM/DEMO har identifierat behovet av att öka stöd till jämställdhet och till sydbaserade organisationer som når gräsrotsnivån. CREAs mervärde ligger i det faktum att organisationen är sydbaserad och arbetar utifrån ett sydperspektiv med nära koppling till gräsrotsnivån. Detta mervärde blir särskilt tydligt när det gäller frågor som är politiskt och kulturellt känsliga som jämställdhet, sexuella rättigheter inklusive HBTI personers rättigheter då dessa ibland uppfattas som introducerade och ålagda utifrån västerländska värderingar. CREA har ett tydligt fattigdomsperspektiv och rättighetsperspektivet genomsyrar deras arbete.
CREAs totala budget för strategiperioden 2015-2020 är ca 229,190,000 SEK. För närvarande har CREA ca 108,617,000 SEK i säkrade medel med Sidas stöd inräknat. Strategic Objectives
Strategic Objective 1: Feminist leadership and movements are strong, intersectional, inclusive, and amplify the voices of structurally excluded people.
Strategic Objective 2: Sexual and reproductive health and rights are advanced so that all people exercise bodily autonomy, consent and control over their choices and decisions.
Strategic Objective 3: Responses to gender-based violence expand and promote well-being, security and rights.
Strategic Objective 4: Feminist, human rights and allied movements defend and expand civic space and foster collective resilience.
Strategic Objective 5: CREA manifests its values to be an intersectional, inclusive, accessible, diverse, innovative, collaborative and multigenerational feminist organisation that strives to operate at high levels of excellence, effectiveness and accountability. |
Food Grain Stocking policy for India | This activity Food Grain Stocking policy for India is a component of Policy Support Fund reported by FCDO with a funding type of 111 - Not for profit organisation and a budget of £38,000. It works in the following sector(s): Public sector policy and administrative management, Food assistance. | Aid to international organisations This is an outgoing commitment to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) of £19000.00. Aid to international organisations | en | 0 | Food Grain Stocking policy for India This activity Food Grain Stocking policy for India is a component of Policy Support Fund reported by FCDO with a funding type of 111 - Not for profit organisation and a budget of £38,000. It works in the following sector(s): Public sector policy and administrative management, Food assistance. Aid to international organisations This is an outgoing commitment to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) of £19000.00. Aid to international organisations |
EU programme in support of Primary Health care access and immunisation for vulnerable population in Lebanon | The Overall Objective (Impact) of this action is to contribute to ensuring healthy lives and promote the physical and mental well-being of extreme poor and socially-vulnerable groups in Lebanon.The Specific(s) Objective(s) (Outcomes) of this action are to 1. Improved equitable access to quality primary health care 2. Strengthened access to immunisation | null | en | 2 | EU programme in support of Primary Health care access and immunisation for vulnerable population in Lebanon The Overall Objective (Impact) of this action is to contribute to ensuring healthy lives and promote the physical and mental well-being of extreme poor and socially-vulnerable groups in Lebanon.The Specific(s) Objective(s) (Outcomes) of this action are to 1. Improved equitable access to quality primary health care 2. Strengthened access to immunisation |
Support to the Global Nutrition Report | <p>The contract contributes to the following overall objective: to enhance maternal and child nutrition in line with the commitments and strategic priorities of the European Commission and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 2.2: to end all forms of malnutrition by 2030. The specific objective of the contract is to strengthen governance and accountability mechanisms at global, regional, national and sub-national levels through the annual elaboration of the GNR</p> | null | en | 2 | Support to the Global Nutrition Report <p>The contract contributes to the following overall objective: to enhance maternal and child nutrition in line with the commitments and strategic priorities of the European Commission and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 2.2: to end all forms of malnutrition by 2030. The specific objective of the contract is to strengthen governance and accountability mechanisms at global, regional, national and sub-national levels through the annual elaboration of the GNR</p> |
Support to Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania | In phasing out health sector support, the prioritised engagements have a strong focus on system strengthening for increased sustainability and providing health services to the most vulnerable and services within sexual and reproductive health and rights as well as people living with disabilities. The support will go to two civil society organisations and the Health Basket Fund, which is implemented through the government. | null | en | 2 | Support to Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania In phasing out health sector support, the prioritised engagements have a strong focus on system strengthening for increased sustainability and providing health services to the most vulnerable and services within sexual and reproductive health and rights as well as people living with disabilities. The support will go to two civil society organisations and the Health Basket Fund, which is implemented through the government. |
UN Womens Strategiska Plan, UNW UN Women Strategic Note, UNW - UN Women Strategic Note, UNW old strategy | Support to UN Women Strategic Note in Bosnia and Hercegovina 2019-2022
The proposed UN Women programme concept note requests support for support to UN Women Strategic Note Implementation in Bosnia and Hercegovina during 2019-2022. The proposed programme five main impact areas as follows: i) Governance structures and sector priorities reflect gender equality, ii) Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy, iii) Women and girls live a life free of violence, iv) Peace and Security and humanitarian action shaped by women and v) To enhance UN System and become more effective and coordinated (strategic partnerships). Stöd till UN Women Strategiska Plan för Bosnien-Hercegovina 2019-2022
Det föreslagna UN Women programmet och dess "concept note" (konceptpapper) begär stöd till UN Women Strategiska Plan för implementering i Bosnia och Hercegovina under perioden 2019-2022. Det föreslagna programmet innehåller fem huvudsakliga resultatområden vilka är följande: i) Styrande strukturer/regelverk samt sektorprioriteringar som reflekterar jämställdhet mellan könen, ii) Kvinnor har inkomstsäkerhet, goda arbetsförhållanden och ekonomisk autonomi, iii) Kvinnor och flickor kan leva ett liv utan våld av olika former, iv) Fred och säkerhet och humanitära överväganden skapade av och för kvinnor samt v) Att förbättra UN Systemet i syfte att bli mer effektivt och koordinerat (strategiska samarbeten). The overall goal of the intervention is to contribute to the implementation of UN Women Bosnia and Hercegovina Strategic Note during the period 2019-2023 (the agreement has been extended one year), which encompassess two strategic cycles; Strategic Note 2015-2020 and the Strategic Note 2021-2025.
The Strategic Note 2015-2020 included five so called impact areas:
Impact 1: Governance structures and sector priorities reflect gender equality concerns and committments.
Impact 2: Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy.
Impact 3: Women and girls live a life free of violence.
Impact 4: Peace and security and humanitarian action are shaped by women leadership and participation.
Impact 5: To drive more effective and efficient UN System coordination and strategic partnership on gender equality and women's empowerment.
In the strategic note 2021-2025, there are three overarching thematic areas with impacts and connected outcomes:
1. Women's economic empowerment
Impact: Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy
Outcome: By 2025, people benefit from resilient, inclusive and sustainable growth ensured by the convergence of economic development and management of environment and cultural resources
Output objectives are:
- Governments have improved capacities to promote employment policies that enhance womne's access to decent work and promote income security
- Women owned businesses and women entrepreneurs have strengthened capacities and resilience
- Women and girls benefit from employment opportunities and education/exchange programs in tech-driven industries
2. Ending violence against women
Impact: All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence
Outcome: People have access to better quality and inclusive health and social protection systems
Output objectives are:
- Legislators and institutions have capacities to incorporate the highest level of international standards on EVAW in legislation, policies and budgets
- Women, girls, men and boys at community and individual level are able to mobilze actors, resources and capacities to create an environment for zero tolerance to violence.
- General and specialist service providers have improved capacities to deliver quality, accessible and survivor-centered services.
3. Gender responsive governance
Impact: Women lead, participate in and benefit equally from governance systems
Outcome: By 2025, people contribute to, and benefit from more accountable and transparent governance systems that deliver quality public services, and ensure rule of law.
Output objectives are:
- Relevant institutions in BiH have increased capacities which ensures that gender responsive policy making, budgeting and integration of EU gender equality and women's empowerment commitments are implemented across sectors
- Selected government and political institutions in BiH have increased capacities to ensure the necessary regulatory and procedural preconditions for increased political participation of women
- Government institutions and selected CSOs have increased capacities to implement BiH GAP, AP on implementation of UNSCR 1325 and CEDAW Concluding recommendations.
- Government and CSOs strengthen multi-stakeholder dialogues
The impact/outcome areas are the same as in UN Women global strategic note as well as the UNSDCF for BiH. Women, peace and security is mainstreamed throughout the programme, where women participation and inclusion in decision making processes is targeted under all areas, notably under gender responsive governance.
Apart from the three programmatic areas and the cruss-cutting areas, the strategic note also includes objectives for organisational effectiveness and efficiency, including UN Women's coordination role within the UN, engagement of partners, communication, internal learning, and internal management and control. Output objectives are:
- UN Women effectively leads, coordinates, and promotes accountability for the imlementation of gender euality commitments in United Nations Country Team in BiH.
- Effective partnership between UN Women and civil society, and with regional international organizations and gender mechanisms in the country
- Effective communication in support to promotion of gender equality and women's rights in the country. | null | sv|en | 1 | UN Womens Strategiska Plan, UNW UN Women Strategic Note, UNW - UN Women Strategic Note, UNW old strategy Support to UN Women Strategic Note in Bosnia and Hercegovina 2019-2022
The proposed UN Women programme concept note requests support for support to UN Women Strategic Note Implementation in Bosnia and Hercegovina during 2019-2022. The proposed programme five main impact areas as follows: i) Governance structures and sector priorities reflect gender equality, ii) Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy, iii) Women and girls live a life free of violence, iv) Peace and Security and humanitarian action shaped by women and v) To enhance UN System and become more effective and coordinated (strategic partnerships). Stöd till UN Women Strategiska Plan för Bosnien-Hercegovina 2019-2022
Det föreslagna UN Women programmet och dess "concept note" (konceptpapper) begär stöd till UN Women Strategiska Plan för implementering i Bosnia och Hercegovina under perioden 2019-2022. Det föreslagna programmet innehåller fem huvudsakliga resultatområden vilka är följande: i) Styrande strukturer/regelverk samt sektorprioriteringar som reflekterar jämställdhet mellan könen, ii) Kvinnor har inkomstsäkerhet, goda arbetsförhållanden och ekonomisk autonomi, iii) Kvinnor och flickor kan leva ett liv utan våld av olika former, iv) Fred och säkerhet och humanitära överväganden skapade av och för kvinnor samt v) Att förbättra UN Systemet i syfte att bli mer effektivt och koordinerat (strategiska samarbeten). The overall goal of the intervention is to contribute to the implementation of UN Women Bosnia and Hercegovina Strategic Note during the period 2019-2023 (the agreement has been extended one year), which encompassess two strategic cycles; Strategic Note 2015-2020 and the Strategic Note 2021-2025.
The Strategic Note 2015-2020 included five so called impact areas:
Impact 1: Governance structures and sector priorities reflect gender equality concerns and committments.
Impact 2: Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy.
Impact 3: Women and girls live a life free of violence.
Impact 4: Peace and security and humanitarian action are shaped by women leadership and participation.
Impact 5: To drive more effective and efficient UN System coordination and strategic partnership on gender equality and women's empowerment.
In the strategic note 2021-2025, there are three overarching thematic areas with impacts and connected outcomes:
1. Women's economic empowerment
Impact: Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy
Outcome: By 2025, people benefit from resilient, inclusive and sustainable growth ensured by the convergence of economic development and management of environment and cultural resources
Output objectives are:
- Governments have improved capacities to promote employment policies that enhance womne's access to decent work and promote income security
- Women owned businesses and women entrepreneurs have strengthened capacities and resilience
- Women and girls benefit from employment opportunities and education/exchange programs in tech-driven industries
2. Ending violence against women
Impact: All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence
Outcome: People have access to better quality and inclusive health and social protection systems
Output objectives are:
- Legislators and institutions have capacities to incorporate the highest level of international standards on EVAW in legislation, policies and budgets
- Women, girls, men and boys at community and individual level are able to mobilze actors, resources and capacities to create an environment for zero tolerance to violence.
- General and specialist service providers have improved capacities to deliver quality, accessible and survivor-centered services.
3. Gender responsive governance
Impact: Women lead, participate in and benefit equally from governance systems
Outcome: By 2025, people contribute to, and benefit from more accountable and transparent governance systems that deliver quality public services, and ensure rule of law.
Output objectives are:
- Relevant institutions in BiH have increased capacities which ensures that gender responsive policy making, budgeting and integration of EU gender equality and women's empowerment commitments are implemented across sectors
- Selected government and political institutions in BiH have increased capacities to ensure the necessary regulatory and procedural preconditions for increased political participation of women
- Government institutions and selected CSOs have increased capacities to implement BiH GAP, AP on implementation of UNSCR 1325 and CEDAW Concluding recommendations.
- Government and CSOs strengthen multi-stakeholder dialogues
The impact/outcome areas are the same as in UN Women global strategic note as well as the UNSDCF for BiH. Women, peace and security is mainstreamed throughout the programme, where women participation and inclusion in decision making processes is targeted under all areas, notably under gender responsive governance.
Apart from the three programmatic areas and the cruss-cutting areas, the strategic note also includes objectives for organisational effectiveness and efficiency, including UN Women's coordination role within the UN, engagement of partners, communication, internal learning, and internal management and control. Output objectives are:
- UN Women effectively leads, coordinates, and promotes accountability for the imlementation of gender euality commitments in United Nations Country Team in BiH.
- Effective partnership between UN Women and civil society, and with regional international organizations and gender mechanisms in the country
- Effective communication in support to promotion of gender equality and women's rights in the country. |
Harnessing CSO Capacities for ECL Action thru Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and Agri-entrepreneurship | Contract related to: Harnessing CSO Capacities for ECL Action thru Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and Agri-entrepreneurship - Human rights and democracy are founding values of the EU. Protecting and promoting HR&D is therefore a key priority of the EU¿s external action. It is also a precondition for sustainable development and for building more inclusive, open and resilient societies.Yet, recent data show that globally, most countries are far from having acceptable human rights and democracy track records. In this context, worsened by the COVID crisis, the EU re-affirmed its commitment to support human rights and democracy worldwide by adopting the `Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024¿. The Action Plan identifies priorities and key actions, to ensure that the EU plays a greater role in promoting and defending human rights and democracy throughout its external action. The Regulation (EU) 2021/947 (Global Europe) establishes the legal basis for the human rights and democracy actions. Particularly, its annex III details the areas of intervention for human rights and democracy.The overall objective of the present action is to contribute to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law worldwide. The action will achieve this objective by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy issues in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. Consequently, it will contribute to the 5 priorities of the Multiannual Indicative programme 2021-2027 as well as the specific priorities set out for the additional funding coming from the cushion.This action will mainly be implemented by EU Delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iii) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The actions financed at country level will be in line with: (i) the EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies or priorities under the EU accession process. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focusing on promoting gender equality. | null | en | 1 | Harnessing CSO Capacities for ECL Action thru Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and Agri-entrepreneurship Contract related to: Harnessing CSO Capacities for ECL Action thru Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and Agri-entrepreneurship - Human rights and democracy are founding values of the EU. Protecting and promoting HR&D is therefore a key priority of the EU¿s external action. It is also a precondition for sustainable development and for building more inclusive, open and resilient societies.Yet, recent data show that globally, most countries are far from having acceptable human rights and democracy track records. In this context, worsened by the COVID crisis, the EU re-affirmed its commitment to support human rights and democracy worldwide by adopting the `Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024¿. The Action Plan identifies priorities and key actions, to ensure that the EU plays a greater role in promoting and defending human rights and democracy throughout its external action. The Regulation (EU) 2021/947 (Global Europe) establishes the legal basis for the human rights and democracy actions. Particularly, its annex III details the areas of intervention for human rights and democracy.The overall objective of the present action is to contribute to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law worldwide. The action will achieve this objective by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy issues in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. Consequently, it will contribute to the 5 priorities of the Multiannual Indicative programme 2021-2027 as well as the specific priorities set out for the additional funding coming from the cushion.This action will mainly be implemented by EU Delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iii) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The actions financed at country level will be in line with: (i) the EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies or priorities under the EU accession process. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focusing on promoting gender equality. |
Stars of Change (Nugum El Taghyiir) - Promoting and Protecting Women's Rights | <p>The Overall Objective of the action is ''To empower women victims of trafficking, youth and feminists in order to promote women¿s rights''.</p><p><br></p><p>The Specific Objective of this action is "To empower women victims of trafficking and their families to reclaim their violated rights and improve their psychological, medical, economical, legal and social status in El Azizia and Tamoh communities in Giza".</p> | null | en | 1 | Stars of Change (Nugum El Taghyiir) - Promoting and Protecting Women's Rights <p>The Overall Objective of the action is ''To empower women victims of trafficking, youth and feminists in order to promote women¿s rights''.</p><p><br></p><p>The Specific Objective of this action is "To empower women victims of trafficking and their families to reclaim their violated rights and improve their psychological, medical, economical, legal and social status in El Azizia and Tamoh communities in Giza".</p> |
UNHCR Somalia CAP 2009 UNHCR Somalia CAP 2009 | Sida supports UNHCR in Somalia regarding protection of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and other vulnerable groups. Sida stödjer UNHCR i Somalia gällande säkerhet för internflyktingar och andra utsatta grupper. | null | sv|en | 0 | UNHCR Somalia CAP 2009 UNHCR Somalia CAP 2009 Sida supports UNHCR in Somalia regarding protection of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and other vulnerable groups. Sida stödjer UNHCR i Somalia gällande säkerhet för internflyktingar och andra utsatta grupper. |
Africa Groups Frame Alloc Info 2013-15 Afrikagrupperna Ramanslag Info 2013-15 | Africa Groups of Sweden Information contribution for the period 2013-2015. AGS is a solidarity organisation active since three decades. Apart from its development support to actors in Southern Africa, the organisation is informing its members and the Swedish public on issues related to the Southern African context. Afrikagruppernas Informationsanslag för 2013-2015. Ramorganisationen Afrikagrupperna är en solidaritetsrörelse som bedrivit biståndsverksamhet i tre decennier. Organisationen arbetar också med informations- och kommunikationsfrågor i Sverige. Bland annat driver man kampanjer kopplade till rättighetsarbete i Södra Afrika | null | sv|en | 0 | Africa Groups Frame Alloc Info 2013-15 Afrikagrupperna Ramanslag Info 2013-15 Africa Groups of Sweden Information contribution for the period 2013-2015. AGS is a solidarity organisation active since three decades. Apart from its development support to actors in Southern Africa, the organisation is informing its members and the Swedish public on issues related to the Southern African context. Afrikagruppernas Informationsanslag för 2013-2015. Ramorganisationen Afrikagrupperna är en solidaritetsrörelse som bedrivit biståndsverksamhet i tre decennier. Organisationen arbetar också med informations- och kommunikationsfrågor i Sverige. Bland annat driver man kampanjer kopplade till rättighetsarbete i Södra Afrika |
Activity under preparation Enhancing Water Resource Management + (WAMA +) | Activity still under preparation: Enhancing Water Resource Management + (WAMA +)-<p>System strengthening in the field of water</p> | null | en | 1 | Activity under preparation Enhancing Water Resource Management + (WAMA +) Activity still under preparation: Enhancing Water Resource Management + (WAMA +)-<p>System strengthening in the field of water</p> |
Expanding civic space for family farmers” in Oeganda - TRIAS Supporter l'espace civique pour les agriculteurs familiaux à Oeganda - Trias | Trias is een erkende Belgische NGO met hoofdzetel in Brussel en heeft meer dan 50 jaar ervaring in de ondersteuning van boeren en ondernemers wereldwijd. Via het project “Expanding civic space for inclusive development for family famers in Uganda” draagt Trias bij tot het versterken van de beheerscapaciteit van de 20 organisaties die lid zijn van het “Uganda National Farmers Federation” (UNFFE) en hun toegang tot de overheidsdiensten door middel van lobby- en belangenbehartigingswerk. Via het project “Expanding civic space for inclusive development for family famers in Uganda” draagt Trias bij tot het versterken van de beheerscapaciteit van de 20 organisaties die lid zijn van het “Uganda National Farmers Federation” (UNFFE) en hun toegang tot de overheidsdiensten door middel van lobby- en belangenbehartigingswerk. Het project bevordert een inclusieve en duurzame betrokkenheid van het maatschappelijk middenveld met een focus op de participatie van vrouwen, jongeren en gemarginaliseerde groepen. 1. Sensibilisering van de symbotische relatie tussen kwaliteit maatschappelijk middenveld en inclusieve ontwikkeling.
2. Organisatorische versterking en institutionele ontwikkeling van de 20 organisties binnen UNFFE.
3. Toegang tot overheidsdiensten verzekeren door lobby- en belangenbehartigingswerk. | Commitment disbursement disbursement | fr|en | 1 | Expanding civic space for family farmers” in Oeganda - TRIAS Supporter l'espace civique pour les agriculteurs familiaux à Oeganda - Trias Trias is een erkende Belgische NGO met hoofdzetel in Brussel en heeft meer dan 50 jaar ervaring in de ondersteuning van boeren en ondernemers wereldwijd. Via het project “Expanding civic space for inclusive development for family famers in Uganda” draagt Trias bij tot het versterken van de beheerscapaciteit van de 20 organisaties die lid zijn van het “Uganda National Farmers Federation” (UNFFE) en hun toegang tot de overheidsdiensten door middel van lobby- en belangenbehartigingswerk. Via het project “Expanding civic space for inclusive development for family famers in Uganda” draagt Trias bij tot het versterken van de beheerscapaciteit van de 20 organisaties die lid zijn van het “Uganda National Farmers Federation” (UNFFE) en hun toegang tot de overheidsdiensten door middel van lobby- en belangenbehartigingswerk. Het project bevordert een inclusieve en duurzame betrokkenheid van het maatschappelijk middenveld met een focus op de participatie van vrouwen, jongeren en gemarginaliseerde groepen. 1. Sensibilisering van de symbotische relatie tussen kwaliteit maatschappelijk middenveld en inclusieve ontwikkeling.
2. Organisatorische versterking en institutionele ontwikkeling van de 20 organisties binnen UNFFE.
3. Toegang tot overheidsdiensten verzekeren door lobby- en belangenbehartigingswerk. Commitment disbursement disbursement |
Contribution to the Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) Fourth Development Plan (DP4) Multi Donor Trust Fund | <p>This contract covers the EU contribution to the 4<sup>th</sup> Development Plan (DP4) Multi Donor Trust Fund of the Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP), co-financed by the African Development Bank, the Agence Française de Développement and the Swiss cooperation agency SECO, and implemented by the World Bank. The development objectives of the SSATP DP4 is to prepare knowledge products and undertake capacity building activities to contribute to a more efficient and cleaner / decarbonised transport sector in Africa by focusing on four priority thematic areas: regional connectivity and economic integration, sustainable urban mobility and accessibility, road safety and resilient road asset management.</p> | null | en | 1 | Contribution to the Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) Fourth Development Plan (DP4) Multi Donor Trust Fund <p>This contract covers the EU contribution to the 4<sup>th</sup> Development Plan (DP4) Multi Donor Trust Fund of the Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP), co-financed by the African Development Bank, the Agence Française de Développement and the Swiss cooperation agency SECO, and implemented by the World Bank. The development objectives of the SSATP DP4 is to prepare knowledge products and undertake capacity building activities to contribute to a more efficient and cleaner / decarbonised transport sector in Africa by focusing on four priority thematic areas: regional connectivity and economic integration, sustainable urban mobility and accessibility, road safety and resilient road asset management.</p> |
INLAB – Economic Empowerment and Integration of Persons with Disabilities to the Job Market INLAB – Empowerment economico e inclusione lavorativa delle persone con disabilità | The programme targets persons with disabilities, as one of the most exposed and vulnerable group to the economic and social consequences of the economic reforms and of the measures taken by the government to contain the spread of the ongoing pandemic COVID-19. <br>The initiative aims to support the authorities in improving the living conditions of persons with disabilities by promoting their economic empowerment and access to work, as essential determinant of social inclusion. The initiative, includes three levels of interventions: (a) technical assistance and capacity building to the institutions for the development and implementation of inclusive public policies, especially in the job market sector; (b) economic support to persons with disabilities – especially youth and women – to boost entrepreneurship, professional trainings and support to access to work; (c) empowerment of civil society organizations and organizations of persons with disabilities toward the direction of a national federation<br> Il programma si rivolge alle persone con disabilità, in quanto uno dei gruppi più esposti e vulnerabili alle conseguenze economiche e sociali delle riforme economiche e delle misure adottate dal governo per contenere la diffusione della pandemia COVID-19 in corso. L'iniziativa mira a sostenere le autorità nel miglioramento delle condizioni di vita delle persone con disabilità, promuovendo il loro empowerment economico e l'accesso al lavoro, come fattore essenziale per l'inclusione sociale. L'iniziativa, prevede tre livelli di intervento: (a) assistenza tecnica e sviluppo di capacità alle istituzioni per lo sviluppo e l'attuazione di politiche pubbliche inclusive, soprattutto nel settore del mercato del lavoro; (b) sostegno economico alle persone con disabilità - soprattutto giovani e donne - per promuovere l'imprenditorialità, la formazione professionale e il sostegno all'accesso al lavoro; (c) empowerment delle organizzazioni della società civile e delle organizzazioni di persone con disabilità verso la direzione di una federazione nazionale Il programma si rivolge alle persone con disabilità, in quanto uno dei gruppi più esposti e vulnerabili alle conseguenze economiche e sociali delle riforme economiche e delle misure adottate dal governo per contenere la diffusione della pandemia COVID-19 in corso. L'iniziativa mira a sostenere le autorità nel miglioramento delle condizioni di vita delle persone con disabilità, promuovendo il loro empowerment economico e l'accesso al lavoro, come fattore essenziale per l'inclusione sociale. L'iniziativa, prevede tre livelli di intervento: (a) assistenza tecnica e sviluppo di capacità alle istituzioni per lo sviluppo e l'attuazione di politiche pubbliche inclusive, soprattutto nel settore del mercato del lavoro; (b) sostegno economico alle persone con disabilità - soprattutto giovani e donne - per promuovere l'imprenditorialità, la formazione professionale e il sostegno all'accesso al lavoro; (c) empowerment delle organizzazioni della società civile e delle organizzazioni di persone con disabilità verso la direzione di una federazione nazionale Il programma si rivolge alle persone con disabilità, in quanto uno dei gruppi più esposti e vulnerabili alle conseguenze economiche e sociali delle riforme economiche e delle misure adottate dal governo per contenere la diffusione della pandemia COVID-19 in corso. L'iniziativa mira a sostenere le autorità nel miglioramento delle condizioni di vita delle persone con disabilità, promuovendo il loro empowerment economico e l'accesso al lavoro, come fattore essenziale per l'inclusione sociale. L'iniziativa, prevede tre livelli di intervento: (a) assistenza tecnica e sviluppo di capacità alle istituzioni per lo sviluppo e l'attuazione di politiche pubbliche inclusive, soprattutto nel settore del mercato del lavoro; (b) sostegno economico alle persone con disabilità - soprattutto giovani e donne - per promuovere l'imprenditorialità, la formazione professionale e il sostegno all'accesso al lavoro; (c) empowerment delle organizzazioni della società civile e delle organizzazioni di persone con disabilità verso la direzione di una federazione nazionale | Commitment - Financial Year 2020 Disboursement - Financial Year 2021 Disboursement - Financial Year 2023 Disboursement - Financial Year 2024 | it|en | 2 | INLAB – Economic Empowerment and Integration of Persons with Disabilities to the Job Market INLAB – Empowerment economico e inclusione lavorativa delle persone con disabilità The programme targets persons with disabilities, as one of the most exposed and vulnerable group to the economic and social consequences of the economic reforms and of the measures taken by the government to contain the spread of the ongoing pandemic COVID-19. <br>The initiative aims to support the authorities in improving the living conditions of persons with disabilities by promoting their economic empowerment and access to work, as essential determinant of social inclusion. The initiative, includes three levels of interventions: (a) technical assistance and capacity building to the institutions for the development and implementation of inclusive public policies, especially in the job market sector; (b) economic support to persons with disabilities – especially youth and women – to boost entrepreneurship, professional trainings and support to access to work; (c) empowerment of civil society organizations and organizations of persons with disabilities toward the direction of a national federation<br> Il programma si rivolge alle persone con disabilità, in quanto uno dei gruppi più esposti e vulnerabili alle conseguenze economiche e sociali delle riforme economiche e delle misure adottate dal governo per contenere la diffusione della pandemia COVID-19 in corso. L'iniziativa mira a sostenere le autorità nel miglioramento delle condizioni di vita delle persone con disabilità, promuovendo il loro empowerment economico e l'accesso al lavoro, come fattore essenziale per l'inclusione sociale. L'iniziativa, prevede tre livelli di intervento: (a) assistenza tecnica e sviluppo di capacità alle istituzioni per lo sviluppo e l'attuazione di politiche pubbliche inclusive, soprattutto nel settore del mercato del lavoro; (b) sostegno economico alle persone con disabilità - soprattutto giovani e donne - per promuovere l'imprenditorialità, la formazione professionale e il sostegno all'accesso al lavoro; (c) empowerment delle organizzazioni della società civile e delle organizzazioni di persone con disabilità verso la direzione di una federazione nazionale Il programma si rivolge alle persone con disabilità, in quanto uno dei gruppi più esposti e vulnerabili alle conseguenze economiche e sociali delle riforme economiche e delle misure adottate dal governo per contenere la diffusione della pandemia COVID-19 in corso. L'iniziativa mira a sostenere le autorità nel miglioramento delle condizioni di vita delle persone con disabilità, promuovendo il loro empowerment economico e l'accesso al lavoro, come fattore essenziale per l'inclusione sociale. L'iniziativa, prevede tre livelli di intervento: (a) assistenza tecnica e sviluppo di capacità alle istituzioni per lo sviluppo e l'attuazione di politiche pubbliche inclusive, soprattutto nel settore del mercato del lavoro; (b) sostegno economico alle persone con disabilità - soprattutto giovani e donne - per promuovere l'imprenditorialità, la formazione professionale e il sostegno all'accesso al lavoro; (c) empowerment delle organizzazioni della società civile e delle organizzazioni di persone con disabilità verso la direzione di una federazione nazionale Il programma si rivolge alle persone con disabilità, in quanto uno dei gruppi più esposti e vulnerabili alle conseguenze economiche e sociali delle riforme economiche e delle misure adottate dal governo per contenere la diffusione della pandemia COVID-19 in corso. L'iniziativa mira a sostenere le autorità nel miglioramento delle condizioni di vita delle persone con disabilità, promuovendo il loro empowerment economico e l'accesso al lavoro, come fattore essenziale per l'inclusione sociale. L'iniziativa, prevede tre livelli di intervento: (a) assistenza tecnica e sviluppo di capacità alle istituzioni per lo sviluppo e l'attuazione di politiche pubbliche inclusive, soprattutto nel settore del mercato del lavoro; (b) sostegno economico alle persone con disabilità - soprattutto giovani e donne - per promuovere l'imprenditorialità, la formazione professionale e il sostegno all'accesso al lavoro; (c) empowerment delle organizzazioni della società civile e delle organizzazioni di persone con disabilità verso la direzione di una federazione nazionale Commitment - Financial Year 2020 Disboursement - Financial Year 2021 Disboursement - Financial Year 2023 Disboursement - Financial Year 2024 |
Aufbau eines nationalen Notfallsystems (BM) Emergency Care System (Accompanying Measures) | Das Vorhaben beabsichtigt die Stärkung der Notfallversorgung und enthält zwei Komponenten: Verbesserung der Ausstattung der für die medizinische Notfallversorgung zuständigen Gesundheitseinrichtungen aller Referenzebenen in der Hauptstadt Bischkek und Osch-Oblast sowie begleitende Ausbildungs- und Beratungsmaßnahmen in den Bereichen Rationalisierung und Optimierung der Notfallversorgung, Nutzung und Instandhaltung der gelieferten Geräte und Reduzierung des Risikoverhaltens der Bevölkerung u. a. im Straßenverkehr. Das Programmziel des Vorhabens besteht in der Verbesserung der Qualität der Notfallversorgung und in der Erhöhung des Zugangs der Bevölkerung zu den Notfalldiensten. Die Zielgruppe umfasst wegen der Gefahr der Unfälle grundsätzlich die ganze Bevölkerung Kirgisistans. Den größeren Nutzen wird aber die in den Programmregionen lebende Bevölkerung von rd. 2 Mio. Menschen (40 % der Gesamtbevölkerung) aus dem Vorhaben ziehen. Emergency Care System (Accompanying Measures) Ziel der FZ-Maßnahme ist die Verbesserung der Qualität der Notfallversorgung sowie die Erhöhung des Zugangs der Bevölkerung zu den Notfalldiensten. Emergency Care System (Accompanying Measures) | null | de|en | 0 | Aufbau eines nationalen Notfallsystems (BM) Emergency Care System (Accompanying Measures) Das Vorhaben beabsichtigt die Stärkung der Notfallversorgung und enthält zwei Komponenten: Verbesserung der Ausstattung der für die medizinische Notfallversorgung zuständigen Gesundheitseinrichtungen aller Referenzebenen in der Hauptstadt Bischkek und Osch-Oblast sowie begleitende Ausbildungs- und Beratungsmaßnahmen in den Bereichen Rationalisierung und Optimierung der Notfallversorgung, Nutzung und Instandhaltung der gelieferten Geräte und Reduzierung des Risikoverhaltens der Bevölkerung u. a. im Straßenverkehr. Das Programmziel des Vorhabens besteht in der Verbesserung der Qualität der Notfallversorgung und in der Erhöhung des Zugangs der Bevölkerung zu den Notfalldiensten. Die Zielgruppe umfasst wegen der Gefahr der Unfälle grundsätzlich die ganze Bevölkerung Kirgisistans. Den größeren Nutzen wird aber die in den Programmregionen lebende Bevölkerung von rd. 2 Mio. Menschen (40 % der Gesamtbevölkerung) aus dem Vorhaben ziehen. Emergency Care System (Accompanying Measures) Ziel der FZ-Maßnahme ist die Verbesserung der Qualität der Notfallversorgung sowie die Erhöhung des Zugangs der Bevölkerung zu den Notfalldiensten. Emergency Care System (Accompanying Measures) |
MALTESER -Contribuer ¿ l'am¿lioration de la sant¿ et le bien-¿tre de la population, y compris les personnes d¿plac¿es internes, de la R¿publique d¿mocratique du Congo (RDC), dans 13 zones de sant¿ de 3 provinces (Ituri, Haut-U¿l¿ et Kasa¿-Central) | Contract related to: MALTESER -Contribuer ¿ l'am¿lioration de la sant¿ et le bien-¿tre de la population, y compris les personnes d¿plac¿es internes, de la R¿publique d¿mocratique du Congo (RDC), dans 13 zones de sant¿ de 3 provinces (Ituri, Haut-U¿l¿ et Kasa¿-Central) - Unis pour la santé, phase 3 | null | en | 1 | MALTESER -Contribuer ¿ l'am¿lioration de la sant¿ et le bien-¿tre de la population, y compris les personnes d¿plac¿es internes, de la R¿publique d¿mocratique du Congo (RDC), dans 13 zones de sant¿ de 3 provinces (Ituri, Haut-U¿l¿ et Kasa¿-Central) Contract related to: MALTESER -Contribuer ¿ l'am¿lioration de la sant¿ et le bien-¿tre de la population, y compris les personnes d¿plac¿es internes, de la R¿publique d¿mocratique du Congo (RDC), dans 13 zones de sant¿ de 3 provinces (Ituri, Haut-U¿l¿ et Kasa¿-Central) - Unis pour la santé, phase 3 |