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Combating Illicit Financial Flows Bekämpfung Illegaler Finanzströme (IFF) | Global, regional and national systems for the development-oriented fight against illicit financial flows are strengthened. Globale, regionale und nationale Systeme für die entwicklungsorientierte Bekämpfung von illegalen Finanzströmen sind gestärkt. Global, regional and national systems for the development-oriented fight against illicit financial flows are strengthened. Globale, regionale und nationale Systeme für die entwicklungsorientierte Bekämpfung von illegalen Finanzströmen sind gestärkt. | Aid from other bilateral donors Aid from other bilateral donors | de|en | 0 | Combating Illicit Financial Flows Bekämpfung Illegaler Finanzströme (IFF) Global, regional and national systems for the development-oriented fight against illicit financial flows are strengthened. Globale, regionale und nationale Systeme für die entwicklungsorientierte Bekämpfung von illegalen Finanzströmen sind gestärkt. Global, regional and national systems for the development-oriented fight against illicit financial flows are strengthened. Globale, regionale und nationale Systeme für die entwicklungsorientierte Bekämpfung von illegalen Finanzströmen sind gestärkt. Aid from other bilateral donors Aid from other bilateral donors |
Twubake umuryango twita ku bana bafite ubumuga | <p>The specific objective is: improving the living conditions of children and young people with disabilities in Rwanda.</p> | null | en | 2 | Twubake umuryango twita ku bana bafite ubumuga <p>The specific objective is: improving the living conditions of children and young people with disabilities in Rwanda.</p> |
Neue Führungskräfte für demokratische Teilhabe und lokale menschliche Entwicklung in den Diözesen Jutiapa und San Marcos New leaders for democratic participation and local human development in the dioceses of Jutiapa and San Marcos | Neue Führungskräfte für demokratische Teilhabe und lokale menschliche Entwicklung in den Diözesen Jutiapa und San Marcos New leaders for democratic participation and local human development in the dioceses of Jutiapa and San Marcos Neue Führungskräfte für demokratische Teilhabe und lokale menschliche Entwicklung in den Diözesen Jutiapa und San Marcos New leaders for democratic participation and local human development in the dioceses of Jutiapa and San Marcos | null | de|en | 0 | Neue Führungskräfte für demokratische Teilhabe und lokale menschliche Entwicklung in den Diözesen Jutiapa und San Marcos New leaders for democratic participation and local human development in the dioceses of Jutiapa and San Marcos Neue Führungskräfte für demokratische Teilhabe und lokale menschliche Entwicklung in den Diözesen Jutiapa und San Marcos New leaders for democratic participation and local human development in the dioceses of Jutiapa and San Marcos Neue Führungskräfte für demokratische Teilhabe und lokale menschliche Entwicklung in den Diözesen Jutiapa und San Marcos New leaders for democratic participation and local human development in the dioceses of Jutiapa and San Marcos |
Defending universal rights and democratic governance by resisting internet shutdowns as a tactic of repression | This project will defend universal rights and democratic governance by resisting the growing use of internet shutdowns worldwide. It will do this by building international consensus around the issue, forming a strong multi-stakeholder coalition against the issue, and gaining commitment from the tech sector to push back against shutdowns and keep internet access online. | null | null | 0 | Defending universal rights and democratic governance by resisting internet shutdowns as a tactic of repression This project will defend universal rights and democratic governance by resisting the growing use of internet shutdowns worldwide. It will do this by building international consensus around the issue, forming a strong multi-stakeholder coalition against the issue, and gaining commitment from the tech sector to push back against shutdowns and keep internet access online. |
Provision of Technical Assistance to the Chilungamo II (Access to Justice) Programme | Contract related to: Provision of Technical Assistance to the Chilungamo II (Access to Justice) Programme - Under the Overall Objective of improving humane and effective delivery of justice for all the Action intends to address challenges related to human rights violations, gender inequality and gender-based violence, violence against children and limited access to justice, especially for those living in the most vulnerable and marginalised situations. This translates into the Specific Objectives of enhancing the effectiveness of the institutional framework and of the legal and coordination frameworks on the one hand, and of improving access to justice for those living in marginalised and vulnerable situations on the other hand.The Action builds on previous interventions in the justice sector and will continue to support justice reforms that aim at long-term and sustainable solutions to systemic issues with accessibility and effectiveness of key justice institutions. To this end the Action will support institutional capacity building, gradual decentralisation of services and introduction and scaling up of innovative solutions such as alternative sentencing and expansion of paralegal and mediation services.The Action will also support closer coordination within the sector, improving also the interaction between supply and demand side, ultimately supporting the development of a more accountable and transparent system. Increased transparency and inclusiveness of the justice system will also be pursued by supporting key institutions in strengthening their internal control and disciplinary mechanisms. Similarly, institutions with the mandate to investigate cases of injustice and human rights abuses such as the Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC), the Malawi Police Service and the Office of the Ombudsman will also be supported to continue playing an oversight role to ensure equal access to justice for people living in vulnerable situations.The Action contributes to priority area 2 of the Multiannual Indicative Programme, namely ¿Democratic and economic governance¿, and to specific objective 1, which is to advance democracy, human rights and the rule of law to address challenges related to human rights violations, gender inequality and gender-based violence, violence against children and limited access to justice for the marginalised groups. The Action contributes to expected result 2.1.3 which looks at enhancing the provision of fair justice, including access to legal assistance. This Action is aligned to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as it contributes primarily to the progressive achievement of SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions), SDG 5 (Gender Equality) and SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities). It will also contribute to the EU Gender Action Plan III. | null | en | 1 | Provision of Technical Assistance to the Chilungamo II (Access to Justice) Programme Contract related to: Provision of Technical Assistance to the Chilungamo II (Access to Justice) Programme - Under the Overall Objective of improving humane and effective delivery of justice for all the Action intends to address challenges related to human rights violations, gender inequality and gender-based violence, violence against children and limited access to justice, especially for those living in the most vulnerable and marginalised situations. This translates into the Specific Objectives of enhancing the effectiveness of the institutional framework and of the legal and coordination frameworks on the one hand, and of improving access to justice for those living in marginalised and vulnerable situations on the other hand.The Action builds on previous interventions in the justice sector and will continue to support justice reforms that aim at long-term and sustainable solutions to systemic issues with accessibility and effectiveness of key justice institutions. To this end the Action will support institutional capacity building, gradual decentralisation of services and introduction and scaling up of innovative solutions such as alternative sentencing and expansion of paralegal and mediation services.The Action will also support closer coordination within the sector, improving also the interaction between supply and demand side, ultimately supporting the development of a more accountable and transparent system. Increased transparency and inclusiveness of the justice system will also be pursued by supporting key institutions in strengthening their internal control and disciplinary mechanisms. Similarly, institutions with the mandate to investigate cases of injustice and human rights abuses such as the Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC), the Malawi Police Service and the Office of the Ombudsman will also be supported to continue playing an oversight role to ensure equal access to justice for people living in vulnerable situations.The Action contributes to priority area 2 of the Multiannual Indicative Programme, namely ¿Democratic and economic governance¿, and to specific objective 1, which is to advance democracy, human rights and the rule of law to address challenges related to human rights violations, gender inequality and gender-based violence, violence against children and limited access to justice for the marginalised groups. The Action contributes to expected result 2.1.3 which looks at enhancing the provision of fair justice, including access to legal assistance. This Action is aligned to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as it contributes primarily to the progressive achievement of SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions), SDG 5 (Gender Equality) and SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities). It will also contribute to the EU Gender Action Plan III. |
WOS Livelihoods Consortium WOS Livelihoods Consortium | Whole of Syria Livelihoods Consortium har inkommit till Sida med en ansökan för en insats med syfte att bygga resiliens i Syrien om totalt 150 000 000 SEK för perioden 2016-2019.
Konsortiet består av sex internationella NGOs som redan är verksamma i Syrien och regionen. Medlemmarna representerar tillsammans stor och bred erfarenhet av humanitära och mer långsiktiga utvecklingsinsatser inne i Syrien och i grannländerna. De är aktiva i den struktur som byggts upp för koordinering av insatser i regionen och följer den s k Strategic Response Plan for Syria (SRP) som tagits fram av UN OCHA.
Insatsen fokuserar på att förbättra försörjningsmöjligheterna för internflyktingar och de värdsamhällen de lever i. Genom att erbjuda ett flertal olika åtgärder som t ex korttidsarbete, kapacitetsbyggnad, återuppbyggnad av företag, nyföretagande, lokala system för mikrokrediter, etc kan insatsen bidra till gradvis byggande av resiliens hos särskilt drabbade grupper (individer, familjer, lokalsamhällen).
Verksamheten kommer att bedrivas i både regim- och oppositionskontrollerade områden. Enligt Sveriges regionala strategi för Syrienkrisen "ska utgångspunkten vara att samverkan i så stor utsträckning som möjligt ska ske med aktörer, inklusive multilaterala organisationer, som bidrar med stöd till alla på ett jämlikt sätt. Avsikten är att bidra till utveckling för hela Syrien."
Eftersom det råder stor brist på statistik och analyser, kommer projektet även att innehålla en komponent för kunskapsuppbyggnad, metodutveckling, och dylikt.
En betydande del av hushållen i Syrien leds av kvinnor och andelen funktionshindrade är mycket hög (såväl fysiska funktionshinder som psykosociala). Dessa kategorier prioriteras tydligt i förslaget.
Konflikten i Syrien har inte bara lett till att ca 7 miljoner människor blivit internflyktingar utan också uttömt deras reserver och förstört deras försörjningsmöjligheter i flera avseenden. Samhällsservice, infrastruktur, jordbruk, matförsörjning och andra företag, marknader, värdekedjor, utbildningssystem, osv är i spillror i stora områden. Landet är fragmenterat, vilket kräver en behovsanpassad ansats med lokalt fokus - inklusive lokala ekonomier. Förstärkning av utsatta människors och samhällens försörjningsmöjligheter kan också bidra till att minska risker för olika negativa överlevnadsstrategier, som blivit allt vanligare (t ex rekrytering till väpnade grupper, barnäktenskap, kriminalitet).
Konsortiets initiativ är det första i sitt slag med denna bredd, såväl geografiskt som tematiskt, det befinner sig ännu i ett uppbyggnadsstadium och ett antal viktiga frågor och instrument behöver klargöras eller utvecklas under den första projektperioden. Det leds av CARE och kommer att ha huvudkontor med ett sekretariat (project management unit) i Amman. Representanter för de sex medlemmarna utgör styrelsen (steering committee). Geografisk samordning och ledning kommer att ske från 4 platser i regionen (s.k. hubs), som redan är fungerande men byggs ut för att stärka kapaciteten och här fördelas ansvar och funktioner mellan konsortiets medlemmar. Även tematiskt finns en struktur för att samordna kunnande och lärande. I förslaget finns allt detta beskrivet och illustrerar att man haft ambitionen att utnyttja synergimöjligheter.
Projektets första 8 månader har definierats som en uppstartperiod, då vissa återstående villkor måste uppfyllas innan fullt genomförande påbörjas. Villkoren avser t ex tecknade underavtal mellan konsortiets medlemmar, en ny översyn av CARE Norges system för intern styrning och kontroll, fullt system för riskanalys och -hantering, vissa inledande studier, detaljerade planer och budgets, etc. Sida bedömer att beslut ändå kan fattas för hela perioden då dessa villkor är väl reglerade i avtalet mellan Sida och CARE Norge samt att insatsen är mycket relevant för Sveriges regionala strategi för Syrienkrisen.
Efter genomförandet av insatsen under tre år med gott resultat har förslag om finansiering av ytterligare ett år (2020) inkommit och beslut fattats om detta ytterligare stöd. Sida has received an application from a consortium of six international NGOs. Sida has signed an agreement with Care Norge who will handle Sida's contribution to the consortium. The project focuses on improving the livelihoods of IDPs and the host communities they live in inside Syria. By offering a variety of measures such as short-time working capacity building, reconstruction of enterprises, entrepreneurship, local micro-credit, etc. insert may contribute to the gradual building of resilience in particularly affected groups (individuals, families, local communities).
The operations will be conducted in both regime- and opposition controlled areas. Since there is a great lack of statistics and analysis, the project will also include a component for knowledge building, methodology development, and the like. A significant portion of households in Syria are headed by women and the proportion of people with disabilities is very high (both physical disability and psychosocial). These categories are clearly a priority in the proposal.
The consortium's initiative is the first of its kind with this reach, both geographically and thematically. It is still in in a relatively early stage of formation and a number of important questions/instruments need clarification and to be developed during the first project period. It is managed by CARE and will have its head office with a secretariat / Project Management Unit in Amman. Representatives of the six members constitute the Board (the Steering Committee). Geographical coordination and management will take place from 4 sites in the region (hubs), which are already functional but is being expanded to strengthen the capacity and these are responsibilities/functions between consortium members.
After three years of successful implementation a request for additional support for one year (2020) has beeen received and a decision has been made to fund this support. Overall objective: Contribute to enhancing the resilience of the affected population in Syria (displaced persons and host communities).
Specific objective: Households, civic actors and communities across Syria have increased livelihoods protection and support opportunities and are better able to adapt to and cope with shocks.
Outcome 1: People have safe and equal access to and the appropriate skills for participation in markets, income generation and employment.
Outcome 2: People's sense of safety is increased; at home and in communities
Outcome 3: Opportunities for inclusive decision-making on issues of importance to the communities are available.
Outcome 4: People are able to psychologically cope with and recover from stress. | null | sv|en | 1 | WOS Livelihoods Consortium WOS Livelihoods Consortium Whole of Syria Livelihoods Consortium har inkommit till Sida med en ansökan för en insats med syfte att bygga resiliens i Syrien om totalt 150 000 000 SEK för perioden 2016-2019.
Konsortiet består av sex internationella NGOs som redan är verksamma i Syrien och regionen. Medlemmarna representerar tillsammans stor och bred erfarenhet av humanitära och mer långsiktiga utvecklingsinsatser inne i Syrien och i grannländerna. De är aktiva i den struktur som byggts upp för koordinering av insatser i regionen och följer den s k Strategic Response Plan for Syria (SRP) som tagits fram av UN OCHA.
Insatsen fokuserar på att förbättra försörjningsmöjligheterna för internflyktingar och de värdsamhällen de lever i. Genom att erbjuda ett flertal olika åtgärder som t ex korttidsarbete, kapacitetsbyggnad, återuppbyggnad av företag, nyföretagande, lokala system för mikrokrediter, etc kan insatsen bidra till gradvis byggande av resiliens hos särskilt drabbade grupper (individer, familjer, lokalsamhällen).
Verksamheten kommer att bedrivas i både regim- och oppositionskontrollerade områden. Enligt Sveriges regionala strategi för Syrienkrisen "ska utgångspunkten vara att samverkan i så stor utsträckning som möjligt ska ske med aktörer, inklusive multilaterala organisationer, som bidrar med stöd till alla på ett jämlikt sätt. Avsikten är att bidra till utveckling för hela Syrien."
Eftersom det råder stor brist på statistik och analyser, kommer projektet även att innehålla en komponent för kunskapsuppbyggnad, metodutveckling, och dylikt.
En betydande del av hushållen i Syrien leds av kvinnor och andelen funktionshindrade är mycket hög (såväl fysiska funktionshinder som psykosociala). Dessa kategorier prioriteras tydligt i förslaget.
Konflikten i Syrien har inte bara lett till att ca 7 miljoner människor blivit internflyktingar utan också uttömt deras reserver och förstört deras försörjningsmöjligheter i flera avseenden. Samhällsservice, infrastruktur, jordbruk, matförsörjning och andra företag, marknader, värdekedjor, utbildningssystem, osv är i spillror i stora områden. Landet är fragmenterat, vilket kräver en behovsanpassad ansats med lokalt fokus - inklusive lokala ekonomier. Förstärkning av utsatta människors och samhällens försörjningsmöjligheter kan också bidra till att minska risker för olika negativa överlevnadsstrategier, som blivit allt vanligare (t ex rekrytering till väpnade grupper, barnäktenskap, kriminalitet).
Konsortiets initiativ är det första i sitt slag med denna bredd, såväl geografiskt som tematiskt, det befinner sig ännu i ett uppbyggnadsstadium och ett antal viktiga frågor och instrument behöver klargöras eller utvecklas under den första projektperioden. Det leds av CARE och kommer att ha huvudkontor med ett sekretariat (project management unit) i Amman. Representanter för de sex medlemmarna utgör styrelsen (steering committee). Geografisk samordning och ledning kommer att ske från 4 platser i regionen (s.k. hubs), som redan är fungerande men byggs ut för att stärka kapaciteten och här fördelas ansvar och funktioner mellan konsortiets medlemmar. Även tematiskt finns en struktur för att samordna kunnande och lärande. I förslaget finns allt detta beskrivet och illustrerar att man haft ambitionen att utnyttja synergimöjligheter.
Projektets första 8 månader har definierats som en uppstartperiod, då vissa återstående villkor måste uppfyllas innan fullt genomförande påbörjas. Villkoren avser t ex tecknade underavtal mellan konsortiets medlemmar, en ny översyn av CARE Norges system för intern styrning och kontroll, fullt system för riskanalys och -hantering, vissa inledande studier, detaljerade planer och budgets, etc. Sida bedömer att beslut ändå kan fattas för hela perioden då dessa villkor är väl reglerade i avtalet mellan Sida och CARE Norge samt att insatsen är mycket relevant för Sveriges regionala strategi för Syrienkrisen.
Efter genomförandet av insatsen under tre år med gott resultat har förslag om finansiering av ytterligare ett år (2020) inkommit och beslut fattats om detta ytterligare stöd. Sida has received an application from a consortium of six international NGOs. Sida has signed an agreement with Care Norge who will handle Sida's contribution to the consortium. The project focuses on improving the livelihoods of IDPs and the host communities they live in inside Syria. By offering a variety of measures such as short-time working capacity building, reconstruction of enterprises, entrepreneurship, local micro-credit, etc. insert may contribute to the gradual building of resilience in particularly affected groups (individuals, families, local communities).
The operations will be conducted in both regime- and opposition controlled areas. Since there is a great lack of statistics and analysis, the project will also include a component for knowledge building, methodology development, and the like. A significant portion of households in Syria are headed by women and the proportion of people with disabilities is very high (both physical disability and psychosocial). These categories are clearly a priority in the proposal.
The consortium's initiative is the first of its kind with this reach, both geographically and thematically. It is still in in a relatively early stage of formation and a number of important questions/instruments need clarification and to be developed during the first project period. It is managed by CARE and will have its head office with a secretariat / Project Management Unit in Amman. Representatives of the six members constitute the Board (the Steering Committee). Geographical coordination and management will take place from 4 sites in the region (hubs), which are already functional but is being expanded to strengthen the capacity and these are responsibilities/functions between consortium members.
After three years of successful implementation a request for additional support for one year (2020) has beeen received and a decision has been made to fund this support. Overall objective: Contribute to enhancing the resilience of the affected population in Syria (displaced persons and host communities).
Specific objective: Households, civic actors and communities across Syria have increased livelihoods protection and support opportunities and are better able to adapt to and cope with shocks.
Outcome 1: People have safe and equal access to and the appropriate skills for participation in markets, income generation and employment.
Outcome 2: People's sense of safety is increased; at home and in communities
Outcome 3: Opportunities for inclusive decision-making on issues of importance to the communities are available.
Outcome 4: People are able to psychologically cope with and recover from stress. |
Sektorvorhaben Feministische Entwicklungspolitik und Gleichstellung der Geschlechter Sector Programme Feminist Development Policy and Gender Equality | Durch seine Beratungsleistungen trägt das SV dazu bei, die Kluft zwischen strategischen Vorgaben und ihrer Umsetzung in der entwicklungspoli und internationalen Prozessen einzubringen To contribute through its advisory services to reducing the gap between strategic goals + the implementation in development policy practice and strengthens Germany's international and national position on promoting gender equality Durch seine Beratungsleistungen trägt das SV dazu bei, die Kluft zwischen strategischen Vorgaben und ihrer Umsetzung in der entwicklungspoli und internationalen Prozessen einzubringen To contribute through its advisory services to reducing the gap between strategic goals + the implementation in development policy practice and strengthens Germany's international and national position on promoting gender equality | null | de|en | 1 | Sektorvorhaben Feministische Entwicklungspolitik und Gleichstellung der Geschlechter Sector Programme Feminist Development Policy and Gender Equality Durch seine Beratungsleistungen trägt das SV dazu bei, die Kluft zwischen strategischen Vorgaben und ihrer Umsetzung in der entwicklungspoli und internationalen Prozessen einzubringen To contribute through its advisory services to reducing the gap between strategic goals + the implementation in development policy practice and strengthens Germany's international and national position on promoting gender equality Durch seine Beratungsleistungen trägt das SV dazu bei, die Kluft zwischen strategischen Vorgaben und ihrer Umsetzung in der entwicklungspoli und internationalen Prozessen einzubringen To contribute through its advisory services to reducing the gap between strategic goals + the implementation in development policy practice and strengthens Germany's international and national position on promoting gender equality |
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Institutional Support 2019-2020 Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) - Appui institutionnel 2019-2020 | This grant represents Canada’s long-term institutional support to the United Development Programme (UNDP). UNDP uses these funds, along with other donor funding, to achieve its mandate. Canada’s annual contribution is used to support core functions and the implementation of the UNDP's 2018-2021 Strategic Plan. As the UN’s development agency, UNDP supports country-led efforts to implement the Agenda 2030 and achieve the sustainable development goals. It works on multi-sectoral, integrated approaches to help countries eradicate poverty, accelerate structural transformation for sustainable development, and build resilience to crises and shocks. UNDP's focus is on providing development solutions adapted to country needs that help to: keep people out of poverty, strengthen effective, accountable and inclusive governance, enhance prevention and recovery for resilient societies, promote nature-based solutions for a sustainable planet, close the clean energy gap, and advance gender equality. Cette subvention représente l’appui institutionnel à long-terme du Canada au Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) pour remplir son mandat. La contribution annuelle du Canada sert aux fonctions de base et à la mise en œuvre du Plan stratégique du PNUD pour la période 2018-2021. En tant qu’agence de développement de l’ONU, le PNUD soutient les efforts déployés par les pays pour mettre en œuvre le Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030 (Programme 2030) et atteindre les objectifs de développement durable. Le PNUD emploie des approches multisectorielles et intégrées afin d’aider les pays à éliminer la pauvreté, à accélérer les transformations structurelles propices au développement durable et à renforcer la résilience aux chocs et aux crises. L’objectif du PNUD est de fournir des solutions de développement adaptées aux besoins des pays, des solutions qui les aident à maintenir les populations hors de la pauvreté, à mettre en place une gouvernance efficace, responsable et inclusive, à renforcer les capacités nationales de prévention et de relèvement pour édifier des sociétés résilientes, à promouvoir des solutions fondées sur la nature pour préserver la planète, à combler le déficit en matière d’accès à une énergie propre, et à promouvoir l’égalité des sexes. | null | fr|en | 1 | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Institutional Support 2019-2020 Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) - Appui institutionnel 2019-2020 This grant represents Canada’s long-term institutional support to the United Development Programme (UNDP). UNDP uses these funds, along with other donor funding, to achieve its mandate. Canada’s annual contribution is used to support core functions and the implementation of the UNDP's 2018-2021 Strategic Plan. As the UN’s development agency, UNDP supports country-led efforts to implement the Agenda 2030 and achieve the sustainable development goals. It works on multi-sectoral, integrated approaches to help countries eradicate poverty, accelerate structural transformation for sustainable development, and build resilience to crises and shocks. UNDP's focus is on providing development solutions adapted to country needs that help to: keep people out of poverty, strengthen effective, accountable and inclusive governance, enhance prevention and recovery for resilient societies, promote nature-based solutions for a sustainable planet, close the clean energy gap, and advance gender equality. Cette subvention représente l’appui institutionnel à long-terme du Canada au Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) pour remplir son mandat. La contribution annuelle du Canada sert aux fonctions de base et à la mise en œuvre du Plan stratégique du PNUD pour la période 2018-2021. En tant qu’agence de développement de l’ONU, le PNUD soutient les efforts déployés par les pays pour mettre en œuvre le Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030 (Programme 2030) et atteindre les objectifs de développement durable. Le PNUD emploie des approches multisectorielles et intégrées afin d’aider les pays à éliminer la pauvreté, à accélérer les transformations structurelles propices au développement durable et à renforcer la résilience aux chocs et aux crises. L’objectif du PNUD est de fournir des solutions de développement adaptées aux besoins des pays, des solutions qui les aident à maintenir les populations hors de la pauvreté, à mettre en place une gouvernance efficace, responsable et inclusive, à renforcer les capacités nationales de prévention et de relèvement pour édifier des sociétés résilientes, à promouvoir des solutions fondées sur la nature pour préserver la planète, à combler le déficit en matière d’accès à une énergie propre, et à promouvoir l’égalité des sexes. |
Montserrat Financial Aid 2019 2022 | To support the Government of Montserrat in its delivery of essential public services to meet the reasonable assistance needs of its citizens, including health, education and maintaining air and sea access. This includes filling key critical gaps and building the capability and capacity of the island's public service. | null | en | 1 | Montserrat Financial Aid 2019 2022 To support the Government of Montserrat in its delivery of essential public services to meet the reasonable assistance needs of its citizens, including health, education and maintaining air and sea access. This includes filling key critical gaps and building the capability and capacity of the island's public service. |
Research Support Prep Forskningsstödsberedning | Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | Research Support Prep Forskningsstödsberedning Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. |
Girls' Education Challenge (GEC) - help 1 million disadvantaged girls go to primary and secondary school | The Girls' Education Challenge will help up to a million of the world’s poorest girls to have an opportunity to improve their lives through education. The initiative calls on NGOs, charities and the private sector to find better ways of getting girls in school and ensuring they receive a quality of education to transform their future. | null | en | 1 | Girls' Education Challenge (GEC) - help 1 million disadvantaged girls go to primary and secondary school The Girls' Education Challenge will help up to a million of the world’s poorest girls to have an opportunity to improve their lives through education. The initiative calls on NGOs, charities and the private sector to find better ways of getting girls in school and ensuring they receive a quality of education to transform their future. |
Reform of the Intergovernmental Finance System Unterstützung der Reform der innerstaatlichen Finanzsysteme | Municipal finances are based on a reliable and more independent basis. Die Gemeindefinanzen basieren auf einer verlässlichen und stärker selbstbestimmten Grundlage. Municipal finances are based on a reliable and more independent basis. Die Gemeindefinanzen basieren auf einer verlässlichen und stärker selbstbestimmten Grundlage. | null | de|en | 0 | Reform of the Intergovernmental Finance System Unterstützung der Reform der innerstaatlichen Finanzsysteme Municipal finances are based on a reliable and more independent basis. Die Gemeindefinanzen basieren auf einer verlässlichen und stärker selbstbestimmten Grundlage. Municipal finances are based on a reliable and more independent basis. Die Gemeindefinanzen basieren auf einer verlässlichen und stärker selbstbestimmten Grundlage. |
ADRA - Somalia WASH Delivery Improvement Program WASH-stöd för Somalia - ADRA | The Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA) has applied to Sida for funding of 68 million SEK to carry out the 'Somalia WASH Service Delivery Improvement Programme (SOWASDIP)' in Somalia during the period 2019-2023. This includes SEK 8 000 000 that Sida has allocated to support the work of the Somalia NGO Consortium during the same period.
The intervention aims at improving health and environmental conditions as a result of sustained access to water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH) services. Specifically, the intervention will 1) Strengthen the enabling environment and governance structures to support the delivery of appropriate, equitable and affordable WASH services, 2) increase access to sustained, equitable and affordable safe water through well managed water supply systems in rural, peri-urban and urban settlements, 3) increase access to improved, adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene services, and 4) Increased household income as a result improved WASH services . ADRA will implement the intervention together with the Somali governments, Civil Society Organizations, the private sector, and the Somalia NGO consortium. The intervention will geographically target select districts in South Central, Puntland, Somaliland and the states (Galmudug, South West, and Jubbaland). Primary target beneficiaries will be women and girls from poor households living in urban, peri-urban and rural areas including the nomadic populations and Internally Displaced Persons.
The intervention’s total budget is 68 million SEK which will be totally funded by Sida. Approximately 17 million SEK of the intervention budget will be forwarded from ADRA to implementing civil society organizations and 8 MSEK to the NGO consortium. Organisationen The Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA) har ansökt till Sida om finansiering på 68 miljoner kronor för att genomföra programmet Somalia WASH Service Delivery Improvement Program (SOWASDIP)" i Somalia under perioden 2019-2023. Detta inkluderar 8 000 000 kronor som Sida har tilldelat för att stödja arbetet i Somalia NGO Consortium under samma period.
Programmet syftar till att förbättra hälso- och miljöförhållandena för en fortsatt tillgång till vatten-, sanitets- och hygienbaserade tjänster (WASH). Specifikt kommer programmet att: 1) Stärka de möjliggörande faktorerna och governance-strukturerna för att stödja leverans av lämpliga, rättvisa och prisvärda WASH-tjänster, 2) öka tillgången till hållbart, rättvist och billigt säkert vatten genom välskötta vattenförsörjningssystem på landsbygden, i städer och i utkanter av städer 3) öka tillgången till förbättrade, lämpliga och rättvisa sanitets- och hygientjänster, och 4) Ökad hushållsinkomst som ett resultat förbättrade WASH-tjänster. ADRA kommer att genomföra programmet tillsammans med den somaliska regeringen, det civila samhällets organisationer, den privata sektorn och det somaliska NGO-konsortiet. Programmet kommer geografiskt att riktas sig till utvalda distrikt i South Central, Puntland, Somaliland och staterna Galmudug, South West och Jubbaland. Primära målgrupper kommer att vara kvinnor och flickor från fattiga hushåll som bor i städer, i utkanten av städer och på landsbygden, inklusive de nomadiska befolkningarna och internflyktingar.
Programmets totala budget uppgår till 68 miljoner kronor med Sida som enda finansiär. Cirka 15 miljoner kronor av programbudgeten kommer att vidarebefordras från ADRA till genomförande av civila samhällsorganisationer och 8 miljoner kronor till NGO-konsortiet. Project objectives: Improved health and environmental conditions by sustained access to WASH services contributing to reduced poverty and improved economic status of Somali people.
Outcome 1: Strengthened enabling environment and governance structure supporting delivery of appropriate, equitable and affordable WASH services.
Outcome 2: Increased access to sustained, reliable, equitable and affordable safe water through well managed water supply systems in rural, peri-urban areas and urban centres.
Outcome 3: Increased access to improved, adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene services in rural, peri-urban and urban areas.
The following two objectives were removed for the extension period 2024-2025:
Outcome 4: Improved economic performance of local livelihoods reliant on improved access to WASH services
Outcome 5: An enabling environment for the efficient and effective delivery of humanitarian and development assistance for all Somali people. | null | sv|en | 0 | ADRA - Somalia WASH Delivery Improvement Program WASH-stöd för Somalia - ADRA The Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA) has applied to Sida for funding of 68 million SEK to carry out the 'Somalia WASH Service Delivery Improvement Programme (SOWASDIP)' in Somalia during the period 2019-2023. This includes SEK 8 000 000 that Sida has allocated to support the work of the Somalia NGO Consortium during the same period.
The intervention aims at improving health and environmental conditions as a result of sustained access to water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH) services. Specifically, the intervention will 1) Strengthen the enabling environment and governance structures to support the delivery of appropriate, equitable and affordable WASH services, 2) increase access to sustained, equitable and affordable safe water through well managed water supply systems in rural, peri-urban and urban settlements, 3) increase access to improved, adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene services, and 4) Increased household income as a result improved WASH services . ADRA will implement the intervention together with the Somali governments, Civil Society Organizations, the private sector, and the Somalia NGO consortium. The intervention will geographically target select districts in South Central, Puntland, Somaliland and the states (Galmudug, South West, and Jubbaland). Primary target beneficiaries will be women and girls from poor households living in urban, peri-urban and rural areas including the nomadic populations and Internally Displaced Persons.
The intervention’s total budget is 68 million SEK which will be totally funded by Sida. Approximately 17 million SEK of the intervention budget will be forwarded from ADRA to implementing civil society organizations and 8 MSEK to the NGO consortium. Organisationen The Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA) har ansökt till Sida om finansiering på 68 miljoner kronor för att genomföra programmet Somalia WASH Service Delivery Improvement Program (SOWASDIP)" i Somalia under perioden 2019-2023. Detta inkluderar 8 000 000 kronor som Sida har tilldelat för att stödja arbetet i Somalia NGO Consortium under samma period.
Programmet syftar till att förbättra hälso- och miljöförhållandena för en fortsatt tillgång till vatten-, sanitets- och hygienbaserade tjänster (WASH). Specifikt kommer programmet att: 1) Stärka de möjliggörande faktorerna och governance-strukturerna för att stödja leverans av lämpliga, rättvisa och prisvärda WASH-tjänster, 2) öka tillgången till hållbart, rättvist och billigt säkert vatten genom välskötta vattenförsörjningssystem på landsbygden, i städer och i utkanter av städer 3) öka tillgången till förbättrade, lämpliga och rättvisa sanitets- och hygientjänster, och 4) Ökad hushållsinkomst som ett resultat förbättrade WASH-tjänster. ADRA kommer att genomföra programmet tillsammans med den somaliska regeringen, det civila samhällets organisationer, den privata sektorn och det somaliska NGO-konsortiet. Programmet kommer geografiskt att riktas sig till utvalda distrikt i South Central, Puntland, Somaliland och staterna Galmudug, South West och Jubbaland. Primära målgrupper kommer att vara kvinnor och flickor från fattiga hushåll som bor i städer, i utkanten av städer och på landsbygden, inklusive de nomadiska befolkningarna och internflyktingar.
Programmets totala budget uppgår till 68 miljoner kronor med Sida som enda finansiär. Cirka 15 miljoner kronor av programbudgeten kommer att vidarebefordras från ADRA till genomförande av civila samhällsorganisationer och 8 miljoner kronor till NGO-konsortiet. Project objectives: Improved health and environmental conditions by sustained access to WASH services contributing to reduced poverty and improved economic status of Somali people.
Outcome 1: Strengthened enabling environment and governance structure supporting delivery of appropriate, equitable and affordable WASH services.
Outcome 2: Increased access to sustained, reliable, equitable and affordable safe water through well managed water supply systems in rural, peri-urban areas and urban centres.
Outcome 3: Increased access to improved, adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene services in rural, peri-urban and urban areas.
The following two objectives were removed for the extension period 2024-2025:
Outcome 4: Improved economic performance of local livelihoods reliant on improved access to WASH services
Outcome 5: An enabling environment for the efficient and effective delivery of humanitarian and development assistance for all Somali people. |
SCA core support 2023-2025 - SCA project support 2024-2025 SAK kärnstöd 2023-2025 | The contribution includes Sida funding of SEK 600 million in the form of core support for SCA's Strategic Plan 2023-2025.
SCA's overall aim is to improve Afghan people’s influence over their lives and the fulfillment of their rights. The strategic plan has three areas of intervention: health, education and rural development. Integrated into the three areas is a programme for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. SCA's strategic plan is largely a continuation of the previous phase, with an increased focus on providing basic public services, partly to cover the loss of the previous state service programs and partly to reach out to so-called 'white areas', that is, areas that were previously difficult to access due to the conflict.
SCA's health program focuses on improving the quality of and access to health care in remote areas, among other things by providing village midwives and nurses trained by SCA. Within the framework of the primary health care programme "Health Emergency Response" SCA provides healthcare in Nooristan and Wardak. The program also includes maternal and infant care in "white areas" including through night ambulances, village-based midwives and doctors. Nutrition is a central part of the program and malnutrition is addressed through, among other things, village-level education, growth monitoring, and the provision of nutritional supplements to pregnant women, infants, and children.
The education programme aims to provide quality education for all, with a focus on increasing access to education in rural areas and for girls. During the coming program period, SCA will expand its Community Based Education program (CBE) and train more teachers. In 2023, 120,000 students, including 72,000 girls, will receive education through SCA's schools. SCA also plays a unique role in providing special education, enabling children with special needs to access education.
The Rural Development Programme aims to improve smallholder incomes and food security, as well as to strengthen capacity for disaster risk reduction, climate adaptation and the resilience of local communities. As part of this, SCA will promote sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural practices and support the construction or restoration of agricultural infrastructure (e.g. small-scale irrigation, warehouses, markets). SCA will also support vocational training and capacity development linked to entrepreneurship. The programme also includes access to finance, mainly through savings groups.
The programme for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities is integrated into the three intervention areas of action above. SCA will continue to work with physical rehabilitation and orthopaedic workshops, but also expand its expertise in early detection and support for children with different types of disabilities. This include strengthening support for parents and the work against stigmatisation. SCAis also planning to expand its early childhood development program, which is especially important for children with special needs.
SCA's operations are conducted through three working methods: service provision, advocacy and capacity building. SCA supports local community-based organizations and civil society organizations and collaborates with local authorities when necessary for the implementation of the activities. Insatsen omfattar Sida-finansiering om 600 miljoner kronor i form av kärnstöd för SAKs Strategiska Plan 2023-2025.
SAKs verksamhet syftar övergripande till att människor får ett större inflytande över sin livssituation och i högre grad får sina rättigheter tillgodosedda. Den strategiska planen har tre insatsområden: sjuk- och hälsovård, utbildning och landsbygdsutveckling. Integrerat i de tre områdena ingår ett program för rehabilitering av personer med funktionsnedsättningar. SAKs strategiska plan är till stor del en fortsättning av den tidigare fasen, med ett ökat fokus på att tillhandahålla grundläggande samhällsservice, dels för att täcka bortfallet av de tidigare statliga serviceprogrammen och dels för att bidra till att nå ut till så kallade 'vita områden', det vill säga områden som tidigare var svåråtkomliga på grund av konflikten.
SAKs hälsoprogram fokuserar på att förbättra kvalitén på och tillgången till hälso- och sjukvård i avlägsna områden, bland annat genom att tillhandahålla by-barnmorskor och sjuksköterskor som utbildats av SAK. Inom ramen för primärhälsovårdsprogrammet
”Health Emergency Response” tillhandahåller SAK hälso- och sjukvård i Nooristan och Wardak. Programmet innehåller också mödra- och spädbarnsvård i ”vita områden” bland annat genom nattambulanser, by-baserade barnmorskor och läkare. Nutrition är en central del av programmet och undernäring adresseras genom bland annat utbildning på bynivå, tillväxtövervakning, och tillhandahållande av näringssupplement till gravida kvinnor, spädbarn och barn.
Inom utbildningsprogrammet är målsättningen att tillhandahålla utbildning av god kvalitet för alla, med fokus på att öka tillgången till utbildning på landsbygden och för flickor. Under den kommande programperioden kommer SAK att utöka sitt Community Based Education program (CBE) och utbilda fler lärare. Under 2023 kommer 120 000 elever, varav 72 000 flickor, få utbildning genom SAKs skolor. SAK spelar också en unik roll när det gäller att tillhandahålla specialundervisning, vilket gör det möjligt för barn med särskilda behov att få tillgång till utbildning.
Landsbygdsutvecklingsprogrammet syftar till att förbättra småbrukarnas inkomster och livsmedelstrygghet, samt att stärka kapaciteten för katastrofriskreduktion, klimatanpassning och lokalsamhällenas motståndskraft. Som en del i detta kommer SAK att främja hållbara och klimattåliga jordbruksmetoder och stödja uppbyggnad eller restauration av jordbruksinfrastruktur (t.ex. småskalig bevattning, lager, marknader). SAK kommer också att stödja yrkesutbildning och kapacitetsutveckling kopplat till företagande. Programmet innehåller också tillgång till finansiering främst genom spargrupper.
Programmet för rehabilitering av personer med funktionsnedsättning är integrerat i de tre insatsområdena ovan. SAK kommer att fortsätta arbeta med fysisk rehabilitering och ortopediska verkstäder, men också utöka sin kompetens för tidig upptäckt och stöd till barn med olika typer av funktionsnedsättningar. Det handlar bland annat om att stärka stödet till föräldrar och arbetet mot stigmatisering. SAK planerar också att utöka sitt program för tidig barndomsutveckling, vilket är särskilt viktigt för barn med särskilda behov.
SAKs verksamhet bedrivs genom tre arbetssätt: tillhandahållande av service, påverkan och kapacitetsbyggande. SAK stödjer lokala samhällsbaserade organisationer och civilsamhällesorganisationer och samverkar med lokala myndigheter när så är nödvändigt för verksamhetens genomförande. SCA has submitted a transition plan for the period March 15 to July 15. The overall objectives of the transition period is to:
1. Negotiate with the DFA regarding the reopening of SCA, either in the form of the Solidarity Committee for Afghanistan or as a national non-governmental organization,
2. Enter into partnerships with other organizations that can take over activities that otherwise risk being closed permanently, with serious consequences for the target groups,
3. Contingency planning for hibernation/phasing out, which is carried out if none of the tracks above have yielded results by July 15, 2024.
The strategic intervention areas and main outcomes in the Strategic Plan 2023-2025 are specified below. SCA has submitted a programme overview which outlines how the different programmes in the Strategic Plan 2023-2025 have been affected by the current situation and how SCA proposes that they are managed ahead. This is described in Sida's assessment of the interventions objectives.
Strategic Intervention Areas 1. Health
Outcome 1.1: Access to health, nutrition, and integrated rehabilitation services improved in the target groups.
Outcome 1.2: Quality of health, nutrition and integrated rehabilitation services improved.
Outcome 1.3: Health, nutrition, and rehabilitation behaviour of SCA target groups improved.
Outcome 1.4: Improved capacity of community-based organisations, professional associations and CSOs to promote participation of target groups.
Outcome 1.5: Improved health system at national and sub-national level.
2. Education
Outcome 2.1: Access to safe, protective, and inclusive education in SCA target education settings improved.
Outcome 2.2: Quality of education in SCA target education settings improved.
Outcome 2.3: Management of education at national, provincial, and school levels improved.
Outcome 2.4: Influence of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Professional Associations and Rights holders in education improved.
3. Rural Development
Outcome 3.1: Improved livelihoods of SCA target groups.
Outcome 3.2: Increased disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) capacity of SCA target groups.
Outcome 3.3: Improved capacity of community-based organisations and civil society organisations to enhance target group participation, equitable access to services and community resilience.
4. Building Commitment
Outcome 4.1: Increased political commitment for the rights of the people in Afghanistan
Outcome 4.2. Increased public support for the rights of the people in Afghanistan
No funds are included in this core support for the area of building commitment. | null | sv|en | 1 | SCA core support 2023-2025 - SCA project support 2024-2025 SAK kärnstöd 2023-2025 The contribution includes Sida funding of SEK 600 million in the form of core support for SCA's Strategic Plan 2023-2025.
SCA's overall aim is to improve Afghan people’s influence over their lives and the fulfillment of their rights. The strategic plan has three areas of intervention: health, education and rural development. Integrated into the three areas is a programme for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. SCA's strategic plan is largely a continuation of the previous phase, with an increased focus on providing basic public services, partly to cover the loss of the previous state service programs and partly to reach out to so-called 'white areas', that is, areas that were previously difficult to access due to the conflict.
SCA's health program focuses on improving the quality of and access to health care in remote areas, among other things by providing village midwives and nurses trained by SCA. Within the framework of the primary health care programme "Health Emergency Response" SCA provides healthcare in Nooristan and Wardak. The program also includes maternal and infant care in "white areas" including through night ambulances, village-based midwives and doctors. Nutrition is a central part of the program and malnutrition is addressed through, among other things, village-level education, growth monitoring, and the provision of nutritional supplements to pregnant women, infants, and children.
The education programme aims to provide quality education for all, with a focus on increasing access to education in rural areas and for girls. During the coming program period, SCA will expand its Community Based Education program (CBE) and train more teachers. In 2023, 120,000 students, including 72,000 girls, will receive education through SCA's schools. SCA also plays a unique role in providing special education, enabling children with special needs to access education.
The Rural Development Programme aims to improve smallholder incomes and food security, as well as to strengthen capacity for disaster risk reduction, climate adaptation and the resilience of local communities. As part of this, SCA will promote sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural practices and support the construction or restoration of agricultural infrastructure (e.g. small-scale irrigation, warehouses, markets). SCA will also support vocational training and capacity development linked to entrepreneurship. The programme also includes access to finance, mainly through savings groups.
The programme for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities is integrated into the three intervention areas of action above. SCA will continue to work with physical rehabilitation and orthopaedic workshops, but also expand its expertise in early detection and support for children with different types of disabilities. This include strengthening support for parents and the work against stigmatisation. SCAis also planning to expand its early childhood development program, which is especially important for children with special needs.
SCA's operations are conducted through three working methods: service provision, advocacy and capacity building. SCA supports local community-based organizations and civil society organizations and collaborates with local authorities when necessary for the implementation of the activities. Insatsen omfattar Sida-finansiering om 600 miljoner kronor i form av kärnstöd för SAKs Strategiska Plan 2023-2025.
SAKs verksamhet syftar övergripande till att människor får ett större inflytande över sin livssituation och i högre grad får sina rättigheter tillgodosedda. Den strategiska planen har tre insatsområden: sjuk- och hälsovård, utbildning och landsbygdsutveckling. Integrerat i de tre områdena ingår ett program för rehabilitering av personer med funktionsnedsättningar. SAKs strategiska plan är till stor del en fortsättning av den tidigare fasen, med ett ökat fokus på att tillhandahålla grundläggande samhällsservice, dels för att täcka bortfallet av de tidigare statliga serviceprogrammen och dels för att bidra till att nå ut till så kallade 'vita områden', det vill säga områden som tidigare var svåråtkomliga på grund av konflikten.
SAKs hälsoprogram fokuserar på att förbättra kvalitén på och tillgången till hälso- och sjukvård i avlägsna områden, bland annat genom att tillhandahålla by-barnmorskor och sjuksköterskor som utbildats av SAK. Inom ramen för primärhälsovårdsprogrammet
”Health Emergency Response” tillhandahåller SAK hälso- och sjukvård i Nooristan och Wardak. Programmet innehåller också mödra- och spädbarnsvård i ”vita områden” bland annat genom nattambulanser, by-baserade barnmorskor och läkare. Nutrition är en central del av programmet och undernäring adresseras genom bland annat utbildning på bynivå, tillväxtövervakning, och tillhandahållande av näringssupplement till gravida kvinnor, spädbarn och barn.
Inom utbildningsprogrammet är målsättningen att tillhandahålla utbildning av god kvalitet för alla, med fokus på att öka tillgången till utbildning på landsbygden och för flickor. Under den kommande programperioden kommer SAK att utöka sitt Community Based Education program (CBE) och utbilda fler lärare. Under 2023 kommer 120 000 elever, varav 72 000 flickor, få utbildning genom SAKs skolor. SAK spelar också en unik roll när det gäller att tillhandahålla specialundervisning, vilket gör det möjligt för barn med särskilda behov att få tillgång till utbildning.
Landsbygdsutvecklingsprogrammet syftar till att förbättra småbrukarnas inkomster och livsmedelstrygghet, samt att stärka kapaciteten för katastrofriskreduktion, klimatanpassning och lokalsamhällenas motståndskraft. Som en del i detta kommer SAK att främja hållbara och klimattåliga jordbruksmetoder och stödja uppbyggnad eller restauration av jordbruksinfrastruktur (t.ex. småskalig bevattning, lager, marknader). SAK kommer också att stödja yrkesutbildning och kapacitetsutveckling kopplat till företagande. Programmet innehåller också tillgång till finansiering främst genom spargrupper.
Programmet för rehabilitering av personer med funktionsnedsättning är integrerat i de tre insatsområdena ovan. SAK kommer att fortsätta arbeta med fysisk rehabilitering och ortopediska verkstäder, men också utöka sin kompetens för tidig upptäckt och stöd till barn med olika typer av funktionsnedsättningar. Det handlar bland annat om att stärka stödet till föräldrar och arbetet mot stigmatisering. SAK planerar också att utöka sitt program för tidig barndomsutveckling, vilket är särskilt viktigt för barn med särskilda behov.
SAKs verksamhet bedrivs genom tre arbetssätt: tillhandahållande av service, påverkan och kapacitetsbyggande. SAK stödjer lokala samhällsbaserade organisationer och civilsamhällesorganisationer och samverkar med lokala myndigheter när så är nödvändigt för verksamhetens genomförande. SCA has submitted a transition plan for the period March 15 to July 15. The overall objectives of the transition period is to:
1. Negotiate with the DFA regarding the reopening of SCA, either in the form of the Solidarity Committee for Afghanistan or as a national non-governmental organization,
2. Enter into partnerships with other organizations that can take over activities that otherwise risk being closed permanently, with serious consequences for the target groups,
3. Contingency planning for hibernation/phasing out, which is carried out if none of the tracks above have yielded results by July 15, 2024.
The strategic intervention areas and main outcomes in the Strategic Plan 2023-2025 are specified below. SCA has submitted a programme overview which outlines how the different programmes in the Strategic Plan 2023-2025 have been affected by the current situation and how SCA proposes that they are managed ahead. This is described in Sida's assessment of the interventions objectives.
Strategic Intervention Areas 1. Health
Outcome 1.1: Access to health, nutrition, and integrated rehabilitation services improved in the target groups.
Outcome 1.2: Quality of health, nutrition and integrated rehabilitation services improved.
Outcome 1.3: Health, nutrition, and rehabilitation behaviour of SCA target groups improved.
Outcome 1.4: Improved capacity of community-based organisations, professional associations and CSOs to promote participation of target groups.
Outcome 1.5: Improved health system at national and sub-national level.
2. Education
Outcome 2.1: Access to safe, protective, and inclusive education in SCA target education settings improved.
Outcome 2.2: Quality of education in SCA target education settings improved.
Outcome 2.3: Management of education at national, provincial, and school levels improved.
Outcome 2.4: Influence of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Professional Associations and Rights holders in education improved.
3. Rural Development
Outcome 3.1: Improved livelihoods of SCA target groups.
Outcome 3.2: Increased disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) capacity of SCA target groups.
Outcome 3.3: Improved capacity of community-based organisations and civil society organisations to enhance target group participation, equitable access to services and community resilience.
4. Building Commitment
Outcome 4.1: Increased political commitment for the rights of the people in Afghanistan
Outcome 4.2. Increased public support for the rights of the people in Afghanistan
No funds are included in this core support for the area of building commitment. |
Social Inclusion Programme - Chhattisgarh | Social inclusion programme | Commitment 2015 Commitment 2016 Commitment 2017 Commitment 2018 Commitment 2019 Commitment 2020 Commitment 2021 Commitment 2022 Commitment 2023 Disbursement Apr 2019 to Jun 2019 Disbursement Apr 2019 to Jun 2019 Disbursement Apr 2020 to Jun 2020 Disbursement Apr 2020 to Jun 2020 Disbursement Apr 2020 to Jun 2020 Disbursement Apr 2020 to Jun 2020 Disbursement Jan 2019 to Mar 2019 Disbursement Jan 2019 to Mar 2019 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2023 to Mar 2023 Disbursement Jan 2023 to Mar 2023 Disbursement Jan 2023 to Mar 2023 Disbursement Jan 2023 to Mar 2023 Disbursement Jul 2019 to Sep 2019 Disbursement Jul 2019 to Sep 2019 Disbursement Jul 2020 to Sep 2020 Disbursement Jul 2020 to Sep 2020 Disbursement Jul 2020 to Sep 2020 Disbursement Jul 2020 to Sep 2020 Disbursement Jul 2020 to Sep 2020 Disbursement Jul 2020 to Sep 2020 Disbursement Jul 2022 to Sep 2022 Disbursement Jul 2022 to Sep 2022 Disbursement Jul 2023 to Sep 2023 Disbursement Jul 2023 to Sep 2023 Disbursement Jul 2023 to Sep 2023 Disbursement Jul 2023 to Sep 2023 Disbursement Oct 2019 to Dec 2019 Disbursement Oct 2019 to Dec 2019 Disbursement Oct 2019 to Dec 2019 Disbursement Oct 2020 to Dec 2020 Disbursement Oct 2020 to Dec 2020 Disbursement Oct 2020 to Dec 2020 Disbursement Oct 2020 to Dec 2020 Disbursement Oct 2020 to Dec 2020 Disbursement Oct 2020 to Dec 2020 Disbursement Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Disbursement Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Disbursement Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Disbursement Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Disbursement Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Disbursement Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Disbursement Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Disbursement Jan 2024 to Mar 2024 Disbursement Jan 2024 to Mar 2024 Disbursement Jan 2024 to Mar 2024 Disbursement Jan 2024 to Mar 2024 Disbursement Oct 2023 to Dec 2023 Disbursement Oct 2023 to Dec 2023 Disbursement Oct 2023 to Dec 2023 Disbursement Oct 2023 to Dec 2023 Disbursement Oct 2023 to Dec 2023 Disbursement Oct 2023 to Dec 2023 Expenditure Apr 2015 to Jun 2015 Expenditure Apr 2016 to Jun 2016 Expenditure Apr 2018 to Jun 2018 Expenditure Apr 2019 to Jun 2019 Expenditure Apr 2021 to Jun 2021 Expenditure Apr 2022 to Jun 2022 Expenditure Apr 2023 to Jun 2023 Expenditure Jan 2015 to Mar 2015 Expenditure Jan 2016 to Mar 2016 Expenditure Jan 2017 to Mar 2017 Expenditure Jan 2018 to Mar 2018 Expenditure Jan 2019 to Mar 2019 Expenditure Jan 2022 to Mar 2022 Expenditure Jan 2023 to Mar 2023 Expenditure Jul 2015 to Sep 2015 Expenditure Jul 2016 to Sep 2016 Expenditure Jul 2017 to Sep 2017 Expenditure Jul 2018 to Sep 2018 Expenditure Jul 2021 to Sep 2021 Expenditure Jul 2022 to Sep 2022 Expenditure Jul 2023 to Sep 2023 Expenditure Oct 2015 to Dec 2015 Expenditure Oct 2016 to Dec 2016 Expenditure Oct 2017 to Dec 2017 Expenditure Oct 2018 to Dec 2018 Expenditure Oct 2019 to Dec 2019 Expenditure Oct 2021 to Dec 2021 Expenditure Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Expenditure Jan 2024 to Mar 2024 Expenditure Oct to 2023 to Dec 2023 | en | 2 | Social Inclusion Programme - Chhattisgarh Social inclusion programme Commitment 2015 Commitment 2016 Commitment 2017 Commitment 2018 Commitment 2019 Commitment 2020 Commitment 2021 Commitment 2022 Commitment 2023 Disbursement Apr 2019 to Jun 2019 Disbursement Apr 2019 to Jun 2019 Disbursement Apr 2020 to Jun 2020 Disbursement Apr 2020 to Jun 2020 Disbursement Apr 2020 to Jun 2020 Disbursement Apr 2020 to Jun 2020 Disbursement Jan 2019 to Mar 2019 Disbursement Jan 2019 to Mar 2019 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 Disbursement Jan 2023 to Mar 2023 Disbursement Jan 2023 to Mar 2023 Disbursement Jan 2023 to Mar 2023 Disbursement Jan 2023 to Mar 2023 Disbursement Jul 2019 to Sep 2019 Disbursement Jul 2019 to Sep 2019 Disbursement Jul 2020 to Sep 2020 Disbursement Jul 2020 to Sep 2020 Disbursement Jul 2020 to Sep 2020 Disbursement Jul 2020 to Sep 2020 Disbursement Jul 2020 to Sep 2020 Disbursement Jul 2020 to Sep 2020 Disbursement Jul 2022 to Sep 2022 Disbursement Jul 2022 to Sep 2022 Disbursement Jul 2023 to Sep 2023 Disbursement Jul 2023 to Sep 2023 Disbursement Jul 2023 to Sep 2023 Disbursement Jul 2023 to Sep 2023 Disbursement Oct 2019 to Dec 2019 Disbursement Oct 2019 to Dec 2019 Disbursement Oct 2019 to Dec 2019 Disbursement Oct 2020 to Dec 2020 Disbursement Oct 2020 to Dec 2020 Disbursement Oct 2020 to Dec 2020 Disbursement Oct 2020 to Dec 2020 Disbursement Oct 2020 to Dec 2020 Disbursement Oct 2020 to Dec 2020 Disbursement Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Disbursement Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Disbursement Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Disbursement Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Disbursement Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Disbursement Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Disbursement Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Disbursement Jan 2024 to Mar 2024 Disbursement Jan 2024 to Mar 2024 Disbursement Jan 2024 to Mar 2024 Disbursement Jan 2024 to Mar 2024 Disbursement Oct 2023 to Dec 2023 Disbursement Oct 2023 to Dec 2023 Disbursement Oct 2023 to Dec 2023 Disbursement Oct 2023 to Dec 2023 Disbursement Oct 2023 to Dec 2023 Disbursement Oct 2023 to Dec 2023 Expenditure Apr 2015 to Jun 2015 Expenditure Apr 2016 to Jun 2016 Expenditure Apr 2018 to Jun 2018 Expenditure Apr 2019 to Jun 2019 Expenditure Apr 2021 to Jun 2021 Expenditure Apr 2022 to Jun 2022 Expenditure Apr 2023 to Jun 2023 Expenditure Jan 2015 to Mar 2015 Expenditure Jan 2016 to Mar 2016 Expenditure Jan 2017 to Mar 2017 Expenditure Jan 2018 to Mar 2018 Expenditure Jan 2019 to Mar 2019 Expenditure Jan 2022 to Mar 2022 Expenditure Jan 2023 to Mar 2023 Expenditure Jul 2015 to Sep 2015 Expenditure Jul 2016 to Sep 2016 Expenditure Jul 2017 to Sep 2017 Expenditure Jul 2018 to Sep 2018 Expenditure Jul 2021 to Sep 2021 Expenditure Jul 2022 to Sep 2022 Expenditure Jul 2023 to Sep 2023 Expenditure Oct 2015 to Dec 2015 Expenditure Oct 2016 to Dec 2016 Expenditure Oct 2017 to Dec 2017 Expenditure Oct 2018 to Dec 2018 Expenditure Oct 2019 to Dec 2019 Expenditure Oct 2021 to Dec 2021 Expenditure Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Expenditure Jan 2024 to Mar 2024 Expenditure Oct to 2023 to Dec 2023 |
Fighting Ebola in Liberia and Sierra Leone (DSS15EBL14) | Deployment of DSS in the fight against Ebola in Liberia and Sierra Leone. | null | en | 0 | Fighting Ebola in Liberia and Sierra Leone (DSS15EBL14) Deployment of DSS in the fight against Ebola in Liberia and Sierra Leone. |
Secondment of MLN as Political Adviser EU in Kiev | Secondment of MLN as Political Adviser EU in Kiev | null | en | 0 | Secondment of MLN as Political Adviser EU in Kiev Secondment of MLN as Political Adviser EU in Kiev |
Ozone prog 04-10 Montreal - Naturvardsverket Ozonprog 04-10 Montreal | 1 1, Under the Montreal Protocol the developed countries have agreed to finance phase-out of ozone depleting substances in the developing countries through a Multilateral Fund (MLF). SEI has assisted Sida with the bilateral ozone programme since 1999. | null | sv|en | 0 | Ozone prog 04-10 Montreal - Naturvardsverket Ozonprog 04-10 Montreal 1 1, Under the Montreal Protocol the developed countries have agreed to finance phase-out of ozone depleting substances in the developing countries through a Multilateral Fund (MLF). SEI has assisted Sida with the bilateral ozone programme since 1999. |
Leningrad soc planning Leningrad soc planering | Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | Leningrad soc planning Leningrad soc planering Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. |
SCB Bihar Rural Eye Health in Gaya and Samastipur | To reduce the prevalence of blindness in the 2 districts to less than 0.3% | Commitment 2023 Expenditure Jan 2023 to Mar 2023 Expenditure Apr 2023 to Jun 2023 Expenditure Jul 2022 to Sep 2022 Expenditure Jul 2023 to Sep 2023 Expenditure Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Expenditure Jan 2024 to Mar 2024 Expenditure Oct to 2023 to Dec 2023 | en | 0 | SCB Bihar Rural Eye Health in Gaya and Samastipur To reduce the prevalence of blindness in the 2 districts to less than 0.3% Commitment 2023 Expenditure Jan 2023 to Mar 2023 Expenditure Apr 2023 to Jun 2023 Expenditure Jul 2022 to Sep 2022 Expenditure Jul 2023 to Sep 2023 Expenditure Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 Expenditure Jan 2024 to Mar 2024 Expenditure Oct to 2023 to Dec 2023 |
CRADLE 2003 CRADLE 2003 | Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | CRADLE 2003 CRADLE 2003 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. |
MSB Hum Ram 2009-2011 Swedish Civil Contingencies Agencies 2009-2011 | Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | MSB Hum Ram 2009-2011 Swedish Civil Contingencies Agencies 2009-2011 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. |
Centre for Independent Life (CIL) - 2023 - 2027 Strategy | Contract related to: Centre for Independent Life (CIL) - 2023 - 2027 Strategy - The overall objective of the Action is to strengthen participatory democracy and the EU integration and approximation process in Kosovo, through an enhanced contribution by civil society and media. The Programme will foster participatory democracy and inclusion of Kosovo civic actors in decision making through a mix of funding modalities (operating, action grants, small grant schemes). It will strengthen the capacities of civil society and media to play the role of independent watchdogs of democracy and institutions. The programme will equally support civil society participation in sector reforms, social development as well as cooperation with institutions for governance, economic development and recovery programmes. Furthermore, the programme will strengthen the resilience and sustainability of quality journalism and independent media actors. | null | en | 1 | Centre for Independent Life (CIL) - 2023 - 2027 Strategy Contract related to: Centre for Independent Life (CIL) - 2023 - 2027 Strategy - The overall objective of the Action is to strengthen participatory democracy and the EU integration and approximation process in Kosovo, through an enhanced contribution by civil society and media. The Programme will foster participatory democracy and inclusion of Kosovo civic actors in decision making through a mix of funding modalities (operating, action grants, small grant schemes). It will strengthen the capacities of civil society and media to play the role of independent watchdogs of democracy and institutions. The programme will equally support civil society participation in sector reforms, social development as well as cooperation with institutions for governance, economic development and recovery programmes. Furthermore, the programme will strengthen the resilience and sustainability of quality journalism and independent media actors. |
Seminar for journalists Journalistseminarium | Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | Seminar for journalists Journalistseminarium Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. |
Travaux de construction du tribunal de premi¿re instance de kankan. | Contract related to: Travaux de construction du tribunal de premi¿re instance de kankan. - Objectif global: Appuyer les efforts du Gouvernement en matière de consolidation de l'Etat de droit, de gouvernance, de promotion des principes démocratiques et de respect des droits humains, en particulier dans le domaine de la justice et de la lutte contre limpunité en République de Guinée.Objectif spécifique: Appuyer la mise en place dune justice indépendante, efficace et plus proche du justiciable, entamer la réforme du système pénitentiaire et soutenir les efforts de lutte contre li | null | en | 1 | Travaux de construction du tribunal de premi¿re instance de kankan. Contract related to: Travaux de construction du tribunal de premi¿re instance de kankan. - Objectif global: Appuyer les efforts du Gouvernement en matière de consolidation de l'Etat de droit, de gouvernance, de promotion des principes démocratiques et de respect des droits humains, en particulier dans le domaine de la justice et de la lutte contre limpunité en République de Guinée.Objectif spécifique: Appuyer la mise en place dune justice indépendante, efficace et plus proche du justiciable, entamer la réforme du système pénitentiaire et soutenir les efforts de lutte contre li |
Improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable sections of the population in the Southern District of Hebron. Miglioramento della qualità della vita delle fasce più vulnerabili della popolazione nell'area meridionale del Distretto di Hebro | The general objective of the project is to foster human development of the communities in the District of South Hebron specific objective is to improve the health and the social conditions of families in the area. Obiettivo generale del progetto è favorire lo sviluppo umano delle comunità del Distretto di Hebron Sud. Obiettivo specifico è migliorare la salute e le condizioni sociali dei nuclei familiari dell'area. | Commitment - Financial Year 2014 Disboursement - Financial Year 2015 Disboursement - Financial Year 2016 Disboursement - Financial Year 2017 Disboursement - Financial Year 2019 Commitment - Financial Year 2022 | it|en | 1 | Improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable sections of the population in the Southern District of Hebron. Miglioramento della qualità della vita delle fasce più vulnerabili della popolazione nell'area meridionale del Distretto di Hebro The general objective of the project is to foster human development of the communities in the District of South Hebron specific objective is to improve the health and the social conditions of families in the area. Obiettivo generale del progetto è favorire lo sviluppo umano delle comunità del Distretto di Hebron Sud. Obiettivo specifico è migliorare la salute e le condizioni sociali dei nuclei familiari dell'area. Commitment - Financial Year 2014 Disboursement - Financial Year 2015 Disboursement - Financial Year 2016 Disboursement - Financial Year 2017 Disboursement - Financial Year 2019 Commitment - Financial Year 2022 |
Activity under preparation Apoyo Presupuestario Integracion Socioeconomica de Migrantes en Colombia | Contract related to: Apoyo Presupuestario Integracion Socioeconomica de Migrantes en Colombia - Colombia's recent response to migration has been recognised as an international example of solidarity. Its policy of welcoming and relaxing migration in the last years has placed the country at the forefront of the dialogue on migration in Latin America. The government of recently elected President, Gustavo Petro, received from his predecessor a well-developed policy and institutional framework for the care and integration of the Venezuelan migrant population; but its full implementation is still a work in progress.President Petro seems to have a broader vision of the migration crisis, as he frames it within the concept of human mobility and within the government priorities for human security and social justice. In the same direction, the basis for the National Development Plan (2022-2026) establishes that the government will promote ¿mechanisms to improve the quality of life of this population, based on dignity and respect for their rights, without xenophobia or discrimination, which will allow progress towards a fairer society, with better living conditions and economic security for all¿. Although migration flows from Venezuela may be decreasing compared to previous years and the economic situation in the neighbouring country shows modest signs of improvement, the reality is that Venezuelan migrants continue to enter the country, they already represent around 6% of the population and most of them are young people willing to stay and build a new life. After their regularisation, a priority and a major challenge for the new government is their socio-economic integration. The Action will address these challenges in support of public policy CONPES 4100 "Strategy for the Integration of the Venezuelan Migrant Population as a Factor of Development for the Country". This policy aims to promote an institutional response to the social, economic and cultural integration needs of the Venezuelan migrant population in order to materialise the contribution to the development and prosperity of the country.The programme will focus on promoting income-generating opportunities for migrants and host communities through entrepreneurship and employment. This will be done by promoting sector policies coordination (trade, social inclusion and labour) at the national level and by generating partnerships with local authorities, private sector, civil society and communities, to create green and decent employment and economic opportunities for men, women and marginalized groups. The programme is linked to Priority Area 1 ¿ Peace and Specific Objective 2: Addressing inequalities as root causes of violence and poverty of the MIP (2021-2024). This Action is in line with the EU's priorities and the Colombian government¿s commitments towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 10, and 1 and 5. Colombia is committed to reducing multidimensional poverty to 8.4% and inequality, expressed in GINI, to 0.480 points by 2030.The Action builds upon EU Budget Support ¿Green Economy¿ (a top up to this action is foreseen with the budget support component) and an important number of regional projects in the Latin American region (LAC) and Team Europe initiatives underway supporting the attention and integration of migrants with a community-based approach. The Action will also support Colombia's commitments to gender equality, as outlined in the CONPES 4080 on gender equity. It will notably contribute to the realisation of the EU Gender Action Plan 2021-2025 GAP III, in particular to its thematic areas of engagement ¿Promoting economic and social rights and empowering girls and women¿, and ¿Addressing the challenges of harnessing the opportunities offered by green transition and digital transformation¿. | null | en | 1 | Activity under preparation Apoyo Presupuestario Integracion Socioeconomica de Migrantes en Colombia Contract related to: Apoyo Presupuestario Integracion Socioeconomica de Migrantes en Colombia - Colombia's recent response to migration has been recognised as an international example of solidarity. Its policy of welcoming and relaxing migration in the last years has placed the country at the forefront of the dialogue on migration in Latin America. The government of recently elected President, Gustavo Petro, received from his predecessor a well-developed policy and institutional framework for the care and integration of the Venezuelan migrant population; but its full implementation is still a work in progress.President Petro seems to have a broader vision of the migration crisis, as he frames it within the concept of human mobility and within the government priorities for human security and social justice. In the same direction, the basis for the National Development Plan (2022-2026) establishes that the government will promote ¿mechanisms to improve the quality of life of this population, based on dignity and respect for their rights, without xenophobia or discrimination, which will allow progress towards a fairer society, with better living conditions and economic security for all¿. Although migration flows from Venezuela may be decreasing compared to previous years and the economic situation in the neighbouring country shows modest signs of improvement, the reality is that Venezuelan migrants continue to enter the country, they already represent around 6% of the population and most of them are young people willing to stay and build a new life. After their regularisation, a priority and a major challenge for the new government is their socio-economic integration. The Action will address these challenges in support of public policy CONPES 4100 "Strategy for the Integration of the Venezuelan Migrant Population as a Factor of Development for the Country". This policy aims to promote an institutional response to the social, economic and cultural integration needs of the Venezuelan migrant population in order to materialise the contribution to the development and prosperity of the country.The programme will focus on promoting income-generating opportunities for migrants and host communities through entrepreneurship and employment. This will be done by promoting sector policies coordination (trade, social inclusion and labour) at the national level and by generating partnerships with local authorities, private sector, civil society and communities, to create green and decent employment and economic opportunities for men, women and marginalized groups. The programme is linked to Priority Area 1 ¿ Peace and Specific Objective 2: Addressing inequalities as root causes of violence and poverty of the MIP (2021-2024). This Action is in line with the EU's priorities and the Colombian government¿s commitments towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 10, and 1 and 5. Colombia is committed to reducing multidimensional poverty to 8.4% and inequality, expressed in GINI, to 0.480 points by 2030.The Action builds upon EU Budget Support ¿Green Economy¿ (a top up to this action is foreseen with the budget support component) and an important number of regional projects in the Latin American region (LAC) and Team Europe initiatives underway supporting the attention and integration of migrants with a community-based approach. The Action will also support Colombia's commitments to gender equality, as outlined in the CONPES 4080 on gender equity. It will notably contribute to the realisation of the EU Gender Action Plan 2021-2025 GAP III, in particular to its thematic areas of engagement ¿Promoting economic and social rights and empowering girls and women¿, and ¿Addressing the challenges of harnessing the opportunities offered by green transition and digital transformation¿. |
Safer Cities 07-11 Safer Cities 07-11 - RPS samarb Safer Cities, | Övergripande målet är att förbättra säkerheten i urbana områden och att minska kriminalitet och våld. Utvecklingsmålen är att "stärka städerna genom att (1) öka förståelsen och tillgången av verktyg för brottförebyggande; (2) utveckla gott ledarskap genom partnerskap-baserade urbana säkerhetsinitiativ. The overall goal is to improve safety in urban areas and reduce crime and violence. The Development Objective is to: "further the role of cities and improve urban governance by (1) increasing global understanding and availability of tools to support local crime prevention and by (2) enhancing good urban governance at the city level through partnership-based urban security initiatives". | null | sv|en | 0 | Safer Cities 07-11 Safer Cities 07-11 - RPS samarb Safer Cities, Övergripande målet är att förbättra säkerheten i urbana områden och att minska kriminalitet och våld. Utvecklingsmålen är att "stärka städerna genom att (1) öka förståelsen och tillgången av verktyg för brottförebyggande; (2) utveckla gott ledarskap genom partnerskap-baserade urbana säkerhetsinitiativ. The overall goal is to improve safety in urban areas and reduce crime and violence. The Development Objective is to: "further the role of cities and improve urban governance by (1) increasing global understanding and availability of tools to support local crime prevention and by (2) enhancing good urban governance at the city level through partnership-based urban security initiatives". |
Activity under preparation Strengthening Maternal and Child Health in El Salvador | The action aims at supporting El Salvador is to reduce maternal and infant morbidity and mortality associated with preterm birth and congenital malformations in the short and long term, within the framework of the right to health. The intervention targets the entire national territory, with all Salvadoran mothers and children as potential direct beneficiaries, as well as their families, the health personnel and the entire community as indirect beneficiaries.The action has three components: The first component aims to optimise existing health facilities with equipment and protocols strengthening the "hub and spoke" reference network capable of operationally linking primary health facilities at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels. The second component focuses on strengthening the capacities of health personnel, through high-level training, specialisation and continuing medical education in the field of neonatal pathology, with particular attention to prematurity. It is aimed at medical and nursing staff and technical health workers and includes the design and implementation of follow-up protocols for the care of mothers and children with risk factors associated with preterm birth or congenital malformations. Finally, the third component involves the implementation of information and awareness-raising campaigns, through a civil society organisation, on the ¿Nacer con carino¿ law and on access to maternal and infant health. | null | en | 1 | Activity under preparation Strengthening Maternal and Child Health in El Salvador The action aims at supporting El Salvador is to reduce maternal and infant morbidity and mortality associated with preterm birth and congenital malformations in the short and long term, within the framework of the right to health. The intervention targets the entire national territory, with all Salvadoran mothers and children as potential direct beneficiaries, as well as their families, the health personnel and the entire community as indirect beneficiaries.The action has three components: The first component aims to optimise existing health facilities with equipment and protocols strengthening the "hub and spoke" reference network capable of operationally linking primary health facilities at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels. The second component focuses on strengthening the capacities of health personnel, through high-level training, specialisation and continuing medical education in the field of neonatal pathology, with particular attention to prematurity. It is aimed at medical and nursing staff and technical health workers and includes the design and implementation of follow-up protocols for the care of mothers and children with risk factors associated with preterm birth or congenital malformations. Finally, the third component involves the implementation of information and awareness-raising campaigns, through a civil society organisation, on the ¿Nacer con carino¿ law and on access to maternal and infant health. |
Technical expertise to support on specific activities both the implementing partners and the EU Delegation, and to ensure the ownership of the Ministry of Health (MoH). | Contract related to: Technical expertise to support on specific activities both the implementing partners and the EU Delegation, and to ensure the ownership of the Ministry of Health (MoH). - The proposed action intends to ensure increased and better access to quality Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (RMNCH) in Guinea Bissau.The intervention aims at consolidating the process, started in 2013 with the PIMI I[1] programme (2013-2016), implemented in some regions, and subsequently extended to the whole country with PIMI II (2017-2021). This third phase (PIMI III) intends to take advantage of the relatively stable political scenario where the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) is showing renewed commitment and engagement in fighting corruption and improving the sound management of the health sector, with the support of the Ministry of Finance (MINFIN).In particular, the action seeks to: i) consolidate the achievements of the previous programmes, PIMI I and II, which contributed to a reduction in maternal and infant mortality through better access to quality RMNCH in Guinea Bissau, ii) promote the gradual transfer of responsibility to MINSAP, iii) lay the foundations for a Universal Health Coverage (UHC), to ensure increased coverage of good-quality essential health services without experiencing financial hardship.The action will contribute to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, underpinned by at least 4 targets (3.1: maternal mortality, 3.2: neonatal mortality, 3.7: sexual and reproductive health care, and 3.8: UHC). It contributes also to SDG 1 (No poverty), 2 (Zero hunger) and 5 (Gender equality). [1] Programme intégré pour la réduction de la mortalité maternelle et infantile. | null | en | 1 | Technical expertise to support on specific activities both the implementing partners and the EU Delegation, and to ensure the ownership of the Ministry of Health (MoH). Contract related to: Technical expertise to support on specific activities both the implementing partners and the EU Delegation, and to ensure the ownership of the Ministry of Health (MoH). - The proposed action intends to ensure increased and better access to quality Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (RMNCH) in Guinea Bissau.The intervention aims at consolidating the process, started in 2013 with the PIMI I[1] programme (2013-2016), implemented in some regions, and subsequently extended to the whole country with PIMI II (2017-2021). This third phase (PIMI III) intends to take advantage of the relatively stable political scenario where the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) is showing renewed commitment and engagement in fighting corruption and improving the sound management of the health sector, with the support of the Ministry of Finance (MINFIN).In particular, the action seeks to: i) consolidate the achievements of the previous programmes, PIMI I and II, which contributed to a reduction in maternal and infant mortality through better access to quality RMNCH in Guinea Bissau, ii) promote the gradual transfer of responsibility to MINSAP, iii) lay the foundations for a Universal Health Coverage (UHC), to ensure increased coverage of good-quality essential health services without experiencing financial hardship.The action will contribute to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, underpinned by at least 4 targets (3.1: maternal mortality, 3.2: neonatal mortality, 3.7: sexual and reproductive health care, and 3.8: UHC). It contributes also to SDG 1 (No poverty), 2 (Zero hunger) and 5 (Gender equality). [1] Programme intégré pour la réduction de la mortalité maternelle et infantile. |
Youth on Watch: Standing for and promoting human rights by students' parliaments | <p class="ql-align-justify">The overall objective is to empower young generations to act for the protection of human rights and democracy, including advocacy for social inclusion through education, by strengthening students¿ parliaments (SPs) in 16 secondary schools all over Serbia.</p> | null | en | 1 | Youth on Watch: Standing for and promoting human rights by students' parliaments <p class="ql-align-justify">The overall objective is to empower young generations to act for the protection of human rights and democracy, including advocacy for social inclusion through education, by strengthening students¿ parliaments (SPs) in 16 secondary schools all over Serbia.</p> |
Højniveaumøde om tøj- og tekstilproduktion in Bangladesh | Højniveaumøde om tøj- og tekstilproduktion in Bangladesh | null | en | 0 | Højniveaumøde om tøj- og tekstilproduktion in Bangladesh Højniveaumøde om tøj- og tekstilproduktion in Bangladesh |
Stöd till Capacity Development Association/IHOP 2017 Support to Capacity Development Association/IHOP 2017 | Den planerade utvecklingsinsatsen syftar till att stötta civilsamhället och specifikt människorättsförsvarare i Turkiet. The planned contribution aims to support civil society in Turkey, and human rights defenders specifically. | null | sv|en | 0 | Stöd till Capacity Development Association/IHOP 2017 Support to Capacity Development Association/IHOP 2017 Den planerade utvecklingsinsatsen syftar till att stötta civilsamhället och specifikt människorättsförsvarare i Turkiet. The planned contribution aims to support civil society in Turkey, and human rights defenders specifically. |
Education Open Space for Students and Community | Project is aimed at improvement of the quality of education, modernisation of infrastructure and facilities for full-time education and creating the innovative education environment for students and teaching staff;A new Education Open Space for Students and Community (EduSpace) will be established for student and community services. | null | en | 1 | Education Open Space for Students and Community Project is aimed at improvement of the quality of education, modernisation of infrastructure and facilities for full-time education and creating the innovative education environment for students and teaching staff;A new Education Open Space for Students and Community (EduSpace) will be established for student and community services. |
Development of materials in the framework of the Dovidka.info platform | Contract related to: Development of materials in the framework of the Dovidka.info platform - Special measure 2021 Country allocations to support national (local) CSOs, democracy activists and HRDs working on critical human rights and democracy issues in partner countries. It will be managed by EUDs (INTPA/NEAR) and cover 116 countries. The Covid-19 pandemic is having significant negative repercussions on human rights, democracy and the rule of law in many parts of the world and on the space for civil society organisations active in the promotion of human rights and democracy. An urgent reaction is required in the third quarter of 2021 to limit the harm done and contain further entrenchment and worsening of the situation. The overall objective of the action is the worldwide promotion and protection of: (i) human rights and fundamental freedoms; (ii) democracy; and (iii) the rule of law. The action will achieve this so by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. The action will mainly be implemented through competitive processes.This action will mainly be implemented by EU delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) take into account the local challenges of the current COVID-19 crisis; (iii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iv) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The grants will aim at implementing the priorities listed in annex III Annex of the Regulation (EU) 2021/947 in line with Human Rights and Democracy country strategies. Implementing these priorities will also contribute to the EU action plan on human rights and democracy 2020-2024. The actions financed under the country allocations will be in line with: (i) the relevant EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focus on promoting gender equality. | null | en | 1 | Development of materials in the framework of the Dovidka.info platform Contract related to: Development of materials in the framework of the Dovidka.info platform - Special measure 2021 Country allocations to support national (local) CSOs, democracy activists and HRDs working on critical human rights and democracy issues in partner countries. It will be managed by EUDs (INTPA/NEAR) and cover 116 countries. The Covid-19 pandemic is having significant negative repercussions on human rights, democracy and the rule of law in many parts of the world and on the space for civil society organisations active in the promotion of human rights and democracy. An urgent reaction is required in the third quarter of 2021 to limit the harm done and contain further entrenchment and worsening of the situation. The overall objective of the action is the worldwide promotion and protection of: (i) human rights and fundamental freedoms; (ii) democracy; and (iii) the rule of law. The action will achieve this so by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. The action will mainly be implemented through competitive processes.This action will mainly be implemented by EU delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) take into account the local challenges of the current COVID-19 crisis; (iii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iv) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The grants will aim at implementing the priorities listed in annex III Annex of the Regulation (EU) 2021/947 in line with Human Rights and Democracy country strategies. Implementing these priorities will also contribute to the EU action plan on human rights and democracy 2020-2024. The actions financed under the country allocations will be in line with: (i) the relevant EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focus on promoting gender equality. |
Activity under preparation contribution agreements East jerusalem programme - giz | Contract related to: contribution agreements East jerusalem programme - giz - The proposed Action aims at supporting the resilience of the Palestinian population of East Jerusalem and at safeguarding its Palestinian identity, in the absence of Palestinian institutions within the city. It seeks to prevent the Palestinian population in East Jerusalem from being further coerced into leaving the city, thus jeopardizing the possibility of Jerusalem serving as the future capital of both States. EU support to East Jerusalem is multi-sectoral and challenges are addressed in a cyclical manner. The programme targets interventions primarily in the four following sectors (i) Human rights protection; (ii) Socio-economic support; (iii) Education and culture and (iv) Protection of environment, urbanism and housing rights. The crosscutting themes under this action include good governance principles and gender equality. The Rights Based Approach is central to each project undertaken under this Action. Activities will support the community capacity to enhance the living conditions in East Jerusalem. It aims to respond to the continued deterioration of socio-political and economic trends, caused by discriminatory policies, insufficient and unbalanced investment in community services, minimal municipal public services, extreme poverty rates, low labour force participation, limited opportunities and protection for women and vulnerable groups, low private investment and minimal economic development. The proposed Action supports the implementation of the European Joint Strategy (EJS) in support of Palestine 2021-2024 ¿Towards a democratic and accountable Palestinian State¿. The EJS is closely aligned to the new Palestinian National Policy Agenda (NPA) 2017-2022 and to the Sustainable Development Goals especially Sustainable Development Goal n°10 ¿Reduced inequalities among the other mentioned above. The proposed action is closely aligned with the Palestinian Strategic Sectorial Development Plan for Jerusalem (SSDPJ 2018-2022) which contains 17 sectors of intervention for East Jerusalem. | null | en | 1 | Activity under preparation contribution agreements East jerusalem programme - giz Contract related to: contribution agreements East jerusalem programme - giz - The proposed Action aims at supporting the resilience of the Palestinian population of East Jerusalem and at safeguarding its Palestinian identity, in the absence of Palestinian institutions within the city. It seeks to prevent the Palestinian population in East Jerusalem from being further coerced into leaving the city, thus jeopardizing the possibility of Jerusalem serving as the future capital of both States. EU support to East Jerusalem is multi-sectoral and challenges are addressed in a cyclical manner. The programme targets interventions primarily in the four following sectors (i) Human rights protection; (ii) Socio-economic support; (iii) Education and culture and (iv) Protection of environment, urbanism and housing rights. The crosscutting themes under this action include good governance principles and gender equality. The Rights Based Approach is central to each project undertaken under this Action. Activities will support the community capacity to enhance the living conditions in East Jerusalem. It aims to respond to the continued deterioration of socio-political and economic trends, caused by discriminatory policies, insufficient and unbalanced investment in community services, minimal municipal public services, extreme poverty rates, low labour force participation, limited opportunities and protection for women and vulnerable groups, low private investment and minimal economic development. The proposed Action supports the implementation of the European Joint Strategy (EJS) in support of Palestine 2021-2024 ¿Towards a democratic and accountable Palestinian State¿. The EJS is closely aligned to the new Palestinian National Policy Agenda (NPA) 2017-2022 and to the Sustainable Development Goals especially Sustainable Development Goal n°10 ¿Reduced inequalities among the other mentioned above. The proposed action is closely aligned with the Palestinian Strategic Sectorial Development Plan for Jerusalem (SSDPJ 2018-2022) which contains 17 sectors of intervention for East Jerusalem. |
Joint UN Programme on HIV AIDS core support 2016-2018 | Coordinated and effective action to end the AIDS epidemic through the work of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). | Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year | en | 1 | Joint UN Programme on HIV AIDS core support 2016-2018 Coordinated and effective action to end the AIDS epidemic through the work of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year |
AEX-Programme BBE-programmet | Bilaterala biträdande experter. Ett utbildningsprogram för svenska yngre akademiker. Syftet är att få genomslag för svenska prioriteringar i det internationella utvecklingssamarbetet och återföring av erfarenheter till svenska aktörer. Programmet omfattar max två år. Bilateral associate experts. A training program for young Swedish academics. The aim is to have an impact on Swedish priorities in international development cooperation and feedback of experience to the Swedish actors. The program includes up to two years. | null | sv|en | 0 | AEX-Programme BBE-programmet Bilaterala biträdande experter. Ett utbildningsprogram för svenska yngre akademiker. Syftet är att få genomslag för svenska prioriteringar i det internationella utvecklingssamarbetet och återföring av erfarenheter till svenska aktörer. Programmet omfattar max två år. Bilateral associate experts. A training program for young Swedish academics. The aim is to have an impact on Swedish priorities in international development cooperation and feedback of experience to the Swedish actors. The program includes up to two years. |
Kenya - Climate Envelope 2012: continuation of bilateral climate programme re. energy efficiency | To increased efficiency in energy and resource use in the manufacturing sector in Kenya. | null | en | 0 | Kenya - Climate Envelope 2012: continuation of bilateral climate programme re. energy efficiency To increased efficiency in energy and resource use in the manufacturing sector in Kenya. |
NutriAc¿¿o! M¿es, Jovens, T¿cnicos, Comunidades e Autoridades Locais juntos em Modelos de sucesso para uma melhor nutri¿¿o materno infantil em Angola. | Contract related to: NutriAc¿¿o! M¿es, Jovens, T¿cnicos, Comunidades e Autoridades Locais juntos em Modelos de sucesso para uma melhor nutri¿¿o materno infantil em Angola. - The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia. Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach; enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT. | null | en | 1 | NutriAc¿¿o! M¿es, Jovens, T¿cnicos, Comunidades e Autoridades Locais juntos em Modelos de sucesso para uma melhor nutri¿¿o materno infantil em Angola. Contract related to: NutriAc¿¿o! M¿es, Jovens, T¿cnicos, Comunidades e Autoridades Locais juntos em Modelos de sucesso para uma melhor nutri¿¿o materno infantil em Angola. - The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia. Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach; enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT. |
Impact licencing Initiative (2022_2025) - technologie overdracht Le développement d'un centre de service et d'expertise partagé pour créer un impact social via le transfert de technologie sur les objectifs des ODD des Nations Unies dans les pays à faible et moyen revenu | De ambitie van dit project is om een gedeelde ondersteuning en expertisecentrum op te richten voor kennisdeling met Belgische onderzoeksinstellingen en bedrijven door hen bij te staan in de valorisatie van hun technologieën in ontwikkelingslanden volgens de Sustainability Ontwikkelingsdoelen (SDG's). De overdracht van technologie kan een belangrijke motor zijn voor internationale samenwerking en ontwikkeling. Het "Impact Licensing Initiative" is een non-profitorganisatie die optreedt als technologiemakelaar voor maatschappelijke impact. Het is een katalysator voor technologiehouder(s) (universiteiten, O&O-centra, bedrijven, ...) om op grote schaal maatschappelijke impact te creëren op de SDG's. De ambitie van dit project is om een gedeelde ondersteuning en kennis te delen met Belgische onderzoeksinstellingen en bedrijven door hen bij te staan in de valorisatie van hun technologieën in ontwikkelingslanden volgens de SDG's van de Verenigde Naties. Het project wil deze ambitie verwezenlijken door de realisatie van drie belangrijke
1. Het opzetten van een online leernetwerk en de organisatie van 3 netwerkbijeenkomsten om een ecosysteem van belangrijke ondersteunende stakeholders voor technologieoverdracht volgens de SDG-doelstellingen van de VN.
2. De organisatie van drie technologieoverdrachtsgolven om impact te genereren op de VN SDG doelen.
3. Het opzetten van een sociaal bedrijfsmodel voor het Impact Licensing Initiative om zijn activiteiten te ondersteunen en op te schalen na het project in nauwe interactie met de gemeenschap van impactinvesteerders | Commitment disbursement disbursement | fr|en | 0 | Impact licencing Initiative (2022_2025) - technologie overdracht Le développement d'un centre de service et d'expertise partagé pour créer un impact social via le transfert de technologie sur les objectifs des ODD des Nations Unies dans les pays à faible et moyen revenu De ambitie van dit project is om een gedeelde ondersteuning en expertisecentrum op te richten voor kennisdeling met Belgische onderzoeksinstellingen en bedrijven door hen bij te staan in de valorisatie van hun technologieën in ontwikkelingslanden volgens de Sustainability Ontwikkelingsdoelen (SDG's). De overdracht van technologie kan een belangrijke motor zijn voor internationale samenwerking en ontwikkeling. Het "Impact Licensing Initiative" is een non-profitorganisatie die optreedt als technologiemakelaar voor maatschappelijke impact. Het is een katalysator voor technologiehouder(s) (universiteiten, O&O-centra, bedrijven, ...) om op grote schaal maatschappelijke impact te creëren op de SDG's. De ambitie van dit project is om een gedeelde ondersteuning en kennis te delen met Belgische onderzoeksinstellingen en bedrijven door hen bij te staan in de valorisatie van hun technologieën in ontwikkelingslanden volgens de SDG's van de Verenigde Naties. Het project wil deze ambitie verwezenlijken door de realisatie van drie belangrijke
1. Het opzetten van een online leernetwerk en de organisatie van 3 netwerkbijeenkomsten om een ecosysteem van belangrijke ondersteunende stakeholders voor technologieoverdracht volgens de SDG-doelstellingen van de VN.
2. De organisatie van drie technologieoverdrachtsgolven om impact te genereren op de VN SDG doelen.
3. Het opzetten van een sociaal bedrijfsmodel voor het Impact Licensing Initiative om zijn activiteiten te ondersteunen en op te schalen na het project in nauwe interactie met de gemeenschap van impactinvesteerders Commitment disbursement disbursement |
EU for better municipal governance - DEMOS III Contribution agreement with Sida | Contract related to: EU for better municipal governance - DEMOS III Contribution agreement with Sida - This action will provide additional funding to municipalities through the Municipal Performance Grant with the aim to support reforms to local government and increase revenue mobilisation at the local level in order to improve service delivery. The Municipal Performance Grant is a scheme established and co-financed by the Ministry of Local Government Administration and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Sweden and Norway co-finance the scheme since 2019. The overall goal is to incentivise municipalities to further improve their performance in democratic governance, municipal management and municipal service delivery. All 38 municipalities of Kosovo are eligible to participate in the scheme, provided that they fulfil minimum conditions to get a grant. The size of the grant is determined by the score of a municipality on 30 performance indicators. Municipalities can use the grants for capital investments only. The action also aim at supporting local governance reforms, such as reform of municipal financing and better revenue mobilisation. | null | en | 1 | EU for better municipal governance - DEMOS III Contribution agreement with Sida Contract related to: EU for better municipal governance - DEMOS III Contribution agreement with Sida - This action will provide additional funding to municipalities through the Municipal Performance Grant with the aim to support reforms to local government and increase revenue mobilisation at the local level in order to improve service delivery. The Municipal Performance Grant is a scheme established and co-financed by the Ministry of Local Government Administration and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Sweden and Norway co-finance the scheme since 2019. The overall goal is to incentivise municipalities to further improve their performance in democratic governance, municipal management and municipal service delivery. All 38 municipalities of Kosovo are eligible to participate in the scheme, provided that they fulfil minimum conditions to get a grant. The size of the grant is determined by the score of a municipality on 30 performance indicators. Municipalities can use the grants for capital investments only. The action also aim at supporting local governance reforms, such as reform of municipal financing and better revenue mobilisation. |
WaterAid kärnstöd 2023-2024 WaterAid Core support 2023-2024 - WaterAid Core support | WaterAid is the world’s largest non-governmental civil society organization focused on access and rights to clean water and safely managed and sustainable sanitation and hygiene (WASH services). The contribution support WaterAid to implement its global strategy for 2022–2032 “Ending the water, sanitation and hygiene crisis together – for everyone, everywhere.” Sida supports WaterAid to achieve the objectives under its strategy, including quantitative delivery and targets for system strengthening, indirect advocacy, as well as goals related to climate-resilient WASH under dedicated projects in seven countries.
The contribution consists of two components, one under the Strategy for Sweden’s global development cooperation in sustainable social development 2018–2022, as extended to 2023, and one under the global strategy for development cooperation for the environment, climate and biodiversity 2022–2026.
The gender equality perspective is well integrated and regarded as a significant objective of the contribution, alongside how WaterAid according to its new strategy aims to “strengthen the resilience of WASH to climate change.” Environmental sustainability constitutes a significant objective in focus during the activity period. WaterAid är världens största ideella cilvilsamhällesorganisation med fokus på fattiga människors tillgång och rättigheter till WASH-tjänster – rent vatten och säkert hanterad och hållbar sanitet och hygien. Insatsen stödjer implementeringen av WaterAids globala strategi för 2022–2032 ”Avsluta vatten, sanitets- och hygienkrisen tillsammans – för alla, överallt”. Sida stödjer WaterAid att dels uppnå målen i sin strategi, inklusive kvantitativa leveransmål och mål för systemstärkande, indirekt påverkansarbete, dels mål relaterade till klimatresilient WASH genom dedikerade projekt.
Insatsen består av två komponenter, den första under Strategi för Sveriges globala utvecklingssamarbete inom hållbar social utveckling 2018–2022, förlängd t.o.m. 2023, och den andra under Strategi för Sveriges globala utvecklingssamarbete inom miljö, klimat och biologisk mångfald 2022–2026.
Jämställdhetsperspektivet är väl integrerat och anses utgöra ett huvudmål med insatsen tillsammans med klimatanpassning, baserat på hur WaterAid enligt sin nya strategi syftar till att ”se till att tillgång till rent vatten och sanitet blir en nyckelstrategi för samhällens motståndskraft mot klimatförändringar”. Miljömässig hållbarhet utgör ett signifikant mål som sätts i fokus under aktivitetsperioden. Insatsens mål under 2024 är att stödja WaterAid att implementera sin globala strategi som syftar till att ge katalytiska effekter genom olika aktiviteter.
Av det s.k. direkta arbetet med att tillgängliggöra vatten, sanitet och hygien är årets mål:
-Vatten ska tillgängliggöras till 2 040 00 personer i hem, skolor eller sjukhus/vårdcentraler;
-Toaletter/avlopp ska tillgängliggöras till 1 735 000 personer i hem, skolor eller sjukhus/vårdcentraler och
-Insatser för stärkt hygien (tillgång till handtvättsmöjligheter och hygieninformation) ska nå 5 600 000 personer i hem, skolor eller sjukhus/vårdcentraler;
Kompletterande och långsiktigt systemstärkande aktiviteter förväntas dubblera ovan kvantitativa resultat men utförda av andra aktörer, huvudsakligen kommuner eller motsvarande.
Vidare förväntas Sidas stöd till WaterAid under året bidra till
- Stärkt globalt påverkansarbete
Fokus på påverkansarbetet är klimat och kvinnors hälsa. Förväntade resultat är sammanslagna med resultat under partnerns strategiska mål 2 och 3. Resultat kommer även rapporteras genom kvalitativ analys (Stories of change and challenges) och så kallde kritiska resultatindikatorer, men förväntade resultat har inte kvantifierats för det aktuella året.
- Förbättrat miljöarbete inom WaterAid som bland annat ska resultera i beräknade grundnivåer för WaterAids utsläpp av växthusgaser och satta ambitioner för minskning, lansering av nya riktlinjer för miljöbedömningar av projekt och ett rapporteringsformat för miljömässig hållbarhet.
- Resultat inom WaterAids strategiska mål 2 och 3:
Mål 2 innefattar WaterAids arbete för WASH inom hälsosystemet. Bland förväntade resultat, utöver ovan listade kvantitativa resultat, är exempelvis en etablerad påverkansplan och etablerade arbetsplaner samt påbörjad implementering av dessa.
Mål 3 innefattar WaterAids arbete för ökad klimatresiliens. Bland förväntade resultat är ökade åtaganden kring klimatfinansiering i minst fem samarbetsländer, att två regionala eller globala klimatfinansieringsmekanismer ökar finansieringen till klimatresilient WASH med minst 5% samt att arbetet med naturbaserade lösningar för vattenresurshantering sprids och byggs vidare på.
- Färdigställandet av WaterAids nya ramverk för resultatuppföljning
Många fler förväntade resultat är presenterade i WaterAids ansökan, inklusive specifika resultat för de fyra fokusländerna (Nepal, Östtimor, Kambodja och Ghana). Vidare kommer WaterAid att göra fyra landspecifika resultatsammanfattningar för att konstextualisera resultaten i dessa länder.
Från förlängningen på 2023/2024 års särskilda projektstöd i sju länder kvarstår förväntade resultat:
i) Stärkta klimatresilienta WASH-tjänster i två hälsomottagningar i Kampong Chhnang-provinsen, Kambodja. Förväntat resultat är bland annat att förståelsen och kapacitet för inkluderande och klimatresilient WASH inom hälsomottangingen har ökat bland personalen kan styrkas och att tre nationellt anställda bidrar till implementeringen.
ii) Förbättrat hållbar (varaktig) tillgång till WASH vid Yerebougou hälsoklinik i Segou-regionen, Mali. Förväntade resultat är bland annat att 100% av rapporterande personal tvättar händerna före och efter patientkontakt, att maxtid för ofunktionell vattentillång är 72 timmar före reparation samt bekräftade budget för underhåll av WASH-faciliteter.
iii) Hållbar, allmän, inkluderande och jämställdhetsbeaktad WASH i Bugusera Distrikt och runt om. Förväntade resultat är styrkt förbättrad kapacitet av myndigheter att underhålla WASH-service på ett hållbart sätt, bekräftande att klimatresiliens har inkluderats i destriktets kapacitetsstärkningsplan och styrkt att kvinnor deltar WASH förvaltning och ansvarstutkrävande inom distriktet.
iv) Projekt i Lodhran distriktet i Pakistan med fokus på WASH inom hälsomottagningar. Förväntat resultat är tre hälsomottagningar med tillräckligt inkluderande och inkluderande WASH-faciliteter, en hälsomottagning med utvecklad avfallshantering samt bekräftat ökat engagemang bland ansvariga.
v) Främja klimattåliga WASH-tjänster i Moçambique. Förväntade resultat är bland annat färdigställd hydrogeologisk undersökning i Cuamba, bekräftad ifärdigställd lokal handlingsplan för vattenresurser (av lokala myndigheter), deltagande i utvecklingen av planen av minst 30 medborgare, 30 WASH-service aktörer har fått teknisk stöd och kapacitetsutveckling och en färdigställd kartläggning av ekosystemet i Cuamba.
vi) Förbättrad förvaltning av vattenresurser och ökad klimatresiliensen i ett dammområde i Burkina Faso. Förväntat resultat är att 20% av avrinningsområdet är skyddat och att alla utbildade lantbrukare har har god kunskap om vattenkonservering samt att 90% av utbildade lantbrukare har god erfarenhet av vattenkonservering.
vii) Utökat ekosystembaserad vattenförvaltning och stärkt beredskap för naturkatastrofer i två avrinningsområden i Timor Leste. Förväntade resultat är bland annat bekräftat ägarskap av lokala ledare för använding av naturbaserade ansatser till vattenkonservering inklusive att inkludera det i lokala lagar, bekräftad ökad kunskap om klimatförändringarnas konsekvenser och hållbara metoder för avrinning och markanvänding samt styrkt ökat regionalt intresse för WaterAids partnerskapsmodell för vattenresurshantering. | null | sv|en | 1 | WaterAid kärnstöd 2023-2024 WaterAid Core support 2023-2024 - WaterAid Core support WaterAid is the world’s largest non-governmental civil society organization focused on access and rights to clean water and safely managed and sustainable sanitation and hygiene (WASH services). The contribution support WaterAid to implement its global strategy for 2022–2032 “Ending the water, sanitation and hygiene crisis together – for everyone, everywhere.” Sida supports WaterAid to achieve the objectives under its strategy, including quantitative delivery and targets for system strengthening, indirect advocacy, as well as goals related to climate-resilient WASH under dedicated projects in seven countries.
The contribution consists of two components, one under the Strategy for Sweden’s global development cooperation in sustainable social development 2018–2022, as extended to 2023, and one under the global strategy for development cooperation for the environment, climate and biodiversity 2022–2026.
The gender equality perspective is well integrated and regarded as a significant objective of the contribution, alongside how WaterAid according to its new strategy aims to “strengthen the resilience of WASH to climate change.” Environmental sustainability constitutes a significant objective in focus during the activity period. WaterAid är världens största ideella cilvilsamhällesorganisation med fokus på fattiga människors tillgång och rättigheter till WASH-tjänster – rent vatten och säkert hanterad och hållbar sanitet och hygien. Insatsen stödjer implementeringen av WaterAids globala strategi för 2022–2032 ”Avsluta vatten, sanitets- och hygienkrisen tillsammans – för alla, överallt”. Sida stödjer WaterAid att dels uppnå målen i sin strategi, inklusive kvantitativa leveransmål och mål för systemstärkande, indirekt påverkansarbete, dels mål relaterade till klimatresilient WASH genom dedikerade projekt.
Insatsen består av två komponenter, den första under Strategi för Sveriges globala utvecklingssamarbete inom hållbar social utveckling 2018–2022, förlängd t.o.m. 2023, och den andra under Strategi för Sveriges globala utvecklingssamarbete inom miljö, klimat och biologisk mångfald 2022–2026.
Jämställdhetsperspektivet är väl integrerat och anses utgöra ett huvudmål med insatsen tillsammans med klimatanpassning, baserat på hur WaterAid enligt sin nya strategi syftar till att ”se till att tillgång till rent vatten och sanitet blir en nyckelstrategi för samhällens motståndskraft mot klimatförändringar”. Miljömässig hållbarhet utgör ett signifikant mål som sätts i fokus under aktivitetsperioden. Insatsens mål under 2024 är att stödja WaterAid att implementera sin globala strategi som syftar till att ge katalytiska effekter genom olika aktiviteter.
Av det s.k. direkta arbetet med att tillgängliggöra vatten, sanitet och hygien är årets mål:
-Vatten ska tillgängliggöras till 2 040 00 personer i hem, skolor eller sjukhus/vårdcentraler;
-Toaletter/avlopp ska tillgängliggöras till 1 735 000 personer i hem, skolor eller sjukhus/vårdcentraler och
-Insatser för stärkt hygien (tillgång till handtvättsmöjligheter och hygieninformation) ska nå 5 600 000 personer i hem, skolor eller sjukhus/vårdcentraler;
Kompletterande och långsiktigt systemstärkande aktiviteter förväntas dubblera ovan kvantitativa resultat men utförda av andra aktörer, huvudsakligen kommuner eller motsvarande.
Vidare förväntas Sidas stöd till WaterAid under året bidra till
- Stärkt globalt påverkansarbete
Fokus på påverkansarbetet är klimat och kvinnors hälsa. Förväntade resultat är sammanslagna med resultat under partnerns strategiska mål 2 och 3. Resultat kommer även rapporteras genom kvalitativ analys (Stories of change and challenges) och så kallde kritiska resultatindikatorer, men förväntade resultat har inte kvantifierats för det aktuella året.
- Förbättrat miljöarbete inom WaterAid som bland annat ska resultera i beräknade grundnivåer för WaterAids utsläpp av växthusgaser och satta ambitioner för minskning, lansering av nya riktlinjer för miljöbedömningar av projekt och ett rapporteringsformat för miljömässig hållbarhet.
- Resultat inom WaterAids strategiska mål 2 och 3:
Mål 2 innefattar WaterAids arbete för WASH inom hälsosystemet. Bland förväntade resultat, utöver ovan listade kvantitativa resultat, är exempelvis en etablerad påverkansplan och etablerade arbetsplaner samt påbörjad implementering av dessa.
Mål 3 innefattar WaterAids arbete för ökad klimatresiliens. Bland förväntade resultat är ökade åtaganden kring klimatfinansiering i minst fem samarbetsländer, att två regionala eller globala klimatfinansieringsmekanismer ökar finansieringen till klimatresilient WASH med minst 5% samt att arbetet med naturbaserade lösningar för vattenresurshantering sprids och byggs vidare på.
- Färdigställandet av WaterAids nya ramverk för resultatuppföljning
Många fler förväntade resultat är presenterade i WaterAids ansökan, inklusive specifika resultat för de fyra fokusländerna (Nepal, Östtimor, Kambodja och Ghana). Vidare kommer WaterAid att göra fyra landspecifika resultatsammanfattningar för att konstextualisera resultaten i dessa länder.
Från förlängningen på 2023/2024 års särskilda projektstöd i sju länder kvarstår förväntade resultat:
i) Stärkta klimatresilienta WASH-tjänster i två hälsomottagningar i Kampong Chhnang-provinsen, Kambodja. Förväntat resultat är bland annat att förståelsen och kapacitet för inkluderande och klimatresilient WASH inom hälsomottangingen har ökat bland personalen kan styrkas och att tre nationellt anställda bidrar till implementeringen.
ii) Förbättrat hållbar (varaktig) tillgång till WASH vid Yerebougou hälsoklinik i Segou-regionen, Mali. Förväntade resultat är bland annat att 100% av rapporterande personal tvättar händerna före och efter patientkontakt, att maxtid för ofunktionell vattentillång är 72 timmar före reparation samt bekräftade budget för underhåll av WASH-faciliteter.
iii) Hållbar, allmän, inkluderande och jämställdhetsbeaktad WASH i Bugusera Distrikt och runt om. Förväntade resultat är styrkt förbättrad kapacitet av myndigheter att underhålla WASH-service på ett hållbart sätt, bekräftande att klimatresiliens har inkluderats i destriktets kapacitetsstärkningsplan och styrkt att kvinnor deltar WASH förvaltning och ansvarstutkrävande inom distriktet.
iv) Projekt i Lodhran distriktet i Pakistan med fokus på WASH inom hälsomottagningar. Förväntat resultat är tre hälsomottagningar med tillräckligt inkluderande och inkluderande WASH-faciliteter, en hälsomottagning med utvecklad avfallshantering samt bekräftat ökat engagemang bland ansvariga.
v) Främja klimattåliga WASH-tjänster i Moçambique. Förväntade resultat är bland annat färdigställd hydrogeologisk undersökning i Cuamba, bekräftad ifärdigställd lokal handlingsplan för vattenresurser (av lokala myndigheter), deltagande i utvecklingen av planen av minst 30 medborgare, 30 WASH-service aktörer har fått teknisk stöd och kapacitetsutveckling och en färdigställd kartläggning av ekosystemet i Cuamba.
vi) Förbättrad förvaltning av vattenresurser och ökad klimatresiliensen i ett dammområde i Burkina Faso. Förväntat resultat är att 20% av avrinningsområdet är skyddat och att alla utbildade lantbrukare har har god kunskap om vattenkonservering samt att 90% av utbildade lantbrukare har god erfarenhet av vattenkonservering.
vii) Utökat ekosystembaserad vattenförvaltning och stärkt beredskap för naturkatastrofer i två avrinningsområden i Timor Leste. Förväntade resultat är bland annat bekräftat ägarskap av lokala ledare för använding av naturbaserade ansatser till vattenkonservering inklusive att inkludera det i lokala lagar, bekräftad ökad kunskap om klimatförändringarnas konsekvenser och hållbara metoder för avrinning och markanvänding samt styrkt ökat regionalt intresse för WaterAids partnerskapsmodell för vattenresurshantering. |
Mali 2022 - ICRC Appeals 2022-2025: Operations | This is a “Decision on Contribution” (Rule for Managing Contributions 2.9 §) between Sida and the International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC, to allow for humanitarian response in relevant crises for 2022.
ICRC's objectives are in line with the Strategy for Sweden's Humanitarian Assistance through Sida (2021-2025). The contribution is relevant for all objectives in the strategy, with an emphasis on the strategy area on protection and assistance to crisis affected populations.
Out of the initial allocation, a segment is proposed to be un-allocated, which would enable the ICRC to swiftly allocate already pre-existing financial contributions to countries and regions which experience a crisis in a sudden onset, a deteriorated or a severely underfunded situation. Sida must, as per the suggested agreement, approve the ICRC suggestion on how the initially un-allocated funds are to be allocated.
During 2020, the Humanitarian Assistance Unit at Sida conducted an overview of ongoing strategic partnerships in order to ensure that partnership was established with the most relevant and effective humanitarian actors to carry out Sweden’s strategy for humanitarian assistance through Sida (2021 – 2025). As a result of the overview, Sida has decided to appraise a new contribution and enter into a new strategic partnership agreement with ICRC, 2021-000057.
The main purpose of this contribution is, in line with the humanitarian strategy, to save life, alleviate suffering and maintain human dignity. Most of the policy markers, including environment and conflict prevention, have therefor been marked as partly applicable. Detta beslut avser ”Beslut om insats” (Insatshanteringsregeln 2.9 §) mellan Sida och ICRC för att möjliggöra humanitärt stöd till utvalda kriser i linje med ICRC:s globala appell för år 2022.
Sidas humanitära enhet har under 2020 genomfört en översyn av samtliga strategiska partner i syfte att säkerställa samarbete med de mest relevanta och effektiva humanitära aktörerna för genomförandet av Sveriges humanitära strategi genom Sida (2021-2025). Som ett resultat av översynen har Sida beslutat att bereda ny insats och ingå nytt strategiskt partnerskap med ICRC, se beslut 2021-000057.
Syftet med beslutet är att stödja ICRC:s humanitära verksamhet under 2022 samt ingå strategiskt partnerskap för perioden 2021 – 2025.
I beslutet ingår också ett initialt icke-allokerat stöd som ICRC kan använda till nya, förvärrade eller kraftigt underfinansierade kriser under året efter godkännande av Sida.
Insatsen huvudsyfte är, att i linje med Sidas humanitära strategi, att rädda liv, lindra nöd och upprätthålla mänsklig värdighet. Majoriteten av policymarkörer, inklusive miljö samt konfliktförebyggande, fred och säkerhet, har därmed markerats som delsyften snarare än huvudsyften. ICRC bedöms av Sida vara en viktig humanitär aktör, med ett tydligt mervärde i framför allt situationer av väpnad konflikt och andra situationer av våld. ICRC har en bred geografisk närvaro, med cirka 20 000 medarbetare i över 100 länder, och organisationen har en god kapacitet att nå civila med skydd och assistans i mycket svårtillgängliga områden. Genom sitt unika mandat i den internationella humanitära rätten, samt tack vare god erfarenhet och renommé, har Sida förtroende i att ICRC också framgent kan bidra till att skydda och bistå människor i humanitära kriser. | null | sv|en | 1 | Mali 2022 - ICRC Appeals 2022-2025: Operations This is a “Decision on Contribution” (Rule for Managing Contributions 2.9 §) between Sida and the International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC, to allow for humanitarian response in relevant crises for 2022.
ICRC's objectives are in line with the Strategy for Sweden's Humanitarian Assistance through Sida (2021-2025). The contribution is relevant for all objectives in the strategy, with an emphasis on the strategy area on protection and assistance to crisis affected populations.
Out of the initial allocation, a segment is proposed to be un-allocated, which would enable the ICRC to swiftly allocate already pre-existing financial contributions to countries and regions which experience a crisis in a sudden onset, a deteriorated or a severely underfunded situation. Sida must, as per the suggested agreement, approve the ICRC suggestion on how the initially un-allocated funds are to be allocated.
During 2020, the Humanitarian Assistance Unit at Sida conducted an overview of ongoing strategic partnerships in order to ensure that partnership was established with the most relevant and effective humanitarian actors to carry out Sweden’s strategy for humanitarian assistance through Sida (2021 – 2025). As a result of the overview, Sida has decided to appraise a new contribution and enter into a new strategic partnership agreement with ICRC, 2021-000057.
The main purpose of this contribution is, in line with the humanitarian strategy, to save life, alleviate suffering and maintain human dignity. Most of the policy markers, including environment and conflict prevention, have therefor been marked as partly applicable. Detta beslut avser ”Beslut om insats” (Insatshanteringsregeln 2.9 §) mellan Sida och ICRC för att möjliggöra humanitärt stöd till utvalda kriser i linje med ICRC:s globala appell för år 2022.
Sidas humanitära enhet har under 2020 genomfört en översyn av samtliga strategiska partner i syfte att säkerställa samarbete med de mest relevanta och effektiva humanitära aktörerna för genomförandet av Sveriges humanitära strategi genom Sida (2021-2025). Som ett resultat av översynen har Sida beslutat att bereda ny insats och ingå nytt strategiskt partnerskap med ICRC, se beslut 2021-000057.
Syftet med beslutet är att stödja ICRC:s humanitära verksamhet under 2022 samt ingå strategiskt partnerskap för perioden 2021 – 2025.
I beslutet ingår också ett initialt icke-allokerat stöd som ICRC kan använda till nya, förvärrade eller kraftigt underfinansierade kriser under året efter godkännande av Sida.
Insatsen huvudsyfte är, att i linje med Sidas humanitära strategi, att rädda liv, lindra nöd och upprätthålla mänsklig värdighet. Majoriteten av policymarkörer, inklusive miljö samt konfliktförebyggande, fred och säkerhet, har därmed markerats som delsyften snarare än huvudsyften. ICRC bedöms av Sida vara en viktig humanitär aktör, med ett tydligt mervärde i framför allt situationer av väpnad konflikt och andra situationer av våld. ICRC har en bred geografisk närvaro, med cirka 20 000 medarbetare i över 100 länder, och organisationen har en god kapacitet att nå civila med skydd och assistans i mycket svårtillgängliga områden. Genom sitt unika mandat i den internationella humanitära rätten, samt tack vare god erfarenhet och renommé, har Sida förtroende i att ICRC också framgent kan bidra till att skydda och bistå människor i humanitära kriser. |
Activity under preparation Support to Property Tax | Activity still under preparation: Support to Property Tax-<p>Support to Property Tax</p> | null | en | 1 | Activity under preparation Support to Property Tax Activity still under preparation: Support to Property Tax-<p>Support to Property Tax</p> |
Strategy MID TERM REVIEW - MDP Analysis Strategy MID TERM REVIEW | Beslut om att genomföra upphandling av fyra studier relaterade till MTR av landstrategi. Decision to procure four studies relating to country strategy MTR. | null | sv|en | 1 | Strategy MID TERM REVIEW - MDP Analysis Strategy MID TERM REVIEW Beslut om att genomföra upphandling av fyra studier relaterade till MTR av landstrategi. Decision to procure four studies relating to country strategy MTR. |
Prevention and Mitigation of Deliberate Biological and Chemical Threats Prévention et atténuation des menaces biologiques et chimiques délibérées | This project aims to strengthen the international response to deliberate chemical and biological threats, attacks and incidents. Project activities include: (1) supporting multilateral advocacy, outreach and collaboration by the World Health Organization (WHO) at the health-security interface; (2) delivering tailored regional-level mapping and risk assessments to identify gaps and national capabilities to respond to chemical and biological threats; and (3) the developing standard operating procedures for the detection, assessment and management of potential deliberate chemical and biological events. Ce projet vise à renforcer la réponse internationale aux menaces, attaques et incidents chimiques et biologiques délibérés. Les activités du projet comprennent : 1) soutenir les activités multilatérales de sensibilisation, d’information et de collaboration de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) concernant des questions liées à la fois à la santé et à la sécurité; 2) fournir une cartographie et des évaluations des risques sur mesure au niveau régional afin de cibler les lacunes et les capacités nationales de réaction aux menaces chimiques et biologiques; 3) élaborer des procédures opérationnelles normalisées pour la détection, l’évaluation et la gestion des événements chimiques et biologiques délibérés potentiels. | null | fr|en | 0 | Prevention and Mitigation of Deliberate Biological and Chemical Threats Prévention et atténuation des menaces biologiques et chimiques délibérées This project aims to strengthen the international response to deliberate chemical and biological threats, attacks and incidents. Project activities include: (1) supporting multilateral advocacy, outreach and collaboration by the World Health Organization (WHO) at the health-security interface; (2) delivering tailored regional-level mapping and risk assessments to identify gaps and national capabilities to respond to chemical and biological threats; and (3) the developing standard operating procedures for the detection, assessment and management of potential deliberate chemical and biological events. Ce projet vise à renforcer la réponse internationale aux menaces, attaques et incidents chimiques et biologiques délibérés. Les activités du projet comprennent : 1) soutenir les activités multilatérales de sensibilisation, d’information et de collaboration de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) concernant des questions liées à la fois à la santé et à la sécurité; 2) fournir une cartographie et des évaluations des risques sur mesure au niveau régional afin de cibler les lacunes et les capacités nationales de réaction aux menaces chimiques et biologiques; 3) élaborer des procédures opérationnelles normalisées pour la détection, l’évaluation et la gestion des événements chimiques et biologiques délibérés potentiels. |
Activity under preparation Lutte contre le blanchiment d¿argent et le financement du terrorisme et prévention de l¿extrémisme violent | L¿action envisagée contribuera à la paix et la stabilité en Côte d¿Ivoire à travers le renforcement de la lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux et la formalisation et valorisation de l¿exploitation aurifère artisanale pouvant alimenter le financement des groupes armés terroristes. Cette action s¿inscrit dans le cadre de l¿ODD « Paix, justice et institutions efficaces » et un focus sera particulièrement mis sur les populations vulnérables, principalement les jeunes et les femmes. Cette action contribuera au développement durable de la Côte d¿Ivoire dans l¿esprit du nexus « sécurité et développement ». L¿action est composée de deux volets : - renforcer les capacités opérationnelles et analytiques des acteurs en charge de la lutte contre le blanchiment d¿argent et le financement du terrorisme (LCB/FT) et renforcer la chaîne pénale, dans le but de lutter contre les réseaux criminels organisés et les flux financiers illégaux. - appuyer la formalisation et la valorisation de la filière aurifère artisanale afin qu¿elle contribue à la création de richesse et d¿emplois au niveau local, permettant ainsi de prevenir l¿extrémisme violent et éviter qu¿elle ne soit une source de financement pour les groupes armés terroristes (GAT). Cette action s¿inscrit dans le cadre de la stratégie de la Commission visant à lutter contre la criminalité organisée afin de mieux faire face à la menace que représentent les groupes criminels organisés et de briser leurs modèles économiques. | null | en | 1 | Activity under preparation Lutte contre le blanchiment d¿argent et le financement du terrorisme et prévention de l¿extrémisme violent L¿action envisagée contribuera à la paix et la stabilité en Côte d¿Ivoire à travers le renforcement de la lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux et la formalisation et valorisation de l¿exploitation aurifère artisanale pouvant alimenter le financement des groupes armés terroristes. Cette action s¿inscrit dans le cadre de l¿ODD « Paix, justice et institutions efficaces » et un focus sera particulièrement mis sur les populations vulnérables, principalement les jeunes et les femmes. Cette action contribuera au développement durable de la Côte d¿Ivoire dans l¿esprit du nexus « sécurité et développement ». L¿action est composée de deux volets : - renforcer les capacités opérationnelles et analytiques des acteurs en charge de la lutte contre le blanchiment d¿argent et le financement du terrorisme (LCB/FT) et renforcer la chaîne pénale, dans le but de lutter contre les réseaux criminels organisés et les flux financiers illégaux. - appuyer la formalisation et la valorisation de la filière aurifère artisanale afin qu¿elle contribue à la création de richesse et d¿emplois au niveau local, permettant ainsi de prevenir l¿extrémisme violent et éviter qu¿elle ne soit une source de financement pour les groupes armés terroristes (GAT). Cette action s¿inscrit dans le cadre de la stratégie de la Commission visant à lutter contre la criminalité organisée afin de mieux faire face à la menace que représentent les groupes criminels organisés et de briser leurs modèles économiques. |
UNICEF: Child-Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) approach Project 2018-2022 UNICEF: Child-Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) approach Project 2018-2022 - Social inclusion through child-sensitive social protection programme | UNICEF has applied to Sida for funding of 152 million SEK to implement the project "Tackling child poverty and vulnerabilities in the Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre-North, North and East regions through child-sensitive social protection, July 2018" during the period 2018-2022.
The overall objective is to improve the realization of children's rights through support to child-sensitive social protection in 15 municipalities combined with access to basic services and to capacity development at national and local level to develop the system for child-sensitive social protection.
The specific objectives are:
- Reduce multidimensional and monetary child poverty through supporting deprived and vulnerable children and their families to have a minimum income and remove financial barriers to accessing basic social services.
- Build a supportive enabling environment to address both demand and supply-side bottlenecks underlying drivers of poverty in general, child poverty in specific.
- Promote meaningful participation and sensitization of the most disadvantaged children, their families and communities in planning, budgeting and monitoring processes to enable chidlren to achieve their full potential.
- Reduce malnutrition through preventive both nutrition-sensitive and nutrition-specific interventions, using a multi-sectoral approach at community level.
- Reduce open defacation through community-led total sanitation and increase safe water, sanitation and hygiene access.
- Address demand-side related bottlenecks to improve the realisation of children’s rights through a Child-Sensitive Social Protection intervention with vulnerable groups living in poverty, vulnerability and deprivation in 5 municipalities of the Boucle du Mouhoun.
The implementation approach is a combination of key components meant to empower children, their families, communities and local and national service providers to address deprivation and vulnerability among children. The purpose is to plan, design and implement the cash transfer and related complementary actions in such a way that sustainable impacts of a “Child Sensitive Social Protection” approach could be demonstrated.
Approximately 3 700 households will receive cash transfers through the project. Other direct beneficiaries include 101 000 pregnant women, 123 000 lactating women with children under two years. In addition some 192 000 people (of which 6 000 school pupils) will be reached by different water and sanitation interventions and 9 571 community members including community health workers will be indirect beneficiaries of health interventions.
The project proposal builds on the extensive evidence of positive effects of cash transfers for child survival and education, food intake, dietary diversity, family food security and asset accumulation. It also recognises the importance of combining cash with additional interventions, so called 'cash plus', in order to achieve higher level of outcomes for children such as improved learning, health and nutritional status and protection. The project therefore combines cash transfers with interventions for awareness-raising on child care and parenting, availability and accessibility of basic services realting to health, nutrition and WASH.
Social protection in Burkina Faso is fragmented with several actors and interventions. Through support from Sida and UNICEF there is an ongoing effort to develop an action plan to strengthen the system for social protection in Burkina Faso. The proposed project will contribute to implement the national action plan and to strengthen capacity at the national level, while also contributing to capacity development for implementing actors at the local level in the municipalities. An important aspect of the project is to contribute to learning that can influence the design of the system for social protection in Burkina Faso to integrate a child-sensitive approach. An impact evaluation is included in the project. UNICEF har ansökt till Sida om 152 miljoner SEK för att genomföra projektet "Tackling child poverty and vulnerabilities in the Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre-North, North and East regions through child-sensitive social protection" under perioden 2018-2022.
Det övergripande målet för insatsen är att stärka förverkligandet av barns rättigheter genom stöd till social trygghet med fokus på att motverka barns fattigdom och utsatthet i 15 kommuner i ett projekt som kombinerar tillgång till grundläggande service och kapacitetsutveckling på nationell och lokal nivå för att utveckla systemet för social trygghet med ett barnperspektiv.
Följande delmål ska uppnås:
- Minskad flerdimensionell och monetär barnfattigdom genom stöd till utsatta barn och deras familjer så att de erhåller kontantstöd som kan bidra till att bryta finansiella barriärer för att åtnjuta social service (hälsa, utbildning, vatten, sanitet);
- Skapa av en stödjande miljö som kan hantera flaskhalsar i både efterfrågan och tillgång när det gäller faktorer som driver fattigdom generellt, och särskilt barnfattigdom.
- Främja meningsfullt deltagande och medvetandegöra utsatta barn, deras familjer och kommuner när det gäller planering, budgetering och uppföljning i processer som stödjer barn att utveckla sin fulla potential.
- Minska undernäring genom förebyggande nutritionskänsliga och nutritionsspecifika insatser, genom ett multisektoriellt arbetssätt på lokal nivå.
- Minska förekomst av öppna latriner genom lokala insatser för sanitet liksom att öka tillgången till rent vatten, sanitet och hygien.
Insatsen ska åtgärda de hinder som motverkar förverkligandet av barns rättigheter genom att utveckla systemet för social trygghet med ett genomgående barnperspektiv inriktat på stöd till familjer som lever i utsatthet i 15 kommuner i fyra regioner.
Genomförandet av insatsen kombinerar olika stöd för att stärka barn, deras familjer, lokalsamhällen samt de ansvariga på lokal och nationell nivå som ska tillhandahålla service för att minska fattigdom och utsatthet hos barn. Syftet är att planera, utforma och genomföra kontanstöd tillsammans med kompletterande aktiviteter på ett sätt som bidrar till lärande och kunskapsgenering som bidrar till den övergripande utvecklingen av systemet för social trygghet i Burkina Faso.
Omkring 3700 hushåll med barn kommer att få kontantstöd genom projektet. Dessutom riktas särskilda aktiveteter för att stärka hälsoservice till 101,000 gravida kvinnor samt 123,000 ammande kvinnor med barn under två år. Ytterligare 192,000 människor (varav 6000 skolelever) kommer att få tillgång till vatten och sanitet. Aktiviteter för att stärka hälsoservice riktas även till 9 500 människor i lokalsamhällena, inklusive lokala hälsoarbetare.
Projektet bygger på omfattande evidens för de positiva effekterna av kontantstöd för att minska barnadödlighet, öka andelen barn som går i skola, öka konsumtion och livsmedelssäkerhet samt öka tillgångar hos mottagare. Forskning om effekterna av kontantstöd visar att det är viktigt att kombinera kontanter med kompletterande insatser, så kallat "cash plus", för att stärka effekterna för multidimensionell fattigdomsminskning och förbättra resultat för lärande, hälsa, nutrition och säkerhet. Projektet kombinerar därför kontantstöd med aktiviteter för att stärka medvetandet om barns behov och gott föräldraskap, dessutom ingår tillgång till grundläggande social service relaterat till hälsa, nutrition, vatten och sanitet i projektet.
Social trygghet i Burkina Faso är splittrat på en rad aktörer och projekt. Genom stöd från Sida och UNICEF pågår en insats för att ta fram en handlingsplan för att stärka systemet för social trygghet i landet. Det föreslagna projektet kommer att bidra till att genomföra den nationella handlingsplanen och stärka kapaciteten på nationell nivå, samtidigt som det även bidrar till kapacitetsutveckling hos genomförande aktörer på lokal nivå i kommunerna. En viktig aspekt av projektet är att bidra till lärande som kan påverka utformningen av Burkina Fasos system för social trygghet till att integrera ett barn-perspektiv. En effekt-utvärdering inkluderas därför i projektet. The overall objective is to improve the realization of children's rights through support to child-sensitive social protection in 15 municipalities combined with access to basic services, as well as to develop capacity at national and local level to develop the system for child-sensitive social protection.
The specific objectives are:
- Reduce multidimensional and monetary child poverty through supporting deprived and vulnerable children and their families to have a minimum income and remove financial barriers to accessing basic social services.
- Build a supportive enabling environment to address both demand and supply-side bottlenecks underlying drivers of poverty in general, child poverty in specific.
- Promote meaningful participation and sensitization of the most disadvantaged children, their families and communities in planning, budgeting and monitoring processes to enable children to achieve their full potential.
- Reduce malnutrition through preventive both nutrition-sensitve and nutrition-specific interventions, using a multi-sectoral approach at community level.
- Reduce open defacation through community-led total sanitation and increase safe water, sanitation and hygiene access. | null | sv|en | 1 | UNICEF: Child-Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) approach Project 2018-2022 UNICEF: Child-Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) approach Project 2018-2022 - Social inclusion through child-sensitive social protection programme UNICEF has applied to Sida for funding of 152 million SEK to implement the project "Tackling child poverty and vulnerabilities in the Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre-North, North and East regions through child-sensitive social protection, July 2018" during the period 2018-2022.
The overall objective is to improve the realization of children's rights through support to child-sensitive social protection in 15 municipalities combined with access to basic services and to capacity development at national and local level to develop the system for child-sensitive social protection.
The specific objectives are:
- Reduce multidimensional and monetary child poverty through supporting deprived and vulnerable children and their families to have a minimum income and remove financial barriers to accessing basic social services.
- Build a supportive enabling environment to address both demand and supply-side bottlenecks underlying drivers of poverty in general, child poverty in specific.
- Promote meaningful participation and sensitization of the most disadvantaged children, their families and communities in planning, budgeting and monitoring processes to enable chidlren to achieve their full potential.
- Reduce malnutrition through preventive both nutrition-sensitive and nutrition-specific interventions, using a multi-sectoral approach at community level.
- Reduce open defacation through community-led total sanitation and increase safe water, sanitation and hygiene access.
- Address demand-side related bottlenecks to improve the realisation of children’s rights through a Child-Sensitive Social Protection intervention with vulnerable groups living in poverty, vulnerability and deprivation in 5 municipalities of the Boucle du Mouhoun.
The implementation approach is a combination of key components meant to empower children, their families, communities and local and national service providers to address deprivation and vulnerability among children. The purpose is to plan, design and implement the cash transfer and related complementary actions in such a way that sustainable impacts of a “Child Sensitive Social Protection” approach could be demonstrated.
Approximately 3 700 households will receive cash transfers through the project. Other direct beneficiaries include 101 000 pregnant women, 123 000 lactating women with children under two years. In addition some 192 000 people (of which 6 000 school pupils) will be reached by different water and sanitation interventions and 9 571 community members including community health workers will be indirect beneficiaries of health interventions.
The project proposal builds on the extensive evidence of positive effects of cash transfers for child survival and education, food intake, dietary diversity, family food security and asset accumulation. It also recognises the importance of combining cash with additional interventions, so called 'cash plus', in order to achieve higher level of outcomes for children such as improved learning, health and nutritional status and protection. The project therefore combines cash transfers with interventions for awareness-raising on child care and parenting, availability and accessibility of basic services realting to health, nutrition and WASH.
Social protection in Burkina Faso is fragmented with several actors and interventions. Through support from Sida and UNICEF there is an ongoing effort to develop an action plan to strengthen the system for social protection in Burkina Faso. The proposed project will contribute to implement the national action plan and to strengthen capacity at the national level, while also contributing to capacity development for implementing actors at the local level in the municipalities. An important aspect of the project is to contribute to learning that can influence the design of the system for social protection in Burkina Faso to integrate a child-sensitive approach. An impact evaluation is included in the project. UNICEF har ansökt till Sida om 152 miljoner SEK för att genomföra projektet "Tackling child poverty and vulnerabilities in the Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre-North, North and East regions through child-sensitive social protection" under perioden 2018-2022.
Det övergripande målet för insatsen är att stärka förverkligandet av barns rättigheter genom stöd till social trygghet med fokus på att motverka barns fattigdom och utsatthet i 15 kommuner i ett projekt som kombinerar tillgång till grundläggande service och kapacitetsutveckling på nationell och lokal nivå för att utveckla systemet för social trygghet med ett barnperspektiv.
Följande delmål ska uppnås:
- Minskad flerdimensionell och monetär barnfattigdom genom stöd till utsatta barn och deras familjer så att de erhåller kontantstöd som kan bidra till att bryta finansiella barriärer för att åtnjuta social service (hälsa, utbildning, vatten, sanitet);
- Skapa av en stödjande miljö som kan hantera flaskhalsar i både efterfrågan och tillgång när det gäller faktorer som driver fattigdom generellt, och särskilt barnfattigdom.
- Främja meningsfullt deltagande och medvetandegöra utsatta barn, deras familjer och kommuner när det gäller planering, budgetering och uppföljning i processer som stödjer barn att utveckla sin fulla potential.
- Minska undernäring genom förebyggande nutritionskänsliga och nutritionsspecifika insatser, genom ett multisektoriellt arbetssätt på lokal nivå.
- Minska förekomst av öppna latriner genom lokala insatser för sanitet liksom att öka tillgången till rent vatten, sanitet och hygien.
Insatsen ska åtgärda de hinder som motverkar förverkligandet av barns rättigheter genom att utveckla systemet för social trygghet med ett genomgående barnperspektiv inriktat på stöd till familjer som lever i utsatthet i 15 kommuner i fyra regioner.
Genomförandet av insatsen kombinerar olika stöd för att stärka barn, deras familjer, lokalsamhällen samt de ansvariga på lokal och nationell nivå som ska tillhandahålla service för att minska fattigdom och utsatthet hos barn. Syftet är att planera, utforma och genomföra kontanstöd tillsammans med kompletterande aktiviteter på ett sätt som bidrar till lärande och kunskapsgenering som bidrar till den övergripande utvecklingen av systemet för social trygghet i Burkina Faso.
Omkring 3700 hushåll med barn kommer att få kontantstöd genom projektet. Dessutom riktas särskilda aktiveteter för att stärka hälsoservice till 101,000 gravida kvinnor samt 123,000 ammande kvinnor med barn under två år. Ytterligare 192,000 människor (varav 6000 skolelever) kommer att få tillgång till vatten och sanitet. Aktiviteter för att stärka hälsoservice riktas även till 9 500 människor i lokalsamhällena, inklusive lokala hälsoarbetare.
Projektet bygger på omfattande evidens för de positiva effekterna av kontantstöd för att minska barnadödlighet, öka andelen barn som går i skola, öka konsumtion och livsmedelssäkerhet samt öka tillgångar hos mottagare. Forskning om effekterna av kontantstöd visar att det är viktigt att kombinera kontanter med kompletterande insatser, så kallat "cash plus", för att stärka effekterna för multidimensionell fattigdomsminskning och förbättra resultat för lärande, hälsa, nutrition och säkerhet. Projektet kombinerar därför kontantstöd med aktiviteter för att stärka medvetandet om barns behov och gott föräldraskap, dessutom ingår tillgång till grundläggande social service relaterat till hälsa, nutrition, vatten och sanitet i projektet.
Social trygghet i Burkina Faso är splittrat på en rad aktörer och projekt. Genom stöd från Sida och UNICEF pågår en insats för att ta fram en handlingsplan för att stärka systemet för social trygghet i landet. Det föreslagna projektet kommer att bidra till att genomföra den nationella handlingsplanen och stärka kapaciteten på nationell nivå, samtidigt som det även bidrar till kapacitetsutveckling hos genomförande aktörer på lokal nivå i kommunerna. En viktig aspekt av projektet är att bidra till lärande som kan påverka utformningen av Burkina Fasos system för social trygghet till att integrera ett barn-perspektiv. En effekt-utvärdering inkluderas därför i projektet. The overall objective is to improve the realization of children's rights through support to child-sensitive social protection in 15 municipalities combined with access to basic services, as well as to develop capacity at national and local level to develop the system for child-sensitive social protection.
The specific objectives are:
- Reduce multidimensional and monetary child poverty through supporting deprived and vulnerable children and their families to have a minimum income and remove financial barriers to accessing basic social services.
- Build a supportive enabling environment to address both demand and supply-side bottlenecks underlying drivers of poverty in general, child poverty in specific.
- Promote meaningful participation and sensitization of the most disadvantaged children, their families and communities in planning, budgeting and monitoring processes to enable children to achieve their full potential.
- Reduce malnutrition through preventive both nutrition-sensitve and nutrition-specific interventions, using a multi-sectoral approach at community level.
- Reduce open defacation through community-led total sanitation and increase safe water, sanitation and hygiene access. |
Global Review of Programme Work Methods of the RWI Global utvärdering av Raoul Wallenberginstitutets arbetsmetoder | This contribution is about evaluating the Raoul Wallenberg Institute's working methods, which aims to strengthen cooperation between Sida and RWI, with particular focus on learning about RWI working methods and how they lead to performance fulfillment in the area of human rights. Denna insats handlar om att utvärdera Raoul Wallenberginstitutets arbetsmetoder vilket syftar till att stärka samarbetet mellan Sida och RWI med speciellt fokus på lärande om RWI arbetsmetoder och hur de leder till resultatuppfyllelse inom området mänskliga rättigheter. | null | sv|en | 0 | Global Review of Programme Work Methods of the RWI Global utvärdering av Raoul Wallenberginstitutets arbetsmetoder This contribution is about evaluating the Raoul Wallenberg Institute's working methods, which aims to strengthen cooperation between Sida and RWI, with particular focus on learning about RWI working methods and how they lead to performance fulfillment in the area of human rights. Denna insats handlar om att utvärdera Raoul Wallenberginstitutets arbetsmetoder vilket syftar till att stärka samarbetet mellan Sida och RWI med speciellt fokus på lärande om RWI arbetsmetoder och hur de leder till resultatuppfyllelse inom området mänskliga rättigheter. |
Private Sector Development Programme Förderung des Privatsektors | Companies and households use new services in order to strengthen their resilience in times of crisis. Unternehmen und Haushalte nutzen neue Angebote zur Stärkung ihrer Widerstandsfähigkeit in Krisenzeiten. Companies and households use new services in order to strengthen their resilience in times of crisis. Unternehmen und Haushalte nutzen neue Angebote zur Stärkung ihrer Widerstandsfähigkeit in Krisenzeiten. | null | de|en | 0 | Private Sector Development Programme Förderung des Privatsektors Companies and households use new services in order to strengthen their resilience in times of crisis. Unternehmen und Haushalte nutzen neue Angebote zur Stärkung ihrer Widerstandsfähigkeit in Krisenzeiten. Companies and households use new services in order to strengthen their resilience in times of crisis. Unternehmen und Haushalte nutzen neue Angebote zur Stärkung ihrer Widerstandsfähigkeit in Krisenzeiten. |
Zambia Aquaculture Project Technical Assistance (ZAP-TA) | To formulate, prepare, manage and implement a four (4) year multi-annual programme estimate under result area 5 ''Increased productivity, income and employment opportunities of emergent, small and medium scale fish farmer'' of the ''Support to the Sustainable Commercialisation of Zambias Smallholder Farmers'' programme. | null | en | 1 | Zambia Aquaculture Project Technical Assistance (ZAP-TA) To formulate, prepare, manage and implement a four (4) year multi-annual programme estimate under result area 5 ''Increased productivity, income and employment opportunities of emergent, small and medium scale fish farmer'' of the ''Support to the Sustainable Commercialisation of Zambias Smallholder Farmers'' programme. |
Expansion and Improvement of Healthcare Services Kassala Health Citadel, Kassala, Kassala State, Sudan - Phase IV Cittadella della Salute di Kassala - Nuova costruzione ed espansione del Polo Chirurgico e dei reparti di Pronto Soccorso Fase IV | Objective of the proposed initiative is the execution of physical infrastructure and the provision of furniture and equipment to improve the health facilities at State and Locality level for the benefit of the residents and migrant populations of the Eastern Sudan States. The target of the initiative is Kassala Health Citadel and the main goal concerns the structural and functional extension and improvement of critical departments such as: General Surgical Unit, Emergency and Accidents Department and Out Patient Department. The project includes a specific component aimed at addressing sustainable and safe treatment and disposal of sanitary waste at the Kassala Health Citadel. Obiettivo dell'iniziativa UNOPS Fase IV è il potenziamento infrastrutturale e funzionale delle strutture sanitarie a beneficio dei residenti e delle popolazioni migranti degli Stati del Sudan orientale. In particolare il miglioramento strutturale e la fornitura di arredi/attrezzature focalizza Unità Operative critiche quali: Chirurgica Generale, Dipartimento di Emergenza e Accettazione e Servizi Ambulatoriali della Cittadella della Salute di Kassala. Il progetto include una componente volta ad affrontare lo smaltimento sostenibile e sicuro dei rifiuti ospedalieri. Obiettivo dell'iniziativa UNOPS Fase IV è il potenziamento infrastrutturale e funzionale delle strutture sanitarie a beneficio dei residenti e delle popolazioni migranti degli Stati del Sudan orientale. In particolare il miglioramento strutturale e la fornitura di arredi/attrezzature focalizza Unità Operative critiche quali: Chirurgica Generale, Dipartimento di Emergenza e Accettazione e Servizi Ambulatoriali della Cittadella della Salute di Kassala. Il progetto include una componente volta ad affrontare lo smaltimento sostenibile e sicuro dei rifiuti ospedalieri. Obiettivo dell'iniziativa UNOPS Fase IV è il potenziamento infrastrutturale e funzionale delle strutture sanitarie a beneficio dei residenti e delle popolazioni migranti degli Stati del Sudan orientale. In particolare il miglioramento strutturale e la fornitura di arredi/attrezzature focalizza Unità Operative critiche quali: Chirurgica Generale, Dipartimento di Emergenza e Accettazione e Servizi Ambulatoriali della Cittadella della Salute di Kassala. Il progetto include una componente volta ad affrontare lo smaltimento sostenibile e sicuro dei rifiuti ospedalieri. | Commitment - Financial Year 2019 Disboursement - Financial Year 2019 Disboursement - Financial Year 2021 Disboursement - Financial Year 2022 | it|en | 1 | Expansion and Improvement of Healthcare Services Kassala Health Citadel, Kassala, Kassala State, Sudan - Phase IV Cittadella della Salute di Kassala - Nuova costruzione ed espansione del Polo Chirurgico e dei reparti di Pronto Soccorso Fase IV Objective of the proposed initiative is the execution of physical infrastructure and the provision of furniture and equipment to improve the health facilities at State and Locality level for the benefit of the residents and migrant populations of the Eastern Sudan States. The target of the initiative is Kassala Health Citadel and the main goal concerns the structural and functional extension and improvement of critical departments such as: General Surgical Unit, Emergency and Accidents Department and Out Patient Department. The project includes a specific component aimed at addressing sustainable and safe treatment and disposal of sanitary waste at the Kassala Health Citadel. Obiettivo dell'iniziativa UNOPS Fase IV è il potenziamento infrastrutturale e funzionale delle strutture sanitarie a beneficio dei residenti e delle popolazioni migranti degli Stati del Sudan orientale. In particolare il miglioramento strutturale e la fornitura di arredi/attrezzature focalizza Unità Operative critiche quali: Chirurgica Generale, Dipartimento di Emergenza e Accettazione e Servizi Ambulatoriali della Cittadella della Salute di Kassala. Il progetto include una componente volta ad affrontare lo smaltimento sostenibile e sicuro dei rifiuti ospedalieri. Obiettivo dell'iniziativa UNOPS Fase IV è il potenziamento infrastrutturale e funzionale delle strutture sanitarie a beneficio dei residenti e delle popolazioni migranti degli Stati del Sudan orientale. In particolare il miglioramento strutturale e la fornitura di arredi/attrezzature focalizza Unità Operative critiche quali: Chirurgica Generale, Dipartimento di Emergenza e Accettazione e Servizi Ambulatoriali della Cittadella della Salute di Kassala. Il progetto include una componente volta ad affrontare lo smaltimento sostenibile e sicuro dei rifiuti ospedalieri. Obiettivo dell'iniziativa UNOPS Fase IV è il potenziamento infrastrutturale e funzionale delle strutture sanitarie a beneficio dei residenti e delle popolazioni migranti degli Stati del Sudan orientale. In particolare il miglioramento strutturale e la fornitura di arredi/attrezzature focalizza Unità Operative critiche quali: Chirurgica Generale, Dipartimento di Emergenza e Accettazione e Servizi Ambulatoriali della Cittadella della Salute di Kassala. Il progetto include una componente volta ad affrontare lo smaltimento sostenibile e sicuro dei rifiuti ospedalieri. Commitment - Financial Year 2019 Disboursement - Financial Year 2019 Disboursement - Financial Year 2021 Disboursement - Financial Year 2022 |
International Disability Alliance IDA (2020-2023) - IDA (2020-2023) - Ny strategi 2024 IDA (2020-2023) (2024) | Insatsen avser ett kärnstöd till organisationen International Disability Alliance (IDA) om totalt 44 MSEK under en fyraårsperiod 2020-2023. IDA är en global allians av organisationer av personer med funktionsnedsättning (OPDs) som uppskattningsvis representerar en miljard människor världen över som lever med funktionsnedsättning. IDAs övergripande mål är att arbeta för att skydda och främja mänskliga rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning (PwD) samt stärka genomförandet av konventionen om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning (CRPD).
För 2020-2023 har IDA utvecklat sin strategi med fokus på sex områden med följande mål:
1) Påverka FNs processer för mänskliga rättigheter samt ansvarstagare för effektiv implementering av CRPD.
2) Påverka hållbarhetsagendan och det humanitära arbetet för att inkludera behov och prioriteringar av PwD.
3) Påverka internationellt utvecklingssamarbete för att öka kapacitet och resurser för rättigheter för PwD.
4) Främja rättigheter för underrepresenterade grupper av PwD.
5) Bygga kapacitet för aktivister med funktionsnedsättning och OPDs för att stärka mångfalden inom den globala rörelsen för PwD.
6) Öka den kollektiva kapaciteten av den globala rörelsen för PwD.
Total budget för perioden är cirka 450 MSEK. Sidas stöd uppgår till 44 MSEK. The International Disability Alliance (IDA) is a global alliance of organizations of persons with disabilities, representing the voice of the estimated one billion persons with disabilities worldwide. The overall goal of IDA is to develop and strengthen its work to promote the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) through the enabling of political dialogue, the creation of cooperation and capacity development at national, regional and global levels.
IDAs strategic plan for 2020-2023 has six objectives with the following corresponding goals:
1) Influencing UN human rights standards and processes. This entails that OPDs are able to utilise and engage in human rights monitoring mechanisms and processes to hold their governments accountable for effective CRPD implementation.
2) Influencing sustainable development and humanitarian action frameworks. This entails that the priorities of PwD are included in the review of the SDGs and that increased evidence on this progress is available, in addition to ensuring that the needs and priorities of PwD's are addressed and included in humanitarian responses.
3) Influencing international cooperation stakeholders. This entails that relevant stakeholders have increased their political will, technical capacity and resourcing towards disability inclusive development, in addition to IDA and its constituencies having continued engagement and influence over relevant Agenda 2030 processes and mechanisms.
4) Promoting the rights of underrepresented groups of persons with disabilities. This entails continued diversity of PwD represented in the governance and work of IDA, including underrepresented groups e.g. psychosocial disabilities and persons with deafblindness, in addition to increased representation, leadership and advocacy of women and indigenous persons with disabilities.
5) Building technical capacities of disability activists that form the diversity of the disability rights movement. This entails the continuation and scaling up of the Bridge CRPD-SDG training initiative as a cornerstone of a wider capacity development strategy and investment in the technical and advocacy capacity, as well as diversity of the movement. Additionally, IDA will work towards developing advanced training resources to support OPDs and PwDs in their advocacy towards governments, UN actors, donors and other relevant stakeholders.
6) Growing the collective capacity of the disability rights movement. This focuses on the importance of expanding the movement with a bottom-up approach, in addition to strengthening the range and diversity of PwD that IDA represents.
The total budget for the four-year period is around 450 MSEK. Sidas contribution for this period amounts to 44 MSEK. The overall objective and long term goal of the International Disability Alliance (IDA) is to ensure that "the rights of persons with disabilities are advanced by Member States, the UN and international cooperation stakeholders across human rights, development, peace and security agendas, in partnership with and through meaningful engagement of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities technically equipped to frame, deliver and monitor policies and programs that affect their lives."
The purpose of IDAs work is to ensure that Capacities and commitments of Member States, the UN and international cooperation stakeholders are strengthened, and their investment in and meaningful engagement with Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) is increased, resulting in higher OPDs capacities to represent the diversity of persons with disabilities, to technically advise as well as hold all stakeholders accountable on the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities. | null | sv|en | 2 | International Disability Alliance IDA (2020-2023) - IDA (2020-2023) - Ny strategi 2024 IDA (2020-2023) (2024) Insatsen avser ett kärnstöd till organisationen International Disability Alliance (IDA) om totalt 44 MSEK under en fyraårsperiod 2020-2023. IDA är en global allians av organisationer av personer med funktionsnedsättning (OPDs) som uppskattningsvis representerar en miljard människor världen över som lever med funktionsnedsättning. IDAs övergripande mål är att arbeta för att skydda och främja mänskliga rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning (PwD) samt stärka genomförandet av konventionen om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning (CRPD).
För 2020-2023 har IDA utvecklat sin strategi med fokus på sex områden med följande mål:
1) Påverka FNs processer för mänskliga rättigheter samt ansvarstagare för effektiv implementering av CRPD.
2) Påverka hållbarhetsagendan och det humanitära arbetet för att inkludera behov och prioriteringar av PwD.
3) Påverka internationellt utvecklingssamarbete för att öka kapacitet och resurser för rättigheter för PwD.
4) Främja rättigheter för underrepresenterade grupper av PwD.
5) Bygga kapacitet för aktivister med funktionsnedsättning och OPDs för att stärka mångfalden inom den globala rörelsen för PwD.
6) Öka den kollektiva kapaciteten av den globala rörelsen för PwD.
Total budget för perioden är cirka 450 MSEK. Sidas stöd uppgår till 44 MSEK. The International Disability Alliance (IDA) is a global alliance of organizations of persons with disabilities, representing the voice of the estimated one billion persons with disabilities worldwide. The overall goal of IDA is to develop and strengthen its work to promote the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) through the enabling of political dialogue, the creation of cooperation and capacity development at national, regional and global levels.
IDAs strategic plan for 2020-2023 has six objectives with the following corresponding goals:
1) Influencing UN human rights standards and processes. This entails that OPDs are able to utilise and engage in human rights monitoring mechanisms and processes to hold their governments accountable for effective CRPD implementation.
2) Influencing sustainable development and humanitarian action frameworks. This entails that the priorities of PwD are included in the review of the SDGs and that increased evidence on this progress is available, in addition to ensuring that the needs and priorities of PwD's are addressed and included in humanitarian responses.
3) Influencing international cooperation stakeholders. This entails that relevant stakeholders have increased their political will, technical capacity and resourcing towards disability inclusive development, in addition to IDA and its constituencies having continued engagement and influence over relevant Agenda 2030 processes and mechanisms.
4) Promoting the rights of underrepresented groups of persons with disabilities. This entails continued diversity of PwD represented in the governance and work of IDA, including underrepresented groups e.g. psychosocial disabilities and persons with deafblindness, in addition to increased representation, leadership and advocacy of women and indigenous persons with disabilities.
5) Building technical capacities of disability activists that form the diversity of the disability rights movement. This entails the continuation and scaling up of the Bridge CRPD-SDG training initiative as a cornerstone of a wider capacity development strategy and investment in the technical and advocacy capacity, as well as diversity of the movement. Additionally, IDA will work towards developing advanced training resources to support OPDs and PwDs in their advocacy towards governments, UN actors, donors and other relevant stakeholders.
6) Growing the collective capacity of the disability rights movement. This focuses on the importance of expanding the movement with a bottom-up approach, in addition to strengthening the range and diversity of PwD that IDA represents.
The total budget for the four-year period is around 450 MSEK. Sidas contribution for this period amounts to 44 MSEK. The overall objective and long term goal of the International Disability Alliance (IDA) is to ensure that "the rights of persons with disabilities are advanced by Member States, the UN and international cooperation stakeholders across human rights, development, peace and security agendas, in partnership with and through meaningful engagement of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities technically equipped to frame, deliver and monitor policies and programs that affect their lives."
The purpose of IDAs work is to ensure that Capacities and commitments of Member States, the UN and international cooperation stakeholders are strengthened, and their investment in and meaningful engagement with Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) is increased, resulting in higher OPDs capacities to represent the diversity of persons with disabilities, to technically advise as well as hold all stakeholders accountable on the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities. |
Ebola Treatment Centre at Port Loko Sierra Leone | This activity Ebola Treatment Centre at Port Loko Sierra Leone is a component of Ebola Treatment Centres in Sierra Leone reported by FCDO with a funding type of 105 - Humanitarian assistance and a budget of £9,454,342. It works in the following sector(s): Material relief assistance and services. | This is an outgoing commitment to GOAL of £9190379.00. Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs Aid to international organisations Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs | en | 0 | Ebola Treatment Centre at Port Loko Sierra Leone This activity Ebola Treatment Centre at Port Loko Sierra Leone is a component of Ebola Treatment Centres in Sierra Leone reported by FCDO with a funding type of 105 - Humanitarian assistance and a budget of £9,454,342. It works in the following sector(s): Material relief assistance and services. This is an outgoing commitment to GOAL of £9190379.00. Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs Aid to international organisations Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs |
Adolescent Girls’ Education in Crisis Initiative - program 2020 to 2022 Initiative pour l'éducation des adolescentes en situation de crise - programme 2020 à 2022 | This project aims to empower adolescent girls and young women aged 10 to 24 years, who are pursuing educational pathways in crisis-affected areas of Uganda, South Sudan and Syria. The project reaches marginalized girls and women who are refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and the most vulnerable members of the host communities. Project activities include: (1) providing life skills sessions on healthy lifestyles, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), mental health, financial literacy and negotiation skills to existing and newly established girls' clubs and peer-to-peer groups; (2) providing financial assistance for the families of the most vulnerable adolescent girls and young women to address specific educational barriers; (3) holding training workshops for formal and non-formal teachers and school leaders on basic, gender responsive and inclusive pedagogical approaches, including providing psycho-social support; and (4) developing remote curricula for learners to use at home enhances access to education and improves the quality of home-based instruction. This project benefits 123,768 adolescent girls and young women, including approximately 37% refugees or IDPs. The project aims to reach an additional 23,164 teachers (formal and non-formal), educational leaders, other education professionals, members of boys’ clubs, and community and faith leaders, 61% women. Ce projet vise à renforcer l'autonomisation des adolescentes et des jeunes femmes, âgées de 10 à 24 ans, qui suivent un parcours éducatif dans les zones touchées par la crise en Ouganda, au Sud-Soudan et en Syrie. Le projet touche les filles et les femmes marginalisées qui sont des réfugiés, des personnes déplacées internes (PDI) et les membres les plus vulnérables des communautés d'accueil. Les activités de ce projet comprennent : (1) mettre en place de sessions de compétences de vie sur les modes de vie sains, la santé et les droits sexuels et reproductifs, la santé mentale, l'alphabétisation financière et les compétences de négociation dans les clubs de filles existants et nouvellement établis et les groupes de pairs; (2) fournir une assistance financière aux familles des adolescentes et des jeunes femmes les plus vulnérables afin de lever les obstacles spécifiques à l'éducation; (3) organiser des ateliers de formation pour les enseignants et les chefs d'établissement formels et non formels sur les approches pédagogiques de base, sensibles au genre et inclusives, y compris l'apport d'un soutien psychosocial; (4) développer des programmes d'enseignement à distance pour les apprenants à utiliser à la maison afin d'améliorer l'accès à l'éducation et la qualité de l'enseignement à domicile. Ce projet bénéficie à 123 768 adolescentes et jeunes femmes, dont environ 37% sont de réfugiées ou PDI. Le projet vise à atteindre 23 164 enseignant(e)s (formels et non formels), professionnels de l'éducation, membres de clubs de garçons et leaders communautaires et religieux, dont 61 % de femmes. | null | fr|en | 1 | Adolescent Girls’ Education in Crisis Initiative - program 2020 to 2022 Initiative pour l'éducation des adolescentes en situation de crise - programme 2020 à 2022 This project aims to empower adolescent girls and young women aged 10 to 24 years, who are pursuing educational pathways in crisis-affected areas of Uganda, South Sudan and Syria. The project reaches marginalized girls and women who are refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and the most vulnerable members of the host communities. Project activities include: (1) providing life skills sessions on healthy lifestyles, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), mental health, financial literacy and negotiation skills to existing and newly established girls' clubs and peer-to-peer groups; (2) providing financial assistance for the families of the most vulnerable adolescent girls and young women to address specific educational barriers; (3) holding training workshops for formal and non-formal teachers and school leaders on basic, gender responsive and inclusive pedagogical approaches, including providing psycho-social support; and (4) developing remote curricula for learners to use at home enhances access to education and improves the quality of home-based instruction. This project benefits 123,768 adolescent girls and young women, including approximately 37% refugees or IDPs. The project aims to reach an additional 23,164 teachers (formal and non-formal), educational leaders, other education professionals, members of boys’ clubs, and community and faith leaders, 61% women. Ce projet vise à renforcer l'autonomisation des adolescentes et des jeunes femmes, âgées de 10 à 24 ans, qui suivent un parcours éducatif dans les zones touchées par la crise en Ouganda, au Sud-Soudan et en Syrie. Le projet touche les filles et les femmes marginalisées qui sont des réfugiés, des personnes déplacées internes (PDI) et les membres les plus vulnérables des communautés d'accueil. Les activités de ce projet comprennent : (1) mettre en place de sessions de compétences de vie sur les modes de vie sains, la santé et les droits sexuels et reproductifs, la santé mentale, l'alphabétisation financière et les compétences de négociation dans les clubs de filles existants et nouvellement établis et les groupes de pairs; (2) fournir une assistance financière aux familles des adolescentes et des jeunes femmes les plus vulnérables afin de lever les obstacles spécifiques à l'éducation; (3) organiser des ateliers de formation pour les enseignants et les chefs d'établissement formels et non formels sur les approches pédagogiques de base, sensibles au genre et inclusives, y compris l'apport d'un soutien psychosocial; (4) développer des programmes d'enseignement à distance pour les apprenants à utiliser à la maison afin d'améliorer l'accès à l'éducation et la qualité de l'enseignement à domicile. Ce projet bénéficie à 123 768 adolescentes et jeunes femmes, dont environ 37% sont de réfugiées ou PDI. Le projet vise à atteindre 23 164 enseignant(e)s (formels et non formels), professionnels de l'éducation, membres de clubs de garçons et leaders communautaires et religieux, dont 61 % de femmes. |
MALI 2002 Budget support - Budget support 2002 MALI 2002 Budgetstöd | The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | MALI 2002 Budget support - Budget support 2002 MALI 2002 Budgetstöd The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. |
The CoCoNut Waste Project | To achieve a green-circular economy and create livelihood opportunities through value addition to coconut husks waste in the La Nkwantanang-Madina Municipality.Specific objectives:1. Establish coconut waste aggregation system in the target municipality;2.Institute a processing centre to convert coconut waste into selected useable products including cocopeat, paper and charcoal;3.Create linkages with market actors to procure value added products; | null | en | 1 | The CoCoNut Waste Project To achieve a green-circular economy and create livelihood opportunities through value addition to coconut husks waste in the La Nkwantanang-Madina Municipality.Specific objectives:1. Establish coconut waste aggregation system in the target municipality;2.Institute a processing centre to convert coconut waste into selected useable products including cocopeat, paper and charcoal;3.Create linkages with market actors to procure value added products; |
Activity under preparation Flagship G2: Combattre les mutilations génitales féminines (MGF) à Djibouti | Flagship G2: Combattre les mutilations génitales féminines (MGF) à Djibouti - Flagship G2: Combattre les mutilations génitales féminines (MGF) à Djibouti | null | en | 1 | Activity under preparation Flagship G2: Combattre les mutilations génitales féminines (MGF) à Djibouti Flagship G2: Combattre les mutilations génitales féminines (MGF) à Djibouti - Flagship G2: Combattre les mutilations génitales féminines (MGF) à Djibouti |
Design and Development of Policy Briefs | This activity Design and Development of Policy Briefs is a component of Strengthening Evidence on Gender Equality and Development reported by FCDO with a funding type of 104 - Procurement of Services and a budget of £18,700. This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified. It works in the following sector(s): Research/scientific institutions. | This is an outgoing commitment to Coffey International Development of £15492.00. Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services | en | 0 | Design and Development of Policy Briefs This activity Design and Development of Policy Briefs is a component of Strengthening Evidence on Gender Equality and Development reported by FCDO with a funding type of 104 - Procurement of Services and a budget of £18,700. This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified. It works in the following sector(s): Research/scientific institutions. This is an outgoing commitment to Coffey International Development of £15492.00. Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services |
Displacement, Durable Solutions, and Reconciliation - Inclusive Peace and Transition Initiative | This activity Displacement, Durable Solutions, and Reconciliation - Inclusive Peace and Transition Initiative is a component of Global Security Rapid Analysis reported by FCDO with a funding type of 111 - Not for profit organisation and a budget of £99,994. This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified. It works in the following sector(s): Civilian peace-building, conflict prevention and resolution. | This is an outgoing commitment to Graduate Institute of £99879.00. Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs | en | 0 | Displacement, Durable Solutions, and Reconciliation - Inclusive Peace and Transition Initiative This activity Displacement, Durable Solutions, and Reconciliation - Inclusive Peace and Transition Initiative is a component of Global Security Rapid Analysis reported by FCDO with a funding type of 111 - Not for profit organisation and a budget of £99,994. This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified. It works in the following sector(s): Civilian peace-building, conflict prevention and resolution. This is an outgoing commitment to Graduate Institute of £99879.00. Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs |
Assistance technique ¿ la mise en oeuvre du programme int¿gr¿ d'appui ¿ la formation et ¿ l'¿ducation (PIAFE) - Maroc | <p>Soutenir le développement dun secteur de léducation et de la formation au Maroc cohérent, dynamique et régulé par lappui à la mise en uvre de la Vision stratégique du Maroc dans le secteur de léducation et la formation (SEF) et le développement dappuis institutionnels et partenariaux.</p> | null | en | 1 | Assistance technique ¿ la mise en oeuvre du programme int¿gr¿ d'appui ¿ la formation et ¿ l'¿ducation (PIAFE) - Maroc <p>Soutenir le développement dun secteur de léducation et de la formation au Maroc cohérent, dynamique et régulé par lappui à la mise en uvre de la Vision stratégique du Maroc dans le secteur de léducation et la formation (SEF) et le développement dappuis institutionnels et partenariaux.</p> |
Uppföljning & Planering Monitoring & Planning - Planning/Cliff Wang | Funds for Sida's planning, monitoring and evaluation. Medel avsatta för Sidas planering, uppföljning och evaluering. | null | sv|en | 0 | Uppföljning & Planering Monitoring & Planning - Planning/Cliff Wang Funds for Sida's planning, monitoring and evaluation. Medel avsatta för Sidas planering, uppföljning och evaluering. |
Save the Children (UK) Cash Transfer Project in HIRAN | This activity Save the Children (UK) Cash Transfer Project in HIRAN is a component of Save the Children (UK) Cash Transfer Project in HIRAN reported by FCDO with a funding type of 105 - Humanitarian assistance and a budget of £748,973. It works in the following sector(s): Material relief assistance and services. | Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2009 Quarter 3 This is an outgoing commitment to Save the Children UK of £604080.00. Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2009 Quarter 4 Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs | en | 0 | Save the Children (UK) Cash Transfer Project in HIRAN This activity Save the Children (UK) Cash Transfer Project in HIRAN is a component of Save the Children (UK) Cash Transfer Project in HIRAN reported by FCDO with a funding type of 105 - Humanitarian assistance and a budget of £748,973. It works in the following sector(s): Material relief assistance and services. Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2009 Quarter 3 This is an outgoing commitment to Save the Children UK of £604080.00. Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2009 Quarter 4 Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs |
Transparency, Evidence and Accountability Program (TEA3) Transparency, Evidence and Accountability Program (TEA3) | The TEA program aims at improving The government performance and responsiveness to Palestinian citizens. It will target areas critical to public trust in the government by producing and using robust evidence and analysis to facilitate stakeholder engagement and advocacy between the government and citizens, whilst providing technical assistance to the relevant authorities to enable it to respond effectively he TEA program aims at improving The government performance and responsiveness to Palestinian citizens. It will target areas critical to public trust in the government by producing and using robust evidence and analysis to facilitate stakeholder engagement and advocacy between the government and citizens, whilst providing technical assistance to the relevant authorities to enable it to respond effectively The proposed TEA program will contribute to the following outcomes:
UNSDCF Outcome 3: Palestinian governance institutions, processes, and mechanisms at all levels are more democratic, rights-based, inclusive, and accountable
UNDP/PAPP PPF Outcome 1: Improved democratic governance based on the principles of human rights and rule of law, with equitable access to justice and quality public and basic services
Indicative Output(s) with gender marker:
Output 1: Improved capacities of government institutions for effective and efficient management of public resources in an inclusive and accountable manner
Output 2: Improved capacities of public and private service providers for more accountable, inclusive, effective and efficient service provision | null | sv|en | 1 | Transparency, Evidence and Accountability Program (TEA3) Transparency, Evidence and Accountability Program (TEA3) The TEA program aims at improving The government performance and responsiveness to Palestinian citizens. It will target areas critical to public trust in the government by producing and using robust evidence and analysis to facilitate stakeholder engagement and advocacy between the government and citizens, whilst providing technical assistance to the relevant authorities to enable it to respond effectively he TEA program aims at improving The government performance and responsiveness to Palestinian citizens. It will target areas critical to public trust in the government by producing and using robust evidence and analysis to facilitate stakeholder engagement and advocacy between the government and citizens, whilst providing technical assistance to the relevant authorities to enable it to respond effectively The proposed TEA program will contribute to the following outcomes:
UNSDCF Outcome 3: Palestinian governance institutions, processes, and mechanisms at all levels are more democratic, rights-based, inclusive, and accountable
UNDP/PAPP PPF Outcome 1: Improved democratic governance based on the principles of human rights and rule of law, with equitable access to justice and quality public and basic services
Indicative Output(s) with gender marker:
Output 1: Improved capacities of government institutions for effective and efficient management of public resources in an inclusive and accountable manner
Output 2: Improved capacities of public and private service providers for more accountable, inclusive, effective and efficient service provision |
Funding for organisation with convening and policy expertise | This activity Funding for organisation with convening and policy expertise is a component of Migration for Development Programme reported by FCDO with a funding type of 111 - Not for profit organisation and a budget of £234,575. This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified. It works in the following sector(s): Facilitation of orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility. | This is an outgoing commitment to Overseas Development Institute of £35991.00. Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs This is an outgoing commitment to Overseas Development Institute of £12877.00. Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs This is an outgoing commitment to Overseas Development Institute of £21693.00. Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs This is an outgoing commitment to Overseas Development Institute of £164033.00. Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs | en | 0 | Funding for organisation with convening and policy expertise This activity Funding for organisation with convening and policy expertise is a component of Migration for Development Programme reported by FCDO with a funding type of 111 - Not for profit organisation and a budget of £234,575. This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified. It works in the following sector(s): Facilitation of orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility. This is an outgoing commitment to Overseas Development Institute of £35991.00. Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs This is an outgoing commitment to Overseas Development Institute of £12877.00. Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs This is an outgoing commitment to Overseas Development Institute of £21693.00. Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs This is an outgoing commitment to Overseas Development Institute of £164033.00. Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs |
Leadership programs | Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. Youth in Politics | null | sv|en | 0 | Leadership programs Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. Youth in Politics |
Activity under preparation Engagement financier_Prix FIKRA f'SIYAHA_LOT-1_Catégorie n°2_EU4Her_3° lauréat | Contract related to: Engagement financier_Prix FIKRA f'SIYAHA_LOT-1_Catégorie n°2_EU4Her_3° lauréat - L'Action vise la participation des jeunes à la vie socioéconomique des territoires à travers le secteur du tourisme et ses chaines de valeurs et contribuer indirectement, à terme, à la diversification de l'économie algérienne | null | en | 1 | Activity under preparation Engagement financier_Prix FIKRA f'SIYAHA_LOT-1_Catégorie n°2_EU4Her_3° lauréat Contract related to: Engagement financier_Prix FIKRA f'SIYAHA_LOT-1_Catégorie n°2_EU4Her_3° lauréat - L'Action vise la participation des jeunes à la vie socioéconomique des territoires à travers le secteur du tourisme et ses chaines de valeurs et contribuer indirectement, à terme, à la diversification de l'économie algérienne |
Enhancing the Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV Renforcer la prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant | This project, also known as INSPIRE (INtegration and Scaling up Prevention of mother-to-child transmission through Implementation REsearch), aims to directly contribute to the global elimination of the mother-to-child transmission of HIV by providing sustained support in countries with a high prevalence of HIV/AIDS. Specifically, the project aims to: (1) increase the uptake and effective implementation of interventions to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV; (2) promote a more integrated and comprehensive approach to the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV; (3) link district-level program effectiveness studies to the strengthening of national programs; and (4) reduce the number of infants becoming infected with HIV and improve the health of HIV-infected mothers. To achieve these objectives, the program supports six research teams (two research teams in Zimbabwe, two in Nigeria, and two in Malawi) that focus on integrating health programming approaches and communications technologies, such as text messaging, for better facility-level follow-up. The project builds on CIDA's longstanding support to the World Health Organization (WHO) HIV/AIDS department, and is part of the Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative (CHVI). Ce projet, connu également comme INSPIRE (INtegration and Scaling up Prevention of mother-to-child transmission through Implementation REsearch), vise à contribuer directement à l’élimination mondiale de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l’enfant grâce à un soutien constant offert aux pays à forte prévalence du VIH/sida. Plus particulièrement, le projet vise à : 1) accroître l’adoption et la mise en œuvre efficace d’interventions sur la prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à son enfant; 2) favoriser une approche plus globale et exhaustive à la prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à son enfant; 3) établir des liens entre des études sur l’efficacité des programmes à l’échelle des districts et le renforcement des programmes à l’échelle nationale; 4) réduire le nombre de nouveau-nés qui sont infectés par le VIH et améliorer la santé des mères infectées. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, le programme appuie six équipes de recherche (deux au Zimbabwe, deux en Norvège et deux au Malawi) dont le travail est axé sur l’intégration des programmes de santé et des technologies de communication, notamment la messagerie texte, pour assurer un meilleur suivi médical dans chaque établissement. Le projet mise sur l’appui soutenu de l’ACDI au département de VIH/sida de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS), et fait partie de l'Initiative canadienne de vaccin contre le VIH (ICVV). | null | fr|en | 0 | Enhancing the Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV Renforcer la prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant This project, also known as INSPIRE (INtegration and Scaling up Prevention of mother-to-child transmission through Implementation REsearch), aims to directly contribute to the global elimination of the mother-to-child transmission of HIV by providing sustained support in countries with a high prevalence of HIV/AIDS. Specifically, the project aims to: (1) increase the uptake and effective implementation of interventions to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV; (2) promote a more integrated and comprehensive approach to the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV; (3) link district-level program effectiveness studies to the strengthening of national programs; and (4) reduce the number of infants becoming infected with HIV and improve the health of HIV-infected mothers. To achieve these objectives, the program supports six research teams (two research teams in Zimbabwe, two in Nigeria, and two in Malawi) that focus on integrating health programming approaches and communications technologies, such as text messaging, for better facility-level follow-up. The project builds on CIDA's longstanding support to the World Health Organization (WHO) HIV/AIDS department, and is part of the Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative (CHVI). Ce projet, connu également comme INSPIRE (INtegration and Scaling up Prevention of mother-to-child transmission through Implementation REsearch), vise à contribuer directement à l’élimination mondiale de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l’enfant grâce à un soutien constant offert aux pays à forte prévalence du VIH/sida. Plus particulièrement, le projet vise à : 1) accroître l’adoption et la mise en œuvre efficace d’interventions sur la prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à son enfant; 2) favoriser une approche plus globale et exhaustive à la prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à son enfant; 3) établir des liens entre des études sur l’efficacité des programmes à l’échelle des districts et le renforcement des programmes à l’échelle nationale; 4) réduire le nombre de nouveau-nés qui sont infectés par le VIH et améliorer la santé des mères infectées. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, le programme appuie six équipes de recherche (deux au Zimbabwe, deux en Norvège et deux au Malawi) dont le travail est axé sur l’intégration des programmes de santé et des technologies de communication, notamment la messagerie texte, pour assurer un meilleur suivi médical dans chaque établissement. Le projet mise sur l’appui soutenu de l’ACDI au département de VIH/sida de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS), et fait partie de l'Initiative canadienne de vaccin contre le VIH (ICVV). |
Programme de promotion de la culture démocratique et renforcement de l¿état de droit | L¿objectif général de l¿action est de renforcer la gouvernance démocratique pour des élections crédibles, transparentes, inclusives et apaisées. Pour cela, le programme contribuera à informer et responsabiliser les citoyens burundais, avec un accent sur les jeunes et les femmes, et à appuyer la société civile dans son rôle d'information et de sensibilisation au cours du processus électoral, notamment pour favoriser la participation des femmes et des jeunes. En cohérence avec les priorités nationales en matière de gouvernance, l¿action s¿appuiera sur ¿ et complètera ¿ le soutien apporté par l¿Union européenne lors de l¿élection présidentielle de 2020 et sera complémentaire aux programmes de l¿Union européenne dans le cadre de la lutte contre l¿impunité et le renforcement de la gouvernance économique. La prévention des conflits sera aussi ciblée, notamment au moyen d¿activités visant à lutter contre la désinformation, les discours de haine, et à promouvoir l¿accès à l¿information et la liberté d¿expression, notamment via un appui aux médias.En particulier l¿action visera à: (i)Accroître la participation citoyenne, en particulier celle des femmes, des jeunes et des personnes vivant avec un handicap, dans le suivi des processus électoraux, démocratiques et politiques;(ii)Améliorer la qualité de l¿organisation des élections au regard des standards internationaux;(iii)Accroître la qualité de la participation des partis politiques dans la gouvernance démocratique au Burundi;(iv)Améliorer l¿accès à une couverture équilibrée et impartiale des élections et contribuer à une participation équitable au processus électoral de tous les candidats et partis politiques. | null | en | 1 | Programme de promotion de la culture démocratique et renforcement de l¿état de droit L¿objectif général de l¿action est de renforcer la gouvernance démocratique pour des élections crédibles, transparentes, inclusives et apaisées. Pour cela, le programme contribuera à informer et responsabiliser les citoyens burundais, avec un accent sur les jeunes et les femmes, et à appuyer la société civile dans son rôle d'information et de sensibilisation au cours du processus électoral, notamment pour favoriser la participation des femmes et des jeunes. En cohérence avec les priorités nationales en matière de gouvernance, l¿action s¿appuiera sur ¿ et complètera ¿ le soutien apporté par l¿Union européenne lors de l¿élection présidentielle de 2020 et sera complémentaire aux programmes de l¿Union européenne dans le cadre de la lutte contre l¿impunité et le renforcement de la gouvernance économique. La prévention des conflits sera aussi ciblée, notamment au moyen d¿activités visant à lutter contre la désinformation, les discours de haine, et à promouvoir l¿accès à l¿information et la liberté d¿expression, notamment via un appui aux médias.En particulier l¿action visera à: (i)Accroître la participation citoyenne, en particulier celle des femmes, des jeunes et des personnes vivant avec un handicap, dans le suivi des processus électoraux, démocratiques et politiques;(ii)Améliorer la qualité de l¿organisation des élections au regard des standards internationaux;(iii)Accroître la qualité de la participation des partis politiques dans la gouvernance démocratique au Burundi;(iv)Améliorer l¿accès à une couverture équilibrée et impartiale des élections et contribuer à une participation équitable au processus électoral de tous les candidats et partis politiques. |
DR Congo 2024 - ICRC Appeals 2022-2025: Operations | This is a “Decision on Contribution” (Rule for Managing Contributions 2.9 §) between Sida and the International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC, to allow for humanitarian response in relevant crises for 2022.
ICRC's objectives are in line with the Strategy for Sweden's Humanitarian Assistance through Sida (2021-2025). The contribution is relevant for all objectives in the strategy, with an emphasis on the strategy area on protection and assistance to crisis affected populations.
Out of the initial allocation, a segment is proposed to be un-allocated, which would enable the ICRC to swiftly allocate already pre-existing financial contributions to countries and regions which experience a crisis in a sudden onset, a deteriorated or a severely underfunded situation. Sida must, as per the suggested agreement, approve the ICRC suggestion on how the initially un-allocated funds are to be allocated.
During 2020, the Humanitarian Assistance Unit at Sida conducted an overview of ongoing strategic partnerships in order to ensure that partnership was established with the most relevant and effective humanitarian actors to carry out Sweden’s strategy for humanitarian assistance through Sida (2021 – 2025). As a result of the overview, Sida has decided to appraise a new contribution and enter into a new strategic partnership agreement with ICRC, 2021-000057.
The main purpose of this contribution is, in line with the humanitarian strategy, to save life, alleviate suffering and maintain human dignity. Most of the policy markers, including environment and conflict prevention, have therefor been marked as partly applicable. Detta beslut avser ”Beslut om insats” (Insatshanteringsregeln 2.9 §) mellan Sida och ICRC för att möjliggöra humanitärt stöd till utvalda kriser i linje med ICRC:s globala appell för år 2022.
Sidas humanitära enhet har under 2020 genomfört en översyn av samtliga strategiska partner i syfte att säkerställa samarbete med de mest relevanta och effektiva humanitära aktörerna för genomförandet av Sveriges humanitära strategi genom Sida (2021-2025). Som ett resultat av översynen har Sida beslutat att bereda ny insats och ingå nytt strategiskt partnerskap med ICRC, se beslut 2021-000057.
Syftet med beslutet är att stödja ICRC:s humanitära verksamhet under 2022 samt ingå strategiskt partnerskap för perioden 2021 – 2025.
I beslutet ingår också ett initialt icke-allokerat stöd som ICRC kan använda till nya, förvärrade eller kraftigt underfinansierade kriser under året efter godkännande av Sida.
Insatsen huvudsyfte är, att i linje med Sidas humanitära strategi, att rädda liv, lindra nöd och upprätthålla mänsklig värdighet. Majoriteten av policymarkörer, inklusive miljö samt konfliktförebyggande, fred och säkerhet, har därmed markerats som delsyften snarare än huvudsyften. ICRC bedöms av Sida vara en viktig humanitär aktör, med ett tydligt mervärde i framför allt situationer av väpnad konflikt och andra situationer av våld. ICRC har en bred geografisk närvaro, med cirka 20 000 medarbetare i över 100 länder, och organisationen har en god kapacitet att nå civila med skydd och assistans i mycket svårtillgängliga områden. Genom sitt unika mandat i den internationella humanitära rätten, samt tack vare god erfarenhet och renommé, har Sida förtroende i att ICRC också framgent kan bidra till att skydda och bistå människor i humanitära kriser. | null | sv|en | 1 | DR Congo 2024 - ICRC Appeals 2022-2025: Operations This is a “Decision on Contribution” (Rule for Managing Contributions 2.9 §) between Sida and the International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC, to allow for humanitarian response in relevant crises for 2022.
ICRC's objectives are in line with the Strategy for Sweden's Humanitarian Assistance through Sida (2021-2025). The contribution is relevant for all objectives in the strategy, with an emphasis on the strategy area on protection and assistance to crisis affected populations.
Out of the initial allocation, a segment is proposed to be un-allocated, which would enable the ICRC to swiftly allocate already pre-existing financial contributions to countries and regions which experience a crisis in a sudden onset, a deteriorated or a severely underfunded situation. Sida must, as per the suggested agreement, approve the ICRC suggestion on how the initially un-allocated funds are to be allocated.
During 2020, the Humanitarian Assistance Unit at Sida conducted an overview of ongoing strategic partnerships in order to ensure that partnership was established with the most relevant and effective humanitarian actors to carry out Sweden’s strategy for humanitarian assistance through Sida (2021 – 2025). As a result of the overview, Sida has decided to appraise a new contribution and enter into a new strategic partnership agreement with ICRC, 2021-000057.
The main purpose of this contribution is, in line with the humanitarian strategy, to save life, alleviate suffering and maintain human dignity. Most of the policy markers, including environment and conflict prevention, have therefor been marked as partly applicable. Detta beslut avser ”Beslut om insats” (Insatshanteringsregeln 2.9 §) mellan Sida och ICRC för att möjliggöra humanitärt stöd till utvalda kriser i linje med ICRC:s globala appell för år 2022.
Sidas humanitära enhet har under 2020 genomfört en översyn av samtliga strategiska partner i syfte att säkerställa samarbete med de mest relevanta och effektiva humanitära aktörerna för genomförandet av Sveriges humanitära strategi genom Sida (2021-2025). Som ett resultat av översynen har Sida beslutat att bereda ny insats och ingå nytt strategiskt partnerskap med ICRC, se beslut 2021-000057.
Syftet med beslutet är att stödja ICRC:s humanitära verksamhet under 2022 samt ingå strategiskt partnerskap för perioden 2021 – 2025.
I beslutet ingår också ett initialt icke-allokerat stöd som ICRC kan använda till nya, förvärrade eller kraftigt underfinansierade kriser under året efter godkännande av Sida.
Insatsen huvudsyfte är, att i linje med Sidas humanitära strategi, att rädda liv, lindra nöd och upprätthålla mänsklig värdighet. Majoriteten av policymarkörer, inklusive miljö samt konfliktförebyggande, fred och säkerhet, har därmed markerats som delsyften snarare än huvudsyften. ICRC bedöms av Sida vara en viktig humanitär aktör, med ett tydligt mervärde i framför allt situationer av väpnad konflikt och andra situationer av våld. ICRC har en bred geografisk närvaro, med cirka 20 000 medarbetare i över 100 länder, och organisationen har en god kapacitet att nå civila med skydd och assistans i mycket svårtillgängliga områden. Genom sitt unika mandat i den internationella humanitära rätten, samt tack vare god erfarenhet och renommé, har Sida förtroende i att ICRC också framgent kan bidra till att skydda och bistå människor i humanitära kriser. |
Baltic 21, Participation in work within B21. Baltic 21, Östersjöstaternas råds expertgrupp för hållbar utveckling. | Contribution to Baltic 21. Participation from Belarus in work within Baltic 21. Contribution to Baltic 21. Participation from Belarus in work within Baltic 21. | null | sv|en | 0 | Baltic 21, Participation in work within B21. Baltic 21, Östersjöstaternas råds expertgrupp för hållbar utveckling. Contribution to Baltic 21. Participation from Belarus in work within Baltic 21. Contribution to Baltic 21. Participation from Belarus in work within Baltic 21. |
Civilian Harm and Protection in Yemen | Contract related to: Civilian Harm and Protection in Yemen - The Covid-19 pandemic is having significant negative repercussions on human rights, democracy and the rule of law in many parts of the world and on the space for civil society organisations active in the promotion of human rights and democracy. An urgent reaction is required in the third quarter of 2021 to limit the harm done and contain further entrenchment and worsening of the situation. The overall objective of the action is the worldwide promotion and protection of: (i) human rights and fundamental freedoms; (ii) democracy; and (iii) the rule of law. The action will achieve this so by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. The action will mainly be implemented through competitive processes.This action will mainly be implemented by EU delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) take into account the local challenges of the current COVID-19 crisis; (iii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iv) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The grants will aim at implementing the priorities listed in annex III Annex of the Regulation (EU) 2021/947 in line with Human Rights and Democracy country strategies. Implementing these priorities will also contribute to the EU action plan on human rights and democracy 2020-2024. The actions financed under the country allocations will be in line with: (i) the relevant EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focus on promoting gender equality. | null | en | 1 | Civilian Harm and Protection in Yemen Contract related to: Civilian Harm and Protection in Yemen - The Covid-19 pandemic is having significant negative repercussions on human rights, democracy and the rule of law in many parts of the world and on the space for civil society organisations active in the promotion of human rights and democracy. An urgent reaction is required in the third quarter of 2021 to limit the harm done and contain further entrenchment and worsening of the situation. The overall objective of the action is the worldwide promotion and protection of: (i) human rights and fundamental freedoms; (ii) democracy; and (iii) the rule of law. The action will achieve this so by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. The action will mainly be implemented through competitive processes.This action will mainly be implemented by EU delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) take into account the local challenges of the current COVID-19 crisis; (iii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iv) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The grants will aim at implementing the priorities listed in annex III Annex of the Regulation (EU) 2021/947 in line with Human Rights and Democracy country strategies. Implementing these priorities will also contribute to the EU action plan on human rights and democracy 2020-2024. The actions financed under the country allocations will be in line with: (i) the relevant EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focus on promoting gender equality. |
Lindemark env.compilation Lindemark miljösammanst. | The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | Lindemark env.compilation Lindemark miljösammanst. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. |
Younger Consultants - NN NN programmet | Kompetensutveckling för NN er som del av Sida finansierat program, med syfte att utveckla den svenska resurbasen för internationellt utvecklingsamarbete. Competence development for young consultants as part of Sida funded program, aimed at developing the Swedish resource base for International Development. | null | sv|en | 0 | Younger Consultants - NN NN programmet Kompetensutveckling för NN er som del av Sida finansierat program, med syfte att utveckla den svenska resurbasen för internationellt utvecklingsamarbete. Competence development for young consultants as part of Sida funded program, aimed at developing the Swedish resource base for International Development. |
Jämställdhetsstudie, Ry Gender Equality Study, Ru | The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | Jämställdhetsstudie, Ry Gender Equality Study, Ru The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. |
Mekarn CelAgrid Mekarn CelAgrid | Detta beslut rör byte av avtalspart för det regionala forskningsnätverket Mekarn. Beslut om stöd är fattat 2013 (2013-053) och avtal skrevs med Nong Lam University, som under tidigare samarbetsfas fungerat bra som regional koordinerande intitution. Ett byte av ledningen på Nong Lam University har medfört att samarbetet med universitet ganska snart började fungera dåligt. Med anledning av detta har Styrelsen för Mekarn beslutat att flytta koordinationen till CelAgrid (The Center for Livestock and Agriculture Development). Nong Lam University kommer att kvarstå som medlem i Mekarn, men med minskad roll.
Denna sammanfattning av insatsen är hämtad från beslutet från 2013 (2013-053):
Under åren har Mekarn utvecklats på ett positivt. Effekterna av den kapacitet som stötts är påtaglig hos universiteten som deltar i samarbetet. Mekarn har påverkat lokala läroplaner och vid vissa universitet har alla som undervisar i husdjursvetenskapliga ämnen utbildats genom Mekarn eller varit del av andra aktiviteter. En studie från 2007 visade att nästan 100% av eleverna återfanns på positioner som var relevanta för deras utbildning. De övergripande resultat är tillfredsställande.
Enligt 2007 års utvärdering av den andra samarbetsperioden var Mekarns forskning väl i framkant när det gäller att utveckla och anpassa metoder, tekniker och andra medel för produktion av relevans för fattiga jordbrukare i regionen. De forskningsresultat som produceras är av hög kvalitet och relevans. Många av avhandlingarna innehåller artiklar som publicerats i väl erkända internationella vetenskapliga tidskrifter med hög ”impact factor”.
I diskussioner med Sida har ett förslag om fortsatt stöd under fyra år (1 juli 2013-30 juni 2017) tagits fram av NLU och SLU. Forskningen fonden ökar och mer fokus kommer att ligga på samarbete med rådgivningskontor för att nå ut med forskningsresultat på ett mer systematiskt sätt än tidigare. Det finns fortfarande ett behov av kapacitetsuppbyggnad av studenter från Laos och Kambodja. Även Myanmar är i stort behov av stöd och föreslås ingå som ny partner i Mekarn. Därför föreslås fortsatt stöd till MSc-utbildning för studenter från Laos, Kambodja och Myanmar.
Den föreslagna insatsen anses relevant i förhållande till Strategin för regionalt utvecklingssamarbete med Asien med fokus på Sydostasien fram till den 30 juni 2015. Den ligger väl i linje med sektorn Miljö och Klimat och dess fokusområde ”Hållbart nyttjande av naturresurser för förbättrade försörjningsmöjligheter”. I och med att det föreslagna stödet fokuserar på småskaliga djurhållningbaserade jordbrukssystem i nedre Mekong regionen adresserar programmet fattigdom och försörjningsmöjligheter på ett direkt sätt. Research Network in small scale livestock based farming systems | null | sv|en | 0 | Mekarn CelAgrid Mekarn CelAgrid Detta beslut rör byte av avtalspart för det regionala forskningsnätverket Mekarn. Beslut om stöd är fattat 2013 (2013-053) och avtal skrevs med Nong Lam University, som under tidigare samarbetsfas fungerat bra som regional koordinerande intitution. Ett byte av ledningen på Nong Lam University har medfört att samarbetet med universitet ganska snart började fungera dåligt. Med anledning av detta har Styrelsen för Mekarn beslutat att flytta koordinationen till CelAgrid (The Center for Livestock and Agriculture Development). Nong Lam University kommer att kvarstå som medlem i Mekarn, men med minskad roll.
Denna sammanfattning av insatsen är hämtad från beslutet från 2013 (2013-053):
Under åren har Mekarn utvecklats på ett positivt. Effekterna av den kapacitet som stötts är påtaglig hos universiteten som deltar i samarbetet. Mekarn har påverkat lokala läroplaner och vid vissa universitet har alla som undervisar i husdjursvetenskapliga ämnen utbildats genom Mekarn eller varit del av andra aktiviteter. En studie från 2007 visade att nästan 100% av eleverna återfanns på positioner som var relevanta för deras utbildning. De övergripande resultat är tillfredsställande.
Enligt 2007 års utvärdering av den andra samarbetsperioden var Mekarns forskning väl i framkant när det gäller att utveckla och anpassa metoder, tekniker och andra medel för produktion av relevans för fattiga jordbrukare i regionen. De forskningsresultat som produceras är av hög kvalitet och relevans. Många av avhandlingarna innehåller artiklar som publicerats i väl erkända internationella vetenskapliga tidskrifter med hög ”impact factor”.
I diskussioner med Sida har ett förslag om fortsatt stöd under fyra år (1 juli 2013-30 juni 2017) tagits fram av NLU och SLU. Forskningen fonden ökar och mer fokus kommer att ligga på samarbete med rådgivningskontor för att nå ut med forskningsresultat på ett mer systematiskt sätt än tidigare. Det finns fortfarande ett behov av kapacitetsuppbyggnad av studenter från Laos och Kambodja. Även Myanmar är i stort behov av stöd och föreslås ingå som ny partner i Mekarn. Därför föreslås fortsatt stöd till MSc-utbildning för studenter från Laos, Kambodja och Myanmar.
Den föreslagna insatsen anses relevant i förhållande till Strategin för regionalt utvecklingssamarbete med Asien med fokus på Sydostasien fram till den 30 juni 2015. Den ligger väl i linje med sektorn Miljö och Klimat och dess fokusområde ”Hållbart nyttjande av naturresurser för förbättrade försörjningsmöjligheter”. I och med att det föreslagna stödet fokuserar på småskaliga djurhållningbaserade jordbrukssystem i nedre Mekong regionen adresserar programmet fattigdom och försörjningsmöjligheter på ett direkt sätt. Research Network in small scale livestock based farming systems |
Verbesserung der Qualität und Effizienz des städtischen öffentlichen Nahverkehrs im Zentrum von Winnyzja/ Ukraine Improving the quality and efficiency of urban public transport in the centre of Vinnytsia, Ukraine | Verbesserung der Qualität und Effizienz des städtischen öffentlichen Nahverkehrs im Zentrum von Winnyzja/ Ukraine Improving the quality and efficiency of urban public transport in the centre of Vinnytsia, Ukraine Das Projekt pilotiert verkehrsorganisatorische, bauliche und technische Maßnahmen zur Priorisierung des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs (ÖPNV), insbesondere des Schienenverkehrs, im Zentrum der Partnerkommune. Dadurch werden die Fahrtzeiten des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs in der Innenstadt verkürzt, die Lage der Haltestellen optimiert, die Sicherheit des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs erhöht und die Innenstadt von Autos entlastet. Langfristig geht es darum, CO2-Ausstoß und Lärmbelästigung durch den motorisierten Individualverkehr (MIV) zu reduzieren und generell die Attraktivität des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs zu steigern. Das Projekt wird zudem die institutionellen Fähigkeiten der Fachabteilungen der Stadtverwaltung in der Partnerkommune erhöhen und gewonnene Erfahrungen werden anderen Stadtprojekten zu Gute kommen. The project is piloting traffic organization, construction and technical measures to prioritize local public transport, especially rail transport, in the center of the partner municipality. This will shorten public transport journey times in the city centre, optimize the location of stops, increase the safety of public transport and reduce the number of cars in the city centre. In the long term, the aim is to reduce CO2 emissions and noise pollution caused by motorized private transport and generally increase the attractiveness of public transport. The project will also increase the institutional capabilities of the specialist departments of the city administration in the partner municipality and the experience gained will benefit other city projects. | null | de|en | 1 | Verbesserung der Qualität und Effizienz des städtischen öffentlichen Nahverkehrs im Zentrum von Winnyzja/ Ukraine Improving the quality and efficiency of urban public transport in the centre of Vinnytsia, Ukraine Verbesserung der Qualität und Effizienz des städtischen öffentlichen Nahverkehrs im Zentrum von Winnyzja/ Ukraine Improving the quality and efficiency of urban public transport in the centre of Vinnytsia, Ukraine Das Projekt pilotiert verkehrsorganisatorische, bauliche und technische Maßnahmen zur Priorisierung des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs (ÖPNV), insbesondere des Schienenverkehrs, im Zentrum der Partnerkommune. Dadurch werden die Fahrtzeiten des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs in der Innenstadt verkürzt, die Lage der Haltestellen optimiert, die Sicherheit des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs erhöht und die Innenstadt von Autos entlastet. Langfristig geht es darum, CO2-Ausstoß und Lärmbelästigung durch den motorisierten Individualverkehr (MIV) zu reduzieren und generell die Attraktivität des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs zu steigern. Das Projekt wird zudem die institutionellen Fähigkeiten der Fachabteilungen der Stadtverwaltung in der Partnerkommune erhöhen und gewonnene Erfahrungen werden anderen Stadtprojekten zu Gute kommen. The project is piloting traffic organization, construction and technical measures to prioritize local public transport, especially rail transport, in the center of the partner municipality. This will shorten public transport journey times in the city centre, optimize the location of stops, increase the safety of public transport and reduce the number of cars in the city centre. In the long term, the aim is to reduce CO2 emissions and noise pollution caused by motorized private transport and generally increase the attractiveness of public transport. The project will also increase the institutional capabilities of the specialist departments of the city administration in the partner municipality and the experience gained will benefit other city projects. |
JAP/Judiciary-Enhancement of Quality and Timely Justice through the Judiciary of Rwanda | <p>Direct grant to JUDICIARY</p>-JAP/Judiciary-Enhancement of Quality and Timely Justice through the Judiciary of Rwanda | null | en | 1 | JAP/Judiciary-Enhancement of Quality and Timely Justice through the Judiciary of Rwanda <p>Direct grant to JUDICIARY</p>-JAP/Judiciary-Enhancement of Quality and Timely Justice through the Judiciary of Rwanda |
Fondo COVID-19_AID_011517:E Receiving in order to reinsert: strenghtening of Haiti minors welcome and family and social integration Fondo COVID-19_AID_011517:E Accogliere per reinserire | Fondo COVID-19_AID_011517:E Strengthen the quality of educational services, psychological support and social and professional reintegration for vulnerable children, with disabilities and in conflict with the law in reception centers in the Fondo COVID-19_AID_011517:E Rafforzare la qualita dei servizi educativi, di supporto psicologico e di reinserimento sociale e professionale per minori vulnerabili, con disabilita e in conflitto con la legge in centri di accoglienza della zona metropolitana di Port-au-Prince e nel dipartimento Nord Ovest | Commitment - Financial Year 2020 Disboursement - Financial Year 2020 | it|en | 1 | Fondo COVID-19_AID_011517:E Receiving in order to reinsert: strenghtening of Haiti minors welcome and family and social integration Fondo COVID-19_AID_011517:E Accogliere per reinserire Fondo COVID-19_AID_011517:E Strengthen the quality of educational services, psychological support and social and professional reintegration for vulnerable children, with disabilities and in conflict with the law in reception centers in the Fondo COVID-19_AID_011517:E Rafforzare la qualita dei servizi educativi, di supporto psicologico e di reinserimento sociale e professionale per minori vulnerabili, con disabilita e in conflitto con la legge in centri di accoglienza della zona metropolitana di Port-au-Prince e nel dipartimento Nord Ovest Commitment - Financial Year 2020 Disboursement - Financial Year 2020 |
Verksamhetsstöd till Ottawakonventionens enhet för implementeringsstöd 2021 Core Support to Ottawakonventionens enhet för implementeringsstöd 2021 | Verksamhetsstöd till Ottawakonventionens enhet för implementeringsstöd 2021 Verksamhetsstöd till Ottawakonventionens enhet för implementeringsstöd 2021 | null | sv|en | 0 | Verksamhetsstöd till Ottawakonventionens enhet för implementeringsstöd 2021 Core Support to Ottawakonventionens enhet för implementeringsstöd 2021 Verksamhetsstöd till Ottawakonventionens enhet för implementeringsstöd 2021 Verksamhetsstöd till Ottawakonventionens enhet för implementeringsstöd 2021 |
Maternal Mortality in East Africa | This partnership brings together researchers from the Arts and Humanities - history, historical and medical anthropology, linguistics and theatre studies - with medical and public health specialists, to address a key global health development challenge: extremely high Maternal Mortality Ratios (MMRs). It will focus on western Kenya, but seek to influence policy and practice across East Africa. While Kenya's crude death rate is now on a par with Europe, its MMR was 510/100,000 livebirths in 2015, 43 times higher than high-income regions. On current trajectories, Kenya, like most African countries, will not come close to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) MMR target of 70/100,000 by 2030. Our partnership seeks to develop new approaches to maternal health through interdisciplinary research and networking. Drawing on and further developing established relationships between East African and European arts and humanities and medical researchers, this medical humanities partnership will be based on the principles of international collaboration and co-production, motivated by the goal of reducing excessive maternal mortality. Our broader aim is to establish a regional consensus that socio-cultural research can effectively address major health problems. That high MMRs are a particularly important, intractable health problem has been acknowledged both within the UK government, which has made working 'to end preventable child and maternal deaths' one its seven aid priorities, and in Kenya's national plan (Kenya Vision 2030), which identified MMRs as one of two key areas 'where Kenya is lagging'. Kenyan partners in government, medical institutions and key NGOs recognise high MMRs as a national priority, acknowledge that risk factors remain poorly understood, have informed the definition of problems which this partnership seeks to addressed, and are prepared to engage in research, policy development, and implementation. This partnership's approach has developed from medical researchers' recognition that high MMRs result not only from physiological problems and infrastructural deficit, but also relate to patients' experience of biomedical maternity services, domestic decision-making, social norms and collective understandings of motherhood, health and illness. Arts and Humanities researchers will work with medical practitioners, policymakers and teaching staff to consider in particular how, in both domestic and clinical settings, risk is evaluated, information is communicated, and resources are allocated. Research will focus on the western Kenyan region around Kisumu, investigating why recent interventions, such as free maternity services and building referral hospitals, have had less impact in Kenya than anticipated. The partnership will consider why some interventions, effective in other countries, have proven problematic within the Kenyan context, and also compare Kenya's past successes in maternal healthcare with the relative stagnation of recent decades. Researchers will utilize a range of methodologies, including archival research, interviews, linguistic analysis and participatory theatre. They aim to better understand the tensions and miscommunication which often characterise clinicians' relationships with pregnant women, and the unintended consequences of policy changes. They will also investigate the gender and generational factors which shape health-related decisionmaking within the household, peer-groups, and extended family. Throughout, our partnership will be shaped by co-production with African academics, practitioners and institutions, building capacity in north the Global North and South. This will assist communication of findings to government, hospital administrations, citizens and NGOs such as INDEPTH, WHO, and Unicef. Outcomes will be shared with policymakers across the East African region, and a range of tools, music, radio and theatre will be used to communicate key messages across the Kisumu region. The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world. | null | en | 0 | Maternal Mortality in East Africa This partnership brings together researchers from the Arts and Humanities - history, historical and medical anthropology, linguistics and theatre studies - with medical and public health specialists, to address a key global health development challenge: extremely high Maternal Mortality Ratios (MMRs). It will focus on western Kenya, but seek to influence policy and practice across East Africa. While Kenya's crude death rate is now on a par with Europe, its MMR was 510/100,000 livebirths in 2015, 43 times higher than high-income regions. On current trajectories, Kenya, like most African countries, will not come close to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) MMR target of 70/100,000 by 2030. Our partnership seeks to develop new approaches to maternal health through interdisciplinary research and networking. Drawing on and further developing established relationships between East African and European arts and humanities and medical researchers, this medical humanities partnership will be based on the principles of international collaboration and co-production, motivated by the goal of reducing excessive maternal mortality. Our broader aim is to establish a regional consensus that socio-cultural research can effectively address major health problems. That high MMRs are a particularly important, intractable health problem has been acknowledged both within the UK government, which has made working 'to end preventable child and maternal deaths' one its seven aid priorities, and in Kenya's national plan (Kenya Vision 2030), which identified MMRs as one of two key areas 'where Kenya is lagging'. Kenyan partners in government, medical institutions and key NGOs recognise high MMRs as a national priority, acknowledge that risk factors remain poorly understood, have informed the definition of problems which this partnership seeks to addressed, and are prepared to engage in research, policy development, and implementation. This partnership's approach has developed from medical researchers' recognition that high MMRs result not only from physiological problems and infrastructural deficit, but also relate to patients' experience of biomedical maternity services, domestic decision-making, social norms and collective understandings of motherhood, health and illness. Arts and Humanities researchers will work with medical practitioners, policymakers and teaching staff to consider in particular how, in both domestic and clinical settings, risk is evaluated, information is communicated, and resources are allocated. Research will focus on the western Kenyan region around Kisumu, investigating why recent interventions, such as free maternity services and building referral hospitals, have had less impact in Kenya than anticipated. The partnership will consider why some interventions, effective in other countries, have proven problematic within the Kenyan context, and also compare Kenya's past successes in maternal healthcare with the relative stagnation of recent decades. Researchers will utilize a range of methodologies, including archival research, interviews, linguistic analysis and participatory theatre. They aim to better understand the tensions and miscommunication which often characterise clinicians' relationships with pregnant women, and the unintended consequences of policy changes. They will also investigate the gender and generational factors which shape health-related decisionmaking within the household, peer-groups, and extended family. Throughout, our partnership will be shaped by co-production with African academics, practitioners and institutions, building capacity in north the Global North and South. This will assist communication of findings to government, hospital administrations, citizens and NGOs such as INDEPTH, WHO, and Unicef. Outcomes will be shared with policymakers across the East African region, and a range of tools, music, radio and theatre will be used to communicate key messages across the Kisumu region. The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world. |
Diakonia - Reg. HIV/AIDS - Diakonia - evaluation Diakonia - Reg. HIV/AIDS | The Lake Victoria Livelihood Program (LVLP) is coordinated by Diakonia and implemented by six faith-based and non governmental organizations in Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya. The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to poverty reduction in the Lake Victoria region within the framework of sustainable development. It has been extended (in a phase-out period) 2011. På svenska | null | sv|en | 0 | Diakonia - Reg. HIV/AIDS - Diakonia - evaluation Diakonia - Reg. HIV/AIDS The Lake Victoria Livelihood Program (LVLP) is coordinated by Diakonia and implemented by six faith-based and non governmental organizations in Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya. The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to poverty reduction in the Lake Victoria region within the framework of sustainable development. It has been extended (in a phase-out period) 2011. På svenska |
Renforcement des capacit¿s des partis politiques en vue des ¿lections g¿n¿rales de 2025-2026 au Niger | Contract related to: Renforcement des capacit¿s des partis politiques en vue des ¿lections g¿n¿rales de 2025-2026 au Niger - Contrat pour la Résilience et la Reconstruction 4 | null | en | 0 | Renforcement des capacit¿s des partis politiques en vue des ¿lections g¿n¿rales de 2025-2026 au Niger Contract related to: Renforcement des capacit¿s des partis politiques en vue des ¿lections g¿n¿rales de 2025-2026 au Niger - Contrat pour la Résilience et la Reconstruction 4 |
Projektvorbereitungs- und entwicklungsfonds (PPDF) Project Preparation and and Development Facility (PPDF) | Der Projektvorbereitungs- und entwicklungsfonds (PPDF) der Entwicklungsgemeinschaft des südlichen Afrikas (SADC) fördert die Erstellung von Machbarkeitsstudien und weiteren projektvorbereitenden Studien für regional bedeutsame Infrastrukturvorhaben im südlichen Afrika. Die SADC-Region hat signifikanten Bedarf an wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Infrastruktur u.a. in den Sektoren Energie, Wasser, Transport, Telekommunikation und Tourismus. Jedoch fehlen finanzielle und technische Ressourcen zur Vorbereitung regionaler, insbesondere grenzüberschreitender Projekte. Der PPDF soll dieses Kernproblem adressieren, indem Mittel und Expertise zur Vorbereitung von Infrastrukturprojekten unter Berücksichtigung von internationalen Umwelt- und Sozialverträglichkeitsstandards bereitgestellt werden. In drei Finanzierungsphasen werden Mittel für projektvorbereitende Studien zugesagt und eine Pipeline an Projekten aufgebaut bzw. weiter-entwickelt. Öffentliche und private Organisationen können als Sponsoren für Projektvorschläge auftreten. Die Maßnahme unterstützt die SADC damit bei der Umsetzung ihres Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan (RIIDMP) und bei der Entwicklung prioritärer regionaler Infrastrukturvorhaben. Der PPDF finanziert hierfür nicht nur die Vorbereitung von Projekten, die im RIDMP aufgelistet sind, sondern auch Projekte mit regionalem Charakter, die noch nicht darin enthalten sind. Die SADC durch das Vorhaben weiter in der Umsetzung ihrer regionalen Integrations- und Steuerungsfunktion gestärkt werden.SADC empfängt die Mittel und nimmt über das SADC-Sekretariat die politische Steuerung des PPDF wahr. Operativ wird der PPDF über die Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) als Projektträger umgesetzt. The Project Preparation and Development Facility (PPDF) of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) supports the preparation of feasibility studies and other preparatory studies for regionally significant infrastructure projects in southern Africa. The SADC region has a significant need for economic and social infrastructure in the energy, water, transportation, telecommunications and tourism sectors, among others. However, there is a lack of financial and technical resources to prepare regional, especially cross-border projects. The PPDF is intended to address this core problem by providing funds and expertise for the preparation of infrastructure projects, taking into account international environmental and social standards.In three financial phases, funds have been and will be committed for project preparation studies and a pipeline of projects will be established and further developed. Public and private organizations can act as sponsors for project proposals. The measure thus supports the SADC in the implementation of its Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan (RIDMP) and in the development of priority regional infrastructure projects. To this end, the PPDF not only finances the preparation of projects listed in the RIDMP, but also projects of a regional nature that are not yet included in it. The project will further strengthen the SADC in the implementation of its regional integration and management function.SADC is the recipient of the funds and is responsible for the political management of the PPDF via the SADC Secretariat. Operationally, the PPDF is implemented via the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) as the project executing agency. Öffentliche und private Sponsoren für regionale Infrastrukturprojekte zu gewinnen und das SADC-Sekretariat in seiner Steuerungsfunktion bei der Umsetzung des RIDMP zu stärken The Project Preparation and Development Facility (PPDF) of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) supports the preparation of feasibility studies and other preparatory studies for regionally significant infrastructure projects in southern Africa. The SADC region has a significant need for economic and social infrastructure in the energy, water, transportation, telecommunications and tourism sectors, among others. However, there is a lack of financial and technical resources to prepare regional, especially cross-border projects. The PPDF is intended to address this core problem by providing funds and expertise for the preparation of infrastructure projects, taking into account international environmental and social standards.In three financial phases, funds have been and will be committed for project preparation studies and a pipeline of projects will be established and further developed. Public and private organizations can act as sponsors for project proposals. The measure thus supports the SADC in the implementation of its Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan (RIDMP) and in the development of priority regional infrastructure projects. To this end, the PPDF not only finances the preparation of projects listed in the RIDMP, but also projects of a regional nature that are not yet included in it. The project will further strengthen the SADC in the implementation of its regional integration and management function.SADC is the recipient of the funds and is responsible for the political management of the PPDF via the SADC Secretariat. Operationally, the PPDF is implemented via the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) as the project executing agency. | null | de|en | 0 | Projektvorbereitungs- und entwicklungsfonds (PPDF) Project Preparation and and Development Facility (PPDF) Der Projektvorbereitungs- und entwicklungsfonds (PPDF) der Entwicklungsgemeinschaft des südlichen Afrikas (SADC) fördert die Erstellung von Machbarkeitsstudien und weiteren projektvorbereitenden Studien für regional bedeutsame Infrastrukturvorhaben im südlichen Afrika. Die SADC-Region hat signifikanten Bedarf an wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Infrastruktur u.a. in den Sektoren Energie, Wasser, Transport, Telekommunikation und Tourismus. Jedoch fehlen finanzielle und technische Ressourcen zur Vorbereitung regionaler, insbesondere grenzüberschreitender Projekte. Der PPDF soll dieses Kernproblem adressieren, indem Mittel und Expertise zur Vorbereitung von Infrastrukturprojekten unter Berücksichtigung von internationalen Umwelt- und Sozialverträglichkeitsstandards bereitgestellt werden. In drei Finanzierungsphasen werden Mittel für projektvorbereitende Studien zugesagt und eine Pipeline an Projekten aufgebaut bzw. weiter-entwickelt. Öffentliche und private Organisationen können als Sponsoren für Projektvorschläge auftreten. Die Maßnahme unterstützt die SADC damit bei der Umsetzung ihres Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan (RIIDMP) und bei der Entwicklung prioritärer regionaler Infrastrukturvorhaben. Der PPDF finanziert hierfür nicht nur die Vorbereitung von Projekten, die im RIDMP aufgelistet sind, sondern auch Projekte mit regionalem Charakter, die noch nicht darin enthalten sind. Die SADC durch das Vorhaben weiter in der Umsetzung ihrer regionalen Integrations- und Steuerungsfunktion gestärkt werden.SADC empfängt die Mittel und nimmt über das SADC-Sekretariat die politische Steuerung des PPDF wahr. Operativ wird der PPDF über die Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) als Projektträger umgesetzt. The Project Preparation and Development Facility (PPDF) of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) supports the preparation of feasibility studies and other preparatory studies for regionally significant infrastructure projects in southern Africa. The SADC region has a significant need for economic and social infrastructure in the energy, water, transportation, telecommunications and tourism sectors, among others. However, there is a lack of financial and technical resources to prepare regional, especially cross-border projects. The PPDF is intended to address this core problem by providing funds and expertise for the preparation of infrastructure projects, taking into account international environmental and social standards.In three financial phases, funds have been and will be committed for project preparation studies and a pipeline of projects will be established and further developed. Public and private organizations can act as sponsors for project proposals. The measure thus supports the SADC in the implementation of its Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan (RIDMP) and in the development of priority regional infrastructure projects. To this end, the PPDF not only finances the preparation of projects listed in the RIDMP, but also projects of a regional nature that are not yet included in it. The project will further strengthen the SADC in the implementation of its regional integration and management function.SADC is the recipient of the funds and is responsible for the political management of the PPDF via the SADC Secretariat. Operationally, the PPDF is implemented via the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) as the project executing agency. Öffentliche und private Sponsoren für regionale Infrastrukturprojekte zu gewinnen und das SADC-Sekretariat in seiner Steuerungsfunktion bei der Umsetzung des RIDMP zu stärken The Project Preparation and Development Facility (PPDF) of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) supports the preparation of feasibility studies and other preparatory studies for regionally significant infrastructure projects in southern Africa. The SADC region has a significant need for economic and social infrastructure in the energy, water, transportation, telecommunications and tourism sectors, among others. However, there is a lack of financial and technical resources to prepare regional, especially cross-border projects. The PPDF is intended to address this core problem by providing funds and expertise for the preparation of infrastructure projects, taking into account international environmental and social standards.In three financial phases, funds have been and will be committed for project preparation studies and a pipeline of projects will be established and further developed. Public and private organizations can act as sponsors for project proposals. The measure thus supports the SADC in the implementation of its Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan (RIDMP) and in the development of priority regional infrastructure projects. To this end, the PPDF not only finances the preparation of projects listed in the RIDMP, but also projects of a regional nature that are not yet included in it. The project will further strengthen the SADC in the implementation of its regional integration and management function.SADC is the recipient of the funds and is responsible for the political management of the PPDF via the SADC Secretariat. Operationally, the PPDF is implemented via the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) as the project executing agency. |
HUMAN RIGHTS | With the purpose to proomte human rights, and freedom of expression in particular, the Swedish Embassy in Abuja arranged a seminar on freedom of expression and new communication technologies during the Swedish EU Presidency. The Seminar highlighted achiev Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | null | sv|en | 0 | HUMAN RIGHTS With the purpose to proomte human rights, and freedom of expression in particular, the Swedish Embassy in Abuja arranged a seminar on freedom of expression and new communication technologies during the Swedish EU Presidency. The Seminar highlighted achiev Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. |
Young Voices: Promoting Syrian Youth participation and inclusion in Peacebuilding and the Decision-Making Process'' | Contract related to: Young Voices: Promoting Syrian Youth participation and inclusion in Peacebuilding and the Decision-Making Process'' - CSO Thematic Programme 2021 - MAAP 2021-2024 - Civil Society Organisations as actors of Governance (Action Document nº 2)This Action is funded under the CSO Thematic Programme 2021-2027, under the Multiannual Action Plan 2021-2024. The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, amounting to around ¿ 766,66 million, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia 11.Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach;12 enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT.The Activity will fund service delivery through CSOs only under certain circumstances (in fragile and conflict-affected countries and/or in severely restricted environment for CSOs, i.e., where no other type of support is feasible or highly limited etc.) and/or towards specific objectives (support that can be regarded as catalytic and/or innovative etc.).This Action is aligned with the 2012 Communication on "The roots of democracy and sustainable development: Europe's engagement with Civil Society in external relations" and adheres in full to the NDICI-Global Europe Regulation, Annex III: CSO Thematic Programme. It will contribute primarily to the Commission priorities on Governance, Peace and Security, and Human Development and to supporting the vital role of Civil Society with regard to SDG 16 and 1713. The dominant sector under which initiatives will be funded will accordingly be Government & Civil Society14.The Action will strongly complement and reinforce bilateral and regional programmes through support for CSOs working in EU Delegations priority areas and sectors of cooperation, and through its focus on improving the environment in which they operate. This will enable them to participate in an informed way in dialogue with the EU and national and local actors, representing and voicing the concerns of people in vulnerable and marginalized situations, and contribute to combating inequalities in all partner countries It will furthermore strengthen their ability to implement and monitor initiatives funded under the bilateral and regional programmes thereby contributing to the successful implementation of our policies. Activities related to awareness and understanding of the EU in individual countries and the world will be implemented by Cooperation Facilities in Delegations, according to the priorities defined in the Delegations¿ strategic plans.All initiatives under the Action will, in line with the overarching aim of the CSO Thematic Programme, respect the i | null | en | 1 | Young Voices: Promoting Syrian Youth participation and inclusion in Peacebuilding and the Decision-Making Process'' Contract related to: Young Voices: Promoting Syrian Youth participation and inclusion in Peacebuilding and the Decision-Making Process'' - CSO Thematic Programme 2021 - MAAP 2021-2024 - Civil Society Organisations as actors of Governance (Action Document nº 2)This Action is funded under the CSO Thematic Programme 2021-2027, under the Multiannual Action Plan 2021-2024. The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, amounting to around ¿ 766,66 million, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia 11.Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach;12 enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT.The Activity will fund service delivery through CSOs only under certain circumstances (in fragile and conflict-affected countries and/or in severely restricted environment for CSOs, i.e., where no other type of support is feasible or highly limited etc.) and/or towards specific objectives (support that can be regarded as catalytic and/or innovative etc.).This Action is aligned with the 2012 Communication on "The roots of democracy and sustainable development: Europe's engagement with Civil Society in external relations" and adheres in full to the NDICI-Global Europe Regulation, Annex III: CSO Thematic Programme. It will contribute primarily to the Commission priorities on Governance, Peace and Security, and Human Development and to supporting the vital role of Civil Society with regard to SDG 16 and 1713. The dominant sector under which initiatives will be funded will accordingly be Government & Civil Society14.The Action will strongly complement and reinforce bilateral and regional programmes through support for CSOs working in EU Delegations priority areas and sectors of cooperation, and through its focus on improving the environment in which they operate. This will enable them to participate in an informed way in dialogue with the EU and national and local actors, representing and voicing the concerns of people in vulnerable and marginalized situations, and contribute to combating inequalities in all partner countries It will furthermore strengthen their ability to implement and monitor initiatives funded under the bilateral and regional programmes thereby contributing to the successful implementation of our policies. Activities related to awareness and understanding of the EU in individual countries and the world will be implemented by Cooperation Facilities in Delegations, according to the priorities defined in the Delegations¿ strategic plans.All initiatives under the Action will, in line with the overarching aim of the CSO Thematic Programme, respect the i |
International Chernobyl Cooperation Accoun | <p>INSC AAP 2022 Annex 1: Component E: Ukraine (ICCA)</p>-International Chernobyl Cooperation Accoun | null | en | 0 | International Chernobyl Cooperation Accoun <p>INSC AAP 2022 Annex 1: Component E: Ukraine (ICCA)</p>-International Chernobyl Cooperation Accoun |
Hackathon Circular Economy 2024 | South Africa is filled with circular economy opportunities that are present in various sectors such as agriculture, textiles, mining, food systems, energy, water, etc. Currently the predominant economic model for resource utilisation is linear – resources are extracted, transformed into products, used and then discarded.This hackathon presents an opportunity to explore how circular design can influence or change the linear model at source or upstream so that the downstream challenges are minimised. There is also an opportunity to explore how digital technologies can be leveraged for innovative circular design solutions that can solve waste management and other downstream challenges. The hackathon will be used as a build-up to the Circular Economy Hotspots event planned for September this year. The pitching and awards ceremony will culminate with day-two of the Hotspots event. | null | en | 0 | Hackathon Circular Economy 2024 South Africa is filled with circular economy opportunities that are present in various sectors such as agriculture, textiles, mining, food systems, energy, water, etc. Currently the predominant economic model for resource utilisation is linear – resources are extracted, transformed into products, used and then discarded.This hackathon presents an opportunity to explore how circular design can influence or change the linear model at source or upstream so that the downstream challenges are minimised. There is also an opportunity to explore how digital technologies can be leveraged for innovative circular design solutions that can solve waste management and other downstream challenges. The hackathon will be used as a build-up to the Circular Economy Hotspots event planned for September this year. The pitching and awards ceremony will culminate with day-two of the Hotspots event. |
Strengthening the mental health system, improve access and services for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian population Rafforzamento sistema trattamento delle patologie psichiche, migliorato accesso relativi servizi per rifugiati siriani e giordani | Improving the mental health system to address the needs of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian population through (i) the enhancement of mental health system and services, (ii) improved access to mental health services and (iii) raised awareness on of mental health human rights. Migliorare il sistema nazionale di risposta ai patologie psichiche a beneficio dei profughi siriani e della popolazione giordana vulnerabile | Commitment - Financial Year 2017 Disboursement - Financial Year 2017 | it|en | 1 | Strengthening the mental health system, improve access and services for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian population Rafforzamento sistema trattamento delle patologie psichiche, migliorato accesso relativi servizi per rifugiati siriani e giordani Improving the mental health system to address the needs of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian population through (i) the enhancement of mental health system and services, (ii) improved access to mental health services and (iii) raised awareness on of mental health human rights. Migliorare il sistema nazionale di risposta ai patologie psichiche a beneficio dei profughi siriani e della popolazione giordana vulnerabile Commitment - Financial Year 2017 Disboursement - Financial Year 2017 |
119/99/V Social/Samh.plan 119/99/V Social/Com.Plan. | Regional Follow up Seminar Mgmt of Groundwater Supply for Urban Areas Regional Follow up Seminar Mgmt of Groundwater Supply for Urban Areas | null | sv|en | 0 | 119/99/V Social/Samh.plan 119/99/V Social/Com.Plan. Regional Follow up Seminar Mgmt of Groundwater Supply for Urban Areas Regional Follow up Seminar Mgmt of Groundwater Supply for Urban Areas |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees core funding 2016 - 2018 | Refugees and internally displaced people receive care and protection, and durable solutions are found that allow them to rebuild their lives. | Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year | en | 1 | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees core funding 2016 - 2018 Refugees and internally displaced people receive care and protection, and durable solutions are found that allow them to rebuild their lives. Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year |
Kenya Integrated Refugee and Host Community Support Programme (PAMOJA) | To promote social and economic integration between approximately 400,000 refugees and 50,000 people living in host communities in Kenya by supporting the provision of basic humanitarian assistance and livelihood. | null | en | 1 | Kenya Integrated Refugee and Host Community Support Programme (PAMOJA) To promote social and economic integration between approximately 400,000 refugees and 50,000 people living in host communities in Kenya by supporting the provision of basic humanitarian assistance and livelihood. |
EU4Recovery and Resilience | This Action will contribute to resilient, sustainable and inclusive economic development in the Republic of Moldova (hereinafter `Moldova¿) and will pave the way for a fully-fledged Green Deal for the Republic of Moldova. Proposed actions will provide support for the implementation of the following two priorities, established in the European Union ¿ Republic of Moldova Multi Annual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 | null | en | 1 | EU4Recovery and Resilience This Action will contribute to resilient, sustainable and inclusive economic development in the Republic of Moldova (hereinafter `Moldova¿) and will pave the way for a fully-fledged Green Deal for the Republic of Moldova. Proposed actions will provide support for the implementation of the following two priorities, established in the European Union ¿ Republic of Moldova Multi Annual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 |
Conference to address the development of sustainable economic activity in developing island nations | This project brought together representatives from small islands and micro-states to share ideas of how to reduce exposure to shocks in the global economy and climate. | null | null | 0 | Conference to address the development of sustainable economic activity in developing island nations This project brought together representatives from small islands and micro-states to share ideas of how to reduce exposure to shocks in the global economy and climate. |
Bangladesh 2022 - NRC Humanitarian Country programmes 2021-2025 | Norwegian Refugee Council - Norska flyktingrådet (NRC) - har ansökt om ett förnyat partnerskap med Sida 2021-2025.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om finansiering på 364,5 miljoner SEK för att genomföra humanitära insatser i 26 humanitära krisområden under 2021: Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Demokratiska Republiken Kongo, Eritrea, Etiopien, Iran, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexiko, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Tanzania / Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen. Ansökan inkluderar även 40 miljoner kronor för den humanitära snabbmekanismen (RRM) och 20 miljoner kronor i stöd till sju projekt för metodstöd, kapacitetsuppbyggnad och samordning.
Den aktuella budgeten för NRC:s hela humanitära program 2021 uppgår till 4 263 200 000 NOK, varav Sidas del för närvarande utgör ca 8%. Sida ger NRC möjligheten att nyttja resurser flexibelt inom varje enskilt landprogram, (enligt så kallad Programme-Based Approach – PBA)
Humanitär-Utveckling-Fred Nexus
NRC bidrar i hög grad till arbetet för att sammankoppla humanitärt bistånd med freds- och utvecklingsinsatser. Organisationens strävan att effektivisera biståndet genom katalytiskt stöd till samordning och kapacitetsbyggande insatser bidrar till denna ansats. I samarbetet med andra organisationer möjliggör och bidrar NRC:s verksamhet och påverkansarbete till att stärka hållbara lösningar för flyktingar och människor som har blivit tvångsfördrivna och bidrar därmed till att på sikt minska de humanitära behoven. Även krisdrabbade människors möjligheter till självförsörjning prioriteras. NRC:s analyskapacitet är en styrka som bidrar till att programmeringen anpassas till en nexus-ansats och den analys som genomförs av NRC:s internationella center för övervakning av tvångsförflyttning (IDMC) är av stor vikt för dessa analyser. 19 av de 26 kriser i NRC:s portfölj som Sida finansierar avser länder där Sverige även bedriver utvecklingssamarbete vilket öppnar för möjligheter till synergier med humanitärt bistånd.
NRC ska få totalt 455,5 miljoner kronor av Sidas humanitära finansiering, enligt följande fördelning:
- Sida kommer att stödja NRC:s humanitära program i 23 krissituationer som Sida har prioriterat genom sin behovsbaserade allokeringsmodell för 2022, med 288,5 miljoner kronor :Afghanistan, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och
regionen (Ecuador, Panamà), Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria,
Palestina, Somalia, Sudan, Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela.
- Flerårig finansiering för NRC :s humanitära program i Demokratiska
republiken Kongo, Mali och Nigeria inleds 2022 och Sida har för ändamålet att ta i anspråk 104 miljoner kronor från kommande års anslag från erhållen Bemyndiganderam förutsatt att Riksdagen anvisar tillräckliga medel.
- NRC:s akuta insatser vid plötsligt uppkomna kriser kommer att stödjas genom Sidas snabbinsatsmekanism (RRM) under 2022 med 50 miljoner kronor.
- NRC:s metod- och kapacitetsstärkande projekt för skydd, miljö och IDMC (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre) kommer under 2022 att få 13 miljoner kronor, varav 3 miljoner kronor från Sida/Globen för IDMC.
Sidas bidrag till NRC för 2022 kommer att täcka cirka 6,5 % av NRC:s totala finansiella behov för de stödda programmen och projekten. Det kommer att tillhandahålla humanitära tjänster till nästan 9 miljoner människor (53 % kvinnor) i Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och regionen, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen.
HUM lägger till 50 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Ukraina som gynnar 90,000 människor med skydd, tak över huvudet, WaSH samt kontantbistånd. Beslut 5 April. Avtalförändring nr 5.
HUM lägger till 7,5 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Kamerun från halvsårsanslaget 2022 (livsmedelsförsörjning, juridik rådgivning för 600 husshållen/4200 individer i Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava och Mayo Tsanaga). Beslut 9 juni 2022. Avtalförändring nr 6.
HUM lägger till 10 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Sydsudan från slutsåranslaget. Beslut 16 november 2022, 2022-002341. Avtalförändring nr 7.
NRC får totalt 659.5 miljoner kronor (2023-2025) av Sidas humanitära finansiering för att genomföra:
- humanitära insatser i 23
krisområden under 2023: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Centralafrikanska
republiken, Colombia, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Palestina, Sudan,
Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Ukraina och Venezuela.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om 244
miljoner kronor för att kunna fortsätta sina humanitära program i Jemen, Kamerun,
Sydsudan, Syria och Venezuela under 2024 och 2025.
- ansökan inkluderar även 50
miljoner kronor till den humanitära snabbinsatsmekanismen (RRM)
- och 40 miljoner kronor i stöd till fyra fleråriga projekt för metodstöd och kapacitetsuppbyggnad: Miljö, Skydd, Tillträde, IDMC (18,5 under 2023, 21,5 under 2024-2025). NRC has applied as well to Sida for funding of 364.5 million SEK to carry out “the Humanitarian Programme for 2021” in 26 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, Palestine, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania/Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela, Yemen. The application includes provision of 40 million SEK to replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and 7 individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
The intervention’s tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sida’s funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach – PBA).
NRC's catalytic support for coordination and capacity building contributes greatly to the link between humanitarian aid, development and peace. NRC's advocacy work and activities enable, at least contribute to, sustainable solutions for refugees and displaced people in a significant way in cooperation with other actors. In the long run, the NRC will reduce humanitarian needs. The NRC prioritizes self-sufficiency in its programs. The NRC's analysis capability, not least through its Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC), is an advantage for relevant programming according to the nexus orientations. Among the 26 crises in NRC's portfolio that Sida prioritizes, there are 15 where Sida implements Sweden's development strategies in synergy with humanitarian aid.
Sida’s contribution to NRC for 2022 will cover around 6.5% of NRC’s total financial requirements of the supported programmes and projects. It will provides humanitarian services to almost 9 million persons (53% female). HUM adds 50 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Ukraine benefiting 90,000 people with protection, shelter, WaSH and cash assistance. Decision 5 April. Amendment nr. 5.
HUM adds 7.5 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Cameroon from the 2022 mid-year allocation (food security, legal advice for 600 households/4200 individuals in Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava and Mayo Tsanaga). Decision 9 June 2022. Contract amendment No 6.
HUM adds 10 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in South Sudan from the end-of-the-year allocation. Decision 16 November 2022 nr 2022-002341. Contract amendment No 7.
NRC targets 7.7 million unique beneficiaries in total within Sida-funded humanitarian programmes in 2023, (52% female), who will receive protection and humanitarian services from NRC: Education, WASH, Shelter and settlement, Food security and livelihoods, including multi-purpose cash assistance, Protection, Legal assistance, Humanitarian mediation (community-based peace-building). Advocacy and support to humanitarian coordination and durable solution to displacements working groups in the field are part of NRC's engagement that Sida is funding. NRC's annual budget 2023 in the settings and thematics prioritized by Sida amounts to 5620 million Norwegian crowns in total. Sida's share weighs so far 8% of it: NRC's third largest donor whose cumulated 2021-2025 grant is 80% softly earmarked (programme-based approach) and 34% multi-year.
Earlier granted multi-year funding for 2023 was disbursed in January (52 MSEK) in support to continued humanitarian operations in DR Congo, Mali and Nigeria with strong emphasis on emergency response. Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is Norway's largest international humanitarian organisation and widely recognized as a leading field-based displacement agency within the international humanitarian community. NRC is the INGO receiving the largest contribution from Sida's Humanitarian Unit to INGOs so far, based on experience of successful partnerships, NRC's capacities to respond at scale and its coverage of crises that Sida is prioritizing through the needs-based allocation approach. NRC receives approximately 8% of Sida's humanitarian unit's annual budget appropriation.
The objectives of NRC can be summarized as follows: "To protect the rights of displaced and vulnerable people during crisis, to provide assistance meeting their immediate humanitarian needs, to prevent further displacement and to contribute to durable solutions, and to provide expertise as a strategic partner to humanitarian systems and actors." NRCs main activity is delivery of humanitarian assistance through programme activities in the field. NRC specializes in six areas of expertise, or "core competencies": shelter and settlements; livelihoods and food security; information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA); education; camp management; and water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH). Protection is lifted up as a new core competency of NRC since 2021. NRC engages closely with the affected populations to understand their needs and capacities, ensuring it tailors its assistance accordingly and involve them in the entire programme cycle, from design through implementation to evaluation. NRC advocates for respect for the rights of displaced and vulnerable people.
In 2021, the NRC Board approved the Global Strategy 20222025. The strategy
sets out four sub-objectives for areas that NRC will continue to strengthen and further institutionalize, namely, 1. assistance to hard-to-reach populations, 2. humanitarian policy, 3. protection, and 4. durable solutions. It also points to four areas of work that will be accelerated through expanded engagement and investments: i) advocacy, ii) climate and environment, iii) collaboration with local actors, and iv) quality programming.
NRCs work is divided into three pillars: humanitarian assistance, advocacy and expert deployment. Sida's Humanitarian Unit funding will continue prioritizing mainly the first pillar through funding of the humanitarian country programmes in line with HRPs and the RRPs and through the RRM funding. To some extent, Sida will support as well the second pillar of advocacy which is integrated in the humanitarian country programmes and implemented by NRC's method, thematic and capacity development projects supported by Sida. Sida will provide NRC with only a punctual support to the third pillar, through funding to CashCap which is deploying experts to the field for invigorating cash assistance working groups (17 in 2020 to 16 countries).
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has applied for a renewed strategic partnership with Sida during 2021-2025.
The interventions tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sidas funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach PBA).
NRC was granted funding to carry out the Humanitarian Programme for 2022 in 24 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Irak, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Ukraina, Venezuela and Yemen. The grant includes provision of funding replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and four individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
Sida's assessment on performance and results
Alike many other actors in the sector, NRC excels in reporting activities and outputs, but should be better in catching what changes and impacts its interventions have resulted to ultimately on assisted communities. The reporting of data and results does not provide necessarily an accurate and consolidated overview of what NRC has achieved. Sida has notified NRC that it should provide dis-aggregated data by age in targeting and reporting which is a norm.
It is assumed that NRC will achieve its objectives in 2023 again, but the global stress on the current resource mobilisation system supporting humanitarian action may affect NRC as well, similarly to large humanitarian actors such as the ICRC. | null | sv|en | 1 | Bangladesh 2022 - NRC Humanitarian Country programmes 2021-2025 Norwegian Refugee Council - Norska flyktingrådet (NRC) - har ansökt om ett förnyat partnerskap med Sida 2021-2025.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om finansiering på 364,5 miljoner SEK för att genomföra humanitära insatser i 26 humanitära krisområden under 2021: Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Demokratiska Republiken Kongo, Eritrea, Etiopien, Iran, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexiko, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Tanzania / Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen. Ansökan inkluderar även 40 miljoner kronor för den humanitära snabbmekanismen (RRM) och 20 miljoner kronor i stöd till sju projekt för metodstöd, kapacitetsuppbyggnad och samordning.
Den aktuella budgeten för NRC:s hela humanitära program 2021 uppgår till 4 263 200 000 NOK, varav Sidas del för närvarande utgör ca 8%. Sida ger NRC möjligheten att nyttja resurser flexibelt inom varje enskilt landprogram, (enligt så kallad Programme-Based Approach – PBA)
Humanitär-Utveckling-Fred Nexus
NRC bidrar i hög grad till arbetet för att sammankoppla humanitärt bistånd med freds- och utvecklingsinsatser. Organisationens strävan att effektivisera biståndet genom katalytiskt stöd till samordning och kapacitetsbyggande insatser bidrar till denna ansats. I samarbetet med andra organisationer möjliggör och bidrar NRC:s verksamhet och påverkansarbete till att stärka hållbara lösningar för flyktingar och människor som har blivit tvångsfördrivna och bidrar därmed till att på sikt minska de humanitära behoven. Även krisdrabbade människors möjligheter till självförsörjning prioriteras. NRC:s analyskapacitet är en styrka som bidrar till att programmeringen anpassas till en nexus-ansats och den analys som genomförs av NRC:s internationella center för övervakning av tvångsförflyttning (IDMC) är av stor vikt för dessa analyser. 19 av de 26 kriser i NRC:s portfölj som Sida finansierar avser länder där Sverige även bedriver utvecklingssamarbete vilket öppnar för möjligheter till synergier med humanitärt bistånd.
NRC ska få totalt 455,5 miljoner kronor av Sidas humanitära finansiering, enligt följande fördelning:
- Sida kommer att stödja NRC:s humanitära program i 23 krissituationer som Sida har prioriterat genom sin behovsbaserade allokeringsmodell för 2022, med 288,5 miljoner kronor :Afghanistan, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och
regionen (Ecuador, Panamà), Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria,
Palestina, Somalia, Sudan, Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela.
- Flerårig finansiering för NRC :s humanitära program i Demokratiska
republiken Kongo, Mali och Nigeria inleds 2022 och Sida har för ändamålet att ta i anspråk 104 miljoner kronor från kommande års anslag från erhållen Bemyndiganderam förutsatt att Riksdagen anvisar tillräckliga medel.
- NRC:s akuta insatser vid plötsligt uppkomna kriser kommer att stödjas genom Sidas snabbinsatsmekanism (RRM) under 2022 med 50 miljoner kronor.
- NRC:s metod- och kapacitetsstärkande projekt för skydd, miljö och IDMC (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre) kommer under 2022 att få 13 miljoner kronor, varav 3 miljoner kronor från Sida/Globen för IDMC.
Sidas bidrag till NRC för 2022 kommer att täcka cirka 6,5 % av NRC:s totala finansiella behov för de stödda programmen och projekten. Det kommer att tillhandahålla humanitära tjänster till nästan 9 miljoner människor (53 % kvinnor) i Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och regionen, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen.
HUM lägger till 50 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Ukraina som gynnar 90,000 människor med skydd, tak över huvudet, WaSH samt kontantbistånd. Beslut 5 April. Avtalförändring nr 5.
HUM lägger till 7,5 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Kamerun från halvsårsanslaget 2022 (livsmedelsförsörjning, juridik rådgivning för 600 husshållen/4200 individer i Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava och Mayo Tsanaga). Beslut 9 juni 2022. Avtalförändring nr 6.
HUM lägger till 10 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Sydsudan från slutsåranslaget. Beslut 16 november 2022, 2022-002341. Avtalförändring nr 7.
NRC får totalt 659.5 miljoner kronor (2023-2025) av Sidas humanitära finansiering för att genomföra:
- humanitära insatser i 23
krisområden under 2023: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Centralafrikanska
republiken, Colombia, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Palestina, Sudan,
Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Ukraina och Venezuela.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om 244
miljoner kronor för att kunna fortsätta sina humanitära program i Jemen, Kamerun,
Sydsudan, Syria och Venezuela under 2024 och 2025.
- ansökan inkluderar även 50
miljoner kronor till den humanitära snabbinsatsmekanismen (RRM)
- och 40 miljoner kronor i stöd till fyra fleråriga projekt för metodstöd och kapacitetsuppbyggnad: Miljö, Skydd, Tillträde, IDMC (18,5 under 2023, 21,5 under 2024-2025). NRC has applied as well to Sida for funding of 364.5 million SEK to carry out “the Humanitarian Programme for 2021” in 26 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, Palestine, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania/Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela, Yemen. The application includes provision of 40 million SEK to replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and 7 individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
The intervention’s tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sida’s funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach – PBA).
NRC's catalytic support for coordination and capacity building contributes greatly to the link between humanitarian aid, development and peace. NRC's advocacy work and activities enable, at least contribute to, sustainable solutions for refugees and displaced people in a significant way in cooperation with other actors. In the long run, the NRC will reduce humanitarian needs. The NRC prioritizes self-sufficiency in its programs. The NRC's analysis capability, not least through its Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC), is an advantage for relevant programming according to the nexus orientations. Among the 26 crises in NRC's portfolio that Sida prioritizes, there are 15 where Sida implements Sweden's development strategies in synergy with humanitarian aid.
Sida’s contribution to NRC for 2022 will cover around 6.5% of NRC’s total financial requirements of the supported programmes and projects. It will provides humanitarian services to almost 9 million persons (53% female). HUM adds 50 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Ukraine benefiting 90,000 people with protection, shelter, WaSH and cash assistance. Decision 5 April. Amendment nr. 5.
HUM adds 7.5 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Cameroon from the 2022 mid-year allocation (food security, legal advice for 600 households/4200 individuals in Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava and Mayo Tsanaga). Decision 9 June 2022. Contract amendment No 6.
HUM adds 10 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in South Sudan from the end-of-the-year allocation. Decision 16 November 2022 nr 2022-002341. Contract amendment No 7.
NRC targets 7.7 million unique beneficiaries in total within Sida-funded humanitarian programmes in 2023, (52% female), who will receive protection and humanitarian services from NRC: Education, WASH, Shelter and settlement, Food security and livelihoods, including multi-purpose cash assistance, Protection, Legal assistance, Humanitarian mediation (community-based peace-building). Advocacy and support to humanitarian coordination and durable solution to displacements working groups in the field are part of NRC's engagement that Sida is funding. NRC's annual budget 2023 in the settings and thematics prioritized by Sida amounts to 5620 million Norwegian crowns in total. Sida's share weighs so far 8% of it: NRC's third largest donor whose cumulated 2021-2025 grant is 80% softly earmarked (programme-based approach) and 34% multi-year.
Earlier granted multi-year funding for 2023 was disbursed in January (52 MSEK) in support to continued humanitarian operations in DR Congo, Mali and Nigeria with strong emphasis on emergency response. Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is Norway's largest international humanitarian organisation and widely recognized as a leading field-based displacement agency within the international humanitarian community. NRC is the INGO receiving the largest contribution from Sida's Humanitarian Unit to INGOs so far, based on experience of successful partnerships, NRC's capacities to respond at scale and its coverage of crises that Sida is prioritizing through the needs-based allocation approach. NRC receives approximately 8% of Sida's humanitarian unit's annual budget appropriation.
The objectives of NRC can be summarized as follows: "To protect the rights of displaced and vulnerable people during crisis, to provide assistance meeting their immediate humanitarian needs, to prevent further displacement and to contribute to durable solutions, and to provide expertise as a strategic partner to humanitarian systems and actors." NRCs main activity is delivery of humanitarian assistance through programme activities in the field. NRC specializes in six areas of expertise, or "core competencies": shelter and settlements; livelihoods and food security; information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA); education; camp management; and water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH). Protection is lifted up as a new core competency of NRC since 2021. NRC engages closely with the affected populations to understand their needs and capacities, ensuring it tailors its assistance accordingly and involve them in the entire programme cycle, from design through implementation to evaluation. NRC advocates for respect for the rights of displaced and vulnerable people.
In 2021, the NRC Board approved the Global Strategy 20222025. The strategy
sets out four sub-objectives for areas that NRC will continue to strengthen and further institutionalize, namely, 1. assistance to hard-to-reach populations, 2. humanitarian policy, 3. protection, and 4. durable solutions. It also points to four areas of work that will be accelerated through expanded engagement and investments: i) advocacy, ii) climate and environment, iii) collaboration with local actors, and iv) quality programming.
NRCs work is divided into three pillars: humanitarian assistance, advocacy and expert deployment. Sida's Humanitarian Unit funding will continue prioritizing mainly the first pillar through funding of the humanitarian country programmes in line with HRPs and the RRPs and through the RRM funding. To some extent, Sida will support as well the second pillar of advocacy which is integrated in the humanitarian country programmes and implemented by NRC's method, thematic and capacity development projects supported by Sida. Sida will provide NRC with only a punctual support to the third pillar, through funding to CashCap which is deploying experts to the field for invigorating cash assistance working groups (17 in 2020 to 16 countries).
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has applied for a renewed strategic partnership with Sida during 2021-2025.
The interventions tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sidas funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach PBA).
NRC was granted funding to carry out the Humanitarian Programme for 2022 in 24 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Irak, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Ukraina, Venezuela and Yemen. The grant includes provision of funding replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and four individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
Sida's assessment on performance and results
Alike many other actors in the sector, NRC excels in reporting activities and outputs, but should be better in catching what changes and impacts its interventions have resulted to ultimately on assisted communities. The reporting of data and results does not provide necessarily an accurate and consolidated overview of what NRC has achieved. Sida has notified NRC that it should provide dis-aggregated data by age in targeting and reporting which is a norm.
It is assumed that NRC will achieve its objectives in 2023 again, but the global stress on the current resource mobilisation system supporting humanitarian action may affect NRC as well, similarly to large humanitarian actors such as the ICRC. |
Stärkung der zivilgesellschaftlichen Handlungsfähigkeit und regionalen Allianzen für Advocacy für Menschenrechte im Kontext sexueller Orientierung und Geschlechteridentität Scaling up civil society capacity and regional allience building for human rights advocacy related to sexual orientation and gender identity | Stärkung der zivilgesellschaftlichen Handlungsfähigkeit und regionalen Allianzen für Advocacy für Menschenrechte im Kontext sexueller Orientierung und Geschlechteridentität Scaling up civil society capacity and regional allience building for human rights advocacy related to sexual orientation and gender identity Stärkung der zivilgesellschaftlichen Handlungsfähigkeit und regionalen Allianzen für Advocacy für Menschenrechte im Kontext sexueller Orientierung und Geschlechteridentität Scaling up civil society capacity and regional allience building for human rights advocacy related to sexual orientation and gender identity | null | de|en | 0 | Stärkung der zivilgesellschaftlichen Handlungsfähigkeit und regionalen Allianzen für Advocacy für Menschenrechte im Kontext sexueller Orientierung und Geschlechteridentität Scaling up civil society capacity and regional allience building for human rights advocacy related to sexual orientation and gender identity Stärkung der zivilgesellschaftlichen Handlungsfähigkeit und regionalen Allianzen für Advocacy für Menschenrechte im Kontext sexueller Orientierung und Geschlechteridentität Scaling up civil society capacity and regional allience building for human rights advocacy related to sexual orientation and gender identity Stärkung der zivilgesellschaftlichen Handlungsfähigkeit und regionalen Allianzen für Advocacy für Menschenrechte im Kontext sexueller Orientierung und Geschlechteridentität Scaling up civil society capacity and regional allience building for human rights advocacy related to sexual orientation and gender identity |
ZIBF Book fair 1999-2000 ZIBF bokmässa 1999-2000 | Coresupport to the Zimbabwe International Book Fair 1999-2000. Bidrag till Zimbabwe International Book Fair 1999-2000. | null | sv|en | 0 | ZIBF Book fair 1999-2000 ZIBF bokmässa 1999-2000 Coresupport to the Zimbabwe International Book Fair 1999-2000. Bidrag till Zimbabwe International Book Fair 1999-2000. |
To cultivate resilience: sustainable and inclusive agriculture in Niger Coltivare la resilienza agricoltura sostenibile e inclusiva in Niger | The project goal is to strenghten food security for most vulnerable groups with a focus on the empowerment of people with disabilities and women Il progetto si propone di rafforzare in maniera sostenibile la sicurezza alimentare dei gruppi più vulnerabili con particolare attenzione alla capacità di resilienza delle persone con disabilità e donne | Commitment - Financial Year 2016 Disboursement - Financial Year 2017 Disboursement - Financial Year 2018 Disboursement - Financial Year 2019 | it|en | 1 | To cultivate resilience: sustainable and inclusive agriculture in Niger Coltivare la resilienza agricoltura sostenibile e inclusiva in Niger The project goal is to strenghten food security for most vulnerable groups with a focus on the empowerment of people with disabilities and women Il progetto si propone di rafforzare in maniera sostenibile la sicurezza alimentare dei gruppi più vulnerabili con particolare attenzione alla capacità di resilienza delle persone con disabilità e donne Commitment - Financial Year 2016 Disboursement - Financial Year 2017 Disboursement - Financial Year 2018 Disboursement - Financial Year 2019 |
ECPM avskaffande av dödsstraffet, 2011-13 ECPM abolition of death penalty, 2011-13 | The program aims to achieve an abolition of the death penalty in the MENA region through lobbying and advocacy campaigns targeting political and judicial authorities in the MENA region. Programmet har som avsikt avskaffa dödstraff i MENA regionen genom lobbyaktiviteter riktade mot politiska och juridiska auktoriteter i MENA regionen. | null | sv|en | 0 | ECPM avskaffande av dödsstraffet, 2011-13 ECPM abolition of death penalty, 2011-13 The program aims to achieve an abolition of the death penalty in the MENA region through lobbying and advocacy campaigns targeting political and judicial authorities in the MENA region. Programmet har som avsikt avskaffa dödstraff i MENA regionen genom lobbyaktiviteter riktade mot politiska och juridiska auktoriteter i MENA regionen. |