9 values
### Instruction: You are given a question and some answer options (associated with "A", "B", "C", "D"). You should choose the correct answer based on commonsense knowledge. Avoid answering questions based on associations, the set of answers are chosen deliberately to capture common sense beyond associations. Do not generate anything else apart from one of the following characters: 'A', 'B, 'C', 'D', 'E' and only give one answer for each question. ### Input: Danny found an old film in a sealed what? (A)clingfilm (B)disneyland (C)cave (D)cabinet (E)movie ### Response:
### Input: Title: Octavia E. Butler Background: Octavia Estelle Butler was born on June 22, 1947, in Pasadena, California, the only child of Octavia Margaret Guy, a housemaid, and Laurice James Butler, a shoeshine man. Butler's father died when she was seven, so Octavia was raised by her mother and maternal grandmother in what she would later recall as a strict Baptist environment. Growing up in the racially integrated community of Pasadena allowed Butler to experience cultural and ethnic diversity in the midst of racial segregation. She accompanied her mother to her cleaning work, where the two entered white people's houses through back doors, as workers. Section: Critical reception Passage: Most critics praise Butler for her unflinching exposition of human flaws, which she depicts with striking realism. The New York Times regarded her novels as "evocative" if "often troubling" explorations of "far-reaching issues of race, sex, power". The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction called her examination of humanity "clear-headed and brutally unsentimental" and Village Voice's Dorothy Allison described her as "writing the most detailed social criticism" where "the hard edge of cruelty, violence, and domination is described in stark detail." Locus regarded her as "one of those authors who pay serious attention to the way human beings actually work together and against each other, and she does so with extraordinary plausibility." The Houston Post ranked her "among the best SF writers, blessed with a mind capable of conceiving complicated futuristic situations that shed considerable light on our current affairs." Scholars, on the other hand, focus on Butler's choice to write from the point of view of marginal characters and communities and thus "expanded SF to reflect the experiences and expertise of the disenfranchised." While surveying Butler's novels, critic Burton Raffel noted how race and gender influence her writing: "I do not think any of these eight books could have been written by a man, as they most emphatically were not, nor, with the single exception of her first book, Pattern-Master (1976), are likely to have been written, as they most emphatically were, by anyone but an African American." Robert Crossley commended how Butler's "feminist aesthetic" works to expose sexual, racial, and cultural chauvinisms because it is "enriched by a historical consciousness that shapes the depiction of enslavement both in the real past and in imaginary pasts and futures." Butler has been praised widely for her spare yet vivid style, with Washington Post Book World calling her craftsmanship "superb". Burton Raffel regards her prose as "carefully, expertly crafted" and "crystalline, at its best, sensuous, sensitive, exact not in the least directed at calling attention to itself." CANNOTANSWER Question: What has been her criticism? Answer: Most critics praise Butler for her unflinching exposition of human flaws, which she depicts with striking realism. Question: Does she have a lot of fanbase? Answer: CANNOTANSWER Question: Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? Answer: Butler has been praised widely for her spare yet vivid style, with Washington Post Book World calling her craftsmanship "superb". Question: Did she win any awards? Answer: CANNOTANSWER Question: What books received the best reviews? ### Response:
### Instruction: In this task, you're given four sentences of a story written in natural language. The given story is not complete and your job is to complete the story by selecting one of the end sentence choices from (A) and (B), such that the story does not sound complete and coherent, i.e., select an incorrect end sentence. ### Input: Sentence1: Betsy was about to celebrate her sixteenth birthday. Sentence2: Her parents surprised her with a nice dinner out and a small present. Sentence3: Happily, her parents gave her a monogram necklace. Sentence4: On the way home, Betsy misplaced the necklace in the car. (A) Betsy felt really bad for the rest of the night. (B) Betsy wore the monogrammed necklace when she turned 14. ### Response:
### Input: Shortly after the moon is in ecliptical longitude with the Sun, one will see: A: a waning crescent B: a waxing crescent C: a waning gibbous D: a waxing gibbousthe first quarter phase of the moon occurs after the new moon ### Response:
The answer is B: a waxing crescent
### Input: Title: Giuseppe Garibaldi Background: Garibaldi was born and christened Joseph-Marie Garibaldi on 4 July 1807 in Nice, which had been directly annexed by First French Empire in 1805, to Ligurian family of Giovanni Domenico Garibaldi from Chiavari and Maria Rosa Nicoletta Raimondo from Loano. In 1814, the Congress of Vienna returned Nice to Victor Emmanuel I of Sardinia; nevertheless, France re-annexed it in 1860 by the Treaty of Turin, which was ardently opposed by Garibaldi. Garibaldi's family's involvement in coastal trade drew him to a life at sea. Section: Aftermath Passage: Garibaldi deeply disliked the Sardinian Prime Minister, Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour. To an extent, he simply mistrusted Cavour's pragmatism and realpolitik, but he also bore a personal grudge for Cavour's trading away his home city of Nice to the French the previous year. On the other hand, he felt attracted toward the Piedmontese monarch, who in his opinion had been chosen by Providence for the liberation of Italy. In his famous meeting with Victor Emmanuel II at Teano on 26 October 1860, Garibaldi greeted him as King of Italy and shook his hand. Garibaldi rode into Naples at the king's side on 7 November, then retired to the rocky island of Caprera, refusing to accept any reward for his services. At the outbreak of the American Civil War (in 1861), Garibaldi volunteered his services to President Abraham Lincoln. Garibaldi was offered a major general's commission in the U. S. Army through the letter from Secretary of State William H. Seward to H. S. Sanford, the U. S. Minister at Brussels, July 17, 1861. On September 18, 1861, Sanford sent the following reply to Seward: He [Garibaldi] said that the only way in which he could render service, as he ardently desired to do, to the cause of the United States, was as Commander-in-chief of its forces, that he would only go as such, and with the additional contingent power--to be governed by events--of declaring the abolition of slavery; that he would be of little use without the first, and without the second it would appear like a civil war in which the world at large could have little interest or sympathy. These conditions could not be met. On August 6, 1863, after the Emancipation Proclamation had been issued, Garibaldi wrote to Lincoln, "Posterity will call you the great emancipator, a more enviable title than any crown could be, and greater than any merely mundane treasure". On 5 October 1861 Garibaldi set up the International Legion bringing together different national divisions of French, Poles, Swiss, German and other nationalities, with a view not just of finishing the liberation of Italy, but also of their homelands. With the motto "Free from the Alps to the Adriatic," the unification movement set its gaze on Rome and Venice. Mazzini was discontented with the perpetuation of monarchial government, and continued to agitate for a republic. Garibaldi, frustrated at inaction by the king, and bristling over perceived snubs, organized a new venture. This time, he intended to take on the Papal States. CANNOTANSWER Question: What was significant in his life during this aftermath? Answer: set up the International Legion bringing together different national divisions of French, Poles, Swiss, German and other nationalities, Question: What was his most impressive accomplishment during these years? Answer: Garibaldi was offered a major general's commission in the U. S. Army Question: Did he accept the general position? Answer: the only way in which he could render service, as he ardently desired to do, to the cause of the United States, was as Commander-in-chief of its forces, Question: How long did he serve with the forces? Answer: These conditions could not be met. Question: What did he do after his military service could no longer be met? Answer: On 5 October 1861 Garibaldi set up the International Legion bringing together different national divisions of French, Poles, Swiss, German and other nationalities, Question: What other aspects of the article were interesting? Answer: In his famous meeting with Victor Emmanuel II at Teano on 26 October 1860, Garibaldi greeted him as King of Italy and shook his hand. Question: Did he interact with any other royalty? Answer: CANNOTANSWER Question: Was he ever recognized for any of his efforts? ### Response:
Garibaldi rode into Naples at the king's side on 7 November, then retired to the rocky island of Caprera, refusing to accept any reward for his services.
### Instruction: In this task, you will be given a short story. One sentence from the story is chosen. Consider the likely emotions of the participants in the sentence and those affected by it. Is any of these emotions caused by the sentence? You should write your answer in the form " A >Causes> B". Try to use phrases and sentences from the story to compose your answer when possible. For the sentence describing the result, you must use the verb feel(s). ### Input: story: I woke up late today. I started getting ready and fell. Then I missed the bus to school. My mom had to drive me in her car. I made it to school a little late. selected sentence: My mom had to drive me in her car. ### Response:
My mom has to drive me >Causes> My mom feel(s) upset
### Instruction: The input is a tweet which can be classified as Hate Speech, Offensive or Normal. Given such a tweet, output the class the tweet belongs to. Hate Speech will contain threatening language towards the community targeted. Offensive language will contain abusive or discriminatory language towards the community targeted. ### Input: maybe you guys should not of retweeted me calling you a bunch of camel fucking sand niggers ### Response:
Hate Speech
### Instruction: In this task, you are given a short passage that conveys a stereotype. A stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular group of people. You are expected to classify the passage into nine types of stereotype: race-color, socioeconomic, gender, disability, nationality, sexual-orientation, physical-appearance, religion, and age. ### Input: Passage: Over on Tim's left, a group of Asian men were studying Quantum Physics. ### Response:
### Instruction: In this task, you're given five sentences, numbered 1 through 5. Your job is to generate a title for the story that makes complete sense. The title must be short, with less than three words, use simple language, and include the main topic of the story. ### Input: Sentence 1: Cole played video games all day, everyday. Sentence 2: But he didn't bother sitting properly. Sentence 3: Over time, he developed several back issues. Sentence 4: And he had to get surgery. Sentence 5: Cole decided to never sit with a bad posture again. ### Response:
Bad Back
### Instruction: Given a short bio of a person, find the minimal text span containing the date of birth of the person. The output must be the minimal text span that contains the birth date, month and year as long as they are present. For instance, given a bio like 'I was born on 27th of Decemeber 1990, and graduated high school on 23rd October 2008.' the output should be '27th of December 1990'. ### Input: Keira Christina Knightley was born on 26 March 1985 in the Teddington suburb of London, to stage actors Will Knightley and Sharman Macdonald ### Response:
26 March 1985
### Instruction: Determine whether the two given sentences clearly agree with each other (entailment), disagree with each other (contradiction), or if this cannot be determined (neutral). Answer must be the letters E, C, and N, respectively. ### Input: The gentleman is speaking while the others are listening. <sep> The man is respected. ### Response:
### Instruction: You are given a passage. Using the information present in the passage, you need to classify it into one of the 10 topics: 0 - 'Society & Culture', 1 - 'Science & Mathematics', 2 - 'Health', 3 - 'Education & Reference', 4 - 'Computers & Internet', 5 - 'Sports', 6 - 'Business & Finance', 7 - 'Entertainment & Music', 8 - 'Family & Relationships', 9 - 'Politics & Government'. ### Input: It possibly came from the Cambridge University tradition of giving a large wooden spoon to the student who scored lowest on final exams. No wooden spoons were given after 1909 at Cambridge, when the scores for exams started being read in alphabetical rather than score order. One theory is that early on in the Six Nations, many of the players were from Cambridge and carried on the wooden spoon tradition after it no longer was a part of university life. ### Response:
### Instruction: You are given an incomplete sentence along with a few reference completions. Only one of the reference completion is coherent and correct based on the context in sentence and all other reference completions are incorrect. Your task is to choose best matching completion from reference options and return that. ### Input: Input: Which of the following is more likely to create sound? References: Someone making their hand vibrate really quickly Someone holding a violin An owl soaring overhead Someone dragging a bow on a string ### Response:
Someone dragging a bow on a string
### Instruction: This task is about writing a correct answer for the reading comprehension task. Based on the information provided in a given passage, you should identify the shortest continuous text span from the passage that serves as an answer to the given question. Avoid answers that are incorrect or provides incomplete justification for the question. ### Input: Passage: Typical of Slavic languages, Czech marks its verbs for one of two grammatical aspects: perfective and imperfective. Most verbs are part of inflected aspect pairs—for example, koupit (perfective) and kupovat (imperfective). Although the verbs' meaning is similar, in perfective verbs the action is completed and in imperfective verbs it is ongoing. This is distinct from past and present tense, and any Czech verb of either aspect can be conjugated into any of its three tenses. Aspect describes the state of the action at the time specified by the tense. Question: What two grammatical aspects can verbs in Czech have? ### Response:
perfective and imperfective
### Instruction: In this task, you're given a review from Amazon's food products. Your task is to generate a short summary of the given review in the input. Note that you don't need to write a complete sentence as a summary. ### Input: I was so glad Amazon carried these batteries. I have a hard time finding them elsewhere because they are such a unique size. I need them for my garage door opener. Great deal for the price. ### Response:
Great Bargain for the Price
### Instruction: In this task, you need to count the number of words in a sentence that start with the given letter. Answer with numbers and not words. ### Input: Sentence: 'there is a young girl smiling at the camera'. How many words start with the letter 'a' in the sentence. ### Response:
### Input: Title: Jim Palmer Background: James Alvin Palmer (born October 15, 1945) is a retired American right-handed pitcher who played all of his 19 years in Major League Baseball (MLB) with the Baltimore Orioles (1965-67, 1969-84) and was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1990. Palmer was the winning pitcher in 186 games in the 1970s, the most wins in that decade by any MLB pitcher. He also won at least twenty games in each of eight seasons and received three Cy Young Awards and four Gold Gloves during the decade. His 268 career victories are currently an Orioles record. Section: Early broadcasting career Passage: While still an active player, Palmer did color commentary for ABC for their coverage of the 1978, 1980 and 1982 American League Championship Series, 1981 American League Division Series between Oakland and Kansas City, and the 1981 World Series. From 1985 to 1989, Palmer formed an announcing team with Al Michaels and Tim McCarver at ABC. Palmer announced the 1985 World Series, where he was supposed to team with Michaels and Howard Cosell, whom Palmer had worked with on the previous year's ALCS. McCarver replaced Cosell for the World Series at the last minute after Cosell released a book (I Never Played the Game) that was critical of the ABC Sports team. The team of Palmer, Michaels and McCarver would subsequently go on to call the 1986 All-Star Game (that year, Palmer worked with Michaels on the ALCS while McCarver teamed with Keith Jackson on ABC's coverage of the National League Championship Series), the 1987 World Series, and 1988 All-Star Game as well as that year's NLCS. Palmer was present at San Francisco's Candlestick Park on October 17, 1989, when the Loma Prieta earthquake hit prior to Game 3 of the World Series. After the 1989 season, ABC lost its contract to broadcast baseball to CBS. Palmer had earned $350,000 from ABC that year for appearing on around ten regular season broadcasts and making a few postseason appearances. In 1990, the Los Angeles Times reported that Palmer was thinking of pursuing work as a major league manager. Instead, Palmer worked as an analyst for ESPN and as a broadcaster for Orioles games on their local telecasts over WMAR-TV and Home Team Sports. CANNOTANSWER Question: What stations did Palmer work for in his early broadcasting days? Answer: While still an active player, Palmer did color commentary for ABC Question: What other stations has Palmer worked for? Answer: Palmer worked as an analyst for ESPN Question: Were there other stations Palmer worked for? Answer: a broadcaster for Orioles games on their local telecasts over WMAR-TV and Home Team Sports. Question: Who did Palmer work with most (Or a lot) on T.V? ### Response:
The team of Palmer, Michaels and McCarver would subsequently go on to call the 1986 All-Star Game
### Input: Article: By . Emma Reynolds . PUBLISHED: . 09:35 EST, 13 December 2012 . | . UPDATED: . 05:04 EST, 22 December 2012 . A hundred ho-ho-hos: Ron Horniblew, or Santa Ron, has been bringing festive cheer to Luton since 1964 . The ever-changing face of the Santa Claus at department store grottoes is almost enough to kill the myth. But 77-year-old Ron Horniblew is keeping the magic alive for Britain as the country's longest-serving Father Christmas. Santa Ron, as he is known, has been bringing festive cheer to Luton every Christmas for the last 48 years, and has . won awards for his superb Santa skills. Mr Horniblew first put on his red suit to deliver his son's Christmas presents back in 1964. He enjoyed it so much he began playing Santa for his friend's children too, before moving into grottoes and using his jolly demeanour to raise money for charity. During his years of service, Santa Ron has heard hundreds of thousands of children's Christmas lists, delivered hundreds of sacks of presents and raised thousands of pounds for charity. He has visited children at an orphanage in the Bahamas, attended Santa conferences and competitions in Sweden, Norway and Denmark and was crowned the World's Best Santa in 2004. In recognition of his dedication to Christmas, Mr Horniblew has been awarded a 40-Year-Service award and is one of the only Britons entitled to wear the official Santa badge, after being authorised by Santa Claus of Greenland. He said: 'I started dressing up as Santa when my son Graham was young, friends of mine then asked if I could come round and visit their children and it just snowballed from there. 'I just loved seeing the surprise and happiness I could bring to people. 'On Christmas morning I visit lots of different families I leave around 7.30 in the morning and I'm home in time for my Christmas dinner at 2.30 in the afternoon. St Nicholas of England: Santa Ron, far left, won the title of World's Best Santa in 2004 . 'During my Christmas visits, I arrive ringing my bell, the parents usually leave the presents in the porch or on the doorstep for me and I put them in my sack and deliver them to the children. 'To see the look on their faces when I arrive is wonderful, I spend time chatting to the children and pose for photos with the family. 'It just makes Christmas morning that little bit more magical, when I leave the house and everyone is smiling it makes it all worthwhile. 'I really enjoyed competing in the competitions, I have both a bronze and a gold medal. And being named World's Best Santa was a proud moment. 'The highlight of my career has to be seeing the smiles on the faces of the children I visited at an orphanage in the Bahamas. 'They were the most fantastic children I've ever came across, they were so loving and appreciative.' Wishing you a Merry Christmas: Ron shows off his diploma from Greenland, left, and tends to Rudolph, right . Despite admitting he is now a little old to compete in the competitions, Santa Ron still refuses to be photographed without his suit on and continues to visit children on Christmas day and help raise money for his local church. He has now opened his own Santa school in the hope of continuing his legacy by teaching others how to become the perfect Santa. He said: 'I take my job as Santa very seriously, it isn't just about dressing up in a red suit and saying Ho Ho Ho! 'Being Santa is about about listening to the children and making them feel special. Season's greetings: The 77-year-old has visited children at an orphanage in the Bahamas, attended Santa conferences and taken part in competitions in Sweden, Norway and Denmark . Time for a mince pie! Santa Ron delivers gifts to his delighted neighbours Margaret and Peter . 'You have to be as excited and enthusiastic with the last child you see on a day as you were with the first. It's important you don't wain. 'It's jolly hard work you have to make sure each child leaves thinking Father Christmas is wonderful. 'A good Santa mustn't use bad language and should never smoke or drink in their suit, there's nothing worse than a smelly Santa. 'They should always look their best and be a jolly good listener. 'I'm hoping to launch officially next year, I have a lot of experience to pass on and it would be nice to train others to continue my legacy.' Summarize the above article in 3 sentences. ### Response:
Ron Horniblew has been delivering presents since 1964 . He was crowned World's Best Santa and received an award from Greenland . To find out more about Ron's school for Santa's visit: .
### Instruction: You are provided with an "Event" and it's "Intent" related to PersonX. Determine the sentiment value of the given input as either "Positive", "Negative", and "Unknown". ### Input: Event:PersonX tries to study. Intent: 1) to have drinks ### Response:
### Instruction: In this task, you are given two natural language statements with similar wording. You must choose the statement that makes less sense based on common sense knowledge. A ' ' separates the statements. Use "first" or "second" to indicate which sentence makes less sense. ### Input: The girl rode a guinea pig around her property. The girl rode a horse around her property. ### Response:
### Input: rs. 120 are divided among a, b, c such that a's share is rs. 20 more than b's and rs. 20 less than c's. what is b's share answer choices: (a) rs 10 (b) rs 20 (c) rs 24 (d) rs 28 (e) rs 29 ### Response:
Let's solve the multi-choice question step by step. Let C = x. Then A = (x—20) and B = (x—40). x + x - 20 + x - 40 = 120 Or x=60. A:B:C = 40:20:60 = 2:1 :3. B's share = Rs. 120*(1/6) = Rs. 20 The answer is B
### Input: Is the following trait inherited or acquired? Sophia has a scar on her left ankle. A: inherited B: acquired ### Response:
Children do not inherit their parent's scars. Instead, scars are caused by the environment. People can get scars after they get hurt. So, having a scar is an acquired trait.
### Instruction: In this task, you are given a multiple-choice question about healthcare. Answer the question based on your information and classify your answers into '1', '2', '3', and '4'. ### Input: Question: A biosensor consists of: Options: <1> A receiver, a transducer, and an enzymatic brand. <2> A receptor and an enzymatic brand. <3> A transducer and an enzymatic brand. <4> A receiver and a transducer. <5> A receptor and an antibody. ### Response:
### Input: Article: A teenage girl was allegedly groomed from the age of 12 and and taken to a drug den before being 'passed around for sex' by a gang of men. The girl fell pregnant at 14 during an 18-month ordeal which saw her raped and sexually assaulted by the men at a house in the Brierfield area of Burnley in Lancashire. Six men from the area have appeared before Manchester Crown Court to face a range of sexual offences against the girl. On trial Mohammed Zeeshan Amjad pictured outside Manchester Crown Court. He is one of six men on trial for a catalogue of alleged sexual offences against a 14-year-old girl . Not guilty plea: (From left to right) Mohammed Zeeshan Amjad, Mohammed Suleman Farooq, Omar Mazafer and Haroon Mahmood cover their faces as they appear at an earlier hearing in relation to the charges . Prosecutor Alaric Bassano told the court: 'The girl was groomed over a period of time and on many occasions was taken to a house near Brierfield, Burnley. 'That house was used as a den at which young men invited or brought young girls and women to drink alcohol, take drugs and engage in sex. 'It was to this house that this girl was taken and at this house that she was sexually assaulted and raped by several adult males. 'She was passed between the men to be used for their own sexual gratification. She was treated with indignity and contempt by them.' Mohammed Imran Amjad, 26, known as Immy , denies rape, child abduction and intimidating a witness. Shiraz Afzal,26, known as Frankie, denies aiding and abetting rape. Omar Mazafar ,22, known as Bats, denies inciting rape. Mohammed Suleman Farooq, 23, known as Sully, denies sexual assault, engaging in sexual activity with a child, and witness intimidation. Mohammed Zeeshan Amjad,25, known as Zishan, denies rape and engaging in sexual activity with a child and Haroon Mahmood, 22, denies rape and engaging in sexual activity with a child. Mr Bassano told the court that the victim became 'aggressive and disobedient' at the age of 12 and began spending a considerable amount of time with Immy Amjad. But when her worried mother confronted Immy, told him her child's age and accused him of an inappropriate relationship, he shrugged his shoulders and walked away. Mr Bassano said: 'The girl made no complaint and continued to fraternise with Immy. Immy himself was undeterred by the challenge and went on to commit numerous offences.' Leaving court: Mohammed Zeeshan Amjad (foreground with hood up in right hand picture with Omar Mazafer) denies inciting rape while Omar Mazafer (pictured leaving Manchester Crown Court yesterday, left) pleaded not guilty to rape and engaging in sexual activity with a child . The court heard that the girl later told police just before her 15th birthday when she was pregnant that she was first contacted by Immy when she was 12 years old. She was 13 when he began to drive her around Burnley and began to take her to the house where she was later raped and sexually assaulted by a number of men. Court hearing: Mohammed Zeeshan Amjad (left) and Omar Mazafer are pictured leaving a hearing at Burnley Crown Court earlier this month . One of the men had created a Facebook account with photographs of her and explicit captions. Mr Bassano said that the alleged victim did not reveal all the offences against her when first interviewed and the full allegations emerged after a further police investigation. The court heard that after her first interview with police, Immy Amjad had been questioned and later phoned her and threatened to kill her. Mr Farooq had also later stopped her in the nearby town of Nelson and threatened to beat her up and said he was going to acquire a gun to shoot her. A message found on her mobile phone read: 'Immy and Frankie have made me prostitute myself, made me sleep with their friends and said if I didn't want to, they threatened to hurt my Mum or sister.' Mr Bassano said that a witness would tell the court that she had seen the girl in the house on a number of occasions. She would recall Immy Amjed saying to Mr Afzal: 'I've had her, bro, you can have her.' The prosecutor added that text messages would show that Immy Amjad had considerable contact with the girl and often spoke about her 'in sexually degrading terms.' He said: 'They will also show that there were organised events in relation to drinking, drug taking and the procurement of females for sex.' The trial continues. Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences. ### Response:
The girl fell pregnant at 14 during her 18-month ordeal in Lancashire . Six men deny a catalogue of sexual offences against her .
### Input: Line segment $\overline{AB}$ is extended past $B$ to $P$ such that $AP:PB = 10:3.$ Then \[\overrightarrow{P} = t \overrightarrow{A} + u \overrightarrow{B}\]for some constants $t$ and $u.$ Enter the ordered pair $(t,u).$ [asy] unitsize(1 cm); pair A, B, P; A = (0,0); B = (5,1); P = interp(A,B,10/7); draw(A--P); dot("$A$", A, S); dot("$B$", B, S); dot("$P$", P, S); [/asy] ### Response:
Since $AP:PB = 10:3,$ we can write \[\frac{\overrightarrow{P} - \overrightarrow{A}}{10} = \frac{\overrightarrow{P} - \overrightarrow{B}}{7}.\]Isolating $\overrightarrow{P},$ we find \[\overrightarrow{P} = -\frac{3}{7} \overrightarrow{A} + \frac{10}{7} \overrightarrow{B}.\]Thus, $(t,u) = \boxed{\left( -\frac{3}{7}, \frac{10}{7} \right)}.$. The answer is (-\frac{3}{7},\frac{10}{7})
### Instruction: In this task, you are given two statements. The task is to output whether a given textual premise, i.e. Statement 2, entails or implies a given scientific fact, i.e. Statement 1. The output should be 'entails' if Statement 2 supports Statement 1 and should be 'neutral' otherwise. ### Input: Sentence 1: Maintaining a high metabolic rate takes a lot of energy. Sentence 2: Food is utilised, in part, to provide energy in order to maintain a highly ordered metabolic state and to carry out useful work . ### Response:
### Instruction: You are given an English sentence with a blank, and you need to predict the missing word. After completing, the whole sentence should be gramatically correct and non-ambiguous. ### Input: madame danglars ____ shuddered at the desolate aspect of the mansion ### Response:
### Instruction: In this task, you're expected to write answers to questions involving multiple references to the same entity. The answer to the question should be unambiguous and a phrase in the paragraph. Most questions can have only one correct answer. ### Input: Passage: Eshmun was the Phoenician god of healing and renewal of life; he was one of the most important divinities of the Phoenician pantheon and the main male divinity of Sidon. Originally a nature divinity, and a god of spring vegetation, Eshmun was equated to Babylonian deity Tammuz. His role later expanded within the Phoenician pantheon, and he gained celestial and cosmic attributes.The myth of Eshmun was related by the sixth century Syrian Neoplatonist philosopher Damascius and ninth century Patriarch of Constantinople, Photius. They recount that Eshmun, a young man from Beirut, was hunting in the woods when Astarte saw him and was stricken by his beauty. She harassed him with her amorous pursuit until he emasculated himself with an axe and died. The grieving goddess revived Eshmun and transported him to the heavens where she made him into a god of heaven.From a historical perspective, the first written mention of Eshmun goes back to 754 BC, the date of the signing of the treaty between Assyrian king Ashur-nirari V and Mati'el, king of Arpad; Eshmun figures in the text as a patron of the treaty.Eshmun was identified with Asclepius as a result of the Hellenic influence over Phoenicia; the earliest evidence of this equation is given by coins from Amrit and Acre from the third century BC. This fact is exemplified by the Hellenized names of the Awali river which was dubbed Asclepius fluvius, and the Eshmun Temple's surrounding groves, known as the groves of Asclepius. Question: What is the name of the grieving goddess? ### Response:
### Instruction: In this task, you will be given a short story. One sentence from the story is chosen. Consider the events that happen after that sentence. Is any of them directly caused by it, or is made possible by it? You should write your answer in the form " A >causes/enables> B". Try to use phrases and sentences from the story to compose your answer when possible. Do not change the main selected sentence in your answer. ### Input: story: Marcus made himself a bowl of cereal for breakfast. His little sister asked him to make some for her. He poured her some milk and cereal. They ate cereal together. They left for the bus together. selected sentence: Marcus made himself a bowl of cereal for breakfast. ### Response:
Marcus makes a bowl of cereal >Causes/Enables> His little sister asks Marcus to make some for her
### Input: The diaphragms in the microphone and speaker convert sound energy into: A: light energy B: low voltage electricity C: back message D: heat energytelephones convert sound energy into electrical energy ### Response:
The answer is B: low voltage electricity
### Instruction: In this task, you are given a short passage that conveys a stereotype. A stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular group of people. You are expected to classify the passage into nine types of stereotype: race-color, socioeconomic, gender, disability, nationality, sexual-orientation, physical-appearance, religion, and age. ### Input: Passage: Jeremy was able to afford to buy a large house because he had a high-powered job as an executive. ### Response:
### Input: Article: By . Anna Sanders . PUBLISHED: . 13:27 EST, 10 June 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 17:37 EST, 10 June 2013 . Former NFL player Chad Johnson was about to get off on a probation violation with a slap on the wrist—but then he slapped his lawyer's butt. Johnson, nicknamed 'Ochocinco' for his old football jersey number, was sentenced 30 days in jail for a domestic violence probation violation by a judge because he slapped his male lawyer's butt in court Monday, according to the Associated Press. Florida's Broward County Circuit Judge Kathleen McHugh was about to sign-off on  a plea agreement the former wide-receiver had reached with prosecutors calling for community service and counseling instead of jail, but McHugh said she didn't think he was taking the proceedings seriously. Shocked: Broward County Circuit Judge Kathleen McHugh, right, reacts to Chad Johnson slapping his lawyer on the behind in court . Rejected: Lawyer, Adam Swickle, guides his client, Chad Johnson, out of court for break after Broward Circuit Judge Kathleen McHugh rejected the plea deal when Johnson playfully slapped his lawyer on the butt in court . No joke: Former NFL player Chad Johnson was sentenced 30 days jail when his judge refused to accept the plea deal after he slapped his lawyer's but in court. He last played an official game for the New England Patriots . McHugh asked Johnson, 35, if he was satisfied with his attorney Adam Swickle and in response Johnson reportedly smacked Swickle's backside, causing the court to erupt in laughter. But McHugh wasn't amused. 'I don't know that you're taking this whole thing seriously. I just saw you slap your attorney on the backside. Is there something funny about this?' McHugh said. 'The whole courtroom was laughing. I'm not going to accept these plea negotiations. This isn't a joke.' Johnson tried to apologize. 'This is your courtroom. I have no intent to make this a joke. It's not funny,' he said. 'My life is in a shambles right now and I try my best to laugh and keep a smile on my face.' Unamused: Broward Circuit Judge Kathleen McHugh didn't think it was funny when former NFL star Chad Johnson slapped his attorney's butt in court, so she sentenced him 30 daysin jail . Slapped: Chad Johnson, center, leaves Broward County Jail in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. in August 2012. He will serve 30 days in jail after violating probation in a domestic violence case . As Chad Johnson discovered Monday, slapping, spanking or otherwise hitting someone's behind is not appropriate courtroom behavior - however commonplace it is on football fields and in locker rooms of most American sports. No one really knows when the practice began, but congratulatory butt slapping between male athletes - as well as female athletes - has long been used to say 'job well done'. Kind of like a fist-bump or more old fashioned high five, the butt slap shouldn't be considered sexual. Johnson turned himself in on May 20 . for failing to meet with his probation officer and attending an . intervention program. In September, the ex-Miami Dolphin pleaded no . contest to a misdemeanor domestic battery charge a month after being . arrested for headbutting his new wife, reality star Evelyn Lozada, . during an argument. McHugh wouldn't head his apology. 'It's not the first time he's behaved that way in my courtroom,' she said. Swickle, the subject of the offensive slap, tried to reason with the judge as well. 'He has suffered. He has lost everything,' Swickle said. Johnson was handcuffed in court and taken to jail. His probation, which would have been over in September, was extended through the end of the year, according to TMZ. In addition to jail time , Johnson also has to serve 25 more hours of community service and complete more therapy. While his future now seems a little uncertain, in court Johnson expressed hopes that he might sign with another football team this year. When Johnson was arrested in August, the Miami Dolphins released him and he hasn't played in the NFL since. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences. ### Response:
Chad 'Ochocinco' Johnson had already reached a plea agreement with prosecutors for a domestic violence probation violation . 'I'm not going to accept these plea negotiations. This isn't a joke' said Judge Kathleen McHugh after Johnson hit his lawyer's backside . 'He has lost everything' subject of the offensive slap pleaded to the judge .
### Instruction: Given a story, answer the question about the story. The question is the last sentence in the input. The story has one of the three following scenarios: (1) when the individual's belief matches reality, (2) when the individual's belief does not match reality, (3) is when an individual has a false belief about another individual's beliefs. The question will ask about the location of an object in the story with respect to either none or one of the three scenarios. ### Input: James entered the garden. Aria entered the garden. The spinach is in the green_box. Aria exited the garden. James moved the spinach to the green_cupboard. James exited the garden. Aria entered the garden. Where is the spinach really? ### Response:
### Instruction: Write a correct answer for the question. You should reason about prototypical situations and provide the correct answer. Avoid answers that provide incomplete justification for the question. ### Input: name something specific that wax is used for. ### Response:
### Instruction: Read the given text and if it has abusive content then indicate via "yes". Otherwise indicate via"no". We consider the content to be abusive if it contains any of the following instances: (1) Identity Directed Abuse (e.g., Content which contains a negative statement made against an identity. An identity is a social category that relates to a fundamental aspect of individuals community, socio-demographics, position or self-representation) (2) Affiliation Directed Abuse (e.g., Content which express negativity against an affiliation. We define affiliation as a (more or less) voluntary association with a collective. Affiliations include but are not limited to: memberships (e.g. Trade unions), party memberships (e.g. Republicans), political affiliations (e.g. Right-wing people) and occupations (e.g. Doctors).) (3) Person Directed Abuse (e.g., Content which directs negativity against an identifiable person, who is either part of the conversation thread or is named. Person-directed abuse includes serious character based attacks, such as accusing the person of lying, as well as aggression, insults and menacing language.) and (4) Counter Speech (e.g., Content which challenges, condemns or calls out the abusive language of others.). Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. ### Input: Doesn't realize school now has an armed officer. Tries to plant incriminating evidence, bullets, maybe a fake clockbomb Gets shot. Is now forever known as a "school shooter". Have to teach biology in prison now. Mfw ### Response:
### Instruction: In mathematics, the absolute value of a number is the non-negative value of that number, without regarding its sign. For example, the absolute value of -2 is 2, and the absolute value of 5 is 5. In this task you will be given a list of numbers and you need to return the element with highest absolute value. If a negative and positive element have the same absolute value you should return the positive element. The absolute value for negative numbers can be found by multiplying them by -1. After finding the element with the maximum absolute value you should return the value of that element before you applied the absolute value. ### Input: [ 45.257 -84.498 18.584 -94.293 5.79 59.474 -84.254 42.069 -93.1 -91.171] ### Response:
### Instruction: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a counterfactual context, the task is to generate a new story ending aligned with the counterfactual context and as close to the original ending as possible. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context and the story's general plot. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. You should write a new story ending that edits the original story ending as little as possible to regain coherence with the counterfactual context. To sum up, you should write the last three sentences of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the counterfactual context(second sentence) of the story. ### Input: Premise: The dog stood by the door and waited to be walked. Initial Context: The boy saw his dog and grabbed the leash. Original Ending: They walked around the block and returned home. The boy put the leash away. The dog went lie down in his bed. Counterfactual Context: No one was around to walk him. ### Response:
The dog walked around the house then returned to the door. It then gave up and walked away. The dog went to lie down in his bed.
### Input: Given a random-ish list of neologisms from the past 15 years, give me a top ten ranking of which ones are the most "on fleek". Provide an explanation for each entry in the list. ### Response:
Certainly! Here is a list of neologisms from the past 15 years, ranked in order of their "on fleek" level, along with an explanation of each entry: Selfie - This word has become so ubiquitous that it's almost hard to remember a time before it. Its staying power and universal recognition make it an easy pick for the top spot. Lit - Originally used to describe a party or event that was "lit up" with excitement, this term has now evolved to describe anything that is cool or exciting. YOLO - An acronym for "You Only Live Once," this term has become a popular way of justifying risky or impulsive behavior. While it may be overused at this point, it still holds a certain appeal. FOMO - Another acronym, this one stands for "Fear Of Missing Out." It describes the feeling of anxiety or unease that can arise from seeing others enjoy an experience that you're not a part of. Bae - A term of endearment for a significant other, this word has become so popular that it's now used in a more general sense to refer to anyone or anything that is important to you. Ghosting - This term describes the act of suddenly cutting off all communication with someone, typically in the context of dating or romantic relationships. Its rise in popularity speaks to the prevalence of online dating and the challenges it can pose. Hangry - A portmanteau of "hungry" and "angry," this word describes the feeling of irritability or frustration that can arise from being hungry. Its catchy sound and relatable concept make it a popular choice. Binge-watch - This term describes the act of watching multiple episodes of a TV show in one sitting. Its popularity reflects the rise of streaming services and the binge-worthy nature of many modern TV shows. Facepalm - This term describes the act of slapping your forehead with your hand in response to something embarrassing or frustrating. Its universality and relatability make it a popular choice. Adulting - This term describes the process of acting like a responsible adult, even if you don't necessarily feel like one. Its popularity speaks to the challenges of navigating the transition to adulthood in the modern world. Of course, opinions on which neologisms are the most "on fleek" can vary, but these are some of the terms that have made the biggest impact on our language and culture in recent years.
### Instruction: In this task you will be given a list of numbers and you should remove all duplicates in the list. If every number is repeated in the list an empty list should be returned. Your list should be numbers inside brackets, just like the given list. ### Input: [1, 6, 7, 5, 0, 6, 4, 5, 0, 5] ### Response:
[1, 7, 4]
### Input: if 105 is represented as 253 in base 6,how is 253 represented in base 6? Answer Choices: (A) 1100 (B) 1101 (C) 1111 (D) 1011 (E) 1010 ### Response:
Let's solve the multi-choice question step by step. (105)base6=253 then (253)base6=1101 because 253%6=1 and 253/6=42 then 42%6=0 and 42/6=7 then7%6=1 and 7/6 = 1 and then 1%6=1 and 1/6=0 we see remainder part in reverse order that is 1101 so ans is 1101 The answer is B
### Input: Article: PUBLISHED: . 10:45 EST, 7 May 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 10:46 EST, 7 May 2013 . Nurse Trevor Madziwa, 34, has been struck off after the Nursing and Midwifery Council heard he was violent to a former patient and held her captive for three hours . A male nurse who had an affair with a former patient before turning violent and holding her captive when she tried to break it off has been struck off. Trevor Madziwa, 34, who met the young woman when he was working at the Priory Clinic in north London, jabbed his thumbs into her eyes and grabbed her around the neck when she tried to leave his flat, a tribunal heard. He pinned the 18-year-old down, took her shoes, handbag and phone, and pulled her tights off during the attack, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) heard. The victim feared he was going to strangle her or throw her over the balcony of his flat, and only managed to escape when she kicked Madziwa and grabbed a knife from the kitchen. The NMC tribunal heard that Zimbabwean-born Madziwa had admitted having sex with the woman after sending her Facebook messages when she was transferred from the Priory to another hospital. The young woman, who had a medical history of depression, bulimia and diabetes, had been admitted to the clinic in Southgate where singer Amy Winehouse was once treated, in 2008, the NMC heard. Eight months later she was transferred to another hospital and some time after that, Madziwa began bombarding her with texts, emails and Facebook messages. The panel heard that the pair met in hotels for sex sessions before the relationship began to deteriorate over several months.  It culminated in the incident at Madziwa's flat on November 20, 2011. The NMC hearing was told that the teenager reported the incident to the police but ultimately decided she did not want to press charges. Maurice Cohen, chairman of the panel, said: 'The fact the police took the allegation against Mr Madziwa seriously is noted.' Madziwa, who had already admitted having a sexual relationship with his former patient and preventing her from leaving his flat, later claimed that the woman hacked into his email account to fire off a series of aggressive messages to herself. But Mr Cohen dubbed Madziwa's evidence 'implausible' and 'contradictory' as the NMC misconduct panel found him guilty of verbally and physically abusing the woman while holding her captive. The Priory clinic in Southgate, north London, where nurse Trevor Madziwa met the young woman . Mr Cohen said: 'Mr Madziwa displayed verbally and physically abusive behaviour towards [the alleged victim] and a sanction is needed to meet the public interest. 'It was a serious departure from the relevant standards as set out in the code. 'There is no evidence he has considered the consequences of his actions on [the young woman] or on the profession. 'The panel finds Mr Madziwa has a harmful and deep seated attitudinal problem.  His actions amounted to abuse of his position and power - this was not an isolated incident but occurred over a protracted period of time. 'The panel finds Mr Madziwa's behaviour breaks fundamental tenets of the profession.  A striking-off order is the only sanction that would satisfy the public interest.' Summarize the above article in 3 sentences. ### Response:
Trevor Madziwa, 34, met the young woman at Priory clinic in north London . After she left he pursued her and they began an affair, having sex in hotels . When relationship ended he kept her in flat for three hours, tribunal heard . Madziwa cast out of nursing profession by Nursing and Midwifery Council .
### Instruction: You are given a short poem which is written by a kid. Your task is to predict if the kid is in elementary school or high school. Anyone who is from grade 1st to 6th-grade will be considered as in elementary school, and 7th to 12th-grade kids will be considered as in high school. There are only two possible outputs, i.e., elementary and high. All inputs have at least one output and it cannot have both categories at a time. ### Input: red be a color your bloody knee be red your lolly pop be red red be a color lip stick be red your shirt be red red be a color glass be red bracelet be red red be a color sox be red nail polish be red red be a color ### Response:
### Input: Title: Floyd Patterson Background: Born into a poor family in Waco, North Carolina, Patterson was the youngest of eleven children and experienced an insular and troubled childhood. His family moved to Brooklyn, New York, where Floyd was a truant and petty thief. At age ten, he was sent to the Wiltwyck School for Boys, a reform school in upstate New York, which he credited with turning his life around. He stayed there for almost 2 years. Section: Patterson vs. Johansson I, II & III Passage: After a series of defenses against fringe contenders (Hurricane Jackson, Pete Rademacher, Roy Harris, and Brian London), Patterson met Ingemar Johansson of Sweden, the number one contender, in the first of three fights. Johansson triumphed over Patterson on June 26, 1959, with the referee Ruby Goldstein stopping the fight in the third round after the Swede had knocked Patterson down seven times. Johansson became Sweden's first World Heavyweight Champion, thus becoming a national hero as the first European to defeat an American for the title since 1933. Patterson knocked out Johansson in the fifth round of their rematch on June 20, 1960, to become the first man in history to regain the Undisputed World Heavyweight Championship. Johansson hit the canvas hard, seemingly out before he landed flat on his back. With glazed eyes, blood trickling from his mouth and his left foot quivering, he was counted out. Johansson lay unconscious for five minutes before he was helped onto a stool. A third fight between them was held on March 13, 1961 and while Johansson put Patterson on the floor, Patterson retained his title by knockout in the sixth round to win the rubber match in which Patterson was decked twice and Johansson, once in the first round. Johansson had landed both right hands over Floyd's left jab. After getting up from the second knockdown, Floyd abandoned his jab and connected with a left hook that knocked down Johansson. After that, Patterson came on with a strong body attack that wore down Johansson. In the 6th round, Johansson caught Patterson with a solid right. But the power in Ingemar's punches was gone. Patterson won the fight in the 6th round by knockout. CANNOTANSWER Question: What can you tell me about Patterson vs Johansson? Answer: Patterson met Ingemar Johansson of Sweden, the number one contender, in the first of three fights. Question: how did he do? Answer: Johansson triumphed over Patterson on June 26, 1959, with the referee Ruby Goldstein stopping the fight in the third round Question: Why was the fight stopped? Answer: the Swede had knocked Patterson down seven times. Question: Was he injured? Answer: Patterson knocked out Johansson in the fifth round of their rematch on June 20, 1960, to become the first man in history to regain the Undisputed World Heavyweight Championship. Question: Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? ### Response:
With glazed eyes, blood trickling from his mouth and his left foot quivering, he was counted out.
### Input: During the earliest period of industrialization in Britain, steam engines were more expensive to build and operate than either windmills or water mills, the other practicable sources of power for factories. Yet despite their significant cost disadvantages, steam-powered factories were built in large numbers well before technical improvements brought their cost down. Furthermore, they were built even in regions where geographical conditions permitted the construction of wind-and water-powered factories close to major markets. Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the proliferation of steam-powered factories during the earliest period of industrialization in Britain? A: In Britain, the number of sites where a wind-or water-powered factory could be built was insufficient to provide for all of the demand for factory-produced goods at the time. B: It was both difficult and expensive to convert a factory from wind power or water power to steam power. C: Unlike wind-or water-powered factories, steam-powered factories were fueled with coal, which sometimes had to be transported significant distances from the mine to the site of the factory. D: In many areas of Britain, there were fewer steam-powered factories than wind-or water-powered factories in the earliest period of industrialization.Choose A, B, C or D as your solution. ### Response:
### Input: The average weight of 22 boys in a class is 50.25 kg and that of the remaining 8 boys is 45.15 kg. Find the average weights of all the boys in the class. Answer Choices: (A) 48.89 (B) 42.25 (C) 50 (D) 51.25 (E) 52.25 ### Response:
Let's think about the multi-choice question. Average weight of 22 boys = 50.25 Total weight of 22 boys = 50.25 × 22 Average weight of remaining 8 boys = 45.15 Total weight of remaining 8 boys = 45.15 × 8 Total weight of all boys in the class = (50.25 × 16)+ (45.15 × 8) Total boys = 22 + 8 = 30 Average weight of all the boys = ((50.25×22)+(45.15×8))/30 =48.89 The answer is Option A
### Instruction: This task is about writing a correct answer for the reading comprehension task. Based on the information provided in a given passage, you should identify the shortest continuous text span from the passage that serves as an answer to the given question. Avoid answers that are incorrect or provides incomplete justification for the question. ### Input: Passage: Probably the most influential single device on the interpretation of these characters was the Teletype Model 33 ASR, which was a printing terminal with an available paper tape reader/punch option. Paper tape was a very popular medium for long-term program storage until the 1980s, less costly and in some ways less fragile than magnetic tape. In particular, the Teletype Model 33 machine assignments for codes 17 (Control-Q, DC1, also known as XON), 19 (Control-S, DC3, also known as XOFF), and 127 (Delete) became de facto standards. The Model 33 was also notable for taking the description of Control-G (BEL, meaning audibly alert the operator) literally as the unit contained an actual bell which it rang when it received a BEL character. Because the keytop for the O key also showed a left-arrow symbol (from ASCII-1963, which had this character instead of underscore), a noncompliant use of code 15 (Control-O, Shift In) interpreted as "delete previous character" was also adopted by many early timesharing systems but eventually became neglected. Question: What was the most influential device that interpretated the characters? ### Response:
Teletype Model 33 ASR
### Instruction: In this task, you are provided with an article of the legal acts. Your task is to classify it into three categories (Regulation, Decision and Directive) based on its content: 1) Regulation is a binding legislative act that must be applied in its entirety on a set date across all the member states (European Union countries). 2) Decision is binding on those to whom it is addressed (e.g. an European Union country or an individual company) and is directly applicable. 3) Directive is a legislative act that sets out a goal that all must achieve. However, it is up to the individual countries to devise their own laws on how to reach these goals. ### Input: Article 5 (1) of Directive 79/173/EEC is hereby replaced by the following:'1. The duration of the common measure shall run until 31 December 1985.' This Directive is addressed to the French Republic. ### Response:
### Input: john was thrice as old as tom 6 yrs back. he will be 5/3 times as old as tom 6 years hence. how old is tom today? answer choices: (a) 10 (b) 11 (c) 12 (d) 16 (e) 21 ### Response:
Let's think about the multi-choice question. Sol. RMBflSk -6 = 3 (Ravi - 6) ...(j) and Rupesh + 6 = | (Ravi + 6) ...(ii) Solving both the equations we get, Ravi = 12 years. The answe is C
### Instruction: In this task, you need to reverse all words of a given length in the sentence. The number of letters in a word determine its length. For example, the length of the word "apple" is 5. ### Input: Sentence: 'two disconnected bathroom sinks on the floor of a gray room'. Reverse all words of length '12' in the given sentence. ### Response:
two detcennocsid bathroom sinks on the floor of a gray room
### Input: Compare the motion of three geese. Which goose was moving at the highest speed? A: a goose that moved 905kilometers south in 10hours B: a goose that moved 925kilometers west in 10hours C: a goose that moved 920kilometers west in 10hours ### Response:
Look at the distance each goose moved and the time it took to move that distance. The direction each goose moved does not affect its speed. Notice that each goose moved for 10 hours. The goose that moved 925 kilometers moved the farthest distance in that time. So, that goose must have moved at the highest speed.
### Instruction: You are given an incomplete sentence along with a few reference completions. Only one of the reference completion is coherent and correct based on the context in sentence and all other reference completions are incorrect. Your task is to choose best matching completion from reference options and return that. ### Input: Input: Buying permanent things instead of disposable things is References: composting conservation recycling returning ### Response:
### Instruction: This task is about identifying the subject of a given sentence. The subject of a sentence is the person, place, or thing that is performing the action of the sentence. The subject represents what or whom the sentence is about. Each sentence in this task is guaranteed to contain a single subject. The input is a sentence and the output is the identified subject of that sentence. ### Input: AZ Alkmaar is owned by Robert Eenhoorn. ### Response:
AZ Alkmaar
### Input: 16! is equal to which of the following? Answer Choices: (A) 20,922,789,888,321 (B) 20,922,789,888,000 (C) 20,922,789,888,525 (D) 20,922,789,888,416 (E) 20,922,789,888,928 ### Response:
Let's think about the multi-choice question. After 4!, the units digit of every factorial is 0. 5!=120 6!=720 etc... The answer is B.
### Instruction: In this task, you're given the beginning and the middle of a three-part story. Your job is to complete the short story by writing a probable ending. Generated sentences must be short, have fewer than 10 words, and be simple as if narrating to a child. Avoid using any irrelevant extra information when creating the ending, and use names instead of pronouns (e.g. he / she) wherever possible. ### Input: Beginning: Gary was outside geocaching. Middle: He found the spot, but it was empty. ### Response:
It turned out that his friend also geo-cached and had been here.
### Instruction: In this task, you need to remove all words of a given length in the sentence. The number of letters in a word determine its length, for example, the length of the word "apple" is 5. ### Input: Sentence: 'a bowl of bacon spinach tomatoes and cheese being put into empanadas'. Remove all words of length '5' in the given sentence. ### Response:
a bowl of spinach tomatoes and cheese put into empanadas
### Instruction: In this task, you're given a review from Amazon and category of the product based on the review given by the user and your task is classify whether the given category match the review. Generate "True" if given review and its category match, otherwise generate "False". ### Input: Reviews: I pay for this set, but got absolutely different bits, some 1/8" bits which are absolutely useless for me. I have a pictures to proof this, if needed. Do not recumbent this seller !!! Category: automotive ### Response:
### Instruction: You are given a target race, and two sentences. Your task is to determine whether the second sentence is either a stereotype, anti-stereotype, or is unrelated with respect to the first sentence and the target. A stereotype is a widely held but oversimplified notion of a group of people. An anti-stereotype is an idea that goes against the widely held but oversimplified notion of a group of people. Sentences and targets are unrelated if there is no relevance between them. ### Input: Target: Ukrainian The Ukrainian arranged a meeting. He enjoyed sewing and folk dance. ### Response:
### Instruction: In this task, you will be shown a short story with a beginning, two potential middles, and an ending. Your job is to choose the middle statement that makes the story incoherent / implausible by indicating 1 or 2 in the output. If both sentences are plausible, pick the one that makes less sense. ### Input: Beginning: Juanita has decided to make a terrific omelette for her breakfast. Middle 1: Juanita looked up popular omelette recipes. Middle 2: Juanita looked up popular pork recipes. Ending: Juanita is very happy with the omelette she has cooked. ### Response:
### Instruction: In this task, you're given a pair of sentences, sentence 1 and sentence 2, that neither agree with nor contradict each other. Your job is to alter sentence 2 so that the pair clearly agree with each other. Generated sentences must be short, with less than 15 words. New information can be introduced. Avoid using pronouns to confuse the subject of the sentence. ### Input: Sentence 1: Three democrat supporters hold signs for an election. Sentence 2: Three people hope to help their candidate be elected as the next mayor. ### Response:
Three democrat supporters are holding signs for an upcoming election.
### Instruction: In this task, you are given two natural language statements with similar wording. You must choose the statement that makes less sense based on common sense knowledge. A ' ' separates the statements. Use "first" or "second" to indicate which sentence makes less sense. ### Input: She put clothes in the dryer to clean them. She puts clothes in the washer to clean them. ### Response:
### Instruction: Given an trivia question precisely answer the question with a word/phrase/name. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. ### Input: Who was the author of the best-selling novel on which the film The Exorcist was based? ### Response:
william peter blatty
### Instruction: In this task, you will be presented with a premise and a hypothesis sentence. Determine whether the hypothesis sentence entails (implies), contradicts (opposes), or is neutral with respect to the given premise. Please answer with "Contradiction", "Neutral", or "Entailment". ### Input: Premise: Bethanie Mattek-Sands and Coco Vandeweghe were the defending champions, but chose not to participate together. Mattek-Sands played alongside Lucie Šafářová, but lost in the semifinals to Chan Yung-jan and Martina Hingis. Vandeweghe teamed up with Shelby Rogers, but lost in the first round to Andreja Klepač and María José Martínez Sánchez. <sep> Hypothesis: Bethanie Mattek-Sands and Coco Vandeweghe both had only one leg ### Response:
### Input: Complete the sentence so that it uses personification. The washing machine () when Wyatt ran an oversized load of laundry. A: complained B: broke ### Response:
Complete the sentence with the word complained. It describes the washing machine as if it were a grumpy, overworked person.
### Input: Article: Supermarket retailer F&F are targetting female fashionistas with their latest advertising campaign. Their first TV advert dedicated solely to womenswear - which you can view below - highlights the wardrobe staples in their autumn/winter collection. The Tesco stocked range includes on trend items at affordable prices. Scroll down for video . Get the look: LEFT: Nylon trousers, £16, camel crombie coat, £39, white shirt £14. RIGHT: Faux fur coat, £39, funnel neck jumper, £16 . Faux fur is making a comeback on the High Street and F&F meet the demand with a number of faux coats for £39 in black and animal print. They also have a vintage-inspired camel crombie coat for £39. The theme of the collection is 'urban retro' focusing on bold primary colours and winter wardrobe essentials. In the past, some money savvy shoppers may not have cared to admit they purchased clothes from a supermarket. Bold colours: LEFT: Flame duffle coat, £39, mustard knit jumper, £16. RIGHT: Mustard short dress £20 . So F&F have pulled out all the stops to showcase the range as glamorous and stylish with a slick advert shot by Adam Mufti, who has previously worked with designers such as Alexander McQueen. An F&F spokesman said the director was inspired by the music videos of his favourite pop stars including Usher when creating the ad. The advert begins with the camera racing towards a model strutting down a catwalk in a red duffle coat and mustard jumper before shots of other models follow in quick succession. Pretty prints: LEFT: Faux fur coat, £39, Sixties collar spotty dress, £20. RIGHT: Floral print dress and faux fur stole, both £20 . Office wear: Sheer jumper and checked trousers, both £18 . The background remains dark making the colourful pieces in the collection - including a floral dress for £20 and a mustard shirt dress for £20 - truly stand out. A pop video feel is further created with the tune Sing That Song by Tieks featuring Celeste providing the soundtrack. The final shot pans out and raises the lights to show the models in a huge outdoor space. The collection is in stores now and available online at . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences. ### Response:
Tesco clothing brand targetting female fashionistas . Launched first TV advert dedicated solely to womenswear . Autumn/winter collection include faux fur coats and flower print dresses .
### Instruction: Given a document and an entity the task is to select the author's sentiment towards the entity. Sentiments can be Positive, Neutral and Negative. Select Positive if the article expresses a positive view towards the given entity or praises its quality or skills. Select Neutral if the document expresses no clear view towards the entity or has equal amounts of positive and negative statements or expressing some fact/quote by someone else. Select Negative if the article expresses a negative view towards like harsh remarks, criticizing entities action/decision etc. Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. ### Input: What is the sentiment of the following document towards the entity Natalia Veselnitskaya ? In a meeting at Trump Tower in New York last year Natalia Veselnitskaya produced a memo that she had shared with one of Russia's most powerful officials prosecutor general Yury Chaika a close ally of President Vladimir Putin the Times reported. Putin repeated the charges contained in the memo last week when he addressed a conference of Western scholars. Russia's state-run television has also reported on the issue in interviews with Veselnitskaya and Chaika. In her memo Veselnitskaya accused an American firm Ziff Brothers Investments of illegally buying shares of a Russian firm and avoiding tens of millions of dollars in Russian taxes. "The company was the financial vehicle of three billionaire brothers two of them major donors to Democratic candidates including Mrs. Clinton. By implication Ms. Veselnitskaya said those political contributions were tainted by 'stolen' money '" the Times reported. ### Response:
### Input: in a single day, it rained for many hours. from 2pm to 4pm, it rained at a rate of 4 inches per hour. from 4pm to 7pm, it rained at a rate of 3 inches per hour. and from 7pm to 9pm, it rained at a rate of 0.5 inches per hour. if the rain gauge started out the day already containing 2 inches of rainwater, how many inches of water will the gauge contain at 9pm? ### Response:
From 2pm to 4pm is 4-2=2 hours. Thus, from 2-4pm, raining at 4 inches per hour, it added 8 inches to the rain gauge. From 4pm to 7pm is 7-4=3 hours. Thus, from 4-7pm, raining at a rate of 3 inches per hour, it added 3*3=9 inches to the rain gauge. From 7pm to 9pm is 9-7=2 hours. Thus, from 7-9pm, raining at a rate of 0.5 inches per hour, it added 2*0.5=1 inch to the gauge. If the gauge originally contained 2 inches of water, by 9pm the gauge contained 2+8+9+1=20 inches of water. The answer is 20
### Input: if 11.25 m of a uniform steel rod weighs 42.75 kg. what will be the weight of 6 m of the same rod? answer choices: (a) 22.8 kg (b) 25.6 kg (c) 28 kg (d) 26.5 kg (e) none of these ### Response:
Let's think about the multi-choice question step by step. Let the required weight be x kg. Then, Less length, Less weight (Direct Proportion) => 11.25 : 6 :: 42.75 : x => 11.25 x x = 6 x 42.75 => x = (6 x 42.75) / 11.25 => x = 22.8 The answer is A
### Instruction: In this task you will be given some text dialogue and you need to infer the underlying emotion of the text. The possible emotions are happy, sad, angry, or other. ### Input: yes i know did someone tell you or something i am developer ### Response:
### Input: Based on this information, what is Asgore's genotype for the wool color gene? A: white wool B: LlAll organisms have pieces of hereditary material called genes, which are passed from parents to offspring. Genes contain instructions for building the parts of an organism. An organism's genes affect its observable traits, including its appearance, its behavior, and which diseases it may have. Genes may have different alleles, or forms, that can cause different versions of a trait. For example, flower color is a trait in pea plants. The gene for this trait has two possible alleles. Each allele is represented by an uppercase or lowercase letter. The allele F is for purple flowers, and the allele f is for white flowers. Each pea plant has two alleles for the flower color gene—one allele inherited from each parent. An organism's genotype for a gene is its combination of alleles for that gene. So, a pea plant may have a genotype of FF, Ff, or ff for the flower color gene. An organism's phenotype for a trait is its observable version of that trait, which depends on the organism's combination of alleles. A pea plant may have a phenotype of purple flowers or white flowers for the flower color trait. ### Response:
An organism's genotype for a gene is its combination of alleles for that gene. Asgore has one allele for white wool (L) and one allele for black wool (l). So, Asgore's genotype for the wool color gene is Ll.
### Input: Article: By . Martin Robinson for MailOnline . A schoolboy has been found dead by his grandfather months after his mother died of cancer. The family of William Smith, 14, is in shock after he died at home in Immingham, Lincolnshire, on Saturday, August 9 and believe it was a prank gone wrong. His death came five months after his mother Alison Overton, 39, lost her battle with leukaemia. His grief-stricken father believes his son's death is a 'freak accident' and he was playing a joke on his grandmother. Double tragedy: Schoolboy William Smith, 14, has been found dead months after his mother . Alison Overton lost her battle with cancer . Paramedics from East Midlands Ambulance Service rushed the teenager to Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby, but he could not be revived. A post mortem examination was carried out at a hospital in Sheffield and it revealed he died from hanging. Grimsby and North Lincolnshire coroner Paul Kelly has opened and adjourned his inquest. His father Dean said that he believed William did not mean to hang himself and that it was a 'tragic accident'. William's grandfather had gone to check on his grandson when he discovered him. He said: 'I think it was a silly prank. He said the way he was it looked like a freak accident. In shock: William's family believe that his death was a tragic accident . 'He was making plans and he was looking forward to Christmas. In my heart he did not mean to do what he did.' He added there were no notes left by his son at the family home, where he also lived with his two brothers Samuel and Alfie. 'He would have let me know if that had been on his mind. I am not ashamed of him. I love him,' he said. 'I know he did not leave me that way. I just want people to know that I believe it was an accident and he didn't take his own life.' His mother Alison Overton died in hospital in Leeds in March after an 18-month battle with leukaemia. William was among relatives who followed her funeral cortege, led by a horse-drawn carriage. Dean, William, Samuel and Alfie wore button holes, as the couple had been due to get married in the church where the funeral service took place. Dean wrote on a memorial page: 'My lovely boy, forever in my heart, my soul, my life. No words can say how much I will miss you son. 'You are my first child, my miracle boy. I loved you from the first time you opened your eyes and always will. Sleep well son and keep my love with you as I always will. Yours love, your dad. 'Look after him now Ali you have your miracle with you again.' The heartbroken father said he had attended the release of sky lanterns at Roval Drive park last week when hundreds of people paid tribute to the 'amazing and brilliant' Oasis Academy Immingham schoolboy. He said: 'He has made me so proud that in his terrible passing he has brought a whole community together in love and respect.' He told how he had visited the hospital where the post mortem was carried out and sat talking to his son about the many tributes to him. Dean said: 'He looked as if he was fast asleep and I talked and talked.' Relatives are now planning a funeral at the same church where a service was held five months ago for William's mum - Trinity Methodist Church, in Pelham Road, Immingham. His son, a keen Liverpool supporter will be carried in a red coffin. He said: 'We will all be wearing Liverpool strips. I know he will be looking down on me laughing because I am a massive Wolves fan and would never wear a Liverpool strip. But I am doing it for him.' William's family have asked people to make donations towards Sheffield Children's Hospital. They asked mourners to wear football strips or bright colours to the funeral next Wednesday. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences. ### Response:
William Smith, 14, found five months after mother Alison Overton, 39, died . Teenager was discovered by his granddad on Saturday August 9 . His father Dean believes that his son died in a 'freak accident' Family will wear Liverpool kit for funeral of football mad schoolboy  - who will be carried in a red coffin .
### Input: each interior angle of a regular polygon is 120 degrees greator than each exterior many sides are there in the polygon answer choices: (a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 12 (d) 16 (e) 18 ### Response:
Let's solve the multi-choice question step by step. Interior angle = 180 - (360/n) Exterior angle = (360/n) Given: IA = 120 + EA => 180 - (360/n) = 120 + (360/n) => n = 12 The answer is C
### Input: a can eat 10 burgers in 2 days and b can eat 20 burgers in 1 day. for how long will 250 burgers last is both start eating them together? answer choices: (a) 25 days (b) 20 days (c) 15 days (d) 10 days (e) 5 days ### Response:
Let's solve the multi-choice question step by step. A can eat 5 burgers in 1 day and B can eat 20 burgers in 1 day A and B together can eat 25 burgers in 1 day =>They can eat 250 burgers in 10 days. The answer is D
### Input: Gary bought his first used car for $6,000. Gary borrowed the money from his dad who said he could pay him back the full amount over 5 years. Gary decided he would pay his dad back the full amount in 2 years. How much more is Gary spending per month to pay the loan off in 2 years instead of 5? ### Response:
A full year has 12 months. So 2 years is 2*12 = 24 months The loan amount is $6,000 that he will repay in 24 months so 6000/24 = $250 per month If he paid his dad back in 5 years that 5*12 = 60 months $6,000 loan spread out over 60 months is 6000/60 = $100 per month To pay it off in 2 years instead of 5, Gary is paying 250-100 = $150 more per month The answer is 150
### Instruction: Your task is to generate the next utterance in a given dialogue. You will be given a few sentences describing the personality of the person who is making the dialogue, and a history of the dialogue after that. Each line in the history is said by one of the two participants in the conversation. ### Input: Personality: Watching sports is fun. I go to yoga. I aspire to be a millionaire. My favorite sport is hockey. I used to be a meat eater but I m now a vegan. Chat history: -Hello, I'm a 25 year old that still lives with his parents. -Hi. I live on my own and plan to be a millionaire before I turn 40. -Aren't we all? I'm just a college student though right now. ### Response:
I love hockey. Maybe I will get to play professionally.
### Instruction: In this task, you're given a paragraph from the research paper and your task is to generate a suitable title for the research paper based on the given paper. Under 100 words is a good title length. ### Input: Alere i RSV is a novel rapid test which applies a nicking enzyme amplification reaction to detect respiratory syncytial virus in point-of-care settings. In this study, we evaluated the Alere i RSV assay by using frozen nasopharyngeal swab samples that were collected in viral transport medium from children hospitalized with acute respiratory tract infection during the 2015-2016 winter season. Alere i RSV assay results were compared to those for Altona RealStar RSV real-time reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR). We found that the overall sensitivity and specificity of the Alere i RSV test was 100% (95% confidence intervals [CI], 93% to 100%) and 97% (95% CI, 89% to 100%), respectively. Positive samples were identified within 5 to 7 min from sample collection. Overall, the Alere i RSV test performed well compared to the RT-PCR assay and has the potential to facilitate the detection of RSV in pointof-care settings. Citation Peters RM, Schnee SV, Tabatabai J, Schnitzler P, Pfeil J. 2017. Evaluation of Alere i RSV for rapid detection of respiratory syncytial virus in children hospitalized with acute respiratory tract infection. J Clin ### Response:
Evaluation of Alere i RSV for Rapid Detection of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Children Hospitalized with Acute Respiratory Tract Infection
### Input: arlene hiked 24 miles on saturday, carrying a 60-pound backpack. she is exactly 5 feet tall. she spent 6 hours hiking. the temperature during the day was 60 degrees fahrenheit. what was arlene's average hiking pace, in miles per hour? ### Response:
She hiked 24 miles. She spent 6 hours hiking. Her average pace was 24/6=4 mph. The answer is 4
### Instruction: In this task, you will be shown a prompt from a judicial decision and multiple holding statements derived from citations following text in a legal decision. Holdings represent the governing legal rule when the law is applied to a particular set of facts. There are five answer choices for each citing text. The correct answer is the holding statement that corresponds to the citing text. The four incorrect answers are other holding statements. You should find the correct option. There is a <HOLDING> token in the position of the citing text prompt where the holding statement was extracted. ### Input: it was unnecessary to the outcome of the case. Id. at 507 n. 3, 115 S.Ct. 1597. Clarifying its precedent, the Supreme Court stated an ex post facto violation does not rest on an inmate’s lost opportunity to reduce prison time but, rather, only upon a finding that legislation retroactively modified the definition of or increased the penalty for an inmate’s crime: After Collins, the focus of the ex post facto inquiry is not on whether a legislative change produces some ambiguous sort of ‘disadvantage,’ nor ... on whether an amendment affects a prisoner’s ‘opportunity to take advantage of provisions for early release,’ but on whether any such change alters the definition of criminal conduct or increases the. penalty by which a crime is punishable. Id. See also id. at 514, 115 S.Ct. 1597 (<HOLDING>). Moreover, the Supreme Court has never Holding statements: (A) holding that parole guidelines are subject to the ex post facto clause (B) holding the application of change in law regarding the timetable for being eligible for parole board hearings was not an increase in punishment violative of the ex post facto clause (C) holding change in ultimate parole decisionmaker from board to governor does not violate ex post facto clause (D) holding that the ex post facto clause has no application to deportation (E) holding that a change in parole law violates the ex post facto clause if the change in the law created a sufficient risk of increasing the measure of punishment attached to the covered crimes ### Response:
### Instruction: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. ### Input: __ was very converned about animal welfare., Context: With the neoplatonist Plotinus, wrote Nathaniel Alfred Boll; "there even appears, probably for the first time in Western philosophy, idealism that had long been current in the East even at that time, for it taught... that the soul has made the world by stepping from eternity into time...". Similarly, in regard to passages from the Enneads, "The only space or place of the world is the soul" and "Time must not be assumed to exist outside the soul", Ludwig Noiré wrote: "For the first time in Western philosophy we find idealism proper in Plotinus, However, Plotinus does not address whether we know external objects, unlike Schopenhauer and other modern philosophers. ### Response:
### Instruction: In this task, you are given two natural language statements with similar wording. You must choose the statement that makes less sense based on common sense knowledge. A ' ' separates the statements. Use "first" or "second" to indicate which sentence makes less sense. ### Input: He usually stays at home with his pet girl. He usually stays at home with his pet dog. ### Response:
### Input: A cheetah that runs all day will find it has lost a lot of: A: blood B: water C: prey D: spotsas the activity of an animal increases , the amount of water in an animal 's body in that environment will decrease ### Response:
The answer is B: water
### Instruction: In this task, you are given a Reddit post as a text. Your task is to generate a title for this text. The title should start with "TIFU by", followed by a situation that caused humor. The title should contain 7-12 words, ideally. ### Input: Text: so this happened about 20 minutes ago, i'm writing this as i walk home. just a little background information i live in a city where there is generally no crime or theft... generally. i was tired of sitting on my ass today so i thought i'd surprise my so by buying her a stuffed animal and picture frame, i figured i could play pokémon go (just started playing again) and i would take my bike. now the closest store is about 3 miles so i set off on my journey. i head in buy the animal and picture frame, however i saw a book store and was just talking to my so about how she's been wanting to read more. i figured i could see what they have in the store and i lock my bike before heading in. come out to see my bike missing which absolutely sucks because i use that bike as my mode of transportation to school, work, friends houses, etc... i head back into the store to ask if the cameras had caught anything. they couldn't find a thing and at this point i was steaming mad cause i lost my transportation and have to walk home. i head out the bookstore and find 3 older guys maybe in their 20s or 30s all on bikes and one on mine! i chase after these guys because it's an expensive ass bike (nearly 400$). this resulted in me getting thrown on the floor and kicked as they speed off with my bike. my picture frame snapped and the stuffed animal fell in dirty water as well as me losing my precious bike :/ now i have to walk home disappointed and tell my mom the terrible news. moral of the story don't leave your house? ### Response:
TIFU by trying to surprise my SO
### Input: sally was at a self-serve candy shop where you scoop candy from the bins and pay based on the weight. she scoops 32 cherry sours into a bag. then she gets a scoop of lemon sours, and the ratio of cherry sours to lemon sours is 4:5. then she gets a scoop of orange sours, and they make up 25% of the sours in the bag. how many sours does she have in total? ### Response:
She has 4 cherry sours for every 5 lemon sours, so the number of lemon sours = (5 lemon sours* 32 cherry sours) / 4 cherry sours = 40 lemon sours. This puts the total at 32 cherry sours + 40 lemon sours = 72 sours. After the orange sours are added, they make up 25% of the total sours. Let x = the total number of sours. x - 0.25*x = 72 sours => 0.75*x = 72 sours => x = 72 sours / 0.75 = 96 sours total. The answer is 96
### Instruction: Combine the given two facts to write a concluding fact. Note that there should be some parts of the first and second facts that are not mentioned in this conclusion fact. Your combined fact should be the result of a chain between the two facts. Chains form when two facts connect together to produce a concluding fact. An example of a chain is: "pesticides cause pollution" (fact1) + "pollution can harm animals" (fact2) → "pesticides can harm animals" (conclusion fact). Parts of the concluding fact overlap with the first and the second fact. To construct such a concluding fact, a useful way is to borrow the subject from one fact and the ending conclusions from another fact. ### Input: Fact 1: an incandescent light bulb converts electricity into light by sending electricity through a filament. Fact 2: Light is the oscillations in the electric field. ### Response:
Incandescent bulbs convert electricity into oscillations in the electric field.
### Instruction: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. ### Input: Premise: My mom wanted me to buy food for the house. Initial Context: Since I was saving my money, I asked my sister if she can buy it. Original Ending: Although she got paid today, she didn't want to spend any money. We argued for several minutes. Overall, we ended up eating leftovers from the fridge. New ending: Although she got paid today, she didn't want to spend any money. We argued for several minutes. Overall, we ended up eating leftovers from the fridge. ### Response:
My mother gave me a handful of money to pay for it.
### Instruction: Given a 'poster' sentence and a corresponding 'response' (often, from Facebook or Reddit)classify the sentiment of the given response into four categories: 1) Positive, 2) Negative, 3) Neutral, and 4) Mixed if it contains both positive and negative. ### Input: Poster: Gambling with fracking isn't worth the risk. Let's stick to what we know is clean. Responser: ITS BETTER THEN NUCLEAR,, BUT YOU TOUCH THAT ONE JUST LIKE THE DEBT INTEREST FRAUD RIGHT LOL,, ### Response:
### Input: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Don't try to tell me that you only watch educational programming, Wanda! I know for a fact that your sister only watches reality television. A: circular reasoning: an argument that supports a claim with the claim itself B: guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something ### Response:
The text argues that Wanda must watch reality television, because her sister watches reality television. However, even though Wanda's sister watches reality television, that doesn't necessarily mean that Wanda does, too. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as guilt by association.
### Input: Suresh started a business, investing Rs.18000. After 3 months and 4 months respectively, Rohan and Sudhir joined him with capitals of 12000 and 9000. At the end of the year the total profit was Rs.3982. What is the difference between Rohan’s and Sudhir’s share in the profit? Answer Choices: (A) Rs.345 (B) Rs.350 (C) Rs.352 (D) Rs.362 (E) Rs.368 ### Response:
Let's reason about the multi-choice question. Suresh : Rohan : Sudhir Ratio of their investments = 18000 × 12 : 12000 × 9 : 9000 × 8 = 6 : 3: 2 The difference between Rohan’s and Sudhir’s share = 1 share :.i.e. = Rs. 3982 × 1/11 = Rs.362. The answe is D
### Input: Title: Frenzal Rhomb Background: Frenzal Rhomb is an Australian punk rock band that formed in 1992, with Jason Whalley on lead vocals and rhythm guitar during this entire period. In 1996, Lindsay McDougall joined the line-up on lead guitar and backing vocals. Three of the group's albums have entered the top 20 on the ARIA Albums Chart: A Man's Not a Camel (1999), Section: 2005-2009: Jay and the Doctor and Forever Malcolm Young Passage: Frenzal Rhomb's Whalley and McDougall worked as Jay and the Doctor on Triple J's breakfast show from January 2005 through to November 2007. Prior to their employment at Triple J, the group's music had been banned after they had earlier criticised the station on air for playing the "same 40 songs". In 2004, they were asked to perform occasional late night shifts and request segments, which developed into the breakfast show slot. Their format includes banter where they provide "quips, one-liners, slagging off each other, other bands, other breakfast announcers, listeners, Triple J, Australian Idol and St Ives. It's verbal ping pong but more discursive." The band released Forever Malcolm Young in October 2006 - the title is a conflated reference to the 2005 song "Forever Young" by Youth Group and the name of AC/DC's guitarist, Malcolm Young - which peaked in the top 40. It provided a minor radio hit with the title track. Some controversy was expressed over the profanity in the title and lyrics of "Johnny Ramone was in a Fucking Good Band, but He Was a Cunt" (see Johnny Ramone, Ramones). Whalley's attitude to profanity and obscenity is "I often get amazed how offended people get by language, especially in Australia when its nothing you wouldn't hear in your local office or schoolyard. But we do make a point of shaking things up". Australian rock music journalist Ed Nimmervoll described them "[their] history is littered with legendary stories, perhaps true, perhaps exaggerations, but stories which fuel and match their song and album titles. Their songs are often profane, likely to poke fun at someone including themselves, hint at a social conscience, and inside all the tough talk and body jokes be hopelessly romantic." National touring followed the album's release, along with the announcement that from November 2007 Whalley would be leaving both Frenzal Rhomb and his job at Triple J to go on a world trip with his girlfriend. Some later copies of Forever Malcolm Young contained a bonus DVD covering the band's tours from 2002 up until 2005. It is titled Sucking All Over the World. Gordy Forman plays in the Melbourne hardcore band Mindsnare. McDougall continued as The Doctor at Triple J, initially with Robbie Buck and Marieke Hardy; and, from January 2010, he has hosted the afternoon show Drive with The Doctor. By April 2009, Frenzal Rhomb were performing The Boys Are Back in Town tour with 1990s punk group Nancy Vandal as their support act. CANNOTANSWER Question: What is Jay and the Doctor? Answer: Frenzal Rhomb's Whalley and McDougall worked as Jay and the Doctor on Triple J's breakfast show Question: Was this popular? Answer: they were asked to perform occasional late night shifts and request segments, Question: What is Forever Malcolm Young? Answer: The band released Forever Malcolm Young in October 2006 - the title is a conflated reference to the 2005 song "Forever Young" Question: Was this album popular? ### Response:
which peaked in the top 40.
### Input: if the time is currently 1:30 pm, what time will it be in exactly 646 hours? answer choices: (a) 11:30 am (b) 12:30 pm (c) 1:30 pm (d) 2:30 pm (e) 3:30 pm ### Response:
Let's solve the multi-choice question step by step. 646 = 26(24) + 22/24 The time will be 22 hours later than 1:30 pm which is 11:30 am. The answer is A.
### Instruction: Combine the given two facts to write a concluding fact. Note that there should be some parts of the first and second facts that are not mentioned in this conclusion fact. Your combined fact should be the result of a chain between the two facts. Chains form when two facts connect together to produce a concluding fact. An example of a chain is: "pesticides cause pollution" (fact1) + "pollution can harm animals" (fact2) → "pesticides can harm animals" (conclusion fact). Parts of the concluding fact overlap with the first and the second fact. To construct such a concluding fact, a useful way is to borrow the subject from one fact and the ending conclusions from another fact. ### Input: Fact 1: Earthworm burrows help aerate soil, which is also good for plants. Fact 2: Earthworms help soils breathe. ### Response:
aerating soil helps it breathe.
### Instruction: In this task, you are given a tuple, comprising Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether, as a result of the Head, PersonY, or others, feel what is mentioned in the Tail or not. Feelings in this task are the emotional reactions on the part of PersonY or other participants in an event. For example, as a result of gift-giving, others (in this case, PersonY) might feel appreciated. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action. ### Input: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's dream<sep>Tail: feels succesfules ### Response:
### Instruction: You are given a short paragraph, a question and two choices to answer from. Choose the correct answer based on the paragraph and write the answer(not the key). ### Input: Paragraph: The more branching there is in isomers, the lower the boiling and melting points are. Question: Eric removed branching isomers from one solution, and left the other solution alone. The removed isomer solution now has a _____ boiling point. Choices: A)lower B)higher ### Response:
### Input: Complete the sentence. Cutting a piece of rope is a (). A: chemical change B: physical change ### Response:
Cutting a piece of rope is a physical change. The rope is shorter after you cut it. But it is still made of the same type of matter as the uncut rope.
### Input: You are asked to determine the price of a European put option on a stock. Assuming the Black-Scholes framework holds, you are given: (i) The stock price is $100. (ii) The put option will expire in 6 months. (iii) The strike price is $98. (iv) The continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is r = 0.055. (v) δ = 0.01 (vi) σ = 0.50. What is the price of the put option? Relevant Theorem: The Black-Scholes Model, also known as the Black-Scholes-Merton Model, is a mathematical model used to price options and other financial derivatives. Developed by Fischer Black, Myron Scholes, and Robert Merton in the early 1970s, the model provides a theoretical framework for valuing European-style options, which can only be exercised at the expiration date. The Black-Scholes Model is based on several key assumptions: 1. The underlying asset's price follows a geometric Brownian motion, meaning that its price changes are random with a constant drift and volatility. 2. The option can only be exercised at expiration. 3. There are no transaction costs or taxes. 4. The risk-free interest rate is constant and known. 5. The underlying asset does not pay dividends. 6. Investors can borrow and lend money at the risk-free interest rate. 7. The market is efficient, meaning that arbitrage opportunities do not exist. The Black-Scholes Model uses these assumptions to derive a partial differential equation, known as the Black-Scholes equation, which describes the dynamics of an option's price. By solving this equation, one can obtain the Black-Scholes formula, which calculates the theoretical price of a European call or put option. The Black-Scholes formula for a European call option is: C = S * N(d1) - X * e^(-rT) * N(d2) And for a European put option: P = X * e^(-rT) * N(-d2) - S * N(-d1) Where: - C is the price of the call option - P is the price of the put option - S is the current price of the underlying asset - X is the option's strike price - T is the time until the option's expiration - r is the risk-free interest rate - N(x) is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution - e is the base of the natural logarithm - d1 and d2 are intermediate variables calculated as follows: d1 = (ln(S/X) + (r + (σ^2)/2) * T) / (σ * sqrt(T)) d2 = d1 - σ * sqrt(T) Where: - ln(x) is the natural logarithm of x - σ is the volatility of the underlying asset's returns The Black-Scholes Model has been widely used in the financial industry for pricing options and has earned its creators the 1997 Nobel Prize in Economics. However, it has some limitations, such as its assumptions of constant volatility and no dividends, which may not hold true in real-world scenarios. Despite these limitations, the model remains a fundamental tool in the field of financial derivatives. ### Response:
### Input: Why were the Incas defeated by the Spanish conquistadores? ### Response:
The Incas were defeated by the Spanish conquistadors for several reasons, including: 1. Superior weapons and technology: The Spanish conquistadors had access to advanced weapons such as muskets and cannons, which gave them a significant advantage over the Incas who relied on traditional weapons such as clubs, slings, and bows. 2. Disease: The Spanish brought with them diseases like smallpox and measles, which the Incas had no immunity against. The spread of these diseases decimated the Inca population, weakening their military and political power. 3. Superior tactics: The Spanish conquistadors were experienced military leaders and tacticians, while the Incas were relatively unsophisticated in their military strategies. The Spanish used tactics such as surprise attacks, ambushes, and the use of native allies to defeat the Incas. 4. Political divisions: At the time of the Spanish conquest, the Inca Empire was in the midst of a civil war between two rival brothers, Atahualpa and Huascar, for the right to the throne. This political instability weakened the Inca resistance to the Spanish invasion. 5. Economic motivations: The Spanish conquistadors were motivated by their desire for wealth, power, and land. They saw the Inca Empire as a rich source of resources and a potential source of wealth, which fueled their determination to conquer the empire. In conclusion, the defeat of the Incas by the Spanish conquistadors was a result of a combination of factors, including technological superiority, disease, superior tactics, political divisions, and economic motivations.
### Input: Find the maximum of \[\sqrt{x + 27} + \sqrt{13 - x} + \sqrt{x}\]for $0 \le x \le 13.$ ### Response:
By Cauchy-Schwarz applied to $ \left( 1,\frac{1}{3},\frac{1}{2}\right) $ and $ (\sqrt{x+27},\sqrt{13-x},\sqrt{x}) $, \[\left( 1 + \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{2} \right) ((x + 27) + 3(13 - x) + 2x) \ge (\sqrt{x + 27} + \sqrt{13 - x} + \sqrt{x})^2.\]Hence, \[(\sqrt{x + 27} + \sqrt{13 - x} + \sqrt{x})^2 \le 121,\]so $\sqrt{x + 27} + \sqrt{13 - x} + \sqrt{x} \le 11.$ Equality occurs when $x = 9,$ so the maximum value is $\boxed{11}.$. The answer is 11
### Input: Article: New York (CNN) -- In a pair of unrelated incidents, three suspects were apprehended at New York-area airports within days of each other for attempting to smuggle $1.4 million worth of cocaine and heroin through customs, federal officials said Friday. In the first incident, on October 30, a woman was found with 30 pounds of cocaine hidden in wooden hangers and clothing, according to a news release from Customs and Border Protection's New York field office. The woman, Antoinette Gutierrez, was selected for a routine baggage inspection upon her arrival from Costa Rica at Newark Liberty International Airport, the agency said. In addition to the hidden cocaine, her clothing was soaked in liquid cocaine, it said. It put the value of the narcotics at more than $660,000. Two days later, on November 1, two men were taken into custody at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport after heroin was found in their checked luggage, the agency said. Customs and Border Protection officers selected the two men, Jeffrey Pena and Edwin Ortiz, for an enforcement examination and found the clothing in their suitcases to be particularly heavy, the agency said. Upon closer inspection, officers found packages of a brown powdery substance in some pants and shorts. In total, Customs and Border Protection officers seized more than 16 pounds of heroin contained in brick-like packages, the agency said. It valued the heroin at $744,000. Jeffrey C. Piettell, Ortiz's defense attorney, said he thought his client might be able to get leniency in court if he is convicted. "In any drug case, if a person is charged with possession with intent to distribute, their sentence is 10 years," Piettell said. "I would expect the charge will have a minimum sentence of 10 years if he's convicted. But there are other factors that permit him to get a lesser sentence. Mr. Ortiz has no prior record." The investigation has been turned over to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, the investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security, which will handle the prosecution. John Saleh, spokesman for the New York field office, told CNN that the agency held off announcing the arrests until it determined that the cases would not be harmed by making them public. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences. ### Response:
The suspects were taken into custody in two incidents . Cocaine was found at Newark's airport; heroin was found at JFK . Officials put the total value of the drugs at $1.4 million .
### Input: in $\triangle xyz$, we have $\angle x = 90^\circ$ and $\tan z = 3$. what is $\cos z$? ### Response:
[asy] pair X,Y,Z; X = (0,0); Y = (15,0); Z = (0,5); draw(X--Y--Z--X); draw(rightanglemark(Y,X,Z,23)); label("$X$",X,SW); label("$Y$",Y,SE); label("$Z$",Z,N); //label("$100$",(Y+Z)/2,NE); label("$k$",(Z)/2,W); label("$3k$",Y/2,S); [/asy] Since $\triangle XYZ$ is a right triangle with $\angle X = 90^\circ$, we have $\tan Z = \frac{XY}{XZ}$. Since $\tan Z = 3$, we have $XY = 3k$ and $XZ = k$ for some value of $k$, as shown in the diagram. Applying the Pythagorean Theorem gives $YZ^2 = (3k)^2 + k^2 = 10k^2$, so $YZ = k\sqrt{10}$. Finally, we have $\cos Z = \frac{XZ}{YZ} = \frac{k}{k\sqrt{10}} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{10}} = \boxed{\frac{\sqrt{10}}{10}}$. The answer is \frac{\sqrt{10}}{10}
### Instruction: Generate an explanation for the given claim using the provided supporting material from the paragraph. Please consider the following points while generating an output. 1) The claim will always have supporting proof in the paragraph, and the paragraph will have a clear point of view supporting the claim. 2) There can be instances where direct correlation to the claim is not available. Make use of the sentences in the paragraph to provide a corresponding output supporting the claim. 3) The explanation should be at least one and at most twelve sentences long. ### Input: Paragraph: The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) hopes a new exhibition opening on Thursday will make sanitation easier to discuss. The show is part of its efforts to help fight diseases causing diarrhea, which kill more children than malaria, HIV/AIDS and measles combined. “People don’t talk about poo enough, and if we don’t talk about poo, how are we going to solve the problem of diarrheal diseases?” asked Val Curtis, director of the LSHTM’s Hygiene Centre. “We want to make shit sexy - make talking about shit possible,” Curtis told AlertNet, a humanitarian news service run by the Thomson Reuters Foundation, adding that proper handwashing with soap could prevent 600,000 deaths a year from diseases like diarrhea and respiratory infections. “You’ve got to know your enemy and look your enemy in the face. Some people say it’s not acceptable for academics to go around talking about shit, but it’s not acceptable for 600,000 children to be dying unnecessarily because we don’t talk about shit,” she said. The month-long exhibition, which includes a selection of toilet designs, scientific tools for the study of faeces and a small golden poo sculpture seated on a red cushion, is timed to coincide with Global Handwashing Day on October 15 and World Toilet Day on November 19. The school expects at least 4,000 people to see the show. The poo sculpture is the model for The Golden Poo Award 2012 - the Oscar of the sanitation sector, organized by PooP Creative Ltd and the London Short Film Festival. A film titled “Men, Loos and Number Twos” won the “Number One Award”, and another short film, “Pushing4Change”, won the “Number Two Award”. They are being used in awareness-raising campaigns. “The Golden Poo awards were based around the idea that we wanted to be a little bit shocking and get people thinking about this issue, but do it in an amusing way,” Curtis said. “We gave awards to heroes of sanitation and also to films about poo.” As well as promoting the LSHTM’s wider efforts to improve hygiene, the exhibition features the composting “Tiger Worm Toilet”, which has a filter layer of worms that digest solid waste, helping break it down and allowing easy odor-free disposal. The toilet doesn’t use very much water - around two liters per flush - so it places less demand on natural water sources and power than conventional septic tank or sewage systems. The LSHTM, a university specializing in public health and tropical medicine, is also researching the human waste found in pit latrines in Africa and Vietnam to help find new ways to dispose of it. It is also looking at human behavior to figure out the best way of getting people to increase handwashing. “If you ask people if they wash their hands with soap, about 90 percent say they do, but actually if you go and measure it - as we have in 20 countries - the average rate of handwashing with soap after going to the toilet is about 17 percent,” Curtis said. The school has its roots in the Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases, which was founded in London’s Putney Heath area in 1926. It was named after British doctor Ronald Ross who won a Nobel Prize for his discovery that the female Anopheles mosquito transmits malaria between human beings. The school is now in London’s Bloomsbury district, renowned for its literary heritage. (AlertNet is a humanitarian news website run by the Thomson Reuters Foundation) Claim: "London sanitation show aims to make ""poo"" hot topic." ### Response:
Human defecation remains a taboo subject, despite the fact that 2.5 billion people lack toilets, causing a global health crisis that kills more than a million children each year.
### Instruction: In this task, you're given five sentences, numbered 1 through 5. Your job is to generate a title for the story that makes complete sense. The title must be short, with less than three words, use simple language, and include the main topic of the story. ### Input: Sentence 1: Alarm goes off at six in the morning . Sentence 2: I roll out of bed and stretched my back. Sentence 3: Put my work cloths on and grab some coffee. Sentence 4: Take the keys off the hook and start up my car. Sentence 5: Drive to work singing rock songs on the radio. ### Response: