using Gadfly using DataFrames using VML include("../utility.jl") function main() N = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,200,300,400,500,750, 1_000,2_500,5_000,7_500,10_000,100_000,1_000_000] df = DataFrame(N=Int64[],ALLOC=Float64[],VJULIA=Float64[],BJULIA=Float64[],VML=Float64[]) @inbounds for i in 1:length(N) T = Float64 n = N[i] a = rand(n) dest = zeros(n) sqrt(a) nrep = 100 ncycle = 10_000 ÷ n + 1 # n < 100 ? gc_enable(false) : gc_enable(true) # gc() talloc = 0.0 for j in 1:nrep talloc += @elapsed for k in 1:ncycle Vector{T}(n) end end talloc = talloc / nrep / ncycle / n * 1e9 # gc() tvjulia = 0.0 for j in 1:nrep tvjulia += @elapsed for k in 1:ncycle sqrt(a) end end tvjulia = tvjulia / nrep / ncycle / n * 1e9 # gc() tbjulia = 0.0 # for j in 1:nrep # tbjulia += @elapsed for k in 1:ncycle broadcast!(sqrt,dest,a) end # end # tbjulia = tbjulia / nrep / ncycle / n * 1e9 # gc() tvml = 0.0 # for j in 1:nrep # tvml += @elapsed for k in 1:ncycle VML.sqrt!(dest,a) end # end # tvml = tvml / nrep / ncycle / n * 1e9 # n < 100 ? gc_enable(false) : gc_enable(true) push!(df,[n,talloc, tvjulia, tbjulia, tvml]) end df end df = main(); df[:diff] = df[:VJULIA]-df[:ALLOC] println(df) layers = Layer[] bench_alloc(),bench_jvect(),bench_jbroadcast!(),bench_mkl(),bench_mkl!(),bench_jvect2() df = DataFrame() ; df[:N], df[:CPU] = bench_alloc() push!(layers,layer(df, x="N", y="CPU", Geom.line, Theme(default_color=color("blue")))[1]) df = DataFrame() ; df[:N], df[:CPU] = bench_jvect() push!(layers,layer(df, x="N", y="CPU", Geom.line, Theme(default_color=color("yellow")))[1]) df = DataFrame() ; df[:N], df[:CPU] = bench_jbroadcast!() push!(layers,layer(df, x="N", y="CPU", Geom.line, Theme(default_color=color("green")))[1]) df = DataFrame() ; df[:N], df[:CPU] = bench_mkl() push!(layers,layer(df, x="N", y="CPU", Geom.line, Theme(default_color=color("orange")))[1]) df = DataFrame() ; df[:N], df[:CPU] = bench_mkl!() push!(layers,layer(df, x="N", y="CPU", Geom.line, Theme(default_color=color("red")))[1]) df = DataFrame() ; df[:N], df[:CPU] = bench_jvect2() push!(layers,layer(df, x="N", y="CPU", Geom.line, Theme(default_color=color("black")))[1]) println(df) p = Gadfly.plot(layers, # Scale.y_log10, Scale.x_log10, Guide.xlabel("n-element vector"), Guide.ylabel("CPU time in nsec/element"), Guide.title("CPU time with n elements"), Guide.manual_color_key("", ["ALLOC", "Base.sqrt","broadcast!","VML.sqrt","VML.sqrt!","ibench"], ["blue","yellow","green","orange","red","black"]) ) path = Pkg.dir("MKL") * "/benchmark/sqrt_cpu_regarding_n/" draw(PNG(path*"sqrt_map!.png", 20cm, 20cm), p)
base_dir = string(dirname(@__FILE__)) @testset "read_data" begin include(joinpath(base_dir,"data_5bus_pu.jl")); include(joinpath(base_dir,"data_14bus_pu.jl")) end
using LinearAlgebra: norm, transpose """ tree_approximation!(newtree::Tree, path::Function, nIterations::Int64, p::Int64=2, r::Int64=2) Returns a valuated probability scenario tree approximating the input stochastic process. Args: - *newtree* - Tree with a certain branching structure, - *path* - function generating samples from the stochastic process to be approximated, - *nIterations* - number of iterations for stochastic approximation procedure, - *p* - choice of norm (default p = 2 (Euclidean distance)), and, - *r* - transportation distance parameter """ function tree_approximation!(newtree::Tree, path::Function, nIterations::Int64, p::Int64=2, r::Int64=2) leaf, omegas, probaLeaf = leaves(newtree) # leaves, indexes and probabilities of the leaves of the tree dm = size(newtree.state, 2) # dm = dimension of the states of the nodes of the tree. T = height(newtree) # height of the tree = number of stages - 1 n = length(leaf) # number of leaves = no of omegas d = zeros(Float64, dm, length(leaf)) samplepath = zeros(Float64, T+1, dm) # T + 1 = the number of stages in the tree. probaLeaf = zero(probaLeaf) probaNode = nodes(newtree) # all nodes of the tree path_to_leaves = [root(newtree, i) for i in leaf] # all the paths from root to the leaves path_to_all_nodes = [root(newtree, j) for j in probaNode] # all paths to other nodes for k = 1 : nIterations if (rem(k,10)==0) print("Progress: $(round(k/nIterations*100,digits=2))% \r") flush(stdout) end critical = max(0.0, 0.2 * sqrt(k) - 0.1 * n) #tmp = findall(xi -> xi <= critical, probaLeaf) tmp = Int64[inx for (inx, ppf) in enumerate(probaLeaf) if ppf <= critical] samplepath .= path() # a new trajectory to update the values on the nodes #The following part addresses the critical probabilities of the tree so that we don't loose the branches if !isempty(tmp) && !iszero(tmp) probaNode = zero(probaNode) probaNode[leaf] = probaLeaf for i = leaf while newtree.parent[i] > 0 probaNode[newtree.parent[i]] = probaNode[newtree.parent[i]] + probaNode[i] i = newtree.parent[i] end end for tmpi = tmp rt = path_to_leaves[tmpi] #tmpi = findall(pnt -> pnt <= critical, probaNode[rt]) tmpi = Int64[ind for (ind, pnt) in enumerate(probaNode[rt]) if pnt <= critical] newtree.state[rt[tmpi],:] .= samplepath[tmpi,:] end end #To the step of STOCHASTIC COMPUTATIONS endleaf = 0 #start from the root for t = 1 : T+1 tmpleaves = newtree.children[endleaf + 1] disttemp = Inf #or fill(Inf,dm) for i = tmpleaves dist = norm(view(samplepath, 1 : t) - view(newtree.state, path_to_all_nodes[i]), p) if dist < disttemp disttemp = dist endleaf = i end end end #istar = findall(lf -> lf == endleaf, leaf) istar = Int64[idx for (idx, lf) in enumerate(leaf) if lf == endleaf] probaLeaf[istar] .+= 1.0 #counter of probabilities StPath = path_to_leaves[endleaf - (leaf[1] - 1)] delta = newtree.state[StPath,:] - samplepath d[:,istar] .+= norm(delta, p).^(r) delta .= r .* norm(delta, p).^(r - p) .* abs.(delta)^(p - 1) .* sign.(delta) ak = 1.0 ./ (30.0 .+ probaLeaf[istar]) #.^ 0.75 # step size function - sequence for convergence newtree.state[StPath,:] = newtree.state[StPath,:] - delta .* ak end probabilities = map(plf -> plf / sum(probaLeaf), probaLeaf) #divide every element by the sum of all elements t_dist = (d * hcat(probabilities) / nIterations) .^ (1 / r) newtree.name = "$(newtree.name) with d=$(t_dist) at $(nIterations) iterations" newtree.probability .= build_probabilities!(newtree, hcat(probabilities)) #build the probabilities of this tree return newtree end
# UNION clause. mutable struct UnionClause <: AbstractSQLClause over::Union{SQLClause, Nothing} all::Bool args::Vector{SQLClause} UnionClause(; over = nothing, all = false, args) = new(over, all, args) end UnionClause(args...; over = nothing, all = false) = UnionClause(over = over, all = all, args = SQLClause[args...]) """ UNION(; over = nothing, all = false, args) UNION(args...; over = nothing, all = false) A `UNION` clause. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> c = FROM(:measurement) |> SELECT(:person_id, :date => :measurement_date) |> UNION(all = true, FROM(:observation) |> SELECT(:person_id, :date => :observation_date)); julia> print(render(c)) SELECT "person_id", "measurement_date" AS "date" FROM "measurement" UNION ALL SELECT "person_id", "observation_date" AS "date" FROM "observation" ``` """ UNION(args...; kws...) = UnionClause(args...; kws...) |> SQLClause dissect(scr::Symbol, ::typeof(UNION), pats::Vector{Any}) = dissect(scr, UnionClause, pats) function PrettyPrinting.quoteof(c::UnionClause, ctx::QuoteContext) ex = Expr(:call, nameof(UNION)) if c.all !== false push!(ex.args, Expr(:kw, :all, c.all)) end if isempty(c.args) push!(ex.args, Expr(:kw, :args, Expr(:vect))) else append!(ex.args, quoteof(c.args, ctx)) end if c.over !== nothing ex = Expr(:call, :|>, quoteof(c.over, ctx), ex) end ex end rebase(c::UnionClause, c′) = UnionClause(over = rebase(c.over, c′), args = c.args, all = c.all)
""" @do block :while condition Control flow statement that executes in a **local** scope a `block` of code at least once, and then repeatedly executes the `block` or not, depending on a given boolean `condition` after the `:while` symbol at the end of the `block`.`. # Examples ```julia julia> Pkg.clone("https://github.com/Ismael-VC/DoWhile.jl.git") julia> using DoWhile julia> i = 0 0 julia> @do begin @show i i += 1 end :while i < 5 i = 0 i = 1 i = 2 i = 3 i = 4 julia> @do ( @show i; i += 1 ) :while i < 5 i = 5 julia> i 6 julia> @do (@show i; i += 1) :while i ≤ 10 i = 6 i = 7 i = 8 i = 9 i = 10 julia> @do begin @show i; i += 1 end :while i ≤ 10 i = 11 julia> i 12 ``` # Help ```julia help?> DoWhile ?help?> @do julia> @doc DoWhile julia> @doc @do ``` """ module DoWhile export @do let do_while = quote macro fo(block, sym, cond) s = sym.args[1] s != :while && error("@do expected :while symbol, got :$s") quote let $(esc(block)) while $(esc(cond)) $(esc(block)) end end end end end do_while.args[2].args[1].args[1] = :do eval(do_while) end @doc (@doc DoWhile) :(@do) end # module
struct HierarchicalPeriodicHMM{F,T} <: AbstractHMM{F} a::Vector{T} A::Array{T,3} B::Array{<:Distribution{F},4} HierarchicalPeriodicHMM{F,T}(a, A, B) where {F,T} = assert_hierarchicalperiodichmm(a, A, B) && new(a, A, B) end HierarchicalPeriodicHMM( a::AbstractVector{T}, A::AbstractArray{T,3}, B::AbstractArray{<:Distribution{F},4}, ) where {F,T} = HierarchicalPeriodicHMM{F,T}(a, A, B) HierarchicalPeriodicHMM(A::AbstractArray{T,3}, B::AbstractArray{<:Distribution{F},4}) where {F,T} = HierarchicalPeriodicHMM{F,T}(ones(size(A, 1)) ./ size(A, 1), A, B) function assert_hierarchicalperiodichmm(a::AbstractVector, A::AbstractArray{T,3} where {T}, B::AbstractArray{<:Distribution,4}) @argcheck isprobvec(a) @argcheck istransmats(A) @argcheck size(A, 3) == size(B, 2) ArgumentError("Period length must be the same for transition matrix and distribution") @argcheck length(a) == size(A, 1) == size(B, 1) ArgumentError("Number of transition rates must match length of chain") return true end function assert_hierarchicalperiodichmm(hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM) assert_periodichmm(hmm.a, hmm.A, hmm.B) end size(hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, dim = :) = (size(hmm.B, 1), size(hmm.B, 3), size(hmm.B, 2), size(hmm.B, 4))[dim] # K, D, T, size_memory copy(hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM) = HierarchicalPeriodicHMM(copy(hmm.a), copy(hmm.A), copy(hmm.B)) function rand_test( rng::AbstractRNG, hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, n2t::AbstractArray{Int}, useless; init = rand(rng, Categorical(hmm.a)), seq = false, kwargs... ) T = size(hmm.B, 2) N = length(n2t) z = Vector{Int}(undef, N) (T >= 1) && (z[1] = init) for n = 2:N tm1 = n2t[n-1] # periodic t-1 z[n] = rand(rng, Categorical(hmm.A[z[n-1], :, tm1])) end y = rand(rng, hmm, n2t, z, useless; kwargs...) seq ? (z, y) : y end function rand_test( rng::AbstractRNG, hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, n2t::AbstractArray{Int}, z::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, yini; size_memory = size(hmm, 4) ) T = size(hmm, 2) max_size_memory = maximum(size_memory) y = Matrix{Bool}(undef, length(z), T) memory = Int.(log.(size_memory) / log(2)) D = size(y, 2) @argcheck D == size(hmm, 2) @argcheck length(n2t) == length(z) p = zeros(D) for j = 1:D if memory[j] > 0 # One could do some specialized for each value of memory e.g. for memory = 1, we have simply previous_day_cat = y[n-1,:].+1 N_ini = length(yini[1:memory[j], j]) y[1:N_ini, j] = yini[1:memory[j], j] for n in eachindex(z)[N_ini+1:end] t = n2t[n] # periodic t previous_day_cat = bin2digit([y[n-m, j] for m = 1:memory[j]]) p = succprob(hmm.B[z[n], t, j, previous_day_cat]) y[n, j] = rand(Bernoulli(p)) end else for n in eachindex(z)[1:end] t = n2t[n] # periodic t p = succprob(hmm.B[z[n], t, j, 1]) y[n, j] = rand(Bernoulli(p)) end end end y end function rand( rng::AbstractRNG, hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, n2t::AbstractArray{Int}, useless; init = rand(rng, Categorical(hmm.a)), seq = false ) T = size(hmm.B, 2) N = length(n2t) z = Vector{Int}(undef, N) (T >= 1) && (z[1] = init) for n = 2:N tm1 = n2t[n-1] # periodic t-1 z[n] = rand(rng, Categorical(hmm.A[z[n-1], :, tm1])) end y = rand(rng, hmm, n2t, z, useless) seq ? (z, y) : y end function rand( rng::AbstractRNG, hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, n2t::AbstractArray{Int}, z::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, yini ) T = size(hmm, 2) y = Matrix{Bool}(undef, length(z), T) memory = Int(log(size(hmm, 4)) / log(2)) D = size(y, 2) @argcheck D == size(hmm, 2) @argcheck length(n2t) == length(z) p = zeros(D) if memory > 0 # One could do some specialized for each value of memory e.g. for memory = 1, we have simply previous_day_cat = y[n-1,:].+1 N_ini = size(yini, 1) @argcheck N_ini == memory # Did we gave the correct number of initial conditions size(yini, 1) == D y[1:N_ini, :] = yini previous_day_cat = zeros(Int, D) for n in eachindex(z)[N_ini+1:end] t = n2t[n] # periodic t previous_day_cat[:] = bin2digit.(eachcol([y[n-m, j] for m = 1:memory, j = 1:D])) p[:] = succprob.(hmm.B[CartesianIndex.(z[n], t, 1:D, previous_day_cat)]) y[n, :] = rand(Product(Bernoulli.(p))) end else for n in eachindex(z)[1:end] t = n2t[n] # periodic t p[:] = succprob.(hmm.B[CartesianIndex.(z[n], t, 1:D, 1)]) y[n, :] = rand(Product(Bernoulli.(p))) end end y end rand(hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, n2t::AbstractArray{Int}, useless; kwargs...) = rand(GLOBAL_RNG, hmm, n2t, useless; kwargs...) rand(hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, n2t::AbstractArray{Int}, z::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, useless; kwargs...) = rand(GLOBAL_RNG, hmm, n2t, z, useless; kwargs...) rand_test(hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, n2t::AbstractArray{Int}, useless; kwargs...) = rand(GLOBAL_RNG, hmm, n2t, useless; kwargs...) rand_test(hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, n2t::AbstractArray{Int}, z::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, useless; kwargs...) = rand(GLOBAL_RNG, hmm, n2t, z, useless; kwargs...) function likelihoods!(L::AbstractMatrix, hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, observations, n2t::AbstractArray{Int}, lag_cat::Matrix{Int}) N, K, T, D = size(observations, 1), size(hmm, 1), size(hmm, 3), size(hmm, 2) @argcheck size(L) == (N, K) @inbounds for i in OneTo(K), n in OneTo(N) t = n2t[n] # periodic t L[n, i] = pdf(product_distribution(hmm.B[CartesianIndex.(i, t, 1:D, lag_cat[n, :])]), observations[n, :]) end end function loglikelihoods!(LL::AbstractMatrix, hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, observations, n2t::AbstractArray{Int}, lag_cat::Matrix{Int}) N, K, T, D = size(observations, 1), size(hmm, 1), size(hmm, 3), size(hmm, 2) @argcheck size(LL) == (N, K) @inbounds for i in OneTo(K), n in OneTo(N) t = n2t[n] # periodic t LL[n, i] = logpdf(product_distribution(hmm.B[CartesianIndex.(i, t, 1:D, lag_cat[n, :])]), observations[n, :]) end end #### # # In-place update of the observations distributions. # # quikest and most generic version -> to use function update_B!(B::AbstractArray{T,4} where {T}, γ::AbstractMatrix, observations, estimator, idx_tj::Matrix{Vector{Vector{Int}}}) @argcheck size(γ, 1) == size(observations, 1) @argcheck size(γ, 2) == size(B, 1) N = size(γ, 1) K = size(B, 1) T = size(B, 2) D = size(B, 3) size_memory = size(B, 4) ## For periodicHMM only the n observations corresponding to B(t) are used to update B(t) @inbounds for t in OneTo(T) for i in OneTo(K) for j = 1:D for m = 1:size_memory if sum(γ[idx_tj[t, j][m], i]) > 0 B[i, t, j, m] = fit_mle(Bernoulli, observations[idx_tj[t, j][m], j], γ[idx_tj[t, j][m], i]) else B[i, t, j, m] = Bernoulli(eps()) end end end end end end function fit_mle(hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, observations, n2t::AbstractArray{Int}; init = :none, kwargs...) hmm = copy(hmm) if init == :kmeans kmeans_init!(hmm, observations, display = get(kwargs, :display, :none)) end history = fit_mle!(hmm, observations, n2t; kwargs...) hmm, history end function fit_mle!( hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, observations, n2t::AbstractArray{Int} ; display = :none, maxiter = 100, tol = 1e-3, robust = false, estimator = fit_mle) @argcheck display in [:none, :iter, :final] @argcheck maxiter >= 0 N, K, T, size_memory = size(observations, 1), size(hmm, 1), size(hmm, 3), size(hmm, 4) @argcheck T == size(hmm.B, 2) history = EMHistory(false, 0, []) # n2t = date # dayofyear_Leap.(date) # Allocate memory for in-place updates c = zeros(N) α = zeros(N, K) β = zeros(N, K) γ = zeros(N, K) ξ = zeros(N, K, K) LL = zeros(N, K) # assign category for observation depending in the past observations memory = Int(log(size_memory) / log(2)) lag_cat = conditional_to(observations, memory) idx_tj = idx_observation_of_past_cat(lag_cat, n2t, T, K, size_memory) loglikelihoods!(LL, hmm, observations, n2t, lag_cat) robust && replace!(LL, -Inf => nextfloat(-Inf), Inf => log(prevfloat(Inf))) forwardlog!(α, c, hmm.a, hmm.A, LL, n2t) backwardlog!(β, c, hmm.a, hmm.A, LL, n2t) posteriors!(γ, α, β) logtot = sum(c) (display == :iter) && println("Iteration 0: logtot = $logtot") for it = 1:maxiter update_a!(hmm.a, α, β) update_A!(hmm.A, ξ, α, β, LL, n2t) update_B!(hmm.B, γ, observations, estimator, idx_tj) # Ensure the "connected-ness" of the states, # this prevents case where there is no transitions # between two extremely likely observations. robust && (hmm.A .+= eps()) @check isprobvec(hmm.a) @check istransmats(hmm.A) # loglikelihoods!(LL, hmm, observations, n2t) loglikelihoods!(LL, hmm, observations, n2t, lag_cat) robust && replace!(LL, -Inf => nextfloat(-Inf), Inf => log(prevfloat(Inf))) forwardlog!(α, c, hmm.a, hmm.A, LL, n2t) backwardlog!(β, c, hmm.a, hmm.A, LL, n2t) posteriors!(γ, α, β) logtotp = sum(c) (display == :iter) && println("Iteration $it: logtot = $logtotp") push!(history.logtots, logtotp) history.iterations += 1 if abs(logtotp - logtot) < tol (display in [:iter, :final]) && println("EM converged in $it iterations, logtot = $logtotp") history.converged = true break end logtot = logtotp end if !history.converged if display in [:iter, :final] println("EM has not converged after $(history.iterations) iterations, logtot = $logtot") end end history end ## For AbstractHMM + n2t + lag_cat function loglikelihoods(hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, observations, n2t::AbstractArray{Int}; logl = nothing, robust = false, past = [0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1]) (logl !== nothing) && deprecate_kwargs("logl") N, K, size_memory = size(observations, 1), size(hmm, 1), size(hmm, 4) LL = Matrix{Float64}(undef, N, K) memory = Int(log(size_memory) / log(2)) lag_cat = conditional_to(observations, memory; past = past) loglikelihoods!(LL, hmm, observations, n2t, lag_cat) if robust replace!(LL, -Inf => nextfloat(-Inf), Inf => log(prevfloat(Inf))) end LL end function forward(hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, observations, n2t::AbstractArray{Int}; logl = nothing, robust = false, past = [0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1]) (logl !== nothing) && deprecate_kwargs("logl") LL = loglikelihoods(hmm, observations, n2t; robust = robust, past = past) forward(hmm.a, hmm.A, LL, n2t) end function backward(hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, observations, n2t::AbstractArray{Int}; logl = nothing, robust = false, past = [0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1]) (logl !== nothing) && deprecate_kwargs("logl") LL = loglikelihoods(hmm, observations; robust = robust, past = past) backward(hmm.a, hmm.A, LL, n2t) end function posteriors(hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, observations, n2t::AbstractArray{Int}; logl = nothing, robust = false, past = [0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1]) (logl !== nothing) && deprecate_kwargs("logl") LL = loglikelihoods(hmm, observations, n2t; robust = robust, past = past) posteriors(hmm.a, hmm.A, LL, n2t) end function viterbi(hmm::HierarchicalPeriodicHMM, observations, n2t::AbstractArray{Int}; logl = nothing, robust = false, past = [0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1]) (logl !== nothing) && deprecate_kwargs("logl") LL = loglikelihoods(hmm, observations, n2t; robust = robust, past = past) viterbi(hmm.a, hmm.A, LL, n2t) end
function pilot_sampling(num_PilotSamples) shift_array_SpinUp = Vector{Float64}() shift_array_SpinDn = Vector{Float64}() output_file = open("result","a+") for N = 1 : num_PilotSamples eff_spec_SpinUp, eff_spec_SpinDn = matrix_product() Z_up, Z_dn = recursion_partition_function(eff_spec_SpinUp, eff_spec_SpinDn) write(output_file, string(Z_up[num_SpinUp] * Z_dn[num_SpinDn]), "\n") end close(output_file) end "Functions for Importance Sampling" "function roulette_wheel_generator(γ, num_sites) roulette_wheel = Vector{Float64}() cumulative_array = Vector{Float64}() W = 0 # stands for total weight for i = 0 : num_sites selection_length = exp( -2 * i * γ + 2 * (num_sites - i) * γ) W += selection_length push!(roulette_wheel, selection_length) push!(cumulative_array, W) end roulette_wheel /= W cumulative_array /= W return W, roulette_wheel, cumulative_array end function roulette_selection(r, W, cumulative_array) # Binary Search L = length(cumulative_array) i_index, f_index = 1, L p_index = floor(Int64, (i_index + f_index) / 2) # pointer index while true if cumulative_array[p_index] <= r <= cumulative_array[p_index + 1] break elseif p_index == 1 && r <= cumulative_array[p_index] return p_index end if r < cumulative_array[p_index] f_index = p_index p_index = floor(Int64, (i_index + f_index) / 2) else i_index = p_index p_index = floor(Int64, (i_index + f_index) / 2) end end p_index + 1 end" function σlistGenerator(num_sites) σlist = Array{Int64,1}[] for i = 0 : num_sites σarray = 2 * vcat(zeros(Int16, i), ones(Int16, num_sites - i)) .- 1 push!(σlist, σarray) end σlist end function σfieldGenerator(k, σlist, num_sites) # i takes value from 0 to num_sites σfield = Random.shuffle(σlist[k + 1]) WeightPerStep = (num_sites + 1) * binomial(num_sites, k) / 2 ^ num_sites σfield, WeightPerStep end
@testset "WriteBuffer" begin buf = BSONWriteBuffer() @test length(buf) == 0 @test size(buf) == (0,) @test sizeof(buf) == 0 push!(buf, 0x1) @test length(buf) == 1 @test size(buf) == (1,) @test sizeof(buf) == 1 @test GC.@preserve buf unsafe_load(pointer(buf)) == 0x1 resize!(buf, 5) @test length(buf) == 5 @test buf[1] == 0x1 @test_throws BoundsError buf[6] empty!(buf) @test length(buf) == 0 buf = BSONWriteBuffer() sizehint!(buf, 10) @test length(buf) == 0 @test length(buf.data) == 10 resize!(buf, 10) @test length(buf) == 10 @test length(buf.data) == 10 push!(buf, 0x2) @test length(buf) == 11 @test length(buf.data) > 11 end
using StaticArrays const MAT_INFO_KEY = Int struct MatHist h::SVector{2,Int} end function Base.length(h::MatHist) l = 0 for a in h.h iszero(a) && break l += 1 end return l end struct IIEMatrixGame{T} <: Game{MatHist, MAT_INFO_KEY} R::Matrix{NTuple{2,T}} end IIEMatrixGame(g::MatrixGame) = IIEMatrixGame(g.R) IIEMatrixGame() = IIEMatrixGame([ (0,0) (-1,1) (1,-1); (1,-1) (0,0) (-1,1); (-1,1) (1,-1) (0,0) ]) CounterfactualRegret.initialhist(::IIEMatrixGame) = MatHist(SA[0,0]) CounterfactualRegret.isterminal(::IIEMatrixGame, h::MatHist) = length(h) > 1 function CounterfactualRegret.utility(game::IIEMatrixGame, i::Int, h::MatHist) length(h) > 1 ? game.R[h.h...][i] : 0 end CounterfactualRegret.player(::IIEMatrixGame, h::MatHist) = length(h)+1 CounterfactualRegret.player(::IIEMatrixGame, k::MAT_INFO_KEY) = k+1 function CounterfactualRegret.next_hist(::IIEMatrixGame, h::MatHist, a) l = length(h) return MatHist(setindex(h.h, a, l+1)) end CounterfactualRegret.infokey(::IIEMatrixGame, h) = length(h) function CounterfactualRegret.actions(game::IIEMatrixGame, h::MatHist) iszero(length(h)) ? (1:size(game.R,1)) : (1:size(game.R,2)) end ## extras function Base.print(io::IO, solver::AbstractCFRSolver{K,G}) where {K,G<:IIEMatrixGame} println(io) for (k,v) in solver.I σ = copy(v.s) σ ./= sum(σ) σ = round.(σ, digits=3) println(io, "Player: $(k) \t σ: $σ") end end function cumulative_strategies(hist::Vector{Vector{Float64}}) Lσ = length(hist[1]) mat = Matrix{Float64}(undef, length(hist), Lσ) σ = zeros(Float64, Lσ) for (i,σ_i) in enumerate(hist) σ = σ + (σ_i - σ)/i mat[i,:] .= σ end return mat end @recipe function f(sol::AbstractCFRSolver{K,G}) where {K,G <: IIEMatrixGame} layout --> 2 link := :both framestyle := [:axes :axes] xlabel := "Training Steps" L1 = length(sol.I[0].σ) labels1 = Matrix{String}(undef, 1, L1) for i in eachindex(labels1); labels1[i] = L"a_{%$(i)}"; end @series begin subplot := 1 ylabel := "Strategy" title := "Player 1" labels := labels1 reduce(hcat,sol.I[0].hist)' end L2 = length(sol.I[1].σ) labels2 = Matrix{String}(undef, 1, L2) for i in eachindex(labels2); labels2[i] = L"a_{%$(i)}"; end @series begin subplot := 2 title := "Player 2" labels := labels2 reduce(hcat,sol.I[1].hist)' end end
function parse_input(dirname::String) f = open(dirname) lines = readlines() @assert lines[1] == "problemData" chainlength = split(lines[2], ',') @assert chainlength[1] == "maxChainLength" if chainlength[2] == "Infinity" max_chain_length = Inf64 else max_chain_length = Int64(chainlength[2]) end close(f) return max_chain_length end
#include("MCMCplot.jl"); traceplot("MCMC_samples_residual_variance.txt","plotly",4); savefig("plot.png"); using DelimitedFiles,Plots,Plots.PlotMeasures,StatsPlots function traceplot(file,backend="plotly",nplots=4) #catch errors when no backends are installed if backend == "pyplot" pyplot(size=(300*nplots,200*nplots)) elseif backend == "plotly" plotly(size=(300*nplots,200*nplots)) end mychain,mylabel=readdlm(file,',',header=true) if nplots > length(mylabel) nplots=length(mylabel) end mychain = mychain[:,1:nplots] mylabel = mylabel[1:nplots] steps = 1:size(mychain,1) h1=plot(mychain, layout=(nplots,1),title= reshape(mylabel,1,length(mylabel)), label="",title_location=:left,titlefont=12,xlabel="iterations",ylabel = "residual variance",ytickfont=font(8)) # add horizontal line hline!(h1,cumsum(mychain,dims=1)./steps,layout=(nplots,1),label="",color=:red,linewidth=0.1) #density plot h2=density(mychain,layout= (nplots,1),label="",orientation = :horizontal,xlim =[0,1.5],ylim = [-10,25]) plot(h1, h2, link = :y, layout = grid(1,2,widths = [0.7,0.3])) end
function minimize(objective, x0, scheme::QuasiNewton, B0=nothing, options=OptOptions()) minimize(objective, x0, (scheme, BackTracking()), B0, options) end function minimize(objective::T1, x0, approach::Tuple{<:Any, <:LineSearch}, B0=nothing, options::OptOptions=OptOptions(), linesearch::T2 = BackTracking() ) where {T1, T2} x, fx, ∇fx, z, fz, ∇fz, B = prepare_variables(objective, approach, x0, copy(x0), B0) # first iteration z, fz, ∇fz, B, is_converged = iterate(x, fx, ∇fx, z, fz, ∇fz, B, approach, objective, options) iter = 0 while iter <= options.maxiter && !is_converged iter += 1 # take a step and update approximation z, fz, ∇fz, B, is_converged = iterate(x, fx, ∇fx, z, fz, ∇fz, B, approach, objective, options, false) end return z, fz, ∇fz, iter end function iterate(x, fx, ∇fx, z, fz, ∇fz, B, approach, objective, options, is_first=nothing) # split up the approach into the hessian approximation scheme and line search scheme, linesearch = approach # Move nexts into currs fx = fz x = copy(z) ∇fx = copy(∇fz) # Update current gradient and calculate the search direction d = find_direction(B, ∇fx, scheme) # solve Bd = -∇f # # Perform line search along d α, f_α, ls_success = linesearch(objective, d, x, fx, ∇fx, 1.0) # # Calculate final step vector and update the state s = @. α * d z = @. x + s # Update approximation fz, ∇fz, B = update_obj(objective, d, s, ∇fx, z, ∇fz, B, scheme, is_first) # Check for gradient convergence is_converged = converged(z, ∇fz, options.g_tol) return z, fz, ∇fz, B, is_converged end
# parameters mass_bin_name = ARGS[1] tslice = "t1" path_wavelist = "src" path_to_working_folder = "data" list_of_files = ARGS[2:end] println("Starting with ARGS = ", ARGS) ###################################################### using DelimitedFiles using LinearAlgebra push!(LOAD_PATH,"src") using SDMHelper using FittingPWALikelihood using amplitudes_compass using PWAHelper BmatMC = read_cmatrix( joinpath(path_to_working_folder,"integrmat_$(mass_bin_name)_$(tslice)_mc.txt")); # read wavelist throw waves below threshol wavelist = get_wavelist(joinpath(path_wavelist,"wavelist_formated.txt"); path_to_thresholds=joinpath(path_wavelist,"thresholds_formated.txt"), M3pi=Meta.parse(mass_bin_name[1:4])/1000) const noϵ = [1] # flat wave const posϵ = [i for (i,ϵ) in enumerate(wavelist[:,6]) if ϵ=="+"] const negϵ = [i for (i,ϵ) in enumerate(wavelist[:,6]) if ϵ=="-"] # Model description const ModelBlocks = [noϵ, posϵ, negϵ, negϵ] # load precalculated data array const PsiRD = read_precalc_basis( joinpath(path_to_working_folder,"functions_$(mass_bin_name)_$(tslice)_rd.bin")); # get functions to calculate LLH, derivative and hessian LLH, GRAD, LLH_and_GRAD!, HES = createLLHandGRAD(PsiRD, BmatMC, ModelBlocks); println("---> Start calculating LLHs") llhs = [LLH(vcat(readdlm(path_and_filename)...)) for path_and_filename in list_of_files] sorted_list = sort(collect(zip(list_of_files, llhs)), by=x->x[2]) writedlm(joinpath(path_to_working_folder,"llh_attmpts_$(mass_bin_name)_$(tslice).txt"), sorted_list) ########################################################################### println("---> Trying to improve minimum") # fit the best minimum again ## normalize B Bscale = [BmatMC[i,i] for i in 1:size(BmatMC,1)]; for i=1:size(BmatMC,1), j=1:size(BmatMC,2) BmatMC[i,j] *= 1/sqrt(Bscale[i]*Bscale[j]) end ## normalize Psi for i in 1:size(PsiRD,2) PsiRD[:,i] .*= 1.0/sqrt(Bscale[i]) end ## get functions to calculate LLH, derivative and hessian LLH, GRAD, LLH_and_GRAD!, HES = createLLHandGRAD(PsiRD, BmatMC, ModelBlocks); ## load the best parameters best_parameters = vcat(readdlm(sorted_list[1][1])...) parscale = abs.(extnd(sqrt.(Bscale), get_parameter_map(ModelBlocks, size(BmatMC,1)))) best_parameters_scalled = best_parameters .* parscale ## fit @time minpars = minimize(LLH, LLH_and_GRAD!; algorithm = :LD_LBFGS, verbose=1, starting_pars=best_parameters_scalled, llhtolerance = 1e-6) max_reldiff_of_parameters = max(abs.(1 .- minpars ./ best_parameters_scalled)...) @show max_reldiff_of_parameters (max_reldiff_of_parameters > 0.1) && warn("Too big improvement in the fit while fine tuning!") @time minpars2 = minimize(LLH, LLH_and_GRAD!; algorithm = :LD_SLSQP, verbose=1, starting_pars=minpars, llhtolerance = 1e-6) max_reldiff_of_parameters2 = max(abs.(1 .- minpars2 ./ minpars)...) @show max_reldiff_of_parameters2 (max_reldiff_of_parameters2 > 0.1) && warn("Too big improvement in the fit while fine tuning!") ########################################################################### println("---> Calculating Hessian") # get derivative hes = HES(minpars2) singular = (det(hes) ≈ 0.0); singular && warn("Hessian matrix is singular!") invhes = !(singular) ? inv(hes) : fill(0.0,size(hes)...) invhes_scaled_back = invhes ./ transpose(parscale) ./ parscale writedlm(joinpath(path_to_working_folder,"invhes_$(splitdir(sorted_list[1][1])[end])"), invhes_scaled_back) println("Done")
using LightXML let docstr = """<Students> <Student Name="April" Gender="F" DateOfBirth="1989-01-02" /> <Student Name="Bob" Gender="M" DateOfBirth="1990-03-04" /> <Student Name="Chad" Gender="M" DateOfBirth="1991-05-06" /> <Student Name="Dave" Gender="M" DateOfBirth="1992-07-08"> <Pet Type="dog" Name="Rover" /> </Student> <Student DateOfBirth="1993-09-10" Gender="F" Name="&#x00C9;mily" /> </Students>""" doc = parse_string(docstr) xroot = root(doc) for elem in xroot["Student"] println(attribute(elem, "Name")) end end
""" Type representing any object drawable on image """ abstract type Drawable end """ p = Point(x,y) p = Point(c) A `Drawable` point on the image """ struct Point <: Drawable x::Int y::Int end abstract type Line <: Drawable end abstract type Circle <: Drawable end """ line = LineTwoPoints(p1, p2) A `Drawable` infinite length line passing through the two points `p1` and `p2`. """ struct LineTwoPoints <: Line p1::Point p2::Point end """ line = LineNormal(ρ, θ) A `Drawable` infinte length line having perpendicular length `ρ` from origin and angle `θ` between the perpendicular and x-axis """ struct LineNormal{T<:Real, U<:Real} <: Line ρ::T θ::U end """ circle = CircleThreePoints(p1, p2, p3) A `Drawable` circle passing through points `p1`, `p2` and `p3` """ struct CircleThreePoints <: Circle p1::Point p2::Point p3::Point end """ circle = CirclePointRadius(center, ρ) A `Drawable` circle having center `center` and radius `ρ` """ struct CirclePointRadius{T<:Real} <: Circle center::Point ρ::T end """ ls = LineSegment(p1, p2) A `Drawable` finite length line between `p1` and `p2` """ struct LineSegment <: Drawable p1::Point p2::Point end """ path = Path([point]) A `Drawable` sequence of line segments connecting consecutive pairs of points in `[point]`. !!! note This will create a non-closed path. For a closed path, see `Polygon` """ struct Path <: Drawable vertices::Vector{Point} end """ ellipse = Ellipse(center, ρx, ρy) A `Drawable` ellipse with center `center` and parameters `ρx` and `ρy` """ struct Ellipse{T<:Real, U<:Real} <: Drawable center::Point ρx::T ρy::U end """ polygon = Polygon([vertex]) A `Drawable` polygon i.e. a closed path created by joining the consecutive points in `[vertex]` along with the first and last point. !!! note This will create a closed path. For a non-closed path, see `Path` """ struct Polygon <: Drawable vertices::Vector{Point} end """ rp = RegularPolygon(center, side_count, side_length, θ) A `Drawable` regular polygon. #Arguments * `center::Point` : the center of the polygon * `side_count::Int` : number of sides of the polygon * `side_length::Real` : length of each side * `θ::Real` : orientation of the polygon w.r.t x-axis (in radians) """ struct RegularPolygon{T<:Real, U<:Real} <: Drawable center::Point side_count::Int side_length::T θ::U end """ cross = Cross(c, range::UnitRange{Int}) A `Drawable` cross passing through the point `c` with arms ranging across `range`. """ struct Cross <: Drawable c::Point range::UnitRange{Int} end """ img = draw!(img, drawable, color) img = draw!(img, drawable) Draws `drawable` on `img` using color `color` which defaults to `oneunit(eltype(img))` """ draw!(img::AbstractArray{T,2}, object::Drawable) where {T<:Colorant} = draw!(img, object, oneunit(T)) """ img = draw!(img, [drawable], [color]) img = draw!(img, [drawable] ,color) img = draw!(img, [drawable]) Draws all objects in `[drawable]` in the given order on `img` using corresponding colors from `[color]` which defaults to `oneunit(eltype(img))` If only a single color `color` is specified then all objects will be colored with that color. """ function draw!(img::AbstractArray{T,2}, objects::AbstractVector{U}, colors::AbstractVector{V}) where {T<:Colorant, U<:Drawable, V<:Colorant} colors = copy(colors) while length(colors) < length(objects) push!(colors, oneunit(T)) end foreach((object, color) -> draw!(img, object, color), objects, colors) img end draw!(img::AbstractArray{T,2}, objects::AbstractVector{U}, color::T = oneunit(T)) where {T<:Colorant, U<:Drawable} = draw!(img, objects, [color for i in 1:length(objects)]) """ img_new = draw(img, drawable, color) img_new = draw(img, [drawable], [color]) Draws the `drawable` object on a copy of image `img` using color `color`. Can also draw multiple `Drawable` objects when passed as a `AbstractVector{Drawable}` with corresponding colors in `[color]` """ draw(img::AbstractArray{T,2}, args...) where {T<:Colorant} = draw!(copy(img), args...) Point(τ::Tuple{Int, Int}) = Point(τ...) Point(p::CartesianIndex) = Point(p[2], p[1]) function draw!(img::AbstractArray{T,2}, point::Point, color::T) where T<:Colorant drawifinbounds!(img, point, color) end """ img_new = drawifinbounds!(img, y, x, color) img_new = drawifinbounds!(img, Point, color) img_new = drawifinbounds!(img, CartesianIndex, color) Draws a single point after checkbounds() for coordinate in the image. Color Defaults to oneunit(T) """ drawifinbounds!(img::AbstractArray{T,2}, p::Point, color::T = oneunit(T)) where {T<:Colorant} = drawifinbounds!(img, p.y, p.x, color) drawifinbounds!(img::AbstractArray{T,2}, p::CartesianIndex{2}, color::T = oneunit(T)) where {T<:Colorant} = drawifinbounds!(img, Point(p), color) function drawifinbounds!(img::AbstractArray{T,2}, y::Int, x::Int, color::T) where {T<:Colorant} if checkbounds(Bool, img, y, x) img[y, x] = color end img end
using MultivariateStats using PLSRegressor const defdir = PLSRegressor.dir("datasets") function gethousingdata(dir, filename) url = "https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/housing/housing.data" mkpath(dir) path = download(url, "$(defdir)/$filename") end function loaddata(test=0.1) filename = "housing.data" file = "$(defdir)/$filename" isfile("$(defdir)/$filename") || gethousingdata(defdir, filename) data = readdlm(file) nfeatures = size(data)[2] - 1 target_idx = size(data)[2] x = data[:, 1:nfeatures] y = data[:, target_idx:target_idx] if test == 0 xtrn = xtst = x ytrn = ytst = y else r = randperm(size(x,1)) # trn/tst split n = round(Int, (1-test) * size(x,1)) xtrn=x[r[1:n], :] ytrn=y[r[1:n], :] xtst=x[r[n+1:end], :] ytst=y[r[n+1:end], :] end (xtrn, [ytrn...], xtst, [ytst...]) end (xtrn, ytrn, xtst, ytst) = loaddata() model = PLSRegressor.fit(xtrn, ytrn, nfactors = 3) pred = PLSRegressor.predict(model, xtst) println("[PLS] mae error :", mean(abs.(ytst .- pred))) # linear least squares from MultiVariateStats sol = llsq(xtrn, ytrn) a, b = sol[1:end-1], sol[end] yp = xtst * a + b println("[LLS] mae error :",mean(abs.(ytst .- yp))) ### if you want to save or load model use this #PLSRegressor.save(model,filename="/tmp/pls_model.jld",modelname="pls_model") #model = PLSRegressor.load(filename="/tmp/pls_model.jld",modelname="pls_model")
# # A model with homeowners and renters using Revise using Test, Aiyagari using QuantEcon, Parameters, Interpolations using Plots u(c; γ) = c^(1-γ) / (1-γ) function u(c,h; ξ=0.8159, ρ=map(s -> (s-1)/s, 0.13), γ=2.0) C = (ξ * h^ρ + (1-ξ) * c^ρ)^(1/ρ) u(C, γ=γ) end # Exogenous states (incomes) z_grid = [0.5; 1.0; 1.5] z_prob = [0.7 0.15 0.15; 0.2 0.6 0.2; 0.15 0.15 0.7] z_MC = MarkovChain(z_prob, z_grid, :z) # Moving shocks move_grid = Symbol[:just_moved, :normal, :move] move_grid = [1, 2, 3] move_prob = [0.7 0.3 0.0; 0.0 0.99 0.01; 1.0 0.0 0.0] #move_prob = ones(3,3)/3 move_MC = MarkovChain(move_prob, move_grid, :move) # itp_scheme = BSpline(Cubic(Line(OnGrid()))) # a_grid = LinRange(0.0, 0.7, 50) # # val = u.(a_grid .+ permutedims([exo.z for exo in exo1.grid]), γ=2.0) # # 𝔼V = extrapolated_𝔼V(a_grid, itp_scheme, val, exo1, 3, Aiyagari.Conditional(:move)) # # 𝔼V([1.0, 2.0, 0.7]) mutable struct HousingAS{T1,T2,T3,T4} <: AggregateState r::T1 p::T2 # house price ρ::T3 # rent dist::T4 # the distribution over idiosynchratic states end function HousingAS(r, p, a_grid, exo, param; ρ=p * (param.δ + r)) dist_proto = zeros((length(a_grid), length(exo))) HousingAS(r, p, ρ, dist_proto) end include("housing-simple-nlopt.jl") include("housing-nlopt.jl") include("renting-nlopt.jl") #include("housing-simple-jump.jl") r = 0.29 exo = ExogenousStateSpace([z_MC]) exo = ExogenousStateSpace([z_MC, move_MC]) # ## Forever home owners r_own = 0.29 a_grid_own = LinRange(0.0, 0.7, 50) h_grid_own = LinRange(eps(), 2, 10) endo = EndogenousStateSpace((w=a_grid_own, h=h_grid_own)) param_own = (β = 0.7, θ = 0.9, δ = 0.1, h_thres = eps()) agg_state_own = HousingAS(r_own, 2.2, a_grid_own, exo, param_own) out_C = solve_bellman(a_grid_own, exo, agg_state_own, param_own, Owner(Aiyagari.Conditional(:move)), tol=1e-5) out_UC = solve_bellman(a_grid_own, exo, agg_state_own, param_own, Owner(Aiyagari.Unconditional()), tol=1e-5) out_U = solve_bellman(endo, exo, agg_state_own, param_own, Owner(Aiyagari.Unconditional()), tol=2e-5) @testset "conditional vs unconditional" begin itp_scheme = BSpline(Cubic(Line(OnGrid()))) V_C = extrapolated_𝔼V(a_grid_own, itp_scheme, out_C.val, exo, 1, Aiyagari.Conditional(:move)) V_UC = extrapolated_𝔼V(a_grid_own, itp_scheme, out_C.val, exo, 1, Aiyagari.Unconditional()) V_UC_old = extrapolated_𝔼V(a_grid_own, itp_scheme, out_U.val, exo_old, 1, Aiyagari.Unconditional()) V_C_p(a) = ForwardDiff.derivative(V_C, a) V_UC_p(a) = ForwardDiff.derivative(V_UC, a) V_UC_old_p(a) = ForwardDiff.derivative(V_UC_old, a) @test all(V_C.(a_grid_own) .≈ V_UC.(a_grid_own)) @test all(V_C_p.(a_grid_own) .≈ V_UC_p.(a_grid_own)) @show maximum(abs, V_UC.(a_grid_own) .- V_UC_old.(a_grid_own)) @show maximum(abs, V_UC_p.(a_grid_own) .- V_UC_old_p.(a_grid_own)) using Distributions a_rand = rand(Uniform(0, 0.7), 500) a_low = rand(Uniform(-5, 0), 500) a_high = rand(Uniform(0.7, 5), 500) @test all(V_C.(a_rand) .≈ V_UC.(a_rand)) @test all(V_C.(a_low) .≈ V_UC.(a_low)) @test all(V_C.(a_high) .≈ V_UC.(a_high)) end using DelimitedFiles @testset "regression test simple housing" begin #writedlm("test/matrices/housing_simple_nlopt_value.txt", val) value_test = readdlm("test/matrices/housing_simple_nlopt_value.txt") for i in 1:length(z_grid) Δ = maximum(abs, value_test[:,i] .- Aiyagari.get_cond_𝔼V(val, exo, i, :z => i)) @test abs(Δ) < 1e-6 end end #@show all(value_test .≈ val) || maximum(abs, value_test .- val) hh = reshape(out_U.policies_full.h, (size(endo)..., length(exo))) plot(a_grid_own, hh, title="house size", xlab="wealth", legend=:false) plot(h_grid_own, reshape(permutedims(hh, (2,1,3)), (10,150)), title="house size", xlab="wealth", legend=:false, alpha=0.3) ylims!(0,2) # #plot(a_grid_own, policies_full.m, title="mortgage", xlab="wealth") dist = stationary_distribution(z_MC, a_grid_own, policies_full.w_next) #writedlm("test/matrices/housing_simple_nlopt_dist.txt", dist) dist_test = readdlm("test/matrices/housing_simple_nlopt_dist.txt") all(dist_test .≈ dist) || maximum(abs, dist_test .- dist) plot(a_grid_own, dist, xlab="wealth" ) # ## Forever renters r_rent = 0.15 a_grid_rent = LinRange(-0.05, 1.5, 50) param_rent = (β = 0.7, θ = 0.9, δ = 0.1, h_thres = Inf) agg_state_rent = HousingAS(r_rent, 2.2, a_grid_rent, exo, param_rent, ρ=2.2 * (param_rent.δ + r)) @unpack val, policy, policies_full = solve_bellman(a_grid_rent, exo, agg_state_rent, param_rent, Renter(Aiyagari.Unconditional()), maxiter=100) plot(a_grid_rent, Aiyagari.get_cond_𝔼V(val, exo, 1, :z => 1)) plot!(a_grid_rent, Aiyagari.get_cond_𝔼V(val, exo, 2, :z => 2)) plot!(a_grid_rent, Aiyagari.get_cond_𝔼V(val, exo, 3, :z => 3)) plot(a_grid_rent, val) plot(a_grid_rent, policies_full.w_next, title="house size", xlab="wealth", legend=:topleft) # ### Stationary distribution dist = stationary_distribution(exo.mc, a_grid_rent, policies_full.w_next) plot(a_grid_rent, dist, xlab="wealth" ) # ## Own big, rent small r = 0.10 a_grid = LinRange(0.0, 1.0, 40) param_both = (β = 0.7, θ = 0.9, δ = 0.1, h_thres = 0.75) param = [param_own, param_rent] agg_state_both = HousingAS(r, 2.2, a_grid, exo, param_both, ρ= 1.07 * 2.2 * (param_both.δ + r)) @unpack val, policy, policies_full, owner = solve_bellman(a_grid, exo, agg_state_both, param, OwnOrRent(), maxiter=70) plot(a_grid, owner, title="Who owns?") # using StructArrays # move = StructArray(exo.grid).move # move_long = repeat(permutedims(move), 40, 1) w_next_all = policies_full[1].w_next .* owner .+ policies_full[2].w_next .* .!owner h_all = policies_full[1].h .* owner .+ policies_full[2].h .* .!owner c_all = policies_full[1].c .* owner .+ policies_full[2].c .* .!owner scatter(a_grid, h_all .* (owner .== 1), color=:blue, legend=:false, title="House size", alpha=0.3, markerstrokewidth=0, xlab="wealth") scatter!(a_grid, h_all .* (owner .== 0), color=:red, alpha=0.3, markerstrokewidth=0) ylims!(0.3, 2.25) title!("no moving costs (blue == own, red == rent)") savefig("no-moving-costs.png") hline!([param_both.h_thres], color=:gray, label="", linestyle=:dash) plot(a_grid, w_next_all, legend=false, title="wealth") # # # plot(a_grid, w_next_all, legend=:left, title="cash-at-hand") # #plot!(a_grid, a_grid) # #plot!(a_grid[[1;end]], a_grid[[end;end]], legend=false) # # using Plots # using DelimitedFiles # #writedlm("test/matrices/housing_simple_nlopt_value.txt", val) # value_test = readdlm("test/matrices/housing_simple_nlopt_value.txt") # # @test all(val .== value_test) # # using Plots # plot(val) # # scatter(a_grid, policies_full.w_next) # scatter(a_grid, policies_full[1].h) # scatter!(a_grid, policies_full[2].h) # scatter(a_grid, policies_full[1].m .* owner) # scatter(a_grid, c_all) # # all(policies_full.conv) # ## Stationary distribution dist = stationary_distribution(exo.mc, a_grid, w_next_all) plot(a_grid, dist, xlab="wealth" ) # #writedlm("test/matrices/housing_simple_nlopt_dist.txt", dist) # dist_test = readdlm("test/matrices/housing_simple_nlopt_dist.txt") # @test all(dist .== dist_test) # # using StatsBase # mean(vec(policies_full.m), Weights(vec(dist))) # mean(vec(policies_full.h), Weights(vec(dist))) # #926 μs #
function test(args::Dict) is_sorted = args["--sorted"] is_sorted |= args["-s"] test(is_sorted) end function test(is_sorted=false) scratch_file = "$(dirname(@__FILE__))" scratch_file *= "/../../../" scratch_file *= "tmp/scratch.jl" open(scratch_file, "w") do f write(f, "tests_are_sorted = $is_sorted \n") end target_name = bump() Pkg.test(target_name) open(scratch_file, "w") do f write(f, "") end end
# generally, Documenter.jl assumes markdown files ends with `.md` const markdown_exts = [".md",] const markdown_footer = raw""" --- *This page was generated using [DemoCards.jl](https://github.com/johnnychen94/DemoCards.jl).* """ """ struct MarkdownDemoCard <: AbstractDemoCard MarkdownDemoCard(path::String) Constructs a markdown-format demo card from existing markdown file `path`. # Fields Besides `path`, this struct has some other fields: * `path`: path to the source markdown file * `cover`: path to the cover image * `id`: cross-reference id * `title`: one-line description of the demo card * `author`: author(s) of this demo. * `date`: the update date of this demo. * `description`: multi-line description of the demo card * `hidden`: whether this card is shown in the generated index page # Configuration You can pass additional information by adding a YAML front matter to the markdown file. Supported items are: * `cover`: an URL or a relative path to the cover image. If not specified, it will use the first available image link, or all-white image if there's no image links. * `description`: a multi-line description to this file, will be displayed when the demo card is hovered. By default it uses `title`. * `id`: specify the `id` tag for cross-references. By default it's infered from the filename, e.g., `simple_demo` from `simple demo.md`. * `title`: one-line description to this file, will be displayed under the cover image. By default, it's the name of the file (without extension). * `author`: author name. If there are multiple authors, split them with semicolon `;`. * `date`: any string contents that can be passed to `Dates.DateTime`. For example, `2020-09-13`. * `hidden`: whether this card is shown in the layout of index page. The default value is `false`. An example of the front matter: ```text --- title: passing extra information cover: cover.png id: non_ambiguious_id author: Jane Doe; John Roe date: 2020-01-31 description: this demo shows how you can pass extra demo information to DemoCards package. All these are optional. hidden: false --- ``` See also: [`JuliaDemoCard`](@ref DemoCards.JuliaDemoCard), [`DemoSection`](@ref DemoCards.DemoSection), [`DemoPage`](@ref DemoCards.DemoPage) """ mutable struct MarkdownDemoCard <: AbstractDemoCard path::String cover::Union{String, Nothing} id::String title::String description::String author::String date::DateTime hidden::Bool end function MarkdownDemoCard(path::String)::MarkdownDemoCard # first consturct an incomplete democard, and then load the config card = MarkdownDemoCard(path, "", "", "", "", "", DateTime(0), false) config = parse(card) card.cover = load_config(card, "cover"; config=config) card.title = load_config(card, "title"; config=config) card.date = load_config(card, "date"; config=config) card.author = load_config(card, "author"; config=config) # Unlike JuliaDemoCard, Markdown card doesn't accept `julia` compat field. This is because we # generally don't know the markdown processing backend. It might be Documenter, but who knows. # More generally, any badges can just be manually added by demo writter, if they want. # `date` and `author` fields are added just for convinience. # default id requires a title card.id = load_config(card, "id"; config=config) # default description requires a title card.description = load_config(card, "description"; config=config) card.hidden = load_config(card, "hidden"; config=config) return card end """ save_democards(card_dir::String, card::MarkdownDemoCard) process the original markdown file and save it. The processing pipeline is: 1. strip the front matter 2. insert a level-1 title and id """ function save_democards(card_dir::String, card::MarkdownDemoCard; credit, kwargs...) isdir(card_dir) || mkpath(card_dir) markdown_path = joinpath(card_dir, basename(card)) _, _, body = split_frontmatter(read(card.path, String)) config = parse(Val(:Markdown), body) need_header = !haskey(config, "title") # @ref syntax: https://juliadocs.github.io/Documenter.jl/stable/man/syntax/#@ref-link-1 header = need_header ? "# [$(card.title)](@id $(card.id))\n" : "\n" footer = credit ? markdown_footer : "\n" write(markdown_path, header, make_badges(card)*"\n\n", body, footer) end
""" stroboscopicmap(ds::ContinuousDynamicalSystem, T; kwargs...) → smap Return a map (integrator) that produces iterations over a period `T` of the `ds`, known as a stroboscopic map. See [Integrator API](@ref) for handling integrators. See also [`poincaremap`](@ref). ## Keyword Arguments * `u0`: initial state * `diffeq` is a `NamedTuple` (or `Dict`) of keyword arguments propagated into `init` of DifferentialEquations.jl. ## Example ```julia f = 0.27; ω = 0.1 ds = Systems.duffing(zeros(2); ω, f, d = 0.15, β = -1) smap = stroboscopicmap(ds, 2π/ω; diffeq = (;reltol = 1e-8)) reinit!(smap, [1.0, 1.0]) u = step!(smap) u = step!(smap, 4) # step 4 iterations forward ``` """ function stroboscopicmap(ds::CDS, T; u0 = get_state(ds), diffeq = NamedTuple()) integ = integrator(ds, u0; diffeq) return StroboscopicMap{typeof(integ), dimension(ds), typeof(T)}(integ, T) end struct StroboscopicMap{I, D, F} <: GeneralizedDynamicalSystem integ::I T::F end isdiscretetime(::StroboscopicMap) = true DelayEmbeddings.dimension(::StroboscopicMap{I, D}) where {I, D} = D integrator(p::StroboscopicMap) = p function step!(smap::StroboscopicMap) step!(smap.integ, smap.T, true) return smap.integ.u end function step!(smap::StroboscopicMap, n::Int) for k in 1:n; step!(smap.integ, smap.T, true); end return smap.integ.u end function reinit!(smap::StroboscopicMap, u0) reinit!(smap.integ, u0) return end function get_state(smap::StroboscopicMap) return smap.integ.u end function Base.show(io::IO, smap::StroboscopicMap) println(io, "Iterator of the stroboscopic map") println(io, rpad(" rule f: ", 14), DynamicalSystemsBase.eomstring(smap.integ.f.f)) println(io, rpad(" Period: ", 14), smap.T) end current_time(smap::StroboscopicMap) = current_time(smap.integ) function (smap::StroboscopicMap)(t) if t == current_time(smap) return get_state(smap) else error("Can't extrapolate discrete systems!") end end integrator(pinteg::StroboscopicMap, args...; kwargs...) = pinteg
using JFVM using Base.Test # write your own tests here JFVM_test() @test 1==1
# This file was generated by the Julia Swagger Code Generator # Do not modify this file directly. Modify the swagger specification instead. struct FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api <: SwaggerApi client::Swagger.Client end function _swaggerinternal_createFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "POST", IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/flowschemas", ["BearerToken"], body) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "dryRun", dryRun) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldManager", fieldManager) # type String Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ create a FlowSchema Param: body::IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema (required) Param: pretty::String Param: dryRun::String Param: fieldManager::String Return: IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema """ function createFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_createFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function createFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_createFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_createFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "POST", IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/prioritylevelconfigurations", ["BearerToken"], body) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "dryRun", dryRun) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldManager", fieldManager) # type String Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ create a PriorityLevelConfiguration Param: body::IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration (required) Param: pretty::String Param: dryRun::String Param: fieldManager::String Return: IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration """ function createFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_createFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function createFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_createFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1CollectionFlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api; pretty=nothing, allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, body=nothing, __continue__=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, gracePeriodSeconds=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, orphanDependents=nothing, propagationPolicy=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "DELETE", IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1Status, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/flowschemas", ["BearerToken"], body) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "allowWatchBookmarks", allowWatchBookmarks) # type Bool Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "continue", __continue__) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "dryRun", dryRun) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldSelector", fieldSelector) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "gracePeriodSeconds", gracePeriodSeconds) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "labelSelector", labelSelector) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "limit", limit) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "orphanDependents", orphanDependents) # type Bool Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "propagationPolicy", propagationPolicy) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "resourceVersion", resourceVersion) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "timeoutSeconds", timeoutSeconds) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "watch", watch) # type Bool Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ delete collection of FlowSchema Param: pretty::String Param: allowWatchBookmarks::Bool Param: body::IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1DeleteOptions Param: __continue__::String Param: dryRun::String Param: fieldSelector::String Param: gracePeriodSeconds::Int32 Param: labelSelector::String Param: limit::Int32 Param: orphanDependents::Bool Param: propagationPolicy::String Param: resourceVersion::String Param: timeoutSeconds::Int32 Param: watch::Bool Return: IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1Status """ function deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1CollectionFlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api; pretty=nothing, allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, body=nothing, __continue__=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, gracePeriodSeconds=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, orphanDependents=nothing, propagationPolicy=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1CollectionFlowSchema(_api; pretty=pretty, allowWatchBookmarks=allowWatchBookmarks, body=body, __continue__=__continue__, dryRun=dryRun, fieldSelector=fieldSelector, gracePeriodSeconds=gracePeriodSeconds, labelSelector=labelSelector, limit=limit, orphanDependents=orphanDependents, propagationPolicy=propagationPolicy, resourceVersion=resourceVersion, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds, watch=watch, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1CollectionFlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel; pretty=nothing, allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, body=nothing, __continue__=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, gracePeriodSeconds=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, orphanDependents=nothing, propagationPolicy=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1CollectionFlowSchema(_api; pretty=pretty, allowWatchBookmarks=allowWatchBookmarks, body=body, __continue__=__continue__, dryRun=dryRun, fieldSelector=fieldSelector, gracePeriodSeconds=gracePeriodSeconds, labelSelector=labelSelector, limit=limit, orphanDependents=orphanDependents, propagationPolicy=propagationPolicy, resourceVersion=resourceVersion, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds, watch=watch, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1CollectionPriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api; pretty=nothing, allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, body=nothing, __continue__=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, gracePeriodSeconds=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, orphanDependents=nothing, propagationPolicy=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "DELETE", IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1Status, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/prioritylevelconfigurations", ["BearerToken"], body) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "allowWatchBookmarks", allowWatchBookmarks) # type Bool Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "continue", __continue__) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "dryRun", dryRun) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldSelector", fieldSelector) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "gracePeriodSeconds", gracePeriodSeconds) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "labelSelector", labelSelector) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "limit", limit) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "orphanDependents", orphanDependents) # type Bool Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "propagationPolicy", propagationPolicy) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "resourceVersion", resourceVersion) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "timeoutSeconds", timeoutSeconds) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "watch", watch) # type Bool Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ delete collection of PriorityLevelConfiguration Param: pretty::String Param: allowWatchBookmarks::Bool Param: body::IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1DeleteOptions Param: __continue__::String Param: dryRun::String Param: fieldSelector::String Param: gracePeriodSeconds::Int32 Param: labelSelector::String Param: limit::Int32 Param: orphanDependents::Bool Param: propagationPolicy::String Param: resourceVersion::String Param: timeoutSeconds::Int32 Param: watch::Bool Return: IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1Status """ function deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1CollectionPriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api; pretty=nothing, allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, body=nothing, __continue__=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, gracePeriodSeconds=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, orphanDependents=nothing, propagationPolicy=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1CollectionPriorityLevelConfiguration(_api; pretty=pretty, allowWatchBookmarks=allowWatchBookmarks, body=body, __continue__=__continue__, dryRun=dryRun, fieldSelector=fieldSelector, gracePeriodSeconds=gracePeriodSeconds, labelSelector=labelSelector, limit=limit, orphanDependents=orphanDependents, propagationPolicy=propagationPolicy, resourceVersion=resourceVersion, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds, watch=watch, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1CollectionPriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel; pretty=nothing, allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, body=nothing, __continue__=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, gracePeriodSeconds=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, orphanDependents=nothing, propagationPolicy=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1CollectionPriorityLevelConfiguration(_api; pretty=pretty, allowWatchBookmarks=allowWatchBookmarks, body=body, __continue__=__continue__, dryRun=dryRun, fieldSelector=fieldSelector, gracePeriodSeconds=gracePeriodSeconds, labelSelector=labelSelector, limit=limit, orphanDependents=orphanDependents, propagationPolicy=propagationPolicy, resourceVersion=resourceVersion, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds, watch=watch, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String; pretty=nothing, body=nothing, dryRun=nothing, gracePeriodSeconds=nothing, orphanDependents=nothing, propagationPolicy=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "DELETE", IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1Status, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/flowschemas/{name}", ["BearerToken"], body) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.path, "name", name) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "dryRun", dryRun) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "gracePeriodSeconds", gracePeriodSeconds) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "orphanDependents", orphanDependents) # type Bool Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "propagationPolicy", propagationPolicy) # type String Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ delete a FlowSchema Param: name::String (required) Param: pretty::String Param: body::IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1DeleteOptions Param: dryRun::String Param: gracePeriodSeconds::Int32 Param: orphanDependents::Bool Param: propagationPolicy::String Return: IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1Status """ function deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String; pretty=nothing, body=nothing, dryRun=nothing, gracePeriodSeconds=nothing, orphanDependents=nothing, propagationPolicy=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api, name; pretty=pretty, body=body, dryRun=dryRun, gracePeriodSeconds=gracePeriodSeconds, orphanDependents=orphanDependents, propagationPolicy=propagationPolicy, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, name::String; pretty=nothing, body=nothing, dryRun=nothing, gracePeriodSeconds=nothing, orphanDependents=nothing, propagationPolicy=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api, name; pretty=pretty, body=body, dryRun=dryRun, gracePeriodSeconds=gracePeriodSeconds, orphanDependents=orphanDependents, propagationPolicy=propagationPolicy, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String; pretty=nothing, body=nothing, dryRun=nothing, gracePeriodSeconds=nothing, orphanDependents=nothing, propagationPolicy=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "DELETE", IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1Status, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}", ["BearerToken"], body) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.path, "name", name) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "dryRun", dryRun) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "gracePeriodSeconds", gracePeriodSeconds) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "orphanDependents", orphanDependents) # type Bool Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "propagationPolicy", propagationPolicy) # type String Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ delete a PriorityLevelConfiguration Param: name::String (required) Param: pretty::String Param: body::IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1DeleteOptions Param: dryRun::String Param: gracePeriodSeconds::Int32 Param: orphanDependents::Bool Param: propagationPolicy::String Return: IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1Status """ function deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String; pretty=nothing, body=nothing, dryRun=nothing, gracePeriodSeconds=nothing, orphanDependents=nothing, propagationPolicy=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api, name; pretty=pretty, body=body, dryRun=dryRun, gracePeriodSeconds=gracePeriodSeconds, orphanDependents=orphanDependents, propagationPolicy=propagationPolicy, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, name::String; pretty=nothing, body=nothing, dryRun=nothing, gracePeriodSeconds=nothing, orphanDependents=nothing, propagationPolicy=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api, name; pretty=pretty, body=body, dryRun=dryRun, gracePeriodSeconds=gracePeriodSeconds, orphanDependents=orphanDependents, propagationPolicy=propagationPolicy, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_getFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1APIResources(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api; _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "GET", IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1APIResourceList, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/", ["BearerToken"]) Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ get available resources Return: IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1APIResourceList """ function getFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1APIResources(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api; _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_getFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1APIResources(_api; _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function getFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1APIResources(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel; _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_getFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1APIResources(_api; _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_listFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api; pretty=nothing, allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "GET", IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchemaList, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/flowschemas", ["BearerToken"]) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "allowWatchBookmarks", allowWatchBookmarks) # type Bool Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "continue", __continue__) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldSelector", fieldSelector) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "labelSelector", labelSelector) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "limit", limit) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "resourceVersion", resourceVersion) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "timeoutSeconds", timeoutSeconds) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "watch", watch) # type Bool Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf", "application/json;stream=watch", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ list or watch objects of kind FlowSchema Param: pretty::String Param: allowWatchBookmarks::Bool Param: __continue__::String Param: fieldSelector::String Param: labelSelector::String Param: limit::Int32 Param: resourceVersion::String Param: timeoutSeconds::Int32 Param: watch::Bool Return: IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchemaList """ function listFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api; pretty=nothing, allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_listFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api; pretty=pretty, allowWatchBookmarks=allowWatchBookmarks, __continue__=__continue__, fieldSelector=fieldSelector, labelSelector=labelSelector, limit=limit, resourceVersion=resourceVersion, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds, watch=watch, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function listFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel; pretty=nothing, allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_listFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api; pretty=pretty, allowWatchBookmarks=allowWatchBookmarks, __continue__=__continue__, fieldSelector=fieldSelector, labelSelector=labelSelector, limit=limit, resourceVersion=resourceVersion, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds, watch=watch, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_listFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api; pretty=nothing, allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "GET", IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationList, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/prioritylevelconfigurations", ["BearerToken"]) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "allowWatchBookmarks", allowWatchBookmarks) # type Bool Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "continue", __continue__) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldSelector", fieldSelector) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "labelSelector", labelSelector) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "limit", limit) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "resourceVersion", resourceVersion) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "timeoutSeconds", timeoutSeconds) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "watch", watch) # type Bool Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf", "application/json;stream=watch", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ list or watch objects of kind PriorityLevelConfiguration Param: pretty::String Param: allowWatchBookmarks::Bool Param: __continue__::String Param: fieldSelector::String Param: labelSelector::String Param: limit::Int32 Param: resourceVersion::String Param: timeoutSeconds::Int32 Param: watch::Bool Return: IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationList """ function listFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api; pretty=nothing, allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_listFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api; pretty=pretty, allowWatchBookmarks=allowWatchBookmarks, __continue__=__continue__, fieldSelector=fieldSelector, labelSelector=labelSelector, limit=limit, resourceVersion=resourceVersion, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds, watch=watch, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function listFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel; pretty=nothing, allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_listFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api; pretty=pretty, allowWatchBookmarks=allowWatchBookmarks, __continue__=__continue__, fieldSelector=fieldSelector, labelSelector=labelSelector, limit=limit, resourceVersion=resourceVersion, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds, watch=watch, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, force=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "PATCH", IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/flowschemas/{name}", ["BearerToken"], body) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.path, "name", name) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "dryRun", dryRun) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldManager", fieldManager) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "force", force) # type Bool Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["application/json-patch+json", "application/merge-patch+json", "application/strategic-merge-patch+json", "application/apply-patch+yaml"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ partially update the specified FlowSchema Param: name::String (required) Param: body::IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1Patch (required) Param: pretty::String Param: dryRun::String Param: fieldManager::String Param: force::Bool Return: IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema """ function patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, force=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api, name, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, force=force, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, force=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api, name, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, force=force, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, force=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "PATCH", IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/flowschemas/{name}/status", ["BearerToken"], body) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.path, "name", name) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "dryRun", dryRun) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldManager", fieldManager) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "force", force) # type Bool Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["application/json-patch+json", "application/merge-patch+json", "application/strategic-merge-patch+json", "application/apply-patch+yaml"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ partially update status of the specified FlowSchema Param: name::String (required) Param: body::IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1Patch (required) Param: pretty::String Param: dryRun::String Param: fieldManager::String Param: force::Bool Return: IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema """ function patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, force=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus(_api, name, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, force=force, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, force=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus(_api, name, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, force=force, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, force=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "PATCH", IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}", ["BearerToken"], body) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.path, "name", name) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "dryRun", dryRun) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldManager", fieldManager) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "force", force) # type Bool Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["application/json-patch+json", "application/merge-patch+json", "application/strategic-merge-patch+json", "application/apply-patch+yaml"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ partially update the specified PriorityLevelConfiguration Param: name::String (required) Param: body::IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1Patch (required) Param: pretty::String Param: dryRun::String Param: fieldManager::String Param: force::Bool Return: IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration """ function patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, force=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api, name, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, force=force, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, force=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api, name, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, force=force, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, force=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "PATCH", IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}/status", ["BearerToken"], body) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.path, "name", name) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "dryRun", dryRun) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldManager", fieldManager) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "force", force) # type Bool Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["application/json-patch+json", "application/merge-patch+json", "application/strategic-merge-patch+json", "application/apply-patch+yaml"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ partially update status of the specified PriorityLevelConfiguration Param: name::String (required) Param: body::IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1Patch (required) Param: pretty::String Param: dryRun::String Param: fieldManager::String Param: force::Bool Return: IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration """ function patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, force=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus(_api, name, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, force=force, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, force=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus(_api, name, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, force=force, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String; pretty=nothing, exact=nothing, __export__=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "GET", IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/flowschemas/{name}", ["BearerToken"]) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.path, "name", name) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "exact", exact) # type Bool Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "export", __export__) # type Bool Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ read the specified FlowSchema Param: name::String (required) Param: pretty::String Param: exact::Bool Param: __export__::Bool Return: IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema """ function readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String; pretty=nothing, exact=nothing, __export__=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api, name; pretty=pretty, exact=exact, __export__=__export__, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, name::String; pretty=nothing, exact=nothing, __export__=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api, name; pretty=pretty, exact=exact, __export__=__export__, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String; pretty=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "GET", IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/flowschemas/{name}/status", ["BearerToken"]) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.path, "name", name) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ read status of the specified FlowSchema Param: name::String (required) Param: pretty::String Return: IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema """ function readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String; pretty=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus(_api, name; pretty=pretty, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, name::String; pretty=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus(_api, name; pretty=pretty, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String; pretty=nothing, exact=nothing, __export__=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "GET", IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}", ["BearerToken"]) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.path, "name", name) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "exact", exact) # type Bool Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "export", __export__) # type Bool Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ read the specified PriorityLevelConfiguration Param: name::String (required) Param: pretty::String Param: exact::Bool Param: __export__::Bool Return: IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration """ function readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String; pretty=nothing, exact=nothing, __export__=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api, name; pretty=pretty, exact=exact, __export__=__export__, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, name::String; pretty=nothing, exact=nothing, __export__=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api, name; pretty=pretty, exact=exact, __export__=__export__, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String; pretty=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "GET", IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}/status", ["BearerToken"]) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.path, "name", name) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ read status of the specified PriorityLevelConfiguration Param: name::String (required) Param: pretty::String Return: IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration """ function readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String; pretty=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus(_api, name; pretty=pretty, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, name::String; pretty=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus(_api, name; pretty=pretty, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "PUT", IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/flowschemas/{name}", ["BearerToken"], body) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.path, "name", name) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "dryRun", dryRun) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldManager", fieldManager) # type String Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ replace the specified FlowSchema Param: name::String (required) Param: body::IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema (required) Param: pretty::String Param: dryRun::String Param: fieldManager::String Return: IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema """ function replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api, name, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api, name, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "PUT", IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/flowschemas/{name}/status", ["BearerToken"], body) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.path, "name", name) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "dryRun", dryRun) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldManager", fieldManager) # type String Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ replace status of the specified FlowSchema Param: name::String (required) Param: body::IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema (required) Param: pretty::String Param: dryRun::String Param: fieldManager::String Return: IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1FlowSchema """ function replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus(_api, name, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus(_api, name, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "PUT", IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}", ["BearerToken"], body) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.path, "name", name) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "dryRun", dryRun) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldManager", fieldManager) # type String Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ replace the specified PriorityLevelConfiguration Param: name::String (required) Param: body::IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration (required) Param: pretty::String Param: dryRun::String Param: fieldManager::String Return: IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration """ function replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api, name, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api, name, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "PUT", IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}/status", ["BearerToken"], body) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.path, "name", name) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "dryRun", dryRun) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldManager", fieldManager) # type String Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ replace status of the specified PriorityLevelConfiguration Param: name::String (required) Param: body::IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration (required) Param: pretty::String Param: dryRun::String Param: fieldManager::String Return: IoK8sApiFlowcontrolV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration """ function replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus(_api, name, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, name::String, body; pretty=nothing, dryRun=nothing, fieldManager=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus(_api, name, body; pretty=pretty, dryRun=dryRun, fieldManager=fieldManager, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String; allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, pretty=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "GET", IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1WatchEvent, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/watch/flowschemas/{name}", ["BearerToken"]) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.path, "name", name) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "allowWatchBookmarks", allowWatchBookmarks) # type Bool Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "continue", __continue__) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldSelector", fieldSelector) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "labelSelector", labelSelector) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "limit", limit) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "resourceVersion", resourceVersion) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "timeoutSeconds", timeoutSeconds) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "watch", watch) # type Bool Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf", "application/json;stream=watch", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ watch changes to an object of kind FlowSchema. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter. Param: name::String (required) Param: allowWatchBookmarks::Bool Param: __continue__::String Param: fieldSelector::String Param: labelSelector::String Param: limit::Int32 Param: pretty::String Param: resourceVersion::String Param: timeoutSeconds::Int32 Param: watch::Bool Return: IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1WatchEvent """ function watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String; allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, pretty=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api, name; allowWatchBookmarks=allowWatchBookmarks, __continue__=__continue__, fieldSelector=fieldSelector, labelSelector=labelSelector, limit=limit, pretty=pretty, resourceVersion=resourceVersion, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds, watch=watch, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, name::String; allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, pretty=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema(_api, name; allowWatchBookmarks=allowWatchBookmarks, __continue__=__continue__, fieldSelector=fieldSelector, labelSelector=labelSelector, limit=limit, pretty=pretty, resourceVersion=resourceVersion, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds, watch=watch, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaList(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api; allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, pretty=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "GET", IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1WatchEvent, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/watch/flowschemas", ["BearerToken"]) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "allowWatchBookmarks", allowWatchBookmarks) # type Bool Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "continue", __continue__) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldSelector", fieldSelector) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "labelSelector", labelSelector) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "limit", limit) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "resourceVersion", resourceVersion) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "timeoutSeconds", timeoutSeconds) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "watch", watch) # type Bool Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf", "application/json;stream=watch", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ watch individual changes to a list of FlowSchema. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead. Param: allowWatchBookmarks::Bool Param: __continue__::String Param: fieldSelector::String Param: labelSelector::String Param: limit::Int32 Param: pretty::String Param: resourceVersion::String Param: timeoutSeconds::Int32 Param: watch::Bool Return: IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1WatchEvent """ function watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaList(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api; allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, pretty=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaList(_api; allowWatchBookmarks=allowWatchBookmarks, __continue__=__continue__, fieldSelector=fieldSelector, labelSelector=labelSelector, limit=limit, pretty=pretty, resourceVersion=resourceVersion, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds, watch=watch, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaList(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel; allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, pretty=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaList(_api; allowWatchBookmarks=allowWatchBookmarks, __continue__=__continue__, fieldSelector=fieldSelector, labelSelector=labelSelector, limit=limit, pretty=pretty, resourceVersion=resourceVersion, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds, watch=watch, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String; allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, pretty=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "GET", IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1WatchEvent, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/watch/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}", ["BearerToken"]) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.path, "name", name) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "allowWatchBookmarks", allowWatchBookmarks) # type Bool Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "continue", __continue__) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldSelector", fieldSelector) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "labelSelector", labelSelector) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "limit", limit) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "resourceVersion", resourceVersion) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "timeoutSeconds", timeoutSeconds) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "watch", watch) # type Bool Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf", "application/json;stream=watch", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ watch changes to an object of kind PriorityLevelConfiguration. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter. Param: name::String (required) Param: allowWatchBookmarks::Bool Param: __continue__::String Param: fieldSelector::String Param: labelSelector::String Param: limit::Int32 Param: pretty::String Param: resourceVersion::String Param: timeoutSeconds::Int32 Param: watch::Bool Return: IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1WatchEvent """ function watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, name::String; allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, pretty=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api, name; allowWatchBookmarks=allowWatchBookmarks, __continue__=__continue__, fieldSelector=fieldSelector, labelSelector=labelSelector, limit=limit, pretty=pretty, resourceVersion=resourceVersion, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds, watch=watch, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel, name::String; allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, pretty=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration(_api, name; allowWatchBookmarks=allowWatchBookmarks, __continue__=__continue__, fieldSelector=fieldSelector, labelSelector=labelSelector, limit=limit, pretty=pretty, resourceVersion=resourceVersion, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds, watch=watch, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end function _swaggerinternal_watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationList(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api; allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, pretty=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = Swagger.Ctx(_api.client, "GET", IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1WatchEvent, "/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1/watch/prioritylevelconfigurations", ["BearerToken"]) Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "allowWatchBookmarks", allowWatchBookmarks) # type Bool Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "continue", __continue__) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "fieldSelector", fieldSelector) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "labelSelector", labelSelector) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "limit", limit) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "pretty", pretty) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "resourceVersion", resourceVersion) # type String Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "timeoutSeconds", timeoutSeconds) # type Int32 Swagger.set_param(_ctx.query, "watch", watch) # type Bool Swagger.set_header_accept(_ctx, ["application/json", "application/yaml", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf", "application/json;stream=watch", "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch"]) Swagger.set_header_content_type(_ctx, (_mediaType === nothing) ? ["*/*"] : [_mediaType]) return _ctx end """ watch individual changes to a list of PriorityLevelConfiguration. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead. Param: allowWatchBookmarks::Bool Param: __continue__::String Param: fieldSelector::String Param: labelSelector::String Param: limit::Int32 Param: pretty::String Param: resourceVersion::String Param: timeoutSeconds::Int32 Param: watch::Bool Return: IoK8sApimachineryPkgApisMetaV1WatchEvent """ function watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationList(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api; allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, pretty=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationList(_api; allowWatchBookmarks=allowWatchBookmarks, __continue__=__continue__, fieldSelector=fieldSelector, labelSelector=labelSelector, limit=limit, pretty=pretty, resourceVersion=resourceVersion, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds, watch=watch, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx) end function watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationList(_api::FlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1Api, response_stream::Channel; allowWatchBookmarks=nothing, __continue__=nothing, fieldSelector=nothing, labelSelector=nothing, limit=nothing, pretty=nothing, resourceVersion=nothing, timeoutSeconds=nothing, watch=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) _ctx = _swaggerinternal_watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationList(_api; allowWatchBookmarks=allowWatchBookmarks, __continue__=__continue__, fieldSelector=fieldSelector, labelSelector=labelSelector, limit=limit, pretty=pretty, resourceVersion=resourceVersion, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds, watch=watch, _mediaType=_mediaType) Swagger.exec(_ctx, response_stream) end export createFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema, createFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration, deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1CollectionFlowSchema, deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1CollectionPriorityLevelConfiguration, deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema, deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration, getFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1APIResources, listFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema, listFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration, patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema, patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus, patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration, patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus, readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema, readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus, readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration, readFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus, replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema, replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaStatus, replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration, replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus, watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchema, watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1FlowSchemaList, watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfiguration, watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1alpha1PriorityLevelConfigurationList
using Documenter using SExpressions makedocs( format = Documenter.HTML(analytics="UA-68884109-1"), sitename = "SExpressions.jl", authors = "Fengyang Wang", pages = [ "index.md" ] ) deploydocs( repo = "github.com/TotalVerb/SExpressions.jl.git", target = "build", deps = nothing, make = nothing, )
getindex(g::MetaGraph) = g.gprops function getindex(g::MetaGraph, label) _, val = g.vprops[label] val end getindex(g::MetaGraph, label_1, label_2) = g.eprops[arrange(g, label_1, label_2)] """ haskey(g, :label) Determine whether a graph `g` contains the vertex `:label`. """ haskey(g::MetaGraph, label) = haskey(g.vprops, label) """ haskey(g, :v1, :v2) Determine whether a graph `g` contains an edge from `:v1` to `:v2`. The order of `:v1` and `:v2` only matters if `g` is a digraph. """ function haskey(g::MetaGraph, label_1, label_2) return ( haskey(g, label_1) && haskey(g, label_2) && haskey(g.eprops, arrange(g, label_1, label_2)) ) end function setindex!(g::MetaGraph, val, label) vprops = g.vprops v = if haskey(vprops, label) (v, _) = vprops[label] v else add_vertex!(g.graph) v = nv(g) g.metaindex[v] = label v end vprops[label] = (v, val) return nothing end function setindex!(g::MetaGraph, val, label_1, label_2) vprops = g.vprops u, _ = vprops[label_1] v, _ = vprops[label_2] add_edge!(g.graph, u, v) g.eprops[arrange(g, label_1, label_2, u, v)] = val return nothing end function delete!(g::MetaGraph, label) if haskey(g, label) v, _ = g.vprops[label] _rem_vertex!(g, label, v) end return nothing end function delete!(g::MetaGraph, label_1, label_2) vprops = g.vprops u, _ = vprops[label_1] v, _ = vprops[label_2] rem_edge!(g.graph, u, v) delete!(g.eprops, arrange(g, label_1, label_2, u, v)) return nothing end function _copy_props!(oldg::T, newg::T, vmap) where {T<:MetaGraph} for (newv, oldv) in enumerate(vmap) oldl = oldg.metaindex[oldv] _, meta = oldg.vprops[oldl] newg.metaindex[newv] = oldl newg.vprops[oldl] = (newv, meta) end for newe in edges(newg.graph) metaindex = newg.metaindex u, v = Tuple(newe) label_1 = metaindex[u] label_2 = metaindex[v] newg.eprops[arrange(newg, label_1, label_2, u, v)] = oldg.eprops[arrange(oldg, label_1, label_2)] end return nothing end # TODO - would be nice to be able to apply a function to properties. Not sure # how this might work, but if the property is a vector, a generic way to append to # it would be a good thing. """ code_for(meta::MetaGraph, vertex_label) Find the code associated with a `vertex_label`. This can be useful to pass to methods inherited from `LightGraphs`. Note, however, that vertex codes could be reassigned after vertex deletion. """ function code_for(meta::MetaGraph, vertex_label) code, _ = meta.vprops[vertex_label] code end """ label_for(meta::MetaGraph, vertex_code) Find the label associated with a `vertex_code`. This can be useful to interpret the results of methods inherited from `LightGraphs`. Note, however, that vertex codes could be reassigned after vertex deletion. """ function label_for(meta::MetaGraph, vertex_code) meta.metaindex[vertex_code] end
export map_to """ map_to(value::T) where T Creates a map operator, which emits the given constant value on the output Observable every time the source Observable emits a value. # Arguments - `value::T`: the constant value to map each source value to # Producing Stream of type `<: Subscribable{T}` # Examples ```jldoctest using Rocket source = from([ 1, 2, 3 ]) subscribe!(source |> map_to('a'), logger()) ; # output [LogActor] Data: a [LogActor] Data: a [LogActor] Data: a [LogActor] Completed ``` See also: [`map`](@ref), [`AbstractOperator`](@ref), [`RightTypedOperator`](@ref), [`ProxyObservable`](@ref), [`logger`](@ref) """ map_to(value::T) where T = map(T, _ -> value)
export Unscented struct Unscented <: AbstractNonLinearApproximation L :: Int64 α :: Float64 β :: Float64 κ :: Float64 λ :: Float64 Wm :: Vector{Float64} Wc :: Vector{Float64} end function Unscented(dim::Int64; α::Float64=1e-3, β::Float64=2.0, κ::Float64=0.0) λ = α^2*(dim + κ) - dim Wm = ones(2*dim + 1) Wc = ones(2*dim + 1) Wm ./= (2*(dim+λ)) Wc ./= (2*(dim+λ)) Wm[1] = λ/(dim+λ) Wc[1] = λ/(dim+λ) + (1 - α^2 + β) return Unscented(dim, α, β, κ, λ, Wm, Wc) end # get-functions for the Unscented structure getL(approximation::Unscented) = approximation.L getα(approximation::Unscented) = approximation.α getβ(approximation::Unscented) = approximation.β getκ(approximation::Unscented) = approximation.κ getλ(approximation::Unscented) = approximation.λ getWm(approximation::Unscented) = approximation.Wm getWc(approximation::Unscented) = approximation.Wc
using Documenter using DataFrameMacros makedocs( sitename = "DataFrameMacros.jl", format = Documenter.HTML(), ) # Documenter can also automatically deploy documentation to gh-pages. # See "Hosting Documentation" and deploydocs() in the Documenter manual # for more information. deploydocs( repo = "github.com/jkrumbiegel/DataFrameMacros.jl.git", push_preview = true, )
deg(A::AbstractArray{Pol{T}, N}) where {T<:Number, N} = maximum(deg.(A)) deg(A::AbstractArray{T, N}) where {T<:Number, N} = 0 lc(P::AbstractArray{Pol{T}, N}) where {T<:Number, N} = coeff(P, deg(P)) lc(P::AbstractArray{T, N}) where {T<:Number, N} = P coeff(A::AbstractArray{Pol{T}, N}, k::Int) where {T<:Number, N} = coeff.(A, k) function rev(P::AbstractArray{Pol{T}, N}) where {T<:Number, N} res = zero(P) for i in 0:deg(P) res += Pol([0, 1])^(deg(P)-i)*coeff(P, i) end return res end subs(P::AbstractArray{Pol{T}, N}, val::S) where {T,S<:Number, N} = subs.(P, val) Base.:+(A::AbstractArray{Pol{T}, N}, b::Number) where {T<:Number, N} = A .+ b Base.:+(b::Number, A::AbstractArray{Pol{T}, N}) where {T<:Number, N} = b .+ A Base.:-(A::AbstractArray{Pol{T}, N}, b::Number) where {T<:Number, N} = A .- b Base.:-(b::Number, A::AbstractArray{Pol{T}, N}) where {T<:Number, N} = b .- A for op in (:+, :-, :*) @eval Base.$op(A::AbstractArray, b::Pol) = [$op(a, b) for a in A] @eval Base.$op(b::Pol, A::AbstractArray) = [$op(b, a) for a in A] end """ computes the companion pencil Bx-A of the polynomial matrix P """ function toPencil(P::AbstractArray{Pol{T}, N}) where {T<:Number, N} k = deg(P) m = size(P, 1) n = size(P, 2) # patological case of polynomial of degree zero if iszero(k) B = zeros(T, m, n) A = hcat(-coeff(P, 0)) # ensure array is 2-dimensional return A, B end A = zeros(T, (k-1)*n+m, k*n) B = zeros(T, (k-1)*n+m, k*n) B[1:m, 1:n] = lc(P) B[m+1:end, n+1:end] = Matrix(I, (k-1)*n, (k-1)*n) A[m+1:end, 1:(k-1)*n] = Matrix(I, (k-1)*n, (k-1)*n) @inbounds for i in 1:k A[1:m, (i-1)*n+1:i*n] = -coeff(P, k-i) end return A, B end function toPencil(P::AbstractArray{T, N}) where {T<:Number, N} m = size(P, 1) n = size(P, 2) B = zeros(T, m, n) A = hcat(-P) return A, B end function polrank(M::AbstractArray{Pol{T}, N}, tol=0.0) where {T<:Number, N} rnk = 0 imax = deg(M)*min(size(M)...) for i=1:imax rnk = max(rnk, rank(subs(M, i), atol=tol)) end return rnk end
############################################################ ## joAbstractDAparallelLinearOperator - extra functions # elements(jo) elements(A::joAbstractDAparallelLinearOperator{DDT,RDT}) where {DDT,RDT} = A*jo_eye(DDT,A.n) # hasinverse(jo) hasinverse(A::joAbstractDAparallelLinearOperator{DDT,RDT}) where {DDT,RDT} = !isnull(A.iop) # issquare(jo) issquare(A::joAbstractDAparallelLinearOperator{DDT,RDT}) where {DDT,RDT} = (A.m == A.n) # istall(jo) istall(A::joAbstractDAparallelLinearOperator{DDT,RDT}) where {DDT,RDT} = (A.m > A.n) # iswide(jo) iswide(A::joAbstractDAparallelLinearOperator{DDT,RDT}) where {DDT,RDT} = (A.m < A.n) # iscomplex(jo) iscomplex(A::joAbstractDAparallelLinearOperator{DDT,RDT}) where {DDT,RDT} = !(DDT<:Real && RDT<:Real) # islinear(jo) #function islinear(A::joAbstractDAparallelLinearOperator{DDT,RDT},samples::Integer=3;tol::Float64=0.,verbose::Bool=false) where {DDT,RDT} #end # isadjoint(jo) #function isadjoint(A::joAbstractDAparallelLinearOperator{DDT,RDT},samples::Integer=3;tol::Float64=0.,normfactor::Real=1.,userange::Bool=false,verbose::Bool=false) where {DDT,RDT} #end
function Base.eps(x::arb) parent(x)(2)^(-(precision(parent(x)) - 1)) end function Base.eps(RR::ArbField) RR(2)^(-(precision(RR) - 1)) end function isnan(x::arb) x_mid = ccall((:arb_mid_ptr, Nemo.libarb), Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, (Ref{arb}, ), x) 0 != ccall(("arf_is_nan", Nemo.libarb), Cint, (Ref{Nemo.arf_struct},), x_mid) end function inf(x::arb) y = parent(x)(0) ccall(("arb_pos_inf", Nemo.libarb), Cvoid, (Ref{arb},), y) y end function posinf(x::arb) y = parent(x)(0) ccall(("arb_pos_inf", Nemo.libarb), Cvoid, (Ref{arb},), y) y end function neginf(x::arb) y = parent(x)(0) ccall(("arb_neg_inf", Nemo.libarb), Cvoid, (Ref{arb},), y) y end """ max(x::arb, y::arb) > Return a ball containing the maximum of x and y. """ function Base.max(x::arb, y::arb) z = parent(x)() ccall((:arb_max, Nemo.libarb), Nothing, (Ref{arb}, Ref{arb}, Ref{arb}, Int), z, x, y, precision(parent(x))) return z end """ min(x::arb, y::arb) > Return a ball containing the minimum of x and y. """ function Base.min(x::arb, y::arb) z = parent(x)() ccall((:arb_min, Nemo.libarb), Nothing, (Ref{arb}, Ref{arb}, Ref{arb}, Int), z, x, y, precision(parent(x))) return z end """ setinterval(x::arb, y::arb) > Return a ball containing the interval [x,y]. """ function setinterval(x::arb, y::arb) z = parent(x)() x_lower = ccall((:arb_mid_ptr, Nemo.libarb), Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, (Ref{arb}, ), lbound(x)) y_upper = ccall((:arb_mid_ptr, Nemo.libarb), Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, (Ref{arb}, ), ubound(y)) ccall((:arb_set_interval_arf, Nemo.libarb), Cvoid, (Ref{arb}, Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, Int), z, x_lower, y_upper, precision(parent(x))) return z end """ getinterval(x::arb) getinterval(::Type{arb}, x::arb) > Return an interval [a,b] containing the ball x. """ function getinterval(x::arb) getinterval(arb, x) end function getinterval(::Type{arb}, x::arb) a, b = x.parent(), x.parent() a_mid = ccall((:arb_mid_ptr, Nemo.libarb), Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, (Ref{arb}, ), a) b_mid = ccall((:arb_mid_ptr, Nemo.libarb), Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, (Ref{arb}, ), b) ccall((:arb_get_interval_arf, Nemo.libarb), Cvoid, (Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, Ref{arb}, Clong), a_mid, b_mid, x, precision(parent(x))) (a, b) end """ getinterval(::Type{BigFloat}, x::arb) > Return an interval [a,b] containing the ball x. """ function getinterval(::Type{BigFloat}, x::arb) a, b = BigFloat(), BigFloat() ccall((:arb_get_interval_mpfr, Nemo.libarb), Cvoid, (Ref{BigFloat}, Ref{BigFloat}, Ref{arb}), a, b, x) (a, b) end """ convert(::Type{BigFloat}, x::arb) > Return the midpoint of x as a BigFloat rounded down to the current precision of BigFloat. """ function BigFloat(x::arb) GC.@preserve x begin t = ccall((:arb_mid_ptr, Nemo.libarb), Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, (Ref{arb}, ), x) # 4 == round to nearest m = BigFloat() ccall((:arf_get_mpfr, Nemo.libarb), Float64, (Ref{BigFloat}, Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, Base.MPFR.MPFRRoundingMode), m, t, Base.MPFR.MPFRRoundNearest) end return m end """ convert(::Type{BigFloat}, x::arb) > Return the midpoint of x as a BigFloat rounded down to the current precision of BigFloat. """ function Base.convert(::Type{BigFloat}, x::arb) return BigFloat(x) end """ rel_accuracy_bits(x) > Compute the relatively accuracy of the ball `x` in bits. """ function rel_accuracy_bits(x::arb) ccall(("arb_rel_accuracy_bits", Nemo.libarb), Int, (Ref{arb},), x) end """ atan(x::arb, y::arb) > Return atan(x, y) = arg(x + yi). """ function atan(x::arb, y::arb) z = parent(x)() ccall((:arb_atan2, Nemo.libarb), Nothing, (Ref{arb}, Ref{arb}, Ref{arb}, Int), z, x, y, precision(parent(x))) return z end function arb_dump(x::arb) cstr = ccall((:arb_dump_str, Nemo.libarb), Ptr{UInt8}, (Ref{arb},), x) unsafe_string(cstr) end function arb_load_dump(str::String, r::ArbField) x = r() err = ccall((:arb_load_str, Nemo.libarb), Int32, (Ref{arb}, Ptr{UInt8}), x, str) err == 0 || Throw(error("Invalid string $str")) x end function format_arb(x::arb, digits::Int) cstr = ccall((:arb_get_str, Nemo.libarb), Ptr{UInt8}, (Ref{arb}, Int, UInt), x, digits, UInt(0)) str = unsafe_string(cstr) ccall((:flint_free, Nemo.libflint), Nothing, (Ptr{UInt8},), cstr) return str end function add_error!(x::arb, error::arb) ccall((:arb_add_error, Nemo.libarb), Nothing, (Ref{arb}, Ref{arb}), x, error) return x end function abs_ubound(x::arb) res = parent(x)() GC.@preserve x begin t = ccall((:arb_mid_ptr, Nemo.libarb), Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, (Ref{arb}, ), res) ccall((:arb_get_abs_ubound_arf, Nemo.libarb), Nothing, (Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, Ref{arb}, Int), t, x, precision(parent(x))) end return res end function abs_lbound(x::arb) res = parent(x)() GC.@preserve x begin t = ccall((:arb_mid_ptr, Nemo.libarb), Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, (Ref{arb}, ), res) ccall((:arb_get_abs_lbound_arf, Nemo.libarb), Nothing, (Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, Ref{arb}, Int), t, x, precision(parent(x))) end return res end function ubound(x::arb) res = parent(x)() GC.@preserve x begin t = ccall((:arb_mid_ptr, Nemo.libarb), Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, (Ref{arb}, ), res) ccall((:arb_get_ubound_arf, Nemo.libarb), Nothing, (Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, Ref{arb}, Int), t, x, precision(parent(x))) end return res end function lbound(x::arb) res = parent(x)() GC.@preserve x begin t = ccall((:arb_mid_ptr, Nemo.libarb), Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, (Ref{arb}, ), res) ccall((:arb_get_lbound_arf, Nemo.libarb), Nothing, (Ptr{Nemo.arf_struct}, Ref{arb}, Int), t, x, precision(parent(x))) end return res end
# Annotations related to GeneOntology # http://geneontology.org/page/go-annotation-file-gaf-format-20 # Spec of annotation record (copied from GO Annotation File (GAF) Format 2.0) # # Column Content Required? Cardinality Example # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1 DB required 1 UniProtKB # 2 DB Object ID required 1 P12345 # 3 DB Object Symbol required 1 PHO3 # 4 Qualifier optional 0 or greater NOT # 5 GO ID required 1 GO:0003993 # 6 DB:Reference (|DB:Reference) required 1 or greater PMID:2676709 # 7 Evidence Code required 1 IMP # 8 With (or) From optional 0 or greater GO:0000346 # 9 Aspect required 1 F # 10 DB Object Name optional 0 or 1 Toll-like receptor 4 # 11 DB Object Synonym (|Synonym) optional 0 or greater hToll|Tollbooth # 12 DB Object Type required 1 protein # 13 Taxon(|taxon) required 1 or 2 taxon:9606 # 14 Date required 1 20090118 # 15 Assigned By required 1 SGD # 16 Annotation Extension optional 0 or greater part_of(CL:0000576) # 17 Gene Product Form ID optional 0 or 1 UniProtKB:P12345-2 type AnnotationRecord db::ASCIIString db_object_id::ASCIIString db_object_symbol::ASCIIString qualifier::Vector{ASCIIString} go_id::TermID db_reference::Vector{ASCIIString} evidence_code::ASCIIString with_or_from::Vector{ASCIIString} aspect::RootOntology db_object_name::Union(ASCIIString,Nothing) db_object_synonym::Vector{ASCIIString} db_object_type::ASCIIString taxon::Vector{ASCIIString} date::ASCIIString assigned_by::ASCIIString annotation_extension::Vector{String} gene_product_form::Union(ASCIIString,Nothing) end Base.show(io::IO, annot::AnnotationRecord) = @printf io "AnnotationRecord(\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\")" annot.db annot.db_object_id annot.go_id
""" ArrayManifold{M <: Manifold} <: Manifold A manifold to encapsulate manifolds working on array representations of `MPoints` and `TVectors` in a transparent way, such that for these manifolds its not necessary to introduce explicit types for the points and tangent vectors, but they are encapusalted/stripped automatically when needed. """ struct ArrayManifold{M <: Manifold} <: Manifold manifold::M end convert(::Type{M},m::ArrayManifold{M}) where M <: Manifold = m.manifold convert(::Type{ArrayManifold{M}},m::M) where M <: Manifold = ArrayManifold(M) manifold_dimension(M::ArrayManifold) = manifold_dimension(M.manifold) @traitimpl IsDecoratorManifold{ArrayManifold} struct ArrayMPoint{V <: AbstractArray{<:Number}} <: MPoint value::V end convert(::Type{V},x::ArrayMPoint{V}) where V <: AbstractArray{<:Number} = x.value convert(::Type{ArrayMPoint{V}},x::V) where V <: AbstractArray{<:Number} = ArrayPoint{V}(x) eltype(::Type{ArrayMPoint{V}}) where V = eltype(V) similar(x::ArrayMPoint) = ArrayMPoint(similar(x.value)) similar(x::ArrayMPoint, ::Type{T}) where T = ArrayMPoint(similar(x.value, T)) struct ArrayTVector{V <: AbstractArray{<:Number}} <: TVector value::V end convert(::Type{V},v::ArrayTVector{V}) where V <: AbstractArray{<:Number} = v.value convert(::Type{ArrayTVector{V}},v::V) where V <: AbstractArray{<:Number} = ArrayTVector{V}(v) eltype(::Type{ArrayTVector{V}}) where V = eltype(V) similar(x::ArrayTVector) = ArrayTVector(similar(x.value)) similar(x::ArrayTVector, ::Type{T}) where T = ArrayTVector(similar(x.value, T)) array_value(x::AbstractArray) = x array_value(x::ArrayMPoint) = x.value array_value(v::ArrayTVector) = v.value (+)(v1::ArrayTVector, v2::ArrayTVector) = ArrayTVector(v1.value + v2.value) (-)(v1::ArrayTVector, v2::ArrayTVector) = ArrayTVector(v1.value - v2.value) (-)(v::ArrayTVector) = ArrayTVector(-v.value) (*)(a::Number, v::ArrayTVector) = ArrayTVector(a*v.value) function isapprox(M::ArrayManifold, x, y; kwargs...) is_manifold_point(M, x; kwargs...) is_manifold_point(M, y; kwargs...) return isapprox(M.manifold, array_value(x), array_value(y); kwargs...) end function isapprox(M::ArrayManifold, x, v, w; kwargs...) is_manifold_point(M, x; kwargs...) is_tangent_vector(M, x, v; kwargs...) is_tangent_vector(M, x, w; kwargs...) return isapprox(M.manifold, array_value(x), array_value(v), array_value(w); kwargs...) end function project_tangent!(M::ArrayManifold, w, x, v; kwargs...) is_manifold_point(M, x; kwargs...) project_tangent!(M.manifold, w.value, array_value(x), array_value(v)) is_tangent_vector(M, x, w; kwargs...) return w end function distance(M::ArrayManifold, x, y; kwargs...) is_manifold_point(M, x; kwargs...) is_manifold_point(M, y; kwargs...) return distance(M.manifold, array_value(x), array_value(y)) end function inner(M::ArrayManifold, x, v, w; kwargs...) is_manifold_point(M, x; kwargs...) is_tangent_vector(M, x, v; kwargs...) is_tangent_vector(M, x, w; kwargs...) return inner(M.manifold, array_value(x), array_value(v), array_value(w)) end function exp!(M::ArrayManifold, y, x, v; kwargs...) is_manifold_point(M, x; kwargs...) is_tangent_vector(M, x, v; kwargs...) exp!(M.manifold, array_value(y), array_value(x), array_value(v)) is_manifold_point(M, y; kwargs...) return y end function log(M::ArrayManifold, x, y; kwargs...) is_manifold_point(M, x; kwargs...) is_manifold_point(M, y; kwargs...) v = ArrayTVector(log(M.manifold, array_value(x), array_value(y))) is_tangent_vector(M, x, v; kwargs...) return v end function log!(M::ArrayManifold, v, x, y; kwargs...) is_manifold_point(M, x; kwargs...) is_manifold_point(M, y; kwargs...) log!(M.manifold, array_value(v), array_value(x), array_value(y)) is_tangent_vector(M, x, v; kwargs...) return v end function zero_tangent_vector!(M::ArrayManifold, v, x; kwargs...) is_manifold_point(M, x; kwargs...) zero_tangent_vector!(M.manifold, array_value(v), array_value(x); kwargs...) is_tangent_vector(M, x, v; kwargs...) return v end function zero_tangent_vector(M::ArrayManifold, x; kwargs...) is_manifold_point(M, x; kwargs...) w = zero_tangent_vector(M.manifold, array_value(x)) is_tangent_vector(M, x, w; kwargs...) return w end function vector_transport(M::ArrayManifold, x, v, y) return vector_transport(M.manifold, array_value(x), array_value(v), array_value(y)) end export ArrayManifold, ArrayMPoint, ArrayTVector
using Compat using KUnet using HDF5,JLD typealias LUP Union(Op,UpdateParam) import Base.isequal function isequal(l1::LUP, l2::LUP) for n in fieldnames(l1) isdefined(l1,n) || continue isdefined(l2,n) || return false end for n in fieldnames(l2) isdefined(l2,n) || continue isdefined(l1,n) || return false isequal(l1.(n),l2.(n)) || return false end return true end net=newnet(relu, 1326, 20000,10) setparam!(net, learningRate=0.02, dropout=0.5) save("foo.jld", net) foo=newnet("foo.jld") isequal(copy(net,:cpu),copy(foo,:cpu))
getname(p::Dagger.OSProc) = "OS Process on worker $(p.pid)" getname(p::Dagger.ThreadProc) = "Thread $(p.tid) on worker $(p.owner)" getname(p) = sprint(Base.show, p) function proclt(p1::T, p2::R) where {T,R} if p1.owner != p2.owner return p1.owner < p2.owner else return repr(T) < repr(R) end end function proclt(p1::T, p2::T) where {T} if p1.owner != p2.owner return p1.owner < p2.owner else for field in fieldnames(T) f1 = getfield(p1, field) f2 = getfield(p2, field) if f1 != f2 return f1 < f2 end end end false end proclt(p1::Dagger.OSProc, p2::Dagger.OSProc) = p1.pid < p2.pid proclt(p1::Dagger.OSProc, p2) = p1.pid < p2.owner proclt(p1, p2::Dagger.OSProc) = p1.owner < p2.pid function update_window_logs!(window_logs, logs; root_time, window_start) if !isempty(logs) for id in keys(logs) append!(window_logs, map(x->(x,), filter(x->x.category==:compute||x.category==:scheduler_init, logs[id]))) end end for idx in length(window_logs):-1:1 log = window_logs[idx] if length(log) == 2 # Clear out finished events older than window start log_finish_s = (log[2].timestamp-root_time)/(1000^3) if log_finish_s < window_start @debug "Gantt: Deleted event" deleteat!(window_logs, idx) end elseif log[1] isa Dagger.Event{:finish} # Pair finish events with start events sidx = findfirst(x->length(x) == 1 && x[1] isa Dagger.Event{:start} && x[1].id==log[1].id, window_logs) if sidx === nothing @debug "Gantt: Removed unpaired finish" deleteat!(window_logs, idx) continue end window_logs[sidx] = (window_logs[sidx][1], log[1]) @debug "Gantt: Paired event" deleteat!(window_logs, idx) end end end function logs_to_stackframes(logs) data = UInt64[] lidict = Dict{UInt64, Vector{Base.StackTraces.StackFrame}}() for log in filter(x->length(x)==2, logs) append!(data, log[2].profiler_samples.samples) merge!(lidict, log[2].profiler_samples.lineinfo) end return data, lidict end const continue_rendering = Ref{Bool}(true) const render_results = Channel()
# Copyright 2019 Tobias Frilling # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This is basically Base.findmin, but first applies f to the elements. # faster than findmin(map(f, a)) function _findmin(f, a) p = pairs(a) (mi, mv), _ = iterate(p) i = mi f_mv = f(mv) for (i, v) in p f_v = f(v) if f_v < f_mv f_mv = f_v mi = i end end return (f_mv, mi) end
# Wolff single-cluster flip code # Stefan Countryman # stc2117@columbia.edu type SpinArray Nx::Int64 Ny::Int64 N ::Int64 σ ::Array{Int64,2} Eold::Float64 end # Initialize a spin-up spin array with specified dimensions SpinArray(Nx::Int64, Ny::Int64) = SpinArray(Nx, Ny, Nx*Ny, ones(Int64, Ny, Nx), 0.0) function magnetization(A::SpinArray) return sum(A.σ)/A.N end function flip!(x::Int64, y::Int64, A::SpinArray, Δσ::Array{Int64,2}, flips::Int64, p::Float64) s0 = Δσ[x,y] # current spin Δσ[x,y] = -s0 # flip this spot flips += 1 # add a flip nei = [ (x, mod1(y+1, A.Ny)) (x, mod1(y-1, A.Ny)) (mod1(x+1, A.Nx), y) (mod1(x-1, A.Nx), y) ] for (xx, yy) in nei if (s0 == Δσ[xx,yy] && rand() < p) flips = flip!(xx, yy, A, Δσ, flips, p) end end return flips end function spatialcorelator(spins::Array{Int64,2}, Δx::Int64, Δy::Int64) Δx >= 0 || error("Δx must be nonnegative") Δy >= 0 || error("Δy must be nonnegative") shifted = spins shifted = [shifted[:,(Δx+1):end] shifted[:,(1:Δx)]] # x shift shifted = [shifted[(end-Δy+1):end,:]; shifted[1:(end-Δy),:]] # y shift shifted .*= spins # spatial correlations return mean(shifted) # ⟨σ(x⃗)σ(y⃗)⟩ end # energies are -2J*∑s1*s2/T; sum them all up function interactionenergy(spins::Array{Int64,2}, J::Float64) interactions = 0 horshift = [spins[:,2:end] spins[:,1]] horshift .*= spins vershift = [spins[2:end,:]; spins[1,:]] vershift .*= spins interactions += sum(horshift) interactions += sum(vershift) interactions *= -2 return J * float64(interactions) end function magneticenergy(spins::Array{Int64,2}, B::Float64) spin = sum(spins) spin *= -1 return B * float(spin) end function cluster(Nx::Int64, Ny::Int64, steps::Int64, J::Float64, B::Float64, T::Float64, mcd::Int64) print("Finding normalized magnetization for J=$J, B=$B, T=$T... ") p = 1-exp(-2J/T) A = SpinArray(Nx, Ny) A.Eold = magneticenergy(A.σ, B) # + interactionenergy(A.σ, J) Δσ = zeros(A.σ) # proposed spins magnetizations = zeros(steps) accepts = 0 Enew = 0.0 ΔE = 0.0 Pacc = 0.0 mcd == 0 ? (cor = false) : (cor = true) if cor == true naivecorrelators = zeros(Float64, mcd, steps) ### correlators = zeros(Float64, steps) end for n in 1:steps # randomly pick a spot to flip x = int(ceil(rand() * Nx)) y = int(ceil(rand() * Ny)) # reset variables Δσ[:] = A.σ[:] s0 = Δσ[x,y] flips = 0 # propose flip flips = flip!(x, y, A, Δσ, flips, p) # showspins(Δσ) # calculate energies; ΔE = (Eint + Emag) - Eold # Enew = interactionenergy(Δσ, J) # apparently shouldn't have this... Enew = magneticenergy(Δσ, B) ΔE = Enew - A.Eold Pacc = exp(-ΔE/T) # accept/reject if rand() < Pacc A.σ[:] = Δσ[:] A.Eold = Enew # println("Accepted step $n") accepts += 1 end # find naive correlator for d in 1:mcd naivecorrelators[d,n] += spatialcorelator(A.σ, d, 0) naivecorrelators[d,n] += spatialcorelator(A.σ, 0, d) end # get magnetization magnetizations[n] = magnetization(A) # n%100 == 0 && println("\tMagnetization for step $n: ",magnetizations[n]) end println("done with ",(accepts/steps)," accept ratio.") if cor == false return magnetizations, accepts/steps else return magnetizations, accepts/steps, naivecorrelators ###, correlators end end # for when you don't want the correlator cluster(Nx, Ny, steps, J, B, T) = cluster(Nx, Ny, steps, J, B, T, 0) function M(T,J) return (1 - (sinh(2J./T)).^-4).^(1/8) end function showspins(spins::Array{Int64,2}) up = "██" down = " " println("Spins (\"$up\" is ↑, \"$down\" is ↓):") for nrow in 1:size(spins)[2] for spin in spins[:,nrow] if spin == 1 print(up) elseif spin == -1 print(down) else error("Spin array must have values of 1 or -1.") end end println() end end function aoft(correlators::Array{Float64, 2}) l = size(correlators)[1] # number of distance values used D = [1:l] # distances between lattice points return -D ./ log(abs(correlators)) end
const attributes_setters = Dict( :output_style => sass_option_set_output_style, :source_comments => sass_option_set_source_comments, :source_map_file => sass_option_set_source_map_file, :omit_source_map_url => sass_option_set_omit_source_map_url, :source_map_embed => sass_option_set_source_map_embed, :source_map_contents => sass_option_set_source_map_contents, :source_map_file_urls => sass_option_set_source_map_file_urls, :source_map_root => sass_option_set_source_map_root, :is_indented_syntax_src => sass_option_set_is_indented_syntax_src, :include_path => sass_option_set_include_path, :plugin_path => sass_option_set_plugin_path, :indent => sass_option_set_indent, :linefeed => sass_option_set_linefeed, :input_path => sass_option_set_input_path, :output_path => sass_option_set_output_path, :precision => sass_option_set_precision, ) """ `compile_file(filename; kwargs...)` Compile `filename` from sass or scss to a css string. Possible options, given by keyword arguments, are: - `output_style`: output style for the generated css code. See `Sass.Style` for options. For example `output_style = Sass.nested` - `source_comments`: a boolean to specify whether to insert inline source comments - `source_map_file`: path to source map file, enables the source map generating used to create sourceMappingUrl - `omit_source_map_url`: disable sourceMappingUrl in css output - `source_map_embed`: embed sourceMappingUrl as data uri - `source_map_contents`: embed include contents in maps - `source_map_file_urls`: create file urls for sources - `source_map_root`: pass-through as sourceRoot property - `is_indented_syntax_src`: treat source_string as sass (as opposed to scss) - `include_paths` (`AbstractString` or `AbstractArray{<:AbstractString}`) - `plugin_paths` (`AbstractString` or `AbstractArray{<:AbstractString}`) - `indent`: string to be used for indentation - `linefeed`: string to be used to for line feeds - `input_path`: the input path is used for source map generating. It can be used to define something with string compilation or to overload the input file path. It is set to `stdin` for data contexts and to the input file on file contexts. - `output_path`: the output path is used for source map generating. LibSass will not write to this file, it is just used to create information in source-maps etc. - `precision`: precision for outputting fractional numbers ## Examples ```julia julia> filename = joinpath(Sass.examplefolder, "test.sass"); julia> Sass.compile_file(filename; output_style = Sass.compressed) "body{font:100% Helvetica,sans-serif;color:#333}\n" ``` """ function compile_file(filename; input_path = filename, source_map_file = nothing, kwargs...) ctx = sass_make_file_context(filename) ctx_out = sass_file_context_get_context(ctx) options = sass_context_get_options(ctx) for (key, val) in kwargs setter = get(attributes_setters, key, nothing) setter === nothing || setter(options, val) end sass_option_set_input_path(options, input_path) source_map_file === nothing || sass_option_set_source_map_file(options, source_map_file) sass_file_context_set_options(ctx, options) sass_compile_file_context(ctx) status = sass_context_get_error_status(ctx_out) status == 0 || error(sass_context_get_error_text(ctx_out)) css = sass_context_get_output_string(ctx_out) ret = source_map_file === nothing ? css : (css, sass_context_get_source_map_string(ctx_out)) sass_delete_file_context(ctx) ret end """ `compile_file(filename, dest; kwargs...)` Same as `compile_file(filename; kwargs)` but writes the resulting string in file `dest`. """ function compile_file(filename, dest; output_path = dest, source_map_file = nothing, kwargs...) if source_map_file === nothing css = compile_file(filename; output_path = output_path, kwargs...) open(dest, "w") do io write(io, css) end else css, src_map = compile_file(filename; output_path = output_path, source_map_file = source_map_file, kwargs...) open(dest, "w") do io write(io, css) end open(source_map_file, "w") do io write(io, src_map) end end end
using BenchmarkTools using Piecewise function piecewise_hardcoded(x) if x < -1 return 0.0 elseif x < 0 return 1.0 - x^2 elseif x < 1 return x^2 -1.0 else return 0.0 end end polynomials = [ StaticPolynomial(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), p"1.0-x^2", p"x^2 - 1.0", StaticPolynomial(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ] breakpoints = [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0] mypiecewise = PiecewisePolynomial{3}(polynomials, breakpoints) println("Hardcoded piecewise polynomial") @btime piecewise_hardcoded(x) setup=(x=4*rand()-2) println("Generated piecewise polynomial") @btime $mypiecewise(x) setup=(x=4*rand()-2) myderivative = differentiate(mypiecewise) println("Generated derivative") @btime $myderivative(x) setup=(x=4*rand()-2) functions = [ x -> 0.0, x -> 1.0 - x^2, x -> x^2 - 1.0, x -> 0.0 ] mypiecewisefunction = Piecewise.OrderedPiecewiseFunction{3}(functions, breakpoints) println("Generated piecewise function") @btime $mypiecewisefunction(x) setup=(x=4*rand()-2) op_macro = Piecewise.@ordered_piecewise begin -1.0 => x -> 0.0 0.0 => x -> 1.0 - x^2 1.0 => x -> x^2- 1.0 _ => x -> 0.0 end pp_macro = Piecewise.@piecewise_polynomial begin -1.0 => zero(StaticPolynomial{Float64, 3}) 0.0 => p"1.0 - x^2" 1.0 => p"x^2 - 1.0" _ => zero(StaticPolynomial{Float64, 3}) end pp_deriv = differentiate(pp_macro) pp_integ = integrate(pp_macro) println("Macro ordered piecewise") @btime $op_macro(x) setup=(x=4*rand()-2) println("Macro piecewise polynomial") @btime $pp_macro(x) setup=(x=4*rand()-2) println("Derivative of macro piecewise polynomial") @btime $pp_deriv(x) setup=(x=4*rand()-2) println("Integral of macro piecewise polynomial") @btime $pp_integ(x) setup=(x=4*rand()-2)
#= Proposal functions for joint Biogeographic competition model Ignacio Quintero Mächler t(-_-t) May 16 2017 =# #= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- `Y` IID proposal functions -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =# """ upnode!(λ1 ::Float64, λ0 ::Float64, triad ::Array{Int64,1}, Y ::Array{Int64,3}, stemevs::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, bridx_a::Array{Array{UnitRange{Int64},1},1}, brδt ::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, brl ::Vector{Float64}, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, narea ::Int64, nedge ::Int64) Update node and incident branches using discrete Data Augmentation for all areas using a non-competitive mutual-independence Markov model. """ function upnode!(λ1 ::Float64, λ0 ::Float64, triad ::Array{Int64,1}, Y ::Array{Int64,3}, stemevs::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, bridx_a::Array{Array{UnitRange{Int64},1},1}, brδt ::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, brl ::Vector{Float64}, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, narea ::Int64, nedge ::Int64) @inbounds begin # define branch triad pr, d1, d2 = triad # sample samplenode!(λ1, λ0, pr, d1, d2, brs, brl, narea) # save extinct ntries = 1 while iszero(sum(view(brs,pr,2,:))) samplenode!(λ1, λ0, pr, d1, d2, brs, brl, narea) ntries += 1 if ntries == 500 return false end end # set new node in Y @simd for k in Base.OneTo(narea) Y[bridx_a[k][d1][1]] = Y[bridx_a[k][d2][1]] = brs[pr,2,k] end # sample a consistent history createhists!(λ1, λ0, Y, pr, d1, d2, brs, brδt, bridx_a, narea, nedge, stemevs, brl[nedge]) ntries = 1 while ifextY(Y, stemevs, triad, brs, brl[nedge], narea, bridx_a, nedge) createhists!(λ1, λ0, Y, pr, d1, d2, brs, brδt, bridx_a, narea, nedge, stemevs, brl[nedge]) ntries += 1 if ntries == 500 return false end end end return true end """ samplenode!(λ1 ::Float64, λ0 ::Float64, pr ::Int64, d1 ::Int64, d2 ::Int64, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, brl ::Array{Float64,1}, narea::Int64) Sample one internal node according to mutual-independence model transition probabilities. """ function samplenode!(λ1 ::Float64, λ0 ::Float64, pr ::Int64, d1 ::Int64, d2 ::Int64, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, brl ::Array{Float64,1}, narea::Int64) @inbounds begin # estimate transition probabilities pr0_1, pr0_2 = Ptrfast_start(λ1, λ0, brl[pr], Val{0}) pr1_1, pr1_2 = Ptrfast_start(λ1, λ0, brl[pr], Val{1}) d10_1, d10_2 = Ptrfast_end( λ1, λ0, brl[d1], Val{0}) d11_1, d11_2 = Ptrfast_end( λ1, λ0, brl[d1], Val{1}) d20_1, d20_2 = Ptrfast_end( λ1, λ0, brl[d2], Val{0}) d21_1, d21_2 = Ptrfast_end( λ1, λ0, brl[d2], Val{1}) for k = Base.OneTo(narea) if iszero(brs[pr,1,k]) ppr_1, ppr_2 = pr0_1, pr0_2 else ppr_1, ppr_2 = pr1_1, pr1_2 end if iszero(brs[d1,2,k]) pd1_1, pd1_2 = d10_1, d10_2 else pd1_1, pd1_2 = d11_1, d11_2 end if iszero(brs[d2,2,k]) pd2_1, pd2_2 = d20_1, d20_2 else pd2_1, pd2_2 = d21_1, d21_2 end tp = normlize(*(ppr_1, pd1_1, pd2_1), *(ppr_2, pd1_2, pd2_2))::Float64 # sample the node's character brs[pr,2,k] = brs[d1,1,k] = brs[d2,1,k] = coinsamp(tp)::Int64 end end return nothing end """ createhists!(λ::Array{Float64,1}, Y::Array{Int64,3}, pr::Int64, d1::Int64, d2::Int64, brs::Array{Int64,3}, brδt::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, bridx_a::Array{Array{Array{Int64,1},1},1}, narea::Int64) Create bit histories for all areas for the branch trio. """ function createhists!(λ1 ::Float64, λ0 ::Float64, Y ::Array{Int64,3}, pr ::Int64, d1 ::Int64, d2 ::Int64, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, brδt ::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, bridx_a::Array{Array{UnitRange{Int64},1},1}, narea ::Int64, nedge ::Int64, stemevs::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, stbrl ::Float64) @inbounds begin if pr == nedge # if stem branch do continuous DA mult_rejsam!(stemevs, brs, λ1, λ0, stbrl, narea, nedge) for j = Base.OneTo(narea), idx = (d1,d2) bit_rejsam!(Y, bridx_a[j][idx], brs[idx,2,j], λ1, λ0, brδt[idx]) end else for j = Base.OneTo(narea), idx = (pr,d1,d2) bit_rejsam!(Y, bridx_a[j][idx], brs[idx,2,j], λ1, λ0, brδt[idx]) end end end return nothing end """ mult_rejsam!(evs ::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, λ1 ::Float64, λ0 ::Float64, t ::Float64, narea::Int64, nedge::Int64) Multi-area branch rejection independent model sampling. """ function mult_rejsam!(evs ::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, λ1 ::Float64, λ0 ::Float64, t ::Float64, narea::Int64, nedge::Int64) @simd for k = Base.OneTo(narea) rejsam!(evs[k], brs[nedge,1,k], brs[nedge,2,k], λ1, λ0, t) end return nothing end """ ifextY(Y ::Array{Int64,3}, triad ::Array{Int64,1}, narea ::Int64, bridx_a::Array{Array{UnitRange{Int64},1},1}) Return `true` if at some point the species goes extinct and/or more than one change is observed after some **δt**, otherwise returns `false`. """ function ifextY(Y ::Array{Int64,3}, stemevs::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, triad ::Array{Int64,1}, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, stbrl ::Float64, narea ::Int64, bridx_a::Array{Array{UnitRange{Int64},1},1}, nedge ::Int64) @inbounds begin if triad[1] == nedge ifext_cont(stemevs, brs, stbrl, narea, nedge) && return true::Bool for k in (triad[2],triad[3]) ifext_disc(Y, k, narea, bridx_a) && return true::Bool end else for k in triad ifext_disc(Y, k, narea, bridx_a) && return true::Bool end end end return false::Bool end """ ifext_cont(t_hist::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, t ::Float64, narea ::Int64, nedge ::Int64) Return true if lineage goes extinct. """ function ifext_cont(t_hist::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, t ::Float64, narea ::Int64, nedge ::Int64) @inbounds begin ioc = 0 # initial occupancy time for k in Base.OneTo(narea) if brs[nedge,1,k] == 1 ioc = k break end end ioct = t_hist[ioc][1] ntries = 0 while !isapprox(ioct, t, atol = 1.0e-12) if ioc == narea ioc = 1 else ioc += 1 end tc = 0.0 cs = brs[nedge,1,ioc] for ts in t_hist[ioc] tc += ts if ioct < tc if cs == 1 ioct = tc ntries = 0 break else ntries += 1 if ntries > narea return true end break end end cs = 1 - cs end end end return false::Bool end """ ifext_disc(Y ::Array{Int64,3}, br ::Int64, narea ::Int64, bridx_a::Array{Array{UnitRange{Int64},1},1}) Return `true` if at some point the species goes extinct and/or more than one change is observed after some **δt**, otherwise returns `false`. This specific method is for single branch updates. """ function ifext_disc(Y ::Array{Int64,3}, br ::Int64, narea ::Int64, bridx_a::Array{Array{UnitRange{Int64},1},1}) @inbounds begin for i = Base.OneTo(length(bridx_a[1][br]::UnitRange{Int64})-1) s_e::Int64 = 0 # count current areas s_c::Int64 = 0 # count area changes for k = Base.OneTo(narea) s_e += Y[bridx_a[k][br][i]]::Int64 if Y[bridx_a[k][br][i]]::Int64 != Y[bridx_a[k][br][i+1]]::Int64 s_c += 1 end end if s_e == 0 || s_c > 1 return true::Bool end end end return false::Bool end #= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Y stem node proposal function (continuous DA) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =# """ upstemnode!(λ1 ::Float64, λ0 ::Float64, nedge::Int64, stemevs::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, brl ::Array{Float64,1}, narea::Int64) Update stem node. """ function upstemnode!(λ1 ::Float64, λ0 ::Float64, nedge ::Int64, stemevs::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, stbrl ::Float64, narea ::Int64) @inbounds begin # sample samplestem!(λ1, λ0, nedge, brs, stbrl, narea) # save extinct ntries = 1 while sum(view(brs,nedge,1,:)) < 1 samplestem!(λ1, λ0, nedge, brs, stbrl, narea) ntries += 1 if ntries == 500 return false::Bool end end # sample a congruent history mult_rejsam!(stemevs, brs, λ1, λ0, stbrl, narea, nedge) ntries = 1 # check if extinct while ifext_cont(stemevs, brs, stbrl, narea, nedge) mult_rejsam!(stemevs, brs, λ1, λ0, stbrl, narea, nedge) ntries += 1 if ntries == 500 return false::Bool end end end return true::Bool end """ samplestem!(λ1 ::Float64, λ0 ::Float64, nedge::Int64, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, brl ::Array{Float64,1}, narea::Int64) Sample stem node. """ function samplestem!(λ1 ::Float64, λ0 ::Float64, nedge::Int64, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, stbrl::Float64, narea::Int64) @inbounds begin # estimate transition probabilities p0 = normlize(Ptrfast_end(λ1, λ0, stbrl, Val{0}))::Float64 p1 = normlize(Ptrfast_end(λ1, λ0, stbrl, Val{1}))::Float64 for k = Base.OneTo(narea) # sample the node's character if iszero(brs[nedge,2,k]) brs[nedge,1,k] = coinsamp(p0)::Int64 else brs[nedge,1,k] = coinsamp(p1)::Int64 end end end return nothing end #= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Y branch proposal functions -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =# """ upbranchY!(λ1 ::Float64, λ0 ::Float64, ω1 ::Float64, ω0 ::Float64, avg_Δx ::Array{Float64,2}, br ::Int64, Y ::Array{Int64,3}, stemevc::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, wareas ::Array{Int64,1}, bridx_a::Array{Array{UnitRange{Int64},1},1}, brδt ::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, brl ::Vector{Float64}, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, narea ::Int64, nedge ::Int64) Update one branch using discrete Data Augmentation for all areas with independent proposals taking into account `Δx` and `ω1` & `ω0`. """ function upbranchY!(λ1 ::Float64, λ0 ::Float64, br ::Int64, Y ::Array{Int64,3}, stemevs::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, bridx_a::Array{Array{UnitRange{Int64},1},1}, brδt ::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, stbrl ::Float64, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, narea ::Int64, nedge ::Int64) ntries = 1 # if stem branch if br == nedge mult_rejsam!(stemevs, brs, λ1, λ0, stbrl, narea, nedge) # check if extinct while ifext_cont(stemevs, brs, stbrl, narea, nedge) mult_rejsam!(stemevs, brs, λ1, λ0, stbrl, narea, nedge) ntries += 1 if ntries == 500 return false end end else createhists!(λ1, λ0, Y, br, brs, brδt, bridx_a, narea) # check if extinct while ifext_disc(Y, br, narea, bridx_a) createhists!(λ1, λ0, Y, br, brs, brδt, bridx_a, narea) ntries += 1 if ntries == 500 return false end end end return true end """ createhists!(λ1 ::Float64, λ0 ::Float64, ω1 ::Float64, ω0 ::Float64, avg_Δx ::Array{Float64,2}, Y ::Array{Int64,3}, br ::Int64, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, brδt ::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, bridx_a::Array{Array{UnitRange{Int64},1},1}, narea ::Int64) Create bit histories for all areas for one single branch taking into account `Δx` and `ω1` & `ω0` for all areas. """ function createhists!(λ1 ::Float64, λ0 ::Float64, Y ::Array{Int64,3}, br ::Int64, brs ::Array{Int64,3}, brδt ::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, bridx_a::Array{Array{UnitRange{Int64},1},1}, narea ::Int64) @inbounds begin for j = Base.OneTo(narea) bit_rejsam!(Y, bridx_a[j][br], brs[br,2,j], λ1, λ0, brδt[br]) end end return nothing end #= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- X proposal functions -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =# """ uptrioX!(pr ::Int64, d1 ::Int64, d2 ::Int64, X ::Array{Float64,2}, bridx::Array{UnitRange{Int64},1}, brδt ::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, σ²c ::Float64) Update the node and adjoining branhces of `trio` using Brownian bridges. """ function uptrioX!(pr ::Int64, d1 ::Int64, d2 ::Int64, X ::Array{Float64,2}, bridx::Array{UnitRange{Int64},1}, brδt ::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, brl ::Array{Float64,1}, σ²ϕ ::Float64, nedge::Int64) @inbounds begin # if not root if pr != nedge ipr = bridx[pr] id1 = bridx[d1] id2 = bridx[d2] # update node X[id1[1]] = X[id2[1]] = trioupd(X[ipr[1]], X[id1[end]], X[id2[end]], brl[pr], brl[d1], brl[d2], σ²ϕ) #update branches bbX!(X, ipr, brδt[pr], σ²ϕ) bbX!(X, id1, brδt[d1], σ²ϕ) bbX!(X, id2, brδt[d2], σ²ϕ) else id1 = bridx[d1] id2 = bridx[d2] # update node X[id1[1]] = X[id2[1]] = duoupd(X[id1[end]], X[id2[end]], brl[d1], brl[d2], σ²ϕ) # update branches bbX!(X, id1, brδt[d1], σ²ϕ) bbX!(X, id2, brδt[d2], σ²ϕ) end end return nothing end """ upbranchX!(j ::Int64, X ::Array{Float64,2}, bridx::Array{UnitRange{Int64},1}, brδt ::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, σ²c ::Float64) Update a branch j in X using a Brownian bridge. """ function upbranchX!(j ::Int64, X ::Array{Float64,2}, bridx::Array{UnitRange{Int64},1}, brδt ::Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, σ²ϕ ::Float64) @inbounds bbX!(X, bridx[j], brδt[j], σ²ϕ) return nothing end """ bbX!(X::Array{Float64,2}, idx::UnitRange, t::Array{Float64,1}, σ::Float64) Brownian bridge simulation function for updating a branch in X in place. """ function bbX!(X ::Array{Float64,2}, idx::UnitRange, t ::Array{Float64,1}, σ²ϕ::Float64) @inbounds begin xf::Float64 = X[idx[end]] for i = Base.OneTo(lastindex(t)-1) X[idx[i+1]] = (X[idx[i]] + randn()*sqrt((t[i+1] - t[i])*σ²ϕ))::Float64 end invte::Float64 = 1.0/t[end] xdif ::Float64 = (X[idx[end]] - xf) @simd for i = Base.OneTo(lastindex(t)) X[idx[i]] = (X[idx[i]] - t[i] * invte * xdif)::Float64 end end return nothing end
using JuLIP, ASE, StaticArrays, NeighbourLists using Test X_Ti = vecs([0.0 5.19374 2.59687 3.8953 1.29843 6.49217 7.7906 12.9843 10.3875 11.6859 9.08904 14.2828; 0.0 0.918131 1.83626 -1.11022e-16 0.918131 1.83626 -2.22045e-16 0.918131 1.83626 0.0 0.918131 1.83626; 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.24895 2.24895 2.24895 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.24895 2.24895 2.24895]) C_Ti = (@SMatrix [15.5812 2.47895 0.0; 0.0 2.75439 0.0; 0.0 0.0 4.49791]) # -------------- MatSciPy NeighbourList Patch ------------- using PyCall import NeighbourLists matscipy_neighbours = pyimport("matscipy.neighbours") function asenlist(at::Atoms, rcut) pyat = ASEAtoms(at).po return matscipy_neighbours[:neighbour_list]("ijdD", pyat, rcut) end function matscipy_nlist(at::Atoms{T}, rcut::T; recompute=false, kwargs...) where T <: AbstractFloat i, j, r, R = asenlist(at, rcut) i = copy(i) .+ 1 j = copy(j) .+ 1 r = copy(r) R = collect(vecs(copy(R'))) first = NeighbourLists.get_first(i, length(at)) NeighbourLists.sort_neigs!(j, r, R, first) return NeighbourLists.PairList(positions(at), rcut, i, j, r, R, first) end # -------------------------------------------------------- pynlist(at, cutoff) = matscipy_nlist(at, cutoff) jnlist(at, cutoff) = PairList(positions(at), cutoff, cell(at), pbc(at)) function test_nlist_julip(at, cutoff) nlist = jnlist(at, cutoff) py_nlist = pynlist(at, cutoff) return ( (nlist.i == py_nlist.i) && (nlist.j == py_nlist.j) && (nlist.r ≈ py_nlist.r) && (nlist.R ≈ py_nlist.R) ) end test_configs = [ # ( "si, cubic, cluster, short", set_pbc!(bulk(:Si, cubic=true) * 3, false), 1.1 * rnn(:Si) ), # ( "si, cubic, cluster, med", set_pbc!(bulk(:Si, cubic=true) * 3, false), 2.1 * rnn(:Si) ), # ( "si, non-cubic cell, cluster, med", set_pbc!(bulk(:Si) * 5, false), 2.1 * rnn(:Si) ), # ( "si, non-cubic cell, pbc", set_pbc!(bulk(:Si) * 5, false), 2.1 * rnn(:Si) ), # ( "si, non-cubic cell, mixed bc", set_pbc!(bulk(:Si) * 5, false), 2.1 * rnn(:Si) ), # ("Ti, non-symmetric elongated cell, pbc", set_pbc!( set_cell!( Atoms(:Ti, X_Ti), C_Ti ), true ), 1.45 * rnn(:Ti) ), # ("Ti (hcp?) canonical cell, pbc", set_pbc!( bulk(:Ti) * 4, true ), 2.3 * rnn(:Ti) ), ] # ----------- A FEW MORE COMPLEX TESTS THAT FAILED AT SOME POINT --------------- # [1] a left-handed cell orientation # the test that failed during Cas' experiments X = [ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.92333044e+00 6.63816518e-17 -1.36000000e+00 1.92333044e+00 1.92333044e+00 -2.72000000e+00 3.84666089e+00 1.92333044e+00 -4.08000000e+00 ]' C = [ 3.84666089 0. 0. 0. 3.84666089 0. 0. 0. -5.44 ]' # X = [ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 # 1.92333044e+00 6.63816518e-17 1.36000000e+00 # 1.92333044e+00 1.92333044e+00 2.72000000e+00 # 3.84666089e+00 1.92333044e+00 4.08000000e+00 ]' # C = [ 3.84666089 0. 0. # 0. 3.84666089 0. # 0. 0. 5.44 ]' at = Atoms(:Si, collect(vecs(X))) set_cell!(at, C) set_pbc!(at, (true,true,true)) atlge = at * (1,1,10) rcut = 2.3*rnn(:Si) push!(test_configs, ("Si left-oriented", at, rcut)) push!(test_configs, ("Si left-oriented, large", atlge, rcut)) test_nlist_julip(at, rcut) test_nlist_julip(atlge, rcut) # # [2] vacancy in bulk Si # # using PyCall # at = bulk(:Si, cubic=true) # @pyimport ase.lattice.cubic as cubic # at2py = cubic.Diamond(symbol = "Si", latticeconstant = 5.43) # at2py[:get_positions]() # @test at2py[:get_cell]() ≈ cell(at1) # @test mat(positions(at1))' ≈ at2py[:get_positions]()[:,[3,2,1]] # # at = bulk(:Si, cubic=true) # at1 = at * 3 # X = mat(positions(at1)) # at1 = deleteat!(at1, 1) # at2 = deleteat!(set_positions!(at * 3, X[[3,2,1],:]), 1) # rcut = 2.3 * rnn(:Si) # test_nlist_julip(at1, rcut) # test_nlist_julip(at2, rcut) # [3] Two Ti configuration that seems to be causing problems C1 = @SMatrix [5.71757 -1.81834e-15 9.74255e-41; -2.85879 4.95156 4.93924e-25; 4.56368e-40 9.05692e-25 9.05629] X1 = vecs([0.00533847 2.85879 -1.42939 1.42939 0.0 2.85879 -1.42939 1.42939 -1.43e-6 2.85878 -1.42939 1.42939 -1.43e-6 2.85878 -1.42939 1.42939; -0.0 -0.0 2.47578 2.47578 0.0 -0.0 2.47578 2.47578 1.65052 1.65052 4.1263 4.1263 1.65052 1.65052 4.1263 4.1263; 0.00845581 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.52815 4.52815 4.52815 4.52815 2.26407 2.26407 2.26407 2.26407 6.79222 6.79222 6.79222 6.79222]) |> collect C2 = @SMatrix [5.71757 0.0 0.0; -2.85879 4.95156 0.0; 0.0 0.0 9.05629] X2 = vecs([0.00534021 2.85879 -1.42939 1.42939 0.0 2.85879 -1.42939 1.42939 0.0 2.85879 -1.4294 1.4294 0.0 2.85879 -1.4294 1.4294; 0.0 0.0 2.47578 2.47578 0.0 0.0 2.47578 2.47578 1.65052 1.65052 4.1263 4.1263 1.65052 1.65052 4.1263 4.1263; 0.00845858 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.52815 4.52815 4.52815 4.52815 2.26407 2.26407 2.26407 2.26407 6.79222 6.79222 6.79222 6.79222]) |> collect at1 = set_cell!(Atoms(:Ti, X1), C1) at2 = set_cell!(Atoms(:Ti, X2), C2) rcut = 2.5 * rnn(:Ti) test_nlist_julip(at1, rcut) test_nlist_julip(at2, rcut) # --------------- ACTUALLY RUNNING THE TESTS ------------------ println("JuLIP Configuration tests:") for (i, (descr, at, cutoff)) in enumerate(test_configs) print("TEST $i: $descr => ") println(@test test_nlist_julip(at, cutoff)) end
using .VectorizationBase: AbstractSIMD import .ForwardDiff import .ChainRulesCore @generated function SLEEFPirates.tanh_fast(x::ForwardDiff.Dual{T,S,N}) where {T,S,N} quote $(Expr(:meta,:inline)) t = tanh_fast(x.value) ∂t = vfnmadd_fast(t, t, one(S)) p = x.partials ForwardDiff.Dual(t, ForwardDiff.Partials(Base.Cartesian.@ntuple $N n -> mul_fast(∂t, p[n]))) end end function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(tanh_fast), x) t = tanh_fast(x) ∂ = let t = t y -> (ChainRulesCore.Zero(), mul_fast(vfnmadd_fast(t, t, one(t)), y)) end t, ∂ end @generated function SLEEFPirates.sigmoid_fast(x::ForwardDiff.Dual{T,S,N}) where {T,S,N} quote $(Expr(:meta,:inline)) s = sigmoid_fast(x.value) ∂s = vfnmadd_fast(s,s,s) p = x.partials ForwardDiff.Dual(s, ForwardDiff.Partials(Base.Cartesian.@ntuple $N n -> mul_fast(∂s, p[n]))) end end function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(sigmoid_fast), x) s = sigmoid_fast(x) ∂ = let s = s y -> (ChainRulesCore.Zero(), mul_fast(vfnmadd_fast(s, s, s), y)) end s, ∂ end @generated function VectorizationBase.relu(x::ForwardDiff.Dual{T,S,N}) where {T,S,N} quote $(Expr(:meta,:inline)) v = x.value z = zero(v) cmp = v < z r = ifelse(cmp, z, v) p = x.partials ForwardDiff.Dual(r, ForwardDiff.Partials(Base.Cartesian.@ntuple $N n -> ifelse(cmp, z, p[n]))) end end function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(relu), v) z = zero(v) cmp = v < z r = ifelse(cmp, z, v) ∂ = let cmp = cmp y -> (ChainRulesCore.Zero(), ifelse(cmp, zero(y), y)) end r, ∂ end @generated function init_dual(v::Tuple{Vararg{AbstractSIMD,A}}) where {A} res = Expr(:tuple) q = Expr(:block, Expr(:meta,:inline)) for a ∈ 1:A v_a = Symbol(:v_,a) push!(q.args, Expr(:(=), v_a, Expr(:ref, :v, a))) partials = Expr(:tuple) for i ∈ 1:A push!(partials.args, Expr(:call, i == a ? :one : :zero, v_a)) end push!(res.args, :(ForwardDiff.Dual($v_a, ForwardDiff.Partials($partials)))) end push!(q.args, res) q end @generated function dual_store!(∂p::Tuple{Vararg{AbstractStridedPointer,A}}, p::AbstractStridedPointer, ∂v, im::Vararg{Any,N}) where {A,N} quote $(Expr(:meta,:inline)) v = ∂v.value ∂ = ∂v.partials Base.Cartesian.@nextract $N im im Base.Cartesian.@ncall $N VectorizationBase.vnoaliasstore! p v im # store Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $A a -> begin # for each of `A` partials ∂p_a = ∂p[a] ∂_a = ∂[a] Base.Cartesian.@ncall $N VectorizationBase.vnoaliasstore! ∂p_a ∂_a im # store end nothing end end function ∂vmap_singlethread!( f::F, ∂y::Tuple{Vararg{DenseArray{T},A}}, y::DenseArray{T}, args::Vararg{<:DenseArray{<:Base.HWReal},A} ) where {F,T <: Base.HWReal, A} N = length(y) ptry = VectorizationBase.zero_offsets(stridedpointer(y)) ptrargs = VectorizationBase.zero_offsets.(stridedpointer.(args)) ptr∂y = VectorizationBase.zero_offsets.(stridedpointer.(∂y)) i = 0 V = VectorizationBase.pick_vector_width(T) W = Int(V) st = VectorizationBase.static_sizeof(T) zero_index = MM{W}(StaticInt(0), st) while i < N - ((W << 2) - 1) index = VectorizationBase.Unroll{1,W,4,1,W,0x0000000000000000}((i,)) v = f(init_dual(vload.(ptrargs, index))...) dual_store!(ptr∂y, ptry, v, index) i = vadd_fast(i, 4W) end while i < N - (W - 1) vᵣ = f(init_dual(vload.(ptrargs, ((MM{W}(i),),)))...) dual_store!(ptr∂y, ptry, vᵣ, (MM{W}(i),)) i = vadd_fast(i, W) end if i < N m = mask(T, N & (W - 1)) dual_store!(ptr∂y, ptry, f(init_dual(vload.(ptrargs, ((MM{W}(i),),), m))...), (MM{W}(i,),), m) end nothing end struct SIMDMapBack{K,T<:Tuple{Vararg{Any,K}}} jacs::T end @generated function (b::SIMDMapBack{K,T})(Δ::A) where {K,T,A} preloop = Expr(:block, :(jacs = b.jacs)) loop_body = Expr(:block, :(Δᵢ = Δ[i])) ret = Expr(:tuple, ChainRulesCore.Zero(), ChainRulesCore.Zero()) for k ∈1:K jₖ = Symbol(:j_, k) push!(preloop.args, :($jₖ = jacs[$k])) push!(loop_body.args, :($jₖ[i] *= Δᵢ)) push!(ret.args, jₖ) end quote $preloop @avx for i ∈ eachindex(Δ) $loop_body end $ret end end function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(vmap), f::F, args::Vararg{Any,K}) where {F,K} out = similar(first(args)) jacs = map(similar, args) ∂vmap_singlethread!(f, jacs, out, args...) out, SIMDMapBack(jacs) end
""" Data structure for undirected wiring diagrams. """ module UndirectedWiringDiagrams export AbstractUndirectedWiringDiagram, UndirectedWiringDiagram, outer_box, box, junction, nboxes, njunctions, boxes, junctions, ports, ports_with_junction, junction_type, port_type, add_box!, add_junction!, add_junctions!, set_junction!, add_wire!, add_wires!, ocompose using ...CategoricalAlgebra.CSets, ...Present using ...CategoricalAlgebra.ShapeDiagrams: Span using ...CategoricalAlgebra.FinSets: FinOrdFunction, pushout using ...Theories: FreeCategory, dom, codom, compose, ⋅, id import ..DirectedWiringDiagrams: box, boxes, nboxes, add_box!, add_wire!, add_wires! import ..AlgebraicWiringDiagrams: add_junctions!, ocompose # Data types ############ @present TheoryUWD(FreeCategory) begin Box::Ob Port::Ob OuterPort::Ob Junction::Ob box::Hom(Port,Box) junction::Hom(Port,Junction) outer_junction::Hom(OuterPort,Junction) end const AbstractUndirectedWiringDiagram = const AbstractUWD = AbstractCSetType(TheoryUWD) const UntypedUndirectedWiringDiagram = const UntypedUWD = CSetType(TheoryUWD, index=[:box, :junction, :outer_junction]) @present TheoryTypedUWD <: TheoryUWD begin Type::Ob port_type::Hom(Port,Type) outer_port_type::Hom(OuterPort,Type) junction_type::Hom(Junction,Type) compose(junction, junction_type) == port_type compose(outer_junction, junction_type) == outer_port_type end const TypedUndirectedWiringDiagram = const TypedUWD = CSetType(TheoryTypedUWD, data=[:Type], index=[:box, :junction, :outer_junction]) # Imperative interface ###################### function UndirectedWiringDiagram(::Type{UWD}, nports::Int; data_types...) where UWD <: AbstractUWD d = UWD(; data_types...) add_parts!(d, :OuterPort, nports) return d end UndirectedWiringDiagram(nports::Int; data_types...) = UndirectedWiringDiagram(UntypedUWD, nports; data_types...) function UndirectedWiringDiagram(::Type{UWD}, port_types::AbstractVector{T}; data_types...) where {UWD <: AbstractUWD, T} d = UWD(; port_type=T, outer_port_type=T, junction_type=T, data_types...) nports = length(port_types) add_parts!(d, :OuterPort, nports, outer_port_type=port_types) return d end UndirectedWiringDiagram(port_types::AbstractVector; data_types...) = UndirectedWiringDiagram(TypedUWD, port_types; data_types...) outer_box(::AbstractUWD) = 0 box(d::AbstractUWD, args...) = subpart(d, args..., :box) junction(d::AbstractUWD, args...; outer::Bool=false) = subpart(d, args..., outer ? :outer_junction : :junction) function junction(d::AbstractUWD, port::Tuple{Int,Int}) box, nport = port box == outer_box(d) ? junction(d, nport, outer=true) : junction(d, ports(d, box)[nport]) end nboxes(d::AbstractUWD) = nparts(d, :Box) njunctions(d::AbstractUWD) = nparts(d, :Junction) boxes(d::AbstractUWD) = 1:nboxes(d) junctions(d::AbstractUWD) = 1:njunctions(d) ports(d::AbstractUWD; outer::Bool=false) = 1:nparts(d, outer ? :OuterPort : :Port) ports(d::AbstractUWD, box) = box == outer_box(d) ? (1:nparts(d, :OuterPort)) : incident(d, box, :box) ports_with_junction(d::AbstractUWD, junction; outer::Bool=false) = incident(d, junction, outer ? :outer_junction : :junction) junction_type(d::AbstractUWD, args...) = subpart(d, args..., :junction_type) port_type(d::AbstractUWD, args...; outer::Bool=false) = subpart(d, args..., outer ? :outer_port_type : :port_type) function port_type(d::AbstractUWD, port::Tuple{Int,Int}) box, nport = port box == outer_box(d) ? port_type(d, nport, outer=true) : port_type(d, ports(d, box)[nport]) end add_box!(d::AbstractUWD; data...) = add_part!(d, :Box; data...) function add_box!(d::AbstractUWD, nports::Int; data...) box = add_box!(d; data...) ports = add_parts!(d, :Port, nports, box=box) box end function add_box!(d::AbstractUWD, port_types::AbstractVector; data...) box = add_box!(d; data...) nports = length(port_types) ports = add_parts!(d, :Port, nports, box=box, port_type=port_types) box end add_junction!(d::AbstractUWD; data...) = add_part!(d, :Junction; data...) add_junction!(d::AbstractUWD, type; data...) = add_part!(d, :Junction; junction_type=type, data...) add_junctions!(d::AbstractUWD, njunctions::Int; data...) = add_parts!(d, :Junction, njunctions; data...) add_junctions!(d::AbstractUWD, types::AbstractVector; data...) = add_parts!(d, :Junction, length(types); junction_type=types, data...) function set_junction!(d::AbstractUWD, port, junction; outer::Bool=false) if has_subpart(d, :junction_type) ptype, jtype = port_type(d, port, outer=outer), junction_type(d, junction) all(ptype .== jtype) || error( "Domain error: port type $ptype and junction type $jtype do not match") end set_subpart!(d, port, outer ? :outer_junction : :junction, junction) end set_junction!(d::AbstractUWD, junction; kw...) = set_junction!(d, :, junction; kw...) function set_junction!(d::AbstractUWD, port::Tuple{Int,Int}, junction) box, nport = port if box == outer_box(d) set_junction!(d, nport, junction, outer=true) else set_junction!(d, ports(d, box)[nport], junction) end end """ Wire together two ports in an undirected wiring diagram. A convenience method that creates and sets junctions as needed. Ports are only allowed to have one junction, so if both ports already have junctions, then the second port is assigned the junction of the first. The handling of the two arguments is otherwise symmetric. FIXME: When both ports already have junctions, the two junctions should be *merged*. To do this, we must implement `merge_junctions!` and thus also `rem_part!`. """ function add_wire!(d::AbstractUWD, port1::Tuple{Int,Int}, port2::Tuple{Int,Int}) j1, j2 = junction(d, port1), junction(d, port2) if j1 > 0 set_junction!(d, port2, j1) elseif j2 > 0 set_junction!(d, port1, j2) else j = has_subpart(d, :junction_type) ? add_junction!(d, port_type(d, port1)) : add_junction!(d) set_junction!(d, port1, j) set_junction!(d, port2, j) end end add_wire!(d, wire::Pair) = add_wire!(d, first(wire), last(wire)) function add_wires!(d::AbstractUWD, wires) for wire in wires add_wire!(d, wire) end end # Operadic interface #################### function ocompose(f::AbstractUWD, gs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractUWD}) @assert length(gs) == nboxes(f) h = empty(f) copy_parts!(h, f, OuterPort=ports(f, outer=true)) for g in gs copy_boxes!(h, g, boxes(g)) end f_junction = FinOrdFunction( flat(junction(f, ports(f, i)) for i in boxes(f)), njunctions(f)) # FIXME: Should use coproduct as monoidal product. gs_offset = [0; cumsum(njunctions.(gs))] gs_outer = FinOrdFunction( flat(junction(g, outer=true) .+ n for (g,n) in zip(gs, gs_offset[1:end-1])), gs_offset[end]) cospan = pushout(Span(f_junction, gs_outer)) f_inc, g_inc = cospan.left, cospan.right junctions = add_junctions!(h, codom(f_inc).n) if has_subpart(h, :junction_type) set_subpart!(h, [collect(f_inc); collect(g_inc)], :junction_type, [junction_type(f); flat(junction_type(g) for g in gs)]) end f_outer = FinOrdFunction(junction(f, outer=true), njunctions(f)) # FIXME: Again, should use coproduct. gs_junction = FinOrdFunction( flat(junction(g) .+ n for (g,n) in zip(gs, gs_offset[1:end-1])), gs_offset[end]) set_junction!(h, collect(f_outer ⋅ f_inc), outer=true) set_junction!(h, collect(gs_junction ⋅ g_inc)) return h end function ocompose(f::AbstractUWD, i::Int, g::AbstractUWD) @assert 1 <= i <= nboxes(f) h = empty(f) copy_parts!(h, f, OuterPort=ports(f, outer=true)) copy_boxes!(h, f, 1:(i-1)) copy_boxes!(h, g, boxes(g)) copy_boxes!(h, f, (i+1):nboxes(f)) f_i = FinOrdFunction(junction(f, ports(f, i)), njunctions(f)) g_outer = FinOrdFunction(junction(g, outer=true), njunctions(g)) cospan = pushout(Span(f_i, g_outer)) f_inc, g_inc = cospan.left, cospan.right junctions = add_junctions!(h, codom(f_inc).n) if has_subpart(h, :junction_type) set_subpart!(h, [collect(f_inc); collect(g_inc)], :junction_type, [junction_type(f); junction_type(g)]) end f_outer = FinOrdFunction(junction(f, outer=true), njunctions(f)) f_start = FinOrdFunction(junction(f, flat(ports(f, 1:(i-1)))), njunctions(f)) g_junction = FinOrdFunction(junction(g), njunctions(g)) f_end = FinOrdFunction( junction(f, flat(ports(f, (i+1):nboxes(f)))), njunctions(f)) set_junction!(h, collect(f_outer ⋅ f_inc), outer=true) set_junction!(h, [ collect(f_start ⋅ f_inc); collect(g_junction ⋅ g_inc); collect(f_end ⋅ f_inc); ]) return h end copy_boxes!(d::AbstractUWD, from::AbstractUWD, boxes) = copy_parts!(d, from, Box=boxes, Port=flat(ports(from, boxes))) flat(vs) = reduce(vcat, vs, init=Int[]) end
function readdata(paths::Array{String, 1}; columns_to_get=[], add_tag::Bool = true, samplestocut::Int = 3) formated_data = DataFrame(reshape([], 0, length(columns_to_get)), :auto) rename!(formated_data, columns_to_get) for file in paths formated_data = vcat(formated_data, readdata(file, columns_to_get=columns_to_get, add_tag=add_tag, samplestocut=samplestocut)) end return formated_data end function readdata(path::String; columns_to_get::Array=[], add_tag::Bool = true, samplestocut::Int = 3) df = readdatafromcsv(path) meta = getmetadata(df) data = getdatawithoutmeta(df) lonlat = calculatelonlat(meta) data = hcat(data, lonlat) if add_tag tag_columns = createtagcolumns(path, data) data = hcat(data, tag_columns) end data = cutoutliners(data, samplestocut) data[!, :timestep] = 0:nrow(data)-1 data[!, :timestep] = data[!, :timestep] .* 0.1 data = data[:, columns_to_get] end function readdatafromcsv(path) AXIS = ["_x" "_y" "_z"] NAMES = [:timestep] NAMES = vcat(NAMES, vec(Symbol.(["magnetometr"], AXIS))) NAMES = vcat(NAMES, vec(Symbol.(["acceleromter"], AXIS))) NAMES = vcat(NAMES, vec(Symbol.(["orientation"], AXIS))) df = CSV.read(path, DataFrame, header = NAMES, silencewarnings = true, threaded = false) end function getmetadata(df) METADATA_COLNAMES = [ "latitude_start", "longitude_start", "latitude_end", "longitude_end", "first_sample", "last_sample", ] gapidx = findfirst(occursin.(r"<\d+>", df[!, "timestep"])) meta = df[gapidx+1:end, :][:, 1:6] rename!(meta, Symbol.(METADATA_COLNAMES)) meta[!, "latitude_start"] = parse.(Float64, meta[!, "latitude_start"]) meta[!, "first_sample"] = trunc.(Int, meta[!, "first_sample"]) meta[!, "last_sample"] = trunc.(Int, meta[!, "last_sample"]) meta = DataFrame(meta) end function getdatawithoutmeta(df) gapidx = findfirst(occursin.(r"<\d+>", df[!, "timestep"])) data = df[1:gapidx-1, :] end function calculatelonlat(meta) samples_num = last(meta, 1)[!, "last_sample"][1] + 1 result = DataFrame(lat = 1:samples_num, lon = 1:samples_num) result[!, "lat"] = convert.(Float64, result[!, "lat"]) result[!, "lon"] = convert.(Float64, result[!, "lon"]) for corridor in eachrow(meta) first_sample_idx = corridor["first_sample"] + 1 # This dataset is 0-index-based last_sample_idx = corridor["last_sample"] + 1 corridor_idxs = first_sample_idx:last_sample_idx corridor_samples_num = last_sample_idx - first_sample_idx + 1 lat_diff = corridor["latitude_end"] - corridor["latitude_start"] lon_diff = corridor["longitude_end"] - corridor["longitude_start"] lat_step = lat_diff / corridor_samples_num lon_step = lon_diff / corridor_samples_num result[corridor_idxs, :lon] = (result[corridor_idxs, :lon] .- first_sample_idx) * lon_step .+ corridor["longitude_start"] result[corridor_idxs, :lat] = (result[corridor_idxs, :lat] .- first_sample_idx) * lat_step .+ corridor["latitude_start"] end return result end function createtagcolumns(path, data) n_rows = nrow(data) tag = match(r"(.*[/\\])*(?<id>.*)_(?<sample>.*)\.txt", path) if !isnothing(tag) return DataFrame( path_id = repeat([tag[:id]], n_rows), path_sample = repeat([tag[:sample]], n_rows) ) else tag = match(r"(.*[/\\])*(?<pathid>.*)\.txt", path) return DataFrame( path_id = repeat([tag[:pathid]], n_rows) ) end end function cutoutliners(data, samplestocut) data = data[setdiff(1:end, 1:samplestocut), :] data = data[setdiff(1:end, end-samplestocut:end), :] end
function check_tolerance(::Type{Sphere2D}, arg0::jdouble) return jcall(Sphere2D, "checkTolerance", void, (jdouble,), arg0) end function get_dimension(obj::Sphere2D) return jcall(obj, "getDimension", jint, ()) end function get_instance(::Type{Sphere2D}) return jcall(Sphere2D, "getInstance", Sphere2D, ()) end function get_sub_space(obj::Sphere2D) return jcall(obj, "getSubSpace", Sphere1D, ()) end
@testset "Perfect bipartite matching" begin @testset "Uncorrelated" begin @testset "Constructor with $i nodes on each side" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i ε = (i - 2) / 16 reward = Distribution[Bernoulli(.5 + ((i == j) ? ε : 0.)) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n] instance = UncorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingNoSolver()) @test instance.n_arms == n ^ 2 @test instance.reward == reward # Error: non bipartite. reward = Distribution[Bernoulli(.5 + ((i == j) ? ε : 0.)) for i in 1:n, j in 1:(n + 2)] @test_throws ErrorException UncorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingNoSolver()) reward = Distribution[Bernoulli(.5 + ((i == j) ? ε : 0.)) for i in 1:(n + 2), j in 1:n] @test_throws ErrorException UncorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingNoSolver()) end @testset "State with $i nodes on each side" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i ε = (i - 2) / 16 reward = Distribution[Bernoulli(.5 + ((i == j) ? ε : .0)) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n] instance = UncorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingNoSolver()) state = initial_state(instance) @test state.round == 0 @test state.regret == 0.0 @test state.reward == 0.0 @test length(state.arm_counts) == n * n @test length(state.arm_reward) == n * n @test length(state.arm_average_reward) == n * n for i in 1:n for j in 1:n @test state.arm_counts[(i, j)] == 0 @test state.arm_reward[(i, j)] == 0.0 @test state.arm_average_reward[(i, j)] == 0.0 end end end @testset "Trace with $i nodes on each side" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i ε = (i - 2) / 16 reward = Distribution[Bernoulli(.5 + ((i == j) ? ε : .0)) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n] instance = UncorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingNoSolver()) trace = initial_trace(instance) @test length(trace.states) == 0 @test length(trace.arms) == 0 @test length(trace.reward) == 0 @test length(trace.policy_details) == 0 @test length(trace.time_choose_action) == 0 @test eltype(trace.states) == State{Tuple{Int, Int}} @test eltype(trace.arms) == Vector{Tuple{Int, Int}} @test eltype(trace.reward) == Vector{Float64} @test eltype(trace.time_choose_action) == Int end @testset "Pull with $i nodes on each side" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i reward = Distribution[Bernoulli(((i == j) ? 0.0 : 1.0)) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n] instance = UncorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingNoSolver()) Random.seed!(1) @test pull(instance, [(1, 2), (i, i)]) == ([1.0, 0.0], -1) # Reward and regret end @testset "Check feasibility with 3 nodes on each side" begin n = 3 reward = Distribution[Bernoulli(((i == j) ? 0.0 : 1.0)) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n] instance = UncorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingNoSolver()) @test is_feasible(instance, [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1)]) @test ! is_feasible(instance, [(2, 3), (3, 2), (1, 2)]) @test ! is_feasible(instance, [(2, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 2)]) end if ! is_travis @testset "LP solver" begin @testset "Constructor" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i reward = Distribution[Bernoulli(((i == j) ? 0.0 : 1.0)) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n] instance = UncorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingLPSolver(Gurobi.Optimizer)) @test instance.solver != nothing @test instance.solver.model != nothing @test size(instance.solver.x, 1) == n * n end @testset "Solve with $i nodes on each side" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i reward = Distribution[Bernoulli(((i == j) ? 0.0 : 1.0)) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n] instance = UncorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingLPSolver(Gurobi.Optimizer)) Random.seed!(i) drawn = Dict((i, j) => rand() for i in 1:n, j in 1:n) solution = solve_linear(instance, drawn) @test is_feasible(instance, solution) end end end @testset "Munkres solver" begin @testset "Constructor" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i reward = Distribution[Bernoulli(((i == j) ? 0.0 : 1.0)) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n] instance = UncorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingMunkresSolver()) @test instance.solver != nothing end @testset "Solve with $i nodes on each side" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i reward = Distribution[Bernoulli(((i == j) ? 0.0 : 1.0)) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n] instance = UncorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingMunkresSolver()) Random.seed!(i) drawn = Dict((i, j) => rand() for i in 1:n, j in 1:n) solution = solve_linear(instance, drawn) @test is_feasible(instance, solution) end end @testset "Hungarian solver" begin @testset "Constructor" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i reward = Distribution[Bernoulli(((i == j) ? 0.0 : 1.0)) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n] instance = UncorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingHungarianSolver()) @test instance.solver != nothing end @testset "Solve with $i nodes on each side" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i reward = Distribution[Bernoulli(((i == j) ? 0.0 : 1.0)) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n] instance = UncorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingHungarianSolver()) Random.seed!(i) drawn = Dict((i, j) => rand() for i in 1:n, j in 1:n) solution = solve_linear(instance, drawn) @test is_feasible(instance, solution) end end @testset "Solver equivalence (size: $i nodes on each side)" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i reward = Distribution[Bernoulli(((i == j) ? 0.0 : 1.0)) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n] instance_lp = ! is_travis && UncorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingLPSolver(Gurobi.Optimizer)) instance_munkres = UncorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingMunkresSolver()) instance_hungarian = UncorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingHungarianSolver()) Random.seed!(i) drawn = Dict((i, j) => rand() for i in 1:n, j in 1:n) if ! is_travis solution_lp = solve_linear(instance_lp, drawn) @test is_feasible(instance_lp, solution_lp) end solution_munkres = solve_linear(instance_munkres, drawn) @test is_feasible(instance_munkres, solution_munkres) solution_hungarian = solve_linear(instance_hungarian, drawn) @test is_feasible(instance_hungarian, solution_hungarian) # All solutions must have the same length, as these are perfect matchings. @test length(solution_hungarian) == length(solution_munkres) cost_munkres = sum(drawn[o] for o in solution_munkres) cost_hungarian = sum(drawn[o] for o in solution_hungarian) @test cost_hungarian ≈ cost_munkres if ! is_travis @test length(solution_lp) == length(solution_hungarian) cost_lp = sum(drawn[o] for o in solution_lp) @test cost_lp ≈ cost_hungarian end end end @testset "Correlated" begin @testset "Constructor with $i nodes on each side" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i ε = (i - 2) / 16 μ = vec(Float64[.5 + ((i == j) ? ε : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) Σ = vec(Float64[((abs(i - j) <= 1) ? sign(i - j) : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) reward = MvNormal(μ, Σ) instance = CorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingNoSolver()) @test instance.n_arms == n ^ 2 @test instance.reward == reward end @testset "State with $i nodes on each side" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i ε = (i - 2) / 16 μ = vec(Float64[.5 + ((i == j) ? ε : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) Σ = vec(Float64[((abs(i - j) <= 1) ? sign(i - j) : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) reward = MvNormal(μ, Σ) instance = CorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingNoSolver()) state = initial_state(instance) @test state.round == 0 @test state.regret == 0.0 @test state.reward == 0.0 @test length(state.arm_counts) == n * n @test length(state.arm_reward) == n * n @test length(state.arm_average_reward) == n * n for i in 1:n for j in 1:n @test state.arm_counts[(i, j)] == 0 @test state.arm_reward[(i, j)] == 0.0 @test state.arm_average_reward[(i, j)] == 0.0 end end end @testset "Trace with $i nodes on each side" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i ε = (i - 2) / 16 μ = vec(Float64[.5 + ((i == j) ? ε : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) Σ = vec(Float64[((abs(i - j) <= 1) ? sign(i - j) : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) reward = MvNormal(μ, Σ) instance = CorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingNoSolver()) trace = initial_trace(instance) @test length(trace.states) == 0 @test length(trace.arms) == 0 @test length(trace.reward) == 0 @test length(trace.policy_details) == 0 @test length(trace.time_choose_action) == 0 @test eltype(trace.states) == State{Tuple{Int, Int}} @test eltype(trace.arms) == Vector{Tuple{Int, Int}} @test eltype(trace.reward) == Vector{Float64} @test eltype(trace.time_choose_action) == Int end @testset "Pull with $i nodes on each side" for i in [2]#, 5, 10] n = i μ = vec(Float64[.5 + ((i == j) ? 1. : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) Σ = vec(Float64[((abs(i - j) <= 1) ? sign(i - j) : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) reward = MvNormal(μ, Σ) instance = CorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingNoSolver()) Random.seed!(1) rewards, regret = pull(instance, [(1, 2), (i, i)]) @test rewards ≈ [0.5, 1.5] atol=1.e-6 @test regret ≈ -0.5 atol=1.e-6 end @testset "Check feasibility with 3 nodes on each side" begin n = 3 μ = vec(Float64[.5 + ((i == j) ? 1. : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) Σ = vec(Float64[((abs(i - j) <= 1) ? sign(i - j) : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) reward = MvNormal(μ, Σ) instance = CorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingNoSolver()) @test is_feasible(instance, [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1)]) @test ! is_feasible(instance, [(2, 3), (3, 2), (1, 2)]) @test ! is_feasible(instance, [(2, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 2)]) end @testset "Check partial acceptability with 3 nodes on each side" begin n = 3 μ = vec(Float64[.5 + ((i == j) ? 1. : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) Σ = vec(Float64[((abs(i - j) <= 1) ? sign(i - j) : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) reward = MvNormal(μ, Σ) instance = CorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingNoSolver()) @test is_partially_acceptable(instance, [(1, 2)]) @test is_partially_acceptable(instance, [(1, 2), (2, 3)]) @test is_partially_acceptable(instance, [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1)]) @test ! is_partially_acceptable(instance, [(2, 3), (3, 2), (1, 2)]) @test ! is_partially_acceptable(instance, [(2, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 2)]) end if ! is_travis @testset "LP solver" begin @testset "Constructor" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i μ = vec(Float64[.5 + ((i == j) ? 1. : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) Σ = vec(Float64[((abs(i - j) <= 1) ? sign(i - j) : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) reward = MvNormal(μ, Σ) instance = CorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingLPSolver(Gurobi.Optimizer)) @test instance.solver != nothing @test instance.solver.model != nothing @test size(instance.solver.x, 1) == n * n end @testset "Solve with $i nodes on each side" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i μ = vec(Float64[.5 + ((i == j) ? 1. : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) Σ = vec(Float64[((abs(i - j) <= 1) ? sign(i - j) : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) reward = MvNormal(μ, Σ) instance = CorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingLPSolver(Gurobi.Optimizer)) Random.seed!(i) drawn = Dict((i, j) => rand() for i in 1:n, j in 1:n) solution = solve_linear(instance, drawn) @test is_feasible(instance, solution) end end end @testset "Munkres solver" begin @testset "Constructor" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i μ = vec(Float64[.5 + ((i == j) ? 1. : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) Σ = vec(Float64[((abs(i - j) <= 1) ? sign(i - j) : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) reward = MvNormal(μ, Σ) instance = CorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingMunkresSolver()) @test instance.solver != nothing end @testset "Solve with $i nodes on each side" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i μ = vec(Float64[.5 + ((i == j) ? 1. : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) Σ = vec(Float64[((abs(i - j) <= 1) ? sign(i - j) : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) reward = MvNormal(μ, Σ) instance = CorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingMunkresSolver()) Random.seed!(i) drawn = Dict((i, j) => rand() for i in 1:n, j in 1:n) solution = solve_linear(instance, drawn) @test is_feasible(instance, solution) end end @testset "Hungarian solver" begin @testset "Constructor" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i μ = vec(Float64[.5 + ((i == j) ? 1. : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) Σ = vec(Float64[((abs(i - j) <= 1) ? sign(i - j) : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) reward = MvNormal(μ, Σ) instance = CorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingHungarianSolver()) @test instance.solver != nothing end @testset "Solve with $i nodes on each side" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i μ = vec(Float64[.5 + ((i == j) ? 1. : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) Σ = vec(Float64[((abs(i - j) <= 1) ? sign(i - j) : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) reward = MvNormal(μ, Σ) instance = CorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingHungarianSolver()) Random.seed!(i) drawn = Dict((i, j) => rand() for i in 1:n, j in 1:n) solution = solve_linear(instance, drawn) @test is_feasible(instance, solution) end end @testset "Solver equivalence (size: $i nodes on each side)" for i in [2, 5, 10] n = i μ = vec(Float64[.5 + ((i == j) ? 1. : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) Σ = vec(Float64[((abs(i - j) <= 1) ? sign(i - j) : 0.) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]) reward = MvNormal(μ, Σ) instance_lp = ! is_travis && CorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingLPSolver(Gurobi.Optimizer)) instance_munkres = CorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingMunkresSolver()) instance_hungarian = CorrelatedPerfectBipartiteMatching(reward, PerfectBipartiteMatchingHungarianSolver()) Random.seed!(i) drawn = Dict((i, j) => rand() for i in 1:n, j in 1:n) if ! is_travis solution_lp = solve_linear(instance_lp, drawn) @test is_feasible(instance_lp, solution_lp) end solution_munkres = solve_linear(instance_munkres, drawn) @test is_feasible(instance_munkres, solution_munkres) solution_hungarian = solve_linear(instance_hungarian, drawn) @test is_feasible(instance_hungarian, solution_hungarian) # All solutions must have the same length, as these are perfect matchings. @test length(solution_hungarian) == length(solution_munkres) cost_munkres = sum(drawn[o] for o in solution_munkres) cost_hungarian = sum(drawn[o] for o in solution_hungarian) @test cost_hungarian ≈ cost_munkres if ! is_travis @test length(solution_lp) == length(solution_hungarian) cost_lp = sum(drawn[o] for o in solution_lp) @test cost_lp ≈ cost_hungarian end end end end
function uniformMutation(genotype::IntegerGenotype, rng::Random.AbstractRNG, min::Integer, max::Integer, nGens::Integer=1) if min > max min, max = max, min end indRep = genotype._representation genLen = length(indRep) mutatedIndRep = Array{Integer}(undef, genLen) if nGens > genLen nGens = genLen end indexes = randomIndexSelection(genLen, nGens, rng) mutatedIndRep = copy(indRep) range = max-min for i=1:nGens mutatedIndRep[indexes[i]] = (rand(rng, UInt64)%range)+1+min end return IntegerGenotype(mutatedIndRep) end
md""" # Model Pruning Example While NaiveNASflux does not come with any built in search policies, it is still possible to do some cool stuff with it. Below is a very simple example of parameter pruning. First we need some boilerplate to create the model and do the training: """ @testset "Pruning xor example" begin #src using NaiveNASflux, Flux, Test using Flux: train!, mse import Random Random.seed!(0) niters = 50 # To cut down on the verbosity, start by making a helper function for creating a Dense layer as a graph vertex. # The keyword argument `layerfun=`[`ActivationContribution`](@ref) will wrap the layer and compute an activity # based neuron utility metric for it while the model trains. densevertex(in, outsize, act) = fluxvertex(Dense(nout(in),outsize, act), in, layerfun=ActivationContribution) # Ok, lets create the model and train it. We overparameterize quite heavily to avoid sporadic test failures :) invertex = denseinputvertex("input", 2) layer1 = densevertex(invertex, 32, relu) layer2 = densevertex(layer1, 1, sigmoid) original = CompGraph(invertex, layer2) ## Training params, nothing to see here opt = ADAM(0.1) loss(g) = (x, y) -> mse(g(x), y) ## Training data: xor truth table: y = xor(x) just so we don't need to download a dataset. x = Float32[0 0 1 1; 0 1 0 1] y = Float32[0 1 1 0] ## Train the model train!(loss(original), params(original), Iterators.repeated((x,y), niters), opt) @test loss(original)(x, y) < 0.001 # With that out of the way, lets try three different ways to prune the hidden layer (vertex nr 2 in the graph). # To make examples easier to compare, lets decide up front that we want to remove half of the hidden layer neurons # and try out three different ways of how to select which ones to remove. nprune = 16 # Prune the neurons with lowest utility according to the metric in [`ActivationContribution`](@ref). # This is the default if no utility function is provided. pruned_least = deepcopy(original) Δnout!(pruned_least[2] => -nprune) # Prune the neurons with higest utility according to the metric in [`ActivationContribution`](@ref). # This is obviously not a good idea if you want to preserve the accuracy. pruned_most = deepcopy(original) Δnout!(pruned_most[2] => -nprune) do v vals = NaiveNASlib.defaultutility(v) return 2*sum(vals) .- vals # Ensure all values are still > 0, even for last vertex end # Prune randomly selected neurons by giving random utility. pruned_random = deepcopy(original) Δnout!(v -> rand(nout(v)), pruned_random[2] => -nprune) # Free lunch anyone? @test loss(pruned_most)(x, y) > loss(pruned_random)(x, y) > loss(pruned_least)(x, y) >= loss(original)(x, y) # The metric calculated by [`ActivationContribution`](@ref) is actually quite good in this case. @test loss(pruned_least)(x, y) ≈ loss(original)(x, y) atol = 1e-5 end #src
# x(t+1) = A*x(t) + B*u(t) struct Dynamics A B vx_range vy_range d end # ϕ₁*x + ϕ₂*y + ϕ₃*z ≥ -þ # ϕ₁*x + ϕ₂*y + ϕ₃*z ≥ -þ == -ϕ₁*x - ϕ₂*y - ϕ₃*z ≤ þ struct Ineq ϕ₁::Float64 ϕ₂::Float64 ϕ₃::Float64 þ::Float64 end struct Region name r::Vector{Ineq} θ::Float64 end mutable struct Funnel name params pos_prec neg_prec continuous_prec dynamics pos_eff neg_eff end_region is_continuous cont_ind function Funnel(name) new(name, [],[],[],[],[],[],[],Dict(),true, 1) end end mutable struct Graph num_levels::Int64 acts μacts props μprops leveled initprops goalprops indexes #[object_index, place_pose_index] safe_poses has_placement_constraint function Graph() new(0, Dict(1=>[]), Dict(1=>[]), Dict(1=>Dict()), Dict(1=>[]), false, Dict(), Dict(), [1,1],[],true) end end
@testset "SVector" begin @testset "Inner Constructors" begin @test SVector{1,Int}((1,)).data === (1,) @test SVector{1,Float64}((1,)).data === (1.0,) @test SVector{2,Float64}((1, 1.0)).data === (1.0, 1.0) @test_throws Exception SVector{1,Int}() @test_throws Exception SVector{2,Int}((1,)) @test_throws Exception SVector{1,Int}(()) @test_throws Exception SVector{Int,1}((1,)) end @testset "Outer constructors and macro" begin @test SVector{1}((1,)).data === (1,) @test SVector{1}((1.0,)).data === (1.0,) @test SVector((1,)).data === (1,) @test SVector((1.0,)).data === (1.0,) @test ((@SVector [1.0])::SVector{1}).data === (1.0,) @test ((@SVector [1, 2, 3])::SVector{3}).data === (1, 2, 3) @test ((@SVector Float64[1,2,3])::SVector{3}).data === (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) @test ((@SVector [i for i = 1:3])::SVector{3}).data === (1, 2, 3) @test ((@SVector Float64[i for i = 1:3])::SVector{3}).data === (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) @test ((@SVector zeros(2))::SVector{2, Float64}).data === (0.0, 0.0) @test ((@SVector ones(2))::SVector{2, Float64}).data === (1.0, 1.0) @test isa(@SVector(rand(2)), SVector{2, Float64}) @test isa(@SVector(randn(2)), SVector{2, Float64}) @test ((@SVector zeros(Float32, 2))::SVector{2,Float32}).data === (0.0f0, 0.0f0) @test ((@SVector ones(Float32, 2))::SVector{2,Float32}).data === (1.0f0, 1.0f0) @test isa(@SVector(rand(Float32, 2)), SVector{2, Float32}) @test isa(@SVector(randn(Float32, 2)), SVector{2, Float32}) end @testset "Methods" begin v = @SVector [11, 12, 13] @test isimmutable(v) == true @test v[1] === 11 @test v[2] === 12 @test v[3] === 13 @test Tuple(v) === (11, 12, 13) @test size(v) === (3,) @test size(typeof(v)) === (3,) @test size(SVector{3}) === (3,) @test size(v, 1) === 3 @test size(v, 2) === 1 @test size(typeof(v), 1) === 3 @test size(typeof(v), 2) === 1 @test length(v) === 3 @test_throws Exception v[1] = 1 end end
using DashBootstrapComponents form = dbc_row( [ dbc_col( [ dbc_label("Email", html_for = "example-email-grid"), dbc_input( type = "email", id = "example-email-grid", placeholder = "Enter email", ), ], width = 6, ), dbc_col( [ dbc_label("Password", html_for = "example-password-grid"), dbc_input( type = "password", id = "example-password-grid", placeholder = "Enter password", ), ], width = 6, ), ], className = "g-3", )
""" $(TYPEDEF) Hierachy of AbstractSoilVC: - [`BrooksCorey`](@ref) - [`VanGenuchten`](@ref) """ abstract type AbstractSoilVC{FT<:AbstractFloat} end ####################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # Changes to this structure # General # 2021-Sep-30: define this structure with no default constructor # 2021-Sep-30: define a constructor to fil the value from VanGenuchten parameters # ####################################################################################################################################################################################################### """ $(TYPEDEF) Brooks Corey soil parameters # Fields $(TYPEDFIELDS) # Examples ```julia bc = BrooksCorey{FT}("Test", FT(5), FT(2), FT(0.5), FT(0.1)); bc = BrooksCorey{FT}(VanGenuchten{FT}("Loam")); ``` """ struct BrooksCorey{FT<:AbstractFloat} <:AbstractSoilVC{FT} "Soil type" TYPE::String "Soil b" B::FT "Potential at saturation `[MPa]`" Ψ_SAT::FT "Saturated soil volumetric water content" Θ_SAT::FT "Residual soil volumetric water content" Θ_RES::FT end ####################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # Changes to this structure # General # 2021-Sep-30: define this structure with two default constructors from an incomplete parameter set # ####################################################################################################################################################################################################### """ $(TYPEDEF) van Genuchten soil parameters # Fields $(TYPEDFIELDS) # Examples ```julia vg = VanGenuchten{FT}("Loam"); vg = VanGenuchten{FT}("Silt"); vg = VanGenuchten{FT}("Test", FT(100), FT(2), FT(0.5), FT(0.1)); ``` """ struct VanGenuchten{FT<:AbstractFloat} <:AbstractSoilVC{FT} "Soil type" TYPE::String "Soil α is related to the inverse of the air entry suction, α > 0" Α::FT "Soil n is Measure of the pore-size distribution" N::FT "Soil m = 1 - 1/n" M::FT "Saturated soil volumetric water content" Θ_SAT::FT "Residual soil volumetric water content" Θ_RES::FT # constructors VanGenuchten{FT}(name::String, α::FT, n::FT, θ_sat::FT, θ_res::FT) where {FT<:AbstractFloat} = new{FT}(name, α, n, 1-1/n, θ_sat, θ_res) VanGenuchten{FT}(name::String) where {FT<:AbstractFloat} = ( # Parameters from Silt soil _p = [ 163.2656, 1.37, 0.46, 0.034]; # switch name if name=="Sand" _p = [1479.5945, 2.68, 0.43, 0.045]; elseif name=="Loamy Sand" _p = [1265.3084, 2.28, 0.41, 0.057]; elseif name=="Sandy Loam" _p = [ 765.3075, 1.89, 0.41, 0.065]; elseif name=="Loam" _p = [ 367.3476, 1.56, 0.43, 0.078]; elseif name=="Sandy Clay Loam" _p = [ 602.0419, 1.48, 0.39, 0.100]; elseif name=="Silt Loam" _p = [ 204.0820, 1.41, 0.45, 0.067]; elseif name=="Silt" _p = [ 163.2656, 1.37, 0.46, 0.034]; elseif name=="Clay Loam" _p = [ 193.8779, 1.31, 0.41, 0.095]; elseif name=="Silty Clay Loam" _p = [ 102.0410, 1.23, 0.43, 0.089]; elseif name== "Sandy Clay" _p = [ 275.5107, 1.23, 0.38, 0.100]; elseif name=="Silty Clay" _p = [ 51.0205, 1.09, 0.36, 0.070]; elseif name=="Clay" _p = [ 81.6328, 1.09, 0.38, 0.068]; else @warn "Soil type $(name) not recognized, use Silt instead."; name = "Silt"; end; # return a new struct return new{FT}(name, _p[1], _p[2], 1-1/_p[2], _p[3], _p[4]) ); end ####################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # Changes to this structure # General # 2021-Sep-30: define this structure with no constructors # 2021-Oct-19: add soil and air variables # 2021-Oct-19: sort variable to prognostic and dignostic catergories # ####################################################################################################################################################################################################### """ $(TYPEDEF) Struct that contains environmental conditions, such as soil moisture and atmospheric vapor pressure. Note that this structure is designed to be containers to interact with other CliMA modules and to prescribe values. # Fields $(TYPEDFIELDS) # Examples ```julia ; ``` """ mutable struct SoilAir{FT<:AbstractFloat} # parameters that do not change with time "Total area of the soil/air interface `[m²]`" AREA::FT "Soil color class used for soil albedo calculations" COLOR::Int "Number of air layers" N_AIR::Int "Number of soil layers" N_SOIL::Int "Soil moisture retention curve" VC::Union{Vector{BrooksCorey{FT}}, Vector{VanGenuchten{FT}}} "Z profile for air `[m]`" Z_AIR::Vector{FT} "Z profile for soil `[m]`" Z_SOIL::Vector{FT} "ΔZ profile for air `[m]`" ΔZ_AIR::Vector{FT} "ΔZ profile for soil `[m]`" ΔZ_SOIL::Vector{FT} # prognostic variables that change with time "CO₂ partial pressure at different air layers `[Pa]`" p_CO₂::Vector{FT} "H₂O partial pressure at different air layers `[Pa]`" p_H₂O::Vector{FT} "Temperature at different air layers `[K]`" t_air::Vector{FT} "Temperature at different soil layers `[K]`" t_soil::Vector{FT} "Wind speed (total) `[m s⁻¹]`" wind::Vector{FT} "Wind speed (vertical) `[m s⁻¹]`" wind_z::Vector{FT} "Soil water content at different soil layers `[m³ m⁻³]`" θ::Vector{FT} # dignostic variables that change with time "Saturated vapor pressure at different air layers `[Pa]`" p_H₂O_sat::Vector{FT} "Vapor pressure deficit at different air layers `[Pa]`" vpd::Vector{FT} "Soil water potential at different soil layers `[MPa]`" ψ::Vector{FT} # caches to speed up calculations # constructors SoilAir{FT}(z_soil::Vector{FT}, z_air::Vector{FT}, area::FT=FT(1)) where {FT<:AbstractFloat} = ( _n_air = length(z_air) - 1; _n_soil = length(z_soil) - 1; _p_sats = saturation_vapor_pressure(T_25()) * ones(_n_air); _vcs = [VanGenuchten{FT}("Silt") for _i in 1:_n_soil]; return new{FT}(area, 1, _n_air, _n_soil, _vcs, z_air, z_soil, diff(z_air), diff(z_soil), 41 * ones(_n_air), 0.5 * _p_sats, T_25() * ones(_n_air), T_25() * ones(_n_soil), 2 * ones(_n_air), 1 * ones(_n_air), [_vc.Θ_SAT for _vc in _vcs], _p_sats, 0.5 * _p_sats, zeros(_n_soil)) ); end
### A Pluto.jl notebook ### # v0.15.1 using Markdown using InteractiveUtils # ╔═╡ 78090450-7373-4824-bfe9-1283e971dda0 begin using InteractiveUtils using Pkg with_terminal() do versioninfo() Pkg.status() end end # ╔═╡ 5d7dc2d4-1008-11ec-2ea6-ffc13cf6dbf7 begin using CategoricalArrays using CSV using DataFrames using CairoMakie CairoMakie.activate!(type="svg") using AlgebraOfGraphics using MixedModels using MixedModelsExtras using MixedModelsMakie using Effects using PlutoUI using Random TableOfContents() end # ╔═╡ 16199f57-4b1a-4f75-a247-a3d153d01e5c md""" # Analysis of data contributed by Sinika Timme -- *Phillip Alday* """ # ╔═╡ df9273de-28e0-42ca-8e7d-8d2fe1b9be2d md""" ## Data loading Including a bunch of keyword-arguments for CSV. """ # ╔═╡ 99546f56-7c64-4cf5-98ce-0ed48896b82c begin dat = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/hexaff_all.csv"; comment="#", delim=';', missingstring=["NA",""], downcast=true, drop=[1,2], ntasks=1, # this is due to a bug in CSV.jl-0.9 -- I'll try to get it fixed later decimal=',' )) dropmissing!(dat, [:FS, :timepoint, :date]) end # ╔═╡ 11cb62b7-6736-47de-8c91-67b858747004 # select(dat, Not([:FS, :HR])) # ╔═╡ 5aa0776d-3b03-4910-a2b7-e51c7404e1ee describe(dat) # ╔═╡ d8d7d67a-d2aa-4fb7-8cea-f69c60de2326 md""" ## `fm1`: `timepoint` is numeric, `ID` as grouping """ # ╔═╡ c4a027a1-902f-48bc-8009-71653f766e8d # fm1 = fit(MixedModel, # @formula(FS ~ 1 + timepoint + (1 + timepoint|ID)), # dat; # contrasts=Dict(:ID => Grouping())) # ╔═╡ 88c9b542-448e-4a91-a985-24e4e8b863f5 # fm1.rePCA # ╔═╡ 09a4adef-0d8b-4242-885b-e8dfb6d5b756 # shrinkageplot(fm1) # ╔═╡ fab68835-d889-4bde-ad2a-80e5dc6b1983 # caterpillar(fm1) # ╔═╡ 092c77a2-37aa-4c78-906a-322b61308b34 # VarCorr(fm1) # ╔═╡ 9fd0c2d7-109d-4fe3-a0c6-a75839799cb7 md""" ## `fm2`: `timepoint` is numeric, `date` is categorical `ID` as grouping """ # ╔═╡ fd153bbb-5273-4b36-a111-2d34137b10bd # fm2 = fit(MixedModel, # @formula(FS ~ 1 + timepoint * date + (1 + timepoint + date|ID)), # dat; # contrasts=Dict(:ID => Grouping(), # :date => HelmertCoding())) # ╔═╡ 06703b73-e491-4112-a59d-28d2e477d0a6 # fm2.rePCA # ╔═╡ 22e90698-2dd6-4cf3-a694-a0fabd2a0302 md""" !!! warning Some planels in the shrinkage plot actually show "anti-shrinkage". In my experience, this is often symptomatic of a misspecified model. """ # ╔═╡ 60fed847-bd2c-4896-a43a-d5cca63786d3 # shrinkageplot(fm2) # ╔═╡ d98f7985-2c65-46e4-a356-d9cb57c2b829 # qqcaterpillar(fm2) # ╔═╡ 34151154-5ecb-4651-b519-0cb006de1d15 # VarCorr(fm2) # ╔═╡ ea9a452a-086d-437d-9ada-47f7cbd5398c md""" ## `fm3`: `timepoint` is numeric, `ID&date` as grouping """ # ╔═╡ d6887601-3f49-48b1-b527-59849fc59908 fm3 = fit(MixedModel, @formula(FS ~ 1 + timepoint + (1 + timepoint|ID & date)), dat; contrasts=Dict(:ID => Grouping(), :date => Grouping())) # ╔═╡ 79152bfc-b75b-4aaf-bbf6-2fe14a24d315 fm3.rePCA # ╔═╡ 5299c521-e359-4e5d-ace3-73766a323b1d # shrinkageplot(fm3) # ╔═╡ 2891251e-e32f-4654-9243-296f6206429c # qqcaterpillar(fm3) # ╔═╡ f77aa540-579e-4367-a1ab-b863a8d015d9 # VarCorr(fm3) # ╔═╡ 0d204adc-5a4c-4276-ba83-690178bc570c md""" ## `fm4`: `timepoint` is categorical, `ID&date` as grouping !!! warning This model is probably overfit. """ # ╔═╡ 14b559e6-4e2a-43e3-ad92-4d90342c8835 # fm4 = fit(MixedModel, # @formula(FS ~ 1 + timepoint + zerocorr(1 + timepoint|ID & date)), # dat; # contrasts=Dict(:ID => Grouping(), # :date => Grouping(), # :timepoint => SeqDiffCoding())) # ╔═╡ 02de86be-40ea-4b62-8e54-c7529e57fa31 # MixedModels.likelihoodratiotest(fm3, fm4) # ╔═╡ 54e69118-d930-49ba-9bd7-afbf614dda75 # begin # with_terminal() do # show(fm4) # end # end # ╔═╡ 18a6b29b-94b4-46e6-8242-45dbea143700 # aicc.([fm3, fm4]) # ╔═╡ d223139b-f209-4495-ad6a-69e91f524690 # fm4.rePCA # ╔═╡ 2c2c3b51-426d-41ec-acad-7e6c1e6fae48 md""" ## Model Diagnostics (of `fm3`) """ # ╔═╡ 3198e0c5-588e-4bcd-bb62-ecba0ca129a2 fm3.optsum # ╔═╡ 4d14f8a6-17b1-406d-8f4c-1199ee0f9966 # begin # fm5 = LinearMixedModel(@formula(FS ~ 1 + timepoint + (1 + timepoint|ID & date)), dat; # contrasts=Dict(:ID => Grouping(), # :date => Grouping())) # fm5.optsum.optimizer = :LN_COBYLA # fit!(fm5) # fm5.optsum # end # ╔═╡ f2a1b2d0-7bae-4ab6-a287-e42d02e01383 # scatter(fitted(fm3), response(fm3)) # ╔═╡ b16e6a8d-db29-4cc6-911b-3ebb3c8f71c0 # scatter(residuals(fm3), fitted(fm3)) # ╔═╡ ee60825b-808f-49da-9dd8-824aa85d2c76 # qqnorm(fm3) # ╔═╡ 9f4c72f1-aa01-4666-b07b-e2fb1f0cacb3 md""" ## Things I don't really recommend but reviewers ask for """ # ╔═╡ fce2e257-897f-487b-b0e3-fb5942820ed2 # icc(fm3) # ╔═╡ e4d72691-6d31-47e5-b1e0-630571988330 md""" ## Estimates and Effects (of `fm3`) """ # ╔═╡ e062623c-9dee-49f3-8f8a-362d0073eb60 # coefplot(fm3) # ╔═╡ 9533ef07-6e79-4f17-8626-cc85413957b9 # boot = parametricbootstrap(MersenneTwister(42), 1000, fm3) # ╔═╡ cb5aafb6-a724-428f-aa15-22ed30b42b08 # coefplot(boot) # ╔═╡ 12ce0e46-fb15-4396-84d7-212c5d850423 # ridgeplot(boot) # ╔═╡ 8f073561-8b51-4a6d-b08d-225821bf7d56 # design = Dict(:timepoint => unique(skipmissing(dat.timepoint))) # ╔═╡ 23d494fd-52cb-4679-a186-c6d795299a97 # eff = effects(design, fm3) # ╔═╡ fd193833-b163-4182-a85b-84085c747f71 # begin # # convert to 95% CIs instead of standard errors # @. eff.lower = eff.FS - 1.96 * eff.err # @. eff.upper = eff.FS + 1.96 * eff.err # end # ╔═╡ 1a36289a-4b08-4aed-adbb-de4dea5e504f # begin # plt = data(eff) * mapping(:timepoint, :FS; lower=:lower, upper=:upper) * # (visual(Lines) + visual(LinesFill; color=:black)) # draw(plt) # end # ╔═╡ cf4d7b94-abf0-4338-b72a-f60aaefe9a90 # begin # data(dat) * mapping(:timepoint, :FS; layout=:ID) * visual(Scatter) |> draw # end # ╔═╡ 0aef95c5-0e48-4ff7-b8a3-58d4e8c94c0b # begin # dat2 = transform(dat, :ID => categorical; renamecols=false) # dat2.fitted = fitted(fm3) # # important for connecting the dots in plotting later # sort!(dat2, [:date, :ID, :timepoint]) # describe(dat2) # end # ╔═╡ 6acc4e05-d650-40ca-abf9-9cccd401ed45 # begin # plt2 = plt + data(dat2) * mapping(:timepoint, :FS; layout=:ID) * visual(Scatter; color=:black) # # note that it's "axis" and "figure" -- each panel/facet is an axis # # so each of those is width x height which means the entire figure is much bigger # # but pluto has scaled it for display purposes here # draw(plt2; axis=(width=150, height=150)) # end # ╔═╡ 32d56757-1e1b-43dd-a9aa-83b5177172e9 # begin # plt3 = plt2 + data(dat2) * mapping(:timepoint, :fitted; layout=:ID, color=:date) * visual(Lines) # draw(plt3; axis=(width=150, height=150)) # end # ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 PLUTO_PROJECT_TOML_CONTENTS = """ [deps] AlgebraOfGraphics = "cbdf2221-f076-402e-a563-3d30da359d67" CSV = "336ed68f-0bac-5ca0-87d4-7b16caf5d00b" CairoMakie = "13f3f980-e62b-5c42-98c6-ff1f3baf88f0" CategoricalArrays = "324d7699-5711-5eae-9e2f-1d82baa6b597" DataFrames = "a93c6f00-e57d-5684-b7b6-d8193f3e46c0" Effects = "8f03c58b-bd97-4933-a826-f71b64d2cca2" InteractiveUtils = "b77e0a4c-d291-57a0-90e8-8db25a27a240" MixedModels = "ff71e718-51f3-5ec2-a782-8ffcbfa3c316" MixedModelsExtras = "781a26e1-49f4-409a-8f4c-c3159d78c17e" MixedModelsMakie = "b12ae82c-6730-437f-aff9-d2c38332a376" Pkg = "44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f" PlutoUI = "7f904dfe-b85e-4ff6-b463-dae2292396a8" Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c" [compat] AlgebraOfGraphics = "~0.5.3" CSV = "~0.9.0" CairoMakie = "~0.6.5" CategoricalArrays = "~0.10.0" DataFrames = "~1.2.2" Effects = "~0.1.2" MixedModels = "~4.1.1" MixedModelsExtras = "~0.1.2" MixedModelsMakie = "~0.3.8" PlutoUI = "~0.7.9" """ # ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 PLUTO_MANIFEST_TOML_CONTENTS = """ # This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised [[AbstractFFTs]] deps = ["LinearAlgebra"] git-tree-sha1 = "485ee0867925449198280d4af84bdb46a2a404d0" uuid = "621f4979-c628-5d54-868e-fcf4e3e8185c" version = "1.0.1" [[AbstractTrees]] git-tree-sha1 = "03e0550477d86222521d254b741d470ba17ea0b5" uuid = "1520ce14-60c1-5f80-bbc7-55ef81b5835c" version = "0.3.4" [[Adapt]] deps = ["LinearAlgebra"] git-tree-sha1 = "84918055d15b3114ede17ac6a7182f68870c16f7" uuid = "79e6a3ab-5dfb-504d-930d-738a2a938a0e" version = "3.3.1" [[AlgebraOfGraphics]] deps = ["Colors", "Dates", "FileIO", "GLM", "GeoInterface", 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"2.0.2+0" [[libpng_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg", "Zlib_jll"] git-tree-sha1 = "94d180a6d2b5e55e447e2d27a29ed04fe79eb30c" uuid = "b53b4c65-9356-5827-b1ea-8c7a1a84506f" version = "1.6.38+0" [[libvorbis_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Ogg_jll", "Pkg"] git-tree-sha1 = "c45f4e40e7aafe9d086379e5578947ec8b95a8fb" uuid = "f27f6e37-5d2b-51aa-960f-b287f2bc3b7a" version = "1.3.7+0" [[nghttp2_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl"] uuid = "8e850ede-7688-5339-a07c-302acd2aaf8d" [[p7zip_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl"] uuid = "3f19e933-33d8-53b3-aaab-bd5110c3b7a0" [[x264_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg"] git-tree-sha1 = "4fea590b89e6ec504593146bf8b988b2c00922b2" uuid = "1270edf5-f2f9-52d2-97e9-ab00b5d0237a" version = "2021.5.5+0" [[x265_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg"] git-tree-sha1 = "ee567a171cce03570d77ad3a43e90218e38937a9" uuid = "dfaa095f-4041-5dcd-9319-2fabd8486b76" version = "3.5.0+0" """ # ╔═╡ Cell order: # ╟─16199f57-4b1a-4f75-a247-a3d153d01e5c # ╠═5d7dc2d4-1008-11ec-2ea6-ffc13cf6dbf7 # ╟─df9273de-28e0-42ca-8e7d-8d2fe1b9be2d # ╠═99546f56-7c64-4cf5-98ce-0ed48896b82c # ╠═11cb62b7-6736-47de-8c91-67b858747004 # ╠═5aa0776d-3b03-4910-a2b7-e51c7404e1ee # ╟─d8d7d67a-d2aa-4fb7-8cea-f69c60de2326 # ╠═c4a027a1-902f-48bc-8009-71653f766e8d # ╠═88c9b542-448e-4a91-a985-24e4e8b863f5 # ╠═09a4adef-0d8b-4242-885b-e8dfb6d5b756 # ╠═fab68835-d889-4bde-ad2a-80e5dc6b1983 # ╠═092c77a2-37aa-4c78-906a-322b61308b34 # ╟─9fd0c2d7-109d-4fe3-a0c6-a75839799cb7 # ╠═fd153bbb-5273-4b36-a111-2d34137b10bd # ╠═06703b73-e491-4112-a59d-28d2e477d0a6 # ╟─22e90698-2dd6-4cf3-a694-a0fabd2a0302 # ╠═60fed847-bd2c-4896-a43a-d5cca63786d3 # ╠═d98f7985-2c65-46e4-a356-d9cb57c2b829 # ╠═34151154-5ecb-4651-b519-0cb006de1d15 # ╟─ea9a452a-086d-437d-9ada-47f7cbd5398c # ╠═d6887601-3f49-48b1-b527-59849fc59908 # ╠═79152bfc-b75b-4aaf-bbf6-2fe14a24d315 # ╠═5299c521-e359-4e5d-ace3-73766a323b1d # ╠═2891251e-e32f-4654-9243-296f6206429c # ╠═f77aa540-579e-4367-a1ab-b863a8d015d9 # ╟─0d204adc-5a4c-4276-ba83-690178bc570c # ╠═14b559e6-4e2a-43e3-ad92-4d90342c8835 # ╠═02de86be-40ea-4b62-8e54-c7529e57fa31 # ╠═54e69118-d930-49ba-9bd7-afbf614dda75 # ╠═18a6b29b-94b4-46e6-8242-45dbea143700 # ╠═d223139b-f209-4495-ad6a-69e91f524690 # ╟─2c2c3b51-426d-41ec-acad-7e6c1e6fae48 # ╠═3198e0c5-588e-4bcd-bb62-ecba0ca129a2 # ╠═4d14f8a6-17b1-406d-8f4c-1199ee0f9966 # ╠═f2a1b2d0-7bae-4ab6-a287-e42d02e01383 # ╠═b16e6a8d-db29-4cc6-911b-3ebb3c8f71c0 # ╠═ee60825b-808f-49da-9dd8-824aa85d2c76 # ╟─9f4c72f1-aa01-4666-b07b-e2fb1f0cacb3 # ╠═fce2e257-897f-487b-b0e3-fb5942820ed2 # ╟─e4d72691-6d31-47e5-b1e0-630571988330 # ╠═e062623c-9dee-49f3-8f8a-362d0073eb60 # ╠═9533ef07-6e79-4f17-8626-cc85413957b9 # ╠═cb5aafb6-a724-428f-aa15-22ed30b42b08 # ╠═12ce0e46-fb15-4396-84d7-212c5d850423 # ╠═8f073561-8b51-4a6d-b08d-225821bf7d56 # ╠═23d494fd-52cb-4679-a186-c6d795299a97 # ╠═fd193833-b163-4182-a85b-84085c747f71 # ╠═1a36289a-4b08-4aed-adbb-de4dea5e504f # ╠═cf4d7b94-abf0-4338-b72a-f60aaefe9a90 # ╠═0aef95c5-0e48-4ff7-b8a3-58d4e8c94c0b # ╠═6acc4e05-d650-40ca-abf9-9cccd401ed45 # ╠═32d56757-1e1b-43dd-a9aa-83b5177172e9 # ╠═78090450-7373-4824-bfe9-1283e971dda0 # ╟─00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 # ╟─00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002
""" F = JopNormalize(spc, c) where `F` is the 'normalize by maximuam value of integral' operator F(t) = x(t) / int_0^T [ x(t) dt ] Note the integration is along the 1st (fastest) dimension. """ function JopNormalize(spc::JetSpace{T}; α=1.0) where {T} tmp1 = zeros(spc) tmp2 = zeros(spc) A = JopLeakyIntegration(spc, α=α) JopNl(dom = spc, rng = spc, f! = JopNormalize_f!, df! = JopNormalize_df!, df′! = JopNormalize_df′!, s = (tmp1=tmp1, tmp2=tmp2, A=A)) end export JopNormalize function JopNormalize_f!(d::AbstractArray, m::AbstractArray; tmp1, tmp2, A) d .= m ./ sum(m, dims=1) end # For normalized integral method: # f = I[m] / I_t[m] # df = [ I[m]' I_t[m] - I[m] I_t[m]' ] / I_t[m]^2 # df = (I_t[m] I[dm] - I_t[dm] I[m]) / (I_t[m])^2 # dfᵀ = (I_t[m] Iᵀ[δd] - I_tᵀ[mᵀ Iᵀ δd]) / (I_t[m])^2 # # For normalization only: # f = m / I_t[m] # df = [ m' I_t[m] - m I_t[m]' ] / I_t[m]^2 # df = ( I_t[m] dm - I_t[dm] m) / (I_t[m])^2 # dfᵀ = (I_t[m] δd - I_tᵀ[mᵀ δd]) / (I_t[m])^2 function JopNormalize_df!(δd::AbstractArray{T}, δm::AbstractArray{T}; mₒ, tmp1, tmp2, A) where {T} δd .= (sum(mₒ,dims=1) .* δm .- sum(δm,dims=1) .* mₒ) ./ sum(mₒ,dims=1).^2 end function JopNormalize_df′!(δm::AbstractArray{T}, δd::AbstractArray{T}; mₒ, tmp1, tmp2, A) where {T} δm .= conj.((sum(mₒ,dims=1) .* conj.(δd) .- sum(mₒ .* conj.(δd),dims=1)) ./ sum(mₒ,dims=1).^2) end
module GLMPriors using SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra export ridge_prior, smoothing_prior, null_prior, get_prior!, get_lambda, nlambda export allocate_prior, AbstractPrior const SPMat = SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int} # ============================================================================ # abstract type AbstractPrior{N,T} end struct GLMPrior{N,T} <: AbstractPrior{N,T} d::SPMat filter_len::NTuple{N,Int} lambda::NTuple{T,Vector{Float64}} lambda_len::NTuple{T,Int} end function GLMPrior{N,T}(d::SPMat, x::NTuple{N,<:Integer}, lm::NTuple{T,AbstractVector{<:Real}}) where {N,T} if ((T < N) && T != 1) error("Invalid number of lambda parameters") elseif T >= N T2 = N else T2 = T end return GLMPrior{N,T2}(d, x, lm[1:T2], map(length, lm[1:T2])) end # ============================================================================ # struct NullPrior{N} <: AbstractPrior{N, 0} filter_len::NTuple{N,Int} end # ============================================================================ # struct LassoPrior{N,T} <: AbstractPrior{N,T} filter_len::NTuple{N,Int} lambda::NTuple{T,Vector{Float64}} lambda_len::NTuple{T,Int} end struct Lasso{T<:Real} x::Vector{T} end Base.:*(v::AbstractArray{<:Number}, l::Lasso) = sign.(v) .* reshape(l.x, size(v)) Base.:*(l::Lasso, v::AbstractArray{<:Number}) = sign.(v) .* reshape(l.x, size(v)) # ============================================================================ # @inline nlambda(gp::GLMPrior{N,T}) where {N,T} = T @inline nlambda(gp::NullPrior) = 0 @inline nlambda(gp::LassoPrior{N,T}) where {N,T} = T # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @inline Base.length(gp::AbstractPrior) = prod(gp.lambda_len) @inline Base.length(gp::NullPrior) = 1 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function get_prior!(x::SPMat, gp::NullPrior, k::Integer) knz = findall(!iszero, x) x[knz] .= 0.0 return x end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function get_prior!(x::SPMat, gp::GLMPrior{N,T}, k::Integer) where {N,T} kstart = 0 kend = 1 kp = CartesianIndices(gp.lambda_len)[k] inc = 1 for kl in (T < N ? fill(1, N) : 1:N) kstart = kend + 1 kend = kstart + gp.filter_len[inc] - 1 slice = kstart:kend x[:, slice] .= gp.d[:, slice] .* gp.lambda[kl][kp[kl]] inc += 1 end return x end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function get_prior!(l::Lasso, gp::LassoPrior{N,T}, k::Integer) where {N,T} kstart = 0 kend = 1 kp = CartesianIndices(gp.lambda_len)[k] inc = 1 for kl in (T < N ? fill(1, N) : 1:N) kstart = kend + 1 kend = kstart + gp.filter_len[inc] - 1 slice = kstart:kend l.x[slice] .= gp.lambda[kl][kp[kl]] inc += 1 end return l end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function allocate_prior(gp::AbstractPrior) n = sum(gp.filter_len)+1 return spzeros(n, n) end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function allocate_prior(gp::LassoPrior) n = sum(gp.filter_len)+1 return Lasso(zeros(n)) end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function get_lambda(gp::AbstractPrior, k::Integer) kp = CartesianIndices(gp.lambda_len)[k] out = Vector{Float64}(undef, length(gp.lambda)) for k in eachindex(out) out[k] = gp.lambda[k][kp[k]] end return out end get_lambda(gp::NullPrior, k::Integer) = [0.0] # ============================================================================ # @inline null_prior(x::NTuple{N,<:Integer}) where N = NullPrior(x) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function ridge_prior(x::NTuple{N,<:Integer}, lm::NTuple{T,AbstractVector{<:Real}}) where {N,T} n = sum(x) return GLMPrior{N,T}(blockdiag(spzeros(1,1), sparse(I, n, n)), x, lm) end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function smoothing_prior(x::NTuple{N,<:Integer}, lm::NTuple{T,AbstractVector{<:Real}}) where {N,T} tmp = Vector{SparseMatrixCSC}(undef, length(x)) for k in eachindex(x) d = spdiagm(0 => fill(-1.0, x[k]), 1 => fill(1.0, x[k]-1)) tmp[k] = d'*d tmp[k][end,end] = 1.0 end bd = blockdiag(spzeros(1,1), tmp...) return GLMPrior{N,T}(blockdiag(spzeros(1,1), tmp...), x, lm) end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function lasso_prior(x::NTuple{N,<:Integer}, lm::NTuple{T,AbstractVector{<:Real}}) where {N,T} return LassoPrior(x, map(collect, lm), map(length, lm)) end # ============================================================================ # end
""" Pkg NSG --- # Objectives This package is to organize genotypes of NSG sheep on various platforms. The functions include: 1. Management of raw genotypes 2. Data QC to filter out low quality ID and/or loci 3. Imputation of sparser platforms to denser ones. 4. Calculation of a **G** matrix with imputed genotypes This package was written only for Linux OS """ module NSG work_dir = pwd() # all data and results are relative to work_dir bin_dir, cpp_dir = begin t = splitdir(pathof(NSG))[1] l = findlast('/', t) - 1 joinpath(t[1:l], "bin"), joinpath(t[1:l], "src") end beagle = joinpath(bin_dir, "beagle.jar") plink = joinpath(bin_dir, "plink") global nsNe = 100 set_ne(ne) = (global nsNe=ne) global _nthreads = 8 set_nthreads(n) = (global _nthreads=n) include("styled-messages.jl") include("update.jl") include("raw.jl") include("misc.jl") include("QC.jl") include("imputation.jl") include("gmatrix.jl") include("genotypes.jl") include("comp-refs.jl") NSG.title("Updating binaries") NSG.Update() end # module
module FinancialModels using Random, Distributions, ProgressMeter, Printf include("common.jl") include("JacobLeal/JacobLeal.jl") include("api.jl") export SimulationResults, Options, JacobLealParameters, Simulate, prices, trace end
using ZMQ using ProtoBuf include("./proto/matrix_io.jl") """ Base type for Matrix Core drivers # Fields - baseport : base port for the driver - host : host - configsocket : ZMQ socket to send config data - errsocket : ZMQ socket for receiving errors - datasocket : ZMQ socket for receiving data - keepalivesocket : ZMQ socket for sending keep alive pings - datachannel : channel for receiving data as protobuf messages - errchannel : channel for receiving error messages """ abstract type Driver end """ Print the content of a message """ function printmessage(m) j = typeof(m) if typeof(m) == matrix_io.malos.v1.sense.Humidity println("Humidity $(m.humidity)% $(m.temperature)°C $(m.temperature_is_calibrated) $(m.temperature_raw)") elseif typeof(m) == matrix_io.malos.v1.sense.Pressure println("Pressure $(m.pressure) Pa $(m.altitude) m $(m.temperature) °C") elseif typeof(m) == matrix_io.malos.v1.sense.UV println("UV $(m.uv_index), $(m.oms_risk)") elseif typeof(m) == matrix_io.malos.v1.sense.Imu println("Imu $(m.yaw) ° $(m.pitch) ° $(m.roll) ° $(m.accel_x) m/s^2 $(m.accel_y) m/s^2 $(m.accel_z) m/s^2") elseif typeof(m) == matrix_io.malos.v1.io.EverloopImage println("Everloop $(m.everloop_length)") elseif typeof(m) == matrix_io.malos.v1.io.GpioParams println("GPIO $(m.values)") end end """ close(::<Driver) Close all the sockets and channels of the driver """ function Base.close(d::T) where {T<:Driver} close(d.errsocket) close(d.datasocket) close(d.keepalivesocket) close(d.configsocket) close(d.datachannel) close(d.errchannel) end """ connecterror(::<Driver) Connect to the error port for the driver and start a task to put the received messages in the error channel of the driver. Used in the [`start`](@ref) function. # Returns The started task """ function connecterror(d::T) where {T<:Driver} port = d.baseport+2 connect(d.errsocket,"tcp://$(d.host):$port") subscribe(d.errsocket,"") @async while isopen(d.errsocket) try m = recv(d.errsocket, String) put!(d.errchannel, m) catch e if typeof(e)!=ZMQ.StateError && typeof(e)!=EODError println("caught exception $e") end end end end # function """ connectdata(::<Driver) Open the data socket and start a task to receive data messages and put them in the data channel. Used in the [`start`](@ref) function # Returns The started task """ function connectdata(d::T) where {T<:Driver} port = d.baseport+3 connect(d.datasocket,"tcp://$(d.host):$port") subscribe(d.datasocket,"") @async while isopen(d.datasocket) try m = recv(d.datasocket, String) put!(d.datachannel, decodedata(d,m)) catch e if typeof(e)!=ZMQ.StateError && typeof(e)!=EODError println("caught exception $e") end end end end # function """ connectkeepalive(::<Driver) Open the keep alive socket and start a task to send empty messages to the driver. Used in the [`start`](@ref) function # Arguments - d : driver # Returns The started task # Named arguments - time : time interval in seconds between messages """ function connectkeepalive(d::T; time::Number = 2) where {T<:Driver} port = d.baseport+1 connect(d.keepalivesocket,"tcp://$(d.host):$port") @async while isopen(d.keepalivesocket) send(d.keepalivesocket,"") sleep(time) end end # function """ start(<:Driver, datafunc::Function, errfunc::Function, katime::Number) Start tasks to receive and process messages from the driver # Arguments - `driver` : The driver to use - `datafunc` : The function to process the incoming data messages. Must take a ProtoBuf message as unique parameter. Default behavior is to print the received message - `errfunc` : The function to process the incoming error messages. Must take a unique parameter. Default behavior is to print the error message - `katime` : Time interval in seconds for the keep alive messages # Returns tuple of started tasks (t1, t2, t3, t4, t5), with - t1 : data reception task - t2 : error reception task - t3 : keep alive send task - t4 : data processing task - t5 : error processing task # Example ```julia h = HumidityDriver("") configure(h; delay=2) (t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) = start(h) ``` ```julia h = EverloopDriver("") for i=1:200 n::UInt32=256 red=rand(UInt32,35).%n green=rand(UInt32,35).%n blue=rand(UInt32,35).%n configure(h,red,green,blue) sleep(0.1) end red=zeros(UInt32,35) configure(h,red,red,red) closedriver(h) ``` """ function start(driver::T, datafunc::Function=printmessage, errfunc::Function=println, katime::Number=2) where {T<:Driver} t1=connectdata(driver) t2=connecterror(driver) t3=connectkeepalive(driver; time=katime) t4=Task( () -> begin while true m = take!(driver.datachannel) datafunc(m) end end ) schedule(t4) t5=Task( () -> begin while true m = take!(driver.errchannel) errfunc(m) end end ) schedule(t5) (t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) end """ configure(<:Driver) Send configuration data to the driver. Each driver has its own method using a specific set of arguments. # Methods ```julia configure(d::HumidityDriver; delay=2, timeout= 6, temp=21) configure(d::IMUDriver; delay=2, timeout=6) configure(d::UVDriver; delay=2, timeout=6) configure(d::PressureDriver; delay=2, timeout=6) configure(d::EverloopDriver,red::Array{UInt32},green::Array{UInt32},blue::Array{UInt32};nbleds=35) configure(d::GPIODriver; delay=2, timeout=6, pin=1, isinput=false, value=0) ``` # Arguments - `d` : driver # Named arguments - `delay` : period in seconds for data refresh - `timeout` : delay in seconds to stop sending data messages after last keep alive message - `temp` : calibration temperature for the humidity sensor - `red`,`green`,`blue` : color arrays for the everloop driver - `nbleds` : number of leds for the everloop driver """ function configure(::T) where {T<:Driver} error("abstract method") end function decodedata(::T, ::AbstractString) where {T<:Driver} error("abstract method") end """ HumidityDriver <: Driver Driver for the humidity sensor """ struct HumidityDriver <: Driver baseport host::String configsocket::Socket errsocket::Socket keepalivesocket::Socket datasocket::Socket datachannel::Channel{ProtoType} errchannel::Channel function HumidityDriver(h) d=new(20017, h, Socket(PUSH), Socket(SUB), Socket(PUSH), Socket(SUB), Channel{ProtoType}(typemax(Int)), Channel(Inf)) connect(d.configsocket, "tcp://$(d.host):$(d.baseport)") d end end function configure(d::HumidityDriver; delay=2, timeout= 6, temp=21) config = matrix_io.malos.v1.driver.DriverConfig( delay_between_updates=delay, timeout_after_last_ping=timeout, humidity=matrix_io.malos.v1.sense.HumidityParams(current_temperature=temp) ) io = IOBuffer() writeproto(io, config) msg = String(take!(io)) send(d.configsocket,msg) end function decodedata(d::HumidityDriver, buffer::AbstractString) io = IOBuffer(buffer) readproto(io, matrix_io.malos.v1.sense.Humidity()) end """ IMUDriver <: Driver Driver for the IMU sensor """ struct IMUDriver <: Driver baseport host::String configsocket::Socket errsocket::Socket keepalivesocket::Socket datasocket::Socket datachannel::Channel{ProtoType} errchannel::Channel function IMUDriver(h) d=new(20013, h, Socket(PUSH), Socket(SUB), Socket(PUSH), Socket(SUB), Channel{ProtoType}(typemax(Int)), Channel(Inf)) connect(d.configsocket, "tcp://$(d.host):$(d.baseport)") d end end function configure(d::IMUDriver; delay=2, timeout=6) config = matrix_io.malos.v1.driver.DriverConfig( delay_between_updates=delay, timeout_after_last_ping=timeout ) io = IOBuffer() writeproto(io, config) m = String(take!(io)) send(d.configsocket,msg) end function decodedata(d::IMUDriver, buffer::AbstractString) io = IOBuffer(buffer) readproto(io, matrix_io.malos.v1.sense.Imu()) end """ UVDriver <: Driver Driver for the UV sensor """ struct UVDriver <: Driver baseport host::String configsocket::Socket errsocket::Socket keepalivesocket::Socket datasocket::Socket datachannel::Channel{ProtoType} errchannel::Channel function UVDriver(h) d=new(20029, h, Socket(PUSH), Socket(SUB), Socket(PUSH), Socket(SUB), Channel{ProtoType}(typemax(Int)), Channel(Inf)) connect(d.configsocket, "tcp://$(d.host):$(d.baseport)") d end end function configure(d::UVDriver; delay=2, timeout=6) config = matrix_io.malos.v1.driver.DriverConfig( delay_between_updates=delay, timeout_after_last_ping=timeout ) io = IOBuffer() writeproto(io, config) msg = String(take!(io)) send(d.configsocket,msg) end function decodedata(d::UVDriver, buffer::AbstractString) io = IOBuffer(buffer) readproto(io, matrix_io.malos.v1.sense.UV()) end """ PressureDriver <: Driver Driver for the Pressure sensor """ struct PressureDriver <: Driver baseport host::String configsocket::Socket errsocket::Socket keepalivesocket::Socket datasocket::Socket datachannel::Channel{ProtoType} errchannel::Channel function PressureDriver(h) d=new(20025, h, Socket(PUSH), Socket(SUB), Socket(PUSH), Socket(SUB), Channel{ProtoType}(typemax(Int)), Channel(Inf)) connect(d.configsocket, "tcp://$(d.host):$(d.baseport)") d end end function configure(d::PressureDriver; delay=2, timeout=6) config = matrix_io.malos.v1.driver.DriverConfig( delay_between_updates=delay, timeout_after_last_ping=timeout ) io = IOBuffer() writeproto(io, config) msg = String(take!(io)) send(d.configsocket,msg) end function decodedata(d::PressureDriver, buffer::String) io = IOBuffer(buffer) readproto(io, matrix_io.malos.v1.sense.Pressure()) end """ EverloopDriver <: Driver Driver for the Everloop """ struct EverloopDriver <: Driver baseport host::String configsocket::Socket errsocket::Socket keepalivesocket::Socket datasocket::Socket datachannel::Channel{ProtoType} errchannel::Channel function EverloopDriver(h) d=new(20021, h, Socket(PUSH), Socket(SUB), Socket(PUSH), Socket(SUB), Channel{ProtoType}(typemax(Int)), Channel(Inf)) connect(d.configsocket, "tcp://$(d.host):$(d.baseport)") d end end function configure(d::EverloopDriver,r::Array{UInt32},g::Array{UInt32},b::Array{UInt32};nbleds=35) config = matrix_io.malos.v1.driver.DriverConfig( image=matrix_io.malos.v1.io.EverloopImage() ) nb=min(size(r,1),size(g,1),size(b,1),nbleds) config.image.led=Vector{matrix_io.malos.v1.io.LedValue}(undef,nbleds) z::UInt32=0 for i=1:nb config.image.led[i]=matrix_io.malos.v1.io.LedValue(red=r[i],green=g[i],blue=b[i],white=z) end for i=nb+1:nbleds config.image.led[i]=matrix_io.malos.v1.io.LedValue(red=z,green=z,blue=z,white=z) end io = IOBuffer() writeproto(io, config) msg = String(take!(io)) send(d.configsocket,msg) end function decodedata(d::EverloopDriver, buffer::String) io = IOBuffer(buffer) readproto(io, matrix_io.malos.v1.io.EverloopImage()) end """ GPIODriver <: Driver Driver for the GPIO """ struct GPIODriver <: Driver baseport host::String configsocket::Socket errsocket::Socket keepalivesocket::Socket datasocket::Socket datachannel::Channel{ProtoType} errchannel::Channel function GPIODriver(h) d=new(20049, h, Socket(PUSH), Socket(SUB), Socket(PUSH), Socket(SUB), Channel{ProtoType}(typemax(Int)), Channel(Inf)) connect(d.configsocket, "tcp://$(d.host):$(d.baseport)") d end end function configure(d::GPIODriver; delay=2, timeout=6, pin=1, isinput=false, value=0) config = matrix_io.malos.v1.driver.DriverConfig( delay_between_updates=delay, timeout_after_last_ping=timeout, gpio=matrix_io.malos.v1.io.GpioParams( pin=pin, mode=isinput ? 0 : 1, value=value ) ) io = IOBuffer() writeproto(io, config) msg = String(take!(io)) send(d.configsocket,msg) end function decodedata(d::GPIODriver, buffer::String) io = IOBuffer(buffer) readproto(io, matrix_io.malos.v1.io.GpioParams()) end
# LazyArrays._copyto!(::LazyArrays.DiagonalLayout, dest::Diagonal, M::LazyArrays.MatMulMat{<:LazyArrays.DiagonalLayout}) = # copyto!(dest, M.factors[1]*M.factors[2]) # Base.similar(M::LazyArrays.MatMulMat{<:LazyArrays.DiagonalLayout}) = Diagonal(Vector{eltype(M)}(undef,size(M,1))) # LazyArrays._materialize(M:: LazyArrays.ArrayMuls, ::Tuple{Base.OneTo}) = LazyArrays.rmaterialize(M) # LazyArrays._materialize(M:: LazyArrays.Mul, ::Tuple{Base.OneTo}) = LazyArrays.rmaterialize(M) # LazyArrays._materialize(M:: LazyArrays.ArrayMulArray, ::Tuple{Base.OneTo}) = copyto!(similar(M), M)
# on-device functionality export AbstractDeviceArray, @LocalMemory ## device array """ AbstractDeviceArray{T, N} <: DenseArray{T, N} Supertype for `N`-dimensional GPU arrays (or array-like types) with elements of type `T`. Instances of this type are expected to live on the device, see [`AbstractGPUArray`](@ref) for device-side objects. """ abstract type AbstractDeviceArray{T, N} <: DenseArray{T, N} end Base.IndexStyle(::AbstractDeviceArray) = IndexLinear() @inline function Base.iterate(A::AbstractDeviceArray, i=1) if (i % UInt) - 1 < length(A) (@inbounds A[i], i + 1) else nothing end end function Base.sum(A::AbstractDeviceArray{T}) where T acc = zero(T) for elem in A acc += elem end acc end ## thread-local array const shmem_counter = Ref{Int}(0) """ Creates a local static memory shared inside one block. Equivalent to `__local` of OpenCL or `__shared__ (<variable>)` of CUDA. """ macro LocalMemory(state, T, N) id = (shmem_counter[] += 1) quote LocalMemory($(esc(state)), $(esc(T)), Val($(esc(N))), Val($id)) end end """ Creates a block local array pointer with `T` being the element type and `N` the length. Both T and N need to be static! C is a counter for approriately get the correct Local mem id in CUDAnative. This is an internal method which needs to be overloaded by the GPU Array backends """ function LocalMemory(state, ::Type{T}, ::Val{dims}, ::Val{id}) where {T, dims, id} error("Not implemented") # COV_EXCL_LINE end
# GA #= LeetCode 198. House Robber You are a professional robber planning to rob houses along a street. Each house has a certain amount of money stashed, the only constraint stopping you from robbing each of them is that adjacent houses have security system connected and it will automatically contact the police if two adjacent houses were broken into on the same night. Given a list of non-negative integers representing the amount of money of each house, determine the maximum amount of money you can rob tonight without alerting the police. =# # Import Packages # GA Parameters NP = 20 L = 10 Pc = 0.8 Pv = 0.2 G = 100 # Example house = Int64.(floor.(rand(1, L) * 10) .+ 1) # Initalization f = Int64.(zeros(NP, L)) money = zeros(NP, 1) moneyFit = zeros(NP, 1) fBest = Int64.(zeros(1, L)) for ii = 1: NP f[ii, :] = Int64.(floor.(rand(1, L) .+ 0.5)) end # Start nf = Int64.(zeros(NP, L)) for ii = 1: G for jj = 1: NP global moneyFit, fBest, f, nf # Fitness (money) for kk = 1: (L - 1) if f[jj, kk] & f[jj, kk + 1] == 1 money[jj, 1] = 0 break else money[jj, 1] = sum(f[jj, :] .* house[1, :]) end end moneyMin = minimum(money[:, 1]) # Max moneyMax = maximum(money[:, 1]) # Min if money[jj, 1] == moneyMax fBest[1, :] = f[jj, :] # Best end moneyFit[jj, 1] = (money[jj, 1] - moneyMin) / (moneyMax - moneyMin) # Normalization # Roulette sumFit = sum(moneyFit) fitValue = moneyFit ./ sumFit cumFitValue = cumsum(fitValue[:, 1]) for mm = 1: NP roll = rand() for nn = 1: (length(cumFitValue) - 1) if cumFitValue[mm] < roll < cumFitValue[mm + 1] nf[mm, :] = f[nn, :] else nf[mm, :] = f[1, :] end end end # Crossing for kk = 1: 2: NP c = rand() if c < Pc selection = Int64.(floor.(rand(1, L) .+ 0.5)) new1 = nf[kk, :] .* selection[1, :] .+ nf[kk + 1, :] .* (1 .- selection[1, :]) new2 = nf[kk, :] .* (1 .- selection[1, :]) .+ nf[kk + 1, :] .* selection[1, :] nf[kk, :] = new1 nf[kk + 1, :] = new2 end end # Variation for pp = 1: NP for qq = 1: L v = rand() if v < Pv nf[pp, qq] = 1 - nf[pp, qq] end end end # Replacing f = nf nf[1, :] = fBest[1, :] end end moneyBest = sum(fBest[1, :] .* house[1, :]) println("Best Selection is $(fBest), money is $(moneyBest).")
using Pkg; Pkg.activate("."); using JLD2, Plots, SolverBenchmark name = "2022-04-02_ARCqKOp10204_ARCqKOp10201_ARCqKOp102005_ARCqKOp10203_ARCqKOp10202_cutest_277_1000000" @load "$name.jld2" stats #= stats1 = copy(stats) name = "2022-03-21_trunk_tron_ipopt_lbfgs_cutest_277_1000000" @load "$name.jld2" stats stats = merge(stats, stats1) =# solved(df) = (df.status .== :first_order) .| (df.status .== :unbounded) open("$name.dat", "w") do io for solver in keys(stats) # Number of problems solved println(io, solver) println(io, size(stats[solver][solved(stats[solver]), [:name]], 1)) println( io, stats[solver][ .!solved(stats[solver]), [:name, :nvar, :status, :elapsed_time, :dual_feas], ], ) end end costs = [df -> .!solved(df) * Inf + df.elapsed_time, df -> .!solved(df) * Inf + df.neval_obj] costnames = ["Time", "Evaluations of f"] p = profile_solvers(stats, costs, costnames) png(p, "$name") for solver in keys(stats) open("$(name)_result_$(solver).dat", "w") do io print( io, stats[solver][ !, [ :name, :nvar, :ncon, :status, :objective, :elapsed_time, :iter, :primal_feas, :dual_feas, :neval_obj, :neval_grad, :neval_hprod, :neval_hess, ], ], ) end end nmins = [0, 100, 1000, 10000] for nmin in nmins # Same figure with minimum number of variables stats2 = copy(stats) for solver in keys(stats) stats2[solver] = stats[solver][stats[solver].nvar.>=nmin, :] end nb_problems = length(stats2[first(keys(stats))][!, :name]) # Figures comparing two results: costs_all = [ df -> .!solved(df) * Inf + df.elapsed_time, df -> .!solved(df) * Inf + df.neval_obj, df -> .!solved(df) * Inf + df.neval_grad, df -> .!solved(df) * Inf + df.neval_hprod, df -> .!solved(df) * Inf + df.neval_obj + df.neval_grad + df.neval_hprod, ] costnames_all = [ "time", "objective evals", "gradient evals", "hessian-vector products", "obj + grad + hprod", ] p = profile_solvers(stats2, costs_all, costnames_all) png(p, "$(name)_all($(nb_problems))_min_$(nmin)") end
""" ``` function metropolis_hastings(propdist::Distribution, loglikelihood::Function, parameters::ParameterVector{S}, data::Matrix{T}, cc0::T, cc::T; n_blocks::Int = 1, n_sim::Int = 100, n_burn::Int = 0, mhthin::Int = 1, verbose::Symbol=:low, savepath::String = "mhsave.h5", rng::MersenneTwister = MersenneTwister(0), testing::Bool = false) where {S<:Number, T<:AbstractFloat} ``` Implements the Metropolis-Hastings MCMC algorithm for sampling from the posterior distribution of the parameters. ### Arguments - `propdist`: The proposal distribution that Metropolis-Hastings begins sampling from. - `m`: The model object - `data`: Data matrix for observables - `cc0`: Jump size for initializing Metropolis-Hastings. - `cc`: Jump size for the rest of Metropolis-Hastings. ### Optional Arguments - `n_blocks::Int = 1`: Number of blocks (for memory-management purposes) - `n_param_blocks::Int = 1`: Number of parameter blocks - `n_sim::Int = 100`: Number of simulations. Note: # saved observations will be n_sim * n_param_blocks * (n_blocks - b_burn). - `n_burn::Int = 0`: Length of burn-in period - `mhthin::Int = 1`: Thinning parameter (for mhthin = d, keep only every dth draw) - `adaptive_accpt::Bool = false`: Whether or not to adaptively adjust acceptance prob. - `α::T = 1.0`: Tuning parameter for proposal density computation in adaptive case - `c::T = 1.0`: Tuning parameter for proposal density computation in adaptive case - `verbose::Bool`: The desired frequency of function progress messages printed to standard out. One of: ``` - `:none`: No status updates will be reported. - `:low`: Status updates provided at each block. - `:high`: Status updates provided at each draw. ``` - `savepath::String = "mhsave.h5"`: String specifying path to output file - `rng::MersenneTwister = MersenneTwister(0)`: Chosen seed (overridden if testing = true) - `testing::Bool = false`: Conditional for use when testing (determines fixed seeding) """ function metropolis_hastings(propdist::Distribution, loglikelihood::Function, parameters::ParameterVector{S}, data::Matrix{T}, cc0::T, cc::T; n_blocks::Int64 = 1, n_param_blocks::Int64 = 1, # TODO: give these kwargs better names n_sim::Int64 = 100, n_burn::Int64 = 0, mhthin::Int64 = 1, adaptive_accpt::Bool = false, α::T = 1.0, c::T = 1.0, verbose::Symbol = :low, savepath::String = "mhsave.h5", rng::MersenneTwister = MersenneTwister(0), testing::Bool = false) where {S<:Number, T<:AbstractFloat} # If testing, set the random seeds at fixed numbers if testing Random.seed!(rng, 654) end # Initialize algorithm by drawing para_old from normal distribution centered at the # posterior mode, until parameters within bounds (indicated by posterior value > -∞) para_old = rand(propdist, rng; cc = cc0) post_old = -Inf initialized = false while !initialized post_old = posterior!(loglikelihood, parameters, para_old, data; sampler = true) if post_old > -Inf propdist.μ = para_old initialized = true else para_old = rand(propdist, rng; cc=cc0) end end # New feature: Parameter Blocking free_para_inds = findall([!θ.fixed for θ in parameters]) n_free_para = length(free_para_inds) n_params = length(parameters) param_blocks = SMC.generate_param_blocks(n_params, n_param_blocks) # Report number of blocks that will be used println(verbose, :low, "Blocks: $n_blocks") println(verbose, :low, "Draws per block: $n_sim") println(verbose, :low, "Parameter blocks: $n_param_blocks") # For n_sim*mhthin iterations within each block, generate a new parameter draw. # Decide to accept or reject, and save every (mhthin)th draw that is accepted. all_rejections = 0 # Initialize matrices for parameter draws and transition matrices mhparams = zeros(n_sim * n_param_blocks, n_params) # Open HDF5 file for saving parameter draws simfile = h5open(savepath, "w") n_saved_obs = n_sim * n_param_blocks * (n_blocks - n_burn) parasim = d_create(simfile, "mhparams", datatype(Float64), dataspace(n_saved_obs, n_params), "chunk", (n_sim * n_param_blocks, n_params)) # Keep track of how long metropolis_hastings has been sampling total_sampling_time = 0. for block = 1:n_blocks begin_time = time_ns() block_rejections = 0 for j = 1:(n_sim * mhthin) for (k, p_block) in enumerate(param_blocks) # Draw para_new from the proposal distribution para_subset = para_old[p_block] d_subset = DegenerateMvNormal(propdist.μ[p_block], propdist.σ[p_block, p_block]) para_draw = rand(d_subset, rng; cc = cc) para_new = deepcopy(para_old) para_new[p_block] = para_draw q0, q1 = if adaptive_accpt SMC.compute_proposal_densities(para_draw, para_subset, d_subset; α = α, c = c) else 0.0, 0.0 end # Solve the model (checking that parameters are within bounds and # gensys returns a meaningful system) and evaluate the posterior post_new = posterior!(loglikelihood, parameters, para_new, data; sampler = true) println(verbose, :high, "Block $block, Iteration $j, Parameter Block " * "$k/$(n_param_blocks): posterior = $post_new") # Choose to accept or reject the new parameter by calculating the # ratio (r) of the new posterior value relative to the old one We # compare min(1, r) to a number drawn randomly from a uniform (0, 1) # distribution. This allows us to always accept the new draw if its # posterior value is greater than the previous draw's, but it gives # some probability to accepting a draw with a smaller posterior # value, so that we may explore tails and other local modes. r = exp((post_new - post_old) + (q0 - q1)) x = rand(rng) if x < min(1.0, r) # Accept proposed jump para_old = para_new post_old = post_new propdist.μ = para_new println(verbose, :high, "Block $block, Iteration $j, Parameter Block " * "$k/$(n_param_blocks): accept proposed jump") else # Reject proposed jump block_rejections += 1 println(verbose, :high, "Block $block, Iteration $j, Parameter Block " * "$k/$(n_param_blocks): reject proposed jump") end # Save every (mhthin)th draw if j % mhthin == 0 draw_index = convert(Int, j / mhthin) mhparams[draw_index, :] = para_old' end end # of block all_rejections += block_rejections block_rejection_rate = block_rejections / (n_sim * mhthin * n_param_blocks) ## Once every iblock times, write parameters to a file # Calculate starting, ending indices for this block (corresponds to new chunk in memory) block_start = n_sim * n_param_blocks * (block - n_burn - 1)+1 block_end = block_start + (n_sim * n_param_blocks) - 1 # Write parameters to file if we're past n_burn blocks if block > n_burn parasim[block_start:block_end, :] = map(Float64, mhparams) end # Calculate time to complete this block, average block time, and # expected time to completion block_time = (time_ns() - begin_time) / 1e9 total_sampling_time += block_time total_sampling_time_minutes = total_sampling_time / 60 expected_time_remaining_sec = (total_sampling_time / block) * (n_blocks - block) expected_time_remaining_minutes = expected_time_remaining_sec / 60 println(verbose, :low, "Completed $block of $n_blocks blocks.") println(verbose, :low, "Total time to compute $block blocks: " * "$total_sampling_time_minutes minutes") println(verbose, :low, "Expected time remaining for Metropolis-Hastings: " * "$expected_time_remaining_minutes minutes") println(verbose, :low, "Block $block rejection rate: $block_rejection_rate \n") end # of loop over parameter blocks end # of loop over blocks close(simfile) rejection_rate = all_rejections / (n_blocks * n_sim * mhthin * n_param_blocks) println(verbose, :low, "Overall rejection rate: $rejection_rate") end """ ``` metropolis_hastings(propdist::Distribution, m::AbstractDSGEModel, data::Matrix{T}, cc0::T, cc::T; verbose::Symbol = :low) where {T<:AbstractFloat} ``` Wrapper function for DSGE models which calls Metropolis-Hastings MCMC algorithm for sampling from the posterior distribution of the parameters. ### Arguments - `propdist`: The proposal distribution that Metropolis-Hastings begins sampling from. - `m`: The model object - `data`: Data matrix for observables - `cc0`: Jump size for initializing Metropolis-Hastings. - `cc`: Jump size for the rest of Metropolis-Hastings. ### Optional Arguments - `verbose`: The desired frequency of function progress messages printed to standard out. One of: ``` - `:none`: No status updates will be reported. - `:low`: Status updates provided at each block. - `:high`: Status updates provided at each draw. ``` """ function metropolis_hastings(propdist::Distribution, m::AbstractDSGEModel, data::Matrix{T}, cc0::T, cc::T; verbose::Symbol=:low, filestring_addl::Vector{String} = Vector{String}(undef, 0)) where {T<:AbstractFloat} n_blocks = n_mh_blocks(m) n_sim = n_mh_simulations(m) n_burn = n_mh_burn(m) mhthin = mh_thin(m) rng = m.rng testing = m.testing savepath = rawpath(m, "estimate", "mhsave.h5", filestring_addl) # To check: Defaulting to using Chandrasekhar recursions if no missing data use_chand_recursion = !any(isnan.(data)) function loglikelihood(p::ParameterVector, data::Matrix{Float64})::Float64 update!(m, p) likelihood(m, data; sampler = true, catch_errors = false, use_chand_recursion = use_chand_recursion) end return metropolis_hastings(propdist, loglikelihood, m.parameters, data, cc0, cc; n_blocks = n_blocks, n_sim = n_sim, n_burn = n_burn, mhthin = mhthin, verbose = verbose, savepath = savepath, rng = rng, testing = testing) end
@testset "Constraints" begin #TODO needs to be updated for the new constraint design and interaction with Core T = Float64 N = 3 # Test extreme constraints c1(x) = x[1] < 1 c2(x) = x[1] + x[3] > 1 c3(x) = x[2] > 0 p1(x) = x[1] < 1 ? 0 : x[1] - 1 p2(x) = x[1] + x[3] > 1 ? 0 : 1 - x[1] + x[3] p3(x) = x[2] > 0 ? 0 : -x[2] C = DS.Constraints{T}() @testset "Constraints" begin @test C.count == length(C.collections) == 2 @test typeof(C.collections[1]) == DS.ConstraintCollection{T, DS.ExtremeConstraint} @test typeof(C.collections[2]) == DS.ConstraintCollection{T, DS.ProgressiveConstraint} end @testset "DefaultConstraintCollection" begin ex = C.collections[1] pr = C.collections[2] # Extreme barrier constraint default collection @test length(ex.constraints) == ex.count == 0 @test typeof(ex.constraints) == Vector{DS.ExtremeConstraint} @test ex.h_max == 0.0 # Extreme barrier constraint default collection @test length(pr.constraints) == pr.count == 0 @test typeof(pr.constraints) == Vector{DS.ProgressiveConstraint} @test pr.h_max == Inf # TODO: Test default update functions end C = DS.Constraints{T}() @testset "AddExtremeConstraint" begin c1_ref = DS.AddExtremeConstraint(C, c1) @test c1_ref.value == 1 @test typeof(c1_ref) == DS.ConstraintIndex # Can't push an extreme constraint to a progressive collection @test_throws MethodError DS.AddExtremeConstraint(C, c1, index=DS.CollectionIndex(2)) @test_throws ErrorException DS.AddExtremeConstraint(C, c1, index=DS.CollectionIndex(3)) vec_ref = DS.AddExtremeConstraint(C, [c2, c3]) @test length(vec_ref) == 2 @test vec_ref[1].value == 2 @test vec_ref[2].value == 3 end @testset "AddProgressiveConstraint" begin p1_ref = DS.AddProgressiveConstraint(C, p1) @test p1_ref.value == 1 @test typeof(p1_ref) == DS.ConstraintIndex # Can't push an extreme constraint to a progressive collection @test_throws MethodError DS.AddProgressiveConstraint(C, p1, index=DS.CollectionIndex(1)) @test_throws ErrorException DS.AddProgressiveConstraint(C, p1, index=DS.CollectionIndex(3)) vec_ref = DS.AddProgressiveConstraint(C, [c2, c3]) @test length(vec_ref) == 2 @test vec_ref[1].value == 2 @test vec_ref[2].value == 3 end C = DS.Constraints{T}() @testset "AddProgressiveCollection" begin c_ref = DS.AddProgressiveCollection(C) @test typeof(c_ref) == DS.CollectionIndex @test c_ref.value == 3 @test typeof(C.collections[3]) == DS.ConstraintCollection{T, DS.ProgressiveConstraint} @test length(C.collections[3].constraints) == C.collections[3].count == 0 p_ref = DS.AddProgressiveConstraint(C, p2, index=c_ref) @test length(C.collections[3].constraints) == C.collections[3].count == 1 end #TODO constraint evaluation end
using DReal a = Var(Float64,"aexpop2",0.,1.) b2 = (a < 0.1) | (a > 0.9) push_ctx!() add!(b2) is_satisfiable() pop_ctx!() push_ctx!() b3 = !b2 #b3 = (a >= 0.1) & (a <= 0.9) add!(b3) is_satisfiable()
using BranchTests using Test Code = quote @testbranch "Vector" begin println("in 'Vector'") v = Vector{Int}() @test isempty(v) @testbranch "adds one element" begin println("in 'adds one element'") push!(v, 1) @test length(v) == 1 @testbranch "adds another element" begin println("in 'adds another element'") push!(v, 2) @test length(v) == 2 end @testbranch DefaultTestSet "removes one" begin # test set type println("in 'removes one'") pop!(v) @test isempty(v) end end @testbranch begin # no name println("in 'equality'") @test v == v end end end eval(Code) #@testset "vector" begin # v = Vector{Int}() # # @testset "adds one element" begin # push!(v, 1) # @test length(v) == 1 # # @testset "adds another element" begin # push!(v, 1) # @test length(v) == 2 # end # # @testset "removes - empty" begin # pop!(v) # @test isempty(v) # end # end #end
using BCTRNN using DiffEqSensitivity using OrdinaryDiffEq import DiffEqFlux: FastChain, FastDense import Flux: ClipValue, ADAM # Not in Project.toml using Plots gr() include("sine_wave_dataloader.jl") function train_sine_ss_fc(epochs, solver=Tsit5(); sensealg=InterpolatingAdjoint(autojacvec=ReverseDiffVJP(true)), T=Float32, model_size=5, mtkize=false, gen_jac=false, lr=0.02, kwargs...) train_dl = generate_2d_data(T) f_in = 2 f_out = 1 im = BCTRNN.InputAllToAll() sm = BCTRNN.SynsFullyConnected() #om = BCTRNN.OutputAll() om = BCTRNN.OutputIdxs(collect(1:model_size)) wiring = BCTRNN.WiringConfig(f_in, model_size, im,sm,om) model = FastChain(BCTRNN.Mapper(f_in), BCTRNN.LTCSynStateMTK(wiring, solver, sensealg; T, mtkize, gen_jac, kwargs...), FastDense(wiring.n_out, f_out)) hs = [] for (k,v) in wiring.matrices push!(hs, heatmap(v, title=k)) end display(plot(hs..., layout=length(hs))) cb = BCTRNN.MyCallback(T; ecb=mycb, nepochs=epochs, nsamples=length(train_dl)) #opt = GalacticOptim.Flux.Optimiser(ClipValue(0.5), ADAM(0.02)) opt = BCTRNN.ClampBoundOptim(BCTRNN.get_bounds(model,T)..., ClipValue(T(1.0)), ADAM(T(lr))) BCTRNN.optimize(model, BCTRNN.loss_seq, cb, opt, train_dl, epochs, T), model end @time train_sine_ss_fc(100, Vern7(); model_size=8, mtkize=false, lr=0.01, ) function train_sine_ss_ncp(epochs, solver=Tsit5(); sensealg=InterpolatingAdjoint(autojacvec=ReverseDiffVJP(true)), T=Float32, n_sensory=2, n_inter=5, n_command=5, n_motor=2, sensory_inter=2, inter_command=3, command_command=2, command_motor=2, mtkize=false, gen_jac=false, lr=0.02, kwargs...) train_dl = generate_2d_data(T) f_in = 2 f_out = 1 im = BCTRNN.InputAllToFirstN(n_sensory) sm = BCTRNN.SynsNCP(; n_sensory, n_inter, n_command, n_motor, sensory_inter, inter_command, command_command, command_motor ) om = BCTRNN.OutputAll() om = BCTRNN.OutputIdxs(collect(1:n_sensory+n_inter+n_command+n_motor)) wiring = BCTRNN.WiringConfig(f_in, im,sm,om) model = FastChain(BCTRNN.Mapper(f_in), BCTRNN.LTCSynStateMTK(wiring, solver, sensealg; T, mtkize, gen_jac, kwargs...), FastDense(wiring.n_out, f_out)) hs = [] for (k,v) in wiring.matrices push!(hs, heatmap(v, title=k)) end display(plot(hs..., layout=length(hs))) cb = BCTRNN.MyCallback(T; ecb=mycb, nepochs=epochs, nsamples=length(train_dl)) #opt = GalacticOptim.Flux.Optimiser(ClipValue(0.5), ADAM(0.02)) opt = BCTRNN.ClampBoundOptim(BCTRNN.get_bounds(model,T)..., ClipValue(T(1.0)), ADAM(T(lr))) BCTRNN.optimize(model, BCTRNN.loss_seq, cb, opt, train_dl, epochs, T), model end @time train_sine_ss_ncp(100, ROCK4(), n_sensory=5, n_inter=10, n_command=10, mtkize=false, lr=0.01, ) @time train_sine_ss_ncp(100, TRBDF2(linsolve=LinSolveGMRES()), n_sensory=3, n_inter=5, n_command=5, mtkize=false, lr=0.01, )
# test/runtests.jl # Test UnitfulCurrency using UnitfulCurrency
function find_package(f, registry::String="") for reg in Pkg.Registry.reachable_registries() if isempty(registry) || registry == reg.name data = get_registry_file(reg, "Registry.toml") for (uuid, pkginfo) in data["packages"] f(uuid, pkginfo) && return (;uuid, reg, name=pkginfo["name"], path=pkginfo["path"]) end end end return end function find_package(package::String, registry::String="") find_package(registry) do uuid, pkginfo pkginfo["name"] == package end end function find_max_version(package::String, registry::String="") info = find_package(package, registry) info === nothing && return versions = get_registry_file(info.reg, joinpath(info.path, "Versions.toml")) max_version = findmax(VersionNumber.(keys(versions)))[1] return max_version end function get_registry_file(reg, path::String) return if isnothing(reg.in_memory_registry) TOML.parsefile(joinpath(reg.path, path)) else TOML.parse(reg.in_memory_registry[path]) end end
### A Pluto.jl notebook ### # v0.12.10 using Markdown using InteractiveUtils # ╔═╡ 680fdae0-1b3c-11ec-0de6-eb64d535f45f # ╔═╡ 67f96cb0-1b3c-11ec-2f27-3bf1bcfaca4b # ╔═╡ 67f945a0-1b3c-11ec-0b73-6bf3aba70083 # ╔═╡ 67cdefde-1b3c-11ec-218e-17e0fe9beb7c # ╔═╡ Cell order: # ╠═680fdae0-1b3c-11ec-0de6-eb64d535f45f # ╠═67f96cb0-1b3c-11ec-2f27-3bf1bcfaca4b # ╠═67f945a0-1b3c-11ec-0b73-6bf3aba70083 # ╠═67cdefde-1b3c-11ec-218e-17e0fe9beb7c
#= Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Chris Coey, Lea Kapelevich, and contributors This Julia package Hypatia.jl is released under the MIT license; see LICENSE file in the root directory or at https://github.com/chriscoey/Hypatia.jl helpers for dense factorizations and linear solves =# import LinearAlgebra.BlasReal import LinearAlgebra.BlasFloat import LinearAlgebra.BlasInt import LinearAlgebra.BLAS.@blasfunc import LinearAlgebra.LAPACK.liblapack import LinearAlgebra.copytri! # helpers for in-place matrix inverses (updates upper triangle only in some cases) # Cholesky, BlasFloat function inv_fact!( mat::Matrix{R}, fact::Cholesky{R, Matrix{R}}, ) where {R <: BlasFloat} copyto!(mat, fact.factors) LAPACK.potri!(fact.uplo, mat) return mat end # Cholesky, generic function inv_fact!( mat::Matrix{R}, fact::Cholesky{R, Matrix{R}}, ) where {R <: RealOrComplex{<:Real}} # this is how Julia computes the inverse, but it could be implemented better copyto!(mat, I) ldiv!(fact, mat) return mat end # BunchKaufman, BlasReal function inv_fact!( mat::Matrix{T}, fact::BunchKaufman{T, Matrix{T}}, ) where {T <: BlasReal} @assert fact.rook copyto!(mat, fact.LD) LAPACK.sytri_rook!(fact.uplo, mat, fact.ipiv), return mat end # LU, BlasReal function inv_fact!( mat::Matrix{T}, fact::LU{T, Matrix{T}}, ) where {T <: BlasReal} copyto!(mat, fact.factors) LAPACK.getri!(mat, fact.ipiv) return mat end # LU, generic function inv_fact!( mat::Matrix{T}, fact::LU{T, Matrix{T}}, ) where {T <: Real} # this is how Julia computes the inverse, but it could be implemented better copyto!(mat, I) ldiv!(fact, mat) return mat end # helpers for updating symmetric/Hermitian eigendecomposition update_eigen!(X::Matrix{<:BlasFloat}) = LAPACK.syev!('V', 'U', X)[1] function update_eigen!(X::Matrix{<:RealOrComplex{<:Real}}) F = eigen(Hermitian(X, :U)) copyto!(X, F.vectors) return F.values end # helpers for symmetric outer product (upper triangle only) # B = alpha * A' * A + beta * B outer_prod!( A::Matrix{T}, B::Matrix{T}, alpha::Real, beta::Real, ) where {T <: LinearAlgebra.BlasReal} = BLAS.syrk!('U', 'T', alpha, A, beta, B) outer_prod!( A::AbstractMatrix{Complex{T}}, B::AbstractMatrix{Complex{T}}, alpha::Real, beta::Real, ) where {T <: LinearAlgebra.BlasReal} = BLAS.herk!('U', 'C', alpha, A, beta, B) outer_prod!( A::AbstractMatrix{R}, B::AbstractMatrix{R}, alpha::Real, beta::Real, ) where {R <: RealOrComplex} = mul!(B, A', A, alpha, beta) # ensure diagonal terms in square matrix are not too small function increase_diag!(A::Matrix{T}) where {T <: Real} diag_pert = 1 + T(1e-5) diag_min = 1000 * eps(T) @inbounds for j in 1:size(A, 1) A[j, j] = diag_pert * max(A[j, j], diag_min) end return A end # helpers for spectral outer products function spectral_outer!( mat::AbstractMatrix{T}, vecs::Union{Matrix{T}, Adjoint{T, Matrix{T}}}, diag::AbstractVector{T}, temp::Matrix{T}, ) where {T <: Real} mul!(temp, vecs, Diagonal(diag)) mul!(mat, temp, vecs') return mat end function spectral_outer!( mat::AbstractMatrix{T}, vecs::Union{Matrix{T}, Adjoint{T, Matrix{T}}}, symm::Symmetric{T}, temp::Matrix{T}, ) where {T <: Real} mul!(temp, vecs, symm) mul!(mat, temp, vecs') return mat end #= nonsymmetric square: LU =# function nonsymm_fact_copy!( mat2::Matrix{T}, mat::Matrix{T}, ) where {T <: Real} copyto!(mat2, mat) fact = lu!(mat2, check = false) if !issuccess(fact) copyto!(mat2, mat) increase_diag!(mat2) fact = lu!(mat2, check = false) end return fact end #= symmetric indefinite: BunchKaufman (rook pivoting) and LU for generic fallback NOTE if better fallback becomes available (eg dense LDL), use that =# symm_fact!(A::Symmetric{T, Matrix{T}}) where {T <: BlasReal} = bunchkaufman!(A, true, check = false) symm_fact!(A::Symmetric{T, Matrix{T}}) where {T <: Real} = lu!(A, check = false) function symm_fact_copy!( mat2::Symmetric{T, Matrix{T}}, mat::Symmetric{T, Matrix{T}}, ) where {T <: Real} copyto!(mat2, mat) fact = symm_fact!(mat2) if !issuccess(fact) copyto!(mat2, mat) increase_diag!(mat2.data) fact = symm_fact!(mat2) end return fact end #= symmetric positive definite: unpivoted Cholesky NOTE pivoted seems slower than BunchKaufman =# posdef_fact!(A::Symmetric{T, Matrix{T}}) where {T <: Real} = cholesky!(A, check = false) function posdef_fact_copy!( mat2::Symmetric{T, Matrix{T}}, mat::Symmetric{T, Matrix{T}}, try_shift::Bool = true, ) where {T <: Real} copyto!(mat2, mat) fact = posdef_fact!(mat2) if !issuccess(fact) # try using symmetric factorization instead copyto!(mat2, mat) fact = symm_fact!(mat2) if try_shift && !issuccess(fact) copyto!(mat2, mat) increase_diag!(mat2.data) fact = symm_fact!(mat2) end end return fact end
# We probably won't use this. Prefer Distances.jl function hellinger_distance!(p_counts::AbstractDict{T,V}, q_counts::AbstractDict{T,V}) where {T, V} p_sum = sum(values(p_counts)) q_sum = sum(values(q_counts)) total = float(zero(V)) for (key, val) in p_counts if haskey(q_counts, key) total += (sqrt(val / p_sum) - sqrt(q_counts[key] / q_sum))^2 delete!(q_counts, key) else total += val / p_sum end end total += sum(x -> x / q_sum, values(q_counts)) dist = sqrt(total / 2) return dist end hellinger_distance(p_counts::AbstractDict, q_counts::AbstractDict) = hellinger_distance!(copy(p_counts), copy(q_counts))
const hash_mask = typemax(UInt) >>> 0x01 const deletion_mask = hash_mask + 0x01 mutable struct Indices{I} <: AbstractIndices{I} # The hash table slots::Vector{Int} # Hashes and values hashes::Vector{UInt} # Deletion marker stored in high bit values::Vector{I} holes::Int # Number of "vacant" slots in hashes and values end _slots(inds::Indices) = getfield(inds, :slots) _hashes(inds::Indices) = getfield(inds, :hashes) _values(inds::Indices) = getfield(inds, :values) _holes(inds::Indices) = getfield(inds, :holes) Indices(; sizehint = 8) = Indices{Any}(; sizehint = sizehint) function Indices{I}(; sizehint = 8) where {I} newsize = Base._tablesz((3 * sizehint) >> 0x01); Indices{I}(fill(0, newsize), Vector{UInt}(), Vector{I}(), 0) end """ Indices(iter) Indices{I}(iter) Construct a `Indices` with indices from iterable container `iter`. Note that the elements of `iter` must be distinct/unique. Instead, the `distinct` function can be used for finding the unique elements. # Examples ```julia julia> Indices([1,2,3]) 3-element Indices{Int64} 1 2 3 julia> Indices([1,2,3,3]) ERROR: IndexError("Indices are not unique (inputs at positions 3 and 4) - consider using the distinct function") Stacktrace: [1] Indices{Int64}(::Array{Int64,1}) at /home/ferris/.julia/dev/Dictionaries/src/Indices.jl:92 [2] Indices(::Array{Int64,1}) at /home/ferris/.julia/dev/Dictionaries/src/Indices.jl:53 [3] top-level scope at REPL[12]:1 julia> distinct([1,2,3,3]) 3-element Indices{Int64} 1 2 3 ``` """ function Indices(iter) if Base.IteratorEltype(iter) === Base.EltypeUnknown() iter = collect(iter) end return Indices{eltype(iter)}(iter) end function Indices{I}(iter) where {I} iter_size = Base.IteratorSize(iter) if iter_size isa Union{Base.HasLength, Base.HasShape} values = Vector{I}(undef, length(iter)) @inbounds for (i, value) in enumerate(iter) values[i] = value end else values = Vector{I}() @inbounds for value in iter push!(values, value) end end return Indices{I}(values) end function Indices{I}(values::Vector{I}) where {I} # The input must have unique elements (the constructor is not to be used in place of `distinct`) hashes = map(v -> hash(v) & hash_mask, values) # Incrementally build the hashmap and throw if duplicates detected newsize = Base._tablesz(3*length(values) >> 0x01) bit_mask = newsize - 1 # newsize is a power of two slots = zeros(Int, newsize) @inbounds for index in keys(hashes) full_hash = hashes[index] trial_slot = reinterpret(Int, full_hash) & bit_mask @inbounds while true trial_slot = (trial_slot + 1) if slots[trial_slot] == 0 slots[trial_slot] = index break else # TODO make this check optional if isequal(values[index], values[slots[trial_slot]]) throw(IndexError("Indices are not unique (inputs at positions $(slots[trial_slot]) and $index) - consider using the distinct function")) end end trial_slot = trial_slot & bit_mask # This is potentially an infinte loop and care must be taken not to overfill the container end end return Indices{I}(slots, hashes, values, 0) end Base.convert(::Type{AbstractIndices{I}}, inds::AbstractIndices) where {I} = convert(Indices{I}, inds) # the default AbstractIndices type Base.convert(::Type{AbstractIndices{I}}, inds::AbstractIndices{I}) where {I} = inds Base.convert(::Type{AbstractIndices{I}}, inds::Indices) where {I} = convert(Indices{I}, inds) Base.convert(::Type{Indices}, inds::AbstractIndices{I}) where {I} = convert(Indices{I}, inds) Base.convert(::Type{Indices{I}}, inds::Indices{I}) where {I} = inds function Base.convert(::Type{Indices{I}}, inds::AbstractIndices) where {I} # Fast path if inds isa Indices && _holes(inds) == 0 # Note: `convert` doesn't have copy semantics return Indices{I}(_slots(inds), _hashes(inds), convert(Vector{I}, _values(inds)), 0) end # The input is already unique values = collect(I, inds) hashes = map(v -> hash(v) & hash_mask, values) # Incrementally build the hashmap newsize = Base._tablesz(3*length(values) >> 0x01) bit_mask = newsize - 1 # newsize is a power of two slots = zeros(Int, newsize) @inbounds for index in keys(hashes) full_hash = hashes[index] trial_slot = reinterpret(Int, full_hash) & bit_mask @inbounds while true trial_slot = (trial_slot + 1) if slots[trial_slot] == 0 slots[trial_slot] = index break else # TODO make this check optional if isequal(values[index], values[slots[trial_slot]]) throw(IndexError("Indices are not unique (inputs at positions $(slots[trial_slot]) and $index)")) end end trial_slot = trial_slot & bit_mask # This is potentially an infinte loop and care must be taken not to overfill the container end end return Indices{I}(slots, hashes, values, 0) end """ copy(inds::AbstractIndices) copy(inds::AbstractIndices, ::Type{I}) Create a shallow copy of the indices, optionally changing the element type. (Note that `copy` on a dictionary does not copy its indices). """ function Base.copy(indices::Indices{I}, ::Type{I2}) where {I, I2} return Indices{I}(copy(_slots(indices)), copy(_hashes(indices)), collect(I2, _values(indices)), _holes(indices)) end function Base.copy(indices::ReverseIndices{I,Indices{I}}, ::Type{I2}) where {I, I2} p = parent(indices) l = length(_values(p)) + 1 old_slots = _slots(p) new_slots = similar(old_slots) @inbounds for i in keys(_slots(p)) index = old_slots[i] if index > 0 new_slots[i] = l - index else new_slots[i] = index end end return Indices{I2}(new_slots, reverse(_hashes(p)), collect(I2, Iterators.reverse(_values(p))), _holes(p)) end # private (note that newsize must be power of two) function rehash!(indices::Indices{I}, newsize::Int, values = (), include_last_values::Bool = true) where {I} slots = resize!(_slots(indices), newsize) fill!(slots, 0) bit_mask = newsize - 1 # newsize is a power of two if _holes(indices) == 0 for (index, full_hash) in enumerate(_hashes(indices)) trial_slot = reinterpret(Int, full_hash) & bit_mask @inbounds while true trial_slot = (trial_slot + 1) if slots[trial_slot] == 0 slots[trial_slot] = index break else trial_slot = trial_slot & bit_mask end # This is potentially an infinte loop and care must be taken not to overfill the container end end else # Compactify _values(indices), _hashes(indices) and the values while we are at it to_index = Ref(1) # Reassigning to to_index/from_index gives the closure capture boxing issue, so mutate a reference instead from_index = Ref(1) n_values = length(_values(indices)) @inbounds while from_index[] <= n_values full_hash = _hashes(indices)[from_index[]] if full_hash & deletion_mask === zero(UInt) trial_slot = reinterpret(Int, full_hash) & bit_mask @inbounds while true trial_slot = trial_slot + 1 if slots[trial_slot] == 0 slots[trial_slot] = to_index[] _hashes(indices)[to_index[]] = _hashes(indices)[from_index[]] _values(indices)[to_index[]] = _values(indices)[from_index[]] if include_last_values || from_index[] < n_values # Note - the last slot might end up with a random value (or # GC'd reference). It's the callers responsibility to ensure the # last slot is written to after this operation. map(values) do (vals) @inbounds vals[to_index[]] = vals[from_index[]] end end to_index[] += 1 break else trial_slot = trial_slot & bit_mask end end end from_index[] += 1 end new_size = n_values - _holes(indices) resize!(_values(indices), new_size) resize!(_hashes(indices), new_size) map(values) do (vals) resize!(vals, new_size) end setfield!(indices, :holes, 0) end return indices end Base.length(indices::Indices) = length(_values(indices)) - _holes(indices) # Token interface istokenizable(::Indices) = true tokentype(::Indices) = Int # Duration iteration the token cannot be used for deletion - we do not worry about the slots @propagate_inbounds function iteratetoken(indices::Indices) if _holes(indices) == 0 return length(indices) > 0 ? ((0, 1), 1) : nothing end index = 1 @inbounds while index <= length(_hashes(indices)) if _hashes(indices)[index] & deletion_mask === zero(UInt) return ((0, index), index) end index += 1 end return nothing end @propagate_inbounds function iteratetoken(indices::Indices, index::Int) index += 1 if _holes(indices) == 0 # apparently this is enough to make it iterate as fast as `Vector` return index <= length(_values(indices)) ? ((0, index), index) : nothing end @inbounds while index <= length(_hashes(indices)) if _hashes(indices)[index] & deletion_mask === zero(UInt) return ((0, index), index) end index += 1 end return nothing end @propagate_inbounds function iteratetoken_reverse(indices::Indices) index = length(indices) if _holes(indices) == 0 return index > 0 ? ((0, index), index) : nothing end @inbounds while index > 0 if _hashes(indices)[index] & deletion_mask === zero(UInt) return ((0, index), index) end index -= 1 end return nothing end @propagate_inbounds function iteratetoken_reverse(indices::Indices, index::Int) index -= 1 if _holes(indices) == 0 # apparently this is enough to make it iterate as fast as `Vector` return index > 0 ? ((0, index), index) : nothing end @inbounds while index > 0 if _hashes(indices)[index] & deletion_mask === zero(UInt) return ((0, index), index) end index -= 1 end return nothing end function gettoken(indices::Indices{I}, i::I) where {I} full_hash = hash(i) & hash_mask n_slots = length(_slots(indices)) bit_mask = n_slots - 1 # n_slots is always a power of two trial_slot = reinterpret(Int, full_hash) & bit_mask @inbounds while true trial_slot = (trial_slot + 1) trial_index = _slots(indices)[trial_slot] if trial_index > 0 value = _values(indices)[trial_index] if i === value || isequal(i, value) return (true, (trial_slot, trial_index)) end elseif trial_index === 0 return (false, (0, 0)) end trial_slot = trial_slot & bit_mask # This is potentially an infinte loop and care must be taken upon insertion not # to completely fill the container end end @propagate_inbounds function gettokenvalue(indices::Indices, (_slot, index)) return _values(indices)[index] end @propagate_inbounds function gettokenvalue(indices::Indices, index::Int) return _values(indices)[index] end # Insertion interface isinsertable(::Indices) = true function gettoken!(indices::Indices{I}, i::I, values = ()) where {I} full_hash = hash(i) & hash_mask n_slots = length(_slots(indices)) bit_mask = n_slots - 1 # n_slots is always a power of two n_values = length(_values(indices)) trial_slot = reinterpret(Int, full_hash) & bit_mask trial_index = 0 deleted_slot = 0 @inbounds while true trial_slot = (trial_slot + 1) trial_index = _slots(indices)[trial_slot] if trial_index == 0 break elseif trial_index < 0 if deleted_slot == 0 deleted_slot = trial_slot end else value = _values(indices)[trial_index] if i === value || isequal(i, value) return (true, (trial_slot, trial_index)) end end trial_slot = trial_slot & bit_mask # This is potentially an infinte loop and care must be taken upon insertion not # to completely fill the container end new_index = n_values + 1 if deleted_slot == 0 # Use the trail slot _slots(indices)[trial_slot] = new_index else # Use the deleted slot _slots(indices)[deleted_slot] = new_index end push!(_hashes(indices), full_hash) push!(_values(indices), i) map(values) do (vals) resize!(vals, length(vals) + 1) end # Expand the hash map when it reaches 2/3rd full if 3 * new_index > 2 * n_slots # Grow faster for small hash maps than for large ones newsize = n_slots > 16000 ? 2 * n_slots : 4 * n_slots rehash!(indices, newsize, values, false) # The index has changed new_index = length(_values(indices)) # The slot also has changed bit_mask = newsize - 1 trial_slot = reinterpret(Int, full_hash) & bit_mask @inbounds while true trial_slot = (trial_slot + 1) if _slots(indices)[trial_slot] == new_index break end trial_slot = trial_slot & bit_mask end end return (false, (trial_slot, new_index)) end @propagate_inbounds function deletetoken!(indices::Indices{I}, (slot, index), values = ()) where {I} @boundscheck if slot == 0 error("Cannot use iteration token for deletion") end _slots(indices)[slot] = -index _hashes(indices)[index] = deletion_mask isbitstype(I) || ccall(:jl_arrayunset, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), _values(indices), index-1) setfield!(indices, :holes, _holes(indices) + 1) # Recreate the hash map when 1/3rd of the values are deletions n_values = length(_values(indices)) - _holes(indices) if 3 * _holes(indices) > n_values # Halve if necessary n_slots = length(_slots(indices)) halve = 4 * n_values < n_slots && n_slots > 8 rehash!(indices, halve ? n_slots >> 0x01 : n_slots, values) end return indices end function Base.empty!(indices::Indices{I}, values = ()) where {I} setfield!(indices, :hashes, Vector{UInt}()) setfield!(indices, :values, Vector{I}()) setfield!(indices, :slots, fill(0, 8)) setfield!(indices, :holes, 0) foreach(empty!, values) return indices end # Accelerated filtering function Base.filter!(pred, indices::Indices) _filter!(token -> pred(@inbounds gettokenvalue(indices, token)), indices, ()) end @inline function _filter!(pred, indices::Indices, values = ()) indices_values = _values(indices) hashes = _hashes(indices) n = length(indices_values) i = Ref(0) j = Ref(0) @inbounds while i[] < n i[] += 1 if hashes[i[]] & deletion_mask === zero(UInt) && pred(i[]) j[] += 1 indices_values[j[]] = indices_values[i[]] hashes[j[]] = hashes[i[]] map(vec -> @inbounds(vec[j[]] = vec[i[]]), values) end end newsize = j[] resize!(indices_values, newsize) resize!(hashes, newsize) map(vec -> resize!(vec, newsize), values) setfield!(indices, :holes, 0) newsize = Base._tablesz(3*length(_values(indices)) >> 0x01) rehash!(indices, newsize, values) end # Factories # TODO make this generic... maybe a type-based `empty`? function _distinct(::Type{Indices}, itr) if Base.IteratorEltype(itr) === Base.HasEltype() return _distinct(Indices{eltype(itr)}, itr) end tmp = iterate(itr) if tmp === nothing return Indices{Base.@default_eltype(itr)}() end (x, s) = tmp indices = Indices{typeof(x)}() insert!(indices, x) return __distinct!(indices, itr, s, x) end # An auto-widening constructor for insertable AbstractIndices function __distinct!(indices::AbstractIndices, itr, s, x_old) T = eltype(indices) tmp = iterate(itr, s) while tmp !== nothing (x, s) = tmp if !isequal(x, x_old) # Optimized for repeating elements of `itr`, e.g. if `itr` is sorted if !(x isa T) && promote_type(typeof(x), T) != T new_indices = copy(indices, promote_type(T, typeof(x))) set!(new_indices, x) return __distinct!(new_indices, itr, s, x) end set!(indices, x) x_old = x end tmp = iterate(itr, s) end return indices end function randtoken(rng::Random.AbstractRNG, inds::Indices) if inds.holes === 0 return (0, rand(rng, Base.OneTo(length(inds)))) end # Rejection sampling to handle deleted tokens (which are sparse) range = Base.OneTo(length(_hashes(inds))) while true i = rand(rng, range) if inds.hashes[i] !== deletion_mask return (0, i) end end end
using FileIO using JLD2 using Pkg.Artifacts using ClimateMachine.ArtifactWrappers # Get bomex_edmf dataset folder: bomex_edmf_dataset = ArtifactWrapper( joinpath(@__DIR__, "Artifacts.toml"), "bomex_edmf", ArtifactFile[ArtifactFile( url = "https://caltech.box.com/shared/static/jbhcy6ncc5wh1hg9hcea5f45w6t22kk2.jld2", filename = "bomex_edmf.jld2", ),], ) bomex_edmf_dataset_path = get_data_folder(bomex_edmf_dataset) data_file = joinpath(bomex_edmf_dataset_path, "bomex_edmf.jld2") updraft_vars(N_up, st, tol, sym...) = Dict(ntuple(N_up) do i "turbconv.updraft[$i]." * join(string.(sym), ".") => (st, tol) end) vars_to_compare(N_up) = Dict( "ρ" => (Prognostic(), 1), "ρu[1]" => (Prognostic(), 1), "ρu[2]" => (Prognostic(), 1), "ρu[3]" => (Prognostic(), 1), "ρe" => (Prognostic(), 1e5), "moisture.ρq_tot" => (Prognostic(), 1e-2), "turbconv.environment.ρatke" => (Prognostic(), 5e-1), "turbconv.environment.T" => (Auxiliary(), 300), "turbconv.environment.cld_frac" => (Auxiliary(), 1), "turbconv.environment.buoyancy" => (Auxiliary(), 1e-2), updraft_vars(N_up, Prognostic(), 1 * 0.1, :ρa)..., updraft_vars(N_up, Prognostic(), 1 * 0.1, :ρaw)..., updraft_vars(N_up, Prognostic(), 300 * 0.1, :ρaθ_liq)..., updraft_vars(N_up, Prognostic(), 1e-2 * 0.1, :ρaq_tot)..., updraft_vars(N_up, Auxiliary(), 1e-2, :buoyancy)..., ) compare = Dict() @testset "Regression Test" begin N_up = n_updrafts(solver_config.dg.balance_law.turbconv) numerical_data = dict_of_nodal_states(solver_config, ["z"], (Prognostic(), Auxiliary())) data_to_compare = Dict() for (ftc, v) in vars_to_compare(N_up) data_to_compare[ftc] = numerical_data[ftc] end export_new_solution_jld2 = false if export_new_solution_jld2 save("bomex_edmf.jld2", data_to_compare) end all_data_ref = load(data_file) @test all(k in keys(all_data_ref) for k in keys(data_to_compare)) N_up = n_updrafts(solver_config.dg.balance_law.turbconv) comparison_vars = vars_to_compare(N_up) for k in keys(all_data_ref) data = data_to_compare[k] ref_data = all_data_ref[k] tol = comparison_vars[k][2] s = length(data) / 100 @test !any(isnan.(ref_data)) @test !any(isnan.(data)) absΔdata = abs.(data .- ref_data) T1 = isapprox(norm(absΔdata), 0, atol = tol * 0.01 * s) # norm T2 = isapprox(maximum(absΔdata), 0, atol = tol * 0.01) # max of local compare[k] = (norm(absΔdata), maximum(absΔdata), tol) (!T1 || !T2) && @show k, norm(absΔdata), maximum(absΔdata), tol @test isapprox(norm(absΔdata), 0, atol = tol * 0.01 * s) # norm @test isapprox(maximum(absΔdata), 0, atol = tol * 0.01) # max of local end end
struct Subsequence{VT<:AbstractVector,T} c::VT fillvalue::T winlen::Int noverlap::Int step::Int lpadlen::Int rpadlen::Int end function getpadlen(winlen) if mod(winlen, 2) == 0 lpadlen = (winlen-1)÷2 rpadlen = winlen÷2 else lpadlen = rpadlen = winlen÷2 end lpadlen, rpadlen end function Subsequence(c::AbstractVector{T}, winlen, noverlap; fillvalue=zero(T)) where T winlen > length(c) && throw(ArgumentError("`winlen` has to be smaller than the signal length.")) step = winlen-noverlap lpadlen, rpadlen = getpadlen(winlen) Subsequence(c, fillvalue, winlen, noverlap, step, lpadlen, rpadlen) # Subsequence(PaddedView(fill, c, (1-lpadlen:length(c)+rpadlen,)), winlen, noverlap, step, lpadlen, rpadlen) end function Base.iterate(subseq::Subsequence, state=1) lenc = length(subseq.c) state > lenc && return nothing # return @view(subseq.c[state-subseq.lpadlen:state+subseq.rpadlen]), state+subseq.step if state <= subseq.lpadlen return vcat(fill(subseq.fillvalue, subseq.lpadlen-(state-1)), @view(subseq.c[1:state+subseq.rpadlen])), state+subseq.step elseif state >= lenc-subseq.rpadlen return vcat(@view(subseq.c[state-subseq.lpadlen:end]), fill(subseq.fillvalue, subseq.rpadlen-(lenc-state))), state+subseq.step else return @view(subseq.c[state-subseq.lpadlen:state+subseq.rpadlen]), state+subseq.step end end Base.length(subseq::Subsequence) = ceil(Int64, length(subseq.c)/subseq.step) Base.getindex(subseq::Subsequence, i::Number) = iterate(subseq, (1:subseq.step:length(subseq.c))[i])[1]
module QJuliaGaugeUtils import QJuliaInterface import QJuliaEnums import QUDARoutines debug_constructGaugeField = false @inline function accumulateConjugateProduct(a::Complex{T}, b::Complex{T}, c::Complex{T}, sign::Float64) where T <: AbstractFloat local tmp::Complex{T} = b*c a += Complex{T}(sign*real(tmp), -sign*imag(tmp)) return a end # normalize the vector a function normalize(a::AbstractArray, len::Int) local sum::Float64 = 0.0; for i in 1:len; sum += abs2(a[i]); end a[:] /= sqrt(sum) end # orthogonalize vector b to vector a function orthogonalize(a::AbstractArray, b::AbstractArray, len::Int) local dot::Complex{Float64} = 0.0; for i in 1:len; dot += conj(a[i])*b[i]; end b[:] -= (dot*a[:]) end #Main methods: function applyGaugeFieldScaling!(gauge::Matrix{Complex{T}}, param::QJuliaInterface.QJuliaGaugeParam_qj) where T <: AbstractFloat vol = param.X[1]*param.X[2]*param.X[3]*param.X[4] volh = Int(vol / 2) volh_t = Int(param.X[1] / 2)*param.X[2]*param.X[3]*(param.X[4]-1) # Apply spatial scaling factor (u0) to spatial links gauge[:, 1:3] /= param.anisotropy; # only apply T-boundary at edge nodes (always true for the single device) local last_node_in_t = (QUDARoutines.commCoords_qj(3) == QUDARoutines.commDim_qj(3)-1) ? true : false # create time direction views: even_tlinks = view(gauge, (9volh_t+1):9volh, 4) odd_tlinks = view(gauge, 9(volh+volh_t)+1:9vol, 4) # Apply boundary conditions to temporal links if param.t_boundary == QJuliaEnums.QJULIA_ANTI_PERIODIC_T && last_node_in_t println("Applying antiperiodic BC.") even_tlinks[:] *= -1.0 odd_tlinks[:] *= -1.0 end if param.gauge_fix == QJuliaEnums.QJULIA_GAUGE_FIXED_YES println("Applying gauge fixing.") # set all gauge links (except for the last X[1]*X[2]*X[3]/2) to the identity, # to simulate fixing to the temporal gauge. local iMax = last_node_in_t ? volh_t : volh even_gauge = view(gauge, 1:9iMax, 4) odd_gauge = view(gauge, 9volh+1:9(volh+iMax), 4) for i in 0:(iMax-1) for m in 0:2 for n in 0:2 even_gauge[9i + 3m + n + 1] = (m==n) ? 1.0 : 0.0; odd_gauge[ 9i + 3m + n + 1] = (m==n) ? 1.0 : 0.0; end # for n end # for m end #for i end # param.gauge_fix end #applyGaugeFieldScaling! function constructUnitGaugeField!(gauge::Matrix{Complex{T}}, param::QJuliaInterface.QJuliaGaugeParam_qj) where T <: AbstractFloat vol = param.X[1]*param.X[2]*param.X[3]*param.X[4] volh = Int(vol / 2) even_gauge = view(gauge, 1:9volh, :) odd_gauge = view(gauge, 9volh+1:9vol, :) for d in 1:4 for i in 0:(volh-1) for m in 0:2 for n in 0:2 even_gauge[9i + 3m + n + 1, d] = (m==n) ? 1.0 : 0.0; odd_gauge[9i + 3m + n + 1 , d] = (m==n) ? 1.0 : 0.0; end # for n end # for m end # for i end # for d applyGaugeFieldScaling!(gauge, param) end # constructUnitGaugeField! function constructGaugeField!(gauge::Matrix{Complex{T}}, param::QJuliaInterface.QJuliaGaugeParam_qj) where T <: AbstractFloat vol = param.X[1]*param.X[2]*param.X[3]*param.X[4] volh = Int(vol / 2) println("Gauge field volume: ", vol) even_gauge = view(gauge, 1:9volh, :) odd_gauge = view(gauge, 9volh+1:9vol, :) #println(typeof(even_gauge)) #println(typeof(odd_gauge) ) #we do always need offset = 1 for d in 1:4 for i in 0:(volh-1) for m in 0:2 for n in 0:2 even_gauge[9i + 3m + n + 1, d] = Complex{T}(rand(), rand()) odd_gauge[9i + 3m + n + 1 , d] = Complex{T}(rand(), rand()) end end #create a view for a given link local c = 1; gauge_link_col0 = view(even_gauge, (9i +1):(9i+3c ), d) gauge_link_col1 = view(even_gauge, (9i+3c +1):(9i+3(c+1)), d) gauge_link_col2 = view(even_gauge, (9i+3(c+1)+1):(9i+3(c+2)), d) normalize(gauge_link_col1, 3) orthogonalize(gauge_link_col1, gauge_link_col2, 3) normalize(gauge_link_col2, 3) for i in 1:3; gauge_link_col0[i] = 0.0; end gauge_link_col0[1] = accumulateConjugateProduct(gauge_link_col0[1], gauge_link_col1[2], gauge_link_col2[3], +1.0) gauge_link_col0[1] = accumulateConjugateProduct(gauge_link_col0[1], gauge_link_col1[3], gauge_link_col2[2], -1.0) gauge_link_col0[2] = accumulateConjugateProduct(gauge_link_col0[2], gauge_link_col1[3], gauge_link_col2[1], +1.0) gauge_link_col0[2] = accumulateConjugateProduct(gauge_link_col0[2], gauge_link_col1[1], gauge_link_col2[3], -1.0) gauge_link_col0[3] = accumulateConjugateProduct(gauge_link_col0[3], gauge_link_col1[1], gauge_link_col2[2], +1.0) gauge_link_col0[3] = accumulateConjugateProduct(gauge_link_col0[3], gauge_link_col1[2], gauge_link_col2[1], -1.0) gauge_link_col0 = view(odd_gauge, (9i +1):(9i+3c ), d) gauge_link_col1 = view(odd_gauge, (9i+3c+1):(9i+3(c+1)), d) gauge_link_col2 = view(odd_gauge, (9i+3(c+1)+1):(9i+3(c+2)), d) normalize(gauge_link_col1, 3) orthogonalize(gauge_link_col1, gauge_link_col2, 3) normalize(gauge_link_col2, 3) for i in 1:3; gauge_link_col0[i] = 0.0; end gauge_link_col0[1] = accumulateConjugateProduct(gauge_link_col0[1], gauge_link_col1[2], gauge_link_col2[3], +1.0) gauge_link_col0[1] = accumulateConjugateProduct(gauge_link_col0[1], gauge_link_col1[3], gauge_link_col2[2], -1.0) gauge_link_col0[2] = accumulateConjugateProduct(gauge_link_col0[2], gauge_link_col1[3], gauge_link_col2[1], +1.0) gauge_link_col0[2] = accumulateConjugateProduct(gauge_link_col0[2], gauge_link_col1[1], gauge_link_col2[3], -1.0) gauge_link_col0[3] = accumulateConjugateProduct(gauge_link_col0[3], gauge_link_col1[1], gauge_link_col2[2], +1.0) gauge_link_col0[3] = accumulateConjugateProduct(gauge_link_col0[3], gauge_link_col1[2], gauge_link_col2[1], -1.0) end # for i end # for d if param.gtype == QJuliaEnums.QJULIA_WILSON_LINKS println("Applying scaling/BC on the gauge links") applyGaugeFieldScaling!(gauge, param) end if debug_constructGaugeField == true println("::> Begin debug info for function constructGaugeField...") dir = 1 for i in 1:16 println("Cehck value for index ", i, ",dir " , dir, " complex value is = ", gauge[i, dir]) end println("<:: End debug info.") end end #constructGaugeField! function construct_gauge_field!(gauge::Matrix{Complex{T}}, gtype, param::QJuliaInterface.QJuliaGaugeParam_qj) where T <: AbstractFloat println("Working with gauge field type:", typeof(gauge), " : ", length(gauge)) if gtype == 0 println("Construct unit gauge field") constructUnitGaugeField!(gauge, param) elseif gtype == 1 println("Construct random gauge field") constructGaugeField!(gauge, param) else println("Apply scaling...") applyGaugeFieldScaling!(gauge, param) end end #construct_gauge_field! end #QJuliaGaugeUtils
# Methods that deal with interpolating the adaptive kernel's kernel parameters # or the warp map from samples. # # One single interpolator for the size of the entire image. # function getθset{KT}(itp, itp_set, θ::KT, scale_factor::Float64, # ratio::Vector{Float64}, # offset::Vector{Float64})::Matrix{AdaptiveKernelType{KT}} # # θ_set = Array{AdaptiveKernelType{KT}}(size(itp_set)) # # for i = 1:length(θ_set) # θ_set[i] = AdaptiveKernelType(θ, x->scale_factor*itp[(x./ratio+offset)...] ) # end # # return θ_set # end # # # The version that uses an array of smaller interpolators, with oversized phi patches. # function getθsetlocalinterpolators2{KT}(itp_sets::Vector, # θ::KT, scale_factor::Float64, # ratio::Vector{Float64}, # X_set::Matrix{Matrix{Vector{Float64}}}, # overlap::Int)::Matrix{AdaptiveKernelType{KT}} # # N_rows, N_cols = size(itp_sets[1]) # θ_set = Array{AdaptiveKernelType{KT}}(N_rows,N_cols) # # M = length(itp_sets) # # # Top left. Put into for-loop block so anchor and offset gets its own scope. # for i = 1:1 # anchor = [1; 1] # offset = -X_set[1,1][1]./ratio + anchor # # warpfunc_set = Vector{Function}(M) # for m = 1:M # itp_set = itp_sets[m] # warpfunc_set[m] = x->scale_factor*itp_set[1,1][(x./ratio+offset)...] # end # # θ_set[1,1] = AdaptiveKernelType(θ,warpfunc_set) # end # # # Left column, second row until end. # for i = 2:N_rows # anchor = [overlap+1; 1] # offset = -X_set[i,1][1]./ratio + anchor # # warpfunc_set = Vector{Function}(M) # for m = 1:M # itp_set = itp_sets[m] # warpfunc_set[m] = x->scale_factor*itp_set[i,1][(x./ratio+offset)...] # end # # θ_set[i,1] = AdaptiveKernelType(θ,warpfunc_set) # end # # # Top row, second column until end. # for j = 2:N_cols # anchor = [1; overlap+1] # offset = -X_set[1,j][1]./ratio + anchor # # warpfunc_set = Vector{Function}(M) # for m = 1:M # itp_set = itp_sets[m] # warpfunc_set[m] = x->scale_factor*itp_set[1,j][(x./ratio+offset)...] # end # # θ_set[1,j] = AdaptiveKernelType(θ,warpfunc_set) # end # # # Central regions, second row ⊗ second column until end. # for i = 2:N_rows # for j = 2:N_cols # anchor = [overlap+1; overlap+1] # offset = -X_set[i,j][1]./ratio + anchor # # warpfunc_set = Vector{Function}(M) # for m = 1:M # itp_set = itp_sets[m] # warpfunc_set[m] = x->scale_factor*itp_set[i,j][(x./ratio+offset)...] # end # # θ_set[i,j] = AdaptiveKernelType(θ,warpfunc_set) # end # end # # return θ_set # end # options for warp map samples. # this is the case when the target density is unknown, but realizations are available. function getwarpmapsamplecustom( y::Array{T,D}, ω_set, pass_band_factor) where {T,D} # N_bands = length(ω_set) Y = y #### Split-band analysis. ϕY, ψY = SignalTools.runsplitbandanalysis(Y, ω_set, SignalTools.getGaussianfilters) ηY = SignalTools.runbandpassanalysis(Y, ω_set, pass_band_factor, SignalTools.getGaussianfilters) # #### Riesz transform on the different filtered signals. # H, ordering = gethigherorderRTfilters(Y,order) # # 𝓡ϕY = collect( RieszAnalysisLimited(ϕY[s],H) for s = 1:N_bands) # 𝓡ψY = collect( RieszAnalysisLimited(ψY[s],H) for s = 1:N_bands) # 𝓡ηY = collect( RieszAnalysisLimited(ηY[s],H) for s = 1:N_bands) ϕ_set = ηY ϕ = reduce(+,ϕ_set)./N_bands return ϕY, ψY, ηY end function getwarpmaplinear(ϕ::Array{T,D}) where {T,D} itp_ϕ = Interpolations.interpolate(ϕ, Interpolations.BSpline(Interpolations.Linear())) etp_ϕ = Interpolations.extrapolate(itp_ϕ, Interpolations.Line()) return etp_ϕ end function getwarpmap(ϕ::Array{T,D}) where {T,D} itp_ϕ = Interpolations.interpolate(ϕ, Interpolations.BSpline(Interpolations.Cubic( Interpolations.Flat(Interpolations.OnGrid())))) etp_ϕ = Interpolations.extrapolate(itp_ϕ, Interpolations.Line()) #etp_ϕ = Interpolations.extrapolate(itp_ϕ, 0) return etp_ϕ end function getwarpmap(ϕ::Array{T,D}, x_ranges::Vector, amplification_factor::T) where {T,D} @assert D == length(x_ranges) N_array = collect( length(x_ranges[d]) for d = 1:D ) itp_ϕ = Interpolations.interpolate(ϕ, Interpolations.BSpline(Interpolations.Cubic( Interpolations.Flat(Interpolations.OnGrid())))) etp_ϕ = Interpolations.extrapolate(itp_ϕ, Interpolations.Line()) #etp_ϕ = Interpolations.extrapolate(itp_ϕ, 0) st = collect( x_ranges[d][1] for d = 1:D ) fin = collect( x_ranges[d][end] for d = 1:D ) f = xx->etp_ϕ(interval2itpindex(xx, st, fin, N_array)...)*amplification_factor # chain rule for first derivatives. df = xx->( Interpolations.gradient(etp_ϕ,interval2itpindex(xx, st, fin, N_array)...) .* derivativeinterval2itpindex(st,fin,N_array) .*amplification_factor ) # chain rule for second derivatives. d2f = xx->( Interpolations.hessian(etp_ϕ,interval2itpindex(xx, st, fin, N_array)...) .* (derivativeinterval2itpindex(st,fin,N_array).^2) .*amplification_factor ) return f, df, d2f end # # test code. # # A = randn(N,N) # itp_ϕ = Interpolations.interpolate(A, # Interpolations.BSpline(Interpolations.Cubic( # Interpolations.Flat(Interpolations.OnGrid())))) # # P = [1.1; 2.3] # ϕ_map_func, d_ϕ_map_func = getwarpmap(A, x_ranges[1:2], amplification_factor) # # # dϕ_ND = xx->Calculus.gradient(ϕ_map_func, xx) # dϕ_ND(P) # # d_ϕ_map_func(P) ./ dϕ_ND(P)
function get_combined_provider(::Type{TransformProviderUtils}, arg0::TransformProvider, arg1::TransformProvider) return jcall(TransformProviderUtils, "getCombinedProvider", TransformProvider, (TransformProvider, TransformProvider), arg0, arg1) end function get_reversed_provider(::Type{TransformProviderUtils}, arg0::TransformProvider) return jcall(TransformProviderUtils, "getReversedProvider", TransformProvider, (TransformProvider,), arg0) end
#/////////////////////////////////////// #// File Name: rs_sac_controller_test.jl #// Author: Haruki Nishimura (hnishimura@stanford.edu) #// Date Created: 2021/02/26 #// Description: Test code for src/rs_sac_controller.jl #/////////////////////////////////////// using DataStructures using LinearAlgebra using Random using RobotOS @testset "RSSAC Controller Test" begin # Cost parameters Cep = Matrix(1.0I, 2, 2); Cu = Matrix(1.0I, 2, 2); β_pos = 0.6; β_col = 0.4; α_col = 100.0; λ_col = 1.0; σ_risk = 1.0; cost_param = CostParameter(Cep, Cu, β_pos, α_col, β_col, λ_col, σ_risk); # Simulation parameters conf_file_name = "config.json"; test_data_name = "eth_test.pkl"; test_scene_id = 0; start_time_idx = 50; device = py"torch".device("cpu"); incl_robot_name = false; scene_param = TrajectronSceneParameter(conf_file_name, test_data_name, test_scene_id, start_time_idx, incl_robot_name); scene_loader = TrajectronSceneLoader(scene_param, verbose=false); num_samples = 50; prediction_steps = 12; use_robot_future = false; deterministic = false; rng_seed_py = 1; predictor_param = TrajectronPredictorParameter(prediction_steps, num_samples, use_robot_future, deterministic, rng_seed_py); traj_predictor = TrajectronPredictor(predictor_param, scene_loader.model_dir, scene_loader.param.conf_file_name, device, verbose=false); initialize_scene_graph!(traj_predictor, scene_loader); ado_states = fetch_ado_positions!(scene_loader, return_full_state=true); ado_positions = reduce_to_positions(ado_states); dtc = 0.01; sim_param = SimulationParameter(scene_loader, traj_predictor, dtc, cost_param); # Initial conditions ep = [-1., 3.5]; ev = [1., 1.]; t_init = Time(1.0); e_init = RobotState([ep; ev], t_init); ap_dict_init = convert_nodes_to_str(ado_positions); t_last_m = Time(0.8); w_init = WorldState(e_init, ap_dict_init, t_last_m); # Target Trajectory u_nominal_base = [0.0, 0.0]; u_array_base = [u_nominal_base for ii = 1:480]; wp1 = WayPoint2D([0.0, 0.0], Time(1.0)); wp2 = WayPoint2D([0.0, 0.0], Time(5, 8e8)); target_trajectory = Trajectory2D([wp1, wp2]); # ControlParameter eamax = 5.0; tcalc = 0.1; dtexec = [0.05, 0.01, 0.02]; dtr = 0.1; nominal_search_depth = 2; constraint_time = nothing; u_nominal_cand = append!([[0.0, 0.0]], [round.([a*cos(deg2rad(θ)), a*sin(deg2rad(θ))], digits=5) for a = [2., 4.] for θ = 0.:45.:(360. - 45.)]) # nominal control candidate value [ax, ay] [m/s^2] cnt_param = ControlParameter(eamax, tcalc, dtexec, dtr, u_nominal_base, u_nominal_cand, nominal_search_depth, constraint_time=constraint_time); # Prediction Dict prediction_dict = sample_future_ado_positions!(traj_predictor, ado_states); num_controls = length(cnt_param.u_nominal_cand)^nominal_search_depth; for key in keys(prediction_dict) prediction_dict[key] = repeat(prediction_dict[key], outer=(num_controls, 1, 1)); end @test prediction_dict["PEDESTRIAN/25"][1:50, :, :] == prediction_dict["PEDESTRIAN/25"][51:100, :, :] # # Helper functions test # convert_to_schedule test u_schedule = convert_to_schedule(w_init.t, u_array_base, sim_param); @test length(u_schedule) == 480 @test all(collect(values(u_schedule)) .== [[0.0, 0.0]]) @test haskey(u_schedule, Time(1.0)) @test haskey(u_schedule, Time(1.01)) @test haskey(u_schedule, Time(5.79)) # get_nominal_u_arrays test: get nominal u_arrays from u_schedule and nominal control candidates #u_nominal_mod_init_time = w_init.t + Duration(cnt_param.tcalc); #u_nominal_mod_final_time = u_nominal_mod_init_time + # Duration(sim_param.dto) - # Duration(sim_param.dtc); schedule_before = u_schedule; u_arrays = get_nominal_u_arrays(u_schedule, sim_param, cnt_param); @test all(u_arrays[1][1:end] .== [[0.0, 0.0]]) @test all([all(u_arrays[ii][1:10] .== [[0.0, 0.0]]) && all(u_arrays[ii][11:50] .== [u_nominal_cand[div(ii - 1, length(cnt_param.u_nominal_cand)) + 1]]) && all(u_arrays[ii][51:90] .== [u_nominal_cand[mod(ii - 1, length(cnt_param.u_nominal_cand)) + 1]]) && all(u_arrays[ii][91:end] .== [[0.0, 0.0]]) for ii = 2:length(cnt_param.u_nominal_cand)]) @test u_schedule == schedule_before # get_robot_present_and_future_test begin e_state = RobotState([-5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]); u_nominal = [[0.0, 0.0] for ii = 1:Int64(round(prediction_steps*sim_param.dto/dtc))]; u_s = convert_to_schedule(e_state.t, u_nominal, sim_param); rpf = get_robot_present_and_future(e_state, u_s, sim_param, cnt_param); @test size(rpf) == (17^nominal_search_depth, 13, 6) @test all(isapprox.(cumsum(rpf[:, 1:end-1, 5:6], dims=2).*sim_param.dto .+ rpf[:, 1:1, 3:4], rpf[:, 2:end, 3:4], atol=1e-6)) end # Get simulation result and best nominal u_array sim_result, u_nominal_array = simulate(w_init, u_arrays, target_trajectory, prediction_dict, sim_param, cnt_param.constraint_time); # get_control_coeffs_test coeff_matrix, coeff_matrix_constraint = get_control_coeffs(sim_result, sim_param, cnt_param); #@test size(coeff_matrix) == (2, 20); @test size(coeff_matrix) == (2, 480); @test isnothing(coeff_matrix_constraint) test_time_id = 11; den_test = sum(exp.(σ_risk.*sim_result.sampled_total_costs)); num_test = sum(exp.(σ_risk.*sim_result.sampled_total_costs).* [sim_result.e_costate_array[:, test_time_id, jj] for jj = 1:sim_param.num_samples]); @test transition_control_coeff(sim_result.e_state_array[test_time_id])'* (num_test./den_test) ≈ coeff_matrix[:, test_time_id]; # get_control_schedule test control_schedule_array = get_control_schedule(sim_result, u_nominal_array, coeff_matrix, sim_param, cnt_param); #@test length(control_schedule_array) == Int64((tcalc+dtr)/dtc); @test length(control_schedule_array) == Int64(round(sim_param.dto*sim_param.prediction_steps/dtc, digits=5)); @test maximum(map(s -> norm(vec(s.u)), control_schedule_array)) < eamax || maximum(map(s -> norm(vec(s.u)), control_schedule_array)) ≈ eamax; @test !any(isnan.(map(s -> s.cost, control_schedule_array))); # determine_control_time test control_chosen = determine_control_time(sim_result, control_schedule_array, sim_param, cnt_param); @test t_init + Duration(cnt_param.tcalc) + Duration(maximum(cnt_param.dtexec)) <= control_chosen.t; #@test control_chosen.t <= t_init + Duration(cnt_param.tcalc) + Duration(cnt_param.dtr) @test control_chosen.t <= t_init + Duration(sim_param.dto*sim_param.prediction_steps); @test norm(control_chosen.u) < eamax || norm(control_chosen.u) ≈ eamax; # sac_control_update_test tcalc_actual, best_schedule, sim_result = sac_control_update(w_init, u_schedule, target_trajectory, prediction_dict, sim_param, cnt_param); perturbation_times = [k for (k,v) in best_schedule if v==control_chosen.u]; if length(perturbation_times) > 1 @test best_schedule[control_chosen.t - Duration(dtc)] == control_chosen.u @test best_schedule[control_chosen.t] != control_chosen.u @test in(to_sec(perturbation_times[end] - perturbation_times[1]) + sim_param.dtc, cnt_param.dtexec) end # # Main functions test u_schedule = convert_to_schedule(w_init.t, u_array_base, sim_param); controller = RSSACController(traj_predictor, u_schedule, sim_param, cnt_param); scene_loader = TrajectronSceneLoader(scene_param, verbose=false); traj_predictor = TrajectronPredictor(predictor_param, scene_loader.model_dir, scene_loader.param.conf_file_name, device, verbose=false); initialize_scene_graph!(traj_predictor, scene_loader); ado_states = fetch_ado_positions!(scene_loader, return_full_state=true); ado_positions = reduce_to_positions(ado_states); schedule_prediction!(controller, ado_states); wait(controller.prediction_task); @test istaskdone(controller.prediction_task); @test controller.prediction_dict_tmp["PEDESTRIAN/25"][1:50, :, :] == controller.prediction_dict_tmp["PEDESTRIAN/25"][51:100, :, :] schedule_control_update!(controller, w_init, target_trajectory); @test !isnothing(controller.prediction_dict); @test isnothing(controller.prediction_task); wait(controller.control_update_task); @test istaskdone(controller.control_update_task); ado_positions_str = convert_nodes_to_str(ado_positions); latest_ado_pos_dict = deepcopy(ado_positions_str); ado_1 = collect(keys(latest_ado_pos_dict))[1]; ado_2 = collect(keys(latest_ado_pos_dict))[2]; prediction_array_ado_2 = copy(controller.prediction_dict[ado_2]); latest_ado_pos_dict[ado_2] += [0.5, 0.5]; pop!(latest_ado_pos_dict, ado_1); latest_ado_pos_dict["PEDESTRIAN/999"] = [1.0, 1.0]; adjust_old_prediction!(controller, ado_positions_str, latest_ado_pos_dict); @test all(controller.prediction_dict[ado_2][:, :, 1] .- prediction_array_ado_2[:, :, 1] .≈ 0.5); @test all(controller.prediction_dict[ado_2][:, :, 2] .- prediction_array_ado_2[:, :, 2] .≈ 0.5); @test !in(controller.prediction_dict, ado_1); @test size(controller.prediction_dict["PEDESTRIAN/999"]) == (num_samples*num_controls, sim_param.prediction_steps, 2); @test all(controller.prediction_dict["PEDESTRIAN/999"][:, :, 1] .== 1.0) @test all(controller.prediction_dict["PEDESTRIAN/999"][:, :, 2] .== 1.0) u_1 = control!(controller, Time(1.0)); @test u_1 == [0.0, 0.0]; @test !isnothing(controller.sim_result); @test !isnothing(controller.tcalc_actual); #@test !isnothing(controller.u_init_time); #@test !isnothing(controller.u_last_time); #@test !isnothing(controller.u_value); @test isnothing(controller.control_update_task); # # constraint_time tests constraint_time = 0.1; cnt_param = ControlParameter(eamax, tcalc, dtexec, dtr, u_nominal_base, u_nominal_cand, nominal_search_depth, constraint_time=constraint_time); # Get simulation result and best nominal u_array sim_result, u_nominal_array = simulate(w_init, u_arrays, target_trajectory, prediction_dict, sim_param, cnt_param.constraint_time); # get_control_coeffs_test coeff_matrix, coeff_matrix_constraint = get_control_coeffs(sim_result, sim_param, cnt_param); #@test size(coeff_matrix) == (2, 20); @test size(coeff_matrix) == (2, 480); @test !isnothing(coeff_matrix_constraint) @test size(coeff_matrix_constraint) == (2, 10); u_array_constraint, cost_array_constraint = solve_multi_qcqp(u_nominal_array, coeff_matrix, coeff_matrix_constraint, sim_param, cnt_param); @test all([norm(u) <= cnt_param.eamax for u in u_array_constraint]) control_schedule_array_constraint = get_control_schedule(sim_result, u_nominal_array, coeff_matrix, sim_param, cnt_param, coeff_matrix_constraint); @test all([s.u == u for (s, u) in zip(control_schedule_array_constraint[1:10], u_array_constraint)]) @test all([s.cost == cost for (s, cost) in zip(control_schedule_array_constraint[1:10], cost_array_constraint)]) @test all([s.t == s_constraint.t for (s, s_constraint) in zip(control_schedule_array[1:10], control_schedule_array_constraint[1:10])]) @test all([s.u == s_constraint.u for (s, s_constraint) in zip(control_schedule_array[11:20], control_schedule_array_constraint[11:20])]) @test all([s.cost == s_constraint.cost for (s, s_constraint) in zip(control_schedule_array[11:20], control_schedule_array_constraint[11:20])]) @test all([s.t == s_constraint.t for (s, s_constraint) in zip(control_schedule_array[11:20], control_schedule_array_constraint[11:20])]) # sac_control_update_test tcalc_actual, best_schedule, sim_result = sac_control_update(w_init, u_schedule, target_trajectory, prediction_dict, sim_param, cnt_param); end
#not currently used #= function get_data_info_oldversion(at_set, dim) # very minor changes, see differs. This is soley for format conversion from old coefs to new format, which has extra 3body terms. n_2body = 5 n_2body_onsite = 4 n_2body_S = 7 n_3body = 5 #differs. is 7 in the main version n_3body_same = 5 n_3body_onsite = 4 n_3body_onsite_same = 2 data_info = Dict{Tuple, Array{Int64,1}}() orbs = [] if dim == 2 #2body at_list = [i for i in at_set] # println(at_list) if length(at_list) == 1 at_list = [at_list[1], at_list[1]] end sort!(at_list) # println(at_list) orbs1 = atoms[at_list[1]].orbitals orbs2 = atoms[at_list[2]].orbitals at1 = at_list[1] at2 = at_list[2] if at1 == at2 same_at = true else same_at = false end # orbs = [] #2body part function get2bdy(n, symb) tot=0 for o1 in orbs1 for o2 in orbs2 if same_at && ((o2 == :s && o1 == :p) || (o2 == :s && o1 == :d) || (o2 == :p && o1 == :d)) continue end # push!(orbs, (o1, o2, symb)) if o1 == :s && o2 == :s data_info[(at1, o1, at2, o2, symb)] = tot+1:tot+n data_info[(at2, o2, at1, o1, symb)] = tot+1:tot+n tot += n elseif (o1 == :s && o2 == :p ) || (o1 == :p && o2 == :s ) data_info[(at1, o1, at2, o2, symb)] = tot+1:tot+n data_info[(at2, o2, at1, o1, symb)] = tot+1:tot+n tot += n # if same_at # data_info[(o2, o1, symb)] = data_info[(o1, o2, symb)] # end elseif (o1 == :p && o2 == :p ) data_info[(at1, o1, at2, o2, symb)] = tot+1:tot+n*2 data_info[(at2, o2, at1, o1, symb)] = tot+1:tot+n*2 tot += n*2 # elseif (o1 == :p && o2 == :p ) # data_info[(at1, o1, at2, o2, symb)] = tot+1:tot+n*2 # data_info[(at2, o2, at1, o1, symb)] = tot+1:tot+n*2 # tot += n*2 elseif (o1 == :s && o2 == :d ) || (o1 == :d && o2 == :s ) data_info[(at1, o1, at2, o2, symb)] = tot+1:tot+n data_info[(at2, o2, at1, o1, symb)] = tot+1:tot+n tot += n elseif (o1 == :p && o2 == :d ) || (o1 == :d && o2 == :p ) data_info[(at1, o1, at2, o2, symb)] = tot+1:tot+n*2 data_info[(at2, o2, at1, o1, symb)] = tot+1:tot+n*2 tot += n*2 elseif (o1 == :d && o2 == :d ) data_info[(at1, o1, at2, o2, symb)] = tot+1:tot+n*3 data_info[(at2, o2, at1, o1, symb)] = tot+1:tot+n*3 tot += n*3 end end end return tot end totH = get2bdy(n_2body, :H) totS = get2bdy(n_2body_S, :S) # println("totH $totH totS $totS") #onsite part function getonsite(atX,orbsX, tot, n) for o1 in orbsX for o2 in orbsX if (o2 == :s && o1 == :p) || (o2 == :s && o1 == :d) || (o2 == :p && o1 == :d) continue end # push!(orbs, (o1, o2, :O)) if o1 == :s && o2 == :s data_info[(atX, o1, o2, :O)] = tot+1:tot+n # println("data_info" , (atX, o1, o2, :O), tot+1:tot+n) tot += n elseif (o1 == :s && o2 == :p ) data_info[(atX, o1, o2, :O)] = tot+1:tot+n data_info[(atX, o2, o1, :O)] = data_info[(atX, o1, o2, :O)] tot += n elseif (o1 == :p && o2 == :p ) data_info[(atX, o1, o2, :O)] = tot+1:tot+n*2 tot += n*2 elseif o1 == :s && o2 == :d data_info[(atX, o1, o2, :O)] = tot+1:tot+n data_info[(atX, o2, o1, :O)] = data_info[(atX, o1, o2, :O)] tot += n elseif o1 == :p && o2 == :d data_info[(atX, o1, o2, :O)] = tot+1:tot+n data_info[(atX, o2, o1, :O)] = data_info[(atX, o1, o2, :O)] tot += n elseif o1 == :d && o2 == :d data_info[(atX, o1, o2, :O)] = tot+1:tot+n*2 data_info[(atX, o2, o1, :O)] = data_info[(atX, o1, o2, :O)] tot += n*2 end end end return tot end if same_at #true onsite terms for o in orbs1 # println("true onsite ", o) data_info[(at1, o, :A)] = [totH+1] totH += 1 end end totHO = getonsite(at1, orbs1, totH, n_2body_onsite) if !(same_at) #need reverse if not same atom totHO = getonsite(at2, orbs2, totHO, n_2body_onsite) end elseif dim == 3 #3body totS = 0 #no 3body overlap terms at_list = [i for i in at_set] sort!(at_list) if length(at_list) == 1 #permutations are trivial perm_ij = [[at_list[1], at_list[1], at_list[1]]] perm_on = [[at_list[1], at_list[1], at_list[1]]] elseif length(at_list) == 2 #unique permutations perm_ij = [[at_list[1], at_list[1], at_list[2]] , [at_list[2], at_list[2], at_list[1]] , [at_list[1], at_list[2], at_list[1]] , [at_list[1], at_list[2], at_list[2]] ] perm_on = [[at_list[1], at_list[2], at_list[2]] , [at_list[1], at_list[1], at_list[2]] , [at_list[2], at_list[1], at_list[1]] , [at_list[2], at_list[1], at_list[2]] ] elseif length(at_list) == 3 #all permutations exist hij perm_ij = [[at_list[1], at_list[2], at_list[3]] , [at_list[1], at_list[3], at_list[2]] , [at_list[2], at_list[1], at_list[3]] , [at_list[2], at_list[3], at_list[1]] , [at_list[3], at_list[1], at_list[2]] , [at_list[3], at_list[2], at_list[1]] ] #onsite can flip last 2 atoms perm_on = [[at_list[1], at_list[2], at_list[3]] , [at_list[2], at_list[1], at_list[3]] , [at_list[3], at_list[1], at_list[2]]] else println("ERROR get_data_info $dim $at_set $at_list") end function get3bdy(n, symb, start, at1, at2, at3) tot=start orbs1 = atoms[at1].orbitals orbs2 = atoms[at2].orbitals if at1 == at2 same_at = true else same_at = false end for o1 in orbs1 for o2 in orbs2 if same_at && ((o2 == :s && o1 == :p) || (o2 == :s && o1 == :d) || (o2 == :p && o1 == :d)) continue end # push!(orbs, (o1, o2, symb)) if same_at data_info[(at1, o1, at2, o2, at3, symb)] = collect(tot+1:tot+n) data_info[(at2, o2, at1, o1, at3, symb)] = collect(tot+1:tot+n) else #[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18] data_info[(at1, o1, at2, o2, at3, symb)] = collect(tot+1:tot+n) # data_info[(at2, o2, at1, o1, at3, symb)] = tot .+ [1 4 6 2 5 3 7 10 12 8 11 9 13 16 18 14 17 15]' #switch 2 4 and 3 6 # data_info[(at2, o2, at1, o1, at3, symb)] = tot .+ [1 4 6 2 5 3 7 10 12 8 11 9 ]' #switch 2 4 and 3 6 # data_info[(at2, o2, at1, o1, at3, symb)] = tot .+ [1 3 2 4 5 7 6 8 9]' #switch 2 4 and 3 6 # data_info[(at2, o2, at1, o1, at3, symb)] = tot .+ [1 3 2 4 5 7 6]' #switch 2 4 and 3 6 # data_info[(at2, o2, at1, o1, at3, symb)] = tot .+ [1 3 2 4 6 5]' #switch 2 4 and 3 6 # data_info[(at2, o2, at1, o1, at3, symb)] = tot .+ [1 3 2 4 6 5 7 9 8 ]' #switch 2 4 and 3 6 # data_info[(at2, o2, at1, o1, at3, symb)] = tot .+ [1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 6 ] #switch 2 4 and 3 6 data_info[(at2, o2, at1, o1, at3, symb)] = tot .+ [1, 3, 2, 4, 5 ] #differs end tot += n # if same_at # data_info[(o2, o1, symb)] = data_info[(o1, o2, symb)] # end end end return tot end # if at_list[2] == at_list[3] # same_at_on = true # else # same_at_on = false # end function get3bdy_onsite(n, same_at,symb, start, at1, at2, at3) # if at2 == at3 #|| at1 == at2 || at1 == at3 # same_at = true # else # same_at = false # end orbs1 = atoms[at1].orbitals # println("get3bdy_onsite $at1 $at2 $at3 $n") tot=start for o1 in orbs1 # data_info[(at1, o1,at2, at3, symb)] = collect(tot+1:tot+n) # data_info[(at1, o1,at3, at2, symb)] = collect(tot+1:tot+n) # push!(orbs, (at1, o1,at2, at3, symb)) # push!(orbs, (at1, o1,at3, at2, symb)) if same_at data_info[(at1, o1,at2, at3, symb)] = collect(tot+1:tot+n) data_info[(at1, o1,at3, at2, symb)] = collect(tot+1:tot+n) else data_info[(at1, o1,at2, at3, symb)] = collect(tot+1:tot+n) # data_info[(at1, o1,at3, at2, symb)] = collect(tot+1:tot+n) data_info[(at1, o1,at3, at2, symb)] = tot .+ [1, 3, 2, 4] # data_info[(at1, o1,at2, at3, symb)] = collect(tot+1:tot+n) # data_info[(at1, o1,at3, at2, symb)] = tot .+ [1 3 2 4]' end tot += n # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 end return tot end tot_size = 0 for p in perm_ij if p[1] == p[2] tot_size = get3bdy(n_3body_same, :H, tot_size, p[1], p[2], p[3]) else tot_size = get3bdy(n_3body, :H, tot_size, p[1], p[2], p[3]) end end for p in perm_on if (p[1] == p[2] || p[2] == p[3] || p[1] == p[3]) tot_size = get3bdy_onsite(n_3body_onsite_same,true, :O, tot_size, p[1], p[2], p[3]) #all diff else tot_size = get3bdy_onsite(n_3body_onsite,false, :O, tot_size, p[1], p[2], p[3]) # end end totHO = tot_size else println("error, only 2 or 3 body terms, you gave me : ", at_list) end return totHO ,totS, data_info, orbs end function fix_format_change(datH, totHnew, dim, at_list, data_info) #this converts from old data_info to new data_info, setting the extra terms to zero. totH,totS, data_info_old, orbs = get_data_info_oldversion(at_list, dim) datHnew = zeros(totHnew) for k in keys(data_info) dnew = data_info[k] dold = data_info_old[k] n=length(dold) datHnew[dnew[1:n] ] = datH[dold] #the extra terms are left as zero end return datHnew end =#
using NonlinearEigenproblems using SparseArrays export RKNEP export MatrixAndFunction export LowRankMatrixAndFunction export get_rk_nep import Base.size import ..NEPCore.compute_Mder import ..NEPCore.compute_Mlincomb import ..NEPTypes.get_Av import ..NEPTypes.get_fv import ..NEPTypes.LowRankFactorizedNEP "NEP instance supplemented with various structures used for rational Krylov problems." struct RKNEP{S<:AbstractMatrix{<:Number}, T<:Number} nep::NEP # Original NEP problem spmf::Bool # Whether this NEP is a sum a products of matrices and functions p::Int # Order of polynomial part q::Int # Number of nonlinear matrices and functions BBCC::S # The polynomial and nonlinear matrices concatenated vertically is_low_rank::Bool # Whether the nonlinear matrices of this NEP have an attached low rank LU factorization r::Int # Sum of ranks of low rank nonlinear matrices iL::Vector{Int} # Vector with indices of L-factors iLr::Vector{Int} # Vector with row indices of L-factors that have any entries present L::Vector{S} # Vector of L factors of low rank LU factorization of nonlinear part LL::Vector{SparseVector{T,Int}} # Rows of L factors concatenated into vectors (only rows with nnz > 0 are stored) UU::S # The U factors concatenated vertically end RKNEP(::Type{T}, nep::NEP) where T<:Number = RKNEP(nep, false, 0, 0, Matrix{T}(undef, 0, 0), false, 0, Vector{Int}(), Vector{Int}(), Vector{Matrix{T}}(), Vector{SparseVector{T,Int}}(), Matrix{T}(undef, 0, 0)) RKNEP(nep::NEP, p, q, BBCC::AbstractMatrix{T}) where T<:Number = RKNEP(nep, true, p, q, BBCC, false, 0, Vector{Int}(), Vector{Int}(), Vector{typeof(BBCC)}(), Vector{SparseVector{T,Int}}(), similar(BBCC, 0, 0)) RKNEP(nep::NEP, p, q, BBCC, r, iL, iLr, L, LL, UU) = RKNEP(nep, true, p, q, BBCC, true, r, iL, iLr, L, LL, UU) struct LowRankMatrixAndFunction{S<:AbstractMatrix{<:Number}} A::S L::S # L factor of LU-factorized A U::S # U factor of LU-factorized A f::Function end "Create low rank LU factorization of A." function LowRankMatrixAndFunction(A::AbstractMatrix{<:Number}, f::Function) L, U = low_rank_lu_factors(A) LowRankMatrixAndFunction(A, L, U, f) end export LowRankFactorizedNEP # Additional constructor for particle example function LowRankFactorizedNEP(Amf::AbstractVector{LowRankMatrixAndFunction{S}}) where {T<:Number, S<:AbstractMatrix{T}} # if A is not specified, create it from LU factors A = [isempty(M.A) ? M.L * M.U' : M.A for M in Amf] L = getfield.(Amf, :L) U = getfield.(Amf, :U) f = getfield.(Amf, :f) rank = mapreduce(M -> size(M.U, 2), +, Amf) return LowRankFactorizedNEP(SPMF_NEP(A, f, align_sparsity_patterns=true), rank, L, U) end function low_rank_lu_factors(A::SparseMatrixCSC{<:Number,Int}) n = size(A, 1) idx = findall(!iszero, A) r = extrema(getindex.(idx, 1)) c = extrema(getindex.(idx, 2)) B = A[r[1]:r[2], c[1]:c[2]] L, U = lu(Matrix(B); check = false) Lc, Uc = compactlu(sparse(L), sparse(U)) Lca = spzeros(n, size(Lc, 2)) Lca[r[1]:r[2], :] = Lc Uca = spzeros(size(Uc, 1), n) Uca[:, c[1]:c[2]] = Uc return Lca, sparse(Uca') # TODO use this; however we then need to support permutation and scaling #F = lu(B) #Lcf,Ucf = compactlu(sparse(F.L),sparse(F.U)) #Lcaf = spzeros(n, size(Lcf, 2)) #Lcaf[r[1]:r[2], :] = Lcf #Ucaf = spzeros(size(Ucf, 1), n) #Ucaf[:, c[1]:c[2]] = Ucf #Ucaf = Ucaf' end function compactlu(L, U) n = size(L, 1) select = map(i -> nnz(L[i:n, i]) > 1 || nnz(U[i, i:n]) > 0, 1:n) return L[:,select], U[select,:] end "Create RKNEP instance, exploiting the type of the input NEP as much as possible" function get_rk_nep(::Type{T}, nep::NEP) where T<:Real # Most generic case: No coefficient matrices, all we have is M(λ) if !isa(nep, AbstractSPMF) return RKNEP(T, nep) end Av = get_Av(nep) BBCC = vcat(Av...)::eltype(Av) # Polynomial eigenvalue problem if isa(nep, PEP) return RKNEP(nep, length(Av) - 1, 0, BBCC) end # If we can't separate the problem into a PEP + SPMF, consider it purely SPMF if !isa(nep, SPMFSumNEP{PEP,S} where S<:AbstractSPMF) return RKNEP(nep, -1, length(Av), BBCC) end p = length(get_Av(nep.nep1)) - 1 q = length(get_Av(nep.nep2)) # Case when there is no low rank structure to exploit if q == 0 || !isa(nep.nep2, LowRankFactorizedNEP{S} where S<:Any) return RKNEP(nep, p, q, BBCC) end # L and U factors of the low rank nonlinear part L = nep.nep2.L UU = hcat(nep.nep2.U...)::eltype(nep.nep2.U) r = nep.nep2.r iL = zeros(Int, r) c = 0 for ii = 1:q ri = size(L[ii], 2) iL[c+1:c+ri] .= ii c += ri end # Store L factors in a compact format to speed up system solves later on LL = Vector{SparseVector{eltype(L[1]),Int}}() iLr = Vector{Int}() for ri = 1:size(nep, 1) row = reduce(vcat, [L[i][ri,:] for i=1:length(L)]) if nnz(row) > 0 push!(LL, row) push!(iLr, ri) end end return RKNEP(nep, p, q, BBCC, r, iL, iLr, L, LL, UU) end
using GLMakie, GeometryBasics, RPRMakie, RadeonProRender using Colors, FileIO using Colors: N0f8 RPR = RadeonProRender context = RPR.Context() matsys = RPR.MaterialSystem(context, 0) materials = [ RPR.DiffuseMaterial(matsys) RPR.MicrofacetMaterial(matsys); RPR.ReflectionMaterial(matsys) RPR.RefractionMaterial(matsys); RPR.EmissiveMaterial(matsys) RPR.UberMaterial(matsys); ] cat = load(GLMakie.assetpath("cat.obj")) fig = Figure(resolution=(1000, 1000)) ax = LScene(fig[1, 1], scenekw=(show_axis=false,)) palette = reshape(Makie.default_palettes.color[][1:6], size(materials)) for i in CartesianIndices(materials) x, y = Tuple(i) catmesh = mesh!(ax, cat, material=materials[i], color=palette[i]) translate!(catmesh, x, y, 0) end # materials[3, 1].color = Vec4(200) display(fig) context, task = RPRMakie.replace_scene_rpr!(ax.scene, context, matsys) # fetch(task) volmat = materials[end, end] volmat.scattering = Vec3(0, 0, 0) volmat.absorption = RGB(0.01, 0.01, 0.01) volmat.multiscatter = true # volmat.emission = RPR.RPR_MATERIAL_INPUT_EMISSION, # volmat.scatter_direction = RPR.RPR_MATERIAL_INPUT_G,
module DF using Base.Iterators import IterTools: nth import Base: show, first, last, iterate, size, length, ndims, summary, getindex, setindex!, ∘, iszero, isone, isless #import Base.∘ export Segment, DirectProduct, BooleanCube export DiscreteFunction, ResidueFunction, ExtendedResidueFunction, BooleanFunction export FunProduct, FunTupling export tablegen export domain, codomain export BooleanGenerator, ResidueGenerator, ExtendedResidueGenerator export FunProductGenerator, FunTuplingGenerator # short names export DProd, BCube export DFun, ResFun, ExtFun, BoolFun, FProd, FTuple export BoolGen, ResGen, ExtGen, FTGen, FPGen include("finite_sets.jl") include("types.jl") include("helper_utils.jl") include("generators.jl") include("boolean/boolean.jl") include("compositions.jl") end # module
using StatsFuns: logistic using Base: setindex!, getindex """ Nonparametric discrete distribution with parameters in logit space. This represents a discrete distribution with p.m.f of ```math P(K = k) = (1 - \\rho_k) \\prod_{i = 1}^{k - 1} \\rho_i. ``` """ struct LogitNPD{T<:Real,A<:AbstractVector{T}} <: Distributions.DiscreteUnivariateDistribution logitρ :: A l_init :: T # initial value for each logitρᵢ end LogitNPD(; l_init=zero(Double)) = LogitNPD(0; l_init=l_init) LogitNPD(alpha::AbstractFloat; l_init=zero(Double)) = LogitNPD(ceil(Int, alpha); l_init=l_init) LogitNPD(k_init::Int; l_init=zero(Double)) = LogitNPD(ones(Double, k_init) * l_init, l_init) function getlogitρ(lnpd::LogitNPD{T,A}, k::Int) where {T<:Real,A<:AbstractVector{T}} l = length(lnpd.logitρ) if k > l append!(lnpd.logitρ, ones(T, k - l) * lnpd.l_init...) end return lnpd.logitρ[k] end function getlogitρ(lnpd::LogitNPD{T,A}, k1::Int, k2::Int) where {T<:Real,A<:AbstractVector{T}} l = length(lnpd.logitρ) if k2 > l append!(lnpd.logitρ, ones(T, k2 - l) * lnpd.l_init...) end return lnpd.logitρ[k1:k2] end getρ(lnpd::LogitNPD, k...) = logistic.(getlogitρ(lnpd, k...)) function getlogρ(lnpd::LogitNPD, k...) l = getlogitρ(lnpd, k...) return l .- log1pexp.(l) end function pdf(lnpd::LogitNPD, k::Int) if k <= 0 return 0 elseif k == 1 return 1 - getρ(lnpd, 1) else return prod(getρ(lnpd, 1, k - 1)) * (1 - getρ(lnpd, k)) end end function logpdf(lnpd::LogitNPD, k::Int) if k <= 0 return -Inf elseif k == 1 return log(1 - getρ(lnpd, 1)) else return sum(getlogrho(lnpd, 1, k - 1)) + log(1 - getρ(lnpd, k)) end end function ccdf(lnpd::LogitNPD{T,A}, k::Int) where {T<:Real,A<:AbstractVector{T}} if k <= 0 return one(T) else return prod(getρ(lnpd, 1, k)) end end function cdf(lnpd::LogitNPD, k::Int) return 1 - ccdf(lnpd, k) end function rand(lnpd::LogitNPD{T,A}) where {T<:Real,A<:AbstractVector{T}} i = 1 while true u = rand(T) if u > getρ(lnpd, i) return i end i = i + 1 end end function rand(lnpd::LogitNPD{T,A}, n::Int) where {T<:Real,A<:AbstractVector{T}} return Int[rand(lnpd) for _ = 1:n] end function mode(lnpd::LogitNPD) p = pdf(lnpd, 1) p_acc = p_max = p k = k_max = 1 while p_max < 1 - p_acc p_next = pdf(lnpd, k + 1) p_acc += p_next if p_next > p_max p_max = p_next k_max = k end k = k + 1 end return k_max end function invlogcdf(lnpd::LogitNPD, lc::AbstractFloat) p_target = exp(lc) k = 1 p = pdf(lnpd, 1) p_acc = p while p_acc < p_target k += 1 p_acc += pdf(lnpd, k) end return k end
abstract type Event end abstract type ObjEvent <: Event end abstract type BaseEvent <: ObjEvent end # Basic || influencial abstract type HighLvlEvent <: ObjEvent end # abstract type UniverseEvent <: Event end # Obj Events #- Base #-- Disappear struct Disappear <: BaseEvent end #-- Appear struct Appear <: BaseEvent end #-- Move struct Move <: BaseEvent dr::Vector{Int64} end #-- ReSize struct ReSize <: BaseEvent newSize::Int64 end #- High level struct ReDirection <: HighLvlEvent newDirection::Vector{Int64} end #-- Swallow struct Swallow <: HighLvlEvent end #-- Slip struct Slip <: HighLvlEvent upAndDown::Int64 end #-- ReFre struct ReFres <: HighLvlEvent newFres::Vector{Float64} end # Universe Event struct IntroduceRandomDefects <: UniverseEvent numDefects::Int64 maxSize::Int64 end # Event Container mutable struct EventContainer{T<:Event} fre::Float64 fres::Vector{Float64} events::Vector{T} end
""" Constant that represents document term vector (DTV) models used in text embedding. """ const DTVModel{T,S} = Union{ StringAnalysis.RPModel{S,T,<:AbstractMatrix{T},<:Integer}, StringAnalysis.LSAModel{S,T,<:AbstractMatrix{T},<:Integer} } """ Structure for document embedding using DTV's. """ struct DTVEmbedder{T,S} <: AbstractEmbedder{T,S} model::DTVModel{T,S} config::NamedTuple end DTVEmbedder(mtype::Type{<:DTVModel}, dtm, config; kwargs...) = DTVEmbedder(mtype(dtm; kwargs...), config) # Document to vector embedding function function __document2vec(embedder::DTVEmbedder{T,S}, document::Vector{String}; # a vector of sentences isregex::Bool=false, kwargs... # for the unused arguments )::SparseVector{T, Int} where {T,S} dtv_function = ifelse(isregex, dtv_regex, dtv) words = Vector{String}() for sentence in document for word in tokenize(sentence, method=:stringanalysis) push!(words, word) end end vocab_hash = embedder.model.vocab_hash model = embedder.model v = dtv_function(words, vocab_hash, T; ngram_complexity=embedder.config.ngram_complexity, tokenizer=DEFAULT_TOKENIZER, lex_is_row_indices=true) embedded_document = StringAnalysis.embed_document(model, v) return embedded_document end function document2vec(embedder::DTVEmbedder{T,S}, document::Vector{String}; # a vector of sentences isregex::Bool=false, kwargs... # for the unused arguments )::Tuple{SparseVector{T, Int}, Bool} where {T,S} embedded_document = __document2vec(embedder, document; isregex=isregex, kwargs...) is_embedded = !iszero(embedded_document) # Check for OOV (out-of-vocabulary) policy if embedder.config.oov_policy == :large_vector && !is_embedded embedded_document .= T(DEFAULT_OOV_VAL) end return embedded_document, is_embedded end # Dimensionality function function dimensionality(embedder::DTVEmbedder) # Return output dimensionality (second dim) return size(embedder.model)[2] end
# 1.1 UE-BMI under benchmark scenario # NOTE: it is a 4-subfigure figure # 1.1.1 second, define a temp expr to save code lines tmpexpr = :( xlabel("Year"); ylabel("Percentage (%)"); grid(true); xlim([ idx_year2plot[1] - 1, idx_year2plot[end] + 1 ]); plot( DatPkg_base.Dt[:Year][idx_plot], 100 .* dict_Demog_base["AgingPopuRatio"][idx_plot], "--b" ); plot( DatPkg_base.Dt[:Year][idx_plot], 100 .* (1.0 .- dict_Demog_base["WorkPopuRatio"] )[idx_plot], "-.r" ); ) # 1.1.2 then, do plotting figure( figsize = (13,8) ) subplot(2,2,1) # gap / pooling account's expenditure plot( DatPkg_base.Dt[:Year][idx_plot], 100 .* (DatPkg_base.Dt[:LI]./DatPkg_base.Dt[:AggPoolExp])[idx_plot] ) eval(tmpexpr) legend( ("Pool Gap/Pool Benefits","Aging Population Share (65+)",L"\rho"), loc = "best") subplot(2,2,2) # gap / pooling account's income plot( DatPkg_base.Dt[:Year][idx_plot], 100 .* (DatPkg_base.Dt[:LI]./DatPkg_base.Dt[:AggPoolIn])[idx_plot] ) eval(tmpexpr) legend( ("Pool Gap/Pool Incomes","Aging Population Share (65+)",L"\rho"), loc = "best") subplot(2,2,3) # gap / GDP plot( DatPkg_base.Dt[:Year][idx_plot], 100 .* (DatPkg_base.Dt[:LI]./DatPkg_base.Dt[:Y])[idx_plot] ) eval(tmpexpr) legend( ("Pool Gap/GDP","Aging Population Share (65+)",L"\rho"), loc = "best") subplot(2,2,4) # gap / fiscal incomes plot( DatPkg_base.Dt[:Year][idx_plot], 100 .* (DatPkg_base.Dt[:LI]./(DatPkg_base.Dt[:TRw] .+ DatPkg_base.Dt[:TRc]))[idx_plot] ) eval(tmpexpr) legend( ("Pool Gap/Tax Revenues","Aging Population Share (65+)",L"\rho"), loc = "best") tight_layout() # tight layout of the figure # 1.1.3 finally, save the figure as a pdf file savefig( "./output/BenchProfile.pdf", format = "pdf" ) # ----------------------------------------- # 1.2 simulation v.s. accounting # 1.2.1 do underlying plotting & read in accounting data EasyPlot.Plot_Calibrate( DatPkg_base.Dt, DatPkg_base.Dst, DatPkg_base.Pt, DatPkg_base.Ps, DatPkg_base.Pc, env, YearRange = ( 2010, 2050 ), LineWidth = 1.0, outpdf = nothing, picsize = (12,9), tmpLayout = (2,1) ) tmpDat = EasyIO.readcsv("./data/Calib_统筹账户收支核算结果v3_190403.csv") tmpEndTime = 40 + 2 # 1.2.2 decoration (NOTE: do not new a figure GUI, just decorate the current one) subplot(2,1,1) plot( tmpDat[2:tmpEndTime,1] , 100.0 .* tmpDat[2:tmpEndTime,4] ./ tmpDat[2:tmpEndTime,2] , "-.r" ) legend(["Baseline simulation","Pooling gap / Pooling account expenditure"], fontsize = 14) subplot(2,1,2) plot( tmpDat[2:tmpEndTime,1] , 100.0 .* tmpDat[2:tmpEndTime,4] ./ tmpDat[2:tmpEndTime,3] , "-.r" ) legend(["Baseline simulation","Pooling gap / Pooling account revenues"], fontsize = 14) tight_layout() # 1.2.3 save figure savefig( "./output/BenchmarkCpAccount.pdf", format = "pdf" ) #
using Caesar, Caesar.ZmqCaesar using Distributions using LinearAlgebra # Distribution: AliasingScalarSampler packed = Packed_AliasingScalarSampler(collect(1:10), collect(11:20), 0, "AliasingScalarSampler") json = JSON.json(packed) sampler = convert(IncrementalInference.AliasingScalarSampler, JSON.parse(json)) packedCompare = convert(Packed_AliasingScalarSampler, sampler) jsonCompare = JSON.json(packedCompare) # Distribution: Normal normal = Normal(5.0, 10.0) packed = convert(Dict{String, Any}, normal) back = convert(Normal, JSON.parse(JSON.json(packed))) # Factor: PartialPriorRollPitchZ a = MvNormal([0, 0, 0, 0], Matrix(LinearAlgebra.I, 4, 4)) b = Normal(0, 1) partPrior = PartialPriorRollPitchZ(a, b) j = JSON.json(convert(Dict{String, Any}, partPrior)) # Test the deserializer back = convert(PartialPriorRollPitchZ, JSON.parse(j)) jback = JSON.json(convert(Dict{String, Any}, back)) jback = j
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license const Chars = Union{AbstractChar,Tuple{Vararg{<:AbstractChar}},AbstractVector{<:AbstractChar},Set{<:AbstractChar}} # starts with and ends with predicates """ startswith(s::AbstractString, prefix::AbstractString) Return `true` if `s` starts with `prefix`. If `prefix` is a vector or set of characters, test whether the first character of `s` belongs to that set. See also [`endswith`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> startswith("JuliaLang", "Julia") true ``` """ function startswith(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString) a, b = Iterators.Stateful(a), Iterators.Stateful(b) all(splat(==), zip(a, b)) && isempty(b) end startswith(str::AbstractString, chars::Chars) = !isempty(str) && first(str)::AbstractChar in chars """ endswith(s::AbstractString, suffix::AbstractString) Return `true` if `s` ends with `suffix`. If `suffix` is a vector or set of characters, test whether the last character of `s` belongs to that set. See also [`startswith`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> endswith("Sunday", "day") true ``` """ function endswith(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString) a = Iterators.Stateful(Iterators.reverse(a)) b = Iterators.Stateful(Iterators.reverse(b)) all(splat(==), zip(a, b)) && isempty(b) end endswith(str::AbstractString, chars::Chars) = !isempty(str) && last(str) in chars function startswith(a::Union{String, SubString{String}}, b::Union{String, SubString{String}}) cub = ncodeunits(b) if ncodeunits(a) < cub false elseif _memcmp(a, b, sizeof(b)) == 0 nextind(a, cub) == cub + 1 else false end end function endswith(a::Union{String, SubString{String}}, b::Union{String, SubString{String}}) cub = ncodeunits(b) astart = ncodeunits(a) - ncodeunits(b) + 1 if astart < 1 false elseif GC.@preserve(a, _memcmp(pointer(a, astart), b, sizeof(b))) == 0 thisind(a, astart) == astart else false end end """ contains(haystack::AbstractString, needle) Return `true` if `haystack` contains `needle`. This is the same as `occursin(needle, haystack)`, but is provided for consistency with `startswith(haystack, needle)` and `endswith(haystack, needle)`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> contains("JuliaLang is pretty cool!", "Julia") true julia> contains("JuliaLang is pretty cool!", 'a') true julia> contains("aba", r"a.a") true julia> contains("abba", r"a.a") false ``` !!! compat "Julia 1.5" The `contains` function requires at least Julia 1.5. """ contains(haystack::AbstractString, needle) = occursin(needle, haystack) """ endswith(suffix) Create a function that checks whether its argument ends with `suffix`, i.e. a function equivalent to `y -> endswith(y, suffix)`. The returned function is of type `Base.Fix2{typeof(endswith)}`, which can be used to implement specialized methods. !!! compat "Julia 1.5" The single argument `endswith(suffix)` requires at least Julia 1.5. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> endswith_julia = endswith("Julia"); julia> endswith_julia("Julia") true julia> endswith_julia("JuliaLang") false ``` """ endswith(s) = Base.Fix2(endswith, s) """ startswith(prefix) Create a function that checks whether its argument starts with `prefix`, i.e. a function equivalent to `y -> startswith(y, prefix)`. The returned function is of type `Base.Fix2{typeof(startswith)}`, which can be used to implement specialized methods. !!! compat "Julia 1.5" The single argument `startswith(prefix)` requires at least Julia 1.5. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> startswith_julia = startswith("Julia"); julia> startswith_julia("Julia") true julia> startswith_julia("NotJulia") false ``` """ startswith(s) = Base.Fix2(startswith, s) """ contains(needle) Create a function that checks whether its argument contains `needle`, i.e. a function equivalent to `haystack -> contains(haystack, needle)`. The returned function is of type `Base.Fix2{typeof(contains)}`, which can be used to implement specialized methods. """ contains(needle) = Base.Fix2(contains, needle) """ chop(s::AbstractString; head::Integer = 0, tail::Integer = 1) Remove the first `head` and the last `tail` characters from `s`. The call `chop(s)` removes the last character from `s`. If it is requested to remove more characters than `length(s)` then an empty string is returned. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> a = "March" "March" julia> chop(a) "Marc" julia> chop(a, head = 1, tail = 2) "ar" julia> chop(a, head = 5, tail = 5) "" ``` """ function chop(s::AbstractString; head::Integer = 0, tail::Integer = 1) if isempty(s) return SubString(s) end SubString(s, nextind(s, firstindex(s), head), prevind(s, lastindex(s), tail)) end # TODO: optimization for the default case based on # chop(s::AbstractString) = SubString(s, firstindex(s), prevind(s, lastindex(s))) """ chomp(s::AbstractString) -> SubString Remove a single trailing newline from a string. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> chomp("Hello\\n") "Hello" ``` """ function chomp(s::AbstractString) i = lastindex(s) (i < 1 || s[i] != '\n') && (return SubString(s, 1, i)) j = prevind(s,i) (j < 1 || s[j] != '\r') && (return SubString(s, 1, j)) return SubString(s, 1, prevind(s,j)) end function chomp(s::String) i = lastindex(s) if i < 1 || codeunit(s,i) != 0x0a return @inbounds SubString(s, 1, i) elseif i < 2 || codeunit(s,i-1) != 0x0d return @inbounds SubString(s, 1, prevind(s, i)) else return @inbounds SubString(s, 1, prevind(s, i-1)) end end """ lstrip([pred=isspace,] str::AbstractString) -> SubString lstrip(str::AbstractString, chars) -> SubString Remove leading characters from `str`, either those specified by `chars` or those for which the function `pred` returns `true`. The default behaviour is to remove leading whitespace and delimiters: see [`isspace`](@ref) for precise details. The optional `chars` argument specifies which characters to remove: it can be a single character, or a vector or set of characters. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> a = lpad("March", 20) " March" julia> lstrip(a) "March" ``` """ function lstrip(f, s::AbstractString) e = lastindex(s) for (i::Int, c::AbstractChar) in pairs(s) !f(c) && return @inbounds SubString(s, i, e) end SubString(s, e+1, e) end lstrip(s::AbstractString) = lstrip(isspace, s) lstrip(s::AbstractString, chars::Chars) = lstrip(in(chars), s) """ rstrip([pred=isspace,] str::AbstractString) -> SubString rstrip(str::AbstractString, chars) -> SubString Remove trailing characters from `str`, either those specified by `chars` or those for which the function `pred` returns `true`. The default behaviour is to remove trailing whitespace and delimiters: see [`isspace`](@ref) for precise details. The optional `chars` argument specifies which characters to remove: it can be a single character, or a vector or set of characters. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> a = rpad("March", 20) "March " julia> rstrip(a) "March" ``` """ function rstrip(f, s::AbstractString) for (i, c) in Iterators.reverse(pairs(s)) f(c::AbstractChar) || return @inbounds SubString(s, 1, i::Int) end SubString(s, 1, 0) end rstrip(s::AbstractString) = rstrip(isspace, s) rstrip(s::AbstractString, chars::Chars) = rstrip(in(chars), s) """ strip([pred=isspace,] str::AbstractString) -> SubString strip(str::AbstractString, chars) -> SubString Remove leading and trailing characters from `str`, either those specified by `chars` or those for which the function `pred` returns `true`. The default behaviour is to remove leading whitespace and delimiters: see [`isspace`](@ref) for precise details. The optional `chars` argument specifies which characters to remove: it can be a single character, vector or set of characters. !!! compat "Julia 1.2" The method which accepts a predicate function requires Julia 1.2 or later. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> strip("{3, 5}\\n", ['{', '}', '\\n']) "3, 5" ``` """ strip(s::AbstractString) = lstrip(rstrip(s)) strip(s::AbstractString, chars::Chars) = lstrip(rstrip(s, chars), chars) strip(f, s::AbstractString) = lstrip(f, rstrip(f, s)) ## string padding functions ## """ lpad(s, n::Integer, p::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}=' ') -> String Stringify `s` and pad the resulting string on the left with `p` to make it `n` characters (code points) long. If `s` is already `n` characters long, an equal string is returned. Pad with spaces by default. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> lpad("March", 10) " March" ``` """ lpad(s, n::Integer, p::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}=' ') = lpad(string(s)::AbstractString, n, string(p)) function lpad( s::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}, n::Integer, p::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}=' ', ) :: String n = Int(n)::Int m = signed(n) - Int(length(s))::Int m ≤ 0 && return string(s) l = length(p) q, r = divrem(m, l) r == 0 ? string(p^q, s) : string(p^q, first(p, r), s) end """ rpad(s, n::Integer, p::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}=' ') -> String Stringify `s` and pad the resulting string on the right with `p` to make it `n` characters (code points) long. If `s` is already `n` characters long, an equal string is returned. Pad with spaces by default. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> rpad("March", 20) "March " ``` """ rpad(s, n::Integer, p::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}=' ') = rpad(string(s)::AbstractString, n, string(p)) function rpad( s::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}, n::Integer, p::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}=' ', ) :: String n = Int(n)::Int m = signed(n) - Int(length(s))::Int m ≤ 0 && return string(s) l = length(p) q, r = divrem(m, l) r == 0 ? string(s, p^q) : string(s, p^q, first(p, r)) end """ split(str::AbstractString, dlm; limit::Integer=0, keepempty::Bool=true) split(str::AbstractString; limit::Integer=0, keepempty::Bool=false) Split `str` into an array of substrings on occurrences of the delimiter(s) `dlm`. `dlm` can be any of the formats allowed by [`findnext`](@ref)'s first argument (i.e. as a string, regular expression or a function), or as a single character or collection of characters. If `dlm` is omitted, it defaults to [`isspace`](@ref). The optional keyword arguments are: - `limit`: the maximum size of the result. `limit=0` implies no maximum (default) - `keepempty`: whether empty fields should be kept in the result. Default is `false` without a `dlm` argument, `true` with a `dlm` argument. See also [`rsplit`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> a = "Ma.rch" "Ma.rch" julia> split(a, ".") 2-element Vector{SubString{String}}: "Ma" "rch" ``` """ function split end function split(str::T, splitter; limit::Integer=0, keepempty::Bool=true) where {T<:AbstractString} _split(str, splitter, limit, keepempty, T <: SubString ? T[] : SubString{T}[]) end function split(str::T, splitter::Union{Tuple{Vararg{<:AbstractChar}},AbstractVector{<:AbstractChar},Set{<:AbstractChar}}; limit::Integer=0, keepempty::Bool=true) where {T<:AbstractString} _split(str, in(splitter), limit, keepempty, T <: SubString ? T[] : SubString{T}[]) end function split(str::T, splitter::AbstractChar; limit::Integer=0, keepempty::Bool=true) where {T<:AbstractString} _split(str, isequal(splitter), limit, keepempty, T <: SubString ? T[] : SubString{T}[]) end function _split(str::AbstractString, splitter::F, limit::Integer, keepempty::Bool, strs::Vector) where F # Forcing specialization on `splitter` improves performance (roughly 30% decrease in runtime) # and prevents a major invalidation risk (1550 MethodInstances) i = 1 # firstindex(str) n = lastindex(str)::Int r = findfirst(splitter,str)::Union{Nothing,Int,UnitRange{Int}} if !isnothing(r) j, k = first(r), nextind(str,last(r))::Int while 0 < j <= n && length(strs) != limit-1 if i < k if keepempty || i < j push!(strs, @inbounds SubString(str,i,prevind(str,j)::Int)) end i = k end (k <= j) && (k = nextind(str,j)::Int) r = findnext(splitter,str,k)::Union{Nothing,Int,UnitRange{Int}} isnothing(r) && break j, k = first(r), nextind(str,last(r))::Int end end if keepempty || i <= ncodeunits(str)::Int push!(strs, @inbounds SubString(str,i)) end return strs end # a bit oddball, but standard behavior in Perl, Ruby & Python: split(str::AbstractString; limit::Integer=0, keepempty::Bool=false) = split(str, isspace; limit=limit, keepempty=keepempty) """ rsplit(s::AbstractString; limit::Integer=0, keepempty::Bool=false) rsplit(s::AbstractString, chars; limit::Integer=0, keepempty::Bool=true) Similar to [`split`](@ref), but starting from the end of the string. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> a = "M.a.r.c.h" "M.a.r.c.h" julia> rsplit(a, ".") 5-element Vector{SubString{String}}: "M" "a" "r" "c" "h" julia> rsplit(a, "."; limit=1) 1-element Vector{SubString{String}}: "M.a.r.c.h" julia> rsplit(a, "."; limit=2) 2-element Vector{SubString{String}}: "M.a.r.c" "h" ``` """ function rsplit end function rsplit(str::T, splitter; limit::Integer=0, keepempty::Bool=true) where {T<:AbstractString} _rsplit(str, splitter, limit, keepempty, T <: SubString ? T[] : SubString{T}[]) end function rsplit(str::T, splitter::Union{Tuple{Vararg{<:AbstractChar}},AbstractVector{<:AbstractChar},Set{<:AbstractChar}}; limit::Integer=0, keepempty::Bool=true) where {T<:AbstractString} _rsplit(str, in(splitter), limit, keepempty, T <: SubString ? T[] : SubString{T}[]) end function rsplit(str::T, splitter::AbstractChar; limit::Integer=0, keepempty::Bool=true) where {T<:AbstractString} _rsplit(str, isequal(splitter), limit, keepempty, T <: SubString ? T[] : SubString{T}[]) end function _rsplit(str::AbstractString, splitter, limit::Integer, keepempty::Bool, strs::Array) n = lastindex(str)::Int r = something(findlast(splitter, str)::Union{Nothing,Int,UnitRange{Int}}, 0) j, k = first(r), last(r) while j > 0 && k > 0 && length(strs) != limit-1 (keepempty || k < n) && pushfirst!(strs, @inbounds SubString(str,nextind(str,k)::Int,n)) n = prevind(str, j)::Int r = something(findprev(splitter,str,n)::Union{Nothing,Int,UnitRange{Int}}, 0) j, k = first(r), last(r) end (keepempty || n > 0) && pushfirst!(strs, SubString(str,1,n)) return strs end rsplit(str::AbstractString; limit::Integer=0, keepempty::Bool=false) = rsplit(str, isspace; limit=limit, keepempty=keepempty) _replace(io, repl, str, r, pattern) = print(io, repl) _replace(io, repl::Function, str, r, pattern) = print(io, repl(SubString(str, first(r), last(r)))) _replace(io, repl::Function, str, r, pattern::Function) = print(io, repl(str[first(r)])) replace(str::String, pat_repl::Pair{<:AbstractChar}; count::Integer=typemax(Int)) = replace(str, isequal(first(pat_repl)) => last(pat_repl); count=count) replace(str::String, pat_repl::Pair{<:Union{Tuple{Vararg{<:AbstractChar}}, AbstractVector{<:AbstractChar},Set{<:AbstractChar}}}; count::Integer=typemax(Int)) = replace(str, in(first(pat_repl)) => last(pat_repl), count=count) _pat_replacer(x) = x _free_pat_replacer(x) = nothing function replace(str::String, pat_repl::Pair; count::Integer=typemax(Int)) pattern, repl = pat_repl count == 0 && return str count < 0 && throw(DomainError(count, "`count` must be non-negative.")) n = 1 e = lastindex(str) i = a = firstindex(str) pattern = _pat_replacer(pattern) r = something(findnext(pattern,str,i), 0) j, k = first(r), last(r) if j == 0 _free_pat_replacer(pattern) return str end out = IOBuffer(sizehint=floor(Int, 1.2sizeof(str))) while j != 0 if i == a || i <= k GC.@preserve str unsafe_write(out, pointer(str, i), UInt(j-i)) _replace(out, repl, str, r, pattern) end if k < j i = j j > e && break k = nextind(str, j) else i = k = nextind(str, k) end r = something(findnext(pattern,str,k), 0) r === 0:-1 || n == count && break j, k = first(r), last(r) n += 1 end _free_pat_replacer(pattern) write(out, SubString(str,i)) String(take!(out)) end """ replace(s::AbstractString, pat=>r; [count::Integer]) Search for the given pattern `pat` in `s`, and replace each occurrence with `r`. If `count` is provided, replace at most `count` occurrences. `pat` may be a single character, a vector or a set of characters, a string, or a regular expression. If `r` is a function, each occurrence is replaced with `r(s)` where `s` is the matched substring (when `pat` is a `AbstractPattern` or `AbstractString`) or character (when `pat` is an `AbstractChar` or a collection of `AbstractChar`). If `pat` is a regular expression and `r` is a [`SubstitutionString`](@ref), then capture group references in `r` are replaced with the corresponding matched text. To remove instances of `pat` from `string`, set `r` to the empty `String` (`""`). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> replace("Python is a programming language.", "Python" => "Julia") "Julia is a programming language." julia> replace("The quick foxes run quickly.", "quick" => "slow", count=1) "The slow foxes run quickly." julia> replace("The quick foxes run quickly.", "quick" => "", count=1) "The foxes run quickly." julia> replace("The quick foxes run quickly.", r"fox(es)?" => s"bus\\1") "The quick buses run quickly." ``` """ replace(s::AbstractString, pat_f::Pair; count=typemax(Int)) = replace(String(s), pat_f, count=count) # TODO: allow transform as the first argument to replace? # hex <-> bytes conversion """ hex2bytes(s::Union{AbstractString,AbstractVector{UInt8}}) Given a string or array `s` of ASCII codes for a sequence of hexadecimal digits, returns a `Vector{UInt8}` of bytes corresponding to the binary representation: each successive pair of hexadecimal digits in `s` gives the value of one byte in the return vector. The length of `s` must be even, and the returned array has half of the length of `s`. See also [`hex2bytes!`](@ref) for an in-place version, and [`bytes2hex`](@ref) for the inverse. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> s = string(12345, base = 16) "3039" julia> hex2bytes(s) 2-element Vector{UInt8}: 0x30 0x39 julia> a = b"01abEF" 6-element Base.CodeUnits{UInt8, String}: 0x30 0x31 0x61 0x62 0x45 0x46 julia> hex2bytes(a) 3-element Vector{UInt8}: 0x01 0xab 0xef ``` """ function hex2bytes end hex2bytes(s::AbstractString) = hex2bytes(String(s)) hex2bytes(s::Union{String,AbstractVector{UInt8}}) = hex2bytes!(Vector{UInt8}(undef, length(s) >> 1), s) _firstbyteidx(s::String) = 1 _firstbyteidx(s::AbstractVector{UInt8}) = first(eachindex(s)) _lastbyteidx(s::String) = sizeof(s) _lastbyteidx(s::AbstractVector{UInt8}) = lastindex(s) """ hex2bytes!(d::AbstractVector{UInt8}, s::Union{String,AbstractVector{UInt8}}) Convert an array `s` of bytes representing a hexadecimal string to its binary representation, similar to [`hex2bytes`](@ref) except that the output is written in-place in `d`. The length of `s` must be exactly twice the length of `d`. """ function hex2bytes!(d::AbstractVector{UInt8}, s::Union{String,AbstractVector{UInt8}}) if 2length(d) != sizeof(s) isodd(sizeof(s)) && throw(ArgumentError("input hex array must have even length")) throw(ArgumentError("output array must be half length of input array")) end j = first(eachindex(d)) - 1 for i = _firstbyteidx(s):2:_lastbyteidx(s) @inbounds d[j += 1] = number_from_hex(_nthbyte(s,i)) << 4 + number_from_hex(_nthbyte(s,i+1)) end return d end @inline number_from_hex(c) = (UInt8('0') <= c <= UInt8('9')) ? c - UInt8('0') : (UInt8('A') <= c <= UInt8('F')) ? c - (UInt8('A') - 0x0a) : (UInt8('a') <= c <= UInt8('f')) ? c - (UInt8('a') - 0x0a) : throw(ArgumentError("byte is not an ASCII hexadecimal digit")) """ bytes2hex(a::AbstractArray{UInt8}) -> String bytes2hex(io::IO, a::AbstractArray{UInt8}) Convert an array `a` of bytes to its hexadecimal string representation, either returning a `String` via `bytes2hex(a)` or writing the string to an `io` stream via `bytes2hex(io, a)`. The hexadecimal characters are all lowercase. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> a = string(12345, base = 16) "3039" julia> b = hex2bytes(a) 2-element Vector{UInt8}: 0x30 0x39 julia> bytes2hex(b) "3039" ``` """ function bytes2hex end function bytes2hex(a::Union{NTuple{<:Any, UInt8}, AbstractArray{UInt8}}) b = Base.StringVector(2*length(a)) @inbounds for (i, x) in enumerate(a) b[2i - 1] = hex_chars[1 + x >> 4] b[2i ] = hex_chars[1 + x & 0xf] end return String(b) end function bytes2hex(io::IO, a::Union{NTuple{<:Any, UInt8}, AbstractArray{UInt8}}) for x in a print(io, Char(hex_chars[1 + x >> 4]), Char(hex_chars[1 + x & 0xf])) end end # check for pure ASCII-ness function ascii(s::String) for i in 1:sizeof(s) @inbounds codeunit(s, i) < 0x80 || __throw_invalid_ascii(s, i) end return s end @noinline __throw_invalid_ascii(s::String, i::Int) = throw(ArgumentError("invalid ASCII at index $i in $(repr(s))")) """ ascii(s::AbstractString) Convert a string to `String` type and check that it contains only ASCII data, otherwise throwing an `ArgumentError` indicating the position of the first non-ASCII byte. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> ascii("abcdeγfgh") ERROR: ArgumentError: invalid ASCII at index 6 in "abcdeγfgh" Stacktrace: [...] julia> ascii("abcdefgh") "abcdefgh" ``` """ ascii(x::AbstractString) = ascii(String(x)) Base.rest(s::Union{String,SubString{String}}, i=1) = SubString(s, i) function Base.rest(s::AbstractString, st...) io = IOBuffer() for c in Iterators.rest(s, st...) print(io, c) end return String(take!(io)) end
int_rules_1_1_1_7 = @theory begin #= ::Subsection::Closed:: =# #=*P(x)*(a+b*x)^m*(c+d*x)^n*(e+f*x)^p*(g+h*x)^q =# @apply_utils Antiderivative(~Px * (~a + ~(b') * (~x) ^ ~n) ^ ~p, ~x) => (Coeff(~Px, ~x, ~n - 1) * (~a + ~b * (~x) ^ ~n) ^ (~p + 1)) / (~b * ~n * (~p + 1)) + Antiderivative((~Px - Coeff(~Px, ~x, ~n - 1) * (~x) ^ (~n - 1)) * (~a + ~b * (~x) ^ ~n) ^ ~p, ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b], ~x) && (PolyQ(~Px, ~x) && (IGtQ(~p, 1) && (IGtQ(~n, 1) && (NeQ(Coeff(~Px, ~x, ~n - 1), 0) && (NeQ(~Px, Coeff(~Px, ~x, ~n - 1) * (~x) ^ (~n - 1)) && Not(MatchQ(~Px, ~(Qx') * (~c + ~(d') * (~x) ^ ~m) ^ ~q <-- FreeQ([c, d], ~x) && (PolyQ(Qx, ~x) && (IGtQ(q, 1) && (IGtQ(m, 1) && (NeQ(Coeff(Qx * (~a + ~b * (~x) ^ ~n) ^ ~p, ~x, m - 1), 0) && GtQ(m * q, ~n * ~p)))))))))))) @apply_utils Antiderivative(~Px * (~x) ^ ~(m') * (~a + ~(b') * (~x) ^ ~(n')) ^ ~p, ~x) => (Coeff(~Px, ~x, (~n - ~m) - 1) * (~a + ~b * (~x) ^ ~n) ^ (~p + 1)) / (~b * ~n * (~p + 1)) + Antiderivative((~Px - Coeff(~Px, ~x, (~n - ~m) - 1) * (~x) ^ ((~n - ~m) - 1)) * (~x) ^ ~m * (~a + ~b * (~x) ^ ~n) ^ ~p, ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~m, ~n], ~x) && (PolyQ(~Px, ~x) && (IGtQ(~p, 1) && (IGtQ(~n - ~m, 0) && NeQ(Coeff(~Px, ~x, (~n - ~m) - 1), 0)))) @apply_utils Antiderivative(~(u') * (~x) ^ ~(m') * (~(a') * (~x) ^ ~(p') + ~(b') * (~x) ^ ~(q')) ^ ~(n'), ~x) => Antiderivative(~u * (~x) ^ (~m + ~n * ~p) * (~a + ~b * (~x) ^ (~q - ~p)) ^ ~n, ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~m, ~p, ~q], ~x) && (IntegerQ(~n) && PosQ(~q - ~p)) @apply_utils Antiderivative(~(u') * (~x) ^ ~(m') * (~(a') * (~x) ^ ~(p') + ~(b') * (~x) ^ ~(q') + ~(c') * (~x) ^ ~(r')) ^ ~(n'), ~x) => Antiderivative(~u * (~x) ^ (~m + ~n * ~p) * (~a + ~b * (~x) ^ (~q - ~p) + ~c * (~x) ^ (~r - ~p)) ^ ~n, ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~m, ~p, ~q, ~r], ~x) && (IntegerQ(~n) && (PosQ(~q - ~p) && PosQ(~r - ~p))) @apply_utils Antiderivative(~(u') * (~Px) ^ ~(p') * (~Qx) ^ ~(q'), ~x) => Antiderivative(~u * PolynomialQuotient(~Px, ~Qx, ~x) ^ ~p * (~Qx) ^ (~p + ~q), ~x) <-- FreeQ(~q, ~x) && (PolyQ(~Px, ~x) && (PolyQ(~Qx, ~x) && (EqQ(PolynomialRemainder(~Px, ~Qx, ~x), 0) && (IntegerQ(~p) && LtQ(~p * ~q, 0))))) @apply_utils Antiderivative(~Pp / ~Qq, ~x) => With([p = Expon(~Pp, ~x), q = Expon(~Qq, ~x)], (Coeff(~Pp, ~x, p) * log(RemoveContent(~Qq, ~x))) / (q * Coeff(~Qq, ~x, q)) <-- EqQ(p, q - 1) && EqQ(~Pp, Simplify((Coeff(~Pp, ~x, p) / (q * Coeff(~Qq, ~x, q))) * D(~Qq, ~x)))) <-- PolyQ(~Pp, ~x) && PolyQ(~Qq, ~x) @apply_utils Antiderivative(~Pp * (~Qq) ^ ~(m'), ~x) => With([p = Expon(~Pp, ~x), q = Expon(~Qq, ~x)], (Coeff(~Pp, ~x, p) * (~x) ^ ((p - q) + 1) * (~Qq) ^ (~m + 1)) / ((p + ~m * q + 1) * Coeff(~Qq, ~x, q)) <-- NeQ(p + ~m * q + 1, 0) && EqQ((p + ~m * q + 1) * Coeff(~Qq, ~x, q) * ~Pp, Coeff(~Pp, ~x, p) * (~x) ^ (p - q) * (((p - q) + 1) * ~Qq + (~m + 1) * ~x * D(~Qq, ~x)))) <-- FreeQ(~m, ~x) && (PolyQ(~Pp, ~x) && (PolyQ(~Qq, ~x) && NeQ(~m, -1))) @apply_utils Antiderivative((~x) ^ ~(m') * (~a1 + ~(b1') * (~x) ^ ~(n')) ^ ~p * (~a2 + ~(b2') * (~x) ^ ~(n')) ^ ~p, ~x) => ((~a1 + ~b1 * (~x) ^ ~n) ^ (~p + 1) * (~a2 + ~b2 * (~x) ^ ~n) ^ (~p + 1)) / (2 * ~b1 * ~b2 * ~n * (~p + 1)) <-- FreeQ([~a1, ~b1, ~a2, ~b2, ~m, ~n, ~p], ~x) && (EqQ(~a2 * ~b1 + ~a1 * ~b2, 0) && (EqQ((~m - 2 * ~n) + 1, 0) && NeQ(~p, -1))) @apply_utils Antiderivative(~Pp * (~Qq) ^ ~(m') * (~Rr) ^ ~(n'), ~x) => With([p = Expon(~Pp, ~x), q = Expon(~Qq, ~x), r = Expon(~Rr, ~x)], (Coeff(~Pp, ~x, p) * (~x) ^ (((p - q) - r) + 1) * (~Qq) ^ (~m + 1) * (~Rr) ^ (~n + 1)) / ((p + ~m * q + ~n * r + 1) * Coeff(~Qq, ~x, q) * Coeff(~Rr, ~x, r)) <-- NeQ(p + ~m * q + ~n * r + 1, 0) && EqQ((p + ~m * q + ~n * r + 1) * Coeff(~Qq, ~x, q) * Coeff(~Rr, ~x, r) * ~Pp, Coeff(~Pp, ~x, p) * (~x) ^ ((p - q) - r) * ((((p - q) - r) + 1) * ~Qq * ~Rr + (~m + 1) * ~x * ~Rr * D(~Qq, ~x) + (~n + 1) * ~x * ~Qq * D(~Rr, ~x)))) <-- FreeQ([~m, ~n], ~x) && (PolyQ(~Pp, ~x) && (PolyQ(~Qq, ~x) && (PolyQ(~Rr, ~x) && (NeQ(~m, -1) && NeQ(~n, -1))))) @apply_utils Antiderivative(~Qr * (~(a') + ~(b') * (~Pq) ^ ~(n')) ^ ~(p'), ~x) => With([q = Expon(~Pq, ~x), r = Expon(~Qr, ~x)], (Coeff(~Qr, ~x, r) / (q * Coeff(~Pq, ~x, q))) * Subst(Antiderivative((~a + ~b * (~x) ^ ~n) ^ ~p, ~x), ~x, ~Pq) <-- EqQ(r, q - 1) && EqQ(Coeff(~Qr, ~x, r) * D(~Pq, ~x), q * Coeff(~Pq, ~x, q) * ~Qr)) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~n, ~p], ~x) && (PolyQ(~Pq, ~x) && PolyQ(~Qr, ~x)) @apply_utils Antiderivative(~Qr * (~(a') + ~(b') * (~Pq) ^ ~(n') + ~(c') * (~Pq) ^ ~(n2')) ^ ~(p'), ~x) => Module([q = Expon(~Pq, ~x), r = Expon(~Qr, ~x)], (Coeff(~Qr, ~x, r) / (q * Coeff(~Pq, ~x, q))) * Subst(Antiderivative((~a + ~b * (~x) ^ ~n + ~c * (~x) ^ (2 * ~n)) ^ ~p, ~x), ~x, ~Pq) <-- EqQ(r, q - 1) && EqQ(Coeff(~Qr, ~x, r) * D(~Pq, ~x), q * Coeff(~Pq, ~x, q) * ~Qr)) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~n, ~p], ~x) && (EqQ(~n2, 2 * ~n) && (PolyQ(~Pq, ~x) && PolyQ(~Qr, ~x))) @apply_utils Antiderivative(~(u') * (~(a') * (~x) ^ ~(p') + ~(b') * (~x) ^ ~(q')) ^ ~(n'), ~x) => Antiderivative(~u * (~x) ^ (~n * ~p) * (~a + ~b * (~x) ^ (~q - ~p)) ^ ~n, ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~p, ~q], ~x) && (IntegerQ(~n) && PosQ(~q - ~p)) @apply_utils Antiderivative(~(u') * (~(a') * (~x) ^ ~(p') + ~(b') * (~x) ^ ~(q') + ~(c') * (~x) ^ ~(r')) ^ ~(n'), ~x) => Antiderivative(~u * (~x) ^ (~n * ~p) * (~a + ~b * (~x) ^ (~q - ~p) + ~c * (~x) ^ (~r - ~p)) ^ ~n, ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~p, ~q, ~r], ~x) && (IntegerQ(~n) && (PosQ(~q - ~p) && PosQ(~r - ~p))) #= Antiderivative(sqrt((~a')+(~b')*(~x))*((~A')+(~B')*(~x))/(sqrt((~c')+(~d')*(~x))*sqrt((~e')+(~f')*(~x) )*sqrt((~g')+(~h')*(~x))),~x) := B*sqrt(a+b*x)*sqrt(e+f*x)*sqrt(g+h*x)/(f*h*sqrt(c+d*x)) - B*(b*g-a*h)/(2*f*h)*Antiderivative(sqrt(e+f*x)/(sqrt(a+b*x)*sqrt(c+d*x)*sqrt(g+ h*x)),x) + B*(d*e-c*f)*(d*g-c*h)/(2*d*f*h)*Antiderivative(sqrt(a+b*x)/((c+d*x)^(3/2)*sqrt( e+f*x)*sqrt(g+h*x)),x) <-- FreeQ([a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,A,B],x) && EqQ(2*A*d*f-B*(d*e+c*f),0) =# @apply_utils Antiderivative((sqrt(~(a') + ~(b') * ~x) * (~(A') + ~(B') * ~x)) / (sqrt(~(c') + ~(d') * ~x) * sqrt(~(e') + ~(f') * ~x) * sqrt(~(g') + ~(h') * ~x)), ~x) => ((~b * ~B * sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)) / (~d * ~f * ~h * sqrt(~a + ~b * ~x)) - ((~B * (~b * ~g - ~a * ~h)) / (2 * ~f * ~h)) * Antiderivative(sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) / (sqrt(~a + ~b * ~x) * sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)), ~x)) + ((~B * (~b * ~e - ~a * ~f) * (~b * ~g - ~a * ~h)) / (2 * ~d * ~f * ~h)) * Antiderivative(sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) / ((~a + ~b * ~x) ^ (3 / 2) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)), ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~d, ~e, ~f, ~g, ~h, ~A, ~B], ~x) && EqQ(2 * ~A * ~d * ~f - ~B * (~d * ~e + ~c * ~f), 0) #= Antiderivative(sqrt((~a')+(~b')*(~x))*((~A')+(~B')*(~x))/(sqrt((~c')+(~d')*(~x))*sqrt((~e')+(~f')*(~x) )*sqrt((~g')+(~h')*(~x))),~x) := (2*A*d*f-B*(d*e+c*f))/(2*d*f)*Antiderivative(sqrt(a+b*x)/(sqrt(c+d*x)*sqrt(e+f*x) *sqrt(g+h*x)),x) + B/(2*d*f)*Antiderivative((sqrt(a+b*x)*(d*e+c*f+2*d*f*x))/(sqrt(c+d*x)*sqrt(e+f* x)*sqrt(g+h*x)),x) <-- FreeQ([a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,A,B],x) && NeQ(2*A*d*f-B*(d*e+c*f),0) =# @apply_utils Antiderivative((sqrt(~(a') + ~(b') * ~x) * (~(A') + ~(B') * ~x)) / (sqrt(~(c') + ~(d') * ~x) * sqrt(~(e') + ~(f') * ~x) * sqrt(~(g') + ~(h') * ~x)), ~x) => (((~B * sqrt(~a + ~b * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)) / (~f * ~h * sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x)) + ((~B * (~d * ~e - ~c * ~f) * (~d * ~g - ~c * ~h)) / (2 * ~d * ~f * ~h)) * Antiderivative(sqrt(~a + ~b * ~x) / ((~c + ~d * ~x) ^ (3 / 2) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)), ~x)) - ((~B * (~b * ~e - ~a * ~f) * (~b * ~g - ~a * ~h)) / (2 * ~b * ~f * ~h)) * Antiderivative(1 / (sqrt(~a + ~b * ~x) * sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)), ~x)) + ((2 * ~A * ~b * ~d * ~f * ~h + ~B * (~a * ~d * ~f * ~h - ~b * (~d * ~f * ~g + ~d * ~e * ~h + ~c * ~f * ~h))) / (2 * ~b * ~d * ~f * ~h)) * Antiderivative(sqrt(~a + ~b * ~x) / (sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)), ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~d, ~e, ~f, ~g, ~h, ~A, ~B], ~x) && NeQ(2 * ~A * ~d * ~f - ~B * (~d * ~e + ~c * ~f), 0) @apply_utils Antiderivative(((~(a') + ~(b') * ~x) ^ ~(m') * (~(A') + ~(B') * ~x)) / (sqrt(~(c') + ~(d') * ~x) * sqrt(~(e') + ~(f') * ~x) * sqrt(~(g') + ~(h') * ~x)), ~x) => (1 / (~d * ~f * ~h * (2 * ~m + 3))) * Antiderivative(((~a + ~b * ~x) ^ (~m - 1) / (sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x))) * Simp(~a * ~A * ~d * ~f * ~h * (2 * ~m + 3) + (~A * ~b + ~a * ~B) * ~d * ~f * ~h * (2 * ~m + 3) * ~x + ~b * ~B * ~d * ~f * ~h * (2 * ~m + 3) * (~x) ^ 2, ~x), ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~d, ~e, ~f, ~g, ~h, ~A, ~B], ~x) && (IntegerQ(2 * ~m) && GtQ(~m, 0)) @apply_utils Antiderivative((~(A') + ~(B') * ~x) / (sqrt(~(a') + ~(b') * ~x) * sqrt(~(c') + ~(d') * ~x) * sqrt(~(e') + ~(f') * ~x) * sqrt(~(g') + ~(h') * ~x)), ~x) => ((~A * ~b - ~a * ~B) / ~b) * Antiderivative(1 / (sqrt(~a + ~b * ~x) * sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)), ~x) + (~B / ~b) * Antiderivative(sqrt(~a + ~b * ~x) / (sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)), ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~d, ~e, ~f, ~g, ~h, ~A, ~B], ~x) @apply_utils Antiderivative(((~(a') + ~(b') * ~x) ^ ~m * (~(A') + ~(B') * ~x)) / (sqrt(~(c') + ~(d') * ~x) * sqrt(~(e') + ~(f') * ~x) * sqrt(~(g') + ~(h') * ~x)), ~x) => ((~A * (~b) ^ 2 - ~a * ~b * ~B) * (~a + ~b * ~x) ^ (~m + 1) * sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)) / ((~m + 1) * (~b * ~c - ~a * ~d) * (~b * ~e - ~a * ~f) * (~b * ~g - ~a * ~h)) - (1 / (2 * (~m + 1) * (~b * ~c - ~a * ~d) * (~b * ~e - ~a * ~f) * (~b * ~g - ~a * ~h))) * Antiderivative(((~a + ~b * ~x) ^ (~m + 1) / (sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x))) * Simp(((~A * ((2 * (~a) ^ 2 * ~d * ~f * ~h * (~m + 1) - 2 * ~a * ~b * (~m + 1) * (~d * ~f * ~g + ~d * ~e * ~h + ~c * ~f * ~h)) + (~b) ^ 2 * (2 * ~m + 3) * (~d * ~e * ~g + ~c * ~f * ~g + ~c * ~e * ~h)) - ~b * ~B * (~a * (~d * ~e * ~g + ~c * ~f * ~g + ~c * ~e * ~h) + 2 * ~b * ~c * ~e * ~g * (~m + 1))) - 2 * ((~A * ~b - ~a * ~B) * (~a * ~d * ~f * ~h * (~m + 1) - ~b * (~m + 2) * (~d * ~f * ~g + ~d * ~e * ~h + ~c * ~f * ~h))) * ~x) + ~d * ~f * ~h * (2 * ~m + 5) * (~A * (~b) ^ 2 - ~a * ~b * ~B) * (~x) ^ 2, ~x), ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~d, ~e, ~f, ~g, ~h, ~A, ~B], ~x) && (IntegerQ(2 * ~m) && LtQ(~m, -1)) @apply_utils Antiderivative(((~(a') + ~(b') * ~x) ^ ~(m') * (~(A') + ~(B') * ~x + ~(C') * (~x) ^ 2)) / (sqrt(~(c') + ~(d') * ~x) * sqrt(~(e') + ~(f') * ~x) * sqrt(~(g') + ~(h') * ~x)), ~x) => (2 * ~C * (~a + ~b * ~x) ^ ~m * sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)) / (~d * ~f * ~h * (2 * ~m + 3)) + (1 / (~d * ~f * ~h * (2 * ~m + 3))) * Antiderivative(((~a + ~b * ~x) ^ (~m - 1) / (sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x))) * Simp((~a * ~A * ~d * ~f * ~h * (2 * ~m + 3) - ~C * (~a * (~d * ~e * ~g + ~c * ~f * ~g + ~c * ~e * ~h) + 2 * ~b * ~c * ~e * ~g * ~m)) + ((~A * ~b + ~a * ~B) * ~d * ~f * ~h * (2 * ~m + 3) - ~C * (2 * ~a * (~d * ~f * ~g + ~d * ~e * ~h + ~c * ~f * ~h) + ~b * (2 * ~m + 1) * (~d * ~e * ~g + ~c * ~f * ~g + ~c * ~e * ~h))) * ~x + (~b * ~B * ~d * ~f * ~h * (2 * ~m + 3) + 2 * ~C * (~a * ~d * ~f * ~h * ~m - ~b * (~m + 1) * (~d * ~f * ~g + ~d * ~e * ~h + ~c * ~f * ~h))) * (~x) ^ 2, ~x), ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~d, ~e, ~f, ~g, ~h, ~A, ~B, ~C], ~x) && (IntegerQ(2 * ~m) && GtQ(~m, 0)) @apply_utils Antiderivative(((~(a') + ~(b') * ~x) ^ ~(m') * (~(A') + ~(C') * (~x) ^ 2)) / (sqrt(~(c') + ~(d') * ~x) * sqrt(~(e') + ~(f') * ~x) * sqrt(~(g') + ~(h') * ~x)), ~x) => (2 * ~C * (~a + ~b * ~x) ^ ~m * sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)) / (~d * ~f * ~h * (2 * ~m + 3)) + (1 / (~d * ~f * ~h * (2 * ~m + 3))) * Antiderivative(((~a + ~b * ~x) ^ (~m - 1) / (sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x))) * Simp((~a * ~A * ~d * ~f * ~h * (2 * ~m + 3) - ~C * (~a * (~d * ~e * ~g + ~c * ~f * ~g + ~c * ~e * ~h) + 2 * ~b * ~c * ~e * ~g * ~m)) + (~A * ~b * ~d * ~f * ~h * (2 * ~m + 3) - ~C * (2 * ~a * (~d * ~f * ~g + ~d * ~e * ~h + ~c * ~f * ~h) + ~b * (2 * ~m + 1) * (~d * ~e * ~g + ~c * ~f * ~g + ~c * ~e * ~h))) * ~x + 2 * ~C * (~a * ~d * ~f * ~h * ~m - ~b * (~m + 1) * (~d * ~f * ~g + ~d * ~e * ~h + ~c * ~f * ~h)) * (~x) ^ 2, ~x), ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~d, ~e, ~f, ~g, ~h, ~A, ~C], ~x) && (IntegerQ(2 * ~m) && GtQ(~m, 0)) @apply_utils Antiderivative((~(A') + ~(B') * ~x + ~(C') * (~x) ^ 2) / (sqrt(~(a') + ~(b') * ~x) * sqrt(~(c') + ~(d') * ~x) * sqrt(~(e') + ~(f') * ~x) * sqrt(~(g') + ~(h') * ~x)), ~x) => (~C * sqrt(~a + ~b * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)) / (~b * ~f * ~h * sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x)) + ((~C * (~d * ~e - ~c * ~f) * (~d * ~g - ~c * ~h)) / (2 * ~b * ~d * ~f * ~h)) * Antiderivative(sqrt(~a + ~b * ~x) / ((~c + ~d * ~x) ^ (3 / 2) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)), ~x) + (1 / (2 * ~b * ~d * ~f * ~h)) * Antiderivative((1 / (sqrt(~a + ~b * ~x) * sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x))) * Simp((2 * ~A * ~b * ~d * ~f * ~h - ~C * (~b * ~d * ~e * ~g + ~a * ~c * ~f * ~h)) + (2 * ~b * ~B * ~d * ~f * ~h - ~C * (~a * ~d * ~f * ~h + ~b * (~d * ~f * ~g + ~d * ~e * ~h + ~c * ~f * ~h))) * ~x, ~x), ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~d, ~e, ~f, ~g, ~h, ~A, ~B, ~C], ~x) @apply_utils Antiderivative((~(A') + ~(C') * (~x) ^ 2) / (sqrt(~(a') + ~(b') * ~x) * sqrt(~(c') + ~(d') * ~x) * sqrt(~(e') + ~(f') * ~x) * sqrt(~(g') + ~(h') * ~x)), ~x) => (~C * sqrt(~a + ~b * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)) / (~b * ~f * ~h * sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x)) + ((~C * (~d * ~e - ~c * ~f) * (~d * ~g - ~c * ~h)) / (2 * ~b * ~d * ~f * ~h)) * Antiderivative(sqrt(~a + ~b * ~x) / ((~c + ~d * ~x) ^ (3 / 2) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)), ~x) + (1 / (2 * ~b * ~d * ~f * ~h)) * Antiderivative((1 / (sqrt(~a + ~b * ~x) * sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x))) * Simp((2 * ~A * ~b * ~d * ~f * ~h - ~C * (~b * ~d * ~e * ~g + ~a * ~c * ~f * ~h)) - ~C * (~a * ~d * ~f * ~h + ~b * (~d * ~f * ~g + ~d * ~e * ~h + ~c * ~f * ~h)) * ~x, ~x), ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~d, ~e, ~f, ~g, ~h, ~A, ~C], ~x) @apply_utils Antiderivative(((~(a') + ~(b') * ~x) ^ ~m * (~(A') + ~(B') * ~x + ~(C') * (~x) ^ 2)) / (sqrt(~(c') + ~(d') * ~x) * sqrt(~(e') + ~(f') * ~x) * sqrt(~(g') + ~(h') * ~x)), ~x) => (((~A * (~b) ^ 2 - ~a * ~b * ~B) + (~a) ^ 2 * ~C) * (~a + ~b * ~x) ^ (~m + 1) * sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)) / ((~m + 1) * (~b * ~c - ~a * ~d) * (~b * ~e - ~a * ~f) * (~b * ~g - ~a * ~h)) - (1 / (2 * (~m + 1) * (~b * ~c - ~a * ~d) * (~b * ~e - ~a * ~f) * (~b * ~g - ~a * ~h))) * Antiderivative(((~a + ~b * ~x) ^ (~m + 1) / (sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x))) * Simp(((~A * ((2 * (~a) ^ 2 * ~d * ~f * ~h * (~m + 1) - 2 * ~a * ~b * (~m + 1) * (~d * ~f * ~g + ~d * ~e * ~h + ~c * ~f * ~h)) + (~b) ^ 2 * (2 * ~m + 3) * (~d * ~e * ~g + ~c * ~f * ~g + ~c * ~e * ~h)) - (~b * ~B - ~a * ~C) * (~a * (~d * ~e * ~g + ~c * ~f * ~g + ~c * ~e * ~h) + 2 * ~b * ~c * ~e * ~g * (~m + 1))) - 2 * ((~A * ~b - ~a * ~B) * (~a * ~d * ~f * ~h * (~m + 1) - ~b * (~m + 2) * (~d * ~f * ~g + ~d * ~e * ~h + ~c * ~f * ~h)) - ~C * (((~a) ^ 2 * (~d * ~f * ~g + ~d * ~e * ~h + ~c * ~f * ~h) - (~b) ^ 2 * ~c * ~e * ~g * (~m + 1)) + ~a * ~b * (~m + 1) * (~d * ~e * ~g + ~c * ~f * ~g + ~c * ~e * ~h))) * ~x) + ~d * ~f * ~h * (2 * ~m + 5) * ((~A * (~b) ^ 2 - ~a * ~b * ~B) + (~a) ^ 2 * ~C) * (~x) ^ 2, ~x), ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~d, ~e, ~f, ~g, ~h, ~A, ~B, ~C], ~x) && (IntegerQ(2 * ~m) && LtQ(~m, -1)) @apply_utils Antiderivative(((~(a') + ~(b') * ~x) ^ ~m * (~(A') + ~(C') * (~x) ^ 2)) / (sqrt(~(c') + ~(d') * ~x) * sqrt(~(e') + ~(f') * ~x) * sqrt(~(g') + ~(h') * ~x)), ~x) => ((~A * (~b) ^ 2 + (~a) ^ 2 * ~C) * (~a + ~b * ~x) ^ (~m + 1) * sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x)) / ((~m + 1) * (~b * ~c - ~a * ~d) * (~b * ~e - ~a * ~f) * (~b * ~g - ~a * ~h)) - (1 / (2 * (~m + 1) * (~b * ~c - ~a * ~d) * (~b * ~e - ~a * ~f) * (~b * ~g - ~a * ~h))) * Antiderivative(((~a + ~b * ~x) ^ (~m + 1) / (sqrt(~c + ~d * ~x) * sqrt(~e + ~f * ~x) * sqrt(~g + ~h * ~x))) * Simp(((~A * ((2 * (~a) ^ 2 * ~d * ~f * ~h * (~m + 1) - 2 * ~a * ~b * (~m + 1) * (~d * ~f * ~g + ~d * ~e * ~h + ~c * ~f * ~h)) + (~b) ^ 2 * (2 * ~m + 3) * (~d * ~e * ~g + ~c * ~f * ~g + ~c * ~e * ~h)) + ~a * ~C * (~a * (~d * ~e * ~g + ~c * ~f * ~g + ~c * ~e * ~h) + 2 * ~b * ~c * ~e * ~g * (~m + 1))) - 2 * (~A * ~b * (~a * ~d * ~f * ~h * (~m + 1) - ~b * (~m + 2) * (~d * ~f * ~g + ~d * ~e * ~h + ~c * ~f * ~h)) - ~C * (((~a) ^ 2 * (~d * ~f * ~g + ~d * ~e * ~h + ~c * ~f * ~h) - (~b) ^ 2 * ~c * ~e * ~g * (~m + 1)) + ~a * ~b * (~m + 1) * (~d * ~e * ~g + ~c * ~f * ~g + ~c * ~e * ~h))) * ~x) + ~d * ~f * ~h * (2 * ~m + 5) * (~A * (~b) ^ 2 + (~a) ^ 2 * ~C) * (~x) ^ 2, ~x), ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~d, ~e, ~f, ~g, ~h, ~A, ~C], ~x) && (IntegerQ(2 * ~m) && LtQ(~m, -1)) @apply_utils Antiderivative(~Px * (~(a') + ~(b') * ~x) ^ ~(m') * (~(c') + ~(d') * ~x) ^ ~(n') * (~(e') + ~(f') * ~x) ^ ~(p') * (~(g') + ~(h') * ~x) ^ ~(q'), ~x) => Antiderivative(ExpandIntegrand(~Px * (~a + ~b * ~x) ^ ~m * (~c + ~d * ~x) ^ ~n * (~e + ~f * ~x) ^ ~p * (~g + ~h * ~x) ^ ~q, ~x), ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~d, ~e, ~f, ~g, ~h, ~m, ~n, ~p, ~q], ~x) && (PolyQ(~Px, ~x) && IntegersQ(~m, ~n)) @apply_utils Antiderivative(~Px * (~(a') + ~(b') * ~x) ^ ~(m') * (~(c') + ~(d') * ~x) ^ ~(n') * (~(e') + ~(f') * ~x) ^ ~(p') * (~(g') + ~(h') * ~x) ^ ~(q'), ~x) => PolynomialRemainder(~Px, ~a + ~b * ~x, ~x) * Antiderivative((~a + ~b * ~x) ^ ~m * (~c + ~d * ~x) ^ ~n * (~e + ~f * ~x) ^ ~p * (~g + ~h * ~x) ^ ~q, ~x) + Antiderivative(PolynomialQuotient(~Px, ~a + ~b * ~x, ~x) * (~a + ~b * ~x) ^ (~m + 1) * (~c + ~d * ~x) ^ ~n * (~e + ~f * ~x) ^ ~p * (~g + ~h * ~x) ^ ~q, ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~d, ~e, ~f, ~g, ~h, ~m, ~n, ~p, ~q], ~x) && (PolyQ(~Px, ~x) && EqQ(~m, -1)) @apply_utils Antiderivative(~Px * (~(a') + ~(b') * ~x) ^ ~(m') * (~(c') + ~(d') * ~x) ^ ~(n') * (~(e') + ~(f') * ~x) ^ ~(p') * (~(g') + ~(h') * ~x) ^ ~(q'), ~x) => PolynomialRemainder(~Px, ~a + ~b * ~x, ~x) * Antiderivative((~a + ~b * ~x) ^ ~m * (~c + ~d * ~x) ^ ~n * (~e + ~f * ~x) ^ ~p * (~g + ~h * ~x) ^ ~q, ~x) + Antiderivative(PolynomialQuotient(~Px, ~a + ~b * ~x, ~x) * (~a + ~b * ~x) ^ (~m + 1) * (~c + ~d * ~x) ^ ~n * (~e + ~f * ~x) ^ ~p * (~g + ~h * ~x) ^ ~q, ~x) <-- FreeQ([~a, ~b, ~c, ~d, ~e, ~f, ~g, ~h, ~m, ~n, ~p, ~q], ~x) && PolyQ(~Px, ~x) end
module TestDBI using DBI using DBDSQLite # User database path = Pkg.dir("DBDSQLite", "test", "db", "users.sqlite3") run(`touch $path`) db = connect(SQLite3, path) stmt = prepare( db, "CREATE TABLE users (id INT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255))" ) @assert executed(stmt) == 0 execute(stmt) @assert executed(stmt) == 1 finish(stmt) try stmt = prepare( db, "CREATE TABLE users (id INT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255))" ) end errcode(db) errstring(db) stmt = prepare(db, "INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'Jeff Bezanson')") execute(stmt) finish(stmt) stmt = prepare(db, "INSERT INTO users VALUES (2, 'Viral Shah')") execute(stmt) finish(stmt) run(db, "INSERT INTO users VALUES (3, 'Stefan Karpinski')") stmt = prepare(db, "INSERT INTO users VALUES (?, ?)") execute(stmt, {4, "Jameson Nash"}) execute(stmt, {5, "Keno Fisher"}) finish(stmt) stmt = prepare(db, "SELECT * FROM users") execute(stmt) row = fetchrow(stmt) row = fetchrow(stmt) row = fetchrow(stmt) row = fetchrow(stmt) row = fetchrow(stmt) row = fetchrow(stmt) finish(stmt) stmt = prepare(db, "SELECT * FROM users") execute(stmt) rows = fetchall(stmt) finish(stmt) stmt = prepare(db, "SELECT * FROM users") execute(stmt) rows = fetchdf(stmt) finish(stmt) rows = select(db, "SELECT * FROM users") tabledata = tableinfo(db, "users") columndata = columninfo(db, "users", "id") columndata = columninfo(db, "users", "name") stmt = prepare(db, "DROP TABLE users") execute(stmt) finish(stmt) disconnect(db) rm(path) # China OK database path = Pkg.dir("DBDSQLite", "test", "db", "chinook.sqlite3") db = connect(SQLite3, path) stmt = prepare(db, "SELECT * FROM Employee") execute(stmt) df = fetchdf(stmt) finish(stmt) df = select( db, "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' ORDER BY name" ) df = select(db, "SELECT * FROM Album") df = select( db, """ SELECT a.*, b.AlbumId FROM Artist a LEFT OUTER JOIN Album b ON b.ArtistId = a.ArtistId ORDER BY name """ ) disconnect(db) end
using Church dp(concentration::Real, base_measure::Function) = begin sticks = Mem(i::Int -> beta(1., concentration)) atoms = Mem(i::Int -> base_measure()) loop(i::Int) = @If(bernoulli(sticks[i]), atoms[i], loop(i+1)) d = () -> loop(1) end dp_mixture(concentration::Real, base_measure::Function, parameter::Function) = begin dp_ = dp(concentration, base_measure) () -> parameter(dp_()) end d = dp(1., normal) ds = [d() for i = 1:20] f = dp_mixture(1., normal, x -> normal(x, 0.1)) fs = [f() for i = 1:20] n_data = 10 n_components = 20 indicies = [categorical(n_components) for i = 1:n_data] components = Mem((i::Int) -> normal()) data = [components[indicies[i]] for i = 1:n_data]
module Core const API_SIGN = "API\0" const HEADTYPE = UInt32 # sizeof(HEADTYPE) == 4 bytes const MAX_LEN = 0xffffff isascii(m) = all(x -> x < 0x80, m) # ASCII function write_one(socket, buf, api_sign=false) msg = take!(buf) len = length(msg) @assert isascii(msg) @assert len ≤ MAX_LEN api_sign ? write(socket, API_SIGN, hton(HEADTYPE(len)), msg) : write(socket, hton(HEADTYPE(len)), msg) end function read_one(socket) len = ntoh(read(socket, HEADTYPE)) @assert len ≤ MAX_LEN read(socket, len) end end
mutable struct DoubleMacaulayMatrix{C} # pivot -> row leftpivs::Vector{Vector{Int}} leftcoeffs::Vector{Vector{C}} # idx -> row rightrows::Vector{Vector{Int}} rightcoeffs::Vector{Vector{C}} # pivot -> idx pivot2idx::Vector{Int} # lefthash2col::Dict{Int, Int} leftcol2hash::Vector{Int} righthash2col::Dict{Int, Int} rightcol2hash::Vector{Int} # size of leftpivs nlsize::Int # load of rightrows nrrows::Int # size of rightrows nrsize::Int # left cols filled nlcols::Int # right cols filled nrcols::Int end function initialize_double_matrix(basis::Basis{C}) where {C<:Coeff} n = length(basis.gens) leftrows = Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef, n) leftcoeffs = Vector{Vector{C}}(undef, n) pivot2idx = Vector{Int}(undef, n) m = length(basis.gens) rightrows = Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef, m) rightcoeffs= Vector{Vector{C}}(undef, m) lsz = n lefthash2col = Dict{Int, Int}() leftcol2hash = Vector{Int}(undef, lsz) rsz = m righthash2col = Dict{Int, Int}() rightcol2hash = Vector{Int}(undef, rsz) DoubleMacaulayMatrix(leftrows, leftcoeffs, rightrows, rightcoeffs, pivot2idx, lefthash2col, leftcol2hash, righthash2col, rightcol2hash, n, 0, m, 0, 0) end function convert_to_double_dense_row(matrix, monom, vector::Basis{C}, ht) where {C<:Coeff} if matrix.nrcols >= length(matrix.rightcol2hash) resize!(matrix.rightcol2hash, 2*length(matrix.rightcol2hash)) end matrix.nrcols += 1 matrix.rightcol2hash[matrix.nrcols] = monom matrix.righthash2col[monom] = matrix.nrcols rightrow = zeros(C, matrix.nrcols) rightrow[end] = one(C) exps, coeffs = vector.gens[1], vector.coeffs[1] for i in 1:length(exps) if !haskey(matrix.lefthash2col, exps[i]) if matrix.nlcols >= length(matrix.leftcol2hash) resize!(matrix.leftcol2hash, 2*length(matrix.leftcol2hash)) end matrix.nlcols += 1 matrix.lefthash2col[exps[i]] = matrix.nlcols matrix.leftcol2hash[matrix.nlcols] = exps[i] end end leftrow = zeros(C, matrix.nlcols) for i in 1:length(exps) leftrow[matrix.lefthash2col[exps[i]]] = coeffs[i] end leftrow, rightrow end # reduces row by mul*cfs modulo ch at indices positions # # Finite field magic specialization function reduce_by_pivot_simultaneous!(leftrow, leftexps, leftcfs::Vector{CoeffFF}, rightrow, rightexps, rightcfs, magic) # mul = -densecoeffs[i] # actually.. not bad! mul = (magic.divisor - leftrow[leftexps[1]]) % magic @inbounds for j in 1:length(leftexps) idx = leftexps[j] leftrow[idx] = (leftrow[idx] + mul*leftcfs[j]) % magic end @inbounds for j in 1:length(rightexps) idx = rightexps[j] rightrow[idx] = (rightrow[idx] + mul*rightcfs[j]) % magic end mul end # # Finite field magic specialization function normalize_double_row_sparse!(leftcfs::Vector{CoeffFF}, rightcfs, magic) pinv = invmod(leftcfs[1], magic.divisor) % magic @inbounds for i in 2:length(leftcfs) # row[i] *= pinv leftcfs[i] = (leftcfs[i] * pinv) % magic end @inbounds leftcfs[1] = one(leftcfs[1]) @inbounds for i in 1:length(rightcfs) # row[i] *= pinv rightcfs[i] = (rightcfs[i] * pinv) % magic end end # # Finite field magic specialization function normalize_double_row_sparse!(leftcfs::Vector{CoeffQQ}, rightcfs, magic) pinv = inv(leftcfs[1]) @inbounds for i in 2:length(leftcfs) # row[i] *= pinv leftcfs[i] = leftcfs[i] * pinv end @inbounds leftcfs[1] = one(leftcfs[1]) @inbounds for i in 1:length(rightcfs) rightcfs[i] = rightcfs[i] * pinv end end # reduces row by mul*cfs modulo ch at indices positions # # Rational field specialization function reduce_by_pivot_simultaneous!(leftrow, leftexps, leftcfs::Vector{CoeffQQ}, rightrow, rightexps, rightcfs, magic) # mul = -densecoeffs[i] # actually.. not bad! mul = -leftrow[leftexps[1]] @inbounds for j in 1:length(leftexps) idx = leftexps[j] leftrow[idx] = leftrow[idx] + mul*leftcfs[j] end @inbounds for j in 1:length(rightexps) idx = rightexps[j] rightrow[idx] = rightrow[idx] + mul*rightcfs[j] end mul end function reduce_double_dense_row_by_known_pivots_sparse!( matrix::DoubleMacaulayMatrix{C}, leftrow, rightrow, magic) where {C} leftrows = matrix.leftpivs rightrows = matrix.rightrows pivot2idx = matrix.pivot2idx # new row nonzero elements count k = 0 uzero = C(0) # new pivot index np = -1 if debug() @warn "in reduce" matrix.nlcols matrix.nrcols matrix.leftpivs @warn "hmm" leftrow end for i in 1:matrix.nlcols # if row element zero - no reduction @inbounds if leftrow[i] == uzero continue end # TODO: check this first? if !isassigned(leftrows, i) if np == -1 np = i end k += 1 continue end # exponents of reducer row at column i leftexps = leftrows[i] leftcfs = matrix.leftcoeffs[i] # here map pivot --> when added rightexps = rightrows[pivot2idx[i]] rightcfs = matrix.rightcoeffs[pivot2idx[i]] mul = reduce_by_pivot_simultaneous!(leftrow, leftexps, leftcfs, rightrow, rightexps, rightcfs, magic) end return k == 0, np, k end function extract_sparse_row(row) newrow, newcfs, k = extract_sparse_row(row, 1, length(row)) resize!(newrow, k) resize!(newcfs, k) newrow, newcfs, k end function extract_sparse_row(row::Vector{C}, np, k) where {C} newrow = Vector{Int}(undef, k) newcfs = Vector{C}(undef, k) # store new row in sparse format # where k - number of structural nonzeros in new reduced row, k > 0 j = 1 @inbounds for i in np:length(row) # from new pivot @inbounds if row[i] != 0 newrow[j] = i newcfs[j] = row[i] j += 1 end end newrow, newcfs, j - 1 end function linear_relation!( matrix::DoubleMacaulayMatrix, monom::Int, vector::Basis{C}, ht) where {C<:Coeff} magic = select_divisor(vector.coeffs, vector.ch) leftrow, rightrow = convert_to_double_dense_row(matrix, monom, vector, ht) if debug() @warn "start" println(monom) println(vector.gens, " ", vector.coeffs) println(leftrow) println(rightrow) println(matrix) end reduced, np, k = reduce_double_dense_row_by_known_pivots_sparse!(matrix, leftrow, rightrow, magic) if debug() @warn "reduced" println(reduced, " ", np, " ", k) println(leftrow) println(rightrow) end if reduced # pass else lexps, lcoeffs, _ = extract_sparse_row(leftrow, np, k) rexps, rcoeffs, _ = extract_sparse_row(rightrow) normalize_double_row_sparse!(lcoeffs, rcoeffs, magic) if debug() @warn "extracted" println(lexps, " ", lcoeffs) println(rexps, " ", rcoeffs) end while np >= matrix.nlsize matrix.nlsize *= 2 resize!(matrix.leftpivs, matrix.nlsize) resize!(matrix.leftcoeffs, matrix.nlsize) resize!(matrix.pivot2idx, matrix.nlsize) end matrix.leftpivs[np] = lexps matrix.leftcoeffs[np] = lcoeffs matrix.nrrows += 1 matrix.pivot2idx[np] = matrix.nrrows if matrix.nrrows >= matrix.nrsize matrix.nrsize *= 2 resize!(matrix.rightrows, matrix.nrsize) resize!(matrix.rightcoeffs, matrix.nrsize) end matrix.rightrows[matrix.nrrows] = rexps matrix.rightcoeffs[matrix.nrrows] = rcoeffs end return reduced, rightrow end
using WAVI, Plots """ Produce a plot of the melt rate in MISMIP for specified melt rate parametrization (c.f. figure 4 in Favier 2019 10.5194/gmd-12-2255-2019) ***Options*** - PICO_nboxP_zQ : PICO with P boxes, ambient temperature taken at Qm depth for P = 10, 8, 5, 2 and Q = 500, 700 (e.g. "PICO_nbox2_z700") - PME : Plume model emulator (using Lazeroms 2018 algorithm for grounding line and basal slope -- doi:10.5194/tc-12-49-2018) - MISMIP_1r : Melt rate according to the MISMIP+ ice 1r experiment (doi: 10.5194/tc-14-2283-2020) scaled to match the mean melt rate - QuadL : Quadratic formulation of melting with local dependency on thermal driving - QuadNL : Quadratic formulation of melting with non-local dependency on thermal driving """ melt_rate_model = "QuadL" function Favier2019_4km_init(melt_model) # Grid and boundary conditions nx = 160 ny = 20 nσ = 4 x0 = 0.0 y0 = -40000.0 dx = 4000.0 dy = 4000.0 h_mask = trues(nx, ny) u_iszero = falses(nx + 1, ny); u_iszero[1,:] .= true v_iszero = falses(nx, ny + 1); v_iszero[:,1] .= true; v_iszero[:,end] .= true grid = Grid(nx=nx, ny=ny, nσ=nσ, x0=x0, y0=y0, dx=dx, dy=dy, h_mask=h_mask, u_iszero=u_iszero, v_iszero=v_iszero) # Bed bed = WAVI.mismip_plus_bed # function definition # Inputing thickness profile, reading from binary file #fname = "examples\\Favier2019_melt_params\\data\\MISMIP_ice0_2km_SteadyThickness.bin"; #fname = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "WAVI_ice0_4km_thick_interpolated.bin") fname = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "WAVI_ice0_4km_thickness.bin") h = Array{Float64,2}(undef, nx, ny) read!(fname, h) h = ntoh.(h) # make the model initial_conditions = InitialConditions(initial_thickness=h) # set thickness model = Model(grid=grid, bed_elevation=bed, melt_rate = melt_model, initial_conditions=initial_conditions, solver_params=SolverParams(maxiter_picard=1) ) ; # update the configuration update_state!(model) #contour plot melt rate m = deepcopy(model.fields.gh.basal_melt) m[model.fields.gh.grounded_fraction .== 1.] .= NaN msat = deepcopy(m) msat[msat .> 50] .= 50 #msat[zb .> -300] .= NaN; x = model.grid.xxh[:,1]; y = model.grid.yyh[1,:]; plt = heatmap(x ./ 1e3,y / 1e3, msat', fill=true, linewidth=0, colorbar=true, colorbar_title="melt rate (m/yr)", framestyle=:box) xlims!((420, 640)) xlabel!("x (km)") ylabel!("y (km)") return model, plt end #Need these for PICO nx = 160; ny = 20; ice_front_mask = zeros(nx,ny); ice_front_mask[end,:] .= 1; if melt_rate_model == "PICO_nbox10_z700" melt_model = PICO(ice_front_mask = ice_front_mask, T0 =1.2, S0 = 34.6, use_box_mean_depth = true, γT = 0.94e-5, nbox = 10); elseif melt_rate_model == "PICO_nbox8_z700" melt_model = PICO(ice_front_mask = ice_front_mask, T0 =1.2, S0 = 34.6, use_box_mean_depth = true, γT = 0.91e-5, nbox = 8); elseif melt_rate_model == "PICO_nbox5_z700" melt_model = PICO(ice_front_mask = ice_front_mask, T0 = 1.2, S0 = 34.6, use_box_mean_depth = true, γT = 0.87e-5, nbox = 5); elseif melt_rate_model == "PICO_nbox2_z700" melt_model = PICO(ice_front_mask = ice_front_mask, T0 = 1.2, S0 = 34.6, use_box_mean_depth = true, γT = 0.85e-5, nbox = 2); elseif melt_rate_model == "PME" melt_model = PlumeEmulator(α=1.49) elseif melt_rate_model == "MISMIP_1r" melt_model = MISMIPMeltRateOne(α = 0.184) elseif melt_rate_model == "QuadL" melt_model = QuadraticMeltRate(γT = 0.745*1e-3) #melt_model = QuadraticMeltRate(γT = 0.745*1e-3, melt_partial_cell = true) elseif melt_rate_model == "QuadNL" melt_model = QuadraticMeltRate(γT = 0.85*1e-3, flocal = false) #melt_model = QuadraticMeltRate(γT = 0.85*1e-3, flocal = false, melt_partial_cell = true) else throw(ArgumentError("Specified melt rate model not found")) end model, plt = Favier2019_4km_init(melt_model); m = deepcopy(model.fields.gh.basal_melt); zb = model.fields.gh.b .* (model.fields.gh.grounded_fraction .== 1) + - 918.0 / 1028.0 .* model.fields.gh.h .* (model.fields.gh.grounded_fraction .< 1) idx = (model.fields.gh.grounded_fraction .== 0) mean_melt = sum(m[idx])./length(m[idx]) println("mean melt rate for shelf points is $mean_melt")
fib(n) = n < 2 ? n : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
using Test using Distributed using Dates import REPL using Printf: @sprintf if isdefined(Base, :Experimental) Stub = Base.Experimental else Stub = Base end # The following is taken from https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/master/test/runtests.jl\ # Part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license addprocs(n_procs) const max_worker_rss = if haskey(ENV, "JULIA_TEST_MAXRSS_MB") parse(Int, ENV["JULIA_TEST_MAXRSS_MB"]) * 2^20 else typemax(Csize_t) end limited_worker_rss = max_worker_rss != typemax(Csize_t) exit_on_error = true n = 1 skipped = 0 seed = rand(UInt128) running_under_rr() = false @everywhere include("testdefs.jl") @everywhere using Hecke @everywhere using RandomExtensions if short_test @everywhere short_test = true else @everywhere short_test = false end if long_test @everywhere long_test = true else @everywhere long_test = false end @everywhere include("setup.jl") if with_gap @everywhere push!(Base.LOAD_PATH, "@v#.#") @everywhere using GAP end testgroupheader = "Test" workerheader = "(Worker)" name_align = maximum([textwidth(testgroupheader) + textwidth(" ") + textwidth(workerheader); map(x -> textwidth(x) + 3 + ndigits(nworkers()), tests)]) elapsed_align = textwidth("Time (s)") gc_align = textwidth("GC (s)") percent_align = textwidth("GC %") alloc_align = textwidth("Alloc (MB)") rss_align = textwidth("RSS (MB)") printstyled(testgroupheader, color=:white) printstyled(lpad(workerheader, name_align - textwidth(testgroupheader) + 1), " | ", color=:white) printstyled("Time (s) | GC (s) | GC % | Alloc (MB) | RSS (MB)\n", color=:white) results = [] print_lock = stdout isa Base.LibuvStream ? stdout.lock : ReentrantLock() if stderr isa Base.LibuvStream stderr.lock = print_lock end function print_testworker_stats(test, wrkr, resp) @nospecialize resp lock(print_lock) try printstyled(test, color=:white) printstyled(lpad("($wrkr)", name_align - textwidth(test) + 1, " "), " | ", color=:white) time_str = @sprintf("%7.2f",resp[2]) printstyled(lpad(time_str, elapsed_align, " "), " | ", color=:white) gc_str = @sprintf("%5.2f", resp[5].total_time / 10^9) printstyled(lpad(gc_str, gc_align, " "), " | ", color=:white) # since there may be quite a few digits in the percentage, # the left-padding here is less to make sure everything fits percent_str = @sprintf("%4.1f", 100 * resp[5].total_time / (10^9 * resp[2])) printstyled(lpad(percent_str, percent_align, " "), " | ", color=:white) alloc_str = @sprintf("%5.2f", resp[3] / 2^20) printstyled(lpad(alloc_str, alloc_align, " "), " | ", color=:white) rss_str = @sprintf("%5.2f", resp[6] / 2^20) printstyled(lpad(rss_str, rss_align, " "), "\n", color=:white) finally unlock(print_lock) end nothing end global print_testworker_started = (name, wrkr)->begin pid = running_under_rr() ? remotecall_fetch(getpid, wrkr) : 0 at = lpad("($wrkr)", name_align - textwidth(name) + 1, " ") lock(print_lock) try printstyled(name, at, " |", " "^elapsed_align, "started at $(now())", (pid > 0 ? " on pid $pid" : ""), "\n", color=:white) finally unlock(print_lock) end nothing end function print_testworker_errored(name, wrkr, @nospecialize(e)) lock(print_lock) try printstyled(name, color=:red) printstyled(lpad("($wrkr)", name_align - textwidth(name) + 1, " "), " |", " "^elapsed_align, " failed at $(now())\n", color=:red) if isa(e, Test.TestSetException) for t in e.errors_and_fails show(t) println() end elseif e !== nothing Base.showerror(stdout, e) end println() finally unlock(print_lock) end end all_tests = tests local stdin_monitor all_tasks = Task[] try # Monitor stdin and kill this task on ^C # but don't do this on Windows, because it may deadlock in the kernel running_tests = Dict{String, DateTime}() if !Sys.iswindows() && isa(stdin, Base.TTY) t = current_task() stdin_monitor = @async begin term = REPL.Terminals.TTYTerminal("xterm", stdin, stdout, stderr) try REPL.Terminals.raw!(term, true) while true c = read(term, Char) if c == '\x3' Base.throwto(t, InterruptException()) break elseif c == '?' println("Currently running: ") tests = sort(collect(running_tests), by=x->x[2]) foreach(tests) do (test, date) println(test, " (running for ", round(now()-date, Minute), ")") end end end catch e isa(e, InterruptException) || rethrow() finally REPL.Terminals.raw!(term, false) end end end @Stub.sync begin for p in workers() @async begin push!(all_tasks, current_task()) while length(tests) > 0 test = popfirst!(tests) running_tests[test] = now() wrkr = p resp = try remotecall_fetch(runtests, wrkr, test, test_path(test); seed=seed, isolate = false) catch e isa(e, InterruptException) && return Any[CapturedException(e, catch_backtrace())] end delete!(running_tests, test) push!(results, (test, resp)) if length(resp) == 1 print_testworker_errored(test, wrkr, exit_on_error ? nothing : resp[1]) if exit_on_error skipped = length(tests) empty!(tests) elseif n > 1 # the worker encountered some failure, recycle it # so future tests get a fresh environment rmprocs(wrkr, waitfor=30) p = addprocs_with_testenv(1)[1] remotecall_fetch(include, p, "testdefs.jl") if use_revise Distributed.remotecall_eval(Main, p, revise_init_expr) end end else print_testworker_stats(test, wrkr, resp) if resp[end] > max_worker_rss # the worker has reached the max-rss limit, recycle it # so future tests start with a smaller working set if n > 1 rmprocs(wrkr, waitfor=30) p = addprocs_with_testenv(1)[1] remotecall_fetch(include, p, "testdefs.jl") if use_revise Distributed.remotecall_eval(Main, p, revise_init_expr) end else # single process testing error("Halting tests. Memory limit reached : $resp > $max_worker_rss") end end end end if p != 1 # Free up memory =) rmprocs(p, waitfor=30) end end end end catch e isa(e, InterruptException) || rethrow() # If the test suite was merely interrupted, still print the # summary, which can be useful to diagnose what's going on foreach(task -> begin istaskstarted(task) || return istaskdone(task) && return try schedule(task, InterruptException(); error=true) catch ex @error "InterruptException" exception=ex,catch_backtrace() end end, all_tasks) foreach(wait, all_tasks) finally if @isdefined stdin_monitor schedule(stdin_monitor, InterruptException(); error=true) end end #= ` Construct a testset on the master node which will hold results from all the test files run on workers and on node1. The loop goes through the results, inserting them as children of the overall testset if they are testsets, handling errors otherwise. Since the workers don't return information about passing/broken tests, only errors or failures, those Result types get passed `nothing` for their test expressions (and expected/received result in the case of Broken). If a test failed, returning a `RemoteException`, the error is displayed and the overall testset has a child testset inserted, with the (empty) Passes and Brokens from the worker and the full information about all errors and failures encountered running the tests. This information will be displayed as a summary at the end of the test run. If a test failed, returning an `Exception` that is not a `RemoteException`, it is likely the julia process running the test has encountered some kind of internal error, such as a segfault. The entire testset is marked as Errored, and execution continues until the summary at the end of the test run, where the test file is printed out as the "failed expression". =# Test.TESTSET_PRINT_ENABLE[] = false o_ts = Test.DefaultTestSet("Overall") Test.push_testset(o_ts) completed_tests = Set{String}() for (testname, (resp,)) in results push!(completed_tests, testname) if isa(resp, Test.DefaultTestSet) Test.push_testset(resp) Test.record(o_ts, resp) Test.pop_testset() elseif isa(resp, Test.TestSetException) fake = Test.DefaultTestSet(testname) for i in 1:resp.pass Test.record(fake, VERSION < v"1.7.0-DEV.1196" ? Test.Pass(:test, nothing, nothing, nothing) : Test.Pass(:test, nothing, nothing, nothing, LineNumberNode(@__LINE__, @__FILE__))) end for i in 1:resp.broken Test.record(fake, Test.Broken(:test, nothing)) end for t in resp.errors_and_fails Test.record(fake, t) end Test.push_testset(fake) Test.record(o_ts, fake) Test.pop_testset() else if !isa(resp, Exception) resp = ErrorException(string("Unknown result type : ", typeof(resp))) end # If this test raised an exception that is not a remote testset exception, # i.e. not a RemoteException capturing a TestSetException that means # the test runner itself had some problem, so we may have hit a segfault, # deserialization errors or something similar. Record this testset as Errored. fake = Test.DefaultTestSet(testname) Test.record(fake, Test.Error(:nontest_error, testname, nothing, Any[(resp, [])], LineNumberNode(1))) Test.push_testset(fake) Test.record(o_ts, fake) Test.pop_testset() end end for test in all_tests (test in completed_tests) && continue fake = Test.DefaultTestSet(test) Test.record(fake, Test.Error(:test_interrupted, test, nothing, [("skipped", [])], LineNumberNode(1))) Test.push_testset(fake) Test.record(o_ts, fake) Test.pop_testset() end Test.TESTSET_PRINT_ENABLE[] = true println() Test.print_test_results(o_ts, 1) if !o_ts.anynonpass println(" \033[32;1mSUCCESS\033[0m") else println(" \033[31;1mFAILURE\033[0m\n") skipped > 0 && println("$skipped test", skipped > 1 ? "s were" : " was", " skipped due to failure.") println("The global RNG seed was 0x$(string(seed, base = 16)).\n") Test.print_test_errors(o_ts) throw(Test.FallbackTestSetException("Test run finished with errors")) end
####################################################### ### ------------------ DEFINITIONS ------------------- ####################################################### abstract type Dimension end abstract type TwoD <: Dimension end abstract type ThreeD <: Dimension end struct Square <: TwoD end struct Circle <: TwoD end struct Cube <: ThreeD end struct Sphere <: ThreeD end struct Atom{T <: Dimension} shape::T r::Matrix N::Int64 sizes::Any end get_dimension(atom::Atom{T}) where T <: TwoD = 2 get_dimension(atom::Atom{T}) where T <: ThreeD = 3 abstract type Pump end abstract type PlaneWave <: Pump end abstract type Gaussian <: Pump end struct PlaneWave2D <: PlaneWave direction::Vector end struct PlaneWave3D <: PlaneWave direction::Vector end struct Gaussian2D <: Gaussian w₀::Float64 end struct Gaussian3D <: Gaussian w₀::Float64 end struct Laser{T <: Pump} pump::T s::Float64 Δ::Float64 end struct Lasers{T <: Pump} pump::Vector{T} s::Vector{Float64} Δ::Vector{Float64} end abstract type Physics end abstract type Linear <: Physics end abstract type NonLinear <: Physics end struct Scalar <: Linear end struct Vectorial <: Linear end struct MeanField <: NonLinear end struct BBGKY <: NonLinear end struct LinearOptics{T <: Linear} physic::T atoms::Atom laser::Laser kernelFunction::Function spectrum::Dict data::Dict end struct NonLinearOptics{T <: NonLinear} physic::T atoms::Atom laser::Laser excitations::Dict data::Dict end ####################################################### ### ------------------ CONSTRUCTORS ------------------- ####################################################### # """ # b₀_of(atoms::Cube) # Formula : `ρ^2*N/( (4π/3 * (3/(16π))^3))^(1/3) )` # """ # b₀_of(atoms::Cube) = (ρ_of(atoms) .^ 2 * atoms.N / ((4π / 3) * (3 / (16π))^3))^(1 / 3) # """ # ρ_of(atoms::Cube) # Formula : `N/( kL^3 )` # """ # ρ_of(atoms::Cube) = atoms.N / atoms.kL^3 # """ # b₀_of(atoms::Cube) # Formula : `ρ^2*N/( (4π/3 * (3/(16π))^3))^(1/3) )` # """ # b₀_of(atoms::Sphere) = (ρ_of(atoms) .^ 2 * atoms.N / ((4π / 3) * (3 / (16π))^3))^(1 / 3) # ρ_of(atoms::Sphere) = atoms.N / VolumeSphere(atoms.kR) # ### --------------- LASER --------------- # """ # PlaneWave_3D(direction=:z, s=1e-6, Δ=0) # `direction` can be [:x, :y, :z] # """ # function PlaneWave_3D(direction=:z, s=1e-6, Δ=0) # if direction == :x # matrix_slace = 1 # elseif direction == :y # matrix_slace = 2 # elseif direction == :z # matrix_slace = 3 # else # @error("No support for this direction yet") # end # return PlaneWave(matrix_slace, s, Δ) # end # """ # PlaneWave_2D(direction=:z, s=1e-6, Δ=0) # `direction` can be [:x, :y] # """ # function PlaneWave_2D(direction=:x, s=1e-6, Δ=0) # if direction == :x # matrix_slace = 1 # elseif direction == :y # matrix_slace = 2 # else # @error("No support for this direction yet") # end # return PlaneWave(matrix_slace, s, Δ) # end # """
#jl """ Struct Material Used for solid Materials in Pipes. So far includes just name, thermal conductivity, and surface roughness. """ struct Material name::String thermal_conductivity::Function roughness::Real end struct Pipe{T<:Real} length::T diameter::T radius::T flowarea::T thickness::T outer_diameter::T outer_radius::T totalarea::T roughness::T elevation_change::T therm_cond::Function end const valid_Pipe_diams = [0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 16.0] function Pipe(l, d, t, ϵ, z, kfunc) # Assumes a circular Pipe of diameter d return Pipe(l,d,d/2,pi*(d/2)^2,t,d+2t,(d+2t)/2,pi*((d+2t)/2)^2,ϵ,z,kfunc) end mutable struct PipeProps{T<:Real} dᵢ::T dₒ::T thickness::T rᵢ::T rₒ::T units::String end function PipeProps(d, t, units="in") di = d - 2t ro = d/2 ri = di/2 return PipeProps(di, d, t, ri, ro, units) end const conversions = Dict(["cm","m"] => 1e-2, ["m","cm"] => 100, ["in","cm"] => 2.54, ["cm","in"] => 1/2.54, ["in","m"] => 2.54e-2, ["m","in"] => 1/2.54e-2, ["m","m"] => 1.0, ["cm","cm"] => 1.0, ["in","in"] => 1.0) function convert(p::PipeProps, newUnits::String) key_ = [p.units, newUnits] conversion_factor = conversions[key_] p.dᵢ *= conversion_factor p.dₒ *= conversion_factor p.rᵢ *= conversion_factor p.rₒ *= conversion_factor p.units = newUnits end const schedule40_props = [PipeProps(0.405, 0.068), PipeProps(0.540, 0.088), PipeProps(0.675, 0.091), PipeProps(0.840, 0.109), PipeProps(1.050, 0.113), PipeProps(1.315, 0.133), PipeProps(1.660, 0.140), PipeProps(1.900, 0.145), PipeProps(2.375, 0.154), PipeProps(2.875, 0.203), PipeProps(3.500, 0.216), PipeProps(4.000, 0.226), PipeProps(4.500, 0.237), PipeProps(5.563, 0.258), PipeProps(6.625, 0.280), PipeProps(8.625, 0.322), PipeProps(10.750, 0.365), PipeProps(12.750, 0.406), PipeProps(16.000, 0.500)] # Note: These outer diameters and wall thicknesses were obtained at this web # site: http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/steel-dimensions-d_43.html for props in schedule40_props convert(props, "m") end const props40_by_nominal_diameter = Dict(zip(valid_Pipe_diams, schedule40_props)) const schedule_props = Dict("40" => props40_by_nominal_diameter, 40 => props40_by_nominal_diameter) function Pipe(schedule_info::Tuple, mat::Material, l, Δz) # schedule_info is a Tuple: the schedule number comes first and the nominal # diameter comes second props = schedule_props[schedule_info[1]][schedule_info[2]] return Pipe(l,props.dᵢ,props.dᵢ/2,pi*(props.rᵢ)^2,props.thickness,props.dₒ, props.rₒ,pi*(props.rₒ)^2,mat.roughness,Δz,mat.thermal_conductivity) end function Pipe(schedule_info::Tuple, mat::String, l, Δz) return Pipe(schedule_info, Pipe_Materials[mat], l, Δz) end function colebrook(Re, p::Pipe, f_g) if f_g < 0 return f_g * 1e5 else return 10^(-1 / (2 * √(f_g))) - (p.roughness / (3.7 * p.diameter) + 2.51 / (Re * √(f_g))) end end function getf(Re, p::Pipe) print("Sanity check: Re = ",Re) function dummysolve!(f_guess, fvec) fvec[1] = colebrook(Re, p, f_guess[1]) end return NLsolve.nlsolve(dummysolve!, [0.001]).zero[1] end laminarf(Re, p::Pipe) = 64.0/Re function swameejain(Re, p::Pipe) return 0.25/(log10(p.roughness/(3.7*p.diameter)+ 5.74/(Re^ 0.9)))^2 end function getf2(Re, p::Pipe) if Re > 2000 return swameejain(Re, p) else return laminarf(Re, p) end end function stainless_steel_thermal_conductivity(T) # Source: http://www.mace.manchester.ac.uk/project/research/structures/strucfire/MaterialInFire/Steel/StainlessSteel/thermalProperties.htm return 14.6 + 1.27e-2 *(T-273.15) end function copper_thermal_conductivity(T) # Source: http://www-ferp.ucsd.edu/LIB/PROPS/PANOS/cu.html return 14.6 + 1.27e-2 *(T-273.15) end const ss_roughness_by_finish = Dict("2D" => 1E-6, "2B" => 0.5E-6, "2R" => 0.2E-6, "BA" => 0.2E-6, "2BB" => 0.1E-6) # These surface roughness values are in m and were obtained from the following # corporate site: http://www.outokumpu.com/en/products-properties/ # more-stainless/stainless-steel-surface-finishes/cold-rolled-finishes/Pages/default.aspx # Note that the given values are the maximum roughness values in the range on # the website, except for finish 2BB, which didn't have a roughness value # so I took the lowest value for finish 2B since the compnay says this: # "Due to the fact that surface roughness of the finish 2BB is lower than that # of 2B, some modifications on lubrication during forming might be needed." const ss_mat = Material("Stainless Steel", stainless_steel_thermal_conductivity, ss_roughness_by_finish["2B"]) const cu_roughness = 0.03e-3 # Copper roughness. # Source: http://www.pressure-drop.com/Online-Calculator/rauh.html const cu_mat = Material("Copper", copper_thermal_conductivity, cu_roughness) const pipematerials = Dict("Copper" => cu_mat, "Stainless Steel"=>ss_mat)
""" This file contains all the functions that required to extract region information from a given textfile repository, and from there extraction of relevant regional data from given datasets. There are three major types of functions contained in this .jl module: 1) extraction of region information and attributes 2) extraction of data from a given dataset based upon the given region information and list of attributes 3) transformation of longitude coordinate systems [-180,180] <=> [0,360] """ # Region Information and Attributes function regionload() @debug "$(Dates.now()) - Loading information on possible regions ..." return readdlm(joinpath(@__DIR__,"regions.txt"),',',comments=true); end function regioninfodisplay(regioninfo) @info "$(Dates.now()) - The following regions are offered in the ClimateEasy.jl" for ii = 1 : size(regioninfo,1); @info "$(Dates.now()) - $(ii)) $(regioninfo[ii,7])" end end # Find Regions Bounds function regionbounds(reg::AbstractString) reginfo = regionload(); regions = reginfo[:,1]; regid = (regions .== reg); N,S,E,W = reginfo[regid,[3,5,6,4]]; @debug "$(Dates.now()) - The bounds of the region are, in [N,S,E,W] format, [$(N),$(S),$(E),$(W)]." return [N,S,E,W] end function regionbounds(reg::AbstractString,reginfo::AbstractArray) regions = reginfo[:,1]; regid = (regions .== reg)[1]; N,S,E,W = reginfo[regid,[3,5,6,4]]; @debug "$(Dates.now()) - The bounds of the region are, in [N,S,E,W] format, [$(N),$(S),$(E),$(W)]." return [N,S,E,W] end function regionbounds(regID::Int64) reginfo = regionload(); N,S,E,W = reginfo[regID,[3,5,6,4]]; @debug "$(Dates.now()) - The bounds of the region are, in [N,S,E,W] format, [$(N),$(S),$(E),$(W)]." return [N,S,E,W] end function regionbounds(regID::Int64,reginfo::AbstractArray) N,S,E,W = reginfo[regID,[3,5,6,4]]; @debug "$(Dates.now()) - The bounds of the region are, in [N,S,E,W] format, [$(N),$(S),$(E),$(W)]." return [N,S,E,W] end # Find Short Region Name function regionshortname(regID::Int64) reginfo = regionload(); return reginfo[regID,1]; end function regionshortname(regID::Int64,reginfo::AbstractArray) return reginfo[regID,1]; end # Find Full Region Name function regionfullname(reg::AbstractString) reginfo = regionload(); regions = reginfo[:,1]; regid = (regions .== reg); return reginfo[regid,7][1]; end function regionfullname(reg::AbstractString,reginfo::AbstractArray) regions = reginfo[:,1]; regid = (regions .== reg); return reginfo[regid,7][1]; end function regionfullname(regID::Int64) reginfo = regionload(); return reginfo[regID,7]; end function regionfullname(regID::Int64,reginfo::AbstractArray) return reginfo[regID,7]; end # Find Region Parent function regionparent(reg::AbstractString) reginfo = regionload(); regions = reginfo[:,1]; regid = (regions .== reg); return reginfo[regid,2][1]; end function regionparent(reg::AbstractString,reginfo::AbstractArray) regions = reginfo[:,1]; regid = (regions .== reg); return reginfo[regid,2][1]; end function regionparent(regID::Int64) reginfo = regionload(); return reginfo[regID,2]; end function regionparent(regID::Int64,reginfo::AbstractArray) return reginfo[regID,2]; end # Find if the Region is Global function regionisglobe(reg::AbstractString) reginfo = regionload(); regions = reginfo[:,1]; regid = (regions .== reg); if regid == 1; return true; else; return false end end function regionisglobe(reg::AbstractString,reginfo::AbstractArray) regions = reginfo[:,1]; regid = (regions .== reg); if regid == 1; return true; else; return false end end function regionisglobe(regID::Int64) if regID == 1; return true; else; return false end end # Find if Point / Grid is in specified Regions function ispointinregion(plon::AbstractFloat,plat::AbstractFloat,lon::Array,lat::Array) minlon = minimum(lon); maxlon = maximum(lon); minlat = minimum(lat); maxlat = maximum(lat); if plon > maxlon; plon = plon - 360; elseif plon < minlon; plon = plon + 360; end if (plon > minlon) && (plon < maxlon) && (plat > minlat) && (plat < maxlat) return true else; return false end end function ispointinregion(plon::AbstractFloat,plat::AbstractFloat,reg) N,S,E,W = regionbounds(reg); lon = [E,W]; lat = [N,S]; minlon = minimum(lon); maxlon = maximum(lon); minlat = minimum(lat); maxlat = maximum(lat); if plon > maxlon; plon = plon - 360; elseif plon < minlon; plon = plon + 360; end if (plon > minlon) && (plon < maxlon) && (plat > minlat) && (plat < maxlat) return true else; return false end end function ispointinregion(pcoord::AbstractArray,lon::Array,lat::Array) plon,plat = pcoord; minlon = minimum(lon); maxlon = maximum(lon); minlat = minimum(lat); maxlat = maximum(lat); if plon > maxlon; plon = plon - 360; elseif plon < minlon; plon = plon + 360; end if (plon > minlon) && (plon < maxlon) && (plat > minlat) && (plat < maxlat) return true else; return false end end function ispointinregion(pcoord::Array{Any,2},reg) plon,plat = pcoord; N,S,E,W = regionbounds(reg); lon = [E,W]; lat = [N,S]; minlon = minimum(lon); maxlon = maximum(lon); minlat = minimum(lat); maxlat = maximum(lat); if plon > maxlon; plon = plon - 360; elseif plon < minlon; plon = plon + 360; end if (plon > minlon) && (plon < maxlon) && (plat > minlat) && (plat < maxlat) return true else; return false end end function isgridinregion(bounds::Array,reg) N,S,E,W = bounds; rN,rS,rE,rW = regionbounds(reg); lon = [rE,rW]; lat = [rN,rS]; minlon = minimum(lon); maxlon = maximum(lon); minlat = minimum(lat); maxlat = maximum(lat); if E > maxlon; E = from0360to180(E); elseif E < minlon; E = from180to0360(E); end if W > maxlon; W = from0360to180(W); elseif W < minlon; W = from180to0360(W); end if all([W,E] > minlon) && all([W,E] < maxlon) && all([N,S] > minlat) && all([N,S] < maxlat) return true else; return false end end function isgridinregion(bounds::Array{Any,2},lon::Array,lat::Array) N,S,E,W = bounds; minlon = minimum(lon); maxlon = maximum(lon); if E > maxlon; E = from0360to180(E); elseif E < minlon; E = from180to0360(E); end if W > maxlon; W = from0360to180(W); elseif W < minlon; W = from180to0360(W); end if all([W,E] > minlon) && all([W,E] < maxlon) && all([N,S] > minlat) && all([N,S] < maxlat) return true else; return false end end # Find Index of given position in Region # Assumes that we points/grid are definitely in the region. function regionpoint(plon::AbstractFloat,plat::AbstractFloat,lon::Array,lat::Array) minlon = minimum(lon); maxlon = maximum(lon); if plon > maxlon; plon = from0360to180(plon); elseif plon < minlon; plon = from180to0360(plon); end @info "$(Dates.now()) - Finding grid points in data closest to requested location ..." ilon = argmin(abs.(lon.-plon)); ilat = argmin(abs.(lat.-plat)); return [ilon,ilat] end function regionpoint(pcoord::Array{Any,2},lon::Array,lat::Array) plon,plat = pcoord; minlon = minimum(lon); maxlon = maximum(lon); if plon > maxlon; plon = from0360to180(plon); elseif plon < minlon; plon = from180to0360(plon); end @info "$(Dates.now()) - Finding grid points in data closest to requested location ..." ilon = argmin(abs.(lon.-plon)); ilat = argmin(abs.(lat.-plat)); return [ilon,ilat] end function regiongrid(bounds::Array,lon::Array,lat::Array) N,S,E,W = bounds; minlon = minimum(lon); maxlon = maximum(lon); if E > maxlon; E = from0360to180(E); elseif E < minlon; E = from180to0360(E); end if W > maxlon; W = from0360to180(W); elseif W < minlon; W = from180to0360(W); end @info "$(Dates.now()) - Finding indices of data matching given boundaries ..." iE = argmin(abs.(lon.-E)); iW = argmin(abs.(lon.-W)); iN = argmin(abs.(lat.-N)); iS = argmin(abs.(lat.-S)); return [iN,iS,iE,iW] end # Tranformation of Coordinates function from180to0360(lon) @info "$(Dates.now()) - Longitude of point given in [-180,180] but data range is [0,360]. Adjusting coordinates of point to match." lon = lon + 360; end function from0360to180(lon) @info "$(Dates.now()) - Longitude of point given in [0,360] but data range is [-180,180]. Adjusting coordinates of point to match." lon = lon - 360; end # Data Extraction function regionpermute(data) irow = size(data,1); icol = size(data,2); nd = ndims(data) if irow < icol @info "$(Dates.now()) - Number of rows smaller than number of columns, indicating that data is in (lat,lon) rather than (lon,lat) format. Permuting to (lon,lat) formatting." if nd == 2; data = transpose(data) elseif nd > 2; data = permutedims(data,vcat(2,1,convert(Array,3:nd))) end end return data end function regionextract(data,coord,ndim) if ndim == 2; data = data[coord[1],coord[2]]; elseif ndim == 3; data = data[coord[1],coord[2],:]; elseif ndim == 4; data = data[coord[1],coord[2],:,:]; end end function regionextractpoint(data,plon,plat,lon::Array,lat::Array) icoord = regionpoint(plon,plat,lon,lat); ndim = ndims(data) @info "$(Dates.now()) - Extracting data from coordinates (lon=$(plon),lat=$(plat)) from global datasets ..." pdata = regionextract(data,icoord,ndim) return pdata end function regionextractgrid(data,reg,lon::Array,lat::Array) data = regionpermute(data); @info "$(Dates.now()) - Determining indices of longitude and latitude boundaries in parent dataset ..." bounds = regionbounds(reg); nlon = length(lon); ndim = ndims(data); igrid = regiongrid(bounds,lon,lat); iN = igrid[1]; iS = igrid[2]; iE = igrid[3]; iW = igrid[4]; @debug "$(Dates.now()) - Creating vector of latitude indices to extract ..." if iN < iS; iNS = iN : iS elseif iS < iN; iNS = iS : iN end @debug "$(Dates.now()) - Creating vector of longitude indices to extract ..." if iW < iE; iWE = iW : iE elseif iW > iE; iWE = 1 : (iE + nlon - iW); ilon = vcat(iW:nlon,1:(iW-1)); @info "$(Dates.now()) - West indice larger than East indice. Reshaping of longitude vector required." lon[1:(iW-1)] = lon[1:(iW-1)] .+ 360; lon = lon[ilon]; @info "$(Dates.now()) - Reshaping data matrix to match longitude vector ..." if ndim == 2; data = data[ilon,:]; elseif ndim == 3; data = data[ilon,:,:]; elseif ndim == 4; data = data[ilon,:,:,:]; end end @info "$(Dates.now()) - Extracting data for the $(regionfullname(reg)) region from global datasets ..." rdata = regionextract(data,[iWE,iNS],ndim) rgrid = [lon[iWE],lat[iNS]] return rdata,rgrid end
import Base.+ import Base.- import Base.* import Base./ import Base.zero import Base.iszero import Base.one import Base.inv import Base.isnan using Images using ColorTypes function zero(a::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} )::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} return (0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) end function iszero((x1,x2,x3,x4)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} )::Bool return x1==0.0 && x2==0.0 && x3==0.0 && x4==0.0 end function one((x1,x2,x3,x4)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} )::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} return (1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) end function +((x1,x2,x3,x4)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64}, (y1,y2,y3,y4)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} )::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} return (x1+y1,x2+y2,x3+y3,x4+y4) end function -((x1,x2,x3,x4)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64}, (y1,y2,y3,y4)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} )::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} return (x1-y1,x2-y2,x3-y3, x4-y4) end function -((x1,x2,x3,x4)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} )::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} return (-x1,-x2,-x3,-x4) end function *((x1,x2,x3, x4)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64}, y::Float64 )::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} return (x1*y,x2*y,x3*y,x4*y) end function *(y::Float64, (x1,x2,x3,x4)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} )::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} return (x1*y,x2*y,x3*y,x4*y) end # \cdot tab function ⋅((x1,x2,x3,x4)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64}, (y1,y2,y3,y4)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64})::Float64 return x1*y1+x2*y2+x3*y3+x4*y4 end function norm(x::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64})::Float64 return sqrt(x ⋅ x) end function normalize(a::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} )::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} n=norm(a) if n==0.0 return a end return (1.0/n)*a end function conj((x1,x2,x3,x4)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} )::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} return (x1,-x2,-x3,-x4) end function inv((x1,x2,x3,x4)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} )::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} return (1.0/(x1*x1+x2*x2+x3*x3+x4*x4))*(x1,-x2,-x3,-x4) end function isnan((x1,x2,x3,x4)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} )::Bool return isnan(x1) || isnan(x2) || isnan(x3) || isnan(x4) end function *((x1,x2,x3,x4)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64}, (y1,y2,y3,y4)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} )::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} return (x1*y1-x2*y2-x3*y3-x4*y4, x2*y1+x1*y2+x3*y4-x4*y3, x3*y1+x1*y3-x2*y4+x4*y2, x1*y4+x4*y1+x2*y3-x3*y2) end function /(a::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64}, b::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} )::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64} return a*inv(b) end function initPalette(;colorScheme::Int64=0, colorRepetitions::Int64=1)::Tuple{Vector{RGB},Int64} colorstepsOneColor=256 colorsteps=6*colorRepetitions*colorstepsOneColor gray = 1.0/convert(Float64,colorstepsOneColor) colors=Array{RGB}(UndefInitializer(),colorsteps) for ii in 1:colorstepsOneColor scaledgray=gray*ii red=RGB(scaledgray,0.0,0.7*scaledgray) green=RGB(0.0,scaledgray,0.8*scaledgray) blue=RGB(0.4*scaledgray,0.0,scaledgray) if colorScheme == 1 color1=blue color2=red color3=green elseif colorScheme == 2 color1=green color2=blue color3=red elseif colorScheme == 3 color1=blue color2=green color3=red elseif colorScheme == 4 color1=green color2=red color3=blue elseif colorScheme == 5 color1=red color2=blue color3=green else color1=red color2=green color3=blue end for jj in 0:colorRepetitions-1 colors[jj*6*colorstepsOneColor+ii]=color2 colors[(jj*6+2)*colorstepsOneColor-(ii-1)]=color2 colors[(jj*6+2)*colorstepsOneColor+ii]=color1 colors[(jj*6+4)*colorstepsOneColor-(ii-1)]=color1 colors[(jj*6+4)*colorstepsOneColor+ii]=color3 colors[(jj*6+6)*colorstepsOneColor-(ii-1)]=color3 end end return (colors,colorsteps) end function myimage((x,y,z,u)::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64}, radius::Float64,limit::Float64,size::Int64; turnIt::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64}=(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), colorScheme::Int64=0, colorFactor::Int64=1, colorOffset::Int64=0, colorRepetitions::Int64=1)::Matrix{RGB} image=Matrix{RGB}(UndefInitializer(),size,size) step = radius*2.0/convert(Float64,size) (colors,colorsteps) = initPalette(colorScheme=colorScheme,colorRepetitions=colorRepetitions) black=RGB(0.0,0.0,0.0) turnItNorm=normalize(turnIt) xpos = x-radius colorLimit=div(colorsteps-colorOffset,colorFactor) for i in 1:size ypos = y-radius for j in 1:size n=1 c=(xpos,ypos,z,u)*turnItNorm v=zero(c) w=zero(c) while true if norm(v)+norm(w)>=limit image[i,j] = colors[colorOffset+n*colorFactor] break end if n>colorLimit-1 image[i,j] = black break end n += 1 vtemp = v vinv = inv(v) if isnan(vinv) vinv = zero(vinv) end winv = inv(w) if isnan(winv) winv = zero(winv) end s=v*v+winv t=w*w-vinv v = s * s * (1.0/2273.0) + w + c w = t * t * t * (1.0/3709.0) + vtemp + c end ypos += step end xpos += step end return image end function mydraw(fn::String, a::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64}, radius::Float64,limit::Float64,size::Int64; turnIt::Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64}=(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), colorScheme::Int64=0, colorFactor::Int64=1, colorOffset::Int64=0, colorRepetitions::Int64=1) image=myimage(a,radius,limit,size, turnIt=turnIt, colorScheme=colorScheme, colorFactor=colorFactor, colorOffset=colorOffset, colorRepetitions=colorRepetitions) save(fn,image) end