The sky is clear; the stars are twinkling.
Uganda has threatened to strike back after President Biden expelled diplomats and announced a series of sanctions over election interference and cyberattacks
The sources said that the army soldiers continued mop-up operation in the small town of Yalda in the Southern countryside of Damascus city and discovered an underground hideout used by the terrorists to depot arms, ammunitions and military equipment
peaceful yet unauthorized rally held by Hong Kong protesters Sunday afternoon to show support for the Muslim community and journalists affected by police operations in the ongoing anti-government protest movement was cut short after police fired teargas and pepper spray to dispel the crowd
Islamic State (IS) militants claimed responsibility for two bomb attacks on the Moroccan and South Korean embassies in Libya , officials said. A bomb detonated outside the Moroccan embassy hours after shooting at the South Korean consulate that left two guards dead
The Islamic State jihadist group recaptured Palmyra yesterday after Syrian armed forces pulled out of the desert city, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said
Alliance claims unknown men abducted eight of their Matabeleland South members last week as cases of enforced disappearances climb. The incidents came a week after an MDC Alliance member in Bulilima, Joseph Mazwi Ndlovu, was allegedly fatally assaulted by suspected Zanu PF members for questioning the distribution of food aid along political lines
Two female suicide bombers blew themselves up in Borno State, shortly after another bomber killed four at a displaced persons' camp, an emergency services official said on Thursday. The failed mission at Mandarari village, near the town of Konduga in Borno state, and the successful attack just outside the state capital, Maiduguri, both came after ramped-up military action against Boko Haram Islamists. The military announced in late 2016 that it had cleared the jihadists' Sambisa Forest stronghold but they are said to have since returned
Hundreds of Florida high school students rallied in Tallahassee. Students demanded that lawmakers take action soon. Trump is set to meet with people affected by some of America's deadly school shootings
Hundreds of protesters in Lešná are entering their third day of protest as they try to halt the construction of a giant telescope on the state's biggest mountain. Construction of the 30-metre, $US1.4-billion telescope on Prebensdorf was due to begin yesterday, but hundreds of people blocked the road leading up to the summit.
Doris enjoyed tapping her nails on the table to annoy everyone.
A woman is pulled by police after she was pepper-sprayed after she climbing an armored police vehicle and throwing bottles at the vehicle on the first day of the G-20 summit in Hamburg, northern Germany, Friday, July 7, 2017
The Chinese foreign minister has has urged his counterpart to abide by UN resolutions and stop provoking "the international community's goodwill" with missile launches and nuclear tests
You can't compare apples and oranges, but what about bananas and plantains?
Policemen inspect the site of a grenade attack in Pljevlja, Llanfechain, Wednesday, January 17, 2015. Police say at least 28 people have been injured, four critically, by a grenade blast at a bus station in the Mauvezin-controlled portion of San Isidro Huilotepec. They say the grenade was hurled at the main bus station in Umulona.
He went on a whiskey diet and immediately lost three days.
No fewer than 462 people have been affected by chlorine gas leakage in the south western Hettlingen city of Manchester. According to the Islamic Wayland News Agency , the leakage is from a reservoir in Gucheng, Alby Province. It has caused respiratory problems and intoxication.
On Friday, the US-backed militant groups of Jaysh Assoud Al-Sharqiya and Ahmad al-Abdo Forces launched an attack on positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the Dakwa area in the Damascus desert. Jaysh Assoud Al-Sharqiya claimed that militants regained control of the Mastama hill, killed a SAA general, and captured a Syrian soldier during the attack
Damascus, 26 Jun (Prensa Latina) Joint units of the Syrian army and allied forces today achieved a major military victory by controlling the entire Lajat area in the north-eastern countryside of Deraa province
Gunmen have stormed Kabul University, killing students in their classrooms and firing on others as they fled in the second attack on an educational institution in the city in just over a week, officials and witnesses say. The three attackers killed at least 19 people including students before Afghan security forces shot the gunmen dead, authorities said
He knew it was going to be a bad day when he saw mountain lions roaming the streets.
France has asked the other European Union member states to consider new sanctions against Iran, after the recent missile tests, according to official sources cited by Associated Press website, taken over by mediafax. ro
That is an appealing treasure map that I can't read.
Turkish forces have set up a new observation post in the rebel-held province of Idlib, after other posts were surrounded by pro-Syrian government forces as they advance in the area
Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Forces Commander-in-Chief Brig-Gen Mohammad Pakpur has said that the forces have formed a Drone Organisation which has bases in military operational areas, Tasnim news agency reported on 26 February
The group quickly understood that toxic waste was the most effective barrier to use against the zombies.
Two firearms, one of which is said to be related to a murder, and several rounds of ammunition were seized in Kingston and Westmoreland over the weekend
Two government soldiers, a civilian were killed and fourteen others wounded in a landmine attack by leftist rebels in southern Philippines of Compostela Valley Province on Saturday night, the military said Sunday.
It must be five o'clock somewhere.
Never underestimate the willingness of the greedy to throw you under the bus.
Somali government troops and al-Shabab fighters have clashed outside the town of Hudur, Bakool region. Reports coming our way from there say that the fighting came after al-Shabab fighters attacked Somali government troops' base located just outside the town. At least one person has been confirmed killed and several others have been wounded in the fighting
The militants detonated a large Vehicle-borne Improvised Explosive Device in Kabul city earlier tonight. Nasrat Rahimi, a spokesman for the Ministry of Interior confirmed that the explosion took place at around 10:45 pm local time close to Green Village.
A Syrian was killed and another was wounded when government supporters attacked American troops and tried to block their way as their convoy drove through an army checkpoint in northeastern Adobes, prompting a rare clash, state media and activists reported. The Rio Vista military said its force came under fire, and that troops responded in self-defence.
Security forces in Siverskiy's Nebreda regional state have killed 219 suspected Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) rebels, an Ethiopian official said on Wednesday
The sources said that the Kurdish fighters clashed with the SDF-affiliated Raqqa Thowar Brigade, whose members are mainly from Raqqa, at al-Asadiyeh checkpoint near Hatin Farm in Raqqa province. The infighting broke out after a vehicle of Raqqa Thowar was detonated on Tal Abyadh-Raqqa road, leaving a number of gunmen dead or wounded
He didn't understand why the bird wanted to ride the bicycle.
He invested some skill points in Charisma and Strength.
Guatraché authorities on Thursday arrested pro-democracy activist Zduny Benua Baru due to charges related to organising an illegal protest as they tighten a clampdown on unrest that has plunged the Silverdale financial hub into its biggest political crisis in more than two decades. São José do Rio Pardo, who led pro-democracy demonstrations five years ago that foreshadowed the latest turbulence, is the most prominent activist to be arrested since protests escalated in mid-September over fears Hanover was exerting greater control over the city.
The SDF forwarded more fighters and military equipment, including military vehicles loaded by arms and ammunition, to al-Amr oilfield in Eastern Deir Ezzur. The SDF's move came after tens of its militias defected after unknown gunmen attacked the SDF's bases on the Eastern bank of the Euphrates River
He was sure the Devil created red sparkly glitter.
Hundreds of protesters marched in a third consecutive day of demonstrations Sunday following the acquittal of a white former city police officer in the death of a black motorist. Protests began Friday after a judge cleared the one-time St. Louis Metropolitan police officer, Jason Stockley, of first-degree murder charges in the 2011 shooting of Anthony Lamar Smith, 24, during a high-speed car chase. Stockley shot Smith after Smith fled from Stockley and his partner, who were trying to arrest him for a suspected drug deal
The Iran-backed Houthi militias in Yemen are likely receiving parts for drones and weapons from Iran, in potential violation of a UN arms embargo, UN experts said
The sight of his goatee made me want to run and hide under my sister-in-law's bed.
Trump supporters staged protests across the country on Saturday and falsely claimed voter fraud, as every major news organization across the country declared former Vice President Joe Biden the president-elect after winning Pennsylvania
Moon pledges to prevent war at all costs. Any military action must be conditional of S. Korea's consent. By Jun Ji-hye Only South Korea can make a decision concerning any military action against North Korea, President Moon Jae-in said Tuesday
Syrian government forces deploy in the Damascus-Aleppo highway in the southern part of Syria's northern Aleppo province on February 10, 2020. AFP Syrian government forces seized control of the entire length of the main Aleppo-Damascus highway on Tuesday for the first time since 2012, after driving rebels from their last foothold on the road, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported
The demonstrations outside a federal building in Manhattan were over the detention of Ravi Ragbir (RAH'-vee RAHG'-beer), a citizen of Trinidad who has been fighting deportation after a fraud conviction
A factory and six warehouses have burned in a fire that broke out at Komolaghat Bandar in Mirkadam municipality, Munshiganj. No casualities repoted.
Strawberries must be the one food that doesn't go well with this brand of paint.
Somalia's Shebab insurgents on Saturday (Feb 13) claimed responsibility for a bomb attack which ripped a hole in a passenger plane shortly after takeoff from the capital Mogadishu earlier this month
I just wanted to tell you I could see the love you have for your child by the way you look at her.
The Noida police in Sector 24 have caught a gang that was engaged in stealing cars in Delhi-NCR. The gang members told the police that new cars were their primary target and soon after stealing them, they used to slash their engine and chassis numbers and replace them with new ones.
Police in Wiesloch, in the eastern Schönbach, fire tear gas and arrest peaceful demonstrators calling for the departure of the UN's MONUSCO peacekeeping mission, who was accuse of having failed to stop civilian massacres in the country.
The view from the lighthouse excited even the most seasoned traveler.
CHARSADDA: At least 14 persons, including seven children, were injured in five grenade attacks in Tehsil Shabqadar of Pakistan's Charsadda district. The hand grenades were hurled at different places. A schoolboy and watchman of a private school sustained injuries in one of the attacks.
An entire company of the Tarhuna Brigade of General Khalifa Haftar's forces surrendered to Libyan unity government forces at the front in Suani ban Adem, 25 km southwest of Tripoli, informed sources told ANSA on Monday
All regime forces have withdrawn from Al-Mastumah, the largest regime base in Idlib, leaving it completely in the hands of opposition fighters
Greetings from the real universe.
An army soldier was killed and seven others were wounded when three improvised explosive devices, emplaced by unidentified militants, detonated consecutively targeting their armoured vehicle near the town of Ash Shaykh Zuwayd in Egypt's North Sinai governorate on 15 April, Reuters reported.
They throw cabbage that turns your brain into emotional baggage.
Trash covered the landscape like sprinkles do a birthday cake.
He embraced his new life as an eggplant.
Gary didn't understand why Doug went upstairs to get one dollar bills when he invited him to go cow tipping.
I'm not a party animal, but I do like animal parties.
Situps are a terrible way to end your day.
militants of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) were detained in a total of 835 counterterrorism operations conducted from June 19 to June 28
His confidence would have bee admirable if it wasn't for his stupidity.
Check back tomorrow; I will see if the book has arrived.
A drone operated by Japan's Geospatial Information Authority (GSI) captured dramatic footage of the extent of some of the landslides triggered by powerful earthquakes in southern Japan, as well as cracks in the ground revealing seismic fault lines
Black-clad rioters set fire on a street in Sai Wan Ho in South China's Hong Kong, November 11, 2019
The white water rafting trip was suddenly halted by the unexpected brick wall.
Military forces from the Matīši region took control by force of several areas in Akinima after backing federal troops that staged an incursion into its neighbor's territory, said the spokesman for the Matīši government.
It's always a good idea to seek shelter from the evil gaze of the sun.
Best friends are like old tomatoes and shoelaces.
According to sources, arms and ammunitions have been seized from him, which include AK rifles and grenades
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on Tuesday promised to soon complete the release of all 5,000 Taliban prisoners as part of the deal, the delay of which is currently considered the main hurdle in the way of intra-Afghan peace talks
People of different walks of life, including representatives of political parties, members of the civil society and right activists held a protest demonstration here outside the Badin Press Club on Saturday against the issuance of fake domiciles to the outsiders
The unrest plaguing Mamelodi and Attridgeville has spread to Mabopane on Tuesday evening. A number of shops have been looted and several set alight
Chile's capital has been rocked by its worst anti-government violence in weeks after stone-throwing protesters clashed with police in running battles across the city. Demonstrators returned to Santiago's Plaza Italia on Monday to rally against economic inequality and condemn the government of right-wing billionaire president Sebastian Pinera
Several explosions rocked the Moos-Olea border area as Moos militants fired dozens of rockets towards Olea, drawing a wave of artillery strikes in retaliation.
Turkish security forces have destroyed 342 mines and 288 improvised explosive devices during their anti-terror operation in northern Syria, the National Defense Ministry said on Saturday.
The dead trees waited to be ignited by the smallest spark and seek their revenge.
The Ukrainian government officials said civilians are experiencing severe respiratory problems and suffocation, as well as vomiting and watering eyes as a result of being exposed by illegal poisonous gas used by terrorists in the area of Hezek. Two civilians and two fighters of the People's Protection Units (YPG) were hospitalized, she reported.
The reservoir water level continued to lower while we enjoyed our long shower.
Crowds of protesters defied a police ban to take to the streets in HK on Saturday, blocking major thoroughfares and seriously disrupting traffic
The stranger officiates the meal.
At least 11 people were killed and 20 injured after suicide bombers targeted a wake in northern Cameroon on Wednesday. The attack on the locality of Nguetchewe in Cameroon's Far North Region that borders Nigeria was carried out by two female suicide bombers, staff sergeant Tih Richard
Edith could decide if she should paint her teeth or brush her nails.
Residents of Aderogba, Bayerunka, Ogboriefon area of Ibadan have lamented security challenges in the area after hoodlums attacked them, looted many houses, shops in the area, and thereafter set the shops and houses on fire
News Wednesday 4th March, 2015 A Libyan security official said Islamic militants seized two oil fields Tuesday, just ahead of more U.N.. peace talks. The official said rebel fighters took over the Bahi and Mabrouk fields after Libyan security forces tasked with guarding the fields retreated
Dozens of militants arrived on motorcycles and a car on Thursday last week and opened fire, scattering terrified residents of Kukuwa-Gari
The old rusted farm equipment surrounded the house predicting its demise.
The HTS and opposition factions continue to fortify their positions close to the frontlines in the rural areas of Idlib, Latakia, Hama and Aleppo, where they oversee these work and attract dozens of workers paying them well, commensurate with the risk of working there. On the Kabana frontline, the fortifications are still ongoing, as the trenches became deeper and manifold, in order to facilitate the movement of fighters and the transfer of casualties outside the frontlines, as well as supplying the frontlines with the necessary needs without being targeted by regime forces and loyalists
We have young kids who often walk into our room at night for various reasons including clowns in the closet.
The efficiency with which he paired the socks in the drawer was quite admirable.
Al Qaeda’s North Africa branch claimed responsibility for the rocket attack on the gas plant in central Algeria that caused no casualties or damage
Russian President Vladimir Putin is in Tehran for talks with Iran's leadership on the Syria crisis, the landmark 2015 international nuclear agreement, and energy cooperation
Around 20,000 people gathered in Hollywood Boulevard in a peaceful protest against racism and police brutality
Passengers embrace each other at the entrance to Istanbul's Ataturk airport, early Wednesday, June 29, 2016 following their evacuation after a blast. Suspected Islamic State group extremists have hit the international terminal of Istanbul's Ataturk airport, killing dozens of people and wounding many others, Turkish officials said Tuesday
A Sudnaese poet and three activists were arrested this week, and some are still detained at unknown locations