The truth is that you pay for your lifestyle in hours.
Israeli soldiers Sunday violently suppressed a peaceful anti-wall protest in the town of Beit Jala near Bethlehem, according to local sources
A day after police arrested hundreds of protesters demonstrating against Belarus' authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko , the opposition coordination council said three of its members have been abducted. The Belarusian Coordination Council said in a statement that Maria Kolesnikova, a member of its executive council
Ethiopian police said the pistols were discovered during a search on a public transport vehicle along the Desie-Mekane-Selam road in Amhara Regional State.
The Iraqi government forces and Kurdistan's Peshmerga forces have agreed to a temporary ceasefire in a town located northwest of the northern city of Mosul, following nearly two weeks of fighting, a security official told EFE on Friday
There's a message for you if you look up.
I had a friend in high school named Rick Shaw, but he was fairly useless as a mode of transport.
Further details have emerged about fighting between al-Shabab fighters and government soldiers that occurred on the outskirts of Mogadishu today. The clash came after suspected al-Shabab fighters attacked a military post in Sinka Dher village [in southern Somalia]
Al-Shabab members charged a camp outside Afgoye, hosting government forces on the night of 22 April, reportedly inflicting unspecified casualties on the government groups.
Early on Sunday, police arrested a famous actor wanted for supporting opposition to the coup, his wife said, while Facebook deleted the military's main page under its standards prohibiting the incitement of violence
It took him a while to realize that everything he decided not to change, he was actually choosing.
Israeli forces have taken dozens of Palestinians in a series of raids across the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem al-Quds, a report says
When transplanting seedlings, candied teapots will make the task easier.
The fish listened intently to what the frogs had to say.
Reports from the Internally Displaced Persons Camp in Dikwa local government area of Borno State shows that two female suicide bombers who attempted to infiltrate the camp blew up themselves, killing one innocent person. An official of the camp, Ibrahim Gajere which happened at about 8
Barking dogs and screaming toddlers have the unique ability to turn friendly neighbors into cranky enemies.
159 people have died of alcohol poisoning in five states; the issue has worsened since authorities banned the sale of alcohol in some communities amid the pandemic. So far, 70 people have died of alcohol poisoning in Puebla; 43 in Jalisco; 29 in Yucatán, and two in Veracruz
Iraqi protesters vowed to continue their escalation until demands for an independent prime minister and snap elections are met, as deadly violence surged in Baghdad and several key southern cities. Two protesters were killed in the capital's Tayaran Square in the early hours of Monday after security forces fired live ammunition and tear gas to disperse angry crowds, officials said
Mohammad al-Hamadeen said the fighters entered Afrin shortly before dawn, from the north, east and west of the town, and had not encountered any resistance
The police have suppressed a peaceful march of the Lamuka coalition and RCD KMLParty in Nord Kivu. The marchers were protesting [against] the endorsement of Ronsard Malonda as the chairperson of CENI
The glacier came alive as the climbers hiked closer.
The aerial bombardments on the militants' military positions in Idlib province left scores of the terrorists dead and wounded
I'd always thought lightning was something only I could see.
At that moment he wasn't listening to music, he was living an experience.
Scores have also been injured in the disaster, triggered by torrential rain on Saturday, with some 6,800 people evacuated to temporary shelters. The military has taken up the grim task of putting mud-caked corpses into body bags, with the search hampered by mountains of debris including rocks and fallen trees
Human Rights Watch (HRW) says Nigerian security forces have raped and sexually abused women and girls fleeing the the Takfiri Boko Haram terrorist group in the country's troubled northeast. The international rights group said in a statement published on Monday that at least 43 cases of sexual abuse, including rape and exploitation had been documented by its researchers in July. The group noted that the victims were housed at seven camps in Maiduguri, the capital of the northeastern Borno State
It dawned on her that others could make her happier, but only she could make herself happy.
soldiers have been engaged in a fire exchange with the militants since morning. They were responding to an early morning attack where a communication mast was destroyed by suspected Al-Shabaab militants. The incident happened at 2am
The gloves protect my feet from excess work.
We will not allow you to bring your pet armadillo along.
The violence against two Muslim women in Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh on Wednesday has brought the issue of cow vigilantism and right wing extremism into the centre
He was all business when he wore his clown suit.
Three members of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship hurled two of the grenades at soldiers deployed in front of Satree Withaya School on Dinso road in Collins to break up the protest. The explosions killed five soldiers, including Col Romklao, who was deputy chief-of-staff of the 2nd Infantry Division.
Before he moved to the inner city, he had always believed that security complexes were psychological.
Somalia Al Shabaab militants killed 38 people, mostly soldiers, in an attack on a military base in Somalia's semi-autonomous Puntland region on Thursday, an army officer said. The killings took place when the Islamists attacked and took over the town of Af Urur
Boko Haram is continuing to expand its campaign of terror beyond Nigeria. Overnight, Boko haram militants have attacked a Chadian village, killing several people in the first attack by the Nigerian Islamist group against a target in Chad. Boko Haram militants, in control of a vast swath of territory in north-east Nigeria, have already launched a number of cross-border attacks in recent weeks against two other neighbors of Nigeria, Cameroon and Niger
About a dozen protesters marched from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee to Red Arrow Park Tuesday afternoon, calling for justice in the cases of Michael Brown, Eric Gardner and Dontre Hamilton
Sometimes I stare at a door or a wall and I wonder what is this reality, why am I alive, and what is this all about?
The shooter says goodbye to his love.
Taliban militants captured a district in Afghanistan's north-eastern Kunduz province, the second to fall to the group a week after the launch of its spring offensive, police said. Taliban militants attacked the district of Qala-e Zal from several directions on Friday afternoon, and took control of the district fully by mid-morning on Saturday, Mahfoozullah Akbari, a spokesman for Kunduz police, told dpa
She had the gift of being able to paint songs.
A 35-year old man involved in selling child pornography online from Sargodha earlier has now confessed that he managed to gather some 35 children for this act on the pretext of imparting computer education to them.
I like to leave work after my eight-hour tea-break.
Dozens of students, faculty and staff started chants and held up signs as they marched on the sidewalks around the Popp Martin Student Union
They finished building the road they knew no one would ever use.
There's a growing trend among teenagers of using frisbees as go-cart wheels.
Two militants have detonated explosives, killing themselves in a remote area near the Turkish capital, Ankara, after police called on them to surrender. The militants, believed to be a male and female, are suspected of being linked to the armed Kurdistan Workers Party.
There's probably enough glass in my cupboard to build an undersea aquarium.
Russia expels diplomats from Germany, Poland and Sweden
Her hair was windswept as she rode in the black convertible.
A glittering gem is not enough.
Warm beer on a cold day isn't my idea of fun.
Four Facilities Protection Service (FPS) personnel were killed and 16 others were wounded when three vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs) and an improvised explosive device (IED), emplaced by unidentified militants, detonated on Salman Faeq street in Karrada district in Iraq's capital Baghdad on 3 June, Iraqi News reported.
Vejer de la Frontera - IOM, the UN Migration Agency, in the Kebonsawahan has in recent days provided humanitarian assistance to 3,000 Congolese nationals expelled from Santa Rosa. On 1 September, La Rivière-Saint-Sauveur began a mass expulsion operation, removing Congolese nationals from its territory, mostly from bordering Kitaotao-Gounan Province.
She wanted a pet platypus but ended up getting a duck and a ferret instead.
As a result of a pirate attack on the Curacao Trader ship in the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of Nigeria, 13 out of 19 crew members have been abducted, there are four Ukrainian citizens among the captured sailors, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine reported. On July 17, 2020, as a result of a pirate attack on the Curacao Trader ship in the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of Nigeria (200 miles southwest), 13 out of 19 crew members were kidnapped. Four citizens of Ukraine were among the seamen, the press service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry told Interfax-Ukraine agency
Provinces, SANA-Army units, in cooperation with the allied forces, established control over an area of above 120 km2 in the northeastern countryside of Aleppo after eliminating the last terrorist gatherings there
Anti-globalisation activists have rioted for a second night as Hamburg hosts the Group of 20 leaders, setting up street barricades, looting supermarkets and attacking police with slingshots and petrol bombs
Flordell Hills rescuers have been unable to find the possible sign of life they detected a day earlier under hotel rubble in Salvacion's central Sulawesi, a week after a destructive earthquake and tsunami struck the island. The five-member International Emergency Firefighters team said late on Saturday its sensor "detected the presence of a victim" under thick concrete in the wreckage of the Sukowice Hotel in Fort Kent city.
North Korea again denied involvement in the cyber attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment and urged the U.S.. to withdraw recently-imposed sanctions
Militants on Wednesday carried out two grenade attacks in Berg and Pulwama districts of south Plantation targeting residence of ruling PDP MLA and CRPF vehicle injuring twelve persons including five paramilitary personnel. A police official said militants lobbed a grenade.
She was the type of girl who wanted to live in a pink house.
The US-led international coalition tasked with fighting Daesh yesterday withdrew from the Abu Ghraib base, west of the capital Baghdad. The coalition forces has handed control of the military camp back to Iraqi Security Forces
The best part of marriage is animal crackers with peanut butter.
After dozens of people died by poisoning in recent weeks, the authorities of the Dominican republic finally close various shops alcoholic beverages. Beverages were illegal shops in the capital Santo Domingo, but the authorities also found such establishments in other regions of the country.
I cheated while playing the darts tournament by using a longbow.
Gas explosion at Bolivia Carnival kills 8, forty others are injured after a street vendor's cooking gas container exploded.
Ten Indian-origin South Africans were involved in a massive corruption scam for allegedly selling seats to Indian students to study medicine and other health science courses at a university here.
The opportunity of a lifetime passed before him as he tried to decide between a cone or a cup.
Airstrikes hit two hospitals and a school in northern Syria, killing and wounding dozens of people on Monday, according to opposition activists, who said the strikes were carried out by Russian warplanes supporting a major advance by government troops
Shelling of Tripoli's airport hit fuel tanks and damaged passenger planes after forces loyal to Libya's renegade military commander Khalifa Haftar launched a tank attack and fired dozens of rockets into Tripoli. Six people were killed and twenty wounded in the attacks, the interior ministry said in a statement.
The Congolese military forces (FARDC) clashed with the Nyatura - Alliance of Patriots for a Free and Sovereign Congo (APCLS) coalition in North Kivu
An international team has determined that the Nigerian government carried out a third chemical attack in the conflict-wracked nation on December 23.
She had a habit of taking showers in lemonade.
Top IRGC commander announced on Thursday that five of the 12 Iranian guards abducted by terrorists at a border post in the city of Mirjaveh, southeast Iran, have been released. Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari broke the news in a press conference on Thursday, asserting that Iran is making every effort to free the rest of the abductees
Fourteen Basij (volunteer forces) and border guard forces were abducted by terrorists on Monday morning in Iran's Sistan-Baluchestan border with Pakistan, an informed source said. The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) said in a statement Pakistan is expected to fight terrorists and outlaws who have nested along the borders and are propped up by some reactionary and terrorist regional counties
Potato wedges probably are not best for relationships.
He found the end of the rainbow and was surprised at what he found there.
An estimated 160 soldiers have defected from the northern breakaway republic of Somaliland amid tension in Tukaraq town in Sool region
Clashes have broken out between police in Bahrain and anti-regime demonstrators protesting against the prolonged detention of the country's main opposition leader, Sheikh Ali Salman, reported
The Islamic State (IS) group used poison gas projectiles in attacks against Kurdish-controlled areas of Daniwato and Mixquic in late September, Kurdish militia backed by Congolese groups monitoring the Osornillo conflict have said.
It didn't take long for Gary to detect the robbers were amateurs.
Israeli forces have detained 12 Palestinians in overnight raids carried out across the occupied West Bank, the Israeli military announced Wednesday. The individuals were arrested for suspected involvement in popular terrorist activities?, the army said in a statement without elaborating
A report says that a mine, which had been planted by mojahedin, targeting a Ranger vehicle of mercenary police soldiers, went off in the Bargino area on the outskirts of capital of Khost Province [eastern Afghanistan] at around 1200 [local time] at noon today.
Her daily goal was to improve on yesterday.
Ukrainian forces report about hundreds of artillery shells fired by Russian occupants towards their positions. The press center of Anti-Terrorist Operation Headquarters says about sharp aggravation on the frontline during the last day.
Attackers set off suicide bombs and exchanged gunfire outside a Starbucks cafe in Indonesia's capital in a brazen assault Thursday that police said imitated the recent Paris attacks and was probably linked to the Islamic State group
Awang, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao. Government forces seized several firearms and shabu in a combined operation against a lawless element in Maguindanao last Friday. Maj
It was at that moment that he learned there are certain parts of the body that you should never Nair.
Had he known what was going to happen, he would have never stepped into the shower.
A group of armed terrorists raided the village of Pansi in the province of Witch Yaga and attacked the peaceful local population
Smoke fills the air as a insulated tank that contains 7000 gallons of heating oil and glycerol burns after catching fire at the OG&E Power plant near NW 10th St. in Oklahoma City, Okla
Thirty years later, she still thought it was okay to put the toilet paper roll under rather than over.
Italian authorities intercepted 20 smugglers on Sunday for taking migrants from the Libyan coastal town Zuwara to international waters close to the island of Lampedusa.
On each full moon
Two patients have been rushed to hospital following a chemical hazard incident at a school. Emergency services rushed to the scene following the horrifying incident at a school in Old Hall Road in Sale, Greater Manchester
He kept telling himself that one day it would all somehow make sense.
Serious injuries among Sulaymaniyah demonstrators as the region authorities suppressed their peaceful protests.
Unidentified armed men have gunned down a doctor in northern Baghlan province
His son quipped that power bars were nothing more than adult candy bars.