adopting an austerity regime would put undue burden on the taxpayers
We should adopt an austerity regime
austerity regimes provide an avenue for the government to balance up financial deficits and save the country from economic collapse
adopting an austerity regime would reduce government debt.
We should adopt an austerity regime
an austerity regime helps to balance the nation's budget and reduce national debt.
adopting atheism infringes upon people's first amendment right to freedom of religion.
We should adopt atheism
We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit.
Adopting atheism is not for everyone as it can eliminate one's moral principles, tradition, and cultural beliefs.
We should adopt atheism
We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit.
Adopting atheism takes away the freedom of worship that people are promised in this country.
We should adopt atheism
We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit.
adopting atheism will help to end senseless wars that are based on religion
We should adopt atheism
We should adopt atheism because history has shown that the majority of wars and human divisiveness is due to religious differences.
Adopting atheism will prevent non-religious people from being offended.
We should adopt atheism
We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit.
Adopting atheism would be a way to isolate and be against religions and it does not seem right
We should adopt atheism
We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit.
adopting atheism would eliminate the bickering between religious groups
We should adopt atheism
We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit.
adopting atheism would mean that people would be abable to adapt better to an ever changing world
We should adopt atheism
We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit.
adopting atheism would put a stop to conflicts that arise through conflicting religious beliefs making the world a safer place.
We should adopt atheism
We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit.
adopting atheism would take one cause of wars out of the equation since many wars are based on the hatred of one religion for another.
We should adopt atheism
We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit.
adopting atheism would violate freedom of religion
We should adopt atheism
We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit.
adopting austerity regime will have very negative impact on the poor and the vulnerable in society.
We should adopt an austerity regime
an austerity regime hurts the poorest in our society
adopting gender neutral language just so a few people that refuse to be associated with the gender of their birth just propogates a way of thinking that should not be allowed further thought.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
by adopting gender-neutral language there will be more equality and nobody will feel offended or excluded
adopting gender neutral language respects everyone's gender and may eliminate gender bias.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
adopting gender neutral language would be expensive and a waste of resources which could be better used elsewhere
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
adopting gender neutral language would make everyone feel welcome no matter how they identify and it hurts no one.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
adopting gender neutral language would make it easier to be inclusive.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
adopting gender-neutral language adds a lot of complexity to the language
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
adopting gender-neutral language helps the process of cultural change necessary for equality of the sexes
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
adopting gender-neutral language ignores the depth and history of language. people are being overly sensitive if they are taking offence where this is none intended.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
if everything was spoken about gender neutrally then no one would be offended.
adopting gender-neutral language is a way to promote acceptance of those that are different
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
adopting gender-neutral language may help reduce sexism.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
gender-neutral language is an important step in avoiding bias towards a particular sex - encountering such a one-sided view particular impacts children, reinforcing stereotypes and power distortions.
adopting gender-neutral language removes unconscious stereotyping of roles. for example that only men should be postmen.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
adopting gender-neutral language will cost lots of money to fix signs, letters, forms, etc.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
adopting gender-neutral language would be pandering to the current trend which will soon pass and our language would be left devoid of definitions.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
adopting gender-neutral language would be taking the political-correctness of society a step to far. gender and diversity are to be celebrated not ignored.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
by adopting gender-neutral language there will be more equality and nobody will feel offended or excluded
adopting gender-neutral language would prevent children from believing they can't do certain things. for example a girl should be able to have aspirations to be president if she so chose.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
adopting libertarianism would mean that many of the benefits that people receive would be unavailable to them. it would also increase the level of crime and violence.
We should adopt libertarianism
Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few.
adopting libertarianism is the most positive change we could make.
We should adopt libertarianism
Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few.
adopting libertarianism may lead to less rules and laws, and the onset of anarchy.
We should adopt libertarianism
libertarianism fosters a more equitable and efficient society for all
adopting libertarianism will make citizens to feel more free and more relaxed and happy.
We should adopt libertarianism
Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few.
adopting libertarianism would allow the economy to grow since all the rules and regulations holding back businesses and entrepreneurs would be removed
We should adopt libertarianism
Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few.
adopting libertarianism would be good for people to protect their rights and property
We should adopt libertarianism
Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few.
adopting libertarianism would create an every man for themselves style society, where people work not for the common good, but work toward only their own best interests.
We should adopt libertarianism
Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few.
adopting libertarianism would eliminate many social programs, reducing access t food and health care to those in need
We should adopt libertarianism
Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few.
adopting libertarianism would increase our freedoms, ending governmental tyranny
We should adopt libertarianism
Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few.
adopting now an austerity regime will sink the local economies and prevent any growth in scientific research for technological improvement.
We should adopt an austerity regime
an austerity regime hurts the poorest in our society
adopting now an austerity regime will help future generations to cope with the limited resources we have.
We should adopt an austerity regime
austerity regimes provide an avenue for the government to balance up financial deficits and save the country from economic collapse
adopting one religion or another is a free choice of each human being, each person adapts the belief they want and knows
We should adopt atheism
We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit.
adopting this would help the government to reduce its debt
We should adopt an austerity regime
an austerity regime helps to balance the nation's budget and reduce national debt.
adopting zero-tolerance in school will solve the big issues which schools all around country face it today.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools to make it clear that no amount of bullying, bad behavior, or insubordination will be tolerated so we can have safer schools.
adoption of atheism will remove religious discrimination and hatred and make the world amore peaceful place
We should adopt atheism
We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit.
adoption of libertarianism only divides people more and results in more differences among people.
We should adopt libertarianism
society functions best with rules and regulations, which are things you won't find in libertarianism
adoption of libertarianism would cause widespread suffering for the poor since they would no longer have the government to help support them.
We should adopt libertarianism
Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few.
adult relationships should not be regulated.
We should legalize polygamy
polygamy often leads to inequality and oppression for women therefore it should be banned.
adults can’t play children so someone has to.
We should ban the use of child actors
the use of child actors should not be banned as youthful actors can take on roles that provide inspiration for young people
adults have the right to choose who to be in relationships with and how many people in the relationship
We should legalize polygamy
polygamy should not be legalized because it empowers men more and minimizes women
adults have the right to do what they please with their own bodies
We should legalize prostitution
prostitution should be legalized as it provides a service and reduces rape and sex crimes
adults have the right to do what they want with their own bodies
We should legalize prostitution
prostitution should be legalized as it provides a service and reduces rape and sex crimes
adults should be able to choose substances that they want to use.
We should legalize cannabis
we should legalize cannabis it has been proven to have medicinal benefits and if prescribed properly can alleviate pain and suffering
adults should be allowed to make their own medical treatment decisions
We should ban naturopathy
people should have the freedom to choose whatever system of treatment they feel is best
adults should be free to make their own decisions
We should adopt libertarianism
freedom and liberty should be promoted for all to prevent tyranny and oppression. libertarianism is the most effective way of achieving this
adults should have the right to have their preferred lifestyle.
We should legalize polygamy
polygamy should be allowed as people have the right to live their lives according to their own beliefs.
adults should have the right to modify their bodies if they wish to
We should ban cosmetic surgery
cosmetic surgery should be allowed in a free enterprise system where people can act of their own free will in making that decision.
affirmatice action levels the playing field for marginalized sectors of society
We should end affirmative action
there is so much prejudice in the world that we need to continue affirmative action to bring balance.
affirmative action has helped numerous minorities to reach their dreams
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action is crucial to help correct for years of prejudice.
affirmative action hurts other people more than it helps.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action is basically reverse racism, and racism in any form is wrong.
affirmative action is still needed when there is inequality in society.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action corrects for generations of wrong-doing and should not be discarded.
affirmative action actively promotes candidates who would otherwise not be qualified on the basis of their race/ethnicity, sex, or gender identity. this leads to positions being filled by less capable people.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action gives opportunities to those who may not deserve it, purely based on a factor of their personal make-up that has no bearing on the job.
affirmative action allows for marginalized groups that would be overlooked otherwise to get a shot.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action is crucial to help correct for years of prejudice.
affirmative action allows for minorities to have a chance in competitive jobs
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action helps to combat bias in hiring practices
affirmative action allows more diversity in the work or college environment.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action is crucial to help correct for years of prejudice.
affirmative action allows people to pursue a career that they may never have considered without help from the program.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action is crucial to help correct for years of prejudice.
affirmative action allows those who may be marginalized to progress in the work environment
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action helps to combat bias in hiring practices
affirmative action allows those who may have been left behind or marginalized to improve themselves
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action is crucial to help correct for years of prejudice.
affirmative action allows those without the financial resources access to universities that they may otherwise have been locked out of being able to attend.
We should end affirmative action
Affirmative action is a benefit to all of society as it allows disenfranchised communities to rise out of poverty and become independent.
affirmative action breeds further resentment toward groups of society that are or were the subject of discrimination. equal opportunity is the best approach
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action should be ended as it actually prevents an employer from hiring a better qualified employee and creates negativity in the workplace
affirmative action breeds resentment in the workplace and demoralization in the job market
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action helps to combat bias in hiring practices
affirmative action bypasses people who may be highly skilled but as they are not in a protected minority class can be turn down for employment by someone less skilled.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action helps to combat bias in hiring practices
affirmative action can be considered discriminatory against poor whites
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action is basically reverse racism, and racism in any form is wrong.
affirmative action can be counter-productive if people are resentful of the help that the individual has got.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action is basically reverse racism, and racism in any form is wrong.
affirmative action can cause people who have really tried to be passed up by someone of lesser ability.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action gives opportunities to those who may not deserve it, purely based on a factor of their personal make-up that has no bearing on the job.
affirmative action can lead to people getting jobs that they are not fully ready to do as they were given opportunities due to specific creteria that are unrelated to the job such as skin colour.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action helps with employment equity.
affirmative action can lead to people who are less qualified getting positions they would otherwise not be able to achieve,
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action helps with employment equity.
affirmative action can make it difficult for qualified people to get jobs.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action helps to combat bias in hiring practices
affirmative action can result in better candidates being rejected because they are not in a minority.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action helps to combat bias in hiring practices
affirmative action can support under represented groups to eliminate discrimination
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action helps to combat bias in hiring practices
Affirmative action causes people with the best credentials to lose out on a job because they are not a minority.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action should be ended as it actually prevents an employer from hiring a better qualified employee and creates negativity in the workplace
affirmative action centers on the minority regardless of capability, leaving those in the majority without equal opportunities regardless of skillful capabilities, it is a form of discrimination in itself.
We should end affirmative action
merit alone should be the deciding factor in whether a person is given a career opportunity, and affirmative action is a form of discrimination.
affirmative action corrects for generations of wrong-doing and should not be discarded.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action corrects for generations of wrong-doing and should not be discarded.
affirmative action costs too much and hasn't changed the distribution of minorities in the socioeconomic system, it should end
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action should be ended as it actually prevents an employer from hiring a better qualified employee and creates negativity in the workplace
affirmative action creates a diverse environment in the working place which is good for business in terms of creativity and flexibility.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action helps to combat bias in hiring practices
Affirmative action creates the perpetual need for affirmative action.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action corrects for generations of wrong-doing and should not be discarded.
Affirmative action demeans the achievements of minority individuals. Success attained through ability and hard work might be viewed by some as simply a result of affirmative action.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action gives opportunities to those who may not deserve it, purely based on a factor of their personal make-up that has no bearing on the job.
affirmative action denies people with the best abilities succeeding due to merit alone and hence should be ended.
We should end affirmative action
merit alone should be the deciding factor in whether a person is given a career opportunity, and affirmative action is a form of discrimination.
Affirmative action diminishes the credit that women and minorities receive for their accomplishments, as people will claim their success is due to systems of affirmative action rather than their own hard work.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action gives opportunities to those who may not deserve it, purely based on a factor of their personal make-up that has no bearing on the job.
affirmative action discriminates the majority, preventing skilled workers from gaining employment over someone less qualified but considered to be a member of a protected minority group.
We should end affirmative action
merit alone should be the deciding factor in whether a person is given a career opportunity, and affirmative action is a form of discrimination.
affirmative action disrupts that natural order of things
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action is basically reverse racism, and racism in any form is wrong.
affirmative action diversifies places and we are all better for it
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action helps to combat bias in hiring practices
affirmative action does not allow those that have earned their way to progress as they should be able to. someone of another race my get chosen just because of their race and not because they deserve it.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action gives opportunities to those who may not deserve it, purely based on a factor of their personal make-up that has no bearing on the job.
affirmative action does not encourage minorities to work for their grades since they know that they will get into college and get jobs whatever they've done in school
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action gives opportunities to those who may not deserve it, purely based on a factor of their personal make-up that has no bearing on the job.
affirmative action does not treat all races equally
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action is basically reverse racism, and racism in any form is wrong.
Affirmative action doesn't really changes anything, quite the opposite, it perpetuates the inequality in society.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action is crucial to help correct for years of prejudice.
Affirmative action doesn't remove the need to be qualified in order to receive acceptance at a job or university, but rather forces institutions to consider people of diverse backgrounds when they historically haven't.
We should end affirmative action
merit alone should be the deciding factor in whether a person is given a career opportunity, and affirmative action is a form of discrimination.
affirmative action ensures a fair representation for all people and it should not be stopped.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action corrects for generations of wrong-doing and should not be discarded.
affirmative action ensures diversity in the workplace.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action helps to combat bias in hiring practices
affirmative action ensures minorities are not overlooked
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action corrects for generations of wrong-doing and should not be discarded.
affirmative action ensures minorities from lesser backgrounds have a chance at employment or schooling
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action prevents discrimination by employers