a person should be allowed to choose what happens to their bodies
We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors
we should ban cosmetic surgery for minors because they are too young to decide what they want
a person should be free to choose whatever lawyer they want & not be obligated to choose a public defender
The use of public defenders should be mandatory
public defenders should be mandatory because they can provide free legal representation to those who are accused
a person should decide what to do with their bodies not the government. if they desire to seek alternative medicine they should be free to do so
We should ban naturopathy
we should ban naturopathy since it has no scientific basis and has no medical benefit beyond the placebo effect.
a person should have the dignity to choose how they die
Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence
people who are terminally ill and don't want to suffer any more have a right to ask for help to end their lives
a person should have the right to be able to choose if they want to live or die
Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence
people who are terminally ill and don't want to suffer any more have a right to ask for help to end their lives
a person should have the right to die on their own terms
Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence
people who are terminally ill and don't want to suffer any more have a right to ask for help to end their lives
a person should not be forced into having to live their lives suffering, when death is already enevitable
Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence
it shouldn't be penalised if the person is terminally ill, they should be able to find a way to ease the pain
a person that denies the holocaust need to be charged with a criminal offense if they can not see the truth of those that suffered.
Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence
it is disrespectful to victims of the holocaust and humanity to deny that it never happened, those that deny the holocaust happen should be subject to criminal penalty.
a person uses his imagination and hard work to write as book or music. they should be able to benefit from their work. it should not be in the public domain.
We should abolish intellectual property rights
intellectual property rights are so important in that they don't allow someone to just steal someone else's ideas and creations for their own benefit.
a person who does a great job deserves to get extra income
We should limit executive compensation
executives have been appointed or promoted to that position through hard work and deserve to be compensated for such
a person who is terminally ill and suffering should be given the right to end his suffering, under medical supervision.
Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence
assisted suicides can end the pain of those who are suffering from terminal illnesses.
a person who receives a vocational education earns less over his or her lifetime than someone with a college degree.
We should subsidize vocational education
While many who graduate from universities struggle to find high paying jobs in their field, graduates of vocational schools have high employments and high standards of living.
a person's beliefs are bigger than what they are forced to do during their school day. taking a brief time to allow students to engage in their religion should be encouraged.
We should prohibit school prayer
School prayer should be prohibited, children have the right to choose their beliefs and not bound.
a person's education should be the responsibility of themselves
We should subsidize student loans
everyone deserves a chance of a good education even if they can not afford the schooling.
a persons identity is based on their gender and it should be acknowledged or it could prove offensive.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
gender-neutral language shouldn't be adopted because in writing consistency is sometimes hard to keep straight with those pronouns
a person's opinions are the beliefs of that individual and the freedom of one's thoughts should not be infringed upon.
Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence
The right to free speech is a fundamental right and must be upheld, no matter how distasteful the speech.
a person's value should not be based on a number. just because you reach a certain age does not mean you do not want or need to work. mandatory retirement hurts elderly workers.
We should end mandatory retirement
in today's society people are living to a greater age and we should not penalise those people who want to continue working by forcing them to retire.
a piece of paper does not keep people together
We should abandon marriage
marriage is the best basis of a stable family unit and should be supported and continued.
a poll shows that more than 90% of the people are in support of a multi-party system in the usa.
We should adopt a multi-party system
the multi-party system offers voters more choices that may get more people involved in politics
a poor result in an intelligence test can damage self esteem and unjustly affect a persons ability to progress by being labelled
Intelligence tests bring more harm than good
intelligence tests give a skewed and limited view of a student and do not give a full picture of someones abilities and skills.
a presence on social media allows small businesses to reach a larger audience and thrive, whereas in the past they may have failed because not enough people knew they existed.
Social media brings more harm than good
social media unites people from all over the world and gives people the opportunity to learn more about people and places all over the planet.
a priest chooses to make a vow to god to be celibate. he is not forced. if he chooses to become a priest he makes this vow. we should not try to take this away from becoming a priest.
The vow of celibacy should be abandoned
the vow of celibacy is an ancient ritual of priesthood that serves the purpose of maintaining purity and should not be abandoned.
a prisoner camp should be based in the us so it can be fully governed by american laws.
We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp
we should close guantanamo bay since the treatment of these inmates is likely inhumane and some are there with no real proof they belong there, but will never even get a trial.
A private company's main interest is to profit and this can lead to bad practices or even corruption. They most definitely should not be trusted to run a military where life and death decisions need to be made.
We should ban private military companies
private military companies are wrong and should be banned immediately. they are being paid to create war, not to help prevent it.
a private military company can provide a much more streamlined and money-saving operation versus government-owned entities, which are historically wasteful and inefficient.
We should ban private military companies
Private military companies lack oversight and accountability. It is too dangerous to have a military bound to serve who pays it versus the ethical framework of serving the public good.
a privatized military company can assist with a mission without following the rules of war or the geneva convention
We should ban private military companies
private military companies are wrong and should be banned immediately. they are being paid to create war, not to help prevent it.
a probable history of criminal activity is not evidence that it has taken place, and entrapment is by definition encouraging criminal activity, perhaps where none would otherwise take place.
Entrapment should be legalized
entrapment is sometimes a necessary tool to get the needed proof of criminal activity.
a product that is going to put more impaired drivers on the road and increase traffic accidents and deaths should be never legalized!
We should legalize cannabis
cannabis is known to lead to dependency as well as further drug seeking behaviors and should not be legalized.
a public defender should be mandatory for anyone. representation is vital for someone accused of a crime.
The use of public defenders should be mandatory
public defenders should be mandatory because they can provide free legal representation to those who are accused
a public defender shouldn't be mandatory because we don't have enough money to provide lawyers for everyone. some crimes are simply cut and dry and there is no need for the criminal to be defended
The use of public defenders should be mandatory
having a system where public defenders are mandatory would make it fairer because all defendants would have the same level of defense
a range of opinions may be better than facts.
We should limit judicial activism
we should limit judicial activism because it takes the fairness out of our judicial system as decisions should never be subjective.
A real education is about giving students the tools to learn, think, and express themselves; dictating to them what to wear sends a strong message that we don't trust them to think on their own.
We should abandon the use of school uniform
school uniforms limit a student's individuality and expression of their personality and therefore should be abandoned.
a research carried out on a selected group of unmarried and divorced women found out that they preferred a lone life than an abusive marriage.
We should abandon marriage
marriage offers certain protections and privileges that simply dating or cohabitating can not and do not. it's needed it many instances.
a safe space does not permit discussion on anything that might inform uneducated people why their views are wrong
We should abolish safe spaces
safe spaces don't really serve a beneficial purpose. they don't solve any issues and instead attract a target on to those others may feel are weak or inferior. they cause more harm than good.
a safe space is a great place for youth to hang out so that they are not in dangerous places.
We should abolish safe spaces
safe spaces are vital to many, especially on campuses where the students that feel excluded or discriminated against have a safe haven to enable them to feel comfortable in continuing their education
a safe space is only necessary if students aren't taught proper behavior
We should abolish safe spaces
safe spaces are vital to many, especially on campuses where the students that feel excluded or discriminated against have a safe haven to enable them to feel comfortable in continuing their education
a safe space might mean the difference between coping and not coping with mental health.
We should abolish safe spaces
safe spaces provide a valuable service to those who may be suffering from ptsd
a school has students of all types of religions and beliefs. these beliefs encompass different entities to pray to. banning school prayer allows all students to worship as they choose.
We should prohibit school prayer
we should prohibit school prayer because there is supposed to be a separation between church and state and because it's not fair to promote one religion over another.
A school is not an army. Our goal is to grow and nurture good and moral people, and obedience and dicsipline are not the best tools for that.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
a zero-tolerance policy for schools makes the most sense as it deters the behaviors we are wanting to avoid
a school is not the place for prayer because schools are diverse and many students do not pray or believe in a god or prayer.
We should prohibit school prayer
school prayer usually supports a specific religion. this discriminates against non-believers or members of different religions.
a school uniform keeps students from being distracted from other kid's clothing choices.
We should abandon the use of school uniform
school uniforms reduce bullying and classroom distractions.
a school uniform lets the student think of their studies and not what they are wearing
We should abandon the use of school uniform
School uniforms reduce competition. They keep students from judging and ranking each other according to the clothes they wear.
a school uniform levels the field for poor, rich, fashionable and not, so all students arrive to school as equals, able to fit in and better integrate
We should abandon the use of school uniform
School uniforms reduce competition. They keep students from judging and ranking each other according to the clothes they wear.
a school uniform would allow students to go to school simply to learn rather than thinking that school is a fashion show. it is healthy to promote learning and conformity.
We should abandon the use of school uniform
School uniforms reduce competition. They keep students from judging and ranking each other according to the clothes they wear.
a shift from drinking alcohol to cannabis use will decrease crimes because the amount of crime and violence caused by alcohol use is ten times higher than by marijuana
We should legalize cannabis
legalizing cannabis as far as health is concerned can be beneficial since many of these substances are used as treatments for certain diseases
a sick person should be allowed to try anything they want, long as it's legal, that claims it will help them with their ailment.
We should ban naturopathy
we should ban naturopathy since it has no scientific basis and has no medical benefit beyond the placebo effect.
a silent prayer hurts no one and you can't ban religion in the us
We should prohibit school prayer
we should prohibit school prayer because there is supposed to be a separation between church and state and because it's not fair to promote one religion over another.
a simple error in the algorithm and can bankrupt the investor
We should ban algorithmic trading
algorithmic trading has been reported as one of the main causes of the greatest fall in the dow in decades
a single judge cannot be granted free rein to bypass laws borne from democratic process
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism should be limited in order to keep personal opinions out of rulings
a society should help the most vulnerable of us
We should subsidize stay-at-home dads
We shouldn't be spending tax dollars to help with in home care for dads or anybody. They had the child and it's their responsibility to financially care for that child. Not the government.
a society shouldn't be responsible for the decisions of an individual
We should subsidize stay-at-home dads
We should not subsidize stay-at-home dads, they should share the maternity benefits of the mother if they wish but there should not be any more burden on the state to provide.
a song or writing are works of art and their creators should benefit from them
We should abolish intellectual property rights
intellectual property rights are so important in that they don't allow someone to just steal someone else's ideas and creations for their own benefit.
a standardized test is necessary to help determine if the brain of people is working
Intelligence tests bring more harm than good
Intelligence tests give us the ability to pinpoint topics that students struggle with so that educators can learn where to focus their efforts.
A state that outlaws murder cannot then turn around and murder prisoners in the name of the law. It is perverse and unjust.
We should abolish capital punishment
capital punishment is inhumane and often an unfit punishment for the crime
a stay at home dad does so by choice. taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for other people's expenses because someone decided they didn't want to get a job.
We should subsidize stay-at-home dads
stay at home dads are sacrificing a career to care for their children, they should be compensated
A strict enforcement of school rules eliminates confusion about what is unacceptable behavior and ensures that everyone is treated fairly.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
a student does not have the resources to pay for the high cost of college
We should subsidize student loans
student loans is a help for those who do not have resources
a student loan is a loan that the person chose to take out. there's no reason to offer a subsidy for them any more than any other type of loan.
We should subsidize student loans
education is expensive, and subsizing student loans encourages an academic career path, creating individuals who typically go on to contribute more to the economy via higher paid jobs.
a study comparing more than 22,000 former foster children with their age-matched peers found that the former group had higher risk of suicide attempts, risk of psychiatric disorders, and excess risks for psychosis and depression
Foster care brings more harm than good
Foster care children may have many adverse outcomes that persist throughout childhood, such as poor peer relationships, behavioral problems, or other mental health difficulties
a study has confirmed that marijuana legalization results in reduced marijuana use amongst teenagers
We should legalize cannabis
legalizing cannabis as far as health is concerned can be beneficial since many of these substances are used as treatments for certain diseases
a successful targeted killing can prevent a war or other deaths and as such, should be a tool at our disposal.
We should ban targeted killing
targeted killing can possibly save millions of people if we are targeting those who mean to carry out dangerous plans against the rest of the world.
A surgeon would never agree to operate on a really young child or when it's dangerous, so the only kid's getting cosmetic surgery are those who are in their late teens and understand the outcomes.
We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors
Cosmetic surgery is near permanent, minors cannot contextualize these changes due to their short life experience, and so are not mature enough to make sure life-changing decisions about their physical appearance.
a surrogate carrying a baby could try to keep it since they gave birth to it.
Surrogacy should be banned
surrogacy allows people who couldn't have children naturally to have their own children through a surrogate parent.
a surrogate will often choose to carry a child for someone else if they are unable to get work
Surrogacy should be banned
surrogacy allows people who couldn't have children naturally to have their own children through a surrogate parent.
a system of compulsory voting would mean that politicians would have to consider the needs of the whole electorate rather than just those who turn out to vote
We should introduce compulsory voting
compulsory voting makes sure that each and every person has a vote in who is running their government and how.
A system that fires the competent along with the incompetent solely because of age is irrational and cruel
We should end mandatory retirement
Older workers should have the freedom to work if they so choose. Mandating retirement is rights violative.
a talented child should be able to pursue their dreams and help make a story come to life.
We should ban the use of child actors
the use of child actors should not be banned as youthful actors can take on roles that provide inspiration for young people
a teacher able to tailor their education efforts to individuals based upon the strengths and weaknesses these tests reveal
Intelligence tests bring more harm than good
IQ tests allow teachers to understand the cognitive strengths and weaknesses of their students and thus tailor their teaching according to the needs of their students.
a teen's body sometimes causes great distress, such as small breasts, exacerbated by bullying, teasing etc so cosmetic surgery could relieve large amounts of stress and unhappiness from some teenager's lives
We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors
Cosmetic surgery is near permanent, minors cannot contextualize these changes due to their short life experience, and so are not mature enough to make sure life-changing decisions about their physical appearance.
a telemarketing ban violates the first amendment rights of the telemarketer.
We should ban telemarketing
banning telemarketing puts an unfair limit on a business's ability to find customers.
A terrorist group with a nuclear weapon could cause immense and immediate damage and devastation.
We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons
Even one accident from a nuclear weapon going off unintentionally would cause massive damage, and this is damage that we should not accept the risk of as a society.
a three-strikes system does not allow for people to be treated fairly as individuals and instead is used as a "one-size-fits-all" control method for minority populations.
We should abolish the three-strikes laws
Three-strikes laws are too harsh. Many people who have committed non-violent felonies - and in some cases, misdemeanors - have been given mandatory life sentences.
a trading system may end up failing in real world application and will have a domino effect on the economy.
We should ban algorithmic trading
algorithmic trading is too easily corrupted. it's far too easy to hack. if hacked it could completely destroy the economy and individual people's lives. it's not secure enough.
A truly healthy and loving relationship can only develop in a monogamous relationship.
We should legalize polygamy
Polygamous unions can cause cause jealousy and emotional distress among the multiple spouses.
a two party system provides discussion on different viewpoints
We should adopt a multi-party system
we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems.
a two-party system has served us well for years; why change what has worked?
We should adopt a multi-party system
a multi-party system might allow for more and more diverse candidates to come to the forefront of each election.
a uniform saves parents money from having to constantly buy school clothes
We should abandon the use of school uniform
School uniforms reduce competition. They keep students from judging and ranking each other according to the clothes they wear.
a very high percentage of crashes are caused by distracted or drunk driving and with machines they can't be distracted or drunk
We should stop the development of autonomous cars
these cars are dangerous, we can never program ai to be able to deal with every possible scenario that may arise, plus every computer system is hackable, leaving every one in a car vulnerable to being hijacked.
a view could be taken that where there is over population of whales, whaling could be beneficial to the eco system.
We should ban whaling
whales are beautiful living creatures that have existed through time. they should continue to prosper and ending whaling will help to increase the whale population.
a vow of celibacy does nothing but cause issues inside religious groups, such as that of young boys and priests.
The vow of celibacy should be abandoned
the vow of celibacy is important to some people and to some faiths; it should be a personal decision not something that is simply abandoned entirely.
a vow of celibacy is a difficult vow to keep and as such proves a real dedication. it should be up to an individual to decide if this is how they wish to show their beliefs.
The vow of celibacy should be abandoned
the vow of celibacy is important to some people and to some faiths; it should be a personal decision not something that is simply abandoned entirely.
a vow of celibacy is an archaic stricture that limits the freedoms of priests and harms their relationship with the world as they are less relatable to normal people and are suppressing their natural drives.
The vow of celibacy should be abandoned
the vow of celibacy is important to some people and to some faiths; it should be a personal decision not something that is simply abandoned entirely.
a vow of celibacy is an individuals right as it affects no one but that person that makes the vow.
The vow of celibacy should be abandoned
the vow of celibacy is important to some people and to some faiths; it should be a personal decision not something that is simply abandoned entirely.
a vow of celibacy is necessary to the clergy so they can focus every bit of their lives to the church and to god without human distractions.
The vow of celibacy should be abandoned
the vow of celibacy is important to some people and to some faiths; it should be a personal decision not something that is simply abandoned entirely.
a vow of celibacy is so outdated it has no place in modern society
The vow of celibacy should be abandoned
the vow of celibacy is important to some people and to some faiths; it should be a personal decision not something that is simply abandoned entirely.
a vow of celibacy only causes mental anguish and harm to a person
The vow of celibacy should be abandoned
the vow of celibacy is important to some people and to some faiths; it should be a personal decision not something that is simply abandoned entirely.
a vow of celibacy strengthens a persons character and beliefs.
The vow of celibacy should be abandoned
the vow of celibacy is important to some people and to some faiths; it should be a personal decision not something that is simply abandoned entirely.
a well informed population is always better for the voting process and democracy. forcing populations to vote undermines the well of free people and should not be adopted.
We should introduce compulsory voting
compulsory voting ensures that the winner is truly representative of the entire population.
a well-executed targeted killing is an important tool to prevent war and attacks and there's no reason to ban them.
We should ban targeted killing
targeted killing should be banned because it denies the victim the right to a fair trial by jury.
a well-known economist has come out to say that algorithmic trading will be the doom of our economy
We should ban algorithmic trading
algorithmic trading has been reported as one of the main causes of the greatest fall in the dow in decades
A woman can and should decide on her own what to do with her body, and how she would like to use it. It's not the business of the government.
Surrogacy should be banned
surrogacy should be banned as women are being paid to produce a baby and it is not regulated as stringently as it needs to be.
a woman decides to go to combat we can not prohibit her, it is her right and duty as a citizen
We should prohibit women in combat
women are just as capable as men to perform the tasks needed in combat and they should not be banned from it.
a woman fighting in nature is a last resort, a do or die moment, so a woman in combat is formidable and should be valued and to prohibit women in combat would be to deny a wonderful resource.
We should prohibit women in combat
women are just as capable as men to perform the tasks needed in combat and they should not be banned from it.
a woman giving birth to someone else's child will cause that child to grow up and not understand who their mother is. it can lead to major depression and a very unhealthy lifestyle.
Surrogacy should be banned
surrogacy can lead to the exploitation of poor women for the benefit of the rich.
a woman should be free to use her body how she sees fit to make money
Surrogacy should be banned
surrogacy should be banned as women are being paid to produce a baby and it is not regulated as stringently as it needs to be.
a woman should have the right to sell her body in any way she deems acceptable.
We should legalize prostitution
prostitution should be legalized as it provides a service and reduces rape and sex crimes
a woman should have the right to use her body however she wants to support herself.
We should legalize prostitution
prostitution should be legalized as it provides a service and reduces rape and sex crimes
a woman that is okay with selling her body is going to do it anyway so might as well make it legal.
We should legalize prostitution
Prostitution is a form of violence against women. It should not be condoned by the state by legalizing it.
a woman's body is her choice and this includes the decision to assist couples in having a child.
Surrogacy should be banned
surrogacy should be banned because the relationship between a biological mother and child is precious. we should end these types of pregnancies because they are immoral.
A woman's body is her own and banning prostitution is just another way for the men in powerful positions to control our bodies.
We should legalize prostitution
prostitution should be legalized as it provides a service and reduces rape and sex crimes