Use of superlattices to realize inverted GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunctions with low temperature mobility of 2×106 cm2/Vs T. Sajoto, M. Santos, J. J. Heremans, M. Shayegan, M. Heiblum, M. V. Weckwerth, and U. Meirav Citation: Applied Physics Letters 54, 840 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.100862 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.100862 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/54/9?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in 2×106cm2/Vs electron mobility by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition with tertiarybutylarsine Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 208 (1996); 10.1063/1.116462 Multiquantum well structure with an average electron mobility of 4.0×106 cm2/Vs Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 1211 (1992); 10.1063/1.107597 The design of GaAs/AlAs resonant tunneling diodes with peak current densities over 2×105 Acm2 J. Appl. Phys. 69, 3345 (1991); 10.1063/1.348563 Electron mobilities exceeding 107 cm2/Vs in modulationdoped GaAs Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 1888 (1989); 10.1063/1.102162 GaAs structures with electron mobility of 5×106 cm2/Vs Appl. Phys. Lett. 50, 1826 (1987); 10.1063/1.97710 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 23:05:02Use of superlattices to realize inverted GaAs/ AIGaAs heterojunctlons with low~tempera.ture mobility of 2X 106 cm2/V s T. Sajoto, M. Santos, J. J. Heremans, and M. Shayegar. Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544 M. Heiblum, M. V. Weckwerth, and U. Meirav IB11.f T. J. Watson Research Centef~ Yorktown Heights, New York 10598 (Received 7 October 1988; accepted for publication 10 December 1(88) Reproducible realization of high quality inverted interfaces (GaAs on AIGaAs) grown by molecular beam epitaxy is reported. Effective use of thin-layer GaAs/ AlAs superlattices in place of an AIGaAs barrier was made to reduce the number of impurities and the roughness at these interfaces. The low-temperature ("'" 4 K) mobility for electrons at these interfaces is as high as 2 X 10° cmz /V s for an electron density of "'" 5 X lOiI cm-z-a factor offour improvement over the highest mobility reported for inverted interfaces. Recent improvements in growth systems and tech niques have led to the realization of two-dimensional elec tron systems (20ES) at selectively doped GaAs/ AIGaAs interfaces with low-temperature mobilities well above 1 X 106 cm2/V S.l These high mobilities have been achieved in normal (AIGaAs on GaAs) interfaces; the inverted inter faces (GaAs on AIGaAs) in general have been oflower qual ity. This inferior quality has been attributed to the interface roughness as well as impurity segregation (towards the in terface) during the growth of AIGaAs. The inverted inter faces, however, are quite important since they are integral parts of GaAs/ AIGaAs quantum wells and superlattices, and have device applications. Recently, the realization of high-mobility 2DES at in verted GaAsl AIGaAs interfaces was reported.l-4 This was achieved by studying the kinetics of the growth via reflection high-energy electron diffraction measurements, and by opti mizing the growth techniques. The highest low-temperature mobility reported,) however, was ll=4.6X 105 cm2/V s, about an order of magnitude lower than the highest mobili ties reported for normal interfaces. We report here the realization of high quality inverted GaAsl AIGaAs interfaces imbedded in an inverted semicon ductor-insulator-semiconductor (ISIS) structure (Fig. 1).2 In this structure, the density of the 2DES at the AIGaAs/ GaAs interface can be continuously varied by applying a positive voltage to the gate (the nl-doped substrate). The low-temperature (T =4 K) mobility in our interfaces is as high as 2 X 10° cm2/V s-a factor of 4 larger than the highest mobility value reported for inverted interfaces.' We at tribute this significant improvement to our use of thin-layer GaAsl AlAs supcrlattices in place of AIGaAs barriers [Fig. 1 (a) J to trap impurities and to improve the interface smoothness. The structures were grown in a modular Varian Gen II molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) system consisting of a growth, a buffer, and a load-lock chamber with base pres sures of 3 X 10-11, 7 X 10-11, and 2 Xl o-g Torr, respective ly. We have been able to grow high quality normal interfaces with extremely low disorder in the same MBE system.5-7 Details of the system and wafer preparation were given pre viously.5 The structure of a typical high-mobility ISIS struc-ture (M9 5) is schematically shown in Fig. 1 (a). First, we carefully outgassed the substrate [n I Si:GaAs (100) 1 in the buffer and growth chambers.s After the removal of the sur face oxide, a 200 A.. undoped GaAs was grown. We then determined the substrate temperature (Ts) by measuring the congruent sublimation temperature (from the changes in the reflection electron diffraction pattern) and also with the use of an infrared pyrometer. After a 10 min wait at T.., = 640°C, we lowered 1'." to 590 °C and started the growth. A 65-period superlattice ofGaAs (23 A)I AIAs( 8.5 A..) was first grown. This thin-layer superlattice has an aver age AlAs mole fraction of27%. The first 25 periods of this superlattice had 3 s interruptions after each GaAs layer. For the first 15 periods, Ts was 590°C; 1'.., was then raised to 620 °C (in lOa/period increments). Finally, a 2700 A GaAs layer which included a planar sheet (8 layer) of Si was M9S I 200 ftc GaAs I Si ~ ... ••••••• .. '·.,'1 1.8 x 1()12 em·2 2500 A Ga"-s 2DEG 8.5 A AlAs 23.f.. GaAs 3.5 A ALh 40x { f-------j { 3 S 25x interrupt -+-1-------1 23 A (;"A, 11 + Su hstrate Si : GaAs I I I E (a) (II) FrG. 1. Schematic description of an ISIS structure. Shown on the right is the potential diagmm corresponding to the accumul~.tiol! mooe, achieved by applying a positive gate voltage Vg to the n+ substmte. On the left, the design stmcture for sample M95 is schematically shown. Note the use of a thin-layer GaAsl AlAs superlattice in place of AIGaAs barrieI'. 840 Appl. Phys. Lett. 54 (9), 27 February 1989 0003-6951/89/090840-03$01.00 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 840 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 23:05:02grown, Just prior to the doping with Si, Ts was lowered to 580 "C. Mesas =O.3llm deep were etched, and four (or six) lithographically defined AuGe/Nbl Au shallow ohmic con tacts were alloyed (to a depth of =0,25 pm, avoiding short ing to the gate) to form Van der Pauw (or a Hall bar) pat~ tern. The transport coefficients were measured at low temperatures (TS 4.2 K) and in magnetic fields up to 0.5 T. The measured HaH mobilities for several structures (M95, M98, and M99) are shown in Fig. 2 as a function of the electron areal density ens) which was varied by applying a positive gate voltage to the n+ substrate, The dependence of ns on the gate voltage for the structure M98 is also shown in Fig. 2. The mobilities plotted in Fig. 2 are the highest ever reported for any inverted GaAsl AIGaAs interface. We attribute the significant improvement in the mobil~ ity to the use of the GaAsl AlAs superlattice instead of an AIGaAs barrier. The effectiveness of the GaAsl AlAs inter faces and superlattices in impurity trapping, surface smooth ing, and defect reduction has been already established.8-w Other aspects of our structure design and growth procedure that may be partly contributing to the realization of high mobility are the following. To reduce the possibility of any 5i atoms reaching the 2DES, we did not grow any n + -GaAs buffer layer (note that no Si was deposited except for the l) layer near the surface). In fact, after outgassing the Si fur nace (prior to growth), it was kept at 150"C below its oper ating temperature during the growth of the AIAs/GaAs su perlattice and the first 850 A of GaAs layer (to reduce possible outgassing from this furnace at the 2DES inter face). The lower Ts at the beginning of the growth of the '" ~ '" S (,I v. Q """ >< ::L ~ f... ::l ..... ~ 0 ~ 25 20 15 !.o s 0 D . . o D OU!,ClDi:lO [J onuoo " o D " " " o o M99 M98 5 > 4 I'<l ~ 3 ,... C >- ~ 2 :;-. 2§ FIG. 2. Dependence of mobility on2DES density in several ISIS structures is shown. The variation of the 2DES density with the gate voltage is also shown for structure M98. 841 Appl. Phys. Lett, Vol, 54, No.9, 27 February 1989 15 1500 M99 /-/ T '" 4.2 K to n s = 2.3 x 10 Hcm'2 Cl 3(\ ~ I '" I t:: """. 5 I 1000 Z c.'" " ' 1 / I ~ I '" t:<i ..: 0 I t:<i "11 l~ f... ; c.: ..: 500 ,~vv " a:' Il () 2 3 4 B ( T j FIG. 3. Transport coefficients P,x and Pxy for sample M99 are shown as a function of magnetic field at a fixed gate voltage. The vertical arrows indi cate some of the Landau-level filling factors at which the integral quantum Hall effect is observed. superlattice was used to reduce the migration ofSi and other impurities with the growth fronL The average composition ofthe barrier (determined by the thickness of the AlAs and GaAs thin layers in the super lattice) and its total thickness for M98 and M99 were differ ent than those for M95 (shown in Fig. 1). We do not have an explanation for the differences in the mobilities for these structures at this point but the data in Fig. 2 show that these structures all have very high mobilities. Similar structures grown in a different MBE system (a Riber 1000-1) also had mobilities well in excess of the values achieved for inverted interfaces that were grown in the same machine but which had net employed superlattices.2•3 I { j ~ 1 > 1 ~ < t " a." CARRIER DENSITY ( x lOll cm'2) 1.92 4.31 \! '\ \ 3 \~ \ 4 ~ 5 ~ .--~- ~~ M99 B=3T 6.67 T = 1.5 K 6 I 7 , 8 ~ + 10 :; - 0 +-~-r-~-'--¥---'--~-'"'"r-~---"rL-~.- (I 2 3 4 GATE VOLTAGE ( V ) M ~ >. c..~ FIG. 4. Transport coefficients Pxx and Pxy for sample M99 are shown at a fixed magnetic field and as a function of the gate voltage. The vertical ar rows indicate the filling factors at which the integral quantum Hall effect is observed. Sajoto eta!. 841 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 23:05:02We have also performed transport measurements at higher magnetic fields (B S; 6 T) and low temperatures (1.5< T<4.2 K). Representative data for structure M99 are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. In Fig. 3, the diagonal resistivity (Pxx) and the Hall resistivity (Pxy) are plotted as a function of magnetic field at a fixed gate voltage (n, = 2.3 X 1011 em -2). In Fig. 4, the magnetic field is kept constant and P.u and Pxy are shown as a function of the applied gate voltage. In both figures, well-resolved Shubnikov-de Haas oscilla tions in Pu and quantum Hall plateaus in Pxy are observed. The data in Fig. 4 are especially noteworthy-the realization of such a high quality 2DES with variable density has seldom been achieved before. In summary, effective use of thin layer GaAsl AlAs su perlattiees to grow very high-mobility inverted GaAsl AIGaAs interfaces is reported. We thank v. J. Goldman, S. A. Lyon, andD. C. Tsuifor advice. Support of this work by National Science Founda tion grants No, ECS-8553110 and DMR-8705002, Depart ment of Defense University Research Instrumentation Pro- 842 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No.9, 27 February i 989 gram grant No. DAAL03-87-G-0105, and a grant by the New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology is ac knowledged. 'See, c.g., J. H. English, A. C. Gossard, H. L. Stormer, and K. W. Baldwin, Appl. Phys. Lett. 50, 1825 (1987). 2U. Meirav, M. Heiblurn, and F. Stem, App!. Phys. Lett. 52, 1268 (1988). 3H. Shtrikman, M. Heiblum, K. Sea, D. E. Galbi, and L. Osterling, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 6, 670 (1988). 4N. M. Cho, D. J. Kim, A. Madhukar, P. G. Newman, D. D. Smith, T. Aucoin, and G. J. Iafrate, App1. Phys. Lett. 52, 2037 (1988). 'M. Shayegan, V. J. Goldman, C. Jiang, T. Sajoto, and M. Santos, App!. Phys. Lett. 52,1086 (1988). OM. Shayegan, V. J. Goldman, T. Sajoto, M. Santos, C. Jiang, and H. Ito, J. Cryst. Growth (in press). 7M. Shayegan, V. J. Goldman, M. Santos, T. Sajoto, L. Engel, and D. C. Tsui, AppL Phys. Lett. 53, 2080 (1988). "I'. M. Petroff, R. C. Miller, A. C. Gossard, and W. Wiegmann, AppL Phys. Lett. 44, 216 (l984). 9T. J. Drummond, J. Klem, D. Arnold, R. Fischer, R. E. Thome, W. G. Lyons, and H. MorkO<!, Appl. Phys, Lett. 42, 615 (1983). 10M. Shinohara, T. Ito, and Y. Imamura, J. Appl. Phys. 58, 3449 (1985). Sajoto et at. 842 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 23:05:02
Properties of hydrogenated amorphous germanium nitrogen alloys prepared by reactive sputtering I. Honma, H. Kawai, H. Komiyama, and K. Tanaka Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 65, 1074 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.343042 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.343042 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/65/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Differences in physical properties of hydrogenated and fluorinated amorphous silicon carbide prepared by reactive sputtering J. Appl. Phys. 71, 5641 (1992); 10.1063/1.350496 Electrical and optical properties of amorphous hydrogenated silicon prepared by reactive ion beam sputtering J. Appl. Phys. 56, 1097 (1984); 10.1063/1.334080 Deposition parameters and film properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon prepared by high rate dc planar magnetron reactive sputtering J. Appl. Phys. 55, 4232 (1984); 10.1063/1.333024 Properties of amorphous hydrogenated silicontin alloys prepared by radio frequency sputtering J. Appl. Phys. 55, 2816 (1984); 10.1063/1.333320 Hydrogen content of amorphous silicon carbide prepared by reactive sputtering: Effects on films properties J. Appl. Phys. 51, 2167 (1980); 10.1063/1.327891 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:14:43Properties of hydrogenated amorphous germanium .. nitrogen alloys prepared by reactive sputtering I. Honma, H. Kawai, H. Komiyama, and K. Tanakaa) Department of Chemical Engineering, The Faculty 0/ Engineering, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 1 J 3, Japan (Received 19 February 1988; accepted for publication 12 August 1988) Hydrogenated amorphous germanium-nitrogen alloys (a-GeNx :H) were synthesized as a new group of amorphous semiconductors by rf( 13.56 MHz) reactive sputtering of a Ge target in a gas mixture of Ar + Nz + H2 under a variety of deposition conditions such as gas ratio, rf discharge power, and substrate temperature. Structural, optical, and electrical properties of those a-GeNx:H alloys were systematically measured and are discussed in relation to their preparation conditions. The optical band gap E()4 of a-GeNx :H aHoys could be continuously controlled in the range from 1.1 eV to 3.3 eV primarily depending on the atomic N/Ge ratio in the film. The role of hydrogen and nitrogen in the optical and electrical properties of the material is also crucially demonstrated. I. INTRODUCTION In recent trends of research on amorphous semiconduc tors, Si-based amorphous alloys such as a-SiGe:H, a-SiNx :H, and a-SiCx:H have attracted increasing attention as promising materials for various photoelectronic de vices. \-5 In the field of solar cells especially, it is urgently needed to control the optical band gap of the materials for optically matching solar radiation. One of the key issues for achieving high-efficiency tandem-type solar cells is to devel op highly photosensitive bottom layer materials with optical band gaps lower than 1.5 eV, and several works have been done on a-SiGe:H. 6. 7 The basic idea for designing those nar row gap materials is to reduce the optical gap ( "'" 1.75 e V) of a-Si:H by introducing other elements such as Ge or Sn; namely, the band gap of a-Si:H can be reduced by introduc ing weaker chemical bonds such as Si-Ge or Si-Sn into the Si Si network. Another approach to find out new materials is to start with a-Ge (Eo=O.75 eV). Chambouleyron made initial ef forts to control the Tauc optical gap Eo using a-GeN x alloys in the range of 0.9 e V < Eo < 2.7 e V although their electronic properties were rather poor due to the absence of defect killers in the network. 8.9 The first data on hydrogenated amorphous germanium nitride (a-GeN x :H) were reported in our earHer work, and the role of hydrogen was tentatively discussed. 10 The present motivation to study the a-GeNx:H system is based on the following three items: ( 1) According to Matt's 8-N rule, nitrogen is consid ered to be incorporated at a threefold coordinated atom into the amorphous Ge:H networ-k, thereby reducing the average coordination number of a-GeNx:H with increasing N con tent; a decrease of the average coordination number may produce structural flexibility of the amorphous network, probably resulting in the reduction of defect states. (2) The introduction of nitrogen into the a-Ge network will provide an ionic nature to the chemical bonds, which not aJ Permanent address: Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan. only causes a continuous change of optical band gap with varying N content, but also gives rise to the network flexibil ity through the relaxation of the bending force of chemical bonds. (3) Hydrogen will playa role as defect killer of Ge or N dangling bonds in the a-GeNx:H network and sweep the midgap states as is the case in a-Si:H. In this paper, we report the syntheses of hydrogenated amorphous germanium-nitrogen compounds (a-GeNx :H) using a reactive-sputtering technique while systematicaBy varying the deposition conditions. Structural, optical, and electrical properties of a-GeNx :H are presented, and are dis cussed in connection with the preparation conditions. The roles of nitrogen as well as hydrogen in the network are clari fied through detailed experimental results. Photoconducti vi.ties of some a-GeN.~ :H alloys are also presented. II. EXPERIMENT Film samples of a-GeNx :H were prepared by IT reactive sputtering of a Ge target 8 em in diameter in a mixture of Ar + Nz + Hz gases. The target-to-substrate distance was maintained at 12 em. A schematic diagram of the sputtering system is shown in Fig. 1. The vacuum chamber was preeva cuated down to 1 X 10-6 Torr by a combination of rotary and oil diffusion pumps, and then high-purity research grade gases were introduced through a variable leak valve. The desired gas composition was set by controlling the flow rate ratio of Ar + Hz (or Ar only), Nz, and Hz through a thermal mass controller (TMC) in each gas line. The total pressure of the sputtering gas was varied from 5 X 10-3 Torr to 5x 10-2 Torr and the rfpowcr varied from 0.07 to 0.3 kW. Coming 7059 glasses and high-resistivity silicon wafers were used as substrates for optical-absorption measurements in the visible and infrared range. The substrate temperature was changed from room temperature to 400 "C, being detect ed by a thermocouple fixed on the substrate holder. Figure 2 shows the volume fraction of each gas in the starting sputtering gas mixture scanned in the present work and rough features of resultant films, which are described in 1074 J. Appi. Phys. 65 (3), 1 February 1989 0021 -8979/89/031 074-09$02.40 ® 1969 American Institute of Physics 1074 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:14:43Sputtering System Substrate Shutter FIG" 1. A schematic diagram of the reactive-sputtering system in the pres ent experiment. the triangle diagram. As shown in the figure, mirrorlike con tinuous and/or optically transparent a-GcNx:H films were obtained in a wide range of the parameter space, while films became milky when they were deposited using a sputtering gas involving Hz higher than 50%. X-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), differential thermal analyses (DTA), differential thermal gravimetry (DTG), and in frared absorption measurements were carried out for as-pre pared and annealed samples. In parallel with the above structural characterization, the optical band gap, dark and photoconductivity of the samples were measured as func tions of their deposition conditions. 1110 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. film structure and deposition mechanism The structure of as-deposited a-GeN x:H films was checked by x-ray diffraction and no discernible crystalline Ar H2 FIG. 2. Triangle diagram showing apparent features of the a-GeN x:il sys tem Wllich are deposited using Ar-N 2-H2 sputtering gas. Rf power of 0.1 k W and the substrate temperature of 80°C were used. Open circles (0) indicate the mirrorlike or transparent films and solid circles (e) indicate the milky films. 1075 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.3, 1 February 1989 peaks were observed in any diffraction pattern, indicating that the structure is amorphous. The Auger analyses indicat ed no sign of impurity peaks except for surface oxygen and hydrocarbons which were easily etched out by I-min Ar sputtering. As is shown in Fig. 2, by adding hydrogen to more than 50% in the sputtering gas, the surface of deposit ed films turned milky and many pinholes appeared. Phe nomenologically, it seems that the formation of the milky surface is dependent only on the amount of hydrogen in the plasma gas and is independent of the rf power and the sub strate temperature. It is plausible that a large amount of hy drogen radicals and/or ions attack and etch the surface, pre venting the continuous growth of the film. This discussion is consistent with the result of Veprek et al. on H etching of a- S· II 1- Figure 3 shows the relationship between the atomic N/ Ge ratio of a-GeN x :H films measured by XPS and the pres sure ratio of nitrogen to total gas (P N, / P tot) during the de position. AU of the sampies were deposited on the water cooled substrates at O.l-kW IT power and total pressure of 5 X 10-3 Torr. Each atomic N/Ge ratio was determined from the integrated intensities of the spectra of N Is and Ge 3p inner orbitais, using a sensitivity factor of 1.80 and 3.63 for N Is and Ge 3p, respectively. It is dear that the atomic N/Ge ratio increases almost in proportion to P 1><, / Plot at least up to 40%. This simple relationship is strongly related to the reaction mechanism in the reactive sputtering. An increase of the nitrogen composition in the sputtering gas means an increase ofthe amount of reactive nitrogen species in the plasma, and their mass flux impinging onto the film surface also increases. Ifwe assume that the nitridation reac tion mainly proceeds on the film-growing surface, which is most likely because ofa large mean free path (=2 em), it is quite conceivable that the film composition (N/Ge ratio) is determined by the relative ratio of the germanium and nitro gen fluxes at the surface, being consistent with the relation shown in the figure. B. Chemical bonding The bonding states of the a-GeN.x:H series deposited under the PNJPtot ratio ranging from 10% to 50% were studied by IR absorption measurements. The results are shown in Fig. 4. Four main absorption bands are clearly observed in every curve, which are assigned to the Ge-N stretching (700 em -I), N-H bending (l150 em-oj), N-H2 bending (1500 em-1 ), and N-H stretching (3300 cm-1), 40 (j> §2 20 z 10 o o 10 20 30 40 50 PN2/PtOt ("10) FIG. 3. The relationship between the atomic N/Ge ra tio of a-GeN,:H films mea sured by XPS and the nitro gen content in the gas phase. Honma etal. 1075 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:14:43PN YFtot o .J. Ge-H wagging V:'O% 20 Of. ::i d ~_30'" N-H:> ~40% bending N H N-H - ",."hing beodlog fSO% Ge-N stretching 4000 2000 1500 1000 500 WAVE NUMBER (em-I) FIG. 4. Infrared transmittance measurem<!nts for a-GeN,:Ii series. PN,I PM ratio in the gas phase wa.~ varied from 10% to 50%. respectively.2,9 However, absorption peaks of Ge-H wagging near 580 cm.-J and Ge-H stretching around 1900 to 2000 cm-1 are scarcely observed. The lack of Ge-H bonds in a GeNx:H film suggests that the so-called "preferential at tachment" ofH to N takes place when hydrogen radicals are adsorbed on the growing surface of the Ge-N-H network. 12,13 This argument is based on the assumption that the difference between the bonding energy ofN-H (4,5 eV) and that of Ge-H (3,g eV) determined for their isolated molecules still holds qualitatively even in a tetrahedral network as listed in Table 1. In other words, some kind of chemical equilibrium seems to hold on the growing surface, and the system tends to approach the free-energy minimum through the formation of N--H bonds. It is also observed that the peak position of the Ge-N stretching mode (700 em-I) as wen as the N-H bending mode (1150 em-I) in a-GeN,,:H alloys is shifting toward higher wave numbers with increasing nitrogen content. Fig ure 5 shows the chemical shift of the peak position of Ge-N band stretching and N-H band bending in a-GeNx:H alloys as functions of P N" / P lot ratio for two different substrate tem peratures. This peak shift probably originates from an in crease in the bond ionicity in the network, since the differ- TABLE 1. Chemical bonding energy, Ge-Ge (eV) 2,6 Ge--H (eV) N--H (eV) 4.5 1076 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.3, 1 February 1989 ~ N-H bending band u ..... ';) e RT. 1150 1140 1130 1120 Ie 750 1110 u 740 R.T . 1100 . ~ 730 ~ 720 200°C Q.. .x 710 0 ct stretching band 700 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 PN2' Ptot ( Gio ) FIG. 5, The chemical shift of the peak position of Ge-N band stretching and N -H band bending. The substrate temperatures used in the experiment were room temperature and 200 'c, ence in the electronegativity between Ge and N should make some fraction of the valence electrons transfer from germa nium to nitrogen atoms. Namely, when the material con tains nitrogen in atomic percentage higher than a certain value, the stretching force of Ge-Nand! or N-H bond in off-stoichiometric a-GeNx:H films is enlarged by the back bonding nitrogen, 14 The small difference in the peak position between the room temperature and 200 °C substrate might be associated with the difference in structural relaxation of the network, although the details are unclear. Hydrogen content was estimated to be about 15% in atomic percentage from the absorption intensity of N-H stretching band near 3300 em -1 in the figure using a known proportionality fae tor.2,15 Figure 6 shows N Is and Ge 3p XPS spectra of a-Gel _xNx:H samples for x = 0.1 and 0.3. Surface oxygen and hydrogen on as-deposited samples were etched out by lO-min AI' sputtering before XPS measurements. As is clear in the figure, the energy difference AE between the N Is orbi tal and the Ge 3p orbital became smaller as the nitrogen con tent in the film increases. More detailed data are summar ized in Table II. The energy difference AE between the two core levels in the a-Gel ._ x Nx:H network decreases from 276.3 to 274.3 eV when x increases from 0.1 toO.3, indicating that some fraction of electron charge is transferred from ger manium to nitrogen due to a difference in the electronegati vity between the two elements. This provides direct evidence supporting the above discussion that the total bonding ioni city of the disordered network increases with the N content and could be varied continuously in off-stoichiometric com pounds. Honma eta!. 1076 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:14:43Nls L1 E = 276.30 eV L1 E :: 274.30 eV ~tOI=30'l. Ge3p FIG. 6. N Is and Ge 3p spectra of a GeN x:H alloys obtained by ESCA measure ments. 450 400 350 134 122 110 Binding Energy (eV) C. Structural stability We investigated the structural stability of the a-GeNx:H films by studying crystallization processes by DT A (differential thermal analysis), DTG (differential thermal gravimetry), and/or XRD (x-ray diffraction). From thermal analyses, a-GeN x :H films were deposited on aluminum foils (melting point 660 ·C) or polyimide sheets (stable up to 1000 ·C). When a polyimide film is heated, water and solvents are evolved gradually in a wide tempera ture range from 80 to around 300·C and no sharp peaks appear in the DT A curve up to 1000 0c. Therefore, as far as crystallization temperature is concerned, it is possible to de termine it precisely by using a polyimide film as a substrate. Furthermore, it is well known that thermal shrinkage is very sman in the polyimide films. The specimens were cut into tiny chips with an area of 30 mm2, being piled up inside the sample holder. Each sample was heated up to 1000·C in He atmosphere using an IR-image furnace at a constant heating rate of 20 ·C/min. Figure 7 shows typical results of DT A and DTG mea surements made on the a-GeN x :H sample prepared under TABLE U. The results of ESCA measurements for the four a-GeNx:H films. Sample PM,IP,o, N/Ge Eb (Ge 3p3/2 ) Eb(N Is) dE" (%) (%) (eV) (eV) (eV) 1I6sp2 10 10.29 122.20 398.50 276.30 l/7sp2 20 22.48 120.70 395.81 275.10 1l8sp2 30 30.45 121.52 395.82 274.30 120sp 50 122.16 396.46 274.30 a AE = Eb (N is) -Eb (Ge 3p3I2)' 1077 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 55, No.3, 1 February 1989 PN,IPtOI = lO%andrfpowerofO.l kW. Thesharpexother mic peak due to the crystallization and the corresponding decrease ofthe film weight are dearly seen at around 440 ·C both in the DT A and DTG curves. No sign of a glass transi tion was observed in the DT A curves of any of the a-GeN.~ :H samples onow N content (P NIP tOt < 30% ). On the other hand, the origin of the weight d~crease in the DTG is thought to be a kind of gas evolution, Nitrogen in the film is strongly connected with germanium and stays stable in the network even at 440°C, which has been confirmed by the infrared measurements to be mentioned later. Hydrogen probably starts evolving from the film before the tempera ture reaches 440 °C but could not be detected because of its small mass. Therefore, the most probable explanation for the DTG is that argon atoms are evolved out simultaneously with the crystallization of the film, since it is wen known as a shock crystallization that several atomic percent of argon are unintentionally incorporated into reactively sputtered amorphous films during deposition and released from the network instantaneously with the crystallization. 16 Figure 8 shows the crystallization temperature Tc of a- t .!.! .~ I: _ II ~'" Ul t .. a-GeNX:H (PN2'Ptotol0%) 20 OClmin OTA ~ ~~--~--~~--~-~ ~ DTG J'. -----------1 L---2~OO--~~---~~-~~-J Tennperature (Oe) FIG. 7. The crystallization tempera ture and the decrease of the film weight were measured by DT A and DTG, respectively. Honma et sf. 1077 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:14:43800 Evaporation 700 Crystalline &-' 600 FIGo 80 The relationship between the crystallization <II temp~rature T,_ of a-GeN,:H "-500 :::; e alloys and P N / P tot ratioo QJ 400 Amorphous 00 E 01!1 3OO} l- 0 10 20 30 40 50 PN2' Ptot (Of. ) GeN x :H films determined by DT A as a function of P N, / P tot during the film deposition. As shown in the figure, the crys tallization temperature increases with the nitrogen content. In each specimen, a small amount of weight decrease was also detected by DTG at around the same temperature as Tc. It is reasonable to suggest that the increase in Tc is caused by the increase in the average bonding energy in the amorphous network. Figure 9 shows the x-ray diffraction patterns of a-GeNx:H films before (dashed line) and after (solid line) the heat treatment at 660 ·C for 20 min, Samples deposited under P N, / P tot> 30% show no change in their diffraction patterns, indicating that the amorphous germanium-nitride phase is stable up to 6oo"C. The samples prepared at PN,/ P tot = 10 and 20% show a crystallization peak in their XRD scans, while the intensity of the Ge( Ill) peak is rather small. However, in the XRD of a-Ge:H, the ( 111) peak of Ge crystal is dearly observed after the heat treatment These results are consistent with the data shown in Fig. 8. Figure 10 shows the infrared transmittance spectra of anneal 600't 20min -------40 "I. :i ---------------- ----- 30 ·f. ~20·1. ~ '~~10.1. C o 0'. 15 20 25 30 35 40 2 9 ( deg ) FIGo 9. X-ray diffraction patterns of a-GeNx:H films before (dashed line) and after (solid line), the heat treatment was at 600 'C for 20 mino 1078 J, AppL Physo, VoL 65, Noo 3, 1 February 1989 ::I d <II u c g °E Ul e: 0 ... I- stretching 1000 500 WAVE NUMBER (em-i) BGo to, Infrared transmittance spectra of a-GeNx :H (x = 003) film before and after the sequential thermal annealing at 300, 450, and 600 'C for 20 min at each temperatureo a-GeN x:H ex = 0.3) film before and after the sequential thermal annealings at 300, 450, and 600 ·C for 20 min at each temperature, The absorption intensity of Ge-N band stretching at around 700 cm --I remains unchanged up to 600 ·C, while that of N--H band bending at around 1150 cm-I disappears after the annealing at 600 "c. It means that N-H bonds were broken at least below 600 ·C and hydro gen atoms were evolved out of the film. From the viewpoint of chemical bonding theory, the bonding energy of N---H is larger than that of Ge-N. However, because of a difference in the coordination number between Ge, N, and H, threefold coordinated N becomes more stable in the network, while monovalent H is easily evolved out at lower temperatures. D. Optical band gap The optical band gap of deposited films was determined from the transmittance spectrum traced in a range from ul traviolet to near-infrared light, We use E04' the photon ener gy at which the optical absorption coefficient becomes 104 cm --I, to define the optical band gap, The B value, defined by the relation ahv 0:: B (hv -Eo) 2, was experimentally deter mined from the slope of the Tauc plot of each optical absorp tion spectrum, Figure 11 shows E04 and B values of a-GeNx and a-GeNx:H series as functions of PNJP10t ratios. All of the samples were prepared at 0, 1-k W rf power and a substrate temperature of 80°C. As seen in the figure, E04 increases while B decreases with increasing P N,I P tot ratio for both series. These are interpreted simply as the effect of the nitro gen incorporation. The monotonic increase of E04 can be ascribed to the increase of the N/Ge ratio in the network in proportion to the P N, / P tot ratio, as shown in Fig. 3, because a wider optical gap originates from stronger Ge·-N bonds, However, at the same time, the inclusion of nitrogen seems Honmaetal. 1078 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:14:432.0 1.5 • a-GeNx:H o u-GeNx o 10 20 30 40 50 PN 2 I Ptot (%) o FIG. 11. E,j4 and B values of a-GeN, and a-GeN x:H series for different PN,IP"" ratios. to enhance the structural randomness of the network prob ably because Ge--N bonds with a shorter covalent bond length and/or threefold coordinated N atoms are mixed into Ge--Ge bonds with fourfold coordination in the network. This argument is consistent with the rapid decrease of the B value with N/Ge ratio in the figure, since the magnitude of B is partially associated with the structural randomness of the network. Figure 12 shows E04 and the deposition rate of a-GeNx :H films as functions of the nitrogen content in the FIG. 12. The relationship between the E()4 and P N.! P tot for different rfpow ers, Deposition rates were also described in the figure. 1079 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.3, 1 February 1989 gas phase (P N,I P tot) for different rf powers. As discussed above, a qualitative relation between E04 and P Nzl P tot holds in the system of a a-GeN x independent of rf powers. As for the rf-power dependence, the optical band gap becomes smaller with increasing rf power for PN,IP tot > 25%. As shown in the figure, the deposition rate increases in propor tion to the magnitude of rf power. Therefore, if we assume that the concentration of the nitrogen reactive species is nearly kept constant in the plasma independent of rf power, the increasing power should make the N/Ge ratio in a-GeN x :H smaller, because the germanium flux to the grow ing surface of the film increases. Figure 13 shows the optical band gap E04 as wen as the deposition rate of a-GeNx:H films plotted against the total pressure of the sputtering gas at constant P N, I P tot = 50% and rfpower of 0.1 kW. As shown in the figure, E04 increases rapidly when the total pressure exceeds 1 X 10-2 Torr, while the deposition rate decreases. Available data is not sufficient for discussing a detailed process associated with the above results, but two possible explanations can be suggested. The first possibility is that the Ge flux reaching the substrate decreases much faster than that orN species as the pressure rises, increasing the N/Ge ratio in the film, The second is based on a change of the mean free path of the species in the plasma, resulting in a higher N/Ge ratio through. the gas phase reaction between Ge and N species. Figure 14 shows E04 and the film deposition rate as func tions of the substrate temperature. Both are not so strongly dependent on the substrate temperature, which is conceiv able because the optical band gap is mainly determined by the nitrogen content in the network and the bonded nitrogen is stabler than H in a-GeNx network, at least up to 600 °C, as clear from the data in Fig. 10. Namely, once nitrogen makes the chemical bond with germanium on the growing surface, it is never reemitted below 350°C and keeps the optical band gap nearly constant. The role of hydrogen in the amorphous 3.5 > 3.0 (\) .... ... .c 0 w E 2.5 ::!, to 0 ~ 0 0.9 {j 0:: 2.0 c 0 0.8 r~s 0 :;:; 0.7 'iii & 0.6 (\) 0 T 510 25 50 f10t ( )(10-3 Torr) FIG, 13, The relationship between E"., deposition rate, and the total pres sure of the sputtering gas (P to! ). The sample wa.~ prepared under the con stant P N / P (ot = 50% and the rf power was 0.1 k W. Honmaetal. 1079 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:14:432.0 .- L.. .c -. 0 E 1.5 :l. /}. 0.2 kW, '1;2' '101 = 50 'I. a 0.1 kW, PN2i Pta! = 30 'I. 2 > 0 <l> 1.0 a:: c: ~ 2.0 g ~ .~ w 1.0 G; Cl 100 200 300 400 Substrate Temperature ( °c ) FIG. 14. Ell. as weilas the deposition rate were described as fUlIctions of the substrate temperature. Ge~N-H network slightly differs from that in the Si~H network as far as the optical band gap is concerned. In a-Si:H, as has been reported by several groups, 17 the optical band gap increases with an increase of the bonded hydrogen content, since the band gap of a-Si:H film is mainly deter mined by the fraction of Si-H bonds and also, to a lesser degree, by thermal structural relaxation of the network. Therefore, the optical band gap of a-Si:H becomes narrower as the substrate temperature rises, because the hydrogen content in the film decreases. In contrast, in case of a-GeNx :H, most of the hydrogen is not attached to germani um but to nitrogen, and these N-H bonds, as wen as the Ge-N bonds, are themla11y stable at least up to 450 ·C. The band gap is affected by both Ge-N and N-H bonds. This is the reason why the optical band gap of a-GeN x :H stays almost constant up to high temperatures. Figure 15 shows the relationship between the peak posi tion of the infrared absorption band due to the Ge-N stretch ing mode and the optical band gap E04' As is clearly seen in the figure, E04 increases monotonically with increasing Ge-N band-stretching peak energy. Both quantities are pd- ;; 3.0 <lI ~ w 2.0 1.0 FIG. 15. The relation between Eo. and the peak position of Ge-N stretch ing band. T I I ! ! 1080 700 750 800 Ge-N stretching band ( em-I) J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.3, 1 February 1989 madly determined by the bonding energy of the major frac tion of chemical bonds, which is associated with the average bond energy gap of the disordered network. We define the bond energy gap as the energy splitting between the bonding and anti bonding states of the chemical bonds, as suggested by Phillips.1H In other words, the introduction of nitrogen into the network causes the increase of the bonding ionicity of the relevant chemical bonds, resulting in an increase of the average bond energy gap of the network if we assume a con stant average bond length. It is weB known that the optical band gap is mainly determined by the bond energy gap. E. Electric conductivity The temperature dependence of the conductivity of the alloys were measnred in a wide temperature range from -130 to 150 DC. Figure 16 shows the results for a a-GeN :x and a-GeN x :H alloys. 10 The results for a-Ge and a-Ge:H are also plotted in the figure for comparison. From the data in the figure, electric conduction of a-GeN;x:H as well as a~Ge:H can be characterized as a thermally activated pro cess, while that of a-GeNx and a-Ge cannot. The curves for the latter nonhydrogenated samples become a straight line when plotted by T-1/4, indicating that variable range hop ping prevails in their electronic conduction. Thus, :it is clear that hydrogen atoms play an important role in reducing the density of mid gap states, and thereby the electronic conduc tion of those alloys is converted from the "hopping" regime to the "band-conduction" one, which is the same case as in a Si:H. From the IR absorption data shown in Fig. 4, however, H does not so effectively terminate Ge dangling bonds but is rather preferentially attached to N atoms. Nevertheless, the incorporation ofH atoms in amorphous GeNx results in the reduction oflocalized states. Considering the fine linearity of the (7 vs 1/ T curve of the a-GeN x :H film, it is unlikely that Ge dangling bonds exceeding 1018 ern ,-3 are involved in the a-GeNx:H network. Two speculations may be possible: one is that even ifonly 1 % of the total amount of hydrogen in the film is attached to Ge atoms, Ge dangling bonds amounting to 1020 cm .' 3 can be adequately eliminated, The other is that not only Ge dangling bonds but also N dangling bonds con- FIG. 16. The dark conductivity cris plotted against the reciprocal tempera ture (lin for (l) a-Ge, (2) a-Ge:H, (3) a-GeN" and (4) a-GeN x:H (x = 0.1) alloys. Honmaetal. 1060 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:14:43tribute to the formation of midgap states and the latter are efficiently terminated with hydrogen. On the other hand, it has turned out that nitrogen atoms are less important be cause they fail to reduce the midgap states, although nitro gen can reduce the average coordination number of a-GeN~ and relax structural constraints stored in the amorphous network. Figure 17 shows the optical band gap E04 and the activa tion energy Il.E of the dark conductivity of a-GeNx:H films plotted against P N, I P tot. Since the conduction type of those samples was found to be n type from the sign of their thermo electric power, the activation energy Il.E corresponds to the energy difference between the mobility edge Ee of the con duction band and the Fermi energy Ep, i.e., Il.E = Ee -EF• As shown in the figure, flE as wen as E'J4 increases as an increase ofN content, namely, nitrogen seems to be incorpo rated as a threefold coordinated alloying element. No sign of fourfold coordinated N atoms (Le., donors) was observed in the present scanned range of P N, I P tot. The photoconductivity of the samples was measured un der exposure to AMl1ight. The best data of the photocon ductivity-to-dark conductivity ratio (Le., photosensitivity) was 40, which was obtained from the sample prepared under relatively higher pressure and higher hydrogen content in the sputtering gas. It is likely that, under this preparation condition, a much higher concentration of reactive hydro gen is generated in the sputtering plasma and thereby Ge dangling bonds are terminated effectively in comparison to other deposition conditions. However, the photosensitivity of these materials does not seem to be as high as a-SiGe:H alloys, although the preparation conditions are not opti. mized as yet.6 IV. CONCLUSIONS Properties of hydrogenated amorphous germanium-ni trogen alloys prepared by reactive sputtering were presented for the first time. Structural, optical, and electrical proper ties of a-GeNx:H alloys are summarized as follows. ( 1) As the nitrogen content increases, the crystalliza tion temperature of the alloys continuously rises from 360 (N IGe = 0) up to 650·C (N/Ge = 0.4) and the optical band gapE04 increases from 1.23 (N/Ge = 0) to 3.3 eV (NI 2.0 :> 1.5 01> ~ 0 w 1.0 . w "" 0.5 o 1081 ~-~ 10 20 30 40 50 PN2 / Ptot ( Qt. ) FIG. 17. E.~l4 and the acti vation energy AE are de scribed as functions of the PNjP"" ratio. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.3, 1 February 1989 Ge = 1). One of the key factors determining the fundamen tal properties of the a-GeNx:H alloys was shown to be the atomic ratio of N/Ge in the amorphous network, which can be controlled mainly by the Nz partial pressure in the sput tering gas. (2) The inclusion of nitrogen increases the ionicity of the network Therefore, the bonding forces of the interato mic chemical bond becomes larger as more nitrogen atoms are contained in the amorphous network. Crystallization temperature, optical band gap, and the IR absorption fre quency increase with increasing nitrogen content in these alloy materials. (3) Preferential attachment ofH to N takes place in this system. According to the difference in bonding energy between Ge-H and N--H bonds, hydrogen preferentially bonds to nitrogen rather than germanium. The optical band gap, which is mainly determined by the N/Ge ratio in the aHoy, is not affected by the amount of hydrogen involved in the aHoy network. ( 4 ) On the other hand, the electron transport properties are greatly affected by the inclusion of hydrogen. The ther mally activated bandlike conduction predominates in hydro genated alloys (a-GeNx :H) because of the reduction of the midgap states. Namely, a large number of defects might be passivated by hydrogen atoms although the overall preferen tial attachment of H occurs. In contrast, the carrier trans port ofH-free a-GeNx is dominated by variable range hop ping. (5) Photoconductivity larger than the dark conductiv ity by a factor of up to 40 times was obtained at an optical band gap of around !. 5 e V. In the above a-GeN x :H sample, almost all of the hydrogen is probably combined with nitro gen and remaining Ge-dangling bonds and N-dangling bonds might be insufficiently terminated. Moreover, addi tion of hydrogen to more than 50% in the sputtering gas degrades the film. As the deposition conditions have not yet been optimized, many problems remain to be solved for im proving the photoelectric properties of the materials. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank Dr. Matsuda for the measurements of photo conductivity and for fruitful discussions. IA. Matsuda, M. Koyama, N. Ikuehi, Y. Imanishi, and K. Tanaka,lpn. J. AppL Phys. 25, L54 ( 1986). 2A. Chayahara, M. Ueda. T. Hamasaki, and Y. Osaka, Jpn. J. AppL Phys. 24,19 (1985). 3M. Maeda and H. Nakamura, J. App!. Phys. 58,484 (1985). 4R. Meaudre and J. Tardy, Solid State Commull. 48, j 17 (1983). 'So Nitta, A. 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Hydrogen passivation of acceptors in pInP W. C. DautremontSmith, J. Lopata, S. J. Pearton, L. A. Koszi, M. Stavola, and V. Swaminathan Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 1993 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.344508 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.344508 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/5?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Hydrogen passivation of dislocations in InP on GaAs heterostructures Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 58 (1994); 10.1063/1.113073 Dissociation energies of acceptorhydrogen complexes in InP Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 1588 (1992); 10.1063/1.107505 Photoluminescence studies of hydrogen passivation of GaAs grown on InP substrates by molecularbeam epitaxy J. Appl. Phys. 69, 3360 (1991); 10.1063/1.348533 Passivation of acceptors in InP resulting from CH4/H2 reactive ion etching Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 56 (1989); 10.1063/1.101752 Passivation of zinc acceptors in InP by atomic hydrogen coming from arsine during metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 758 (1988); 10.1063/1.99824 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 14:34:34Hydrogen passivation of acceptors in p .. lnP w. C. Dautremont-Smith, J. Lopata, S. J. Pearton, L A. Kosz!, M. Stavola. and V. Swami nathan AT& T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 (Received 20 March 1989; accepted for publication 31 May 1989) The problem of hydrogenation ofInP without surface degradation has been surmounted by exposure of the InP surface to a hydrogen plasma through a thin SiN); (H) cap layer. This layer is H permeable at the hydrogenation temperature of 250 °e, but P or PHJ impermeable thus minimizing PH310ss and the attendant In droplet formation. In contrast to our results for this type of plasma exposure of GaAs, we find that shallow acceptors in InP are heavily passivated, whereas shallow donors are only very weakly affected. For exampie,p r--InP(Zn) of 3 X 1018 cm-3 has its residual hole concentration reduced to <;3 X 1014 cm-3 over a depth of 1.3 pm by a 250 ·C, 0.5 h deuteration. The presence of acceptors impedes H (or D) indiffusion, as indicated by D diffusion under the same conditions occurring to depths of 18 and 35 pm inp-InP (Zn, 2x 1016 cm--3) and n-InP (5 or Sn), respectively. Annealing for 1 min at 350°C causes the acceptor passivation to be lost and the hole concentration to be returned to its prehydrogenation level, indicating that the passivation has similar thermal stability to that of acceptors in GaAs, but lower than that of donors. INTRODUCTION There has been increasing interest in recent years in the effects of hydrogenation on the properties of single-crystal semiconductors. This topic in general has been reviewed by Pearton et al., ! and more recently for III -V compound semi conductors, particularly for GaAs, by Dautremont-Smith.2 Previously, we have demonstrated3-S very strong shallow donor passivation for both group IV and group VI donors in GaAs and GaAIAs. However, under the same direct expo sure to a low-frequency hydrogen plasma, we obtained only relatively small (up to a factor three) reduction in the hole concentration.6 By contrast, when an indirect microwave (2.45 GHz) plasma is used as the hydrogen source, some what stronger passivation of shallow acceptor dopants is ob served, with a good correlation between the depth of hydro gen incorporation and the distance over which acceptor passivation occurs.7 Although under appropriate conditions a hydrogen plasma can etch III -V semiconductors at a fairly slow rate,8 the type of hydrogenation treatments generaily employ~d cause little significant damage to GaAs beyond -400 A from the surface. Apart from shallow level passivation in GaAs, hydro gen has also been shown to deactivate a variety of deep levels including the predominant center EL2,9 and the common defects in molecular beam epitaxial GaAs.1O It might be ex pected that P-based HI-V semiconductors would be less sta ble under hydrogen plasma exposure because of the tenden cy to leach out P as phosphine. However, Weber and Singh 11 have recently reported strong hydrogen passivation ofS do nors and Cd, Zn, and C (but not Mg) acceptors in GaP, as wen as the deep isoelectronic trap N. There was an increase in the photoluminescence intensity from the GaP of approxi mately an order of magnitude after hydrogenation. 11 We have also observed similar or even larger luminescence in creases in InP hydrogenated by the method described in this letter, and this will be discussed in a separate report. 12 In as grown lnP, Clerjaud et al. have identified a series of sharp optical absorption bands around 2300 em --I due to incorpo rated H. B Similar absorption Hnes were observed in bulk GaAs and GaP samples, and it was suggested that the source of these bands was hydrogen contamination from both the B203 encapsulant used during growth, and the starting charge material. Previous attempts to hydrogenate InP by plasma expo sure have been unsuccessful because direct exposure to the plasma causes preferential loss of P as PH3. In droplets are observed on the InP surface even for low-power density plas mas, and low ( < 150°C) temperatures.2.11 This surface deg radation causes a reduction in the overall photolumines cence intensity from the InP. In this letter we describe a method for controllably introducing hydrogen into InP by diffusion through a H-permeable SiNx protective cap. This is achieved without any visible surface degradation. We demonstrate strong passivation of acceptors in InP while there is little effect on donors. The depth of acceptor passiva tion is found to correlate with the observed depth ofH indif fusion. Unintentional passivation by hydrogenation of Zn acceptors in InP has been reported very recently to occur during post-growth cooldown under an AsH} containing ambient, due to surface pyrolysis of the AsH). 14,15 Intention al hydrogen passivation of Zn acceptors in lnP also has been reported very recently, by Omeljanovsky et al.16 and by Che vallier et al.,17 in the former case where H was diffused through a Au cap layer and in the latter case where a thin InGaAs cap was employed. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Various types oHnP were hydrogenated. In general, for electrical and atomic profiling measurements, bulk InP was used. These samples were doped with Zn to give net acceptor concentrations of 3x Wig cm-3 or 2X 1016 cm--3 or with S or Sn to give a net donor concentration -5X 1017 cm,-3. Other samples doped with Zn during vapor phase epitaxy (VPE) were also utilized. These consisted of 1. 8 !-tm of Zn- 1993 J. Appl. Phys. 66 (5),1 September 1989 0021-8979/89/171993-04$02.40 © i 989 American Institute of Physics 1993 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 14:34:34doped InP (p = 1 X 10[8 cm-J) grown on n-type InP sub strates. This epitaxial material was used predominantly for sheet resistance measurements. After native oxide removal in dilute HF, thin SiN~ lay ers were deposited on InP from an NH3:SiH4:Ar plasma, in a parallel plate reactor operating at 13.56 MHz. An NH31 SiH4 flow ratio of 9, a chamber pressure of 1 Torr, and a substrate temperature of 300 ·C were employed. NH3 as the source of Nand 13.56 MHz plasma frequency were chosen to enhance the H content and H conduction. Thicknesses of 80 and 200 A for the 0.5 and 2.0 h H2 plasma exposures, respectively, were employed. The encapsulated samples were then exposed to a 30 kHz, 0.08 W cm -2 H2 or D2 plas ma at a pressure of 0.75 Torr. The sample temperature was maintained at a constant value of 250°C during the plasma exposures. After plasma exposure, the SiNx was removed by etch ing in a HF solution, and the carrier depth profile in the sample was measured by Polaron electrochemical capaci tance-voltage (C-V) profiling. Atomic depth profiles of in diffused deuterium were obtained by Cs -+-negative second ary-ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) in a Cameca 1MS 3/ system from the D2 plasma exposed samples. O2 was em ployed in place of H2 on these samples specifically to facili tate SIMS depth profiling to adequately low detection limits ( " 1 X lOiS em -3). The concentration of D measured in plasma-treated samples was calibrated by comparison with a D-implanted InP standard, and is considered to be accurate to a factor of2. The depth scale of the depth profile of 0 was obtained by measuring the crater depth after SIMS profiling at a constant sputter rate. Depths are expected to be accurate to ± 7%. The sheet resistance of the epitaxial lnP layers after hydrogenation was obtained from the low-voltage cur rent-voltage (1-II') characteristics measured between Au:Be ohmic contacts onp+ -InGaAsP islands on top of the epitax ialp-InPln-InP structures. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The use of a thin SiN x encapsulating layer on the InP proved to be effective in preventing surface degradation dur ing hydrogen plasma exposure. Figure 1 shows an optical micrograph from an In? sample in which an 80-A-thick SiN¥ layer was selectively deposited prior to exposure of the sample to the 30 kHz H2 plasma for O. 5 h at 250°C. The SiN x was subsequently removed in a HF solution. It is clearly seen that where the In? was not encapsulated there has been pref erentialloss ofF, leaving behind In droplets on the surface. By contrast, the region where the SiNx was present during the plasma exposure shows no apparent degradation. Long er exposures to the H2 plasma did result in InP surface deg radation, however; hence the use of 200 A of SiN x for the 2 h exposure. That the 80 A SiN x layer is H permeable was dem onstrated by its use on n-GaAs (Si, 1 X 1017 cm-3) in which donor passivation was produced to the same depth as in the uncapped n-GaAs control sample. Use of this cap layer has permitted the identification of acceptor passivation in InP. Figure 2 shows the carrier pro file in a bulk, Zn-doped (p = 3 X lOIS cm-3) sample that was encapsulated with 80 A SiNx, and exposed to a D2 plas- 1994 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.5, 1 September 1989 NOT PROTECTED PROTECTED FIG. 1. Optical micrograph of an InP surface after hydrogen plasma expo sure at 250 ·C for 0.5 h. Where the surface was directly exposed to the plas ma there is a high density of In droplets, indicative of a severely degraded surface quality. Where the surface was protected by an80-A.-thick SiN, cap during the plasma treatment, there is no apparent degradation, rna for 0.5 h at 250 ·C. There is at least a four orders of magnitude decrease in the hole density in the sample within the first 1.1 pm from the surface. This type of profile is typi cal of hydrogen passivation, in which the hydrogen diffuses in from the surface, neutralizing the acceptors to the depth of its incorporation. We emphasize at this time that neither the SiNx deposition by itself nor simply heating SiNx encapsu lated p-InP at 250 °C for 0.5 h produced any detectable car rier concentration reduction in the p-InP. This indicates that there is no significant inditfusion of hydrogen from the SiN..;: film itself, in the absence of an applied H activity gradient. To further demonstrate the effectiveness of this proce dure, a wafer composed of a 1. 8-pm-thick layer of p-type lnP (1 X 1018 cm~3, Zn) (with a contact layer ofp+ -InGaAsP) on an n-InP substrate, was employed. Metallic ohmic con tacts were patterned onto the InGaAsP layer with 250 pm separations and the InGaAsP layer subsequently etched away to expose the p-InP between the contacts. Using a pro tective layer of 200 A of SiN x' the wafer was plasma hydro- p-in"(Zn,3x10t8cm-3) D2 PLASMA, 0.5h, 250'C I 3 FIG. 2. Carrier density profile in p+ -InP, which initially had a uniform doping density of p = 3 X 10'" cm-3, after D plasma exposure at 250 'C for 0.5 h. The InP surface was protected by an 80 A SiNx capping layer. Dautremont-Smith at al. 1994 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 14:34:34~ ~ 1017 ~ '" u p-InP(Zn,3.IOfB cm-3) 02 PLASMA, 0.5 h, 250·C ! iOiS ~ ".~ I! ! ! ! I ! ! I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I' ! I o 2:3 4 5 DEPTH (microns) FIG. 3. SIMS profileoftheatomicdistributionofDinp+ -IuP (Zn, 3 X 1O!8 cm-» after plasma treatment at 250'C for O.S h. The D incorporation depth matches the distance over which Zn acceptors were passivated. genated for 2 h at 250 °C as previously described. Measure ment of the sheet resistance between contacts after hydrogenation indicated an increase in the p-InP resistance by a factor of between 103 and 1<t, indicating a reduction in hole concentration through the full 1.8 ;tm thickness of about four orders of magnitude. This is consistent with the 1.1 J.lm passivation depth produced by the 0,5 h diffusion described above. Figure 3 shows the SIMS elemental D depth profile in the sample of Fig. 2, giving direct evidence of deuterium diffusion through the 80 A SiN x cap and into the InP during plasma exposure. The SIMS measurement of the depth pro file of deuterium shows an excellent correlation between the depth of its incorporation and the distance over which the p-lnP(Zn,2.10 Iocm-3) Dz PLASMA, 0.5h, 250·C DEPTH (mie,eos) 50 FIG. 4. SIMS profile of the atomic distribution ofD inp·lnP (Zn, 2X 1016 cm -J) after deuteratioll at 250·C for 0.5 h. Note the increased incorpora tion depth and lower D concentration compared to that in higher doped material (Fig. 3). 1995 J. Appl. Phys., Vo!. 66, No.5, i September 1989 Zn acceptors were observed to be passivated. The D concen tration exceeds by about a factor of 2 the original hole con centration over this region, but is similar to the total Zn concentration. The sharp fall-off of the D concentration near 1. 3 J.lm indicates the depth to which D diffusion has been limited by trapping at or adjacent to Zn acceptors. TheSIMSresultforbulkp-type (Zn-doped) InPoflow er doping density (p = 2 X 1016 cm-3) after exposure to the same D2 plasma for 0.5 h at 250·C through the same 80 A SiN.< cap layer is shown in Fig. 4. Once again the deuterium concentration is in excess of the doping density, with the incorporation depth now being far larger at 18 J.lffi compared to ~ 1.3 f.J.m in the more highy doped InP. This indicates rapid D diffusion within the InP lattice, with effective trap ping of D at the reduced concentration of Zn acceptor sites, with perhaps additional trapping of D at other defect sites. We observed very little effect of hydrogen or deuterium on the carrier profiles in n-type InP, even for plasma expo sure temperatures as low as 125 ·C. Figure 5 shows the deu terium depth profile in n-type S-doped (n = 5 X 1017 cm-3) InP, also given the same D2 plasma exposure for 0.5 h at 250·C with the same SO-A.-thick SiNx cap layer. The D has penetrated extremely deep ( -40 pm), and the D concentra tion is below the S doping level by an order of magnitude, indicating that at least at 250 ·C there is no significant for mation of donor-D complexes. Identical results were ob tained with the Sn-doped material. This assertion of little trapping of D by donors is also consistent with the much greater permeation depth of the D in n-type material com pared to p-type InF, Indeed the extensive incorporation depth ofD in n-type InP under these conditions implies that the D is predominantly in atomic form during its diffusion. In other words, D2 formation does not appear to be signifi cant at 250·C in n-type InP. This depth of diffusion ofD in the n-InP indicates the diffusion coefficient ofD in the InP lattice (-5 X 10-9 cm2 s -I at 250·C) in the absence of trapping, and may also be taken as the upper limit to the depth of passivation occurring lnp-InP (under these deuter- 10~9 Cl o n-lnP(S, 5, 1017c",-3) D2 PLASMA, O,5h, 250·C 20 30 40 DEPTH (m'c,ons) 50 FIG. 5. SIMS profile of the atomic distribution of Din n-InP (S, 5 X 1017 cm -') after deuteratioll at 250·C for 0.5 h. Dautremont-Smith et al. 1995 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 14:34:34ation conditions) as the acceptor concentration is reduced below the 2X 1016 cm -3 level in the sample of Fig. 3, in which it is trapping at acceptor sites that is limiting the depth of diffusion. The trend in the D diffusion profiles presented here (Figs. 3-5) is the inverse of that in GaAs, in which the D diffusion depth in p + -GaAs exceeds that in p --GaAs, which in turn exceeds that in fI-GaAs.2 In GaAs we proposed an explanation for this trend based on H (D) being a deep do nor in GaAs,6.18 and therefore diffusing as H+ inp-GaAs. The variation in the degree of electric field enhancement of the H+ diffusion at the progressing hydrogenation front ex plained the variation in the effective rate of diffusion. Our results presented here, therefore, are inconsistent with H ex isting as H+ inp-InP. We have made some preliminary measurements of the thermal stability of the hydrogenated compiexes in lnP (Zn) by monitoring the increase in conductivity of Van der Pauw geometry Hall samples as a function of annealing tem perature. Essentially 100% reactivation of these acceptors occurred for a 350 ac, 1 min anneal. Thus the passivation stability is less than that of donors, but similar to that of Zn acceptors, in GaAs.2 The observation that acceptors in InP can be effectively passivated by hydrogen raises the question of whether unin tentional hydrogenation might be responsible for any near surface doping modification effects ascribed to other causes. One can certainly imagine acceptor passivation occurring during plasma etching of InP, or dielectrics on its surface, using hydrogen containing gas chemistries. A prime exam ple of an etch gas mixture expected to produce passivation is CH4/H2,19 and we have recently observed such effects in lnP (Zn), 20 Dautremont-Smith2 has also pointed out the use of photoresist masks during plasma etching, or the presence of water vapor or leaks into the plasma reactor, provides a ready source of hydrogen during the dry etch. In addition, it is possible that wet processing steps such as etching and boil ing in solvents may introduce hydrogen, as is the case with Si. 1 As discussed earlier it is apparent that hydrogen is al ready present in some bulk InP, 13 and consideration must be given to its possible redistribution during subsequent high temperature processing. Finally, partial passivation of Zn acceptors in InP by unintentional hydrogenation has already been observed to occur during post-growth cooldown under AsH3·14.15 SUMMARY We have described a surface encapsulation method which allows controllable introduction of hydrogen into InP from a plasma source. A thin (80 A) layer of SiN x deposited 1996 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 66, No.5, 1 September 1989 onto the InP sample protects the surface from plasma-in duced degradation, and yet is hydrogen permeable. For an 0.5 h, 250·C D plasma exposure at 0.08 W cm -2, 30 kHz, there is a four order of magnitude reduction in carrier den sity within U f..lm of the surface ofp+ -InP. This distance is identical to the D incorporation depth from SIMS depth profiles. We ascribe this reduction in carrier concentration to the formation of acceptor-hydrogen (deuterium) com plexes. By contrast, n-type InP shows little change in carrier density upon hydrogenation, but is extremely permeable to hydrogen diffusion. The original acceptor concentration in p-type material is restored by short annealing at 350 ·C. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge the expert techni.cal assis tance of J. W, Lee for the electrochemical C-V profiling, and V. Riggs for provision of the VPE grown layer structures. IS. J. Pearton, J. W. Corbett, and T. S. Shi, Appt Phys. A 43, 153 (1987)0 2W. C. Dautremont-Smith, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proe.I04, 313 (1988). 'J. Chevallier, W. C. Dautremont-Smith, C. W. Tu, and S. J. 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Response of YBaCuO thinfilm microbridges to microwave irradiation B. Häuser, B. B. G. Klopman, G. J. Gerritsma, J. Gao, and H. Rogalla Citation: Applied Physics Letters 54, 1368 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.101403 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.101403 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/54/14?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Bolometric detection in a precipitation free Y1Ba2Cu3O7−δ film at 77 K Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 2741 (1996); 10.1063/1.115583 Microwave response of YBaCuO thinfilm Dayem bridges Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 1484 (1990); 10.1063/1.103210 YBaCuO thin films prepared by flash evaporation Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 2722 (1989); 10.1063/1.101550 Characteristics of quenched YBaCuO thin films on SrTiO3(100),(110) grown by organometallic chemical vapor deposition Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 1808 (1989); 10.1063/1.101492 Orientation dependence of twinning characteristics in YBaCuO superconducting thin films J. Appl. Phys. 65, 2398 (1989); 10.1063/1.342807 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 16:03:37Response of YBaCuO thin-fUm microbridges to microwave irradiation B. Hauser, 8. B. G. Klopman, G. J. Gerritsma, J. Gao, and H. Rogalla Low Temperature Division. University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands (Received 17 January 1989; accepted for publication 10 February 1989) Microbridges with widths of about 10 pm were lift-off structured from rf-sputtered YBaCuO thin films and irradiated with microwaves at different temperatures. The bridges contain only a few grains with a typical size of 411ID and arc fully c-axis oriented. The observed current voltage characteristics exhibit sharp constant voltage steps up to 71 K. An oscillatory dependence of the critical current 10 and the step heights 21" is observed, clearly revealing Josephson-like behavior. From the grain structure, the critical current, and the microwave response, it is very likely that grain boundaries as superconductor-normal conductor superconductor (SNS) contacts dominate the behavior of the bridges. Since the discovery 1,2 of high Tc superconductivity, a number of different ceramic materials supcrconducting above the temperature of liquid nitrogen were discovered. Although in the meantime some oxidic systems are found to be even superconducting above 100 K, (Y,RE)BaCuO with a critical temperature Tc of about 93 K is still an interesting material due to its less-poisoning compound and its easy fab rication in a stable single phase. A number of more or less successful attempts were start cd to develop superconducting devices from these materials, based on Josephson junction technology. The small coher ence length ( < 30 A) of these materials, e.g., YBaCuO, re sults in major difficulties in the tunnel junction fabrication and disappointing current-voltage (1-V) characteristics, In stead, we chose constant thickness bridges (CTB) as J oseph son junctions. They were structured from rf-magnetron sputtered YBaCuO thin films using a lift-off technique. This technique and the film deposition process are described in detail elsewhere.3 Briefly, the films were deposited at am bient temperature on (100) oriented MgO substrates, with the negative photoresist structure of the desired geometry being prepared before. After the deposition of the amor phous films, the photoresist (Shipley AZ 1450) is dissolved in acetone and thus the negative structure is removed. The remaining positive structure (see Fig. 1) was treated in flow- FIG. 1. Microscopic picture of an YBaCuO microbridge. ing oxygen at 920°C, giving rise to 8. rough granularity with single grains with a size of up to 10 pm. In this way, different devices (e.g., single microbridges, quantum interference de vices) from films with a superconducting transition above 77 K were fabricated. All measurements were performed in a helium cryostat with integrated heater. The temperature is controlled by a chromel-alumel thermocouple with an accuracy of 0.5 K and can be varied in the range between 4.2 K and ambient temperature. The J-V characteristics were taken with a four terminal measuring technique and a precision low-noise am plifier and current source. The substrates were clamped to an epoxy plate and connected to the dc electronics by spring loaded gold contacts. Microwaves with frequencies of9.3 GHz (Xband) and 55 GHz (Uband) were generated by a reflex klystron and in case of the 9.3 GHz fed, via an attenuator and a waveguide, to the sample in the cryostat. The frequency was measured with a frequency counter, and the microwave input power was determined directly behind the attenuator by a thermis tor power meter. In case of the 55 GHz measurements, the X-band waveguides were used and a mechanical frequency meter was used. The use of the X-band waveguide gave rise to severe microwave amplitude drift during the 55 GHz measurements due to resonances and multiple modes. Before applying the microwaves, the critical current of the microbridges was investigated as a function of the tem perature (see Fig. 2). As an evidence for the superconduc- 1,,(mAl 1·5 1.0 r 0.5 ~ o # 146 L/l;n=3 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 TiKl FIG. 2. Temperature dependence ofthe critical current of an YBaCuO thin film microbridge with a width of 10 I,m. (0) experimental e1ata. (-)theoretical data." 1368 Appl. Phys. Lett. 54 (14), 3 April 1985 0003-6951/89/141368-03$01.00 @ 1989 American Institute of PhYSics 1368 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 16:03:37400 200 o -endB T~S6K )/~9.37GHz -46 dB -13dB FIG. 3. 1-V characteristics of an YBaCuO thin-film microbridge at a tem perature of 56 K and a microwave frequency ofY.3 GHz. tor-normal conductor-superconductor (SNS) -Eke behavior oftne microbridges, the experimental values were fitted with a theoretical curve4 for SNS junctions as obtained by solving Usadel's equation with the boundary conditions of Lik harev. As a fitting parameter the reduced length 1= L /5 n (L = thickness of the normal conducting layer in the SNS junction, Sf! = coherence length in the normal conducting material) was used, yielding a value of 3. Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that a very low energy gap (less than 3 meV) was needed for this fit, which can be assigned either to a contribution of flux motion in the contacts or to a low ohmic shunt resistance, due to normal conducting paths in the micro bridge. In order to investigate the behavior of the bridges in 1369 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No. 14,3 April 1989 . ·.· .•. •.• .•. • . .-.·~ •.••• :.:.:.:.:.;O:.:.:.:.:.7.:.:-:.·.· •.•••••••• ,.-•.••••• 0; •••• ' •••••• ;> ••••••••.••.•.• -•• " ••••.• BOO 400 o -rodB ~ -6·81dB )~ -4.26d8 -1.25dB OdS 20,() 300 V(~V) T~56K \I~55Ghz FIG, 4. 1-V characteristics of an YBaCuO thin-film microbriuge at a tem perature of 56 K and a microwave frequency of 55 OH;:. different temperature regimes, the measurements were car ried out between 4.2 and 71 K and plotted for 4.2, 56, and 71 K, respectively. Between 4.2 and 71 K clear constant voltage steps can be observed at mUltiples of the voltage correspond ing 10 the Josephson frequency (see Fig. 3). At 4.2 K addi tionally subharmonic steps are visible, revealing a nonsinu soidal current-phase relation of the bridges. At higher temperatures,. e.g., 56 and 71 K, this effect disappears and the microbridges show only harmonic constant voltage steps when irradiated with X-band or U-band microwaves. The resulting J-V characteristics for different input power levels are plotted in Fig. 3 (11 = 9.3 GHz) and Fig. 4 (v = 55 GHz). The experimental data can be interpreted in terms of a SNS-like behavior of the microbridges, regarding FIG. 5. Dependence of the critical current Ie and thc height of the constant voltage steps 2In, n = 1,2,3, on the microwave current 1'1" at dif ferent temperatures and microwave frequen cies. (II) experimental data, (-) theoretical data; scales normalized to I,. = In (I,I" = 0): (a) 1'= 4.2K,v= 9.3GHz; (b) T= 56K,v= 9.3 GHz; (e) T= 71 K, V= 9.3 GHz; (d) T-~ 56 K,v= 55GHz. Hauser et al. 1369 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 16:03:37the remarks as mentioned above. In this case the applicabili ty of the resistively shunted junction (RSJ) model can be assumed and a characteristic frequency Vc = 2eR,,/o /h can be calculated. R" represents the normal state resistance of the microbridge. The resulting current relaxation times 7(" = lIv, lie in the range 10-10_10-12 s for R,,1o = 6 X 10 4_2 X 10-5 V. For these times one would expect between 1 (at 71 K) and 30 (at 4.2 K) constant voltage steps in the 1-V characteristic. Keeping in mind the low resistance of the microbridges and the restricted output of the current source (5 rnA), this is in good agreement with our observa tions for the lower temperatures. At 71 K significantly more steps were seen than predicted by this modeL However, with increasing microwave power their height decreases more strongly than predicted by theory.s In this case v is of the order of V,. Plotting the critical current 10 and the step height 2/" as a function of the microwave power, reentrant behavior can be observed, revealing Josephson-like behavioL In order to examine the applicability of the RSJ model, we simulated the 1-V characteristics for different microwave amplitudes by solving the appropriate differential equation using a stan dard fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The parameter v/vc was determined by R"Io and v (see above). The result ing theoretical dependences of 1", n = 0, ... ,3 were compared with the experimental ones. For the lower temperatures, 1370 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No. 14,3 April 1989 good agreement with the predicted values is achieved [see Figs.5(a)-5(d)]. In conclusion, it was found that over a wide temperature range the granular microbridges reveal Josephson-like be havioL From the experimental data it can be presumed that the properties of these junctions are dominated by SNS-like intergrain effects, although vortex motion seems to playa minor role also. For low temperatures the coupling between the grains becomes very strong and a dear SNS-like behav ior is no longer observed. Instead, subharmonic steps appear in the characteristics indicating a nonsinusoidal current phase relation. Otherwise, clear steps with reentrant behav ior are observed when increasing the microwave power at all investigated temperatures and frequencies. The measured values for 10 and In are in good agreement with the ones predicted by the RSJ model. We gratefully acknowledge the help ofD. H. A. Blank. 'J. G. Bednorzand K. A. Muller, Z. Phys. 64,189 (1986), 2M. K. Wu. J. Ashburn, C. J. Torng, P. H. Hor, R. L. Meng, L Gao, Z. 1. Huang, y, Q, Wang, and C. W_ Chu, Phys. Rev. Lett, 58, 908 (1987). 'B. Hauser, M. Diegel, and H. Rogalla, App!. Phys. Lett. 52, 846 (1988). 4A. L. de l,ozanne, Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1982. 'Po Russer,], App!. Phys. 43, 2008 (1972). Hauser at at. 1370 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 16:03:37
Reactive ion etching of GaAs and AlGaAs in a BCl3–Ar discharge S. S. Cooperman, H. K. Choi, H. H. Sawin, and D. F. Kolesar Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 7, 41 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.584443 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.584443 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvstb/7/1?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Magnetronenhanced reactive ion etching of GaAs and AlGaAs using CH4/H2/Ar J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 11, 1753 (1993); 10.1116/1.578419 Magnetron reactive ion etching of GaAs in a BCl3 discharge J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 11, 333 (1993); 10.1116/1.586679 The role of aluminum in selective reactive ion etching of GaAs on AlGaAs J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 6, 1645 (1988); 10.1116/1.584423 Surface oxidation of GaAs and AlGaAs in lowenergy Ar/O2 reactive ion beam etching Appl. Phys. Lett. 49, 204 (1986); 10.1063/1.97171 Reactive ion etching of GaAs using BCl3 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 2, 653 (1984); 10.1116/1.582857 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 07:07:59Reactive ion etching of GaAs and AIGaAs in a BCI3-Ar discharge s. s. Cooperman, a) H. K. Choi, H. H. Sawin,b) and D. F. Kolesar Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology. Lexington, Massachusetts 02 173-0073 (Received 2 May 1988; accepted 22 September 1988) Reactive ion etching of GaAs and AIGaAs has been performed in a BCI} -Ar discharge. Etching properties have been studied as functions of BC13 percentage (0%-100%), total pressure (2.S- 30.0 mTorr), and power density (0.06-0.22 W/cm2). At low pressures (2.5-12.S mTorr) and intermediate BCl3 percentages (25%-75%), profiles exhibiting a high degree of anisotropy are achieved. Under anisotropic conditions, etch rates are about 0.05-0. I Itm/min (at power density of 0.22 W / cm2), somewhat lower than for other chlorine-containing gases. Conditions for etching GaAs and AIGaAs at equal rates have been determined. There is a small lag time between ignition of the glow discharge and the start of etching. The relative concentration of C1 atoms in the plasma, as measured by optical emission actinometry, correlates well with the etch rate for various operating parameters. I. INTRODUCTION Reactive ion etching (RIE) of GaAs and AIGaAs has be come of major interest in the fabrication of optoelectronic integrated circuits because of its potential ability to etch mir ror facets for semiconductor diode lasers. Chlorine-contain ing gases, in particular, have been extensively studied in RIE processes because the Gael", and AIClx products are vola tile. These gases include chlorine,I,2 chlorine-containing compounds such as CC12F2 (Ref. 3) and SiCt,,4 and mix tures such as C12-CC14 (Ref. 5) and C12-Ar.6 While smooth, vertical sidewalls could be etched in GaAs with these gases, fluctuating lag times were generally observed between ignition of the glow discharge and the start of etch ing, resulting in poor etch rate reproducibility. In addition, except in a recent study2 employing a load-locked system, GaAs was etched at a much faster rate than AIGaAs (up to three times as fast6), making it quite difficult to achieve the specularly reflecting, vertical facets required for GaAsl Al GaAs lasers. The lag time and unequal etching rates of GaAs and AIGaAs can be attributed to the presence of surface oxides that are formed on the two materials,7 both beforc and dur ing etching,8 in the presence of oxygen and water vapor. A lag time results because the native oxide layer does not react with the etchant gas, and so must be removed by sputtering before the gas can etch the semiconductor surface.: The dif ference between the etching rates of GaAs and AIGaAs arises because the higher reactivity of Al makes AIGaAs more susceptible than GaAs to oxide formation. By using a mixture of BCIl and C12, lag time has been eliminated and a GaAs etch rate less than twice that of AIGaAs has been obtained.9 The BCIl reduces native gal lium and aluminum oxides present on the sample surface10 and scavenges residual oxygen and water vapor in the etch ing chamber. ,I In this paper we report the etching character istics of GaAs and AIGaAs using a BCI, -Ar gas mixture in a RIE system. The addition of Ar produces a more anisotropic etch than can be expected with BCl3 alone. The concentra tion of Cl atoms in the BCI, -Ar discharge under various operating conditions was measured by optical emission ac tinometry and correlated with the GaAs etch rate. II. APPARATUS AND EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE A. Etching The etching apparatus used in this study is an MRC Mod el RIE-51 system, which incorporates a 17-1 stainless-steel vacuum chamber and anodized aluminum (99.9% pure) electrodes. The system schematic is shown in Fig. 1. The 19.1-cm-diameter anode and lS.2-cm-diameter cathode are 5,1 em apart. The system uses an rfpower supply operated at 13.S6 MHz. A Pyrex cylinder surrounds the electrodes to confine the gas flow to the region near the cathode. In order to keep moisture out of the system, the chamber is enclosed in a nitrogen glove box, and the samples are exchanged through a nitrogen load-lock. The pumping system uses an l1.81/s roughing pump and a Cryo-Torr cryopump rated at 12001/s for Ar. After the roughing pump reduces the chamber pressure to 10 2 Torr, the chamber is opened to the cryopump to achieve a back ground pressure in the low 10 7 Torr range. During the etch runs, the BCl, and Ar gas flow rates are adjusted by MKS 260 mass flow controllers, and a constant chamber pressure is maintained by feedback control oftlle cryopump throttle CHAMBER WAl..l __ _ PYREX CYUNDER._ GLOW N, PURGE GAS PORTS_ ...... FIG. I. Schematic diagram of the RIE system. COLO CATHODE DISCHARGE GAUGE CAVO GATE THROTTLe PUMP VALVE VALVE 41 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 7 (1), Jan/Feb 1959 0734-211X!89/010041-06$01.00 @ 1989 American Vacuum Society 41 . -" --_. -"" -_.". -'.. . ..•. ,.~ ._ .• ~-.......... ' .•.•••. ';'.-; •. ? •...•...•.....•...................•.....•.•• ,... ; ... ;.;.;.; ... ; ... :.;.;-;.;.;-:.;.:.;.;.;.;." ... " ..... '.---. "-.".-.'.' --.. ~ ...•. ; ..•. -.. ; .... "' •.........•.......•.•. ~ ..... -;'.'.';' .•.•.•.•••.• , ..•..•. _<0 c •• ~ •• , Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 07:07:5942 Cooperman eta!.: Reactive lon-etching of GaAsand AIGaAs valve. At the end of each run the BC13 lines are purged with nitrogen through the roughing pump to avoid the formation of boric acid. Both (100) semi-insulating GaAs wafers and AIGaAs epitaxial layers grown by organometallic vapor phase epi taxy (OMVPE) on (lOO) GaAs substrates were used in the etching experiments. In almost all cases, pyrolytic Si02 films were used as masks. After the masks were patterned by wet etching in buffered HF, the samples were placed in a nitrogen glove box in order to minimize native oxide growth on the semiconductor surface prior to etching. The BCl3 gas was Matheson boron trichloride, c.P. (99.9% purity). The base line operating conditions used in the study were: BCl3 percentage, 62.5%; total pressure, 5.0 mTorr; power, 25 W (0.14 W Icm2); and total gas flow rate, 20.0 sccm. One operating parameter was changed in each series of etching experiments. The parameters varied were BCI) percentage (0%-100%), pressure (2.5-30.0 mTorr) , and power (10- 40 W, corresponding to 0.06-0.22 W/cm2). Etch depths were measured with a DEKT AK IIA depth profiler, and the cross-section profiles were studied by scanning electron mi croscopy (SEM). B. Optical emission actinometry Conventional emission spectroscopy does not provide a reliable measure of the atomic CI concentration [Cll in a glow discharge because this concentration is not the only variable affecting the C! emission intensity ICCl). This in tensity is proportional to the product of [Cl], the rate coeffi cient kCl for the excitation of Cl atoms from the ground state into the optically emitting state, and the electron density [e-], I ( Cl) <X kCl [ Cl) [e -] . (1) The value of kCI depends on the excitation cross section and the electron energy distribution. In the present study, the relative changes in [Cl] pro duced by varying the RIE operating parameters were deter mined by optical emission actinometry. This technique, which was developed by Coburn and Chen, 12 compares the intensity of an emission line for an active species in a plasma with the intensity of an emission line for an inert gas, whose concentration is known from the ratio of its flow rate to the total flow rate. Lines with similar excitation cross sections are selected, so that the ratio of their excitation rate coeffi cients will be approximately constant. The inert gas chosen in the present experiments was Ar. Taking the ratio of Eq. (1) to the corresponding expression for leAr) then gives I(Cl) ex [Cll , (2) leAr) [ArJ making (CI] proportional to the product of I(Cl)II(Ar) and LAr]. The emission intensities compared were those of the 837.6-nm Clline and the 8I1.5-nm Ar line. These lines were chosen because they have similar excitation cross sections and are known to provide accurate measurements of the Cl concentration in a CF) CI discharge. 13 The intensities were measured with a PAR Model 1451 optical multichannel J. Vac. Sci. Technol. e, Vol. 7, No.1, Jan/Feb 1989 42 analyzer using a Modcl1453 detector. The intensity at 837.6 nm measured with this system was not due entirely to the CI emission, but also included a significant contribution from the Ar line centered at 840.8 nm. To correct for this contri bution, the various intensities measured for the 8II.5-nm Ar line in the experiments using a BCl3 -Ar discharge were re produced in a pure Ar discharge whose pressure was adjust ed by varying the Ar flow rate with the cryopump opened fully to the chamber. The Ar intensity at 837.6 nm corre sponding to each of the 811.5-nm Ar intensities was then measured and subtracted from the intensity at 837.6 nm measured in the appropriate BCI) -Ar experiment. Under base line operating conditions (62.5% BCl3 ) the corrected value for I(Cl) was about 85% of the total intensity mea sured at 837.6 nm, while at low BCl3 concentrations the corrected value was as low as 5% of the measured value. This method of correction assumes that the ratio of the Ar emission intensities at 837.6 and 811.5 nm is independent of the operating conditions, including the BCl3 I Ar ratio. III. RESULTS A. Etching properties of GaAs and AIGaAs In one series of experiments the etching characteristics of GaAs were studied by varying the BCl3 I Ar ratio while keep ing the other operating parameters at their base line values. Figure 2 shows the GaAs etch depth obtained in 20 min as a function ofBCl3 percentage. For 0% BCl, (i.e., an Ar sput ter etch) the etch depth is only 0.20 ,urn. Increasing the BCl3 percentage to 25% increases the etch depth to 1.2 pm; a slower, approximately linear increase is observed for per centages between 25% and 75%. Above 75% BCI3, the etch depth levels off at 1.8 ,urn, then decreases to 1.6 {tm as the percentage rises to 100%. The etch rate for Si02 increases upon addition ofBC13 up to about 25%, then remains steady at a rate of about 0.2 {tm in 20 min. The etch profiles sloped away from the mask at low BCI) percentages (presumably due to mask erosion) and were slightly reentrant at BCl3 percentages approaching 100% (due to the increasingly chemical nature of the etching pro cess). Between about 25% and 75% BCI3, vertical walls were formed at the bottom of the channel, as shown in Figs. 2.0 E 2-1.5 c 'e <:> 1.0 '" J: I-a. LU c 0.5 :r: 0 I- U.I 0.0 a 25 50 75 100 BCI 3 ("10) F](i. 2. Dependence of GaAs etch depth on DCI, percentage for base line operating conditions: 62.5% BCI" 5.0 mTorr, 25 W, 20.0 seem total gas flow. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 07:07:5943 Cooperman £It al.: Reactive ion etching of GaAs and AiGaAs FIG. 3. SEM micrographs of GaAs sample etched under base line operating conditions: (a) cross section and (b) top view. The oxide mask has not been removed. 3(a) and 3(b). The slanted sidewalls at the top of the chan nel, which are similar to those obtained by Asakawa and Sugata 14 in Clz RIE etching using a soft-baked resist mask, can be attributed to mask erosion. Sidewall striations are formed perpendicular to the wafer surface. Such striations, which are generally observed in GaAs RIE, 1,4,6,15 may be due in part to mask erosion and roughness of the mask edge. 15 The optimum Bel3 percentage for the base line operating conditions appears to be 62.5%, which yields a higher GaAs etch rate (L 7 pm in 20 min) and higher selectivity with respect to the SiOz mask (about 8: 1) than other percentages E 24F ___ m ........ ~ .. ili.iE .. ~~ 500 I/) m ~ . r- 2.0 if" ill ." C 400 W 'E -:; 0 Vi N 300 <: "- 0 :.t: I- !:i Q" 200 l> w 0.8 Q G') m X 0.4 100 ~ U I- W 0 0 0 10 20 30 PRESSURE (mTon) FIG. 4. GaAs dch depth and self-bias voltage vs total pressure for base line operating conditions. J. V<lC. Sci. Techno!. e, Vol. 7, No.1, Jan/Feb 1989 43 FIG. 5. SEM micrograph of GaAs sample etched at high pressure under base line operating conditions. The oxide mask has been removed. in the anisotropic regime. Because of the tendency of Bel 1 to etch oxides, the selectivity is lower than in other chlorine bearing discharges.6 The GaAs etch depth obtained after 20 min is shown in Fig. 4 as a function of total pressure for 62.5% BCl3 and the other base line operating conditions. The depth increases steadily up to 10 mTorr, At higher pressures the depth ap pears to level off at about 2.2 pm, but the data are not repro ducible. Depths as high as 4-5 11m are occasionally observed for samples etched in the high pressure regime. These sam ples exhibit a roughened surface, The sidewalls are vertical at pressures below 12.5 mTorr but become slightly reentrant at higher pressures because of an increase in the rate of chemical etching and a decrease in bombardment energy, which is indicated by a reduction in self-bias voltage. Sidewall erosion is reduced at high pressures (see Fig. 5), presumably because the lower energy bombardment results in less degradation of the mask. In the low-pressure regime ( < 10 mTarr), etching experi ments performed under the same operating conditions were fairly reproducible, yielding very similar profiles and etch depths that varied by only 5%-10%. The etched surfaces were quite smooth, although some spikes were formed (see FIG. 6. SEM micrograph showing characteristic surface morphology of an etched GaAs sample. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 07:07:5944 Cooperman et al.: Reactive ion etching of GaAs and AIGaAs 3.0 600 E 2.5 € -=-c 500 LII 'E 2.0 C3 oct I- 0 ..I '" 1.5 400 0 X > l-e.. 1.0 VI w oct Q iii 300 :t: 0.5 .... U ..I I-W W (I) 0.0 200 a 10 20 30 40 50 POWER(W) FIG. 7. Dependence of GaAs etch depth and self-bias voltage on power for base line operating conditions. Fig. 6), possibly because of contamination remaining on the GaAs surface after sample preparation. Figure 7 shows the GaAs etch depth after 20 min as a function of power. The etch depth initially increases sublin early with increasing power, but the rate ofincrease is almost constant between 25 and 40 W. Higher powers were not in vestigated because the Si02 mask was completely etched above 40 W. The ratio of slanted sidewall to vertical sidewall increases with increasing power because higher energy bom bardment results in faster erosion of the mask (see Fig. 8). The AIGaAs etching characteristics were similar to those of GaAs for BCI] percentages greater than about 10%. In this percentage range the GaAs and AIGaAs etch depths were within 5% of one another, whereas GaAs/ AIGaAs etch rate ratios> 1.5:1 and 3:1, respectively, have been re ported for reactive ion etching in BCl3 -e12 plasmas" and Cl2 -Ar plasmas.6 The similarity in etching rates suggests that at high enough concentrations the BCl} scavenges re sidual oxygen and water vapor in the etching chamber suffi ciently to suppress oxide formation. (For BCll percentages :;; 10%, the AIGaAs etch rate was only about 80% of that for GaAs.) The AJGaAs etch depth showed 110 dependence on the Al mole fraction over the range of mole fractions studied (0.1-0.4). Plots of GaAs and AIGaAs etch depths versus time, shown in Figs. 9 (a) and 9 (b), indicate lag times of about 30 s FIG. 8. SEM photograph of GaAs sample etched at 40 W for 20 min under base line operating conditions. The oxide mask has not been removed. J. Vac. Sci. Teclmol. B, Vol. 7, No.1, Jan/Feb 1989 44 3.0 2.5 E .:. 2.0 :t: l-lL 1.5 w Q :t: 1.0 u I-iii 0.5 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 la} ETCHING TIME (min) 3.0 2.5 E 2-2.0 :t: 1.5 l-ll. W C :x: 1.0 u I- UJ 0.5 C.O 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 (b) ETCHING TIME (min) FIG. 9. Dependence of etch dcpth on time for base line operating conditions. (a) GaAs and (b) AIGaAs. for GaAs and about 45 s for AIGaAs under the base line operating conditions. These times are similar to those re ported for other chlorine-bearing discharges, such as a Clz -Ar mixture.6 Since the etch rates in this study are smaller ( < 0.1 ,urn/min), the same fluctuation in lag time will result in a smaller change in the total etch depth. Zero lag times have been obtained by using a BCI} -C12 mixture. <) The large area of sidewall erosion that occurred under base line operating conditions is understandable, since the Si02 masks were patterned by wet etching in buffered HF, which produces an isotropic profile. The thin edges of the masks were therefore etched away quickly, resulting in FIG. 10. SEM micrograph ofGaA~ sample etched under base line operating conditions nsing a trilevel resist mask. Little sidewall erosion has occurred. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 07:07:5945 Cooperman et at: Reactive Ion etching of GaAs and AIGaAs sidewall erosion. Two new masks with vertical features were tested in an attempt to eliminate such erosion: an SiOz mask patterned by RIB using CF4, and a trilevel resist mask pat terned by RIE using O2•16 Some sidewall erosion was still observed with the dry-etched SiOz mask, presumably be cause a completely vertical mask profile was not achieved. Little mask degradation occurred for the trilevel resist mask, however, so that there was little or no erosion of the etched sidewall (see Fig. 10). The GaAs surface morphologies were rougher with the two new masks than with the wet-etched SiOz mask, perhaps because of ion bombardment of the semiconductor surface during RIB patterning of the masks. Another possible explanation is the formation of a carbon residue on the Si02 mask during the CF4 etch and oxide formation on the trilevel resist mask during the O2 etch. B. Cl concentration The relative dependence of the Cl concentration [Cl J, as determined by actinometric measurements, on BCI, percen- £1 0 0 100 lal 30 ~ '" ::; ~ l!! .1:: '" :! £ (b) PRESSURE /mTorr) 5 '" .t: " :::I ~ 4 ~ :c ~ 3 Q. 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 Ie) POWER (W) FIG. 11. CI concentration dependence on (a) Bel] percentage, (0) total pressure, and (c) power, for base line operating conditions. The data have an estimated accuracy of ± 10%. J. 'lac. Sci. Technol. a, Vol. 7, No.1, Jan/Feb 1989 45 tage, total pressure, and power is shown in Figs. 11 (a), 11 (b), and 11 (c), respectively. Each figure gives the results of experiments in which one operating parameter was varied while the others were kept at their base line values. It is seen that [Cll increases sublinearly with increasing BCI, percen tage, linearly with increasing total pressure, and sublinearly with power. These relationships, as well as the correlation between [CI] and the GaAs etch rate, are discussed in the following section. IV. DISCUSSION The observed dependence of [CIl on the operating param eters of the RIE system can be understood qualitatively in terms of the balance between the generation of CI atoms by dissociation of BCl, and their recombination to form Cl2 molecules, which is expected to be the dominant mechanism for removal of Cl atoms from the plasma. The generation rate is proportional to the product of the BCI] concentration [BCI1] and the electron density, while Richards et al. 13 have suggested that in a C12 plasma the recombination rate is pro portional to the square of the Cl concentration. Thus, BCl3 dissociation: R" = k" [BCI b [e-] , Cl recombination: R r = k r [ CI J l Cl] . (3) (4) Therefore the steady-state value of [Cl] is predicted to in crease sub linearly with increasing BCI] percentage, as shown by the data of Fig. 11 (a) . Comparison of Figs. 2 and 11 (a) shows that the GaAs etch depth and [Cll exhibit a similar dependence 011 BCl3 percentage over the range from 12.5% to 87.5%, indicating that the CI concentration is a major determinant ofthe etch depth in this range. The drop in the etch depth at BCI] per centages approaching 100% may be due to changes in the plasma properties (e.g., electron energy distribution and sheath voltages) caused by the removal of Ar from the dis charge. Figure 11 (b) shows that the value of [Cll increases lin early with total pressure. If the rate of CI recombination depends quadratically on [Cl]. in accordance with Eq. (4), for [Cll to have a linear pressure dependence the rate of Cl production, i.e., Rei in Eq. (3), would have to have a qua dratic pressure dependence. Since [BC131 should increase linearly with pressure, such a quadratic pressure dependence of Rd would imply that the product kd [e -] increases linear ly with pressure. The electron concentration is determined by the diffusive and field-driven losses to the electrodes. At low pressures, the value of [e --] is expected to be roughly proportional to pressure, since the electron loss rate is deter mined by ambipolar ditfusivity and mobility, which are in versely proportional to pressure. Although the electron en ergy distribution changes with pressure, k" should not be very sensitive to pressure, because the dissociation of BCI} can take place by low-energy processes such as dissociative attachment, so that the fraction of electrons with sufficient energy to cause dissociation change..<; little with average elec tron energy. Therefore the product k" [e ] [BC131 should exhibit the quadratic pressure dependence required to obtain the linear pressure dependence observed for [Cll. The increase in residence time of gas species in the ~ ~ .". -, •• _. -•••••• , ........ 'Y~".' •. ', ••• ' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "; •••••••••••••••••••• "; •.•.••••• ~ Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 07:07:5946 Cooperman et aI.: Reactive ion etching of GaAs and AIGaAs chamber with increasing pressure should have little effect on [Cll. At 5 mTorr, for example, the residence time is 1.5 ms, while the diffusion time from the glow to an electrode is about 0.2 ms (as given by L2 /4D, where L is the interelec trode spacing and D is the diffusivity.) At 30 mTorr, the residence time is again nearly an order of magnitude larger than the diffusion time. Therefore most Cl atoms have suffi cient time to experience many collisions with the electrodes and/or samples, and thus to be lost by recombination or reaction, before being pumped from the chamber. Comparison of Figs. 4 and 11 (b) shows that the GaAs etch depth and [CI] do not have the same depen~ence on pressure, especially at high pressures, where the etch rate becomes approximately constant. The difference may be due to the decrease in ion bombardment energy with increasing pressure, which tends to reduce the etch rate. It has also been suggested that the sublimation rate of the etch products may limit the etch rate at higher pressures. 6 The power dependence of [ CI], as shown in Fig. 11 (c), is similar to that of the GaAs etch depth (Fig. 7). The increase in [CIl with increasing power is presumably due to the in crease in electron density, which in accordance with Eq. (3) results in a higher BCl3 dissociation rate. The sublinear de pendence on power may be due to BCl3 depletion or to in creased Cl recombination rates at higher power levels. The GaAs etch rates observed in this work are somewhat lower than those obtained for other chlorine-bearing dis charges.3-7 This is partly because BCl3 is not believed to be as efficient a generator of Cl as other gases. For example, opti cal emission spectroscopy has shown the BCl3 discharges display lower Cl emission intensities than CC14 discharges. [7 Another reason for the smaller etch depths is the use of very low power densities (0.06-0.22 W /cm2) in order to avoid excessive degradation of the Si02 mask, which was com pletely removed by a 20-min etch above 40 W (0.22 W fcm2). With the trilevel resist mask, however, little sidewall erosion was observed at 25 W. With this mask, by increasing the power it should be possible to obtain much higher etching rates with acceptable sidewall erosion. The etch rate might also be increased by adding Cl2 to the Bell - Ar mixture in order to increase the Cl concentration in the discharge, provided that the BCl3 concentration remains high enough for efficient scavenging of oxygen and water vapor. V. CONCLUSION Reactive ion etching of GaAs and AIGaAs has been stud ied using BCl, -Ar gas mixtures. Equirate etching is ob- J. Vac. Sci. Technol. S, Vol. 7, No.1, Jan/Feb 1989 46 tained for BCl3 percentages greater than a few percent. The optimum conditions for etching anisotropic profiles are as follows: (1) BCl3 percentageof62.5%, (2) total pressure of 5.0 mTorr, and (3) power density of 0.14 W/cm2 (25 W). Data on relative changes in the CI concentration, which were obtained by optical emission actinometry, show that this concentration is a major factor in determining the etch rate. In view of the equirate etching and high degree of anisot ropy achieved in this study, reactive ion etching in a BCI) -Ar mixture appears to be a promising technique for fabricating semiconductor diode lasers and optoelectronic integrated circuits. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank P. D. Nader for technical assistance, M. K. Connors for providing the AIGaAs sam ples, and P. M. Nitishin for making the SEM studies. This work was sponsored by the Defense Advanced Re..<;earch Projects Agency. a) Present address: Digital Equipment Corporation, Hudson, Massachu setts 01749. b) Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139. 'E. L. Hu and R. E. Howard, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 2,85 (1984). 2G. A. Vawter, L. A. Coldren, J. L. Merz, and E. 1. Hu, App!. Phys. Lett. 51,719 (1987). 'J. Chaplart, B. Fay, and N. T. Linh, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B I, 1050 (1983). 4M. B. Stern and P. F. Liao, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 1, 1053 (1983). 5H. Nagasaka, H. Okano, and N. Motcgi, in Proceedings o/the Symposium on Dry Process (Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Tokyo, 1982), p.79. 0y. Yamada, H. Ito, and H. Inaba, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 3,884 (1985). 7G. Gliiersen, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. 12, 28 (1975). "K. Asakawa and S. Sugata, Jpn. J. AppJ. Phys. 22, L653 (1983). "H. Tamura and H. Kurihara, Jpn. J. App!. Phys. 23, L731 (1984). I()R. G. Poulson, H. 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Etch rates and surface chemistry of GaAs and AlGaAs reactively ion etched in C2H6/H2 S. J. Pearton, W. S. Hobson, and K. S. Jones Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 5009 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.343773 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.343773 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/10?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Magnetronenhanced reactive ion etching of GaAs and AlGaAs using CH4/H2/Ar J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 11, 1753 (1993); 10.1116/1.578419 Elevated temperature reactive ion etching of GaAs and AlGaAs in C2H6/H2 J. Appl. Phys. 66, 5018 (1989); 10.1063/1.343774 Reactive ion etching induced damage in GaAs and AlGaAs using C2H6/H2/Ar or CCl2F2/O2 gas mixtures J. Appl. Phys. 66, 2061 (1989); 10.1063/1.344296 Reactive ion etching of GaAs with CCl2F2:O2: Etch rates, surface chemistry, and residual damage J. Appl. Phys. 65, 1281 (1989); 10.1063/1.343023 Surface oxidation of GaAs and AlGaAs in lowenergy Ar/O2 reactive ion beam etching Appl. Phys. Lett. 49, 204 (1986); 10.1063/1.97171 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:13:35Etch rates and surface chemistry of GaAs and AIGaAs reactively ion etched in C2HS/H2 s. J. Pearton and W. S. Hobson AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 K. S. Jones University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 (Received:; June 1989; accepted for publication 25 July 1989) The etch rates of GaAs and Al,Ga] _xAs (x = 0.09-1) in C2H6/H2 were investigated as a function oftime 0-12 min), gas flow rate (5-25 seem), total pressure (4-30 mTorr), plasma power density (0.56-1.32 W em-2), and percentage ofC2H6 in the discharge (1O%-50%). The etch rates are constant with time, and decrease with increasing Al content in the AIGaAs. The maximum etch rates occur at 25% by volume C2H., in H2 and increase linearly with increasing power density. Increasing the total pressure at constant gas composition reduces the etch rates by approximately a factor of 2 between 4 and 30 mToH. The etched surfaces have smooth morphologies for C2H6 concentrations less than -40% of the total gas volume. A layer of subsurface dislocations approximately 40 A deep were observed in GaAs by transmission electron microscopy for the highest-power density discharges, while the surfaces for all samples are As-deficient to a depth of ~ 30 A after reactive ion etching. Polymer deposition is not significant for CZH6 volumes less than 40% of the total gas volume. I. INTRODUCTiON Chlorine-based gas chemistries have been the mainstay of dry etching techniques for III -V semiconductors since their demonstration in the early 1980's.,,2 In many device applications, gases such as Clz, CC14, and SiC14 provide per fectly adequate anisotropic etching with reasonably smooth and dean surfaces. 1-5 The problems with the corrosive na ture of chlorine can be minimized by using chlorofluorocar bons such as CC12F2 (freon-12) which are noncorrosive and nontoxic, and therefore less difficult to handle. I However, there are still several undesirable features of freoll-12 based dry etching of III -V materials including the often significant polymer deposition (even for O2 additions to the discharge), and sensitivity of the etch rates to the condition of the chamber walls and electrode surface material. The etching of In-based semiconductors in freon-12 usually leads to very rough surface morphologies due to the low volatility of indi um chlorides 0 6-8 The etch rates for GaAs are often very high ( -1 /-lm min -]) and therefore are not controllable for ap plications requiring the removal of relatively small amounts of material «500 A) 0 Lastly, environmental concerns with chlorofluorocarbons affecting the ozone layer in the atmo sphere have led to moves to ban their use. There has been extensive interest in the last few years in the use of methane- or ethane-hydrogen mixtures for reac tive ion etching of compound semiconductors.9-i2 Smooth controlled etching has been demonstrated for InP, InGaAs, InGaAsP, and GaAs using these gas mixtures, although there has been no detailed study of the surface composition, etch rates, and residual damage in these materials as a func tion of the discharge parameters. Although the use ofCH41 H2 or CzH(/H2 has more advantages for the dry etching of In-based materials, it is worth examining more dosely their use for GaAs and AIGaAs mesa structures. In particular, InGaAs or InAs capping layers are being increasingly used on top of GaAs-AlGaAs structures to achieve low contact resistances, and one would prefer a dry etching chemistry that is capable of smooth removal of both In-and Ga-based semiconductors. Moreover the ethane or methane mixtures leave polymeric deposits around the reactor chamber walls which are important sources of active species for the etching, but which are potential sources of contamination if there is switching between gas mixtures depending on whether a Ga or In-based layer is to be removed. In this paper we report an investigation of the etch rates of GaAs and AlxGal~xAs as a function of etching time, total pressure, plasma power density, gas flow rate, and gas composition for reactive ion etching (RIE) in C2H6/H2o The etched surface morphology was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and near-surface damage inves tigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The elemental composition in the top 100 A of the etched sam ples was obtained from Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measure ments. We have previously reported near-surface hydrogen passivation effects in GaAs and AlGaAs reactively ion etched in C2H(/Hz as a function of the substrate tempera ture during the RIE treatment. 13 iI. EXPERIMENT The GaAs samples used in this work were semi-insulat ing, undoped, (100) substrates cut from crystals grown by the liquid-encapsulated Czochralski (LEC) technique. Pri or to patterning with photoresist they were etched in 5H2S04:1H202:1H20 for 5 min at 70·C to remove residual polish-induced damage that might affect the etch rate. The AIGaAs layers were grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy (OMVPE) on GaAs substrates within a barrel~ge- 5009 J. AppL Phys. 66 (10), 15 November 1989 0021-8979/89 /225009-09$02.40 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 5009 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:13:35ometry reactor operating at atmospheric pressure. The source chemicals used were trimethylgallium (TMG), tri methylaluminum (TMA), and arsine (AsH3) at a V-III ra tio of 30. The layers were grown at 700 °C at a rate of2.2 pm! h -I, and exhibited featureless surface morphologies. The AlAs mole fraction was varied from 0.09 to 1, and the com positions were determined from room-temperature photolu minescence and electron beam electroreftectance measure ments. Typically the undoped AIGaAs was n-type with a carrier concentration around 1O!5 cm-3. For etch rate measurements the samples were selective ly patterned with AZU50J photoresist to give a mask with openings of size 1-50 pm in width. Immediately prior to loading into the RIE chamber the samples were exposed for 3 min to a 50-W O2 plasma in a barrel reactor and then rinsed in a mixture of ammonium hydroxide and water to descum the mask openings and to strip away the native oxide on both the GaAs and AIGaAs. All of the samples were etched in a stainless steel, paral lel plat.e reactor (Materials Research Corporation Model 51) operating in the RIE mode. The lower, powered elec trode was 15 em in diameter and was covered with a quartz cover plate which we found was necessary in order to obtain reproducible etch rates. If the samples were simply laid on the steel electrode we tended to get rough surface morpholo gies and Fe was found on these surfaces. In all cases, the samples were thermally heat sunk to the cathode with high vacuum grease, and flu oro-optic probe measurements indi cated that temperature rises during our longest etch times (12 min) did not exceed 30°C from the ambient tempera ture. The discharge frequency was 13.56 MHz and the elec trode spacing was 7 cm. The system was pumped by mechan ical and diffusion pumps to z.:;3x 10-6 Torr before introduction of research grade C2H6 and H2 through elec tronic mass flow controllers. The GaAs and AIGaAs etch rates were examined for their dependence on total pressure (discharges could be controllably maintained between 4-30 mTorr in our system), plasma power density (0.56-1.32 W cm-2), CzH6ratio by volume to H2 in the discharge (0.1- 0.5), and gas flow rate (5-25 seem). After etching, the photoresist on patterned samples was removed by rinsing in acetone and the etched depth was measured by Dektak stylus profilometry. The surface mor phology on these samples was examined by SEM, with all micrographs taken at an 80° tilt angle. Unpatterned sections were also prepared for cross-sectional TEM by chemical thinning and ion milling. A JEOL 200CX microscope was used, and all micrographs were taken using multibeam bright-field imaging with seven beams included within the objective aperture. The sample was tilted such that the beam direction was parallel to the [110] zone axis. This reduces any contrast effects at the surface and best allows one to see the surface topography. Weak beam, dark-field images were also taken at the same magnification using g220 (S = g) con ditions. Samples for AES were all analyzed under identical conditions, and elemental depth profiling was accomplished by sputtering with 3.5-keV Ar~ ions with a sputtering rate of 4 A min -I. XPS with angle-resolved capabilities was used to measure both the atomic composition of the near-surface 5010 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.1 0, 15 November 1989 region and the chemical bonding of the Ga, As, and Al atoms. All chemical analysis were performed after removal from the RIE chamber. Prior to examination with AES or XPS, the samples were kept in hermetically sealed con tainers in a dry N2 ambient to avoid oxidation as much as possible. However, we take the view that exposure to the ambient is exactly what will happen during practical device processing steps and analysis of such surfaces is therefore relevant. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Etch rate dependencies Based on the original report by Niggebrugge et al.9 that reproducible, polymer-free RIE of In-based materials is ob tained only for relatively small fractions of ethane or meth ane relative to hydrogen in the discharge, we chose as our standard etching conditions a 2CzH6: 18H2 ratio, total pres sure of 4 mTorr, flow rate of20 seem, and a power density of 0.85 W cm-2 (self-bias on the cathode of 430 V). Figure 1 shows the time dependence of etch depth in GaAs and AIGaAs for RIE times up to 12 min. For the AIGaAs there appears to be a delay in the commencement of etching upon ignition oftlle plasma. Since this delay increases for increa.'> ing Al content in the AIGaAs, this may be related to the need to etch (or sputter) away aluminum oxide on the sample surface before true RIE of the AIGaAs begins. The etched depths for both GaAs and AIGaAs are linear with time, and we observed no significant difference for the depths mea sured in small features (2-,um-wide lines) relative to more open areas (50 pm on a side triangle) in the mask. The aver age etch rate of GaAs and Alx Gal _ x As as a function of etch 5000.--------------------------, 4500 4000 ~ 3500 Q« ~ 3000 a.. w Cl 2500 a w ::r: ;= 2000 w 1500 1000 500 -CzHs-H2 -Ar 0.85 W' em-2 20 seem 4 mtorr e GaAs o A.10.0sGaO.S1 As .. Aio.2SGaO.72As " AJ0,41 GaO.5SAs " A.lO.64 GaO.36As o Ai.As ETCH TIME (min) FlG. 1. Etched depth in GaAs and AIGaAs as a function of time in a 2C2H,,:18H2, 4 mTorr, 0.85 W cm-2 discharge. Pearton, Hobson, and Jones 5010 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:13:35time are shown in Fig. 2. Our experience with plasma hydro genation has shown that etching of GaAs and AlGaAs is minimal under the kind of conditions used in these experi ments. This implies that the primary reactants responsible for removal of Ga and Al are organic radicals. There has been no direct identification of the etch product, although organometalIics such as trimethylgaHium have been sug gested. I t. t2 Whatever the exact etch products, the results in Fig. 2 suggest that the organogamum complex is more easily desorbed than the corresponding organoaluminum species. I t has previously been pointed out that the etch rate of HI -V materials in CH4/H2 decreases with increasing Ga content,9 and our results show that the presence of Al in the material is even more of an impediment to the etch raie. The relative fraction of ethane and hydrogen in the dis charge is a critical parameter in determining the etch rate of GaAs and AIGaAs, as shown in Fig. 3. The etch-rate peaks around 25% of C2H6 by volume in the plasma. This is some what different from the result obtained by Matsui et al.12 who reported maximum etch rates for GaAs around 12% CzHo by volume. Cheung et al. 10 found their maximum etch rates to be at a ratio of 1:5 CH4/H2 for GaAs. We might expect slightly different rates when using C;>Ho/H2 com pared to CH4/HZ simply because of the different C-to-H ra tios and the different populations of reactive species to be found in the respective discharges. The differences between our results and those of Matsui et al., 12 who had fairly simi lar etching conditions, might well be due to subtle effects such as the condition of the reactor walls and the masking material used on the samples. It has been previously noted that the reactor walls must be properly conditioned with a polymer coating to ensure reproducible etching because this polymer is a source of active species for the plasma. 14 More- 400r--------------------------. CzHs-H2-Ar 0.85 W·cm-2 20 seem 4 mtorr • GaAs c AfO.09GoO.91As ... AfO.2sGoo.nAs '" Ai0,41GoO.5SAs II AiO.S4GoO.:56As o AlAs o::!, ~ !! f ~ ~ 200L r--t----""-----------1 u i- ~ .. t T t ~ +---t-----'f-----------"-- ~ 100 --I!1!I1-----rt-----.........li!!iIL r----r------___ D I Olb-__ ~ __ ~ __ _L __ ~ __ ~ ____ ~~ o :2 4 12 14 ETCH TIME (min) FIG. 2. Average etch rate of GaAs and AIGaAs as a function of time under the discharge conditions of Fig. 1. 5011 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 10,15 November 1989 400~·--·-' ---------------, CZH6-HZ-Ar .... 'e 300,- E 0.85 W· cm-2 20 seem 4 mtorr o GaAs o Aio.OgGoO.!H As .& Aio.2SGoo.nAs '" A10.41Go O.59As .. Al0.64GoO.3SAs u AiAs FIG. 3. Average etch rateofGaAs and AIGaAs as afullction of gas compo sition in a C,H6:H" 4 mTorr, 0.85 W cm-2 discharge. over the type of masking material (photoresist in our case, Si02 in the case of Matsui et at.) 12 might also effect the rela tive populations of plasma species at the sample surface. Fin ally Niggebrugge et al.9 have reported a dependence of etch rate of InP in CR/H2 on the ratio of masked-to-exposed areas on the sample and on the relative spacing of samples from each other. This sensitivity to experimental conditions is an unfortunate fact weB recognized by most people in the dry etching arena, being common to almost an dry etch pro cesses. The increase in etch rate we observe for C2H6 frac tions up to 25% is presumably due to an increase in the active species concentration. Above 25% ezHo by volume there appears to be a competition between polymer depo sition and etching, and the etch rate decreases with increas ing ethane concentration. At high C2H6 concentrations ( > 45%) a brown film could be observed on the photoresist mask, and there was a very heavy polymeric coating around the reactor walls and on the electrodes. Under our conditions the etch rates of GaAs and AIGaAs are independent of the gas flow rates, as shown in Fig. 4. We estimate the nominal residence times in our reac torto vary from 1.25 to 0.25 s for flow rates between 5 and 25 seem, but even these relatively small values appear to be longer than the surface reaction time for removal of Ga, AI, and As. The dependence of the average etch rate on the total pressure in the reactor at constant flow rate (20 secm) is shown in Fig. 5. This appears to be predominantly related to the decrease in the cathode self-bias at higher pressures -430 Vat 4 mTorr and 255 Vat 30 mTorr. It has previous- ly been established that at higher pressures III-V materials will etch faster for increasing pressures up to a maximum Pearton, Hobson, and Jones 5011 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:13:35400~--------------------------, ";"c: 300 - 'E w I« a:: :z:: 200 u l- I.&.! W ~ « a:: w > « 100 C2Hs-HZ-Ar 0.85 W ·em-2 4 mtorr ¥ f, r---f-------i----! ~---r-------t ! ~ , :r----11--------y- ~ OL-__ ~ __ ~ __ ~ __ .-LI __ ~I __ ~I~_~ o 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 GAS FLOW RATE (seem) FIG. 4. Average etch rate of GaAs and A1GaAs in a 2C2H,,: ISH2, 4 mTon, 0.85 W em -2 discharge as a function of gas flow rate. value determined by the exact plasma parameters, and then decrease.9•15 This decrease has been ascribed to increasing polymer deposition. It is logical that at higher self-biases the more energetic ion bombardment win be more effective at removing the polymer by sputtering, and under our condi- 400:-CzHs-H2 -Ar 0.85 W' em-2 20 seem r~ 300f @« w I« a:: 200 :t: U I W W ~ 0:: ~ 100 « .. GoAs o Aio.OgGoO.91 As .. A.2.0.2sGao.nAs " .11.10.41 GaO.59As " A!O.64 G(JO.36As o AJ.As TOTAL PRESSURE (mtorr) FIG. 5. Average etch rate of GaAs and AIGaAs in a 2C2H6:18H2, O.RS W cm-2 discharge as a function of the total prcssw'e in the re.actor. 5012 J. Appi. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 10, 15 November 1989 500...--------------·--- 400 -... , c: E 0< w 300 I-« a:: :r u I- W 200- w (!l « a: w > ~ 100 C2HS-H2-Ar 20 seem 4 mlorr .. GaAs o AiO.OgGcO.91 As .. Aio.2SGoo.nAs c, Al0.41 GoO.59As IS AiO.64GcO:ssAs oAP-As o '--_1-.._.l..-_~.-1....- I o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 PLASMA POWER DENSITY (W' cm-2) FIG. 6. Average etch rate of GaAs and AIGaAs in a 2C2H,,: 18H2• 4 mTorr discharge as a function of the plasma power density. Hens this appears to be the most significant factor in deter mining the etch rate as a function of total pressure. Figure 6 shows the dependence on plasma power den sity of the etch rates of GaAs and AIGaAs. There is an essen tially linear increase with increasing power density. This is consistent with previous observations for a variety of both Ga-and In-based semiconductors.9-13 The rate of increase in etch rate is greater for GaAs than for AIGaAs as shown by the slope of the lines in Fig. 6 and with an increasing AlAs mole fraction these slopes are further reduced. The self-bias on the cathode increased from 220 V at a power density of 0.56 W em -2 to 610 Vat 1.3 W cm-' 2. Measurable etch rates were obtained only for power densities above 0.56 W cm-2, indicating that the purely chemical component of the etch ing is very small and some degree of ion sputtering is neces sary either to increase the desorption rate of the etch prod ucts or to provide the energy necessary to promote the surface reactions to completion. B. Surface morphology Smooth surface morphologies on GaAs were obtained for C2H6 concentrations in the discharge ofless than 40% by volume. Figure 7 shows SEM micrographs from GaAs sam ples reactively ion etched under similar conditions (4 mTorr, 4 min, 20 seem, 0.85 W cm 2) except that the ratio of C2H/}:H2 was 2: 18 in one case, and 8: 12 in the other. Under the former conditions the etched surface is featureless and there is no evidence of polymer deposition either on the sidewalls or on the exposed surface. For the high ethane concentration condition the surface morphology in the field of view of the SEM is relatively rough. Once again there is disagreement 1n the literature about the plasma conditions Pearton, Hobson, and Jones 5012 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:13:35under which the best morphologies are obtained for etching GaAs.IO•12 In general we observed smooth surfaces for total pressures less than approximately 20 mTorr and for CzH", concentrations less than 40%, as described above. The most anisotropic etching was also obtained under these condi tions, with vertical sidewalls. For higher pressures and larg er ethane fractions the sidewalls showed increasing under cutting. Increasing the plasma power density also improved both the anisotropy and surface morphology when holding the other parameters constant, which again emphasizes the role ion bombardment plays in this etching chemistry. In general we observed somewhat rougher surface mor phologies on AIGaAs reiative to GaAs, with poorer mor phologies for increasing AlAs mole fraction in the AIGaAs< The range of plasma conditions under which we observed smooth etching was more restricted with AIGaAs-power densities had to be at least 0.85 W em -2, total pressures less than approximately 15 mTorr, and C2H6 concentrations less than 30% by volume in the discharge. Figure 8 shows SEM micrographs from A 1009 G3.o.91 As and Alo.04G3.o.36A8 sam ples after a 4-min RIB treatment in 2C2H6: 18Hz plasma at 4 mTorr and a power density of 0.85 W cm-2 < Under these conditions the surface morphologies are quite smooth. We also examined the microscopic smoothness of C2H6/H2 etched surfaces by cross-sectional TEM. Figure 9 shows TEM micrographs taken in either bright-field or 5013 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 10, 15 November 1989 FIG. 7. SEM micrographs from GaAs reactively iOIl etched in a 4 mTorr, 0.85 W cm-2, C2H6/H2 discharge. At the left-hand side the discharge was 2C2H,/ I8H" while at the right-hand side the discharge had the composition 8C2H,/ 12H~. weak-beam dark-field imagin.g conditions from a GaAs sam ple etched in a 2CzH6: 18H2, 4 mTon, 1.3 W em -2 discharge for 4 min. The sample has a smooth surface topography with a peak-to-valley hei.ght less than 20 A. Under these very high-power conditions a band of subsurface dislocations ap proximately 40 A deep is observed. These are more clearly observed in the weak-beam dark-field image. We can con trast these results to those obtained for CCl2F2:02 RIE of GaAs, where under high-power density etching very rough surface topographies are observed (peak-to-valley heights -300 A).16 Subsurface bands of dislocations were also ob served in these CClzFz:02 etched samples. These were re duced in density, but are not totally eliminated even for an nealing at 800 °C for 10 s, c. Surface composition The composition and chemical bonding in the near-sur face region of the RIE treated samples were examined by AES and sman-area XPS. Figure 10 shows AES surface scans of a GaAs control sample, and samples etched for 4 min in C2H6/H2 under various conditions. Carbon, oxygen, and the lattice constituents are the only elements detected, and the main difference between the samples appears to be a depletion of As in those etched in the C2H(/Hz discharge. FIG. 8. SEM micrographs from AIGaAs reactively ion etched in a 4 mTorr, 0.85 W em-', 2C2H,,:18H, dis charge. At the left-hand side the materi al was Aio.!)9 Gao." As while at the right hand side the composition was Alo.64 Guo J. As. Pearton, Hobson, and Jones 5013 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:13:35FIG. 9. TEM cross sections from a GaAs sample etched for 4 min in a 1.3 W em -2,4 mTorr, 2C2Iio:18Hz discharge. At top the contrast conditions are weak beam, dark lleld, showing a shallow band of dislocations. At bOi tom the image conditions are bright field. This would be expected because of the high hydrogen con centration in the plasma which will remove both arsenic and AS203• Figure 11 shows AES depth profiles of C, 0, Ga, and As in these same samples. The As deficiency persists to a depth of -30 A in the etched GaAs, and there appears to be more oxide present on the surface. XPS survey spectra from the GaAs control sample, and a section of GaAs etched for 4 min in a 1.3 W em -2, 4 mTorr, 2C2H&:18H2 discharge are shown in Fig. 12. Based on this type of data the average elemental composition in the top 100 A. of each sample was estimated and is reported in Table I. The surface C concentration varied from 29 to 37 at. % which is within the range expected for atmospheric contamination. The oxygen concentration in the near-sur face region is clearly higher on the etched samples, and this may be related to a higher chemical reactivity of these sur faces because ofthe ion bombardment occurring during the RIE treatment. While there may be a slight Ga deficiency in the etched samples due to more oxidation there is a clear reduction in the As content near the surface after RIE. High-resolution XPS data were also obtained for C( Is) O(1s), Ga(3d), and As(3d) transitions. These data were curve-fitted to resolve the presence of multiple components. The resulting binding energies, probable assignments and atom percent compositions are presented in Table n. The high-resolution C( ls) data show that a variety of carbon 5014 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 10, i5 November 1989 w zw ""0 "0 . w 2000 1000 0 -1000 C -2000 2000 1000 0 ( rA I -1000 C -2000 II 2000 1000 0 -1000 -2000 2000 1000 o -1000 CONTROL GoAs o Go C2 Hs/H2 2716 O.85W. cm-2 F~ fT., - Go 0 I I I -2000~~--~--~--~--~ 400 600 1200 1600 2000 KINETIC ENERGY (eV) FIG. 10. AES survey spectra from GaAs samples etched for 4 min in C,H,/ H2 discharges of various compositions and power densities. species were present on the samples. These include C~C. C~~H, C-O---C, C---O-H, o=C--·O-C, and O==C-O··-H which are detected on an samples, while on low-power density etched GaAs we also find small traces of the ketones C3=O and H2C=O. Most of the carbon on all samples is present as hydrocarbons (C-R where R = C or H), but ether/alcohol (C-R), and organic acid/ester (O=C = OR) species are also present. The oxygen is pre dominantly present as metal oxides although C=O species are also detected. The Ga and As are present in the form of GaAs and various oxides GaOx• AsZ03• and AszOs). AES survey spectra from both etched and unetched Alo.z8 Gao 72 As and Alo.41 Gao.59As samples are shown in Fig. 13. There does not appear to be any more C and 0 present on the etched surfaces than on the controls, but the As is depleted in the former. The near-surface « 100 A) elemental compositions from all of the samples are given in Pearton, Hobson, and Jones 50i4 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:13:35100 eo 60 100 80 60 I-z w (.) It: W 0. ::I: 100 0 I-80 « 60 4 3 OJ As As As GoAs CONTROL o CONTROL. GoAl!! C2HS/Hz 2116 0.85 W. cm-2 FIG. 11. AES depth profiles of elemental composition in the near-surface region of GaAs samples relatively ion etched CzHs/Hz for 4 min in C2Hh/H2 dis-10/10 O.BoW 'cm-2 charges of various composi- tions and power densities. '" 0.':-:-__________________ _ ~ 1100 0 o t 4 "' -' w '" w ~ OJ -" :::> z GaAs C2HS/Hz "1.3 IN G cm-2 ~1L-OO~----o BINDING ENERGY (.V) FIG. 12. XPS survey spectra from, top, GaAs control sample, and at bot tom, a GaAs sample etched for 4 min in a 2C2H,,:18H2, 4 mTorr, 1.3 W cm-2 discharge. S015 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.1 0, 15 November 1989 2000 tUO.2SGaO.72As 1000 CONTROL -1000 -2000 2000 1000 -1000 w ZW -2000 "0'" 2000 w 1000 FIG. 13. AES survey spectra from AI".l" GaonAs or AI" •• Gllo,.As sam ples before and after etching in a 2C2H,,:18H2, 4 mTorr, 0.85 W cm-2 dis charge. TABLE I. XPS elemental composition data measured from the top 100 A of each sample and expressed i.n atomic percent units for the elements detect ed. Sample C 0 Al Ga As GaAs control 29 30 18 23 GaAsRIE-l 29 38 17 16 GaAs RIE-2 37 36 14 14 GaAs RIE-3 33 38 15 14 Ale.l8 Gau.n As control 28 38 9 10 15 Ale.28GaonAs RIE-I 27 41 l! 10 11 AlAs control 27 35 20 18 AIAsRIE-l 29 42 20 9 RIB-! 2C2Ho:18H " 0.85 W cm--', 4 mTorr RIE-2 lOC2H6:lOHz, 0.85 W em-2, 4 mTorr RIE-3 2C2H6:18H2, 1.3 W em-2, 4 mTorr Pearton, Hobson, and Jones 5015 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:13:35Table I and the XPS peak assignments are listed in Table n. All of these results point to a degree of As depletion after RIB in C2H~H2' This is confined to the uppermost 30-40 A from the surface, as shown in the AES depth profiles of Fig. 14. It is important to note that there is no apparent Al en richment in the etched AIGaAs. There is a somewhat thicker oxide on the AIGaAs after RIE relative to the un etched con trol. All of the samples were cleaned in NH40H:H20 imme diately prior to their insertion in the reactor, and this re moves the native oxide. The control samples were cleaned at this time also, and all of the samples were stored in a dry N2 ambient to minimize subsequent oxidation prior to surface analysis. This trend of a thicker oxide on the etched material holds also for pure AlAs, as evidenced by the XPS data in Tables I and II. The surface of the AlAs is very clean after the C2H6/H2 RIE treatment, as shown by the AES survey spectra in Fig. 15. The As deficiency in this material occurs to a depth of -40 A as shown by the elemental AES depth proftIes in the same figure. The oxygen is present predomi-nantly as A1203 while the arsenic is oxidized as both AS203 and As20s' The high-resolution O( Is) data from the AlAs control sample and its reactively ion etched companion are shown in Fig. 16. The peak positions of the two components are the same in both etched and unetched AlAs, and the spectra differ only slightly in the relative intensities. IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The main conclusions of this work may be summarized as follows: ( 1) The etch rates of GaAs and AIGaAs are constant with time in CZH6/H2' and are reduced for increasing Al content in the material. The maximum etch rates for both types of material occur at a concentration of25% by volume of CZH6 in the discharge. Some degree of ion bombardment appears to be necessary for efficient desorption of the etch products. TABLE II. High-resolution ESCA data: Binding energies, atom percentages, and peak assignments. [Binding energies were corrected to the binding energy of the C ( Is) signa! at 284.6 e V. Atom percentages were calculated from the high-resolution data. Peak assignments were based on the binding energies of the reference compounds.] Sample Description C, C2 C, C4 0, O2 03 AI, Ga, Ga2 As, AS2 As, GaAs control Binding energies 284.6 285,8 530.8 532.1 19.0 20.3 41.0 44.2 Atom percents 26.0 5.5 21.0 9.2 13.0 5.4 16.0 7.1 GaAs RIE-l Binding energies 284.6 286.0 287.2 288.7 530.9 532.2 533,5 19.4 20.6 41.3 44.2 45.6 Atom percents 19.0 5.7 2.4 2.1 25.0 11.0 1.9 10.0 6.7 9.8 4.0 2.2 GaAsRIE-2 Binding energies 284.6 286.0 287.5 289,0 531.0 532.4 19.2 20.5 41.3 43.9 45.1 Atom percents 23.0 7.7 3.4 3.0 22.0 14.0 6.8 7.2 9.2 3.1 1.7 GaAs RIE-3 Binding energies 284.6 286.3 288.6 531.2 532.6 19.4 20.7 41.4 44.5 46.0 Atom percentages 20.0 8.4 3.1 27.0 10.0 20.0 17.0 5.4 3.6 1.9 Alo.,. Gao.72 As control Binding energies 284.6 286.1 288.2 531.1 532.1 74.4 19.3 20.6 41.3 44.2 45.7 Atom percents 20.0 6.6 1.6 23.0 15.0 9.0 6.5 3.5 10.0 2.0 3.0 Ala.2s Gao.72 As RIE-l Binding energies 284.6 286.0 288.5 530.8 532.2 74.0 19.2 20.3 41.2 43.8 45.3 Atom percents 17.0 6.3 3.3 24.0 17.0 11.0 6.1 3.9 6.6 1.4 1.1 AlAs control Binding energies 284.6 286.4 530.9 532.2 74.4 41.1 44.2 45.4 Atom percents 25.0 1.8 26.0 8.8 20.0 14.0 13.8 4.0 AlAs RIE-I Binding energies 284.6 286.4 288.6 531.1 532.5 74.4 41.3 44.3 45.6 Atom percents 23.0 3.8 2.3 30.0 12.0 20.0 S.1 4.0 1.0 Peak assignments C,=C-R(R=C,H) 0, = metal oxides Ga, = GaAs As, '"" GaAs C=C-O-R O2,03 = C=O, C··O-R Ga, = GaOx AS2 = As203 C,=R 2C=O AI,=AlP, AS3 = As2O, C4=O=C-O··R RIE-l 2C2H6:18H2, 0.85 W cm-'z, 4 mTorr RIE-2 lOC2H6:lOH2, 0.85 W cm-·2, 4 mTorr RlE-3 2C2H6:18H2, 1.31 W cm-2• 4 mTorr 5016 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 10, 15 November 1989 Pearton, Hobson, and Jones 5016 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:13:35100.---------------, 1140.28GoO 72A• 60 CONTROL 60 .......... A. Go .......... A. _--Go .. , A. V:_---60 ........... ·As 40 120 200 DEPTH (A) 2000 A!A. 1000 CONTROL FIG. 14. AES depth profiles of ele mental composition in the near-sur face region of Al"2.Ga".nAs and Alo.", Gao.,. As samples etched for 4 min in a 2C2H6:18H2, 4 mTorr. 0.85 W cm-2 discharge. / ~, -o -1000 ~I"" -2000 '.'.., 2000 w 1000 o iDDO -2000 5017 iOO eo 60 A~l [AI. Ie \0 AA.A. , CZH6/H2 I .J._ A. f,u c (} 400 4200 KINEilC ENERGY <oV) ALA. CONTROL ___ A! -~ ,./ ...... " A~ A~A. C2HS/H2 ,~ __ ----Al. .. ....... A. o 2000 200 FIG. IS. AES survey and depth profiles from AlAs sam ples both before and after etch ing for 4 min in a 2C2H6: 18H2, 4 mTorr, 0.85 Wem·2 dis charge. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 10, i5 November 1989 ft) g 0 I>J l- e..> w I- W 0 (f) z e 6 4 2 ~540 t; 12 w ...J W Il': ~ 8 :::e :::J z 4 OIS 520 Al.As CONTROL BINDiNG ENERGY (eV! 500 500 FIG. 16. High-resolution XPS O( ls) data from AlAs both before and after etching for 4 min in a 2C,H6, ISH" 4 mTorr, 0.85 W em'-2 discharge. (2) The etched surface morphology is smooth for CZH6 compositions of <40% for GuAs and 30% for AIGaAs. Sub surface dislocation loops at a depth of -40 A are observed for high power density etching of GaAs. (3) Both GaAs and AIGaAs show As deficiencies to a depth of 3D-AD A after C2H6/H2 RIB and there is little de pendence of this depth on plasma power density. The prefer entiulleaching-out of As from GaAs and AIGaAs in hydro gen-based plasmas is well documented. 'E. L. Hu and Ro Eo Howard, Appl. Phys. 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Characterization of the TiWGaAs interface after rapid thermal annealing M. de Potter, W. De Raedt, M. Van Hove, G. Zou, H. Bender, M. Meuris, and M. Van Rossum Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 4775 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.343789 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.343789 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/10?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Anomalies of ohmic contacts on heteroepitaxial GaAs layers on Si after rapid thermal annealing J. Appl. Phys. 77, 653 (1995); 10.1063/1.359050 Characterization of ionimplanted and rapidly thermal annealed GaAs by Raman scattering and van der Pauw measurement J. Appl. Phys. 67, 7281 (1990); 10.1063/1.344512 Study of the interdiffusion of GaAsAlGaAs interfaces during rapid thermal annealing of ionimplanted structures J. Appl. Phys. 66, 545 (1989); 10.1063/1.343571 Mechanism for ioninduced mixing of GaAsAlGaAs interfaces by rapid thermal annealing Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 1635 (1988); 10.1063/1.99935 Characterization of a thin Siimplanted and rapid thermal annealed nGaAs layer Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 806 (1987); 10.1063/1.98872 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 03:09:46Characterization of the TiW .. GaAs interface after rapid thermal annealing M. de Potter, W. De Raedt, M. Van Hove, G. Zou, H. Bender, M. Meuris, and M. Van Rossum Interuniversity Microelectronics Center (IMEC), KapeldreeJ 75, B-3030 Leuven, Belgium (Received 30 January 1989; accepted for publication 12 July 1989) We report an extensive study of the TiW IGaAs interface after rapid thermal annealing between 750 and 1050"c' Characterization of the interface was performed by secondary ion mass-spectroscopy (SIMS), Auger, Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS), x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and electrical measurements. Schottky barrier heights extracted from 1-Vand C-V data show a continuous increase with annealing temperatures up to 950 ·C. The reverse J-V measurements exhibit a transition from tunneling to avalanche breakdown. SIMS, Auger, and RES show significant motion of the Ti, resulting in surface accumulation, as well as Ti diffusion into the GaAs substrate. Interface doping by Ti produces an artificial enhancement of the Schottky barrier height. I. INTRODUCTiON The thermal stability of W -based films on GaAs is of primary importance for the development of refractory gate processes for self-aligned (MESFET) fabrication. This pro cess requires the Schottky contact between the gate metal and GaAs to remain stable at annealing temperatures ex ceeding 800 ·C (900 ·C for rapid thermal annealing). One of the first materials under investigation for this purpose has been sputtered TiW. This compound is well known in silicon technology for its use as a diffusion barrier, and it has suc cessfully been used in a self-aligned process for the fabrica tion of small-scale digital GaAs circuits.1,2 Nevertheless, subsequent reports on refractory gate processes with TiW gates have been rather mixed, as severe reproducibility prob lems seem to occur at high annealing temperatures3 (typical ly above 700 "C). Attempts have been made to improve the stability of the metal-semiconductor interface by adding Si or N as a third component to the TiW metallization.4,5 The observed improvements were found to depend very strongly on the composition of the ternary phase, but the barrier deg radation mechanisms are not yet fully clarified, In this work, we report on an extensive study of the TiW IGaAs interface subjected to rapid thermal annealing (R T A) from 750·C up to 1050 ·C. The interface has been characterized by physical analysis [secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), Rutherford backscattering spectros copy (RBS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), x ray diffraction (XRD), Auger spectroscopy J and by elec trical measurements [current-voltage (1-V) and capaci tance-voltage (C-Y) measurements on TiW diodes). II. EXPERIMENT The substrates were (100) LEe-grown GaAs wafers, uniformly doped with silicon to a dose of 1017 at./cm3 (p_1O-2 n em). The wafers were degreased with organic solvents and 90 X 90 pm2 square diode areas were patterned using standard lithographic techniques, Prior to metaHiza tion, the wafers were subjected to an in situ Ar plasma clean ing (50 W, 5 min, 7.5 mTore). The base pressure of the metallization system was 10-7 Torr. TiW films with a com-position of25 at.% Ti (estimated from RBS data) were dc sputtered from a compound target at an Ar pressure of 15 mTort. Stress measurements indicated a conversion from compressive to tensile stress with increasing Ar pressure (Fig. 1). The thickness of the metallization varied between 50 and 300 nm. The electrical resistivity of as-deposited films was about 60 p.O cm. Annealing was carried out in a high purity forming gas atmosphere at temperatures ranging between 750 and 1050·C for lOs, using a commercial R T A system (HEATPULSE). During the annealing, the metal lized surface was protected with a GaAs cap wafer, After the annealing, AuGe/Ni was alloyed to the backside of the wa fer in order to form the ohmic contacts. III. RESULTS A. Physical measurements Auger spectra of the TiW films before and after anneal ing are shown in Fig, 2. It is seen that RTA at 8S0·C results in Ti and Ga accumulation at the TiW surface, This accumu lation causes severe Ti depletion in the bulk of the film, comvessive ~ -5t -lot FIG. 1. Stress in 300-nm-thick TiW films 011 GaAs liS Ii function of Ar pres sure durillg sputtering. 4775 J. Appl. Phys. 66 (10), 15 November 1989 0021-8979/89/224775-05$02.40 © 1989 American Institute of Physics 4775 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 03:09:468800e,10" ••••••• Ga sputter time (min) FIG. 2. Auger depth profiles of as-deposited and RTA annealed TiW films on GaAs. Moreover, there is no indication of a massive build-up of Ti at the interface, as was observed after furnace annealing at 810 °C.4 On the other hand, there is no significant change in the W signal profile at the interface. The oxygen concentra- lOS' - -2 I (J ·0 ~ '10; ~ W TI \'~TiJ 10 as depositea . 700°C: 10--\W 1 j \ 10- t=Jn~A \ Ti i \W 1900oc. 10" \ l'li'illj'i.:r~rr-Fi o 200 400 depth (nm) FIG. 3. SIMS depth proliles ofTiW IGaAs films annealed at different tem peratures. 4776 J. Appl. Phys" Vol. 66, No. 10, 15 November 1989 :30 40 50 60 70 80 90 28 925 ce:. 10" 28 o N N 90 FIG. 4. X-ray diffraction spectra of as-deposited and annealed TiW IGaAs samples. tion at the surface is high (and correlated with the Ti con centration), but the bulk oxygen level remains low. The Auger spectra give a clear overall picture of the film composition, but the technique is not sensitive to atomic concentrations below 0.5-1 at. %. Therefore we recorded SIMS depth profiles of the same samples after various an nealing temperatures in order to check for in-diffusion of Ti and W in the GaAs substrate. The SIMS data (Fig. 3) con firm the motion of Ti and Ga towards the surface and the stability of W at the interface. However, the most striking observation is the gradual in-diffusion of Ti into the GaAs. This diffusion process gives rise to a smooth tail in the Ti profile extending a few hundred nm deep into the substrate. Interfacial diffusion could possibly lead to the forma tion of new phases. However, the Ti SIMS profile does not contain any step that would indicate the presence of a stoi chiometric compound. A search for interfacial phases was performed with grazing angle XRD and high-resolution cross-sectional TEM. No evidence of the existence of a ho mogeneous interfacial layer could be found in these data. The XRD spectra (recorded with CuKa radiation) show essentially the out-crystallization of pure a-W (Fig. 4) after RTA. TEM pictures of annealed samples (Fig. 5) do not bring any evidence for the presence oflayers of Ti-Ga or Ti- FIG. 5. High-resolution cross-sectional TEM image ofthe TiW IGaAs interface after annealing at 900 'C for 10 s. No clear morpho logic structure is detectable in the TiW film due to the very strong absorption of the electron beam by the metal. de Potter et a/. 4776 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 03:09:4601 ~'~~~~r-~~-- 250 300 350 !:) c: 15 15 u a 10 ~ )( ~ 5 FIG. 6. RES spectra ofTiW IGaAs samples annealed at diiferent tempera tures. As phases. The pictures show a fairly uniform TiW IGaAs interface, with the occasional inclusion of small unidentified crystallites. Finally, samples were investigated before and after an nealing by RBS. Apart from a shift in the W signal, which is due to the formation ofthe Ti and Ga-rich surface layer, no substantial changes occur in the overall composition profile up to 950·C [Figs. 6(a) and 6(b)}. It must, however, be remembered that the GaAs substrate signal overlaps with the Ti signal, thereby lowering the sensitivity of the RES spectra to changes in the Ti concentration. After 1050·C annealing, a clear shift in the lower edge of the W signal indicates motion of the W towards the substrate, which could result either in a diffusion tail ofW into the GaAs or in the formation of new phases at the W IGaAs interface [Fig. 6 (c) J. This may be compared with earlier observations of the breakdown ofW-based diodes on GaAs, which showed the onset of a reaction at the W IGaAs interface between 8S0 and 1000 ·C, depending upon annealing conditions.6 80 Electrical measurements Current-voltage and capacitance-voltage measure ments were carried out using, respectively, a HP4145A pa rameter analyzer and a HP4275A LCR meter. Schottky bar rier heights (tPb) and ideality factors (n) were estimated from the forward J-V characteristics using the modified thermionic emission model: 4777 J. Appl. Pl;ys., Vol. 66, No. 10, 15 November i989 -- as deposited .......... sao ·e, 10" ----- 900 ·e, 10" 10-8 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 vOltage (V) 1.0 FIG. 7. Current-voltage characteristics ofTiW IOaAs Schottky diodes an nealed at diiferent temperatures. J=A**T2exp( -tPb1kn[exp(qVlnkT) -1], where J is the current density through the diode and A ** is the Richardson constant for GaAs (8.6 A cm-2 K-2).7 The measured forward J-V curves of the TiW IGaAs diodes exhibit linear characteristics over at least five current dec ades (Fig. 7). The Schottky barrier height tPb was deter mined from the extrapolated current density at zero bias, whereas the ideality factor was derived from the slope of the linear portion. Changes in barrier height and ideality factor after various annealing temperatures are shown in Fig. 8. The as-deposited parameters are tPb = 0.71 eVand n = 1.06. These numbers are representative of good-quality diodes and show that the surface damage due to sputter cleaning or sputter deposition is not important. II At up to 950°C anneal ing, there is a steady increase in both tPb and 1'1, and a decrease of the reverse leakage current (Fig. 7). Catastrophic break- -.c: .~ 1.4 <ll .c. 1.2 '- <II '-1.0 '- 0 .Q 0.8 0.6 e * & iflV : -.--~~-;-.--,--.--.-~,,\ I f.2 \ ~JM \ / '1.8 ~os d.posit.d / I J-I .. . . . 0 n FlO. 8. Ideality factor (n) and barrier height (,p.) extracted from /-Vand C-V measurements on TiW IGaAs Schottky diodes as a function of anneal ing temperature. de Potter et al. 4777 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 03:09:46--.-r-~10 ,/ -I I r 10 .8 I I. 10-2 -- as deposited -·-·_·-950 °0. 10" ~ 10-4 : '-:J W i! 0.6 OJ _-.~' 01> • __ .-10-6 __ ·--·IL-·~· '11 J: ~ _- I M ]! 10-6 ./" !- i 0.2 I 10-10 i L---_S'----''-=_S"'----L- _·...J10_--L--Li ~1~--14 reverse vol tage (V) FIG. 9. Reverse leakage current vs reverse applied voltage of as-deposited and annealed TiW IGaAs diodes. down occurs at 1050·C and results in a drastic decrease of A. and an increase in both n and the leakage current. The rb . maximal wafer averaged ¢b value observed in this series of measurements was 0.95 eV. Measurements of reverse cur rent characteristics (Fig. 9) reveal a change from a gradual to an abrupt breakdown curve, which corresponds to a tran sition from a tunneling to an avalanche breakdown mecha nism. This interpretation is further supported by tempera ture-dependent measurements of the breakdown voltage. The C-V measurements exhibit the same trend as the 1-V results, but in a more pronounced way (Fig. 8). Barri.er heights were derived from C-V measurements by plotting 1/ C2 versus the reverse bias voltage applied. These numbers tum out to be systematically higher than the 1-V results for annealed diodes, as is usually observed.8 The scatter of the data was also stronger than in the J-V results, indicating that local trap concentrations may play an important role in the barrier enhancement measured by C-V profiling. IV. DISCUSSION The major factor affecting the stability of the TiW I GaAs interface between 750 and 950"e in our experiments has been identified as the gradual in-diffusion of Ti in the GaAs substrate. This can be compared with earlier observa tions. The high reactivity ofTi with GaAs is well known and metal n GaAs ----------------~ N d FIG. 10. Band diagram for a metal/p+ -GaAsln-GaAs contact without bias. The barrier height is enhanced from the unmodified value ,pho by fi¢h' 4778 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No. i 0, 15 November 1989 can be inferred from thermodynamic arguments. By using, e.g., Miedema's thermochemical parameters as a first esti mate,9.!O a heat release of -280 kJ/mo} can be calculated for the reaction 2Ti + GaAs-> TiAs + TiGa. Detailed studies of the TilGaAs interfacial reaction have been reported by Kim et alY and by Wada. 12 They showed that titanium starts to react with GaAs at about 400 "C, pro ducing a layered TiiTix Gal x ITiAs/GaAs microstruc ture. The observed phases are in agreement with a tentative ternary phase diagram proposed by Beyers, Kim, and Sin clair.13 In contrast, similar arguments show that the WI GaAs interface is thermodynamically stable up to at least 1000 °e.14 The incorporation of Ti into a W matrix, as in sputtered TiW, seems to result in a somewhat intermediate situation. Earlier reports have shown unchanged TiW I GaAs diode characteristics up to at least 700 °e, and metal lurgical studies have confirmed the stability of the interface below this temperature.2 Several authors have reported bulk decomposition of the TiW at temperatures above 750 0c.4•15 Both the surface and the interface of the film can act as a sink for diffusing Ti atoms. Accumulation of Ti at the interface has been ob served after capped furnace annealing.4 U oder the annealing conditions used in our experiments (i.e., rapid thermal an nealing with unpassivated surface), the surface is clearly the preferred Ti sink, and the Ti supply to the interface is not sufficient to allow formation of stoichiometric Ti-As com pounds. Instead, the Ti atoms diffusing into the GaAs create a nonuniform doping profile extending between 50 and 100 nrn into the substrate. Assuming this doping to be predomi nantly p type, 16.17 we obtain a situation that is most appropri ately described as a Shannon contact. 18 This mechanism has already been invoked to explain the increase in barrier height of refractory metal-nitride contacts with annealing tempera ture. 19 The occurrence of a thin highly doped p + layer at the metal-semiconductor interface results in an artificial en hancement of the barrier height for thermionic emission. This situation is schematically depicted in Fig. 10. The bar rier enhancement !J..¢;b and the positionXm of the maximum barrier are given by19 ACPb = qNaX~.,/2EEo Xm = (1 + NalNa)d -(NdINa) W. In these equations, Nd and Na are the donor and acceptor concentrations, d is the thickness of the p-doped layer, and Wis the depletion width at a particular applied voltage. The barrier enhancement should show up in 1-Vas well as in C-V measurements. Based on the previous arguments, we attribute the mea sured rise ofthe TiW barrier height during RT A to the grad ual build-up of a p+ layer at the contact interface. Similar changes in refractory metal diode parameters have some times been attributed to a reduction of the sputtering-in duced damage with increasing annealing temperature.20 However, this mechanism is unlikely to contribute much to ¢b changes above 800 "C. Another alternative barrier-en hancement mechanism relies on the formation of an interfa- de Potter et a/. 4778 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 03:09:46cial TiAs layer during annealing. However, there is no evi dence for the presence of this layer in our samples. Moreover, the creation of a TiAs phase has been shown to result in a sharp increase of the barrier height, 11 which is a . different behavior from the gradual change observed in our experiments. The amount of p-doping cannot be deduced from the SIMS data, which only give the acceptor atom's concentra tion. However, it can be calculated21,22 that a barrier en hancement of 0.25 eV, similar to what we experimentally observe, only requires a 50-nrn-thick layer with a net uni form doping of 4.5 X 1017 acceptor states/cm3• For these as sumptions an increase in the ideality factor from 1.0 to 1.2 is expected, in good agreement with our experimental results. The same doping phenomenon can explain the transi tion from a smooth to an abrupt breakdown in the J-V curve after R T A. Indeed, a soft tunneling breakdown will be sup pressed by the broadening of the potential barrier and will be replaced by avalanche multiplication, which is the typical breakdown mechanism for a p-n junction. This interpreta tion was confirmed by measurements of the reverse break down curve above room temperature, which showed a low ering of the breakdown voltage before annealing with increasing measurement temperatures, but an increase of the breakdown point after annealing, V. CONCLUSIONS We have investigated the interface behavior of TiW on GaAs under rapid thermal annealing up to 1050"C. Two distinct interfacial diffusion phenomena have been found to occur. Starting at temperatures as low as 750 "C, Ti gradual ly diffuses into GaAs, whereas Ga moves towards the film surface. This is accompanied by an increase in the measured barrier height and breakdown voltage of the Schottky di odes. The change in electrical characteristics can be ex plained by the formation of a thin p + doped layer (Shannon contact) at the interface, due to the in-diffusing Ti atoms. In a second stage (at 1050°C), W starts moving massively across the interface, causing the catastrophic failure of the diodes. The uncontrolled p doping of the substrates will un doubtedly cause irreproducible results in a MESFET fabri cation process. On the other hand, a controlled p doping 4779 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 10,15 November 1989 could be beneficial since it increases the logic swing of the FET's, and therefore the allowed threshold variation over a circuit. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank A. Demesmaeker for XRD, J. Vanhellemont for TEM, and K Wuyts for RES analysis. Financial support was received from the Instituut voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek in Nijverhei.d en Landbouw (IWONL) and from Bell Telephone Mfg. Co.-Alcatel. 'R. A. Sadler and L. F. Eastman, IEEE Electron. Dev. Lett, BDL.4, 215 (1983). 2E. Kohn, Proceedings of the International Electron Devices Meeting, Washington, D.C., 1979, p. 469. 'N. Yokoyama, T. Ohnishi, K. Odani, H. Onodera, and M, Abe, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-29, 1541 (1982). 'A. E. Geissberger, R. A. Sadler, M. L Balzan, andJ. W. Crites,J. Vac. Sci. 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Pittsburgh, 1985), p. 341. "'B. V. Kornilov, L. V. Marchukov, and V. K. Ergakov, SOy. Phys. Semi- cond.8, 14-1 (1974). '"V. V. Ushakov andA. A. Gippius, SOy. Phys. Semicond.16, 1042 (1982). '"1. M. Shannon, Solid-State Electron. 19. 537 (1976). ;9L. C. Zhang, C. L. Liang, S. K. Cheung, and N. W. Cheung, J. Vac. Sci. TechnoL B 5, 1716 (1987). "'N. Uchitomi, M. Nagaoka, K. Shimada, T. Mizoguchi, and N. Toyoda, J. Vac. Sci. TechnoL B 4, 1392 (1986). "5. J. Eglash, N. Newman, S. Pan, D. Mo, K. Shenai, W, E. Spicer, F. A. Ponce, and D. M, Collins, J. App!. Phys. 61, 5159 (1987). 22G. P. Schwartz and G. J. Gualtieri, J. Electrochem. Soc. 133, 1266 (1986). de Potter et a/. 4779 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 03:09:46
Transport properties of twodimensional electron gas systems in deltadoped Si:In0.53Ga0.47As grown by organometallic chemical vapor deposition WP. Hong, F. DeRosa, R. Bhat, S. J. Allen, and J. R. Hayes Citation: Applied Physics Letters 54, 457 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.100951 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.100951 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/54/5?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Twodimensional electron gas in a Ga0.47In0.53As/InP heterojunction grown by chemical beam epitaxy Appl. Phys. Lett. 49, 960 (1986); 10.1063/1.97495 First observation of twodimensional hole gas in a Ga0.47In0.53As/InP heterojunction grown by metalorganic vapor deposition J. Appl. Phys. 60, 2453 (1986); 10.1063/1.337158 Twodimensional electron gas in In0.53Ga0.47As/InP heterojunctions grown by atmospheric pressure metalorganic chemicalvapor deposition J. Appl. Phys. 58, 3145 (1985); 10.1063/1.335818 Twodimensional electron gas in a selectively doped InP/In0.53 Ga0.47As heterostructure grown by chloride transport vapor phase epitaxy Appl. Phys. Lett. 43, 280 (1983); 10.1063/1.94326 Twodimensional electron gas in a In0.53Ga0.47AsInP heterojunction grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition Appl. Phys. Lett. 40, 877 (1982); 10.1063/1.92932 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 12:44:28Transport properties of two",dimensiona! electron gas systems in delta~ doped Si:~nO.53 (1aO.47 As grown by organometaUic chemical vapor deposition W-P. Hong, F. DeRosa, R Bhat, S. J. Alien, and J. R. Hayes Bellcore, 331 Newman Springs Road, Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 (Received 28 September 1988; accepted for publication 18 November 1988) We have investigated the transport properties of a two-dimensional electron gas formed in delta-doped lno.53 Gao.47As grown by the organometallic chemical vapor deposition technique. Very high free-electron concentrations of I.4X 1013 and 9.6X 1012 cm-2 have been obtained at 300 and 77 K, respectively. Hall mobilities of 9300 and 14600 cm2/V s were measured with carrier concentrations of 3.7 X 1012 and 3.0X 1012 cm-2 at 300 and 77 K, respectively. This is a factor of 3 higher than is expected for homogeneously doped materials having a similar doping. Schubnikov-de Haas oscillations confirmed the two-dimensional nature of the electronic structure in these delta-doped materials, and electron effective masses were determined from cyclotron resonance measurements. Recently, atomic plane or delta doping of compound semiconductors has received considerable attention as a means of obtaining high-density and high-mobility quasi two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) systems. This doping technique has been developed in molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) I and in the flow rate modulation epitaxy (FME). The samples were grown by FME in a modified conventional organometallic chemica! vapor deposition (OMCVD) reac tor.2 The electron mobility of delta-doped layers may be en hanced due to reduced impurity scattering in the presence of screening effects, and the electron concentration may be en hanced due to a reduced Si autocompensation when the do pant is incorporated in one plane during the growth inter ruption. The quasi-two-dimensional nature of the electron gas in the potential well created by the doped layer was first demonstrated by Schubnikov-de Haas measurements by Zrenner et al.3 Previous research in this area, however, has concentrated on GaAs and Alx Gal _ "As. In this letter, we report experimental results from a study of electron trans port properties in OMCVD-grown delta-doped Ino.53 Ga047As by using Han, Schubnikov-de Haas, and cy clotron resonance measurements. Planar delta-doped Inns3 Ga0.47 As layers were grown by the OMCVD technique at a temperature of 625°C with the reagents transported to the reactor by palladium-diffused hydrogen. The growth started with a 1.0 Itm undoped 1no.53 Gan.4-7 As buffer layer, then the atomic planar doping occurred by dosing the trimethyHndium and trimethylgal Hum gas valves and opening the silane (SiH4 ) gas valve. The arsine (AsH;) flow was maintained so that the Si atoms could be preferentially incorporated on the Ga sites. The growth was completed after the deposition of a further 1.0 pm of undoped Ino.53 GaOA7 As. T ABLE I. Growth conditions and transport data from Hall measurements at 300 and 77 K. SiB. Ii!! (cm'/V s) Sample upening time (s) 300 K 77 K A B 5 lS 9300 3600 14600 (, 2C<) flu (>< lOll cm ') 3()() K 77 K 3.7 14.0 3.0 9.6 Cloverleaf and Hall bar geometry samples were made for Hall measurements (Van der Pauw technique) and Sehubnikov-de Haas measurements, respectively. Ohmic contacts were made to the samples by annealing indium baBs under hydrogen flowing for 2 min at 400°C. Samples from different parts of grown wafers were wedged for cyclotron resonance measurements. Unlike previous cyclotron reso nance experiments, which were performed at fixed frequen cy, swept-frequency cyclotron resonance was obtained. The electron transport properties were determined for two different doping concentrations, 3.7X lOl2 em 2 (sam ple A) and 1.4 X 10 L\ cm 2 (sample B) at 300 K. These correspond, respectively, to 7.1 X 1018 and 5.2 X lOlCJ cm -3 for equivalently homogeneously doped layers with the iden tical mean impurity separation.4 Han transport parameters with growth conditions of these two samples are summar ized in Table I. Hall mobilities as high as 9300 and 14600 cm2/V s were measured for a doping of 3.7X 1012 and 3.0X 1012 em·· 2 at 300 and 77 K, respectively. If the Hall mobility were limited mainly by impurity scattering equiva lent to 3D density, we would expect values as low as 3500 cm2 IV s with the assumption that the compensation ratio is one. Therefore, at a concentration of 3.7 X 1012 em -2 at 300 75 B= 10 TESLA T= 6°1{ 125 175 FREQUENCY (cm-1) 225 FIG. L Cyclotron resunancc spectra taken at the fixed fidd on samples A andB. 457 Appl. Phys. Lett. 54 (5), 30 January 1989 0003-6951/89/050457-03$01.00 @ 1969 American Ir.stitute of Physics 457 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 12:44:28SAMPLE A 4.5 MAGNETIC FIELD (TESLA) FIG. 2. Schubnikov-<le Haas oscillations on samples A and B for the mag netic field perpendicular ttl the doping plane. K, the mobility enhancement is more than 2.5. The possible origin of the mobility enhancement is discussed in Refs. 4 and 5. Another interesting aspect of the delta-doping tech nique is the capability of extremely high free-electron con centrations. Concentrations of l.4XlOl.l cm2 (5.2Xl019 cm -3) in delta-doped Ino53 Ga0.47 As are a factor of 5 higher than the highest free-electron concentrations (1.0 X 1019 cm -1) in the conventionally doped layers. These suggest that delta-doped Ino.53 Gao..!? As could be an excellent candi date for high performance FETs requiring high driving cur rent capability. [n Fig. 1 we show swept-frequency cyclotron resonance at B = 10 T for two samples which were wedged by 4' to eliminate Fabry-Perot interference effects. The resonance spectra are broader in sample B than sample A as would be expected for a lower mobility sample. From the frequencies where the resonance reaches peak, we calculated electron effective masses to be O.OSmo and O.064mo for sample A and sample B, respectively. The electron effective masses are larger than that (O.042mo) in pure bulk materials. It is be lieved to be mainly due to nonparabolicity resulting from the high degeneracy of the electronic systems. We expect the electrons to be quantum mechanically bound to the parent donor plane. To deduce electron sub band energies describing the binding of the electrons to the doped region, we have performed low-temperature Schubni kov-de Haas measurements on the samples. Figure 2 shows magnetoresistance oscillations up to B = 9 T. The oscilla tion is stronger in sample A than in sample B, as expected. But both show a complex osciHatory behavior. The two-di mensional nature of the electronic structure was confirmed by tilting the samples with respect to the magnetic field. The amplitude and position of maxima (or minima) were ob served to shift to higher magnetic field with the increased tilt angle. 458 App\. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No.5. 30 January 19139 ~ E ->-100 ~ w z w c ~ ..... >-" a.. w (.,) Z ~ if) en iLl 0:: ..J ...! oct :t: 5 10 MAGNETIC FIELD (TESLA) 5r---------------------------~ 2.5~ °O~------~5~------~10~------~15 (0) MAGNETIC FIELD (TESLA) FIG. 3. (a) Magnetmesistallcc ami occupied Landau levels of two sub bands vs magnetic field. (b) Hall resistance vs magnetic field. In the case of sample A, the longitudinal magnetoresis tance (Pxx) displays a complex oscillatory behavior charac teristics of more than one electron subband occupation, while the HaH resistance (Px}') displays a tendency to form plateaus at the highest magnetic fields [shown in Fig. 3(b) l. To analyze these data, we note that the weak plateau in Pxy and the minimum inpxx at B = 11 T must correspond to 10 spin/Landau levels occupied. To reproduce the structure in Pxx as the magnetic field is lowered, it is necessary to super impose two sets of Landau levels from two occupied sub bands. Although we still expect Pxx minimum to occur at Hong eta!. 458 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 12:44:28integral values of 1/ B, the interference of the two sets of Landau levels modulates the amplitude of the minimum. By reproducing this modulation of the Pxx minimum we deter mined the relative separation ofthe subbands to be as shown in the lower part of Fig. 3 (a). The energy scale was set by the magnetic field and electron mass, and we estimated the ener gy splitting to be about 65 meV. We also determined carrier concentrations in the two subbands to be no = 1.85 X 1012 and nl = 0.55 X 1012 em -2. The total carrier concentration (no + n1 = 2AX lOE2 em 2) is in good agreement with the value (2.5 X 1012 cm-2) obtained from Hall measurements. It is assumed that the Si atoms remain in a single atomic plane. It has been reported recently,6.7 however, that a PGst growth diffusion and/or preferential migration depending on the growth temperature, can occur. In conclusi.on, we have studied transport properties of 2DEG systems formed in delta-doped Inos] Ga0.47 As grown by OMCVD, using Hall, Schubnikov-de Haas, and cyclo tron resonance measurements. Hall mobilities as high as 9300 and 3600 cm2/V s with carrier concentrations of 459 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No.5, 30 January 1989 ·.·.·.·.~.·.~.':'".:-.:.-:;:.:.:.x.:.~.:;:-.:-.:.::;:.;.:.:.:.:.;.;o:.;.:.;.:0;.;0;-.;.:0;.;.:.;.; •.•.•••.• ;.;.; •.•.• ; •••••••••••• "? •••• -.; •• ' •••• -; ••••• ;" ••••• '7' •••••••••••••••• 3.7X 1012 and lAX IOU em --2 at 300 K, respectively, have been obtained. We have analyzed Schubnikov-de Haas mea surements data and confirmed the two-dimensional nature of the electronic structure in these materials. Discussions with R. F. Leheny are gratefully acknowl edged. lK. Ploog, J. CrysL Growth 81,304 (1987). 2M. Kobayashi, T. Makimoto, and Y. Horikoshi, Jpn. J. App!. Phys. 25, L746 (1986). lA. Zrclmer, H. Reisinger. F. Koch, and K. Ploog, in Proceedings of the 17th Jllternationai Conference un Physics of Semiconductors, San Francis co, 1984, edited by J. D. Chadi and W. A. Harrison (Springer, Berlin, 1985), p. 325. 4E. Schubert, J. E. Cunningham, and W. T. Tsang, Solid State Commun. 63, 591 (1987). 'G. Gillman, B. Vinter, R Barbier, and A. Tardella, Appl. l'hys. Lett. 52, 972 (1988). "E. Schubert, J. B. Stark, T. Chiu, and B. Tell, App!. I'hys. Lett. 53, 293 ( 1988). 7R. B. Beall, J. B. Clegg, and J. J. Harris, Scmicond. Sci. Techno!. 3, 612 (1988). Hong etal. 459 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 12:44:28
Plasma immersion ion implantation using plasmas generated by radio frequency techniques J. Tendys, I. J. Donnelly, M. J. Kenny, and J. T. A. Pollock Citation: Applied Physics Letters 53, 2143 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.100299 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.100299 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/53/22?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Direct coupling of pulsed radio frequency and pulsed high power in novel pulsed power system for plasma immersion ion implantation Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 043501 (2008); 10.1063/1.2906220 Improved planar radio frequency inductively coupled plasma configuration in plasma immersion ion implantation Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74, 2704 (2003); 10.1063/1.1568559 Effects of magnetic field on pulse wave forms in plasma immersion ion implantation in a radio-frequency, inductively coupled plasma J. Appl. Phys. 92, 2284 (2002); 10.1063/1.1499983 Enhancement of implantation efficiency by grid biasing in radio-frequency inductively coupled plasma direct- current plasma immersion ion implantation J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 20, 1452 (2002); 10.1116/1.1494064 Pure high dose metal ion implantation using the plasma immersion technique Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70, 4359 (1999); 10.1063/1.1150094 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 08:49:22Plasma immersion ion implantation using plasmas generated by radio frequency techniques J, Tendys and i. J, Donnelly Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization, Lucas Heights Research Laboratories, PMB ], Menai NSW 2234, Australia M. J. Kenny and J, T, A. Pollock Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Applied Physics, Lucas Heights Research Laboratories, PMB 7, Menoi NSW 2234, Australia (Received 29 July 1988; accepted for publication 20 September 1988) Medium density (3 X 109 em 3) and high density (3 X 1012 cm-3) pla;;mas, generated by low and medium power rf techniques, have been used for the implantation of 10-20 keY nitrogen ions into mild steel targets which were immersed in the plasma and biased to -20 kV. Use of the high density plasma resulted in significant damage to the surface by arcing. At medium densities the nitrogen was implanted to a depth and dose consistent with expectations, there was no arcing damage, and tests showed improved wear and hardness compatible with the level of impiantation. A new technique for the ion implantation of materials has recently been reported by Conrad et al. I In this method the target is placed in a plasma and biased to high negative voltages. An ion sheath forms around the target and the plas ma ions are accelerated through the sheath, implanting the target surface. This technique has been named plasma im mersion (or plasma source) ion implantation (PHI). Its ad vantages over conventional ion implantation using acceler ated particle beams have been discussed by Conrad et aI, ! Although PIn is only in its infancy the technique has al ready been demonstrated for nitrogen implantation into steei, with a consequent improvement in wear properties. 1 The plasma densities used in the pioneering experiments of Conrad et al.1 were about 2:::< 108 cm -3. In this letter we describe preliminary results of PIn experiments in which low and medium power rftechniques have been used to gen erate nitrogen plasmas of medium (3 X 109 em .. 3) and high densities (3 X 1012 ern 3). The aim ofthese experiments was to discover whether rf plasmas are suitable for PIII, and to make a preliminary investigation of PIn in high density plasmas. This is of importance because the time for implan tation to a specified dose reduces as the plasma density is increased, and because the decrease in sheath width at larger densities meam; that targets of complex shape should be im planted more uniformly. The vacuum vessel is a glass sphere of radius 14 cm with access through four cylindrical ports. In thc medium density operation mode 200 W rfpower at 13.5 MHz was inductive~ ly coupled to the plasma through two 20~cm-diam conduct ing loops on opposite sides of the vessel. This created a visu any uniform glow discharge plasma in which the ion species was N2' • The pfasma density, measured using a Langmuir probe, lay within the range 2:-4 X 109 cm -3, and the electron "temperature" Te was estimated to be 5 eV, There was no steady applied magnetic field in this case. To obtain the high density plasma the device was operated in the rotamak mode,2 in which a rotating magnetic field was used to inject -40 k Wand create a magnetically confIned plasma of ion species N' ,density -3 X 10 l2cm 3, and Te -10 e V. Steady magnetic fields of about 5 m T are present in this case. In both cases the filling pressure was about 1 mTorT. The bias voltage power supply can generate voltages up to 20 kV and currents up to 4 A with pulse widths in the range 8 fls < Tp < 200 I1s and repetition times 1" r > 50l1s. The pulses were applied in batches of 1 s duration, separated by 6-9 s intervals. In aU implantation experiments reported here the fuH 20 kV was used. A new system capable of 50 kV and 10 A is being developed. The target samples are com~ mercia!, low carbon (0.25%), mild steel (AS1443-1973) disks of 2,5 cm diameter and 0.5 em thickness, which we modified only by highly polishing one side at room tempera ture. They were connected to the power supply via a 3-mm diam brass rod that was screwed into the convex side of the disk. The rod was shielded from the plasma by a glass tube. The sample formed the cathode ofthe bias circuitry, and the anode was a carbon electrode of area 15 cm2 located in the plasma, 12 em from the target. The anode clamped the plas ma potential to a value 20 k V above that of the cathode. In these experiments the samples were not cooled. The amount of implantation has been measured, with an accuracy of 15%, using the 14N(d,a)12C reaction3 with 1.1 MeV deuterons and both backward angle (163°) and glanc ing angle ( IHn detection of the ex partides. This technique also allows depth profiling of the 14N, with a resolution of 40 urn. In the first series of experiments a grass tube covered all but a 1 cmz circular area on one face of the disk which was implanted using approximately 400 pulses of 80l1s duration in the rotamak plasma. The current pulses in the bias circuit ry were about 300 rnA, although some showed 500 rnA spikes which are thought to be due to arcing. The nitrogen dose deduced from the (d,a) reaction was 4 X 1016 em' 2, in reasonable agreement with expectation based on the mea sured current and on the formation ofa steady ChHd-Lang muir sheath4 of width -5 mm. The exposed area exhibited an erosion or arc spot at its center, and there were arc tracks under the edges of the glass. Because of the arc damage no depth profiling, hardness, or wear mearmrements were made on this sample. In all further experiments the glass cover was not used, 2143 AppL Phys. lett. 53 (22), 28 November 1988 0003-6951/88/482143-03$01,00 Cc) 1988 American Institute of Physics 2143 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 08:49:22and the whole of the sample surface (13 cm2) was exposed. With this large surface area the rotamak plasmas gave an ion current to thc target of about 4 A, which was near the limits of the bias circuitry and made it difficult to control the vol tage pulse. Therefore, these results must be regarded as pre liminary. Following the application of 8000 8 f..ls pulses the sample was found to be covered by a large number of arc tracks, but examination of the remainder of the surface un der a microscope showed no apparent damage. The dose to an undamaged part of the surface was measured by the (d,a) reaction to be 2 X 1016cm \ a factor 5 below that expected. It is thought that a significant part of the current to the sample occurred as low voltage arcs, which did not result in implantation. No wear measurements were made on this sample because of the low dose and the extensive arc dam age. Table r lists the pulse length and repetition time, the total number of pulses .IV p' and the dose measured at the center of the polished face of four samples implanted using medium density plasmas (Nt at 20 keY), In these cases there was no evidence of arcing. Based on an observed ion saturation current of2 rnA at low voltages ( -100 V) which indicated n I = 2 X 109 em -", the predicted dose of nitrogen atoms per second of implantation is 2 X ro15 em -2 S 1. As suming this value, the experiments were designed to give a dose of 2 X IOl7 em -2 to samples BM51 and EMS3. Al though the presence of capacitance and secondary electron currents prevented a straightforward measurement of the ion current to the samples at 20 keY, this has been estimated from the rate of sample temperature increase to be about 12 rnA. This increase in ion curren t over the low voltage value is consistent with a larger Child-Langmuir sheath width at higher voltages, although, with an expected radius of 10 em, the sheath would occupy much of the vessel which would affect the sheath structure and possibly the plasma density, The ion current estimated for each sample was used to obtain the total dose values listed in Table 1. Note that these expo sures are well above the saturation value of the retained 2144 AppL Phys, Lett., Vol. 53, No. 22, 28 November 1988 FIG. L Micrographs of wear tracks for (a) the unimplanted sample and (b) sample 131\151, fol lowing 60 min wear under 50 g loading. The indi cated lengths correspond to I mm. dose,S which is about 1 X 1017 cm-2 for 10 keY nitrogen into steel at 30°C. The maximum temperatures reached by each sample are given in Table I. These were estimated from ther mistor measurements of the heating and cooling rates at temperatures up to 200 dc. After implantation the surfaces of samples BMSl, EMS3, and BM90 had a milky appearance because of surface etching to depths of several hundred nm, which is evident in Fig. 1(b). The surface of sample BM59 appeared slightly cloudy, but much less affected than the other three. These observations are compatible with the amount of sputtering expected for the total doses and tem peratures listed in Table I. The retained doses in samples EM5!, BMS3, and BM90 are aU above the expected satura tion level, and we believe that this is due to the diffusion effects discussed below. Profiles of the nitrogen density versus depth have been determined for all samples using the 14N (d,a) 12C reaction. They show a strong peak at the material surface with a fuB width at half maximum of 40 urn, which is approximately the resolution of the technique. As the penetration of 10 keY nitrogen is about 10 nm, we can only say that the measured distribution near the surface is consistent with that expected, The glancing angle measurements on BM51 and EM53 indi cate that there is appreciable nitrogen (15% of detector broadened peak value) at a depth of 100 nm, with even greater penetration seen in BM90. This is not observed to the same extent in the backward angle measurements, nor in TABLE L Implantation parameters with the medium density plasma. Total Retained Sample 7p 7,. Np dose dose temperature Sample (itS) (ILS) (10") (1017cm -2) ( \O'7em .}) eel BMS! 80 600 1.3 11 2.2 200 EMS3 80 600 1,3 \1 4.5 250 BM90 80 600 0.3 6 5.0 350 BM59 15 200 0,9 3 1.4 300 Tendys eta!. 2144 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 08:49:22TABLE n. Wear characteristics measured using a carbide ball-on-disk sys- tem under 50 g load and O.R ms -, contact velocity. . Wear time (min) SampJe Unimplanted BMSI BM59 30 60 120 240 track cross-sectional area (10 -" m 2) 0.9 1.9 <0.1 3.1 <O.! 0.5 5.2 0.1 1.8 sample BMS9. It appears that there is enhanced penetration due to diffusion, especially in samples EMS1 and BM53 which are at their maximum temperatures for the longest times, and in BM90 which reaches the highest temperature. The increased penetration indicated by the glancing angle compared to the backward angle measurements is probably an artifact arising from the surface roughness. Surface micro hardness was measured across the diame ters of the PIn samples and an unimplanted standard using a Vickers indenter under 15 g load. These conditions will not measure the hardness of the implanted layer « 100 urn thick), but will include a substantial fraction of the unmodi fied underlayer. However, the measurements provide a qualitative assessment of the effectiveness of PHI with re gard to changes in surface hardness. The mean hardness (VDR) was 120 (standard deviation 20) for the standard, and in the range 160-180 (s.d. 30) for the implanted sam~ pIes. These measurements demonstrate an increase in hard ness of up to 50% following PIII. Wear measurements were made with a machine based on the pin-an-disk principle, but using a carbide steel baH (10 mm diameter) as abrader. Contact velocity was 0.8 ms-J with paraffin oil continuously dropped onto the sam ple surface to provide light lubrication. Wear tracks cut us ing a 50 g l.oad for various contact times allowed a suitable comparison between the wear properties of implanted and unimplanted samples. The wear tracks and the as-implanted surfaces were examined using interference microscopy (Fig, 1); the wear depth profile was determined by interferometry using both white and monochromatic light. A series of wear tracks was cut in samples BMS!, B]\'159, 2145 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 53, No. 22, 28 November 1988 and the standard for contact times i.n the range 30-240 min. These data are summarized in Table n. Compared with the unimplanted standard, sample EM51 had its wear resistance significantly improved by PHI. Only a scuffing track was observed for wear times less than 240 min [see Fig. 1 (b) J, Even after 240 min wear, when some breakthrough of the implanted layer was evident, BMSl was still about 50 times more wear resistant than the standard. Sample BM59 re ceived a lower implant dose, was less hard, and was less wear resistant than EM5!. After 120 min wear, substantial break through of the modified layer had taken place. at which point BM59 was about six times more resistant than the standard. Another indication of the increased hardness which accompanies PIn of these steel samples was the ob servation of a small flat worn on the hard carbide abrader baH. This flat was not observed with the standard sample. The improved wear characteristics of BMSl compared with BM59 are possibly due to the 50% extra nitrogen in BM51, but they may also be connected with the much greater sur face etching seen on BMSl. The results presented here show that rf-generated plas mas of medium density are su.itable for nitrogen implanta tion in steel to increase its hardness and wear properties. The high density plasmas appear unsuitable because of arcing problems, but this may be overcome with improved bias vol tage circuitry and/or with shorter pulse lengths. A program aimed at finding the plasma density and preparation method that optimizes the implantation process is being undertaken. We acknowledge the assistance ofL. Wielunski with the dose measurements, D, D. Cohen and G. A. Collins with the depth profile analysis, and R. A, Clissold with the hardness and wear testing. 'I. R. Conrad, J. 1.. Radtke, R. A. Dodd, F. J. Worzala, and N. C. Tran. J. App!. Phys. 62, 4591 (19H7). . 20. Durance, G. R. Hogg, J. Tendys, and P. A. Watterson, Plasma Phys. ContL Fus. 29, 227 (1987). 'G. K.Hub!eJ'. Nne!. lustrum. Methods I'll, !OJ (1981). 4C. n. Child, Phys. Rev. 32, 492 ( 1911 ). '1'. Barnavon, J. TOllsset, S. Fayeul1e, 1'. Glliraldellq, D. Treheux, and M. Robelet, Radiat. Elf. 77. 249 (1983). Tendys eta!. 2145 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 08:49:22
Comparative study of dielectric formation by furnace and rapid isothermal processing R. Singh, F. Radpour, and P. Chou Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 7, 1456 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.576076 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.576076 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/7/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Comparative study of back surface field contact formation using different lamp configurations in rapid thermal processing J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 16, 613 (1998); 10.1116/1.589872 Comparative study of phosphosilicate glass on (100) silicon by furnace and rapid isothermal annealing J. Appl. Phys. 69, 367 (1991); 10.1063/1.347723 TiSi2 formation by rapid thermal processing in a diffusion furnace J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 7, 1488 (1989); 10.1116/1.576083 Rapid isothermal processing J. Appl. Phys. 63, R59 (1988); 10.1063/1.340176 Junction and ohmic contact formation in compound semiconductors by rapid isothermal processing J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 5, 1819 (1987); 10.1116/1.574506 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:58:00Comparative study of dielectric formation by furnace and rapid isothermal processing R. Singh, F. Radpour, and P. Chou School a/Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University a/Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019 (Received 10 October 1988; accepted 9 January 1989) An examination of our own and results available in the literature indicate that the dielectric properties of silicon dioxide and tin oxide on Si formed by rapid isothermal processing are superior compared to furnace processing. A possible explanation based on the primary difference in the radiation spectrum of the two sources of energy is presented in this paper. Certain physical and chemical processes can be prompted and/or initiated due to the presence oflight in the rapid isothermal processing. I. INTRODUCTION The inadequacy of conventional furnace annealing for the fabrication of micron and submicron integrated circuits has led researchers to investigate alternate methods to furnace annealing such as lasers, electron beams, lamps, resistance heaters, and ion beam annealing technologies. Out of the various alternate techniques mentioned above, rapid isother mal annealing, based on incoherent sources oflight, is a very promising technique. I In this process, the sample is thermal ly isolated and the heating and cooling processes are domi nated by thermal radiation. In 1980, Nishiyama et al.2 were the first to use tungsten halogen lamps as a continuous source of radiation for annealing boron implanted Si wafers. Since then, in addition to annealing of ion-implanted wafers, this technique has been extended for many other process steps such as silicide formation, gettering, formation and an nealihg of gate dielectrics, oxide reflow, metal alloying, etc. For this reason, the term rapid isothermal processing3 (RIP) is used to cover a wide range of processing steps achieved by this technique. Thin films of dielectric materials are an integral part of various semiconductor devices. As compared to furnace processing, improved quality of dielec tric films are formed by RIP.4 In this paper, we report the oxidation study of silicon dioxide and tin oxide on silicon formed by RIP. For comparison purpose some results of tin oxide and silicon dioxide formed by conventional thermal processing are also presented. In the following section the experimental results are pre sented. Section III deals with the discussion of the experi mental results. Finally, the paper is concluded in the last section. II. EXPERfMENTAl An examination of the results available in literature indi cate that the dielectric properites of the thin silicon dioxide films formed by RIP are superior compared to the furnace processing. 3,4 Figure 1 shows the silicon dioxide thickness as a function of oxidation time at 900 °C for RIP and furnace processing in dry oxygen. The RIP data, A and B shown in Fig. 1; are taken from Refs. 5 and 6, respectively. The fur nace data are taken from Ref. 7. Similar data have been ob served at different oxidation temperatures. Thus, the growth kinetics of thin silicon dioxide formed by furnace and rapid isothermal processing are different. Thin films of Sn02 grown at low temperature are of cur rent interest due to their established applications such as conducting oxide semiconductors as well as potential appli cation in gas sensors. Silicon substrates used in this work were n-type phosphorus doped, (100) oriented epiwafers with resistivity of 4.1 n cm. The silicon wafers were chemi cally cleaned in TCE, acetone, and methonal each for 10 min in an ultrasonic cleaner followed by rinsing in deionized wa ter. After chemical cleaning the silicon samples were imme diately loaded in the vacuum system and thin films of Sn of thickness about 575 A. were deposited at 10-6 Torr vacuum. The Sn/Si samples were transferred to commercial rapid iso thermal processor, Heatpulse model No. 410 equipped with gas handling system GHS-Ol. A summary of the processing history of five typical samples is shown in Table I. X-ray studies were performed in an x-ray diffractometer (Rigakud/MAS-llA) using CuKa radiation and a curved graphite crystal monochrometer, with a step width of 0.05° and a count time (for each step) of2 s. A smaller step width and/or larger count time was used to give better precision of BO,----------------------------------~ ~ao~ o~ I (/) W Z40 x:: Q ::c I- waD o >< o 0i---------r--------r--------~------~ o a 3 ... OXIDATION TIME (min) FIG. 1. The thickness of thermal oxide as a function of growth time. 1456 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 7 (3), May/Jun 1989 0734-2101/89/031456-05$01.00 @ 1989 American Vacuum Society 1456 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:58:001457 Singh, Radpour, and Chou: Comparative study of dielectric formation 1457 TABLE I. Processing history of oxidation of typical Sn/Si samples. Rapid isothermal In situ Oxidation In situ processing (RIP) cleaning temp. ee) annealing in Sample or thermal temp. eel and N2 temp. eel no. (TJ and time time and tim~ RIP 6OO/lOs 400/160 s 500/10 s 2 RIP 600/lOs 4OO/300s 3 T 400/10 min 4OOC175 min 4 T 400/10 min 400/75 min 600/10 min 5 T/RIP 400/10 min 400/75 min 500/10 s 2() and intensity measurements. All of the spectra were scanned from 10° to 120· (valuedof28). The summary of x ray diffraction results is shown in Table II. It is obvious from Table II that furnace processing provides mixed phases of Sn02 and SnO or only SnO phase. On the other hand, RIP can provide only the single phase of sua:!. High-frequency (1 MHz) capacitance-voltage was used to measure the fixed surface state density of Hat band (NFIJ). The fiat band voltage VFB was determined graphically from fiat band capacitance and corresponding high-frequency C V characteristics. The electrical breakdown field EBR of thin dielectric film was measured using linear voltage ramp tech nique. The electrical characteristics of Sn02 samples are shown in Table III. Clearly, in terms of the dielectric constant E, Nl'B' and EBR, RIP provides, better results compared to fur nace processing. A more detailed information of Sn02 re sults is given in Ref. 4. TABLE III. Electrical charactcriHics of Sn/Si oxides. Thickness NcB, NFB2 EUR Processing (A) E (no./cm2) (no'/cm') (MV/em) RIP oxidation 534 24.98 1.65 X lO" 3.23 X 1000 1.1 f-annealing RIP oxidation 551 8.41 3.01 X 10" 3.25 X 10" 0.8 Furnace oxidation 568 9.57 3.35X 10" 3.61 X 10" 0.7 m. THEORETICAL MODEL AND DISCUSSION It is obvious from the results presented above that in order to explain the difference in the oxidation kinetics, we have to examine the basic energy transfer mechanism in the two cases of furnace processing and RIP. First, we will examine 8n02 results followed by Si02 results, A.5n02 Assuming radiation as the dominant energy-transfer mechanism, furnace processing at 400 ·C can be represented by a blackbody radiation at -800 K. As shown in Fig. 2, in case offurnace processing, only photons with wavelengths of -1.2 pm and longer have appreciable intensity and could be available for possible chemical reactions. On the other hand, in the case of RIP, although the substrate temperature is 400·C (as in the case of furnace processing), the filament temperature is much higher. A typical intensity versus wave length curve for tungsten halogen lamps8 is also shown in TABLE II. X-ray diffraction summary (28 range: 10"-120", Scan time = 85.80 min). Sample no. 2 3 4 5 {J-Sn Orientations slightly less random. Orientations relatively random. Same orientations as sample 1 and (101) being more prominent. Small amount. Mainly of (200) arId (l0l) orientations. J. Vat::. Sci. Techno!. A, Vol. 7, No.3, May/Jun 1989 SnO (romarchite) Very small amount. None Essentially (00l) or (002) orientation. Major orientation as sample 3 with reduced intensity, The major phase here; orientation as sample 3. Various phases Su3O. SnO, (triclinic) (cassitevite) Most None prominent orientations (110), (Wi). Increased None intensity of (101) phase. None None Essentially Orientation (00l) or (101) much (002) or (003) stronger orientation. than others. Similar to sample 4 Small amount, but intensity only (101) much weaker. is appreciable. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:58:001458 Singh, Radpour, and Chou: Comparative study 01 dielectric formation 1458 Fig. 2. Thus, the primary difference in the two oxidation processes originates from the difference in the radiation spectrum of the two sources of energy. The potential energy curves for the O2 molecule are shown in Fig. 3.9 A summary of the three lowest electronic states of O2 molecules is given in Table IV. 10 Based on Fig. 3 and Table IV, possible chemi~ cal processes associated with gaseous O2 dissociation are shown in Fig. 4. In case of furnace processing, photons with wavelengths of about -1.2 /-Lm and longer are not able to dissociate gaseous O2 into atomic oxygen, which are usually more reactive than the O2 molecule.l1 In addition, it has been known for a long time that atomic oxygen is of primary importance to the oxidation of condensed~state material such as metals because of its reactivity and diffustivity through the oxide layer. 12,13 Also, in the present case furnace processing at a filament temperature of 800 K does not pro vide sufficient photonic energy to excite the lone pairs (un bonded, spin paired electron pairs) associated with each tin atom in SnO, to higher energy states preferred for Sn02 for mation. (There is no lone pair in SnOz and tin atoms in Sn02 have their highest known valence state of IV. 14.15) As a re sult, in the case of furnace oxidation at 400 °C, only SnO can be formed. In the case of RIP, lone pair excitation is possible, since the photons near the UV region are available. On the other hand, at the same sample temperature, the Sn02 phase can be readily formed from tin samples oxidized in a rapid iso thermal processor with incoherent light source such as the tungsten-halogen lamps. In the later case, there is relatively only a very small amount of SnO phase both present in the RIP oxidized samples, This SnO phase can also be readily removed by in situ rapid isothermal annealing at 500 °C in Nz following RIP oxidation, whereas furnace oxidation fol lowed by annealing at 600°C in N2 provides instead a mixed phase ofSnO, Sn304 and Sn02• Details of this study will be published elsewhere. 16 1- ~ so ~ 150 W • 40 > 'ii • 30 Ii II: 120 ~o 0 1200 4CIO aoa 1&!C10 1600 1aaa 12200 Wavalengcn (nm) FIG. 2. Relativeintensity (not to the same scale) of tungsten-halogen lamps and blackbody radiation of 800 K as a function of wavelength. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, VOl, 7, No.3, May/Jun 1989 TABLE [V. Three lowest electronic states of 0,. Mean lifetime Molecular Total Antibonding ofthe electronic spin Multiplicity rrorbitals t:.E A excited state 0[0, (S) =2S+ 1 ( rr*) (eV) (,urn) state Ground state Triplet 1 ) 0 .il. g First lowest excited 0 Singlet 1( '0' 0.977 1.27 64.6 min state 1~. Second lowest excited 0 Singlet t I 1.628 0.7619 6.9s l:l/ B.Si0 2 The growth kinetics of thin silicon dioxide in dry oxygen is one of the most controversial subjects in silicon integrated circuit processing. Even the growth rate-limiting process is the subject of much debate. No attempt is being made to establish the dominance of one mechanism over the other. However, we will show that the incoherent sources of light affect the growth kinetics for more than one possible mecha nism. In case of rapid isothermal processing, the use of tung setn-halogen lamps as the source of energy can enhance Si oxidation through the fonowing possible mechanisms: Ci) The gas phase oxygen dissociation 02~20 can be pro moted by RIP. Considering Figs. 3 and 4, it is clear that oxygen atoms can diffuse more easily through the oxide lay~ er; however, the energy needed for O2 dissociation is high B e a 1 ; 37T, \ U , , FIG. 3. Potential energy curves of 02' Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:58:001459 Singh, Radpour, and Chou: Comparative study of dielectric formation 1459 (5.115 eV). The thermodynamic and kinetic considerations indicate that the gas phase oxygen molecule thermal disso ciation is fundamentally limited by Boltzmann distribution. As shown in Fig. 4, light illumination in the UV, visible, as well as IR region can supply the necessary thermal energy to a sample under processing (as specified by the sample tem perature). Additionally, it can also provide a convenient, nondestructive, and relatively high (photonic) energy source (i.e., in the UV-visible region) to circumvent the above limitation by direct and/or indirect photonic absorp tions. On the other hand, at typical furnace oxidation tem peratures, the blackbody radiation is confined to the IR re gion, which may not be sufficient for certain high activation energy processes. Certain diffusion processes requiring rela tively high activation energies cannot be activated in the fur nace processing. (ii) Consideration of Figs 4 and 5 shows that O2 dissocia tion through adsorption on solid surfaces can be promoted. eV O2 dissociation can also be promoted through chemisorption on solid surface. Atomic oxygen is more reactive than its molecular coun terpart (02) and plays an important role in thin Si02 growth. 17 It may also be noted that O2 dissociation is needed for solid-state oxidization of silicon into silicon dioxide in dry oxygen. Silicon dioxide, either crystalline or amorphous, is structured from networks of chains of tetrahedral 8i04 groups and no peroxide bonding has ever been found. There fore, in the overall process of Si02 formation, the oxygen molecules involved in the oxidation process have to be disso ciated in certain ways. As discussed in the earlier paragraph, gas phase oxygen dissociation by the thermal process is high ly ineffective. Experimentally, thermal oxidation of silicon wafers in dry oxygen has been in practice for more than sev eral decades. This possible dilemma could be resolved from the illustration demonstrated in Fig. 5, where a Lennard Jones chemisorptive dissociation model of a diatomic mole- ----r 620.V(~A) - - [ .... cutoff wavelength of tungsten-halogen lamp] Far UV I 5. - - - - - 4.14 eV(3000A) r 4. Near UV j I Visible Ground State Oxygen Molecule L Ground Sta.te Oxygen Atoms L t /4.25 eV(2920A) -+ lSi V.B. -+ 5i02 C.B. Transition] -_:!2(1,;111) -+O(3P)+O(3i2] [Sn02 Band Gap] 3,53 eV(S51OA) ~3.49 eV(3550A) -@,2(1!:t) ...... 0(3 P) + 0(311: --3.15 eV(3940A} -+ lSi C.B ..... Si02 C.B. Transition] j 2. 1.964 eV(6300A) __ [!(3P) .... GenU __ 1.628 eV(6719A) .... I02(3!:;) -> 02(lEt) ---::------ 1.61 eV(7700A) f=---Ntar IR 1 -r- Middle ill ! ---1. 0.83 eV(1.5/-1)- 0.21 eV(S.Dp) -------0 (Si Band Ga.p] 1.12 eV(l.l1~) ~~V(1.271J) -I02e'!Ei) -> O2(1.6.11) I r:------771 .E:651 eV(l.90/-I) -+ ~(l.6.gL --02(1EtlJ ..... 0.34 eV(3.6#-,) -+ [1", .. ",0/8000 K black-body rad.] 0,0576 eV(21,5~) [kT at 400CC] J. Vac. Sci. Technol, A, Vol. 7, No.3, May/Jun 1989 FIG. 4. A schematic representation of possible chemical processes associated with gaseous O2 dissociation. Certain band transition energy values ofSi, Si02, and Su02 are also indicated. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:58:001460 Singh, Radpour, and Chou: Comparative study of dielectric formation 1460 1 ~ c:J 0 &r: II Z II + t SOLID SUBSTRATE SURFACE X+X De FIG. 5. A Lennard-Jones chemisorptive dissociation model of a diatomic molecule (X2). Showing the energy of the system vs distance of the adsor bate from the solid substrate surface. cule (X2) is described.I8 Figure 5 indicates that the heat of chemisorption for two dissociated X atoms (with energy close to regular chemical bonding, e.g., ~9 eV 12 per ad sorbed atoms) is much larger than that of the corresponding heat of adsorption ofaX2 molecule (usually ,;;;;0.2 eV lad sorbed molecule19). The resultant activated energy for che misorptive dissociation ofthe X2 molecule Ea is then consid erably less than the gas phase X2 dissociation energy De· Again, at comparable sample temperatures, a RIP incoher ent light source can provide appropriate photonic energies to enhance this chemisorptive assisted dissociation of diatomic molecules more effectively than the radiation from a conven tional furnace. (iii) As shown in Fig. 4, the Si-Si bond breaking mecha nism can be enhanced (8i self-bond energy ~2.1-2.6 eV).zo (iv) Also as shown in Fig. 4, the hot (band) electron generation can be promoted. A thorough understanding of the role of RIP in Si02 for mation can result in control of the defect chemistry of the bulk Si02 and Si-Si02 interface. Such a study can provide useful information about the hot carriers reliability issues of J. Yac. Sci. Technol. A, Yol. 7, No.3, MaylJun 1989 thin Si02 films used as gate dielectrics in metal-oxide semi conductor field effect transistors.21 IV. CONCLUSION In this paper, we have presented an oxidation study of 8n02 and Si02 on silicon substrate formed by rapid isother mal processing. As compared to furnace processing, im proved quality of dielectrics are obtained by RIP. A possible explanation for the improved quality of rapid isothermal processed samples is due to the primary difference in the radiation spectrum of the two sources of energy. These pre liminary results indicate that photochemistry plays a signifi cant role in the oxide growth by rapid isothermal processing. More work is needed to understand the definite role of pho tochemistry in the rapid isothermal oxidation process. IR. Singh and J. Nulman, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 71, 44 (1986). 2K. Nishiyama, M. Arai, and N. Watanabe, Jpn. J. App!. Phys. 20, 124 (1981). JR. Singh, J. Appl. Phys< 63, R59 (1988). 4R. Singh and F. 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(Wiley, New York, 1963), Vol 1, pp. 28-29, 134-136, and 250-252< "M. Gielen, in Topics in Inorganic and organmetalfic Stereochemistry, edit ed by G. Geoffroy (Wiley, New York, 1981), Vol. 24, p. 217. lOp. Chou, R. Singh, F. Radpour, M. Rahmati, H. S. Ullal, and A. J. Nelson J. App!. Phys. (submitted). DR. Rajsuman and R. Singh, J. Electrochem. Soc. 135, 237 (1988). '"R. Fowler and E. A. Guggenheim, Statistical Thermodynamics (Cam bridge University, Cambridge, 1952). P< 437. 19S. R. Morrison, The Chemical Physics of Surfaces (Plenum, New York, 1977), pp. 223-262. 20F. A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: A Com prehensive Text (Wiley, New York 1980). p. 375. 21R. Singh, in Proceedings a/the Symposium on Silicon Nitride and Silicon Dioxide Thin Insulating Films, Electrochemical Society, Fall Meeting, San Diego, CA, 1986, edited by V. K. Kapoor (Electrochemical Society. New York, 1987), Vol. 87-10, p. 448. 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Thinfilm high T c superconductors prepared by a simple flash evaporation technique M. S. Osofsky, P. Lubitz, M. Z. Harford, A. K. Singh, S. B. Qadri, E. F. Skelton, W. T. Elam, R. J. Soulen Jr., W. L. Lechter, and S. A. Wolf Citation: Applied Physics Letters 53, 1663 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.100468 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.100468 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/53/17?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Oriented thin films of YBaCu(F)O with high T c and J c prepared by electron beam multilayer evaporation Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 1573 (1989); 10.1063/1.101317 A flash evaporation technique for oxide superconductors AIP Conf. Proc. 182, 140 (1989); 10.1063/1.37965 High T c superconducting thin films by rapid thermal annealing of Cu/BaO/Y2O3 layered structures Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 2229 (1988); 10.1063/1.100510 Plasma oxidation of Ba2YCu3O7 − y thin films Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 618 (1988); 10.1063/1.100636 Asdeposited superconducting YBaCuO thin films on Si, Al2O3, and SrTiO3 substrates Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 2174 (1988); 10.1063/1.99760 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 18:18:14ThinmfUm high Tc superconductors prepared by a simpie flash evaporation technique M. s. Osofsky, P. Lubitz, M. Z. Harford, A K. Singh, S. B. Qadri, E. F. Skelton, W. T. Elam, Fl.. J. Soulen, Jr., W. L. Lechter, and S. A Wolf Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375-5000 (Received 20 June 1988; accepted for publication 1 September 1988) Thin films of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O and TI-Ba-Ca-Cu-O have been deposited on single-crystal MgO substrates by a simple flash evaporation technique. Small pellets of the superconducting compound were fonned by standard techniques, then evaporated to completion on the MgO substrates using an electron beam. The best films show an onset of superconductivity at approximately 110 K and zero resistance by 78 K. X-ray diffraction measurements show the films 10 be tetragonal with nominal lattice parameters of a = 3.85 A and c = 30.66 A. The x ray data also show the mms to be highly textured with the metal-oxide planes parallel to the substrate surface. Superconductivity has been reported recently in the Hi Sr-Ca-Cu-O system by Maeda et al. I and by Chu et al.2 with indications of a transition starting at temperatures up to 120 K. Similarly, evidence of superconductivity above 100 K was found in the Tl-Sa-Ca-Cu-O systems by Sheng and Her man3 and in T12Ba2Ca2Cu301O by Torardi et al.4 Several groups have reported data on thin films of this material pre pared hy sputtering,5 evaporation from mUltiple sources, (, or laser ablation.7 This letter presents an alternative and yet simple method to prepare films of this oxide where the stoi chiometry of the starting material is maintained. There are at least two crystallographic phases of this material but as of yet no one has prepared single-phase material of the higher Tc compound. The technique described below allows the rapid variation of stoichiometry needed to ultimately deter mine the composition and structure ofthis higher transition temperature materiaL The films were prepared by a flash evaporation tech nique utilizing a conventional electron beam source and glass bell jar vacuum system. Superconducting pellets of the appropriate compoSltlOI1, e.g., Bi4Sr]Ca3Cu40x or TIzBazCaICu20x, prepared by the conventional solid-state reaction techniques, I were cut into pieces weighing approxi mately 0.25 g cach and placed in the electron gun hearth. The base pressure in the system was about 10 H Torr, but was about 10 5 Torr during the depositien. Each pellet was evaporated to completion thereby providing the same ratio of dements arriving at the substrate that was present in the starting compound. The substrate, a polished ( 100) face of a single crystal of MgO was kept at 300 "C. Each area of the hearth covered by the electron beam spot contained enough material for depositing approximately 1000 A thickness of the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O material on the substrate. This limitation arises from the need to outgas the pellets before starting the deposition; larger pellets tend to release gas and material explosively. Evaporating a larger number of pellets could easily provide films approaching 1 Il,m in thickness. If an automatic feed system were used, or the material were vacu um melted externally, much greater thicknesses would be possible with this technique. The films were annealed in air at 840°C for times vary- 1663 Appl. Phys. Lett 53 (17). 24 October 1988 lug from 10 min to 16 h in a simple box furnace and then were quenched to room temperature. The films cculd be crystal lized and made §uperconducting with anneal times of only a few minutes, although properties improved with longer an neals. For example, following a 10 min anneal a sample of the Bi4Sr 3Ca,CU40" composition showed a transition to R = 0 at about 75 K; whereas a 4 h anneal raised the R = 0 temperature to 78 K, improved the resistance ratio (the ratio of the value of the resistance at room temperature to the value just above the transition), and produced a fraction of the higher transition temperature phase as evidenced by a small drop in the resistance between 115 and 110 K. The resistance versus temperature was measured using a standard low frequency, ae four-terminal technique with pressure contacts forming the electrodes and with a current of approximately 5 pA. The resistance versus temperature for a 3(,'00-A-thick sample (obtained by evaporating three pellets) annealed for 4 h at 840 °C and a lOOO-A-thick sam ple ( obtained by evaporating one pellet) annealed for 10 min at 840 °C is shown in Fig. ! (a). Nate that there is a small but detectable drop at about 110 K and a zero resistance at 78 K. Similar data are shown in Fig. 1 (b) for 11 2000-A-thick T12Ba2CaCu20x film. X-ray diffraction data, obtained with radiation from a Cu x-ray tube, are similar for all of the superconducting sam ples. The diffraction spectrum for the 2000-A.-thick T12BazCaCuzOx film annealed for 30 s at 850°C and quenched in air followed by an anneal for 30 min at 800 °C (and air quenched} is typical (Fig. 2). The cross-hatched peaks in the figure are from the MgO substrate; all the other peaks can be indexed to (OOl) reflections (2<:1<;30) of the structure reported by Tarascon et al. S for the nominal com position Bi4(Sr,Ca)f,CU4016I "~ or, equivalently, to that of Zandbergen et al." for the Bi2Sr2CalCu20x composition. The c-axis lattice parameter associated with these :is 30.662 ± 0.021 A. A Read photograph, taken with the film normal oriented at an angle of 1000 with respect to the x-ray beam, is shown in Fig. 3. The bright, low-angle ring sections on the right side are representative of the textured nature of the material. The sample was mounted on a four-circle dif fractometer and the (001) peaks identified in Fig. 2 were 1663 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 18:18:14Bi-S,-Ca-Cu-O 6 S; 1000 A E- O) 4 <> I: .. 0; <II 't <II a:: 0 50 70 sa 11 0 130 150 (a) T(K) 20C TI-Ba-Ca-Cu-O 2000A :§' (~ !!, ., 'OO[ '" ;:: .. 0; 'iii ~. '" a: 0 40 50 SO 70 SO 90 ~oo 110 (b) T(K) FIG. 1. (a) Upper: Temperature dependence ofthc resistance for two thin film samples of Bi.,Sr ,C",Cu40X' The lOOO-A.-thick film was annealed for 10 min at 840 'C and 'thc3000-A-thick film was annealed for 4 h at 840 'Co Both films were quenched to room temperature. (b) Lower: Temperaturc dependence of the resistance of a 20UD-A-thick TI2J1a2CaCu 20, thin film annealed for 30 s at 850 'C and quenched followed hy a second anneal f(Jr 30 min at 800 'Co automatically aligned. The diffractometer (j) coordinates for (008), (0010), and (0012) peaks of the superconductor were aU within 0.06° of the value obtained in centering the (002) reflection of the MgO substrate. This implies that the ~ " 0 r , r-- ~ t-r oX ~ ~ '~ \ \ -\ , = I c, "" r i ,- f-u. '" e- 7 ANGLE (DEG) FIG. 2. X-ray diffraction pattern for a 2000-A-thick film of TleBa2CaC1l20x' All oithe sample peaks have been indexed to the metal oxide (00l) reflections (2<1,;;30) in the tetragonal lattice identified in Ref.~. 8 and 9; the cross-hatched peaks are from the MgO substrate, (The pm-tion of the spectrum above 45' was replotted with the ordinate scale factor de creased by 10.) 1664 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 53, No. 17,24 October 1988 FIG. 3. Read photograph of the film described in Fig. 2. Note the small, low-angle, circular arcs on tile right side indicating strong texturing. The elongated spots are from the single-crystal MgO substrate. Diffractometer measurements show the metal-oxide planes to be aligned parallel to the sub strate surface to withill 0.06°. orientation of the metal-oxide planes of the superconductor, which are normal to the c axis, are aligned with the substrate surface, i.eo, the MgO (DOl) planes, to within 0.06°, which is the precision of the instrumenL Oscillation photographs were taken about the MgO (100) and (010) axes; unit cell parameters of 3.85 A are inferred from the layer lines on these photographs. This establishes the tetragonality of the lattice to within the accuracy of these measurements. These lattice dimensions, a = 3.85 A. and c = 30.66 ± 0.02 A., are in good agreement with those reported in Refs. 8 and 9. In summary, we have demonstrated that a very simple evaporation technique can provide superconducting films of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O or TI-Ba-Ca-Cu-O. We have successfully prepared highly textured films of the 80 K superconductor with the previously indexed crystallographic structure and are quite confident that this technique will yield the higher temperature material. The authors wish to acknowledge the sponsorship ofthe Office of Naval Research (ONR), the Office of Naval Tech nology (ONT), the Strategic Defense Initiative, Office of Innovative Science and Technology (SDIO/IST), the De fense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), and Nuclear Defense Agency (NDA), IH. Maeda, Y. Tanaka, M. Fukutomi, and T. Asano, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 27, 2 (1988). 2C. W. Chu, i.Bechtold, L Gao, P. H. Hor, Z. J. Huang, R. L. Meng, Y. Y. Sun, Y. Q. Wang, and Y. Y. Xue, l'hys. Rev. Lett. 60, 941 (1988). 3Z. Z. Sheng and A. M. Herma:n, Nature 332, 138 (1988). "c. C. Torardi, M. A. Subramanian, J. C. Calabrese, J. Gopalakrislman, K. J. Morrissey, T. R. Askew, R. B. Flippen, U. Chowdhry, and A. W. Sleight, Science 240,631 (1988). SR. Adachi, Y. Ichikawa, K. Setsune, S. Hatta, K. Hirochi, and K. Wasa (unpublished) . 'CO E. Rice, A. F. J. Levi, R. M. Fleming, P. Marsh, K. W. Baldwin, M. Anzlowar, A. E. White, K. To Short, S. Nakahara, and H. L. Stormer, App!. l'hys. Lett. 52,1828 (1988). 7C. R. Guarnieri, R. A. Roy, K. L. Saenger, S. A. Shivashankar, D. S. Vee, 1.1. Cuomo (unpublished). "J. M. Tarascofl, Y. LePage, P. Burlouz, B. G. Bagley, L. H, Green, W. R. McKinnon, G. W. Hull, M. Giroud, and D. M. Hwang (unpublished). "n. W. Za:ndbcrgen, P. Groen, G. Van Tcndeloo,l. Van Landuyt, and S. Amelinckx, Solid State Commun. 66, 397 (1988). Osofsky et at. 1664 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 18:18:14
Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of HgTe–CdTe superlattices L. M. Williams, P.Y. Lu, S. N. G. Chu, and M. H. Ross Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 7, 3183 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.576332 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.576332 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/7/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Plasmaenhanced chemical vapor deposited HgTeCdTe epitaxial superlattices Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 1329 (1989); 10.1063/1.100706 HgTe–CdTe superlattices and Hg1−x Cd x Te grown by lowtemperature metalorganic chemical vapor deposition J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 5, 3153 (1987); 10.1116/1.574858 CdTe photoluminescence in HgTeCdTe superlattices J. Appl. Phys. 62, 1516 (1987); 10.1063/1.339614 Multilayers of HgTeCdTe grown by lowtemperature metalorganic chemical vapor deposition J. Appl. Phys. 62, 295 (1987); 10.1063/1.339144 Interdiffusion in HgTe–CdTe superlattices J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 4, 2101 (1986); 10.1116/1.574035 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 05:41:34Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of HgTe-CdTe superlattices L. M. Williams, P. -Yo Lu, S. N. G. Chu, and M. H. Ross AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 (Received 28 November 1988; accepted 13 June 1989) Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition was used to grow epitaxial layers of cadmium telluride and mercury telluride from metalorganic compounds. High deposition rates were obtainable for both of the materials, and the plasma allowed epitaxial growth to occur at temperatures that were markedly lower than those required for the standard metalorganic deposition processes. Properties of the mercury telluride and cadmium telluride will be presented. Superlattices were grown at 150·C that had 70 A. thick mercury telluride layers. I. INTRODUCTION HgTe-CdTe superlattices, at present, are of interest for a variety of infrared device applications. In terms of cost and simplicity metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) is preferred over molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). Two MOCVD methods have been reported to al low the growth of HgTe-CdTe superlattices: a precracking technique1,2 and a photochemical process.3 Although both methods appear promising, they are relatively new and it is unclear, at this time, whether either process will yield device quality material; consequently, further research to find new processes is warranted. Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) has a number of features that make it attractive for the growth HgTe-CdTe superlattices. PECVD allows growth of epitaxial layers of semiconductors such as gallium arsen ide,4,5 gallium arsenide phosphide,6 and zinc selenide7 from hydrides and metalorganic compounds. In addition to high er growth rates, some materials can be deposited epitaxially using PECVD at lower temperatures than are required for non-plasma processes,4,7 and the electronic properties of some of the plasma deposited layers are superior to those for the non-plasma deposited layers.5 Similarly, epitaxial mer cury telluride, having good electronic properties, has been grown at 85·C using PECVD.8 This paper presents an overview of preliminary results ob tained using PECVD to grow epitaxial layers of mercury telluride and cadmium telluride for superlattices. Data on growth rate, morphology, electronic properties, and compo sition will be given. Cross-section transmission electron mi crographs of the superlattices will also be presented. II. EXPERIMENTAL A diagram of the reactor is shown in Fig. 1. The reactor is a parallel-plate system with stainless-steel electrodes (40 mmindiameter). To generate the plasma, 2 W ofrfpower at 15 MHz was applied to the top electrode. Substrates were placed on the grounded electrode and heated with a resis tance heater. Dimethylmercury, dimethylcadmium, and di methyltelluride were delivered to the reactor from bubblers using hydrogen as a carrier gas. The flow rates of hydrogen through the bubblers were regulated with mass flow control lers. For multilayer deposits, the switching and resetting of the gas flows were computer controlled. System pressures of 0.1 to 0.5 Torr were examined. The substrates were semi-insulating (100) cadmium tel luride and cadmium zinc telluride from Fermionics, Inc. Be fore deposition, the substrates were cleaned in acetone and rinsed in methanol. They were then etched in a dilute bro mine-methanol solution. The etched substrates were further rinsed with methanol and then blown dry with nitrogen. After loading the substrates into the reactor, the reactor was evacuated. Under flowing hydrogen, the substrates were heated to the deposition temperature, and the plasma was started after the flows for the metalorganics had stabilized. Surface morphology of the films was examined using No marski differential interference contrast microscopy. Car bon concentrations were measured using secondary ion mass spectroscopy. The standard van der Pauw technique was used to measure carrier concentrations and mobilities. Cross-section transmission electron micrographs were made to determine the periods for superlattices with different layer growth time intervals. Sample thinning for the electron mi croscopy was done chemically using a technique described earlier.9 The electron micrographs were obtained with a Philips 420 electron microscope operating at 120 keY. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Thick HgTe layers The growth of thick films of HgTe by PECVD has been described in more detail in an earlier paper.8 Typical depo- t GAS INLET BELL JAR C~::::J----l~- TOP ELECTRODE r-'==~--t-- SUBSTRATE BOnOM ELECTRODE " HEATER REACTOR BASE -TO PUMP FIG. 1. PECVD reactor diagram. 3183 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 7 (6), Nov/Dec 1989 0734-2101/89/063183-05$01.00 © 1989 American Vacuum Society 3183 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 05:41:343184 Williams fit ./.: PECVD of HgTe-CdTe superlattlces sition rates were 3 to 4.umlh for the growth of good quality mercury telluride, and the rate varied inversely with tem perature. In earlier experiments, the PECVD mercury tellu ride grown at 85 ·C had the best surface morphology and electronic properties; going to higher or lower temperatures degraded the properties. However, at present, the morpholo gy and electronic properties of the mercury telluride grown at 150 ·C match or surpass that for the layers grown at 85 ·C during the earlier studies.8 The material grown at 150 ·C is n type with a carrier concentration of 1.5X 1017 cm-3 and a mobility of22 000 cm2IV s at 300 K; the mobility increases to 64 000 cm2 IV s and the carrier concentration decreases to 8 X 1016 at 77 K. The surface morphology of a mercury tellu ride layer (2.um thick) grown on a cadmium telluride sub strate at 150 ·C is shown in the Nomarski photograph in Fig. 2. The only significant features are some hillocks that are induced by the substrate. The mercury telluride layers are grown under the same conditions (i.e., pressure, metalorganic flows, rfpower, and frequency) as those grown in the earlier studies. The im provement in the electronic properties for the layers deposit ed at 150·C occurred after changing to a higher purity di methylmercury source from Alfa Products. All of the depositions using the high-purity dimethylmercury have been done at 150 ·C. However, it is possible that layers grown at other temperatures may also have improved elec tronic properties. The optimum conditions for PECVD of mercury telluride are still unknown and further studies are needed. B. Thick CdTe layers For the flow rates and pressures used in this study, cad mium telluride layers could not be deposited, even at 350 ·C, unless the plasma was used. The growth rate of the cadmium telluride was higher than that for the mercury telluride; to accommodate the higher growth rate, the top electrode had to be converted to a shower-head arrangement instead of the single-hole design. Figure 3 shows the deposition rate of PECVD cadmium telluride as a function of substrate tem perature. The rate decreases with increasing temperature, following a behavior similar to that observed for PECVD FIG. 2. Nomarski micrograph of the surface of a PECVD HgTe layer grown at 150'C on a CdTe substrate. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 3184 TEMPERATURE ("C) 8 150 200 250 300 350 -6 -... ...... E ~ III ~ 4 c a: :z: • 0 a: 2 CII 0 40 60 60 100 120 140 TEMPERATURE ("C) FIG. 3. Deposition rate data for mercury telIuride and cadmium telIuride grown by PECVD. mercury telluride growth. For comparison, deposition rate data for PECVD mercury telluride are also reproduced in Fig. 3. Initially, the decrease in growth rate for the mercury telluride was attributed to the increasing requirement for mercury, in the gas phase, as temperature increased. How ever, the results for the cadmium telluride growth suggest that the rate decrease must be controlled by some other fac tors; for example, back reactions or etching processes could become more significant at the higher temperatures. Epitaxial cadmium telluride layers with good surface morphology could be grown at -150 ·C. A Nomarski pho tograph of a 2.5.um thick layer grown on a cadmium zinc telluride substrate is given in Fig. 4. There is some texture in the surface, however, the epilayer looks similar to the bare substrate. The surface is specular to the eye. Hall measurements done on the deposited cadmium tellu ride showed the layers to be n type. The layers grown at the higher temperatures had higher carrier mobilities. The layer grown at 350 ·C had a room temperature electron mobility of 600 cm2 IV s and a carrier concentration of 1 X 1016 cm -3, while the layer shown in Fig. 4, grown at 150 ·C, had a mo bility of 400 cm2 IV s and the same carrier concentration as the 350 ·C layer. C. Multilayers The first multilayers attempted were intended to be simple multiples (two, four, six) of thick alternating layers of mer cury telluride and cadmium telluride. However, two major difficulties were encountered: the surface morphology was always rough, and the multilayer structure, usually, would become polycrystalline at the start or during the growth of the first cadmium telluride layer (i.e., the second layer). There was an exception to this behavior for a four-layer structure grown at 16O·C. A Nomarski photograph of the cleaved edge of a section of that film is presented in Fig. S; all four layers are visible and the cleaved edge is smooth for each layer. The individual layer thicknesses are -2 .urn. The problem with this layer is that the cleaved edge shown in Fig. 5 is for the material that deposited on the side of the sub strate; the material on the top surface of the substrate be- Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 05:41:343185 Williams et al: PECVD of HgTe-CdTe superlattlces FIG. 4. Nomarski micrograph of the surface of a PECVD cadmium telluride layer on a cadmium zinc telluride substrate. came polycrystalline after the first mercury telluride layer. At this time, it is unclear why the layers on the side of the substrate were better than those on the top surface. An ex planation may be related to the fact that the side surface has the (110) orientation instead of the (100) orientation of the top surface. Both of the difficulties for growing the multilayers were eliminated by allowing the dimethylmercury flow to stay on during the growth of the cadmium telluride layers: specular epitaxial multilayers could be deposited reproducibly at 150 ·C, with this modification. At the temperature and par tial pressures for deposition, the mercury incorporation effi ciency is small compared to the cadmium incorporation effi ciency, resulting in cadmium rich (i.e., x close to 1) Hgi _ x Cdx Te. For some of the HgTe-CdTe superlattices grown by molecular-beam epitaxy, the cadmium telluride layers are deposited with the mercury flux on 10; this also yields cadmium telluride containing small amounts of mer cury. Having mercury present during MBE of cadmium tel luride is believed to prevent the formation of tellurium pre cipitates and to allow good quality material growth at lower temperatures than are required for superlattices with pure cadmium telluride. 10 A mechanism similar to that for the MBE process may have an influence on the PECVD grown layers. The higher concentration of methyl radicals that oc curs when the dimethylmercury is present during PECVD cadmium telluride growth could also be beneficial. Irvine et al. II reported getting improved results, attributed to the higher methyl radical concentration, after adding dimethyl mercury during photochemical vapor deposition of Hgi _ x Cdx Te. The PECVD process is sufficiently complex that both of the above-mentioned phenomena may be occur ring. FIG. 5. Nomarski micrograph of cleaved edge for a four-layer structure of mercury telluride and pure cadmium telluride. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 3185 Carbon concentration profiles were measured for one of the simple multilayer structures using secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS). The structure contained six alternat ing layers of mercury telluride and cadmium telluride grown at 150·C on a cadmium telluride substrate. Mercury tellu ride was the first layer; the total thickness for the six layers was -3 f.lm (0.6 f.lm for each CdTe layer, 0.4 f.lm for each HgTe layer). Figure 6 shows the concentration depth pro files. It is interesting that the concentrations of carbon are about 25 times higher in the cadmium telluride layers than in the mercury telluride. The carbon concentrations in the mer cury telluride layers, for those sputtering conditions, are be lieved to be at the background level. There are several possi ble explanations for the large difference in carbon concentrations for the mercury telluride and the cadmium telluride. Perhaps the simplest explanation is that when di methylcadmium is exposed to the plasma, at least under cer tain conditions, one of the reaction products is a molecule containing a strong cadmium--carbon bond that results in the higher carbon content of the cadmium telluride layers. However, additional experiments will be necessary before the true mechanism of the carbon incorporation is known. Whatever the mechanism, the most important aspect of the carbon concentration measurements is that the low amounts of carbon present in the mercury telluride is evi dence that carbon incorporation is not an inherent problem for PECVD processes wherein the metalorganic compounds flow directly into the plasma. D. Superlattices To determine the smallest period possible, layers were grown for times ranging from 10 min to 30 s. The layers were all grown with the substrate at 150·C and a reactor pressure 1022~----------------------------. CARBON TIME FIG. 6. Carbon SIMS concentration depth profiles for a six-layer structure. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 05:41:343186 Williams et al.: PECVD of HgTe-CdTe superlaHices of 0.5 Torr. For the mercury telluride growth, the carrier gas flows through the dimethylmercury and dimethyltelluride were 20 and 18 std. cm3/min (sccm), respectively. The cad mium telluride layers were grown using carrier flows of 20, 6, and 2.4 sccm for dimethylmercury, dimethyltelluride, and dimethylcadmium, respectively. The metalorganics were kept at O·C. A cross-section transmission electron micrograph of a multiple period superlattice is given in Fig. 7. The first layer grown was mercury telluride. Each of the first four layers had a growth time of 10 min. As can be seen in the figure, the first mercury telluride layer is about three times thicker than the second mercury telluride layer although the first and second cadmium telluride layers are about equal in thick ness. We suspect that the larger thickness of the first mer cury telluride may be associated with the initiation of the plasma and subsequent matching of the rf power during the growth of the first layer. This type of behavior for the growth of the first layer can be avoided. Following the first four layers, eight layers were grown using 5 min time intervals, followed by 20 layers with 1 min growth times, and last, 20 layers were grown using the 30 s time period. The last 20 FIG. 7. Transmission electron micrograph showing cross section of a PECVD epitaxial HgTe-CdTe multiple period superlattice grown at 150 'c on a cadmium telluride substrate. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 3186 layers were not distinct; together they appeared as one ho mogeneous layer, suggesting that the gases intermixed on the way from the bubblers to the reactor. However, each of the layers for the longer growth times are visible in the mi crograph; the thinnest layers, grown for 1 min each, are -160 A for cadmium telluride and -180 A for mercury telluride. Further reductions in individual layer thickness were ob tained using a growth interrupt process to hinder intermix ing of the metalorganics in the feed line. After each layer of the superlattice was grown, hydrogen and dimethylmercury were used to purge the gas line and reactor for 30 s before the next layer was started. This allowed deposition of70 A mer cury telluride layers and 140 A cadmium telluride layers for 30 s growth times. Figure 8 shows a cross-section transmis sion electron micrograph of a superlattice grown using the growth interrupt procedure for the conditions given above. Of course, the interface sharpness cannot be quantitatively determined from the cross-section microscopy, however, the results that have been obtained look promising. Further op timization of this deposition process should yield smaller period superlattices with interfaces that are as good as those obtained by MBE. The superlattices that were grown for this study and ex amined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are of good quality, at least within the detection limits of TEM. There was never any evidence of crystallites, grain boundar ies, dislocations, or defects of any kind in the transmission electron micrographs. Additional work is in progress to further optimize the deposition process and characterize the layers. IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS PECVD can be used to grow thick epitaxial layers of mer cury telluride that have good surface morphology and elec tronic properties. Pure layers of epitaxial cadmium telluride can be grown using PECVD, but the quality is only fair and further work is needed for improvement. However, when dimethylmercury is present during the cadmium telluride deposition, the layer quality increases, and the process be comes more reproducible. Superlattices with mercury tellu ride layers as thin as 70 A have been produced. PECVD appears to be a promising method for the growth of HgTe CdTe superlattices and deserves further research. FIG. 8. Cross-section transmis sion electron micrograph of a su perlattice grown using interrupt procedure (30 s layer growth and 30 s interruption). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 05:41:343187 Williams et at: PECVD of HgTe-CdTe superlattlces ACKNOWLEDGMENT We are grateful to C.-H. Wang for his help and contribu tions to this project. 'L. M. Williams, P.-Y. Lu, S. N. G. Chu, and C.-H. Wang, J. App!. Phys. 62,295 (1987). 2p._y. Lu, L. M. Williams, C.-H. Wang, and S. N. G. Chu, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A 5,3153 (1987). 3W. L. A1hgren, J. B. James, R. P. Ruth, E. A. Patten, and J.-L. Stauden mann, in Materials for Infrared Detectors and Sources, edited by R. F. C. Farrow, J. F. Schetzina, and J. T. Cheung (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1987), p. 405. 4K. P. Pande and O. Aina, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A 4,673 (1986). J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 3187 5 A. D. Huelsman, R. Reif, and C. G. Fonstad, App!. Phys. Lett. 50, 206 (1987). 6A. D. Huelsman, L. Zien, and R. Reif, App!. Phys. Lett. 52, 726 (1988). 7N. Mino, M. Kobayashi, M. Konagai, and K. Takahashi, J. App!. Phys. 59,2216 (1986). 8L.M. Williams,P.-Y. LU,C.·H. Wang,J.M.Parsey,Jr.,andS. N.G.Chu, App!. Phys. Lett. 51,1738 (1987). 9S. N. G. Chu and T. T. Sheng, J. Electrochem. Soc. 131,2663 (1983). IOD. J. Leopold, M. L. Wroge, and J. G. Broerman, App!. Phys. Lett. SO, 924 (1987). "s. J. C. Irvine, J. B. 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Nitrogen, oxygen, and argon incorporation during reactive sputter deposition of titanium nitride D. S. Williams, F. A. Baiocchi, R. C. Beairsto, J. M. Brown, R. V. Knoell, and S. P. Murarka Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 5, 1723 (1987); doi: 10.1116/1.583654 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.583654 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvstb/5/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Measuring the energy flux at the substrate position during magnetron sputter deposition processes J. Appl. Phys. 113, 013305 (2013); 10.1063/1.4773103 Current–voltage–time characteristics of the reactive Ar/O2 high power impulse magnetron sputtering discharge J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 30, 050601 (2012); 10.1116/1.4732735 Quantitative analysis of sputter processes in a small magnetron system J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 23, 1714 (2005); 10.1116/1.2091197 Metal bonding during sputter film deposition J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 16, 2125 (1998); 10.1116/1.581319 Reactive sputtered titanium carbide/nitride and diamondlike carbon coatings J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 16, 2073 (1998); 10.1116/1.581312 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 12:31:12Nitrogen, oxygen, and argon incorporation during reactive sputter deposition of titanium nitride D. S. Williams, F. A. Baiocchi, R. C. Beairsto, J. M. Brown, and R. V. Knoel! AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 S. P. Murarka Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Department of Materials Engineering, Troy, New York 12180 (Received 2 June 1987; accepted 3 August 1987) For the reactive sputter deposition of titanium nitride, stress and resistivity of the films has been measured as a function of the processing variables target power, substrate bias, pressure, and N2! Ar ratio. These studies were limited to the conditions that produce titanium nitride of stoichiometry near 1. Through Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy, the changes in stress and the conductivity of the films as a function of the processing variables were interpreted in terms of nitrogen, argon, and oxygen concentration in the films. The increase in resistivity of the films correlates with increased oxygen incorporation and the increase in compressive stress ofthe films correlates with increased argon incorporation. The amount of oxygen in the films appears to produce a unique value of resistivity but the argon concentration that produces a given compressive stress is a function of the processing parameters that control argon incorporati.on. t INTRODUCTION The alloying of transition metals with the elements H, B, C, 0, N, and Si creates a family of structures known as intersti tial compounds. I These alloys are known as such because the smaller metalloid atoms are located in the octahedral or te trahedral sites of the transition metal lattice. These com pounds can be categorized by the relative sizes of the metal and the metalloid atoms. For a radius ratio of metalloid- to metal < -0.59, the lattice of the interstitial compound is frequently found to be either cubic-or hexagonal-close packed. For radius ratios> 0.59, the crystal structure of the interstitia! compounds is usually more complex. For com pounds of the stoichiometry MX, where X is either carbon, nitrogen, or oxygen, the structure is frequently the NaG structure which is composed of a fcc metal lattice with the octahedral sites filled by the smaller interstitial atom. Exam ples of these compounds are TiC, ScN, ZrN, VN, and ZrH. The stoichiometry ofthese structures can vary widely by the creation of vacancies on either the metal lattice sites or on the interstitial sites. The result of these variations in stoichi ometry can lead to a wide range of properties for materials of nominally the same composition and structure. Interstitial compounds are finding increased industrial application because they can be materials of high conductiv ity (including superconductivity), extreme hardness, and good thermal stability. The use of titanium nitride is of par ticular interest in electronic applications because of its low resistivity and because it performs effectively as a diffusion barrier to the dissolution of silicon into metals used in var ious interconnection schemes, The history of successful utili zation of this material in the electronics industry spans a decade where TiN has acted as a barrier to the interdiffusion of platinum into titanium in the gold beam lead metalliza tion schemes.2•3 For electronics applications, the preferred processes for the deposition of titanium nitride films are: (i) reactively sputtering or Oi) reactively evaporating titanium in a nitro gen containing atmosphere. Research has been published on the deposition technology and on the properties of the titan ium nitride for sputter deposition processes4--10 and for evap oration processes./u-12 A summary of the literature includes the observations that the deposition rate of sputtered titan ium nitride varies as nitrogen is added to the environment. This is explained by a process of nit riding the target in order to decrease the sputter yield at the cathode surface.7~~W The evaporation of titanium has a strong gettering effect on the nitrogen partial pressure which results in strong depen dences of stoichiometry on processing variables. For exam ple, the resistivity of the deposited films changes as nitrogen is added to the reactor and as the resultant film stoichiome try changes from the hexagonal.dose-packed titanium structure to the tetragonal Ti2N phase and finally to the cu bic TiN. Through this sequence of phase changes, the resis tivity and hardness go through maxima and minima" 10 Even for a single phase, experimental work has shown that the hardness of TiN is dependent upon the N/Ti ratio in the filmS and that the conductivity depends upon the nitrogen partial pressure in the deposition environment. 10 Little work has been done, however, to correlate the influence of gases other than nitrogen to film properties. Oxygen is recognized to cause increases in the resistivityt3 but quantitative data are sparse. Argon is recognized to cause increases in com pressive stressJ4 for reactive sputter processes but correla tion with processing parameters is qualitative. The purpose of this work is to characterize the depen dence of stress and resistivity on the incorporated gas con centration in reactively sputtered TiN films and to correlate the film stoichiometry and the concentration of oxygen and argon to the process variables. We will attempt to identify the extent to which film properties are altered by residual gas incorporation and to correlate these changes with processing parameters. 1723 oJ" Vac. Sci. Techno!. 1'35 (6), Nov/Dec 1987 0734-211X/S7!061723-07$01.00 @ 1987 American Vacuum Society 1123 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 12:31:121724 Williams et al.: Nitrogen, oxygen, and argon incorporation II. EXPERIMENT The titanium nitride films were deposited in a planar dc magnetron sputter station shown schematically in Fig. L The system is a commercial apparatus (Perkin Elmer 4450) designed for manufacture. The depositions were made onto silicon substrates of < 100) orientation by sputtering a high purity titanium target in an ambient of argon and nitrogen. Samples were loaded onto a pallet in the turbomolecular pumped load-lock chamber, baked for 5 min at ~ 100 ·C, and simultaneously pumped to _10-5 Torr. The pallet was then loaded into the cryogenic-pumped reaction chamber and pumped to a base pressure < 10-6 Torr. The target was precleaned and the vacuum system gettered by striking the dc plasma in a flowing argon ambient and by sputtering ti tanium for 1 min with the shutters closed which prevented deposition onto the wafers. The dc plasma was then extin guished and the radio frequency (rf) discharge initiated to backsputter clean the substrates. This 5 min cleaning proce dure was estimated to remove < 10 A of thermally grown Si02• The nitrogen flow was then initiated, the dc plasma restored, and the shutter opened to expose the wafers. The deposition was continued for times from 1 to 20 min. No effort was made to control the substrate temperature but the preheat of the pallet maintained the substrates in the tem perature range of 80 ·C. The gas flow into the reactor chamber was controlled by mass flow controllers and the total pressure was controlled by baffling the cryogenic pump. The process sequence, including the preheat, the load-lock evacuation, the substrate rf power, the target dc power, and the time for each processing step was controlled by a microprocessor to allow fully automatic operation of the deposition reactor. The substrates on which the deposi tions take place were biased relative to ground by the imposi tion of an rf field. The substrate bias was controlled as a percentage of the total available power and was recorded as the resultant bias voltage. The resistivity, stress, and composition of the deposited TiN films were characterized. The resistivity was measured by four-point probe and converted into specific resistivity by thickness measurements made from Rutherford back scattering spectroscopy (RBS) and from surface profilo- FIG. 1. Schematic of sputter deposition apparatus. (A) Sample transfer pallet; (B) Sample loading door; (Cl Turbomolecular pump; (D) Load lock door; (E) Rotating shutters; (F) Planar magnetron cathodes; (G) Gas flow system; (H) Cryogenic pump; (I) dc power supply; (1) rf power supply. J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. S, Vol. 5, No.6, Nov/Dec 1987 1724 metry. Steps were etched into the TiN by pH adjusted ethy lenedinitrite tetracetic acid (EDTA) solutions at room temperature. The stress calculations were made by measur ing the radius of curvature of the substrate before and after deposition of the TiN film and ascribing the change in curva ture to a uniform biaxial stress in the deposited film. The radius of curvature measurements were made using an opti cally leveraged laser apparatus. 15 The composition of the deposited films were analyzed by 2 meV He+ ion backscattering spectroscopy. The elements analyzed were titanium, nitrogen, argon, and oxygen. The analysis beam was aligned with the (100) axis of the Si sub strate to ~ecrease the substrate signal and improve the sig nal-to-nOIse for measurement of N and O. A typical spec trum is shown in Fig. 2. The error in the N/Ti ratio is 5% that in the OITi and Ar/Ti ratios is 10%-15%. The thick~ ness is calculated from the energy width of the titanium peak at half-height using the bulk density of TiN (5.22 g cm--3). In general the atom ratios are obtained for the top 300-400 A of the film. No nonuniformities of composition with depth were observed, so that the values are valid for the entire thickness of the film. However, the depth profile for the ar gon component is not resolved completely because the titan ium peak covers that portion of the Ar peak corresponding to the upper one-half of the film. The spectra show that the argon content increases (sometimes sharply) at the Si/TiN interface (see insert, Fig. 2). AU samples seem to have a hig~-Ar c?ntent at this interface regardless of processing ~anables, mcluding the elimination of Ar-ion backsputter mg ofthe surface prior to TiN deposition. However, the Ar/ Ti ratio given in the figures is a measure of the uniform con centration within the film, and does not include the contri bution from argon at the interface. Note that the elements Ar, N,. and ° are ~orma1ized to the titanium signal through out thiS work. ThIS technique was used for internal consis tency in data reduction. Because the stoichiometry of all films. is N/T~ -1, the residual gas concentration can be ap proxImated m atom fraction by dividing the respective ratio by two. Iron was detected in all TiN films at a level of 0.1 at. %. 20.000 16,000 12,000 N 0 ,..!""';\.,* ..J W ;: 8000 4000 0 + 1.26 ENERGY (MeV I 1.49 L73 FIG. 2. RBS spectra for TiN films deposited at high-and low-substrate bias. The insert shows 20X expansion of scale with the calculated Ar/Ti ratios, Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 12:31:121725 WIlliams et sl.: Nitrogen, oxygen, and argon incorporation III. RESULTS Several researchers have shown that the N2/ Ar ratio dur ing reactive sputter deposition determines which of several phases is deposited. 5,7 ,Il,10 In this work, we have confined our interest to those deposition conditions that produce TiN of the NaCl structure. We therefore have varied the processing parameters over the ranges that produce TiN of stoichiome try near one. In this sense, our work is a subset of previous work in that we have investigated a narrow range of param eter space that produces only the phase that is of interest. The independent processing variables in our deposition pro cess that influence the film stoichiometry are the following: ( 1) nitrogen to argon ratio in the gas (N 21 Ar) as measured in relative flow rates; (2) the total pressure in the sputter chamber; (3) the rf power applied to the substrate, and (4) the dc power applied to the cathode. In this section we will present the influences of these variables on film stoichiome try, film properties, impurity gas content, and microstruc ture. Experiments with varied Nz/ Ar ratios were run at a fixed argon flow rate of 40 seem with the nitrogen flow varying from 1 to 10 seem. Depositions were made as a function of total reactor pressure from values of ~ 5 X 10--3 to -4 X 10-2 Torr. Variations in the N21 Ar ra- .j._ 1.11 1.07 -105 -:0.99 0.25 FIG. 3. Composite plot of physical properties, gas concentrations, stoichi ometry, and deposition rate of sputtered TiN as a function of total pressure during sputter deposition. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. S, Vol. 5, No.6, Nov/Dec 1987 1725 did not produce measurable variations in the stress or resis tivity of the deposited films at any of the total pressures in vestigated. The values ofN/Ti, O/Ti, and Ar/Ti determined by RBS were also independent of N 21 Ar ratio over the con ditions investigated. Figure 3 is a plot of changes in the physical properties and changes in the residual gas concentration oftitanit'm nitride as a function of the total pressure of the sputtering process. These films were deposited with constant substrate bias of 60 W ( -150 V). The changes in the compressive stress of the films covers nearly a factor of 10 as it decreases from ~4 X 1010 dynes/cm2 at low pressure to -5 X 109 dynesl cm2 at high-sputtering pressures. The resistivity undergoes a similar dramatic change as the pressure is increased, but the resistivity increases as the pressure increases, from values of -75 pn em at low pressure to -350,un em at high-sputter ing pressures. From the RBS analysis, the residual oxygen content in the films increases dramatically as the deposition pressure increases from values ofO/Ti::.:;O.05 to O/Ti:=.:;O.25 at high pressure. Figure 3 shows that the Ar/Ti ratio de creases and the deposition rate decreases as the total pres sure increases. The dependence of Ar/Ti on pressure ap pears to be a simple linear relationship but the deposition rate appears to be more strongly dependent upon pressure at 0!5r ~ I z 0.:01 g ;- ~ 005~ ~ l ~ 0.00 . E 200 . u 2: ~ 150- >-1- :> iOO- t;; iii l5=' 50l ::. :::> Z ] 103 ~ i= ..... -"-~--1r-----"=--_-"-'_-J:L -1.00 z JO.97 ~ z ~ FIG.7b ~ --~7d _..l. __ -,-_.l._-,-_ .l_--, __ L_L _L-_-L.J -150 -170 -190 -210 -230 -250 SUBSTRATE BIAS (VOLT) I I I i I I o 100 200 300 400 500 600 RF SUBSTRATE POWER (WATT) FIG. 4. Composite plot of stress, resistivity, gas concentrations, deposition rate, and film stoichiometry of TiN as a function of the rf substrate power. ••••• ,. •••••••• ;.--.-••••••••••••••••••••••• -......... <; ••••••••••••• ,.-• ., •••• • •• ·.·.'.-.·.-••••••• ·.'.v.·.·,.·.-....•. ·· .... -.-.-.... ~ ....••• ; •..• :.~.:.:.;.:.:.; •.....•.•.•. ' •..•. "'7 ••• -••• Y> •••••• -. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 12:31:121726 Williams et al.: Nitrogen, oxygen, and argon Incorporation lower pressures. Figure 3 shows also a dependence of the N/ Ti ratio on the total pressure, with values of N/Ti;:::: 0.99 at low pressure increasing to -1.11 at high-sputteriug pres sures. Figure 4 is a composite of the dependence of the physical properties and the compositional parameters of TiN as a function of the rf substrate power. The substrate power, as explained, is selected as a percent of available power and is given in units of watts. The resultant bias voltage is also shown. The resistivity decreases linearly with substrate pow er from values of 150 pH cm at low-substrate power to -75 fl!l cm at 600 W power ( -245 V). The compressive stress increases as the substrate power increases over the same range. The O/Ti ratio is measured at values of ~O.l at low power but decreases to below the detectability limit of RBS (~O.03) as the power is increased. The Ar/Ti ratio in creases linearly and the deposition rate decreases with sub strate power. The N/Ti ratio is weakly dependent upon the substrate power, but is more strongly influenced by the total pressure of the sputtering process (Fig. 3). Figure 5 shows the dependence of film properties and composition on the cathode power. The de power was varied from 1.5 to 3.0 kW of the available 10 kW power supply. Within this range the N/Ti ratio changes from 0.95 at high cathode power to 1.14 at low-cathode power. Above and '" __ --' __ -.l_~ __ L __ -1 __ -'-__ --! 1.5 2D 2.5 3D CATHODE POWER (kilowatt) FIG. 5. Composite plot of the stress, resistivity, gas concentrations, depo sition rate, and stoichiometry of TiN as a fUlIction of de cathode power. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. e, Vol. 5, No.6, Nov/Dec 1987 1726 below this range, phases other than TiN were detected and therefore those data were excluded from this presentation. The stress decreases as the de power is increased and reaches minimum values (-9X 109 dynes/cm2) at the highest tar get power. The Ar/Ti ratio decreases as the power is in creased and the deposition rate strongly increases with in creased cathode power. The increase in cathode power leads to slight increases of the O/Ti ratio and of the film resistivity. Microstructural examination of the TiN was conducted using x-ray diffraction and transmission-electron micros copy (TEM). The films were all found to be crystalline with grain sizes of the order of250 A. Lattice parameter measure ments from TEM diffraction patterns and from x-ray dif fraction were equivalent within experimental uncertainty for aU the as-deposited samples, and some sharpening of peak intensity was the only change observed upon 900 °C vacuum anneal. The high-temperature anneal did not aIter the argon concentration in the highly stressed samples, and the textur ing observed in some samples remained with only slight grain growth. More detail of the microstructural differences appears below. IV. DISCUSSION The stress and resistivity of TiN films can be influenced by the incorporation of the two "impurity" gases, argon and oxygen, as wen as by the incorporation of the reactive sputter gas nitrogen. Studies have been published on the influence of processing variables on inert gas entrapmene4•1 f) and also on the factors that promote residual impurity incorpora tion. [4,16 .. 18 Similarly, studies of reactive sputtering have routinely investigated the influence of processing variables on the stoichiometry of the deposited film. 14,18,19 However, no studies have attempted to understand the influence of three gas incorporation processes occurring simultaneously. The amount of nitrogen detected in the deposited films follows qualitatively the dependences predicted by an impu rity incorporation model, which states that the fraction of a gaseous impurity trapped during film deposition is given by Ii = [a;NJ(a;N i +R)], where!i is the fraction of impurity itrapped in the film, at is the sticking coefficient of i on the deposited film, N; the im pingement rate of impurity i per unit area, and R is the depo sition rate of the film. From the figures, the amount of nitro gen in the films increases as the partial pressure of nitrogen increases (Fig. 3) and decreases with increased deposition rate (Fig. 5). The nitrogen also decreases as the substrate power increases (Fig. 4) as if the films were backsputter cleaned of nitrogen during the deposition process; this is an other characteristic of impurity gas incorporation during film deposition processes with substrate bias, 14 Comparison of these observations to the findings of Poite vin and Lemperiere7-9 and Sundgren et alp-29 is useful; their conclusions suggest that although the cathode becomes nitrided, the transfer of titanium nitride to the substrate oc curs by the process of dissociation of the TiN into ions and neutrals, which then react at the substrate surface to form TiN. The total pressure dependence of the N/Ti ratio in this work suggests that the molecular nitrogen pressure is more Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 12:31:121727 Williams et al.: Nitrogen, oxygen, and argon Incorporation important than the flux of nitrogen ions generated by the decomposition of TiN at the cathode. Increasing the total pressure is shown in Fig. 3 to increase the N/Ti ratio. The probability that nitrogen from the cathode (ions or neu trals) can reach the substrate should decrease as the pressure is increased. Therefore, finding that nitrogen incorporation into TiN fonows an impurity gas incorporation behavior suggests that the TiN deposition process occurs by the reac tion oftitanium with nitrogen that originates in the gas, not at the cathode. Our data shows a strong correlation between the physical properties of the films (i.e., film resistivity and film stress) and the type and the amount of impurity gas incorporated into the films. Furthermore, a strong correlation between the amount ofthese residual gases and the sputter deposition processing parameters is indicated. Figures 3, 4, and 5 show that for each deposition parameter the film stress becomes more compressive as the amount of argon in the films in creases. Similarly, the resistivity of TiN is shown in Figs, 3, 4, and 5 to increase as the amount of oxygen in the films increases. Figure 6 is a plot of the compressive stress as a function of the Ar/Ti ratio. The increase in argon concentra tion in the films causes a linear increase in the compressive stress of the films. However, the film stress created by a gi ven argon content is a function of how the argon was incorporat ed. Note that in Fig. 6 the data are a linear function of the gas composition, but fall into two groups. The first are shown in Fig. 6 by solid circles (e) which spans a stress range from 5 X 109 to 4 X 1010 dynes/cm2 and incorporates an Ar/Ti ra tio up to -0.011. The second group, shown by open circles (0), includes samples oflow stress up to stresses > 5 X 10 10 dynes/cmz which incorporate argon to a ratio> 0.05, The least squares fit to the two sets of data indicates a monotonic dependence of stress upon argon incorporation, but Fig. 6 OOr-------------------------------7' 50 _SPrOT CONSTANT ·~·-t VBIAS INCREASE 0.03 ~/TITANIUM 0.04 0.05 FIG. 6. The stress of TiN film plotted as a function of the Ar!Ti ratio. The solid circles (e) were deposited at 600 W rfsubstrate power ( --240 V) at different N 21 Ar ratios and different pressures. The open circles (0) were deposited at fixed pressure and N2! Ar ratio at varied rf substrate power. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. e, Vol. 5, No.6, Nov/Dec 1987 1727 shows that a stress of 4X 1010 dynes/cm2 can be generated either by Ar/Ti ratios of -0.01 or -0.03 depending on the deposition parameters. The data plotted as solid circles Ce) were deposited at different pressures and different N2/ Ar ratios but at a single, low valueofrfsubstrate power (60 W). The data represented by open circles (0) were deposited at a fixed pressure but at consecutively increasing substrate pow er settings. The incorporation of argon into sputter deposited films is a common observation.14 The amount of argon has been shown by others to be strongly a function of the reactor pres sure and the substrate bias in agreement with Figs. 2 and 3. Explanations suggest that argon is incorporated as a result of the impact of argon ions accelerated toward the substrate during deposition and by argon incorporation as the result of the arrival of energetic (> 100 eV) neutral argon atoms which are reflected from the cathode surface. 16 The role of total pressure on argon incorporation has been shown 16 to be similar to that of Fig. 2: the amount of entrapped argon de creases with increasing sputtering pressure. This is interpret ed as the increase pressure resulting in a decrease in both the flux of argon ions and of argon neutrals with energies > 100 eV that arrive at the film surface. However, our Il!-icrostruc tural evaluation indicates that variation in Ar content alone is insufficient to funy account for the film stress. The impact of argon ions and neutrals has a strong influence on film morphology as well. Figure 7 is a composite of transmission micrographs from films having extremes of stress as indicat ed in Fig. 6. Micrographs 7 (a) and 7 (b) are low-stress sam ples and micrographs 7 (c) and 7 (d) are high-stress samples (stress and resistivity values are designated in Figs. 3 and 4). Differences in the surface condition and in the microstruc ture between the stress states are apparent. The low-stress samples have a columnar or fibrous structure with a rough surface and large, open-grain boundary areas. The higher stress samples have columnar grains of approximately the same size but the surfaces are smoother. The low-stress films have only slight preferred orientation (texture) as shown by the selected area diffraction patterns inset into each micro graph. The samples with highly compressive stresses have significantly different diffraction patterns than the slight texture shown at low stress. The sample with the highest stress [Fig. 7(d)] has a completely random texture while the sample in Fig. 7 (c) has the strongest texture. The rough surface and columnar structure of the low stress films can be explained by the sputtering model of Mov chan and Demchishin (M-D) 21 for films which lie in Zone 1. Zone I includes the deposition conditions of low-homolo gems melting temperature (T /Tm) where the mobility of deposited atoms on the surface is too low to anow diffusional growth processes to overcome the directionality of the depo sition process. The result is a fibrous microstructure with open areas beside the grains that originate from shadowing effects. Thornton22•23 has shown that the M-D model is ap plicable to sputtered films in the absence of substrate bias and has expanded the model to incorporate the effects of sputtering gas pressure. Increases in the sputter gas pressure extend the range of temperature for which the fibrous, rough structure characteristic of Zone I can be observed and it is Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 12:31:121728 Williams et aL: Nitrogen, oxygen, and argon incorporation reasonable to expect that with a melting point of TiN listed as 3223 K, all films of this investigation were deposited un der conditions that lie in Zone I. The surface roughness and the open regions adjacent to grains shown in Figs. 7(a) and 7 (b) are consistent with the M-D deposition model. Fur thermore, the smooth surfaces observed in Figs. 7 (c) and 7 (d) can be explained by the effects of the impact of argon neutrals, argon ions and sputtered titanium atoms on the film surface. The impingement of energetic atoms and ions imparts energy to the film through an atom "peening" pro cess that enhal1ces the surface mobility of the deposited atoms and counteracts the directionality of the deposition process. The result is a smoother surface and a more dense structure that is characteristic of Zone T behavior in the modified M-D model. The role of argon in generating stress is subject to debate. If the incorporation of argon per se were the stress causing process, then one might expect a unique value of stress for a given argon concentration. Because Fig. 6 contradicts this idea, then more complex effects of the argon incorporation process must lead to stress generation. It has been suggested that the stress in films is the result of the peening action of the incident atoms or ions which causes lattice damage resulting in compressive stress. This argument was originated for films in which no sputter gas was incorporated.24,26 Even when residual gas is found, the argument has been made that the incorporation of argon is a by-product of the stress gener ation process and not the cause of the compressive stress. This argument implies that the peening action of the incident argon ions and neutrals causes the stress, and that the argon becomes embedded in the lattice following the collision pro cess. Ifwe accept this argument, then it appears from the two different stress versus argon dependences shown in Fig. 6 that argon neutrals reflected by the cathode and reaching the substrate at low pressure Ce) may be more effective at gen erating stress than argon ions accelerated by the substrate bias (0); the amount of argon retained per unit stress is J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. S, Vol. 5, No.6, Nov/Dec 1987 1728 FIG. 7. Micrographs of TiN films having ex tremes of stress (sec Fig. 6) with electron diffraction patterns inset. Ca) Low-stress sample from high-total pressure-low-bias conditions; (b) low-stress sample from moderate pressure-low bias conditions; (c) high stress from low pressure-low bias con ditiolls; (d) high stress from moderate pres sure-high bias conditions. lower for the case oflow bias-low pressure. Note, however, that the texture of the high-bias samples is random, indicat ing that some recrystallization may be occurring as the result offilm heating, thus adding other dimensions to the interpre tation of what conditions are most effective at stress genera tion. However, we can conclude that the stress related to argon incorporation is not a simple function of the concen tration but is related to the processing variables causing ar gon incorporation and causing the differences in film micro structure. More careful experiments must be undertaken before the influence of sputter gas incorporation on stress can be detailed. Figure 8 is the data from a range of conditions plotting resistivity as a function of the O/Ti ratio. This data spans the entire range of total pressures, Nz/ Ar ratios, dc target pow ers and rf substrate powers that were investigated. The data in Fig. 8 are from TiN films of stoichiometry from 0.98 to 1.12 and from stress values from -2 X 109 to 5 X 1010 dynes/ ! ! ! I ! ! I I I , ! 0.20 0.25 0.30 OXYGEN/TITANIUM RATiO FIG. 8. The resistivity is plotted as a functioll of the O/Ti ratio. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 12:31:121729 Williams et al.: Nitrogen, oxygen, and argon incorporation cm2• The argon concentration in the films varies by more than a factor of 10 and the films are aU crystalline TiN. The dependence of resistivity on the oxygen content of the film is clearly monotonic and is presented in. Fig. 8 by a linear regression analysis. Note that extrapolation of this data to a TiN film totally free of oxygen would yield a resistivity between 10 and 20 f1n em. Such low values have been re ported for high purity polycrystalline19 and single-crystaI2 !) TiN. The implication is that any resistivity greater than -20 flo' cm is the result of incorporated oxygen. The incorporation of oxygen in the TiN films appears from Figs. 3 and 4 to be the result of impurity contamination of the system as discussed for nitrogen. Most models predict that the incorporation into the film of any impurity from the sputtering gas should be proportional to the partial pressure of the impurity and inversely proportional to the deposition rate. 14, 17 The predictions by such a model are qualitatively observed for oxygen incorporation as a function of total pressure in Fig. 3. Additionally, the decrease of oxygen con tent in the film as substrate bias increases (Fig. 4) is consis tent with models of bias sputter removal of impurities, 17 However, Fig. 7 shows clearly that there are microstructural changes which can affect both the oxygen incorporation and the resistivity. The oxygen that was interpreted from RBS as uniformly distributed through the films may be oxygen that reacted with the surface of the fibrous microstructure [for example, Fig. 7(a)]. This interpretation is consistent with the dependence of oxygen content on sputtering conditions and with the inverse relationship between argon content and oxygen content; i.e., the same conditions which lead to high oxygen contamination also produce the most fibrous struc tures. Furthermore it would explain why no change in lattice parameter was observed as a function of oxygen content; the amount of oxygen in the TiN lattice can remain virtually unchanged while large differences in oxygen are detected by RRS. Our conclusion is that the correlation of resistivity with O/Ti ratio may very well be coincidental and not causal as is implied by Fig. 8. In this interpretation, the Zone I microstructure causes increases in resistivity through changes in effective cross-sectional area which then in creases the surface area that can react with the environment (before or after removal from the reactor) to increase the detected oxygen level. Vo CONCLUSIONS The incorporation of argon, oxygen, and nitrogen into sputtered TiN films has a strong dependence on the depo sition variables of total pressure, substrate bias, and cathode power. The increased incorporation of argon correlates with increases in the compressive stress of the films and the amount of incorporated oxygen correlates with the in creased resistivity of the TiN. However, the explanation of these correlations lies in the effect of argon bombardment on the film microstructure: under deposition conditions that yield a low flux of argon impingement upon the surface, the J. Vac. ScI. Technol. El, Vol. 5, No.6, Nov/Dec 1987 1729 deposited film has a fibrous microstructure characteristic of Zone I of the Movchan-Demchishin sputtering model. This microstructure itself should result in low stresses and a high resistivity, Moreover, as a by-product of this microstructure, a high concentration of oxygen can result because of the high surface to volume ratio of the fibrous structure. Under depo sition conditions that yield a higher flux of argon upon the surface, the film surface is made smoother and the film den sity is higher because of the peening action of the argon neu trals and ions. As a result, the resistivity is lower, the stress is higher and the detected argon content is higher while the oxygen content is lower. Thus, we conclude that the mea sured physical and chemical properties of the films are large ly a consequence of this peening action on the film micro structure, Finally, the formation of the nitride film appears to foHow an impurity incorporation model involving the re action of nitrogen with Ti at the film surface. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We gratefully acknowledge the x-ray diffraction work of J. M. Vandenberg. Ie S. Barrett and T. B. Massalski, The Structure of Metals and Alloys (McGraw-Hil!, New York, 1966), p, 259, 2M. P. Lepsclter, Bell Syst. Tech. J. 45, 233 (1966). 'Po R, Fournier, U. S. Patent No. 3879746 (1975). 4M. Wittmer, J. App!. Phys. 52, 5722 (1981), 'J. P. Bucher, K. P. Ackermann, andF. W. HU5chor, Thin Solid Filrns 122, 63(1984). "A. F. Hmiel,], Vac. Sci. Techno!. A 3,592 (1985). /J, M. Poitcvin and G. Lemperiere, Thin Solid Films 97,69 (1982), "G. Lcmperiere and 1. M. Poitevin, Thin Solid Films lIt, 339 (1984). 9J. M. Poitevin and G. Lemperi£'re, Thin Solid Films 120, 223 (1984), 10M, Wittmer, J. Vae, Sci. TechnoL A 3, 1797 (l985). "H. Yoshihara and H. Mori, J, Vae. Sci. Techno!. 16, 1007 (1979), 12c. Y. Ting, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. 21,14 (1982), IlM. Maenpaa, H. von Seefeld, N. Cheung, and M, A. Nicolet, Extended Abstract No. 372, 156th ECS Meeting 79-2,946 (1979). 141" 1. Maissel, in Handbook a/Thin Film Technology, edited by L. 1. Mais· sel and R. Giang (McGraw-Hit!. New York, 1970), Chap, 4. IS A K. Sinha, H. J. Levinstcin, and T, R Smith, 1. AppL Phys. 49, 2423 (1978), J(,R. F. Winters and E. Kay, J. App!. Phys. 38, 3928 (1967). 17L. 1. Maissel and P. M. Schaible, J. App!. Phys. 36, 237 (1965). I"E. Krikorian and R. J. Sneed, J. App!' Phys. 37,3674 (1966), 19D, Gerstenberg and C. J. Calbick, J. App!. Phys, 35, 402 (1964). ""s. o. Johansson, J.-E. Sundgren, J. E. Greene, A. Rockett, and S. A, Barnett, J, Vac. Sci. Techno!. A 3,303 (1985). olB, A, Movchan and A. V. Dcmchishin, Phys, Met. Metallogr. 28, 83 (1969). 271. A. Thornton J. Vac. Sci. TechnoL 11,666 (1974), 23J, A, Thornton, J, Vac, Sci. Techno!' 12,830 (1975), 24D. W. Hoffman and J, A. Thornton, Thin Solid Films 40,355 (1977). 251. A. Thornton and D. W. Hoffman, 1. Vae. Sci. Techno!. 14, 164 (1977). 26D. W. Hoffman and J. A. Thornton, Thin Solid Films 45,387 (1977). 27J._E. Suudgren, R-o. Johansson, and S.-E. Karlsson, Thin Sulid Films 105,353 (1983). 28J,·E. Sundgren, B.-O, Johansson, S.-E. Karlsson, and H. T. G. Hentzell, Thin Solid Films 105, 367 (1983). 29J,_E. Sundgr(!ll, B.-O, Johansson, H. T. G. Hentzell, and S.-E. Karlsson, Thin Solid Films 105, 385 (1983). 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Interactions of thin Ti films with Si, SiO2, Si3N4, and SiO x N y under rapid thermal annealing A. E. Morgan, E. K. Broadbent, K. N. Ritz, D. K. Sadana, and B. J. Burrow Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 64, 344 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.341434 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.341434 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/64/1?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Formation of Co 2 FeSi / SiO x N y / Si tunnel junctions for Si-based spin transistors J. Appl. Phys. 107, 09B104 (2010); 10.1063/1.3350913 Leakage current behaviors in rapid thermal annealed Bi4Ti3O12 thin films Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 1525 (1994); 10.1063/1.112032 Effect of synchrotron radiation on electrical characteristics of SiO x N y thin films formed by rapid thermal processing in a N2O ambient Appl. Phys. Lett. 63, 3364 (1993); 10.1063/1.110146 Rapid thermal annealing of YBaCuO thin films deposited on SiO2 substrates J. Appl. Phys. 66, 1866 (1989); 10.1063/1.344363 Early stages in thin film metal–silicon and metal–SiO2 reactions under rapid thermal annealing conditions: The rapid thermal annealing/transmission electron microscopy technique J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 4, 1404 (1986); 10.1116/1.583465 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 19:01:24Interactions of thin Ti films with SI, SiO:z, Si3N4, and SiOx Ny under rapid thermal annealing A. Eo Morgan, Eo K. Broadbent, K. N. Ritz, D. K. Sadana,a) and B. J. Burrow Philips Research Laboratories Sunnyvale, Signetics Corporation, Sunnyvale, California 94088-3409 (Received 4 December 1987; accepted for pUblication 19 February 1988) Thin Ti films sputter deposited onto single-crystal Si, thermal Si02, and low-pressure chemical vapor deposited Si3N4 and SiOx Ny ex:::::y::::: 1) substrates have been rapid thermal annealed in N2 or Ar, with and without an amorphous 8i overlayer, and the reactions followed using Auger elecron spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, and sheet resistance measurements. A multilayer film is created in practically every case with each layer containing essentially a single reaction product, viz.,TiSix, TiOx, 8-TiN, or TiNxOl _ x' The results are discussed in light of published Ti-Si-O and Ti-Si-N phase diagrams. I. INTRODUCTION A self-aligned silicide ("salicide") technology using TiSiz has been proposedl-3 for metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) devices to simultaneously reduce the sheet resis tance of the gate and source/drain regions. TiSi2 is chosen for its low resistivity, high-temperature stability, and good compatibility with current MOS processing. A standard sa lieide process involves (1) deposition of a thin Ti film onto an MOS transistor structure having oxide sidewall spacers around the polysilicon gate, (2) a low-temperature ( < 700°C) anneal to induce silicidation over the exposed Si areas of the source, drain, and gate, (3) removal of the Ti over oxide regions with a selective wet chemical etch, and finally (4) an 800-900°C homogenization anneal to com plete the silicide reaction and minimize the sheet resistance. An Nz ambient is essentiaf-5 for the initial anneal to sup press lateral diffusion of Si into the Ti deposited on the sidewall spacers which could cause short circuiting between adjacent gate and source/drain regions. Rapid thermal an nealing (R T A) is preferred over furnace annealing to more easily avoid oxidation of Ti during the initial anneal, which would hinder nitrogen incorporation and prevent Ti wet etching.6 Several studies of the reaction between thin Ti films and Si substrates during furnace3,5,7,8 or rapid thermal an nealing9-14 in an N2 ambient have been reported. During the low-temperature anneal in N2 interaction of Ti with Si02 should be limited, otherwise silicide residues could remain on the oxide spacers. In an extension of the salicide process,]5 the Ti layer over selected oxide regions is masked after the initial anneal for protection during the sub sequent selective etch. The succeeding high-temperature an neal is then also performed in N2 to convert this residual Ti into local interconnects, thereby much improving the pack ing density over conventional processing. Interaction between Ti and SiOz at higher temperatures in N2 now also becomes of interest. Phase formation in the Ti/Si02 reaction has been investigated using furnace annealing in Nz (Refs. 7 and 15) and inertlO,16 ambients, or RTA also in N2 (Refs. 10, 12, and 14) and inert 12, 17 ambients. In an alternative variation,18 a blanket layer of amor- oj Present address: IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598. phous silicon (a-Si) is deposited immediately after Ti depo sition and then patterned so that local silicide strap intercon nects will be formed over certain oxide areas during the salicide process. Also, a very thin a-Si layer covering the entire Ti layer has been used19 in the conventional salicide process to prevent oxidation and nitridation ofTi during the initial anneaL Interactions in the a-SiiTi/Si and a-SilTi! SiOz systems in an Nz ambient now come into play. Prelimi nary studies using furnace annealing in N2 have been report ed,7 while in an investigation of the epitaxial growth ofTiSi2 onto SiC 111), vacuum furnace annealing of a-Si/Ti/Si was examined.20 Future technology could employ S13 N4 rather than Sial spacers since these could easily be disposed of by etch ing after salicide formation. TilSi3 N4 and a-SiiTilSi3 N4 interactions would then become relevant. The former has been examined under R T A in Ar (Ref. 21 ) and N 2 (Refs. 14 and 21) and under vacuum annealing,22 and the latter under furnace annealing in N 2 .7 For the present studies, thin Ti layers have been sputter deposited onto Si, Si02, Si3 N4, and SiO, Ny substrates, and sometimes capped with a thin a-Si layer. The phases formed after RTA at various temperatures in N2 or Ar ambients have been characterized using mainly Auger electron spec troscopy, cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction, and sheet resistance measure ments. II. EXPERIMENT The substrates used were 17-33 n cm, lO-cm-diam, p type ( 100) Si wafers, sometimes covered with a layer of ther mally grown Si02 or low-pressure chemical vapor deposited Si3N4 or SiOxN y containing approximately equiamounts of all three elements. All substrates were dipped in dilute HF before immediate insertion into a Balzers BAK 600 vacuum system equipped with a 99.91 % pure Ti and a 99.999% pure Si (lightly doped with B to facilitate dc sputtering) conical magnetron sputter sources. The system was evacuated to < 1.5 X 10 -7 Torr before backfilling with ultrahigh-purity Ar to a pressure of 3.0 mTorr. An in situ sputter dean to remove the equivalent of 2-3 nm Si02 using low-energy bombardment to minimize sample damage preceded Ti de position. a-Si deposition was initiated immediately upon 344 J. Appl. Phys. 64 (1). 1 July 1988 0021-8979/88/130344-10$02.40 @ 1988 American Institute of Physics 344 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 19:01:24cessation of the latter. Typical deposition rates were 6 nrn Tilmin and 2-3 nm a-Si/min. Samples were rapid thermal annealed in an A. G. Asso~ dates heatpuise halogen lamp annealer. Temperatures were measured with a thermocouple attached to a neighboring piece of 8i of similar resistivity. Sheet resistances were ob tained using a four-point probe. Auger sputter profiling was performed in a Physical Electronics 590 spectrometer using a 3-keV, I-p,A, 30· inci~ dent electron beam rasteredoverO.Ol mm2 and peak~tc-peak modulations of 1-6 V, along with a 2-keV, O.6-p,A, 60· inci~ dent Ar + beam rastered over 3 mm2• Sensitivity factors for Nand Si (92 eV) relative to Ti (418 eV) were obtained from TiNx and TiSi2 standards, respecti.vely. Peak overlap with Ti prevents an accurate determination of N,23 and the Si value could differ with other titanium silicides on account of preferential sputtering. Atomic concentrations of 0 and C are also only approximate since handbook sensitivity factors were employed. Furthermore, Ti peak shape changes upon oxidation, nitridation, and silicidation introduce further un~ certainties. The spectrometer incorporates a double-pass cy lindrical mirror analyzer and a double~anode MgKa x-ray source to permit electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) measurements. Spectra were recorded using a pulse counter and an analyzer pass energy of 25 e V. Cross-sectional specimens for transmission electron mi croscopy (TEM) were prepared by sawing, lapping, polish ing, and Ar + sputter etching to a final thickness of 0.05-0.2 11m. The TEM micrographs were taken at an accelerating voltage of 120 kV in a Philips 400ST microscope. Microdif fraction patterns were recorded in cross section using an electron beam of about 4 nm in diameter. Electron diffrac~ tion patterns were also obtained from planar TEM samples. m. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Tl/singlemcrystal Si For the sake of completeness and clarity, Fig. I sum marizes our previous observationsl2 plus some additional analytical data on 28-75 nm Ti films deposited on undoped 8i substrates and annealed at 400-1100 °C for 10 s in N2• Ti initially becomes contaminated with ° (solid solubility limit ;:::; 34 at. %, Ref. 24) from the annealing ambient before be coming nitrided at the surface and silicided at the interface. The 0 (along with any C) is eventually expelled from the growing silicide into the face-centered cubic 8-TiN layer forming at the surface, thus causing the nitride reaction front to cease. At < 700 cC, the silicide layer of ;:::; 30-nm mean diameter grains contains the metastable, high resistivity, C49 TiSi2 phase25 together with a small amount of TiSi. At higher temperatures, conversion into large grain (;:::; 2 ,urn), 15 ,un em, C54 TiSi2 occurs. 0 is absent from the silicide apart from a small amount close to but not at the TiSi2/Si interface coinciding with the presence of voids. The 15-20 nm TiNx01 _ x surface layer provides a good diffusion bar rier against Al junction spiking.26 The low resistivity TiN,,01_x/TiSi2 bilayer film is also formed at 1100"C. However, during extended annealing at this temperature, first the 0 in the surface layer is replaced by N and then TiSi2 345 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64. No.1, 1 July 1988 FI G. I. Schematic of Ti/Si reaction pl"Oducts at various R T A temperatures in N2• becomes completely converted into 8~TiN with the rejected Si growing epitaxially on the single-crystal substrate. The Ti-Si-N phase diagram at 700-1000 °C27 shows that the TiN~TiSi2 -Si three~phase region is at equilibrium. The presence of the TiN-TiSi2 tieline demonstrates that TiN rather than Si3 N4 is the stable nitride on TiSiz. Thus, during silicide nitridation on Si substrates, TiN should form on top of TiSi2 and the liberated Si diffuse through the remaining TiSi2 to become bonded to substrate Si. B. TitSIO:;; The experiments were perfonned using lO~s anneals in Ar or N 2 of28-nm Ti/280-nm Si02 lSi samples. At tempera~ tures < 700 °C (Fig. 2) a very thin reacted layer was present at the Ti/Si02 interface, and the unreacted Ti contained dissolved 0 mainly originating from the annealing ambient. The N2 anneal created a TiNxOt _ x surface layer in addi~ tion, and N also diffused into the unreacted Ti. A 900 °C anneal in Ar generated a 20-nm TiOJ2S~nm TiSix film of 51-H/D sheet resistance. The TEM micrograph [Fig. 3(a) 1 indicates that the oxide region might in fact contain two distinct layers. The C peak in the Auger profile [Fig. 3(b)], would then be situated at the interface between these oxide layers. Figure 3(b) was derived using relative sensitivity factors from oxidized Ti for the upper part of the film. A diffraction analysis revealed TiOz and Tis Si3 (20 nm average grain size) with no clear evidence of any other titan ium oxide. However, using TiO, Ti2 °3, and Ti02 reference powders, ESCA and also Auger line shape2R analyses sug gested that the oxide comprised TiO with Ti02 towards the FIG. 2. Schematic of Ti/Si02 reaction products at various RT A tempera tures in AT or N,. ambients. Morgan et al. 345 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 19:01:2428nm Ti/Si02 60 900" C, lOs, Ar 50 (Ti f-// ----... z / /-.. ~ LlJ 40 I u Cl: / .,/ , w a.. u / ~ 30 0 \ ~ 20 \ \ 10 \ /C \ \ , ........ , \,. .. ",4> <oo~_ ........ __ .... _---.... 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 SPUTTER TIME (min) FIG. 3. (a) TEM cross section and (b) Augcrctcpth profile after 900 "C, lO s anneal of 28-nm Ti/SiOz in Ar. surface. Ion-beam sputtering is known29 to reduce Ti02 to a mixture ofTi0 2, Ti2 °3, and TiO. However, the ESCA data showed a much higher concentration of TiO than expected from ion-induced reduction of Ti02• ESCA also showed that the 0 in the Tis Si3 layer was bound to Tio Thus, in agreement with Ting et al.,16 Ti reacts with Si02 to produce Tis Si3 with the liberated 0 mostly migrat ing into Ti to eventually form an oxide surface layer. Ac cording to electron and x-ray diffraction, fcc TiO is formed at 950°C in the absence 0[0 contamination from the anneal ing ambient.27 The Ti-Si-O ternary-phase diagram has thus been constructed27 to show the Tis Si3 -TiO-SiOl three-phase region at equilibrium. A 900°C, lO-8 anneal of a similar sample in N2 genera ted an ;::; 8-nm interfacial Tis Si3 layer and a 24-nm surface layer containing Ti, N, and ° (Fig. 4). The sheet resistance of 33 n/o corresponded to a composite film resistivity of 100 pf'l cm. The electron diffraction pattern from the upper layer suggested 8-TiN with no evidence of either Ti2 N or Ti containing dissolved N (solid solubility limit ;::;23 at.%, Ref. 24). The 8-TiN phase exists as the N aCl structure with compositions ranging from TiNo.s to TiN 1.1' the fcc lattice parameter increasing only slightly with N content. How ever, electron diffraction cannot distinguish 8-TiN from fcc TiO which crystallizes in the same structure with only a slightly smaner lattice spacing. In fact, these compounds form a continuous series of solid solutions at elevated tem- 346 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.1, 1 Ju:y 1988 f-z I.L; U Il: w Q.. Sd :2 0 ~ w " w z 70 60 50 40 30 469 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 SPUTTER TIME (min) 464 ELECTRON BINDING ENERGY, eV (c) MIN. 1 3 4 7 9 449 FIG. 4. (al TEM cross section, (b) Auger depth profile, and (c) Ti 2p ESCA spectra at various depths in the surface layer [sputter times corre spond roughly to those in (b) 1 after 900 °C, 10-8 anneal of 28-nm Ti/SiO, inN,. peratures ranging from TiO to TiOo4No6.30 At higher N content, TiN coexists with Ti004 No.6, ESCA scans from the Ti-N-O surface layer are shown in Fig. 4 (c). While the Ti peak height decreased somewhat with increasing depth, the Nand 0 Is peaks decreased and increased 1.8 and 2.6 times, respectively. Near the surface the Ti 2p binding energy indicated TiNx while the (barely visible) satellite structure on the high binding energy side of the Ti 2p doublet suggested a near stoichiometric composi tion.31 The binding energy decreased slightly with depth and the satellite structure became somewhat less pronounced. No peak splitting into separate TiN and TiO components was apparent. A likely interpretation is the increasing re placement with depth ofN by 0 atoms at substitutional sites in the TiN lattice. Morgan et al. 346 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 19:01:24100 80 60 40 r /- B ~ 20 u.; C> z <! I-en in w 0:: I-w w I en 10 8 6~ 4 2 t as dep. 400 53nm a;-Si/28nm Ti/Si(100) RTA, iOs, N2 500 600 700 800 900 RTA TEMPERATURE (·C ) 1000 FIG. 5. Sheet resistance of53-nrn a-Si!2S-nrn Ti/Si after 10-s anneals in N, at various temperatures. c. ctaSi/Ti/Si An a-Si layer approximately 53 or 83 nm thick was de posited onto 28-nm Ti/Si and a 1O-s anneal performed in N2 at a plateau temperature between 400 and 1000°C. Sheet resistances of the thinner a-Si samples are given in Fig. 5. After a slight increase from the room-temperature value, the sheet resistance decreased slowly with increasing tempera ture, leveled off between 600 and 825°C, dropped sharply to reach a value of2.6 n/D at 875 ·C, and thereafter remained constant up to l000°C. Similar values were found with the B3-nm a-Si samples. Figure 6 summarizes the results of the compositional studies. The as-deposited a-Si layers contained a few at. % O. Silicidation occurred at both interfaces with the a-Si layer preventing contamination of the Ti by ambient 0 or N. After annealing at 400°C, ::;:: 7 nm of a-Si diffused into the upper Ti creating a 14-nm amorphous TiSix layer, Si from the sub strate diffused into the lower part forming an 1I-nm amor phous TiSiy layer, and 17-nm Si-free Ti remained in between ex-S! FIG. 6. Schematic of a-Si/Ti/Si reaction products at various RTA tem peratures in N,.. 347 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.1, 1 July 1988 [Fig. 7 (a) ]. Auger profiling showed that the Si content in these amorphous layers decreased with increasing distance from the a-Si overlayer or from the single-crystal Si sub strate. Average values of x::;:: 1.5 and y::;:: 1.3 were derived in good agreement with those determined by scanning TEM coupled with energy dispersive x-ray analysis. Amorphous Ti-Si alloy formation at low annealing temperatures has been observed previously. 32 No unsilicided Ti was left at 500 "C, and two poly crystalline silicide layers were formed. The 30-nm TiSi, (x;::::; 1.8) upper layer grew from ::;::40-nm a-5i and con tained grains as large as 30 nrn across. The 23-llm TiSiy (y;::::; 1.2) lower layer was made up of much smaller grains. The diffraction pattern from the overall silicide film revealed C49 TiSi2 and Tis Si3 with some TiSi. Coupled with the Au ger data, this would indicate that the upper layer was com prised of essentially C49 TiSi2, and the lower layer of both C49 TiSi2 and Tis Si3 • The 600 °C anneal generated a 70-nm, 88-,ufl em film again separated into two distinct layers but now of similar size grains [Fig. 7 (b) ] . A small amount of a-Si remained on the surface (;::::; 30 nm with the thicker sample). The Auger profile now showed a uniform silicide of approximate com position TiSi1.8' Electron diffraction phase identification suggested C49 TiSi2 with a trace of TiSi. The thicker upper layer, 47 versus 23 nm, would at first suggest a faster diffusi vity ofSi into Ti from an amorphous as opposed to a crystal line source. However, the relative amount of contamination at the a-Si/Ti and Tilsingle-crystal 5i interfaces could have also influenced the diffusi.on rate. A uniform TiSi2 film was found at 900 °C [Fig. Sea) J with some patches of nitrided Ti at the surface. 0 and C were absent from the silicide, apart from the usual sman amount of 0 close to the TiSi2/Si interface. The TEM micrograph showed a large-grain polycrystalline layer with grain boun- FIG. 7. TEM cross s~ctions after a lO-s anneal of 53-nrn a-Si/2g-Bm Tl/Si in N, at (at400"C and (\1) 600 "C. In (a), part of the (l-Si layer has been removed during sample preparation. Morgan eta!. 347 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 19:01:24Ti~ ...l-__ N 5 15 20 SPUTTER TIME (min) FIG. 8. Ca) Augcrdepth profile and (b) TEM cross section after9()() °C, lO s anneal of 53-nm a-Si/28-nm Ti/Si in N,. daries perpendicular to the substrate surface. Stacking faults traversing the film [Fig. 8 (b)] were visible at isolated areas along its entire length, These defects were never visible with Ti/Si samples and presumably are a consequence of trans forming the two intennediate silicide layers into the final single-grain layer. The 18-fl!1 cm resistivity exceeded the hitherto 15 fin cm probably due to the presence of these stacking faults. The 900°C anneal of the 83-nm a-Si sample (Fig. 9) again generated a 70-nm, 18.un cm, C54 TiSi2 layer with stacking faults but now capped by a 20-nm Si layer still con taining some amorphous regions in its lower part. 0 origi nating from the as-deposited a-Si was found in this Si layer concentrated at the Si/TiSi2 interface. No N was apparent in the Auger profile even at the surface of the residual Si layer, indicating that that shown in Fig. 8 (a) was indeed bound to Ti and not incorporated into the Si02 surface layer. Thus, a sufficiently thick a-Si deposit can completely prevent nitri dation of Ti. Due to inadequate cleaning of the sputter source, the Ti layers prepared for the thicker samples were contaminated with 0 and particularly C. Therefore, C and trace 0 peaks were visible in the depth proflles from the lower temperature anneals situated at the interface between the silicide layers, and were also found at a similar depth in the 900°C film [Fig. 9(a)]. This illustrates that any 0 or C in the as-deposited Ti can end up trapped at the intersection of the two silicide reaction fronts. 348 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.1, 1 .July 1988 100~--~-----'-----'----~----~--~ >-60 !r'\. .. z t5 60 0:: W Cl.. U ~ 40 o ~ 5 o (a) 10 15 20 SPUTTER TIME (min) PI G. 9. (a) Auger depth profile and (h) TEM cross section after 900 'C, lO s anneal of 83-nm a-Sil28-nm Ti/Si in No. D, aaSi/TilSi02 The experiments of Sec. III C were duplicated on 0.25- pm Si02 lSi substrates. The sheet resistance behavior in Fig. 10 roughly paralleled that shown in Fig. 5. With 83-nm a-Si, the lowest sheet resistance was reached at 900°C but the thinner deposit required at least 1000 °C and a somewhat higher minimum value was found. 100 80 60 40 e 20 q u.: ~ 10 ~ 8 (f) (i) 6 w 0:: I-4 w w en < I > / / // // // If 2- as 400 dsp. ""\ o 53nmJ' .. a: -S;/28nm TI/S,02 • 83nm RTA, 10s, N2 i ! -i : 500 600 700 800 900 1000 RTA TEMPERATURE (oC) FIG. 10. Sheet resistance of53-nm a-Sil28-nm TilSi02 and 83-nm a-Sil28 nm TiiSiO, after lO-s anneals in No at various temperatures. Morgan et at. 348 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 19:01:24At lower temperatures, reactions proceeded indepen dently at the a-Si/Ti and TilSi02 interfaces, as described in Sees. III C and III B, respectively. Si from the a-Si layer diffused into the upper Ti first giving an amorphous silicide and then predominantly C49 TiSi2, and 0 from the con sumed a-Si piled up at the a-Silsilicide interface. A very thin, metal-rich silicide layer was formed on the substrate and ° from decomposed Si02 mostly accumulated in the adjacent nonsilicided Ti. The Auger profile and TEM cross section from the 900 "C annealed thinner sample are contained in Fig. 11. The 50-nm upper layer comprised 60-nm grains of C54 TiSi2 and some distinct D-TiN surface particulates, fonowed by an ;::::; 8-nm intermediate TiO layer apparently bridged by sili cide in some areas, and an ;::::; 8-nm small-grain interfacial layer of Tis Si3• Not enough a-Si had been deposited to con vert the upper Ti completely into TiSi2, and so the excess Ti became nitrided. The film resistivity was 34 f.-LH em at 900 "e, presumably decreasing to 26 f.-Ln em at 1000"C. If the sheet resistance at 1000 °C was determined essentially by 50-nm TiSi2, the resistivity of the latter would be 20 f.-LH cm. The thicker sample after annealing at 900 "C is shown in Fig. 12. The 80-nm, 24-f.-L!l em film contained large-grain C54 TiSiz devoid of stacking faults, covered in most areas by up to 20 nm residual Si. The Si was partially crystallized, particularly towards the surface. Since the silicide layer SPUTTER TIME (min) FIG. 11. (a) Auger depth profile and (h) TEM cross section after 900"C. lO-s anneal of 53-nrn a-Si128-nrn Ti/Si02 in N2, 349 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64. No.1, 1 July 1988 f Z W 50 ~ 40 I.t! 0.. U ~ o 30 !;( 20 I Ti\ r------------ 12 16 20 24 28 SPUTTER TIME (min) FIG. 12. (a) Auger depth profile and (b) TEM cross section after 900 'C, 10-s anneal of 83-nrn a-Si/2S-urn TiiSiO, in N2• thickness varied between 60 and 80 nm, its surface was rough although the overall film possessed a smooth surface. The interface to Si02 was more irregular than hitherto. 0 from decomposed Si02 was dispersed as void like features (presumably TiO) in the lower portion of the TiSi2 layer. Thus, deposition of sufficient a-Si converts any Tis Si3 formed from the TiiSiOz reaction into TiSi2 and also pre vents TiO layer formation. Eo Ti/SiaN4 90~nm Ti were deposited onto a 332-nm Si3 N4 layer and annealed for 30 s in Ar at a temperature between 400 and 1100 cC. The sheet resistance (Fig. 13) peaked at around 600 "C, decreased abruptly from 12 OlD at 900"C to 2.6 HID at 1000 "C, and increased to 3.9 O/D at 1100"C. Previously we examined2! phase formation using much thinner Si3 N4 layers where interpretation was complicated by Ti interacting with the Si or Si02 underlying the nitride. In the current investigation, the Auger depth profiles be came distorted by sample charging upon reaching the thick Si3 N4 layer. The compositional information is summarized in Fig. 14. A too-nm film was formed at 800·C containing a well defined IS-nm interfacial 8-TiN interfacial layer. The Auger depth profile suggested a 50-nm surface Ti layer uniformly contaminated with about 10 at. % 0 from the annealing am bient and very approximately 10 at. % N from decomposed Morgan et al. 349 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 19:01:24100 80 60 40 0 "-20 q W () Z 10 ~ (j) 8 i75 w 6 cr:: I- lU 4-w I (j) 2· ,// ., as dep. ./ 90nm Ti/332nm Si3N,lSi RTA, 30s, Ar ./ 400 600 800 1000 RTA TEMPERATURE ("(;) 1200 FIG. 13. Sheet resistance of90-nm Ti/332-nm Si,N'./Si after 30-5 anneals in Ar at various temperatures. Si3 N4 plus a small amount ofSi on the surface, and a 35-nm intermediate Tis Si3 layer practically free of 0 but contain ing a few at. % N. Diffraction analysis confirmed the pres ence orTis Si3 and indicated some 15-TiN in the surface layer in addition to elemental Ti. The TEM cross section provided no dear evidence of two layers in the upper 85 nrn of the film. However, a row of distinct grains of Tis Si3 appeared to be developing immediately adjacent to the interfacial 0-TiN layer. A 11O-nm, 130-,uH em film was found at 900°C (Fig. 15). The 20-nm interfacial /5-TiN layer was topped by an ill defined 25-nm larger-grain Ti5 Si3 layer. The 25-nm TiNx01 x surface layer appeared to be made up of several thin layers each of uniform thickness so that the grain boun daries between were parallel to the film surface. Similar to 0, C was swept out of the silicided Ti into this layer. The lattice parameter of fcc TiN x Cv is in fact close to that of 0-TiN. Si was again detected on the surface. The region below the sur face layer appeared to comprise both TiN x 01 x and Ti5 Si3 . The resistivity of the 120-nm film formed at 1000°C decreased to 3 I ,un cm. A three-layer structure developed, Fig. 16, viz., 30-nm TiN,,01_x/40-nm C54 TiSiz/SO- nm 0- FIG. 14. Schematic of Ti/Si3 N4 reaction products at various RTA tem peratures in N2• 350 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.1, 1 July 1988 70r-----.------r-----.------,---~ (a) 60 50 20 20 30 40 50 SPUTTER TIME (min) FIG. 15. (a) Auger depth profile and (b) TEM cross section after 'lOOT, 30-s anneal of90-nm Ti/332-nm Si3N./Si ill Ar. TiN/Si3 N4• The film/substrate interface was very rough, unlike that at lower temperatures [Fig. 15(b)] or in Ti/Si02 interactions [Fig. 3 (a) ] . The uppedayer contained some TiSi2 and C, the middle layer some TiN x 01 _ x' and the lower layer some TiSi2. Note that the only O-free region was the lower 8-TiN layer. This grew as a result of Ti diffusing into Si, N4 whereas the others were formed by Si and N diffusing into O-contaminated Ti. The 0 was subsequently expelled from TiSi2 regions but remained as TiNx01_x in nitrided areas. The upper layer was again stratified, possibly on account of the variation of x with depth. Diffraction and Auger analyses of the 1100 °C annealed film indicated less TiSi2 formation and the presence of elemental Si particularly in the lower part of the film. The most striking feature of Fig. 16 is the large increase in thickness of the interfacial 8-TiN layer. According to the ternary-phase diagram,27 Ti should react with Si3 N" to give TiN and Si since TiSix is unstable in the presence of Si3 N4. Apparently then, direct reaction of Ti with Si3 N 4 generates an interfacial o-TiN layer, and the Si and excess N diffuse through into unrcacted Ti where the faster diffuser N con centrates towards the surface. At low temperatures, the amount of Ti available for reaction is limited bv diffusion thereby restricting interfacial a-TiN formation ~nd freein~ Morgan et al. 350 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 19:01:24SPUTTER TIME (min) PIG. 16. (a) Auger depth profile and (b) TEM cross section after 1000 T. 30-s anneal of90-nm Ti/332-nm Si, N4/Si in Ar. 90nm Ti/332nm Si"N"/Si (a) 60 900" C. 305, N2 ~~'" A~ 50 fO~ V f-40 Z W u 0:: w Il.. 30 u ~ 0 ~ 20 i Si~ .. \ ......-Si 10 ;/ 0 0 W 20 30 40 50 60 SPUTTER TIME (min) FIG. 17. Ca) Auger depth profile and (b) TEM cross section after 900 'C, 30-s anneal of90-nm Ti/332-nm Si, N./Si in N2. 351 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.1, 1 July 1988 most of the N to diffuse into the outer Ti and form b-TiN once the solid solubility limit ofN in Ti is exceeded. Si diffu sion creates the Ti-rich silicide Tis Si3. Proportionally more Ti is available for direct reaction at the higher temperatures, the interfacial 8-TiN layer becomes thicker, and Si diffusion leads to TiSi2• A 900°C anneal in N2 caused direct nitridation of the outermost Ti so that the 0 expelled from siJicided Ti became trapped in the bulk oftne film [Fig. 17(a)]. A llO-nm, 63- j.lfl. em film resulted [Fig. 17 (b) ] containing 5-15 nm strata throughout, hut in some areas surface bulging practically doubled the film thickness. A very uneven reaction front with Si3 N4 was indicated. F, a-Si/TUSi3 N¢ The experiments of Sec. HI E were repeated with a 50- nm a-Si layer on top of the Ti. At 600°C, (Fig. 18) aU of the a-Si diffused into the upper Ti giving a 75-nm TiSi, surface layer containing a trace of 0 throughout, separated into tv<'O distinct layers of similarly sized small grains. The upper 50- om layer comprised TiSi and the lower 2S-nm layer Tis Si3 • Beneath this was a 30-nm layer of elemental Ti containing ::::::; 10 at. % N and some 0 and C, and a lO-nm interfacial layer of Ti/Si, N4 reaction products. The overall resistivity of the lIS-urn, 13-ft/D film was 140,uH em. At 900°C (Fig. 19) a 140-nm, L6-H/D, 22-j.lfl cm, bi layer film was generated. The SO-nm upper layer comprised large-grain C54 TiSi2 free of 0, C, and N. The 60-nm lower layer contained 8-TiN plus some TiSi2, and its resistivity would be 60 f-ln em if that of the TiSi2 layer was 15 f..tH cm. About 4()-nm Sil N4 were consumed in a very uneven fash- 100 50nm a; -Si/90nm Ti/332nm Si3N4/Si 600"0, ,0', A, /\ 80 (a) f- Si~ TJ \ z l.<.J u 60 0:: W r----~ .. a.. /r-~. u ~ 40 / 0 f-\ <Z I \ /··C N-, : ,0 \' ·L f 10 20 30 40 SPUTTER TIME (min) FrG. 18. (a) Auger depth profile and (ll) TEM cross section after 600 'C, 30-s anneal of 50-nm a-Si/90-nm Ti/332-nm Si, N./Si in Ar. Morgan et al. 351 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 19:01:2470~--~-----.----~---,-----r----c 50nm ex: -Si/90nm Ti/332nm Si3N4/Si r-·~/.. 9000 C, 305, Ar 60 ~ \ II Si~ /~ (a) 50 I Z ILl U 40 0: ILl 0... u ~ 30 o ~ 10 V \ Tiy\ ,----""'" ',-- X N~ \ .I /' '. / '--., .j 10 20 30 40 50 SPUTTER TIME (min) 60 FIG. 19. (a) Auger depth profile and (h) TEM cross section after 90!) °c, 30-s anneal of 50-nm a-Si/90-mn Ti/332-nm Si, N./Si in Ar. ion, Thus, these results imply that Ti reacts with Si3 N4 to give D-TiN and most of the liberated Si joins with the a-Si in creating a TiSi2 surface layer, G. Ti/SiO ... Ny 30-or 60-nm Ti were deposited onto a 48-nm SiO"Ny layer (x:::::y::::: 1) and annealed at 900 DC for 10 s in AI, With the thicker deposit, a 71-nm, 28-0,/0, 200-pn em trilayer film was formed on top of 12-nrn unreacted SiO¥N~, (Fig. 20), A trace of Si was detected at the very surface of the upper 35-nm Ti layer which was heavily contaminated with o plus some N and a little C. The intermediate 2S-nm layer comprised Tis Si) and the interfaciaill-nm layer 8-TiN. No unreacted Ti remained with the thinner sample, the outer layer of the 45-nrn, 45-HID, 200-pH cm trilayer film now comprising TiN x 01 __ .~ with x < 1. The whole structure thus appeared to be a supposition of the Ti/Si02 and Ti/Si3 N4 reaction products, A further 1000°C, lO-s anneal was performed to com plete the reaction with the 60 nm deposit. As shown by the TEM cross section in Fig, 21, not enough silicon oxynitride was present to prevent Ti from diffusing through into the Si 352 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No, 1, 1 July 1988 fz w 70 1E 40 w (L 20 - 10 L---5~----:~"":"--:1-::-5--=2"::0~-'_·~'5----3LO-'-"""-.J35 SPUTTER TIME (min) Ti FIG. 20. (a) Auger depth profile and (b) TEM cross section after 900 0c, to-s anneal of60-nm Ti/48-mn SiOxNyfSi in AL substrate and forming TiSi2 precipitates, A similar phenom enon occurs with thin 5i3 N4 iayers,21 IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Thin Ti films deposited onto Si, Si02, Si3 N4, and SiOxN y substrates, with and without an a-Si overlayer, achieve minimum sheet resistance after a 10-30 s rapid ther mal annealin N2 or Ar at a temperature of900-1000 0c. The final film is made up of distinct layers each containing most ly a single reaction product. The exclusive or predominant phase is listed in the following summary: FIG. 21. TEM cro~s section after a further lOOO T, 10-8 anneal in Ar of the sample shown in Fig. 20. Morgan et al. 352 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 19:01:24N, (a) Ti/Si-TiNx01_xIC54 TiSi2/Si, Ar -> (b) Ti/SiO, -N, -> TiNxOI _ x1Ti5Si3/Si02, . '/S' N, 8-TiN/C54 (c) a-Sl/Tt 1-Si/C54 (deficient a-Si), TiSi2/Si (excess a-Si), . . S'O N'D-TiN/C54 TiSizlTiOlTisSi3/SiOz (deficient a-SO, Cd) a-Sl/T!1 1 2-+ Si/C54 TiSi2/Si02 (excess a-Si), Ar (e) Ti/Si3NC+ TiN,,01_JC54 TiSizI8-TiN/Si 3N4, Ar (£) a-SilTi/ShN 4 -C54 TiSizI8-TiN/Si 3N4, Ar (g) Ti/SiO_1 N",\ -+ TiNxOl_xITisSi3/8-TiN/SiO",\ N",\. Phases formed at lower temperatures in reaction (c) are amorphous TiSi" at 400°C, Tis Si3 and C49 TiSiz at 500 ·C and C49 TiSi1 at 600 °C [the latter also in reaction (a)}. In reaction (e), Tis Si, is the low-temperature silicide phase while above lOOO ·C, elemental Si is generated and less C54 TiSi2• An upper TiSilTis 8i3 bilayer is formed rather than TiSiz at 600 ·C in reaction (f). The reaction products are, in general, in accordance with predictions based on Ti-Si-O and Ti-Si-N phase dia grams. ° contamination of Ti, essentially derived from the annealing ambient, is responsible for the formation of the TiNxOI_x layers in reactions (a) and (e), and will influ ence the value of x in reactions (b) and (g). In the absence of this contamination, reaction of Ti with Si02 in Ar would very probably lead to a TiO surface layer. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The expert assistance of H. Shishido, G. de Groot, D. Stadtler, M. Norcott, and A. Reader (Philips Eindhoven) in sample preparation and data acquisition is very gratefully acknowledged. Ie. K. Lau, Y. C. See, D. B. Scott, J. M. Bridges, S. N. Perna, and R. D. Davies, IEDM Tech. Dig. 82, 714 (1982). 2e._Y. Ting, S. S. Iyer, C. M. Osburn, G. J. Hu, and A. M. Sweighart, in VLSI Science and Technology/1982, edited by C. J. Dell'Oea and W. M. Bullis (The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ, 1982), p. 224. 3M. E. Alperin, T. C. 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Photoluminescence study of the annealing behavior of transmuted impurities in neutrontransmutationdoped semiinsulating GaAs M. Satoh, K. Kuriyama, and Y. Makita Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 65, 2248 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.342837 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.342837 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/65/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Effect of low temperature postannealing on the hole density of C δdoped GaAs and Al0.3Ga0.7As Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 2551 (1996); 10.1063/1.117736 Annealing behavior of Ga and Ge antisite defects in neutrontransmutationdoped semiinsulating GaAs J. Appl. Phys. 70, 7315 (1991); 10.1063/1.349749 The role of Ga antisite defect in the activation process of transmuted impurities in neutrontransmutationdoped semiinsulating GaAs J. Appl. Phys. 68, 363 (1990); 10.1063/1.347145 Depth uniformity of electrical properties and doping limitation in neutrontransmutationdoped semiinsulating GaAs J. Appl. Phys. 67, 3542 (1990); 10.1063/1.345303 Infrared absorption study of neutrontransmutationdoped germanium J. Appl. Phys. 64, 6775 (1988); 10.1063/1.342011 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 21:07:49Photoluminescence study of the annealing behavior of transmuted impurities in neutron ... transmutation .. doped semi .. lnsulating GaAs M. Satoh and Ko Kuriyama College of Engineering and Research Center of Ion Beam Technology, Hosei University, Koganel: Tokyo 184, Japan Y. Makita Electrotechnical Laboratory, Umezono 1-1-4, Tsukubashi, Ibaraki 305, Japan (Received 17 August 1988; accepted for publication 4 November 1988) In neutron-transmutation-doped GaAs irradiated with various fast neutron fluences, the annealing behavior of band-germanium acceptor [Ge(B-A)] transitions has been evaluated using the photoluminescence technique. In the fast neutron irradiation of <7.0X 1017 cm-2, a few percent of transmuted Ge atoms behave as acceptors in As sites and more than 98% of the transmuted Ge atoms activate as donors in Ga siteso In the fast neutron irradiation of 3.7 X 1018 cm--z, the shift of Ge(B-A) transitions towards lower energies originates from the band-edge distortion. Removing the band-edge distortion by annealing above 790°C leads to the increase in the Ge acceptor, accompanied by an increase ofthe peak intensity of Ge (B-A) transitions. The lower electrical activation oftransmuted impurities ( -75%) arises from the high-temperature annealing required to remove the radiation damage. On annealing out the radiation damage, the peak shift of Ge(B-A) transitions based on the increase in the free carrier is discussed using the Burstein-Moss model. I. INTRODUCTION Neutron-transmutation doping (NTD) is a useful tech nique for obtaining a uniform distribution and a precise con centration of the dopant. The NTD process for GaAs has been studied by severa] workers. I~ In the NTD process, however, the defect clusters involving the As antisite defect (AsGa) (Ref. 7) and the Ga vacancy (Vaa) (Refs. 8 and 9) are created by the primary knock~on (PKO) due to the fast neutron. These defects disturb the electrical activation of the NTD-induced impurities.6 Fast neutron irradiation of"> 1017 cm--2 induces hopping conduction between the defect elus ters.6. 10. I I Moreover, in photoluminescence studies,4.5 it has been reported that part of the transmuted Ga atoms activate as acceptors in As siteso The evaluation of the annealing be havior of the Ge acceptor is important to obtain more de~ tailed information about the activation of transmuted im purities since the existence of the Ge acceptor restricts the electrical activity as donors of transmuted impurities. In particular, there is a great interest in the relationship between the electrical activation of Ge acceptors introduced by the NTD process and the removal of radiation damage introduced by the fast neutron irradiation. In the present paper, we report the annealing behavior of a Ge acceptor in neutron-transmutation-doped GaAs irradiated with various fast neutron fluences using the photoluminescence (PL) technique. II. NEUTRON TRANSMUTATION DOPING OF Gaits The compound semiconductor GaAs contains the natu ral isotopes 69Ga(natural abundance of 60,2%), 71Ga( 3908%), and 75As( 100%). When GaAs is bombarded with thermal neutrons, the unstable isotopes are transmuted from these isotopes and subsequently decay to stable iso topes in accordance with their half-lives. Consequently, 70Ge, 72Ge, and 76Se isotopes are introduced into GaAs as impurity spedes.2 Ifboth Ge and Se isotopes are maintained in the lattice sites where they are introduced, an the three reaction products would behave as donors in GaAs. The doping concentration (N NTD ) is determined precisely by the thermal neutron flux (if!) and the exposure time(t) as fol lowsl2: NNTD = O.16¢t. (1) Unfortunately, after the nuclear reactions, the transmuted atoms are usually not in their original positions but are dis placed into interstitial position due to the recoil produced by the rand f3 rays in the nuclear reactions. In addition, the defects 13 induced by the fast neutron irradiation disturb the electrical activation of transmuted impurities.6 ill. EXPERIMENT Starting materials used in this study are undoped semi~ insulating GaAs (p=2X 107 n em), grown by the liquid encapsulated Czochralski method to clear the electrical acti ~ vation of impurities introduced by NTD. Neutron irradiations were performed at three positions (P 1, P 2, and P3) in the Kyoto University Reactor (KUR), which is a light-water moderated research reactor, as described in our previous paper. 12 Table I lists the irradiation condition and carrier concentration predicted theoretically. P 1 and P 2 are the water channel between the fuel and the graphite reflector and the center of the core in KUR, respectively. P 3 is the thennal column using the graphite reflector. Fast neutron fluxes at P 1 and P 2 are comparable to thermal neutrons in each position, while fast neutrons at P 3 are considerably re duced by the graphite reflector in comparison with thermal neutrons. It is expected that the annealing and electrical be haviors for GaAs irradiated at P 3 are different from crystals 2248 J. Appl. Phys. 65 (6), 15 March 1989 0021-8979/89/062248-06$02.40 (c) 1989 American Institute of Physics 2248 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 21:07:49TABLE 1. The irradiation condition. Irradiation position Pl P2 P3 Thermal neutron 4.7XlO" 8.2X 10" g.OX 10" flux (n/cm2/s) Fast neutron lAX 1Ol3 3.9X 10" < lOS flux (n/cm2/s) Thenna! neutron j.3xlO'9 1.5 X 10'" 2.2X 1017 fluence (n/cm2) Fast neutron 3.7X 10'" 7.DX ]017 < 1O'4 fluence (n/cm2) Nn(/cm,)a 2.1 X 101" 2.4 X 1017 3.5 X 10'" a The net donor concentration predicted theoretically in the NTD process. irradiated at other positions. The energy distribution of neu trons at each position also has been described in our previous paper. 12 The annealing of irradiated samples was performed by placing the two GaAs wafers 14 in N 2 flow for 30 min at sever al temperatures. To eliminate the decomposed layer by in congruent evaporation of arsenic, a few p.m of material was removed from the surface by chemical etching after each annealing stage. I This procedure was an important process to obtain reproducible data. The resistivity and Hall mea surements were carried out at room temperature using the van der Pauw method. The photoluminescence spectra were recorded using the 514.5 nm of an Ar+ laser as an excitation source, a grating spectrometer, and a cooled photomultiplier tube having a GaAs photocathode. The PL spectra present ed here were recorded at just below 2 K. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 1 shows the resistivity of the neutron irradiated samples as a function of annealing temperature for each irra diation position. There was a remarkable difference in the recovery process between samples irradiated at P 1 (or P 2) 108 ~~2 F --', , , lOs E '" 01 104 > l- '> r:: 102 \I) iii II.! IX ANNEAliNG TEMPERATURE (Oc) FIG. 1. Roomotemperature resistivity as a function of annealing tempera ture for various irradiation conditions (see Table I): open circles represent PI, open triangles represent P 2, open squares represent P 3, and the reversed triangle represents the starting material. 2249 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.6, 15 March 1989 and P 3. The difference in the recovery process is concerned with whether or not defect clusters involving ASOa exist. The resistivity of samples irradiated at P 1 and P 2 is based on the tunneling-assisted hopping conduction between defect c1us~ ters induced by the PKO events. 6.13 The hopping conduction was observed at annealing temperatures up to 500 ·C. In par ticular, the resistivity of the unannealed sample irradiated at P 1 was reduced from 2 X 107 to 8 X 105 !l cm by the hopping conduction. In the irradiation at P 1 and P 2 the abrupt change in resistivity was observed around 600·C with a slight change around 400°C. The drastic decrease in resistiv ity around 600·C corresponds to the annihilation of ASGa defects. (, Moreover, the annealing stage around 400 ·C origi nates from the enhancement in the hopping conduction due to the activation ofNTD-induced impurities.6 On the other hand, the samples irradiated at P 3 did not show the hopping conduction because of the irradiation with a small amount of fast neutrons. In the irradiation at P 3 the gradual decrease in resistivity around 300·C is based on the activation of the NTD-induced impurities. Figure 2 shows the carrier concentration as a function of reciprocal annealing temperature. The activation energies for samples irradiated at P 1 (or P 2) and P 3 were estimated to be about 0.9 and 0.3 eV, respectively. The activation ener gy of 0.9 eV corresponds to the annihilation of ASGa defects, as described in our previous paper.6 On the other hand, the activation energy of 0.3 eV may be based on the recovery of radiation damage induced by the y and {:J rays in the nuclear reactions. In the irradiation of P 2 and P 3, the predicted car rier concentration was achieved by annealing at 700 and 600 °C, respectiveiy. This s.uggests that more than 98% of the transmuted Ge atoms activate as donors in Ga sites. However, in the irradiation at PI with the fast neutron fiuence of 3.7X 1018 cm-2, the expected carrier concentra tion was not achieved even at 850"C. The activated carrier concentration was abou.t 75%. This fact suggests the exis- TEMPERATURE (oe i 10'9 800 600 I "" 's 10'9 - \~ ~ - Z Q .~ -0- <t ll: 0-z 1017 - !OJ u z 0 ~ (,) a: 1"-3 w Ci: 10'6 !- - a: <It u FIG. 2. Roomo!emperature carrier concentration as a function ofl'ecipTOca1 temperature: open circles represent P 1, open triangles represent P2, and open squares represent P 3. Satan, Kuriyama, and Makita 2249 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 21:07:49tence of a remaining lattice defect. The Hall mobility for carrier concentrations achieved at each irradiation position are 1900 cm2jV s for lAX 1018 cm-3 (P 1, for annealing at 850 ·C), 3000cm2/V 8for2.3 X 1017 cm--3(Pl, 700 Qq, and 4050 cm2jV s for 3.4X 1016 cm-3 (P3, 600 ·C), respective ly. Figure 3 shows the photoluminescence spectra obtained from an unirradiated sample, The emissions at around 820 nrn are associated with donor and acceptor bound exci tons.S•IS The emissions at 830 and 831 nm have been attribut ed to band-carbon acceptor [C(li-A) J and donor-carbon ac ceptor [C( D-A)] transitions involving residual carbon impurities, and unidentified donors present in starting mate ria1.4•16 The corresponding phonon replicas of C{B-A) and C(D-A) transitions (fllilw = 36 meV) are observed around 850nm. Figure 4 shows the PL spectra obtained from samples irradiated atP3. Labels (a), (b), and (c) denote the samples annealed at 700,600, and 500 "C, respectively. The emission originated from band-Ge acceptor [Ge(B-A}} transi tions4•5,]6 was observed at 838 urn in addition to C(B-A) transitions. The corresponding phonon replica of Ge(B-A ) transitions (muw = 36 meV) was observed at 859 nm. The appearance ofGeCB-A) transitions suggests that some of the transmuted Ge atoms occupy the As sublattice sites because of the recoil produced by the f3 fu'ld r rays3 i.n the nuclear reactions and the subsequent annealing. No apparent vari ation of Ge(B-A) transitions was observed in annealing between 500 and 700 cC. This annealing behavior of the PL emission is correlated with the lower activation of impuri ties, as shown in Fig. 2 (P 3). In the irradiation at P 1 and P 2, however, the PL emission was not observed in samples indi cating the hopping conduction. Figure 5 shows the PL spectra recorded for samples ir radiated at P 2. Labels (a) and (b) denote the samples an nealed at 600 and 700 ·C, respectively. C(B-A) transitions were not observed in the irradiation at P 2. These transitions are concealed by the broad main emission because of the existence of the Ge acceptors exceeding the carbon concen tration. The very weak bound exciton was also observed at around 820 nm (indicated by arrows in the figure). The peak energy of the main emission is corresponding to that of Ge(B-A) transitions. However, the fun width at half maxi- Undoped GaAs 2K {AO-X} I ! 810 820 C(B-A) )(10 ~ \ . / I\-'~J 830 340 850 360 WAVELENGTH (nm) FIG. 3. Photoluminescence spectrum taken at 2 K of unirradiated semi insulating GaAs. 2250 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65. No.6, 15 March 1989 FIG. 4. Photoluminescence spectra taken at 2 K of samples ilTadiated at P 3. Annealing temperatures: (a) 700, (b) 600, and (c) 500 ·C. mum (FWHM) of this emission (~13 urn) was larger than that of Ge(B-A) transitions (see Fig. 4) observed for sam ples irradiated at P 3 ( ~ 4 nm) < This large FWHM suggests the large contribution of donor-Ge acceptor transitions [Ge(D-A)] in addition to Ge(B-A) transitions. In anneal ing at 600 "C, a broad emission was observed at around 860 nm, but in the irradiation at P 3 it was not obtained. This broad emission is not identified as the phonon replica of Ge(B-A) transitions because its intensity is much larger than that of the phonon replica of Ge(B-A) transitions, as shown in Fig. 4. In general, the intensity of phonon replica is about 10 times smaller than that of its zero-phonon transi tions. The broad emission at around 860 nm disappeared as the annealing temperature increased from 600 to 700 ·C. We speculate that this emission is based on the peak shift of Ge(D-A) transitions which has been observed for the low excitation intensity.!? The measurement of the excitation intensity dependence of Ge(D-A) transitions is necessary to confirm this speculation, but we cannot clarify the origin of this emission at present. However, this emission may be cor related with a certain radiation damage induced by the fast neutron irradiation of 7.0X 1017 cm-2• In annealing at 700 °C, the peak of the main emission was shifted to higher energy ( -3 nm). This shift may originate from the increase in carrier concentration. In samples irradiated at P 1, the main emission shifted from 860 to 820 nm as the annealing temperature increased from 600 to 850 cC, as shown in Fig. 6. Labels (a), (b), (c), P-2 2K '-_-'-_ ......... _--'-, (b) ~ __ ~~~~-L~~~~ __ ~ __ --L (a) 810 850 870 WAVELENGTH (urn) FlG. 5. Photoluminescence spectra taken at 2 K of samples irradiated at P 2. Annealing temperatures: (a) 600 and (b) 700"C. At the wavelength indi cated by the arrow, the very weak bound excitons arc observed. Satoh, Kuriyama, and Makita 2250 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 21:07:49Ip-1 , 2K __ ,/ ~(d) r<;;.sX5 -'-- ' ~5 ~C) , x5 (b) WAVELENGTH (nm) FIG. 6. Photoluminescence spectra iaken at 2 K ofsamples irradiated at P 1. Annealing temperatures: (a) 850, (b) 790, (c) 700. and (d) 600 'CO and Cd) denote the samples annealed at 850, 790,700, and 600 ·C, respectively. The emissions for samples annealed at 600 and 700 ·C were observed at 860 and 843 nm, which are lower energies than Ge (B-A) transitions obtained in the irradiation at P 3. It has been reported that donor-acceptor transitions in the strongly compensated insulating GaAs layer fabricated by the ion implantation shift to lower ener gies with increasing the impurity concentration.17 On the other hand, NTD GaAs annealed at 600 and 700·C were conductive and their carrier concentrations were 1.2 X 1017 and 4.7X 1017 cm-3, respectively. Therefore, the peak shift observed in the samples annealed at these temperatures is associated with a certain radiation damage introduced by the fast neutron irradiation of 3.7 X 10 18 em -2 rather than do nor~acceptor transitions as observed in the compensated crystal. This radiation damage is confirmed by the near-in frared absorption measurements, as described later. The shrinkage of the optical band gap, which arises from the lattice distortion induced by the fast neutron irradiation, was observed in the samples annealed at 600 and 700"C. The shrinkage at these temperatures were estimated to be 39 and 8 meV, respectively, in comparison with the original position of Ge(B-A) transitions in the unirradiated crystal. 16 To evaluate the origin for the shift of emission in Fig. 6, the near-infrared absorption measurements at 77 K were performed for the samples irradiated at P 1. Figure 7 shows the near-infrared absorption spectra obtained from the sam- WAVELENGTH 1"-1 17K FIG. 7. Near-infrared absorption spectra obtained from the P I irradiation samples annealed at (II) 550, (b) 600, and (c) 700"C These spectra were taken at 77 K. 2251 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.6, 15 March 1989 pIes annealed at (curve a) 550, (curve b) 600 and (curve c) 700 ·C. The newly appeared optical absorption lay at the wavelength ranging from ~ 830 to -865 nm for annealing at 550 "c. As the annealing temperature i.ncreased from 550 to 600 ·C, the low-energy side of this absorption varied from -865 to -840 nm. Therefore, it is suggested that the band edge distortion is induced by the fast neutron irradiation. In the samples annealed at 600 ·C, the difference in absorption edge between the irradiated and unirradiated (-820 nrn) GaAs is in good agreement with the shift of the PL emission between these samples, as mentioned above. The PL emis sions observed at lower energies must be based on the transi tions from the distorted band edge to Ge acceptors. This absorption disappeared on annealing at 700 ·C, but the slight shift (-5 nm) of the PL emission suggests the existence of the residual radiation damage< With the increase of the an~ neaHng temperature, the band-edge distortion was almost removed and then the peak shifted to the original position (838 nm) of Ge(B-A) transitions with increasing the elec tron concentration. Moreover, in annealing at 600 "C, the broad emission around 860 nrn was also observed in the irra diation at P 1 and P 2. It is suggested that in the fast neutron irradiation of> 7<OX 1017 em -2, the local radiation damage disturbs the band edge. In order to estimate the recovery of the band~edge dis tortion in samples irradiated at P 1, we calculated the energy shift of Ge(B-A) transitions. The asymmetry in the spectra of Fig. 6 indicates that indirect (B-A) transitions without k selection dominates the emission across the optical gap. 18 The emissions for samples annealed at 790 and 850°C were observed at higher energy than GeCB-A) transitions ob tained from unirradiated crystal. According to Burstein and MOSS,19 this shift results from the filling of the conduction band. The Burstein-Moss shift has been observed at the elec tron concentration of> -5 >< t017 em -3 (Ref. 18). The car rier concentration for samples annealed at 790 and 850°C are L2x 1018 and 1.44 X 1018 cm-3, respectively. Therefore, we performed the calculation using the Burstein-Moss mod el. although this model has been usually applied to the emis sion at higher energy than the forbidden band gap. Figure 8 shows the intensity distribution of the spontaneous recombi- 1<0 WAVELENGTH FIG. 8. Calculated intensity distribution of spontaneous emission (indi rect) from n-type GaAs as a function of electron concentration [(a) L44X 10'", (b) 1.20X 10'", and (c) 4.7 X 1OI7cm·-3] considering the shrinkage of band gap due to the band tailing. Satoh, Kuriyama, and Makita 2251 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 21:07:49nation spectra of indirect (B-A) transitions in n-type GaAs calculated with the following equation 18; I(E) 0:: (E -Eg + EA ) 1/2 X{l +exp[(E-Eg +EA -E:;")/kT]}--'< (2) In this equation, E( = fuu) is the energy of the emitted pho ton, Eg is the band gap ofGaAs (1.519 eV at 2 K), EA is the ionization energy of the Ge acceptor (0.0404 e Vat 2 K), and E ~ is the quasi-Fermi level for electrons, respective1y< The other symbols in Eq. (2) have the usual meaning. The quasi Fermi level is estimated as fonows: (3) where n is the electron concentration, Equation (3) is modi fied by the corrections of Reymod, Roverts, and Bernard,20 and the nonparabolicity of the conduction band is consid ered. With increasing electron concentration, the develop ment ofa density-of-states tail in the energy gap due to inho mogeneous impurity distribution and potential fluctuations becomes more important for the radiative recombination process in heavily doped semiconductors. This development has been identified in the crystal grown by the molecular beam epitaxy technique. 18 The NTD GaAs with the doping level of> -5X 1017 cm--3, however, the band-edge distor tion is induced not only by the fluctuation of impurity distri bution, but also simply by the fast neutron irradiation as shown in Fig. 7. The localized states in the band tail induced by the increase in electron concentration can be treated as acceptorlike centers distributed above the top of the valence band, as proposed by Levanyuk and OsipOV.21 Therefore, in the heavily doped GaAs (> ~ 5 X 1017 cm-3), the energy of the photoexcited holes in the density-of-state tail (ET) is accounted as foUows18: ET = 2rrli2(e2/e)al/4n5J12. (4) The value of E T correlates directly with the effective narrow ing of the optical band gap. The electron concentrations esti mated from Hall measurements are used in these calcula~ tions. The calculated spectra shown in Fig. 8 indicate a smooth slope on the low-energy side and a steep slope on the high-energy side. These features coincide with the PL spec tra obtained from samples irradiated at P 1. The measured and calculated peak wavelengths are listed in Table II. The estimated values for samples annealed at 850 and 790 ·C are in good agreement with the experimental results, but the peak wavelength for the sample annealed at below 700 "C is smaller than that of Ge(B-A} transitions observed in the irradiation at P 1. Therefore, the band-edge distortion in- TABLE II. The experimental and calculated peak wavelength for irradia tion at P l. Annealing Peak wavelength (nm) temperature Carrier concentration CC) Experiment Calculation (1018 cm -l)" 850 821.5 821.6 1.44 790 824.0 824.1 1.20 700 843.0 833.1 0.47 a Values obtained from Hall measurements. 2252 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.6, 15 March 1989 duced by the fast neutron irradiation of 3.7X 1018 cm-2 is removed by annealing between 700 and 790·C. However, the annealing temperature above 790·C is required to re move the residual radiation damage, In samples irradiated at P 2 and P 3, the predicted NTD carrier concentrations are achieved by annealing at 700 and 600 ·C, respectively, even if the transmuted Ge atoms acti vate as acceptors in As sites, as observed in PL measure ments. These facts suggest that the Ge acceptors are a few percent of the donors introduced by NTD. However, in the irradiation at PI (fast neutron fluence = 3.7x 1018 cm--2), the Ge(B-A) emission intensity in the sample annealed at 850·C is about five times larger than other annealed sam ples, as shown in Fig. 6. It is suggested that the part of Ge atoms that migrates to As sites by annealing above 790 ·C required to remove the radiation damage is introduced by the fast neutron irradiation. Therefore, the electrical activa tion of the NTD-induced impurities is reduced by increasing the Ge acceptor. V. CONCLUSION In the photoluminescence measurements for NTD GaAs, it was found that the shift of Ge(B-A) transitions towards lower energies originates from the band-edge distor tion introduced by the fast neutron irradiation of 3.7 X 1018 cm-2• The shrinkage of the optical band gap due to the lat tice distortion was estimated to be 39 me V in the sample annealed at 600 ·C, in comparison with the original position of Ge (B-A) transitions in the unirradiated crystal. Remov ing the band-edge distortion by annealing above 790°C led to the increase in the Ge acceptor, accompanied by an in~ crease ofthe peak intensity ofGe(B-A) transitions. The exis tence of the Ge acceptor was correlated with the lower elec trical activation (-75%) of transmuted impurities. In the fast neutron irradiation of ~7.0 X 1017 em --2, a greater part of transmuted Ge atoms behaved as donors in Ga sites with the electrical activity of >98%. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to express thanks to 1. Kimura, T. Kawakubo, and K. Yoneda of Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute for the neutron irradiation, M. Mori for assistance of PL measurements, and C. Kim for providing the starting material. 'P. D. Green. Solid State Commun. 32, 325 (1979). 2J. E. Mueller, W. Kellner, H. Kniepkamp, E. E. Haas, and G. Fischer, J. App\. Phys. 51, 3178 (1980). elM, A. Vesaghi, Phys. Rev. B 25, 5436 (1 Y82). <J, Garrido, J. L Castano, J. Piqueras, and V. Alcober, J. Appl. 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III International Workshop on Point-contact Spectroscopy Citation: Low Temperature Physics 40, 893 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4898791 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4898791 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/ltp/40/10?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Point-contact spectroscopy of electron-phonon interaction in superconductors Low Temp. Phys. 40, 215 (2014); 10.1063/1.4869565 Point-contact Andreev-reflection spectroscopy in anisotropic superconductors: The importance of directionality (Review Article) Low Temp. Phys. 39, 199 (2013); 10.1063/1.4794994 Point-contact spectrum of the electron-phonon interaction in mercury Low Temp. Phys. 33, 713 (2007); 10.1063/1.2770658 Advances in point-contact spectroscopy: two-band superconductor MgB 2 (Review) Low Temp. Phys. 30, 261 (2004); 10.1063/1.1704612 Point-contact spectroscopy of metallic heterojunctions at high frequencies Low Temp. Phys. 24, 863 (1998); 10.1063/1.593517 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 02:45:20III INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP POINT-CONTACT SPECTROSCOPY (PCS-2014) KHARKIV, UKRAINE 8-11 SEPTEMBER, 2014 III International Workshop on Point-contact Spectroscopy (Submitted September 25, 2014) Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 40, 1144–1146 (October 2014; revised online December 3, 2014) Kharkiv, Ukraine, September 8–11, 2014 On the Fortieth Anniversary of Yanson’s Point-contact Spectroscopy In 1974, the “Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics,” published an article by I. K. Yanson, called“Nonlinear Effects in the Electroconductivity of Point Contacts and the Electron-Phonon Interaction in Normal Metals.” 1This work laid the foundation for a new method of studying physics, hereinafter referred to as point-contact spectroscopy (PCS). The essence of the method is that if the size of the point contact becomes less than the length of themean free path of the conduction electron, then, as they go through the contact, the electrons obtain an excess energy equal to eV, where Vis the voltage applied to the contact, and eis the electron charge. The non-equilibrium electrons energized in this manner relax, giving off their excess energy to the lattice (i.e., phonons). This type of electron scatteringby phonons causes an increase in the contact resistance at typical phonon energies, and correspondingly, leads to a non-linear current-voltage characteristic (CVC). The pointcontacts studied by I. K. Yanson that had the necessary size were formed in the dielectric layer of a film tunnel junction. As a result, as was found by I. K. Yanson, the second deriva-tive of the CVC for such contacts, directly reflects a known function of electron-phonon interaction, a 2F(e), where F(e) is the phonon density of states, and a2is a slightly smoother dependence that takes into account the strength of the elec- tron interaction with a particular group of phonons. In the following year, 1975, I. K. Yanson reported his original results at the International Low Temperature Physics Conference in Helsinki (Finland). The report caused a wide resonance, and a number of foreign laboratoriesbecame interested in this method. We should note a group of Dutch scientists, headed by the President of the Netherlands Physics Society, Professor P. Wyder, who, along with hisgraduate student, A. G. M. Jansen, were the first to apply the PCS method of creating point contacts from bulk electrodes in the needle-anvil geometry. 2This method significantly simplified the methodology of creating point contacts, used by I. K. Yanson, and almost indefinitely expanded the range of the objects that could be studied. In particular, it enabledfor the possibility of using the superior single-crystal sam- ples instead of polycrystalline films, and studying the effects of anisotropy. 3 Decisive contributions to the understanding of the proc- esses occurring in the ballistic contacts, and to the establish- ment and further progress of the PCS method, were made bythe pioneer studies from Kulik, Omelyanchouk, and Shekhter, leading to the creation of a fundamental PCS theory. 4The next important step in the development of PCS theory was the examination of the diffusion regime ofcurrent flow across point contacts.5It was shown that PCS allows us to obtain spectral information for systems with asmall elastic mean free path of electrons, 6which gave the basis for using the PCS method practically for all conductive alloys and compounds. van Gelder, also from the aforemen-tioned Dutch group, presented his own independent version of the PCS theory, 7which in the end led to findings that were analogous to those in Ref. 4. As a result of the experi- mental and theoretical studies conducted at the end of the 70s, it became clear that point contacts were full-scale tools of physics studies, and PCS became entrenched as themethod. It also became clear, that PCS was not limited to study- ing the process of electron scattering by phonons, but couldbe expanded to include the interaction of electrons with other quasi-particles, or other mechanisms of relaxation of ener- gized electrons. This is where studies of electron-magnoninteraction, 8Kondo effect,9,10two-level systems,11electric crystal field effects,12spin fluctuations,13etc., began. In the process of searching for effects of electron- magnon interaction in simple ferromagnetic metals, a giant CVC nonlinearity was discovered, at energies significantly higher than those belonging to phonons,14,15which, as a result, led to the development of a theory of thermal regime for contacts,15wherein the inelastic length of the electron mean free path becomes less than the contact, and Jouleheating causes a rise in contact temperature proportional to the applied voltage. A high-frequency point-contact spectroscopy 16,17was also developed for the study of kinetics of relaxation for quasi-particle excitations in solids: non-equilibrium pho- nons, two-level systems, internal crystal field levels, etc. It should be noted that in parallel to using point contacts for the purposes of PCS at the start of the 1980s, point con- tacts were also used to study energy gaps in superconductingmaterials, using the so-called Andreev-reflection spectros- copy. 18Even though the physical processes at the basis of PCS and Andreev-reflection spectroscopy are different, theyhave a relationship based on the common methodology for creating point contacts, and the synergy of spectroscopic data. 19 As a result of the development of nanophysical studies at the end of the last century, researchers using PCS began to apply their expertise in this area, since microcontacts are infact, nano objects. In particular, microcontacts are capable of reaching a huge current density of an order 10 10A/cm2and higher. Accordingly, using ferromagnetic materials, one canreach high densities of spin-polarized current, which is im- portant in conducting spin-valve research in the field of spin- tronics, for example. 20,21Developments in the field of PCS became valuable in the analysis of quantum effects in the 1063-777X/2014/40(10)/2/$32.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 893LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS VOLUME 40, NUMBER 10 OCTOBER 2014 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 02:45:20conductivity of single-atom contacts and nanowires.22It is necessary to also note the promising results achieved in the area of applying metal contacts to sensorics.23 To summarize, it can be said, that for the last 40 years, significant progress has been made in the area of PCS, with the publication of nearly five hundred scientific papers, and a number of reviews and books.24–30PCS became not only the new and popular method for the physics studies of elemen- tary excitations in solids, but also found its place in a series of applications in nanophysics. The studies published in this issue of the journal are based on reports presented at the International Workshop on PCS Challenges, which was held in the PCS method’s home-land, at the B. Verkin Institute of Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in September 2014. The publications largely reflectcurrent trends and directions in the PCS method. This applies to spin-dependent phenomena in the conductivity of point contacts, studies of nontraditional mechanisms of electronpairing in composite compounds, processes of electron trans- port at the boundary of a normal metal–superconductor, and a number of nanophysics studies, etc. All of this points to afurther fruitful development of the PSC method, its rele- vance, and wide application in many areas of solid-state physics research. 1I. K. Yanson, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 66, 1035 (1974) [Sov. Phys. JETP 39, 506 (1974)]. 2A. G. M. Jansen, F. M. Mueller, and P. Wyder, Phys. Rev. B 16, 1325 (1977). 3I. K. Yanson and A. G. Batrak, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 76, 325 (1979) [Sov. Phys. JETP 49, 166 (1979)]. 4I. O. Kulik, A. N. Omelyanchouk, and R. I. Shekhter, Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 3, 1543 (1977) [Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 3, 840 (1977)]. 5I. O. Kulik and I. K. Yanson, Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 4, 1267 (1978) [Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 4, 596 (1978)]. 6A. A. Lysykh, I. K. Yanson, O. I. Shklyarevskii, and Yu. G. Naydyuk, Solid State Commun. 35, 987 (1980). 7A. P. van Gelder, Solid State Commun. 25, 1097 (1978). 8A. I. Akimenko and I. K. Yanson, Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 31, 209 (1980) [JETP Lett. 31, 191 (1980)].9A. G. M. Jansen, A. P. van Gelder, P. Wyder, and S. Str €assler, J. Phys. F: Met. Phys. 11, L15 (1981). 10Yu. G. Naidyuk, O. I. Shklyarevskii, and I. K. Yanson, Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 8, 725 (1982) [Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 8, 362 (1982)]. 11A. I. Akimenko, N. M. Ponomarenko, I. K. Yanson, S. Jano /C20s, and M. Reiffers, Sov. Phys. Solid State 26, 1374 (1984). 12K. S. Ralls and R. A. Buhrman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 2434 (1988). 13Yu. G. Naidyuk, M. Reiffers, A. G. M. Jansen, P. Wyder, I. K. Yanson, D. Gignoux, and D. Schmitt, Int. J. Mod. Phys. 7, 222 (1992). 14B. I. Verkin, I. K. Yanson, I. O. Kulik, O. I. Shklyarevski, A. A. Lysykh, and Yu. G. Naydyuk, Solid State Commun. 30, 215 (1979). 15B. I. Verkin, I. K. Yanson, I. O. Kulik, O. I. Shklyarevski, A. A. Lysykh, and Yu. G. Naidyuk, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Fiz. 44, 1330 (1980). 16R. W. van der Heijden, H. M. Swartjes, and P. Wyder, Phys. Rev. B 30, 3513 (1984). 17I. K. Yanson, O. P. Balkashin, and Yu. A. Pilipenko, Pis’ma Zh. Eksp.Teor. Fiz. 41, 304 (1985) [JETP Lett. 41, 373 (1985)]. 18G. E. Blonder, M. Tinkham, and T. M. Klapwijk, Phys. Rev. B 25, 4515 (1982). 19Yu. G. Naidyuk and K. Gloos, Solid State Commun. 184, 29 (2014). 20I. K. Yanson, Yu. G. Naidyuk, D. L. Bashlakov, V. V. Fisun, O. P. Balkashin, V. Korenivski, A. Konovalenko, and R. I. Shekhter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 186602 (2005). 21I. K. Yanson, Yu. G. Naidyuk, V. V. Fisun, A. Konovalenko, O. P. Balkashin, L. Y. Triputen, and V. Korenivski, Nano Lett. 7, 927 (2007). 22N. Agrait, A. L. Yeyati, and J. M. van Ruitenbeek, Phys. Rep. 377, 81 (2003). 23G. V. Kamarchuk, O. P. Pospelov, A. V. Yeremenko, E. Faulques, and I. K. Yanson, Europhys. Lett. 76, 575 (2006). 24A. G. M. Jansen, A. P. van Gelder, and P. Wyder, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 13, 6073 (1980). 25I. K. Yanson, Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 9, 676 (1983) [Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 9, 343 (1983)]. 26I. K. Yanson and O. I. Shklyarevskii, Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 12, 899 (1986) [Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 12, 509 (1986)]. 27A. Duif, A. G. M. Jansen, and P. Wyder, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 1, 3157 (1989). 28Yu. G. Naidyuk and I. K. Yanson, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 10, 8905 (1998). 29A. V. Khotkevich and I. K. Yanson, Atlas of Point-Contact Spectra of Electron–Phonon Interaction in Metals (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1995). 30Yu. G. Naidyuk and I. K. Yanson, Point-Contact Spectroscopy , Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences (Springer Science þBusiness Media, Inc, 2005), Vol. 145. Yu. Naidyuk, Guest Editor Translated by A. Bronskaya894 Low Temp. Phys. 40(10), October 2014 III International Seminar of Microcontact Spectroscopy This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 02:45:20
Synthesis and characterization of large-grain solid-phase crystallized polycrystalline silicon thin films Avishek Kumar, Felix Law, Goutam K. Dalapati, Gomathy S. Subramanian, Per I. Widenborg, Hui R. Tan, and Armin G. Aberle Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 32, 061509 (2014); doi: 10.1116/1.4897298 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.4897298 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/32/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Low-temperature (180°C) formation of large-grained Ge (111) thin film on insulator using accelerated metal- induced crystallization Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 022106 (2014); 10.1063/1.4861890 Identification of geometrically necessary dislocations in solid phase crystallized poly-Si J. Appl. Phys. 114, 043511 (2013); 10.1063/1.4816563 Intragrain defects in polycrystalline silicon layers grown by aluminum-induced crystallization and epitaxy for thin- film solar cells J. Appl. Phys. 105, 114507 (2009); 10.1063/1.3117838 Large-grain polycrystalline silicon films with low intragranular defect density by low-temperature solid-phase crystallization without underlying oxide J. Appl. Phys. 91, 2910 (2002); 10.1063/1.1448395 Effects of elastic stress introduced by a silicon nitride cap on solid-phase crystallization of amorphous silicon J. Appl. Phys. 86, 2278 (1999); 10.1063/1.371042 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 20:05:20Synthesis and characterization of large-grain solid-phase crystallized polycrystalline silicon thin films Avishek Kumara) Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore, National University of Singapore, 7 Engineering Drive 1, Block E3A, #06-01, Singapore 117574; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117583; and Institute of Materials Research and Engineering,A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), 3 Research Link, Singapore 117602 Felix Law Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore, National University of Singapore, 7 Engineering Drive 1,Block E3A, #06-01, Singapore 117574 Goutam K. Dalapatia)and Gomathy S. Subramanian Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research),3 Research Link, Singapore 117602 Per I. Widenborg Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore, National University of Singapore, 7 Engineering Drive 1,Block E3A, #06-01, Singapore 117574 Hui R. Tan Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research),3 Research Link, Singapore 117602 Armin G. Aberle Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore, National University of Singapore, 7 Engineering Drive 1,Block E3A, #06-01, Singapore 117574 and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117583 (Received 19 June 2014; accepted 25 September 2014; published 13 October 2014) n-type polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) films with very large grains, exceeding 30 lm in width, and with high Hall mobility of about 71.5 cm2/V s are successfully prepared by the solid-phase crystal- lization technique on glass through the control of the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio. The effect of this gas flow ratio on the electronic and structural quality of the n-type poly-Si thin film is systematically investigated using Hall effect measurements, Raman microscopy, and electron back- scatter diffraction (EBSD), respectively. The poly-Si grains are found to be randomly oriented, whereby the average area weighted grain size is found to increase from 4.3 to 18 lm with increase of the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio. The stress in the poly-Si thin films is found to increase above 900 MPa when the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio is increased from 0.025 to 0.45. Finally, high- resolution transmission electron microscopy, high angle annular dark field-scanning tunnelingmicroscopy, and EBSD are used to identify the defects and dislocations caused by the stress in the fabricated poly-Si films. VC2014 American Vacuum Society .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.4897298 ] I. INTRODUCTION Thin-film polycrystalline sili con (poly-Si) is a promising semiconductor material for a variety of large-area elec- tronic applications ranging from thin-film transistors (TFTs),1active matrix type liquid-crystal displays,2,3and three-dimensional (3D) vertical NAND flash memories4to photovoltaics (PV).5–10The thin-film poly-Si solar cell technology7,8,11–14received significant attention after the promising device efficiencies reported by SANYO in the 1990s.5Among various poly-Si technologies,7,8,15the thin- film poly-Si on glass solar cell prepared by solid-phasecrystallization (SPC) is one of the most innovative technolo- gies that combines the robustness of the c-Si wafer-based technology with the advantages of thin films. 11In 2006, CSGSolar was the first company that attempted to commercialize this technology.16CSG Solar achieved an efficiency of 10.4% for a 94-cm2minimodule using a simple single-junction diode structure in a superstrate configuration.17This single-junction device is believed to have an energy conversion efficiency potential of more than 13%.18 It has been hypothesized that an enhancement in the grain size of the poly-Si thin film could lead to further improve- ments in the performance of solar cells,19and a high field effect mobility as required for TFTs.20However, recent reports suggest that the efficiency of hydrogen-passivated poly-Si thin-film solar cells does not necessarily depend on the grain size, but might depend more on intragrain defectsand dislocations. 21,22Thus, to consider poly-Si thin films for future large-scale electronic applications, it is desirable to better understand the effect of grain size and grain bounda-ries on the structural and electrical qualities of the poly-Si thin film. a)Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed; electronic addresses: avishek.kumar@nus.edu.sg and dalapatig@imre.a-star.edu.sg 061509-1 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 32(6), Nov/Dec 2014 0734-2101/2014/32(6)/061509/9/$30.00 VC2014 American Vacuum Society 061509-1 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 20:05:20Matsuyama et al .5,23reported that n-type poly-Si thin films with large grains can be fabricated by controlling thephosphorus dopant density in the film, but not much infor- mation was given about grain size distribution, orientation, and crystal quality of the film. Recently, our group reportedthat large-grain n-type SPC poly-Si films can be formed by increasing the concentration of phosphorus [P] in the film. 24 This finding differs from the results previously reported by SANYO,5where the average grain size was reported to be inversely proportional to the [P] concentration. Furthermore, we also observed from UV reflectance measurements thatthe crystal quality deteriorates with increasing grain size of the poly-Si film. 24However, the mechanism behind the increase of the grain size and the deterioration of the crystalquality of the poly-Si film with increasing PH 3flow was still unclear and required further experimental investigation. In this work, we evaluate large-grain n-type poly-Si films prepared by SPC of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H). The effect of an increasing PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4 gas flow ratio on the phosphorus [P] doping concentration and the carrier mobility of the poly-Si thin film is studied using Hall effect measurements. Further, its impact on grain size, orientation, and the crystal quality of the n-type poly-Si film is investigated in detail using Raman and electron back- scatter diffraction (EBSD) measurements. Finally, high- resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and highangle annular dark field scanning tunneling microscopy (HAADF-STEM) are used to investigate the intragrain defects and to reveal the dislocations in the poly-Si films. II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS About 500 nm thick n-type SPC poly-Si thin films with varying doping concentrations were prepared for this study. First, the a-Si:H films were deposited onto a SiN x(/C2470 nm) coated planar glass sheet (Schott, Borofloat) in a PECVD(plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition) cluster tool (MVSystems, USA). The n-type doping of the a-Si:H films was obtained by in-situ doping with phosphorus [P] from the PH 3(2% in H 2) gas mixed with SiH 4during the PECVD pro- cess. The nþa-Si:H thin films were deposited using different PH3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratios, as summarized in Table I.A n /C24100 nm thick SiO xcapping layer was thendeposited onto the a-Si:H films. The SiN xfilm acts as an antireflection coating and diffusion barrier to impuritiesfrom the glass substrate, 15,25while the sacrificial SiO xlayer acts as a barrier for impurities from the ambient during the SPC process as well as the subsequent rapid thermal anneal-ing (RTA) process. 25,26The deposited a-Si:H films were then annealed (Nabertherm, N 120/65HAC furnace, Germany) at 610/C14Ci naN 2atmosphere for a duration of 12 h to achieve solid phase crystallization of the film. A rapid thermal anneal (RTA, CVD Equipment, USA) for 1 min at a peak temperature of 1000/C14Ci nN 2atmosphere was then used to remove crystallographic defects from the SPC poly-Si thin films and to activate the dopants. Subsequently, the samples were cleaned in a diluted (5%) HF solution toremove the capping SiO xlayer, rinsed in DI water and then dried with a nitrogen gun. The n-type poly-Si samples were then characterized for its crystal properties, grain size andorientation maps using x-ray diffraction (XRD, D8, Bruker) and EBSD system (Bruker Quantax EBSD CrystAlign, Germany) attachment onto a SEM (Carl Zeiss, Germany).The poly-Si material quality was then determined using UV reflectance measurements 27–29(PerkinElmer, Lambda 950, UV/Vis/NIR spectrometer) and Raman spectroscopy30,31 measurements (Witec Alpha 300R confocal Raman micro- scope equipped with a 532 nm Nd:YAG laser), whereby the samples were always measured from the air side. Further,TEM (CM300, Philips) was used to examine the microstruc- ture, thickness, and dislocations 22in the poly-Si films. The defects and dislocations in the poly-Si films were further vali-dated and quantified using HAADF STEM. 32The majority carrier mobility and the doping concentration of the n-type poly-Si films were evaluated using Hall effect measurementsystem (model HL5500 from Accent). The Hall effect meas- urements were conducted at a magnetic field of 0.32 T and temperature of 300 K and the system was calibrated using ac-Si reference sample at the identical magnetic field. III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Impact of PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio on the electronic properties of the SPC poly-Si films The effect of the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow on the electronic properties of the nþpoly-Si films were evaluated using a Hall effect measurement system. Figure 1shows the carrier concentration of the nþpoly-Si films for four differ- ent PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratios (0.025, 0.125, 0.25, and 0.45). As expected, the majority carrier concentration was found to increase from 2.36 /C21019to 3.90 /C21020cm/C03 as the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio was increased from 0.025 to 0.45. Further, the Hall mobilities of the nþ poly-Si films were extracted at various doping concentra- tions. Figure 2shows the Hall mobilities of the nþpoly-Si films at various doping concentrations. Also, for comparison, the Hall mobility of [P] doped single-crystal Si (Ref. 33)a sa function of the doping concentration (thick solid line) is pre- sented. The electrical properties such as Hall mobility and resistivity of phosphorus doped single-crystal n-type Si were extracted from the literature.33,34The Hall mobility ofTABLE I. Experimental details used for the PECVD of the SiN x/nþa-Si:H/ SiO xfilms. Process condition SiN x nþa-Si layer SiO x SiH 4(sccm) 12 40 10 2% PH 3:H2(sccm) 0 1–20 0 NH 3(sccm) 20 0 0 N2(sccm) 143 0 0 N2O (sccm) 0 0 50 Time (s) 636 2000 200Deposition rate (A ˚/s) 1.1 2–3 5 Substrate temperature ( /C14C) 350 410 350 Pressure (Pa) 80 106 80RF power density (mW/cm 2) 8 34 8061509-2 Kumar et al. : Synthesis and characterization of large-grain solid-phase crystallized poly-Si thin films 061509-2 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 32, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2014 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 20:05:20n-type poly-Si prepared by the SPC method decreases as the majority carrier concentration increases and follows a trend similar to that of single-crystal Si. The decrease in the Hall mobility with the increase in the carrier concentration is dueto the enhanced carrier scattering. 34,35A Hall mobility of 71.6 cm2/V s was obtained for n-type poly-Si fabricated with aP H 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio of 0.025, which is equivalent to a carrier concentration of 2.36 /C21019cm/C03. The Hall mobility of /C2471.6 cm2/V s obtained for the poly-Si film is approximately 76% of the Hall mobility of c-Si at thesame doping concentration. The reason for this 24% drop observed in Hall mobility for the poly-Si film with respect to that of single-crystal Si could be due to the presence of grainboundaries, grain orientation, and the structural defects in poly-Si. However, the mobility of the n-type poly-Si thin films decreased drastically to 36.8 cm 2/V s as the carrierconcentration increased to 3.9 /C21020cm/C03. This is approxi- mately 48% of the single-crystal Si Hall mobility at thatsame doping concentration. This sharp drop in Hall mobility of the poly Si thin film by 52% as compared to single-crystal Si is a strong indication of the increase in defects and disor-der in the poly-Si thin film with the increase in the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratios to 0.45. B. Stress and crystal quality characteristics of the SPC poly-Si films Then-type poly-Si thin-film samples were further charac- terized using Raman spectroscopy to evaluate the effect of the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratios (doping concentra- tion) on the crystal quality of the poly-Si films. Raman char-acterization is a powerful, nondestructive, and fast technique that can be conveniently used to characterize stress and defects in polycrystalline silicon. 36–38Figure 3shows the Raman spectra acquired from the visible (532 nm) laser line for the selected poly-Si thin films fabricated with different PH3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratios. As a reference, the Raman spectrum was also obtained for an intrinsic single- crystal FZ double side polished Si (100) wafer, (solid line). A strong peak at a frequency x0of about 521 cm/C01is observed for the c-Si wafer. This peak position value of c-Si may slightly vary from experiment to experiment, depending on the calibration of the spectrometer and monochromator.Furthermore, the Raman spectra reveal that there is a shift in the peak position of the poly-Si thin film toward lower wave numbers with respect to c-Si as the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4 flow ratio is increased, indicating the presence of tensile stress in the poly-Si film.39,40Stress in poly-Si thin films is an area of great concern, as a high stress can lead to bending,buckling, cracks, and in some cases even peeling of the poly-Si films, 37,41,42which are detrimental effects for micro- electronic applications and thus need to be controlled. The FIG. 1. Majority carrier concentration of nþpoly-Si films as a function of the PH3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio. The dashed lines are guides to the eye. FIG. 2. (Color online) Hall mobility of SPC nþpoly-Si films as a function of the majority carrier concentration. The solid line indicates the Hall mobility of single-crystal n-type Si (Refs. 33and34). The dashed lines are guides to the eye. FIG. 3. (Color online) Measured Raman spectra of n-type poly-Si thin films fabricated with four different PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratios. Also shown, for comparison, is the Raman spectrum measured for a polished FZ single-crystal Si (100) wafer (solid black lines).061509-3 Kumar et al. : Synthesis and characterization of large-grain solid-phase crystallized poly-Si thin films 061509-3 JVST A - Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 20:05:20stress level in a poly-Si film can be determined from the wave number shift obtained in the Raman measurement,using the following equation: 36,37,43 r¼/C0 ð 250 MPa cm Þ/C2Dx; (1) where rstands for stress and Dxis the shift in the Raman peak position (wave number) of the poly-Si film compared to that of unstressed single-crystal Si. Further, detailed analysis of the Raman spectra (see Fig. 3) reveals that the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the poly-Si film increases with increasing PH 3(2% in H 2)/ SiH 4flow ratio. The FWHM is an excellent indicator of the crystal quality of the poly-Si film. An increasing defect den- sity and disorder in Si thin films leads to the broadening ofthe peak (FWHM). 30,36,38A Raman quality factor (R Q)i s defined here as the ratio between the FWHM of single- crystal Si to that of the poly-Si film ( RQ¼FWHM c–Si FWHM poly–Si)t o quantify the defects in the poly-Si film relative to a (stress- free) single-crystal Si wafer. Figure 4shows the calculated Raman quality factor and stress behavior of the poly-Si thin film as a function of the PH3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4flow ratio. From the trend in Fig. 4,i t is observed that the stress in the poly-Si thin film increases, while the crystal quality decreases, when the PH 3(2% in H2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio increases. The increase of tensile stress in the poly-Si thin film with the increase of phospho- rous [P] concentration is in good agreement with the earlier reported results by Nickel et al.,44but not much information was given about the impact of stress on the crystal quality of the poly-Si thin film. Stress in the poly-Si film could be due the combination of several factors, such as internal micro-structure (grain size, orientation, shape, etc.), different expansion coefficients of materials, and defects in the crys- talline matrix during the formation of poly-Si films. 36 Raman spectroscopy confirms that the defect density in then-type poly-Si thin film increases with the increase of PH 3 (2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio or [P] concentration. However, since all the parameters in this experiment except the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio were kept constant, we suspect the internal microstructure such as crystallinity,grain size, grain orientation, and misorientation could be the major factors for stress in the poly-Si thin films. Thus, the poly-Si thin films were further analyzed using the XRD andEBSD characterization techniques to study the effect of the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio (doping concentration) on the phase transformation, crystallinity, grain size, crystal-lographic orientation, and intra- and intergrain defects in the poly-Si thin film. C. Grain size enlargement, crystallographic orientation, and defects in the SPC poly-Si thin film Figure 5shows the XRD spectra of poly-Si thin films fabri- cated with different PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratios. Three distinct strong diffraction peaks were observed at 2 h values of 28.4/C14,4 7 . 3/C14,a n d5 6 . 2/C14corresponding to the Si (111), Si (220), and Si (300) planes, respectively.4,45–47These three sharp peaks are a good indication of complete crystalli- zation of a-Si:H films after the RTA process and are in goodagreement with the above Raman measurements results. These well-developed peaks also suggests that the Si thin film obtained after SPC process are of good quality and polycrys- talline in nature with no preferred orientation. 48XRD is a powerful technique that can provide excellent informationabout the phase of the material under test. However, it fails to give specific information about individual grain orientations, shape, deformation, grain boundaries and phase distribu-tions. 49Hence, the n-type poly-Si thin films were further ana- lyzed using the EBSD characterization technique. Figure 6shows an EBSD grain orientation map of the poly-Si thin film for four different PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas FIG. 4. (Color online) Crystal quality factor (Q R) and stress characteristic of then-type poly-Si thin film as obtained from Raman spectroscopy as a func- tion of the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio. The dotted lines are guides to the eye. Inset: Schematic view of the poly-Si thin film under test. FIG. 5. (Color online) XRD spectra of n-type poly-Si thin films fabricated with four different PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratios (0.025, 0.125, 0.25, and 0.45).061509-4 Kumar et al. : Synthesis and characterization of large-grain solid-phase crystallized poly-Si thin films 061509-4 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 32, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2014 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 20:05:20flow ratios (0.025, 0.125, 0.25, and 0.45). Each color in the orientation map represents a specific crystallographic orien-tation. A color triangle representing the different crystal ori- entation is shown in the inset of each figure. The grains of then-type poly-Si thin films were found to be randomly ori- ented and the grain size increased with increasing PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio. The average grain size was found to increase from 4.32 to 18.1 lm. The increase in the grain size could be due to the enhanced growth rate from the increased [P] dopant concentration.50,51Further, detailed analysis of EBSD data reveals that the percentage of coinci-dent side lattice (CSL) grain boundaries in the n-type poly- Si thin films increases with increasing PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4 gas flow ratio. Figure 7shows the CSL grain boundary map of the n-type poly-Si thin film fabricated with three different PH3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratios (0.025, 0.25, and 0.45). It can be observed from CSL maps that the first orderP3 (red) and the second orderP9 (purple) grain boundaries predominantly appear on all the fabricated n-type poly-Si thin film. However, third orderP27 (yellow) grain bounda- ries tends to appear in the poly-Si thin film produced with PH3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio of 0.45 (see Fig. 7). An increase in CSL grain boundaries in the n-type poly-Si is an indicator of an increasing density of crystallographic defects in the poly-Si film.15 To understand the impact and mechanism behind the deg- radation of the poly-Si material quality with increasing grainsize, a further analysis of the EBSD data was carried out to obtain qualitative and quantitative information about misor-ientation and strain present in the grain at microscopic level that could affect the poly-Si film quality. EBSD is quite sen- sitive and can map intragrain misorientation (plastic defor-mation) in polycrystalline films subjected to strain gradients. 52–55Figure 8shows the grain average misorienta- tion (GAM) map for the n-type poly-Si thin films as a func- tion of the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio (0.025, 0.125, 0.25, and 0.45). The accumulated orientation changes rela- tive to the average orientation within a grain can be meas-ured from a GAM map, and thus, it allows the visualization of misorientation gradients within the material (plastic defor- mation). 52,53,56A color map from blue (0/C14) to red (5/C14)i s used here to measure the misorientation between the refer- ence pixel and every other pixel, within each grain. In Fig. 8, blue color represents a small degree (0/C14–0.5/C14) of intragrain misorientation/lattice rotation (little deformation), while red color denotes higher degree ( /C244/C14–5/C14) of intragrain misorien- tation (plastic deformation). It can be clearly seen that themajority of the grains in the poly-Si thin film produced with aP H 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio of 0.025 has negligible misorientation (0/C14–0.5/C14) (dominated by the blue compo- nent), while a few grains can be seen with a slightly higher degree of misorientation (1/C14–2/C14) represented by green color [see Fig. 8(a)]. Even higher degree of misorientation (3/C14–4/C14) represented by yellow color starts to appear in very few FIG. 6. (Color online) EBSD grain size and orientation maps of the n-type poly-Si thin film as a function of the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio.061509-5 Kumar et al. : Synthesis and characterization of large-grain solid-phase crystallized poly-Si thin films 061509-5 JVST A - Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 20:05:20grains of the poly-Si thin film when the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4 gas flow ratio is increased to 0.125 [see Fig. 8(b)]. The num- ber of grains with higher degree of misorientation (green and yellow color component) increases when the PH 3(2% in H2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio is increased from 0.025 to 0.45 [see Figs. 8(a)–8(d) ]. In addition, the degree of intragrain misor- ientation reaches up to 5/C14(red) in few grains of poly-Si thin- films produced with a PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio of 0.25 and 0.45, respectively [see Figs. 8(c) and8(d)], which is nearly four times higher than for the film produced with a flow ratio of 0.025 [Fig. 8(a)]. A detailed observation of Figs. 8(c)and8(d) reveals that the number of grains with a higher degree of misorientation (red color) increases when the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio is increased from 0.25 to 0.45. Thus, from the trend in Figs. 8(a)–8(d) it can be inferred that the overall intragrain misorientation increases with increasing PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio. This increase in plastic deformation (misorientation/strain) in thegrains of poly-Si thin film could be responsible for the increase of tensile stress in the film (see Fig. 4). The high degree of misorientation (plastic deformation) is also an in- dication of the presence of geometrically necessary disloca- tions (GNDs),56which are detrimental for the application of the poly-Si thin films in solar cells and other devices. EBSD is an excellent technique that provides detailed in- formation about the grain orientation, distribution andboundary characterization of a polycrystalline film but is limited to the surface region of the film and hence fails to give a detailed overview of the entire film. Furthermore, tohave a better understanding for deterioration of the poly-Si thin film quality with increasing [P] concentration, cross- sectional TEM and HAADF-STEM studies were performedon selected poly-Si thin-film samples. TEM was used to get detailed information about the microstructural changes in the poly-Si films as a function of the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio, while HAADF-STEM was used to reveal the dis- locations in the poly-Si films.32,56 Figures 9(a)and9(b) show cross-sectional TEM images of the nþpoly-Si thin films prepared with a PH 3(2% in FIG. 7. (Color online) CSL maps projected on the top of the EBSD band contrast of the n-type poly-Si thin film fabricated with three different PH 3(2% in H 2)/ SiH 4gas flow ratios (0.025, 0.25, and 0.45). FIG. 8. (Color) GAM maps of the n-type poly-Si thin film as a function of the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio (0.025, 0.125, 0.25, and 0.45). FIG. 9. Cross-sectional bright field TEM image of the n-type poly-Si thin film fabricated with a PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio of (a) 0.025, (b) 0.45.061509-6 Kumar et al. : Synthesis and characterization of large-grain solid-phase crystallized poly-Si thin films 061509-6 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 32, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2014 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 20:05:20H2)/SiH 4flow ratio of 0.025 and 0.45, respectively. It can be clearly seen from these images that there is a deteriora- tion of the structural quality of the poly-Si film with increasing PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio. Further detailed observations of the TEM images revealed the for- mation of white precipitates in the heavily [P] doped poly- Si film. It has been reported in the literature that an excessphosphorus concentration in cry stalline Si results in the formation of phosphorus-rich precipitates 57,58and thus the white precipitate seen in the TEM image of Fig. 9(b) could be due to the formation of phosphorus-rich precipitates, which in turn could produce defects in the poly-Si thin film during heat treatment.57Further analysis was carried out on the same specimens using weak beam dark-field (WBDF) TEM (Ref. 59) to identify the nature of the defects and dislocations in the poly-Si films as a functionof the [P] concentration. Disl ocations in a poly-Si thin film can, under certain diffraction conditions, be imaged using WBDF TEM. 59Figure 10shows the cross-sectional WBDF TEM images of the nþpoly-Si thin films prepared with a PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio of (a) 0.025 and (b) 0.45. Clear dislocations (white lines) are observed inthe poly-Si film prepared with a PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio of 0.025. These dislocations could be a combina-tion of statistically stored dislocations (SSDs) that are formed during the grain growth,56,60and the GNDs. The dislocation density seems to increase drastically when the PH3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio is increased to 0.45 [see Fig. 10(b) ]. The increase in dislocations as observed in Fig. 10(b) could be due the formation of additional GNDs. GNDs are extra defects in addition of SSDs which are formed due to the presence of strain gradient in crystal-line material 60and hence need to be minimized. Selected specimens were further analyzed using HAADF-STEM, whereby the samples were tilted at the zone axis. In thisconfiguration, atoms close to the core of dislocations dis- play a high contrast in HAADF images. 32In addition, STEM images are formed by collecting most of the scat-tered electrons on the ADF de tector whereas only a frac- tion of the scattered electrons is permitted to enter the objective aperture for the formation of dark-field (DF)TEM images. 59Thus, HAADF-STEM is more capable of providing detailed information about defects and disloca- tions in poly-Si thin films. Figure 11shows cross-sectional HAADF-STEM images of nþpoly-Si thin films prepared with a PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio of (a) 0.25 and (b) 0.45. It can be seen that dislocations are present (whitelines) in the poly-Si thin produced with a low flow ratio of 0.025. It is possible to make a rough estimate of the dislo- cation density by counting the number of line (white lines)over a selected area. Detailed observation of Figs. 11(a) and11(b) reveals that in comparison to the poly-Si thin produced with a low flow ratio of 0.025, the dislocationdensity (white dots) seems to increase significantly and looks like distributed over the entire film for the sample p r e p a r e dw i t hah i g hfl o wr a t i oo f0 . 4 5[ s e eF i g . 11(b) ]. From HAADF-STEM, it appears t hat the film quality dete- riorates significantly when the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio is increased to 0.45. These additional disloca-tions could act as charge carrier recombination centers, which would be detrimental in solar cell applications. This interpretation of dislocati ons in the poly-Si films as a func- tion of the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio from TEM and HAADF-STEM is in good agreement with the results obtained from EBSD (see Fig. 8). FIG. 10. Cross-sectional WBDF TEM image of the n-type poly-Si thin film fabricated with a PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio of (a) 0.025, (b) 0.45. FIG. 11. Cross-sectional HAADF-STEM image of the n-type poly-Si thin film fabricated with a PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio of (a) 0.025, (b) 0.45.061509-7 Kumar et al. : Synthesis and characterization of large-grain solid-phase crystallized poly-Si thin films 061509-7 JVST A - Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 20:05:20IV. CONCLUSION In conclusion, large-grain ( >10lm)n-type SPC poly-Si thin films with high Hall mobility of about 71 cm2/V s were successfully fabricated. The experimental resultsshowed that the doping concentration and the grain size of the SPC poly-Si films increased with increasing PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio, whereas the crystalline quality of the material deteriorated. The average grain size of the poly-Si films was found to increase from 4.3 to 18 lma s the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio was increased from 0.025 to 0.45, with some grains even exceeding 30 lmi n width. It was shown that the stress in the large-grain poly- Si thin films fabricated with a high PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4 gas flow ratio could be the likely cause for the deteriora- tion of the material quality. The stress in the poly-Si films was found to be in excess of 900 MPa, which leads todefects (for example dislocat ions) in the poly-Si films. The increased dislocation density with increasing PH 3(2% in H2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio was also observed in the HAADF- STEM and EBSD studies performed in this work. With respect to device applications, it is thus desirable to control the phosphorus concentration in the poly-Si films throughthe control of the PH 3(2% in H 2)/SiH 4gas flow ratio, to strike the right balance betw een the grain size and the ma- terial quality of the poly-Si thin film. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) is sponsored by the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the National Research Foundation(NRF) of Singapore through the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB). This work was sponsored by NRF grant NRF2009EWT-CERP001-046. A.K.acknowledges a Clean Energy Programme Office (CEPO) Ph.D. scholarship from the EDB. 1N. Yamauchi and R. Reif, J. Appl. Phys. 75, 3235 (1994). 2A. Mimura, N. Konishi, K. Ono, J. I. Ohwada, Y. Hosokawa, Y. A. Ono, T. Suzuki, K. Miyata, and H. Kawakami, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 36, 351 (1989). 3C. Spinella, S. Lombardo, and F. Priolo, J. Appl. Phys. 84,5 3 8 3 (1998). 4B. Kim, H. Jang, S.-W. 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Surfactant role of Ag atoms in the growth of Si layers on Si(111) √ 3 × √ 3 -Ag substrates Tsuyoshi Yamagami, Junki Sone, Kan Nakatsuji, and Hiroyuki Hirayama Citation: Applied Physics Letters 105, 151603 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4898063 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4898063 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/105/15?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Ag as a surfactant for Co/MgO(111)-( 3 × 3 )R 30° J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 31, 061518 (2013); 10.1116/1.4826704 Surfactant-mediated Si quantum dot formation on Ge(001) Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 223104 (2011); 10.1063/1.3595486 Reducing the critical thickness of epitaxial Ag film on the Si(111) substrate by introducing a monolayer Al buffer layer J. Appl. Phys. 102, 053504 (2007); 10.1063/1.2773630 Thermal Diffusion Barrier for Ag Atoms Implanted in Silicon Dioxide Layer on Silicon Substrate and Monolayer Formation of Nanoparticles AIP Conf. Proc. 866, 295 (2006); 10.1063/1.2401516 Bi: Perfect surfactant for Ge growth on Si(111)? Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 1391 (1999); 10.1063/1.123560 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 17:22:56Surfactant role of Ag atoms in the growth of Si layers on Si(111) /H2088133/H208813-Ag substrates Tsuyoshi Y amagami, Junki Sone, Kan Nakatsuji, and Hiroyuki Hirayamaa) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, J1-3, 4259 Nagatsuda, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan (Received 25 July 2014; accepted 2 October 2014; published online 13 October 2014) The growth of Si layers on Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrates was studied for coverages of up to a few mono-layers. Atomically flat islands were observed to nucleate in the growth at 570 K. The top surfaces of the islands were covered in Ag atoms and exhibited a /H208813/C2/H208813 reconstruction with the same surface state dispersions as Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrates. These results indicate that the Ag atoms on the substrate always hop up to the top of the Si layers. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC . [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4898063 ] Much attention has been paid recently to the epitaxial growth of silicene on Ag(111) substrates. Silicene is a two-dimensional (2D) Si material that has a single atomic-layer thick hexagonal lattice. 1,2It is anticipated as a new material with Dirac electron dispersion that is fully compatible withconventional Si device technology. However, Si does not have a graphene-like layered crystal structure and thus cannot be obtained by exfoliation, unlike graphene. Instead, epitaxial growth of silicene has been examined on several substrates. In particular, silicene growth has been studied intensively onAg(111) substrates 3–7because the Ag(111) surface is unreac- tive with Si and has the same three-fold rotational symmetry as the silicene lattice. However, a recent experimental studysuggested that the Ag(111) surface is not ideally stable and does not remain intact during silicene growth. 8The Ag atoms readily exchange with Si atoms at the Ag(111) surfaces, mak-ing the growth process complicated and difficult to control. In this study, we therefore examined the epitaxial growth of Si layers on Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrates. The Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrate surface is fully covered by one mono-layer (1 ML Si(111) ) of Ag atoms.9,10(Here, we define 1M L Si(111) as the number density of Si atoms at the top of ideal Si(111) surface, ca. 7.3 /C21014Ag atoms/cm2.) The Ag atoms are fixed on the top layer by a strong chemical bond with the underlying Si layers. This is expected to make theSi(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag surface robust against Ag-Si exchange during growth. In addition, the Ag atoms are arranged in a three-fold rotational symmetry. The dangling bonds are per-fectly terminated by Ag atoms, making the surface inert. 11 The surface supports a free-electron like surface state12–16 the same as Ag(111).17,18All these characteristics are expected to be advantageous for epitaxial growth of silicene. Here, we experimentally investigated the growth of Si on Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag surfaces at 570 K, which is a suitable temperature for the growth of silicene on Ag(111) surfaces. The Ag atoms were found to play a surfactant role even in Si growth on Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag surfaces. Experiments were carried out using two ultra-high-vac- uum (UHV) apparatuses. One was equipped with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) unit,8while the other wasequipped with low energy electron diffraction (LEED) optics and a hemispherical electron energy analyzer for X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS) and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES). 19Si(111) substrates were cleaned by flashing at 1470 K for 15 s and subsequent slow cooling toroom temperature (RT). The Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrates were prepared by depositing 1 ML Si(111) of Ag atoms on the clean Si(111) substrates at 770 K, or at RT with subsequent annealing at 770 K. The Ag-induced /H208813/C2/H208813 reconstruction was confirmed by STM or LEED in each apparatus. Si atomswere deposited on the Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrates from a resistively heated Si wafer. The growth of Si was conducted at 570 K because this temperature is known to be suitable forthe epitaxial growth of silicene in the case of Ag(111) sub- strates. 3–7The growth process was followed by repeated depo- sition of a small amount of Si and subsequent STM, LEED,XPS, and ARPES measurements at RT. A bias voltage was applied to the substrate during STM. An Al K ax-ray source and a He I a(21.22 eV) uv-source were used in the XPS and ARPES measurements, respectively. The photoelectrons were detected in the surface normal direction in the XPS study. In the LEED, XPS, and ARPES experiments, the deposition rateof Si on the substrate was calibrated by the saturation behav- ior in the reduction of XPS Ag 3 dcore level intensity as a function of Si deposition time at RT. The amount of Si at thebreak in the slope was defined as 1 ML Si(111). Figure 1shows LEED patterns (a) before and (b) after deposition of 1.25 ML Silicene. Here, we define 1 ML Silicene as FIG. 1. LEED pattern of (a) a pristine Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrate and (b) after the growth of 1.25 ML Silicene thick Si layers at 570 K. Electron energy was 75 eV.a)Electronic mail: hirayama.h.aa@m.titech.ac.jp 0003-6951/2014/105(15)/151603/4/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 105, 151603-1APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 105, 151603 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 17:22:56the number density of Si atoms in the silicene honeycomb lattice, ca. 1.5 /C21015Si atoms/cm2. (Note that 1 ML Silicene is twice as large as 1 ML Si(111). ) Sharp diffraction spots indi- cated the /H208813/C2/H208813 periodicity in both LEED patterns. The in- tensity of the diffraction spots did not decay even after the deposition of 1.25 ML Silicene of Si. This result suggests that the top of the Si layers also maintained the /H208813/C2/H208813 reconstruction. The tops of the Si layers were directly observed to ex- hibit the /H208813/C2/H208813 reconstruction by STM. Figure 2shows STM images of the pristine Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrate ((a) and (b)), and the surfaces after the deposition of 0.65ML Silicene ((c) and (d)) and 2.6 ML Silicene ((e) and (f)) of Si at 570 K. A wide (240 /C2240 nm2) STM image of the pristine Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrate (Fig. 2(a)) revealed a maze-like pattern on the terraces with a series of steps running from the upper left to the lower right. This maze-like pattern is char- acteristic of the Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag reconstruction that is accompanied by pairs of Si(111) one double-layer height (ca. 0.31 nm) deep “hole” and high “island” regions.20–22 The /H208813/C2/H208813 reconstruction was observed across virtually the entire substrate, as can be seen in the magnified (8 /C28n m2) STM image in Fig. 2(b). Many small islands nucleated on the terraces after deposition of 0.65 ML Silicene of Si (Fig. 2(c)). The tops of the islands were atomically flat and exhib- ited the /H208813/C2/H208813 reconstruction (Fig. 2(d)). The /H208813/C2/H208813reconstruction was also observed in the gap regions between islands. The surface morphology of the Si layers did not change significantly with further Si growth. The top surface was covered by atomically flat, small islands as can be seenin the STM images of the 2.6 ML Silicene thick Si layer (Figs. 2(e)and2(f)). The appearance of the islands in terms of size and distribution was almost the same as the 0.65 ML Silicene thick Si layer. The /H208813/C2/H208813 reconstruction was still observed at all locations. XPS measurements revealed that the Si layers were cov- ered in Ag atoms. Figure 3shows the Ag 3 dand Si 2 pcore level spectra before and after the Si layer growth on theSi(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrates at 570 K. Both Ag and Si core levels showed no significant shift in energy after the Si layer growth. Furthermore, the intensities were almost identical tothe pristine Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrate except for a reduc- tion of ca. 15% in the Ag 3 dpeak after Si growth. This indi- cates that the tops of the Si layers remained covered in Agatoms. The coverage of Ag atoms on the Si layer was almost the same as for the Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrate. These results indicate that the Ag atoms on the substrate segregatedto the top surface of the Si layers and formed the same Ag- induced /H208813/C2/H208813 reconstruction as on the substrate. Existence of the Ag-induced /H208813/C2/H208813 reconstruction on the Si layers was also confirmed by observation of the surface state dispersions. Figure 4shows the surface band dispersions on (a) pristine Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrate and (b) the grown Si layers in the ARPES measurements. As reported in previ- ous studies, 12–16theS1surface state with a downward convex dispersion, the less dispersive S2surface state, and the upward convex dispersing S3surface state were observed on the Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrate (Fig. 4(a)). All these characteris- tic surface states were also observed in the dispersion of the1.25 ML Silicene thick Si layers (Fig. 4(b)). This indicates that the Si layers support the same surface electronic structure as the Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag surface. Although the S1band was slightly upward shifted in energy on the 1.25 ML Silicene thick Si layers, the bottom of the S1band is known to be sensitive to the amount of excess Ag atoms on the Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag surfaces.23–25The Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag reconstruction is com- pleted by 1 ML Si(111) of Ag atoms. However, it is possible for excess Ag atoms to exist as adatoms on the Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813- Ag surface without breaking the reconstruction. Since these Ag adatoms migrate on the /H208813/C2/H208813 surface swiftly, they can- not be detected by LEED and STM. However, the Ag FIG. 2. STM image of (a) and (b) pristine Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrate, (c) and (d) 0.65 ML Silicene thick Si layer, and (e) and (f) 2.6 ML Silicene thick Si layer. The Si layers were grown at 570 K. The STM images were taken at room temperature. Image sizes are 240 /C2240 nm2in (a), (c), and (e), and 8/C28n m2in (b), (d), and (f). Sample bias voltage was þ2.0 V and tunneling current was 0.1 nA. FIG. 3. (a) Ag 3 dand (b) Si 2 pcore level spectra. Solid and dashed lines indicate spectra before and after growth of a 1.25 ML Silicene thick Si layer on the Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrate at 570 K. Photoelectrons were detected in the direction normal to the surface.151603-2 Y amagami et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 151603 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 17:22:56adatoms act as dopants that donate electrons to the S1surface state, which causes a downward shift in the S1band. Tentatively, we attribute the upward shift of the S1band to the deficiency of Ag adatoms on the Si layers. Although thisis consistent with the small decrease in the Ag 3 dcore spec- trum intensity (Fig. 3(a)), it is not clear where the lost Ag atoms became located in this study. The present results indicate that Ag atoms in Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrate serve as surfactants for the growth of Si layers. The Ag atoms at the substrate always hopto the top of the Si layers during the growth of Si on Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrates at 570 K. Energetically unfavor- able dangling bonds are left on the Si surface, while the dan-gling bonds are fully terminated by Ag atoms at the Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag surface. 9,10We regard this as the basic driving force for the surface segregation of the Ag atoms. Inorder for segregation to occur, it is necessary for the Ag atoms to exchange with deposited Si atoms during growth. The exchange process decreases the diffusivity of the Si atoms andenhances the nucleation of islands. 26This is consistent with the nucleation of many small islands during Si growth on Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrate. The persistence of the Ag-induced /H208813/C2/H208813 reconstruction during Si layer growth is of interest in the debate regarding the structure of double-layer and multilayer silicene on Ag(111)substrates. Double-layer and multilayer silicene exhibit the /H208813/C2/H208813 reconstruction of the silicene 1 /C21l a t t i c e . 27,28Since interaction with the Ag substrate is greatly reduced by theunderlying first layer of silicene, the second layer of silicene is expected to reveal the intrinsic Dirac electron dispersion. Observation of “Dirac dispersion” has been reported in STMand ARPES studies. 27,29,30Several buckled silicene structures have been proposed as a model for the second layer of /H208813s i l i - cene,27,29,31but Shirai et al. reported in their detailed LEED I- V analysis32that /H208813 silicene is actually the Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag surface. They further suggested that the S1band of the Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag surface could be fitted by a linear disper- sion in the unoccupied states. The linear slope of the S1band gives a Fermi velocity close to that one in the STM study of /H208813 silicene,27although the effective mass (0.59 m0;m0is therest mass of electron) of the dispersion of the /H208813 silicene in ARPES30,32was larger than that of the intrinsic S1band (0.13 m0)o ft h eS i ( 1 1 1 ) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag surface.33Even though the present study was conducted at the Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag surface instead of the Ag(111) surface, the results indicate that once the/H208813/C2/H208813-Ag reconstruction has been established, Ag atoms always segregate and form a /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag reconstruction at the top of the Si layers in the subsequent growth of Si at tempera- tures suitable for the epitaxial growth of silicene on Ag(111) surface. From this viewpoint, we also suggest that the /H208813s i l i - cene could be the Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag surface. In summary, we examined the growth of Si layers on the Si(111) /H208813/C2/H208813-Ag substrate at 570 K. LEED and STM revealed that the /H208813/C2/H208813 reconstruction was persistent on the surface of the Si layers with many small 2D islands. Thereconstruction was verified to be due to Ag atoms that segre- gated from the substrate to the Si layer surface by XPS and ARPES. These results were attributed to the stability of theSi surface terminated by Ag atoms. This caused Ag-Si exchange-induced surface segregation of Ag atoms and a decrease in the diffusivity of surface migrating Si atoms. We thank Professor F. Komori for the opportunity to use the apparatus equipped with photoelectron spectroscopy under the Visiting Researcher’s Program of the Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo. This studywas financially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Grant No. 2628604). 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Contribution of alloy clustering to limiting the two-dimensional electron gas mobility in AlGaN/GaN and InAlN/GaN heterostructures: Theory and experiment Elaheh Ahmadi, Hamidreza Chalabi, Stephen W. Kaun, Ravi Shivaraman, James S. Speck, and Umesh K. Mishra Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 116, 133702 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4896967 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896967 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/116/13?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Luminescence from two-dimensional electron gases in InAlN/GaN heterostructures with different In content Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 212101 (2012); 10.1063/1.4720087 Impact of the misfit dislocations on two-dimensional electron gas mobility in semi-polar AlGaN/GaN heterostructures Appl. Phys. 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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:10:18Contribution of alloy clustering to limiting the two-dimensional electron gas mobility in AlGaN/GaN and InAlN/GaN heterostructures: Theory and experiment Elaheh Ahmadi,1Hamidreza Chalabi,2Stephen W. Kaun,3Ravi Shivaraman,3 James S. Speck,3and Umesh K. Mishra1 1Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA 2Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA 3Materials Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA (Received 18 June 2014; accepted 22 September 2014; published online 2 October 2014) The influence of alloy clustering on fluctuations in the ground state energy of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in AlGaN/GaN and InAlN/GaN heterostructures is studied. We show that because of these fluctuations, alloy clustering degrades the mobility even when the 2DEGwavefunction does not penetrate the alloy barrier unlike alloy disorder scattering. A comparison between the results obtained for AlGaN/GaN and InAlN/GaN heterostructures shows that alloy clustering limits the 2DEG mobility to a greater degree in InAlN/GaN heterostructures. Our studyalso reveals that the inclusion of an AlN interlayer increases the limiting mobility from alloy clustering. Moreover, Atom probe tomography is used to demonstrate the random nature of the fluctu- ations in the alloy composition. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896967 ] I. INTRODUCTION In recent years, AlGaN/GaN and InAlN/GaN hetero- structures have attracted attention from industries requiringhigh-power and high-frequency high-electron-mobility tran- sistors (HEMTs). 1–3One of the key factors in determining the quality of HEMTs is the mobility of the two-dimensionalelectron gas (2DEG). Therefore, analysis of the individual scattering mechanisms limiting the 2DEG mobility is para- mount. The scattering mechanisms originating from acousticand optical phonons, interface roughness, threading disloca- tions, 4,5and ionized impurities have been studied extensively in the literature.6,7In heterostructures with an alloy channel or barrier, alloy disorder scattering adds to all above- mentioned mechanisms to reduce the mobility. The scatter-ing of electrons in an alloy occurs as a result of random disorder in the alloy composition, which is a well-known phenomenon. 8,9In the case of heterostructures with a binary compound semiconductor as the channel, like InAlN/GaN and AlGaN/GaN, the 2DEG is confined mainly in the binary material. However, the tail of the wavefunction still pene-trates the ternary barrier because of the finite depth of the quantum well. 10,11The mobility of the electrons that pene- trate the barrier are influenced by alloy disorder scattering.In addition, an alloy barrier can also affect the mobility of electrons in the binary material via alloy clustering. Alloy clustering, which is generally a consequence of differencesin adatom diffusivities during growth, makes the barrier composition non-uniform and locally alters the polarization and conduction band discontinuities along the channel(Fig. 1). This leads to fluctuations in the energy levels of the channel, which behave as a perturbation potential and scatter the electrons in the 2DEG. 12 Decreasing the gate length of a HEMT is essential to improving its high-frequency operation. As the gate length isreduced, the vertical distance between the gate and channel needs to be reduced to maintain effective gate control.13 However, minimizing the barrier thickness in conventionalGa-face AlGaN/GaN heterostructures decreases the chargedensity in the channel, which consequently results in highersheet resistance. Therefore, the Al content of the barrierneeds to be increased as the barrier thickness is reduced tomaintain a high charge density in the channel. Experimentaldata in the literature reveals a poor 2DEG mobility inAlGaN/GaN heterostructures with high Al content. 14,15This is contrary to what we expect from calculations of alloy dis-order scattering. Despite an increase in interface roughnessscattering with higher 2DEG charge density, mobility shouldnot significantly degrade since alloy disorder scattering isreduced. As the Al content of the AlGaN barrier increases,the probability of finding electrons in the alloy barrierdecreases, so the mobility of the 2DEG should improve due to reduced alloy disorder scattering. However, increasing the Al content in the AlGaN barrier increases the likelihood ofalloy clustering, which can explain the discrepancy betweenexperimental data and calculations. InAlN barriers are a promising alternative to AlGaN barriers. In 0.18Al0.82N presents the advantage of being lattice-matched to GaN and exhibiting a high spontaneous polarization charge, making it suitable for use as the barrier layer in ultra-scaled HEMTs.16However, InAlN needs to be grown at lower temperatures than AlGaN, which reduces adatom diffusivity and increases the probability of alloy clustering. In this article, we drive a model to calculate the 2DEG mobility limited by alloy clustering scattering. We then use atom probe tomography (APT) to demonstrate the randomnature of the fluctuations in the alloy composition. The limit- ing mobility from alloy clustering is also calculated for 0021-8979/2014/116(13)/133702/6/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 116, 133702-1JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 116, 133702 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:10:18various fluctuation amplitudes and cluster sizes. Moreover, the effect of alloy clustering on limiting the 2DEG mobility is compared for both InAlN/GaN and AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. II. DERIVATION In order to model the contribution of alloy clustering to limiting the 2DEG mobility, we followed the approach thatwas used by Sakaki et al. 17to calculate interface roughness scattering. In the case of interface roughness, changes in the width of quantum well cause fluctuations in the energy levelsof the 2DEG, whereas in the case of alloy clustering, varia- tions in the depth of the quantum well change the energy levels. Therefore, a local change in the composition ( DXðrÞ) results in a local variation in the ground state energy (DE 0ðrÞ), as shown in Eq. (1) DE0rðÞ¼@E0 @XDXrðÞ; (1) where rrefers to the position in the heterointerface. It should be noted that we have assumed all electrons in the channel are accumulated in the first subband. Therefore, only local variations in the ground state energy are considered. The composition fluctuations can be characterized using the auto-covariance (AC) function, which measures theprobability that the compositions at r0andrare the same. Due to the random nature of the fluctuations in composition, this probability should decrease as the distance r/C0r0 increases. Following similar works on interface roughness,17 we assume the AC function can be estimated by a Gaussian function as shown in Eq. (2) hDXðrÞDXðr0Þi ¼D2exp /C0r/C0r0 ðÞ2 f2 ! ; (2) where Dand fare the amplitude of fluctuations and AC length, respectively. Alloy composition fluctuations can be quantified with APT. APT is a destructive technique through which the 3D atomic distribution of heterostructures is mapped.18To extract the parameters of the Gaussian distribution shown in Eq.(2), we followed the work done by Goodnick et al.19in which high-resolution transmission electron microscopy wasused to determine interface roughness parameters. Hence, the scattering matrix elements of the perturbation potential can be expressed as M 2 k0k¼ð expðj~k0/C1~rÞDE0ðrÞexpð/C0j~k/C1~rÞd3; (3) which can be simplified to the following equation according to the Fourier transform of a Gaussian function: M2 k0k¼p@E0 @X/C18/C192 D2f2exp /C0f2q2 4/C18/C19 ; (4) where ~q¼~k/C0~k0is the 2D scattering wave vector. In the relaxation time approximation, the momentum relaxation time sis given by 1 sEðÞ¼1 4p2/C18/C19 2p /C22h/C18/C19ð jMk0kqðÞj21/C0cosh ðÞ dEk0 0/C0Ek 0/C16/C17 d2k0: (5) The energy of the electron is assumed to remain unchanged after scattering. The scaling factor (1 /C0cosh) takes into account that large-angle scattering has a greater impact on momentum relaxation. Contrary to calculations done bySakaki et al. , 17we did not use the Thomas-Fermi screening factor in our calculations. Large angle scattering is dominant since small angle scattering does not significantly decreasethe mobility. However, large angle scattering occurs at wave vectors near 2k F. These wave vectors correspond to wave- lengths comparable to the inter-electron spacing. Screeningis unlikely to be effective at these distances. Moreover, the Thomas-Fermi approximation to the dielectric constant of the electron gas is a quasi-static approximation which is ap-plicable only at long wavelengths (q/k F/C281).20Therefore, this is only relevant if we are trying to screen the long-range part of Coulomb interaction.21Although, as explained intui- tively in the following paragraph, the charge density along the channel rearranges itself as a result of quasi electric field caused by variations in the ground state. This rearrangementcan moderate the electron scattering from fluctuations in the barrier composition. FIG. 1. (a) Band structure of an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure showing the fluctuations in barrier height as a result of fluctuations in the barrier compo- sition. (b) Schematic of ground state fluctuations along the channel. The Fermi level is assumed to be pinned at the surface and is constant along the channel.133702-2 Ahmadi et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 133702 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:10:18Fluctuations in the ground state (E 0) generate a varying quasi-electric field that provides a driving force for electrons to move along the channel. Since the 2DEG charge density(n s) is proportional to the difference of the Fermi level and the ground state (E f-E0), the charge density fluctuates with changes in E f-E0. The gradient in charge density generates a diffusion current in opposition to the drift current generated by the quasi-electric field. Figure 1(b)is a simple illustration of these two currents in the channel. The value of E f-E0is larger at x 1than x 2which results in higher charge density at x1. Because of the lower energy state at x 1, electrons at x 2 prefer to move toward x 1. In addition, the gradient in the charge density causes electrons to diffuse from x 1to x 2. These two currents cancel each other out to balance the driv- ing forces from the quasi-electric field and charge densitygradient. The direction and magnitude of this electric field depends on which current is dominant. Depending on the direction of the generated electric field, the conduction band(and consequently the ground state) at x 2will be either low- ered or raised, which results in the screening or exacerbation of fluctuations in the ground state, respectively. The driftcurrent (I drift) and diffusion current (I diff) that result from the quasi-electric field and gradient in the charge density along the channel, respectively, are defined by the following: Idrif t¼ltotDE0 DL; Idiff¼DqDns/C2d DL¼lkBT qqDns/C2d DL ¼ltotkBTDns/C2d DL; (6) where ltotis the total 2DEG mobility considering all scatter- ing mechanisms, DLis the lateral distance between two points with different ground states (assumed to be equal to the AC length ( f)), d is the channel thickness which can be defined as full width at half maximum of the 2DEG wave- function in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. To examine the extent to which this electric field can screen or aggravate thefluctuations in the ground state, we calculated the diffusion and drift currents for a specific variation in the AlGaN com- position. As calculated by BandEng, 22a 2% change in the Al mole fraction in the barrier of Al 0.27GaN/GaN heterostruc- ture causes a change of 0.0032 eV for E 0-Efand 3/C21011cm/C02for the charge density. The I driftand I diffcorre- sponding to these values are 0 :0032 ltot=DLand 0:003ltot=DL, respectively. Hence, these opposing currents are effectively equal, and the screening effect can be safelyignored. We then calculate the limiting mobility using l¼e m/C3hsðEÞi¼ð sEðÞE@f0EðÞ @EdE/C18/C19 /C30ð E@f0EðÞ @EdE/C18/C19 ;(7) where eandm/C3are the electron charge and effective mass, respectively, and f0ðEÞis the Fermi-Dirac distribution func- tion. As an intuitive explanation, the E@f0EðÞ @Eterm in Eq. (7) originates from averaging the momentum relaxation timeover the energy of electrons in an attempt to calculate the current density of electrons. 23Equation (7)can be simplifiedtol¼esðEFÞ=m/C3in the case of a 2DEG because all elec- trons are assumed to move very close to the surface of the Fermi sphere. It should be noted that the mobility limited byalloy clustering is temperature-independent, much like the mobility limited by interface roughness. 17 III. ATOM PROBE TOMOGRAPHY To determine the amplitude and distribution of random composition fluctuations, APT was performed on theAl 0.15Ga0.85N electron blocking layer of a commercial c-plane (0001) GaN LED. The in-plane Al distribution in the Al0.15Ga0.85N layer was reconstructed by averaging the Al mole fraction over 3 nm along the c-axis. To obtain a signifi- cant number of sampling points, a 60 /C260 nm2in-plane composition map (Fig. 3(a)) was generated by combining four 30 /C230 nm2composition maps extracted from different regions in the AlGaN layer as shown in Fig. 2. The above-mentioned digitalized data were then used to calculate the 2D AC as demonstrated in Fig. 3(b). The root mean square (rms) value of Al composition fluctuations ( D) was obtained from the zeroth coefficient of the 2D ACsequence and was estimated to be 1.14%. To estimate the AC length, the composition profile was taken along the directions shown in Fig. 3(a), and the AC function was calculated for each profile. Since the Fourier transform of the AC function (the power spectrum) is included in the relaxa- tion time formula (Eq. (5)) rather than the AC function itself, it is preferable to estimate the power spectrum. Fast Fourier transform can be used to calculate the power spectrum. However, it leads to severe fluctuations around the actualpower spectrum as demonstrated in Fig. 3(c). Therefore, the Autoregressive (AR) model was used for this purpose. 19The AC lengths ( f) were then obtained by fitting a Gaussian func- tion to the power spectrums of the 1D composition sequen- ces that were taken along the directions indicated by the arrows in Fig. 3(a)The distribution of f-values was charac- terized by a log-normal function and is plotted in Fig. 3(d). The AC length was estimated to be 12.3 nm from the expec- tation value of the log-normal distribution fit. IV. SIMULATIONS To study the effect of the aforementioned composition fluctuations on limiting the 2DEG mobility, we assumed an FIG. 2. To obtain a significant number of sampling points, a 60 /C260 nm2in- plane composition map was generated by combining four 30 /C230 nm2com- position maps extracted from different regions in the AlGaN layer.133702-3 Ahmadi et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 133702 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:10:18average In (Al) mole fraction of 0.18 (0.27) for InAlN (AlGaN) in our calculations. As mentioned previously, the In0.18Al0.82N/GaN heterostructure is particularly attractive for HEMTs since it is a nominally stress-free heterostructure and yields a high-density 2DEG. The Al mole fractions of AlGaN barriers in state-of-the-art AlGaN/GaN HEMTs are generally between 0.2 and 0.3, due to the trade-off in charge and mobility.24 To calculate @E0=@X, we solved the Schrodinger- Poisson equation self-consistently using BandEng software.22 The parameters used in calculations for each heterostructure are reported in Table I. The ground state energy of the 2DEG in AlGaN/GaN (InAlN/GaN) were calculated as a function of Al (In) mole fractions around 0.27 (0.18), as shown in Fig. 4. @E0=@Xwas then determined from the slope of the curve to be /C00.5 eV and 1.85 eV for Al 0.27Ga0.73N/GaN and In 0.18Al0.72N/GaN, respectively. By entering these values in Eq. (4), we calculated the mobility limited by alloy clustering for different AC lengths and fluctuation amplitudes. FIG. 3. (a) 2D III-site composition map of the in-plane Al distribution in an Al 0.15Ga0.85N layer (Black arrows illustrate the directions along whichthe AC lengths were calculated). (b) AC sequence of digitized data shown in part (a). (c) An example of the power spectrum calculated using both the FFT and AR methods and the fitted Gaussian function. (d) Histogram of AC lengths obtained from differentareas on the 2D III-site composition map. TABLE I. Materials parameters used in BandEng to calculate the ground state energy. m/C3 e=meis the ratio of the electron effective mass to the electron mass. Eg,DEc, and /C15rare bandgap, conduction band discontinuity with respect to GaN, and the relative permittivity, respectively. GaN Al xGa1/C0xNI n xAl1/C0xN m* e=me 0:20 :2þ0:2x 0:4/C00:29x Eg(eV) 3 :42 3 :42þ1:86xþ1x26:28/C08:51xþ3x2 DEc(eV) … 1 :24xþ0:66x21:9/C05:56xþ1:96x2 /C15r 8:98 :9þ0:4x 8:5þ6:8x FIG. 4. Ground state energy of the 2DEG as a function the alloy composi- tion calculated using BandEng for (a) Al 0.27Ga0.73N/GaN and (b) In0.18Al0.82N/GaN.133702-4 Ahmadi et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 133702 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:10:18Figure 5demonstrates the mobility limited by alloy clus- tering as a function of fluctuation amplitude for different AClengths. The mobility limited by alloy clustering decreases as the fluctuation amplitude increases, as expected. Also, from the dependence of matrix elements M 2 k0konfshown in Eq.(4), we expect the mobility to first decrease with increas- ing AC length until it reaches a minimum and then start increasing. However, in this work we only calculated thelimiting mobility for the AC lengths in the range of 4 to 18 nm, which are more likely to be experimentally observed. We then compared the significance of alloy clustering to mobility limitation between In 0.18Al0.82N/GaN and Al0.27Ga0.73N/GaN heterostructures in Fig. 6. Since the bandgap and polarization difference between AlN and InN ismuch higher than that between AlN and GaN, fluctuations in InAlN composition affect the mobility more significantly than fluctuations in AlGaN composition. As a result, the lim-iting mobility for the same fluctuation amplitude and AC length is lower for the InAlN/GaN heterostructure in com- parison with the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure. It should benoted that due to the large difference in the atomic size between In and Al and difference in the bonding energy between Al-N and In-N, 25lower growth temperatures are required for InAlN than AlGaN. Poor Al adatom diffusion atlow growth temperatures can lead to severe clustering in InAlN which has been shown to result in a honeycombmicrostructure in certain conditions. 26–28 In AlGaN/GaN and InAlN/GaN heterostructures, insert- ing a thin AlN interlayer at the heterointerface effectivelysuppresses the penetration of the 2DEG wavefunction into the barrier, consequently enhancing the 2DEG mobility. 29In this work, we investigated the influence of AlN interlayer onreducing the scattering from alloy clustering. As shown in Fig.7, including a 3-nm-thick AlN layer between the channel and the InAlN barrier enhances the limiting mobility by a fac-tor of 1.6. The barrier height in an InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMT structure is defined solely by the conduction band discontinu- ity between GaN and AlN. However, the charge density inthe channel depends on the composition of InAlN barrier. Thus, variations in InAlN composition can change the charge density in the channel of InAlN/GaN heterostructure and con-sequently create fluctuations in the ground state energy. V. CONCLUSION In conclusion, we calculated the contribution of alloy clustering to limiting the mobility of 2DEG for various struc-tures. Comparisons were also made between limiting mobility of alloy clustering between Al 0.27Ga0.73N/GaN and In0.18Al0.82N/GaN heterostructures, demonstrating that alloy clustering has more influence on limiting the 2DEG mobility in InAlN/GaN heterostructures in comparison to AlGaN/ GaN heterostructures for the same auto-correlation lengthand amplitude of composition fluctuations. We also showed that inserting a thin AlN interlayer between the barrier and the channel increases the mobility limited by alloy cluster-ing. However, the AlN interlayer cannot completely elimi- nate the scattering from alloy clustering. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors appreciate fruitful discussions with Dr. Chetan Nayak. This work was supported by the funding from the Office of Naval Research (Dr. Paul Maki, programmanager), the Center for Energy Efficient Materials (CEEM), and the NSF MRSEC at UCSB. FIG. 5. Plot of the mobility limited only by alloy clustering in the barrier as a function of the mean amplitude of fluctuations in mole fraction ( D) for var- ious cluster sizes. This limit is independent of temperature. FIG. 6. Comparison of the effect of alloy clustering on the mobility of 2DEG between AlGaN/GaN and InAlN/GaN heterostructures. The x-axis is the mean amplitude of fluctuations in mole fraction. FIG. 7. Plot of 2DEG mobility limited by alloy clustering as a function of the mean amplitude of fluctuations in mole fraction ( D) for different AlN interlayer thicknesses in InAlN/AlN/GaN structures.133702-5 Ahmadi et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 133702 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:10:181Nidhi, S. Dasgupta, J. Lu, J. S. Speck, and U. K. Mishra, IEEE Electron Device Lett. 33, 794 (2012). 2S. W. Kaun, M. H. Wong, U. K. 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Surfactant-directed synthesis of mesoporous films made single-step by a tandem photosol-gel/photocalcination route Héloïse De Paz-Simon, Abraham Chemtob, Céline Croutxé-Barghorn, Séverinne Rigolet, Laure Michelin, Loïc Vidal, and Bénédicte Lebeau Citation: APL Materials 2, 113306 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4897353 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4897353 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/aplmater/2/11?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Carboxylic acid-grafted mesoporous material and its high catalytic activity in one-pot three-component coupling reaction APL Mat. 2, 113307 (2014); 10.1063/1.4897553 Synthesis and optical properties of nickel zinc ferrite nanoparticles grown within mesoporous silica template AIP Conf. Proc. 1447, 233 (2012); 10.1063/1.4709965 A study on the effect factors of sol-gel synthesis of yttrium aluminum garnet nanopowders J. Appl. 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Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://aplmaterials.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:09:40APL MATERIALS 2, 113306 (2014) Surfactant-directed synthesis of mesoporous films made single-step by a tandem photosol-gel/photocalcination route Héloïse De Paz-Simon,1Abraham Chemtob,1,aCéline Croutxé-Barghorn,1 Séverinne Rigolet,2Laure Michelin,2Loïc Vidal,2and Bénédicte Lebeau2 1Laboratory of Macromolecular Photochemistry and Engineering, ENSCMu, University of Haute-Alsace, 3 bis rue Alfred Werner, 68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France 2Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse, UMR-CNRS 7361, University of Haute-Alsace, 3 rue Alfred Werner, 68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France (Received 6 August 2014; accepted 16 September 2014; published online 15 October 2014) In view of their technological impact in materials chemistry, a simplified and more efficient synthetic route to mesoporous films is highly sought. We report, herein, a smart UV-mediated approach coupling in a one-stage process sol-gel photopoly- merization and photoinduced template decomposition /ablation to making meso- porous silica films. Performed at room temperature with a solvent-free solution of silicate precursor and amphiphilic poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)- poly(ethylene oxide) block copolymer, the synthesis relies on photoacid generation to induce the fast formation ( ≈10 min) of mesostructured silica /surfactant domains. Continuation of UV exposure for three additional hours enables subsequent and com- plete photodegradation of the polyether copolymer, resulting in ordered or disordered mesoporous silica film. One of the most attractive features is that the one-step proce- dure relies on a continuous illumination provided by the same conventional medium- pressure Hg-Xe arc lamp equipped with a 254 nm reflector to enhance the emission of energetic photons <300 nm. In addition to X-ray di ffraction and transmission elect- ron microscopy, time-resolved Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has proved to be a powerful in situ technique to probe the di fferent chemical transformations accompanying irradiation. Photocalcination strengthens the inorganic network, while allowing to preserve a higher fraction of residual silanol groups compared with ther- mal calcination. A polyether chain degradation mechanism based on oxygen reactive species-mediated photo-oxidation is proposed. C2014 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. [http: //dx.doi.org /10.1063 /1.4897353] Since the first report of mesoporous silicate and aluminosilicate in the early 90s, mesoporous materials have been the subject of intense scientific and technological interest.1What makes them particularly attractive is this unique combination of high interfacial area and controlled mesopore topology /size distribution. The first e fforts focused on powder2amenable to catalysis3and adsorp- tion4applications. More recently, sol-gel-derived synthetic pathways were adjusted to the shaping of mesoporous materials as thin films, thereby extending the scope of their applications.5The most emblematic methodology is the Evaporation Induced Self-Assembly (EISA), which has given rise to a host of highly ordered mesoporous films employed as interlayer dielectrics, sensors, mem- branes, or photonic devices.6Despite the success of this approach, the main caveat is a complex processing which has dampened somewhat the industrialization of these applications.7,8 aAuthor to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: abraham.chemtob@uha.fr. Tel.: +33 3 8933 5030. Fax: +33 3 8933 5034. 2166-532X/2014/2(11)/113306/7 2, 113306-1 ©Author(s) 2014 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://aplmaterials.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:09:40113306-2 De Paz-Simon et al. APL Mater. 2, 113306 (2014) In a typical EISA synthesis, a multicomponent mixture, including organic surfactant, hydro- lyzed low-polymerized inorganic precursor, acid catalyst, water, and large excess of a volatile solvent, is cast on a substrate. When performed under appropriate environmental conditions, the film deposition results, after the gradual evaporation of the volatile components, in the formation of a solid sol-gel film with ordered organic-inorganic mesoscopic domains. After post-treatment to stabilize the oxide network, the template is eventually removed to liberate porosity. Obviously, the numerous steps and compounds of this methodology, as well as the high concentration of solvent (>90 vol. %) have made scaling-up di fficult. As a result, one of the current frontiers in materials chemistry has been to devise a facile, e fficient, and environmentally compliant route for synthesizing mesoporous films. To this end, we describe, herein, the first one-step templated method to synthesize mesoporous silicate films. Our approach departs from nonhydrolyzed precursor film and exploits UV light’s versatility to drive both (i) self-assembly and (ii) subsequent surfactant degradation in a single and continuous stage. Note that these two photochemical reactions were already reported separately9–11 but have never been combined together to form a single route relying on the same UV lamp. Figure 1 outlines our procedure performed at room temperature and obviating solvent, and even water. Unlike EISA method, we begin with a fully alkoxylated oligomeric inorganic precursor (polydimethoxysiloxane, PDMOS, ABCR) mixed with an amphiphilic poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) triblock copolymer (PEO 19-b-PPO 69-b-PEO 19, P123, BASF) surfac- tant and a photoacid generator ( Φ2I+PF− 6, PAG, Sigma-Aldrich). The resulting homogeneous and nonvolatile solution has been deposited as a stable liquid film on a silicon wafer having a thickness of 10 ±1µm (Altisurf 500 workstation profilometer, Altimet). Then, a polychromatic UV radia- tion spanning 185–2000 nm is provided during 190 min to the film sample placed approximately 3 cm lower, at a relative humidity (RH) of approximately 30%. For UV exposure, a conventional medium-pressure mercury-xenon arc lamp (L8252, 254 nm reflector, Hamamatsu) connected to a flexible light-guide system (LC6, Hamamatsu) is employed to focus light on the sample. In this process, the role of UV light is twofold: (i) First, to trigger the fast photolysis of the PAG. The released photoacids (H+PF− 6) can then catalyze the silicate precursor sol-gel polymerization. As demonstrated previously, hydro- lysis of PDMOS increases polarity. Such change in solvation properties is thought to be the driving force behind the formation of mesostructured surfactant /silica film.9,12–14 (ii) UV light may not only promote sol-gel reactions but also organic matter degradation. This second strength may permit the subsequent elimination of the copolymer template. As early FIG. 1. Schematic setup for the preparation of mesoporous silica films via dual light induced self-assembly and calcination. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://aplmaterials.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:09:40113306-3 De Paz-Simon et al. APL Mater. 2, 113306 (2014) as 2000, the concept of photochemical calcination was reported as an alternative method for the removal of surfactant by the teams of Hozumi10,15–18and Parikh11,19,20using mainly sil- ica nanocomposite films prepared by the EISA process. A monochromatic excimer lamp ( λ: 172 nm) and low-pressure mercury arc lamp ( λ: 185-254 nm) were implemented, respectively. Unlike thermal calcination or solvent extraction, photoablation limited mesostructure damage and made feasible surface patterning and the use of solvent or thermally sensitive substrate. To make this process one-step, irradiance (400 mW cm−2), emission range (185-2000 nm), and exposure duration (190 min) must be carefully selected, in order to favor a “stepwise” mechanism, starting ideally with a fast photoacid-induced mesostructuration and ending with a slower degrada- tion of the surfactant, so that the latter can play its structuring role before significant UV-induced cleavages have altered its self-assembling properties. Here, we demonstrate the proof-of-concept for this one-step generation of mesoporous silica film, but our approach should be also applicable to other oxide or functionalized mesostructured films as well as patterning applications. In our study, the dual UV-driven mesostructuration-calcination process is assessed by real-time Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in transmission (RT-FTIR, Bruker Vertex 70), X-ray di ffraction (XRD, Philips X’pert Pro PANalytical), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM, Phillips CM200). FT-IR spectra of the PDMOS /P123/PAG (1 /0.5/0.02 wt. ratio or 1 /0.009 /0.005 mol. ratio) film on a silicon wafer substrate before and after two di fferent exposure times (10 and 190 min) are displayed in Figure 2. Before UV irradiation (t =0, black trace), the broad massif of methylene and methyl C—H stretching modes in the 2800-3000 cm−1range reflects both the PEO and PPO blocks of copol- ymer surfactant and the methoxysilyl groups of the precursor. In this set of overlapping bands, the well-resolved sharp νsym(C—H) stretching mode at 2848 cm−1is distinctively assigned to SiOCH 3 hydrolyzable moities.21The featureless aspect of the IR spectrum between 3000 and 3800 cm−1 supports the absence of silanol groups and the integrity of these methoxysilyl functions before irra- diation. This spectral characteristic is consistent with the fact that hydrolysis has not started and that the sol-gel process is mediated exclusively by UV light. After 10 min exposure, the occurrence of a photoacid-catalyzed sol-gel is supported by several substantial changes in the IR spectrum (red trace, Figure 2). First, there is a complete disappearance of theνsym(C—H) feature of the methoxysilyl groups at 2848 cm−1, indicative of a full hydro- lysis. Second, two new bands emerge clearly: the characteristic ν(Si-O )stretch of silanol groups at 930 cm−1and the broad OH stretching band centered at 3400 cm−1suggesting the formation of hydrogen-bonded silanols (interacting with adsorbed water molecules). As expected, conversion of SiOCH 3groups a ffects significantly the C—H (2800-3000 cm−1) and C—O symmetric stretching bands (842 cm−1) (and in less extent, the weaker CH 3deformation and rocking modes at 1460 cm−1 and 1190 cm−1, respectively). However, the persistence of these bands after hydrolysis suggests FIG. 2. FTIR spectra of PDMOS /P123 film before UV exposure (black trace), after 10 min (red trace), and 190 min (blue trace) of irradiation. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://aplmaterials.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:09:40113306-4 De Paz-Simon et al. APL Mater. 2, 113306 (2014) that a significant fraction of surfactant may be maintained after this short exposure time ( vide infra ). Moreover, photopolymerization accompanied by the release of methanol byproducts causes a significant film thickness decrease from 10 ±1µm to 7 ±1µm. Evidence for mesostructuration of the as-prepared surfactant /silica hybrid film (t =10 min) is given by XRD measurements. The XRD pattern (red trace, Figure 3) reveals a single broad di ffraction peak assigned to a disordered mesostructure, which is consistent with our previously reported work.9The corresponding TEM image exhibits consistently a bicontinuous vermicular structure resulting from elongated micelles locked in by inorganic cross-linking before the onset of ordering. The d-spacing of 8.1 nm furnished by XRD cannot be indexed to a particular topology but corresponds rather to a constant pore-pore distance. Self-organization requires that the surfactant has not undergone significant degradation. Therefore, these evidences of mesostructured silica film formation confirm indirectly that pho- todegradation has not progressed very far after 10 min and that longer exposure times may be required for a complete surfactant removal. After an extended exposure period of 190 min, the FT-IR spectrum (blue trace, Figure 2) exhibits again several discernible changes. All C—H stretching (2800-3000 cm−1) and bending (1300-1500 cm−1) modes have disappeared below the noise detection level (0.001 a.u.), which is in agreement with a complete decomposition and removal of P123. Concomitantly, the decrease of the broad envelope around 3400 cm−1and theν(Si-O )stretch at 930 cm−1suggest an enhanced condensation taking place concomitantly with photodegradation. There is additionally a signifi- cant decrease of the intense spectral feature spanning 1000-1250 cm−1, which incorporates (after hydrolysis) both the Si—O—Si asymmetric stretching and the C—O stretch of the deteriorating polyether surfactant. After this extended UV exposure causing template degradation, there is a new reduction of film thickness estimated at 5 ±1µm. The XRD pattern (blue dotted trace, Figure 3) and TEM image displayed in Figure 3 show a preservation of the mesostructure after calcination. The only di fference between nanocomposite (t =10 min) and mesoporous silica films (t =190 min) is a slight shrinkage, as exemplified by a d-spacing which has decreased by ∼10% due to further photoinduced condensation. The resultant calcined films display a good adhesion on silicon wafer substrate but are easy to scratch. Regarding chemical resistance, they can withstand several hours of immersion in a number of common organic solvents. Additionally, FTIR spectra were monitored continuously and in real-time during the UV illu- mination. Figure 4 shows the temporal evolution of four characteristic vibrational spectral features. FIG. 3. XRD patterns of the P123 /PDMOS film irradiated during 10 min (solid curve) and 190 min (short-dashed curve). The corresponding TEM images are also depicted in the right part of the figure. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://aplmaterials.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:09:40113306-5 De Paz-Simon et al. APL Mater. 2, 113306 (2014) νsym(CH )of SiO—CH 3,ν(Si—OH ), andν(OH )are used as makers of hydrolysis-condensation while theν(C—H )assigned to the C—H stretching mode of the copolymer assesses the kinetics of photocalcination. As seen graphically, the consumption of the Si—OCH 3functions is achieved in less than 8 min and accompanied consistently by a marked growth of the two vibrational bands due to silanols. Upon longer UV exposure times, these latter absorption modes gradually and simultaneously decrease in intensity, reflecting continuous condensation reactions. Nevertheless, an important fraction of silanol is present in the film after template elimination (approximately 50%), thus remaining available for subsequent functionalization reactions. Integrated intensities for theν(C—H )(calculated only after 10 min irradiation to get rid of any contribution from SiOCH 3) show a progressive and continuous loss of hydrocarbon chains throughout the irradiation. Noteworthy is that more than 90% of P123 is removed within the first 120 min. In addition to RT-FTIR, carbon elemental analysis using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) could be im- plemented to assess the photocalcination process. To further support the potential of this method, a one-step procedure was carried out to synthesize periodically ordered mesoporous silica film from a PDMOS /P123/PAG/film (1/0.35/0.02 wt. ratio or 1 /0.006/0.005 mol. ratio). As established in a previous study,14the film was irradiated for 40 min at lower irradiance (60 mW cm−2) and higher humidity (RH =50%) to promote organization and yield an hexagonally packed hybrid mesostruc- ture. Three additional hours at higher irradiance (400 mW cm−2, RH =30%) were then necessary for a complete surfactant removal. RT-FTIR, XRD, and TEM data (Figures S1-S3) are described in the supplementary material.22 Furthermore, our single-step UV process was compared with a more conventional two-step procedure involving, first, the synthesis of a mesostructured hybrid silica film under short UV expo- sure (10 min) as demonstrated previously, followed by a thermal calcination in the dark (heating rate at 2◦C min−1up to 250◦C during 180 min). In this case, Figure 5 shows several di fferences in the temporal evolution of the previous IR absorption bands used again as diagnostic markers of chemical transformations. A detailed analysis of the CH 2and CH 3stretching bands shows a sharp and fast decline above a threshold temperature of 180◦C whereas their decay is gradual and contin- uous in photocalcination (Figure 4). Additionally, the IR data demonstrate that C—H modes’ decay is pronounced but incomplete; longer heating or higher temperature may be required to remove the ≈10% surfactant residue. The spectral features attributed to silanols ( ν(Si—OH )andν(OH )) are FIG. 4. Normalized integrated IR band absorbance during irradiation time: νsym(C—H) of SiO—CH 3(■, 2848 cm−1), ν(Si—OH )(•, 930 cm−1),ν(O—H )(N, 3000-3600 cm−1), and ν(C—H )modes (solid curve, 2800–3000 cm−1). The inset shows the temporal evolution of the first three modes during the sol-gel-induced mesostructuration step within 10 min illumination. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://aplmaterials.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:09:40113306-6 De Paz-Simon et al. APL Mater. 2, 113306 (2014) FIG. 5. Plot of normalized integrated IR absorbance (left axis) for νsym(C—H) of SiO—CH 3(■),ν(Si—OH )(•),ν(O—H ) (N), and ν(C—H )modes (solid curve), as well as the evolution of temperature (right axis) during the two-step synthesis: UV irradiation (10 min) as well as thermal calcination (180 min). no longer visible after 180 min of heating indicating an extensive thermally induced condensation. In Figure 5, TEM pictures before (t =10 min) and after thermocalcination (t =190 min) reveal mesostructure conservation with resolution loss compared to the photocalcination process. The UV-induced decomposition and ablation of the block copolymer were also studied. Pure polyethers exhibit a very limited absorption range above 180-200 nm. As a result, direct photolysis of C—C or C—O bonds is unlikely under our irradiation conditions.23However, polyethers, such as PEO or PPO, are known to be highly prone to photo-oxidative degradation in air through an extensively investigated mechanism.24,25Photoinitiation proceeds by α-H abstraction from methy- lene groups adjacent to ether oxygen ( β-H abstraction of CH (CH 3)in PPO seems to less favoured photochemically26,27) yielding alkyl radicals (R•) involved in hydroperoxidation reaction. As shown below, the photodecomposition of the resulting secondary hydroperoxide (ROOH) produces alkoxy radicals (RO•), which are preferentially decomposed in formate species (RCHO) by β-scission mechanism. Such transient species have been detected by RT-FTIR through a weak band centered at 1725 cm−1consistent with carbonyl (C =O) absorption mode visible during the first 30 min of This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://aplmaterials.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:09:40113306-7 De Paz-Simon et al. APL Mater. 2, 113306 (2014) irradiation. FTIR detection of the carbonyl IR mode during the irradiation (Figure S4) is shown in the supplementary material.22During photodegradation, there is a progressive decomposition of the polyether chains into smaller (often gaseous) fragments. Since smaller molecules have a lower density, irradiated volume expands rapidly and can escape from the film. For wavelengths larger than 300 nm, the process is slow but requires only chromophoric impurities (for initiation) and air atmosphere. In our case, photodegradation may be substantially accelerated through the mediation of oxygen reactive species.20Irradiation at wavelengths of 175-210 nm can promote the dissociation of O 2to produce ozone (O 3). After UV absorption, ozone behaves as a precursor for atomic oxygen O, singlet oxygen1O2as well as hydroxy HO•, and hydroperoxy H 2O•radicals, which are highly efficient oxidative species. As a first clue, limiting the emission wavelength above 300 nm with a filter greatly slows calcination (data not shown). In summary, a smart single-step route to mesoporous silica film was investigated in details, in particular, through RT-FTIR. By extending applicability to photopatterning and precursors of various compositions, we believe that this UV-driven method could have a significant potential to expand applications of mesoporous materials. The description of this method was complemented by a qualitative discussion on the photodegradation mechanism of the polyether template. Nev- ertheless, it remains unclear in particular the influence of film thickness and the doping e ffect of photolyzed PAG residue28in order to make the process even more e fficient. More systematic studies on the poloxamer photo-oxidation are also necessary including its wavelength, irradiance, block composition, and molecular weight dependence, as well as reaction intermediates, volatile spe- cies characterization (mass spectrometry and gas chromatography) compatible with decomposition mechanism. 1C. T. Kresge, M. E. Leonowicz, W. J. Roth, J. C. Vartuli, and J. S. Beck, Nature 359, 710–712 (1992). 2C. Sanchez, C. Boissière, D. Grosso, C. Laberty, and L. Nicole, Chem. Mater. 20, 682–737 (2008). 3A. Taguchi and F. Schüth, Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 77, 1–45 (2005). 4A. M. Liu, K. Hidajat, S. Kawi, and D. Y . Zhao, Chem. Commun. 2000 , 1145–1146. 5Y . Lu, R. Ganguli, C. A. Drewien, M. T. Anderson, C. J. Brinker, W. Gong, Y . Guo, H. Soyez, B. Dunn, M. H. Huang, and J. I. 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On The Sensitivity Of 4 Different CPV Module Technologies To Relevant Ambient And Operation Conditions César Domínguez and Pierre Besson CEA-LITEN, LCPV, cesar.dominguez@cea.fr Institut National de l’Energie Solaire, 50 Avenue du lac Léman, 73375 Le Bourget du Lac, France. Abstract. The sensitivity of four different CPV module techno logies to most operating conditions relevant to CPV systems has been studied, namely DNI, spect rum, cell and lens temperature and clear ness of the sky. In order to isolate the influence of a single operation parame ter, the analysis of long-term outdoor m onitoring data is required. The effect of lens temperature on cell current has been found to vary greatly between modules due to the different optical architectures studied. Maximum sensitivity is found for silicone-on-glass primary lenses. The VOC thermal coefficient was found to vary between module techno logies, probably due to differences in maximum local effective concentration. Keywords: solar concentrator, CPV performance, multi-junction cells, I-V curve, operating conditions PACS: 88.40.F, 88.40.fc, 88.40.ff, 88.40.jp, 92.60.Wc INTRODUCTION A good knowledge of the sensitivity of PV system performance to changing operating conditions is a basic requirement for producing realistic models of their power output, accurate predictions of their energy yield or outdoor power rating with a low uncertainty. However, while the performance of flat-plate PV depends mainly on irradiance and cell temperature, the performance of multi-junction cell-based CPV systems is affected by a larger set of operation conditions [1], namely irradiance, spectral distribution[2], circumsolar radiation[3], cell and lens temperature[4,5], and tracking accuracy. This work shows an experimental analysis of the sensitivity of 4 different CPV module technologies to most relevant operation conditions. All of them use MJ cells and a high concentration ratio, but they feature different optical architectures and materials. EXPERIMENTAL Outdoor Test Bench And Relevant Operation Parameters The measurements presented here were performed at the CEA outdoor test bench for CPV modules at the Institute National de l’Énergie Solaire site (see Fig.1). It consists of a high-accur acy 2-axis tracker (azimuth- elevation) and an electronic bench able to measure the IV curve and backplane te mperature (4-wire PT-100 sensors) of up to 12 modules automatically. The measurement of each module can take up to 10 seconds, so all meteo parameters are measured simultaneously with each IV-curve. The pointing error of the tracker both in azimuth Az and elevation El are registered as well through a Black Photon BPI-TA1. FIGURE 1. CPV outdoor characteriz ation bench at INES site (Le Bourget du Lac, France). The IV curves of up to 12 modules can be taken automati cally, simultaneously with the relevant operating conditions. The meteo station, which is located besides the CPV tracker, monitors irradiance and environmental conditions relevant to CPV systems – a larger set than that of flat-plate PV. The largest differences between CPV and Si flat-plate PV arise from the large spectral sensitivity of multi-junction (MJ) cells (due to current mismatch between sub-cells ) and the narrow angular transmittance of concentrat or optics. Any change in the state or alignment of the optical stages will change the intensity and the spatial, spectral and angular distributions of the light transmitted to the solar cell, 10th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems AIP Conf. Proc. 1616, 308-312 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4897084 © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC 978-0-7354-1253-8/$30.00 308which w i mismatch silicone-o n temperatu r attributes d glass and s of silico n temperatu r operation the narro w significan t given thro Thus, Irradiance temperatu r relative h effective D to a latti c cell DNI T Spectro- H other par a in order t o The a v the Spectr a ratio of t compone n where SMR a spectral b The DN of the cle a the futur e also as a r the highes FIGURE 2 equivalent is estimate d real lens te m the convec function o f lens parqu e elevation h aill in turn v a and series re s n-glass (So G re can have due to therma l silicone and t h ne refractive re has to b e parameter in C w angular acce p t sensitivity to ugh the circu m the meteo st a DNI, Global re Tair, wind s humidity, at m DNI given by c ce-matched G Top, DNI Middle eliometer IC U ameters and fi g o better analyz e vailable light al Matching R a the effective nt cells. mi top SMR /( MR(top/middle) balance equiv a NI to GNI rati arness of the s e IEC 62670-3 rough probe o f t the DNI to G 2. Thermal mo d lens temperatur e d through mod u mperature meas u tive heat trans f fwind speed (in et, for which wi n ave to be consid ary its photo c sistance losse s G) lenses, t a large infl u l expansion m i he large tempe r index [6, 7 e considered CPV character i ptance of CPV the clearness o msolar ratio (C S ation records Normal Irra d speed Wvel and mospheric pr e component cel l GaInP/GaAs/G e and DNI Bottom U-3J35). Up o gures of merit e CPV perfor m spectrum is a atio, which is d DNI given b MidT DNIDNIiddle) = SMR(top/b o alent to AM1. 5 io is then use d sky as specifie norm. It mi g f the circums o GNI ratio, the l o del used for th e e for each CPV ule dimensions urements. R th,con v fer coefficient o directions affe c nd speed and m o ered). current, curr e s. In the case their operati n uence on the ismatch betwe e rature sensitiv i 7]. Thus, le n also as a k e ization. Besid e optics implie s of the sky, oft e SR) [8]. Direct Nor m diance GNI, a d direction W d essure and t h ls correspondi n e triple-juncti o (through S A on them, ma n are construct e mance: assessed throu g derived from t h by any pair ddleTop (1 ottom) = 1 mark 5D. d as an indica t d in the draft ght be regard e olar ratio (CS R ower the CSR. e estimation of module. R th,inte r or fitted throu g vection is defined b of air, which is cting the air at t h odule azimuth a n ent of ng se en ity ns ey es, s a en mal air dir, he ng on AV ny ed gh he of ) ks tor of ed R): an rnal gh by a he nd Reg simpl e first, measu r measu r for al l apertu r ambie n wind s has n o it is u s on th e ambie n We main operat i Howe v differ e effect o The a bro a under of the range then e v of this No perfor m derive d ISC/DN apertu r moduloptica l be dir e solar c The the m o be el e (differ lenses ) TAB L Tec In from t modul them Three which garding lens t e e thermal mo d it was not urement perio d urement of thi s l types of mo d re. 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Baseline fi l the quality and s eo parameter DNI Tair R(top/middle) R(top/bottom) DNI/GN I uctuation during vious 30 min elated paramet ane temperature s temperature Efficiency ISC/DNI C-IMPP)/IMPP C-VMPP)/VMPP Az, El Data Filter i er to improve t t to study, a b quired data in o tive value of i r ects of events hading, soilin g able 2 summa r ters in this stu d escribed filteri n ut by means o f B environmen t ESULTS A N Effect O main influenc e NI) is on the c Therefore, c u utside perfect co lens temper a ent optic as s e nvolves differ e rimary lens. 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Propor t n of spectrum mapping shows nd dispersion. RE 4. A n i n d i n of spectral b a ng condition, w h logies. Fig. 4, a si m e technology rature variatio n normalized to comparison b nt matching is m ved reasonably valent to AM1. 5 + No SOE“ t e ere the ISC/DNI ectral balan c ween ISC and D um, and has a m . However, if stimated lens t ameter that note that lo w the dataset is f ens temperatu r en for tempera t tionality betwe e (shown here f o the influence o icator of optic a alance. Peak v a hich varies sign i milar plot is p after filteri n ns. However, t lens area has between mod u marked for ea c close to a va l 5D) only fo r „ echnologies. H NI ratio is plot v ce (SMR): DNI is not c o maximum for c a color map i s temperature fo r influences o wer dispersion further filtere d res (in this ca s tures above 37 en ISC and DNI or a sample m o of lens tempera t al efficiency pl o alues mark the c ificantly betwee n presented for ng for ~5 ° C this time the IS been used t o ules. 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Masured VO e (sample modu olor through th e e coefficient, s ispersion. t Of Cell A n lationship bet w nown for bare tation issue at on how to es e directly c o ut in our work w oG + DTIRC“ ich spectra ( SM considered. T ation diag ram lity between c y top and mi d he spectrum. T w the regions w red - right) s u act that the r han for top su b -to-middle cu r ectra. ation diagram fo + DTIR” mod u region of the op cell, which spectrum. C as a function le). The conce n e ISC) affects bo t o it has to b e nd Lens Te m ween VOC and cells, but it r e the module le timate cell te m ontacted with we have esti m technology MR ≈ 0.9) for t h This is coher e [9], shown current and t h ddle compon e The linear tren d where either t o ubcell is limiti n ratio for mid d bcell is coher e rrent matching for top and mid d ule. The opti c middle subcell creates a curr e of estimated c e tration level (h e th the VOC and t h e filtered out f mperature cell temperat u emains a thor n vel. 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Long-term of values for al l middle) and 3 milar clearnes s y are shown /DNI normaliz e d “SoG + XT P ns temperatu r lass lens. T h current to le n er than the I cell. The mod u hieves a lar g ons. The mod u s no signific a fficiency is sho w perature for ea nd DNI/GNI rati f DNI/GNI rat ng performan c wer dispersion ough as a pro b s. We have n al efficiency a n the decrease ease in opti c his trend for t h ich the ISC/DN /GNI if we lo o f the color ma p t CPV mod u rating conditio n he influence o f the rest of th e data is requir e l quantities. % s), in ed P” re, he ns ISC ule ger ule ant wn ch ios tio ce of be not nd of cal he NI ok p. ule ns f a em ed The photoc tempe r primar SOE i s betwe e differ e The be con real o p FIGU R increas interva l Thi Com m 28379 8 1. T. G T. L Pub 2. G. P 158 3. I. R Pho 4. G. Bet 5. H. C Pho 6. T. S Gom Pla 7. S. A Ant 201 8. C. A 201 9. C. D Pho 10. E. S No. e main the r current has b e rature rather t ry lenses are s present). VOC en module t ent effective c o e sensitivity t o nsidered when m perating condi t RE 10. For th e es with DNI/G N l (color). ACKN O is work has b mission throug h 8) and SOPHI A RE Gerstmaier, S. v a Lejeune, and E. blishing, 2010), p Peharz, G. Sief e 88 (2009). R. Cole, T.R. Be t otovolt. 2, 62 (2 0 Peharz, J.P. Fe r tt, Prog. Photov o Cotal and R. Sh e otovolt. Energy C Schult, M. Neu b mbert, in 2nd In ants Opt. Desin g Askins, M. Vict o tón, and G. Sala 11), pp. 57–60. A. Gueymard, in 10), pp. 316–31 9 Domínguez, I. A otovolt. Res. Ap p Sanchez and G. L . 8, 817 (1982). rmal coeffic i een found to than cell tem p considered ( a C thermal coef f technologies, oncentrations a o all the para m modeling CP V tions. e “SoG + DTI R NI ratio (clearn e OWLEDGE M been supporte h the projec ts A (Ref. N: 26 2 EFERENC E an Riesen, A. G Duminil, in AIP pp. 183–186. er, and A.W. Be t tts, and R. Gotts 012). rrer Rodríguez, G olt. Res. Appl. 19 erif, in IEEE 4t h Convers. (2006) bauer, Y. 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Continuously-tuned tunneling behaviors of ferroelectric tunnel junctions based on BaTiO3/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 heterostructure Xin Ou, Bo Xu, Changjie Gong, Xuexin Lan, Qiaonan Yin, Yidong Xia, Jiang Yin, and Zhiguo Liu Citation: AIP Advances 4, 057106 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4876234 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4876234 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/adva/4/5?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Thickness dependent functional properties of PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 heterostructures J. Appl. Phys. 114, 234103 (2013); 10.1063/1.4848017 Strain induced tunable anisotropic magnetoresistance in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3/BaTiO3 heterostructures J. Appl. Phys. 113, 17C716 (2013); 10.1063/1.4795841 Enhanced magnetoelectric effect in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 multiferroic nanocomposite films with a SrRuO3 buffer layer J. Appl. 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See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 04:46:54AIP ADV ANCES 4, 057106 (2014) Continuously-tuned tunneling behaviors of ferroelectric tunnel junctions based on BaTiO 3/La0.67Sr0.33MnO 3 heterostructure Xin Ou,1Bo Xu,1,aChangjie Gong,2Xuexin Lan,2Qiaonan Yin,1 Yidong Xia,1Jiang Yin,1and Zhiguo Liu1 1National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures and Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, People’s Republic of China 2National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures and Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, People’s Republic of China (Received 28 March 2014; accepted 1 May 2014; published online 9 May 2014) In this work, we fabricate BaTiO 3/La 0.67Sr0.33MnO 3(BTO/LSMO) ferroelectric tun- nel junction on (001) SrTiO 3substrate by pulsed laser deposition method. Combining piezoresponse force and conductive-tip atomic force microscopy, we demonstrate ro-bust and reproducible polarization-controlled tunneling behaviors with the result- ing tunneling electroresistance value reaching about 10 2in ultrathin BTO films (∼1.2 nm) at room temperature. Moreover, local poling areas with different conductivity are finally achieved by controlling the relative proportion of up- ward and downward domains, and different poling areas exhibit stable trans- port properties. C/circlecopyrt2014 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4876234 ] I. INTRODUCTION Since polarization reversal does not induce a chemical alteration and is an intrinsically fast phenomenon,1some novel and significant applications based on ferroelectric polarization have been revealed in recent years. One of the most promising aspects is ferroelectric tunnel junction (FTJ) which consists of an ultrathin ferroelectric material as the insulating barrier sandwiched between two metallic electrodes. If the ferroelectric film is sufficiently thin, conduction electrons can pass throughthe ferroelectric barrier according to quantum mechanics theory. 2It has been theoretically3–5and experimentally2,6,7proved that the tunneling resistance and transport property of the FTJ depend on the orientation of the ferroelectric polarization. This phenomenon is known as the tunnelingelectroresistance (TER) effect. 6,8A schematic diagram of FTJ was presented by Tsymbal et al. who attributed the resistive switching in ferroelectric tunnel junction to the electrostatic, interface and strain effects.4By totally or partly switching the polarization of the ferroelectric barrier, it is possible to change the electronic potential energy profile and further control the TER values and transport properties.8,9 Almost all FTJs have been considered for binary data storage due to the stable of the ferroelectric polarization. There are two resistance states (i.e., a high resistance state (HRS) and a low resistance state (LRS)) which can be converted by switching the polarization direction, and the resistancebetween HRS and LRS changes up to 2 orders of magnitude at room temperature. Recent research reported by Wen et al. has demonstrated very large TER value that can reach up to 10 4.2These results overcome the nondestructive readout at a sub-100 nm scale10and suggest that the FTJ is a promising candidate for non-volatile resistive memories. Furthermore, in another type of the memory resistor called memristor, the conductance can be continuously tuned in an analogous manner by aElectronic mail: xubonju@gmail.com 2158-3226/2014/4(5)/057106/6 C/circlecopyrtAuthor(s) 2014 4, 057106-1 All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 04:46:54057106-2 Ou et al. AIP Advances 4, 057106 (2014) controlling the relative proportion of up and down domains.11Such a result is achieved by applying the writing voltage pulse of varying amplitudes and durations. Thus the polarization reversal canmodulate the potential energy profile gradually, and also play an important role in the transport property of ferroelectric devices. With the advantage of non-destructive readout and simpler device architecture, 11the FTJs have been emerging as next generation non-volatile memories. Although the concept of a polar switch involving a switching thin film based on ferroelectric material has been proposed in 1971,12the FTJ and TER effect have only been recently reported by experiment. Realization of FTJ relies on thermodynamic stability and switching in ultrathin ferroelectric films.8The study of FTJs mainly focuses on the theoretical calculation and analysis, due to the difficulty of obtaining the low thickness film with high quality and polarization stability.13 With the development of advanced thin film growth techniques, good ferroelectricity can be achieved in a few nanometers ferroelectric barrier layer. Besides some organic ferroelectric materials such as poly-vinylidene fluoride, the traditional ferroelectric materials including BaTiO 3, BiFeO 3, PbTiO 3 and Pb(Zr ,Ti)O 3are widely used in barrier layer.7,9,14,15Recently, Yuan et al. demonstrated a FTJ based on ultrathin Bi 3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12films which established a novel concept for FTJ through the strain effect.16For all these materials, BaTiO 3is one of the most stable ferroelectric materials and reveals the high structural quality even if the thickness of the film reduces down to several nanometers. In fact, highly strained BaTiO 3films with thickness of 1 nm have shown robust ferroelectricity by Garcia et al.6Thus, we choose BaTiO 3as the tunnel barrier to fabricate the FTJ. In this letter, the BaTiO 3(∼1.2 nm)/La 0.67Sr0.33MnO 3(∼10 nm) (BTO/LSMO) heterostructures were epitaxially grown on (001) SrTiO 3single-crystal substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Combining piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) and conductive-tip atomic force microscopy (C-AFM), we have obtained local ferroelectric and transport properties of the BTO/LSMO FTJ. Moreover, a correlation between the polarization reversal and the tunneling conductance has beenconfirmed. After poling by a series of positive and negative DC biases of various amplitudes, the FTJ exhibits resistive switching behaviors with the gradual change and quasi-continuous modulation. In addition, the multi-resistance states of our FTJ were achieved by varying the amplitude of thewriting bias and can be kept for 100 s. These results suggest that the BTO/LSMO FTJ has a potential application in non-volatile and high-density memory. II. EXPERIMENTAL The BTO/LSMO heterostructures were epitaxially deposited on (001)-oriented SrTiO 3(STO) substrates by PLD (KrF excimer laser ( λ=248 nm), fluence of 2.5 J cm−2, repetition rate of 1 Hz). LSMO bottom electrode was grown at 780◦C with an oxygen pressure of 15 Pa. BTO film was subsequently grown at 780◦C with an oxygen pressure of 10 Pa. The sample was annealed in oxygen atmosphere ( ∼104Pa) at 750◦C for 20 min and then allowed to cool to room temperature. The cross-sectional morphology of the heterostructures was prepared for the high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) (FEI Tecnai F20) observation. The local piezoelectric responses,domain switching and electronic transport properties were performed by a commercial atomic force microscopy (Cypher, Asylum Research) equipped with dual AC resonance tracking switching spectroscopy piezoresponse force microscopy (DARTSS-PFM). The Olympus AC240TM Pt/Ticoated silicon cantilevers were adopted in the PFM measurements. Phase images were recorded in single-frequency PFM mode. Phase and Amplitude loops were measured under the DARTSS- PFM mode and the measurements were repeated to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and verifyreproducibility. Current map and current-voltage ( I-V) curves were recorded under C-AFM mode with a conductive diamond-coated tip (CDT-NCHR, NanoWorld), and the current-limiting value always kept at 20 nA. In the measurement of current maps and local I-Vcurves, the voltage was applied to the LSMO bottom electrode and the tip which was regarded as top electrode was grounded. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Fig. 1(a) shows the cross-sectional morphology of the BTO/LSMO/STO heterostructure by TEM. The LSMO and BTO layers are fully commensurate with the STO substrates. The thickness All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 04:46:54057106-3 Ou et al. AIP Advances 4, 057106 (2014) FIG. 1. (a) Cross-sectional high resolution transmission electron microscopic (HR-TEM) image of the BTO/LSMO/STO heterostructure. (b) Surface topography of the BTO ultrathin film by AFM. of LSMO bottom electrode and BTO film is about 10 nm and 1.2 nm, respectively. The result shows an atomically flat surface and the film is essentially free of nanodroplets. It is possible to find some atomically smooth areas for the AFM measurement. In Fig. 1(b), the surface topography of the BTO ultrathin film over 3 ×3μm2scan size exhibits atomically flat surface, and the corresponding root mean square (RMS) roughness is about 103.5 pm. To demonstrate the local ferroelectricity in BTO film with the thickness of ∼1.2 nm grown on LSMO buffered (001) STO substrate, the ferroelectric domain structure and correlation between polarization reversal and resistance switching behavior of BTO ultrathin film were investigated through PFM and C-AFM mode. Before these measurements, PFM hysteresis loops were recordedunder DC bias with a triangular waveform at room temperature in order to confirm the local ferroelectric nature. Fig. 2(a) shows the out-of-plane phase and amplitude responses of the ultrathin BTO film, respectively. The phase loop changing from 0 ◦to 180◦indicates the 180◦phase contrast and antiparallel polarization of the two domains. The amplitude loop indicates a typical well-shaped butterfly loop with the local coercive voltage being about −1.8 V and ±2.2 V , respectively. Note that the phenomenon for asymmetric loops is attributed to the presence of an internal built-in electric field at the BTO/LSMO interface.17–19In Fig. 2(b), the central area of 1 ×1μm2was switched to upward by −3 V DC bias while the remaining square region in the 3 ×3μm2area was switched to downward by +3 V DC bias. The obvious phase contrast indicates the antiparallel polarization of the ferroelectric domains in the film, which is a direct evidence of the ferroelectricity in ultrathin BaTiO 3film. We examine the polarization controlling resistive switching behavior of the BaTiO 3films by using a C-AFM technique. A typical current map over the polarization-patterned area is acquired by C-AFM mode with a +0.3 V reading tip bias, as shown in Fig. 2(c). It shows the resulting current pattern within the poling area where variations of contrast correspond to different conductivity. The region of downward polarization exhibits larger conductivity than that of upward polarization, in agreement with other reports.8,20Besides, the phase image and the current map show little change after hours, which suggest robust polarization and stable conductivity behavior in the BTO/LSMO FTJ. To further quantify the TER effect, two current-voltage ( I-V) curves were measured by setting the conductive diamond tip at a selected point on the downward and upward polarization region inthe current map, carried out by applying a sweep voltage ranging from −0.5 V to +0.5 V , as shown in Fig. 2(d).I-Vcurves are plotted in a logarithmic scale in order to clearly show the nonlinear tunneling behavior and robust TER effect in our FTJ. The same experimental curves in a linear scale are shown in the inset of Fig. 2(d). The experimentally obtained I-Vcurves have been fitted with the WKB 21approximation model in Ref. 8assuming a trapezoidal potential barrier to obtain information about the average barrier height. The black solid lines in Fig. 2(d) show the simulated I-Vcurves for both HRS and LRS. As clear, the experimental points match well with the theoretical fitting. It indicates that the transport property is a tunneling effect. According to these results, the reversal All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 04:46:54057106-4 Ou et al. AIP Advances 4, 057106 (2014) FIG. 2. (a) Phase loop and amplitude loop of the BTO ultrathin film, both indicate the typical loops with the local coercive voltage being about ±2 V . (b) PFM out-of-plane phase image after poling the central area of 1 ×1μm2by−3 V bias and the remaining region in the 3 ×3μm2area by +3 V bias, respectively. (c) Current map obtained after the same poling method as PFM image, the reading bias is +0.3 V . (d) Two I-Vcurves in a logarithmic scale measured after poling at +3Va n d −3 V , respectively, corresponding to LRS or HRS. Solid lines show the fitting of the experimental data by the WKB model for both HRS and LRS. The inset is the same experimental I-Vcurves in a linear scale. (e) Resistance ratio between HRS and LRS as a function of different biases in the range of −0.5 V to +0.5 V . (f) Resistance ratio for all the 10 samples measured at 0.2 V and 0.5 V , respectively. of polarization changes the potential energy difference between HRS and LRS across the BaTiO 3 barrier from 0.22 to 0.06 eV . This change of 0.16 eV is due to the change in the electrostatic potential associated with ferroelectric polarization reversal and associated reorientation of the depolarizing field.8Fig. 2(e) shows the resistance ratio between HRS and LRS as a function of different biases. The resistance ratio always keeps a value of up to 102which is comparable to other results reported before,8,14and shows no significant change in the range from −0.5 V to +0.5 V . Furthermore, we have measured 10 different sample points for both HRS and LRS, and calculated the resistance ratio for all the 10 points measured at 0.2 V and 0.5 V respectively, as shown in Fig. 2(f). This result suggests that the BTO/LSMO FTJ has good reproducibility and stability. To further investigate how resistive switching behavior of the BTO/LSMO FTJ was affected by different poling biases, spatially resolved images of polarization and corresponding current mapwere measured by applying biases ranging from −4Vt o +4 V on the block including in the dashed lines, while the region outside the block corresponding to as-grown area was not polarized by any biases, as shown in Fig. 3(a) and Fig. 3(b). The scanning area is larger than the poling area in order to observe the contrast between the regions with the poling and those without the poling. For Fig. 3(a), the blue and yellow tones stand for up and down direction of the polarized domains, respectively. Similarly, the dark and bright tones in tunneling current map show small and large current at the fixed area, respectively. As the bias increasing from −4Vt o +4 V , the area of yellow tones increases gradually, while the area of blue tones decreases step by step, as shown in Fig. 3(a). This indicates that the proportion of upward or downward polarization domains can be gradually modulated by the poling bias. Corresponding to the contrast map in Fig. 3(a), the tunneling current map performed by a ±0.3 V scanning bias shows different conduction properties under different poling biases, indicating All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 04:46:54057106-5 Ou et al. AIP Advances 4, 057106 (2014) FIG. 3. Spatially resolved correlation between the domain switching (a) and the electrical conductance (b), obtained after poling at +4V ,+2V ,0V , −2V ,−4 V , respectively. The reading bias in the current map is +0.3 V . (c) A series of I-Vcurves of the FTJ measured in the range from −0.5 V to +0.5 V after the application of different poling voltages: +4V ,+2V ,0V , −2V ,−4 V . (d) Data retention of the FTJ carried out by measuring the current values of all 5 different poling areas for 100 s. that the potential energy profile at the interface can be continuously tuned.11,22Thus, the transport property of the FTJ is controlled by the barrier height which can be modulated by the polarization direction of the BTO film. This is an unambiguous demonstration of the ferroelectric nature of the resistive switching. As different poling biases make the local regions show different conduction properties, a series of local I-Vcurves measured from −0.5 V to +0.5 V were obtained by positioning the conductive probing tip at a selected area after it had been poled by different biases of various amplitudesranging from ±4Vt o −4 V , as shown in Fig. 3(c). It is obviously seen that the conductivity of BTO/LSMO FTJ can be continuously tuned by varying the poling bias, and eventually several different states have been achieved. This fact suggests that the BTO/LSMO FTJ in this work has a potential application as multi-resistance state memory. Through controlling the proportion of upward or downward polarization domains, the poling bias can gradually modulate the potentialenergy profiles at the interfaces between the ferroelectric barrier and the electrode, and further lead to the continuously-tuned resistive switching behaviors. Based on this special property, data retention of the FTJ was carried out by applying a +0.2 V reading bias on the conductive tip to measure the current values of these different poling areas for 100 s, as shown in Fig. 3(d). All data retention curves after poling by varying biases show stable results with little decay. Besides, the resistance ratio between two different poling areas is changeable and the largest resistance ratio can reach 10 2, which is consistent with the result in Fig. 2(e). The stable and multivalued TER effect we have obtained provides the possibility of replacing traditional ferroelectric random access memories by this simple device architecture. According to the new concept of high-density data storage reportedby V . Garcia et al. , the nanoscale ferroelectric dot arrays have been achieved by applying pulses. 6If the multi-resistance state of our FTJ can be applied to the arrays, the higher storage density per unit area will be realized. All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 04:46:54057106-6 Ou et al. AIP Advances 4, 057106 (2014) IV. CONCLUSION In summary, we have demonstrated polarization-depengdent resistive switching behavior based on BTO/LSMO heterostructures by pulsed laser deposition. A correlation between polarization reversal and transport property has been established with resistance ratio between the two polarizationstates reaching about 10 2. By controlling the relative proportion of upward and downward domains through changing the amplitude and direction of the poling bias, several local regions with different conductivities are finally obtained. The multi-resistance states under different poling biases withstable retention suggest a potential application in high-density data storage. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by a grant from the State Key Program for Basic Research of China (2012CB619406), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11174135, 51372111, and 11134004), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (1095021336 and 1092021307) and a Project Funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of JiangsuHigher Education Institutions. 1A. Tsurumaki, H. Yamada, and A. Sawa, Adv. Mater. 22, 1040 (2012). 2Z. Wen, C. Li, D. Wu, A. Li, and N. Ming, Nat Mater. 12, 617 (2013). 3M. Y . Zhuravlev, R. F. Sabirianov, S. Jaswal, and E. Y . Tsymbal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 246802 (2005). 4E. Y . Tsymbal and H. Kohlstedt, Science 313, 181 (2006). 5H. Kohlstedt, N. A. Pertsev, J. R. Contreras, and R. Waser, Phys. Rev. B 72, 125341 (2005). 6V . Garcia, S. Fusil, K. Bouzehouane, S. Enouz-Vedrenne, N. D. Mathur, A. Barth ´el´emy, and M. Bibes, Nature 460,8 1 (2009). 7A. Crassous, V . Garcia, K. Bouzehouane, S. Fusil, A. H. G. Vlooswijk, G. 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Ductile-to-brittle transition in spallation of metallic glasses X. Huang, Z. Ling, and L. H. Dai Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 116, 143503 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4897552 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4897552 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/116/14?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Temperature-induced ductile-to-brittle transition of bulk metallic glasses Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 171901 (2013); 10.1063/1.4803170 Core/shell structural transformation and brittle-to-ductile transition in nanowires Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 153116 (2012); 10.1063/1.3703303 Temperature-induced anomalous brittle-to-ductile transition of bulk metallic glasses Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 241907 (2011); 10.1063/1.3669508 Ductile to brittle transition in dynamic fracture of brittle bulk metallic glass J. Appl. Phys. 103, 093520 (2008); 10.1063/1.2912491 Electromigration induced ductile-to-brittle transition in lead-free solder joints Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 141914 (2006); 10.1063/1.2358113 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 12:29:30Ductile-to-brittle transition in spallation of metallic glasses X. Huang,1,2Z. Ling,1and L. H. Dai1,3,a) 1State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 2Institute of Systems Engineering, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, Sichuan 621999, China 3State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 10081, China (Received 31 July 2014; accepted 29 September 2014; published online 9 October 2014) In this paper, the spallation behavior of a binary metallic glass Cu 50Zr50is investigated with molecular dynamics simulations. With increasing the impact velocity, micro-voids induced by ten- sile pulses become smaller and more concentrated. The phenomenon suggests a ductile-to-brittletransition during the spallation process. Further investigation indicates that the transition is con- trolled by the interaction between void nucleation and growth, which can be regarded as a competi- tion between tension transformation zones (TTZs) and shear transformation zones (STZs) at atomicscale. As impact velocities become higher, the stress amplitude and temperature rise in the spall region increase and micro-structures of the material become more unstable. Therefore, TTZs are prone to activation in metallic glasses, leading to a brittle behavior during the spallation process. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4897552 ] I. INTRODUCTION Due to the unique disordered microstructures, metallic glasses (MGs) have many excellent properties and receive much attention in recent years.1–8It is well known that me- tallic glasses usually exhibit a brittle behavior like a glass at macroscopic scale, but show different capability of plastic deformation at microscopic scale.9–13Thus, two distinct morphologies are usually observed on the fracture surfaces of MGs. For brittle fracture, the fracture surfaces are flat with nano-scale periodic corrugations or dimple struc-tures; 13–15but for ductile fracture (not globally), much coarser patterns are found, such as river-like and cellular pat- terns as well as honeycomb structures.16,17 The fracture behavior of MGs is sensitive to their com- position, and Mg-based and Fe-based MGs are usually much more brittle than Zr-based MGs.13,18,19The fabrication pro- cess is also important. The longer the annealing time is, the more brittle MGs are.9Besides, different loading conditions may lead to various fracture behaviors. During plate-impactexperiments, Gupta and coworkers 20,21found that spallation of a Zr-based MG exhibits a ductile-to-brittle transition. With increasing the impact velocity, the pull-back velocityslope increases monotonically, which indicates that the loading-unloading response of the MG at macroscopic scale is more brittle. Further examination show that the spalledsurfaces at microscopic scale agree with the macroscopic phenomenon. 21,22Smoother morphologies are observed at a higher impact velocity, while much coarser patterns areobserved at a lower impact velocity. To answer the question of what controls the ductile-to- brittle behavior in MGs, extensive works have been madeover the past decades. On one hand, some researchers triedto find the macroscopic mechanical parameters that dominate the ductile-to-brittle transition process. In 1975, Chen et al. 23 found that Poisson’s ratio is closely correlated with plasticity of MGs. Schroers and Johnson24further proved that the larger the Poisson’s ratio, the better is the plasticity of MGs. Equivalent with Poisson’s ratio, another parameter l=j revealed by Lewandowski et al.25is a key parameter control- ling the ductile-to-brittle transition of MGs, where lis the shear modulus representing the resistance to plastic deforma-tion, and jis the bulk modulus or the resistance to dilation. A lower l=jor larger Poisson ratio implies more ductile behavior. It is noted that MGs usually exhibit a significanttension-compression plasticity asymmetry and shear-induced dilation. Considering these intrinsic characters, Chen et al. 10,11recently took the intrinsic strength of the material into consideration, and proposed a shear-to-normal strength ratio aand a strength-differential factor bto characterize the ductile-to-brittle behavior in MGs. A smaller aimplies enhanced plasticity, while a larger bindicates brittle fracture under tensile loading. On the other hand, researchers intended to find the answer at atomic scale. Based on a over-view of fracture patterns, Jiang et al. 14argued that the duc- tile-to-brittle transition of MGs is controlled by competition between shear transformation zones (STZs)26–28and tension transformation zones (TTZs)7,9,14,21,29at microscopic scale. In contrast to STZs that are corresponding to shape distor- tions of atomic clusters under shear stresses, TTZs areregarded as the fundamental carriers of bulk dilations under negative pressures. 7,14When TTZs dominate, more brittle facture behavior is expected. This view is supported byrecent impact toughness tests 21and spallation experiments.9 In these tests, typical brittle fracture patterns are observedsuch as nm-sized vein patterns 21and nanosized corruga- tions,9and TTZs are thought to be the reason for the phe- nomenon. More recently, Murali et al .30,31studied the fracture behavior of two typical MGs (FeP and CuZr) viaa)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: lhdai@lnm.imech.ac.cn 0021-8979/2014/116(14)/143503/8/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 116, 143503-1JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 116, 143503 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 12:29:30atomistic simulations. It is revealed that even a brittle frac- ture is dominated by nucleation and growth of voids in MGs, and a higher degree of spatial fluctuation induces more brittlebehavior during the fracture process. Despite extensive investigations, the atomistic scale mechanism that governs the ductile-to-brittle transition in MGs is still unclear. To reveal the ductile-to-brittle transition mechanism during a spallation process, we present molecular-dynamic (MD) simulations of a binary MG Zr 50Cu50in this paper. By using a flyer-target configuration, the spallation behavior is studied at different impact velocities from 600 m/s to 1800 m/s, with emphasis on the damage evolution process. Itis found that as the impact stress increases, a ductile-to-brit- tle transition occurs, which agrees well with the available ex- perimental results. Further investigation reveals that theinteraction between void nucleation and growth, which can be interpreted as the competition between TTZs and STZs at atomic scale, controls the ductile-to-brittle transition duringthe spallation process. II. MD SIMULATIONS OF SPALLATION During the MD simulations, a simple binary MG Zr50Cu50is selected as the model material. To model the atomic interactions in the Zr-Cu system, we adopt the Finnis-Sinclair type interatomic potential with parameters given by Mendelev et al.32Calculations are carried out with the open source code LAMMPS.33Glass samples are pre- pared via a melting-and-quenching process. The initial sys- tem is a fcc lattice with the sites randomly occupied by Zrand Cu atoms in accordance with the nominal composition. It consists of /C24440 000 atoms arranged in a cubic shape, and three-dimensional periodic boundary conditions with ambi-ent pressure are applied. To obtain the Zr 50Cu50glass, simu- lations are performed in the constant number of particles, pressure, and temperature (NPT) ensembles with a time stepof 1 fs. Temperature gradually increases from 1 K to 2500 K, equilibrates for 100 ps and cools down to 300 K, with the same heating and cooling rate of 5 K/ps. After a furtherrelaxation for 100 ps, a glass sample is prepared with dimen- sions of /C2420/C220/C220 nm 3. In simulations of spallation, we construct the traditional flyer-target configurations.34,35The flyer plate consists of /C242 200 000 atoms with dimensions of /C24100/C220/C220 nm3, and the target has the same cross-section area (20 /C220 nm2) but its thickness is twice as that of flyer. To obtain such a large system, the 400 000-atom glass ( /C2420/C220/C220 nm3)i s replicated along the X direction, and equilibrates for another100 ps to remove possible artifacts from the replication pro- cess. 34In fact, we have also explored the flyer-target system with a cross-section area of /C2410/C210 nm2to examine the size effect on spallation and the results are similar. In our simulations, the loading direction is along the X axis, so the nonimpact sides of flyer and target normal to the X axis arefree surfaces. But along the Y and Z axes, the periodic boundary conditions are maintained to mimic one- dimensional (1D) strain shock loading. Here, we denote thedesired impact velocity as V. The flyer plate and target are assigned initial velocities of 2 V=3 and /C0V=3 beforeimpacting, so that the flyer-target system has a center-of- mass velocity of 0. Shock simulations adopt the constant number of particles, volume, and energy (NVE) ensembles.The time step for integrating the equations of motion is 1 fs, and the run duration is 120 ps. To obtain the physical properties of plates, the 1D bin- ning analysis is used. The simulation cell is divided into fine bins along the X axis by neglecting the heterogeneities in the transverse directions, and we obtain the average physicalproperties such as density ( q), stresses ( r x), particle velocity (up), and temperature ( T) profiles. To characterize the atomic configuration, we use the Voronoi tessellation analysis.36 And the plastic deformation is identified by the nonaffine displacement D2 minproposed by Falk and Langer.27 III. RESULTS During the shock simulations, the thickness of flyer plates and targets are not changed. To achieve shock loadingwith different amplitudes, we choose impact velocities Vof 600, 900, 1200, 1500, and 1800 m/s, respectively. Figure 1 illustrates the free surface velocity histories on the targetside, similar to that measured by a velocity interferometer system for any reflector (VISAR) in plate-impact experi- ments. 20,37,38As shown in Fig. 1, typical “pull-back” waves, which are signatures for spallation, are observed in all cases, except for the case of V ¼600 m/s. It indicates that spallation occurs in the cases of V ¼900, 1200, 1500, and 1800 m/s. Besides, as the impact velocity increases, the pull-back ve- locity slope also increases. It agrees well with the experi- mental results,20which indicates a ductile-to-brittle transition behavior. To compare the spallation behaviors under different loading amplitudes, the cases of V ¼900 and 1500 m/s are further characterized. Figure 2shows the density evolution in a conventional x-t diagram at impact velocities of 900 and 1500 m/s. With color coding based on the local atomic number density, thewave propagation and interaction process is illustrated, which is related to the shock, release, tension, and spallation. As shown in Fig. 2, the red color represents regions with a higher density, while the blue color represents regions with a lower density. A deeper blue color implies a larger amount FIG. 1. Free surface velocity histories on the target side at different impact velocities.143503-2 Huang, Ling, and Dai J. Appl. Phys. 116, 143503 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 12:29:30of spallation damage. According to the process of wave propagation, the tensile stress duration needed for spallationat the lower impact velocity is much longer than that at the higher velocity. It is obvious that the distribution of spalla- tion damage is different between these two impact velocities.In the case of V ¼900 m/s, damage is scattered over the spall plane. But in the case of V ¼1500 m/s, it is more concentrated. The corresponding stress profiles ( r x) at different times before and after spallation at V ¼900 and 1500 m/s are shown in Fig. 3. It is seen that the tensile region is formed due to the interaction of two release waves reflected from the free surfaces of flyer and target. As micro-damage nucleates and grows, recompression waves are generated in the spalledregion and propagate toward the free surface. The recom- pression wave is registered in the free surface velocity profile as a “pull-back” wave. Compared with the case ofV¼1500 m/s where there is only one recompression wave, two recompression waves are observed near the spall plane at V¼900 m/s, which imply that a multi-spall occurs. The result is in accordance with the scattered distribution of spal- lation damage at a lower impact velocity, as shown in Fig. 2. Next, we examine the damage evolution process in the spalled region (where the recompression wave is generated) at different impact velocities. Figures 4(a)–4(c) show the spallation damage at the impact velocity of 900 m/s, andFigs. 4(d)–4(f) show the damage at V ¼1500 m/s. As the impact velocity varies, the rate of damage evolution is differ- ent. Thus, in the case of 900 m/s, a time spacing of 5 ps isused to track the spall process, while 3 ps is adopted at V¼1500 m/s. As shown in Fig. 4, spallation of Cu 50Zr50 glass undergoes the process of nucleation, growth, and coa- lescence of micro-voids. At a lower impact velocity, only a few large voids (actually only one in the slice) dominate thedamage evolution process. In contrast, a large number of voids can be observed at a higher impact velocity. The voidsare small and begin to coalesce. The damage characteristics imply a smoother morphology on the fracture surfaces at a higher impact velocity. IV. DUCTILE-TO-BRITTLE TRANSITION MECHANISM According to the results of plate-impact experiments,20–22 there are two typical characteri stics at different impact veloc- ities, which suggests a ductile-to -brittle transition during spalla- tion of MGs: (1) at macroscopic scale, the pull-back velocity slope increases with increasing the impact velocity; and (2) at microscopic scale, it is frequent to observe a smoother morphol-ogy on the fracture surfaces of the spalled samples at a higher impact velocity, while much coar ser patterns are observed at a lower impact velocity. Our results generally agree with the ex-perimental results, 20–22as shown in Figs. 1and3. In the MD simulations, the most obvious difference between the fracture phenomena at different impact veloc-ities is the change of generated void numbers. With increas- ing the impact velocity, there are much more voids observed to nucleate and grow on the spall plane. The larger the voidnumber is, the smaller the void sizes are before coalescence. Then the fracture surface is smoother, which is a typical characteristic in brittle fracture. This interesting phenomenonhas also been observed in other works. For example, during the MD simulations of the fracture behavior of two typical MGs (FeP and CuZr), 31more smaller voids are observed in brittle FeP MG, while one bigger void is found in ductile CuZr MG. As the fracture behavior (brittle or ductile) is determined by the plastic deformation at microscopic scale,this phenomenon implies that the plastic deformation is impeded when more voids are generated. Now the question FIG. 2. The x–t diagram for shock loading of Cu 50Zr50: (a) V ¼900 m/s; and (b) V ¼1500 m/s. FIG. 3. The stress profiles at different time: (a) V ¼900 m/s; and (b) V¼1500 m/s.143503-3 Huang, Ling, and Dai J. Appl. Phys. 116, 143503 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 12:29:30is, why the plastic deformation is impeded in the case with more and smaller voids. A. Competition of TTZs and STZs In order to reveal the factors that influence the plastic deformation during spallation, we explore the process of void nucleation and growth. Figure 5shows the nonaffine displacement during the void nucleation and growth atV¼900 m/s. Here, the critical size for void nucleation is determined to be /C241 nm in diameter. 22,39Thus, according to the void size, Figs. 5(a)–5(c) illustrate the nucleation pro- cess, and Figs. 5(d)–5(e) exhibit the growth process. As shown in Figs. 5(a)–5(c) , during the void nucleation process,atoms with a larger nonaffine displacement are randomly dis- tributed in the material. With increasing the time interval (the reference configuration is the same at t ¼81 ps in Fig. 5), the number of atoms with a larger nonaffine displacement increases. There is no apparent difference observed between the void nucleation location and other region. It implies that the nonaffine displacement is induced by temperature (orstructural relaxation) instead of stresses. However, duringthe void growth process, nonaffine displacement of atoms in the region around the void is much larger than that away from the void. It indicates that plastic deformation of the ma-terial is mainly induced by void growth, there is nearly no contribution from void nucleation. FIG. 4. Damage evolution process at different impact velocities: (a)–(c) V¼900 m/s; and (d)–(f) V ¼1500 m/s. The colors indicate the normalized local atomic number density. FIG. 5. Snapshots of void nucleationand growth at V ¼900 m/s: (a)–(c) Nucleation of voids; and (d)–(f) Growth of voids. The colors represent the value of D 2 mincalculated from the same reference configuration at t ¼81 ps.143503-4 Huang, Ling, and Dai J. Appl. Phys. 116, 143503 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 12:29:30Further investigation reveals that the nucleation and growth of voids is closely related to the fundamental unit-processes of collective atomic motion in MGs. Figure 6 shows some close-up views of the atomic cluster motion around the void. As shown in Fig. 6(a), during the nucleation process, transformation of the atomic structure at the centre of the void is similar to the picture of a TTZ. 14But during the growth process as shown in Fig. 6(b), the motion of the atomic cluster at the edge of the void is close to the picture of a STZ.26We know that TTZs are corresponding to bulk dilations of atomic clusters, but STZs arouse shape distor-tions (the accompanied dilations are very small). As STZs are mainly activated during the void growth process, plastic deformation induced by damage evolution in the material isattributed to the void growth process. Now the question is, as the impact velocities increase, why does plastic deformation decrease? Because plastic de-formation is closely related to the void growth process, void growth at different impact velocities is examined. We com- pare the diameter history of the biggest voids at V ¼900 and 1500 m/s, as shown in Fig. 7. At a lower impact velocity, we see that the void grows continuously with a gradually increasing growth rate. But at a higher impact velocity, thevoid grows fast at the initial stage, but the growth rate decrease a lot after a short time of /C244 ps. The difference can be explained by the damage evolution process as shown inFig.4. As there are more voids at the higher impact velocity, a growing void quickly interacts with the surrounding voids, leading to a coalescence process. This impedes the furthergrowth of voids. However, as there is only one void at the lower impact velocity, it can grow continuously without con- finements of other voids. Based on the above results, wethink that the plastic deformation during spallation of MGs is controlled by competition of two rate processes at micro- scopic scale. On one hand, the void growth process promotesplastic deformation in the material. According to the conven- tional void growth mechanism, 40–42the plastic zone around the void is proportional to the void volume. Bigger voids induce a larger region of the material to undergo plastic de- formation. Thus, the larger the voids grow, the more exten-sive plastic deformation the material undergoes. On the other hand, the void nucleation process impedes plastic deforma- tion in the material. As void growth is bounded by the spac-ing between two nucleation sites, a higher nucleation rate which decreases the spacing between voids impedes the growth process. Therefore, plastic deformation in the mate-rial is slight. In fact, the interaction between nucleation and growth can be interpreted as a competition between the fundamentalunit-processes of collective atomic motion in MGs. Since void nucleation is related to the activation of TTZs, and growth is induced by STZs around the voids, the damageevolution process is intrinsically a competition between FIG. 6. Motion of atomic clusters dur- ing the damage evolution process at V¼900 m/s: (a) nucleation; and (b) growth. FIG. 7. Diameter of the biggest void at different impact velocities.143503-5 Huang, Ling, and Dai J. Appl. Phys. 116, 143503 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 12:29:30TTZs and STZs. To characterize the competition process, here we propose a non-dimensional number composed of two time scales: Ia¼TSTZ TTTZ; (1) where TSTZand TTTZare the characteristic time scales for activation of STZs and TTZs, respectively. As to a larger Ia, TTZs are more dominant than STZs. To determine the twotime scales, we estimated the activation rates of TTZs and STZs. According to the STZ models, 27,43the activation rate of a single potential STZ is written as vSTZ¼1 TSTZ¼v1exp/C0DF1/C0s/C1c0/C1X0 kh/C18/C19 ; (2) where vSTZis the STZ activation rate, v1is an attempt fre- quency of order of the Debye frequency, sis the local shear stress, c0is the characteristic shear strain with the order of /C240.1,X0is the STZ volume, kis the Boltzmann constant, h is the temperature, and DF1is the activation barrier. For TTZs, they are similar in size to STZs, and are acti- vated by high hydrostatic tensile pressure. In the same way,we can estimate the activation rate of a single TTZ as v TTZ¼1 TTTZ¼v2exp/C0DF2/C0p/C1ev/C1X0 kh/C18/C19 ; (3) where vTTZis the TTZ activation rate, v2is an attempt fre- quency, pis the hydrostatic tensile pressure, evis the charac- teristic volumetric strain, and DF2is the activation barrier, which is mainly related to the dissipated energy forming new surfaces.14Thus, Ia¼v1 v2expDF1/C0s/C1c0/C1X0 DF2/C0p/C1ev/C1X0/C18/C19 ; (4) where v1,DF1,c0,X0are material parameters according to STZ models. If v2,DF2, and evare also regarded as material parameters, Iaare determined by local stress states. Further analysis indicates that the local stress states change before and after voids are nucleated. When there is no void in the material during spallation, it is the 1D strain condi-tion and the ratio of shear stress sto tensile pressure pis s p¼l j; (5) where lis the shear modulus and jis the bulk modulus. For Cu 50Zr50,l/C2522 GPa and j/C25123 GPa, therefore, s=p/C250:18. Since the shear stress is much smaller than the tensile pressure, TTZs may play a dominant role according to Eq. (4). However, after voids are nucleated, the local stress states are completely changed. Although the tensilepressure pis nearly the same, the ratio of stoparound the void increases to 0.75 (as a rough estimate, the asymmetry of the loading and initial void shape is not taken into account).Thus, I awill decrease, and STZs may play a dominant role. Note that only around the void’s surrounding where stressconcentration takes place, Iais smaller. For the region that is not influenced by the void, Iais still relatively large and TTZs is the dominant collective atomic motion. B. Mechanism resulting in dominance of TTZs If MGs undergo brittle spallation, it is obvious that TTZs must dominate the fracture process. According to Eq.(3), factors such as stresses, temperature, and the activation barrier can influence the activation of TTZs in the material. In order to find the reason that results in dominance of TTZs,we further compare the evolution of the above factors at dif- ferent impact velocities. Figure 8shows a comparison of the stress profiles at the beginning of the damage evolution process. With increasing the impact velocity, the stress amplitude near the spall plane is slightly higher. According to Eq. (3), a higher tensile stress can increase the work done by the system, and decreases the energy barrier of TTZs, thus a higher activation rate is expected. Besides, it should be noted that micro-inertiamight have influence on the competition between STZs and TTZs. As the impact velocity increases, the loading rate is higher and micro inertial effects on void growth becomemore important. Activation of STZs around the voids may be impeded by micro inertial effects, leading to a decrease of void growth rate. The history of material temperature near the spall plane is illustrated in Fig. 9(a). The temperature keeps constant at first, then increases sharply as the flyer impacts the target,and finally decreases a little when the region of tension is created. Compared with the case with V ¼900 m/s, the mate- rial temperature is apparently higher at V ¼1500 m/s. As higher temperature implies that atoms have a higher chance of getting enough energy from thermal fluctuation to over- come the free energy barrier, it contributes to a higher activa-tion rate. For the activation barrier, it is determined by local atomic structures at the potential TTZ sites. Here, the degreeof local fivefold symmetry (LFFS) is used as a key factor to characterize the local atomic structures. 44In the Voronoi tes- sellation analysis, each atom is indexed with the Voronoiindices hn 3;n4;n5;n6; :::i, where n3,n4,n5, and n6represent FIG. 8. Stress profiles at the beginning of the damage evolution process: (a) V¼900 m/s; and (b) V ¼1500 m/s.143503-6 Huang, Ling, and Dai J. Appl. Phys. 116, 143503 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 12:29:30the number of triangles, tetragons, pentagons, and hexagons on the Voronoi polyhedron, respectively, and the degree of LFFS is defined as the fraction of the number of pentagons (LFFS ¼n5=P ini). The average degree of LFFS in the region near the spall plane is shown in Fig. 9(b). It is clear that the average degree of LFFS increases under compres- sion and decreases under tension at both impact velocities.But at the time just before voids begin to nucleate, the aver- age degree of LFFS can decrease to lower amplitude at the higher impact velocity. Since a lower LFFS indicates thatthe structural configuration of atoms is packed more loosely and has higher potential energy, the local structure is more unstable and it is easier for transformation of local atomicclusters. Further examination indicates that TTZs are prone to activation from the region with a lower average LFFS. Asshown in Fig. 10, at the impact velocity of 900 m/s, the aver- age degree of LFFS of the atomic cluster that void originates from is 0.422, while that of the entire slice near the spallplane is 0.472. As the impact velocity increases to 1500 m/s, the average degree of LFFS of the atomic cluster that the biggest void originates from (0.431) is also smaller than thatof the entire slice (0.464). It indicates that TTZs are indeed easier to be activated in the region with a lower degree of LFFS. As a previous work has shown that STZs prefer to beinitiated in regions with a lower degree of LFFS too, it is obvious that a lower degree of LFFS means a loweractivation barrier for transformation of atomic clusters. As the average degree of LFFS in the spall region is smaller at a higher impact velocity, there are more potential sites for acti- vation of TTZs. Thus, the activation rate is higher. V. CONCLUSION We have studied the ductile-to-brittle transition phe- nomenon during spallation of a binary MG Zr 50Cu50with MD simulations. Our results show that as the impact velocity increases, the distribution of spallation damage becomesmore concentrated and the fracture patterns are smoother, which agrees well with experimental observations in recent works. The ductile-to-brittle transition in spallation is relatedto extra fracture energy dissipation at a lower impact veloc- ity and impedance of plastic deformation at a higher impact velocity. Plastic deformation during the damage evolutionprocess is controlled by the interaction of two microscopic rate processes (i.e., void nucleation and growth), which can be interpreted as the competition of STZs and TTZs atatomic scale. As the impact velocity increases, TTZs domi- nates the fracture process and spallation exhibits a brittle behavior. Further investigation shows that with increasingthe impact velocity, the tensile stress amplitude and material temperature is higher in the spall region, and the atomic structure is more unstable. All these reasons induce a largervoid nucleation rate or the dominance of TTZs. FIG. 9. The history of material temper- ature and average LFFS near the spall plane at different impact velocities of 900 m/s and 1500 m/s: (a) temperature and (b) LFFS. FIG. 10. Atomic configuration beforevoid nucleation showing the LFFS of atoms. The colors represent value of LFFS at (a) V ¼900 m/s and (b) V¼1500 m/s.143503-7 Huang, Ling, and Dai J. Appl. Phys. 116, 143503 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 12:29:30ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Financial support was from the National Key Basic Research Program of China (2012CB937500), the NSFC (Grants Nos.: 11272328, 11472287, and 11402245), and theCAS/SAFEA International Partnership Program for Creative Research Teams. 1M. W. Chen, Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 38, 445–469 (2008). 2A. L. Greer and E. Ma, MRS Bull. 32(8), 611–615 (2007). 3A. Inoue, Acta Mater. 48(1), 279–306 (2000). 4H. Li, C. Fan, K. Tao, H. Choo, and P. K. Liaw, Adv. Mater. 18(6), 752–754 (2006). 5W. H. Wang, Prog. Mater. Sci. 57(3), 487–656 (2012). 6Z .P .L u ,C .L i u ,J .T h o m p s o n ,a n dW .P o r t e r , Phys. Rev. Lett. 92(24), 245503 (2004). 7M. M. Trexler and N. N. Thadhani, Prog. Mater. Sci. 55(8), 759–839 (2010). 8X. J. Liu, Y. Xu, X. Hui, Z. P. Lu, F. Li, G. L. 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Does water dope carbon nanotubes? Robert A. Bell, Michael C. Payne, and Arash A. Mostofi Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 141, 164703 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4898712 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4898712 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/141/16?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Can carbon nanotube fibers achieve the ultimate conductivity?—Coupled-mode analysis for electron transport through the carbon nanotube contact J. Appl. Phys. 114, 063714 (2013); 10.1063/1.4818308 Quantum dynamics of hydrogen interacting with single-walled carbon nanotubes: Multiple H-atom adsorbates J. Chem. Phys. 134, 074308 (2011); 10.1063/1.3537793 Ab initio study of the effect of water adsorption on the carbon nanotube field-effect transistor Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 243110 (2006); 10.1063/1.2397543 Distribution patterns and controllable transport of water inside and outside charged single-walled carbon nanotubes J. Chem. Phys. 122, 084708 (2005); 10.1063/1.1851506 Ab initio simulations of oxygen atom insertion and substitutional doping of carbon nanotubes J. Chem. Phys. 116, 9014 (2002); 10.1063/1.1470494 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 04:46:45THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 141, 164703 (2014) Does water dope carbon nanotubes? Robert A. Bell,1Michael C. Payne,1and Arash A. Mostofi2 1Theory of Condensed Matter Group, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, United Kingdom 2Department of Materials and Department of Physics, and the Thomas Young Centre for Theory and Simulation of Materials, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom (Received 30 June 2014; accepted 8 October 2014; published online 27 October 2014) We calculate the long-range perturbation to the electronic charge density of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as a result of the physisorption of a water molecule. We find that the dominant effect is a charge re- distribution in the CNT due to polarisation caused by the dipole moment of the water molecule. Thecharge redistribution is found to occur over a length-scale greater than 30 Å, highlighting the need for large-scale simulations. By comparing our fully first-principles calculations to ones in which the perturbation due to a water molecule is treated using a classical electrostatic model, we estimate thatthe charge transfer between CNT and water is negligible (no more than 10 −4e per water molecule). We therefore conclude that water does not significantly dope CNTs, a conclusion that is consistent with the poor alignment of the relevant energy levels of the water molecule and CNT. Previous cal-culations that suggest water n-dopes CNTs are likely due to the misinterpretation of Mulliken charge partitioning in small supercells. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4898712 ] I. INTRODUCTION The unique electronic properties of carbon nan- otubes (CNTs) make them a promising material for novelapplications 1including highly sensitive chemical sensors,2,3 light-weight electrical wires,4–6and nanoscale electronic devices.1,7,8 Optimal performance of these devices often requires the CNTs to have a particular electronic character, whether semi- conducting or metallic, which is determined by the CNT chirality. The control of chirality during CNT synthesis is challenging, which has led to the development of alternativein-solution techniques for separating bulk-grown CNT sam- ples with respect to electronic type. Examples include density gradient ultracentrifugation, 9,10polymer wrapping,11,12and chromatography.13,14 As a consequence of this post-processing, residual wa- ter may remain adsorbed to the CNTs. Therefore, it is vitalto understand the influence that water has on the electronic structure of CNTs. Experimental investigations of the effect of water vapour on the conductivity of mats and fibres of CNTs have been con- tradictory with both increases 15–19and decreases20–22in con- ductivity observed. The lack of agreement may be attributableto an abundance of factors, including the CNT sample com- position and purity, the presence of impurities and their composition, contact resistances with external electrodes and between the CNTs themselves, and the alignment and con- nectivity of CNTs in the mat/fibre network. The relative con-tribution of these factors, and their dependence on local wa- ter concentration, may be significantly different between the different samples used in the reported experiments, and aredifficult to isolate. Theoretical calculations based on density functional the- ory (DFT) 23,24have shown that water interacts weakly with CNTs, binding through physisorption.21,25–28This weak inter-action has been shown to cause little scattering, and the con- ductance of individual CNTs when hydrated is little changedfrom when dry. 26,29 Charge transfer analyses, also performed within DFT, have suggested that water may n-dope CNTs.21,25–28The con- ductance of semiconductor CNTs is sensitive to the amount of doping, and in Ref. 19a mechanism based on charge transfer between water and CNTs has been proposed to explain the experimental observations. There are, however, several issues with the charge trans- fer analyses used to determine this mechanism. Most funda- mentally, there is no unique formalism to partition the DFT- derived ground-state charge density among different speciesin a system. The magnitude of charge transfer is sensitive to the details of the calculations, including the choice of functional for exchange and correlation, 30the basis set,31–33 and the partitioning method used.31,33Changing the partition- ing method will often alter the computed partial charges by 0.1 e or more,32,33which is comparable to the proposed wa- ter/CNT charge transfer.21,25–28These theoretical calculations may still, therefore, be consistent with no charge transfer or even p-doping. Indeed, it has been suggested that there is no overall charge transfer.20,27,34 Regardless of the method used to determine the charge partitioning, it is also not clear that charge doping can be de- termined by considering only the total partial charge of the CNT, as used in previous studies.21,25–28In principle, doping is manifested by additional or reduced electron charge den- sity, as compared to the bulk, far from the defect that may be causing the doping, such that all electrostatic perturba-tions have been screened. Only this delocalised charge trans- fer can result in doping and contribute to conductance; lo- calised charge transfer will in fact act to scatter current anddecrease the conductance. Accordingly, the long-range spatial distribution of the electron charge density must be considered to determine whether doping occurs. 0021-9606/2014/141(16)/164703/7/$30.00 © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC 141, 164703-1 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 04:46:45164703-2 Bell, Payne, and Mostofi J. Chem. Phys. 141, 164703 (2014) Neither experiment nor theory, therefore, has reached agreement over the interaction between CNTs and water and further analysis of the calculated charge transfers is requiredto support a doping hypothesis. In this work, we revisit the problem of charge transfer between water and CNTs. Working directly with the charge density, derived from first-principlescalculations, we calculate the long-range perturbation to the CNT charge density due to the water molecule. Our main re- sult is that the interaction is a long-ranged electrostatic po-larisation that arises due to the dipole moment of the water molecule which cannot be fully captured within a small sim- ulation cell. We isolate the contribution to the density per- turbation due to the water dipole moment by using a simple classical model for the water electrostatics. This allows us toestimate the residual charge transfer between a CNT and wa- ter molecule which we find to be negligible. We therefore con- clude that water does not n-dope CNTs. The remainder of this paper is organised as follows: we first give details of our methods; Sec. IIIanalyses the elec- trostatic interaction between the CNT and water molecule;we then discuss the wider context of these conclusions in Sec. IV. II. METHODS We consider supercells containing a single water molecule adsorbed on one of two CNT structures: 16 unit- cells of a semiconducting (10, 0) CNT; and 28 unit-cells ofa metallic (5, 5) CNT. The overall length of each supercell is 68.5 Å and 69.1 Å, respectively. Electronic structures are calculated using the ONETEP linear-scaling DFT code,35which uses a small set of localised numerical orbitals called non-orthogonal generalised Wannier functions (NGWFs).36In this work, we use four NGWFs per carbon and oxygen atom and one per hydrogen atom. Each NGWF is represented in terms of an underlying basis of psinc functions,37equivalent to a set of plane-waves, that enables them to be optimised in situ for their unique chemical envi- ronment as the calculation proceeds. Throughout this work, we use a localisation radius of 5.3 Å for the NGWFs in order to capture charge polarisation accurately. Equivalent plane-wave kinetic energy cutoffs of 1000 eV and 4000 eV are used for the psinc basis sets represent- ing the NGWFs and charge density, respectively, and the Brillouin zone is sampled at the /Gamma1point only. Core elec- trons are described using norm-conserving pseudopotentials in Kleinman-Bylander form.38 In this work, all calculations employ the PBE generalised gradient approximation for exchange and correlation;39our conclusions are unchanged when equivalent calculations are performed using the local density approximation (LDA).40 Periodic boundary conditions are used along the CNT axis, which is denoted as the z-direction; directions perpen- dicular to the axis are treated with the supercell approxima-tion with at least 12 Å separating periodic images. The atomic structures of the CNT unit cells are deter- mined using the plane wave DFT package CASTEP .41A fully converged Brillouin zone sampling scheme of 16 and 28 equally spaced k-points, including the /Gamma1point, for the (10, 0)and (5, 5) CNTs, respectively. The states sampled are equiva- lent to those sampled in the larger supercell. The same pseu- dopotentials and parameter set, as far as possible, are used asfor the ONETEP calculations. After relaxation, the maximum residual forces and stress are 5 meV/Å and 0.02 GPa, respectively. Calculated C–Cbond lengths are 1.424 Å and 1.432 Å for the (10, 0) CNT, and 1.429 Å and 1.431 Å for the (5, 5) CNT; and the re- laxed periodic unit cell lengths are 4.279 Å and 2.469 Å,respectively. The water molecule is similarly relaxed in isolation in a 22 Å cubic simulation cell within the supercell approxi- mation. Previous calculations have shown that the change to the structure of CNT and water is negligible when water isadsorbed, 28therefore the geometry of the composite structure is not relaxed further. We have verified for a selection of struc- tures that our conclusions are unaffected by this choice. Maximally localised Wannier functions (MLWFs)42,43 used for the point charge model of Sec. III A are calculated us- ing the Q UANTUM ESPRESSO44interface to W ANNIER 90.45 III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Computing the CNT charge polarisation Our key result is given in Fig. 1where we show the long- range electron density redistribution for a (10, 0) semicon-ducting CNT with a single water molecule adsorbed (solid lines). The supercell is 68 Å in length along the CNT axis and the oxygen ion of the water molecule is directly above a carbon site, at a distance of 3.20 Å which is approximately the average equilibrium binding distance of these orienta-tions, and is positioned at the centre of the CNT supercell (z≈34 Å). The water molecule is oriented such that the nor- mal to the atomic plane makes an angle θto the radial vector of the CNT as shown in Fig. 2. The four panels show dif- ferent orientations of the water molecules that are thermally FIG. 1. The laterally integrated density difference profile for a 68 Å (10, 0) CNT supercell with a single water molecule adsorbed (full DFT calculation, solid lines). Also shown (dashed lines), the corresponding induced polarisa-tion when the water molecule treated as classical Wannier charges (see main text). The angle θcorresponds to the angle between the water dipole vector and the normal to the CNT surface as shown in Fig. 2. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 04:46:45164703-3 Bell, Payne, and Mostofi J. Chem. Phys. 141, 164703 (2014) FIG. 2. The structure of the water molecule adsorbed on a (10,0) CNT. The water oxygen ion is situated 3.20 Å above a carbon, with the water dipole making an angle θto the CNT axis. Shown here is θ=90◦. Only the part of the CNT closest to the water molecule is shown, the CNT extends for an additional ≈30 Å in both directions to form the full supercell. accessible at room temperature. As we will show shortly, the precise CNT/water geometry does not strongly affect the in- teractions present, precluding the need for a detailed thermo-dynamic analysis. The induced density polarisation is calculated through the charge density difference, defined as the difference be-tween the density for the CNT and water combined n 1,2(r), and the isolated CNT and water molecule alone n1(r),n2(r) /Delta1n(r)=n1,2(r)−n1(r)−n2(r). (1) Three separate calculations per configuration are performed to determine the density difference. The periodicity due to theunderlying atomic lattice is smoothed out by convolving this quantity with a window function w(z) with width equal to the CNT unit cell length L uc. In order to smooth out the large variations due to the underlying ionic lattice, we integrate this quantity over planes perpendicular to the CNT axis defining an electron density difference per unit length, λ(z)=/integraldisplay /Delta1n(x/prime,y/prime,z/prime)w(z−z/prime)dx/primedy/primedz/prime, (2) w(z)=/braceleftBigg1/Luc|z|<Luc/2 0 otherwise. (3) The charge redistribution shown in Fig. 1is remarkably long-ranged, occurring over a length-scale greater than 30 Å. As this is much larger than the CNT unit cell, this long-range polarisation cannot be observed in the smaller supercells usedin previous calculations. 21,25–28 The form of the charge polarisation is strongly depen- dent of the orientation of the water molecule, but correlates well with the direction of the water dipole. For example, at θ=0◦, the dipole points away from the CNT and electrondensity is repelled; at θ=180◦, the dipole is towards the CNT and electron density is attracted. Equivalent calculations (not presented here) show similar behaviour when varying thewater-CNT binding distance. The dominant effect of the water molecule on the CNT appears to be purely electrostatic in origin. In order to demon-strate this more rigorously, we calculate the charge polari- sation of the system using a purely electrostatic model for the water molecule, i.e., without explicit inclusion of the realelectron density of the water molecule in the system. The water molecule is treated as a set of point charges, whose influence appears as a correction to the local Kohn-Sham potential 47 δVloc(r)=/summationdisplay iqi |r−ri|, (4) where riand qiare the position and magnitude, respectively, of each point charge. Positive (ionic) charges are located at the ionic positions with magnitudes given by those of the corre-sponding pseudo-ions. For the negative (electronic) charges, the positions are the centres of the MLWFs 42,45obtained by subspace rotation of the manifold of occupied eigenstates ofan isolated water molecule. 46The magnitude of each elec- tronic charge is then the integrated charge density of each MLWF. Due to the unitarity of the Wannier transformation,this gives −2 e, with the factor of two being a result of spin de- generacy. In practice, to prevent unphysical “charge-spilling” into the deep Coulombic potential, these point charges aresmeared with a Gaussian function of half-width 0.16 Å. 47The geometry of the MLWF centres in relation to the ionic posi- tions is shown in Fig. 3(bottom left). Our method is similar in spirit to that of Ref. 48, but differs in that the procedure is parameter free and requires no fitting. The difference in electronic density induced by this clas- sical electrostatic model for the water molecule can be cal- culated using the equivalent of Eq. (1)and is shown in Fig. 1(dashed lines). The agreement with the full DFT calculation (solid lines) is excellent for all configurations. Additional calculations (not shown) modifying the bindingdistance show that the Wannier charge model accurately de- scribes charge redistribution for thermally accessible geome- tries. To achieve a large difference in the long-range densitydifference in the θ=0 ◦orientation, for example, the water molecule must have a binding distance less than 2.5 Å. Such small separations, however, incur a serious energy penalty ofat least 200 meV (or 8 k BTat ambient temperature) and there- fore the contributions from these configurations can be ne- glected under the ambient conditions that experiments are per-formed. The success of the MLWF model can be explained by comparing the long-range electrostatic potential correspond- ing to the MLWF model and that of the water molecule fromDFT. This comparison is shown in the top two panels of Fig. 3. The classical model reproduces the potential to high accuracy, with only small differences very close to the wa- ter molecule where the detailed charge density distribution is important. Equivalent calculations (not shown) performed ona metallic (5, 5) CNT produce similar results, providing evi- dence for the general applicability of our model. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 04:46:45164703-4 Bell, Payne, and Mostofi J. Chem. Phys. 141, 164703 (2014) FIG. 3. Top panels: a comparison between the electrostatic potential (lo- cal ionic and Hartree) for the isolated full DFT water molecule (left), and the classical Wannier charge representation (right). Contours are in steps of 20 meV , in the plane 3.20 Å below the water molecule, where the surface of the CNT would be when the water is in the 90◦orientation. The water oxygen ion is located at the origin. The inset in the bottom right panel gives the dif-ference between the two potentials in the region indicated by the dashed box. Contours are in steps of 5 meV , and the shading gives the absolute difference between 0 meV (white) and 50 meV (black). Outside the region shown, thedifference between the potentials is less than 5 meV . Bottom panel, left: the positions of the Wannier charge centres (blue spheres) and oxygen/hydrogen ions. It is interesting to note that simpler models for the wa- ter electrostatics also well reproduce the density polarisation. In Fig. 4, we compare the density polarisation induced in a metallic (5, 5) CNT within three different models. The left panel gives the Wannier charge model which most accuratelyreproduces the DFT induced polarisation. The central panel FIG. 4. Comparison of the different electrostatic models for the water molecule adsorbed on a (5, 5) CNT in the θ=45◦orientation. Left panel: point charge (MLWF) model for the water molecule; centre panel: dipole model for the water molecule; right panel: classical conducting cylinder model (see main text for details). In all cases, the dashed blue line gives the full DFT result.uses a classical dipole model for the water potential, with clas- sical charges of magnitude ±8 e at the centres of positive and negative charge of the isolated water molecule; the CNT isstill treated using DFT. The agreement between this model and the DFT induced polarisation is still excellent, however differences between the classical and DFT electrostatic po-tential in the near-field produce a small lateral shift in the po- larisation along the z-direction. The right panel shows the in- duced charge density for the simplest model where the CNT istreated as a classical conducting cylinder. The water molecule is described as a series of classical point charges as in the Wannier charge model, with the induced density calculated by solving the classical Poisson equation, as detailed in the Appendix. We note that the classical induced polarisation cal-culated by this crude final model captures well the main form of the full DFT induced polarisation supporting the conclu- sion that the dominant interaction is electrostatic. Similar results (not shown) are obtained for the (10, 0) CNT, including for the classical conducting cylinder model despite the CNT being semiconducting. Finally, we note that we do not expect that our conclu- sion will change in the presence of multiple water molecules. The shallow binding energy between CNT and water shouldnot change with additional water molecules as the dominant interaction in this case is not the relatively weak physisorp- tion between CNT and water, but instead the much strongerhydrogen bonding between the individual water molecules themselves. The short ( <2.5 Å) binding distances required to potentially achieve charge transfer will remain thermally inaccessible at ambient conditions in this case as well. B. Estimating the residual charge transfer In any calculation of the electronic density, the difference in charge density given by Eq. (1)consists of both charge polarisation /Delta1np(r) and charge transfer /Delta1nt(r) components, /Delta1n(r)=/Delta1np(r)+/Delta1nt(r). (5) A convincing indicator of charge transfer would be ad- ditional charge delocalised in the CNT, far from the water molecule. As shown by the results above, however, the chargepolarisation induced by the water dipole moment is very long-ranged. In principle, the charge transfer contribution could be determined by increasing the system size to screenthe electrostatic perturbation, and considering regions where /Delta1n p(r)→0.50Such an approach is impractical, especially for low-dimensional systems such as CNTs in which the rel-atively weak screening necessitates the use of very large sys- tems. The larger the system size, the more accurately the charge densities must be determined as any charge trans- fer/Delta1Qbecomes delocalised over a larger volume V, and the associated density difference becomes smaller: /Delta1n t(r) ∼/Delta1Q/V . Discerning small amounts of charge transfer ac- curately in this way is challenging from a computation point of view. Instead, we approximate the polarisation contribution to the charge density difference in the full DFT calculation /Delta1np(r) (Fig. 4, dashed lines) as exactly the density difference This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 04:46:45164703-5 Bell, Payne, and Mostofi J. Chem. Phys. 141, 164703 (2014) calculated by the Wannier charge model /Delta1nWF(r) (Fig. 4,l e f t panel, solid line) in which the charge density difference is due entirely to electrostatic polarisation: i.e., /Delta1np(r)≈/Delta1nWF(r). The residual charge transfer is then approximated as /Delta1nt(r)≈/Delta1n(r)−/Delta1nWF(r). (6) Summing /Delta1nt(r) over the unit cell furthest from the water molecule provides an estimate of the charge transfer betweenthe CNT and the water molecule, which we find to be no more than |/Delta1Q|/lessorsimilar10 −4e, independent of orientation. This is three orders of magnitude lower than the value calculated byMulliken population analysis, and shows that there is negligi- ble charge transfer in this system. C. Considerations of the electronic energy level alignment Finally, we consider the evidence for charge transfer in terms of the energy levels of the CNT and water systems. Previous calculations have shown that water interacts weakly with a CNT.21,25–28As there is little chemical bond- ing, the eigenstates of the isolated water and CNT are ex- pected to be little perturbed. This is confirmed in Fig. 5, which compares the density of states of a 16 unit cell (10, 0) semiconductor CNT and a water molecule when mutually isolated, and the correspond- ing CNT/water local density of states (LDOS)49with the wa- ter adsorbed. Indeed, the LDOS/DOS of the CNT are indistin- guishable. Equivalent calculations surrounding the CNT witha cluster of water molecules result in the same conclusion. For significant charge transfer between CNT and water to occur, charge must transfer from the highest occupied molec-ular orbital (HOMO) of the water molecule to the CNT con- duction band. As the water HOMO lies almost 4 eV below the CNT conduction band, this transfer would involve a large FIG. 5. A comparison of the density of states (LDOS) for a (10,0) CNT and water molecule when isolated (dashed red/blue, respectively), and the local density of states of the CNT and water molecule (solid red/blue) when the water is adsorbed 3.20 Å above the CNT in the 90◦configuration. A Gaussian smearing of 0.1 eV has been used. The CNT LDOS and DOS are indistinguishable. For each calculation, energies have been aligned by the potential far into the vacuum.energy penalty, the magnitude of which is dependent on the CNT band gap. The energy penalty for metallic CNTs is smaller than for semiconducting CNTs, and so calculations for these sys- tems should show a large difference in either the binding energy or the charge transferred to the CNT. As neither ofthese effects are observed in calculation, 25,28we conclude that if charge transfer occurs then it must be very small, con- sistent with our estimation from Sec. III B . We also con- clude that the Mulliken population analysis reported in previ- ous calculations21,25–28is not suitable for determining charge transfer in this system. Whilst the energy levels calculated by Kohn-Sham DFT do not correspond to the true quasi-particle energy levels,the many-body correction to the energy levels is likely to be smaller than the large difference between water and CNT states. Moreover, the correction to the DFT band gap willincrease the energy difference between the occupied water states and the CNT conduction band. Therefore, we do not believe that this conclusion will change under a higher levelof theory. For other adsorbed molecules, significant charge transfer would be possible if the molecular levels better align with the CNT states. For example, molecular oxygen in thetriplet spin state has been calculated to have an unoccupied molecular level that sits within the CNT band gap. 51We there- fore do not dispute the conclusion that oxygen may p-dope semiconductor CNTs.34,52 IV. CONCLUSIONS Using linear-scaling density-functional theory, we have calculated the long-range electronic effects of a water molecule adsorbed onto a CNT. We have shown that the inter- action is described very well with classical electrostatics: thepermanent dipole moment of the water molecule induces a po- larisation of the electronic charge density of the CNT that is remarkably long-ranged, occurring over a length-scale greaterthan 30 Å. By comparing our full DFT calculations with ones in which the water molecule is treated as a classical charge dis- tribution defined by its Wannier charge centres, we estimate that the charge transfer between CNT and a water molecule isno more than 10 −4e. We therefore conclude that water does not significantly dope CNTs. This conclusion is supported by the poor alignment of the relevant energy levels of the watermolecule and the CNT, and contrasts with previous results, based on Mulliken charge partitioning in small supercells, that suggest much greater charge transfer. As a consequence of the lack of charge transfer and the weak interaction between CNT and water, we conclude that water has a very weak effect on the conductivity of individual CNTs. 26,29In order to understand the origin of the humidity- dependent conductivities observed in experiments on CNT fi- bres and mats, therefore, it is vital to go beyond the effect ofwater on individual CNTs, and also consider the effect of wa- ter on the conductivity of networks of CNTs, i.e., on the con- ductivity between CNTs. For example, in Ref. 53we recently proposed a mechanism that greatly improves the conduc- tance between different CNTs through momentum-resonant This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 04:46:45164703-6 Bell, Payne, and Mostofi J. Chem. Phys. 141, 164703 (2014) scattering. The resonance can be achieved using a weak, long- ranged perturbation to the CNTs, which may be provided, for example, by water molecules weakly adsorbed to the CNTsurface. Finally, it is worth emphasising that our results highlight the importance of using supercells that are sufficiently largeto capture long-ranged charge polarisation effects and that en- able the disentanglement of charge polarisation from charge transfer. Beyond the immediate application to water on CNTs,these ideas are relevant more generally to the determination of charge polarisation and charge transfer resulting from ad- sorption of molecular species on bulk surfaces and layered materials. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank N. D. M. Hine for use- ful discussions. This work was performed using the Dar-win Supercomputer of the University of Cambridge High Performance Computing Service funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (U.K.) (EPSRC(GB))under Grant No. EP/J017639/1. R.A.B. acknowledges fi- nal support from British Telecommunications and EPSRC; M.C.P. acknowledges support from EPSRC under Grant No.EP/J017639/1; and A.A.M. acknowledges support from the Thomas Young Centre under Grant No. TYC-101. APPENDIX: CLASSICAL ELECTROSTATIC MODEL In Sec. III A , we model the interaction between a CNT and an adsorbed water molecule as a classical conducting cylinder interacting with point charges. The cylinder radius is set as the radius of the CNT. The water molecule is modelled as point charges placed at the cen- tres of the Wannier/ionic charges, as described in Sec. III A . We calculate the charge density profile induced in the conducting cylinder due to the classical charges. The electric potential is calculated by solving for the Green’s function to the Poisson equation subject to the con-stant potential Dirichlet boundary condition on the cylinder ∇ 2φ(r)=4π/summationdisplay iqiδ(r−ri), (A1) where we have adopted atomic units. In the limit of an infinite radius cylinder, the conductor becomes an infinite conducting plane and the solution is ob-tained using the method of images in a simple analytic form. For a single charge a position r i=(xi,0,0) above a conduc- tor in the yzplane, the potential is φ(r)=q |r−ri|−q |r−rm i|, (A2) where rm i=(−xi,0,0) is the position of the mirror charge if the conductor lies on the yz-plane. The surface charge of the conductor is calculated using Gauss’ law giving σ(y,z)=1/(2π)Ex|x=0, where Ex|x=0is the electric field perpendicular to the plane, evaluated at the plane. The charge density per unit length of CNT is given bythe sum of the surface charge along a direction perpendicular to the CNT axis, i.e., λ(z)=/integraldisplay dy σ (y,z)=q πxi z2+x2 i. (A3) The charge density due to multiple charges is generated through superposition. To compare to the charge polarisationderived from the DFT calculations, this quantity is convolved with the same window function given in Eq. (3). Whilst the shape of the induced density calculated using this model is in excellent qualitative agreement with our DFT calculations, the amplitude is an order of magnitude too large.Heuristically, this can be understood to arise from the differ- ence in screening in the metallic cylinder as compared to a real CNT. We account for this by including a single param-eter to the model that scales all the classical charges by the same factor, and choose its value such that the best fit to the DFT data is obtained. For the calculation shown in the rightpanel of Fig. 4, the fitted scaling factor is 0.13. Treating the finite radius of the CNT explicitly by calcu- lating the Green’s function for the cylindrical geometry 54is found to little change the form of the induced density profile. This observation is reasonable as the CNT diameter ( ≈8Å )i s much larger than the distance between point charges and CNTsurface (3.20 Å). Regardless, we find that the classical model captures well the main features of the charge polarisation due to the water molecule. 1M. F. L. De V older, S. H. Tawfick, R. H. Baughman, and A. J. Hart, Science 339, 535 (2013). 2J. Kong, N. R. Franklin, C. Zhou, M. G. Chapline, S. Peng, K. Cho, and H. Dai, Science 287, 622 (2000). 3E. S. Snow, F. K. Perkins, E. J. Houser, S. C. 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Electric field-induced magnetic switching in Mn:ZnO film S. X. Ren, G. W. Sun, J. Zhao, J. Y. Dong, Y. Wei, Z. C. Ma, X. Zhao, and W. Chen Citation: Applied Physics Letters 104, 232406 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4883259 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4883259 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/104/23?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Defect-induced ferromagnetism on pulsed laser ablated Zn0.95Co0.05O diluted magnetic semiconducting thin films J. Appl. Phys. 110, 033907 (2011); 10.1063/1.3610447 Mn incorporation induced changes on structure and properties of N-doped ZnO J. Appl. Phys. 106, 113710 (2009); 10.1063/1.3266165 Magnetic, electrical, and microstructural characterization of ZnO thin films codoped with Co and Cu J. Appl. Phys. 101, 053918 (2007); 10.1063/1.2711082 Effect of oxygen annealing on Mn doped ZnO diluted magnetic semiconductors Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 242503 (2006); 10.1063/1.2213930 Room-temperature ferromagnetism in (Mn, N)-codoped ZnO thin films prepared by reactive magnetron cosputtering Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 242502 (2006); 10.1063/1.2213929 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:27:29Electric field-induced magnetic switching in Mn:ZnO film S. X. Ren,1,2G. W. Sun,1J. Zhao,1J. Y. Dong,1Y. Wei,3Z. C. Ma,3X. Zhao,1 and W. Chen1,a) 1Key Laboratory of Advanced Films of Hebei Province, College of Physics Science and Information Engineering, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050024, China 2School of Material Science and Engineering, Shijiazhuang TieDao University, Shijiazhuang 050043, China 3College of Chemistry and Material Science, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050024, China (Received 30 April 2014; accepted 30 May 2014; published online 11 June 2014) A large magnetic modulation, accompanied by stable bipolar resistive switching (RS) behavior, was observed in a Mn:ZnO film by applying a reversible electric field. A significant enhancement of the ferromagnetism of the film, to about five times larger than that in the initial (as-grown) state (IS), was obtained by switching the film into the low resistance state. X-ray photoelectronspectroscopy demonstrated the existence of abundant oxygen vacancies in the IS of the film. We suggest that this electric field-induced magnetic switching effect originates with the migration and redistribution of oxygen vacancies during RS. Our work indicates that electric switching is aneffective and simple method to increase the ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic oxide films. This provides a promising direction for research in spintronic devices. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC . [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4883259 ] Diluted magnetic oxides (DMOs) have attracted increas- ing attention for their possible applications in spintronics devices.1Following theoretical predictions by Dietl2and Sato,3extensive studies have been carried out over the past decade to search for room temperature ferromagnetism in various transition metal (TM)-doped and undoped binary metal oxides.4,5To date, however, the ferromagnetism of TM-doped and undoped DMOs reported in most investiga- tions has still been very weak, which remains one of the main problems limiting their practical applications. Recently, resistive switching (RS) behavior in TM-doped and undoped binary metal oxides has received considerable attention due to its potential applications innonvolatile memory devices. It has been widely proposed that oxygen vacancies in these DMO films play an important role in their RS behavior. 6Bogle and co-workers7have sug- gested that the migration of oxygen vacancies under an applied voltage results in RS in Co-doped TiO 2films. Xu et al.8proposed that the low resistance state (LRS) in TiN/ZnO/Pt devices could be attributed to electron hopping through filament paths consisting of oxygen vacancies. Since the oxygen vacancies can be manipulated through the RSprocess, and the origin of the observed ferromagnetism in DMO films is mostly associated with oxygen vacancies, 5,9it seems reasonable that the magnetic properties might bemodulated merely by applying an electric field sufficient to induce RS. In other words, the RS effect caused by the movement of oxygen vacancies under an applied electricfield might well be accompanied by magnetic switching. Based on the above considerations, in this work, we fabricated metal/insulator/metal sandwich structures withMn-doped ZnO as the central functional layer. We found experimentally that not only the electric properties but also the magnetism of the films could be switched in a controlledmanner by applying an external electric field. We also found that the magnetic moment of the films were, in some cases, as much as five times larger than that in the Initial State (IS, i. e., the as grown film) when the devices were switched tothe LRS by applying an electrical bias field. The magnetiza- tion of the films in the LRS was found to be much higher than in previous reports. 10 ZnO films doped to a Mn concentration of 5 at. % (Mn:ZnO films) with various thicknesses were deposited using the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. Thebeam of a KrF excimer laser ( k¼248 nm) with a repetition rate of 3 Hz and an energy density of 2.0 J/cm 2was focused onto a rotating Mn:ZnO target. After the base pressure ofthe deposition chamber was pumped below 10 /C05Pa, the films were grown on Pt/Ti/SiO 2/Si substrates of approxi- mately 5 mm /C23m m/C20.5 mm under an oxygen pressure of 15 mTorr at 400/C14C. For later measurements of electric and magnetic properties, 45 Ti electrodes with diameters of 200lm were deposited on the Mn:ZnO films. The electro- des covered approximately 10.6% of the film area. The crys- tal structure and morphology of the films were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD, X’pert PRO MPD) with CuKaradiation ( k¼0.15406 nm) and scanning electron mi- croscopy (SEM, Hitachi S-4800). The current-voltage ( I-V) characteristics were measured using a semiconductor char-acteristic system (Keithley 2612A source meter). Hysteresis loops were measured using a physical property measurement system (PPMS-6700), with the magnetic field applied paral-lel to the films. During all sample manipulations, we used Teflon tweezers to handle all the samples so as to reduce possible contamination of the samples. The elemental com-position and chemical states were characterized using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, PHI5000Versa Probe) with monochromatic Al K aradiation (1486.6 eV) as the X-ray source. The C 1sbinding energy (284.6 eV) of carbon contamination was used as a calibration to compensate for charging effects.a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: chen07308@mail.hebtu.edu.cn. 0003-6951/2014/104(23)/232406/4/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 104, 232406-1APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 104, 232406 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:27:29The XRD pattern of a representative as-grown Mn:ZnO film is shown in Fig. 1. It may be seen that a strong (002) peak appears, showing that the as-grown film has a c-axis preferred orientation. No diffraction peaks related to second- ary Mn metal or its oxide phases were observed within theXRD detection limit. The cross-sectional SEM image, shown in the inset of Fig. 1, shows that the thickness of the film is about 50 nm and that the grains grew with a columnar struc-ture which is apparently related to the c-axis preferential growth orientation on the substrate. To further investigate the elemental composition and chemical states of the as-grown film, XPS analysis was car- ried out. The results are shown in Fig. 2. The extended scan for the as-grown film (see Fig. 2(a)) reveals that only O, Zn, and Mn were detected except for the C that was used for cali- bration. Fig. 2(b) shows the XPS spectrum for O1s with Gaussian fitting. It was found that O1s can be fitted withthree peaks. Apart from lattice oxygen ions (centered at around 530.0 eV) 11in the ZnO structure and chemically adsorbed oxygen (centered at around 532.0 eV)12on the sur- face, the peak at 530.6 eV is attributed to the presence of abundant oxygen vacancies12in the IS of the film. Fig. 2(c) shows the Zn 2p 3/2XPS spectrum. The core level for Zn2þ centered at around 1021.80 eV, which is lower that thestandard data of zinc oxide (1022.2 eV),13indicates less oxy- gen ions binding with Zn2þions. This result is consistent with the XPS analysis of O1s as shown in Fig. 2(b). The core level for Mn2p 3/2centered at approximately 640.85 eV as shown in Fig. 2(d). It indicates that the dominant chemical state of Mn in the IS is Mn2þ,13which is in agreement with the EELS study for Mn-doped ZnO.14 Fig.3(a)shows a schematic of the device layout and the measurement configuration. All the driving voltages were applied to the top electrode (TE) with the Pt bottom electrode (BE) being grounded. A positive bias was defined such that the current flowed into the films through the TE and out ofthe BE. Fig. 3(b) shows a representative I-Vcharacteristic of the Ti/Mn:ZnO/Pt device for 10 consecutive cycles. The volt- age was swept in the sequence 0 !positive !0!negative !0 with a compliance current of 100 mA to protect the device from hard breakdown. It should be noted here that a Forming process was not required for the device. The lack of such aprocess can be ascribed to the presence of a large number of preexisting oxygen vacancies in the as-grown film as shown in Fig. 2(d). These vacancies contribute to the rapid formation of conducting filament paths without the need for generating them in a Forming process. 8The above argument is strongly reinforced by the temperature dependence of the resistance ofthe film in the LRS as shown in the inset of Fig. 3. The increase of the resistance upon cooling over the range 300–10 K indicates a semi-conductive rather than metalliccharacter in the LRS, implying the formation of conducting filaments based on oxygen vacancies. 10 To clarify the effects of RS on the magnetism of Mn:ZnO films under an applied electric field, we first meas- ured the hysteresis loops of the device in the IS at room tem- perature. Subsequently, we switched the device to the LRSand high resistance state (HRS) by applying voltages of 0.4 V and/C00.4 V, and measured the hysteresis loops of the film in the LRS and HRS. Finally, the signal from the commerciallyobtained Pt/Ti/SiO 2/Si substrates (shown in the inset of Fig. 4(a)) was subtracted. Fig. 4(a)shows the hysteresis loops of the film in the IS, LRS, and HRS for the first cycle. Weak fer-romagnetism was found in the IS at room temperature. The saturation magnetism ( M s) in the IS was only about 3.82 emu/cm3, which is in good agreement with previous reports for Mn-doped ZnO.15The values of the Msfor both the LRS and HRS, but especially for the LRS, increased. The value of Msin the LRS reached 22.3 emu/cm3, which is 5.8 times larger than that in the IS. In order to check the reversibility of the magnetism dur- ing RS, the hysteresis loops in the LRS and HRS were meas-ured for three consecutive cycles, as shown in the inset of Fig.4(a). The figure shows that the maximum and minimum values of M swere reversibly switchable between the HRS and LRS. To check the retention of the strong magnetism of the film in the LRS, we re-measured the hysteresis loops of the film after exposing the film to atmosphere for 24 and 48h. We found that the magnetic moment of the film dropped very little, as shown in Fig. 4(b), indicating the excellent magnetic retention properties of the film. Similar resultswere obtained with a series of Ti/Mn:ZnO/Pt devices where the thickness of the Mn:ZnO film was between 30 and 70 nm. FIG. 1. XRD patterns of an as-grown Mn:ZnO film in the initial state depos- ited on a Pt/Ti/SiO 2/Si substrate. The inset shows a cross-sectional SEM image of the film. FIG. 2. XPS spectra for the as-grown Mn:ZnO film in the initial state:Extended scan (a), O1s (b), Zn2p 3/2(c). and Mn2p 3/2(d).232406-2 Ren et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 232406 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:27:29Recently, a few studies have reported a similar effect in Mn-doped ZnO,16Co-doped ZnO,10and Mn-doped TiO 2.17 However, there are clear advantages in our study. The mostimportant one is that the LRS value of M sin our work reached about 22.3 emu/cm3. This value is about 1.6 and 4 times larger than the maximum values of 14 emu/cm3 reported by Wang et al.16and 5.5 emu/cm3reported by Chen et al.10It is worth mentioning that the areas of the cells in our device that were actually subjected to the bias electric fields covered only 10.6% of the total film surface area,which is 6 times less than the corresponding area of 65%used in the study of Co-doped ZnO. 10Much stronger ferro- magnetism can be expected in our device if more area is switched to the LRS. One reason for this result may be that abundant oxygen vacancies preexisted in our Mn:ZnO films,as indicated in Fig. 2(d). Another reason is probably that the chemically active Ti top electrode acts as a reservoir for oxy- gen ions 18,19in our device so that a large number of vacan- cies remained in the film when a positive bias was applied to the top electrode. Similar magnetic switching phenomena have been observed with an Ag electrode. However, themagnetization of the film with an Ag electrode is not as high as that with the Ti electrode when the film is switched into LRS. We know that Ag is not as active as Ti, so this resultindicates that the active electrode Ti may be of some assis- tance for the magnetic switching since the active Ti electrode makes it is easier to absorb and reserve oxygen ions, thusincreasing the strength of the ferromagnetism in the Mn:ZnO film. To date, several related models have been proposed to explain the mechanism behind the ferromagnetism observed in DMO films including carrier modulation ferromagnetism, 2 bound magnetic polarons (BMPs),20and an F-center model.21Many experimental and theoretical studies22sup- port the BMP theory in TM-doped DMOs. This theory can also account for the weak ferromagnetism observed in thiswork when the films were in the IS. We propose that the magnetization change between the HRS and LRS involves a migration and redistribution of oxygen vacancies along theapplied electric field. 7When a positive electric field is applied to the top electrode, oxygen vacancies near the elec- trode migrate toward the bottom electrode and form conduct-ing filaments between the electrodes, thus leading to the LRS. The formation of filaments results in a tremendous increase in the density of vacancies along the filaments, andmore magnetically active polarons produce stronger global ferromagnetism. When a negative electric field is applied, the vacancies move back to the top electrode and combinewith the reservoir of oxygen ions held by the Ti electrode. This leads to a reduction in the number of vacancies and eventually to the rupture of the conducting filaments. This isaccompanied by a dramatic reduction in the number of polar- ons as well as a decline in the magnetic ordering and weaker magnetism when the film is in the HRS. We note also that the results of photoluminescence (PL) spectra (not shown here) indicate that the relative content of F-center in the form of singly ionized oxygen vacancies in FIG. 3. A schematic structure of the Ti/Mn:ZnO/Pt device (a), and 10 cycles of RS behavior of the Ti/Mn:ZnO/Pt device with the compliance current lim- ited to 100 mA (b). The arrows indicate the voltage sweeping directions. The inset in Fig. 3(b)shows the temperature dependence of the resistance of the film in the LRS. FIG. 4. Ferromagnetism modulation behavior of the/Ti/Mn:ZnO/Pt device.(a) M-H curves in the IS, HRS, and LRS. The top inset shows the M-H curve of the Pt/Ti/SiO 2/Si substrate. The bottom inset shows the reversible change in Ms accompanying the RS effects. (b) M-H curves of the film in the LRS after atmospheric exposure for 24 and 48 h.232406-3 Ren et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 232406 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:27:29the LRS is much higher than in the IS, which provides favor- able conditions for the formation of magnetically active polarons.20 In summary, electric field-induced magnetic switching, accompanied by resistive switching, was observed in a series of Mn:ZnO films with thicknesses between 30 and 70 nm. The saturation magnetism of the films in the low resistancestate was about five times larger than that in the initial state. The strong ferromagnetism of the film could be maintained for more than 2 days under ambient conditions. 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High quantum efficiency ultrananocrystalline diamond photocathode for photoinjector applications Kenneth J. Pérez Quintero , Sergey Antipov , Anirudha V. Sumant, , Chunguang Jing , and Sergey V. Baryshev, Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 123103 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4896418 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896418 View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/apl/105/12 Published by the American Institute of PhysicsHigh quantum efficiency ultrananocrystalline diamond photocathode for photoinjector applications Kenneth J. P /C19erez Quintero,1,2Sergey Antipov,3,4Anirudha V. Sumant,1,a) Chunguang Jing,3,4and Sergey V. Baryshev3,4,b) 1Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA 2Department of Physics, University of Puerto Rico, R /C19ıo Piedras Campus, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00931, USA 3Euclid TechLabs, Solon, Ohio 44139, USA 4High Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA (Received 6 August 2014; accepted 10 September 2014; published online 22 September 2014) We report results of quantum efficiency (QE) measurements carried out on a 150 nm thick nitrogen- incorporated ultrananocrystalline diamond terminated with hydrogen; abbreviated as (N)UNCD:H. (N)UNCD:H demonstrated a remarkable QE of /C2410/C03(/C240.1%) at 254 nm. Moreover, (N)UNCD:H was sensitive in visible light with a QE of /C245/C210/C08at 405 nm and /C245/C210/C09at 436 nm. Importantly, after growth and prior to QE measurements, samples were exposed to air for about 2 h for transfer and loading. Such design takes advantage of a key combination: (1) H-termination pro-ven to induce negative electron affinity on the (N)UNCD and to stabilize its surface against air expo- sure; and (2) N-incorporation inducing n-type conductivity in intrinsically insulating UNCD. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896418 ] The photocathode is a key component of the electron injectors in synchrotrons, free electron lasers, linear acceler-ators (linacs), and ultrafast electron systems for imaging and diffraction. Choice of a photocathode is application specific, and there is always a trade-off: quantum efficiency (QE) vs.lifetime/robustness vs. response time vs. emittance. It is gen- erally accepted that if a technology providing a high QE pho- tocathode operating at moderate vacuum conditions existed,it would greatly benefit the field of photoinjectors R&D. 1 Semiconductor photocathodes still hold records in terms of QE. These are low work function (WF) alkali/multialkalibased materials which are either used in a form of thin films to absorb light and emit electrons 2or in a form of ultrathin layers to activate traditional metal photocathodes.3Activation of heavily doped p-Si or p-GaAs surfaces with alkali Cs has led to a special photocathode type with negative electron af- finity (NEA). NEA is a unique circumstance, when electronsinjected to the conduction band can be emitted directly into the vacuum. Such NEA photocathodes are bright electron sources because of their high QE and low emittance, whichdecreases as the NEA value increases. 4The NEA value is a measure of how low vacuum level locates with respect to the conduction band minimum. Nevertheless, the main drawbackof alkali-based photocathodes remains the same—they require a vacuum base pressure /C2010 /C010Torr for synthesis, handling, and operation. Wide bandgap ( >5 eV) semiconductors are another class of NEA materials. This includes AlN, BN, and diamond.5,6In diamond, NEA can be either an inherent surface property7or an engineered one8via surface treatment in a hydrogen envi- ronment. Since the first experiment which demonstrated a re- markable quantum yield from a NEA diamond surface undervacuum UV illumination, 7there was more interest generated in using diamond for photocathode applications andprototypes of solar blind high efficiency photocathodes for space research detectors have been introduced.9–11High pu- rity H-terminated synthetic diamond has been found to be an excellent electron amplifier, where the primary electrons from a standard QE photocathode (e.g., Cu) accelerated to akeV energy get multiplied upon transmission through a thin diamond film. Chang et al. 12have demonstrated gain coeffi- cients as high as 200. In most of the previous studies, eitherhigh purity (undoped) diamonds or boron doped ( p-type con- ductivity) diamonds were used in the UV wavelengths (/C20200 nm) range. Boron p-doping did not play a significant role 13as the boron level is only 0.4 eV above the top of the valence band in diamond. Importantly, a comparison between single-, micro-, nano-, and graphite-like nano-crystalline dia-mond films was carried out. 11It has been demonstrated that graphite-like nano-crystalline diamond had a better perform- ance compared to the others in terms of having QE of 10/C03in a spectral range extended to 200 nm. Finally, the same group has also demonstrated identical significant QE of 10/C03at 200 nm for microcrystalline diamond films.14However, none of these films showed good performance at wavelengths >200 nm. In order to take advantage of NEA of diamond towards the near UV and visible spectral ranges, which then could be of great interest to the photoinjectors community, one should introduce electron states in the band gap closer to the conduc-tion band minimum. A way to do so would be by n-doping. Relatively recent progress in n-doping of micro-, nano-, and ultranano-crystalline diamond offers a few options: sulfur(activation energy 0.4 eV (Ref. 15)), phosphorous (activation energy 0.6 eV (Ref. 16)), and nitrogen (activation energy 1.7 eV (Ref. 17)). Given that the electron affinity induced by hydrogen can be as low as /C01 eV (NEA value ¼1 eV), 18all aforementioned dopants are capable of promoting visible light photoemission. To date, there is one experimental reportshowing (N)UNCD:H is sensitive to visible light. Sun et al. 19 reported a measurable external quantum effect at rooma)sumant@anl.gov b)sergey.v.baryshev@gmail.com 0003-6951/2014/105(12)/123103/4/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 105, 123103-1APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 105, 123103 (2014) temperature between 400 and 480 nm; but no QE values were presented. With this letter, we report proof-of-concept QE measurements suggesting that n-doped UNCD:H is an emer- gent air resistant NEA photocathode. QE measurements werecarried out in the near UV range 250–270 nm, standard for many photocathode applications, and in the visible range at 405 and 436 nm. The cathode was exposed to air for about2 h for transfer and loading; QE was measured at base pres- sure/C2410 /C06Torr. (N)UNCD films were synthesized on polycrystalline mo- lybdenum substrates in a 915 MHz microwave-assisted plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) reactor(Lambda Technologies, Inc.) Growth of UNCD on non- diamond substrates requires a nanodiamond (ND) pre-seeding treatment prior to deposition to promote rapid nucleation andgrowth of the UNCD thin film. 20Slurry of ND particles from Ad/C19amas Technologies was used. The average particle size of the seeds was 5–10 nm. Mo substrates were immersed into theND slurry and subjected to ultrasonic treatment in the solution for 20 min. Subsequent growth of the (N)UNCD films was carried out under following conditions: substrate temperature850 /C14C; operation chamber pressure 56 Torr; microwave power 2.3 kW; and individual gas flows in the precursor gas mixture were 3 sccm CH 4/160 sccm Ar/40 sccm N 2.F i g . 1(a) shows a scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a deposited film taken by an FEI Nova 600 NanoLab. A uniform needle- like nanostructure, typical for (N)UNCD, was observed.21 Fig.1(b)represents a visible Raman spectrum recorded by a Renishaw InVia Raman Microscope using a He-Ne laser (k¼633 nm). The shoulder around 1140 cm/C01corresponds to the/C231(C-H in-plain bending) vibrational mode of trans- polyacetylene and the broad peaks at 1340 and 1540 cm/C01 correspond to the D and G bands of diamond, respec- tively.22,23An expected resulting carrier concentration in the (N)UNCD films was /C241020cm/C03.21As a final step, the sam- ples underwent the H-termination procedure for 15 min. Itwas accomplished in the same MPCVD reactor at substrate temperature of 750 /C14C. H 2gas flow was 200 sccm at chamber pressure 15 Torr, and the microwave power was 2 kW. Afterthe plasma treatment, the samples were left to cool down to room temperature naturally. WF and QE measurements of the synthesized samples were performed in a commercial Kelvin probe (KP) instru- ment (KP6500 from McAllister Technical Service) with cus- tom in-house modifications so that the WF and QE can beobtained in the same experimental run. Before or after termi- nation, all samples were taken from the synthesis chamber and transported to the KP chamber under ambient condi- tions; total exposure time was about 2 h. The KP chamber inall measurements was evacuated to a base pressure of /C2410 /C06Torr. Fig. 2(a)represents a schematic of the experi- mental setup. A voltage of þ300 V was applied to a small aluminum anode plate, and a current of photoelectrons to the ground was collected by the same source/ammeter (Keithley 6487) with a threshold sensitivity of 610 fA. The anode plate was introduced into the KP chamber at an angle such that it did not interfere with the light beam and the tipassessing the WF. The sample holder actuator and the KP tip are both retractable, and ideal positions can be found for QE and WF measurements independently. WFs for (N)UNCDsamples were determined by the KP with respect to its cali- brated tip (WF ¼4.6 eV) before and after they underwent H 2 plasma treatment. A sample holder made of standard poly- crystalline copper was used as a reference. All deduced WF values are plotted in Fig. 2(b). WF dependence on time is a standard representation for KP. This is to estimate the signal’snoise and drift to get a confident measurement of a WF. Surprisingly, the WFs of (N)UNCD:H films were still quite high, between 3 and 3.1 eV. For NEA UNCD films, anexpected effective WF value is an activation energy of a dopant in use (1.7 eV for N), as no upward band bending is expected on the surface. 19Even though sometimes KP is considered a tool insensitive to changes of surface chemis- try,24following QE results suggest that in the present study, the WF values were somewhat higher than 1.7 eV. H-termination process optimization and comparison to ultravio- let photoelectron spectroscopy measurements are necessary subsequent steps to achieve a systematic and conclusiveinsight into the UNCD surface chemistry. QE measurements were performed using an arc broad- band Hg lamp (Spectra-Physics/Newport Oriel Instrumentsseries 66900) as a light source. A light spot size from the source was adjusted by an aperture and focused by a lens; spot size on sample’s surface was /C241m m 2. A number of Newport filters were used to define a spectral dependence of (N)UNCD QE before and after H-termination, namely, 254, 313, 365, 405, and 436 nm. The output power of the lampPðkÞat each filtered wavelength was assessed by a calibrated power meter (Ophir Nova II), equipped with a calibrated photodiode (Ophir PD300-UV). The photoelectron current FIG. 1. (a) SEM surface topography and (b) visible Raman spectrum typical for (N)UNCD films on molybdenum.123103-2 P /C19erez Quintero et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 123103 (2014)IphotoðkÞwas recorded at each wavelength. QEs were calcu- lated as QE ðkÞ¼Nelectrons ðkÞ Nphotons ðkÞ, where N electrons ðkÞper second is IphotoðkÞ=eand number of photons per second is PðkÞ½eV=s/C138=ðh/C1/C23Þ½eV/C138with ebeing the elementary electron charge and h/C1/C23being a single photon energy, PðkÞ½eV=s/C138¼PðkÞ½W/C138=e, and h/C1/C23½eV/C138¼1240 k½nm/C138.IphotoðkÞ½A/C138 and P ðkÞ½W/C138are experimentally measured quantities. All numbers are compiled and plotted in Fig. 3. As expected, upon n-doping and H-termination, UNCD sensitivity shifted toward near UV/visible wavelengths. There are two main features in Fig. 3we would like to stress. The first feature is QE in the band 250–270 nm, which is of com- mon interest to the photocathode community. QE of the origi- nally grown (N)UNCD was 5.3 /C210/C06. Given the measured WF of 3.6 eV, it is a quite moderate effect compared to the single crystal Cu (100) QE of 5 /C210/C05with WF ¼4.2 eV.25 Remarkably, the QE was enhanced by a factor of 140 upon H-termination, placing (N)UNCD at the low boundary of a QE range of alkali-based photocathodes. Second, diamond films were responsive in visible blue. KP results suggest thatin all cases, the photoemission was in the sub-WF regime. For(N)UNCD at 365 and 405 nm and for (N)UNCD:H at 436 nm, this seems to be a plausible conclusion. It can be explained byenhanced emission from grain boundaries with a lowered WF, caused by the local environment, 26accounted also for strong field emission from flat polycrystalline diamond surfaces.27 Photoemission from (N)UNCD:H in visible blue at 405 nm is most probably a regular threshold process—photon energy of 3.06 eV versus WF 3.07 60.01 eV and 3.15 60.01 eV as determined by KP (light green and olive solid lines in Fig. 2(b)). In any of the two regimes, incorporation of nitrogen leads to sustainable currents /C2410 pA from UNCD surfaces using blue light. In conclusion, by combining n-type doping with surface hydrogen passivation, a proof-of-concept was demonstratedthat ultrananocrystalline diamond is an emergent robust high efficiency photocathode. This was accomplished by meas- uring a QE dependence on wavelength of primary photons.(N)UNCD:H films of 150 nm thickness had a QE of /C2410 /C03 at 254 nm, and were sensitive in the visible range (between 405 and 436 nm). A QE /C245/C210/C08of the (N)UNCD:H at 405 nm is at the low boundary of a QE range of copper- based photocathodes operated at 250–270 nm. It is reasona- ble to expect that QE in near UV and sensitivity in the visi-ble, toward 532 nm, can be further increased. A route to achieve this requires detailed investigation and optimization of: (1) UNCD thickness for the best photon absorption; (2)defect engineering in the band gap to find the best trade-off between donors’ activation energy and donors’ concentration affecting simultaneously the density of states and electronlifetime; and (3) defect engineering on the surface to avoid any possible upward band bending and to obtain work func- tions compared with n-dopant’s activation energies. Hydrogen termination procedure should be optimized by sys- tematically varying hydrogen pressure/flow rate, substrate temperature and microwave power. The authors thank Robert Nemanich and Franz Koeck (ASU) for valuable discussions, and Eric Wisniewski and Zikri Yusof (IIT) for partial technical assistance. EuclidTechLabs LLC acknowledges partial support from the DOE SBIR program, Grant No. DE-SC0009572. This work was performed, in part, at the Center for Nanoscale Materials, aU.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, and Office of Basic Energy Sciences User Facility under Contract No. DE- AC02-06CH11357. Funding was provided, in part, by FIG. 2. (a) A crude schematic top view of the modified Kelvin probe chamber; (b) WF values measured for (N)UNCD before and after H-termination (two measurements for each case), and a copper WF as a reference. FIG. 3. Summary of the experimental QEs from the (N)UNCD samples: one measurement before termination and two measurements after termination. Some reference data are plotted to clearly emphasize the QE effects in the (N)UNCD:H system. 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Anomalous large electrical capacitance of planar microstructures with vanadium dioxide films near the insulator-metal phase transition V. Sh. Aliev, S. G. Bortnikov, and I. A. Badmaeva Citation: Applied Physics Letters 104, 132906 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4869125 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4869125 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/104/13?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Effect of oxygen stoichiometry on the insulator-metal phase transition in vanadium oxide thin films studied using optical pump-terahertz probe spectroscopy Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 151908 (2013); 10.1063/1.4824834 Effect of the substrate on the insulator–metal transition of vanadium dioxide films J. Appl. Phys. 109, 063708 (2011); 10.1063/1.3563588 Electrical triggering of metal-insulator transition in nanoscale vanadium oxide junctions J. Appl. Phys. 106, 083702 (2009); 10.1063/1.3245338 Dispersive capacitance and conductance across the phase transition boundary in metal-vanadium oxide-silicon devices J. Appl. Phys. 106, 034101 (2009); 10.1063/1.3186024 Metal-insulator transition-induced electrical oscillation in vanadium dioxide thin film Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 162903 (2008); 10.1063/1.2911745 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 19:28:11Anomalous large electrical capacitance of planar microstructures with vanadium dioxide films near the insulator-metal phase transition V . Sh. Aliev,a)S. G. Bortnikov, and I. A. Badmaeva Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 13 Lavrentyev Ave., 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia (Received 31 January 2014; accepted 8 March 2014; published online 3 April 2014) The temperature dependence of electrical capacitance of planar microstructures with vanadium dioxide (VO 2) film near the insulator-metal phase transition has been investigated at the frequency of 1 MHz. Electrical capacitance measurements of the microstructures were performed by thetechnique based on the using of a two-terminal resistor-capacitor module simulating the VO 2layer behavior at the insulator-metal phase transition. At temperatures 325–342 K, the anomalous increase in microstructures capacitance was observed. Calculation of electric field in themicrostructure showed that VO 2relative permittivity ( e) reaches /C24108at the percolation threshold. The high value of ecan be explained by the fractal nature of the interface between metal and insulator clusters formed near the insulator-metal phase transition. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC . [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4869125 ] The polycrystalline vanadium dioxide (VO 2) film under- goes the insulator-metal phase transition (IMPT) under heat- ing,1,2mechanical stress,3applied electric field,4and optical radiation.5IMPT is accompanied with an abrupt change in the electrical resistance of VO 2film that is applied in bolom- eters,6,7high-speed optical shutters,8,9modulators of tera- hertz radiation,10memristors,11and metamaterials.12Near the IMPT, the VO 2film is known to be a disordered hetero- geneous system consisting of a mixture of high-resistance insulating and low-resistance metal phases.13For such heter- ogeneous systems, a large increase in the static dielectric constant is observed at the percolation threshold due to Maxwell-Wagner polarization.14,15As the dynamic charac- teristics of devices based on VO 2films depend on their elec- trical capacitance, the VO 2permittivity investigation at the percolation threshold is of practical interest. High-frequency (1010–1013Hz) permittivity of VO 2 films is usually measured by optical methods.16The low-frequency (103–107Hz) permittivity is determined from out-of-plane-type structures (sandwich type) impedance measurements. With the measuring of VO 2films impedance, the measurement resolution limit is caused by a low resist-ance of a sandwich structure at IMPT. For example, the re- sistance of Metal/VO 2(90 nm)/Metal sandwich structure of 104lm2area can be less than 0.001 Xat IMPT. Such a low resistance of the sandwich structure makes an experimental measurement of electrical capacitance impossible. To over- come this limitation, the high-resistance buffer layers areembedded into sandwich structures. In Si-sub/VO 2/Pd sand- wich structure,17the Schottky barrier served as buffer layer, and in n-Si-sub/HfO 2/VO 2/HfO 2/Ti/Au structure,18the HfO 2 layer placed under the metal electrodes played the same role. In measurements for sandwich structures, the applied electric field is perpendicular to the layers plane. Using the planarstructures in which the electric field is directed along the VO 2layer, instead of sandwich structures, the film electricresistance in the metal state can be increased up to a few Ohms. For example, the microstructure with a VO 2film of 0.1lm in thickness, 50 lm wide metal electrodes, and a 3lm interelectrode gap has a resistance of about 5 Xin the metal state. While keeping the electrodes width constant, the resistance of planar microstructure can be increased with increasing the interelectrode gap width. However, in thiscase, the electrical capacitance of the microstructure will also decrease. Planar impedance spectroscopy, 19in which the electric field is applied parallel to the layer plane, wasused for measuring the electrical capacitance of the VO 2 layer at IMPT.20These results, however, raise doubts since the physical interpretation of impedance measurementsrequired inductance to be added to the equivalent VO 2layer circuit. In this Letter, we present a method for measuring elec- trical capacitance of the planar microstructure based on the using of a standard resistor-capacitor two-terminal module (RCM) that simulates the VO 2layer at IMPT. This method allowed us to investigate the temperature dependence of VO 2planar microstructures electrical capacitance near the phase transition and to explain the obtained results withoutadding any inductance to the equivalent circuit. 20 VO 2films were grown in the vacuum chamber of unit SOURCERER (Veeco-Ion Tech, Inc.) by the ion beamsputtering-deposition method on sapphire (0001) substrate at 821 K in the presence of O 2. The film crystal structure was investigated by RHEED revealing polycrystalline VO 2in monoclinic phase (PDF Card No. 44-0252). The film thick- ness (h), determined with quartz crystal microbalance, was 90 nm. The resistance ratio at room temperature and atT¼358 K exceeded 3 orders of magnitude, indicating a good film quality. Shown in Fig. 1, three microstructures types with different electrode widths Land interelectrode gaps A(Table I)w e r e fabricated by using a typical photolithography and plasma etching with freon-12. Measurements of electrical capacitancewere carried out at the frequency of 1 MHz using Agilent B1500A semiconductor device parameter analyzer with a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: aliev@isp.nsc.ru 0003-6951/2014/104(13)/132906/4/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 104, 132906-1APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 104, 132906 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 19:28:11resonant-type Multi Frequency Capacitance Measurement Unit B1520A MFCMU. Tungsten probes provided a contact to themicrostructures. Before measurements, the standard calibration was performed to eliminate parasitic capacitances and induc- tances: the phase correction, and correction with open and shortened probes. The complexity of experimental measurements was in a simultaneous abrupt change in active and reactive compo-nents of microstructures impedance in a narrow temperature range. In addition, with a low microstructures resistance near IMPT, their electric capacitances were out of the measure-ment range of B1500A device. 21Therefore, to improve the measurements accuracy and reliability, the RCM was used consisting of a parallel variable capacitor and resistor [Fig.2(a)], which values of electrical capacitance Cpd and resist- ance Rdoverlapped possible changes of microstructures capacitances and resistances. Since the B1520A unit is of theresonant-type, 22an enhance in its operating stability was achieved connecting the capacitor of 120 pF parallel to probes [Fig. 2(b)]. The B1500A device readings in parallel parameters "Cp-G" measurement mode,21when measuring RCM, with capacitance value Cpd being fixed 120 pF, and resistance value Rdbeing varied (simulation of the drop in VO 2layer resistance at the percolation threshold), are pre- sented in Fig. 3. It is seen that, with reducing resistance Rd, fixed capacitance 120 pF changed according to the B1500Adevice readings, as if it decreased. The electrical capacitance measurement technique was in matching of B1500A device readings for the alternatelyconnected microstructure and RCM. At each temperature point, with measuring the Rx(T) andCx(T) dependences, the readings of B1500A device connected to the microstructurewere recorded. Then probe needles were switched from the microstructure to the RCM, with RCM resistance set equal to microstructure resistance at this temperature point,Rpd¼Rx(T) . Further, the RCM electrical capacitance Cpdwas tuned so as B1500A device readings to coincide with these ones when the microstructure was connected. The RCM electrical capacitance thus obtained was assumed to be equal to the microstructure electrical capacitance,Cx(T)¼Cpd. The measurements were verified to be repro- ducible by probes multiple switching from the microstruc- ture to RCM. Moving from one temperature point to another,the temperature dependences of the microstructures resist- ance and capacitance were obtained during the IMPT. The temperature dependences of capacitance and resist- ance for different microstructures types, measured at fre- quency of 1 MHz are shown in Fig. 4. Sloping parts of electrical capacitance in the range of 296–330 K were deter-mined, obviously, not by microstructures electrical capaci- tance, but by the parasitic capacitance of B1500A probes and RCM. This parasitic capacitance was about 2 pF being thesame for three types of microstructures. Using BETAFields software, microstructures capacitances Cxat room tempera- ture were calculated from their geometry and electric fielddistribution in microstructures (Table I). When calculated relative permittivity e VO2was taken to be 36 at room temper- ature.18Indeed, as it turned out, the values of microstructures capacitances did not exceed 70 fF, being negligible in com- parison with parasitic capacitance. In the temperature range of 330–337 K, the abrupt increase in microstructures electri-cal capacitances occurred by more than 4 orders of magni- tude. The saturation of Cx(T) dependencies took place at TABLE I. The microstructures electrical capacitances calculated and measured. No. A(lm)aL(lm) h(nm) Cxcal(fF)bCxexp(nF) d(nm)c #1 3 35 90 27.6 6.33 7.1 #2 3 84 90 66.2 16.05 7.0 #3 56 100 90 29.2 25.3 /C210/C03446 aA, L, h —geometrical parameters of microstructures. bCx cal,Cx exp—calculated ( T¼296 K, e¼36) and measured at T¼356 K electrical capacitances. cd—estimated gap width between metal clusters at the percolation threshold. FIG. 2. Equivalent circuits: (a)—of resistor-capacitor module; (b)—of the VO 2-microstructure and the capacitor of 120 pF connected in parallel. Pr—tungsten probes. Rd,Cpd—variable resistor and capacitor of the module. FIG. 1. Microstructures types (highlighted): Ni/Au electrodes (yellow), 90 nm VO 2film (green), sapphire substrate (gray). Interelectrode gaps 3lm—for #1 and #2 types, 56 lm—for #3, and electrode widths 35, 84, and 100lm, respectively. FIG. 3. Curve 1—B1500A device readings ( CandR) at the frequency of 1 MHz connected to the resistor-capacitor module with fixed capacitance 120 pF and variable resistance overlapping possible changes of microstruc-tures resistances. For example, curve 2—temperature dependences of resist- ance for microstructure #1.132906-2 Aliev, Bortnikov, and Badmaeva Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 132906 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 19:28:11temperatures above 337 K. Temperature dependences Cx(T) , as well as Rx(T) , were hysteretic. Within the formal approach, it is necessary to assume that a change in microstructure capacitance is determined by a change in the VO 2film relative permittivity. The electrical ca- pacitance of microstructure #1 increased from 27.6 fF to 6.33nF, i.e., more than 2.3 /C210 5. However, the experimentally observed increase was by only the factor of 3 /C2103due to par- asitic capacitance 2 pF. Similar ly, the capacitance of micro- structure #2 increased by the factor of 2.4 /C2105and that of microstructure #3—8.7 /C2102. To estimate a relativepermittivity change from the capa citance change, it is neces- sary to calculate the electric field distribution in the microstruc- ture. The BETAFields program calculations for microstructure #1 are shown in Fig. 5. In order to obtain the capacitance equal to the experimental one (6.33 nF), it was necessary to take e¼2.2/C2108in calculations. In sandwich struc- tures17,18Si-sub/VO 2/Pd and Si-sub/HfO 2/VO 2/HfO 2/Ti/Au, the obtained VO 2dielectric constant value was of /C24105.I ti s interesting to note that the capacitance of microstructure #3 cannot be represented as /C2419 (56 lm–3 lm) microstructures #2 connected in series (taking into account the ratio of electro- des widths). The structural phase transition in VO 2single crystals is known to be observed at the temperature of 341 K accom- panied by an abrupt change in crystal resistivity,1with the crystal system changing from monoclinic to tetragonal. The low-temperature monoclinic phase exhibits insulating prop- erties, and the high-temperature tetragonal phase is a metal.Structural phase transition is also observed in polycrystal- line VO 2films.2The abrupt change in film resistivity at the phase transition is explained in terms of the percolationtheory 14or the percolative-avalanche model.23With an increasing temperature, the metallic phase fraction in the film increases to form electrically connected metal clus-ters. 24When clusters sizes become comparable to a micro- structure interelectrode gap the percolation occurs. According to the theoretical concepts,14,15the "polarization catastrophe" takes place at th e percolation threshold, when the low-frequency dielectric constant tends to infinity. At the percolation, the metal clusters in the film form anextended (fractal) surface, with a high surface area deter- mining anomalous behavior of the electrical capacitance. 24 The VO 2film near the percolation point is schematically represented in Fig. 6as two metal clusters, electrically con- nected to the left and right electrodes. There is an insulat- ing gap between the clusters (VO 2film in the insulating state). The electric field is concentrated in the insulating gap, and the capacitance of the structure is determined by its width and interface area between the clusters. Since thefilm thickness is significantly smaller than the interelec- trode gap (e.g., 0.09 lma n d3 lm for the microstructure #1), we assume that the area of the interface between theclusters is a product of the clusters fractal boundary lengths in surface plane of the film ( K) and in section plane ( H). In this case, the electrical capacitance of the microstructure isdefined as FIG. 5. The electric field distribution in the microstructure at room temperature (a) and near the phase transition (b). Interelectrode voltage was se t 10 mV. FIG. 4. Temperature dependences of electrical capacitances Cxand resistan- cesRxat the frequency of 1 MHz for (a)—#1, (b)—#2, and (c)—#3 micro- structures types. Red dots—heating, blue—cooling. The dashed lines represent anticipated capacitances behavior. The values of 27.6, 66.2, and 29.2 fF are Cxlevels calculated at room temperature. PP—percolation point.132906-3 Aliev, Bortnikov, and Badmaeva Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 132906 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 19:28:11Cx¼e/C2e0/C2K/C2H d; (1) where K¼L/C2A 2d; (2a) H¼h/C2A 2d; (2b) where Ais the interelectrode gap width, Lis the Ni/Au elec- trode width, dis the average width of insulating gap between the metal clusters, and e0is the vacuum permittivity. Substituting experimental values of Cxand geometrical pa- rameters ( L,h) into Eq. (1), insulating gap width dwas cal- culated (Table I). Average gap width dis a physical parameter characterizing the high surface area of metal clus-ters at the percolation threshold, and its value should be the same for all microstructures types. Actually, the values of d for microstructures #1 and #2 are almost the same, but theydiffer from the value obtained for microstructure #3. It means that Eqs. (2a)and(2b)are incorrect for #3. The fractal geometric objects are self-similar. 25For our microstructures, the criterion for self-similarity is ratio h/A. This criterion is significantly smaller for microstructure #3 than for #1 and #2. Microstructure #3 would be comparable to #1 and #2, ifthe VO 2film thickness for #3 was equal to 1680 nm. In this Letter, the anomalous electrical capacitance was first investigated in planar microstructures with a VO 2layer near the insulator-metal phase transition. The results of our research work are of practical importance for the analysis of the processes occurring in metamaterials12and terahertz radiation modulators10based on VO 2films. Capacitance measurements for planar microstructures were performed by the technique using the two-terminal resistor-capacitor mod-ule that simulated the VO 2layer near the phase transition.Estimation of the relative permittivity obtained by the calcu- lation of electric field distribution in the microstructure revealed that eVO2reaches /C24108at the percolation threshold. 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Epoxidized Natural Rubber: Exploring the Potential of an Old Elastomer Leno Masciaa, Pietro Russob, Marino Lavorgnac, Letizia Verdolottic, Jane Clarkea, Adriano Vignalid and Domenico Aciernod aDepartment of Materials, Loughborough University, Loughborough LE11 3QL, UK bInstitute of Chemistry and Technology of Polymers, Nati onal Council of Research, Via Campi Flegrei 34, 80078 Pozzuoli, Naples, Italy cInstitute of Composite and Biomedical Materials, National Council of Research, P.le E. Fermi, 80055 Portici, Naples, Italy dDepartment of Chemical, Materials and Production Engineering University of Naples Federico II P.le V.Tecchio, 80, 80125, Naples Italy Abstract. A study was carried out to evaluate the efficiency of dodecyl succinic anhydride as a curing agent for a commercial grade of natural rubber that had been epoxidized to approximately 50 %mol (ENR50). It was shown that the maximum achievable gel content for this system is about 87 - 88 %wt due to the presence of non- functionalized species. The incorporation of unmodified natural rubber in the mix reduced the gel content in direct correlation with the d ilution of the epoxidized component. Mixing the system, even under “mild” thermal conditions induces rapid gelation due to the high functionality of EN R50. The catalytic effect of N,N-Dimethylbenzylamine was confirmed by both thermal analysis and the curometer evaluations. A quantitative analysis of the latter data has shown that mixing under severe conditions can lead to an increase in reactivity in the subsequent curing step. Keywords: Epoxidized natural rubber, anhydrid e, OD Curometer, thermal analysis PACS: 81.05.Lg, 81.70.Pg, 83.80.Jx INTRODUCTION Epoxidized natural rubber (ENR) has been known for so me time and is commercia lly available in different grades, up to 50 mol% epoxidization level. Epoxidation of natural rubber (NR) can be carried out either in solution or from the latex using specific amounts of peroxy formic acid to control the degree of conversion. The presence of epoxy groups in the chain increases the pola rity, giving rise to enhanced adhesion characteristics and oil resistance, but also to an increase in glass tran sition temperature up to -24 oC for systems epoxidized at 50% level. Due to the small size of the oxirane ring ENR reta ins the cis 1,4 configuration of NR and can undergo strain induced crystallisation, which is largely responsible for the high tensile strength and elongation, as well as a high resistance to crack growth [1]. Furthermore, the epoxy groups sited along the polymer chains enhance the compatibility of ENR with polar polymers, such as polyvi nyl chloride and polyamides for the production of blends [2]. Although conventional sulphur-based vulcanization, or peroxide curing, is normally used in industrial practice, mainly because ENR is usually blended with other el astomers, researchers have evaluated the efficacy of vulcanization achieved through esterifi cation reactions, using ENR with differe nt epoxide content and dodeca nedioic acid as curing agent [4] ENR elastomers are expected to play an important role for the development of biodegradable elastomers due to the large number of epoxy groups along the chain, which are capable of being converted to vicinal di-hydroxyl units. At 50 % epoxidization this would give a nominal alternating copolymer of trans-polysoprene and methyl oxy-butene, as shown in Figure 1. It can be expected that, in combination with biodegradable polymers and/or Times of Polymers (TOP) and Composites 2014 AIP Conf. Proc. 1599, 26-29 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4876769 © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC 978-0-7354-1233-0/$30.00 26 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 16 May 2014 06:37:41biodegradable fillers, ENR can be induced to undergo extensive chain scission through the formation of aldehyde groups, which is assisted by the presen ce of tertiary H atoms attached to the same C atom. Some studies along these lines have already been report ed involving the use of poly (caprolactone) and chitosan, which can both be grafted on the ENR chains through reactions with the epoxy groups [5,6]. In this paper the authors examine th e use of dodecyl succinic anhydride (D DSA) as a cross linking agent for ENR. The pendant dodecyl segments from the DDSA present in the resulting cr oss-links are expected to provide also internal plasticization, through a sc reening effect on polar groups within th e chains. The groups that are likely to be found in the cross-links are shown in Figure 1. FIGURE 1 . Left. Structure of repeating units in Epoxidized ENR at 50mol%. Right: Cross-links formed from reactions between epoxy groups in ENR and dodecyl succinic anhydride. EXPERIMENTAL Materials Epoxidized Natural Rubber (Epoxyprene 50) and Natural Rubber (SMR CV 60) were donated by the Tun Abdul Razak Research Centre, Dodecyl succinic anhydride (DDSA) and N,N-Dimethylbe nzylamine (DMBA) were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. Mixing procedure The amount of DDSA (13 %wt) used was calculated to produce one cross-link per 100 C atoms in the backbone of the polymer chains. An accelerator for the esterification reactions, DMBA, wa s used at 2 parts per hundred parts (polymer + anhydride) in all cases. Th e DMBA was premixed with amorphous s ilica powder, at 1: 0.7 weight ratio, to facilitate handling of this liquid during the preparation of the blends. With the ultimate aim to produce TPV type systems, partially pre-cured systems were prepared by melt mixing the components, giving a total weight of 50 g, in a Haake Rheomix laboratory internal mixer fitted, with Banbury rotors, at 160oC and 80 rpm and a total mixing cycle of 15 minutes. An ad-hoc mix was produced at 80 oC and 80 rpm over 10 minutes in order to examine the effect of a “mild” thermal history in the mixi ng stage of the prepar ation of the reactive. Characterization techniques A Wallace precision cure analyzer was used to study the po st-mix curing behaviour of systems by monitoring the torque evolution with respect to time at 200oC with 1.7 Hz frequency and 0.44 strain setting. This procedure was used to determine the residual curability of the mixes as a means of estimating the additional vulcanization requirements to complete the reactions. Since the increase in modulus during cu ring is proportional to the rate of cross-linking reactions, the process can be described by the following equation: ܩሺ௧ሻൌܩ ሾܩஶെܩሿ൫1െ݁ିఏ௧൯, which can be re-written as ீಮିீ ீಮିீሺሻൌ݁ఏ௧ …………..Equ. 1 27 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 16 May 2014 06:37:41where G(t)= shear modulus at time t, G∞= shear modulus at full reaction, Θ = reactivity factor for curing reactions, G0= shear modulus at t = 0. Since the shear modulus G is directly proportional to the torque ( Γ), measured in the curing experiments, a plot of logሺ்ಮି் ்ಮି்ሺሻሻ against ‘time’ would yield a linear relationship with the gradient of the curve corresponding to the reactivity factor ഇ మ.యబయ. The term Γ∞ refers to the torque at th e plateau (full reaction) in the torque-time curve, while Γ(t) is the torque at time t. Solvent extractions, utilizing boiling xylene, were used to determine the gel content of the blends after mixing without any further thermal treatment. As xylene is a suitable solvent also for dissolving all individual components i.e. ENR, DDSA and NR, it can be pres umed that the resultant gel content only consists of insoluble cross-linked DDSA/ENR, considering that the amounts of silica and accelerator used are small and within the expected experimental error. A Mettler Toledo DSC 1 apparatus in nitrogen atmosphere was used to produce thermograms at different heating rates for samples mixed at 160 °C. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The gel content of samples mixed under mild conditions was around 81 – 83 % and up to 88 % for samples mixed under sever thermal conditions. The gel content was re duced with the addition of natural rubber in proportion to the concentration, which indicated that the formation of the gel was entirely due to cross-links produced from the reactions with the anhydride, without any significan t contribution by collateral free radical reactions. In Figure 2 are shown semi-logarithm plots for the evolution of the normalized torque for samples produced under “severe” thermal conditions. These confirm the valid ity of the relationship for the evolution of the shear modulus represented by equ.1 and show that the reactivity parameter Θ increases by approximately 30 % with the addition of the DMBA catalyst. Similar results were obtained for the samples produced under “mild” thermal conditions and have displayed a reduction in reactivity by about 20 % relativel y to the values obtained for mixes produced under “severe” conditions. FIGURE 2 . Plot of ܗܔሺಮି ಮିሺሻሻ against time for tests at 200oCfor samples prepared under severe mixing conditions In Figure 3 are shown the DSC thermograms for scans carried out at different heating rates on samples prepared under “severe” thermal conditions. Again these show the cata lytic effect of the DMBA a dditive. In this case it was 0 500 1000 1500 2000Log(T∞/(T∞‐T(t)) Time(seconds)93ENR/7DDSA 93ENR/7DDSA (withoutDMBA) 28 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 16 May 2014 06:37:41difficult to quantify the effect of the DMBA due to the occurrence of extensive degradation reactions at the upper side of the thermogram. This aspect is under scrutiny for future work in this area. FIGURE 3 . DSC thermograms for samples produced under “sever e” mixing conditions, obtained with scans at 1 and 5oC/min for both systems (i.e. with and without DMBA catalyst). CONCLUSION Mixtures of epoxidized natural rubber (ENR50) and dodecyl succinic anhydride (DDSA) were produced in a Haake rheometer in proportions that would give 1 cross-link for every 100 C atoms in the backbone of the polymer chains at full esterification. For the mixing conditions used in the preparation of the samples the gel content was found to be in the range 81 – 88 w%. The reactivity factor, θ, which is synonymous with the rate constant for the curing reactions, was obtained from plots of logሺ்ಮି் ்ಮି்ሺሻ against time. Higher θ values (around 30 %) were obtained for mixes prod uced under “severe” thermal conditions than the corresponding systems that received a “mild” thermal treatment and, irrespective of the thermal cond itions used in the preparing the mixture, an increase of about 20 -25 % in reactiv ity was observed by the addition of DBMA as an accelerator for the curing reactions. The catalytic effect of DMBA was confir med by the thermal analysis study. REFERENCES 1. S. Toki, T. Fujimaki, M. Okuyama Polymer , 41, 5423 (2000). 2. M. Narathichat, C. Kummerlöwe, N. Vennemann, K. Sahakaro, C. Nakason, Adv. Polym. Techn . 3, 118 (2012). 3. S. Mukhopadhyay, S.K. De, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. , 42, 2773 (1991). 4. M. Pire, S. Norvez, I. Iliopoul os, B.L. Rossignol, L. Leibler, Polymer , 52, 5243 (2011). 5. Joy K. Mishra, Y.-W. Chang, D.-K. Kim, Materials Letters , 61, 3551 (2007). 6. M.R.H. Mas Haris, G. 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Type I and type II band alignments in ZnO/MgZnO bilayer films Arpana Agrawal, Tanveer Ahmad Dar, D. M. Phase, and Pratima Sen Citation: Applied Physics Letters 105, 081603 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4893986 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4893986 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/105/8?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Band alignment of SnS/Zn(O,S) heterojunctions in SnS thin film solar cells Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 181904 (2013); 10.1063/1.4821433 Bandgap tuning in highly c-axis oriented Zn1xMgxO thin films Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 221903 (2013); 10.1063/1.4809575 Synthesis of band-gap-reduced p -type ZnO films by Cu incorporation J. Appl. Phys. 102, 023517 (2007); 10.1063/1.2756517 Band gap narrowing of ZnO:N films by varying rf sputtering power in O 2 N 2 mixtures J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 25, L23 (2007); 10.1116/1.2746053 Influence of Mg content on the band alignment at Cd S ( Zn , Mg ) O interfaces Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 032101 (2005); 10.1063/1.1995951 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 04:54:57Type I and type II band alignments in ZnO/MgZnO bilayer films Arpana Agrawal,1,a)Tanveer Ahmad Dar,1D. M. Phase,2and Pratima Sen1 1School of Physics, Devi Ahilya University, Takshashila Campus, Indore 452001, India 2UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Khandwa Road, Indore 452001, India (Received 28 May 2014; accepted 13 August 2014; published online 25 August 2014) We report the change in the type of band alignments due to an increase in the dopant (Mg) concentration in pulsed laser deposited ZnO/MgZnO bilayer film. The band offset measurements were carried out from the core level shifts as well as valence band maxima in the single as well asthe bilayer films. The change in the type of band alignment is attributed to the surface enrichment of Mg at the heterojunction. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4893986 ] Semiconductor heterostructures (SHs) are the key ele- ments for making optoelectronic devices. The dynamics of charge carriers in the SHs depends on the potential barrier heights experienced by electrons/holes at the heterojunction.The conduction/valence band offset at the heterojunction being the measure of the potential barrier. In type I SHs, both electrons and holes experience the presence of the potentialbarrier, while in type II structure either of the charge carrier types experiences the potential barrier at the heterojunction. Suitability of type I structure is well established in designingsemiconductor lasers, while type II structure can be a good candidate material for making avalanche photodetectors where only one type of carrier acceleration is preferred. 1For optical communication systems, InGaAsP SHs are designed in the wavelength range of 1.33–1.55 lm, while in optical memory storage devices the storage capacity can be increasedmanifold if the heterostructures are designed at shorter wave- lengths. Accordingly, ZnO based heterostructures can be pre- ferred because of its wide band gap (3.3 eV) and largeexciton binding energy (60 meV). 2–6 It is well known that Cd doping in ZnO causes lowering of the band gap,7while Mg doping gives rise to an increase in the band gap.8,9MgZnO/ZnO/MgZnO may be useful as SHs for optoelectronic devices working at shorter wave- lengths. Recently, Zhang et al.10reported type I band align- ment in MgZnO/ZnO heterojunctions. The same group has also studied the Mg composition dependent band offsets of MgZnO/ZnO heterojunctions prepared by plasma-assistedmolecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE) method and found a strad- dling (type I) structure. 11Band offset measurement and mag- netotransport studies in TiO 2/LaSrMnO 3heterostructure have also been reported.12Very recently, we have reported band bowing as well as the observation of magnetoresistance in MgZnO films.9,13 In view of the above discussion, we report the experi- mental results of band offset measurements in pulsed laser deposited ZnO/MgZnO heterostructures. We have intention-ally chosen moderate (9%) and high (21%) Mg concentration in our studies and found that at lower concentration, the band offset exhibit type I band alignment, while at higher concen-tration the type II band alignment is observed. The present study may be of significant usefulness in making ZnO/MgZnO based monolithic circuits where one needs same ma- terial for making various devices on the same chip. Five samples, namely, three Mg XZn1/C0XO( x¼0.0, 0.09, and 0.21) films and two ZnO(2–3 nm)/Mg XZn1/C0XO (300–400 nm) (x ¼0.09 and 0.21) bilayers were grown on quartz substrate by pulsed laser ablation technique using KrF excimer laser ( k¼248 nm) from sintered ceramic targets of ZnO and MgZnO. The details of deposition are given else- where.13Structural analysis and energy band gap estimation have been performed using x-ray diffraction (XRD) techniqueand ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), respectively. The core levels (CLs) have been explored using x-ray photo- electron spectroscopy (XPS) with Al-K a(k¼0.834 nm) lab source whereas the valence levels are studied via valence band spectroscopy (VBS) at 41 eV using photoelectron beam- line at Indus I synchrotron radiation source of Raja RamannaCenter for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore (India). As XPS is a surface sensitive technique with a low penetration depth, we keep the upper layer thinner (2–3 nm) for the pur-pose of probing the heterojunction. Prior to XPS measure- ments, all the samples were subjected to a surface clean procedure by Ar þsputtering for 5 min at 500 V. In order to check the damage that might occurred due to Arþsputtering, we had taken the XPS data before and after the sputtering and found that this process resulted only in the reduction of C con-tent accumulated on the film surface due to the exposure of the samples in the atmosphere. The estimation of energy reso- lution for the VBS measurements dependent on photon energywas done by aligning the Fermi edge of the sample with respect to the Fermi edge of Au/Ag foil and was found to be /C250.05 eV, whereas for the XPS all the CLs were fitted using Touguard background and Voigt profile and were carefully corrected by a correction factor arising from the C 1 s (284.6 eV) CL shift. We have also performed the electricaltransport measurements (Resistance vs Voltage (R-V)) pref- erably at low temperature (5 K). This issue will be discussed later in the manuscript. Fig.1(a)exhibits XRD patterns of the samples (plotted in logarithmic scale) to identify any small peak that may arise due to the impurity phases. Appearance of the domi-nant (002) peak along with the absence of peak that corre- sponds to either MgO or any other impurity confirms the single phase of the grown films with wurtzite structure ofZnO. a)Electronic mail: agrawal.arpana01@gmail.com 0003-6951/2014/105(8)/081603/4/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 105, 081603-1APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 105, 081603 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 04:54:57The energy band gap of the samples was calculated using UV-Vis spectroscopy. Figure 1(b)displays ( ah/C23)2ver- sus (h /C23) plot of pure ZnO and MgZnO films where (h /C23)i s the incident energy and ais the absorption coefficient. The band gaps obtained by extrapolating the spectrum to (ah/C23)¼0 for pure ZnO, Mg 0.09Zn0.91O, and Mg 0.21Zn0.79O films were found to be 3.24, 3.37, and 3.49 eV, respectively. The blue shift in energy band gap subsequent to Mg doping can be attributed to lower electronegativity of Mg comparedto Zn. 13Such an increase in band gap with increasing Mg concentrations has also been reported by Ohtomo et al.8 We now focus our attention on band offset measurements at ZnO/MgZnO heterojunction using the method suggested by Kraut et al.14Here, we need to determine the shifts of CLs in single and bilayer films as well as the valence band maxima(VBM) of the single layers. The detailed narrower scan of Zn and Mg 2p-CL spectra were recorded using XPS technique. Figure 2shows the Mg 2p-CL spectra of Mg XZn1/C0XOfi l m s and ZnO/Mg XZn1/C0XO heterostructures (x ¼0.09 and 0.21). The CL peak positions are given in Table I.F r o mF i g u r e 2 and the CL values given in Table I, one can notice that the Mg 2p-CLs get shifted to higher energy in the bilayer films ascompared to their corresponding MgZnO films. Similarly, the detailed narrower scan of Zn 2p-CL spectra shown in Figure 3 for pure ZnO and ZnO/Mg XZn1/C0XO heterostructures (x¼0.09 and 0.21) exhibits shift in each film (for Zn 2p-CLs of Mg XZn1/C0XO( x¼0.09 and 0.21) single layer films refer to Ref. 15). These CL shifts should be carefully understood in single as well as bilayer films while determining the valence band offset. It is interesting to note that Zn 2p-CL occurringat 1021.66 eV in pure ZnO film shifts to higher energy (1021.76 and 1021.91 eV) in 9% Mg doped single and bilayer films, respectively. In case of 21% Mg doped films, the Zn2p-CL peak rises to higher energy (1021.93 eV) in single layer film whereas it lowers down to 1021.56 eV in the bilayer film. Such an unusual behavior can be attributed to the occurrenceof surface enrichment in the bilayer film. At the interface of the films, due to the change in the chemical environment, some random distribution of Mg/Zn takes place leading tochange in the potential due to the neighbouring atoms. This will significantly affect the position of the CLs in the bilayer films. 16,17Such a surface enrichment effect at the interface may complicate the assignment of the VBM as well as the CLs of the bilayer films as their measurement gives rise to an averaged value. However, in case of single layer films, we donot consider surface enrichment effect. The VBM is determined by linear extrapolation of lead- ing edge of valence band spectra (shown in Figure 4) (for VBS of ZnO/Mg XZn1/C0XO( x¼0.09 and 0.21) bilayer films refer to Ref. 15). Experimentally observed VBM values (Table I) show that VBM shifts downwards as the Mg con- tent increases. It is well known that the valence band is mainly contributed by the O 2p and Zn 3d states. Because of the weakened p-d coupling resulting from the absence of Mg3d electrons, the VBM in Mg XZn1/C0XO is pulled down with respect to that of ZnO.18This effect can be more promi- nently seen in the MgZnO sample doped with larger Mgconcentration. Considering the shift of the CLs of Mg and Zn in the bilayers and their VBM, the valence band offset DE vvalue has been calculated using the following relation:14 DEv¼DECLþEZnO Zn2p/C0EZnO VBM/C16/C17 /C0EMgZnO Mg2p/C0EMgZnO VBM/C16/C17 : (1)FIG. 1. (a) X-ray diffraction pattern of grown samples; (i), (ii), and (iii) show the pattern of Mg XZn1/C0XO for x ¼0.0, 0.09, and 0.21; and (iv) and (v) show the pattern of ZnO/Mg XZn1/C0XO( x¼0.09 and 0.21) heterostructures, respectively; (b) ( ah/C23)2versus h /C23plot of the grown films. FIG. 2. Detailed narrower scan of Mg 2p-CL in the grown samples; (a) and (b) show the Mg 2p-CL in Mg 0.09Zn0.91O and ZnO/Mg 0.09Zn0.91O samples and (c) and (d) shows the Mg 2p-CL in Mg 0.21Zn0.79O and ZnO/ Mg0.21Zn0.79O samples.TABLE I. XPS CL and VBM positions in pure ZnO, Mg XZn1/C0XO( x¼0.09 and 0.21) films, and ZnO/Mg XZn1/C0XO( x¼0.09 and 0.21) heterostructures. Sample State Binding energy (eV) ZnO Zn 2p 1021.66 VBM 3.21 Mg0.09Zn0.91O Zn 2p 1021.76 Mg 2p 49.69 VBM 3.30 Mg0.21Zn0.79O Zn 2p 1021.93 Mg 2p 49.75 VBM 3.36 ZnO/Mg 0.09Zn0.91O Zn 2p 1021.91 Mg 2p 49.92 ZnO/Mg 0.21Zn0.79O Zn 2p 1021.56 Mg 2p 49.85081603-2 Agrawal et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 081603 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 04:54:57Here,DECLdenotes the energy separation between Mg 2p and Zn 2p CL peaks in ZnO/Mg XZn1/C0XO heterojunction. The sec- ond and third terms are the VBM energies with reference tothe CL peaks in pure ZnO and MgZnO films, respectively. Substituting the peak positions of CLs and VBM (Table I) in Eq. (1), the valence band offset DE vis found to be 0.07 eV and 0.35 eV for ZnO/Mg 0.09Zn0.91O and ZnO/ Mg0.21Zn0.79O heterojunctions, respectively. In both the cases, a positive value of DEvshows the possibility of hole confinement at the heterojunction. To explore the possibility of electron confinement, we use the change in band gap due to Mg doping in the samplesand obtained the conduction band offset via the relation 7,19 DEc¼DEg/C0DEv; (2) DEgbeing the energy band gap difference of Mg XZn1/C0XO (x¼0.09 and 0.21) and ZnO films. From UV-Vis spectra, DEgis found to be 0.13 eV and 0.25 eV for 9% and 21% Mg doping, respectively. The corresponding values of DEcare found to be þ0.06 eV and /C00.10 eV for ZnO/Mg 0.09Zn0.91O and ZnO/Mg 0.21Zn0.79O heterojunctions, respectively. The negative sign of DEcin the later case suggests that the con- duction band of Mg 0.21Zn0.79O is at lower energy than that of ZnO. The change in sign of DEcsignatures the different types of band alignment in the grown SHs.The overall schematic of energy band alignments in ZnO/Mg XZn1/C0XO( x¼0.09 and 0.21) heterojunctions using the values of DEvandDEcis shown in Fig. 5(a). The striking feature in Fig. 5(a)is: At 9% doping, the band alignment is type I (straddling) structure (left) showing the possibility of confinement of both electrons and holes, while at 21% dop-ing the band alignment is type II (straddling) structure (right) and show that only hole will be confined at the heterojunc- tion. We attribute the cause of this change to the surfaceenrichment of Mg at the heterojunction in 21% Mg doped bilayer film. Previously, the MgZnO/ZnO bilayer films grown by PAMBE exhibited type I band alignment for 10%,15%, and 20% Mg concentrations only. 11The present work could have been extended for an additional data point to con- solidate the concentration dependence of band alignmentwhich will be a part of our future work. In the present Letter, we restrict ourselves to the observation of the change of the type of band alignment and assign its probable cause in thesurface enrichment. The comparable values of band offsets (DE v¼0.07 eV and DEc¼0.06 eV) in ZnO/Mg 0.09Zn0.91O suggest that the barrier height to transport electron across theheterojunction is slightly lower than that for hole, while in ZnO/Mg 0.21Zn0.79O heterostructure only hole is confined with larger barrier height ( /C250.35 eV). We have carried out the R-T (Resistance vs temperature) measurements in single layers of ZnO ( /C2564Xat 5 K) andFIG. 3. Detailed narrower scan of Zn 2p-CL in the grown samples; (a), (b), and (c) represent the Zn 2p-CLs in pure ZnO film and ZnO/Mg XZn1/C0XO heterostructures (x ¼0.09 and 0.21), respectively. FIG. 4. Valence band spectra of the films; (a), (b), and (c) show the valence band spectra of Mg XZn1/C0XO( x¼0.0, 0.09, and 0.21) films, respectively.081603-3 Agrawal et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 081603 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 04:54:57Mg0.21Zn0.79O(/C2525023 Xat 5 K) films (not shown here) and found that due to Mg doping, the resistance of the film increases manifold.15We also observed that the resistance of Mg0.21Zn0.79O single layer film is strongly temperature sen- sitive, while the ZnO/Mg 0.21Zn0.79O bilayer as well as ZnO single layer films show better stability towards the tempera-ture. 15In order to examine the role of band offset at the inter- face, we have carried out R-V measurements at 5 K for both positive as well as negative values of the applied potentialacross the junction of the bilayer film (Figure 5(b)). In pure ZnO film, changing polarity of the field does not change theresistance, while in bilayer film the change in polarity of the field causes increase/decrease in the resistance of the film. This observation suggests that in one case (negative polarity, say), the charge transport experiences potential barrier acrossthe interface while the potential barrier disappears for oppo- site polarity and confirms the presence of the band offset at the interface. Fruitful discussions with Professor P. K. Sen from S.G.S.I.T.S, Indore is thankfully acknowledged. The authors are grateful to Dr. Mukul Gupta and Dr. R. Rawat fromUGC-DAE-CSR, Indore, for providing XRD and electric transport measurement facilities. They are also thankful to Mr. A. Wadikar for helping in XPS and VBS measurements.The financial supports from UGC-DAE CSR, Indore and SERB, New Delhi are acknowledged herewith. 1G. P. Agrawal, Fiber-Optic Communications Systems (John Wiley & Sons, 2002), p. 144. 2A. Janotti and C. G. Vande Walle, Rep. Prog. Phys. 72, 126501 (2009). 3Y. Segawa, A. Ohtomo, M. Kawasaki, H. Koinuma, Z. K. Tang, P. Yu, and G. K. L. Wong, Phys. Status Solidi B 202, 669 (1997). 4G. Du, Y. Cui, X. 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Lett. 102, 142408 (2013). 13A. Agrawal, T. A. Dar, P. Sen, and D. M. Phase, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 143701 (2014). 14E. A. Kraut, R. W. Grant, J. R. Waldrop, and S. P. Kowalczyk, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, 1620 (1980). 15See supplementary material at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4893986 for Zn 2p-CLs of MgZnO (Mg ¼0.09, 0.21) single layer films, VBM of ZnO/ MgZnO (Mg ¼0.09, 0.21) bilayer films, and R-T data of ZnO, MgZnO, and ZnO/MgZnO (Mg ¼0.21) films. 16V. Kumar, D. Tomanek, and K. H. Bennemann, Solid State Commun. 39, 987 (1981). 17C. S. Fadley, Electron Spectroscopy: Theory, Techniques and Application , edited by C. R. Rrunker and A. D. Baker (Academic Press, New York, 1978), p. 80. 18A. Janotti and C. G. Van de Walle, Phys. Rev. B 75, 121201 (2007). 19T. A. Dar, A. Agrawal, P. Misra, L. M. Kukreja, P. K. Sen, and P. Sen, Curr. Appl. Phys. 14, 171 (2014). FIG. 5. (a) shows the schematic of energy band alignment of ZnO/ Mg XZn1/C0XO( x¼0.09 and 0.21) heterostructures; type I band alignment in ZnO/Mg 0.09Zn0.91O heterostructure (left) and type II band alignment in ZnO/Mg 0.21Zn0.79O heterostructure (right). The central part represents the bands in the pure ZnO thin film; (b) shows the resistance Vs voltage meas- urements in pure ZnO single layer and ZnO/Mg 0.21Zn0.79O bilayer films at 5K .081603-4 Agrawal et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 081603 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 04:54:57
Acetone sensor based on zinc oxide hexagonal tubes Anita Hastir, Onkar Singh, Kanika Anand, and Ravi Chand Singh Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1591, 898 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4872795 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4872795 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/1591?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in High-stability oxygen sensor based on amorphous zinc tin oxide thin film transistor Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 262908 (2012); 10.1063/1.4731773 Nanostructured zinc oxide platform for cholesterol sensor Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 143901 (2009); 10.1063/1.3111429 Zinc oxide-chitosan nanobiocomposite for urea sensor Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 163903 (2008); 10.1063/1.2980448 Zinc oxide as an ozone sensor J. Appl. Phys. 96, 1398 (2004); 10.1063/1.1765864 Growth mechanism and characterization of zinc oxide hexagonal columns Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 3797 (2003); 10.1063/1.1624467 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 12:50:17Acetone Sensor Based on Zinc Oxide Hexagonal Tubes Anita Hastir *, Onkar Singh, Kanika Anand, and Ravi Chand Singh. Department of Physics, Guru Nanak Dev University, A mritsar-143005, Punjab, India *E-mail: anitahastir@gmail.com Abstract. In this work hexagonal tubes of zinc oxide have be en synthesized by co-precipitation method. For stru ctural, morphological, elemental and optical analysis synth esized powders were characterized by using x-ray di ffraction, field emission scanning microscope, EDX, UV-visible and F TIR techniques. For acetone sensing thick films of zinc oxide have been deposited on alumina substrate. The fabri cated sensors exhibited maximum sensing response to wards acetone vapour at an optimum operating temperature of 400 oC. Keywords: Gas sensors, Structure, Precipitation. PACS: 07.07.Df, 61.66.-f, 81.20.F INTRODUCTION Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are considered to be the most unsafe indoor pollutants, whose inhalation may be critically harmful to the human body. Among the VOCs, acetone is widely used, it is colourless flammable liquid used as a solvent, an extracting reagent in research laboratories, in nai l polish removers, paints, varnishes, adhesives, etc. Acetone evaporates readily and its high concentrati on above 1000 ppm in the air may cause irritation of e yes, throat and nausea [1]. In diabetes, acetone can be used as biomarker since it can be found in the exhaled breath of the diabetes patient [2]. Metal oxide semiconductors have been popular candidates for sensor materials for the past several years. For ga s sensing application, zinc oxide has been proven a promising material and it is eco-friendly too [3]. The gas sensors are based on the mechanism of interacti on between the test gas molecules and adsorbed oxygen molecules on the metal oxide surface. The amount of absorbed oxygen is strongly dependent on morphology and structure of sensing material [4]. In this present work we are reporting the acetone sensors based on zinc oxide hexagonal tubes. The sensing response of synthesized zinc oxide thick fi lms towards acetone vapour at different temperatures ha s been investigated. EXPERIMENTAL For synthesis of zinc oxide powder we have adopted co-precipitation technique. To get precipit ate of zinc hydroxide, 0.2 M zinc acetate was dissolved in distilled water and ammonia solution was added drop wise with constant stirring at room temperature. Th e pH of the solution had been fixed to 8 to get a particular morphology. The precipitates thus obtain ed were filtered and washed thoroughly with distilled water. Drying of powder was done in an oven at a temperature of 120 oC. The dried powder was ground and calcined in a furnace at a temperature of 500 oC for three hours. The crystal structure of the prepared powder was characterized by powder x-ray diffraction (XRD) usi ng Cu-Kα radiation with Shimadzu 7000 Diffractometer system. Morphology of the synthesized samples was analyzed by field emission scanning microscope (FESEM) with Carl Zeiss SUPRA 55. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) was employed to determine elemental analysis of powder sample. Optical and FTIR studies have been investigated by using Shimadzu UV-2450 spectrophotometer and C92035 Perkin Elmer Spectrometer respectively. For sensing measurements we have used a home built apparatus consisting of potentiometeric arrangement, a 40L test chamber in which a sample holder, a small temperature controlled oven, and a mixing fan was installed. Variation of real time voltage signal across a resistance connected in ser ies with a sensor was recorded with Keithley Data Acquisition Module KUSB-3100 connected to a computer, reported elsewhere [5]. The magnitude of sensing response was determined as Ra/Rg, where Ra and Rg are the resistances of sensor in air ambienc e and air-gas mixture, respectively. Solid State Physics AIP Conf. Proc. 1591, 898-900 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4872795 © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC 978-0-7354-1225-5/$30.00 898 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 12:50:17RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS XRD Analysis The xrd pattern of prepared zinc oxide powder is shown in Fig 1. The peaks obtained were compared with standard data confirming the hexagonal wurtzit e structure of zinc oxide with no impurity phase. Sha rp peaks are obtained showing highly crystalline natur e of synthesized sample. 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 (202) (004) (201) (112) (200) (103) (110) (102) (101) (002) (100) Intensity (a.u.) 2θ(D egree s) FIGURE 1. X-ray diffraction pattern of zinc oxide powder. FESEM & EDX Analysis At room temperature and pH 8 of the solution we have got hexagonal tubes of zinc oxide. The driving force for the one dimensional hexagonal tubes is th e decrease in its Gibbs free energy because of low supersaturation. Figure 2(a) shows FESEM image of the prepared zinc oxide powder. It is clear from th e image that the zinc oxide has morphed into hexagona l tube like structures. Figure 2(b) shows the element al analysis of synthesized sample which indicates the purity of synthesized zinc oxide. The elements pres ent are zinc and oxygen with no other impurities. FIGURE 2(a). FESEM image of synthesized zinc oxide. FIGURE 2(b). EDX image of synthesized zinc oxide. Optical Properties Fig. 3(a) shows the plot of absorbance as a functio n of wavelength, where the maximum absorption was observed at wavelength of 375 nm. From Fig 3(b) the calculated optical band gap of zinc oxide is 3.0 eV , which indicates the semiconductor behaviour of synthesized zinc oxide. 300 400 500 600 700 0.00 0.04 0.08 Absorbance (a.u) Wavelength (nm) 375nm 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 hν (eV) Eg = 3eV (αhν)2 3(a) 3(b) FIGURE 3. (a) Absorbance Vs wavelength (b) Absorption coefficient square Vs photon energy for zinc oxide. FTIR Analysis The FTIR spectrum of the prepared zinc oxide shown in Fig. 4 indicates the Zn-O absorption band at 491.10 cm -1.The peaks at 3401.94 cm -1 and 1508.95 cm -1 corresponds to the O-H and the C=O stretching mode, probably due to atmospheric moisture and carbon dioxide respectively. V. Parthasarathi and c o- workers have reported the similar results [6]. 4 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 % Transmittance W a v e n u m b e r ( c m -1 ) FIGURE 4. FTIR spectra of synthesized zinc oxide. 899 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 12:50:17 Sensing properties Zinc oxide being an n-type metal-oxide shows a decrease in resistance with the injection of aceton e vapour into a test chamber. This is because when zi nc oxide sensor is exposed to air, oxygen molecules adsorb on the surface of the materials to form O 2-, O -, O2- ions by capturing electrons from the conduction band. This results in high resistance in air. On exposure of metal oxide sensors to the reducing gas es, the gas molecules react with adsorbed oxygen and as a result release the captured electrons to the conduc tion band. This increases the conductivity of metal oxid e based sensors. The sensing response of the zinc oxi de towards 250 ppm of acetone vapour was checked at various temperatures in order to determine the optimum operating temperature as shown in Fig. 5. I t is found from the figure that the maximum sensing response is observed at an operating temperature of 400 oC. The low response at low temperature is explained as the reaction rate between absorbed oxygen species on the surface and the acetone vapou r under test is low, which is due to the high activat ion energy of the surface reaction. At an optimum operable temperature, a large number of gas molecul es possess required energy, to overcome the potential barrier and react with adsorbed oxygen resulting in change in conductance of sensing element. At higher temperatures the absorbed oxygen may desorbs from the surface resulting in decrease of sensing respon se. Figure 6 shows the sensing response of zinc oxide thick film towards 250 ppm of acetone vapour at an operating temperature of 400 oC. The sensor shows a maximum sensing response of 10 with very quick response time of 4 s and a fast recovery time of 25 s. The reason for significantly higher sensing respons e of zinc oxide thick films towards acetone is high surf ace to volume ratio of hexagonal tubular morphology. 200 250 300 350 400 450 0246810 12 Sensing Response Operating Temperature FIGURE 5. Sensing response Vs Operating temperature for zinc oxide thick film for 250 ppm of acetone vapour . -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 0246810 Sensing Response Time (sec) Gas in Gas Out FIGURE 6. Sensing response versus time for zinc oxide thick film to 250 ppm of acetone at 400 oC. CONCLUSION In conclusion, we have successfully synthesized hexagonal tubular shaped zinc oxide micro-crystals by co-precipitation technique. XRD results confirmed t he hexagonal wurzite structure of zinc oxide. From optical properties we determine the band gap of 3.0 eV with the maximum absorption at 375nm wavelength. The prepared zinc oxide sensor showed maximum sensing response towards acetone vapour at an operating temperature of 400 oC with a quick response time and a fast recovery time of 4 and 25 s respectively. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS One of the authors Ms. Anita Hastir would like to thanks Department of Science & Technology for awarding INSPIRE Fellowship. REFERENCES 1. N. H. Al-Hardana, M. J. Abdullahb and A. Abdul Aziz, Appl. Surf. Sci. 270 , 480-485 (2013). 2. E. H. Oh, H. S. Song and T. H. Park, Enzyme Microb Technol 48 , 427-437 (2011). 3. P. Mitra, A. P. Chatterjee and H. S. Maiti, Mater. Lett. 35, 33 (1998). 4. O. Singh, M. P. Singh, N. Kohli and R.C.Singh, Sens. Act. B, 166-167 , 438-443 (2012). 5. O. Singh and R. C. Singh, Mat. Res. Bull. 47 , 557-561 (2012). 6. V. Parthasarathi and G. Thilagavathi, Int Pharm Pharm Sci. 3, 392-398 (2011). 900 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 12:50:17
An interchangeable scanning Hall probe/scanning SQUID microscope Chiu-Chun Tang, Hui-Ting Lin, Sing-Lin Wu, Tse-Jun Chen, M. J. Wang, D. C. Ling, C. C. Chi, and Jeng-Chung Chen Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 083707 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4893647 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4893647 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/85/8?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Modeling the nanoscale linear response of superconducting thin films measured by a scanning probe microwave microscope J. Appl. Phys. 115, 203908 (2014); 10.1063/1.4878937 The effect of oxygen on the surface coercivity of Nd-coated Nd–Fe–B sintered magnets J. Appl. Phys. 105, 07A724 (2009); 10.1063/1.3073941 A scanning Hall probe microscope for high resolution magnetic imaging down to 300 mK Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 123708 (2008); 10.1063/1.3046285 Influence of exchange bias coupling on the single-crystalline FeMn ultrathin film Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 122504 (2005); 10.1063/1.1883318 Scanning superconducting quantum interference device microscope in a dilution refrigerator Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72, 4153 (2001); 10.1063/1.1406931 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 16:49:57REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 85, 083707 (2014) An interchangeable scanning Hall probe/scanning SQUID microscope Chiu-Chun Tang,1Hui-Ting Lin,1Sing-Lin Wu,1Tse-Jun Chen,2M. J. Wang,2D. C. Ling,3 C. C. Chi,1,4and Jeng-Chung Chen1,4 1Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan 2Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, Taipei 10617, Taiwan 3Department of Physics, Tamkang University, Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City 25137, Taiwan 4Frontier Research Center on Fundamental and Applied Sciences of Matters, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan (Received 8 April 2014; accepted 11 August 2014; published online 26 August 2014) We have constructed a scanning probe microscope for magnetic imaging, which can function as a scanning Hall probe microscope (SHPM) and as a scanning SQUID microscope (SSM). The scan- ning scheme, applicable to SHPM and SSM, consists of a mechanical positioning (sub) micron-XYstage and a flexible direct contact to the sample without a feedback control system for the Z-axis. With the interchangeable capability of operating two distinct scanning modes, our microscope can incorporate the advantageous functionalities of the SHPM and SSM with large scan range up to mil-limeter, high spatial resolution ( ≤4μm), and high field sensitivity in a wide range of temperature (4.2 K-300 K) and magnetic field (10 −7T-1 T). To demonstrate the capabilities of the system, we present magnetic images scanned with SHPM and SSM, including a RbFeB magnet and a nickel gridpattern at room temperature, surface magnetic domain structures of a La 2/3Ca1/3MnO3thin film at 77 K, and superconducting vortices in a striped niobium film at 4.2 K. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC . [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4893647 ] I. INTRODUCTION A variety of microscopies for imaging micron or sub- micron magnetic structures have been developed, including scanning electron microscopy,1magneto optics microscopy,2 magnetic force microscopy,3scanning Hall probe microscopy (SHPM),4and scanning superconducting quantum interfer- ence device (SQUID) microscopy (SSM).5–8Among these imaging techniques, SHPM and SSM are known as highly sensitive and non-invasive instruments to probe local (sub) micron-sized surface magnetic profiles.9 SHPM and SSM share several common characteristics in operations. Both microscopies incorporate a magnetometer, a SQUID sensor for SMM, and a miniature Hall-bar sensorfor SHPM, which is placed in close proximity to the sample and is raster-scanned over the sample surface by means of a dedicated scanner. The spatial images of magnetic features onthe sample surface are obtained by recording the output signal of sensor with its local registration. For the operation of a conventional SHPM system, a feedback technique is often used to maintain a close con- tact between the Hall probe and the sample, e.g., scan- ning tunneling microscopy (STM) 4,10or atomic force mi- croscopy (AFM).11,12Both the STM- and AFM-tracking SH- PMs require complicated electronic circuit, a sophisticated Hall probe, and delicate operations. In contrast, SSM can be functioned in a mechanical scanning scheme without a feed- back control system.5,13,14 The spatial resolution of SHPM, which is about ≤1μm in most of the designs as defined by the size of conductive channels on Hall junctions,4,10is in principle limited by the active region of the Hall cross and by the separation between the probe and the sample surface rather than by the scanningtechniques. Alternatively, the spatial resolution of SSM is lim- ited to the size of the pick-up loops; the line-width of the pick-up loops cannot be smaller than the penetration depth of the superconducting material. Although a pick-up loop made of Al and Nb less than 1 μm has been lithographically fabri- cated, the field sensitivity of the small probe is greatly de- graded and accompanied with undesirable hysteresis. 15 SSM is currently the most sensitive magnetic field imag- ing microscopy.9The SQUID sensor measures local magnetic flux through a micron-sized pick-up loop and yields superiorfield resolution of ∼10 −10T/Hz1/2.5,13Nb-based SQUID of- fers sensitivity of one order of magnitude better than High- TcSQUIDs with equivalent spatial resolution and is more commonly used in SSM for its reliable junction quality and good SQUID performance. Nevertheless, the SQUID sensor used for SSM has to be kept at a stable temperature suffi-ciently below its superconducting transition temperature T c, which restricts the operation of the Nb-based SSM at a cryo- genic temperature below 7 K. On the other hand, the perfor-mance of a semiconductor Hall probe, although inferior to SQUID in field sensitivity, is relatively insensitive to temper- ature changes in a wide temperature range from above roomtemperature to the lowest reachable temperature. To date, much effort has been devoted to improving the functionalities of SHPM and SSM separately. 9,16–21From a practical point view, an instrument capable of operating both SSM and SHPM in one system would be very de-sirable. In this paper, we demonstrate a feasible scheme of an interchangeable SHPM-SSM system, which holds the advantageous functionalities of both microscopes. Our de-signs accommodate several merits for magnetic imaging: First, a variable-temperature operation ranging from room 0034-6748/2014/85(8)/083707/8/$30.00 © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC 85, 083707-1 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 16:49:57083707-2 Tang et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 083707 (2014) temperature down to liquid helium temperature for SHPM and a variable temperature below 8 K for SSM. Second, a wide range of ambient magnetic fields from ≈1×10−6Tt o several Tesla for SHPM and from 1 ×10−8Tt o1 ×10−3 T for SSM. Third, a temperature-insensitive mechanical scan- ning scheme adapted to reliably provide millimeter scan rangewith sub-micrometer step resolution. Fourth, a cantilever de- sign adapted for both SHPM and SSM to enable sensors to follow the contour of the sample surface without a feedback electronics. Finally, an innovative Hall probe fabrication de- veloped for effectively reducing the separation between thesensor and the sample to about ≈1μm. II. INSTRUMENT DESIGN A. Mechanical design and scanning method of the scanning probe microscope Figure 1(a) shows a schematic diagram of the micro- scope, which was primarily constructed by incorporating acustom two-axis translation stage controlled by dc stepper motors. The translation stage is made up of one stage on top of another with a centered hole for the accommodation of vac- uum bellow, as shown in Fig. 1(b). A long stainless steel rod, with a diameter of 5 mm, is to transmit the transverse andlongitudinal motions of the translation stages, located on the top of the microscope, to the bottom sample mount. A flexi- ble cantilever is to maintain light contact between the sensorand the sample surface. The sample is attached to a copper mount, which is screwed to the bottom end of the rod. The top end of the rod, which passes through a flexible stainlessvacuum bellow, is fixed to a z-axis linear actuator (Huntington Mechanical Laboratories, Inc. L2251-1). The z-axis actuator is connected to the X-Y stage with a top plate, and movesalong with the X-Y stage. A cutaway view of the connection is illustrated in Fig. 1(c). The z-direction actuator, with a nom- inal maximum extension of ∼2.5 cm and a minimum step ∼0.1μm, is used for the vertical movement of the sample to approaching the sensor. For the transverse movement, two motors (Oriental Motor Co. DRL28PA1-03NF) are employed to drive a mechanical X-Y stage. The translation stage moves 1μm per full step, 0.1 μm per micro step. The bottom end of the rod is connected to a copper mount. At ∼20 cm above the copper mount, the rod slides through a stainless washer with three ball plungers, as shown in Fig. 1(d). The rod func- tions as a scan lever and the washer serves as a pivot point to directly transmit the motion of the X-Y stage to the sam- ple and simultaneously allows the rod to shift vertically. Byproperly choosing the position of the pivot point, the trans- verse motion of the sample is thus further reduced by a factor of 6.5 from the motion of the X-Y stage. This scheme notonly further improves the transverse scanning resolution but also minimizes the effects of external vibrations. The maxi- mum scan range of present design is approximately 1 mm;this value is limited by the restoring force of the vacuum bel- low against atmospheric pressure. The scan range could be significantly increased by either the relocation of the washer or the use of a flexible bellow. We note that in our scanning scheme the movement of the scan lever might tilt a small an-electrical feedthro ughx motorz motortranslation stage washer plank O-ring to fit vacuum tube 20 cmscan le ver sample areascan le ver pivoting pointwasher plankxyz bellow pumping port z motor head supporting rodx yz x motor y motor y motor ball pl unger sensor cantile ver brass n ut copper basecold fingercopper mountsampleheater thermometer(a) (d)(c)(b) 5 cm 3 cm Top plate Bottom plate FIG. 1. (a) Schematic of the scanning magnetic probe microscope. (b) Top view of the X-Y translation stage. (c) Sketch of the interior of the translation stage from the side. (d) Enlarged sketch of the sample area. gle and induce a height variation of the sample position in z direction. For a 1-mm scan range, the tilt angle is estimated as 0.3◦=arctan(1 mm/20 cm), which corresponds to the height variation of ∼3μm. This small variation is no concern be- cause the flexible cantilever ensures a direct contact of the sensor to the sample surface during scans. The three-axis actuators driven by stepper motors at room temperature can be controlled by a personal computer. To achieve optimal repeatability, a raster-scan scheme was de- veloped. For each scan line, the sample is swept left-to-rightalong the x-axis at a steady rate; the sample is then raised vertically, moved back to the left, moved one step in the y- position, and lowered vertically, and the next line is swept out. The maximum speed of the linear actuators is approximately 24 mm/s. However, to avoid sudden jerky movements of the This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 16:49:57083707-3 Tang et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 083707 (2014) rod due to hasty stopping, the X-Y stage is typically operated at∼100μm/s. With the time spent in mechanical movement and in electronic measurements, it takes approximately 0.2 to0.6 s to acquire a data point. As a result, a 60 ×60 pixel scan would take approximately 30 min to complete. With a proper electrical isolation, no electronic noise component or a falsesignal induced from the mechanical movement of the stages is found. The microscope is approximately 170 cm in length and 30 kg in weight. To minimize the mechanical vibration in- duced noise, the microscope is suspended from the ceiling.The sample area, the scanning lever, and the interconnected parts from the vacuum bellow to the z-axis actuator dis- played in Fig. 1(c)are vacuum sealed with a housing tube. To achieve measurements under low-temperatures and magnetic fields, the housing tube with a diameter of ∼4 cm was de- signed to be accommodated into either a liquid-helium cryo-stat with superconducting magnets (Oxford SMD8VS Dewar) or a non-magnetic helium storage Dewar. The sample can be cooled through the introduction of helium exchange gas intothe housing tube while the microscope is immersed in liquid helium. The temperature of the sample is monitored with a carbon-glass thermometer and is varied by controlling the cur-rents through a heater rod, which is embedded in the copper mount. The sensor, which is mounted on a cantilever attached to a copper base, remains at ≈5 K though a direct contact with the cold fingers. For low-field measurements with sensitivity of ∼10 −6 T for SHPM and ∼10−8T for SSM, a 20-cm long μ-metal cylinder can be implemented to cover the sample area and to shield the ambient fields to less than 1 ×10−7T. A hand- wound solenoid inside the cylinder can be employed to ap- ply a magnetic field of ≤2×10−4T. For low-field ex- periments, the measurement is performed in a non-magneticDewar; whereas for high-field measurements with magnetic fields up to a few Tesla, the microscope is fitted into a typical 4He cryostat equipped with a superconducting magnet, which has a bore size greater than 5 cm. The components assembled in the sample area were designed to be easily exchangeable and were made with non-magnetic metals; therefore, the Hallsignals are not contaminated by possible stray field residuals induced in the metal parts after the application of high mag- netic fields. B. Sensor-sample alignment Figure 2(a) illustrates an expanded view of the sensor region of the microscope shown in Fig. 1(c). The sensor is mounted onto a 300 μm-thick quartz plate which is attached to a flexible metallic cantilever. The cantilever dimensions are 12 mm ×6 mm (length ×width). It is found that the cantilever is best made of either 25 μm-thick copper foil or 10μm-thick aluminum foil. The quartz plate, which was tai- lored to be similar in size to the cantilever, is used to sup-port the sensor. The purpose of the plate is to maintain the flatness of the arm surface without twisting or bending. The initial alignment of the sample and sensor can be monitored with a charge-coupled device (CCD) microscope camera at room temperature. The initial approach procedure is to move I+I-V+ V-20μm 1.2μm(f) (b) (e)0 200 400 -200T = 4.2K Height ( μm)Approaching contact0.06 0.00 -0.06metal shield no shield ΔRxy(Ω) chip corner(a)quartz plate ~5osensor V+ V-I- I+ Vin Voutgold wire xz I+V-I-V+(c) (d) Hall ChipSQUID Chip 5 mm5 mm FIG. 2. (a) Schematic diagram of a sensor mounted on a flexible foil can- tilever and a gauge circuit to sense the contact point of the sample and the chip tip. (b) The change in the Hall resistance /Delta1Rxyas a function of the sam- ple height measured during the approach process. (c) and (d) Photos of theHall chip and the SQUID chip mounted on cantilevers. (e) and (f) Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of the Hall probe. the sample toward the corner of the chip until the cantilever just begins to bend. To precisely ensure the contact point in the dark, we designed a simple gauge circuit, as shown in Fig. 2(a). A small piece of gold wire with a diameter of 100μm is inserted inside the wedge and is electrically con- nected to a bias voltage and a current-limited resistor. When the sample is in contact with the sensor tip, the cantilever armis deflected downward into contact with the Au wire. It makes the circuit suddenly conductive. With knowledge of the con- tact position of the sample, we can therefore finely adjust thecontact height between the sample and the sensor tip within a few microns, while maintaining a gentle contact force less than≤10 −5N. As a result, the sample can be quickly swept while in contact with the sensor without severely scratching the fragile chip, which can be verified by examining the probesurface after the experiments. To employ the gauge circuit, we drive the close-loop circuit with a bias current of 1 μA, which would generate magnetic field of only ∼10 −8T at the center of the single-turn close loop. The magnetic field on the sample is far weaker than 10−8T and would not possibly magnetize the samples. We note that, in the direct contact scheme, the Hall probe not only responds to the local perpendicular magnetic field but also responds to signals induced by environmental elec-tric fields. 22As shown by the solid triangles in Fig. 2(b),t h e measured change in the Hall resistance abruptly varies imme- diately after contact is made, and it irregularly varies as theHall probe descends further. This type of errant Hall voltage becomes most pronounced in the scanning process. The inter- fering signal may originate from friction-induced charging as the Hall probe is dragged over the sample surface. To screen out the accumulated charges, we deposited a thin gold film This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 16:49:57083707-4 Tang et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 083707 (2014) with thickness of ∼10 nm over the entire Hall cross to act as a screening gate. By employing this technique, the errant Hall voltage disappears, as shown by the open squares in Fig. 2(b). For the operation of SSM, the single-chip dc SQUID magnetometer can be mounted on the cantilever and be di- rectly contacted to the sample. The approaching procedure issimilar to that of SHPM, as described earlier. The SQUID out- put voltage shows an abrupt change as the chip just touches the sample surface. At low temperatures, the touchdown posi- tion routinely deviates about 100 to 150 μm from the value set at room temperature, which is attributed to the thermal con-traction of the scan rod and the cantilever at low temperatures. C. Micro-Hall chip fabrication and characteristics The Hall probe was manufactured on a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) 105 nm beneath a GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As heterostructure surface. The electron density of a typical wafer is approximately n=2.0×1011cm−2and the mobility isμ=5.1×105cm2/Vs. The Hall coefficient RH, represent- ing the field sensitivity, is calibrated to be 3000 /Omega1/T at 4.2 K and 2000 /Omega1/T at 300 K. In the present design, the junction area of the Hall bar patterned by photolithography is 5 μm ×5μm. The spatial resolution of the SHPM is mainly dom- inated by two factors: the area of the Hall junction and thedistance r zbetween the Hall junction and the targeted sam- ple surface. Technically, the junction size can be reduced to sub-micron scale by electron-beam lithography techniques.For Hall sensors made on a semiconductor heterostructure, the distance r zincludes the depth of the 2DEG. To minimize rz, it would be desirable to implement the Hall cross as close as possible to the chip corner; this construction requirement significantly increases the fabrication difficulty and degrades the reliability of the Hall probe because of the brittle nature ofthe GaAs crystal. We overcame this problem by simply etch- ing a deep mesa while defining the Hall junction. Here, the etching depth Dis approximately 1.2 μm and the Hall cross is ∼20μm away from the corner of the cleaved chips, as shown in Figs. 2(e) and2(f). This approach posses several advan- tages for the contact-mode scanning scheme in SHPM. First, it is easier to make the contact height small in typical oper- ations. Second, the junction area can be further reduced be-cause of anisotropic sidewall etching. For example, the orig- inal junction area was reduced to ∼3.5×3.5μm 2,a ss h o w n in Fig. 2(e). Finally, the deeply etched Hall chip performs as well as those in previous studies, and the fabrication complex- ity is greatly reduced. The field resolution, the minimum detectable magnetic field change /Delta1Bmin, of the Hall probe is restricted by the in- trinsic noise of the materials. /Delta1Bminis related to the Hall volt- age noise Vnthough /Delta1Bmin=Vn/IbiasRH. Here, Ibiasis the applied bias currents. For the Hall probe fabricated on the GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure, /Delta1Bminis known to be domi- nated by low-frequency 1/ f-like noise.19Figures 3(a)and3(b) showVnas a function of frequency under various Ibiasat tem- peratures of T=300 K and 77 K, respectively. Figures 3(c) and3(d) are the corresponding /Delta1Bminas a function of fre- quency under optimal bias currents. Vnfollows a 1/ fγpower law with γ≈1f o r f≤fcwhere fcis the cross-over frequency,10 1000 Freq uency (Hz)10-710-3T = 77K I = 20 μA(c) (d) 1 10 100 1000 100Bmin (T/Hz 1/2) Vn (V/Hz 1/2)10-7 10-8 1/f 20μA(b) 60μA 10-6 Bmin (T/Hz 1/2)T = 300K I = 2 μA10-5 10-6(a) 1/fVn (V/Hz 1/2)T = 300K 2 μA 1 μA 0.6 μAT = 77K FIG. 3. Hall voltage noises Vnspectra at (a) 300 K and (b) 77 K under var- ious bias currents. Minimum detectable magnetic field change /Delta1Bminas a function of frequency at (c) 300 K and (d) 77 K. which is marked with a dash line. For f>fc, we found that Vnbecomes less insensitive to Ibiasin the limit of the ab- sence of Joule heating, and Vnis dominated by white noise. The magnitude of the white noise was found to be on scale of the Johnson noise associated with the Hall leads. ForSHPM, we generally drive the Hall probe at 1.5 kHz si- nusoidal wave and measure the Hall signals with a stan- dard lock-in technique with a time constant of approximately100 ms which is chosen in comparable to the time spent in me- chanical movement. It should be noted that V nis affected by the circuit noise as well. In our present setup, the voltage noiseof the home-made voltage amplifier, which was constructed from instrumentation amplifier Analog AMP01, is approxi- mately 5 nV/Hz 1/2atf=1.5 kHz. Table Isummarizes the characteristics of the Hall probe over the temperature range from 300 K to 4.2 K. The field sensitivity, RH, is found to be insensitive to temperature variation; in contrast, the field reso-lution significantly decreases at the lower temperature. /Delta1B min saturates at ∼0.6×10−7T/Hz1/2at 4.2 K and is primarily limited by the amplifier noise. D. SQUID chip characteristics The magnetometer fabricated by our own Nb-AlOx- Nb technology is composed of an integrated dc SQUID TABLE I. Characteristics of typical Hall probes at various operating tem- peratures. Ibiasdenotes the bias current, Rsis the parasitic resistance, /Delta1Bmin is the field resolution, and RHis the Hall coefficient, which represents the field sensitivity. 300 K 77 K 4.2 K Ibias(μA) 2 20 20 Rs(k/Omega1)8 0 1 0 2 . 5 RH(/Omega1/T) 2000 3000 3000 /Delta1Bmin(10−4T/Hz1/2)3 . 51 . 1 ×10−30.6×10−3 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 16:49:57083707-5 Tang et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 083707 (2014) (a) 0.0 50 -500.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3T = 4.2K(c) (d) 0 -0.2 -0.4 0.20 20 40 I (mA) V(μV) Imod (mA) V(μV)(b)(i)10 μm (ii) (iv) (v)(iii) FIG. 4. (a) and (b) Optical micrographs of the pick-up region of a scanning SQUID chip and the SQUID loop centered with a modulation coil. The com- ponents are labeled as (i) pick-up loop, (ii) modulation coil, (iii) SQUID loop,(iv) Josephson junctions, and (v) shunted resistors. (c) A representative I-V trace of the SQUID chip. The critical current I cis approximately 100 μA. (d) Output voltage as a function of modulation current Imodfor different bias currents of 50, 70, 90, and 120 μA. sensor with a pick-up loop, as shown in Figs. 4(a) and4(b). Figure 4(a) shows the octagonal pick-up loop, which has an area of 80 μm2and is serially coupled to a SQUID loop through a 1-mm long stripline. The spatial resolution limited by the diameter of the signal coupling loop is about 10 μm. The SQUID loop consists of a single-turn flux modulation coiland two Nb-AlO x-Nb (100/6/100 nm) junctions shunted by two 2/Omega1resistors R. The junction is with critical current J0of ∼560 A/cm2,a na r e ao f3 ×3μm2, and a capacitance Cof 0.13 pF. The optimal hysteresis parameter βc=2πI0RC//Phi10 is approximately 0.1. The hole-inductance Lof the SQUID loop is estimated to be ∼17 pH.23The screening parameter βL=2LI0//Phi10with a value of ∼0.9 is designed to fit the low flux noise requirement.24 A representative bias current-to-output voltage character- istic of our SQUID chip is shown in Fig. 4(c). Flux modula- tion is accomplished by passing current Imodthrough the mod- ulation coil around the square washer. As shown in Fig. 4(d), the magnetic field generated by Imodof∼160μA corresponds to one flux quantum. The flux-to-voltage transfer coefficientV /Phi1is maximized as bias current is driven near Ic, and the cor- responding modulation amplitude is ≈24μV . To operate a SSM, the SQUID chip is driven at a modulation frequency of100 kHz and a I modfor a maximum V/Phi1. The noise amplitude of the device at 100 kHz is around 10 μ/Phi10/Hz1/2, correspond- ing to a field noise of ≈2.6×10−10T/Hz1/2. III. DEMONSTRATION OF PERFORMANCE OF SHPM AND SSM WITH EXAMPLES OF SCANNED IMAGES The first example demonstrates the feasibility of our scanning scheme for SHPM operated in a large scan range at room temperature. To demonstrate the capability of a millimeter-range scan of our microscope, we have imaged the field contrast of a RbFeB magnet at room temperature by RbFeB 0.5 0 FIG. 5. A 1 ×1m m2scan of the magnetic image of the edge of a RbFeB strong magnet a pixel size of 10 ×10μm2, taken at room temperature. The scale bar represents the variation of the field strength and the dashed line marks the boundary of the magnet. SHPM. Figure 5shows a 1 ×1m m2scan area of an edge of the magnet. The GaAs/AlGaAs Hall probe is rather fragile, and could be easily damaged by large-range scan and fast- scan rate in order to keep a reasonable scanning time. There-fore, we operate the Hall probe 50 μm above the magnet dur- ing scans and choose RbFeB magnet with strong magnetic field as the investigated sample. For the second example, we use patterned magnetic Ni film as the target feature for the imaging. Micron-size pho- toresist patterns were first transferred onto the GaAs substrateby conventional optical lithography, and this transfer is fol- lowed by the deposition of a Ni film with a thickness of ap- proximately 200 nm by thermal evaporation follows. After a lift-off procedure, the Ni square-grid and stripe patterns were defined as shown in Figs. 6(a)and6(b), respectively. To facil- itate the measurements, the Ni patterns were placed under a permanent magnet for several days to pre-align the magnetic moment before the images are acquired. Figure 6(c)shows a 400μm×400μm scan area of the Ni grid pattern with a pixel size of 4 μm×4μm. Comparing Fig. 6(c) with Fig. 6(a), we can readily assure that the images acquired by themechanical setup show no apparent geometrical distortion, 100 μm(c) (d) 30 μmT = 300K(a) NiGaAsNi 100 μm 30 μm(b)GaAs 10ΔB(mT) 0 FIG. 6. Optical microscopy images of the patterned Ni-films studied: (a) Ni- square grid, (b) Ni-stripe. (c) A 400 ×400μm2scan of the magnetic image of the Ni-grid sample with a pixel size of 4 ×4μm2.( d )A7 0 ×70μm2scan of the magnetic image of the Ni-stripe with a pixel size of 0.7 ×0.7μm2. Both samples are imaged at 300 K. The scale bar represents the variation of the measured field strength. Note that images (c) and (d) are original raw data without any image correction. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 16:49:57083707-6 Tang et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 083707 (2014) nonlinearity, or the effect with hysteresis, even up to a 400-μm scan range. Figure 6(b) shows a crack along the Ni stripe and a few scattered small particles on the GaAs sub-strate; these particles were identified as residue resist by op- tical inspection. By comparison with Fig. 6(b), Figure 6(d) emphasizes the authentic mapping of the magnetic structurebut not the non-magnetic debris. After showing the capability of our system to detect ar- tificial magnetic structures, the third example is the imag- ing of the intrinsic magnetic domains in a La 2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (LCMO) thin film at 77 K. LCMO is a well-known colossal magnetoresistive material, which exhibits an intriguing phase transition from a paramagnetic insulator to a ferromagnetic metal as the temperature decreases below a transition temper-ature T C.25The 75 nm-thick LCMO film studied was grown by pulsed laser deposition on a 500- μm-thick single crystal SrTiO3(STO) (100) substrate. The temperature dependence of the sample resistivity ρis displayed in Fig. 7(a).I ts h o w s that TCis approximately 215 K, which is consistent with the previous report of thin LCMO films.26The LCMO film was then milled into a 30 μm-wide stripe pattern. Figure 7(b) shows an image at 77 K after the sample was field cooled under an ambient field of ∼5×10−5T. With respect to the background signal of the STO substrate, sporadic magnetic domains with an imaged spatial size of ≤10μm are observed in the LCMO/STO stripes. Note that the adjacent magnetic domains exhibit an opposite field polarity, which is likely as- sociated with the magnetic poles for the in-plane magnetiza-tion. The general features of the magnetic domains revealed far below T Care similar to those shown in an earlier report on La0.65Ca0.35MnO3thin films, which were studied by low- temperature magnetic force microscopy.27 The fourth example is the magnetic images of supercon- ducting vortices scanned with SHPM and SSM. The magneticfield penetrating through a thin type-II superconducting film cooled below the superconducting transition temperature T c is known to form flux bundles. Each superconducting vortex contains a single magnetic flux quantum /Phi10=hc/2e(20.7 ×10−4T-μm2). Suppose that the origin of the coordinate system is at the center of the vortex on the film surface, thez-component of the field distribution of a vortex at a position 0.25 00.20 03 0 0 25020015010050 T (K)ρ (Ω-cm)La2/3Ca1/3MnO 3 75 nm (a) 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00(b) 20 μmSTOLCMO/STO TC~215 K-0.25 ΔB(mT) FIG. 7. (a) The temperature dependence of the resistivity ρof the La2/3Ca1/3MnO3/SrTiO3(LCMO/STO) film. The LCMO film is 75 nm thick with a transition temperature TCof around 215 K. (b) A 60 ×60μm2scan of the magnetic image of the LCMO stripes at 77 K with a pixel size of 1 ×1 μm2. The image was taken after the cooling of the sample in an ambient field of∼5×10−5T. The dashed lines mark the borders of the stripe pattern. The red/blue color represents the magnetic moment lying out-of-/in-planes of thesurface on the STO substrate.zabove the film surface is defined as Bz(x,y,z). In the limit of/radicalbig x2+y2+z2/greatermuchλ,Bzcan be expressed as4,28,29 Bz(x,y,z )=/Phi10 2πz+λeff [x2+y2+(z+λeff)2]3/2, (1) where λis the magnetic penetration depth, λeff =λcoth(t/2λ), and tis the thickness of the superconducting thin film. To correctly consider the field distribution measured by the Hall probe below, Fig. 8(a)depicts the relative position of the Hall probe relative to the vortex field sensed. The mea-sured B zextracted from the Hall signal actually corresponds to an averaged Bzover the sensing area of Hall junction through Bz(av)(x,y,z )=(1/w2)/integraltexty+w 2 y−w 2/integraltextx+w 2 x−w 2Bzdxdy , where w2is the junction area. Figure 8(b) shows simulated curves ofBz(0, 0, z) (dashed line) and Bz(av)(0,0,z) (solid lines) for different junction sizes of the Hall probe as a function ofz. The relevant parameters adopted in the simulation are chosen to fit the experimental conditions, as discussed below. It is clear that Bz(av)decays rapidly as zandw2increase. Therefore, the imaging of the vortex feature can be viewedto be a stringent evaluation of the field sensitivity and a delicate inspection of the mechanical aberrations of our SHPM setup. Meanwhile, the spatial resolution of scanning 0.02 0.00(e) 0 x(μm)0.04 0.06 modeldata00.14(c) NbNb 30μm5μm(d) Si SiΔB(mT) 0.07 0.00 z (μm)(b) yx23 4 5611 3.5 5 10Bz rz wNb(a) Si(Not in scale) GaAsD θ Bz(av)(mT) Bz(av)(mT)w =0 . 5 μm -2 2 4 6 -4-6t ΔB(mT) FIG. 8. (a) A schematic drawing of the cross-section of the Hall junction and the field profile of a vortex in a superconducting Nb film with the contact scheme. (b) Simulated curves of the z-component of the magnetic field distri- bution of a vortex as a function of z: a genuine vortex Bz(red dashed line) and Bz(av)(solid lines) for different junction sizes w, obtained from the average of the flux penetrating through the Hall junction area. (c) A 70 ×105μm2 scan of patterned Nb stripes at 4.2 K after a field-cooled process in 1 ×10−5 T, the pixel size is 1 ×1μm2.( d )A2 0 ×16μm2scan of the unpatterned Nb film at 4.2 K with a pixel size of 0.6 ×0.6μm2. Each black spot represents an individual vortex with magnetic flux quanta. The diameter of the vortex im- age is estimated approximately 3.2 μm, which is roughly comparable to the junction size of our Hall probe. (e) The field profile of a isolated vortex along a line scan indicated by a blue dashed line in (d). The black squares represent the data, and the red line is the best-fit theoretical model for a single vortex field. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 16:49:57083707-7 Tang et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 083707 (2014) probe microscopies can be estimated by the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of a vortex profile. The Nb thin film investigated was deposited by dc mag- netron sputtering on a pure Si substrate. The thickness tis ap- proximately 300 nm, and the corresponding penetration depth is known to be λ=80 nm at 4.2 K.30T h eN bfi l mw a st h e ni o n milled into 30 μm-wide stripes. The sample with Tcof∼9K was slowly cooled down to 4.2 K while an external magnetic field perpendicular to the sample surface is applied by passing current through a hand-wound solenoid. A μ-metal can was used to cover the entire sample area and the solenoid. Figures 8(c) and8(d) show the SHPM magnetic images of a Nb stripe film and an unpatterned Nb film, respectively. The individual vortices, shown as black spots, can be clearlyidentified. The size of each imaged vortex is ∼3.2μm, which is comparable to that of the Hall junction. The flux penetrat- ing through the Nb stripes in Fig. 8(c) is approximately 14 /Phi1 0, which is consistent with the estimated number of 14 vor- tices trapped in 10−5T after a field-cooled process. To obtain a detailed field profile of a single vortex, a line scan alongthe x axis across a chosen vortex was performed, as shown in Fig. 8(e). The black squares in Fig. 8(e) are the experimen- tal data with a pixel spacing of ∼280 nm. The field pro- file of a single vortex can be fitted by B z(av)(z), where zis the only fitting parameter. The red line shown in Fig. 8(e) is the best-fit result for z=1.5μm. The spatial resolution of the SHPM estimated by the FWHM of the vortex profile is about 4 μm. We noted that the field profile severely smears out as z increases. For z=5μm, the vortex features can no longer be resolved experimentally. For z=1.5μm, the deduced con- tact angle θis 7.4◦, which is slightly larger than the set value of∼5◦as identified by optical microscopy at room temper- ature. The discrepancy may result from thermal contractionof the scan rod and cantilever during the cooling. Despite the micron-sized Hall probe and the simple scan scheme, the ac- curacy and resolution of our SHPM is still sufficient to imagethe features of the vortices. To demonstrate the functionality of our SSM, we have imaged the vortex distributions in a Nb stripe over an areaof 150 ×150μm 2by SSM, as shown in Fig. 9.T h es a m p l e was slowly cooled down to below Tcwith a small magnetic field of 5 ×10−6T perpendicular to the sample surface be- fore images were taken. The trapped vortices at local pinning sites were clearly resolved as shown in Fig. 9(a). To discrimi- nate the variation of the pinning force among certain vortices, an external pulse current of 100 mA with a current density Jof 5×105A/cm2was applied to the Nb stripe. It exerts a driving Lorentz force on the vortices and its corresponding force per unit length f=J×/Phi10is estimated to be 11 μF/m. Few vortices marked by arrows and labeled by numbers traveldifferent distances in a three-second time interval, which is due to the fact that the driving Lorentz force is larger than the pinning force of these vortices. Figure 9also illustrates the presence of any spatial inhomogeneity in the investigated Nb film, which may result from impurities, grain boundaries, etc. More importantly, the snapshots of the scanned images bySSM provide a direct visualization of the temporal and spatial correlation of the vortex dynamics. Similar to SHPM we use5 0 x(μm)1015Bz(av) (μT) 10 -10modeldata 0 40 m0 s (b) 1 s (c) 2 s (d) 3 s(a) (e) xy 13 0ΔB(μT) FIG. 9. (a) SSM images of vortices trapped in a 60- μm wide Nb stripe, which were scanned in an area of 150 ×150μm2with a pixel size of 3 ×3μm2. The sample was field-cooled down to 4.2 K in a small magnetic field of 50 mG. (b), (c), and (d) show images taken after a current pulse of 100 mA with a duration time of 1 s, 2 s, and 3 s respectively. The vortices driven by the pulse current are indicated by the arrows and numbers. (e) TheB zprofile of a vortex extracted along the blue dashed line in (a). The black squares are the data, and the red line is the best theoretical fit. the FWHM of a superconducting vortex to evaluate the spa- tial resolution of the SSM. Figure 9(e) shows the Bzprofile of a single vortex extracted from Fig. 9(a), indicated by the blue dashed line. The black squares are the experimental data with a pixel spacing of 3 μm and the red line is the simulated Bz(av). The spatial resolution of the SSM indicated FWHM of the vortex profile is about 9 μm. IV. CONCLUSIONS In summary, we have developed an interchangeable SHPM/SSM system for passive magnetic imaging. The me-chanical positioning stage enables us to keep the advantages of a large-area scan and sub-micron spatial resolution in a wide temperature range (4.2 K-300 K) without mechanicalaberrations. The cantilever design adapted for both SHPM and SSM reliably ensures a direct contact between the sensor and sample investigated. The sensitivity of the micron Hallprobe is greatly improved with a fruitful fabrication process. The functionality of the SHPM and SSM is demonstrated by imaging a RbFeB magnet, and artificial magnetic micro- structures in Ni films at room temperature, surface magnetic domain structures in La 2/3Ca1/3MnO3films at 77 K, and indi- vidual superconducting vortices in Nb films at 4.2 K. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge A. M. Chang, J. R. Kirtley, and Deng- Sung Lin for helpful discussions, and Kuang-Cheng Lin and Yu-Tien Shen for assistance with the experiments. 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Phase transitions in delafossite CuLaO2 at high pressures Nilesh P. Salke, Alka B. Garg, Rekha Rao, S. N. Achary, M. K. Gupta, R. Mittal, and A. K. Tyagi Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 115, 133507 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4870577 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4870577 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/115/13?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in High pressure study of a highly energetic nitrogen-rich carbon nitride, cyanuric triazide J. Chem. Phys. 141, 234506 (2014); 10.1063/1.4902984 Multiferroic CuCrO2 under high pressure: In situ X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopic studies J. Appl. Phys. 116, 133514 (2014); 10.1063/1.4896952 Absence of phase transitions in an oxygen stoichiometric cobaltite, YBaCo4O7 AIP Advances 3, 022115 (2013); 10.1063/1.4792597 Raman spectroscopy and field emission characterization of delafossite CuFeO 2 J. Appl. Phys. 107, 013522 (2010); 10.1063/1.3284160 High-pressure Raman scattering and x-ray diffraction of phase transitions in MoO 3 J. Appl. Phys. 105, 023513 (2009); 10.1063/1.3056049 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:22:32Phase transitions in delafossite CuLaO 2at high pressures Nilesh P . Salke,1Alka B. Garg,2Rekha Rao,1,a)S. N. Achary,3M. K. Gupta,1R. Mittal,1 and A. K. Tyagi3 1Solid State Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai 400 085, India 2High Pressure & Synchrotron Radiation Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai 400 085, India 3Chemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai 400 085, India (Received 6 February 2014; accepted 25 March 2014; published online 3 April 2014) Structural stability of a transparent conducting oxide CuLaO 2at high pressures is investigated using in-situ Raman spectroscopy, electrical resistan ce, and x-ray diffraction techniques. The present Raman investigations indicate a sequenc e of structural phase transitions at 1.8 GPa and 7 GPa. The compound remains in the first high pressure phase when pressure is released.Electrical resistance measurements carried out at high pressures confirm the second phase transition. These observations are further supported by powder x-ray diffraction at high pressures which also showed that a-axis is more compressible than c-axis in this compound. Fitting the pressure dependence of unit cell volume to 3 rdorder Birch-Murnaghan equation of state, zero pressure bulk modulus of CuLaO 2is determined to be 154(25) GPa. The vibrational properties in the ambient delafossite phase of CuLaO 2are investigated using ab-initio calculations of phonon frequencies to complement the Raman spectroscopic measurements. Temperature dependence of the Raman modes of CuLaO 2is investigated to estimate the anharmonicity of Raman modes. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC . [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4870577 ] INTRODUCTION Transparent conducting oxides (TCO) of the delafossite family AMO2(A¼Cu, Ag; M¼Al, Sc, Ga, In) have many unusual physical properties leading to technological applica-tions in devices, such as solar cells, touch panels, as electro- des in flat panel displays ultraviolet-emitting diodes. 1While there are many n-type TCOs, p-type conductivity in transpar- ent semiconductors is rare and essential for applications in p-njunctions.2Copper delafossites can be made p-type semi- conductors either by doping or creating non-stoichiometry.The origin of positive carriers in undoped delafossites is ei- ther due to excess oxygen in the interstitials or copper vacan- cies. Engineering of optical and electronic band structure bydoping in copper delafossites makes them useful as photoca- talyst to produce hydrogen by water splitting. 3Catalytic ac- tivity of copper delafossites also finds applications indecomposition of toxic waste gases. 4Some members of the delafossite family have attracted interest due to the multifer- roic properties exhibited by them;5,6wherein ferroelectricity is induced by magnetic ordering. Delafossite type of crystals have layered structure with hexagonal P63/mmc or rhombohedral R/C223mspace group, with a general formula AMO2, in which monovalent cations A(A¼Cu, Ag) are linearly coordinated with two oxygen ions along the c-axis and the trivalent cations Mare octahe- drally coordinated to oxygen atoms.7Delafossite com- pounds, where the trivalent ion is magnetic, have been studied with the interest of magnetic transitions exhibited bythem. Both CuCrO 2and CuFeO 2show antiferromagnetism below 24 and 14 K respectively.8,9Though earlier magneto- striction studies indicated a structural transition in CuCrO 2,8 similar to the ferroelastic transition in CuFeO 2,9no anomaly in either of them has been observed in low temperature Raman spectroscopic studies.5This suggests that the ferroe- lastic transitions are not driven by Raman active modes. Due to widely different coordination of the cations, delafossites are expected to have a rich phase diagram,especially many pressure induced phases. Earlier, high pressure investigations of some of the members of this fam- ily of compounds have revealed interesting phase transi-tions. X-ray diffraction studies along with M €ossbauer and x-ray absorption spectroscopy at high pressure have revealed a sequence of reversible structural/electronic-mag-netic transitions in CuFeO 2.10CuFeO 2transforms from R/C223mtoC2/c at 18 GPa, while CuCrO 2transforms from R/C223mtoP21/mat 26 GPa.10,11Contrary to usual trend observed for a class of materials under pressure, these com- pounds do not seem to follow any specific trend in terms of phase transition sequence; various copper delafossitesbehave differently under pressure except in the case of CuGaO 2and CuAlO 2where they seem to follow a trend. From Raman spectroscopic and x-ray diffraction measure-ments, it has been reported that both CuAlO 2and CuGaO 2 transform to unresolved structures above 34 and 26 GPa,respectively. 12–15In both CuAlO 2and CuGaO 2,in-situ Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure measurements have confirmed that the transition involves change in cop- per environment.14,15Both CuAlO 2and CuGaO 2are indi- rect band gap semiconductors. One common feature of all the copper delafossites belonging to R/C223mis that under higha)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: rekhar@barc.gov.in 0021-8979/2014/115(13)/133507/7/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 115, 133507-1JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 115, 133507 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:22:32pressure, a-axis was found to be more compressible than thec-axis resulting in more regularization of oxygen octa- hedra compared with the distorted octahedra at ambientconditions. 14–17There have been several computational studies on these compounds to understand their high pres- sure behavior. Ab-initio calculations of phonon frequencies under pressure have indicated that pressure induced phase transitions in CuGaO 2and CuAlO 2are initiated by dynami- cal instability of a transverse acoustic phonon.12,13 Electronic structure calculations have predicted change in band gap with pressure in CuAlO 2with the compound remaining an indirect band gap semiconductor up to36 GPa, even though its smallest direct band gap decreases with pressure. 18Recent first principles calculations of crys- tal structures determined the critical pressure of transitionfor delafossite CuAlO 2to a leaning delafossite with a higher bandgap to be 60 GPa.19Optical absorption studies and ab-initio calculations of electronic structure on CuScO 2, a direct band gap semiconductor, reported changes in electronic band structure, with direct gap abruptly decreasing with increase in pressure at 18 GPa.20Among other copper delafossites, CuLaO 2is a direct gap semicon- ductor with a band gap of 2.77 eV and p-type conductiv- ity.21Due to its lower band gap, CuLaO 2is expected be a better candidate as a photoelectrode for hydrogen produc- tion than other copper delafossites.22 Recently, negative thermal expansion (NTE) has been reported in some members of the delafossite family.7 Interestingly, CuLaO 2exhibits NTE along both a-and c-axes at low temperatures and it shows nearly isotropic vol- ume thermal expansion, though its structure is anisotropic. Neutron diffraction studies from 30 to 600 K range reported that while a-axis shows positive expansion above 100 K, c-axis contracts in the temperature range 30–200 K and expands at higher temperatures up to 600 K.7NTE in copper delafossites in which Cu is two-fold coordinated, is attrib-uted to the vibrational motion of Cu atom perpendicular to the linear chain of O-Cu-O which is along the c-axis. 23 High pressure investigation of NTE materials reveals a variety of interesting phenomena, such as softening of pho- nons, phase transitions, and also amorphization. High pres- sure investigation of Raman spectrum gives informationabout the mode Gr €uneissen parameter, useful for understand- ing the thermal expansion behavior. Though Raman spec- troscopy gives information about only the zone-centerphonons, it is quite useful in understanding the contribution of different vibrations to the thermal expansion. Earlier pre- liminary Raman spectroscopic studies on CuLaO 2at high pressures reported pressure dependence of mode frequencies in the ambient phase and a phase transition at 1.8 GPa.24 Here, we report detailed Raman spectroscopic studies, x-ray diffraction, electrical transport, and ab-initio calculations of phonon frequencies of CuLaO 2at high pressures. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS The compound CuLaO 2was synthesized by solid state reaction of Cu 2O and La 2O3. The sample was characterized using powder x-ray diffraction technique. Unit cellparameters and atomic coordinates obtained by Rietveld refinement of x-ray powder diffraction data confirmed it to be a delafossite structure with space group R/C223mand lattice parameters are in agreement with literature values.25Raman spectroscopic measurements at high pressure were carried out from inside a diamond anvil cell (DAC) (Diacell B-05)in back-scattering geometry, with 4:1 methanol-ethanol mix- ture as pressure transmitting medium which remains hydro- static up to 10 GPa. 26Spectrum of polycrystalline sample of CuLaO 2was excited using 532 nm (2.33 eV) laser line of power /C2415 mW. Pressure was measured using the ruby fluo- rescence technique.27Scattered light was analyzed using a home built 0.9 m single monochromator,28coupled with an edge filter and detected by a cooled CCD. Entrance slit was kept at 50 lm, which gives a spectral band pass of 3 cm/C01. Raman measurements in the temperature range 77–600 K were carried out using the temperature stage from Linkam (Model-THMS 600), also in back-scattering geometry. The electrical resistance measurements under high pres- sure were carried out on CuLaO 2in an opposed Bridgman anvil setup. Bridgman assembly consists of 12 mm face diame-ter tungsten carbide (WC) anvil pairs, two 0.2 mm thick pyro- phylite (alumino silicate Al 2O3.2SiO 24H2O) gaskets with central hole of diameter 3 mm and steatite as pressure transmit-ting medium with in-situ bismuth pressure calibration. Initially, the powdered sample was pressed between WC anvils to a load of 3 ton. The well compacted material was then trimmed to1.5 mm width and 2.5 mm length pieces with a thickness of 0.2 mm, for electrical resistance measurements. For four probe resistance measurements, stainless steel wires of 40 lmd i a m e - ter were used. For each pressure point, 2 min pressure soaking time was given before recording the resistance. In-situ high pressure x-ray diffraction measurements were carried out at the powder x-ray diffraction beam line of Elettra synchrotron source, Italy. The data were collected in angle dispersive x-ray diffraction (ADXRD) mode, in thetransmission geometry. The wavelength of the x-ray employed and the sample to image plate (IP) distance were calibrated using CeO 2diffraction pattern. Sample to detector distance in the high pressure XRD set-up was 153.52 mm. Hardened stainless steel gasket with a central hole of diame- ter 150 lm and thickness 50 lm contained the sample. For high pressure measurements, finely powdered CuLaO 2along with gold as pressure calibrant and methanol–ethanol (4:1) mixture as pressure transmitting medium were loaded in aMao–Bell-type DAC with diamond anvils of culets size 400lm. X-ray powder patterns at various pressures were collected employing x-ray of wavelength 0.5997 A ˚colli- mated to 80 lm diameter. Typical exposure times of 15–20 min were employed for measurements at high pressures. Images of the powder diffraction rings were read from theMAR345 image plate detector with a resolution of 100/C2100lm 2pixel size. The images thus obtained were integrated using the program FIT2D.29 COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS The first principles density functional theory methods (DFT) for total energy and phonon calculations were carried133507-2 Salke et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 133507 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:22:32out using Vienna ab-initio simulation package (VASP)30,31 software. The generalized gradient approximation (GGA) exchange correlation given by Perdew, Burke, andErnzerhof 32,33with projected–augmented wave method has been used. The plane wave pseudo-potential with plane wave kinetic energy cutoff of 780 eV is used in the calcula-tion. The integrations over the Brillouin zone were sampled on a 8 /C28/C22 grid of k-points generated by Monkhorst-pack method. 34The above parameters are found to be sufficient for total energy convergence of less than 0.1 meV. Density functional perturbation theory has been used for zone centre phonon calculation implemented in VASP. The convergencecriteria for the total energy and ionic forces were set to 10 /C08eV and 10/C05eV A˚/C01, respectively. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Raman spectroscopy In the delafossite structure R/C223m, primitive unit cell con- sists of four atoms resulting in 12 normal modes which trans- form as C¼A1gþEgþ3A2uþ3Euof which EgandA1gare Raman active modes. Movement in the direction of Cu-O bonds along the hexagonal c-axis is represented by Amodes, whereas Emodes correspond to vibrations in the perpendicu- lar direction. In the absence of single crystals, Raman modes were identified by comparing the Raman spectra of analo- gous compounds like CuAlO 2and CuGaO 2,12,13as well as by using ab-initio calculations. Figure 1shows the evolution of Raman spectra of CuLaO 2under high pressures. At ambient conditions (phase PI), it consists of two modes at 318 and 652 cm/C01identified asEgandA1g, respectively. An asymmetry on the low fre- quency side of the Egmode and a few weak modes around 200 cm/C01are also observed at ambient conditions, which could be non-zone center modes observed due to relaxation ofRaman selection rules due to copper vacancies or interstitial oxygen, similar to those observed in CuAlO 2/CuGaO 2.12,13 The frequencies of both the Raman modes are found toincrease monotonically with pressure. Above 1.8 GPa, several new modes appear in the low frequency region. On further pressurization, the low frequency component of Egmode increased in intensity accompanied by softening of both the components. Appearance of new modes and changes in the pressure dependence of mode frequencies indicate a phasetransition to a phase PII. Above 1.8 GPa, the A 1gmode could not be followed. Appearance of many new modes in PII indi- cates lower symmetry of the high pressure phase. Nature ofchanges observed in the Raman spectra at 1.8 GPa are similar to the observations in the Raman spectra of other delafossite members CuAlO 2and CuGaO 2, which show high pressure transitions at 34 and 26 GPa, respectively.12,13Higher phase transition pressures in CuAlO 2and CuGaO 2could be attrib- uted to the difference in ionic radii and polarizability of thecounter cations. Lanthanum has larger ionic radius and higher polarizability compared with Al or Ga, the deformation of coordination polyhedra and delocalization of electron densityaround lanthanum can be expected at lower pressure. Thus, the pressure induced transitions in these are related to the dif- ferences in the bonding and electronic structure. This is fur-ther supported from the behaviour of CuLaO 2at still higher pressures. The Raman intensity of all the modes reduced dras- tically above 7 GPa and the sample becomes opaque indicat-ing drastic reduction in the band gap. The absence of any detectable Raman spectra above 7 GPa could be due to phase transition to a phase with no Raman active modes, amorphousphase or the lack of Raman intensity could be due to change in electronic band structure leading to increase in absorption. Of these possibilities, the last possibility looks more feasiblesince the sample becomes opaque. Finally, on complete release of pressure from 8 GPa, sample remains in phase PII. Figure 2indicates the pressure dependence of Raman mode frequencies. The pressure coefficient of all the modes in the PI and PII phases is given in Table I. Frequencies of modes that appear only in the phase PII are extrapolated to zero pres-sure. Among the modes that appear in PII, the modes at 112 cm /C01and the two split components of Egmode in the am- bient phase around 318 cm/C01show softening with increase in pressure whereas all the other modes show usual hardening. FIG. 1. Raman spectra of CuLaO 2at various pressures. Red bars represent the Raman mode frequencies as obtained from ab-initio calculations. Note the appearance of new modes above 2 GPa.FIG. 2. Pressure dependence of Raman mode frequencies of CuLaO 2. The solid lines are linear fit to data in a particular phase.133507-3 Salke et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 133507 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:22:32Ab-initio calculations of phonon frequencies were carried out to assign the Raman modes. The vertical bars in Figure 1 show the calculated Raman frequencies in the phase PI, fromab-initio calculations. Both calculated Raman frequencies and the pressure dependence of Raman frequencies are given in Table I. It may be noted that the frequencies of both the modes as well as their pressure dependencies are found to be under-estimated as compared with the experimental values. The temperature dependence of Raman modes is investi- gated to extract information about the anharmonicity of Raman modes which plays an important role in the thermal expansion of a material. Figures 3(a) and 3(b) show the Raman spectra at various temperatures and Figure 4shows the temperature dependence of Raman modes in the range 77–593 K. There are no discontinuous changes in thistemperature range indicating absence of any phase transition. Both the modes show normal anharmonic behavior with lin- ear dependence indicating predominantly three phonon decayprocess. Beyond 593 K, we did not observe any Raman modes due to darkening of the sample, which may be prob- ably due to the transformation of the sample to CuLaO 2.62.35 The temperature dependence of phonon frequency arises due to thermal expansion of the lattice and anharmonic inter- actions between them. For an isotropic system, phonon fre-quency can be considered as a function of volume and temperature. The change in phonon frequency as a function of temperature can be separated into a quasiharmonic contri-bution which arises only due to change in volume, also called “implicit anharmonicity” and a purely anharmonic contribution (explicit anharmonicity) which arises due tochanges in vibrational amplitude. 36Raman spectroscopic studies at high pressures and temperature are useful in sepa- rating these two parts. At a particular pressure, the totalchange in phonon frequency due to temperature can be expressed as follows: @xi @T/C18/C19 p¼@xi @V/C18/C19 T@V @T/C18/C19 pþ@xi @T/C18/C19 V: (1) This can also be written as 1 xi@xi @T/C18/C19 p¼/C0aciTþ1 xi@xi @T/C18/C19 V(2) where ciT¼/C0@lnxi @lnV/C16/C17 T¼B0 xi/C16/C17 @xi @P/C16/C17 Tis the isothermal Gr€uneissen parameter, ais the volume thermal expansion coefficient, and B0is bulk modulus. The left-hand side of Eq. (2)gives the temperature de- pendent isobaric frequency shift, which is the total anharmo-nicity effect as measured in temperature dependent Raman experiments. The first term on the right-hand side is theTABLE I. Experimental and calculated Raman mode frequencies at room pressure and their pressure coefficients, experimental temperature coefficient s and the anharmonicity calculated using a Bulk modulus of B0¼154 GPa and thermal expansion coefficient a¼1.07/C210/C05K/C01. The numbers with “a” in the first column indicate the new modes that appear in the high pressure phase PII which are obtained by extrapolation of high pressure data to ambient pressure. PI Mode frequency, (cm/C01)@xi @T/C16/C17 p (cm/C01K/C01)@xi @P/C16/C17 T (cm/C01GPa/C01)Total anharmonicity (10/C05K/C01)Implicit (pure-volume) (10/C05K/C01)Explicit (pure-temperature) (10/C05K/C01)PII@xi @P/C16/C17 T (cm/C01GPa/C01) 114a…… … … … /C00.9(3) 116a… … … … … 1.6(1) 147a… … … … … 0.9(2) 191a… … … … … 2.4(3) 273 ( EgCal.) … 4.1 … … … … 318(Eg) /C00.0056(8) 5.0(7) /C01.76 /C02.59 0.83 /C01.4(2) 324a…… … … … /C03.0(8) 409a… … … … … 4.4(8) 620 ( A1gCal.) … 6.5 … … … … 652(A1g) /C00.005(1) 9(1) /C00.77 /C02.27 1.50 … 695a… … … … … 1.2(9) 748a…… … … … /C00.7(2) FIG. 3. (a) and (b) Raman spectra of CuLaO 2at various temperatures.133507-4 Salke et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 133507 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:22:32implicit anharmonicity arises due to isothermal frequency shift as a function of pressure. This is the volume contribu- tion to the frequency shift. The second term on the right- hand side of Eq. (2)is the explicit anharmonic contribution to the frequency shift which is the pure-temperature effect. The results as summarized in Table I, separate the total fre- quency shifts into the pure-volume and pure-temperaturecontributions of Raman active modes. We have used experi- mental value of bulk modulus B 0¼154 GPa obtained from our high pressure x-ray diffraction experiments on CuLaO 2, which will be discussed later. Volume thermal expansion coefficient a¼1.07/C210/C05K/C01in the range 300 K to 600 K is used from Ref. 7. Though ideally, this formalism can be applied only for isotropic systems, where the phonon fre- quency is considered to be a function of volume and temper- ature x(V, T), it has been applied for uniaxial systems, where the phonon frequency depends also on c/aratio.37The volume contribution so calculated has been found to differ from the accurately calculated value as in Ref. 38obtained using formalism for uniaxial systems by about 10%. This is because the relative change in c/ais an order of magnitude less than the relative change in volume with pressure or tem-perature. 37In the present case, in the absence of uniaxial pressure data, the anharmonicity is estimated using the expressions for cubic systems. As seen in the Table I, pure-volume or the implicit contribution is dominant for both the modes. Resistance measurements Figure 5shows the pressure dependence of resistance for CuLaO 2. Since the measurements were done on compactedpolycrystalline sample along with electrical contacts via pres- sure, initial value of resistance was quite high ( >20 MX). Hence, we have plotted the data above 2 GPa. As pressure isfurther increased, the resistance of the sample decreases at a rate of 0.34 K X/GPa up to 5.3 GPa; beyond that the resistance drops by three orders of magnitude indicating abrupt changesin the material. This is around the pressure region of second high pressure transition, where the intensity of Raman modes is found to vanish. An abrupt change in resistance in a semi-conductor under pressure mainly arises from a change in the energy band gap, as the applied pressure changes the elec- tronic band structure thereby changing the number of elec-trons in the conduction band and holes in the valence band. 39 Thus, the sharp decrease in the resistance beyond 5.3 GPa isan intrinsic nature of the sample and can be attributed to theabrupt decrease in band gap with increase in pressure. On fur- ther increase of pressure up to 10 GPa (the highest pressure reached in the present investigations), the resistance contin-ued to decrease but with much slower rate. The pressure de- pendence of electrical resistance correlates well with the second high pressure phase transition involving decrease inband gap at around the same pressure as disappearance of Raman bands. The differences in transition pressures by two techniques could be due to the presence of quasihydrostaticconditions of resistance measurements where solid medium is used as pressure transmitting medium. High pressure X-ray diffraction In order to confirm the phase transitions observed by Raman spectroscopy, in situ x-ray diffraction experiments were carried on CuLaO 2up to high pressures of 12 GPa. Figure 6shows the ADXRD pattern of CuLaO 2at various pressures. Above 2.0 GPa, two new peaks appear in the pat-tern in the low angle region indicative of a structural transition corroborating the results obtained by Raman spectroscopy. Beyond 7 GPa, there is a broadening of all the sample peaksand a redistribution of intensity indicating onset of disorder.FIG. 4. Variation of Raman mode frequencies with temperature. FIG. 5. Variation of electrical resistance of CuLaO 2with pressure.FIG. 6. Evolution of the diffraction pattern of CuLaO 2as a function of pres- sure. * indicates the peaks due to the pressure marker. Arrow marks indicate the new peaks that appear after transition to PII.133507-5 Salke et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 133507 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:22:32These observations are again consistent with the results of Raman spectroscopic measurements. Rietveld analysis of the x-ray diffraction data in the ambient phase reveals that as in other delafossites, c/aratio increases with pressure, as shown in Figure 7(a). Figure 7(b)shows the variation of normalized lattice parameter with pressure. The axial compressibility Ka and Kcobtained using equation K¼/C01 V/C0/C1ð@V @PÞTare 2.5(1) /C210/C03GPa/C01and 1.04(7) /C210/C03GPa/C01, respectively. Similar to other delafossites, a-axis is found to be more com- pressible than c-axis resulting in increase in c/awith pressure which may make system unstable and lead to phase transition. The unit cell volumes at different pressures were fitted with the 3rdorder Birch-Murnaghan equation of state (BM-EOS) and are shown in Figure 7(c). Error in the volume is negligible hence it cannot be seen in the figure, though it is plotted. The zero pressure volume, bulk modulus, and pressure derivativeof bulk modulus obtained from the BM-EOS are 217.3(2) A ˚ 3, 154(25) GPa, and 4.8, respectively. The error in estimated bulk modulus is quite high due to coexistence of phases andthe small pressure range of stability of the ambient phase. As in the case of other delafossites like CuAlO 2and CuGaO 2,14,15we could not index the diffraction peaks corre- sponding to the high pressure daughter phase and hence the structures of high pressure phases could not be determined. From the observed diffraction peaks of high pressure phasePII, it can be mentioned that its structure is different from the known high pressure phase of other delafossites like CuFeO 2and CuCrO 2.10,11As we do not have close data points in x-ray diffraction measurements, the phase transition pressures are estimated from Raman spectroscopy data. Phase transitionpressure as measured by x-ray diffraction measurements is in general slightly higher, as compared to that Raman spectro- scopic measurements, due to the fact that Raman spectroscopyis a local probe whereas x-ray diffraction is a bulk tech- nique. 40Note that changes in optical properties occur at similar pressures as observed in the structural and vibra-tional measurements, suggesting a correlation between all phenomena. In order to recover large volume of high pressure meta- stable phase PII, we have also used the large volume Bridgman anvil press to pressurize sufficient quantity of sample with no pressure transmitting medium. The XRDdata were collected on as-synthesized sample and recovered sample from non-hydrostatic compression of 10 GPa using a standard diffractometer. Figure 8shows XRD pattern of CuLaO 2ambient phase and pressure quenched from 10 GPa, recorded with Mo K awith k¼0.7107 A ˚.P r e s e n t non-hydrostatic experiments show the same signatures ofthe first high pressure phase as in hydrostatic, synchrotron based XRD data confirming the absence of role of devia- toric stresses in this phase transition. However, due to theappearance of only two new clear peaks, coexistence of dif- fraction peaks and broadening of all the peaks from ambient structure, it was not possible to solve the high pressurestructure. The recovery of first high pressure phase after pressure release has potential technological applications in synthesis of new materials with tailored physical properties. In order to understand the high pressure behavior of delafossite compounds, the compressibility data of CuLaO 2 obtained from present studies are compared with the reported data of other delafossite compounds and they are presented in Table II. It is noted that the physical parameters like bulk modulus obtained experimentally for CuLaO 2agree well with that of the other members of the delafossite family. The anisotropic nature of compressibility in CuLaO 2is in tune with that of other delafossites. The present results also give aclue to systematic understanding of high pressure behavior of copper delafossites. As proposed earlier 24in the family ofFIG. 7. (a) Variation of c/awith pressure in the ambient phase. (b) Variation of normalized lattice parameters. (c) Variation of cell volume with pressurein the ambient delafossite phase. Square symbols are experimental data points and solid line is the fitted data to the third order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state. FIG. 8. XRD pattern of CuLaO 2, as-synthesized (blue) and pressure quenched from 10 GPa (red), recorded with Mo K awith k¼0.7107 A ˚. Arrow marks indicate the diffraction peaks due to the first high pressure phase.133507-6 Salke et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 133507 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:22:32delafossites Cu MO2(forM¼Al, Ga, and La), the variation in the first transition pressure can be correlated to the ionic radii of trivalent cation M3þ. The first transition pressure decreases from 34 GPa in CuAlO 2to 1.8 GPa in CuLaO 2as the radius increases from 0.54 to 1.03 A ˚. We observe that the first transition pressure is inversely proportional to the ionicradius of M 3þin this class of delafossites Cu MO2. Thus, a general inference of the pressured induced phase transition is related to the deformation of bonding and electronic struc-ture around the of M 3þion and hence the transition can be attained at lower pressure for larger and highly polarizable ions. Furthermore, the observation of phase transitionaccompanied by a change in band gap in CuLaO 2, at moder- ate to lower pressure, will have merit to envisage applica- tions like touch panel and sensors. CONCLUSION Raman spectroscopic studies point out towards two phase transitions in CuLaO 2at 1.8 GPa and 7 GPa which are further supported by electrical resistance and x-ray diffrac- tion measurements. There is an increase in anisotropy with pressure in the ambient phase, typical of delafossite familyof compounds. From x-ray diffraction measurements, bulk modulus of CuLaO 2is determined to be 154(25) GPa. The changes in the resistance at the second high pressure transi-tion are indicative of a band gap collapse. The first transition pressure is found to vary inversely as the ionic radius of M 3þ in copper delafossite Cu MO2. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Dr. S. L. Chaplot and Dr. R. Mukhopadhyay for support and encouragement. N.P.S.acknowledges Department of Atomic Energy, India for financial support. 1A. N. Banerjee and K. K. Chattopadhyay, Prog. Cryst. Growth Charact. Mater. 50, 52 (2005). 2H. Kawazoe, M. Yasukawa, H. Hyodo, M. Kurita, H. Yanagi, and H. Hosono, Nature 389, 939 (1997). 3M. N. Huda, Y. Yan, and M. M. Al-Jassim, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 113710 (2011). 4K. Gurunathan, J. O. Baeg, S. M. Lee, E. Subramanian, S. J. Moon, and K. J. Kong, Catal. Commun. 9, 395 (2008). 5O. Aktas, K. D. Truong, T. Otani, G. Balakrishnan, M. J. Clouter, T. Kimura, and G. Quirion, J. Phys.: Condens. Mater. 24, 036003 (2012).6T. Arima, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 76, 073702 (2007); G. Ehlers, A. A. Podlesnyak, M. Frontzek, R. S. Freitas, L. Ghivelder, J. S. Gardner, S. V. Shiryaev, and S. Barilo, J. 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CuLaO 2CuAlO 2 (Ref. 14)CuGaO 2 (Ref. 13)CuFeO 2 (Ref. 17)CuCrO 2 (Ref. 16) B0(GPa) 154(25) 200(10) 202(15) 156 126.8 Ka(10/C03GPa/C01) 2.5(1) 2.06(5) 1.96(5) 2.58(4) 2.30(6) Kc(10/C03GPa/C01) 1.04(7) 0.83(4) 0.75(4) 0.65(2) 0.39(9)133507-7 Salke et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 133507 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:22:32
Thermal transport properties of metal/MoS2 interfaces from first principles Rui Mao, Byoung Don Kong, and Ki Wook Kim Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 116, 034302 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4890347 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4890347 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/116/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Joint first-principles/continuum calculations of electromechanical properties of MoS2 monolayer Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 061910 (2014); 10.1063/1.4893360 A genetic algorithm for first principles global structure optimization of supported nano structures J. Chem. Phys. 141, 044711 (2014); 10.1063/1.4886337 Thermal conductivity and phonon linewidths of monolayer MoS2 from first principles Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 253103 (2013); 10.1063/1.4850995 Microstructures and perpendicular magnetic properties of Co/Pd multilayers on various metal/MgO seed-layers J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07B766 (2011); 10.1063/1.3565204 First-principles study of metal–graphene interfaces J. Appl. Phys. 108, 123711 (2010); 10.1063/1.3524232 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 21:31:20Thermal transport properties of metal/MoS 2interfaces from first principles Rui Mao, Byoung Don Kong,a)and Ki Wook Kimb) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7911, USA (Received 9 June 2014; accepted 4 July 2014; published online 15 July 2014) Thermal transport properties at the metal/MoS 2interfaces are analyzed by using an atomistic phonon transport model based on the Landauer formalism and first-principles calculations. The considered structures include chemisorbed Sc(0001)/MoS 2and Ru(0001)/MoS 2, physisorbed Au(111)/MoS 2,a s well as Pd(111)/MoS 2with intermediate characteristics. Calculated results illustrate a distinctive dependence of thermal transfer on the details of interfacial microstructures. More specifically, the chemisorbed case with a stronger bonding exhibits a generally smaller interfacial thermal resistancethan the physisorbed. Comparison between metal/MoS 2and metal/graphene systems suggests that metal/MoS 2is significantly more resistive. Further examination of lattice dynamics identifies the presence of multiple distinct atomic planes and bonding patterns at the interface as the key origins ofthe observed large thermal resistance. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC . [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4890347 ] I. INTRODUCTION Transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have emerged as key candidates for the beyond-graphene, two-dimensional (2D) or van der Waals crystals due to their distinctive electri-cal, optical, and thermal properties. 1,2In each case, the bulk material is formed by a stack of 2D monolayers through the weak van der Waals interactions as in graphene, while theintralayer binding is much stronger. For instance, monolayer of molybdenum disulfide (MoS 2)—a prototypical example— consists of one Mo plane sandwiched between two S planesvia the covalent bonding that is arranged in a trigonal pris- matic network. 2Consistent with its diatomic nature, MoS 2 exhibits a non-zero energy gap whose magnitude depends on the layer thickness.2–4Successful fabrication of a transistor with a large on/off ratio (as high as 108owing to the large gap)5has made this material an early focus of investigation among the TMDs. As in the metal/graphene (metal/Gr) cases, it was recently found that the metal/MoS 2interfaces can be classi- fied into two categories—physisorption and chemisorp- tion.6,7The former generally has a smaller binding energy and a larger interfacial separation than the latter. Since thecontacts with metallic electrodes comprise a crucial compo- nent of the high-performance electronic devices, consider- able efforts have been devoted to investigate the electricaltransport properties of the metal/MoS 2structures.8,9In com- parison, thermal transport has received much less attention. Nonetheless, the impact of efficient heat transfer on the oper-ation of 2D crystal devices is significant when considering the inevitable presence of heterogeneous interfaces and sub- sequent joule heating in the layered structures. 10–12 Accordingly, a comprehensive understanding of thermal properties at the interface with the metallic contacts is cru- cial from the perspective of both fundamental low-dimensional physics and practical applications of this emerg- ing material system. In this paper, we present a detailed theoretical analysis of interfacial thermal resistance in the metal/MoS 2system via phonon transport. The sample structures are chosen to reflect the range of typical interfaces from chemisorption to physisorption. For an atomistic description of lattice dynam-ics at the interface, our theoretical approach adopts a first- principles method based on density functional theory (DFT) and density functional perturbation theory (DFPT). 13,14Then the phonon/thermal transport characteristics are determined via the Green’s function techniques15–17in the Landauer for- malism.18The calculation results are examined in terms of interfacial microstructures and force constants to identify the key contributors to the disparate thermal properties at theconsidered interfaces. Comparison is also made with those of the corresponding graphene based structures. 19 II. THEORETICAL MODEL Thermal conduction across the heterogeneous metal/ MoS 2interface is characterized by the interfacial resistance or the so-called Kapitza resistance.20,21In the phonon trans- port calculation, we consider a three parted system where the central interface region (i.e., the region of interest) is con- nected to the thermal reservoirs on the left and the right withtwo semi-infinite leads (labeled LandR), often known as the lead-conductor-lead configuration. 17,22In the nanoscale, the Kapitza resistance can be evaluated by extending theLandauer formalism for electrons to phonons. Then, the ther- mal current density can be written as JT L;TRðÞ ¼/C22h 2pðþ1 0dxxTphxðÞnT L;xðÞ /C0nT R;xðÞ ½/C138 ; (1) where nðTL;R;xÞis the equilibrium Bose-Einstein distribu- tion for phonons, TL;R¼T6DT=2 is the temperature in thea)Present address: U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, 4555 Overlook Avenue, Washington, District of Columbia 20375, USA. b)Electronic address: kwk@ncsu.edu 0021-8979/2014/116(3)/034302/5/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 116, 034302-1JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 116, 034302 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 21:31:20left or right thermal reservoir, and TphðxÞis the phonon transmission function through the structure. In the limit of small DT, the phonon contribution to the thermal conduct- ancejphðTÞ¼JðTÞ=DTis then given by jphTðÞ¼1 2p/C22hðþ1 0d/C22hxðÞTphxðÞ/C22hx@nT ;xðÞ @T/C20/C21 :(2) The thermal resistance (normalized to the cross-sectional area of the interface) is then obtained by inverting Eq. (2). The phonon transmission function TphðxÞcan be calculated by adopting a real-space Green’s function approach, similar to the one used for electronic transport.17In particular, one can take advantage of the following analogy between the electronic and phononic systems: EelI$x2MphandHel$ Kph:Here, HelandEelare the Hamiltonian and the eigen- energy in the electronic system, whereas KphandMphdenote the matrix of the interatomic force constants (IFCs) and the diagonal matrix corresponding to the mass of the atoms.14,23 Additionally, Isymbolizes the identity matrix and xthe pho- non frequency. Further details on the theoretical formulation can be found in Refs. 23and19. In the present treatment, the IFCs (thus, Kph) are calcu- lated fully from the first principles within the DFT/DFPT framework that allows accurate consideration of the micro-scopic geometry as well as the chemical and electronic mod- ification at the interface without resorting to phenomenological or ad hoc models. 13,23Specifically, the QUANTUM-ESPRESSO package24is used with ultrasoft pseudopotentials in the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). A semiempirical van der Waals force correction isalso added to the density functional calculation (GGA þD) to obtain more accurate interlayer distances. 25,26It has been verified that the GGA þD routine provides the optimal results for layered MoS 2structures in comparison to other approaches such as the nonlocal exchange-correlation func- tional treatment and the local density approximation.27A minimum of 50 Ry is used for the energy cut-off in the plane wave expansion along with the charge truncation of 600 Ry. In addition, the Methfessel-Paxton first-order spreading withthe smearing width of 0.01 eV is employed. The momentum space is sampled on a 6 /C26/C22 Monkhorst-Pack mesh in the first Brillouin zone. The realistic interface structures areobtained through geometry optimization, where the total energy and atomic force are minimized. The energy conver- gence threshold is chosen at 10 /C08Ry and the maximum forces acting on each atom is relaxed below 10/C04Ry. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In order to achieve the maximum orbital overlap (i.e., a good electrical contact), it is highly desirable to minimize the lattice constant mismatch between the metallic material and MoS 2. In addition, the work function of metal species must be close to that of the conduction band minimum or the valence band maximum for a small Schottky barrier, although the Fermi-level pinning may affect the final barrierheight. 28,29Following these criteria, the metal/MoS 2struc- tures selected for the current investigation are Au(111)/MoS 2, Pd(111)/MoS 2, Ru(0001)/MoS 2, and Sc(0001)/MoS 2. The lattice constant of MoS 2is fixed at the optimized value 3.22 A ˚. The 1 /C21 unit cell of face-centered cubic Sc(0001) is commensurate with the 1 /C21M o S 2with only a 2.4% lat- tice mismatch, whereas the 2 /C22 unit cell is needed for Au(111), Pd(111), and Ru(0001) to make the lattice mis-match below 3.4% against theffiffi ffi 3p /C2ffiffi ffi 3p R30 8unit cell of MoS 2. Figure 1shows the resulting interfacial structures of the considered material combinations after geometry optimi-zation. In accord with earlier studies, 7,28our calculation clearly illustrates that Ru and Sc form strong bonding with MoS 2at the interface (i.e., chemisorption) resulting in a rela- tively small interfacial separation (2.20 A ˚and 2.02 A ˚, respec- tively). On the other hand, Au is physisorbed on MoS 2 through weak van der Waals bonding with a larger interlayer distance (2.77 A ˚). As for Pd(111)/MoS 2, the interfacial sepa- ration of 2.18 A ˚is obtained in close agreement with a recent DFT calculation (weak chemisorption).28These interfacial structures serve as the central region in the previously men- tioned lead-conductor-lead configuration. Two leads consist- ing of respective bulk materials (i.e., bulk metal and bulkMoS 2) are connected seamlessly to the interface region and modeled separately. No appreciable mismatch (i.e., resist- ance) exists between the leads and the conductor. Phonon transport through the different metal/MoS 2 interfaces is calculated in Fig. 2by using the theoretical model described earlier. The results are plotted only up to100 cm /C01in order to illustrate clearly the contributions of dominant low-lying acoustic branches. The impact of high- frequency optical phonons is negligible while not shown ex-plicitly. As evident from the figure, the transmission function of the physisorbed Au/MoS 2interface exhibits more resonant features than those of the chemisorbed cases. This is due tothe fact that the Au and S atoms are bonded through the weak van der Waals force, leading to limited hybridization FIG. 1. Side view of the metal/MoS 2systems under consideration: (a) Sc(0001)/MoS 2, (b) Ru(0001)/MoS 2, (c) Pd(111)/MoS 2, and (d) Au(111)/ MoS 2. Two upper layers represent MoS 2.034302-2 Mao, Kong, and Kim J. Appl. Phys. 116, 034302 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 21:31:20of vibrational modes at the interface. Accordingly, phonon transmission is more selective with certain frequenciesblocked almost completely (i.e., nearly zero transmission). On the other hand, the strong interactions at the chemisorbed interfaces (e.g., Sc/MoS 2and Ru/MoS 2) result in substan- tially mixed properties between the corresponding metal and MoS 2. Hence, phonon propagation encounters a more grad- ual barrier with much less hindrance over a broader fre-quency spectrum [see Figs. 2(b) and2(c)]. As for the Pd/ MoS 2contact, the transmission function in Fig. 2(d) resem- bles those of chemisorbed cases although to a lower degree.The bonding between the Pd and S atoms appears to be not as strong as the other two cases, particularly the Sc/MoS 2 structure. Such intermediate characteristics were also observed when Pd is paired with graphene.19The Pd/Gr interface was deemed a mixture of chemisorption and physi- sorption with only weak, incomplete hybridization. Figure 3shows the interfacial thermal resistance obtained as a function of temperature. Since the total resist- ance of the structure contains the contribution from the leadsas well, the intrinsic thermal resistance at the junction is deduced by subtracting this portion in a manner analogous to electrical transport. 16The results exhibit the 1/T dependencein the low temperature region, while staying almost invariant between 200 K and 450 K. The dashed vertical line marks the values at room temperature, which are 5.8 /C210/C08Km2/ W, 1.9 /C210/C08Km2/W, 3.1 /C210/C08Km2/W, and 1.2 /C210/C07 Km2/W for Au/MoS 2, Sc/MoS 2, Ru/MoS 2, and Pd/MoS 2, respectively. Consistent with the expectation from the trans-mission function comparison, the chemisorbed interfaces (Sc/MoS 2and Ru/MoS 2) show the lowest thermal resistances among the considered. Of the two chemisorbed examples,Sc/MoS 2provides a smaller value than Ru/MoS 2that can be understood, in part, by the difference in the interfacial sepa- ration (2.02 A ˚versus 2.20 A ˚) as the interatomic distance tends to indicate the strength of the bonding between the atoms. In this regard, Pd/MoS 2provides an exception with the largest resistance even though it is supposed to be chemi-sorption albeit weakly. The physisorbed Au/MoS 2is actually placed in between the Pd/MoS 2and the (strongly) chemi- sorbed cases. A similar feature was reported in the Pd/Grstructure earlier. 19 Considering their seeming resemblance, a detailed com- parison between the metal/MoS 2and metal/Gr systems could provide an insight into the lattice dynamics at the 2D crystal heterojunctions. The most crucial finding is that the metal/ MoS 2interfaces exhibit considerably larger resistances than the metal/Gr counterparts. For instance, Ni/Gr that is a typi- cal chemisorbed metal/Gr interface can reach a low thermal resistance of 3.9 /C210/C09Km2/W, while the lowest value for the chemisorbed metal/MoS 2is about five times higher at 1.9/C210/C08Km2/W. This difference suggests strong depend- ence of the Kapitza resistance on the specifics of the interfa-cial microstructures. To further illustrate this point, two essential factors—the atomic scale morphology and IFCs— are carefully examined at the boundaries. The schematics in Fig. 4highlight the dissimilarity in the interfacial structures of Ni/Gr and Ru/MoS 2. Unlike grapheneFIG. 2. Phonon transmission function vs. frequency at the interface in the metal/MoS 2structures under consideration. The magnitude of the transmis- sion function can be larger than 1 since it also reflects the number of avail- able modes. FIG. 3. Interfacial thermal resistances vs. temperature for (a) Au/MoS 2, (b) Sc/MoS 2(c) Ru/MoS 2, and (d) Pd/MoS 2. The vertical dashed lines mark the resistances at room temperature (300 K). FIG. 4. Schematic view of the interfacial nanostructure for Ni/Gr and Ru/MoS 2with the atomic mass listed for the compositional atoms (in the unified atomic mass unit u). The red solid box highlights the difference between gra- phene and MoS 2in the atomic configuration and morphological arrange- ment. The dashed blue box shows the mass disorder introduced by the sulfur layer.034302-3 Mao, Kong, and Kim J. Appl. Phys. 116, 034302 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 21:31:20that is formed by a single plane of C atoms, each layer of MoS 2consists of one monatomic Mo plane sandwiched between two monatomic S planes. This multi-layer structure of MoS 2damps the phonon vibrations across the interface. Additionally, the Mo and S atoms are much heavier than C atoms (S-32.065 u, Mo-95.96 u vs. C-12.01 u in the unified atomic mass unit), which also contributes significantly to thereduced phonon transfer. In fact, experimental investigations have observed the low thermal conductivity in both bulk and thin-film TMDs due to the high average mass, atomic com-plexity, and weak bonding. 12A closer scrutiny shows that the larger mass variation may be yet another reason for the larger thermal resistance of metal/MoS 2. When phonons propagate through the interface region, they encounter a drastic change in the atomic mass. In the case of Ru/MoS 2, for instance, it varies from 101.07 u to 32.065 u then to 95.96 u or vice versa. In other words, the relatively lighter S atoms sandwiched between the heavy Mo and contact metal atoms serve as anextra scattering layer due to the mass disorder. In this regard, the case of metal-S-Mo 2is analogous to the hydrogen termi- nated SiC on graphene (SiC-H/Gr), where the H adatoms pro-vide an additional scattering mechanism. 30On the other hand, the conditions are much more straightforward in the metal/Gr cases, with only the metal/carbon interaction at the interface;the phonons experience only a single alteration in terms of mass (from 58.69 u to 12.01 u for Ni/Gr).Analyzing the impact of the second factor (i.e., the IFCs), Fig. 5provides the interlayer force constants for the two chemisorbed cases, Ru/MoS 2and Ni/MoS 2, deduced from the DFPT calculation. The height of each bar symbol- izes the interaction strength between two neighboring layers. For example, the first bar on the left denotes the interactionbetween layers 1 and 2; the next bars are for layers 2 and 3, and so on. In both of these plots, the metallic layers are up to layer 5. For MoS 2, layers 6 to 8 correspond to the covalently bonded S-Mo-S planes (i.e., the first monolayer from the interface). Accordingly, the S atoms in layer 9 belong to the second monolayer of MoS 2. On the other hand, layers 6 to 10 represent the first through fifth graphene layers from the interface that are held together by the van der Waals force. We focus on the force constants between layers 5 and 6,where the physical interface of two heterogeneous materials is located. The magnitudes of these force constants indicate the interaction strength between the metal atoms and eitherthe S or C atoms. As shown, the force constant between Ru and MoS 2is around 0.03 a.u. that is much smaller than the corresponding quantity of approximately 0.1 a.u. between Niand graphene (where a.u. denotes atomic Rydberg units). The suggested weaker interaction between the metal and the S atoms is further verified by the analysis of electronic bind-ing energy for the chemisorbed interfaces available in the lit- erature. 7,9Clearly, it is not unreasonable to anticipate lower phonon/thermal transmission at an interface with the lesseffective bonding and the more complex morphology. In the case with Au or Pd, the physical picture appears to be somewhat different. Our calculation as summarized inTable Iindicates that the Au/MoS 2and Pd/MoS 2contacts ex- hibit interfacial force constants similar to the corresponding Au/Gr and Pd/Gr cases. In fact, those with MoS 2are slightly larger than the graphene counterparts.6,7With the binding interaction much weaker than the chemisorbed, the distin- guishing factor for the thermal resistance at these interfacesmay be the mass variation/disorder rather than the magnitude of force constant. Accordingly, MoS 2again shows a larger resistance than graphene when interfaced with Au or Pd.Nonetheless, the relatively muted differences between metal/ MoS 2and metal/Gr in the physisorbed (and the intermediate) cases can be attributed to the comparable bonding strengths. IV. SUMMARY Thermal transport in the metal/MoS 2heterostructures is investigated by using an atomistic model based on the DFT FIG. 5. Interlayer force constants for Ru/MoS 2and Ni/Gr. The height of each bar represents the interaction strength between two layers, where a.u. standsfor atomic Rydberg units. In both plots, the metallic layers are up to layer 5 (i.e., 1–5). The dashed-dotted line indicates the physical interface with the metal as MoS 2(in the S-Mo-S order) or graphene starts from layer 6. TABLE I. Thermal properties at the relevant metal/MoS 2and metal/Gr interfaces. a.u. denotes atomic Rydberg units. Bonding characteristics Interfacial separation (A ˚) Interfacial forceconstant (a.u.) Thermal resistance (Km2/W) Sc/MoS 2 Chemisorption 2.02 0.043 1.9 /C210/C08 Ru/MoS 2 Chemisorption 2.20 0.034 3.1 /C210/C08 Au/MoS 2 Physisorption 2.77 0.005 5.8 /C210/C08 Pd/MoS 2 Mixed 2.18 0.0136 1.2 /C210/C07 Ni/GraChemisorption 2.02 0.103 3.9 /C210/C09 Au/GraPhysisorption 3.31 0.004 1.7 /C210/C08 Pd/GraMixed 2.43 0.0125 3.4 /C210/C08 aReference 19.034302-4 Mao, Kong, and Kim J. Appl. Phys. 116, 034302 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 21:31:20formalism and the Green’s function approach. The obtained characteristics indicate generally more effective thermal transfer at the chemisorbed surface owing to the strongerinteraction with MoS 2. One exception is Pd/MoS 2with a hybrid bonding at the interface that actually shows the larg- est interfacial thermal resistance among the considered.Comparison with metal/Gr reveals that metal/MoS 2interfa- ces are more resistive in terms of phonon/thermal transport. A detailed examination of interfacial geometry and the lat-tice dynamics identifies the difference in atomic scale mor- phology, composition, and interaction strength as the main origins of resistive nature in the metal/MoS 2system. More specifically, the three-plane structure with heavy atoms, the mass disorder introduced by the light-massed sulfur plane as well as the different bonding forces at the interface, all con-tribute to phonon scattering and subsequently a large interfa- cial thermal resistance. As these features are not unique to MoS 2, other TMDs are expected to be similarly resistive in heat transfer when interfaced with a metal. 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Electricity access in urban slum households of Bangladesh: A case of Dhaka Molla Shahadat Hossain Lipu1,a)and Arif Md. Waliullah Bhuiyan2 1Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh 2Energy and Environmental Management, Europa-Universit €at Flensburg, Flensburg 24943, Germany (Received 6 January 2014; accepted 15 September 2014; published online 29 September 2014) Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, is one of the fastest growing cities in Southern Asia, having population of more than 13 million, and is expected to accommodate more than 20 million by 2025. This growth has been accompanied by the growth of urban slums and the subsequent challenges to access basic urbanservices like water, sanitation, clean energy, and transport for the urban poor. Despite its importance for basic survival, electricity supply is not recognized as a basic urban service, as a result of which, the poverty alleviation and basicinfrastructure provision programs have not addressed this issue completely. On the basis of a stakeholder interaction approach, following a set of logically sequenced questions to assess the availability, accessibility, affordability, reliability andcontinuity of usage of electricity, this study assesses the current status of electricity access in an urban poor area of Dhaka and identifies barriers to electricity access from both demand and supply side. Barriers specific recommendations are alsosuggested based on the experiences from field visit and the best practices outside Bangladesh are also identified. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC . [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896697 ] INTRODUCTION With the rapid urbanization taking place in the world, it is expected that 59.7% of the world population (4.9 billion) will live in cities in 2030.1This increase is even more striking in the Asian countries, where the population in urban areas has increased from 22.7% to 37.1% during 1970–2000, and is expected to rise to 54.1% in 2030.1In developing countries, the com- bination of high population density, poverty and limited resources supports the rapid growth ofslum areas, mainly in the cities. 2With the rapid rise of slums around the world, the number of slum dwellers is expected to rise to 2 billion by 2022.3Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, with an estimated 37% of its total 9 million population (2005) living in slums4is a prime exam- ple of unprecedented growth of informal settlements where the dwellers mostly live below the poverty line in terms of low living standards, productivity, and basic services.5Slums world- wide share a number of common problems which are unauthorized and unsafe habitation with-out the access to government services. 3Governments have chronically failed to deal with the growth of slums until the development became entrenched and as a consequence roads and other infrastructures have not been planned well enough. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the issues of access of the poor to energy supply.6–8Just as energy is instrumental for socio-economic development, equally appa- rent is the issue of short supply of electricity that depresses economy, increases unemploymentthereby compromising development prospects. 9There are approximately 1.4 billion people who lack access to electricity.10The necessity to establish and sustain electricity service in slum a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: lipuhossain@gmail.com. Tel.: þ8801781628171. 1941-7012/2014/6(5)/053112/14/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 6, 053112-1JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 6, 053112 (2014) areas may not always be recognized and allowed. Historically, electric utilities have experi- enced or expected low or negative returns from expanding service to low income customers, given their relatively low consumption levels and the added problems and costs of electrifying these mostly informal areas. The companies strive to increase net revenue to improve their fi- nancial viability as well as fulfill universal service policies that are increasingly being imposed by regulators. In addition, slum consumers have very poor internal wiring, no ground fault pro-tection or circuit breakers and very long and often undersized wires or cables connecting them to the electricity grid or to a neighbor. In these cases, risks of electrocution and fires are high, further dragging families and communities down the economic ladder. The slum electrificationcan be an opportunity to increase revenues, albeit a risky one, that requires appropriate policy, careful planning and execution and a sustained presence in the community for success. Presently, 62% of the total population (including renewable energy) of Bangladesh have access to electricity and per capita generation is 321 kWh, which is very low compared to other developing countries. 11Most of the studies on electricity in Bangladesh are focused in urban and rural areas with limited information and study on the electricity access in slum areas ofDhaka. Due to the lack of explicit policies, laws, and regulations on slum settlements, very of- ten slum dwellers do not come into the picture of the national strategic plans and programs. 12 About 90% households in urban poor areas of Dhaka city have access to electricity.4However, the slum areas have very limited access to electricity supply in terms of affordability, availabil- ity, and reliability. Though the urban poor have access to electricity, most often it is used ille- gally at extorted prices. There is a lack of effective monitoring practice by the utility companiesincluding purchasing power, quality control, transparent approach in the allocation, and optimal resource utilization. 13Moreover, Dhaka city is suffering from scarcity of power supply. Frequent load shedding is very common in summer-time with a 40% deficit of supply.14In the absence of electricity, kerosene lamps called “Kuppi” and “Hurricane” are the major appliances used by the urban poor to meet their lighting needs. These are very inefficient appliances which have very low level of lighting emitting lots of smoke. Besides, these lamps have a high risk offire and negative impact on health. The understanding of electricity access status could provide a base for future decisions on electricity related planning for the poor in Dhaka. A better understanding of electricity accesscan inspire the design and development of pro-poor policies and pricing of modern energy serv- ices to reduce energy poverty. 15Therefore, this paper aims to assess the electricity access status of urban poor in Dhaka. The objectives of this research are: 1. To assess the current level of access to electricity in a slum area of Dhaka. 2. To identify supply side and demand side barriers for electricity access to the urban poor of Dhaka. 3. To provide specific recommendations and identify best practices to overcome the barriers to promote electricity access for the urban poor of Dhaka. The paper is organized as follows. First, the methodology section describes the procedures used to address the research questions of the study. Second, the current status of electricity access, includ- ing household fuel consumption pattern in an urban poor area of Dhaka is presented next. Third, wehighlight both the supply side and demand side barri ers to electricity access. Finally, the paper con- cludes with barriers specific recommendations and policy implications on electricity access. METHODOLOGY Korail slum32was chosen as the study area for the purpose of carrying out the research and to attain the objectives. This slum was purposely selected since it has the largest slum com-munities of Dhaka considering population, area, and the number of years people have lived there. The area is located under wards 19 and 20 of Dhaka and shares its borders with two wealthy neighborhoods, Banani and Gulshan. The Korail slum in Dhaka sits on over 90 acresof the government land owned by the state-owned Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited, the Public Works Department and the Ministry of Information and Communication.053112-2 Hossain Lipu and Waliullah Bhuiyan J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053112 (2014)The population of Korail slum is about 100 000 and generally consists of 5 persons per family.4 Therefore, 100 families were surveyed with a 10% limited error.33 A random sampling was applied to select samples in each slum community in which an individ- ual household was taken as a unit of the sample in this study. Random sample means all possible samples of households in the study area have the equal chance of being selected. The random sam- pling technique was chosen to avoid any kind of bias in the study. Usually, the random sampling is done either by using a random number table or a com puter program. For this study, first, total sam- ple size was determined using sampling equation. In formation on slum identification (ID) along with address, map and number of households were coll ected from the Center of Urban Studies (CUS). The random number was created against each of the slum using Excel RAND functions. Both primary as well as secondary data on energy access of the urban poor were collected. The data collection took place during November and December, 2012. The duration time of aninterview was about 30 min on average. The interviews were recorded and transliterated for fur- ther analysis. Primary information was collected through reconnaissance surveys, direct observa- tions, key informant interviews, household surveys, and focus group discussions. Secondary dataand information were collected from various sources like annual reports, previous theses, research papers, journals, recognized websites and documents available in different agencies like Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), Local Government Engineering Department (LGED),Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) NGO, Nagar Daridra Basteebashir Unnatan Sangstha (NDBUS) NGO, Dhaka City Co-operation (DCC), National Housing Authority (NHA), Petro Bangla, BangladeshEnergy Regulatory Commission (BERC), Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC) and Dhaka Electricity Supply Company Limited (DESCO), and other concerned agencies. Detailed map of each slum area along with slum ID in each ward, total number of population and house-holds was collected from the CUS. Some international articles (UNDP, World Bank) regarding energy and poverty of Bangladesh were also reviewed. These data and information were utilized to understand the socioeconomic background, livelihood operation, electricity related issues.Besides, the data and information were also used to cross check with current survey results. The data collected from different sources and methods were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. After completion of household survey, the data were compiled and analyzedwith the help of Microsoft Excel and Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) software. General information such as demographic data, household sizes, income, occupation patterns, type of houses, house ownership patterns as well as electrification rates, percentage of differentfuel usage for lighting, average consumption of different fuels were assessed by using descrip- tive statistics such as frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and cross tabulation. To measure the user satisfaction on electricity, Weighted Average Index (WAI) was used. 16Level of satisfaction is ranked from 1 to 5 where 1 indicates the lowest level of satis- faction and 5 the highest level of satisfaction. Strongly dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Strongly satisfied 12 3 4 5 The equation shows the formulating of WAI using level of satisfaction, WAI ¼½ ffSTS ð5ÞþfSð4ÞþfNeð3ÞþfDSð2ÞþfSDS ð1Þg/C138=N; (1) where WAI is the weighted average index, fSTS is the frequency of strongly satisfied, fS is the frequency of satisfied, fNe is the frequency of neutral, fDS is the frequency of dissatisfied, fSDS is the frequency of strongly dissatisfied, and N is the total number of observations. In order to know how slum households are electrified, there were questions on electricity connection status of the households, such as whether they are serviced by the utility company053112-3 Hossain Lipu and Waliullah Bhuiyan J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053112 (2014)or from other sources. In addition, there were questions on mode of payment to know whether they pay electricity bill by meter or by other methods. Some questions also included to know the type of appliances used and their specifications (rating, capacity) as well as operating hours. ANALYSIS AND KEY FINDINGS Although 100% households in Korail slum have a ccess to electricity, it does not mean that each and every slum household has an individu al metered electricity connection. Many slum households are electrified through a single met er which is located at pole called pole meter. The DESCO is responsible to provide electricity supp ly in Korail slum through pole meters regardless of the illegal status of the slum area, by taking a hi gh amount as an advance electricity bill (as se- curity deposit). The meter is authorized under the name of the slum representative/local leader/ area committee of the slum areas. Banks17stated that different government agencies that are re- sponsible to provide energy services in the slum a reas do not get involved directly with slum com- munities. The local leader called “Maastan” take s the responsibilities who acts as intermediary between service provider and slum dwellers. As the services are only delivered by “Maastan” in the slum areas, they take this opportunity by charging slum dwellers an exorbitant price. The first reason for accessing this type of connection is the ir illegal status. A legal individual connection requires a set of documents which urban poor living in the slum areas do not have. The second reason is the high upfront cost of connection which consists of security deposit, meter cost, and in- stallation cost including labor charge and wiring cost. The observations from the survey also indi-cated that urban poor pay a fixed amount electric ity bill either by equipment type or by agreed sum through negotiation depending on the type of appliances used which is shown in Table I. The level of access to electricity can also be estimated by ownership of electrical appliances. Due to limited power supply available at house s as well as limited income, it is expected that urban poor in Dhaka has limited access to different types of electrical appliances. The survey of 100 households indicated that the majority of t hem use one lamp for lighting and one fan for cool- ing as the minimum basic need. Table Ishows that a total of 83% slum households own Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) (25 W), 38% own incandescent bulb (60 W), 11% own fluorescent tube light (40 W). Fans are used by all income group s (77%). Television (TV) is usually owned by middle income groups (34%), while the refrigerator is owned by high income households (3%). User satisfaction on electrical system WAI method was applied to measure the user satisfaction on electricity system. A total of 100 users were interviewed to know the users’ perception about electricity supply in slum areas.TABLE I. Unit price and percentage of households owning different appliances in Korail slum, Dhaka. Name of appliance Incandescent lamp Fluorescent tube light CFL TV Fan Refrigerator Percentage of households—users (%) 38 11 83 34 77 3 Unit price (BDT/month) 150 150 150 150 150 300 TABLE II. Electricity supply index-quality level for households [code: 1 ¼strongly dissatisfied, 2 ¼dissatisfied, 3¼neutral, 4 ¼satisfied, 5 ¼strongly satisfied]. Satisfaction parameterLevel of satisfaction Mean SD 12 3 4 5 The amount of electricity supplied by the utility company 1 35 21 35 0 3.06 0.908 Time of hours of electricity supplied by the system 2 54 29 7 0 2.63 0.761Electricity bill 1 60 12 27 0 2.65 0.892Quality of power supply 1 9 63 27 0 3.16 0.615 Safety of the power supply 2 9 49 36 0 3.19 0.734053112-4 Hossain Lipu and Waliullah Bhuiyan J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053112 (2014)Users’ opinion on various characteristics with their mean and standard deviation (SD) is listed in Table II. The amount of electricity supplied by the system The users were neither happy nor unhappy with the amount of electricity supplied by the utility company. The mean value for this satisfaction parameter is 3.06 with a standard devia- tion of 0.908. Although they have access to electricity, they have limited access to use all theappliances irrespective of their affordability. Slum dwellers live as a tenant with very less facil- ity of electricity services. They pay the electricity bill by equipment type and most of the houses have minimum two electrical points for using electrical appliances where one source isused for lighting purposes and another source to run a fan. Regardless of their interest or buy- ing capacity to use other appliances, house owners do not allow slum dwellers to use more than two electric sources due to limited capacity load of the pole meter. Time of hours of electricity supplied by the system Dhaka city is suffering from shortage of power supply. Frequent load shedding is very common in summer-time. Load shedding occurs for 6–7 h in a day in cities and for 12 h in vil- lages at regular intervals in a day.14During the survey, it was found that slum dwellers are suf- fering due to not only limited access of power supply, but also the unavailability of the powersupply. Out of 100 households surveyed, 54 correspondents showed dissatisfaction towards availability of electricity provided by the utility company. Some correspondents also reported that the power line is cut off without giving any prior notice. Sometimes, the contractor fails to pay the electricity bill to the utility office regularly. Besides, poor people use secondary fuels like kerosene, candles, and rechargeable batteries during the time of load shedding which meansurban poor are not only charged for using electricity but also for secondary fuels to get a con- tinuous supply of electricity. Electricity bill It is estimated that urban poor pay more per kWh (three times higher) compared to domestic tariff rate34set by the BERC. In addition, due to unplanne d distribution of poor quality electric cables, occurrence of a short circuit is common phenomena which cause a fire hazard. Therefore, the users were not satisfied about the electr icity bill with an average score of 2.65 (SD ¼0.892). Quality of power supply About 63% correspondents were neutral ab out quality of power supply. About 9% slum dwellers were not satisfied with the frequent vo ltage drop of the power supply which happens repeatedly during the summer season. They claimed that the level of lighting in the summer periodis very low which hampers the study of their children. However, 27% correspondents were happy with the quality of power supply. Overall, the p oor people were quite happy with the quality of power supply with a score of 3.16 (SD ¼0.615) in spite of voltage up and down in the summer. Safety of the power supply Users were happy about the safety feature of the power supply with an average score of 3.19 and standard deviation of 0.734. Around 36% correspondents showed satisfaction towards the safety of the power supply as no major accidents have occurred so far. Besides, around 9% users were dissatisfied with the distribution of extension cords which originate from pole meter/shared meter. In addition, a small fraction of around 2% users were strongly dissatisfied regard- ing the safety of the power supply. They reported that the electric cables which are used to sup- ply power to the households have very poor quality. In fact, some users complained about the occurrence of short circuit which causes a fire hazard from these low quality cables. Women and children are the most vulnerable to this threat, who can have an electric shock by the loose053112-5 Hossain Lipu and Waliullah Bhuiyan J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053112 (2014)cable. As the majority of slum households is flimsy structured, it will be very difficult to con- trol the fire. Patterns of household energy use The primary source of energy used for lighting in the slum households in Korail is elec- tricity. In addition to providing household lighting, electricity is increasingly used to operatean array of household appliances (e.g., televisi on sets, refrigerator, and fans). However, in the absence of electricity during the time of load shedding, slum dwellers use kerosene, candles, and rechargeable batteries as a secondary fuel for lighting purposes. So, the unavailability ofelectricity not only hampers the daily life of the slum dwellers but also penalizes them with extra payment for using secondary fuel for lighting. The average monthly expenditure for electricity is 557 BDT which accounts 54% of total energy expenditure. The average monthlyexpenditure for kerosene is 134 BDT (67 BDT/l) and candles are 150 BDT (5 BDT/candle). The most common kerosene lamp used by the slum dwellers is traditional wick lamps (“Kuppi” and “Hurricane”). To assess the energy use, the average values [The values areaveraged for all households (not only for the users)] for slum households are considered w h i c hi ss h o w ni nT a b l e III. Household energy use not only depends on fuel type, availability, nature of its use but also on the type of appliances, therefore the total energy may not give an actual energy consumption pattern of slum households. As a consequence, end use energy needs to be taken into considera- tion. To convert end use energy from total energy, O’Sullivan and Barnes 18considered fuel type and efficiency of end use appliances. For example, kerosene is burnt in traditional “Kuppi” or “Hurricane” which has very low end use efficiency of 15%. To get useful energy from elec- tricity, a value of 95% is considered as end use efficiency. Candlepower is used to obtainenergy from one candle which is the radiating power of a light with the intensity of one candle [One candlepower is equal to about 0.981 candela which is defined to be the luminous intensity of a light source. One candela is equal to 18.3988 mW ( http://www.onlineconversion.com/ )]. The rechargeable battery is used in a torch light or rechargeable light [Usually, three AA Lithium Ion rechargeable batteries is used in a rechargeable light where each battery has capacity of 11 050 J ( http://www.allaboutbatteries.com/Energy-tables.html )]. The batteries have chemical energy which is changed to electrical energy whereby it is converted to the light energy. Useful energy consumption shown in Table IIIsuggests that electricity is the highest consumer followed by kerosene, rechargeable batteries, and candles. Household income and energy consumption Understanding the relationship between income and energy requires a deeper analysis of household energy consumption in the context of a varying composition of energy sources and their implication for useful energy consumed.19The energy consumed is always less than the total available energy from the physical sources used. The capacity of a physical source todeliver useful energy depends on the fuel type, the nature of its use, and available means and TABLE III. Monthly household energy-use patterns. Energy useType of fuel Electricity Kerosene Rechargeable batteries Candle Household users (%) 100 55 13 52 Energy used (kgOE/HH/month) 4.32 0.24 0.07 0.001 Share of total energy (%) 93.28% 5.18% 1.51% 0.02% Energy cost (BDT/HH/month) 557 134 200 150Price paid (BDT/kgOE/month) 129 558 2857 150000 Share of total expenditure (%) 54% 13% 19% 14%053112-6 Hossain Lipu and Waliullah Bhuiyan J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053112 (2014)technology used to deliver the energy services. Since these factors vary across households, fo- cusing on only total energy available from various sources, may not do justice to the analysisof energy-consumption patterns of slum households. As a consequence, we examined both total and end-use household energy consumption. As expected, a household’s end-use energy in reality is only a fraction of the total energy consumed. The survey indicated that only about two-third of total energy is converted to useful energy. Figure 1shows the household energy consumption 35against household income decile36 where it was found that that as income goes up, households’ total energy as well as end use energy consumption also increases, which is the result of the adoption of electricity by the higher income households. For example, at the first decile, the ratio of end-use to total energy is only half, whereas it is about two-third and double at the fifth and tenth decile, respectively.For total energy, electricity constitutes an overwhelmingly large share of energy use, and this pattern is consistent for all households. The total amount of energy usage per household has increased consistently, especially beyond the sixth decile income group due to the use of highernumber of electrical appliances as well as kerosene by higher income households. The result shows that end-use energy patterns reflect the actual energy service that consumers receive because they are based on the energy content used for a particular task. Thus, the role of elec-tricity gains prominence owing to its higher efficiency levels. On the other hand, kerosene energy consumption also increases with income; but as far as end-use energy is concerned, ker- osene constitutes a lower percentage of total energy consumption as income rises. BARRIERS TO ELECTRICITYACCESS Supply side barrier Energy policy barrier The government has introduced several energy policies since 1996, but none of the policies highlighted the need of energy for the urban poor as a part of the basic service. The key ele- ments of energy policies are summarized in Figure 2. Besides, wide-ranging policy on urbaniza- tion specifically urban poverty is missing. Also, there is no policy in relation to improvingenergy efficiency. The government has set up policies which concentrate more towards expand- ing electrification rather than being focused on end uses or energy applications. 12However, the interview with key informants (Interview by the author with Engr. Imdadul Haque, Chairman,BERC, Dhaka, November 2, 2012) also supported the literature which means there is no explicit energy policy for the urban poor.FIG. 1. Trend in household’s total and end-use energy consumption by household income decile.053112-7 Hossain Lipu and Waliullah Bhuiyan J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053112 (2014)UNDP12also reported that policies for each sub- sector, such as Power Policy, Petroleum Policy, Private Sector Policy, and now the Draft Renewable Energy Policy have no linkages with the policies and programs of other sub-sectors wh ich means that there is no coordination in poli- cies and programs in the functioning of sub-agen cies or companies under the ministries of these sub-sectors. For instance, sub-sectors such as ene rgy and minerals do not coordinate their policies and programs with each other, but they do coordi nate with the power sector independently. As a result, lack of collaboration among the institutio ns with several policies not only lead to policy confusion in the energy sector but also undermine the regulatory environment. Housing policy barriers Legal settlement is a pre-requisite for acquiring legal electricity services. In order to have legal electricity access, the provision of affordable housing for urban poor should be empha- sized first. The government has already emphasized the need for providing affordable housing for urban poor and, therefore, has introduced several policies in order to establish housing rightsfor the urban poor. The National Housing Policy (NHP) was first introduced in 1993. After a long time break, the government came forward to modify the NHP (1993) in 2004. However, the modified version is still in the draft stage and awaiting for the government’s final approval.Hence NHP, 1993 is considered to be the available approved official policy for housing provi- sion. The key policy statement under the NHP, in line with housing for the urban poor, is “The urban poor will be given the advantages in receiving the housing rights where different priceswill be offered according to their affordability”. But in reality, the strategic provisions of the NHP (1993) have not been executed. There are no regulatory laws or legislations which have been enacted to support NHP (1993). As a result, no government has been successful in estab-lishing housing rights and preparing plans that truly take care of the affordable housing needs of the urban poor living in the slums of Dhaka. 20 However, consultations with key informant (Interview by the author with Engr. Md. Nurul Huda, Chairman, Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK), Dhaka, November 6, 2012) also gave information on various policies and programs regarding housing rights of the urban poor. But the major problems reported by the key informant in implementing the policies are the lim-ited availability of resource land and the high price of land in Dhaka city. Also, a huge number of urban poor make it difficult for proper rehabilitation. Institutional barriers There are no centralized institutions which can truly take care of the electricity services in the slum areas. In the early 1990s, DCC established a Slum Development Department with an aim to improve the physical infrastructure in the slum areas of Dhaka. But there are no linkagesbetween the slum development department of DCC and electricity service providers at national or local levels, thereby hindering the growth of slum electricity services. However, the key in- formant (Interview by the author with Anwar Hossain Patwary, Chief Slum DevelopmentOfficer, DCC, Dhaka, November 7, 2012) stated that the only program that the department has, related to electricity access of slum areas is to improve street lighting. But there is no explicit FIG. 2. The key energy policies of Bangladesh.12053112-8 Hossain Lipu and Waliullah Bhuiyan J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053112 (2014)plan and program for improving energy access in terms of providing clean fuels, meter electric- ity connection, etc., at an affordable price. The key informant also mentioned that one of the major problems of the department that has delayed the execution of programs is the lack of funding. Besides, other agencies who are responsible to take care the urban development do not address slum electricity needs. Islam et al.21mentioned that urban policy gets conflicted due to dual metropolitan power and control between DCC and other agencies. Although the DCC is an autonomous body, it is controlled by the Ministry of Local Government, which means that there are sufficient control and leadership of municipal government over municipal affairs. The DCC alone cannot provideservices to the urban poor related to electricity supply, but has to depend on DPDC, DESCO for their acknowledgment and support in their final decision making to implement the plan. The overall scenario results in poor urban governance causing major urban problems. Due to thisproblem, DCC has been unable to make a fruitful plan and program to improve the electricity accessibility in slum areas. Institutionally, there is little or no understanding/appreciation of the relationship between energy and poverty. Energy sector institutions behave autonomously and interact little among themselves, and thus their policies and programs are non-synergistic and often contradict with each other. Moreover, the institutional management structure is highly centralized where deci-sion making is top-down, which inhibits participation of private sector players and other stakeholders. 12 Lack of infrastructure Scarcity of electricity has always been a severe problem since the country got its independ- ence in 1971. Bangladesh has not become self-sufficient so far to deliver quality electricity sup-ply continuously due to low plant efficiencies and high system losses. The government has taken steps to install new power plants having generation capacities of 2350 MW in 2015, 2800 MW in 2016 and 12 450 MW between 2015 and 2020 to ensure electricity for all by2021. 22However, the fundamental problems associated with lack of power generation are the inadequate supply of modern fuels, constraints of adequate foreign exchanges, budget con- straints for making large investments to generate electricity, inadequate institutional and person-nel capacity to implement policies and lack of appropriate national and regional partnerships. Power sector reforms have been carried out over the years but, in practice, these are not hap- pening in effective measures. 12According to the DESCO,14load shedding occurs at least 6–7 h daily in cities and 12 h in the villages. The existing demand is nearly 2000 MW in Dhaka city, but around 1000–1200 MW of electricity is supplied. As a result, load shedding takes place at regular intervals in a day. Now, the question has left to answer is whether these inefficientpower plants can meet the demand of slum areas, even though it has already failed to deliver quality electricity services to residential, commercial, and industrial areas. Lack of monitoring and evaluation system The utility companies do not get directly involved with slum communities, but rather they work via medium known as “Maastans” The responsibility of the utility companies is restrictedonly to sanction a pole meter. “Maastans” takes control of the pole meter and provides electric- ity supply from pole meter to households where they charge slum dwellers very high price for using different appliances. The utility company do not concern about the billing methods (pay-ment by equipment type) of urban poor. The above scenario clearly suggests that there is a lack of effective monitoring practice as well as transparent approach by the utility companies includ- ing purchasing power, ensure quality control, and optimal resource utilization. Moreover, there is no central agency which can review the electricity use in the slum areas. Besides, identification of influencing parameters related to electricity, assessment of energy sav- ing opportunities, an adaptation of a strategic approach to improve energy efficiency and opti-mization of energy supply in slum areas are also missing. Also, there is no energy management system that can provide information on energy in slum areas regarding planning, monitoring,053112-9 Hossain Lipu and Waliullah Bhuiyan J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053112 (2014)and implementing measures to improve energy performance. Besides, there is no baseline data- base which can be used as a benchmark to make plans for future initiatives.12 Demand side barrier Illegal settlement Legal recognition of the settlement is the pre-requisite for a household to access legal energy services like electricity. The key informant [Interview by the author with Eng. Sha Alam, Director (Engineering), DESCO, Dhaka, 5 December 2012] reported that due to the ille- gal nature, urban poor automatically get excluded from the formal delivery services as they donot have a valid residence address and other pre-requisite documents. Barrett and Dunn 23found that 80% of the land is authorized by 30% of the city’s population, while the remaining 70% of the population have access to only 20%. The result suggests that accommodating land to all the city dwellers in Dhaka would be a serious challenge for the government. As majority of poor migrates from rural areas for economic reasons, most of them have very little assets which can-not help them to afford a legal tenureship. Bari and Efroymon 24also noticed that the land price in residential areas, especially in the central zones of Dhaka is increasing at an alarming rate, which forces the slum and squatter communities to be moved towards the city’s peripheries insearch for cheap shelter. Financial barriers The most significant barrier to access electricity among the poor is the application fee. Currently, a high amount of application fee, 33,921 BDT [US$ 424, 1 US$ ¼80 BDT, (November, 2012)] and 277 days are required to get estimation and load requirement for solarpanels from DESCO. 25This amount is equivalent to about 5–6 months’ estimated household monthly income of urban poor in Dhaka city. However, despite of the illegality, DPDC and DESCO allow them to apply for legal electricity connection through the pole and shared meter.But to sanction a pole meter, a high amount of advanced electricity bill (3–4 month) is needed as a security deposit which is quite difficult for slum dwellers to afford. Physical barriers As observed from the survey that the physical constraint of the poor communities are usu- ally very crowded with narrow walkways, poor quality of housing material often causes diffi- culty in the installation, delivery and monitoring of electricity services. Lack of awareness It was observed that most of the slum dwellers are uneducated and very few of them have completed primary school. They are more concentrated on economic benefits rather than healthbenefits. So, the low level of education and limited awareness regarding health and financial benefits of clean and efficient fuels resist the slum dwellers to use energy efficient appliances. Moreover, with limited awareness levels and lack of sufficient knowledge of the urban poor onavailable electricity costs, options, and efficient utilization, most often, their demand cannot receive priority to the higher authority. RECOMMENDATIONS AND POLICY DIRECTIONS The government has already introduced some policies for the urban poor. But these policies only concentrated on the improvement of slum infrastructure. Some policies also focused on slum resettlement, but none of them have highlighted electricity access. So, it is necessary that the policy should target the urban poor specifically in the field of energy access. Also, itrequires proper coordination among various sub agencies in order to avoid any policy confu- sion. It requires the proper collaboration among various institutions in order to make the regula- tory environment effective and strong. It is also suggested to change or revise the policies053112-10 Hossain Lipu and Waliullah Bhuiyan J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053112 (2014)related to slum development. The best practice can be learnt by following the Integrated National Electrification Program (INEP), South Africa.26A white paper energy policy was introduced in 1998 which emphasized to provide affordable energy services to the urban poor by improving energy governance and economic stimulation. The success behind the electrifica- tion program was the widespread energy policies, the effective role of the government, encour- age the private sector players to invest in electrification program. The illegal status of slum settlement and lack of valid residence address were found as two of the major barriers to access electricity. Access to legal energy services is inherently linked with valid residence address. So, it is recommended that the government should give emphasison this issue with high priority. To address this issue, it is required to recognize the slum settle- ments and give them the authorization of permanent status as a first step. But, in case if it is difficult to give legal status, tenure regulation can be achieved by issuing temporary residentialproof which make them eligible to apply for legal energy services. Another solution would be the relaxation in requirements for new connections by the supply agency for the urban poor. A similar approach has been introduced in Mumbai, where the community, with the help of localNGOs, held a series of negotiations between the Mahila Milan and the service provider Bombay Electricity Supply and Transport (BEST). 27A government letter was issued after the negotiations, declaring that the dwellings would not be demolished for one-and-a-half years.This served to reassure the service provider, who wanted assurance that its supply of electricity to the pavement dwellers would neither place the company in breach of its own rules, nor would it be seen to symbolize security of land tenure for the pavement dwellers. Through stepby step negotiations that occurred in several stages, the tenureship and other requirements demanded by the service provider and community were met. As discussed earlier, NHP was introduced in 1993, with an aim to provide the affordable housing to the urban poor. But the government is unsuccessful to establish the housing rights for the urban poor. As affordable housing is a compulsory need for the urban poor, so it is sug- gested that the government can introduce the affordable housing to the urban poor for longtime installment basis. At the same time it needs to implement NHP and also needs revision based on the current situation. However, implementing affordable housing to the urban poor will be a difficult task, therefore a temporary household ID can be provided. A similar policyhas been introduced by the government of Thailand, where Quasi housing identity was initiated in slum areas to help the poor population of the cities. 28The Housing Registration Act was for- mulated in 1992 in order to have better access to infrastructure. Housing registration was classi-fied into two types. One was permanent type and another was the temporary housing registra- tion, which was called quasi-household ID. The Quasi households ID not only helped the urban poor to apply for legal energy services like electricity, water but also reduced illegal electricityconnections (connection through a neighbor). The electricity connection fee is too high for slum dwellers. In this regard, subsidized con- nections by the supply agency along with efficiency improvement measures can be delivered tourban poor to reduce energy consumption and charges. All the facilities can be provided through “community agents.” In Salvador, the service provider Companhia de Electricidade do Estado do Bahia (COELBA) subsidized the installation of new connections and theft resistantmeters and facilitated community registration into a social tariff program run by the govern- ment to further facilitate affordability. 29COELBA also worked to negotiate affordable payment plans with their low-income clients, particularly those who had payment defaults or outstandingdebts. Apart from this, a combined approach of information and energy efficiency improve- ments, delivered by Community Agents, aided in reducing energy consumption, bringing the energy bills under the affordability bracket of the poor households and avoiding non-payment.Supporting energy efficiency in the target urban poor communities also facilitated energy affordability in some cases. In Salvador, the appliance exchange was an initiative that helped overcome affordability issues faced in the community by helping them exchange energy ineffi-cient appliances for newer ones that would result in less energy consumption. Urban poor are charged three times more than domestic electricity tariff rate. Besides, physi- cal constraints of the poor communities which ar e usually very crowded with narrow walkways053112-11 Hossain Lipu and Waliullah Bhuiyan J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053112 (2014)often causes difficulty in the installation, deliver y and monitoring of electricity services. So it is recommended that urban poor be charged on the unit basis by providing them with prepaid meter connection. The metered electricity connectio n would help the urban poor not only in reducing electricity bill but also create a wareness about its careful consumption. As the renovation of slum infrastructure will require a long term effective plan, therefore the installation of prepaid electricity meters would be an appropriate option. In South Afr ica, under the INEP, prepaid electricity meters were implemented with an objective to substitute “conventional” credit meters to reduce the monthly electricity cost.26At first, credit meters were hung on the external walls of residential buildings. But suspicion was raised extensively that the meters were accessed by unauthorizedusers. Hence, for security conc ern, prepaid meters were mounted inside dwellings. It has the advantages by giving consumers the opportunity not only to monitor the consumption of the appli- ances they used but also to reduce the problem of non-payment. Lack of education and limited awareness regarding health and financial benefits of clean and efficient fuels is one of the main hindrances to promote electricity services in slum areas of Dhaka. Educational, training program and workshop should be arranged to raise awareness touse electricity within budgetary limits, including how to monitor usage and reduce consump- tion; and at the same time engage slum dwellers to participate in community activities to pre- pare for electrification and assist in policing of illegal activities threatening the scheme. In NewDelhi, INDCARE Trust worked with the slum community to raise awareness of the safety risks of illegal electrification and the benefits of legal connections. 27Following their empowerment through education and awareness, the community recognized the risks of illegal electricalaccess and was taught to voice its demands and take the necessary steps to overcome issues such as illegality in order to achieve legal electrification. Innovative means were used to engage and raise awareness in the community surrounding the risks of illegal electrification. Creativemethods were also used to conduct community based research and included tools like knowl- edge, attitude and performance (KAP), participatory learning and action (PLA), and the main- streaming of urban poor women in design for resource assessment (MUDRA) tool that helpedthe program effectively target the needs of the community to ensure engagement and success. Street performances and poster campaigns were also used to raise awareness and help teach the community how to negotiate to demand and achieve their rights. Urban poor were also found to use inefficient app liances. In the absence of electricity, kero- sene is the major fuel used by urban for lighting a nd it is used inefficiently by burning it in tradi- tional “Kuppi” or “Hurricane” which emits a lot sm oke. As load shedding occurs frequently three to four times in day and usage of secondary fuel for lighting is necessary fo r household needs, so it is recommended that usage of kerosene can b e replaced by a recharge able light emitting diode (LED) lamp or solar photovoltaic (PV). Solar en ergy has already been proven to be a very promis- ing resource to improve the ongoing electricity s hortage in Bangladesh. The solar PV project spe- cifically Solar Home System (SHS) has already go t an acceptance among the people all over the country, particularly in rural areas through i nnovative financing options. The government of Bangladesh is already one step closer to deliver a reliable supply of electricity through solar PV by introducing a “Draft Renewable Energy Policy” in 2008 where emphasis has been given to renewable energy, particularly solar power and biogas. 30In order to disseminate solar PV project in slum areas of Dhaka, it should make easier for poor households to pay, including subsidies and convenient payment facilities, and improving local pa rticipation that facilitates discussion and iden- tification and resolution of any problems early on . It is also recommended to involve slum com- munities, as they are crucial to the success of a ny scheme. The key activities for communities include support for the effort, set up activities for communication among the key stakeholders to help in understanding community needs and issu es and how the solar PV electrification scheme will work, set up a self-policing function; and con tinue to work with stakeholders to keep the solar PV scheme working after implementation. A sim ilar method was applied in Sri Lanka, where a project called Energy Services Delivery (ESD) was proposed to minimize the gap resulting from a serious shortage of investment in the energy sector.31ESD project successfully installed 21 000 so- lar home systems within 6 yr. ESD project provided benefits for its stakeholders by no longer using kerosene, and improved affordability by not having to pay monthly electricity bills. With the053112-12 Hossain Lipu and Waliullah Bhuiyan J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053112 (2014)help of this project, the renewable energy sector continued to flourish in Sri Lanka with hundreds of organizations and thousands of people directly involved in making or se lling renewable energy equipment. Finally, it is recommended that slum development department of DCC should focus on pro- viding electricity services to the urban poor by proper coordination between Dhaka city cooper- ation and electricity service provider in planning and dealing effectively the electricity issues ofurban poor. It needs to strengthen the performance of RAJUK and DCC. DCC should have suf- ficient control and power over DPDC and DESCO, Petro Bangla so that plans and programs can be introduced on improving the electricity access in the slum areas with proper coordina-tion. It is also recommended that proper co-ordination should be established between DCC and RAJUK as well as planning ministries in urban development project in Dhaka. CONCLUSION The initial assessment in the study provides a clear picture about access to electricity, its connection status, household energy use pattern in urban poor households and the structured policy analysis brings to light the lack of responsiveness and proactive sectorial policies (urbanplanning, poverty alleviation, energy) to address the lack of access to electricity for the urban poor. On the other hand, barrier specific actions identified in the recommendation directly address challenges associated with electricity access, the same need a strong backing at themacro level in terms of strategic energy planning policies/plans. As observed from the study, there is no comprehensive energy policy which relates to urban poverty. Besides, there are no centralized institutions which look after energy accessissues in the slum areas. Lack of sufficient control and power by DCC over various national utility agencies like DPDC, DESCO, and Petro Bangla has resulted poor urban governance. Moreover, due to the illegal nature, urban poor cannot apply for legal energy services. NGOsfind difficulties to work in slum areas due to illegal settlements of slums and interference of middlemen. Also, lack of awareness does not help the urban poor to learn about financial and health benefits of electricity. The paper also gives an idea about the barriers specific recommendations based on the experiences obtained from field visit. It was found from the field survey that poverty is not the only main cause for limited electricity services in the slum areas. The policy failure, bad gover-nance, and ineffective legal and regulatory framework, corruption and lack of political will are also the major hindrances to provide electricity in the slum areas. Therefore, to provide appro- priate suggestions and recommendations to address the different barriers related to electricityaccess is a very complex task. To address the barriers, the government should come forward to closer look into each barrier and at the same time initiate fruitful plans, programs, and policies to solve the problems. Also, it would be beneficial to learn from best practices related to elec-tricity issues from other regions/countries. Best practices could be taken as recommendations/ suggestions to address different barriers in slum areas of Dhaka. 1UN (United Nations), World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision and World Urbanization Prospects: The 2007 Revision (Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, New York, 2008). 2UN-HABITAT, The Challenge of Slums: Global Report on Human Settlements 2003 (United Nations Human Settlement Program, 2003). 3UN-HABITAT, See http://www.unhabitat.org/downloads/docs/7803_91408_Overview%20of%20Slum%20Electrification %20in%20Africa.Final%20report.pdf for Slum electrification programs: An overview of global versus African experience, 2009; accessed 5 January 2013. 4CUS, NIPORT (National Institute of Population Research and Training) and Measure Elevation. Slums of Urban Bangladesh: Mapping and Census 2005 (CUS, Dhaka, Bangladesh/Chapel Hill, USA, 2006). 5M. A. Mohit, “Bastee settlements of Dhaka City, Bangladesh: A review of policy approaches and challenges ahead,” Procedia—Soc. Behav. Sci. 36, 611–622 (2012). 6DfID (Department for International Development), Meeting the Challenge of Poverty in Urban Areas, Strategies for Achieving the International Development Targets (Department for International Development, UK, 2001). 7V. Modi, S. McDade, D. Lallement, and J. Saghir, Energy and the Millennium Development Goals (Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, United Nations Development Program, New York, 2005).053112-13 Hossain Lipu and Waliullah Bhuiyan J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053112 (2014)8UN-Energy, The Energy Challenge for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals (UN-Energy, United Nations, New York, 2005). 9J. C. Nkomo, “Energy use, poverty and development in the SADC,” J. Energy South. Afr. 18(3), 10–17 (2007). 10UNDP and WHO, The Energy Access Situation in Developing Countries. A Review Focusing on the Least Developed Countries and Sub-Saharan Africa (United Nations Development Program and World Health Organization, 2009). 11Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, See http://www.powerdivision.gov.bd/user/brec1/30/1 for present status of electricity access in Bangladesh, 2014; accessed 22 March 2014. 12UNDP, Asia Pacific Regional Centre, Energy and Poverty in Bangladesh: Challenges and the Way Forward (United Nations Development Program, 2007). 13S. F. Rashid, “Strategies to reduce exclusion among populations living in urban slum settlements in Bangladesh,” J. Health, Popul., Nutr. 27, 574–586 (2009). 14DESCO, See https://www.desco.org.bd/index.php?page=annual-reports for annual reports, 2011; accessed 15 July 2012. 15S. R. Khandker, D. F. Barnes, and H. A. Samad, “Are the energy poor also income poor? Evidence from India,” Energy Policy 47, 1–12 (2012). 16L. Chen, S. K. Soliman, E. Mao, and M. N. Frolick, “Measuring user satisfaction with data warehouses: An exploratory study,” Inf. Manage. 37(3), 103–110 (2006). 17N. Banks, “A tale of two wards: political participation and the urban poor in Dhaka City,” Environ. Urbanization 20, 361–376 (2008). 18K. O’Sullivan and D. F. Barnes, Energy Policies and Multitopic Household Surveys: Guideline for Questionnaire Designin Living Standard Measurement Surveys, Energy and Mining Sector Board, Discussion Paper No.17, World Bank,Washington, DC, 2006. 19D. F. Barnes, S. R. Khandker, and H. A. Samed , “Energy poverty in rural Bangladesh,” Energy Policy 39(4), 894–904 (2010). 20M. M. Rahman, Government and housing for the poor. Policy and Implementation in Bangladesh. East West Journal of Humanities, Dhaka: East West University (2009). 21N. Islam, A. Q. M. Mahbub, and N. I. Nazem, Urban Slums of Bangladesh (Center for Urban Studies, Dhaka, 2009). 22MoF (Ministry of Finance), Finance Division, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh, See http://mof.gov.bd/ en/budget/11_12/power/power_energy_en.pdf for Power and energy sector road map: An update; accessed 26 March 2014. 23A. Barrett and K. Dunn, Reaching the MDGs in urban Bangladesh. World Bank Workshop: Towards a strategy forachieving MDG outcomes in Bangladesh. Session 5: Challenges facing the urban poor, Dhaka, 2006. 24M. Bari and D. Efroymon, Detailed Area Plan (DAP) for Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan (DMDP): A Critical Review (WBB Trust, Dhaka, 2009). 25World Bank Group, Doing Business, Economy Profile: Bangladesh, see http://www.doingbusiness.or g/data/exploreeconomies/~/ media/giawb/doing%20business/documen ts/profiles/country/BGD.pdf?ver=2 , 2014 for Getting Electricity; accessed 23 September, 2014. 26B. Bekker, A. Eberhard, T. Gaunt, and A. Marquard, “South Africa’s rapid electrification program: Policy, institutional, planning, financing and technical innovations,” Energy Policy 36, 3125–3137 (2008). 27NESD, Country report (India). Urban and Per i-urban energy access III. Report prepared for the global network on energy for sustainable development by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), 2013, see http://www.gnesd.org/~/media/Sites/GNESD/ Publication%20pdfs/Urban%20 Peri-Urban%20Theme/UPEA% 20III%20-%20Newly%20Edited/TERI_final.ashx ; accessed February 20, 2014. 28GNESD, Country report (Thailand). Urban and Peri-urban ener gy access III. Report prepared f or the Global Network on Energy for Sustainable Development by The Asia n Institute of Technology (AIT) (2013), see http://www.gnesd.org/~/media/Sites/ GNESD/Publication%20pdfs/Urban%20Peri-Urban%20Theme/UPEA%20III%20-%20Newly%20Edited/AIT_Final.ashx ; accessed 20 December 2013. 29ESMAP, See http://www.esmap.org/sites/esmap.org/files/FINAL_EA-Case%20Studies.pdf for innovative approaches to energy access for the urban poor, 2011; accessed 12 March 2012. 30Power Division, See http:// www.powerdivision.gov.bd/user/brec1/30/1 for Renewable Energy policy Bangladesh, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Government of the People Republic Bangladesh, 2008; accessed 22September 2012). 31I. M. Drupady and B. K. Sovacool, Harvesting the Elements: The Achievements of Sri Lanka’s Energy Services Delivery Project (Lee Kuan Yew National University of Singapore/Centre on Asia and Globalization, Singapore, 2011). 32In Bangladesh, the definition of slum by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) is “Predominantly very poor housing structure, Jhupri, Tong, chhai, tin shed, semi-pucca flimsy structure, dilapidated building in bad condition, very high housing density, grow on govt./semi govt. vacant land and public owned places, abandoned buildings/places or by the side of the road, having poor sewage and drainage or even it has no such facilities, inadequate, unhealthy drinking watersupply, prevailing unhealthy atmosphere, insufficient or absence of street lighting, little or no paved street, inhabited bypoor, uneducated and below poverty level people.” 33Sample size, n ¼N ðN/C2e2Þþ1, where, n ¼sample size, N ¼Total number of households, and e ¼Limited error ¼10%. 34Consider a typical slum house where a 25 W CFL and a 70 W ceiling fan is used for monthly fee of 150 (light) þ150 (fan) ¼300 BDT. Considering 10 hours daily usage time and 30 days a month, a typical slum house consumes {(25 W /C210 h/C230 day/1000) kWh/month þ70 W /C210 h/C230 day/1000) kWh/month)} ¼28.5 kWh/month which means urban poor pay (300 BDT/month /C428.5 kWh/month) ¼10.5 BDT/kWh, but the domestic tariff rate is 3.33 BDT per unit (0–75 unit) which means slum residents pay more than 3 times higher than normal tariff rate set by the BangladeshEnergy Regulatory Commission (BERC). 35Regarding energy use, first, the average value of end use energy of each fuel (electricity, kerosene, rechargeable batteries, and candles) in each decile group is determined. Then the average end use energy of all the fuels in each decile group is added to estimate the total end use energy consumption. 36To draw the graph, the per capita monthly income of the urban poor household is organized according to the order of theirincome and then divided into ten groups of equal size, so that each decile then has 10 percent of the households. For this study, 100 households have been considered which means each decile has 10 households.053112-14 Hossain Lipu and Waliullah Bhuiyan J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053112 (2014)Journal of Renewable & Sustainable Energy is copyrighted by the American Institute of Physics (AIP). Redistribution of journal material is subject to the AIP online journal license and/or AIP copyright. For more information, see http://jrse.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions.
Anisotropic magnetoresistance of individual CoFeB and Ni nanotubes with values of up to 1.4% at room temperature Daniel Rüffer, Marlou Slot, Rupert Huber, Thomas Schwarze, Florian Heimbach, Gözde Tütüncüoglu, Federico Matteini, Eleonora Russo-Averchi, András Kovács, Rafal Dunin-Borkowski, Reza R. Zamani, Joan R. Morante, Jordi Arbiol, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, and Dirk Grundler Citation: APL Materials 2, 076112 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4891276 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4891276 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/aplmater/2/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Interfacial perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in CoFeB/MgO structure with various underlayers J. Appl. Phys. 115, 17C724 (2014); 10.1063/1.4864047 CoFeB spin polarizer layer composition effect on magnetization and magneto-transport properties of Co/Pd- based multilayers in pseudo-spin valve structures J. Appl. Phys. 113, 023909 (2013); 10.1063/1.4773336 Enhancement of anisotropic magnetoresistance in MgO/NiFe/MgO trilayers via NiFe nanoparticles in MgO layers J. Appl. Phys. 111, 123903 (2012); 10.1063/1.4729273 Perpendicular magnetization of CoFeB on single-crystal MgO J. Appl. Phys. 109, 123910 (2011); 10.1063/1.3592986 Study of the dynamic magnetic properties of soft CoFeB films J. Appl. Phys. 100, 053903 (2006); 10.1063/1.2337165 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://aplmaterials.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 03:14:57APL MATERIALS 2, 076112 (2014) Anisotropic magnetoresistance of individual CoFeB and Ni nanotubes with values of up to 1.4% at room temperature Daniel R ¨uffer,1Marlou Slot,1Rupert Huber,2Thomas Schwarze,2 Florian Heimbach,2G¨ozde T ¨ut¨unc¨uoglu,1Federico Matteini,1 Eleonora Russo-Averchi,1Andr ´as Kov ´acs,3Rafal Dunin-Borkowski,3 Reza R. Zamani,4,5Joan R. Morante,5Jordi Arbiol,4,6 Anna Fontcuberta i Morral,1and Dirk Grundler2,7,a 1Laboratoire des Mat ´eriaux Semiconducteurs, Institut des Mat ´eriaux, Ecole Polytechnique F ´ed´erale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland 2Lehrstuhl f ¨ur Physik funktionaler Schichtsysteme, Physik-Department, Technische Universit ¨at M ¨unchen, D-85747 Garching bei M ¨unchen, Germany 3Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons and Peter Gr ¨unberg Institute, Forschungszentrum J ¨ulich, D-52425 J ¨ulich, Germany 4Institut de Ci `encia de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Campus de la UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, CAT, Spain 5Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), Barcelona 08930, Spain 6Instituci ´o Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avanc ¸ats (ICREA), 08019 Barcelona, CAT, Spain 7Institut des Mat ´eriaux, ´Ecole Polytechnique F ´ed´erale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland (Received 25 March 2014; accepted 15 July 2014; published online 30 July 2014) Magnetic nanotubes (NTs) are interesting for magnetic memory and magnonic ap- plications. We report magnetotransport experiments on individual 10 to 20 μm long Ni and CoFeB NTs with outer diameters ranging from 160 to 390 nm and film thicknesses of 20 to 40 nm. The anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) effect studied from 2 K to room temperature (RT) amounted to 1.4% and 0.1% for Ni and CoFeB NTs, respectively, at RT. We evaluated magnetometric demagnetization factors of about 0.7 for Ni and CoFeB NTs having considerably different saturation magne-tization. The relatively large AMR value of the Ni nanotubes is promising for RT spintronic applications. The large saturation magnetization of CoFeB is useful in different fields such as magnonics and scanning probe microscopy using nanotubesas magnetic tips. © 2014 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4891276 ] Ferromagnetic nanostructures with tubular shape are fascinating objects for fundamental re- search as well as for applications. Due to their hollow structure, theory predicts the existence of Bloch-point free vortex states and domain walls. 1–3The motion of vortex domain walls in nanotubes is expected to occur at very high velocities,4,5possibly fast enough to generate a Cherenkov-type spin wave excitation.6Such magnetic properties and high velocities could be beneficial in future low-power and high-speed memory applications.7For this, polycrystalline or even better amorphous materials, being soft-magnetic and magnetically isotropic, represent a very promising basis. While soft-magnetic behavior allows for mobile domain-walls, isotropic magnetic properties are key forthe formation of the characteristic magnetic states predicted for tubes. Molecular beam epitaxy and epitaxial growth as reported for GaMnAs, MnAs, and Fe 3Si nanotubes recently10–12intro- duce however magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Magnetron sputtering as a technologically relevantdeposition technique has not been reported for the fabrication of magnetic nanotubes yet. Instead aElectronic mail: dirk.grundler@ph.tum.de 2166-532X/2014/2(7)/076112/8 © Author(s) 2014 2, 076112-1 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://aplmaterials.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 03:14:57076112-2 R ¨uffer et al. APL Mater. 2, 076112 (2014) ferromagnetic nanotubes were first fabricated by electrodeposition into nanoporous membranes.13,14 Various other methods were developed such as hydrogen reduction of porous alumina templates preloaded with metallic salts15or decomposition of polymers containing a metallo-organic pre- cursor wetting such templates.16Different deposition techniques including atomic layer deposi- tion (ALD) were employed to fabricate tubes in nanopores17,18or as shells onto semiconductor nanowires.8,10,17,19Early magnetic characterization was restricted to large ensembles of nanotubes. In the last years, the investigation of individual nanotubes became technologically feasible.9,20–24 The role of both magnetocrystalline9,24and shape anisotropy19has been discussed but the relevant magnetometric demagnetization factor for individual nanotubes has not yet been addressed. For Ni nanotubes anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) data presented recently revealed a technologicallyunfavourable relative AMR effect of only 0.3% at 4 K. 21Here we report on the structural char- acterization of polycrystalline Ni and amorphous CoFeB nanotubes. Studying their AMR over a broad temperature range we obtain a large relative effect of up to 1.4% for the Ni nanotubes at roomtemperature. For both types of nanotubes, we evaluate a consistent magnetometric demagnetization factor N ⊥of about 0.7. Thereby we account for the different fields Hdneeded to saturate the Ni and CoFeB nanotubes in transverse ( ⊥) direction. Correspondingly, the magnetic anisotropy is argued to be dominated by the shape. Large room-temperature AMR values are interesting if one thinks about, e.g., sensor applications or transport studies on magnetic configurations predicted for nanotubes.1–3 The nanotubes from CoFeB are expected to advance both nanomagnonics and magnetic sensing. Their large saturation magnetization favors fast spin dynamics25and provides one with large stray fields from nanoscopic tips, respectively, helping to improve magnetic microscopy.26 Magnetic nanotubes were fabricated from either Ni or CoFeB by depositing the ferromagnetic shells around bottom-up grown GaAs nanowires.27,28The nanowires, which were grown using Ga droplets as catalysts, had lengths between about 10 and 20 μm. Their diameters ranged from 100 to 150 nm.27,28A list of relevant geometrical parameters is given in the table in the supplementary material.29The Ni was deposited by ALD,21,23while the CoFeB was obtained by magnetron sputtering using Xenon gas at room temperature.25In the ALD process, we intentionally produced an intermediate Al 2O3layer in order to vary the inner diameter of the supporting core before depositing the ferromagnetic shell. For magnetron sputtering of CoFeB, we mounted the Si (111) substrate containing the GaAs nanowires on a rotatable sample holder facing a Co 20Fe60B20(CoFeB) target that was positioned under an angle of 35◦with respect to the substrate normal. Intentionally choosing ensembles of nanowires with rather large nanowire-to-nanowire separation, the substrate rotation allowed us to obtain nanotubes showing homogeneously thick CoFeB shells. Annular Dark Field (ADF) Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) images were obtained in order to determine the morphology and thicknesses of the Ni [Fig. 1(a)] and CoFeB shells [Figs. 1(b) and 1(c)]. The Ni shells were found to exhibit a surface roughness with peak-to-peak values of about 10 nm.21,23The magnetron-sputtered CoFeB shells were much smoother. Atomic- resolution ADF STEM analyses as those presented in Fig. 1(d) evidenced a zinc-blende structure of the GaAs core that grew along one of the [111]B directions as demonstrated recently.27,30Cross sections of the core/shell systems were prepared by means of Focused Ion Beam showing that the hexagonal cross-section of the core was transferred to the CoFeB shell [Fig. 1(c)]. This was not observed for the Ni shells due to the larger surface roughness21,23[Fig. 1(a)]. The Ni consisted of grains being ellipsoids with a long (short) axis of roughly 30 nm (10 nm). The conformal CoFeB shell appeared instead amorphous. The amorphous structure is provoked by adding B to the CoFealloy. 31The columnar structure seen in Fig. 1(d) is attributed to local variations in the density of the material. These might be caused by directional deposition on the rotating nanowires. This peculiar feature is under further investigation. Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) spectrum imageswere obtained in STEM mode in order to study the composition. The nanowire cores are composed of GaAs. Shells are shown to be Ni rich in the inset of Fig. 1(a) and Fe and Co rich in Figs. 1(g) and 1(h), respectively. EELS analyses performed on the CoFeB shell provided a relative composition of Fe 77% (at. %), Co 20%, and Xe 3%. Note that the content of B could not be obtained as the energy range of the B in the EELS spectra falls far from the Fe and Co signal. The upper bound for the oxygen content in the shell is determined to be 2%. The values are consistent with energy dispersivex-ray analysis performed on planar films. 25Remarkably, the catalyst seed for nanowire growth is This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://aplmaterials.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 03:14:57076112-3 R ¨uffer et al. APL Mater. 2, 076112 (2014) FIG. 1. (a) Low-magnification ADF STEM image of Ni nanotubes; the inset shows an EELS Ni map obtained on the same region of the tube. (b) ADF STEM image of a CoFeB nanotube shell covering the GaAs nanowire template as well as theGa tip used for bottom-up growth. (c) Cross-section ADF STEM view showing the hexagonal prismatic morphology of theGaAs core template and the CoFeB nanotube shell. (d) Atomic resolution ADF STEM image showing the crystallinity ofthe GaAs and the amorphous CoFeB shell. The CoFeB exhibits a columnar morphology. The inner ADF detector semi-angleused was 78 mrad. (e)-(h) EELS chemical maps corresponding to Ga, As, Fe, and Co, respectively, obtained on the squaredregion in (b). composed of pure Ga covered with a slight thin shell containing As. The CoFeB layer coats the seed as well. In contrast to Refs. 8,9, and 19, we do not find an epitaxial relationship between the magnetic shells and the semiconductor cores. For polycrystalline Ni and amorphous CoFeB25,32 prepared on planar substrates a magnetocrystalline anisotropy was not observed. The core/shell systems were released in isopropanol using sonication and transferred to Si wafers covered with 200 nm thick silicon oxide. The absolute position of nanotubes was determinedusing prepatterned gold alignment markers, optical microscopy, and an in-house developed software for image recognition. 33In situ plasma etching was performed before sputtering electrical contacts from 5 nm thick titanium and 150 nm thick gold [Fig. 2(b)]. The separation between voltage probes Lcontact [Fig. 2(c)] was varied between 6.5 and 13.2 μm depending on the investigated nanotube. The Ni nanotubes have a thickness of 40 nm (NiL1, NiL2) and 20 nm (NiM). By inserting an Al 2O3 layer between the ferromagnetic shell and the GaAs core, we achieved different outer diameters of about 350 nm (large, “L”) and 220 nm (middle, “M”). The CoFeB nanotubes considered here have thicknesses of 30 nm (CFBM1, CFBM2) and 20 nm (CFBS1, CFBS2) where “S” (small) indicates an outer diameter of about 180 nm. The CoFeB nanotubes stick to the substrate with one of theirside facets. Magnetotransport experiments were performed on wire-bonded samples mounted on a rotatable stage in a bath cryostat with a superconducting magnet providing a magnetic field μ 0Hof up to 9 T. The resistance R(H,θ) as a function of the magnetic field and the rotation angle θwas measured in a four-point-probe configuration [Fig. 2(d)] using a nanovoltmeter in combination with a programmable current source and a three-step current operated at 25 Hz to compensate for thermovoltages. The data from the bath cryostat were corrected for thermal drifts and the field dependent characteristics of the temperature sensor. To compare different nanotubes when rotatinga fixed field H, we consider the relative resistance change /Delta1R(θ)=(R(θ)−min ( R))/min ( R) where This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://aplmaterials.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 03:14:57076112-4 R ¨uffer et al. APL Mater. 2, 076112 (2014) FIG. 2. Scanning electron microscopy images of a small segment of sample (a) NiS1 and (b) CFBS1. (c) Overview of sample CFBS1 with electrical contacts. (d) Measurement configuration. ||/ || FIG. 3. Normalized resistance change /Delta1R(H)//Delta1Rmaxas a function of |H|for sample (a) NiS1 and (b) CFBS2 at room temperature. Magnetic field sweeps in both directions and field polarities are shown for field parallel (top) and perpendicular(bottom) to the long axis. We define H das the field at which most of the magnetization saturates and /Delta1R(H)//Delta1Rmaxis smaller than the noise level. For CFBS2, the saturation occurs at very small fields for the parallel field configuration. min ( R) is the minimum resistance value. The AMR ratio is defined as AMR =R/bardbl−R⊥ R⊥where R/bardbland R⊥are the absolute maximum (max ( R)) and minimum (min ( R)) resistance values for a magnetic field Hbeing parallel and perpendicular, respectively, to the current Iand being larger than the field Hdat which most parts of the magnetization saturate.34Furthermore, we utilize the normalized resistance /Delta1R(H)//Delta1Rmax=(R(H)−min( R))/(max( R)−min( R)). Before discussing the electrical properties and magnetoresistance of the nanotubes in detail, we determine Hd.34Magnetic field sweeps can be found in Fig. 3for sample NiS1 (a) and CFBS1 (b) with Hbeing parallel (top) and perpendicular (bottom) to the long axis (see supplementary material for fur- ther experimental data29). In the parallel configuration, only small fields were needed to saturate the nanotubes. CoFeB was in particular soft magnetic. In the perpendicular configuration, we extracted μ0Hd(black arrow) to be 0.35 ±0.05 T for the Ni nanotube. This value was much smaller compared to the CoFeB nanotube for which we found 1.2 ±0.2 T. We attribute this observation to different de- magnetization fields. If we consider Ms≈375 kA/m for Ni,22we estimate the magnetometric demag- netization factor34to be N⊥(Ni)=|Hd(Ni)/Ms(Ni)|≈0.7.35If we assume N⊥(CoFeB) =N⊥(Ni) and take the saturation magnetization of 1430 kA/m measured for our CoFeB when magnetron- sputtered on a planar substrate,32we calculate μ0Hd=μ0N⊥(CoFeB) ×Ms(CoFeB) ≈1.3T .T h i s value is consistent with the experimental value of μ0Hd=1.2±0.2 T observed for the CoFeB nanotube in Fig. 3(b). We do not expect the hexagonal shape of the smooth CoFeB nanotubes to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://aplmaterials.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 03:14:57076112-5 R ¨uffer et al. APL Mater. 2, 076112 (2014) vary significantly the effective component of the demagnetization factor compared to the rougher and thereby more circular Ni nanotubes. The different values Hdthus reflect the different saturation magnetization values of Ni and CoFeB. Note that a large and thin film is expected to exhibit N⊥of 1.0 whereas an infinitely long (full) cylinder acquires N⊥=0.5. The extracted effective demagneti- zation factor of 0.7 for the nanotubes being hollow cylinders is in between these values and seems reasonable to us. The specific shape of the nanotubes reduces the overall demagnetization effect compared to a film, but still provides a larger effective demagnetization effect compared to a fullcylinder. The nanobar-magnet behavior reported in Ref. 19is consistent with the shape anisotropy provided by the relatively large N ⊥≈0.7 extracted here. We now present the electrical properties and magnetoresistance of the nanotubes. Figure 4(a) shows the temperature dependent resistance R(T) of a Ni nanotube (NiL1) at zero magnetic field. Rdecreases from 40.9 /Omega1at room temperature down to 15.8 /Omega1at 2 K. The behavior is expected for a polycrystalline metallic material. Using the geometrical parameters,29we calculate a specific resistivity ρ=R·A/Lcontact of 18μ/Omega1cm and 7 μ/Omega1cm for room and low temperature, respectively (Ais the cross-section of Ni). Our values of ρare in relatively good agreement with values measured on nanostripes fabricated from thermally evaporated Ni36,37indicating a good electrical quality of the ALD-grown metal. The temperature dependent R(T) for two CoFeB samples is shown in Fig. 4(b). Here, we obtain specific resistivities of ρ=1−2×103μ/Omega1cm at room temperature. As a function of Twe do not observe the typical metallic behavior. For sample CFBS1, the resistance decreases from room temperature down to 140 K and then increases. In case of CFBM1, the resistance increases monotonously with decreasing temperature. The measured resistances range from 7.63 to 7.79 k /Omega1 and 7.35 to 7.79 k /Omega1for CFBS1 and CFBM1, respectively. The semi-logarithmic plot suggests R(T) to exhibit a logarithmic dependence on 1/ TforT<Tmin≈130 K (190 K) for CFBS1 (CFBM1),38 albeit a small deviation can be found for CFBM1 at T<10 K. Figure 4(c) shows the resistance change of Ni tubes as a function of the rotation angle θat different temperatures. We rotated a field H>Hdto saturate the tubes at all angles. R(θ) follows a cos2(θ) dependence remodelled by solid lines in Fig. 4(c). This is expected for ferromagnetic conductors displaying the AMR. Relative AMR values are shown in Fig. 4(d) as a function of T. Between 3 and 220 K, the AMR is found to increase linearly with Tfrom about 0.35% to 1.2%. Then, up to 295 K, the AMR stays almost constant for sample NiL1. The low-temperature valueis consistent with data obtained previously on different Ni nanotubes. 21At room temperature, we now find a much larger value of up to 1.4% for NiS1 and NiM [Fig. 4(d)]. In Refs. 36and 37, stripes from thermally evaporated Ni were studied and the authors provided values of 1.6% and1.8%, respectively. We attribute the slightly smaller AMR effect of our nanotubes compared to the planar stripes mainly to the influence of the nanotube roughness. We assume the roughness-induced scattering of electrons to enhance the resistivity and thereby to reduce the overall AMR effect(compare considerations on boundary scattering in Ref. 39). R(θ) of CoFeB nanotubes CFBS1 (triangles) and CFBM1 (squares) shown in Fig. 4(e) also follows a cos 2(θ) dependence consistent with the AMR effect. The AMR effect is found to di- minish with increasing T[Fig. 4(f)]. This is different from the Ni nanotubes. For CFBM1, we get AMR =0.18% at 2 K and 0.08% at room temperature being more than an order of magnitude smaller than Ni. We attribute this to the amorphous structure of our unannealed CoFeB leading to a short electron mean free path and reducing the MR ratio.40The measured CoFeB resistivity of 1 − 2×103μ/Omega1cm is one order of magnitude larger compared to the best values given in literature for CoFeB alloy films with a comparable thickness.41,42ForR(T), we do not find a T3/2dependence in the accessible temperature range and rule out magnetic contributions to R(T).43The characteristic minima in R(T) [Fig. 4(b)] have been reported for many amorphous and granular alloys with interme- diate resistivities44,45including CoFeB.46,47The following dependencies have been discussed for the low-temperature Rwhen considering Coulomb interaction in disordered systems: exp(√T0/T),48a power law 1/ Tαor ln ( T0/T)38(T0is a characteristic temperature and 0 <α/lessmuch1). The first (latter) occurs for systems with high (intermediate) resistivity.38,46,49,50Following Ref. 38, we attribute the logarithmic behavior of R(T)i nF i g . 4(b) forT<Tminto electron-electron interaction in the disordered and amorphous material. The role of the columnar structure is not yet fully clear andunder further investigation. Despite the complex R(T) dependence, the AMR value of up to 0.18% This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://aplmaterials.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 03:14:57076112-6 R ¨uffer et al. APL Mater. 2, 076112 (2014) FIG. 4. Resistance Ras a function of the temperature Tfor (a) the Ni nanotube NiL1 (circles) and (b) the two different CoFeB nanotubes CFBM1 (squares) and CFBS1 (triangles). For CoFeB, Ris more than two orders of magnitude larger and shows a different temperature dependence (note the different axes) compared to the metallic Ni. (c) Resistance variation as afunction of the angle θdisplayed as /Delta1R(θ) for NiL1 (circles) and NiS1 (stars) at 3 T and 2 T, respectively. The field values Hwere chosen such that H>H satand magnetic saturation was achieved for all angles θ. (d) AMR ratios as a function of temperature for NiL1 (circles). For NiS1 (star) and NiM (triangle) room-temperature AMR ratios are given. (e) R(θ)o f CFBS1 at 5 T at two temperatures (triangles) and CFBM1 at 2 T and 283 K. The data for CFS1 were taken in two-pointconfiguration. (f) AMR ratios of samples CFBM1 (squares), CFBS1(triangles), and CFBS2 (diamond) at room temperature.The AMR effect of CFBM1 was extracted from magnetic field sweeps performed at different θ. 29Solid lines in (c) and (e) indicate a cos2(θ) relationship. The maximum AMR ratio is one order of magnitude smaller for CoFeB compared to Ni. that we observe for CoFeB nanotubes at small Tis slightly larger than the value of 0.12% obtained by DFT simulations.51 The large room-temperature AMR ratios of up to 1.4% for Ni are encouraging for possible applications of nanotubes and, in general, magnetic devices on curved surfaces7prepared by ALD. Still there is room for improvement as the AMR ratio of bulk Ni is known to be 2%.52We expect an improved AMR ratio after reducing the surface roughness of the nickel. The smooth side facets of theCoFeB nanotubes make the integration of magnetic tunnel junctions 53feasible, thereby enhancing the perspectives of nanotube-based sensing and local detection of domain walls. In conclusion, we prepared nanotubes from Ni and CoFeB on non-magnetic nanotemplates using two different technologically relevant deposition techniques, i.e., atomic layer deposition and magnetron sputtering, respectively. Structural analysis of the CoFeB proved the shell to beamorphous. For polycrystalline Ni and amorphous CoFeB, the magnetic anisotropy was argued to be dominated by the shape. Both the relatively small resistivity and large AMR ratio of 1.4% obtained for Ni indicated a good electrical performance of the ALD-grown metal at room temperature.Magnetron-sputtered CoFeB nanotubes exhibited a much smoother surface but a smaller AMR effect This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://aplmaterials.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 03:14:57076112-7 R ¨uffer et al. APL Mater. 2, 076112 (2014) attributed to the amorphous structure and thereby enhanced electron scattering. The materials are highly eligible for magnetotransport studies on individual domain walls in nanotubes and nanotube-based sensing or logic applications. For room temperature spintronic applications, the relatively large AMR of Ni is promising. The larger saturation magnetization makes the CoFeB nanotubes favorable as magnetic tips in scanning probe microscopy. The work has been supported by the DFG via GR1640/5-1 in SPP1538 “Spin caloric transport.” Funding through the Swiss National Science Foundation NCCR QSIT and FP7 ITN Nanoembrace are greatly acknowledged. We acknowledge financial support from the European Union under a contract for an integrated Infrastructure Initiative 312483 - ESTEEM2 project that facilitates the useof advanced electron microscopes at ER-C J ¨ulich. The authors would like to thank D. Meertens for the preparation of FIB lamellas. J.A. acknowledges the funding from the Spanish MICINN project MAT2010-15138 (COPEON), and Generalitat de Catalunya 2009 SGR 770. R.R.Z. acknowledges the former. The authors would also like to thank the TEM facilities in CCiT from Universitat de Barcelona. 1J. Escrig, P. Landeros, D. 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Effect of viscosity contrast on gravitationally unstable diffusive layers in porous media Don Daniel and Amir Riaz Citation: Physics of Fluids (1994-present) 26, 116601 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4900843 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4900843 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pof2/26/11?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in The initial transient period of gravitationally unstable diffusive boundary layers developing in porous media Phys. Fluids 25, 092107 (2013); 10.1063/1.4821225 Two-dimensional thermal convection in porous enclosure subjected to the horizontal seepage and gravity modulation Phys. Fluids 25, 084105 (2013); 10.1063/1.4817375 Variable viscosity effects on the dissipation instability in a porous layer with horizontal throughflow Phys. Fluids 24, 104102 (2012); 10.1063/1.4759028 Natural convection of miscible two phases due to density difference in saturated porous media AIP Conf. Proc. 1453, 173 (2012); 10.1063/1.4711171 Stabilizing viscosity contrast effect on miscible displacement in heterogeneous porous media, using lattice Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook simulations Phys. Fluids 16, 4408 (2004); 10.1063/1.1810474 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 26, 116601 (2014) Effect of viscosity contrast on gravitationally unstable diffusive layers in porous media Don Daniel and Amir Riaza) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA (Received 2 December 2013; accepted 15 September 2014; published online 7 November 2014) We investigate the effect of viscosity contrast on the stability of gravitationally un- stable, diffusive layers in porous media. Our analysis helps evaluate experimental observations of various diffusive (boundary) layer models that are commonly used to study the sequestration of CO 2in brine aquifers. We evaluate the effect of viscosity contrast for two basic models that are characterized with respect to whether or not the interface between CO 2and brine is allowed to move. We find that diffusive layers are in general more unstable when viscosity decreases with depth within the layercompared to when viscosity increases with depth. This behavior is in contrast to the one associated with the classical displacement problem of gravitationally unstable diffusive layers that are subject to mean flow. For the classical problem, a greaterinstability is associated with the displacement of a more viscous, lighter fluid along the direction of gravity by a less viscous, heavier fluid. We show that the contrasting behavior highlighted in this study is a special case of the classical displacement prob- lem that depends on the relative strength of the displacement and buoyancy velocities. We demonstrate the existence of a critical viscosity ratio that determines whether theflow is buoyancy dominated or displacement dominated. We explain the new behav- iors in terms of the interaction of vorticity components related to gravitational and viscous effects. C/circlecopyrt2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4900843 ] I. INTRODUCTION Transient, diffusive boundary layers in porous media play an important role in a wide range of geophysical flows.1This study in particular is motivated by carbon dioxide sequestration in subsurface saline aquifers.2,3When supercritical CO 2is injected into a brine-saturated aquifer, the lighter CO 2rises up and accumulates under an impervious layer, as shown in Figure 1.C O 2then dissolves into the underlying brine across the two-phase interface and forms a diffusive boundary layer. This boundary layer is unstably stratified and transitions to natural convection in the form of unstable, sinking plumes. The process of natural convection greatly enhances the dissolution of CO 2 into brine. Diffusive boundary layers associated with CO 2sequestration have been studied widely with the help of various simplified models. These models often assume that CO 2dissolves into brine across a two-phase interface at constant pressure and temperature. The concentration of dissolved CO 2at the interface is therefore taken to be constant. The interface motion resulting from dissolution is further considered to be small by one popular model, compared with other relevant time scales inthe problem. The position of the interface is therefore considered fixed. We refer to this model as the fixed interface model. 4–6Another model of the diffusive boundary layer attempts to incorporate the motion of the interface by considering a diffused layer that separates two initially quiescent, miscible fluids. For this model, a non-monotonic density-concentration relationship is used to produce both stable and unstable regions within the boundary layer.7–10The overall result is the apparent motion a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: ariaz@umd.edu 1070-6631/2014/26(11)/116601/17/$30.00 C/circlecopyrt2014 AIP Publishing LLC 26, 116601-1 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54116601-2 D. Daniel and A. Riaz Phys. Fluids 26, 116601 (2014) FIG. 1. Sketch of CO 2sequestration. Dissolution of CO 2into brine occurs across the two-phase interface, indicated by pairs of counter-pointing arrows. The gravitationally unstable CO 2layer within brine plays a vital role in determining the interfacial dissolution rate. of the diffusive layer after the onset of nonlinear convection. We refer to this setup as the moving interface model. Because of the relative ease of laboratory setup, the moving interface model hasgained more popularity with experimental studies compared with the fixed interface model. The moving interface model however has not been studied with the help of linear stability analysis and a fundamental insight regarding the physical behavior is lacking. Moreover, it is unclear how the stability characteristics of the two models are related. From a practical stand point, the viscosity difference between the CO 2-brine solution and the CO 2-free brine is small.11,12However, the practical selection of experimental fluids often results in very different viscosity contrasts in the laboratory than what is expected in practice. In some cases, the viscosity of the experimental fluid representing the CO 2-brine solution is about 20 times greater than the viscosity of the fluid representing the CO 2-free brine.8Therefore, the effect of the viscosity contrast on the stability behavior needs to be understood to properly interpret experimental observations. In order to facilitate such an understanding, we consider the closely related, classicalproblem of a diffusive layer displaced by a mean flow. For the classical displacement problem, the effects of viscosity contrast, density difference, and the mean flow, all compete to influence the stability behavior. 13The moving interface model is a special case of the displaced interface problem with zero mean flow. The transition from the classical case to the moving interface model involves the transition from the mean flow dominated regime to the buoyancy dominated flow regime. The evaluation of this transition is thus expected to facilitate a deeper understanding of the role ofviscosity contrast for both the moving and the fixed interface models. Moreover, such a transition has not been studied in detail previously for the classical displacement problem. The objectives of this study thus are twofold: (i) To investigate the effect of the viscosity contrast for the fixed and the moving interface models and (ii) to study the interaction of mean flow, density difference, and viscosity contrast for understanding the transition from mean flow dominated tobuoyancy dominated behavior. For the purposes of this analysis, we define the viscosity contrast, R, as the natural logarithm of the ratio of viscosities of the heavier to the lighter fluid. We show that the fixed interface model generally predicts more instability than the moving interface modelwhen Ris greater than about 1.8. On the other hand, the moving interface model is more unstable for smaller values of R. We also show that the two models can be made to yield similar results by altering the non-monotonic density profiles or by selecting fluids with specific viscosity contrasts.This can facilitate the translation of results between the two models. The previous understanding of the classical problem suggests that the displacement of a more viscous fluid by a less viscous fluid is more unstable compared with the displacement of a lessviscous fluid by a higher viscosity fluid. We find that this behavior reverses depending upon the viscosity contrast and the relative strengths of the displacement, and buoyancy related velocities. A similar effect has also been observed by Meulenbroek et al. 14To characterize this phenomenon, we define a critical viscosity ratio, Rc.F o r R<Rc, instability increases with a decrease in R.T h e classical behavior of an increase in instability with an increase in Ris recovered when R>Rc.W e show that Rcis a function of the relative magnitudes of the mean flow and buoyancy velocity. We This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54116601-3 D. Daniel and A. Riaz Phys. Fluids 26, 116601 (2014) show further that when the relative magnitude exceeds a threshold value, these qualitatively different behaviors are separated by an intermediate stable region. The new behavior associated with R<Rc occurs for both the fixed and moving interface models. We explain this new phenomenon in terms of the interaction of vorticity components related to gravitational and viscous effects. We show thatthis previously unrecognized phenomenon is a general feature of gravitationally unstable, variable viscosity diffusive layers. A quasi-steady-state (QSSA) eigenvalue approach 5in self-similar space is used to study the linear stability problem. The suitability of this approach is suggested by the recent findings of Tilton et al.15The authors demonstrate that QSSA and other optimization methods based on linear operators in non self-similar space, give rise to nonlocal perturbation structures that cannot lead to nonlinear convection in finite time. Tilton et al.15show that perturbations inside the boundary layer, such as those related to the QSSA modes in self-similar space, are responsible for the onset of nonlinearconvection. A recent study by Daniel et al. 16finds that QSSA modes in self-similar space coincide with optimal boundary layer perturbations that lead to the earliest onset of nonlinear effects. The work is divided as follow. The geometries and governing equations are explained in Sec. II. The results are discussed in Sec. IIIalong with conclusions in Sec. IV. II. GOVERNING EQUATIONS In order to evaluate experimental setups based on the moving interface (MI) model of the diffusive boundary layer, we use a non-monotonic density profile, ρ∗, of the form illustrated in Figure 2(a). This density profile can be represented as ρ∗=ρ0+/Delta1ρF(c), (1) where the function F(c)=/summationtext4 n=1ancn, determines how density varies with concentration c. The end point densities related to c=0 and c=1a r eρ0andρ1, respectively, and ρmis the maximum density. Note that the fluid with c=1 lies above the fluid with c=0. The quantity, /Delta1ρ=ρm−ρ0, indicates the strength of unstable density stratification. The function F(c) is normalized to the maximum value of one. The density profile is linear when a1=1 and an=0f o r n=2, 3, 4. Following previous works, we employ a monotonic viscosity profile illustrated in Figure 2(b), μ∗=μ1exp(R(1−c)), (2) where R=ln(μ0/μ1) is the log mobility ratio, μ1is the viscosity of the fluid with c=1, and μ0is the viscosity of the fluid with c=0. For the experimental study of Backhaus et al.8based on the moving interface model, water and propylene glycol were used as the lighter and heavier fluids, respectively. For that system, the location of the density peak occurs at a concentration of c≈0.38. A log mobility ratio, R≈− 3, fits FIG. 2. (a) Non-monotonic density-concentration profile employed in a MI model. (b) Monotonic viscosity-concentration profiles for various log mobility ratios, R=ln(μ0/μ1). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54116601-4 D. Daniel and A. Riaz Phys. Fluids 26, 116601 (2014) FIG. 3. Concentration base-states for Rayleigh number, Ra=500, at various instants of time t. (a) Base-state for FI model, cF b=erfc(z√Ra/4t). (b) Base-state for MI model, cM b=0.5 erfc( z√Ra/4t). the viscosity-concentration relationship at a temperature of 120◦F. Neufeld et al. ,7MacMinn et al. ,9 and Ehyaei and Kiger10also employ a moving interface model, using methanol/ethylene glycol (MEG) mixtures and water as the lighter and heavier fluids, respectively. The location of the density peak and the viscosity differences depend on the composition of the MEG mixture. Typical values ofthe peak density vary in the range, 0.2 <c<0.55, 17while the log mobility ratios vary approximately in the range, −1.5<R<1.9Another experimental study by Slim et al.18employs a setup that is closer to the fixed interface model. The authors employed potassium permanganate (KMnO 4)i n water as an analogous model for CO 2in brine. The KMnO 4-water mixture approximately satisfies a linear density profile and a log mobility ratio of R≈0.04 fits the viscosity-concentration relationship at 77◦F.19 In this study, we consider an isotropic and homogeneous porous aquifer of infinite horizontal extent and depth H. The vertical coordinate, z, is positive in the direction of gravity, g. The porous medium is characterized by permeability, K, dispersivity, D, and porosity, φ. We use characteristic values of Hfor length, μ1for viscosity, K/Delta1ρg/μ1for velocity, μ1H/K/Delta1ρgφfor time and /Delta1ρgH for pressure. Using these characteristics values we obtain the following non-dimensional governingequations: μ(c)v+∇p−F(c)e z=0,∇·v=0,∂c ∂t+v·∇c−1 Ra∇2c=0. (3) The Rayleigh number is defined as Ra=K/Delta1ρgH/φDμ1. The symbol v=[u,v,w ] is the nondimen- sional velocity vector, and pis the nondimensional pressure obtained from the dimensional pressure ˆpthrough the relation p=(ˆp−ρogz)//Delta1ρ gH. The symbol ezis the unit vector in the z-direction. The boundary conditions for (3)depend on the model. For the fixed interface (FI) model, the boundary conditions for (3)are c/vextendsingle/vextendsingle z=0=1,∂c ∂z/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle z=1=0,w/vextendsingle/vextendsingle z=0=w/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle z=1=0. (4) Equations (3)and(4)admit the concentration base state, cF b(z,t)=erfc(z√Ra/4t), see Figure 3(a) for illustration. The velocity base-state is vb=0. For the MI model, we use boundary conditions that allow diffusion in two opposite directions, ∂c ∂z/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle z=−1=∂c ∂z/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle z=1=0,w/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle z=−1=w/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle z=1=0. (5) Equations (3)and(5)admit the base-states, cM b(z,t)=erfc(z√Ra/4t)/2, see Figure 3(b), and vb=0. These expressions of the base-states, cF bandcM b, are valid as long as the boundary layer is far from the boundary at z=1 for the FI model and z=± 1 for the MI model, respectively. This holds true when√Ra/4t>3.5 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54116601-5 D. Daniel and A. Riaz Phys. Fluids 26, 116601 (2014) The linear stability of various diffusive boundary layer models is studied with respect to small wavelike perturbations of the form, /tildewidec=/hatwidec(z,t)ei(αx+βy),/tildewidev=/hatwidev(z,t)ei(αx+βy), (6) where i =√ −1,αandβare wavenumbers in the x- and y-directions, respectively, and /hatwidec(z,t) and /hatwidev(z,t) are time-dependent perturbation profiles in the z-direction. We substitute c=cb+/tildewidecand v=vb+/tildewidevinto Eq. (3), subtract out the base state and linearize to obtain the following initial value problem for perturbations, /hatwidecand/hatwidew, /parenleftbigg∂ ∂t−1 Ra∂2 ∂z2−k2/parenrightbigg /hatwidec+∂cb ∂z/hatwidew=0, (7) /parenleftbigg∂2 ∂z2−R∂cb ∂z∂ ∂z−k2/parenrightbigg /hatwidew+Gk2/hatwidec=0, (8) where k=/radicalbig α2+β2,G=1/μ(cb)∂F(cb)/∂cb+URandcbrefers to the appropriate base state. Homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions are specified for the perturbations at z=1 and z=± 1 for the FI and MI models, respectively. The velocity, U=U∗μ1/K/Delta1ρg, refers to the fluid displacement velocity, U∗, scaled with the buoyancy velocity, K/Delta1ρg/μ1. It indicates the relative strength of the mean flow with respect to buoyancy velocity and is relevant only for R/negationslash=0 and U∗/negationslash=0. When U=0, Eqs. (7)and(8)represent either the FI or MI models. When U/negationslash=0, these equations represent the displaced interface problem, which is a generalization of only the MI model. Note that the counterpart of the FI model with nonzero Uis not considered in this study. The displaced interface problem is formulated in the coordinate system that moves with velocity, Uez. The associated linearized equations are obtained by first performing coordinate transformations to Eqs. (3)and(5)before carrying out an expansion using normal modes. Note that with the coordinate transformation, the boundary conditions and theresulting base-state for the displaced interface problem are the same as for the MI model. 13 We solve Eqs. (7)and(8)using a QSSA eigenvalue formulation in the self-similar ( ξ,t) space, where ξ=azanda=√Ra/4t.5The resulting eigenvalue problem can be expressed as σce=ξ 2∂ce ∂ξ+1 Ra/parenleftbigg a2∂2 ∂ξ2−k2/parenrightbigg ce−a∂cb ∂ξwe, (9) /parenleftbigg a2∂2 ∂ξ2−a2R∂cb ∂ξ∂ ∂ξ−k2/parenrightbigg we=−Gk2ce, (10) with homogeneous Dirchlet boundary conditions for the eigenmodes, ceandwe, and the eigenvalue, σ, represents the growth rate. The least stable perturbation is defined as the eigenmode with the maximum real value for σ. The growth rates obtained in the self-similar space ( ξ,t) are equivalent to the growth rates calculated in the regular space ( z,t) when perturbation amplitudes are based on the L∞norm. In the case of other norms, explicit transformations are required.15Equations (9)and(10) are discretized using standard second-order finite difference schemes. For given parameters of k,t, andRa, the generalized eigenvalue problem is solved using function “eig” in MATLAB . We define the onset time for linear instability, t=to, as the time at which the growth rate of a perturbation eigenmode first becomes positive. The corresponding wavenumber is called the critical wavenumber, k=ko. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We discuss the effect of viscosity contrast on the onset of instability for the fixed and moving interface models. The effect of different non-monotonic density profiles will be investigated for the moving interface model. We will also explore the effect of mean flow and viscosity contrast for the classical, displaced interface problem. We will investigate how stability features transition from displacement dominated to buoyancy dominated behavior. Throughout the study, the Rayleigh number will be fixed at Ra=500. Linear stability behavior at other value of Ra>50 can be obtained by a simple rescaling.5,15 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54116601-6 D. Daniel and A. Riaz Phys. Fluids 26, 116601 (2014) FIG. 4. Isocontours of σ=0 produced by a FI model. Arrows point toward the unstable region, σ> 0. Solid dots mark the critical points, ( ko,to). A. The fixed interface model Following previous studies, we employ a linear density profile, F(c)=c, for the FI model. Figure 4illustrates the isocontours of the growth rate, σ=0, in the ( k,t) parameter plane for log mobility ratios of R=− 1 (solid line), R=0 (dashed line), and R=1 (dashed-dotted line). The arrows point toward the unstable zone where the growth rates are greater than zero, σ> 0. For small times, all perturbation wavenumbers are stable. Later, a band of wavenumbers become unstable. The lowest point on the σ=0 isocontour corresponds to the critical parameters ( ko,to). For R=− 1, the critical point is at (66.8, 0.1). The case, R=0, is the previously described5constant viscosity case with the critical point at (34.7,0.3). The R=0 case has a smaller band of unstable wavenumbers compared to R=− 1. The unstable region shrinks further when the viscosity ratio is increased to R =1, resulting in smaller koand larger to. This decrease in instability with increasing Rrepresents the non-classical stability behavior with respect to the affect of viscosity contrast. To further describe the effect of the viscosity contrast, Fig. 5(a) plots the temporal evolution of the maximum growth rate, σmax,f o r R=− 1 (solid line), R=0 (dashed line), and R=1 (dashed-dotted line). The maximum growth rate is defined as σmax(t)=sup 0≤k<∞σ(t,k). (11) Figure 5(a) shows that the largest values of σmaxfor all times result for the case of R=− 1, followed byR=0 and R=1. When t<1, the R=− 1 perturbations attain growth rates as large as σmax≈6. In contrast, the R=1 perturbations are stable for the same time period with σmax<0. Figure 5(b) FIG. 5. Results produced by FI model. (a) Maximum growthrates, σmax,v s .t. (b) Dominant wavenumbers, kmax,v s .t.T h e solid points represent the critical point of instability, ( ko,to). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54116601-7 D. Daniel and A. Riaz Phys. Fluids 26, 116601 (2014) TABLE I. V orticity values and growth rate produced by the FI model for k=30 and t=0.2. RI 1 I2 I1+I2 σ −3 12.67 −5.40 7.27 23.39 −25 . 3 7 −1.75 3.63 8.99 −12 . 4 9 −0.45 2.04 1.70 0 1.26 0.00 1.26 −2.23 1 0.68 0.13 0.80 −4.41 2 0.38 0.13 0.51 −5.59 3 0.23 0.09 0.32 −6.21 illustrates the dominant wavenumbers, kmax, that are associated with σmax,f o r R=− 1 (solid line), R=0 (dashed line), and R=1 (dashed-dotted line). We observe that kmaxdecreases monotonically in time for all R.T h e R=− 1 perturbations have larger values of kmaxcompared to the R=1 perturbations. Thus, from Fig. 5we gather that both σmaxandkmaxincrease when Ris lowered, which indicates that smaller viscosity contrasts lead to greater instability. We find that the phenomenon of greater instability associated with smaller values of Ris directly correlated to the instantaneous vorticity field /Omega1e=k μ(cb)ce−R k∂cb ∂z∂we ∂z. (12) To measure vorticity components, we define the integral, I=/integraldisplay /Omega1edz=I1+I2, (13) where I1=k/integraldisplay exp[−R(1−cb)]cedz,I2=−R k/integraldisplay∂cb ∂z∂we ∂zdz. (14) The eigenmodes are normalized such that the maximum value of ceis one. The first integral, I1, measures the contribution to vorticity arising from gravitational effects and is positive for ce>0. The second integral, I2, depends on the gradients of the base-state and velocity perturbation. The instantaneous magnitude of both the concentration and velocity perturbations is determined by their coupled evolution given by Eqs. (9)and(10). Table IlistsI1,I2, andσ,f o rRranging from −3 to 3. Larger values of the total vorticity integral, I=I1+I2, are associated with higher growth rates. Table Iindicates that I1increases with an increase in the viscosity of the heavier fluid (decreasing R) whereas I2decreases with deceasing R. Table Ifurther indicates that I2makes a positive contribution to total vorticity when R>0 and a negative contribution when R<0. The contribution of I1is always positive and increases with decreasing R. Overall, we gather from Table Ithat instability increases (larger values of σ) with an increase in the viscosity of the heavier fluid ( R<0) and that the destabilizing contribution comes mainly from vorticity related to buoyancy, signified by the I1integral. In order to understand the role of individual contributions to the total vorticity, I1+I2,w e examine the perturbation eigenmodes. Figure 6illustrates the base-state, cF b(solid line), the concen- tration eigenmode, ce(dashed line), and the vertical velocity eigenmode, we(dashed-dotted line) for R=− 1.5 (panel a) and R=1.5 (panel b), respectively. The numbers along the top axis represent the spatial distribution of viscosity values based on μ=exp ( R(1−cF b)). When R=− 1.5, the magnitudes of weandceare similar. The ratio of the maximum values of weandceis 0.92. For a larger value of R=1.5, Fig. 6(b) indicates a substantial weakening of we. The ratio of the maximum values in this case drops to 0.13. The magnitude of the velocity perturbation is smaller for R=1.5 because the velocity perturbation peaks in the boundary layer region where viscosity is greater ascompared to R=− 1.5. Physically, this implies more viscous resistance to fluid flow in the case of the larger value of R=1.5. Velocity perturbations thus tend to concentrate more in regions of lower viscosity. Note that the classical behavior of greater instability associated with larger values This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54116601-8 D. Daniel and A. Riaz Phys. Fluids 26, 116601 (2014) FIG. 6. Base-state and least stable eigenmodes produced by the FI model as a function of self-similar coordinate, ξ,f o rk= 30, and t=0.2. Viscosity values are presented at the top axis. (a) R=− 1.5. (b) R=1.5 ofRis due to an additional source of vorticity arising from the background mean flow. This will be explained in more detail in Sec. III D . B. The moving interface model In order to characterize the MI model, we employ a density profile that corresponds to an aqueous propylene glycol mixture. Figure 7(a) illustrates the concentration-density function F(c) FIG. 7. Comparison between MI and FI models. (a) Nonmonotonic function Fas a function of concentration c,s e eE q . (1). The coefficients of F(c)a r e : a1=1.06, a2=17.31, a3=− 39.35, a4=12.28. (b) cM bvs.zfort=10. The density gradients are destabilizing only when z>γ (arrow). (c) tovs.R.( d ) kovs.R. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54116601-9 D. Daniel and A. Riaz Phys. Fluids 26, 116601 (2014) FIG. 8. Agreement between FI model with R=0 (solid line) and MI model with R=0.48 (dashed line). (a) σmaxvs.t. (b)kmaxvs.t.( c )ce//bardblce/bardbl∞vs.ξfork=30 and t=1. (d)we//bardblwe/bardbl∞vs.ξfork=30 and t=1. defined in Eq. (1). The concentration, c, is scaled with the maximum concentration of the propylene glycol solution and c=0 refers to pure water. The positive density gradient for c<0.38 represents the unstable density stratification that promotes the formation of instability. Figure 7(b) illustrates the location of the zone of unstable stratification within the diffusive layer. Unlike the FI model, where the entire boundary layer is unstable, the unstable density gradients in the MI model exist only for z>γ(t)( o rξ> 0.21), where γ(t)=0.21√4t/Ra. Figure 7(c) illustrates the onset time, to, as a function of the log mobility ratio, R,f o rt h e MI (circles) and FI (crosses) models. As expected, the onset time predicted by the two modelsincreases with increasing R. However, Fig. 7(c) indicates a large difference in the onset times for small values of R. When R=− 2,t ois about an order of magnitude greater in the case of the FI model. With increasing R, the difference in the onset times produced by the two models decreases. For R≈1.8, both models predict identical onset times. Beyond this point, the FI model is relatively more unstable and predicts earlier onset times. Figure 7(d) illustrates the associated critical wavenumbers, ko,v e r s u s Rfor the MI (circles) and FI (crosses) models. As expected, kodecreases with increasing R.F o r R<1.36, the MI model predicts smaller unstable wavelengths. Figure 7(c) shows that the onset times predicted by the two models coincide at a specific value ofR≈1.8. It is further obvious from Fig. 7(c) that the two models also predict the same value of the onset times for different values of R. For example, an onset time of to≈0.1 is predicted by both the MI and FI models with R=0 and R=0.48, respectively. For these values of R, we find that the corresponding growth rates and perturbation profiles are also in relatively good agreement for t>to. This is depicted in Figure 8where the temporal evolution of the dominant growth rate, σmax, (panel a) and the dominant wavenumber, kmax, (panel b) are plotted for the FI model with R=0 (solid line) and the MI model with R=0.48 (dashed line). Furthermore, Figure 8(c) illustrates ce//bardblce/bardbl∞ This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54116601-10 D. Daniel and A. Riaz Phys. Fluids 26, 116601 (2014) FIG. 9. Eigenmodes associated with the MI model (a) Base-state, cM b(solid line), least stable ce(dashed line), and we (dashed-dotted line) at critical point ( ko,to)w h e n R=0. The vertical line is drawn at the location of maximum (turning point) in the density profile. (b) Normalized weprofiles at k=15 and t=1 for log mobility ratios, R=0 (solid line), R=1 (dashed line), and R=2 (dashed-dotted line). The dots emphazise the points where we=0. versus ξfork=30 and t=1. The ceprofile produced by the MI model (dashed line) for R=0.48 is identical to that produced by the FI model (solid line) for R=0 except for a narrow region around ξ=0. The FI domain (solid line) does not exist for ξ< 0. Figure 8(d) illustrates the corresponding normalized weprofiles for k=30 and t=1, which are also similar for ξ> 0. For the MI domain (dashed line), the region associated with we<0 is stabilizing, according to the term, we∂cb/∂z,i n Eqs. (9)and(10). In order to illustrate the instability mechanism for the MI model, Figure 9(a)shows the base-state, cM b(solid line) and the profiles of the most unstable eigenmodes, ce(dashed line) and we(dashed- dotted line), for t=toandR=0. The vertical line represents the location of peak density, ξ=0.21 orz=γ, where the density gradient is zero. The destabilizing stratification occurs to the right side of this point. The perturbation peaks occur in the destabilizing zone where we>0. Note that we/negationslash=0a t peak density location, ξ=0.21. This suggests that there is a net upward momentum transport across the horizontal isosurface of peak density values. Figure 9(b) depicts the normalized weprofiles for k=15,t=1 and log mobility ratios, R=0 (solid line), R=1 (dashed line), and R=2 (dashed-dotted line). With increasing R, there is less momentum transport across the location of peak density at ξ =0.21. Consequently, the solid dots move to the right. We can now explain why the MI model is more unstable at small Rand less unstable at large R, compared to the FI model, as depicted in Figure 7(c). Unlike the FI model, we find that for the MI model, momentum transport occurs across the boundary separating the zones of stable and unstable density stratification at z=γorξ=0.21 (indicated by the dashed vertical lines in Figure 9). This mechanism is absent in the FI model. The upward momentum transport in the MI model at small Rallows the formation of stronger instabilities within the boundary layer. For larger values of the viscosity ratio, the destabilizing effect of momentum transport is countered by thegreater negative velocity perturbation, as observed in Fig. 9. The negative velocity perturbation represents an additional set of counter rotating vortices that produce a stabilizing effect. This results in lesser instability for the MI model at large R, as depicted in Figure 7(c). C. Effect of non-monotonic density profiles We now consider the effect of the density profile on the stability behavior associated with the MI model. The density profile used in Sec. III B is referred to as ρA. To investigate how varying the location of the maximum density may affect the onset times, we define two new profiles, ρBandρC, by modifying the function F(c) defined in Eq. (1). Figure 10(a) illustrates F(c) for density profiles, ρA (circles), ρB(crosses), and ρC(squares). The maximum value of density occurs at c=0.38, c=0.5, andc=0.25 for the density profiles, ρA,ρB, andρC, respectively. The density associated with the This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54116601-11 D. Daniel and A. Riaz Phys. Fluids 26, 116601 (2014) FIG. 10. Three different non-monotonic density profiles in the MI model. (a, b) Effect of changing the location of the maximum value of density. (c, d) Effect of changing the density values of the saturated fluid, c=1. maximum concentration is held constant. As the maximum value of density moves closer to c=1, Figure 10(a) shows that the zone of unstable stratification expands and the zone of stable stratification shrinks. Figure 10(b) illustrates the onset time, to, versus log mobility ratio, R, obtained using the MI model with density profiles, ρA(circles), ρB(crosses), and ρC(squares). The onset times produced by all three density profiles increase with increasing R, as expected. When R=− 2, the onset time, to, produced by ρBis about 1.8 times greater than the one produced by ρC.F o r R≈− 0.2, all three density profiles produce about the same value of to. With increasing R,t h eρCprofile tends to produce the largest onset time. Figure 10(c) illustrates two more density profiles for which the location of the maximum density is fixed at c=0.375 (solid dot) and the density at c=1 is different. This amounts to varying the slopes in the stable part of the density profile, as shown in Fig. 10(c) . The density profile, ρE(squares), has a larger gradient compared to ρA(circles) and ρD(crosses). Figure 10(d) plots the corresponding onset time as a function of R. Interestingly, the onset times for all three density profiles are very similar. This shows that the magnitude of the density gradient in the stable part of the density profile is not particularly relevant to the stability behavior. The stability characteristics observed in Figures 10(b) and 10(d) can be explained by exam- ining the profile of the velocity eigenmode, we, with respect to the spatial variation of viscosity. Figure 11(a) illustrates weversus ξforR=0,k=30,t=1, and density profiles, ρA(solid line), ρB(dashed line), ρC(dashed-dotted line). The viscosity values are mentioned along the top axes in Figure 11. Crosses denote the location of the maximum value of density. Perturbations are predom- inantly concentrated in the unstable regions to the right of the crosses. Compared with the case of ρA, the peak of weshifts to the right for ρBand to the left for ρC. Though the perturbations produced This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54116601-12 D. Daniel and A. Riaz Phys. Fluids 26, 116601 (2014) FIG. 11. Effect of density profiles on velocity eigenmode wefork=30 and t=1. The top axis represents viscosity at the corresponding depthwise coordinate ξ. The location of the maximum density associated with each profile is marked with a cross. (a) R=0, (b) R=− 2, (c), R=2, and (d) R=0. by the three density profiles are concentrated at different locations, the corresponding onset times forR=0, shown in Figure 10(b) , are similar. The location of the peaks play an important role in explaining the instability characteristics for non-zero values of R. Figure 11(a) is repeated for R=− 2 in Figure 11(b) and for R=2i n Figure 11(c) .F o r R=− 2, we find that the shift in wefields is similar to the case for R=0s h o w n in Figure 11(a) . Because viscosity decreases with depth when R<0, the perturbations produced byρCare located in the lower viscosity regions compared to perturbations produced by ρAorρB. Consequently, perturbations produced by ρCare more unstable and lead to earlier onset times when R<0, see Figure 10(b) . In the case of R=2, we find that perturbations produced by ρBprofiles are located in the lower viscosity regions, and therefore, have earlier onset times. Figure 11(d) shows that the density profiles, ρDandρE, do not have a significant effect on the corresponding perturbation structures. Consequently, the onset times shown in Figure 10(d) are not sensitive to such density profiles. D. Effect of uniform flow In Secs. III A –III C , we found that gravitationally unstable diffusive layers are less unstable for larger values of R. This behavior contrasts with the behavior of the classical displacement problem where the instability increases with R. To explain this contrast, we consider the displaced interface problem, which is a generalization of the MI model. The displaced interface problem considered here relates to the gravitationally unstable displacement of the lighter fluid by a heavier fluid with a uniform velocity, U, along the direction of gravity. For U=1, the dimensional displacement velocity This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54116601-13 D. Daniel and A. Riaz Phys. Fluids 26, 116601 (2014) FIG. 12. Effect of viscosity contrast for the displaced interface problem with a linear density profile. (a) Onset time tovs.R. (b) Critical wavenumber kovs.R. (c) Critical viscosity ratio, Rc,v s . U(diamond). Results for density profiles, ρA(circles), ρB(crosses), ρC(squares), are also shown for comparison. (d) Various flow regimes as a function of RandU, for a linear density profile. The shaded region in ( R,U) space represents the stable flow regime. is equal to the buoyancy velocity, K/Delta1ρg/μ1, see Sec. IIfor details. To facilitate comparison with previous studies related to the displacement problem,13we first consider a linear density profile and later also evaluate the non-monotonic density profiles, such as the ones illustrated in Figure 10(a) . Figure 12(a) plots the onset time, to, versus the log mobility ratio, R, for displacement velocities, U=0( c i r c l e s ) , U=0.5 (squares), and U=1(crosses), using a linear density profile. As expected, when U=0,toincreases with increasing R.F o r U=0.5,toincreases with Runtil it attains a maximum value at R≈0. Beyond this value of R,todecreases with R. When U=1, the maximum value of tooccurs at R=− 1. Figure 12(b) illustrates the corresponding critical wavenumbers, ko, versus RforU=0 (circles), U=0.5 (squares), and U=1(crosses). For U=0,kodecreases monotonically with R.F o r U=0.5,kodecreases with increasing Runtil it reaches a minimum at R =0 and increases thereafter. For U=1, the minimum point occurs at a lower value of R. Similar qualitative trends can also be obtained for the non-monotonic density profiles. Figures 12(a) and12(b) depict the existence of qualitatively different stability behaviors for the critical parameters, toandko.T h ev a l u eo f Rat which the instability characteristics undergo the qualitative switch, is referred to as the critical viscosity ratio, Rcas shown in Figure 12(a) . When R<Rc,toincreases with an increase in R. This behavior is in contrast to the classical displace- ment behavior and is similar to the behavior of the buoyancy driven instabilities considered in the Secs. III A –III C . When R>Rc,todecreases with an increase in R, depicting the dominance of displacement-related instabilities. We find that although the values of Rat the points of maximum to and minimum kodepicted in Figures 12(a) and12(b) do not coincide, they are close. The small dif- ference could perhaps be due to numerical artifacts associated with the measurement of perturbation quantities at small times, t<O(to).15 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54116601-14 D. Daniel and A. Riaz Phys. Fluids 26, 116601 (2014) TABLE II. V orticity integral values and growth rates for U=1,k=30,t=0.2, and Ra=500. RI 1 I2 I3 I1+I2+I3 σ −3 15.90 −3.29 −4.89 7.71 19.79 −27 . 1 6 −0.76 −3.55 2.85 4.88 −13 . 4 8 −0.11 −1.92 1.44 0.85 0 1.90 0.00 0.00 1.90 3.0011 . 1 9 −0.07 1.86 2.97 7.36 20 . 8 2 −0.31 3.66 4.18 12.17 30 . 6 2 −0.74 5.43 5.31 16.59 Figure 12(c) illustrates Rcversus Ufor density profiles, ρA(circles), ρB(crosses), ρC(squares), along with the linear density profile (diamonds), for mean flow in the range, 0 <U<2. In all cases, when the displacement velocity tends to zero, U→0, the critical log mobility ratio, Rc, approaches infinity, Rc→∞ . With increasing U,Rcdecreases. The rate at which Rcdecreases is highest for the linear density profile followed by the density profiles, ρB,ρA, andρC, respectively. This suggests that the rate of decay is proportional to the width of the zone of unstable density stratification within the boundary layer, see Sec. III C . By increasing the displacement velocity beyond U=2, we find thatRcsplits into two branches. This is depicted in Figure 12(d) for a linear density profile. The split atU≈2.7 is due to the formation of a stable region when Uis larger than a certain critical value. ForU>2.7, the boundary layer is buoyantly unstable for negative values of R. With increasing R, the boundary layer becomes more stable and the onset time, to→∞ , as the shaded stable region is approached. With further increase of R, the boundary layer becomes susceptible to displacement dominated instabilities and finite values for toare again observed. To gain a deeper insight into relevant physical mechanisms, we examine the instantaneous perturbation vorticity field, /Omega1e=k μ(cb)ce−R k∂cb ∂z∂we ∂z+kRUc e. (15) We integrate (15) to obtain a measure of the vorticity field given by I=/integraldisplay /Omega1edz=I1+I2+I3, (16) where I1=k/integraldisplay exp(−R(1−cb))cedz,I2=−R k/integraldisplay∂cb ∂z∂we ∂zdz,I3=kRU/integraldisplay cedz. (17) Compared to Eq. (13) in Sec. III, an additional source of vorticity production, I3, arises that de- pends on the uniform flow, U.F o r R>0,I3is positive and destabilizing and for R<0,I3 is negative and stabilizing. The effect of the uniform flow is negligible when Rtends to zero, R→0. Table IIlists the values of vorticity integrals, I1,I2, and I3, and the growth rate, σ, for a linear density profile for U=1,k=30, and t=0.2. The eigenmodes are normalized such that the maximum value of ceis one. The smallest values of Iandσare observed when the log mobility ratio is close to its critical value, R=− 1(R≈Rc). The growth rate increases with an increase in Rfor large values ofR, and with a decrease in Rfor small values of R. In the latter case, the major contribution to vorticity comes from the buoyancy term, I1, while for larger values of R,I3, is the primary source of vorticity. For small R, although both I2andI3are stabilizing, the combined stabilizing effect is not enough to overcome the unstable effect represented by the buoyancy term, I1. The vorticity integrals also help explain the presence of the stable zone in Figure 12(d) . Within the stable zone where R<0 and U>0, the stabilizing effect represented by I3, overcomes the destabilizing buoyancy effect represented by I1. The stabilizing effect of Uwhen R<0 has also been previously reported by Manickam and Homsy.13The three regimes of displacement dominated, buoyancy dominated, and stable flows are observed only when U>0. When U<0 (not considered This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54116601-15 D. Daniel and A. Riaz Phys. Fluids 26, 116601 (2014) FIG. 13. Effect of displacement velocity on the velocity eigenmode we. Viscosity values are mentioned at the top. The crosses denote the location of the maximum in the density profile, ρA.( a )we//bardblwe/bardbl∞vs.ξforR=− 1,k=30, and t=1. (b) Same as in panel (a) for R=1. in this study), the instability characteristics are similar to buoyancy dominated flows except for the stable regions in the ( U,R) space when R>0. In the case of non-monotonic density variation, displacement dominated mechanisms also affect the transport of momentum across the interface. Recall that the interface in this case is defined as the point of zero gradient of density. Figure 13(a) illustrates the normalized vertical velocity profiles, we//bardblwe/bardbl∞,f o rU=0 (solid line), U=1 (dashed line), and U=2 (dashed-dotted line) when R=−1, k=30, and t=1. The crosses correspond to the peak density location at ξ=0.21 for the ρAdensity profile. With increasing values of U, the strength of the wefields associated with R=− 1 decreases due to the stabilizing effect of uniform flow associated with R<1. As a result, the momentum transport across ξ=0.21 also decreases. On the other hand, R>0 results in greater momentum transport. This is illustrated in Figure 13(b) forR=1. In this case the velocity perturbations gain strength due to the increased destabilizing effect of the uniform flow. Finally, we show that the critical value of Rcis also a useful indicator for t/greatermuchto, even though it is defined with respect to to. To demonstrate this, Figure 14(a) illustrates σmaxvsRforU=0.5 using a linear density profile. The vertical dashed line represents R=Rc. The solid dots denote the points at which ∂σmax/∂R=0. Across this minima, there is a reversal of instability characteristics associated with σmax. We find that at t=0.1,σmaxhas a nonmonotonic behavior as a function of R with the local minima at R=0. At t=1 and t=10, the local minima also occur at R=0. In all cases, the local minima coincide with Rc. Figure 14(b) repeats Figure 14(b) forU=2. Large values oftwere used because of smaller perturbation growth rates. The locations of local minima (solid FIG. 14. Time invariance of the critical viscosity ratio Rc(solid dots). (a) Maximum growth rates, σmax,v s . Rfor a linear density profile when U=0.5. (b) Same as in panel (a) for U=2. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54116601-16 D. Daniel and A. Riaz Phys. Fluids 26, 116601 (2014) dots) are within 10% of Rceven for times as late as t=1000. The critical value is thus a useful indicator of the dominant instability mechanism even at late times. IV. CONCLUSION In this study we investigated the effect of viscosity contrast on the stability behavior of grav- itationally unstable diffusive layers. To interpret experimental observations, we considered twophysical models characterized by specific depthwise concentration profiles and different density- concentration relationships. If laboratory studies are carried out for R≈0, our study indicates that the MI model predicts earlier onset times. For R<0, the MI model is even more unstable. The two models can however be made to yield similar results by using fluids with different values of Ras well as different profiles of the density-concentration relationship. We demonstrated that diffusive layers are more unstable in general when viscosity decreases with depth within the layer compared to when viscosity increases with depth. This contrasts with the behavior of gravitationally unstable diffusive layers in displaced flow. We explained the contrast in terms of the interaction of vorticity components associated with gravitational and viscous effects.We have further shown how this interaction gives rise to a critical value of the log mobility ratio that depends on the displacement velocity. Below the critical point, instability is governed by buoyancy effects and decreases with an increase in R. Above the critical point, the background flow is the dominant mechanism and instability increases by increasing R. We also found that when the magnitude of the displacement velocity exceeds a certain threshold, the critical curve, in the space of log mobility ratio and displacement velocity, splits into two branches giving rise to an intermediatestable zone. Available data on the viscosity-concentration relationship for the CO 2-water system indicates some uncertainty with regards to whether the viscosity of the mixture would increase or decrease upon dissolution of CO 2. Different studies report both positive and negative values of R.11,12,20 Though all studies report viscosity differences to be small, R≈O(0.1). It is hence fairly likely that such viscosity contrasts would not substantially affect the stability behavior under actual conditions. However, the viscosity contrast between the solution and the solvent in experimental studies is large. For example, the experimental study of Backhaus et al.8was based on the moving interface model where the viscosity contrast was about R≈− 3. This implies a much greater level of instability compared with the case of R≈0. For the experimental study of Slim et al.18based on the fixed interface model, on the other hand, R≈0.04, which is closer to what is expected in practice. However, it is uncertain whether the model employed in that study exactly corresponds to either the fixed or the moving interface models. A range of critical times, 60/ Ra<to<160/Ra, are reported by Slim et al.18which makes it difficult to conclude as to which model is applicable. In general, theoretical estimates based on the assumption of R=0 cannot be used directly to interpret results from experimental observations of systems with a large viscosity contrast. Stability analysis for such systems is needed to account for the effect of viscosity. Most experimental studies report the time for the onset of nonlinear convection. Fully resolved nonlinear simulations21–23demonstrate that the time for the onset of nonlinear effects depends on both the amplitude of initial perturbations and Ra, and is usually much greater than to.O u r characterization of linear instability as a function of viscosity contrast and various models would facilitate the study of the onset of nonlinear convection in such systems. Finally, the degree towhich either the fixed, or the moving interface model corresponds to an actual two-phase flow experiment with mass transfer remains to be determined. This requires quantitative measurement of the perturbation flow field. Some developments in this area have been reported recently by Ehyaeiand Kiger. 10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge insightful discussions with Professor Nils Tilton at Colorado School of Mines and Professor Hamdi Tchelepi at Stanford University. This study was supported through a research grant from the Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:54116601-17 D. Daniel and A. Riaz Phys. Fluids 26, 116601 (2014) 1R. A. Wooding, S. W. Tyler, and I. White, “Convection in groundwater below an evaporating salt lake: 1. 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Revisiting single photon avalanche diode current-voltage modeling and transient characteristics M. Javitt , V. Savuskan, , T. Merhav , and Y. Nemirovsky, Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 115, 204503 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4875855 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4875855 View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/jap/115/20 Published by the American Institute of PhysicsRevisiting single photon avalanche diode current-voltage modeling and transient characteristics M. Javitt,1V. Savuskan,1,a)T. Merhav,1and Y . Nemirovsky1,2,b) 1Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel 2Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee, Israel (Received 24 January 2014; accepted 29 April 2014; published online 23 May 2014) A model for the current-voltage and transient behavior of Single Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPADs) based on device physics is presented. The results of the model are compared to actual measurementsand a reasonable fit is seen. Additionally, the model provides a useful tool for designing quenching circuitry and determining optimal operation conditions of the SPAD. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC . [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4875855 ] I. INTRODUCTION Single Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPADs) have been studied extensively over the last 40 years1due to the wide range of their potential applications.2In the last decade, the focus of research has shifted to CMOS SPAD sensors andimagers. 3–10In order to achieve the lucrative potential appli- cations, several issues are still under investigation: optimal design of quenching circuitry,11–14transient behavioral modeling15–18as well as current-voltage characteristics above breakdown based on rigorous physical approaches.19 An analytical, physical quench model would thus prove valu- able towards the improvement of future SPAD devices and imagers. Similarly to Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs), SPADs are PN junction devices fabricated with doping profiles that emphasize reverse-bias avalanche breakdown over Zener (tunneling) breakdown.20When these structures are reverse- biased at sufficiently high voltage, a high electric field active region develops with sufficient energy to allow electron-hole pair generation through impact ionization, providing amplifi-cation of current injected into the junction. The current gain rises sharply with the applied voltage until the breakdown voltage where the gain becomes “infinite,” that is, limitedexclusively by resistance serial to the junction: any voltage applied beyond this point will produce a current equal to the difference between applied voltage and breakdown voltage(termed the “excess voltage”) divided by the serial resist- ance. While APDs are designed to be biased near but below the junction breakdown voltage so as to allow finite meangain, SPADs are biased sufficiently above this voltage where the gain is “infinite.” In this way, a single electron-hole pair, generated either thermally or optically, can trigger a macro-scopic current through the junction with a corresponding macroscopic voltage drop across the resistance serial to the junction. Since the source of the electron-hole pair is virtu-ally irrelevant with regards triggering of the device, keeping minimal the non-photon generated rate of events, termed theDark Count Rate (DCR), is paramount in fabricating an effective device. 21–23 While true breakdown voltage was defined in Ref. 19, breakdown may be defined as the measured voltage wherethe avalanche process is self-sustaining. This distinguishes the SPAD from the APD as APDs are operated below break- down, while SPADs are operated above breakdown. Asmobile charge carrier generation in the junction occurs through impact ionization, from a steady state perspective, the current in the device can potentially exist in two pseudo-stable states: breakdown, with large current providing the mobile charge carriers to maintain said current; and zero current with zero charge carriers to generate current. As aresult, if through some induced or statistical fluctuation all the charge carriers exit the active region at a given moment while in the breakdown state, then the current through thejunction will cease (termed “quench”) and the device will transition back into the zero current state. SPADs are ultimately transient-governed devices in that photon sensitivity is achieved through detecting the abrupt transition between zero current and breakdown states brought on by the optically generated electron-hole pair thattriggered breakdown. As a result, the temporal stability of each state, that is, likelihood of the state to persist over time, is of the highest importance. The stability of the zero currentstate is relatively straightforward to consider and is simply a function of the rate of events, photo- or thermally generated. The stability of the high current state is less clear, and it ishere that an accurate and well founded model can provide particularly valuable insight. It is clear that for a device to be effective this high-current state must be relatively unstable,as while in this state the device will be unable to detect addi- tional incident photons. Thus, the amount of time that the device is in this state with the addition of the transition timeback to the zero current state is collectively termed the “deadtime.” The model presented in this study refers to breakdown which ends due to statistical fluctuations but intheory could continue indefinitely. “Stability” refers to the propensity for this state NOT to end. In order to increase breakdown state instability, negative feedback must be incorporated in the device design. This can be done either actively 24or passively.25In active quenching,a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: savuskan@tx.technion.ac.il. b)Fellow, IEEE. 0021-8979/2014/115(20)/204503/9/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 115, 204503-1JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 115, 204503 (2014) control circuitry detects the transition of the device into breakdown and acts to directly decrease biasing below the breakdown voltage. After quench, the junction bias isrestored to the above breakdown voltage rapidly, shortening the deadtime. In passive quenching, a simple resistance serial to the junction converts the current flow into a voltage reduc-tion across the PN junction effectively acting as negative feedback during breakdown, which increases that state’s instability. With this method, there is no need to implementcontrol circuitry on-pixel, saving valuable space. The price of this, however, is in the requirement to calibrate the single resistance value to be simultaneously high enough to quenchthe device effectively while at the same time low enough to allow for quick junction recharge times, as will be shown later. Modeling the relationship between load resistance andquench time could provide valuable tools for design and for optimizing the operation of SPADs. This study presents a physically rigorous modeling of SPADs focusing on breakdown state stability. The previous attempt to model the breakdown state directly 15,16yielded a non-exponential quench time distribution and predicted aninfinite mean quench time, both in contrast to typically reported results. A further attempt to predicate quench on dynamic negative feedback to the quench resistance pre-dicted an oscillatory behavior of the breakdown current. While such behavior has been observed in some devices and at some biasing conditions, it has not been shown to be aconstant fixture of all devices and biasing conditions and thus focusing on the breakdown state directly still holds promise. The model presented in this paper is based primar-ily on a physical model taking into account the dynamic nature of the charge carriers’ multiplication within the active region. It aims to explain the nature of the SPAD DC I-Vcurve and provides a potential tool to optimize the transient performance of the device. The model of this study presents the probability per unit of time for the avalanche process tocease. One of the model inputs is the value of the quenching resistance. Accordingly, the practical implementation of the proposed model is to allow circuit designers to correctlyselect the optimal passive quencher resistance for minimiz- ing the overall “deadtime” value. II. MODEL DERIVATION AND ANALYSIS The approach of the current model is to first compute the spatial steady-state mobile charge carrier distributionduring breakdown and only then consider the temporal fluc- tuations of this distribution. The ultimate goal is to find a probability for the given breakdown state to quench per unittime. With this result, the temporal stability of the break- down state and thus the temporal behavior of the device can be evaluated. To that end, the following assumptions weremade: 1. Classical model for impact ionization—the charge carrier concentration distributions are computed based on the local field model presented by McIntyre in 1966. 26In this model, the probability for impact ionization at a givenpoint is a function only of the mobile charge carrier type (electron or hole) and the electric field at that location.This model is both analytically simple and well- established, and allows relationships between device parameters and breakdown state stability to be clearly understood. 2. Independent charge carriers—it is assumed that the mobile charge carriers do not affect one another. As a result, the effect of the mobile charge on the electric fieldin the junction is neglected. Additionally, the probability for each mobile charge carrier to ionize (produce a new electron-hole pair) is considered independent of all othermobile charge carriers. 3. Self-sustaining avalanche during breakdown—the junc- tion is biased at breakdown, the voltage at which the mul-tiplication gain of the device is “infinite” with all excess voltage falling across the serial resistance. Since there is infinite multiplication, the influx of mobile charge carriersinto the junction must be zero otherwise the total current would not be finite. Instead, mobile charge carriers are generated within the junction through impact ionizationand exclusively exit the junction. As a result and since electrons and holes travel in opposite directions under the influence of an electric field, at one end of the device thecurrent will consist only of electrons exiting the junction, while at the other end the current will be comprised only of holes exiting the junction. From a mathematical per-spective, this means that the hole current density at x ¼0 will be zero (J p(0)¼0), while at the other end of the device, x ¼L, the current density of electrons will be zero (Jn(L)¼0). This does not contradict that the value of the current is dictated externally by the choice of excess volt- age and serial resistance; rather, this assumption providesborder conditions that together with the overall current value dictate the mobile charge carrier distribution. 4. Constant field—for the simplicity of the derivation, it is assumed that the field is constant in the active region, assuming the value of the high field PN interface where the impact ionization occurs. 5. Pure drift current—due to the extremely high electric field in the active region, it is assumed that any diffusion cur- rent is negligible. 6. Equal drift velocity—due to the extremely high electric field in the active region, it is assumed that each carrier travels at its saturation velocity (v sat) and that these veloc- ities are approximately equal. The parameters used in the model are: the current through the PN junction ( I), the electron charge ( q), the time- of-flight of an injected charge carrier from one end of the junction to the other ( TOF), the ionization probability ratio between electrons and holes ( k), and a unit-less model fitting parameter used to fit the data to measurements. A. Spatial behavior Based on the assumptions listed above (specifically, pure drift current at saturation velocity), for electron density n(x) and hole density p(x), the current density for each car- rier in the multiplication region is given by JnxðÞ¼qn xðÞvsatJpxðÞ¼qp xðÞvsat: (1)204503-2 Javitt et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 204503 (2014)The current must be constant in the entire junction under steady state conditions, so J¼JnxðÞþJpxðÞ¼qvsatnxðÞþpxðÞ ðÞ ; nxðÞþpxðÞ¼J qvsat¼N¼const : (2) The ionization generation coefficients (a,b) of units 1/length are functions of the electric field. However, under the assumption listed above of a constant field, these coeffi-cients will be constant as well. Generation from impact ionization, GxðÞ¼1 qa/C1JnxðÞþb/C1JpxðÞ/C0/C1¼avsatnxðÞþbvsatpxðÞ:(3) We can insert this result into the steady-state continuity equation to determine the mobile carrier distributions n(x)and p(x) from the set of differential equations dJnxðÞ dx¼/C0qG xðÞ!dn dx¼/C0GxðÞ vsat¼/C0a/C1nxðÞ/C0b/C1pxðÞ; dJpxðÞ dx¼qG xðÞ!dp dx¼GxðÞ vsat¼a/C1nxðÞþb/C1pxðÞ:(4) Using the constant nature of the total charge carriers shown above, these equations can be rewritten as regular dif- ferential equations dn dx¼b/C0aðÞ nxðÞ/C0bN; dp dx¼b/C0aðÞ pxðÞþaN:(5) With solutions nxðÞ¼b b/C0aNþn0exp b /C0aðÞ x ðÞ ; pxðÞ¼/C0a b/C0aNþp0exp b /C0aðÞ x ðÞ :(6) Since the device is in breakdown, there is zero influx current so JP(0) ¼Jn(L)¼0. From Eq. (1), this means that p(0)¼n(L)¼0, where L is the junction length referring to the width of the high field region where multiplication occurs. Using these boundary conditions yields the final distributions nxðÞ¼b b/C0aN1/C0exp b /C0aðÞ x/C0LðÞ/C0/C1/C0/C1 ; pxðÞ¼/C0a b/C0aN1/C0exp b /C0aðÞ x ðÞ/C0/C1 :(7) As previously mentioned, the density of total charge car- riers at any point must be constant. N¼nxðÞþpxðÞ¼NþN/C1ða/C0b exp a /C0bðÞ L ðÞ Þ b/C0a /C2expððb/C0aÞxÞ; [exp a /C0bðÞ L ðÞ ¼a b: (8)For convenience, we can define a parameter k, k¼b a!k¼exp k /C01ðÞ aL ðÞ : (9) This is the same breakdown condition achieved by McIntyre26where the breakdown voltage is the voltage where a, which increases with the electric field and thusthe applied voltage, is large enough for this condition to occur. B. Temporal behavior With the steady-state spatial distribution curves previ- ously found, one can investigate the nature of the distribution as it develops over time. After a time twhere no impact ioni- zation has occurred, the distribution curve will have shifted by distance vsattsince all carriers are travelling at the identi- cal velocity vsat. The probability for a hole to not ionize over time dtfrom that point will be the product of the probabil- ities for each hole still present in the high field region to not ionize Phtþdtjt ðÞ ¼Y xexp/C0bvsatdt ðÞAp xðÞdx ¼exp/C0Abv satdtðL/C0vsatt 0pxðÞdx0 B@1 CA: (10) The exponent is the probability that there will be no ion- ization over time dtper hole, while the term Ap(x)dxis the number of holes located between point xandxþdx(Ais the cross sectional area of the junction). Computing the integral ðL/C0vsatt 0pxðÞdx¼N 1/C0kL/C0vsatt/C01 k/C01ðÞ a/C20 /C2ðexp k/C01ðÞ aL/C0vsatt ðÞ/C0/C1 /C01Þ/C21 :(11) This result can be simplified using Eq. (9) and TOF¼L=vsat, ðL/C0vsatt 0pxðÞdx¼N 1/C0kL1/C0t TOF/C01 lnkðÞ/C20 /C2exp ln kðÞ 1/C0t TOF/C18/C19/C18/C19 /C01/C18/C19 /C21 :(12) The result Phtþdtjt ðÞ ¼exp/C0Akav satdtN 1/C0kL1/C0t TOFþ1 lnkðÞ/C20 /C18 /C21/C0exp ln kðÞ 1/C0t TOF/C18/C19/C18/C19/C18/C19 /C21/C19 : (13) Simplifying once again and noting that ANv sat¼I=q,204503-3 Javitt et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 204503 (2014)Phtþdtjt ðÞ ¼expI qklnkðÞ 1/C0kðÞ21/C0t TOFþ1 lnkðÞ/C20 /C21/C0exp ln kðÞ 1/C0t TOF/C18/C19/C18/C19/C18/C19 /C21 dt/C19 :(14) This is the probability for no hole-induced ionization to occur over time dtgiven that no ionization has occurred for time t. For electrons, the result is fundamentally the same and can be achieved simply via the conversion k!1=k, Petþdtjt ðÞ ¼exp/C0I qklnkðÞ 1/C0kðÞ21/C0t TOF/C01 lnkðÞ/C20 /C21/C0exp/C0lnkðÞ 1/C0t TOF/C18/C19/C18/C19/C18/C19 /C21 dt/C19 :(15)The total probability for there to not be an ionization event over time dtis the product of that for electrons and holes, PTOTtþdtjt ðÞ ¼Petþdtjt ðÞ /C1Phtþdtjt ðÞ ¼expI q2k 1/C0kðÞ21/C0cosh ln kðÞ 1/C0t TOF/C18/C19/C18/C19/C20/C21 dt ! : (16) With this result, one can compute the probability for no ionization to occur from some time to some later time. Of par- ticular interest is the prob ability for a total of time T OFto elapse assuming a starting point of a given time T. This is because after time T OFhas elapsed all mobile charge carriers will have exited the junction and as a result the device will have quenched: PTOTTOFjTðÞ ¼ expI q2k 1/C0kðÞ2ðTOF T1/C0cosh ln kðÞ 1/C0t TOF/C18/C19/C18/C19/C20/C21 dt0 B@1 CA ¼expI q2k 1/C0kðÞ2TOF/C0T/C0TOF lnkðÞsinh ln kðÞ 1/C0T TOF/C18/C19/C18/C19 /C20/C21 ! : (17) While this result is significant, it does not on its own provide the deadtime of the device. The source of current inthe SPAD is generation through impact ionization in the ava- lanche region. As such, the average time T AVbetween gener- ation events during breakdown will be equal to the charge ofthe electron divided by the current, T AV¼q I: (18) If the time between any two consecutive generation events during breakdown reaches T OF, then all carriers will have exited the region leaving none to produce any further electron-hole pairs. As a result, the current will quench.Since on the average the time between these events will be T AV, the probability to quench will be the probability for the charge carriers to make it to time T OFfor a given T AV (PQ¼PT(TOF|TAV)). As a consequence of this, for I <q/T OF, the current is by definition unstable (probability to quench ¼1). In general, PQ¼PTOTTOFjTAV ðÞ ¼exp2k 1/C0kðÞ2TOF TAV/C01/C0TOF TAVsinh ln kðÞ1/C0TAV TOF/C18/C19/C18/C19 lnkðÞ2 643 750 B@1 CA: (19) For convenience, one can define y¼1/C0TAV TOF¼1/C0q I/C1TOF: (20)Substituting PQ¼exp2k 1/C0kðÞ2y 1/C0y1/C0sinh ln kðÞy/C0/C1 lnkðÞy"# ! : (21) This is the probability to quench. To account for the simplistic nature of the model and to fit results to data, a model parameter gcan be incorporated to scale the argument of the exponent, PQ¼exp g2k 1/C0kðÞ2y 1/C0y1/C0sinh ln kðÞy/C0/C1 lnkðÞy"# ! ; y¼1/C0q I/C1TOF: (22) This is the desired equation: the probability for the cur- rent to quench as a function of the various device parameters.The nature of the fitting parameter gis now evident: it accommodates the simplified model assumptions (see also Sec.IV). As can be seen from the above expression, there are three significant physical parameters that dictate quench probability: the ionization coefficient ratio k, the charge car- rier time-of-flight T OF, and the breakdown current I(via its effect on y). The model parameter gis needed to accommo- date the simplified model assumptions and its effect is ratherapparent: the smaller this value is, the closer the argument of the exponential term is to zero and thus the closer that P Q will be to 1. Therefore, decreasing this parameter increases the probability to quench. As will be seen later, a similar204503-4 Javitt et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 204503 (2014)result can be achieved by replacing the other parameters by effective values as they too influence the breakdown probability. The contribution of the ionization coefficient ratio is less obvious. For both extremes of k, lnPQk!0 ðÞ /2k 1/C0kðÞ2y 1/C0y1þ1 2kyylnkðÞ/C20/C21 !0;[PQk!0¼1; lnPQk!1ðÞ /2k 1/C0kðÞ2y 1/C0y1/C0ky 2ylnkðÞ/C20/C21 !0;[PQk!1¼1: (23) This result is not altogether unexpected: for avalanche breakdown to be self-sustaining, both carriers must partici- pate. Specifically, positive feedback is provided throughoppositely charged carriers traveling in opposite directions. If one of those carriers does not participate in the process (k!0 for electrons and k!1 for holes) then the ava- lanche breakdown cannot occur. Nonetheless, this result runs contrary to the model derived in Ref. 15. Based on the model presented here, the probability to quench will be lowest atk¼1 and will symmetrically rise around this minimum for the conversion k!k /C01shown graphically in Figure 1. From a design and materials perspective, this would imply that the avalanche pulse at breakdown will be less sta- ble for greater ionization coefficient disparity. Since pulse stability can be a limiting element in operation frequency, infuture applications intended for higher frame rates it may prove necessary to transition to either more imbalanced materials or more complex doping profiles that dispropor-tionately enhances the ionization rate of one carrier. As stated above, an additional element in determining pulse stability is the T OFterm. As the carriers clear the junc- tion faster (lower T OF), probability to quench also increases, shown graphically in Figure 2. This can be accomplished ei- ther by reducing junction dimensions or by increasing carriervelocity. Both approaches, however, are limited. Overly reducing junction dimensions increases the field at break- down, which at some point will result in band-to-bandtunneling carrier generation (Zener breakdown) causing prohibitively high DCR. Carrier velocity alternatively is pri- marily limited by material parameters and generally cannotrise above a material-defined saturation value. The final significant parameter influencing quench prob- ability is the breakdown current: Figure 3shows the relationship between quench proba- bility and breakdown current and it can be seen that the prob- ability transitions relatively abruptly between high and lowvalues as a result of the current. As opposed to the other parameters, the operational breakdown current can be con- trolled external to the device and is not determined solely byfabrication (both kand T OFare determined by junction parameters and material constants). This can be utilized for active quenching, where the effective serial resistance can betransitioned from a low value pre-breakdown to a high value post-breakdown. This allows for both abrupt device recharg- ing (low resistance) and abrupt device quenching (highresistance–low breakdown current). However, active quenching requires additional circuitry in each pixel, decreasing fill factor and increasing complexity. FIG. 1. Model derived quench probability (P Q) by ionization coefficient ra- tiok. Parameters: I ¼1lA, T OF¼1 ps, and g¼1. FIG. 2. Model derived quench probability (P Q) by time-of-flight. Parameters: I¼1lA, k¼0.3, and g¼1. FIG. 3. Model derived quench probability (P Q) by breakdown current. Parameters: k ¼0.3, T OF¼1 ps, and g¼1.204503-5 Javitt et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 204503 (2014)III. MODEL APPLICATIONS The model, and specifically the model derived quench probability P Q, allows for modeling and predictions with regards to the transient and DC behavior of the device. Inorder to verify the success of the model, predicted results were compared to measurements performed on SPADs fabri- cated in a commercial 180 nm CMOS Image Sensors pro-cess. 27,28To show the versatility of the model, SPADs were selected from opposite ends of the performance spectrum: one with a breakdown voltage of /C2411 V with very high DCR (a “poor” SPAD), and the other with a breakdown voltage of /C2420 V showing very low DCR (a “good” SPAD). To be useful, the quench probability must be converted into units of time. This can be done by envisaging the propa- gation of the breakdown pulse as a geometric series of gener-ation events, where one event not occurring causes quench. Based on this, the probability for a “failure” to quench is 1/C0P Qand the probability for the breakdown pulse to sur- vive exactly nsuch events is P Q(1/C0PQ)n. The “event” in this case is impact ionization induced charge carrier generation, such that the average time betweenevents, T AV, would be the inverse of the generation rate as stated above in the derivation section. The time associated with surviving nevents can thus be approximated as nTAV. Under this approximation, the probability for a breakdown pulse to quench at time twould be PtðÞ¼PQ1/C0PQ ðÞt TAV: (24) The model, therefore, predicts that quench-time will fol- low an exponential distribution (Fig. 4). This distribution, however, accounts only for the pseudo-steady state lifetime of the pulse and does not include even more transient aspectslike junction discharge and recharge times during which the current can be significantly higher and thus more stable. 19 As such, the measured distribution will be shifted by a con- stant time to account for these additions. Based on this distribution, another curve can be pre- dicted: the DC current of the SPAD. The DC current of theSPAD will be the average current over time since the actual current is transient by nature (breakdown pulses and quench- ing). This can be found by considering the total amount ofcharge that flows through the device per cycle (breakdown of the device, quench, and recharge).The average breakdown pulse lifetime can be extracted from the distribution (or byenvisaging a series of Bernoulli experiments) and is easily shown to be T AV/PQ. As a result, the mean amount of pseudo-steady state charge collected per pulse is Qss¼I/C1TAV PQ: (25) PQis a function of a number of variables; however, the only one that is influenced by choice of bias is the current I. From here on, therefore, P Qwill be replaced with P Q(I) to reinforce its dependence on biasing conditions. Prior to breakdown, the capacitance of the junction is charged to the excess voltage (V e) above breakdown, whereas during breakdown it is discharged to the breakdownvoltage. Additionally, any capacitance parallel to the load resistance will charge to the excess voltage during break- down as this is the voltage that falls across the load resist- ance. Post quench, these capacitances will charge anddischarge back to their original values. As a result, added to the steady state charge collected will be the capacitance induced charges, proportional to the excess voltage: Q c¼C/C1Ve: (26) The average current will be these two accumulated charges times the event frequency known as DCR. Asserting I¼Ve/R and adding an offset current due to device leakage, etc., IDC¼IOSþmin DCR/C1CVeþVe RTAV PQVe R/C18/C190 B@1 CA;Ve R0 B@1 CA:(27) Theminfunction was added to account for the fact that the measured current can only approach V e/R and not exceed it even when the lifetime exceeds the mean time between breakdown events. In Figure 5, the model was fit to measurements per- formed on actual SPADs, one with a breakdown voltage (BV) of /C2411 V with corresponding high DCR, while the other with a breakdown voltage of /C2420 V with correspond- ing low DCR. More information with regards these SPADs can be found in Ref. 27. For the low BV device, the measure- ment was performed with a serial resistor of 5 k X, while no additional resistor was added for the high BV device. The curves were produced with the following shared parameters: FIG. 4. Measured quench time histogram. On the low breakdown voltage SPAD the measurement was performed at 1 V excess voltage with a 15 k X serial resistor, while on the high breakdown voltage SPAD the measurement was performed at 1.3 V of excess voltage with a 29 k Xresistor. Shown as well is the fit to an exponential distribution and the r-square coefficient. By the result, it can be seen that excellent fit is found. The timescale shown (microseconds) is much larger than what is expected for typical integrateddevices (nanoseconds). This is due to the use of external rather than inte- grated resistors responsible for bringing the capacitive load to the /C24100 pF range rather than the typical /C24100 fF for integrated devices. Additionally, resistance values were selected to produce meta-stability and thus a discerni- ble quenchtime distribution, whereas in actual devices resistance values are selected specifically to minimize the meta-stability of the breakdown state.204503-6 Javitt et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 204503 (2014)C¼100 pF, k ¼0.05, and T OF¼1 ps. The capacitance was selected to correspond to the capacitive load provided by thesetup used to attain the measurements caused in part by the use of an external resistor. Integrated pixels are expected to have a capacitance on the order of 100 fF. For the low BVSPAD, I OS¼0.3 nA and g¼0.121, while for the high BV SPAD, I OS¼0.06 nA and g¼0.157. The offset current, ca- pacitance, and model parameter were chosen empirically, while the ionization ratio coefficient and time-of-flight were set based on the device material (Si) and junction dimen-sions. For both devices, the serial resistance was extracted from the linear portion of the measurement curve and was found to be R /C255.7 kXfor the low BV device (correspond- ing to the 5 k Xserial resistor with the addition of an internal /C24700Xresistance) and R /C252.7 kXfor the high BV device. Additionally, for the low BV device the DCR was assumedto be of the form DCR V eðÞ¼aðexpbVeðÞ /C01Þwith values ofa¼60 Hz and b¼11.1 V/C01. The exponential nature of the DCR was determined due to the low breakdown voltageof the device and thus the propensity for band-to-band tun- neling, which produces an exponential current dependence on voltage. For the high BV device, the DCR was assumedto be of the form DCR V eðÞ¼aVewith a value of a¼50 Hz V/C01. The linear nature of the DCR was determined due to the higher breakdown voltage of the device whereband-to-band tunneling is unlikely to occur, and based on results reported in Ref. 27. While modeling the DC curve does have significance, modeling of transient behavior is more useful, as the appli- cation is ultimately transient. For this, the model proves useful as well, especially when it comes to passivequenching designs. Assuming a constant resistance, the model can be applied to find the optimal load resistance for overall device performance. The total pulse time iscomprised of the steady-state time, dictated by operating point pseudo-stability, and the junction recharge time dic- tated by the serial resistance and the junction capacitance.The maximum time it will take for ppercent of pulses to quench will beT p:XTp TAV n¼0PQ1/C0PQ ðÞn¼p!Tp¼TAVln 1/C0pðÞ ln 1/C0PQ ðÞ/C01 ! : (28) At low resistances, the probability to quench will be much lower than 1 and so ln 1 /C0PQ ðÞ /C25/C0PQ. Since P Qis approximately exponentially dependent on R, for low resis- tances a near-exponential dependence is expected. Figure 6 provides an example of the overall recovery time (deadtime)of a SPAD using the same values as the DC simulation for the low BV SPAD, with the exception of the capacitance taken to be 100 fF to correspond to typical capacitances of integrated CMOS SPAD pixels. The junction recharge time constant was taken to be 3RC, and the curve was generatedfor 1 V excess voltage. From the recovery time simulation (Figure 6), it can be seen that there is a clear optimal resistance. It is also appa-rent that due to the exponential nature of quench time but only the linear nature of junction recharge time, there is asymmetry around this minimum: reducing the resistanceonly slightly yields a significant increase in the duration of the pulse, while increasing the resistance has a much weaker influence. This is in agreement with empirical results, mostnotably in Ref. 19. To fit the model presented here to experimental data, a fitting parameter, g, was necessary though this could also have been accomplished via the use of effective value k effor TOF,eff . This is likely due to the inexact nature of the break- down model, which is based on simplifying assumptionssuch as uniform field, equal saturation velocities for elec- trons and holes, etc. These assumptions are obviously not met in the CMOS SPAD, where retrograde wells are appliedand the nature of the SPAD junction is very narrow but neither abrupt nor fully graded. Furthermore, the model FIG. 5. Model derived DC I-V relationship and measured data points for a low breakdown voltage SPAD and a high BV SPAD. FIG. 6. Predicted recovery time by serial resistance at 1 V excess voltage.The two curves represent the average result and the maximum time that accounts for 99.9% of predicted results. Below /C2425 kXthe time is domi- nated by the pulse lifetime and is strongly dependent on the serial resistance. Above this resistance, the pulse lifetime is insignificant relative to the recharge time of the junction capacitance and the curve rises linearly (/RC).204503-7 Javitt et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 204503 (2014)disregards charge carrier history, an assumption not fully valid at small junction dimensions which all SPADs have. Charge carrier history has been found to change impact ioni-zation probabilities and thus charge carrier distribution. This has resulted in newer models for breakdown that have attempted to account for this effect. 29–32It is possible that deriving a more accurate spatial distribution based on these methods will decrease the need for a fitting parameter. At the same time, given that the fitting parameter can be extractedfrom steady state data and applied to transient performance analysis it is not overly burdensome to the application of the model. IV. SUMMARY A model explaining SPAD transient behavior has been presented. It is based on a well-established physical and mathematical approach to avalanche breakdown, allowing for a simple and easily applied model. The model providesvaluable insight into the physical operation of SPADs and has achieved a good fit to empirical data. Elucidating the parameters that significantly affect device performance ( k, T OFand bias point) allows for higher performing devices to be fabricated in the future and allows for devices to be oper- ated optimally. For example, the model can be used to pre- dict the optimal serial resistance and calculate the optimal deadtime. This can be used to determine if active quenchingis required with its necessitating complexity or if high enough resolution can be achieved via much simpler passive quenching. The model also predicts that what primarily determines the deadtime of the device is the current during breakdown. Based on the model and especially the sharp relationshipbetween deadtime and current, the current at apparent break- down of the DC curve can be used to approximate a suffi- cient resistor. As a rule of thumb, a resistor that brings thecurrent to 1/2 to 1/3 of the current at apparent breakdown will produce a sufficiently short deadtime. This principle could also lead to new designs that limit the current moreeffectively than a serial resistor (which is excess voltage dependent) without the complexity of active quenching, such as realizing a constant current limiter in pixel. The model was successfully applied and fit to measure- ments performed on two different CMOS SPADs fabricated in a standard nanometer technology but with different break-down voltage levels (and thus very different DCR). The model reproduced the DC curve measured for both devices and correctly predicted the deadtime probability distributionfunction. In addition to elucidating the nature of the curve between the true breakdown voltage and the apparent break- down voltage (defined in Ref. 19), successfully modeling the DC curve is an important achievement because finding the correct parameters ultimately allows for the deadtime vs se- rial resistance curve to be generated. This allows for the opti-mal load resistance to be found. Optimizing the SPAD as well as knowing the optimal result itself (or for example knowing the worst case deadtime for 99.9% of detections)allows one to determine if active quenching, with its more complex fabrication and space requirements, is necessary.Additionally, optimizing passive quenching allows for appli- cations where active quenching is not feasible to nonetheless be achievable. It should be noted of course that the optimalload resistance only relates to the process of quenching and recharging of the device. 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Silicon fiber with p-n junction D. Homa, A. Cito, G. Pickrell, C. Hill, and B. Scott Citation: Applied Physics Letters 105, 122110 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4895661 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4895661 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/105/12?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in A sintered nanoparticle p-n junction observed by a Seebeck microscan J. Appl. Phys. 111, 054320 (2012); 10.1063/1.3693609 Growth, electrical rectification, and gate control in axial in situ doped p-n junction germanium nanowires Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 262102 (2010); 10.1063/1.3457862 High performance germanium N + ∕ P and P + ∕ N junction diodes formed at low Temperature ( 380 ° C ) using metal-induced dopant activation Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 193507 (2008); 10.1063/1.3025849 Nanoscale p-n junction fabrication in silicon due to controlled dopant electromigration Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 1613 (2001); 10.1063/1.1355009 Optimized subamorphizing silicon implants to modify diffusion and activation of arsenic, boron, and phosphorus implants for shallow junction creation J. Appl. Phys. 85, 3494 (1999); 10.1063/1.369707 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:17:49Silicon fiber with p-n junction D. Homa, A. Cito, G. Pickrell, C. Hill, and B. Scott Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 312 Holden Hall, Blacksburg, Virginia 24060, USA (Received 11 July 2014; accepted 27 August 2014; published online 24 September 2014) In this study, we fabricated a p-n junction in a fiber with a phosphorous doped silicon core and fused silica cladding. The fibers were fabricated via a hybrid process of the core-suction and melt- draw techniques and maintained overall diameters ranging from 200 to 900 lm and core diameters of 20–800 lm. The p-n junction was formed by doping the fiber with boron and confirmed via the current-voltage characteristic. The demonstration of a p-n junction in a melt-drawn silicon core fiber paves the way for the seamless integration of optical and electronic devices in fibers. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4895661 ] The p-n junction is one of the fundamental building blocks of the electronic technologies that are ingrained into ev- ery fabric of modern society. In turn, the element that makes up the majority of these electronic devices is silicon, often inthe form of wafers for current microelectronics. On a length scale of millimeters to centimeters, the rigid wafers were more than sufficient for the innovations and products of the 20th andearly 21st centuries. It is these electronic devices that are now becoming a prerequisite for a functioning society and must evolve into the new functions that will inevitably be required. As discussed by He et al ., the extension of electronic functions to longer and more flexible forms has become almost inevitable in applications such as power generation,sensing, imaging, telecommunications, and medical devi- ces. 1–5The integration of electronics and fiber optics has been proposed as the catalyst to meet these demands forexpanded functionality. The fibers can increase electronic function from meters to kilometers and can be exploited in 3D arrays to dramatically improve the performance of cur-rent electronics as well as those yet to be explored. 1,5,6 The potential of electronic fibers has prompted a number of researchers to begin fabricating these types of fibers andbuilding the devices to demonstrate basic feasibilities. 5–7 The two fiber synthesis routes that have garnered the most attention have been fiber drawing and high pressure chemicalvapor deposition (HPCVD). 8–10Briefly, in HPCVD, a chem- ical precursor is injected into nanoscale or microscale pore(s) in an optical fiber or capillary tube and heated to induce dep-osition of the desired materials. Conversely, in the fiber draw process, the selected material such as a semiconductor is inserted into a glass tube and simply drawn into a fiber viatraditional fiber optic equipment processes and equipment. Although both approaches have their advantages and disad- vantages as described extensively in the noted references,high temperature drawing is well suited for the fabrication of very long lengths of fiber (kilometers vs. meters) and can be readily adapted to currently available and proven opticalfiber manufacturing technologies. 1–10These proven techni- ques and associated expertise can be leveraged to fiberize semiconductor materials such as silicon in a fashion that isboth scale-able and cost effective. In this letter, we demonstrate a p-n junction in a drawn silicon fiber, as seen in Figure 1. The phosphorous dopedsilicon core fiber was doped with boron via a solution doping technique and confirmed by the current-voltage characteristic. The phosphorous doped silicon core fibers were pre- pared on a traditional glass working lathe, as seen in Figure2. Simply, a core-suction technique was used to fabricate the doped silicon core preform that was then drawn into a fiber via a melt-draw technique. The synthesis route was an amal-gam of processes discussed in our previous publications. 12–16 First, a fused silica substrate tube (GE214, O.D. ¼8m m , I.D.¼3 mm) was fused to a processing tube (GE214, O.D.¼12.75 mm, I.D. ¼10.5 mm). The phosphorous doped silicon powder was then pushed into the processing tube with a fused silica rod (O.D. ¼10 mm), but not into the substrate tube. The doped powder was produced from Motorola N- Type silicon wafers that were fractured and ground into pow- der with an alumina mortar and pestle. The starting wafersmaintained a resistivity of 0.024–0.034 Xcm with a h100i orientation. The processing tube was then collapsed onto the rod to create a seal and a vacuum pump was connected to theinlet of the substrate tube. The doped silicon powder was then melted via an oxygen-hydrogen torch and the vacuum pump was turned on to “pull” the molten doped silicon into the sub-strate tube and allowed to solidify, as seen in Figure 2(a).T h e process tube was then separated from the preform and another FIG. 1. Performance of p-n junction in a silicon fiber. The p-n junction was formed by doping a phosphorus doped silicon fiber (n-type) with boron on a fiber endface via a solution doping technique.1Contacts on the ends of the p-n junction were made with nickel conductive glue. 0003-6951/2014/105(12)/122110/3/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 105, 122110-1APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 105, 122110 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:17:49fused silica rod (O.D. ¼12 mm) was joined to the doped sili- con core preform. Finally, the preform was drawn into a fiber via a technique similar to the Taylor process, as seen inFigure 2(b). 16–18 Fiber core diameters in the range of 50–600 lm and overall diameters of 100–950 lm were routinely fabricated on a glass working lathe. The maximum achievable fiber lengths were limited to 120 cm by the working distance of the lathe. Fiberization via the glass working lathe allows fora preliminary evaluation of material compatibility and feasi- bility of synthesis. It is anticipated that the fundamental processes can be translated to a more traditional draw towerstructure to manufacture fiber lengths on the order of kilometers. 19,20 Polished fiber cross sections were characterized with a scanning electron microscope (SEM, LEO 1550). The micro- structure of a selected phosphorus doped silicon core fiber cross section is shown in Figure 3(a). The fiber maintained a fused silica cladding diameter of approximately 300 lm and a phosphorous doped silicon core diameter of 40 lm. Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) was also performed to deter-mine chemical composition and elemental mapping with an attached IXRF system, Inc., Iridium Microanalysis System at an accelerating voltage of 20.0 kV. As shown by the EDSmapping images in Figure 3(b), the distinct core-cladding profile of the preform was maintained upon fiberization, and there was limited oxidation of the silicon core. Phosphorous(and boron) were not detected with the EDS because the con- centration were below the detection limit. The phosphorous and boron concentration were determined via secondary ionmass spectroscopy. The bulk phosphorus and boron concen- trations of the p-n junction at the fiber end face 2.932 /C210 17 atoms/cm3and 4.708 /C21018atoms/cm3, respectively. We plan to further investigate the effect of processing conditions on the dopant profiles in an effort to further improve per- formance, as well as to fabricate other types of devices suchas n-p-n transistors and p-i-n diodes. A p-n junction was fabricated in a phosphorous doped silicon fiber via boron incorporation by a boric acid solutiondoping technique. 11First, boric acid ( >99.9% Alfa Aesar) was mixed with deionized water to produce solutions atselected concentrations. The fiber endface was immersed in a 10% HF aqueous solution for 3 minutes to remove the native oxide layer on the silicon core . The exposed silicon core sur- face was then treated in a 1:1:5 solution of NH 4OH:H 2O2:H2O at 80/C14C for 10 minutes to make it hydrophilic. The boric acid solution was then disposed on the endface of phosphorousdoped silicon fiber and heat treat ed in a quartz tube furnace. Above temperatures of 130 /C14C, a mixture of boron oxide hydrates was formed and then converted to anhydrous B 2O3as the temperature exceeded 250/C14C. At 350/C14C, the concentration of B 2O3was in excess of 90 wt. % of the mixture. Finally, the B2O3reacted with the silicon core to form SiO 2and B, which then diffused into the silicon at high temperatures ( >900/C14C). The borosilicate glass layer that formed during this process was removed by etching in 10% HF solution at ambient tem-perature for 3 min. The current-voltage characteristic of the doped core fibers was verified via the basic circuit shown in Figure 4.AH P Hewlett Packard Agilent, 6633A System was utilized as the direct current supply and ammeter. An Agilent, 34405A, 5 1/2 Digit Multi-meter was connected in parallel with the p-n junc-tion fiber. Electronic contacts were made by coating the fiber end faces with nickel (MG Chemicals 841 Super Shield Nickel Conductive Coating-Pen) and heat treating at 200 /C14C for 30 min. The current voltage characteristics of n-type (phospho- rous) doped silicon fibers with and without a p-n junctionwere compared to validate the performance of the fiber p-n junction, as shown in Figure 5(a). As expected, the doped fiber with the p-n junction exhibited a reverse bias in contrast FIG. 2. Fabrication process for silicon and phosphorous doped silicon core fiber on glass working lathe. (a) First, the preform was formed via a core- suction technique by melting doped or un-doped silicon granules and “pulling” into the substrate tube. (b) The doped or un-doped silicon core pre- form was then fiberized by a modified melt-draw technique on a glass work- ing lathe. FIG. 3. (a) SEM image of a phosphorus doped silicon (n-type) fiber with a 40lm core and overall diameter of 300 lm. X-ray dot mapping of (b) silicon (red) and (c) oxygen (green).122110-2 Homa et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 122110 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:17:49to the linear relationship between current and voltage exhib- ited by the doped silicon fiber. Furthermore, the performance of the fiber p-n junction was compared to a p-n junction fab-ricated in the silicon wafer that provided the raw material for the fiber core, as shown in Figure 5(b). The forward bias cur- rent was higher in the p-n junction in the polycrystalline sili-con core than the single crystal silicon wafer. It is suspectedthat the grain boundaries acted as traps and recombination centers that decreased lifetimes in the polycrystalline silicon fiber p-n junction fiber. 21The efficiency of the fiber p-n junc- tion can be improved by fabrication of fibers with singlecrystal silicon cores or polycrystalline silicon cores with larger grain boundaries. 9 The demonstration of a p-n junction in a silicon core fiber fabricated via high temperature fiber drawing processes is the first step in the development of truly efficient and cost effective fiber electronics. These results are only a prelude to the development of devices with improved performance and more complicated designs in other semiconductor corefibers. Furthermore, these results are very promising for the potential realization of a truly scale-able approach to the fab- rication of electronic devices in fiber and integration of thesedevices with other technologies. 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(b) Current-voltage characteristics of a phosphorous doped silicon fiber and wafer, each with a p-n junction. The p- n forward and reverse bias is clearly demonstrated for p-n junctions in both the wafer and silicon fiber. Conversely, the silicon fiber demonstrates a lin- ear relationship between voltage and current.122110-3 Homa et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 122110 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:17:49
Hofstadter butterflies and quantized Hall conductance in quasi-one dimensional organic conductors Xiao-Shan Ye Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 116, 123902 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4896357 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896357 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/116/12?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Magnetic-field-induced phase transitions in the quasi-one-dimensional organic conductor HMTSF–TCNQ Low Temp. Phys. 40, 371 (2014); 10.1063/1.4869591 Spin and Charge Transport Properties in QuasiOne Dimensional Anomalous Hall System AIP Conf. Proc. 893, 1269 (2007); 10.1063/1.2730363 Comparative Study of the Angular Magnetoresistance in QuasiOneDimensional Organic Conductors AIP Conf. Proc. 850, 1544 (2006); 10.1063/1.2355293 Superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors (Review Article) Low Temp. Phys. 32, 380 (2006); 10.1063/1.2199440 The localization and the quantum Hall effect on the Hofstadter butterfly AIP Conf. Proc. 772, 537 (2005); 10.1063/1.1994219 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 17:11:53Hofstadter butterflies and quantized Hall conductance in quasi-one dimensional organic conductors Xiao-Shan Y e College of Physics Science and Technology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225002, China (Received 30 July 2014; accepted 9 September 2014; published online 23 September 2014) We explore the structure of the energy spectra of quasi-one dimensional organic conductors sub- jected to the field-induced spin-density-wave (FISDW) state. We show that the structure of theenergy spectra can exhibit Hofstadter butterfly, which is generally believed to appear in two dimen- sional systems. The phenomenon of the quantized Hall conductance due to FISDW is also investi- gated. We find that the Hall number L, which is defined by L¼r xy/(e2/h), coincides with the number described by FISDW order parameter. The sign reversal of the quantized Hall conductance is discussed theoretically. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896357 ] I. INTRODUCTION Over the past decades, much attention has been focused on the electronic properties under a uniform mag- netic field. One of the interesting properties is the energyspectrum. The exquisite structure of the energy diagram of a tight-binding electron system on a two-dimensional square lattice subjected to a uniform perpendicular mag-netic field was first elucidated by Hofstadter. It exhibits multifractal properties and the band spectrum for rational values of magnetic flux looks just like a butterfly. 1For in- depth understanding of such an intricate spectral structure, the Hofstadter butterfly spectrum has been calculated for a variety of lattices, such as triangular,2honeycomb,3and kagom /C19e lattices.4Some new approaches such as non- commutative geometry,5pseudo-differential operators,6 functional analysis,7and renormalization group approach8,9 are also developed to further theoretical investigations of Hofstadter’s problem. Recently, some physicists considerdifferent magnetic fields to investigate the Hofstadter but- terfly (such as fields that are spatially sine or cosine modu- lated, 10–12staggered-modulated, and strip modulated13–15). But observation of the butterfly spectra in real systems is still very difficult. For the experimental realization of the butterfly with ordinary lattice spacing, magnetic field ofabout 1000 Tis required. Recently, there are some sugges- tions to observe the butterfly spectra using the recent advances in artificial periodic structures techniques such aslateral superlattices produced with high-quality shallow het- erostructures, superconducting wire networks, 16and optical lattices with confined cold atoms.17,18 So far, most of these schemes are concentrated on two- dimensional systems under a perpendicular magnetic field. We would address a question: Can the Hofstadter butterflybe produced in quasi-one dimensional system with special modulated order parameter? In this paper, we will respond to this question by analyzing the energy spectrum of aquasi-one dimensional lattice subjected to FISDW. We will show that the modulated FISDW order parameters can make the energy spectrum show Hofstadter butterfly. Weemphasize that this Hofstadter butterfly energy spectrum is caused by the FISDW potential. It is not like the casecaused directly by the magnetic field in two-dimensional lattice system. We also find that the FISDW state makes the system show quantum Hall effect (QHE). The mecha-nism of the QHE is different from the ordinal QHE in two- dimensional system subjected to a perpendicular magnetic field. Our research is based on the quasi-one dimensionalorganic compounds. II. HOFSTADTER BUTTERFLY ENERGY SPECTRUM Organic metals of the ( TMTSF )2Xfamily, where TMTSF is an abbreviation for tetramethyltetraselenafulvalene andX represents an inorganic anion, are quasi-one-dimensional crystals that consist of parallel conducting chains. The over- laps of the electron wave functions are the highest in thedirection of the chains (the adirection) and are much smaller in the bdirection perpendicular to the chains. ( TMTSF ) 2X materials exhibit very interesting behaviors when a strongmagnetic field is applied perpendicular to the a–b plane. There is a phase transition from the metallic state to a spin- density wave state. 19This state is referred to as the FISDWs. As the magnetic field is increased further, a sequence of phase transitions between different FISDWs is observed. We will discuss the FISDW effect on the energy spectrum of thesystem. For simplicity, compounds TMTSF 2Xare character- ized by a simple electron spectrum: /C15(kx,ky)¼2ta coskxþ2tbcoskywhere ta/tb¼10. Each “quantized” FISDW is characterized by an order parameter DGNðrÞ ¼DexpðiGNrÞwhere Nis an integer.20,21The parameter Dcharacterizes the strength of the order parameter. GN¼(NG,p/b),bis the lattice spacing of the yaxis, G¼ebH =/C22hc, where eis the electron charge and cis the ve- locity of light. A magnetic field H¼(0, 0, H) is applied per- pendicular to the conducting chains of a quasi-one- dimensional compound. Then, aG¼2p/=/0;/¼abH is the flux per unit cell a/C2b,/0¼hc=eis the flux quantum. Considering a charge particle hopping between nearest neighbor with hopping amplitude tin the presence of FISDW, we obtain the following Hamiltonian: H¼/C0X ijrtijCþ irCjrþX ir½rDeðiGNrÞ/C0l/C138Cþ irCir:(1) 0021-8979/2014/116(12)/123902/4/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 116, 123902-1JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 116, 123902 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 17:11:53In the absence of the FISDW, the corresponding energy spectrum of the Hamiltonian is shown in Fig. 1. As for exam- ple, we choose Nx¼Ny¼10. Six energy levels are contained in the spectrum. In this quasi-one system, the dimerization will produce a periodic potential self-consistently in order tolower the total energy of the system. When the FISDW appears, the energy spectrum begins to show some particular structures. In Fig. 2(a), we show the band structure in the presence of FISDW with a small FISDW strength ( D¼0.2). Each band is broadened and there are two sine or cosine modulated forms in it. The bands broaden are bigger atG¼(2p/5) * n(n¼0, 1, 2, 3, 4). There are energy gaps near these points in each broaden band. That is, each band is split into two sub-bands due to the FISDW order parameter. Wecall one conductance sub-band and the other value sub-band. This band structure can be understood with the help of sim- ple quantum mechanics: Once the dimerization appears inthe system, it modulates the charge density of the electrons, producing a charge density wave (CDW) with the wave vec- torQ x. Now, suppose that a FISDW potential is present in the system, so the electrons experience two periodic poten- tials with the wave vectors QxandG. If the two wave vec- tors can be treated as commensurate, the energy spectrumchanges dramatically at the wave vectors k¼ðQ x6GÞ. This is why we see the broaden bands are bigger at some par- ticular wave vectors. With increasing the strength of theFISDW ( D¼0.6), the energy bands begin to touch each other. The energy gaps near commensurate wave vector points increase bigger. When D¼2, all these energy gapedges in each band touch each other. The energy spectrum versus different Gis presented in Fig. 2(b). We can find that it has a similar structure of the two-dimensional lattice sys-tem Hofstadter butterfly. If we consider the effect of inter- particle short range on-site interaction Uon the spectrum, we find that the spectrum is divided into two butterflies withincreasing the strength of the interaction U(Fig. 2(c)). When we increase the strength of the FISDW, the sys- tem changes continually from metal state into insulator state.To give a clear image, we investigate the structure of the eigenfunctions of the system for different strength of the FISDW. From Fig. 3, we can see that when the strength of the FISDW is small ( D¼0.2), the eigenfunctions are quasi- extended over the size of the system. When the strength of the FISDW is big ( D¼2), all these energy gap edges in each band touch each other and the energy spectrum shows struc- ture of the Hofstadter butterfly, the eigenfunctions are local- ized. The system changes into insulator state. With furtherincreasing the strength of the FISDW, the butterfly begins to change. The energy gaps for different bands near commensu- rate wave vector points connect each other and grow up tobe a linked gap. The crisscross structures are disappeared completely. In Fig. 4, we show the structure of the energy spectrum for the strength of the FISDW ( D¼8). Interestingly, this structure looks like the structure of the energy spectrum of the system under a uniform perpendicu- lar magnetic field without the FISDW (Fig. 4(b)). This par- ticular structure of the energy spectrum of the quasi-one dimensional system under a uniform perpendicular magnetic field implies that the magnetotransport property of the sys-tem shows a different character from the two dimensional lattice. Next, we will discuss the QHE in this system. III. QUANTUM HALL EFFECT AND DISCUSSION The discovery of the quantization of the Hall conduct- ance in two dimensional electron system exposed to a strongmagnetic field has led to a number of theoretical studies of the problem. It has been concluded that a noninteracting electron gas has a Hall conductance, which is a multiple ofe 2/hif the Fermi energy lies in a gap between Landau levels. In quasi-one dimensional organic ( TMTSF )2X, the QHE is observed and is closely related to the FISDW observed inthese materials. 21–24However, there is an unexpected phe- nomenon in Hversus rdiagram: the sign reversal of the quantized Hall conductivity r(H)¼Le2/h(Lcan take bothFIG. 1. Energy levels for quasi-one dimensional organic ( TMTSF )2Xmateri- als with ta/tb¼10. FIG. 2. Energy varying with the wave vector Gof the FISDW for ( TMTSF )2Xmaterials with ta/tb¼10 and the FISDW strength D¼0.2 (a), D¼2 (b),D¼2, andU¼2 (c).123902-2 Xiao-Shan Y e J. Appl. Phys. 116, 123902 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 17:11:53signs) as a function of H. In the following, we will explain this abnormal property with our model. To obtain the longi- tudinal and transverse conductivities, we use the Kuboformalism which is briefly outlined below.25The general expression for electrical conductivity is written in the follow- ing form: rkl¼ie2/C22h NX aX b6¼aFa/C0Fb ðÞhwaj_vkjwbihwbj_vljwai Ea/C0Eb ðÞ2þg2þe2/C22h NX aX b6¼aFa/C0Fb ðÞ Ea/C0Ebg Ea/C0Eb ðÞ2þg2hwaj_vkjwbihwbj_vljwai;(2) where g!0þ. Here, the indices kandlcan be xory. For k¼l¼x, we get rxx, the so-called longitudinal conductivity, while for the other case, we have the transverse conductivity rxy. The states jwaiandjwbiare the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian (Eq. (1)), corresponding to the energy eigenval- uesEaandEb, respectively, and N¼NxNyrepresents the size of the sample. _vðkÞis the velocity operator along k-th (xory) direction and Fa¼1=½1þeðEa/C0EFÞ=kBT/C138is the Fermi distribu- tion function at absolute temperature Twith Fermi energy EF. We use this formula to investigate the two-dimensional square lattice with non-interacting electrons subjected to a uniform magnetic field in a direction perpendicular to the lat-tice plane. The integer QHE has emerged for the two- dimensional square lattice model. When we consider the anisotropic system with the hopping matrix elementst a/C29tb(ta/tb¼10), the integer QHE is almost absent. This can be understood from the structure of the energy spectrum of the system under a uniform perpendicular magnetic field(Fig. 4). From the discussion above, we calculate the eigen- functions of the system and find that they are nearly local- ized, so the system is a bad metal in this case. In fact, weknow that in real one dimensional system, there is no integer QHE. When there is a phase transition from the metallic state to FISDW state, we calculate the Hall conductivity and find that it is zero. This result gives a clear picture for theobserved integer QHE in this system: When a strong mag- netic field is applied perpendicular to the a–bplane of the (TMTSF ) 2Xmaterials, there is a phase transition from the metallic state to FISDW state. Within each FISDW phase, the value of the Hall resistance remains constant, independ- ent of the magnetic field. Once the boundary of anotherFISDW phase is crossed, the value of the Hall resistance jumps to a new value, which remains constant until the next phase boundary is crossed. That is the QHE in this system.So, the quantized Hall conductivity can be written as: r xy¼L(e2/h), where Lis integer and it is determined by the quantized FISDW phase. This result is exactly consistentwith the experimental observation. In the above calculation, we assume the system is half-filled, and each band is split into two sub-bands due to the FISDW order parameter. Theelectrons only occupy the value sub-band. For the strong FISDW potential case, the split upper conductance sub-band of one band will gradually overlap the low value sub-band ofFIG. 3. Spatial variations of the eigen- functions of the system for the strength of the FISDW D¼0.2 (a) and D¼2 (b). FIG. 4. Energy varying with the wavevector G of the FISDW for (TMTSF ) 2Xmaterials with ta/tb¼10 and the FISDW strength D¼8 (a). Energy varying with the magnetic flux /=/0for the ( TMTSF )2Xmaterials (b).123902-3 Xiao-Shan Y e J. Appl. Phys. 116, 123902 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 17:11:53the other band. So, there is Hall conductivity again, but the sign of the Hall conductance is reversed due to the electrons now occupy the conductance sub-band (Fig. 5). This result accounts for the sign-reversal phenomenon, which was observed with X¼C104,22PF6,21andReO.24 IV. SUMMARY In summary, we explore the structure energy spectrum of the quasi-one dimensional organic conductors subjected to the FISDW state. We find that the structure energy spec-trum can exhibit Hofstadter butterfly. The phenomenon of the quantized Hall conductance due to FISDW is also inves- tigated theoretically. We find that the mechanism of QHE inthis system is different from the normal QHE found in two dimensional electron system subjected to a magnetic field. It is caused by the FISDW order parameter. The sign reversalof the quantized Hall conductivity can appear when theFISDW is big enough to make the split bands overlap each other. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Yi-Fei Wang and Shun-Li Yu for useful discussions. This work was supported by the National NatureScience Foundation of China (Grant No. 11147029). 1D. R. Hofstadter, Phys. Rev. B. 14, 2239 (1976). 2F. H. Claro and G. H. Wannier, Phys. Rev. B 19, 6068 (1979). 3R. Rammal, J. Phys. (Paris) 46, 1345 (1985). 4Y. Xiao, V. Pelletier, P. M. Chaikin, and D. A. Huse, Phys. Rev. B 67, 104505 (2003). 5J. Bellissard, Operator Algebras and Application , edited by D. E. Evans and M. Takesaki (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1988), Vol. 2. 6B. Helffer and J. Sj €ostrand, Suppl. Bull. Soc. Math. France 116(4), 34 (1988). 7Y. 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Strain mediated coupling in magnetron sputtered multiferroic PZT/Ni-Mn-In/Si thin film heterostructure Kirandeep Singh, Sushil Kumar Singh, and Davinder Kaur Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 116, 114103 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4895838 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4895838 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/116/11?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Evidence of martensitic phase transitions in magnetic Ni-Mn-In thin films Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 072407 (2013); 10.1063/1.4793421 Structural and magnetic properties of magnetron sputtered Ni–Mn–Sn ferromagnetic shape memory alloy thin films J. Appl. Phys. 107, 103907 (2010); 10.1063/1.3393961 Study of Ni 2 – Mn – Ga phase formation by magnetron sputtering film deposition at low temperature onto Si substrates and La Ni O 3 ∕ Pb ( Ti , Zr ) O 3 buffer J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:11:25Strain mediated coupling in magnetron sputtered multiferroic PZT/Ni-Mn-In/Si thin film heterostructure Kirandeep Singh,1Sushil Kumar Singh,2and Davinder Kaur1,a) 1Functional Nanomaterials Research Lab, Department of Physics and Centre of Nanotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee-247667, Uttarakhand, India 2Functional Materials Division, Solid State Physics Lab (SSPL), DRDO, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi 110054, India (Received 26 June 2014; accepted 5 September 2014; published online 16 September 2014) The strain mediated electrical and magnetic properties were investigated in PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure deposited on Si (100) by dc/rf magnetron sputtering. X-ray diffraction pattern revealed that (220) orientation of Ni-Mn-In facilitate the (110) oriented tertragonal phase growth ofPZT layer in PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure. A distinctive peak in dielectric constant versus tem- perature plots around martensitic phase transformation temperature of Ni-Mn-In showed a strain mediated coupling between Ni-Mn-In and PZT layers. The ferroelectric measurement taken at dif-ferent temperatures exhibits a well saturated and temperature dependent P-E loops with a highest value of P sat/C2455lC/cm2obtained during martensite-austenite transition temperature region of Ni- Mn-In. The stress induced by Ni-Mn-In layer on upper PZT film due to structural transformationfrom martensite to austenite resulted in temperature modulated Tunability of PZT/Ni-Mn-In hetero- structure. A tunability of 42% was achieved at 290 K (structural transition region of Ni-Mn-In) in these heterostructures. I-V measurements taken at different temperatures indicated that ohmic con-duction was the main conduction mechanism over a large electric field range in these heterostruc- tures. Magnetic measurement revealed that heterostructure was ferromagnetic at room temperature with a saturation magnetization of /C24123 emu/cm 3. Such multiferroic heterostructures exhibits promising applications in various microelectromechanical systems. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC . [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4895838 ] I. INTRODUCTION Multiferroics are materials that exhibit simultaneously different ferroic orders such as (anti) ferromagnetism, (anti) ferroelectricity, and ferroelasticity.1Multiferroic materials are classified into two broad category namely “Intrinsic or natural” multiferroic single phase compounds and “extrinsic or artificial” multiferroic heterostructures. The utilization ofmultiferroics in practical applications required the presence of strong coupling between two ordered parameters along with relatively high magnetic or ferroelectric critical temper-atures. However, the scarcity and low temperature magneto- electric response of single phase multiferroic materials hinders their use in practical devices. 2Artificial multiferroic heterostructures with high quality and sharp interfaces fur- nish an alternate route for achieving strong magnetoelectric coupling above room temperature. This approach provides alarge pool of ferroelectric and magnetic group of materials for optimizing magnetoelectric strength and other system properties. The coupling mechanism in artificial multiferroicheterostructures thus far rely on: (i) strain mediated elastic coupling at the interface (ii) exchange bias interaction between antiferromagnetic multiferroic and ferromagneticcomponent (iii) electric field modulated carrier charge den- sity of ferromagnetic layer. 3Strain mediated and exchange bias mediated coupling operate by modification of magneticanisotropy and saturation magnetization, respectively;4,5 whereas charge modulated exchange bias coupling changes the exchange interaction in the ferromagnetic layer.6The interaction length scale differs for different mechanism, for example, charge density modulation is limited to interface (1–2 unit cells) in case of metal and to few nanometers inmagnetic semiconductors, whereas elastic interaction can extends upto 100s of nanometers, while exchange bias propa- gates through the whole ferromagnetic layer. 7Interfacial strain has been used extensively for obtaining a strong cou- pling between two ferroic orders. Fabrication of artificial het- erostructures by procedures like tape-casting and sinteringtogether thick polycrystalline films 8suffers from major draw- backs like poor mechanical coupling between the layers and impurities formation due to interfacial diffusion at high tem-perature. Therefore, for obtaining strong coupling between ferroelectric and ferromagnetic layers in artificial heterostruc- tures, it is desirable to grow the epitaxial ferroelectric thinfilms on an elastically and magnetically functional substrates or bottom layers. 9This additive advantage gives the in-plane elastic coupling in the heterostructures. Such a substrate orbottom layer should have: (i) giant anisotropy magnetostric- tion, 10(ii) good in-plane lattice matching to the ferroelectric layer, and (iii) a good electrical conductivity that rules out thepossibility for separate bottom electrode. Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (FSMAs) are multi- functional materials, which show the existence of ferromag-netism and shape memory effect simultaneously. 11Recently, a family of Ni-Mn-X (X ¼In, Sb, Sn, and Ga) FSMAs havea)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: dkaurfph@ iitr.ernet.in. Tel.: 91-1332-2285407; FAX: 91-1332-273560 0021-8979/2014/116(11)/114103/9/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 116, 114103-1JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 116, 114103 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:11:25provoked the greatest interest due to their promising physical properties, such as large magnetic field induced strain12 greater than any piezoelectric, magnetostrictive and electro- strictive materials, faster frequency response than conven- tional shape memory alloys (SMAs),13giant magnetocaloric effect,14large magnetoresistance, and Hall effect.15,16These materials undergo a phase transformation from parent cubic structure (austenite) to low symmetric martensitic structure. This transition is driven by Jahn-Teller distortion and resultedin a large strain in transformation course due to unit cell vol- ume reduction. 17The large magnetic field and temperature driven strain makes FSMAs promising candidate for practicalapplications. In the current study, Ni 50Mn35In15alloy have been used because it exhibits ferromagnetism at room tempe- rature, its martensitic temperature is close to room tempera-ture, 18and it exhibits large magnetic field induced strain in the temperature regime across martensite to austenite phase transition. Room temperature tetragonal structured PbZrTiO 3 has been chosen as a top ferroelectric layer. It is well a studied material, which exhibits room temperature ferroelectricity with large saturation and remnant polarization. The aim of this work was to fabricate highly oriented PZT/Ni-Mn-In multiferroic heterostructure and to investigate the effect of temperature driven strain during martensite toaustenite phase transformation on its electrical and magnetic properties. To the best of our knowledge, no report is avail- able in the literature about magnetron sputtered PZT/Ni-Mn-In thin film heterostructure. This type of study provide us a possibility to fabricate novel multiferroic materials, which exhibit properties of ferroelectricity, ferromagnetism, shapememory effect, and strong M-E coupling at room tempera- ture while keeping the function of each material. Such novel multiferroic heterostructures could prove useful in spin-tronics and could lead to new types of memory devices, switching devices, magnetic field and stress sensors, trans- ducers, and actuators. II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS PZT/Ni-Mn-In thin film heterostructure was fabricated on Si (100) substrate by dc/rf magnetron sputtering system (Excel Instruments, India) using high purity (99.99%)Ni 50Mn35In15[Ni-Mn-In] and a Pb(Zr 0.52Ti0.48)O3[PZT] tar- gets. The PZT and Ni-Mn-In targets used for sputtering were 50 mm in diameter and 3 mm in thickness. Initially the Si(100) substrates were cleaned thoroughly with a mixture of distilled water and trichloroethylene in an ultrasonic bath and then washed with boiled acetone. The Ni-Mn-In andPZT layers in PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure were grown ex- situand prior to deposition of these layers sputtering system was evacuated to a base pressure of 3 /C210 /C06Torr for 6 h. The complete heterostructure was fabricated at a constant substrate temperature of 550/C14C and at constant working pressure of 10 m Torr. The target to substrate distance wasfixed to 4 cm. Ni-Mn-In films were deposited for 20 min at a dc power of 110 W in pure argon atmosphere, while PZT films were prepared by a rf power of 100 W in the presenceof 90% (Ar) þ10% (O 2) mixture. No post annealing was per- formed after deposition. The synthesis of similar kind of Ni-Mn-X (X ¼Sn) sputtered thin films on Si (100) at 550/C14sub- strate temperature was reported by Vishnoi et al .19 Relatively low substrate temperature (550/C14C) for the fabri- cation of heterostructure ensures the formation of sharp and abrupt interface between PZT and Ni-Mn-In layer. The phase formation and crystallographic orientation of the heterostruc-tures were analyzed using a Burker advanced diffractometer of CuK a(1.54 A /C14) radiations in h–2hgeometry at a scan speed of 1/C14/min. The surface morphology and the cross sec- tional micrograph of PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure was ana- lyzed by FEI quanta 200F model field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM). To measure the dielectricand ferroelectric properties of PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostruc- ture, 0.2 mm diameter Pt dots was sputter deposited onto PZT layer through a shadow mask at room temperature. Thedc power was typically set at 80 W for Pt target. The bottom electrode was made available by partially masking the Ni- Mn-In coated Si substrate during the PZT deposition. Thefrequency, electric field, and temperature dependence of dielectric constant were recorded using HP4294A impedance analyzer. The temperature dependent leakage current charac-teristic and ferroelectric properties of the heterostructure were characterized using RT66A ferroelectric tester (Radiant Technologies, USA) attached to temperature controlledchamber. The magnetic hysteresis loops of the samples were recorded in 61 Tesla magnetic field at different temperatures using a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Fig. 1shows the XRD pattern of Ni-Mn-In, PZT, and PZT/Ni-Mn-In samples deposited on Si (100) substrate. An appearance of (311) super lattice reflection along with domi- nant (220) fundamental peak in Fig. 1(a) authenticate the cubic structure of Ni-Mn-In, whereas Fig. 1(b)shows the sin- gle perovskite tetragonal phase with (110) preferred orienta- tion of PZT. XRD pattern of PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructureis shown in Fig. 1(c). The XRD pattern shows the formation of bilayer structure, which is confirmed by the presence of (110), (102) orientation of PZT, and (220) phase of Ni-Mn-In. Moreover, form Fig. 1(c), it can also be realized that (220) oriented Ni-Mn-In thin film serves as a good seed crys- tal for the growth of (110) dominated top PZT layer. The ab-sence of any side phases like Ti 3Ni4or TiNi 3in X-ray diffraction pattern of PZT/Ni-Mn-In indicates that no chemi- cal interaction takes place at the interface of PZT and Ni-Mn-In. The strain present in PZT layer due to underneath Ni-Mn-In film in PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure and sub- strate imposed strain in PZT/Si and Ni-Mn-In/Si sampleswere calculated using the following formula: e¼½ ðd/C0d oÞ=do/C138/C2100; (1) where “ d”is the lattice spacing of the strained films calcu- lated from XRD pattern and “ do”is the lattice spacing corre- sponds to bulk values of strained films. The strain and other parameters calculated from XRD patterns have been sum- marized in Table I. The value of strain is positive in all the samples, which indicate the nature of strain is tensile. The large strain in PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructures is due to large114103-2 Singh, Singh, and Kaur J. Appl. Phys. 116, 114103 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:11:25lattice mismatch between Ni-Mn-In and PZT layer. This large strain promotes the elongation of out of plane latticeparameter “c” and hence increases the tetragonal distortion “c/a ratio” of PZT layer in PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure. The tetragonal distortion, which is a measure of ferroelec-tricity, mainly results from the competition between lattice mismatch induced stress and thermal expansion coefficient difference between bottom and top layer. 20,21Figs. 2(b) and 2(c)showed the surface morphologies and thicknesses of Ni- Mn-In/Si, PZT/Si, and PZT/Ni-Mn-In/Si samples measured by FESEM. The morphologies were very dense, smooth, andpore free. Spherical shaped grains with average grain size of 55 nm, 61 nm, and 72 nm were observed in Ni-Mn-In/Si, PZT/Ni-Mn-In, and PZT/Si samples, respectively. The crosssectional micrographs (Fig. 2(c)) show sharp and abruptinterface between PZT and Ni-Mn-In layer, which indicates that no inter-diffusive layer is present in PZT/Ni-Mn-In het-erostructure. It also revealed that lattice mismatch generated stress in the film was not detrimental to the film adhesion. The fabrication schematic of Ni-Mn-In/Si, PZT/Si, and PZT/Ni-Mn-In/Si samples are shown in Fig. 2(a). Fig.3(a)shows frequency dependent dielectric constant (e) and dielectric loss (tan d) of PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostruc- ture in 1 kHz to 1 MHz frequency range. The measurements were done at room temperature with an oscillation level of 500 mV. The dielectric constant ( e) and dielectric loss (tan d) were found to be 513 and 0.07, respectively, at a frequency of 1kHz. There is a decrease in dielectric constant ( e) with increasing frequency. This fall occurs from the fact thatcharge possesses inertia due to which the polarization doesFIG. 1. X-ray diffraction pattern of Ni- Mn-In, PZT, and PZT/Ni-Mn-In sam-ples deposited on Si (100) substrate. TABLE I. Different parameters calculated from X-ray diffraction patterns and FE-SEM images of Ni-Mn-In, PZT, PZT/Ni-Mn-In samples. Samples a (nm) c (nm) c/a ratio Strain (%) Crystallite size (nm) Grain size (nm) Thickness (nm) PZT/Ni-Mn-In 0.4243 0.8520 2.008 5.5 37 61 1120 PZT 0.4269 0.8489 1.988 5.1 40 72 370 Ni-Mn-In 0.5920 0.5920 1.0 0.23 20 55 750114103-3 Singh, Singh, and Kaur J. Appl. Phys. 116, 114103 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:11:25not occur instantaneously with application of electric field. Moreover, a sharp decrease in dielectric constant at lowerfrequency could be due to low frequency charge accumula- tion effect. Such a strong dispersion is referred as low fre- quency dielectric dispersion and it is a common feature ofthose ferroelectrics which are associated with non-negligible ionic conductivity. 22Inset of Fig. 3(a) shows the procedure for measuring the ferroelectric properties of thin filmheterostructure. Fig. 3(b) shows the variation of dielectric constant ( e) as a function of temperature (T) in PZT/Ni-Mn- In heterostructures at 1 MHz frequency and 300 mV magni- tude of an applied oscillating electric field. An occurrence of distinctive hump in the dielectric constant versus tempera-ture measurement over a temperature range 266 K–305 K is correlated with the martensite to austenite phase transition of lower Ni-Mn-In layer. The transformation from high FIG. 2. (a) Block diagram of Ni-Mn-In, PZT and PZT/Ni-Mn-In samples grown on Si (100) substrate. (b) Surface morphology of Ni-Mn-In, PZT, and PZT/ Ni-Mn-In samples measured by FE-SEM, (c) cross sectional micrographs of Ni-Mn-In, PZT, and Ni-Mn-In samples.114103-4 Singh, Singh, and Kaur J. Appl. Phys. 116, 114103 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:11:25temperature austenite (cubic) phase to low temperature mar- tensite phase with orthorhombic structure is accompanied by in plane lattice parameter “a” contraction. This in plane lat-tice parameter contraction “a” resulted in an expansion in the corresponding “c” direction. The strain generated in Ni-Mn- In layer during transformation temperature range is subse-quently transferred to upper ferroelectric PZT layer and causes a change in its dielectric constant. The dependence of dielectric constant ( e) on temperature can be measured in terms of temperature coefficient of capacitance (TCC), which is defined as TCC¼ De er20/C14CðÞ DT; (2) where Deis the change in dielectric constant ( e) with respect to dielectric constant at 20/C14C and DT is the change in tem- perature relative to 20/C14C. A smaller value ofTCC/C244.96/C210/C04C/C01calculated in the temperature range from 20/C14Ct o9 0/C14C at 1 MHz suggested the better tempera- ture stability of PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure. The lowvalue of TCC could be due to broadened eversus T peaks as a result of diffuse transition. 23The resistance versus temper- ature measurement was done for Ni-Mn-In layer depositedon Si (100) substrate to confirm its martensite and austenite temperature range. Determined by cooling and heating R-T curves, as shown in inset of Fig. 3(b), the austenite start (A s), austenite finish (A f), martensite start (M s), and martensite finish (M f) temperatures of Ni-Mn-In were 290 K, 311 K, 291 K, and 273 K respectively. The structural transformationtemperature range of Ni-Mn-In as observed from R-T curve is in accordance with dielectric hump region, which appeared in e-T graphs. The dc electric field dependent dielectric constant of heterostructures was studied at 1 MHz in martensite tempera- ture range ( <270 K), austenite temperature range ( >315 K), and in transformation temperature coarse (270 K <T <315 K) as shown in Fig. 4(a). A butterfly hysteresis was observed in e-E curves, which is attributed to ferroelectric polarization process and indicated the occurrence of polar nano regions (PNRs). 24,25The tunability n r(E) defined as field dependent dielectric constant, polarization P(E), anddielectric constant ( e) at an applied electric field E are related to each other by following relation: n rEðÞ¼1/C0e0ðÞ eEðÞ¼3e0ðÞe0bP2EðÞ 1þ3e0ðÞe0bP2EðÞ ¼1 1 3e0ðÞe0bP2EðÞþ1; (3) where e0is the permittivity in vacuum and bis the landau coefficient. The tunability at 330 K, 290 K, and 250 K were found to be 40.6%, 42%, and 38.6%, respectively. The little voltage shift in e-E graphs confirms the formation of sharp interface with low density of charge traps between PZT and Ni-Mn-In.9Fig.4(b)shows the ferroelectric hysteresis loops of PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure at different temperatures.A standard bipolar triangular waveform having magnitude 600 kV/cm was applied to measure the P-E loops. The satu- ration polarization (P sat) of heterostructure at 250 K, 290 K, and 330 K was found to be 51.88 lC/cm2, 55.62 lC/cm2, and 45.56 lC/cm2. A small shift in P-E loops along X-axis (Ecþ6¼Ec-) in PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure can be attrib- uted to factors like defects, different work function of top and bottom electrodes, etc.26,27The variation in tunability (nr) and polarization occurs due to temperature driven struc- tural change, which induces strain in Ni-Mn-In layer, this strain is then subsequently transferred to upper PZT layer. The temperature dependent strain associated with Ni-Mn-Inlayer was ascribed to unit cell volume contraction. The mar- tensite phase having orthorhombic structure of Ni-Mn-In has large unit cell volume as compared to austenite phase unitcell volume. The martensite to austenite transformation of Ni-Mn-In layer occurs over a large temperature range because the stored elastic strain energy contribution thatoccurs when Ni-Mn-In undergoes shape change requires an FIG. 3. (a) Variation of dielectric constant ( e) and dielectric loss (tan d)a sa function of frequency at 500 mV magnitude of applied oscillating electric field. Inset 3(a) Procedure for measuring the ferroelectric properties of PZT/ Ni-Mn-In heterostructure. (b) Dielectric constant ( e) variation as a function of temperature (T) at 1 MHz frequency and 300 mV magnitude of an appliedoscillating electric field. Inset 3(b) Resistance vs temperature variation of Ni-Mn-In film deposited on Si (100) substrate.114103-5 Singh, Singh, and Kaur J. Appl. Phys. 116, 114103 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:11:25extra driving force. Thus, their occurs a co-existence of mar- tensite and austenite phases in the transformation tempera- ture region. This co-existence produces a large strain in Ni- Mn-In layer, which is transferred to upper PZT film andcauses a increase in tunability (n r), saturation polarization (Psat), and remnant polarization (2P r). The different parame- ters calculated from P-E loops and e-E curves have been summarized in Table II. I-V curves were measured to clarify the conduction mechanism in PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure. The leakagecurrent data were recorded for negative and positive bias of the applied voltages. The symmetric curves for both the polarities of voltage suggest that the contacts were ohmicand essentially bulk limited conduction was present in heter- ostructure. 28The current density measured at room tempera- ture and at 20 kV/cm was /C2410/C03A/cm2. Fig. 5shows the semi logarithmic plots of leakage current density as a func- tion of electric field. To analyze the presence of thermally activated process, I-V curves were taken at different temper-atures. The invariance of I-V plots with temperature rules out the possibility of schottky emission and poole frenkel emission. The linear curves in log (J) vs log (E) plots,as shown in inset of Fig. 5, indicate the power law relation J/E nsuggesting the presence of either space charge lim- ited conduction or ohmic conduction in the heterostructure.A slope “s” around 1 as calculated from log (J) vs log (E)curves revealed that thin film heterostructure follow more or less ohmic conduction. The linear plots between log (J) and log (E) regardless of measurement temperature indicate that a PZT thin film contains discrete traps, which are embeddedin the background of continuously distributed traps. 29In ohmic conduction, well adhered metal electrodes provide a finite supply of charge carriers by forming an ohmic contactswith the ferroelectric thin film. The current density in ohmic conduction is given by J¼nelE; (4) where lis the carrier charge mobility, e is the electronic charge, n is the charge carrier density, and E is the applied electric field. At low electric field, the total density of injected electrons (n) is replaced by thermal equilibriumelectron density (n o).30 The magnetic transition temperature (T C) and structural transition temperatures (T M) of PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostruc- ture deposited on 0.5 /C20.5 cm2substrate were determined from the thermo-magnetic measurements (M-T) in both field cooled cooling (FCC) and field cooled warming (FCW) con-ditions at a low magnetic field strength of 0.1 Tesla, using cryo free VSM with temperature range 10 K–300 K. Fig. 6 shows the magnetization versus temperature (M-T) curves ofPZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure in the temperature range 10 K-300 K. The magnetization data have been corrected toFIG. 4. (a) Electric field dependent dielectric constant ( e) of PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure at different temperatures. (b) P-E loops of PZT/Ni-Mn-In hetero- structure in 6600 kV/cm electric field range at different temperatures. TABLE II. Different parameters calculated from ferroelectric and magnetic measurements of PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure. Ferroelectric properties Magnetic properties Temp Tunability P sat 2Pr 2Ec Temp M sat 2Mr 2Mc (K) (%) ( lC/cm2)( lC/cm2) (kV/cm) (K) (emu/cc) (emu/cc) (Tesla) 250 40.6 51.88 16.76 113.99 10 153.82 48.32 0.069 290 42 55.62 17.68 95.79 100 143.92 44.17 0.050330 39.6 45.46 17.65 116.58 250 131.87 29.84 0.041 285 135.12 32.44 0.046 300 123.11 25.62 0.026114103-6 Singh, Singh, and Kaur J. Appl. Phys. 116, 114103 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:11:25account for background signal arises from diamagnetic con- tribution of the substrate using the following equation: Mf ilmðHÞ¼MtotalðHÞ/C0vsubstrate :H; (5) where vsubstrate is the susceptibility of the substrate, Mtotalis the total magnetization arise from film and substrate, and H is the applied magnetic field parallel to the film surface. Thesusceptibility value for Si (100) substrate comes out to be /C05.736 /C210 /C08. The observed results reveal that below 300 K, with decrease in temperature, the magnetization firstrises sharply to a maximum value and then falls abruptly at martensitic start temperature (M s) and reaches minimum at martensite finish temperature (M f). The similar trend wasobserved for FCW curve. On further cooling below Martensite finish temperature (M f), the PZT/Ni-Mn-In heter- ostructure shows normal ferromagnetic behavior. The similartrend in magnetization versus temperature curves in Ni-Mn- In based heusler alloys were also reported by Krenke et al. , Bhobe et al. , Das et al., and Alarcos et al. 18,31–33The varia- tions in spontaneous magnetization within the temperature interval 272 K–298 K could be due to the weakening of the exchange interactions as a consequence of abrupt change inMn-Mn interatomic distance. 34The decrease in magnetiza- tion can be attributed to formation of variants of new crystal- lographic phase, which temporarily disturbs the localferromagnetic orientation. The formation of small hysteresis between FCC and FCW curves in the temperature range 272 K–298 K (Inset Fig. 6) indicates that PZT/Ni-Mn-In het- erostructure undergoes first order structural transformation from martensite phase to austenite phase. The thermal hysteresis ( DT) between FCC and FCW curves can be defined as DT¼ðA sþAfÞ=2–ðMsþMfÞ=2; (6) where AsandAfare the austenite start and austenite finish temperatures, and Msand Mfare the martensite start and martensite finish temperatures of PZT/Ni-Mn-In thin filmheterostructure. The thermal hysteresis between FCC and FCW curves calculated during phase transformation is 8 K. The values of A s,Af,M s, and Mfobserved from M-T curves were 272 K, 298 K, 285 K, and 269 K, respectively. The magnetic transition temperature T cwas not observed in PZT/ Ni-Mn-In heterostructure in the measured temperature rangedue to no significant decrease in magnetic moment. The higher curie temperature of PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure indicates that the heterostructure is ferromagnetic at roomtemperature. To further investigate the magnetic properties of PZT/Ni-Mn-In, heterostructure isothermal hysteresis loops (M-H) were measured at different temperatures. Themeasurements were carried out by cooling the sample from 300 K down to desired temperature of interest and then vary- ing the magnetic field. Fig. 7shows the well saturated M-H loops of PZT/Ni-Mn-In thin film heterostructure measured in 61 tesla field at 10 K, 100 K, 250 K, 285 K, and 300 K. A saturation magnetization of /C24123 emu/cm 3at 300 K again authenticates the room temperature ferromagnetic nature of PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure. The M-H loops of thin film heterostructure are in full agreement with thermo-magneticmeasurements recorded in the temperature range 10 K–300 K. The values of saturation magnetization ( M sat), retentivity (2 Mr), and coercive field (2 Ec) at different tem- peratures have been summarized in Table II. The M-H loops recorded below 250 K shows the typical ferromagnetic na- ture. Thus, the decrease in the values of 2M rand 2E cwith increasing temperature till 250 K is attributed to the fact that increase in the temperature give rise to thermal motion or en- tropy that competes with the ferromagnetic tendency of thedipoles to align in the direction of applied magnetic field. Thus, a maximum value of saturation magnetization is achievable at lowest temperature. The sudden increase in thevalues of saturation magnetization ( M sat), retentivity (2 Mr),FIG. 6. Thermo-magnetic curves of PZT/Ni-Mn-In thin film heterostructure obtained with a magnetic field of 0.1 Tesla. Inset: First order structural phase transformation of PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure.FIG. 5. (a) Semi logarithmic plots of current density (J) as a function ofapplied electric field at different temperatures, Inset: log (J) vs log (E) plots of PZT/ Ni-Mn-In heterostructure at different temperatures.114103-7 Singh, Singh, and Kaur J. Appl. Phys. 116, 114103 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:11:25FIG. 7. M-H loops of PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure measured at different temperatures.114103-8 Singh, Singh, and Kaur J. Appl. Phys. 116, 114103 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:11:25and coercive field (2 Ec) was observed at Martensitic phase transformation temperature (M S/C24285 K), which is in ac- cordance with M-T curves in this region. As temperatureincreases above 285 K, the twin variants that exists in the transformation temperature regime, gains sufficient energy and thus less driving force is required for phase transforma-tion from martensite to austenite phase which resulted in decrease in 2E cand 2M r.19 IV. CONCLUSION In conclusion, to integrate the functions of FSMAs and ferroelectricity, a multiferroic PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostruc- ture was fabricated on Si (100) substrate using dc/rf magne-tron sputtering. The cross sectional FE-SEM micrograph shows a sharp and abrupt interface with no inter diffusion layer. A distinctive hump between 266 K–305 K revealed the presence of mechanical coupling in PZT and Ni-Mn-In layer of PZT/Ni-Mn-In heterostructure. The temperaturedependent ferroelectric and dielectric properties were attributed to temperature driven structural changes associ- ated with Ni-Mn-In layer, which induces strain on upperPZT layer. The maximum value of tunability (42%) and sat- uration polarization (55.62 lC/cm 2) was observed in the martensite to austenite transformation temperature regionof Ni-Mn-In. A leakage current density of /C2410 /C03A/cm2 was observed at room temperature and at 620 kV/cm applied electric field. The linear plots between log (J) andlog (E) with slope near to 1 showed the presence of ohmic conduction in heterostructu re. A well saturated M-H loops at 300 K indicated that the heterostructure is ferromag-netic at room temperature. The room temperature multi- ferroic nature of the heterostr ucture was revealed from the co-existence of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties and the coupling between two ferroic orders was con- firmed from the distinctive hump appears in e-T curves. The findings of this study shows that such a room tempera-ture multiferroic heterostru ctures with reduced thickness can be implemented as multiferroic tunnel junctions (FM/ FE/FM) in future magnetoelectric random access memory. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The financial support provided by the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), India under ER & IPR Project with reference no. EPIR/ER/1100406/M/01/ 1439 is highly acknowledge. The author Kirandeep Singh isthankful to Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD), India for award of Senior Research Fellowship. 1N. A. Hill, Annu. Rev. Mater. Sci. 32, 1 (2002). 2G. Catalan and J. F. Scott, Adv. Mater. 21, 2463 (2009). 3C. A. F. Vaz, J. Hoffman, C. H. Ahn, and R. Ramesh, Adv. Mater. 22, 2900 (2010). 4C. W. Nan, M. I. Bichurin, S. Dong, D. Viehland, and G. Srinivasan,J. Appl. Phys. 103, 031101 (2008). 5V. Skumryev, V. Laukhin, I. Fina, X. Marti, F. Sanchez, M. Gospodinov, and J. Fontcuberta, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 057206 (2011). 6M. 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Note: Differential amplified high-resolution tilt angle measurement system Shijie Zhao, Yan Li, Enyao Zhang, Pei Huang, and Haoyun Wei Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 096104 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4894527 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4894527 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/85/9?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in A low-noise transimpedance amplifier for the detection of “Violin-Mode” resonances in advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory suspensions Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 114705 (2014); 10.1063/1.4900955 Note: High precision angle generator using multiple ultrasonic motors and a self-calibratable encoder Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 116108 (2011); 10.1063/1.3663612 A new correlation method for high sensitivity current noise measurements Rev. Sci. 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Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 19:06:00REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 85, 096104 (2014) Note: Differential amplified high-resolution tilt angle measurement system Shijie Zhao, Y an Li, Enyao Zhang, Pei Huang, and Haoyun Weia) The State Key Lab of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments, Department of Precision Instrument, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China (Received 22 July 2014; accepted 22 August 2014; published online 3 September 2014) A high-resolution tilt angle measurement system is presented in this paper. In this system, the mea- surement signal is amplified by two steps: (1) amplified by operational amplifier and (2) differential amplified by two MEMS-based inclinometers. The novel application not only amplifies the signal but, more importantly, substantially reduces the electrical interference and common-mode noise amongthe same circuit design. Thus, both the extremely high resolution and great long-term stability are achieved in this system. Calibrated by an autocollimator, the system shows a resolution of 2 arc sec. The accuracy is better than ±1.5 arc sec. The zero-drift error is below ±1a r cs e ca n d ±2a r cs e ci nt h e short and long term, respectively. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4894527 ] Inclination measurement plays an important role in mod- ern manufacturing. 1For decades, various systems have been developed for angle measurement such as autocollimators,2–4 goniometer,5–8and differential interferometers.9Their high- resolution and accuracy have widely contributed to scien- tific researches and industrial measurements. However, due to their complex structure and complicated operation, thesesystems are usually expensive and time consuming. Recently, various micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) sensors have been developed thanks to the rapid evolving in the mi-croelectronic fabrication techniques and micromachining pro- cesses. A MEMS-based tilt sensor can be considered as a static accelerometer, which can be used to measure the in-clination of an object by responding to the directional vari- ation of the gravitational force. Inclinometers have been one of the most extensively used sensors in the measurement ap- plication such as electronics, automotive, and even inertial navigation systems for good stability over time and excellentresolution. 10–14State-of-the-art devices can reach resolutions approximately 0.001◦.15However, the noise level is the pri- mary influence factor to limit the measurement resolution andprecision. In this paper, a differential amplified tilt angle mea- surement system was developed. Achieved by two MEMSinclinometers, it not only further amplified the signal from operational amplifier but also greatly reduced the noise from electrical interference and suppressed the common-modenoise among the same circuit. The structures of the tilt mea- surement system were elaborated and a series of tilt measure- ment experiments including calibration and comparison wereconducted. The reliability and feasibility of this system have been verified. The SCA103T-D04 chip is a kind of MEMS-based single axis inclinometers. It has been considered very suitable for precision measurement. 16To obtain the tilt measurement re- sults from the SCA103T-D04 chip, there are two methods. On the one hand, communication can be carried out by any mi- cro controller that uses Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus. a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: luckiwei@mail.tsinghua.edu.cnHowever, in this case the received data are 11 bits. Thus, the resolution is only about 0.009◦, which cannot meet the re- quirement of high resolution tilt angle measurement. On the other hand, two analog inclination signals can be obtainedfrom the chip, which can be differentiated externally by use of a differential amplifier. Using an A/D converter, the analog inclination signal can be converted into a digital signal. The-oretically, the output analog voltage value can be amplified as possible as you can. However, there are some disadvantages in this method. At first, the tilt angle result is highly affectedby the stability of the energy resource. Second, the result is also affected by the temperature drift of the amplifiers and electrical interference in the external circuit. In our experiments, the inclinometer (SCA103T-D04) has been proved that it can operate properly as the chip is upside down. The chip is a surface mount sensor with 12 pins. The setup of the tilt angle measurement system is shown in Fig. 1. Two inclinometers are surface mounted symmetri- cally on both sides of a circuit board with a mutually opposite sensing direction and inclination signals. The output inclina- tion signals are differentiated externally, either by a differen-tial amplifier or a microcontroller to get a double tilt anger value, which doubles the signal amplitude. The differential measurement principle removes the most of common modemeasurement errors from the similar circuits design on both inclinometers, which gives efficient noise reduction and im- proves the long-term stability. Thus, the accuracy of the sys-tem is enhanced. In order to stabilize the output voltage of the inclinome- ter, a single +5 V supply system with high accuracy and low noise is developed. The supply system is shown in Figure 2. Batteries (12 V) are utilized as the power provider, whose rip- ple noise can be omitted. Two micro-power voltage references (2.5 V) and a resistant are connected to the battery-power in series. Thus, the input voltage of the inclinometers is stabi-lized at 5 V . Three amplifiers are used in our system. Note that the accuracy and stability of these amplifiers affect the stability of the final tilt angle value directly. The INA114 is a low cost, general purpose amplifier offering excellent accuracy. Meanwhile, it operates at very low offset voltage (50 μV), drift (0.25 μV/ ◦C), and high 0034-6748/2014/85(9)/096104/3/$30.00 © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC 85, 096104-1 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 19:06:00096104-2 Zhao et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 096104 (2014) FIG. 1. Setup for the tilt angle measurement system. Inclinometer A and B are surface mounted symmetrically on both sides of a circuit board with a mu-tually opposite sensing direction. The output signals have the same numerical value as the inclination, but the different sign. common-mode rejection. The measured signal of the incli- nometer is amplified by two steps: (1) amplified by oper-ational amplifier respectively; (2) differential amplified by the third amplifier. After that, the tilt angle can be obtained from a data acquisition board (DAQ) which captures the finalamplified signal. In order to verify the measurement performance of our tile angle measurement system, several experiments such asthe calibration, the long-term stability, the resolution compari- son, and the response time of the tilt angle are carried out. The experimental setup for the calibration of the tilt angle is shownin Fig. 3. Our proposed system and a reflector is mounted on a high-precision nanopositioning stage (P-562.6CD), which has a 6-degree of freedom used as a motion platform. The recommended resolution is 0.02 arc sec. To compare the tile angles in real-time, an autocollimator ELCOMAT 3000(Möller-Wedel) serves as an angle sensor, whose measure- ment range is 2000 arc sec and the resolution is 0.05 arc sec, and the accuracy is ±0.25 arc sec over total range. The analog voltage ramp of the tilt angle measurement system is converted to 16-bit digital values via a data acquisi- FIG. 2. (a) Schematic of the tilt angle measurement system. (b) Photograph of the system. FIG. 3. Setup for the tilt angle calibration. tion board from National Instruments (USB-6211). The digi- tal signals and the angle values of the autocollimator are trans- mitted to the computer simultaneously. Fig. 4shows a com- parison of the tilt angle results obtained by our system andthe autocollimator. The stage moves with a range of 2000 arc sec. The digital signals are linear fitting by the least squares method with a slope of 198.5 arc sec/V . The residual error iswithin ±1 arc sec. After the calibration experiments, the long-term stabil- ity of the tilt angle measurement system is studied, wherethe evolution of the zero point drifts is investigated. The sys- tem operates under the condition of room temperature of 20±2 ◦C. The evolution of the zero point drift is logged at a total duration of 32 h. The result is presented in Fig. 5, which shows that the peak-to-peak value is 4.4 arc sec and the triple standard deviation value is 2.1 arc sec (3 σ)f o rt o - tal data. However, in 10 min duration experiment, the peak- to-peak value is 1.9 arc sec and the triple standard deviationvalue is 1 arc sec (3 σ). As shown in Fig. 5, the oscillation pe- riod of the tilt angle is 24 h. Therefore, the temperature drift is the main influence caused the difference between the long-term stability and short-term stability. Comparison experiments are carried out to determine the resolution of the system. At the initial position of the pro-posed system, the nanopositioning stage is tilted of 0 arc sec. At the first step, a tilt of 1 arc sec is preformed. Before the next identical rotation of 1 arc sec angle, the stage stays atthe position for duration of 25 s. The stage is repeatedly tilted FIG. 4. Calibration results of the tilt angle measurement system. The slope is 198.5 arc sec/V; the residual error is within ±1 arc sec. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 19:06:00096104-3 Zhao et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 096104 (2014) FIG. 5. Evolution of the zero point drifts with time. for ten times. In another experiment, the same procedure is carried out with the tilt angle of 2 arc sec in each step. Fig. 6 shows the position of the stage and the response of the pro- posed system. Meanwhile, the residual error of tilt angle is demonstrated. The residual errors are within ±1 arc sec. It can be concluded that a resolution of 2 arc sec is derived. The response time of the proposed system is also inves- tigated. The nanopositioning stage moved after a step of 100arc sec change of tilt at a speed of 200 000 arcsec/s. Fig. 7 FIG. 6. Evolution of the tilt angle over the time for rotation steps. (a) 1 arc s e cs t e p ;( b )2a r cs e cs t e p . FIG. 7. Response time of the proposed system. gives a typical response time constant measurement plot. Obviously, the value is reached after 300 ms. In summary, a new tilt angle measurement system with high-resolution is introduced in this paper. The new system employs two inclinometers with a differential amplificationway. This new method can reduce the electrical interference and suppressed the common-mode noise among the same cir- cuit design. A series of tilt measurement experiments includ-ing calibration and comparison with a collimator are con- ducted. The results validate the reliability and feasibility of the proposed system. Calibrated by an autocollimator, the sys-tem shows a resolution of 2 arc sec and the linear operating range is more than ±3000 arc sec. The accuracy is better than ±1.5 arc sec in the linear operating range, and the zero-drift error is below ±1 arc sec in the short-term. The authors would like to thank Dr. Xin Wang and Mr. Xuejian Wu for their comments and suggestions. We are also grateful for the support of the National Science and Technol- ogy Major Project of China, Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program, and the State Key Lab of Preci- sion Measurement Technology and Instruments of TsinghuaUniversity. 1P. Huang, Y . Li, H. Y . Wei, L. B. Ren, and S. J. Zhao, Appl. Opt. 52, 6607 (2013). 2I. A. Konyakhina and T. V . Turgalievab, J. Opt. Technol. 80, 772 (2013). 3K .L i ,C .f .K u a n g ,a n dX .L i u , Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 015108 (2013). 4T. B. Arp, C. A. Hagedorn, S. 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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 19:06:00
Investigation of the GaN-on-GaAs interface for vertical power device applications Janina Möreke, Michael J. Uren, Sergei V. Novikov, C. Thomas Foxon, Shahrzad Hosseini Vajargah, David J. Wallis, Colin J. Humphreys, Sarah J. Haigh, Abdullah Al-Khalidi, Edward Wasige, Iain Thayne, and Martin Kuball Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 116, 014502 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4887139 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4887139 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/116/1?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Free carrier accumulation at cubic AlGaN/GaN heterojunctions Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 142108 (2012); 10.1063/1.3700968 Metamorphic GaAsP buffers for growth of wide-bandgap InGaP solar cells J. Appl. Phys. 109, 013708 (2011); 10.1063/1.3525599 Growth and characterization of Al Ga N ∕ Ga N heterostructures on semi-insulating GaN epilayers by molecular beam epitaxy J. Appl. 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Wills Physics Laboratory, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL, United Kingdom 2Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom 3Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, 27 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge CB3 0FS, United Kingdom 4Super STEM Laboratory, STFC Daresbury Campus, Keckwick Lane, Daresbury WA4 4AD, United Kingdom 5School of Materials, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom 6School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, Rankine Bldg, Oakfield Avenue, Glasgow G12 8LT, United Kingdom (Received 25 February 2014; accepted 25 June 2014; published online 3 July 2014) GaN layers were grown onto (111) GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy. Minimal band offset between the conduction bands for GaN and GaAs materials has been suggested in the literature raising thepossibility of using GaN-on-GaAs for vertical power device applications. I-V and C-V measurements of the GaN/GaAs heterostructures however yielded a rectifying junction, even when both sides of the junction were heavily doped with an n-type dopant. Transmission electron microscopy analysisfurther confirmed the challenge in creating a GaN/GaAs Ohmic interface by showing a large density of dislocations in the GaN layer and suggesting roughening of the GaN/GaAs interface due to etching of the GaAs by the nitrogen plasma, diffusion of nitrogen or melting of Ga into the GaAs substrate. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4887139 ] I. INTRODUCTION Nitride-based semiconduct or devices, such as Gallium Nitride (GaN) based transistors, have been the focus of inten-sive research in recent years. 1–3They stand out due to their wide bandgap, which makes them an excellent candidate for high power, high voltage, and sw itching applications. Vertical device geometries are desirable in order to take full advantage of the high voltage (HV) capability and to avoid the need to sacrifice a large area for edge termination.4,5Conventional ver- tical geometries place the drain contact on the substrate, with the high voltage dropped across a vertically arranged P-N junc- tion.6However, the lack of an affordable large-area GaN sub- strate has led to most GaN being grown on heterogeneous substrates such as Si, SiC, or sapphire,7,8none of which allow a satisfactory Ohmic substrate contact to be achieved. A keyrequirement for realistic HV a pplications is that growth sub- strates must be available, which are compatible with process- ing in semiconductor foundries using wafer sizes /C21150 mm. Here, we discuss an initial study aimed at assessing the possi- bility of using GaAs substrates, a standard low-cost material available in a 150 mm wafer size, as a growth substrate for ver-tical device application. The theoretical basis for engineering band line ups as well as semiconductor-semiconductor interfaces in As-basedsystems has been the focus of previous research efforts mainly through computer simulations. 9–11Despite their vastly differ- ent bandgaps, GaN and GaAs have been suggested to haveconduction bands of similar energy with respect to thevacuum level. 12GaN-on-GaAs may therefore provide a potential solution to create the Ohmic conduction path neces- sary for a vertical power device, therefore potentially enabling a simple route to vertical GaN electronic devices. However, growing GaN onto a GaAs substrate does bring challenges. Inparticular, achieving an electrically conducting GaN/GaAs interface may be difficult as the large lattice mismatch between GaN and GaAs will introduce a high density ofdefects into the GaN layer. 13Furthermore, while GaN grown on GaAs has been characterized using optical measurements13 and the electronic properties of GaN/GaAs superlattices have been evaluated,14an electrical characterization of the GaN/ GaAs interface has not been performed to date. In this work, we have explored the possibility to create an Ohmic interfacebetween GaN and GaAs for power device applications. We have performed electrical characterization of the interface as well as transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanningTEM (STEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) analysis to investigate the nature of this interface. II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS A 1.5 lm thick layer of GaN was grown using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) at a temperature of /C24660/C14C onto 2 in. nþ(1–5)/C21018cm/C03(111)B GaAs substrates with a thickness of approximately 350 lm supplied by Wafer Technology Ltd. Nitrogen polarity GaN is assumed due to the choice of GaAs substrate. In contrast, a (111)A GaAs substrate would have produced Gallium polarity GaN.Growing onto GaAs (111) has been shown in the literature to produce hexagonal rather than cubic GaN. 15,16Two GaN layers grown under Ga-rich conditions have been compared,a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: janina.moereke@bristol.ac.uk 0021-8979/2014/116(1)/014502/6/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 116, 014502-1JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 116, 014502 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 17:17:13wafer A has no intentional doping in the GaN layer, whereas wafer B includes an 80 nm layer of ( /C241018cm/C03). Si doped GaN grown directly onto the GaAs followed by an uninten-tionally doped layer. Deposited onto both the GaN and GaAs sides of the samples were Ohmic circular transfer length method (CTLM) structures with a diameter of 200 lm and varying gap between contacts from 4 lmt o4 8 lmi n4 lm steps (Fig. 1). The contacts on the GaN were achieved using a metallization of Ti/Al/Ni/Au and annealed at 800 /C14C for 30 s, while Ni/Au/Ge was used for the contacts on the GaAs side and annealed at 450/C14C for 5 s. Lateral current-voltage measurements were performed using the CTLM structures on the front (GaN) and back (GaAs) surfaces to check whether Ohmic contacts had been successfully achieved, and if both the GaN and GaAs layerswere conducting. In both cases, these measurements have been performed using a Keithley 4200SC system. For vertical current flow, to remove the need for an isolating etch, whichmight result in edge effects, a grounded guard ring on the top surface surrounding the sensing Ohmic contact was used to limit the area of the GaN/GaAs junction, which was beingmeasured (Fig. 2). In this case, the contact on the GaN side was driven and current measured on the GaAs side using an approach adapted from previous work on surface leakage cur-rents. 17Guarded capacitance measurements were performed with the same concept again using the Keithley 4200SCS. In this case, the alternating current (AC) excitation and biasvoltage were applied on the GaAs side by connecting the ca- pacitance HI terminal here, while the capacitance LO termi- nal was connected to the center Ohmic contact on the GaNsurface. A cross section TEM specimen was prepared from wafer B by tripod polishing using an Allied Tech TMmultiprep unit with polishing scratches and residues being removed through a final ion milling step using a 691 Precision Ion Polishing System (PIPSTM). Initial microstructural analysis of the GaN/GaAs structure was performed using the conventional diffraction contrast TEM imaging in a Philips CM30 TEM operated at 300 keV. Higher resolution studies of the inter-face were also carried out using a probe-side aberration-corrected STEM FEI Titan G2 instrument operated at 200 keV. Energy dispersive X-ray compositional mapping of the interface at high speed and minimal electron dose was achieved using the Titan’s high brightness electron sourceand Super-X TMhigh-efficiency silicon drift detector system. High-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) imaging was per- formed using a probe convergence semi-angle of 19 mradand an ADF detector semi angle of 54 mrad. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Elemental mapping was performed on wafer B with EDXS in order to gain insight into the microstructure near the GaN/GaAs interface (Fig. 3). The compositional map indicates an interfacial roughening of the GaN/GaAs inter-face with GaN-rich areas extending into the GaAs substrate (Fig. 3(c)). There are several different possible mechanisms, which could lead to such a result. The active nitrogen plasmaproduced during the growth of GaN is very reactive and could etch pits into the GaAs substrate before the start of the GaN growth. Such a nitridation effect on GaAs duringgrowth of GaN has been seen previously. 18,19Alternatively, the nitrogen could diffuse across the GaAs interface during growth. A third possibility relies on the fact that at thegrowth temperature used here As is soluble in liquid Ga, so that any excess Ga melts into the GaAs during the growth of GaN onto GaAs. It is also unclear whether these areas arecomposed of GaAsN or if they consist of heavily N doped GaAs or heavily As doped GaN has been found in previous work on highly mismatched alloys (HMAs) formed at a simi-lar growth temperature. 20The greater intensity for the Ga X-ray signals in the GaN compared to the GaAs (Fig. 3(e)) stems from the lower absorption cross section of the GaNand compositional analysis as summed EDXS away from the interface (Fig. 3(b)) suggests a composition consistent with the bulk materials. Diffraction contrast TEM imaging of wa-fer B (Figures 4(a)and4(b)) reveals that the crystalline GaN film contains a dislocation density of roughly 4 /C210 12cm/C02, a typical high density of dislocations for the large lattice mis-match of approximately 20% between GaN and GaAs. The dark-field (DF) TEM image of the GaN layer in Figure 4(b) shows that dislocations are not restricted to the region closeto the interface but extend to the surface of the film. The HAADF-STEM image of the interface in Figure 4(c) also shows highly distorted regions in the GaN film as the strainproduces strong diffraction contrast as well as the presence of twin defects identified by the horizontal striations close to FIG. 1. Schematic of Ohmic contact structure on GaN as well as GaAs side. FIG. 2. Guarded setup for measuring conduction across interface.014502-2 M €oreke et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 014502 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 17:17:13the left edge of the image. The interfacial roughening of the GaN/GaAs interface is also depicted in this figure with thered dashed-line showing the nominal surface of the GaAs substrate. The Ohmic nature of the contacts to both the GaN and GaAs is evident for both wafers from electrical measure- ments. Figure 5(a) presents I-V characteristics for wafer A, with similar results observed for wafer B. Corresponding re-sistance plots in Figure 5(b)confirm that on the GaN side, the resistance is dependent on the CTLM gap. From Figure 5(b), it can also be seen that the sheet resistance increased from thecentre of the wafer towards the edge demonstrated by a change in slope in the resistance plot. Structures were meas- ured, which were located in the center, half-radius, and edgeof the wafer. Despite the sheet resistance variation, a good Ohmic contact was achieved in all regions. Subsequent meas- urements were performed on the most centrally locatedCTLM structures on the wafers (labeled as structure 1B in Figure 5). A short transfer length of below 10 lmc a nb e FIG. 3. (a) HAADF-STEM image of GaN-on-GaAs (wafer B) near the inter- face region with the green box high- lighting the area from which EDXS maps for (b) N, (c) As, and (d) Ga was acquired. FIG. 4. Diffraction contrast TEMimage of the GaN film on GaAs sub-strate (wafer B) (a) bright-field image of (11–20) zone axis and (b) dark-field image g ¼0002 as well as the HAADF-STEM image of the interfa- cial region of GaN/GaAs with the nominal position of the interface indi- cated by the red dashed-line. FIG. 5. (a) I-V characteristics for circular surface contacts on GaN with dimensions as illustrated in Figure 1(a)together with (b) the corresponding resistance plot of k Xagainst CTLM gap for three structures (center, half- radius, and edge of the wafer).014502-3 M €oreke et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 014502 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 17:17:13estimated from the resistance plot in Figure 5(b), which to- gether with the Ohmic nature suggests a small contact resist- ance for the GaN side. On the GaAs side, an Ohmic contactwas also achieved but with no significant dependence of con- duction on CTLM gap and very low resistances compared to those associated with current flow vertically. The CTLM gapindependence of the conduction in this measurement indi- cates that the GaAs contact resistance dominates over the GaAs bulk resistance. However, as all measured resistancesfor GaAs (about 6 Xbetween all contacts) are about 2 orders of magnitude lower than the resistances associated with the GaN layer, an insignificant contact resistance is implied forthe GaAs side. The dependences on top and bottom CTLM gaps reflect the relative thicknesses of the GaN and GaAs layers, but also suggest that the transport in the two materialscan be treated independently for these surface measurements. Guarded measurements for wafer A, shown in Figure 6, sensing vertical conduction across the GaN/GaAs interfacewith the GaAs side grounded and bias applied at the GaN side, showed a non-Ohmic rectifying behavior. Very low currents in the order of 30 lA were observed at a positive applied voltage of 5 V, while negative voltages of /C05V resulted in conduction across the interface with around 30 mA. Similar behavior was also observed for wafer B. TheCTLM gap had almost no impact on the I-V characteristic consistent with the current flowing vertically across the junc- tion. The fact that the junction conducts only in one polaritysuggests that there is an asymmetrical barrier between the two layers resulting in the interface effectively conducting like a diode rather than an Ohmic junction. Estimating the re-sistivity of the GaN/GaAs interface near 0 V resulted in 190X/cm 2, which is well above the typical resistivity of an Ohmic contact for high power devices of 10/C06Xcm2.21,22 Diode ideality was estimated to be at best 10 meanings that conventional analysis to extract the barrier height was not possible. Temperature dependent I-V measurements (notshown here) demonstrating a very weak temperature depend- ence suggest a tunneling process as the primary mechanism for conduction across the GaN/GaAs barrier. Capacitance measurements of wafer A at different fre- quencies are presented in Figure 7showing C pin Figure 7(a) and G p/xin Figure 7(b) as a function of applied bias, i.e.,using a model of capacitance and resistance in parallel (see inset in Figure 7(b)). Due to high leakage currents in wafer B capacitance measurements in this sample did not yield any in- terpretable results. With G p/xbeing smaller than C p,i ti s clear that C-V profiling measures a capacitance associatedwith a blocking interface rather than an artefact due to leak- age paths. Applying a model of capacitance and resistance in series produced results, which were strongly dependent on frequency and could not easily be interpreted. Using the par- allel equivalent circuit representation, the observed weak fre-quency dependence and large magnitude of G p/xin this data are most likely due to the presence of interface traps with a range of time constants. Given the rough interface seen inmicrostructural analysis and the high density of dislocations, a high density of interface traps is highly likely. Furthermore, G p/xremains relatively constant in reverse bias, which indi- cates a wide dispersion of trap time constants.23The reduc- tion in C pwith increasing frequency is also consistent with the presence of these traps and, in fact, required due to theKramers-Kronig relationship linking real and imaginary parts of conduction. 23Parallel conduction appears to be an appro- priate choice of model for conduction across the interface andany series resistance in the GaN seems to have only a limited impact. In Figure 7(a), a well-defined slope in the reverse bias range with some frequency dispersion is observed butwith very little hysteresis. Complex and not easily interpreta- ble results were observed once the structure started to conduct in forward bias. C-V profiling using plots of 1/C p2to extract doping density, depletion region width, and band offset between the layers of the junction24has been applied to As-based systems in the past, but only gave limited informa-tion in this case. The negative slope in reverse bias in Figure 7(a)is consistent with a depletion process and indicates a net donor-trap density of 1.4 /C210 18cm/C03in the GaN assuming a uniform single-sided doping profile. Such a depletion process requires the rectifying barrier, which has been observed in I-V measurements. Assuming that the voltage is droppedmainly in the GaN, taking the capacitance measurement at 0 V and the relationship of depletion region width and FIG. 6. I-V characteristics of GaN face CTLM contacts with diameter of 200lm on wafer A when measured across the GaN/GaAs interface with ground connected to GaAs. FIG. 7. C-V profiling of the GaN/GaAs interface on wafer A at 100 kHz (black dotted), 1 MHz (red solid), and 10 MHz (blue short dashed) using the 200lm diameter circular TLM contact with (a) showing capacitance includ- ing a superimposed corresponding log(I)-V curve (orange dotted-dashed) showing the onset of conduction across the interface and (b) showing con- ductance over xas well as an inset of the electrical model of the interface used here.014502-4 M €oreke et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 014502 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 17:17:13capacitance,25,26a depletion region in the GaN layer of 93 nm can be estimated. This estimate is based on a simple parallel plate model of capacitive conduction across the interface,which is clearly not entirely accurate. However, this depletion region estimate does give an indication of the length scale of the charge separation in the structure. The I-V and C-V measurements show that the junction can basically be represented as a leaky rectifier. Temperature dependent I-V characteristics indicate, however, that this model is indeed very simplified as no clear barrier height could be extracted either from these or C-V measurements.The fact that both GaN and GaAs are n-type suggests that this rectification is the result of the presence of an asymmet- ric barrier within the junction, which would most simply beaccounted for by a heterojunction as indicated schematically in Figure 8. However, the presence of a barrier does not nec- essarily mean that the conduction bands are mis-aligned.Any evidence for or against alignment is masked by the effect of this barrier. As shown by STEM results, the rough- ening of the interface together with the high dislocation den-sity and other crystal defects will result in a complex potential barrier. Another possibility is that a bandgap varia- tion of either GaN or GaAs is present at the interface.Previous works, for instance, assessing the effect of N con- centration in GaAs has seen such a variation in bandgap. 27–29 Similarly increasing As content in GaN also varied the size of the bandgap.30In addition, a negative polarization charge associated with the Ga-face of the GaN is expected.31All these features may in themselves be sufficient to produce theasymmetric barrier, which results in rectification, even if the expected alignment of the conduction bands of the GaN and the GaAs is occurring. Therefore, neither a band alignmentnor a band offset can be confirmed here due to the presence of this potential barrier. GaN-on-GaAs produced leakage currents of 2 /C210 /C03A/cm2near 0 V, comparable to those typically observed across a GaN-on-Si structure of the order of 10/C04to 10/C03A/cm2.32–34While these studies used low re- sistivity Si, the need for a nucleation layer of AlN betweenGaN and Si generally produces structures with a highly resis- tive GaN-on-Si structure.IV. CONCLUSION A GaN/GaAs device structure was grown and fabricated into devices to test the potential to use this material system for vertical GaN power devices, benefiting from a potentialalignment of the conduction bands of both materials. Electrical measurements demonstrated that the as-grown interface showed a thin interfacial defective layer createdbetween GaN and GaAs, which caused non-Ohmic conduc- tion across the structure. Several mechanisms have been proposed for the creation of this thin layer due to the rough-ening of the GaAs surface. N diffusion, N-plasma etching or melting of Ga into the GaAs as well as the accumulation of a negative polarization charge at the interface could all play a role in this process. Vertical conduction through this interface was observed for n-type GaN and GaAs with arectifying interface. It is clear that dramatically improved material quality and suppression of the rectification will need to be addressed for viable vertical device structures tobe realized. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge financial support from the Engineering and Physics Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under EP/K014471/1 and through access to the SuperSTEM Laboratory. The FEI Titan G2 was funded through the support of HM Government (UK) and was associated with the researchcapability of Manchester’s Nucl ear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre. 1S. N. Mohammad, A. A. Salvador, and H. Morkoc ¸,Proc. IEEE 83, 1306 (1995). 2U. K. Mishra, L. Shen, T. E. Kazior, and Y. F. Wu, Proc. IEEE 96, 287 (2008). 3G. Meneghesso, M. 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URe 2–A Compressibility Study of Allotropic Phases B. Shukla*, N. V. Chandra Shekar and P. Ch. Sahu Condensed Matter Physics Division, Materials Science Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam-603102, India *E-mail: bshukla@igcar.gov.in Abstract: URe 2 compound exists in two phases- orthorhombic and hexagonal. The hexagonal phase has been prepared using arc melting and annealingat 500°C for one week, whereas the orthorhombic phase was achieved by annealing the arc melted sample at a temperature 150°C for the same period. High pressure x-ray diffraction studies on these two allotropic forms of URe 2 have been carried out up to ~15GPa using a diamond anvil cell. Normal compression was observed without any kind of phase transformation; although there is a probability of transformation from the metastable hexagonal to itsstable orthorhombicphase under pressure. Keywords: high pressure, URe 2, x-ray diffraction, bulk modulus PACS: 62.50.+p , 64.30.+t , 64.70.kb INTRODUCTION Uranium intermetallics are potential metallic nuclear fuels and are very interesting from the point of view of dual role of f-electrons in them [1].Uranium- Rhenium system are likely barrier material in high temperature nuclear reactors. Rhenium has high resistance to heat and wear, and the possible compound with uranium is likely to have potential applications in reactors. Rhenium forms two compounds, URe 2 and U2Re with uranium. The latter decomposes above ~750°C and the former melts at ~2200°C . W h e n t h e ratio of atomic diameters of the elements in a binary compound of the form UX 2 is about 1.2 they tend to form cubic Laves phases [2]. For U – Re system, this ratio is 1.16. Therefore its structure is expected to resemble one of the Laves phases. However, URe 2 has two allotropic forms. The low temperature form up to 180°C has an orthorhombic structure with space group Cmcm. Above this temperature, a hexagonal structure exists with space group P6 3/mmc [2]. Hexagonal structure is formed by a simple dilation of the unit cellwithout breaking the atomic bonds of orthorhombic structure at high temperature. These reversible phases of URe 2 make their high pressure behavior interesting for investigation. EXPERIMENT URe 2orthorhombic phase was prepared by using a standard arc melting technique. Stoichiometric measure of U (99.98%) and Re(99.999%) were melted in a tri-arc furnace in inert atmosphere and the melted button was flipped 2-3 times to obtain a homogenous compound. The ingot was then vacuum sealed in Ar atmosphere in silica tube and annealed for about a week at temperature of 150 °C. In order to remove any oxide layer, the annealed ingot was etched in 1:1 mixture of nitric and sulphuric acid for about 2 minutes. The powdered URe 2 sample was characterized by x-ray diffraction technique using a high resolution image plate based diffractometer. It was found to be in single phase of orthorhombic.Another ingot of URe 2 was prepared in the same aforementioned method. This time, it was annealed at 500°C and then quenched to obtain hexagonal phase of URe 2. In situ high pressure X- Solid State Physics AIP Conf. Proc. 1591, 62-63 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4872491 © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC 978-0-7354-1225-5/$30.00 62 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 04:36:43ray diffraction experiments were carried out using a Mao- Bell type diamond anvil cell (DAC) in the angle dispersive mode. The sample in the powder form was loaded into a 200 ȝm diameter hole drilled in pre-indented SS gasket. For the pressure calibration some particles of silver wereloaded along with sample URe 2. A mixture of methanol, ethanol and water in the volume ratio16:3:1was used as a pressure transmitting medium. Theincident X-ray beam obtained from a Rigaku ULTRA-X (18kW) rotating anode X-ray generator was monochromatisedwith graphite monochromator. An image plate based mar-dtb-345 diffractometer was used.The overall resolution of the diffractometer system is įd/d~0.001. The Mao-Bell type DAC was fitted to the diffractometer and the sample to detector distance was calibrated using a standard specimen like LaB6. The equation of state of silver was used as a parameter for pressure calibration. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The high pressure XRD study of URe 2, both orthorhombic and hexagonal phases were performed upto 14.6GPa and 16.2GPa respectively. The hexagonal phase of URe 2 remainedstablein its parent phase up to the pressure studied. Although, not an equilibrium structure for URe 2 at NTP, it could be stable, since it is known that Laves type structure is the most stable structure found among AB 2 type intermetallics. The P-V data for the hexagonal phase was fitted with Murnaghan equation of state (Fig.1) and the bulk modulus was found to be 280GPa.This compares well withother isostructural uranium compoundsof transition metals. /g3 Figure 2 shows the x-ray diffraction patterns for orthorhombic phase of URe 2 stacked together up to a pressure of about 16.2GPa. Although the peaks have broadened, the important peaks of the parent phase were retained up to the maximum pressure studied. No new peaks appeared up the pressure studied. The experiments are being carried out at higher pressures. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank Shri L. M Sundaram for his help in sample preparation, Shri M. Sekar and Shri N.R. Sanjay Kumar for valuable suggestions. They thank the IGCAR management for constant support and encouragement. REFERENCES [1] N. V. Chandra Shekar, V. Kathirvel, B. Shukla and P. Ch. Sahu, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (Section-A) 83 (2012) 163-177. [2]. B. A. Hatt, ActaCryst. 14, 119 (1961). Figure 2: High pressure x-ray diffraction pattern of URe 2in Orthorhombic Phase Figure 1: The P-V curve for hexagonal C14 type URe 2 fitted with Murnaghan equation of State. 63 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 04:36:43AIP Conference Proceedings is copyrighted by AIP Publishing LLC (AIP). Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. For more information, see http://publishing.aip.org/authors/rights- and- permissions.
Spintronic switches for ultra low energy global interconnects Mrigank Sharad and Kaushik Roy Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 115, 17C737 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4868699 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4868699 View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/jap/115/17 Published by the American Institute of PhysicsSpintronic switches for ultra low energy global interconnects Mrigank Sharada)and Kaushik Roy School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA (Presented 8 November 2013; received 24 September 2013; accepted 19 December 2013; published online 20 March 2014) We present ultra-low energy interconnect design using nano-scale spin-torque (ST) switches for global data-links. Emerging spin-torque phenomena can lead to ultra-low-voltage, high-speed current-mode magnetic-switches. ST-switches can simultaneously provide large trans-impedancegain by employing magnetic tunnel junctions, to convert current-mode signals into large-swing voltage levels. Such device-characteristics can be used in the design of energy-efficient current-mode global interconnects. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4868699 ] I. INTRODUCTION With the scaling of CMOS technology, energy-efficiency and performance of the on-chip global-interconnect degrades.1 As a result, the design of low power and high-speed on-chip global interconnects can be a m ajor bottleneck for emerging chip-multi-processors (CMP) that employ extensive inter- processor and memory to processor communication.1 Technology, circuit, and system level solutions have been explored to address the design-issues pertaining to global- interconnects.1,2For instance, the use of current-mode links for long distance interconnects has been shown to offer reduced power-consumption and enhanced bandwidth.2But, analog cir- cuits for current-mode transceivers are more complex thansimple inverters and add significantly to static-power con- sumption, as well as, area-comp lexity at the I/O interfaces. In this work, we explore the potential of low-voltage, magneto-metallic spin-torque (ST) switches for ultra-low energy and high-performance interconnect design. 3Recently demonstrated high-speed spin-torque switching phenomenabased on spin-orbital (SO) coupling effects may be condu- cive to the design of ultra-low voltage, low-current, and high-speed nano-magnetic switches. 3We present analysis for device and circuit-level optimization of current-mode interconnect design using such switches and compare its per- formance with conventional CMOS interconnects proposedin literature. II. SPIN TORQUE SWITCHES BASED ON SO-ASSISTED DOMAIN WALL MOTION A domain-wall (DW) can be formed in a magnetic nano-strip connecting two magnetic domains with oppositespin 4–7(Fig. 1(a)). DW can be moved along such a nano- strip under the influence of spin-torque resulting from current-flow along the strip.4Experiments have shown the possibility of current-induced high-speed DW motion in magnetic nano-strips with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA), with relatively low-current density of few MA/cm2.4 Recently, application of SO coupling through Rashba Effect(RE)5or Spin hall Effect (SHE)5,6induced by an adjacent metal layer (with structural inversion asymmetry6) has been found to significantly enhance DW speed for a given current-density (Fig. 1(b)). For Neel-type DW, SHE induced from an adjacent metal-layer results in an effective field-like effect (H SHE),6that can be expressed as, H SHE¼K(r/C2m). Here, mdenotes the magnetization of spin-domains. ris a current-dependent vector defined as r¼j/C2z, where, jis the current vector and zis the direction perpendicular to the magnetization-plane. Kis a quantity dependent upon mate- rial parameters of the magnet and is proportional to the effective Spin-Hall angle, /H.6For a Neel-type DW, the magnetization in the region of the DW lies along the length of the magnetic nano-strip. For this configuration, the effec- tive H SHEacting on the domain wall region can be visualized to be perpendicular to the plane of the magnet. The HSHE assists the non-adiabatic spin-torque acting on the DW-region. For a hHof 0.2, micromagnetic simulations showed an increase of /C245/C2in the DW-velocity for a given current density, due to the H SHEterm (Fig. 1(b)). This effect can be used to achieve faster switching for a given current. An alternate mechanism for high-speed DW-motion has been ascribed to spin-accumulation due to Rashba-Effect. The effective field-like ( HRE) term due to REacting on the mag- netic nano-strip shown in Fig. 1(a)can be expressed as KRr, where KRis a scalar quantity proportional to the Rashba parameter6and material parameters of the magnets. ris the current-dependent vector, as defined earlier. For a magnetic nano-strip with PMA configuration, the filed-like term HREcan be visualized to be always orthogonal to the easy-axis (whichis in the z-direction in Fig. 1(a)). This essentially lowers the energy-barrier for transition between up-spin and down-spin and, hence, assists the spin-torque induced DW-motion alongthe nano-strip. RE-assisted ST-based DW motion can achieve up to an order of magnitude faster switching-speed 6and can hence be suitable for the design of high-speed spin-torqueswitches for interconnect applications. A. High-speed unipolar domain-wall-switch SHE-assisted DW-motion can be employed to design high-speed, magneto-metallic current-mode unipolar domain- wall switches (UDWS), as shown in Fig. 1(c).7It constitutesa)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: msharad@purdue.edu. 0021-8979/2014/115(17)/17C737/3/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 115, 17C737-1JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 115, 17C737 (2014) of a ‘free’ magnetic domain d2(with SO coupling), between two fixed, anti-parallel spin-domains, d1andd3.7The spin- polarity of d2can be switched parallel to d1by passing elec- trons from d1tod3along the free-domain and vice-versa. The spin-state of d2can be detected with the help of a magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) formed with a fixed magnetic layer at its top.7Thus, this device can detect the direction or polarity of current flow across its free domain. Note that the switching current-path for the DWS offers a small resistance ( <100X for dimensions in Fig. 1(e)) and hence allows low-voltage operation. On the other hand, the high-resistance MTJ port can effectively provide high-gain binary trans-impedance con- version for the input-current. B. High-speed bipolar domain wall switch A 3-terminal, bipolar domain wall switch (BDWS) is s h o w ni nF i g . 2(a). Our proposed device consists of two fixed-domains of opposite magnetization (domain-2 and do- main-3) that act as input-ports and to polarize the input cur- rents. The third domain (domain-1) is a free-domain. Thespin-polarity of the current i njected into the free-domain is the difference between the current inputs I 1and I 2entering through the two inputs. The free-domain can switch parallelto either of the two fixed input domains depending onwhich of the two inputs currents is larger and hence, this device acts as a current-comparator. The minimum differ- ence between the two inputs the BDWS can detect depends on the critical current density for domain-wall shift in thefree-domain. A difference of few micro-amperes may be detected using a 15 /C22n m 2domain cross-section, with a critical current density of the order of 106A/cm2. Micro-magnetic simulation results for two inputs of 5 lA and 10 lA are given in Fig. 2(c).REcan be applied to the free-layer for achieving enhanced DW-motion and hencehigher switching-speed in the free-domain. The state of free-domain (domain-3) is read through the MTJ formed at its top. FIG. 1. (a) Domain wall magnet with S-O coupling, (b) domain-wall veloc-ity vs. current density, with and with- out SHE, (c) UDWS with spin-orbital coupling, (d) transient micromagnetic plots for DWS with 10 lA input cur- rent, (e) device parameters for DWS. FIG. 2. (a) BDWS based on domain-wall-switching, (b) top-view of the de- vice, (c) micromagnetic simulation plots for the BDWS at three-time steps. FIG. 3. (a) Interconnect design using UDWS, (b) transient simulation plots for DWS-based interconnect at 2Gbps signaling-speed, (c) circuit for on-chip and inter-chip interconnect using BDWS.17C737-2 M. Sharad and K. Roy J. Appl. Phys. 115, 17C737 (2014)III. INTERCONNECT DESIGN USING HIGH-SPEED SPIN-TORQUE SWITCHES Owing to its low-resistance, current-mode switching channel, the DWS can act as an ideal current-mode receiver and can simultaneously facilitate low-voltage ( /C2450 mV) biasing of the entire transceiver-link,3as shown in Fig. 3(a). On the transmitter-side linear region transistors biased at a source potential of þ//C0DV, relative to the UDWS are used for supplying the data dependent current. The use of small DV(/C2450 mV) achieves low static power dissipation per-bit. At the receiver-end, the MTJ associated with the UDWS allows conversion of the spin-mode information into binary voltage-levels through a resistive voltage-divider formed with a reference MTJ. The ratio of parallel and anti-parallelspin-states of an MTJ is defined in terms of tunnel magneto- resistance ratio (TMR). 3AT M Ro f /C24200% (corresponding to resistance ratio of /C243) can provide a voltage swing close to VDD/3 at the voltage divider output (where VDD is the supply voltage), that can be sensed by a minimum-size CMOS inverter (Fig. 3(a)). Thus, the UDWS can act as a high-gain, ultra-low power, and compact trans-impedance amplifier (TIA) that can facilitate the design of energy- efficient current-mode global interconnects.2Simulation- waveforms for MTJ-based transimpedance conversion are shown in Fig. 3(b). Fig. 3(c) depicts the circuit for a current-mode data interconnect employing a BDWS. At the transmitter end, a linear region PMOS transistor M1is driven by a voltage- mode data-signal. Its source terminal is connected to aDC-voltage VþDV, where Vis 0.5 V and DVcan be less than /C2450 mV. On the receiver side, the BDWS is biased at a volt- ageV, as shown in the figure. A bias transistor, M2, on the receiver-end injects a constant DC current (with half the am- plitude of the input signal) into one of the two inputs of theDWS, which gets subtracted from the data-signal entering into the other input. This results in data-dependent flipping of the DWS free-domain. The received data can be detectedusing a high-resistance voltage divider formed between the SWS-MTJ and a reference-MTJ, as shown in Fig. 3(c). Note that the BDWS needs only one extra voltage-level for inter-connect operation, whereas the UDWS needs two. IV. PERFORMANCE We compare the proposed spin-based interconnect design with three low-power global-interconnect techniquesbased on CMOS, namely, (1) low-swing, dual-supply link 8 (uses two different voltage levels separated by DVas shown in Fig. 4(a)), (2) capacitively driven low-swing link,8and (3) current-mode link.9Fig.4(a)shows that for reducing DVin a dual-supply link, sense-amplifier and driver power increases steeply. Similar trends are obtained for the other two cases.The CMOS current-mode transceiver needs a large supply voltage for trans-impedance amplification of current-mode signal, which limits the power savings. 8Moreover, analog transceiver-circuits in these low-swing CMOS links are significantly complex which make pipelining prohibitive.Spin-torque based compact TIA, on the other hand, can facil- itate repetition of transceiver units for high-performance data-buses. Fig. 4(b) shows the figure of merit (FOM, defined as energy/bit/mm of Lch) of the proposed design with the aforementioned CMOS techniques, showing close to two order of magnitude reduction in energy. Further experimental progress may achieve enhanced DW-velocity in the range of /C241000 m/s,5which can lead to powerful spintronic switches suitable for /C2410Gbps on-chip transmission links for future high-performance processors.10 Experimentally calibrated physics-based simulation framework for domain wall magnets presented in Ref. 11has been used in this work. These models essentially involveself-consistent solutions for spin-diffusion transport and magnet-dynamics in magneto-metallic devices constituting magnet, metal, and magnet-metal interfaces. 11For circuit simulations, the equivalent SPICE-circuit model for mag- netic domains presented in Ref. 12were employed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was funded in part by NSF, SRC, DARPA, MARCO, and StarNet. 1J. D. Owens et al.,IEEE Micro 27(5), 96–108 (2007). 2N. Tzartzanis et al .,IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 40(11), 2141–2147 (2005). 3M. Sharad et al.,IEEE Electron Device Lett. 34(8), 1068–1070 (2013). 4D.-T. Ngo et al.,Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 1 51, 093002 (2012). 5I. M. Miron et al.,Nature Mater. 10(6), 419–423 (2011). 6A. V. Khvalkovskiy et al.,Phys. Rev. B 87(2), 020402 (2013). 7S. Fukami et al., Dig. Tech. Pap. - Symp. VLSI Technol. 2009 , 230–231. 8D. Schinkel et al.,IEEE Trans. VLSI 17(1), 12–21 (2009). 9S. K. Lee et al .,Dig. Tech. IEEE Int. Solid State Circuit Conf. 2013 , 262–263. 10G. Balamurugan et al .,IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 43(4), 1010–1019 (2008). 11C. Agustine et al.,Tech. Dig. - Int. Electron. Devices Meet. 2011 , 17.6. 1–17.6. 4. 12G. Panagopoulos et al.,IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 60(9), 2808–2814 (2013). FIG. 4. (a) Simulation based determination of energy-optimal DVfor dual- supply, low swing interconnect, showing increase in sense-amplifier energy limits the lowering of DV(Lch¼5 mm). (b) Simulation based estimates for signaling energy of different low swing CMOS interconnects (3Gbps) and their comparison with proposed scheme (using UDWS), showing more than 100/C2improvement in energy/bit/mm.17C737-3 M. Sharad and K. Roy J. Appl. Phys. 115, 17C737 (2014)
Assessment of primary energy conversions of oscillating water columns. I. Hydrodynamic analysis Wanan Sheng, Raymond Alcorn, and Anthony Lewis Beaufort Research-Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland (Received 14 May 2014; accepted 19 September 2014; published online 29 September 2014) This is an investigation on the development of a numerical assessment method for the hydrodynamic performance of an oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converter. In the research work, a systematic study has been carried out on how the hydrodynamic problem can be solved and represented reliably, focusingon the phenomena of the interactions of the wave-structure and the wave-internal water surface. These phenomena are extensively examined numerically to show how the hydrodynamic parameters can be reliably obtained and used for the OWCperformance assessment. In studying the dynamic system, a two-body system is used for the OWC wave energy converter. The first body is the device itself, and the second body is an imaginary “piston,” which replaces part of the water at theinternal water surface in the water column. One advantage of the two-body system for an OWC wave energy converter is its physical representations, and therefore, the relevant mathematical expressions and the numerical simulation can bestraightforward. That is, the main hydrodynamic parameters can be assessed using the boundary element method of the potential flow in frequency domain, and the relevant parameters are transformed directly from frequency domain to timedomain for the two-body system. However, as it is shown in the research, an appropriate representation of the “imaginary” piston is very important, especially when the relevant parameters have to be transformed from frequency-domain totime domain for a further analysis. The examples given in the research have shown that the correct parameters transformed from frequency domain to time domain can be a vital factor for a successful numerical simulation. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896850 ] I. INTRODUCTION Oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converters have been often regarded as the first generation of wave energy converters and maybe the most studied wave energy devices. The early success of oscillating water column wave energy converters saw that hundreds of small scale OWCs have been deployed to power the navigation buoys in remote areas (seeFalcao 1and Chozas2). The development has been since then advanced to large OWC wave energy plants and now some practical OWC plants have been built and actually generated elec- tricity to the grid. It is reported that the LIMPET OWC plant has generated electricity to thegrid for more than 60 000 h in a period of more than 10 years (Heath 3). A recent development is the Mutriku OWC wave energy plant in Spain4—a multi-OWC wave energy plant with a rated power of 296 kW, consisting of 16 sets of “Wells turbines þelectrical generator” (18.5 kW each), is estimated a electricity generation of 600 MW h so far. [EVE, Mutriku OWC Plant, http://www.fp7-marinet.eu/EVE-mutriku-owc-plant.html (accessed on 10/05/2014).] OWC wave energy converters are one of the most adaptive concepts: they can be built on shoreline or breakwaters in a bottom-fixed fashion (LIMPET, PICO, and Mutriku OWC plants), or in near-shore in a form of either bottom-fixed or floating device or offshore in a form of floating devices. Its adaptivity may be only matched by the overtopping wave energy 1941-7012/2014/6(5)/053113/24/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 6, 053113-1JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 6, 053113 (2014) converters, for example, the bottom-fixed Tapchan [Tapered Channel Wave Energy, http://taper- edchannelwaveenergy.weebly.com/how-does-it-work.html (accessed on 10/05/2014)] and the floating WaveDragon [Wave Dragon, http://www.wavedragon.net/index.php?option ¼com_ frontpage&Itemid ¼1(accessed on 10/05/2014)]. These types of the wave energy converters have a particular advantage over many other types of wave energy converters in the develop- ment stages: their pioneer wave energy plants can be simply built on shoreline. One advantageof the shoreline wave energy plants is that the problems with the wave-structure interaction (partially), cable connections, and access to the plant are not present (it is also noted that moor- ing system is not applied in this case), so that in their development stages, the focus can bemore on the wave energy conversion and power take-off (PTO) (air turbine and control system and strategies). The experience accumulated and lessons learnt from these developments can be then easily transplanted to the floating OWC wave energy converters, in which the focus canbe paid on the interaction of wave-structure, mooring system, and cabling connection since the issues with PTO and control system have been addressed in those pioneer plants. The second advantage of the OWC wave energy converters is their unique feature in power conversion. In the OWC wave energy converters, the air flow is normally accelerated from the very slow airflow in the chamber (driven by the internal water surface (IWS)) to a high-speed airflow through the power take-off system by 50–150 times if the PTO air passage area ratio istaken 1:50–1:150 to the water column sectional area. This much accelerated air can drive the air turbine to rotate in a high speed, typically a few hundreds RPM for the impulse turbines and more than a thousand RPM for the Wells turbines (see O’Sullivan and Lewis 5). The high- rotational speed of the air turbine PTO allows a direct connection to the generator, and thus the bulky gearbox may not be necessary, and more importantly, for a certain power take-off, the high rotational speed can also mean a small force or torque acting on the PTO system,which in turn ensures a high reliability in power take-off systems. To understand and improve wave energy conversion by the OWC devices, numerical methods have been developed. Earlier theoretical wo rk on the hydrodynamic performance of OWCs has shown that OWC devices could have a high primary wave energy conversion efficiency if the opti- mized damping can be attained (Sarmento and Falcao, 6Evans,7and Evans and Porter8)f o rt h o s e fixed or simple OWC devices. For the more complic ated and practical OWC devices, the boundary element method (BEM) (and the relevant commercial software, such as WAMIT [WAMIT, User Manual, www.wamit.com/manual.htm (accessed on: 10/05/2014)], ANSYS AQWA [AQWA User Manual, www.mecheng.osu.edu/documentation/Fluent14.5/145/wb_aqwa.pdf ( a c c e s s e do n1 0 / 0 5 / 2014)], etc.) can be readily available for any com plexity of the geometries. Regarding the full scale device, there may be air compressibility problems. Due to the non linearity and the non- Froude similarity nature (see Weber9and Sheng et al.10), the air compressibility in the air chamber may not be evident or present in the small scaled models because the scaled models have normally small scaled air volumes and pressures in the air chamber. Sarmento et al.11have proposed a line- arized formula for the flowrate through the power take-off system, based on an assumption of anisentropic flow. Sheng et al. 12have recently formulated a full thermodynamic equation for the air flow in the chamber by invoking the simple PTO relation of the chamber pressure-flowrate which, though simple, has included all the effects of the flow through the air turbin e, hence, the detailed complicated air flow through the turbine can be av oided (note: for improving the performance of the air turbine, the detailed air flow through the t urbine is still very important if the turbine per- formance is examined). More recently, Sheng et al.13have also coupled the hydrodynamics and the thermodynamics for a bottom-fixed generic O WC device and have predicted the internal water surface and chamber pressure very well when compared to the experimental data. So far, though successful to some extent, a reliable numerical simulation for the perform- ance of the OWC wave energy converters is not available yet. Hence, the development of OWC wave energy converters frequently relies on the experiments in laboratories. Essentially, physical models include all the effects if the scaling is well prepared. For instance, the modelshould be large enough to ensure the scaling correct in which the Reynolds number would be large enough to minimise the Reynolds effect (see Sheng et al. 10). In physical model tests, the scaled OWC models mean smaller air chambers and smaller chamber pressure responses, and053113-2 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)therefore, the air compressibility (i.e., the “spring-like effect”) cannot be scaled and present. Nonetheless, experiments could provide valuable assessments to the performance of the OWC devices if the model tests are well conducted. For example, experimental studies on the bottom-fixed or floating OWCs have shown that the wave energy conversion efficiency of an OWC device very much depends on the damping coefficients of the flow passing through the power take-off system, as well as the size and length of the water column (water column sec-tional area and length). Toyota et al. 14have shown that both the size of the air chamber and the length of the horizontal duct length of a Backward Bent Duct Buoy (BBDB) device have significant effects on the primary power conversion of the OWC wave energy converters. Imaiet al. 15have studied the influence of the horizontal duct length to the wave energy capture capacity in a BBDB device and shown that a longer horizontal duct has increased the maximum IWS response to a longer resonance period. As a result of this, a longer horizontal duct may bedesirable for tuning the BBDB to the wave states of longer wave periods. Morris-Thomas et al. 16have experimentally studied the hydrodynamic efficiency on fixed OWCs with different front shapes. From the comparison, it can be seen that the front shapes have some but limitedinfluence on the wave energy conversion efficiencies of the fixed OWC. For the four different front shapes, the wave energy capture efficiencies are overall similar, and the maximum wave energy conversion efficiency is about 70%, but no reason has been given why the maximumwave energy conversion efficiency is only about 70%. Generally, reliable numerical assessments have not been well established for OWC wave energy converters though this type of wave energy converter has been widely studied and mayhave a longest history when compared to other types of wave energy converters. In this research, the focus is on the development of a numerical assessment method for the hydrody- namic performance of OWC wave energy converters, and the details on how to reliably assessthe hydrodynamic performance, which is a prerequisite condition in the overall performance assessment for an oscillating water column wave energy converter, are presented and discussed. Examples have shown that special care must be taken if a reliable hydrodynamic model isdeemed to be developed for the OWC wave energy converter. II. METHODOLOGY A. Frequency domain analysis Potential theory has been well-developed in the last century and now widely used in marine and offshore applications, and more recently applied in wave energy conversions, including the oscillating water column devices. For some specific OWC devices, such as two-dimensional OWC devices, or some three- dimensional OWCs with simple structures, analytical solutions are possible (Evans and Porter,8 Martins-rivas and Mei,17and Mavrakos and Konispoliatis18), but more popular approaches are the numerical analysis using the commercial codes based on the boundary element method,such as WAMIT and ANSYS AQWA. These commercial codes are readily available for any geometry of interest. Based on the assumption of the potential flow, the velocity potential of the flow around the floating structure satisfies the Laplace equation, r 2u¼0; (1) where uis the frequency-domain velocity potential of the flow around the floating structure (the corresponding time-dependent velocity potential should read U¼ueixtsince the dynamic system is assumed to be linear in the hydrodynamic study). An earth-fixed coordinate system is defined for the potential flow problem. The coordinate is fixed in such a way that the x-yplane is on the calm water surface and z-axis positive up ver- tically. In the coordinate, the free surface conditions can be expressed in the frequency domain (see Lee and Nielsen19), as053113-3 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)@u @z/C0x2 gu¼0; on S f ðÞ /C0ix qgp0; on S i ðÞ ;8 < :(2) where xis the wave frequency, qis the density of water, gis the acceleration of gravity, p0is the pressure amplitude acting on the internal free surface, Siis the internal free surface in the water column, and Sfis the free surface but excludes the internal free surface. It must be noted that the pressure amplitude acting on the internal free surface is an unknown, which must be solved when a power take-off system is applied. Hydrodynamically, the water surface in an OWC can be regarded as a moonpool, which has been found applications in the operations of offshore platforms and studied in theoretical and numerical approaches (see Refs. 20–23). The difference between a moonpool and an oscil- lating water column is that the application of the power take-off system in the OWC waveenergy converters will apply a reciprocating pressure (the alternative positive and negative chamber pressure, and they may be nonlinear if the nonlinear PTO is applied) on the internal water surface, which would make the problem more complicated. To solve the linear hydrodynamic problems in the OWC wave energy devices, different approaches have been developed and used. The popular approaches include the massless piston model 19,24and the pressure distribution model.7In the former approach, the internal free sur- face is assumed to behave as a massless rigid piston (a zero-thickness structure), and the target solution is the motion of the internal water surface. The internal water surface motion is then coupled with the PTO so that the chamber pressure can be solved. A slightly different versionof the massless piston model is a two-body system for the OWCs, in which the first rigid body is the device itself and the second rigid body is an imaginary thin piston at the internal free sur- face to replace part of the water body in the water column. Hydrodynamically, the two-bodiesare strongly coupled (see Refs. 13,25, and 26). By applying a power take-off system, the rela- tive motion between the two-body could produce a reciprocating pressure in the air chamber. In the latter approach, the internal free-surface condition is represented in terms of the dynamicair pressure in the chamber (see Refs. 27and28) and in the numerical simulation, a reciprocity relation must be employed as shown by Falnes 29so that the conventional BEM can be used. However, it must be pointed out that this method may be only applicable for the cases of linearPTOs. Tank test and field test data have shown the nonlinear chamber pressure (with both wave frequency and high frequency components in regular waves) even though the internal water sur- face motion can be reasonably linear when a nonlinear PTO is applied for wave energyconversion. Relatively, the physical meaning of the first approach is more obvious, and its implementa- tion in the numerical assessment is more straightforward. Hence in this research, this approachis applied and studied. To represent the dynamic system better, a convention for a two-body system is used: The motion modes of the first body are given by x i(i¼1, 2,…, 6), corresponding to the first rigid body motions of surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch, and yaw, respectively, and the motion modes of the second body are given as xi(i¼7, 8,…, 12), which corresponds to the 6 degrees of free- dom motion of the second body, i.e., surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch, and yaw. To simplify the analysis in the oscillating water column wave energy conversion, only the heave motions of the two bodies are considered for power conversion, because for power conversion in the OWC,the other motion modes may not be useful in contributing to generate power in this particular case, and because it is generally acceptable when the motions are not too severe, the heave motions may not be coupled with other types of motions (the generic OWC considered in theresearch has an axi-symmetrical structure). The heave motions of the two bodies in frequency domain can be written as f/C0x 2½m33þa33ðxÞ/C138 þixb33ðxÞþc33gf3þf /C0 x2a39ðxÞþixb39ðxÞþc39gf9¼f3ðxÞ; f/C0x2a93ðxÞþixb93ðxÞþc93gf3þf /C0 x2½m99þa99ðxÞ/C138 þixb99ðxÞþc99gf9¼f9ðxÞ;( (3)053113-4 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)where m33andm99are the masses of the first and the second bodies; a33(x),a39(x),a93(x), and a99(x) are the frequency-dependent added masses for the heave motion for the first and second bodies and their interactions at the infinite frequency; c33,c99andc93,c39are the restor- ing force coefficients and their interactions (hydrostatic coefficients); b33,b99andb93,b39are the hydrodynamic damping coefficients for heave motions and their interactions; f3andf9are the excitations for the first and second bodies, and f3andf9are the complex heave motion am- plitude of the two bodies, respectively. Solving Eq. (3), the relative heave motion (complex) between the two bodies termed as the IWS can be calculated as fr¼f9/C0f3: (4) Here, f3andf9are the complex heave motion amplitudes for both bodies. Accordingly, the amplitude responses of the device heave motion, X3, the piston heave motion, X9, and the internal water surface motion, Xr, are given as follows: X3¼jf3j A X9¼jf9j A Xr¼jfrj A;8 >>>>>>>< >>>>>>>:(5) or X 3¼2jf3j H X9¼2jf9j H Xr¼2jfrj H;8 >>>>>>>< >>>>>>>:(6) where AandHare the amplitude and height of the incoming wave, respectively, and j*jmeans the modulus of the complex response. B. Time domain analysis For OWC wave energy converters, the whole dynamics may very likely be nonlinear if an air turbine PTO take-off system is included, for example, a linear Wells turbine. When a full scale OWC device is considered, the air chamber and the pressure can be large enough, so thatthe air compressibility in the air chamber can be obvious (see Falcao and Justino 30), which is essentially nonlinear. If mooring system is included, the nonlinearity will be more obvious when the large motions of the device are induced. For a nonlinear dynamic system, frequency-domain analysis is no longer suitable; hence a time domain analysis must be employed. In the time-domain analysis in the research work, the Cummins-Ogilvie hybrid frequency- time domain analysis is used, in which the hydrodynamic parameters can be first analysed infrequency domain, and then the Cummins time-domain equation is established using the Ogilvie’s relation (Cummins 31and Ogilvie32). This hybrid frequency-time domain approach has been a popular choice in the development of wave energy conversions.27,33–36The nonlinear effects from PTO or any other sources can be fully implemented in the time-domain analysis. 1. Time domain equations To simplify the problem in the oscillating water column wave energy conversion, we assume only the heave motions of the two bodies are useful for power conversion. The053113-5 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)assumption may be acceptable when the motions are not too severe, and the heave motion may not be coupled with other types of motions, especially for the cylinder-type structures. The heave motion of the two bodies can be written in time-domain as ½m33þA33ð1Þ/C138 €x3ðtÞþðt 0K33ðt/C0sÞ_x3ðsÞdsþC33x3ðtÞþA39ð1Þ €x9ðtÞ þðt 0K39ðt/C0sÞ_x9ðsÞdsþC39x9ðtÞ¼F3ðtÞ; (7) A93ð1Þ €x3ðtÞþðt 0K93ðt/C0sÞ_x3ðsÞdsþC93x3ðtÞþ½m99þA99ð1Þ/C138 €x9ðtÞ þðt 0K99ðt/C0sÞ_x9ðsÞdsþC99x9ðtÞ¼F9ðtÞ; (8) where m33andm99are the masses of the first and the second bodies; A33(1),A39(1),A93(1), andA99(1) are the added masses for the heave motion for the first and second bodies and their interactions at the infinite frequency; C33,C99andC93,C39are the restoring force coefficients and their interactions; K33,K99andK93,K39are the impulse functions for heave motions and their interactions; F3andF9are the excitations for the first and second bodies. The impulse functions can be obtained if the frequency-domain added mass or damping coefficients have been assessed via the transform as KijtðÞ¼2 pð1 0bijxðÞcosxtdx; (9) or KijtðÞ¼2 pð1 0xaijxðÞ/C0aij1ðÞ/C2/C3sinxtdx; (10) where aijandbijare the added mass and damping coefficients in frequency domain, aij(1)i s the added mass at the infinite frequency, which is a frequency-independent value. 2. IWS motion in time domain The internal water surface in the water column is the parameter for creating a reciprocating chamber pressure in the air chamber, thus the pneumatic power which can be used for powerconversion. The internal water surface motion is given by the relative heave motions of the two bodies as x rðtÞ¼x9ðtÞ/C0x3ðtÞ: (11) III. PISTON REPRESENTATION To illustrate the problem more clearly, a cylindrical OWC wave energy converter is consid- ered here. This is a generic OWC wave energy converter which has been widely tested and studied in HMRC wave basin (see Sheng et al.37). A photo of the device is shown in Figure 1. The OWC device has a schematic drawing of the vertical section shown in Figure 2. The whole column of the device (the water and air columns) has a diameter of 0.23 m, and an over- all length of 0.3 m, of which 0.15 m is emerged in water (i.e., a draft of 0.15 m). The device has a float of 0.04 m thick and 0.2 m high surround the entire column providing the buoyancy and stability for the device and 0.10 m submerged in water. A circular plate is fixed on the top053113-6 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)of the air column, with an orifice in middle to model a nonlinear PTO take-off (that is, a non- linear air turbine PTO). The overall weight of the device is 3.39 kg. The device was also bal- lasted for a good stability to float rightly in the waves. As shown in Figure 2, a piston is used to represent part of the water body in the water col- umn (in the figure half of the length of the water body in the device column), whose motion can be equivalent to the uniform motion of the water body in the water column. For wave energy conversion, the up-and-down motions of the piston relative to the column structure can generatea pressurised and de-pressurised air in the air chamber which could exhale or inhale air through the air turbine and to drive it to rotate, so to generate electricity if it is connected to a generator. A. Natural period of the piston motion As shown by Evans and Porter,8the interior free surface has a natural period, T0, if the length of the cylinder is much larger than its diameter (actually this condition is not well satis- fied in this case, but for a comparison, the formula is used) as FIG. 1. A generic cylinder OWC wave energy converter. FIG. 2. Water column in water and the corresponding piston (the length of the piston is same as the full length of the water column).053113-7 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)T0¼2pffiffiffiffi D gs ¼0:777s; (12) where D(¼0.15 m) is the draft of the water depth or the length of the water column and gthe gravity acceleration. This formula corresponds to the natural period of a cylinder of a draft D in water without a correction from the added mass. If the imaginary piston is considered as an isolated cylinder, its added mass for the heave motion has been given according to McCormick (Ref. 38, p. 48) when the draft Dis far larger than its diameter (again, this condition is not fully satisfied. But unlike the previous case, the added mass has been included. And for comparison, the formula is again used here) as follows: a33¼2:664qR3; (13) where Ris the radius of the cylinder. The corresponding natural period of the heave motion would be T0¼2pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Dþ0:848R gs ¼0:998s: (14) For a large water column or a moonpool, its natural period of the water surface motion has been studied by Veer and Thorlen,23and they gave a formula for the calculation of the natural period of the internal water surface motion as T0¼2pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Dþ0:41/C3S1=2 0 gs ¼0:970s; (15) where S0is the sectional area of the moonpool/water column. A more appropriate approach in obtaining the internal water surface motion, and thus its rele- vant natural period is employing the conventional BEM (in this case, WAMIT). In the BEM code, the interaction between the water body and the flo ating structure is fully accounted. Hence, the natural period of the internal water surface wo uld be more accurately calculated via the BEM. All the natural periods using different formulas, including the one obtained from WAMIT simulation are listed in Table I. One can see that those semi-empirical and numerical methods give quite similar estimations to the natural period of the internal water surface motion if an appropriate added mass can be included. In this study, WAMIT has also been used to study the behaviour of the device and the inter- nal water surface. In the simulation, the two-body system has been used. Figure 3shows that the device and the piston have different natural periods (two spikes in the responses in Figure 3), that is, the imaginary piston has a natural period of 0.935 s, which is close to the results fromEqs. (14) and(15), but larger than that given by Eq. (12), whilst the heave motion of the device has a natural period of 0.740 s. From Figure 3, it can be also seen that both heave motion responses of the device and the piston are modified due to their interaction. For the heave response of the device, there is a TABLE I. Natural periods of the internal water surface. Method Natural period of internal water surface, T0 Reference Evans et al. 0.777 s 8 McCormick 0.998 s 38 Veer et al. 0.970 s 23 WAMIT 0.935 s …053113-8 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)small response when the wave period is at the natural period of the piston heave motion; while for the piston response, due to the heave motion of the device, the response is modified signifi-cantly when the wave period is at the natural period of the heave motion of the device. As a result of the relative heave motion between the cylinder and the piston, the IWS motion ( Xr) has two peaks which correspond to the natural periods of the device and the piston heavemotion, respectively. All three responses have large peak values (more than 5.0). This is mainly because in WAMIT, only hydrodynamic damping is considered, while the other types of the damping, for instance, the viscous damping, are ignored in the analysis. B. Piston length and motion responses As it is well known that, in many cases in studying an OWC wave energy converter, the water column of an OWC device has been represented by a thin piston or a zero thickness structure.25,26The zero thickness structure is replaced the internal free surface (see Figure 4). It has been shown theoretically by Falcao et al.25(also Evan et al.24) that the added mass for the thin rigid-body is the entire entrained-water by the water column plus some additional added- mass. This interesting result can be taken that the mass of the thin piston plus the entrainedwater (i.e., the major part of the corresponding added-mass) may be possibly equivalent to that FIG. 3. Responses of the heave motions of the float and the piston and their relative motion (X3-heave response of the device; X9-heave response of the piston; Xr-the relative response of the internal water surface). FIG. 4. A very thin piston on the internal free surface (L is small or zero).053113-9 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)of a full piston. An extreme case of the thin piston is the zero thickness structure (i.e., a mass- less piston), which has been also studied by Lee et al.19,39via a method called “generalised modes,” and the generalised modes for the internal water surface motion can be simply speci- fied as the additional motion modes in the boundary element codes, so that a significant modifi- cation to the code is not necessary. As can be seen in many practical cases, the thin/massless pistons or the full pistons are both popular in studying the performance of an OWC device.Therefore, there may be a question, what will happen if a certain length of the piston is consid- ered, as shown in Figure 5. In the above OWC device, a longest piston length could be the full length of the water column of 0.15 m (i.e., L¼0.15 m, where Lis the actual length of the piston), and the shortest piston length is zero in the massless piston (Figure 4). In-between, the length of the piston could be any length between 0.0 m and 0.15 m (Figure 5). In Figure 6, a comparison of the in- ternal water surface responses for different piston lengths is shown (the lengths “ L¼0.001 m,” “L¼0.01 m,” etc., indicating the lengths of the pistons). It can be seen that the IWS responses are very similar when the wave period is larger than 0.5 s for all five piston lengths (Figure 6). However, the values at the second peaks may be slightly different for the different lengths of the pistons, especially for the full length of the piston ( L¼0.15 m). And in all these responses, there are two obvious resonances: the first resonance of a shorter period corresponds to thedevice heave motion resonance and the second resonance corresponds to the natural period of the pistons. From the comparison, it can also be seen that in the region of very short periods, the IWS responses can be very different for short pistons (see Figure 7): these response spikes may correspond to their inherent natural periods of the “pistons” when they are not isolated without the interaction from the water column structures. The shorter the piston, the shorter the natural period is (can be deduced from Eqs. (12),(14),o r(15)). In the frequency domain analy- sis, the relative internal water surface motion responses are dominated by the heave responses of the two bodies. The small spikes of the motion responses in very short waves are often beyond any interest (not power extraction from that!). It must be noted that in the IWS responses in Figures 6and7, they are only damped via their inherent hydrodynamic damping coefficients. Hence, the responses are relatively high at the corresponding resonance periods. C. Piston length and added mass When a time domain analysis is needed for the dynamics of the wave energy converter, the relevant hydrodynamic parameters can be obtained by a transform from frequency domain to time domain, based on the Cummins time domain equation31and the Ogilvie relation.32This FIG. 5. An illustration of a thick piston for representing the internal free surface.053113-10 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)method has been often named as hybrid frequency-time domain method36and very popular in the applications in wave energy conversion thanks to its low computation burden and its straightforward physical meaning. One important aspect in such an application is the assessmentof the added mass at the infinite frequency, because this special added mass and the device mass itself can form the overall mass in the dynamic system in the time domain system, which in turn very much decides the dynamic responses of the system, especially the resonanceresponse. Hence, its correctness is of vital importance in such a dynamic system. Table IIshows the masses and the added-masses at infinite frequency for the pistons and the device from the simulations using WAMIT. For the massless piston (its length D¼0.0 m), the “generalised modes” have been used, which represents the IWS motion (named as the mode 7), while for the cases of certain lengths of pistons, two-body system is used in WAMIT simulations. From the table, the added masses for the device heave motion at the infinite frequency are very close except the one in the massless case, which is obviously “wrong” (a very large nega- tive added mass!). And the added mass for the “generalised mode” is also wrong (even a largernegative added mass). For the cases of certain lengths of the pistons, the overall mass for the pis- ton can be different, and their correctness will be examined later in this research. However, one can see that when the piston length is larger than 0.05 m, the overall mass (given by the massand added mass together) is very similar, though the piston mass itself can be very different (2.08 kg for the piston length 0.05 m and 6.23 kg for the piston length of 0.15 m), see Figure 8.FIG. 6. IWS response predictions with a 2-body system. FIG. 7. IWS response predictions (zoom for the responses in short periods).053113-11 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)Figure 9shows a comparison of the added mass for four different lengths of the pistons. From the figure, it can be seen that for the cases of small lengths of the piston, its added mass can be a large positive or negative value at certain short periods. These very spiky added masses (both large positive and negative) happen at the different periods for the differentlengths of the pistons ( T¼0.76 s for L¼0.15 m, T¼0.445 s for L¼0.05 m, and so on), the cor- responding periods should be very close to the piston natural periods in the absence of the interaction between the piston and the device. Figure 10shows a comparison for long (L¼0.10 m and L¼0.15 m). For the cases of piston lengths of 0.10 m and 0.15 m, the added mass may still be spiky at very short waves, where the negative and positive added masses can be seen clearly, but not as severe as those of shorter pistons. The added mass in high frequencies (very short waves) are difficult to calculate, though in WAMIT, it is possible to specify a simulation so that the added mass at infinite frequency can be calculated. However, in many practical cases, we may assume that the added mass at a fre-quency large enough can be taken as the added mass at infinite frequency. Then a question may arise: how large of the frequency is enough? Figure 11shows the added mass calculations in very short waves of wave periods from 0.005 s to 0.25 s, which correspond to high frequencies 25.1 rad/s and 1256 rad/s, respectively, for the pistons with different lengths. It can be seen that the added mass for L¼0.15 m and L¼0.05 m are very steady in most of the periods, but not in the very short wave periods. For the case of L¼0.001 m, the added mass tends to be steady, but it is very close to zero. Obviously, it is not correct, and the issue will be further discussed later in this research. For the case of the piston L¼0.01 m, it is varying very much at all high frequencies. To calculate the internal water surface motion correctly, the correct calculations of the rele- vant parameters for the time domain equations (7)and(8)are very important. Among them, the calculation of the added mass at the infinite frequency is extremely important. Due to the limi-tation of the panels in the numerical simulation, the calculation of the added mass at infinite frequency is not reliable as other conventional hydrodynamic parameters, which may causeTABLE II. Piston mass and its added mass. Piston L(m) 0 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.15 M33 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 A33 /C043.44 1.43 1.44 1.44 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.46 A77(1) /C070.10 … … … … … … … M99 … 0.04 0.21 0.42 0.83 2.08 4.15 6.23 A99(1) … 4.35 5.77 6.30 6.66 6.43 4.66 2.93 M99þA99(1) … 4.39 5.98 6.72 7.49 8.51 8.81 9.16 FIG. 8. Masses and the added masses of the pistons in different lengths.053113-12 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)FIG. 9. Added mass predictions for the pistons with different lengths. FIG. 10. Added mass predictions for the pistons (L ¼0.10 m and L ¼0.15 m). FIG. 11. Added mass in high frequency waves (very short waves).053113-13 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)serious problems in the time-domain analysis, because the dynamic responses are fully related to the overall mass in the dynamic system. This becomes more obvious when the piston is cho- sen as a massless (i.e., a zero-length piston) or a very thin piston, the added mass at the infinite frequency may be wrongly calculated (the huge spiky added mass for very short waves, see Figure 11). The reason for this may be due to the zero or very short length of the piston for which the corresponding natural period of the piston itself may be extremely small. Relatively, the added mass at the infinite frequency is more reliable and may be easier to obtain when the piston is long. The utilisation of the different pistons in the numerical simulation of the OWC wave energy converters may have some practical benefits and considerations. As it is shown that for a full-length of a piston, it seems beneficial because more reliable and stable added mass can be relatively easy to attain. However, a full length piston in an OWC device is only possiblewhen the OWC has a uniform water column. Unfortunately, this is not the case in many engi- neering applications. A good example is the BBDB OWC device. 14,40,41Their bent duct of the BBDB device does not allow a full length of a piston to be implemented if a two-body systemis used. Hence, it is an advantage to choose an appropriate length of the piston for representing the internal water surface in this regard. In some practical applications, people have to make a decision how large of the frequency is enough when its added mass can be taken as the added mass at infinite frequency. Table III shows the added mass at different frequencies for the pistons with different lengths. When the massless piston is used, the added mass at infinite frequency is a large negative value, which isobviously incorrect. For short lengths of the pistons, its added mass will be very varying regarding to the frequencies. In this particular example, when the piston length is longer than 0.05 m, the added mass tends to be steady regardless of the frequencies (also see Figure 12). However, it must be noted that even for the longest piston ( L¼0.15 m), its added mass at very high frequency can be unsteady significantly (see Figure 11). Hence, it can be very tricky when the added mass is decided if the real added mass at infinite frequency is not available. In addi-tion, for the case of massless piston, or the very short piston ( L<0.05 m), the added mass at in- finite frequency is not well predicted. This may cause a large variation when the added mass at infinite frequency is calculated when compared to other cases in Table III. D. Piston length and hydrodynamic damping coefficient For the pistons with different lengths, the damping coefficients are all very close, especially when the wave periods are long, for instance, larger than 0.5 s (see Figures 13(a) and13(b) ), and for very short pistons, the vibrant damping coefficients can be seen in very short waves when its period is less than 0.25 s. In this vibrant coefficients, negative damping coefficientscan be also seen. It is believed that the negative damping coefficients may be caused by the inappropriate panel sizes for those very short waves. If the pistons are longer, the vibrant damp- ing coefficients are less severe. However, it can be seen that corresponding to the inherent natu-ral periods, the damping coefficients exhibit large changes (see Figure 13(b) ). TABLE III. Added mass (in kg) at different frequencies. L(m) x¼10 rad/s x¼20 rad/s x¼40 rad/s x¼80 rad/s x¼1 0 8.869 6.833 23.177 0.043 /C070.10 0.001 8.918 12.369 /C00.713 0.282 4.348 0.005 8.751 10.915 0.437 /C00.995 5.771 0.01 8.551 11.345 3.784 7.272 6.304 0.02 8.158 22.029 6.074 6.559 6.663 0.05 6.907 6.055 6.373 6.418 6.4290.1 2.967 4.608 4.650 4.662 4.662 0.15 2.746 2.903 2.927 2.933 2.934053113-14 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)E. Piston length and impulse function Figure 14shows the comparison of the impulse functions for the heave motions of the pis- tons of different lengths. It can be seen that impulse functions are very similar, regardless of the piston lengths. One can notice that for the piston of length 0.10 m, some high frequency oscillations can be seen for a long time, which is corresponding to large spike at its inherentnatural period. It will be seen later in the research that the small oscillations in the impulse function for L¼0.10 m will not cause any problem in the time-domain simulation, because this frequency of the impulse function oscillation is very different from that of the natural frequencyof the dynamic system, and its influence to the motion responses is very small. In the calculation of the impulse functions, the spiky damping coefficients must be taken carefully, otherwise it can create a very vibrant oscillation in the impulse functions. To getgood impulse functions shown in Figure 14, the hydrodynamic damping coefficients are actually those shown in Figure 15, in which the very spiky damping coefficients in high fre- quencies should not be included in the calculation. F. Piston length and excitation Figure 16shows a comparison of the excitation given in the WAMIT simulations. It can be seen that when the wave periods is longer than 1.0 s, the excitations for the different pistons FIG. 12. Added mass at different frequencies for different “pistons” (compared to the added mass “black dots” at infinite frequency). FIG. 13. Damping coefficients for the pistons of different lengths.053113-15 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)FIG. 14. Impulse functions for the pistons of different lengths. FIG. 15. Damping coefficients for the piston of different lengths. FIG. 16. Excitations on the pistons of difference lengths.053113-16 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)are almost identical. However, for very short wave periods, the excitation can be very spiky (see both Figures 16and17). The maximum values can be much larger than the excitation in the longer waves. The reason for this may be the interaction between the float and the piston, and it may be also caused due to the panel limitation for the calculation in very short waves (see the following comments on this issue). However, the very large spiky excitations do not create same spiky motion responses (see Figures 3and6). The reason why the very spiky exci- tations do not generate large responses is that the corresponding periods are much shorter than the natural periods of the pistons in the dynamic system. 1. Comments on the piston representation Some additional comments are given as follows: First of all, in the boundary element method employed in this study, the generation of the appropriate panels must be considered carefully. For a good simulation, as a rule of thumb, the largest length of the panels in the simulation must be smaller than 1/7 of the wave length.42 Meanwhile, a good practice in the panel generation is to avoid any rapid change in the sizes of the adjacent panels. Ideally, the adjacent panels would have a similar size (WAMIT manual). In this regard, the simulation at the infinite frequency or very high frequencies may be not sat- isfactory, since the panels satisfying the conditions are impossible. However, this does notmean the calculation of the added mass at infinite frequency can not be conducted. Examples have shown that the reliable results for the added mass at infinite frequency may be obtained, but care must be taken for those very short pistons as shown in the example. The second comment will be on the natural periods of the pistons. If there is no interaction between the piston and the device itself, a thin piston would have a short natural period in heave according to Eqs. (12),(14),o r(15) (note: in the calculation, Lshould be taken as the actual length of the piston, rather than the length of the water column). In this regard, it can be deduced that the heave resonance period will be longer for a longer piston. Then why all the pistons mentioned above have same natural periods, regardless of the piston lengths? Indeed, the thin piston has a short natural period in heave, which can be given by Eqs. (12),(14),o r (15), and this will become evident when we look at the effect of the piston lengths later in the research. However, due to the interaction between the float body and theimaginary pistons, in the dynamic system, the mass and added mass must be considered to- gether, as shown in Table II. Meanwhile, it can be also understood when a very thin piston is considered, it will perform as a “wave rider,” which only follows the motion of the water bodyin the water column in waves. Hence in this regard, the motion of the water body (i.e., the full piston) decides the motion of the piston. This may explain why different pistons experience same responses. FIG. 17. Excitations on the pistons of difference lengths (zoom).053113-17 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)IV. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS For studying the time domain analysis, irregular waves of a significant wave height Hs¼0.1 m and a mean period of T01¼1.0 s are chosen due to its closeness to the resonance periods of the piston motion ( T0¼0.934 s). In the irregular waves, the effects of the infinite frequency added mass to the motions are examined here. An important factor in the time domain analysis is the assessment of the addedmass at infinite frequency. From the time domain equations (7)and(8), the natural frequency of the dynamic system will be very much decided by the restoring coefficient and the total mass (structure or piston mass plus their added mass at infinite frequency). Hence, the reliablecomputation of the added mass at infinite frequency is of vital importance. As shown in Ref. 43, the time domain result can be checked when it is compared to the transferred result from the frequency domain response, because the later analysis has onlyrelated to the parameters at the relevant wave frequencies, rather than the problems in assessing the infinite frequency added mass. A. Criteria of accuracy Following Sheng and Lewis,44two values are used to assess the goodness of the time- domain simulation. The first value is the commonly used correlation coefficient (“ R”), which is a good indicator of the two time-series in phase comparison, but not in the relative amplitudes. For instance, when two time series are fully in phase regardless of their very different ampli- tudes, the correlation between them would be a unit. The correlation coefficient is calculated as R¼PN i¼1xi/C0/C22x ðÞ yi/C0/C22y ðÞ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi PN i¼1xi/C0/C22x ðÞ2PN i¼1yi/C0/C22y ðÞ2s : (16) The second value is the relative square root error (“ RRE”), which can be used for distin- guishing the actual difference between the two time series. This relative square root error is employed because it removes the effects of the absolute amplitude in the target time series. The RRE can be calculated as RRE ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi PN i¼1yi/C0xi ðÞ2 PN i¼1yi/C0/C22y ðÞ2vuuuuuut: (17) B. Bottom-fixed OWC In the first case, the time domain analyses have been conducted for the OWC device in a fixed manner, hence there is no motion for the device, but the piston heave motion (i.e., the in-ternal water surface in this case) can be calculated without a consideration of the device heave motion. Figures 18–22show the comparisons between the time domain analysis and the fre- quency domain analysis for the different length pistons. It can be seen when the piston is very short, the time domain simulation shows significant differences to the result from the frequency domain analysis (see Figures 18and19). The main reason for the difference is the added mass at infinite frequency, as it can be seen in Figure 8, for the very short piston, the added mass at infinite frequency is well underpredicted, hence the corresponding dynamic system for a very short piston would have a higher natural frequency than it should be, so in the specific irregular053113-18 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)FIG. 18. Heave motion of the piston (piston length L ¼0.001 m). FIG. 19. Heave motion of the piston (piston length L ¼0.01 m). FIG. 20. Heave motion of the piston (piston length L ¼0.05 m). FIG. 21. Heave motion of the piston (piston length L ¼0.10 m).053113-19 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)wave, the heave motion of the piston is far away from the resonance with the wave, that is why the amplitude of the piston heave motion is much smaller than it should be (note: the damping and the excitation for all pistons are very similar from Figures 16and14). When the piston is getting longer, better time domain result can be seen, because their cal- culated overall mass is getting closer to the actual one, and thus the dynamic system would have a closer natural frequency to the actual one. For the lengths L¼0.10 m and L¼0.15 m, the time-domain result is almost identical to that from the frequency domain (Figures 21and 22). Table IVshows the accuracy of the time domain analysis. It can be seen that in the cases of the very short pistons, the accuracy of the time domain analysis is very low. The correlationcoefficient is getting larger when the piston is getting longer, while the RRE is getting smaller, which indicates the closeness of the two time series. For the cases of L¼0.10 m and L¼0.15 m, the correlation coefficients are close to unit, which means that the two time series are very much in phase, while the corresponding small RRE means a small difference between the two time series. C. Floating OWC Similar to the cases of the bottom-fixed OWC, the time domain analyses have been carried out for the floating OWC device, in which the OWC device itself and the imaginary piston can both move un-restrainedly. Figures 23–26show the comparisons between the time domain and the frequency domain analyses when the pistons of different lengths are used. Again, it can beseen that when the piston is very short, the time domain simulation shows significant difference to that from the frequency domain analysis (see Figure 23). When the piston is getting longer, better time domain analysis result can be seen. Again, for the lengths L¼0.10 m and L¼0.15 m, the time-domain result is same as that from the frequency domain (Figures 25and 26). Table Vshows the accuracy analysis of the time domain simulations, which is very similar to Table IV, and hence same conclusions can also be drawn. It must be pointed out that the prediction of the heave motion of structure is better repro- duced than that of the heave motion of piston, especially when the piston is short. The reason for this is the added mass at infinite frequency for the device heave motion is very much reli-able regardless of the piston lengths (see Table II). However, it must be also noted that the heave motions of the two bodies are coupled together (from Eqs. (7)and(8)), the inaccurate prediction of the piston heave motion would have eventually affected the heave motion of thedevice. That is why we can see some differences of the heave motion between the time domain FIG. 22. Heave motion of the piston (piston length L ¼0.15 m). TABLE IV. Accuracy analysis of the time domain simulations. L¼0.001 m L¼0.01 m L¼0.05 m L¼0.10 m L¼0.15 m R 0.395 0.328 0.870 0.974 0.999 RRE 0.925 0.967 0.494 0.226 0.047053113-20 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)and the frequency domain analyses for the very short piston (see Figure 23), though the corre- sponding added mass at the infinite frequency is well calculated (also see Table II). V. CONCLUSIONS In hydrodynamic study of OWC wave energy converters, different methods have been developed in frequency domain if a linear dynamic system is assumed. However, for a fullscale OWC or the practical OWC plant, its dynamics may be nonlinear due to the factors of the nonlinear air compressibility and maybe of a nonlinear air turbine (PTO). Hence, for such a dynamic system, time-domain analysis must be conducted. In this research, we focus on a two-FIG. 23. Heave motions of the floating structure and the piston (piston length L ¼0.01 m). FIG. 24. Heave motions of the floating structure and the piston (piston length L ¼0.05 m).053113-21 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)FIG. 25. Heave motions of the floating structure and the piston (piston length L ¼0.10 m). FIG. 26. Heave motions of the floating structure and the piston (piston length L ¼0.15 m). TABLE V. Accuracy analysis of the time domain simulations. L¼0.001 m L¼0.01 m L¼0.05 m L¼0.10 m L¼0.15 m R 0.423 0.401 0.908 0.981 0.999 RRE 0.914 0.929 0.419 0.194 0.060053113-22 Sheng, Alcorn, and Lewis J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 053113 (2014)body system to represent the device itself and the imaginary piston for the OWC wave energy converter for their hydrodynamics. The main reason for such a consideration is that the two- body system has a very clear physical meaning and the study and implementation of the two- body system are very straightforward. In implementing the time-domain analysis, the Cummins-Ogilvie’s equation is used, in which the hydrodynamic parameters are transformed from the parameters in the frequency-domain analysis to time domain, such as the added mass at infinite frequency and the impulse functions. In the research work, we examine how reliable we can conduct a time domain analy- sis for the hydrodynamic performance of an OWC wave energy converter. From the results and the analyses, following conclusions can be drawn: (i) The length of the imaginary piston for the water body in the water column has little influ- ence on the responses of the motions for the frequency range of interest. (ii) In very short waves (high frequency waves), there will be vibrant responses in added mass, damping coefficients, and the excitation, though these spiky responses have no significant effect on the overall responses of motions in frequency domain analysis, but they tend tocause problems when we choose the added mass at infinite frequency or at a very large fre- quency, or the calculation of the impulse function. As a result of these difficulties, the time domain solution based on these parameters may not be appropriate. (iii) The examples show that a favourable length of the piston must be chosen so that reliable time-domain analysis can be obtained. 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Heat transfer and material flow during laser assisted multi-layer additive manufacturing V. Manvatkar, A. De, and T. DebRoy Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 116, 124905 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4896751 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896751 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/116/12?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Heat transfer and fluid flow in additive manufacturing J. Laser Appl. 25, 052006 (2013); 10.2351/1.4817788 Investigation of heat transfer in 9-layer film blowing process by using variational principles AIP Conf. Proc. 1526, 107 (2013); 10.1063/1.4802606 Mathematical modeling of heat transfer, fluid flow, and solidification during linear welding with a pulsed laser beam J. Appl. Phys. 100, 034903 (2006); 10.1063/1.2214392 Heat transfer and fluid flow in laser microwelding J. Appl. Phys. 97, 084909 (2005); 10.1063/1.1873032 Steel microstructures in autogenous laser welds J. Laser Appl. 15, 200 (2003); 10.2351/1.1619997 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 04:44:42Heat transfer and material flow during laser assisted multi-layer additive manufacturing V . Manvatkar, A. De, and T. DebRoy Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA (Received 15 August 2014; accepted 18 September 2014; published online 29 September 2014) A three-dimensional, transient, heat transfer, and fluid flow model is developed for the laser assisted multilayer additive manufacturing process with coaxially fed austenitic stainless steel pow- der. Heat transfer between the laser beam and the powder particles is considered both during theirflight between the nozzle and the growth surface and after they deposit on the surface. The geome- try of the build layer obtained from independent experiments is compared with that obtained from the model. The spatial variation of melt geometry, cooling rate, and peak temperatures is examinedin various layers. The computed cooling rates and solidification parameters are used to estimate the cell spacings and hardness in various layers of the structure. Good agreement is achieved between the computed geometry, cell spacings, and hardness with the corresponding independent experi-mental results. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896751 ] I. INTRODUCTION Laser assisted additive manufacturing is a potentially attractive process for the manufacture of near net shape parts from a stream of alloy powder in aerospace, automotive, medi-cal, and other industries. 1However, the process requires care- ful control of laser power, power density, scanning speed, powder feed rate, size distribu tion, and other variables in order to achieve an acceptable quality of the parts.2–4Furthermore, the scale and morphology of the solidification structure, micro- structure, mechanical properties, and defects also are affectedby the process variables. 5Selection of variables by trial and error is time consuming and expensive and limits wider indus- trial usage of the additive manufacturing process. What is nec- essary and not currently available is a reliable, well-tested, phenomenological process mod el that can serve as a basis for the selection of important proces s variables to produce defect free, structurally sound, and reliable parts made by the additive manufacturing process based on scientific principles. Many simultaneously occurring physical processes6–8 affect the structure and properties of the parts in the laser assisted additive manufacturing process. A stream of pow-der interacts with the laser beam prior to their deposition on the substrate. The deposited particles rapidly form a molten pool on the surface of the growing layer and thesolidification of the molten region forms the structure when the laser beam moves forward. 9A significant spatial gradient of temperature drives a strong convective flow ofliquid metal due to Marangoni effect and facilitates con- vective heat transfer within the molten pool. 6–8,10The sol- idified material undergoes multiple heating and coolingcycles as layers of new alloys are deposited on the previ- ously deposited layers. 11–14These thermal cycles affect the evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties ofthe deposited layers. 15–17An understanding of the details of heat transfer, liquid metal flow, cooling rates, and other solidification parameters is essential for the control ofmicrostructure and properties of the deposited layer based on scientific principles. Numerical models of heat and mass transfer and fluid flow have provided unique insight into the complex laser welding processes. However, these models cannot be used for under- standing the additive manufacturing process because there areseveral important differences between the two processes. Interaction of the powder with the laser beam, progressive build-up of the layers, multiple thermal cycles at any specificlocation as new layers are added on the previously deposited layers, transient changes in the geometry of the part are some of the differences that preclude the use of existing models ofwelding to understand the additive manufacturing process. Here, we report the development of a comprehensive, three-dimensional, transient, heat transfer, and fluid flowmodel for the laser assisted additive manufacturing of parts from a stream of alloy powders. The model solves the equa- tions of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy withappropriate boundary conditions and temperature dependent properties of materials in different regions of the system. The interaction between the laser beam and the powder particlesduring their flight and subsequently when they are added to the build surface is considered in the calculations. The outputs from the model are the temperature and velocity fields, cool-ing rates, and solidification parameters. The model is validated by comparing several experimentally determined parameters with the corresponding theoretically calculated results. Forexample, the geometry of the deposited structure is compared with that computed from the model for the deposition of a multi-layered structure of an austenitic stainless steel.Furthermore, the experimentally determined scale of the solid- ification structure and hardness data are compared with the corresponding theoretically determined values from the mod-eling results. After validation, the model is used to investigate the spatial variations of peak temperatures, cooling rates, and solidification parameters during build-up of a multilayer aus-tenitic stainless steel structure. 0021-8979/2014/116(12)/124905/8/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 116, 124905-1JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 116, 124905 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 04:44:42II. PROGRESS MADE IN PREVIOUS RESEARCH Several useful previous works serve as a foundation for the work reported in this paper. For example, the work by Grujicic et al.18shows the importance of laser-material inter- action during flight of the particles between the nozzle and the growth surface. He and Mazumder6estimated temperature rise of the powders during laser-powder interaction using heatbalance. After the particles impinge on the depositing layer, their absorption of the laser beam is affected by the particle size, the depth of the particle layer, and their chemical compo-sition. 9The addition of powder particles during deposition results in the transient growth of the depositing layer along both the scanning and vertical directions. Previous research has shown that the addition of mass could be simulated by progressive activation of elements in the computational do-main. Similarly, the addition of heat both due to the impinging preheated powder particles and the direct absorption of the laser beam by the growing layer could be represented by anappropriate Gaussian energy density distribution over a sur- face or volume or both. 6,7,12–14,17,19,20 Transient temperature fields, residual stresses, and dis- tortions have been the focus of most of the previous model- ing works, including those by Neela and De,12Manvatkar et al.13and Wang and Felicelli.14They used commercial fi- nite element software for the analysis of heat conduction and stresses to examine the role of various variables. These cal- culations do not consider convective heat transfer in the liq-uid region which is often the main mechanism of heat transfer. Consequently, the computed peak temperatures and temperature gradients are significantly overestimated, sincethe mixing of the hot and cold fluids is not considered. Cooling rate which is the product of temperature gradient and the scanning velocity is also significantly overestimated. Comprehensive calculations of transient heat transfer and fluid flow during additive manufacturing are just begin- ning. The initial two-dimensional calculations 21,22of heat transfer and fluid flow were followed by adaptation of tran- sient, three-dimensional models of laser cladding,6,7,19,20and welding23to additive manufacturing. Tracking of the free surface was also simulated by the level set method6,7,19,20,22 which is computationally highly intensive. Furthermore, the quality of the calculations remains to be tested by compari-son with any transient experimental tracking of the topology of the free surface. In summary, the previous studies have established the benefits of numerical simulation of heat transfer and fluid flow during additive manufacturing and demonstrated the need to develop transient three dimensional models incorpo-rating additions of heat and mass in a manner that is compu- tationally tractable. At the same time, the calculations have to be verified by comparison with measurements of build ge-ometry and metallurgical parameters. III. HEAT TRANSFER AND FLUID FLOW MODEL The model calculates transient, three-dimensional, tem- perature, and velocity fields from process variables, such asthe laser power, power density distribution, scanning speed, and powder feeding variables, such as the chemicalcomposition, particle size, feed rate, and velocity of the pow- der particles. The physical processes considered in the calcu- lations are described below. A. Assumptions Several simplifying assumptions are made to make the complex, three-dimensional, transient calculations tractable. The densities of the solid and liquid metals are assumed to be constant. The surface of the growing layer is assumed tobe flat. The loss of alloying elements due to vaporization and its effects on both the heat loss and composition change are not considered in the calculations. B. Particle/laser beam interaction After emerging from the powder feeding nozzle, the par- ticles are heated during flight prior to their transfer to the depositing surface. The heat absorbed by the particles during flight depends on the residence time of the particles, particlesize, gas velocity, material properties, and laser power den- sity. The following approximate heat balance is conducted to estimate the temperature rise of the particles during theirflight assuming that the particles are spherical in shape DT¼ gm/C2gs/C2P pr2 b/C22pr2 p/C16/C17 s 4=3/C2p/C2r3 p/C0/C1/C2Cp/C2qp; (1) where DT is the average in-flight temperature rise of the powder particles, P is the laser power, r band r pare the laser beam radius and the average radius of the particles, respec- tively, C Pis the specific heat, gmis an interference factor to account for shielding of some particles from the laser beamby other particles, g sis the fraction of available laser power absorbed by the solid particles, sis the time of flight which depends on the velocity of particles and the distance betweenthe nozzle and the depositing surface, i.e., the length of flight, and q Pis the density of the particles. The upper hemi- sphere of the spherical particle surface is directly exposed tothe laser beam. As a result, the absorption of the laser beam occurs on half of the total surface area (2 pr 2 P) which appears in the numerator of Eq. (1). After the particles are deposited on the depositing surface they continue to absorb laser beam energy efficiently. The rate of absorption of laser beam energy by the powder bed is calculated based on previouswork on the absorption of laser beam energy by the powder bed. 9The amount of laser power absorbed by the depositing surface, P s, is given by Ps¼gl/C2ð1/C0gpÞ/C2P; (2) where gpis the fraction of the laser power absorbed by the powder in-flight and glis the fraction of available laser power absorbed by the growing layer. Its value is high when the powder is still solid, but a short time (a few milliseconds)after the heated particles arrive on the growing layer, they melt and then the liquid surface absorbs energy by Fresnel absorption. 13So, the value of glis high initially when the liq- uid layer is forming but reduces once the surface melts. When the material is in powder form, the laser beam124905-2 Manvatkar, De, and DebRoy J. Appl. Phys. 116, 124905 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 04:44:42undergoes multiple reflections within the powder layers. As a result, the coefficient of laser beam absorption by the pow-der bed is higher than the absorption coefficient of the liquid. The energy absorbed by the powder and the growing layer is used as a source term in the energy conservationequation as follows: S i¼Pd pr2 btgpþgl1/C0gp/C0/C1/C2/C3exp/C0dr2 r2 b ! ; (3) gpis fraction of laser energy absorbed by the powder during flight, P is laser power, d is laser energy distribution factor, t is layer thickness, and r is radial distance from laser beamaxis. The layer thickness, t, is determined experimentally. The two terms within the square bracket represent the frac- tion of laser energy transferred to the particles during theirflight through the beam and the irradiation of beam on the depositing surface, respectively. The exponential term accounts for the Gaussian distribution of laser energy as afunction of distance from the axis of the beam.C. Governing equations The model solves the conservation equations for mass, momentum, and energy in transient three-dimensional form. These equations are available in standard text books24and in many of our previous publications25,26and are not repeated here. The specific discretization scheme and the solution methodology for transient three dimensional form are also discussed in details in the literature.24,26Only the special fea- tures of the calculations are discussed here. The process pa- rameters and material properties used for numerical calculations are presented in Tables IandII, respectively. D. Computational domain and the boundary conditions The transient heat transfer and fluid flow calculations are performed for a rectangular solution domain representing the substrate, deposited layers, and the surrounding gas shown in Fig. 1. In order to expedite calculations, advantage is taken of the geometrical symmetry of the deposited layers along the mid-width longitudinal plane and calculations are done only in one half of each layer. The deposition is simu-lated through discrete time steps. At the beginning of the simulation, all the cells above the substrate are assigned properties of an inert gas and the initial temperature of thedomain is taken as the room temperature (298 K). The mov- ing heat source is simulated by progressively shifting of the laser beam axis by a very short predetermined distance, X s, in the direction of deposition equal to a small fraction of the laser beam diameter. The corresponding time step, Dt, is cal- culated from the scanning velocity, v Dt¼Xs=v: (4) During each shift, the properties of the computational cells representing the volume of the deposited material are changed from the properties of the gas to that of the deposit material. At the end of each layer, an idle time is provided toallow the laser beam to move to the initial location prior toTABLE I. Data used for numerical simulations. The laser material interac- tion length is the distance between the point, where material powders areintroduced into the laser beam and the top surface of the layer being deposited. Process parameter Value Substrate size (mm /C2mm/C2mm) 10 /C23.1/C24 Deposited layer size 4 /C20.72/C20.38 Laser power (W) 210Laser scanning speed (mm s /C01) 12.7 Laser beam diameter (mm) 0.9Idle time (s) 0.03Laser distribution factor 3Material flow rate (g min /C01)2 5 Material powder size ( lm) 175 Laser material interaction length (mm) 2 Particle velocity (mm s/C01) 2.4 Carrier gas flow rate (l min/C01)4 TABLE II. Material properties used for numerical simulations. The absorption coefficient values in the table are for 1.06 lm wavelength laser beam. Material properties Values References Properties of SS316 Density (kg mm/C03) 7800 27 Solidus temperature (K) 1693 27 Liquidus temperature (K) 1733 27 Thermal conductivity (W m/C01K/C01) 11.82 þ0.0106 T 27 Specific heat (J kg/C01K/C01) 330.9 þ0.563 T /C04.015 /C210/C04T2þ9.465 /C210/C08T327 Latent heat of fusion (J kg/C01) 2.67 /C210527 Coefficient of thermal expansion (K/C01) 1.9 /C210/C0527 Viscosity of liquid alloy (kg m/C01s/C01) 6.7 /C210/C0327 Temperature coefficient of surface tension (N m/C01K/C01) /C00.4/C210/C0329 Absorption coefficient in solid/liquid ( gs,gl) 0.3 9 Absorption coefficient in powder bed ( gP) 0.7 9 Interference factor ( gm) 1.0 … Properties of argonDensity (kg mm /C03) 0.974 28 Specific heat (J kg/C01K/C01) 520 28 Thermal conductivity (W m/C01K/C01) 26.41 /C210/C0328124905-3 Manvatkar, De, and DebRoy J. Appl. Phys. 116, 124905 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 04:44:42the deposition of the next layer. The idle time is the time gap necessary for the laser beam to travel between the end of onelayer and the beginning of the next upper layer. The laser beam is switched off and no material is deposited during this time. The aforementioned procedure is repeated till the depo-sition of all the layers. The variation of all variables across the mid-section lon- gitudinal symmetry plane is set to zero. In the remainingsurfaces, heat loss by radiation and convection is applied as boundary conditions for the solution of the enthalpy equa- tion. For the solution of the momentum equations, the longi-tudinal and transverse velocities at the melt pool surface boundary were related to the corresponding velocities in locations just below the surface through Marangoni bound-ary conditions. 25 E. Grid spacing, time steps and convergence of the solution Spatially non-uniform grids, with finer grid spacing near the axis of the laser beam were used for efficient calculation of variables. A computational domain, 10 mm in length, 3.1 mm wide, and 5.5 mm in height, was considered and di-vided into 160 /C229/C237 or 171 680 grid points. The dura- tion of the time step is decided using Eq. (4). The governing equations were discretized by following a control volume method. 24The velocity components and the scalar variables were stored at different locations to enhance the convergence and stability of the computationalscheme. At each time step, the three components of veloc- ities and the enthalpy were iterated following a sequence known as the SIMPLE algorithm. 24The implicit computa- tional scheme adapted is unconditionally stable. The discre- tized linear equations were solved using a Gaussian elimination technique known as the tri-diagonal matrix algo-rithm. 24At any given time step, the iterations were termi- nated when two convergence criteria were satisfied. The magnitudes of the residuals of enthalpy and the three compo-nents of velocities, and the overall heat balance were checked after every iteration. The largest imbalance of anyvariable on the two sides of a discretization equation for all interior grid points had to be less than 0.1%. In addition, the overall heat balance criterion required that the sum of thetotal heat loss from the domain and the heat accumulation had to be almost equal to the heat input into the calculation domain. Their difference had to be less than 0.5% of the heatinput for this convergence criterion to be satisfied. The crite- ria were selected so that the final results were not adversely affected while maintaining computational speed. Typically atotal of 26 000 iterations were necessary per layer and a total of 13.5 billion linear equations were solved cumulatively for all time steps for a three layer structure. F. Cell spacing and hardness calculations Cooling rate in the solidification temperature range (1733 K–1693 K) is calculated from the computed tempera-ture at several locations for every layer. The layer wise varia- tion of the secondary dendrite arm spacing is calculated considering the average cooling rate in every layer using thefollowing expression: 13,30 k2¼AðCRÞ/C0n; (5) where k2is secondary dendritic arm spacing (SDAS) in lm, CR is cooling rate in K/s, and A and n are material specific constants having values of 80 and 0.33, respectively. SDASis the smallest dimension in a typical columnar dendritic microstructure. Experimental observations revealed very fine cellular microstructure in the range of 3–10 lm, in such layer wise deposited structure. 13,30Manvatkar et al.13showed that Eq.(5)fits well for predicting cell spacing in very fine cellu- lar structure. Further layer wise yield strength is estimatedusing a Hall-Petch like relationship presented in Eq. (6)and replacing the grain size by cell spacings as suggested by Manvatkar et al. 13 ry¼r0þkyðdgÞ/C00:5; (6) where ryis yield strength, r0is lattice resistance, kyis grain boundary resistance, and dgis grain size replaced by cell spacing. The values of r0andkyused for calculations are 150 MPa and 575 MPa ( lm)0.5. The layer wise hardness (H V) from yield strength ( ry) is estimated as Hv¼3ryð0:1Þ2/C0m; (7) where H Vis in kg mm/C02and m is Mayer exponent with value 2.25 for steels.13,31–34 IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 2shows the computed melt pool geometry in the first, second, and third layers deposited for the experimental conditions presented in Table I. Each color band in the pro- file represents a temperature range shown in the legend. Thegreen colored regions in all the figures indicate that the de- posited material reached solidus temperature of the SS316 alloy (1693 K). The vectors show the computed velocityfields in the molten region. A reference vector is shown by an arrow and a comparison of the length of this arrow with FIG. 1. A schematic representation of the solution domain.124905-4 Manvatkar, De, and DebRoy J. Appl. Phys. 116, 124905 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 04:44:42the vectors shown in the plots reveals the magnitudes of the computed velocities. The velocities are larger at the surface than in the interior because the motion of the liquid metal inthe molten region originates at the surface owing to the Marangoni convection. The Marangoni stress results from the spatial gradient of surface tension because of the temper-ature variation. The computed surface velocities are some- what higher than 500 mm/s which is comparable with what is reported for laser welding. At these velocities, the com-puted Pe for heat transfer which represents the ratio of heat transported by convection to that by conduction is much higher than 1 indicating convective heat transfer to be themain mechanism of heat transfer. Consequently, many of the conclusions made by heat conduction calculations need to be revised. The transverse sections of the computed melt pool pro- files in the first three layers are shown in Fig. 3to examine the geometry of the build. This figure also shows a compari-son between the numerically simulated and the correspond- ing experimentally observed transverse sections for the three layer structure. The good agreement between the two geome-tries indicates that the model is capable of predicting the cor- rect geometry of the build layers. Figure 4shows the computed thermal cycles at three monitoring locations, each at mid-length and mid-height within the first, second, and third layers. Each thermal cycleshows the expected recurrent spikes. The first spike in the thermal cycle for a particular layer shows the peak tempera- ture corresponding to the laser beam positioned above themonitoring location. The subsequent peaks correspond to the positioning of laser above the monitoring location in subse- quent passes of the laser as the upper layers are deposited.Thus, the thermal cycles are indicative of the progress of FIG. 2. Evolution of the melt pool geometry in the first three layers. (a)–(c) show the progression of deposition in the first layer, (d)–(f) show changes in the melt pool geometry in the second layer, and (g)–(i) show the same in the third layer. FIG. 3. Comparison of the experimental13and theoretical transverse section of the three layer structure.124905-5 Manvatkar, De, and DebRoy J. Appl. Phys. 116, 124905 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 04:44:42deposition during the process. The peak temperatures experi- enced by the first, second, and the third layers are 1946 K, 1998 K and 2035 K, respectively. The rise in the peak tem- perature from the first layer to the second layer is 52 K.However, this rise is reduced to 37 K from the second to the third layer. The first layer can efficiently transfer heat into the substrate because the substrate is cold initially and closeto the deposited layer. Thus, the substrate can effectively act as an efficient heat sink. During the deposition of the subse- quent top layers, the peak temperature rises as the distancebetween the substrate and the build layer increases and the new layers are deposited on the previously deposited hot layers. However, the increase slows down with the progres-sive deposition of subsequent layers, since the heat loss also increases with higher temperatures in the deposited layers. The computed peak temperatures in various layers are plotted in Fig. 5. The increase in peak temperate in the upper layers owing to the progressively diminished heat extraction by the substrate is clearly observed in the figure. The com-puted peak temperatures are also compared with those obtained from an independent heat conduction calculations 13 in the figure. As expected, the rise in the peak temperature is more pronounced in the conduction model because the heattransfer by convection is ignored and the diminished heat transfer rate leads to rapid increase in temperature. Fig. 6shows that the computed cooling rates diminish from 6548 K/s in the first layer to 4245 K/s in the second layer and further to 2779 K/s in the third layer. The averagecooling rates independently estimated using a heat conduc- tion model were approximately 12 000 K/s and 6000 K/s in the first and third layers, respectively. These values are unre-alistically high because mixing of the hot and the cold liquids that reduce the temperature gradients in the melt pool is ignored in the heat conduction calculations. Since thecooling rate is the product of temperature gradient and the scanning velocity, the cooling rate decreases when the tem- perature gradient is reduced owing to mixing. The ratio of the temperature gradient G and the solidifi- cation growth rate R affects the solidification morphology. The constitutional supercooling criterion for plane front sol-idification is given by the following: G=R/C21DT E=DL; (8) FIG. 4. Thermal cycles at three monitoring locations in the first three layers. FIG. 5. Comparison of the computed peak temperatures at three monitoring locations within the three layers with those independently reported using a heat conduction model.13 FIG. 6. Variation of cooling rate at three monitoring locations in the threelayers. The results of the heat conduction calculations are from the literature. 13 FIG. 7. Variation of the computed values of the solidification parameter G/R, where G is the growth velocity and R is the temperature gradient.124905-6 Manvatkar, De, and DebRoy J. Appl. Phys. 116, 124905 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 04:44:42where DTEis the equilibrium solidification temperature range and D Lis the solute diffusion coefficient. For a given alloy, G/R defines the stability of the solidification front. Figure 7shows that the computed value of G/R decreases along the build height since the temperature gradient reducesin the upper layers because of heat buildup. The computed value of G/R decreases from 49.5 (K s)/mm 2in the first layer to 18.6 (K s)/mm2in the third layer. The value of DTEfor the stainless steel is 40 K and D Lfor Cr diffusivity in liquid steel is about 5 /C210/C03mm2/s. The resulting DTE/D Lof 8/C2104(K s)/mm2is much higher than the computed values of G/R in all the layers. Thus, a plane solidification front is unstable and the variation of G/R shows that solidification will occur with progressively lower stability of plane front inthe upper layers. The solidification structure will be either cellular or dendritic. Figure 8shows the computed variation of the average cell spacing in different layers. The cell spacing increases towards the upper layers from 4.5 lm in the first layer to 6lm in the third layer due to the reduction in the cooling rate at the solidification front. The cell spacings computedusing the cooling rates obtained from the conduction based models are much lower than the experimentally observed values 13and varied from 3.5 lmt o4 . 5 lm from the first to the third layer. Thus, the convective heat transfer calcula- tions provide much more realistic cell spacings than the heat conduction model. Figure 9shows the decrease in the computed hardness value towards the top layer owing to an increase in the cell spacing. The computed hardness decreases from 230 MPa inthe first layer to 209 MPa in the third layer. These values are lower than the values computed from an independent investi- gation using a heat conduction model 13and agree much more closely with the independent experimental results.13 V. CONCLUSIONS A three-dimensional, transient, heat transfer, and fluid flow model is developed and tested for the laser assisted dep- osition of a multilayer structure from coaxially fed austeniticstainless steel powder. The layer wise evolution of tempera- ture and velocity fields and melt pool geometry is examined for a three layered structure. The computed melt pool geometry agreed well with the corresponding independent experimentally measured results. Both the computed results and the experimentally deter-mined built geometry showed a slight increase in the melt pool size towards the upper layers. The computed cooling rates decreased progressively with the addition of new layers. The cooling rates decreased from about 6550 K/s in the first layer to about 2780 K/s in the third layer. These results are in agreement with the inde-pendently observed changes in the solidification structure. Both the independently observed coarsening of the cell struc- ture and the consequent decrease in the hardness of the de-posited material in the upper layers agree well with the computed variation of cooling rates in different layers. The computed cell spacings from the computed cooling rates and empirical equations available in the literature were in the range of 4–6 lm. These values agreed well with inde- pendent experimentally determined results. The hardnessvalues computed using the computed cooling rates agreed fairly well with the independent experimentally determined results. The results show that ignoring convection in the liquid pool results in unrealistically high cooling rates and the use of heat transfer and fluid flow model provides much morereliable results of cooling rates, cell spacings, and hardness than those obtained using a heat conduction model. 1D. D. Gu, W. 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Critical current enhancement in fieldoriented YBa2Cu3O7−δ K. Chen, B. Maheswaran, Y. P. Liu, B. C. Giessen, C. Chan, and R. S. Markiewicz Citation: Applied Physics Letters 55, 289 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.102407 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.102407 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/55/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Inplane textured YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films and their critical current characteristics AIP Conf. Proc. 273, 366 (1992); 10.1063/1.43580 Fluxcreeplimited critical currents in YBa2Cu3O7−δ ceramics Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 1135 (1989); 10.1063/1.102459 High critical currents and flux creep effects in egun deposited epitaxially 00L oriented superconducting YBa2Cu3O7−δ films AIP Conf. Proc. 182, 172 (1989); 10.1063/1.37948 Controllable reduction of critical currents in YBa2Cu3O7−δ films Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 1010 (1988); 10.1063/1.100652 Texture formation and enhanced critical currents in YBa2Cu3O7 Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 1525 (1988); 10.1063/1.99696 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 02:30:43Critical current enhancement in field~oriented YBa2 Cus 07 _ S K. Chen,a),d) B. Maheswaran,a),d) Y. P. LiU,b) B, C. Giessen,C),rJ) C. Chan,b) and R. S. Markiewicza),d) Northeastern University, Boston. lvlassachusetts 02115 (Received 2 March 1989; accepted for publication 15 May 1989) The crystalline anisotropy of YBa2 Cu) °7 .. (i is found to have a significant effect in degrading critical current Je" Pressed polycrystalline pellets offield-oriented grains have signiilcantly higher Jc values ( > 5 times larger) than unoriented samples of the same materiaL Effects of annealing and metal doping are also discussed. The recent discovery of high-temperature oxide super conductors, I including a number of materials which super conduct above liquid-nitrogen temperature,l-5 has stimulat ed considerable interest and activity. A limitation to applications of these materials is the low critical current den sity J, measured in bulk poly crystalline samples. It has been shown that these low Je values are not intrinsic, but are due to poor intergrain coupling. Here we report a new technique to increase transport Jc by aligning single-crystal grains in a magnetic field and then pressing and sintering into a dense pellet. The transport Jc in the a-b plane of these magnetical ly-oriented samples can exceed 1350 A/em2, more than five times higher than we find in similar unoriented samples. Farrell et al. (, showed that a crystalline grain of YBa2Cu\07 h (YBCO) can be aligned in an intense mag netic field such that the direction having the greatest mag netic susceptibility lies along the field. For YBCO, this direc tion is along the c axis. In the present experiments, this technique is used to make dense, pressed pellets. YBCO sam ples were annealed at 990°C in air ( or flowing O2 ) for one or two days to obtain single crystal grain size:::::; 10 p.m, as determined by optical microscopy. Then the samples were ground to a fine powder, either in chloroform suspension or using a ball mill, such that the average grain size is less than 10 pm. These powders were then mixed with 2% by volume of a surfactant (Triton or ordinary soap), dissolved in an equal volume of chloroform, stirred in an ultrasonic vibrator for 30 min,7 and then poured into a heat-treated eu-Be die. The die was then placed in a magnetic field of 5 T or higher, where the solution was left to evaporate ( ~ 2 h). The dry mixture (powder and surfactant) was then pressed into a peBet using a pressure ~ 5 kbar. The pellets were first sintered at 300°C for 1 h to evaporate the surfac tant, then annealed at 950 "C for two days, The degree of orientation was determined from x-ray reflection spectra. The reflectivity is from the broad face of the sample, perpendicular to the c axis in an oriented sample, so that in a perfectly aligned sample only (OOI)-refiections would contribute to x-ray reflection. Orientation is mea sured by the relative intensity r of a forbidden (non-OOl) ", Department of Physics. h) Department of Electrical Engineering. ,) Department of Chemistry. d) Barnett Institute. reflection, compared to an unoriented sample. We defineS the orientation factor P by p= (1-nXlOO%. (1) In Ref. 9, we show how P can be related to average mosaic spread of the c axis. For instance, P = 98% corresponds to a spread of ~ 10° in the average c-axis orientation. After annealing, the samples were cut into rectangular bars with cross-sectional area -1 mm2• Silver paint contacts were painted on the top surface of the sample. Then the sam ple was sintered at 900 °C for 1-2 h in flowing oxygen. Pre liminary microscopic studies;o indicate that during this heat treatment, the silver essentially fills the surface pores of granular YBCO, and improves the contact between grains, hence reducing the contact resistance. The contact resistiv ity was -10 5_10 -6 n cm2 at liquid-nitrogen temperature (77 K). Leads were attached to the annealed silver contacts using indium or tin. A four-terminal method was used to determine the transport critical current density. The dis tance between the two voltage probes was ~ 1.3 mm. The resistive transition is sharp (Fig. 1), and we define the nomi nal Jc to be that current at which a 1 pV signal appears across the voltage leads. All J, values were measured at liq uid N2 temperature, 77 K. Measured values of transport Je are shown in Fig. 2, both for (a) field-aligned and (b) unaligned samples. We I(A) FIG, 1. [-Veurve ofa field-aligned, pressed, sintcrcd YEa, CUi) 07 ,\ pellet with cross-sectional area 0.4;( 2.26 mm', J, ~640 A/em'. 289 Appl. Phys. Lett. 55 (3), 17 July 1989 0003-6951 i89/290289-03$Ol .00 (C) 1989 American Institute of Physics 289 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 02:30:43find considerable spread in Je values from samples prepared at different times, but by preparing a batch of samples at the same time, under identical circumstances, we are able to dis cern consistent trends. Thus Fig. 2(b) shows Je vaJues of three batches of YBa2Cu}Z, 07,;, "'doped" with excess Z = Cu or Ag (this metal most probably occurs intergranu larly, as a second phase). In each case, J,. maximizes at a finite dopant concentration, x = 0.05 for Ag, 0.1 for Cu. Note that the excess Cu nearly doubles Je. The trends show up clearly even though the undoped Je varies from 25 to 140 A/cm! in different batches. The above data are for samples annealed for four days at 950°C. For longer anneals, the Jc of all samples varied in a random fashion between 150 and 250 A/cm2• In all cases studied, the field-oriented samples display considerably higher Jc values, from 440 to 1370 A/cm2• These Jc values are found to depend strongly on the duration of the 950°C sintering step. In the examples shown in Fig. 2(a) (arrows), the shorter sintering time is four days, the longer five to six days (see caption), and Jc can increase by > 30%. On the other hand, even longer sintering is found to be deleterious for J( .. Thus, the sample which showed J, of 1130 A/cm2 (four day anneal) and 1190 A/cm2 (six days) fell to 400 A/cm2 (eight days) and 150 A/cm2 (ten days). This result is typical of all samples. In contrast, the unorient ed samples had only low Jc values for anneals of up to ten days. The critical current values are also sensitive to grain size, which was varied by ball milling the samples for differ ent lengths of time. Typical results are shown in Fig. 3. By electron microscope examination, it was found that the 15 min ball milling corresponded to an average grain size < 10 pm, 30 min to a size <5 pm. 1500 )( (0) x 0 t 1 x 1000 xo Ii xo r J __ x _________________ ~ ----___ 0------'-, (b) J u"'~_--~B----~ (l .... 0 .... , <> - ----0-0----0 '0_ ~j~I~J.....ll, J ,I . 500 - 0.1 0.2 0.3 X (Ag, eu) FIG. 2. Transport critical current density in YBa, CUi (Z, )0, ". (a) Field-aligned pellets. Arrows indicate the effect of sintering for two more day, (x ~ 0) or one more day (Z ~ Cu. x 0.1). (b) Unorientcd pellets. Dashed line connects samples from a given batch. (0), (0), z = Cu, (u) Z = Ag. In the low J, batch (0) 39's purity CuO was used as a starting material. while the other batches used 5 'l's CuD. 290 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 55, No.3, 17 July 1989 1500r" ' ('a; '] " 25: _'~~~~..L....>~...LI~'~~~l~~ o 1::[' 67 r S6 Fe e5 t.. J_L--J o I ' 10 20 T(mlns) 30 40 ·FIG. 3. Ball mill time dependence of (a) transport critical current density J, : and (b) orientation factor P, for YB, CUi . ,07 "with Xcc () ( X ) or X= 0.1 (e). Preliminary measurements suggest that J, also de creases with time. Thus, the sample of Fig. 1 is the same as the x = 0.1 Cu sample of Fig. 2, showing the Jc has de creased by ~40% after two months' storage. The annealing results are very reminiscent of the work of Alford et ai, II They found that long-term annealing of extruded (but not field oriented) YBCO samples promoted grain growth and densification. Annealing also enhanced Jc, up to values of ~ 900 A/cm2 at a critical densifieation of ~90%, but Jc was found to decrease precipitously with further densification. Presumably, 11 oxygen diffuses in YBCO mainly along intergranular pores. Above the critical densification, the pores are scaled off' and the center of the sample is left oxygen deficient, thus accounting for the low Je values. Interestingly, we find that the orientation factor P is also significantly enhanced by annealing, typically from -90% in the pressed, unsintered sample to > 98% in well annealed samples. This enhancement of P continues even when J,. begins to decrease. The peak in Je versus particle size (milling time) in Fig. 3 can be understood as due to two effects. Tfthe particles are too large, they are not single crystalline, so both P and.i, arc low [Note that Pmonotonically increases with milling time, Fig. 3 (b) 1. On the other hand, Jc decreases if the particles are too small, probably due to weakened superconductivity at the particle surface (source of intergranular Josephson coupling). Ekin 12 has suggested that anisotropy should be the sec ond most important factor limiting Jr" next in importance to the weak, Josephson-like intergranular coupling. We have demonstrated that anisotropy does indeed play an important role in Je reduction. Even in the oriented samples, links between grains remain weak. This can be seen from the strong Held dependence of Jc' which we will report in a sepa rate publication. This result is consistent with that of Dimos Chen etal. 290 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 02:30:43et al.]J who found that in-plane grain misalignment causes large lc reductions. K. Chen, B. Maheswaran, R. S. Markiewicz, and B. C. Giessen acknowledge support by E.!. DuPont de Nemours Co., Inc. This is pUblication 373 of the Barnett Institute. tJ. G. llednorz and K. A. Muller, Z. Phys. B 64,189 (1986). 2M. K. Wu, J. R. Ashburn, C. J. Torng, P. M. Mor, R. L. Meng, L Gao, Z. I. Huang, Y. Q. Wang, and C. W. Chu.l'hys. Rev. Lett. 58, 908 (1987). 3M. A. Subramanian, C. C. Torardi, J. C. Calabrese, J. Gopalakrishnan, K. J. Morrissey, T. R. Askevi, R. B. Flippen, U. Chowdhry, and A. W. Sleight, Scienl'e 239,1015 (1988). 'z. Z. Sheng, A. M. Hermann, A. El Ali, C. Almasan, 1. Estrada, T. Datta, and R. J. Matson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 937 (\988). 291 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 55, No.3, 17 July 1 S89 ............................. ' ..... " ....... r····· .. ···.'.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.v.·.·.·.·.·.'.· .• ; •.•.•.•. -; ...........•.....•.•.•.•... :.:.~ .•.•. : ....... -........•.. ~.-................. -............. . 'P. Maldar, K. Chen, ll. Maheswaran, A. Roig-Janicki, N. R. Jaggi, R. S. Markiewicz, and B. C. 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High T c screenprinted YBa2Cu3O7−x films: Effect of the substrate material Narottam P. Bansal, Rainee N. Simons, and D. E. Farrell Citation: Applied Physics Letters 53, 603 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.100632 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.100632 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/53/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Preparation of the TlBaCaCuO thick film by processing the screenprinted BaCaCuO film in Tl2O3 vapor Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 1573 (1990); 10.1063/1.103216 Preparation and characterization of high Tc YBa2Cu3O7−x thin films on silicon by dc magnetron sputtering from a stoichiometric oxide target AIP Conf. Proc. 182, 8 (1989); 10.1063/1.37942 High T c superconductivity in YBaCuO screenprinted films Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 1110 (1988); 10.1063/1.100658 Preparation of superconducting YBaCuO thick films with preferred caxis orientation by a screenprinting method Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 606 (1988); 10.1063/1.100633 High T c YBa2Cu3O7−x thin films on Si substrates by dc magnetron sputtering from a stoichiometric oxide target Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 2263 (1988); 10.1063/1.99771 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 17:59:32High Tc screen"printed YBs2CU307 ~X fUms: Effect of the substrate material Narottam P. Bansal and Rainee N. Simons National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio 44135 D. E Farrell Physics Department, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 (Received 25 Apri11988; accepted for publication 15 June 1988) Thick films of YBa2Cu:>07 __ x have been deposited on highly polished alumina, magnesia spinel, nickel aluminum titanate (Ni-Al~Ti), and barium tetratitanate (Ba-Ti) substrates by the screen printing technique. They were baked at 1000 ·C for 15 min, oxygen annealed at a lower temperature, and characterized by electrical resistivity measurements, x~ray diffraction, and optical and scanning electron microscopy. Properties of the films were found to be highly sensitive to the choice of the substrate material. The film on Ba-Ti turned green after firing, due to a reaction with the substrate and were insulating, A film on Ni-Al-Ti had a Tc (onset) -95 I( and lost 90% of its resistance by -75 K.. However, even at 4 K it was not funy superconducting, possibly due to a reaction between the film and the substrate and interdiffusion of the reaction products. The film on alumina had Tc (onset) -96 K, Tc (zero) -66 K, and f1 Tc (10-90%) -10K. Our best film was obtained on spinel and had Tc (onset) ~ 94 K, zero resistance at 81 1(, and a transition wi.dth (10-90%) of -7 K. High Tc superconducting films may be useful for a var~ iety of microelectronic and microwave applications and a number of techniques have been employed 1,2 for their depo sition. Screen printing is a relatively simple method which has been explored by us3 and by other workers.",5 It may be particularly useful for the direct printing of microwave and electronic circuits. We have recently reported3 the optimjz~ ation of post-printing firing and annealing conditions for screen-printed Y-Ba-Cu-O films on alumina. In this letter, we report on the strong influence of the substrate material on the characteristics of the screen-print ed YBa2Cu307 _ x films. Thick films (30--60 ,um) on various substrates commonly used in microelectronics and micro wave integrated circuits have been characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD), optical and scanning electron micros~ copy (SEM), and resistivity measurements. YBa2Cu307 _~ x powder was prepared from Y 203 (Mo- 1ycorp 99.99%), BaC03 (ALFA technical grade), and CuO (ALFA ACS grade) powders by the solid-state reaction method folIowing a procedure essentially the same as de scribed previously. 6 Fine YBa2Cu307 ~ x powder was mixed thoroughly with an appropriate amount of organic vehicle to form a paste. This was printed on several flat ceramic sub strates through a stainless-steel screen. The substrate materi als used were high-purity alumina (superstrate 996 from Materials Research Corporation), spinel (S-145), barium tetratitanate (Ba~Ti, types D8512 and D-38), and nickel aluminum titanate (Ni-AI-Ti, type D~30) all supplied by Transtech, Inc. The films were oven dried at 300-350·C for 1.5-2 h. They were then heated at 5 ·C/min to 1000 ·C, held for 15 min, cooled at 3 ·C/min to 450 ·C, annealed for 3 h, and then finally slow cooled to ambient temperature. The complete sintering and annealing cycle was carried out in flowing oxygen. The film thickness was -30-60 ,urn as de termined using a surface profile measuring system (Dektak UD, Sloan Technology Corporation). The phases present in the baked films were identified from XRD patterns which were recorded using a Phillips ADP-3600 automated diffractometer equipped with a crys tal monochromator employing Cu Ka radiation. The film morphology was observed in an optical microscope and a SEM. Resistivity and its temperature dependence were mea sured in the standard four-probe configuration down to 4.2 K. Silver paint was used to attach the leads. We recently reported3 that the optimum firing condi tions for YBa2Cu307 x screen-printed films on alumina substrates are 15 min at 1000·C in oxygen. The films on various substrates in the present study were, therefore, fired under these conditions. The physical appearance, resistive transition temperatures Tc, the transition width (10-90%) TABLE I. Properties ofYBa2Cu307 ~ x films screen printed on various substrates, baked for 15 min at 1000 'C, and oxygen annealed at 450 'C for 3 h. Film No. Substrate 5 AlzO, MG-l Spine! NAT-I Ni~AI-Tia D38-1 Ba-Ttb D8512-1 Ba-Tib • Nickel aluminum titanate, b Barium tetratitanate, cnset 96 94 95 603 Appl. Phys. Lett 53 (7), 1 5 August 1988 T,(K) midpoint completion 89 66 87 81 88 Insulator Insulator 0003-6951/88/330603-03$01.00 6.1:(K) (10-90%) Color Adhesion 10 Black Excellent 7 Black Excellent 18 Black with Excellent greenish tinge Green Excellent Green Excellent @ 1988 American Institute of Physics 603 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 17:59:32!l, Te, etc. for various films are given in Table 1. All films had excellent adhesion with the substrate. The film on Ba-Ti had turned green after sintering due to a chemical reaction with the substrate. This was insulating at room temperature and no further resistivity measurements were carried out on this film. Those on Al203 and spinel were black and that on Ni Al-Ti had a light greenish tinge. Figure 1 shows the tempera ture dependence of a normalized resistivity for films on three different substrates fired under identical conditions. Film No.5 on alumina had Tc (onset) = 96 K, Tc (comple tion) = 66 K, and .6. Tc (10-90%) = 10 K. The large transi tion width may be due to the interdijfusion of aluminum as reported by other researchers.7 Alumina is reported8 to have a limited solubility in YBa2Cu307 but chemically decom poses it. The Tc of the unreacted YBa2Cu307 phase is not affected but the transition width becomes large due to the presence of the decomposition products as impurities. The film NAT-l on Ni-AI-Ti showed semiconducting behavior from room temperature to Tc (onset) -95 K and lost 90% of its resistance by ~ 75 K. However, it did not become fully §uperconducting even at 4.2 K. It also showed a -20% in crease in resistance on thermal cycling. A long tail in the resistivity versus temperature curve suggests the presence of severe inhomogeneities. An insulating second phase materi al in the grain boundaries and/or chemi.cal reactions at the interface are possible sources7 of such inhomogeneity. To observe the film-substrate interface a part of the NAT -1 film was mechanically scratched off. In the optical microscope the interface layer was observed to be green and the film surface also contained green particles. These observations strongly suggest that a chemical reaction occurred at the interface with the subsequent interdiffusion of the reaction products. The resistance ofthe film MG-l on the spinel sub strate remains almost unchanged between room tempera ture and the Tc (onset) -94 K where a sharp drop in resis tivity occurs and the film becomes fuUy superconducting at 81 K with t1 Tc (10-90%) of -7 K. The high Tc and rela tively sman resistive transition width of this film may sug gest very small or no interdiffusion of magnesium and a neg- 604 Appl. Phys. Lett, Vol. 53. No." 15 August 1986 H5 ~-1 O.b 0." 0.1 -.+o--~ ';0 -<>,k----;;25~lo-_c;:;.'oo TO!?[RA1URL K FIG. l. Temperature dependence of electrical resistivity of screen-printed YBa2CIl,07_x films on various substrates fired for 15 min at lOOO·C in oxygen: (X) A1203; (0) spinel; (D) Ni-Al titanate. ligible reaction at the film-substrate interface. According to Yan et aI.8 Mg substitutes at the copper sites in the YBaZCu307 structure and significantly decreases its Tc When YBaZCu307 was doped with 2 mol % ofMgO in place of CuO, its T" reduced from 91 to 65 K. Naito et al.7 ob served Tc (onset) values as low as 68 K for the Y-Ba-Cu-O films on MgO substrates prepared by electron beam codepo sition. A possible reason for this low Tc was suggested to be a large amount of interdiffusion of magnesium from the sub strate into the film. This is puzzling in view of the fact that they employed processing temperatures (-850 ·C) that were lower than those in the present study. The films on various substrates were smooth as shown in the optical micrographs in Fig. 2. The NAT -1 film was not homogeneous; it contained some green particles and the film-substrate interface was observed to be green. SEM mi crographs of some of the films on various substrates are pre sented in Fig. 3. In Fig. 4, the XRD patterns of films on various sub strates fired at 1000 °C for 15 min are compared with those for a bulk YBa2Cu30, <> x powder sample. All the diffraction FlO. 2. Optical micrographs of YBa,CU,07 _ x films screen printed on (a) Alz03, (b) spinel, (c) Ni-AI titanate, and (d) barium tetratitanate substrates and baked at l000·C for 15 min in oxygen. Bansal, Simons, and Farrell 604 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 17:59:32FIG. 3. Scanning electron micrographs of high-temperature superconduct ing YBa2Cu,07_x films screen printed on (a) AltO" (b) spinel, and (c) Ni-Al titanate substrates and sintered for 15 min at 1000·C in oxygen, lines of the perovskite superconducting phase are present in the films. The most prominent lines for Y 2BaCuOs at d = 2.989, 2.923, 2.824 A and for BaCu02 at d = 3.045 and 2.964 A are also present in some of the films. However, the intensities of these peaks, labeled as Yand B, are very weak. These results indicate that the films prepared in the present study consist of the perovskite superconducting phase along with very small concentrations of impurities. The XRD of the green film on Ba-Ti substrate showed the presence of no perovskite phase at alt Koinuma et 01.4 prepared superconducting films of Yb-Ba-Cu-O on yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) substrates by screen printing and firing them in air at 900 ·C. No infor mation about the film adhesion to the substrate was reported but their attempts to fabricate similarly fired superconduct ing films on quartz, alumina, or La2Cu04 substrates were not successful. Budhani et al.5 deposited superconducting films of Y -Ba~Cu-O on alumina and sapphire substrates by 605 Appl. Phys. Lett .• Vol. 53. No.7. 15 August 1988 ••••••••• ••• • ••••••••• <;· ••• ~.·;-7.V.·.~.·.·.~.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:,:.:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:-:.:.;.:.;.~.:.:.:.;.:.;-:o;.,.: •.•. -•. : .•••...•.• ,' .• ,.,.,',. B"f1AClJu2 Y -"2BACUo5 l I I I I I . (a) ~---L~l~·~l_!. ___ -.-.~ L.~)~·,,,,. , ~ I " b) I h. I '~ " . r----'-I' .. ''''J-L .. .J ....... ~l.,.."..,...j\......-.-.... I' ~ " I (e) I Y. B~\~; ~~ /'\ } , ~l~ ,~ '-"---' c....--"'J Ii t (d) . ___ ~~~...., __ "'_/"}"'_J.~I/ __ f'(:::::'\ __ ~::=:"::' 10 211 .$8 ~2 Gf) !ro 2 G. Df!> FIG. 4. X-ray diffraction spectra of (a) bulk powder, and screen-printed YBa2Cu,07 -x films on (b) Al,03' (c) spinel, and (d) Ni-Al titanate sub strates fired at 1000 'C for 15 min in oxygen. The unlabeled peaks corre spond to the perovskite superconducting phase. screen printing and sintedng at 1000 °C for 30 min in flowing oxygen. This resulted in phase separation and the presence of BaCu0 2 and Y 2CU20S in addition to YBa2Cu307 ,,' By contrast, the films synthesized in the present study were es senti.ally single phase perovskite YBaZCu307 _ x' A number of materials are being studied as interfacial barrier coatings to prevent the reaction between the sub strate and the superconducting film. The results of these in vestigations will be reported in the future. In conclusion, it has been shown that essentially single phase high Tc superconducting films can be synthesized us ing a relatively simple screen printing technique. Their prop erties are highly sensitive to the choice of the substrate mate rial. Spinel is the best substrate material we have tested, with zero film resistivity at 81 K and ATe (10-90%) -7 K. We are pleased to acknowledge technical assistance from Ron Phillips and Ralph Garlick. lA. Kapitl.llnik, B. Oh, M. Naito, K. Char, A. D. Kent, N. Missert, E. Hell man, S. Amason, J. W. P. Hsl.l, M. R. Hahn, P. Rosenthal, R. Barton, M. R. Beasley, T, H. Geballe, and R. H. Hammond (unpublished). 2M. Hong, J. Kwo, C. H. Chen, R. M. Fleming, S. H. Liou, M. E. Gross, B. A. Davidson, H. S. Chen, S, Nakahara, and T, Boone (unpublished). 'N. P. Bansal, R. N. Simons, ami D. E. Farrel!, Proc. Am.. Ceram. Soc. Mtg., Cincinnati, OH, May 1988 (unpublished). 4H. Koinuma, T. Hashimoto, T. Nakamura, K. Kishio, K. Kitazawa, and K. Fueki, Jpn. J. AppL Phys. 26, L761 (19B7). 'R. C. Budhani, S.-M. H. Tzeng, H. J, Doerr, and R. F. Bumnah, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51,1277 (1987). 6N. P. Bansal and A. L Sandkuhl, Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 323 (1988). 7M. Naito, R. H. Hammond, B. On, M. R. Hahn, J. W. P. Hsu, P. Ro senthal, A. F. Marshall, M. R. Beasley, T.H. Gebalie, and A. Kapitulnik, J. Mater. Res. 2, 713 (1987). 8M. F. Yan, W. W. Rhodes, and P. K. Gallagher, J. Appl. Phys. 63, 821 {l988}. Bansal, Simons. and Farrell 605 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 17:59:32
Contrast enhancement of resist images by surface crosslinkage H. Hiraoka, W. Hinsberg, N. Clecak, A. Patlach, and K. N. Chiong Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 6, 2294 (1988); doi: 10.1116/1.584073 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.584073 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvstb/6/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Enhanced contrast for vowels in utterance focus: A cross-language study J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 3022 (2006); 10.1121/1.2184226 Resist line edge roughness and aerial image contrast J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 19, 2890 (2001); 10.1116/1.1418413 Fast contrast-enhanced imaging with projection reconstruction Med. Phys. 27, 2828 (2000); 10.1118/1.1328387 Contrast enhancement of portal images by selective histogram equalization Med. Phys. 20, 199 (1993); 10.1118/1.597085 Calculation of image profiles for contrast enhanced lithography J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 6, 564 (1988); 10.1116/1.584400 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 00:16:14Contrast enhancement of resist images by surface cross .. linkage H. Hiraoka, W. Hinsberg, N. Clecak, and A. Patiach IBMAlmaden Research Center. San Jose. California 95120-6099 K. N. Chiang IBM 1: J. Watson Research Center. P. O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598 (Received 3 June 1988; accepted 2 August 1988) A general method of contrast enhancement which provides control of resist image wall profiles and is applicable to both positive and negative work.ing resists may be obtained by surface cross linking. The cross-linking is used in our process to retard dissolution at the resist surface. The creation of a slower dissolving surface layer affords greater control of wall profiles and enhanced contrast or sensitivity. One method is to use mid-and deep-UV flood exposure. For a negative working electron beam resist this method is the same as surface photo absorption for contrast enhancement. With our experimental resist containing 4,4'-diazido-diphenylsulfide as a sensitizer, the improvement in its electron beam sensitivity was not substantial. For a positive working photoresist, the same aromatic bisazide was added to conventional positive working photoresists composed of a diazo-naphthoquinone-type photosensitizer and novolac resin. A short-300-nm UV flood exposure fonowed the G-line imagewise exposures. Another method is to use diffusion-controlled chemical reactions by treating imagewise exposed resist films in a multifunctional cross-linking agent prior to image development. Using these methods, a higher contrast and wall profile centrol have been demonstrated with positive working photo and electron beam resists, I. INTRODUCTION Many advances in the field of optical lithography have made possible the extension of its resolution to the one-half-mi cron range. Advances have been made in optical systems, lithographic materials, and processes which use these mate rials. The use of contrast enhancing layers (CEL) in optical lithography contributes to the general effort to extend its capability. I However, because CEL depends on bleaching for its effect, its use requires an excessive dose of UV light. Further, its application is limited to positive working photo lithography. The surface photo absorption for contrast enhancement (SPACE) method has been reported for negative working electron beam resists, specifically RD2000N.2 With a deep UV flood exposure of ~ 10 mJ/cm2, in addition to imagewise electron beam exposures, an enhancement of con trast and resolution ofRD2000N resist is obtained. Further more, a sensitivity increase by a factor of 4 is reported in a negative working electron beam resist.2 Several other methods have been reported for increasing the resolution and contrast of photo resists such as the built on-mask (BOM)/,4 built-in-mask (BIM),5 and portable conformable mask (PCM) techniques.6 Related to contrast enhancement, wall profile control of resist images has been demonstrated using a profile modification technique (Pro mote),4,7 image reversal (ImRe),8 orchlorobenzene soak ing.9 However, these techniques are either complicated, or they are limited to a certain mode of lithography, and are applicable only for a specific kind of photoresist. We would like to expand the concept of SPACE to the more general case, including both positive and negative working resists. This surface cross-linking process may work for any kind of microlithography, although the results pre sented here are limited to positive working photoresists. Sur-face cross-linking is used in our process to retard dissolution at the resist surface. The creation of a slower dissolving sur face layer affords greater control of waH profiles and en hallCed contrast or sensitivity. There are several methods to achieve surface cross-linking. One approach is to use flood exposure with low-energy electron and ion beams. The sec ond method is to perform a mid-and deep-UV flood expo sure to activate a cross-linking agent like an aromatic bisa zide which has been added to a conventional photoresist. An aromatic bisazide like 4,4' -diazido-diphenylsulfide has an absorption band at 310 nrn and no absorption at the Hg G line at 436 nm. The third method of surface cross-linking is to use diffusion controlled, chemical reactions with a func tional reagent in an inert solvent. In the last case, improved contrast, wall profile control, and reduced resist thickness loss can be obtained. For the present purpose such a chemi cal treatment must be carried out prior to the image develop ment, which is different from similar image enhancement processes. 10 Ii. EXPERIMENTAL A. Resist formulation For photochemical surface cross-linking, an aromatic bi sazide was added to a composite photoresist of a diazon aphthoquinone-type photosensitizer and a cresol-formalde hyde novolac resin. The requirement for the aromatic bisazide is that its UV absorption range should be far away from the Hg G-line (436 nm), wi.th which these photoresists are imagewisc exposed. Typically, 4,4'-diazido-diphenylsul fide and 3,3' -diazido-diphenylsulfone meet this require ment. Other cross-linking agents may also qualify for our purpose. The results presented here were obtained with 4,4' diazido-diphenylsulfide added to a concentration of 10 wt. % of total solids. Positive working photoresists like 2294 J. Vae. Sci. Techno!. B 6 (6), Nov/Dec 1988 0734-211X/88/062294-04$01.00 19 1988 American Vacuum Society 2294 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 00:16:142295 Hiraoka et sl.: Contrast enhancement of resist images AZl350J, AZ1350J, AZ1450J, and AZ1375 were success fully tested in our experiments. B. Imagewise UV exposures Projection printing using Perkin-Elmer model 500 and 300 aligners, and proximity printing with a Cobalt aligner were carried out. all yielding equivalent results. C. MidaUV flood exposure An array of Rayonet photochemical reactor lamps for 300-nm irradiation was used with exposure times of8 to 14 s. This lamp bank has an output of 1 rnJ/cm2 with almost 80% in a range of 300 to 320 nrn and the rest at 254 nm. D. Scanning electron beam exposures Electron beam exposures were done in our facility using a vector-scan electron beam exposure system. E. Diffusionacontrolled chemical crossalinklng Prior to image development but after imagewise exposure, the resist film was dipped into a xylene solution containing cross-linking agents heated at 60 "C for 2 to 8 min. After this treatment, thorough rinsing in xylene is necessary. F.lmage development A KOH-based developer AZ2401 was diluted four times by volume in water. The image development was carried out in a dipping mode. As described later, mid-UV flood-ex posed resist films required a longer development time than the unexposed ones by a factor which depended on the imagewise exposure scan speed and the mid-UV ft.ood expo sure period. Similarly, chemically surface-treated resist films took longer image development times than the ones without the treatment. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Wall profile control by photochemical surface cross~linkage Without a mid-UV flood exposure after imagewise expo sure, the patterns obtained with the modified resist formula tion are exactly the same as those obtained with unmodified resist, as shown in Fig< 1 (a). The characteristic of non inter ference of these two photoactive compounds (PAC), the positive working diazonaphthoquinone-type PAC and a negative working, cross-linking aromatic bisazide. has been reported in a dual tone resist. 1 1,12 With a short mid-UV flood exposure after imagewise ex posure but prior to image development, only superficial cross-linking occurs. The extent of cross-linking depends on the mid-UV flood exposure period, the concentration of aro matic bisazide and on its absorption spectrum (thereby on the structure of the aromatic bisazide), The results present ed here were obtained with 4,4'-diazido-diphenylsulfidc at a concentration of 10 wt. % of total solids. As shown in Fig. l(b), with a short flood exposure (8 mJ/cm2 for 8 s), a surface cross-linked layer appears with small undercutting. The image development behavior of UV flood-exposed J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 13, Vol. 6, No.6, Nov/Dec 1938 2295 FIG. l. SEM photographs of AZ1450J containing an aromatic bisazide with imagewise exposure using No.4 filter by PE-500; (a) no UV flood exposure, 8000 scan speed, 120 sin (1:4) AZ2401 developer, (b) 8-s UV flood exposure, 8000 scan speed, 150 s in the developer, (c) no UV flood exposure, 6000 scan speed, 90 s in the developer, and (d) 14 s UV flood exposure, 6000 scan speed, 130 s ill the developer. AZ1450J film with an added bisazide is shown in Fig. 2, and the resist film thickness after complete image development and development times are shown in Table I, using varying scan speeds ofthe PE-500 aligner. During the development, the mid-UV flood exposed resist layers show no thickness loss, while in absence of the flood exposure a small amount of thickness loss is always observed. This thickness loss is par ticularly severe with micron-sized images as shown in Fig. 1 (c) in comparison with Fig. 1 (d). However, in electron beam exposures of a negative-tone resist composed of chlor inated cresol-formaldehyde novolac resin and 4,4/ -diazido diphenylsulfide,13 no large sensitivity enhancement was ob served, although a small, but definite increase due to reduced Development Time, min. FIG. 2. Dissolution rates of AZ 14501 exposed by PE-500 aligner with No. 4 filter in ( 1:4) AZ240 1 developer for different scan speeds: (-) without UV flood exposure, (---) with 8 mJ/cm2• (0, It) 800088 (6, AI.) 600088. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 00:16:142296 Hiraoka et af.: Contrast enhancement of resist images TABU L AZ 1450J with 4,4' -bisazido-diphenylsulfide ( 10 wt. % of solids) . Mid-UV Resist exposure thickness Development (s) ({lm) (min) (a) 4000 scan speed (PE-SOO): 0 1.850 3.5 8 1.955 4.7 II 1.955 5.7 (b) 6000 scan speed (PE-500): 0 1.960 3.4 8 1.975 4.2 (c) 8000 scan speed (PE-SOO): 0 1.940 3.8 8 1.980 5.1 resist thickness loss has been noticed, as shown in Fig. 3. More experiments are necessary to further establish these factors. Electron beam exposures of a positive working pho toresist will be reported next. B. Diffusion-controlled surface cross-linkage A dual tone photoresist with an added aromatic bisazide cannot be used in electron beam lithography, because both bisazide and diazonaphthoquinone photoactive compounds undergo electron beam induced reactions, which provide op posing effects to the dissolution characteristic of novolac res ins. One solution for this nonselective behavior of electron beams is to use high flood exposure doses onow-energy elec tron or ion beams after imagewise exposures, so that cross linking ranges are limited by shallow penetration depths of keY energetic particles. The high-dose electron or ion beam exposure for surface cross-linkage is not limited for doped novolac resin-based photoresists, but it works on nondoped photo resists as well. Another method is to use diffusion-controlled chemical reactions with a multifunctional cross-linking agent dis- 1.0 '" c 'c '(ij E OJ a: "' '" '" c -'" .!2 0.5 .r:: l- t; '1); ., a: '" .~ '" 0; a: 0.0 1.0 10.0 100.0 Dose, 1O-6C/cm2 FIG. 3. Effects of UV flood exposures on the electron beam sensitivity of chlorinated cresol-formaldehyde novolac resin-4,4' -diazido diphenylsul fide. (---) 0 flood UV, (-. -) 8 mJ/cm', and (-) 12 mJ/cm2• J. 'lac. Sci. Techno!. 5, Vol. 6, No.6, Nov/Dec 1988 2296 solved in an inert solvent like xylene. A silicon containing compound is used in the present study. However, it is not limited to such a compound, but many others will serve for the same purpose. The result obtained is shown in Fig. 4. Diffusion-controlled surface cross-linking is applied with the retention ofthe resist working mode. It works in positive tone without image reversal and without a further excessive dose of UV or electron beam exposure. Figures 4(a) and 4(b) show patterns of resist films from the same wafer, which are exposed in exactly the same way imagewise, with a Perkin-Elmer model 300 aligner, after prebaking at 85°C for 15 min. Figure 4 (a) is the image obtained in (1:4) AZ2401ldeveloper after 1.0 min development with a thick ness loss of 0.025 11m from the original thickness of' 2.405 lim. Figure4(b) is the image obtained after a chemical treat ment at 60 cC, followed by rinsing and 2.5-min development in ( 1:4) AZ2401 developer with no thickness loss. The con trast of the images has been improved significantly, as shown. The resist wall profile control may be possible in this way. The enhancement of oxygen reactive ion etching and thermal flow resistances of developed resist images treated in a similar process has been reported. 10 The diffusion-controlled chemical treatment has been successfully applied to a positive working electron beam re sist as shown by undercutting structures of AZ1450J shown in Fig. 5. Figure 5(a) shows the AZ1450J resist images of25 keY scanning electron beams with a dose of 50 f.1C/cm2. The images were developed in (1:4) AZ2401 developer for 50 s with a thickness loss 01'0.08 f.1m from the original thickness of2.525 f.1m. Figure 5 (b) shows the images developed after a 2.S-min chemical treatment at 60°C of the electron beam exposed AZ 1450J resist films with a dose of 50 f.1C/cm2• The image development took longer, 2.5 min, but due to the sur face cross-linking no thickness loss was observed. Instead, the undercut wall profile with a clearly defined opening was obtained. In order to obtain this kind of wall profile in elec tron beam lithography, a much higher electron exposure dose is required with such a slow photoresist, 14 indicating a practical improvement in the positive working electron beam resist. FIG. 4. Effect of a diffusion-controlled chemical treatment on positive working AZ1450J photoimages; (a) no treatment after imagewise expo sure, followed by development in (1:4) AZ2401 developer for 1.0 min, and (b) 705 min in a cross-linking agent containing xylene at 60 "C, fol lowed by rinsing and image development in (1:4) AZ2401 developer for 2.5 min. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 00:16:142297 Hlraoka et al.: Contrast enhancement of resist images FIG. 5. Effect of a diffusion-controlled chemical treatment on positive working AZ1450J electron beam images with 50 fJ.C/cm", (a) no treat ment after scanning c-beam exposure, followed by image development in (1:4) AZ240i developer for 50 s, and (b) 2.5 min in a cross-linking agcnt containing xylene at 60 'C, iollowed by rinsing and imagc development in (1:4) AZ2401 developer for 2.5 min. IV. CONCLUSION Surface cross-linkage provides a means to control the wall profiles of resist images, and to reduce resist thickness loss J. Vac. Sci. TechnoL e, Vol. 6, No.6, Nov/Dec 1985 2297 during image development. Surface cross-linking by photo chemical reactions has been applied to positive working pho toresists. For positive working optical and electron beam resists, diffusion-controlled chemical reactions using a mul tifunctional cross-linking agent have been successfully ap plied, 'P. R. West and B. F. Griffing, Proc. SPIE 394,33 (1983). 20. Suga, E. Aoki, S. Okazaki, F. Murai, H. Shiraishi, and S. 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Pianetta, Pmc. SPIE 920, 128 (1988). \'M. Hatzakis, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. 12, 1276 (1975). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 00:16:14
Deep level formation and band bending at metal/CdTe interfaces J. L. Shaw, R. E. Viturro, L. J. Brillson, D. Kilday, M. Kelly, and G. Margaritondo Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 6, 1579 (1988); doi: 10.1116/1.575330 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.575330 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/6/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Interdiffusion, interfacial state formation, and band bending at metal/CdTe interfaces J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 7, 489 (1989); 10.1116/1.576208 Chemically controlled deep level formation and band bending at metalCdTe interfaces Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 1723 (1988); 10.1063/1.99806 Interfacial deeplevel formation and its effect on band bending at metal/CdTe interfaces J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6, 2752 (1988); 10.1116/1.575500 Effects of surface preparation on the properties of metal/CdTe junctions J. Appl. Phys. 54, 5982 (1983); 10.1063/1.331776 Fermi level pinning at metalCdTe interfaces Appl. Phys. Lett. 40, 484 (1982); 10.1063/1.93151 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:41:44Deep level formation and band bending at metal/CdTe interfaces J. L. Shaw, A. E. Viturro, and L. J. Brillson Xerox Webster Research Center. Webster. New York 14580 D. Kilday, M. Kelly, and G. Margaritondo University of Wisconsin. Madison. Wisconsin 53706 (Received 4 November 1987; accepted 29 December 1987) We present depth resolved photoluminescence and soft x-ray photoemission spectra of cleaved (110) CdTe interfaces with Au and In measured as a function of thermal and laser annealing. These techniques reveal Fermi-level positions at the processed interfaces which are clustered around discrete energies, which in tum coincide with the energies of deep levels produced by interdiffusion and reaction at metal/CdTe interfaces. I. INTRODUCTION Metal interfaces with CdTe are of interest both as a prototy pical example of a II-VI semiconductor interface and as a key factor in device applications. 1 Metal contacts to CdTe have been produced with a wide range of barrier heights.2 However, reproducible results for the same metal are often difficult to achieve. 2 One reason for the poor reproducibility is the variable quality of CdTe crystals, which may contain large concentrations of deep and shallow levels due to both native defects and impurities. Segregation of either Cd or Te at the interface may produce additional states. For example. a traditional method of fabricating Ohmic contacts to p CdTe utilizes the p + layer, presumably created when Cd is depleted from the surface with etchants.3 The relationship of the interface electronic structure and chemistry at contacts to etched surfaces is difficult to determine, however, since it is complicated by various oxides and other contaminants.4.5 We measured the formation of deep levels at clean metal! CdTe interfaces with photoluminescence spectroscopy (PLS), Fermi-level movements at the interface with soft x ray photoemission spectroscopy (SXPS). and barrier heights with internal photoemission as a function of metal coverage and annealing. By using these complementary techniques, we are able to observe both the phenomenon of band bending, and the formation of gap states at the inter face, often cited as a possible cause of band bending. II. EXPERIMENTAL We prepared CdTe surfaces by cleaving bars of bulk grown material in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) to expose the (110) face. SXPS measurements were carried out at the Uni versity of Wisconsin Synchrotron Radiation Center Grass hopper II beam line with spectral resolution better than 0.15 eV. We measured surface (bulk) sensitive Cd 4d and Te 4d core level spectra using photon energies of 70 e V (40 e V) and 100 eV (70 eV), respectively. The specimens used to make SXPS measurements of Au and In interfaces (Cleve land Crystals Inc.) had resistivities of 10 and 1000 n cm respectively. The crystal used for the PL measurement~ (Galtech Inc.) had resistivity> 106 n cm. We reduced the resistivity of this crystal by annealing it at 800·C in a sealed high-purity quartz ampule in the presence of Cd metal. 3 Oh mic In contacts were prepared by heating in a reducing at-mosphere.6 Based on the sample resistivity of 2.3 n cm and assumingJt = 1000 cm2 IV s at room temperature we calcu late a net ionized donor concentration of 2.7X 1015 cm-3• We P!epared a Au/CdTe interface by thermal deposition of loo-A Au onto a cleaved (110) surface of the Cd-treated Galtech crystal. We then annealed the interface in UHV' first at room temperature, then at 300 ·C for 2 min, and final~ ly with a XeCI excimer laser producing 0.1 J!cm2 at 308 nm in 5-ns pulses at the interface. Internal photoemission spec tra (IPS) of this interface were measured in situ at 15 K by contacting the Au covered surfaces with a smooth Au wire tip. The photocurrent was induced by light from a prism monochromator illuminated with a quartz-halogen bulb. In situ 15 K PL spectra were measured using the same mono chromator and a Ge detector. The response of the detection system was corrected numerically by comparison of a black body spectrum with the measured spectrum of the quartz halogen bulb. Electron-hole pair excitation was provided by HeNe and HeCd lasers emitting 6328 A (red) and 4416 A (blue) photons, which have extinction depths in CdTe of -2000 and 1000 A, respectively (based on theoretical val ues of the complex dielectric function 7). Comparison of PL spectra excited with blue versus red light provided an effective means of distinguishing between bulk and near-interface recombination centers. The built-in electric field eliminates diffusion of excited electron-hole pairs generated within the depletion width. II Thus the rela tive intensity of luminescence from deep levels located only near the surface is increased in spectra for which electron hole pairs are excited close to the surface in comparison with spectra excited deeper within the depletion layer. Band bending can also be detected since transitions involving loosely bound carriers are quenched within the depletion layer. Transitions from deep levels will occur even in the presence of an electric field, provided that the capture cross sections of the states are large enough to keep the states pop ulated despite the reduced free-carrier concentration. III. RESULTS Figure I shows two PL spectra of an aged Au/CdTe inter face excited with red (bottom) and blue (top) light. Two features, a peak at 1.57 and a shoulder at 1.0 eV, are present in the red light excited spectrum only. The states associated 1579 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6 (3), May/Jun 1988 0734-2101/88/031579-05$01.00 © 1988 American Vacuum Society 1579 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:41:441580 Shaw et al.: Deep level formation and band bending > ~ en z UJ ~ Z w U Z w U (/) w z ~ ::J ...J Au/CdTe PL 14 K 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 PHOTON ENERGY(eV) FIG. 1. 14 K photoluminescence spectra of an aged Au/CdTe interface as excited with 6328-and 4416-A light. with these transitions have low capture cross sections and can be filled only in the neutral region, where a small fraction of the red light penetrates. (Assuming a donor concentra tion N D = 2.7 X lOIS cm -3, and a barrier height of 0.6 eV, the depletion layer will be ~5100 A wide, so that -8% of the red light will penetrate into the neutral bulk. ) In contrast to the features at 1.0 and 1.57 eV, excitation with blue light increases the 1.1-eV peak intensity relative to the peak at 1.4 eV. This feature may therefore be associated with a state concentrated close to the metal interface. Figure 2 shows blue light excited PL spectra ofa CdTe surface just after cleaving, and covered with 100 A of Au after aging, thermally annealing, and laser anneaJing. We find that cleaving in vacuum is necessary to produce uniform and unpinned surfaces. Air-exposed and etched surfaces produce PL spectra which vary across the surface and have much lower intensity than the spectrum ofthe UHV cleaved surface shown. This spectrum shows transitions at 1.57, 1.4, 1.1, and 1.0 eV. The peaks at 1.57 and 1.4 eV are commonly observed.9 The 1.57-eV peak may be resolved into several lines corresponding to bound excitation and donor-valence band transitions. The presence of this peak shows that no band bending is present at the cleaved surface. The 1.4-eV peak is made up of several phonon replicas arising from do nor-acceptor recombination." The broadband near 1 eV is made up of two peaks at 1.0 and 1.1 eV. Spectra of UHV cleaved surfaces excited with red and blue light have identi cal shape. After measuring initial PL spectra, 100 A of Au was de posited onto the same surface. No luminescence could be detected immediately after Au deposition; however, lumi nescence returned after aging the interface for one day. The J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A, Vol. 6, No.3, May/Jun 1988 Au/CdTe PL 14 K 4416A annealed 300 C 100 A Au aced 20hr 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.S PHOTON ENERGY(eV) 1580 x200 x200 1.7 FIG. 2. 14 K photoluminescence spectra excited with 4416-A light of a UHV cleaved (110) surface of Cd treated CdTe (Galtech) and the 100-A Au/CdTe interface aged 20 h, annealed at 300 'C for 2 min, and laser an nealed at 0.1 l/cm'. peak at 1.57 eV is quenched in this spectrum, indicating band bending. Band bending at this interface was verified with IPS, which showed the EF position to be 0.7 eV below the conduction-band miminum (Ec). The peak at 1.0 eV was also quenched by the electric field. As shown for a simi lar interface in Fig. 1, the intensity of the peak at 1.1 e V relative to the peak at 1.4 eV was larger in the blue light excited spectrum than in the red light excited spectrum, indi cating that the associated state is concentrated near the sur face. This result is confirmed by the additional increase in the relative height of the l.l-eV peak found in the spectrum measured after thermal annealing. Laser annealing induced several dramatic changes in the PL spectrum. The donor-acceptor band formerly peaked at 1.4 eV shifted nearly 50 meV to lower energy. This shift was reduced by 10 meV in the spectrum excited with red light. The I.l-e V peak associated with interface states is also shift ed to lower energy. The relative intensity of the 1.35-and l eV peaks is also reversed from the previous spectra. Finally, the high-energy tail of a new emission is found just above 0.73 eV, the cutoff of our Ge detector. Each of these changes was exaggerated in the spectra excited with blue light com pared to the red light excited spectra. We were able to ob serve the peak of a low-energy emission similar to the 0.7-eV tail promoted by laser annealing in a CdTe specimen doped with Ga by using an InSb detector. This emission peaked at 0.64 eV. The SXPS Cd 4d and Te 4d core level spectra of a CdTe surface measured as a function of Au coverage and subse quent annealing are shown in Fig. 3. Valence-band spectra of the cleaved surface indicated an initial E F position just below Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:41:441581 Shaw et al.: Deep level formation and band bending 24 26 28 24 26 28 KINETIC ENERGY FIG. 3. Soft x-ray photoemission Te 4d and Cd 4d core level spectra of a CdTe( I 10) surface: cleaved. after deposition of the Au coverages indicated. and after laser annealing at the power levels indicated. Ee. The Te 4d doublet is well resolved and showed little chemical shift, either in the bulk or surface sensitive spectra, thus providing a straightforward reference for Fermi-level shifts. The Te 4d core level shifts continuously to higher kinetic energy with Au coverage, showing Fermi-level >tiii z w ~ H 53 54 55 56 CdTe (110). In 55 56 57 58 KINETIC ENERGY (eV) J. Vac. ScI. Technol. A, Vol. 6, No.3, May/Jun 1988 59 55 1581 movement toward the valence-band maximum (E v), The final EF position after 20-A Au deposition was 0.5 ± 0.2 eV above Ev. The EF position moved 0.4 eV back toward Ee after aging the interface at room temperature one day. Changes in SXPS core level intensities reveal that Te outdif fusion and Cd dissociation accompanied the core level shift after aging. Laser annealing the surface caused further E F movement until the Te 4d peak returned to its initial posi tion. The EF shifts found as the interface was formed and subsequently annealed are plotted in Fig. 5. The In 4d, Te 4d, and Cd 4d core level spectra measured as In was deposited and after laser annealing are shown in Fig. 4. Analysis of the valence-band spectra of the clean surface showed the E F position to be at midgap, close to the position expected for a high-resistivity sample without band bending. The initial O. 5-A In coverage leads immediately to a metallic In peak plus a small reacted (In-Te) component. Neither the Cd 4d or Te 4d peaks show any reaction, but both shift 0.3 e V towards lower energy, showing E F movement toward Ee. Increased In coverage causes no further energy shifts or shape changes. Strong and complete In bonding does occur upon laser annealing, as indicated by the large In 4d shift to higher binding energy. The bonding occurs simultaneously with EF shifts toward Ee. The EF shift occurs in two stages with power thresholds at -0.15 and 0.7 J/cm2• This staged band bending induced by annealing is shown in Fig. 5. IV. DISCUSSION Both metal deposition and thermal processing cause pro nounced changes in CdTe deep level emission and EF posi tion. The initial E F position at the In/CdTe interface was 0.8 56 57 58 59 FIG. 4. Soft x-ray photoemission In 4d. Te 4d. and Cd 4d core level spectra of a CdTe( I 10) surface: cleaved. after deposition of the In coverages indicated. and after laser annealing at the power levels indicated. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:41:441582 Shaw et al.: Deep level formation and band bending o 1.0 CD 0.5 0···· L.~} I > 0 2 4 ~ Q > In COVERAGE (AI w , ... w l.5 "'~'T -II-,- l.0 0 0 0.5 0 I.-..-.-L 0 2 4 Q Au COVERAGE (AI o 20 00 0 o 0.2 o In/p'CdTe OA 0.6 J/cm2 0.8 l---LASER ANNEALlNG~ --~. ---'----------"\ 0 0 0 0 I 36HR I 0 Au/n-CdTe 20 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 J/cm2 FIG. 5. Fermi-level positions relative to the valence-band edge for the Inl CdTe interface and the Au/CdTe interface as a function of metallization and laser annealing. e V above E v' This position is 0.9 e V lower in the gap than expected from a classical work function model. The low po sition may be caused by midgap defects present in the bulk material or the In-Te reaction indicated in the In 4d core spectrum measured at submonolayer coverage. The E F posi tion at the clean and still relatively abrupt Au interface is only 0.5 eV above E v' however this position is unstable, even at room temperature. The initial EF position is in agreement with a work function model for barrier height 10.11 and argues strongly against a metal-induced gap states model. 12 Similar results have been obtained previously with alloyed Au/Cd/ n-CdTe interfaces I, and occasionally at pure Au interfaces with cleaved n-CdTe.2 After aging the Au/CdTe interface at room temperature in UHV, both IPS and SXPS show EF movement to E v + 0.9 eV, accompanied by Au-Te interdif fusion. This higher E F position is the one usually reported. 14 Thus, larger Schottky barrier heights than usually found can be achieved by preventing Au-CdTe interdiffusion. If the low-energy (0.64-eV) PL peak is due to a transition between a shallow donor and a deep state, the energy of the deep state will be -0.7 eV below the conduction-band minimum. The correlation between the E F position and the energy of this deep state suggests that the state is stabilizing the EF• Further E1' movement occurs as both the Au and In/ CdTe interfaces are laser annealed. The EF movements plot ted in Fig. 5 show that the E F is stabilized at an intermediate position near 1 eV. Again, this position corresponds to the energy of a deep level revealed in the PL spectra. We mea sured surface photovoltage and photocapacitance spectra which allow us to assign the I.I-e V peak to a transition with the valence band, showing that the deep level is 1.1 e V above E v' PL transitions below 1.4 eV apparently located at the surface region have been reported previously,9,14 however, J. Vac. Sci. Techno/. A, Vol. 6, No.3, May/Jun 1988 1582 their identity is not clear. We observe the 1.0-and l.l-e V peaks as well as peaks at 0.9 and 1.2 eV in PL spectra of melt grown CdTe specimens from several suppliers. The intensi ty, but not the energy, of these peaks varies dramatically from crystal to crystal. Hence, we expect that one or more of these peaks are related to native defects. Since the relative intensity of the 1.I-e V transition increases at the interface concurrently with Au diffusion, the associated level may ei ther be induced directly by diffused Au, or related to a re duced Te concentration at the interface which occurs as Te outdiffuses. The latter possibility seems more likely since the 1.1-eV emission was observed before Au deposition. Laser annealing at high-power densities causes the E1' to move nearly to Ec-The PL spectra show a corresponding shift in the position of the 1.4-eV donor-acceptor band, indi cating a major change in the coupling between these defects and the lattice, and probably an increase in their concentra tion. Similar shifts in this peak position have been related to stoichiometry shifts 15 toward Cd excess, in agreement with our SXPS data. Excess Cd produces shallow donor states,3 explaining the high final EF position. The correlation of the Ep position found at both the Au/ CdTe and In/CdTe interfaces with the PLS transition ener gies is illustrated in Fig, 6. Here the In/CdTe interface EF positions and the 77 K PL spectrum of a cleaved, air-exposed surface from the same CdTe crystal are plotted with coinci dent energy axes for comparison. Plateaus in the EF position as a function of metallization and processing are approxi mately coincident with the deep level emission energies. The correlation is improved when the difference in band gap at low versus room temperature is considered. The relative in tensity of the I.I-e V peak in this PL spectrum is very large, suggesting a role of bulk defects in determining the initial E F position. A similar correlation can be made with the Fermi level movements observed at the Au/CdTe interface and the PL spectrum ofthe corresponding CdTe crystal. The similar EF stabilization energies found at both interfaces suggests that the deep states involved are due to native defects or INTENSITY 1.6,---------------------------; ~ ~ 1.2 ~ 0.8 w ~ 5 if 04 o o o L-____ ..L.----'-_.L-._-----' __ -'--_~_ .. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 LASER ANNEALING (J/cm2) > w I "w FIG. 6. Correlation of the Fermi-level movements as a function of metal coverage and laser processing from Fig. 5 with the 77 K photoluminescence spectrum of the air-cleaved surface (plotted on the same energy axis). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:41:441583 Shaw et al.: Deep level formation and band bending impurity complexes whose energy is nearly independent of the impurity. v. CONCLUSIONS We have measured the chemical reaction and diffusion which occur at Au and In/CdTe interfaces as well as the associated Ep changes which occur with metallization and processing. These results show that the E p position depends on the degree to which the interface is interdiffused or react ed. Furthermore, the E p positions correlate with the ener gies of deep levels present in the bulk material and generated at the interface. These results demonstrate the possibility of improved control over the electronic properties of metal! CdTe interfaces. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Sample CdTe specimens donated by Galtech Inc. and II VI Inc., assistance from Jim Zesch in orienting and cutting them, plus partial support by the Army Research Office J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 6, No.3, May/Jun 1988 1583 (Contract No. DAAL03-86C-0003 ) are gratefully acknowl edged. I K. Zanio, Semiconductors and Semimetals (Academic. New York. 1978). Vol. 13. 21. M. Dharmadasa, W. G. Herrendon·Harker, and R. H. Williams. Appl. Phys. Lett. 48. 1802 (1986). 'D. de Nobel, Phillips Res. Rep. 14. 361 (1959). 4J. P. Haring, 1. G. Werthen. R. H. Bube, L. Gulbrandsen. W. Jansen, and P. Luscher, J. Vac. Sci. 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R. Zanio, 1. Appl. Phys. 53. 6347 (1982). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:41:44
Singletarget magnetron sputter deposition of highT c superconducting BiSrCaCuO thin films Neelkanth G. Dhere, John P. Goral, Alice R. Mason, Ramesh G. Dhere, and Ronald H. Ono Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 64, 5259 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.342389 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.342389 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/64/10?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Highly oriented Bi(Pb)SrCaCuO superconducting thin films by magnetron sputtering of a single target Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 1569 (1989); 10.1063/1.102307 Superconducting BiSrCaCuO films by sputtering using a single oxide target AIP Conf. Proc. 182, 122 (1989); 10.1063/1.37963 Effect of substrate temperature and biasing on the formation of 110 K BiSrCaCuO superconducting single target sputtered thin films AIP Conf. Proc. 182, 26 (1989); 10.1063/1.37960 RF magnetron sputtering of highTc BiSrCaCuO thin films AIP Conf. Proc. 182, 99 (1989); 10.1063/1.37944 Superconducting BiSrCaCuO films by magnetron sputtering of single Bi2O3SrF2CaF2CuO targets Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 922 (1988); 10.1063/1.100160 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:40:29Single .. target magnetron sputter deposition of high", Tc superconducting Bi .. Sr .. Ca .. Cu .. O thin films Neelkanth G. Ohare,a) John P. Goral, Alice R Mason, and Ramesh G. Ohere Solar Energy Research Institute. 1617 Cole Boulevard, Golden, Colorado 80401 Ronald H. Ono National Bureau a/Standards. 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80303 (Received 31 May 1988; accepted for publication 8 August 1988) Single-target RF magnetron sputtering was used to deposit superconducting thin films of Bi Sr-Ca-Cu-O with a T cO above 80 K. Varying Po, modified the concentrations of Bi, Cu, and 0 in the films by 10%-20%. Higher annealing temperatures, especially with brief melting, favored the ~ormation oft~e higher Tc phases. Tetragonal phases (6-and 75-K Tc), with a = 3.8097 A, c = 24.607 A, and Bi2 Sr2 Cu06 composition, and a = 3.812 A, c = 30.66 A, and Biz Sr 2 _ x Cal + x CUz Os composition, were identified. 70-84 K films contained large proportions ofa new tetragonal phase, with a = 3.81 A and c = 55.23 A. Following the discovery 1 of a superconducting material based on Hi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O, several groups have been working on the preparation of Hi-based superconducting thin films. Bi-based superconducting thin films have been deposited by Adachi et al.,2 using single-target rf planar magnetron sput tering; by Osofsky et aJ., 3 using flash evaporation of pellets; and by Kang et at., 4 using multitarget magnetron sputtering. Several groups have opted for evaporation or sputtering from multiple sources in efforts to control the composition of superconducting thin films. Sputtering, it should be noted, allows a certain latitude in modifying the composition by varying the process parameters. Fairly complex geometries5 are being employed to avoid negative ion bombardment dur ing sputter deposition of Y-based superconducting thin films. It may not, however, be necessary. Direct deposition from a single source has the advan tages of simplicity and ease of process development for large scale production. Among the techniques employed, flash evaporation suffers from the problem of dispensing fine powders in high vacuum. Single-target sputtering from a ring source on directly facing substrates, however, has the additional advantages of more efficient material utilization and better plasma isolation. The crystallographic structure and composition of three bul.k superconducting phases with transition temperatures of 6, 75, and 120 K have been determined by Torrance et al.6 and Subramanian et al.7 Michel et al. B have also analyzed a phase with a transition temperature between 7 and 20 K. However, information about the effects of composition and annealing temperatures on the formation of the supercon ducting phases in thin films is scarce. We report, in this com munication, on the preparation of Hi-based, high-Tc super conducting thin films from a single sputter-gun ring target; on a study of the variation in the composition with different oxygen partial pressures and substrate locations; and on the oj Permanent address: Instituto Militar de Engenharia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 5259 J. Appl. Phys. 64 (10),15 November 1988 effect of annealing temperature on the formation of different superconducting phases. Thin films of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O, 2500 A to 3 f1.m thick, were deposited on unheated MgO and SrTi03 single-crystal, fused quartz, and alumina substrates, by rfmagnetron sput tering in a cryopumped sputtering system fabricated by Uni film. Oxygen partial pressures, po., in the sputtering gas were varied between 5 X 1O~5 and 3 X 10-3 Torr (7 X 10-3_ 0.4 Pa), but the total pressure of argon and oxygen was maintained at 5x 10-3 Torr (0.7 Pa). The hot-pressed ring targets, made of an unreacted mixture of oxides (Bil 03 , SrO, CaO, and CuO) for a Sloan 8310 sputter gun, were supplied by Kema. The nominal proportion of the target chosen was Bi2.2 Sr 2.0 CaO.81 Cu2.0 08, based on information available in the literature7,9 at the time the target was OT dered. The thickness of the samples was measured by a profi lometer. The samples were annealed at temperatures from 810 to 850·C for 5-6 h. Some of the thi.n films were held above the melting temperature at 862 to 867 ·C for up to 20 min. The composition and crystalline structure of the films were analyzed by electron probe x-ray microanalysis and a Ri.gaku rotating anode x-ray diffraction system using CuKa radiation. The sheet resistance was measured with a four point probe. Resistance-versus~temperature measurements were carried out at the National Bureau of Standards. The resistance of the sample was measured, as a function of tem perature, in a probe that was slowly lowered into a liquid~ helium dewar. The temperature was monitored by using a calibrated carbon-glass resistor. The sample resistance was measured in a four-probe configuration, with an ac excita tion current of 10 pA. Contacts to the film were made with smail-area, spring-loaded pins. The as-deposited thin films were smooth, brownish, ho mogeneous, transparent, and insulating. Electron probe x ray microanalysis of the films showed them to be richer in Bi and poorer in 0 in comparison to the target composition. Under the target, the thickness varies as a bell-shaped func tion. Superimposed on this, depending on the targets, there could be up to a 10% variation in the compositions ofBi and 5259 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:40:29Cu over a distance of7.5 em. In the present target, the con centration of Bi increased from the center to the sides, and that of Cn decreased. Our results are for substrates placed near the center. The concentrations of Bi, Cu, and 0 in the films were found to vary with the variation of Po, in the sputtering gas. The Sr and Ca contents of the films remained largely unal tered. Decreases in Po, reduced the incorporation of oxygen in the films and made them darker. The variation of Po, also had a more interesting and potentially useful effect. At lower Po, values, the concentration ofBi in the deposited films was lower by up to 20%, while that of Cu was higher by -10%, in comparison to films deposited at high Po, values. Since oxygen incorporation in the films was significant even at the lowest values of Po" a reduction in the excess Bi concentra tion was obtained-by maintaining Po, at 5 X 10-:; Torr (7 X 10-3 Pa), the lowest oxygen partial pressure employed in the present study. At this pressure, the composition of the as-deposited films was typically Bi2.45 Sr2.0 CaO.79 CUL87 °8.45, The films were annealed in air at temperatures from 810 to 870·Co Films deposited on SrTiO) substrates showed signs of peeling, while those deposited on alumina and fused quartz substrates remained insulating. The work with SrTi03 substrates was not pursued; the following results re fer to films deposited on MgO substrates. Adachi et ai.2 ob tained the best results with films that were first melted at a temperature from 890 to 900·C for 20 min and then an nealed at 850-865 ·C for 5 h. Greenish, insulating films re sulted when 2soo-A-thick films were melted at 900·C and then annealed at 865 ·C for 5 h. Our experiments were there fore carried out by annealing the films at lower temperatures and maintaining the annealing time at 5 h. Films annealed at 810 cC showed only a partial superconducting transition around 70 K (Fig. 1). The films were semiconducting, and there was a sharp drop in resistance below 20 K. The x-ray diffraction patterns of these films showed mostly peaks from the superconducting tetragonal phase I, in which a = 3.8097 A and c = 24.607 A (Fig. 2). This phase, with a composition ofBil Sf2 Cu06, has been identified as the 6-K phase by Tor rance et ai.o Increasing the annealing temperature to 825 QC resulted in a mildly semiconducting film that showed a W 4 U Z ~ ~ !'! 2 <fl W a: ........• Annea.(ing Temp. 810" C "". ....... ,,, o~"'-........ 8654-850" C ............. .t .•. , ... ' ~--" .. -,,,_"'N""'·~ O~~-b~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o 20 40 60 80 100 120 14D 160 iSQ 200 220 240 260 280 300 TEMPERATURE (K) FIG. 1. Resistance-vs-temperature plots of Bi-Sr-Ca-CII-o thin films an nealed for 5 h at 810,825,865 (20 min), and 850 ·C. 5260 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No. 10, 15 November 1968 0 " Annealing Temp. 0 ~ N 8 o 11100C a ~ '" ~ to M '" N 0 '"' 0 ;; 0 N ~j --== - ~ 825°C -'" C') 8 :g o -- ;? " a <0 N "f N to 0 ",0 N 0 0 00 0 :: '" 0= - 65 60 55 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 2f1 (degrees I FIG, 2. X-ray diffraction patterns of films annealed at 810, 825, 865, and 850 ·Cshowing the formation of phases 1(6 K), II (75 K), and HI (a new 84-K tetragonal phase). stronger superconducting transition around 70 K and a T cO of 12 K (Fig. 1). The best results were obtained with 2-to 3- ,urn-thick films that were first melted at 862-867·C for 20 min and then annealed at 850·C for 5 h. The resistance versus-temperature measurements showed the onset of the superconducting transition at 88 K, the mid transition point at 84 K, and T cO at 80.5 K (Fig. 1). There was also an indica tion of a very weak transition at 120 K. X-ray diffraction patterns from the films annealed at higher temperatures showed higher proportions of7S-K tetragonal phase II, with a = 3.812 A and c = 30.66 A and a proposed composition of Bi2 Sr 2 _ x Cal ~ x CUz 08•6 Several intense peaks not belong ing to either of these phases could be indexed with a new tetragonal phase in which a = 3.81 A and c = 55.23 A . These peaks are marked in Fig. 2 as phase III. Michel et al.8 have proposed a phase in which a = 26.6 A, b = 5.32 A, and c = 48.8 A for the composition Bi2 Sr2 Cu, 08" y' with the transition temperature at 7-20 K. Subramanian et al.7 have also observed a superlattice on thea axis of the 120~K phase. The layer structure of the Bi family of superconductors with its strong tendencies toward twinning and forming su~ perstructures may be permitting the formation of several re lated phases. The lattice parameters of the new phase III do not match those of the phase observed by Michel et al.8 The Dhare eta!. 5260 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:40:29phase with a transition around 6 K. that formed in the pres ent study conforms to that proposed by Torrance et al!' As a result of deviation from the appropriate composition in the present target, only traces of the 120-K phase seem to have formed. In summary, superconducting thin films of Bi-Sr-Ca Cu-O having a T cO above 80 K have been prepared by using an rf magnetron sputter gun with a single target. It has been shown that we have some latitude in adjusting the composi tion even with a single target. It was also found that higher annealing temperatures, especially with brief melting, favor the formation of the higher Tc phases. Two of the phases have been identified as tetragonal, in which a = 3.8097 A and c = 24.607 A, the composition is Bi2 Sr 2 Cu06, and T cO = 6 K; and a = 3.812 A and c = 30.66 A, the composition is Bi2 Sr 2 __ x Cal t-" CU2 08, and Tc = 75 K. Large proportions of a newer tetragonal phase in which a = 1.81 A and c = 55.23 A were found in films showing a strong super con ducting transition in a range from 75 to 93 K. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-CHl0093. It was also partially supported through the Brazilian Ministry of Education. The authors would like to gratefuliy acknowl edge the late Professor John A. Thornton of the University of Illinois for detailed discussions on the general approach followed in this study. The authors would also like to thank Michael Madden for help with the resistance-versus-tem-perature measurements. The product names have been men tioned for descriptive purpose and no endorsement is im plied. 'H. Maeda, Y. Tanaka, M. Fukutomi, and T. Asano, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Lett. 27, 2 (1988). 2H. Adachi, Y. Ichikawa, K. Setsune, S. Hatta. K. Hirochi, and K. Wa~a. lpn. J. AppJ. Phys. 27, L643 (1988). 3M. S. Osofsky, P. Lubitz, M. Z. Harford, A. K. Singh, B. S. Qadri, E. F. Skeltoll, W. T. Elam, R J. Salllen, Jr., W. L. Lechler, and S. A. Wolf (unpublished) . 4J. H. Kang, R. T. Kampwirth, K. E. Gray, S. Marsh, and E. A. Huff, Pitys. Lett. 12SA, 102 (l98B). 'R. L. Sandstrom, W. J. Gallagher, T. R. Dinger, R. H. Koch, R. B. Laibowitz, A. W. Kleinsasser, R. J. Gambino, B. Bumble, and M. F. Chis holm (unpublished). "J. B. Torrance, Y. TokuTa, S. J. Laplaca, T. C. Huang, R. J. Savoy, and A. L Nazzal, Solid State Commun. 66, 703 (1988). 7M, A. Subramanian, C. e. Torardi, J. C. Calabrese, J. Gopaiakrishnan, K. 1. Morrissey, T. R. Askew, R. B. Flippen, U. Chowdhry, and A. W. Sleight, Science 239,1015 (1988). "e. Michel, M. Hervieu, M. M. Borel, A. Grandin, F. Deslandes, J. Pro vost, and Ii Raveall, Z. Phys. B 68, 421 (1987). 9S. A. Sunshine, T. Siegrist, L F. Schneemeyer, D. W. Murphy, R. J. Cava, B. Hatlogg, R. B. van Dover, R. M. Fleming, S. H. Glarum, S. Nakahara, R. Farrow, J. J. Krajewski, S. M. Zahurak, J. V. Waszczak, J. M, Mar shall, P. Marsh, L. W. Rupp, Jr., and W. F. Peck (unpublished). Composition dependence of dynamic Youn~)'s modulus and internal friction in AI2 03 ... 3Y ... Zr02 composites Teruaki OnD Department of Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Gi/u University, Yanagida, GI/U 501-11, Japan Yukio Nurishi and Minoru Hashiba Department o/Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, GI/U University, Yanagida, Gifu 50/-11, Japan (Received 15 June 1988; accepted for publication 3 August 1988) The specific dynamic Young's modulus E'/p and the internal friction Q-l of A1203 -3Y-Zr02 composites with different 3Y -Zr02 content were investigated. With the increase of 3Y -Zr02 content, the E' / P decreased linearly showing a large inflection point at about 20% and. a small one at 65%, and the Q-j reached a peak at 17% and a trough at 40%, and increased showing a shoulder at about 70%0 The specific loss modulus E"/p calculated from E'lp and Q-l showed the peaks at 17% and 65%. The E " / p peaks corresponded with the E' / p inflection points in composition. As a result, it was estimated that they were due to the tetragonal to monoclinic transformation of Zr02 phase, and that the increase of internal friction at above 40% was not due to the crack formation and the zr02 phase transformation, but due to the flexural deformation caused by shearing force. Alz 03 -Zr02 composites have become the object of at tention as ceramics of high toughness. As the interior struc ture of a material is reflected in its mechanical properties, it is important in the studies on the mechanical properties of composites to make clear the variation of interior structure with composition. It has been recognized that stress-induced phase transformation and microcracks pray an important role in the toughening of Alz 03 -ZrOz compositeso 14 How ever, the toughening mechanism of the composites has not been made clear sufficiently. As the tests with high stress 5261 J. Appl. Phys. 64 (10), 15 November 1988 0021-8979/88/225261-03$02.40 ® 1988 American Institute of Physics 5261 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:40:29
Efficient generation of multigigawatt rf power by a klystronlike amplifier M. Friedman, J. Krall, Y. Y. Lau, and V. Serlin Citation: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 61, 171 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.1141869 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1141869 View Table of Contents: http://rsi.aip.org/resource/1/RSINAK/v61/i1 Published by the AIP Publishing LLC. Additional information on Rev. Sci. Instrum. Journal Homepage: http://rsi.aip.org Journal Information: http://rsi.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://rsi.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://rsi.aip.org/authors Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsEfficient generation of multigigawaU rf power by a klystronlike amplifier M. Friedman, J. Krall, Y. Y. Lau, and V. Serlin NalJal Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375-5000 (Received WJuly 1989; accepted for publication 25 September 1989) This article addresses the new development of high-power rfklystronlike amplifiers using modulated intense relativistic electron beams. Development of these amplifiers follows earlier research in which the interaction between a high-impedance ( 120-n) intense relativistic electron beam and a low-power rf pulse resulted in the generation of coherent bunches of electrons with excellent amplitude and phase stabilities. In the present experiment a low-impedance (30-,0,) large-diameter ( 13.2-cm) annular electron beam of power -8 GW was modulated using an external rf source (magnetron at 1.3 G Hz) of 0.5 MW power. The interaction of the modulated electron beam with a structure generated a 3-GW rfpulse that was radiated into the atmosphere. The self-fields of the intense beam provided significant electrostatic insulation against vacuum breakdown at the modulating gaps and at the rf extraction gap. iNTRODUCTION In this article we describe the construction and operation of new rf amplifiers which use intense relativistic electron beams (IREBs). These amplifiers exploit the unique proper ties of IREBs, specifically the high self-electric fields which enhance the generation of electron bunches and prevent rf breakdown at high-voltage gaps. In 1983, we found that a high level of coherent current oscillation appeared on IREBs propagating through a drift region consisting of a smooth metallic tube in which two or more coaxial cavities were inserted. l The following charac teristics were observed2 in these early experiments of self modulation: (1) The frequency of oscillation depended strongly on the geometry and weakly on the IREB current and voltage. (2) The frequency of modulation was mono chromatic. (3) Electron beams of voltage up to 3 MV and current up to 50 kA were fully modulated with efficiency of nearly 100%. A simple theoretical modell-4 showed that the "classi cal" space-charge waves on tenuous electron beams were modified by the self-electric field of the beams5 and that these modified space-charge waves played an important role in the new bunching mechanism. The theoretical model agreed with the experimental results. Numerical simulation confirmed theoretical predictions and extended our under standing of the mechanism into the nonlinear region. Both theory and simulation showed that the self-fields of the IREB and the induced electric fields that originate from IREB propagation through cavities caused redistribution of energy and density within the beam in such a way that coher ent bunches of electrons were formed. The theory and simulation suggested that the modified space charge waves could be launched by external rf sources and used in klystronlike amplifiers. This theoretical predic tion was verified experimentally in 1986.' Later, a series of experiments combined with theory and numerical simula tions showed that4 (1) an IREB could be modulated by a low-power external rf source with high efficiency; (2) the amplitude of the current modulation was stable, and the 171 Rev, Sci.lnstrum. 61 (1), January 1990 electron bunches were phase locked to the external rf source; ( 3) the shape of the electron bunches could be tailored by changes in the geometry; (4) the bunching mechanism for a fully modulated IREB was unique in its behavior, and using this mechanism, a long drift region was unnecessary for op eration (unlike the case of a classical klystron). It is known that rf power can be extracted from modulated electron beams. We demonstrated extraction of rf power from modu lated IREBs with efficiencies of about 40%. A drawback of rf sources based on this mechanism was the high impedance (120 n) of the IREB that was used in the earlier experiments. This drawback makes it difficult to efficiently match the high-impedance electron beam to the relatively low impedance of IRES generators (3011). To achieve an efficient transfer of energy, the impedance of the IREB generator should be equal to the impedance of the electron beam, and we note that low IREB impedance can easily be obtained by increasing the diameter of the annular electron beam. In this article, the construction and operation of an rf amplifier that employs a large-diameter annular IREB is de scribed. The IREB parameters were the following: diameter 13.2 cm, thickness 0.3 cm, current 16 kA, beam impedance 30 n, total power -8 GW, and beam duration 120 ns. This electron beam was strongly modulated by an external rf source at a frequency of 1.328 GHz (Sec. II). About 3 G Watts of rf power was extracted from the modulated IREB and radiated into the atmosphere (Sec. III). Summary and conclusions are given in the last section. I. MODULATION OF A lARGE"DIAMETER HIGH CURRENTIREB The physics of externally modulated IREBs was de tailed in our earlier article.4 Here, we shall give only results needed to explain the construction and operation of the am plifier. Specifically, we will discuss three aspects: (a) first gap-interaction-smaH-signaI analysis; (b) second-gap-in teraction-large-signal analysis, and (c) electrostatic insulation of high-voltage gaps, 171 Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsA. First~gap~interaction-small-signal analysis The arrangement is si.milar to our previous work (Fig. 1 ). Here, a voltage pulse of 500 k V and 120 os was applied on a foiless diode. As a result, the diode emitted and launched an IREB inside a 14-cm-diam metallic drift tube. The IREB diameter was 13.2 cm with a thickness of 0.3 cm. The IREB current was 16 kA. The drift tube was immersed in a quasi dc magnetic field of 10 kG and was evacuated to a base pres sure ofless than 10-5 Torr. A gap feeding a cavity was in serted in the drift tube. This cavity supported many modes one of which was a hybrid of a coaxial TEM and TM modes (Fig. 2) with a resonant frequency of 1.328 GHz. The "Q" facter of the cavity was 1100. An external rf source pumped power into the cavity for a duration of 1 f-ls. The electrical parameters of the cavity were calculated using the SUPERFISH computer code. (, We found that the gap voltage Vg was about half of the maximum voltage in the cavity. The electrical parameters of a same geometry cavity made out of copper were also determined (power dissipation P, energy stored W, quality factor Q, and gap voltage Vg). Using these parameters, one can calculate the relation ship between the input power and Vg for any real cavity of the same geometry, but of a different Q. It is easy to show that for two cavities (subscript 0 and 1) of the same geome try, but of different Q, the following relationship exists: Vg, = VgO(PJQ,/PoQO)1/2. (1) Using the SUPERFISH code, we obtained the following values of electrical parameters for a cavity shown in Fig. 2 made out of copper: for Qo = 39700 and for Po = 5.25 X 104 W, one gets VgO = 87 kV. Hence, for the real cavity with similar geometry, Eq. (1) gives Vg, = 63.2P ]/2. Since power inject ed into the real cavity was typically P, = 0.5 MW, we found the gap voltage to be Vg, = 45 kV. (2) Sometime after the rfvoltage at the gap reached its max imum value, a Blumlein transmission line energized the di ode, resulting in fREB propagation through the gap of the cavity. The oscillatory voltage Vgl at the gap partially modula ted the IREB, generating at point z an rf current II (z) and rf voltage V, (z): WINDOW RF out '3 GWatts +- RADIATOR 3 GW RF AMPLIFIER AUGUST 1988 FIG. 1. The experimental arrangement. 172 Rev. SCi.lnstrl.lm., Vol. 61, No.1, January 1990 r 7.0" FIG. 2. Electric field configuration inside the first cavity. I, (z) = j(M Vg; IZ)sin(kz), V, (z) = MVg, [cos(kz) -jt sin(kz)], (3) (4) where Z, k, and t are quantities that depend on the geometry and beam parameters,4 and M < 1 is the coupling coefficient of the gap and its presence is due to finite transit time of electrons across the gap.7 Note that unlike in a classical klys tron,I,(z) and V1(z) are partially in phase (see Ref. 3). Using the experimental parameters and the equations in Ref. 3, one gets Z= 16H, k=O.039cm-l, b= -0.35. The value of M has been inferred from particle simula tions and analytic studies (Appendix B). We found M =0.6 at 1= 16 kA, and M as low as 0.3 for 1=40 kA. With M = 0.6, Eq. (2) gives maximum II = L8 kA at a distance of 40 cm downstream from the gap. Experimentally, we found that the IREB rf current reached a maximum at z = 35 cm. At this point, II = 1.75 kA. Simulations of current modulation from a single gap for a beam of diameter 3.8 em and current of 5 kA have been previously presented.4•8 For the present case, these simula tions were repeated with a beam of radius 12.6 em and 16 kA current. We obtain a peak value of rl current II = 3.2 kA at z = 44 cm, using an oscillating voltage of 50 kV at the gap. (Details of the computer simulations using the CONDOR code9 are given in the next section. ) The higher amplitude of rf current obtained in the computer simulation in compari son with experiment and theory is due in part to minor dif ferences in parameters, such as the IREB diameter and thickness and in part to the idealizations ofaxisymmetry and of a simpler cavity oflength A /4. B. Second-gap-interaction-Iarge-signal analysis At z = 35 em downstream of the first gap, a second gap was inserted in the drift tube (Fig. 1). This gap was feeding a coaxial cavity of low impedance, Zc = IOn. The length of the cavity was ~A (/= ciA = 1.328 GHz). In this cavity four resistive wires (Fig. 3) were placed radially connecting the inner and outer conductors. The purpose of the wires was to reduce the Q of the cavity at resonance frequencies lower than 1328 GHz. The geometry of the second cavity was chosen such that (a) the ratio of gap voltage to peak voltage was maximized Klystron-like amplifier 172 Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsand (b) the shunt impedance of the cavity, Rs' was maxi mized. Using the SUPERFISH6 computer code and experi menting with various cavities, we found the best cavity ge ometry that fulfilled the above conditions (Fig. 3). For this cavity the ratio ofthe gap voltage to the peak voltage was 0.8. The input impedance of this ~)c cavity was (5) When a modulated IREB traversed such a cavity locat ed at distance L = 1T/2k downstream of the first gap, an in duced rf voltage appeared on the second gap with a gain factor GA: (6) GA was evaluated and found to be GA = 30. Using this gain an rf current exceeding the dc current was obtained. The result indicates that Ii nonlinear treatment is needed to explain experimental observations. Experimentally, the IREB current downstream from the second gap was found (Fig. 4) to have the following time dependence. 1 = 10 + I, cos(cut) + .... 1\ reached the maximum value of 8.5 kA at a distance 39 cm from the second gap. Large changes in the input rf power into the first cavity affected 11 only marginally. Hence, we assumed that satura tion of the mechanisms was achieved. But unlike our pre vious experiment in which 11/10 = 0.8, here 11/10 = 0.5 and could not be further increased. Since the rf current measure ments were inferred from measuring the magnetic field asso ciated with the electron bunches, we investigated whether this magnetic field differed from the one associated with dc IREB current. Using linear theory,? we found (Appendix A) 11(real) =It(measured)X2l(l + U}, where r (41T[(Y w-Yb)IA]) U =exp- , /300 -I lIe) (7) (8) I I (real) is the real rf current and II (measured) is the mea sured rf current, r wand r b are the radii of the drift tube and the IREB, respectively,/3o = vole, Vo is the speed of the elec trons in the drift tube, and Ie is the critical current in the drift tube. Substituting the experimental results, one gets that v. --.. V, when t:I--"0 Z =:: 60 ~ n 2 FIG. 3. Electric field configuration inside the second cavity. 173 Rev. Scl.lnstrum., Vol. 61, No.1, January 1990 .. '0 "' -..... 'C --l 140 r1S&C ~ FIG. 4. Time derivative of tile IREB cur rent measured by a I-GHz 7104 oscillo scope. 1\ (real) = L4XI! (measured) = 12 kA. (9) Note (1) that Eq. (7) was not solved self-consistently since we have substituted 1=10 + II (measured) and (2) that only linear theory was used to derive Eq. (8). But we can conclude that the measured rf current is probably lower than the value of the true rf current. Our numerical simulation using the CONDOR code" also pointed to this conclusion. In Ref. 4 an extensive theoretical study gave a qualita tive picture ofthe mechanisms involved in the generation of a funy modulated IREB. We will not repeat this work here. However, since the only self-consistent picture was derived from particle simulation, we decided to present computa tional results, especially those which can help us later on to understand the factors which determine the overall effi ciency. As in the single-cavity case, simulations of the second cavity interactions have been previously carried out4•8 for a beam of diameter 3.8 cm and current 5 kA. In the present case we demonstrate that the interaction scales to larger ra dius and present detailed diagnostics of rf energy and power in the modulated IREB. The geometry for the two-cavity simulations is given in Fig. 5 (top). The first cavity was driven by an external rf source, starting at t = 0 ns. The low Q of the numerical cav- E ~t~ II u c::: I 1 12 « x 8 0 20 40 60 80 Z (em) ~(r~l -H :0~'~~'~--~!~~~~-71 20 40 60 80 Z (em) FIG. 5. The geometry (top) and the rf current modulation (bottom) ob tained from particle simulation. Klystron-like amplifier 173 Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsity was such that at t = 6 ns, the fundamental TEM mode of the cavity saturates, producing a gap voltage of40 kYat 1.24 GHz. At this time a 6OO-keV, 16-kA electron beam was in jected with a current rise time of 5 ns. The simulation contin ues until t = 20 ns. The impedance of the radial transmission line, from which the first cavity is driven, is 6.25 n. The presence Of this transmission line lowers the de energy of the beam from 600 to 500 ke Vas it crosses the first gap. The gaps are located at axial positions z = 2.8 and 36.8 cm. The IREB diameter was 12.6 cm and its thickness was 0.2 cm. The first gap produced an rf current 11 = 2.6 kA at z = 30 cm down stream. The modulated current excited the fundamental TEM mode of the second cavity to produce an oscillating voltage of 425 kV at the second gap. This voltage caused an increase in the rf current of the IREB to II = 5.5 kA at a distance of 2 cm past the second gap. The rf current increases to 12.8 kA, 34 em beyond the second gap. II vs Z is plotted in Fig. 5(bottom). Using the particle simulation calculations with the present experimental parameters, we have verified results obtained in our previous papers.4 ( 1) The bunching mechanism reaches steady state after a few rf cycles. Phase-space plots, electrostatic potential plots, and modulated current are identical from rf cycle to rf cycle. (2) Transients in IREB current are of no importance, and electron reflections are not necessary for the bunching mechanism to work. (3) During a half of each cycle, the energy of the beam is decreased at the second gap such that the propagation of the slow space-charge wave is halted and the electrons are slowed to a nonlinear limiting velocity. 10 ( 4) During the second half of each cycle, the energy of the particles is increased to a higher level than the injection value. These particles emerged with a narrow energy spread. The modulated electron beam was diagnosed in some detail at a distance of z = 66.8 cm, where the peak modula tion was observed in the experiment. The total beam energy (potential plus kinetic) and current are plotted versus time over two rf cycles, from t = 18.5 to 20 ns (Fig. 6). From this figure the following additional results are drawn: I 18.6 19.0 19.4 T (ns) fT1 500 ~ :;0; ct) < FIG. 6. Current modulation and energy modulation at z = 66.8 em accord ing to particle simulation. 174 Rev. Sci.lnstrum., Vol. 61, No.1, January 1990 (5) The particle energy is modulated as E(t) =Eo + EJ sin mt, El does not vary from cycle to cycle. The elec tron energy modulation is partially in phase with the current modulation. Note however that the bulk of the rfpower is in phase with the rf current. (6) The electron energy increase does not reach the full 425-k V amplitude of the voltage that appeared on the second gap. This is a result of the finite transit time of electrons across the gap. The gap coupling coefficient M varies with the IREB current and is between 0.7-0.3. (7) Significant compression of IREB power has oc curred in each rf cycle with more than 80% of the power compressed into less than 30% of the rf cycle. (8) When the first-gap voltage was increased by 25%, the current modulation amplitude increased by ~ 3%, indi cating near saturation of the bunching mechanism. c. Electrostatic insulation (Refs. 4 and 11) The output power of a classical klystron is limited by voltage breakdown across cavity gaps. The factors that influ ence breakdown are electric field, geometry, frequency of the rf, material used, vacuum, and cleanliness. These factors are optimized in high-power rf devices so that the largest voltage possible can be sustained across a gap. Most of these factors cannot be optimized in the environment ofIREB generators. Moreover, in the experiments discussed earlier no special care was taken to prevent vacuum breakdown. Even then, we found that voltage of the order of 0.5 MV appeared and sustained on the gaps without any indication of vacuum breakdown. The reasons for such behavior were discussed by uS be fore. 11 It is rooted in the unique properties ofIREBs, proper ties that do not exist for tenuous electron beams. We found that the self-electric field of an annular IREB modifies the electric field configuration of a high-voltage gap in such a way that the voltage gradient on a negatively charged elec trode is reduced and for high IREB current can even reverse its sign. This effect suppresses emission of secondary elec trons and eliminates conditions necessary for vacuum break down. We called this effect electrostatic insulation. We showed in previous work the importance of electro static insulation in different experimental settings. Here, the importance of the effect will be demonstrated via particle simulation using the CONDORY code. The geometry for these simulations is the same as in Fig. S except that the second gap is now sealed. The electron injected energy was E = 500 keY, and the IREB current was 1= 16 kA, with a current rise time of 5 ns. The voltage across the (first) gap was controlled by an external voltage that was applied via a radial transmission line of impedance of 6.25 n. At time t = 6 ns, the externally applied voltage across the gap was increased linearly from zero to 400 kV during a 4-ns period. A second beam of current 1= 1 A and electron energy of I kV was injected continuously from the left gap wall at z = 2 cm. This electron beam was used to probe the behavior of the gap. The simulation was terminat ed at t = IOns. Figure 7 shows the leakage current crossing the gap as a function oftime. Initially, the low-current, low voltage electron beam did not propagate across the gap. At Klystron-like amplifier 174 Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions0.4 300 I / -0.4 I I I 200 « r < -1.2 I \0 I I 100 I--i I " (I) -2.0, I < I r-, ... ,,~g I 0 I -2.8 I I ............. ~~ j-IOO -3.6 0 2 4 6 8 10 T (ns) FIG. 7. Imposed gap voltage ( VK) and the leakage current (1) across the gap. time 8.6 ns when the gap voltage was 150 kY, the leakage current increased instantaneously, indicating short-circuit ing of the high-voltage gap. It is clear that the hold-off vol tage is proportional to the electron density at the gap. Theo retical analysis indicates that as the limiting current is ap proached electrostatic insulation becomes more effective and the hold-off voltage increases faster than linearly with the IREB current (see discussions in Appendixes A and B). In the next section we shall show that electrostatic insulation also plays a role in rf power extraction. We stress that this effect is of critical importance in any device in which IREBs interact with high-voltage gaps. It is responsible lor the fault-free operation of the amplifier. II. rf EXTRACTION FROM MODULATION IREBs It is well known that rf power can be extracted from a modulated electron beam. Since the electrons in an IREB are relativistic, there will be less reduction in particle velocity (or IREB current) while the electrons are losing energy. Hence, we can model the modulated IREB as a constant current source I: 1=10 + 11 cos(wt) + .... The interaction of this constant-current source with an rf structure can lead to transfer of power from the electrons to a load. The structure can be described as an electrical element with an input impedance of Zin' A voltage V;n will develop across the electrical element: V;n = ZinI. To extract maximum rf power from the IREB, at a fre quency {t)121T, the following requirements must be fulfilled: (a) V;n < Vo• otherwise the constant-current source model for the IREB will not be correct, and the flow of IREB will be disrupted. (b) Zin must be real at the frequency of the extracted rf [Zin at this frequency will be denoted as Z ((t) ) ] . (c) The absolute value of Zin at other frequencies has to be smaller than Z ((t) ). (d) Zin = 0 at low frequencies of the order of liT, where Tis the beam duration (in the experi ment T = 120 ns). In order to transport this power into such 175 Rev. Scl.lnstrum., Vol. 61, No.1, January 1990 a load an additional requirement must be fulfilled: (e) elimi nation of rf breakdown. The rf converter shown in Fig. 1 addresses an of the above requirements and consists of the following parts: ( 1) A high-voltage gap across which the electron bunches are moving and losing energy. Electrostatic insula tion is extremely important here since voltage of the order of 0.5 MY will appear across the gap when efficient extraction of rf power is taking place. The potential hill at the gap limits the energy which an IREB, with a current I, can lose. The geometry of the gap together with the voltage across the gap dictate the maxi mum current (critical current) that can cross the gap. This point is discussed in Appendix C. (2) The gap is connected to an antenna via a coaxial transmission line. The center conductor is supported by thin metallic rods which are terminated in!A. cavities. The axial positions of these rods are the locations of the zero-ampli tude nodes of standing waves. The total impedance of the parallel circuits is large and can be considered infinite for the 1.328 GHz component of the rf current. The input imped ance is lower for higher frequencies and zero for the the low frequency and the dc components of the current. (3) At the far end of the inner conductor, an rf "obsta cle" in a shape of a disk was placed. The axial position and diameter of the disk could be varied. This part of the conver tor was modeled using transmission line calculations. Figure 8 shows the model. The gap is represented by a capacitor of value Co, the obstacle is represented by a capacitor C, the load is R1, and the transmission line is oflength 1 and imped ance ZOo Realistic values for the parameters in the model were found in the following way: Co was calculated from the shift of the resonance frequency of an ideal 1..1. cavity with a similar gap geometry: 1 + j2rrfCo = 0, (10) j Zo tg[ (1T12)( 1110)] where fo is the resonance frequency of an ideal!"t. cavity, and fis the resonance frequency of a cavity with a gap of capaci tance Co. We found that Co = 6 pF. The value for R 1 was assumed to be equal to ZOo The Equivalent Circuit for the R F Extraction System I Z In = R + jX FIG. 8. Equivalent circuit of the rf COllvertor. Klystron-like amplifier 175 Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsreason for this was that when the obstacle was removed the VSWR was close to unity over a wide range of frequencies. The values of C and I were left as free parameters, optimized so that the input impedance Zin = R + jX is real at 1.328 GHz with a value between 50 and 100 n. Note that I can have a series of solutions separated by ~ wavelength. Figure 9 displays one solution for R and X. We found that! had to be chosen with great accuracy and that the value of R increased when C was increased. The model is only qualitative in nature since it does not take into account the existence of non-TEM modes at var ious places inside the convertor. (4) The last part of the convertor was the antenna which has a conical shape for both the inner and outer parts. The length of the antenna was a few wavelengths. A lucite plate 5 em thick acted as a window. A set of experiments were performed in which I and C were adjusted so as to get maximum radiated power. With optimum conditions we observed radiated power (outside the horn) of 2.7 GW. The IREB parameters were 16 kA current and 500 kV voltage. (note that the Iucite window attenuates the rf power by 10% ). The power measurement is described later in this article. The ability to extract high-power microwaves depends critically on the suppression of electron and ion flows across the coaxial line by the externally imposed axial magnetic field Bo. The fonowing estimates show that the axial magnet ic field ~ 10 kG used in the current experiment is sufficient to provide the required insulation. Since the rf frequency W is considerably less than the relativistic electron cyclotron frequency, we may treat the rf fields as essentially static as far as electronic motions are concerned. Under this assumption, the relativistic cutoff condition used in magnetron studies would give the magnet ic field required for insulation. In a coaxial line of inner radi us a and outer radius b, the required magnetic field to pro vide magnetic insulation is given by12 Real and Imaginary Components of the Input Impedance Z In VS Length X R tlO t45.41 E 0 t35.4 .r= 0 -10 + 25.4 --- -20~ + 15.4 -30j +5.4 90 91 em FIG. 9. Real and imaginary components of the input impedance Zoo vs length. 176 Rev. SCi.instrl.lm., Vol. 61, No.1, January 1990 where D= (b 2 -a2)/2a is the equivalent separation, and V is the voltage across the coaxial line. This equation is relati vistically correct. Numerically, it reads E (kG) = 1.07 {(~)(_I_) C D (cm) 10 n 10 kA + 0.098 [C~~) Co ~A) JT12, (11) where Zo = (60 n) Xln(b fa) is the characteristic imped ance ofthe coaxial line, and I is the current flowing along it. If a = 6.8 cm and b = 11.5 em, then D = 6.3 cm and Zo = 31.53 n. For a maximum current of 10 + II = 30 kA, for instance, Be = 0.73 kG. The imposed magnetic field is 10 kG, which is about 14 times higher than Be' the value re quired for magnetic insulation. Thus, magnetic insulation for electron flow is virtually guaranteed. For the ions, their Larmor frequencies being much smaller than the rffrequency, we may not use the static for mula. We instead solve the equation of motion and place an upper bound on their displacement across the field line. The ions satisfy the nonrclativistic force law dv M, -= e(E + vXBo), dt where, for simplicity, we ignore the rfmagnetic field in com parison with the external magnetic field, and E is the radial rf electric field. We differentiate this equation with respect to t to obtain M, d2~ = e (dE + ~XBo). , dt- dt dt The radial (x) component of this equation gives d2vx 2 e dEx --2-+ (udVx --dt' dt M, where we have eliminated dv/dt using the force law, and Wei is the ion cyclotron frequency. Since dx/dt = Vx the last equation becomes d2x e --2 + W~iX = -Ex' dt It!; For Ex = Eo sin wt, the solution is [x(O) = 0, x(O) = 0] (e Eo/ Mi ) ( . w. ) x(t)= 2 2 smwt--s1nwc;t , Wei -{Il \ Wei which gives I ( ) I (eEo/ M; ) xtl< 2 2 IrVci -ell I e Eo M, Wei I (W -Wei ) I (12) For M; = 1840m .. Eo = 10 kG, Wei = 2uXO.0608 GHz, and (v = 21iX 1.3 X 109 s-l, Eq. (12) gives Ixl <0.78 mm if Eo < 300 kV /5 cm. Thus, magnetic insulation for the ions is also assured. The total radiated power was measured in two ways: ( 1 ) The radiation pattern was measured and the power/cm2 was obtained. The total radiated power was then calculated by integration. (2) An external rf source of 50 n impedance was connected at the gap via a slotted transmission line. The electrical parameters of the convertor were adjusted to Klystron-like amplifier 176 Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsachieve a VSWR of 1, as measured by the slotted line. This implied that the convertor acted as a matched load to the external source. Measuring the input power and the re sponse of a receiving hom yielded the calibration factor. The two power measurements agreed to within 10%. In the power measurements, the receiving horn was con nected to a 7103 Tektronix I-GHz oscilloscope. All of the electrical components that were used in measuring the pow er were calibrated whenever a series of experiments were performed. From Fig. 10 one can see that the radiated rf power had a slow rise time, about 60 ns. The rffill time of the cavity was r;.::; (2IM)rle' rle = 2Q Iw. Experimentally, we found Q-80; hence, 1"-60 ns. At low rf output power the decay time of the power also lasted 60 ns. At high power the decay time was shorter and at a power of 2. 7 G W this time was 30 ns long. We speculate that the gap lost its electrostatic insulation due to the drop of the current at the end of the IREB pulse and rf vacuum break down occurred. On a few occasions when the current was terminated earlier due to flashover in the diode the fall time of the rf power was shorter, but similar to the fall time of the IREB current. Efficiency of the relativistic klystron amplifier of the sort discussed in this article depends mainly on two quanti ties: The current modulation and the impedance of the load. As in the conventional klystron the modulated beam acts as a current source, the major fraction of which flows through the load and is converted to useful rfpower. The load imped ance RL =Zin should be sufficiently low to prevent electron reflection by the output gap voltage, yielding Vg ~IIRL' The rf power which may be extracted is then approximately equal to RL If 12. Power conversion efficiency of 50% would be obtained on a fully modulated beam (II =10) if we set the output gap voltage Vg to be about equal to the dc beam energy (i.e., RL = VgII1= Vollo)' The above argument is clearly highly simplified. Here, we address several aspects, some of which are unique to our high-current klystron, which control the conversion effi ciencies. Unfortunately, these factors are nonlinear, tran sient, and local in nature so that a simple analytic scaling of RF Power vs. Time for Shot no, 1118 3 ,--..----------------- 2 AVERAGE POWER o o nanoseconds FlG_ 10. Measured rfpower vs time. 177 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 61, No.1, January 1990 the efficiency is unavailable at the moment. However, some interesting observations emerge from the discussion given below. The first obvious question concerns the maximum cur rent modulation 11 which can be imposed on an intense beam by an external rf source, Both our numerical simulation and experimental results indicated that the maximum rf current II' the fundamental component, is limited to about 12 kA on a 16-kA dc beam. Increasing the external rf drive would not increase the current modulation much beyond 12 kA. One possible explanation for the saturation of the current modu lation is the M factor. As the modulating voltage increases, the charge bunching at the gap increases. The nonlinear M factor decreases, which in turn limits the current modulation 11, This gap factor M, while restricting the achievable cur rent modulation, may actually enable the output gap to sus tain an rf voltage VI at a value substantially larger than Vo without causing electron reflection. The underlying reason is simple. Because a low value of M implies a long transit time, an electron crossing the output gap would not experience the peak voltage at all times during its passage" The requirement on the gap voltage to avoid electron reflection is then re laxed. It becomes MVg <KE, where KE is the kinetic energy of an electron entering the gap. This relation suggests that a higher gap voltage can be sustained. Since a high gap voltage implies high power effi ciency, the use of the gap factor 114 to increase the power efficiency is an interesting possibility. (The energy conver sion efficiency is not increased by the M factor, however.) There are other physical factors which could influence the efficiency: They include the beam's energy modulation and its phase relation to the current modulation, the kinetic energy spread within the bunch, the partition between the kinetic and potential energy as the electrons enter the output gap, the substantial current modulation in higher harmonics and their (transient) interaction with the output gap vol tage, geometrical effects, etc. The interplay of aU of these quantities determines the condition under which a virtual cathode would be formed. An accurate assessment of the relativistic klystron efficiency and its optimization requires further study. In Appendix C, we determine the limiting current which can flow across a gap that is subject to a biased vol tage. This is an extention of Ref. 13. In Appendix D, we present conceptual design of a high-power rf converter, from the coaxial TEM mode to a rectangular TE(H waveguide mode. III. DISCUSSION In this article, the construction and operation of a high power amplifier were detailed. An intense relativistic elec tron beam oflow impedance (30 n) and of high power (8 GW) energized the amplifier. The gain of the amplifier was 37 dB and the radiated power was 3 GW. Power efficiency was 35% and energy efficiency 20%. Unlike in the classical klystron, a long drift tube was not necessary for beam modu lation. Klystron-like amplifIer 177 Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsExperimental and numerical results suggest that the electrostatic insulation that originated from the self-electric field of the IREB was of critical importance in preventing rf vacuum breakdown at the high-voltage gaps. These gaps were used to modulate the IREB and to extract rf power. Note that electrostatic insulation does not exist in classical klystron devices. Magnetic insulation was used to prevent breakdown in the cavities and the transmission line that car ried the rf output power into the load. Even though the am plifier was operating at 1.328 GHz, scaling up the frequency by at least a factor of 3 seems possible. The operation of a high-power amplifier at a higher frequency of 3.S GHz is being planned. Note added proof The modulated IREB reported in this article was recently used to accelerate electrons with a cur rent of 200 A (peak)-60 MeV over a distance of 1 m. This experiment was reported by the authors in Phys. Rev. Lett. 63,2468 (1989). ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research is sponsored by the Strategic Defense Ini tiative Organization, Office of Innovative Science and Tech nology, and managed by the Harry Diamond Laboratory. APPENDIX A.: RELA.TIONSHIP BETWEEN Bll) and 11 When the beam current is highly modulated, as in the present experiment, the dc relationship BIO = polJ21Tr w no longer holds. How one should interpret the modulated cur rent II from the measured value of the magnetic field Blo requires careful consideration, and this is the subject of dis cussion in this Appendix. Consider a thin annular electron beam of radius rb car rying an axial current (AI) where II' w, and k are constants. This annular electron sheet gives rise to a value of B iO at r = r w' the wall radius of the drift tube. From Maxwell's equations, it may readily be shown that 11 and Hw = Ble/Ilo are related by II = HIIJ217rw [Jo(pr w )/JO(prb ) ], (A2) where p2 = (i)2/c2 _ k 2, (A3) and Jo is the Bessel function of order zero. Before we proceed further, we note that in the dc limit, w->O, k->O, andp ..... O, (A2) gives II (de) = Hw217ru" (A4) which is a well-known relation. This relationship ha..<; fre quently been used to infer the beam current from B-dot loop measurements. In the present experiment, the beam current II is a su perposition of the fast and slow space-charge waves.5 Since we are considering the relationship between II and RiO through Maxwell's equations (which are linear), we may separately consider the fast wave component and the slow wave component. For the present geometry, (i) and k in Eq. (A 1) are governed by the dispersion relation5 «(U-kvo)2=a(k2c2-o/). (AS) Here, a = IoIUsY0/3o), Is = 8.53 kA/ln(rw/rb)' and Uo is 178 Rev. ScL Instrum., Vol. 61, No.1, January 1990 the electron speed in the drift tube. Equation (AS) gives k = w(1 + a) (A6) J,s vo( 1 ± all) , where ap= (a2+alra)1/2/fJo, !3o=.volc, ro=.(l-/36)-1/2, Here, and in what follows, we shan use the subscripts! and s to denote the fast-and slow-wave components, respectively. Let us denote Jo(prw) lo(rrw) E=' (A7) JO(prb) 10C rrb) where r2=. -p2, and 10 is the modified Bessel function of order zero. Referring to Eq. (A2), we see that if E> 1, the true value of II would be greater, by a factor of E, than the value inferred from BIB under the assumption of the dc rela tionship (A4). Of interest are the values EJ,s corresponding to the fast and slow waves. Useful expressions may be ob tained in the low-current limit (a--O) and in the high-cur rent limit, as the limiting current is approached. In the limit of very weak current, a--O, both kf and k,. approach ks =kf=o)/u O by Eq. (AS). Thus, which, together with (A7), we have Es =cj'""ex p[ 217 (_1_) (rw -rb)] • A !3oro (AS) (AW) In obtaining (A 10), we have used the asymptotic expression for IoCrrw)' For A=23 cm, rw-rb=O.4 cm, and /3oro= 1.8, the enhancement factor Ef' £s is approximately equal to 1.063. Thus, for very low dc current, one may use the dc relationship, the error being of the order of 6%. This is in good agreement with our simulations. When the limiting current is approached, a--/3 6. In this limit, ap--1 and kr-> (u (1 + /3 ~ ) /2uo by (A6). Then rr-> (O)lc) (1 -/36 )/2(30 = 1T/(Ara/3 o), and Ef=exp(-_l7- (rw -rb)) • Ara!3o (All) In our experiment, £1"===_1 to within 2%. Thus, the fast-wave component of the current modulation would give rise to BIB with magnitude very close to the dc case. The above conclusion is no longer true for the slow wave component of the current modulation when the limit ing current 1< is approached. Let us denote (AI2) a quantity close to unity as a approaches the critical value ac =/3~. It can be shown that, as IoIIc-+1, a = /3 ~ -(1 -IoIIc )/3~, and (1+f3~)( 10) 1 -ap. = 2 1 - Ie . (AI3) We next use this expression in (A6) to find k" which is then used to obtain r s' After some manipulation, we find Klystron-like amplifier 178 Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions(A14) whence ( 411" (Yw -r b ) ) €s=exp - , A (l -101 Ie )flo CAt5) which gives a large value asIa-Ie. Thus, the presence ofthe slow-wave component may lead to an underestimation of the current modulation (when the limiting current is ap proached), if one applies the dc relationship (A4) to the measured value of B HJ' One might be tempted to use I, the instantaneous cur rent, in place of 10 in Eq. (A15) when the beam is highly modulated. In the present experiment, we take Yb = 6.3 cm, Yw = 6.8 em (cf. Fig. 1), f30=O.8, A = 23 em, I lIe = 0.6, then IEf""" 1 and €, =2.4. If we further assume that the fast and slow-wave components of the currents modulation are about equal, then II =Hl()2TrY w2€f€.J(lEf + IEs) =Hlf!2trY tv X 1.4. (A16) Thus, the use of (A4) may underestimate the modulated current by as much as 40%-a point suggested by our exper iment and consistent with our simulations. APPENDIX B: TRANSIT TIME EFFECTS IN GAP Transit time effects, which are quite important for IREBS, are now considered. These effects are well-known for the case of a tenuous beam. Here, we extend the classical analysis for an IREB. The estimates given here show that the space-charge effects are significant if the beam current is a sizable fraction of the limiting current. For our geometry of an annular beam, the transit time effect can be analyzed by solving the equation4,J() (8 a)2 0-0(2a2 a2) at + v az s = r c 8z2 -at 2 S eE (z) . + -g-3-sm wt. mor (Bl) In this equation, S is the (nonlinear) displacement of an electron at position z at time t and 0-0 = Io/(lsf3o)' The last term in the right-hand side of this equation represents the modulating electric field Eg (z), which is assumed to be a nonzero constant for 0 < z < D and zero elsewhere. The clas sical transit time effect is deduced from (B1) if we set au"'" 0, A linearized study ofEq. (B 1) shows that the electrons, as they cross the gap, experience an equivalent electric field which is reduced by a factor (B2) where Me = jsin(wD 12vo)/(wD 12vo) I is the well-known transit time factor for a weak beam and <P = a,u8wD luo' Here, a = 10/(1,"10(30), ap = (a2 + alr1yI21/30, and 8 = f3 ~ I (f3 6 -a). For D = 2 em, w = 2trX 1.3 GHz, Vo = D.Se, alf3 ~ = O.S (beam current is 50% of the limiting current), then Me "",0.97 and I cos <PI = 0.733. For D = 3 cm and the re- 119 Rev. Scl.lnstrum., Vol. 61, No.1, January 1990 maining parameters unchanged, Me "",0.96 and Icos <1>1 = 0.434. There is a substantial reduction in the effec tive gap voltage which the beam experiences due to space charge effects, Thus, in the energy distributions of the elec trons (cf. Fig. 6), the peak energy is not necessarily equal to the sum of the peak gap voltage and the peak kinetic energy. The transit time effects allow a higher voltage to be sustained at the output gap without causing the beam electrons to be reflected. APPENDIX C: LIMITING CURRENT ACROSS A GAP WITH A BIASED VOLTAGE The modulated IREB converts its kinetic energy to rf energy when the electrons are retarded by the decelerating voltage across the gap of the extraction section. One limit on the extraction efficiency is governed by the maximum re tarding voltge which the gap can substain without the forma tion of a virtual cathode. Equivalently, we may ask; given a biased gap voltage, what is the maximum current which can be transmitted without forming a virtual cathode? In this Appendix, we examine this question via the use of the simple parallel-plate model. The extension to the actual experimen tal setup will be given toward the end of this Appendix. Consider an ideal gap consisting oftwo parallel plates of areaAo, separated by a distanceD. The left plateK (Fig. 11) is grounded and right plate A is held at a voltage VI cos wt. We assume that the transit times of the electrons are so small compared with the rf period 2trlw that we may consider w=O. Thus, when transversing the gap, the electrons essen tially see only a static field.13-15 Only one-dimensional mo tion is considered, Let Jbe the current density of the electron impinging on plate K. Letf3i =v,lc, Yi = (1 -P ;)-112 be the normalized velocity and the normalized energy of the electrons when they enter plate K, and f3f = v;i c and Yf be the corresponding values when the electrons exit plate A. Since we are now dealing with a static problem, conservation of energy gives leiV, Yf= Yi +--, (Cl) moc2 and conservation of charge gives z=o Z" I --~) K x=o FIG. 11. A simplified model for beam-gap interaction. Klystron-like amplifier 179 Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsJ = lelnv = I lAo = const, (C2) everywhere, where n and v are the number density and veloc ity of the electrons. Let E be the electric field. We need to solve the force law and the Poisson equation: a f3 -(rfJ) = az -~, (C3) a~ ] (C4) -= --az f3 Here, we have introduced the dimensionless quantities: z=.xID, ~ =. lelED Imoc2, and]= lelD 2J ImocEo (> 0). We differentiate (C3) with respect to z and use (C4) to yield a (a )- f3 -f3 -(rf3) = J = canst. az az We now introduce a time variable S, defined by a a /3 az = as . In terms of S, the solution to (C5) reads r/3 = 152/2 + CIS + rili' where 5 is related to z by z = f-/3(s')ds' (C5) (C6) (C7) (C8) and C I is a constant to be determined. In writing (C7), we have used the boundary condition at plate K: r/3 = rif3i when 5 = Z = O. The constant c 1 is related to the normalized transit time Sf: rilf = J n/2 + CISf +rJl;. (C9) It can be shown 16 that the total amount of charge Q within the plates is proportional to Sf: Q = -CIS> X (511 keV) , (ClO) where C is this capacitance of the gap, which in this case is simply AoEoID. Note that Sf is determined from [cf. Eq. (C8) J I = LSI /3(5') ds'. It can be shown that, with A='Sr/J, Equation (C 11) may be rewritten as ff = Ail dTj I PI(Tj) , o ,,1 +P1(Tj) where (CII) (CI2) (C13) P1(Tj) = [A2(Tj2 -Tj)/2 + rif3i + Tj(rl3r -rilj) ]2. (C14) Equation (C 13) determines the limiting current as function of the biased gap voltage as follows. Suppose that we specify ri and rf (i.e., initial beam energy and gap voltage), the right-hand side of (Cl3), denoted by F(A), is a function of A. The critical value of ff is then given by the stationary values of F, and the critical amount of charge within the plates [i.e., Sf; see Eq. (ClO)] is determined from (Cl2) using those values of A which yield stationary values of F. 180 Rev. SCi.lnstrum., Vol. 61, No.1, January 1990 In general, there are two critical currentsJ"j andIc2 for given values of ri and rf' The one with lower value, Ie! , is given by (Jd ) 1/2 = {i [f (~rif3 i) + f (~rff3 f)], where fez) = f dtt2j~1 +? (CI5) (C16) The properties off (z) are described in considerable detail in Ref. 14 (see also Refs. 13 and 15). Physically, Icl is the minimum value ofJ which is required to retard some elec tron to zero velocity somewhere within the diode, at given values ofrl' rfC rf > 1). The other criticalcurrent,l c2, is the maximum amount of current which can be transmitted, at given values of ri and rf' At the moment, we have not found an analytic solution for IC2 even though it is the more rel evant quantity. Shown in Fig. 12 are the values ofJc! ,JC2 as a function of the gap voltage Vg = VI when ri = 2, Also shown in Fig. 12 is Sf corresponding to Jc2' Finally, we comment on the extension of our analysis and the use of Fig. 12 for other realistic geometries. The crucial quantity is the current scale Is, which enters in the definition of the normalized current J.. In general; we write 1= Ills, where Is = C(moc2je)IT, eC17) (CI8) and C is proposed to be the capacitance (in vacuo), and Tis the time required for light to traverse the system. In the parallel plate system, C = AoEol D and T = Die, and the normalized current] in (C5) is consistent with the one in troduced in Eq. (C17). It is ofinterest to note that the cur rent scale Is introduced in Eq. (CI8) is also adequate to describe an entirely different system-that of a thin annular beam of radius rb drifting in a circular waveguide of radius rw and length L. In this geometry, C = 21TEaL !lnCr wlrb ) 6 3 4 2 2 -400 -200 o 200 400 Vg (keV) FIG. 12. The normalized limiting current fel, and fe2, and the normalized transit time Sf corresponding to Ja. Klystron-like amplifier 180 Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsand T= L /C. Equation (CI8) then yields Is = 8.53 (kA)/ln(ru/rb), the current scale which enters repeatedly in our studies of this system. Finally, for the present extrac tion experiment, C is capacitance at the extraction gap and T= Die whereDis the gap length. For C=Co = 6 pF (cf. Fig. 8) andD = 2 em, Is = 46 kA from Eq. (CIS). IfYi = 2 and Yr = 1, Fig. 12 gives:r C2 =:rcl =0.55 andIc =IsJc2 =25 kA. Note that this value of 25 kA is very close to the peak current observed in the experiment. APPENDIX D: A HIGH~POWER MODE CONVERTOR Many applications (e.g., rf accelerators) demand a high power of rf in a TEol rectangular mode. In this article, we demonstrated successful mode conversion from a TEM coaxial to TMo, cylindrical high-power rf pulse. The conver sion took place inside an applied magnetic field which eli minated conditions that could lead to breakdown. Mode conversion from a TEM coaxial to TEo! rectangular can be achieved in a similar fashion. The mode transition can take place in a way that will ensure that the rf electric field will be perpendicular to the axial magnetic field. In Fig. 13 such a mode convertor is shown. The changes in the radial geome~ try take place over long distances ensuring "adiabatic" coo version. In this convertor a number of "fins" are emerging graduaHy from the center conductor of a coaxial line. The radial dimension of the fins increases along the axial posi tion. At a point downstream the fins connect the inner and outer conductors of the coaxial line dividing the cross-sec tional area into equal parts. These areas are slowly trans formed into a cross section of a rectangular waveguide. The end result is a mode convertor embedded inside an axial magnetic field. One end of the convertor looks like a coaxial line, and the other end looks like rectangular waveguides running parallel to each other and to the loads. The number of rectangular waveguides is large for a large diameter coax- 181 Rev. Sci.lnstrum., Vet 61, No.1, January 1990 HIGH POWER MODE CONVERTER FOR THE RELATIVISTIC KLYSTRON AMPLIFIER / EXTERNAL MAGNETIC FtEi....D COIL ILZ 7 ,.=:7!=r~~= COAXIAL LINE --------~ @, ~' 88' --. ~ " . ~ " ,", , ' .' ' " FIG, 13. High-power mode convertor. mmm ffiJJTII1 RECTANGULAR ialline so that the rf power/waveguide is below the break down level. 1M. Friedman, V. Serlin, A. Drobot, and L. Seftor, Phys, Rev. Lett 50, 1922 (1983). 2M. Friedman, V. 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Miller, An Introduction to the Physics of Intense Charge Particles Beams (Plenum, New York, 19B2), p. 21 i. By. S. Voronin, Yu T, Zozulya, and A N. Lebedev, Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys. 17,432 (1972). 14y. Y, Lau, J. Appl. Phys. 61,36 (1987). ISH. Jory and A, Trivelpiece, J. AppL Phys. 40, 3924 (1969). 16M. Friedman and V. Serlin, J. Appl. Phys. 58, 1460 (1985). Klystron-like amplifier 181 Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions
Microstructures for particle beam control G. W. Jones, S. K. Jones, M. Walters, and B. Dudley Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 6, 2023 (1988); doi: 10.1116/1.584122 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.584122 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvstb/6/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Laser beam shaping for microstructural control during laser surface melting J. Laser Appl. 19, 1 (2007); 10.2351/1.2402522 Electrostatic control of microstructure thermal conductivity Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 1778 (2001); 10.1063/1.1355302 Microstructure control in semiconductor metallization J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 15, 763 (1997); 10.1116/1.589407 Control of diamond film microstructure by use of seeded focused ion beam crater arrays J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 9, 3095 (1991); 10.1116/1.585318 Control of Resistivity, Microstructure, and Stress in Electron Beam Evaporated Tungsten Films J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 10, 436 (1973); 10.1116/1.1317085 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:57:07Microstructures for particle beam control G. W. Jones, S. K, Jones, M. Walters, and B. Dudley Microelectronics Center of North Carolina, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 (Received 21 June 1988; accepted 24 August 1988) Submicron lithography presents significant challenges to the fabrication of high-density complex devices. Resolution, speed, critical dimension precision, variable design sets, and registration generally are conflicting goals for a lithography system. In this paper, we will present a new concept in electron or ion beam lithography with the potential to write far submicrometer patterns at speeds well beyond those of single beam systems currently available. This structure serves as a combined multiple aperture and beam deflection structure in a high-speed multibeam raster scan writing system. The principle device structure to be discussed consists of an array of apertures micromachined into a portion of a silicon substrate with electrostatic deflection lines connected to each aperture. This structure is a key part of a lithography system with targeted 0.1- ,urn-pixel resolution. Apertures of 0.08 ,um diameter with 10% dimensional control have been fabricated along with multiple multi pole lenses using various microfabrication techniques. The paper will focus on the fabrication of these novel structures and will discuss potential system applications. I. INTRODUCTION Fabrication of next-generation high-density complex de vices with requirements for far submicron critical dimension patterning presents significant challenges for lithographic technologies as they exist today. Resolution, speed, critical dimension precision, variable design sets, and registration generally are conflicting goals for a lithography system. A new system concept for electron or ion beam lithography has been developed with the potential capability to write at high gigahertz data rates and produce submicron features. This new method is achievable due to novel control structures made possible by microfabrication techniques. These new structures consist of arrays of apertures which shape an in coming broad beam into individual beams and allow simul taneous deflection of individual beams along with common focusing for the aggregate of beams. The control structures fabricated demonstrate the potential power of such an ap proach and the feasibility of construction. An array of such beam aperture, deflector, and optional lens combinations has been designated with the name lithography wand 1 as it generates a linear wave of patterns as its beam array is scanned across a prepared surface, The use of the wand concept has considerable impact on an overall system design and methodology, as will. be dis cussed in more detail subsequently. The sections to follow will provide an example of a wand-type system implementa tion utilizing some novel concepts such as combining por tions of system control circuitry into a wand deflector and aperture array. Microfabrication techniques utilizing a tri layer resist structure are used to construct a sub-tenth-mi cron wand aperture and a multipole wand lens. II. SYSTEM CONCEPTS The use of an array of beams all prealigned to each other with individually deflectable beams offers the potential of significantly enhanced data rates using conventional com puter systems and rapid alignment capability. While a num ber of system variations exist, such as attaching on or com-bining a charged particle source into the wand, this example system provides a reasonable review of wand design con cepts. The potential benefits of beam lithography have been known for some time as several papers have been written addressing alternate approaches?-4 The concept presented herein, especially the lens/deflector combination, offers a great amount of potential flexibility and benefit. The wand controller is the heart of this type of system, defining the beams and selecting which beams are deflected on and off'. In the particular example shown in Fig. I, an incombing collimated beam is broken up by the aperture portion of the wand into a number of individual beams which are arranged linearly. The exiting beams are deflected into a gutter aperture to be turned off, or left undefiected to expose the substrate. The edges of the pattern to be printed are correlated with the ends of the beam array and the deflec tion voltages required to position the beams on the target alignment patterns. The target x, y, and e electrostatic de flectors can be iteratively modified until the designed align ment of the wand array to the target pattern is obtained. Mechanical alignment and scanning is also possible using this system configuration. The x and y deflection voltages necessary for an aligned scan of the target are calculated following test scans of the alignment structures, then single or multiple beams may be scanned over alignment structures to obtain verification of proper alignment prior to patterning the target. Once the beams at each end of the beam array are properly positioned relative to the target pattern, the re mainder of the array is also aligned, thereby providing signfi cant potential alignment accuracy and speed for patterns produced on wand machines of similar design. A stepping stage is shown for stepping between target sites in Fig. 2. The requirement to stitch would depend upon chip size, wand array length, and the practical x scan distance for the partic ular wand system. Figure 2 also shows a complete wand column looking broadside at the beam array. The source end of the column consists of an array of field emission sources of a line-shaped source which is highly collimated. Apertures for accelera tion control and deflectors for source to wand array align- 2023 J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 6 (6), Nov/Dec 1988 0734-211X/88!062023-05$01.00 @ 1988 American Vacuum Society 2023 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:57:072024 Jones et sl.: Microstructures for particle beam control ment and energy separation are also shown between the charged particle source and the wand array. While conventional electrostatic or magnetic deflection is possible, deflection can also be performed utilizing oxidized silicon substrates with an etched beam line and thin-film conductors for electrostatic deflectors. Pairs of silicon sub strates may be separately formed and sandwiched together using recently reported bonding techniques.5•6 This new technique provides a method of precisely fabricating com plex deflector designs with high electric fields at moderate operating voltages. The silicon substrate used in the fabrication process may contain additional control circuitry. A simple block layout showing controls built on a wand array chip with 3-pm n type metal-oxide semiconductor 5 V technology and its re lated off chip systems for a 40% beam array is shown in Fig. 3. The aperture block previously shown in Fig. 1 shows a diagram of a simple wand structure cross section showing a restricted aperture formed by oxidation such as the one to be discussed in the section to foHow. Figure 4 gives a cross sec tion of a wand aperture containing a five-pole lens for use with a remote source and Fig. 5 is a cross section of a wand with a combined field emission electron source and lens. While Figs. 4 and 5 show insulator walls in the beam line J. Vac. Sci. Technol. S, Vol. 6, No.6, Nov/Dec 1988 2024 FIG. 1. Diagram of lithography wand con troller. which might be prone to charging, it is possible to etch back the walls of these structures using common oxide etches to recess the insulators away from the beam line. Charging ef fects that might occur due to scattered particles will reach an equilibrium and can be compensated for using the lens sys tems after a short period of lens operation. III. FABRICATION OF WAND CONTROLLER The fabrication of the wand controller shown in Fig. begins with the selection of a lightly doped 100 p-type sub strate such as used for silicon very large scale integrated manufacturing, but with both sides polished. The substrate is oxidized to form Si02, the oxide on the frontside of the substrate is chemically removed, and the wafer is subjected to a boron deposition and drive-in process using boron ni tride furnace process in the region which will become the wand aperture array. The substrate is stripped of oxide, then reoxidized. The backside of the wafer is then patterned with slots to open the length of the array. Following reactive ion etch and resist removal, a silicon etch through the wafer is performed. An angle of 55° between the < 100) and < 111) silicon planes was repeatably obtained, using a mixture of ethylenediamine, water, pyrocatechol, and pyrazine in an Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:57:072025 Jones et sl.: Microstructures for particle beam control ~~::",<";:J- Electron or Ion Source I =-~:.-=--_-,- ~-Aperture1 1 01 ,~ ... ~~"~, -Optional prepositionmQ deflectors x,y,a of charge ribbon mounted in x,y, 6 mechanical support < I Incoming charge ribbon -I t§ I I :l-Support block Cooled back plate ~ •• :_' ~ WAND array Spacer " ,_~ I Getterlng aperture -lii"m LI 'i,:::,;,:lli:::~ , ','!',',: 'i!!, "', -x,V,e positioning deflectors ': .. and x scan deflector mounted II: I In x,y,a mechanical support ~ ,i:ii,!:'I:!li!I; -ii'~:-' Array of beams -'ill ::,,1':.: I ~ :Iiii:f'" tt ~:~e:;~~~dafY electrons} iii: " / Substrate to be patterned C-=~~---<-<--=<j5tepPI"gtable FIG, 2, Illustration of wand column viewed broadside at beam array. apparatus similar to that presented by Reisman et ai.7 This process produces a 1.3-flm silicon membrane capped with 0.25-,um silicon dioxide. This etching process was also used by Bassous to produce arrays of ink jet nozzles in silicon substrates.8 A highly doped boron layer may also be deposit ed epitaxially. ~mor\l Cache 1 pata In 641iMs 32bits lor.g T Contr.l Control System -CentraIO"t .. Bas. -Projoct D.1a Base -Human Int.rfac. -Electrode P.'W~r -Conkols & Supplies T I II II 5V lO!lic Gmd 0-15 Deflection Supply Clock/Timing I/o's I.D8te In Shift Clock 2.Expo3ure I ntefv81 Clock 3.Dete ClJcle Clocl: 4.EC 1/0's (2x4) 5.Serial Data Out (test) 6.Deta Acu 1/0's J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. e, Vol. 6, No.6, Nov/Dec 1988 ~o"us Amp.1It DAC 2025 -51°2 -S102 -5;°2 '<.Lo ...... :....:...:...:..<:..4.J....:;..<...J- W FIG. 4. Cross section of wand aperture with five-pole lens. The next portion of the process involves preparing the wafer frontside with a modified trilayer resist structure9 con sisting of planarization layer of polyester (Futurrex 1500D) (Ref. 10), an intermediate layer of evaporated silicon, and an imaging layer of Shipley S2400-17. II The imaging layer was exposed on a Perkin-Elmer MEBES III at 10 keY and 30 flC/cm2 to produce a linear array of apertures measuring 0.4 j-tm in size on a I-flm pitch. Following resist develop ment, the patterns were transferred via reactive ion etching through the intermediate and planarization layers of the tri layer structure. The substrate was etched using an Applied Materials AME 8110 for the silicon dioxide film and an AME 8120 for the silicon trenches using a helium trench etch. Following resist removal and cleaning, the trenches were oxidized at high temperature until apertures of the desired size were obtained. Top-down and cross-sectional view micrographs of a O.08-j-tm wand aperture are shown in Figs. 6(a) and 6(b). The square profile is obtained due to preferential oxidation in the (111) direction. The wand aperture shown has under gone nearly complete conversion of silicon to silicon dioxide. The use of upper and lower capping layers of silicon nitride Daia In 641in~s .. 32bits long WAND $ubsilstems I I R~ster Scan system 2.Scan corr.ciion 3.Prealignment 4.Alignmont S,lmag. M@ilitor 6.Y .. cwm ~st.m status 7.'rIofe .. handling e ,stag" conti' .. 1 9 .S ....... c~ control I FIG. 3. Layout of wand controls. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:57:072026 Jones et sl.: Microstructures for particle beam control W (x deflected scan) Polyimide f'L'CLL.L:L.t:LL:LL.~+<..<..4.LL,'-<-LLL-'4 W (y scan) 1-.................... """ .......... _-"'--t N+ poly Poi" 5 J==;=;;,:'t====:=tW poly Pole 3 N+ poly Pole 2 ,.. N+ poly Pole I Restricted apertures (Ni) /' i""'==="'-t TISi2 extraction Polyimide ~--------~~~~------~ Tungsten clad silicon emitter/' Silicon substrate N+ Stress control '-__________________ ---' conductive backlayers FIG. 5. Cross section of wand with combined field emission electron source and lens. and a thicker silicon membrane would normally be desired to provide a more vertical trench and the capability ofform ing smaller capillaries. The size distribution of these wand apertures is shown in Fig. 7, with 10% (2a) dimensional control. While hundredth micrometer dimensional control (al fbI FIG. 6. SEM micrographs ofO.OR-,um wand aperture viewed Ca) top-down and (b) cross section. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. S, Vol. 6, No.6, NovlDec 1988 .. u <: ~ :> <> u 0 <5 ~ 30 25 20 o~----------~~ o. 0.02 0.04 c::J Up/Down Measurement _ Left/Right Measurement UD III.,," ... 084 +1-.006 LR lIIea" " .078 +/-.006 0.16 0.18 Diameter (microns) FIG. 7. Histogram of size distribution of wand apertures. 2026 of 0.1 O-pm structures is impressive and may be acceptable for non focused shaped beam applications such as this, further improvement in two areas is desired. First, measure ment of such structures is difficult and is believed to contrib ute substantial error as is demonstrated by the Hitachi S6000 up/down and left/right measurements shown in Fig. 7. The bias reversed when the sample was rotated 90°. Second, further refinement of the electron beam (e-beam) process and possible use of e-beam direct write system with better dose control at sub-half-micrometer spot sizes and/or smaller spot size capability is anticipated. A target mean aperture diameter may be obtained by re peating oxidations to obtain a specific size opening. Aper tues as small as 350 A have been fabricated with the above technique. Series of these apertures have been placed in a scanning electron micrograph (SEM) column and used to define beams. Patterns printed with short aperture to target distances demonstrated patterns of slightly less than aper ture size. Figure 8 demonstrates resist structures of sub-half micron features which were printed in O.23-pm film thick ness of Shipley SAL601 (Ref. 11) negative electron beam photoresist using the wand apertures with -5 pC/cm2 dose of 2-keV electrons in a proximity mode. FIG. 8. SEM micrograph ofseries 0["0.10-, 0.20-, and 0.25-,urn resist struc tures electron beam exposed in O.23-,um Shipley SAL601 using wand aper tures. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:57:072027 Jones et al.: Microstructures for particle beam control A thick resist (3.5 ,um) lift-off stencil is patterned using image reversal processing12 for the metal deflector level. A conductor such as aluminum is then deposited and the unde sired metal lifted-off in an acetone bath leaving the conduc tive lines with a narrow gap in the proximity of the aperture. The use of deflectors on these apertures has not yet been evaluated due to the configuration of the current test col umn. IV. FABRICATION OF WAND LENS An alternate structure which is of interest is a wand array with built-in lenses to obtain focusing ability. The lens arrays potentially offer substantial improvement and flexibility over the nonlens arrays as they should allow individual spot size control, longer working distances for a given source to wand column length, and greater writing speed for the tar geted O.l-,um final beam spot size/4K aperture wand array design due to higher overall beam currents resulting from increased total aperture area for a given array length at a given beam power level incident on the wand. (Wand array heating limits acceptable beam power levels incident on a wand array for a given mounting and, thereby, acts as a key writing speed limit along with data rate for a particular wand/wand mounting design). The larger diameter aper tures and a thick refractory metal or silicide layer on the side of the wand array incident to the particle beam should be more stable and reliable than the oxidized restrict or arrays. A diagram of a five-pole lens is given in Fig. 4, and a cross section micrograph of an etched stacked lens structure is shown in Fig. 9. In the example diagram, a high-concentra tion boron etch stop is not required; etch stop on Si02 is used. To etch through this thicker structure, a thicker polyester planarization layer may be used (-5 ,um) during formation of the trilayer structure. The conductor layer for the deflec tors may be placed on the substrate prior to the etch to allow self-alignment of the deflectors to the apertures to minimize the required deflection voltages during operation. Alternat ing layers of n+ silicon and Si02 are reactively ion etched using processes previously discussed to produce the lens structure for this example. Restrictions of aperture size may be obtained using electrolytic plating techniques or selective FIG. 9. Cross-section SEM micrograph of etched stacked lens structure. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. e, Vol. 6, No.6, Nov/Dec 1988 2027 chemical vapor deposition if desired. Target size for such lens diameters is in the l-,um range although only 2.0 and 2.8-JLm lenses have been fabricated to date with vertical walls. At this time we have demonstrated the concept and fabrication of such lens stacks; however, no testing of such lenses have been performed. The use of such lenses could eventually allow fabrication of an entire writing column on a chip as shown in Fig. 5. V. CONCLUSIONS Structures have been fabricated with the potential to pro vide multiple particle beam control for various applications including lithography which have the potential of gigahertz tenth micrometer pixel rates. Construction of version of these structures with very small O.OB-,um apertures and with aperture/Einzellens combinations has been demonstrated. Far-submicron « 0.10 ,um) resist structures have been printed using wand apertures fabricated by oxidizing silicon orifices. While considerable investigation and development is still required, this new technology presents a potential method for reasonable throughput, direct-write patterning of 100 nm and below semiconductor circuit structures. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors express their gratitude to the staff of the fabri cation facility of the Microelectronics Center of North Caro lina, and especially to Y. Ho for trilayer structure etching and J. Standish for photomask fabrication. Appreciation is expressed to C. Peters and to the staff of the General Elec tronic Microelectronics Center, Research Triangle Park, NC, for electron beam exposures and to the Linear Device group of General Electric for boron nitride processing sup port. Appreciation is expressed to A. Reisman and C. Os burn for technical discussions and support of this program. 'G. Jones and S. Joncs, patent pending to Microelectronics Center of North Carolina. 'H. Pfeiffer, IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices 26, 4 (1979). \T. Newman, R. Pease, and W. DeVoro, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 1, 999 ( 1983). 4B. Roelofs, J. LePoolc, J. Barth, and C. deGruyter, Microcircuit Engineer ing. 1983, edited by H. Ahmed, J. Cleaver. and G. Jones (Academic! Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, 1984), p. 224. 'R. Black, S. Arthur, R. Gilmore, N. Lewis, E. Hall. and R. LiIlquist. J. App!. Phy,. 63, 2773 (1988). "J. Lasky, App\. Phys. Lett. 48, 78 (1986). 71\. Reisman, M. Bcrkenblit, S. Chan, F. Kaufman, and D. Green, J.Elec trochem. Soc. 126(8), 1406 (1979). "E. Bassous, H. Taub, and L Kuhn, App!. Phys. Lett. 31,136 (1977). oS. Jones, R. Chapman, Y. :Bo, and S. Bobbio, in Proceedings of Interface '86 Microelectronics Seminar (Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY, 1987), Kodak Publication No. G-155. '''Available from Futurrex, 44·50 Clinton St., Newton, NJ 07860. "Available from Shipley Company, 2300 Washington St., Newton, MA 02162. "S. Jones, R. Chapman, and E. Pavelchek, in Proceedings afthe First Inter national.Symposium on ULSI Science and Technology (Electrochemical Society, New York, 1987). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:57:07
Lowtemperature (250°C) selective epitaxy of GaAs films and pn junction by laser assisted metalorganic chemical vapor deposition N. H. Karam, H. Liu, I. Yoshida, and S. M. Bedair Citation: Applied Physics Letters 53, 767 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.99827 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.99827 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/53/9?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Structure of high resistivity GaAs film grown by lowtemperature metalorganic chemical vapor deposition Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 3239 (1996); 10.1063/1.118022 Ultraviolet laserassisted metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of GaAs J. Appl. Phys. 66, 5001 (1989); 10.1063/1.344467 Lowtemperature (600–650°C) silicon epitaxy by excimer laserassisted chemical vapor deposition J. Appl. Phys. 65, 4268 (1989); 10.1063/1.343311 Laserassisted metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy of GaAs Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 1065 (1988); 10.1063/1.99212 Laserassisted chemical vapor deposition of Si: Lowtemperature ( J. Appl. Phys. 58, 979 (1985); 10.1063/1.336144 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:04:19Low~temperature (250 °C) se~ective epitaxy of GaAs fUms and p""n junction by ~aser .. assisted metalorganic chemical vapor deposition N. H. Karam,a) H. Liu, I. Yoshida, and S. M. Bedaif Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, North Carolina State University. Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7911 (Received 3 March 1988; accepted for publication 22 June 1988) Low-temperature seiective epitaxial growth of device quality GaAs has been achieved by laser assisted chemical vapor deposition (LCVD). GaAs substrates thermally biased to temperatures in the range 250--500 °C were irradiated by an Ar ion laser to induce localized deposition of GaAs. Carefully selected growth conditions resulted in growth rates as low as a monolayer per second at 250°C. This is the lowest substrate temperature for epitaxial GaAs with optical and structural quality comparable to those achieved in conventionally metalorganic chemical vapor deposition grown GaAs. Also reported is the first p-n junction by LCVD technique using zinc as the p-type dopant. This new low-temperature selective deposition process can lead to maskless fabrication of muhicomponent devices on the same wafer. Low-temperature deposition of epitaxial films is of great interest to the development of many semiconductor technol ogies. This is because it would lead to improvement in the abruptness of doping profiles, as well as a reduction in the outdiffusion of impurities from the substrate and in the intcr diffusion at heterojunction interfaces. These advantages meet some of the current trends for reducing device dimen sions. Several approaches have been proposed to reduce the growth temperature using both molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) techniques. They include plasma-assisted growth, migration-enhanced epitaxy, and precracking of reactant species. The quality of the deposited films is usuaHy inferior to that deposited at h;gher growth temperatures (i.e., 500-600 °C). These low-temperature-deposited films were found to be heavily compensated and in some cases exhibited high resistivity with poor optical properties. 1,2 Laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition (LCV D) of HI-V compounds previously reported-,-8 is a potential means for low substrate temperature deposition processes. The in teraction of the laser beam can result in localized heating and photocatalytic deposition of the reacting species at the sub strate surface. Laser-assisted deposition also allows epitaxial growth sdectivcly in the area irradiated by the laser beam. Thus device structures can be selectively deposited on sub strates thermally biased to fairly low temperatures, This will allow the selective addition of particular devices (e.g., sources and detectors) on substrates that already have digi tal or analog circuits. This can be achieved without any deg radation of performance of these circuits as long as they are not exposed to temperatures higher than a few hundred de grees. We report for the first time the laser-assisted epitaxy of GaAs films on a substrate that is thermally biased to tem peratures as low as 250°C. To the best of our knowledge this is the lowest substrate temperature used to deposit device quality GaAs using MOCVD or MBE techniques. We also report on the first maskless selective deposition of GaAs p-n junctions using this LCVD technique. The experimental setup is a vertical MOCVD system .) Currently with Spin: Corporation. Patriots Park, Bedford, MA lH 730, operated at atmospheric pressure that was modified to serve the LCVD experiment. 3,5 The substrates were biased induc tively to uniform temperatures in the range of 250--500 ·C. TrimethylgaHium (TMG), AsH, 00% inHz), anddimeth ylzinc (DMZ) or diethylzinc (DEZ) were the sources used for Ga, As, and p-type dopant, respectively. GaAs was de posited using the multiple scanning approach,4 An Ar ion laser was scanned relative to a thermally biased substrate while simultaneously exposed to TMG and AsH, in a H2 carrier gas. Deposition parameters including the TMG mole fraction, substrate thermal bias, laser power density. and scanning speed were adjusted to deposit about one to two monolayers of GaAs per laser scan. The desired GaAs film thickness could be achieved by multiple laser beam scanning at speeds in the range 100-200I1m/s, Lines about 0.3 em long and 200-500 pm wide were deposited, and the thickness profiles were measured by a microstylus. The thickness of the deposited lines, measured normal to the scanning direc tion, peaked at the center and decreased gradually to about zero value at the peripheries. Experiments performed on substrates heated to temperatures lower than 250°C were not successful because of the instability of the rf generator. We found that in order to achieve a meaningful growth rate, the laser power had to increase as the substrate bias tempera ture decreased. This would allow higher local temperature of the irradiated area and also higher photon density to en hance the photocatalytic reaction process. The maximum surface temperature rise .:.1 T at the center of the laser spot cakuated from the Lax model is about 50°C for a laser pow er of 2.5 Wand 620 lim spot size. For a substrate bias of 250°C, the peak surface temperature at the center of the laser spot is estimated to be about 300 0C. This surface tem perature rise due to the laser heating decreases very rapidly in a nearly Gaussian fashion away from the spot center. Lo calized strain induced by such a temperature rise is elastical ly accommodated and hence results in no lattice distortion. 10 This very low surface temperature is not high enough to initiate the growth ofGaAs from TMG and AsH 3 in conven tional MOCVD which relies only on the pyrolytic process. The substrate surface temperature is not hot enough to result in the complete thermal cracking ofthe TMG or AsH] mole- 767 AppL Phys. Lett 53 (9), 29 August 1988 0003-6951/88/350767-03$01.00 @ 1988 American Institute of Physics 767 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:04:191.2. I (a) I i.0 ~ 1 0.8 ::5 oj ~ 0.6 ·in ~I t: OJ 5 0.4 C.2 0.0 -L.-. . I J u.7G o.Be 0.114 0.8R (l.S? wavelength ()J.m) 1.2 ! f(OJ 1.0 ~ -; 0.8 oJ )\ ~ 06 ~ <Ii '" oJ III s ,,[ 0.0 ! , 0.76 0.80 0.84 0.38 0.92 wavelength (}.lm) 1.2 (c) 1.0 0.8 :::l ~ .~ C.G Vi r:: I OJ) :5 0.4 I ::l.~: ) o.aL- 0.76 a so O.8.tf 0.88 0.92 wavelength (!J.m) FIG. 1. Photolumint'scencc spectra at 77 K for conventional LCVD sam ples on GaAs at (a) 500 'C. (b) 4(X)"C, and (c) 250 'C. culcs. On the other hand, the photon energy of the Ar+ laser (2.3 eV) is not sufficiently high to break thc Ga--C bond and free Ga atoms. Thus it is possible that photocatalytic decomposition of the reactants on a relatively warm GaAs substrate surface is responsible for this laser-activated depo sition process. II The optical quality ofthe laser-deposited GaAs lines has been investigated by low-temperature photoluminescence (PL). Figure 1 shows PL dat~ for laser-assisted deposition of GaAs films on substrates thermally biased to (a) 500, (b) 400, and (c) 250°C, respectively. By adjusting the laser power density, films with the same opticai quality, full width at half-maximum (FWHM-17 meV), are obtained on sub strates thermaily biased to 400 or 250 °C which are selective ly deposited at nearly the same growth rate ( -3-4 A/scan) . The PL intensity ofthe LCVD films is comparable with con ventionally deposited MOCVD films. The optical quality of these deposited films deteriorates with an increase in the la ser power density. This may be a result of the thermal stress and the accompanying localized lattice distortion associated 768 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 53. No.9, 29 August 1988 200 <1; 1 tl 0 ~ ~ ~ .... I: 0 III .. '- ::J "1 00 <:.l HG. 2. J-V characteristics uf p-n junction selectively deposited by LCVn on GaAs at 300 0c. with high laser powcr density. On the other hand, Fig. 1 (a) shows a broad PL spectrum (FWHM~60 meV) that corre sponds to a growth rate (OR) ~63 A/searl. This broadening may be due to defect-related transitions as a result of the high OR and the inefficient separation of the reaction products from reaction site. Structural properties of GaAs deposited by LCVD technique have been studied by x-ray diffraction topography technique, I() and results were found to be consis tent with those ohserved for the optical properties. The LCVD technique has also been utilized to selective ly deposit p-type GaAs films on Si-doped GaAs substrates (n = 10 I N / cm1). Initially, D EZn was used as the source for Zn; however, experiments conducted at 400 and 300 cC were unsuccessful as a result ofthe high eflkiency ofthe Ar -t laser in cracking DEZn. This resulted in Zn deposition all over the substrate, even in the nonirradiated areas, as weil as window fogging of the reactor. Less severe problems were encoul1- ten.~d with DMZn where a junction was fabricated at a sub strate bias temperature -300°C and laser power of 3 w. The p-n junction (100 X ZOO ,um2) was fabricated by stan dard photolythoyrophic techniques. Metallization was done using Au-Cr-Au for the LCVD p-type film, while indium was used for back contacts on the n-type substrate. Figure 2 shows the current-voltage (1-V) characteristic of this selec tively deposited P-I! junction. The diode showed a soft break down which may be due to the high doping levels on both sides of the junction. The carrier concentration in the LCVD-grown film is estimat.ed in the high lOls/cm' range from HaH measurement. Currently, experiments are under way to control the p-type dopant levels. It is hopeful that other p-type dopant sources, such as hiscyciopentadienyl magnesium, can alleviate current difficulties. In conclusion, LCVD technique has been successfully demonstrated as a powerful tool !()r low-temperature (250°C) selective expitaxy of device quality GaAs. Photolu minescence results show that the optical property of the de posited fllms are comparable with those grown by conven tional MOCVD and MBE techniques. To the best of our knowledge this is the lowest bias temperature reported for device quality GaAs growth. Furthermore, we have demon strated the potential of the LCVD technique in producing the first direct writing of a p-n junction selectively grown at 300 "C. This work is supported by the National Science Founda tion (DMR 8303914-95). Karam eta!. 768 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:04:19'F. W. Smith, A. R. Calawa, Chang-Lee Chen, M. J. Manfra, and L. l. Mahoney, IEEE Electron Device Let!. 9. 77 (1988). 'G. Metze and A. R. Calawa, Appl. Phys. Lett. 42, 818 (1983). .lS. M. Bedair, 1. K. Whisnant, N. H. Karam. M. A. Tischler. and T. Kat suyama, App!. Phys. 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Karam eta/. 769 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:04:19
Ultraviolet photoemission study of oligothiophenes: πband evolution and geometries H. Fujimoto, U. Nagashima, H. Inokuchi, K. Seki, Y. Cao, H. Nakahara, J. Nakayama, M. Hoshino, and K. Fukuda Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 92, 4077 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.458561 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.458561 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/92/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Pyrene: Hydrogenation, hydrogen evolution, and π-band model J. Chem. Phys. 134, 164703 (2011); 10.1063/1.3563632 πband Goes Dirty by Carbon Doping in MgB2? AIP Conf. Proc. 850, 599 (2006); 10.1063/1.2354852 π-dimers of oligothiophene cations J. Chem. Phys. 112, 5353 (2000); 10.1063/1.481105 Ultraviolet photoemission study of oligothiophenes: The effect of irregularity on πelectron systems J. Chem. Phys. 89, 1198 (1988); 10.1063/1.455232 Ultraviolet photoemission studies of phthalocyanines J. Chem. Phys. 67, 837 (1977); 10.1063/1.434847 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:15:07Ultraviolet photoemission study of oligothiophenes: 1r-band evolution and geometries H. Fujimoto,a) U. Nagashima, and H. Inokuchi Institute for Molecular Science (IMS). Myodaiji, Okazaki 444. Japan K. Seki Department of Materials Science. Faculty of Science. Hiroshima University. Hiroshima 730. Japan Y. Cao Institute of Chemistry. Academia Sinica. Beijing. China H. Nakahara, J. Nakayama, M. Hoshino, and K. Fukuda Department of Chemistry. Faculty of Science. Saitama University. Urawa 338. Japan (Received 30 October 1989; accepted 7 December 1989) Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) has been applied to the investigation of the electronic structure of oligothiophenes with 4-8 thiophene rings. In a series of a-linked oligomers (an with n being the number of rings), a systematic evolution of the 1T band is observed. Several peaks which correspond to the 1T band are observed in the region of 0.7-3 e V below the Fermi level (EF), and the bandwidth becomes broader with increasing n. The nonbonding 1Tband is observed at 3.5 eV below EF and its energy is almost independent of the number of thiophene units. UPS spectra of a7 and a8 are fairly similar to the spectra of poly thiophene, showing that these oligomers are good model compounds of the polymer. The ionization threshold energy of a7 and poly thiophene was observed to be 5.3 eV. The effect of irregularity on the 1T-electron system was also studied by using oligomers which contain a (3 iinkage or a vinylene group at the middle of the molecule. The UPS spectra showed that the (3 linkages significantly affect the electronic structure of poly thiophene, while the vinylene group does not. In order to analyze the UPS spectra and to investigate the electronic structures of oligomers, the orbital energies and the geometries of these oligomers are calculated by the semiempirical MNDO-SCF-MO (modified neglect of diatomic overlap self-consistent-field molecular orbital) method. Theoretically simulated spectra of these oligothiophenes derived from the obtained orbital energies by Gaussian broadening are compared with the observed ones. The agreement between the observed and calculated spectra is very good, particularly in the 1T region. It is shown from the optimized geometry that (I) an's have planar structure and 1T electrons are delocalized, (2) the oligomer with (3 linkages has non planar structure leading to limited delocalization of 1T electrons, and (3) the oligomers with a vinylene group are almost planar and the disturbance by the vinylene group on the delocalization is small. I. INTRODUCTION Conducting organic polymers are the subject of a major research activity initiated from the discovery that a large number of organic polymers can be doped with either elec tron acceptors or electron donors to yield highly conducting complexes. 1 Among these, polyheterocycles have attracted much attention because of a non degenerate ground state and a possibility of nonlinear excitations such as polarons and bipolarons.2-18 This property is of great interest in view of applications such as electrochromic displays,47 electro-optic devices (color switching and memory),48.49 protection of semiconductors against photocorrosion,50 and energy storage. 51 Further more, poly thiophene has various interesting properties: ease of chemical modifications,21-23.25.30-42.52-56 high conductiv- In the field of conducting polymers with the nondegen erate ground state, poly thiophene and its derivatives have been synthesized by many methods such as a Grignard cou pling reaction,19-23 a one-step chemical polymerization,24.25 and an electrochemical method.26-42 These polymers show good stability towards atmospheric exposure32.43-45 and thermal treatment36.46 in both doped and undoped states. .) Present address: Department of Environmental Science, The Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Kurokami, Kumamoto 860, Japan. ity of 190 S/cm,35 existence of a rather narrow optical band gap of about 2 eV, the possibility of a highly crystalline state,20.6O and solubility achieved by appropriate substitution at the (3 position of the thiophene ring.22.23.4O.61.62 It is evident from 13C nuclear magnetic reson ance,46.63-65 infrared vibrational,35, and Raman spectroscopic studies68 that poly thiophene chains are pri marily composed of a-a' linkages of the monomer rings, that is, poly (2,5-thienylene). However, the existence of partial a (3' linkages «(3 linkages) has also been suspected.67,68 The (3 linkages are expected to prohibit the delocalization of 1T elec trons on the analogy of the calculations for poly(m phenylene) and poly(p-phenylene),'o,71 and optical stud ies21 showed that the 1T-1T* transition energy of poly(2,4- thienylene) and the resistivity of its doped form are actually J. Chern. Phys. 92 (7), 1 April 1990 0021-9606/901074077 -16$03.00 ® 1990 American Institute of Physics 4077 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:15:074078 Fujimoto et al.: Ultraviolet study of oligothiophenes larger than those of neat and doped poly (2,5-thienylene). Furthermore, poly(3-methylthiophene), which is free from /3 linkages, shows a high conductivity as compared with po lythiophene.31,35 In a detailed study of these polymers, however, a major problem is caused by the difficulty in controlling their chem ical forms. For chemically synthesized polymers a distribu tion of the molecular weights is inevitable, and for electro chemically obtained polymers the presence of /3 linkages and cross linkings can not be excluded. In both cases, their amor phous nature and insolubility make characterization and pu rification difficult. This problem can be avoided by using oligomers as model compounds. Moreover, we can study ( 1) the evolution of the electronic structure of a polymer chain by using regular oligomers with various chain length, and (2) the effect of defects such as /3 linkages by using oligomers with such defects and compare them with regular oligomers. In this paper, we will report a combined experimental and theoretical study on the electronic structures of oligo thiophenes containing 4-8 thiophene rings. The systematic evolution of the 1T band with increasing ring numbers and the effect of the irregularity (a/3 linkage and a vinylene substitu tion) on the 1T-electron systems are studied by the ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS). The electronic and geo metric structures of these oligomers are calculated by the modified neglect of diatomic overlap self-consistent-field molecular orbital (MNDO~SCF-MO) method, and the re sults are discussed in comparison with the UPS results. II. EXPERIMENTAL The angle resolved UPS (ARUPS) system used in this work was constructed at the UVSOR Facility of IMS. Syachrotron radiation is monochromatized by the previous- '. ~';5' ,2":5",2"'-quartllrthloph_ 2,2':5' ,2":5" ,2 ... :5 .. ·,2 .... -qulnquettt~ 2,2·:5·.2 .. :5 .. ,2 ... :5· ... 2 .. ··:5 .... ,2 ..... -sexHhlophen. 2,2·:5·,2 .. :5 .. ,2 ... :5· .. ,2· .. ·:5·~ .. ,2 .... ·:5 .... ·,2 ...... ....,tlthlophene ly reported plane-grating monochromator supplying radi ation in the energy range of 2-150 e V. 72 The photoelectron spectrometer consists of a sample preparation chamber, a measurement chamber, and a sample transfer system.73 All oligothiophenes used in this study are shown in Figs. 1 and 2, along with the structural formulae, the IUPAC name, the melting points, and the wavelength of the absorp tion maxima in chloroform solutions.74 These compounds were synthesized as reported74-76 and purified by recrystalli zation from hexane or chlorobenzene, except for a7 and a8 purified by sublimation. Thin films of 30-50 nm thickness of these compounds were prepared on a polished molybdenum substrate by in situ vacuum evaporation in the preparation chamber (base pressure 10-7 Pal, and subsequently trans ferred to the measurement chamber (base pressure 10 -8 Pa) of the UPS system in vacuum. The infrared absorption spec tra and the x-ray diffraction pattern showed that these oli gomers do not decompose on evaporation and that the de posited thin films are polycrystalline. Photoelectron spectra were measured for electrons emitted normal to the sample surface with an incident angle 60· of the light beam. A hemispherical electron-energy ana lyzer of 25 mm mean radius was used in the measurement chamber. The Fermi energy (EF) of the UPS system was determined by using the Fermi edge of gold films evaporated in situ. The total resolution was found to be constant (about 0.2 e V) in the photon energy region of20 e V <hv< 100 e V, by measuring the Fermi edge of gold at the electron pass energy of6 eV. All theoretical calculations were carried out on a HIT AC S-81 0/ 1 0 and a HIT AC M-680H computers at the Computer Center of IMS. The MOPAC program developed by Stewart 77 was slightly modified to handle the large mo lecular systems and was used for the MNDO-SCF-MO cal culations. m.p. I ·C A. max I nm (CHel3 80In.) 213 -214 390 252 -254 416 326 -328 438 300 440 FIG. 1. a-linked oligothiophenes used in this work. Their UV and visible absorp tion maxima in chloroform solutions and melting points (Ref. 74) are also given. 2,.2':5'12":5" ,2'" :5''',2'''' :5"",2"''':5''''' ,21t1'" :5'111" ,21tJlttl ooOCtIthlophene 364 J. Chern. Phys .• Vol. 92. No.7. 1 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:15:07Fujimoto et al.: Ultraviolet study of oligothiophenes 4079 m.p. I °C A. max I nm (CHeI3 soln.) 370 2,2' :5' ,2":5" ,3'":4''' ,2"":5"" ,2'"'':5''''' ,2"''''-septlthlophene 203 (E)-bls(2,2'-blthlophene-5-yl)ethylene 214 -215 423 FIG. 2. Oligothiophenes with ir regularity. Their UV and visible absorption maxima in chloroform solutions and melting points (Ref. 74) are also given. (E)-bis(2,2' :5' ,2"-terthiophene-5-yl)ethylene 282 -283 460 III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This section will be divided into four parts: the opti mized geometry by the MNDO-SCF-MO method, the sys tematic evolution of the 1T bands, the effect of the irregularity on the 1T-electron system, and the photon energy dependence of the UPS spectra. In last three parts, the electronic struc tures obtained by UPS measurements are discussed in com parison with the results of MO calculations. A. MNDO-SCF-MO calculation and molecular geometries In order to investigate the electronic structures of oli gothiophenes, we have carried out the semiempirical MNDO-SCF-MO calculations. The detailed calculation method and results on several oligothiophenes were reported in our previous paper,78 so we will only summarize the re sults obtained by the calculations. The reliability of the calculation method was carefully inspected by a comparison with the observed molecular ge ometry and UPS spectra of thiophene and 2,2' -bithiophene (a2) and with the results by the ab initio calculations at the minimal Slater-type three Gaussian orbital (STO-3G) level. According to the Koopmans' theorem, ionization energies are obtained as the negative of orbital energies. It should be noted that the results obtained by the MNDO-SCF-MO method is more reliable than the STO-3G ab initio results in the case of thiophene and a2• Therefore, we expect that the MNDO molecular geometry and the ionization energies are reliable even for the large oligothiophenes. Figures 3-8 show the optimized molecular geometries of a2 -as with the values of the bond lengths and angles. It is noteworthy that in this series of an' a twofold symmetry axis automatically appears at the center of the molecule without any symmetry restrictions in the MNDO-SCF-MO calcula tion. The compounds with odd n have C2v symmetry and the even-numbered oligomers show C2h symmetry. The left and right halves of Figs. 3 and 4 show the values of the bond lengths and angles, respectively. Figures 5-8 show only half of the molecules, in which the leftmost and rightmost rings are the end and middle rings ofthe molecule, respectively. The most stable conformations of an are such that the molecule is coplanar with sulfur atoms on adjacent rings pointing in the opposite direction. The stabilization of such a structure can be ascribed to (1) the delocalization of 1T elec trons and (2) the hydrogen-bond-like effect or the Coulomb interaction between a sulfur (S) atom and hydrogen (H) atoms on /3 carbons (Cp) in the neighboring rings. This structure with alternating sulfurs has also been confirmed by x-ray diffraction data on a2,79 infrared (lR) spectra of a2 -a4 and a6, 80 and calculations on a2 .81 The geometries of the terminal rings are the same as that of a2• The rings other than these terminal ones have almost identical struc ture, with local C2v symmetry in each thiophene ring. It should be stressed that the bond length between the two a BOND LENGTH I A FIG. 3. Optimized molecular geometry of 2,2'.bithiophene (a, ) by the MNDO-SCF-MO method. The left and right halves show the bond lengths and angles, respectively. J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 92, No.7, 1 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:15:074080 Fujimoto et al.: Ultraviolet study of oligothiophenes BOND LENGTH I .l BOND ANGLE I "or .. carbons on two adjacent rings (Ca and C~) in an are almost constant around 1.444 A, which is nearly equal to that of a2' and the inner part of the oligothiophenes are quite similar with the central part of a2 (part A in Fig. 3), as pointed out by Bredas et al.82-85 These facts clearly show that the end effects are localized on the terminal rings. In Fig. 9, the MNDO-SCF-MO optimized molecular geometry of a)Pa 3 is shown. This molecule again has C2 symmetry without restrictions. Hence, only half ofthe mole cule is shown and the p-linked thiophene ring is drawn on the right end. For easier understanding, the optimized geom etry is also depicted three dimensionally in Fig. 10. SOND LENGTH 11 SOND ANGLE I degree FIG. 4. Optimized molecular geo metries of a, and a. obtained by the MNDO-SCF-MO method. In left and right halves, the bond length and the bond angle are shown, respectively. As shown in Figs. 9 and 10, this molecule consists of a p. linked thiophene ring (P ring) and two planar terthiophene parts perpendicular to the P ring. This structure is caused by the steric repulsion between the two thiophene rings con· nected to the P ring. Moreover, the repulsion of the 11' elec trons on the planar terthiophene parts makes the C~ -Cp -Cp angle of the P ring larger than the H-C,8 -C,8 angle in a2• Consequently, the aromatic nature of thiophene is weakened in the region of the P linkage. The two terthiophene parts have almost similar structure with a 3 with small differences arising from the difference in the end groups of a hydrogen atom and a P ring. These facts imply that the P linkages FIG. 5. Optimized molecular geometry of a, obtained by the MNDO-SCF-MO method. Only the left half of the molecule is shown be cause of the molecular symmetry (see text). J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 92, No.7, 1 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:15:07Fujimoto et al.: Ultraviolet study of oligothiophenes 4081 Cl6 BOND LENGTH I 1 obstruct the delocalization of 1T electrons by shortening the extended 1T system. In other words, the f3 linkages work as strong irregularity on the 1T-electron system of polythio phene. In contrast with the {3 linkage, vinylene-containing oli gothiophenes show almost planar optimized structures as shown in Figs. 11 and 12, suggesting that the vinylene group does not disturb the 1T-electron delocalization in thiophene based compounds. This weak effect as irregularity of the vinylene group on the 1T-electron system is also confirmed from the similarity between the geometries of the thiophene rings tied to the vinylene group and the central ring of a7• BONO LENGTH I l BOND ANGLE I degr •• FIG. 6. Optimized molecular geometry of a. obtained by the MNDO·SCF·MO method. Only the left half of the molecule is shown be· cause of the molecular symmetry (see text). Moreover, inversion symmetry (C;) exists in the center of a2 Va2 and a3 Va3, and the planes of two a-linked parts are parallel to each other. The small nonplanarity in a2 Va2 and a3 Va3 is caused by the nuclear repulsion between the hydrogen atoms of the vinylene group and those at the C{3 positions of the neighbor ing rings. The irregularity appearing as the angle formed by Ca and the vinylene carbons (Ca -Cui -Cu2 ) is slightly larger in a2 Va2 than in a3 Va3 as a result of delicate balance be tween the stabilization of the 1T system and the repulsion of hydrogen atoms. For the comparison with the UPS results, the orbital FIG. 7. Optimized molecular geom etry of a, obtained by the MNDO· SCF~MO method. Only the left half of the molecule is shown because of the molecular symmetry (see text). J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 92, No.7, 1 April 1990 • This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:15:074082 Fujimoto €It al.: Ultraviolet study of oligothiophenes 80NO LENGTH I .l energies (€) of these oligomers calculated by the MNDO SCF-MO method are used. The values of € relative to the vacuum level are shown in Fig. 13 for the series of an' Thio phene has two 1T levels with 1a2 and 3b, symmetry in the low binding energy (Eb) region.86•8? The 1a2levelhasnocontri bution from as 3pz orbital and only consists of C 2pz orbi tals ofCa and C{3' In contrast to tl,tis, the 3b, level consists of the S 3pz orbital and the C 2pz orbitals on C{3' with no con- BOND LENGTH I .I. FIG. 8. Optimized molecular geom etry of a. obtained by the MNDO SCF-MO method. Only the left half of the molecule is shown because of the molecular symmetry (see text). tribution from the C 2pz orbitals of Ca' In the oligomers, the 1a2 levels split into a wide 1T band, and the 3b, levels make a dense non bonding 1T band. Ac cordingly, the highest occupied valence band has no contri bution from the sulfur atoms, as suggested by calcula tions82•88 and electron spin resonance data.89 Thus, the systematic 1T-band formation is expected to be observed clearly in the lower Eb region. II .~ 3 FIG. 9. Optimized molecu lar geometry of a,{3a, ob tained by the MNDO-SCF MO method. Only the left half of the molecule is shown because of the mo lecular symmetry (see text). J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 92, No.7, 1 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:15:07Fujimoto sf a/.: Ultraviolet study of oligothiophenes J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 92, No.7, 1 April 1990 4083 FIG. 10. Illustration of the optimized geometry of a.,/3a) . FIG. 11. Optimized molecular geometry of a2 Va2 obtained by the MNDO-SCF-MO method. The left half of the molecule is shown because of the molecular symmetry (see text). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:15:074084 Fujimoto el al: Ultraviolet study of oligothiophenes BONO _ENGTH I l II I , , I , , , II I I I II I I I I 1111 III I I I I I II 11111 III III I II I II I II III I I I 111111111 III 1111 I I I II II I I I I III 1111111 I II I I I II I I II 1111 II I I II 111111111111. I I III I I I III I I II 1111 II I I I II 1111111111 I I III I I II III I I I II 11111 II I I I III 11111111 II 'I' I I II • • • I • I , I • 25 20 15 10 -£ I eV FIG. 13. Orbital energies of an' The vacuum level is taken as the origin of the energy scale. J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 92, No. 7,1 April 1990 , • FIG. 12. Optimized molecular geometry of a, Va, obtained by the MNDO-SCF MO method. The left half of the molecule is shown because of the molecular symme try (see text) . , I . , n=l n=2 n=3 n=4 a.n n= 5 n=6 n= 7 n=8 ~ , 5 0 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:15:07Fujimoto et al.: Ultraviolet study of oligothiophenes 4085 We note that the calculated energy of the highest occu pied molecular orbital (HOMO), which corresponds to the ionization threshold, is lowered with increasing n and the change is saturated at around n = 6. Thus, it is expected that the electronic structures of oligomers beyond n = 6 can be regarded to be almost the same as that of the polymer. B. Evolution of the 11' band and electronic structure of the polymer The UPS spectra of the oligomers are shown in Figs. 14- 17 as solid lines. Hereafter, the values of Eb are scaled against E F' In order to complete the series of an' UPS spec tra of solid thiophene (al ), a2, and 2,2':5',2" -terthiophene (a3) reported by Tourillon and Jugnet90 are also shown in Figs. 14 and 15. The broken curves show the simulated UPS spectra derived from the MNDO orbital energies shown as the vertical lines. The simulated spectra were obtained by broadening the delta function located at each orbital energy with a Gaussian function without correction for cross-section effects. The value of the Gaussian width is chosen to be 0.6 eV in order to Ii I I I I I ~ 1\ I I I l\ , I \ I \ " -/ II \ ____ J I ''-___ " I II " I, I , - I , " I ,I \ , \" I ' hv =40.8eV a1(thiopene) hv =40.8eV _... '\ .. ft I " /"'\,'\/\/\/\/ "I ll\ 'I I" I .' 1 '.' 1 \~I 1 ,., 1111 III I '. __ ~, I I \/ I ,_ 15 10 5 FIG. 14. Observed and simulated UPS spectra of thiophene (upper) and 2,2'-bithiophene (lower). The observed UPS spectra are those reported by Tourillon and Jugnet (Ref. 90). The solid and broken curves show the ob served and simulated UPS spectra, respectively. The vertical lines indicate the orbital energies. The Fermi level (E F) is taken as the origin of the energy scale. The simulated spectra and the ionization energies are sifted down by 5.3 eV in a, and 6.0 eV in a2 to get a better fit to the observed UPS spectra (see text). hv =40.8 eV " I, : '",,"\., I \ \ I , ,.. r. ", \ ,-, I \ : \ ,. '\ "\ : \,~ \ ,. I \ I \ , , 1\ " t " ,I, ," /11'·'11 '.' I \J I'~'I '-,'1 11111111111 ' __ /1 II 1-'1 '. hv =45 eV 15 10 5 FIG. 15. Observed and simulated UPS spectra of a, (upper) and a. (low er). The spectrum of a, is that reported by Tourillon and Jugnet (Ref. 90). The solid and broken curves show the observed and simulated spectra, re spectively. The vertical lines indicate the orbital energies. The Fermi level (E F) is taken as the origin of the energy scale. The simulated spectra and the ionization energies are shifted down by 6.0 eV in a3 and 6.5 eV in a. to get a better fit to the observed UPS spectra (see text). take account of the resolution of the UPS system and the solid-state effects91 such as site-dependent polarization ef fects and disorders. To get a better fit between the observed and simulated UPS spectra, the simulated spectra are shifted down by about 6.5 e V, except for those of a I , a2, and a 3, which are shifted by 5.3, 6.0, and 6.0 eV, respectively. This shift arises from the work function and the polarization ener gy.91.92 The correspondence between the observed and simulat ed spectra is good, especially in the binding energy region of o eV <,Eb <, 10 eV. It should be noticed that the simple simu lation can reproduce the observed UPS spectra in the 17'-band regions, and this fact shows that the Koopmans' theorem holds in this energy region of these thiophene-based com pounds. The good correspondence also confirms that the MNDO-SCF-MO method is reliable in the thiophene-based large molecules. From this good agreement between the observed and simulated spectra and by analogy of the assignments for po lythiophene,7o,71 the bands observed at 1 eV <,Eb <,5 eV and 8 e V regions are ascribed to the 17' and (7 bands, respectively. In J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 92, No.7, 1 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:15:074086 Fujimoto et al.: Ultraviolet study of oligothiophenes ''''', .. I , : "'..1\ ~ I \ " I \ I \ I \ /'\. /\ I \.... ..,./ \ I -'''' \ I \ I \ _ I \ 1_' " I I I II ,./ II \,'1 I ~'I'-'II 111111111 \,11 15 10 5 hv =45 eV FIG. 16. Observed and simulated UPS spectra of a, (upper) and a. (low er). The solid and broken curves show the observed and simulated spectra, respectively. The vertical lines indicate the orbital energies. The Fermi level (E F) is taken as the origin of the energy scale. The simulated spectra and the ionization energies are shifted down by 6.5 eV to get a better fit to the ob served UPS spectra (see text) . the low Eb side of the 1T region, several peaks are observed depending on the number of repeating units, n. The spectra of this region lose fine features with increasing n and become almost independent of n beyond n = 6. Moreover, an intense band is observed at Eb = 3.S eV and its location is almost independent of n. These facts show that the structures in the low Eb side of the 1T band arise from the strong interaction between the repeating units, and that the intense band at 3.S e V consists of the noninteracting orbitals in the repeating units. Therefore, we can assign the structures in the low Eb side of the 1T-band region and the intense band at 3.5 eV in the observed spectra to the anti-bonding and non bonding 1T bands, respectively. The anti-bonding 1T band grows with n in the low E b side of the 1T bands overlapping with the intense nonbonding1Tband located atEb = 3.S eV. The high-energy bonding wing of the widely dispersive 1T band is merged into the tail of the 0' bands. In Fig. 18, the 1T-band regions of these oligomers are summarized along with the simulated results and compared to the data of x-ray polymerized thiophene'! and poly(3- methylthiophene).90,93 The band formation in thiophene based polymers is clearly demonstrated in Figs. 13-16. The spectra of a, and as are similar to those of polythio-IN =45eV a,7 '-"' ... , : \l\ ~ : \ ,\ \ " ' \ 1, I, ". " ,.., ,,' \ I ' ...... ' \ I \ '''...,' \ #' '" ." ... , /11111 ft '/1111 \/11 1"f'llI .1.1 .. 1 '.-'111111 i 11',_ ',,-. , I I' \,/, " : \ : I , I hv =45 eV t\ , ' I ,I \ / ' ..... _ ... '\ I \ '''''' ...... ,,/'" \ , .. / \._ .... -\ ,'1111110' .. '111 './III-n III 1111,. 'V111111111\_ 15 10 FIG. 17. Observed and simulated UPS spectra of a, (upper) and ag (low er). The solid and broken curves show the observed and simulated spectra, respectively. The vertical lines indicate the orbital energies. The Fermi level (E F) is taken as the origin of the energy scale. The simulated spectra and the ionization energies are shifted down by 6.5 eV to get a better fit to the ob served UPS spectra (see text). phene,o.'1 showing that these oligomers are good model compounds of poly thiophene. Moreover, these two oli gomers show even sharper features than the x-ray polymer ized'! or electrochemically prepared'o polymers, which may contain a fraction of the short conjugation length pro vided by {3 linkages and cross links and may have not such clean surfaces. Correspondingly, poly(3-methylthio phene),9o.93.94 where the {3 position (3-position) is blocked, shows sharp features. Finally, we discuss the ionization threshold energies and the bandwidths of polymers and long oligomers. The ioniza tion threshold energy, or the energy difference between the vacuum level and the HOMO, was measured for a7 and electrochemically polymerized poly thiophene on other UPS apparatuses with retarding-field-type energy analyzers, us ing a monochromatized hydrogen discharge lamp and rare gas emission lines. The same value of S.3 eV was observed for a795 and poly thiophene. 96 The same values of ionization thresholds of the oligomer and poly thiophene again confirm that these long oligomers are good model compounds of the polymer. The values ofS.3 eV are smaller than those of poly (p-phenylene) (S.6S eV),97 poly (p-phenylene sulfide) (6.0 eV),98 and poly(p-phenylene vinylene) (S.S eV),97 and close to that of trans-polyacetylene (5.24 eV).99 This trend J. Chern. Phys .• Vol. 92, No.7, 1 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:15:07Fujimoto et al.: Ultraviolet study of oligothiophenes 4087 UPS RED OX PMeT PT CALC (MNDO) 12 10 8 6 -deY FIG. 18. Observed (left) and simulated (right) UPS spectra in the 17 region with extended scale for oligothiophenes used in this work. The origins of the energy scale of observed and simulated UPS spectra are taken as the Fermi level (EF) and the vacuum level, respectively. For a comparison, the ob served UPS spectra of neat poly thiophene (PT) (Ref. 7 I ), reduced (solid line) and oxidized (broken line) poly(3-methylthiophene) (PMeT) (Refs. 90 and 93) are also shown. agrees with that in the easiness of acceptor doping: polythio phene and trans-polyacetylene can be doped with weak ac ceptors like iodine, while phenylene-based polymers can be doped with only strong acceptors such as arsenic pentafiuor ide (AsFs)' The half bandwidth of the anti-bonding 1T band can be estimated to be about 1.4-1.5 e V, from the energy difference of2.0 eV between the peaks at 1.5 and 3.5 eV, taking account of the splitting (0.5-O.6eV) 100,101 of the ta2 and3b2 1Torbi tals in thiophene, This value is comparable to those of phen ylene-based polymers (1.4-2,0 eV),96-98 but smaller than that of trans-polyacetylene (2.5-3 eV) .96 C. Effect of irregularity on the 1T-electron systems The {3 linkages have been predicted to prohibit the delo calization of 1T electrons on the analogy of the calculated 1T bandwidth of poly (m-phenylene) and poly (p-phenyl ene).70.71 Actually, an optical study21 has shown that poly(2,4-thienylene), in which half of the inter-thiophene bonds is {3 linked, has a shorter maximum wavelength of the 1T .... 1T* transition (280 nm) than that of regularly a-linked poly(2,5-thienylene) (4IOnm), and that the conductivity of iodine-doped poly(2,4-thienylene) (10-10 S/cm) is lower than that ofpoly(2,5-thienylene) (10-2 S/cm). Moreover, poly(3-methylthiophene),9o.93,94 which is free from {3 link ages, shows sharper UPS features than polythiophene.7o,71 These effects of irregularities on the electronic structure are revealed explicitly in the UPS spectra of oligothiophenes list ed in Fig. 2. The UPS spectra of a3{3a3, a2 Va2, and a3 VaJ are shown in Figs. 19 and 20. The solid curves show the valence band spectra and the broken ones are the simulated spectra by using a Gaussian function with a width of 0.6 eV. The vertical lines show the orbital energies. The simulated spec tra and the orbital energies are shifted down by 6.5 eV to obtain a better fit. The UPS spectrum of a3{3a 3 is significantly different from that of a7, although they contain the same number of thiophene rings. Four peaks shown by arrows are observed at Eb = 1.5,3.0,3.9,4.8 eV in the 1T region, and the 1T-band structure is not as clear as those of a7 • The MNDO-SCF-MO calculations show that a3{3a 3 consists of two planar terthiophene (a3) parts and a{3 ring, with the a3 and {3 parts being perpendicular to each other. As a result, the 1T conjugation is broken at the {3 linkages. Correspondingly, the calculated 1T bands of a3{3a 3 can be reproduced by adding those of two trimers and a monomer (a3 + a3 + a1) rather than a tetramer and a trimer (a4 + a3), as shown in Fig. 21. The broken and vertical lines show the simulated spectra and the orbital energies, respectively. On the other hand, the a bands in theEb region from 13 to 19 eV of a3{3a 3 are better simulated by a4 + a3 than by a3 + aJ + a1 and are similar but slightly different from those of a7, because the a skeleton of a J{3a 3 is contin uous at the position of {3 linkages as compared with aJ and the continuity is not identical with a7 • These facts imply that a drastic effect of irregularity appears both on the 1T-and a electron systems of poly thiophene by the introduction of {3 linkages. On the other hand, the observed UPS spectra of a2 Va2 and a3 Va3 are similar to those of as and a7, respectively. In particular, the correspondence of the 1T-band shapes is very good. The 1T bands of the simulated UPS spectra of these vinylene-containing oligomers are also identical to those of corresponding an's. This fact reveals that the1T system of J. Chern. Phys .• Vol. 92. No.7. 1 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:15:074088 Fujimoto et s/.: Ultraviolet study of oligothiophenes " , , , ,.. " , w .... , " , \ ' , , , ' , .. I,' , hv =45 eV FIG. 19. Observed and simulated UPS spectra of a3f3a.,. The solid and broken curves show the observed and simulated spectra, respectively. The vertical lines indicate the orbital energies. The Fermi level (EF) is taken as the origin of the energy scale. The simulated spectra and the ionization energies are shifted down by 6.5 e V to get a better fit to the observed UPS spectra (see text). 1\ 1,,' \ l\ I \ I I '.-.. ''', I \ ,... ',' \" /1111(11'-'. ~..,/il'j"'i"'IIIII.lftlllll\ .. /1 III' .. 'I\' 15 10 5 hv =45eV ,'\ /' '" ' , ~ \ I \ , , I , r... Ito ,.. " , \', '\ I, , ' I '/ ",--" '-'\ " ..... ., I "II' \ , .... ',,1 I ~ II ~ I " I ,./ I "I I /I" 1111 111111 './1 "I I I ~I I \ r, , ..... .,"\ , I • , \ " , , " " ,': ' 1 , , f \ ," ,1, l"'~\. ,"', I \. t".,,, " .. .,1 ' ....... /., )1 I~'II~/III\'/I 11'~I""J11111111 \~'I 111111 11\_ 15 10 5 FIG. 20. Observed and simulated UPS spectra of a2 Va2 (upper) and a3 Va3 (lower). The solid and broken curves show the observed and simu lated spectra, respectively. The vertical lines indicate the orbital energies. The Fermi level (E F) is taken as the origin of the energy scale. The simulat ed spectra and the ionization energies are shifted down by 6.5 eV to get a better fit to the observed UPS spectra (see text). vinylene between the a parts does not strongly affect the 1T band structures of the host chain. The theoretical results show that the molecular geometries of these oligomers are almost planar and that the 1T electrons can delocalize over the whole molecule. In contrast with the 1T bands, the u-band shapes of vi ny lene-containing oligomers are different from those of the corresponding a", because the skeleton of the main chain is deformed by the introduction of the vinylene group. This discrepancy is more prominent in a2 Va2 than in a3 Va). This fact confirms that the electronic and geometric struc tures of these vinylene-containing oligomers are settled by the balance of the 1T-electron stabilization and the nuclear repulsion of hydrogen atoms as discussed in the previous section. That is, the 1T electrons tend to delocalize over the whole molecule to stabilize the total energy and the nuclear repulsion between hydrogen atoms on Cp and on vinylene distorts the molecular geometry. As shown in the lower side of Fig. 18, the ionization onset of a)f3a 3 relative to EF is about 0.3 eV higher than that of a7, while those of the vinyl ene-containing oligomers are almost the same as those of the corresponding a". In the MNDO-SCF-MO calculations, the energy difference of HOMO between a7 and a3f3a 3 is also 0.26 eV, while the HOMO of a3 Va3 is 0.06 eV higher than that of a7, which cannot be distinguished within the experimental resolution. These results of ionization onset suggest that the carrier gen eration will be suppressed by the introduction of f3 linkages. These UPS results correspond well with the trend in the observed 1T-+1T* transition energies. The value of a3f3a 3 (3.35 eV) is significantly higher than that of a7 (2.82 eV), and those ofthe vinylene-containing oligomers (2.93 eV for a2 Va2, 2.70 eV for a3 Va3 ) are almost the same as the corre- J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 92, No.7, 1 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:15:07Fujimoto tit at; Ultraviolet study of oligothiophenes 4089 I I I {'~ ... / ' .... I \ (\ /\ " I \ " I'~\ / \ / \ I~""~-' / .... j \ ;,J \"" ~ " '''' ... / ,; ,-., ... ' '-, I I HI I II I I 1111111111111 I II I /\ ...... "-, ,\ / \ I \ ,.. I \ / \ " /- I \ I \ I \ J ',-\ / \ , .... __ .... ,,-'J \,'" \ '" ,; 1111 In ' .... II -;\1 II-i II 11111111 '~./II 1I111'~"'11 '- I I I 25 20 15 10 -£ I eV sponding an as shown in Fig. 2. In addition, the reported 1T --1T* excitation energy of poly (2,4-thienylene) and the re sistivity of the doped one are higher than those of neat and doped poly (2,5-thienylene).21 We note that the effect of {3 linkages consists of two factors according to our calculations. One is the character of uppermost 1T orbitals, as pointed out from the analogy to poly(m-phenylene). Neither of the high-lying 1T orbitals, whose atomic orbital coefficients are depicted in the inset of Fig. 18, has large coefficients at both 2 and 4 positions. This results in ineffective transfer of 1T-electron interaction. An other, more important factor in the present case, is the non planarity of the molecule caused by steric hindrance, which completely breaks the 1T conjugation. The present results demonstrate the importance of the geometrical factor in the study of electronic structure. O. Photon energy dependence of UPS spectra All oligothiophenes used in this study show rather simi lar photon energy dependence of the UPS spectra. Figure 22 shows the typical photon energy dependence of the valence band spectra for as normalized at the high-intensity (T band of 8 eV in the photon energy region of20 eV..;;;Eb<80 eV. The peak at Eb = 3.5 eV (A) and the lower Eb side of the band at around 8 eV (B) are intensified with increasing hv compared to the (T band at 8 eV. A shoulder grows at around Eb = 12.5 eV from hv = 25 eV and increases its in tensity with hv. Moreover, new peaks are observed at Eb = 16 eV from hv = 30 eV and at Eb = 20 eV from hv = 45 eV, and these peaks are intensified with increasing hv. These observations can be qualitatively explained by the I 5 35 o 30 FIG. 21. Simulated UPS spectra (broken curves) and the orbital energies (vertical lines) for al{3a 3 and two models for this oligomer. The vacuum level is taken as the origin of the energy scale. a3 + al + a, shows the addition of the results on two trimers and a monomer cal culated by the MNDO-SCF-MO method, and a. + al indicates that of a tetramer and a trimer. FIG. 22. Photon energy (hv) dependence of the UPS spectra for a •. The Fermi level (E, .. ) is taken as the origin of the energy scale. J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 92, No.7, 1 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:15:074090 Fujimoto 91 al.: Ultraviolet study of oligothiophenes hv dependence of the photoionization cross section. The MNDO-SCF-MO calculation shows that (1) the nonbonding 1T' band A contains the contribution from the S 3p. orbitals, (2) the peaks at 7 and 8 eV in the simulated UPS spectrum shown in Fig. 16 mainly consist of the C 2p orbitals, and (3) the peak B at around 6 e V has a contribu tion from the S 3p orbitals. On the other hand, C 2s, S 3p, and S 3s atomic orbitals contribute to the molecular orbitals in the regions of Eb = 12.5-16 eV (C, D), and the main contribution at around Eb = 20 eV (E) is from the S 3s. In the observed region of 20 eV <hv<80 eV, the atomic subshell photoionization cross section decreases gradually and rapidly in the C 2s and C 2p orbitals, and the value of C 2p is larger than that ofC 2s below hv = 55 eV, at which the ionization cross section is reversed,102 as shown in Fig. 23. The cross section ofS 3p gently decreases until hv = 35 eV and increases with a maximum at around hv = 60 eV accompanied by a gradual decrease, and that ofS 3s orbitals also shows a peak at hv = 45 e V following a gradual decrease (see Fig. 23).102 As a result, the bands which have the C 2s, S 3s, and S 3p characters are intensified as compared to the bands of the C 2p characters with increasing hv in the ob served hv region. -I I , I , I , hv I eV FIG. 23. Atomic subshell photoionization cross sections of carbon (solid lines) and sulfur (broken lines) reported by Yeh and Lindau (Ref. 102). IV. CONCLUSION The UPS technique has been applied to the investigation of the electronic structures of oligothiophenes with 4-8 thio phene rings. The effect of irregularity on the 1T'-electron sys tem of poly thiophene has also been studied by using the oli gomers with "impurities" such as {3 linkages or a vinylene group. The observed UPS spectra have been discussed with the optimized molecular geometries and the molecular orbi tal calculations of these oligomers by the semiempirical MNDO-SCF-MO method. The reliability of this method was carefully inspected by a comparison with the observed molecular geometries and UPS spectra of thiophene and 2,2' -bithiophene, and it is shown that the MNDO method is superior to the ab initio calculations with a small basis set. The series of a-linked oligothiophenes, an (n = 4-8) shows a typical 1T'-band evolution: (1) the la2 molecular orbital of thiophene, which has contributions from 2pz orbi tals of a carbons, is split into the same number of levels as that of the interacting rings and to form a wide 1T' band in poly thiophene, (2) on the other hand, the 3b, molecular orbital of thiophene, which has no contribution from 2pz orbitals of a carbons, forms a dense nonbonding 1T' band with little dispersion, and (3) the observed UPS spectra of oli gomers beyond n = 6 are almost the same as that of poly thiophene, showing that these oligomers are indistinguish able with poly thiophene from the viewpoint of the electronic structure. These results are confirmed by the MNDO-SCF MOcalculations. The optimized geometries of an are planar, making the 1T electrons delocalize over the whole molecule. The simulated UPS spectra of an using the calcu lated orbital energies are in good agreement with the ob served spectra, showing that the MNDO-SCF-MO method is also reliable for the thiophene-based large molecules and that Koopmans' theorem holds in the thiophene-based com pounds. The oligomer with {3 linkages, a3{3a 3' shows quite dif ferent UPS spectra from those of an'S: four peaks are ob served in the 1T'-band region and some difference is also ob served in the (T bands. Moreover, the ionization threshold of a3{3a 3 is about 0.3 eV larger than that of a7• The MNDO SCF-MO calculation shows that the two planar a3 parts in a3{3a 3 are perpendicular to the central {3 ring, resulting in a limited delocalization of 1T electrons. The 1T' bands in the sim ulated UPS spectrum of a3{3a 3 are well reproduced by add ing those of two trimers and a monomer. Thus, the control of polymerization is important for achieving good conductivity by reducing miss-bondings such as {3 linkages. On the other hand, the introduction of a vinylene group in a2 Va2 and a3 Va3 does not strongly affect the 1T-band structure of the host chain. The optimized molecular geometries of the vinylene-containing oligomers are almost planar and the 1T electrons can delocalize over the whole molecule. Thus, in this study, we have demonstrated the advan tage of using purified oligomers for studying the electronic structures of polymers. Furthermore, we have shown that oligomers with seven or eight repeating units can be already regarded as polymers from the viewpoint of the electronic structure. All oligomers used in this study show similar photon J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 92, No.7, 1 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:15:07Fujimoto 9t al.: Ultraviolet study of oligothiophenes 4091 energy dependence: the nonbonding 1T band and the low binding-energy side of the first uband are intensified relative to the first u band, and the several new u peaks appear with increasing photon energy. These changes can be explained by the photon energy dependence of the ionization cross sec tion: the bands with the contributions from S 3p, S 3s, and C 2s orbitals are intensified with increasing photon energy compared with the bands derived from C 2p orbitals. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Professor M. Watanabe, Professor T. Ka suga, Dr. H. Yonehara, Dr. A. Hiraya, Dr. K. Fukui, Mr. K. Sakai, T. Kinoshita, O. Matsudo, M. Hasumoto, E. Naka mura, and J. Yamazaki of the UVSOR Facility ofIMS for the continuous and efficient support. We are also grateful to S. Asada and T. Sugano for taking some part in the UPS measurements. 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Si/Ge x Si1−x /Si resonant tunneling diode doped by thermal boron source S. S. Rhee, R. P. G. Karunasiri, C. H. Chern, J. S. Park, and K. L. Wang Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 7, 327 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.584743 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.584743 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvstb/7/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Esaki tunnel diodes based on vertical Si-Ge nanowire heterojunctions Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 092108 (2011); 10.1063/1.3633347 SiGe double barrier resonant tunneling diodes on bulk SiGe substrates with high peak-to-valley current ratio Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 032104 (2007); 10.1063/1.2756363 1.54 μm electroluminescence from erbium-doped SiGe light emitting diodes J. Appl. Phys. 83, 1426 (1998); 10.1063/1.366846 Evidence of phononabsorptionassisted electron resonant tunneling in Si/Si1−x Ge x diodes J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 11, 1145 (1993); 10.1116/1.586829 SiGe resonant tunneling hotcarrier transistor Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 1061 (1990); 10.1063/1.102565 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:17:46Si/GexSi1_x lSi resonant tunneling diode doped by thermal boron source s. S. Rhee, R. P. G. Karunasiri, C. H. Chern, J. S. Park, and K. L. Wang Device Research Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, UniversityojCaltfornia, LosAngele5; California 90024 (Received 22 September 1988; accepted 22 September 1988) A study of resonant tunneling of holes in a Si/GexSil x/Si double barrier structure doped by a thermal boron doping source is presented. The source consists of a pyrolytic boron nitride crucible and uses filament heating. Sharp and constant doping levels between 1 X 1017 and 4 X 1019 cm-3 are obtained with a maximum K-cell temperature of ~ 1560 "C. The double barrier tunneling devices realized by this source shows 2.1/1 peak-to-valley ratio at 4.2 K in current voltage characteristics. Magnetotunneling measurements confirm that both the light and heavy holes participate in the resonant tunneling. Recently, strained layer GeSi heterostructures have attract ed considerable attention due to possible Si-based quantum well and superlattice device application. 1-3 The devices en gineered using the valence band of the GeSi system have advantages both due to the large band offset as well as the small light-hole mass. However, realization of such devices in this system has been hampered mainly due to difficulties of achieving desired doping concentrations with sharp pro files. In Si molecular-beam epitaxy (Si MBE) Ga and Bare normally used as p-type dopants. Ga which has a relatively higher vapor pressure than B has a serious problem in con trolling the doping profile. The difficulties come from the long residence time at low substrate temperature (T,) as wen as the low sticking coefficient at high T,. 4 For a typical GeSi growth temperature which is lower than 550 ·C, this results in serious smearing of the doping profiles. Also, the higher ionization energy ofGa further imposes limitation on the achievable carrier concentrations. It has been reported that B has a very short residence time, no surface segregation5,6,7 and unity sticking coefficient. However, B has a low vapor pressures and high tempera tures (1300-2000 DC) are n~eded to obtain an appreciable doping concentration.5,7.9 In order to obtain high boron source temperatures, Kubiak et al.s employed a direct heat ing method by passing electric current through conductive crucibles such as graphite or refractory metals. Recently, Andrieu et al.9 reported a technique combining electron bombardment and radiative heating in boron doping. How ever, these methods have several drawbacks arising from the complicated cell structures necessary to obtain such high temperatures. Several groups have also experimented with boron compounds such as B203 (Refs. 6,10,11) and HB02 (Ref. 12) in lieu of pure boron for producing boron at lower K-cell temperatures. Even though the sticking coefficient seems to be independent of the growth temperature in the case of B203, the incorporation of oxygen into the epitaxial film at low growth temperature and surface segregation of B due to chemical reaction have been observed. 13ln this paper, we present characteristics of doping profiles achieved by a conventional K-ceU designed specifically for moderately high-temperature operation and the results of resonant tun neling ofSi/GeSi/Si double barrier diodes doped using such a source. In the experiment, samples were grown in a Si MBE chamber with a base pressure of7 X 10-11 Torr. The samples were chemically cleaned by the Shiraki method4 and the pro tective oxide was removed in situ by heating the substrate at 950 "C for -10 min. The performance of the boron source was characterized for both Si and GeSi epitaxial films grown at different cell temperatures. The doping profile and the concentration were obtained from spreading resistance (SR) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) mea surements. First we estimated the temperature range for the neces sary boron fluxes to obtain the required doping concentra tions using the equation 15 1= Ll18X 1022PA /12.JA{f- where I is the flux at the sample surface in molecules/cm2 s, P is the partial pressure in Torr, A is the area of the source opening, l is the distance between the source and the sample, Mis the molecular weight and Tis the temperature of the cell 1020 15ElOoC (1b 15000C 1019 6 b !~ ,.." & b 0 ("') ! i I I \ 'f\~ E t) 1018 ...., . 0 j \'=~ j I t \ c a u 1017 ~ 1\ 1 ~ OJ c J \111 ~ l a. a 0 1016 ~ ~l ~~ tIl 16 00 10 0 1 2 3 Depth (microns) FIG. 1. Spreading resistance measurement of a B doped Si MBE film. Differ ent B doping cell temperatures are shown. Si flux used was 160 Aim. 327 J. Vac, Sci. Techno!. B 7 (2), Mar/Apr 1989 0734-211X/89/020327-05S01.00 @ 1989 American Vacuum Society 327 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:17:46328 Rhee et al.: Si/GexSi,_x/Si resonant tunneling diode 328 1013~~~ ________________________________ -. ...... 1012 0 m (I) (\J E 10" 0 "-(I) E 0 +I a 1010 "-' x • • Exper i mental Theoret i cal FIG. 2. Experimental and theoretical flux rates as a function of temperature of the thermal boron source. :J • !l. 109 ill loB 0.50 0.55 0.60 1000/TCK) in Kelvin. For the system we used, A = 0.73 cm2 and 1= 15 cm. the vapor pressure of B was obtained from Ref. 8. Figure 1 shows SR measurement data of a boron doped Si film grown at 700 ·C substrate temperature and the growth rate was maintained at 160 A/min throughout the growth. The boron cell temperature was varied from 1300--1560·C and the power rating of the cell is 280 W at -1560·C. The SR data exhibits a well-controlled doping profile in the range of 1 X 1017 to 4 X 1019 cm 3. Doping concentration changes more than one decade per 1000 A as seen in the SR data. It is noted that the boron cell temperature of only 1400·C is needed to obtain the 1018 cm -3 doping level for a reasonable growth rate of 2-3 A/s. The background doping level is ~ 1 X 1016 em --3. Figure 2 shows the experimentally ob served doping concentrations as a function of temperature compared with the data calculated from the above equation and good agreement is seen. The actual abruptness of the doping profile should be better than that shown in Fig. 1 due to the inherent limitations of the SR measurement. In order to obtain a better estimate for the abruptness of the doping profile, different samples were grown for the SIMS measurement. The structure consists of four periods of intrinsic Si and boron doped Si layers. The growth rate of Si was 48 A/min and substrate temperature was kept at 530 ·C. The boron cell temperature of 1325 ·C was used to dope the p-Si layers. Thicknesses for each layer of a period were 100, 250, 500, and 1000 A, beginning from the surface. The SIMS data in Fig. 3 show an abruptness of ~ one dec ade/200 A. However, the slope of the doping profile should be even better considering smearing effects from the ion mix ing and incomplete coverage of primary ions over the sur face. Considering these effects together with the background signal in the SIMS system, the actual doping profile should have an abruptness better than the SIMS data as shown in Fig. 3. A high doping concentration of ~ 5 X 1017 em -,3 in J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 7, No.2, Mar/Apr 1989 0.65 0.70 undoped layers seems to be mainly from the background of the SIMS system. To investigate the performance of devices using the above boron source, we have fabricated a SilGeO.4 Sio.6/Si double barrier tunneling structure on a low resistivity (0.01 n cm) SiC 100) wafer. Ge was evaporated from a conventional Knudsen cell. The growth temperature was 530·C. The Si and Ge deposition rates were 45 and 30 A/min, respectively. The structure of the sample consists of a double barrier structure sandwiched between a 7ooo-A Ge0.4SiO.6 buffer ...... (") I E () "-' . U C o U [J) C g- O ill 1 d 7~_T---:~_'!:-_-';-----::! a 1 2 3 4 5 Depth ( x 100nm ) FIG. 3. SIMS doping' profile of a Si film doped using the thermal boron source at 1325 °C. Sharpness of the profile is better than a decade/200 A. Si flux was 48 A/min. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:17:46329 Rhee et 81.: SilGexSi'_xlSi resonant tunneling diode FIG. 4. TEM picture of the double barrier resonant tunneling structure. It shows 43-A well and two 50-A Si barriers. All the layers are Ge04 Sio6 except Si barriers. and a cap layers. Both layers were doped to 5 X 1018 cm-3• The double barrier structure was composed of an undoped 43-A. GeOA SiO.6 quantum well between 50-A Si barriers. Outside the two Si barriers, two ISO-A GeO.4 Sio.6 layers were undoped to prevent the diffusion of dopants into the active region. In the structure, only the Si barriers are strained and all the GeM SiO.6 layers are unstrained. Figure 4 shows a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of the dou ble barrier structure used in the experiment and the thick ness obtained from TEM is in good agreement with the thickness that is estimated from the flux rates. We have also used x-ray diffraction to determine the lattice constant of the substrate (aSi), and the relaxed buffer and contact }ayers (aoes;)' The measurement yields aSi = 5.4236 A and aOeSi = 5.5213 A along the growth direction for the Si sub strate and unstrained GeSi layers, respectively. We have cal culated the percentage of the lattice mismatch E = (aGeSi -aSi )/aSi to be 1.8%. for a completely relaxed GeOA SiO.6 layer, we have E = 1.6% using the lattice con stants of Si and Ge. 16 This indicates that the buffer and con tact layers are not completely relaxed and a small amount of residual strain remains even though the film thickness is well above the critical thickness. Figure 5 shows splitting of the light-and heavy-hole bands together with the valence-band offset for strained films on a ~-.--------- .. ~-- 200 Ge Content FIG. 5. Heavy-(HR), and light-hole(LH) band-edge .plitting and the va lence-band offset (I:.E,,) for strained GC,Si, _ , film grown on Gen.-Sioo buffer layer. J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B, Vol. 7, No.2, Mar/Apr 1939 329 FiG. 6. Band diagram (lfthe resonant tunneling structure used in the experi ment. The heavy-alld light-hole band edges are degenerated in unstrained Gen.4Si,," layers. completely relaxed GeO.4 SiO.6 buffer layer. The valence-band offset was obtained from the self-consistent ab initio pseudo potential results of Van de Walle et al.17 The light-and heavy-hole band splitting due to strain was obtained using an empirical deformation potential theory.r8,19 In order to cal culate the bound state energies in the quantum well for the light and heavy holes, the envelop function approximation using different masses for the well and barriers was used. The effective masses of the light and heavy holes were estimated using a linear interpolation of (001) masses of the warped bulk Si and Ge valence band and the calculated masses for a relaxed GeOA SiC.6 layer are 0.08 me and 0.26 me respective ly. Figure 6 shows the band diagram of the double barrier structure. For the heavy hole, there are two bound states in the quantum wen at energies EhhO = 43 me V and E hhl = 167 me V and for the light hole only the ground state at E IhO = 61 me V is obtained. Tunneling diodes were fabricated by a con ventional lift-off technique and electrical measurement data were obtained for 50-pm diam diodes. The I-V characteris tics of the diode at 4.2 K, 77 K and room temperature are shown in Fig. 7. Inset of the Fig. 7 shows the 77-K measure ment for higher bias. At 77 K there are two resonant peaks at 270 and 900 m V due to the light-hole ground state (E IhO ) and the heavy-hole first excited state (Ehh1 ), respectively, Another resonance fea.ture is observed from the d 2 [ I d V 2 data at 170 m V (see Fig. 8) and is believed to be due to the heavy hole ground state (EhhO)' As seen in Fig. 5 the light and heavy-hole hands are degenerated in GeUA SiO.6 layers and light-hole tunneling current is dominant due to the smaller mass and lower barrier. In order to identify whether the resonant tunneling is due to light or heavy holes, we have carried out magnetotunnel ing experiments with a magnetic field applied parallel to the . h' I . t' 20 t1 k interfaces. Accordmg to a t eoreilca estlma lOn Ie pea shift is proportional to B 2 and the gradient of the peak shift vs B 2 is inversely proportional to the effective mass. Figure 9 shows the peak shift vs B 2 for the two peaks at 170 and 270 mY. The ratio of the slopes of two lines gives mhh/mth = 3.9 as compared with the theroetically estimated value of 3.3. This indicates that the peak at 170 m V is due to the heavy hole and the one at 270 m V comes from the light hole. The effect of the series resistance of the device on the peak voltage shift may be small since the peak resonant tunneling current remains the same as the magnetic field is changed? The for- •.• -••• -.-••••••.••• , ••••••• ;r. ••••• ,' ••••••••.•.•••••.••• , •••• ' ••. ' .••• :-; •.••••.• > ••••• -.~.-...".~.;.; ••• , ................ :.:.:.:.:.:.:;;:-.:.:.;.:.;.;.:.:.: .......... ";< ............ " ................... -••••••• Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:17:46330 Rhee etal.: Si/GexSi,_JSi resonant tunneling diode I I 6 I I I I 300 K' , 4 I I r-. I a: , I E I I '-' I 2 , , , l-I Z , , , W , , 0:: 0 , 0:: :::J U u -2 0 -4 .... -6 -600 -400 -200 0 200 DC VOLTAGE CmV) mation of Landau levels in the emitter region may be ignored due to ionized impurity scattering of carriers. 20 In conclusion, we have demonstrated the use of a conven tional K-ce11 for pure boron doping in Si MBE and sharp doping profiles with concentrations needed for device appli cations are obtained. A resonant tunneling structure was 77 K 400 600 330 FIG. 7. 1-V characteristic.~ of a SO-p:m diam etcr resonant tunneling diode at 4.2 K, 77 K, and room tcmperature. Inset shows the [-V and conductance measurement of an addi tional peak tor high bias at 77 K. fabricated using the boron source and both light-and heavy hole tunnelings were observed. The dominant types of tun neling carriers corresponding to the different peaks were identified using the voltage shift of the resonant tunneling current peaks in the presence of a strong magnetic field ap plied parallel to the interfaces. 2OOr-----------------------------------------~~ C :::J :J) L a L o+J ..0 L a:: 100 o . " '>~.,: .! '-' l\I > 1J -100 -10 "-1-1 l\I 1J -200~----~~----~----~------~--~--~----~-ro -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 DC VOLTAGE CmV) J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B, Vol. 7, No.2, Mar/Apr 1989 FIG. 8. Second derivative of l( V) at 4.2 K and room temperature showing the tunneling due to the heavy-hole ground state . Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:17:46331 o > Rhee et {II.: Si/GexSI,_xlSi resonant tunneling diode 25 20 15 to 5 331 FIG. 9. Peak voltage shift vs B 2 for the peaks at 270 mV (dashed curve) and at 170 mV (solid curve) for the mag netic field parallel to the interfaces. o ~ ~ 00 00 100 82 CTes I 02) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge the support of SRC, ONR, and ARO. IS. S. Rhce, J. S. Park, R. P. G. Karunasiri, Q. Ye, and K. L. Wang, App!. Phys. Lett. 53, 204 (1988). 2H. C. Lin, D. Lanheer, M. Buchanan, and D. C. Houghton, App!. Phys. LeU. 52, 1809 (1988). 3K. L. Wang, R. P. Karunasiri, J. Park, S. S. Rhee, and C. H. Chern, Superlattices and Microstructures (to be published). 's. S. Iyer, R. A. Metzger, and F. G. Allen, J. AppL Phys. 52, 5608 (1981). 5R. A. A. Kubiak, VI. Y. Leong, and E. H. C. Parker, J. Vae. Sci. TechnoL B 3,592 (1985). oN. Aizaki and T. 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Electrode surface rf harmonics generated by the nonlinear sheath in a coaxial capacitive rf discharge Stephen E. Savas Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 190, 470 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.38450 View online: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.38450 View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/190/1 Published by the American Institute of Physics Articles you may be interested in Electron heating in low pressure capacitive discharges revisited Physics of Plasmas 21, 123505 (2014); 10.1063/1.4903542 Nonlinearity of the radio-frequency sheath Journal of Applied Physics 79, 3445 (1996); 10.1063/1.361392470 ~T~DE SURFACE rf HARMONICS BY THE NONLINEAR SHEATH IN A COAXIAL CAPACITIVE rf DIS(~ARGE Stephen E. Savas Applied Materials, Santa Clara, CA 95054 ABSTRACT rf harmonics of the 13.56 MHz excitation signal have been measured on the electrode surface in a large coaxial capacitive disc~e. Tnese are ~n to have flc~[t 10% of the ~tal amplitude for the second harmonic to between 1% and 4% for the third and fourth harmonics. There is evidence that these modes propagate as T~4 surface waves (Gould-Trivelpiece modes)along the length of the electrode. The Telegrapher's equations can be written for the system with non-constant shunt capacitance and admittance. The resulting nonlinear equation for the sheath voltage is solved for the harmonics to yield approximate agreement with their observed magnitudes. INTRODUCTION Measurements have shown the presence of rf harmonics (up to 10th) on the power input lead to the elective in capacitive rf plasmas used for semiconductor processing ~-~. These harmonics only appear when the plasma is turned on. In small parallel plate systems used for etching it has been impractical to determine the source of the harmonics. In our system, however, the large - 65 cm tall, 32 cm wide - hexagonal electrode is coaxial with a 72 cm diam. cylindrical metal vacuum vessel, (see Fig.l) this permits good access for our capacitive, high i~nce probes ~ to touch the electrode surface. These probes (see Fig. 2) allow the amplitudes of the fundamental three points on the electrode along its length. SELL JAR | HEXODE fl~ ELECTRODE FEEDTHROUGH ~~ "~\ 50Q COAXIAL WAFER CABLE TO OSCILLOSCOPJ SHIELDED ~~ ~ PROBE ~ ANODE SENSOR TIP rf POWERED ELECTRODE and harmonics to be measured at surface, nearly equally spaced SUPPORT AND SPRING SOLID FOR TIP COPPER-SHIELDED (STAINLESS STEEL) 50=3 COAXIAL \ CABLE \ \ RECTANGULAR ' CAPACITIVE TRANSM TTER \ s~AL~ TTIP AND SENSOR "~ ~ NLESS I ~ STEEL) / INSULATION \ QUARTZ OUTER SHIELD \ PROSE (STAINLESS \ BODY STEEL) \ O-RiNG SEAL Fig. i. Cylindrical Plasma Chamber. Fig.2. Shielded Capacitive Probes. © 1989 American Institute of Physics 471 ~~AL RESULTS The results of these ~ are shown in Figure 3 for plasma with and wi~ a large capacity termination. Tney show consistent patterns in the maxima and minima of the am~plitude of each mode as determired with an rf spectrum analyzer. The second harmonic is always about an order of magnitude smaller than the fundamental, while the third and fotLvth harmonics are several times smaller than the second. The magnitude of the variation of the amplitudes along the electrode's length increa_~es with increasing frequency. Tne fourth harmonic seems to have its maximum at the top of the electrode and a minimum, which is sev~ times smaller, between the middle and bottc~ points. This oontrasts with the fundamental which decreases by about 10% frc~ the electrode top to its bottam. This is what one would expect if the wavelengths of the modes are in nearly the same proportion, but about three times smaller than their free space values. Finally, it is notable that while the fundamental and fourth harmonic have their maximum amplitudes at the top of the electrode, the second and third harmonics' peak magnitudes are at the bottnm of the electrode where the rf power is fed in. o- • matchi.ng network • 1;- : 0 30 6~0 DISTANCE F1ROM HEXODE Bo'rroM ('cm) Fig.3. Spatial dependence of Fig.4. Electrode-plasma amplitudes of Fundamental equivalent circuit, trans- and harmonics, mission line model. CIRCUIT ANALOG OF THE ~7;L~IR3DE SURFACE MODES In order to understand the structure of the modes' amplitudes and the generation of the harmonics we could model the system ~s a coaxial transmission line or an antenna ~ in plasma ~. Tne surfaoe modes are TEM in which the radial electric field is essentially confined to the sheath with a thickness d while the azimuthal magnetic field penetrates well into the glow region with a resistive skin depth, . These are Gould-Trivelpiece modes 6 with phase velocities less than c by a factor of I d in these plasmas is about 1.5 cm and varies from about i0 to 15 cm. 472 Using the transmission line analogy (c~_ Fig.4 for the circuit) the ~mpe~ance along the electrode is assumed to be a pure ccr~tant ~, while the p~y capacitive shunt impedan~ (acres the sheath) is modeled as voltage dependent. The modified Tel~'s equations can be written, and then combined to yield a non-linear PDE for the sheath voltage, V I. ~he modified Teleg~'s equatior~ are: (i) ~V, ~ L - ~.R (2) ~z _- _ ~v,~ .cCv,) - ~ ~×p(~ v,/~.T~) ~here the sheath voltage, V 1 is found from: (3) V, - V- ~_!, p. ~× we denote electrode voltage as V, the current as I, electrode inductance per unit length as L, shunt capacitance per unit length across the sheath as C and glow resistance per unit length as R. T e is the electron temperature and Je the electron flux, (i/4)neV e where n~ is the density and V e the therma! speed.-~e equation which results for Vl, is: '" : In o _r~e__r to solve equation (4) the sheath voltage is to be a linear combination of the fundamental and ~cs, each with cum~ prupagating in both directicr~ on the electrode. i'l the ooeffici~ of each mode are zelat_J~ by the reflection ooeffiei~ whic~ are caloala~ £L~. the of the termination at the tup of the electrode, Zl, and the ~~i~ic ~ of ~ el~l~ ~, z~. reascnablwhere X~e is the position of the end of the electrode. ~ds is since the ncn-lir~gr coupling terms on the right of equation (4) are negligible for much of the rf cycle since c(v I) is My w~my ~ on v 1 ~v lis~sthan 10k~e/e. ~e admittance, whic~ is prqsorti6nal to the exp(eVl/M~e) , is essentially zero unless eV1./~.@ is more than -5. ~hen eVl/M~ e is greater than -lu rne r~gn~ hand side of equation (4) 5ec~es non-negligible. In order to calculate 473 this we have assumed a specific form for C(VI): (7) d_..(v,) = V,-C,+(,, where s is om~tant of order 10 whi~ yields a maxi~m of CC~I) about an order of magnitude greater than C o . using this form for C equation (4) is first solved for the ~ ~c by using only the fu~m~ntal for V 1 (t) in the terms on the right hand side. ~hese terms, incl, e~ng aIl terms with first power time or space derivatives of V 1 contribute to the power flow to the harmonic when the sheath vol£age is small. ~he right hand side of equation (4) thus reduces to: (8) LCo ~v,~ _ L ¢, ~w,~. _ ~,j~ ' ~p~v,l~%) _ R { Co ~v' + ~he resulting magnitudes for second, third and fourth harmm~cs in the solution of equation (4) are of the correct magni~e_ for physically reasonable values of s (i.e. about 5), but the spatial variations of the ~ based cn the reflection ooefficients in equation (6) are not as c~rved. A numerical treatment of equation (4) will be necessary, ~ believe, to a~_ng~/nt for spatial profiles but we are encouraged that the basic model incorporates the essential physics of the phenumencn. 1. W. G. M. van den Hoek, C. A. M. DeVries andM. G. J. Heijman, J.V.S.T., BS, 647 (1987). 2. K. R. Stalder, private cummunication. 3. S. E. Savas and R. W. Plavidal, J.V.S.T. A6, 1775 (1988). 4. S. E. Savas and K. G. Donchoe, submitted to Review of Scientific Instruments. 5. S-H. Lin and K. K. Mei, , ~:~:~: Trans. on Antennas and ~. Vol AP-18, 672 (1970). 6. A.W.Trivelpiece and R.W.Gould, J.Appl.Phys, 3__0, 1784 (1959).
Identification of residual donors in highpurity undoped ptype epitaxial GaAs by magnetophotoluminescence S. S. Bose, M. H. Kim, and G. E. Stillman Citation: Applied Physics Letters 53, 980 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.100047 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.100047 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/53/11?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Nature and origin of residual impurities in highpurity GaAs and InP grown by chemical beam epitaxy J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 11, 836 (1993); 10.1116/1.586759 Erratum: Identification of residual donors in highpurity epitaxial GaAs by magnetophotoluminescence [Appl. Phys. Lett. 5 1, 937 (1987)] Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 1288 (1987); 10.1063/1.99013 Identification of residual donors in highpurity epitaxial GaAs by magnetophotoluminescence Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 937 (1987); 10.1063/1.98807 Silicon as a residual donor in highpurity GaAs Appl. Phys. Lett. 24, 78 (1974); 10.1063/1.1655102 Identification of donor species in highpurity GaAs using optically pumped submillimeter lasers Appl. Phys. Lett. 21, 434 (1972); 10.1063/1.1654445 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 15:37:59identification of residual donors in high~purity undopedp~type epitaxial GaAs by magneto photoluminescence s. S. Bose, M. H. Kim, and G. E. Stillman Center for Compound Semiconductor Microelectronics, Coordinated Science Laboratory and Materials Research Laboratory, University of /Jlinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana. Illinois 6180] (Received 21 April 1988; accepted for pUblication 5 July 1988) The residual donor species, Si, S, and Ge, have been identified in high-purity un doped p-type epitaxial GaAs grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition and arsenic trichloride vapor phase techniques using the magnetic splittings of "two-electron" replicas of donor bound exciton transitions at low temperature (-1.8 K) and at a high magnetic field (9.0 T). This technique permits identification of donors in certain high-purity p-type GaAs samples in which donor species cannot be identified by photothermal ionization spectroscopy or any other technique. Low-temperature magnetophotoluminescence (MPL) is a very sensitive optical technique that can be used to iden tify both donor and acceptor impurities in narrow gap semi conductors such as GaAs and InF. Low-temperature photo luminescence is widely used to identify acceptor impurities in hoth n-and p-type GaAs. However, this technique cannot generally be used to identify donor impurities in GaAs since donors have nearly the same binding energies. The use of a high magnetic held in low-temperature photoluminescence has been found to be very helpful to discriminate between different donor species in InP!,2 where "two-electron" repli cas of donor hound exciton transitions have been used to identify donor impurities from their splittings in a high mag netic field. This technique has been successfully used to iden tify donors in GaAs.3 7 A unique feature of this technique is that in addition to the identification of donors in n-type ma terial it can also be used to identify donors in p-type and high-resistivity GaAs. In contrast, photothermal ionization spectroscopy, while perhaps more sensitive than MPL, is only useful for the identification of majority impurities.8 Very recently Watkins et af. <) have identified residual donors in undoped n-type GaAs grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition at zero magnetic field. This technique has, however, very limited application in identifying donors in /1- type GaAs. Reynolds et al.4 have previously identified Si, S, and Gc donors in p-type GaAs by photoluminescence mea surements using a low magnetic field (3,6 T). However, the use of a high magnetic field has been shown by Dean et aI.2 to permit more reliable identification of donors in n-type InP. A magnetic field of strength >5.0 T permits clear identifica tion of donors in high-purity n-type GaAs.lo The technique of high-field magnetophotoluminescence can also be used to identify donors in p-type GaAs sampies in which the donor bound exciton emission under weak excitation and at low temperature has sufficient intensity. This is the case for p type high-purity GaAs samples which have fairly high com pensation. If the donor bound exciton peaks are weak, their two-electron replicas may not be detectable and in this case donor identification is very difficult or impossible through two-electron transitions. Thus this technique has limited ap plication in identifying donors in p-type GaAs, but in those high-purity p-type GaAs samples that are suitable, it permits identification of donor species that is not possible by any other technique. In this letter we present results of magnetophotolu minescence (MPL) measurements at a high magnetic field (9,0 T) with resonant excitation which dearly identify the residual donors in high-purity p-type epitaxial GaAs grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) and arsenic trichloride vapor phase epitaxy (AsCI3 VPE) tech niques. The resonant excitation was achieved using a tunable dye laser which is pumped by an argon ion laser. The experi mental conditions used for the MPL measurements arc de scribed elsewhere.6 The results of 300 K Hall effect measure ments on these p-type samples are given in Fig. 2. The sharp exciton peaks in the MPL spectra confirm the high purity of the layers. Three different donor species, Si, S, and Ge, have been identified in these layers from well-resolved two-elec tron replicas of donor bound exciton transitions in MPL spectra. Figure 1 shows a typical MPL spectrum of exciton re combination in high-purity p-type epitaxial GaAs (sample B) grown by MOCVD. The spectrum was recorded at ~ 1.8 K in a magnetic field of9.0 T, The output from a tunable dye laser was tuned close to the band gap of GaAs to optically excite the sample. The lines labeled (Du,X) Is are the princi pal lines of donor bound exciton transitions in which the initial state is the ground state or an excited state of the (D () ,X) complex, and the final state is the ground state of the donor. The peaks at lower energy, labeled (Ao,X) IS' are the principal lines of the carbon acceptor bound exciton transi tions. The dominance of the acceptor bound exciton transi tions in this spectrum is typical of p-type GaAs samples. The peaks between (Do,X)!s and (Au,X) 15 arise frem the ionized donor bound exciton transitions and free hole-io-neutral do nor transitions. The peaks in the lowest energy region are the two-electron transitions which differ in energy from the principal lines of donor bound exciton transitions by the en ergy (above the donor ground state) of the final state efthe transition in which the donor is left in its first excited state. These transitions are described in more detail elsewhere.6 Two groups of peaks labeled (0' and f3 in the two-electron 980 Apo!. Phys. Lett. 53 (11). 12 September 1988 0003-6951 188i370980-03$OI ,00 @ 1988 American Institute of Physics 980 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 15:37:59Sample 8: MOCVD GoAs H=9.0T T~l 8K 1.510 1.512 1.51'1 15[6 Energy leV) 1.5[8 FIG. L Low-temperature (~1.8 K) magnetophotoluminesccnce (MPL) spectrum of exciton recombination in high-purity p-type MOCVD GaAs at a m<lgnetic field of 9.0 T. The peaks due to free-exciton recombination la beled FE and the principallincs of donor bound exciton transitiolls lie 011 the high-energy side ofthe figure. To lower energy lie the strongest peaks of acceptor bound exciton transitions. To energies lower than 1.5] 5 eV lie the "two-electron" replicas of the donor bound exciton transitions which leave donors in the 2[1 _ 1 and 2pn terminal donor magnetic suhstates. The peaks labeled fJ and E' arc the two-electron replicas of the principal lines band e' (which lies between d and e, and is not observed), respectively. transition to the 2p _. l donor magnetic substate are the two electron replicas of the principal lines e' (which lies between d and e, and is not observed) and b, respectively. The differ ences i.n energy between the principal lines and the corre sponding satellites give the ls-2p _ I donor energies. The peak labeled {J in the two-electron transition to the 2p 0 do nor magnetic substate is also a two-electron replica of the principal line labeled b. The assignment oflines is based on correlation of photothermal ionization measurements on the n-type GaAs samples and the results of resonant excitation MPL measurements.6 Detailed analysis of MPL spectra ob tained with resonant excitation of different principal lines has been found to be essential for the assignment of the two electron replicas. This point will be discussed in more detail in a separate report. 10 The well-resolved "two-electron" satellite peaks are ob tained by resonant excitation of one of the strong principal lines of donor bound exciton transitions (Fig. 1). The spec tra in Fig. 2 are the spectra of two-electron transitions re corded with the resonant excitation of the principal line c. Donors can be identified from any of the three two-electron satellite groups labeled {3 and {;' in Fig. 2. The ratios of the peak heights for different donor species in each group reflect the relative abundance of different donor species in the sam ple. Si is identified as the dominant donor species in aU three samples. The Is-2p _ I energy of the Si donor at a magnetic field of 9.0 T is measured to be 4.63 meV. In some samples this peak was shifted as much as ± 0.0124 meV. The S do nor is also identified in aU three samples at very low concen trations. The energy separation of the peaks due to different donors in the two-electron satellites labeled 2p __ I and 2po gives the difference in central cell shifts between the 1s (ground) states of the donors. The difference in central ceH shifts between 5i and S donors measured from the spectra is 0.11 ± 0.01 meV at a magnetic field of 9.0 T. All of these values agree extremely wen with the values obtained pre- 981 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 53, No.1 i , 12 September 1988 ..--'...----->-~.--:---'~___,__-'-____r---,~-, I "Two Electron" Satellites, I. I (O".XI2P ,(S" . ·1,0 ! I ~ ~ {~ ~ Sample A 1:'1',2" : MOCVO GoAs. I ~}:'c ~~~J(~~'2 'J 0, j c!(:. l'_:~J~':~\':;'S~' ___ '. __ T I I ;1 ~).no-3 :),:»( 1,)Llcn ' r~(J, ';orrnl:e C A~Clj VPE GoA~ \ : ,~f) }( lC:; 1 j f.!' \ ~ r'3(>0· 177("1'2;,/ ') FIG. 2 'Two-dectron" satellite spectra for three high-purity GaAs samples grown by MOCVD and AsCI, VPE, recorded at -, 1.8 K and a magnetic field of9.0 T. The peaks labeled a', {3, and £' are the two-electron replicas of the principal lines a', h, and e'. respectively. Si, S, and Ge donors are identi fied ill samples A and B whereas only Si and S donors are identified in sam ple C. viously.6 The third donor, Ge, is also detected at very low concentrations in samples A and B. The peak labeled a' (5i) (which is a two~electron replica of the principal line labeled a' due to Si donors) is detected ill aU three spectra in Fig. 2. This peak, a' (Si), in the top two spectra in Fig. 2 also con tains a component which is a two-electron replica of the prindpalline b due to Ge donors. The peak intensity of thai component is, however, extremely low since the peak heights for different donors in each "two~electron" satellite group (€', {3, a') should be the same. The differences in central cell shifts between Si, S, and Ge donors as measured from the spectra in Fig. 2 for samples A and B agree well with those measured from the spectrum in Fig. 3 for a high-purity n-type AsH] VPE GaAs sample D. This sample has 77 K carrier concentration 1177 = 2A X 1014 em'· 3 and 77 K mobility /177 = 100 000 cm2j V s. The same donors (Si, S, and Ge) have been previously identified in this sample (VPE G-I1O) by photothermal ion ization spectroscopy. I I The difference in central cell shifts between Si and Ge donors as measured from MPL spectra is ~O.29 ± 0.01 meV at a magnetic field of9.0 T. A new set of peaks labeled P and P' appears between (;' (S) and (;' (Ge) peaks and between/3(S) and a' (Si) peaks respectively in the spectra in Fig. 2. Those peaks may arise from an unknown donor with a chemical shift of 0.25 meV relative to the Si donors. Although these peaks are present in all three spectra, 80se, Kim, and Stillman 981 ... '.'; ..•..... ~ .•.•... _._ .. -:.;.; ......................... 7 .. :.;.;.-:.;.; ..... ; ........... ' .•. r •• / •• ~.:.:.:.:.:.;.,.;.; •••• <;':.;;~<.:.:.:.:.:.:.-:.:.; •.• ; ••••.• ' •• ?~ ... :<.:.:.:.;.:.:-;.,.: .••.••• ?~.~<.: ...... ;.:.:.7..: •••.•.•.•. ' .•.•• w •••••••••••• -•••••••••••• , ••••••••• ,. ••• -.-.~-: ••• ' ••••• r ••••• ' ............. :.;.;.;.:-:.;.; ••• ; ............... •• ' ••••••• -.: •• ,-.: •••• ".' ••• -;'7'".,'"~,:;.-.-.~ • .-.--.-•• ~_."-. ••••••• ~ ••• , •• -••• -•••••••. <;, •••••• _._ ••• _ •••• _ •• , .................... _._-:.; •• ', •••••• , ................... ~ ........... , ••••••••• , •• _._._-:.~ ••••• .' ••••• ";'.".V.'.' This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 15:37:59.~ H "Two Eleciron" Satellites: (Do,X)2 Ho9.0T, T-1.8K P-1,c I (3IS) IDa X) ,'IS) I' I • 2p. II r.-- r---~-·I;-·-I I (~(S) I'/(Si) If 1 miil-hl! ' IIII SompleD:C-110 Illjlll I AsH] --VPE GaAs ' I .8IGe)1 \' "(G3)-I~Uv 1\ I' IV \" ,8:Gel "l I ~. I I ~V\. Iv i' ,~ ""-J \ J ~_ .. /J I ,,~.- I l.:'1()O 1.'):10 I ~l2~) ~.5L~O 1.:)1'10 Energ, leV) I'IG.~" "Two-electron" satellite spectra for a high-purity Il-type AsH, VPE GaAs s~llnple, sample D (VPE 0-110). Si, S, and Ge donors are identified in this sample. The results agree with the identification of donor sPecies in the same sample hy photothermal ionization spectroscopy presemed in Ref. 11. The principal lines and the two-electron satellites lie at slightly higher energy in this sample compared to samples A -C. they are very weak and do not contribute significantly to th(! total donor concentration. The residual donor species in the p-type MOCVD GaAs samples which were grown with a triethylgallium source are consistent with the residual donor species identified by pho tothermal ionization spectroscopy in n-type samples which were also grown in the same reactor using the same source materials under different growth conditions. In all these MOCVD GaAs samples (both n andp type), Si is found to be the dominant donor with a lower concentration of Gc donors in n-type samples and only trace levels ofGe donors in p-type samples. The residual donor species that is most frequcntly dominant in MOCVD GaAs grown using tri methylgaUium is Ge. On the other hand, no systematic stud ies on identification of donor and acceptor impurity species in MOCVD GaAs grown using tri<::thylgaHium have yet been made. Low-temperature photoluminescence measure ments of donor-acceptor pair and band-acceptor bands have also been made on these MOCVD samples to identify the residual acceptor impurities. The results show that C is the dominant acceptor species with a much lower concentration of Zn acceptors. Gc acceptors have only been observed (at trace level) in one n-type sample which has a large concen tration. of Ge donors present in addition to the dominant residual Si donors. On the other hand, Si acceptors are not detected in any of these samples. These results demonstrate 982 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 53, No. 11,12 September 1988 the extraction of information about the donor incorporation in p-lype GaAs samples from magnetophotoluminescence measurements. In summary, Si, S, and Ge have been identified as resid ual donors in high-purity unctoped p~type epitaxial GaAs by magnetophotoluminescence measurements. The technique of magnetophotoluminescence has been demonstrated to permit clear identification of donor species in selected high purity p-type GaAs samples in which the donor species can not be identified by photothermal ionization spectroscopy or any other technique. We would like to thank T. H. Miers of Ball Aerospace and p, E. Norris of GTE (now at EMCORE) for providing some of the samples used in this research. We also thank B. Lee for making his results on photothermal ionization measurements for the n-type MOCVD samples available to us, and B. L. Payne and R, MacFarlane for assistance in the preparation of the manuscript. This research has been sup ported by the Joint Services Electronics Program under con tract N00014-84-C-0149 and the National Science Founda tion under grant NSF CDR 85-22666. The initial work on residual impurities in GaAs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was supported by the Defense Ad vanced Research Projects Agency under contract NOOO 14- 83-K-0137 and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under contract 83-0030. 'P. J. Dean and M. S. Skolnick. 1. Apr!. Phys. 54, 340 (1983). "P. 1. Dean, M. S. Skolnick, and L. L. Taylor, J. AppL Phys. 55, 957 (1984 ) lD. C. Reynolds, K. K. Bajaj, C. W. Litton, ,md E. B. Smith, Phys. Rev. B 28,3300 (1983). 'D. C. Reynolds, P. C. Colter, C. W. Litton, andE. B. Smith, I. Appl. Phys. 55,1610 (l984). :'T. D. Harris and M. S. Skolnick, in Defects in Semiconductors, edited by H. J. von Bardeleben, Materials Science Forum (Trans. Tech. Publica tiano, Swijzcrlaml, 1(86), Vol. 10-!2, p. 1219. "S. S. Bose, B. Lee, M. H. Kim, and G. E. Stillman, App!. Phys. Lett. 51, 937 (1987). 11'0 D. Harris, M. S. Skolnick, J. M. Parsey, Jr., and R. Bhat, App!. Phys. Lett. 52, 389 (l988). "G. E. Stillman, C. M. Wolfe, and J. O. Dimmock, in Semiconductors and ,<,'emimelals, edited by R. K. Willardson and Ao C. Beer (Academic, New York, 1977), Vol. 12, p. 169. "~So P. Watkins, G. Haacke, and H. Burkhard, AppJ. Phys. I.ett. 52, 401 ( I9ilS). lOS. S. Bose and G. E. Stillman (unpublished). "B. J. Skromme, S. S. Bose, B. I,ce, T. S. Low, T. R. Lepkowski, R. Y. DeJule, G. E. Stillman, and 1. C. M. Hwang, 1. App!. Phys. 58, 4685 ( 1985). Bose, Kim, and Stillman 982 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 15:37:59
Texture and textural evolution in explosively formed jets Sheila K. Schiferl Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 2637 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.344231 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.344231 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in On the evolution and explosion of massive stars AIP Conf. Proc. 1016, 91 (2008); 10.1063/1.2943638 Explosive Forming of Aerospace Components AIP Conf. Proc. 845, 1249 (2006); 10.1063/1.2263551 Evolution of Crystallographic Texture and Strength in Beryllium AIP Conf. Proc. 706, 525 (2004); 10.1063/1.1780292 A computational study of non-porous and porous liners in explosively-formed jets AIP Conf. Proc. 505, 367 (2000); 10.1063/1.1303494 The formation and evolution of synthetic jets Phys. Fluids 10, 2281 (1998); 10.1063/1.869828 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:17:30Texture and textural evolution in explosively formed jets Sheila K. Schiferl Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos. New Mexico 87545 (Received 30 January 1989; accepted for publication 16 May 1989) The potential effects of crystallographic texture (preferred grain orientation) on the behavior of metallic shaped-charge jets are examined. There is some experimental evidence that strong initial liner textures can be beneficial to overall performance; in this paper we investigate the mode of action of such textures. A crystallographic-texture code was used to calculate the changes in preferred orientation, and the corresponding changes in yield anisotropies, for deformation paths typical of early jet formation. Simulations were performed for two different initial textures, and for two different regions in a hemispherical titanium liner. It was found that the initial texture and its corresponding pattern of anisotropy do not persist beyond the earliest stages of liner collapse; the state of the material in a well-formed solid jet reflects the most recent deformation, not the initial texture. Any initial texture effect on subsequent jet behavior would be exerted indirectly, e.g., through changes in flow patterns induced during the first few microseconds of defomlation. During this time, the evolution of texture and the corresponding anisotropies were found to be significantly different, not only for different initial textures, but also for different regions of the liner. This is due to the variation in deformation paths, and, in our model for titanium, to differences in the relative importance of slip and twinning. I. INTRODUCTION High-speed metallic jets from shaped-charge liners have been a system of interest for a number of years. The basic theory of jet formation was given by Birkhoff et al,l and expanded by Pugh, Eichelberger, and Rostoker.2 More re cent treatments of jet behavior3-h focus on predictions of breakup in solid jets with regard to plastic instabilities and perturbation growth in stretching rods. We take a different approach here. In this study, we investigate a largely unexplored liner material property, the crystallographic texture, and the possible beneflcial role of texture in solid jet behavior, including breakup. Before dis cussing calculations of texture effects in jets, it is useful to give some definitions, and to relate textures to mechanical properties, Crystallographic texture refers to preferred orientation of the single-crystal grains in a poly crystalline soHd. A sche matic of textured versus randomly oriented material is shown in Fig. 1. The irregular "puzzle pieces" represent in dividual grains (while each grain is a single crystal, a typical grain does not have a regular shape). The heavy lines are grain boundaries, and all of the parallel lines represent a specific crystallographic direction-the body diagonal for cubic crystals, for example. The distribution of orientations in a polycrystalline sample is commonly determined by x-ray (or neutron) diffraction. The result is a pole figure, a stereo graphic projection showing the density of a certain crystallo graphic direction as a function of orientation. 7 The oriented material will tend to be anisotropic, since single crystals are typically anisotropic. The bulk anisotro pies due to texture can be quite large: ratios of yield anisotro py (zirconium), 8 elastic anisotropy (copper), 9 and fracture toughness anisotropy (titanium alloys) 10 can be > 2: 1. Strain anisotropy produces even larger ratios. For metal sheet, the plastic strain ratio R, or Lankford coefficient, II is defined as where ew is the width strain and e, the thickness strain in a tensile test. For isotropic materials. R = 1. For some metals with hexagonal-dose-packed (hcp) crystal structures (zir conium, titanium), R values of 3-7 for textured material are common. 12 Such large strain anisotropies indicate high resis tance to thinning; this property can be very desirable for deep-drawing applications. A strong preferred orientation is typically the result of large deformation (50% to several 100% equivalent plastic strain); random material can become textured, and textured material evolve to new preferred orientations, under large deformations. Other texturing processes include crystal growth and recrystallization. While all ofthese processes are typically involved in liner fabrication, only deformation tex turing is likely to be a major mechanism for changes in pre ferred orientation during liner collapse and jetting. Jet defor mations are very large (several 100% equivalent plastic strain during liner coUapse alone), and the time between explosive initiation and jet breakup (much less than a milli second) is too short for appreciable crystal growth. It is im portant to note that the patterns of deformation textures ISOTROPIC TEXTURED FIG. I. Schematic of isotropic (random) and preferred textures. 2637 J. AppL Phys. 66 (6), 15 September 1989 002, -8979/89/1 82637-14$02.40 (,,) 1989 American Institute of Physics 2637 • " •• -.-.".-••••••••• -.-. -.-.-•••••••••• " •••• ~..... • •••••••••••••••••••••• :.:.:.;.;.:.;.;.;.;-:.; ••• ; •••••••••••••••••••• ' ••••••••• :.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.; •••••••••••••••••• :.:-:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:':.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:,:.:.:.:.: •••••••• : •••• -: ••••••• : ••••• :.:.:.~.:.~.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.:.;.:.:.; ••• ;.-• .-•••• , •••••• ' ••• ~.:.~ ••• -:-.:.:.:.:,;;;:.:.:.:,:.~.-.- ••• '"';'.' ' •••• , •••••••••• '.'... • •••••••• ~.:-:.:.:.:.:.~.:.;.;.;.;"............ •• • ••••••••• _._ •.•••••••.•.•.•.• ., ,.' •.••••••••• n •• , • r •• [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:17:30depend on both the crystal structure (cubic crystals, such as copper, give different preferred orientations than hexagonal crystals) and the deformation path (compression and ten sion textures are different). These properties of oriented material suggest several possibilities for the role of texture injet formation and break up: altered flow patterns (from strain anisotropy), altered local heating patterns and corresponding instabilities, aniso tropic strength and damage distribution in well-formed jets, etc. This also suggests that a penetrator design optimized for one material may perform poorly when adapted for a materi al with a different crystal structure. We might be able to control some of these effects if ini tialliner texture had a large enough influence on subsequent jet behavior, since liner fabrication could then be designed to exploit texture properties. Other aspects of liner metallurgy are known to influence jet behavior; grain size, in particular, is an important factor in jet breakup and penetration. 13 There is some evidence that initial texture can be significant for jet breakup. First, in spin-compensated copper conical liners, 14 the fabrication results in a particular texture. If this particular texture is not present, the spinning jet flies apart. Second, for aluminum conical liners, 15 a preferred orienta tion of cube body diagonals along the cone axis results in considerably later breakup times than an orthogonal orien tation of the same material. The effects of texture in these t\vo cases arc most likely a Fesult of anisotropic mechanical properties. However, the details of how initial texture affects subsequent jet behavior are not clear, particularly since the texture will change as the liner deforms. We can use texture calculations to investigate the mode of action of initial texture to sec if it might be significant for jet behavior and if so, how. In the absence of a texturing model for ajet simulation code, we set up a simpler test. We start with two different liner textures-one random and one with a strong preferred orientation and strong ani sotropy-and calculate texture changes (and the corre sponding yield-surface changes) for conditions typical of early jet formation. In the present work, we simulate the conditions during collapse of a thin hemispherical titanium liner: we choose titanium for strong yield anisotropy, and a hemispherical shell for smoother deformation paths than a conical shell. The results of our calculations indicate that during early deformation, the rate of texture change and the resulting textures depend strongly on the deformation path and hence on the particular region of the liner. However, any direct effects ofinitial texture are limited to very early times in liner collapse; the orientation patterns, and associated mechani cal anisotropies characteristic of even very strong initial tex tures, do not persist for more than a few microseconds. The material texture in the well-formed jet will reflect the most recent deformation, not the initial conditions. The effect of initial texture on such a jet would be, of necessity, indirect, through changes in the velocity distribution, for example. II. BACKGROUND: TEXTURE CALCULATIONS The methods for texture calculations have been de scribed in detail elsewhereI6•J7; we give a brief outline here. 2638 J. AppJ. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 Texture calculations are based on simulation of the dominant physical mechanisms of plastic deformation un-. derlying deformation-texture evolution. These mechanisms are reasonably well understood for a variety of conditions, including shocks and high temperatures. We consider plas tic deformation of a polycrystalline material to be a result of shear in each crystal, according to two basic mechanisms: crystallographic slip and twinning. For jet conditions, we ignore grain-boundary sliding. In slip, the "stack" of crystal planes shear in a particular direction. Several characteristics of slip should be noted 11\: slip involves the whole crystal, but is discontinuous; the shear associated with slip only occurs on certain crystal planes, both forward or backward along certain crystal directions. Also, slip tends to rotate the crys tal lattice. In deformation twinning, a band of the crystal shears along a certain plane in a certain direction, and the shear is accompanied by a slight shuffle in atom positions. Twinning differs from slip in a number of ways. 19.20 First, twinning does not generally involve the whole crystal; the twinning shear is fixed and depends on the crystal structure, while the volume fraction twinned can vary. Also, twinning is unidirectional; the twinning shear has a fixed sign, as well as a fixed magnitude. The twinned material is effectively rotated relative to the untwinned matrix. This rotation can be very large: the c axis (the "hard" direction) rotates by ::.::; 85" for one kind of hcp crystal twin system. This is not a physical rotation, but the shear plus the shuffle in atomic positions is crystallographicaUy indistinguishable from a ro tation. We consider the activation of any slip or twinning sys tem (where a system consists of a slip, or twinning, plane plus a direction) to require a certain critical-resolved-shear stress (CRSS). The particular slip, or slip and twinning, sys tems that can exist depend on the crystal structure. The rela tive difficulty of operation of different kinds of systems, and hence the relative CRSSs depend on the particular material and the conditions, as well as on the basic crystal structure. Physically speaking, a CRSS criterion is an oversimplifica tion for single-crystal behavior, particularly for certain kinds oftwinning, but it is a very useful device to indicate the relative importance of different systems in deformation of poly crystalline materials.21 There are two basic numerical schemes used to simulate texture evolution (and to calculate the associated yield sur faces): the Bishop-Hill and the Taylor algorithms. These are mathematically equivalent; we use a version of the latter method. In both methods, we consider a polycrystalline sample, with n single-crystal grains, and with N specified deformation systems for each grain. We assume homoge neous deformation; the distortion field for the sample and the single crystal distortion are considered identical. This assures compatibility but not stress equilibrium; the conse quences of this simplification will be discussed below. We further assume that elastic strains can be neglected com pared to plastic ones, We store information on each slip and twinning system (the plane and direction in the crystal frame of reference, plus the CRSS). We also store the current set of grain orien tations (three Euler angles for each grain). Each cycle of the Sheila K. Schiferl 2638 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:17:30simulation results in a new set of orientations. The cycle consists of several steps. We first apply the current deviatoric distortion tensor U (displacement gradient tensor) to each crystal: E= TUT'. (1) Equation (1) transforms the distortion tensor to the crystal frame of reference. U is not necessarily symmetric. N Eij = Hij + 2: rfnfyO· (2) D--l Equation (2) divides the tensor into rotation, .0, and strain terms. ,.pis the ith component of the shear direction, nfis the jth component of the normal to the slip (or twin) plane, and yO is the (unknown) shear on system D. 1 N EW1=-I (rfnf+!fnp))/Y. (3) 2 D~ 1 Equation (3) takes the symmetric part of E to solve for the shears yD. This equation represents five equations in N un knowns, since there are only five independent terms in the symmetric deviatoric strai.n tensor-three off-diagonal terms and two diagonal terms-and N possible systems. If W is the internal plastic work, the equations can be solved, sub ject to the constraint, N '" DAJJ minimize W = £.t 7 r , (4) D=l via the simplex algorithm, a standard linear-programming method.22 The solution identifies the particular systems D operating in a particular grain, and the amount of shear yO on each system. There will be, at most, five systems with nonzero yD. This mathematical treatment gives an upper bound to the limiting yield behavior of a polycrystal. It can be shown that solving the linear-programming problem is mathemat icaHy equivalent to using the maximum-external-work prin ciple, and that strain normality (the orthogonality rule) holds. After Eq. (3) is solved, Eq. (5) gives the grain rotation. Note that the rotation has two parts: the antisymmetric por tion of the distortion tensor (a standard continuum rota tion) , and a second term depending on the texture. When aU of the grains have been rotated, we consider additional reor ientations due to twinning. Twinning poses special calculational problems, since continued twinning produces an unworkable number of ex tra orientations after only a few deformation steps. The stan dard treatment is to assign either the twinned or the non twinned orientation to a crystal based on the volume fraction twinned, according to a Monte Carlo technique. 23 After all of the twinned crystals have been reoriented, the next distortion tensor can be applied to the new texture, etc. The deviatoric yield surface associated with a given tex ture can be calculated using most of the same techniques as texture evolution. The method is described by Bassani24 and by Tome and Kocks.25 For this kind of calculation, it is COll- 2639 J. AppJ. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 which the three deviatoric diagonal components are at 1200 to each other. We take a set of equally spaced strain "direc tions" in the 1'1' plane. For each strain, the Taylor-simplex solution of five shears is found, and the equivalent work {W} [Eq. (4) ] calculated. For each strain direction, we construct a tangent to the strain direction at the distance { W} from the center, where the brackets indicate an average over aU grains. The yield surface is the inner envelope of these tan gents. This theory has been found to give reasonable descrip tions of texture evolution for a number of materials, and for a range of deformation modes characteristic of both metal forming and geological processes. 16 The measured and cal. culated pole figures for major components tend to look very similar, and the positions of the orientation maxima tend to agree to within a few degrees. The main discrepancies in volve the intensity distribution of minor components, and the sharpness of the textures (calculated textures are gener ally sharper than experimental ones). For purposes of a bet ter understanding of textures and the associated mechanical anisotropies in jets, this theory should be quite adequate. III. PROCEDURE OUf method to examine the consequences of two differ ent initial liner textures for subsequent jet behavior consists of two connected simulations. We first use a Lagrangian fi nite-difference code to simuiate the collapse of a hemispheri cal titanium liner. The jet design is shown in Fig. 2, From the simulation results, we can construct a deformation history a time series of deviatoric distortion tensors-for any piece of the liner. We then "sample" the chosen liner element with the texture code: we set up an initial texture as a set of grain I ' O",TONATOR PBX 9404 ........ ~_~_ ,~~~-- EXPLOSIVE i6cm I I I 4.3:mm /~tTITANIUM 1 , tJ i r--_._-- Scm --_ .. _--I ~-~--. ----.. ~o em ----_. __ .-1 FIG. 2. Schematic. ofhernispherical titanium shaped charge. Sheila K. Schiferl 2639 •••••••••• -•• ; •• ; ••••••••••• '.' ••••••••••••••• -•••• > ••• ·.·.·.'.·.·.:.:.:.:;;:O:.;.:O:.;.; •• ·;·.·.·.·l.;.>:.:.:.: .:.;.;.; •.•.•••. 0;0; ••• .' •••••• [ ••• -••••• ; •••••••••••••••••••••• :.:.:.;.; •••••••• <; •••••• " •••• -••••• -.:.; •••••• ; •• ·.·~v.·.·,·.·.·.-.,···,_·.· ... ·.·.·.· ..... ·. [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:17:30orientations, and apply each distortion tensor in turn to all of the grains. This gives a set of changing textures, plus their associated yield surfaces. In general, both jet deformation and texture evolution are three-dimensional (3D) problems. To simplify our cal culations, we constrain the deformation to be symmetrical about the jet axis; this is a reasonable approximation to the behavior of many real jets. This axisymmetry is also compa tible with texture and texture development if the initial tex ture is at least axisymmetric. Experimentally, textures evolve under deformation to match the symmetry of the principal strains.26 If the initial texture has symmetry equal to or higher than axisymmetric, and the principal strains are axisymmetric, the evolving texture will be axisymmetric. These symmetry relations for textures also apply to the modified Taylor calculations described in the previous sec tion. To maintain compatibility of deformation symmetry and texture symmetry, the two different initial liner textures used in these simulations are both symmetric about the jet axis. This axisymmetry enables us to use a two-dimensional (2D) Lagrangian code, rather than a 3D code, to calculate the distortion tensors for the texture calculations. We de scribe the Lagrangian code and the details of the texture calculations below. Liner collapse was simulated with TEW A, an explicit 2D finite-difference Lagrangian code incorporating high-explo sive burn. This code has been used extensively at Los Alamos for modeling jets and other penetrators. The liner equation of state was obtained from a fit to Hugoniot data. The consti tutive behavior was approximated by a high-strain-rate iso tropic model,27 using an initial yield strength of 1.4 kbar, which would be characteristic of a soft annealed liner sheet. The initial Lagrangian mesh (one quadrant) for the lin er is shown in Fig. 3; the simulation is symmetric about the jet axis. The two liner elements we wish to sample are shown in Fig. 3 as shaded cells. The centers of the cells are located at () = 3° and e = 52° , where () is the angle between the jet axis and the line connecting the liner center of curvature with the cell center. We calculate the deviatoric distortion tensors for 4.3mm FIG. 3. Initial Lagrangian mesh geometry for the hemispherical liner. The deformation and texture development of the two shaded cells (at e = 3" and 52°) are analyzed in detail ill the text. 2640 J. Appl. Phys .• Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 a liner element by using successive positions of the corners of its corresponding Lagrangian cell, plus the cell compression. The tensors were calculated at simulation intervals of 0.25 ps. For the first microseconds ofliner collapse, this sampling time step produces equivalent von Mises strains of < 10%. To preserve material integrity, only scheduled, minimal re zoning was applied; either cells were combined, or celis were split in half. After cells were combined the respective corners were obtained by linear interpolation. The input deformation path required to calculate tex ture evolution is the set of deviatoric distortion tensors from the Lagrangian code calculation. The actual tensor compo nents for texture calculations need to be small; we require the equivalent von Mises strain of any deformation step to be < 2.5%, and divide each input tensor into two or more equal steps if necessary, Texture evolution calculations were performed for a sample of 3000 grains, using the Taylor-simplex algorithm described previously. Twinning was treated as pseudo-slip, and a Monte Carlo method was used to assign twinned and nontwinned orientations. This texture-evolution program is optimized to run on a CRA Y-XMP. For 24 slip systems and 12 twinning systems, approximately 1350 new orientations can be calculated per second of CPU time. This texture code allows for different critical-resolved shear stresses (CRSSs) for different kinds of slip and twin ning systems. There are several crystallographically equiva lent systems for each kind of system; to avoid redundant solutions to the Taylor equations, we treat the CRSS for each set of equivalent systems as a narrow Gaussian distribution28 (x = Tc,O" = O.OOl1"e ). The distribution is recalculated for each grain, and at every deformation step. Yield-surface calculations were performed using the same Taylor-simplex algorithm, but without any crystal reorientation. A deviatoric 1r-plane yield surface was calcu lated, using the tangent construction described in Sec. II, for 24 equally spaced strain directions. For both texture evolution and yield surface calcula tions, we use single-crystal properties of pure titanium at moderately high temperatures (;::::0 to several 100 °C) and very high strain rates (> 105 s-I ). The dominant form at ordinary temperatures and pressures is a-titanium, with an hcp crystal structure and cia = 1.59. For the purposes of this study, we assume there are no phase transitions. The slip and twin systems characteristic of a-titanium at various temperatures, plus CRSSs for these systems, have been sum marized by Conrad.21 The changes in dominant systems and relative CRSSs for shock and high-strain-rate conditions for a number of metals, including hcp structures, are discussed by Meyers and Murr29 and Murr. ~o They report that the general effect of high strain rates is to shift the dominant systems from higher-to lower-temperature modes. Twinning, in general, is promoted at high strain rate and shock conditions, or low temperatures. Hence, we model the system activity at moderate temperatures, and favor twin ning over the high-temperature (or low-purity titanium) slip systems. Our active systems, and the CRSS for each kind of sys- Sheila K. Schiferl 2640 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:17:30TABLE 1. Active deformation modes and critical-resolved-shear stresses for a-titanium. No. of Designation Plane Direction eRSS" cquivalerlt systems Prism slip ( lOTO) (1120) 1 6 Pyramidal slip (lOT l) (1120) 2 12 Basal slip (0001) ( H2O) 3 6 Tensile twin ( 1012) <Tall) 2.5 6 Compressive twin (1122) < 1123) 3.75 (, "Normalized to the eRSS for prism slip. tern, are given in Table 1. The first three systems listed are generally agreed to be the easy slip systems, in order of in creasing difficulty, for a wide range of conditions. None of these systems accommodates deformations in the c-axis di- c c (10Ti) c FIG. 4. Easiest slip systems in a-titanium. Slip is in one of the Ii directions, (lllO}, for all three systems. 2641 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.5, 15 September 1989 St FIG. 5. Deviatoric ('fr plane) yield locus for Ii sin gle crystal of a-titanium, with critical-resolved-shear stresses as given in Table 1. The c axis is in the [! 1 di rection. reetion (see Fig. 4). The two principal modes of c-axis defor mation, for low and moderate temperatures, and hence for high strain rates, are the twinning systems listed in Table I. Only tensile twinning will accommodate c-axis tension, and only compressive twinning will accommodate c-axis com pression. The deviatoric yield surface for our model of a single crystal of pure a-titanium, oriented with its c axis in the [1 J direction, is shown in Fig. 5, The sharp corners on the yield surface are characteristic of a single crystal, and are conse quences of the discontinuous nature of yield in slip and twin ning. The c-axis direction is, experimentally, much "harder" than other directions. The unequal yields in the SI and -SI directions are due to the unidirectional nature of twinning. We use two initial textures of liner sheet for these simu lations: one texture contains a very strong preferred orienta tion and strong anisotropies, the other texture is random, and essentially isotropic. We then map these textures onto hemispherical1iners. The strong texture is modeled from the general features of cross-roned titanium sheet.31 Larson and Zarkades!() show a variety of pole figures for very strong titanium and titanium-aHoy sheet textures, and report strain anisotropy (R) values of 9 and higher for some of these textures. For a jet liner, we consider the main features of this texture: a strong tendency of the (0002) poles (c axes) to be clustered around the compression direction, and in-plane isotropy, the absence of any preferred orientation direction in the plane of the sheet. We idealize the compression texture by clustering the (0002) poles symmetrically around the normal direction of the sheet; the pole angles from the sheet normal are assigned from a Gaussian distribution with the standard deviation (7 = 18°, The (0002) pole figure for this texture is shown in Fig. 6. The projection plane is parallel to the sheet. This texture gives an anisotropy ratio Z IX ;::::2.2.5, where Z is the compressive yield normal to the sheet, and X is the average compressive yield in the plane of the sheet. From a HilI quadratic anisotropic yield model for metal sheet!! with in-plane yield isotropy, we obtain Z IX = J(T+ RfFi and R:::::: 9 for the strong liner texture. The deviatoric yield surfaces for the strong and the randomly textured liner sheets are shown in Fig. 7< Sheila K. Schiferl 2641 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:17:30FIG. 6. Theoretical (0002) pole figure for the strongly-textured titanium sheet. Intensities are given in multiples of a random distribution (rurd); contours are 7.14 •...• 63 mrd. Stereographic projection; projection plane is parallel to the plane of the sheet. To make a textured hemispherical liner, for simplicity we map the entire sheet texture separately onto each element of the liner shell. In this mapping, a liner element whose center is at the angle e (see Fig. 3) contains all of the grain orientations in the sheet texture, but with each orientation rotated bye. (This deep-drawing texture is not strictly cor rect for e near 90"; we take the largest angle for texture calcu lations to be e = 52°.) With this construction, a sheet texture with in-plane isotropy gives a liner texture symmetric about the jet axis. Deviatoric rr-plane yield surfaces for elements in the col lapsing liner were constructed with respect to the axes of principal strain, Under our conditions, the laboratory co ordinates (where the [ 1 J direction is parallel to the jet axis) are in general not the principal axes of deformation. In addi tion, we cannot consistently define a set of preferred material coordinates, since jet deformations typically involve consid- I ! I \ I / \ / /~ /" " " RANDOM '\ ..... _--- /" \ \ \ I I I I I / EXTURED FIG. 7. Deviat.oric yield loci for the two different titanium sheet textures used in this work. The sheet normal is in the [I J direction. 2642 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September ,989 o 1 em FIG. 8. Lagrangian mesh for the deforming liner. All times in microseconds after explosive initiation. The shaded regions correspond to the 0 = 3' and 52' cells. erable shear coupling. Instead, we first calculate the texture of a liner element at a particular time. The deviatoric yield surface is then constructed in the system of principal strain for the succeeding time step. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Our results for textures and yield anisotropies, for two different liner elements and two different initial textures, during liner collapse in a titanium jet, are shown in Figs. 8- 16. We will divide our analysis into three parts: (1) deforma~ tion-path details; (2) texture evolution; and (3) yield sur face evolution. A. Deformation~path details Figure 8 shows the Lagrangian mesh for the deforming metal liner. All times are in microseconds after explosive ini tiation, and the direction of jetting is toward the bottom of the page. The two cells to be studied-at (J = 3° and 52° from the axis-are shaded. The cumulative deviatoric strain com ponents for these cells are shown in Figs. 9 and 10, where the [ 1] component represents the jet axis direction. For the axial (e = 3°) cell, the shock arrives at ::::: 13.75 f.ls. The initial deformation is a compression, approximately along the jet axis (note the flattening of the center of the liner shell in Fig. 8). This compression ends at::::: 14.5 f.ts (;:::,7% Sheila K. Schiferl 2642 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:17:30Z 2.5 1 2.0 (- 1.5 _j <: 1.0 - J ~ 0.5 - J go: r-_-~-""",,~,.~,~:::.~.:=:=:.~:~.-.-:~:_._._.-j ••••• 622 I -1.0 - ...................... -j.5 '-------L.---_.L.... ___ -.L ___ -.J 10 15 20 TIME (IlS) 25 30 FI~. 9. Strain path for the () = 3' celL The eij refer to cumulative deviatoric stram components; the jet axis is in the [ 1) direction. von Mises strain) and is followed by tension along the jet axis. For the (J = 52° cell, the shock arrives at ;:::: 15.75 flS. There are no clear-cut regimes of deformation for this cell, but rather a complex history of large shears and rotations. B. Texture evolution Figures 11 and 12 show the results for evolution oftex ture during the early stages of liner collapse for the {} = 3° cell. Figure 11 corresponds to results from a strong initial texture; Fig. 12 is for random initial texture. Figures 13 and 14 give corresponding texture evolution for the () = 52° celL All of these diagrams are (0002) pole figures; the density contours indicate the directions of c ("hard") axes. This is generally the most useful kind of pole figure for indications of material anisotropy in hcp crystals. The projection plane for the pole figures is perpendicular to the jet axis. We will also refer to system activity-the relative importance of a particular kind of system or systems-in discussing texture evolution. 2.5 r-----,----- ,--------, 2.0 - 1.5 - ~ 1.0 - ~'-':'~~'-'-l' ~ /-" f- ,$F----(f) 0.5 ",' .... ~ W ./ ~ 0 f----- ...... .:;:;;;,........... .............. - f- •........ ~:: . .J -0.5 - I -;.0 --1 _1.5'--___ -'--____ ... 1 ----"------' 10 15 20 25 30 TIME (115) FIG. 10. Strain path for the e = 52' cell. The eij refer to cumulative devia· toric strain components; the jet axis is in the ( I J direction. 2643 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 We consider first the texture evolution of the (:) = 3° cell, which exhibits simple modes of defomlation: a compressive shock, followed by uniaxial tension, along the shock direc tion. For the strong initial textu.re, the dominant system dur ing the compressive phase is compressive twinning. The pole figure at 14.5 f.ls [Fig. 11 (b) J illustrates the activity of the dominant system: the original duster of poles near the axis has thinned out, and there is now a ring of poles centered at about 64° <the c·axis rotation angle for compressive twin ning ) from the axis. As compression proceeds, prismatic slip gradually increases in importance. The newly twinned grains are now better oriented to slip for subsequent axial deformation. After 14.5 fls the axial cell goes into tension. The domi nant system immediately after 14.5 J1S is tensile twinning, but slip and compressive twinning graduaUy increase in im portance. By 15 f,iS, after a total von Mises strain of ;::::;22%, the original concentration of poles is essentially gone and a sta ble (but weaker) texture is deVeloping. The axial ceH with random starting texture foHows an initially different evolution. The dominant systems during compression are the slip systems; twinning accommodates less than 30% of the shear with tensile twinning fa vored (the CRSS for tensile twinning is lower). The tensile twin reor ientation (85°) brings grains with c axes originally perpen dicular to the jet axis to new orientations, with axes almost parallel to the jet axis. At 14.5 J1S, the material exhibits a weak compression texture. After 18 f,iS, the pole figures re sulting from both random and strong initial textures are es sentially identical. The () = 52° cell presents a different picture. As dis cussed above, there are no well-defined stages of deforma tion, and no wen-defined deformation modes. The strain components change with time and the cell also rotates (which rotates the existing texture). For the strong initial texture, this deformation history is reflected in the system activity; the dominant systems change repeatedly, but with slip accommodating the bulk of the deformation (66%-70%). The preferred orientations dissolve much more slowly than in the (:) = 3° cell; at t = 18 f.ls ( ::::;45% von Mises strain) the original maximum for the () = 52° cel] is still significant, while the original maximum in the e = 3° cell has essentially disappeared by ;::::;22% von Mises strain. The t = 30 J1.s pole figure for the e = 52° cell resembles the stable texture of the () = 3' cell, but the texture of the former cell is not axially symmetric, and is still chang ing. For the random starting texture, the initial system activ ity and texture evoluti.on somewhat resemble that of the ran domly textured (J = 3° cell, but occur at larger strains in the () = 52° cell. This resemblance may be fortuitous; after 16.75 f-ls, the system activity and the orientation pattern resemble that of the strongly textured () = 52° cell, but without the persisting maximum at 8;::::52°. The differences between texture evolution in the e = 52° cell and in the (:) = 3° cell are related to the differences in deformation paths and to the relative importance of slip and twinning for accommodating deformation. The {} = 3° cell Sheila K. Schiferl 2643 .••• , ., .... '.-••• :.~.:.~ •..••• :.~.:.:.:.:'.:.:o:.;.;.; •• :.~.;.:.:;:.:.:.:.;.;.- •••••••••• ;-:;:.;.;.:.: •.•. ' .•. ' •••••.• :.:·;·;·.v.·.·.·.·.·.;.:.;.:.: •.•.•. • .•••••• ·.'.·.·.;.: •.•...•.• ~ •.• ; .-.",-••• F' ............. -••••••••••••••••• -.-.-.-••••••• " •••••••• ".-•••••••••• __ • [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:17:30a) initial texture b) time'" 14.50 fi-s von Mises strain = 0.07 c) time 0= 14.69 p.s von Mises strain = 0.14 deformation is driven heavily by twinning. Twinning, with its large orientation changes, effectively destroys the strong initial texture within a rather small amount of deformation. For the () = 52° cell, twinning is important but slip is also effective in accomplishing much of the deformation. For the strong initial texture, most of the eady deformation can be accommodated by slip, with its gradual orientation changes, and remnants of the original texture persist after rather large strains (:::::45%). 2644 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 d) time = 15.00 J-Ls von Mises strain = 0.22 0) time co 30.00 J-LS von Mises slrain = 2.66 FIG. 11. (0002) pole figures for the e = 3" cell, strong initial texture. Con tours are 7, 14, ... ,56 mrd for (a); 1,2, ... ,22 mrd for (b)-(e). Projection plane is normal to the jet axis. C. Yield~surface evolution Among the mechanical effects of texture evolution dur ing liner collapse are changes in the amount of yield anisot ropy and in the directionality of yielding. Figures 15 and 16 show the results for evolution of yield anisotropy during the early stages of liner collapse for strong initial texture, for () = 3° and 52° cells, respectively. Both sets of figures repre sent 1T-plane deviatoric yield surfaces; the units for flow Sheila K. Schifer! 2644 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:17:30a) initial texture c) time = 15.00 J.LS von Mises strain = 0.22 b) time'" 14.50 J.Ls d) time"" 30.00 J.LS von Mises strain = 0.07 von MiSes strain = 2.66 FiG. 12. (0002) pole figures for the 8,.= 3" cdl, random initial texture. Contours are 1,2,3 mrd. Pole intensities for the initial texture vary from 0 to 2.2 mrd, with no particular pattern. stress are the same as in Fig. 7. The axes of a yield surface for a particular time correspond to the system of principal strain at that time. We will discuss, but not show, the evolution of yield anisotropy for random initial texture. The latter anisot ropies are not large, and are difficult to discern in yield surface diagrams. We consider first the evolution of yield anisotropy in the e = 3" cell. For this ceH, the shear coupling is negligible, and the principal axes of strain are nearly identical to the labora tory coordinates, where the r 1 ] direction is paraUe1 to the jet axis. For the strong initial texture, the yield evolution fol lows a fairly simple form: the jet axis direction starts out "hard" and the radial direction "soft"; as the texture evolves, this relation reverses. However, the radial yield will never become as hard as the axial yield can be, since the c axes in the new texture will be distributed around 360', not clustered around one direction. The yield surfaces in Fig. 15 reflect this pattern. The initial texture produces a yield ani sotropy ofsma,/Smin ;:::::;2.5; the hard direction is -j\ (com pression along the jet axis)) and the softest direction corre sponds to biaxial stress: 52 = -53 . The radial directions are very soft: 5max /52 :::::: 2.2. Also, the compressive and tensile yield strengths in the axial direction are not equal: S,'/5, 2645 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 :::::: 1.33. For this texture, most grains cannot yield in com pression or tension without twinning, and the stresses re quired to activate compressive and tensile twins are differ ent. By 14.5 ps, at the end of the compressive shock, a signifi cant fraction of the grains have twinned, thus reorienting many of the crystals so they can accommodate compression and tension along the jet axis largely or entirely by slip, which tends to be easier than twinning. The anisotropy ratio has been reduced to 1.5, and sc/s,:::::: 1.12. By 14.7 !ls, after 7% compression followed by 7% ten sion, the anisotropy is weaker stilL The anisotropy ratio has fallen to L 14, but retains the pattern of the initial yield ani sotropy. Compressive yield is still greater than tensile yield. After another 8% tensile strain (22% von Mises strain), at 15 ps, the original pattern of yield anisotropy is lost, and the anisotropy ratio is < 3%; the yield (but not the texture) is now approximately isotropic. After 15 ps, a weak tensile texture evolves. At 30 ps, this texture gives a weak anisotropy of ;:::::;6%; the strong direction is radial compres sion, the weak is axial compression. For a random initial texture, the yield surface for the e = 3° cell evolves to a weak anisotropy of :::::; 5% at 14.5 j..ls, Sheila K. Schiferl 2645 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:17:30I (@<----I---+ ~----~ a) initial texture b) time = 16.75 J.Ls von Mises strain = 0.21 c) time = 18.00 J.Ls von Mises strain = 0.45 with the same pattern as the strong initial anisotropy. (The yield anisotropy for the random distribution was z 1.5%, with no particular pattern.) By 15 f-ts, the yield surfaces of the B = 3° cell are essentially the same for both random and strong initial textures. The evolution of yield anisotropy in the e = 52° cell, like the evolution of texture, follows a different pattern. In accor dance with the texture changes, we see some persistence of 2646 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 d) time = 19,00 f.l-s von Mises strain = 0,61 e) time"" 30,00 /-Ls von Mises strain = 2.71 FIG. 13. (0002) pole figures for the e = 5Y cell, strong initial t~xture, Con tours are 6,12, ... ,42 mrd for (al; 1,2, ... ,19 mrd for (b)-(el. strong yield anisotropy, plus a variety of shapes of the yield surface, as the patterns of preferred orientation shift. We consider first the evolution of the yield surface for strong initial texture (Fig. 16). The persistence ofthe initial preferred orientation is apparent here. At the onset of defor mation, Fig. 16(a), the initial yield anisotropy, in principal axes, is :::::63%; the anisotropy at 16.75 fLs is :::::24%, still large after a von Mises strain of ::::: 22 %. This is not a smooth Sheila K, Schiferl 2646 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:17:30a) initial texture c) time = 19.00 fLs von Mises str'ain = 0.61 b) time = 16.75 fLs von Mises strain = 0.21 d) time ~o 30,00 fLS von Mises strain = 2.71 FIG. 14. (0002) pole figures for the (J = 52' cell, random initial texture. Contours are 1,2,3 mrd. Pole intensities for the initial texture vary from 0 to 2.2 mrd, with no particular pattern. change, however; the yield surface passes through a variety of anisotropic shapes during this time. After 45% strain, at 18 f.ls, the yield is still significantly anisotropic (;::; 12.5%) but the maximum and minimum positions have shifted. This is not equivalent to the compression yield anisotropy in the e = 3° cell. In the () = 52° cell, the principal axes [ 1] and r 2 J are rotated ;::; 30° relative to the corresponding laboratory axes, and the compressive and tensile yields are approxi mately equal, After 19 JLs the yield surfaces do not change significantly in shape, and give a weak anisotropy of ;::;6%. The variety of shapes of the yield surface is also charac teristic ofthe e = 52° cell with random initial texture, but the anisotropies are weaker, varying from :::::6% to almost 9%. The differences between yield-surface evolution in the e = 52° cell and in the (J = 3° cell are a function of the differ ences in texture evolution. The most striking differences are for the riner with a strong initial texture. In the (J = 3° cell, both the strong preferred orientation and the strong yield anisotropy dissipate relatively quickly, within < 1.5 ps and < 22% von Mises strain. In the e = 52° cell, the strong tex ture and the corresponding yield anisotropy dissipate more slowly (within :::::3 ps, and ;::;50% von Mises strain). 2647 J. Appl. Phys .• Vol. 66, No.6. 15 September 1989 Neither cell becomes isotropic, but the new yield anisotro pies are relatively weak. For random initial texture, both e = 3° and 52° cells ap pear to evolve a weak compression-type yield anisotropy ear ly in the deformation, but this pattern does not remain. In the next section we consider the consequences of these results for jet behavior, and for penetrator simulations that include texture effects. v. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In this study, we have investigated the possibiiity that crystallographic texture (or preferred orientation) can have important effects on soHdjet behavior. There are some indi cations that liners fabricated to have certain strong textures can produce jets with markedly improved properties; there is also considerable information from metal-forming applica tions that certain strong textures can produce desirable me chanical properties. We would lik.e to exploit these effects in designing penetrators. There are several points to be considered when dealing with texture in the context of a deforming liner: Sheila K. Schiferl 2647 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:17:3052 S:! a) time == 13.75 p..s von Mises strain == 0.00 s, ~t\ : I 52 53 b) lime '" 14.50 j.lS von Mises strain "" 0.07 81 c) time =: 14.69 ILs von Mises strain = 0.14 (1) Texture can produce large mechanical anisotropies if single-crystal anisotropies are large. (2) The texture, and the corresponding mechanical ani sotropy, change as the material deforms. (3) Texture evolution depends on the kind of deforma tion, as well as on the crystal structure. It is mediated by single-crystal mechanisms. (4) Ifwe can specify a deformation path, we can use the major single-crystal mechanisms (slip and twinning) to cal culate texture evolution in a polycrystaUine material, and the resulting yield anisotropies. 2648 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 SE S3 d) time == 15.00 f.J.S von Mises strain == 0.22 SI (. 82 5:1 e) time == 30.00 p:s von Mises strain == 2.66 FIG. 15. Deviatorie yield loci in the system of principal strain for the e = 3' ceil, strong initial texture. The [3] direction is normal to the jet axis. The onset of plastic deformation occurs at ;:::: 13.75 f-ls; (a) represents the yield ing behavior of the initial texture. We have concentrated here on typical deformation paths during liner collapse, and on the potential effect of initial texture on subsequent jet behavior. In particular, we have calculated the evolution of textures, and the corre sponding yield anisotropies, during collapse of a hemispheri cal titanium jet liner: (l) For random initialtexture, (2) for a strong initial texture, (3) for a region of the liner near the jet axis «(J = 3° cell), and (4) for a region of the liner origin ally distant from the jet axis ((} = 52" ce!l) , From our results for titanium we can make the follow ing conclusions: Sheila K. Schiferi 2648 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:17:30a) time == 15.75 J.J.s von Mises strain = 0.00 b} time = 16.75 jJ.S von Mises strain == 0.21 c) time'" 18.00 J.l.s von Mises strain == 0.45 ( 1) Yield anisotropy, traceable to a strong initial orien tation, is only significant at early times during liner collapse (0-3 f-ls after the start of deformation for our model). (2) Even before the jet is well fanned, the material is unlikely to bear any significant traces of the initial texture. Instead, the metal will have evolved textures and yield an isotropies characteristic of the most recent deformation. (3) The effect of strong initial texture persists consider ably longer in parts of the liner far from the axis than in the axial region. This is probably a consequence of the greater importance of twinning to accommodate deformations 2649 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 d) time == 19.00 IJS von Mises strain = 0.61 e) time"" 30.00 j.J.S von Mises strain:: 2,71 FIG, 16. Deviatoric yield loci in the system of principal strain for the e = 52' l'eH, strong initialtexture. The l3] direction is normal to the jet axis. The onset of plastic deformation occurs at 0::: 15.75 f.1-s; (a) represents the yielding behavior of the initial texture. along the axis. The complicated and changing deformation modes for the (J = 52° cell may also be less efficient in dis persing the initial texture than the simple compression and tension near the axis. ( 4) The yield surface for the e = 52° cell, for a strong initial texture, does not simply become less anisotropic dur ing Hner collapse, but evolves through a variety of shapes, (5) A random initial texture evolves weak preferred ori entations and corresponding yield anisotropies in the first few f-lS of deformation. These do not necessarily match the texture evolution from strongly textured liners. Sheila K. Schiferl 2649 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:17:30These points are specific to our particular mechanical model for titanium, but the general conclusions and the pro cess should be applicable to other hexagonal materi.als, and other defonnation paths. With the exception of the third point above, the general conclusions should also be applica ble to other crystal structures. In particular, the loss of infor mation about initial texturefollowing a large deformation is seen for many fabrication processes. There are exceptions to this rule,32 but only if certain symmetries are present in ini tial textures and subsequent deformations. The limitation of initial texture-induced anisotropies to early times helps narrow the search for the mechanisms of initial-condition effects on jet behavior. We do not need to trace initial textures from the undeformed liner through breakup. Instead, initial texture effects must influence jet behavior through changes in material flow, localization, etc. induced at early time. In particular, if flow patterns in a jet are affected, the velocity gradient, and hence the eventual breakup, would probably be affected. For other penetrator designs, such as EFPs,33 which can be particularly sensitive to small changes in material properties, texture effects may be larger than in jets. In some EFPs, complicated flow pat terns early in deformation are typical; the possibility of al tered flow patterns suggests differences in the final shape obtained. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author would like to thank J. N. Johnson (Los Ala mos) for many valuable discussions. H.-R. Wenk graciously helped check out the texture code, and C Tome provided an early version of the pole figure graphics. This work was sup ported by the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy, through the Joint DoD/DOE Munitions Technolo gy Development Program. 'G. 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Magnetoresistivity in a NiFeCo/Ta multilayer thin film with elevated substrate temperature J. H. Hur, C. S. Comstock, A. V. Pohm, and L. A. Pearey Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 64, 6113 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.342514 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.342514 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/64/10?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Magnetoresistance characteristics of NiFe/Cu/CoFe/IrMn spin valves at elevated temperature J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 19, 563 (2001); 10.1116/1.1349211 Magnetic properties of very thin single and multilayer NiFeCo and CoFe films deposited by sputtering J. Appl. Phys. 83, 7034 (1998); 10.1063/1.367724 Steep magnetoresistance change with low saturation fields in Co/Ni multilayer thin films Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 2153 (1996); 10.1063/1.115615 Effect of coupling on magnetic properties of uniaxial anisotropy NiFeCo/TaN/NiFeCo sandwich thin films J. Appl. Phys. 76, 6986 (1994); 10.1063/1.358064 Magnetoresistivity in NiFeCo multilayer films J. Appl. Phys. 63, 3149 (1988); 10.1063/1.340871 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 18:17:59Magnetoresistivity in a NifeCo/Ta multilayer thin fUm with elevated substrate temperature J. H. Hur, C. S. Comstock, A. V. Pohm, and L A. Pearey Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Iowa State University, Ames. Iowa 50011 T~e effects of s~bstra:e tempe~ature on magnetoresistive (MR) ratio of the NiFeCo mutilayer thm films were mvestlgated. Films were fabricated by rf sputtering with substrate temperature elevated to 200 and 300 ·C prior to deposition. MR ratios increased by an average of 5% at 2OO·C and 7.7% at 300 ·C, as compared with the films deposited on unheated substrate. INTRODUCTION A multilayer structure of two ferromagnetic layers and a nonferromagnetic conductive middle layer has been used for magnetoresistive (MR) memory cells and transducers. I In order to have appropriate signal levels from these ele ments, it is desirable to have a high MR ratio. A ternary aHoy (65-wt. % Ni-15-wt. % Fe-20-wt. % Co), which is non magnetostrictive, was used for the magnetic layers? Tanta lum is a conductive metal and appears to have a much higher sheet resistance than NiFeCo because it is thinner than the NiFeCo layers in this structure. When tantalum is used as the middle separation layer, most of the sense current will flow through the top and bottom magnetic layers parallel to the plane of the film. Tantalum was also used as protection layers to prevent the magnetic layers from oxidizing. This was done because tantalum forms tough self-protective ox ides through heat treatment :in oxygen or anodic oxidation. A study showed that multilayer films, with NiFeCo as the two ferromagnetic layers and a 20-.A tantalum intermediate layer, exhibited good magnetostatic coupling? A previous study showed that the MR ratio of a multilayer structure increased by an average of 15%-22% and the resistance de creased by an average of 7%-10% by annealing after depo sition.4 Larger grain size can be obtained by increasing the sub strate temperature during deposition. This is due to a corre sponding increase of the mobility of target atoms condensing on the surface of the substrate, which allows the film to de crease its total energy by growing larger grains.5 Collins and Sanders studied the effects of substrate temperature on the MR ratio for NiFeCo single layer :films deposited by elec tron-beam evaporation.6 They found that the MR ratio in creased with increasing substrate temperature and that the increase was mainly due to the decrease in resistivity. In this paper, multilayer films were fabricated by rf sputtering, and were studied to determine the effect of elevated substrate temperature on the MR ratio. No attempt was made to cor rect the results for the current shunting effect caused by the tantalum layers. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The substrates were heated up to 200 or 3OO·C before depositing the five layers of the film. 3-in. silicon wafers with silicon dioxide passivating layers were used as substrates. Temperatures were maintained constant during deposition. All the films were deposited at Iowa State University by rf sputtering with argon pressure at 5-6 mTorr. A 6-0e exter nal field was applied parallel to the plane of the film during deposition to induce the uniaxial anisotropy of the films in a direction perpendicular to the flat edge of the 3-in. silicon wafer. 100 A of tantalum was deposited as a first layer to prevent oxygen from the silicon dioxide from diffusing into the first magnetic layer. A nonferromagnetic tantalum mid dle layer, between 40 and 60 A thick, was deposited between the nonmagnetostrictive NiFeCo layers. Each NiFeCo layer was 250.A.. thick. Finally, l00.A.. of tantalum was depos ited on top to protect the second NiFeCo layer from oxida tion. AU five layers were deposited consecutively without breaking a vacuum. Thicknesses of the films during the sput tering process were measured by an Inficon model XTM thickness and rate monitor. The B-H hysteresis looper meth od was used to measure the coercive force lie' the anisotropy field H k' and the saturation magnetization M,. In particular, H k was evaluated by applying a large magnetic field to deter mine the value of M, on the CRa screen. Then a small mag netic field was applied parallel to the hard axis. This field produced a straight line trace, which was extrapolated to the Ms value, giving rise to the value of Hk• MR ratios were measured automatically by using a Z- 100 PC and a rectangular four-point probe, with a rotating magnetic field of 900 G to saturate the films in a desired direction. After bei.ng deposited at a substrate temperature of 200 "C, the films were then annealed in a separate anneal ing oven at 300 °Co Four sample wafers were each divided into four pieces. One piece of each wafer was annealed at 300 ·C. Each wafer was annealed for a different amount of time. An external field of 100 Oe was applied in a direction TABLE 1. Data for films with 200 'C substrate temperature. Middle layer He II. Ms R MRratio (A) (De) (De) (Oe) (mm (%) 40 0.72 9.6 0.396 1140 2.45 40 0.684 9.6 0.396 1085 2.58 40 0.72 9.6 0.396 1150 2.45 SO 0.612 9.6 0.432 1125 2040 50 0.684 9.6 0.396 H2O 2.47 50 0.576 11.52 0.396 1126 2.38 60 0.792 10.8 0.432 1080 2.55 60 0.72 9.6 0.432 1120 2.50 60 0.72 9.6 0.414 1I20 2.55 6113 J. Appl. Phys. 64 (10), 15 November i 988 0021-8979/88/226113-02$02,40 @ 1988 American Institute of Physics 6113 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 18:17:59TABLE H. Data for films with 300 ·C substrate temperature. Middle layer He Hk ,'14, R MRratio (A) (De) (Oe) (De) (mn) (%) 40 0.648 9.6 0.396 1076 2.70 40 0.576 11.52 0.378 1090 2.55 40 0.612 9.6 0.396 1092 2.58 50 0.504 9.6 0.396 1120 2.48 50 0.756 11.52 0.414 !l15 2,57 50 0,684 9.6 0.378 IllO 2.45 60 0,648 9.6 0.396 1087 2.53 60 0.648 9.6 0.396 1160 2.50 60 0.702 9.6 0.396 1120 2.50 paranel to the easy axis ofthe film during annealing. A form ing gas, 15% hydrogen in nitrogen, was used to prevent oxi dation. MR ratios were measured again on the same films after the annealing step. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Data resulting from films deposited with substrate tem peratures of 200 and 300 °C, respectively, are shown in Ta bles I and II. TheRe, Hk, andMs values are almost the same as the films deposited without elevated substrate tempera tures. MR ratios were increased by an average of 5% at 200"C and 7.7% at 300 °C, as compared with the films de posited on unheated substrates. The maximum MR ratio was 2.7%. The resistance of the films measured in this study (with elevated substrate temperatures during deposition) was almost the same as the resistance measured for films with no substrate heating but annealed after deposition.3 The MR ratios of the films were not as high as expected. It is believed that the first tantalum protection layer did not pre- TABLE III. Data for films deposited at 200 'C substrate temperature and annealed at 300 ·C. B stands for before annealing. A stands for after anneal- ing. He Hk M, Middle Annealing la{;'er time B A B A B A (A) (h) (Oe) (De) (Oe) 40 1 0.648 0.666 9.25 iO.3 0.171 0.171 40 2 0.576 0.756 13.2 13.2 0.216 0.216 40 4 0.54 0.72 to. 3 10.3 0.18 0.18 40 8 0.666 1.08 10.8 10.8 0.171 0.171 SO I 0.72 1.332 12.0 10.B O.IB 0.171 50 2 0.12 1.332 10.8 10.8 0.216 0.216 SO 4 0.648 1.296 13.2 11.3 0.216 0.216 50 8 0.432 0.792 12.0 t2.0 0.216 0.216 60 1 0.792 1.296 12.0 10.8 0.171 0.171 60 2 0.72 0.936 12.0 12.0 0.198 0.198 60 4 0.792 1.188 13.2 13.2 0.216 0.216 60 8 0.792 1.368 10.3 10.3 0.189 0.189 6114 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.1 0, 15 November i 988 TABLE IV. Data for films deposited at 200'C substrate temperature and annealed at 300 'C, B stands for before annealing. A stands for after anneal- ing. Resistance MRratio Middle Annealing layer time B A B A (fl.) (h) (mn) (%) 40 1 1312 1327 2.63 2066 40 2 1437 1428 2,57 2.61 40 4 1370 1372 2.54 2.S0 40 8 1399 1399 2.55 2.50 50 1 1400 1388 2.52 2.56 50 2 1425 1413 2.50 2.54 50 4 1411 1415 2.59 2.55 50 8 1403 1396 2.52 2.54 60 1 1348 1323 2.68 2.75 60 2 1369 1370 2.55 2.64 60 4 1390 1392 2.72 2.70 60 8 1304 1288 2.63 2.70 vent oxidation of the first magnetic layer from silicon diox ide. An increase of the grain size compensates for a decrease in magnetic material, which would explain the reason why the resistance did not change as much as expected. Tables HI and IV demonstrate magnetic properties of the films before and after annealing at 300 °C. There were hardly any changes in most of the properties except in He. The increased He values suggest that the films were pinhole coupled after annealing. Our study showed that elevating the substrate tempera ture for the multilayer film deposition obviously did not have as much of an effect on the MR ratio as annealing the film after deposition. CONCLUSION MR ratios of NiFeCo multilayer thin films were in creased by elevating the substrate temperature during depo sition. Values to as high as 2.7% were measured. This in crease was not found to be as pronounced as the increase caused by annealing the film after deposition. An investiga tion correlating grain size, resistivity, and MR ratio, with substrate temperature is being continued. IA. V. Pohm, J. M. Daughton, C. S. Comstock, H. Y. Yoo, andJ. H. Hur, IEEE Trans. Magn. MAG·23, 2575 (1987). 2c. H. Tolman, J. AppL Phys. 38,3409 (1967). 'L. A. Pearcy, M.S. thesis, Iowa State University, 1987 'J. H. Hur, C. S. Comstock, A. V. Pohm, and L. A. Pearey, I. AppL Phys. 63,3149 (1988). 'C. Neugebauer, Condensation, Nucleation, and Growth of Thin Films Handbook of Thin Film Technology (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1970). "A. J. Collins and I. L. Sanders, Thin Solid Films 48,247 (1978). Hur eta!. 6114 ......... -....•......•..•••. ;.:-:.:.:: ............ . [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 18:17:59
The rheology of Brownian suspensions G. Bossis and J. F. Brady Citation: J. Chem. Phys. 91, 1866 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.457091 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.457091 View Table of Contents: http://jcp.aip.org/resource/1/JCPSA6/v91/i3 Published by the AIP Publishing LLC. Additional information on J. Chem. Phys. Journal Homepage: http://jcp.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://jcp.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://jcp.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://jcp.aip.org/authors Downloaded 29 Aug 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsThe rheology of Brownian suspensions G. Bossis Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiere Condensee, Universite de Nice, Parc Valrose 06034 Nice Cedex, France J. F. Brady Department of Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 (Received 15 September 1988; accepted 27 March 1989) The viscosity of a suspension of spherical Brownian particles is determined by Stokesian dynamics as a function of the Peclet number. Several new aspects concerning the theoretical derivation ofthe direct contribution of the Brownian motion to the bulk stress are given, along with the results obtained from a simulation of a monolayer. The simulations reproduce the experimental behavior generally observed in dense suspensions, and an explanation of this behavior is given by observing the evolution of the different contributions to the viscosity with shear rate. The shear thinning at low Peclet numbers is due to the disappearance of the direct Brownian contribution to the viscosity; the deformation of the equilibrium microstructure is, however, small. By contrast, at very high Peclet numbers the suspension shear thickens due to the formation of large clusters. I. INTRODUCTION Predicting the rheological behavior of concentrated sus pensions poses a difficult theoretical problem primarily for two reasons. First, the hydrodynamic interactions appear on several different scales. There are short-range lubrication forces between particles, which are essentially two-body contributions. There is an intermediate range in which many-body hydrodynamic interactions are important. And finally, there are also long-range, divergent, interactions that must be properly "renormalized." Second, the exact knowl edge of the forces and stresses for a given configuration of the particles is not sufficient to determine the rheology, because an average over the different configurations sampled by the particles is needed. These configurations are themselves the result of the interplay between the external driving force (the imposed shear flow) and the "internal" hydrodynamic, interparticle and Brownian forces; thus, the system is com pletely coupled. We have recently developed a numerical simulation method, called Stokesian dynamcis, that deals with these different aspects (cf. Ref. 1 for a review). In the case of purely hydrodynamic interactions (i.e., without interparti cle forces or Brownian motion), and with configurations sampled from a Monte Carlo hard-sphere distribution, the viscosities obtained by simulation2 as a function of the vol ume fraction <p, are in excellent agreement with experimen tal results, for example those reported by Van der Werff et al.3 Furthermore, the simulations show the importance of the lubrication forces in the increase of the viscosity with increasing concentration. In preceeding papers4•5 we have described how to intro duce Brownian motion into the evolution equation for the particle trajectories, and have discussed the changes in the suspension microstructure and the self-diffusion coefficient with increasing shear rate. In this paper we wish to focus on the rheology of Brownian suspensions and in particular, re late the change in the viscosity with shear rate to the chang ing microstructure. In order to save computation time we shall follow our previous studies and simulate a monolayer of identical spheres. While perhaps not directly quantitative ly comparable with experiment, the resulting evolution of the viscosity with shear rate should be qualitatively accurate. In the first part of this paper (Sec. II) we give the gen eral relation for the various contributions to the bulk stress and offer an alternative "microscopic" derivation of the so called direct contribution due to Brownian motion. In Sec. III we present the simulation results for the viscosity and the structure as a function of the Peclet number. In the discus sion we compare the simulated viscosities with experiment. II. THEORY The calculation of the average or macroscopic stress in a homogeneous suspension has been given by Batchelor6•7; the deviatoric part of the stress is given by N -(l/V) L raFa· (l) a=l (l:) and (E) are, respectively, the macroscopic averages of the stress and rate of strain tensors defined by an integral over the volume of the suspension: (.) = (l/V) Iv dr. (2) I.T. stands for an isotropic term of no importance for the rheology of the incompressible suspension. Sa' the stresslet exerted by the fluid on the rigid particle a located at position ra, is the symmetric and traceless part of the first moment of the force distribution integrated over the particle surface Aa : Sa = (l/2) r {(r-ra)u+u(r-r a) JAo -(2/3 )I(r -ra)'u }·n dr. (3) Here u is the stress tensor in the fluid, i.e., u = -pI- 1866 J. Chern. Phys. 91 (3),1 August 1989 0021-9606/89/151866-09$02.10 © 1989 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 29 Aug 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsG. Bossis and J. F. Brady: Rheology of Brownian suspensions 1867 + 21][Vu + (Vu)t] withp the local fluid pressure, Vu the local fluid velocity gradient, and 1] is the viscosity of the suspending fluid. The normal n points into the fluid. The final term in Eq. (1), (1/ V) ~r a Fa, is the stress due to the interparticle forces. Fa is the non-hydrodynamic external force exerted on particle a: the common example being the force due to an interparticle potential V(rl, ... ,rN). (Note, a constant external force such as gravity may be in cluded in the definition of Fa since it does not affect the deviatoric part of the bulk stress.) An analysis of the different components of the bulk stress has already been given, both in the context of dilute solutions? and in an approximate treatment of concentrated suspensions,8 but we wish here to clarify certain points that, perhaps, appear more transparently in the context of a nu merical simulation. The local hydrodynamic stresslet of particle a is ob tained with the help of the Faxen law linking the stresslet to the local rate of strain tensor e(r) evaluated at the particle's center: Sa = (20/3)1T1]a3[1 + (a2/1O)V2]elr~ra' (4) Equation (4) is valid for spherical particles, but generaliza tions to nonspherical particles are possible. The local field el r ~ ra differs from the average rate of strain (E) firstly be cause of the excluded volume due to the finite size of the particle (this is the equivalent of the well known cavity field in electrostatics), and secondly because of the nonhomogen eous (on the particle scale) repartition of the other particles around the reference particle. This difference between the local rate of strain tensor and the average one is used indi rectly in the renormalization procedure of Batchelor and Green9 and explicitly by BedeauxlO to obtain a Clausius Mosotti-like formula for the viscosity. In our approach through numerical simulation, we model an infinite suspension by periodically replicating the basic unit cell and use periodic boundary conditions. The divergent and conditionally convergent hydrodynamic in teractions are renormalized by O'Brien's method, II and the convergence of the resulting interactions are accelerated us ing the Ewald summation technique. 12 This amounts to re moving the k = 0 terms in the reciprocal lattice sums. 13 From the linearity of the governing Stokes' equations we may write the stresslets of the N particles as I S= -R~u'(U-(u»+R~E:(E)-rFP, (5) where S = (SI,SZ,,,,,SN) is a column vector containing the N particle stresslets. R~u and R~E are part of the grand resis tance matrix defined by [F] = _ [R:u R:E]. [U -(u)] + [FP p]. (6) S Rsu RSE -(E) -rF In Eq. (6) U stands for the translational/rotational ve locities of the N particles and (u) is the average velocity at the center ofthe particles. F and S are, respectively, the total force/torque and stresslet exerted on the N particles by the fluid and by the interparticle forces FP• The interparticle force contribution to the bulk stress given in Eq. (1) is the - r FP term in Eq. (6); r denotes the vector of particle posi- tions. The star notation indicates that Ewald sums have been performed on the infinite periodic lattice. The resistance ma trix R~u, etc. are purely geometric quantities, being func tions of the instantaneous particle configuration only. At low particle Reynolds numbers, the total force F is zero, and the particle velocities are given by U = (u) + R~u I. (FP + R~E:(E». (7) The velocity in (7) does not include the contribution from Brownian motion; in the absence of an imposed flow or interparticle forces, the particles do not move. Brownian motion can be included by integrating the Langevin equa tion,I.4,14 but, for our purposes in discussing the stress we only need to add a Brownian component UB (t) to Eq. (7). The total stress is then obtained from the second line of Eq. (6) : S = -(R~u'R~u I'R~E -R~E):(E) -R~U'UB -R~u'RFUI'FP -rFP. (8) To compare with previous expressions used in the literature for the bulk stress, we write S = SH + SI + SB, (9) where SH = - (R~u' R~u I. R~E -R~E ):(E) , SI= -(R~u'R~ul+rI)'FP, SB = - R~U·UB(t). Here I is the unit isotropic tensor. ( lOa) (10b) ( lOc) Unlike the deterministic velocity U in Eq. (7), the Brownian velocity UB (t) fluctuates with a characteristic time equal to the Brownian relaxation time 'TB = m/61T1]a, which is generally several orders of magnitude smaller than the time interval at required for the particles to move a sig nificant fraction (10-2_10-3) of their radius (or interparti cle spacing). In addition to producing the Brownian dis placement, these rapidly fluctuating particle velocities propagate (instantaneously in the limit of an incompressible fluid) a velocity field whose perturbations by the N particles give rise to the Brownian stress. The average of this Brownian stress over a time interval at~ 'T B is different from zero because both R~u and UB (t) depend on the configura tion of the particles which fluctuates at the rate ofUB (t). In the appendix it is shown that: SB = -1/ at ldl R~u' UB(t)dt (11) where the configuration-space divergence is with respect to the last index of R~u I. Owing to the symmetry of the grand resistance matrix we have (12) so this quantity represents the velocity of a particle resulting from the imposed rate of strain (E) [cf. Eq. (7)]. We can make a connection with the work of Batchelor? by noting that for two particles (a and {3) alone in the fluid (i.e., pair wise hydrodynamic interactions), the components of the tensor (R~u I)ap· (R~E)aP reduce to the quantity CaP, de- J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 91, No.3, 1 August 1989 Downloaded 29 Aug 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions1868 G. Bossis and J. F. Brady: Rheology of Brownian suspensions fined by Batchelor, giving the relative velocity of two spheres in a linear shear flow: Cjkl(r) = -(rjrkrJ2r)(A -B) + (1I6)rIDjkA -0/4 )(rjDkl + rkDjI )B, (13) where r = r a -r (3 and A and B are functions of I r I = r only. The stresslet in Eq. (11) thus becomes Sjk = -kT V I Cjkl, which is Batchelor's result, where he used the concept of a "thermodynamic" force. Our result is, perhaps, a bit more direct, provides a microscopic definition and is not restricted to pairwise additivity. That the two definitions agree is, of course, satisfying. Our Langevin derivation of the direct Brownian stress also serves to indicate its hydrodynamic origin, for it is ulti mately linked to the motion of the fluid through the hydro dynamic resistance matrices. If the hydrodynamic interac tions did not change with relative position or orientation of the particles, then there would be no divergence in ( 11 ) and no Brownian stress. For an isolated spherical particle, Rsu . Rpul is a constant, namely zero, and SB = O. Thus the direct Brownian stress is proportional to q; 2 for dilute con centrations of spherical particles and results from the diver gence of the relative velocity [C in Eq. (13)] with particle separation. For nonspherical particles, however, Rsu' Rid is not, in general, zero for an isolated particle, and there is generally an 0 (q;) direct Brownian contribution to the bulk stress. Indeed, for spheroidal particles, the orientational di vergence ofRsu' Rid is nonzero. For an isolated spheroidal particle described by the orientation vector p, Eq. ( 11) gives a contribution to the bulk stress (~B) = -31JkT/3 (pp), where (pp) is an orientational average and /3 is a function of the aspect ratio only. 15 This is precisely the result first pro posed by Kirkwood and Auerl6 and Giesekusl7 and used by Hinch and Leal. 18.19 (See also Brenner20 for a complete sum mary of the properties of axisymmetric particles. ) Using the above expressions for the particle stresslet, we may write the bulk stress in Eq. (1) as (~) = I.T. + 21J(E) + (N IV){(SH) + (Sf) + (SB)}, (14) where (SH) = ( liN) ~a = INS;: is the number average par ticle stresslet, and SH, Sf and SB are given by Eqs. (10) and ( 11 ). Equation ( 14) is true for any configuration of arbitrar ily shaped and sized particles. It applies instantaneously (on time scales larger than 7' B ) and therefore can also be used for time-dependent flows, such as oscillatory shear or start upl cessation experiments; in this case, the impressed rate of strain (E) and flow (u) are now functions of time. Note also, that even in the absence of interparticle forces (FP = 0) and even if the magnitude of the direct Brownian stress is small, despite the appearance of Eq. (10a), the hydrodynamic stress is nonlinear in the rate of strain (E) due to the fact that the particle configurations depend upon both hydrodynamic and Brownian forces. This latter dependence is the so-called indirect effect of Brownian motion on the stress: Brownian motion influences the structure, which in tum influences the configurational average of Eq. (lOa). Further progress can be made in the interparticle force contribution to the bulk stress if we restrict ourselves to pair-wise interparticle forces. Most colloidal forces of interest are well represented by pairwise interparticle interactions, so this is not a severe restriction. Making use of Eq. (12), (Sf) from Eq. (lOb) becomes N (Sf) = -(liN) L (R1ul 'R1E + rI)a 'Fa a=l = -(1IN) L L Aa . Fa{3' (15) (3 a Here, Aa (rl ... rN) = (R~u I. R~E + rl)a is the ath compo nent of this tensor, and when multiplied by a straining flow E, it gives the actual velocity of particle a due to this strain ing flow. F a{3 (r a -r (3) = -F {3a is the force on particle a due to /3 and is only a function of the separation between a and /3. Introducing the N-particle probability distribution function P N (r I ... r N) for N identical particles, Eq. (15) be comes without approximation (Sf) = -J (AI -AZ)2'F12PI/I(r2/rl)dr2' (16) where (AI - A2)2 == [lI(N -2)!] X J (AI -A2)PN-2I2 (r3· .. rNlrlr2)dr3· .. drN (17) is the conditional average with two particles fixed at r I and r 2' PI/I is the probability density for finding a particle at r 2 given that there is a particle at r I' Note in Eq. (16) that it is only through the hydrody namic interactions that information on three particle distri butions, etc. is needed. In the absence of hydrodynamic in teractions, Al -A2 = (rl - r2)1, and Eq. (16) depends only on pair-particle information. Under the assumption of pairwise hydrodynamic interactions, we approximate where the last identity follows the notation of Batchelor7 [cf. Eq. (3)]. Thus, with pairwise hydrodynamics, Eq. (16) becomes (S~A) = -J [C(r12) +r12I]'F12PI/2(rzlrl)drz,(19) where the subscript PA is to remind us of the pairwise hydro dynamics. Equation (19) should be contrasted with the work of Russel and Gast8 [their equation (31) ] where they have the potential of mean force (V 12 Vrnf = V 121n g) rather than the actual force (or potential) between two particles (F 12 = -V 12 VI2). This difference is significant and can have an enormous impact on the values of the stress that is calculated. Our derivation here shows clearly that it is the actual two-body interparticle potential that enters into Sf, and not the potential of mean force. The potential of mean force does, of course, play an important role in a theoretical development of the evolution equation for the pair-distribu tion function and possesses a good physical interpretation as a "force" in this context. But, this mean force cannot neces- J. Chern. Phys .• Vol. 91, No.3, 1 August 1989 Downloaded 29 Aug 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsG. Bossis and J. F. Brady: Rheology of Brownian suspensions 1869 sarily be carried over directly as if it were a true force into the calculation of the bulk stress. Indeed, the above shows that such a carry over is incorrect. 2 1 One final general point that can be made with regard to the interparticle force contribution to the bulk stress is in the case of a hard-sphere potential. A hard-sphere interparticle force is pairwise additive, so Eq. (16) applies. The hard sphere interparticle force is only nonzero when the particles touch; F\2 = (r\2/lrd) 8( Ird = 2a), where 8 is a delta function on the surface of contact Ird = 2a, a being the particle radius. The (x,y) component of the tensor (AI - A2) 'r\2 is the relative velocity of particles 1 and 2 along their line of centers due to a straining flow. This rela tive velocity approaches zero linearly with the surface sepa ration, i.e., I (AI - A2) 'r12I-0(g), where g = (r\2 -2a)/ 2a, as g -+ O. This is true for any two particles and with the full many-body hydrodynamic interactions. With pairwise hy drodynamics I (AI - A2) 'rd ~4.077 g as g -+0, and only the coefficient changes in going to many-body interactions, not the linear scaling with g. Thus, since IFd ~0[8(g)], for hard spheres, the integral in Eq. (16) is proportional to sg8(g)dg, which is zero. With hydrodynamic interactions the hard-sphere potential makes no contribution to the bulk stress. This is also the case with the particle trajectories: R~u 1. FP = 0 for hard spheres in Eq. (7) because IR~u 11 -O(g) also. With hydrodynamic interactions the hard sphere potential has no dynamic significance. The interparti cle force that appears in the particle velocity (7) and the bulk stress (1 Ob) is an actual interparticle force of electro static or colloidal origin. In our simulations to be discussed in the next section, the relative viscosity of the suspension is defined by the ratio of the xy component of the bulk stress (~Xy) to the xy com ponent of the rate of strain (Exy), where we are imposing a simple shear flow with (ux) = r.v, with y the shear rate. Nondimensionalizing the elements of the grand resistance matrix by 61T1]a, 61T1]a2 and 61T1]a3, according to their respec tive dimensions; all lengths by the particle radius a; the time by a2/ Do, where Do = kT /61T1]a is the diffusion coefficient of an isolated particle; the interparticle force by kT fa; and the stress by 61T1Ja3y; the relative viscosity becomes with N 1]~=(9/2)cp(1IN) I (S;:)Xy' (21a) a=I N 1]~ = -(9/2)cp(1/Pe)(1IN) I (Aa'Fa)xy , (21b) a=l N 1]Br= -(9/2)m(I/Pe)(I/N) "[V (R*-I'R*)] T L a FU FE xy' a=l (21c) The over bar is to indicate a time average over the course of the dynamic simulation. The fundamental parameters that appear are the vol ume fraction cp of particles and the Peclet number Pe = 61T1Ja3y/kT measuring the relative importance of shear and hydrodynamic forces. Pe-+O implies Brownian motion dominated behavior, while Pe-+ ao implies hydrodynamic dominated. Note that neither 1]~ nor 1]~ diverge as Pe-+O as the scaling in Eq. (21) might indicate. As Pe-+O, (1/ N)~(') is O(Pe) in both expressions so that the contribu tions to the stress are actually O( I ) as Pe -+ 0 (cf. the discus sion by Batchelor7). Although we determine the complete bulk stress, we shall only discuss the viscosity here, normal stress differences will be discussed elsewhere. We close this section by repeating here, for ease of read ing, the evolution equation for particle positions formed from integrating the Langevin equation (see Bossis and Brady4 for a complete discussion): ~x = Pe{ (u) + R~u-1. [R~E:(E) + FP] }~t + V·R1u- I~t + X(~t), (22) (X) = 0, and (X(~t)X(~t) = 2R1u- I~t, where X is a random displacement. III. SIMULATIONS RESULTS We have discussed elsewhere,4 the use of Stokes ian dy namics with Brownian motion to determine particle motion. The only new point is the calculation of the Brownian stress SB given by Eq. (11). We have performed simulations for a monolayer of identical spheres; in this case the convergence problems associated with the long-range hydrodynamics in teraction are less important because the local rate of strain on a reference particle due to a stresslet located at a distance r decreases as 1Ir3, and the integral over a monolayer is con vergent. So, in principle, we have no long-range problem in the calculation of the viscosity. Nevertheless, if we assume a linear perturbation of the pair-distribution function PIll (r) as a function of the Peclet number, which must be the correct asymptotic form as Pe-+O, we can write PIll (r) = ng(r) = ngo(r)[ 1 -(Pe/2)f(r)(xy/~)], (23) and we can show by solving a two-sphere convection-diffu sion equation for a monolayer5 that the deformation func tionf (r) decreases as 11 r at large distances. Thus one might fear that the use of periodic boundary conditions would per turb not only the long-range structure (which would not be critical for 1Ir asymptotic behavior of the Brownian stress in a monolayer), but also the short-range behavior off (r). If the short-range structure were perturbed, the value of the Brownian or interparticle stress would depend on the size of the box. Similarly the hydrodynamic stress SH contains a part coming from the velocities of the particles, which could also depend on the size of the unit cell. We have checked this cell dependency of the stress in two ways: ( 1) First, we have used the Ewald summation with a replication of the planar unit cell on a cubic lattice so that the whole 3D system consists of equally spaced planes with a distance between the planes equal to the length of the unit cell. The hydrodynamic viscosity 1]~ has been calculated at . zero Peclet number, because for a purely Brownian suspen sion, we can generate the configurations with a Monte Carlo hard-sphere simulation, which is very fast, and then calcu late the average of SH on uncorrelated configurations. The J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 91, No.3, 1 August 1989 Downloaded 29 Aug 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions1870 G. Bossis and J. F. Brady: Rheology of Brownian suspensions 2 1.5 1 0.5 f ( r ) 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 2 8. o o • o • • o o 0 .0 • • ·0 00 o ~i o • • 0 • 3 o • o • o 4 hydrodynamic viscosity obtained for an area fraction qJ A = 0.45 with Ewald sums and 25 particles was: (7J~) Ew = 0.77 compared to (7J~)PBC = 0.72 with periodic bound ary conditions; for a higher density: qJ A = 0.6 we find (7J~)EW = 2.74 and (7J~)PBC = 2.55. This change (~7%), is very moderate and of no consequence for our analysis. (2) Second, we have checked the deformation function f (r) and the Brownian stress SB for a Peclet number ditfer entfrom zero: (Pe = 0.5) with either 25 or49 particles in the unit cell. The comparison is represented in Fig. 1. We can see that the deformation functionf(r) is the same, within un certainty, in the region 2 < r < 5. The precision is not suffi cient to detect any long-range behavior, but in any case, this does not matter for the Brownian stress since we obtain 0.58 ± 0.05 for 25 particles and 0.53 ± 0.05 for 49 particles. In brief the use of periodic boundary conditions does not seem to influence the determination of the stress for a mono layer. Furthermore, we are more interested in a study of the evolution of the viscosity with shear rate rather than in the absolute value of the viscosity of a monolayer. The results for the viscosity as a function of the Peclet o o o o • • 5 • o o o 6 FIG. 1. Simulation results for the defor mation function! (r) for hard spheres de fined in Eq. (23): (0) 49 particles (.) 25 particles . number are summarized in Table I and plotted in Fig. 2. We have used two kinds of systems at the same areal fraction: qJ A = 0.453. The first one is composed of hard spheres (there is no interparticle potential but the spheres do not overlap due to the hydrodynamic lubrication forces as dis cussed in Sec. II). This is a reference system and we shall discuss it in considerably more detail than the second system where we have added a soft interparticle repulsive force FP = -V V derived from a Debye-Huckel potential V(r)/kT= Ce~K(r~2)/r. (24) We have chosen C = 950 and K = 12 so that pi' a/kT is of order one for Pe = 1 and a distance between two spheres corresponding to the formation of a square lattice. The second and third column of the table give the num ber of steps and the time step either in units of a2/ Do for Pe< 1 or in units of lIr for Pe > 1. For 25 particles a run of 30 000 time steps represents approximately one hour on a Cray 2. 7J~ -(5/3)qJ A and 7J~ represent, respectively, the hydrodynamic viscosity coming for the shear flow (minus the self part which is 5/3 qJ A for a monolayer instead of TABLE I. Results ofthe simulation of a monolayer of25 identical hard spheres at an area fraction tp A = 0.453 for different Peclet numbers. The second column is the number of steps of the run; the third column is the time step nondimensionalized by a21 Do for Pe < 1 and by y-I for Pe> 1. The three following columns give the hydrodynamic (minus the self part) , the Brownian, and the total relative viscosity of the hard-sphere suspen sion. The last column is the total relative viscosity of the spheres with a repulsive Debye-Huckel potential. Pe NSTEPS /:'t 0 10000 0.25 90000 10-3 0.375 60000 10-3 0.5 30000 2X 10-3 1 20000 2X 10-3 10 20000 2X 10-3 102 25000 2X 10-3 103 20000 2X 10-3 10' 20000 2X 10-3 00 20000 2X 10-3 'TJ~ -5/3 tpA 0.72 ± 0.01 0.70 ± 0.01 0.71 0.71 0.72 1.04 1.19 1.27 1.51 1.90 'TJ~ 0.91" 0.80 ± 0.05 0.66 ±0.05 0.58 ±0.05 0.50 0.185 ± 0.Q1 0.023 2X 10-3 1.6X 10-4 0 'TJ~s 3.39 3.25 3.12 3.04 2.97 2.97 2.96 3.02 3.26 3.65 2.99 1.99 2.29 3.05 3.65 a Value estimated by extrapolation according to a quadratic scaling of the two lowest Pe values reported in the table. J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 91, No.3, 1 August 1989 Downloaded 29 Aug 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsG. Bossis and J. F. Brady: Rheology of Brownian suspensions 1871 4.0..-----------------------, Extrapolated Pe -> 0 Limit 1.5 Pe·1 =0 o Total viscosity o Hydrodynamic viscosity D. Brownian viscosity 0.0 ~--l...,----l...,----l...,---~~--'_:_--'":--~. 1.0.2 10.1 100 101 102 103 1()4 105 Pe FIG. 2. Relative viscosity as a function of the Peclet number for a mono layer of hard spheres: (-0-) total relative viscosity; (--/:1--) Brownian con tribution: 1J~; (-0-) hydrodynamic contribution without the self part: 1J~ -5/3 'PA' Einstein's 5/2 <p) and the Brownian viscosity of this hard sphere suspension. By hard-sphere suspension we mean a suspension of particles that interact uniquely through hy drodynamic and Brownian forces; there are no interparticle forces. We can see that the hydrodynamic part remains con stant with a value of O. 71 ± 0.01 from Pe = 0 to Pe = 1 and then rises up to "'~ = 1.9 for Pe = oc. It is worth noting that for Pe = 104 even if the Brownian motion is very small (it scales as Pe -I) its influence is still quite important since "'~ = 1.51 instead of 1.9. The Brownian contribution at zero Peclet number has been extrapolated from a quadratic de pendency on Peclet number: ",:(Pe) = ",:(0) -A Pe2. General consideration about reversing the direction of shear in simple shear flow requires that the viscosity be a function of the square of the Peclet number. 22 The total relative viscosity ("'~S in Table II) is presented in Fig. 2. The qualitative behavior is quite similar to that observed experimentally.23-25 We observe a shear thinning region at low shear rates and then a plateau followed by a shear thickening region which begins between Pe = 103 and Pe = 104. This behavior can be easily understood by looking at the change in the local structure with the shear rate. The Brownian viscosity is given by the relation (21c); and, as noted before, if we consider pairwise hydrodynamic interactions it reduces to TABLE II. Cluster statistics as a function of the Peclet number. If the gap between two spheres is smaller than Ee they belong to the same cluster. S, and S2 are, respectively, the average size and average mass of the clusters [cf. Eqs. (26) and (27)]. P, Ee = 10-3 Ee = 10-2 Ec = 10-' S, 1.006 1.025 1.305 0.25 S2 1.0115 1.052 1.671 S, 1.054 1.372 2.34 100 S2 1.117 1.\936 5.25 S, 2.07 2.76 4.79 00 S2 5.17 7.67 13.06 "': = -(27/161T)(<p2/Pe) f W(r)xy;,.2 g(r)dr, (25) where W(r) is a known function of the separation distance r between the two spheres; at large distances (actually r> 4a) it decreases as 1/~ for a monolayer5 and 1/';; for a 3D sus pension,7 whereas for two particles at contact W = + 6.96 for a monolayer and W = + 6.37 in 3D. At low Peclet numbers the deformation of the pair-distribution function is linear in the Peclet number as expressed by Eq. (23) and we get a constant value as Pe -> O. At higher shear rates the angu lar deformation of g( r) no longer responds linearly, and ap pears to saturate at high Peclet numbers in the range HX) < Pe < 10 000, as can be seen in Fig. 3 of Bossis and Brady.4 On the other hand, the function W(r) has no singu larity for r = 2a and decreases rapidly as a function of r. Thus we expect that the integral in Eq. (25) will become constant at high shear rates and that the viscosity will de crease as Pe -1 as the scaling in Eq. (25) indicates. This is indeed what we find numerically for Pe > 10. This apparent Pe -1 decay of the Brownian viscosity cannot, however be the ultimate scaling as Pe -> oc. The gen eral considerations about reversing the direction of shear in simple shear flow, predict that the Brownian stress should ultimately decay as Pe - 2 as Pe -> oc. That this should be the case can also be seen from Eq. (25) by noting that at Pe -1 = 0, g( r) is an even function of x (reversing the direc tion of flow does not change the structure), and thus the integral in Eq. (25) is zero. Perturbation from the infinite Peclet number state should proceed in inverse powers ofPe, i.e., g(r)-goo(r) +Pe-lg_l(r) + ... as Pe->oc, and g _I (r) will be odd in x. Thus, the "': -Pe-2 as Pe-> oc. The simulation results shown in Table I are not, appar ently, at high enough Peclet number to detect the proper scaling as Pe -> oc . The same can also be said ofthe low Peclet number results. The extreme limits of high and low Pe pose numerical difficulties as the deformation of the microstruc ture is slight, requiring a very high level of statistical accura cy. The diminution of the Brownian viscosity with the Pe clet number is responsible for the shear thinning behavior since the hydrodynamic part remains constant for Pe < 1. The increase of the hydrodynamic viscosity accounts for the shear thickening part, and we shall see that it comes from the formation of transient clusters. In the absence of Brownian motion, experiments26 and simulations27 on a monolayer have demonstrated the existence of clusters whose size in creases with the volume fraction of solids. These situations correspond to an infinite Peclet number. When Brownian motion is added, it efficiently destroys the larger clusters [principally through the action of V' Ri'ul in Eq. (22)] as can be seen in Fig. 3 where we have plotted the percentage of spheres belonging to clusters which contain at least N spheres as a function of the size (in number of spheres) of each cluster. We see that for Pe = 0.25 there are no clusters of three or more spheres, whereas for Pe = 104,40% of the spheres belong to clusters of 3 or more and at infinite Peclet number 68% belong to clusters of 3 or more. The large dif ference between the two curves for Pe -1 = 0 and Pe-I = 10-4 shows that a very small amount of Brownian J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 91, No.3, 1 August 1989 Downloaded 29 Aug 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions1872 G. Bossis and J. F. Brady: Rheology of Brownian suspensions 100 o 20 (, o ·0 5 7 nsphere FIG. 3. Percentage of spheres belonging to clusters which contain at least N spheres: (-e-) Pe -I = 0; (-0-) Pe = \0"'; (-.-) Pe = 0.25. motion (10-4) is still very efficient in breaking clusters. We have chosen 10-2 radii for the separation distance €e which defines that two spheres belong to the same cluster. This is quite reasonable since 10-2 also represents the characteristic range of the lubrication forces. In any event, changing the criterion to define a cluster does not change the qualitative behavior as can be seen from Table II where we have listed the number and the mass averaged moments of the cluster distribution, defined by (26) and (27) where ns is the number of clusters containing S particles. For each definition of the minimum separation €e we ob serve the same trend demonstrating the growth of cluster size with Peclet number. This formation of clusters is clearly correlated with the increase of the hydrodynamic viscosity, but the relationship is not obvious at first sight. For a given volume fraction, if we form spherical clusters of radii a' such that a'ia = (N I N') 1/3 (where Nand N' are, respectively, the number or particles of radius a and a' per unit volume), it amounts to rescaling all lengths by a' and the viscosity will be un changed. (For a monolayer we have a 1/2 as opposed to a 1/ 3 power). In fact, there is some fluid imprisoned between the spheres inside the cluster and the new radius a' will be slight ly larger than a(N IN') 1/3, which will contribute to increase the effective packing fraction and so the viscosity. For non spherical clusters, however, the hydrodynamic stress is pro portional to the cube of the larger dimension situated in the plane of shear; so, for the same number of particles per unit volume, elongated clusters will contribute much more to the viscosity than spherical ones. We have calculated a charac teristic size Le of the clusters by inscribing the centers of the particles in a rectangle and taking its diagonal. If we com pare with the same quantity Ls calculated for a cluster of 4 spheres (square arrangement), and for 7 and 19 spheres (hexagonal packing) we get, respectively, the ratios Lei Ls = 1.9, 1.65, and 1.4, respectively, showing that, on aver age, the clusters are elongated and the elongation is more pronounced for the smaller ones. Furthermore, for a given number of spheres, this shape ratio is quite insensitive to the value of the Peelet number. These results clearly show that for hard-sphere suspensions the shear thickening is associat ed with the formation of elongated clusters, whereas the shear thinning is due to the nonlinear behavior of the Brow nian stress coming directly from the nonlinear deformation of the local structure. IV. DISCUSSION Up to now shear thickening behavior has been observed for monodisperse systems in the presence of interparticle forces (often due to a stabilizing double layer). For coated silica spheres which exhibit a hard-sphere structure, no di latant behavior has been observed by Van der Werff et al.,3 but the maximum Peclet number (;:::: 102) in these experi ments is probably too low to observe the shear thickening predicted here, and there is a need for higher Peclet number measurements in order to see dilatancy in hard-spheres sus pensions. (From Table I we see that Pe = 104 is needed be fore any shear thickening could be detected. ) The effect of a purely repulsive force on the rheology is given by the interparticle viscosity 1]~, [cf. Eq. (21 b) ] . There is now a new parameter-the nondimensionalized force F' and a detailed study of soft-sphere rheology is be yond the scope of this paper. Nevertheless, we have per formed one simulation with the Debye-Huckel potential given by Eq. (24) for several different Peclet numbers in order to see if we recover the same qualitative behavior as for hard spheres. The results listed in the last column of Table I show that this is indeed the case with a minimum at Pe = 102 which is much deeper than for the hard-sphere potential. This behavior-a decrease of the viscosity at high Peclet numbers when the range of the repulsive force increases has been experimentally observed. 25 If we use pairwise hydrodynamics, Eq. (21 b) for the interparticle viscosity reduces to the form 1]~ = -(27/161T)(tp2/Pe) f r(1-A)f P(r)xylrg(r)dr, (28) wherefP (r) is the nondimensional (by kT la) interparticle force and A is the hydrodynamic function in ( 13). The form of 1]~ is very similar to that for 1]~ with pairwise hydrodyna mics, Eq. (25); the only change needed is to replace W( r) by r( 1 -A )fP (r). One should thus expect that the interparti cle viscosity should behave in a manner analogous to the Brownian viscosity, provided that r( 1 -A )fP (r) is of the same general form as W(r). At large separations [r> K-I in Eq. (24)] fP falls off rapidly as does W(r). At short dis tances, however, the form offP (r) will be important in de termining the viscosity; r(1 -A )fP (r) ;::::2(r -2)fP (r) as r->2, and, providedfP (r) is less singular than 1/(r -2), 1]~ will behave as 1]~. For the interparticle force used here this is the case; f P reaches a large, but finite, value as r -> 2, and 1]~ J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 91, No.3, 1 August 1989 Downloaded 29 Aug 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsG. Bossis and J. F. Brady: Rheology of Brownian suspensions 1873 shear thins as Pe -1 in the large, but not infinite, Peclet num ber range. Again, as Pe -+ 00 we should see an ultimate decay as Pe-2 from flow reversibility arguments. Even if the repulsive interparticle force is singular as r -+ 2, we can still estimate the asymptotic form of 7J~ for large Pe. SupposethatfP (r) ;':;;S-a ass = r -2-+0, wherea>O. As the Peclet number increases, there will be a nearest neigh bor peak in g(r) formed on the upstream side of the refer ence particle, i.e., where the shear forces along the compres sive axis balance the repulsive forces. This balance will occur when Pe = fP (S); Pe represents the shear force normalized by kT I a. The peak in g( r) will become very sharp and high, such that the dominant contribution to 7J~ in Eq. (28) will be from the region near maximum S m of g( r). Hence, in order of magnitude Eq. (28) becomes 7J~;.:;;(q;2/Pe)SmfP(Sm). (29) But,JP (Sm) ;.:;;Pe from the balancing of shear and interpar ticle forces, and Eq. (29) becomes 7J~;.:;;q;2Sm. (29a) Finally, assumingfP (S) ;':;;S-a, we have Sm ;.:;;Pe -(I/a), giv ing (30) Thus, regardless of the form of the repulsive interparticle force, it too shear thins, with an exponent depending on the nature of the singular form of the force near contact. Since the interparticle viscosity vanishes in the limit Pe -+ 00 and since the microstructure approaches that of a hard-sphere system, we should always see an ultimate shear thickening of the suspension owing to the formation of elon gated clusters. The effect of a repulsive interparticle force on cluster size is very similar to that of Brownian motion shown in Fig. 2 and Table II. The precise value of the Peclet number or dimensionless shear rate will, of course, depend on the particular interparticle force, but the qualitative trends re main the same. The effect of the repulsive interparticle force is to delay the formation of the clusters and so the onset of shear thickening but dilatancy should always be observed due to the increase of 7J1j, with the viscosity reaching a con stant asymptote as Pe-+ 00. Experimental studies of suspensions do not seem to ver ify this predicted "hydrodynamic" dilatancy. In Brownian suspensions with repulsive interparticle forces,24 there has been observed a shear thinning region, followed by shear thickening, followed by a further region of shear thinning, but no ultimate shear thickening. Two separate regions of shear thinning can be explained by the fact that both the Brownian and interparticle force contributions to the bulk stress shear thin, and the juxtaposition in dimensionless shear rate where these two shear thinning mechanisms occur can produce either one or two regions of shear thinning. The proper juxtaposition depends, of course, on the detailed form of the interparticle force and no general statements can be made. The lack of any observations of an ultimate shear thick ening behavior as the shear rate increases could be due sim ply to the fact that large enough shear rates (or Peclet num ber) have not been investigated experimentally. In the Brownian suspensions studied here, a Peclet number in ex cess of 104 is needed in order to observe the shear thickening, and with the Debye-Huckel repulsive potential an even higher shear rate is needed. There may be other explana tions, however, that mask the ultimate shear thickening be havior, such as the formation of plug flow regions at high concentrations and shear rates, precluding the treatment of the suspension as a homogeneously sheared material. The sensitivity of the hydrodynamic viscosity to cluster forma tion (the cluster size increases with increasing volume frac tion27) makes the viscosity particularly sensitive to edge and boundary effects during an experiment. Further, well de fined and controlled experiments with the simultaneous measurement of viscosity and microstructure are needed in order to answer some of these intriguing questions. APPENDIX Stresslet due to Brownian motion According to Eq. ( 11 ), the Brownian stresslet is defined by (AI) During a time at the Brownian velocity UB (t) will give a random displacement that is characterized by its two first moments: (aXR) = 0 and (aXRaXR> = 2Dat, and a convective displacement: aXe = V· Dat, where X is the 6N displacement (rotation-translation) vector and D = k1RicJ is the 6N X 6N diffusion tensor. These Brownian displacements can be obtained from the N-parti cle Fokker-Planck or Smoluchowski equation for the distri bution function P N (r 1···r N ): (A2) where V is the 6N velocity vector coming from the external flow or interparticle forces. According to Lax28 and Zwanzig29 the corresponding Langevin-type equation for the total velocities of the parti cles can be written as [note that there is a sign error in the Eq. (23) of Ref. 31]: (dXldt) = V + a·V·a + a·fR = V + UB, (A3) where a is the square root of the diffusion tensor, D = a· a + , and fR a 6N random force which satisfies: (f:(t)f:(s» = 2opqo(t -s), (fR) = o. (A4) With the expression (A3) for the Brownian velocity (A 1) becomes: 1 Sodt SB= -- {Rsu·a·V·a+Rsu·a·fR}dt. (AS) at 0 The quantities Rsu . a· V . a and Rsu . a depend on time, through the change of the positions of the particles in time. To evaluate Eq. (AS) we use a first-order development for a quantity A (t): A [X(t)] =A [X(O)] + (VA)·dX(t), with from Eq. (A3): J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 91, No.3, 1 August 1989 Downloaded 29 Aug 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions1874 G. Bossis and J. F. Brady: Rheology of Brownian suspensions d X(t) = (V + 0" V ·O')t + 0'(0)' L fR(S)ds. Thus we have or using: _1_ j6.t dtfqR(t)f!(s) = (fqR(t)f!(s» at Jo 1 16.t -- Rsu'O"fRdt=Vp(R~::-O'km)O'pm' at 0 (A7) Putting Eqs. (A6) and (A7) into Eq. (AS) we get for the Brownian stress: Sff = -(Jp (R ~J/O'kmO'pm» , or since D = 0"0'+ = kTR;;u\ Sff = -kTJp(R ~J/R k7, 1) (i,j,k,p = 1, ... 6N), which is Eq. (11). (A8) IJ. F. Brady and G. Bossis, Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 20, III (1988). 2R. J. Phillips, J. F. Brady, and G. Bossis, Phys. Fluids 31,3462 (1988). 3J. C. Van der Werff, C. G. de Kruif, C. Blorn, and J. Mellema, Phys. Rev. A 39,795 (1989). 4G. Bossis and J. F. Brady, J. Chern. Phys. 87, 5437 (1987). 'G. Bossis, J. F. Brady, and C. Mathis, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 126, 1 (1988). 6G. K. Batchelor, J. Fluid Mech. 41, 419 (1970). 'G. K. Batchelor, J. Fluid Mech. 83, 97 (1977). 8W. B. Russel and A. P. Gast, J. Chern. Phys. 84, 1815 (1986). 9G. K. Batchelor and J. T. Green, J. Fluid Mech. 56, 401 (1972). 100. Bedeaux, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 118,80 (1987). "R. W. O'Brien, J. Fluid Mech. 91, 17 (1979). 12C. W. J. Beenakker, J. Chern. Phys. 85,1581 (1986). I3J. F. Brady, R. J. Phillips, J. C. Lester, and G. Bossis, J. Fluid Mech. 195, 257 (1988). 140. L. Ermak and J. A. McCammon, J. Chern. Phys. 69, 1352 (1978). "For a derivation note that the time rate of change in orientation dp/ dt = fl·p + P [E·p -p(p·E·p) 1 wherep = ('> -1)/(,> + 1) is a func tion of the aspect ratio r of the particle and fl is the vorticity tensor. I6J. G. Kirkwood and P. L. Auer, J. Chern. Phys. 19, 281 (1951). I'H. Giesekus, Rheol Acta 2, 50 (1962). 18E. J. Hinch and L. G. Leal, J. Fluid Mech. 52, 683 (1972). 19L. G. Leal and E. J. Hinch, J. Fluid Mech. 55, 745 (1972). 2°H. Brenner, Int. J. Multiphase Flow I, 195 (1974). 2 I Note also that Eq. (29) in Russel and Gast (Ref. 8) is incomplete as they have neglected an a(Pe) contribution due to the deformation of the po tential of mean force with shear (cf. discussion in Ref. 5). The errors in Ref. 8 have recently been corrected in N. J. Wagner and W. B. Russel, Physica A ISS, 475 (1989). 22See, for example, R. B. Bird, R. C. Armstrong, and O. Hassager, Dynam icsofPolymeric Liquids (Wiley, New York, 1977), Vol. I, p. 141, as well as Ref. 18-20. 231. M. Krieger, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 3, III (1972). 24R. L. Hoffman, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 17, 161 (1982). 2'H. M. Laun, Angew. Makrornol. Chern. 123,335 (1984). 26C. Carnoin, R. Faure, R. Blanc, and J. F. Roussel, Europhys. Lett. 3, 419 (1987). 21J. F. Brady and G. Bossis, J. Fluid Mech. ISS, 105 (1985). 28M. Lax, Rev. Mod. Phys. 38,541 (1966). 29R. Zwanzig, Adv. Chern. Phys. IS, 325 (1969). J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 91, No.3, 1 August 1989 Downloaded 29 Aug 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions
The fractal nature of the cluster model dielectric response functions L. A. Dissado and R. M. Hill Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 66, 2511 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.344264 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.344264 View Table of Contents: http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/JAPIAU/v66/i6 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Related Articles Static dielectric constants and molecular dipole distributions of liquid water and ice-Ih investigated by the PAW- PBE exchange-correlation functional J. Chem. Phys. 137, 034510 (2012) Correlation of structure and dielectric properties of silver selenomolybdate glasses J. Appl. Phys. 112, 024102 (2012) Predicting effective permittivity of composites containing conductive inclusions at microwave frequencies AIP Advances 2, 032109 (2012) Rectification of evanescent heat transfer between dielectric-coated and uncoated silicon carbide plates J. Appl. Phys. 112, 024304 (2012) Inelastic electron and light scattering from the elementary electronic excitations in quantum wells: Zero magnetic field AIP Advances 2, 032104 (2012) Additional information on J. Appl. Phys. Journal Homepage: http://jap.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://jap.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://jap.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://jap.aip.org/authors Downloaded 21 Jul 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsThe fractal nature of the cluster model dielectric response functions L. A. Dissado and R. M. Hill Departmeni of Physics, King~~ College London, The Strand, London WC2R 2L5: England (Received 1 August 1988; accepted for publication 16 May 1989) Calculable fractal circuit models are used to show that the cluster model response functions result from the combination of two types ofseIf-similarity. The analysis is extended to the molecular scale where the cluster model is seen to be based on sequential relaxation processes. An outline is given of the physical origin for such behavior, and the self-similar processes are identified with the basic concepts of (i) an efficient (compact) exploration of a fractal lattice and (ii) self-similarity in the contacts between internally connected regions (clusters). The relationship of the cluster model parameters nand m to system dimensionalities are derived for a number of cases. I. INTRODUCTION Linear dielectric (and mechanical) response measure merits are common techniques which have the important facility of allowing one to follow the regression of spontane ous structural (dipolar or nonpolar) fluctuationsl over sev eral decades of time (typically 10 -10_104 s) or, equivalently, frequency. For this reason the existence offractional power laws2 in relaxation dynamics has been established unambig uously and shown to be the ubiquitous pattern of behavior. 3,4 Such a widespread and specific deviation from exponential ideality5 implies that the fundamental physical principles governing relaxation have a general form6 different from that of a completely random process. Over the last decade the physical basis for the power-law behavior has been the subject of a great deal ofinterest,6-·17 and it has been pointed out that despite differences in physical detail all the pro posed models are based in a hierarchy of self-similar pro cesses.6,15,17 It has therefore been suggested6,17 that self-simi larity (fracta! behavior) is a fundamental feature of relaxation in real materials, However, most models7,8,13.15,16 identify only one region of fractal behavior which crosses over at long times (low frequencies) to a nonfractal (Euclid ean) behavior. In the two distinct classes of materials that can be identified, viz., those which possess bound dipoles and those that possess potentially mobile charges, these models predict a crossover to random relaxation processes 1 5 and uniform de transport,16 respectively, It has been ar gued6,9.1o on the basis of experimental observation1 that the relaxation of bound dipolar systems involves a crossover to a different form of self-similarity at long times. A similar be havior has also been found to occur when mobile charges face irregular interruptions of their transport paths, 17,IR This identification of two different fractal regions in the observed dielectric relaxation is strengthened by its analytical deriva tion for a simple deterministic fractal circuit model, 19 It is the intention here to demonstrate the equivalence of the theoretical response functions previously derived9.18,2o to those of a deterministic fractal circuit, 19 and thereby identify the basic factors leading to the observed behavior. These basic requirements are found to be the existence of two inter woven forms of self-similarity, one of which dominates the response at high frequencies and the other at low frequen cies. In a further development the theoretical functions wiil be shown to be equivalent in detail to more general fractal systems than that of the deterministic fractal circuit. Here the response originates with specific regions of the dielectric containing dipoles (or ions) whose position can be altered by an electric field. The lack of ideal (or close) molecular pack ing that allows such rearrangements yields a structural flexi bility which extends over a "defect" region or duster con taining both dipoles (ions) and their local environment. 9 One form of self-similarity therefore corresponds to the in ternal dynamics of these regions.6 Since the ;egions are limit ed in spatial extent any sample of the material will contain macroscopic quantities of the same type of defect. Thus the second form of self-similarity refers to the way in which the response of the macroscopic system is built UP from its re gional (cluster) components.6 These two seif-simiIar re gimes are a natural consequence of systems composed of interwoven regional groups rather than site dipoles. Our ul timate aim is to establish the physical origins for the two fractal regimes of relaxation and to open discussion on the values of the power-law exponents, so that the information inherently available from response measurements may be correctly interpreted and understood. II. CLUSTER MODEL RESPONSE FUNCTIONS Two distinct classes of dielectric response have been identified from the cluster model, 9.1~,20 namely that of bound dipoles6,9,lo,2o and that of potentially mobile charges,18 In both cases the response functions that have been derived have been shown to give excellent agreement with experi mental data.9.lO,18 That of the former (bound dipole) class has also been compared with a variety of empirical functions which have been proposed as descriptions of dielectric relax ation, and it has been shown that where significant differ ences between theoretical and empirical functions occur the former gives a substantially better description of experimen tal data. 10,2 1 In this section we shall quote the pertinent re sponse functions of the cluster model and outline its basic construction. The reader is referred to the original pa pers9,10.18 for further details, A. Bound dipole case Here the complex susceptibility (X) is defined in terms of the Gaussian hypergeometric function 2FJ (,;;) as9•20 2511 J. AppL Phys. 66 (6), 15 September 1989 0021-8979/89/182511-14$02.40 @ 1989 American Institute of PhYSics 2511 Downloaded 21 Jul 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsx(m) = x'(m) -iX" (m) = X(O){(1 + im/{i)p Y-! X 2Fl (1 -n,l -m;2 -n;(l + iM/Mp) ~-I]} = lim (00 e-;,ote-Et¢;(t)dt, (1) <,-.0 Jo with the response function 4>(t) determined by the conflu ent hypergeometric function IF] (;;) as9,10,20 <I>(t)/<I>(O) = (Nt) --"(mpt) --n exp( -(upt) and X IF] (1 -m;2 -n;(upt) =(Ns)-n(up l""[ny)t]-n Xexp[ -rcy)t Jy g(y)dy r(y) = wp [yllntj(l + ylfm) L yu-m)/m I d [r(Y)/Mp11' g~)= =1 . m( 1 + yllm)2 dy (2a) (2b) (3) (4) In deriving these expressions it is considered that a per turbation has been applied to the system at zero time which consists of a number of structural displacements equivalent to local dipoles. The initially independent dipole motions in an undisplaced environment evolve into motions correlated over progressively larger numbers of environmental and di pole sites22 ( 0: t) with a correlation index n (0 < n < 1) such that the contribution per site to the dipolar displacement is proportional to t ~-n. These correlated groups are termed clusters and contain a characteristic number Nt; of sites at the characteristic time (w p) -\ for relaxation of a local di pole in its instantaneous environment, with (Nt;)~ n in Eq. (2) being the fractional dipole contribution per site in the characteristic cluster and <P(O) the site contribution in the absence of correlated displacements. The asymptotic limits of the index n are such that n = 0 defines a system in which the local dipoles remain indepen dent during relaxation whereas n = 1 refers to displace ments which become funy correlated, somewhat like an overdamped normal mode. This coherent period of evolution is interrupted by inco herent events initiated at random which fragmcnt/aggre gate23 the growing cluster either by correlating some portion orits sites with another such cluster, i.e., interc!uster trans fers, or by disconnecting them to form new clusters. These events cause an originally uniform cluster array to evolve into an ensemble characterized by the stationary distribu tion density g(y). The rearrangements involved in this reor ganization propagate through the system with a correlation indexed by m (0 < m < 1). Here the asymptotic limits are such that zero corresponds to isolated identical fragmenta tion events which leaves the distribution as an array ofiden tical clusters. At the other extreme a value of unity corre sponds to an ideally connected sequence of fragmentation events leading to an exponential distribution of decreasing cluster sizes. The response function <P(t), in the form ofEq. (2b), is defined as the average of the contribution per site weighted 2512 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 2 3 4 5 6 tal log [frequency] ( Hz) '3 ~ en .:l -1 • 0 ,,"00 • 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 ibl Log [frequency J (Hzj FIG. 1. Dielectric response data showing loss peak behavior. Ca) The a dielectric response of the nematic fOim of OHMBBA (see Ref. 10) the original data measured by lohari (see Ref. 47). The normalized data of the real and imaginary components of the susceptibility are indicated by the points. The continuous curves have been obtained from the cluster model response function with m =, 0.85 and n = 0.61. For comparison the Kohl rIlusch response function, which is indicated by the dashed curves, has been fitted to the high-frequency CPA region and the zero-frequency real magni tude. (b) The diclectric response of poly (vinyl acetate) from the measure ments of Johnson et al. (sec Ref. 48). The original data is given as the con tinuous curves as it was obtained by transformation from the time decay. The cluster model response, with m = 0.79 and n = 0.56, is indicated by the open circles and the Kohlrausch response by the crosses. by the fractional probability that a site is part of a given cluster (index y) in the instantaneous ensemble.1O Earlier work'l,20 derived <P(t), equivalently, as the average at time t of the relaxations that result from all possible rearrange ments initiated during the period of observation t. On the basis of this model the susceptibility function exhibits a peak in the loss component X" (w) with power laws as the high-and low-frequency limits X'({i) ccX"((v) o:w" -1, m>{i)p' X" (w) 0: X' (0) -X' (w) cc (urn, 0) <wp' (5) The extent to which the theoretical function describes ex perimental data is illustrated in Fig. 1. The best fit ofthe data to the Fourier transformation of the Kohlrausch decay func tion, d\ll(t) d{ [ I-n]} -<I>(t) = ---= -exp -(cupf) , dt dt (6) predicted by a number of models13•15 is also shown in this figure for comparison. It can be seen that whereas the two expressions agree in the high-frequency limit where the pow er laws are derived as a result of self-similar processes,b only the cluster model predicts the second power-law regime which is observed at low frequencies. This discrepancy has been found to occur in all cases of dielectric response where deviations between the two functions can be detected. 10,21,24 L. A. Dissado and R. M_ Hill 2512 I Downloaded 21 Jul 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsSo Potentially mobile charges Systems containing mobile charges are potentially capa ble of supporting a bulk de current even although this may be blocked by electrode interface effects.2~ However, when the coherent displacement of charge was constrained to finite sized clusters (e.g., as in adsorbates or pore systems) rather than extended over the whole system in conduction bands, it was recognized that the duster model predicted a different class of behavior. IS This class is characterized by a current response to a step-up/step-down in field which decays con tinuously at long times as t I -m (0 < m < 1) and is thus cor rectly termed a dielectric response. Such weakly decaying currents can be difficult to observe in time domain experi ments but are much easier to identify in the frequency do main where the susceptibility formally diverges as a power law w -m at a low frequencies. An example given in Fig. 2 shows experimental data together with the theoretical SIlS ceptibility function derived from the cluster model III for this process, termed quasi-de (q-dc) transport by the authors. In this case X(w) =X(wc){O +iwlw,,)n-I X2F1 (1-n,l + m;2 -n;(1 + iwlCclc )"-1 n, (7) for which the high-and low-frequency limits X'(w) <xX"(w) CXW,,·l, UJ>(})c. (8a) (8b) X' (w) <X X" (liJ) <X (J). m, (I) < We are illustrated in Fig. 2. The corresponding response func tion is given by <t»(t)I<P(O) = (Nt) -"(wet) -n exp( -wet) (9a) roo =(Nr;)--"(UcJ [r(z)tj-n o xexp[ -r(z)t )Z-I g(z)dz. (9b) Expression (9b) is derived from the published function 18 in Appendix A and r(z) = [<dztlml(1 +zum)J, (10) while g( z) is the samefunction (of z) as expression (4). Some fractal features of this form of response have been discussed previously in Ref. 17 where it was termed anoma lous low-frequency dispersion" (ALFD) and index m was denoted by p in order to distinguish it from that of class (a) as was done in other earlier works.18,25 The cluster model from which expression (7) is derived has been given here in very general terms, which can be expected to encompass sev eral of these features. Its physical description is simplest from the point of view of a continuous polarization by an Olc field. At high frequencies (W> We) potentially mobile charges correlate their individual displacements to generate a coherent charge displacement, with the number of sites involved increasing with the period (w -I). Thus, although the displacement contribution per site varies as ((u -11 -n, where n is a correlation index (0 < n < 1) as before, this must be multiplied by the number of sites coherently connected to give the displacement (polarization) per charge as propor- 2513 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 -3 u- -5 '3 u -7 0'1 0 --l -9 t -2 0 2 4 Log [frequency] {Hz} FIG. 2. Dielectric response data exhibiting mobile charge behavior. Experi mental data for the dielectri.c response of a leaf from the plant Nicotiana Solanceae (see Ref. 49) measured with the electric field perpendicular to the jeaf surface, The continuous curves show the fitted cluster model re sponse function ofEq. (7) for potentially mobile charges with m = 0.985, n = 0,80, we = 9X 102 Hz, and C(w, ) = 6.5x 10-1 F. This example has been chosen as it shows the form of the response in isolation from other parallel or series components unlike most other case.s (see Ref, 18 and 49). tional to w" --I. Here the limit of zero for n corresponds to independent mobile charges (i.e., a de current) and that of unity to rigidly displacing groups. At the frequency We the groups (clusters) are correlated to their characteristic ex tent and contain a number Nr; of sites, with the displacement per site a fraction (Nr; ) -n of that in the uncorreiated system. When W < We' incoherent transfers of charges between clus ters fragment the clusters and allow charge separation to occur over ranges greater than the characteristic coherence length. Here, as before, the index m (0 < m < 1) defines the degree of correlation between the intercluster transfers that transport the charge through the system. Thus a value of unity for m corresponds to an ideally correlated sequence of incoherent transfers and a de current, whereas a value of zero describes a system in which the polarized clusters can not be connected by transfers and remain identical. The equivalent relaxation current, defined by ~(t), fol lows a path in which at first a progressively larger number of displaceable charges ( 0::: t) are coherently coupled such that the displacement per charge site is proportional to t _ .. n. This is followed by charge recombination which starts at a time (t)c-I and as the system proceeds to equilibrium involves an increasing number ofpartialiy correlated interduster trans fers in sequence, Here the mobile charge can be considered to have coherently polarized a cluster of characteristic coher ence size prior to being incoherently transported to a recom bination site with further polarization of all intervening clus~ ters on the transport path. IS lit DIELECTRIC RESPONSE AND DETERMiNISTIC FRACTAL CIRCUITS Regular (deterministic) fractal circuits are currently at tracting interest for a variety of reasons. Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, they are exactly solvable so that basic con cepts can be directly examined. 16 Secondly, they can serve as idealized models for percolation systems26,27 and hierarchi- LA Dissado and R. M. Hill 2513 Downloaded 21 Jul 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionscal memories,28 whilst also providing a simple explanation for the well-known appearance of constant phase angle re sponses at insulation/electrode interfaces. 16.29.30 Most circuit models consider only one type of hierarchy and thus give a single constant phase angle element in the response (where appropriate26•27). However, the porous electrode model of Sapovapo shows how two different kinds of self-similar hierarchy can be combined to give responses with the forml'} of the two classes described in Sec. It We have, therefore, chosen this model to illustrate the fractal composition of dielectric response and demonstrate the equivalent features of the duster model. Ao The Sierpinski carpet electrode This model system,30 an example of which is shown in Fig. 3, consists of a conducting block oflength L and side ao through which electrolyte-containing square cylindrical pore channels run, and which is separated from planar coun terelectrodes by thin electrolyte layers. The fractal nature of the model is expressed by the pore cross-section pattern and is defined by the number ratio N and size ratio a between pores of successively smaller size, i.e., N= Nq+1/Nq, a=aq/a q+j, where there are Nq pores of side aq from the size of the block. 01a) ( llb) each reduced q times In this version of the model each pore acts as a transmis sion line coupled to the electrode via the wall capacitance (Fig. 4). The total capacitance of the system is thus C(X)=CoX-1/2i NQ-la-3QI2tanh[(xaq)1I2L (12) q ~-I where Co is determined from the surface capacitance per unit area 6. as Co= 46.a{~, and x is the normalized frequency x = iw/o)o' with (UO = Go/Cb.pL 2), and p is the electrolyte resistivity. (13) (14a) ( 14b) The asymptotic behavior ofEq. (12) can be obtained by rescaling x, giving a recursion relationship for C(x); C(x/a) = CoX--I12 I Nq -Ian -3q)/2 tanh [ (xaq--1)1/2j q~-l (15a) = C(x)Na--1 + Coa--1x--1/2 tanh(x1/2). (1Sb) The last term in Eq. (ISb) dominates when w> Wo and the system exhibits a one-dimensional (1D) diffusion appropri ate to the electrolyte within individual pore channels, 16 with C(x)-Coa-l(ax)-1/2, (U>(UO° (16) However, when w < mo/ a, expression (15b) reduces to C(x/a)~C(x)Na-l+Coa-1, w<(f)oIa, (17) and the frequency dependence is now controlled by the 2514 Jo Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1969 FIG. 30 Examples of Sierpinski carpet electrodes. (a) The carpet electrode is shown displaced from its position in the complete cell for clarity. The cell has two electrically paralleled counterelectrodes. The fractal cross-section al arrangement here has N ,= 5 and a = 3, giving a surface dimensionality of d, = 104650 (b) A carpet electrode with N = 2 and a = 3 giving a surface dimensionality of 0.631. In the particular configuration shown here it is clear that the dimensionality would be expected to lie below unity. cross-sectional geometry ofthe pore system, with successive ly smaner pores contributing in fun to the capacitance as the frequency w drops below the inverse time constant of their particular circuit, i.e., Wq = a,/(b.pL 2). Two different types of solution to the low-frequency re- FIG. 4. Schematic representation of a discrete component transmission line with all resistive and capacitive elements being of equal value and giving a response equivalent to classical diffusion. L. A. Dissado and R. M. Hill 2514 Downloaded 21 Jul 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsw-O.46S (a) o ...-.-2 LJC) ~I __ ~~ __ ~~ __ ~! __ -b __ ~~ __ ~~ " -5 0 5 -3 -u (b) -2 FIG. 5. Computed responses for Sierpinski carpet electrodes. In each case 20 self-similar embeddings were used in the computations. (a) The low frequency divergent response for N = 5 and a = 3 giving d, = 1.465 and a low-frequency exponent m of 0.465 [cf. Fig. (3a)]. (b) The convergent response, exhibiting Ii peak in the loss component, for N = 4, a = 8 with d, = 0.6666, and a low-freque!lcy power-law exponent m = 0.333). lationship, Eq. (17), exist depending on whether N /a is less than or greater than unity. 19 In the former case the total pore perimeter and hence the capacitance converges as all the pores contribute with x approaching zero, and the solution takes the form C(x) = Co(a -N) -IA Ix", x < 1, (18) with v related to the surface dimensionality of the pore sys tem ds' which is defined by o <ds = !n(N)/ln(a) < 1 through v= 1-d .. (l9a) (20) This solution, a computed example of which is shown in Fig. 5, exhibits a loss peak with the same form as the bound dipole response of Sec. II A. In particular, the low-frequency de pendence of the loss component, C II ((j) a: X" (w), has the power-law form (.urn (with m = Ivl) rather than the contin ually varying behavior of the Kohlrausch function in the same frequency region. On the other hand, when N / a is greater than unity the constant term in Eq. ( 17) becomes irrelevant and the capaci tance (perimeter) diverges as x approaches zero. In this case the solution takes the form C(x)=Ax-1vl, x<l, (21) where again v is related to ds through Eq. (20). Here, how ever, 1 <ds = In(N)/ln(a) <2, ( 19b) where the upper bound results from the requirement that the 2515 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, i5 September 1989 pore cross-sectional area must converge. Thus this class of solutions have the same form as that of the quasi-mobile charge response of Sec. II B, and a computed example is given in Fig. 5. Here the low-frequency capacitance C' (ill) 0:.. X' (ill), and the loss component diverge as (j) -m with m = Ivj = 11 -ds i. (22) It must, however, be realized that the power-law divergence is an expression of the self-similarit y31 of the system to successive rescalings by the factor a and wiH be truncated in real systems at the large and small limits where the self similarity changes or fails. In the present model the cross over to diffusion behavior «(u-1(2) corresponds to trunca tion at the largest pore, whilst a saturation in capacitance would occur at the smallest pore size, which could not be less than a molecular diameter or unit cell in real systems. Thus a constant phase angle response requires no greater range of relaxing "subcircuits" (or time constants) than the self similarity of the system is capable of supporting. Unlike the cluster model of Sec. II the electrode model in its present form is restricted to an exponent n of 0.5 in the high-frequency region by the transmission line response of individual pores. This restriction can, however, be lifted if the pores themselves are considered to have a fractal geome try in the bulk of the electrode. Two model systems which may be adopted for this purpose have been considered by Liu.16•32 In one case each pore can be thought to ferm a conducting frame having the geometry of a Sierpinski gasket capacitively connected to the electrode block at each gasket junction. Electrically the system is a generalization of the transmission line circuit with the equal resistances and capa citances replaced by self-similar units as indicated in Fig. 6. Such a model may be realized physically if the pores are formed as a multiply connected conducting system such as a percolation cluster. Alternatively we may consider the pores as forming a self-similar branched tree,16.29 reducing in width at each branching. Again the electrolyte in the pore system is capacitively connected to the walls and the trans mission line is converted to the circuit description of Fig. 7. Both these pore systems exhibit the required form of response. A resistance-capacitance series response arises from either the sections of the Sierpinski gasket or the largest cross-sectional pore branch at frequencies ill in excess of (C,R,.) -I, where Rs is the sectional (largest pore branch) resistance and Cs its wall capacitance. When (I) < (C,R,) --I a constant phase angle (CPA) behavior C( (j)) a: (i(j)) n -lOC_ curs as the self-similar circuits of the pore system come into play. Here16•32 n = 1 -~ d/(O + 2), (23) where df is the dimensionality of the fractal structure, and (} + 2 that of a random walk on the fractal defined by the radial distance R to time relationship (24) In the branched pore system e = -1 and Eq. (23) reduces to n = 1 -df = 1 -In(Nb ) 11n (/3) = 3 -Dp, (25) where N h is the number of new branches and f3 -1 the ratio of L. A. Dissado and R. M. Hill 2515 Downloaded 21 Jul 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions(C! FIG. 6. Development of a scaled transmission line response from a Sier pinski gasket in which the gasket elements are resistances and each junction oftwoedges has a capacitanceoq C to aground plane. (After Ref. 32.) (a) One section of a gasket with A and the other two equivalent vertices at a common potential. (b) The development from the structure in (a) to the transmission line shown in (c) by means of delta/star transformations. The symbols G, b, c, d, etc., are used to indicate equivalent sections but as no current passes through these vertices they play no part in the extended trans mission line. Po = (3/R) + hoC; Q _ 2i(liC( 1 + hoRC) (3 -.\-iwRC) . 0-- 3 + 2iwRC ' Pp + I = PI' (3Pp + 2Qp )/(5P" + 2Q,,); Qp+! = Qp{3Pp + 2Qp)IPp' P> -1. pore widths (cross-sectional areas) at successive branchings (/3> Nb ). D p is the dimensionality of the internal pore sur face. In the finite-sized geometry of the present model the CPA region is truncated at low frequencies when the system responds as a whole by a constant capacitance Cp represent ing the effective wall capacitance of the whole pore. For a constant length (fixed number of self-similar embeddings) pore system, the terminal capacitance and the frequency at which saturation occurs will both be proportional to the side a p of the pore cross-section at the surface, just as with Eqs_ (13) and (14b), i.e., Cp = Aap./,(L), (26a) wp = (CpRp)-l = ap(ilp)"-lg(L), (26b) wheref(L) and g(L) are functions of the (constant) length. Therefore, these generalized pore systems can be arranged such that their cross sections on the outer surface form a fractal system as before. leading to a second constant phase angle as low frequencies the exponent for which is dependent upon the fractal dimension of the surface through Eqs. (20) and (21). The appearance of two CPA regions can thus be seen to be due in this model to two different kinds of self similarity, that is, one which relates the longitudinal pore system to the size of the input pore entering the surface and effective at high frequencies, and a second which relates the surface cross-sections of the pores to that of the largest pore, and effective at low frequencies. 2516 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No, 6, 15 September 1989 (b) FIG. 7, Self-similar branched porous electrode system shown in cross sec tion in (a) can be given a circuit description as ill (b) by associating the electrolyte in the pores with a resistive path that is capacitively coupled to the walls of the pores. B. Relationship between the carpet electrode and cluster models Although both forms of self-similarity involved in the model of Sec. III A are geometrically regular it has been shown that the features of the branched pore system are re tained if randomness is introduced29 into the branching ratio l¥~? and scaling ratio /3, and we can probably expect the same to be true for the surface structure as long as self-similarity is retained as an average property. In this way these models can be forced towards the more stochastic picture of the cluster model, and here we shall identify the equivalence between them. L, A, Dissado and R. M, Hill 2516 Downloaded 21 Jul 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsFirst let us look at the high-frequency region, (0 > Wp (or we). Here the effective contribution to the susceptibility in Eq. (1) originates from <P(t) in the range O<t<o)p- I (or w,:" 1). Since r(y)/wp<l [r(z)/wc<l] for aHy(z), the ex ponentialfactor of <I> (t) in Eqs. (2b) and (9b) can be taken to be unity, and the response is governed by the time power law, giving ¢Ua) 2:a -n«p(t) 0:: (fa) -n and the CPA behavior (27a) X(u;/a) 2:a1 ". "X(w) cc (w/a) n -1, (27b} independent of the form of the functiong(). Thus the region of the cluster model in which the site motions become dy namically connected within a cluster corresponds to the de velopment of self-similar subcircuits within individual frac tal pores. Using Eqs. (23) and (24), the site contribution at time t, proportional to [r ( ) t) -", can be related to the flum ber of sites visited per step in a random walk on a fractal, 16.32 i.e., (28) Thus the dynamically connected duster moti.ons can be thought of as the result of a random walk of an interaction perturbation on a fractal lattice.33 The fuU relaxation of individual clusters occurs in the frequency range w <Wp (We) and here the response is gov erned by the form ofthe distributiong(x) dx (wi.th x = y,z) . just as in the electrode model it is determined by the self similarity of the pore cross sections. Here the cluster expres sions can be converted into equations with the form of Eq. ( 17) by using the approximations g(x) :;;,;x( 11m) .. 1, O<X< 1, g(X)~X .(lIm)-1, 1<.x<00, (2Ba) (2gb) and dividing the integrals over y(z) into the two ranges 0-1 and 1-00. In this way only the o~ I range was found to make any substantial contribution to the scaling relationship at frequencies less than (up (wc). For the bound dipole case the resu.lt is (29) where X 0 is a frequency dependent function rapidly ap proaching a constant value for (() < wP' and given by xyd(yllm)dto (30) A comparison with Eq. (17) identifies N / a = a· m and 1 > m = 1 -ds > 0 (31 ) as previously, and Xo with the "static" contribution of the largest pore. The integral over yin (30) arises because ofthe continuum nature of the duster model as compared to the discrete format of the electrode model. The form of the equivalence between the two cases can be identified by tak ing the ratio of the effective relaxation frequencies and am plitudes for the lower (l) and upper (u) bounds of the inte- 2517 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 gral. Thus ((Jpayjlm yjlm and W a"I/m p :J'u. =--=- (32a) y1lyu = a-m, (32b) w hieh are the ratios expected if a single reduction of scale in the discrete model is replaced by a continuum. The integral over yin Eq. (2b) is therefore the continuum equivalent in the range O<y< 1 of the discrete pore electrode model with y representing the amplitude contribution ( 0: Nqaq) at a giv en scale (q), wpylim representing the relaxation frequency ( ex: aq) at that scale, and the increment g(y)dy (equal to d[ r(y)/wp J) representing the incremental change in relax ation frequency, i.e., providing the frequency mesh for the response function. The continuation of the integral from y = 1 to the lower bound of zero describes the infinite em bedding of the fractal surface system which though unphysi cal will not cause difficulties because the susceptibility con verges giving a power -Ia w dependence, and Eq. (18) will be obeyed over the range of self-similarity. The quasi-mobile charge case is different onty in that the susceptibility diverges and we obtain x(w/a) = a"'x«(v) + Xc, with Xc = «PoN 5 nwc i"" e"-;,," iZ_~aI_ m a exp( -wcazllmt) Here am=N/a (33) (34) (35) and m is given by Eq. (22) as in the appropriate case of the electrode model. The relaxation frequency (wczum) in this case behaves in the same way as that in the bound dipole model, Eq. (32a), and approaches zero as the scale size (aq ) approaches zero. However, the amplitude factor ( a: Nqoq) in the continuum expression (9b) diverges as the relaxation frequency ((UcZllm ex Oq) approaches zero, and is represented by Z -I in the integral over z. The analysis presented in this section has shown that the cluster model expressions (2b) and (9b) can be regarded as equivalent continuum forms of the discrete pore electrode model. The dusters are to be taken as the internally self similar pores and the instantaneous cluster distribution g(x) X dx in the range O<x < 1 defines the fractal arrangement of the pore (cluster) cross section. However, this only accounts for a part of the cluster distribution. The other part of the distribution with y(z) in the range 1 <y(z) < 00 corresponds to relaxation frequencies in the range wp (we) to wp/2 «(oj2) and we would expect it to influence the shape of the response in the region of the crossover between the two pow er-law regions and, as we have shown, to have negligible effect on the asymptotic frequency dependencies. In terms of the interpretation of the cluster model as a continuum equiv alent of the electrode mode! ofthis section, this portion of the distribution corresponds to aggregated clusters (i.e., pores with aggregated cross sections). This possibility does not L, A. Dissado and R. M. Hill 2517 Downloaded 21 Jul 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsexist for the deterministic geometry of the discrete pore elec trode model and thus we find discrepancies between its cal culated response functions and those of the cluster model in the crossover (peak) regions even though they have identi cal form in the high-and low-frequency limits, Therefore, although the combined self-similarities of the deterministic (discrete) fractal electrode model may contain many of the features of the cluster model, in particular the existence of two power-law regions, the full range of structural fluctu ations contained in the dynamics ofthe cluster model are not allowed for. IV. A MOLECULAR SCALE FRACTAL INTERPRETATION OF THE CLUSTER MODEL Since an ideal circuit comprised of an ideal capacitor and resistor in series combination relaxes exponentially in time, it is often used as a representation of an independently relaxing dipole. Thus the circuit model of the previous sec tion can be related to molecular systems by identifying the smallest (irreducible) series subcircuit as individual re sponding dipoles. Electrical combination of molecular di poles, so defined, give larger-scale subdrcuits and a CPA (power-law) response when scale self-similarity is pre served. In these terms the high-frequency CPA response originates with the self-similar connection of dipoles within finite regions (clusters), each of which possess a specific relaxation frequency.9.10 Self-similarity in the factors gov erning the cluster relaxation frequency then leads to the low frequency power-law response." These last two statements define the basic framework for the fractal interpretation of dielectric response via the cluster model, and when applied to molecular (ionic) systems requires us to abandon the con cept of independent dipoles in favor of connected motions within the duster. Such dynamic behavior will have a gen eric relationship with lattice and molecular vibrational modes and the cluster model has been shown previously9,10 to extend naturally into this region without the disadvan tages of divergence or lack of time symmetry appropriate to arbitrarily introduced power-law (t -n) and exponential de cays. Fractal circuit models can be expected to most closely resemble self-similar heterogeneous materials. In principle, the properties of the ideal subcomponents can be measured and it is analytically simple to relate amplitude and time scale to the subcomponent size. However, molecular sys tems13•15 do not have such an obvious general formalism, and the subsequent sections will be denoted to examining the cluster model in this context. Particular attention will be paid to the self-similarity of the cluster relaxation frequen cies since this originates from a parallel arrangement in the circuit models of Sec. III, whereas it is much more likely to be serial in bulk molecular systems.9.D A. Bound dipole systems Here we seek a fractal interpretation of the cluster mod el sufficiently general to be capable of application to the widespread systems and relaxation mechanisms9 whose re sponse the model is known to reproduce. 9, to Mechanistic 2518 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6. 15 September 1989 and system details are expected to determine the values of the parameters <Po, (J)p, Nt;, n, and m. Turning to the defining expression of the cluster model, expression (2b), we first identify the contribution per site from a duster y at time t as [N(y,t)] -n = [Nt;r(y)t J -ny, (36) and the cluster relaxation frequency as ny), with Eq. (4) relating wp g(y)dy to the frequency mesh d[r(y)]. These relationships correspond to those determined in Sec. Ill. Equation (36) shows that the number of dipolar sites N(y,t) forming a cluster increase until it reaches N(y) (37) when r(y)t is unity. At iimes beyond this value further in crease in the number of sites is cut off by the exponential decay, which has been shownlO to replace the t -n behavior which ceases at the time [r(y)] --'. During the period of power-law decay the contribution [to <P (t)] for the com plete cluster y is [N(y,t)] I -n, (38) and the power law reflects the self-similarity of the cluster at different stages of its development, i.e., the cluster at time 2t is isomorphic with that at time t, if the number of sites at 2tis measured in units of twice the size used at t. Remembering that the response originates with dipolar (vector) displace ments of molecular dipoles or ions a pictorial representation of this process can be obtained if we regard the site displace ments to form a dynamic connection along a convoluted path in space.9 In this case the contribution from N sites will vary as N f with 0 <I < 1, since the largest contribution will occur when each site is free to contribute additively (f = I) and the smallest when the sites are "locked" into a fixed contribution if = 0). Here n=l-J, (39) and we may recover a form for n similar to that of Eq. (23) by taking the convoluted path of the contribution to be a "chemical" or "minimum" path34 with fractal dimensionali ty de. Progressive connection in such a system wiU also in clude pendant groupings which do not contribute to the overall "chemical path contribution" so that the dimension ality of the whole system df> de' The "contribution path" length is therefore given in terms of the total number of sites N, as (40) and hence n=l-dc/dr, which has the sense ofEq, (23), i.e., that of an inefficient use of the fractaHy arranged contributors. Such a picture would be equally applicable to dipoles which on displacing between potential minima influence the potential surface on which neighboring dipoles move9,22 (e.g., in polymers and dipolar solids), as to nominally free rotating dipoles in a liquid whose motions connect to displace the tip of a joint dipole around the surface of a sphere. Appendix B outlines the way in which this region of relaxation can be related to the evolu tion of configuration entropy. L. A. Dissado and R. M. Hill 2518 Downloaded 21 Jul 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsThe low-frequency power-law region of the cluster model originates from the self-similarity of the cluster relax ation frequencies which in this case are related to their self consistent cluster size via [r(y)] -1 = CWp)-l(l +y-lim) = ((Vp)--l{l + [N(y)/N,;-r1m}. (41a) By remembering that N" is the number of connected sites required to give a unit dipole contribution in a cluster of size N, Eq. (41a) can be rewritten as (4lb) whereM(y) {= [N(y)INs-r}isthenumberofcharacteris tic unit dipole groups (with N'; sites) contained within the unit dipole group of the cluster {with [N(y)] n sites}. Equation (4 I b) describes relaxation as a sequential (se ries) process in contrast to the "parallel" arrangement of Sec. Ill, When isolated [N(y)/N,;- ..... 0] the representative site possesses a relaxation time (wp) ~ 1, however, connec tion to other sites increasing N(y) causes it to experience an increasing number M(y) 11m of nonconnected contacts necessitating sequential relaxation of the contacted dipoles. The extent of the characteristic cluster is defined through Eq. (41h) as the duster for which an unit-dipole groupings are in nonconnected contact with another such group. Con versely it is possible that the characteristic cluster size deter mines the frequency (wp/2) below which relaxation in volves other clusters sequentially, as in ferroe1ectrics.35 A general picture of relaxation can now be built up in which a progressive connection of dipole displacements forming a "chemical path" is interrupted dynamically by nonconnected contacts such as sterk hindrances, structural strains, and order defects,15 or brownian motion leading to an instantaneous distribution of dusters. Near individual di poles relax by the time (w p ) --I, acting as the first stage in .the sequential relaxation oflarger connected groups, By the time 2 (Wp) --1 two stages of the sequence have been completed, relaxing aU self-similar fragments up to clusters of the char acteristic size. At longer times the sequence still extends to the complete relaxation of larger connected regions (i,e., self-similar aggregates of the characteristic cluster). This picture of relaxation is very close in form to the serial relaxa tion of constraints proposed by Palmer et al. 13 as a model for the a response (rubbery/viscoelastic phase) of glass-form ing materials, from which, however, it differs in giving the low-frequency power-law behavior when combined with the connection process, rather than being the origin of the high frequency CPA behavior. A comparison with Sec. III shows that it is the conver gence of the contribution amplitude ( a: y) as y approaches zero and N(y) infinity, together with the power-law depen dence of r(y) upon y that gives the low-frequency power la w behavior. However, here Eq. (41 a) shows that the self similarity in [r (y) ]-I extends throughout the range from self-similar fragments of the characteristic cluster to formal ly infinite aggregates [of zero weight in the integral in Eq. (2b)]. This self-similarity is expressed through the power law dependence of the number of sequential relaxation 2519 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66. No.6, 15 September 1989 stages M, (y) upon M(y), i,e., [M,(y)Jm = M(y). (42) Here M(y) measures the dipole group of cluster y in units of the characteristic dipole group [(Ns) n], and Eq. (42) ex presses the geometry of the group on this scale in terms ofthe number of "contacts" forcing sequential relaxations. A di mensional interpretation for m can be obtained if the dipole group [N(y)]" is considered to be composed of (Ng)" sized "segments" joined together at contact nodes. In this case a value of unity for m corresponds to a linear (one-dimension al) arrangemeni of characteristic segments, while smaller values anow for branching and loops of mUltiple contacts. Use of Eqs. (42) and (3) shows that a value of m identically equal to zero only allows for clusters of size Nt with all subcharacteristic fragments relaxing freely at a frequency (up while any duster aggregates require an infinite time for re laxation. Thus here the number of contacts changes discon tinuously from zero within the characteristic cluster to infin ity at the characteristic cluster boundary. The system is therefore one of internally deformable clusters with infiexi ble boundaries between one another, yielding a rigid large scale structure. Materials in a glassy state can be expected to lie close to this limit with m approaching zero.9 Since the clusters in these circumstances are disconnected from each other, their dimensionality (on the Nt scale) is effectively that of a point, that is, zero. Thus in its serial form the inter pretation of the cluster model parameter m is reversed from that obtained for the parallel version of Sec, III. In contrast to the near rigid limit of m --0 we expect materials with m -> 1 to allow the relaxation to flow through the system via weakly cross-linked lines of nonconnected contacts, Le., the fluid limit. This limit applies to relaxation in liquid systems,9 and in water, for example, the contacts may be taken as the reversed molecule defects which terminate hydrogen-bond chains.36 Expression (2b) for ¢(t) is given by the integral over the incremental current contribution per site as it takes part serially in all the sequential relaxations defined through y, An equivalent parallel definition can be had by taking r (y) / {u as the effective number of alternative relaxation channels (i.e., parallel addition of relaxation probabilities), in which case g(y)dy, as given in Eq. (4), becomes the probability density for a site to relax via one of the alternatives with frequency (probability per unit time) r(y), and we recover .. 1 . f th 1 t ' I 9.20 the ongma constructlOn 0 e c user moae . The present analysis shows that the difference between the Kohlrausch and cluster model function for ¢ (t) arises because the connection self-similarity ofthe cluster (giving t -n decay) ceases to exist10 at times [r(y)]-l and each individual cluster crosses over to the Euclidean behavior of exponential decay,34,37 but with self-similarly related decay times and amplitUdes generating a second power-law re gime.6 In contrast, the Kohlrausch function combines self similarity in the form of a time-dependent rate constant ( ex: t -n) together with the random nature of a first-order (unimolecular) rate equation, Le., -<t>(t) = dif;(t) = -(Up (wpt) -"¢(t). (43) dt L. A. Dissado and R. M. Hill 2519 Downloaded 21 Jul 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsIn this case the same dynamic self-similarity is presumed to extend indefinitely as relaxing processes explore space and time to relax displaced centers at random. 15.38 B. Quasi-mobile charge systems Niklassen 17 has discussed this form of response for the two cases of conduction on an infinite percolation cluster and on a distribution of dusters. In both cases he finds m to be given by the exponent ofa fractal time processl5.!7 (D,), though n differs in the two cases and is dependent upon D, for the distribution case. Here we shaH examine the cluster model version of this process, which is known to describe experimental data throughout the frequency range, because we feel that it serves to give a clear physical picture for the origin of fractal time processes. Starting with expression (9b) we must identify the COll tribution per site as [N(z,t)] -11 = [Ni; r(z)t] -"z--t, (44a) and hence the number of connected sites N(z) at the time of relaxation (charge recombination), rr(z)] -I, is given by (44b) As in Sec. IV A the t n decay in ~ (t) arises from self similarity in the connected displacements of the mobile charges within the duster with the number of sites per unit dipole increasing as [N(z,t)]" and the cluster polarization contribution as [N(z,t) J 1-n. Asin Sec. III we may associate this process with the inefficient (compact) exploration of the duster fractal matrix by a mobile charged pseudoparticle seeking an immobile counter charge for recombination. 3M The term inefficient in this case means that not all steps of the pseudoparticle reach a new site. The expressions given for n by Niklasson 17 are n = 1 ______ d ___ _ B+2+d(l-D,)/D, (4Sa) for the case of an infinite duster, and S n = 1 -------=:--------- S + t + dv( 1 -D,)/ Dr (450) when a distribution is considered. In this case s is the expo nent for the divergence of the dielectrical constant, t the de conductivity exponent, and v the correlation length expo nent in percolation theory. In both cases the purely geomet rical inefficiency of exploration is supplemented by trapping and detrapping from centers with a long-time power-law tail in the waiting time distribution39 for which the number of detrapping events is proportional to t D,. When this process is not present Dr must be set to unity, and expression (45a) recovers the geometrical circuit result of Sec. HI with (45b) as its stochastic equivalent. Niklassonl7 also identifies D, as m, however, the circuit model of Sec. III provides an example in which the self similarity determining the low-frequency CPA is completely independent from that of the high-frequency region, and m and n are not related. Thus although some evidence exists for this interrelationship in inorganic oxidesl7 it is not an essen- 2520 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 m 1. 0 ,..--• ........,.:c1Ill;IIIII ..... r: .... .....",I: .. "-:-r/ -----, ·...,.·/0.-, 0 ..... I. • I ., , I 0 0 ,'0 It '0 t 0' 0 i / a 0 , I O.S --f rf 0/ , I 0 '0 / , , / 0/ I / I I / I , / II L _t ~ 0 ~ i 0.5 1 -n 1,0 FIG. 8. Plot ofihe exponent m as a function of the high-frequency exponent (1 .~ n). Niklassen's relationships between m and (j -n) are indicated by the dashed curves and his reported experimental values by the open circles (taken from Ref. 17). The filled circles are experimental values taken from data investigated by the authors and reported in Refs. 45 and 49. The sizes of the data points gives an estimate of the accuracy of the data values. tial feature of this type of dielectric response, as indicated in Fig.8. We now examine the low-frequency CPA region of the cluster model with a view to clarifying its origin. As in Sec. III its appearance is due to a divergence in the contribution amplitude ( a: z--J) together with a power-law approach to zero for r(z), as z approaches zero. From Eqs. (10) and (44) we find [nz)l--l = «(uc)-l{l + [N(z)/N,; ]-nlm}. (46a) Here we see that the range 0 < z < 1 and 0 < r(z) < wJ2 is contributed by the subcharacteristic-sized clusters N(z) < lIlt... Again the relaxation is sequential but instead of the smaller clusters relaxing rapidly as part of the sequence for the larger ones (e.g., by removing constraintsl3) the con verse applies for this process. As previously shown, we can express the relaxation time [r (z) ]-I through the number of sequential steps .!i,( (z) as (46b) withMs (z) given in terms of the cluster dipole group in units of the characteristic dipole group, i.e., [M.I (z)] -m = [N(z)/ N,;-r = M(z). (47) The picture of the relaxation process that can be obtained from these expressions has the cluster whose dipole group, [N(z) ]", is infinite [N(z) --> 00] relaxing in a time (we) -\ following a self-similar exploration by the charge which ex tends to the whole matrix because of the infinite size of the connected group. This infinite cluster contribution appears with zero weight in the integral of expression (9b) and the response must thus be regarded as that of a system below the percolation limit. Clusters with finite size connected dipolar groups relax via 1 -1-lvI, (z) sequential (incoherent) steps, with the number of steps increasing as the size of connection decreases.18 We can thus take the sequential process as one in which fast recombination relaxations in large connected clusters eliminate connections from the system, rather like L. A. Dissado and R. M. Hill 2520 Downloaded 21 Jul 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsburning out the red (single-connected) bonds of a percola tion system.40 The self-similar fragments of the infinite clus ter now require an incoherent transfer across the lost con nection in order to achieve recombination. Again the characteristic cluster is defined by a value of unity for Ms (z) and is thus the one for which each dipole group of (Ns) n connected sites requires one incoherent transfer for relaxa tion. The characteristic cluster is thus the one in which aU dipole groups are singly disconnected from each other, and its size will be related to the characteristic correlation length for a charge pseudopartic1e. Self-similar subcharacteristic groups with [N(z) J n < (Nt;) n experience an increasing ex tent of disconnection as recombination proceeds and the re sidual groups become smaner. It is these fragments that give the low-frequency CPA behavior, and i.ts power-law index is dependent upon the self-similarity of the lost connections across which incoherent transfers must be made. As in the previous subsection it is clear that if m is unity the number of disconnections scale with the number of fragments [M(z)] -I and the connectivity is linear. We may expect most systems in this class to lie close to this limit because of their near conductive nature. The other extreme of zero for m limits the size of the cluster to its characteristic value within which the charge is absolutely trapped possessing a recombination frequency We' This limit cannot be expected when the system contains potentially mobile charges. The picture we have here may be reconciled with the fractal waiting time process I 7.39 if the traps are conceived to be the clusters of the present process with, for example, the large clusters responding faster than the smaner ones be cause of their larger screening and weaker binding which must, however, be self-similarly related, Nonetheless the structural interpretation given here could be equally valid giving an origin for the low-frequency CPA in terms intrin sic to the duster distribution structure of the subpercolative systems. It is of course possible that a fractal waiting time process could supplement the index Tn for subpercolative systems (no infinite cluster) and give m above the percola tion limit, providing a change of exponent which should be testable. As previously an equivalent parallel definition can be obtained from r(z), allowing us to identify g(z)dz (equal to d [nz)/wc]) as the probability density for a site to be in volved in a relaxation process with a connection over N(z) sites. It should be appreciated however that it is a "steady state" description of a system that is continually fluctuating during relaxation.9•23 Vo THE INTERPRETATION OF DlEL.ECTRIC MEASUREMENTS Only four parameters, namely the exponents nand m, an amplitude X(O) [X({J}c) J and characteristic rate Olp (we) are available to characterize an isolated response in the die lectrical spectra. Within the context ofthe cluster model the amplitUde and rate will be modified from their independent site values by dynamic connections between cluster sites. They will, however, remain related to the single-site pro cesses and their variation with temperature and pressure can 2521 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, i5 September 1989 be used to obtain information as to the local relaxation mechanism. The nonexponential behavior characterized by exponents nand m occurs as a result of the manner in which the site relaxations are interconnected, and should not be regarded as a particular relaxation process of itself. Instead different modes of connection arising in various relaxation contextsl5,41 will yield different values for the exponents. A molecular understanding of the relaxation dynamics can thus only be obtained by incorporating all the information available into a complete picture, and some discussion in these terms for typical response patterns has already been made. 9 In the cluster model the presence of alternative orienta tions (local positi.ons) for site dipoles (charges) allows the structural environment of a responding site to be displaced during relaxation. An expanding zone of disturbance (clus ter) is formed, in which the displacements of originating dipole and environment sites are connected dynamically. The perturbation responsible for the connection33 acts via changes in the Ioca! potential surfaces and explores the structural matrix in a compact manner. That is, in a given volume of matrix (R df) many sites are visited more than once, i.e., they are multiply connected to each other. Thus the clusters of the model are not necessarily formed by re gions of static distortion, but are rather transient zones of disturbance whose extent may be determined either by the relaxation time as for dipolar centers in ionic crystals, or by structural constraints in the case of the f3 response of glasses. The exponent 11 is not determined solely by the dimensionali ty of the structure that is connected but reflects the dynamic nature of the cluster through the involvement of an explora tion (time) exponent [i.e., e + 2 in Eq. (23) ]. This concept of a compact exploration, in the sense used by de Gennes,42 unifies all the theoretical models of the t -" dielectric re sponse that do not rel.y on a distribution of independent re laxation times. Klafter and Shlesinger15 have shown that a number of such models can be reduced to the same algebraic form. Here the Glarum defect-diffusion modei43 was found to define n through a compact exploration of the matrix by a defect seeking a frozen dipole to relax. The hierarchical con straint mcdeI13 presents a more subtle example, with the system undergoing a compact exploration of the dipole ori entation configurations before relaxation of a given level can be achieved. This definition can also be extended to ultrame tric spaces,41 where the compact exploration takes place in the energy space of the barriers to activated displacements. In aU these models the power-law relaxation arises from se1f similarities in the space explored and the time process of exploration. However, when the exploration is controlled solely by geometrical factors the value of n is temperature independent, whereas for the energy space it is linearly de pendent on temperature [Le., n = 1 -(kT I f:A )1n b where b is the branching of the activation energy tree based on an activation energy A]. If a waiting time distribution with a long-time tail is incorporated into these models, a multipli cative factor (D,) is introduced15,41 into 1 -n which may also be proportional to temperature if the distribution is re lated to activated processes.44 Because of the ratio of the dimensionalities in the definition of n and the possible subor- L. A. Dissado and R. M. Hill 2521 Downloaded 21 Jul 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsdination by D, (Ref. 46), there will be no one specific value of n appropriate to each model even for materials with a particular structural arrangement unless the manner of dy namic connection is also the same, Here, however, it may be expected that the different values of n would He close togeth er. It is possible to regard all the fractal-type models dis cussed above as specific cases of the cluster model with dif ferent forms for the amplitude and characteristic rate. How ever previous interpretations based on the cluster model9,45 have leaned towards a geometric understanding of n (i.e., exploration of entropylO rather than energy space), and it should be noted that n is rarely, if ever, observed experimen tally to be temperature dependent, except at phase transi tions where the structure is known to alter. The existence of a low-frequency power law is unique to the cluster model response function although we have shown 19 that it can occur in a relatively simple deterministic fractal circuit as a result of an interwoven self-similarity. Other fractal models either assume that the system follows the same self-similar construction indefinitely in which case a stretched exponential results, or a crossover to a Euclidean space (noncompact exploration) occurs giving an exponen tial cutoff.15,41 In the cluster model the connected distur bance zones (clusters) are of finite size when relaxation starts to occur via an irreversible transfer of energy to the heat bath (dissipation). It is now possible for relaxation in one cluster to influence relaxation in another cluster, leading to connected relaxation sequences in the system of clusters rather than the random relaxation of independent clusters. This dynamically interconnected dissipation process re places the energy sharing that is responsible for the evolution of clusters at short times. The relationship of the low-fre quency power-law exponent m to the dissipative process can be seen from the equation ofmotionlO for $(1): d 2cp(t) +.l (2 + n + ill t) dCP dt2 t P dt . 1 + 2" [n + wpt(1 + m)]<l>(t) = O. (48) t At times shorter than those of lattice frequencies t -1 this expression transforms theoretically into a modified osciHa tor equation appropriate to the spreading out of the site dis placements involved in the later cluster formation, Le., d2$(t) + t(2 + n)(; d<l>(t) _ n(;2 <I>(t) = 0 dt 2 (1 + i~·t) dt (1 + itt) 2 ' (49) but at long times, OJp t > 1, it becomes a modified dissipation equation governed by the exponent m, d$(t) + 1 + m Il>(t) = O. dt t (50) Some discussion of the physical origin of this process has been given in Sec. IV A where it was attributed to noneon nected contacts between the surfaces of different clusters originating with the same type of dipole center. This is a geometrical (structural) interpretation and should lead to temperature independent values of m, with zero being the limit when the relaxations are confined to independent clus- 2522 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 19S9 ters. When relaxation (dissipation) Bows ideally from dus ter to cluster m approaches unity. An alternative view ofthe transfer (of charge) between clusters is given in Niklasson's suggestion 17 that it is governed by the long-time tail of a waiting time distribution for detrapping. This gives Dr for m and in some cases a temperature dependence.44 Although experimentally m is more susceptible to temperature than n, this is usually only strong at cryogenic temperatures. Thus in most cases this feature of relaxation dynamics is also deter mined by the geometrical arrangement of the interc1uster boundaries. When all the information available from dielectric re sponse measurements is assembled in the manner outlined above a picture can be developed that will show not only what local mechanisms would be involved if the environ ment were rigid, for example, an activated barrier process or rotational Brownian motion, but also how motions at differ ent sites are connected dynamically during the lead up to relaxation. In the absence of a detailed analysis a general picture of the dynamics can be had, an example of which is shown in Fig. 9 for a cluster-forming process appropriate to the a relaxation of glasses above their Tg• Some idea can also (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) FIG. 9. A schematic reprcscntation of self-similar displacement motions (a)-Cd) on a chain and their combination (e) to give the overall relaxation (from Ref. 10). The figure shows the early stages ofclusier formation, with the cluster region expanding along the chain as larger groups of sites are dynamically conne.cted to the originating nonequilibrium site indicated in (a). Such a picture may be taken to represent the molecular displacements involved in the a response of amorphous polymers such as PMMA with the arrows denoting tilt: displacement of the polar side groups. In this case the chain is that of the polymer and the presence of other chains, whkh may introduce potential barriers, is implied. Alternatively the chain may repre sent only a set of dipoles whose dynamics are interconnected as a result of sterk interactions; again the arrows denote the displacement of the dipoles. This latter picture is more appropriate to the displacement of hydroxyl po lar groups attached to long molecules as in the a response of the nematic glass-forming OHMBBA material. L. A. Dissado and R. M. Hill 2522 Downloaded 21 Jul 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsbe gained of the way in which relaxations in different regions influence one another as energy is transferred through the system to be dissipated in the heat bath. For example, the {3 relaxation of glassy states typically has large values of n ( ..... 1) and small values of m ( --> 0). As discussed in Sec. IV this type of response originates with dynamically connected relaxations restricted to cluster regions which are nearly iso lated from each other, i.e., it is almost impossible to extend them by aggregation. The connection within the cluster is such that the gross dipole length remains almost the same regardless of the number of units that become dynamically involved, that is a highly compact exploration (() + 2 -+ large} or a highly convoluted path of dipole displacements (dc-->O). VI. CONCLUSION Previous analyses of experimental data'l·1O·17.21 have demonstrated that the cluster mode! provides a very good description of dielectric susceptibility. Its unique feature is the presence of two power-law regions of frequency depen dence and we have shown here that this can be attributed to an interweaving of two forms of self-similarity. Analytically solvable fractal circuit models offractal series-fractal paral lel combinations are found to be identical in their asymptotic frequency dependence to the cluster model although the lat ter is essentially sequential in form. The fractal interpretation of the model achieved here has allowed the origin of the high-frequency CPA region to be identified as a compact self-similar exploration of a fractal matrix, either by a charged entity (potentially mobile charge case) or a connecting perturbation (bound dipole case). In either case the frequency exponent of the response, (n -1), is defined by a ratio of the fractal dimensionaIities. At low frequencies the mobile charge and bound dipole cases are distinguished by a diverging or a converging contribution to the response, respectively. In the former case a CPA re sponse results while a power-law behavior for X" (UI) is ob tained in the latter. The origin for both behaviors lies in a self-similarity of the individual cluster relaxation times which arise from self-similarity of the contacts between dis connected clusters expressed through the index m. A de tailed expression for m has as yet been achieved only for the fractal circuit models where the contact system is replaced by a fractal surface whose dimensionality determined m. However, the form of this combination of self-similarities is of a sufficient basic nature as to occur in a wide range of materials as would be expected from the widespread applica bility of the response function. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance given to them by John Pugh in disentangling the electrical properties of the Sierpinski gasket. APPENDIX A The response function ¢ (t) for the partially mobile charge case (b) was derived in Ref. 18 in the following form: 2523 J. App!. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 <P(t) (N) --n t --Ilt ( t ) --= • (tJe exp -(u, 1 41(0)" 0 ' (Al) This time average over a dynamically fluctuating array of relaxing currents can be converted into an average over an equivalent ensemble of effectively independent instanta neous contributions by the technique adopted in Ref. 10 for the bound dipole case (a) which leads to expression (2b). Here we define the ensemble variable z through Z-I=tj-m(t-t\)m, hence tl = tzllml(1 + zllm) = t [r(z)/(Uc]' CA2) (A3) and can version of the integral variable from t I to z leads in a straightforward manner to expression (9b). APPENDIX B In the cluster model the connected intrac1uster motions are considered to be the result of perturbation which binds the cluster together during relaxation from an initial state in which an dipoles (charges) move independently (i.e., a dis ordered duster), whereas if formed in vacuo such a cluster can be defined to have an ideal binding energy of Em per dipole. In the condensed media considered the binding ener gy will be reduced to nEm per particle (0 < n < 1). Clearly the limits of n = 1 and C correspond to clusters formed as particles with specular boundaries and dissociated clusters of independent dipoles, respectively. During the evolution of the cluster the available binding energy is considered to con nect the dipoles together in all possible sequential arrange ments, running from independent sites, through pairs up to a complete sequence of all sites. By treating a site within the cluster in a similar manner to that in which a "bare" particle becomes "clothed" in particle physics, its dipole (or cur rent) contribution is found to decay in the power-law form t -, as a result of an infrared divergence in the clothing in teraction. We have previously related the power-law decay to a time-dependent change in the activation configuration en tropy of reI ax at ion by considering Eq. (2b) to be the addi tion of incremental relaxation currents whose rate constant is time dependent,3g Le., r(f)p XJ exp[ -f"(y)t Jy[r(y)tJ -"d [r(y»). () (Bl) Neglecting the effect of the cluster distribution by taking aU dusters to be of the characteristic size the rate constant takes the form (tJp (Nc;(tJpt) -n which can be rewritten in terms of an activation free energy [to U -TLl.s(t)] by Wp(NgUlpt} -n = vexp{ -(/j,U /kn + [/j,S(t)lk H. (E2) In an expression of this type the configuration entropy term t:.S(t) defines the statistical probability of achieving a suc- l. A. Dissado and R. M. Hill 2523 Downloaded 21 Jul 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionscessful passage of the saddle point in the relaxation coordi nate, which is attempted at the rate v. When IlS> a the re laxation coordinate of the group of Ng dipoles can be entered along more than one vibration coordinate per site, whereas for IlS < 0 the site vibrations must combine into specific dis placement configurations to be effective. Noting that the formal zero time limit of Eq. (B2) islO (up' the time power law can be associated with the time-de pendent change of t:.S( l) during cluster formation, (lIk)[.clS(t) -.clS(O)] = --nln[Ns(t)] (B3) with Ng (t) = Ng(upt<N#,. (B4) This reduction in .clS reflects the requirement for specific configurations during relaxation as the N#,. dipoles of the characteristic cluster become connected. The loss of config uration entropy on cluster connection is thus nN~ (tHn[ Ng (0) withEq. (B3) giving the contribution per dipole. The limit of zero for n refers to a cluster remaining disconnected, whereas a value of unity corresponds to a situ ation in which connection occurs via all possible sequences [I.e., exp(Nt.clSglk) = N~ss=;Ng!]. Fractional values of n refer to systems in which a representative dipole takes part in just a fraction ofthe sequences potentially available to the Nt, dipoles of the cluster, and for which the sequences involved are self-similar to scale changes. A similar interpretation can be placed upon the fractal description of Sec. III and IV when it is realized that using Eq. (24) (N!; (I) ] 11 can be expressed as [N,,(t) r= [R(t) jf) ~2/[R(t) ]df, (BS) which is the total number of sequential exploration steps connecting the system per unit volume. Just as above, we can regard Eq. CBS) as the number of distinct exploration (con nection) sequences per site, and define the configuration en tropy of the dynamically connected cluster as the explora tion entropy of the fractal matrix. The relationship between the fractional power laws and configuration entropy is not confined to dielectric relaxa tion. It has previously been established by de Gennes46 in a different context (i.e" viscosity). Here the absence of tied endpoints to polymer chains allows segmental motions se1f similarly to explore the configurations available to the chain in the polymer melt. Thus a viscosity exponent can be de fined with the same kind of fractal interpretation as is given to n in Eg. (25). Here 8rjO: (iw)-n with n = -l/(vz), where V-I is equivalent to df, being defined via the fractal mass (N) relationship R 0::. NV, and z is the time exponent defined through 'T 0::. R z. Although the discussion has been restricted to the char acteristic cluster it will apply equally wen to all clusters inte grated over in Eq. (Bl). Here we can define a cluster en tropyO,10 for each value of the indexy (i.e.,-n In [N(y,t) l) and for the fluctuations of the clusters about the characteris tic size (Ns)' Such fluctuations will add a further contribu tion to the total entropy of the cluster array. The reader is referred to Refs. 6 and 10 for further details. 2524 J. AppL Phys., VoL 66, No.6, 15 September i 989 'R. Kubo, M. Teda, and N. Hatshitsume, Statistical Physics lJ, Springer Series in Solid State Science, No. 31 (Springer, Berlin, J978), Chap. 3. 2E. R. VOll Schweidler, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 24,711 (1907). 3R. M. Hill, J. Mater. Sci. 17, 3630 (1982). 4 A. K. 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Thermochemistry of alkylarsine compounds used as arsenic precursors in metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy R. M. Lum and J. K. Klingert Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 3820 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.344045 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.344045 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/8?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Dynamic study of the surfaces of (001) gallium arsenide in metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy during arsenic desorption J. Appl. Phys. 87, 1245 (2000); 10.1063/1.372003 Low-temperature metalorganic vapor phase epitaxial growth of ZnS using diethyldisulphide as a sulphur precursor J. Appl. Phys. 84, 6460 (1998); 10.1063/1.368886 Comparison of gallium and arsenic precursors for GaAs carbon doping by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy using CCl4 Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 3259 (1992); 10.1063/1.106712 Arsenic passivation of silicon by photoassisted metalorganic vaporphase epitaxy J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 10, 235 (1992); 10.1116/1.586340 Ybdoped InP grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy using a betadiketonate precursor Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 566 (1990); 10.1063/1.102746 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 13:02:14Thermochemistry of alkylarsine compounds used as arsenic precursors in metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy R. M. Lum and J. K. Klingert AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, New Jersey 07733 (Received 19 May 1989; accepted for publication 21 June 1989) Despite their increased safety, alkylarsine compounds have not generaily replaced arsine (AsH3) in the metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) of GaAs because of carbon incorporation and high background doping levels. We have studied the thermal decomposition of AsH] and its alkyl derivatives (methyl, ethyl, and butyl compounds) to determine the impact of the thermochemistry on growth processes. The thermal stability of the As-precursor compounds was found to decrease in the order AsH] > Men AsH) _ tl > Et3As > t-BuAsH2• We report the first evidence for production of diarsine (As2H..) from t-BuAsH2 and for formation oflower substituted methyl arsine homologs from Me3As and Me2AsH. The presence of these species is strong evidence that decomposition of the alkylarsines occurs via a free-radical mechanism. Formation of carbon-free arsenic products appears to be the key difference between t-BuAsH2 and the more highly substituted alkylarsines in attaining high quality films by MOVPE. I. INTRODUCTION Alkyl substituted arsine compounds are attractive alter natives to arsine for the metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) of GaAs because they are typically low vapor pressure liquids and can be stored and handled more safely than the high-pressure gas cylinders used for arsine. We have investigated the growth characteristics of several alkylarsine compounds in previous studies,I.2 and found that films grown with different As precursors exhibit significant dif ferences in growth rate and electrical properties. This sug gests that the underlying growth chemistry and reaction ki netics are greatly affected by the molecular configuration and degree of hydrogen atom substitution of the alkylarsine compound. Design of effective new arsenic sources for the MOVPE process thus requires an understanding of the de tailed role of the hydrocarbon and hydrogen radicals in the overall reaction chemistry. In this paper we report mass spectrometric studies of the thermochemistry of arsine and the alkylarsines in hydrogen. Data are presented on the ther mal stability of the As precursors, and on the composition and formation rates of the resulting volatile decomposition products. The reactions controlling decomposition of the precursor compounds are identified, and insights are ob tained on the potential of alkylarsine reactants for different CVD processes. The As precursors investigated in this study were AsH) and the corresponding alkylarsinc derivatives from the series RnAsH3 II (n = 1-3), where R represents methyl, ethyl, and butyl groups. The physical properties of these com pounds are listed in Table 1. The alkylarsines are all low vapor pressure liquids and were used as received with no further purification. Their room-temperature vapor pres sures range from 5 Torr for Et3As, which represents a low limit convenient for MOVPE applications, to 400 Torr for Me::!AsH. Although the toxicity of the alkylarsines has been found to generally increase with the number of As--H bonds in the molecule,2 the low vapor pressure of these compounds significantly reduces their safety hazard. It EXPERiMENT The thermal decomposition experiments were per formed in hydrogen at atmospheric pressure in a quartz flow-reactor tube (0.5 em diam, 100 em long). A resistively heated gold-coated tubular furnace was used to heat the gas es in the flow reactor. To more closely simulate MOVPE growth conditions, the input partial pressure of the As-pre cursor reactant was kept at 10-3 atm, and the residence time of the gases in the flow reactor was adjusted to be similar to the transit time of gases over the hot susceptor in our growth reactor (0.5 s). The decomposition behavior of the As pre cursors was determined by increasing the furnace tempera ture in a stepwise manner and measuring the volatile pyroly sis products at the outlet of the reactor with a quadrupole mass spectrometer (VG Instruments model SXP600). The gases were introduced into the spectrometer through a sili cone membrane inlet. The membrane separator acts as an effective barrier to the hydrogen carrier and eliminates the requirement for intermediate pumping stages ahead of the mass analyzer chamber. Mass analysis was performed using electron impact ionization at electron energies of 70 e V. TABLE I. Physical properties of arsine and the methylarsine homologs. Compound Arsine AsH, mp ee) Trimethylarsine -87.3 Me,As Dimethylarsine ~ 78 Me2AsH Triethylarsine -91 Et3As tertiary-Butylarsine -I t·BuAsH2 bp PV3.P eCl (20 'C) -62.5 15 atm 50.2 238 Torr 36 405 Torr 140 5 Torr 69 124 Torr 3820 J, Appl. Phys, 66 (8), 15 October 1989 0021-6979/89/203820-04$02.40 (c) 1989 American Institute of Physics 3820 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 13:02:14III. RESULTS A. Thermal stability of the As precursors A comparison of the thermal decomposition of the dif ferent As precursors is presented in Fig. 1. AsH3 is the most stable compound with a decomposition onset temperature of approximately 575 "c. This is loo·C higher than the onset observed for the methylarsines, Me3As and Me2AsH, whose decomposition is already more than 50% complete by 550 ·C. The ethyl and butyl compounds are even less stable, with 50% decomposition occurring at approximately 500 and 450 ·C, respectively. The relative thermal stability of the As precursors decreases in the order AsH3> Me" AsH3 n > Et3As > t-BuAsH2• This is consistent with a decreasing C-As bond strength as the size of the hydrocarbon group in the alkylarsine compound increases, and supports a free ra dical mechanism for thermal decomposition in which the breaking of the C-As bond is the rate determining step. A similar trend has been observed for Te, Hg, and Cd metalor ganic compounds3 as the number of carbon atoms in the alkyl group is increased. This effect was ascribed to de1ocali zation of the free-radical electron charge by neighboring or ganic groups. The data in Fig. 1 represent the first comprehensive study of the thermal decomposition properties of AsH3 and the alkylarsines in the same reactor under identical experi mental conditions. Although the same relative ordering in alkylarsine thermal stability has been observed in low-pres sure (20-50 Torr) studies,4 the absolute values of the 50% decomposition temperatures were significantly lower than reported here. For example, decomposition of t-BuAsH 2 in the low-pressure reactor was 50% compiete by 290 ·C, as opposed to 450°C as shown in Fig. 1. This compares with 375°C reported from measurements5 obtained in a flow reactor similar to the one used in this work. A similar spread exists in the 50% decomposition temperatures measured for AsH1 by various ex situ techniques.6-!() These variations in dicate the difficulties involved with attempts to directly cor relate results obtained from different reactors, and empha size the importance of obtaining comparative measurements in a single system. 100 w (,) 80 Z ;§ Zm 60 ::>.-=: ~§ w€ 40 >~ ~ 20 -' w a:: 0 300 400 500 600 700 TEMPERATURE "C FIG.!. Thermal decomposition of As-precursor compounds determined from mass spectrometric measurements of the uecrease iii the parent ion signal as a fUliction of temperature. 3821 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.8, 15 October 1989 B. Gassphase decomposition products Measurements were also obtained on the composition and formation rates of the volatile decomposition products. During decompositon of t-BuAsH2, shown in Fig. 2, isobu tene (C4Hg) and isobutane (G~H!{)} are observed as the ma jor hydrocarbon products, while AsH] is the predominant arsenic product. These results agree with the low-pressure studies4 where C4H!O was observed as the dominant product at low temperatures and C4H!( at high temperatures. This is in contrast to the flow reactor measurements of Ref. 5 which indicated that C4HIO was the dominant product at all tem peratures. However, the most important aspect ofihe data in Fig. 2, which differs from both of the earlier studies. is the observation of significant amounts of diarsine (As~H4)' De~ tection of this species has a fundamental imnact on the inter pretation of the reaction mechanism contrdlling decomposi tion of t-BuAsH z. The formation of As2H4 was postulated in the radical decomposition mechanism proposed in Ref. 4, but was not detected. Whether this was due to the molecular beam sam pling techniques used in that work, for example, or to a slight misalignment of the 1 DO-,am sampling orifice is not known at present. However, the failure to detect this species in the flow reactor system of Ref. 5 appears to be related to the gas residence time in that reactor. As shown in Fig. 3 the ASzH4 signal decreases with residence time due to its reactivity and vanishes for times in excess of 1 s. The experimental condi tions for the measurements in Ref. 5 were chosen to keep the flow velocities in the pyrolysis reactor similar to those typi cal of an atmospheric pressure growth reactor (5-10 cm/s). However, this resulted in gas residence times greater than 5 s, which may account for the absence of detectable amounts of As2H4• The data presented in Figs. 1 and 2 provide strong sup port for the radical decomposition mechanism proposed in Ref. 4 for t-BuAsH2• That model is based on homolysis of the parent molecule, (1) foHowed by radical recombination reactions to form C H 4 g, C4HIO, AsH3, and ASzH4- (CH3hC' + (CH3)3C' -C4HS + C .. Hw, (2) >-I-- 00 Z ....... WUl i--~ zC: -::I W' :>€ _aI '""'~ :s w a:: 300 o C4HgAsH2 400 500 600 TEMPERATURE (0C) 700 800 FIG. 2. Major volatile products from decomposition of t-BuAsH2• R. M. lum and J. K. Klingert 3821 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 13:02:1450r-----~------_.------_.------, ~ 40 .~ C :::I ..ci 30 ~ ~20 I N ~ 10 • OL-------~------~------~~----~ 10-3 :0-2 iO-1 i 10 CELL RESIDENCE T!ME (sec) FIG. 3. Variation in the diarsinc signal intensity with gas residence time in the flow reactor. (CH3hC' + AsH1'->C4HB + AsH" AsHz' + AsH2' ->As2H4• (3) (4) The observation of a radical decomposition scheme for t-BuAsH~ led us to investigate the possibility of similar reac tions for t-he other alkylarsines, Earlier studies II of the pyro lysis of Me1As indicated that it decomposed via loss ofmeth yl radicals in a manner completely analogous to that observed4,9 for Me,Ga decomposition with formation of CH4 as the major volatile product: (CH3kAs->CH3' + (CRI)2As'. (5) Isotopic labeling of the Me3Ga decomposition products in deuterium4•9 revealed that CH3D was the major product, indicating that hydrogen atom abstraction reactions by methyl radicals are the primary source of methane in a hy drogen ambient: CH3' + H2->CH4 + H', (6) No volatile arsenic products from MeJAs were reported in Ref. 11 other than, presumably, AS2 and AS4 which would tend to deposit on the cooler sections of the reactor. Our data on the decomposition products from both Mc3As and Me2AsH are shown in Fig. 4, Although CH4 is confirmed as the major hydrocarbon species, the data also provide the first reported evidence for formation of volatile As products. These take the form of the corresponding lower methylarsine homologs; i.e" Me2AsH and MeAsH2 from Me3As [Fig, 4 (a) ], and MeAsH2 from Me2AsH r Fig, 4(b) ]. Formation of these species is ascribed to radical re combination reactions involving hydrogen atoms produced via reaction (6) and the corresponding methylarsine radical formed during homolytic cleavage of the parent compound, e. g., reaction (5): H· + (CH\) zAs' --> ( CH.J) 2AsH, (7) H· + (CH3)AsH' -+ (CHl)AsH2• (8) A similar radical decomposition mechanism has been proposed4 for Et3As, where recombination reactions of ethyl radicals with themselves and with ethylarsenic radicals to form C2H4• C2H .... , fl-C4H 10 and Et2AsH were determined to be the most kinetically favored: (9) 3822 J, Appl. Phys" Vol. 66, No.8, 15 October 1969 t;" CH4 • CH3AsH2 (x 2) 400 500 600 700 800 TEMPERATURE (OC) FIG, 4, Major volitile products from decomposition of (al Me,As; (b) Me,AsH; and (e) Et,As, CZH5' + C2H,;, --+ n-C4HlO, (10) C2HS' + (CzHs)zAs' --.CZH4 + (C2Hs)2AsH. (11) However, the data shown in that work were limited to the hydrocarbon products and no evidence was presented for the actual formation of EtzAsH. Our measurements of the Et3As decomposition prod ucts are plotted in Fig, 4(c). For the hydrocarbon species these show a relatively larger C2H4 signal compared to C2H6 in agreement with Ref. 4. Although a mass signal corre sponding to EtzAsH (ml e = 134) is observed, its tempera ture profile I Fig, 4( c) I is not characteristic of a decomposi tion product. Since recent gas chromatography mass spectrometry measurements 12 also rule out the possibility that this species is present as a contaminant in the Et]As source material, its formation appears to be due to ion-mole cule reactions in the ionizer. Unfortunately, the occurrence of such reactions masks any contributions to the Et2AsH signal that could be attributed to reaction (11). IV. DISCUSSION Although the effects of catalytic reactions at different surfaces (e.g., GaAs) were not examined in this work, pre vious studies5 have indicated that the overall alkylarsine de composition behavior and pyrolysis products were not sig nificantly affected by the addition of Me3Ga. The thermochemistry data accumulated in this study enable se- R. M, Lum and J. K. Klingert 3822 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 13:02:14lection of the most effective alkylarsine compound for a par ticular CVD process. Singly substituted alkylarsines, e.g., t BuAsH2, appear to be best suited for MOVPE applications since they form hydrogenated arsenic species upon decom position (e.g., AsH3 and As2H4), which result in films with reduced carbon incorporation. Funy and doubly substituted alky larsines, on the other hand, form arsenic products which still retain a C~~As bond and yield films with unacceptably high carbon levels. In addition, the lower stability of methyl and ethyl radicals further increases carbon incorporation compared to butyl compounds. For similar reasons t-BuAsH2 also appears to be the best alkyl arsine for metalorganic MBE. However, to take advan tage of the unique t-BuAsH2 thermochemistry the pre cracker furnace should be operated at temperatures below 500°C to maximize formation of AsH] radicals. This is con trary to common practice 13 in which the cracker is operated at 1000 °C to ensure formation of AS2 species. At these high temperatures any benefit in using t-BuAsH2 to reduce car bon incorporation is lost. Finally, for hot-wall CVD processes, e.g., hydride vaper phase epitaxy, differences in thermochemistry are less im portant due to the longer residence times of the gases at ele vated temperatures. This tends to drive the reactions further towards equilibrium so that the predominant arsenic species in the growth zone are AS2 and As4• In such cases the purity of the source material is a more important consideration than its molecular composition. 14 V, CONCLUSIONS In summary, we have measured under identical experi mental conditions the thermochemistry of the As precur sors currently ofinterest for MOVPE. Their relative thermal stability was found to decrease in the order AsH3> Men AsH3 _ n > Et}As > t-BuAsH2, consistent with 3823 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.8, 15 October 1989 the decreasing strength of the C-As bond. We report the first evidence for production of As2H4 from t-BuAsH2 and for the formation of lower methylarsine homologs from Me3As and Me}AsH. The presence of these species provides strong evidence that decomposition of the alkylarsines oc curs via a free-radical mechanism. Formulation of carbon free arsenic products appears to be the key difference be tween t-BuAsH2 and the more highly substituted alkylarsines in attaining high quality films by MOVPE. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are grateful to D. W. Kisker for use of the quadrupole mass spectrometer and for helpful discussions. 'R. M. Lum, J. K. Klingert, and M. O. Lamont, J. Cryst. Growth 89, 137 ( 1988). 'R. M. Lum, J. K. Klingert, and D. W. Kiskcr, J. App!. Phys. 66, 652 (1989). 'w. E. Hoke, P. J. Lemonias, and R. Korenstein, J. Mater. Res. 3, 329 (1988). 'Po W. Lee, T. R. Omstead, D. R. McKenna, and K. F. Jcnsen, J. Cryst. Growth 93,134 (1988). 'CO A. Larsen, N. I. Buchan, S. H. Li. and G. B. Stringfellow, J. Cryst. Growth 93,15 (l988). "J. Nishizawa and T. Kurabayashi. J. Electrochem. Soc. 130,413 (1983). 75. P. DenBaars. B. Y. Maa, P. D. DapkllS, A. D. Danner, and H. C. Lee, J. Cryst. Growth 77,188 (1986). "M. R. Leys, Chemtronics 2, 155 (1987). "c. A. Larsen, N. I. Buchan, and G. B. Stringfellow, App\. Phys. Lett. 52, 480 (J988). lOR. Luckeralh, P. Tommack, A. Hertling, H. J. Koss, P. Balk, K. F. Jen sen, and W. Richter. J. Cryst. Growth 93, 151 (1988). lip. W. Lee, T. R. Omstead, D. R. McKenna, and K. F. Jensen, 1. Cryst. Growth 85,165 (1987). I2R. M. Lum, J. K. Klingert, and E. T. Johnson (to be published). 13M. B. Panish, J. Cryst. Orowlh 81,249 (1987). 141). N. Buckley, in IIl-V Heterostructuresfor Electronic Plwtonic Devices, edited by C. W. Ttl, V. D. Mattera, Jr., and A. C. Gossard, Materials Research Society Proceedings Vol. 145A (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, 1989). R. M. Lum and J. K. Klingert 3823 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 13:02:14
Controlled conductivity in iodinedoped ZnSe films grown by metalorganic vaporphase epitaxy Akihiko Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Nomura, Shigeki Yamaga, and Haruo Kasai Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 65, 1223 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.343013 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.343013 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/65/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Photoluminescence of iodine-doped ZnTe homoepitaxial layer grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy J. Appl. Phys. 93, 5302 (2003); 10.1063/1.1565826 Electronbeampumped lasing in ZnSe epitaxial layers grown by metalorganic vaporphase epitaxy J. Appl. Phys. 77, 5394 (1995); 10.1063/1.359229 Photoluminescence study of Li and Naimplanted ZnSe epitaxial layers grown by atmospheric pressure metalorganic vaporphase epitaxy J. Appl. Phys. 68, 3212 (1990); 10.1063/1.346372 Iodinedoping effects on the vaporphase epitaxial growth of ZnSe on GaAs substrates J. Appl. Phys. 67, 247 (1990); 10.1063/1.345297 ZnSe homoepitaxial layers grown at very low temperature by atmospheric pressure metalorganic vaporphase epitaxy J. Appl. Phys. 65, 2728 (1989); 10.1063/1.342760 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 13:02:41Controlled conductivity in iodine .. doped ZnSe films grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy Akihiko Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Nomura. Shigeki Yamaga, and Haruo Kasai Department 0/ Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering. Chiba University. 1-33, Yayoi-cho, Chiba-shi, Chiba 260, Japan (Received 1 August 1988; accepted for publication 27 September 1988) Iodine-doped ZnSe films have been grown on GaAs by low-pressure metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy using dimethylzinc and hydrogen selenide as reactants. In order to accompUsh an accurate control of the carrier concentration in the films over a wide range, ethyliodide diluted to 1000 ppm was used as a dopant source. It has been shown that the carrier concentration can be changed in the range from 1015 to 1O!9 cm-3 by varying the flow rate of ethyliodide. Furthermore, the films with carrier concentrations below 10lg cm -3 exhibit strong blue emission with suppressed deep level emissions. The origin of blue emission has been ascribed to the iodine donors incorporated during growth. According to the results shown, it has been conduded that iodine is a superior donor dopant for ZnSe from a standpoint of the controllability and reproducibility of electrical and photoluminescence properties of the n-type films over a wide range. I. INTRODUCTION ZnSe is one of the most promising materials for efficient blue light emitting diodes (LEDs), because of its wide direct band gap of 2.67 e V at room temperature. Since it has been reported that low-resistivity n-type ZnSe films can be grown at fairly low growth temperatures by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) 1-3 and molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE),4 many attempts to achieve conductivity control in n-type epitaxial ZnSe films have been performed by doping with group-III and group-VII donors, such as AI, Ga, In, Cl, and 1. 1-11 Among these donor elements, it has been reported that group-VII elements are superior to group-HI elements with respect to the electrical and photoluminescence proper ties of the films. 10 That is, in the case of the group-VII do pants, it is rather easy to obtain highly conducting films which exhibit strong blue near-band-edge emission with sup pressed deep level emission. Recently, Shibata, Ohki, and Zembutsu f I have attempt ed iodine doping of MOVPE ZnSe using ethyliodide as a dopant source, Since iodine is the least active among group VII elements and alkyliodide decomposes at a lower tem peratare than other group-VII alkyis, I! ethyliodide has been considered an efficient and useful dopant source in low-tem perature epitaxy, such as MOVPE. Ethyliodide is liquid at a standard state and its vapor pressure is too high from a standpoint of a dopant source ( ~ 110 Torr at room tempera ture). Therefore, when the flow rate of ethyliodide is con trolled by adjusting both the flow rate of carrier gas and the bubbling-cylinder temperature, as in the case of ordinary liquid metalorganic sources, it is fairly difficult to control its flow rate with high accuracy especially in an extremely low flow-rate region. This has resulted in a high flow rate of the dopant source and consequently in heavily iodine-doped ZnSe films. 11 Then, details on the electronic and photolumi nescence properties of iodine-doped ZnSe films over a wide carrier-concentration range are not given as yet. In order to accomplish an accurate control of the flow rate of ethyliodide in an extremely low flow-rate region, we have attempted to dilute it with a buffer gas to a concentra tion of 1000 ppm. Then, iodine-doped ZnSe films have been grown by low-pressure MOVPE over a wide flow-rate range of ethyliodide. In this paper, we report electrical and photo luminescence properties of iodine-doped ZnSe films over a wide carrier-concentration range. It will be shown that elec trical properties, such as resistivity and carrier concentra tion of ZnSe films, can be controlled over a wide range by using iodine as it dopant. Furthermore, it will also be shown that iodine-doped ZnSe films exhibit strong near-band-gap photoluminescence with suppressed deep-level emission when the carrier concentrations are below IOlll em -3. It EXPERIMENT Iodine-doped ZnSe layers ( -I-f1,m thick) were deposit ed on semi-insulating (100) GaAs by low-pressure (-0.4 Torr) MOVPE.12 Dimethylzinc (DMZn) and hydrogen se lenide (Hz Se), diluted to 1 % and 10% in helium and hydro gen, respectively, were used as reactants. EthyHodide, which was diluted to 1000 ppm in helium, was used as a dopant source. Typical growth conditions are summarized in Table 1. In the growth system used in this study, DMZn and ethyliodide were used in a completely gaseous state as wen as TABLE I. Typical growth conditions. Substrate Growth temperature eCl Reactor pressure (Torr) Growth rate (ftm/h) Flow rate (ftmollmin) DMZn (1% in He) HzSe (\0% in Hz) CzHsI (0.1% in He) Film thickness (I'm) (100) GaAs 300 (260-330) -0.4 ~(J.5 4 200 0.067 -I (40--200) (0.0034-3.1 ) 1223 J. Appl. Phys. 65 (3).1 February 1989 0021-8979/89/031223-07$02.40 © 1989 American Institute of PhYSics 1223 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 13:02:41H2 Se. That is, every source material was charged together with an appropriate buffer gas into a conventional high-pres sure gas cylinder. 12 A stainless-steel bubbler, often used for transporting liquid metalorganic sources, was not used in the present work. Then, our growth system looks like a sim ple conventional CVD system, though it is in fact a MOVPE system.l2 Therefore, in our growth system, operation for growth is very simple and the flow rate of all source gases can be easily and accurately controlled. The reason why the buff er gas for ethyliodide and DMZn is not hydrogen but helium is to prevent their dissociation in a cylinder. l2It may be pos sible and likely that both ethyliodide and DMZn react with hydrogen and decompose into elemental iodine and zinc even at room temperature, respectively. This is because the bonding energies between these elements and alkyIs are fair ly low. (The bonding energy for Zn-CH, is as low as 44.5 kcallmol, and that for I-C2Hs can also be estimated to be low from the fact that the bonding energy for I-CH, is 56 kcallmol.l3) The GaAs substrate was etched in a mixture of 5:1:1 H2 SO 4 :H2 O2 :H2 0 at 60 ·C, followed by etching in boiling HCl. No heat treatment nor gas etching ofthe substrate was performed in the reactor before growth. Electrical properties were measured by the van cler Pauw method in the tempera ture range from 77 K to room temperature. Ohmic contacts to the films were made by depositing In drops followed by annealing in vacuum at about 300 fiC for 5-10 min. Photolu minescence spectra were measured at about 18 K and room temperature, using a O.64-m monochromator with a recipro cal dispersion of 0.8 um/mm. A 6-mW He-Cd laser operat ing at 325 nm was used as an excitation source. In order to assign the emission peaks in the excitonic-emission region, reflection spectra were measured by using the same mono chromator. Furthermore, crystallinity of the films was char acterized also by a conventional x-ray diffraction analysis. Film thicknesses characterized were about 111m if not speci fied. m. PROPERTIES OF UNDOPED ZnSe FILMS Electrical and photoluminescence properties of nomi nally undoped ZnSe films will be briefly summarized. The growth system used in this study is essentially the same as that reported previously,3.12.14 but a newly designed suscep tor has been used in this work In the old reactor, a sheathed heater was used as a heating element and the efficiency of heat transfer between the element and the susceptor was not so good in the pressure range below 1 Torr. This caused the undesired temperature rise of the heating element itself, re sulting in a presence of an extremely high-temperature por tion in the reactor. In contrast, in the new susceptor, the heating element is embedded in it. According to this, one of the contamination sources in the reactor has been eliminat ed. This has resulted in an improvement in the properties of undoped films, i.e., the concentration of the residual donors in the films has been drastically reduced. First, photoluminescence (PL) spectra of the nominal ly undoped ZnSe films measured at 18 K are shown. Figure 1 shows the growth temperature dependence of the I~L spectra 1224 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.3. 1 February 1989 Photon Energy (eV) 2<80 2.78 276 r ZnSe t Ix Tm = 18K til C '" Tg=280·C FIG< 1. Growth temperature dependence of the photolumi nescence spectra in the exci tonic emission region of the typical undoped ZnSe films. c\.-.LiLU..J.-'::=;:=::::::::,,----1 4400 4500 WavelengthCA) in the excitonic emission region. Dominant peaks are those originating from the recombinations of free excitons (Ex) and excitons bound to neutral donors (Ix)' Observations of a fairly strong Ex line and a clear separation between Ex and 1, lines are indicative of a good crystallinity of the films. It is shown that the intensity of Ix line decreases with growth temperature. This indicates that the residual impurities in the films are donors and their concentration decreases with temperature. As for the electrical properties of the undoped films, however, the resistivity is too high to measure by a conventional van dec Pauw method. IV. ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF IODINEBDOPED ZnSe FILMS Figure 2 shows how the carrier concentration at room temperature varies with the flow rate of ethyIiodide. All the films were grown at 300 fiC and [VI} I [II] molar ratio of SO. lt is shown that the carrier concentration can be changed ZnSe:j Tm" R. T. Tg "300·C E -1 Y 10 E .L: o 10-3 ~0~.0~1----0~.O-5-0~.-1-----0-5--1~.O-----5~.O C2 Hs! Flow Rate (f.JmQI/min) FIG. 2. Dependence of the carrier concentration at room temperature on the flow rate of ethyliodide. AI! growth conditions except the flow rate of cthyliodide are kept unchanged. Yoshikawa et al. 1224 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 13:02:41widely from the order of 1015_1019 em -3 by varying the flow rate of ethyliodide. The maximum carrier concentration ob tained is 8 X 1018 em -3 and the corresponding minimum re sistivity is 3.7X 10 -3 n cm. This has been achieved ata max imum flow rate of ethyliodide and if the flow rate can be much higher, much lower resistivity films will be obtained. Anyway, the observed values of maximum carrier concen tration and minimum resistivity are almost the same as those already reported for chlorine-doped and iodine-doped ZnSe films, grown by MBE9 and MOVPE, II respectively. The crystallinity of the heavily iodine-doped films was character ized by x-ray diffraction measurement. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of (400) ZnSe for CuKal was about 5.25 arcmin, which was as good as that of undoped ZnSe films. As for the electron mobilities at room temperature, they are as high as 400-460 cm2 IV s in the films with carrier concentrations below 5 X 1017 cm-3. However, they tend to decrease with carrier concentration up to 230 cm2;V s. Con sidering the film thickness is as low as 1 {-tm,15.16 observed values of the electron mobility are considered very high. Memory effect in doping ZnSe with ethyliodide was ex amined by characterizing the undoped ZnSe films grown just after the growth of the most heavily iodine-doped films. The resistivity of the films was extremely high and the PL properties were just similar to those of truly un doped ZnSe films shown in a previous section. Thus it has been found that the ethyliodide is a superior dopant source for ZnSe from a viewpoint oftne controllability and reproducibility of electrical properties of the n-type films. Dependence of electrical properties at room tempera ture of ZnSe films on the growth temperature under a con stant flow rate of ethyliodide (0.067 pmol/min) has been investigated and the results are shown in Fig. 3. The carrier r~se:! Tm = R. r C2HSl "O.067pmol/mi n Growth Temperature (. C if) 3 :> 10 ;;-. E u FIG. 3. Growth temperature dependence of electrical properties at room temperature of iodine-doped ZnSe films. i225 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 65, No.3, 1 February 1969 concentration steeply decreases with growth temperature. This is probably attributed to the decrease in the sticking coefficient of ethyliodide at high temperatures. One may consider the observed temperature dependence is attributed to the increased concentration of some compensation centers in the films grown at high temperatures. If this is true, the compensation ratio NA IN D (i.e., the ratio of the concentration of acceptorlike compensating center to that of incorporated donor center) in the films grown at high tem peratures should be close to unity. However, as discussed in a following paragraph, the compensation ratio ofthe films is much lower than unity. Therefore, we consider that the tem perature dependence is attributed to the effect of decreased sticking coefficient of the dopant with temperature. Recent ly, similar marked temperature dependence of the sticking coefficient of the dopant has been observed in antimony dop ing in ZnSe by MBE.17 Another notable feature shown in Fig. 3 is that the doping efficiency of iodine is highest at 260°C within the examined temperature range. This indi cates that a temperature as low as 260 °e is high enough for the di.ssociation of ethyliodide. From a viewpoint of an effi cient dopant source in low-temperature epitaxy, ethyliodide is found superior too. Figure 4 shows the dependence of the electrical proper ties of ZnSe films at room temperature on the [ethyl iodidel/[H2Se] molar ratio under a constant flow rate of ethyliodide. The growth temperature was 300 °e. In this ex periment, only the flow rate ofH2 Se was varied and all other growth conditions were kept unchanged. It is shown that, even though the flow rate of ethyHodide is kept unchanged, the carrier concentration remarkably increases with (VIlli [VI} source-gas molar ratio. Considering the fact that io dine substitutes on Se sites in ZnSe, this result is considered reasonable, because the concentration ofSe vacancy tends to -~ -C <11 <J C o u ~ ""[ HZ Se Flow Rote (iJmo!/min) 300 200 100 50 ZnSe:1 Tm = R.T. Tg = 300·C Vl e2HSl = O.067umo!{min 103 :> 0.2 ;::;. E $ ?: :D o ::2: FIG. 4. Dependence of the electrical properties of iodine-doped ZnSe films at room temperature on the [cthyliodide JI [H2Se I molar ratio. In this ex periment. only the flow rate ofH2Se is varied and that of ethyliodide is kept unchanged. Yoshikawa et at. 1225 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 13:02:41Temperature (K) 400 200 100 ZnSe:l~ . ~.".,... ...... r J{ Tg" 2 8 0 .C --'-x_"-'_ ;:; 1017 f 'E u c:: o ~ t ~ 1016 u c:: o u o i ! ! , 10 FIG. 5. Temperature dependence of the carrier concentrations of iodine doped ZnSe films for different growth temperatures. Three curves are shown also as typical examples for different doping levels. decrease with an increase in the flow rate of Hz Se, resulting in a decreased probability of the doping efficiency of iodine. Temperature dependence of the carrier concentrations for different growth temperatures is shown in Fig. 5. Three curves are shown also as typical examples for different dop ing levels. The compensation ratio and the donor ionization energy ED can be calculated from the above results using the wen-known formula for nondegenerate statistics18; n(n + N.4 )/(Nj) -NA -n) = (NJg)exp( -EvlkT), (1) where n is the electron concentration, N D and NA, are the concentrations of donors and compensating acceptors, re spectively, Nc is the density of states in the conduction band, g is the degeneracy factor and assumed to be 2, and k and T are the Boltzmann constant and absolute temperature, re spectively. The solid lines through the experimental points represent the best fit of Eq. (1) to the experimental values. The parameters used in obtaining the fit are listed in Table II. First, it should be noted that the compensation ratios are sufficiently lower than unity. As discussed in a previous paragraph, this indicates that the growth temperature de pendence of the electron concentration shown in Fig. 3 can not be explained by the mechanism of increased compensa-tion centers with temperature. The estimated donor-ionization energy decreases with electron concentra tion. In the heavily doped films grown at 280 ·C, the estimat ed donor concentration 1s4.2 X 1017 cm 3. This value is high enough for impurity banding and tailing of states, resulting in 11 extremely small donor ionization energy. In the lightly doped films grown at 320 ·C, the estimated activation energy is 29 meV, which is very close to the hydrogenic donor ioni zation energy (29 ± 2 meV). 19 In the intermediately doped film grown at 300°C, however, the estimated value is 20 me V, which is slightly less than the hydrogenic donor ioniza tion energyo This reason is not clear at present, but it has been reported that, in the intermediately doped ZnSe films, the values of donor ionization energy determined from the temperature dependence of the carrier concentration are of ten somewhat smaner than those determi.ned by an optical measurement.7-9 Figure 6 shows the temperature dependence of the elec tron mobility for different doping levels, which correspond to the films shown in Fig. 5. The low electron mobility in the heavily doped film grown at 280"C is attributed to the in crease in ionized-scattering centers. In the lightly and inter mediately doped films, the electron mobility increases with a decrease in temperature because of a decrease of polar-opti cal phonon scattering. Considering that the thickness of the film grown at 320°C is as low as 1 pm, the remarkable in crease in electron mobility with a decrease in temperature is indicative of the crystaUinity of the film being very good, According to the data shown above, it has been shown that iodine is a useful donor dopant for controlling the elec trical properties ofZnSe widely. However, it should be noted that its doping efficiency greatly depends on the growth pa rameters, especially growth temperature and [VII]I[VIJ source-gas molar ratio. Vo Pl PROPERTIES OF IODINE-DOPED ZnSe FILMS Photoluminescence spectra at room temperature of typical iodine-doped ZnSe films with different doping levels are shown in Fig. 7. It is shown that the lightly doped films exhibit strong blue near-band-gap emission at around 4610 A (2.69 eV), which probably originates from recombina tions between bound electrons and free holes. In these films, emissions from deep centers are very weak. However, as the carrier concentration increases, the broad deep level emis sions observed in 5000--7000 A (about 1.7-2.4 eV) become dominant. Since the spectra are modulated due to the effect of optical interference in the film and many "peaks" can be observed in the spectra, the origin for the emissions cannot TABLE II. Electrical parameters of iodine-doped ZnSe films obtained by fitting the temperature dependence of the carrier concentration to the formula for non degenerate statistics. Growth Sample temperature C2HsI EI> NI> NA No. ee) (pmol/min) (meV) (1016 em 3) (lO"cm-') NAIND SE8825 280 0.067 0.000 12 42 63 0.15 SE8842 300 0.013 20 4.5 12 0.27 SE8827 320 0.067 29 1.6 5.9 0.37 1226 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.3, 1 February 1989 Yoshikawa et al. 1226 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 13:02:41if) :> "' N Ii: u ,... - .0 0 ~ C ~ -u <II W 103 x Tg= 2BO'C 102 70 iOO 200 300 400 TI&mperature ( K ) FIG. 6. Temperature dependence of the electron mobility in iodine-doped ZnSe films with differellt doping levels, which correspond to the fiims shown in Fig. 5. be determined. They are probably the emissions from com plex centers such as the copper-green (eu-G) and the self activated (SA) centers. However, as discussed later, the ori gin for deep centers in heavily doped films is uncertain. Figure 8 shows the dependence of the peak intensities of both the blue and the deep level emissions on the flow rate of ethyliodide. Correspondence between the flow rate of ethyliodide and the carrier concentration in the films at room temperature is also given by the upper abscissa. Similar results have already been reported by Shibata, Ohki, and Zembutsu. i J But, it should be noted that they have shown the growth temperature dependence of photoluminescence properties in the films grown under a constant ethyliodide flow rate. The carrier concentration in their films has been varied due to the effect of decrease in carrier concentration with growth temperature. On the other hand, the films shown in Fig. 8 were grown at a constant substrate tempera- K'--~=-~-- .~--~ 6.7X1015 5000 6000 7000 Wave-length (A) FIG. 7. Photoluminescellce spectra at room temperature oftypica[ iodine doped ZnSe films with different doping levels. 1227 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 65, No.3, , February 1989 -c ,x 0.01 Carrier 1016 Concentration (cm-3 ) 1~7 IdS ,d9 Trn = R. T. Tg = 300'C x Deep-Level EmiSSion 0050.1 0.5 10 5.0 CZHSI FlowRa!e (fjmo!!min) FIG. 8. Dependence of the peak intensities of the blue and the deep level emissions on the flow rate of ethyliodid<:. Correspondence between the flow rate of cthyliodide and the carrier concentration at room temperature is also given hy the upper abscissa. ture, i.e., 300 ·C, and the carrier concentration in the films was varied by changi.ng the flow rate of the dopant source. Therefore, the effect only of doping levels on the lumines cence intensity can be considered in the present data shown in Fig. 8. It is shown in this figure that, in lightly doped films, the blue emission is dominant and its intensity increases with carrier concentration. This result indicates that the origin of the blue emission relates to the iodine donors incorporated during growth. However, the intensity reaches maximum at around the carrier concentration of lOIS cm -3, and it de creases with carrier concentration in heavily doped films. In lightly and intermediately doped films, the intensity of deep level emissions also increases with carrier concentration, but the intensity is remarkably low compared with that of the blue emission. However, as shown in the figure, the deep level emissions become dominant in the heavily doped films. Furthermore, the origin of deep levels probably relates in part to complex centers between the iodine and Zn vacancy (VZn), such as (I-Vztl) centers.9•11 However, it should be noted that more complicated complex centers may relate to the origin of deep levels. Since the I-VZIl centers are singly ionizable acceptorlike centers, which act as carrier compen sating centers in donor-doped films. Therefore, if the con centration ofI-VZn centers is very high and if it exceeds the concentration of shallow donor, the carrier concentration of the films should decrease remarkably. However, as shown in Fig. 2, the carrier concentration increases monotonically with flow rate of ethyliodide within the experimental condi tions examined in this work. Then we consider somewhat more complicated complex centers are introduced in the films due to the effect of heavy doping. The decrease in PL intensities of both the blue and deep level emissions indicates that the crystallinity in the heavily doped films is remarkably degraded due to heavy doping. The carrier concentration at which the intensity of blue emission becomes the same level as that of the deep level Yoshikawa et al. 1227 <" ••• ,-••••• -•••• '.~.-'-.' •• '.' ••• -.-. T. ••• .-••••• -.-.-.-.-••••••• ~.-;................... .... • • • • •• • .-, .-.-. ·.-~'.·.·;·.v.-.·.·.~.·.·.~.:.:.:;:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;.x. ;.;.;.;.;.:.:;0;.:.;.;.:.:.;.:.:;;:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;; .•.•. <;'.O;';>;>.',~.'-' • , ••••• [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 13:02:41emissions is about (2-3) X 1018 em -3. This value is almost the same as that observed in chlorine-doped ZnSe films grown by MBE.9 However, it is slightly smaller compared with that observed in iodine-doped ZnSe films reported by Shibata, Ohki, and Zembutsu.lI We consider that this is probably attributed to the difference in growth temperature between both cases. Figure 9 shows the dependence on doping levels of PL spectra in the near-band-gap emissions at room temperature. In the heavily doped films, which are funy degenerate, a notable wavelength shift and broadening of the emission linewidth are observed. This is attributed to the effect of impurity banding and the Moss-Burstein shift which are of ten observed in heavily doped semiconductors.20 Figure 10 shows the PL spectra at 18 K of typical iodine doped ZnSe films with different doping levels, which corre spond to those shown in Fig. 7. It is shown that the excitonic emissions are dominant in the films with carrier concentra tions below lOl8 em -3. Deep level emissions such as the cop per-green and the self-activated emissions tend to be com parable in magnitude with the excitonic emission in the heavily doped films. Figure 11 shows the emission spectra in the excitonic emission region for different doping levels. In lightly doped films two emission peaks are observed The dominant peak Ix originates from recombinations of bound excitons at neutral donors. Another peak E", is from recom binations of free excitons. Furthermore, a very weak emis sion 11 is observed at around 4455 A (2.781 eV), which is attributed to the recombinations of bound excitons at deep centers. As the carrier concentration increases, the Ix line becomes dominant and the broadening of the linewidth is observed. In the heavily doped films, the Ix line remarkably shifts toward shorter wavelengths together with asymmetric Photo") Energy (eV) 3.0 Z.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 ZnSe:! ... o 4.3x1()18 >- ·iii ~ 6.0:<1 at? C c:. 2.0xla17 2.8Xl016 4000 4500 Wavelength (A) 5000 FIG. 9. Dependence on doping levels of the photo luminescence spectra in the ncar-hand-gap emissions at room temperature. 1228 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 65, No. 3,1 February 1989 4000 Photon Energy (eV) 2;5 5000 6000 Wavelength(A) 6.7 xl 015 7000 FIG. 10. Photoluminescence spectra at 18 K of typical iOdine-doped ZnSe films with different doping levels, which correspond to those shown in Fig. 7. broadening with a tail extending to a longer wavelength. As already pointed out,9 these are attributed to the decreased binding energy of bound exciton!> due to the screening effect of donor electrons on excitons and the Stark effect due to the charged impurities in bound excitonsY These observations are indicative of the films being heavily doped. VI. CONCLUSION Iodine-doped ZnSe films have been grown on (100) GaAs by low-pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy us ing dimethyl zinc and hydrogen selenide as reactants. In or der to accomplish an accurate control of the carrier concen tration over a wide range, ethyliodide diluted to 1000 ppm was used as a dopant source. It has been shown that the carrier concentration at room temperature can be changed Photon Enorgy (oV) 2.84 2.82 2.80 2.78 2.75 ZnSe:1 Tm=18K Tg = 300'C Carrier Concentrc1ion at R.i. (cm-J) 7.4xl018 ,=-= __ -:-:-,=,L~"::"":;;::::"'_.,....I 2.0 x 1015 4350 4500 FIG. 11. Photoluminescence spectra in the excitonic emission region of the iodine-doped films with different doping levels. Yoshikawa et al. 1228 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 13:02:41in the range from 10 l 5 to 1019 em -3 by varying the flow rate of ethyliodide. The electron mobility at room temperature in lightly doped I-j.tm-thick films is as high as 460 cm2 IV s. It has been found that the doping efficiency of ethyliodide re markably depends on the growth parameters, especially growth temperature and [VII]![VI] source-gas molar ra tio. This has been attributed to the effect of the decreased sticking coefficient of iodine with temperature and source gas molar ratio. Photoluminescence properties at room temperature and at 18 K have also been investigated for the films with differ ent doping levels. In the lightly and intermediately doped films, the room-temperature luminescence is dominated by a strong blue near-band-edge emission with suppressed deep level emissions. The origin of the blue emission has been ascribed to the iodine donors incorporated during growth. In the heavily doped films with carrier concentrations above 1018 cm -3, the luminescence is dominated by deep-level emissions. This has been attributed to the formation of deep complex centers due to the effect of heavy doping. Further more, no memory effect has been observed in doping ZnSe with ethyliodide even in the films grown just after the growth of the most heavily iodine-doped films. According to the results shown, it has been concluded that iodine is a superior donor dopant for ZnSe from a stand point of the controllability and reproducibility of elecrical and photoluminescence properties of the n-type films over a wide range. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was partly supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, New Functionality Materials Design, Preparation and Control, from The Min istry of Education, Science, and Culture. The authors wish 1229 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.3, 1 February 1989 to express their gratitude to Dowa Mining Co., Ltd. for the supply of the GaAs substrate. 'w. Stutius, Appl. Phys. Lett. 38, 352 (l9fll). 2S, Fujita, Y Matsuda, and A. Sasaki, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 23, L360 ( 1984). 3A. Yoshikawa, K. Tanaka, S. Yamaga, and H. Kasai, lpn. l. App!. Phys. 23, L424 (1984). 4T. Yao, Y. Makita, and S. Mackawa, Appl. Phys. Lett. 35,97 (1979). ~A. Kamata, Y. Zohta, M. Kawachi, T. Sato, M. Okajima, K. Hirahara. and T. 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Deep traps at the interface of SiO2 and InP grown by molecularbeam epitaxy A. A. Iliadis, S. C. Laih, E. A. Martin, and D. E. Ioannou Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 65, 4805 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.343236 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.343236 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/65/12?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Substrate preparation and interface grading in InGaAs/InAlAs photodiodes grown on InP by molecular-beam epitaxy J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 17, 1175 (1999); 10.1116/1.590718 Erbium doping of molecularbeam epitaxially grown InSb on InP J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 10, 659 (1992); 10.1116/1.586428 Samarium doping of molecularbeam epitaxially grown InSb on InP J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 10, 873 (1992); 10.1116/1.586140 Photoluminescence studies of hydrogen passivation of GaAs grown on InP substrates by molecularbeam epitaxy J. Appl. Phys. 69, 3360 (1991); 10.1063/1.348533 Deep electron trapping center in Sidoped InGaAlP grown by molecularbeam epitaxy J. Appl. Phys. 59, 3489 (1986); 10.1063/1.336819 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:37:32Deep traps at the interface of Si02 and inP grown by molecular-beam epitaxy A. A. lliadis, S. C. laih, E. A. Martin,a) and D. E. Ioannou Electrical Engineering Department, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742 (Received 22 June 1988; accepted for publication 22 February 1989) Deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) was employed to study for the first time the interface between deposited Si02 and n-InP( 100) grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). The DLTSspectra exhibited three weB-defined interface peaks II' 12, and 13, Comparison between MBE grown layers and bulk samples clearly showed a different interface trap configuration, with II being common to both types of samples and 12 and (, being characteristic of the MBE samples. Two different thicknesses of Si02 were found to produce no observable change in the DL TS signatures of the MBE samples. Peaks 12 and 13 were associated with the rronequilibrium processes of MBE growth, and the data suggested that these interface traps were derived from the semiconductor side of the interface. I. INTRODUCTION Recently the molecular-beam epitaxial (MBE) growth of InP has shown promising results 1.2 and has attracted corr siderable attention because of the wide range of potential applications of this semiconductor in high-speed electronic and optoelectronic devices. A main difficulty in the fabrication of devices based on InP is the low Schottky barrier height (<1>0 =0.5 eV) of this semiconductor, resulting in the "soft" and "leaky" current voltage (/-V) characteristics of the gate electrodes. For this reason, most InP FETs use insulated gate technology to pro duce either a metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) type of device3 (thick gate insulator 600-1000 A) or an enhanced gate bamer height device" (thin oxide 20-100 A) using a particular oxidation process to unpin the Fermi level at the interface. This metal-insulator-semiconductor approach is, unfortunately, not without problems too. Native oxides grown thermally or electrolytical.ly on InP are generally of poor stability and low resistivity. Deposited oxides on the other hand, like Si02, have been favored5 because of better thermal stability and higher resistivity. However, the resul tant SiOz/lnPinterface, which is of critical importance to the electron transport in the device,6,7 is not yet clearly un derstood. When MBE grown InP is used in the MIS struc tures, very limited data on the charge trapping at the Si02/ InP interface appear in the current literature. In this study we report for the first time deep level tran sient spectroscopy CDLTS) studies of electron traps at the SiOz/lnP interface ofMBE grown InP which show features unique to MBE growth and have implications to our current understanding of energy states at the oxide-semiconductor interface. It EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The lnP epitaxial layers were grown by MBE from solid sources on (100) n-type or semi-insulating InP substrates at two different growth temperatures, 450 and 530 ·C, under phosphorus (P 2) stable conditions. The grown layers were unintentionally doped n type with a carrier concentration a) Also with Aerospace Technology Center Allied-Signal Aerospace Com pany, 9140 Old Annapolis Road, Columbia, MD 21045. (N D -NA ) ranging between 7 X 1015 and 3 X 1016 cm -3 as determined by electrochemical C-V profiling. Liquid encap sulated Czochralski (LEC) InP( 100) undoped (ND -NA = 2x 1016 cm-3) control samples were pro cessed simultaneously, under identical conditions, for comparison with the MBE grown layers. Both types of sam ples were chemically etched first in buffered HF. then in H2S04:Hz02:HzO foHowed by a final buffered HF etch to remove any remnants of the native oxide. The samples were then mounted quickly into the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition reactot: for SiOz deposition. The deposition was done in a flow of silane and nitrous oxide at 250 ·C as described in Ref. 8. The thickness of the deposited SiO? films ranged between 100 A llnd 500 A. Aluminum dots for ~etal insulator-semiconductor contacts and Au-Ge pads for oh mic contacts were deposited in a conventional thermal evap oration vacuum system. The DLTS measurements were carried out in the temperature range between 90 and 350 .K using a Polaron-BioRad DLTS system. Prior to the DLTS measurements, the AlISi02InP MIS structures were evalu ated by capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements at 300 K. The high-frequency C-V characteristics were typical of MIS structures with well-defined accumulation, depletion, and inversion regions. These structures allowed the DLTS tech nique9 to probe most of the upper half of the energy gap, both at the interface as well as in a substantia! part of the bulk of the InP layers. Thus, both interface and bulk traps were ob tained. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The DL TS spectra of the MBE samples grown at the Iow-(450°C) and the high-(530·C) temperature regimes, and that of the LEC control sample, are shown in Figs. 1, 2, and 3, respectively. It is evident from the spectra that the DLTS signatures ofthe MBE and LEC samples differ signif icantly. A larger number of peaks is observed in the MBE samples, indicating that the nonequilibrium processes in volved in MBE growth may result in a high number of in strinsic and extrinsic defects. ! It is also evident that the low temperature ofMBE growth produces the largest number of 4805 J. Appl. Phys. 65 (12), 15 June 1989 0021-8979/89/124805-04$02.40 © 1989 American Institute of Physics 4805 .. .' .•.•.•... ~ •.•.•. ;:-.: •.•.•. -. .•.•••••••••••• ~ .. ,..:.:.;.~.:.:.: •.•.•.•.•. ~ •• ; ......... '7.: •.• :.:.:O:.:.; •••••••••• ~ ••••• ~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ••• .> •••• ;<;~.:.:.:.:.:.:.;o:.:-; ••••• ,:.·.·.·.:.~.:.:.:.:.:.:·:·x·:-.:·:·.·.-.~-..·.·.·.·;>.:.:-.:.~.:-:.:.;.~.:.:., •.•..••.•.• -.•. --- [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:37:32AI/SiOz/lnP MBE #148 110 150 190 230 270 310 340 TEMPERATURE (K) FIG.!. DLTS spectrum ofMBE No, 148 grown at 450 'C. Interface peaks I" [2' and 13 are clearly observed here. Reverse bias: ~ 1 V; filling pulse: 0 V; pulse width: I liS; and rate window: 80 s-' upper graph, 4 s-' lower graph. peaks, possibly due to the reduced surface mobility of the arriving species during growth. DLT~ spectra for two different Si02 thicknesses (100 and 500 A) are shown in Fig. 4 for the high-temperature MBE sample (peak II has been omitted from this figure in order to expand the scale). The DL TS signature of the inter face remains unchanged for the two oxide thicknesses. A total of six peaks (II' 12, /3' BI, B2, and B3) are ob served in the spectra. These are designated by the letter / for peaks related to the Si02/InP interface or by the letter B for peaks related to the bulk of the layers. Such designation is achieved by examining the shift of the peaks under different filling pulses (Vf ) and/or reverse biases (V R ). According to Ref. 9, the position of peaks due to interface traps changes with Vi, and/or VR• while the position of peaks due to bulk traps remains unchanged. This is clearly shown in Fig. 5 for interface peak h The shift of this peak with Vr is evident here. Similar shifts were observed for peaks 12 'and 11, No shifts were observed for peaks Bl• Bz• and B3• Thus, i't was determined that peaks I!, 12, and 13 are due to interface traps, whereas peaks Ri• B2• and B3 are due to bulk traps. This study is mainly concerned with the interface peaks II> 12, and 13, (f) (f) ~ ...J Al/SiOz/InP MBE #139 II x 5.0 o~~~~~~~~~ 110 150 190 230 270 310 :J5() TEMPER.ATURE (K) FIG, 2. DLTS spectrum ofMBE No. 139 grown at 530 'CO Interface peaks I, and I, are observed here. Reverse bias: ~ 3 V; filling pulse: 0 V; pulse width: I ms; and rate window: 80 s -'. 4806 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 65, No. 12, 15 June 1989 I/O AI/Si0 2!InP LEe ** 1 81 II 150 200 250 300 TEMPERATURE (K) 350 FrG. 3. DLTS spectrum of LEe No. I for comparison with the MBEsam pies. Except for interface peak I, no other interface peaks are observed. Re verse bias: -1.5 V; filling pulse: 0 V; pulse width: 1 ms,and rate window: 2005-'. The capture cross sections and energies of the interface states responsible for the observed peaks can be deter mined9•10 from the Arrhenius plots of the thermal emission rates, as shown in Fig. 6 for peak 13, for two bias levels. The densities of these states can be obtained from the magnitude of the DLTS peaks using the analysis of Ref. 9, provided the densities are not higher than typically ~ 1012 cm -2 eV-1• For higher densities this analysis provides only an estimate of the trap density, and simulation 10 is required to obtain accurate values. Peak II is a relatively broad peak and it is observed in aU our MBE and LEe samples. Under the present bias levels, the corresponding trap capture cross section was ()' 00 "'" 9 X 10-16 cm2 and the trap energy around midgap. Following the analysis of Ref. 9, the value of the trap density AI/Si0 2/InP MBE:# 139 TG=530°C 100 150 200 TEMPERATURE (K) Si02 100A 500 A 250 F.IG. 4, DLTS spectrum ofMBE No. 139 for 500 and 100 A of deposited S102• No changes are observed in the spectrum for the two thicknesses of Si02, Reverse bias: 3 V; filling pulse: 0 V; pulse width: 1 ms, and rate win dow: !ODD s " Wadis etal. 4806 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:37:32~ AI/SlO.lInP ::l MBE fi 139 II .0 .9 V.=-3.0 V ..J « z ~ (jJ (j) !..J a 200 250 300 350 TEMPERATURE (K) FIG. 5. Temperature and shape change with filling pulse V, showing that peak I, ofMBE sample No. 139, is originating from the Si02/InP interface. Reverse bias: -3 V; pulse width: 1 ms; and rate window: 20 s '. was calculated to be between 2Xl014 and 4X1014 cm -2 e y -l, which is much higher than the limit of applica bility of the analysis and must therefore be taken as an esti mated value. As this peak is present in all our samples, intrinsic sur face states are believed to be responsible; the definition of intrinsic surface states as given by Spicer and co-workers 11 is adopted here. Surface states around the mid gap of ( 100) InP have been reported previously, although at lower densities ( 1012 em -2), for bare surfaces 12 and for surfaces with depos ited phosphorus. 13 The high trap density observed may be related to the processing of the surface prior to SiOz depo sition. Peak 12 is a relatively sharp peak and it is observed in the low-temperature MBE sample. Its presence in the DLTS spectrum of the high-temperature samples could not be veri fied due to overlapping by the bulk peak RI• The capture cross sections of the traps corresponding to this peak are of the order of 1O-!I cm2, the energies between 0.44 and 0.58 eV and the density estimated to be between 2X 1013 and 4X 1013 cm -2 eV--·I• The range of energy of these traps is in good agreement with the energy of an interface level ob served by Williams and co-workersl4 at 0.4 to 0.5 eY from the conduction band and attributed by Dow and Allen 15 to a phosphorus antisite defect. Peak I, is the sharpest of aU interface peaks and is ob served in all the MBE samples. The capture cross section is f7 =2x 10.-14 cm2, the energy is between 0.22 and 0.24 eV (Fig. 6), and the density is estimated to be between 5 X 1013 and 9XlO13 cm-2ey--1• An interface level has been ob served previously by Dow and Allen 15 at around 0.1 e V from the conduction band and also by Yamaguchi and Ando!6 at around 0.16 e V and was attributed in both cases to a phos phorus vacancy. Although peak 13 is close in energy to these interface levels, further studies are needed to establish a de finitive link between this trap and the surface defect it is associated with. These data demonstrate that MBE grown and LEC grown InP have a different trap configuration at the SiOz! InP interface. Peaks 12 and 13 are found to be characteristic of the MBE layers. As the conditions for surface treatment 4807 J. App!. Phys., Vol. 65, No. 12, 15 June 1989 PEAK 13 IOO~I __ ~~ __ ~~ __ ~~ __ ~r_~r~ 74 7.8 8.2 8.6 IOOO/T (liT) F!G. 6. Arrhenius plots of the thermal emission rates of peak I, for reverse biases of (a) 2.5 V and (b) 3.0 V. and SiOz deposition were kept the same for both types of samples and different thicknesses of Si02 were shown to leave the interface unchanged, the comparison leads to the conclusion that the interface traps (12,]3) must be derived from the semiconductor side of the interface. These traps must therefore depend upon the MBE growth mechanisms. This is a valid assessment in view of the nonequilibrium pro cesses involved in the MBE growth of lnP which usually result in a high number of intrinsic and extrinsic defects! during growth. If this is indeed the case and the interface traps are derived from the bulk but with modified energy positions, then our data lend support to the defect model of Spicer and co-workers II and in particular the work of Dow, Sankey, and Allen 17 suggesting that interface levels are de rivatives of bulk antisite and vacancy defects. IV. CONCLUSION We have used the DLTS technique to study for the first time the interface between Si02 and n-InP grown by MBE. Three wen-defined interface peaks (1], 12, and 13) are ob served in the DLTS spectra. Two different thicknesses of Si02 are found to produce no observable change in the DL TS signature of the MBE samples. A comparison of MBE and LEC grown samples shows that peak It is com mon to both types of samples and it is probably due to intrin sic surface states. Peaks 12 and l.~ are found to be characteris tic to the MBE growth. The data suggest that these traps are derived from the semiconductor side of the interface, and as such they depend on the nonequilibrium process of MBE growth. 'A. A. I1iadis, K. A. Prior, C. R. Stanely, T_ Martin, and G. R. Davies, J. App!. Phys. 60, 213 (!986). 2W_ T. Tsang, R. C. Miller, F. Capasso, and W. A. Bonner, App!. Phys. Lett. 41, 467 (1982). 'E. A. Martin, O. A. Aina, A. A. Iliadis, M. R. Mattingly, and L. H. 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Phys., Vol. 65, No. 12, 15 June 1989 13R. Schachler, D . .T. Olego, J. A. Baumann, L. A. BUllZ, P. M. Raccah, and W. E. Spicer, App!. Phys. Lett. 47, 272 (1985). "'R. H. Williams, A. McKinley, G. J. Hughes, V. Montgomery, and I. T. McGovcm, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. 21, 594 (1982). "J. D. Dow and R. E. Allen, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. 20, 659 (1982). 16M. Yamaguchi and K. Ando, J. Appl. Phys. 51, 5007 (1980). 17J. D. Dow, O. F. Sankey, andR. E. Allen, App!. Surf. Sci. 22, 937 (1985). lliadis etal. 4808 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:37:32
Light scattering from thermal magnons in thin metallic ferromagnetic films J. F. Cochran and J. R. Dutcher Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 63, 3814 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.340623 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.340623 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/63/8?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Theory of two magnon scattering microwave relaxation and ferromagnetic resonance linewidth in magnetic thin films J. Appl. Phys. 83, 4344 (1998); 10.1063/1.367194 Brillouin light scattering study of spin wave instability magnon distributions in yttrium iron garnet thin films (abstract) J. Appl. Phys. 75, 5632 (1994); 10.1063/1.355615 A dipoleexchange theory for Brillouin light scattering from ferromagnetic thin films J. Appl. Phys. 73, 7001 (1993); 10.1063/1.352411 Light scattering study on surface magnons in permalloy films J. Appl. Phys. 61, 4120 (1987); 10.1063/1.338522 Light scattering from surface and bulk thermal magnons in iron and nickel J. Appl. Phys. 50, 7784 (1979); 10.1063/1.326763 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:29:25Light scattering from thermal mag nons in thin metallic ferromagnetic films J< F< Cochran and J. R. Dutcher Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B. c., V5A lS6, Canada A computer program has been written with which the complex resonant frequency can be calculated for a thin ferromagnetic metal film sandwiched between a nonmagnetic metallic substrate and a nonmagnetic metallic overlayer. The calculation includes exchange and magnetic damping having the Gilbert form. The program has been used to investigate the sensitivity of thin-film resonant frequencies to the resistivities of the overlayer, the substrate, and the magnetic film. It is concluded that the presence of an overJayer and of a substrate are unimportant for the analysis of Brillouin scattering data from films less than 100 A thick: uncertainties in the absolute value of the frequency shift of the scattered light-typically 1 :200-are greater than, or comparable with, the frequency shifts caused by an overlayer or a substrate. In this paper we make a quantitative assessment of the effect of a metallic substrate and of a thin metallic overlayer on thin film magnon frequencies. Experiments using Bril louin scatteringl--8 have shown that boundary effects are small, but it has yet to be shown that they are negligible if accurate magnetic parameters are to be obtained from Bril louin scattering data.8,9 The theory ofBriHouin scattering for thin, unsupported, nonmetallic films has been carried through by Carnley, Rah man, and MillslO using an application of the fluctuation dissipation theorem from statistical mechanics. We have chosen to attack this problem using the approach of Wol fram and DeWamesl1 in which Maxwell's equations and the Landau-Lifshitz equations for the magnetization are used to calculate the normal modes of the system. We consider a system composed of a magnetic film backed by a nonmagne tic metallic substrate and covered by a nonmagnetic metal overlayer. The x, y axes are in the plane of the film; z is directed into the substrate and is parallel with the film nor mal. The external magnetic field is directed along x, and the in-plane component of the mag non wave vector is directed along y (only magnetic excitations which propagate normal to the applied magnetic field are considered). The ground state of the system is assumed to be uniformly magnetized. The surfaces of the magnetic film are taken to be at z = 0 and at z = d. The front surface of the overlayer is located at Z= -d,. For this geometry, Maxwell's equations for the magneti- cally active modes become aex 1 a -= ---(h +417m ) (la) Jz c at y y , ae" 1 J -=--(hz + 417mz) , (lb) Jy c at ahz Jhv 41T0' -" =--e . (1c) Jy az c x The displacement current density has been neglected in (Ic) because at microwave frequencies it is very small compared with the conduction current density. Similar equations de scribe the fields in the nonmagnetic metals except that my = mz =0. Solutions of Maxwell's equations are sought which are proportional to the factor ei( qy-m,). The disturbances in the vacuum, overlayer, and substrate must all be proportional to this same factor in order that the tangential components of ex and hy may be continuous everywhere across the inter faces at z = -dl, Z = 0, and z = d. The wave vector q is real, and in a Brillouin scattering experiment it is determined by the wavelength and the angle of incidence ofthe incident laser light. 8 From the outset the frequency f, where OJ = 217"1, is taken to be a complex quantity. The real part of the fre quency is, of course, the resonant frequency of a normal mode; the imaginary part of/must necessarily be negative since the amplitude of a normal mode which has been stimu lated by an impulse must die away with time due to magnetic dissipation and eddy current damping. Solutions of Max well's equations are sought which have a z dependence ~ eikz where, by definition, the imaginary part of k is taken to be positive. In the nonmagnetic metals, Eqs. (I) fully specify the dependence of the wave vector k upon frequency. For example, in the metallic overlayer, the wave vector kl is giv en biZ k ~ = -q2 + (i18~), where 8i = c2/417OJO'I and (71 is the conductivity of the metal in esu. In the vacuum the conductivity is, of course, zero and one must include the displacement current density in Maxwell's equations. In the magnetic metal Maxwell's equations alone do not determine the allowed values of the wave vector; they serve only to provide one set of relationships between the compo nents of the magnetization and the magnetic fields. From Eqs. (1) one finds 417my = -(! + i82k 2)hy + i82qkhz , 417m2 = i(?qkhy -(1 + ilPq2)hz • (2a) (2b) A second set of relationships is provided by the Landau Lifshitz equations of motion for the magnetization which, when linearized, can be written in component form asl3 2A (J2 my) (iOJ) ---2--Hzmy - -mz = -Mshy, M, Jz r (3a) 2A (J 2mz) (iW) ---~--Hvmz + -mv = -Mshz· Ms Jz- " r" (3b) In these equations A is the exchange stiffness parameter and the magnetomechanical ratio, r, is positive and is given by g( el2mc). The effective fields Hy and Hz are 3814 J. Appl. Phys" 63 (8), 15 April 1988 0021-8979/88/083814-03$02.40 @ 19813 American Institute of Physics 3814 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:29:252Aq2 .( ())) ( G ) Hy =H+---E ---+ay' M, y yMs (4a) 2Aq2 .( (u \ ( G ) Hz =H+---l -) --+az, M, y yMs (4b) where H is the externally applied dc field and G is the Gilbert magnetic damping parameter. The terms ay' ax represent effective fields due to magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Equa tions (2) can be used together with Eqs. (3) to obtain two homogeneous equations for the magnetic field components hy, hz• The requirement that these equations have a nontri vial solution leads to a secular equation which is cubic in k 2: where PI = i(2A IMJj2) 2 , Pz = (2A IM,81f![1 + io2ql] + i(2A IMso2)(Hy + Hz + 417M3) , P3 = i{2A IMs02)(q282)(Hy + Hz + 477Ms) + (2A IMs02)(Hy + Hz + 8;rMs) + i[ ByHz -(Wly)2] , P4=i02q2[BzHy -(W/y)2] + [ByB, -(w1r)2]. In the above expressions Bv = Hy + 41TM." Bx = Hz + 4-rrMs , and 02 = c2/4-rrw(7, wh"ere (7 is the conduc tivity in esu of the magnetic metaL The general solution of the combined Maxwell's equations and Landau-Lifshitz equations is specified by six independent wave amplitudes 14: a forward propagating and a reverse propagating wave for each of the three wave vectors k" k2, k3 which satisfy Eq. ( 6). The six wave amplitudes in the magnetic slab must be chosen so as to satisfy six boundary conditions. These are, explicitly, at z = 0: (i) where a= (ii) (iii) [(k1Iko) + 1] [(kj/ko) -1] and atz= d: (iv) 3815 .J. AppL Phys, , Vol. 63, No, S, i5 April 19S8 (v) (vi) Conditions (0 and (iv) are required to ensure contin uity of ex, hy across the slab surfaces. Conditions (ii), (iii), (v), and (vi) are Rado-Weertmanl5 pinning conditions de rived from a surface pinning energy density having the form E, = Ky (myIMs)2 + Kz (m;JAi, )2. The complex frequen cy OJ must be chosen so that the determinant of the coeffi cients of the six homogeneous equations for the six field am plitudes formed from (i)-(vi) vanishes. This is a very difficult program to carry through algebraically, but one which presents a relatively uncomplicated numerical prob lem. Having calculated a normal mode frequency it is a com plicated but straightforward matter to calculate the fraction ofthe incident optical energy which is scattered into a partic ular direction, and to calculate the frequency distribution of the scattered light.S, Ie.. I? The frequency of the scattered light is shifted from the frequency of the incident light by ±fR' where /R is the real part of the magnetic normal mode fre quency. Ifthe normal mode is lightly damped the frequency spectrum of the scattered light is a Lorentzian distribution whosehalf-powerfrequencywidthistl/= 2/rwhere -1/7 is the imaginary part of the normal mode complex frequen cy.8 The frequencies of the lowest modes have been listed in Table I for an isotropic film having the magnetic properties ofiron, 18 for an applied in-plane magnetic field of 1 kOe, and for in-plane wave vectors typical of a backscattering experi ment using 5145-A laser light. For the sake of completeness we have also included a calculation of the frequency using the Damon-Esbach theoryl9 for a magnetic insulator with out exchange and having no losses, as weU as a calculation for a metallic magnetic material having magnetic losses but no exchange torques. The no-exchange frequencies lie re markably close to the Damon-Eshbach frequencies. The discrepancy decreases with increasing q and increasing mag netic field, but increases with increasing thickness, rising from approximately 1 :5000 for a lO-A-thick film to ! :300 for a l00o~A-thick film. Even with the inclusion of exchange, the resonant frequencies for the lO-A-thick film are within a few percent ofthose calculated using Damon-Eshbach theo ry. Of course, as is to be expected, exchange becomes more important as the wave number of the excitation and the thickness of the film increases. The frequencies calculated for the "Norma! Case" (a silver substrate and a 40-A gold ovedayer) are compared in Table 1 with the frequencies calculated for no overlayer but a silver substrate (column 5), and for a 40-A. overlayer and a substrate both of which have the very large resistivity value of 100 n em (column 6). Changing the resistivities of the overlayer and substrate produces a change of approximately 1 :500 for the 100-A. film and for the smallest value of q. The difference decreases for larger magnetic fields and for larger values ofthe in-plane wave vector. The resonant frequency is very insensitive to the resistivity of the magnetic film. The J. F. Cochran and J. R. Dutcher 3815 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:29:25TABLE 1. A comparison of the resonant frequencies, / (in GHz), of a system composed of a metallic magnetic film ofthickness d covered by a 40-A. layer of gold (resistivity = 2.44 X 10-6 !} em) and mounted upon a silver substrate (resistivity = 1.59 X 10-6 n cm) for an applied magnetic field of 1.0 kOe. The wave-vector component of the excitation parallel to the film surface and perpendicular to the magnetic field corresponds to that fOT backscattered 5145-A. wavelength light incident at e = 10' (q = 42 413 cm I) and al4S· (q = 17 2707 cm-'). The properties of the magnetic film are taken to be those ofiron having no magnetocrystalline anisotropy: saturation magnetization, 41TM, = 21.55 kOe; exchange parameter, A = 2.0X 10 6 erg/cm; g = 2.09; Gilbert damping parameter, G"~ 7.0X 107 Hz; resistivity = I.OX 10 -5 n crn. Frequencies for the loo-A-thick magnetic film are listed for the lowest normal mode (the uniform mode) and for the first exchange mode whose wavelength is A. = 2d.lt has been assumed that the magnetization is unpinned at the film surfaces. (a) An iron film (except that A = 0) sandwiched between a 4O-A. gold overlayer and a silver substrate. (b) An iron film mounted on a silver substrate and covered with a 40-A-thick layer of gold. (c) An iron film mounted on a silver substrate but having no overlayer. (d) An iron film mounted on a substrate whose resistivity is 100 n cm and covered by a 4O-A.-thick layer of a material whose resistivity is 100 n em. (e) A magnetic film haYing the magnetic properties of iron but its resistivity has been increased to 10-3 n em, mounted on a silver substrate and covered by a 40-A-thick overlayer of gold. Thickness angle d= lOA 8= 10· d= lOA. ()= 45° d= 100 A d= 100 A. 8=45" Damon Eshbach frequency (GHz) 21.9798 No-exchlLTlge meta! film' frequency (GHz) --i 0.2373 21.9799 Normal caseb frequency (GHz) 14.2226 -i 0.0953 15.5188 -i 0.0822 16.6112 -i 0.2371 96.7929 -i 0.2294 22_3769 -j 0.1110 96.9833 -i 0.2298 frequencies listed in the last column have been calculated for a magnetic film whose resistivity has been increased two or~ ders of magnitude (from 1O~-5 to 10-3 fl em). The resulting frequency shifts are less than 1: 105• The authors would like to thank the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for grants and a scholarship (l.R.D.) which supported this work. 'B. Heinrich, K. B. Urquhart, J. R. Dutcher, J. F. Cochran, A. S. Arrott, D. A. Steigerwald, and W. F. Egelhoff (these proceedings). 2A. P. Malozemoff, M, Grimsditch, 1. Aboaf, and A. Bnmsch, J. Apr!. Phys. 50, 5885 (1979). 'R. E. Camley and M. Grimsditch, Phys. Rey. B 22,5420 (1980). 4p, Griinberg, M. G. Cottam, W. Vacl!, C. Mayr, and R. E. Carnley, J. App!. Phys. 53, 2078 (l982}. 5p. Kabos, W. D. Wilber, C. E. Patton, and P. Griinberg, Phys. Rev, B 29, 6396 (1984). ·P. Kabos, C. E, Patton, and W. D. Wilber, Phys. Rey. Lett. 53, 1962 (1984). 3816 J. Appl. Phys .. Vol. 63, No. B, 15 April 1988 Exchange, High resistivity Increased resistivity no overlayer overlayer and substrated of magnetic metale frequency frequency frequency (GHz) (GHz) (GHz) 14.2227 14.2194 14.2226 -i 0.0943 -i 0.0765 -i 0,0953 15.5188 15.5188 15.5188 -i 0.0812 -i 0.0770 -i 0.0822 16.6125 16.5790 16.6113 _. i 0.2270 -i 0.0781 -i 0.2358 96.7929 96.7929 96.7929 -i 0.2294 -i 0.2294 -i 0.2261 22.3770 22.3765 22.3769 -i 0.1019 -i 0.0784 -i 0.1114 96.9833 96.9833 96.9833 -i 0.2297 -j 0.2297 --i 0.2269 7G. Srinivasan and C. E. Patton, J. App!. Phys. 61, 4120 (1987). "J. R. Sandercock, in Light Scattering in Solids III. edited by M. Cardona and G. Giintherodt (Springer, Berlin, 1982), Chap. 6. "Carl E. Patton, Pl!ys. Rep. 103,251 (1984). lOR. E. Camley, Talat S. Rahman, and D. L. Mills, Phys. Rev. B 23. 1226 (1981 ). liT. Wolfram and R. E. DeWames, Phys. Rev. B 4,3125 (1971). 12In the program which we wrote, the displacement current was included in Eq. ( I c) for the substrate and overlayer in order to be able to approach an insulator limit. "William Fuller Brown, Jr., Micromagnetics (Krieger, Huntington, New York, 19781, Chap. 3. !4W. S. Ament and G. T. Rado, Phys. Rev. 97,1558 (1955), 15G. T. Rado and J. R. Weertman, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 11,315 (1959). "'W. Wettling, M. G. Cottam, and J. R. Sandercock, J. Phys. C 8, 211 (1975). 17L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Electrodynamics o/Continuous Media (Pergamon, Oxford, 1960), Chap. XIV. I" Anisotropy was ignored in the calculations for Table I because it has no direct effect on the frequency shifts caused by the electrical properties of an over/ayer or substrate or on shifts due to the conductivity of the mag netic layer. Such anisotropies do have a profound effect on the resonant frequencies themselves, but that will be the subject for further work. IYR. W. Damoll and J. R. Eshbach. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 19, 308 (1961). 3816 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:29:25
Rareearth promoters of semiconductor oxidation: The case of GaAs(110)/Yb S. Chang, P. Philip, A. Wall, X. Yu, and A. Franciosi Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 67, 4283 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.344943 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.344943 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/67/9?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Photoemission studies of K-promoted oxidation of the GaAs(110) surface J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 18, 325 (2000); 10.1116/1.582187 Growth of epitaxial rareearth arsenide/(100)GaAs and GaAs/rareearth arsenide/(100)GaAs structures J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 7, 747 (1989); 10.1116/1.584638 Donor gettering in GaAs by rareearth elements Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 761 (1988); 10.1063/1.99825 Rareearth metal Schottkybarrier contacts to GaAs Appl. Phys. Lett. 46, 864 (1985); 10.1063/1.95867 Luminescence of the rareearth ion ytterbium in InP, GaP, and GaAs J. Appl. Phys. 57, 2182 (1985); 10.1063/1.334359 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:42:59Rare-earth promoters of semiconductor oxidation: The case of GaAs(110)/Yb s. Chang,a) P. Philip, A. Wall, X. Yu, and A. Franciosi Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 (Received 25 October 1989; accepted for publication 15 January 1990) Synchrotron radiation photoemission studies show that thin Yb overlayers (0.3-4.1) monolayers) enhance the oxidation of GaAs ( 110) surfaces. The magnitude of the promotion effect varies as a function of Yb coverage. The oxidation reaction products involve several nonequivalent oxidation states of As and Ga. The specific catalytic activity of the pure divalent Yb overlayers in promoting GaAs oxidation appears lower than that of Sm overlayers containing both Sm2+ and Sm3+ species. The spectroscopic signature of the oxidation reaction products, instead, is compellingly similar for the two rare-earth promoters. We propose that the oxidation promotion mechanism is related, in both cases, to the decomposition of metal! semiconductor interface reaction products upon exposure to oxygen, and that the rare-earth atomic valence has only a limited influence on the promotion mechanism. I. INTRODUCTION Thin overlayers of the low-electronegativity, rare-earth metal 8m substantially increase the Sic 111 )-02 and GaAs( 110)-02 reaction rates.l On GaAs both divalent Sm and trivalent Sm species contribute to the observed catalytic activity. 1 We tentatively associated the formation of two dif ferent As oxidation products (oxides or arsenates) with the presence of two types of reaction intermediates involving, respectively, divalent and trivalent Sm. In this study we spe cifically address the correlation between the nature of the oxidation reaction products and the rare-earth metal valence by examining the activity of divalent Yb overlayers in pro moting the oxidation of GaAs( 110) surfaces. We selected Yb as a test case since its valence has been well characterized at metal/semiconductor interfaces and during oxidation, and because of the relatively simple inter face morphology observed for GaAs/Yb.2.3 Studies of the GaAs( 110)/Yb interface by Nogami et al.4 have demon strated that Yb atoms are in the divalent electronic configu ration 4114 During the oxidation of elemental Yb films,5.6 Yb) + species have been identified in the resulting oxidized layer. No mixed-valent Yb emission was observed in either case. Yb exhibits a relatively abrupt reacted interface mor phology with semiconductors, with evidence of room tem perature interdiffusion on GaAs( 110) in a limited range of Yb coverages [1-2 monolayers (ML)], in contrast with what has been observed for GaAs/transition metal inter faces. 2.3.7 We focus here on the relationship between specific activ ity for oxidation promotion and rare-earth valence through a comparison of results for Sm and Vb, and we explore the relationship between oxidation promotion and GaAs/Yb in terface morphology. We found that Sm and Yb promote the formation of compellingly similar oxidation reaction prod ucts regardless of their different initial valence prior to oxy gen exposure, and that oxidation promotion occurs through oJ Present address: Xerox Webster Research Center, Webster, NY 14580. the decomposition of rare-earth Ga and rare-earth As inter face reaction products. II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAilS The experiments were performed on GaAs( 110) sur faces obtained by cleaving in situ n-type, Te-doped, 4 X 4 X 10 mm1 oriented single crystals at operating pressure < 5 X 10-11 Torr. Yb was deposited from a resistively heat ed W coil at pressure < 2.5 X 10-10 Torr. The metal COver age (J was measured with a quartz thickness monitor and is given in mono layers (ML) in terms of the GaAs( 110) sur face atomic density (I ML = 8.85 X 1014 atoms/cm~). Oxy gen exposures were performed by isolating the ion pump from the spectrometer and maintaining a constant oxygen pressure (10-7_10-5 Torr) for appropriate lengths of time. The pressure was monitored with a low-emission ion gauge that did not face the sample surface in an attempt to mini mize the excitation of molecular oxygen. Exposures are given in Langmuirs (L) throughout the paper (I L = 1 sX 10-6 Torr). The photoemission measurements were conducted by positioning the sample surface at the focus of a monochro matic synchrotron radiation beam and a commercial hemi spherical electron energy analyzer. The synchrotron radi ation emitted by the I-GeV electron storage ring Aladdin at the Synchrotron Radiation Center of the University of Wis consin-Madison was dispersed by means of a grazing inci dence "grasshopper" Mark II monochromator, or a 3-m to roidal grating monochromator. The total energy resolution was less than 0.3 eV for studies of the Ga 3d core levels (hv = 6OeV) and As 3d core levels (hv = 85 eV), and about 0.4 eV for the valence band results, as determined from the width of the Fermi level cutoff in valence band spectra from thick metal films evaporated in situ onto GaAs( 110). Selected results for the As 3d, Ga 3d, Yb 5p, Yb 4f core levels and for the valence band emission are shown in Figs. 1-5 in the form of angle integrated photoelectron energy distribution curves (EDCs). In each figure, the EDCs are shown in relative units, after normalization to the mono- 4283 J. Appl. Phys. 67 (9), 1 May 1990 0021-8979/90/094283-08$03.00 @ 1990 American Institute of Physics 4283 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:42:59GaAs/Yb·O z As 3d cores .---- 0 L lOooL hv= 85eV Ybcoveraee 4 1, 1 1\ (ML) I il/,l \ x~ ,J, I \ x2 ~ __ d~ 6 S 4 3 2 I 0 -I -2 -3 -4 Relative Binding Energy (eV) FlG. 1 As 3d core emission from GaAs/Yb at h" = 85 eV before (dashed line) and after (solid line) 10 \ L of oxygf:l1 exposure. We show results for the fr"e GaAs( 110) surface (bottom-mo£t EDC) and for surfaces with Yb (lverlayers of increasing thickness (disl'h.~ed upward). The zero of the binding energy ~I:ale is referred to the position of the As 3d core levels from the cleaved surface prior to Yb deposition. The vertical bars I-A mark the no~ition of oxidized As 3d features observed by Landgren el al. (Refs. 8 and ~) during oxidation ofGaAs and associated by these authors with As atoms l'oordinated with 1 to 4 oxygen atoms. respectively. Yb overlayers enhance the oxidatIOn of As at all Yb coverages explored. chromator throughput, monitored by means of a Ni mesh \QCalW near the monochromator exit slit. EDCs for the core lev.:::!: emisi>ioi1 are showi1 anef subtraction of a smooth sec ondary electron background (approximated with a third or der polynomial). ill. RESULTS AND DiSCUSSION A. Coveragecdependent oxidation promotion In Fig. 1, weshowth~As 3dcoreemissionathv = 85 eV before (dashed line) and after (solid line) exposure to 103 L oxygen. The bottom-most EDCs were obtained for the free GaAs( 110) surface, while spectra displaced upward show the effect of Yb overlayers of increasing thickness. The zero of the binding energy scale corresponds to the initial position of the As 3d core level in flat band conditions, prior to Yb deposition and oxygen exposure. Deposition of Yb on the GaAs ( 110) surface (dashed line) yields a rigid shift of the 3d core levels to lower binding energies reflecting a band bending of 0.65 ± 0.05 eV. Well- 4284 J. Appl. Phys .. Vol. 67. No.9. 1 May 1990 ! J J GaAs(Yb.01 Ga 3d and Yb 5p cores ---. 0 L -IOOOL Yb5p 1 1314 t6 t4 t2 to J " , " , , , I 4 Retative Binding Energy (eV) hv= 6lJeV (ML) o o ·2 FIG. 2. Ga 3d and Yb Sp core emission from GaAs/Yb at hv = 60eV before (dashed line) and after (solid line) a 10' L oxygen exposure. We show re sults for the cleaved GaAs( 110) surface (bottom-most EDC) and for sur faces with Yb overlayers of increasing thickness (displaced upward). The zero of the binding energy scale is referred to the position of the Ga 3d core levels from the cleaved surface prior to Yb deposition. The vertical bars 1--4 mark the position of oxidized Ga 3d features observed by Landgren et al. (see Refs. 8 and 9) during oxidation of GaAs. Yb overlayers enhance the oxidation of Ga at all Yb coverages explored. defined line shape changes in the 0.3-1.4 ML coverage range in Fig. I reflect the emergence of emission from a second 3d doublet shifted by -0.7 eV to lower binding energies relative to the main line.4 This new 3d contribution appears as a shoulder 1.0-1.5 eV below the zero of the binding energy scale in the low coverage spectra of Fig. I (Yb coverages 0.3..;0..;1.4 ML) and dominates the overall spectrum for coverages ;> 1.9 ML. The formation of this new chemically shifted As 3d component has been observed by Nogami et al.4 and associated with the formation ofYb·As arsenidelike reaction products following atomic interdiffusion across the GaAslYb interface. Exposure of the free GaAs surface to 1 <P L of oxygen (bottom-most EDC, solid line) yields a rigid shift of the 3d emission to lower binding energies (reflecting a band bend ing of 0.5 eV) and some broadening of the core line shape, mostly determined by a change in the surface· related core level contribution. 8-10 The relatively small changes in the As 3d emission and the lack of chemically shifted As 3d features Chang etal. 4284 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:42:59GaAs/Yb Valence Band ----0 L --lOOOL -xl/4 -xl/4 hv~ 60eV Bulk Surf ~1 Yb ~ ~ coverage 11'11 (ML) ,~1111i1 ," ~': I t 27.5 .~ ---xl/2 --,I', I I I I " ::> !: .~ -.:; j I I 4.1 \ e:. -xl/4 ,'1/1 ?> ---x 1/2 I I I I '§ ---7 ~ I I I -= • 1\ =::;~ /\ /11\ .---7~-----)./ \ 1.9 ~ '. i\ 1\ , I -~1/4 III1 I I ---~~~--_________ LL4 -xl/2 ---xl ,i t'I'1 : 11\ I I I ---~---------_I I -xl/2 ---xl ---;:;, /-, Din Curve / ". /\ ,.... xS I \ I' / \ I I f' --' \ I \ / \ '_j \ /'" I " I I 16 14 12 10 8 6 Oindmg Energy (cV) o FIG. 3. Valence band and Vb 4/emission at hv = 60 eV for GaAs/Yb be fore (dashed line) and after (solid line) exposure to 103 L of oxygen. The bottom-most EDC is for the free GaAs( 110) surface, and the second bot tom-most curve (dashed-dotted line) was obtained by subtracting the un oxidized spectrum from the spectrum of the same surface after oxygen expo sure. Other spectra displaced upward show the effect of Vb overlayers of increasing thickness. Before oxidation the valence emission is dominated by the Vb + 24/ final state mUltiplet. Vertical bars mark the surface and bulk 4/ contributions. After oxidation the valence band includes ° 2p emission near 5.5 eV, and the Vb+J 4/ final state mUltiplet in the 7-13 eV region. emphasize that in this exposure range only submonolayer oxygen coverages can be obtained on the free GaAs ( 110) surface at room temperature.8,9 A large enhancement of As oxidation is observed in the presence of Yb overlayers, with the emergence of well-de fined oxidized As 3d features on the high binding energy side of the main line in Fig, 1, At the lowest Yb coverage explored (0_3 ML, second bottom-most EDCs in Fig, 1), exposure to oxygen yields a new oxidized As 3d feature at 2,75 eV, in- 4285 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.9, 1 May 1990 :? '2 ;:J ~ .~ " B .s " 0 tl l f GaAs/Rare-earth-l000LOl As 3d cores 4 Yb 0,3 ML Sm 0.3 ML hv= 85eV 6 5 4 3 2 ° -I -2 -3 -4 Relative Binding Energy (eV) FIG. 4. As 3d emission at hi-= 85 eV from GaAs/Yb-O, (top) and GaAs/Sm-O, (bottom), at a metal coverage of 0.3 ML (at which both rare earths are divalent prior to oxidation) and a 10' L oxygen exposure (solid circles). We also show (solid line) the result of a least-squares fit of the As 3d lineshape in terms oftwooxidized As and one unoxidi~ed As 3d doublets (dashed line). Vertical bars I to 4 mark the position of oxidized As 3d fea tures observed by Landgren et al. (see Refs. 8 and 9) duringUaAsoxidation and associated by the same authors with arsenic atoms coordinated with 1 to 4 oxygen atoms, respectiVely. creased emission in the 0-2 e V range, and removal of the emission from the Yb-As arsenidelike phases at the interface (shoulder at -1.0 eV in the unoxidized spectrum). The main oxidized As 3d feature shifts to higher binding energies at higher Yb coverages and appears at 3,2 eV for a metal coverage of 4.1 ML (topmost EDC in Fig, 1, solid line), Such a shift is similar to that observed by Su et aI, II during oxidation of elemental As, and assigned by these authors to the formation of As20y 12.13 For comparison, we also indi cate with vertical bars 1 to 4 in the topmost section of Fig, 1 the position of oxidized As 3d features observed by Land gren et al,K.9 during oxidation of the free GaAs( 110) surface at high oxygen exposures (10"'_1014 L), The position of the vertical bars in Fig. 1 takes into account the variation in band bending between the results of this work and those of Refs. 8 and 9. Landgren et aI, associated features 1-4 with As atoms coordinated with 1 to 4 oxygen atoms, respectively, Com parison with our results for GaAs( 110)/Yb oxidation sug gests the coexistence of severai nonequivalent oxidation states for As within the reaction Qroducts in our results. After oxidation, residual As 3d emission is observed near the pinned As 3d position at --0,65 ± 0,1 eV. The corresponding broad line shape is likely to reflect the partial superposition of unoxidized As emission with 3d contribu- Chang etal. 4285 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:42:59~ c: ::J -e <t: ?;> :;; c: " " c: ~ -"' " 2 " 0:: GaAs/Rare-earth-IOOOL O2 As 3d cores Yb 14 ML Sm 14M1. ' .. 6 5 .\ 2 0 ·1 RciJti\c Binding Energy (eVI hv= 85eV 2 ·3 -4 FIG. 5. As >,d emission at h" = 85 eV from GaAs/Yb-O, (top) and GaAs/Sm-O. (bollom), at a metal coverage of 1.4 ML (at which Sm is mixed valent'prior to oxidation), and a 10' L oxygen exposure (solid cir des). We abo show (,,)lid line) the result of a least-squares fit of the As 3d IlIlc shape in terms of three oxidized As and one unoxidized As 3d doublets (dashed line) Vertical bars I to 4 nu,,\; the position of oxidized As 3d fea tures observed by Landgren ct af. (Refs. 8 and 9) during GaAs oxidation and associated by the same authors w~th arsenic atom, coordinated with 1 to -t l1X~gen atoms. respectively. Sm and Yb o\crlayers promok the forma t il>ll of similar oxidalic))1 reaction products. tions from As atoms in low oxidation stati:'''' If we use the area shared by {'fort; pair of oxidized-unoxidized spectra in Fig. I as a rough ",',~:imate of the unoxld,:cd As 3d emission intensity, we ob{~t',;t that for Yb COVi:ti,ges "> I ML the total emission intensity from oxidized l\S species in the 0-5 eV range tracks the initial emission btc-Hsity from the Vb-As reacted phase" prior to oxygen exposure. This, together with the changes in line shape observed upon oxidation in Fig, I, indicates that As oxidation occurs through the irreversible decomposition of the arsenidelike reaction products at the interface. In Fig. 2 we show the Ga 3d and Yb 5p core emission at hv = 60 eV before (dashed line) and after (solid line) expo sure to 103 L of oxygen. The bottom-most EDCs show re sults for the free GaAs ( 110) surface, while spectra displaced upward show the effect ofYb overlayers of increasing thick ness, The zero of the binding energy scale corresponds to the initial position of the Ga 3d core level in flat band condi tions, I~ Yb deposition onto the cleaved Gil-As surface yields Yb 5p emission features in the 3-5 and 9-11 eV binding energy range, a rigid shift of the Ga 3d core levels to lower binding energies due to band bending, and changes in the Ga 3d line shape. The line shape changes are due to the emergence of a 4286 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.9, 1 May 1990 low binding energy Ga 3d component visible as a shoulder at -I eV in the EDCs for coverages 0.3;;;8< 1.4 ML This component becomes the dominant Ga 3d contribution in EDCs for 8;;; 1.9 ML Low binding energy components of this kind have been observed during GaAs reaction with Sm,l" Ce,I6 and Yb,~ and associated with the formation of Yb-Ga alloyed species. A shift of about 0.4 eV to lower bind ing energies is observed for the Yb 5p core levels when spec tra for 8 = 0.3 ML coverage are compared to those for (};) I. q ML This is also qualitatively consistent with Yb-Ga alloy ing, since Pauling's electronegativity difference suggests charge transfer from Yb to Ga in the alloy. At low Yb cover ages, the alloy would be Ga rich, with large shifts to higher binding energies of the Yb core levels and relatively minor modification of the Ga 3d line. At higher Yb coverages, the alloy would be Yb rich, the Yb 5p emission would converge to the metallic situation, and the Ga 3d emission would ex hibit a shift to lower binding energies as a result of charge transfer, At the highest coverage explored (27.5 ML), no residu al Ga 3d or As 3d emission could be detected within an ex perimental uncertainty of about 2%-5%. Changes in the Yb emission also reflect the establishment of an elemental Yb type of emission, For example, in the topmost EDC of Fig. 2 (dashed line), two partially resolved Yb 5p components are observed with an energy difference of about 0.6 eV. We asso ciate the higher binding energy doublet with a surface-shift ed contribution, and the low binding energy doublet with bulk Yb emission, in analogy with the results of Refs, 4 and 17-19 for elemental Vb, A similar effect is observed in the 4/ results, Exposure of the free GaAs( 110) surface to 103 L of oxygen (bottom-most EDC in Fig. 2, solid line) yields a rigid shift of the Ga 3d core levels due to band bending, and some broadening of the core line shape, The presence of Yb overlayers on GaAs( 110) causes a substantial increase in the Ga oxidation rate, as indicated by the formation of well defined oxidized Ga features on the high binding energy side of the main line. In particular, a shoulder in the 0-0.5 eV range for O. 3 < 0< 1.4 ML evolves into dominant broad struc ture centered at about 0.3 eV at Yb coverages 0"> 1.4 ML For comparison, in the upper section of Fig. 2 we mark with vertical bars I to 4 the position of the oxidized Ga 3d features observed by Landgren et aI, K,'J during oxidation of the free GaAs ( 110) surface at high oxygen exposures ( 106_1014 L) , The broad oxygen-induced Ga 3d feature observed in Fig. 2 indicates the coexistence of several nonequivalent Ga oxida tion states within the reaction products. A quantitative analysis of the overall Ga 3d line shape in terms of different oxidized 3d components was not attempt ed due to the close energy spacing expected for the different oxidized 3d component, R,9,20 and due to the superposition of the Ga 3d line with broad structure in the 0-6 eV range in Fig. 2, deriving from 0 2s (Ref. 21 ) and Auger contributions, The presence of this broad structure also complicates the interpretation of the highest coverage spectra (27,5 ML) in Fig. 2, where it dominates in the 0-6 eV range. In any case, the results of Fig. 2 provide evidence that enhanced Ga oxi dation is observed in the presence ofYb overlayers, and that Chang eta!. 4286 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:42:59the Ga oxidation process is accompanied by a parallel de crease in the emission from the Yb-Ga alloyed phases at the interface ( -1-- 2 eV, dashed line, in Fig. 2) throughout the entire Yb coverage range explored. Exposure to oxygen also yields large changes in the Yb 5p emission, namely a 3-3.4 eV shift to higher binding ener gies of the 5p core levels, a sharp increase in the 5p full width at half maximum (FWHM), and a variation of the apparent 5P3/2 -5P1/2 "spin-orbit" splitting from 6.0 (before oxida tion) to 6.6 eV (after exposure to 103 L of oxygen). Such changes indicate that most Yb atoms within the escape depth are oxidized. The large oxidation-induced chemical shift of the 5p core levels mostly reflects the valence change of the Yb atoms from Yb2+ to Yb3+, and the corresponding differ ence in intra-atomic screening of the 5p core hole.21-23 The valence change is also clearly observed in the 4/ results to be discussed in the next paragraph. The observed change in the apparent spin-orbit splitting and FWHM of the 5p3/2-5P1/2 core features is likely to reflect changes in the 5p-4/multiplet coupling, which is of the same order of magnitude of the spin-orbit splitting for shallow core levels of the rare-earth metals.22 Oxidation-induced changes in the Yb electronic config uration are also clearly depicted in Fig. 3, where we show the valence band and Yb 4/ emission from GaAs/Yb at hv = 60 e V before (dashed line) and after (solid line) exposure to 103 L of oxygen. The bottom-most EDC (dashed line) in Fig. 3 shows the valence band emission from the free GaAs ( 110) surface. The dash-dotted curve was obtained by subtracting the band-bending-corrected GaAs( 110) spec trum from an EDC from the same sample after 103 L of oxygen exposure. Other spectra displaced upward show the effect of Yb overlayers of increasing thickness. The zero of the binding energy scale corresponds to the position of the Fermi level, EF• Even at the lowest Yb coverages explored, the 4/ cross section at hv = 60 eV dominates the GaAs sp valence band emission, so that prior to oxidation in Fig. 3 (dashed line) all spectral features in the 0-3 e V range for 0 < B < 1. 9 reflect the 4/ 13 final state doublet deriving from the photoionization ofYb2+. For B-1.9 ML, broadening of the 4/ doublet sug gests the presence of new 4/ contributions. These are clearly observed for B = 4.1 and 27.5 ML when a well-defined Fer mi level is also observed. The final EDC for () = 27.5 ML is very similar to that of Yb metal,17.18 with two 4/ doublets shifted 0.6 eV from each other and each exhibiting a spin orbit splitting of 1.3 eV. By analogy with the results of Refs. 17 and 18, we attribute the two 4/ doublets to emission from Yb surface and bulk atoms.24 Our results for the unoxidized GaAslYb interface are in good agreement with those of No gami et 01.,4 who reported GaAslYb reaction in the 1-2 ML coverage range, and the gradual formation of a layer of me tallic Yb (Ref. 4) at coverages > 2 ML. Exposure of the free GaAs surface to 103 L of oxygen yields limited emission of oxidation-induced valence states, mostly accounting for an emission feature centered at -5.8 eV in the difference curve of Fig. 3 (second bottom-most spectrum, dash-dotted line), in agreement with the results of Refs. 8 and 9. When Yb overlayers are present, the oxidized 4287 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No. 9,1 May 1990 valence band emission is dominated by 0 2p-induced fea tures at -5.5 eV. The characteristic Yb2+ 4/emission with in 3 eV of EF vanishes, and is replaced by Vb-related cover age-dependent features at 11.5,9.3, and 7.7 eV. Results by Schmidt-May et aU for the oxidation of elemental Yb show that the valence band emission is dominated by Yb3+ 4/12 final state multiplets located in the 7-13 eV binding energy range, and are qualitatively consistent with those in the top most section of Fig. 3 (solid line). We conclude that expo sure of GaAs/Yb to oxygen yields oxidation of most of the Yb atoms within the sampling depth, and a corresponding Yb2+ _ Yb3+ valence transition. This change in the Yb elec tronic configuration affects the Yb 5p emission in Fig. 2 through a modification of the intra-atomic screening of the 5p core hole, and 5p-4/multiplet coupling. B. Microscopic picture Our results for the GaAs/Yb interface prior to oxygen exposure in Figs. 1-3 are in general agreement with those of Nogami et a/.4 The presence of a chemically shifted reacted As 3d doublet in Fig. 1, and an alloyed Ga contribution in Fig. 2, together with the character of the 4/ emission in Fig. 3, supports the contention that interface reaction yields ar senidelike species and Yb-Ga alloys involving divalent Vb. In our results we find no evidence, however, for the existence of a critical coverage of 1 ML, below which no atomic inter diffusion would reportedly take place.4 Our results show a monotonic interface evolution throughout the 0.3-4.1 ML Yb coverage range. In this range, the attenuation rate of the As 3d and Ga 3d core emission intensity as a function ofYb coverage is very similar.25 At higher Yb coverages the faster attenuation rate of the As relative to the Ga emission may reflect trapping of As atoms in the interface region and the progressive dilution of Ga in the Yb overlayer reported by Nogami et al.4 Upon exposure to 103 L of oxygen, the relative integrat ed emission intensities from the As 3d, Ga 3d, and Yb 5p core levels in Figs. i and 2 show only minor changes, sug gesting that the profile of the relative concentration of the different elemental species in the direction perpendicular to the surface is not strongly affected by the oxidation process. The presence ofYb overIayers, however, enhances the oxida tion rate of As and Ga atoms, as indicated by the large oxi dized core contributions in Figs. 1 and 2. The formation of oxidized As and oxidized Ga species in Figs. 1 and 2 is ac companied by a parallel decrease of the core emission from the Vb-As and Yb-Ga reacted phases at the interface. This suggests that the observed enhanced As and Ga oxidation rates is related to the presence of the Vb-As and Yb-Ga reac tion products at the interface, and that oxidation takes place either through the decomposition of such products or through the formation of ternary oxides. Abbati et al.26 have proposed that the enhancement of the Si oxidation rate in the presence of several transition and near-noble metal overlayers is related to the dynamic de composition of semiconductor Imetal interface reaction products. Such species would exhibit a higher affinity for oxygen than the elemental semiconductor, due to the metal lic density of states at the EF which favors chemisorption Chang etal. 4287 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:42:59processes, and because of the "broken" sp' hybridization of the semiconductor atoms.2 1> The metal/semiconductor phases would decompose in the presence of oxygen, releas ing semiconductor atoms for oxide formation. The metal atoms \vOltld recombine with new semiconductor atoms, further disrupting the semiconductor substrate in an oxida tion-induced dynamic process. The model of Abbati et al.26 can, in principle, be ex tended to a number of GaAs/metal systems because of the similarity of the electronic structure of arsenide and silicide phases 27.28 and because of the expected high affinity for oxy gen of the overlayer-Ga intermetallics. In the case of GaAs ( 110) -Vb, a decomposition of the semiconductor metal interface reaction products upon oxidation is consis tent with the results of Figs. 1-3. However, the dynamic character of the decomposition is ruled out by three main observations. First, the characteristic Yb-As and Yb-Ga core features in Figs. I and 2 are irreversibly removed upon oxidation. A dynamic decomposition should correspond to a steady-state concentration of Vb-As and Yb-Ga phases be low the oxidized layer, while we observe a rapid attenuation of the characteristic Vb-As and Yb-Ga spectral feature rela tive to the unoxidized As and Ga emission features. Second, the overlayer atoms appear fully oxidized following a IOJ L oxygen exposure (Fig. 3), so that they do not remain "pris tine,,20 to recombine with semiconductor atoms. Third, we observe no subst;mtial change in the relative intensities of the Vb, As, and Ga core emission upon oxidation. This rules out drastic rearrangements of the atomic concentration profile in the direction normal to the interface, and suggests that Yb remains near the over layer surface rather than forming a steady-state semiconductor-metal reacted layer below the oxide. ,', We conclude that oxidation promotion in the case of GaAs/Yb-O, may be related to the decomposition of semi conductor-metal interface reaction products, but that such a decomposition is certainly not dynamic in the sense of Ref. 26. We speculate that the thermodynamics of this system favors location of the metal atoms at the surface-vacuum interface (in analogy with a number ofSi/metal-oxygen sys tems involving low e1ectronegativity metals"'-" rather than at the semiconductor-oxide interface, as in the case of several Si/transition metal-oxygen and noble metal-oxygen sys tems. ,,, The role of rare-earth valence in determining the over layer oxidation promotion activity can be examined by comparing results for Yb and Sm overlayers. On Si ( III ) we have observed little promotion activity at low Sm coverage ( < 1 ML). when a Sm:' + overlayer is present at the surface. On the other hand, the presence of interface reaction prod ucts involving Sm' + species at coverages > 1 ML yields large oxidation promotion effects.' On GaAs( 110), we ob served that Sm' + ({j < 0.3 ML) and mixed valent Sm species ({i> 0.3 ML) appear to promote the formation of different types of oxidized-As phases. ' In Figs. 4 and 5 we directly compare results for the GaAs/Yb-O:, and GaAs/Sm-O:,. 12 We show results for the As 3d emission at hv = 85 eV for Yb overlayers (topmost section) and Sm overlayers (bottom-most section) of simi lar thickness (0.3 ML in Fig. 4 and 1.4 ML in Fig. 5) after 4288 J. App!. Phys., Vol. 67, No.9, 1 May 1990 exposure to 103 L of oxygen. The coverage of 0.3 ML in Fig. 4 corresponds to a mostly divalent state ofSm at the inter face, while the coverage of 1.4 ML in Fig. 5 corresponds to a Sm" + ISm' I mixed valent state. Yb overlayers include only divalent atoms at all coverages prior to oxidation (see Fig. 3) . The experimental data in Figs. 4 and 5 (solid circles) are shown in arbitrary units, together with the results of a fit (solid line) in terms of up to four As 3d components. Each component was taken as a 3d doublet including two spin split subcomponents, with spin-orbit splitting and branching ratio fixed at the values obtained from the free GaAs( 110) EDCs prior to metal deposition and oxidation. Each 3d sub component was approximated with a Lorentzian function convoluted with a Gaussian function. The Lorentzian full width at half maximum (FWHM) was also fixed at the pris tine GaAs (110) value.11 A least-squares fitting procedure was used to determine energy position, intensity, and Gaus sian FWHM of the different As 3d subcomponents. A single Gaussian FWHM was used for all of the oxidized As sub components in Figs. 4 and 5.1>·'4 The individual As 3d doub lets resulting from the fitting procedure are also shown (dashed line) in Figs. 4 and 5. In the topmost sections of Figs. 4 and 5 we show with vertical bars I to 4 the position of the oxidized-As features observed by Landgren et al. K.'J dur ing oxidation ofGaAs, and associated by these authors with As atoms coordinated with I to 4 oxygen atoms, respective ly. Unfortunately, an analogous study could not be per formed in the case of the Ga 3d core levels for which the different oxidized components are too closely spaced in ener gy, and oxidized and unoxidized features are partiaIIy super imposed to the complex, coverage-dependent Sm 5p line shape. I The results of the fits in Figs. 4 and 5 show several simi larities in the effect ofSm and Yb overlayers. In Fig. 4 diva lent Sm promotes the formation of oxidized As 3d features at 0.65 ± 0.05 and 2.8 ± 0.05 eV (bottom-most section), while the main emission feature at -0.55 ± 0.05 eV corresponds to unoxidized As emission. The corresponding result for Yb (topmost section) yields oxidized As 3d features at 0.55 ± 0.05 and 2.7 ± 0.05 eV, with relative amplitudes sim ilar to those observed for Sm. The presence of at least two oxidized As 3d features indicates the coexistence of relative ly low and relatively high oxidation states for As (vertical bars 1-4) within inhomogeneous oxidation reaction prod ucts. In Fig. 5 the fitting procedure in the case of mixed-va lent Sm overlayers (bottom-most section) yields oxidized As 3d components at 0.5 ± 0.1, 1.9 ± 0.1, and 2.7 ± 0.1 eV, and a feature corresponding to emission from unoxidized As at -0.5 ± 0.1 eV. In the presence of Yb"+ (topmost sec tion), exposure to 10' L of oxygen yields oxidized As 3d features at 0.6 ± 0.1, 1.9 ± 0.1, and 2.8 ± 0.1 eV, with the main As substrate emission at a relative binding energy of -0.5 ± 0.1 eV. In Figs. 4 and 5 we note that binding ener gies and relative intensities of the oxidized As 3d features are compellingly similar in the case of Yb and Sm overlayers. The major difference appears to be a generally higher specif ic activity1) for oxidation promotion of Sm relative to Vb, Chang eta/. 4288 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:42:59possibly related to higher interface reactivity of Sm. 36 A comparison of the results of Figs. 4 and 5 indicates that at low metal coverage the reaction products involve mostly high and low As oxidation states, while at coverages above 1 ML an additional product involving an intermediate oxidation state for As is detected. Without kinetic data it is not possible at this time to determine if this additional oxida tion state corresponds to an arsenate phase or to a substoi chiometric binary oxide which appears when the oxidation reaction becomes diffusion limited. We emphasize, in any case, that a compellingly similar behavior is observed in the presence of Sm and Yb overlayers, suggesting that the for mation of different oxidation products in the presence of Sm2 + versus mixed valent Sm species I is not the result of the rare-earth valence transition, but rather a consequence of the coverage dependence of the composition of the semiconduc tor/metal interface reaction products. The properties of these interface reaction products determine the oxidation enhancement effect. We suggest that the rare-earth valence has a relatively small role in determining the oxidation promotion activity of rare-earth overlayers on GaAs, and that the activity de pends, instead, on the oxygen-induced irreversible decompo sition of arsenidelike species and overlayer-Ga intermetal lics formed at the interface upon metal deposition. IV. CONCLUSION Thin Yb overlayers promote the oxidation of As and Ga at the GaAs( 110) surface during room temperature low pressure reaction with oxygen (103 L). The reaction prod ucts involve several nonequivalent oxidation states for As and Ga atoms. Oxygen-induced decomposition of the arsen idelike species and overlayer-Ga intermetallics present at the GaAs/rare-earth interface is consistent with the observed behavior, but contrary to the case of transition and near noble metal on Si the decomposition is not a self-sustaining dynamic process, at least under the reactions conditions ex amined. Comparison of results for Sm and Yb overlayers on GaAs( 110) indicates that the two rare earths promote the formation of compellingly similar oxidation reaction prod ucts, regardless of their different initial valence prior to oxy gen exposure. We suggest, therefore, that the rare-earth va lence has a limited effect on the microscopic mechanisms which determine the oxidation promotion activity of the overlayer. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by ONR under Grant Nos. NOOO14-84-K-0545 and NOOO14-89-J-1407, and by the Center for Interfacial Engineering of the University of Min nesota. We thank the whole staff of the Synchrotron Radi ation Center of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, sup ported by the National Science Foundation, for their cheerful assistance. 's. Chang. P. Philip, A. Wall, A. Raisanen, and A. Franciosi, Phys. Rev. B 35,3013 (1987). 'G. Margaritondo and A. Franciosi, Ann. Rev. Mater. Sci. 14,67 ( 1(84). 4289 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.9, 1 May 1990 'See, for example, L. J. Brillson, Surf. Sci. Rep. 2. 123 (1982). 4J. Nogami, M. D. Williams. T. Kendelewicz. I. Lindau. and W. E. Spicer. J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A 4.808 (1986). 'J. Schmidt-May, F. Gerken, R. Nyholm. and L. e. Davis, Phys. Rev. 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For example, work function values of 3.75 and 5.1 eV have been reported for elemental As II and no work func tion value is available for As,OJ' Ifwe use the work function values for As and GaAs, and the results ofSu et 01. (see Ref. II) to estimate the As 3d chemical shift due to As,OJ formation on GaAs, we obtain values of2.9 or 4.25 eV, depending on which work function value we employ for As. Be. Raisin and R. Pinchaux, Solid State Commun. 16,941 (1975) obtained a value of 3.75 eV for the work function of elemental As from photoelec tric measurements. H. B. Michaelson. J. A ppl. Phys. 48, 4729 ( 1977) pre dicted instead a value of 5.2 eV based on the systematics of the work func tion in the periodic table, and concluded that the value reported by Raisin and Pinchaux was sharply in contrast with the expected variation of the work function with atomic number Z. The value of 5.2 eV proposed by Michaelson is actually similar to the value of 5.1 eV reported earlier by R. Schulze, Z. Phys. 92. 212 ( 1934). I.p. E. Eastman, T.-e. Chiang, P. Heimann, and F. J. Himpsel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 656 ( 1980). "M. Grioni, J. J. Joyce, and J. H. Weaver, Phys. Rev. B 32, 962 (1985). IhM. Grioni, M. del Giudice, J. J. Joyce, and I.H. Weaver, 1. Vac. Sci. Tech nol. A 3. 907 (1985). 17M. H. Hecht, A. J. Viesca;" I. Lindau. J. W. Allen, and L. I. Johans,on. J. Electron Spectrosc. Rdat. Phenom. 34, 343 (1984). '"G. Rossi and A. Barski. Phys. Rev. B 33,5492 (1985). "'s. F. Alvarado, M. Campagna, and W. Gudat, J. Electron Spectro,c. Re lat. Phenom. 18,43 (1980). "'e. Y. Su, P. R. Skeath, I. Lindau, and W. E. Spicer, Surf. Sci. 118, 248 (1982). observed a shift of2.2 eV of the Ga 3d core levels during oxidation of metallic Ga and associated the shift to the formation ofGa,O,. If one takes account of the changes in band bending and refers the bi~ding ener gies to a common vacuum level (Refs. 10 and II). the position of [he Ga 3d line in Ga,O, should he dose to the position of vertical bars 3 and 4 in Fig.2. "L. Ley and M. Cardona, Pha/aemissian in Solid II. Topics in Applied Physics, Vol. 27 (Springer. New York, 1979). "See A. Franciosi, J. H. Weaver, P. Perfetti. A. D. Katnani, and G. Mar garitondo, Solid State Commun. 47, 427 (1983), and references therein. "G. Crecelius, G. K. Wertheim. and D. N. E. Buchanan. Phys. Rev. B IS, 6519 (1978). 24The higher intensity of the surface-related component relative to the bulk component in the results of Fig. 2 (Yb 5p) vs Fig. 3 (Yb 4]) may be attrib uted to the higher surface sensitivity of the Yb 5p results. Photoemission results for Yb films in Refs. 17 and 19, in 1. Lindau and W. E. Spicer, J. Electron. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 3, 409(1974), and in F. Gerken, J. Barth, R. Kammerer, L. I. Johansson, and A. Flodstrom, Surf. Sci. 117, 468 (1982), indicate that the minimum photoelectron escape depth oc curs at electron kinetic energies between 5 and 40 eV. For a photon energy of60eV, the kinetic energiesofthe 5pand 4fphotoelectrons are 25-30 and 52-56 eV, respectively. Thus, the surface-to-bulk intensity ratio should be higher for the 5p cores than for the 4/ c(}r~ at .. "';"."",. ... ,,'-"' .. \ ... , p"""'= == gy. "S. Chang and A. Franciosi (unpuhlished). See also Ref. 4. 'hI. Abbati, G. Rossi. L. Calliari. L. Braicovich, I. Lindau. and W. E. Spicer, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. 21,409 (1982). "A. Franciosi, S. Chang. P. Philip, e. Caprile, and J. Joyce. J. Val'. Sci. Chang eta/. 4289 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:42:59Technol. A3. 933 (1985). '" A. Franciosi. P. Philip, S. Chang. A. Wall. A. Raisanen. N. Troullier, and P. Soukiassian, in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, edited by 0. Engstrom (World SCIentific, Sin gapore. 1987), p. 141. '" A. Franciosi, P. wl.l.ld".sian, P. Philip, S. Chang, A. Wall, A. Raisanen. and N. Troullier, Phy •. Rev. B 35, 910 (1987). JOp. Soukiass.i?"" M. H. Bakshi, Z. Hurych, and T. M. Gentle, Phys. Rev. B 35,4176 (1987); P. Soukiassian. T. M. Gentle, M. H. Bakshi, and Z. Hur ych, J. App!. Phys. 60, 4339 (1986). 31E. M. Oellig, E. G. Michel, M. C. Asensio, and R. Miranda, Appl. Phys. Lett. 50, 1660 (1987), and references therein. "No results are yet available for Sit III )/Yb-O" so that an analogous com parison of the effect of Si and Yb overlayers on the oxidation of Si is not possible at this time. "The fit for the pristine GaAs( 110) surface yields a bulk As 3d doublet and a surface-related doublet shifted by 0.43 eV relative to each other. The 4290 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, NO.9, 1 May 1990 values of this parameter, and all other fitting parameters obtained from the fit, were in good quantitative agreement with the literature. See, for example, Ref. 14. '·The Gaussian FWHM reflects the instrumental energy resolution and possible disorder-induced broadening. The assumption of a constant Gaussian FWHM for all of the oxidized subcomponents is therefore not strictly justified a priori. However, such an assumption was required to limit the number of fitting parameters, and yielded satisfactory fits, with quantitatively consistent values of the fitting parameters as function of exposure and photon energy. J5 As a rough measure of the specific activity we take the overall intensity of the oxidized core features normalized to the metal coverage. '''The GaAs/Sm interface (see Ref. 7) exhibits larger disruption and higher interdiffusion than GaAs/Yb (see Ref. 4). A. Fujimori, M. Grioni, and J. H. Weaver, Phys. Rev. B 33,726 (1986) calculated the heats of reaction for GaAs/rare-earth interfaces. They report values of --56 kcallmol for trivalent rare earths and --46 kcallmol for divalent rare earths. Chang etal. 4290 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:42:59
Effects of surface hydrogen on the air oxidation at room temperature of HF treated Si(100) surfaces N. Hirashita, M. Kinoshita, I. Aikawa, and T. Ajioka Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 451 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.102762 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.102762 View Table of Contents: http://apl.aip.org/resource/1/APPLAB/v56/i5 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Additional information on Appl. Phys. Lett. Journal Homepage: http://apl.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://apl.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://apl.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://apl.aip.org/authors Downloaded 10 Jun 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://apl.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsEffects of surface hydrogen on the air oxidation at room temperature of HF",treated SI(100) surfaces N. Hirashita, M. Kinoshita, I. Aikawa, and T Ajioka Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd., VLSI Research and Development Laboratory, Higashi-asakawa, Hachioji, Tokyo 193, Japan (Received 1 September 1989; accepted for publication 20 November 1989) Thermally stimulated desorption and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were used to study the air oxidation at room temperature ofHF-treated Si( 100) surfaces. The desorption results indicated an appreciable density of hydrogen at the surface. Air oxidation experiments with predesorbing surface hydrogen were carried out and an obtained linear relationship between the amount of H2 desorption and oxidation indicated that the oxidation was allowed by Hz desorption. The surface hydrogen was also found to be stable in air at room temperature and to contribute to a retardation in air oxidation of the surface. As the dimensions of integrated circuits are progressive ly reduced in the submicron regime, the presence of native oxide greatly influences device fabrication processes. A re tardation in Si oxidation rate in air at room temperature has been reported for the HF-treated Si surface. 1,2 This was spe culated to be due to chemical species terminating the Si dan gling bonds. Multiple internal reflection infrared measure ments showed the presence of Si H bonds on the HF-treated Si surface at about a monolayer density.3A An appreciable density of fluorine with a monolayer at the sur face was observed by both ion scattering spectroscopy and x ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).5 The existence ofa large amount of Si-CH2 in addition to Si-H and Si--O was also reported for the surface. I Takahagi et aU recently examined the Si surface prepared by an ultraviolet cleaning followed by HF dipping with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and ultraviolet photoelectron spec troscopy, They reported the hydrogen termination of an or der of a monolayer and its passivation effect against the room-temperature oxidation of the surface. However, the presence of Si-F, Si-OR, and nonbonding hydrocarbons was also indicated by the XPS measurements. It is still not clear which chemical species dominate the air oxidation at room temperature fer the HF-treated Si surface. We have investigated oxidation kinetics of HF-treated SiC 100) surface in air at room temperature using XPS and thermally stimulated desorption (TSD) measurements. An appreciable density of hydrogen at the surface was con firmed by a series of TSD studies. Surface kinetics of the hydrogen is described to be connected with air oxidation. XPS measurements were performed using a VG ESCALAB-5 spectrometer equipped with a hemispherical analyzer and a 600 W Mg K" x~ray source (1253.6 eV). The analysis chamber pressure was in the 10 -10 Torr range and the detector was placed at the surface normal direction. For measuring the Si2p spectra, the spectrometer was operated in a high~resolution mode using a path energy of 10 eV, which provided the fun width at half maximum of 0.9 e V for the Ag3d 5/2 peak. Desorption experiments were carried out by the TSD apparatus equipped with quadrupole mass spec trometer. The chamber was evacuated with a 300 {Is turbo molecular pump and it reached pressures on the order of 7X 10-8 Torr without baking. Samples were externally heated with an infrared radiation lamp, which was able to precisely control linear heating and cooling rates between 0.1 and 5°/s without significant increases in the background. In this work the linear heating rate of2°/s was used to avoid the effect of readsorption and background increases. (, Commercially available polished CZ(100) wafers (p type, 3.25-4.25 n em) were used in the present experiment. The wafers were chemically cleaned by a conventional HzS04/H20z solution and immersed in a 5% aqueous HF solution, typically for 20 s, to remove chemical oxide formed by the previous chemical cleaning. Subsequently they were rinsed with de~ionized (Dl) water for 10 s and blown dry with N 2. Resistivity of the used D I water was over 18 MO em and its total organic contamination was < 20 ppb. The residual C, 0, and F were detected by XPS for the above HF-treated Si and ratios of each signal with respect to the Sizp intensity were < 0.25 for C, < 0.25 for 0, and < 0,03 for F. In desorption experiments for HF~treated Si surfaces, desorption associated with C and F was not observed for the highest temperature to 800°C. Only H2 desorption exhibit ed characteristic peaks in the TSD spectra, A series of Hz desorption spectra is shown in Fig. 1. An spectra, obtained from SiC 100) surfaces having different air exposure time after HF treatments and the HF-treated SiC 111) surface, show two binding states of f3 I and /3 2 ,as shown in Fig. 1. The maximum temperature of each desorption was 440·C for /3 2 and 500°C for /3 l states. Crude evaluation according to Redhead's ploe yielded binding energies of2.l eV for the {32 state and 2.3 eV for the/3 I states. Similar spectra8 have been observed for SiC 111) surfaces with a saturation cover age of hydrogen prepared by H exposure on the cleaved and annealed surface in an ultrahigh vacuum chamber. Gupta and co-workers ~ have recently studied hydrogen desorption kinetics on porous Si surface by FTIR measurements and mentioned thatp 2 andf31 states are second-order desorption kinetics and are attributed to the dihydride and monohy dride surface species, respectively. Therefore, the existence of both desorptions observed in this work indicates that the majority of the surface dangling bonds of the HF -treated Si are covered with hydrogen. The surface hydrogen is also found to be rather stable in air at room temperature, since the essentially same desorption is observed for samples ex- 451 AppL Phys, Lett 56 (5), 29 January 1990 0003-695,/90/050451-03$02.00 (0) 1990 American Institute of PhysiCS 451 Downloaded 10 Jun 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://apl.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions~ 400 u: N J: C'l !: :.e 200 o ~ C TSD H!Sil1(0) dT/dt=2?sec o h // 200 400 600 800 Temperature Cc) FIG. L H2 thermally stimulated desorption spectra from (a)-( c) HF treated 5i ( 100) surfaces and (d) (Ill) surface with the following pre para tion,:(a) just after the HF treatment, (b) after 2 days, (c) 14 days air expo sure at room temperature following the HF treatment, and (d) just after the HF treatment. posed to air at room temperature even for two weeks after HF treatments, as shown in Fig. 1, The surface hydrogen was partially removed by control ling the highest temperature Th during the TSD measure ment. Samples were cooled to < 60 cC using the same linear rate of 2°/s immediately after reaching the T", H2 desorp tion was observed for 1~, > 400 OC but not for < 400°C. In this sequence the pressure was < 3 X 10-7 Torr and read sorption of hydrogen was not observed after cooling down below 60 Pc. The samples were then loaded into the XPS ~ !: ::J >-... «l .... ..... :.0 ... ~ >- .~ fI"I r.: CI) ..... E, c: 0 ... .... ~ "aJ 0 .... 0 J: 0.. a) b) c) <I) 96 a)600"C b)500"C c)400'C d) !iF Treatment 98 100 102 104 Binding Energy (eV) FIG. 2. Si,p.1/2 photoelectron spectra ohtained from HF-treated Sir 100) surfaces with (a)--( c) predcsorbing surface hydrogen and air exposure and (d) the HF-trcated surface_ The surface hydrogen was partially prede sorbed by varying the highest temperature in TSD sequence_ The highest temperatures performed were Cal 400 'C, (b) SOO 'C. and (e) 600"C. 452 Appl. Phys_ Lett., Vol, 56, No. S. 29 January 1990 system and measurements were carried out. Typically, the air exposure time during the loading was < 1 min. Obtained Si2P spectra as well as the spectrum obtained from samples just after the HF treatment are shown in Fig. 2. In order to define the difference between the samples processed in var ious T", the secondary electron background was subtracted with a curve proportional to the integral of the spectrum and the spin-orbit doublet was removed by a decomposition with an energy separation and intensity ratio corresponding to the known spin-orbit-split components, For Til > 400°C, chemically shifted Si2P peaks resulting from the presence of the suboxide and Si02, 10,11 are observed but not for T" < 400 °C, as shown in Fig. 2. The arrows in Fig. 2 indicate the expected position for the SiZv312 peaks for Si with 1,2,3, and 4 oxygen ligands,lO The o~xide-induced Sizp peaks in crease with increasing Th, as shown in Fig. 2. A concomitant increase in 01s peak intensity was also observed with in creasing Th, The oxidation was observed only when Hz de sorption occurred for 1~, > 400°C. A relationship between H2 desorption and the above oxidation is quantitatively presented in Fig. 3. The amount of H2 desorption, evaluated from the area below desorption peaks, is plotted as a function of T;, in Fig, 3(a). The amount of H) desorption linearly increases with increasing T" for +-' c :::J >- .~ -e ~ '" OJ <i: -"" '" OJ c... r::: 0 '';:::; e-o en Q.) Cl "C W .C::: '" E 5 ;::: 200 / 100 ~ a 300 400 500 600 Ca) Highest Temperature("C) O.6~-----------~ 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 s· '0 I/"i,p ~ '2r\X"~ , 0.1~ a 0 100 200 (b) Desorption Peak Area(arbitrary unit) FIG. 3. (a) Amount of H, desorption, evaluated from the area under de sorption peaks, as a function of the highest temperature ofTSD measure ments. (b) Relationship between the normalized intensities of 0" lSi ': and Si,1' (Ox)/Si,1' and the amount ofH" desorption. Hirashita et ai 452 Downloaded 10 Jun 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://apl.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions> 400 cc. Normalized intensities of a,s peak and oxide-in duced Si2P components [Si2P (Ox) L evaluated by the area ratio to the Si2p peak from the Si substrate, are shown in Fig. 3 (b) as a function of the amount ofH2 desorption. The area of Si2P (Ox) was evaluated by subtracting the spectrum of the HF-treated Si. The normalized intensities of O's/Si2p and Si2p (Ox) ISi2p present a good linear relationship with the amount of H2 desorption. indicating that the surface hydrogen prohibits oxidation. Appreciable offset ofO,jSi2p at zero desorption is due to the hydroxy Is, since obtained O's peaks were located at 532.5 e V for T" > 400 cC and differen tiated by the hydroxyls of531.6 eV observed for T" < 400°C. Combining the evidence of no desorption associated with C and F, oxidation isjllst allowed by Hl desorption. The sur face hydrogen predominately limi.ts air oxidation at room temperature of the HF-treated Si surface but does not com pletely inhibit the air oxidation. The air oxidation was de tected by XPS measurements for the HF-treated Si exposed to air for> 12 h. The retardation in air oxidation rate was confirmed for the HF-treated Si to compare with samples whose surface hydrogen was removed by heating to 600"C with TSD apparatus. The present results suggest that the retardation in air oxidation rate is due to the hydrogen passi vation effect. 453 AppL Phys. Lett., Vol. 56, No.5, 29 January 1990 In summary, the HF treatment results in a signiik'<lnt amount of hydrogen terminating to the Si dangling bonds. Air oxidation experiments with predesorbing surface hydro gen reveal that the surface hydrogen restricts oxidation. The surface hydrogen is stable in air at room temperature and contributes to the retardation in air oxidation rate of HF treated Si surfaces. The authors would like to express their appreciation to S. Ushio for his advice and encouragement. IA. Licciardcllo, O. Puglisi, and S. Pignataro, App\. Phys. Lett. 48, 41 (1986). 2T. 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Electrical activity and structural evolution correlations in laser and thermally annealed Asimplanted Si specimens A. Parisini, A. Bourret, A. Armigliato, M. Servidori, S. Solmi, R. Fabbri, J. R. Regnard, and J. L. Allain Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 67, 2320 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.345527 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.345527 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/67/5?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Structural and electrical investigation of high temperature annealed As-implanted Si crystalsa) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 23, 1504 (2005); 10.1116/1.1990130 Rapid thermal annealing effects on blue luminescence of As-implanted GaN J. Appl. Phys. 92, 4129 (2002); 10.1063/1.1503160 Twostep rapid thermal annealing of B and Asimplanted polycrystalline silicon films J. Appl. Phys. 71, 273 (1992); 10.1063/1.350699 Infrared radiation annealing for extendeddefect reduction in Asimplanted Si crystals J. Appl. Phys. 56, 486 (1984); 10.1063/1.333936 Residual lattice damage in Asimplanted and annealed Si J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 13, 391 (1976); 10.1116/1.568927 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:52:33Electrical activity and structural evolution correlations in laser and thermally annealed As .. implanted SI specimens A Parisini CNR-Istituto LAMEL via de Castagnoli 1, 40126 Bologna, Italy A. Bourret Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, Departement de Recherche Fondamentale, Service de Physique, 85X-38041 Grenoble. France A. Armigliato, M. Servidori, S. Soimi, and R. Fabbri CNR-Istituto LAMEL via de Castagnoli, 40126 Bologna, Italy J. R. Regnard and J. L. Allain Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, Departement de Recherche Fondamentale, Service de Physique, 85X-38041 Grenoble, France (Received 5 September 1989; accepted for publication 3] October 1989) Laser-annealed and further thermally annealed arsenic implanted silicon specimens have been investigated in a range of doses from 1 X 1016 to 5 X 1016 As/cm2, with different experimental techniques: electrical measurements, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), double-crystal x-ray diffractometry (DCD), and extended x-ray absorption fine structure analysis (EXAFS). On the as laser-annealed samples, in the whole range of doses examined, a lattice contraction of the doped layer has been evidenced by DCD, whereas, on the same specimens, EXAFS measurements have shown the presence of a local expansion around substitutional As atoms. The relationship between strain and carrier concentration has been found to be approximately linear and can be described by the presence of a size and an electronic effect, as recently proposed in the literature. The former effect represents the atomic size contribution, while the latter is the strain induced by the variation of the conduction-band minima due to the doping. After a subsequent thermal annealing in a low-temperature range (350-550 °C), a strong deactivation of the dopant has been evidenced by electrical measurements. From the experimentai results, a new model of the first step of the As deactivation phenomenon at low temperature is proposed. It is described by the capture of two electrons from a pair of As atoms in the second neighbor position in the Si lattice, leading to the formation of a positively charged arsenic~vacancy cluster (As2 V) + , and to the emission of a negatively charged Si self interstitial I -. This model takes into account the main phenomena that are experimentally observed simultaneously to the As deactivation, i.e., the transition from a contraction to a dilatation of the strain observed by DCD and the formation of interstitial loops, At relatively high temperatures (650--900 °C), the hypothesis of the coexistence of the clusters and of the observed precipitates has to be taken into account in order to explain the nature of the inactive As. However, whether clustering or precipitation is the dominant phenomenon still remains an open question. I. INTRODUCTION The first studies on the behavior and properties of As in Si date back to the early sixties. As is wen known, during the last 30 years the technological demand for integrated elec tronics has led to the development of new preparation tech niques of heavily doped semiconductor (low-and high-ener gy ion implantation followed by rapid thermal annealing or laser annealing) and to a renewed interest for their struc tural characterization, \-3 Nevertheless, the behavior of As, when heavily implanted in Si, still remains a puzzling prob~ lem. Clustering+ 8 and precipitation 9-tJ are the main phe nomena proposed by several authors as conflicting hypoth eses to explain the As deactivation process, In particular, the precipitation has been proposed as the main phenomenon responsible for the inactive As on the basis of Refs. 10-12. This conclusion has been supported by the following: For example, it is known that laser annealing of heavily As~implanted Si specimens gives electrically active concen trations well above the equilibrium value, Nevertheless, further thermal annealing of these samples produces a strong deactivation of the dopant, i.e., these alloys are meta stable. ( 1) Thermodynamic considerations, to Le., analysis of the deactivation kinetics during isothermal and isochronal annealing; experimental evidence that equilibrium carrier concentration is insensitive to the total amount of dopant, but dependent on temperature only, and that a reverse an nealing occurs; (2) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) obser vations of As-related precipitates, 11 On the other hand, the results obtained from the more recent cluster models have shown that: ( 1) A saturation value for the carrier concentration is obtained if one considers, at the annealing temperature, the 2320 J. Appl. Phys. 67 (5). 1 March 1990 0021-8979/90/052320-13$03.00 @ 1990 American Institute of Physics 2320 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:52:33capture reaction of a negative charge from two or more sub stitutional As ions,8.13 This value is only slightly dependent on the total dopant concentration. (2) An As" V cluster is energetically favored over both substitutional isolated As and substitutional As4Si configu rations,14 Moreover, the experimentally observed discrepancy between the precipitated and inactive As fractions, II as well as the observation thai inactive As, unlike Band Sb, is mo bile during high-temperature annealing,15,16 induce to also consider the clustering mechanism as the responsible for a significant fraction of the inactive As. This situation leaves two main open questions that deserve a more accurate inves tigation: (1) the relationship between the electrical activity variations and the structural evolution of the metastable al loys; and (2) the possible coexistence of significant duster ing and precipitation phenomena in heavily doped Si sam ples. This work is an attempt to gain a deeper insight into these problems by using two additional techniques to ana lyze the same specimens investigated by transmission elec tron microscopy and electrical measurements. These tech niques, which have been only recently applied to these kinds of problems, are extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectrometry (EXAFS) and double-crystal x-ray ditfracto metry (DCD). In the foHowing, experimental results obtained on 1, 3, and 5 X 1016 As/cm2 implanted Si specimens after laser and thermal annealing in a temperature range 350--900·C are reported. In Sec. II the main features of the sample prepara tion techniques are reviewed and the experimental tech niques employed for their characterization briefly described. Section III is devoted to the presentation of the experimental results obtained on the as-laser annealed samples, whereas Sees. IV and V report the results of the thermal evolution of these samples at low and high temperatures, respectively. In Sec. VI, the results of Sec. III (as laser-annealed samples) are discussed in the con text of the Yokota's suggestion 17 that the strain in a semiconducting material results from both a size (Vegard's law) and an electronic effect (model of the deformation potentiaP!l). This latter approach has recently been adopted by Cargill et al. 19 to exp1ain the observed dis crepancy between EXAFS and DCD measurements on la ser-annealed As-implanted specimens, i,e., a local dilatation around As atoms and a global contraction of the laser an nealed implanted layer, respectively. In Sec. VII, a model of the first step of the As deactiva tion phenomenon is presented, according to the experimen tal results of Sec. IV (low-temperature annealed samples). Finally, a brief discussion of the presence of clustering and precipitation phenomena at high temperature is presented in Sec. VIII. II. EXPERIMENT {lao} Czochralski (CZ) p-type silicon wafers have been implanted with arsenic at an energy of 100 keV and at fluences of 1,3, and 5 X 1016 As/cm2. Laser annealings have been carried out at the implanted doses of 1 and 5 X 1016 As/cm2 with a Q-switched pulsed ruby laser, whereas a 232"1 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.5, 1 March 1990 Xe-Cl exdmer laser has been employed to also anneal the 3 X 10]6 As/ cm2 implanted Si wafers. As will be seen, slight differences in the experimental results obtained with the two lasers do not affect the main conclusions of this work. For ruby laser annealings a quartz wave guide has been employed to obtain a uniform light spot of a diameter of 16 mm, while for the Xe-Cl excimer laser a fast scanning of a square light spot of 16 mm2 has been permitted to cover the whole area of the samples, with a 10% superposition between adjacent spots. Both these types oflaser annealings have been performed in air with an energy density of 1.9 J/cm2• Thermal annealings have been performed in an N2 atmosphere in a range of temperatures from 350 up to 900 "C. TEM observations have been carried out by a lEOL 200 CX electron microscope operating at 200 keY. The weak beam (WB), and high resolution electron microscopy, (HREM), modes have been employed on ion milled cross section and chemically etched plan-view specimens. In the HREM mode, the point-to-point resolution was of about 0.25 nm at 200 ke Vo Carrier concentration and mobiiity have been obtained from resistivity and Hall effect measurements using a van der Pauw geometry. As to the DeD measurements, a paranel (n, -n) dou ble-crystal configuration has been used. The 400 reflection has been employed, with the eu Ka 1 radiation, for the mon ochromator and the specimen. To minimize the effects caused by the specimen bending (see Sec, HI), O.6-mm thick specimens have been used. Finally, electron yield EXAFS measurements have been performed at the synchrotron facility of LURE (Paris) us ing a Si {331} channel cut monochromator and a detector developed by Tourillon et alo20 Auger and secondary elec trons emitted following the core-hole relaxation ionize a he lium atmosphere (multiplication factor of about 50). The electron flow is then detected as a function ofthe incident x ray energy. A specially designed rotating sample holder has also been used during the energy scan in order to significant ly reduce the contribution of Bragg peaks superimposed to the EXAFS signal. III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS: LASER ANNEALED SAMPLES The characterization of the supersaturated alloys ob tained directly after Xe-Cl excimer laser annealing of 1, 3, and 5 X 1016 As/cm2 implanted Si specimens has been car ried out with electrical measurements, TEM, DCD, and EX AFS. Electrical measurements indicate a complete electrical activation of the implanted dose up to the value of 3 X 1016 As/cm2, whereas the active As fraction is of about 80% at the dose of 5 X 1016 As/cm2, in agreement with previous measurements 10,12 obtained on ruby laser annealed Si speci mens implanted in the same range of As doses. It is well known that the strong As redisiribution, occurring duri.ng the liquid phase epitaxial recrystallization induced by laser annealing, gives rise to an approximately box-shaped As concentration profile. The extension in depth of the plateau region of the carrier concentration profiles is of about 150 Parisini et al. 2321 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:52:33nm for both Xe-Cl and ruby laser annealing operating at the same energy density of 1.9 J/cm2• In the whole range of doses examined, TEM observa tions have not revealed the presence of any extended defect and in this sense the epitaxial recrystallization can be consid ered as perfect. However, it is well known2! that the implant ed dopant atoms (as wen as the pointlike defects possibly present in this type of specimen) can lead to a strain in the laser annealed implanted layer. This strain is directed along the axis perpendicular to the specimen surface (61 = Ad j d1 ), the lattice continuity of the laser annealed implanted layer on the Si substrate having been, in the pres ent case, always confirmed by cross-sectional HREM obser vations. From DeD rocking curves, one gets information only on e1' whereas residual strain in the plane parallel to the specimen surface (ell = Ildlll d:! ), if any, can be determined by diffraction from lattice planes inclined with respect to the surface. As TEM observations exclude the presence of ex tended defects, and hence of misfit dislocations, Ell = O. However, a parallel mismatch between the surface and the depth position corresponding to the extinction length of x rays results from the bending of the wafer induced by the doped layer. If this mismatch were evaluated from the inves tigated samples by using the mechanical model reported in Ref. 22, one would verify that the parallel strain is of the order of 10-7, i.e., completely negligible. In the absence of <:11 ' the perpendicular lattice mismatch in the relaxed state, Aala, is obtained from the measured AdLldL by the for mula23 l1a ell I1d1 2C12 + elJ -;J;' (1) a representing the variation of the hydrostatic strain l1al a due to the lattice coherence of the laser-annealed implanted layer on the 8i substrate (crr and C12 are the Si elastic constants). Figure 1 shows the DCD rocking curves obtained on the 1, 3, and 5 X 1016 As/cm2 implanted Si specimens after Xe-Cl exdmer laser annealing. At the doses of 3 and 5 X 1016 7 t -r---,-- 6 r- 5 f ~o-.: 4 ~ $2 t 3. t-I 2f : ['~_J __ ~_~~_~ __ ~_~~_J -200 a 200 400 600 .1-8> (arcsec) FIG. l. DeD rocking curves (reflectivity R vs angular displacement t:.O) obtained on samples implanted with Ix 10'6 As/em -2 <triangles), 3><IO'6As/cm 2 (squares),and5X10'oAs/cm -0 (circles),afterXe-CI excimer laser annealing. The continuous curves represent the fits given by the simulation program. 2322 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.5, 1 March 1990 Asl ern 2, a satellite peak is clearly observed at ~e > 0 (A() being the angular distance between the satellite and the Si substrate peak) corresponding to a contraction of the laser annealed implanted layer, while at the lowest As dose no indication of the presence of a strained layer is directly ob tainable from the DCD rocking curve. As will be shown in Sec. V, the strain of this layer is mainly due to the presence of the substitutional As atoms, whose depth distribution after liquid-phase epitaxy is not uniform. For a nonuniform distribution of the dopant, the corresponding depth profile of the strain 61 can be obtained only by computer simulation of the neD rocking curves. The description of the computer code used to obtain the strain profiles has been published elsewhere.24 The comput ed strain profiles corresponding to the three doses examined have been superimposed in Fig. 2. The comparison of these strain profiles with SIMS25 and carner concentration pro files26 shows that the region of maximum strain (Ej > 5 X 10-4 up to a depth of about 150 nm) does correspond to the richest As region (N As;;' 1 X 1021 em -3). EXAFS measurements at As-K edge allow one to determine the local environment of the As atoms. In this work, the first neighbor As-Si distance d AsoSi , and the corresponding As coordination number, N, are reported. In the whole range of implanted doses, these experi ments have revealed that around As atoms the first neighbor shell is composed of Si atoms only, with N 2!t 4 and d A"Si = 2.41 ± 0.01 A, indicating a local expansion of 0.06 A with respect to the pure Si first neighbor distance dSi,gi = 2.35 A. These results agree with the EXAFS measure- -4 -3 --------, I f I I I ! i i I I I « I I 50 ---, I I , I I e ___ ... I I , 100 depth [nm] 150 FIG. 2. Computed depth profiles of the perpendicular strain fC[ deduced from the corresponding DeD rocking curves in Fig. 1. The heavy, the light. and the dashed lines refer to the doses of 1, 3, and 5 X 10'0 As/em -2, re spectively. Parisini et al. 2322 ••••••••• j ••.•..• [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:52:33ments of Erbil et al.27 obtained on Si specimens doped with 0.1,0.7 and 7 at. % As. Therefore, in terms of the first-order elasticity theory, one is facing the same apparent contradiction already re ported by Cargill et al.19; while EXAFS results reveal a local dilatation around substitutional As atoms, DCD measure ments indicate a global contraction ofthe laser annealed im planted layer. In Sec. V, it will be seen how these results can be explained. After laser annealing, post-thermal treatments of the su persaturated alloys of As in 8i results in the formation of extended defects and in a strong deactivation of the electri cally active As. II To study the As deactivation it is useful to anneal the supersaturated specimens in a wide range of tem peratures. However, to understand the deactivation mecha nism, the first step of the process, i.e., the onset of any agglo meration of As atoms, must be experimentaUy evidenced. This can be accomplished only at low temperatures, where the deactivation rate is reasonably slow. To this end, a tem perature range between 350 and 550·C has been chosen, as the deactivation occurs in this interval for experimentally accessible annealing times (Sec. IV). Conversely, the evolu tion of this situation towards the thermodynamical equilibri um can be better investigated in a higher-temperature range, between 650 and 900·C (Sec. V). IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS: lOW· TEMPERATURE THERMAL EVOLUTION (35(}-550 ·C) In the temperature range 350-550 ·C, the thermal evo lution of laser annealed samples has been followed on 1, 3, and 5 X 1016 As/cm2 implanted specimens by electrical mea surements, DCD, EXAFS, and TEM. A. Electrical measurements The deactivation process is tirst foHowed by isothermal annealing in a temperature range 350-550 °C, at the interme diate implanted dose of 3 X 1016 As/cm2• The a, b, and c curves of Fig. 3 represent the isothermal evolution of the sheet carrier concentration for the Xe-CI laser-annealed 3 X 1016 As/cm2 implanted specimens at the temperatures of 3 ----.--------~-T------.----I--~ 3 x 10'6 As/cm2 J C\I 'E 2 ·350 'C .. 375 ·C .400 ·C -I -~ ~ 1 - J o t ____ ~_~L ___ ~~ ___ L-j o 5 10 15 20 t [h] FIG. 3. Isothermal evolution of the sheet carrier concentration for Xe-CI excimer laser annealed 3 X }O'6 As/em -2 implanted specimens, at the tem peratures of 350, 375, and 400·C. 2323 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.5, 1 March 1990 350,375, and 400 ·C, respectively. From this figure, one can see, as just pointed out in Sec. III, that a complete electrical activation of the implanted dopant has been obtained after laser annealing. Furthermore, two samples annealed at 350 ec for 42 h and at 4oo·C for 21 h have been subsequently annealed at 450·C for 15 min. After this second anneal, a further de crease of the sheet carrier concentration of about 5% is ob served, in both cases, with no evidence of a reverse anneal ing. On the contrary, the occurrence of this phenomenon should be evidence ofthe presence of As precipitation. Elec trical measurements have shown that the As deactivation is more rapid the higher the implanted dose. In fact, for a ther mal annealing at 450 ·C for 4 h, an inactive As fraction of about 60% and 90% for the lowest and highest doses, re spectively, is observed, It is worthwhile to note that these strong deactivation phenomena occur in a range of tempera tures (350-550 ·C) where no evidence of As diffusion has been detected by SIMS analysis.25 B. OeD measurements The samples implanted at 3 X 1016 As/cm2 and isother mally annealed at 350"C have also been characterized by DeD measurements. Figures 4(a) and 4(b) represent the computed strain profiles obtained on these specimens from the corresponding DCD rocking curves, showing that im portant structural modifications take place at this annealing temperature. In particular, these profiles reveal the evolu tion by which the contraction observed after laser annealing is transformed into a dilatation. The main features of this evolution are as follows: [ <I) iii -4 --, --laser annealed ·1 -3 ~.-} -----"+ 350°C, 10mln -1 -2 ---,,+ 350·C,20min . CONTRACTION ~ t-------<-<::;;~--~ -~---J 0.;-1 _. ______________________________ j (Y) Q_7~kd :=:l 1 --Iaser+ 350 "C,40min -6 -: -----.: .350°C,80min 1 :; i I -'350,"840m,"] :~ J~-L~ _____ L_ CONTRACTION j ,----( o --------i"-- -+-----1-=_-;;;._~-;,i.:~-.:-- .... -t..~~~ i.. -_j , __ I !--; -DILATATION __________ .1 ___________ ~ ____ _ o 100 200 Z fnmJ FIG. 4. Computed depth profiles of the perpendicular strain E, obtained from DCD measurements performed on Xe-CI laser-annealed 3 X 1016 As/em -2 implanted specimens, isoth::rmally treated at 350 'c. For sake of clarity the figure has been split up into two parts, the annealing times rang ing from 0 to 20 min in (a) and from 40 to 640 min in (b). Note in (b) the transition from a contraction to a dilatation of the doped layer. Parisini et al. 2323 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:52:33-5~ -4 -3 -2 "'~ 1 L 'b-J --laser annealed I ----- ,,+ 450·C 4 h ] ---. .. + 550·C:lh . .... 0 ""-'-=-'-=--=--=->-11 ---t-~- __ ,~ ... f~~r -- ~l, _.J __ "'!to.l~ ______ ,... ... _, •• £d-[-,J, i 2 DILATATION r-'-'; 3 i.'-'L._._._._._.j --L.. ____ . __ -'--_ o 100 200 Z [nmJ FIG. 5. Computed depth profiles of the perpendicular strain /', obtained from DCD measurements performed on ruby-laser-annealed 5 X 10 1(. As/cm' 2 implanted specimens, thermally annealed at 450 and 550'C. The profile obtained on the as laser-annealed sample is also reported for com parison. Note that a complete recovery of the negative strain occurs at the higher temperature. (1) After annealing at 350·C for 10 and 20 min (see Fig. 4( a) J, the maxim um of the strain profile observed in the laser annealed specimen decreases by about 20% and a strain peak forms at the surface. (2) The strain value of this peak increases considerably after 40 min of annealing [Fig. 4(b)], while only minor var iations are observed in the tail region of the profile for this annealing time. (3) A region of small positive (dilatation) strain is ob served after 80 min annealing, starting from about 110 urn from the surface. In the specimen annealed for 640 min, this positive strain increases considerably and moves towards the specimen surface where the negative strain is strongly de creased. A confirmation of the occurrence of the reversal of the strain sign on annealing has been obtained in the tempera ture range 450-550·C by DeD measurements on 1 X lOll> and 5 X lOU> As/cm2 implanted Si specimens. The computed strain profiles obtained at this latter dose, on the ruby laser annealed specimen and on the ones subsequently annealed at the temperatures of 450 and 550 ·e, are shown in Fig. 5. At 450 ·C a residual negative strain is observed in a 40-nm-wide surface layer, while a complete recovery of the negative strain is detected after the thermal treatment at 550 ·C. From Figs. 4 and 5, it is possible to conclude that the transi tion from a contraction to a dilatation of the laser-annealed implanted layer starts from the tail of the observed strain profiles, the positive strain region tending to move towards the specimen surface on further annealing. TABLE I. EXAFS values of d""" and N for 3 X lOl" As/cm2 samples. d",,, (A) N Sample (± 0.01 A) :i: (10-7-20%) Laser 2.41 4 Laser + 350"C 40 min 2.41 2.9 Laser + 350 "C 640 min 2.38 2.7 2324 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.5, i March 1990 c b a i 100 ! 200 850t , 300 Z(nm) .. FIG. 6. WB cross-s<.'Ction TEM micrographs of ruby-laser-annealed I X J 016 As/em -2 implanted specimens, subsequently heat treated at 550°C for 3 h (a), at 650 'C for 2 h (b), and at 850 'C for 30 min (e). C. EXAFS measurements First neighbor As-Si distances and As coordination numbers obtained by EXAFS measurements28 on the 3 X 1016 As/cm2 implanted specimens annealed at 350·C for 40 and 640 min are reported in Table I and compared with the values obtained from the laser-annealed samples. From this table, it is observed that while no variation of d As:Si is detected after 40 min of annealing, the longest annealing time reduces this distance to the value of2.38 A, characteris tic of the monoclinic SiAs compound,z9 Concerning the As coordination number, as soon as the specimens are submit ted to the first thermal annealing, it is observed a decrease by one (1'1 ~ 3) of the val ue obtained on the laser -annealed sam pIe (the accuracy of the N value ranges from 10% to 20% ) . At the implanted dose of5 X 1016 As/cm2, EXAFS mea surements on the specimens annealed at 450 and 550 ·C have yielded a value of dA;Si = 2.39 ± 0.01 A and an As coordi nation number N ~ 3, confirming the behavior already ob served for the isothermal treatments at the dose of.3 X 1016 As/cm2. D. TEM observations In the low-temperature range considered, the presence of extended defects has been revealed by TEM observations. as shown in the WB images of Figs. 6(a) and 7 (a), for the doses of 1 X 1016 and 5 X 1016 As/cm2, respectively. At both these doses, small {113} interstitial loops begin to appear in Parisini et ai 2324 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:52:33d c b a I 100 i 200 I 300 Z(nm) " FIG. 7. WB cross-section TEM micrographs of ruby-laser-annealed 5 X 10"6 As/em -2 implanted specimens, subsequently heat treated at 450 'C for 4 h (a), a\ 550 'C for 3 h (b), at 650"C for 2 h (c), and at 750 'C for 1 h (d). a layer centered at about 150 nm from the specimen surface, i.e., beyond the plateau region of the As SIMS profile.25 V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS: HIGH-TEMPERATURE THERMAL EVOLUTION (650-900 "e) In the temperature range 650-900 "C, the thermal evo lution of ruby laser-annealed samples has been followed by 1 X 10\6 and 5 X 1016 As/cm2 implanted specimens by elec trical measurements, DCD and TEM. A. Electrical measurements Isothermal electrical measurements have been per formed at 900 °C on ruby laser-annealed 1 X 1016 As/cm2 implanted Si specimen. As shown in Fig. 8, an initial very rapid decrease of the carrier concentration (for an annealing time of 3 s, an inactive As fraction of about 40% is observed, corresponding to a reduction of the carrier concentration from 1 X 1021 to 4 X 1020 em·· 3) is followed by a much smaller 20% decrease up to an annealing time of 30 min. The carrier concentration for this latter time (2X 1020 em -3 ) corresponds to the equilibrium value of the active As con centration at this temperature.9,W,12 In spite of the lack of experimental points below 3 s, the behavior of Fig. 8 seems to indicate that the As deactivation occurs in two steps.26 In the temperature range 650-900 ·C, due to the rapidity of the process, it is possible to follow only the second step of the deactivation phenomenon, in which the carrier concentration slowly decreases up to the equilib rium value. 2325 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.5, 1 March 1990 (\J , E .£ z (0 "0 ... 10 as laser annealed 0.8 0.6 t 04 ~ I Ln 0 I 1_1016 As/cm2 T = 900 ·C 101 102 teft [sec] 103 FIG. 8. Isothermal evoluti()n of the sheet carrier concentration for ruby hIser-annealed I X 1016 As/em -2 implanted specimens, at a temperature of 900'C. B. TEM observations For the doses 1 X 1016 and 5 X 1016 As/cm\ a prelimi nary TEM analysis of the defects present in ruby laser-an nealed specimens thermally annealed from 450 up to 900 °C has been previously reported,25 For the purposes of this work, the results of this electron microscopy analysis per formed in the WB and HREM modes can be summarized as follows: (1) At the dose of 1 X 1016 As/cm2, two types of defects are observed, i.e., perfect and faulted interstitial loops and As-related precipitates. (2) The concentration of the Si self-interstitiais bound ed by loops, Co reaches its maximum value at the tempera ture 0[750 "C, where C[ ;::;6X 1019 em -3. (3) At both the doses considered, a low density of very sman As-related precipitates (about 2 nm in diameter) is visible only in specimens annealed at relatively high tem perature (;;;. 850 "C). The observed precipitated As fraction does not explain the total inactive As. To complete this investigation further TEM observa tions have been performed on ruby laser annealed 5 X 1016 As/cm2 implanted specimen. As an example of the typical faulted loops observed at this As dose after thermal treat ment, one can see in Fig. 9 an HREM image of a {lIl} extrinsic Frank's loop. Further analysis has confirmed that all the observed loops can be identified as Si. self-interstitial aggregates, no evidence of an As segregation phenomenon at the defects being in fact observed. The thermal evolution of the depth distribution of these Parisini et al. 2325 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:52:33FIG. 9. HREM image of an interstitial Frank loop observed on the same specimen as in Fig. 7(d). defects is shown in the cross-sectional WB TEM images of Figs. 6 and 7 for the doses of 1 X 1016 and 5 X 1016 As/cm2, respectively. At the lower dose (Fig. 6) with increasing an nealing temperatures the loops tend to reach the specimen surface, which is actually attained after a 30-min annealing at 900 ·CY At the higher dose (Fig. 7) the specimen surface is reached by the loops already after a 3 h annealing at 550 ·C. C. DCD measurements DCD rocking curves have also been obtained on lXlOl6 and 5XI016 As/cm2 implanted Si specimen, an nealed in the temperature range 650-900 ·C. Nevertheless, at both doses, the strong diffuse scattering (Huang scatter ing) produced by the long-range strain field associated with the dislocation loops (see Figs. 6 and 7) does not anow a reliable simulation of the rocking curves obtained by double crystal diffraction. 30 Therefore, the nCD results relative to the samples annealed at high temperature are not reported. VI. DISCUSSION: LASER ANNEALED SAMPLES As shown in Sec. III, a global contraction has been found by DCD measurements on laser annealed samples im planted at doses of 1,3, and 5X 1016 As/cmz. The reasons why this negative strain can be attributed to the As atoms can be summarized as follows: ( 1) A quite good agreement is found between the ob- 2326 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.5, 1 March 1990 served negative strain distribution and the SIMS and carrier concentration profiles.25,26 (2) Carbon atoms, possibly present in the specimens as the result of a contamination effect during the implantation process, could equally well give rise to a contraction of the laser-annealed implanted layer. Nevertheless, it is known that these atoms are very stable on the Si lattice up to anneal ing temperatures of about 900 ·C.31 The strong variations of the computed strain profiles observed at the annealing tem perature of 350°C (see Fig. 4) anow one to rule out this hypothesis. (3) The presence of vacancies, caused by an imperfect liquid-phase epitaxial recrystallization, could also give rise to a contraction of the laser-annealed implanted layer. An estimate of the vacancy concentration necessary to produce all the observed negative strain gives values ranging from 1 X 1021 to 5x 1021 cm --3 over a 150 nm wide layer.26 The high degree of electrical activation measured on these speci mens makes such high vacancy concentrations quite unlike ly. On the other hand, x-ray diffractometry oflaser-annealed Sb-and Ga-implanted Si specimens has shown a global dila tation of the laser-annealed implanted layers.21,32 This dem onstrates that laser annealing does not give rise systematical ly to a contraction of this layer, indicating that one is really in presence of a dopant effect. From these remarks it descends that the observed strain distribution is mainly due to the As atoms, even if minor effects due to relatively low vacancy concentrations cannot be a priori excluded (see Sec, VII). Therefore, what remains to be explained is the discrepancy between the lacal dilata tion around As atoms, observed by EXAFS, and the global contraction evidenced by DCD on the same laser annealed samples. On the basis of the deformation potential model of Bar deen and Shockley, 18 Yokota17 suggested that in a semicon ducting material the hydrostatic strain Aa/ a, given by a car rier concentration lIT, can be decomposed into two contributions, namely Aa (/la) (tia) -= -. + -= (!3size +/3.)N, a o sIze ae (2) where for As in Si -= (3sizeNAs = ----, ( Ila) lIT As (or) \ a size CSt rSi (3) CSt' or/ r Si' and N As being the Si atomic density, the relative difference between the tetrahedral covalent radii of As and Si and the As concentration, respectively, and (4) where B is the Si bulk modulus and Ec is the Si deformation potential constant. 33 Expression (3) is the Vegard's law con tribution ( or atomic size factor) to the strain ~a/ a, whereas ( 4) represents the electronic contribution to Aa/ a , i.e., the hydrostatic strain induced by the variation of the conduc tion-band minima due to the doping. For As in Si, a positive contribution to !.ia/ a is expected from the atomic size factor. To comply with the experimen tally observed contraction of the laser-annealed implanted Parisini et al. 2326 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:52:33layer, the electronic contribution must be negative ({Je < 0 and E,. > 0) and represents the dominant contribution to fla/a. This argument has been used recently by Cargill et al.19 to explain the observed discrepancy between DCD and EX AFS measurements on a Nd:Y AG laser-annealed Si speci men implanted at a dose of 6 X 1016 As/cm2, and to give an experimental estimate of {J e and Ec. These authors have ob tained f3e = -(1.8 ± 0.4) X 10 -24 em3 and Ec = 3,3 ± O.7eV in qualitative agreement with the more re- cent theoretical estimations of these parameters.34,35 Nevertheless, it is important to stress than an experi mental confirmation of this hypothesis has to show that the strain tl.a/a varies linearly with the carrier concentration. Figure 10 reports the average strains, i.e., the values of the integrals of the computed strain profiles divided by their to~ tal width, as a function of the average active As concentra tion. Open and full triangles in this figure represent the aver age values of the tetragonal strain (b.d1/d1) and of the hydrostatic strain (tl.a/a), respectively [see (1) ]. From this figure, one sees that the negative strain increases on increas ing As concentration, The observed strain variation follows a law of the type < !1a/ a) 0: N x with 0.7 < x < 1.2, i.e., not far from linearity. Within the accuracy of the measurements, one can say that the observed strain variation as a function of the active As concentration is compatible with the deformation poten tial model on the basis of (2). From the slope of the straight -2.0 o L-______ ~ ______ _L_ _____ ~ __ ~ 012 10-21 N 3 FI G. 10. Average strains (Ad I d) (i.e., the integrals of the computed strain profiles divided by their total widths) obtained from the strain profiles shown in Fig. 2, as a function of the correspondi.ng sheet carrier concentra tions. Open and full triangles represent the average perpendicular strain {t:.d,ldj) and the hydrostatic strain (Aa/a), respectively. 2327 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67. No.5, 1 March 1990 line representing < !1a/ a) in Fig. 10, {3 exp = f3 As + {3 e = -(0.5 ± 0.2) X 10-24 eml is obtained. To obtain a val ue of f3c one has to evaluate the atomic size parameter !3si,.e, i.e., to choose the reference endpoint structures for the appli cation of the Vegard's law to As in Si. Following Cargill et al. 19 one can take the diamond cu bic Si and a hypothetical sphalerite AsSi as endpoint struc tures.For the sphalerite AsSi, it is possible to define a natural As-Si bond length,36 making use of the d A"Si value ob tained from EXAFS measurements!9: d ';.'~\;i = jd As:Si -jdSiSi = 2.43 ± 0.02 A. Using this latter value in the Vegard's law expression, one obtains {Jsizc = + (1.4±0.3)xlO -24 emJ. It is worth while to remark that this latter value is very similar to the one obtained from the Vegard's law application to the mono clinic SiAs endpoint structure, i.e., !3si'c = + (1.5 ± 0.2) X 10' 24 em3.26 Assuming the {J size value for the sphalerite AsSi compound, from the experimental value f3 exp it is ob tained !3e = (3exp -(3size = -(L9±O.5)XlO-24 em3 (5) and Ec = -3B{J" = 3.5 ± 0.9 eV, (6) in good agreement with the corresponding values obtained by Cargill et al. ]9 VII. DISCUSSION: lOW-TEMPERATURE THERMAL EVOLUTION (350-550 0c) From TEM observations and the reverse annealing ex periment (see Sec. IV D and IV A), it has been shown that no evidence of an As precipitation phenomenon has been detected in the temperature range considered. In the absence of precipitation, the formation of electrically inactive clus ters of As atoms is the alternative hypothesis that can be invoked to explain the As deactivation mechanism. Several cluster models have already been presented in the literature, describing, in the formalism of chemical ther modynamics, the capture reaction of one or more negative charges from the positive As ions. These models can be di vided into the two following main classes: (1) Arsenic-vacancy clusters, ASm V, in which the cap tured negati.ve charge is represented by a negatively charged vacancy5,7; and (2) clusters of As atoms only, As~!, corresponding to the capture of one or more eiectrons.4,6,8 AU these models are based on high-temperature data (800-1200 °C) of the chemical and the active As concentra tions. In this temperature range, the thermodynamic equi librium is attained after short annealing times and the law of mass action is therefore applicable to the capture reaction considered. In this way, Tsai et af.s have shown that the AS3 cluster model (corresponding to the capture of only one electron at the annealing temperature) succeeds in giving a saturation value for the carrier concentration (only slightly dependent on the total As concentration), in agreement with the more recent experimental estimates of the high-tempera ture equilibrium value of the active As concentration.37,38 Parisini et ai. 2327 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:52:33It is worthwhile to make some critical remarks about these models: ( 1) Guerrero et al. 13 have pointed out that a saturation value for the c.arrier concentration always exists if the clus tering process is governed by the capture of a negative charge at the annealing temperature. This leads to the conclusion that these types of models cannot distinguish between nega tively charged vacancy or electron capture reactions. (2) These models summarize a series of successive steps of the As deactivation of which the first is too rapid to be observed at high temperatures. (3) They do not take into account the formation of ex tended defects and precipitates that are actually observed in the same temperature range (see Sec. IV D). A study of the low-temperature structural evolution of the metastable alloys obtained in the present case by laser annealing of the implanted specimens can conversely lead to evidence the fundamental interactions of the As atoms with the Si lattice and with the point defects, i.e., the first step of the As deactivation phenomenon. A, A model for the first step of the As deactivation phenomenon In Sec. IV, it has been shown that two main phenomena are observed simultaneously to the low-temperature As de activation, i.e., the recovery of the negative strain and the formation of interstitial loops. As to the negative strain re covery, one has to stress that this phenomenon is in qualita tive agreement with the expected annealing behavior of the negative strain (b.a/ a) e induced by the electronic effect. In fact, as shown in Sec. VI, being (/:;,a/a)e proportional to the carrier concentration, a decrease of this negative strain is expected on increasing As deactivation. Moreover, it is seen that the thermal evolution of the negative strain recovery (Figs. 4 and 5) and of the depth distribution of the intersti tial defects (Figs. 6 and 7) follows the same mechanism, i.e., they both start from the deeper region of the laser-annealed implanted layer, then move towards the specimen surface on further annealing. This strongly suggests that, in a temperature range where As diffusion is not present, the formation of Si self interstitials is connected to the recovery of the negative strain and hence to the As deactivation phenomenon. This implies that the alternative hypothesis of the formation ofSi self-interstitials during the liquid-phase epitaxial recrystalli zation, previously invoked to explain the calculated C1 val ues in the observed loops,25 has to be rejected, being not compatible with the DeD measurements performed on the laser-annealed samples (contraction of the laser annealed implanted layer; see Sec. III). Conversely, the formation upon annealing of these in terstitials can take place where two or more immobile As atoms (there is no diffusion in this temperature range) are already present in second neighbor position in the Si lattice (in the laser-annealed samples no As atom has been detected by EXAFS measurements on the first neighbor shell). In fact, the capture of one or more electrons can set on a deacti vation process leading to a slight displacement of the As second neighbors with an increase of the local lattice defor- 2328 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67. No.5, 1 March 1990 mati on around these atoms. This deformation can in turn be released by the formation of a vacancy with the consequent emission of a Si self-interstitial. A study of the kinetics order of the isothermal deactiva tions at the dose 3 X 1016 As/cmz (Fig. 3) can state the pre vious hypothesis more quantitatively. The kinetics order can give, in fact, an indication of the number of species partici pating in this phenomenon, i.e., as in the present case the As atoms are fixed in the Si lattice, of the number of electrons captured in the first step of the As deactivation. The kinetics equation used is the following; _ ds = kf;-n 123 dt !:>, n = , , ... , (7) where NA + (I) -NAlim1 gU)= S s (8) Ntot _ N1im . As-f and NAg' , Ntot, and N~:\ represent the electrically active concentration at time t, the total As concentration [Ntot = NAS+ (0): complete activation], and the limiting value of N As + for the process considered (if only one mecha nism is responsible for the deactivation phenomenon, this value represents the equilibrium carrier concentration). For N1im the value Nlim = O.2Ntot = 4x 1020 cm -3 As -1-- As + has been taken. This arbitrary choice can be justified observ ing in Fig. 3 that the asymptotic value of for NAs + is close to this value, whereas the equilibrium carrier concentration ex trapolated at 350-400 °C is much lower: N ~r;, = 4 X 1018 cm-3. This indicates that at higher temperatures or for longer annealing times other reactions follow the first one, as described by (7). By integration of (7), with different n values, the order of the deactivation kinetics has been determined. The best fit of the experimental data is obtained for n = 2, as reported in Fig. 11 where a second-order kinetics is observed in the whole range of temperatures examined. As pointed out pre viously, this means that the first step of the As deactivation phenomenon is governed by the capture of two electrons. It is further proposed that the initial cluster of fixed As atoms is formed by a pair of these atoms in second neighbor position on the Si lattice; that this is a reasonable assumption is also supported by the direct detection of As-As pairs in recently reported perturbed-angular-correlation experi ments.39 This discussion can be summarized with the following model of the first step of the As deactivation process: (9) Concerning the final products of the reaction (9), one can observe that the deactivation phenomenon can start in a re gion where the formation of the 5i self-interstitial, I, and of the cluster Asz Vis energetically favored. This region is iden tified with the region of the electric junction where the pres ence of an intense electric field can decrease the formation energy of the final products by means of a charge separation phenomenon. The formation of a negatively charged Si self interstitial, 1-, and of a positively charged cluster, (AszV) + , in this region explains the experimentally ob- Parisini et a/. 2328 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:52:3314 K=4.2.10-2 T=400 "C 12 10 ~ 1 1 i 8 t 1 ...... 6 r l i oJJJ\ ........ ..... 4 ,..- ~~ #-~ -3 K= 3.9 ·10 2 T=350 "C 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 t [min] FIG. 11. Isothermal evolution ofthe As deactivation. plotted as the integra! ofEq. (7), which shows that a second-order kinetics fits the experimental data. Specimens: Xe-Cllaser-annealed 3 X 10'6 Askm 2 implanted wa fers. served onset of the negative strain recovery and of the self interstitial aggregation at the deeper region of the laser-an nealed implanted layer. Furthermore, with increasing As deactivation one ex pects that the boundary between the deactivated and the not yet deactivated region (n + In) moves towards the specimen surface, in agreement with the experimental results obtained in TEM and DeD (see Sec. IV). To ascertain whether the first step of the deactivation occurs through a unique mechanism, as assumed by the model, the activation energy Ea for this process has been determined from the isothermal electrical measurements shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 12, the Arrhenius plot of the time required to decrease the initial value of the carrier concen tration by 33%, 50%, and 66% is represented for the 3 X 1016 Asl cm2 implanted specimens. This plot yields a val ue of Ea = 1.9 ± 0.1 eV up to the highest inactive As frac tion considered, in good agreement with the value of 2.0 + 0.1 eV obtained by Lietoila et al.,9 in the same range of temperatures, on Ar-laser annealed 1 X 1016 As/cm2 im planted specimens. This demonstrates that only one mecha nism operates in the temperature range considered almost up to a deactivated As fraction of 66%. Reaction (9) is also supported by the local atomic ar rangement of the As atoms. In fact, these atoms in the Asz V cluster have the same local configuration as that in the mon oclinic SiAs compound, where they are bounded to three Si atoms at an average distance of2.38 A,29 The present model is therefore supported by the experimental EXAFS results, showing that after the first thermal annealing the first neigh bor As-Si distance and the As coordination number tend to the values typical of this compound. Moreover, according to (9), a dominant role should be played by the total number of As atoms in the second neigh- 2329 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.5, 1 March 1990 FIG. 12. Arrhenius plot oftlle time reqnired to decrease the initial value of the carrier concentration by 33%, 50%, and 66% (from bottom to top) in specimens doped with 3 X 1016 As/cm2. The values reported in the figure represent the corresponding activation energies Eo' bor position, (NAs )NNN, in the laser-annealed Si lattice. To get more information about the initial As distribution, a Monte Carlo computer simulation has been performed to calculate (NAS )NNN for different As-implanted doses, im posing the absence of As atoms in first neighbor position, as suggested by EXAFS measurements (see Sec. Ill). The re sults of this calculation are shown in Table n. From this table, one can observe that the proposed deactivation mecha nismshould be importantfor doses ;;;, 1 X 1016 As/cm2,where the As fraction that could be deactivated by this process ranges from 12 % to 51 % of the total As dose. Nevertheless, the value of N~';!N = 6.8 X 1020 cm -3 (inactive As-fraction value of 34%) obtained at the implanted dose of 3 X 1016 As/cm2 (Table II) corresponds to a value of N~~. ~ L3 X 1021 cm -3 which can only take into account the very early stage of the As deactivation phenomenon and does not agree with the previous estimate of this value de duced from the experimental results of Fig. 3, i.e., N~":+ = 4 X 1020 em -3. This finding deserves some more re marks. At the dose on X 1016 As/cmz, from the experimental results of Figs. 3 and 11, it is seen that a unique mechanism (constant Ea value) is responsible for the first step of the TABLE n. Computer simulated values of N~::N and Ct. implanted As Initial As dose concentratioll N~::N ,C~h C~x" (10" em 2) (l020 em 3) (10'9 em -3) (l0'9 em -') (10'9 em 3) 6 4.0 2.89 1,45 10 6.7 8.07 4.03 6 30 20 68.5 34.2 18 50 33 169 84.5 30 Parisini et al. 2329 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:52:33deactivation phenomenon up to a deactivated As fraction of about 70%, i.e., the value of N ~7 I = 4 X 1020 cm -3 is con sistent with the experimental data. Therefore, the following two hypotheses can be argued to explain the previous dis crepancy: (1) 8i self-interstitials, created in accord with (9), could increase the total number of As atoms in the second neighbor position by interstitialcy diffusion. Nevertheless, the effect of this process has to be a mere redistribution of the dopant atoms, since no evidence of a broadening of the As chemical profile is in fact observed experimentally in this low-temperature range. 25 (2) The calculated values of N~~N, reported in Table n, could underestimate the real number of As atoms in sec ond neighbor position. These values have been obtained by random generation of the As atoms on the Si lattice with the only limiting condition of the absence of As atoms in first neighbor position, i.e., imposing a strong repulsive potential between these atoms. As shown, this calculation fails in deo scribing quantitatively the experimental situation, indicat ing that the distribution of the As atoms on the 8i lattice could not be random in nature and that attractive interac tions between As second neighbors could exist, leading to greater values of N~~N. Actually, excess As-As next nearest neighbors have been detected in a laser-annealed 6X 1016 As/cm2 Si-im planted specimen by EXAFS measurements, 14 which could support the latter hypothesis. Unfortunately, in this sample an inactive As fraction of about 30% is expected (see Sec. III) so that from these measurements it is not possible to deduce the total number of As second neighbors around sub stitutional active As atoms, that is, the number of interest for the proposed deactivation mechanism. Therefore, at present it is not possible to discriminate between these two hypoth eses. Further experimental investigations are necessary to obtain information about the initial As distribution in the 8i lattice. In Table II, the Si selfointerstitial concentrations pre dicted by the present model, (C1) th [one Si self-interstitial produced for each (As2) 2 -+ pair J are also compared with the corresponding experimentally observed values, (C[ )"X9 (see Sec. IV). Concerning this comparison, the observed dis crepancy between the (C[ rh and (C[ )exp values for doses ;;,3 X 1016 As/cm2 can be easily explained considering that only a fraction of the produced Si seIf-interstitials can con tribute to the formation of the interstitial agglomerates ob served by TEM (see Sec. IV). This is still more valid consid ering that, as shown in the previous discussion about the values of N~;:N reported in Table II, the C~h values have to be considered as lower limits of the Si self-interstitial concen trations produced by the proposed mechanism. Finally, one has to remark critically that the present model does not explain the variations of the negative strain at the specimen surface [see Sec, IV and the negative peak in Figs. 4(a) and 4(b)] observed on 350 ec annealed speci mens implanted at the dose of 3 X 1016 As/cm2. A likely explanation of this phenomenon is the presence of oxygen vacancy defects at the specimen surface, caused by a migra tion towards the surface of laser induced multivacancy deo 2330 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.5. i March 1990 fects. For example, it has been shown recently that, while vacancies are mobile in Si at temperatures of about 150 K,40 divacancies migrate in Si at temperatures of about 450-500 K,41 i.e., for temperatures comparable to the annealing tem perature at which this phenomenon have been observed. This explanation does not contradict the proposed deactiva tion model if one observes that the migrating defect, in the temperature range considered, is the divacancy whose intero action with As atoms is likely to be weak. VIII. DISCUSSION: HIGH~TEMPERATURE THERMAL EVOLUTION (650-S00 °C) While in the previous section, from the low-temperature experimental results of Sec. IV, it was possible to propose a model for the first step of the As deactivation phenomenon, the mechanism by which these metastable alloys attain the thermodynamic equilibrium still remains a matter of specu lation. For example, in a temperature range from 650 to 900 ec where As diffusion cannot be neglected, one can easi ly envisage the growth of the AS2 V clusters with the conse quent formation of ASm V agglomerates. In support of this view, recent total-energy calculations performed by Pandey et aZ. 14 have shown that an AS4 V cluster is energetically fao vored over both substitutional isolated As and substitutional As4Si configurations. Nevertheless, one has to take into ac count the presence of As precipitates that are actually de tected by TEM observations, in this temperature range. Therefore, if one considers that these clusters are the nuclei for the As precipitates, two main hypotheses can be advanced26,42; (1) Only As precipitation essentially occurs at high temperature. In this case at least a part of the ob served discrepancy between precipitated and inactive As fractions can be explained by the limited visibility of the very small precipitates in HREM observations.43 (2) Clusters and precipitates coexist in equilibrium with the active As fraction. Moreover, it has been correctly remarked recently44 that the electrical measurements, which show that the car rier concentration after thermal equilibration is insensitive to excess dopant, can hardly attain a sufficient accuracy to rule out the cluster model. This remark further suggests that the above second hypothesis has to be taken into account. IX. CONCLUSiONS In this work laser-annealed and further thermally an nealed (350-900 °C) 1,3, and 5 X 1016 As/cm2 Si-implanted specimens have been investigated. On the as laser-annealed samples it has been shown, by DCD and electrical measure ments, that the relationship between the strain and the car rier concentration is not far from linearity. This finding alo lows one to consider the experimental results obtained on these samples by DCD and EXAFS measurements as proof of the Yokota suggestion that the strain aa/ a results from both a size and an electronic effect. The size effect represents the Vegard's law contribution to aa/a, while the electronic effect is the strain induced by the variation of the conduction band minima due to the doping. In this way it has been possi- Parisini et al. 2330 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:52:33ble to confirm the explanation first proposed by Cargill et ai.,19 that the contraction of the laser-annealed implanted layer observed by nCD is the result of the prevalence of the negative electronic effect on the positive size effect, whereas the local expansion observed by EXAFS measurements around As atoms is essentially a measure of this latter effect. The values of /3. and Ec also agree with previous experimen tal estimates. 19 On the samples further thermally annealed in a low temperature range (350-550 'C), the experimental results obtained by electrical measurements, TEM, OeD, and EX AFS, have allowed one to propose a model for the first step of the As deactivation phenomenon. The proposed deactiva tion mechanism considers the formation of an (As2 V) + duster and the ejection of a Si self-interstitial, !<-, starting from the capture of two electrons from a (As2) 2 + pair of substitutional and immobile As atoms in second neighbor position in the Si lattice. It is proposed that this reaction starts in the region of the electric junction, where a charge separation phenomenon can favor the formation of the nega tively charged Si self-interstitial and of the positively charged As-vacancy cluster. This model allows one to explain the experimental ob servations showing that the As deactivation phenomenon is simultaneous to the onset of the negative strain recovery and to the formation ofSi self-interstitial aggregates (interstitial loops) in the deeper region of the laser-annealed implanted layer. Moreover, this model is supported by EXAFS mea surements indicating that, for all the As doses considered, the As-Si first neighbor distance as wen as the As coordina tion number tend to the values characteristic of the SiAs compound, i.e., of a compound where the local configura tion of the As atoms is the same as in the AS2 V cluster. After thermal equilibration, attained with short anneal ing times in a high-temperature range, it is not yet clear whether precipitation or clustering is the dominant phenom enon. Nevertheless, in the light of the proposed first step of the As deactivation mechanism and of the experimental ob servation of the presence of As related precipitates, the hy pothesis of the simultaneous presence of clusters and precipi tates in equilibrium with active As has to be taken into account. Further experimental investigations are necessary to determine the nature of the initial distribution of the As atoms in the laser-annealed 8i lattice and to better identify the structure of clusters and precipitates. The EXAFS tech nique, which has proven to be a powerful tool of structural investigation, should be usefully employed to answer these still open questions. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are indebted to R. Angelucci for the carrier profiles, L. Correra and S. Nicoletti for the laser annealings, G< Tourillon for the assistance in the use of his detector for EXAFS,and D. NobiH for useful discussion. The technical assistance of E. GabHli and R. Lotti (ion implantation), P. Negrini and G. Pizzochero (furnace annealings and test pat tern preparation), and C. Bouvier, C. Closse, F. CorticeUi, A. GaruUi, and D. Govoni (electron microscopy) is also gratefully acknowledged. This work is partially supported 2331 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 67, No.5, i March 1990 by an E. E. C. 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Friction and wear properties of thin films of carbon with diamond structure prepared by ionized deposition Katsuzo Okada and Yoshikatsu Namba Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 7, 132 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.575741 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.575741 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/7/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Evolution of coefficient of friction with deposition temperature in diamond like carbon thin films J. Appl. Phys. 112, 023525 (2012); 10.1063/1.4740082 Preparation and mechanical properties of composite diamond-like carbon thin films J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 17, 3406 (1999); 10.1116/1.582074 Microstructure, friction, and wear characteristics of the asdeposited and carbon ionimplanted diamond films Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 1054 (1996); 10.1063/1.116246 Friction and wear of plasmadeposited diamond films J. Appl. Phys. 74, 4446 (1993); 10.1063/1.354386 Structural study of the diamond phase carbon films produced by ionized deposition J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 3, 319 (1985); 10.1116/1.573258 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 13:58:39Friction and wear properties of thin films of carbon with diamond structure prepared by ionized deposition Katsuzo Okada Departmento/Mechanical Engineering, Facultyo/Engineering, Yamanashi University, Takeda-4, Ko/u 400, Japan Yoshikatsu Namba Department o/Electrical Engineering, Faculty o/Technology, Tokyo Noko University, Koganei, Tokyo J 84, Japan (Received 28 April 1988; accepted 1 October 1988) The friction and wear properties for thin films of carbon with diamond structure, prepared by ionized deposition, slid with copper have been examined in a pressure range of5 X 10-4 to 105 Pa. The friction coefficient shows a tendency to decrease with the increase of pressure and it is < 0.2 because the surfaces of thin films of carbon with diamond structure are very smooth. The specific wear rate of copper sliders decreases as the pressure becomes lower. However, no wear is detected on thin films of carbon with diamond structure. I. INTRODUCTION Diamond shows the largest wear resistance because it is the hardest of all materials. Lives of bearings, shafts, and sleeves may be lengthened if they are made of diamonds. The friction resistance is expressed as the sum of two terms, one of which represents the shearing and the other the ploughing process. I If a diamond with a sharp edge is slid on metals, it will tend to dig into metal surfaces during sliding, and produce grooves. Therefore, the larger the surface roughness of dia mond, the greater the friction resistance. The friction resis tance for the combination of diamond and metals would be come small because of weak adhesion between them if the ploughing process is negligible. There are two methods, in principle, for the preparation of thin films with diamond structure, i.e., chemical vapor depo sition (CVD) and plasma vapor deposition (PVD). The for mer produces films having large surface irregularities be cause polycrystals whose diameters are distributed in a range of 1 to 10J1m grow on substrates.2 The latter, however, shows flat surface films, because the crystal grain is very fine, that is, the mean grain size is < 0.1 J1m.J But, there are few reports on friction and wear on diamond films. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the friction and wear behavior of sliding over contacts between copper sliders and flat thin films of carbon with diamond structure prepared by ionized deposition. II. EXPERIMENTAL Thin films of carbon with diamond structure were pre pared with the modified apparatus, whose original design has been described in a previous paper. 3 The main modifica tion was the deflection of the ion beam with the aid of mag nets, so that the ion beam could reach the Si substrate with out the deposition of neutral particles, such as carbon clusters and soot, on the surface of the carbon films. Pure copper sliders with a radius of curvature of -100 J1m pre pared by electropolishing were used. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the friction tester used in the experiment. The copper slider on a rotating thin film of carbon with diamond structure was fixed on a rigid pole through a spring leaf on which two strain gauges were cemented for the measurement of friction force. Sliding was carried out in a range of 5 X 10-4 to 1 X 105 Pa after atmo spheric air has been pumped out. The films were rotated at a rate of 30 rpm and sliding speed was -3.0 cm/s. Normal loads applied to the slider were in a range of 30 to 300 g. Specific wear rates of sliders and thin films of carbon with diamond structure were obtained from the difference between the weights before and after the sliding test. A mi crobalance was used to measure the wear. Great care was used in removing and attaching sliders to the spring leaf. The carbon films were rubbed with soft cloths, then cleaned with acetone using ultrasonic cleaner in order to remove the wear debris from the film surfaces after the sliding test. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 2 shows the scanning electron microscope (SEM) photograph of a thin film of carbon with diamond structure. The film surface is indicated by A, its vertical section by B, and the substrate by C. I t has been observed that (i) the film surface is smooth because an edge line of the film appearing between a and b seems to be straight, and (ii) there exist pits like H, whose mean size was 8 flm. Item (i) has been also revealed using a noncontact high-precision optical surface roughness measuring technique4 as shown in Fig. 3. The 3 evacuation FIG. I. Schematic diagram of friction tester: (I) spring leaf, (2) strain gauge, (3) weight, (4) slider, (5) diamond film, (6) motor, and (7) bearing. 132 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 7 (2), Mar/Apr 1989 0734-2101/89/020132-04$01.00 © 1989 American Vacuum Society 132 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 13:58:39133 K. Okada and Y. Namba: Friction and wear properties of thin films of carbon 133 b 8 c FIG. 2. View of diamond phase carbon film depm,ited on Si wafer. maximum height of irregularity, except pits, is 8 nm and the mean pitch is 0.4 f.lm. Next, item (ii) is discussed in detail. Lots of pits are observed when the substrate and ion source were aligned well. But there were a fewer pits when both were set out of alignment. Therefore, it can be considered that they might be produced as a result of carbon clusters and soot coming from the ion source sticking on the surface of the film. The friction was recorded during 2 s for each 1 min. The variation over time of the friction coefficient for 2 s is shown in Fig. 4. The friction coefficient varies from 0.12 to 0.19, and the average calculated by computer is 0.15. Figure 5 shows friction coefficient versus time for 60 min at a load of 30 g in both high vacuum at a pressure of 5 X 10-4 Pa and atmospheric air. It is recognized that (i) the friction coefficient for vacuum is greater than that of atmo spheric air (the former is 0.20 and the latter 0.15) and (ii) the friction coefficient has small fluctuations. In addition, it first increases, then reaches a steady state for both curves. The relationships such as those shown in Fig. 5 were ob tained from various kinds of applied loads. Figure 6 shows the relationship between applied load and friction coefficient which indicates the mean value for a du ration of 60 min. It is clear that (i) thefriction coefficient for atmospheric air is smaller than that of vacuum in all the loads and (ii) friction is independent of load over a range of 30 to 300 g without correction for the apparent area of con tacts. Item (ii) corresponds to ionized carbon films reported by Ente.' No change of friction coefficient with respect to sliding directions on thin films of carbon with diamond structure has been observed because of the fine polycrystallization. The friction coefficient on natural single diamond has de pended on the crystal orientation of the sliding direction. (, ::1=: -=~~~r-=- ··f~L-'--' ~F~-'~_= FIG. 3. Surface roughness of diamond phase carbon film. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.2, Mar/Apr 1989 0.4,---------------------, .~ 0.3 .':::::' -0.1 OL-----~------L------~------~ o os 10 15 20 : [ere (sec) FIG. 4. The variation over time of friction coefficient for 2 s. Next, track surfaces on thin films are discussed. Figures 7(a) and 7(b) show optical photographs of the track sur faces on thin films where (a) was obtained in high vacuum at a pressure of5 X 10-4 Pa and (b) in atmospheric air. Lots of wear particles found in Figs. 7 (a) and 7 (b) are classified into three types: (i) small metal particles like A, (ii) rolling pin-type particles like B, and (iii) large metal particles like C. Small metal particles are found evenly on both surfaces as shown in Figs. 7(a) and 7(b). The number of small metal particles per unit area on both surfaces is almost the same, that is, -3 X 104/mm2. The mean particle size is 0.4 f.lm, which is nearly equal to the mean pitch of the surface irregu larity on thin films as shown in Fig. 3. Therefore, it may be considered that small metal particles could be formed on film surfaces as a result of normal sliding wear.7 Figure 8(a) is an enlargement ofa part of Fig. 7(a). Roll ing-pin-type metal particles with a long axis perpendicular to the sliding direction are observed as if wear debris of an eraser are oriented to be normal to the rubbing direction. Bright parts in rolling-pin-type metal particles such as those marked P are observed. However, no rolling-pin-type metal particle is found on track surfaces taken in atmospheric air as seen in Fig. 7 (b). Therefore, it may be conjectured that small metal particles would subsequently roll up over sliding and generate rolling-pin-type particles, since wear metal particles generated in vacuum could be expected not to be so c "' .:': 0.4 :::: 03 "' . o u oL-----~------~-------+------~ o 15 30 time(mm) FIG. 5. Friction coefficient as a function of time for 60 min. 60 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 13:58:39134 K. Okada and Y. Namba: Friction and wear properties of thin films of carbon 134 ~ 03 .S! ..... Qj 8 0.2 0-0-00--0-0-0-0-0-0 in vacuum c o ~ 01 '..... o-o-<~>---"--eo,---,o --0---,,---" ina i r o FIG. 6. Friction coefficient as a function of applied load for both in vacuum at a pressure of 5 X 10-4 Pa and in atmospheric air. much contaminated with oxide in comparison with those generated in atmospheric air. This can be supported also by the following two facts. The first one is that the roughness of worn copper sliders for vacuum is a little bit coarser than that of atmospheric air, as shown in Fig. 9 where (a) and (b) were obtained in high vacuum and atmospheric air, respectively. The second one is that the mean length of the rolling-pin-type metal particles obtained at a load of 30 g increases as pressure decreases, which is shown in Fig. 10, because the lower the pressure, the more active the adhesion. Rolling-pin-type metal particles have been also reported on friction between mild metals in vacuum.8 The mean size of large metal particles like C, as shown in Fig. 7, is 11 /Lm. Figure 8 (b) is an enlarged photograph of a large metal particle. The surface of the large metal particle is found to be rather fiat, which corresponds to wear particles reported by Reda et al. 6 Large metal particles are sometimes directly observed to be located at pits, as seen in Fig. 7 marked C\. Therefore, it may be assumed that excessive sur face shear stress causes the complete breakdown of parts of copper sliders and generates larger metal particles. No wear has been detected on thin films, while the differ ence between the weights before and after the sliding test could not be detected. Figure 11 shows the wear and friction behavior of copper sliders slid on thin films as a function of pressure in a range of 5 X 10-4 to 1 X 105 Pa at a constant 000 g. It is clear that (i) Sliding Direction of Copper Slider =- (a) ( b) FIG. 7. Optical photographs of diamond surfaces after sliding: (a) in vacu um at a pressure of 5 X 10-4 Pa and (b) in atmospheric air. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.2, Mar/Apr 1989 Sliding Direction of Copper Slider (a) (b) FIG. 8. SEM photographs of wear metal particles: (a) in vacuum at a pres sure of 5 X 10-4 Pa and (b) in atmospheric air. the friction coefficient shows a tendency to decrease when pressure increases and (ii) specific wear rate increases as pressure increases. Item (i) mentioned above can be ex plained as follows: the adhesion process between copper sliders and wear particles becomes active as pressure de creases because both the worn slider surface and wear parti cles are easy to keep clean. Item (ii) is also explained as an effect of adhesion, that is, the slider is more difficult to wear as pressure becomes lower because of the repeated adhesion of wear particles to the slider. Thin films of carbon with diamond structure have good friction and wear properties in both vacuum and atmospher ic air as mentioned above. Moreover, results obtained may suggest that they could be used for mechanical sliding parts such as bearings, shafts, and so on. Further studies of thin films of carbon with diamond structure deposited on metals such as Mo, W, and Fe alloys are needed along with friction and wear tests over a long time. After sliding, friction parts of thin films of carbon with diamond structure were observed by transmission electron diffraction (TED). No change of TED patterns for friction parts has been observed in comparison with those taken from thin films before the sliding test, which has been report ed in the paperY It may be supposed from the above-men tioned result that the maximum normal stress of ~ 28 NI cm2 calculated from the copper worn area was not enough to deform thin films of carbon with diamond structure plasti- (a) Sliding Direction ~ (b) FIG. 9. SEM photographs of worn copper surfaces: (a) in vacuum at a pressure of 5 X 10-4 Pa and (b) in atmospheric air. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 13:58:39135 K. Okada and Y. Namba: Friction and wear properties of thin films of carbon 135 4.0 E :::l. 3.0 1.0 o L o v .. ----__ w. _______ v ________ ~-------- O~~~~~~~~~~~ 104 162 100 102 ld pressure, Pa FIG. 10. Pressure vs lengths of rolling-pin-type particles. cally. In characterizing CVD films, Raman scattering mea surement is extensively used 10 as well as diffraction. There fore, the characterization of thin films of carbon with diamond structure measured by Raman scattering spectros copy must be studied, induding a comparison between thin films of carbon with diamond structure before and after the sliding test. Friction has some bearing on surface electric structure. However, it was very hard to study effects of electric struc ture for thin films of carbon with diamond structure because of a residual pressure of 5 X 10-4 Pa during the sliding test. In order to study the relation between friction and electric structure, experiments were carried out with the friction equipment installed in the chamber of an Auger micro probe. II All friction test were performed under ultrahigh vacuum of 2 X 10 -7 Pa. A normal load applied to the copper slider was 50 g. Sliding speed was 0.1 mm/s. The value of the friction coefficient was 0.21 which was nearly the same one for 5 X 10-4 Pa shown in Fig. 11. Bombardment with 1-keV electrons for thin films of carbon with diamond structure showed the increase in friction coefficient to 0.43. This sup ports that friction may depend on the bonding conditions. It has been reported by PepperI2,13 that electron bombardment affects friction, that is, low friction is associated with the diamond surface devoid of gap states whereas high friction is associated with the diamond surface with gap states. There fore, it may be conjectured that electric structure for thin films of carbon with diamond structure would be corre sponding to that of the diamond. However, much more defi nite information on thin films of carbon with diamond struc ture for electric structure must be required. IV. CONCLUSIONS The friction and wear properties for thin films of carbon with diamond structure prepared by ionized deposition, slid with copper, have been examined in various ranges of pres sure. The main results obtained are as follows: J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.2, Mar/Apr 1989 ~ N~ 10 0----------0_ 0.2 E ----~/: c Ln CI.> '9 u >< CI.>~ '+-- Q; ~ 0 u iii 5 0.1 c <V 0 :;: /v u u '--~v '+-- U CI.> Q. Vl 164 162 100 102 104 0 pressure, Pa FIG. 11. Relations between pressure and both the specific wear rate and the friction coefficient. (i) Thin films of carbon with diamond structure as grown by ionized depositing have very flat surfaces and their sur face roughness is < 8 nm. (ii) The friction coefficient, which shows a tendency to decrease with the increase of pressure, is < 0.2. (iii) The specific wear rate of copper sliders decreases as pressure becomes lower. However, no wear is detected on thin films of carbon with diamond structure. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful for the cooperation of the experi mental works of both Mr. T. Shimizu of Yam an as hi Univer sity and Mr. E. A. Heiderpouv and Mr. M. Morikawa of Tokyo Noko University in Japan. Thanks are due to a Grand-in-Aid for Scientific Research in 1987-1988 for fi nancial support. IF. P. Bowden and D. Tabor, The Friction and Lubrication o/Solids (Ox ford University, New York, 1964), Vo\. I, p. 90_ 2H. Tsai and D. B. Bogy, J. Vac. Sci. Techno\. A 5,3287 (1987). 'T. Mori and Y. Manba, J. Vac. Sci. Techno\. A I, 23 (1983). 4T. Kohno, N. Ozawa, K. Miyamoto, and T. Musha, App\. Opt. 27, 103 (1988). 5K. Enke, Thin Solid Films 80, 227 (1981). "Y. Enomoto and D. Tabor, Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A 373, 405 (1981). 7 A. A. Reda, R. Bowen, and V. C. Westcott, Wear 34, 261 (1975). "N. Soda and T. Sasada, J. Jpn. Soc. Lubr. Eng. 10, 125 (1965). 9y. Namba, J. Wei, T. Mohri, and E. A. Heidarpour, J. Vac. Sci. Techno\. A 7,36 (1989). 1(IR. J. Nemanrich, J. T. Glass, G. Lucovsky, and R. E. Shorder, J. Vac. Sci. Techno\. A 6,1783 (1988). 11M. Uemura, K. Okada, A. Okitsu, and N. Takahashi, ASME Wear Mat er. 107 (1983). "s. V. Pepper, J. Vac. Sci. Techno\. 20, 213 (1982). "s. V. Pepper, J. Vac. Sci. Techno\. 20, 643 (1982). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 13:58:39
Effect of magnetic field on plasma characteristics of builtin highfrequency coil type sputtering apparatus Mutsuo Yamashita Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 7, 2752 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.575786 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.575786 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/7/4?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Effects of magnetic field and the built-in internal fields on the absorption coefficients in a strained wurtzite GaN/AlGaN quantum dot AIP Conf. Proc. 1512, 1012 (2013); 10.1063/1.4791386 Effect of built-in electric field on the temperature dependence of transition energy for InP/GaAs type-II superlattices J. Appl. Phys. 110, 123523 (2011); 10.1063/1.3671630 Fundamental characteristics of builtin highfrequency coiltype sputtering apparatus J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 7, 151 (1989); 10.1116/1.575744 Effect of bandgap narrowing on the builtin electric field in ntype silicon J. Appl. Phys. 52, 1121 (1981); 10.1063/1.328841 Highspeed silicon avalanche photodiodes with builtin field J. Appl. Phys. 47, 3749 (1976); 10.1063/1.323142 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:24:29Effect of magnetic field on plasma characteristics of built-in high-frequency coil type sputtering apparatus Mutsuo Yamashita FacultyofEngineering, Osaka Electro-Communication University, Hatsu-cho, Neyagawa, Osaka 572, Japan (Received 24 January 1989; accepted 6 March 1989) The effects of a perpendicular magnetic field on the plasma characteristics of a high-rate sputtering apparatus with a built-in high-frequency (HF) coil were investigated. When the proper perpendicular magnetic field, between 20 and 30 G, was applied to the plasma region, the plasma density markedly increased and the lowest limit of the operating gas pressure could be reduced from 1.3 X 10-3 to 2.45 X 10-4 Torr. The optimum perpendicular magnetic-field strength regularly increased with an increase in the operating HF at pressures of 5 X 10-4 Torr or less, but was little affected by the other discharge parameters, such as HF power and target voltage. The frequency of the largest harmonic component of the HF voltage, detected from the plasma region, agreed with the electron cyclotron frequency calculated from the optimum magnetic-field strength. Therefore, it is suggested that a resonancelike phenomenon occurred in the plasma region. I. INTRODUCTION In the sputtering method for producing thin film, increased plasma density and reduced operating gas pressure improve the results, both in terms of film formation rate and quality of the formed thin film. Therefore, the following methods are widely employed: (i) application of an external magnetic field; (ii) incorporation of a thermionic emission system; and (iii) combination of methods (i) and (ii). For example, in the case of magnetron type and opposite-facing type sput tering apparatus, the plasma is confined and the effective path of the energized plasma electrons is increased by means of method (i). 1-5 In the tetrode (or triode) type sputtering system, method (iii) is used to improve sputtering charac teristics, but the use of active gas may shorten the service life of the filament electrode.6 Suganomata et al.7 superimposed both the L-coupled rf discharge and the static magnetic field, which is parallel to the axis of the high-frequency (HF) coil, on the sputter type ion source. Oechsner et al. developed sputtered neutral mass spectrometry (SNMS),8.9 in which a plasma of27.12 MHz was inductively excited under electron cyclotron wave resonance; resonance conditions were ad justed by the change of a superimposed static magnetic field. In the last two cases, an exciting HF coil was located outside the glass discharge chamber, preventing the transmission of the electro-magnetic field and limiting the run time of the apparatus when the inner wall is coated with sputtered me tallic material. The author developed a high-rate sputtering apparatus with a built-in high-frequency coil for high-density plasma generation, and reported its fundamental characteristics. 10 An outline of the results is as follows: (i) A plasma with a density of the order of W12cm -3 was generated in the sputtering region without an external static magnetic field, because the plasma could be confined within the HF coil. Consequently, the deposition rates for various materials, including ferromagnetic materials, were marked ly increased. (ii) The target current increased linearly with the HF power, but was practically independent of the target voltage; the deposition rate could be independently and linearly con trolled by changing either the HF power or the target vol tage. (iii) The target current density was much higher than that of other sputtering methods at target voltages below -300 V and its gas pressure dependence was very small compared with that of conventional dc diode sputtering systems, in cluding the magnetron and opposite-facing types. (iv) The degree of ionization of the sputtered atoms im pinging on the substrate surface was considerably high.II.12 As described above, this apparatus offers some advan tages in controllability of the deposition rate and in stability during extended operation, and may be a very useful method for energy controllable high-rate ion plating. On the other hand, the lowest limit of operating gas pressure is -1.3 X 10-3 Torr; this value is an order of magnitude larger than that of the magnetron and opposite-facing type sputter ing apparatuses. To reduce the lowest limit of the operating gas pressure, and to increase plasma density, a perpendicular magnetic field, whose direction is held perpendicular to the axis of the exciting HF coil, was applied to the plasma re gion. The effect of this magnetic field on the plasma charac teristics is described in this paper. II. EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS The experimental apparatus used has been reported in de tail elsewhere. I I Therefore, only the outline of the apparatus will be described. Figure 1 shows the fundamental structure of this apparatus. To produce dense plasma, an exciting HF coil 90 mm in diam, and consisting of four turns of 5 mm Ti wire, was positioned between a disk target (usually 50 mm ifJ) and a substrate holder in a conventional dc diode sputter ing apparatus. This HF coil influences the following very important functions: (i) applying HF energy to the plasma region; (ii) constructing the impedance matching circuit between HF electric circuit and plasma with two variable condensers, VCl and VC2; (iii) confining plasma and in creasing plasma density. External static magnetic field, which is perpendicular to the axis of the HF coil, was applied 2752 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 7 (4), Jul/Aug 1989 0734·2101/89/042752·06$01.00 © 1989 American Vacuum Society 2752 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:24:292753 Mutsuo Yamashita: Effect of magnetic field on plasma characteristics 2753 (j) Target <2l HF coil (J) Variable leak valve © Base plate $ Plasma screen grid (Q) Shutter Q) Substrate holder ® Radio frequency choke coil ® Bias resistance (Ra) Water Cooled FIG. I. Schematic diagram of the built-in HF coil type sputtering apparatus ( B,: superimposed perpendicular magnetic field, B II: parallel magnetic field). to the plasma region using two permanent magnets located on two sides of the sputtering chamber (SUS 304, 160 mm tP X 100 mm H). The strength of the magnetic field was ad justed by changing the distance between these magnets and the center of the HF coil. The nonuniformity of the applied magnetic-field strength was kept under 4% at all parts of the discharge space. The HF power frequencies used were 7, 14 (or 13.56), 21, and 28 MHz. HF voltage was detected using a small antenna inserted into the plasma region; frequency spectrum was analyzed via a spectrum analyzer (Hewlett Packard, Type-1740A). III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 2 shows the target current, which is closely related with the plasma density, as a function of applied perpendicu lar magnetic field,B 1 , whose direction is held perpendicular to the axis of the HF coil, at various Ar discharge gas pres sures. Sputtering conditions were as follows: the HF power and its frequency were 300 Wand 13.56 MHz, respectively; the target was a Ti disk 50 mm tP (effective area:20 cm2); the target voltage was -500 V. HF discharge continued with- ....... « E ...... I- Z W a: a: :::I u I W 700 400 300 (!) 20 a: ~ 100 HF: 13.56 MHz. 300 W Vr:-SOO V o 0 20 40 60 80 100 B ... (G) FIG. 2. Target current as a function of the applied perpendicular magnetic field strength, B, , at various Ar gas pressures [frequency: 13.56 MHz, tar get:Ti disk 50 mm '" (20 em')]. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.4, Jul/ Aug 1989 out Bl at gas pressures above 1.3 X 10-3 Torr, but suddenly stopped when Bl rose above a certain value. HF discharge occurred only when the proper Bl was applied at gas pres sures < 1.3x 10-3 Torr; the range of B1, in which the HF discharge continued, diminished with discharge gas pressure decrease. For example, the magnetic field ranged between 15 and 38 G, when discharge gas pressure and HF power were 5 X 10-4 Torr and 300 W, respectively. B1ma., i.e., the per pendicular magnetic field at which the target current reached maximum, hardly shifted with a change in dis charge gas pressure below 5 X 10-4 Torr (The mean-free path of the plasma electrons is larger than the dimensions of the plasma region; the disturbance of the electron trajectory, due to gas collision, becomes slight). Figure 3 shows the target current and deposition rate as a function of the discharge gas pressure. Curves A and A' show the characteristics obtained when Bl = O. The lowest limit of operating gas pressure is 1.3 X 10-3 Torr. Although this lowest limit slightly depends on HF power, it is indepen dent of the target voltage. Curves Band B' show the charac teristics obtained when Bl = B1max (optimum value for each gas pressure). This magnetic field produces the most re markable effect at a low-pressure range below 5 X 10-3 Torr. When an optimum magnetic field between 20 and 45 G was applied to the plasma region, not only did the plasma density markedly increase, but the lowest limit of the operating gas pressure diminished from 1.3 X 10-3 Torr to 2.45 X 10-4 Torr where the mean-free path of the sputtered atoms is esti mated to be -20 cm and most of sputtered particles can reach the substrate without gas collision. Consequently, the gas pressure range, in which the deposition rate exhibits its maximum, changed from 1 X 10-2 Torr to 1.2x 10-3 Torr; the maximum deposition rate increased by -2.5 times. On the other hand, when a parallel magnetic field, B II ' whose direction is held parallel to the axis of the HF coil, was applied, the target current and the sputtering rate were de creased with an increase in B II; the lowest limit of the work ing gas pressure was hardly improved. The detailed discus sion has been reported elsewhere. 13 700 HF:13.56 MHz. 300 W ....... « Vr:-500 v B E 600 Target: 5011. 20cm2 (Ti ) Coil: 9cmJ!l. 3.5 T I-500 Z 3' w d a:: 400 a:: w :::J f-U 300 <{ a: I- z UJ 200 Q (!) a:: )--f- VJ « 100 0 I- 0. W Cl 0 10'4 10-3 10-2 10-1 GAS PRESSURE ( Torr) FIG. 3. Target current and deposition rate as a function of the discharge gas pressure. Curves A and A' show characteristics obtained with B, = O. Curves Band B' show characteristics obtained with optimum perpendicular magnetic field strength. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:24:292754 Mutsuo Yamashita: Effect of magnetic field on plasma characteristics 2754 Figure 4 (a) shows the target current as a function of the perpendicular magnetic-field strength,B 1, for various HF powers, at a discharge gas pressure of 5 X 10-4 Torr and a frequency of 14 MHz. The target current increases with an increase in the HF power. Although B1max is almost inde pendent ofHF power at such a lower discharge gas pressure, it increased with an increase in the HF power at gas pres sures above 1 X 10-3 Torr, this HF power dependence be coming stronger with an increase in discharge gas pressure. For example, when HF power was increased from 200 to 500 W, B1max linearly changed from 34 to 45 Gat 5 X 10-3 Torr. Such HF power dependence also appeared at frequencies of 7,21, and 28 MHz. Figure 4 (b) shows the target current as a function of the external perpendicular magnetic fields for two different target voltages, i.e., -1000 and -60 V (where the inflow of plasma electrons is eliminated and only -~ E -.... z ~ a: => u ~ ~ la) C' E -300 200 100 0 300 ~200 l1J a: S u tij100 i 0 PAr : 5x 10-4 Torr f:14~ 10 20 30 40 50 Bol (G) HF: 14~z.IIXJW F\r: 5xl0-4Torr 00 10 20 30 40 50 Ib) Bo&. (G) FIG. 4. Target current as a function of the perpendicular magnetic field strength, Bjo for various HF powers (a), and two different target voltages (b) (discharge gas pressure: 5 X 10-4 Torr, frequency: 14 MHz). J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A, Vol. 7, No.4, Jul/Aug 1989 ions are drawn in), under the conditions where discharge gas pressure is 5 X 10-4 Torr, and HF power and frequency are 400 Wand 14 MHz, respectively. No particular change is seen in B1max with the target voltage in this figure. This was also independent of other sputtering parameters, such as dis charge gas pressure, operating HF power and frequency. These results suggest that plasma generation is mainly caused by HF energy, and that the target voltage is rather insignificant in the generation of dense plasma. Figure 5 shows the relationship between target current and external perpendicular magnetic field for various high frequencies at a discharge gas pressure of 5 X 10-3 Torr and an HF power of 300 W. B1ma. increases with an increase in frequency and exhibits some consistency. Each curve for 21 MHz and 28 MHz has a sharp peak at 20 and 25 G, respec tively. Figure 6 (a) shows the frequency spectrum of the induced HF voltage with applied HF power and fundamen tal frequency (jl) of 300 Wand 13.56 MHz, respectively, but the discharge was suspended. Only the fundamental Cf.. ) component appeared. Figure 6 (b) shows the frequency spectrum during discharge with a discharge gas pressure of 5 X 10-3 Torr and Bl of O. As soon as the discharge oc curred, the/. component quickly diminished but many har monic components, especially the 2nd U; ), increased. The reduction of the /. component means that the applied HF energy was absorbed efficiently to generate the dense plas ma. Generation of the 2nd harmonic component can be ex plained as follows: The instantaneous HF power changes with double frequency of the operating frequency, because HF voltages of both ends of the HF coil change alternately over time. Then, plasma density corresponding to the ioniza- I Z W a:: a:: a I W <.!) a:: 400 PAr 5 X 10-3 Torr ~ 100 HF 300 W Vr -500 V OL-~--~~--~~--~~--· o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 BJ. (G) FIG. 5. Relationships between target current and perpendicular magnetic field, Bjo for various HF frequencies (discharge gas pressure: 5x 10-3 Torr, HF power: 300 W). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:24:292755 Mutsuo Yamashita: Effect of magnetic field on plasma characteristics 2755 f 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 f 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 f 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FIG. 6. Frequency spectrum of induced HF voltage [discharge gas pressure: 5XIO-' Torr, HF power: 300 W, fundamental frequency (j, ):13.56 MHz]. (a): without discharge. (b): during discharge without B1• (c): dur ing discharge with B1 of 39 G. (Number shows the order of each harmon ic). tion frequency also changes with double frequency of the operating frequency. The growth of harmonics of a higher order is caused mainly by following three items: (i) The ionization frequency does not change sinusoidally, even if the electric field strength changes sinusoidally over time. (ii) The waveform of the HF voltage across the HF coil is markedly distorted due to the nonlinearity of the plasma; many harmonics grow. (Details of this distortion will be de scribed later.) (iii) Some harmonic components are pro duced by the frequency mixing action caused by the plasma nonlinearity. Therefore, it is considered that the waveform chart of plasma density consists of many sinusoidal waves with difference periods and amplitudes, i.e., many harmonic components. When Bl was superimposed on the plasma re gion, the frequency spectrum was greatly changed. This phe nomenon markedly appeared near Blmax in Fig. 5. For exam- J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.4, Jul/Aug 1989 pIe, Fig. 6 (c) shows the frequency spectrum when Bl is 39 G. The 8th (fs) component markedly grew as compared with Fig. 6 (b). This value (39 G) is almost the same as Blmax for 13.56 MHz in Fig. 5 (40 G). These frequency spectra also depended on the discharge gas pressure. Figure 7 shows the relationships between the target cur rent and the external perpendicular magnetic field for var ious high frequencies under conditions where the discharge gas pressure is 5 X 10-4 Torr and the HF power is 400 W. The Blmax for each curve was hardly affected by discharge parameters such as HF power and target voltage at such a low discharge gas pressure. Blmax increased with an increase in the operating HF and exhibited remarkable consistency. That is, when 6 G is subtracted from the value of Blmax for each frequency, the electron cyclotron frequency,f;, calcu lated from the remaining magnetic-field strength, B ~max , shows a value -4 times as high as the fundamental frequen cy, J. , of the operating HF power. Figure 8 shows the fre quency spectrum during discharge under conditions where the discharge gas pressure is 5 X 10-4 Torr and Bl is 26 G. The 4th ~) component extremely increased, and the 8th (fs) component decreased, as compared with the spectrum in Fig. 6. The frequency of the h component is 54.24 MHz, which approximately agrees with the electron cyclotron fre quency /; (56 MHz) calculated from B ~max (20 G) for 13.56 MHz in Fig. 7. It is well known that when the electron cyclotron frequen cy calculated from the applied magnetic-field strength agrees with the frequency of the electromagnetic wave in the plasma region, electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) occurs; the plasma electron is preferentially excited, and thereby the plasma density is extremely increased. The experimental re sults suggest that an ECR or an ECR-like phenomenon oc curred between Blmax and a specific harmonic component of the operating HF power. This resonance has a remarkable effect at lower discharge gas pressures (below I X 10-3 Torr). 300 7 MHz -4 E - ~ 200 z w a: 0: :::J U 100 ~ PAr: 5xlO-4Torr W (!) HF:400W 0: Vr : -500 V ~ 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 B.L (G) FIG. 7. Relationships between target current and perpendicular magnetic field strength, B1, for various frequencies (discharge gas pressure: 5 X 10-4 Torr, HF power: 400 W). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:24:292756 Mutsuo Yamashita: Effect of magnetic field on plasma characteristics 2756 f 2 345 6 7 8 9 FIG. 8. Frequency spectrum of induced HF voltage (discharge gas pressure: 5 X 10-4 Torr, B,: 26 G, HF power: 400 W, fundamental frequency (f),: 13.56 MHz). (Number shows the order of each harmonic). The waveform of the HF voltage was distorted, as shown in Fig. 9, during operation. The reason for this distortion can be explained as follows: The HF coil was mounted inside the sputtering chamber, and was grounded through two variable condensers (VCl and VC2 ) as shown in Fig. 1. Many elec trons enter the HF coil and form a large electron current, Ie, when the potential of the HF coil indicates a positive value with respect to the plasma potential. This Ie charges capaci tors (VCI. VC2 etc). Thereby, the HF coil is negatively bi ased up to the terminal voltage of these capacitors. On the other hand, although the motion of the ions hardly follows in the change of the electro-magnetic field, the ions flow into the HF coil and form an ion current, Ii, because the potential in most parts of the HF coil (except near both ends) is kept negative for all periods of the HF cycle. This Ii discharges the capacitors and shallows the bias voltage of the HF coil. Consequently, a self-bias voltage of --110 V is automati cally impressed upon the HF coil. The mechanism of this action is similar to that of generating a negative target vol tage in a conventional rf sputtering apparatus. A time con stant, T, is given by T = C' R, where C is the total capaci tance, including an equivalent plasma capacitance, and R is the equivalent plasma resistance corresponding to the plas ma density. In the present apparatus, T is estimated to be -10 -7 s. This time constant is closer to the period of applied HF (7.37x 10-8 s, at 13.56 MHz). Therefore, in a steady state, the bias voltage of the HF coil ripples greatly; the waveform of the terminal voltage is extremely distorted, as shown in Fig. 9. Consequently, the plasma is excited with o level FIG. 9. Potential waveform of end of HF coil with respect to sputtering chamber wall (HF power: 300 W, fundamental frequency: 13.56 MHz, discharge gas pressure: 5 X 10-4 Torr, B,: 26 G). horizontal axis: 2 X 10-" s/div; vertical axis: 100 V /div. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.4, Jul/Aug 1989 both the fundamental and harmonic components of the ap plied HF energy. The perpendicular magnetic field, B l' is also useful in plasma confinement. When electrons collide with the dis charge gas, D1, i.e., the diffusion constant of the plasma elec trons which cross a perpendicular magnetic field, B l' is giv en by Dl = D /(1 + w~r), (1) where D is the diffusion constant when Bl = 0, We is the electron cyclotron frequency and 7' is the mean time of colli sion. If w~ r <en, B 1 has no effect on diffusion. When w~r> 1, Eq. (1) can be simplified as follows: Dl = D /w~r = kTv/mw~, (2) where v is the frequency of collision and m is the mass of the electron. For example, when the discharge gas pressure is 5 X 10-4 Torr, Bl is 30 G and the energy of the electron is 100 eV, the Larmor radius of electron and the value of We 7' become 1.12 cm and 44 rad, respectively. Therefore, w~ r > 1 is satisfied, and Bl takes part in plasma confinement at pres sures below 10-3 Torr. However, results shown in Figs. 7 and 8 suggest that the effect of the resonance phenomenon is larger than plasma confinement effect in operating gas pres sure reduction and plasma density increase. IV. CONCLUSIONS The effects of the perpendicular static magnetic fields on the discharge characteristics of a built-in HF coil type sput tering apparatus were examined. HF discharge continued only within a certain limited magnetic field at a discharge gas pressure of < 1.3 X 10-3 Torr. Optimum magnetic-field strength, where the target current becomes maximum, in creased regularly with an increase in applied HF, but was hardly affected by discharge parameters such as HF power and target voltage, at pressures of 5 X 10-4 Torr or less. These experimental results correspond to the frequency spectrum of the HF voltage detected in the plasma region. When the optimum magnetic field was applied to the plasma region, not only did the plasma density increase remarkably at lower discharge gas pressure, but the lowest limit of the operating gas pressure could be reduced from 1.3 X 10-3 to 2.45 X 10-4 Torr. Therefore, it can be expected that this method permits realization of high-rate formation of high quality thin film. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author would like to acknowledge the continuing guidance and encouragement of Emeritus Professor T. Ta kagi, Professor I. Yamada, and Associate Professor J. Ishikawa of Kyoto University, and Professor T. Koshikawa of Osaka Electro-Communication University for his helpful advice. 'N. Hosokawa, T. Tsukada, and T. Misumi, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. 14, 143 (1977). 2J. A. Thornton, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. 15,171 {I978). 's. Kadokura, T. Tomie, and M. Naoe, IEEE Trans. Magn. 17, 3175 (1981 ). 4y. Hoshi, M. Naoe, and S. Yamanaka, Trans. lnst. Electr. Commun. Eng. 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Interface contribution to the capacitance of thinfilm AlAl2O3Al trilayer structures A. F. Hebard, S. A. Ajuria, and R. H. Eick Citation: Applied Physics Letters 51, 1349 (1987); doi: 10.1063/1.98675 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.98675 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/51/17?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Characteristics of electron emission of Al-Al2O3-Ti/Au diode with a new double-layer insulator J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 32, 062204 (2014); 10.1116/1.4900632 Application of the interface capacitance model to thin-film relaxors and ferroelectrics Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 262904 (2006); 10.1063/1.2218321 Contribution of interface capacitance to the electric-field breakdown in thin-film Al–AlO x – Al capacitors Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 2417 (2003); 10.1063/1.1613802 Electron transport mechanism in Al/Al2O3/nInTe/Bi thinfilm structures J. Appl. Phys. 64, 6379 (1988); 10.1063/1.342074 Photovoltage Measurements on an AlAl2O3Al ThinFilm Sandwich J. Appl. Phys. 37, 1998 (1966); 10.1063/1.1708657 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 17:43:37Interface contribution to the capacitance of thin"'film A( ... ~U203 .. AI trnayer structures A. F. Hebard, S. A. Ajuria,a) and R. H. Eick AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 (Received 6 August 1987; accepted for pUblication 28 August 1987) A dual-gun reactive ion beam sputtering technique has been used to reproducibly fabricate A1203 dielectrics with low electrical loss for controlled thickness ranging from approximately 10 to 360 A.. The linear dependence of the reciprocal capacitance on dielectric thickness of AI-AI20J-AI triIayer structures incorporating this dielectric reveals a significant contribution from an interfacial capacitance in serres with the geometric capacitance. Room-temperature measurements of both the de resistance and the frequency-dependent complex impedance demonstrate that, with respect to bulk, there is an enhanced frequency-dependent dielectric tosS associated with this interfacial capacitance. The constantly shrinking size of circuit elements in mi croelectronic applications necessitates a thorough under standing of physical processes occurring on length scales ap~ proaching atomic dimensions. This is particularly true for thin-film capacitors where attributes such as frequency-de pendent loss, electric field breakdown strength, and charge storage capability become strongly modified as the electrode separation is decreased. The nature of the Si/Si0 2 interface in very large scale integrated technology is just one example of the importance of increased understanding of these is sues. I An indication that interface processes begin to be come significant in the limit of smail electrode separation can be found in the work of Meadz on Ta-Ta20s -Au and Ta-Ta20S -Bi tunneling structures in which it was shown that for dielectrics thin enough to allow direct electron tun neling it is necessary to model the total capacitance as a se ries combination of an interfacial capacitance and a geomet rical capacitance. This interfacial capacitance was shown to vary in proportion to the electronic density of states of the Au and Bi counterelectrodes. Such a dependence is based on the notion that an electrode with a low density of states has a larger charge penetration depth with a correspondingly smaner capacitance.2 There are, however, serious theoreti cal objections3 to this interpretation which are based on the question of which electric field boundary conditions to use at the metal-dielectric interface. The physics of the situation is further complicated by polarization and space-charge effects which have the effect of creating a "blocking" capacitance at the interface.4•5 Although a complete theory is lacking, the microscopic origin of these effects is suspected to be in fluenced by the presence of electrons trapped with a finite lifetime in localized states near the interface. 6 The research reported here is motivated by this same question concerning the behavior of the capacitance of thin film metal-insulating-meta! trilayer structures when the electrode separation d is reduced towards zero. We have chosen for simplicity to study the symmetric AI-Alz03-AI system in which there is only one metallic element. The 3) 1986 recipient of all AT&T Bell Laboratories Cooperative Research Fel lowship award. presently at MIT. Cambridge, MA. A1203 dielectric with predominantly ionic bonding and large band gap is wen known in tunnel junction and artificial bar rier applications 7 for its low leakage and pinhole~free cover age. In contrast to the work by Mead,2 our AIzO} dielectric is grown with known thicknesses so that the dependence of capacitance on absolute rather than relative thickness can be determined. Interpretation of electrical impedance data on a sequence of AI-A1203-Al thin-film capacitors with varying thickness is based on a model in which dc conduction pro cesses are ascribed to afrequency-independent shunt resistor in parallel with a capacitor having a frequency-dependent dielectric constant. We find that the total measured capaci tance em arises from a geometric capacitance Cb with "bulk" dielectric constant in series with an interfacial ca paci.tance Cj• Interestingly, the magnitUde of Cj is an appre ciable fraction of C b over the entire thickness range (d,;;; 3 60 A). As a consequence, the frequency-dependent loss is COIl siderably enhanced over that of the bulk, an enhancement which becomes especially pronounced at low frequencies. A dual-gun reactive ion beam sputter deposition tech nique is used for the fabrication of the AIz03 dielectric. A beam of xenon ions from the first gun, the deposition gun, is directed onto an Al target at an incident angle of approxi mately 45°. Simultaneously, a beam of oxygen ions from the second gun, the etching gun, impinges directly on the rotat ing substrate which is in a location outsi.de of the first ion beam. Oxide growth on the substrate thus occurs under dy namic nonequilibrium conditions in the presence of a plasma of incoming aluminum atoms and oxygen ions. By careful tuning of ion beam intensities the rate of oxide accumulation can be adjusted to be slightly greater than the rate of oxide erosion. The net oxide growth rate of approximately 4 A. per minute is thus slow enough to allow a homogeneous wel1- compacted film to grow. Transmission electron microscopy examination confirms a homogeneous void-free amorphous filmS which is consistent with increased packing densities commonly found in films prepared using ion-assisted depo sition processes. ".10 Eight capacitor samples, each in a cross configuration with an area of 4X 10-4 cm2, are prepared simultaneously. The Al electrodes are deposited through photoresist masks 1349 Appl. Phys. Lett. 51 (17). 26 October 1987 0003-6951/871431349-03$01.00 © i 987 American Institute of Physics 1349 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 17:43:376 .. 100 Hz 5 + de + lL ~ 4 '" E ~ E 3 1 (,) "- -\ <t 2 ~ ! °0 100 200 300 400 0 DIELECTRIC THICKNESS (Al FIG. L Plot of the reciprocal area! capacitance vs dielectric thickness 100 Hz (circles) and dc (crosses). The solid line is a regression of the 100 Hz data. from thermal sources. Pricr to the deposition of the dielec tric the base electrode is sputter cleaned with the beam from the erosion gun. After the deposition of the dielectric the sample is exposed to atmosphere for preparation of the coun terelectrode mask. Variation in the time of this exposure does not cause significant changes in the electrical properties of the samples. The dielectric thickness d is inferred from quartz crystal monitor readings calibrated with respect to optical interferometric measurements 011 the thicker sam ples. Electrical measurements are made both at dc and at ac (50 Hz to 40 kHz) with special care being taken to assure linearity by using voltage levels of 100 mV or less. The capacitance Cb associated with the bulk dielectric can be written in the form Cb = K€oA Id, where If is the per mittivity of the bulk dielectric, A is the area, and d is the thickness. The effect of an interface capacitance Ci is includ ed by modeling the total measured capacitance C", as a series combination of Cb and C,. One thus expects the reciprocal areal capacitance to have a linear dependence on d with a nonzero intercept at d = 0, i.e., (1) C(w) c:: --c;t-~ 0 f- U ~ 0,5 ;z 0 I f- <:( J IL 01, I./') .~ if) 0 O.05r- I III .. .. I e. Q 00 e 0011 e III $ " .. I I ! $9 0 el 106 107 108 109 10\0 1011 Ro (.Q.) FIG. 2. Logarithmic plot of the dissipation factor JJ vs the de resistance Ro for those films in Fig. 1 for which Ro was small enough to be measured in the linear regime. The solid line is a guide to the eye which identifies the points plotted in Fig. 3. 1350 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 51, No. 17,26 October 1987 30 I oc 0 f-2.5' u 2.0 -it 2: 1.5~ 52 f- <1: il.. in 1O~ .. (f) 0 oJ .. * ~I 6 0°0 2 4 6 8 10 Rd (10-7.0.-1 ) FIG. 3. Linear plot ofD vsR 0-"forthedata points adjacent to the solid line in Fig. 2. This dependence is verified in the Fig. 1 plot of A I Cm vs d for 80 junctions made in 10 separate depositions. A value for K of 9.03 is calculated from the slope of the solid line regression fit through the 100 Hz data (solid circles). This value of K is somewhat higher than typical thin-film values of slightly less than 8.5 found in the literature. tl,l2 These results thus indi cate that a void-free high quality dielectric has been obtained with the two-beam deposition technique. The high quality of the dielectric is also confirmed by measurements of a lower bound to the dc leakage resistance of 1012 n for all samples with thicknesses greater than 32 A. The low leakage currents associated with these high resistances enabled accurate qua sistatic measurements (crosses in Fig. 1) taken with a Cou lomb meter using a 10-8 integration time. The closeness of these de data to the 100 Hz data indicates an almost negligi ble amount of low-frequency dispersion. The salient feature of Fig. 1 is the rather large zero thickness intercept on the inverse capacitance axis from which the value CJA = 1.62 .uF/cm2 can be calculated. The crossover thickness at which Ci = C b occurs at a rela tivelY robust value of 50 A. For smaller d the interface con tribution dominates the capacitative part of the impedance. If the two interfaces are assumed to be equivalent, we find a value of 3.24 ,uF/cm2 per interface. Interestingly, the as- 0.Q16 .... '" " 0.012 " " it: ••• • • -' " -~ 0008 • • " 0.004 ~-.. ~ ! • '" f .... ! e • " " " e " .. S t 1 .. .. .. .. .. I 0) I I I I 10 100 1000 10000 100000 FREQUENCY (Hz) FIG. 4. Plot of the ratio of the imaginary to the real part of the permittivity vs frequency for film thicknesses of :::::10 A (squares), 22 A (diamonds) 212 At. (circles), and 360A (triangles). ' Hebard, Ajuria, and Eick 1350 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 17:43:37sumption of a vacuum dielectric for Ci (K = I) implies a plate separation of 2.7 A, a distance comparable to nearest neighbor atomic separations. However, the alternative ex planation13 of a two-layer composite dielectric cannot be ruled out. It is reasonable to suspect that Ci and Cb should have different frequency dependences.12•14 To investigate this possibi.lity, we model the electrical response of our trilayer structures (inset of Fig. 2) as a paranel combination of Ii frequency-independent resistance Ro and a frequency-de pendent capacitance C(UJ) with compiex permittivity K(UJ) = K' (UJ) -iK" (al). The real part of C is equal to Cm. The dc resistance Ro is included to take into account conduc tion processes such as tunneling and thermaIiy activated hopping which become important as d is made small. It is straightforward to show that the experimentally measured dissipation. factor D, defined as the ratio of the real and imaginary parts of the complex admittance, can be written in the form K"(al) d D=--+ (2) K' «(1) UJ£oK' «(1) )ARo The logarithmic plot in Fig. 2 of D vs Ro includes all of the data in Fig. 1 for whi.ch Ro was sman enough to be measured in the linear regime (Le., d,32 A.). There are clearly two regions of behavior: a region, depicted by the solid line, of large D and small Ro where the second term ofEq. (2) domi nates and a region of lower D and higher Ro where the first term ofEq. (2) dominates. For the thicker dielectrics with unmeasurably high Ro. D decreases further to a bulk-domi nated lower bound of approximately 0.006. Replotting the data in Fig. 2 on a linear scale versus R 0-!, as is done in Fig. 3, reveals the expected linear dependence predicted by Eq. (2) when Ro is small. From the slope of the regression fit solid line in Fig. 3, a value for the capacitance per unit area of 1.58pF/cm2 is obtained. Since these data with smallRo only apply to the ultrathin dielectrics where Ci dominates over Cb, it is not surprising that this number is close to the result 2C;lA = 1.62 J.lF/cm2 calculated from the data in Fig. 1. These results thus tend to validate the use of a frequency independent value of Ro in a finite frequency (100 Hz) anal ysis using Eq, (2). A similar analysis could be used at higher frequency providing that series lead resistances can be kept small enough. In practice, this condition occurs for our films at frequencies less than 100kHz. For capacitors with high shunt resistance the second term in Eq. (2) can be ignored and a measurement of Dis equivalent to a measurement of the rati.o K" (tV )IK' «(1)). Fig- 1351 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 51, No. 17,26 October 1987 ure 4 is a plot of this ratio versus frequency for a series of dielectric films which increase in thickness from tens of A (top) to 360 A (bottom). These data dearly show increased dielectric loss at low frequencies due to the interface capaci tance. In conclusion, we have shown in this letter that interfa cial processes can make a substantial contribution to both the magnitude and frequency dependence of the capacitance of thin-film trilayer structures. Values ofCm cannot be used with impunity to calculate dielectric thickness! The result win always be too large because of the presence of a series connected Ci which forces the inequality C m < Cb• This ac counts for the experimental observation that dielectric thickness inferred from capacitance measurements is always larger than the thickness inferred from tunneling. 3, II Roughness considerations are also important as the tunnel current is dominated by the thinnest portion of the barrier whereas the capacitance is a measure of the arithmetic aver age of the barrier thickness. Finally, in the absence of elec trode effects,3 we conjecture that for an ideal interface the magnitUde of C; has as a lower bound the capacitance asso ciated with a vacuum dielectric between two parallel elec trodes with nearest neighbor interatomic spacing. This con jecture is consistent with the results reported above and with previously reported work on high-quality Ta20s and MgOx films.2,i3 The authors appreciate useful and stimulating discus sions with A. T. Fiory and A. F. J. Levi. 'F. J. Feigie, Phys. Today October, 47 (\986). le. A. Mead, Phys. Rev. Lett. 6, 545 (1961). 3 A. K. Theophilou and A. Modinos, Phys. Rev. B 6, 801 (1972). 4J. G. Simmons, J. Phys. D 4,613 (1971 l. sD. S. Campbell, Vacuum 27, 213 (1977). 6J. Halbritter, Z. Physik B 31,19 (1978). 7J. B. Damer and S. T. Ruggiero, IEEE Trans_ Magn. MAG-23, 854 (1987). 's. Nakahara (private communication). ·P. J. Martin, J. Mater. Sci. 21, I (1986). 10J. J. McNally, G. A. AI-Jumaily, andJ. R. McNeil, J. Vac. Sci. TechnoL A 4,437 (1986). !lO. Meyerhofer and S. A. Ochs, J. App/. Phys. 34, 2535 (1963). !2F. Argall and A. K. Jonscher, Thin Solid Films 2,185 (1968). Jj A. F. Hebard, A. T. Fiory, S. Nakahara, and R. H. Eick, Appl. Phys. Lett. 48,520 (1986). "A. K. Jonscher and J. M. Reau, S. Mater. Sci. 13, 563 (1978). Hebard, Ajuria, and Eick 1351 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 17:43:37
Effect of substrate photoexcitation on channel conduction in a modulationdoped Al x Ga1−x As/GaAs heterostructure P. H. Jiang, Y. J. Huang, W. K. Ge, D. Z. Sun, and Y. P. Zeng Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 64, 2488 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.341630 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.341630 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/64/5?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Persistent decrease of dark conductivity due to illumination in AlGaAs/GaAs modulationdoped heterostructures J. Appl. Phys. 74, 5596 (1993); 10.1063/1.355285 Large lateral photovoltaic effect in modulationdoped AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 792 (1989); 10.1063/1.101762 Summary Abstract: Electronic subbands and high field transport in Al x Ga1−x As/GaAs multilayers for superlattice modulationdoped fieldeffect transistors J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 5, 779 (1987); 10.1116/1.583749 Anomalous photomagnetoresistance effect in modulationdoped AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures Appl. Phys. Lett. 45, 164 (1984); 10.1063/1.95155 Radiation effects on modulationdoped GaAsAl x Ga1−x As heterostructures Appl. Phys. Lett. 42, 180 (1983); 10.1063/1.93867 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 06:16:32Effect of substrate photoexcitation on channel conduction in a modulatlon .. doped AlxGa1_xAs/GaAs heterostructure P. H. Jiang,a) Y. J. Huang, W. K. Ge, D. Z. Sun, Y. P. Zeng Institute afSemiconductors, Chinese Academy a/Sciences, P.o. Box 912, Beijing ]()()(J83, China (Received 5 January 1988; accepted for publication 9 May 1988) If a modulation-doped AIGaAs/GaAs heterostructure is illuminated by light, photoexcitation of deep levels in the GaAs substrate leads to some interesting enects. Below 100 K, the heterostructure shows a persistent photoconductivity effect. Moreover, a strong persistent channel depletion is observed at low temperatures when a small negative voltage is applied to the substrate contact (backgate). The latter effect is explained by a double-layer model of GaAs where the GaAs side of the heterostructure consists of ( 1) a buffer layer and (2) a semi insulating substrate. Under illumination, most of the applied negative voltage drops across the very thin buffer layer, and the enhanced electric field in the layer exerts a very strong influence on the conducting channel. I. INTRODUCTION In modulation-doped heterostructures, a large energy gap material such as A]GaAs is grown epitaxiaUy on a smaller energy-gap material, such as GaAs. The structures are grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) or metal organic-chemical-vapor deposition (MOCVD). A very abrupt interface between the two materials is achieved. Do nor dopant atoms are placed in the AIGaAs, sometimes sep arated from the GaAs by an undoped AIGaAs spacer layer, whereas the GaAs is undoped. Some of the electrons from the donors are transferred from the AIGaAs into the GaAs and form a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in a triangular potential wen near the heterojunction. The 2D EG manifests itself as a conducting channel at the interface, but is sufficiently removed from the ionized donor impurities so that impurity scattering is reduced and very high mobility is obtained. The sheet carrier concentration of the 2DEG, and hence the conductivity of the conducting channel, can be modula ted by an electric field perpendicular to the interface. For example, in the high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structure, a metal gate is formed on top of the AIGaAs layer ("front gate"), and the carrier concentration of the 2DEG can be controlled by the voltage between the gate and the channel. A metal layer can also be formed on the bottom of the GaAs substrate ("backgate"). The voltage between the backgate and the channel ("substrate bias") has qualitative ly the same effect on electron concentration and sheet con ductivity of the channel as that by the front gate. 1 Since the thickness of the GaAs layer on the substrate side of the heter ointerface is large compared to the thickness of AlGaAs on the top side, the effectiveness of the backgate modulation is small compared with that by the front gate modulation. It is found that if the sample is cooled down to low tem peratures ( < 100 K) in the dark and then illuminated, the electron concentration and sheet conductivity ofthe channel increase. If the light is turned off, electron concentration and a) Current address: Electricity Division, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD 20899. sheet conductivity decay in a few seconds to lower steady values, which are higher than the original values in the dark. The original values can only be restored again by warming the sample up to room temperature and cooling it again in the dark. This phenomenon is known as persistent photo conductivity (PPC). 2 In a previous paper,3 we reported two thresholds of PPC, 0.8 and 1.1 eV, They are related to two independent mechanisms: ( 1 ) electron photoexdtation from chromiurn related deep levels in a semi-insulating (SI) GaAs:Cr sub strate and (2) photoionization of donor complex (DX) centers in AIGaAs. The combined influence of illumination and negative substrate bias was reported by Kastalsky and Hwang." They observed strong persistent depletion of the channel, but did not investigate this effect in detail and its mechanism re mains unclear. In this work we investigate, in detail, the in fluence of both illumination and substrate bias on the con ducting charme!. For the first time, the mechanism of persistent channel depletion at low temperatures is ex plained by a double-layer model of GaAs. The experiments were carried out with photon energies between 0.8 and 1.1 eV, lower than the threshold of DX center photoexcitation in AIGaAs, but higher than the threshold of deep center pho toexcitation in a semi-insulating GaAs substrate. The en hancement of substrate conductivity under illumination turns out to be the crucial factor responsible for the strong persistent decrease in channel conductance with the applica tion of negative substrate bias. It EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES The modulation-doped AIGaAs/GaAs heterostruc tures were grown by MBE. 5 A high-purity GaAs buffer layer of a thickness of 1-3 fLm was grown on a SI GaAs:Cr sub strate. It was followed by an undoped AIGaAs spacer layer of thickness 10 nm, a Si-doped AIGaAs layer of thickness 60 nrn, and finally a 20-um-thick un doped GaAs cap layer. The Al mole fraction x = 0.3, and the doping concentration in AIGaAs was 1 X 1018 em -3. The samples for measurements 2488 J. Appl. Phys. 64 (5), 1 September 1988 0021-3979/88/172488-07$02.40 @ 1988 American Institute of Physics 2488 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 06:16:32were made in van der Pauw geometry with photolithogra phically defined patterns and In-alloyed ohmic contacts. The conductivity and Hall coefficient were measured at 77 and 4.2 K in low magnetic fields ( < 0.3 T). Components of the resistivity tensor Pxx andpxv were measured at 4.2 K in high magnetic fields. The electron concentration of the 2DEG was determined by Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscil lations of Pxx versus magnetic field B. The sheet electron concentrations before illumination ranged from 3 X 10 II to 7 X 1011 em'-2, the mobilities were 5 X 104 to 4 X 105 cmZ IV s at 4.2 K and varied from sample to sample. The sample was illuminated from the AIGaAs side of the heterostructure with the following sources of light: InGaAsP injection laser (A = L3 pm, photon energy 0.95 eV), GaP red light emitting diode (LED) (A = 0.7 Itm, photon energy 1.77 eV), and a high-intensity grating mono~ chromator. The laser and LED were immersed in liquid ni trogen near the sample for 77-K measurements. For 4.2-K measurements, they were placed outside the cryostat and the light was conducted through an optical. fiber to the sample in liquid helium. For continuously variable photon energies, a high-intensity grating monochromator was used as the light source illuminating the sample through a window on the cryostat. m. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A. Persistent photoconductivity (PPC) In order to observe the substrate effect on PPC, the sam ple was cooled to 77 K from room temperature in the dark, then the measurements were made by exposing the sample to monochromatic light with photon energy 0092 eV and ob serving the decay of channel resistivity with time. The chan nel resistivity at first exhibited a fast decay and then became saturated at some lower value. After switching off the illumi nation, the reduced channel resistivity persisted over a very long time. The substrate contact was either floating or connected to one of the channel contacts, and the resulting saturated channel resistivity under illumination was different, as shown in Fig. 1, in which the variation of channel resistivity R with time t is presented. The saturated channel resistivity under illumination was dependent only upon the substrate connection and was independent of the connection history. When the substrate was floating, a voltage of Vr) = + 0.6 V was developed on substrate contact with respect to the chan~ nel. When the substrate was connected to the ch.annel, a current I, = 6 X 10-11 A was found to be flowing out from the substrate contact. The appearance of the open-circuit voltage and the short-circuit current with the illumination clearly demonstrated that the electrons were photoexched from the deep centers to the conduction band of the GaAs substrate. These electrons could diffuse and then be swept into the channel. Since their recombination with ionized deep centers was prohibited by the macroscropic electric field, these electrons remained in the channel after switching otfthe illumination. This phenomenon is in fact the familiar photovoltaic effect, where the conducting channel and sub strate form a kind of "junction." 2489 J. Appl. Phys .• Vol. 64. No.5. 1 September 1988 1.00 0.90 I "I ~ ~------------ ~ l ! ! F I ! , I I I I LIGHT -------...-j DARK I I 5 I I I I ! I B6GS7 T =77K t (min) FIG. L Photoconductivity effect of heterostructure under illumination with light of photon energy 0.92 eV. F: substrate contact floating, as shown by upper-left inSet. S: substrate contact short connected to the channel contact, as shown by upper-right in~et. Ro: channel resistivity before illu mination. SdH measurements were made at 4.2 K and the results are shown in Fig. 2. From the periodicity oftne SdH oscilla tions, the electron concentration of 2DEG can be deter mined. From the depth of the minima of the SdH oscilla tions, the presence of any parallel conducting layer other ~9G 0.8 0.6 T ,.. ::rnA ." 3GO 'il In 0.2 6 , i 00 j 200 86693 T:4.2K 100 " ' . , , ' .. \J 'J 0 0 FIG. 2. Variation of Px., with magnetic field B. The SdH plots (B mi.: vs integer i) are shown as inset, from which the 2DEG concentration nw can be determined. The measurements were made in the following sequence: (I) after cooling thesllmple in darkness (11m ~. 4.2 X 10" em -7); (2) illu minated by light of photon energy 0.95 eV (flw :co 5.6X 10" em .,); (3) illumination by light of photon energy 1.77 eV (11m = 6.0X 10" cm . 'J; and (4) after tllming olIillumination (nm = 6.0X 10" em' '). Jiang etal. 2489 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 06:16:32than 2DEO can be ascertained. It can be seen that the elec tron concentration of the 2DEG has a more than 30% in crease under illumination with light of photon energy 0.95 eV, but the effect of parallel conductance is small. The situa tion was different when the sample was under the light from the GaP red LED ( 1.77 e V), In this case, there was a further increase of 2DEG electron concentration (less than 10%), but a strong magnetoresistance was superimposed on the familiar oscillatory SdH curve, indicating the formation of a second conducting layer in AIGaAs. (, The following conclusion can be drawn from the experi mental facts, When the sample is illuminated by light with photon energies between 0.8 and 1.1 eV, the responsible mechanism for the PPC effect is the photoexcitation of elec trons from deep centers in the SI GaAs substrate, and their subsequent transfer into the channel. B. Substrate bias effect under illumination At low temperatures (77 K), when a bias was applied between the substrate and one of the channel contacts under continuous illumination with light of photon energy 0.95 e V, the variations of channel resistivity and bias current through the substrate are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. The polarities of voltage and current are shown in the inset of Fig. 3. The relaxation processes are evident with the tum on and turn off of the substrate bias under constant illumination. It can be noticed that there were very large charging and dis charging current transients. Under constant illumination, the saturated values depended only on the substrate bias ap plied and were independent afthe past history. As shown in Fig. 3, a strong enhancement of channel resistivity with neg ative substrate biasing was observed, but only a slight reduc tion took place when the voltage was positive. The relationship between these saturated values of sub strate current and substrate bias voltage was highly nonoh mic (see Fig. 4). The saturated substrate current had differ ent values for different polarities of biasing. For positive biasing, the "junction" between channel and substrate was 15 10 5 ! (I I; j (I V!l: -6V ~~ -.. -4V -2-'L ",2 AI 't6V 2. 3 " t(min) 86087 T=77K 5 6 7 FIG. 3. Typical variation of channel resistivity with substrate bias under continuous illumination ( 0.92 eV). At t = 0 the substrate voltage is changed from zero to V. and then turned off. Ro is the channel resistivity with zero substrate bias under illumination. 2490 J. Appl. Phys" Vol. 64, No.5, 1 September 1988 ... < g 1.5 lo() 0.5 , Vg=-4V 0 I I / , , , , I I (I !'---' -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 o '(- 2 Vg=D Vg".4V (I r-' 86081 T=77K 4 FIG. 4. Typical variation of substrate current with substrate bias under con tinuous illumination ( 0.92 eV). The substrate voltage is changed from zero to -4 V and then turned off. Later it is changed from zero to + 4 V and then turned off. "forward" biased, and the high-density 2DEO as a source of electrons could supply a large current which was limited by the SI substrate. For negative biasing, however, the "junc tion" was "reverse" biased, and the magnitude of current was much smaller. This substrate bias effect is related to the PPC effect described above. When the substrate contact was discon nected from the channel, an open-circuit voltage was devel oped across the "junction" under illumination, and the sub strate contact then had a higher potential than the channel. This is equivalent to a sman positive voltage applied to the substrate, giving rise to a slight decrease of channel resis tance. In order to determine the variation of carrier concentra tion and mobility in the channel, Hall measurements were carried out at 77 K in low magnetic fields (-0.1 T) with iHumination oflight (0.95 eV) and various substrate biases. The saturated values of electron concentration n, sheet con ductivity a, and the electron mobility f.l = oi en are shown in Fig. 5 as functions of the substrate bias, Their dependencies are very similar to that obtained by Stormer, Gossard, and Wiegmann I in the dark, but the voltage scale is three orders smaller than that of the latter work. The variation of electron concentration with negative substrate voltage was linear; the dependence followed the behavior of a simple capacitor model An = CAVg Ie, where C, the capacitance per unit area, is proportional to the slope of the linear relation. With application of negative biasing, the channel conductivity showed a dramatic decrease. Complete depletion of the channel with resistance between contacts in excess of 107 n was observed with application of negative voltages beyond -10 V. The mobility decreased with increasing negative voltage, as explained by Stormer and co-workers. i For com parision, the effect of the substrate bias on the same sample in the dark was also measured at 77 K. The variation of electron concentration with negative voltage was also linear, Jiang eta!. 2490 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 06:16:327 II 86087 'l'e 5 T: 1'71<: ~ .. :g 3 2 12 '" > 10 ;:;. 5 8 g " !b) ~ 4 :< _1.0 (CI ! .. ~ _~10~-k~~~_5~~~~~~ Vg(\ll FIG. 5. Variation of carrier concentration n, electron mobility f.1. and sheet con ductivity 0' with substrate bias voltage Vg under illu mination (0.95 eV). From the linear variation of f! with Vg, the slope eAnIAV.=9.8XIO-9 FI cm2 was calculated. but the calculated capacitance was many orders smaller than that obtained under illumination. The transport properties were also measured at 4.2 K in strong magnetic fields. The carrier density determined by the SdH oscillations is attributed solely to 2DEG in the channel. The presence of the parallel conducting layer can be estimated from the minima of the oscillations.7 The in fluences of negative bias on transport properties in dark and under illumination are shown in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. In most cases, the effect of parallel conductance in AlGaAs is not significant. The carrier concentrations determined by the low magnetic field Hall measurements and by SdH oscil lations in high magnetic fields are approximately equal. The bias dependences of carrier concentrations measured at 77 K, as shown in Fig. 5, were reproduced at 4.2 K. When the sample was illuminated by white light from an incandescent lamp, the strong enhancement of channel resis tivity with application of negative bias was also observed. But the same effect did not appear under illumination by the GaP red LED. This might be due to the strong absorption of its 1.77 eV photons by the AIGaAs layer, preventing the light from reaching the substrate. C. Persistent channel depletion It has already been shown that under the combined ac tion of illumination and negative substrate bias at low tem peratures, a dramatic increase of channel resistivity, and even channel depletion, may take place. The typical vari ation of channel resistivity after turning off illumination and bias is shown in Fig. 8. After turning off only the light, the channel resistivity will persist for a very long time. After turning off both the light and the substrate bias, the en hanced channel resistivity clearly relaxes toward its previous value, but it still is not close even several hours later. 2491 J. Appl. Phys., Vo!. 64, No.5, 1 September 1988 2 86093 T:4.2K c.a OJ> 0.4 ()'2 a ~ 0.4 l! 0.. 0.3 0.,2 0.1 () 0.2 B,TJ to 86093 4.21'1 8 6 Oi l& fb) ~ 0::4 2 IHTl FIG. 6. Substrate bias effect on transport properties of heterostructure in the dark. (a) Pxx vs E, the numbers of occupied Landau levels are indicated at the corresponding minima and (b) P xx vs B, the numbers of occupied Landau levels are indicated at the corresponding plateaus. IV • ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In a modulation-doped AIGaAs/GaAs heterostruc ture, the GaAs side consists of two layers of different proper ties. A high purity GaAs buffer layer was grown on top ofSI GaAs:Cr substrate. The former is of high purity grown by MBE with a thickness of the order of several Il-m, the latter has a thickness of several hundreds of jlm. There is a large number of deep centers in the SI substrate, but the exact concentration of deep centers is unknown to us. When the substrate is illuminated by light with a suitable photon ener gy, the electrons can be photoexcited from these deep centers, and, therefore, under illumination, the resistivity of Jiano stal. 2491 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 06:16:3215 86093 "11=-20" -18v 4 3 2 -0.8 "'" ~ OA • r.l Q2 ().6 006 1)..4 0.2 (US IUD IlO5 °0 10 8 4.2K lal Cal 86093 4.21< fbI FIG. 7. Substrate bias effect on transport properties of heterostructure illu minated by light with photon energy 0.95 eV. (a) P.x vs D, the numbers of occupied Landau levels are indicated at the corresponding minima and (b) Pxv vs S, the numbers of occupied Landau levels are indicated at the corre sponding plateaus. the substrate will be lower than that of the high-purity buffer layer. The photoconductivity of the substrate is the crucial factor responsible for our observed experimental results. As mentioned above, the substrate 1-V characteristic in the stationary state under constant illumination is highly nonohmic. The "junction" between the conducting channel 2492 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.5, 1 September 1988 3 iiQht+dark ; , , 0 Vg:;;:~4V: 0 £2 ....... IX 86067 T=71K 0 0 20 40 60 t(min) FIG. 8. Typical variation of channel resistivity R after turning offillumina tion and substrate biasing. The substrate voltage is changed from zero to -4V under illumination of light ( 0.95 eV). Ru is the channel resistivity with zero bias. Later, the illumination and then the biasing are turned olf. and substrate is "forward" biased with positive substrate voltage, and the "forward" current has a large magnitude with the 2DEG as the source of carriers injected into sub strate. The "junction" is "reverse" biased with negative sub strate voltage, and the "reverse" current is smaner than the "forward" one. In the fonowing, the attention is focused on the situation of "reverse" biasing. In analyzing the effect of substrate bias. the photovoltaic effect will be neglected in the first approximation. The structure and parameters of the two layers are shown schematically in Fig. 9(a). Let db andd, be the thick nesses, Eo and E, the electric field strengths, Ib and Is the currents, Po and Ps the resistivities ofthe layers, and Vb and Vs the voltage drops across the layers. The suffix b refers to the buffer layer, and the suffix s refers to the SI substrate. Let Q be the charge at the interface between the two layers and Qs be the charge at the substrate contact. Then we have 20EG /" V Eb ---'" la) ~ It! < - buff .. , - (bl Es ..- Is ....... substrate .;- V 9 b.lrate ontact V:u f--(1) (2) FIG. 9. Double-layer model for the GaAs side of the heterostructure. (a) Schematic drawing for the heterostructure (not to scale) and (b) equiva lent circuit of the double-layer model. Jiang etal. 2492 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 06:16:32dQs I-Is =--, dt Q= Cb Vb -C, V" (3) (4) Qs = Cs V" (5) where Rb = P b d blA and R s = P sd,! A are the resistances and Cb = ££oA Idb and Cs = £€oA Ids are the capacitances of the two layers, A is the area of the heterostructure. This structure has the very simple equivalent circuit, as shown in Fig.9(b). These equations can be easily solved for constant Vg, aU of the solutions have an exponential factor with time con stant (6) The saturated values for the stationary state are as follows: Vb=RbVgI(Rb+Rs)' (7a) V, =RsVg/(Rb +Rs), (7b) Eb = Rb Vgldb (Rb + Rs), Es =R,Vg/ds(Rb +R,), Q= (RbCb -RsCs)Vg/(Rb +Rs), 1= Ib = Is = VgI(Rb + Rs}· (8a) (8b) (9) ( 10) We have ds ~db' hence, Cs <Cb• As a result of the iUumina tionp, <Pb and thenR/J/db~RJds' or RbCb ~RsC,. Thus, Eb ~Es in the stationary state, and the 2DEG is affected by an enhanced electric field from the substrate side with ap plied negative bias while under illumination. The field affecting the conducting channel is EI>' which bears a linear relation with electron concentration n in the 2DEG. Thus, by applying Gauss' Law to the 2DEG we have An = EEob.Eb/e = €EoAVgRbledb (RI; + R,). (II) If we treat the negative substrate bias effect on the channel with a simple capacitor model, the effective width of dielec tric between the capacitor electrodes can be denoted by dew and we have (12) which is somewhat larger than db' The transient response can be analyzed by the simple equivalent circuit in Fig. 9(b). Since C£ <Ch, C, can be ne glected in the analysis. We also continue to ignore the photo voltaic effect in the first approximation. As the applied bias changes abruptly from zero to a negative value, Cb is charged by a current with initial value Vg IRs. When the stationary state is attained, the current has a saturated value determined by Eq. ( 10). Meanwhile, there is a sheet of nega tive charge Q at the interface between buffer layer and SI substrate determined by Eq. (9). Conversely, if the applied bias changes abruptly from a negative value to zero, Cb is discharged and the negative interface charge disappears. The switching transient shown in Fig. 4 can be com pared with the theoretical analysis. The large switching tran sient in the substrate current indicates that Rb > Rs. i.e., Pbdb >Psd". From the curves we get 7= 6.7 S, Rb = 1.3 X 1010 n, R, = 5.3 X 109 fl, and Cb = 1,8 X 10-.9 F. The latter agrees with the capacitance calculated from the values of A and db' 2493 J. App!. Phys., Vol. 64, No.5, 1 September 1988 TABLE 1. Comparison of thicknesses determined by experiments (dd') and from MBE growth parameters (d,,). Sample ddf (pm) dh (pm) 86087 1.15 I 86089 1.06 J 86090 1.90 2 R6093 3.22 3 III the dark, we also have a linear variation of 2DEG concentration with negative substrate bias, which can be ex plained by a simple capacitor model with dielectric thickness of the order of 500 tim, corresponding to the thickness db + d,. Under illumination, the variation of 2DEG concen tration can also be explained by a simple capacitor model with a very thin dielectric layer of thickness deff, which is only a little larger than db and two to three orders smaner than db + ds' Some data ofiHuminated samples are shown in Table I, in which db were determined by MBE growth pa rameters and det!· were calculated from the n vs Vg relation. The results strongly suggest that the model is satisfactory. Namely, if the negative bias is applied during continuous illumination, most of the bias voltage is dropped across the buffer layer, giving rise to 11 significantly enhanced depletion effect on conducting channel. After turning off iHumination, the resistivities of both layers are iarge. The negative sheet charge Q between the buffer layer and substrate is "isolated" at the interface, /lIG .. /I. ("l (b) (C) \1 , , ! ~ , , buffer 51 GaAs substrate [] -lOOOV ;/V'~f!J! hV ~ + -2V FiG. 10. Energy-band diagrams of the heterostructure under various condi tions of experiment: (a) in the absence of both illumination and substrate biasing, (b) with application ofa large negative substrate bias (e.g., -1000 V for illustrative purpose) in the dark, and (c) combined influence of small negative substrate bias (e.g., -2 V) and illumination with light (0.95 eV}. Jiang etal. 2493 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 06:16:32meanwhile the electric field Eb, and hence the channel resis tivity, remain nearly unchanged. After turning off both illu mination and substrate biasing, the sheet charge Q and elec tric field Eb disappear slowly, as shown in Fig. 8. The energy-band diagrams depicting the above explana tion are shown in Fig. 10. Figure lO(a) shows the situation in the absence of external influences, Figure lO(b) refers to the situation with negative substrate biasing in the dark, where a very large voltage is required for the channel deple tion. If the negative substrate bias is applied under illumina tion, however, the energy-band diagram is that shown in Fig. We c). Most ofthe applied bias drops across the buffer layer and channel depletion occurs with rather small negative bias. V. CONCLUSIONS In modulation-doped AIGaAs/GaAs heterostructures, the effect of the substrate on the conducting channel has been studied in detail. At low temperatures, the PPC effect is observed with light (photon energies between 0.8 and 1.1 eV) and its magnitude depends on the connection of the substrate contact. Application of a bias between the sub strate and the 2DEG channel has a strong effect on channel conduction under illumination, The effect is two to three orders of magnitude stronger than that in the dark. The con ducting channel can be totally depleted with a relatively small negative bias, and that depletion persists after turning 2494 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.5, i September 1988 off the illumination. These effects can be explained by a dou ble-layer model of GaAs: a very thin buffer layer upon a thick 31 substrate. Under illumination, the resistivity of the S1 substrate is small compared with that of the buffer layer, so that most of the negative bias drops across the buffer lay er. The "field effect" of negative biasing is thus greatly en hanced by this much reduced effective thickness bearing the negative bias. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank J. Zhou and J. L. Gao for the loan of equipment, M. Y. Kong for support in prep aration ofMBE grown wafers, and C. Van Degrift for help in the preparation of this manuscript. This work was supported by the National Natural Science ·Foundation of China, 'H. L. Stormer, A. C. Gossard, and W. Wiegmann, App!. Phys. Lett. 39, 493 (198l). 2M. I. Nathan, Solid-State Electron. 29, 167 (1986). 3M. Q. Dong, W. K. Gc, P. H. Jiang, D. Z. Sun, and Z. G. Cheng, Chin. J. Semicond. 9, 99 (l988). 4A. Kastalsky and J. C. M. Hwang, Apr). Phys, Lett. 44, 333 (1984). 5Z. G. Chen, J. B. Liang, D. Z. Sun, y, H. Huang, and M. Y. Kong, Chin. 1. Semicond. 5, 694 (1984). 'S, Luryi and A. Kastalsky. App\. Phys. Lett. 45, 164 (1984 J. 7E. F. Schubert, K. Ploog, H. Dambkes, and K. Hcime, AppL Phys. A 33, 63 (1984), Jiang etal. 2494 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 06:16:32
The coherence factors of excimer laser radiation in projection lithography K. A. Valiev, L. V. Velikov, G. S. Volkov, and D. Yu. Zaroslov Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 7, 1616 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.584501 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.584501 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvstb/7/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Micropatterning of surfaces by excimer laser projection J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 7, 1064 (1989); 10.1116/1.584595 Resist heating in excimer laser lithography J. Appl. Phys. 63, 1235 (1988); 10.1063/1.341138 A review of excimer laser projection lithography J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 6, 1 (1988); 10.1116/1.584004 Attainment of 0.13μm lines and spaces by excimerlaser projection lithography in ‘‘diamondlike’’ carbonresist J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 5, 389 (1987); 10.1116/1.583910 Excimer laser projection photoetching J. Appl. Phys. 56, 586 (1984); 10.1063/1.333923 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 00:35:17The coherence factors of excimer laser radiation in projection lithography* K. A. Valiev, L. V. Velikov, G. S. Volkov, and D. Yu, Zaroslov Institute of Physics and Technology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, Krasiko1!st., 25-a (Received 1 June 1989; accepted 24 July 1989) The spatial coherence of the excimer laser radiation seriously affects the quality of the images being reproduced by diffraction limited optics in photolithography. It is shown that the coherence parameters of excimer laser radiation exceed the necessary level in 102_103 times. To decrease the coherence down to the optimal level a fly's eye element is used. The concept of Kirchhoff integrals has been applied to calculate the mutual intensity function transformation by the illuminator of the projection system equipped with fly's eye element. I. INTRODUCTION The coherence properties oflight sources used in projection lithographic systems strongly affect the photomask image quality reproduced on semiconductor wafer. To find out this dependence it is necessary to provide careful study of coher ence properties of different sources and to work out methods for the primary source coherence variation. The fundamen tal principles of light coherence are stated in Refs. 1-7. It follows from the theory that a light wave illuminating an object (photomask), as well as reconstructed image, always have a certain degree of coherence, including the case of almost incoherent (fj correlated) source. Coherence proper ties of laser sources are widely varied. The degree of coher ence of excimer lasers used as pulsed UV sources for projec tion photolithography, is relatively small. However, the application of these lasers for projection lithography needs to have their coherence reduced by 2 orders of magnitude. The light coherence decrease is equivalent to its divergence increase; it may be done by beam scanning in the limits of the numerical aperture of the optical system 7 or by fly's eye ele ment application. 8 Current work deals with: (1) parameters being used for the description of the light coherency; (2) experimental measurements of the coherence of the discharge pumped ex cimer laser radiation; (3) variation of the light coherence by application of the intracavity slit apertures and fly's eye ele ment; (4) computer simulation of coherence variation for the light transformed by the fly's eye element; (5) demon stration of image pattern quality dependence on the degree of coherence of the exposure radiation. It THE PARAMETERS BEING USED FOR THE LIGHT COHERENCE DESCRIPTION Let us consider an arbitrary centered optical system which tranforms the traveling light wave front. The statisti cal properties (coherence) of the light wave are transformed too. The most complete information about light wave coher ence properties is contained in the transverse correlation function: (E(r,t)E(r + s,t)*) B t ( s) = ---'---'--'----'---'----'-::----,-,-,- ( IE(r,t) 12) < IE(r + s,t) 12») I/~ r(r,r + s,t,t) ( < 1 E (r, t) 12) ( i E (r + s,t) 12) ) 1/2 ' (1) *Published without authors' corrections, where E is the electric field of the light wave, r is a two d~mensional radius vector which is orthogonal to the optical axis of the system, s is a spatial interval, r = (EE*)-the mutual intensity function, ( > means the temporal averag ing. We define the radium r c of transverse coherence (corre lation radius) by the following expressions: (2) Figure 1 presents the optics of projection lithography sys tem; S, the light source; C, the condenser; M, the mask (its plane coincides with the plane of condenser) 11; 0, the plane of the entrance pupil of the lense; W, the plane of mask image which coincides with the surface of the resist film 011 the wafer. The light wave is transformed by lense systems in such a way that for two conjugate planes M and W rc( W) = mrc(M), (3) where m is a magnification. Usually the magnification of the mask image is equal to m = 1:10 or 1:5. Equality (3) is the special case of more general statement: for centered optical systems the variations of light beam ra dius a(z) and transverse coherence radius rc (z) obey the same law and their relation is an invariant6; c= rc(z)la(z) = const. (4) This invariant is called the coefficient of coherence. When a point source is imaged by a lense with numerical aperture NA the radius of the formed image is equal to ra = O.61A I(NA). (5) It is evident that ra is a radius oftransverse coherence on the wafer plane when a 8-correlated source is positioned onto s eM o w FIG. I. The projection lithography system with Kohler type of illumination: condenser C creates an image of the primary source S in the entrance pupil of the \elise O. 1616 J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 7 (6), Nov/Dec 1989 0734-211X/89/061616-04$01.00 @ 1989 American Vacuum Society 1616 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 00:35:171617 Valiev et 81.: Coherence factors of excimer laser radiation the mask plane. If we choose r a as a natural scale of r" value, then we can introduce a dimensionless coherence fa~tor 0' 1!O' = Yc (W)IY a =?O' = 0.6lA IrNa rc (W)]. (6) Substitution of C = rc (z)la(z) into Eq, (6) gives 0' = (O.6U INA) [1!a( W)C], (7) where a ( W) is the radius of light beam in the image plane (chip's size). The formulas (4), (6), and (7) express the relation between the coherency parameters rc IX C, fc IX (T, C ex 0'. The optimal value of coherence factor was determined empirically in the interval of values O'ot>! :::;:0.3-0.7 (e.g., Ref. 7) . Corresponding to O'opt = 0.7 optimal values of coherency parameters rc and C are (for A = 0.3 pm, NA = 0.3, a( W) = 10 mm, m = 1: 10): rc ( W) = O.6U I(NAu) :::;:0.9 11m, 'c (M) = 9,0 ,am, CoPt = rc (W)la( W) = 9.0X 10-5. Let us compare these optimal values with measured values for excimer lasers radiation, The measurements of correlation radius and length were carried out with the modified Michelson interferometer. JO The cavity of excimer laser was pumped by transverse dis charge between two Al electrodes (X direction; interelec trode gap = 20 mm, electrode length = 700 mm). The out put laser beam cross section is lOX 20 mm2, pulse duration = 20 ns, energy "" 100 mJ, In our experiments a spectral unnarrowed laser radiation was used. The measured transverse coherence function is anisotrop ic (the value of Yc depends on the direction in laser beam cross section): the values of rex = 150 pm and rcy "" 750 f.1m differ in five times. Using Eqs. (4) and (6) one can find the value of coherence coefficients: C,,=7.5XlO-', Cv """,75xlO-3• Cy may be increased by appropriate decreasing of intraca vity aperture slit width (d). The obtained results are shown on Fig. 2. Decreasing the slit width led to the narrowing of radiation angle distribution and therefore, the increase of the coherence coefficient. Narrowing the linewidth (LU. = 0.005 nm) by insertion of a dispersive element (Fabry-Perot etalon, for instance) inside the laser cavity would result in an insignificant increase of the coherence coefficient. Thus transverse coherence of excimer laser radiation ex ceeds the optimum level for projection lithography Copt"'" 10-4 two (Cx ""'" 10-2) or three (Cy "'" 10-1) orders of magnitude. Hence, the illuminator oflaser projection system has to contain special elements for the transverse coherency reduction. We suppose an array of short focusing lenses (fly's eye) to be the most suitable in this case.8 III. COHERENCE TRANSFORMATION BY LASER ILLUMINATOR EQUIPPED WITH FLY'S EYE ELEMENT The scheme of the investigated projection system is shown on Fig. 3. Fly's eye (25x25 mm") consists of 25 square microlenses (5 X 5 mm2 and! = 10 mm focal length of each lenslet). We see that the correlation radii (fe, and r,y ) of the radiation incident on fly's eye are less than lenslet size fj = 5 J. Vae. Sci. Technol. 8, Vol. 7, No. S, Nov/Dec 1989 1617 D. J ~ 0.2 \ ~,,-, ,,-, ~---"-------------0.1 0.0 d. mm FIG. 2. The coherence coefficient of the excirner laser radiation vs the width (d) of its intracavity apertures. mm. Thus, in the fly's eye's focal plane a virtual source is created in the form of the array of approximately mutually incoherent "point" sources. Condenser C transfers the vir tual source (an array of spots) into the lense entrance pupil. The mask is positioned in the back focal plane of condenser. Thus every arbitrary point of the mask is illuminated by the light irradiated from all mutually incoherent points of vir tual source, This determines the low degree of coherence in the mask illumination, It may be said that the fly's eye ele ment divides the wave front into mutually incoherent parts and condenser provides summation of these parts on the mask and image planes. The coherence coefficient of the system was determined by computer simulation, The mutual intensity function of the primary radiation measured in Ref. 10 we approximate as usual by Gaussian: r(1"1,r2,z) =Ioexp{ -(Xj-xz)2 _ (YI-Y2)2}. (8) 2~x 2~y The expression for the mutual intensity r(rl,r2,z) transfor mation from z to z' plane, FIG, 3. The Kohler-type illumination system equipped with the fly's eye clement used for the projection printillg. ••••••••••••••••••••••• --. ••••• -.-•••••••••••••••• -••• -.-.-•••• ".-.-.-,-.-.-.-.- •• -••• -•• ~ .•••••• ' •••• ; ••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ' ••••• '~ •• ' ••••• ~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:- ................... ; •• -••• -••• -.-.-.-.-.".;. "." ••• "." ••• , •.•. n '.' ' .•.•.• , •••••• ,' •• Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 00:35:171618 Valiev et al.: Coherence factors of excimer laser radiation f'(r;,r;,z) = (IlZ)-2 f f dr1 dr2 f'(r1,r2,z)T(rl)T(r2)* <0/ .v/ XexpUk [f(rl -r; )2 + (z _ Zf)2 -~ (r2 ~-r~)2 + -{z -Z')2 ]} (9) was consequently applied for two intervals: fly's eye con denser, condenser mask. The first interval included the fly's eye phase transformation T(r), the second one included the condenser lense phase transformation. d is the integration surface of the corresponding aperture. If the fly's eye consists of (2N + 1) 2 square lenses of 8 X 8 size and off, focal length one can find the phase tranforma tion function: {al C 5.0.10-4 4.5.10- 4 .3.0 10-4 1.5.10- 4 10 -5 ----·--T 0.0 0.1 Vy, % 80 fbI 0.0 0. 1 0.2 0.2 0 . .3 0.4 0 . .3 0.4 0.5 FIG. 4.(a} The coherence coefficient in the mask plane as a function of coherence coefficient C", of the primary radiation. Curves (1) and (2) show anisotropic correlation function. Curve (3) shows an isotropic correlation function. Corresponding a values and its optimal interval are shown too. (b) Inhomogeneity V = (1m .. -1m," )/(lmax + 1m'n) X 100% of photomask illumination as a function of coherence coefficient of incident beam. Curves 1 and 2 present anisotropic [ (Cx)o = 1.2 10--2, (Cy)o -variable J and isotropic [( Cx)o = (Cy)o -variable 1 correlation functions accordingly. J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. e, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 1618 NN T(r) = LL rect{(x/28) -(1I2)} l,n~ N Xrect{(yI20) -(n/2)}exp{ -jk [(x -18)2 + (y-n8)2]1(2/,.)}, (10) { 1, rect(X) = 0, (11) ixl<0.5 I I . ,x >0.5 The phase transformation function of the condenser lense is T(r) = exp{ -jkr2/(2Fc)}. (12) The focal length of the condenser lense Fc = 200 mm, ZI = 330 mm, 22 = 200 mm. The results of computer simulation are shown on Fig. 4. Coherence coefficient CyO was chosen to be a process vari able (its value depends on the width d of intracavity slit apertures). The main result is that the fly's eye element re duces the coherence coefficient close to the optimal value [Fig. 4(a)]. This is caused by superposition of mutually incoherent light beams on the photomask plane. We see that the interval of optimal values O"opt = 0.3-0.7 corresponds to the initial values of the laser radiation coherence in isotropic case CxO = CyO = 0.1-0.2. In the case of anisotropic correla tion function we have to choose the value of the width of slits in the x direction, if we want to be in the interval of optimal 0" (a) (b) FIG. 5. Optical photographies of microimages, produced on the positive resist film under XeCI excimer laser projection exposure. Ca) The square, two-dimensional fly's eye, containing 5 X 5 = 25 microlenses was uniformly illuminated by laser beam. (Cx)" = 0.02, (Cv)o = 0.3. (b) The linear, one dimensional fly's eye. containing only 5 microlcnscs positioned along Y axis, was uniformly illuminated by XeCl-laser beam. (C, 10 = 0.1, (C,.)" = 0.3. The coherence of the primary radiation along x direction is the same in cases (a) and (b). The increase in ( C, ) 0 (b) is explained by the decreas ing of the light beam diameter along x direction in the case (b). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 00:35:171619 Valiev et al.: Coherence factors of excimer laser radiation values. The high quality microimages were obtained in this case [Fig. 5(a)]. The main restriction on the initial increasing of the beam coherency is connected with the growth of intensity inhomo geneity on the mask and wafer planes. The last resulted from the interference of partially coherent beams formed by dif ferent elements of the fly's eye system. As one can see from the computer simulation results presented in Fig. 4(b), only the light beams which have the strongly anisotropic correla tion functions may be successfully used in the illuminators, containing fiy's eye element. In this case [curve 1 in Fig. 4(b)] we have a very low level ofinhomogeneity ofil1umina~ tion in the mask plane. It is evident that the intensity inhomogeneity as well as light coherency on the photomask plane will be maximum if only mutually coherent beams are superimposed. Experi mentally it may be produced by linear, one-dimensional fly's eye. The shape of microimage distortions in this case is shown on Fig. 5(b). IV. CONCLUSIONS ( 1 ) The coherence parameters of excimer laser beam are 102_103 higher than the optimal values. The correlation function is strongly anisotropic. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. S, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 1619 (2) The simulations and experimental measurements show that an illumination system equipped with fly's eye element can reduce the values of coherence coefficients down to optimal level providing an essential microimage quality improvement. For this purpose laser beams with strongly anisotropic correlation function would be used. All image distortions like speckles and double edges are elimin~ ated in this case. 'M. Born and E. Wolf, Principles of Optics (Pergamon, N.Y., 1964). 2E. W. Marchand and E. Wolf, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 64,1219 (1974). 'E. Wolf, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 68, 1597 (1978). 4A. T. Friberg, SPIEProc.194, 55 (1974). 'J. W. Goodman, Introduction to Fourier Optics (McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1968). "S. A. Akhmanov, Yu. E. Dyakov. and A. S. Chirkin, Introduction to Sta tistical Radiophysics IJnd Optics (Nauka. Moskva, 1981). -'M. Lacombat, G. M. DubroCllCq, J. Massin, and M. Brevignon, Solid State Techno!. 115 (1980). Mil. N. Kotletzov, Microimages. 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Ballistic Electron Transport Through a Narrow Channel is Quantized Anil Khurana Citation: Physics Today 41, 11, 21 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.2811617 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2811617 View Table of Contents: http://physicstoday.scitation.org/toc/pto/41/11 Published by the American Institute of PhysicsSEARCH (j DISCOVERY James Cronin and his high-energy- physics collaborators from the Uni- versities of Chicago and Michigan are in the process of surrounding the Fly's Eye detector with an extensive- air-shower array of unprecedented capability, covering a quarter of a square kilometer and studded with underground muon detectors. Half of its 1089 scintillators should be oper- ational before the end of next year. —BERTRAM SCHWARZSCHILD References 1. G. Chardin, in Proc. VII Moriond Work- shop on New and Exotic Phenomena, O. Fackler, J. T. T. Van, eds., EditionsFrontieres, Gif-sur-Yvette, France (1987). 2. B. Dingus, C. Chang, J. Goodman, S. Gupta, T. Haines, D. Krakauer, R. 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The step-like behavior of the con- ductance of a narrow conducting channel (see the figure on the right), even though it arises in the absence of a magnetic field, is reminiscent of the quantum Hall effect, in which the Hall conductance of a two-dimension- al electron gas in the presence of a strong magnetic field shows steps at successively higher multiples of e'2/h when the magnetic field is decreased. But unlike in the systems that show the quantum Hall effect, where the motion of electrons is diffusive, the electron motion is ballistic in the systems that show the new effect. Ballistic transport In systems, such as GaAs-AlGaAs heterojunctions, used in the study of the quantum Hall effect, electrons are scattered repeatedly by impurities and imperfections; the electron mo- tion from one end of the sample to the other is therefore diffusive. But in the high-mobility GaAs-AlGaAs sam- ples the Dutch and Cambridge experi- menters used, the elastic mean free path, or the average distance betweenConductance of a narrow channel connecting two rwo- dimensional reservoirs of electrons increases in sreps of 2e2/h when rhe width of the channel increases. The more negative rhe gate volrage is, the narrower rhe channel is. (Adopted from reference 1.) -1.6 -1.4 GATE VOLTAGE (V) successive scatterings by impurities and imperfections, is much larger than the length of the conducting channel connecting the two two-di- mensional regions that act as electron reservoirs. This so-called ballistic transport of electrons in small, submi- cron-sized systems has been of great interest in the past few years because of the new insights it provides into the mechanisms of electron transport in solids. Advances in molecular-beam epitaxy, which is used for the fabrica- tion of high-quality heterostructures, have given further impetus to these studies. The experimenters observed the quantization of the conductance in a high-mobility GaAs-AlGaAs structure when the width of the connecting channel was comparable to the Fermi wavelength of the elec- trons in the reservoirs, or, in terms of energy levels, when the temperature was smaller than the separation be- tween successive energy levels of the electron system. (The Fermi wave- length is the de Broglie wavelength of the electron in the highest occupied energy level in the electron reservoir.)- 1.2 -1.0 The experiments were done at a temperature of a few tenths of a kelvin. Both groups have observed well-defined plateaus up to about 2 K. The prefactor 2 in the new quan- tum of conductance arises from spin degeneracy of electron states. When this degeneracy is lifted by applica- tion of a magnetic field parallel to the two-dimensional electron gas, the Cambridge group reports, new pla- teaus appear between those already found in the absence of the magnetic field. The steps in the conductance then appear at values that are inte- gral multiples of e2/h. The Cam- bridge group has observed plateaus at conductance values up to (30)e2/h. Point-contact spectroscopy The Dutch and Cambridge groups had very different motivations for study- ing the transport properties of a narrow conducting channel. Michael Pepper of the Cambridge group told us that the group was interested in studying the transition between diffu- sive and ballistic regimes of electron transport in one and two dimensions PHYSICS TODAY NOVEMBER, 1988 21as the channel width was changed and impurities and imperfections in the samples were reduced. Pepper also pointed out theoretical work by Yoseph Imry (Weizmann Institute, Israel), which had suggested the possi- bility of some structure, or feature, of magnitude e2/h appearing in the con- ductance as the transport became more ballistic. Henk van Houten (Philips Research Laboratories, Eind- hoven, The Netherlands) told us that the Dutch group, by contrast, discov- ered the new quantization somewhat unexpectedly in the course of its attempts to study point-contact spec- troscopy in two dimensions. Point-contact spectroscopy, which in its simplest form is a study of the current-voltage characteristics of a small—almost point-like—conductor in contact with a metal or a semicon- ductor, is an important experimental technique for studying scattering of electrons in solids. Of particular in- terest to the Dutch experimenters was an extension of the simplest technique that uses two point con- tacts. By application of a transverse magnetic field the beam of electrons injected into the metal or semiconduc- tor from the first point-like contact is focussed at the other contact, which is at a distance shorter than the elastic mean free path. Because the shape of electron trajectories in a magnetic field is related to the shape of the Fermi surface, this form of point- contact spectroscopy, called trans- verse electron focusing, has proved to be extremely effective in the study of Fermi surfaces in solids. It is difficult to insert external point contacts into a two-dimensional system. The experimenters therefore decided to create such a contact "in- ternally." They deposited a gate on the surface of the heterostructure, which is about 500 A above the two- dimensional electron gas (see the figure on page 23). When a negative voltage was applied to this gate, the two-dimensional electron gas under it was depleted of free electrons. The gate consisted of two narrow collinear strips separated by a gap, so that application of a negative voltage to it split the two-dimensional electron gas into two parts that were in electrical contact only through the narrow channel under the gap between the gate electrodes. The width of this channel could be varied, even though the separatio n between the gate elec- trodes was fixed, by increasing (in magnitude) the voltage applied to the gate. This method for making narrow channels in heterostructures was de- veloped by the Cambridge group in 1986; the Cambridge group has alsoused this method for studying elec- tron transport in one dimension. The Dutch team studied the trans- port properties of one point contact, partly to test their ideas about fabri- catin g such contacts in two dimen- sions, before moving on to their goal of electron focusing using two point contacts. They were surprised to find that the conductance of the contact showed step-like behavior indicatin g quantization as the channel width was increased (see the figure on page 21). Besides van Houten, the Dutch team consisted of Bart J. van Wees, Leo P. Kouwenhoven and Dick van der Marel (all from Delft University of Technology), Carlo W. J. Been- akker and John G. Williamson (Phil- ips Research Laboratories, Eindho- ven) and C. Thomas Foxon (Philips Research Laboratories, Redhill, UK).) The Cambridge University group con- sisted of Pepper, David A. Wharam, Trevor J. Thornton, Richard New- bury, Haroon Ahmed, John E. F. Frost, David G. Hasko, David C. Pea- cock (also at General Electric of UK), David A. Ritchie and Geb A. C. Jones. The Dutch team has studied the propertie s of two point contacts in two dimensions.3 When the two-dimen- sional sample is placed in a magnetic field normal to the electron gas, the voltage at the contact used as a collector shows peaks at values of the magnetic field for which the distance between the two contacts is an inte- gral multiple of the diamete r of the classical cyclotron orbit. This effect, in which the motion of electrons is similar to that of ions in a mass spectrometer, is striking evidence for the ballistic transport of electrons in the two-dimensional sample. At very high values of the magnetic field— above 1.5 tesla—the peaks are de- stroyed and plateaus characteristic of the quantization of the Hall conduc- tance appear. Van Wees told us that, unlik e the behavior expected for the regular quantum Hall effect, the quantized value of the Hall conduc- tance in these experiments is deter- mined by the quantized values of the conductance of the narrow channel that is used as an external probe. The usual laws for the addition of resistances do not apply to the quan- tized resistance of narrow channels. The Cambridge group reports that when one or more such channels are connected in series, the resistanc e of the assembly is equal to the highest resistance in the series, not to the sum of the resistances connected in series.4 An electron waveguide The new discoveries raise a fundamen- tal question: Why should the conduc-tance of a narrow conducting channel, longer than it is wide, connecting two high-quality two-dimensional reser- voirs of electrons increase discontinu- ously in steps of 2e2/h when the channel width is increased? The elec- tron reservoirs are free of impurities and imperfections, so that the proba- bility that electrons will pass through the channel without being scattered is very high; and the temperature is low enough so that electrons are also not significantly scattered by phonons. Should not the conductance then be given by some expression from classi- cal physics that counts the number of electrons passing through the channel per unit time and per unit difference in the applied voltage? But in that case the conductance should increase linearly with the width of the channel! Indeed, the system might show such behavior if the width of the channel were much larger than the Fermi wavelength, or, more precisely, if the temperature were higher than the difference between successive energy levels in the electron system. In the experiment, however, the channel width—a few tenths of a microns—is of the same order of magnitude as the Fermi wavelength. (In two dimen- sions, the Fermi wavelength varies inversely as the square root of the electron density, and the electron density in heterostructure devices is typically on the order of 1015-1016 electrons/m2.) The quantum mechan- ical wave nature of electrons is there- fore essential in understanding the observed quantization. According to Douglas Stone (Yale university), the best analogy for un- derstanding quantum mechanical ballistic transport through a narrow channel connecting two large reser- voirs is that of a waveguide. A waveguide transmits only radiation whose frequency is higher than a specific cutoff frequency. In a rectan- gular waveguide, for example, the cutoff frequency for a given mode is determined by equating the wave- number of the radiation in free space with the mode's transverse wavenum- ber. The idea of the cutoff frequency of a waveguide helps us to understand the quantization because increasing the width of the channel may be looked upon as introducing, at some critica l values of the width, new propagating modes in the channel. The quantum mechanical formula for conductance relevant to the exper- iment reads G = (2e2M)TrTTr where T is the transmission matrix for the channel. (Again, the prefactor 22 PHYSICS TODAY NOVEMBER 1968SEARCH 0 DISCOVERY Cross section of a GaAs (yellow) ond AIGoAs (orange) hererosrrucrure used in rhe experimenrs on quantized conductance. The two- dimensional electron gas, here shown as occupying a region of finite widrh (black), is or the interface between rhe GoAs ond AIGaAs layers Two gold electrodes (blue) that act as gates are deposited on the AIGaAs layer using electron-beam lithography. A narrow conducting channel is formed when a negative voltage is applied to rhe gates depleting free elecrrons or carriers from rhe regions enclosed by rhe dashed lines. 2 in the formula arises from the spin degeneracy of the electron gas.) This formula is a variant of one that Rolf Landauer (IBM Yorktown Heights) wrote down more than 20 years ago. There has been a lot of controversy since the beginning of this decade concerning the correct mathematical expression that describes the result of a measurement of the resistance of a small quantum mechanical system. The above form of the Landauer formula applies when the sample whose resistance is to be measured is in contact with large reservoirs that in turn are connected to the external leads. The quantization of the conduc- tance observed by the Dutch and Cambridge experimenters follows im- mediately from the above formula if one assumes that in ballistic trans- port each mode is transmitted through the channel without being reflected or scattered into other modes—that is, if T only has diag- onal elements, so that there is no mixing of modes, and if the diagonal elements are unity for modes allowe d by the channel width and zero for other modes. Arguments such as this had been discussed by Imry, and the two experimental groups used it in their papers to explain their observa- tion of the quantized conductance. But this simple argument does notdescribe the real experimental situa- tion, in which two wide regions are connected by a narrow channel. The above simple explanation therefore leaves unanswered questions such as: Why is the transition from one step to the next so sharp, and what does the slope between steps depend on? How wide are the steps? How sensitive are the steps to changes in temperature and sample quality? Stone and Aaron Szafer (Yale Uni- versity) have modeled the experimen- tal situation as two wide waveguides (for the reservoirs) connected by a narrow waveguide and have done detailed calculations for the transmis- sion probabilities of various modes. Their analysis predicts that the con- ductance steps may develop some structure at low temperatures due to resonance scattering. Such structure has also been discussed by George Kirczenow (Simon Fraser University). Both the experimental groups have reported that at low temperatures the conductance steps in some of their samples develop features that depend on the channel geometry. L. I. Glaz- man, G. B. Lesovick, D. E. Khmelnits- kii, R. E. Shekhter (Institute of Solid State Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) have presented an analytical solution that shows the quantized behavior of the conduc- tance for an experimentally realisticsituation.5 Horst Stormer (AT&T Bell Labs) thinks, however , that more theoretical and experimental work is needed to decide whether a true point contact is sufficient or whether a channel of finite length is necessary for the quantization. If the quantization of the conduc- tance of a point contact in two dimen- sions could be explained so readily, why was the discovery somewhat accidental? Why was the quantiza- tion not predicted theoretically, even though hints of the possibility of such an effect did appear in theoretical papers? The theoretical hints, includ- ing those that appeared in work on the scanning tunneling microscope, were not pursued very enthusiastical- ly, Landauer said, because no one believed that the conditions necessary to observe the effect could be realized in an experimental system. Unlike the Hall conductance in the quantum Hall effect, which has been found to be quantized to an accuracy of about 1 part in 107, the conductance of a narrow channel is expected to be quantized to an accuracy no better than about 1 part in 103. The new quantization is also expected not to be as robust to variations in temperature and quality of the samples as the quantization in the Hall effect is. It is therefore unlikely that the new quan- tization effect will be readily used as a resistance standard. Meanwhile, the significance of the new effect for developing new submicron electronic devices is being investigated. The low temperatures at which the effect oc- curs make it unlikely that any signifi- cant application will be developed soon. But there are excited murmurs among experts that the effect might someda y make possible devices that exploit, in Stormer's words, diffrac- tion effects arising from the wave nature of electrons.—ANIL KHURANA References 1. B. J. van Wees, H. van Houten, C. W. J. Beenakker, J. G. Williamson, L. P. Kouwenhoven, D. van der Marel, C. T. Foxon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 848 (1988). 2. D. A. Wharam, T. J. Thornton, R. New- bury, M. Pepper, H. Ahmed, J. E. F. Frost, D. G. Hasko, D. C. Peacock, D. A. Ritchie, G. A. C. Jones, J. Phys. C 21, L209 (1988). 3. H. van Houten, B. J. van Wees, J. E. Mooij, C. W. J. Beenakker, J. G. Wil- liamson, C. T. Foxon, Europhys. Lett. 5, 721 (1988). 4. D. A. Wharam, M. Pepper, H. Ahmed, J. E. F. Frost, D. G. Hasko, D. C. Pea- cock, D. A. Ritchie, G. A. C. Jones, J. Phys. C. 21, L891 (1988). 5. L. I. Glazman, G. B. Lesovick, D. E. Khmelnitskii, R. E. Shekhter, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 48, 218 (1988). • PHYSICS TODAY NOVEMBER 1988 23
Profiles in Publishing Poductivity Paula E. Stephan Sharon G. Levin Citation: Physics Today 42, 10, 151 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.2811199 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2811199 View Table of Contents: http://physicstoday.scitation.org/toc/pto/42/10 Published by the American Institute of PhysicsLETTERS continued from page 15 DRESDEN REPLIES: Both Akira Isihara and R- Byron Bird observe that al- though Hendrik Kramers wrote only one paper on polymer statistics, that paper had an enormous and lasting influence. This observation is in com- plete harmony with the ideas ex- pressed in my paper: Kramers's con- tributions to statistical mechanics, few as they are, are gems full of technical mathematical innovations, combined in a most original way with deep physical insight. I am most thankful to Isihara and Bird for calling attention to yet an- other one of Kramers's seminal con- tributions, which like many others has not always received the recogni- tion it deserves. This particular pa- per was not mentioned in the original article for lack of space, so it is gratifying that these letters give an idea of Kramers's contribution in this area, especially his unusual and per- haps unexpected use of Riemannian geometry. The thesis by R. M. F. Houtappel to which D. ter Haar calls attention was clearly strongly influenced by Kramers. The elegant mathematics, the ingenious way in which explicit group theory is avoided in a cleve r adaptation of Bruria Kaufman's method—these are as characteristic of Kramers as his signature. Thus Kramers was certainly aware of and explicitly conversant with the devel- opments in the Ising model that followed the celebrated Kramers- Wannier paper. In that sense my statement that Kramers never worked on the Ising model after World War II is too strong. He clearly stayed informed and thought about it. Still, I believe that the general idea I expressed is probably correct. Com- paring Kramers's intense, deep preoc- cupation with the Ising model during the war years with his subsequent more casual involvement, almost by proxy, indicates to me that his own personal involvement declined sharp- ly if not precipitously. Of course Kramers, even if only casually inter- ested, could make contributions of such depth and brilliance that any totally committed investigator would have been pleased and proud to have made them. I believe that all the correspondents and I agree that Kramers was an unsurpassed master in using and inventing mathematical procedures that were miraculously suited to the elucidation of physical problems in statistical mechanics. MAX DRESDEN Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 8/89 Stanford, CaliforniaProfiles in Publishing Productivity We recently completed a study of publishing patterns of PhD physicists trained and employed in the United States.' We were particularly inter- ested in the relationship between publishing activity and age. Because the average age of physicists, and scientists in general, has increased dramatically in the past 10-15 years, a concern of US science policy makers is whether this older group is as productive as a younger group was a decade or two earlier. Given the inherent difficulty of measuring re- search productivity, and given that there is some evidenc e that publish- ing is a reasonable measure of produc- tivity,2 our study focused on the rela- tionship between publishing activity and age. Specifically, we counted the number of journal articles authored in a two-year period. Adjustments were also made to this count for the number of coauthors as well as for the quality of the journal in which each article was published, where quality was measured by the impact the journal has on the science literature as reflected by citation practices.3 Physicists in the 1973, 1975, 1977 and 1979 Survey of Doctorate Recipients, administered biennially by the Na- tional Research Council, were includ- ed in the study.4 Information on their publishing patterns was taken from the Science Citation Index with the cooperation of the Institute for Scien- tific Information. Past work by Stephen Cole5 and by Alan E. Bayer and Jeffrey E. Dutton6 on age-publishing profiles of physi- cists suggests that article production increases until early middle age and declines thereafter. Cole's sample was restricted to physicists employed in doctorate-granting departments in the late 1960s, while Bayer and Dut- ton's sample consisted of physicists employed at colleges and universities during the 1972-73 academic year. A strength of the SDR data base used in our study is that it is drawn from a later period and includes scientists in five employment sectors: graduate academic (universities offering a PhD in physics), nongraduate academic, Federally funded research and devel- opment centers, government, and business and industry. Our results for physicists in aca- demic employment are somewhat dif- ferent from those of Cole or Bayer and Dutton. In particular, when we grouped our sample by five-year age intervals, we found that for physicists in graduate departments the produc- tivity of the 35-39-year-old group isClean cheap power. © 10 watts linear, 10kHz to 250MHz. 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The Model 10A250 belongs in your lab. cirnmpiiFiefl 160 School House Road Souderton, PA 18964-9990 USA Phone.215-723-8181 TWX 510-661-6094 Circle number 135 on Reader Service Card 8408 PHYSICS TODAY OCTOBER 1989151always significantly less than that of their younger colleagues, and output does not rebound to the pre-age-35 level for any age group. On the other hand, publishing activity does not continuously decline with age, al- though it does decline in the last years of the career regardless of the way articles are measured. For physicists in nongraduate phys- ics departments, the story is different. Although output is highest for the youngest group, until age 45-49 out-put never differs at the 5% level of significanc e between the youngest and older groups. Those 45-54 years old, on the other hand, produce signif- icantly less than the youngest of their colleagues, while the 55-59-year-olds publish more, perhaps because pro- ductive physicists are lured into the nongraduate sector from the graduate sector toward the end of their careers, or perhaps because less productive scientists tend to retire earlier. At Federally funded R&D centers, Tomorrow's Advanced Materials Today! — • When it comes to materials performance, no industry is more demand- ing than today's aerospace industry. And when it comes to inorganic material's production, no company is more demanding than CERAC. CERAC materials are analyzed by X-ray diffraction, spectrographic analysis, and, where appropriate, wet chemical procedures. A Certificate of Analysis, detailing the quality control checks for your , specific production lot of material, is included with each order. THis strict attention to quality is the reason why CERAC materials are specified for use on the Space Shuttle's heat shield tiles ... in missile propellants ... in electronics and opto-electronic applications ... as coatings to resist corrosion and abrasion ... as special high temperature lubricants . . . and in other high-tech applications. Let us send you a free catalog on Advanced Specialty k Inorganics, Sputtering Targets, or Evaporation Materials, - CERACincorporated//. P.O. Box 1178 • Milwaukee , Wisconsin 53201 lone: 414-289-9800 • Fax: 414-289-9805 • Telex: RCA 2861 AVS Show—Booth c324 Circle number 136 on Reader Service Card 152 PHYSICS TODAY OCTOBER 1989peak output is also produced by those under 35; for the next ten years output dramatically declines. It then increases or stays fairly stabl e for the next ten years, after which it again declines. Government is the only sector in which the peak productivity occurs in the middle of the career, not the beginning. In business and indus- try, publishing activity declines until age 49, then increases for ten years before declining again. This age pat- tern for business and industry is not inconsistent with what Donald C. Pelz and Frank M. Andrews7 found in the 1960s. Our results also suggest that the age-publishing profiles depend upon how one measures publishing activ- ity. The profiles are generally steep- est when the article count is adjusted for quality, suggesting that the young are more likely to publish in presti- gious journals. On the other hand, as physicists age, the straight count and the count adjusted for coauthorship converge, showing that a dispropor- tionate amount of early output is coauthored. This result holds in all sectors and is contrary to the view that older physicists, through their administrative roles, "ride piggy- back" on the shoulders of younger physicists. The age-publishing profiles dis- cussed thus far are drawn from cross- sectional data. Since different age groups are observed at the same time in a cross-sectional analysis , the age effects found may be contaminated by what are called cohort or genera- tional effects. If, for example, physi- cists in their sixties come from a particularly weak cohort and physi- cists their thirties from a particularly strong cohort, we would infer aging effects from a cross section even if they did not exist. There are several reasons to believe cohort effects might be present. One theory—more popular, we might add, among social scientists than physical scientists—is that certain cohorts may be at a disadvantage because their members were educated prior to a major innovation in theory or ex- perimental technique. If one sub- scribes to a "latest educated are best educated" philosophy, this would im- ply that the decline in publishing activity with age may be an artifact of "vintage" and not a true aging effect. On the other hand, the best vintage need not always come from the latest cohort, since science does not always advance smoothly but may experi- ence for a time what are eventually regarded as "false turns." Perhaps the most important rea- son to expect cohort effects is thatfcfcMoscone Convention Center San Francisco, CA Fiber optics—the future of communications is here! OFCf '90 ISDN • LAN • LOCAL LOOP • LONG HAUL • SENSORS • SPECIALTY FIBERS & DEVICES IE?OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE January 22-25, 1990 j.^me to San Francisco in January and see why OFC® is considered the "premiere fiber optic gathering." •^0-located with Lightwave's Fiber in the Subscriber Loop. TECHNICAL PROGRAM )FC® is the major North American conference on optical fiber communications technologies. It offers the most up-to-date information and train- -ng, from the basics to the very latest in research, development, and applications. The technical program will consist of the highest quality contributed and invited presentations reporting leading edge research and development .n fiber, component, and system technologies for optical communications. In addition, OFC* '90 will feature a series of one hour tutorials and i Jiree hour short courses for in-depth instruction in a variety of optical fiber communication disciplines. n 1990, OFC® will also feature two special technical symposia consisting of invited papers on Integrated Circuits for Lightwave Systems, and Networks and Switching. These symposia will provide an overview of developments in two important areas which affect the application of fiber iptic technology. 1FC Session Topics: • Fibers, Cables and Glass Components I Optoelectronic and Integrated Optics Devices and Components I Photonic Switching Techniques I Direct Detection, Coherent Detection, Analog and Multichannel Transmission Techniques I Systems and Subsystems for Optical Communications • I Fiber Optic Systems for Trunk, Feeder, and Subscriber Distribution I Metropolitan Area, Local Area and Data Communications Networks • New Applications of Fiber Optic TechnologySpecial Symposia on Networks & Switching: (organized in cooperation with the IEEE Communications Society) • Protocols and Software for High Speed Networks • Problems and Progress in Switching Architectures for Tbit/s Networks • Switching Technologies • Influence of High Speed Optical Technology on Telecommunication Networks EXHIBITS/PRODUCT PRESENTATIONS January 23-25, 1990 The world's foremost exhibit of product s and services used in the field of fiber optics will be held in conjunction with the meeting. Close to 200 companies are expected to exhibit. In addition, the product presentations will provide a series of demonstrations and lectures on new and impor- ant fiber optic products and systems. No fee is required for qualified professionals who wish to attend the product presentations and the echnical exhibits. IEEECosponsored by Lasers & Electro-Optic s Society of IEEE and Optical Society of America For technical information contact: Optical Society of America Meetings Department 1816 Jefferson PL, N.W. Washington. DC 20036 (202) 223-0920 Telex 510 600 3965For exhibit information contact: Exhibits Department Optical Society of America 1816 Jefferson PL, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 (202) 223-8130 Telex 510 600 3965 FAX 202-223-1096 PHYSICS TODAY OCTOBER 1989153research productivity, particularly as manifested in article counts, is strongly affected by characteristics of the employing institution. In partic- ular, there is strong evidence that physicists employed in top PhD- granting departments and Federally funded R&D centers are more likely to publish than their colleagues in places where resources are scarcer and the environment is less condu-cive to research.8 It is clear that not all generations of physicists have had equal access to the most productive sector. Indeed, one need only look at the pages of PHYSICS TODAY to see how job opportunities for physicists have changed over time. A cohort particularly hurt was that of the late 1960s and early 1970s—the cohort from which the "young" in our study are drawn. THE FIRST IN-VACUUM, LINEAR MOTOR POSITIONING SYSTEM. Featuring Remote Control With No Mechanical Feedthroughs. Precision positioning inside high vacuum chambers used to require bulky, expensive equipment. No more. For over fifteen years, Burleigh has offered a diverse line of sophisticated piezoelectric (PZT) actuators and motor systems, including our famous all- piezoelectric Inchworm™1 motor. Now Burleigh has completely redesigned the compact Inchworm motor and companion translation stage for in-vacuum operation.• UHV compatible materials. • In-vacuum operation with remote controller. • No mechanical feedthroughs or bellows. • A small footprint makes it ideal for close quarters. • True linear motion. • Bakeout temperatures to 150°C • Micron resolution The Burleigh UHV Series represents an important advance. To receive a product brochure or discuss your appli- cation, call Burleigh and ask for the UHV Applications Group. Burleigh Instruments, Inc. Burleigh Park, Fishers, NY 14453 USA (716)924-9355, Telex 97-8379 European Headquarters: Burleigh Instruments, Pfungstadt West Germany Tel (061 57) 3047; Telex (841)4191728 United Kingdom: Burleigh Instruments, Ltd Tel (0727) 41347, Telex (851) 9401134 8 Japanese Representative: Marubun Corp. Tel (03)6399871,Telex(78DJ22803 Inchworm is a registered trademark of Burleigh Instruments, Inc © Burleigh Instruments, 1988 AVS Show—Booth #315 Circle number 137 on Reader Service CardFinally, some have expressed con- cern that the average ability of new science PhDs has declined in recent years as the best and brightes t in our society have been draw n into the lucrative professions of law, business and medicine.9 Because our data allowed us to observe physicists as they aged over a six-year period, we were able to draw inferences concerning the presence of cohort effects and to see whether true aging effects exist once we controlled for these cohort effects. Using an econometric technique that controls for both cohort and aging effects, we found evidence that except for parti- cle physicists employed in PhD-grant- ing departments, true aging effects exist. Furthermore, when we held the aging effects constant, we found evidence that for the period of our study the latest PhD cohorts were not the most productive in any of the subfields of physics we studied. References 1. P. E. Stephan, S. G. Levin, "Demo- graphic and Economic Determinants of Scientific Productivity," Georgia State U., Atlanta (1987). 2. R. Evenson, Y. Kislev, Agricultural Re- search and Productivity, Yale U. P., New Haven (1975). 3. E. Garfield, ed., SCI Journal Citation Reports, Institute for Scientific Infor- mation, Philadelphia (1975). 4. National Research Council, Science, En- gineering, and Humanities Doctorates in the United States, 1979 Profile, Natl Acad. Sci., Washington, D. C. (1980). 5. S. Cole, Am. Sociol. Rev. 84(4), 958 (1979). 6. A. E. Bayer, J. E. Dutton, J. Higher Ed. 48(3), 259 (1977). 7. D. C. Pelz, F. M. Andrews, Scientists in Organizations, revised edition, U. Michigan P., Ann Arbor (1976). 8. J. S. Long, Am. Sociol. Rev. 43, 889 (1978). 9. H. R. Bowen, J. Schuster, American Professors: A National Resource Imper- iled, Oxford U. P., New York (1986). PAULA E. STEPHAN Department of Economics and Policy Research Program Georgia State University SHARON G. LEVIN Department of Economics 2/89 University of Missouri, St. Louis Dread Shortage in the Nation's Breadbasket? In the December 1987 issue (page 9), George E. Pake writes: "Through its extensive nationwide system of re- search universities, centers of basic research are ubiquitous in the vo. 154 PHYSICS TODAY OCTOBER 1989
Field effects in semiconductor doubleinjection devices R. Stawski and K. L. Ashley Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 63, 5571 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.340334 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.340334 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/63/11?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Threshold voltage and field effects in semiconductor doubleinjection devices J. Appl. Phys. 62, 1484 (1987); 10.1063/1.339628 Numerical modeling of doubleinjection Si:In devices J. Appl. Phys. 60, 3214 (1986); 10.1063/1.337740 Doubleinjection fieldeffect transistor: A new type of solidstate device Appl. Phys. Lett. 48, 1386 (1986); 10.1063/1.96917 Injected carrier lifetimes and doubleinjection currents in semiconductors with a single impurity level J. Appl. Phys. 53, 5061 (1982); 10.1063/1.331338 Properties of Gallium Arsenide DoubleInjection Devices J. Appl. Phys. 42, 4015 (1971); 10.1063/1.1659719 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:23:23Field effects in semiconductor double .. lnjection devices R. Stawski and K LAshley Department of Electrical Engineering, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 75275 (Received 10 November 1987; accepted for publication 18 January 1988) An analysis ofhigh~field effects in semiconductor double~injection devices is presented. Exact and approximate numerical solutions are developed, which include the electric field dependence of carrier mobilities and capture coefficients. The model assumes that the current is entirely field driven and that charge neutrality applies. The current-voltage characteristics are obtained in the square-law and threshold vohage regions. A comparison is made between the present analysis and a previous, more approximate, analytical formulation which was similarly based on a modification of the square law. The validity of approximations made in the development of the models is discussed. The conditions, under which high-field effects have a significant influence on the current-voltage characteristics, are determined. I. INTRODUCTION The study of semiconductor double-injection devices provi.des valuable information on various electronic proper ties of the device material. The modeling of the current-vol tage characteristics of double-injection devices is of consid erable interest for practical applications such as sensors and high-voltage switches. In double-injection devices electrons and holes are in jected from the cathode and anode, respectively. into the bulk of a high-resistivity semiconductor doped with deep impurities. The properties of the impurities and the trans port parameters of the bulk material influence the shape of the current-voltage characteristics. The segment of the char acteristic from the square law to the threshold is of particu lar interest and has been studied extensively. Solutions for this case have been presented either in analytical or numeri cal form by Ashley,! Ashley and Milnes,2 Ashley, Bailey, and Butler,3 Deuling,4 and Zwicker et al.,5 and more recent ly by Migliorato, Margaritondo, and Perfetti, (, and Ashley and Stawski. 7 The field dependence of mobilities and capture coefficients has been included in solutions obtained by Wa gener and Milnes,R Hurm, Hornung, and Manek,'! and Ash ley and Stawski.7 An analytical formulation for the thresh old voltage region that i.ncluded field-dependent parameters was presented in Ref. 7. The approach was based on a modi fication of the square law7 which accounted for the reduction of the effective device length due to the penetration of a low field region from the anode. It contained the following sim plifying assumptions: (1) hole current is negligible and elec tron current is constant and equal to the total current; (2) hole density is constant and equal to the thermal density; (3) electronic parameters are considered field independent in the low-field region. The validity of the above assumptions and the limitations of the simplified model are assessed by developing a second, more general model and an exact solu tion, both containing field-dependent parameters. We first review the square-law regime and the modified square law which includes the effective length reduction. The square law is then obtained through a second, more general approach which includes field-dependent mobilities and capture coefficients. The effective device length is deter mined by considering field-dependent parameters in the low-field region. The more general approach and the model from Ref. 7 are compared with an exact solution to assess the conditions under which those approximate models are valid. The exact solution is obtained by introducing into the meth od of Ref. 3 the electric field dependence of electronic pa rameters. II. THEORETICAL MODELS A double-injection device of configuration p+ -p-n+ is considered. The P region contains deep lying acceptors of density NR and shallow donors of density ND, with N R > N D· This is represented by the energy-band diagram of Fig. 1. The shanow donors provide compensating electrons for the deep acceptors and are assumed not to play any other role in the electronic behavior of the p region. The acceptor level is considered sufficiently deep for the density of ther mal holes Po, to be small compared to NR and ND• i.e., Po < N R ,N D' The recombination of electrons and holes at the deep level is characterized by capture coefficients Yn and Yp' respectively, with rp» Yn for an acceptorIike impurity. The model assumes that the current is entirely field driv en and that the diffusion current is negligible. This is justified for "long" p+ -p-n+ structures where the p region is several diffusion lengths long. 10 It is also assumed that charge neu trality applies which limits the results to the case ofrelativeIy high magnitudes of Po' The lower limit of Po corresponds to the condition that the dielectric relaxation time is approxi mately equal to the low-level electron lifetime.3 The injection of electrons and holes into the p region occurs when the p+ region, "anode," is biased positive with respect to the n 1-region, "cathode:' The applied bias is as sumed to appear almost entirely across the p region. The anode and cathode are considered to be infinite sources of carriers for the center region. With increasing bias the cur rent-voltage characteristic evolves through the following re gimes: Ohm's law, square law, threshold, and negative resis tance. In the square-law regime the current is carried essentially by injected electrons and the J-V characteristic is given by2 (1) 5571 J. Appl. Phys. 63 (1 1), 1 June 1988 0021-8979/68/1 15571-i 2$02.40 © 1988 American Institute of Physics 5571 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:23:23( a) v p o L L x- ( b ) FIG. 1. (a) Equilibrium energy-band model for a p-type semiconductor with a deep acceptor <recombination center) at BR and a shallow donor at ED' (b) Schematic diagram of ap' -p-n+ structure. or in the normalized form by IN = (VV~, (2) where J is the current density, Vis the applied voltage, (To is the thermal equilibrium conductivity (0'0 = q Il~ Po), qis the electron charge, f.l~ and p~ are the electron and hole field independent mobilities, L is the length of the p region, 'T nL is the electron lifetime at thermal equilibrium, 'T"L = 1!(y,; PR" ),PRo is the equilibrium density ofunoccu pied recombination centers, and y,: is the field-independent electron capture coefficient. The normalized current den sity, J N' and the normalized voltage, VN• are defined as IN = Jf.ln7"Ij(Lo-o) and VN = Vf.lIl'Tn1jL 2. As the bias increases, the recombination centers near the anode become largely depopulated of electrons due to an increasing level of hole injection. This results in the forma tion of a high conductivity low-field region near the anode which progressively moves into the bulk of the p region. The bulk can therefore be regarded as consisting of two distinct regions: a low-field region near the anode and a high-field region near the cathode. As the low-field region progresses into the p region the J-V characteristics departs from the square law and enters a transition regime that leads to the threshold. A good approximation for this porti.on of the characteristics is obtained. by a modification of the square law which involves the reduction of the effective device length.7 The modified square law is given by J = (V.u~rnIPoV2/(L -K'J)3, where K' = [1 -b In(1 + 1/b) ]!(qnRo y,;NR), (3) where b = f1~/f1~' NR is the density of recombination centers, and nRo is the equilibrium density of recombination centers occupied by electrons. The threshold voltage can be 5572 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 63, No. 11, 1 June 1988 detennined from the above relation and the condi.tion dV / dJ = O. It is given by (4) As discussed in Ref. 7, this approach allows for the in clusion of the field dependence of mobilities and capture co~ efficiems, while still retaining tractable results. This is par ticularly true when solutions are developed for the threshold voltage region and not for the entire segment of the square law. In this case the magnitude ofthe electric field is limited to a narrow range and simplified expressions offield-depen dent parameters can be used. Accordingly, the modified square law can be extended to include field-dependent mo bilities and capture coefficients of the form: J.l.,p (E) = J.l~.p( E;p ) l!(3n.p , (E r )Un,p -112 rn,p (E) = y,:.P ;p , (5) where f1~.P and 'fn,p are the field-independent mobilities and capture coefficients, respectively, /3 n.p and an,p are con stants, and E ~.P and E ~.P are critical field strengths at which mobilities and capture coefficients become field dependent. The modified square law which includes field-dependent pa rameters was obtained in Ref. 7 and is given by <r+2)r-t-l Vr+-l J=C p,°rLo- (6) (r+1)y+2 n n ° (L-K'J)Y+2 where r = an + 1/2 -lI!3" -lI!3p 1 (E ~ )"'n-112 -=--------:-:::-------:--:-:- C (l -l//3p )(E~) 1If3"(EP 1//31' An expression for the threshold voltage including high-field effects is obtained by combining Eq. (6) and the condition dV IdJ = 0 with the result (r+ 2)!/(y+I)(r+ 1)1 + lI(r->-l) V. -....:..!:--C--....:...... __ '-'-'--'--__ _ th -(r+3)H-2/(r+ l) L 1+2/(r+ I} X (7) (Cp~rnLaoK')1I(r+ I) As is discussed in Ref. 7, with field-independent parameters the modified square law, Eq. (3), provides a good approxi mation of the exact solution in the threshold voltage region. However, when high-field effects are included, this is not always the case as win be shown in the following. III. GENERALIZED APPROACH FOR THE MODifiED SQUARE LAW A. Extended model for the high~field region In the original derivation of the square law, Eq. (1), wh.ich served as the basis for Eqs. (6) and (7), it was as sumed that the hole density was constant and equal to the thermal hole density, Po, and that the hole contribution to the current was negligible. In the present formulation, both of those restrictions are removed. The results may therefore R. Stawski and K. L. Ashley 5572 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:23:23be used to assess the conditions under which those assump tions are valid. As will be shown, it is usually a valid approximation to neglect p in the current equation insofar as p < n for current density magnitudes in the square-law region, and up to, and above that corresponding to the threshold voltage. However, the manner in which p is reflected in the current divergence may require that p be allowed to be significantly different from Po. This can be more properly clarified from the rel evant system of equations which is as follows: The current equation I = q(lln (E)n +,up (E)p]E, the continuity equation 1 dJn ---= 11 Yr/(E)PR' q dx and the recombination kinetics equation (8) (9) ny,,(E)PR =pYp(E)n R -poYp(E)(nRJpR..)PR' (to) where nand P are the electron and hole densities, respective ly, E is the electric field, In is the electron current density, and n Rand P R are the nonequiHbrium densities of occupied and unoccupied recombination centers, respectively. In this casepR and fiR will, respectively, be set equal tOPR" and nR". This is consistent with charge neutrality and is justified whenever n,p<PR' which will generally be true in the high field region. From this system of equations the current density and the voltage across the high-field region can be obtained. The ! J-V characteristic for the entire P region, which consists of the high-and low-field regions, is obtained by accounting for the reduction of the length of the high-field region toL -L', due to the penetration of the low-field region of length L I into the device. This follows the approach described in Ref. 7 as the modification of the square law and which resulted in Eqs. (3) and (6). In the derivation of Sec. II, P was set strictly equal to Po. This condition, when used with P R = P R" (or n R = n R.., ), eliminated the use of the recombination kinetics equation, i.e., the right-hand side was exactly equal to zero. Retention of that equation here, by havingp#po will provide for appli cation to a broader range of situations which can obtain when field dependence of electronic parameters is included. It is notable that unlike the results of Sec. II, the present development will contain rp (E) as a parameter. Substitutingp from Eq. (8) into Eq. (10) gives n = tf;(E)b(E)nR./PR" J (1 _ W'), (II) 1 + tf;(E)b(E)nR/PRo q/-l .. (E)E where fjJ(E) = Yp (E), beE) = {-ttl (E) • r .. (E) /l-p (E) Ifl' = q/-lp (E)poE . J MUltiplying Eq. (11) by gP .. (E)E, differentiating, and sub stituting dJ"ldx from Eq. (9), results in y .. (E) .£(1-W') = [IfjJ(E)b(E)O -Ifl') d[~(E)b(E)J _ ( (E) +Ed#p(E2.)]dE . PRo #" (E) E 1 + ¢(E)b(E)nRJpRo dE qpo Pp dE dx (12) Equation ( 12) can be simplified by introducing the approxi mation ~"< 1, which is valid when the characteristic has evolved well into the square law. The resulting equation can otherwise be obtained by initially neglecting the hole current in Eq. (8). Therefore, the assumption made in Ref. 7 that the hole current is negligible and that the electron current is constant and equal to the total current is wen justified. This is especially true when the J-V characteristic has reached the threshold voltage region. The difference between the present approach and the one which resulted in Eq. (6) is thus mani fested in the presence of the first term, within the parenthe sis, on the right-hand side of Eq. (12). For obtaining solutions for the J-V characteristic we use the functional forms for field-dependent mobilities and cap ture coefficients which apply for a broad range of electric field. These are () (E) = f-l",p fln,p 1 EIEp. + n.p (E) = y,;.P Y",p a 1 + (EIE~,p) n,p (13) Here E ~,p and E ~,p are the magnitudes of electric field where the mobilities and capture coefficients assume half of their 5573 J. Appl. PhyS., Vol. 63, No. 11, 1 June 1988 I field-independent values ,u~.P and .y~,p. In Appendix A, solu tions are given which are obtained using the approximate forms of field-dependent parameters, Eq. (5). However, as may be noted there, those solutions still require numerical evaluation and are subject to serious error if a proper selec tion of parameters (such as a /I,p' f3 fl,p' E ~:.P' and E ~.P ) is not made for a given segment of the J-V characteristic. Use of the simplified forms does not provide, in this case, a significant benefit in the form of computational ease, as is shown in Appendix A, and hence the choice was made to use the more accurate forms. The current expression is obtained by first substituting general expressions offield-dependent parameters, given by Eq. (B), into Eq. (12). Integrating the resulting equation gives (14) R. Stawski and K. l. Ashley 5573 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:23:23with one boundary condition E = Eo at the cathode x = L, and a second condition E = E'atx = L', which is the bound ary between the high-and low-field regions. The function F is defined as follows: F= (an/E~)(E/E ~)a,,~ I 1 + (E/E~/'r. (0: /E'Y)(E /Er)ap~ \ p P P l/E~ +----'-- 1 + EIE; l/E~ 1 +EIE~ At the first boundary condition x = L the magnitude of the electric field, Eo. is determined as the lowest value of the field for which the integrand in Eq. (14) is positive. This follows from an examination ofEq. ( 11), which, when multiplied by qj.tn (E}E, gives an expression for the electron current, In, as a function ofthe electric field E. Using this expression, it can be shown thatJ" is not a monotonic function of E. However, physical arguments indicate that J n should be a decreasing function of E in the high-field region. The physically mean ingful part of the solution is obtained in an interval of the electric field that is limited at the cathode x = L by a bound ary value Eo, such that for E> Eo the electron current de creases monotonically with E. This is consistent with having the following conditions satisfied in the high-field region: dJnldx> O,dE Idx <0, anddJ,,/dE <0 (with thex-axisori entation chosen here). The value of Eo is determined as the largest zero of the integrand in Eq. (14). The second boundary condition corresponds to the re duction of the length of the high-field region toL -L t, when the low-field region penetrates a distance L ' from the anode into the device. An expression for the length of the low-field region is given in Sec. III B that follows. A solution of Eq. (14) is obtained by first choosing a value of J and then ad justing the value of the parameter E' until both sides ofEq. (14) are equal. The voltage across the high-field region is obtained as follows: v= -fE dx dE dE =f..L~7nLUfJrE' E2[1 + (E/E~)""] J J/;.~ 1 +E/E~ r 1 J X (1 +EIE~)2 -00 X F ] dE. 1 + r/>(E)b(E)nR/PR" (15) The voltage is evaluated by substituting into Eq. (15) values of J and E' that are solution of Eq. (14), and integrating. B. Length of the iow~fleld region The modified square law, Eq. (3), and its extension that includes field-dependent parameters, Eg. (6), were derived by accounting for the reduction of the length of the high field region to L -L', due to the penetration of a low-field 5574 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 63, No. 11, 1 June 1988 oflength L ' into the device. An expression for the length of the low-field region was obtained in Ref. 7 through an ap proximation of the exact solution, and was given as _ b In( (1 + b)Yo)l, 1 + byo j (16) whereb = ,u~/,u~, and Yo = nlpatx = L '. The magnitude of Yo corresponds to the crossover point or boundary between the low-and high-field regions. It was shown in Ref. 7 that the field at the crossover on the high-field region side can be expressed in terms of Yo as Eh (Yo) =!...[ [1-yoi,;PR../(rj!nR.,)] -(Yo -1)Po/PR,,]. (To 1 + byo (17) An expression for the electric field in the high-field region can also be obtained as an intermediate step in the derivation of the modified square law. This expression evaluated at the boundary x = L' gives Eh(L,)=[2J(;;-Lf )]1/2 0 (18) j.tn7nLUO At the boundary, the two expressions, Egs. (17) and (18), are equal. This equality provides a means for obtaining Yo as a function of J which in turn can be substituted into Eq. (16) to yield a value for L '. A more approximate form of L' is obtained for Yo> 1, which is L'= J l-~ln 1 +!!L . [ 0 ( 0 )] qnR.. i:,NR ft~ J.l~ (19) This result is in agreement with that obtained by MigIiorato et al.6 which was based on the assumption that most of the recombination centers are fined with holes, i.e., that PR z,NR, and that the boundary x = L' is defined by n = n R,,' The boundary condition n = it R Q' together with the local neutrality relation n = p + n R,,' is in effect equivalent to having Yo> L Equations (16) and (19) weredetived with theassump tion that in the low-field region mobilities and capture coeffi cients can be considered field independent. In the present analysis this assumption is removed and an assessment of its validity can be made. When the field dependence of electronic parameters is introduced into the low-field region, the manner in which the variables are related in the resulting expressions (Appen dix B) prohibits a direct application of the method from Ref. 7 which led to Eq. (16). In the method from Ref. 7 a general expression of the electric field in the low-field region was derived from the charge neutrality relation in terms of the parameters y = nip. This expression for the electric field was subsequently simplified and substituted into the contin uityequation for electrons from whichEq. (16) for L! result ed. In the present case, with field-dependent parameters, a difficulty arises from the fact that a general expression for R. Stawski and K. l. Ashley 5574 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:23:23the electric field in the low~field region cannot be obtained in analytical form, as it is apparent from an examination ofEg. (B9). However, an approximate expression of the low field can be directly obtained from the observation that the ap proximate form of the electric field given in Ref. 7 can be otherwise obtained by assuming that in the low-field region most of the recombination centers are filled with holes, i.e., PR ,;::;NR• With this assumption the charge neutrality rela tion can be simplified to n -p = n Ro' Substituting into the charge neutrality relation expressions of i1 and p, given in Appendix B as Eq. (B6) and Eq. (B7), results in an expres sion for the field in the low-field region. This is (20) where z = J I[ qpP (E)pE] as defined in Appendix B. The electron continuity equation, Eq. (B2), integrated over the low-field region only, gives an expression for the length of the low-field region. This is (21) with E given by Eq. (20) andpR replaced by NR according to the previous assumption. The lower limit of integration, Za' corresponds to the onset of the square-law regime for which at the anode n = p. Substituting the condition n = p into the variable z gives Za = 1 + f1n (E)I{tp (E) :::::; 1 + J.l~ I p~. The upper limit of integration, zo. corresponds to the boundary between the low-and high-field regions. For a given value of the electric field at the boundary on the high~ field side, E I, the magnitude of Zo can be obtained by numeri cally solving the charge neutrality relation, Eq. (B9), given in Appendix B. A more approximate expression for L I is given in Ap pendix C, where, in addition to the assumptionpR ,;::;NR• the boundary between the low~ and high-field regions is assumed to occur for n = nRo' The degree of approximation introduced into the pres ent approach by assuming that PR :::::;NR can be reduced without increasing the level of complexity of the method. For this, the expression for PR given in Appendix B as Eq, (B8) can be simplified by removing the field dependence of mobilities and capture coefficients and by neglecting the field-dependent term in the denominator, The resulting expression is WithpR given by Eq. (22), the expression for the field in the low-field region, Eqo (20), has to be modified by replacing n R" with P R -P R,,' This modified equation for the electric field is then substituted into Eq. (21) to give an expression for the length of the low-field region. In the fonowing section it will be shown that PR given by Eq. (22) considerably im proves the accuracy of the present method especially for larger ratios of i,! I y~. 5575 J, Appl. Phys .. Vol. 63, No. 11, 1 June 1988 IV, COMPUTATION OF THE CURRENT~V(n. TAGE CHARACTERISTICS In the fonowing, the equations developed in Sec. In are used to eval.uate the influence of field effects on the J-V char acteristic and in particular on the threshold voltage. These results are compared with solutions obtained from Eq. (6) of Sec. II and from an exact solution, which is given in Appen dix B. A modified form of Eq. (6) is used in the present computation. The modification consists of including in the derivation of Ref. 7 general expressions of field-dependent parameters, given by Eq. (13). In this manner, differences between solutions which may result from the use of approxi mate forms of field-dependent parameters are eliminated from the comparison. The exact J-V characteristic is used to assess the validity of the approximate models. We also compare solutions obtained with, and without, including the field dependence of electronic parameters in the low~field region. It might be expected that since the elec tric field is relatively small in the low-field region, the effect on parameters would be negligible. However, as will be shown, although the effect on the threshold voltage is slight, effects on the current magnitUde in the negative resistance region can be significant. The set of parameters used in computations might be representative of SUn devices at 77 K. The field-dependent mobilities, given by Eq. (13), are well represented, as was shown in Ref. 7, by the following parameters: f.L~ = 1.86 X 104 cm2 V--Is -1, J.l~ = 0.63 X 104 cm2 v--! S-1 Ef' = 650 V cm-I Ell = 1100 V cm--1 For , n j p • the field-dependent capture coefficients, given by Eq. (13), the following values were used: i,! = 10--10 cm3 S--I, ~ = 10-7 em3 g--I EY = 75 V em-I EY = 600 V cm--! ~ p 2 n , p s and an = a p = 2. All the values related to the capture coeffi cients were taken in correspondence with those obtained by Hurm et ai. '} except for f},. Other parameters used in compu tations were: NR =2XlO16 cm-3 and ND = 1 X 1016 cm--3• A. Comparison of approximate models In this subsection a comparison is made between the approximate model from Eq. (6) and the model from Sec. III. The exact solution is used to assess the validity of the approximate models. The parameters used in the compari son are chosen to make evident those differences that result from approximations introduced in the high-field region. The choice of a particular model for the length of the Iow field region has negligible effect in this case. A plot of the normalized threshold voltage, V~, versus the logarithm of L is shown in Fig. 2(a) for Po = 1010, 1011, and 1Ol2 cm --3. For each value of Po three curves are shown: the exact solution (solid lines), the approximate model from Eq. (6) (dotted lines), and the model from Sec. HI (dashed lines). Where the threshold voltage is constant and indepen dent of L, field effects on parameters are negligible. [Note Eq, (4) and the definition of the normalized threshold vol tage, V~=,u~rnLVth/L2.J The results indicate that for large magnitUdes of Po, the exact solution and the two ap- R. Stawski and K. l. Ashley 5575 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:23:23proximate models are essentially identical for small values of L where the field effects are absent. For increasing device lengths, the model from Sec. HI closely follows the exact solution, while the approximate model from Eq. (6) shows a slight deviation. For lower values of Po a significant differ ence appears between the approximate model from Eq. (6) and the solution generated from the model of Sec. III. The difference is especially large for shorter devices and tends to diminish as the length increases. This is a reflection of the limits of validity of the square law, Eq. (1), on which the approximate solution, Eq. (6), was based. In the derivation of those equations it was assumed, for example, that the hole density was constant and equal to the thermal hole density, Po' In the formulation of Sec. HI this restriction was re moved. It was noted that the solution obtained in Sec. III differed from the one which resulted in Eq. (6), by the pres ence of the first term, within parenthesis, on the right-hand sideofEq. (12). The second term, within the same parenthe- 104,..-________________ ---, "" .. ,,, .. ,",,., Ci~Zl~~1§~ ( a ) , 10 100 DEVICE LENGTH (,'~m) 10 100 DEVICE LENGTH (,.cm) 500 500 FIG. 2. Theoretical plot of the normalized threshold voltage, V~, YS the device length, L. For each value of Po three curves are shown: exact solution (solid lines), the model from Eq. (6) (dotted lines), and the model from Sec. III (dashed lines). A comparison is made for: (a) r~/r;, = 1000, (b) Y},/r;, = 100. 5576 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 63, No. 11, 1 June Hl88 sis, on the right-hand side ofEq. (12), is directly proportion al to the thermal hole density, Po. As Po becomes smaller, the contribution of the second term becomes less significant and the first term gains in importance. The presence of the first term affects the accuracy of the solution for lower values of Po' The lack of this term in the solution leading to Eq. (6) is primarily responsible for the error that affects the threshold voltage magnitude. The model from Sec. III provides a very good approximation of the exact solution for shorter device lengths. For the purpose of estimation of the threshold vol tage in longer devices, both models are sufficiently close to the exact solution. A second plot ofthe normalized threshold voltage, V~, versus the logarithm of L is shown in Fig. 2 (b) for Po = 1011, 1012, and 1013 cm~3. In this plot the field-independent hole capture coefficient r~ is changed to 10-8 cm3 8-1• This re duces the ratio of capture coefficients, ~//,;, to a 100. The curves are labeled in the same manner as in Fig. 2 (a). The remarks made in relation to Fig. 2 (a) also apply in this case. However, for this ratio of Yn/~ a significant difference ap pears between the model from Sec. HI and the exact solution for lower values of Po' The difference is due to the approxi mationpR ~NR that is made in the model for the low-field region. With the introduction of a more accurate expression for PR' such as the one given in Eq. (22), into the model of the low-field region the correspondence with the exact solu tion is greatly improved. This is evident from the long dashed curve which was obtained with the more accurate expression for P R . The threshold voltage depends on the square of the de vice length (L 2) in the case offield-independent parameters. This is apparent in Eq. (4). When field effects are present, the simplified approach leading to Eq. (7) suggests that the threshold voltage is proportional to L I + 2/( y + [). The extent to which this form of dependence on the device length is supported by the more accurate solution from Sec. III is exhibited in Fig. 3. The figure shows a piot of the threshold voltage versus the logarithm of L for Po = lOW, 1011, and ld 1d ~ (5 10' > w 100 Cl ~ 0 > 10-' c \ Iii iii 100 500 DEVICE LENGTH (." m ) FIG. 3. Theoretical plot of the threshold voltage, V~, vs the device length, L. SOlutions are obtained using the mode! from Sec. HI (solid lines). R Stawski and K. L. Ashley 5576 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:23:231012 cm-3• Solutions obtained using the model of Sec. III (solid lines), that include the field dependence of electronic parameters in the low-field region, are compared to the L 2 dependence resulting from Eq. (4), and to the L I + 21( r + I) dependence obtained from Eq. (7). The results indicate that for sman magnitudes of L, the threshold voltage is propor tional to L 2, while for large L, a lower power dependence is observed. As the value of Po is decreased, the departure from an L 2 dependence occurs at smaller device lengths. It is seen that for Po = 10 Hl em -3 and for shorter device lengths, the threshold voltage displays a larger power dependence than L 2. This also occurs for Po = lOll and 1012 cm--3 but to a much lesser extend, and therefore it is not apparent on the plot. For longer device lengths, the reduction of the thresh old voltage, due to the field dependence of electronic param~ eters, can be significant. B. Field effects In the low&field region In this subsection a comparison is made between two solutions derived both from the model of Sec. III. One solu tion is obtained with, and the other without, the inclusion of the field dependence of electronic parameters in the low-field region. The exact solution is again used as a reference for the comparison. J-V characteristics were calculated using three formula tions. These are: (l) model from Sec. III A with Eq. (16); (2) model from Sec. III A with Eq. (21); (3) the exact solu tion. A plot ofthe normalized current density, J N. versus the normalized voltage, VN, is shown in Fig. 4 for L = 1, 10,50, 200, and 1000 J..lm. The three cases are represented, respec tively, by dotted, dashed, and solid curves. The plot is made for Po = 1012 cm-3, r,: = 10-9 cm3 S-I, and ~ = 10-6 cm3 S-l. These results indicate that for small mag nitudes of L, the influence of field-dependent parameters on the length of the low-field region is negligible, while for large L, a substantial difference appears. When the length of the l~+-----~-J---r-~~--f-r~'r------~--4 10 100 NORMALIZED VOLTAGE 300 FIG. 4. TheoreticalJ- V characteristics for various device lengths. Solutions obtained using the model from Sec. III with (dashed lines), and without (dotted lines), including field effects in the low-field region, are compared with the exact solution (solid lines). 5577 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 63, No.11, 1 June 1988 low-field region includes field-dependent parameters, the transition from the square law through the threshold voltage region and into the negative resistance region, occurs at low er currents and lower voltages as the length of the device increases. Although both the maximum current of the nega tive resistance region and the threshold voltage are reduced, the former represents the strongest effect on the J-V charac teristic. The threshold voltage is also obtained using the three formulations described in the previous paragraph. Figure 5 shows a plot of the normalized threshold voltage, Vtj;, versus thelogofL forpo = 1012cm--3, r,: = 1O~\ 10-9, and lO-H) cm3 S-1 while maintaining the ratio r,:/~ constant and equal to 10-3, For each value of r,; three curves are shown: the exact solution (solid lines), the model from Sec, HI in cluding Eq. (16) (dotted lines), and the model from Sec. III including Eq. (21) (dashed lines). It is seen that the influ ence of field-dependent parameters on the length of the low field region, and through it on the threshold voltage, is most significant for large magnitudes of the electron and hole cap ture coefficients, and for long devices. The results also indi cate that the field dependence of electronic parameters must be included in the low-field region to provide good corre spondence between the model from Sec, In and the exact solution for longer device lengths. A plot of the spatial variation of the electric field and electron density across the low-field region is shown in Fig. 6. The injection level into the low-field region corresponds to a normalized current density IN = 6 X 104• The plot is made for p = 1012 cm-3 .11 = 10-9 em38-1 ./J = to-6 em3 n , rtf .. ,rp s -1, and L = i 000 J..lm. The vertical bars at the end of each curve represent the boundary between the low-and high field regions. The junction p+ -p is positioned at xlL = O. This plot illustrates the effect offield-dependent parameters on the length of the low-field region in accordance with Eq. (21). The curves labeled (b), (c), (d), and (e) are obtained from Eq. (21). The curve labeled (a) results from Eq. (16) 500- w 0 ;=; '-' 0 > a -' 0 I (f) w a:: j:s Q W t::; -' « ;:;; 0:: 0 z 20 -. 1 10 500 DEVICE LENGTH (,.un) FIG. 5. Theoretical plot of the normalized threshold voltage, V~, V5 the device length, L, with r;: as a parameter. The model from Sec. HI with (dashed lines). and without (dotted lines), including field effects in the low-field region, is compared with the exact solution (solid lines). R. Stawski and K. L. Ashley 5577 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:23:23I .--.. 1017 ~ld ,.., f I d e E E u [ tJ ---Ii> );' >-t t:: g Vl z I w w c:: 0 z u cr 0 >-'" i3 g ..J W c:i 10'" 10' 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 NORf"lAlIZED DE ViCE LENGTH, X/L FIG. 6. Theoretical plot of the spatial variation of the electric field and elec tron density across the low-field region. All solutions, except (a), are ob· tained with including field effects in the low-field region. and corresponds to the case offield-independent parameters. Curve (d) is obtained with E ~ = 6.5 X 104 V cm -1 and E ~ = 1,1 X lOS V cm --I. Curves (b) and (c) are obtained with E~ = 450 V cm--1 and E;, = 150 Vern-I, respectively. Those results indicate that the length of the low-field region increases significantly when the electron capture coefficient is reduced through field effects. It is also seen that a large decrease of electron and hole mobilities results in a compara tively smaner increase in the length of the low-field region. c. Comparison of models for the low~field region length Two solutions derived from the model from Sec. III with different expressions for the length of the low-field re gion are compared. One solution is obtained with L ' given by Eq. (21) and the other by using Eg. (C3) from Appendix Co The expression for L j derived in Appendix C is based on one additional assumption which is not made in the approach leading to Eq. (21), The assumption made in Appendix C relates to the boundary between the low-and high-field re gions which is assumed to occur for n = n R,,' A plot of the normalized threshold voltage, VI};, versus the logarithm of Po is shown in Fig. 7 for ~/Y,; = 100 and 1000. The plot is made for short (L = 5 /-f.m) and long (L = 500 Jlm) devices. For each value of L three curves are shown: the model from Sec. HI with Eq. (21), nh (dashed lines); the model from Sec. III with Eq. (C3), V;h (dotted lines); and the exact solution, V~h (solid lines). The results indicate that for r;:1'fn = 1000 the two approximate solu tions fonow closely the exact solution except for the highest magnitudes of Po. This is a reminder of the limit of validity of the approximation P R = PRo on which the model for the high-field region in Sec. III is based. As the magnitude of Pu increases, the electron and hole densities make an increas ingly important contribution to the charge neutrality rela tion and cannot be assumed negligible in comparison to P R" • For lJ.},lr;, = 1000 and for short devices the threshold voltage is proportional to Po-112, while for longer devices it 5578 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 63, No. i 1,1 June i 988 ld -!---r--r-r-r-r-r-m---,--r..,..,..,...,.,.,.,-...,.......,...-,....,.....,.,.,....-r-r-r-r,"",,", ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -3 (eM ) THERMAL HOLE DENSITY 1lf-,r------------------------r-------- • ...... ., .................. ., '. .... , ..... , ..... " '. " " ", " '. L=500u.m -3 THERMAL HOLE DENSITY (eM ) Fl G. 7. Theoretical plot of the normalized threshold voltage vs the thermal hole density. v" (til) represents the exact solution; V, (th) and Vz (th) are based on the model from Sec. III with L ' given by Eq. (21) and Eq. (C3), respectively. A comparison is made for: Ca) Y,:/r~ = 1000, (b) y':/r;, = 100. shows a lower power dependence, close to Po-1/3. The depar ture from a Pr,-liZ dependence, that is due to the presence of field effects, is supported by the simplified approach leading to Eq. (7) which suggests that the threshold voltage should be proportional to Po -1/( y +-lJ. It is evident in the plot for y}'1y" = 100 and L = 5 Jim that the threshold voltage dis plays a substantially larger power dependence than Po-lI2 as the value of Po is decreased. This also occurs for r;:/Y,: = 1000 but to a much lesser extent, The deviation from the Po-!l2 power dependence is increased for a lower ratio of r~/Y,; because in the expression of the voltage, Eq, ( 15), the second term within parenthesis on the right-hand side ofEq. (15) is inversely proportional to the ratio r;:1y", The presence of this term enhances the difference between the solution of Sec. III and the one which resulted in Eq. (4). Therefore, as the ratio Y;Ii,; becomes smaller, the contribu tion of this second term increases and the solution deviates from the Po-1/2 dependence which is suggested by Eq. (4) in R. Stawski and K. L. Ashley 5578 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:23:23the case of negligible field effects. In the plot for Y},/-I,. = 1000 the exact and approximate solutions tend to differ for smaller magnitudes of Po but are still sufficiently close for the purpose of estimation of the threshold voltage. As ij,/r;, becomes smaller, a significant difference appears between the exact and approximate soIu~ tions for lower values of Po. The accuracy of the approximate solutions for f),/Y,. = 100 can be considerably improved by using in the model of Sec. III the expression for P R given by Eq. (22). The resulting approximate solution provides an excellent approximation of the exact solution. v. CONCLUSIONS The approximate analytical and numerical models with field-dependent parameters which were presented in this pa per and in Ref. 7 were based on the modified square law and included a number of simplifying assumptions. The solu tions, which were obtained in Sec. IV for the current-voltage characteristics and the threshold voltage, indicate when the assumptions which were made in the approximate models are valid and demonstrate the conditions under which the field dependence of electronic parameters is a factor in the result. A comparison between the approximate models and the exact solution was made to determine the range of pa rameters in which each one of the assumptions would have a significant effect on the accuracy ofthe approximate models. The conclusions related to the validity of the assump tions can be summarized as follows: ( 1) The assumption that the hole density in the high field region is constant and equal to the thermal hole density, Po. is not valid for lower magnitudes of Po-As the ratio ~ / ~ is reduced this assumption becomes unjustified even for higher magnitudes of Po. (2) For lower ratios of capture coefficients, r,;/Y,:, the assumption that in the low-field region most of the recom bination centers are filled with holes, i.e., thatpR 'ZNR, is not accurate. A more complete expression for PR' which allows for a spatial variation of P R in the low-field region, has to be used instead. (3) The effect of the field on the electronic parameters in the low-field region cannot be assumed negligible. For longer devices and large capture coefficients, field effects can significantly affect the length of the low-field region, and through it the threshold voltage and the current magnitude in the negative resistance region of the characteristic. ( 4) For higher magnitudes of Po the assumption that in the high-field region the density of unoccupied recombina~ tion centers is equal to their thermal equilibrium density, i.e., PR 'ZPRo' becomes inaccurate as the density of free carriers increases. In general, however, a good correspondence is obtained between the approximate and exact solutions over a wide range of parameters. The advantage of approximate models in comparison to the exact solution is that they require con siderably shorter computations and therefore are particular ly suitable for modeling purposes" It can be seen from the solutions presented in the pre- 5579 J. Appl. Phys" Vol. 63, No.1 i. 1 June i 988 vious section that the effects on the current-voltage charac teristic and on the threshold voltage, associated with high fields are not negligible. Those effects are particularly signif icant for long devices made of semi-insulating material with low thermal carrier densities and doped with impurities with large capture cross sections. At lower magnitUdes of ~/~, high-field effects are even more pronounced. With high-field effects present the threshold voltage increases slower than L 2 with increasing device length and slower than Po 112 with decreasing thermal hole density. This reduction of the threshold voltage, compared to the case where high-field ef fects are absent, occurs at shorter device lengths as the mag nitude of Po decreases or as the magnitude of capture coeffi cients increases. The theoretical plots of the previous section can be in vestigated experimentally by measuring current-voltage characteristics of forward biased devices, of various lengths, at different temperatures. The temperature variation will ad just the thermal hole concentration to the desired range. For example, for SUn devices, with the set of parameters used here, a change in the thermal hole concentration from 1010 to 1012 cm-~3 can be achieved by a temperature change from 100 to 135 K approximately. Double-injection devices made of semi-insulating GaAs could be studied at room tempera ture since, for example, chromium-doped GaAs can be ob tained with resistivity greater than 107 n cm at 300 K. 1 J The high resistivity of GaAs is dependent upon midgap impurity levels such as chromium II and iron, 12 and defect levels such as EL213 and EL014 in undoped GaAs. Chromium and iron both introduce deep acceptor levels in GaAs with ionization energies of Ec -0.63 eV and Ev + 0.52 eV, respective ly.IS In undoped semi-insulating GaAs the deep donor level EL2, shallow carbon acceptors, and oxygen~related ELO are the predominant levels. The understanding of mid gap deep levels in GaAs has become increasingly important for the improvement of material quality in GaAs integrated circuits and optoelectronic devices. The mechanism of double-injec tion offers a reliable technique for studying the various pa rameters of semi-insulating materials and the properties of defect levels. Assuming that the velocity field relationship is known, the models that were presented in this paper and in Ref. 7 can be used as a tool for determining the field dependence of capture coefficients of deep impurities. The theoretical mod els can be fitted to experimental J~ V characteristics of short and long devices to determine separately the low-and high field parameters of capture coefficients. Measurements of the threshold voltage can be fitted to the analytical model of Ref. 7 to yield the field dependent electron capture coeffi cient. Further details of this type of measurement on double injection devices are described in Ref. 8. It is also notable that to apply the models of this paper to the case of GaAs appropriate expressions of field-dependent mobilities have to be introduced into the formulation. Such expressions are given in Ref. 16. Other factors which could affect the results of measure ments are impact ionization and the Poole-Frenkel effect. With the set of parameters used here, measurements of the threshold voltage at Po = WIG em -3 would create fields in R. Stawski and K. L. Ashley 5579 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:23:23the order of !03-lif V cm-1 for devices oflength 100--500 /-lm. It has been reported by McCombs!7 that in indium doped silicon fields in the range 103_104 V em _.-1 are suffi cient to cause impact ionization to occur. McCombs!7 also observed that hi this range of electric field the thermal hole concentration can be increased by enhanced emission due to the Poole-Frenkel effect. IS The models of this paper should be extended to include both impact ionization and the Poole-Frenkel effect when electric fields of this magnitude need to be considered. APPENDIX A: EXTENDED MODEL FOR THE H!GH-FIELD REGION WITH SIMPLIFIED FORMS OF FIELD DEPENDENT MOBILITIES AND CAPTURE COEFFICIENTS It was discussed in Ref. 7 that simplified expressions of field-dependent parameters, Eq. (5), can be used in the case when the magnitude of the electric field is limited to a nar row range, such as the threshold voltage region. The use of asymptotic approximations of field-dependent mobilities and capture coefficients requires that a proper choice of ex ponents a /l,p and f3 H,p be made for different portions of the J V characteristic. The attractive side of this approach is that it allows for a simple analytical formulation, such as Eq. (6), to be obtained. Substituting those simplified expressions of field-dependent parameters, given by Eq. (5), into Eq. (12) results in Jdx = [~ rpL f.-L~ EY' _ EY']dE (AI) co Co' I ttn rnL(To 2(TO rnL fll! where YI' Y2' Ch and Cz are constants given by YI = an -~ -lI/3n -l//3p• and Y2 = ap -! -lI/3p, 1 (E~)an- 112 c;= (1_1/f3p)(E~)l/fJn(E~)l/fJp' -= (an -ap + lIf3p -lIf3/! )(E~)an- 1/2 0- 1J/3p)(E~)l/f3"(Epap- 112 (To=q/-l~Po, rnL = lI(pR"r~), TpL = lI(nRo~)' Integrating Eq. (At) results in J(L -x) Clfl~rnLaO E y, + 1 _ E 6' + 1 J ".a l' r E y, + 1 -E y, + I ___ ~ 0 (A2) CPo fl~rnL r2 + 1 with the boundary condition E = Eo at the cathode x = L. At the boundary x = L the magnitude of the electric field, Eo, is determined as the lowest value of the field for which theright-handsideofEq. (A2) is positive. This follows from the discussion in Sec. III A. The second term on the right hand side of Eg. (A2) is nonzero only for an =lap or f3 n =lf3p. The voltage across the device is obtained from V = -f E dx and Eq. (At) which together give 5580 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 63, No. 11, 1 June i 988 C 81.0 r Q; E y, 1-2 _ E y, + 2 V = 1 r-n nL 0 0 J Yl +2 C E 1'z + 2 _ E 01', -'" 2 :1 0 --/-l T L ------C2 P P Yz + 2 (A3) The current and voltage expressions, represented by Eqs. (A2) and (A3), respectively, are related through the pa rameter E. The J-V characteristic is obtained by substituting into Eq. (A3) values of J and E that are the solution of Eq. (A2). It was shown in Ref. 7 that when simplified expressions of field-dependent mobilities and capture coefficients are used, the coefficients a",p and"B n,p have to be adjusted as the J-V characteristic evolves. Since the second term in Eg. (A3 ) depends on differences (an -aD) and ( 1//3 p -1/ fJ n ), a poor choice of a /t.p and f3 n,p may lead to largely inaccurate results. APPENDIX B: EXACT SOLUTION FOR QUASINEUTRALITY WITH FIELD~DEPENDENT PARAMETERS The system of equations for the development of an exact solution with field-dependent mobilities and capture coeffi cients consists of the current equation J = q[ lln (E)n + flp(E)p]E, the continuity equation 1 dJp ---d =nr,,(E)PR' q x the recombination kinetics expression (D1) (B2) y" (E)nPR = rp (E)p(N R -PR) -Yp (E)pO(nR./PRn )PR' (B3) the charge neutrality relation P + N D -n -NR + PR = 0, (B4) and expressions for field-dependent mobilities and capture coefficients ll~.p j.£",p (E) = _-':".:.:2.. __ 1 +EIE~.p Yn (E) = ~,p ,p 1 + (E lEY )an.p fI.P (B5) For simplifying expressions the following transformed vari ables are defined: z = J I (q/-lp (E)pE) , If = EUolJ b(if) =/-lnUf)lflpUf), c(W) = Yn(W)lrp(W), with Using Eq. (DI) we obtain R. Stawski and K. l. Ashley 5580 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:23:23(B6) (B7) and Substituting nand pinto Eq. (B3) and solving for P R yields NR PR =----------------------------------------1 + (z-l)c(~)/b(~') +zlf[,up(If)l,u~](nRJPRJ (B8) Expressions of n, p, and P R can in turn be used in Eq. (B4) to give [f.J,~ (_1 __ ex -1)) _ PRo ](1 + (z _ 1) c(lf) + z~ .up Of) nRo) + NR = o. z~ .up (E) /-tn (E) / Po b( ~) .u~ PRo Po (B9) The solutions for the electric field in the low-and high-field regions can be obtained as a function of the parameter z by locating numerically the roots of Eq. (B9). A complication arises since Eq. (B9) depends on the current J through Jln.p ( If) and r n,p (If), The current is computed starting with the continuity equation (EZ) which can be arranged into the form dz qnrf/(If)PRr dx J (BIO) Using Eqs, (B6) and (B8) to eliminate nand p R in Eq. (B 10) results in dx= J.un(lf) ~ O'orn(lf/)NR j<'tf,z) , where The current is obtained by integrating Eq. (Ell) over the low-and high-field regions. The low-field region, 'tf [, is con tained in the interva1 0 < x < L' (anode, x = 0) and in the z parameter range Za < Z < Zo [anode, n = p and Za = 1 +.u,,(E)/.up(E);:::;l +Il~/fl~]. For the high-field region, cg h' the intervals are L; < x < L (cathode where 'tf I = 'tf hand z = Z m ), The current expression becomes J= O'oNRL (iZ" fln Cifl I )dz Za rn(~I)f('tfI'Z) + f'm Iln ('tf h )dz ) -1 )"', Yn('tfh)j('tfh,z) (B12) Equation (B 12) is an equation which implicitly contains J in the right-hand side. A solution ofEq. (B12) is obtained by first choosing a value of J and then successively adjusting the value of Zo until the equality is satisfied. An expression for the voltage is obtained from V = -S E dx and Eq. (B 11), which together give J2 [("" fl,,(iff[)~[dz v= c?oNR Jza rnClfi[)j('tfI,z) ron fl,,('tfh)~hdz ] (B13) + Jz" rn (,15\) f( 'tf h'Z) , The voltage is evaluated by substituting into Eq. (B 13) val ues of I andzo that are the solution ofEq. (B12). The square law, threshold region, and the negative resistance region can (Bll) APPENDIX C: APPROXIMATE EXPRESSION FOR THE LENGTH OF 1..0WnFIELD REGION A more approximate expression for L ' is derived here, where in addition to the assumption PR ;:::;NR used in Sec. III B, the boundary between the low-and high-field regions is assumed to occur for n = n R" • In the present method, which follows, it is assumed that most of the recombination centers are fined with holes, i.e., that PR ;:::;NR• and that local neutrality is satisfied with n = P + nR,,' The system of equations consists of the current equation, previously given as Eq. (8), and of the continuity equations for electrons and holes, given by 1 dJn 1 dIp ---= ---=nr,,(E)PR· q dx qdx (CO Combining the continuity equations with the condition n -p = n R,,' and substituting n from the current equation results in dx = __ fl_,,_C_E_) __ rn (E)N R (1 + ~*) X[l + EO + ~*) d.u,,(E} tt .. (E) [1 + beE) 1 dE (C2) all be generated with Zo comprised in the range Za <ZO<Zm' where 5581 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 63, No. 11,1 June 1988 R. Stawski and K. L. Ashley 5581 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:23:23b(E) = ftn (E) , Jlp (E) Substituting into Eq. (C2) field-dependent mobilities and capture coefficients from Eq. (13), and integrating the re sulting equation, gives an expression for the length of low field region L ' = fE, ftn (E) ~ Jo Yn (E) NR ( ftp(E) (E'~-E~) X /-Ln (E) + /-Lp (E) (E~ + E}(E~ + E) + 1 l)a l+EIE~ {JI[q,up(E)nR..]+E} , (C3) with one boundary condition E = 0 at the anode x = 0, and a second condition E = EI at x = L '. The boundary x = L I is defined, foHowing Ref. 6, by the condition n = n lin' which, when substituted into the current equation, gives EI = J I [q/-l" (E,)nRn] orrearrangedE, = J l(qp~nR" -J /E~). It is notable, that the first term within parenthesis on the right- 5582 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 63, No. 11, 1 June 1988 hand side of Eq. (C3), vanishes if the electron and hole mo bilities have the same field dependence, i.e., if E ~ = E ~, or if the field dependence is removed from the development. 'K. L. Ashley, Ph.D. thesis (Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, 1963;. 2K. L Ashley and A. G. Milnes, J. Appl. Phys. 35, 369 (1964). 'K. L. Ashley, R. L. Bailey, and I. 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The influence of ion scattering on dry etch profiles J. Pelka, M. Weiss, W. Hoppe, and D. Mewes Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 7, 1483 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.584517 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.584517 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvstb/7/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Use of light scattering in characterizing reactively ion etched profiles J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 9, 664 (1991); 10.1116/1.577386 Raman scattering study of dry etching of GaAs: A comparison of chemically assisted ion beam etching and reactive ion etching J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 9, 1403 (1991); 10.1116/1.585594 Magnetronplasma ion beam etching: A new dry etching technique J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6, 1379 (1988); 10.1116/1.575708 Simulation of dry etched line edge profiles J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 16, 1772 (1979); 10.1116/1.570291 Dry process technology (reactive ion etching) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 13, 1023 (1976); 10.1116/1.569054 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:35:51The influence of ion scattering on dry etch profiles J. Pelka, Mo Weiss, W. Hoppe, and D. Mewes Fraunhofer-Institutfiir Mikrostrukturtechnik (IMT), DilienburgerStr. 53, D-1OOO Berlin 33, West Germany (Received 30 May 1989; accepted 21 July 1989) A si.mulation study is presented using a new version of the simulation program ADEPT (advanced simulation of dry-etching process technology), which is a subset of the process simulator COMPOSITE. Based on some aspects of plasma physics, a model was developed that allows for the calculation ofimportant properties of a collisional sheath by Monte Carlo methods. These properties have great influence on the anisotropy of dry-etch processes. Angle/energy spectra of ions and fast neutrals can be gained from the model and can be used as input data for profile simulation. A simulation study is presented showing several profile phenomena. A short discussion is included on sidewall protection by polymer deposition, and on surface diffusion. t INTRODUCTION In today's semiconductor fabrication, dry etching is based on reactive ion-etch processes and plasma-etch processes, whereas the technology of the future is believed to be reac tive ion-beam etching. A common problem of all these tech niques is a lack of understanding of the coupling among reac tor, plasma, and etch processes. Therefore, simulation of dry-etch processes is still in its infancy_ Modem technology requires the ability to fabricate fea ture sizes with dimensions below 1 f1m. Several effects, such as ion scattering and sidewall passivation by polymers, as wen as surface diffusion of etchants, have to be taken into account during process development in order to achieve an isotropic and highly selective dry-etch processes. Several au thors have dealt with the problem of ion transport within a plasma sheath,I-6 which is surely the main consideration with respect to anisotropic etch processes. Sheath length and mean free path for ion/neutral colli sions are generally in the same order of magnitude. In several cases, the sheath length will even be significantly larger than the mean free path. Therefore, ion scattering cannot be ne glected in sub-fIm technology.6.7 As seen in many experi ments, ion scattering leads to barreling and rounded bot toms. Etch rates are dependent on the feature size.8 Experimental investigations suffer from the superposition of several effects and from the usually unknown surface chemistry. Simulations allow for a separation of different mechanisms. Therefore, simulation studies can help to im prove the understanding of the origin of profile phenomena. To obtain a suitable simulation tool, the module "dry etching" of the process simulator COMPOSITE9•1O was ex tended to deal with ion scattering in a plasma sheath, depo sition of polymers from the plasma, and surface diffusion of etching particles within an etched trench. In a first step, a model was developed in order to describe ion distribution, voltage drop, and electrical field within the sheath of a coHisionless rf glow discharge. These data can be used as the basis for a Monte CarIo simulation of ion flight paths considering elastic scattering as well as charge transfer collisions. By the definition of an effective mass, the influ ence of the scattering could be brought into the sheath model in order to get an approximation for a collisional sheath. The Monte Carlo simulation results in angle energy spectra that can be used as input data by a subsequent profile simulation. Based on some general consequences gained from our cal culations, as well as from the results of other authors,5,6 a simulation study on the influence of different scattering dis tributions on etch profiles was performed. Furthermore, some aspects of deposition of polymers and a first approxi mation of surface diffusion effects were included in this study. Many profile phenomena can be simulated by super position of these effects. II. SHEATH MODEL An rf plasma can be divided into three regions of very different properties. The first one is the neutral plasma body. The second one is the plasma sheath, which is a distinct space-charge region. Between these two regions there is a quasineutral transition region. The properties of the transi tion region and the space-charge distribution within the sheath itself are responsible for the transport of ions from the plasma to the wafer. The decisive properties of the transition region are sum mari.zed by Bohm II in his criterion. He found that ions can only cross the sheath if they reach the sheath boundary with a minimum velocity V;) of vo>·JkTe/m-;, where mj is the ion mass and kTe represents the temperature of the electrons, The concentration of the charge carriers (ions: nt, electrons: ne) decreases from the plasma to the sheath boundary to ni(O)~ne(O) = ne{J exp( -1/2)~O.6n«(). neG is the carrier concentration in the neutral plasma body. Other authors have shown that the Bohm criterion can be written with an equal sign, ifvo is interpreted as the mean ion velocity.12 For the following calculations, the Rohm crite rion was assumed to be vo = {kTe/m~, Furthermore, the ions were assumed to be monoenergetic at the sheath boundary to simplify the calculations. Therefore, the ion current density Ji at the sheath boundary can be expressed as 1483 J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 7 (6), Nov/Dec 1989 0734-211X/39/061483-05$Ol.00 @ 1989 American Vacuum Society 1483 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:35:511484 Pelka et 81.: Influence of Ion scattering on dry etch profiles Ji = enj(O)-jkTe/m j, where e represents the elementary charge. This current is normally indicated as ion saturation current. The sheath is assumed to be collision-free and recombina tion of carriers is neglected. In this case, the ion current will not change within the sheath. If Ish represents the sheath length, we obtain Ji = Ji (0) = J;C(h)' The conservation of energy yields the relation between ion velocity Vi and local potential Vex), miv~(x)/2 = miv6/2 -eV(x). Inserting the ion velocity at the sheath boundary Vo and in troducing the abbreviation ue = kTc/e, we obtain Vi (x) = voJr~2.v(x)7U~. The continuity of the ion current mentioned above results in nj (x)vi (x) = const = nj (O)vo' Inserting Vo and vj(x) and combining the result with Pois son's equation yields Eo.fl -2V(x)/u~ eO.6neO 1 Up to this point, the electrons that are also within the sheath have been neglected. Contrary to the heavy and inert ions, the electrons are able to cross the sheath region due to the time-dependent rffield in the normally used frequency of 13.56 MHz. Their contribution to a stationary model of the sheath can only be considered by averaging. Furthermore, the electrons are assumed to have a Boltzmann energy distri bution. The local electron distribution is then given by ne (x) = n,<j exp [ V(x)/u e ]. As a first-order approximation, Vex) is assumed io be the same potential distribution as for the ions. This is not reany true, because the real contribution of the electrons has to be calculated as the time average of the electron concentration, using a time-dependent potential distribution. Now Poisson's equation yields, under consideration of electrons and ions, -:0 ne() { ~1-=-2~x);U:- -exp [ V(x)/u e] }. The solution of this differential equation was made numeri cally. The sheath length, the distribution of electrical field and potential, and the distribution of electrons and ions within the sheath can then be obtained from this solution. As input parameters, the bias voltage, the electron temperature, and the electron density within the plasma have to be known. All three values can be determined easily by probe measure ments. As an example, Fig. 1 depicts the carrier distribution with in a sheath based on a set of data obtained from an Ar dis- J. \taco Sci. Technol. S, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 r--l rt') I < E (.) en ( o 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 I I . I / 11/ ! i i~ : .1 :1 i /11 i !i ) \' .. 1 / : ,I \1 1\ i" .... 0.2 [°14- X emJ 1484 i I I i 1 i J J I I I i I i I 0.6 FIG. 1. Carrier concentration in the sheath of an Ar rf glow discharge (pres sure p = 30 m Torr, power P = 30 W, bias voltage Vdc = 176 V, electIOn density n,{1 = 0.96>< 10'0 em" electron energy kT, ~~ 3.3 eV, plasma po tential VPL -~ 31 V, floating potential Va = -16 V). -ion concentration, .. , electron concentration, -~ -charge density, .' -' -sheath boundary. charge in a standard RIE reactor (pressure p = 30 mTorr, power P = 30 W, bias-voltage Vee = -176 V, plasma po tential Vpt = 31 V, floating potential VII = -16 V, elec tron density in the plasma body lleO = O.96X 1010 cm-3, electron energy kl~ = 3.3 eV). Although collision pro cesses are still neglected, the calculated sheath length of (h = 0.32 em agrees well with the dark space length ob served during the experiments. m. COLLISION PROCESSES All considerations made above assume the sheath to be collision-free because it simplifies the calculations. How ever, the mean free path for ion/neutral collisions is only half the length of the calculated sheath length and for higher pressure, the ratio between mean free path and sheath length will be even smaller. Therefore, the collision processes between ions and neutrals cannot be neglected in most cases. Elastic collisions, linked with a change in flight direction and a change in kinetic energy of the colliding partners, have to be taken into account for all fast particles (ions and neu trals) with thermal background gas molecules at rest. Fur thermore, charge transfer collisions of fast ions with the background gas have to be considered. In the case of Argon, the total collision cross-sections for both scattering mecha nisms are in the same order of magnitude, with the charge exchange cross section slightly higher than that for elastic scattering. l:l A computer program was developed that calculates scat tering processes by means of Monte Carlo methods. Elastic collisions as well as charge transfer processes can be taken into account. Flight paths of ions can be recorded. Up to 500 fast neutrals generated by the collision cascades can be traced. Results gained by this program were presented in Ref. 7. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:35:511485 Pelka et al.: Influence of ion scattering on dry etch profiles 3.0 I: I I I I I I 1 : I 1 I I i I E 2'°1 1 I I I ::: !~\ttm,·t~·,t--i- 0.0 20.0 40.0 6Q.O 80.0 angle [deg.J F[G, 2, Impact angle distribution for ions and neutrals on the wafer surface referring to the plasma sheath of Fig. I. The probability for a particle to hit the wafer surface under a particular angle is shown. Total collision cross sections after Ref. 13, -ion distribution. ---neutral distribution. Although the program has considered only the total cross sections and a hard sphere model, the results are comparable to those of other authors.3-6 Charge transfer processes lead to broad energy distributions, because the energy of an ion will be completely transferred to the neutral, whereas the new ion has to be accelerated again. Elastic scattering results in an angle distribution for ions and accelerated neutrals with a peak at zero degrees, related to particles that are un scattered and a scattered part with a maximum somewhere around 15 deg. During an elastic collision, energy and mo mentum will be shared between ion and neutral according to the collision parameter. The distribution of the impact an gles for both ions and neutrals is shown in Fig. 2, referring to the data already used in Sec. U. To complete an initial description of a collisional sheath, the results of the Monte Carlo simulation were fed back into the model for the collision less sheath. By an iterative proce dure the mean ion energies computed by the two methods were aligned. An effective mass was introduced in the sheath model in order to take into account the influence of the ion! neutral collisions on the ion mobility within the sheath. This effective mass was found to increase with the pressure and the mean free path to sheath length ratio, respectively. Using the cross-section data of argon from Ref. 13, the effective mass increases from approximately l.1m; for a mean free path to sheath length ratio of 0.7 to -3.5 at a ratio of 5. IV, PROFILE SIMULATiON Because of the lack of data for relevant etch gases, the general results mentioned above were used as input informa tion for profile simulation. The etch module of the process simulator COMPOSITE 10 was extended to handle angle dis tributions of etching particles computed by the Monte Carlo program, as well as arbitrary given distributions or analyti cal approximations. The particle fiux towards a surface J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 1485 point is calculated by integrating the angle distribution func tion over the shadow window, taking into account the angle of incidence. For example, a point located in open space is not shadowed. It has a shadow window from -17/2 to + 17/2. The shadow window of a point inside a trench is defined by the mask geometry and the aspect ratio of the trench, The flux of the etching particles towards the wafer surface was assumed to be proportional to the etch rate. An energy level can be defined during the Monte Carlo simulation in order to suppress the influence onow energetic particles. Values between 1 and 10 eV were found to be ap propriate. Figure 3 depicts the principal differences in dry-etch pro files for some basic impact angle distributions. Similar to an isotropic distribution, a Gaussian-shaped scattering distri bution with a standard deviation of 30 deg results in a strong barrel-like underetching and a significant decrease of the etchrate with increasing aspect ratio [Fig. 3 (a) J. Using scattering profiles obtained by the Monte Carlo simulation, strawberry-shaped profiles can be achieved [Fig. 3(b)J. These profiles arc due to the superposition of the influence on the etch rate by scattered particles and the influence by unscattered ones. Strawberry-shaped profiles are known, for example, from etching deep trenches into silicon by means of CBrFJ as the etch gas. lot By using narrow distribution functions with small stan dard deviations, etching becomes more directional but the barreling effect is still visible for small feature sizes. Etching a 0.2-JLm trench into a tri-level resist system, for example, results in dove-tail profiles that are wider at the bottom than beneath the mask [Fig. 4(a) V The corresponding simula tion [Fig. 4(b)] uses a Gaussian-shaped scattering distribu tion with a standard deviation of 5 deg and 100% overetch jng. During the over-etch time, the shape changes from barrel-like to the dove-tail profile. AU etch profiles calculated under consideration of scat tered particles show rounded bottoms that are due to the variation in the shadowing window when moving from the middle of a trench towards the sidewalk Therefore, the par ticle flux at the base of a step can be only half of the flux on a plane surface. Vo SIDEWALL PASSIVATION Using, for example, halogenated hydrocarbons such as trifluormethane (CMF 3) as an etch gas, sidewall passivation is achieved by polymer deposition. The passivation layer is F7 \ 1<) \ i ! \"._.-/! - : I L __________ J l ________ ._ . .J {al (o} FIG. 3. The influence of ditfercnt scattering distributions on etched profiles. The simulations show a n,S-pm trench, a 2.0-JiIll trcnch, and a step. (a) Gaussian distribution, (I' = 30 deg. (b) Distribution obtained by MOllte Carlo simulations referring to the data used in Fig, 1. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:35:511486 Pelka et at.: Influence of ion scattering on dry etch profiles (al fbI FIG. 4. The influence orion scattering on sub-pm trenches. (a) SEM picture of a O.2-ltm wide and I-Jim deep trench into a trilevel resist system showing a dovetail profile. (b) Corresponding simulation using a Gaussian distribu tion with a = 5 deg and 100% overetching. built up by polymerizing particles from the plasma. Some times, redeposition of reaction products results in a similar effect. The sidewall passivation is able to suppress underetching, as shown in Fig. 5. A scattering distribution is modeled by using a directional (anisotropic) rate for unscattered, high energetic particles and a cos4 approximation for the scat tered part with lower energy. Figure 5(a) depicts the result ing profile without sidewall passivation. The calculation shown in Fig. 5 (b) is based on the following assumptions: lal ] I I LJ \ \ ! I~ Ib) FIG. 5. The influence of sidewall passivation. (a) No sidewall passivation. (b) Sidewall passivation by polymer deposition. Rates were chosen to be have like 5:2: I (directional:scattered:polymel·ization). Jo Vac. Sci. Techno!. B, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 1486 FIG. 6. The influence of surface diffusion, feature size = 0.2 [lm. (a) No surface diffusion, anisotropic etching assumed. (b) Surface diffusion length A, = O.l/tm. (c) Surface diffusion length A, = 0.5 pm. (a) the high-energetic (anisotropic) etch component is able to suppress the building of a protective layer, (b) the scat tered particles will etch chemically, (c) a polymer layer will reduce the chemical etch rate by an exponential function R(d) = R(O)exp( -d fA), A was chosen to be 1 nm, (d) polymerization is carried out by thermal particles; their angle distribution is isotropic, (e) the rates are chosen to be at a ratio of5:2:1 (directional:scat tered:polymerization). The result is shown in Fig. 5 (b). The etch profile is anisotropic and a very thin polymer layer is found at the sidewall. VI. SURFACE DIFFUSION Using low-pressure etch processes, only a few particles are simultaneously within sub-flm~sized trenches and collisions between these particles become unlikely. Therefore, an iso tropic etch rate as in wet etching or high-pressure dry etching of several micrometer wide trenches no longer exists. An "isotropic" undercut only occurs by surface diffusion of etchants or by particle reflection within the trench. As a first approximation of these effects, surface diffusion can be simulated by an exponential decay of the number of diffusing particles into the shadowed regions, which was as sumed to be proportional to the etch rate. Figure 6 shows three calculated 0.2 pm profiles. Figure 6(a) depicts the sit uation without any surface diffusion, in which only aniso tropic etching occurs. Figure 6(b) shows the process consid ering surface diffusion with a diffusion length of As = 0.1 pm, whereas Fig. 6 (c) depicts the results for a dif fusio1l1ength of As = 0.5 pm. It is important to note that the sidewalls in Figo 6(b) are vertical, although an undercut oc curs. In Fig. 6 (c), an "isotropic" profile is demonstrated. VII. APPLICATION TO A REAL PROCESS During the development of a deep-trench process using CBrFJ as etch gas, several nonideal results were obtained. One strawberry-like profile is shown in Fig. 7(a). It was etched in a MIE3001-reactor CLeybold GmbH) using a pressure of 12 Pa, an rfpower of200 W, and a bias voltage of ..... ~ ... Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:35:511487 Pelka et sl.: Influence of ion scattering on dry etch profiles lal ~-___ J I I I (b) FIG. 7. Strawberry-shaped profile obtained from a nonideal CBrFj process. (a) SEM micrograph: the mask gap is 2.S-.um wide, the trench is S-/Lm deep. (b) Corresponding simulation considering ion scattering and surface diffusion. Rates were chosen to behave like 4:3 (directional:scattercd); sur face dilfusionlength was chosen to be n.s flm. 400 V. The mask gap is 2.5-pm wide. Based on the sheath model presented above, the ion transport through the sheath was simulated. The scattering distributions were approxi mated using a cosine function for the scattered part and an anisotropic (vertical) component with a ratio of 3:4 for the resulting etchrates. First calculations without consideration of other effects already have shown satisfactory results. In troducing the surface diffusion with a surface diffusion length of 11, = 0.5 pm, the simulation yielded the profile shown in Fig. 7 (b). Although some deviations can be seen at the bottom of the trench, the simulation agrees well with the experimentally obtained result. The real trench is somewhat narrower at the bottom than the simulated one. This is prob ably due to passivation effects caused by redeposited reac tion products. Similar effects are known from redeposition during ion milling. The same parameters can be applied to other feature sizes and etch depths, although some adjustments may be neces sary if the feature size is varied too much. This shows that the model is reasonable, but the coupling between the param eters is not yet fully induded. J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 --" ......... , •• "'~ .• "-'-' ••• -•.• -.-.-.-••• ' ••• '.'.~ ••••••• '.'.'.>.' ••••••••••.• ;.:.;.:.:.:.~.-.~ •.• 1487 VIII. CONCL.USIONS The new version of the module "dry etching" of the pro cess simulator COMPOSITE is able to consider effects such as ion scattering, sidewall passivation by polymer depo sition, and surface diffusion of spontaneously etching parti cles. A model for the plasma sheath is included in order to allow calculations of the ion transport to the wafer surface. Based on this model of a collisional sheath, a simulation study was presented showing the influence of ion scattering on etch profiles. In combination with a model for sidewall passivation by polymer deposition and a rough model for surface diffusion of etchants, a nonideal trench process was simulated. The results show good agreement with the experi ment. Furthermore, most profile phenomena known from dry-etch profiles can be simulated by a combination of the three models described above, although there is still no mod el that delivers all the necessary parameters. ACKNOWL.EDGMENTS The authors would like to thank K. Bornig, P. Hoffmann, and F. Heinrich for helpful discussions, K. Griindorff for preparing the drawings, and W. Pilz for the experimental support. Finally, the authors acknowledge the helpful com ments on the simulation program given by H. Hubner. This work was supported by the German Ministry of Research and Technology (BMFT). 'e. B. Zarowin, 1. Electrochem. Soc. 130, 144 (1983). 2e. B. Zarowin,J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A2, 1537 (1984). .IM. J. Kushner, J. App!. Phys. 58. 4D24 (1985). 4D. A. Fisher, B. E. Thompson, and H. H. Sawin, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 68, 231 (1986). 'B, E. Thompson and H. H. Sawin, J. App!. Phys. 63, 2241 (1988). 'J. I. Ulacia F. and J. P. McVittie, J. Appl. Phys. 65, 1484 (1989). 'J. Pelka, H. -CO Scheer, P. Holfmann, W. Hoppe, and Ch. Huth, Micro electron. Eng. 9,503 (1989). "W. Pilz, H. Hiibner, F. Heinrich, P. Holfmann, and M. Franosch, Micro electron. Eng. 9, 491 (1989). 9J. Lorenz, J. Pelka, H. Ryssel, A. Sachs, A. Seidel, and M. Svoboda, IEEE Trans. CAD, 4, 421 (1985). ,oJ. Pelka, K. P. Muller, and H. Mader, IEEE Trans. CAD, 7,154 (1988). "D, Bohm, in Characteristics of Electrical Discharges in Magnetic Fields, edited by A. Gulthrie and R. Waherling (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1949). 12K. -U. Riemann, Thesis, Ruhr-Universitiit Bochum, 1977. uS. Chapman, Glow Discharge Processes (Wiley, New York, 1980). 14W. Pilz (private communication). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:35:51
Excitation of chemical waves in a surface reaction by laserinduced thermal desorption: CO oxidation on Pt(100) T. Fink, R. Imbihl, and G. Ertl Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 91, 5002 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.456740 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.456740 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/91/8?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Stateresolved evidence for hot carrier driven surface reactions: Laserinduced desorption of NO from Pt(111) J. Chem. Phys. 91, 6429 (1989); 10.1063/1.457411 Surface diffusion of hydrogen and CO on Rh(111): Laserinduced thermal desorption studies J. Chem. Phys. 88, 6597 (1988); 10.1063/1.454447 Summary Abstract: Surface diffusion of CO on Ru(001) studied using laserinduced thermal desorption J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6, 794 (1988); 10.1116/1.575122 Summary Abstract: Surface reactions studied by laserinduced thermal desorption with Fourier transform mass spectrometry detection J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 4, 1507 (1986); 10.1116/1.573556 Pulsed laserinduced thermal desorption from surfaces: Instrumentation and procedures Rev. Sci. Instrum. 55, 1771 (1984); 10.1063/1.1137656 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:39:13Excitation of chemical waves in a surface reaction by laser-induced thermal desorption: CO oxidation on Pt(100) T. Fink, R. Imbihl, and G. Ertl Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-GesellschaJt, Faradayweg 4-6, D 1000 Berlin 33, West Germany (Received 2 June 1989; accepted 26 June 1989) If a pte 1(0) sample is kept at steady-state conditions of O2 and CO partial pressures and temperature which are similar to those for the occurrence of autonomous temporal oscillations in the rate of CO2 formation, then the surface will be largely covered by adsorbed CO which inhibits oxygen adsorption and keeps the catalytic rate low. Irradiation of a small spot with a high power laser pulse causes momentarily local thermal desorption of CO and creation of a reaction front which propagates as a chemical wave across the surface area, as was monitored by the excursion of the integral reaction rate and locally by means of a work function (~oxygen coverage) probe placed at several mm distance from the spot of irradiation. The velocity for wave propagation rises from about 2 mm/min at 480 K to 4 mm/min at 507 K and is not noticeably dependent on the partial pressures. The mechanism is closely related to that for self-sustained kinetic oscillations of this system and exhibits the typical features of trigger waves: Coupling between autocatalytic reaction and diffusion, as well as the occurrence of a refractory period during which the system is "dead," and of a threshold for the intensity of the excitation. I. INTRODUCTION Spatial concentration variations in a reacting system which propagate with time are called chemical waves. I They are frequently a consequence of the nonlinear coupling be tween reaction and diffusion under conditions far from equi librium and may occur with systems exhibiting sustained temporal oscillations or excitability. The latter describes the effect that a small local perturbation of one of the control parameters governing the rate of the reaction initiates a large response of the reactivity of the system, followed by its re turn to its initial steady state. Chemical waves were observed as early as 19062 and were frequently considered as models for nerve conduction, although their velocity is usually many orders of magnitude smaller. Systematic investiga tions of these effects were mainly concentrated on homoge neous reactions in solution, viz., the famous Belousov-Zha botinsky (BZ) reaction for which concentration differences are easily made visible through changes in color. With a het erogeneously catalyzed reaction occurring on a uniform metal surface, monitoring of variations of adsorbate cover ages, signalling the propagation of chemical waves, is less straightforward and requires more elaborate probes. The catalytic oxidation of CO on pte 1(0) under low-pressure, isothermal conditions represents an oscillatory surface reac tion which had been extensively investigated in the past few years.3-6 The mechanism responsible for the occurrence of temporal oscillations in the rate of CO2 formation is based on the CO-induced 1 Xl<=! hex phase transformation of the surface structure which is associated with a change in oxy gen sticking coefficient and hence catalytic activity. A scan ning LEED technique applied during sustained temporal oscillations demonstrated that these structural transforma tions propagate wavelike across the macroscopic surface area.3,6 (See note added in proof. ) The present paper reports on the results of a study in which chemical waves were triggered by external excitation, based on the following idea: Under steady-state conditions ( Peo, Po" T), the adsorption of oxygen and hence the for mation of CO2 is known to be inhibited if the CO coverage is too high. If for such a situation the CO coverage is momen tarily and locally reduced, this spot will be able to adsorb oxygen and to initiate the formation of a reaction front which propagates across the surface. Such "holes" in the CO adlayer were created through local temperature rises by an infrared pulse laser causing thermal desorption. The integral response of the system was monitored through recording the reaction rate by means of a quadrupole mass spectrometer, while the spatial propagation of the perturbation was detect ed by a small work function probe (monitoring the variation in coverage) placed at some distance from the location of the laser excitation. In this way not only the creation of chemical waves in an excitable surface reaction could be demonstrat ed, but also their parameters for existence as well as veloc ities of propagation were determined. The experimental findings can be consistently interpreted on the basis of the previously developed mechanism for the occurrence of ki netic oscillations with the same system. II. EXPERIMENTAL The experiments were performed in an ultrahigh vacu um (UHV) chamber evacuated by a turbomolecular/ion getter/titanium pump combination down to a base pressure of 1 X 10-10 mbar. The system was equipped with LEED, two quadrupole mass spectrometers (QMS) (one of them differentially pumped by a 150 {'Is turbomolecular pump) and a piezoelectri~ driven Kelvin probe for work function measurements [Fig. 1 (a)]. The Pt(100) single crystalsam pIe was of quadratic shape (7 mm X 7 mm) and had a thick- 5002 J. Chem. Phys. 91 (8), 15 October 1989 0021-9606/89/205002-09$02.10 © 1989 American jnstitute of Physics This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:39:13Fink, Imbihl, and Ertl: Chemical waves in a surface reaction 5003 0) b) Pt(100) Single Crystal QMS1 Kelvin Probe '\/ d=3-5mm FIG. 1. Experimental setup used for the ignition and detection of chemical waves in the system Pt( lOO)/02/CO. Nd-Glass Laser 1062nm 15OI-Is 0.6-1.0J m--'1 I I 1: : I I I I I I I ............ -~ L.-_+----' 70% Laser Mirror Laser Head 100% Laser Mirror He-Ne Laser ness of 1 mm. Surface preparation was done in the usual way by electrochemical polishing followed by cycles of heating in 10-6 mbar oxygen and argon ion sputtering. The crystal was heated resistively through two Ta support wires spotwelded to its upper and lower edges. The temperature was moni tored by a NiiNiCr thermocouple and kept constant within ± 0.1 K by a feedback-stabilized regulation system. For in- troducing the reactants CO and O2, a feedback-stabilized gas inlet system was used, so that the pressure in the chamber was kept constant to ± 0.1 %. The purity of the gases was 5.0 for O2 and 4.7 for CO (both Linde AG). For the ignition of chemical waves, a pulsed neodymium glass laser (A = 1062 nm, pulse duration 150 Its) with a maximum output energy of 1 J/pulse was used. Focused to a spot of about 1 mm,2 a maximum power density of 0.7 MW / cmz could be achieved. Such a device had been previously developed for rapid and local thermal desorption.7 Variation of the pulse energy revealed that a threshold in power density of 0.4 MW /cmz exists below which no CO desorption could be detected. Above 0.7 MW /cm2 visible damages on the Pt( 100) surface were observed. From the peak height of the QMS signal at m/ e = 28, one can calcu late that each laser pulse desorbs about 1 % of the total num ber of CO molecules adsorbed on the Pt ( 100) single crystal surface. Momentary temperature rises to 920 K with 0.3 MW /cm2 and to 2000 K at 0.8 MW /cm2 power density were estimated. 8 For the detection of chemical waves, the experimental setup displayed in Figs. 1 (a) and 1 (b) was used. In order to avoid reflection and hence desorption from the walls of the URV chamber, the laser was directed at normal incidence to the Pt( 100) surface. The ignition of chemical waves was followed by simultaneous measurements of the work func tion and the reaction rate. The reaction rate, which in the 10-4 Torr region had to be monitored via a differentially pumped mass spectrometer, reflects the integral behavior of the crystal surface. The local response of the surface was probed by a Kelvin probe at a distance of 3-5 mm from the spot hit by the laser pulse (Fig. 1 b ). The propagation veloc ity of the waves was then determined by dividing the distance d between the laser spot and the Kelvin probe by the time delay between the ignition of the laser pulse and the response of the Kelvin probe. III. RESULTS The kind of experimental observations made in the pres ent work is best illustrated by a typical example (Fig. 2). The URV system is operated as a flow system in which balance between gas inlet and pumping speed establishes constant partial pressures for Oz (Po, = S.6X 10-5 mbar) and CO (Peo = 7.2 X 10-6 mbar) , while the sample temperature is kept fixed at T = 481 K. Under these conditions, the surface is essentially covered by adsorbed CO which inhibits disso ciative oxygen adsorption, and as a consequence the steady state rate of CO2 formation (as monitored by the mass spec trometer, upper curve of Fig. 2) is low. The relative work function 11 ct>, as simultaneously monitored with the arrange ment depicted in Fig. 1 (b), is plotted as the lower curve of Fig. 2. At t = 0, a single laser pulse with about 0.5 MW /cm2 power density is fired and causes momentarily desorption of CO within the range of the irradiated spot. The reaction rate (which is an integral property of the whole surface area) starts to increase without any noticeable delay, passes through a maximum, and returns to the initial low level after J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 91, No.8, 15 October 1989 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:39:135004 Fink, Imbihl, and Ertl: Chemical waves in a surface reaction Pt(100) ICO 102 T =481 K P02 =5.6x1(f5mbar Peo = 7.2 x1Cfmbar -Laser :; .2 j I =0.47 MW/cm N 0 I u L-I - ~ 200 9- cO 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 t (min) FIG. 2. Response of the reaction rate and of the work function after starting a chemical wave with a laser pulse on a Pt ( 100) surface initially covered by CO. The geometry shown in Fig. 1 (b) with d = 3 mm was used for the detection of the propagating reaction front. about 15 min. The work function, on the other hand, which is monitored for a small area (-4 mm2) about 3 mm away from the spot of irradiation remains at first unaffected by the laser pulse. Only about 1.5 min later it rises steeply by about 250 mV and decays slowly to its initial value which is reached again after the same time interval as does the reac tion rate. This is considered as a clear manifestation of a propagating reaction front initiated by the laser pulse. The steep and local temperature rise associated with the laser pulse created a hole in the CO adlayer by thermal de sorption which enables appreciable adsorption of O2, As a consequence the reaction is locally triggered. The propagat ing reaction front causes removal of the adjacent CO mole cules and the highly reactive O-covered 1 X 1 phase left be hind this front grows continuously and causes continuous increase of the reaction rate. A switch of the state of the Pt( 100) surface from COad saturation to Dad saturation is associated with an increase of the work function by about 400 m V. 6 During kinetic oscillations the integral work func tion which is sampled over the whole surface area had been found to parallel the reaction rate, since both are proportion al to the Dad coverage. In the present case, however, there exists a 1.5 min delay between the onset of the rate increase and the rise of the local work function as recorded 3 mm away from the trigger zone. This means that the reaction front propagates with a velocity of about 2 mm/min. Under the applied conditions, the reactive state of the surface with high 0 coverage behind the reaction front is, however, not stable. After some time the surface returns to its initial state with high CO coverage via the 1 X 1 +::t hex structural transformation steps which also underly the mechanism for oscillatory behavior. The observed effects of excitability and spatial propagation of the excited state are characteristic features of a "chemical wave." Now we turn to more detailed analysis of the various co N 1/1 1/1 ~ "2 .2' U) c .2 -a. .. 0 1/1 ~ Loser I ~ ~ ~ I ~ o as tls1 1.0 Pt(100)!COsot T =300K 0.65 MW/cm2 0.63MW/cm2 0.56 MW/cm2 0.43MW/c~ FIG. 3. Evolution of the m/e = 28 QMS signal following laser-induced thermal desorption of CO with varying power density. phenomena. Essentially two conditions have to be fulfilled in order to cause wave ignition: The laser power density has to be high enough in order to enable substantial CO desorption and the steady-state conditions Peo, Po" and T have to be properly adjusted. If the latter parameters are chosen appropriately, it was found that a minimum laser power density of about 0.4 MW /cm2 is needed to excite a chemical wave. This is due to the fact that the temperature rise within the irradiated area persists essentially only for about 100 f.Ls, 8 during which peri od it has to become high enough to enable appreciable ther mal desorption of CO. Due to the very high heating rate, the peak for thermal desorption will be shifted to much higher temperatures than with ordinary thermal desorption spec troscopy (TDS). A series of CO desorption traces recorded with the QMS following single laser shots with varying pow er is reproduced in Fig. 3 and directly confirms the existence of such a threshold in power density for thermal CO desorp tion, in agreement with previous findings.7 For the excita tion of chemical waves, the power density of the laser pulse had to exceed the threshold for CO desorption. Therefore the primary effect which triggers a reaction front has to be the laser-induced desorption of CO. The external parameters (Po" Peo, n for the excit ability of chemical waves are close to those for the occur rence of sustained temporal oscillations which had been de termined previously. 5.6 These are typically in the 10 -5_10-4 mbar partial pressure range and at temperatures around 480-520 K. The search for conditions of excitability can be rationalized by cyclic variation of one of the external param eters giving rise to hysteresis phenomena of the type as re produced in Fig. 4. Here, at fixed Peo and T, the O2 partial pressure was continuously increased and decreased again while the reaction rate and the work function change a4> were simultaneously monitored. Both quantities exhibit pro- J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 91, No.8, 15 October 1989 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:39:13Fink, Imbihl, and Ertl: Chemical waves in a surface reaction 5005 pt(100) ICOI02 T =480K pco=2.0x1O-5mbar , ~ast cycle (5 min) N o u .... vZZZZZZZZZZZ2ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZh FIG. 4. Hysteresis in the reaction rate and the work function measured with Pco' T being kept constant, while Po, was slowly varied in a cycle. The shaded bar indicates the existence region for oscillations at T = 480 K as determined in Ref. 5. ,...,...-- :':""<-slow cycle (40 min) 200 ~ fast cycle (5min) ...... ~ 0 o 1 nounced hysteresis effects. In the upper branch the surface is covered by oxygen to an appreciable extent, while the lower branch is due to the existence of an CO adlayer which inhib its oxygen adsorption and hence product formation. The oc currence of such hysteresis effects is a consequence of the mechanism of the catalytic CO oxidation over platinum met als9 and is per se not responsible for temporal oscillations or spatial wave excitability. The latter effect may, however, be exploited by momentarily disturbing the system while it is in the lower reaction branch. This may lead to an excursion to the upper reaction branch, followed either by a return to the lower branch (excitability) or by sustained oscillatory be havior. The shapes of the hysteresis loops are strongly in fluenced by kinetic limitations. This is, e.g., reflected by the narrowing of the loop width if the cycling time is reduced from 40 min (full line in Fig. 4) to 5 min (broken line). It is mainly the upper branch which is responsible for this effect, due to its instability as a consequence of the 1 X 1-+ hex sur face structural transformation. In addition, it was observed that the reactivity of the Pt ( 1(0) surface and its hysteresis behavior is strongly affect ed by the conditions of sample pretreatment (annealing tem perature, oxygen pressure, etc.) as well as by preceding ki netic oscillations. This can be traced back to the strong dependence of the oxygen sticking coefficient on the pres ence of surface defects, which in turn are affected by anneal ing as well as surface reaction. 10,11 Kinetic oscillations are associated with periodic structural transformations which require considerable mass transport of Pt surface atoms. More specifically, the hysteresis loop is broadened if several cycles are run without intermediate sample annealing. While the low oxygen pressure boundary remained essentially 4 5 fixed, the boundary at high Po, moved to higher values. This explains why the conditions for sustained oscillations (marked also in Fig. 4) extend over a larger range of Po, than the single hysteresis loop which was started from a well annealed surface. The conditions for wave excitability were most conve niently found by keeping T and one of the partial pressures fixed, while the other one was stepwise varied between laser shots. This is illustrated by Fig. 5, in which experiment Po, Laser I j j I I I ~ o 2 3.413.313.2 x 10-5mbar CO 4 6 t(min) Pt(100)/COI02 T =478K :-4 P02 =3.6x,() mbar .-5 Pco=3.2x10 mbar I = O.SO MW/cm2 8 10 FIG. 5. The procedure for finding the conditions where the ignition of a chemical wave was possible by a laser pulse by stepwise decreasingpco. The wiggles in the work function trace are solely due to electronic effects. J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 91, No.8, 15 October 1989 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:39:135006 Fink, Imbihl, and Ertl: Chemical waves in a surface reaction and Twere kept fixed, while Peo was stepwise reduced until at Pco = 3.2 X 10-5 mbar the laser pulse was able to excite a chemical wave. However, even for the CO pressures above the critical value, firing the laser caused a slight instanta neous rise of the reaction rate (but not of the work function), signaling ignition of the reaction within the range of the illu minated area which soon relaxes back to the initial steady state without macroscopic wave propagation. The instanta neous response of the reaction rate to the laser pulse offered a convenient means for differentiating from spontaneous exci tation (probably triggered by surface defects). The example shown in Fig. 5 differs from the data repro duced in Fig. 2 in so far, as in the present case not a single wave front, but oscillatory behavior continuing over a longer period of time was initiated. The different shapes of the reo, and.6.<I> traces are consequences of the mostly irregular char acter of the oscillations on pte 1(0) due to restricted spatial coupling between various parts of the surface area. Another example, exhibiting damped oscillations, is reproduced in Fig. 6. Most probably the region excited by the laser flash now emanates several consecutive wavefronts with strongly decaying amplitUde. Finally a case will be presented in which propagation of the wave is so strongly damped in space that it even does not reach the work function probe. For the conditions underly ing Fig. 7, the laser pulse causes the reaction rate to show the typical behavior for an excited wave, but the signal of the Kelvin probe placed at 3 mm distance remains unaffected at the level of the CO-covered surface. One notices that with this example the surface was in an oscillatory state (albeit with small amplitude) of the rate prior to each of the two pulses. It is therefore likely that the surface was still in a "refractory state" at the time of external perturbation and hence the strongly damped response. The existence of a refractory state is a general property of an excitable medium, which means that the system is in sensitive to further stimulations during this period. Only Pt(100)/COI02 T =480K P02 =8.1 x1(r4mbar Peo = 3.7 x1cPmbar I = 0.53 MW Icm2 Laser j ~ 200 >e o 4 12 14 16 t[min) FIG. 6. Excitation of a pulse train with decaying amplitUde as a chemical wave is triggered by a laser pulse. after the refractory time has elapsed can the system be excit ed again by another pulse. The existence of such a refractory period for the present system is demonstrated by the data presented in Fig. 8. Additional laser pulses, at intervals be fore the initial excitation had decayed, were obviously ineffi cient in stimulating any noticeable response of either the rate or the work function. Only after returning to the initial steady state could a chemical wave be ignited again by a laser pulse. Detailed experiments revealed that it is indeed the relaxation of the reaction rate rather than of the local work function which determines the termination of the refractory period. This becomes plausible on the basis of the following considerations: Since the reaction front propagates by re moval of a CO adlayer, it is necessary that such a coherent adlayer exists on its way. This is only warranted if the reac tion rate has again reached its minimum steady-state value, while this is not necessarily the case if the local signal from the work function probe is considered. Returning now to Fig. 7, the existence of low-amplitude oscillations indicates that the surface is not uniformly covered with a high cover age CO adlayer. Instead there will also exist patches either in the hex state or covered by oxygen which inhibit propaga tion of the chemical wave. In order to compare the external conditions for excit ability of chemical waves with those for the existence of sus tained kinetics oscillations, a systematic series of experi ments was performed at varying Po, and Peo for fixed T = 480 K. At this temperature, the existence region for oscillations had been explored previously.5 The resulting data are plotted in Fig. 9. As can be seen, the conditions for the excitation of single-pulse waves are near the high Peo boundary of the existence region for oscillations. In those cases for which single-pulse excitation was found for condi tions amidst the oscillatory region, triggering of self-sus tained oscillations was most probably prevented by the pres- :::i B '" 0 u L- 200 >e 9-0 <I Laser Laser Pt(100)/COI02 I I T =478K I I -4 I I P02 =3.5x1O mbar :f\ :/\.. ~ .n-5 ...rJ ~ """" Peo=2.95xlU mbar I I I =0.53 MW/cm I I I I I I I I ~ t- o 1 2 3 456 t[min) FIG. 7. An example of limited spatial propagation of a chemical wave ("damped wave") after excitation with a laser pulse. The wiggles in the work function trace are caused solely by electronic effects. J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 91, No.8, 15 October 1989 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:39:13Fink, Imbihl, and Ertl: Chemical waves in a surface reaction 5007 ....... ::; d -N 8 .... ~ 200 9- <l 0 o Laser Laser ~ ! 4 8 12 16 t [min] ence of spurious contaminations. Otherwise, for conditions inside the oscillatory regime, indeed multiple wavefronts were initiated by the laser pulse (marked by triangles). The low-pressure limit of the oscillatory region is determined by the CO-induced hex -+ 1 X 1 structural transformation, for which a critical CO coverage is requiredy,12 For the same reason no excitation of propagating chemical waves was ob served near this low pressure boundary. Beyond the high- 10 8 'i: 0 .0 E 6 .., b ~ S 4 a. 2 00 2 Pt(100)/CO/02 T=480K • I( Pt(100) -(1x1) + eOad 4 6 8 10 Pee [1Q-5mbarJ FIG. 9. The relation between the existence region for oscillations as deter mined in Ref. 5 for T = 480 K and the parameter space in which various types of chemical waves could be observed after ignition with a laser pulse. X: damped wire; .: single pulse wave; T: multiple pulse wave. 20 Pt(1OO) ICOI02 T =480K Pea= 7.2 .1O~mbar -5 ~=5.6.10 mbar I =0.47 MW/cm2 24 28 FIG. 8. An experiment demonstrating the existence of a refractory period for the exci tation of chemical waves on Pt(100). pressure boundary, on the other hand, only strongly damped waves could be excited because of too efficient blocking of the adsorption sites by CO. Quantitative measurements of the velocity of wave ...... :::i ~ N f5 ~ 200 ~ 0 >' 200 ..5 ~ 0 Laser 1 o 4 T =480K T =507K 8 Pt(100)/COI02 -6 pco=7.2 -10 mbar -5 po2=5.6 "10 Inbar I =0.5 MW/cm2 d =2.6mm 12 t [min] -5 pco=1.94"10 moor -4 P02 =3.17-10 moor I =0.6 MW I cm2 d =3.0mm 16 FIG. 10. A comparison showing the different propagation velocities of chemical waves at T = 480 K and T = 507 K. J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 91, No.8, 15 October 1989 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:39:135008 Fink, Imbihl, and Ertl: Chemical waves in a surface reaction propagation turned out to be reproducible only to ± 30%. This scatter is probably due to the high sensitivity with re spect to the surface defect structure, which may vary in spite of identical pretreatment procedures. The propagation ve locities at 480 K range from 1.4 to 2.8 mm/min without any clearly discernible systematic dependence on the partial pressures, although the latter were varied by more than an order of magnitude. The average value of about 2 mm/min is in agreement with the velocity of propagation of the surface structural transformation during sustained oscillations as monitored previously by a scanning LEED technique. 3 It turned out, however, that the temperature had a much stronger influence on the wave propagation velocity. By raising the temperature from 480 to 507 K, it increased by about a factor of 2 from 2 to 4 mm/min. An example for 507 K is shown in Fig. 10. Unfortunately, no larger range of temperatures was accessible for experimental reasons. Be low 480 K no waves could be excited, probably because their propagation velocity was so low that stable conditions could not be maintained for long enough periods of time. Above 507 K, on the other hand, partial pressures above 10 - 3 mbar would have been required. IV. DISCUSSION The excitation of chemical waves by local external per turbations in the present system is obviously closely linked with spatial self-organization of autonomous kinetic oscilla tions. The mechanism of the latter had been explored in de tail in previous work4,6 and will be briefly recapitulated as a starting point for the present discussion. Kinetic oscillations occur under conditions for which (dissociative) oxygen adsorption is rate limiting and the sur face in its 1 X I phase is largely covered by adsorbed CO which keeps the reaction rate low. Oxygen may, however, preferentially adsorb at defect sites and from there react with neighboring adsorbed CO molecules. In this way empty ad sorption sites on the reactive 1 X 1 phase are created which may adsorb additional oxygen with high sticking probabili ty. The reaction rate and the work function increase, and a reaction front propagates across the surface as experimental ly demonstrated by scanning LEEDY; The low CO cover age on these active 1 X 1 patches, however, causes these to become metastable and to slowly transform into the hex phase. For the latter, the oxygen sticking coefficient is negli gibly small and hence the reaction rate and the work func tion decrease parallel to the extent of this structural transfor mation. As a consequence of the decreasing oxygen coverage, the consumption of adsorbed CO by the reaction will also be reduced. The CO coverage increases beyond the critical value for the hex ...... 1 X 1 transformation which then rapidly takes place and terminates one oscillatory cycle. The essential difference between the mechanism for these autonomous oscillations and that for the excitation of individual chemical waves consists in the mode of triggering the first step of oxygen adsorption. For autonomous oscilla tions, this may happen all the time at the surface defects, while in the present experiments such a trigger zone was created by local desorption of CO by means of the laser pulse. The reaction front requires a coherent CO adlayer for propagation. This effect is the reason for the observed refrac tory time in the single wave excitation which, on the other hand, determines the temporal periodicity of the autono mous oscillations. Before continuing the discussion on wave excitation by external perturbations, we will first focus our attention again on the role of surface defects whose importance became again manifested in the present study. Their importance for autonomous oscillations became already evident in previous scanning LEED experiments which showed that propagat ing waves of the structural transformation usually emanated from the regions of the sample edges with enhanced defect density.3,6 Such defect sites with increased oxygen sticking coefficient were also introduced into the model for numeri cal simulation.4 In these calculations it turned out that waves were then repeatedly emitted from "edge" into "bulk" compartments giving rise to (integral) temporal oscilla tions, while without these defects the surface would have remained in its low reactivity steady state. Since there always exist numerous surface defects, from where-according to this simple concept-continuously lo cal reaction fronts are expected to be created, one may ask why larger domains of the dense (but metastable) CO ad layer form at all and are not spontaneously dissolved. As this obviously does not happen, there must exist presumably a competition between nucleation of a reaction front and inhi bition by CO adsorption. This will depend on the CO cover age and hence on the set of external parameters (Po" Peo, and T) in a way as schematically illustrated by Fig. 11 for the case of fixed Po" T, and variable Pea. Below PI no CO is lands can be formed even on a perfect surface since the equi librium CO coverage (in a mere CO atmosphere) would be too low in order to inhibit oxygen adsorption and reactive removal. (This is the range before the maximum in the rate vs Pea curve is reached.) For PI <Pea <P2' CO islands are formed, but numerous reaction fronts are created at defects and no macroscopic pattern formation nor oscillatory be- '0 ~ E " c o no CO-islands. I unstable I metostable I stable Seo small CO-islands. eO-adlayer eO-adlayer I spontaneous I I I reaction fronts, I I I ~high defect concentration '" I I . .... low defect concentratoon ................ I I FIG. II. A schematic plot demonstrating the different stability regions ofa CO adlayer in CO/02 atmosphere, where either spontaneous reaction fronts will be observed ( PI <Pea <P2)' or a stable/metastable CO adlayer will result (P> P2)' All three boundaries (PI,P2' andp3) will depend on the defect concentration. J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 91, No.8, 15 October 1989 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:39:13Fink, Imbihl, and Ertl: Chemical waves in a surface reaction 5009 havior will be observed. With increasingpco, however, more and more of these defect sites will lose their ability to eman ate far-reaching reaction fronts and larger patches of the metastable CO adlayer are formed which may be subject to macroscopic pattern formation and temporal oscillations. Beyond P3 even this possibility will cease and the CO adlayer becomes stable. This is the region in which even creation of a locally and temporarily active zone by laser desorption will cause only excitation of strongly damped waves, as marked in Fig. 9 beyond the high Peo limit for sustained oscillations. It should be mentioned that reaction fronts might nucleate even on completely perfect surfaces due to local CO concen tration fluctuations creating adsorption sites for oxygen, but this effect of homogeneous nucleation will certainly be negli gible in the presence of surface imperfections which exhibit per se a higher oxygen sticking probability. A higher defect concentration will necessarily extend the oscillatory region over a larger pressure range. Such de fects will, e.g., be created by the hex;::t 1 X 1 transformations which are associated with a 20% variation in surface atomic density. These surplus atoms form new islands with 25-100 A average diameters, depending on temperature, as verified by scanning tunneling microscopy and computer simula tions.13 The change in surface structure explains why in Fig. 4 the oscillatory range (after repeated structural transfor mations) extends over a broader pressure range than the hysteresis loop for a single cycle. The excitability of the surface will, however, still be de termined by the presence of the metastable CO adlayer on the smooth (100) terraces necessary for wave propagation; but since CO close to the defect sites will be consumed by the reaction, these will act as sinks and as a consequence the CO concentration on the flat terraces will become reduced by surface diffusion. This effect stresses the importance of cou pling between reaction and diffusion. Now we return to the excitation of chemical waves by external perturbations which in the present case consist in local desorption of CO by the laser pulse. In this way mo mentarily the oxygen sticking coefficient is enhanced and a reaction front propagates. This represents an autocatalytic step, since the reactive removal of adsorbed CO creates new bare sites. Propagation takes place through coupling of the reaction Oad + COad -C02 between adjacent sites and sur face diffusion of COad (which is the most mobile surface species). Previous numerical treatments of the oscillatory mechanism in terms of the solution of differential equa tions,4 as well as by applying the cellular automation tech nique,14 had demonstrated that this type of coupling can indeed produce wavelike spatiotemporal patterns as ob served experimentally. By using experimental values for the various parameters (activation energies, diffusion, constant, etc.), even a reasonable estimate for the velocity of propaga tion resulted from such calculations.4 The observed phe nomena fulfill clearly the criteria of trigger waves which are governed by the coupling between reaction and diffusion, 1,15 while kinematic waves as the second main type do not in volve mass transfer between different regions of the reacting medium, but are essentially an illusion caused by different temporal oscillatory behavior of adjacent compartments. 1,16 The principal mechanism underlying excitation and wave propagation in the present system is illustrated sche matically by Fig. 12. The reaction zone may either grow to a limited size and then shrink again, or it may propagate across the whole surface area. In this latter case, the system will either return to the initial steady state after a single pas sage, or multiple pulse waves and temporal oscillations will evolve. To a first approximation the reaction zone should be of circular shape which expands with constant velocity, so that the reaction rate should increase quadratically in time. As can be seen from Figs. 2 and 5, this is roughly fulfilled at the very beginning, but then obviously geometric limitations come into play. The velocity of propagation v p of a chemical wave deter mined by reaction/diffusion is generally of the form vp :::::: ~ D· K with D being a diffusion constant and K being an "effective" (pseudo-first-order) reaction rate constant.1,2 One might expect that K depends not only on temperature, but also on the concentrations of the reacting species. With damped wave Laser pulse -r-Pt (100) surface ~~-+--Kelvin probe single pulse wave o CO covered surface fi3 0 covered surface multiple pulse wave FIG. 12. A schematic plot of the various types of chemical waves which could be observed after excitation with a laser pulse. J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 91, No.8, 15 October 1989 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:39:135010 Fink, Imbihl, and Ertl: Chemical waves in a surface reaction the present system, however, no significant dependence on the partial pressures ( P02 ' Peo ) was found. This is probably du~ to the fact that the reaction front always propagates into a dense CO adlayer whose actual composition is not much affected by the partial pressures. The value of v p :::::: 2 mml min at 480 K and at pressures < 10-4 mbar should be com pared with that of vp ::::::60 mmlmin derived by Dath and Dauchoe7 for the same reaction occurring with polycrystal line Pt films in the 103 mbar pressure range. In this work again, chemical waves were initiated by laser irradiation. Their propagation was monitored through local changes of the electric resistivity caused by heating of the sample through the reaction. It is quite remarkable that only a factor 000 difference in the wave velocity was found for these quite different systems which varied by more than six orders of magnitude in pressure! The observed increase of v p with temperature is, on the other hand, not surprising and is to be expected because of the temperature dependence of both D and K. In an investi gation with the homogeneous Belousov-Zhabotinsky reac tion, Wood and ROSS18 derived for vp an effective activation energy of 34 kJ/mol, whereby vp increased by about a factor of 2 when going from 285 to 298 K, while with the present system between 480 and 507 K again about a factor of 2 increase was found. It is most remarkable that the essential features of chem ical trigger waves were already recognized in the first report on this subject by Luther,2 who even presented the basic formula for the velocity of propagation: (i) The processes propagating in a homogeneous medi um are autocatalytic. In our case this is the removal of the dense, metastable CO adlayer. (ii) There exists a threshold for the intensity of the per turbation. This corresponds to the minimum power density of the laser pulse to initiate CO desorption to a sufficient extent. (iii) It takes a certain time to renew the excitability. This refractory period is demonstrated by Fig. 8. v. CONCLUSIONS It has been demonstrated that chemical waves can be ignited in the catalytic oxidation of CO if the conditions are held such that a metastable CO adlayer exists on the surface which keeps the reaction rate low. If the inhibitive effect of the CO adlayer on oxygen adsorption is locally removed through laser-induced thermal desorption of CO, a reaction front is created which propagates over macroscopic dis tances, e.g., the whole surface area. After the passage of the reaction front, the system returns to the initial state of a Co-covered surface via the mechanism of the hex ~ 1 X 1 phase transition. The mechanistic steps of the chemical wave are identical to those of autonomous kinetic oscillations if one replaces the role of the laser pulse by defects where the reac tion fronts can nucleate periodically. This is supported ex perimentally, since the parameter space where chemical waves could be ignited coincides almost with the existence region for self-sustained oscillations. The features which are characteristic for trigger waves and which could also be ob served on Pt(lOO), such as a spatially advancing reaction front and the existence of a refractory period, follow directly from the proposed mechanism. Quantitative measurements revealed only a weak dependence of the front velocity from the partial pressure conditions, but a significant influence of the temperature was found. So the front velocity increased by a factor of 2 from 2 to 4 mmlmin as the temperature was raised from 480 to 507 K. Note added in proof Findings were confirmed very re cently with strongly improved lateral resolution by using the method of scanning photoemission microscopy. 19 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Technical assistance and the preparation of the draw ings and graphs by S. Wasle is gratefully acknowledged. I (a) Oscillations and Travelling Waves in Chemical Systems, edited by R. J. Field and H. Burger (Wiley, New York, 1984); (b) J. Ross, S. C. Miiller, and C. Vidal, Science 240, 460 (1988). 2R. Luther, Z. Elektrochern. 12, 596 (1906). For a commented English translation of the paper, see R. Arnold, K. Showalter, and J. Tyson, J. Chern. Educ. 64, 740 (1987). 3M. P. Cox, G. Ertl, and R. Irnbihl, Phys. Rev. Lett. 54,1725 (1985). 4R. Irnbihl, M. P. Cox, G. Ertl, H. Miiller, and W. Brenig, J. Chern. Phys. 83, 1578 (1985). SM. Eiswirth, R. J. Schwankner, and G. Ertl, Z. Phys. Chern. N. F. 144, 59 ( 1985). 6R. Irnbihl, M. P. Cox, and G. Ertl, J. Chern. Phys. 84, 3519 (1986). 7G. Ertl and M. Neumann, Z. Naturforsch. Teil A 27,1607 (1972). 8(a) D. Burgess, Jr., P. C. Stair, and E. Weitz, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A 4, 1362 (1986); (b) J. Ready, J. App!. Phys. 36, 462 (1965). 9T. Engel and G. Ertl, Adv. Catalysis 28, 1 (1979). lOP. R. Norton, K. Griffiths, and P. E. Bindner, Surf. Sci. 138, 125 (1984). IIR. Irnbihl, Thesis, University of Munich, 1984. 12R. J. Behrn, P. A. Thiel, P. R. Norton, and G. Ertl, J. Chern. Phys. 78, 7437 (1983); 48, 7448 (1983). 13(a) E. Ritter, R. J. Behrn, G. Potschke, and J. Wintterlin, Surf. Sci. 181, 403 (1987); (b) A. E. Reynolds, D. Kaletta, R. J. Behrn, and G. Ertl, Surf. Sci. 218, 452 ( 1989). 14p. Moller, K. Wetzl, M. Eiswirth, and G. Ertl, J. Chern. Phys. 85,5328 (1986). IS(a) A. T. Winfree, Science 175, 634 (1972); (b) E. J. Reusser and R. J. Field, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 101, 1063 (1979). 160. Ortoleva and J. Ross, J. Chern. Phys. 60, 5090 (1974). 17J._P. Dath and J. P. Dauchot, J. Catalysis 115, 593 (1989). 18p. M. Wood and J. Ross, J. Chern. Phys. 82,1924 (1985). 19H. A. Rotermund, S. Jakphith, A. von Oertzen, S. Kubala, and G. Ertl, J. Chern. Phys. (in press). J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 91, No.8, 15 October 1989 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:39:13
Design of an ultrahighvacuum specimen environment for highresolution transmission electron microscopy M. L. McDonald, J. M. Gibson, and F. C. Unterwald Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 60, 700 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.1141004 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1141004 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/60/4?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Optimal experimental design for the detection of light atoms from high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy images Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 063116 (2014); 10.1063/1.4892884 NiGe on Ge(001) by reactive deposition epitaxy: An in situ ultrahigh-vacuum transmission-electron microscopy study Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 201908 (2005); 10.1063/1.1929100 High resolution, high speed ultrahigh vacuum microscopy J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 22, 1931 (2004); 10.1116/1.1786304 Highspeed motor for use in an ultrahighvacuum environment Rev. Sci. Instrum. 56, 1668 (1985); 10.1063/1.1138123 Imaging of the silicon on sapphire interface by highresolution transmission electron microscopy Appl. Phys. Lett. 38, 439 (1981); 10.1063/1.92389 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:11:44Design of an ultrahigh",vacuum specimen environment for high-resolution transmission electron microscopy M. L McDonald, J. M. Gibson, and F. C. Unterwa!d AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murrayllill, New Jersey 07974 (Received 6 July 1988; accepted for publication 4 January 1989) A JEOL 200CX high-resolution transmission electron microscope with point-to-point resolution of2.5 A has been modified to achieve an ultrahigh-vacuum specimen environment (~1O 97). In situ heating and evaporation are provided in the specimen viewing position, where high resolution can be maintained at temperatures exceeding 600 0c. aUf design employs complete differential pumping of the specimen chamber and the use of a He-cooled cyroshield at the specimen for best vacuum attainment. Our design philosophy permits the instruments to be used for a wide variety of in situ experiments, including low-pressure ( < 10 ]7) gas reaction. INTRODUCTION The desire to image atomically clean surfaces has led to the development of ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV) (~1O --9 Torr) specimen environments in transmission electron micro scopes (TEM). Reported here are modifications made to a JEOL 200CX high-resolution (HR) TEM to obtain an ul trahigh-vacuum specimen environment and associated in situ cleaning and thin-film deposition capabilities. Capabili ties designed into the UHV TEM are maintenance of high resolution at high temperatures and UHY, and the ability to study in situ epitaxial growth and low-pressure gas-reaction studies. Venablesl performed the first experiments with a UllY environment in a scanning electron microscope. The first instrument to achieve moderately high resolution and Uny was a JEOL 100B modified by Takayanagi et aF In their group a more recent advance has been an ultrahigh-resolu tion 0.4 A) I-MeV ultrahigh vacuum machine,1 although the resolution has proved difficult to maintain at UHV. Oth er experiments along the lines of Takayanagi et aI's 100B have been carried out by Wilson and Petroff.4 Pappa et al.' have obtained moderately high although not atomic-level resolution at excellent vacuum by the use of thin-film aper tures. The only commercially available UHV instrument, at this time, is the Vacuum Generators HB-5, which only re cently became equipped with in situ specimen cleaning, etc.!> However, because of relatively poor signal/noise and our primary interest being phase-contrast high resolution, this instrument was not considered suitable for our needs. Proj ects currently underway by lEaL/Xerox! and Philips/Ga tan/AS. U. R to achieve similar lJHY TEMs to that described here have not yet provided results. In contrast, the instru ment described here has provided the first published HRTEM images of clean Si surfaces.'! These included the first bright-field phase-contrast images of the Si (111) 7 X 7 surface reconstruction. EXPERiMENT A UHY sample atmosphere can be provided in an elec tron microscope by several methods. These are outlined in Table 1. The URY cell is a limited area usually provided by cryopumping. The whole sample area conversion can be pro vided by differential pumping or thin-film windows. The windows, while simplifying the design, greatly reduce the resolution. The design described here uses differential pumping. Other microscopes have been designed with the whole instrument at UHV or with various modifications as previously stated, but have yet to provide UHV and high resolution at an acceptable level for surface atomic resolu tion. The features which make our design unique are the fol lowing: ( 1) The resolution of the microscope is not reduced, but is maintained at the original design of the manufacturer ( < 3.0 A). The actual resolution depends on the objective lens pole piece in use. (2) The entire sample area from con denser to objective lens is maintained at UHV, which allows the complete characterization of the atmosphere to which the sample is exposed, The latter is accomplished with a quadrupole residual-gas analyzer (RGA). To improve the vacuum in the sample chamber, the fol lowing design modifications were made: (1) The sample chamber was isolated from the manufacturer's vacuum sys tem and differentially pumped. (2) Larger pumps, pumping manifolds, and ports were used. (3) Improved vacuum seals were used. (4) Materials which were not vacuum compati ble were replaced or removed from the sample chamber. A URV sample air lock is also to be included to accept samples TABLE L Comparison of different type DHV TEMS. Electron microscope HRTEMUHV UEV manufacture TEM DHV cell sample area with growth chamber Poor resolution High resolution VGHB-5STEM Poor stability Good stability Poor SIN Vibrations HR to 800'C Max resolution 5 A Vacuum unknown Vacuum known Excellent vacuum Fixed system Flexible system Flexible system Restricted area Unrestricted area Large growth chamber Sample restricted SampJe unrestricted Max resolution 200 A Simple construction Complex construction Complex construction Minor system Extensive system LargeMBE modifications modifications Chamber added 700 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 60 (4), April 1989 0034-6748/89/040700-08$01.30 !.i: 1989 American Institute of PhYSics 700 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:11:44from atmosphere or from another UHV chamber by means of a UHV transfer case. Figure 1 is a block diagram which shows the design schematically. Solid lines indicate the com pleted portions of the design. At this time the ambient base vacuum in the sample area is 5 X 10--9 Torr even though several single sliding elastomer O-ring seals have yet to be replaced. Much better results are expected in the future. The local vacuum around the sample is considerably improved by the use of a liquid-He-cooled cryoshield. At this point it has been necessary to provide heating and evaporation facili ties in the viewing position because of the inadequate am bient atmosphere at other positions for Si surface cleanli ness. This problem should be overcome in the near future by replacement of the elastomer seals and the use of more ultra high-vacuum compatible materials in the sample area. The unmodified sample area of the JEOL 200CX con sists of two parts. The upper portion is the "sample chamber" which houses the upper beam tilt and compensa tion coils, the top-entry sample air lock, and cartridge ma nipulator. The lower portion is the objective-lens yoke which houses the top-entry stage, lower beam tilt coils, and the objective-lens pole piece. Both of these sections are con structed of soft iron, which is part of the microscope's elec tromagnetic shielding and completes the necessary magnetic circuits. Figure 2 shows the microscope before modification and the components affected by the URV conversion. FIG, 2, JEOL 200 ex HRTEM before conversion showing affected compo nents. A, Sample chamber; D, objective·lens yoke; C, sample-exchange rna· nipulator; D, sample air lock; E and F, stage x-y and tilt drive feed-through; and G, objective-lens aperture mechanism. The upper part of the UHV sample area is shown in Fig. 3. This piece replaces the original sample chamber as sup plied by the manufacturer and separates the condenser lens and objective-lens yoke. Our design separates the sample chamber into two parts as shown in Fig. 4. This allows the upper-beam tilt and compensation coils to be removed from the UHV area by use of differential pumping without reduc-ing the 4-in.-diam side ports which are used for pumping and specimen exchange. Our design increases the height of the chamber by 3.2 cm. The increased separation of condenser and objective lenses is readily dealt with by adjustment of lens and correction coil currents, and leads to negligible change in microscope operation. Height change in the over all instrument involved minor microscope pumping modifi- -.---'~ UHV PUMPS I AUXILIARY SAMPLE PREP CHAMBER __________ .J CHAMBER RESIDUAL GAS ANALYSER r' LIQUID HELIUM: TRANSFER I SYSTEM , GATE VAl.VE -"", U ____ I • E BEAM CONDEr,._so,'!!, LENSES TILT COILS -~-"--~, ~.~ ~~-> GAS LEAK -10'7,. VALVE ,1,1 I ___ "OIFFE~~!L~ __ ~_M"ING \",,$ 1 O~I----1 T~U~~ UHV SAMPLE CHAMBER • ---~r;; l-r-- VALVE , I ION GAIIGE / i MIRROR • II 1-SAMPLE r .. - AIRLOCK I ~ -r '" . PYROIIII::;::OWJ'+ll, "" -I . ! CRVOSHIELD" \ ~-EVAPORATOR: I SAMPLE~ j,.-,_, .~, 10o-T"'200'K GAS CAPILLARY ------ ~--- ----~--- ... DIFFERENTIAL PUMPING L _____ ,_,~ ____ , ~, ________ ---.J 1 --~~--!-- ----j I UHV TRANSFER CHAMBER -10-7 .. IMAGING LENSES VIEWING SYSTEM FIG. I. Block diagram of our UHV microscope conversion. 701 Rev. Scl.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No.4, April 1989 UHV specimen environment 701 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:11:44FIG. 3. UHY sample chamber. A, UHY sample chamber; B, high-vacuum coil chamber; C, two 4-in. ports; D, two 2-in. ports; E, four I-in. ports; F, beam tilt and compensation-coil adjustment-screw ports; G, electrical feed through ports; H, pumping and Aux ports; and I, ditTercntial pumping plate. cations shown in Fig. 5. In the photograph of the specimen chamber (Fig. 3), the implementation of differential pump ing with the condenser-lens region can be seen. A differential pumping tube oflength 2 cm and diameter 2 mm is mounted in the hole just visible in the plate at the top of the chamber. The differential pumping plate isolates the chamber from the condenser lens, and the upper-beam tilt and displacement compensator coils. The only electron optical components which are in the differentially pumped area are the lower beam tilt coils and the objective-lens pole piece. The relative softness of the iron used in construction of the sample chamber prohibited the use of Cn gasketlknife UHV SAMPLE CHAMBER CROSS SECTION COIL CHAMBER FIG, 5. LJHY pumping modifications, edge seals directly to the chamber. Adapters are used between the sample chamber and eu gasket-knife edge flanges of standard dimensions, permitting the use of com mercially available URV hard ward such as gauges, electri cal and mechanical feed-throughs, etc. The adapters are sealed to the chamber by elastomer O-ring seals which are to be replaced with Au-coated Al C-ring seals. This design also allows the use of Au wire seals with only minor modifica tions of the adapters. Dynamic seals which cannot be re- &. COMPENSATION COILS :;Z:~~~f,?:l~.l!lfFERENTIAL PUMPING SAMPLE CHAMBER' PUMPING PORT 702 Rev. SCi.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No.4, April 1989 PLATE/TUBE UHV specimen environment FIG. 4. URY sample chamber cross sec tion. 702 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:11:44placed with bellows seals are being converted to double 0- ring seals with differential pumping between the seals. The lower part of the sample chamber comprises the objective-lens yoke which completes the magnetic circuit to the upper part of the objective-lens pole piece. This has not been substantially modified as yet and thus comprises the weakest link in the URV system. The objective aperture has been replaced with a bellows type and the mechanical mo tion feed-throughs for specimen translation have been simi larly altered. Pumping in this region is effected through a 1- in.-dram port directly impinging on the specimen position and reconnected for the URV system. This is shown in the schematic Figs. 6 and 7. A difficulty with attempts to obtain UHV in the specimen position of any HRTEM is the low pumping speeds associated with narrow pole-piece dimen sions. It is no consolation that the pressure in this region is equally difficult to measure. The nearest gauge to the speci men is in the upper sample chamber shown in Fig. 8. The use of a cryoshield may thus be essential at the specimen position to obtain reliably good vacuum. The cryoshield surrounds the specimen cartridge end with a 2-mm-diam hole in the end for specimen viewing. It is cooled by conduction over a 5-in. length of shielded !-in. Cu braid and rod from a liquid-He-cooled finger (Air Products "Heli-Tran") shown in Fig. 9 which is maintained at a tem perature of 4.2 K. The cooling power is 8 W, and experi ments suggest that the temperature of the cryoshield is in the vicinity of 30 K. Studies of the Si(111) 7 X 7 surface recon struction,9 which forms and is stable only under UHV condi tions, for over 1 h indicate a much improved vacuum in the specimen viewing area within the cryoshie1d. Differential pumping between the lower part of the specimen area and the objective lens is achieved through the narrow gap in the lower part of the objective-lens pole piece and objective stigmator pipe. The pumping system for the URV sample area is comprised of a combination LN2-cooled sublimation pump with a nominal speed of 1000 ( lIs) for N 2 and a 200 LIS for N 2 diode ion pump from Thermionics Lab. This pumping system is shown in Fig. 10. (The original pumping system was a slightly smaller Varian combination pump.) This pump is attached to a 6-in. tee which will be utilized as a sample-preparation chamber in the future. The 6-in.-tee is attached to the 4-in. side port of the microscope sample chamber via a 6-in. gate valve. All seals in this part of the system are the Cu gasketlknife edge type and the con struction is of 316 SS. The estimated conductance-limited pumping seed at the sample chamber is 390 LIS and in the specimen position (without cryoshield) is 25 LIS. These compare with the off-the-shelf manufacturers values of -10 and -1 LIS, respectively. The entire UHV pumping region can be baked at over 200 °C, and when the valve is closed its base pressure is -1 X 10 10 7. The UHV preparation chamber is fitted with a residual-gas analyzer (Inftcon model Quadrex 200) which permits analysis of gases in both the pumping and specimen regions. Microscope baking is limited by the presence of cooling water in the objective lens and other volatile compo nents to ~ 80°C. For prepumping of the sample chamber, a 50-LIS Balzers turbomolecular pump (TMP), shown in Fig. 11, is fitted. This TMP is used during baking to remove contamin ants from the system and will be used to pump the UHV UHV AREA CROSS-SECTION COil CHAMB~R SAMPLE CHAMBeR WiNDOW BEAM TILT 8, --l-l~---t-COMPENSATION COILS P'I'ROMET:Q E-ION GAUGE llPPE H OoLJEC TIVE lOWER OBJECTIVI: LENS PUMPING PORT 2" PORT SAMPLE STAGE -I ..... ;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~c ART RID G E SAMPLE;t---,!,!.!;----fT--OBJECTIVE AP RTLIRE OBJECTIVE STiGMATOR /JJ DIFFERENTIAL PUMPING TUBE OBJECTiVE POLE PIECE FIG. 6. URY area vertical cross section. 703 Rev. ScI. (nstrum., Vol. 60, No.4, April 1989 UHV specimen environment 703 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:11:442001/s ION PUMP 10001/s Ti SUBLIMATION PUMP r f1-j----L! .. -.. -1.. RGA 4-1.5" at 15 Ir=-~J / PORTS FOR SAMPLE PREP SAMPLE PREP CHAM3ER FIG. 7. UHV area horizontal cross section. FIG. 8. UHV sampk chamber ion gauge. 704 Rev. Sci. instrum., Vol. SO, No.4, April 1989 UHV PUMPING SCHEMA TIC ~_Il ~l '._-=1 __ .J HOUGHING IYOKE PUMPING MANIFOLD TUHBO PUMP MICROSCOPE SAMPLE CHAMBER FIG. 9. "Heli-Tran" on microscope. UHV specimen environment 704 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:11:44FIG. 10. UHV pumps on microscope. FIG. 11. TMP manifold on microscope. 705 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 60, No.4, AprEi 1989 specimen exchanger under construction. The microscope can be operated with the sample chamber pumped by only the TMP if UHV is not needed; however, with the TMP running the resolution of the instrument is -10 A. The base vacuum of the specimen chamber pumped with only the TMP is 10· 6r), The URV exchange mechanism will allow samples to be introduced from atmosphere or another UHV chamber via a UHV transfer case pumped by a battery powered ion pump. The exchange mechanism will also be used to move samples from the viewing position to the sam ple-preparation chamber. At present a modified specimen exchange mechanism from a JEOL 100 B TEM is used pre pumped by a rotary pump. Another advantage of the differential pumping design is the ability to raise the specimen area pressure (:::::: 10-17) while maintaining an operational pressure in the gun ( < 10-(7). This allows gas-reaction studies or the growth of ices when the cryostagelO is installed. The system is fitted with a calibrated leak valve (Fig. 11) for the introduction of gases. The original goniometer stage and tilting specimen holding cartridge were replaced with ones of our own design. The new stage and cartridge follow the same basic design as the original equipment. The cartridge and stage have a ta pered design which provides easy alignment during speci men exchange. A guide pin in the cartridge and a slot in the stage insure proper rotational alignment. The cartridge is held solid in the stage by three spring-loaded blades which fit into a groove in the cartridge. The new stage has four electri cal connections which can be utilized individually or in pairs. Flexible multistranded wires with soft vacuum-com patible fiberglass insulation are used for connection to the UHV feed-throughs. These wires do not transfer vibrations or restrict movement. The electrical connections to the car tridge are made by means of four spring-loaded silver con tacts. In the present configuration the electrical connections are used in pairs, two for specimen heating and two for evap oration. The specimen-holding cartridge is shown in Fig. 12. The cartridge body is constructed of phosphor bronze and has silver electrical contacts with ceramic insulation. Two of the electrical connections are connected to the Mo specimen supports. Spring loaded Ta clips hold the specimen on the end of the supports. The cartridge does not permit specimen tilting, but provides excellent stability during heating. For surface studies specimen tilting is not essential because of the insensitivity of diffraction from very thin objects to small tilts. The design of the specimen cartridge emphasizes the need for stability in HRTEM, i.e., drift and vibration rates of less than 0.5 A s I. By direct resistive heating, the overall heat load is minimized, which aids stability by reducing ther mal expansion in the stage and pole piece. This design also allows more rapid temperature change and stabilization than oven-type heating. The biggest disadvantage to direct resistive heating is in measuring specimen temperature. Since most surface preparation and crystal growth involves temperatures in excess of 500 ee, we overcome this problem by pyrometry on the specimen using a mirror, indicated in Fig. 6. Pyrometry reveals that specimens of nonuniform thickness heat relatively uniformly since heat generation is UHV specimen environment 705 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:11:44HEATING/EVAPORATION CARTRIDGE I'll HAMiliL. SUPPORT h IAMlJtlll eLI IAM""I FIG. 12. Specimen heating/evaporation cartridge. dominant in thicker areas with lower electrical resistance. Temperatures in excess of the melting point of Si ( 1412 °C) can be easily attained with this cartridge, without evidence of excessive drift associated with stage and pole" piece heating. However, at temperatures above 800 °C for Si, the specimen exhibits a pulselike instability at times, which is believed to be a result of local melting at the contacts. Spring-loaded Ta clip contacts are employed for convenient specimen exchange and the problem may be removed by spot welding of the sample to contacts. However, stability is suffi cient at temperatures up to 600°C for HRTEM. For exam ple, Fig. 13 shows a 200-ke V image of a SiC particle in the ( 110) direction at ~ 600°C. These particles form during the cleaning procedure for Si surfaces. An evaporator has been built into a specimen cartridge for molecular-beam epitaxial growth of thin films. Two of the electrical connections are used for this evaporator, which is electrically isolated by ceramic insulators. Connection be tween the silver contacts and the Ta filaments is made by means ofMo posts. Good electrical contact is maintained by a spring held in place by the body cap. The spring presses on an insulator which holds the filament in solid contact with the Mo post. Filaments can be changed any time the car tridge is removed from the sample chamber without expos- 706 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 60, No.4, April 1989 FIG. 13. SiC (110) 200-kcV lattice image ,~600 0c. ing the chamber to atmosphere. Figure 12 shows the car tridge and the Ta filament shaped so that the electron beam can propagate through the center. The material which is to be deposited is evaporated onto only one side of the Ta fila ment, which faces down and evaporates only onto the speci men. CONCLUSION In conclusion we describe a design for modification of a HRTEM for an UHY specimen environment. The current implementation as shown in Fig. 14 has achieved successful high-resolution imaging ( ~ 3 A )of a clean Si surface for the first time. The versatile design now allows a variety of differ ent experiments at pressures from < 10-1 Torr to :5 10 9 FIG. 14. JEOL 200CX TEM after conversion of sample area to UHV. UHV specimen environment 706 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:11:44Torr and at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 30 or 1700 K. Further development will continue to improve and expand the capabilities of this thin unique instrument. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Assistance in the design of the DHV sample chamber by JEOL USA, Inc., in particular M. Naruse and the skilled machining by the Murray Hill Development Shop, in partic ular A. G. Insano, is acknowledged. '1. A. Venables, Ultramicroscopy 7,81 (1981). 2K. Takayanagi, K. Vagi, K. Kobayashi, and G. Honjo, J. Phys. E 11, 441 (1978). 707 Rev. Sci. (nstrum., Vol. 60, No.4, April 1989 -'K, Takayanagi. Y. Tanishiro, M. Takahashi, and S. Takahashi (discus siolls). 4R. J. Wilson and P. M. Petroft'. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 54.1534 (\983). 'II. Poppa, K. Heinenann. and A. G. Elliot. 1. Vae. Sci. Techno!. 8, 471 (1971) . "I'. M. Petroff. C. H. Chen, and D. 1. Werder, Ultramicroscopy 17, lH5 (1985). 'F, A. Ponce, S. Suzki, H. Kobayashi, Y. Ishibashi, Y. Ishida, and T. Eto, in Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeiing EMSA, Albuquerque, NM, 1986, p. 606. "I'. R. Swann, J.5. Joncs, O. L. Krivanek, D. J. Smith, J. A. Venables, and J. M. Cowley, in Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting EMSA Balti more, MD, 1987. p. 136. 9J. M. Gibson, M. L McDmmld, and F. C. linterwald, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 1765 (1985). wJ. M. Gibson and M. L. McDonald, Ultramicroscopy 12. 219 (19R3). UHV specimen environment 707 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:11:44
Auinduced reconstructions of the Si(111) surface T. Hasegawa, K. Takata, S. Hosaka, and S. Hosoki Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 8, 241 (1990); doi: 10.1116/1.577075 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.577075 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/8/1?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Sr induced striped surface reconstructions formed on Si(111) Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 161912 (2008); 10.1063/1.3005594 The influence of surface steps on the formation of Ag-induced reconstructions on Si(111) Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 161906 (2005); 10.1063/1.1906310 Observation by scanning tunneling microscopy of a hexagonal Au(111) surface reconstruction induced by oxygen Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 935 (1995); 10.1063/1.113602 Surface xray diffraction study of the Au(111) electrode in 0.01 M NaCl: Electrochemically induced surface reconstruction J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 10, 3019 (1992); 10.1116/1.577859 Surface reconstructions induced by thin overlayers of indium on Si(111) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 8, 3443 (1990); 10.1116/1.576529 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 01:06:55Au-induced reconstructions of the Si(111) surface T. Hasegawa, K. Takata, S. Hosaka, and S. Hosoki Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., Kokubunji, Tokyo 185 (Received 10 July 1989; accepted 1 September 1989) Au-adsorbed structures ( -1 ML) on the Si ( 111 ) surface are studied using a scanning tunneling microscope. In the initial stage of deposition, locally Au atoms are adsorbed onto the SiC 111) surface with a 5 X 5 periodicity. At lower coverage, images showing a 5 X 2 periodicity are recorded, in which there are a dark line and two atomic rows running in the [Tal] direction in a five times period. In each atomic row, atoms are arranged in a two times period along the row. At higher coverage, images showing a .J3 x.J3 structure are also recorded. In these images, in addition to the.J3 x.J3 periodicity, there is an undulation which is explained as a phase shift of the .J3 x.J3 structure. I. INTRODUCTION Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has received much attention as a method for observing surfaces with atomic resolution since Binnig, Rohrer, Gerber, and Weibel first reported it. I In recent years, metal adsorbed structures on semiconductors have been observed by using STM. For ex ample, observations of Si(111)-.J3Ga,2-3 Si(111 )-.,J3ln,4 Si (111) -.,f3Ag, 5.6 and Si (111 ) -5Cu 7 have been reported. Si ( 111) -.,J3Au studies were reported by Salvan et al.8 and Dumas et al. 9 It has been reported in a reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) study that Au-induced Si ( 111) surfaces show four types of reconstruction, 5 Xl, 5 X 2, .J3 x.,f3, and 6 X 6, depending on Au coverage and an nealing temperature. 10 Structures of 5 X 1 or 5 X 2 have been reported by low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), II ion scattering spectroscopy (lSS),12.13 x_ray,14 and /-l RHEED15 studies, and some models have been proposed. The models have a common feature in that there are two atomic rows of adsorbed Au atoms running in the [Tal] direction in a five times period. Some.J3 X .,f3 and 6 X 6 struc tures have been reported by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES),18 reflection electron microscopy (REM),17 ISS18.19 and LEED20 studies and three types of models have been proposed: the honeycomb model,18 the simple hexagonal model,20 and the trimer model. 19 The STM study by Dumas et al.9 supported the trimer model, while the STM study by Sal van et al.8 supported the simple hexagonal model. This paper reports STM study ofSi( 111 )-5 X2 Au and Si (111) .,f3 X .,f3Au structures to present additional information about Au adsorbed structures on Si (111) surfaces. II. EXPERIMENT Details about the scanning tunneling microscope used in this study have been previously described. 21,22 The following is a condensed description. An electrochemical etched tung sten tip was used. The STM has an inchworm system for coarse control of the tip position in order to choose an obser vation area in a lOX 10 mm2 field. The tripod type scanner has a maximum scanning area of 300 X 300 A 2 and the fastest scanning speed is 4 ms/ scan (2 s/image). This required that STM images are recorded by a video tape recorder. All im-ages in this report are reproduced from that video tape. An As-doped SiC 111) wafer(2 X 18 X 0.4 mm3, 0.5 n cm) was chemically etched before being carned into a specimen chamber. Base pressure of the specimen chamber was 4x 10-8 Pa. The specimen was cleaned by flash heating to about 12OO'C in the ultra-high vacuum chamber; the pres sure was kept below 1.5 X 10 -7 Pa during this cleaning pro cedure. This process produced a clear 7 X 7 STM image. Au was deposited from a resistively heated tungsten wire basket onto this clean Si (111) -7 X 7 surface which was an nealed at about 7OO'C during Au deposition. The sample temperature was measured by an optical pyrometer. After deposition, the sample was annealed for a few minutes at the same temperature. STM observation was performed after the specimen cooled to room temperature. Actual Au cover age could not be measured since there was no monitoring system attached to the STM. The amount of adsorbed Au was estimated by deposition time, after examining the corre lation between thickness and deposition time in another vacuum chamber. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A.5X2 The initial stage of Au adsorption on the Si ( 111) surface is shown in Fig.1. This image was taken with the sample biased at -2V, and at a tunneling current of 0.3 nA. Some ~1.~J ~ffJ FIG. 1. An image of a Au-adsorbed Sit 111 ) surface. Imaging area is about 130X 110 A2. Locally adsorbed Au atoms are arranged with a 5 X 5 period. 241 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 8 (1), JanlFeb 1990 0734-2101/90/010241-04$01.00 © 1990 American Vacuum Society 241 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 01:06:55242 Hasegawa et al.: Au-induced reconstructions of Si(111) brighter protrusions, corresponding to adsorbed Au atoms, are arranged locally with five times periods along the [110] direction and the [011] direction. The corrugation heights of these brighter protrusions were 1.8 A. A 5 X 5 unit cell is shown in Fig. I. Although not clear in this image, there is a structure under these adsorbed Au atoms. This sample had two types of terraces: one a clean 7 X 7 terrace with few ad sorbed Au atoms, and the other a terrace on which a part of adsorbed Au atoms was arranged with a 5 X 5 period. The 7 X 7 terraces were clear and noise free, but somehow Au adsorbed terraces were always noisy, as in Fig. I. This means that residual gases are adsorbed selectively onto Au ad sorbed surfaces, and they are seen as noise. It is yet uncertain whether the electron trapping effect in the surface2•3 or not being of adsorbed gases in fixed sites makes these noise. Another Au adsorbed Si ( Ill) surface is shown in Fig. 2. This image was taken with -2V sample bias and a tunnel ing current of 0.3 nA. Brighter protrusions, whose corruga tion heights are 1.8 A, correspond to adsorbed Au atoms, the same as in Fig. 1, but in this image, a 5 X 5 arrangement of adsorbed Au atoms is not seen. An interesting feature of this image is the presence of dark lines running in the [101] di rection. These lines have a five times period with respect to the [011] direction, and each adsorbed Au atom is next to and on the left side of each dark line. Thus, it can be said that adsorbed Au atoms are also on lines along the [101] direc tion which have a five times period with respect to the [011] direction. There is also a noisy area to the right of these dark lines. These noisy signals were always present in areas where residual gases were adsorbed. From this phenomenon it can be concluded that the area next to dark lines has a structural attraction for gases to adsorb. There is also a periodic structure among brighter protru sions. The periodicity is shown in Fig. 2 as a rectangular unit cell which is coincident with a 5 X 2 structure. There seem to be a few atoms in the unit cell, but a detailed structure is not clear in this image. Au adsorbed Si (Ill) surfaces, with a five times period with respect to the [110] direction, are shown in Fig. 3. In these images, adsorbed Au atoms appear as brighter protru sions and dark lines are indicated by arrows. In Fig. 3(a) FIG. 2. An image showing dark lines and noisy lines along the [lOll direc tion and whose periodicity is five times. Arrow heads indicate some protru· sions arranged with two times period with respect to the [loll direction. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.1, Jan/Feb 1990 .../' ".... ../' y .,./' il /' a ~ b 1J .,... ~~O] [J911J 242 FIG. 3. Images of Au-induced 5X2 reconstruction ofSi(lll). There are two atomic rows along the [011) direction in a five times period. (a) An image with a step running in the [011] direction. (b) An image showing a dimer-like structure in each atomic row. there is an atomic step running in the [011] direction. In the majority of cases, dark lines run parallel to a step line. In Fig. 3(a) it is clear that there are two atomic rows running in the [011] direction in a five times period. It ap pears that in each atomic row there are atoms having a two times period arrangement with respect to the [011] direc tion. From this characteristic of the image, the periodic structure ofa unit cell shown in Fig. 3(a) is derived and its periodicity is worked out to be 5 X 2. Most of the atomic rows had a two times period along the [011] direction, i.e., there is one atom in each two times period. But in the row indicated by arrow heads in Fig. 3(a), there seem to be two atoms in each two times period, and it seems that those two atoms form a dimer-like structure. Atomic rows in which there is a dimer-like structure hav ing a two times period with respect to the [011] direction are shown in the image in Fig. 3(b). In this image, a unit cell is also shown. It is more clear in Fig. 3(b) than in Fig. 3(a) that two atomic rows in a five times period seem to be on both sides of the dark lines, and there is no obvious corruga tion in the wide area between two atomic rows. Therefore, there may be only two atomic rows in the second layer under the brighter protrusions. In this study it was observed that steps running along the two times periods (parallel to dark lines) were straight, but steps running along the five times period were not straight. The direction parallel to the two times period was always coincident with longer step lines, as previously reported in the,u-RHEED study. 15 In the early stage of adsorption, five times structures were formed from the underside of steps. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 01:06:55243 Hasegawa sf al.: Au-induced reconstructions of Si(111) Because no diffraction pattern was taken, it is uncertain whether the obtained STM images were of a complete 5 X 2 structure. In any case, obtained STM images had two inter esting features. One was that adsorbed Au atoms were ar ranged with a five times period. The other was that there was a five times period structure under brighter protrusions, and there were two atomic rows in a five times period. There are two possible explanations for these features. One explanation is that Au atoms are adsorbed on the SiC 111) surface with a five times period. Substrate Si atoms are then affected by these adsorbed Au atoms and recon struct to a 5 X 2 structure. Therefore, two atomic rows in a five times period are made of Si atoms. The other explanation is that two atomic rows in a five times period are made of Au atoms. Thus, adsorbed Au atoms already form a 5 X 2 structure on the Si ( III ) 1 X 1 surface. Surplus Au atoms forming a 5 X 2 structure are on top of the initial 5 X 2 structure, and are observed as brighter protrusions. The phenomenon that there are two atomic rows in a five times period is the same as in models previously proposed by other methods,12-14 if we assume the second explanation. Those models, however, do not explain well the dark lines and the noisy area next to the dark lines. A detailed analysis will be carried out and reported elsewhere. B . ../3x../3 Images of a Au-induced Si ( III ) surface are also shown in Figs. 4(a) and 4(b) in which the amount of adsorbed Au was larger than that in Figs. 1-3. Figure 4(a) is an image taken with -2 V sample bias and Fig. 4(b) is an image taken with - 4 V sample bias. These two images were taken in nearly the same area. In these images, there are periodic protrusions arranged hexagonally whose corrugation height is about 0.5 A, and their periodicity is .J3 x.J3R 30°. A unit cell is also shown in each image. An arrangement of protru sions in these images agrees well with the simple hexagonal model or the trimer model, but does not agree with the sim ple honeycomb model. Dumas et al. suggested the trimer model because of triangular protrusions in images they ob tained. However, the protrusions in images present study obtained do not seem to have a triangular shape, and instead look like those in a Oa-induced or an In-induced .J3 recon struction reported by Nogami, Park, and Quate.2,4 Metal atoms on Si have difficulty in being resolved,5 therefore, in analysis of the current images, it is difficult to decide which is the correct model, the simple hexagonal model or the trimer model. In addition to this .J3 periodicity, there is an undulation whose amplitude is about 0.5 A in Fig. 4(a). The undulation was observed over the entire .J3 X .J3 area with - 2 V sample bias. It disappeared in the image with - 4 V sample bias. This means that the undulation was caused by electronic structure of the surface, rather than by a geometrical undu lation. In Fig. 4(a), the brighter area has a complete.J3 x.J3 arrangement and the darker area has some distortion in its atomic arrangement. The phase of a .J3 X .J3 structure is also shifted 1/3 X .J3a between area A and area B. This phase shift J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.1, Jan/Feb 1990 243 b -.l.,/3 a • • tt b. O· • • • · A. • • • b· b· • • · . p • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • B. ·d ·d • • • • • • • • .q ·0 ·d • • • • • • • • • • • • • C FIG. 4. Images of Au-induced .j3x.j3 reconstruction ofSi(111). (a) An image taken with - 2 V sample bias. The brighter area has complete .j3 x.j3 structure and the darker area contains some distortion. A phase is shifted .j3a/3 between areas A and B. (b) An image taken with - 4 V sample bias. The undulation seen in (a) is not visible. (c) Schematic dia gram of.j3 X .j3R 30' arrangement containing a phase shift between A and B. can be explained by the arrangement shown in Fig. 4(c). The darker area between A and B is a transition region and the registry of adsorbed Au atoms is different from that of the brighter area. Thus, this undulation is most likely caused by a mismatch between adsorbed Au atoms and the sub strate Si layer. IV. CONCLUSIONS Si (111 ) -5 X 2 STM images have been presented for the first time. In the structures, Au atoms were adsorbed with a five times period and two atomic rows in each five times period. Also Si ( III ) -.J3 X .J3Au STM images were shown. In these images, protrusions are arranged hexagonally with a .J3 X .J3R 30° period, but it is uncertain whether each protru- Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 01:06:55244 Hasegawa et al: Au-induced reconstructions of 5/(111) sion consists of one Au atom or three Au atoms. An undula tion whose corrugation height is about 0.5 A is also seen in the image taken with - 2 V sample bias. It is caused by a mismatch between adsorbed Au atoms and the substrate Si layer. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank Dr. H. Ohbayashi and Dr. T. Komoda of Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd. for their constant advice and encouragement. They also thank Dr. M. Ichikawa of Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd. for his helpful discussion. IG. Binnig, H. Rohrer, Ch. Gerber, and E. Weibel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 57 (1982). 2J. Nogami, Sang-il Park, and C. F. Quate, Surf. Sci. 203, L631 (1988). 3D. M. Chen, J. A. Golvchenko, P. B. Bedrossian, and K. Mortensen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2867 (1988). 4J. Nogami, Sang-il Park, and C. F. Quate, Phys. Rev. B 36,6221 (1987). J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A, Vol. 8, No.1. Jan/Feb 1990 244 SR. J. Willson and S. Chiang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 369 (1987). 6E. J. van Loenen, J. E. Demuth, R. M. Tromp, and R. J. Hamers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 373 (1987). 7R. J. Wilson and S. Chiang, Phys. Rev. B 38, 12696 (1988). 8F. Salvan, H. Fuchs, A. Baratoff, and G. Binnig, Surf. Sci. 162, 634 (1985). 9Ph. Dumas, eta'. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6,517 (1988). lOS. Ino, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 1, 891 (1977). IIH. 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Different response of atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy to charge density waves E. Meyer, R. Wiesendanger, D. Anselmetti, H. R. Hidber, H.J. Güntherodt, F. Lévy, and H. Berger Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 8, 495 (1990); doi: 10.1116/1.576372 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.576372 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/8/1?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Different tips for high-resolution atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy of single molecules Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 073109 (2013); 10.1063/1.4793200 Scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy study of graphite defects produced by bombarding with highly charged ions J. Appl. Phys. 82, 6037 (1997); 10.1063/1.366470 Investigation of porous silicon by scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 12, 2437 (1994); 10.1116/1.587778 Scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy combined Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 2233 (1988); 10.1063/1.99541 Atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy with a combination atomic force microscope/scanning tunneling microscope J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6, 2089 (1988); 10.1116/1.575191 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:29:27Different response of atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy to charge density waves E. Meyer, R. Wiesendanger, D. Anselmetti, H. R. Hidber, and H.-J. GOntherodt University oj Basel, Department oj Physics, Klingelbergstrasse 82, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland F. Levy and H. Berger Institute oJ Applied Physics, EPFL, PHB-Ecublens, CH-JOJ5 Lausanne, Switzerland (Received 10 July 1989; accepted 1 August 1989) We have studied the transition metal dichalcogenides IT-TaSi and IT-TaSe2 exhibiting charge density waves (CDW) at room temperature by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) with atomic resolution. STM images are dominated by the charge density wave modulation, while the AFM operated with an applied loading in the range of 10-8_10-7 N responds only to the atomic surface structure. Several possible explanations for this experimental result are discussed, including differences in what STM and AFM are sensitive to, as well as a possible local pressure dependence of the CDW state. I. INTRODUCTION The investigation of charge density wave phenomena in sol ids is still of considerable interest, particularly the dynamics of charge density waves I and the possible close relationship between the charge and spin density wave state and high Tc superconductivity. Z The static structure oflow dimensional materials exhibiting CDWs has been studied extensively in the seventies by using x-ray, neutron, and electron diffrac tion.3 These experimental techniques are sensitive to the CDW formation in the bulk and reveal the superlattice structures related to the periodic lattice distortion (PLD) which is accompanied by the charge modulation of the con duction electrons. Helium scattering as an extremely surface sensitive technique first proved that CDWs propagate up to the topmost layer of the crysta1.4,5 The intensity of the super structure peaks, e.g., for 1 T -TaS2 at 80 K was found to be as large as that of the main Bragg peaks indicating a strong deformation of the surface. The CDW corrugation, which was determined to be of the same order of magnitude as the atomic corrugation, was attributed to both a displacement of the i(;ms and a change in the ionic radii as a direct conse quence of the local charge modulation at each metal ion. Recently, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)6 has proved to be a powerful technique to study charge density waves at surfaces in real space and on a local scale.7 In con trast to the diffraction experiments, STM is directly sensitive to the charge modulation of the conduction electrons, whereas the small displacements of the ions due to the PLD (typically of the order of 0.01 nm) are difficult to detect by STM. The question which we want to address here is how the atomic force microscope (AFM)8 responds to the charge density wave state. This question is of interest from two points of view: (1) Concerning the AFM technique, the in vestigation of CDW systems may provide further insight into the relationship between the electronic surface structure and the force response. This will hopefully lead to a better understanding of what AFM is sensitive to. (2) Concerning the CDW state, it may be interesting to investigate a possible local pressure dependence of the CDW state by using AFM. In Table I we summarize the information provided by the different experimental techniques. II. EXPERIMENTAL Single crystals of the transition metal dichalcogenides 1 T TaS2 and IT -TaSez have been chosen as samples since they exhibit a charge density wave state at room temperature. Freshly cleaved surfaces remain free of oxides even in air within the time needed for the AFM and STM experiments as checked independently by Auger electron spectroscopy. The AFM instrument used for the investigation of the 1 T TaXz (X = S, Se) single crystals has already been described earlier.9 For the experiments reported here, we used Si02 cantilevers produced by microfabrication techniqueslO with spring constants between 0.3 and 1.0 N/m. The deflection of the cantilever while scanning the sample is monitored by electron tunneling between the rear side of the cantilever and a STM tip. Therefore by removing the cantilever, the instru ment can work as a STM. The forces acting between the probing tip and the sample in the AFM experiment can be evaluated from Zt (zs) plots, where z, is the movement ofthe tip and Zs is the movement of the sample both perpendicular to the sample surface. This is discussed in detail in a forth coming publication. II All AFM measurements reported here have been performed with repulsive forces in the range of 10-8_10-7 N. In Figs. 1 (a) and 1 (b) we present an AFM overview im age showing a 340 X 340 nm2 area on the IT -TaS2 surface. Several terraces separated by steps of various heights (one and three times the unit cell height) can be identified. A similar morphology was also observed on the 1 T -TaSe2 sur face as studied by AFM and STM. After zooming into the terraces, atomic resolution could be obtained by using both techniques. In Fig. 2 we present an AFM image of a 8 X 8 nmz surface area on IT -TaSe2 obtained in the variable de flection mode of operation where the tunneling current flow ing between the r~ar side of the lever and the STM tip is digitized. The atomic lattice is clearly resolved, whereas a 495 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 8 (1), JanlFeb 1990 0734-2101/90/010495-05$01.00 © 1990 American Vacuum Society 495 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:29:27496 Meyer et al.: Different response of AFM and STM to COW 496 'fABLE I. Information about CDW systems provided by different experimental techniques. Experimental Bulk Surface technique sensitive sensitive X-ray diffraction X Neutron diffraction X Electron diffraction X He scattering X STM X AFM X superlattice structure due to the CDW state is totally absent. This experimental result was confirmed for other 1 T -TaX2 samples as well and was found to be independent of the ap plied loading in the range of 1O-x and 10-7 N. The lattice soA (a) (b) 1T-TaSe2 AFM 3 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.1, Jan/Feb 1990 Superlattice structure detectable X X X X X ? Sensitive toPLD X X X X Sensitive to charge mod. of condo electrons X X constant on the 1 T -TaSe2 surface was determined to be 0.35 ± 0.01 nm, in good agreement with the bulk value of 0.3477 nm. An atomic corrugation of 0.02-0.04 nm could be estimated. The absence of a superlattice structure in Fig. 2 FIG. I. AFM imageofa 340X 340 nm2 surface area on IT -TaS2. Several steps can be observed with step heights be ing multiples of the unit cell height (0.586 nm). (a) Line-scan representa tion, (b) perspective view. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:29:27497 Meyer et al.: Different response of AFM and STM to CDW implies that a possible existent CDW corrugation is at least an order of magnitude smaller than the atomic corrugation, i.e., smaller than ~0.005 nm. STM measurements have been performed on the same sin gle crystal shortly after the data acquisition of the AFM image shown in Fig. 2 by just removing the cantilever. In Fig. 3 we present a STM image of a 8 X 8 nmz surface area on 1 T -TaSez obtained by current imaging with a mean tunnel ing current of 1= 1 nA and a sample bias voltage of U = + 30 m V. The image is dominated by the m X m superlattice due to the CDW state as reported earlier.1Z In another series of STM measurements on IT -TaSez, the CDW superlattice structure and the atomic lattice could be imaged simultaneously as shown in Figs. 4 (a) and 4 (b). The CDW corrugation in this constant current STM image is ~0.27 ± 0.03 nm, whereas the atomic corrugation is ~0.08 ± 0.01 nm. The sample bias voltage was higher (0.45 V) than for the STM image presented in Fig. 3. However, the ability to resolve the atomic lattice in addition to the CDW superlattice by STM is believed to depend more on the state of the tip than on the tunneling parameters. Finally, we present a STM image of a 12 X 12 nm z surface area on IT-TaSe z (Fig. 5) demonstrating that the CDW superlattice persists right up to a step. III. DISCUSSION The different response of AFM to the CDW state in com parison to STM and He scattering is certainly remarkable. At present, we can give only qualitative arguments for this experimental result, whereas a profound understanding can be obtained only by a well elaborated theory which is hope fully motivated by the presentation of this work. It is well known that CDW formation results from a Fer mi surface instability leading to both a periodic lattice distor- o.lA/div 16A/div J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.1, Jan/Feb 1990 497 tion (PLD) and a spatial modulation of the density of states near the Fermi level. The latter can be probed directly by STM which is therefore a highly sensitive technique for studying the CDW state although the PLD seems to be be low the detection limit of present STMs. On the other hand, AFM is believed to respond to the total charge density at the sample surface and should therefore be less sensitive to the CDW state. Thus we can understand qualitatively the differ ent response ofSTM and AFM. However, there remains the problem of understanding the different experimental results in AFM and He scattering experiments. It has been shown \3 that the He-surface interaction ener gy is basically proportional to the substrate total electron density at the He site. The He scattering potential and the surface total electron density are therefore directly related. Thus we expect the corrugations derived from He scattering and AFM experiments to be comparable in size. The He diffraction pattern usually can be satisfactorily explained in terms of scattering from a rigid wall, whose corrugation is described by a shape function z = b(R) having the periodic ity of the surface lattice. For CDW systems one can write5 b(R) = bo(R) + bcow (R), where bo(R) describes the atomic lattice and bCDW (R) the deformation induced by the CDW state. From the He scat tering experiments on 1 T -TaSz at 80 K,5 an atomic corruga tion of 0.052 nm and a corrugation of 0.037 nm due to the CDW superlattice are derived. Even if one is concerned with the derivation of the absolute amount of corrugation from the He diffraction experiment, the results clearly indicate that the atomic and the CDW corrugation should be of the same order of magnitUde. This is in strong contrast to the AFM results and can not simply be explained by a reduction of the order parameter at 300 K in comparison to 80 K since this reduction is only of a small amount due to the high transition temperature (~600 K) between the normal state 16A/div FIG. 2. AFM image of a 8 X 8 nm2 surface area on IT -TaSe2 obtained in the variable deflection mode and with a loading of3 X 10-" N. Thepe riodicity of 0.35 ± 0.01 nm agrees well with the atomic lattice constant (0.3477 nm) of IT-TaSe2• Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:29:27498 Meyer et al.: Different response of AFM and STM to COW lA/div 16A/div and the CDW state for the IT-TaX2 compounds. There might be several other explanations for the different re sponse of AFM and He scattering to the CDW state. One possible reason might be the influence of local applied pres sure in the AFM experiment. It is well known that transi- 2A/div (a) lOA/div (bl J. Vac. ScI. Techno\. A, Vol. 8, No.1, Jan/Feb 1990 16A/div 498 FIG. 3. STM image of a 8 X 8 nm' surface area on IT-TaSe, obtained in the current imaging mode (I = InA, U = + 0.030 V). The image was acquired shortly after that shown in Fig. 2 by removing the cantilever. The .,ff3 x.,ff3 superlattice due to the CDW state is dominant. tions between different CDW phases in transition metal di chalcogenides are highly pressure sensitive since pressure leads to significant changes in the band shape for the layer compounds by reducing their two-dimensionality.'4 For 1 T -TaX2, the transition temperatures Ttrans between differ- lOA/div FIG. 4. STM imageofa 3.3 X 3.9 nm' surface area on IT -TaSe, obtained in the constant current mode (/ = InA, U = + 0.450 V). The CDW superlattice and the atomic lat tice can be observed simultaneously. (a) Line-scan representation, (b) perspective view. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:29:27499 Meyer et al.: Different response of AFM and STM to CDW 5A/div 40A/div ent CDW phases usually decrease with increasing uniform applied pressure by an amount of IdTtrans /dpl-3-5 K/kbar. The nonobservation of the CDW state by AFM could be explained if we assume that a reduction of the tran sition temperatures, or in general a depression of the CDW state, occurs when local pressure is applied such as in an AFM experiment where pressures of -100 kbar can be esti mated for reasonable values for the area of contact of -1 nm2 and a loading of 10 -8 N. A further reduction of the applied loading would be highly desirable in order to investi gate a possible local pressure dependence of the CDW state, but this has led to experimental difficulties so far. Instead we have performed tunneling experiments with a conducting cantilever where the tunneling image clearly showed the CDW superlattice. By varying the tunneling resistance be tween 30 M!1 and 300 k!1, a force change of 10 -9 N could be determined from the lever deflection. Although we cannot determine the absolute value offorce by this method, we can give a lower limit for the force of about 10-9 N. Finally, frictional forces may also play an important role for the imaging mechanism of 1 T -TaX2 by AFM and may lead to differences between AFM and He scattering results. IV. SUMMARY We have presented the first atomic resolution studies of the charge density wave systems 1 T -TaS2 and 1 T -TaSe2 by AFM showing the absence of a CDW modulation for an applied loading of 10-8_10-7 N in contrast to STM and He scattering experiments. Possible reasons for this absence have been discussed, including the influence oflocal applied pressure in the AFM experiment. Other explanations may be given such as possible differences in the surface potential probed in AFM and He scattering experiments. This prob lem is left open for future theoretical work. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.1, Jan/Feb 1990 40A/div ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 499 FIG. 5. STM image of a 12X 12 nm2 surface area on 1 T -TaSe2 obtained in the constant current mode (l = 1 nA, U = + 0.400 V). The CDW superlattice is shown to persist right up to a step. We would like to thank R. Buser and N. De Rooij (lnsti tut de Microtechnique, Neuchatel) for the production of Si02 cantilevers), R. Schnyder and A. Tonin for technical help, and T. Richmond for proofreading the manuscript. Financial support from the Swiss National Science Founda tion and the Kommission zur Forderung der wissenschaftli chen Forschung is gratefully acknowledged. 'For a recent review, see G. Griiner, Rev. Mod. Phys. 60,1129 (1988). 2Shiyou Pei, N. J. Zaluzec, J. D. Jorgensen, B. Dabrowski, D. G. Hinks, A. W. Mitchell, and D. R. Richards, Phys. Rev. B 39, 811 (1989). 'J. A. Wilson, F. J. DiSalvo, and S. Mahajan, Adv. Phys. 24, 117 (1975). 4G. Boato, P. Cantini, and R. Colella, Phys. Rev. Lett. 42, 1635 (1979). 'P. Cantini, G. Boato, and R. Colella, Physica B 99,59 (1980). "G. Binnig, H. Rohrer, Ch. Gerber, and E. Weibel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49,57 (1982) . 7See, for example, R. V. Coleman, B. Drake, P. K. 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Friend, in Proceedings of the International Conference on CDW in Solids, Budapest, 1984, edited Gy Hutiray and J. Solyom (Springer, Berlin, 1985), p. 80; F. J. DiSalvo, R. G. Maines, and J. V. Waszczak, Solid State Commum. 14,497 (1974). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:29:27
Optical and electrochemical studies of passive film formation in amorphous NiCrPC alloys D. B. Hagan, B. W. Sloope, and V. A. Niculescu Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 3942 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.344024 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.344024 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/8?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Amorphous layer formation on a Ni65Cr15P16B4 alloy by irradiation of an intense pulsed ion beam Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 206 (1995); 10.1063/1.114668 Formation and diffusion behavior of intermixed and segregated amorphous layers in sputtered NiCr films on Si J. Appl. Phys. 73, 4023 (1993); 10.1063/1.352869 Chemistry of corrosion layers on amorphous FeNiCrPB alloys J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 18, 722 (1981); 10.1116/1.570935 Magnetic Properties of Amorphous NiP Alloys AIP Conf. Proc. 18, 646 (1974); 10.1063/1.3141790 Electrical Resistivity and Magnetic Susceptibility of Amorphous Cr–Ni–Pt–P Alloys J. Appl. Phys. 42, 5184 (1971); 10.1063/1.1659916 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:07:33to be caused by formation of an amorphous layer at grain boundaries. Thermal annealing after ion irradiation causes irreversible compositional changes near the film surface. 14,15 We do not observe such severe segregation in our films even though our doses and annealing temperatures are relatively high. White et al. 16 found that the damage due to the films is greater when they are implanted below 90 K. Our films may have escaped this level of damage because they were im planted at room temperature. The above results show that a Y -Ba-Cu-O film can be compensated for a Cu deficiency by ion implantation with a significant improvement in zero-resistance temperature. Better results may result with closer approach to the stoi choimetric composition. This work was supported by the Assistant Secretary for Conservation and Renewable Energy, Office of Energy Stor age and Distribution, Energy Storage Division, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC03- 76SF00098. The authors wish to thank Professor A. Zettl for the use of resistance measurement apparatus, and Dr. K. M. Yu for performing the RBS analysis. IG. J. Clark, A. D. Marwick, R. H. Koch, and R. B. Laibowitz, App!. Phys. Lett. 51, 139 (1987). 2G. J. Clark. F. K. LeGoues, A. D. Marwick, R. B. Laibowitz, and R. Koch, App!. Phys. Lett. 51,1462 (1987). 'R. H. Koch, C. P. Umbach, G. J. Clark, P. Chaudari, andR. B. Laibowilz, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 200 (1987). 4M. Nastasi, J. R. Tesmer. M. G. Hollander, J. F. 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It was found that the aHoy passivates with a current density of 10-I A/m2 extending to 1.0 V with current density dependent upon surface morphology. In the transpassive region under constant current density conditions the reflectance of the film exhibits strong interference phenomena and overall exponential decay in intensity. The behavior of the system in this region is described with a single thin-film optical model consistent with the formation of a chromium phosphate deposit layer which increases in thickness at a rate of7 nm/s at a 1.67 mV /s sweep rate. Amorphous nickel based alloys have been of interest for their mechanical, magnetic, and corrosion properties. i5 In particular, they display enhanced corrosion resistance and passivity relative to crystalline alloys of the same composi tion and passivity enhancement as a function of increased concentration of certain metals, notably Cr and Mo. In the Ni-Cr-type alloys the corrosion enhancement is due to the formation of a passivating chromium oxyhydroxide film.b•i tcntiodynamic polarization and monochromatic reflectance measurements on an amorphous Ni-14Cr-17P-O.5C aHoy in order to obtain real time information on passive film forma tion and surface morphology of this system. The samples used (Mfr. Id, No. MBF65, provided by Allied Corporation Metglas Products DivisionS) have a nominal composition Ni-14Cr-17P-O.5C. They are pro duced in ribbons, 5.0 em wide and 35 J-tm thick, and cut for use in circular form with a 0.79 cm2 exposed area. The sam- In this communication we performed simultaneous po- 3942 J. Appl. Phys. 66 (8),15 October 1989 0021-8979/89/203942-04$02.40 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 3942 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:07:33SPECTROPHOTOMETER Le '--c O-M-P-U-T-E-R-~ PLO HER I FIG. l. The block diagram of the instrument. pIes, as supplied, had one shiny side and the other side some what duller in appearance. The foils were analyzed by x-ray diffraction and found to be uniformly amorphous. This study was carried out with a computer-controlled instru ment which allows simultaneous in situ measurements of near-normal monochromatic reflectance for wavelengths from 300 to 800 nm and several electrochemical processes. A block diagram of the instrument is shown in Fig.1. Electro chemical measurements have been carried out with a three electrode potentiostat and cell which is an expansion of the instrument which has been reported9 with enhanced com puter capabilities. A standard Agi Agel reference electrode was used. The potentiodynamic polarization was performed at a sweep rate of 1.67 m V Is through the corrosion potential up to 1,8 V in IN H2S04, The current limit imposed on the system is 13.65 mA or a current density of 171 A/m2 with the 0.79 cm2 sample area. The optical reflectance was mea sured through a bifurcated fiber optics tube fitted in the elec trochemical cell in a manner suggested by Puyn and Park to and by Reed and Hawkridge.11 '" :r E ""- <>: >-II .... iii z w 0 0 .... z w 0:: a:: :> -I u '" c -' -2 -3L-~~--~------~------~ -0.2 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 POTENT:AL (A~/AgCI) FIG. 2.l'otentiodynamic polarization of the dull and shiny sides ofMBF65 in IN H, S04 at a sweep rate of 1.67 m V Is. Polarization current density and reflectance as a func tion of potential were measured for dull, shiny, and polished samples of both surfaces for multiple samples of the MBF65 with very good repeatability. Surface structure and mor phology were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive x-ray dot mapping. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) spectra from the surface of treated samples was performed with a Physical Electron ics 5100 ESCA system with MgKa excitation. Film thick ness was measured on polished samples with a Reichert po larizing interferometer in 590-nm light. An Abbe refractometer was used to determine the index of refraction of the electrolyte at a temperature of 20°C. SEM studies of the sample surfaces showed convolu tions on the dun side while the shiny side was smooth and 3 ~------~~-------'--------~---------r--------,1.0 N 2i-, E i "-« 1 >-I ~ t: (J) z w 0 0 f- Z I.IJ ac a; :;:) -I (.) Cl 0 ...I -2 REFLECTANCE CURRENT DENSITY 0.8 o n:: "- 0.6 n:: w 0.4 0.2 (.) FIG. 3. Potentiodynamic polarization ofMBF 65 ~ in IN H, SO. at a sweep rate of 1.67 TIl V Is with t; normalized reflectance. w .-l !.l. W c:: -3 L-__ J-____ L-______ ~~ ______ ~ ________ _L ________ ~ 0 -0.2 0.2 0.6 i.0 1.4 1.8 POTENTIAL (liS Ag/Agel) 3943 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.8, 15 October 1989 Hagan, Sioope, and Niculescu 3943 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:07:33TABLE I. Single thin-film model optical parameters used in Eq. (1). nrn Electrolyte 400 532 Film" 400 532 Metal alloy" 400 532 Values obtained from the following: a Refractometry of fluid at I. 7 V. b Fit to curve. n k f3 1.36" O.Olb 0.25' 1.36" D.Oj" 0.0S' 1.58 0.019 1.58 0.019 1.81 3.12 1.81 3.12 C Absorption spectroscopy 0.245 mm I at 400, 0.055 mm I at 532 nrn. "Values are for Cr2P04 (Ref. 16). e By ellipsometry. featureless. Semiquantitative analysis showed no measura ble variations in composition of the two sides to within ap proximately 1 ,urn depth. This is in contrast to the results reported for a related system of amorphous Fe-Ni-Cr-C, 12, Ll where a gradient of composition for chromium was found with higher chromium concentration on the dull side of the film. The potentiomdynamic polarization measurements (Fig. 2) yielded different characteristics of current density in the region near the corrosion potential depending upon the surface morphology. The dull samples exhibited an ac tive region while the shiny side passivated spontaneously. Since the current density curves for the polished dull and the shiny sides are identical, only the results for the shiny surface are reported. 14 The current density curve (Fig. 2), exhibited the gen eral chararacteristics as those reported by Kawashima, Asami, and Hashimoto15 for Ni-9Cr-lSP-SB in 2N H2S04 with spontaneous passivation and a comparable current den sity in the passive region. According to Hashimoto and co-workers,7 amorphous alloys containing certain amounts of Cr and P passivate by forming a film consisting entirely of hydrated chromium ox yhydroxide [CrOx (OH)} 2x·nH20). Kawashima et alY reported that a Ni-lOCr-20P alloy in IN /HCI showed pref erential dissolution of nickel accompanied by increased sur face concentrations of chromium and phosphorus yielding chromium oxyhydroxide and chromium phosphate films. Our results are consistent with the above and can be under stood in terms of the dissolution ofNi from the surface, and with the film-forming properties of Cr and P in amorphous alloy systems.7,IS.16 Near-normal reflectance measurements were made in situ at wavelengths of 400, 532, and 700 nm during anodic polarization from the corrosion potential up to 1.7 V. Typi cal results are shown in Fig. 3. As current increases at about ].0 V the reflectance exhibits an overall decay in intensity with fluctuations which become quite uniformly periodic in the region of constant current. The relative decrease in inten sity is strongly dependent upon wavelength. The interfero metric measurements of film thickness on a polished surface anodically swept to the point of the first reflectance maxi mum in 400-nm light indicated the presence of a surface film about 130 nm thick. The above results suggest that overall increase in absorption and the periodic fluctuations of the reflectance can be related to a film-forming process with the film thickness increasing with time and potential. A simple model was developed which consists of a single dielectric thin film with a single reflection at each of the two 0.8.--------,,--------,,--------,---------,--------, 0.7 o 0.6 0::: ...... 0::: w u z « t; 0.4 w .....J u.. ~ 0.3 0.2 MODEL 532 nm VV\ DATA 0.1 ~ ________ L-______ ~~ ______ ~ ________ ~ ________ ~ 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 t.65 1.70 POTENTIAL (vs Ag/Agel) 3944 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.8, 15 October 1989 FIG. 4. Plot of normalized reflectance of the sur face and the theoretical single-layer model for MRF65 (Ni-14Cr-IOP-0.5C) in IN H2S04 at 400 and 500 nm. Hagan, Sioope, and Niculescu 3944 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:07:33interfaces: electrolyte/film and film/metal. Using the data in Table I, the relative intensity, or reflectance, as a function of film thickness t2 can be expressed as follows: 1= [exp( -2f3t.) 1 [ifo + (1 -ifo)~ exp( ~ 2at2) + 2uout (1 -~ )exp( -at2)cos(o) ], (1) where 0"0 and U1 are the reflection coefficients at normal incidence of the top and lower interfaces (a function of their respective indices of refraction n and absorption k), a is the film absorption coefficient equal to 4iTkoA, and 8 is the two beam phase difference which is a function of the film thick ness, its index of refraction, and the phase change of the reflection from each interface. The electrolyte was taken as an optical medium with an index of absorption f3 and thick ness t •. For the index of refraction of the film we took n = 1.58, the value for chromium phosphate reported in the transpassive region in a similar system (Ni-IOCr-lOP) by Kawashima 7 in IN HCI. Values of nand k for the untreated polished surface are in general agreement with the published values for nickeL 17 For a comparison of the results calculated from the model and the experimental data, the potential was related to thickness by assuming the increase in thickness between successive reflectance maxima as 1/2 a wavelength of the monitoring light. This comparison is shown in Fig.4 for wavelengths of 400 and 532 nm. At both wavelengths the overall exponential decay of reflectance shows good agree ment with the predicted absorption by both the film and the electrolyte. At both 400 and 532 nm the film growth rate is approximately 7 nm/s at a 1.67 m V Is sweep rate. IS We wish to acknowledge the very helpful suggestions and assistance of Dr. F. M. Hawkridge, Dr. D. D. ShiHady, Dr. L. M. Vallarino, and J. Scrivener of the Virginia Com monwealth University Chemistry Department and Dr. A. S. Arrott from Simon Fraser University. IH. Beck and H. J. Guntherodt, Eds., Glassy Metals II (Springer, Berlin, 1983). 2K. Hashimoto, in Passivity of Metals and Semiconductors, edited by M. Fremont (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983), p. 235. JR. B. Dieg\e, N. R. Sorcllsen, T. Tsuru, and R. M. Latanision, in Trealise of Materials and Technology, edited by J. C. Scully (Academic, New York. 1983), p. 59. ·V. A. Niculescu, J. Hammcrberg, and B. W. Sloope, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 30,521 (1985). 'V. A. Niculescu and J. Hammerberg, J. Electrochem. Soc. 123, 3, (1985). "K. Hashimoto, Suppl. Sci. Rep. Res. lnst. (Tohoku Univ.), A-28 (1980). 7 A. Kawashima, K. Asarni, and K. Hashimoto, Corras. Sci. 24, 807 (1984). 'Allied Corporation Metglas Products Department, 6 Eastrnans Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054. °D. B. Hagan, V.A. Niculescu, and J. Spivey, Rev. Sci. lnstrum. 58, 468 (1987); 56, 2339 (1987); J. Electrochem. Soc. 123, C375 (1985). lOCo H. Pyun and S. M. Park, Anal. Chern. 58, 251 (1986). liD. E. Reed and F. M. Hawkridge, Anal. Chern. 59, 2334 (1987). I~I. Nagy, T. Tarnoczi, M. Hosso, and F. Pavlayak, Proceedings of the Sym posium on Rapidly Quenc:hed Metals (1983), p. 223. ,,]. Farkas, L. Kiss, A. Lovlas, P. Kovac~, and E. Geczi, Proceedings of the Symposium of Rapidly Quenched Metals (1983), p. 367. 14D, B. Hagan, Thesis, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA,1988. !SA. Kawashima, K. Asarni, and K. Hashimoto, J. Non-eryst. Solids 70,69 (1985). I<'Masumoto and K. Hashimoto, Ann. Rev. Mater. Sci. e8, 894 (1978). I7R. W. Ditchburn, Light, 3rd ed. (Academic, New York, 1976), p. 261. ISD. B. Hagan, V. A. Niculescu, and H. W. Sloope, Mater. Res. Bull. 23, 1009 (1988). Preparation and characterization of the fined tetrahedral semiconductor UZnP fUm on quartz K. Kuriyama, T. Katoh, and S. Tsuji College of Engineering and Research Center of Ion Beam Technology, Hosei University, Koganei, Tokyo 184, Japan (Received 30 March 1989; accepted for publication 12 June 1989) A direct wide-gap semiconductor LiZnP has been prepared by rapid evaporation onto a quartz substrate. Various characterization techniques such as x-ray analysis, Rutherford backscattering analysis, and scanning electron microscopy were used to evaluate the quality of the films. Single-phase films were obtained by annealing during 40 min at substrate temperatures ranging from 400 to 440 ·C. The grains in the films were oriented preferentially to the < 111) direction with increasing substrate temperature. The optical transmission of the LiZnP films was observed to the short wavelength beyond an absorption edge ( -600 nm) of bulk materials, This suggests the existence of the imperfection such as accumulated impurities at grain boundaries. Recently, Wood, Zunger, and de Grootl have discussed the susceptibility of zinc-blende semiconductors to band structure modification by the insertion of small atoms at their tetrahedral interstitial sites. Their electronic structure calculation has predicted that LiZnP [viewed as a zinc blende-like (ZnP) -lattice partially filled with He-like Li + interstitials] is a novel type of direct-gap semiconductor, not encountered in any cubic III-V material. Among cubic III- 3945 J. Appl. Phys. 66 (8), 15 October 1989 0021-8979/89/203945-03$02.40 (1;) 1989 American Institute of Physics 3945 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:07:33
Ferroelectricferroelastic properties of K3Fe5F1 5 and the phase transition at 490 K J. Ravez, S. C. Abrahams, and R. de Pape Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 65, 3987 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.343369 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.343369 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/65/10?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Phase transition dependence on composition in ferroelectric–ferroelastic K3−x Fe5F1 5 for 0≤x≤0.20 J. Appl. Phys. 67, 2681 (1990); 10.1063/1.345485 Mössbauer study of Fe2 +/Fe3 + order–disorder and electron delocalization in K3Fe5F1 5 at the 490K phase transition J. Appl. Phys. 67, 430 (1990); 10.1063/1.345219 Ferroelectric–ferroelastic Tb2(MoO4)3 crystal structure temperature dependence from 298 K through the transition at 436 K to the antiferroelectric–paraelastic phase at 523 K J. Chem. Phys. 72, 4278 (1980); 10.1063/1.439720 Variable frequency SAW resonators on ferroelectricferroelastics Appl. Phys. Lett. 32, 129 (1978); 10.1063/1.89971 Domain wall dynamics in ferroelectric/ferroelastic molybdates J. Appl. Phys. 46, 1068 (1975); 10.1063/1.322212 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 07:15:31Ferroelectric-ferroelastic properti,es of K3FeSF1S and the phase transition at 490 K J. Ravez Laboratoire de Chimie du Solide du CNRS, Uniuersite de Bordeaux L 351 cours de fa Liberation, 33405 Tafence Cedex, France S. C. Abrahamss) AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 R. de Pape Laboratoire desjiuorures, Universite du Maine, 72017 Le Mans, France (Received 1 November 1988; accepted for publication 30 January 1989) K3FesF IS has previously been predicted to be both ferroelectric and ferroelastic, with a phase transition at 535 K, on ,the basis of the atomic coordinates given in Acta Crystallogr. Sect. B 29; 1654 (1973). Subsequently, the dielectric permittivity has been found to reach a maximum at 495 ( 10) K as the dielectric loss undergoes a change in slope, characteristic offerroelectric behavior. Furthermore, the heat capacity exhibits a A-type anomaly at 490( 10) K, with a corresponding entropy change of M = 5.5 (2) J mol-I K -I. The entropy change at the phase transition calculated from the predicted change in structure is 5.42 J mol-I K -I. Ferroelastic domains present at room temperature disappear sharply on heating above 490( 10) K, as K3FesFIs transforms from orthorhombic to tetragonal symmetry, and reappear on cooling below 480( 10) K. The ferroelectric-ferroelastic properties in the orthorhombic phase are shown to be fully coupled. INTRODUCTION Ferroelectric behavior has now been reported in six structurally different families of inorganic fluorides, repre sented by (NH4hBeF4,1,2 BaMnF4,3-S Li(N2Hs)BeF4•6 SrAIFs,7,8 Pb3(TiF6)2,9 and BaSGa3FI9'1O The phase transi tion temperature in these fluorides varies widely with mate rial, ranging from 176 K for (NH4)2BeF4 to 1070 K for BaSGa3F 19' In the case of BaMnF 4, the crystal melts at a lower temperature than that expected for the transition to a higher-symmetry phase. Structural criteria for predicting ferroelectricity in inor ganic crystals have recently been developed. II The criteria also allow an estimate to be made of the corresponding tem perature at which the transition to the higher-symmetry phase takes place. Preparatory to undertaking a systematic examination of the atomic coordinates of all materials in each of the polar point groups reported in the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database, 12 an analysis was made in 1987 of the structural data listed therein for space group Pba2. Ferroelectricity was thereby predicted in seven new inorgan ic materials.13 Confirmation of the prediction made for Na13Nb3S094 has now been presented.14 Experimental re sults confirming the second of these predictions, for K3FesF IS' is given below. ATOMIC DISPLACEMENT BASIS FOR FERROELECTRICITY AND FERROELASTICITY IN K3Fe5F15 K3FesF 15 is reported to crystallize in the polar space group Pba2, with a = 12.750(2), b = 12.637(2), c = 3.986(2) A and two formulas in the unit cell at room temperature. 15 The atomic arrangement exhibits a deforma- a) Present address: Institut fiir Kristallographie der Universitiit Tiibingen, Charlottenstr. 33, 0-7400 Tiibingen, Federal RepUblic of Germany: tion of the tetragonal tungsten bronze structure as found, for example, in ferroelectric Ba3 TiNb40 15 (Ref. 16) and is com parable to the orthorhombic distortion reported in ferroelec tric Bax Sr2,5 _ x Nbs015.17 The xyz atomic coordinates 15 of K3Fe5F 15 are presented in Table 1. Also given in Table I is a related set of Xly'ZI coordinates for which the sense of the polar c axis is reversed. Differences between the two sets of coordinates lead to the atomic displacements ~ = x -'-x', Lly = y -y', and Llz = z -Z'. The largest Llx or Lly displace ment [for F(7) and F(8)] is 0.011 A, the largest Llz dis placement [for F (5) and F ( 6)] is 0.638 A; the common Llz displacement for Fe(2) and Fe(3) is 0.327 A. The relationship between the two sets of coordinates may be expressed as xyz = jixz + Ll, where Ll is the vector sum Llx + Lly + Llz. Additional normal symmetry relation ships used in deriving X'y'ZI values in Table I are the equiv alence between xyz and xyz; ! -x, ! + y, z; and! + x, ! -y, z. The primary coordinate relationship may also be ex pressed in terms of the unit cell transformation: abc = bac + Ll. (1) It should be noted in Eq. (1) that the a axis is replaced by the transposed b axis together with a change in sense, the b axis is simply replaced by the transposed a axis, while the polar c axis is reversed in sense. The transformation in Eq. (1) may be interpreted as showing that the a and b axes are ferroelastically inter changed as the polar axis direction is reversed ferroelectri cally, since the displacement Ll/2 is less than 0.32 A for all atoms. II Considering the Fe-F bonds as the strongest and least ionic in this crystal, the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition temperature may be predicted by means of the largest displacement required for an Fe atom to return to the paraelectric m~rror plane at z =!, i.e., a displacement of Llz/2 = 0.163 A, from the relationship, 18 3987 J, Appl. Phys, 65 (10), 15 May 1989 0021-8979/89/103987-04$02.40 © 1989 American Institute of Physics 3987 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 07:15:31TABLE I. Atomic coordinates for K,FesF IS with reversed spontaneous polarization and reoriented spontaneous strain at room temperature. Atom x :y z x' y' z' K(1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 K(2) 0.1729(9) 0.6729(9) 0.008(11 ) 0.1729 0.6729" -0.008 Fe(1) 0 ! 0.501(9) 0 !a 0.499 Fe(2) 0.0763(4) 0.2135(4) 0.541(7) 0.0763 . 0.2136b 0.459 Fe(3) 0.7864(4) 0.0763(4) 0.541 (7) 0.7865 0.0763b 0.459 F(1) 0 ! 0.030(61) 0 ! -0.030 F(2) 0.2785(14) 0.7783(14) 0.549(19) 0.2783 0.7785" 0.451 F(3) 0.0734 ( 18) 0.2067(18) 0.041(23) 0.0734 0.2065c -0.043 F(4) 0.7935(17) 0.0734(18) 0.043(22) 0.7933 0.0734c -0.041 F(5) 0.3502(14) . 0.0065(13) 0.580( 12) 0.3497 0.0066c 0.420 F(6) 0.9934(13) 0.3497(14) 0.580( 12) 0.9935 0.3502c. 0.420 F(7) 0.1372(15) 0.0728 ( 14) 0.527(18) 0.1374 0.0719c 0.471 F(8) 0.9281(14) 0.1374(15) . 0.529( 18) 0.9272 0.1372c 0.473 "x' = ! -y, y' = ! + x, since xyz and ! + x, ! -y, z are equivalent positions in Pba2, and the sign of y in x' = ! -y is reversed. bFe(2) and Fe(3) exchange identity, CF(3) and F(4); F(5) and F(6); and F(7) and F(8) exchange identity. (2) in which .5Y is a force constant, k is Boltzmann's constant and .5Y /2k=2.0X 104 K A. -z. The predicted transition temperature Tc is hence 535 K from Eq. (2). It may be noted'that Eq. (1) could be replaced by abc::;::: bac + il' followed, at a different temperature, by bac = bac + il". Such a two-step phase transition (or, alternatively, abc = abc + il' followed by abc = bac + il") wcnIld be readily detectable calorimetrically. As demonstrated below, K3FesF IS exhibits a single-phase transition at 490 K, hence Eq. (1) is indeed applicable with its requirement that the ferroelectricity and ferroelasticity in K3FesF IS be fully cou pled. PREPARATION AND CRYSTAL GROWTH Poly crystalline K3FesF IS was prepared by the method of de Pape, 19 in which stoichiometric quantities ofKF, FeFz, . and FeF3 are allowed to react at 1000 K under dry argon in a sealed gold tube, thereafter maintaining this temperature for 15 h. The resulting microcrystalline product is dark brown in color. Extending the length of heat treatment at 1000 K to 15 d promotes grain growth, leading to maximum dimen sions for the single crystals thereby produced in this process ofO.2XO.2XO.l mm. . CRYSTAL DATA K3Fe5FI5 crystallizes in the orthorhombic systemlS with space group and lattice constants at room temperature as given above. The measured density of 3.49(2) g cm-3 compares well with the calculated value of 3.52 g cm-3 for two formulas in the unit cell. The spontaneous strain as giv enzo byes = (a -b)/(a + b) == 4.45X 10-3. The coercive stress E\2 required to rotate es by 90· could not be measured quantitatively on the small crystals grown by the present method. 3988 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.1 0, 15 May 1989 OPTICAL STUDY Examination of several single crystals in a Leitz Ortho lux II Pol model polarizing microscope reveals the presence of characteristic 90· ferroelastic domain patterns. On heat ing the crystals, under flowing dry helium, the domains dis appear sharply above 490( 10) K and reappear on cooling below 480 ( 10) K. Crystals viewed. along the c-axis direction become optically isotropic above Tc. CALORIMETRIC STUDY The heat capacity of K3FesF 15 was measured repeated ly, on samples weighing 550-900mg, between 300 and 750 K in a differential fluxmeter calorimeter. In initial measure ments, each sample was encapSUlated in a gold tube sealed under dry argon and placed within the alumina sample hold er. Setting the microcrystalline sample directly within the alumina holder under dry argon was later found to improve the accuracy in measuring ilB. The specific heat undergoes a A-type anomaly at 490( 10) K as shown in Fig. 1, with en thalpy change ilB = 2700( 100) J mol-I and 'entropy change ilS = 5.5(2) J mol-I K-I at Tc- --" -; '0 e 3 \.,)<>. <l 100 50 450 500 TEMPERATURE (K) 550 FIG. I. Thermal dependence of the heat capacity ofK,FesF ls between 430 and 560 K. Ravez, Abrahams, and de Pape 3988 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 07:15:31DIELECTRIC PERMITTIVITY The relative dielectric permittivity €; = Cx/Co, where Co is the capacitance of the empty cell and Cx is the capaci tance of the cell and sample, was measured under dry helium at 102, 103, and 104 Hz as a function of temperature. Ceramic samples were prepared by heating K3FesF 15 microcrystals, in the form of I-mm-thick, 8-mm-diam disks, under a pres sure of 10 kN cm-2 in sealed gold tubes under dry argon and holding the temperature at 940 K for 1 h. Gold electrodes were deposited on both disk faces by cathodic sputtering. The resulting thermal dependence of the permittivity is shown in Fig. 2. The dielectric permittivity exhibits a sharp maximum at 495 ( 10) K in addition to a major change in the slope of the dielectric loss at a temperature about 30 K below Tc. At 102, 103, and 104 Hz, respectively, the dielectric loss tan {j is about 0.2,0.05, and 0.01 at 295 K rising rapidly to about 1.0, 0.4, and 0.1 at 455 K. Above 475 K, tan {j rises sharply and nearly linearly to about 440, 80, and 11 at 575 K. Both di electric anomalies are characteristic of a ferroelectric-para electric phase transition. The dispersion of about 10 K ob served in the permittivity maximum over the measured frequency range is suggestive of dielectric relaxation. Strong dispersion is characteristic of relaxor ferroelectrics.21.22 300 250 -'-III >- ~ 200 i= I- ~ II:: W a. u 150 g w 15 w > ~ 100 w II:: 50 300 400 500 TEMPERATURE (K) FIG. 2. Thermal dependence of the relative dielectric permittivity (E;) on heating KJFeSF IS ceramic specimens between 300 and 550 K. Measure ments at 102 Hz are represented by diamonds, at 10' Hz by squares, and at 104 Hz by circles. 3989 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No. 10, 15 May 1989 RESISTIVITY THERMAL DEPENDENCE The possibility of a resistivity anomaly at Tc caused by the expected disordering of the Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions above the phase transition, see below, led to a series of resistivity measurements with a Wayne-Kerr model B905 RLCbridge made on gold-electroded disks under dry helium, at frequen cies of 102, 103, and 104 Hz as a function of temperature. The results are presented in Fig. 3. An inflection at about 490 K is clearly discemable at each of the measured frequencies. The dispersion at T < Tc is again characteristic of relaxor ferro electrics. FERROELECTRIC-FERROELASTIC PHASE TRANSITION AT 490 K K3FesF 15 is the first known fluoride to cr~stallize in a distorted tetragonal tungsten bronze structure that possesses the characteristic ferroelectric and ferroelastic attributes of. this family. All atomic positions in Table I are within 0.25 A of the corresponding posItIOns in ferroelectric Ba3 TiNb401S.16 The origin offerroelectricity in the tungsten bronzes is generally associated with the displacement of atoms that form the strongest and least ionic bonds from the centers of their oxygen atom octahedra. The dipoles that are thereby produced in each octahedron are usually aligned in the same sense and add to give a macroscopic spontaneous polarization. Simultaneous ferroelectricity and ferroelasticity in dis torted tetragonal tungsten bronzes is well known, as in the case ~fBa2+xNat_xNbsOls (Ref. 23) or Pb2KNbs015.24 The two properties are decoupled in the former and partially coupled in the latter material. Replacing oxygen by fluorine generally reduces Tc strongly; thus, in the case of Ba2 _ x Nat + x NbS01S _ x F x' for example, substitution of 0 by one F atom per unit cell resulting in one F per 59 0 atoms reduces Tc to about 225 K.2S It has indeed been found that Tc is less than 300 K in all tetragonal tungsten bronzes inves- tigated for which the ratio F/O;;;d/15.2s . 1O·L...,3:-:!O:=O---4:;-;oo;;;----::-:50~O,.----~600 TEMPERATURE (K) FIG. 3. Thermal dependence of the resistivity in KJFesF" between JOOand 575 K. Measurements at 104 Hz are represented by diamonds, at IOJ liz by squares, and at 102 Hz by circles. Ravez, Abrahams, and de Pape 3989 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 07:15:31It is hence of considerable interest to find a pure fluoride with a distorted tetragonal tungsten bronze structure and the moderately high value of Tc = 490 K, since this observa tion demonstrates that the sharp decrease in Tc found on replacing oxygen by fluorine cannot be due primarily to the relatively high ionicity of the metal-fluorine bond. The unit cell of K3FesF 15. contains 46 atoms. Above 490 K each atom has a unique disposition along the c axis either at z = 0 or ! whereas on cooling through the pha·se transition all atoms but K( 1) (see Table I) become displaced in one of two possible directions, corresponding to an entropy change of R In(88/46) = 5.39 J mol-I K-I, if all Fe atoms are re garded as equivalent. However, the chemical formula K3FesF 15 requires the presence of both Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions for electrical neutrality. Examination of the orthorhombic atomic arrangement at room temperature as given in Table I leads to the inference that the twofold Fe( 1) site in space group Pba2 is occupied only by Fe2+, whereas the fourfold Fe(2) site contains Fe2+ ions and the independent fourfold Fe( 3) site contains Fe3+ ions or vice versa. The disappear ance of the domain pattern present below the phase transi tion temperature, on heating through Tc' suggests a change in symmetry from point group mm2 to 41mmm with the twofold symmetry axis in the orthorhombic phase replaced above Te by a fourfold axis; the most likely choice of space group in the high-temperature phase is P 4lmbm. In this case the phase transition at 490 K must be accompanied by a disordered arrangement of Fe2 + and Fe3+ ions at the result ing 8 ( j) position, with atomic coordinates for these two ions close to 0.0763, 0.2136, ! above Te. The gain in number of distinguishable orientations by either ion from 4 below to 8 above the phase transition, together with the ferroelectric paraelectric configurational gain, corresponds to a total in crease in entropy of R In(96/50) = 5A2 J mol-I K-I, in excellent agreement with the experimental value of 5.5(2) J mol-I K-I. The inflection in resistivity at Te is entirely consistent with a change from order to disorder among the Fe2+, Fe3+ ions at the transition. The Fe2+ IFe3+ order-disorder that would hence accompany the ferroelectric-ferroelastic phase transition is similarly expected to result both in magnetic 3990 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No. 10, 15 May 1989 susceptibility and Mossbauer effect anomalies at 490 K: ap propriate measurements are in progress. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I t is a pleasure to thank A. Simon, A. M. Mercier, and L. Rabardel for their preparation and characterization assis tance. IR. Pepinsky and F. Jona, Phys. Rev. lOS, 344 (1957). 2M. Iizumi and K. Gesi, Solid State Commun. 22, 37 (1977). 3M. Eibschiitz, H. J. Guggenheim, S. H. Wemple,l. Camlibel, and M. Di Domenico, Phys. Lett. A 29, 409 (1969). 4H; G. von Schnering and P. Bleckman, Naturwissenschaften 55, 342 (1968). 5E. T. Keve, S. C. Abrahams, and J. L. Bernstein, J. Chern. Phys. 51, 4928 ( 1969). 6J._M. Palau and L. Lassabatere, C. R. Acad. Sci. Ser. B 273,714 (1971). 7S. C. Abrahams, J. Ravez, A. Simon, and J. P. Chaminade, J. AppJ. Phys. 52,4740 (1981). 8J. Ravez, S. C. Abrahams, J. P. Chaminade, A. Simon, J. Grannec, and P. Hagenmuller, Ferroe1ectrics 38, 773 (1981). 9S. C. Abrahams, J. Ravez, S. Canouet, J. Grannec, and G. M. Loiacono, J. AppJ. Phys. 55, 3056 (1984). IOJ. Ravez, S. Arquis, J. Grannec, A. Simon, and S. C. Abrahams, J. AppJ. Phys. 62, 4299 (1987). "s. C. Abrahams, Acta Crystallogr. Sect. B 44,585 (1988). 12See F. H. Allen, G. Bergerhoff, and R. Sievers, Eds., Crystallographic Da tabases (International Union of Crystallography, Chester, England, 1987). 13S. C. Abrahams, Acta Crystallogr. Sect. B (in press). 14S. C. Abrahams, C. D. Brandle, G. W. Berkstresser, H. M. O'Bryan, H. E. Bair, and P. K. Gallagher, J. Appl. Phys. 65,1797 (1989). 15 A.-M. Hardy, A. Hardy, and G. Ferey, Acta Crystallogr. Sect. B 29, 1654 (1973). 16p. B. Jamieson and S. C. Abrahams, Acta Crystallogr. Sect. B 24, 984 ( 1968). 17p. B. Jamieson, S. C. Abrahams, and J. L. Bernstein, J. Chern. Phys. 48, 5048 (1968). 18S. C. Abrahams, S. K. Kurtz, and P. B. Jamieson, Phys. Rev. 172, 551 (1968). . 19R. de Pape, C. R. Acad. Sci. 260,4527 (1965). 2OS. C. Abrahams, Mater. Res. Bull. 6, 881 (1971). 21L. E. Cross, Ferroelectrics 76,241 (1987). 22A. Huanosta and A. R. West, J. AppJ. Phys. 61, 5386 (1987). 23p. B. Jamieson, S. C. Abrahams, and J. L. Bernstein, J. Chern. Phys. 50, 4352 (1969). 24J. Ravez and B. Elouadi, Mater. Res. Bull. 10, 1249 (1975). 25J. Ravez, Rev. Chim. Min. 23, 460 (1986). Ravez, Abrahams, and de Pape 3990 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 07:15:31
Liquid junctions for characterization of electronic materials. I. The potential distribution at the Si/methanol interface M. C. A. Fantini, WuMian Shen, Micha Tomkiewicz, and J. P. Gambino Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 65, 4884 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.343203 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.343203 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/65/12?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Direct observation of potential distribution across Si/Si pn junctions using offaxis electron holography Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 2603 (1994); 10.1063/1.112581 Liquid junctions for characterization of electronic materials. V. Comparison with solidstate devices used to characterize reactive ion etching of Si J. Appl. Phys. 66, 4846 (1989); 10.1063/1.343801 Liquid junctions for characterization of electronic materials. IV. Impedance spectroscopy of reactive ionetched Si J. Appl. Phys. 66, 2148 (1989); 10.1063/1.344310 Liquid junctions for characterization of electronic materials. II. Photoreflectance and electroreflectance of nSi J. Appl. Phys. 66, 1759 (1989); 10.1063/1.344492 Liquid junctions for characterization of electronic materials. III. Modulation spectroscopies of reactive ion etching of Si J. Appl. Phys. 66, 1765 (1989); 10.1063/1.344367 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 06:18:43Liquid junctions for characterization of eiectronic materia~s. t The potentia~ distribution at the SUmethano~ interface M. c. A. Fantini, Wu-Mian Shen, and Micha Tomkiewicz Department of Physics. Brooklyn College. CUNY, Brooklyn. New York 112JO J. P. Gambino IBM East Fishkill. Hopewell Junction. New York 12533 (Received 1 November 1988; accepted for publication 3 February 1989) Photoelectrochemical cells consisting of n-type < lOO)-Si wafers in methanolic solutions of ferrocene derivatives with LiCI04 as the supporting electrolyte have been analyzed using a complementary set of impedance spectroscopy, electroreflectance, and current-voltage measurements. The results were interpreted in terms of charge accumulation modes correlated with junction parameters such as space-charge layer, surface states, Fermi-level pinning, and the possible presence of an insulating layer at the interface. The impedance of these junctions is interpreted in terms of an equivalent circuit. The Fermi level is partially pinned at a potential about 0.2 eV below the conduction band and is completely pinned at potentials positive to mid gap. The electroreflectance results agree well with the impedance. The effect of an HF etching on the properties of the cells will be discussed. We have also compared the results in the methanolic solution with an aqueous electrolyte. The potential distribution obtained in this case is very similar to the ferrocene solution. I. INTRODUCTION Recently, solar conversion efficiencies that exceed 14% were reported for n-Si in methanolic solutions of ferrocene derivatives with LiCI04 as the supporting electrolyte. I These cells were reported to be stable thus offering perhaps the best argument in favor of the competitiveness of liquid junction solar cells in comparison with their solid-state counterparts. The mechanistic aspects of these cells were investigated primarily through a detailed analysis of their current-voltage characteristics. The small indirect gap and the low e1ectronegativity ofSi makes the detailed analysis of Si based devices by dielectric techniques among the most difficult of the conventional semiconductors. Yet in terms of applications. both in photovoltaic and electronics industries, Si is without a significant rival. This study is a first of a series of papers that summarize our work on possible appiications ofSi/methanol interfaces for scre:ning and understanding of the nature of the damage afflicted t@Si during reactive ion etching (RIE). In this and the following papers we will demonstrate the application of photoreflectance. electroreflectance, and impedance spec troscopy as complementary techniques to study the poten tial distribution of the silicon/methanol interface before and after etching. We will also compare the dielectric properties of the liquid junction with metaljunctions, metal-oxide-sem iconductor (MOS) configurations, and contactless configu rations. In this paper we will. concentrate on the dielectric properties of Si in liquid-junction configurations. both in methanolic and aqueous electrolytes. Ii. EXPERIMENT The Si samples are n-type (100) wafers, with resistivi ties between 0.8 and 2 n cm. We have studied these samples in a conventional three-electrode cell, with Pt as the refer .:nce and counterelectrodes. The methanolic solutions were prepared using methanol which was distilled from Mg and oxidized and reduced dimethylferrocene in the following concentrations:0.2M FeCpz, ImMFeCpt and 1M LiCI0 4 supporting electrolyte under nitrogen atmosphere. I The po tential of this solution was measured as 0.138 V versus stan dard calomel electrode (SCE). For the electro reflectance measurements the ferrocene derivatives were diluted by a factor of 20 since the absorption coefficient was found to be too high. The aqueous electrolyte was composed of 0.25M NH4F/ O.OIM K3Fe(CN)J O.OIM K4Fe(CN)JH20.2 We have analyzed as-grown (or original) samples, i.e., no surface treatment, and also samples submitted to an HF etch (5 wt. % in water) for 20 s. The objective of this etch is to remove the native oxide layer on the Si surface. The electro lytes were prepared with analytical grade chemicals and 18- Mn resistivity distilled water. The dark and photo J-V plots were obtained using an IBM EC/225 Voltametric Analyzer in a three-electrode configuration connected with an X-Y recorder 815M-Plota matic, MFE. The light source was a Sylvania tungsten halo gen ELH lamp and the light intensity at the electrode surface was lOOmW/cm2• The electro reflectance measurements were taken on a fully computerized setup for modulation spectroscopies that was described elsewhere.3 The modulation amplitude was 150 mV and the modulation frequency was 740 Hz. An the spectra were measured at room temperature. The impedance measurements were carried out in the frequency range from 0.01 to 107 Hz. The measuring system is based on a computer controlled combination of Sol art ron 1250 Frequency Response Analyzer for frequencies between I. O,uHz and 65 000 Hz and an HP 3325A Synthesizer /Func tion Generator connected to an HP 3575A gain-phase meter for higher frequencies up to 107 Hz. The dc bias ( -0.7 V < Bias < 0 V vs Pt) applied to the cell was introduced by the Sol.artron or by an HP 6200B dc power supply controlled by an HP 59501 A IB isolated D/ A power supply programmer. 4884 J. Appl. Phys. 65 (12). 15 June 1989 0021-8979/89/124884-07$02.40 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 4884 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 06:18:43'" E ~ « .§ >. 'iii c ... Cl C ~ ::> U IS 10 S a -0.6 -0.2 Polenliol (V vs. PI) 0.0 FIG. I. Current-potential response with chopped white light for unetched (100) n-Si in methanolic solution of oxidized and reduced dimethylferro cene in the following concentrations: 0.2M FeCp" I mM FeCp,' , and 1M LiCIO. supporting electrolyte under nitrogen atmosphere. I Tungsten halo gen ELH lamp with light intensity at the electrode surface of 100 m W Icm'. The sweep rate is \0 mV Is. The dc bias was monitored by a Keithley 192 programmable DMM multimeter. All the components are interfaced to an IBM-PC microcomputer via a GPIB card. The modulation amplitude in all the experiments was 40 mV. III. RESULTS Figure 1 shows an example of the light-induced current voltage characteristics of a Si sample in contact with the methanolic solution in which the light source was chopped at low frequency. In addition to the photovoltaic parameters such as short-circuit current, open-circuit voltage, and a fin factor, one can extract from such figures the turn-on poten tial (the most negative potential for which charge separation can be detected = -0.58 V vs Pt in the present case) and the general behavior of the dark current. Figure 2 depicts the dark and photocurrent-voltage curves of the Si in the same electrolyte, before and after etching with HF. The main ef fects of etching are increases in the short-circuit current and in the fill factor. Typical values of the short-circuit current 20 N E 15 ~ <l: E >. 10 -. iii c cv 5 0 C ~ 0 b ............ ...... .' ..... ~ ___ .-::;_.aJc.~.~·~~·~·~·~·~ _____ ~ __ :J u -5 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 Potential (V VS. Pt) FIG. 2. Current-potential curves of two samples: one original and the other submitted to HF etching process. (a) Photoresponse ofHF etched Si. (b) of unetched Si. and (cl dark response of both samples. Electrolyte and other experimental conditions are the same as in Fig. I. Photovoltaic parameters extracted from these curves: J", = 12.4 mA/cml and V~. = -0.503 V (origina));J", = 16.3 mA/cm'; and v.", = -0.519V (afterHFetchingl. 4885 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No. 12. 15 June 1989 4.0,-------"""'11 0.3V 2.0r-----' O.OV on Q )( 0.0 FIG. 3. Electroreflectance spectra of HF etched Si in the same electrolyte as in Fig. I except for the dimethyl ferrocenes that were diluted by a fac tor of 20. as a function of the elec trode potential vs Pt. The modulation amplitude is 0.15 V and the modulation frequency is 740 Hz. ~ ~ -2.0t---- ..... -o.SSV -4.0 3.0 3.4 EnerQY leV) 3.8 density (Jsc) and open-circuit voltage (Voc) are about 15 mA/cm2 and 0.5 V, respectively. The cells and the samples were not optimized for efficiency. Figure 3 shows the eiectrorefiectance, under different bias conditions, for the sample submitted to the HF etching. Figure 4 shows one of these spectra with the line-shape anal ysis that will be discussed shortly. Figure 5 shows the poten tial dependence of the amplitude of the peak for the Si sam ple before HF etching (b) and after (a). In this figure the potential dependence of the electrolyte electrorefiectance (EER) amplitude is plotted for two potential excursion di rections. The data were taken after equilibrium was reached at each potential. Comparing Figs. 5(a) and 5(b) we ob serve that the original sample presents a broader bias distri bution and a small hysteresis effect in the potential sweep. These features can be related to the presence of an oxide layer on the top of the semiconductor. For both samples the fiat-band potential can be observed as the potential in which the signal changes sign. For the unetched sample the poten tial is between -0.66 and -0.63 V vs Pt, depending on the direction of the sweep and for the etched sample it is at -0.51 V vs Pt. The Fermi level is partially pinned at a potential about -0.4 V vs Pt and it is completely pinned for positive potentials (reverse bias). HF etching reduces the pinning, both due to the states dose to the conduction band and in the reverse bias region, and also decreases the hystere sis. 8.0~--------------------------~ .. -. -8.0.~ ____ ~~ __ ~~ ______ ~ ____ ~ 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 Energy (eV) FIG. 4. Comparison of observed (points) and calculated (solid line) line shape of the spectrum at O.OV vsPt. Fitting parameters: C = 6.4X 10 6; E. = 3.407 eV; r = 0.17 eV; B = 4.18 rad; and n = 3.0. Fantinietal. 4885 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 06:18:432.0....-----.., (a) 1.0 ~ O.O~--¥-------~ -..... a:: <l -1.0 1.6r------., -2.0 -0.8~~::--~--=~ -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 Potential (V vs. Pt) FIG. 5. Variation of the amplitudes of the 3.4 eV EER peaks with the elec trode potential: (a) after HF etching and (b) before etching. The potential sweep rate was 5 min per experimental point. The lines are drawn for con venience of inspection. The arrows indicate the direction of the potential sweep. Throughout this paper the term "Fermi-level pinning" is used to describe a situation in which the difference between the electrode potential and the flat-band potential is independent of the electrode potential. This definition fol lows the electrochemical practice in which equilibrium ex periments are performed as a function ofthe electrode poten tial which is measured relative to a non polarizable reference electrode. Within this framework the rest potential (zero bias) has no special significance. We assume here that the electrode potential is a measure of the position of the Fermi level relative to the standard electrode, and as a result Fermi level pinning describes the situation in which the Fermi level is pinned to the position of the band edges at the surface and the barrier height is independent of the position of the Fermi level relative to the reference electrode. This definition fol lows earlier practice4 and it is a generalization of the defini tion often used to describe solid-state devices in which the term Fermi-level pinning is used only to describe the condi tion under zero bias. Following this practice the terminology of Fermi-level pinning and band-edge movement as a func tion of potential becomes synonymous. Figure 6 presents the potential dependence of the EER amplitude using the aqueous electrolyte with the composi tion described in the experimental section.2 The electrore- 2.0...------"""'\ .Q:. 0.0 0:: <I -1.0 -2.01...-_.1....-_1-...._ .... -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 Potential (V vs. Pt) FIG. 6. The same as Fig. 5 but with the aqueous electrolyte with the following composlllon: O.25M NH.F/ (l.Ol MK,Fe(CN)"IO.OIM K4Fe(CN)"IH20.' 4886 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 65, No. 12, 15 June 1989 6~------------------~ 5- 4 3 Q Log f(Hz) FIG. 7. Impedance response curves for HF etched n-Si in the methanolic solution with the same composition as described in Fig. I. Potential is -0.2 V vs Pt. The symbols represent e.xperimental data for the real and imaginary parts of the impedance. The solid lines represent numerical fits to the equiv alent circuit shown in the left-hand comer. flectance was very noisy and the photocurrent very small. The behavior does not show the reverse bias pinning that was observed with the methanolic electrolyte. The flat-band po tential is around -0.81 V vs Pt. Figure 7 presents typical impedance data and the fitting with the equivalent circuit shown in the insert. Similar spec tra were recorded for the etched and unetched samples over the potential range that corresponds to forward bias condi tions. A full analysis and proposed interpretation will be pre sented in the discussion section. Figure 8 shows the dark current-voltage plot of the original sample. The same features were observed for the HF etched one. In this figure we clearly notice a peak in the same bias region where we observe the pinning of the Fermi level from the EER data. The charge density which corresponds to this peak is about 1.1 X 1016/cm2• Also, the photocurrent voltage plot for the original sample (Fig. 1) only starts to show photoeffect at potentials positive to -O.S V. We could not fit the dark current to the diode equation with any rea sonable ideality factor. 20r-----------------------~ N ~ -20 -..... <.( ::l. ~ -60 >. -V> C ~ -100 'E ~ -140 ::l U -180L-.....,.-L::---~--__::::_'_:_-~~-~ -1.0 -O.S -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 Potential (V VS. Pt) FIG. 8. Dark current-potential plot of the original sample in the methanolic solution of the same composition as described in Fig. I. The calculated charge density associated with the peak is shown on the figure. Fantinietal. 4886 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 06:18:43IV. DISCUSSION A. Electroreflectance In the "low-field regime", 5 if one includes the possibility that the Fermi level is pinned by surface states,4.b the ratio between the modulated reflectance (~) and the reflectivity (R) is given by ~ = -Ce :d) [1-(;h) (d;;)] ~VL(ku), (1) where e is the electronic charge, Nd the doping level, € the dielectric constant, C h the capacitance of the Helmholtz lay er (which corresponds to the entire surface covered with states that can be charged and discharged upon modulation of the surface potential), N" is the density of the surface states, ~ V is the amplitude of the modulating voltage, and L (ku) is a spectral line-shape function given by L(ku) = Re [C(ku -Eg + ir) -n exp(iO)] , (2) where C and 0 are amplitude and phase factors, n is a number characteristic of the interband critical point, Eg is the energy gap, and r is a broadening parameter related to the lifetime of the majority carriers. The electroreflectance ofSi in the 3.{}.-5.0eV regime was analyzed in detail by numerous workers both in electrolyte configuration 7 and in Schottky barrier configurations. K The electrolytes were never chosen based on their stabilizing ef fect and as a result the state of the surface and the potential distribution at the interface were not well defined. The electro reflectance of the indirect, fundamental transition of crystalline Si was never reported due to its low intensity. The electroreflectance of Si in the UV region is very complex. The 3.5 eV regime was proposed to be due to two critical points8 E b and E. with the EI being the strongest high-energy transition. In our experiments in liquid junc tions we were never able to resolve these transitions. Since we are interested primarily in the potential distribution and not in the spectroscopic features, the spectra in this region will be analyzed in terms of a single peak. In all cases it was verified that around the rest potential, we are in the low-field regime by working only in the linear regime of amplitUdes of the EER signal versus the modulation. This modulation am plitude was kept constant throughout the potential range. Figure 4 is an example of a spectrum taken in the methanolic solution at a potential of 0.0 V vs Pt and the corresponding fit of the line shape to Eq. (2) with the following parameters: Eg = 3.407 eV, r = 0.17 eV, 0 = 4.18 and n = 3.0, which indicates a two-dimensional critical point. One can see that the fit is excellent and there is no need to invoke a second peak. This is not always the case and this issue will be further discussed in a separate publication when we will compare e1ectroreflectance and photo reflectance spectra of reactive ion-etched Si.9 The potential variation of the amplitude of the spectra are presented in Figs. 5 and 6. It is clear from these figures that at positive potentials the Fermi level is pinned in the methanolic solutions and is not pinned in the aqueous solutions. We interpret this pinning to be due to inversion of the surface that is facilitated by the presence of the oxide layer. The Fermi level in this region is never com- 4887 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No. 12, 15 June 1989 pletely pinned in the samples that were subjected to HF etch ing in which most of the oxide is removed. This effect is much more pronounced in the aqueous electrolyte in which the F-ions dissolve any oxide that is being formed. The pinning region, observed at forward bias, is interpreted to be due to surface states, as discussed below. One can, in princi ple, derive more quantitative information based on fitting these data to Eq. ( 1 ), Ii but since this equation is strictly valid for the low-field regime, none of the two pinning regimes fits the conditions for which this equation was derived. B.lmpedance For a simple case where one measures the impedance of a single dielectric (abrupt junction between a semiconductor and a metal or a concentrated electrolyte) one can construct a generalized equivalent circuit as shown in Fig. 9. Csc is usually the capacitance due to the space-charge layer, which is assumed to be the fastest relaxing element. C; and 7, = CjR; are the capacitances and their corresponding relax ation times of charge accumulation modes such as various surface states, minority carriers, and bulk states. Zd is a gen eralized constant phase angle (CPA) element given by Zd = N(1 + J0)7) -", (3) where 0) is the angular frequency, and N, 7, and n are param eters. Rs is the series resistance and Rp is the shunt resis tance. The inclusion of Zd extends the previously reported pro cedure of relaxation spectrum analysis. 10 Zd in this form can include contributions from static disorder such as poros ity, II random mixture of conductor and insulator that can be described by the effective medium approximation at percola tion, 12 or an interface that can be described by a fractal ge ometry. 13 It can also include contributions from a dynamic disorder such as diffusion. If one subtracts the frequency-independent, high-fre quency resistance, (4) and calculates the resulting admittance, it is easy to show that c FIG. 9. The generalized equivalent circuit of a single interface. Rp is the resistance associated with the Faradaic current flow, Zd is a generalized impedance associated with disorder either in the structure or in the dynam ics (diffusion), C, and R, are associated with parallel charge aC{:umulation modes with different relaxation times than the majority carriers such as surface states or minority carriers, C", is the space-charge capacitance, and R, is the series resistance. Fantini et a/. 4887 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 06:18:432.0 5.0 (0) (b) !9 4.0 • 1.5 Q >< .,. 0 3.0 o E 1.0 0 0 U N 0 • 2.0 u... 00 00 NO 0.5 '111 u 1.0 0 0.0 0.0 -0.8 -0.4 0.0 Potential (V VS. Pt) FIG. 10. Mott-Schottky plots of n-Si in the methanolic solution described in Fig. I. (a) HF etched sample. V", = -0.76 V vs Pt and Nd =4.7XI0"/cm\ (b) Original sample. V", = -0.86 V vs Pt and N" = 2.2X 1O"/cm'. 1 1 , "C;T; "C; -Z' =-R + JwCsc +w-L '.2 +Jw L p I 1 + w-Tj I 1 + w2r; + N-'O + w2r;)n12(cos nO + Jsin nO), (5) where tan 0 = WT. For T~ 1 Eq. (5) can be viewed as the superposition of a constant term, linear term, power-law term, and Lorentzian terms with respect to the frequency. If the separation between the time constants is large enough one can isolate the respective terms and obtain all the parameters directly. If the separation between the time constants is not large enough and/or the system cannot be represented in terms of a simple abrupt junction due to film formation, multiple junctions, etc., some data fitting is necessary. In the latter case one can get some degree of confidence if one fits the real or imaginary components and checks it against the other components. The uniqueness of the interpretation is then checked against other techniques that provide complemen tary information. Figure 7 illustrates the experimental re sults for n-Si in the methanolic solution together with the simplest equivalent circuit that was obtained. We could not fit the results in terms of a single junction and we had to use least-square procedures to obtain the fit. Figures 10-12 show )( .. E U N · IL. NU ,II) U 4.0~-----" 0.0 0 -0''''.8:--~--:0:-'".4-:--'''''''~0~.O Potential IV vs. Pt) FIG. II. Mott-Schottky plots of n Si in the aqueous electrolyte de scribed in Fig. 6. V,h = -0.79 V vs Pt and No = 2.3 X JO"/cm:l. 4888 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No. 12, 15 June 1989 6.0r----------------.3.75 x 1015 o Q )( 4.0 o 2.50 X 1015 ~ o '" E u c Q) Cl Q) U:- J: 2.0 u o o 1.25 X rol!S ~ o o 0 o o O.O.~-__:::_L:,_--,..J---...L...--....JO.O -0.8 '0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 Potentiol (V vs PI) ~ u FIG. 12. Potential dependence of CH of the HF etched sample. The ordinate depicts the charge density/eV. the potential dependence of the two capacitive elements in Fig. 7 for the various samples. Figures lO(a) and 10(b) de pict the Matt-Schottky plotsl4•IS of the space-charge layer capacitance Csc' for the HF etched sample and for the un etched one. The flat-band potentials that were obtained from the intercept are -0.76 V vs Pt for the HF etched sample and -0.86 V vs Pt for the unetched one. The doping levels were obtained from the slopes which yielded 4.7 X 1015/cmJ for the etched sample and 2.2 X 1015/cm3 for the unetched sample. The apparent difference in the doping level is due to the increase in roughness due to etching. The pinning of the Fermi level around -0.4 V vs Pt can be observed here better than with the EER results. The 0.1 V shift in fi.at band due to the removal of the oxide agrees well with the EER results. However, the flat bands are about 0.2 V more negative than that obtained from the EER. The primary reason for the discrepancy is the difference in the composition of the elec trolyte although some contribution due to the different am plitude of the ac signal cannot be ignored. This is supported by the results in the aqueous electrolyte shown in Fig. 11. Here the flat band is -0.79 V vs Pt and the doping level is 2.2 X 1015/cmJ. The flatband here agrees within 0.02 V with the EER results taken in the same electrolyte. The doping level in this electrolyte is identical to the unetched sample in the methanolic solution and the pinning of the Fermi level is also evident here at about the same energy separation from the conduction band as in the methanolic solution. If one takes the capacitance of the Helmholtz layer to be -20 /-IF /cm2 then the number of surface states responsible for a shift of 0.1 V for the HF etched sample is 1.6 X IOI3/cm2 and about double that for the unetched sample. 16 The fact that these states are present, with similar densities and energy, in the methanolic and the aqueous electrolytes and also that similar states can be identified in the corresponding Schottky structures, 17 suggests that they are not due to inter actions with the electrolytes . CII and its corresponding RII are interpreted in terms of absorption of the electrolyte at potentials negative to the sur face states which cause the Fermi-level pinning. This inter pretation is not based on the equivalent circuit, which place these elements in series with the space-charge layer. An al most equally good fit can be obtained by placing them in parallel to the space-charge l.ayer which would have been the case if these elements were interpreted to result from the Fantini et al. 4888 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 06:18:43surface states that cause the Fermi-level pinning. The esti- 14/ 2 Th' . mated coverage from Fig. 12 is about 5 X 10 cm. IS IS an order of magnitude greater than the number of states calculated to be responsible for the Fermi-level pinning (or the corresponding negative shift in the flat-band potential). In addition, to account for the negative shift in the flat band, one has to assutne absorption by the negatively charged counter ions. Since almost identical shifts are observed for the methanolic and aqueous electrolytes with no ions in common, we were forced to assume that the Fermi-level pin ning and its corresponding shift in the flat-band potential are due to negatively charged surface states which are filled as the Fermi level crosses the energy of these states. These states are not coupled with the electrolyte, but the filled states act as catalytic centers in the precipitation of the posi tively charged redox species. Zd was identified as due to a porous oxide layer that can be almost completely removed by HF etching. Nand nr/ N are the low-frequency resistance (WT~ 1) and the low-fre quency capacitance of this layer. The exponent n is related to the transport mechanisms within the material. Figure 13 shows that n is almost independent of potential, having a value close to 0.6. This, and the sensitivity to HF etching, strongly suggests that it results from transport through a porous layer. Using the limiting values for Nand T one can estimate the thickness ofthis porous oxide layer. For the HF etched sample this value is about 3 A and for the original sample it is 26 A. These numbers agree with the current understanding of the oxide on unetched Si 18 which predomi nantly originate from ex situ measurements. From the CPA data one can, in principle, build a more detailed analysis of the porosity profiles of this layer but the application of effec tive medium theories to a layer with atomic thickness is sus pect enough to prevent any further "analysis. " The presence of a porous oxide layer on the surface of the semiconductor is also supported by photo J-Vand electroreflectance measure ments. The photo J-V characteristics of the ceH improve after HF etching (Fig. 2), which is a well known procedure to remove Si02• 19 The electroreflectance hysteresis effect in the potential sweep, and the broader bias dispersion for the original sample compared to the HF etched sample (Fig. 5), are also consistent with the presence of an oxide layer on the original sample. n 1.0'1"-------------------. 0.8 000 0 0.6 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0.2 o. 0 L---=-"~~_::____::_1_:___::_L:=___:::_L:::__~___::__:! -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 Potential (V vs. pt) FIG. 13. The polential dependence of n [Eq. (3) 1 of the HF etched sample. 4889 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No. 12, 15 June 1989 V. CONCLUSIONS Figure 14 represents the band diagram of the Silmeth anol system in which we summarize these results. Going from reverse to forward bias (V vs Pt increasing negatively) on Fig. 14 we first observe the pinning of the Fermi level due to the presence of the minority carriers in the inversion region. The Fermi level is again partially pinned at 0.2 eV below the conduction band due to surface states. Ac cording to our results the pinning is more pronounced for non treated surfaces. This indicates that these states are cou pled to the oxide layer. Finally the potential reaches the fl~t band value, which is about -0.8 V vs Pt. The potential distribution in the aqueous electrolyte is very similar to the one in the methanolic solutions. This potential distribution has to be reconciled with the results of Rosenbluth and Lewis 1 in which they obtained a linear dependence of the open-circuit voltage and the oxida tion-reduction potential from which they conclude that the Fermi-level of this system is not pinned. First we have to emphasize that the two experimental methods in question of analyzing Fermi-level pinning are sensitive to different pin ning mechanisms. The method used by Rosenbluth and Lewis I to analyze the variations of the open-circuit voltage with the oxidation-reduction potential of the electrolyte, is analogous to the analysis of the open-circuit voltage as a function of the metal work function in metal-semiconductor junctions, and monitors pinning due to coupling of the sur face states with the electrolyte. The impedance and the EER data that we present here monitor the charge accumulation in the space-charge layer as a function of the position of the Fermi level, and are sensitive to pinning of the space-charge layer to alternative charge equilibration mechanisms such as surface states, unpinning of the band edges through surface charging, pinholes, pinning through the electrolyte, or any other mechanism. Close analysis of Rosenbluth's results 1 re veals that the Fermi level is unpinned over a potential range of 0.4 e V which roughly corresponds to the energy difference between the short-circuit potential and the potential of the surface states, in full agreement with our data. Since they were monitoring the open-circuit voltage, which is zero for Vvs. Pt -0.8 -0.5 o 0.5 1.0 BAND DIAGRAM Fe (Cplz/ n -Si Fe (Cp); Metal ,,-,' . porous ox ide '-layer FIG. 14. The proposed band·structure diagram of the Silmethanol that is described in this work. Fantini et al. 4889 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 06:18:43potentials negative to the potential of the surface states, one cannot compare the data at potentials negative to that of the surface states. The strong hysteresis that they observe can be interpreted to be due to absorption of the electrolyte. The kind of pinning that we describe here which results in a nega tive shift of the band edges due to charging of the surface states can be viewed as a combination of battery + photovol taic cell and offers the possibility of a higher photovoltage. The full implication of these possibilities in terms of a total free-energy balance is beyond the scope of this paper, but should be examined in more detail. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by IBM. One of us (M. F.) wants to thank CNPq (Brazil). 1M. L. Rosenbluth and N. S. Lewis, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 108,4689 (1986). 'w. M. R. Divigalpitiya, S. R. Morrison, G. Vercruysse, A. Prat, and W. P. Gomes, Sol. Energy Mater. 15, 141 (1987). 3M. Tomkiewicz and W. M. Shen, in Photoelectrochemistry and Electro synthesis On Semiconducting Materials, edited by D. S. Ginley, A. J. No- 4890 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No. 12, 15 June 1989 zik, N. Armstrong, K. Honda, A. Fujishima, T. Sakata, and T. Kawai (The Electrochemical Society, New York, 1987). 4R. P. Silberstein, F. H. Pollak, J. K. Lyden, and M. Tomkiewicz, Phys. Rev. B24, 7397 (1981). sD. E. Aspnes, Surf. Sci. 37, 418 (1973). "M. Tomkiewicz, W. Siripa1a. and R. Tenne, J. Electrochem. Soc. 131,736 (1984). 7See, for example, M. Cardona, F.H. Pollak, and K. L. Shaklee, Phys. Rev. 154,696 (1967). "See, for example, K. Kondo and A. Moritani, Phys. Rev. B 14, 1577 (1976). oW. M. Shen, M. C. A. Fantini, F. H. Pollak, J. P. Gambino, H. Leary, and M. Tomkiewicz (to be published). 10M. Tomkiewicz, J. Electrochem. Soc. 126, 2220 (1979). 11M. Kramer and M. Tomkiewicz, J. Electrochem. Soc. 131,1283 (1984). 12M. Tomkiewicz and B. Aurian-Blajeni, J. Electrochem. Soc. 135, 2743 (1988). 13H. S. Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 529 (1985). 14W. Schottky, Z. Phys. 113, 367 (1939); 118, 539 (1942). ISN. F. Mott, Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A 171, 27 (1939). 16M. Tomkiewicz, J. Electrochem. 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Crystal structures and optical properties of ZnO films prepared by sputteringtype electron cyclotron resonance microwave plasma Morito Matsuoka and Ken’ichi Ono Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 7, 2975 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.576302 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.576302 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/7/5?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Effects of oxygen content on properties of silicon oxide films prepared at room temperature by sputtering- type electron cyclotron resonance plasma J. Appl. Phys. 84, 4579 (1998); 10.1063/1.368683 A new sputteringtype electron cyclotron resonance microwave plasma using an electric mirror and highrate deposition J. Appl. Phys. 65, 4403 (1989); 10.1063/1.343279 New highrate sputteringtype electron cyclotron resonance microwave plasma using an electric mirror Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 1645 (1989); 10.1063/1.101310 Ion energy analysis for sputteringtype electroncyclotronresonance microwave plasma J. Appl. Phys. 64, 5179 (1988); 10.1063/1.342534 Photochromism and anomalous crystallite orientation of ZnO films prepared by a sputteringtype electron cyclotron resonance microwave plasma Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 1393 (1988); 10.1063/1.99987 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 23:57:38Crystal structures and optical properties of ZnO films prepared by sputtering-type electron cyclotron resonance microwave plasma Morito Matsuoka and Ken'ichi Ono NTT Opto-electronics Laboratories, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-11, Japan (Received 6 July 1988; accepted 1 April 1989) This paper describes the crystal structure and photochromism of Zn oxide films fabricated by sputtering-type electron cyclotron resonance microwave plasma. C-plane preferential orientation and (101) plane preferential orientation are achieved in Zn oxide films deposited on glass substrates below 200 ·C. These films have strong crystallite orientation. Films with (101) plane orientation exhibit typical photochromic characteristics induced by x-ray irradiation. Photochromism is probably caused by a color center, that is, the oxygen vacancy in Zn oxide films. The absorption center exists in an energy range of 1.5 to 4 eV. The activation energy in the fading process is -0.03 eV. I. INTRODUCTION Zinc oxide (ZnO) with a wurtzite crystal structure is well known as an electroacoustic device material. In particular, ZnO has been applied to surface acoustic wave (SAW) de vices, I supersonic transducers,2 and supersonic oscillators. 3 ZnO films have also been of considerable interest for applica tions such as window material for solar cells,4 gas sensors, 5 and saw devices because of their excellent electrical, optical and acoustic properties.6 There have been two major goals in the study of ZnO films. One is to prepare the well-oriented c-axis ZnO for acoustic devices. The other is to achieve good optical trans parency and low resistivity for transparent conductor. Several techniques have been developed in recent years for forming ZnO films on various kinds of substrates. These techniques include evaporation, reactive sputtering,7-16 ion plating,17 ionized cluster beam (ICB) deposition,18 and chemical vapor deposition (CVD). 19 When the ZnO films are deposited by sputtering, the film's crystallographic characteristics such as c-plane orien tation strongly depend on sputtering conditions and sub strate location. 12,13,16 During film deposition by convention al sputtering, the film surface is bombarded by high-energy particles, including argon ions reflected from the target, neg ative ions emitted from the target surface, and ions acceler ated from the plasma. High-energy particle bombardment during deposition usually damages film surfaces and alters film composition from the target composition. 16 One way to avoid those problems is to thermalize particle energy by in creasing the gas pressure. However, low ion energies in the range of several to several tens of electron volts, which are suitable for depositing films with good crystallographic characteristics, 16 are also thermalized by increasing gas pres sure. The lost energy must be compensated for by substrate heating. As a result, the films end up being deposited at high substrate temperatures. On the other hand, well-oriented ZnO films have been obtained by the facing targets sputtering (FTS) system at low substrate temperature (Ts -300 ·C) and low gas pres-sure (Po, -0.1 Pa).16TheFTS system has been known as an apparatus to deposit films without substrate bombardment of several high-energy particles. 16 This indicates that films with good crystallographic char acteristics can be obtained while avoiding substrate bom bardment by high-energy particles during deposition. The following conditions are believed to be necessary to form well-oriented ZnO films with good surface smoothness: (i) High-energy particle bombardment of the film surface dur ing deposition should be suppressed and (ii) the sputtering particles which land on the substrate surface should have an appropriate energy level ranging from several to several tens of electron volts. 16 Another factor which directly influences the electrical and optical properties of ZnO is its defect structure. Oxygen defects, in particular, are the most important factor. ZnO is easily reduced by heating to 300 ·C, which leaves excessive Zn remains in the compound.20 This is called an n-type ex cessive semiconductor, in which metal ions are overabun dant. It is well known that some compound semiconductors such as CdS and ZnS exhibit photoluminescence properties at their absorption edges, when the crystals are reduced, or when Ag and Cu ions are doped in these crystals. ZnO also exhibits typical photoluminescence properties caused by va cancies and dopants.21 Consequently, the control of vacancy density in ZnO is important in controlling its physical prop erties. From all the points of view above, to prepare the ZnO films with good crystallographic characteristics, and also to easily control the oxygen reactivity in the ZnO films, highly reactive plasma with low-energy ion extraction to substrate has been sought. On the other hand, the sputtering-type electron cyclotron resoanance (ECR) microwave plasma deposition appara tus, hereafter called ECR sputtering, has been achieved for preparation of high-quality films on the low-temperature substrates.22,23 The ECR sputtering is the ECR microwave plasma deposition employing cathode sputtering and real izes film deposition under the plasma irradiation on the sub strates. That is useful for obtaining high-quality films at low 2975 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 7 (5), Sep/Oct 1989 0734-2101/89/052975-08$01.00 © 1989 American Vacuum Society 2975 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 23:57:382976 M. Matsuoka and K. Ono: Crystal structures and optical properties of ZnO films 2976 substrate temperatures in a low gas pressure atmo sphere.22-26 Extracted ions' energy levels, ranging from sev eral to several tens of electron volts, can be controlled in the system.25 Reactivity in compound films such as oxides and nitrides is easily controlled by the ECR microwave plasma. Moreover, substrate bombardment of several kinds of high energy particles can also be suppressed in the system during film deposition. 26 Consequently, the ECR sputtering is thought to be useful for preparing ZnO films on low-temperature substrates and for easily controlling the film's properties. Recently, the ZnO films deposited by the ECR sputtering have been re ported to exhibit photochromic characteristics.27 In this pa per, the change in the film's crystallographic and optical characteristics with preparation conditions for the ECR sputtering are reported in detail. ECR-sputtered ZnO films exhibit two types of preferen tial crystallite orientation. One is c plane, and the other is (101) plane. Many reports have been published on ZnO films with preferential orientation in addition to c-plane ori entation. These include (llO)-plane or (l()())-plane orient ed films deposited by magnetron sputtering at low gas pres sure,zs or (100) plane oriented films sputtered in a hydrogen-added atmosphere.29 However, the (101)-plane orientation has not been previously reported. Both of c-plane oriented films and (101)-plane oriented films have strong crystallite orientation. The films with (101 )-plane orienta tion exhibit typical photochromic characteristics induced by x-ray irradiation. The photochromism is probably caused by a color center, that is, the oxygen vacancy ranging from 1.5 to 4eV. II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE ZnO films were synthesized by ECR sputtering. The ECR-sputtering apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. Details of the apparatus used in this study have already been described in previous reports.24,26,27 The chamber comprised a resonance cavity and a substrate chamber. The resonance cavity was a cylinder of TEI13 standing wave mode for 2.45-GHz micro wave. Magnetic flux density of 875 G was applied inside the cavity. The generated plasma was accelerated along the magnetic field divergent toward the substrate plate. The sub strate plate, cylindrical target, and submagnetic coil were located in the substrate chamber. The cylindrical target was located at the cavity's bottom, and surrounded the plasma stream. The target used was Zn metal with an inner diameter of90mm. Gas was introduced into the chamber in two ways. One was to introduce pure oxygen gas into the resonance cavity, and the other was to introduce oxygen gas into the substrate chamber, and also, Ar gas into the resonance cavity. In the former, oxygen gas flow rates were varied in the range 1-22 sccm, at pressures from 0.01 to 0.2 Pa. In the latter, the oxygen gas flow rate was maintained at 15 sccm and Ar-gas flow rate at 0.6std. cm3/min (sccm). Except as described in Sec. IlIA, oxygen gas was introduced into the resonance cavity. Negative potential was applied to the target by dc power J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.5, Sep/Oct 1989 FIG. 1. Apparatus of sputtering·type ECR microwave plasma (ECR sput tering) used in this study. supply. The oxygen ions in the plasma stream were acceler ated to the target surface and sputter it. When Ar gas is also introduced into the chamber (see Sec. IlIA), both Ar and oxygen ions are accelerated to the target. These processes are called reactive sputtering. The substrate plate was electrically floated on the ground shield and was movable parallel to the magnetic flux as shown in Fig. 1. The glass substrate (Corning No. 7059) was placed on the plate. Substrate temperatures were varied between 40 and 300 ·C. Deposited film thickness was -0.08 jlm. Film preparation conditions are summarized in Table I. The plasma diagnostics were perfonned by the emission spectroscopic analysis. The ion energy and the energy dis persion of the ions accelerated toward the substrate were measured by the retarding method using mesh grids as de scribed before.25 The crystal structures of the deposited Zn oxide films were analyzed by the x-ray diffraction method and also by the electron diffraction method. In particular, the crystallite ori- TABLE. I. Typical ZnO preparation conditions byECR sputtering." Oxygen gas flow (Fo, ) Oxygen gas pressure (Po,) Substrate temperature ( T, ) Microwave power (Pelf) Target applied voltage ( Va ) Film thickness (d) Substrate 0.6-25 seem" 0.0I--D.2 Pa 20-300'C l00-300W 300-600 V 0.08flm Glass "Oxygen gas was normally introduced into the resonance cavity. When oxygen gas was introduced into the substrate chamber, Ar gas was also introduced into the resonance cavity. Here, the Ar gas flow rate was main· tained at 0.6 seem. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 23:57:382977 M. Matsuoka and K. Ono: Crystal structures and optical properties of ZnO films 2977 entation was estimated by the rocking curve. This technique is usually used for estimation of crystallite orienta tion.9."-'3.'6 The standard deviation or the full width at half maximum of the rocking curve is taken for the estimation of the orientation. The oxgen reactivity and composition of the deposited films were analyzed by the x-ray induced photo electron spectroscopy (XPS). Photochromic characteristics of the ZnO films were in duced by x-ray irradiation emitted from the Cu target by 40- mA electron beam bombardment at 40-keV energy. Optical properties of the deposited ZnO films were measured by an optical spectrophotometer in the wavelength range 150- 2500 nm. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Method of introducing oxygen gas First, two ways of introducing oxygen gas were tried. One way was to introduce it into the resonance cavity. This is called method A hereafter. The other was to introduce oxy gen gas into the substrate chamber and also Ar gas into the resonance cavity. This is called method B hereafter. Figure 2 shows the typical x-ray diffraction diagrams of ZnO films deposited on unheated glass substrates using these two methods of introducing oxygen gas. The films deposited by method A exhibited weak c-plane orientation. On the oth er hand, the films deposited by method B exibited abnormal plane's strong preferential orientation. The abnormal-plane oriented films obtained in this study have 2.54-..\ spacing. This spacing corresponds to a (101) plane spacing of the ZnO compound, or a (002) plane spac ing of un oxidized Zn metal. The oriented plane in the films is probably the (101) plane of the ZnO compound, because, similar to c-axis-oriented ZnO films, the films exhibit good transparency of -80%-90% in a wide wavelength range as described later (see Sec. III B), and they have an electrical resistivity of > 100 n cm. The reflection high-energy elec tron difraction pattern also exhibits weak spots correspond ing to that of the (101) plane, which is not as clear as expect ed from the strong uniaxial x-ray diffraction intensity. uao,.:01 fII"I''''- ~ o 20 101 (a) F02:22.5scCM (b) FA,:2.4.Fo2:15scCM 202 60 100 28 (deg.) FIG. 2. Typical x-ray diffraction diagrams of ZnO films deposited on un heated glass substrates using two ways of introducing oxygen gas into the chamber. (a) Oxygen gas is introduced into the resonance cavity. (b) Oxy gen gas is introduced into the substrate chamber and also Ar gas is intro duced into the resonance cavity. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.5, Sep/Oct 1989 rocking 101 () FIG. 3. Typical rocking curve of (101 )-plane preferentially oriented film. The (101) plane orientation has not been previously re ported yet, and exhibits much more excellent orientation than the c-axis orientation as shown in Sec.lII B. The typical rocking curve is shown in Fig. 3. The full width at half maxi mum f).(}so reaches 0.2°. The (101) plane's orientation de pends on the substrate temperature Ts; it improves as Ts decreases, as shown in Fig. 4. From the XPS analysis, the composition of the films are Zn0I.03 for method A, and ZnOO.99 for method B. The va cancy's density is higher in the film B than in the film A. Moreover, as the substrate temperature increases, the oxy gen composition increases, as shown in Fig. 4. These results suggest that (101) plane's orientation is improved as the oxygen composition decreases apart from stoichiometry, and the c-plane orientation is improved in the films with stoichiometric and with oxygen-rich compositions. Conse quently, film composition is an important factor to control the crystallite orientation. However, the difference in the chemical shift of these films is not clear, because the shift of the photoelectron energy profile for Zn, from Zn metal to the ZnO compound, is only 0.47 eV. So, the detailed discussions on the chemical states in the films have not yet been per formed. 0.6 ZnO 1Jt1 x 0 on glass c N c en 0.4 .Q .... GI 'iii ~ 0 Q, 1.04 E 0 0 "' I.J ~ C ""l 0.2 1.02 ~ x 0 10 .. x ,0 0.98 0 200 400 Ts (t) FIG. 4. The relationships between substrate temperature T, and (101) plane orientation 6.B,o and between T, and film composition. Composition of X = I corresponds to stoichiometric one. Here, the films were deposited by introducing oxygen gas into the substrate chamber. The 6.B,o is full width at half-maximum of the rocking curve. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 23:57:382978 M. Matsuoka and K. Ono: Crystal structures and optical properties of ZnO films 2978 FIG. 5. Plasma emission spectroscopic diagrams in methods A and B. These correspond to Fig. 2. As described above, the obtained crystal structure directly depends on the method of introducing oxygen gas. The re sults are explained as the difference in an ionization or acti vation efficiency of oxygen in the plasma between the two methods and also the vacancy density in the films. Plasma emission spectroscopic diagrams are shown in Fig. 5. Figure 5(a) corresponds to the plasma generated by introducing oxygen gas into the resonance cavity. This cor responds to Fig. 2(a). Figure 5(b) corresponds to the plas ma generated by introducing oxygen gas into substrate chamber. These correspond to Fig. 2(b). It is clear from these diagrams that the activated particles, including oxygen radicals O· and ions 0+ and O2 +, are clearly detected in the plasma by introducing oxygen in the resonance cavity, and the oxygen gases are much higher activated in the resonance cavity than in the substrate chamber. These ions have an energy ranging from several to several tens of electron volts. This clearly shows that the gas is effectively activated in the resonance cavity through the ECR. Accordingly, the films deposited in a highly reactive plasma exhibit good stoichi ometry and c-plane orientation. From these results, it is concluded that the crystallite ori entation directly depends on the activation efficiency of the oxygen gas and the substrate temperatures during depo sition. This means that the change in oxygen reactivity in the films causes the change in crystallite orientation. The films obtained by introducing oxygen gas into the resonance cav ity have higher oxygen reactivity than those obtained by in troducing oxygen into the substrate chamber. However, it is surprising that the drastic change in crystallite orientation occurs by such slight change (of a few percent) in film com position. It is probably important to consider the change in activation energy of the adatom's self-diffusion on the film surface with reactive plasma irradiation. B. Crystal structure The oxygen gases are highly activated in the resonance cavity as noted above. The crystal structure of the films de- J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.5, Sep/Oct 1989 Fo2:22.5 seeM 12 seeM 9 seeM 60 100 2(J (deg.) FIG. 6. Change in x-ray diffraction diagrams with oxygen gas How rate. Here, the oxygen gas was introduced into the resonance cavity, and the substrates were not heated. posited by introducing oxygen gas into the cavity (that is method A in Sec. III A) are described hereafter. Figure 6 shows the changes in x-ray diffraction diagram with oxygen gas flow rate. The films were deposited on un heated substrates. Substrate temperature reached ~40 °C during deposition. The c-plane orientation ofZnO improves as the oxygen gas flow rate increases. Figure 7 shows changes in x-ray diffraction diagram with substrate temperature T,. The oxygen gas flow rate was maintained at 22.5 sccm. The c-plane orientation improves as Ts increases. The well-oriented ZnO films were obtained at temperatures above 190°C. Changes of crystallite orientation with the substrate tem perature Ts and oxygen pressure po. are summarized in Fig. 8. The ECR-sputtered ZnO films exhibit two types of crys tallite orientation as described in Sec. III A. One is c-plane orientation, and the other is (101) plane orientation. The c plane orientation improves as Ts increases, or as oxygen gas flow rate increases. On the other hand, the (101 )-plane ori entation improves as Ts decreases, or as oxygen gas flow rate decreases. This is consistent with the results in Sec. IlIA. These changes in crystallite orientation with sputtering conditions are also consistent with the film composition, as 002 2 ~ A .n ......... "'" I 101 o 10 Fo2:22.5 seeM T Ts: 260't Ts: 190't Ts:40'C 50 100 2(J (deg.) FIG. 7. Change in x-ray diffraction diagrams with substrate temperatures. Here, the oxygen gas was introduced into the resonance cavity and the flow rate was maintained at 22.5 sccm. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 23:57:382979 M. Matsuoka and K. Ono: Crystal structures and optical properties of ZnO films 2979 300 200 e 100 [c] [101 ] +[c] Peff:300w Pdc:30 w o o 0.04 0.08 0.12 PO, (Pa) FIG. 8. The change in crystallite orientation of ZnO films with substrate temperatures T, and oxygen gas pressure Pm. Here, symbols 0,6, and. correspond to a c-plane oriented film, a film with mixed orientation of the c and (101 )-plane, and a (101 )-plane oriented film, respectively. noted above. As the T, is increased, and as the oxygen gas flow rate is increased, the oxygen composition in the films is increased and the c-plane orientation improves. Figure 9 shows the oxygen-gas pressure dependence of the plasma emission intensity ratio of oxygen radicals and ions. As the gas pressure increases, the luminescence intensity from radicals in plasma increases. The change in plasma emission spectra with oxygen gas flow rate are consistent with the change in the film's crystallographic characteris tics. This suggests that the neutral radicals also act as a ma jor role in oxidation of Zn particles in the ECR sputtering. Typical preferential crystallite orientations and their rocking curves are shown in Fig. 10. The c-plane oriented film was deposited at substrate temperature Ts = 200°C, 1.5 '" 'I 0* 7772 O~ 5586 0+ 4649 j 1.0-/0 o 0"/ 0/ 70~ ,/ 'f.. 0.5-I '/ o IIII1 0.01 , , ,I I - FIG. 9. Change of emission intensity ratio of excited species including radi cals and ions in a plasma. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.5, Sep/Oct 1989 rocking 002 2.2deg 004 -8 -4 ~~~~~~~2~02~~J~ ~ A 0.2deg 60 100JL 28 (deg.) -O.B -0.4 0 0.4 0.8 8 (deg.) FIG. 10. Typical x-ray diffraction diagram and rocking curve for c-plane oriented and (101 )-plane oriented ZnO films. and oxygen gas pressure P 02 = 0.1 Pa. The ( 101 ) -plane ori ented film was deposited at Ts = 40°C, P 02 = 0.01 Pa. Both films exhibit good orientations. In particular, the c-plane orientation of ECR-sputtered film is much better than that of rf-sputtered films. Typical rocking curves of the ECR sputtered ZnO films and of the films deposited by a conven tional rf sputtering are shown in Fig. 11. The rf-sputtering apparatus consists of a planar target of 100 mm in diameter and substrate. The sputtering was performed at a gas pres sure of 2 Pa. Here, both film thicknesses are fixed at -0.08 11m, and the substrate temperatures were -200°C. The ori entation improves as the thickness increases. The (101 )-plane oriented films exhibit much better orien tation than the c-plane orientated films. As shown in the typical rocking curve of Fig. 10, the films have orientation with the dispersion angle < 1°. It is concluded that crystallite orientation can be easily controlled by the oxygen gas flow rate and the substrate tem peratures by also introducing oxygen gas into the resonance cavity. That change is caused by the oxygen reactivity of the films. The difference in the film composition between c plane oriented films and (101 )-plane oriented films is 4% at most. Zn0002 -10 o ECR SPUTTER o (deg) 10 FIG. II. Comparison between c-plane rocking curves for ECR-sputtered ZnO film and for rf-sputtered film. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 23:57:382980 M. Matsuoka and K. Ono: Crystal structures and optical properties of ZnO films 2980 100 100 ~ ~ ~ GI [C] 50 IJ 50 oriented GI r:: IJ «I r:: .. • 1:: , E r ¥ III ~ r:: lJ ~80nm GI «I ... a: l- 0 500 1500 2500 ). (nm) FIG. 12. Typical transmittance and reflectance spectra for c-plane oriented ZnO film. Here, film thickness is 0.08 p.m. c. Optical and photochromic properties Typical transmittance and reflectance spectra of the c plane oriented film and of the (101 )-plane oriented film are shown in Figs. 12 and 13, respectively. Both films are 0.08 J..lm thick, and exhibit good transparency above 80% in wide wavelength ranging from 300 to 2500 nm. The optical band gap does not depend on the crystallite orientation. The (101 )-plane oriented films with higher vacancy den sity exhibit typical photochromic properties. These films are darkened by x-ray irradiation. Changes in transparence spectra of (101 )-plane oriented films with x-ray irradiation are shown in Fig. 14. Absorbance increases in the wave length range from 350 to 800 nm as x-rays are irradiated. A typical absorption spectrum of films with x-ray irradiation is shown in Fig. 15. The absorbance is estimated by change in transmittance with x-ray irradiation for 4.5 h. The absorp tion center exists at -2.8 eV. Darkening and fading changes are also shown in Fig. 16. The absorbance was measured at a wavelength of 450 nm. These characteristics are obtained in many photochromic materials/D•3! and also indicate that the ZnO films exhibit typical photochromic characteristics. 100 100 ~ 3 ~ ~ GI [101 ] IJ 50 50 r:: oriented GI «I IJ ::: r:: «I 'E .. III lJ ~80nm ~ r:: ~ «I GI ... a: I- 0 500 1500 2500 ). (nm) FIG. 13. Typical transmittance and reflectance spectra for (101 )-plane ori ented ZnO film. Here, film thickness is 0.08 p.m. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.5, Sep/Oct 1989 100 ~ GI 50 IJ r:: «I .. .. 'E III r:: lJ ~80nm III ... I-0 300 500 700 ). Cum) FIG. 14. Change in transmittance spectrum of (101 )-plane oriented films with x-ray irradiation. The photochromic characteristics are usmilly exhibited in a ZnO compound by ion doping of the crystaI.2!,32 Photo chromic characteristics appearing in the ZnO films deposit ed in this study are probably caused by their oxygen vacan cies. X-ray irradiation probably excites electrons in the crystal, and these electrons are trapped into the color centers created by the oxygen vacancies. These photochromic characteristics strongly depend on the crystallite orientation. The better the (101 )-plane orien tation, the more the film is darkened by x-ray irradiation. Darkening is not observed in c-plane well-oriented films. This result is consistent with the oxygen composition in the films. These results suggest that photochromic characteristics in Zn oxide films deposited by the ECR sputtering depend on the film's oxygen reactivity. The (101 )-plane oriented films with many oxygen vacancies exhibit photochromic charac teristics. These photochromic characteristics probably cor respond to the color center caused by the oxygen defects in Zn oxide films as described above. Moreover, oxygen defects in the Zn oxide films can be easily controlled by using ECR ~ ~ 40 GI IJ r:: III ..a ... 20 0 III ..a < ). Cum) 0.5 0.3 X-ray 4.5 hrs at room temp. 101-f\ oriented \ film "\ J 0 c- fP ~ oriented l 0 film ,.0 "'::. __ ""_ o 2 3 4 5 E), (eV) FIG. 15. Typical absorption spectra caused by the color center in ZnO film with x-ray irradiation at room temperature. Here, film thickness is 0.08 p.m. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 23:57:382981 M. Matsuoka and K. Ono: Crystal structures and optical properties of ZnO films 2981 60 ). :0.45.um at room temp ~ 40 GI U C .z .. 0 11 ct 0 2 3 40 40 80 (hours) (hours) FIG. 16. Typical darkening and fading properties of (101 )-plane oriented film with x-ray irradiation. plasma, and the crystallite orientation can also be easily con trolled. Figure 17 shows typical temperature dependence of fad ing rate of the absorbance excited by x-ray irradiation on the (101 )-plane oriented film. The fading rate is estimated from the model of darkening and fading process shown in Fig. 18. The activation energy of Zn oxide films during fading pro cess is -0.03 eV. The activation energy probably corre sponds to the magnitude of energy in vibration or in rotation of the excited oxygen vacancy. The vibration of vacancies is usually promoted by electron excitation in an insulator. Consequently, the activation energy of vacancy vibration in the excited state is much lower than that in the ground state.33 Thus, the obtained activation energy of ( 101 ) -plane oriented Zn oxide films is reasonable. It is also comparable with a alkyl-halide material. 33 These results indicate that the ECR plasma closely con trols the oxygen reactivity and crystallite orientation of Zn oxide films. The obtained ZnO films with (101 )-plane orien tation may be applied to many photochromic devices. ~ 0.1 « "" t;100 hours E;0.03eV 0.01 L-_.....L. __ L-..:..a........L._----l o 20 FIG. 17. Typical temperature dependence of absorbance fading rate in (101 )·plane oriented x-ray irradiated Zn oxide films. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.5, Sep/Oct 1989 o 4 104 t (hr) IV. CONCLUSION FIG. 18. A model of darkening and fading process with x-ray irradiation. Zn oxide films were reactively deposited on low tempera ture substrates below 200 °C by the ECR sputtering, which can deposit films in a low gas pressure atmosphere without any high-energy particle bombardment during film prepara tion. When oxygen gas was introduced into the cavity, the gas was highly activated. This shows that the introduced gas is easily excited through the electron cyclotron resonance. The c-plane orientation improves when the oxygen gas is introduced into the resonance cavity. On the other hand, the (101 )-plane orientation improves when the gas is intro duced into the substrate chamber. In particular, the (101) plane oriented film exhibits strong preferential orientation with a rocking-curve width ofO.2°. These changes in crystallite orientation of ZnO films with introducing methods of oxygen gas are caused by the film's oxygen reactivity. Also in the films deposited by introducing oxygen gas into the resonance cavity, the c-plane orientation is improved as the oxygen reactivity increases, and the (101 )-orientation is improved as the reactivity decreases. The c-plane oriented films deposited by this method also exhibit strong orienta tion with a rocking-curve width of 2°. Composition difference between the c-plane-oriented films and the (101 )-plane oriented films is 4% at most. The (101 )-plane oriented films with low oxygen-reactivity ex hibit typical photochromic properties induced by x-ray irra diation. These properties probably result from oxygen va cancy, that is a color center, and they do not exist in the c-plane oriented films. The darkened center exists at 2.8 eV. The activation energy of the fading process is -0.03 eV. These results indicate that ECR plasma is useful for con trolling crystal structure and oxygen reactivity. ECR-sputtered ZnO films with c-plane orientation may be applied to many supersonic devices, and films with ( 101 ) plane orientation may be applied to many photochromic de vices. lAo J. DeVries, R. Adlen, J. F. Dias, and T. J. Wojcik, Abstracts, IEEE Ultrasonic Symposium, St. Louis, Paper G-5 (1969). 2V. Jipson and C. F. Quate, App!. Phys. Lett. 32, 789 (1978). 'T. Shiosaki, Proceedings of the IEEE Ultrasonic Symposium (1978), (IEEE, New York, 1978), p.l00. 4J. Aranovich, A. Ortiz, and R. H. Bube, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. 16, 994 (1979). 'Y. Kiyoyama, Ana!' Chern. 38,1069 (1969). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 23:57:382982 M. Matsuoka and K. 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Nonequilibrium computer simulation of a salt solution S.B. Zhu, J. Lee, J.B Zhu, and G. W. Robinson Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 92, 5491 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.458528 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.458528 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/92/9?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Computational studies of aqueous interfaces of RbBr salt solutions J. Chem. Phys. 130, 124709 (2009); 10.1063/1.3096916 Theoretical aspects and computer simulations of flexible charged oligomers in salt-free solutions J. Chem. Phys. 125, 214907 (2006); 10.1063/1.2401606 Polyelectrolyte solutions with added salt: A simulation study J. Chem. Phys. 119, 1813 (2003); 10.1063/1.1580109 Computer simulations and integral equation theory for the structure of salt-free rigid rod polyelectrolyte solutions: Explicit incorporation of counterions J. Chem. Phys. 110, 11599 (1999); 10.1063/1.479099 Computer simulations of polyelectrolyte chains in salt solution J. Chem. Phys. 92, 7661 (1990); 10.1063/1.458204 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:10:11Nonequilibrium computer simulation of a salt solution S.-B. Zhu, J. Lee, J.-B Zhu, and G. W. Robinson Picosecond and Quantum Radiation Laboratory, Texas Tech University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Lubbock, Texas 79409 (Received 1 June 1989; accepted 24 January 1990) A nonequilibrium computer simulation is performed to investigate the relaxation of a realistic polar solvent near a rapidly dissociating ion pair. The time evolution of the reaction coordinate, the ultrashort time scale changes in solvation energy and solvent forces, the local density response, the heating of certain librational degrees of freedom, and the time-dependent polarization are studied during the first 125 fs of the reaction. It is found that the relaxation behaviors in the anionic and cationic shells are very different. On average, the solvation process under study takes about 30-40 fs to break the original cage. After another 50 fs, the solvated ion pair reforms a new metastable structure, which feeds energy back into the reacting system to break the cage further. This procedure is apparently repeated many times until dissociation is complete. The results obtained in this work provide a graphic picture of some of the features of ultrashort dynamics of ionic photodissociation reactions in a polar medium. I. INTRODUCTION The relaxation of water molecules in response to the ultrafast excitation of a dipolar solute is an active area of chemicall-6 and biological7 research. Enhancing current in terest in this topic are the apparent failures of continuum modelsS-1O revealed by modern laboratory techniques using picosecond and femtosecond kinetic spectroscopies. In stead, descriptions of solvation and solvent effects at the mo lecular level seem to be required. Together with this new experimental work, computer molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have provided a powerful and complementary tool for the better understanding of ultrafast dynamical aspects of solvation in chemical reactions. 11-14 In nearly all the simulations so far performed, attention has been focused on the investigation of solvation response following step function jumps in the solute's charge, 11,14 dipole momene3, or quadrupole moment. 12 In the present work, we study a somewhat different sys tem: the relaxation of polar solvent molecules in the vicinity of a photodissociating solvated salt molecule. The excitation can be viewed as the consequence of pumping with an ultra short laser pulse, The rapid dissociation of the salt creates a nonequilibrium ensemble. Unlike some of the previous in vestigations in which the transitional solute is "clamped" at certain fixed configurations, the full dynamical motion of the solute15 is included in this study. In addition, instanta neously responsive "electronic" solvent polarization, which we believe to be crucial for a good description of real solva tion over a wide range of experimental conditions, is taken into account in the present work. Because of the short time range investigated, the paper is addressed mainly to femtose cond spectroscopists, who by becoming more familiar with some of the effects described here, can devise ways through which the effects can eventually be measured in the laborato ry. II. NON EQUILIBRIUM MOLECULAR DYNAMICS METHOD The system under study consists of one Li+F-ion pair dissolved in 255 polar solvent molecules, These solvent mol ecules resemble water molecules in shape and in their vibra tional and electronic properties. This system is constructed first by containing 256 solvent molecules in a box with cubic periodic boundary conditions. The dimensions of the box (19.726 A)31ead to a density of 0.997 glcm3. As justified by the results obtained, this sample size seems to be sufficient to describe most of the properties to be discussed in Sec. III. The key reason for this is that the processes studied are ultra fast and the time elapsed ( 125 fs) during the simulation is so short that perturbations from the dissociating ion pair do not propagate to more distant solvent molecules during this time. The only exception is the induced dipole moment for which the long-range Coulomb interaction plays an essential role. Similar calculations by other authorsll-14 have em ployed about the same box size (212-504 molecules) with out introducing appreciable size effects,13 even though their computational times ranged into the picosecond regime. To begin the simulation, one solvent molecule is re placed by the ion pair. The classical many-body problem is solved by the third order predict--estimate--correct algo rithm of Beeman 16 with an integration time step of 0.25 fs. Ninety-one independent sets of phase points equilibrated at 300 K are prepared. MD simulations are performed individ ually for each set of phase points, These 91 independent re laxation trajectories constitute a nonequilibrium ensemble that can be used to determine the averages. As usual, the velocities of the particles are measured in the laboratory ref erence. The total momentum of the box of course remains zero during the simulation. Further details about the meth ods used here can be found in earlier publications. 15,17,1S Developing a new polarizable liquid water model that J. Chem, Phys. 92 (9), 1 May 1990 0021-9606/90/095491-06$03.00 @ 1990 American Institute of Physics 5491 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:10:115492 Zhu et al.: Computer simulation solution can be used over a broad range of temperature requires in tensive effort and a large amount of computational time. 17.19-24 Further reducing any realistic water model to a sufficiently simple form so that ionic solutes can be included without engendering unreasonably lengthy computer runs presents an added computational enigma. While this will be a focus of our future work, it is not the goal of this paper. Rather, the solvent-solvent potential used is represented by a TIP3P water model, modified by inclusion of both intra molecular vibrational freedom and an electronic polariza tion feature employed earlier. 17 A similar strategy has been used before on SPC water to investigate intramolecular vi brations.25•26 This simplifying strategy is not meant to im prove the water-water potentials, since simply adding on these two properties to an existing empirical model, whose parameters have already been optimized for certain proper ties of the pure liquid, disturbs the intermolecular potential and structure causing the model to worsen for pure water simulations. The justification for this simplified approach is that we can obtain at least a qualitative idea about the behavior near an ionic reaction of a polar solvent resembling water without an undue expenditure of computer time. The idea is that the ion-solvent interactions are so much stronger than solvent solvent interactions that the details of the latter, within rea sonable bounds, are unimportant for obtaining an acceptable picture of the local dynamics. Any new effects that are found should thus show up when a better solvent model can be employed. For example, a recent comparison27 made for re sults from two sets of computer simulations, one with and one without the inclusion of instantaneously responsive "electronic" polarization in the solvent model, shows that this polarization is crucial for adequately describing the re laxation processes involved in the neighborhood of a rapidly dissociating ion pair. The reason is simple. The strong elec tric field of the ion pair induces a considerable dipole mo ment in each of the neighboring solvent molecules. This ef fect combined with the flexible intramolecular bonds distorts the geometry of the solvent molecules and signifi cantly perturbs both the ion-solvent and solvent-solvent in teractions. None of the simple water models28-30 includes these polarization corrections explicitly, but rather the po larization is taken into account in an average way by intro ducing effective point charges whose magnitudes are insensi tive to the local electric fields. This scheme may be appropri ate for simulating pure liquid water, but it cannot be correct for studying the inhomogeneous interface between ions and the polar solvent. In the present work, the intramolecular potential is as- TABLE I. Molecular parameters. sumed to be harmonic, having a quadratic form in the bond stretches abl and ab2 and the "-0-" bending angle arp: u =.£L[ab2 +ab2] +~[b a",]2 mIra 2 I 2 2 e 'f' where be is the average 0-" bond length of the vapor phase water molecule. The force constants employed are contained in Table I. To represent the electronic polarization, we allow the point charges at the oxygen and hydrogen atoms to vary according to the instantaneous local electric field. This type of polarization model was first used by Zhu, Lee, and Robin son31 in simulating liquid carbon disulphide in intense laser fields. The model leads to a simple and computationally trac table algorithm while retaining a basic feature of the polar ization effect. For further convenience, the polarization cen ter is chosen to coincide with the oxygen atom. It is known experimentally32 that the water molecule possesses an iso tropic polarizability a of 1.444 A3. The instantaneous in duced dipole moment Dj (1) attime t of the ith molecule thus has the same direction as that of the local field (2) The changes of the point charges reproduce this induced dipole moment within the constraint that the entire mole cule remains neutral. This local perturbation on a single molecule propagates to long distance through the Coulomb interactions and introduces a non-pair-additive contribution to the potential. 17 Therefore, the dynamic influence of the dissociating ion pair is not limited to nearest-neighbor sol vent molecules. To differentiate effects at different distances, we divide the solvent molecules into three groups. To separate the ef fects caused by the cation and anion, we further split each group into two subgroups. Solvent molecules whose 0 atom distance from the cation is less than 3.7 A form the PI or "caging" shell. This definition is somewhat arbitrary. The shell thus defined is certainly larger than the real equilibrium first cationic shell but is suitable for studying the dynamical features. If the distance of the 0 atom to the cation is greater than 6.25 A, the solvent molecule is assigned to the P 3 shell. It is of interest to know whether this shell possesses bulk solvent properties. The region between these two shells is assigned as the P 2 shell or the intermediate shell. Shells surrounding the anion are defined in an analogous way and are referred to as N 1, N2, and N3. Force constants (mdyn/A) Point charges (electron charge) kcal!mol A-' c, c, C4 q" A B f3 r 8.454 0.76\ 0.288 -0.10\ -\ 393582 750 6.321 0.8 J. Chem. Phys .• Vol. 92, No.9, 1 May 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:10:11Zhu et al.: Computer simulation solution 5493 IJ .... 151 ~~ ( Q) ~151 0151 a..cp .......... .............................................................................. 41'11'11'1 51'11'11'1 Separation FIG. 1. Position-dependent potential energies (in units of 100 cal/mol) for the ground (solid curve) and excited (dotted curves) states of LiF used for the simulation. The ion-ion separation is in units of 0.001 A). In addition to the interactions with the surrounding sol vent molecules, the ions are constrained by the Bom Mayer33 potential U (g) -Ae -[3'Li-F + qLi qF Li-F --- rLi-F (3) with a dissociation energy of 192.37 kcallmol and an equilib rium bond length of 1.55 A to mimic the ground state ofLiF in the vapor phase 34 The dynamics is addressed in the following manner. At time t = 0, and according to the Franck-Condon principle, the LiF molecule is pumped to an "electronically excited state" from the instantaneous LiF bond length in the equili brated ground state. This scheme was first employed by Wil son's group35 for studying transient x-ray scattering of the I • 2 molecule. Exact excIted state data for LiF are not available. Here we simply assume the excitation process is realized through one additional exponential repulsive term, giving for the total excited state potential, U L~~F = Ae -[3'Li-F + Be -Y'L,-F + qLi qF rLi_F (4) The above equation gives a dissociation energy of53.30 kcal /mol with a gas phase equilibrium bond length of 4.5 A. Again, this solute model is not supposed to represent accu rately any real chemical system. The results thus obtained are meant only to provide a qualitative picture of the local dynamics accompanying an ionic reaction in a realistic polar solvent. These potential energy curves for the ground and excited states of the ion pair are illustrated in Fig. I. A differ ent excitation mechanism, which deforms the "electronic clouds", has also been recently investigated. 27 III. RELAXATION PROCESS When the intramolecular potential function of the ion ~air is abruptly changed from the stable ground state poten tIal to the unstable excited state potential (see Fig. I), disso ciation of the solute begins and the solvation relaxation pro cess proceeds. In Fig. 2, the time evolution of the distance between the two ions is illustrated. No actual dissociation is 5B1'1 758 II'lBl'l Time (lit 1 fa) FIG. 2. Time evolution ofthe ion-ion separation (in units of 0.001 A). completed in the 125 fs time of the calculations, since the slowly responding solvent is not able to diffuse into the va cancy created by the ion-pair separation during this short period. In other words, solvent friction on these short time scales plays a role that essentially blocks the solute dissocia tion. A similar system, the sodium chloride ion pair in TIPS2 water, was discussed earlier by Karim and McCammon. 36 Their study focused on the longer time dynamics of transi tions between two quasistable states. They generated several indc:pendent t.rajectories for this process by initially fixing the Ions at a dIstance corresponding to the top of the barrier in the potential of mean force. Because of our inclusion of dynamic polarization and flexible bonds and the different time scales and goals, there is little connection between that work and the present simulations. Plo~ted in Fig. 3 is the response of the solvation energy (pot~ntIa~ energy between the ion pair and solvent). Again, the diffUSive motion of the strongly structured solvent can not keep up with the motion of the solute. It takes about 30- 40 fs for the solvent to respond to the abrupt change caused by the initial excitation. This is indicated by the break up of the original cage. After another 50 fs, the configuration of the solute tends to stabilize as indicated in Fig. 2 and a new cage is formed, leading once again to a metastable solute/sol vent structure (Fig. 3). Figure 4 compares the mean-square solvation forces act- FIG. 3. Time evolution of the solvation energy (in units of 10 cal/mol). J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 92, No.9, 1 May 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:10:115494 Zhu et al.: Computer simulation solution ,J 251'1 S01'1 750 11'11'11'1 Time (121. 1 f s) FIG. 4. Time evolution of the mean·square solvent forces on the ions (in units of kcal2 mol-2/ A 2). Solid curve for cation; dotted curve for anion (the same for all remaining figures). ing on the cation and the anion. According to the generalized Langevin theory,37 this is equivalent to a space-time-depen dent memory kernel M(X,T = t) for the solvent friction. Be cause of the relatively rapid motion of the positive ion, its memory kernel is considerably greater than that experienced by the negative ion. Such dependences of the memory kernel on the relative motional time scale of a solute particle have been previously observed in MD simulations of cis-trans iso merizations37,38 and dissociation-recombination reactions in solution.39 The oscillations shown in Fig. 4 indicate at tempts of the Li + ion to break out of the solvation cage. After about 30--40 fs (three impacts on the cage), the cage tends to soften and the pressure imposed by the cage de creases rapidly. Variations in the number of solvent molecules contained in theP 1, P2, N 1, andN2 shells are displayed in Fig. 5. For simplicity, we assume that the sizes of these shells around each ion remain invariant during the dissociation process and that the cationic shells always have the same diameter as the anionic shells. In this way, we obtain information about the variation of local densities. However, the different effec- __ -L ___ L-L-._' , 250 51'11'1 751'1 Time (121. 1 f s) .' . ......... :. FIG. 5. Time evolution of numbers of molecules contained in PI and N 1 shells (upper curves, scaled by 0.00 1 ) and P 2 and N 2 shells (lower curves, scaled by 0.01). tive radii of the solvated positive and negative ions, as evalu ated from the solute-solvent radial distribution functions, are not measured here. As a consequence, the differing abili ties of these ions to attract neighboring polar solvent mole cules are not investigated. In fact, the equilibrium solvent densities near the interfaces of the cation and anion are al most identical. The main cause of the different number of solvent molecules contained in the first natural cage (not PI and N 1 ) is the difference in size of these ions and their cages. On the other hand, because of the relatively rapid movement of the low-mass positive ion, the nonequilibrium local sol vent densities do become distinguishible. As depicted in Fig. 5, the dynamical motions of the ions tend to decrease the density in the neighborhood of the cation and to increase the density in the anionic shell. After a sufficiently long relaxa tion time, this difference in density tends to disappear through solvent diffusion. As we have already mentioned in an earlier paper, !5 the surrounding solvent cannot fully keep up with the fast dynamical motions of the positive ion. This motion has a tendency to erase the shell boundaries and gives rise to a larger size of the cationic shell compared with the heavier negative ion. Such separations of time scales of sol vent 'and solute motions often play important roles in ultra fast dynamical processes. 37 In their nonequilibrium computer simulations, Rao and Berne!! and Maroncelli and Fleming!4 observed a dramatic heating of the solvent in response to a change of the solute's charge. Such heating is one of the features of non equilibrium that might give rise to a departure from linear behavior. We see similar temperature changes in the first, second, and third solvation shells (see Figs. 6-14). Illustrated in Figs. 6- 8 are the center-of-mass (c.m.) mean-square velocities (MSV) of solvent molecules in the various shells. Note the vertical scale changes. These curves clearly show dramatic increases of the local translational temperature caused by the strong perturbation. It can also be noticed that the mo tion of the positive ion raises the translational temperature of its first shell (P 1) much more efficiently than the motion of the negative ion raises the translational temperature of its first shell (see Fig. 6). This difference, however, is not ob- II III " ........ ---_ .... 250 '. '. ". "........... ---· __ ---1 500 750 1 _ Time (0. Ifs) FIG. 6. Time evolution of the mean-square velocities (MSY) for C.m. of solvent molecules in P 1 and N 1 shells. The MSY values on the vertical axis should be mUltiplied by 3 k8 T /1000 m. Solvent mass = m (the same for Figs. 7-11) J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 92, No.9, 1 May 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:10:11Zhu et al.: Computer simulation solution 5495 151 N -N II! ...... . N 251i1 ". 51i11i1 751i1 Time (li1. 1 f s) ...... llillillil •....•.. ...... FIG. 7. Time evolution of the mean-square velocities for c.m. of molecules in P2 and N2 shells. vious for the P 2 and N 2 shells, while an opposite tendency is found in the P 3 and N 3 shells (Fig. 7). In fact, heating in these outer anionic shells is found to be at least as fast and perhaps faster than that in the N 1 shell. In order to understand the comparative effects of the ionic motions on translational and rotational temperatures of the solvent molecules, we plot in Figs. 9-11 the time evo lutions of the mean-square velocity of the hydrogen atoms in the various shells. Since the position of the oxygen atom is close to the center-of-mass of the molecule, the translational temperature is essentially determined by the oxygen motion, while the temperatures of the rotations are determined pri marily by the motion of the hydrogen atoms. Contrary to what was observed in Fig. 6, the motion of the negative ion now affects its neighbors more significantly. We therefore conclude that the positive ion, which attracts the oxygen atoms of the solvent, has more influence on the translational temperature, while the negative ion, which attracts the hy drogen atoms, raises the local rotational temperatures more easily. The high frequency oscillations in the mean-square hydrogen atom velocities indicate the presence of fluctu ations caused by LiF intramolecular vibrations. This effect 151 Q) N ......... _ ....•..... _ ... _. __ •.••....•..••...............•........•.... 151 -N >- Ul ~151 ~ -- 151 r- 151 -.- 251i1 51i11i1 7S1i1 llillillil Time (lit 1 f s) FIG. 8. Time evolution of the mean-square velocities for c.m. of molecules in P 3 and N 3 shells. .............. . -.,. ..... '. : . ... ""'._-... : .... : .. : .. : .... 2S1il S/IJEI 7SIil lllllillil Time (121. 1 f.) FIG. 9. Time evolution of the mean-square velocities for hydrogen atoms in P I and N I shells. on solvent rotational motion has been observed in previous MD calculationslS and could be a subject of future experi mental interest. Figures 12-14 depict the total change oflocal tempera ture in response to the photoinduced dissociation of the sol ute. We see that instantaneous local temperatures in P 1 may be raised to over 11 OOK, while the maximum temperature in N 1 is only -800 K. This difference is partly caused by the more rapid motion of the lightweight positive ion. Also seen from these figures is the fact that the time required for P 1 to reach its highest temperature is near 40 fs, while for N 1 it is closer to 50 fs. The slower response in N 1 is consistent with its smaller temperature maximum. These times are close to the time required for the ion. pair to reach maximum separa tion (see Fig. 2). The rise time for the temperature in the P 2 shell is about 60 fs and is about 75 fs for N2. There is no significant differ ence between P 3 and N 3 temperature increases, the rise times being more gradual and reaching a lower maximum than in the innermost shells. By comparing these curves, we may estimate the propagation rate of the thermal flow. Clear from these figures is the fact that solvent molecules sur rounding the smaller, lighter weight positive ion because of its shorter interaction distance should have a faster, more 151 N N N .... 0," •• . ", 0,: .:':' ..... : ..... : -" ... FIG. 10. Time evolution of the mean-square velocities for hydrogen atoms in P2 and N2 shells. J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 92, No.9, 1 May 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:10:115496 Zhu et a/.: Computer simulation solution & CD CD & -CD > (f) ::::i:& ~ CD - 251!1 51!11!1 751!1 11!11!11!1 Time <l2l. 1 fa) FIG. II. Time evolution of the mean-square velocities for hydrogen atoms in P 3 and N 3 shells. intense response to an abrupt ionic perturbation than solvent molecules surrounding the larger negative ion. The time dependences of the apparent mean-square-in duced dipole moment (MSDM) per solvent molecule (J-t2) are shown in Figs. 15-17. Because of the long range nature of the forces here, and the relatively small sample size, one must be somewhat cautious about all the details arising from these particular calculations. The ion dynamics induces a considerable dipole moment in each of the surrounding sol vent molecules. In particular, the peak value of (J-t2) in the P 1 shell may rise to values two to three times larger than the equilibrium state value. The polarization effect i~ N 1 is much weaker. It is interesting that a reverse order IS found for the P3 and N3 shells; cf. Figs. 15 and 17. Two other features regarding dynamic polarization of the solvent mole cules should be mentioned here. First, the rise time for the MSDMs are long in comparison with other properties and there do not appear to be propagations. Instead, a long range feature is observed, which is especially noticeable in the an ionic shells. Second, while the negative ion seems more capa ble of extending its influence to long range, the positive ion is the most important at short range. We also observe these features in the local heating of the solvent (refer to Figs. 12 and 13). ~ ( "'. I ... /~'~, I J : ..... '-.......--.' .... .......... . ......... .1 ... •••••••••••••••••••••..••••• I .. ·······y···:::::_L __ .L ._L-L_ .L. __ ..I...-_L_~ 25~ 5.Ul 751/J 11/J1/J1il Time (0. 1 fa) FIG. 12. Time evolution of the local temperature of P I and N I shells (in units of 0.1 K, also Figs. 13 and 14). :.:.:.: .... . ..... _ ..................... . .' 251!1 51!11!1 151!1 11!11!11!1 Time (0. 1f s) FIG. 13. Time evolution of the local temperature of P2 and N2 shells. A general observation which can be made is that there seems to be a wide variation in the ultrashort time response of the solvent on the type of abrupt ionic perturbation im posed here, the response characteristics depending on the ionic mass, charge, and interionic distance, and also on the type of measurement being made. This is truly a challenge for theorists. Nothing seems to be getting very simple as the molecular frontiers of time and space are approached. Glo bal aspects of the solvation process are replaced by specific characteristics caused by the detailed nature of the many body interactions. IV. CONCLUDING REMARKS Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics calculations have been performed in order to study the dynamical aspects of solvation of a polar solvent in response to a sudden excitation of an ion pair. Attention has been paid to the time evolution of the reaction coordinates, the solvation energy, solvent forces, local densities, and heating of different librational modes of the solvent. The effect of solvent polarization and the dissimilar responses of the cationic and anionic shells have been studied. These dissimilar responses are partly caused by the different masses and sizes of the various atom- / .. ---WVl . .... • 0 -.:" .. ' ..... ~... I ..... , .-....J...! --;:2±~1/J::---L-;=51/J;!.,!1!I;-...L.-7~1!I II!I~I!I Time W.lfs) FIG. 14. Time evolution of the local temperature of P3 and N3 shells. J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 92, No.9, 1 May 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:10:11Zhu et af.: Computer simulation solution 5497 250 500 750 Time (f2l. lfs) 1000 FIG. 15. Time evolution of the apparent mean-square-induced dipole mo mentinP 1 andN 1 shells [theunitsare7.35X 10-4 D2 (the same for Figues 16 and 17)J ic entitites used and the different time scales of solute and solvent motions. Coupled with these effects is the difference in formal charge ofthe hydrogens and oxygens of the solvent molecules. These differences have a dramatic influence on local dynamic properties such as solvent densities, tempera tures, and polarizations, and cause the solvent shells sur rounding the smaller positive ion to respond to the perturba tion differently than shells surrounding the larger negative ion. The latter responds slowly, moderately, and over a long er range; the former responds strongly, rapidly, and over a shorter range. Moreover, the positive ion mainly influences the translational motion, while the negative ion mainly in fluences the rotational motions of the neighboring solvent. From these studies, we can draw an intuitive picture for primordial photoinduced ionic dissociation in a polar solu tion. Excitation of the reacting system leads to a sudden change of its electronic configuration. Consequently, huge forces develop that are inclined to break the original solva tion cage, which initially corresponds to the ground state solvation cage of the system. Both the shape and size of the cage resist this change. This stubbornness on the part of the solvent decelerates the reaction process. As a compromise 151 151 151 .... 250 I 500 750 Time <0. 1 f s) I L._ 1000 FIG. 16. Time evolution of the apparent mean-square-induced dipole mo ment in P2 and N2 shells. 151 151 ""Ot Ul .. : . ~: .. \. \:~'::4 '-: :.:- ..• ~ •• I." : .: .... ~~ 0° .-.:: .. " .. . . ...... '. : .. ~.:.::, :~, .. :;<:: .. \(: :: ... . 250 500 750 Time (f2l. 1 f s) 1111111111 FIG. 17. Time evolution of the apparent mean-square-induced dipole mo ment in P 3 and N 3 shells. reply, the reacting system achieves an intermediate metasta ble configuration, around which the neighboring solvent at tempts to reconstruct a new cage. During this period, solvent friction may increase the kinetic energy of the solute through feedback of the thermal energy from the locally heated sol vent molecules. When the reacting system gains enough ki netic energy, it launches another attack on the solvation cage. This same procedure is repeated at lower and lower amplitudes until some of the solvent molecules are able to fill the vacancy created by the reaction. Separate cages for the cation and anion are then formed and relative diffusion of the two solvated ions separates them, completing the reac tion process. As some final notes, it is worth remembering that what we have done in this paper does not bear necessarily on the true mechanism of real ionic hydration reactions studied in the laboratory. First of all, creation of the unstable ion pair by artificial electronic pumping is not completely realistic. Preceeding the nuclear dissociation of a real solute, there occurs a change of electronic dipole on the ~ 1 fs time scale of the electronic transition. This takes place before any of the nuclei have a chance to respond, though the solvent elec trons are certainly affected. Thus, the approximation of time-independent point charges for the ion pair is an over simplification. A more realistic electronic excitation process has been investigated in other work.27 Another important point is that the run times used here are very short, .;;; 125 fs. This is the order of, perhaps even shorter than, the longitudinal relaxation time 'T L of water. 42 While many of the processes studied seem close to saturation on this time scale, more interesting events may follow. For example, the model for water used here has not been chosen to give a good representation of the Debye rotation time 'TD (~8 ps at 300 K).43 Thus, any processes involving high am plitude molecular rotations of the solvent are absent from these studies both because of the inadequacy of the potential model and the short time duration of the MD. In future work on this subject, the 'TD aspects of the problem will need to be improved. Quantum effects have also been omitted. The classical results show a slowing down of the ionic dissociation because J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 92, No.9, 1 May 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:10:115498 Zhu et af.: Computer simulation solution of a complicated multistage caging effect. Could a low mass, energy latent ion such as Li + use tunneling to speed up es cape from its initial cage environment? Finally, the energetics of the dissociation/solvation re action described here do not match all laboratory problems of interest. From Fig. 1, it can be estimated that most of the time, an LiF molecule will be excited 20-40 kcallmol above its gas phase dissociation energy. This excess energy in our opinion can qualitatively modify the dynamics. In fact, our ideas about proton dissociation/hydration from weak acids44 require: (1) a realistic water model capable of pro viding an accurate r D' (2) proton tunneling; and (3) energy augmentation of the endoergic process through the forma tion of strongly bound hydration structures. These aspects have certainly not been addressed in previous MD simula tions of ionic solvation, nor have they been here. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Financial support at the PQRL has been shared by the Robert A. Welch Foundation (D-0005, 46% and D-1094, 5%), the National Science Foundation (CHE8611381, 37%), and the State of Texas Advanced Research Program (1306, 12%). Computer time was furnished by the Pitts burgh Supercomputing Center. 'D. F. Calef and P. G. Wolynes, J. Chern. Phys. 78, 4145 (1983). 2S. G. Su and J. D. Simon, J. Phys. Chern. 90, 6475 (1986). 3M. Maroncelli and G. R. Fleming, J. Chern. Phys. 86, 6221 (1987). 4R. P. W. J. Struis, J. de Bleijser, and J. C. Leyte, J. Phys. Chern. 91, 1639 ( 1987). 'A. L. Nichols III and D. F. Calef, J. Chern. Phys. 89, 3783 (1988). 6J. Lee, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 111,427 (1989). 7A. Pullman, V. Vasilescu, and L. Packer, Water and Ions in Biological Systems (Plenum, New York, 1985). "H. S. Hamed and 8. 8. 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Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:10:11
Pt2Si formation: Diffusion marker and radioactive silicon tracer studies M. A. E. Wandt, C. M. Comrie, J. E. McLeod, and R. Pretorius Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 67, 230 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.345286 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.345286 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/67/1?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Marker and radioactive silicon tracer studies of PtSi formation J. Appl. Phys. 72, 2232 (1992); 10.1063/1.351616 Radioactive metal tracer investigation of Pd2Si formation Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 1643 (1990); 10.1063/1.103219 Diffusion in intermetallic compounds with the CaF2 structure: A marker study of the formation of NiSi2 thin films J. Appl. Phys. 53, 5678 (1982); 10.1063/1.331453 Radioactive silicon as a marker in thinfilm silicide formation Appl. Phys. Lett. 30, 501 (1977); 10.1063/1.89230 Measurement by Radioactive Tracers of Diffusion in Liquids J. Appl. Phys. 19, 1160 (1948); 10.1063/1.1715037 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 20:55:32Pt2Si formation: Diffusion marker and radioactive silicon tracer studies M. A. E. Wandt Van de GraaffGroup, National Accelerator Centre, Faure 7131, South Africa C. M. Comrie Department of Physics, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa J. E. McLeod Van de GraaffGroup, National Accelerator Centre, Faure 7131 and Department of Physics, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa R. Pretorius Van de GraaffGroup, National Accelerator Centre, Faure 7131, South Africa (Received 20 June 1989; accepted for publication 4 September 1989) The moving species during the formation of first-phase platinum silicide, Pt2Si, by thermal annealing is identified with inert markers (Ti, Co, Ge, As) and radioactive 31St as a tracer. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry is utilized to monitor the flow of atoms past the marker during the silicide forming reaction, while the position of the tracer after the reaction is determined by using sputter depth profiling and radioactivity measurements. Experiments with thin-film structures employing a reference marker at the substrate silicon/amorphous silicon interface and a mobile marker near the amorphous silicon/platinum interface clearly show a shift of the latter marker towards the surface of the sample. The radioactive tracer, initially embedded in nonradioactive silicon and metal, is moved from this position and concentrates at the sample surface. The outcome of both marker and tracer studies is consistent with a picture in which platinum diffuses during the formation of Pt2Si. i. iNTRODUCTION During the past decade silicide contact metallurgy has been increasingly employed in advanced integrated circuit metallization due to several of their advantages. In particu lar, the low resistivity and high thermal stability of near noble and refractory metal silicides makes these compounds especially suitable as a replacement for polysilicon in the production of gate electrode materials and low-resistance interconnects. Among the materials of interest. self-aligned silicides of platinum were among the first compounds to be applied to a wide variety of integrated circuit structures. I Lately this system has gained considerable importance in the manufacture of Schottky barrier photodetectors.2 The platinum silicide layers are grown by annealing a thin platinum film deposited on a silicon substrate. In a dean system, with unlimited Si supply, the metal reacts with sili con at temperatures above 200 °C, first forming a metal-rich silicide, Pt2Si. When all the metal is consumed, the techno logically important end-phase, PtSi, starts to grow at tem peratures in the vicinity of 300°C. 3,4 Many investigations have been devoted to the under standing of platinum silicide formation and the factors influ encing the Pt-Si interaction. For example, reaction kinetics of both Pt2Si and PtSi growth have been shown to depend strongly on oxygen contamination of the metal film, increas ing contaminant concentration slowing down the reaction process.4,5 On the other hand, thin films of gold sandwiched between the silicon and platinum layers have been demon strated to enhance PtSi formation only.6 Other studies have been concerned with the effect of nitrogen impurities on the Pt-Si interaction,7 the redistribution of dopants, such as ar-senic, during Pt-silicide growth,8 the oxidation of platinum silicide layers,9 the influence of different processes during device fabrication,1O and the study of lateral diffusion cou pIes. 11 In many instances results of these experiments are ex plained in terms of the dominant moving species during sili cide formation. Knowledge of the diffusants and the mecha nisms of diffusion is essential for a complete understanding of the interaction between metal film and silicon, and of the influence of impurities on silicide growth. It is thus surpris ing that with few exceptions12-15 no attempt has yet been made to unequivocally pinpoint the diffusing species during Pt2Si and PtSi growth. Employing a radioactive silicon trac er, Pretorius et al. 12,13 deduced indirectly from second pha..'>e PtSi results that platinum is the diffusing element during first-phase Pt2Si formation. Zhao et al. 14 made use of a thin molybdenum marker, the shift of which indicated predomi nantly Pt motion in the case of thermally annealed Pt2Si, while for ion mixing both species were involved in the atomic transport. However, these researchers were mostly interest ed in the initial reaction and experimented with thin (25- um) Pt films, with the disadvantage of very small marker movements. The same authors believed that Pt is the only moving species in the thermal formation ofPt2Si, but recom mended an additional independent study.15 Furthermore, Tn 16 maintained that both Pt and Si diffuse during the for mation ofthe metal-rich platinum silicide, but failed to pro vide experimental evidence. Discrepancies in these earlier reports prompted us to reinvestigate the Pt-Si diffusion system. In this paper inert marker and radioactive silicon tracer experiments are COD- 230 J. Appl. Phys. 67 (1), 1 January 1990 0021-8979/90/010230-07$03.00 © 1989 American Institute of Physics 230 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 20:55:32sidered in detail with the aim of identifying the dominant diffusing species (and possibly the diffusion mechanism) during first phase Pt2Si formation. It EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Polished single-crystal silicon wafers of (100) orienta tion, p type (B doped), 1.5-4.0 n em, and a thickness of approximately 0.5 mm were cleaved into 1 cm2 squares. These were cleaned ultrasonically with trichloroethylene, acetone, and methanol, followed by a rinse in deionized wa ter. Immediately prior to loading into a vacuum chamber for electron beam evaporation, the samples were etched in 20% (v/v) hydrofluoric acid to remove the native oxide layer. A. Marker Thin film structures with a reference markerl5 at the single crystal silicon/amorphous silicon interface and a mo bile marker near the amorphous silicon/platinum interface were prepared by consecutive electron beam evaporation of marker (Ti, Co, Ge, or As), Si, marker, and Pt. The refer ence marker was situated sufficiently deep in the structure that its position was not altered during silicide formation. Platinum film thicknesses ranging from 100 to 130 nrn with corresponding silicon films of up to 300 nrn were deposited at rates of less than 1.5 nrn/s. The marker elements were evaporated at rates of about 0.1 nm/s and 0.5-1 urn thick ness. The vacuum was always better than 8 X 10-5 fa during evaporation. For most marker investigations three different sets of samples were produced in order to observe and minimize possible effects of interface drag. 17 In the first set the mobile marker was deposited between the amorphous silicon and platinum films as described above, whereas in the second set a 7.S-nm platinum layer preceeded the deposition of the marker and capping platinum. In the third set an additional 5-nm Si layer was evaporated on top of the marker thus upon a preanneal effectively embedding it in a layer of ~ 10 nm Pt2Si. For each marker, a control sample with Si(lOO)1 marker/Pt structure, each layer 150 mn thick, was included in the subsequent annealing sequence to study on a larger scale any Si-marker-Pt interaction. Thermal annealing was carried out in a vacuum quartz tube furnace at a temperature of 285 ·C for times up to 30 min. Background pressure was less than 3 X 10-5 fa. The marker movement was followed by 2 and 2.6 MeV 4He+ Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS). Silicide compounds formed were characterized by the height ratio of the metal and silicon yields, while layer thicknesses and marker position were extracted from simulated spectra fit ted to experimental data,18 both before and after annealing. B. Tracer By now, radioactive 31Si (Si*) has been used on numer ous occasions12.13.19 to determine the dominant moving spe cies during silicide formation. While under certain circum stances the interpretation of the experimental data is ambiguous,20 the technique does have the advantage of not introducing (chemically) foreign material into the diffusion 231 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.1. 1 January 1990 system. In this investigation, 300-run Si was evaporated onto the substrate silicon foHowed by approximately 50 nm radio active 31Si and 140-nm platinum. Sets of 16 nominally identi cal samples were prepared by deposition onto a 4 X 4 cm2 substrate. The radioactive silicon was produced by 12-h neutron activation of pieces of natural silicon (Cerac) with 99.999% purity. Thermal neutrons are captured by 308i (natural abundance 3.1 %) forming 31Si which is a ,B-emitter with a half-life of 2.62 h, Before loading into the evaporator, the activated silicon was subjected to the same cleaning se quence as the substrate silicon to remove contingent surface impurities. The decay of the 31Si was also followed by multi ple beta counting of a reference sample with a Geiger MiilIer detector to expose any deviation of the observed half life from the tabulated one. After deposition the samples were annealed in a vacuum furnace at 285 ·C for 30 min, resulting in complete reaction of the metal layer to Pt2Si. The activity profile was derived from sectioned specimens using argon sputter etching to par tially remove the grown silicide layer. The thickness of the removed silicide was deduced from RBS spectra acquired before and after sputtering. By varying the sputter time and comparing normalized counts of the virgin and sputtered specimen, each sample of a set provided one point on the integrated activity profile. For comparison of this profile with calculated profiles assumi.ng different diffusing species, the exact amount of deposited radioactive silicon needs to be known. A procedure based on evaporation of ~ 150 nm Si* onto a thin aluminum foil of specific size was adopted to this end. The quantity of Si'" on the aluminum was then deter mined by weight difference (and RBS spectrometry), while the Si* thickness on the specimens was derived by compar ing normalized counts of the latter with those of a piece of foil of same area. iii. RESULTS A. Marker Figure 1 illustrates the general structure of samples with reference and mobile marker before and after annealing. If the layer of amorphous silicon, Si(a), is thick enough, the substrate does not take part in the reaction and no atomic transport takes place past the reference marker. Since matter above the reference marker is conserved in the silicide form ing reaction, the reference marker appears at the same ener gy in RBS spectra acquired before and after complete trans formation to Pt2Si. The separation of the two markers will then vary according to which element constitutes the domi nant diffusing species during the reaction. In the case of platinum diffusion, Pt atoms move past the marker and through the initially formed silicide layer, and react with the underlying silicon. Thi.s causes an increase in marker separa tion, until all metal is consumed and the marker reaches the sample surface. Conversely, if silicon diffuses past the mark er, the latter will be displaced deeper into the sample result ing in a decrease in marker separation. If both species dif fuse, the marker will be found somewhere between these two limiting cases. Because of the pronounced difference in stop- Wandt eta!. 231 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 20:55:32"Refilfencil" Marker Pt Diffusion Si and pt Dlffueion SI Diffusion FIG. 1. Schematic diagram showing the motion of a mobile marker relative to a fixed reference marker after annealing a Pt-Si diffusion couple. The reference marker is stationary at the single-crystal substrate silicon/amor phous silicon [Si (xtal) lSi (a) J interface. During silicide growth the mark er layer experiences a flux of platinum and/or silicon atoms past it with the result of it being (a) expelled to the sample surface in the case of dominant Pt diffusion, (b) situated within the band of Pt2Si in the event of both spe cies diffusing, and (cl displaced deeper into the sample with Si diffusion. ping powers of silicon and platinum, marker movement is more dramatic in the event of Pt diffusion. The technique is thus more sensitive for detecting metal diffusion. Backscattering spectra of 2.6-MeV 4He+ particles ob- 250 "0 ~150 o § ~100 50 -8' i ",- GIl . . ~ liS F pt it ~-as deposited ~ ......- oos 28S"C-21mln x7 )(85 lJ·: o~~~~~~~~~~.-~~~~ 250 300 350 400 450 Channel FIG. 2. 2.6-MeV 'He' backscattering spectra obtained before (solid line) and after (circles) thermal annealing of thin film structures delineated in the insert. The silicon and germanium yields are magnified 7 and 85 times, respectively. Surface positions for all thrce elements involved are indicated by vertical arrows. Platinum diffusion manifests itself in a movement of the marker towards the surface. 232 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.1, 1 January 1990 tained from a virgin and an annealed sample are presented in Fig. 2 for the germanium marker. The decrease in height and widening of the Pt signal with the simultaneous appearance of Si at its surface position indicate complete reaction. The Ge part of the spectrum, magnified 85 times, shows an in crease in marker separation with the expulsion cfthe marker from within the sample to the surface upon thermal anneal ing, pointing to Pt diffusion. However, since Ge does not behave like a truly inert marker, but reacts with Pt to form platinum germanides, as was observed with the control sam ples, this conclusion may be questioned. For this reason the experiment was repeated with a cobalt marker. Figure 3 illustrates the similar movement of the Co marker upon formation ofPt2Si. Since Co has a lower atomic mass than Ge, no overlap of the marker signal with the Pt peak occurred in the backscattering spectra and the energy of the He + projectiles could be lowered to 2 MeV with the benefit of improved depth resolution. The marker is seen to shift towards its surface position, again implying platinum diffusion. The control samples with thick Co/Pt layers, si multaneously annealed with the marker specimens, showed no reaction, neither bet\veen silicon and the marker dement, nor between the latter and platinum, due to the relatively high formation temperature ofCo2Si.21 However, in Fig. 3 a drop in the peak height and broadening of the mobile marker's cobalt signal is observed after silicidation. This might stem from thickness variations between the two speci mens or from the formation of a cobalt silicide at this inter face. Yet, even in the latter case, the islands of cobalt silicide will act as a proper marker, since adjacent CozSi and PtzSi Energy (MeV) 300 1.4 1.6 1.8 g ~ i liS it --os deposited 250 Co g ..-. 32 200 i i ~ & o. 28S"C-20min q; 5= x70 Co ! o~~~~~~ .. ~~~~~~~ 250 0300 350 400 450 Channel FrG. 3. 2-MeV 4He+ backscattering spectra obtained from Pt-Si diffusion couples with a Co marker before (solid line) and after (circles) formation of Pt2Si. Surface positions of marker and reacting elements are plotted as vertical arrows. The drop in the height and broadening of the Pt peaks with the concurrent change in the silicon yield is indicative of Pt2Si formation. The shift of the marker towards the sample surface results from Pt diffusion. Wandt etal. 232 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 20:55:32would be immiscible due to different crystallographic struc~ tures, It follows that Co can be regarded as a good marker17 in the sense that it is inert and immobile during the studied reaction, The relative marker shifts for the formation of Pt2Si, measured with respect to the.reference marker, as a function of the amount of reacted silidde, are presented in Fig, 4 for the Co marker. The plotting symbols relate to the three dif ferent sets of samples analyzed, with triangles, circles, and squares denoting the structures Si(xtal)/Co/Si(a)/Co/Pt, Si(xtal)/Co/Si(a)/Pt/Co/Pt, Si(xtal)/Co!Si(a)/Pt/Co! Si/Pt, respectively. The amorphous silicon layer, Si.(a) , was in aU cases ~ 300 nm thick, the top Pt layer 100 nm, and the Pt and Si layers embedding the marker 7.5 and 5 nm, respec tively. The plot shows no difference in the diffusion behavior of these structures, indicating that interface drag of the marker did not occur, The solid lines in Fig. 4 correspond to marker motions calculated with the assumption that only one of the reaction partners moves during Pt2Si formation. The data strongly support Pt as being the dominant diffusing species. In a similar experiment using a titanium marker, results identical to those found with the cobalt marker were ob~ tained (cf. Table I). In the arsenic marker investigation, it was extremely difficult to maintain stable deposition conditions during the evaporation of As, This element sublimes upon heating, which resulted in subsequent volatilization of As from the warm Si substrate. Oxygen absorbed in the porous As crys tals used for evaporation, further complicated its use as a 180 ........ 180 >-(!) 140 ~ 120 ~ -100 -.-4 .:= If.! 60 $., iV 80 .!lo:t ra 40 := OJ 20 I> 0 .~ ~ ~ -20 -Q) M -40 -GO j I,) FIG, 4, Marker energy shift measured from RBS spectra as a function of Pt2Si grown at 285 'C for various annealing times, The different symbols refer to the three types of samples used to observe the possible effect ofinter face drag: (a) marker at Si(a)/Pt interface (triangles); (b) marker embed ded in platinum (circles); and (e) marker sandwiched between thin layers ofPt and Si deposited on the opposite side of the particular thick layer ofthis element (squares). The solid lines refer to the expected marker shift if either Pi or Si diffuses exclusively, 233 J. Appl. Phys" Vol. 67, No. i, 1 January i990 TABLE 1. Marker separation before and after Pt,Si formation. Marker Ge" calculated observed Tia calculated observed Co' calculated observed Co" calculated observed Coc calculated observed a At SilPt interface, b Embedded in Pc as-deposited 120 120 80 80 140 140 148 148 144 144 C Embedded in initial Pt2Si. Separation (keV) Si diffusion Pt diffusion 108 180 176 72 108 120 104 296 282 112 296 292 112 300 288 marker, Some specimens, however, clearly showed transla tion of the As peak from within the sample to the surface after complete silicide formation. This is consistent with the other marker results, showing that Pt diffuses under the de scribed conditions. Table I summarizes the results of the different marker experiments conducted in this study. For each set of sam ples, the separation of reference marker and mobile marker are listed for the as~deposited specimen and after complete Pt2Si formation, assuming silicon or platinum diffusion. Ex perimental values were obtained from RBS spectra of fully reacted samples, whereas calculated data were inferred from computer simulations t8 of the thin film structures. For these simulations, thicknesses of un annealed specimens were used and complete conversion to PtzSi, with only one of the spe cies moving, was assumed to have taken place. Discrepan cies between calculated and experimentally observed marker separations are thought to have their origin in small thick~ ness variations amongst the different samples, which are un accounted for by the computer simulation. All. data are clearly supportive of platinum diffusion. Table I also shows that there is good agreement between the results obtained using Co and Ge markers. This may be regarded as surprising in consideration of the earlier as sumption that the low formation temperature of platinum germanides implies that Ge is not a true inert marker. The reason that Ge does give reliable results is probably due to germanium occupying silicon sites in the PtzSi lattice. Thus, once formed, the Ge marker will be unaffected by Pt atoms diffusing either along grain boundaries, interstitially or via the metal sublattice. B. Tracer Initially the radioactive Si" tracer is located between the metal and nonradioactive silicon (Fig, 5), After initial for mation of a band of radioactive Pt2Si* the tracer is moved from this position in a way which depends on the diffusing species and diffusion mechanism during the reaction, In the case of metal diffusion, platinum atoms migrate through the radioactive layer, either along grain boundaries or via the Wandtetal. 233 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 20:55:32Pt Dlff. Sl (GS/lnt) Olffuslon 51 (G8/lnt) and Pi Diff. ~ st (Vac) Dltt. FI G. 5. Schematic representation of the expected distribution of a radioac tive silicon tracer, Si*, supposing different diffusing species and mecha nisms during the formation of Pt2Si from a Pt-Si diffusion couple. After initial formation of a layer of radioactive Pt2Si*, the tracer profile uniformly translates to the sample surface if plat inurn is the only moving species (any mechanism). Silicon grain boundary (GB) or interstitial (Int) diffusion leaves the marked Pt2Si* at the silicon/silicide interface. If the activity is observed somewhere in between the former two limiting cases, both species move simultaneously. Silicon vacancy diffusion (Vac) is thought to distri bute the activity throughout the silicide (see Ref. 21). lattice, without disturbing the silicon atoms. As a result the tracer moves as a sharply defined band of radioactivity to the surface of the sample, irrespective of the transport mecha~ nism (Fig. 5). On the other hand, if silicon diffuses by an interstitial or grain boundary mechanism, nonradioactive substrate silicon diffuses through the initial Pt2Si'" layer with (almost) no exchange with the radioactive silicon. The ac tivity thus remains within a layer at the substrate/platinum silicide interface (Fig. 5). If the fluxes of both atomic species are comparable a distribution somewhere between the two extremes described above might be anticipated, in which the Pt2Si* tracer is situated between two layers of nonradioac tive Pt2Si. If silicon diffusion takes place by a substitutional (vacancy) mechanism the tracer atoms in the initial Pt2Si* win be displaced by the advancing nonradioactive silicon. A radioactivity profile similar to that for metal diffusion might then be expected if the random nature of substitutional diffu sion is ignored. In practice, the randomness of the vacancy movement win give rise to a broadening of the Sj* tracer profile. In particular, Bartur and Nicolet22 pointed out that for dominant lattice diffusion the mixing of the radioactive Si* would be very thorough, resulting in a uniform (fiat) activity profile (Fig. 5). In such a case, Lien20 has shown 234 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, NO.1, 1 January 1990 that the information that can be obtained from a Sj* tracer profile may be ambiguous, in that high silicon self-diffusion in the silicide could produce the spreading, irrespective of the dominant diffusing species or mechanism. However, as Lien20 indicated, it is unlikely that a fiat Si'" profile will ever result from metal diffusion since it is expected that the highly mobile species is also the one which diffuses during growth. Plots of residual radioactivity and its derivative, the ac tivity concentration profile, measured as a function of depth in the sample, are presented in Fig. 6. Also shown is the expected decrease of activity for silicon grain boundary/in terstitial and platinum diffusion calculated from the actual amount of Si* deposited. The size of the vertical error bar attached to each experimental point is determined by the statistical uncertainty in activity counting, while the error on the depth scale originates in the finite resolution of the RBS technique. Within experimental error the measured activity clearly follows the line for platinum diffusion. The Si* con centration at the surface remains at 100% and the initial band of radioactivity shows only very slight spreading. How ever, some activity is still found beyond the expected depth of Pt2Si*. We think this may be an experimental artifact caused by sputter induced mixing of the Si and Si* at the Pt2Si/Pt2Si'" interface during the sputter microsectioning process. r--I 100 ~ 80 i...-l I>.. 80 ~ 70 +1 80 (,) -< 50 ~ 40 30 ·fi 20 ~ 10 ., 100 ~ eo l-00oi ao • d 70 ~ 80 • U 80 !;-40 • .~ 30 :;.1 20 • (> -< 10 • 0 300 200 100 0 Pt2Si depth [n:m.] FIG. 6. Percentage Si* remaining in the silicide after sputter ~ectioning (top), and Si'" concentration (bottom) as a function of Pt2Si depth. The solid lines indicate the expected decrease in activity if either platinum or silicon is the dominant diffusion species. Although some spreading of the Si" profile has occurred in the deeper parts of the sample, the data closely follow the line for metal diffusion. Wandtetal. 234 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 20:55:32IV. DISCUSSION Our observation that Pt is the diffusing species during PtzSi formation lends credibility to various interpretations of dopant and impurity behavior based on the assumption of metal diffusion during this reaction. For example, Ho et al.7 studied the influence of nitrogen impurities on the Pt-Si reac tion. Nitrogen implanted in the platinum film tended to ac cumulate at the Pt/Pt2Si interface during silicide growth, whereas nitrogen implanted into the silicon was incorporat ed into the formed silicide, with a simultaneous broadening of the nitrogen profile. These results are in accordance with Scott's model ofimpurity redistribution23 accompanying si licide formation by Pt diffusion. Similar conclusions were reached by Fon et al.24 who investigated the formation of platinum silici.des on slightly oxidized Si substrates. In their study the remnants of the oxide layer were interpreted as diffusion markers. The same reasoning is valid for experi ments conducted by Nava et al. 5 who found oxygen original ly contained in the metal film segregating at the PtzSilPt interface. Another approach was presented by Song and Chang6,25,26 who demonstrated that the growth rate of Pt2Si shows little change, while that ofPtSi is greatly enhanced, when a thin gold film is interposed between the substrate silicon and metal layer. These authors argue that the en hancement can be attributed to the increased supply of Si due to the added out-diffusion of Si through the gold layer, which acts as a good silicon diffusion source due to the low Au-Si eutectic. This would expressly apply when silicon is the dominant diffusing species. From the absence of an en hanced growth rate in the case of Pt2Si it can thus be con cluded that platinum is the main diffusing species during the formation of this compound. Observing the movement of a molybdenum marker, Af folter et ai. 14,15 found an atomic transport ratio of about 13: 1 in favor of Pt diffusion. However, these researchers report a ratio of between 1.; I and 1:3 in favor ofSi diffusion in samples in which PtzSi growth was induced by ion mixing. They sug gest that the presence of the marker could suppress silicon motion, and argue that both species might move during ther mal annealing. Our results of the 8i* tracer experiment, where no foreign marker is present, refute these thoughts. Another idea postulated is that the systematic deviation from the pure Pt diffusion line observed for the thermal an nealing data could be attributed to the amorphous nature of the Si film. Yet we believe this to be rather the effect of im purities imbedded during silicon preparation. This view is supported by the observation of reduced reaction rates, an effect which is expected to have its origin in the sensitivity of Pt2Si growth to impurities.4,5 Impurities may also have played a role in the earHer studies of Po ate et al.27 who reported silicon to be the diffus ing species during PtzSi formation. This conclusion was de rived from the simultaneous observation of the relative movement of the Pt2SilPt and PtSilPtzSi interfaces. It is clear that impurities played a major role in their investiga tion as the simultaneous growth of both platinum sUicides is only observed in contaminated systems.4 We are thus able to conclude that PtzSi growth occurs by platinum diffusion. No information regarding the actual 235 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 67, No. i, i January 1990 mechanism of Pt diffusion could be extracted from our ex periments. For clues in this respect we can turn to a detailed investigation of platinum silicide microstructure on un doped and on heavily As-doped poly-Si. g From the observa tion of Kirkendali voids at the Pt2SilPt interface, Wittmer et al. II proposed that Pt atoms are the dominant diffusing spe cies during this reaction. The voids were thought to originate from a large flux of vacancies in the reverse direction of the flux of Pt atoms from the Pt layer through the silicide towards the substrate silicon. These vacancies condense at the siHcide/Pt interface forming the observed void network. \I, CONCLUSION We have shown that platinum is the diffusing species during PtzSi formation. Results of our inert marker and ra dioactive silicon tracer experiments support Pt-diffusion based interpretations of dopant and impurity behavior as investigated by other researchers, However, the experiments conducted in this study only provide information on the dif fusing species and do not anow us to characterize the trans port processes involved in the reaction. The proposed mech anism of Pt vacancy diffusion awaits further confirmation. Experiments to this end using radioactive platinum isotopes are currently under investigation in our laboratory. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors wish to thank the Foundation for Research Development for their financial assistance and Johnson Matthey (Pty) Ltd. for donating the platinum used in this study. 'P. B. Gnate, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 10, 371 (1982). 2M. Kimata, M. Denda, N. Yutani, S. Iwade, and N. Tsubouchi, IEEE 1. Saiid-State Circuits SC-22, 1124 (1987). 3C. Canali, e Catellani, M. Prudenziati, W. H. Wadlin, and C. A. 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AIP Conference Proceedings 190, 450 (1989); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.38446 190, 450 © 1989 American Institute of Physics.Central current drive by synchrotron radiation in a tokamak reactor Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 190, 450 (1989); https:// doi.org/10.1063/1.38446 Published Online: 16 June 2008 R. L. Meyer , I. Fidone , and G. Giruzzi 450 CENTRAL CURRENT DRIVE BY SYNCHROTRON RADIATION IN A TOKAMAK REACTOR R.L. MEYER, I. FIDONE, G.GIRUZZI, LPMI, U.A. CNRS 835, Universit6 de Nancy I, FRANCE and DRFC - CADARACHE, FRANCE Abstract Current drive by synchrotron radiation is considered. The general formula for computing the generated current for a given asymmetric spec- tral distribution is presented. Preliminary numerical results on the cur- rent drive efficiency and radial profile are also shown. I. INTRODUCTION In a hot plasma (Te = 50 Kev) tokamak reactor, it is very tempting to use a small fraction of the synchrotron radiation with a non-zero paral- lel momentum for steady-state current drive I. Conceptual devices in which the centrally located synchrotron driven current acts as a seed for the bootstrap effect were discussed recently2'3,using crude estimates of the radiated power and generated current. In order to assess the potential of synchrotron radiation as a current driver, we have undertaken an extensive and accurate study of the problem using the current drive efficiency of Fidone at al 4 and Trubnikov's 5 theory of synchrotron radiation. While the difficulty of achieving a wall configuration capable to create an asymme- tric radiation spectrum with net nonzero momentum is recognized, here the intention is to identify the role of the plasma and radiation parameters which determine the driven current. II. CURRENT DRIVE EFFICIENCY A wave of frequency w and parallel refractive index Nli generates a toroidal current in a Maxwellian target plasma through momentum transfer and asymmetric resistivity 5 (the latter is in general predominant). The figure of merit is given by 4 1 + ay [1 + Tor(~o)] AJIAP = ~ GC~q,a) = e p Nil (i + ay) r ° ~(r o) ' (13 where p = mc2/T , a = W/Wc~, AJ and AP are in units nee(Te/m)~ and n e T e (4~e 4 neJk/m~ Te~/2), respectively, y is the solution of the equation shy - y = i/a (i - N~), Zo = (i + aY)/[l + 2 aY + a 2 (I - N~) (2 - chy + y2)]~, ~(y) = (y _ i)3/2/(y + i)~ (y2 _ 2yRny - i) ® 1989 American Institute of Physics 451 r(T) = [2 .},2(.{ + 2) Rny - (4]" - 1) (./.2 _ 1)]/T(T2 _ 1) (T 2 - 2T~n/" - 1), and we assume the ion charge Z = i. Equation (i) with e = 1 is valid for sufficiently high values of w/w c and ~. In fact, e is a siowly varying function of w/w c and ~ and a rigorous numerical computation of Eq.(1) shows that for Te = 50 KeV and w/w > 5, e = 1.2. In order to compute the C spatial profil and the total current generated by synchrotron radiation, it is necessary to evaluate AP for a given asymmetric wall configuration and given values of Nil, ~ and plasma parameters. Note that AP is the frac- tion of the reflected radiation with a nonzero average value of Nil and AP = 0 for <Nll> = 0. From Eq.(1) AJ (mc2/4~e3nedO G (NIl ,a) AS ° ro = 2k"(~) exp (-2 ~RK"d~'), where K"(~) = K"Vg/Vg, K is the imaginary part of the wave propagation vector, is the abscissa along the ray path, Vg is the group velocity, ASois the energy flux, and the ordinary units are restored. K"is obtained from the relevant dispersion relation. Using Eq. (I) we obtain AI/AW = (mc2/4~e 3 neA ) 2, fardr GAp /(2~R) 2~ fa rd~ AP = o o (mc2/4~e 3 ne#~l ~adr G(NII ,=) p(r) /2~R fa dr p(r), o o where a and R are the minor and major radii of the torus of circular cross section, p(r) = p (~(r)), and p(1) = 2 K"(~) exp (-f~ 2K"d~'). For a homo- o geneous plasma AIIAW = (mc2/4~e 3 ne2i) G (Nll,a) = (~) 1.56 G CA/W), where R and n are e expressed in meters and 1020 m -3, respectively. For w/w c = 9, Nil= 0.5-0.7, T e = 50 Kev (]l= 20), ~I/~W = (0.3/neR)(A/W). We now compare this result with the corresponding for realistic profiles of he, Te, and B. III. NUMERICAL RESULTS FOR AN INHOMOGENOUS PLASMA We now present some preliminary results on the radial profile of the generated current ~J and the global efficiency ~I/~W for given values of 8 and w. These results show that the generated current is located in the plasma core and characterized by relatively high values of the current drive efficiency. We consider a Tokamak device with a = 1.5 m, R = 4 m and B(0) = 60 KG. The density and temperature profiles are given by n (r) = n e (0) (i - r2/a2), T e (r) = T e (0) (i - r2/a2)3/~ - where ne(0) =el014cm-3 452 and Te(0) = 50 KeY. Values of p(r) versus r for the X - mode in the equa- torial plane for w/w (o) = 7 and 9 = 60 = , 70 ° are shown in Fig.l. It ap- c pears that the main part of the power deposition as well as of the genera- ted current lie within r = 50 cm. Similar results are obtained for diffe- rent values of w/w (o) > 5. Note that for e = 60 =, the ray crosses the C plasma axis twice. In Fig.2, we present the total wave power absorbed in a single transit n = fa p(r)dr versus w/~ (o) for the parameters of Fig.l In o c general, strong absorption occurs for w/w (o) <8 and 8> 50 ° . Note however c that weakly absorbed waves at w/w (o) > 8 are relatively more important c for current generation since the maximum of the intensity occurs at high values of W/Wc(O). Figure 3 shows AI/AW versus W/We(O) for the parameters of Fig.2 for e = 40 ° , 60 °, and 70 °. It appears t~at the values of AI/AW are in general significantly smaller than the homogeneous case (= 0.07 A/W) except for 8 = 60 ° and w/w c (o) > 9. The temperature depen- dence of AI/AW for 8 = 60 ° is presented in Fig.4. It is found that the current drive efficiency is a slowly increating function of T (o). e REFERENCES 1 - J.M. DAWSON and P.KKAW, Phys. Rev. Lett 48,1730 (1982) 2 - J. JOHNER and I. FIDONE, in 12th Int. Conf. on Plasma Physics and Contr. Nuel. Fusion Research, Nice (1988), paper IAEA - CN - 50/G-3-5. 3 - K. YOSHIKAWA et al, in 12th Int. Conf. on Plasma Physics and Contr. Nucl. Fusion Research, Nice (1988), paper IAEA - CN - 50/G-3-4 4 - I. FIDONE, G. GRANATA, and J. JOHNER, Phys.Fluids 32, 2300 (1988) 5 - B.A Trubnikov, in Reviews of Plasma Physics, edited by M.A Leonto- vich, Consultants Bureau, New-York, Vol 2, 345 (1979) 453 $ (cs'll -~50 o .?o ° o.8 0A Fig. I p(r) vs for the x-mode in the equatorial plane 0.0"/ 0.06 O.OS Q.Oh 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0-00 '~ 0 • 60" ~|/~W tAtvl O~r.O" O.Oa, 0.02 Fig. 3 Current drive efficiency, Fig. 4 Current drive efficiency for 0" 60" vs~O/~O e (o) for the parameters of Fig.! and T (o) - 40,SO,ar~ 60 KeY
A computercontrolled xray imaging scanner using a kinestatic charge detector Douglas J. Wagenaar, Frank A. DiBianca, Charles R. Tenney, Joseph E. Vance, Mark S. C. Reed, Donald W. Wilson, Apostolos Dollas, David L. McDaniel, Paul Granfors, and Scott Petrick Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 61, 701 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.1141481 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1141481 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/61/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Computercontrolled Cauchoistype xray spectrometer Rev. Sci. Instrum. 58, 374 (1987); 10.1063/1.1139291 Computercontrolled dataacquisition system for an xray spectrometer Rev. Sci. Instrum. 57, 3031 (1986); 10.1063/1.1138987 Computercontrolled xray microbeam—Method, history, and sample results J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 71, S31 (1982); 10.1121/1.2019333 Tonguepellet tracking by a computercontrolled xray microbeam system J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 57, 1516 (1975); 10.1121/1.380593 Observation of the tongue movement by computercontrolled xray microbeam J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 57, S2 (1975); 10.1121/1.1995163 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 10:52:11A computer-controlled x-ray imaging scanner using a kinestatic charge detector DouglasJ. Wagenaar, Frank A. DiBianca, Charles R. Tenney, Joseph E. Vance, Mark S. C. Reed, Donald W. Wilson, and Apostolos Doliasa) Curriculum in Biomedical Engineering and Department 0/ Radiology. University o/North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599 David L. McDaniel, Paul Granfors, and Scott Petrick General Electric Medical Systems Group. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 (Received 9 August 1989; accepted for pUblication 5 October 1989) A prototype scanning imaging system which employs a kinestatic charge detector (KCD) and is under the control of a V AXstation II/GPX computer is described. The operating principles and advantages of the KCD method are reviewed. The detector is a 256-channel ionization drift chamber which creates a two-dimensional x-ray projection image by scanning the detector past the object ofinterest. The details of the drift chamber design, the signal collection electrodes (channels), and the Frisch grid geometry are given. Also described are the scanning gantry design, computer-controlled drive motor circuit, and safety features. The data acquisition system for the capture of a 1 M byte digital image is presented. This includes amplification, filtration, analog-to-digital conversion, data buffering, and transfer to the V AXstation II computer. The image processing and display techniques specific to the KCD are outlined and the first two dimensional image taken with this system is presented. INTRODUCTION The use of digital imaging techniques in diagnostic radiology is growing due in part to advances in computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In addition to these popular modalities, considerable effort has been de voted to replacing conventional film-screen systems with an electronic x-ray imager for projection radiography. Exam ples of such devices are photostimulable phosphor screens, I selenium charge plates,2 and scintillating fiber-optic strands coupled to CCD arrays.3 Also among these devices is the kinestatic charge detector4-6 (KCD). There are many ad vantages to digital approaches to radiography, including ( 1) the ability to enhance the image computationally through temporal or energy subtraction, (2) an expanded display of detector dynamic range due to the ability to set a window about a given intensity level, (3) fast image acquisition and display, and (4) convenient storage, transmission, and dis play of archived images through computer networks. Also, electronic detectors can improve on diagnostic image quality by providing better spatial and contrast resolution and re ducing the radiation scattered from the patient which con tributes to the image. The KCD is used in a strip-beam scanning geometry. This geometry limits the x~ray beam illuminating the patient to a width on the order of 1.0 cm. The x-ray beam has the normal breadth of a chest radiograph, about 40 cm. This geometry has the advantage of limiting the scattered radi ation from the patient to very low angle, coherent, or certain configurations of multiple scattering. Most of the scattered radiation will not encounter the relatively small active area of the detector. The concept of kinestatic charge detection can be de-scribed concisely by referring to Fig. 1. Figure 1 (a) shows that the KCD consists of a uniform x-ray detection volume and a signal collection volume. The number of signal collec tors, n, can be as high as 4000 for a 40-cm detector with 0.1- mm collector spacing. The scan and charge drift velocities are shown to be in opposite directions. Figure 1 (b) shows that a uniform electric field, imposed within the active re gion of the detector, causes ions created by x-ray interactions to drift at a constant velocity 7 toward the signal collectors. Figure 1 (c) demonstrates the KCD principie by concentrat ing on a single x-ray projection line. The detector is scanned at a speed equal to that of the drift of the ions. Recall that the detector and the ions move in opposite directions. At time t [, two ion clouds are formed. At time t2, these two clouds have drifted toward the signal collectors and three more clouds have been created by x rays along the same projection line. Scanning the detector at the same speed as the ion drift has allowed the ion clouds from I, to remain on the same x-ray projection line at time [2' After t3, the ions which have accu mulated during the scan enter the collection volume and their electronic signals are used to produce a digital image. The word "kinestatic" comes from the fact that the ions are moving in the detector frame of reference, but are static with respect to the set of all projection lines through the patient. The ions are thus integrated over the time required for the active volume ofthe detector to scan past a particular projection line. The detection volume contains "virtual" de tectors whose width w in the drift direction is determined by the sampling time t, and the kinestatic speed vas follows: w=vt,. (1) Typical values of 100 cm/s for v and 100 Jis/sample for t, 701 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 61 (2), February 1990 0034-6743/90/02070101 1 $02.00 @ 1990 American Institute of Physics 701 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 10:52:11(0) \ (b) ... 0-2 n·1 n X-Ray Deleclion Volume Signal Collection Volume EieClric Field \Si9OOI Conlribution FIG. 1. (a) The x-ray detection volume isa uniform gas located immediately above the signal collection volume. The scan and ion drift directions are shown to be opposite. (b) A constant electric field causes ions created by x ray interactions to drift toward the signal collectors. (e) As the detector scans upward, ions are integrated with little loss of spatial resolution and enter the collector region after t,. yield a width of 0.1 mm. A 1.0-cm wide detector thus con tains 100 lines of these "virtual" detectors. This is a major advantage of the KCD when compared to slit-or single-line beam detectorsX which contain only one line of detectors in the drift direction. Without the integration of ions over sev eral millimeters in these detectors, x-ray tube heat loading becomes prohibitive. Furthermore, there is a loss in quan tum detection efficiency (QDE) because the focal spot pen umbra must be collimated at the detector to maintain resolu tion. Increasing the width of a single line detector reduces tube loading and penumbra problems, but introduces unac ceptable reduction in the spatial resolution in the drift direc tion. Having up to 100 lines of virtual detectors in the KCD is a compromise which maintains acceptable drift-direction spatial resolution, while also reducing x-ray tube loading and patient scatter acceptance. It is necessary to consider exposure times and total x-ray dose when discussing a new radiographic technique. A com parison between a KCD and a lanthanum screen with a 12:1 antiscatter grid has been performed using an x-ray Monte Carlo computer simulation.9 For equal image signal-to noise ratios (SNRs), the patient dose required by the KeD is 3-5 times lower than the film-screen system. This is pri marily due to the KCD's high detective quantum efficiency, i.e., the square of the ratio of detected SNR to incident SNR. The low scatter-to-primary ratio in the strip-beam KCD is included in the calculation of detective quantum efficiency. The local exposure time was calculated to be about half that 102 Rev. SCi.lnstrum., Vol. 61, No.2, February 1990 of the film-screen. However, total exposure time for patient thicknesses exceeding 25 em of water were found to be as high as 3.6 s, and maximum tube charge (mA s) concerns must be addressed in these situations. A 256-channel prototype KCD imaging scanner has been installed in the X-ray Instrumentation Research Labo ratory at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Since the 256 channels span only 3.9 em, the device is rc ferred to as the small-field-of-view (SFOV) detector. The SFOV system is intended to test the KeD concept and evaluate two-dimensional medical images. Comparisons of KCD images will be made with both conventional film screen systems and the alternative digital radiographic tech niques mentioned earlier. The following is an overview of the SFOV prototype, describing the design and operation of all components of the imaging system. t DETECTOR A. Chamber and subcomponents The SFOV KCD is a pressure vessel made of 6061 alu minum alloy. The outer dimensions of the rectangular detec tor are: 10.5 cm (drift or scan direction) by 33.7 em (trans verse) by 17.8 cm (x ray). The chamber was designed to safely contain pressures up to 40 atm, and a pressure relief valve is set to prevent the pressure from exceeding this value. Pressure is monitored by using a Barksdale Controls Divi sion (Los Angeles, CA) Model No. 30241-l1CG-04 pres sure transducer. The detection gas enters the vessel through a Pyronetics (Denver, CO) Model No. 1832-3 fill and drain valve. This valve has a male 0.125 in. AN connector to the HIGH VOLT AGE PLATE FINGER BOARD FRISCH GRID INCIDENT X-RAYS FIG. 2. A schematic representation of the major components of the kincsta tic charge detector. The grid is suspended 0.5 mm from the finger surface, and the stainless steel HV plate is 5.0 mm from the grid. X-ray imaging scanner 702 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 10:52:11laboratory's gas handling system. A female cap is placed over this valve once the detector is charged in order to pre vent gas loss through the valve itself. Figure 2 is a schematic diagram of the three major sub components within the pressure chamber. A Frisch gridlO is necessary to separate the signal collection volume from the x-ray detection volume. Without the grid, ions within the detection volume will contribute to the signal sensed by the channel electrodes (fingers) during their entire drift time. The grid shields the fingers from the drifting ions by inter cepting their electric field lines. The separation between the grid and the finger plate is set at 0.5 mm, and the high voltage plate-to-grid distance is 5.0 mm. Table I shows the typical range of field parameters for the SFOV detector operating with xenon between 20 and 25 atm. The voltages are positive and therefore electrons and negative ions (impurities) are drawn to the HV plate while Xe f-and other positive ions are collected by the KCD fingers. Single-channel KCD experi ments and calculations have shown6 that good spatial reso lution and quantum detection efficiency performance can be achieved simultaneously using xenon in this pressure range. The typical kinestatic speed in a constant electric field Ed can be calculated using the foHowing'l : u = ,urEd (PI/PP)' (2) where f1r is the reduced mobility of the medium (0.4 cm2/V s for xenon12), pp is the density of the medium at pressure P, and P 1 is the density at atmospheric pressure. If Ed = 5000 V jcm and PP/Pl = 20.0, then the kinestatic speed is 100 cm/s. Speeds of this magnitUde are easily and safely achieved in a clinical setting. A photograph of the finger plate is shown in Fig. 3. This plate was manufactured by Augat Microtec (Newbury Park, CA). The fingers are 50-pm-thick nickel plated onto a O.16-cm polyimide insulator base plate. The finger length is 7.5 cm. The 256 channels were specified to have a 6-mil (0.15 mm) center-to-center spacing which spans 3.90 cm total. The width of each finger was specified to be 4.5 mils (0.11 mm). The fingers fan out to span 25.5 cm to facilitate access to the finger leads. The Frisch grid was designed to span the fingers with support on both sides of the fingers, as shown schematically in Fig. 2. The grid is a ceramic plate with a thickness of 0.4 mm. A hexagonal honeycomb pattern on O.36-mm centers is etched through for ion transmission. Electric fields within the etched openings and on both sides of the grid are defined by layers of Ni of 50-,um thickness plated onto both sides of the ceramic substrate. The potential at the Ni layer closer to TABLE I. Typical field parameters for tbe small-ficld-of:view (SFOV) Kin estatic Charge Detector. The field ratio E,.I Ed is assumed to be 4.0. The grid potential V is the voltage on the finger-plate side oftbe grid and is equal toO.57 V" where V, is the potential applied to the HV-plateside of the grid. Grid HV plate Drift field Collector potential potential Ed fieldE, (V) (V) (V/cm) (V/cm) Minimum 300 1050 1500 6 000 Maximum 1200 420(} 6000 24000 703 Rev. Sci. !nstrum., Vol. 61, No.2, February 1990 FlG. 3. Photograph of the finger plate in use in the small-tield-of-view (SFOV) KCD. The fingers fan out to facilitate connection ufthe signals to tbe preamplifiers. The finger terminals are used to connect the signal leads to the feed-through hoard as discussed in tbe text. The terminal and fanned out path of one of the central fingers have been highlighted. the HV plate, Vg, is set by connection to an external power supply. The potential at the Ni layer closer to the fInger board is fixed to be 0.57 Vii by a voltage divider employing 5.34-and 3.97-Mn resistors. The Ni layer on the finger board side is positioned 0.5 mm from the finger board. The electric field in the signal collection region is given by E, = O.S7V g/O.05 cm = 11.40 VJcm. (3) The potential on the HV plate is set 10 give a Held ratio which obeys the relation (4) assuring 100% ion transmission through the grid for the SFOV detector (see Table I). The threshold value in Eg. (4) is determined by the geometry of the grid design (e.g., wire thickness and number of wires per unit length in a wire-mesh grid) and the electrode separation distances within the de tector.13 The grid-finger plate distance is set to be small enough so that the ion transit time in this region does not contribute significantly to the detector spatial resolution. A field ratio less than the threshold value will result in signal loss from ions terminating on the grid rather than proceed ing through the grid openings. The field ratio is selected to be only slightly higher than the threshold value. This is donc to avoid signal multiplication due to electron avalanching near the grid, and field nonuniformities in the vicinity ofthe grid which cause a loss in spatial resolution. The detector signal leads, having been fanned out on the X-ray imaging scanner 703 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 10:52:11rear of the finger plate (see Fig. 3), are jumpered with Ni wire a distance of approximately 1 em to the feed-through board which serves as a sealing surface between the two halves of the detector chamber. This board has grounded copper layers on either side to shield the outgoing signals from eiectromagnetic noise. A Pb-slit collimator (0.32-mm thickness) is attached to the front of the detector. This slit can be opened to expose the entire drift and collector regions or closed to expose a specif ic volume of interest only. The collimation used for the pres ent study extends 2.0 mm into the drift region from the grid. The x-ray entrance window in the chamber is 4.0 mm thick, and the front of the finger board is 2.0 mm from the x-ray window's inner surface. The fingers begin 1.0 mm from the front of the finger board. The "dead" volume, i.e., the x-ray detection volume which does not contribute ions to the fin ger leads, extends 3.0 mm into the xenon volume. For the first images, no attempt has been made to fill this volume with material which is less x-ray attenuating than xenon. In addition, no electric field shaping electrodes have been in corporated in the front window region in this prototype de tector. This leads to further losses in both quantum detection efficiency and spatial resolution which are avoided in later detector designs. B. Alignment Alignment of the detector is important in order to en sure optimal spatial resolution performance in the KCD. Figure 4 shows the three degrees of freedom relevant to the KCD. The finger board is shown schematically in this figure. The origin afthe coordinate system is defined to be the point located at the front of the center finger. Figure 4(a) is the crucial alignment of the finger board with the x-y plane. Any nonzero value for the angle a will mean a depth-dependent arrival time for ions which ideally should encounter the grid simultaneously. Angle a is minimized by examining the sig nal from a single channel as the detector scans a narrow (~O.2 mm) tungsten slit aligned in the x direction. The detector is stepped through several values of a in the neigh borhood of zero and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the signal from x rays through the slit is plot ted. The detector is considered aligned in the a direction where the FWHM of the peak is a minimum. Figure 4(b) is referred to as alignment in the transverse direction since misalignment in this direction mainly effects the transverse spatial resolution. The fingers ideally should be parallel to the y direction. Any x component in the finger board position will allow an effective crosstalk between neighboring fingers. X rays interacting very near the front edge of the finger plate will create ions which drift to the correct fingers. At depth d in the y dimension, however, ions which are created deeper within the detector will be collect ed by a finger located a distance lld=dsin/3 (5) from the correct finger. Ions created at the maximum depth of7.5 em in the SFOV will be a distance d = 0.15 mm (the SFOV center-to-center finger spacing) from the correct fin ger if the detector is misaligned by 0.115°, For the same ion 704 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 61, No.2, February 1990 DIRECTION OF SCIIN z X-RAY FOCAL SPOT (a) (b) (c) FIG. 4. The three rotational degrees offreedom important to detector align ment. The finger board is depicted as comb-shaped with nine fingers. The correct orientation is shown in (a). depth, a misalignment of {:J by as little as 1.0° will result in a lld of 1.3 mm or displaced by nearly nine channels. The detector is aligned in the fJ direction by positioning the narrow slit in the z direction. The detector is stepped through a set of possible {3 angles in the neighborhood of zero. For each scan a plot is made of all detector signals at the same sampling time location taken from the two-dimen sional image. The peak resulting from the slit is centered on one channel, and contributions to the peak from other chan nels indicate the degree of misalignment. When the FWHM of this peak is minimized, the detector has been aligned in this direction (fJ has been minimized) . The least significant of the three detector alignment di rections is shown in Fig. 4 (c). The effect of a nonzero y can be seen if an object with a right angle has one side aligned with the scan direction. The object will appear to have an angle of 90-y in the resulting image. In addition, the spatial resolution in the drift direction of the image will be dimin ished because the component of their drift speed in the z direction is not the kinestatic value v but rather v cos y. A misalignment of as much as go will result in less than a 1 % scan versus drift speed mismatch (cos 8° = 0.9903 ). In or der to align the detector, an object with a right angle is aligned with the scan direction by stepping through object orientations until one side of the angle is contained in a mini mum number of channels. The detector is then stepped through y values centered on zero until the other side of the object's right angle is contained in a minimum number of time samples. The SFOV detector's alignment and support apparatus allows for movement in each of the three direc tions, although with a small degree of coupling to the other directions (Le., the directions are not completely indepen dent). Therefore, a second pass is made to ensure optimum system alignment. C. Detector response For clinical x-ray technic factors and xenon at 25 atm, the ion current passing through the grid was measured to be X-ray imaging scanner 704 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 10:52:11as high as 50 nA. Given a noise level of 5 pA, this corn: sponds to a dynamic range of 104 Detector linearity was investigated by measuring the detector output signal for the rnA values available from a General Electric MSI 1250 x-ray generator for a beam energy of 120 k V p. The mA values were 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, and 400. The correlation coefficient of an unwcighted linear fit to the output voltage levels was found to be 0.995. Detector nonlinearities are expected to be encountered at high ion density in an ionization chamber because the effects of recombination and space charge repul sion increase with density. Corrections for these effectsl4 can be performed by digital image processing routines. Thc detector uniformity in the drift direction should be extremely high, since the detection medium is a homoge neous gas. In the transverse direction, nonuniformities will result from geometrical differences between the ilngers. These effects are small and easily corrected through chan nel-to-channel computer normalization. Dynamic range, linearity, and uniformity contributions from amplification and digitization electronics are discussed in Sec. III. II. SCANNING GANTRY A. Scanning arm and drive motor The SFOV KCD imaging prototype is located in the X ray Instrumentation Research Laboratory of the Universily of North Carolina. Figure 5 is a schematic diagram of the layout of this facility. Two GE Maxiray 100 x-ray tubes arc controlled from aGE MSI 1250 x-ray generator. The room FIG. 5. Layout of the ONe X-ray Instrumentation Research Laboratory. Stationary-detector (single channel) experiments are performed in the room at the top; the gantry ancl associated ekctronics are located in the larger room at the bottom. 705 Rev. Sci.lnstrum., Vol. 61, No.2, February 199() at the top of Fig. 5 is a stationary-detector work area. The physical properties of individual KeD channels can be stud ied by moving bar patterns and other phantoms at kinestatic speed between the x-ray source and a stationary detector. The detector can be kept aligned and connected to the near by gas transfer station (GTS). This enables the experiment er to study the effects of changing gas pressure and detection media without altering the position or other parameters of the study. The SFOV KCD is positioned on the scanning gantry shown in the bottom room of Fig. 5. The detector can also be connected to the GTS via a flexible stainless steel hose (al though not during a scan). The alignment of the detector is again unaffected by the charging or draining of the detector. The sl:anning gantry is depicted in greater detail in Figo 6. The detector and prepaticnt collimator are shown to be at tached to an arm which is supported at its pivot point. The arm subtends approximately 60° between the two side sup port beams. A steel arch (not shown) at a radius of 198.1 em and an arc length of 228.2 em is located beneath the patient catwalk. A steel cable (0.635 em diam) is stretched across this arch and wraps twice around a helical screw on the drive motor's shaft. A photograph of this arrangement is shown in Fig. 7. The motor is attached to the side of the scan arm and its axis is vertical. The motor is a model R404-N de servo motor (Contraves Goerz Corp., Pittsburgh, PA). The de tails of the control of this motor will appear later in this section. The x-ray tube is positioned on a vertical post cen tered on the pivot point. The rotation axis of the tube anode is aligned with the rotation axis of the arm, and the tube's focal spot is direl:tly above the pivot point. The prepatient collimator consists oftwo 4.76 X 50.8 crne Pb sheets of 0.32- em thickness. Each of these Pb sheets is sandwiched between two O.16-cm brass sheets for added mechanical strength. The collimator edges have been machined at a 2° angle for x ray beam acceptance. The center of the Pb sheet is positioned COLLIMATOR \, ',,-KCD SCANN!NG GANTRY Fl(;. 6. Schematic diagram of the SFOV KeD scanning gantry. The x-ray beam is collimated before entering the patient. The detector and culJimator are mounted on the scanning arm (beneath the patient platform), which pivots beneath the x-ray tuhe's focal spot. X-ray imaging scanner 705 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 10:52:11FIG. 7. Photograph of the drive motor of the KeD scanning gantry. A steel cable is wound around the helical drive shaft. Also shown are two of the position sensors described in the text. 120 cm from the x-ray focal spot. The front edge of the signal collection fingers is 184.6 cm from the x-ray focal spot. B. Computer control The SFOV imaging prototype is under the control of a DEC V AXstation II/GPX computer (Digital Equipment Corporation, Marlboro, MA). This microcomputer will henceforth be referred to as the f1. V AX. Figure 8 is a block diagram of the KeD imaging system. The It V AX is shown controlling the gantry movement system, the x-ray expo sure, and the data capture and storage subsystems. After the image has been stored, the image is available to view on the image display console shown in Fig. 8. Figure 9 shows the computer control scheme in more detail. The DEC AXVll-C analog interface is used to output (through a digital-to-ana log converter) an analog signal corresponding to a desired X-RAY SYSTEM GANTRY MOVEMENT SYSTEM DETECTOR AND CAS MULTIBUS DATA BUFFER FIG. 8. Block diagram of the computer-controlled x-ray imaging scanner. Thc,uVAX"at"''' II/GPX coordinates scanner motion, x-ray exposure, and data acquisition_ It also processes and displays the image on a high resolu tion monitor. 706 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 61, No.2, February 1990 VELOCITY I PROFILE I I X-RAY SYSTEM FIG. 'l. Block diagram of the computer hardware used to interface with the scanner components. Analog signals define (output) and check (input) the velocity profile_ Digital signals monitor position and status in addition to triggering x-ray exposure, data capture, and (ifneccssary) emergency stop. velocity profile stored in the flY AX memory. The profile can be readily altered by editing the f1. V AX program which gen erates its shape. The acceleration segments of the velocity profile contain half the period of a sine wave with a zero slope at the endpoints. A slope of zero in the velocity means an acceleration of zero where the acceleration segments con nect with the two constant-velocity segments (zero and kin estatie). Minimizing the impulse from sudden accelerations is important to prevent the excitation of oscillation modes in the suspended Frisch grid within the detector. An oscillating grid will produce micro phonic noise in the detector signals. The return arrow in Fig. 9 from the gantry system to the analog I/O hardware of the flVAX represents the analog tachometer signal from the motor. This signal is proportion al to the motor speed. It is sampled at a rate of 100 Hz by the AXVU-C analog-to-digital converter. The tachometer signal is plotted along with the desired velocity profile immediately after the scan is completed. As shown in Fig. 9, the DEC DRVll-J digital I/O board is interfaced with all subsystems of the imaging scanner. Op tical isolators (Opto-22, Huntington Beach, CA) are used for both digital input and output to isolate electrical grounds and to protect the computer from voltage surges. A series of five photoelectric position sensors (Skan-a-matic Corp., El bridge, NY) are positioned along the steel arch described in the above text. A reflective surface is attached beneath the scanning arm and a 5-V transition is made when the reflec tive surface encounters a position sensor. These signals are used to monitor the position and velocity of the arm during the scan. The first sensor defines the "home position" or the beginning of the scan. Home position is at the extreme right of Fig. 6. The scanning routine in the p VAX cannot begin until this sensor signal is read by the DRVll-J digital inter face. Before scanning motion begins, a 5-V signal is output from the DRVll-J which turns on the x-ray tube rotor. The ROTOR READY signal from the generator is input through the DR VU-J to alert the computer that the rotor has reached its operating speed. The second sensor is the "X RAY ON" sensor. The X-RAYON sensor is positioned such that, when it is triggered, the kinestatic speed has been reached for all available speeds (up to 125 cm/s). The signal from this sensor interrupts the velocity profile routine X-ray imaging scanner 706 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 10:52:11(which at this point is outputting a constant voltage) and triggers another signal which turns on the x-ray exposure. The "Data Acquisition System (DAS) ON" sensor is locat ed a few centimeters from the X-RAY ON sensor. This dis tance allows the x-ray output to stabilize. The arm triggers the DAS ON sensor, which interrupts the velocity profile routine again, this time to begin the acquisiton of the x-ray image data (see Sec. III). The fourth sensor turns off the x ray exposure (if the exposure time is set to be greater than the scan time) and the rotor. It also begins the deceleration portion oftlle velocity profile. The fifth sensor is used to stop the scanning arm and return it to home position where it is stopped until the next scan. C. Safety features Personnel and equipment are protected from unexpect ed gantry motion by the following means: The power to the motor controller is single phase 480 V ac. This input line must first go through a relay which is open only when the 120-V ac coil is energized. The 120-V ac power to this power relay is available only if a second relay has 24 V de across its coil. This 24-V dc circuit is referred to as the "safety circuit." Any failure of this circuit to provide 24 V dc will result in a loss of power to the motor. In addition to the 120 Vac, the 24-V dc relay controls the contacts to a third relay. This relay must be energized in order for the armature leads to be connected to the servo controller. When the safety circuit is broken, the armature leads are shorted and the motor is dy namically braked by its permanent magnet. The safety circuit can be opened by four independent methods. The first is a pair of micros witches located beyond the home (1 st) and return (5th) position sensors. These microswitches open the safety circuit when the arm leaves its normal travel boundaries. The second is a manual emergen cy stop switch which is thrown by the system operator when necessary. The third is controlled by an output channel of the DRVll-J digital interface in the ,uVAX. This allows the f.1 V AX software to stop the scan if abnormal conditions are sensed by the ,u VAX. For example, the DEC KWVll-C real time clock is started at the beginning of the scan and the time is recorded when each position sensor is triggered. Because the velocity profile and the positions of the sensors are known, a tight window can be placed on the expected values for the arrival times at the sensors. Ifthe time interval is too short between sensors (the scan speed is too high), then the /-l V AX software can stop the scanning arm through the DRVll-J. This DRVll-J bit can be accessed only while the scan control program is running. It is "normally open" at all other times. Finally, an external circuit has been installed which monitors the tachometer signal using differentia! am plifiers. An upper voltage limit is set by a potentiometer at tached to + 15 V dc and the tachometer is compared with this limit. The same circuit is used for negative (reverse scan direction) voltages. If the tachometer voltage is outside the boundaries set by the operator ( 125 cm/ s for forward and 10 cm/ s for reverse), then a Darlington driver is made to open the safety circuit and the scanning arm is stopped. 707 Rev. ScLlnstrum., Vol. 61, No.2, February 1990 III. DATA ACQUISITION ELECTRONICS A. Preamplification In an ideal kinestatic charge detector, a plane of ions arrives at the grid containing the transverse-direction image information for one particular drift-direction position with in the patienL The flow of charges across the grid during a scan represents an input surface-current density (charge per unit area). Only the ions drifting between the grid and the finger plate will be sensed by the fingers if one assumes per fect grid shielding from ions in the drift region. A charge Q in the collection volume produces an induced surface charge density 0" on the surrounding conductor surfaces such thatlS Q= -SO"dA, (6) where A is the area of the conductors surrounding the charge. The value of 0" at a given point on a conductor in creases as Q is brought closer to that point. The total surface charge density O"T (t) for one finger is created by the superposition of 0" for all charges within the collection volume during the scan. Both the influx of ions through the grid and the drift of ions within the collection volume contribute to 0" T (t) for each finger. The presence of (}' T (t) on the finger surface leaves a residual opposite charge --O"T (t)Af• whereAf is the active finger surface area within the finger volume. The finger current i is defined to be (7) The finger current i is transmitted to the current-to-voltage preamplifier circuit shown in Fig. 10. Since positive ions are being used in the SFOV KeD (see Sec. I), Qis positive and it follows from Eq. (7) that i is positive. Assuming no current enters the inverting input of the operational amplifier in Fig. 10 (i.e., ideal components are assumed), the transfer func tion is (8) I I ...-----111 !--c---' FIG. 10. The operational amplifier current-to· voltage circuit employed hy the SFOV detector. The diodes ensure that voltages with a magnitude greater thlln the diode's conduction voltage, ahout 0.5 V for a silicon P'lI junction, do not exist on the input to the op-amp. X-ray imaging scanner 707 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 10:52:11wherefis the frequency in Hz. The SFOV preamplifier of Fig. 10 has feedback resis tance R of 12.4 Mfl and capacitance C of2 pF. The feedback resistor determines the current-tn-voltage conversion factor since, at low frequencies: Vo = -iR. (9) It should be noted that Vo will take on negative values since i is positive when positive ions are being collected. As stated in Sec. I C, the currents in the SFOV are assumed to be between 5 pA and 50 nA. For 50 nA the output voltage is -0.62 V. The op-amp used is the OP Am low-noise precision op-amp by Burr-Brown (Tucson, AZ). Op-amp instabilities due to high gain and internal phase shifts are reduced by the feed back capacitor.16 The 3-dB frequency of this preamplificr circuit is f= l/21TRC = 6.42 kHz. ( 10) The linearity of this FET op-amp circuit is excellent due to the low bias current (l-pA maximum) and input offset vol tage (250-fl V maximum) and the use of a high-quality feed back resistor (Caddock Tetrinox film resistor, 0.01% resis tance tolerance). There are four preamplifier boards which contain 64 circuits each. These are 9U Eurocards which are held in a rack mounted to the feed-through board (see Sec. n. Each board has two 3-row X 32-pin sockets which fit into corre sponding plugs mounted directly to the feed-through board. The outer pins are grounded on the feed-through board for added shielding from radiative noise; only the center row is used for KCD signals. Each of the four preamplifier boards has six output ports. Ribbon cables connect these ports to the Data Acquisition System (DAS) located about 0.4 m from the detector. Four cables carry ten output signals and two carry 12 signals. Each cable supplies ± 15 V dc power to the preamplifier board from the DAS power supplies. B. Data acquisition system The 256 detector voltage signals are input to a 288-chan nel Data Acquisition System designed by Analogic Corp. of Peabody, MA. First the signals are filtered by eight 36-chan nel filter cards. A low-pass two-pole Butterworth filter with a 3 dB frequency of 12.5 kHz is used. The input signal range is + 0.024 to -9.582 V dco The dcgain of the filter is 1.041. The filtered analog signals are connected to 1-of-9 multi plexers on each of the filter cards (four per card) . Each l-of- 9 multiplexer output is connected to an input of a 1-of-4 multiplexer located on the converter cards. One of the l-of-4 multiplexer inputs is used for data and another is used to introduce a zero-level value for test purposes and auto-zero ing. There are eight converter cards and each one has two 1- of-4 multiplexers. Each of the 1-of-4 multiplexer outputs is connected to a corresponding floating point amplifier. This amplifier can automatically select a gain of 1, 8, or 64 de pending upon the magnitude of the input signal. This assures that the signals will be digitized to a broader resolution range ( i8-bit effective range) than is possible with the 12-bit con verter alone. Each of the 16 floating point amplifier outputs is connected to an analog-to-digital converter (O-W-V 708 Rev. SCi.lnstrum., Vol. 61, No.2, February 1990 range) which samples every 2 fLs. Every 2 fLs, 16 different detector signals are sampled. The AID converter digitizes the analog voltage level into a 12-bit binary value. The gain information for each digitized sample is carried in the two bits directly above the 12-bit mantissa. The linearity of the DAS is defined in terms of a deviation from the expected voltage. The deviation is specified to be no larger than ± 0.1 % of the expected voltage plus 1 LSB, where LSB is the least significant bit and depends upon the voltage range of the signal (see above) . The digitized data are sent to the "I/O Card" of the DASo This card adds two parity to the two gain bits and the 12-bit mantissa from the converter cards to create a 16-bit data word. The I/O card arranges the data into two output data channels, A and B, each of which outputs eight data words every 2 fls. After every four data words on both A and B the I/O card inserts a "SYNC" word. A "Control Card" is necessary to handle the timing of the filter and converter cards and to control the functioning of the I/O card. Digi tized data on channels A and B are connected from the I/O card to the "DAS Driver Board". This board utilizes 74S240 tristate inverting buffers to prepare the signals for a trans mission distance of about 9 m. Every 2-flS data channel A outputs data words from eight detector channels plus two SYNC words. This gives a 'transfer rate r for data channel A of r = _1_0_w_o-=r...:.d_s...:.X-=--2_b...:Y:...:t_es...:./_w_o_r_d 2fLs = 10 M bytes/so ( 11 ) The total data rate from the DAS is therefore 20 Mbytes/s. Each channel is sampled by the DAS every 40 ps, corre sponding to a frequency of 25 kHz with a Nyquist frequency of 12.5 kHz (recall the 3-dB frequency of the DAS filter is 12.5 kHz). The output lines of the preamplifier boards are connected in such a way that the output of the DAS has the correct spatial arrangement. That is, data channel A outputs the eight detector channels located at the top of the finger board and channel B outputs the following eight during the first 2 f.ls. This sequence continues until the eight channels located at the bottom of the finger board are output from channel R C. Multibus data buffer Since the KCD image is taken by moving the detector at a constant (kinestatic) velocity, the data stream leaving the DAS cannot be interrupted without loss of image informa tion. The data are buffered using the multibus-based data buffer subsystem shown in Fig. 11. Multibus 17 is a standard bus structure for microcomputer systems. Figure 11 shows that five multibus boards are used to buffer the data stream. They are (1) an 8086 microprocessor-based single board computer (SBC), (2) a parallel communications board which interfaces the multibus with the fl VAX, (3) the 1- Mbyte dynamic random access memory (DRAM) board, and the coupling of (4) the UNC interface (UNC I1F) with (5) the DAS lIF. These latter two boards act together to put image data and memory addresses onto the multibus for X-ray imaging scanner 708 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 10:52:11MUlT!SUS --=:=k'j DAS UNC I iNTERFACE INTERFACE i]---'_ ~. "]=- 1 MEl ECOMMUNICATIOJS I~O~tJ' BUFFER BOARD iPROCESSOR , MEMORY L BOAR ° HIGH -SPE-E-O'-'-- ~/' (£AS DRIVER] l~t ~REAMPS ~~TECTOR PARALLEL LINK ./S£RIAL \.,.INE ..--_--'-_-,.Lt/,~~~2) DM2~N~~~~tCE I l DEC jJVAX J' HOST SYSTEM _. FIG, 11, The multibus-based subsystem used to buffer the 20 M byte/s data stream from the DAS, Thc DAS and UNe lIF boards assert data and ad dresses. respectively, to the multibus for storage in the 1 M byte DRAM board. DMA transfer takes plact' between the multibtls and the flV AX memory through the high speed parallel link. storage in the memory board. The two boards are linked through an external (to the muItibus) 50-pin ribbon cable in order to share signals. The operation of these two boards in the multibus subsystem will be discussed in the following paragraphs. Two assembly language programs are loaded into the memory of the 8086 SBC (Matrox Electronic Systems, Que bec, Canada). This is done through the serial port (see Fig. 11) at the beginning of each scanning session. The first pro gram is used to initialize the UNC l/F for data acquisition. This entails programming the AD2940 address generators (Advanced Micro Devices, Sunnyvale, CA), supplying the DAS IIF with the scan speed, clearing the memory board and disabling on-board memory refresh, and issuing a GET READY signal which allows the UNC and DAS I/F combi nation to control the multibus and acquire data when the DRVU-J DAS ON signal is given (see Sec. II). The second 8086 code is run to program the communications board to transfer the contents of the memory board to the /-L V AX. The communications board is aCOM-l (Matrox) DRll-W com patible parallel port which functions as a multibus to Q-bus (the p V AX microcomputer bus) interface. The memory board (Zitel Corporation, San Jose, CA) has dynamic memory which must be periodically refreshed (128 refreshes are required every 2 ms). This would require an interruption in the constant data stream entering the memory board and data would be lost during the refresh period. The UNC IIF is designed to disable on-board auto matic refresh during the scan and to restart the automatic refresh upon completion of the data acquisition. During data acquisition, the memory is refreshed by accessing different rows of the memory board. Writing a data word refreshes an of the data stored in the row to which the data word was written. As mentioned previously, the scan speed must be writ ten to the DAS lIF. This is to ensure that the correct dimen sional scaling takes place in the scan direction. Recall that the finger-to-finger spacing is 0.152 mm. The I-Mbyte mem- 709 Rev. ScLlnstrum., Vol. 61, No.2, February 1990 •••••••••• -••• -.-•• -••••••••••• , •••• <;<; •••• ' ••• ;.:'7':.:.:.;.;.-;-.;.;.;.:.- .•••••••.•••••••••••••• ' ••••••••• r ••••••••• _._.; ••• ; •••• ~ •• ,;" •• -•••••••• o; •• '.' ....... _ ••• r •• ; •• ' ••••• ., .... . ory board can store 2048 samples of the 2-byte data words from the 256 channels. The pixel length of 0.152 mm gives a constant scan length 31.1 em (2048 X 0.0 152 cm2). Since the DAS samples each finger every 40/-Ls, only the speeds shown in Table II can be used to achieve square pixels in the final image. Of course, any speed not in Table II can also be used and square pixels can be calculated through interpolation (provided that the kinestatic requirement is stilI met). The DAS IIF can sum from three to seven samples, inclusively, for each detector channel. This means the sampling times are slowed to between 120 and 280 ps. The "scan time required" column of Table II is useful for setting the x-ray generator exposure time to the minimum required. The DAS lIF ac cepts the data from the DAS driver board through optical isolators on each data bit line. The SYNC data words arc used to identify the position within the data stream and then discarded. The gain bits are used to shift the location of the 12 bits of data resolution on a 16·bit word. For example, a high signal from the detector would occupy the 12 most sig nificant bits, a low signal the 12 least significant bits. The parity bits are used to check the parity of the incoming data and errors are indicated on an LED display on the DAS lIF. The DAS IfF multiplexes the data channels A and B onto the multibus (eight channels from A, eight channels from B). A signal (DATA READY-DAS) is issued to the UNC lIF when a data word is being put on the multibus. The DAS IIF continues to operate this way until the DONE signal is received from the UNC lIF. The DONE signal is generated by the address generators once they have generated 0.5 M addresses. These addresses are asserted from the UNC liP onto the multibus address lines synchronously with the data from the DAS lIF. After the memory board has been loaded with the image data, the DONE signal is used to initiate on board memory refresh. The scanning arm is allowed to come to a halt before the transfer from the multibus memory to the p V AX is initiated. This transfer is direct memory access (DMA) from the COM-l communications board to the DRVlI-W A parallel interface located in the f.l VAX. IV. IMAGE DISPLAY Arrangement of the data to create a CRT image is straightforward since the order of the data leaving the DAS corresponds to the physical location of the detector fingers. A DEC VR290 high-resolution color monitor with eight bits TABLE n. Kinestatic speeds necessary to produce square pixels. The DAS sampling time is 40,ts. The desired pixel size is 0.152><0.152 mm2, The kinestatic speed is determined by dividing the effective sampling time into the pixel length. Number of Effective Kinestatic Scan time DASsamples sampling time speed required (,tS) (em/s) (5 ) 3 120 126.7 0.25 4 160 95.0 0.33 5 200 76.0 0.41 6 240 63.3 0.49 7 280 54.3 0.57 X-ray imaging scanner 709 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 10:52:11of gray shades is used to display the x-ray image. The moni tor is 1084 (horizontal) by 864 (vertical) pixels. The image is displayed using 256 vertical pixels by 992 horizontal pix els. Therefore, slightly less than half of the 2048 samples can be displayed at one time. The user can specify which segment of the complete image he wishes to view. Because the x-ray intensity falls exponentially as a function of increasing ab sorber thickness, the natural logarithm of the data is taken. This linearizes the relationship between signal level and ab sorber thickness. The values are then mapped into the set of 256 discrete gray levels. The contrast of the image can be magnified by mapping selected subsets (windows) of the signal range into the set of 256 gray levels. A "blank" image with no object between the x-ray source and the KCD will produce an image with horizontal streaks due to unequal signal levels in each channel. The unequal signal levels result from geometrical variations in the electrodes and channel-ta-channel electronic differences in the preamplifier circuits and the DAS input channels. The 256 circuits show a standard deviation of 0.65% of the full scale when the x -ray beam is blocked by a lead absorber. This is a measure of the range of dc offsets for the 256 channels. The slopes of output signal versus plastic absorber (Lexan) thickness curves show a standard deviation of 1.7% for the 256 channels. A program has been written to remove these channel-to-channel variations hy using the measured rc sponse of each channel to the same x-ray input (i.c., varying thicknesses of Lexan). The channel-to-channel variations are removed by mapping the corresponding number of x rays (determined from the signal level) from each finger's curve to the gray levels. A check of this method is the blank image, which produces the same gray level for all the channels for each time sample. Circuit components were chosen to pro vide long-term stability. For example, the feedback resistors in the preamplifier circuits have a nominal stability of 0.01 % per 1000 h. Nevertheless, periodic recalibration (perhaps every three months) of the channel-to-channel variations is being scheduled for the SFOV system. The time dimension also contains artifacts which can be removed from the KeD image. Changes in x-ray output with time are recorded by every channel at the same time. Periodic changes due to the kVp ripple and imperfections in the rotation or surface of the x-ray tube's anode will appear as equally spaced vertical bands in the image. These time dependent artifacts can be removed through normalization to a "monitor" signal which corresponds only to the x-ray tube output and does not show any time-dependent structure due to attenuation within the object. A separate x-ray pho ton detector can be placed between the object and the x-ray tube, but the charge integration response of the KCD will be somewhat cumbersome to calculate using the output ora CsI scintillator, for example. Even an ion chamber placed before the object would have to match the geometry and response of the imaging KCD closely in order for this method to work effectively. Leaving several channels of the dctector exposed to un attenuated beam allows for the simplest removal of time dependent x-ray fluctuations. After the channel-to-channe1 variations havc been removed, ten channel signals from the 710 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 61, No.2, February 1990 FIG. 12. Kinestatic charge detector image of the index finger of one of the authors (FAD). Each of the 256 vertical traces is the signal from one detec tor channel; each horizontal trace is a different time sample. open end of the K CD (top or bottom of the finger board in Fig. 2) arc summed to give an average time-dependent nor malization curve. This average is subtracted from (or divid ed into) the remaining data to produce the normalized im age. Methods using Fourier analysis of the x-ray ripple and anode contributions are being investigated at the time of this writing. These methods, if successful, should effectively re move time-dependent artifacts without the limitation of re quiring one side of the detector be exposed to unattenuated beam. Figure 12 is a photograph of one of the first images to be processed at the University of North Carolina. It shows the index finger of one of the authors. The x-ray technic factors were 120 kVp, 400 rnA (1.2-mm focal spot), and O. 7-s expo sure time. The slowest sampling rate of 280 lis/pixel was used, corresponding to a scan speed of 54.3 cm/s. An observ er study is planned to compare the performance of the SFOV with that of conventional film-screen radiography using a contrast phantom. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to express their appreciation to Eliot Mayer, Dennis Knack, and William Allen for their help in data acquisition electronics, Willi Hempel for the design of the scanning gantry, Bin Liu, Harold Cox, and Raymond Bingham for assistance in equipment assembly, and Gerry Cohen for procuring the x-ray generator and tubes. Special thanks are expressed to Walt Robb and Gary Keyes for sup- X-ray imaging scanner 710 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 10:52:11porting this project from its conception. Funding for this project was provided by General Electric Medical Systems Group (Milwaukee, WI), and by PHS Grant No. l-ROl CA-44411-01, awarded by the National Cancer Institute, DHHS. aj Present address: Department of Electrical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC 27706. i M. Sonoda, M. Takano, J. Miyahara, and R Kato, Radiology 148, 833 (1983). 2p. J. Papin and H. K. Huang, Med. Phys. 14, 322 (l98n 'M. M. Tesie, R. A. Matson, G. T. Barnes, R. A. Sones, and J. B. Stickney, Radiology 148, 259 (1983;. 4F. A. DiBianca and M. D. Barker, Med. Phys. 12, 339 (1985). 5 F. A. DiBianca, D. J. Wagenaar, J. E. Fetter, C. R. Tenney, J. E. Vance, M. J. Bolz, D. L. McDaniel, and P. Granfors, Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. In strum. Eng. 626, 150 (1986). "F. A. DiBianca, J. E. Fetter, C. R. Teney, J. E. Vance, D. J. Wagenaar, D. L. McDaniel, and P. Granfors, l'roe. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Eng. 767, 92 (1987). 711 Rev. Sci.lnstrum., Vol. 61, No.2, February 1990 7 J. S. Townsend, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London A 193,129 (1899). B W. D. Foley. T. L. Lawson, G. T. Scanion, R. C. Heeschen, and F. A. DiBianca, Radiology 133. 231 (1979). 9F. A. DiBianca, C. R. Tenney, M. S. C. Reed,J. E. Vance, D. J. Wagenaar, and D. W. Wilson, Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. lnstrum. Eng. 1090, 409 (1989). wo. R. Frisch, British Atomic Energy Project Report No. BR-49 (unpub lished). 11 B. B. Rossi and H. H. Staub, in Ionization Chambl'l's and Counters-Ex perimental Techniques, 1st ed. (McGraw-Hili, New York, 1(49), p. 5. 12D. J. Drost and A. Fenster. Med. Phys. 9, 224 (1982). 1.\ O.llullcmann, T. E. Cranshaw, and J. A. Harvey, CalL J. Res. A 27, 191 (1949). 14 M. Yaffe, A. Fenster, and H. E. Johns, J. Com put. Assist. Tomogr. 1,425 (1977). 15 P. Lorrain and D. Corson, in Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, 2nd ed. (Freeman, San Francisco, CA, 1(70), p. 146. 16 P. Horowitz and W. Hill, in The Art of Electronics (Cambridge Universi ty Press, Cambridge, 1980), p. 122. 11 ANSI/IEEE Standard i96-1983, IEEE Standard Microcomputer Sys tem Bus (IEEE, New York, 1983). X-ray imaging scanner 711 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 10:52:11
Orientationdependent metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy regrowth on GaInAsP/InP laser structures F. Fidorra, P. Harde, H. Venghaus, and D. Grützmacher Citation: Applied Physics Letters 55, 1321 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.101643 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.101643 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/55/13?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Simulation of the orientationdependent growth of InGaAs/InP by metalorganic vaporphase epitaxy J. Appl. Phys. 76, 4906 (1994); 10.1063/1.357272 Pressure dependence of photoluminescence in GalnP grown on misoriented (100) GaAs by metalorganic vapor phase expitaxy AIP Conf. Proc. 309, 1495 (1994); 10.1063/1.46264 Secondary ion mass spectroscopic investigation of GaInAsP/InP laser structures made by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy regrowth J. Appl. Phys. 68, 2632 (1990); 10.1063/1.346487 GaInAsP/InP integrated ridge laser with a buttjointed transparent optical waveguide fabricated by singlestep metalorganic vaporphase epitaxy J. Appl. Phys. 68, 2450 (1990); 10.1063/1.346505 Organometallic chemical vapor deposition of InP/InGaAsP on nonplanar InP substrates: Application to multiple quantum well lasers Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 863 (1990); 10.1063/1.102665 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 15:41:40Orientation",dependent metaiorganic vapor phase epitaxy regrowth on Ga~nAsP IInP ~aser structures F. Fidorra, P. Harde, and H. Venghaus Heinrich-Hertz-Inslitutjur Nachrichtentechnik GmbH, Einsteinufer 37, D-lOOO Berlin 10, Federal Republic of Germany D. GrUtzmacher Institute of Semiconductor Electronics, Aachen Technical University, Sommerfeldstrasse. D-5100 Aachen, Federal Republic o/Germany (Received 10 Apri11989; accepted for pUblication 17 July 1989) GalnAsPllnP lasers made by Imv-pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy regrowth on patterned surfaces exhibit yield and performance dependent on laser stripe orientation. Structures with stripes parallel to the <all) and (OT 1) directions are investigated by secondary-ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS). Three-dimensional SIMS profiles taken with high horizontal resolution using the checkerboard matrix gate technique yield unexpected results for structures with stripes parallel to the (0 T 1 > direction: phosphorus is found in the nominal GalnAs layer, its distribution is strongly inhomogeneous. Zn diffused into the GalnAs layer exhibits also pronounced spatial variations. Unwanted P outdiffnsion and anomalous Zn diffusion are a ttributed to reduced crystalline perfection of the InP above (011) oriented laser stripes. Epitaxial regrowth on patterned semiconductor sur faces is an important technique for the realization of mono lithic optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs). It is known from investigations on AIGaAs/GaAs \-'1 and to a limited extent on hlP-based structures 10,11 that low-pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (LPMOVPE) and molec ular beam epitaxy (MBE) regrowth are strongly dependent on the orientation of the structures to be overgrown. Similar ly, GalnAsP/lnP buried ridge structure (DRS) lasers ex hibit yield and performance dependent on laser stripe orien tation, and we have made a detailed comparative investigation of lasers with stripes parallel to the (011) and <oT 1) directions within a (100) surface. The former orienta tion is the one generally chosen, while the latter offers addi tiona! flexibility necessary for the design of high perfor mance, higher complexity OEICs,12,13 The lasers investigated have a cross section as shown in Fig. 1. In a first, liquid phase epitaxial (LPE) step the !l buffer and the quaternary layers are grown. The latter are then structured into stripes of 1.6 f-lm width and 200 11m separation by a combination of reactive ion etchingl4 and wet chemical etching with a mixture ofH.>Cl1 and Het The sidewalls of the ridges are not perpendicular to the semiconductor surface (as drawn in the schematic represen tation of Fig. 1), but are oblique, and the angle of inclination is different for the two orientations investigated [cf. Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) J. Lasers with stripe orientation parallel to the < 011) or <aT 1) direction will be designated type A or type H, respectively. In a second, LPMOVPE step the laser stripes are covered by a p-type IuP layer of 1.2 ,urn thickness and a D.S-flm-thick p-GaInAs capping layer. Typical scanning electron microscope (SEM) pictures of cross sections of the laser stripe region are shown in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b). FortypeA lasers the InP layer grown on top of the GalnAsP layers has almost constant thickness, while the thickness of the InP layer is particularly enhanced above the laser stripe in case of the type B laser. The top GaIn As layers, which are missing in Fig. 2, since they are dissolved by the wet chemical etchant used to decorate the facets of the GaInAs!' stripes, have a constant thickness everywhere, in dependent from the shape of the InP layer below. Lasers of type A and B exhibit strong differences with respect to threshold current Itll' quantum efficiency, ana yield. These resuhs are in agreement with observations re ported by Razeghi et al. lion similar structures. For lasers of type A we observed I'll ,,20 mA (30 rnA) for 50% (90%) of the lasers compared to Ie" ,,20 rnA (30 rnA, 60 rnA) for 0.6% (20%.40%) of the lasers of type E as wen as 55% completely failing lasers of the latter type. Three-dimensional secondary-ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) promes were taken using an ATOMIKA 6500 ion microprobe operating in dynamic mode and applying the checkerboard matrix gate technique. Horizontal resolution was 1.6XL6.um2 (or3.2><3.2Ilm2). The total size of the area evaluated: 25 X 25 12m2 (50 X 50 11m2); the size of the etched crater was: 50 X 50 11m2 (100 X 100 12m2). SIMS measurements on stnlctures of type A provided results as expected, i.e., showed the constituent components of the GalnAs, InP, and GalnAsP layers with appropriate relative intensities and homogeneous horizontal distribu tion. :,c=r=?==:~~~~r- p+-Ir.GaAs: Zn p -lnP: 211 /ZK--P -!nGaAsI? (1.3 j.Lml i -InGa.AsP (1.5I!ml -T'----- n -lnP:Sn FIG. 1. Cross section and composition of constituent layers of the BRS laser (schematic). 1.3 pm and L51tm indicates fundamcntal band gap ofrespec live quaternary compound. Grid Oll top surfilce visualizes resolution of spa tially resolved SIMS. 1321 AppL Phys, Lett 55 (13), 25 September 1989 0003-6951/89/391321-03$01,00 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 1321 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 15:41:40FIG. 2. SEM pictures showing cross sections of overgrown laser stripes. Top GalnAs layer missing. (a) Laser stripe parallel to (011 >; (b) parallel to (011) direction. On the other hand, measurements on structures of type B revealed, most surprisingly, a considerable amount of phosphorus above the laser stripes in the nominal GalnAs layer. Phosphorus has a depth distribution as shown in Fig. 3 with a strong concentration increase as the GalnAs/lnP in terface is approached. In the perpendicular direction the P concentration falls off rapidly with increasing distance from the ridge. The In distribution exhibits a corresponding in crease, while the Ga concentration goes down simultaneous ly. The correlated changes of Ga, In, and P concentrations are in such a way as to reduce the lattice mismatch which would result from incorporation ofP into GalnAs which has the proper stoichiometry of ternary material lattice matched to InP. The total relative change of the In and the Ga aU over the ternary GalnAs layer is estimated to be of the order of 5- 10%. In a second series of SIMS measurements we deter mined concentration profiles of the Zn diffused into the 104 CI) (al "'-103 --c;; -<-d 102 <.... .- C ::::l 0 w 10 o 0.5 o 0.5 Depth I ~m FIG. 3. Count rate of the SIMS phosphorus signal on the BRS laser struc ture, measured above laser stripe (dash-dotted) and far from the stripe (full line). (a) Laser stripe parallel to <011); (b) parallel to {OIl) direction, 1322 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 55, No. 13,25 September 1989 GaIn As to form the p contact. For lasers of type A we find a homogeneous Zn distribution all over the GalnAs layer. The results are strongly different for lasers of type B. Zn is no longer evenly distributed within the GainAs layer, but its concentration is significantly reduced above the (011) ori ented laser stripe; the width of the region with low( er) Zn concentration is of the order of SO pm. A second difference is related to the morphology of the crater eroded during the SIMS experiment: the ridge of type A, which can be seen after the second epitaxial step already (cf. Fig. 2), is preserved during the SIMS measurement, i.e., a ridge of approximately the same height and width as ob served initially can be discerned at the bottom of the crater (cf. Fig. 4), and whether the investigation is made prior to or after the Zn diffusion does not make any difference. The same holds for structures of type B if SIMS is performed before Zn diffusion. However, if type B structures are inves tigated after Zn diffusion, no ridges can be seen after the SIMS measurement but the area of the former ridge and its vicinity exhibits contiguous hollows instead. The width of the region of more pronounced erosion is of the order of 50 p.m, i.e., corresponds to the width of the GaIn As layer with reduced Zn concentration. The results are interpreted as follows: We attribute the presence of phosphorus in the nominal GalnAs top layer to a low crystalline perfection of the MOVPE-grown InP layer above the (011) oriented laser stripes, where the reduced crystallinity enhances the diffusion velocity in the InP. This interpretation is in accordance with recent investigations by Sartorius et ai.,15 who studied the thermal degradation of InP and have shown that P has a strong tendency to migrate along (extended) defects from the bulk to the semiconduc tor surface during high-temperature processes. The ob served correlated concentration changes of P, In, and Ga suggest that P out diffusion occurs essentially during growth of the GalnAs layer (at a temperature of 630°C). The as sumption P might be incorporated into the top GalnAs layer as a consequence of reactor contamination can be rejected readily, since structures of types A and B were grown simul taneously, and structures A do not show any P in the ternary layer. Low Zn concentration in the GaIn As layer above the (a) -2 l Ilm -3 ::t~~ o 100 FIG. 4. Bottom of crater eroded during SIMS measurement. (a) Laser stripe parallel (011) with/without Zn diffusion, and along (011) without Zn diffusion. (b) Laser stripe parallel <011); SIMS performed after Zn dif fusion. Fidorra et al. 1322 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 15:41:40laser stripe of type B samples is due to an enhanced Zn ditfu~ sion into the InP, and this is another consequence of the low crystalline perfection of the MOVPE-regrown InP already inferred from the anomalous phosphorus distribution. An increased Zn concentration in the loP below the GalnAs with reduced Zn content could not directly be proven since the overall Zn signal was too low while the InP was moni tored. The Zn diffusing into the region of already lowered crystalline perfection then induces drastic further changes: the crystallinity is impaired so strongly that the sputter rate rises substantially which could not be observed without Zn diffusion. The apparent weakening of the crystal lattice is attributed to mechanisms similar to those responsible for impurity-induced disorder observed in multiquantum well structures. 16 It is interesting to note that a prerequisite for the strong Zn-induced changes to occur is the presence of a modest reduction in crystalline perfection, so that minor irregulari ties give rise to subsequent strong effects, while Zn has no apparent detrimenta1 consequences in more regularly grown regions of a wafer (cf. laser structures of type A ). On the basis of the SIMS analysis the high threshold current and the low overall yield observed on type B lasers can be understood easily. The reduced Zn concentration in the GalnAs above the laser stripe increases the contact resis tance and the particularly low Zn concentration above the active area favors current flow beside the laser stripe, Thus, a large proportion of the laser current does not lead to minor ity-carrier injection into the active area, and as a conse quence the threshold current is high or lasing action does not start at all. In conclusion, the three-dimensional SIMS analysis has elucidated various interdependent mechanisms (impaired regrowth and reduced crystallinity, constituent interdiffu sion or outdiffusion, and anomalous dopant diffusion), 1323 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 55, No. 13,25 September 1989 which may occur under certain circumstances and lead to unsatisfactory device behavior. 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Thermally driven convective cells and tokamak edge turbulence D. R. Thayer and P. H. Diamond Citation: Physics of Fluids (1958-1988) 30, 3724 (1987); doi: 10.1063/1.866409 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.866409 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pof1/30/12?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Structure in turbulent thermal convection Phys. Fluids A 4, 2715 (1992); 10.1063/1.858458 Edge Convection Driven by ICRF AIP Conf. Proc. 244, 177 (1992); 10.1063/1.41694 Thermally driven edge magnetic turbulence Phys. Fluids B 3, 3286 (1991); 10.1063/1.859760 Simulations of turbulent thermal convection Phys. Fluids A 1, 1911 (1989); 10.1063/1.857516 Theory of dissipative densitygradientdriven turbulence in the tokamak edge Phys. Fluids 28, 1419 (1985); 10.1063/1.864977 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:39:30 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:39:30 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:39:30 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:39:30 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:39:30 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:39:30 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:39:30 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:39:30 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:39:30 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:39:30 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:39:30 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:39:30
Range profiles of Hg+, Hg2 +, and Hg3 + in polymer polyvinylalcohol KeMing Wang, BoRong Shi, JiTian Liu, XiangDong Liu, and KeJun Yao Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 4577 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.343810 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.343810 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/10?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in The scaling analysis on effective activation energy in HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07D709 (2012); 10.1063/1.3673436 Dielectric spectroscopy of blends of polyvinylalcohol and polypyrrole J. Appl. Phys. 93, 2723 (2003); 10.1063/1.1542918 Effect of long-range forces on the interfacial profiles in thin binary polymer films J. Chem. Phys. 110, 1221 (1999); 10.1063/1.478164 Ellipsometric profiling of HgCdTe heterostructures J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 9, 2483 (1991); 10.1116/1.585723 Sound speed and attenuation in thin polymer films in the frequency range 0.2–1 GHz J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 75, S33 (1984); 10.1121/1.2021387 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:40:29Range profiles of Hg+, Hg2+, and Hg3+ in polymer polyvinylalcohol Ke-Ming Wang China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (World Laboratory), P.o. Box 8730, Beijing, China and Department of Physics, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China So-Rang Shi, Ji-Tian Uu, and Xiang-Dong Liu Department of Physics, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China Ke-Jun Yao Department of Chemistly, Shan dong University, Jinan, Shan dong, China (Received 24 March 1989; accepted for publication 28 June 1989) Depth profiles of Hg+, Hg2+, and Hg3 , implanted in polymer polyvinylaIcohol at energies from 50 to 600 ke V are measured by 2.1-Me V 4He2 + Rutherford backscattering. Based on Biersack's angular diffusion model, a computer program is written for comparison with the experimental values. The result shows that the measured projected range is in good agreement with the calculated value for first-order treatment. The experimentally determined range straggling is still higher than the calculated value after considering the second~order energy loss. The Monte Carlo simulation shows that the Hg profile is not described by an ionization or nuclear damage profile, but rather is described by a classical predicted implantation profile. I. INTRODUCTION Ion beams are widely used for modifying electrical, opti cal, and mechanical properties of solids. The investigation of ion-bombardment effects on polymers have received in~ creased attention during the last few years.1-6 It is known that energetic ion irradiation of polymers results in both structural changes and stoichiometric modification accom panied by emission of volatile components as a consequence of bond breaking. These modifications result in changes of mechanical, optical, and electrical properties. For example, high~energy ion~beam irradiation of polymer film results in a decrease in resistivity. Resistivity decreases of 14 orders of magnitude have been observed. 7 One of the less-studied aspects of the ion-implanted polymers is related to the characterization of the concentra tion profile of the implanted species. Despite the fact that mean projected range (Rp) and range straggling (/!>.Rp) of implanted ions must be known in many important applica tions, very few experimental profiles have been published. The Lindhard-Scharff-Schi0H (LSS) procedure and Monte Carlo simulation can be used to calculate the implanted-ion distribution parameters into polymers. The main purpose of this work is to study mean projected range and range strag gling of Hg +, Hg2+, and Hg31 implanted at energies from 50 to 600 keY into polymer polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) by 2.1 MeV4He2+ Rutherford backscattering (RBS). Experimen tal results have been compared to our calculation based on the Biersack's angular diffusion model and Monte Carlo simulation. II, EXPERIMENT Thin films of polymer PV A were spun on clean glass and baked for 1 hat 120"C. The nominal composition ofPVA is (C2H40) n' The density of PV A was measured and taken to be 1.25 g/cm3, Thin films ofPV A were implanted with doses of I X 1015 ions/em2 and 5 X 1014 ions/cm2 at energies from 50 to 600 keY, respectively. Implantations above 200 keY were carried out using doubly~charged Hg2+ and triply charged Hg3 +. The problem with charging of the sample was almost eliminated by placing a metal mask in immediate contact with the sample. All implantations were performed at room temperature and current density was less than 0.5 pA/cm2 to avoid excessive heating of the sample. In order to ensure uniformity over the implanted area, a two-directional electrostatic scanning system was used. A neutral trap was also employed. The mean projected range and range straggling were measured by a 1.I-MeV 4He2+ beam at normal incidence and with a scattering angle of 165°. When the implant distri bution in depth is Gaussian, the depth profile can be de scribed by the projected range and range straggling which is the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution in depth. The range straggling has been obtained from the measured FWHM after performing the deconvolution process. In or der to determine the Hg surface position, we have used gold film for calibration. To enhance the depth resolution, a glancing angle measurement was performed at low-energy implantation of Hg ions. For most of the samples, two RBS energy spectra were taken, one for normal incidence, the second at an angle of 50° between the direction of the He ion beam and the surface normal. In the latter arrangement the depth resolution was improved by a factor of 2. The error in the profile measurement was estimated from the stability of the PV A energy edge of the spectrum which was determined by ± 3 channels. Each channel was equal to 50 A for normal incidence. The ion implantation was performed on a 400 ke V ion implanter made at Shandong University. The RBS mea surement was carried out at the 2 X 1.7-MV tandem accel~ erator of Shan dong University. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION It is known that the theoretical calculation of the range profile of ions in a polyatomic target is complicated, espe- 4577 J. Appl. Phys. 66 (10), 15 November 1989 0021-8979/89/224577-04$02.40 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 4577 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:40:29cially for a polymer. A number of physical and chemical phenomena occur under ion irradiation. Some effects such as target compaction, chemical decomposition, cross linking, and formation of free radicals will take place. These pro cesses may influence the final distribution of implanted ions in the polymer. It is reported that light ions (OLi, lOB) distri bute neither according to their calculated range nor to their nuclear damage distribution, but according to their ioniza tion distribution after ion implantation into organic poly mers.1! For heavy ions, such as Bi, the final distribution in AZlll photoresist can be described by classical theoretical prediction.9 The theory of Lindhard-Scharff-Schi0tt, known as LSS theory, widely used for calculation of low-velocity ion ranges in solids, was originally developed for monoatomic targets. 10 Johnson and Gibbons had used the LSS procedure to calculate the mean projected range and range straggling for ions implanted in polyatomic targets. A Monte Carlo simulation is also widely used for calculating the range pro file of ions in polyatomic targets. II In the present work, an efficient method based on Biersack's angular diffusion mod el12•13 has been developed for calculating the mean projected range and range straggling of heavy ions in polyatomic tar gets, which differs from the LSS procedure and Monte Carlo simulation. Our calculation is given in detail elsewhere. 14 Biersack's model attempts to base range theory on weU known stopping powers and energy straggling, Thus avoid ing uncertainties in prescribing the differential cross section. The important input quantities in the present calculation are reliable nuclear and total stopping cross sections as func tions of energy. During the present calculation, the nuclear stopping cross section Sn proposed by Wilson, Haggmark, and Biersack (WHB) and implemented by Ziegler has been used. 15 To obtain the total stopping cross section, we have to know the electronic stopping cross section S,. We have used the electronic stopping cross-section formula by Vargas Aburto and co-workers. 16.17 In order to improve the preci sion of projected range and range straggling, it is necessary to consider higher-energy loss moments in nuclear stopping, such as the second moment in nuclear energy loss. Low energy ions that are slowed down mainly by elastic collisions lose their energy in relatively large portions. Electronic straggling is of minor influence in low-energy ranges. It con tributes to the projected range straggling only at high ener gy, e.g., for E,> I MeV for light ions. Therefore, in the pres ent calculation, the second moment in electronic energy loss may be neglected as in the LSS calculation. The second mo ment in nuclear energy loss can be obtained from Ref. IS. A survey of tests concerning Bragg's rule of stopping power additivity is updated. A general failure of simple additivity is well established, but magnitudes of effects are still subjected to uncertainty. 19 In the present calculation, we assume that Bragg's rule is valid. This is the idea contained in the princi ple of additivity of stopping cross sections, which states that the energy loss in a polymer composed of various atomic species is the sum of losses in the constituent elements, weighted according to their abundance in the polymer. Fig ure 1 shows the calculated nuclear stopping cross section S n' electronic stopping cross section Se' and total stopping cross 4578 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 10,15 November 1989 ""' C\l E :3 St; u ::> ..JI -, 5n a 2 .... '" -+' /-)5. IJl 1) c 1 fG c: III GI !.Il 10° 101 HjZ 103 ENERG'r'CIc aIJ) PIG. 1. Nuclear stopping cross section SM , electronic stopping cross section S" and total stopping cross section Sf as a function of energy E for Hg ions incident on polymer PV A. The normal composition (C2H40) M is used for calculation. section SI as a function of energy E for Hg ions incident on the polymer PV A. One ofthe purposes ofthe present work is to compare the experimental projected range and range straggling of Hg ions in polymer PV A with calculated val ues. Figure 2 compares the mean projected range (Rp) and range straggling (tlRp ) between the measured and calculat ed values for Hg ions implanted at energies from 50 to 600 keV in polymer PV A. The solid line represents results of the present calculation. The result indicates that there is a good agreement between the measured projected ranges and our calculated values in this case. The maximum difference in the mean projected range between experimental and theo retical values is less than 19%. For higher energies from 150 to 600 keY, there is an overall good agreement (less than 10%) between experimental and present calculated values. As for range straggling, the experimentally determined data show a much larger straggling than the theoretical calcula tion for first-order treatment. Although a marked improve ment in the range straggling is obtained after including the second-order energy loss in the Biersack model, the mea- u.I 104 0.9 i ~ .. Il! 103 ~ a: ~ .. ' I.I.i 102 ~.a <t...- Il:..., oz w .... H.li I-...J ~ UUi !!j~ Oil! I:r: .... !l..(Jl 01 HI 10° iOA 102 103 10" ENERGYCkulJ) FIG. 2. Comparison of experimental and calculated projected range and range straggling of Hg ions implanted at energies from 50 to 600 keY in polymer PV A, The solid lines represent the calculated values based on the angular diffusion model. Wang eta!, 4578 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:40:29sured range straggling is still higher than the calculated val ue. For comparison, a Monte Carlo code is also used to cal culate the implanted-ion distribution parameters into polymer PV A. Table I lists the experimental values of mean projected range and range straggling as a function of the implanted energy together with the present calculation and the transport of ion in matter (TRIM) prediction. In the experimental range determination as well as the theoretical calculation, we have taken the density ofPVA film to be 1.25 g/cm2. The nominal composition of polymer PYA is (C2H40)n. It is recognized that the relative difference between the theoretical and experimental Rp and tlRp val ues is dependent of the assumed polymer PYA density. The implantation profile for Hg3+ implanted at 600 keY into polymer PV A is depicted in Fig. 3 together with the TRIM prediction. The dose is 5 X 1014 ionslcm2• The measured dis tribution shows similarity with the range distribution calcu lated by TRIM simulation. It is seen that the Hg distribution is not described by ionization or nuclear damage profiles, as is the case for light ions reported by Fink et ai" 8 but rather by the theoretically predicted implantation profile. To demonstrate the applica bility and reliability of the present calculation, we have made a comparison between the calculated value and the experi mental value of Rp and ARp. Guimaraes et al.9 have used Rutherford backscattering to determine the range param eters ofBi + implanted into AZl11 photoresist film at ener gies from 10 to 400 keY. The nominal composition of the AZlll photoresist is (CSHg02)n. Figure 4 shows the com parison between the experimental values and our calculated values of mean projected range and range straggling for Bi + implanted at energies from 10 to 400 keVin AZ 111 photore sist. Experimental data, TRIM results, and our calculated values are listed in Table II. For comparison, we have also plotted in Fig, 4 our calculated results of the mean projected range and range straggling for Bi + implanted into AZ 111 photoresist film. The maximum difference between the ex perimental and our calculated values for mean projected range is less than 14% at energies from 50 to 400 keY. The range straggling is obtained after considering the second order energy loss. TABLE I. Experimental TRIM, and our calculated projected range (Rp) and range straggling (t:..R p ) for Hg ions implanted into polymer PV A. The range straggling for ARp of the present calculation is obtained based on the second-order treatment by Biersack's model. Projected range (Rp) (ft.) Range straggling (.6.R p) 0 .. ) Energy (keV) Expt. TRIM Our calc. Expt. TRIM OUf calc. 50 425 412 498 93 58 72 100 606 647 756 153 96 102 150 811 834 990 202 113 127 200 1096 1002 1193 244 133 147 300 1534- 1365 1595 270 193 184 350 1792 1562 1760 322 2lJ 198 400 1810 1687 1945 347 258 214- 600 2690 2335 2630 418 316 267 4579 J. Appi. Phys., Vol. 66, No. iO, 15 November 1989 i! 1\1 Q .... :K 'J lI'I ,.. Z :l 0 u asCI (s) u ... ..... m E u '" '+Xl.o'i-UI I 0 I- G: '-' « ;) Ii, Il (bl .: '. " " " ,'. ." . , ", , . " . qeo CHANNELS p ....... <>".,,,,, .. '"' -<I: "- :> 120 W v Z Q eo H !- <C N H '+0 Z a H 2~ 0 c: ?o- III WI Z (t "- '"' Z 1 S "- !!::' W III x: ::I z FIG. 3. (a) Experimental depth profile of 600-keV Hg ions implanted into polymer PV A. The dose is 5 >< 101• ions/cm2• Each channel equals 50 A. (b) The predicted range profile (P), damage (V) and ionization (I) pro files by TRIM for 6OO-keV Hg ions in polymer PYA. I.!.l 10 L!I Z « '" 103 0 z <I: ~" 102 z-a: <I: ~ 0.: o~ w ... 101 t;d w'"' .,« 0'"' !!<I-1L<Il 10° Hf FIG. 4. Comparison of experimental and calculated projected range and range straggling of Bi ions implanted at energies from 10 to 400 keY into AZlll photoresist (C,H802)". The solid lines represent the calculated val ues based on Biersack's angular diffusion model. The line for aRp is ob tained after including the second-order energy loss. The experimental data come from Ref. 9. Wang sf al. 4579 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:40:29TABLE II. Experimental, TRIM, and our calculated projected range (R p ) and range straggling (fiRp) for Bi j implanted intoAZlll photoresist film. The experimental data come from Ref. 9. Projected range (Rp) (A) Range straggling (t:.R p) C4.) Energy ._--- (keV) Expt, TRIM Our calc. Expt. TRIM Our calc. 10 180 160 215 31 23 33 20 240 240 304- 36 34 45 30 310 300 378 50 42 55 50 450 400 500 72 58 70 70 500 520 611 100 70 83 100 750 650 754 140 80 98 200 1200 1020 1176 260 150 141 400 2200 1780 1891 450 260 204 iV,SUMMARY The mean projected range and range straggling of an Hg ion (Hg +, Hg2 -;-, and Hg3 +) implanted at energies from 50 to 600 keVin polymer PV A have been measured by 2.1-MeV 4He2+ Rutherford backscattering. Based on Biersack's an gular diffusion model, a computer program was written to calculate the mean projected range and range straggling. In the calculation, the nuclear stopping cross section Sn pro posed by WHB and implemented by Ziegler and the elec tronic stopping cross section Se by Vargas-Aburto and co workers have been used. In the present calculation, we assume that Bragg's rule is valid in this case of a low-Z com pound. The results show that the measured projected range is in good agreement with calculated values. As for range straggling, the measured value is much larger than one ob tained from the first-order treatment for heavy ions implant ed in PV A. After including the second-order energy loss, a marked improvement in the range straggling is obtained, but the experimentally determined values are still higher than the calculated values. The TRIM simulation is also made for comparison with our experimental data. It is observed that the Hg distribution in polymer PV A is not described by ion1- 4580 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No, 10, 15 November 1989 zation or nuclear damage profile, but is described rather by the classical predicted implantation profile. Also, the pres ent calculation is compared to the work by Guimaraes et al. It is found that the range profile of Mg+, HgH, and Hg3+ implanted into polymer PV A has nearly the same behavior as that of Hi + implanted into AZ 111 photoresist. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Lu Ju-Xin for ion im plantation. IA M. Guzman, J. D. Carlson, J. E, Bares, and P. P. Pronko, Nue!. In strum. Methods Phys. Res. Sec. n ? /8, 468 (1985). '1. Adesida, Nue!. lnstrum. Methods 209/210,79 (1983). 31. Bello. G. Carter, K. F. Knott, L. Haworth, G, A. Stephens, and G. Farrell, Radiat. Eff. 89, 189 (1985). 4'1'. Venkatesan, Nuc!. lnstrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sec. B 7/8, 461 (1985). 5'f. M. Hall, A. Wagner, and L. F. Thompson, J. AppL Phys. 53, 3997 ( 1982). 6L. Calcagno and G. Fati, Nuc!. lnstrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sec. B 19/ 211,895 (1987), 7S. R. Forrest, M. L. Kaplan, P. H. Schmidt, T. Venkatesan, and A. J. Lovinge, AppL Phys. Lett. 41, 708 (1982). 8D. Fink. l. P. Biersack, J. T. Chen, M. Stadcle, K. Tjan, M. Behar, e. A. Olivieri, and F. C. Zawislak, 1. App!. Phys. 58, 668 (1985). 'J R. n. Guimaraes, L. Amaral, M. Behar, F. e. Zawislak, and D. Fink, J. App!. Phys. 63, 2502 (1988). IOJ. Linclhard, M. Scharff, and H, E. Schi0tt, K. Dan. Vidensk, Selsk. Mat. Fys. Medd. 33,14 (1963). IIJ. P. Biersack and L. G. 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Improved phase diagram of nitrogen up to 85 kbar W. L Vos and J. A. Schouten Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 91, 6302 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.457397 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.457397 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/91/10?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in The phase diagram of nitrogen clathrate hydrate AIP Conf. Proc. 309, 271 (1994); 10.1063/1.46326 Phase diagram of antimony pentachloride to 43 kbar J. Chem. Phys. 71, 2793 (1979); 10.1063/1.438684 Phase Diagram of Benzene to 35 kbar J. Chem. Phys. 55, 793 (1971); 10.1063/1.1676145 Phase Diagram of Ammonium Fluoride to 20 kbar J. Chem. Phys. 48, 2025 (1968); 10.1063/1.1669009 Argon—Nitrogen Phase Diagram J. Chem. Phys. 42, 107 (1965); 10.1063/1.1695654 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 07:26:48Improved phase diagram of nitrogen up to 85 kbar w. L Vos and J. A. Schouten Van der Waals Laboratory. University of Amsterdam. Valckenierstraat 67, 1018 XE Amsterdam. The Netherlands' (Received 9 February 1989; accepted 4 August 1989) A quasi-isochoric scanning method has been used to study the phase diagram of nitrogen from 150 to 550 K and up to 85 kbar in a diamond anvil cell in order to make a comparison with previous measurements of the binary phase diagram He-N2.1t has been confirmed that there is only one solid-solid-fluid triple point in N2 up to 85 kbar. However, both the t>-{3 transition line and the melting line have shifted appreciably towards lower pressures. The present experiment shows that, as a result of this, the triple point is located at 555 ± 5 K and 80 ± 2 kbar, which is 20% lower in pressure than previous data. I. INTRODUCTION In order to investigate fluid-fluid demixing at high pres sures in simple molecular systems, a study of the binary mix ture helium-nitrogen was undertaken in our laboratory. It was found that the fluid-fluid equilibria persist up to at least 100 kbar.1 The most remarkable feature, however, was the occurrence of two quadruple points along the three-phase line solid-fluid-fluid at 34 and 58 kbar. A quadruple point in a binary mixture is related to a triple point in a pure sub stance. On the basis of the known phase diagram of nitrogen, only one quadruple point could be expected, since only one solid-solid-fluid triple point was known2 with which it could be related. Therefore, van den Bergh and Schouten proposed that there might be a second triple point along the melting line of nitrogen at a lower pressure than the one already known.3 In that case, the upper quadruple point in the mixture would be related to the known triple point ofN2 and the quadruple point at 34 kbar would be connected to the second triple point. Another possibility could be that the lower quadruple point is connected to the known triple point of N2 and that the quadruple point at 58 kbar is related to a triple point at higher pressure. Therefore it is worthwhile to study the phase diagram of nitrogen, because either it shows a new triple point along the melting line below 100 kbar or by comparing the 8-{3 line with the three-phase line of the mix ture, one can deduce if gaseous helium dissolves in solid ni trogen. In spite of its simple molecular structure, nitrogen shows a very rich phase diagram (see Fig. 1). At zero pres sure and low temperature it exists in a cubic and ordered structure with space group4 Pa3, known as a-N2• Between 35.6 K and the melting point at 63.1 K it exhibits a hexagon al disordered structure, {3-N 2 with space groupS P 63/mmc. Pressurizing a-N2 to about 4 kbar yields6 r-N2' which is also an ordered phase with tetragonal space group7 P42/mnm. On further pressurizing, one obtains €-N2 at about 20 kbar.8 This is an ordered rhombohedral phase with space group9 R 3c. At still higher pressures of about 200 kbar,8 it reveals another phase whose structure is possibly rhombohedral with space group9 R 3c. At room temperature, fluid nitrogen freezes at 24 kbarlO into 11 {3-N2. At 48 kbar, a transition occurs 12 t08-N2, a cubic disordered phase with space group13,14 Pm3n. Pressurizing of 8-N2 yields phase transitions at 200,660, and 1000 kbar to other, yet unidentified, phases. IS Previous investigators re port that the 8-{3 phase line and the melting line intersect at 578 K and 99 kbar to yield the ,8--8-fluid triple point.2 II. EXPERIMENTAL The diamond anvil cell (DAC) which was used in this experiment has been described in detail in an earlier paper. 16 The usual ruby technique is used to determine the pressure in situ. The pressure coefficient is taken as 0.0366 nmlkbar.17 Heating was accomplished through an electrical coil wound on a "cold" finger projecting from a copper ring surrounding the cell. The temperature dependence of the ruby lines was not taken from literature data, but has been determined experi mentally before and after each run at about ten tempera tures. The average of the measurements before and after each run was used. The temperature dependence, which may 120 kbor p 100 f 80 60 40 20 o 100 -T 300 fluid CD Zinn et 01- a Chong ot 01.. 1041110 ot 01 .. Zinn et 01. <:> Olinger.linn.t 01. A Mills et 01. 500 K 700 FlO. l.~T diagram of nitrogen. D Triple point Zinn et al. <t Triple point this work. -Melting curve Eq. (I). 6302 J. Chern. Phys. 91 (10).15 November 1989 0021·9606/89/226302-04$02.10 © 1989 American Institute of Physics This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 07:26:48W. L. Vos and J. A. Schouten: Phase diagram of nitrogen 6303 differ for different ruby chips, cannot be conveniently repre sented here by a simple analytical expression, and will be discussed in a future publication. 18 The ruby was illuminat ed with an Ar or a Heed laser at a beam power of about 10 m W to prevent heating. We estimate the error in pressure to be ± 0.3 kbar below room temperature and up to ± 1 kbar at the highest temperatures. The gas used was of research grade quality with a purity better than 99.999%. The sample space was loaded by mounting the DAC in a high pressure vessel and pressurizing it with nitrogen. 19 The cell was closed at a pressure of a few kilobars and placed in the main frame for further pressurizing the sample. The ex periment was performed with a stainless steel 301 gasket in the DAC. The temperature was measured with a calibrated platinum resistance thermometer. Moreover, corrections were made for gradients within the cell, yielding a total un certainty of less than 0.5 K. Two experimental methods were applied: (a) visual observation, in which case a phase transition can generally be detected by a change in color, structure or refractive index, (b) isochoric scanning,20 where the temperature of the DAC is varied under nearly isochoric conditions and a first-order phase transition manifests itself as a discontinuity in pressure if there is a measurable volume change. In a typi cal scan, we heated in steps of 1 K and after each step we waited 15 min before measuring the pressure. In order to check if equilibrium conditions were reached, we lowered the temperature while maintaining a two-phase equilibrium and scanned again. We observed then that the results repro- 54 kbar 53 52 33 32 II-I! transition p i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~b:IJ:. ~~. I! -fluid transition -T 31 L-______ -L ______ ~~ ______ ~ 340 350 360 K 370 FIG. 2. p-Tscans of the 6-P transition and the melting line. The pressure jump ofthe melting line is about 1/3 that calculated from PVT data for an isochoric transition. duced. We were not able to detect any phase transition in nitrogen when using visual observation. This is due to the fact that N2 forms clear and colorless crystals IS and that the view through the sample was disturbed by some small pieces of ruby. The isochoric scanning method worked out very well as can be seen in Fig. 2, which shows very pronounced pressure jumps of about 1 kbar for the ~{3 and P-ftuid transitions. In fact, we do not observe a discontinuous jump but a sharp increase of the slope of the p-Tplot. The p-Tplot follows the phase line, because the transition takes place gradually, so that there is a range of temperatures where the two phases coexist. The investigation of the phase lines was hampered by three factors: ( 1 ) At high temperatures, the ruby lines broaden so that above 500 K only one line was resolved by us, which in creases the scatter of the data points along a p-T scan. This problem was tackled by taking more points along a scan. (2) On some occasions the pressure decreased on heat ing probably due to a rearrangement in the experimental setup. This shortens the trajectory in the p-T plane where two phases coexist and, thus, diminishes the pressure jump. This difficulty was overcome by slightly turning the pressing nut to eliminate the tolerance in the main frame without increasing the pressure. (3) Sometimes, the sample superheated or supercooled. This is described below in more detail. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Some typical examples of p-T plots for the 8-{3 transi tion and the melting line are shown in Fig. 2. We have a large number of data points, but for an overview only the mid points of the p-T scans have been listed in Table I. It is evident from Fig. 1 that the melting line and the ~{3 transi tion line agree with previous data at low temperatures 10.2 1,22 but deviate considerably from the previous data above room temperature. We found the 8-{3-ftuid triple point at 555 ± 5 K and 80 ± 2 kbar, which is considerably lower than the values2 of 578 ± 10 K and 99 ± 5 kbar reported previously. Note that if the temperature of the triple point is taken as 560 K, the pressure should be taken as 82 kbar. Similarly, 550 K should correspond to 78 kbar. Our value for the temperature at the H transition at 84 kbar is in reasonable agreement with previous experiments,9 but due to the steepness of the E-O transition line, any possible pressure deviations are not visible. TABLE I. Experimental data for the phase transitions in nitrogen. 6-ftuid p-ftuid (metastable) 6-P H T (K) p (kbar) T (K) p (kbar) T (K) p (kbar) T (K) P (kbar) 303.0 24.7 504.8 70.2 166.2 29.2 164.7 84.0 353.4 32.5 513.9 72.3 293 ± 7 45.7 412.4 44.7 533.5 76.2 319 ±4 49.3 449.9 53.5 350.3 53.0 489.3 62.8 423.9 62.7 511.0 69.0 478 ± 7 70.1 J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 91, No.1 0, 15 November 1989 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 07:26:486304 W. L. Vos and J. A. Schouten: Phase diagram of nitrogen The dashed melting line in Fig. 1 represents the tabulat ed values from Young et al.23 These authors have smoothed the experimental data of Zinn et al.2 Only one experimental point of Zinn et al. (at 450 K and 63 kbar) has been plotted in the interval from 20 to 100 kbar, since this is the only point that has been given numerically. Note the relatively large deviation of this point from the dashed melting line. Our results for the P-ftuid melting line, together with the low pressure results of Cheng et al.21 and Mills et al., 10 can be fitted to a smooth curve (full line in Fig. 1). A Simon Glatzel equation yields: P(kbar) = 0.54910* 1O-3*T(K) 1.8835 -1.1 (1) with a standard deviation of ± 0.3 kbar. The position of the melting line was determined from p T scans with increasing temperature. At decreasing tem perature undercooling of the sample of about 30 to 40 K occurred. This undercooling manifests itself in a p-T scan as a sudden drop in pressure, while on raising the temperature a smooth increase in pressure was always observed as in Fig. 2. The pressure jumps on melting were always 1 kbar or more, so that the transition could be easily detected. Only two experimental points have been plotted on the dashed 0-{3 transition line in Fig. 1: one point given by Olinger13 and one point reported by Zinn et aF We are unaware of any other tabulated values. The 0-{3 transition showed both undercooling and overheating. This is shown in Fig. 3. In run 1, the temperature was decreased during the p Tscan and a sudden jump occurred at 419 K. Apparently the whole sample changed from P-N2 to 8-N2 at this tempera ture. On raising the temperature in run 2, the reverse process occurred at 440 K. The third run, performed at increasing 64 Metastable transition 63 62 61 64 Partly stable and p 63 i 62 metastable transition ./$>~~ ~<;) <;) 0 Run 1 Cooling f ~~ % [!) Run 2 Heating <;) Run 3 Heating -T 61 ~ ____ ~ ____ ~~ ____ ~ ____ ~~ 410 430 K 450 FIG. 3. p-Tscans of the 8-/3 transition near 63 kbar. 85 kbor 80 75 70 65 500 520 540 560 K 580 FIG. 4.p-T diagram in the vicinity ofthe8-{3-ftuid triple point. Curve I is the {3-ftuid transition line given by Eq. (I), line 2 is a linear fit through the 8-ftuid points, curve 3 is a quadratic fit though the 8-/3 points and line 4 is a linear fit through the 8-/3 points. The circles are some of the 70 experimen tal points determined for the metastable 8-ftuid transition. temperature, shows that the pressure jumps slightly at 423 K, subsequently increases smoothly and then remains nearly constant. We interpret this as follows: at first the sample overheats, then part of it suddenly transforms from the 8 phase to the {3 phase. From then on, the 8 phase is in equilib rium with the {3 phase and the transition proceeds until the 8 phase has completely disappeared. On another occasion we observed that the 0-{3 transition occurred at the same tem perature and pressure at decreasing as well as increasing temperature. We conclude from this behavior that the sys tem shows only metastability and no hysteresis as reported previously.22 The data points at which metastability oc curred are marked with an error bar in Fig. 1 to show the difference between the heating and the cooling transition temperature. The pressure jump for the 8-{3 transition re mains about 1 kbar over the whole temperature range. Close to the triple point only one transition was ob served on heating instead of the two transitions 0-{3 and P fluid. This is most likely to be the metastable O-fluid transi tion because, as mentioned before, the 8 phase showed over heating with respect to the {3 phase and because the experi mental points do not coincide with an extrapolation of the 0- {3 or the P-fluid line (see Fig. 4). Moreover the pressure jump on this metastable O-fluid transition is more than 2 kbar, which is consistent with the sum of the jumps for the 0- {3 and P-fluid transitions. The triple point was estimated from extrapolations of the Simon-Glatzel equation and linear and quadratic ex trapolations of the 0-{3 and metastable 8-fluid data, see Fig. 4. It should be noted that, close to a triple point, a melting line does not obey a Simon-Glatzel equation, but deviates to higher pressure.2 Therefore 80 kbar was chosen as the most probable value for the triple point pressure. The E-8 points were taken from Mills et al.9 and this work. A pressure jump of about 0.8 kbar was observed at the E-8 transition. J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 91, No.1 0, 15 November 1989 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 07:26:48W. L. Vos and J. A. Schouten: Phase diagram of nitrogen 6305 A possible explanation for the discrepancy with pre vious data is probably the temperature induced shift in the ruby lines. Our shifts were measured with the same pieces of ruby used in the experiment. Zinn et al.2 used a value of 0.0068 nm/K, that was probably taken from the literature.24 However, in the literature a number of temperature shifts have been reported,25 which may result in discrepancies of more than 1 kbar per 100 K increase from room tempera ture. Another possible reason for the discrepancy may be temperature gradients in the DAC. The temperature differ ence between the diamonds and the thermometer was mea sured with a differential thermocouple. One lead was put near the gasket on one of the diamonds and the other next to the thermometer. Care was taken to provide a good thermal contact between the thermocouples and the surrounding parts of the DAC. The maximum difference was -0.4 K at 150 K to + 0.3 Kat 530 K, for which corrections were applied. In the report of Zinn et al. an error of up to 10 K below 600 K was suggested. A third possible reason which they do not mention may be laser heating of the ruby. In our experiment, care was taken to avoid this effect. In a theoretical article by LeSar,26 the error in the pres sure measurements of Zinn et al.2 was estimated to be ± 5 kbar. As mentioned before, in our work the error is probably less than 1 kbar. The slight discrepancy with the data of Olinger13 is caused by his use of the NaF scale instead of the ruby scale. We do not consider sample impurity to be a possibility, since the data agree at room temperature. Addition of all possible discrepancies results in a total of 13 kbar at 550 K, which is larger than the actual discrepancy of 11 kbar. IV. CONCLUSION Accurate measurements of the N2 phase diagram con firm that, up to 85 kbar, there is only one solid-solid-fluid triple point. The results concerning the position of the 8-{3 and ,B-fluid transition lines at high pressures obtained from this work differ considerably from the results obtained by other investigators. In particular, the coordinates of the tri ple point have shifted from 578 K and 99 kbar to 555 K and 80 kbar. A comparison with the data for the binary mixture He-N2 will be presented in a separate paper. 27 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank Mr. T. van Lieshout and Mr. F. C. J. van Anrooij for technical assistance during the mea surements and Mrs. J. Batson for reading the manuscript. IL. c. van den Bergh and J. A. Schouten, Chern. Phys. Lett. 145, 471 (1988). 2A. S. Zinn, D. Schiferl, and M. Nicol, J. Chern. Phys. 87, 1267 (1987). 3L. C. van den Bergh and J. A. Schouten, Chern. Phys. Lett. 150, 478 (1988). 4J. A. Venables and C. A. 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Superconducting phonon spectroscopy using a lowtemperature scanning tunneling microscope H. G. LeDuc, W. J. Kaiser, B. D. Hunt, L. D. Bell, R. C. Jaklevic, and M. G. Youngquist Citation: Applied Physics Letters 54, 946 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.100815 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.100815 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/54/10?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Full temperature calibration from 4 to 300 K of the voltage response of piezoelectric tube scanner PZT5A for use in scanning tunneling microscopes Rev. Sci. Instrum. 64, 896 (1993); 10.1063/1.1144139 A variable pressure/temperature scanning tunneling microscope for surface science and catalysis studies Rev. Sci. Instrum. 64, 687 (1993); 10.1063/1.1144198 Calibration of scanning tunneling microscope transducers using optical beam deflection Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 528 (1989); 10.1063/1.101868 Writing nanometerscale symbols in gold using the scanning tunneling microscope Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 1424 (1989); 10.1063/1.100687 Wide range temperature compensated cryogenic scanning tunneling microscope Rev. Sci. Instrum. 60, 735 (1989); 10.1063/1.1141010 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 09:08:10Superconductlng phonon spectroscopy using a low~temperature scanning tunneling microscope H. G. LeDuc, W. J. Kaiser, B. D. Hunt, and L. D. Bell Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91109 R. C. Jaklevic Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan 48121-2053 M. G. Youngquist California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 (Received 29 September 1988; accepted for publication 15 December 1988) We report the fIrst observation of phonon density of states effects ina superconductor using a low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope (STM). The phonon effects were observed using a STM spectroscopy method to measure dltlinneliIlg / d V vs V for the tunnel junction formed by the Au STM probe and a superconducting Pb sample. The scanning tunneling microscope (STM), since its invention,l has evolved into a sophisticated tool for direct imaging of many surfaces with atomic resolution. More re cently, the STM has emerged as a powerful spectroscopic tool with the potential for observation of surface and subsur face electronic properties also with very high spatial resolu tion. The large field of conventional tunneling spectroscopy on macroscopic tunnel junctions is credited with many fun damental observations. Measurements involving macro scopic tunnel junctions, however, are limited by the spatial averaging over the junction area and potential insulator bar rier induced alteration ofthe system under study. Due to the local nature of the tunnel current in a STM experiment, one can hope to study macroscopically nonideal samples such as polycrystalline thin films and measure properties of funda mental as well as technological importance. Historically, tunneling spectroscopy has been the most sensitive probe ofthe superconducting state. Observation of the superconductor energy gap by current-voltage (1-V) spectroscopy using the STM has been reported.2 4 In this letter we report, for the first time, the application of the STM to the observation of superconductor phonon density of states effects in conductance-voltage (dl/dV-V) spectrosco py. Conductance spectroscopy has been important in the study of superconductors. In the case of a normal metal insulator-superconductor (NIS) tunnel junction, the nor malized conductance as a function of bias voltage, o-(eV) = G"s(eV)/Gnn (eV) whereG" andG,,,, are the tun neling conductance with the S electrode in the supercon ducting and normal states respectively, is a nearly exact rep resentation of the superconductor excitation density of states. Small structures in the excitation density of states deviating from the predictions of the Bardeen-Cooper Schrieffer (BCS) theory5 were first observed by Giaever6 using conductance-voltage spectroscopy with macroscopic area tunnel junction~. The deviations are strongest in super conductors such as Pb, and were used to establish the valid ity of the strong coupling modifications of the theory of su perconductivity culminating in the theory of Eliashberg.7 This structure has been shown to arise from the energy de pendence of the phonon mediated electron-electron cou pling responsible for the superconducting state. The devia-tions from BCS behavior in Pb observed in conductance-voltage spectroscopy are weak; the phonon structure is resolved as a change in conductance of only a few percent of the total conductance. Therefore, the observation of phonons represents a difficult measurement for low-tem perature STM where the tunnel current and conductance signals are reduced by a factor of greater than 10° compared to conventional macroscopic area tunnel junctions. Our STM system has been described previously.4 The basic design is similar to one used for room-temperature STM studies8 with modification for use in low-temperature STM of superconductors. For phonon spectroscopy the tun nel voltage range of interest is 0.0-20.0 mY. The need to maintain large tunnel resistances in STM spectroscopy has been discussed previously.4 Tunneling resistance for these measurements was maintained in the 1 X 107-1 X 109 n range, Under these conditions the tunneling currents are typically in the range of 20-2000 pA. Two basic require ments for the feedback and spectroscopy method are (1) small voltage control and (2) direct dl/dV measurement. To meet these requirements techniques used in macroscopic tunneling spectroscopy were employed, two tunnel voltage modulation signals at separate frequencies (to and It ) are applied simultaneously to the STM tunnel junction. The tip sample separation control is achieved, using techniques sim ilar to those employed in Ref. 2, by measuring the amplitude of the current signal at the lower frequency fo with a lock-in amplifier and maintaining this amplitude at a constant value using a feedback circuit. Using this method, the J-V spectra can be measured by monitoring the tunnel voltage and cur rent without interrupting feedback control. The dI /dV-V spectra were measured using standard analog derivative techniques by phase sensitively detecting the modulated cur rent at the higher modulation frequency h using a second lock-in amplifier. To avoid distortions due to slew rate limi tations of the second lock-in, it is important to keep.hJ as low as possible while maintaining stable tunneling. In the experi ments reported here j~ = 10-20 Hz. 1-V spectra were mea sured as a function of tunneling resistance and have been shown to be independent of tunneling resistance for resis tances of 107 n or greater. The sweep frequency j~ was also varied to check for distortions due to insufficient electronic 946 Appl. Phys. lett. 54 (10), 6 March 1989 0003-6951/89/100946-03$01.00 @ 1989 American Institute of PhysiCS 946 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 09:08:10bandwidth. In this regard, the preamplifier incorporated into our STM design is critical. The spectra were acquired by a signal averager to improve the signal to noise ratio. The superconducting materials were thin films deposit ed on silicon. The Ph samples were thermally evaporated from 99.999% pure metal in a liquid-nitrogen trapped diffu sion-pumped vacuum chamber. The NbN was deposited by reactive de magnetron sputtering from a high-purity Nb tar get in an argon-nitrogen atmosphere in a high vacuum chamber under conditions used for making NbN-based tun nel junctions.9 A topogram of NbN taken at 4.2 K using the low-tem perature STM is shown in Fig. 1. The surface reveals a sin gle-crystal grain with a sequence of two atom layer high steps. T opograms such as this can be rescanned over periods of many hours with minimal drift in the scan window. This stability is required in the derivative spectroscopy experi ments where extensive signal averaging is need to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. Shown in Fig. 2 is an electron tunneling J-V spectrum for NbN taken with a STM at 4.2 K. The data exhibit NIS character with the characteristic superconductor energy gap clearly defined. The sman conductance region followed by a sharp rise in the current at one half the gap voltage and an asymptotic approach to the normal-state tunneling charac teristic clearly distinguishes NIS tunneling from other tun neling J-V characteristics. The theoretical J-V data can be numerically calculated using an elementary tunneling for malism and BeS density of states. 10 Using a single parameter /J, and approximating the normal conductance from the data gives b. = 2.58 meV, which is in the range expected for NbN.11•12 An I-V spectra obtained by electron tunneling into Ph at 4.2 K using the low-temperature STM is shown in Fig. 3, The slight hysteresis in the STM spectrum is a result of the bidirectional voltage sweep and the resulting tip-sample dis placement current, A fit yields b. = 1.28 meV for this data. Using the normalized temperature dependence of the energy gap measured by Adler13 and our fit data at 4.2 K we have " 20 A/div FIG. I. STM topogram of a sputter-deposited NbN thin film obtained at 4.2K. 947 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No, 10,6 March 1989 VOLTAGE (mV) FIG. 2. Electron tunneli,tg cmrent-vohage and conductance-voltage spec tra of a NbN thin film measured by STM at 4.2 K. The points are STM data while the line represents it theoretical fit. calculated a zero temperature gap parameter l!.() = 1.36 me V which is within the range observed for Pb.14 The smaller energy gap of Pb relative to NbN leads to clearly observable changes in the character of this spectrum from that ofNbN shown in Fig. 2. The energy gap difference is reflected in the smaller extent of the lower conductance region. In addition, although the subgap current is dominated by the thermal broadening in the normal metal (the energy gap ofPb at 4.2 K is large compared to k T), the extent of the smearing as a fraction of the energy gap leads to a less dramatic 1-V nonlin earity. For NIS tunneling in macroscopic tunnel junctions, the phonon effects occur for voltage bias above one half of the superconductor energy gap and the major structure in the conductance is observed below 13 meV in Ph. It can be seen from the Pb I-V curve in Fig. 3 that the deviations from linearity above the gap are smaIl and derivative spectroscopy is, therefore, required to resolve them. Conductance mea surements over the voltage range of interest are shown in Fig. 4 along with that measured using a macroscopic Pbl AIOxl Al tunnel junction 15 for comparison. \6 There is good qualitative agreement between the experimental STM and macroscopic tunnel junction curves. The conductance voltage spectra measured by STM covering th.e supercon ductor gap voltage range for a NbN thin film are shown in Fig. 2. Phonon density of states effects in NbN are weaker and broader and they were not observed with our STM. Recently it has been suggested that multiparticle tunnel ingl7 which is predicted to give rise to excess subgap tunnel ing current might be operative in STM experiments per- VOLTAGE (mV) FIG. 3. Electron tunneling J-V spectra ofa Ph thin film measuredby STM at 4.2 K (upper curve) and a theoretical fit displaced for clarity (lower cllfve). LeDuc eta!. 947 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 09:08:101.35 5 $ 1.25 W U Z « 1.15 I-U :J 0 1.05 Z 0 ... :'~">.... ! .... - " -- .... .. ~ ....... U 0.95 C 5 10 15 VOLTAGE (mV) FIG. 4. Tunneling conductance-voltage spectra obtained at 4.2 K for a Ph thin film. The upper curve is measured by STM electron tunneling and the lower measured on a macroscopic Pbl AlO'; AI tunnel jUllction. The ar rows indicate features associated with the transverse (left arrow) and longi tudinal (right arrow) peaks in the phonon density of states. formed at low tunneling resistance, 18 Careful observation of the J-V characteristics in the gap region of NbN did not reveal any excess tunneling current. The BCS-based fit 10 to the NbN J-V spectrum in Fig. 2 does not include multiparti de tunneling, yet accounts for the measured subgap currents within experimental error. In the course of our experiments, we have observed var iations in the superconductor energy gap in 1-V measure ments of Pb thin films from region to region on the same sample and from sample to sample. One possible explanation for this observation is the known gap anisotropy of Pb19 combined with the polycrystalline nature of the deposited films and the local nature of the STM tunnel probe. Experi mental zero temperature gap parameter values (~o) report ed in the literature for single-crystal samples vary from 1.18 to 1.40 meV.19 This range includes variations due to direc tion-dependent gap anisotropy and variations due to multi ple energy gap superconductivity arising from different sheets of the Fermi surface. These gap variations are masked in macroscopic tunnel junctions fabricated with polycrystal line films due to spatial averaging, which again highlights the potential ofSTM to measure fundamental properties on samples which are macroscopically nonideal. such as poly crystalline thin-film samples. The observation of phonon effects in superconductors represents a measurement of conductance to a minimum of one part in one hundred. This measurement demonstrates that, in principle, variations in phonon effects could be spa tially imaged with a STM. However, measurement of low noise spectra with small currents requires extensive signal averaging and limits the spatial resolution with which these variations could be observed in an experiment of reasonable duration. The advantages ofSTM for conductance spectros copy may lie in the formation of a microscopic, neariy ideal tunnel junction on samples which are macroscopically noni- 948 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No.1 0.6 March 1989 deal such as polycrystalline thin films. Thus local properties of samples can be measured at selected points of the sample surface, In summary, we have developed techniques for simulta neous tip-sample separation control and 1-V and d/ /dV-V measurement. Using these techniques we have made the first observation of phonon density of states spectrum in a super conductor using a STM. We have measured electron tunnel ing 1-V characteristics for NbN and Pb. We have observed variations in the superconductor energy gap in 1-V measure ments of Pb thin films. One possible explanation for this observation is gap anisotropy observed for Pb combined with the polycrystaHine nature of the deposited films and the local nature of the STM tunnel probe. In addition, our /-V measurements on NbN and Pb films under typical STM con ditions showed no evidence for multipartic1e tunneling ef fects. This work was performed at the Jet Propulsion Labora tory, California Institute of Technology, as part of the Cen ter for Space Microelectronics Technology and was spon sored by the Strategic Defence Initiative Organiza tion/Innovative Science and Technology through an agreement with the National Aeronautics and Space Ad ministration (NASA). 'G. Binnig and H. Rohrer, IBM Res. Develop. 30, 355 (1985). 2A,L. de Lozanne, S. A. Elrod, and C. F. Quate, Phys. Rev, Lett, 54, 2433 (1985). 'J. R. Kirtlcy, S. l. Raider, R. M. Feenstra, and A. p, Fein, App!. Phys. Lett. 50, 1607 (1987). 4H. G. LeDuc, W. J. Kaiser, and J. A. Stern, Appl. Phys. Lett. 50, 192t (1987). 5J. Bardeen, L. N. Cooper, and J. R. Schrieffer, Phys. Rev. 99,1140 (1955) "I, Giacver, H. R. Hart, and K. Mergle, Phys. Rev. 126, 941 (1962). 7G. M. Eliashberg. Sov. Phys. JETP 11, 696 (1970). "W. J. Kaiser and R. C. Jaklcvic. Rev. Sci. lnstrum. 59, 537 (1988). "H. G, LeDuc, J. A. Stern, S. Thakoor, and S. K, Khanna, IEEE Trans. Magn. MAG·23, 863 (1986). :oS. Shapiro, P. H, Smith, J, Nicol, J. L. Miles, and p, F. Strong, IBM J. Res. Dev.6, 34 (1962). 11M. R. Beasley and C, J. Kircher, in Superconducting Materials Science, edited by S. Foner and B. II. Schwartz (Plenum, New York, 199 1). p. 661. 11M. Gurvitch, J. P. Remeika, J. M. Rowell, J, Geerk, and W, P. Lowe, IEEE Trans. Magn. MAG-17, 509 (]985). 13J. G. Adler and T, T. Chen, Solid State Commun. 9, 1961 (1971). 14W. L. McMillan and J, M. Rowell, Phys. Rev. Lett. 14. 108 (1965). !SR. C. Jaklcvic (unpUblished), "'To make qualitative comparisons, the STM data were translated without dilation along the voltage axis to remove experimental voltage offsets. I7J. R. Schrieffcr and 1. W. Wilkins, Phys. Rev. Lett. 10, 17 (1963). "N. Garcia, F. Flores. and F. Guinea, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6, 323 (1988). '"For a discussion of gap anisotropy in superconductors, see E. L. Wolf. Principles o/Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy (Oxford University, New York,1985). LeDuc eta!. 948 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 09:08:10
Silicon nitride films prepared using a SiH4/NH3 microwave multipolar plasma Pierre Boher, Jacques Schneider, Monique Renaud, Yves Hily, and Joop Bruines Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 3410 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.344093 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.344093 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Parametrization of the Stillinger-Weber potential for Si/N/H system and its application to simulations of silicon nitride film deposition with SiH4/NH3 J. Appl. Phys. 115, 054902 (2014); 10.1063/1.4863841 The preparation of amorphous Si:H thin films for optoelectronic applications by glow discharge dissociation of SiH4 using a directcurrent saddlefield plasma chamber J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 7, 2632 (1989); 10.1116/1.575765 Hydrogen and oxygen content of silicon nitride films prepared by multipolar plasmaenhanced chemical vapor deposition Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 511 (1989); 10.1063/1.100915 Structural and electrical properties of silicon nitride films prepared by multipolar plasmaenhanced deposition J. Appl. Phys. 63, 1464 (1988); 10.1063/1.339927 Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of fluorinated silicon nitride using SiH4NH3NF3 mixtures Appl. Phys. Lett. 50, 560 (1987); 10.1063/1.98134 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 11:14:39Silicon nitride fUms prepared using a SiH4/NH3 microwave multipolar plasma Pierre Boher, Jacques Schneider, Monique Renaud, Yves Hily, and Joop Bruinesa) Laboratoires d'Electronique et de Physique appliquee (LEP),b) 3 Avenue Descartes, BP15, 94451 Limeil- Brevannes Cedex, France (Received 13 March 1989; accepted for publication 15 May 1989) Silicon nitride films have been prepared at room temperature using a microwave multipolar plasma chemical vapor deposition system. In situ kinetic ellipsometry during deposition and ex situ measurements such as infrared absorption or spectroscopic ellipsometry have been used to investigate the dependence of film composition and properties on the flow ratio SiH4fNH3 and on the total pressure, Depending on the silane partial pressure, the films contain a variable amount of oxygen or amorphous silicon which directly affects the electrical properties. Silicon nitride thin films play an important role in inte grated circuits technology for the fabrication of insulating intcrlayers and to achieve passivating films. On III-V com pounds, these films must be prepared without plasma bom bardment and at low temperature ( < 300 ·C). In this context, different methods such as plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition enhanced by a rf discharge (PECVD), I light ex citation chemical vapor deposition (photo CVD) 2 or micro wave discharge,:l have been developed. Since the first work of Limpaecher and Mackenzie,4 multipolar plasmas excited by electron emission from a hot filament have attracted a lot of attention because of their capacity to provide large plasma densities (up to 1011 cm -3), without high energetic ions. For this reason, we have devc10ped an ultrahigh vacuum system using this type of plasma. A process which includes a native oxide removal, a native nitridation, and a silicon nitride deposition has been optimized and applied to the passivation of GaAs (Ref. 5) and GafnAs (Ref. 6). Metal insulator semiconductor fieid effect transistors (MISFET) without current drift and with good transconductances have been manufactured.7 All the details on the deposition of silicon nitride in this system have already been reported elsewhere.s In order to solve contamination and lifetime problems related to the use of a hot cathode and at the same time to take advantage of the multipolar configuration, we have constructed a new multipolar system with a microwave exci tation of the plasma. The plasma discharge at 2.45 GHz is produced by coupling a quartz tube through an iris located on the large side of a rectangular waveguide in which the wave is propagating. A quartz tube connected to the top of the chamber enters the guide through this iris and allows the plasma excitation. The same type of excitation has been de veloped previously by Burke and Pomoe and applied to the etchinglO and to the epitaxyll of silicon. The permanent magnets are located inside the chamber in order to have a more efficient magnetic confinement. To minimize the sur face bombardment during the deposition, the sample is elec trically isolated and the distance between the plasma excita tion and the sample is fixed to 15 cm. The large diameter of a) Permanent address: Philips Research Laboratories, NL-5600 JA Eindho ven, The Netherlands. b) Laboratories d'Eleetronique et de Physique Applique: a Member of the Philips Research Organization. the chamber (25 cm) allows us to obtain a good homogene ity of the films on 2-in. wafers. SiH4 (diluted at 10% into argon) and pure NH3 are used as reactant gases and mass flow meters control precisely the composition of the plasma. The total pressure during the deposition is measured with a capacitive manometer. All the depositions have been made on ( 100) silicon substrates undoped (300 n) for IR absorp tion, and doped n + (15 mn) for electrical measurements. Before introduction in the plasma system, the samples are cleaned by a standard procedure (HF diluted at 5% in water for 20 s). AuTi dots with a diameter of200jlm are deposited on n + -type samples to perform the electrical measurements of the dielectric films. A kinetic real-time ellipsometry measurement during deposition is made using a helium-neon laser ( 1.96 e V). The sample is also ex situ characterized by spectroscopic ellipso metry (1.6-5.4eV range) before and after deposition, and by infrared absorption measurements (200-4000 cm -1 range). The kinetic and spectroscopic ellipsometers used in this work have been described previously.s The infrared absorp tion spectra are recorded with a Perkin Elmer 983 system. The contribution of the silicon nitride film itself is obtained making a spectral difference between a reference sample and each dielectric film. In Table I, we report the plasma conditions used to de posit eight films on silicon substrates and some characteris tics obtained by ellipsometry, infrared absorption, and elec trical measurements. All samples were prepared at room temperature and the applied power level was kept constant (600 W). The kinetic ellipsometry trajectories were fitted to obtain the optical refractive index and the thickness of each film. The results are reported in Table I together with the Si02 (or a-Si) percentages determined by spectroscopic el lipsometry. The Si-N absorption peak position and some electrical results (breakdown voltage EB and resistivity pat 106 V fcm) are also reported. For the samples numbered 1-4, we changed only the flux ratio rj = SiH4/NH3• First, notice the rapid variation of the optical index which increases from 1.75 for rf = 25% up to 2.21 for rf = 100%. This variation is clear from the begin ning of the kinetic ellipsometry trajectories. In Fig. 1 we report the trajectories for flow ratios of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. The curves corresponding to the flow ratio 50% and 75% are nearlv the same. A theoretical network ob tained by varying th~ thickness (0-500 A) and the refractive 3410 J. Appl. Phys, 66 (7),1 October 1989 0021-8979/89/193410-03$02.40 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 3410 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 11:14:39TABLE I. Plasma conditions and physical and electrical properties of dielectric films deposited on silicon substrates. All deposits were made at room temperature for a power level of 600 W. Refractive indices were determined by in siru kinetic ellipsometry. Thickness and SiOz or a-Si amounts were determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry. The resistivity p is measured at 106 V/crn (4-5 means between 4 and 5). Plasma conditions Ellipsometry IR Electrical properties absorption -----, Sample Pressure SiH4fNtf\ Thickness Deposition Refractive 3i02 Si-N E" p No. (mTorr) (%) (nm) rate index (%) (em ') 106 V fcm (1010 n cm) I 18 25 127 41.0 2 18 50 117 46.8 3 17 75 123 51.6 4 17 100 89 37.2 5 30 75 115 60.6 6 50 75 115 60,5 7 65 75 110 64.7 8 77 75 124 69.2 index ( 1. 50-2. 50), has also been indicated. The deposits are wel! fitted by one single refractive index value and then the composition of the film does not change during deposition. This observation is confirmed for layers thicker than = 1000 A. The kinetic trajectory turns back on itself indicating the deposition of a perfectly transparent film. The position of infrared absorption peak corresponding to the Si-N stretch ing model (around 850 cm -I) 12 is also shifted to the lower values when the flux ratio is increased (cf. Table 0. We already observed this effect for filament-enhanced PECVD SiN films and attributed it to the occurrence of another peak corresponding to a Si-O stretching mode at a higher wave length number.s This assumption is confirmed by an ex situ spectroscopic ellipsometry analysis. Si02 content of the films varies from 56% for r = 25 % to 31 % for r = 50%. When the flux ratio is higher than 75% the film becomes absorbing which is probably due to a non-neglectable amor phous silicon content (7% for fr = 100% by spectroscopic ellipsometry assuming no Si02 in the film) (cf. Table I). The 1.0 008 Prusure 18m Torr 2.50 POWER LEVEL 60l)W 006 0.1, 0.2 <l (Ul vi " -002 w -0.4 SiLICON 1.75 1.88 1.89 2.21 1.99 2.02 2.00 1.96 -0.6 +++ 50% ind 15% ••• 100% 57 883 3-4 0.5 31 R60 4-5 300 35 856 3 600 7 824 2-3 0.5 (a-SO 24 845 3 300 18 834 3-4 2000 21 840 3 300 27 850 4 80-4000 presence of amorphous silicon is also observed by the kinetic ellipsometry measurements. The trajectory obtained for a thick film ( > 1000 A) does not reproduce exactly that ob tained at the beginning of the deposit, indicating little absor bance of the film. The presence of amorphous silicon is also confirmed by the infrared absorption measurements on sam ples 1-4. In Fig. 2 we report the corresponding absorption spectra in the range of 200-4000 em -I, The N-H stretch ing bonds and bending modes (between 3300-3400 em-I and around 1200 cm!, respectively) 12 are clearly present for r = 25% but disappear when r = 100% and are replaced by the Si~H stretching mode (2150-2200 cm -') 12 which is characteristic for amorphous silicon. Moreover, the conduc~ tivity pat 106 V jcm drops under 5 X 109 n em in this case. These results are easily explained in terms of a defi ciency of excess of ammonia. When the flux ratio is low ( < 25%), there is an excess ofNH3 and some N-H bonds remain in the film. On the contrary, when the fiux ratio is high ( > 100%) there is a lack of amonia and some Si--H FIG. 1. Kinetic ellipsometry trajectories measured in situ at 1.96 eV during the begin ning of the deposit of films 1-4 on silicon substrates. The flow ratio wa, changed from 25% to 100%. The simulation is obtained assuming a perfectly transparent film (k = 0) and varying the refractive index from 1.5 to 2.5 and the thickness furm 0 up to 500 A. ~1.0 '-_-4~_...L- __ .l.-_---L __ -'-__ ..A.....-_..........l __ """"" __ -'-_--' 0.10 0.15 0.20 Q.25 tUG 0.35 0.40 (j,ltS (l.50 0.55 0.60 TAN lV 3411 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.7, 1 October 1989 Boheretal. 3411 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 11:14:39NH SiH NH SiO SiN 4000 2000 lZ00 400 WAVELENGTH NUMBER (em -1 ) FIG. 2. Infrared absorption spectra of four films (samples 1-4) obtained by varying only the flux ratio. The thicknesses of the four films are in the 100 nm range. The approximate theoretical position of the different bending and strckhing modes and the precise position of the Si-N stretching mode obtained for the four films are indicated. bonds remain in the film to form amorphous silicon. In the second series of four samples we fixed the flux ratio at 75% and changed the total pressure in the chamber from 30 to 77 mTorr. This fiux ratio value was chosen be cause it provides a refractive index not far from the theoreti cal value for a pure Si3N4 film (1.9 to 2.0 for conventional thermal CVD films 13), and also bec:ause the film is quasi-free of amorphous silicon (cf. Fig. 3) and has interesting electri cal properties (cf. Table I). The refractive index reaches a maximum value of 2.02 for a pressure of 50 mTorr which corresponds to a Si02 percentage of 18% determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry. The position of the Si-N stretch ing mode absorption peak is also minimalll.t 834 cm I and not far from the position for a pure Si3N.~ film. 14 The best electrical properties are also obtained for this pressure value (breakdown voltage E B around 3 X 106 V / cm and electrical conductivity pat 106 V / cm up to 2 X 10 t1 n cm). This effect ofthe total pressure on the properties of the dielectric films is completely different from that generally notices for PECVD systems.15 Indeed, the total pressure does not drastically change the deposition conditions in the latter case but rather the plasma density and the bombardment of the substrate, 3412 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.7, 1 October 1989 thus no optimum appears. In contrast, in our system, a com promise must be found between the diffusion of the plasma in the multipolar chamber (which decreases with the pres sure) and the plasma density (which increases with the pres sure). 50 mTorr certainly corresponds to a medium plasma diffusion with an optimized plasma density. In conclusion, silicon nitride films with an interesting electrical quality have been prepared at room temperature using a microwave multipolar plasma system. The physical and electrical properties of these films have been optimized varying the flux ratio SiH4/NH3 and the total pressure in the chamber. The density variations of the films have been at tributed to the presence ofSiOz in the films at low silane flux and by the deposition of amorphous silicon at higher silane flux. The improvement of other plasma conditions such as power level or substrate temperature are in progress. Ruth erford backscattering and elastic recoil detection measure ments will also be applied to the samples in order to measure precisely the amounts of oxygen and hydrogen in the films. The authors would like to express their gratitude to G. Martin for his active contribution to adjust the plasma sys tem, E. Boucherez for the fabrication of test structures, and J. Michel for assistance in the spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements. 'M. Maeda and Y. Arita. J. AppL Phys. 10, 53 (1982). 'V. Numasawa, K. Yamazaki, and K. Hamano, Jpn. J. App!. Phys. 22, U92 (1983). 'I. Kato, K. Noguchi, and K. Nurnada, J. App!. Phys. 62,492 (1987). 4K. Limpaccher and K. R. Mackenzie, Rev. Sci. lnstrum. 44, 926 (1973). '1'. Boher, F. Pasqualini, J. Schneider, and Y. Hily, Colioque International our les Plasmas et la Grevwe, CIPG '87, Antihes, France, 1987, edited by the Societe Francaise du Vide (Societe Francaise du Vide, 1987), No, 237, p.120. "P. Boher, M. Remmd, J. M. Lopez-Villegas, J. Schneider, and J. P. Chane, App!. Surf. Sci. 30, 100 (I9H7). 7M. Renaud, P. Boher, J. Schneider, and J. Barrier, Electron. Lett. 24, 750 (1988) . xP. Boher, M. Renaud, L. J. Van Ijzendoorn, J. Barrier, and Y. Hily, J. Appl. Phys. 63,1464 (1988). oR. Burke and e. Pornol. Solid State Techno!. 67 (1988). HIe. Pomo!. B. Mahi, B. Petit, Y. Arnal, and J. Pelletier, J. Vac. Sci. Tech no!. B 4, 1 (1986). "R. Burke, M. Guillermet, L. Vallier, and E. Voisin, 4th InternationalSym posium on Dry Etching and Plasma Deposition, Antibes, France, 1987, edited by the Societe Francaise du Vide, Le Vide, les Couches Minces 237, 11 (1957). "R J. Stein, J. Electron. Mater. 5,161 (1976). "R. Dun, P. Pan, F. R. White, and R. W. Douse, J. Electrochem. Soc. 128, 1555 (1981). 14J. Rernmerie and H. E. Maes, Proceedings of the Symposium on Silicon Nitride and Silicon Dioxide Thin Insulating Films, 87-10,189 (1987). ISH. DUll, P. Pan, R. White, and R. W. Douse. J. Eleetrocnem. Soc. 12, 1555 (1981). Bcher etal. 3412 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 11:14:39
The Jahn–Teller instability of fivefold degenerate states in icosahedral molecules A. Ceulemans and P. W. Fowler Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 93, 1221 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.459187 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.459187 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/93/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in The Jahn-Teller effect in the triply degenerate electronic state of methane radical cation J. Chem. Phys. 135, 174304 (2011); 10.1063/1.3658641 Jahn–Teller effects in the doubly degenerate Hubbard model J. Appl. Phys. 81, 4625 (1997); 10.1063/1.365184 Ligand trajectories for a degenerate Jahn–Teller system J. Chem. Phys. 68, 5643 (1978); 10.1063/1.435696 The JahnTeller Theorem J. Math. Phys. 12, 1890 (1971); 10.1063/1.1665818 Jahn—Teller Effect on a Triplet due to Threefold Degenerate Vibrations J. Chem. Phys. 44, 4054 (1966); 10.1063/1.1726575 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:54:11The Jahn-Teller instability of fivefold degenerate states in icosahedral molecules A. Ceulemans Department of Chemistry, University of Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 2ooP, B-3030 Leuven, Belgium P. W. Fowler Department of Chemistry, University of Exeter, Stocker Road, Exeter EX 4 4QD, England (Received 14 February 1990; accepted 3 April 1990) The linear H ® (g E9 2h) Jahn-Teller problem, relevant to the instability of icosahedral molecules in fivefold degenerate states, is analyzed in detail for the first time. The method of the isostationary function is used to identify all the extrema of the corresponding potential energy surface. Depending on one single mode-splitting parameter, two different coupling regimes are possible, favoring either pentagonal or trigonal minima. The saddle points on interconversion paths between equivalent minima are identified and the topology of the low energy regions of the surface is detennined. The results are found to be in agreement with the epikernel principle. In addition the symmetry characteristics of the principal warping tenn under the SO( 5) symmetry group of electronic space are assigned. I. INTRODUCTION In this paper we discuss the general structural proper ties of the adiabatic Jahn-Teller (JT) surface near a fivefold degenerate instability point of icosahedral symmetry. The literature on the Jahn-Teller effect contains very few refer ences to this problem. I Khlopin et al. have previously stud ied a partial solution,2 and some group theoretical aspects have been discussed by Pooler3,4 and by Judd.s Here we will consider a more general treatment based on the method of the isostationary function.6 Recently the same method has been used to solve the related problem of the Jahn-Teller instability in a fourfold degenerate icosahedral state.7 II. ICOSAHEDRAL STRUCTURES The icosahedral point group, long regarded as some thing of a mathematical curiosity,8,9 is increasing in practi cal importance in chemistry as further examples of mole cules with this symmetry are discovered. Salts of the icosahedral closo-dodecaborane anion [B12H12 ]2-have been known since the early 1960s \0 and the nature of the electronic structure and bonding in the isolated ion was un derstood even earlier. I I The B12 cage is a structural compo nent in allotropes of boron, 12 though as in the borane salts it usually occupies a cubic site and may suffer consequent small distortions from ideal icosahedral symmetry. 13 Dode cahedral C20 H2o was first synthesized in 1982 in the culmi nation of a project stretching over many years and various derivatives which retain the C20 core are known,I4 Al though the groups [ and [h are themselves noncrystallogra phic, there is intense theoretical and experimental research activity on the possibility that quasiperiodic structures based on local icosahedral symmetry may be realized in metallic alloys. 15 The near-tetrahedral bond angles in the dodecahe dral cage lend it credibility as a possible structure for clusters of water molecules,16 and a hypothetical C~o+ carbon cluster has been discussed in connection with theories of aromati city. 17 The most recent surge of interest in all things icosahe dral was undoubtedly started by the claiml8 that laser va porization of graphite produces a long-lived C60 cluster, and the hypothesis that this molecule should take the shape of the Archimedean truncated icosahedron, a polyhedron in which all 60 vertices are equivalent and which has full [h symmetry. Although aspects of the interpretation of the ex perimental observations have been challenged,19,20 the C60 hypothesis has survived theoretical investigation by meth ods ranging from graph theory21 to all-electron ab initio cal culation,22,23 and support for it is accumulating from experi ments on radical scavenging,24 photofragmentation,2s UV spectroscopy,26 x-ray microscopy of soot particles,27 and flame studies. 28 The consensus from the many theoretical treatments is that t-icosahedral C60 would at least be a local minimum on the potential hypersurface for 60 carbon atoms and would have a closed electronic shell with a fivefold degenerate Hu HOMO and a large "band gap" retaining much of the 1T stabilization energy of planar graphite. In the original experiments by Kroto et ai., 18 the vapori zation products are ionized by a second laser and then passed through a mass spectrometer system. The species actually detected is thus C6t; , which, with its h : electronic configura tion, is a candidate for the Jahn-Teller distortion of the type discussed in the present paper. Its apparent resistance to photofragmentation has led Smalley and others29,30 to sug gest that C6t; may be abundant in the interstellar medium. In contrast to neutral C60, the cation is predicted to have a relatively rich optical spectrum and it has been proposed as a possible carrier of the mysterious diffuse interstellar lines.18,31 The plausibility of such suggestions depends in part on the assumption that Jahn-Teller distortion from ideal icosahedral symmetry will be small, since loss of a sin gle electron should not strongly perturb a framework of 90 C-C bonds (60 single + 30 double). Evaluation of this as sumption would require a detailed discussion of the modes of JT distortion and a knowledge of the vibrational force field. Calculations of model force fields for neutral C60 have been J. Chern. Phys. 93 (2),15 July 1990 0021-9606/90/141221-14$03.00 @ 1990 American Institute of Physics 1221 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:54:111222 A. Ceulemans and P. W. Fowler: Icosahedral molecules published by several groups,32-34 and the theory of the rovi brational spectra of exactly icosahedral molecules has been developed by Harter and Weeks.35,36 The present paper pro vides an analytical treatment of JT distortion in the general case of a fivefold degenerate state of an icosahedral molecule. III. THE ICOSAHEDRAL SYMMETRY GROUP The finite symmetry group of the present problem is the icosahedral group Ih• Without loss of generality the problem can be treated equally well in the subgroup of proper rota tions l Figure 1 shows the numbering of the symmetry oper ations on in a Cartesian frame. Our conventions are strictly in line with the recommendations of Boyle and Parker. 37 These authors have specified a standard choice of irreducible representations, based on the subductional chain I ~ T ~D2' In this chain the generator elements of the tetrahedral sub group T were the C(j ~,4,3 and ~ 1,2 symmetry axes. Of particu lar interest are the fourfold and fivefold degenerate represen tations, denoted, respectively, as G and H. The corresponding canonical components are labeled Ga, Gx, Gy, Gz and HO, HE, Ht, H'T/, Ht. Transformation matrices for the G representation may be found in Refs. 7 and 37. The defining matrices for the H representation are listed in Ap pendix A. A complete set of Clebsch-Gordan (CG) coupling co efficients for the Boyle and Parker symmetry basis has been published recently. 38 In this respect it must be noted that the icosahedral group is nonsimply reducible.39 This means that the Kronecker products of two irreducible representations of [ may contain an irreducible representation more than once. A case in point is the symmetrized square of the H representation, denoted as [H] 2. As Eq. (1) shows, this square contains the H representation twice. Accordingly two independent x 9 FIG. 1. Icosahedral symmetry group in a Cartesian reference frame, ac cording to the conventions of Boyle and Parker (Ref. 37). Various useful generator elements of icosahedral subgroups are indicated. [H]2 =A + G+2H (1) sets of H XH = H coupling coefficients can be constructed. These sets can be defined only within unitary equivalence. In the present publication we will comply with the definitions in Ref. 38. The corresponding sets will be labeled as (Hh1IHh2Hh3)a and (Hh11Hh2Hh3 )b' where a and bare multiplicity labels. A complete table of CG coupling coeffi cients is a valuable tool with many applications in group theory and we have found the tables in Ref. 38 particularly useful in our work on JT surfaces. So far, at least, no errors have been detected and we recommend them to anyone working on icosahedra. IV. THE H4D(ge2h) INSTABILITY According to the JT theorem a fivefold degenerate state of an icosahedral molecule will be unstable under distortion al coordinates that transform like the nontotally symmetric representations in [H F. From Eq. (1) these representa tions are readily identified as G and H. The corresponding JT instability is usually denoted as H ® (g $ 2h), where lower case symmetry labels are used for the active modes. A linear model of this instability contains only linear distorting forces, proportional to force elements F, and harmonic re storing forces, proportional to force constants K. For a dis tortion along a G-type coordinate, say QGg, the matrix ele ments, which describe the distorting force, are as follows: Wij(QGg) = QGgFG(HiIGgHj). (2) In this expression the bracket denotes a CG coefficient, which is symmetric under exchange of the electronic compo nent labels i and j. Coupling to the H modes is special, be cause of their multiple occurrence in the Kronecker product ofEq. (1). In fact two independent Fconstants will be need ed to describe the linear distorting forces along a QHh coordi nate: Wij (QHh) = QHh [ FHa (HiIHhHj) a + F Hb (HiIHhHj) b ]. (3) Explicit expressions for the W matrices are listed in Appen dix B. Combination of these expressions with the harmonic restoring potentials for all active coordinates yields the adia batic JT surface Ek (Q) with five sheets: EdQ) =..l L KA Q~A + Ek (Q), k = 1,2,3,4,5, (4) 2 AA where E k (Q) is the k th root of the secular equation IlL Wij (QAA) -Ek (Q)8ijll = O. (5) AA In this equation the summation index A runs over all active modes. In principle both G and H representations can give rise to multimode coupling. However, as long as one oper ates in a linear model, the multimode problem will have ex actly the same symmetry characteristics as the so-called sin gle-mode approximation, with only one vibrational mode of each symmetry type. 1 For this reason we will restrict our treatment of the H ® (g $ 2h) problem to a nine-dimensional coordinate J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 93, No.2, 15 July 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:54:11A. Ceulemans and P. W. Fowler: Icosahedral molecules 1223 space, consisting of one G mode with components {QGa,QGx,QGy,QGz}, and one H mode with components {QH9,QHE,Q HS,QH1/,QH,}. The spatial origin corresponds to the icosahedral point at zero energy. It is important to realize that the presence of only one H mode in this coordinate space does not remove the nonsimp ly reducible character of the problem. Indeed the multiplic ity aspect of the coupling to H modes is retained via the presence of two independent coupling parameters, FHa and F Hb' In this respect three different JT stabilization energies can be defined: EJGT = _~ F~ 2 K ' G EJT __ ~ F~a Ha -5 K ' H E~b = _~ F~b. 5 KH V. EXTREMAL STRUCTURE OF THE JT SURFACE (6) In this section we analyze the structure of the adiabatic JT surface, using the method of the isostationary function.6 Previous applications of this method were restricted to sim ply reducible instabilities.7•40 However as the present exam ple will show, the method can also be extended to cases which exhibit a product multiplicity. A. The stationary conditions An eigenvector IHa) ofthe secular equation can be de scribed by five parameters, say 0, E, S, 1/, ;, that specify the direction cosines between IHa) and the five standard com ponents of the electronic basis set. Hence one has with IHa) = 0 IHO) + EIHE) + slHs) + 1/IH1/) +; IH;) 02+C+S2+1/2+;2= 1. (7) The five-dimensional parameter space also will be referred to as the electronic space, as opposed to the nine-dimensional QAA space, which is the coordinate space. In view of the normalization condition in Eq. (7) a real eigenvector is rep resented by a point on the unit hypersphere in electronic space. Following Oepik and Pryce,41 the energy associated with IHa) is obtained by inserting the eigenvector coeffi cients in the secular equation. This yields (8) By minimizing this expression in coordinate space one ob tains extremal coordinates, IIQAA II, that are functions of the five electronic parameters: (9) Using the W matrices from Appendix B, Eq. (9) can be made explicit in the following way: J. Chern. Phys .• Vol. 93, No.2, 15 July 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:54:111224 A. Ceulemans and P. W. Fowler: Icosahedral molecules The IIQA'" II functions represent the so-called stationary co ordinates of Oepik and Pryce. They constitute the first step in the construction of the isostationary function. B. The isostationary function The isostationary function (liE II> is obtained by insert ing the stationary coordinates in the energy expression for (E>a [seeEq. (8)]: (11 ) In this way one obtains a function in electronic space, which can be shown to exhibit the same extremal structure as the actual JT surface in coordinate space.6 This equivalence has a practical interest, since it allows the extremal points of a nine-dimensional surface to be obtained by minimizing a simple function in a reduced space of only five dimensions. Upon appropriate substitutions of the foregoing equations, theisostationary function (liE II> of the quintuplet instability problem reduces to the following form: with EO= (4E~T + 5E~ + 5E~b)/14, E I = 5( 4EIJ' + 5E~ -9E~b )/56, /'= iz«()2 + C)2 + j(52'Y/2 + 52{;2 + 'Y/2{;2) (12) --ih,()E(52 -'Y/2) + ~«()2 _ C)(2{;2 -52 -'Y/2) -j. As can be seen from Eq. (12) the isostationary function42 consists of two terms. The first term (EO) represents the average JT stabilization energy of the problem [cf. Eq. (6)]. The second term contains a function /. that depends on the I orientation of the eigenvector in electronic space. This term is weighted by a parameter E I, which is proportional to the difference between 9E~b and 4EIJ' + 5E~. If E I vanishes, the isostationary function is seen to remain constant. This implies the existence of an equipotential minimal energy trough on the JT surface. For E I ¥= 0, the stationary points of (liE II>, and hence of the JT surface, may be found by mini mizing the /,polynomial. The results will be described in the next paragraph. c. Location of the extremal pOints The function /,is a fully symmetrized polynomial of rank 4, which can be shown to be invariant under the opera tions on. Other interesting group theoretical properties of I will be discussed in Sec. VII B. Minimization of the isostationary function in the space of the electronic coordinates, subject to the eigenvector nor malization condition, was performed using the method of Lagrange multipliers. A computer-assisted search yielded five different classes of critical points. These classes were labeled a, /3, y, Il, and vand are listed in Table I. Since /is an even function, all solutions occur in pairs of antipodal points. Each class corresponds to an orbit of equivalent an tipodal pairs that are mapped onto each other under the symmetry operations of the icosahedral group. The Il and v orbits are exceptional in that they are both composed of continuous critical loci, rather than of discrete critical points. It can readily be shown that these loci are great circles of the unit hypersphere in the five-dimensional parameter space. In all there are 15 of these circles, forming 2 separate orbits under the operators of I. The symmetry of a critical point is the group of all sym metry operations on which either leave this point invariant or turn it into its antipode. Such an invariance group is also referred to as the stabilizer of a critical point. The stabilizers of the a, /3, and r orbits are [])s, [])3' and [])2' respectively. When considering the stabilizers of the great circles in the Il and v orbits one must include those symmetry operations that merely rotate the circle about its own axes of revolution. As an example the effect of the Crfi ~.4.3 operation on the first element of the Il orbit is to displace all its points43 over an angle of 21T/3: Crfi ~.4.3 (cos tp,sin tp,O,O,O) = [ -~ cos tp -v'3 sin tp, v'3 cos tp -~ sin tp,O,O,O] 222 2 = [cos( tp + 2;) ,sin( 'P + 2;) ,0,0,0]. Hence Crfi ~.4.3 stabilizes this circle as a whole. In this way it can easily be shown that the stabilizer of the elements in the Il orbit is the group 'f, while the stabilizer of the v orbit is [])3' In each case the dimension of an orbit equals the quotient of the orders of the parent and stabilizing groups. Hence one has dim a = dim I1dim [])s = 6, dim /3 = dim lI/dim [])3 = 10, dim y = dim lI/dim [])2 = 15, dimll = dim I1dim 'f = 5, dim v = dim lI/dim [])3 = 10. J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 93, No.2, 15 July 1990 (13) (14) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:54:11A. Ceulemans and P. W. Fowler: Icosahedral molecules 1225 TABLE I. Extremal eigenvectors· of the isostationary function for the H ® (g al 2h) problem. a:D, I -(vJ,l, ± ,/6,0,0) {fO I V3 (0,0,1,1,1) (0,0,1,0,0) I -(vJ, -1,0, ± ,/6,0) {fO I V3 (0,0, -1,1,1) (0,0,0,1,0) I -(0,v2,0,0, ± vJ) ,f5 I V3 (0,0,1, -1,1) (0,0,0,0,1) I V3 (0,0,1,1, -I) I -(l,vJ,v2,O, ± v2) .J8 I -(I, -vJ, ± v2,0,0) ,/6 I -(l,vJ, -v2,0, ± v2) .J8 I -(l,vJ,O, ± v2,0) ,/6 I -(I, -vJ,O,v2, ± v2) .J8 I V3 (v2,0,0,0, ± I) I -(I, -vJ,O, -v2, ± v2) .J8 I "2 (v2,0,1, ± 1,0) I "2 (v2,0, -I, ± 1,0) Jl:T (great circ\esb ) v:D3 (great circlesb ) (cos lP,sin 11',0,0,0) ( O,cos 11', ± ~ sin 11', ~ sin 11',0 ) -cosm -smm --cos m--cosm -cos m (I I . I I + I ) 2 T' 2 T' v2 T' v2 T' v2 T (vJ 1 ° 1. I.) 2 cos 11', "2 cos 11', ,± V2 sm 11', V2 sm II' -cosm -smm -cosm- --cosm -cosm (I I. I I + I ) 2 T' 2 T' v2 T' v2 T' v2 T (vJ 1 1 . ° 1 . ) -cos 11', - -cos 11', ± -sm 11', ,-sm II' 2 2 v'2 v2 -cosm -smm -cosm --cosm --cosm (I I. I I + I ) 2 T' 2 T' v2 T' v2 T' v2 T (1 1. 1 1 1) "2 cos 11', "2 sm 11', V2 cos II' -, V2 cos II' + , V2 cos II' -cosm -smm --cosm- --cosm --cosm (I I. 1 1 + 1 ) 2 T' 2 T' v2 T' v2 T' v2 T -cosm -smm --cosm- --cosm -cosm (1 1. 1 1 + 1 ) 2 T' 2 T' v2 T' v2 T' v2 T -cosm -smm --cosm- -cosm --cosm (1 1. 1 1 + 1 ) 2 T' 2 T' v2 T' v2 T' v2 T -cosm -smm -cosm ---cosm --cosm (I 1. 1 1 + 1 ) 2 T' 2 T' v2 T' v2 T' v2 T • Eigenvectors are denoted as «(J,E,S, 1l,t) rows. Only one eigenvector of each antipodal pair ± «(J,E,S, 1l,t) is listed. b The solutions of the Jl and v sets are one-dimensional continua, which correspond to great circles of the unit hypersphere. The angular variable II' parameter izes points on a great circle; II' ± are defined as II' ± 211"13. Finally, the nature of an extremum may be found by evaluat ing the Hessian matrix for displacements on the surface of the unit sphere in parameter space. As in our previous work on the quadruplet instability,7 these matrix elements can most conveniently be calculated using hyperspherical polar coordinates. The corresponding surface tensor is developed in Appendix C. The Hessian eigenvalues are shown in Table II. Since all critical points in a given orbit are equivalent, TABLE II. Symmetry, energy, and nature of the four stationary orbits. Orbit dim Symmetry / Eneru a 6 D, -4/5 EJT Hb f3 10 D3 +4/9 (4E~ + 5E~ )/9 they will all be characterized by the same curvature. Table II shows that pentagonal and trigonal extrema are either mini ma or maxima, depending on the sign of the difference pa rameter El, defined earlier [see Eq. (12)]. On the other hand, the D2 points of the r orbit are always saddle points. The extremal nature of the p, and v orbits is less straightfor ward. Although there are no symmetry operations that in terconvert elements of these orbits, their energies appear to Hessian eigenvaluesb 28/5,28/5,28/5,28/5 -28/9, -28/9, -28/9, -28/9 r 15 D2 -1/3 (4E~ + 5E~ + 15E~b)/24 -14/3,14/3,14/3,14/3 Jl 5 T f + 1/4 (12E~ + 15E~ + 5E~b )/32 v 10 D3 c • The JT stabilization energies are defined in Eq. (6). b All values are to be multiplied by the parameter E', defined in Eq. (12). C Points on the great circles always have one zero eigenvalue. The other three eigenvalues are found to vary with the angle 11', defined in Table I (cf. Sec. VI B). J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 93, No.2, 15 July 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:54:111226 A. Ceulemans and P. W. Fowler: Icosahedral molecules be identical. In fact they intersect each other in points of ][)2 symmetry (but not members of the r orbit). In these points three out of four Hessian eigenvalues are found to vanish. This indicates that in these points three rings (one of fL, and two of v) are linked together. Away from these intersection points only one zero eigenvalue remains, corresponding to a movement along the great circles. For a more detailed analy sis of the extremal nature of these loci we refer to Sec. VI B. As we have pointed out before, the I'function in elec tronic parameter space is isostationary with the adiabatic JT potential in coordinate space. The coordinate images of the critical eigenvector points in Table I may immediately be obtained by inserting the appropriate eigenvector coeffi cients in the stationary conditions of Eq. (10). Evidently two antipodal eigenvectors with opposite signs will be mapped onto one and the same coordinate point. In this mapping, extremal nature and symmetry characteristics of the critical solutions are retained. Hence we may conclude from our analysis of the isostationary function that the H ® (g $ 2h) instability will be characterized by minima of pentagonal or trigonal symmetry, depending on the sign of the E I parameter. In Sec. VI a more detailed description of these minima will be presented. VI. DESCRIPTION OF THE PENTAGONAL AND TRIGONAL MINIMA The method of the isostationary function predicts the existence of pentagonal and trigonal turning points on the H ® (g $ 2h) surface. A detailed description of these points can easily be obtained by inserting eigenfunctions of the ap propriate ][)s or D3 symmetries in the secular equation. A. The Ds minima In Ds the orbital quintet transforms as Al + EI + E2· The pentagonal eigenfunctions44 of the subgroup with 1ff ~.12 and '1ff ~.8 generators are given in Eq. (15): IHAI (Z'2» =_1_ (v'3IHO) -IHE) +$Jln-,,», JW IHEI (y'z'» =_1_ (~5 +$IHt) +~5 -$IH~», JW .. IHEI (x'z'» = _1_ ( _ 3 -$ IHO) JW 2 + v'3(1 + $) IHE) + v'1IH7]») (15) 2 ' IHE2(x'y'» =_1_ (-~5 -$jHt) JW +~5 +$IH~», IHE2 (X,2 _ y'2» = _1_ (3 + $ IHO) JW 2 _ v'3( 1; $) IHE) _ v'1IH7]») . In this equation Z,2, y' z', ... refer to the transformational prop-erties of the real d orbitals in a primed coordinate system, with z' along the 1ff ~.12 axis and y' coincident with y. Note that the A I eigenfunction corresponds to an element of the a orbit in Table I. In coordinate space the distortions that con serve][)s symmetry will be found along the coordinates that are totally symmetric under][)s . There are no such directions in the QG space, since G transforms in Ds asEI + E2. On the other hand, the H mode yields one totally symmetric compo nent, exactly as the electronic state itself. For the 1ff ~.12 based subgroup this coordinate is given by 1 QHa = I1i\ (v'3QH9 -QHE + $JQH7/)' ,,10 (16) Figure 2 (a) illustrates the splitting of the fivefold degener acy under the Ds distortion. The corresponding energies45 are specified in Eq. (17): (.) (b) E(At> = -~FHbQHa +J.KHQ~a, $ 2 E(EI) = (-J.FHQ +_I-FHb)QHa +J.KHQ~a, 2 2$ 2 (17) E(E2) = (J.FHQ +_I-FHb)QHa +J.KHQ~a. 2 2$ 2 .. FIG. 2. Splitting of the fivefold electronic degeneracy under a pentagonal (a) and trigonal (b) distortion coordinate. The corresponding energy func tions are given in Eqs. (17) and (24). In (a) FHb is taken to be equal to ..j5FHu• --- J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 93, No.2, 15 July 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:54:11A. Ceulemans and P. W. Fowler: Icosahedral molecules 1227 The minimal energy of the A I potential is E ~b' as indicated in Table II. A prerequisite for this minimum to be an abso lute pentagonal minimum is that the nondegenerate A I com ponent will be more stabilized than the EI and E2 compo nents. Otherwise one would obtain a pentagonal ground state, which is likely to undergo further symmetry lowering distortions. Hence, in order to test the consistency of the solutions in Table II, it is worthwhile to examine under what conditions the EI or E2 potentials in Fig. 2(a) may drop below the minimum of the A I potential. As can be seen from Eq. (17) a degenerate pentagonal ground state will be ob tained if the absolute values of the force elements obey the following inequality: (18) or Substitution of this inequality in the expression for the E I parameter yields EI-S(4EJT+5EJT -9EJT)<0 -36 0 Ha Hb . (19) The minimal energy of the degenerate ground state is given by the lower of the two minima for EI and E2 states, i.e., The lower bound of this energy cim be found by combining Eqs. (18) and (20): - JT E(EI or E2) > §E Ha' (21) From these results one may conclude that the degenerate pentagonal ground state only exists for negative values of E I, i.e., in the region of existence of the trigonal minima, and that its minimal energy will be above the energies of the D3 solutions given in Table II. This confirms the previous result that the ][)s and][)3 turning points are true minima, respec tively, for E I > 0 and E I < O. Finally we recall that there are six equivalent pentagonal minima, which form the a orbit (cf. Table I). It can easily be shown that all these minima are equidistant in coordinate space. The distribution of the Ds turning points can thus be represented by the fully connected six-vertex graph. Such a graph has 15 edges or "pathways" between equivalent minima. The corresponding saddle points are readily identified as the][)2 solutions in the rorbit, each r point lying at an equal distance from two a points. B. The D3 minima Symmetry does not offer a unique description of the tri gonal eigenfunctions, since the orbital quintet reduces to A I + 2E in ][)3' A convenient set of trigonal components, that are adapted to the subgroup of the <if ~.4,3 and <if i,8 gener ators, are given in Eq. (22): IHAI) = ~ (IHs) + IH7J) + IH,», IH lEu) =.!. (v'JIHO) + IHE) -,/6IH7J) 4 + ,/6IH,», IH lEv) =.!. ( -IHO) + v'JIHE) + 2v1IHs) 4 -v1IH7J) -v'2IH,», IH2Eu) = ! (v'JIHO) -3IHE) + 2:; IHs) v1 v'2) -V3IH7J) -V3IH,) , IH2Ev) =.!. (3IHO) 4 + v'JIHE) + v1IH7J) -v1IH, ) ). (22) In this equation the labels IE and 2E are introduced to de note a particular separation of the two E representations. The component labels u and v denote components that are, respectively, symmetric and antisymmetric with respect to <ifi,8. TheAI component is included in Table I as one of the elements of the p orbit. Contrary to the ][)s case, there are two distortional co ordinates that are invariant under D3, one in Qo space and one in QH space. For the <if ~,4.3 based subgroup these coordi nates are given by The QO/3 and QH/3 modes in Eq. (23) subtend a two-dimen sional space of trigonal configurations. The IT surface in this space consists ofthree sheets corresponding to the three tri gonal levels of the quintet state. Figure 2(b) illustrates a cross section of this surface along the QO/3 coordinate. The potential functions are specified in Eq. (24): E(AI) = -j(FoQo/3 + FHaQH(3) + !KoQ~/3 + !KHQ~/3' E± (E) =t(FoQo/3 +FHaQH(3) ± [q,FHaQH/3 -r"FoQO(3)2 + !F~bQ~/3] 112 (24) The two E levels in Eq. (24) correspond to the upper and lower root of the interaction matrix between the IE and 2E functions, given in Table III. The minimal energy of the A I component corresponds to ;E!i + aE ~a' as indicated in Table II. As for the Ds case, the trigonal turning points can only be true minima if the nondegenerate component is the actual trigonal ground state. This is easily confirmed for the special cases, where one of the three IT stabilization energies equals zero. A general J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 93, No.2, 15 July 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:54:111228 A. Ceulemans and P. W. Fowler: Icosahedral molecules TABLE III. Interaction matrix between the two trigonal E levels" as a func tion of the trigonal distortion modes QGP and QHP' IBIEr) (BIEri !(FGQGp+FHaQHP) -?,.FGQGP + !FHQQHP + !KGQ~p + !KHQ~P (B2Erl WHbQHP IB2Er) !(FGQGP +FHaQHP) + ?,.FGQGP -!FHaQHP + !KGQ~p + !KHQ~P "The IE and 2E functions are given in Eq. (22); l' = U, v. analysis seems far more difficult though, because of the square-root terms in Eq. (24). Distance calculations on the distribution of the ten trigonal minima in coordinate space reveal that each minimum is surrounded by three minima at distance rA, and six at distance rB, as specified in Eq. (25): r. =~ F~ +~ F:;'a A 27 K 27 K2 ' G H ~ =~ F~ +~ F:;'a . B 27 K~ 27 K:;' (25) Accordingly in the local D3 symmetry of a given turning point, the adjacent minima form 2 suborbits of dimensions 3 and 6. The fact that there are only three elements in the suborbit at distance r A indicates that these elements and the center of the orbit must have a ~ 2 axis in common. This implies that they can be reached along pathways of C2 sym metry. In contrast the six elements of the suborbit at distance rB are not stabilized by symmetry elements of the orbital center. Therefore, they must be lying along directions of C1 symmetry. Since all 10 minima are equivalent, there will be 15 pathways ofC2 symmetry vs 300fCI symmetry. In order to check whether all these pathways are al lowed, we must find all corresponding transition states. From the energy values in Table II, it is clear that if these transition states exist, they must be situated on the great circles of the I" and v orbits. An extremal analysis of the (cos q;, sin q;, 0, 0, 0) circle in the I" orbit yields the following set off our Hessian eigenvalues, in units of -1.fE I: [ O,sin (q; + ~) sin (q; -~) ,cos q; sin( q; + ~), -COSq;Sin(q;- ~)]. As mentioned before, the zero root corresponds to the move ment along the circle. Likewise, for q; = 1T16 + n1T/3, one finds three zero roots, corresponding to the intersections of the ring with two rings of the v orbit. Outside these points, the Hessian has, for E 1 < 0, exactly one negative eigenvalue. This indicates that on a surface with trigonal minima the great circles can act as transition regions. The points of steepest descent are found for q; = n1T/3, and have eigenval ues (0, -114, 112, 112) in units ofa -ZjE I. There are 15 antipodal pairs of such points in the I" orbit indicating that they have D2 symmetry. The I" orbit thus provides the re quired transition states of the C2 interconversion paths be tween equivalent trigonal minima. A similar analysis can be carried out for the [0, cos q;,( 1Iv'1)sin q;,( 1Iv'1)sin q;,0] great circle as a represen tative of the v orbit. In this case the Hessian eigenvalues, in units of -1.fE I, read [ O,sin (q; + ;) sin q;,cos( q; + ~) sin( q; + ;), -cos(q; + ~)sinq; J. Quite remarkably, these values are identical with the results for the I" orbit, except for an irrelevant angular phase shift of 30·. The great circles in the I" and v orbits thus are not only at the same energy, but in addition also have the same Hessian eigenvalues. The difference is that the critical points on the v orbit are oflower symmetry, C2 instead ofD2, and thus form an orbit of 30 equivalent antipodal pairs. This makes them eligible as transition states for the C1 paths between trigonal minima. In conclusion both types of interconversion paths be tween the ten equivalent trigonal minima are allowed. The graph which represents the C2 interconversion paths is iden tical to the ten-vertex Petersen graph for the interconversion paths between the trigonal minima in the G ® (g ED h) cou pling case.7 The graph for the C1 path is its complement, as shown in Fig. 3. The sum of the two is the fully connected ten-vertex graph of all possible tunneling processes between ten equivalent potential wells. Interestingly, both subgraphs also occur in the description of isomerization modes in a trigonal bipyramid.46 The topology of the paths connecting the D3 minima is also encountered in the study of the four dimensional simplex or pentahedroid. Backhouse and Gard47 give the vertices of the regular figure as A: (4/$,0,0,0), B:( -1/$, -1, + 1, + 1), C:( -1/$, + 1, -1, + 1), D:( -1/$, + 1, + 1, -1), E:( -11$, -1, -1, -1) which corresponds to an edge length of 2v'1. Taking subsets of vertices it is easily seen that this polyhedron has five ver tices, ten edges, ten equilateral triangular faces, and five reg ular tetrahedral volumes. The ten face centers have coordi nates (213$, ± 213,0,0), (213$,0, ± 213,0), (213$,0,0, ± 213), ( -11$, ± 1/3, ± 1/3, + 1/3), ( -11$, + 1/3, ± 113, -1/3) and so the edge dual of the pentahedroid (formed by joining nearest-neighbor face centers) has 30 sides of length 2l"1/3 J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 93, No.2, 15 July 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:54:11A. Ceulemans and P. W. Fowler: Icosahedral molecules 1229 lal b:t1 paths Ibl FIG. 3. Topology of the JT surface in the case of trigonal minima, belonging to the P orbit. The ten vertices of the graphs represent the ten equivalent trigonal minima. The 15 edges in (a) refer to C2 isomerization paths over D2 transition states belonging to orbit f.l. The 30 edges in (b) refer to C, isomerization paths over C2 transition states belonging to orbit v. Each graph is the complement of the other. and has the topology of the complement of the Petersen graph, the same as the (;1 paths between our [)3 minima [see Fig. 3 (b) ]. Conversely, if we join not nearest but furthest neighbors we produce a figure with 15 edges of length 4/3 and the topology of the (;2 paths, i.e., the Petersen graph [see Fig. 3(a)]. VII. DISCUSSION A. The epikernel principle An epikernel is an intermediate subgroup in the decom position scheme of a given point group. The epikernels are uniquely defined by the irreducible representations of the symmetry lowering process. In the case of a J ahn-Teller dis tortion along modes of G and H symmetry, the maximal epikernels correspond? to the maximal subgroups T, Os, and D3. According to the epikernel principle, 40 stable mini ma on the JT surface are to be found with structures of the maximal epikernel symmetries. The T epikernel is forbid den, since it splits the electronic manifold into two degener ate components, E + T2, which remain JT active. The re maining Ds and D3 epikernels are indeed found to characterize the minima of the JT surface, in agreement with the general principle. Quite interestingly the 03 minima do not depend on the F Hb constant, while the Ds minima do not depend on the FHa constant. Hence our initial choice of two independent sets of H X H = H coupling coefficients, with associated constants FHa and F Hb' exactly coincides with the separation of tri gonal and pentagonal coupling schemes. In spite of its com plexity, the H ® (g fB 2h) JT problem essentially may be looked upon as a two-mode problem, with two alternative epikernel orbits. As such it resembles the icosahedral G ® (g fB h) problem,7 based on T and D3 epikernels, or the cubic T® (efB t2) problem,40,48 based on D4 and 03 epiker nels. In each case the crucial parameter which controls the structure of the surface is the energy splitting between the two alternative epikernels. B. 50(5) symmetry As indicated in Eq. (7) real components of the elec tronic H state may be described by five directional cosines, specifying a point on a five-dimensional unit hypersphere. The rotational symmetry group of this sphere is the group SO( 5). In this group the five electronic components of H transform as the fundamental vector representation (1,0). This correspondence forins the basis for an embedding49 on in SO(5). Judd has offereds a terse account of the SO(5) properties, which allow derivation of the relevant branching rules. Table IV lists the results for representations up to the fourth rank. The square of the electronic representation yields (1,0) X (1,0) = [(0,0) + (2,0)] + {(1,1)}. (26) The nonscalar part of the symmetrized square is the (2,0) representation, which subduces4 the coordinate representa tions G + 2H. The appropriate coupling is described in Eq. (10). The isostationary function (liE II) is defined in elec tronic space and therefore can be characterized by SO( 5) symmetry species. The trivial case occurs for the mode split ting parameter E 1 equal to zero. In this case (liE II) is a scalar J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 93, No.2, 15 July 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:54:111230 A. Ceulemans and P. W. Fowler: Icosahedral molecules TABLE IV. Decomwsition ofirreducible representations of SOC 5) to irre- ducible representations of I. Rank SO(5) dim 0 (0,0) 1 A 1 ( I,D) 5 H 2 (2,0) 14 G+2H 0,1) 10 T1+T2+G 3 (3,0) 30 2A + TI + T2 + 3G + 2H (2,1) 35 2TI +2T2 +2G+3H 4 (4,0) 55 A + 2TI + 2T2 + 3G + 6!l (3,1) 81 A + 5T1 + 5T2 + 5G + 6H (2,2) 35 2A + TI + T2 + 3G + 3H constant E 0 [see Eq. (12) ]. The corresponding adiabatic1T surface will exhibit an equipotential minimal energy trough, with four degrees of freedom. This trough incorporates the rotational invariance of the hypersphere since a change in direction of the eigenvector component is related to an equi potential displacement on the bottom of the trough. How ever, if there is a splitting between the pentagonal and tri gonal modes (E ) =1= 0 ), the surface of the trough will become warped. In this case (liE II) acquires the tensorial properties of the warping function /. As has been demonstrated else where,6 I'must belong to the fully symmetrized irreducible representation 50 of rank 4. This representation can be found by trace reductionS) of the fully symmetrized fourth rank representation [4] of the covering group U( 5). One has U(5) -+SO(5), [4]-+(0,0) + (2,0) + (4,0). (27) Removal of the (0,0) and (2,0) representations, respective ly, of rank zero and two, yields (4,0) as the representation of the warping function. More specifically I'corresponds to the unique icosahedral invariant of ( 4,0), as indicated in Table IV. Furthermore (4,0) may be generated by taking the sym metrized direct square of the coordinate representation (2,0): (2,0) X (2,0) = [(0,0) + (2,0) + (2,2) + (4,0)] + {(1,l) + (3,l)}. (28) Note that I'is a hyperspherical harmonic and as such must be an eigenfunction of the five-dimensional surface Lapla cian operator V2, specified in Eq. (C4). This operator is re lated52,53 to the generalized angular momentum operator 'y2: 5 j-I - V2 = 'y2 = L L .Yt (29) j=2 i= I with components .Y .. =i(X. 3.....-x. 3.....). IJ Ja. 'a. Xi Xj (30) In this equation the coordinates Xi and Xj stand for the 0, E, S, 1}, ; variables of Eq. (7). For a (1,0) representation, one readily proves 'y2(1,Q) = 1(1 + 3) (1,0). (31 ) Hence one has for the (4,0) representation of the warping function V2(4,0) = -28(4,0). (32) It is indeed verified that the trace of the Hessian matrix is equal to -28 /. at least for all the points in the stationary orbits. (See Table II.) C. The H. h problem Khlopin, Polinger, and Bersuker2 have studied the cou pling of the icosahedral quintet with the fivefold degenerate H mode, using the coupling coefficients published by Gold ing.54 Their treatment can be denoted as a H ® h problem, since only one of the two independent sets of H X H = H coupling coefficients was taken into account. In order to re late this formalism to our results, we may, for instance, com pare the expressions for the orbital splitting under the penta gonal distortion mode55 QHa, as defined in Eq. (16). The equivalent of our Eq. (17) in the formalism of Ref. 2 reads E(A) = 2VQHa + !KHQ1a' E(EI) = -2VQHa + !KHQ1a, (33) E(E2) = VQHa +!KHQ1a' Upon comparison of the two formalisms one obtains FHb 1 1 V= ---=-F Ha +--FHb $ 2 2$ or (34) The coupling scheme of Khlopin et al.2 thus corresponds to the exceptional case with 5E~ = 9E~ and E:J' = O. This means that the mode splitting parameter E I vanishes as well. Under these conditions the trigonal and pentagonal turning points are degenerate but in addition the A I and E) states of the pentagonal structures are both found to be ground states, respectively, at QHa = -2V IKH and QHa = 2V IKH, and similarly for the A I and E states along the trigonal mode QHP' defined in Eq. (23). In fact the H®h IT surface as a whole is found to exhibit SO(3) symmetry.2 Pooler has briefly discussed the high-symmetry effects in this special solution.4 However, a precise description of the embedding of this symmetry group in the SO( 5) group of electronic space is still lacking. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A. C. is indebted to the Belgian National Science Foun dation (NFWO) and the Belgian Government (Program matie van het Wetenschapsbeleid) for financial support. APPENDIX A: TRANSFORMATIONAL MATRICES FOR THE H REPRESENTATION Boyle and Parker37 have listed the transformational matrices of the H representations under Ctf ~,12, Ctf ~.4'3, and Ctf i,2 operations of I, as specified in Fig. 1. For convenience these matrices are repeated here, together with the matrices J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 93, No.2, 15 July 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:54:11A. Ceulemans and P. W. Fowler: Icosahedral molecules 1231 for the twofold symmetry axes ee? and ee? In this way the generators of all the subgroups of I are made available: ee ~.4.3, C(J j.2 .... T, ee ~.12, ee ~.8 .... lOs, ee ~.4.3, ee ~.8 .... lO3 , C(J j.2, ee ~.8 .... lO2 . It is important to keep in mind that the 0 and E components of H do not denote components that transform like the real d functions d:? and d x2 _ y>' but refer to linear combinations of these:37•38 -1/4 -..[3/4 1/.J8 1/.,fi -1/.J8 -..[3/4 1/4 -~3/8 0 -M D( C(J ~.12) = -1/.J8 ~3/8 0 1/2 1/2 1/.,fi 0 -1/2 1/2 0 1/.J8 M 1/2 0 -1/2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 D(eej·2) = 0 0 -1 0 0 , D(ee~·8) = 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1/4 -..[3/4 1/.J8 -1/.,fi 1/../8 -..[3/4 1/4 -M 0 M D(ee~·8) = 1/../8 -~3/8 0 1/2 1/2 -1/.,fi 0 1/2 1/2 0 1/.J8 ~3/8 1/2 0 1/2 Hz2 = .J+ HO -.J+ HE, Hx2 -T = .J+ HO + .J+ HE. (A2) As before we prefer a row vector notation for the transfor mation matrices, in the following way: !!II (HO,HE,Hs,Hll,Ht) = (HO,HE,HS,Hll,Ht)(D(!!II». (A3) The D (!!II) matrices in Eq. (A3) are transposed, as com pared to the matrices of Boyle and Parker. Following this convention, one has -1/2 -..[3/2 0 0 0 ..[3/2 -1/2 0 0 0 , D(ee~·4.3) = 0 0 0 0 1 , 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 APPENDIX B: THE LINEAR FORCE ELEMENTS OF THE JT HAMILTONIAN The linear force elements are arranged in W(QAA) matrices, operating in the (HO,HE,Hs,Hll,Ht) electronic basis. Matrix elements are obtained from the expressions in Eqs. (2) and (3), using the CG coefficients of Ref 38: 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 ..[3 0 0 W(Q ) = QGaFG 0 0 -2 0 0 W(QGx) = $QGxFG -1 ..[3 0 0 0 , , Ga 2J6 0 0 0 -2 0 4..j3 0 0 0 0 .,fi 0 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 .,fi 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 -..[3 0 $QGzFG 0 0 0 0 0 W(QGY) = $QGyFG 0 0 0 0 .,fi W(QGz) = 0 0 0 .,fi 0 , , 4..j3 -1 -..[3 0 0 0 4..j3 0 0 .,fi 0 0 0 0 .,fi 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 93, No.2, 15 July 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:54:111232 A. Ceulemans and P. W. Fowler: Icosahedral molecules 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 W(QHO) = QHOFHa 0 0 -1 0 0 + QHOFHb 0 0 ..[3 0 0 2./6 0 0 0 -1 0 2.J2 0 0 0 -..[3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 0 0 0 -1 ·0 0 0 W(QHE) = QHEFHa 0 0 ..[3 0 0 + QHEFHb 0 0 0 0 2./6 0 0 0 -..[3 0 2.J2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 ..[3 0 0 0 0 ..[3 0 0 0 0 0 0 W(QHs) = QHsFHa -1 ..[3 0 0 0 + QHsFHb ..[3 1 0 0 0 2./6 2.J2 , 0 0 0 0 -2.J2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.J2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -I 0 0 0 0 -..[3 0 0 0 0 -..[3 0 0 0 0 1 0 W(QH'1) = QH'1FHa 0 0 0 0 -2.J2 + QH'1FHb 0 0 0 0 0 2./6 2.J2 , -I -..[3 0 0 0 -..[3 0 0 0 0 0 -2.J2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -I W(QH~) = QH~FHa 0 0 0 -.J2 0 + QH,FHb 0 0 0 0 0 ./6 0 0 -.J2 0 0 .J2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -I 0 0 0 APPENDIX C: HESSIAN OPERATOR IN HYPERSPHERICAL POLAR COORDINATES The e, E,5, 1], t coordinates of the parameter space may be transformed to hyperspherical polar coordinates, following the general method of Louck:52 5 = r cos a sin /3 sin r sin 8, 1] = r sin a sin /3 sin r sin 8, t = r cos /3 sin r sin 8, e = r cos r sin 8, E=rcos8 with The gradient operator in these coordinates is given by (a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a) v = er ar ,e.s -; a8 ,ey r sin 8 ar ,ep r sin r sin 8 a/3 ,ea r sin /3 sin r sin 8 aa . (CI) (C2) Here the e's represent the unit vectors in the polar coordinate system. The Hessian operator for displacements on the surface of the unit hypersphere can be derived according to the method described by Stone. 53 One obtains a symmetrical 4 X 4 tensor operator of the following form: J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 93, No.2, 15 July 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:54:11A. Ceulemans and P. W. Fowler: Icosahedral molecules 1233 VVlr= 1 = cot8 a sin 8 ay 1 a2 +--sin 8 a8ay cot 8 a sin y sin 8 a{3 + 1 a2 sin y sin 8 a8a{3 cot 8 a cot8 a sin 8 ay 1 a2 +--sin 8 a8ay cot8~ a8 1 a2 +---sin28 ay coty a sin y sin2 8 a{3 + a2 sin ysin2 8 aya{3 coty cot 8 a cot 8 a sin y sin 8 ap sin p sin y sin 8 aa 1 a2 + sin y sin 8 a8ap 1 a2 -?-sin p sin y sin 8 a8aa coty a coty a sin y sin2 8 ap sin p sin ysin2 8 aa a2 +----sin y sin2 8 ayap 1 a2 + --sin {3 sin y sin2 8 ayaa cot{3 a sin {3 sin2 y sin2 8 aa +---sin2 y sin2 8 ap 2 1 a2 + --sin{3 sin2 ysin2 8 a{3iJa a cotP a sin {3 sin y sin 8 aa sin {3 sin y sin28 aa sin {3 sin2 y sin2 8 aa cot8~+ coty ~ a8 sin28 ay + a2 1 a2 + --1 a2 + --+ cot{3 a --sin {3 sin y sin 8 a8aa sin {3 sin y sin2 8 ayaa sin {3 sin2 Y sin2 8 a{3iJa sin2y sin2 8 a{3 The trace of this tensor corresponds to the surface Laplacian in five-dimensional space: I I. B. Bersuker and V. Z. Polinger, Vibronic Interactions in Molecules and Crystals edited by V. I. Goldanskii, F. P. 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Altmann, Rotations, Quaternions and Double Groups (Clarendon, Oxford, 1986), p. 40. «The pentagonal eigenfunctions in Eq. (15) are obtained in a straightfor ward way by rotating the real d functions about the y axis over the azi muthal angle 8 of the <tf~.12 axis (cos 28= lI,j5), keeping in mind the conventions ofEq. (A2). 4S The energies in Eq. (17) are found by using Eq. (11) with a D5 electronic ket and constraining the W matrices to pentagonal symmetry (i.e., put ting QHO = ~3/IOQHa,Q", = -~lI1OQHa, QHt = 0, QH~ = ~6/IOQHa' and QH, = 0 in the definitions of Appendix B). 46 J. Brocas, M. Gielen, and R. Willem, The Permutational Approach to Dy- namic Stereochemistry (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1983), pp. 646-647. 47N. B. Backhouse and P. Gard, J. Phys. A 7,2101 (1974). 48M. C. M. O'Brien, Phys. Rev.lS7, 407 (1969). 49 The embedding on in SO( 4) is discussed in Ref. 7. See also Ref. 47. so For the rotational group in n dimensions, SO( n), the fully symmetrized representation of rank 4 can be shown to have dimension n(n2 -l)(n + 6)/2.3.4. 51 See Ref. 9, p. 401. S2 J. D. Louck, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 4, 298 (1960). 53 A. J. Stone, Mol. Phys. 41, 1339 (1980). 54R. M. Golding, Mol. Phys. 26, 661 (1973). S5 In Ref. 2 the pentagonal distortion coordinate is denoted by Q •. J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 93, No.2, 15 July 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:54:11
Thermal stability of Be, Mg, and Znimplanted layers in GaAs for hightemperature deviceprocessing technology A. C. T. Tang, B. J. Sealy, and A. A. Rezazadeh Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 2759 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.344200 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.344200 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Electrical activation of implanted Be, Mg, Zn, and Cd in GaAs by rapid thermal annealing J. Appl. Phys. 58, 3252 (1985); 10.1063/1.335782 Enhanced activation of Znimplanted GaAs Appl. Phys. Lett. 44, 304 (1984); 10.1063/1.94733 Infrared rapid annealing of Znimplanted GaAs Appl. Phys. Lett. 43, 951 (1983); 10.1063/1.94193 Doping profiles in Znimplanted GaAs after laser annealing J. Appl. Phys. 50, 6000 (1979); 10.1063/1.326705 Excitationdependent emission in Mg, Be, Cd, and Znimplanted GaAs J. Appl. Phys. 48, 5043 (1977); 10.1063/1.323631 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 18:46:07Thermal stability of Be .. , Mg ... , and In'''implanted layers in GaAs for high .. temperature device .. processing technology A. c, T, Tanga) and 8, J. Sealy Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering. University of Surrey. Guilford. Surrey GU2 5XH, United Kingdom A. A. Rezazadeh GEe Hirst Research Centre, East Lane, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 7Pp, United Kingdom (Received 14 April 1989; accepted for pUblication 17 April 1989) Results on the thermal stability of active acceptor layers in GaAs formed by Be, Mg, and Zn implantation are reported. Following rapid thermal annealing at 635 ·C/35 sand 800 ·C/lS s, the sheet carrier concentration is observed to remain constant after subsequent heat treatment below 600 ·C for times Up to 6 h. At and above this temperature, however, various changes are observed for different implants. These changes in the sheet electrical properties are observed to be reversible in the case of the Zn-implanted samples, where almost complete carrier recovery is observed after the samples were rapid thermal annealed at 800 ·C/15 s after a long thermal anneal at 600 ·C for 6 h. There has been considerable interest in the use of rapid thermal annealing to activate implanted layers in GaAs and many reviews have been published. 1.2 In order to assess de vice performance after various thermal processing stages at elevated temperatures, there is the need to investigate the thermal stability of implanted layers, Davies et al.3 reported that GaAs samples implanted with Si to doses 1.5 and 4 X lO'4/cm2 at 200 keV, followed by rapid thermal anneal ing at 1080 ·C for 1 5, were stable up to 600 ·C for subsequent annealing periods of 10 min. Apart from this report, how ever, the topic of thermal stability has received little atten tion. We report here the first results on the thermal stability of active acceptor implanted layers in GaAs. Undoped semi-insulating GaAs of (100) orientation was implanted at room temperature with Be, Mg, and Zn ions to doses of 5 and 2.5 X lO'4/cm2 at energies of 40, 100, and 260 keY, respectively. The implant doses and energies were chosen to generate, approximately, the same projected range and peak atomic concentration as predicted by the projected range algorithms (PRAL).4 Approximately 1000 A of silicon nitride was deposited pyrolytically at 635 ·C for 35 s. A double-graphite strip heater was used to rapid ther mal anneal the samples at 800 ·C/IS s. Both the "as-capped" and the rapid-thermal-annealed (RTA) samples were sub sequently heat treated in the temperature range of 100- 600 ·C for times up to 6 h. Following annealing, sheet hole concentration and mobility were measured by the van der Pauw technique using indium contacts. The carrier and mo bility profiles were obtained by performing differential Hall measurements. A solution of H202:H2S04:H20 of ratio 1: 1: 125 was used as the etchent. Table I is a summary of the sheet carrier concentration Ns' sheet mobility /l-s' and sheet resistivity R SH of the samples fonowing rapid thermal an nealing. From the data given in Table I, it can be seen that a a) Present address: Cavendisll Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Ma dingley Road, Cambridge cm OHE, UK. considerable amount of activity is achieved for an threee implants after a low-temperature RTA. After RTA at 800 ·C/1S s, the Be-implanted samples showed no signifi cant change in activity when compared to the "as-capped" samples. However, the Zn-and Mg-implanted samples in creased from 60% and 20% to 90% and 30%, respectively, Figure I shows the isothermal annealing results of the "as-capped" samples following annealing at 600 ·C for times up to 6 h. No changes in the N, values are observed for all three implants at temperatures below 6oo·C after for an nealing times up to 6 h. At 600 ·C, however the IV, values of both the Be and Mg implants decrease with time; but, in contrast, the value for the Zn implants increase with time. That is, the activities decreased from 46% to 32% for the Be implants and from 20% to 7% for the Mg implants after subsequent heat treatments at 600 ·C for 6 h. The activity of the Zn implants, however, increased from 40% to 64%. A slight increase in the mobility values for all three species occurred over the 6-h annealing period. For the RTA samples (800 ·e/15 s), isothermal anneal ing results in a decrease in IV, for all three implants as shown in Fig. 2. The activity of the Zn implants has decreased from 90% to 60%, whereas the Be and Mg implants have de creased from 44% and 31 % to 30% and 22%, respectively. The sheet mobility values again increase with the long time anneal; in particular for the Zn implants, the mobility has increased from 60 to 103 cm2/V s. Some electrical profiles of the Be implants are given in Fig. 3, The "as-capped" sample profile is very similar in shape to the theoretical profile predicted by PRAL and has a peak hole concentration of about 1Q19/cm3. However, this profile changes after a subsequent anneal performed at 6OO·C for 6 h, The hole concentration increases near the surface and decreases throughout most of the profile, This behavior could well be related to the in-and out-diffusion of Be atoms. From these observations, it is suggested that the decrease in the electrical activity is due to the loss of Be atoms into the encapsulant which has been previously re ported by Barrett et a/.6 2759 J. Appl. Phys, 66 (6), 15 September 1989 0021-8979/89/182759-03$02040 © i 989 American Institute of Physics 2759 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 18:46:07TABLE I. Sheet values for various ions after rapid thermal annealing. (The sheet values are given as an average of five samples with plus and minus one standard deviation.) Annealing Be 40 keY Mg 100keV Zn 260 keV condition Ions (5xlOI4cm' ') (5XI014cm-') (2.5XlO"cm .,) As-capped n, (cm-') (2.3 J 0.1) 1014 (1 ±0.llIOI4 (It 0.1) 1014 (RTAat ,u,(cm'/Vs) 115 ± 10 90 ± 5 4O±4 635·C 35 s) RSH (H/sq) 238 J: 40 667 ± 30 1574±: 80 % activity 46 ± 2 20 ± 2 40t 4 Plus n\(cm--2) (2.2 ± 0.1) 1014 (!.5 + 0.1) 1014 (2.2 :t 0.1) 1014 (800'C/15 s) /1,. (cm'/V 5) 107.= 10 100 ±: 12 92± 15 RSH (!l/sq) 275 ±.40 400 ± 20 320 ± 35 % activity 44 ± 2 30± 2 88 J-4 It is interesting to note that the Zn activity has increased (after RTA at 635 ·C/35 s) or decreased (after RTA 800 °C/15 s) to around 60% after a subsequent anneal per formed at 600 ·C for 6 h. This suggests that an equilibrium has been achieved between zinc interstitials (which are inac tive) and zinc atoms on gallium sites after the long-time anneaL The following equation represents the likely reaction that occurs: 60()"C/6 h Znj + Voa ~ Znoa + hole. 800°C/lS , Since the RT A cycle at 800 "C/IS s involves the quench ing of the samples, this has resulted in an excess of zinc atoms being incorporated into the crystal lattice. A long-time an neal at 600 °C for 6 h has enabled the process of deactivation of the zinc atoms to occur. Hence, an equilibrium has been achieved between the zinc interstitials and the zinc atoms on gallium sites. In the case of the beryllium- and magnesium implanted samples, the reactions are observed to be irrevers ible. Further experiments7 have shown that out-diffusion ~.--.- .. ---- Zn Tlt1E I HOURSi FIG, 1. Time dependence of the electrical activity at 600"C aftt>,r silicon nitride deposition at 635 "C/35 s. 2760 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 has occurred. Hence, the implanted atoms are not available in the sample for activation. The electrical profiels of the zinc-implanted samples are given in Fig. 4. For the sample that has been RT A at 800 ·C; 15 s, a double peak is observed in the profile with the mini mum carrier concentration occurring near the projected range and the profile tail extending to a depth of about 3000 A. A possible explanation for the double peak is that crystal regrowth is imperfect at the region of maximum disorder which is near the projected range. This has resulted in a lower activation of zinc atoms in this region, For the sample that underwent a subsequent heat treat ment at 600°C for 6 h, the profile is observed to be flat with an average carrier concentration of 5 X lOl8/cm3• The change in shape of the profile may be associated with the diffusion and annealing out of residual defects. These defects are now spread homogeneously around the implanted region after this long-time anneal. A further R T A at 800 "C/IS s results in the profile being modified to become gaussian in shape with a peak carrier \-.-~-'-.-~------ 'oo~ ~~ 801 "--l &___. I e___ Z I &. ______ .. n >-6°1 ---.. ~ ~ ~ :t~=:=:==:=:=--= 8< : Mg o -,-- , r---,--o I 2 3 4 6 TIME I HOUR$i FIG. 2. Time dependence of the electrical activity at 600 'c after rapid ther mal annealing at 800 "C/lS s. Tang, Sealy, and Rezazadeh 2760 T [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 18:46:07" 1 .~ w 0 ~ FIG. 3. Electrical profiles of Be implants after silicon nitride deposition at 635 ·C/3S ~ (open circles) and further annealed at 600·C for 6 h (closed circles). B'~ dose and energy: 5 X IO"'/em", 40 keY. concentration of 1019/cm3 at around the projected range. Also, the profile has not broadened significantly. This resul tant profile arises from the reactivation of zinc atoms in the implanted region which now has improved crystallinity. The thermal stability of Be-, Mg-, and Zn-implanted layers in GaAs has been investigated using both R T A and long-term furnace anneals. This is of great impmtance since it is found from this work that the electrical properties can change significantly during subsequent high-temperature processing in, for example, implant activation and molecu lar-beam epitaxy growth at elevated temperatures. The sheet electrical properties are observed to remain constant up to 600 QC At and above this temperature, the electrical proper ties change significantly. These changes are observed to be reversihle for the zinc-implanted samples but irreversible in the beryllium- and magnesium-implanted samples. 2761 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 '"§ z '2 ! ,. z ~ " z 0 u '" ~ 4: U Q •• DEPTH (r'C-) FIG. 4. Electrical profiles ofZn implants after silicon nitride deposition and various annealing conditions. Zn dosc and cnergy: 2.5 /. 10'"/cm2, 260 keY. (a) 800 'C/IS S; (b) 800 'C/lS H· 600 "C/6 h; and (c) 800 "e/15 s -+ 600 'C/6 h -+ 800 'C/IS s. The authors gratefully acknowledge the staff of the D. R. Chick accelerator laboratory for assistance with the im plants. This work was supported in parts by ESPRIT Project No. 971, Technology for GaAs/ AIGaAs Heterojunction Bi polar Integrated Circuits. One of the authors (A.C.T.T.) was supported by a GEe studentship. 'D. E. Davies, N uet. lnstrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 7/8. 387 (I %5). "B. J. Scaly, Microeli:;ctron . .I. 13,21 (1982). 'D. E. Davies, P. J. McNally, T. G. Ryan, K. J. Soda, and J. J. Comer, inst. Phys. Conf. SeT. 65, 619 (1982). "J. P. Biersack, Nucl. instrum. Methods Phy~. Res. 1821183, 199 (1981). 'R. Gwiiliam. R. Bensalem, 13. J. Scaly, and K. G. Stephens.l'hysica 129B, 440 (1985). "N. J. Barrett, D. C. Bartle, R. Nicholls, and J. D. Grange, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 74, 77 (1984). 7 A. c. T. Tang, Ph.D. thesis, University of Surrey, UK, 1988. Tang, Sealy, and Rezazadeh 2761 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 18:46:07
Hall effect in heavy fermion compounds (abstract) P. M. Levy and A. Fert Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 61, 4397 (1987); doi: 10.1063/1.338436 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.338436 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/61/8?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Magnetism and superconductivity in heavyfermion compounds (abstract) J. Appl. Phys. 75, 6747 (1994); 10.1063/1.356871 Narrow bands and magnetic properties of heavy fermions (abstract) J. Appl. Phys. 63, 3422 (1988); 10.1063/1.340754 Coherence in heavy fermion compounds: Effect of impurities J. Appl. Phys. 61, 3391 (1987); 10.1063/1.338782 Coherentstate Hall effect in the heavy fermions CeCu6 and U2PtC2 (abstract) J. Appl. Phys. 61, 4397 (1987); 10.1063/1.338435 Heavy fermions in Kondo lattice compounds (invited) J. Appl. Phys. 57, 3054 (1985); 10.1063/1.335212 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 06:15:11Coherent~state Han effect in the heavy fermions CeCus and U2PtC2 (abstract) T. Penney, F. P. Milliken, and F. Holtzberg IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, P. O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598 Z. Fisk Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 G. P. Meisner General Motors Research Laboratories, Warren, Michigan 48090 The Hall effect is found to set the scale for coherence in the normal state of CeCu" and U2PtC2• CeCu6 is a nonmagnetic, nonsuperconducting heavy fermion system. 1-4 Its resistivity at high temperature is like that of a collection of incoherent Kondo scatterers. At low temperature the resistivity smoothly decreases to a very small value, indicating that scattering has become coherent. The Hall effect has two strong extrema in its temperature dependence which define a high-temperature incoherent scattering region, a transition region, and a low temperature coherent region. Although U2PtC2 is superconducting below 1.5 K,5 the Hall results in the normal state show two extrema similar to those of CeCu6. However, these features are scaled to higher temperatures, consistent with the smaller low-temperature electronic specific heat and higher Fermi temperature. Work at Los Alamos supported by the U. S. Dept. of Energy. 'H. R. Ott et ai., Solid State Comrnun. 53, 235 (1985)0 "Y. Onuki etal., j, Phys, Soc. Jpn. 54, 2804 (1985). 'J, Ftouquet eta!', J. Magn, Magn. Mater. 52, 85 (1985). 'T. Penney et al., J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 54-57, 370 (1986); Phys. Rev. B 34, 5959 (1986). 5G. p, Meisner et al., l'hys. Rev. Lett. 53, 1829 (1984). HaU effect in heavy fermion compounds (abstract) P. M. Levy Department of Physic5~ New York University, New York, New York 10003 A. Fert Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Universite de Paris-Sud 91405 Orsay, France As a result of a recent analysis of data on the Hall effect in heavy fermion compounds I we evaluated the higher-order resonant scattering contributions to the skew scattering of conduction electrons. In the single-site approximation we have calculated the t matrix elements for skew scattering correct to fourth order in the Anderson mixing interaction, i.e., we have neglected pair correlation effects. By including this fourth-order correction in our calculation of the Han resistivity we find it is positive at high temperatures which is in agreement with data on heavy fermion compounds. Prior calculations of this scattering in these compounds were limited to second order in the mixing interaction above TK• and predicted a negative Hall constant at high temperatures.2 By using a phase shift analysis of the skew scattering we have extended our calculation to the incoherent (single-site) strong coupling regime. In the temperature ranges we considered the Hall resistivity is proportional to the product of the resistivity and magnetic susceptibility. This is in agreement with data on heavy fermion compounds. 'M. Hadzic-Lcroux, A. Harnzic, A. Fert, P. Haen, F. Lapierre, and O. Laborde, Europhys. Lett. 1, 579 (1986). 2P. Coleman, P. W. Anderson, and T. V. Ramakrishnan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55,414 (1985). 4397 J. Appl. Phys. 61 (8), 15 April 1987 0021-8979/87/084397 -01 $02.40 © i 987 American Institute of Physics 4397 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 06:15:11
Electron spin resonance investigation of ion beam modified amorphous hydrogenated (diamondlike) carbon M. E. Adel, R. Kalish, and S. Prawer Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 62, 4096 (1987); doi: 10.1063/1.339123 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.339123 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/62/10?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Electron cyclotron resonance deposition, structure, and properties of oxygen incorporated hydrogenated diamondlike amorphous carbon films J. Appl. Phys. 96, 5456 (2004); 10.1063/1.1804624 Resonant Raman scattering investigation of ionirradiated hydrogenated amorphous carbon J. Appl. Phys. 68, 70 (1990); 10.1063/1.347096 Characteristics of electron spin resonance in hydrogenated amorphous siliconcarbon/hydrogenated amorphous silicon heterojunctions Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 807 (1989); 10.1063/1.100853 Effects of heavy ion irradiation on amorphous hydrogenated (diamondlike) carbon films J. Appl. Phys. 61, 4492 (1987); 10.1063/1.338410 Electron spectroscopy of ion beam and hydrocarbon plasma generated diamondlike carbon films J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 18, 226 (1981); 10.1116/1.570729 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 01:50:12Eiectron spin resonance investigation of ion beam modified amorphous hydrogenated (diamondUke) carbon M. E. Adet and R. Kalish Physics Department and Solid State Institute, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel S. Prawer CSIRO Division of Materials Science and Technology, Locked Bag 33, Clayton, Victoria, 3168, Australia (Received 6 Apri11987; accepted for publication 21 July 1987) Electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements on diamondlike carbon films show that the as grown material possesses a very high (2.5 X 1020 cm -3) concentration of dangling bonds. Upon irradiation with 50-keV C+ carbon ions, the number of ESR active centers increases by a factor of 3.5 and the linewidth narrows, but no shift in the g value is observed, and the resonant peak remains Lorentzian. These effects are concomitant with the previously observed dramatic decrease in the electrical resistivity (4--5 orders of magnitude). The ESR results verify that no graphitelike islands have formed as a result of the irradiation. The likely conduction mechanism is via hopping in band tail states, the number of which increases as a result of the ion impact. INTRODUCTION Diamondlike carbon (DLC) films consist of an amor phous carbon network with both Sp2 (graphitelike) and Sp3 (diamondlike) bonds. 1 As is the case for amorphous silicon and germanium, hydrogenation results in a marked increase in the resistivity accompanied by a widening of the optical band gap, both of which are presumably caused by the passi vation of dangling bonds. 2 Recently, we have reported the large decrease in resis tivity and reduction in the band gap which accompanies ion beam irradiation ofDLC films.3•4 The decrease in resistivity with increasing ion dose was found to be correlated with a loss of hydrogen from the films. However, Raman measure ments showed that the hydrogen loss was not accompanied by the growth of graphite crystaUites4 to within the sensitiv ity limit of this technique which is about 20 A.5 The results of temperature-dependent conductivity measurements of irra diated specimens could be explained by assuming that the ion irradiation and the accompanying loss of hydrogen lead to a smearing out of the band tails and anincrease in. the ... number of gap sbttes. However, no direct measure of the dangling bond density was made and the effectiveness ofhy drogen in passivating dangling bonds remained an open question. As is well known, electron spin resonance (ESR) can provide a measure of the total number of unpaired spins in the sample under study and, if the affected. volume is known, the average dangling bond density can be estimated.6 Here in, we report ESR measurements on DLC samples irradiated with 50-keV carbon ions over a range of doses in which dra matic changes in the conductivity have been observed by us.3 The results of this work enabl.ed us to correlate the large increase in conductivity with an increase in the spin density and a narrowing of the ESR linewidth. In contrast to previous studies 7 in which the rote of hy drogen was studied in specimens prepared with varying amounts of incorporated hydrogen, we report the effects of hydrogen removal by ion irradiation. While this has the ad-vantage of obtaining data from specimens originating from a single deposition, it must be noted that ion impact is expect ed to cause damage which may result in an increase in dan gling bond density additional to that caused by the loss of hydrogen. EXPERiMENT AND RESULTS DLC films 2500 ± 100 A thick were grown on single crystal substrates by extracting ions from a glow discharge of CzH2, CO2, and Ar gases.8 The fiJ.ms were grown under con ditions identical to those used in our previous study3.4 to enable direct comparison between the ESR results reported herein and the previously reported dose dependence of the electrical conductivity and hydrogen content of the ion beam irradiated films. Small samples (3X3 mm2), all cut from the same de posited Si wafer, were implanted with 50-keV C+ ions at 370 K with doses ranging from 2X 1014 to 1 X 1017 cm-2• The implantation conditions and charge colJ!ection arrangement were identical to those used previously:3.4 The: dmlef; were chosen so as to cover the region in which major changes in the film properties have been observed. Carbon ions at the chosen energy affect the D LC film to a depth of about 1. 500 A so that the Si substrate remains unaffected by the ion beam. Since undamaged crystalline Si exhibits no ESR sig nal, the substrate is not expected to contribute to the mea sured number of spins. The ESR measurements were carried out at room tem perature using a Varian E4 spectrometer at a microwave frequency of 9.5 GHz (X band). Only derivative spectra were recorded. The number of spins in a given specimen was determined from the expression9 Ns = KY'(Hpp )2lHmod, where Y' is the peak-to-peak amplitude of the derivative spectrum, Hpp is the peak-to-peak linewidth, Hmod is the static magnetic field moduJ.ation amplitude, and K is a con stant depending on the line shape. K was evaluated by cali- 4096 J. Appl. Phys. 62 (10),15 November 1967 0021-6979/67/224096-04$02.40 @ 1967 American Institute of Physics 4096 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 01:50:12bration to a standard sample of CVD deposited a-Si:F with a known number of spins. The g value was obtained by cali brating the spectrometer to a standard diphenyl-picrylhy drazyl (DPPH) sample with its well-knowng of2.0036. For evaluation of Ns' H mod was maintained at a constant value of 0.8 G for aU samples studied, whereas for the determination of the linewidth, care was taken to ensure that Hmod was always a factor of 5 smaller than H pp' The affected volume was estimated from the known di mensions of the irradiated area and the estimated 1500 A thickness of the ion beam modified layer.4 The contribution from the woo-A DLC layer which lies beneath the ion beam modified region was subtracted from the measured total number of spins to obtain the spin density in the ion beam modified volume. A set of representative derivative spectra is shown in Fig. 1. The slight horizontal displacement of the curves with respect to each other does not reflect any significant change in the g value but rather is due to minor variations in the sample position within the resonant cavity. The resonance linewidth and spin density obtained from these data are plot ted in Fig. 2 together with the dose dependence of the resis tivity and hydrogen content as reported in Ref. 3. The close correlation between the dose dependence of the resistivity and hydrogen content [Fig. 2(a)], resonance linewidth [Fig. 2(b)], and spin density [Fig. 2(c)] is clearly evident. The scatter in the calculated spin density (Fig. 2(c)] was mainly due to uncertainties inherent in the subtraction of the spin contribution attributable to the unaffected DLC layer and variations in the Q of the cavity for different sized sam ples. Obviously, there is much less error in the determination of the linewidth, as this is directly measured from the spec tra. DISCUSSION The unpaired spin density of the as-grown material (2X lQ2° cm-3) is very high compared to that reported for a-Si:H and for DLC films grown by many other workers.2.1O This is surprising in view of the large hydrogen contcnt of our films (30 at. % or 4 X 1022 cm -3), which suggests that most ofthe incorporated hydrogen is ineffective in passivat- dI dH ~:;.._""""===::::::=--- 3390 3400 H (Gauss) 5x10'6C+cm- 2(X1 ) 2xlO'6C+cm·2 (x5) 1.4 x 10'~C+cm'Z (x8) I As depOSited (x50) I 3410 FIG. 1. The ESR derivative spectra ofDLC films irradiated with varying doses of 50-keV carbon ions. Note that the curves have been scaled by the factors indicated in the figure. 4097 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No. 10,15 November 1987 --j --........ 0 AA AO ........ "\\ A A "" 0 A \ A \ A \ 't--~A A A A :~ A 3r-A A lJ. ~t--As grown --> \==;. \ \ 0 "-'\. "-'\.. "-0 lJ. lJ. AlJ. lJ.AlJ. olJ.lJ. 0.6 611 3 -2 -1 o 0"<: ~ c: o u c: ., "" o o ~ " >-J: -o 10" 5f- on on " o t? 8: J: <l ,;;- 'E u o '" 52 ~ 1:';;; c: ., o 4 _1_ --____ -1---1 __ , '\ 3-\ \ t \ 2 , '\ 'l---1---1----4--" lf- 81- / J r -1-T --!-J 6f- / rf 4 I t------J_ --r / 2 I I 1015 10'6 C+ ( ions cm-2) FIG. 2. Variation with 50-keV C+ ion dose of (a) resistivity and hydrogen content (from Ref. 3), (b) ESR resonance linewidth. and (c) spin density. ing dangling bonds. It is noteworthy that the comparatively large spin density of our films is consistent with the fact that they display resistivities lower than those reported by some other workers. For doses up to 7X 1014 C+ cm-2, the ESR linewidth and the spin density remain essentially unchanged from their as-grown values. This is remarkable in view of the fact that such a number of impinging ions is expected to generate about 1021 vacancies cm-3 (Ref. 11), presumably together with a comparable number of additional dangling bonds. The absence of an observed increase in the spin density de spite the considerable damage produced by the ion beam may indicate that the incorporated hydrogen is effective in passivating the newly created dangling bonds. Considering the small average separation of spins (about 15 A) at these densities, a likely mechanism for this passivation is that free mobile hydrogen atoms generated by the collision cascade are trapped by a dangling bond and passivate it before they come to rest. This dynamic passivation may find support in the gra- Adel, Kalish, and Prawer 4097 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 01:50:12dual initial resistivity increase observed at irradiation doses up to 7 X 1014 ions/cm2, at which short-range hydrogen dif fusion occurs, but significant effusion has yet to commence. A hint of such a mechanism is also suggested by the slight increase in linewidth at these low doses. For doses above 1 X 1016 cm-2, the spin density again remains constant despite the damage produced by the ion beam. In this region, insufficient hydrogen remains in the film for effective dynamic passivation of dangling bonds (as suggested above) to occur. Rather, we believe that the satu ration value of 8 X HtO spins cm -3 is the intrinsic maximum spin density of the material and reflects the point at which a dynamic equilibrium is reached between ion beam induced dangling bond generation and their annihilation due to the proximity of dangling bonds to each other. It is clear from Fig. 2 that the dramatic decrease in the resistivity in the dose range 1015_1016 cm -2 is directly corre lated with an increase in the number of spins and a narrow ing of the ESR linewidth. Importantly, this dose range also corresponds to that in which most of the hydrogen is lost from the film. Hence, in this region it is likely that newly created dangling bonds cannot be passivated due to the lack of hydrogen. This implies a minimum hydrogen concentra tion requirement for passivation to occur. Figure 1 shows that regardless of ion dose, the reson ances remain centered about the same magnetic field strength, i.e., the g value remains constant. The functional form of the resonance curve may be revealed by integrating the measured differential spectrum. The dotted line in Fig. 3 shows the result of such an integration for a DLC film irra diated with a dose of 1 X 1015 C+ cm -2, and is representative of the ]jne shape obtained from all the measured spectra. It should be noted that the curve is highly symmetric and fol lows a Lorentzian rather than a Gaussian line shape. The ESR signal from graphite displays very marked an isotropy (g varies from 2.0026 to 2.0495) (Ref. 12), so that the presence of graphite crystallites would be expected to cause a shift in the measured g value and a skewness in the 10 ? 8 'c ::l >- ~ 6- :0 o .~ 4,- c ~ c ~ 2 G(:I.J~:~;{m Lc",,'~,,:,,:~ E .p~:r:""efl\al ~ ! I I / ",r --.-::.::: .. ~~' 3390 3400 3410 H ( Gauss) FIG. 3. Numerically integrated spectrum of the ESR derivative spectrum of a DLC film irradiated with 1 X lO'~ C+ em" 2, together with Gaussian and Lorentzian curves adjusted to fit the full width at half maximum and peak height of the experimental curve. 4096 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62. No. 10.15 November 1987 measured line shape. Since the measured peak remains sym metric (Fig. 3) and no shift in g value is observable (Fig. 1) as a function of ion dose, it may be concluded that graphite microcrystallites have not formed as a result of the irradia tion. This conclusion is in accordance with that drawn from our previous Raman spectroscopy studies of ion beam irra diated DLC films.4 It should be noted that the measured g value is consistent with that obtained from crushed diamond powder,13 where the ESR signal is attributable to dangling bonds on the exposed diamond surfaces. The Lorentzian (rather than Gaussian) line shape (Fig. 3) is indicative of exchange (or motional) narrowing. The existence of significant exchange coupling between the spinsl4 is hardly surprising considering their smal.! average separation (about 15 A) observed for the as-grown materia!' The narrowing of the line as a function of dose [Fig. 2 (b) 1 is consistent with an increase in the exchange coupling as the average separation decreases. The spin density increases by a factor of about 3.5 over the dose range studied [Fig. 2 (c)]. It is noteworthy that such a modest increase in the spin density can account for changes in the resistivity of 4-5 orders of magnitude. Similar effects have been reported for a-Si:H, where an increase in dangling bond density of a factor of about 7 corresponds to a resistivity decrease by a factor of 104 (Ref. 2). ~ With regard to the conduction mechanism, the two most likely possibilities which should be considered are hop ping conducthity between midgap states and hopping con ductivity betw'e~n hand tail states. For conduction due to carriers hopping bet\wen localized states at the Fermi ener gy, dear predictions for the temperature dependence of the cOllductivity exist. 15 At high temperatures, the conduction process is expected to be therm.ally activated, hence a plot of In (J" vs liT should yield a straight line with a slope which c{wresponds to the hopping activation energy. At lower tem peratures, hopping conductivity about the Fermi energy is predicted to be of variable range nature for which the expected temperature dependence is of the form In a c-:::: A -BT -1/4. Previous tempenl.ture-dependent con ductivity measurements carried out by us on DLe samples implanted over the relevant range of doses (see Fig. 8 of Ref. 4) show an increase in the activation energy with tempera ture. However, for the temperature range considered ( 1. 50 < T < 500 K), In a( T) does not foHow either the liT nor the T -1/4 functional dependence expected. for hopping of carriers between midgap states. Furthermore, the ob served 4-5 orders of magnitude increase in conductivity in duced by the irradiation cannot possibly be accounted for by the increase in dangling bond. density within the framework of the hopping cond.uctivity between midgap states. The alternative explanation for the radiation-induced conductivity rise is due to band-gap shrinkage. In this case, variable range hopping of carriers excited into localized states at the band edges is responsibl.e for the conductivity, as has also been suggested by other authors. 16 The conductivity in this case is given by a=aOexp[ -(ECbe -E/+ W)/kT]. Ecbe is the energy at the conduction-band edge and W is the Adel, Kalish. and Prawer 4098 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 01:50:12activation energy for hopping between tail states and is not expected to be a sensitive function of energy below the mobil ity edge.15 As the irradiation progresses, the dangling bond density rises, leading to an increase in the short-range disor der. This, in turn, introduces new localized states below the mobility edge (in the case of electrons), thus smearing out the band tails. A reduction in the optical band gap of the order of 0.6 eV upon irradiation has indeed been observed by US.3•4 If each band edge shifts towards midgap by about half of this reduction [i.e., (Ecbe2 -Ecbel ) = 0.3 eV], then a large increase in occupation of these states is expected. The relative conductivity increase associated with this is expect ed to be 0'210'1 = exp ( -(ECbe2 -Ef + W)lkT] 1 exp [ -(Ecbel -Ef + W)lkT] = exp L -(Ecbe2 -Ecbel ) IkT ] , where it has been assumed that both 0'0 (Refs. 4 and 16) and W remain constant with irradiation dose. At the irradiation temperature of 370 K, the term in the exponent is about 9. The expected increase in conductivity of e9 ;:::; 104 is in agree ment with the measured relative increase of 2X 1~, thus supporting the explanation that the conductivity in irradiat ed DLC is caused by carriers hopping between band tail states. CONCLUSION The results of this study may be summarized as follows: (i) DLC carbon films irradiated with doses of up to 7 X 1014 C+ cm -2 display no changes in the spin density or resonant linewidth, despite the considerable damage pro duced by the ion beam. It is speculated that the dangling bonds generated by the ion beam are dynamically passivated by the excess hydrogen incorporated in the as-grown film. (ii) Films irradiated in the dose range 7 X 1014 -1 X 1016 C+ em -2 show a narrowing of the reso nant linewidth and an increase in the spin density. Since in this dose range hydrogen is effusing from the fi1m, the changes in the ESR signal may be attributed to the net cre ation of dangling bonds which could not be passivated due to the deficiency of hydrogen. (iii) The effusion of hydrogen from the film has been shown to be only indirectly responsible for the major con- 4099 J. Appl. Phys .• Vol. 62, No.1 0, 15 November 1987 ductivity increase. The dangling bond density increase in duced by the irradiation leads to a smearing out of the band tails, increasing the number of tail states participating in hopping conductivity. (iv) The symmetry of the resonant curve and the con stancy of the g value show that no microcrystalline growth has taken place as a result of the irradiation. (v) For doses exceeding 1 X 1016 C+ cm-2, the dan gling bond density saturates and an equilibrium is estab lished between defect generation and annihilation by recom bination. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by the Fund for Basic Research, administered by the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities. One of us (SP) gratefully acknowledges the award of a CSIRO postdoctoral fellowship and the hos pitality extended by the Solid State Institute of the Technion. The authors would like to thank K. Weiser, J. Pilbrow, and E. Ehrenfreud for very useful discussions. Weare also grate ful to B. 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