The Raman Spectra of Mono and Dichlorobenzenes H. Sponer and J. S. KirbySmith Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 9, 667 (1941); doi: 10.1063/1.1750973 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1750973 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/9/9?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in High pressure Raman studies on pdichlorobenzene AIP Conf. Proc. 309, 1531 (1994); 10.1063/1.46374 Librational Amplitudes: Raman and Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectra of pDichlorobenzene and p Dichlorobenzened 4 J. Chem. Phys. 49, 2041 (1968); 10.1063/1.1670365 Raman Spectrum of ParaDichlorobenzene J. Chem. Phys. 20, 742 (1952); 10.1063/1.1700532 The Raman Spectra of the Dichlorobenzenes J. Chem. Phys. 1, 512 (1933); 10.1063/1.1749325 The Raman Spectra of Ring Compounds. I. MonoSubstituted Benzene Compounds J. Chem. Phys. 1, 406 (1933); 10.1063/1.1749309 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 15:22:49SEPTEMBER. 1941 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 9 The Raman Spectra of Mono-and Dichlorobenzenest H. SPONER AND J. S. KIRBy-S~IITH* Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham. North Carolina (Received June 9, 1941) Raman spectra were taken of gaseous mono-and dichlorobenzenes. Polarization measure ments were made for the dichlorobenzenes in the liquid phase. Interpretations of the stronger lines are given in terms of modes of vibration. The experimental results and assignments of the frequencies are collected in Tables I-IV. INTRODUCTION THE Raman spectra of the different chloro benzenes have been thoroughly studied in the liquid state by a number of investigators.1 Polarization measurements have been carried out in the case of monochlorobenzene by Simons.2 In the course of an analysis of the ultraviolet ab sorption spectra of mono-3 and the dichloro benzenes4 it became desirable to have their vibrational frequencies in the gaseous phase. For this reason these compounds have been rein vestigated in the vapor phase. To facilitate inter pretation of the observed frequencies polarization measurements were made for the dichloroben zenes in the liquid state. EXPERIMENTAL A. Measurements in the gas The substances used in this investigation, monochlorobenzene, ortho-, meta-, and para dichlorobenzene, were kindly furnished by the Chemistry Department.t They were extremely pure, and were carefully introduced into the Raman tubes by vacuum distillation. t Presented before the Division of Physical and Inor ganic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society at Detroit, September, 1940. . * Present address: National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. 1 A. Dadieu, A. Pongratz and K. W. F. Kohlrausch, Monats. f. Chern. 61, 426 (1932); J. W. Murray and D. H. Andrews, J. Chern. Phys. 1,406 (1933). Complete refer ences may be found in the second book of K. W. F. Kohlrausch, Der Smekal-Raman Effekt, Erg. Bd. (Julius Springer, Berlin, 1938), or in James H. Hibben, The Raman Effect and its Chemical Applications (Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 1939). 2 L. Simons, Soc. Sci. Fennica, Comm. Phys.-Math. 6, No. 13 (1932). 3 H. Sponer and S. H. Wollman, Phys. Rev. 57, 1078A (1940). 4 S. H. Wollman, unpublished results. t We are indebted to Dr. Eunice Moore for the courtesy of providing us with the substances. The apparatus used, except for modifications in the assembly of Raman tube and filter jacket, has been previously described.5 Certain changes have been made necessary in order to attain the relatively high temperatures (200°C in the case of the dichlorobenzenes) needed to give sufficient vapor pressures for adequate scattered inten sities, and at the same time permit suitable filters to be employed. This condition was attained by placing an extra glass cylinder between the filter jacket and Raman tube. Strong blasts of hot air were directed between this cylinder and the Raman tube and the scat tering section of the tube was heated to the desired temperature. The space between the filter jacket and the wall of the extra cylinder served as an insulating air space and prohibited an excessive loss of heat to the circulating filter solution. The bottom section of the tube was heated by resistance coils which were wrapped around it. Temperatures were read with a ther mocouple placed in contact with the coolest portion of the Raman tube. With this arrange ment temperatures up to 220°C have been maintained at fairly constant values (±5°C) during all exposure times. Twelve Hg arcs were used as the light source, excitation being by the 4047 and 4358A lines together as well as by 4358 alone. Filters were aqueous solutions of CoCb when excitation by both lines was desired, and CoCl 2+quinine for the isolation of 4358. All spectra have been ob tained upon antihalation Eastman Super Panchro Press or Ilford Hypersensitive Panchromatic plates. Exposure times have been from 6 to 24 hours. The spectrograph is the Zeiss 3 prism instrument used in previous work. 5 J. S. Kirby-Smith and L. G. Bonner, J. Chern. Phys. 7, 880 (1939). 667 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 15:22:49668 H. SPONER AND ]. S. KIRBY-SMITH GAS 200 (w) 416 (m) 608 (w) 703 (m) 1001 (st) 1024 (m) 1080 (m) 1134 (w) 1191 (w) } 1589 (m) 3079 (st b) 3180 (w) TABLE I. C6H5Cl. DEPOLARIZATION LIQUID FACTOR ASSIG~- (A"AN'THAKRISH"A") (SI'IONS) Mc'KT 196 (6b) 270 (1/2) 295 (2) 420 (6) 615 (3) 702 (6) 742 (0) 790 (0) 830 (0) 925 (0) 989 (0) 1003 (lOs) 1013 (00) 1024 (7) 1084 (5) 1121 (1/2) 1158 (1/2) 1176 (1/2) 1295 (0) 1321 (0) 1372 (0) 1443 (0) 1565 (0) 1584 (4) 3008 (5) 3028 (0) 3068 (lOb) 3140 (0) 3165 (1) 0.87 0.86 0.32 0.89 0.13 0.06 0.19 0.10 0.88 0.87 0.32 B. Polarization measurements The apparatus used here was of conventional type, using a sensibly parallel beam of unpo larized light as the incident radiation. The light source consisted of two small (15 cm long) Hg arcs similar in design to those used in the gas apparatus. Glass cylinders filled with filter solution focused and directed a strong beam of filtered light into the scattering tube. The source operated in a vertical position, and a totally reflecting glass prism was used to direct the scattered light into the polarizing system. This consisted of the usual Wollaston prism, a lens for focusing the two polarized components onto the spectrograph slit, and a half-wave plate. This arrangement gave good pictures in from 3 to 8 hours exposure time. Under present conditions precise measure ments have not been made. Density marks for the calibration of plates and the determination of relative intensities have not been put on all plates. The noncparallel character of the incident beam and imperfections in the half-wave plate arc the other main sources of error. GAS 194 (w) 300 (m) 434 (vw) 487 (m) 664 (m) 760 (w) 1035 (st) 1133 (st) 1271 (w) 1598 (w) 3082 (st) 3150 (w) GAS 205 (wb) 356 (w) 399 (m) 613 (vw) 665 (m) 998 (st) 1056 (m vb) 1129 (m) 1590 (m) 3090 (st) 3169 (w) LIQUID (SWAI"E AND MliRRAY) 154 (10) 203 (3) 239 (1b) 330 (Ob) 430 (1) 469 (1) 483 (2) 658 (5) 756 (Ob) 860 (lb) 1020 (1) 1041 (10) 1129 (5) 1160 (lb) 1274 (1b) 1577 (4) 1607 (Ob) 2994 (1) 3073 (10) 3146 (3) DEPOLARIZATION ASSIGN- FACTOR MEKT 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.45 0.35 0.20 0.25 dep 0.8 0.40 TABLE III. m-C6H,Cl,. LIQUID (SWAINE AND MURRAY) DEPOLARIZATION ASSIGN- 178 (3) 202 (3) 216 (2) 366 (1) 399 (4b) 428 (2) 530 (0) 666 (4) 999 (10) 1018 (0) 1070 (3b) 1109 (2) 1126 (4) (1160 Kohl- rausch) 1240 (0) 1425 (0) 1456 (0) 1544 (0) 1579 (5b) 1625 (0) 3076 (10) 3152 (2) RESULTS FACTOR ME:"TT 0.9 0.9 0.10 "'[ 0.6 0.25 "'[ 0.20 "'[ 0.30 0.45 "'[ The present results including the assignment of frequencies as well as previous liquid and polarization data are summarized in Tables I to IV. The most recently published values have been taken.6 Intensities have been determined from microphotometer curves. However, due to the 6 ]. W. Swaine and]. W. Murray, J. Chern. Phys. 1, 512 (1933); R. Ananthakrishnan, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 3A, 52 (1936). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 15:22:49MONO- OR DICHLOROBENZENES 669 relatively greater amount of Rayleigh scattering and general background inherent in gases these intensities are only estimated as strong (st), medium (m), weak (w) and very weak (vw). While nothing has to be added to the tables for the dichlorobenzenes, it should be mentioned that for monochlorobenzene additional extremely weak, broad and diffuse lines have been observed at 275 and 500 cm-I. These lines appear only on several plates, and then with such small intensity that they could be spurious. , The measurement of the frequency in the neighborhood of 200 cm-I was taken as an anti Stokes transition from Hg 4047. As a Stokes line from Hg 4047 it is masked by the strong Hg 4077 and from Hg 4358 by the Hg II line at 4398.6A. The 200 frequency is usually measured from the Hg 4358 line in the liquid, as under these condi tions the spark line is too weak for detection. A definite diffuse wing on the low frequency edge of the strong 3079 cm-I line has been ob served on all plates. Attempts to resolve any structure were unsuccessful. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS For convenience in discussing the frequencies of the investigated benzene chlorides Fig. 1 has been included which represents the different types of vibration in the benzene molecule.7 The TABLE IV. p-CeH,CI 2• LIQUID (SWAINE A"n DEPOLARIZA TIO~ ASSIGN- GAS MURRAY) FACTOR :\lENT 302 (4) 326 (w) 333 (8) 386 (w) 355 (1) 0.8 {32" 0.5 ala 627 (5) 710 (00) 742 (st) 748 (lOb) 0.8 {32g 0.2 alg 885 (0) 942 (0) 1050 (m) 1070 (3) 1087 (2) 0.5 (a1") 1110 (st) 1109 (10) 1170 (1) 0.4 ala 1217 (0) 1300 (vw b) 1294 (0) 1331 (0) 1440 (vw b) 1379 (0) 1570 (m) 1576 (8) 0.8 {32il 1630 (1) 3090 (st) 2953 (0) 3079 (10) 0.4 3153 (2) 7 Vibration types after Langseth and Lord, reference 9. symmetry D6h of benzene is reduced to Vh in p-dichlorobenzene, and to C2v in 0-and m-dichlo robenzene and monochlorobenzene. The sym metries of the different vibrations of the sub stituted benzenes are represented in Tables V to VII. The symmetry symbols are listed in Placzek's notation.8 C2Y, etc. refer to twofold axes in the y, etc., directi::m, ()? denotes a plane of reflection perpendicular to the z axis (molecular plane), and i refers to the center of symmetry. The + and -signs indicate respectively that a given sym metry class is symmetric orantisymmetric to the noted symmetry element. The asterisk at the symbol of C2v for the ortho-compound indicates that the twofold symmetry axis passes here between the two carbons having the substituents. Small Greek letters have been used for the sym metry symbols to distinguish them from the same symbols with capital Latin letters for elec- )?: - , * if '*'* - ~ -+ l- 1 'J II-~~_rY.-,"* °*1* t--~----~ »: * ~Q_--~ »: 7a E' 7b f'+ 180 f.t -'=}-~---~-,--~ * * *+* + -I -- ~Oa £q llOb ' E~ + 86 £~ 9a £: 9b ~ * * * X:c!~A' + • ] II'~ + - - ~oc..u. 12 r3,~ 13 il, .. 14 1.\.", 15 !l. *' '*' '* :** -, + + -+ + - + + + - + -> + - + f6a E,+ 16b '+ €u. f7a t.:' 17b + £;. f8a £~ * * * * * 18b ~~ f9a t.:" 19b £;;,. 20a £:.. 20b €'-"" FIG. 1. Types of vibrations in benzene. 8 G. Placzek, Handbuch d. Radiologie, Bd. VI/2 (Leipzig, 1934), p. 283; L. Tisza, Zeits. f. Physik 82,285 (1932). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 15:22:49670 H. SPONER AND ]. S.KIRBY-SMITH TABLE V. Symmetries of vibrations for para-C,H 4CI2 in group Vh• ESSENTIAL SYMMETRY ELEMEN"TS NUMBER OF SVMl\JETRY C2Y C2z VIBRATIONS ala + + + 6 alu + + 2 fllu + + 1 fl1 u + 5 fl,y + + 5 fl2u + 3 fl3g + 3 fl3u 5 SELECTION RULES . INFRA- RAMAN RED + + + + + + + tronic terms. Langseth and Lord9 have discussed in the case of the deuterated benzenes which symmetry classes of the group D6h go over into the respective classes of C2v and Vh• Monochlorobenzene As can be seen from Table I, only the strong lines of the liquid have been observed in the gaseous phase. Most of them are totally sym metrical vibrations as is indicated in the last column under "Assignment." The frequencies 416 and 608 correspond to the Ea + vibration of 606 cm-I in benzenelo (No.6 in Fig. O. According to polarization measurements2 the 416 is totally symmetrical and the 608 non-totally symmetrical. As already pointed out by Kohlrauschll the non-totally symmetrical vibration is very nearly independent of the substitution because here the motion of the carbon atom with the substituent is small and perpendicular to the C -Cl bond. The totally symmetric vibration, however, is strongly in fluenced because the carbon atom attached to the chlorine participates in the vibration. The 703 represents the vibration of the chlorine atom towards the ring. It is totally symmetrical and originates out of the four 3000 cm-I hydrogen vibrations in benzene alg, {3lu, E+g and E-u (Nos. 2, 13, 7,20 in Fig. 1). The last two split in the monosubstituted benzenes into a totally symmetrical (al) and a non-totally sym metrical ({31) part. We have, of course, to con sider here only the al vibrations. It has no 9 A. Langseth and R. C. Lord, Kg!. Danske Vid. Sels. Math.-fys. Medd. 16, No.6 (1938). 10 In his second volume, Der Smekal-Raman Effekt, Erg. Bd., 1938, p. 163, Kohlrausch ~om;lates the Raman l!nes 416 and 470 with the 606 vibratIOn In benzene. Our assign ment corresponds to his previous one, cf. reference 11. 11 K. W. F. Kohlrausch, Physik. Zeits. 37, 58 (1936). meaning to correlate the 703 to a particular one of the four totally symmetrical vibrations since it will in reality have contributions from all of them. The observed frequency 3079 cm-I has to be assigned to the remaining hydrogen vibra tions. It is sharp on the short wave side and diffuse on the other, and may well cover two lines. The frequency of 3180 cm-I is probably due to an overtone. The strong lines at 1001, 1024, and 1080 cm-I are all totally symmetrical according to polari zation measurements.2. They are believed to correspond to the carbon vibrations alg, {3lu and probably Cu in benzene (Nos. 1, 12, 19 in Fig. 1). One should expect one of the three carbon frequencies {32u, e+o and c u (Nos. 14, 8 and 19 in Fig. 1) to decrease considerably in monochlorobenzene and this is probably the E-u. A detailed correlation of the observed frequencies cannot be made because they will be linear com binations of all three modes of vibrations alg, {3lu and E-u, particularly since the frequencies are almost identical. The line at 1589 cm-I is probably one of the components that arise from the carbon vibration E+g= 1596 in benzene (No.8 in Fig. 0 when the degeneracy is released. As the line is found highly depolarized it must represent the non-totally symmetrical mode of vibration. The line at 1134 cm-I belongs quite likely to a hydrogen vibration, as does perhaps the 1191 line. The latter may correspond to the depolarized line 1158 or the 1176 in the liquid. To find an interpretation we consider the six hydrogen vibrations of benzene azg, {32u, E+g and E-u (Nos. 3, 15,9, 18 in Fig. 1). They all have frequencies between 1000 and 1200 em-I. In CsH6CI one of them and in C6H4Clz two of them must drop down to a very low value. In all compounds there must originate at least one totally symmetrical vibration around 1100 cm-I and two non-totally TABLE VI. Symmetries of vibrations for C,H.Cl and meta C6H4Cl, in group C2v• ESSENTIAL SYMMETRY ELEMENTS NUMBER OF SYMMETRY C2Y lIz VIBRATIONS + + + + 11 3 10 6 SELECTION RULES INFRA- RAMAN RED + + + + + + + This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 15:22:49MONO- OR DICHLOROBENZENES 671 symmetrical vibrations in the same region. It is quite possible that in C6H5Cl the line at 1134 cm-l is an al (with large contribution from e+g) and the 1190 cm-l a {31. The vibration with the low frequency mentioned above is perhaps the 200 em-I. It would be then a {31 in accordance with the depolarization factor. Another possi bility is that it is the 294 cm-l observed in the liquid. Dichlorobenzenes Here too only the strong lines of the liquid have been found in the vapor. The 606 cm-1 e+g vibration in benzene is split into al=416 and {31 = 615 cm-l in monochlorobenzene. The same types occur in the meta-and ortho-derivatives, but here both will be influenced by the substi tution, the values for the frequencies probably not being much apart from each other. Indeed, no line has been observed in the neighborhood of 600 cm-1 for meta-and ortho-C 6H4Cl2• There are several lines between 300 and 500 cm-1 in the meta-and ortho-compounds which may be chosen for the assignment in question. Polariza tion measurements indicate that the 399 in m-C6H4Cl2 is totally symmetrical and hence quite likely is the al in question. In o-C6H4Cl2 the strong line at 483 has according to our measurements a rather low depolarization factor and therefore may be the corresponding al. Kohlrauschll has also made empirically a similar correlation. We make no proposal for the non totally symmetrical component. In p-C 6H4Cl2 the 606 E+g of benzene splits into an ala and a {32g vibration. The results in the deutero-benzenes9 make it probable that the ala is rather low, lower than in C6H5CI. Hence the most reasonable assignment seems to be alg=326 em-I. This is further confirmed by the polarization measure ments. The {32a should be higher and is perhaps similar to the corresponding {31 in C6H5CI which leads to the possible assignment {32g = 627 em-I, again in agreement with the depolarization factor. The benzene hydrogen vibrations of high fre quency alg, {3lu, E+a and E-u (Nos. 2, 13, 7, 20 in Fig. 1) which give rise in C6H5Cl to one chlorine valence vibration of 703 cm-l produce two such vibrations in the di-derivatives. One of these has been observed with certainty in all three cases TABLE VII. Symmetries of vibrations for ortho-C,H.Cl 2 in group C*2v. ESSEI"TIAL SYMMETRY ELEMENTS NUMBER OF SYMMETRY C2L tTl VIBRATIONS + + + + 11 5 10 4 SELECTION RULES INFRA- RAMAS RED + + + + + + + in the lines 742 (para), 665 (meta), and 664 cm-l (ortho) as has been noticed by previous authors. Each line is polarized as it should be for a totally symmetrical vibration. The vibration has a larger contribution from E+g for the para compound. The lines at 3082 (ortho), 3090 (meta), and 3090 cm-1 (para) have to be assigned, as in monochlorobenzene, to totally symmetric hy drogen vibrations. Polarization measurements support this conclusion. The frequencies of 3150 (ortho) , 3169 (meta), and 3153 (para, observed in the liquid) probably represent overtones. As in C6H5CI the benzene carbon vibrations ala and {3lu (Nos. 1 and 12 in Fig. 1) should give frequencies in the neighborhood of 1000 em-I, the {3lu being Raman inactive in the para-com pound. It is furthermore possible that the E-u (No. 19 in Fig. 1) carbon vibration of benzene drops to a value in the 1000 cm-I region. The six hydrogen vibrations of benzene a2u, {32u, E+g and en (Nos. 3, 15, 9, 18 in Fig. 1) will also give, besides two very low frequencies, four frequen cies in the 1100 cm-I region. In the case of p-C6H4CIz two lines of appreciable intensity have been found in the gas at 1050 and 1110 em-I. The latter is the stronger of the two. It is very likely a totally symmetrical carbon vibration. This is supported by polarization measurements and the analysis of the ultraviolet spectrum.4 The 1050 cm-l line is probably also totally symmetric according to the fairly low depolarization factor. No preference can be offered as to the assign ment to a carbon or hydrogen vibration. The 1170 cm-I line is perhaps connected with the e+g in benzene. In meta-C 6H4CIz three fairly strong polarized lines have been observed with frequencies of 998, 1056, and 1129 em-I. We would like to consider the 998 and 1129 cm-l as belonging to totally symmetrical carbon vibrations. This assignment This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 15:22:49672 H. SPONER AND J. S. KIRBY-SMITH gets support again from the ultraviolet spec trum.4 The explanation of the 1056 em-I line seems too indefinite at the moment although its low depolarization factor points to a totally symmetrical vibration. In ortho-C 6H4Cl2 two lines were found at 1035 and 1133 and a weak one at 1271 em-I. \Ve propose to ascribe the two strong polarized lines to totally symmetrical carbon vibrations, again in agreement with the analysis of the ultraviolet absorption spectrum.4 The interpretation of the 1271 em-I seems ambiguous without additional information. We are, however, inclined to believe that the depolarized 1160 em-I line observed in the liquidl2 of ortho-and meta-C 6H4Cl2 cor responds to the depolarized line 1158 em-I in C 6H 5Cl and hence represents in both cases the non-totally symmetrical component originating mainly from the hydrogen bending vibration ~+o = 1178 in benzene. I t has been mentioned before that out of the hydrogen vibrations a2g, /3211' ~+g and ~-" (]\;"os. 3, 15, 9, 18 in Fig. 1) there must originate two low frequencies which represent chlorine bending vibrations in the molecular plane. l.n the case of para-C 6H4Cl2 only one of them will be observable in the Raman effect which we believe to be {32a = 302 em-I originating chiefly from ~+ 9 and a2g and found in the liquid. In meta-C 6H4Cl2 and in ortho-C 6H4Cl2 there have been observed in the liquid three low frequencies of 178, 202, 216 em-I and of 164, 203 and 239 em-I, respectively, while we could detect with certainty only one at 205 em-I (meta) and one at 194 em-I (ortho) in the gas. Since in the ortho-and meta-compounds one of the above-mentioned two low vibrations must be totally symmetrical (al) and the other one non-totally symmetrical ({31), we were sur prised to find only high depolarization factors for the observed low lines. A detailed assignment cannot be given. In para-, meta-, and ortho-C 6H4Cl2 lines have been found at 1570, 1590, and 1598 em-I, respectively. As they are depolarized they cor respond in all probability to the 1589 em-I in C6H5Cl and have likewise to be interpreted as the non-totally symmetric one of the two com- 12 This line has not been observed by Swaine and Murray in the meta-compound, but Kohlrausch and col laborators give it as a weak line. We have confirmed their observation. ponents into which the ~+g = 1596 em-I in benzene (No.8 in Fig. 1) splits in these molecules. The vibrations which we have considered so far all take place in the molecular plane, either as valence or as bending vibrations. We have not mentioned any modes which occur perpen dicular to the molecular plane. Of these the carbon vibrations {32g and ~+u (Nos. 4 and 16 in Fig. 1) in benzene will be influenced only slightly by the substitution. They are both Raman inactive in benzene, and the ~+ u is also forbidden in the para-derivative. They are allowed in the other derivatives considered here. Very few of them have been observed in the deuterobenzenes and these with very weak intensity. Weak lines in the neighborhood of 300 em-I in the cor responding chlorobenzenes could be due to these vibrations. There are four hydrogen bending vibrations a211, {32g, ~+u and ~-g perpendicular to the molecular plane in benzene (Nos. 11, 5, 17, 10 in Fig. O. They lie between 670 and 1000 em-I. Out of these should result one low frequency for monochlorobenzene and two low ones for the dichlorobenzenes. The a211 is Raman inactive in benzene but is known from the infra-red to occur at 670 em-I. In monochlorobenzene a strong band has been observed in the infra-redl3 at 680 em-I which is almost certainly the {32 result ing mainly from a2u in benzene. The ~-g gives weak to medium Raman lines in benzene and the deuterobenzenes. We suppose that one of the lowest frequencies, 200-294 em-I in C6H6Ci, and at least one of the three lowest in liquid m-and o-C6H4Cl2 represent vibrations of the type dis cussed here. The suggested assignments include most of the lines in the gas. Many more have been re ported in the liquid phase. It seems too doubtful a procedure, however, to try an explanation of these. Some of the interpretations presented here have already been suggested by Kohlrausch,l1 while others differ from his. Since the whole problem is attacked here from a different point of view we believe it worth while to give our considerations and conclusions. In conclusion we want to acknowledge a grant-in-aid from the Duke University Research Fund which made this research possible. 13 J. Lecomte, J. de Phys. et Rad. 8, 489 (1937). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 15:22:49
Energy Levels and Color of Polymethine Dyes A. L. Sklar Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 10, 521 (1942); doi: 10.1063/1.1723759 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1723759 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/10/8?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Energy and electron transfer processes in polymethine dyes AIP Conf. Proc. 364, 78 (1996); 10.1063/1.50139 Photostability of polymethine saturably absorbing dye solutions J. Appl. Phys. 43, 3530 (1972); 10.1063/1.1661749 STIMULATED EMISSION FROM POLYMETHINE DYES Appl. Phys. Lett. 9, 179 (1966); 10.1063/1.1754699 A Contribution to the Theory of Light Absorption of Symmetrical Polymethine Dyes J. Chem. Phys. 21, 186 (1953); 10.1063/1.1698609 On the Absorption Spectrum of Some Polymethine Dyes J. Chem. Phys. 10, 508 (1942); 10.1063/1.1723758 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:59:03AGGUST. 1942 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 10 Energy Levels and Color of Polymethine Dyes A. L. SKLAR Chemical L!lboratory, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C. (Received April 29, 1942) The secular determinant for the energy levels of the unsaturation electrons of a polymethine dye is discussed in both HLSP and LCAO approximations. The roots of the secular determi nant, which were obtained in the preceding paper by Herzfeld, are applied to a discussion of the longest wave-length electronic band of symmetrical and unsymmetrical polymethines. The LCAO approximation gives good numerical values for the dependence of both the transition energy and oscillator strength on the length of the p::>lymethine chain in symmetrical dyes, but cannot handle the questions which depend sensitively on a sm'lll difference between the groups attached to the two nitrogen atoms at the extreme ends of the chain. Although the HLSP method yields correct qualitative results for symmetrical dyes, it does not give good numerical values. The HLSP method, however, is sensitive to a difference between the two ends of the dye molecule and affords a simple explanation for a number of properties in which unsymmetrical dyes differ from symmetrical ones. THE spectra of the polymethine dyes have been discussed briefly from the atomic orbital point of view by Paulingl and from the molecular orbital viewpoint (LCAO) by M ulIi ken2 and Forster.3 The connection between the molecular structure and the low lying energy levels of these dyes will be discussed qualitatively in a forthcoming paper;4 here it will be treated more quantitatively in order to arrive at a firmer basis for the purely qualitative considerations. The lower energy levels of the plane ion I will be approximated by both the atomic orbital (HLSP) and molecular orbital (LCAO) methods. Ion I represents a large class of polymethine dyes, if the T groups are understood to mean either individual groups or a nucleus which bends around and joins to the conjugated chain, as in the ion II. I L. Pauling-Gilman, Organic Chemistry, Vol. 2, p. 888. 2 R. S. Mulliken, J. Chem. Phys. 7, 570 (1939). 3 T. Forster, Zeits. f. physik. Chemie B47, 245 (1940); 48, 12 (1941). 4 A. L. Sklar and L. G. S. Brooker (to be published). S ("'( "'C-(CH=CH)n_l-CH= "'/"'+/ N S I / "'/'" C2H6 =C I I. II '" /"'/ N \ C2H6 Since the excitation of the in plane (J electrons yields the molecular Rydberg series below 2000A, we may restrict our discussion concerning the visible and near ultraviolet absorption to the energy values of the un saturation electrons (11' or Pz) which do not interact with the (J electrons. In the LCAO method, as is well known, we write a linear combination of atomic orbitals for the molecular orbital of each unsaturation elec tron in the field of the multiply-charged residue formed by stripping ion I of its unsaturation elec trons. Ion I has (2n+4) un saturation electrons but we will consider that two of these are perma nently localized, one on each nitrogen atom. Our system, then, consists of (2n+2) electrons in a potential field made up of a chain of (2n+3) singly charged nuclei. If we write the one-electron orbitals as a linear combination of the (2n+3) atomic orbitals and neglect all overlaps and also interactions between electrons on non-neighbor ing atoms, the energies of a single electron are 521 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:59:03522 A. L. SKLAR given by the roots of the (2n+3) rowed secular determinant III, whose solution has been dis cussed in the preceding paper. 5 el-W; al 0 0 o o o al ; j-W; a 0 o o o 0 a j-W; '" a o o o o· , o· , a; '" '" '" In this determinant W is the one-electron en ergy; a is the in teraction energy between two electrorts on neighboring carbon atoms; al and a2 are, respectively, the interactions between two electrons on a carbon atom and on either the left or right-hand nitrogen atom; and j, el, and e2 are, respectively, the ionization potentials of an un saturation electron localized on either a carbon atom, the left-or right-hand nitrogen atom. In this approximation the 1's will be somewhat different for the various carbon atoms in the chain. It will, however, be sufficiently accurate for our purposes to take all the 1's as equal,S especially since the variation in j in this approxi mation is due primarily to the fact that the inter action between the unsaturation electrons is neglected. In the ground state of the ion I the (2n+ 2) electrons will fill the lowest (n+ 1) orbi tals and the longest wave-length electronic band will be associated with the transition of an elec tron from the (n+ 1)st to the (n+ 2)nd orbital. In going over to the HeitIer-London-Slater Pauling method it is to be noticed that the ground structure I is doubly degenerate in that the posi tive charge may be shifted to the other nitrogen atom and the double bonds readjusted. Ion I is thus analogous to benzene which has the two Kekule structures as doubly degenerate ground structures. A difficulty, however, arises in carry ing over from benzene to ion I the view that the 5 K. F. Herzfeld, ]. Chern. Phys. 10, 508 (1942). • We also neglect energy differences due to the replace ment by other groups of the hydrogen atoms attached to the conjugated carbon chain. ·0; 0 0 0 ·0; 0 0 0 ·0; 0 0 0 1 1 1 =0. III 1 ",I a; j-W; a o 0; a 0; o longest wave-length electronic absorption is asso ciated with a transition between the two molecu lar states which arise from a resonance splitting of the degenerate ground structures.7 The elec tron distributions in the two I structures, which differ in that an electron has moved from one end of the molecule to the other, do not overlap ap preciably. The split of these two structures would thus be expected to be negligible instead of the observed value of the order of a few volts. Pauling,8 however, has pointed out that one must consider, in addition to the two structures I, the following set of intermediate structures X 2p+l (p = 0 to n). Since the overlap of electrons on atoms separated by even two interatomic dis tances is very small, we will also have to include the set of structures Y2p(P = 1 to n) Tl "" N-(CH=CH)p_l-CH- / T/ + / -CH-CH-(CH=CH)n_p-N "" T2 T2' 7 A. L. Sklar, ]. Chern. Phys. 5, 669 (1937); H. Sponer, G. Nordheim, A. L. Sklar, and E. Teller, ]. Chern. Phys. 7, 207 (1939). 8 L. Pauling, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 25, 577 (1939). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:59:03POLYMETHINE DYES 523 For every structure in the set consisting9 of I, X, and Y there is a second structure which differs from the former in that an electron has been moved to the neighboring atom on the left. Thus, al though the two I structures do not overlap appreciably directly, one I structure interacts with Xl, Xl with Y 2, Y 2 with X3, and so on until X2n+1 interacts with the other I structure. The two ground structures I can split through this chain of interactions with the intermediate struc tures X and Y. Although it is not easy to estimate numerically the relative energy of I and X, it is clear from chemical considerationslO that the I structures are considerably lower in energy than the X and Y structures. The Y structures are energetically higher than the X structures since the former have one less double band. Acting against this TABLE I. HLSP LCAO . " 2" 8m N +1 (26) R=I 4" sin' [,,;2(N +2)J (30) 4" cos N :2 sin 2(N"+2) (31) R»I . 3 " 4" sm :1 N +3 (36) 2" sin N :'3 (37) 9 The set of structures X and Yare chosen in preference to the following set, Zk(k= 1 to 2n+l), on energetic grounds. TI "-+ - / TI' N =CH-(CH=CH) n-p-CH- 1'. +/ - -(CH=CH)p_I-CH=N "-Z2P' 1'2' It is not obvious, though, that the interaction energy among the Z structures is not sufficiently larger than that among the X, Y structures to compensate for the higher energy of the former. This question is, however, immaterial for the purpose of this paper since we will not try to evaluate the interaction energy but only its variation as n is increased or as the character of the T groups is changed. 10 The essence of the chemical arguments is the fact that whereas ammonium ions N+ are frequently encountered, carbonium ions C+ are never met in any quantity, although they probably do occur in minute amounts in the course of reactions. As an example, we may compare the basicity of ammonia (NH.+HzO-NH,++OH-) with that of ethylene (CH2=CH 2+H20-CH.-CH 2++OH-). Except for the very small difference between the strength of a CH and NH bond, the second reaction requires more energy than the first by about the same amount that is required to change structure I into an X structure. (The hydration energies balance out to a first approximation.) The fact that ethylene is enormously weaker as a base than ammonia would, then, suggest that X is considerably higher in energy than I, since there is no reason to suspect the entropy to be vastly different in the two cases. effect is the additional possibility of resonance possessed by the Y structures due to the fact that the C+ breaks the carbon chain into two odd segments which may be written several ways, as for example: -(CH=CH) k-CH-p-CH-(CH=CH) k- To each Y, then, corresponds a group of struc tures and we may consider that, in writing one structure for this group, we have written the stabilized result of the resonance among the whole group. Since two compensating factors enter in the relative energy of the X and Y struc tures, and since a small difference in their energy will not affect our discussions, we will assume, for mathematical simplicity, that all intermediate structures, X and Y, are of equal energy. In all we have 2n+3 structures, two I, (n+ l)X, and n Y structures. If we neglect all Coulomb and exchange integrals which are smaller than the product of the first power of the overlap integral of electrons on neighboring atoms times the or dinary Coulomb and exchange integrals, respec tively, and also neglect terms containing overlaps of electrons on non-neighboring atoms, the mo lecular energies resulting from resonance among the 2n+3 structures are given by the roots of a secular determinant which is formally the same as that reached in the LCAO method, namely determinant III. The meaning of the quantities in the determinant is, of course, now quite differ ent. a, ai, a2 are, respectively, the interaction energies between an intermediate structure, and either a second intermediate or one of the two ground structures; Cl and C2 are the energies of the two ground structures I; and f is the energy of an intermediate structure, X and Y. Since W is the energy of all the unsaturation electrons in the molecule, the transition energy in question is the difference between the two smallest val ues of W. The roots of determinant III have been dis cussed as a function of the number of rows in the preceding paper by Herzfeld5 for various ranges of the parameters R=a/(cl-f) and R'=a/(e2-f). The results will now be applied to a discussion of the qualitative conclusions which were reached in reference 4, since purely qualitative considera tions of complex situations, even when applied with caution, are occasionally misleading. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:59:03524 A. L. SKLAR 1000 " 900 0 - ,.. '"' 800 A "700 O- ~oo 0 500 Or- 400 0 I / / II / / V / j } ! :/ / L V /' 2 3 4 5 cD 7 n+1 FIG. 1. The solid points in the figure give the wave length of the absorption peak for ion II as a function of the number of double bonds between the nitrogen atoms (NH). The empty circles give the same data for an ion which differs from ion II only in having an acetoxy group o /' (CHa-C-O-) in place of the hydrogen atom on the sixth carbon atom of the polymethine chain. SYMMETRICAL IONS We will first treat those dyes in which the same groups are attached to both nitrogen atoms as, for example, in ion II. For such symmetrical ions the secular determinant is simplified since al = az and el = ez. Since a and al are of the same order of magnitude and since a small difference be tween them would not be expected to affect the general questions treated in this paper, except for very smaIl values of n, we wiIl further sim plify the mathematical treatment by setting al equal to a. Table I gives the transition energies to the first order found in reference 5 from the roots of the secular determinant, for various ranges of the parameter R=a/(e-f). In Table I the num bers in parentheses are the numbers of the equa tions in reference 5 and N = (2n+ 1) is the num ber of carbon atoms in the chain between the two bounding nitrogen atoms. I t is clear from the formulas in Table I that the magnitude of R plays a determining role in the HLSP but not in LCAO approximation, ex cept for very smaIl values of N. This becomes clear, physically, if we regard a as constant and vary R by varying e -f. In the HLSP method the energy of the degenerate ground structures, e is the zero approximation to the energies of the two lowest states of the molecules. Therefore, the transition energy depends on the magnitude of the split of the degenerate energies of the ground structures. Since these two structures interact only through a chain of second-hand interactions with the intermediate structures X and Y, which are higher in energy than the former by an amount (i-e), it is clear thatll the greater is (i-e), the smaller is the transition energy. Table I of reference 5, obtained by a numerical solution of Eqs. 17 and 18, shows this dependence if a is considered to be constant; the transi tion energy increases as (i -e) decreases (R increasing) and approaches for small values of (f-e) the limiting value, independent of R, required by Eq. 36. In the LCAO method, on the other hand, e is the zero approximation, not to the energy of the molecule, but to the lowest energy state of one electron of the molecule. Since the states associ ated with e, as well as a number of states whose energies in zero approximation are f, are full, both in the ground and excited states, there is no longer any reason to expect (i-e) to playa large role in the transition energy. It is clear from Table I that in both approxi mations and for all ranges of R, the transition energy should decrease monotonously with in creasing chain length N as is found to be the case.1Z 11 f -e may be changed experimentally by changing the character of the groups T j which are attached to the nitrogen atom. For example, the ionization energy of a electron from methyl amine, (CHa)· NH2 is smaller than that of aniline. (C6H5hNH. 12 L. G. S. Brooker et al .• J. Am. Chern. Soc. 62, 1116 (1940). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:59:03POLYMETHINE DYES 525 The algebraic relationship between the peak wave-length and N differs in the two methods and, in the HLSP approximation, depends on R. The usual linear dependence of peak wave-length on chain length shown in Fig. 113 agrees with the results found for large values of N by the LCAO approximation for all ranges of R. In the HLSP approximation the dependence on N is quadratic for R,); 1, but is exponential for very small values of R; only in the region of R slightly smaller than unity is there a possibility of a linear dependence. The value of the absorption frequency for fixed N is directly proportional to the interaction energy a for constant R, but the ratio of the fre quencies of a dye with a given value of Nand that with an N larger by one, is not explicitly dependent on a. The value of this ratio affords a test for the two methods. In the LCAO method, the ratio does not depend sensitively on the value of R and is therefore completely determined by N; in HLSP approximation, the ratio does de pend on R. We can compare the theoretical values with the experimental14 value of 1.17 (d. Fig. 1) for the ratio of the peak absorption of a dye with a chain of seven carbon atoms (n= 3) to that of one with a chain of nine carbon atoms (n=4). The LCAO approximation, in excellent agreement with experiment, yields the value 1.19 for this ratio when R is very large; 1.20 when R is unity, and 1.24 for very small values of R. In the HLSP approximation, however, the above ratio varies between 1.2 and 1.4 as R varies between one-half and ten.15 In addition to yielding too high a value for the above ratio, the HLSP method demands an ab normally high value for the exchange energy a to explain the absolute values. The transition energy for a five-membered carbon chain (n=2), which is actually about three volts, is only two tenths a in the region R= 1, which seems to be the most likely region in this method. In the LCAO approximation the transition energy, 13 The data in Fig. 1 were obtained at the Eastman Kodak Laboratories and communicated to the author by Dr. L. G. S. Brooker. 14 It has been pointed out (reference 12) that the wave length of the peak of most symmetrical polymethine ions increases by about 1000 angstrom units when n increases by one. The constancy of this value is to be expected according to Table I except in the HLSP approximation when R«1. 15 Reference 5, Table I. roughly independent of R, for a five-membered carbon chain, is about nine-tenths a, which is much more reasonable. It is seen that although both methods tell us that the absorption frequency should decrease as the chain lengthens, the quantitative features of this decrease are not given very well by the HLSP method, but are given very well indeed by the LCAO approximation. We may also inquire into the dependence of the intensity on chain length. Although the chain is a bent one, we may assume that each increase of n in ion I by unity lengthens the chain by a constant amount. The coefficients of the orbitals in the LCAO approximation are given, except for a normalization factor, in Eqs. 13 and 14 of reference S. With them we can calculate the transi tion mom en t, which, as M ulliken2 has pointed out, is polarized along the chain. In first order, the transition moment turns out to be proportional to N when N is large. Since the in tensity is proportional to the product of the frequency and the square of the transition mo ment, and since the frequency in the LCAO ap proximation is inversely proportional to N, the intensity should vary linearly with N. The in tensity of the shorter members of the series represented by ion II (small values of n) is shown in Table II.16 Although the first member is out of line, the last three fo values vary linearly with the chain length as indicated by the last two succes sive differences. Since the theoretical discussion on the variation of intensity with chain length was limited to large values of N, the excellent agreement of the last three values is probably in part fortuitous. It would, accordingly, be useful to obtain f values for the higher members of this series but these, unfortunately, are not very stable and rapidly change with time. In addition to yielding the correct dependence N 3 5 7 9 TABLE II. f. fo is the oscillator of the longest wave-length electronic band of ion II and N =2" +1 is the number of carbon atoms in the chain. 16 The data in Table II were calculated from the absorp tion curves of Fig. 2. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:59:03526 A. L. SKLAR x W FIG. 2. The absorption curves of ion II for n=1 to 4; N=3 to 9. of intensity on chain length, the LCAO method also has yielded interesting results concerning the relative intensities of the set of absorption bands of a given dye. On the basis of the LCAO method, Mulliken has reported2 that in a series of N-7 V transitions, as are our transitions, in a maximally elongated chain, the longest wave-length transi tion is by far the strongest. Since the ions II have bulky nuclei on the ends, their chains may be expected to be in an elongated configuration. Figure 2 shOWS,17 in accord with Mulliken's pre diction, that the higher energy transitions are very weak compared with the lowest energy transition. For example, the oscillator strength of the band having a peak at 3600A eN = 9) is 0.23, the long wave band having an oscillator strength of 1.89, UNSYMMETRICAL IONS If the nuclei T2 which are attached to the right hand nitrogen atom in ion I, differ from those attached to the left-hand one, the ionization energies of the two nitrogen atoms are no longer equal and el is, in general, different from ez in both methods. In the HLSP approximation, we would expect a sensitive dependence of the color on the difference between the two e's since the resonance splitting of the energies of the two I structures is both affected by, and superimposed 17 The absorption curves of Fig. 2 were taken at the Eastman Kodak Laboratory and communicated to the allthor by Dr. L. G. S. Brooker. on, the energetic difference (el-e2). In the LCAO approximation, on the other hand, this difference clearly plays a minor role in the transition energy. The special sensitiveness of the HLSP method to (el-e2) is due to the fact that in this method er, ez are the zero-order approximations to the ener gies of the two levels involved in the transition; whereas, in the LCAO approximation, the two one-electron levels approximated in zero order by el, e2 are filled in both the ground and excited state of the molecule. That differences in kind between symmetrical and unsymmetrical ions do exist may be seen experimentally by comparing the absorption peak of an unsymmetrical ion with the mean of the absorption peaks of the two parent sym metrical ions of which the unsymmetrical ion may be considered a hybrid. The existence of important differences between the absorption peak of unsymmetrical ions and the mean of those of its two parents has been emphasized by Brookerl8 and called the "deviation." Isolated ex amplesls of the deviations are given in Table III. As discussed above we can only hope to get an explanation of the significant differences between unsymmetrical and symmetrical ions through the HLSP approximation. However, before any con fidence can be placed in results which are yielded by the HLSP but not by the LCAO method, one 18 L. G. S. Brooker and Sprague, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 63, 3202 (1941). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:59:03POLYMETHIN"E DYES 527 TABLE III. ii is the wave number of the absorption peak of the ion in column I, iiL(iiR) is that for the symmetrical ion having the nucleus on the left (right) in common with the unsymmetrical ion, and the last column is the deviation. All ions occurring in this table have N = 5. Me is a CH3 group, Et a C2H5 group, and Ph a phenyl group. It is to be noted that in the ions given in the last two lines of the table the end groups containing conjugated double bonds are joined to an inner member of the chain. It is not clear how far the present formulae apply to this case. However, the table shows that the rules discussed do apply and that the deviation is particularly large. Ion (Meh C S 0/ ~C-CH=CH-CH=C/ ~O ~+/ ~ / N N I I Et Et O/~' S N02 t-CH=CH-CH=C/ ~O/ "+f ~ / S N N I I Et Et / C-CH=CH-C=C I ~ Me I /N-Ph o / ~ Me HC / II C-CH=CH-C=C HC~~ I ~N-Ph ~t 0 must ask whether the results are artefacts of the HLSP approximation, especially since the LCAO method gave better numerical results on sym metrical dyes. That one can trust, in a qualitative manner, the conclusions which the HLSP'method gives concerning the effect of the difference (el-e2) can be seen by comparing the direction of the errors made by the two methods. As discussed before, elo e2 affect the transition energy sensitively in HLSP because they are zero-order approxima tions to the energies of the two molecular states involved in the transition; whereas, in the LCAO approximation, the difference (el-e2) has no ap preciable effect on the molecular states. The true molecular state, however, is somewhere between those described by the two methods, being some-Dev. 18,150 17,710 17,930 +330 17,240 16,560 17,140 +390 23,950 22,470 22,270 +1580 22,730 17,510 22,270 +2840 what closer to the LCAO as judged by the numerical results concerning the dependence of the transition energy on chain-length. Since the actual situation is intermediate between that de scribed by the two methods, the approximation which overemphasizes a given effect is certainly more reliable for finding, in a qualitative way, the consequences of that effect than is the ap proximation which practically neglects the effect in questionY Our discussion of unsymmetrical ions, el + e2, 19 Since, in the HLSP approximation, e" e2 are important primarily because the two structures I have more chemical bonds, one might hope that the dependence of the molecu lar energies on (el-e2) will reappear in the molecular orbitals method if anti symmetrical molecular orbitals, including spin, are used and the interaction of electrons explicitly included in the Hamiltonian. See M. Goeppert Mayer and A. L. Sklar, J. Chern. Phys. 6, 645 (1938). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:59:03528 A. L. SKLAR will accordingly be limited to the HLSP approxi mation and the results will depend on the magni tude of R. The same factors which cause el to differ from e2 also introduce a difference between the inter action energies al and a2. However, a distinction between the roles played by an inequality of el and e2 and that played by an inequality of al and a2 appears if one compares an unsymmetrical dye with' the two parent symmetrical dyes of which the unsymmetrical dye may be considered a hybrid. Both ground structures are degenerate of energy el in one parent symmetrical dye and of energy e2 in the other parent; whereas, in the unsymmetrical dye the ground structures are no longer degenerate, but have the energies el and e2 in first order. Since the e's are zero approxima tions to the energies of the molecular states in volved in the transition, we might anticipate, as will be shown later, that the transition energy of the unsymmetrical dye will be larger than that of either parent symmetrical dye. That is, on the basis of a difference in el and e2, we should expect the unsymmetrical dye to differ from any mean of its parent symmetrical dyes. On the other hand, if el were equal to e2, even if al were not equal to a2, we would expect the properties of the unsymmetrical dye to be intermediate be tween those of its symmetrical parents. Further theoretical investigation will be required to de cide which type of mean one should expect if al differed from a2 but if el were essentially equal to e2. The properties, then, which are peculiar to un symmetrical dyes, and which distinguish them in kind from symmetrical dyes, may be found ex perimentally by comparing the absorption peak20 of the unsymmetrical dye with those of the sym metrical parents, and may be found theoretically by setting al = a2 but keeping el different from e2. We will, then, set al equal to a2,21 but keep el different from e2, in the secular determinant III, and thereby obtain a transition energy for the unsymmetrical dye which is to be contrasted with a mean of the transition energies of its two 20 Since the absorption curves are obtained in solution the significance of the wave-length of peak absorption is open to question. This can perhaps be settled by a study, now under way of the structure of the absorption bands at low temperatures. 21 As in the case of symmetrical dyes, we also equate "" and a. symmetrical parents. The results depend upon the order of magnitude of R = a/ (ej -f) and R'=a/(e2-f)· Case I. R«l and R' «1 The easiest case to discuss qualitatively is that of small values of Rand R' which is the case when the intermediate structures, X and Y, are con siderably higher in energy than the ground struc tures I; the qualitative discussions of reference 4 were limited to this case. Equation 46 of reference 5 gives the transition energies when Rand R' are small as: 2!.lEN= ((ej-e2)2+(WTN)2)t + ((el-e2)2+(MN')P, (46) where UN2=4R2N(1-R2)(1- RR'). UN' has Rand R' interchanged. aUN, aUN' differ from the transition energies of the parent sym metrical dyes only in that the factor (1-RR1) replaces a factor (1-R2) which is a difference of higher order for the case of small R under discussion. A number of interesting results follow from Eq. 46. First, it is clear that the effect of a small non-degeneracy (el-e2) causes the transition energy !.lEN to be larger than (UN+uN')a/2, which is essentially the mean of the transition energies of the parent symmetrical dyes. Thus, it is seen that unsymmetrical dyes should absorb at shorter wave-lengths, that is, be "lighter" in color, than related symmetrical dyes. This has been found by Brooker22 who, in a series of papers, gives values of the "deviation," which are always found to be toward short waves except in one or two cases when they are extremely small. Ex amples of the deviation are shown in Table III. Although the transition energy is larger, the resonance stabilization in the ground state is for unsymmetrical dyes smaller than the mean of their related parent dyes. This may easily be seen from Eqs. 20 and 45 of reference 5, by com paring the difference between the energy of the lower ground structure and that of the ground state for the various cases. One should accord ingly expect that unsymmetrical dyes, by virtue of their larger resonance stabilization, should be 22 L. G. S. Brooker et al., J. Am. Chern. Soc. 62, 1116 (1940); ibid., 63, 3192 (1941); ibid., 63, 3203 (1941); ibid., 63,3214 (1941); ibid., 64, 199 (1942). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:59:03POLYMETHINE DYES 529 FIG. 3. "Converging" and "non-converging" series. The dye in the center of the figure differs from the one at the top only in that the acetate radicle Et CX~~H~~k.~~--~i--+-'~i--T~~~~~--+-~~--+-~~~ n;, n=2 r=3 " -....., ...... - [CH~-<l Et, CX~9~IKIl),.-tlPh. H is replaced by a hydrogen atom. 3000 more stable than unsymmetrical dyes. They should, for example, be less readily decomposed. An interesting confirmation has been called to the author's attention by Brooker. The cyanine dyes act as indicators both in an acid and alka line range. Now, either the addition or subtrac tion of a proton will be resisted by the resonance stabilization of the cyanine chain since the reso nance is present only before either of these processes. On this basis of a larger resonance stabilization of symmetrical dyes, one should expect the applicability to the polymethine dyes of a rule which has been found by Schwarzen bach23 and which states that the difference be tween the pK values24 (pH at half-transformation) is larger for symmetrical than for unsymmetrical dyes. It may also be seen from Eq. 46 that as N in creases, <1N, and accordingly 6.EN, decreases. Now in a symmetrical dye 6.EN would go to zero as N is increased indefinitely, but in an unsymmetrical dye, 6.EN decreases to the magnitude of the energy difference (el-e2). It has, indeed, been found by Brooker22 that for many series of un symmetrical dyes the members of which differ only in the value of N, the absorption peaks ap pear to converge to a finite wave-length limit as N increases, whereas the peaks for a correspond ing series of symmetrical dyes do not converge to a finite line when plotted on a wave-length 23 G. Schwarzenbach, Zeits. f. Electrochemie47, 40 (1941). Schwarzenbach's examples are not strictly analogous to our case but will he shown in a later paper to have the same basic explanation. "Since the difference in the pK's is a measure of the free energy change involved in the reaction {2I-HI+++B I where B is the neutral molecule obtained by taking a proton away from ion I, one would not expect the entropy change in the case of unsymmetrical dyes to differ markedly from that of symmetrical dyes, except perhaps for an effect due to the symmetry number. The symmetry number comes into question because both HI++ and B may be unsymmetrical whether I is symmetrical or unsymmetrical. This effect, however, is at most small (of the order of a few tenths of a pH unit), and even in the wrong direction. -- " ---, I ,- I " "." ,--- 4000 5000 6000 A scale. Many unsymmetrical dyes form series which behave like series of symmetrical dyes; the former presumably have small values of the difference (el-e2). Figure 3 shows an example of a "non-converging" series (middle case) and two examples of "converging" series. The dye at the bottom of Fig. 3 is not an ion but its analogy to the present case is discussed in the last section. Equation 46 also affords an explanation of the "sensitivity rule" found by Brooker,22 which states that the deviation produced by introduc ing a given alteration in the molecular structure of a symmetrical molecule is much smaller than the change in 'deviation produced by making the same structural alteration in a highly unsym metrical molecule. This may be seen to be a con sequence of the fact that the resonance inter action and the energetic difference (el ez) enter into the transition energy as a sum of squares. When the difference (el-e2) is small compared to a<1N, a given increase in (el-eZ) affects 6.K" much less than would the same increase if (el -ez) were of the order of magnitude of a<1N or larger. One set of examples from Brooker's papers is given in Table IV to illustrate the "sensitivity rule. " Case II. RR' = 1 In order to see whether the results discussed in Case I are valid even if the intermediate struc tures are not very much higher in energy than the ground structures, we may consider an un symmetrical dye in which RR' = 1. This case can be solved exactly; Eq. 55 of reference 5 gives the following transition energy when RR' = 1: l::.EN=a{R+R'-2 cos_1r _}. (55) N+2 One should expect, even in Case II, a finite convergence limit for the absorption peaks of a This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:59:03530 A. L. SKLAR TABLE IV. ji is the wave number of the absorption peak in methyl alcohol of the dye in column I, ilL, ilR are those of the parent symmetrical dye, which have both ends like the left (right) side of the ion in column I; Dev. is the deviation and tJ.D is the change in deviation produced by introducing a nitro group. All ions in Table IV have five CH groups be tween the nitrogen atoms. Note that the ion in the second row differs from that in the first row only in that a hydrogen atom is replaced by a nitro group; the fourth ion differs from the third in exactly the same way, but because the third ion is unsymmetrical (deviation 55), the effect of the introduction of the N02 is much greater than for the symmetrical ion in the first line. Ion ji Dev. 6D S S 0/ ~C-CH=CH-CH=C/ ~O 17,930 ~+/ ~ / N N I I C2H5 C2H. S S N02 0/ ~C-CH=CH-CH=C/ ~O/ 17,500 17,930 17,140 35 35 ~+/ ~ / N N I I C2H. C2H. 17,300 16,560 17,930 55 . I / ~ /' 0/" S N02 C-CH=CH-CH=C 0 17,240 16,560 17,140 390 345 '-.+1 ~ /' N N I I C2H. C2H5 homologous series of dyes as N increases in definitely, though a smaller one than in Case I. This may be seen from equation 55' which applies to Case II. For values of (el-e2) which are small compared to (el-f) this limit reduces to: (el-e2)2j4(el- j), which is smaller than (el-e2), (Case I). The finite convergence limit implies that one should expect that unsymmetrical ions, even in Case II, should exhibit a "deviation," at least for large values of N. That the "sensitivity rule" should hold even in Case II may also be seen by considering the convergence limit rather than the deviation. The energy difference (el-e2) is a function of el since RR' = 1. If we now differentiate the convergence limit (R+R'-2) with respect to eJ, we find that the derivative is proportional to the energy differ ence (el-e2). That is, we should expect that there exists a "sensitivity rule" for convergence limit which would seem to imply the same for the deviation, at least for large values of N. The discussions concerning resonance stabiliza tion cannot be treated in the same way as in the preceding section because only the symmetrical case in which R= 1 has been solved exactly. Since the cases when R is slightly above or below unity have not been treated exactly, it is not simple to compare the behavior of the unsymmetrical ion, RR' = 1, with the mean behavior of the two sym metrical parent ions. That the resonance stabilization is less for un symmetrical than for symmetrical ions, even in Case II, can be seen, however, in the following This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:59:03POLYMETHINE DYES 531 way, at least when R does not differ too much from R'. In this case, although the behavior of an unsymmetrical ion cannot be compared with the mean behavior of its symmetrical parents, it can be compared to the behavior of a symmetrical ion having an R equal to the mean of those of its symmetrical parents since if RR' = 1 and the R's are almost equal, the mean of Rand R' is unity. The resonance stabilization, EI -el, is equal to a in the symmetrical case, R = 1 (d. Eq. 54, refer ence 5), and equal to R'a in the unsymmetrical case, RR' = 1 (d. Eq. 54, reference 5) where R' is the smaller of the two R's and hence less than unity. Since the resonance stabilization of un symmetrical ions is less than that of symmetrical ions when Rand R' are not very different, one would expect this same to be true, a fortiori, when the R's do differ considerably. Case III. R» 1 ; R'» 1 In case both Rand R' are large, the intermedi ate structures are close to the ground structures and one should expect this case to differ in kind from Case I. From chemical considerationslO one would not expect this case to obtain in the poly methine dyes. Equation 61 of reference 5 gives the transition energy in Case III as: 6.EN=3a(-7r )2{1_(~+~ __ 2 ) N+3 R R' RR' X(I_~_~+_1 )-1}2 R R' RR' (61) In this case, Eq. 61 shows that there is no finite convergence limit to the wave-length as N increases indefinitely. This is not surprising since the ground structures, whose energetic difference caused the convergence limit in Cases I and II, are now very bad approximations to the two lowest states of the molecule. Case IV. R«l, R'»l This case is useful in considering the neutral dye molecule in which the lowest structure is IVa: TI "" N-(CH=CH)n-CH=N-T 2• IVa / TI' A number of intermediate structures exist of which the lowest in energy is probably IVb: TI ""+ N=CH-(CH=CH)n-N-T 2• IVb / Tl' The remaining (2n+ 1) intermediate structures are: Since the set of (2n+3) structures IVa, IVb, and Wi interact among themselves in the same way as the set of (2n+3) structures for ion I, the neutral dye molecule may be considered as a limiting case of a highly unsymmetrical ion in which one of the ground structures, IVa, is of very much lower energy than the intermediate structures, but the other ground structure IVb is just a little lower in energy than the intermediate structures, W2(p+I). This case is handled, then, by treating R as small and R' as large compared to unity. The results have already been discussed for the special case that RR' = 1. Equation 70 of reference 5 gives the transition energy for Case IV as: 1 (1) 7r -6.EN= R+--2cos-- a R' N+l {(R+R') 7r + sin2-- N+2 N+2 (I-R2)2} _R2N+2 (RR' -1). R'-R (70) As N increases indefinitely, 6.EN for the neutral molecule approaches a finite limit just as in the case of a highly unsymmetrical ion. In conclusion the author would like to express his appreciation for numerous discussions with Professor K. F. Herzfeld and Dr. L. G. S. Brooker, and also for the courtesies shown him by the Eastman Kodak Laboratories. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:59:03
Evidence for a Rigid Multilayer at a SolidLiquid Interface W. G. Eversole and Paul H. Lahr Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 9, 530 (1941); doi: 10.1063/1.1750951 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1750951 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/9/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Nonlinearity of acoustic waves at solid–liquid interfaces J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111, 95 (2002); 10.1121/1.1420388 Laser ultrasonic studies of solid–liquid interfaces J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 101, 843 (1997); 10.1121/1.418042 Morphological stability of the planar solidliquid interface J. Appl. Phys. 52, 2971 (1981); 10.1063/1.329039 Interaction Between Particles and a SolidLiquid Interface J. Appl. Phys. 35, 2986 (1964); 10.1063/1.1713142 Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements at SolidLiquid Interfaces J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 33, 1678 (1961); 10.1121/1.1936736 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 21:09:07JULY, !94! JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 9 Evidence for a Rigid Multilayer at a Solid-Liquid Interface W. G. EVER.SOLE AND PAUL H. LAHR Division of PhysICal Chemistry, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa (Received March 20, 1941) The assumption of an immobile hydrous multilayer at a wall of fixed potential was used in deriving equations relating zeta potentials, concentrations of univalent salt solution, wall potential, and thickness of the immobile layer. Calculations were made using data taken from published papers of various experimenters. Values of SA to 63A were obtained for the thickness of the immobile layer. The values of wall potential and film thickness were considerecl suf ficiently consistent for each set of data to justify the original assumption. THE theory of Freundlich! on the variation of electrokinetic (S) potentials with concen tration of electrolyte involved the hypothesis of an immobile layer of electrolytic solution at the solid-liquid· interface. More recently, Miiller2 has considered the Freundlich rigidity layer as "probably monomolecular" and treated the inter face involved in t potential phenomena as only an adsorbed monolayer containing ions.3 It is the purpose of this paper to show evidence in favor of a rigid multilayer. The t potential may be defined as the electrical potential at an interface which is responsible for the experimental phenomena of streaming poten tial, cataphoresis, and electro-osmosis. Zeta po tentials are obtained from the experimental data by means of a formula by Helmholtz and von Smoluchowski.4 The formula for streaming po tential (E) is E=tDPR/47r'YJ where D is the di electric constant, P the pressure forcing liquid through a capillary, R the specific resistance of the liquid, and 'YJ the viscosity. Abramson and M iiller3 derived an equation <T=2a(c)!sinht/{3 for the charge, <T, at the interface required to produce the t potential in a concentration, c. (a and (3 are constants.) A simi lar derivation utilizing different boundary con ditions results in equations for charge density and interface potentials based upon the postulate of a rigid multilayer. Let1/; be the potential at a distance X from a 1 H. Freundlich, Kapillarchemie (Akaclemische Veriags gesellshaft m.b.H., Leipzig, 1922), p. 342. 2 H. MiiIler, Cold Spring Harbor Symposium Quant. BioI. (1933), Vol. 1, p. 7. 3 H. A. Abramson and H. MiiIler, Cold Spring Harbor Symposium Quant. BioI. (1933), Vol. 1, p. 29. 4 Graetz, Handbuch der Elektricitat und des Magnetismus (Barth, Leipzig, 1921), Vol. II, p. 366. flat surface in contact with a dilute solution of simple salt (see Fig. 1). 1/;0 is the potential of the wall with its adsorbed ions. 1/;N is the Nernst potential of the wall. 1/;0 will be influenced by changes in 1/;N and by adsorption of non-potential determining ions having high specific adsorption potentials. It will be assumed that monatomic ions of low polarizability have a negligible specific adsorption potential and therefore 1/;N and 1/;0 are not changed by the addition of small amounts of alkali halides. Outside the 1/;0 plane only Coulomb forces will be considered. The potential,1/;, will decrease with distance, X, from the wall as a result of a diffuse double layer or Gouy "ion atmosphere" in a manner as shown in Fig. 1. Let t be the potential at a distance, t, from the wall, t being the thickness of the solution which is assumed not to take part in viscous flow during streaming potential deter minations. Then, according to the Boltzmann distribution equation, the excess charge density II of ions in solution near the charged wall will be: II= -nz€[exp (z€1/;/KT) -exp (-z€1/;/KT)], (1) where n = number of ions per unit volume of solution z=valence of the ions (only symmetrical valence considered) € = unit charge K = Boltzmann's constant T = absolute temperature. More compactly, II = -2nz€ sinh €z'if;/ KT. (2) II can be eliminated from the equation by the use of Poisson's differential equation (for a flat 530 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 21:09:07SOLID-LIQUID I::-JTERFACE 531 surface), Then and iJ2if; 47r --II. iJX2 D a2if; 87rnz€ €zif; --=--sinh - iJX2 D KT aZif; aif; 167rnz€ czif; aif; 2----=--- sinh -----. aX2 ax D KTaX Integrating, (aif; ) 2 167rnKT €zif; -=---cosh--+I, ax D KT where I is the constant of integration, or iJif; (167rnKT €zif; )1 =± ----cosh-+I . ax D -KT (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) If aif;/ax is negative, approaching zero at infinite distance where if; is zero, aif; =_[167r~KT(cOSh:...zif; -1)]!. (8) ax D KT Letting (S7rnz2e2/DKT)!=Debye's K and a €z/KT aaif; -----= -v'1KaX. (cosh aif;-l)! (9) This equation can be rearranged into a standard form for integrating. a sinh aif;aif; (10) (cosh aif;-1)t(cosh2 aif;-l)! fa sinh aif;aif; f ----------= -V2KaX. (11) (cosh aif;-l)(cosh aif;+ 1)! (cosh aif;+1)!-v'l 1 -2Kx=ln -- +In -. (12) (cosh aif;+ 1)!+v'l p When X =0, if; = if; 0 and (cosh aif;o+l)!-v'l p=------ (cosh afo+1)!+v'l or cosh aif;o/2 1 cosh aif; /2-1 2KX In -In (13) cosh aif;o/2+1 cosh aif;/2+1 When X =t, if;=r and cosh aif;o/2 -1 cosh at /2 -1 2Kt=ln -In-----. (14) cosh aif;o/2+1 cosh at/2+1 Cf, the charge density on the wall is the negative of the integral of the excess charge density from the wall to infinity. Or, from Gauss' law, aif; 411" -= --Cf and Eq. (S) (15) ax D 4;Cf =C67r ;KT (cosh ~i-l) J. (16) 4nz€ aif;o Cf=--sinh-, K 2 (17) or Cf = 35,300c! sinh 19.5if;0 (IS) for water solutions if T=298.2 and D=78.8. Formula (1S) is strictly true only if the charge giving rise to the potential if;o lies in the if;o plane. Now if if;o is not a function of concentration, it may be eliminated from Eq. (14) in terms of t for two concentrations. 2t(Kt-Kl) (cosh ard2 -1) (cosh ard2+ 1) = In --------------------. (19) (cosh arJ/2+ 1)(cosh atd2 -1) I I I I I I I I I ~t"": I I : \ I I I I I I I I I I o 0 x- FIG. 1. Variation of potential with distance from a soIid liquid interface. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 21:09:07532 \V. G. EVERSOLE AND P. H. LAHR TABLE I. Calculations from published zeta potential data ELEC- MOLARITY EXPERIMENTER TROLYTE METHOD SOLID cXlO' Schonfeldt' KCl Electro-osmosis Ceramics 0.03 " " " .05 .07 Velisek and 10 Vasicek2 1 .316 NaCl 31.6 10 3.16 1 KI 10 1 .1 Baborovsky and KCl Streaming 1 BurgP Potential .75 .5 .25 .1 .05 .01 .005 Monagham and Electro-osmosis Pyrex 1 White' (sph,~res) .1 .01 Pyrex 1 (capil- .1 laries) .01 DuBois and Glass .1 Roberts· .05 .01 Streaming .1 Potential .05 .01 1 N. Schonfeldt, Zeits. f. Elektrochernie 37, 734 (1931). VOLTS VOLTS i 0/. 0.0327 0.0391 .0309 .0390 .0298 .0390 .015 .053 .035 .054 .042 .054 .010 .042 .024 .056 .036 .060 .040 .053 .006 .052 .029 .061 .041 .051 .0057 .028 .0066 .026 .0104 .032 .0113 .025 .0156 .026 .0189 .027 .0228 .027 .0262 .029 040 .135 .066 .097 .095 .111 053 .107 .083 .108 .098 .107 .049 .130 .052 .104 .079 .113 .040 .048 .044 .050 .045 .048 0'0 IN e.s.u. 510 658 779 13700 4320 2470 24300 13700 7680 4320 13400 4200 1340 1980 1710 1390 988 624 441 198 139 3040 1860 1100 4330 2700 1160 1230 1060 780 960 855 350 tIN cm XIO' 0.29 .115 .075 .2 .469 .257 .15 .626 .16 'J. Velisek and A. Vasicek, Collection of Czechoslovak Chern. Cornrnun. 4, 428 (1932). 3 J. Baborovsky and B. BUrgI, Collection of Czechoslovak Chern. Cornrnun. 3, 563 (1931) . • Monagharn and White, J. Phys. Chern. 39, 935 (1935). 5 R. DuBois and A. H. Roberts, J. Phys. Chern. 40, 543 (1936). Using Eq. (19) and published data of various experimenters, the value of t was calculated. The average value of t was substituted back in Eq. (14) to determine 1/;0, The average value of 1/;0 was then used in Eq. (18) to calculate 0'. The results are shown in Table I. As is evident from the table, it is possible by proper choice of a value for t to fit these equations to experimental zeta-concentration data. The failure of experimental data to fit exactly the derived equation may be due in part to errors in the data itself and partly to the assumption of a constant 1/;0 in deriving the equations used. It is of interest to note that in data from Monagham and White's work,1/;o is the same for both methods of measurement while both t' and t are different. It may be that the flow of liquid had a more destructive effect upon the water layer in the capillary than in the diaphragm of Pyrex spheres. Also, the data from Velisek and Vasicek for a ceramics diaphragm show nearly the same value (0.05 volt) for sodium chloride, potassium chloride and potassium iodide, while again rand t differ for the three salts. At least to some degree, the assumption of a rigid multilayer which incloses part of the counter ions of the ion atmosphere at an interface makes it possible to account for observed varia tions of r with concentration of simple ions. Evidence which would seemingly contradict such an assumption may be found in a paper by Abramson and Miiller.3 They applied the formula (20), 0'=2a(c)! sinh r/{3, which corresponds to Eq. (17), to determine the charge at the interface of solid and solution necessary to produce the r potential. For a large variety of electrolytes, their curves relating surface charge (0') to con centration (c) for concentrations up to 0.01 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 21:09:07SOLID-LIQUID INTERFACE 533 molar closely resemble a Langmuir adsorption isotherm for adsorption of gas molecules on an inert surface. The adsorbed charge on the nega tive glass surface proves to be negative, whereas counter ions in a layer near a negative surface would have a predominantly positive charge. However, several observations throw some doubt on the validity of this evidence. As Abramson and Muller pointed out, at concentra tions above 0.01 molar "er might conceivably decrease." According to the formula for er, the charge would be zero for zero r at any finite concentration. Such a decrease in er at higher concentrations is foreign to a Langmuir iso therm. Moreover, in the specific case of potassium chloride adsorption on glass, Abramson and l\liiller's er-c curve shows an increasing negative charge on the negative glass surface whereas a large difference in specific adsorption potentials of two ions so nearly alike in ionic weight and volume is not to be expected. Finally, a careful analysis of the equation for er will reveal that er may consist very largely of charges other than ions of the added electrolyte. The equation er=2a(c)! sinh S/(3 involves the assumption that the entire charge on the wall is in the single r potential plane. Verwey5 con siders the charges on the wall to be scattered in a finite layer, consisting of potential-determining ions in the wall, adsorbed ions on the wall and, perhaps, counter ions inclosed in an immobile water layer along the wall. If the only force holding ions in or near a glass surface were elec trostatic (obviously not strictly true), if the dielectric constant of the solution were un changed near the surface, and if all the potential determining ions of a glass electrode were in one plane, an equation similar to Eq. (17) could be derived to give erN=4nz~/K sinh aifiN/2. Using Abramson and Muller's constants, this would become erN = 2act sinh ifiN/(3. In this case ifiN would be the Nernst potential of the glass as an elec trode, erN would be the charge in the potential plane, and c would be as before the concentration of ions of all kinds in the bulk solution. The Nernst potential of glass in pure water would be expected to be the same sign and perhaps larger in magnitude than the r potential of glass 10 5 E. J. W. Verwey, Chern. Rev. 16,363-411 (1935). pure water. It follows from the above equation that an increase in concentration of the solution must result in an increase in erN if ifiN is to remain constant. Unless the electrolyte added in r potential measurements contains potential-de termining ions, ifiN should remain nearly constant. According to the equation, the er -c curve for a constant ifiN would be a parabola of increasing negative charge resulting from a transfer of potential-determining ions. The reason for an increase in erN in this case is clear if the electrode and its double layer are considered to be two plates of a charged condenser. If the plates are moved closer together, a greater charge on the plates is necessary to maintain the original potential. An increase in the concentration of a solution results in a greater K, the reciprocal of which is Debye's measure of the effective thick ness of a double layer. That is, an increase in c results in a decrease in the effective thickness of the double layer. Even though the assumptions necessary to derive an equation for erN are not strictly valid, it is evident that the er in the r potential plane which could represent all the charges in the o o Data from Baborov.ky and BurgI ti.18, tr=3Sl00rc: sirlhI9.5\f. ,¥.=.Ol8vo 1h c -in mo'.~ per lih,. .001 .OOlS ,005 .0075 .0' FIG. 2. Variation with concentration of effective charge density. finite wall surface is in a large measure repre sentative of the adsorbed potential-determining ions rather than ions of the added electrolyte. The first approximation of the charge of ad sorbed potassium and chloride ions might be obtained by subtracting Abramson and Muller's curve (Eq. (20)) from a true parabola (Eq. (17)), (see Fig. 2). The resulting er for adsorbed counter ions would be positive instead of negative and would comprise the part of the positive ion This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 21:09:07534 W. A. ZISMA~ atmosphere in the immobilized layer between the 1/10 and s planes. This (J' might not necessarily follow a Langmuir adsorption isotherm. SUMMARY (1) Equations have been derived for the rela tions between wall potential, zeta potential, and concentration of univalent salt solutions, assum ing an immobile hydrous layer of finite thickness was attached to a wall of fixed potential. (2) When published s potential-concentration data for simple salt solutions are substituted in an equation relating film thickness to s potential for a constant wall potential, values of SA to 63A are obtained for the rigid layer thickness. (3) The results show that s potential-concen tration curves for simple univalent ions can be explained without attributing such large specific adsorption potentials to the ions as the (J' -C curves of Abramson and Muller might indicate. (4) The hypothesis of a rigid or viscous water multilayer at a solid-water interface, though not proved. is at least tenable in the light of its ability to fit certain s-potential data. JCLY, 1941 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHVSICS VOLCME 9 The Spreading of Oils on Water Part I. Ionized Molecules Having Only One Polar Group W. A. ZISMAN Naval Research Laboratory, Anacostia Station, Washington, D. C. (Received March 31, 1941) The spreading phenomena on water of drops of mineral oils containing a wide variety of .organic acids and amines having but one polar group have been studied under con ditions where dissociation at the oil-water interface could most readily occur. Particular emphasis is placed on the homologous series as an aid in separating the variables involved. Various phenomena of edge diffusion are described and a qualitative theory is presented. Edge diffusion is shown not to be a serious source of error in measuring the cross-sectional areas of the adsorbed molecules if there are over 13 carbon atoms per straight chain. The different types of film spreading and break-up effects are described and the various physical and chemical factors involved are discussed. The changes in the spread ing effects due to varying the pH and to the presence in the water of Ca++, Cu++, Pb++, Fe+++, AI+++, La+++, and 1. INTRODUCTION IT has long been known that highly purified mineral oils such as medicinal petrolatum do not spread on the clean surface of water but form lenses having well defined contact angles with the water. Such lenses were studied by Hardy,1 Coghill and Anderson,2 Lyons,3 and more recently 1 W. B. Hardy, Proc. Roy. Soc. A86, 610 (1912). 2 W. H. Coghill and C. O. Anderson, Tech. Paper 262, U. S. Bureau of Mines, 1924. 3 C. G. Lyons, Trans. J. Chern. Soc. (London) 623 (1930). Th++++ on the interfacial film are described. It is shown that only the long chain monobasic saturated acids form rigid films when affected by metallic ions, while other acids are either condensed somewhat or are unaffected. Short chain metallic salts of these fatty acids are often oil soluble and have brief lifetimes of adsorption. An experimental proof is given that dissociated long chain acids and amines have infinite lifetimes of adsorption. Evidence is given for concluding that the lifetime is short for molecules having less than 14 carbon atoms. The effect of Ca++ on the spreading of oleic-stearic acid mixtures is given in some detail and also a theory of the results. Reasons are given for concluding that the adsorbed acid molecules form two-dimensional film complexes with hydrocarbon molecules derived from the oil. by Langmuir.4 Harkins and Feldman5 have shown that a drop of a pure liquid would not spread on water if its spreading coefficient Fs were negative; and in agreement with this, values of F s for mineral oils, calculated from surface tension data, range usually between -11 and -14 dynes per centimeter. When such oils are either heated or radiated with ultraviolet light in the presence of air they 41. Langmuir, J. Chern. Phys. 1, 756 (1933). 5 W. D. Harkins and A. Feldman, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 44 2665 (1922). ' This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 21:09:07
Sound Prevention Mechanism of Nonporous Materials. Part I Sadao Kawashima Citation: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 12, 75 (1940); View online: https://doi.org/10.1121/1.1916075 View Table of Contents: http://asa.scitation.org/toc/jas/12/1 Published by the Acoustical Society of America Articles you may be interested in Sound Prevention Mechanism of Nonporous Materials. Part II The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 12, 327 (1941); 10.1121/1.1916107JULY, 19 40 J . A . S. A . VOLUME 1 2 Sound Prevention Mechanism of Nonporous Materials. Part I SADAO KAWASHIMA Department of Architecture, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan (Received December 6, 1939) INTRODUCTION N response to the modern requirements for satisfactory sound insulating materials, nu- merous investigators have been engaged in the search for such materials. As a result of such efforts, both of theoretical and experimental nature, the following generalization, namely, that the sound insulation of building materials is proportional to the logarithm of their weight per unit area, is accepted as substantially correct. This generalization, although quite helpful from the practical point of view, cannot be applied to all kinds of building materials, varying widely in their physical properties, which pro- duce differences in the mechanism of sound transmission. The so-called building materials may be classified as either porous or nonporous depending upon their physical composition, and the differences in the mechanism of sound transmission would depend upon the nature of material under consideration. Another objective, much desired and needed by the engineering profession, is the attainment of satisfactory sound insulation by using light materials. In response to such a demand, the analysis of sound prevention mechanism must be made. In this connection, the author has analyzed the following two problems; first, the trans- mission loss of elastically restrained nonporous material and second, that of nonporous and non- elastically built-in materials. This paper is re- stricted, however, to the discussion of the results obtained in the study of the first-mentioned problem, namely, the relation between mechani- cal vibration and transmission loss of non- porous plates. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS When the plate is considerably rigid and thin compared with the wave-length of the exciting pulstances, the actual wave transmission of sound through the plate is not of great im- portance, and it becomes possible to regard the plate as an infinitely thin massive diaphragm. In practice, however, the plate is clamped at the edges, and may vibrate as a whole. The theoretical consideration of this mecha- nism of transmission loss of thin, nonporous, rigid materials under elastic restraints was pub- lished by A. H. Davis. According to his theory, when the sound wave /3=/}0e (t-x/*) is incident normally upon a partition which may be con- sidered as an infinitely large diaphragm, having a mass m per unit area, then the diaphragm will vibrate in the manner represented by the expression /32 =/302e t. Then the following equations may be written' For the first medium, ! oei,(t_c/c)q_. t i,(t+x/c) = l!/0 e , (1) where the second term represents the reflected wave. For the plate, 2= 02e it (2) and for the wave transmitted on the other side of the plate, a = 0ae '('-/), (3) where /, /2 and a represent particle displace- ments in the first medium, the plate and the second medium, respectively. At the boundary, consider the plate as per- fectly rigid;then between the first medium and the plate, or plate and second medium, velocities must be continuous. Therefore applying the boundary condition such that 0+0 '=02, /}0a =02. (4) The pressure variations causing the motion of the plate arise from the sum of the effects of the pressure variations associated with the incident, reflected and transmitted waves. The total force on unit area of the plate may be written 6p0 A. H. Davis' "Transmission of sound through parti- tions," Phil. Mag. 15, 309 (1933). 75 76 SADAO KAWASHIMA q-bPo'--aPoa or since ap=-+-ct>}, with attention to the sign of c, it becomes pc(}0-30'-303)e t. Then the equation of the plate becomes m+r+s2=g1(o1--o'--oa)e it, (5) where m is the mass per unit area, r the dissipa- tive resistance, s the coefficient of elastic re- straint of the plate and R the specific acoustic resistance of the air represented by c, where is the density and c the velocity of sound in air. Solving this equation, the ratio of the square of the velocities is given by 0= (0 (r+2R)+(mw-s/w) / X0/ = 4R (6) and the transmission loss in db by the foilroving equation [ (r + 2R ) + (mw - s /w) ] T.L.(db) = 10 1og0 . (7) 4R By writing w0 for the natural pulstance (s/m) of the plate, 2 the following expression is obtained T.L.(db) = 10 log0[ (r+2R)2 4R 4 . (8) 4R = When there is no appreciable dissipation in the plate itself, r0, and the equation becomes T.L.(db) = 10 log0 1 q . (9) 4R = It can be readily seen that the transmission loss is due to the effect of mass and the relative relation between the natural and excited pul- stances. It is possible that the plates may have several modes of vibration but in our experiment, with the exception of a thin iron plate, only a single mode of vibration appeared. It is evident that o=(s/m) is a decisive factor in determining the transmission loss, where the coecient s is related to and influenced by the boundary conditions of the plate. For a = Actual angular velocity of the oscillation is w0'= (s/m--r=/4m =) but in general, as s/m<<r=/4m , we can pu WoWo t. certain material, when the boundary conditions are fixed, the natural frequency assumes a constant value, and as may be seen from Eq. (8), the amount of the transmission loss is decisively affected by whether the natural frequency coin- cides with the exciting frequencies. The factors relating to the natural frequency are mass and stiffness. The stiffness is considered a function of the "geometrical shape" and the boundary conditions, and m is determined by the quantity representing the nature of the material itself. Therefore, the transmission loss of plate-like materials is determined by the following two factors, geometrical shape and boundary condi- tions as well as by inherent physical properties. A similar situation arises in the case of the strength of elastic materials where the moment of inertia depends upon the shape of the body and the modulus of elasticity is an inherent physical property of the body. As a logical consequence, it is meaningless to express the transmission loss of elastically re- strained nonporous materials on the basis of the physical properties alone. DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIMENT AND DISCUSSION OF TEST RESULTS The tests vere conducted in order to ascertain the factors mentioned above and appearing in Eq. (8), but before proceeding to the description of the test and the discussion of the test results, a word in regard to the transmission loss meas- urement may not be out of order. In our sound laboratory at Waseda University, all interior surfaces of the test room were covered with highly absorbent materials (see Fig. 1). The reduction factor is sometimes defined as the square of the ratio of the sound pressure of the generating and receiving rooms, respec- tively, when they are separated by the test plate. However, this method of conducting the test, as previously pointed out by other investigators, is unsatisfactory for the reason that the measured values of the transmission loss include the ab- sorption power of both rooms. Next consider the comparative intensities of progressive waves at points A and B (see Fig. 1), namely points in front and back of the test window without the ß test plate in place. SOUND PREVENTION MECHANISM 77 SPECIM SOUND IECIIVING' gOOM ß 4.50 m FIG. 1. Plan of sound laboratory. In spite of the absence of the test piece in the window, owing to the abrupt change in the cross- sectional area of the room to that of the test window, a slight transmission loss of about I1.8 db due to open-mouth resistance, ap- peared in the experimental measurements. From the foregoing, it is evident that the test must be conducted under the following condi- tions in order to satisfy Eq. (8): (a) The receiving room to be covered with highly absorbent units to similate open air conditions. (b) The distance between the sound source and the test plate to be kept as large as possible, and absorbent units to be hung pro- fusely in the sound generating room so that the reflected waves from the plate are absorbed before returning to the sound source. The fulfillment of condition (a) will, in a large measure, eliminate the reflected waves, thereby satisfying one of the conditions expressed in Eq. (4), and the meaning of condition (b) is that the measurement must be made under the condition of plane waves;that is, the intensities of sound at point A and B (at least 60 cm apart) are to be identically equal. Further, when the plate is placed in position, reflected waves will be produced which will tend to create negative pressure at the loudspeaker. The reflected wave, however, will propagate from the plate making a wide angle so that the amount of sound picked up by the speaker is negligible, not only by this fact alone but also by the absorption of energy by the absorbent unit hanging from the ceiling. In spite of the fact that such elaborate pre- cautions were taken, a slight wave pattern could not be eliminated in the receiving room, and the measured transmission loss of so-called pro- gressive wave at point A and B amounted to somewhat less than 1 db; such small discrep- ancies in the transmission loss, expressed in db can properly be disregarded. Considering the pressure at point A and B to be substantially the same, in our present experiment, the sound pressures at point B were measured both with and without the test plate in place. As previously stated, the purpose of the present experiment being the investigation of sound transmission mechanism of plate-like ma- terials-in other words, the relation between mechanical vibration and transmission loss--we first attempted the use of Rochelle salt of the deflection type to pick up the mechanical vibra- tion, but we experienced great difficulties in keeping compliance between the plate and the needle edge always in a constant condition. For this reason, the method hereinafter described was used. Fixing the coil on the plate by paraffin, the magnet was placed over the coil independent of the plate. When the plate is acted on by the sound pressure, the coil moves with it which induces an e.m.f. which is amplified and meas- ured. A view of this movable type coil vibration pick-up is shown in Fig. 2. While picking up the relative amplitude of mechanical vibrations, the velocity microphone was placed at the point P (see Fig. 1) in the sound generating room, taking precaution to avoid the reflected wave from the back wall, to ascertain whether the acoustical output for all range of frequencies was being maintained constant. The induced e.m.f. is proportional to the velocity of motion of the plate and not to the actual displacements. Consequently, in order to represent the relative displacement of mechanical vibration, it is neces- sary to compute these displacements. In order to determine the natural frequency of the plate, the latter was struck slightly by a soft hammer and the induced oscillations of the plate and the 78 SADAO KAWASHIMA .$ Fx. 2. Vibration pick-up. sound wave were obtained simultaneously on an oscillograph record. Meanwhile the sound pres- sure was measured by band microphone and Schalldruckmesser of Siemens and Halsk A.G. A general view of this measuring equipment is shown in Fig. 3. As a representative specimen of the non- porous materials, glass plate was selected. A cir- cular glass plate, 3 mm in thickness and 50 cm in diameter, was placed in the opening. (See Fig. 3.) The recorded natural vibration and sound wave for this specimen are shown in Fig. 4. From this figure it is evident that the sound wave forms follow that of the mechanical vibration where the mechanical vibration is of the order of f0 = 68 cycles per second and calculated resistance from the damping is r=27.5 g/cm 2 sec. The results for the transmission loss and relative amplitude of mechanical vibration are shown in Fig. 5, where the curve for transmission loss represents the transmission loss as calculated from the Eq. (8) and the plotted points are the measured value of the transmission loss. (The amplitude curve for mechanical vibration is obtained from the experimental results.) On the basis of the results of this test, it may be said that at the frequency of 68 cycles per second, the amplitude of plate vibration becomes a maximum and the transmission loss a minimum, but on the contrary, in the domain of high frequencies, the amplitude of the mechanical vibration decreases gradually which results in large values of the transmission loss. This phe- nomenon occurs when the exciting frequency differs considerably from the natural frequency and only the mass of the plate contributes to the reduction factor. As may be seen at the point of f=68 cycles, the amount of energy dissipation due to resistance is so small that it can be said that the sound prevention mechanism of similar nonporous materials elastically restrained is mostly due to mechanical reactance. The above relations obtained in the case of plate-like thin specimens. However, what will be the relation of the transmission loss when the thickness of the materials is gradually increased ? To investigate these probable differences in behavior, 50-cm square gypsum plaster plates of various thickness were investigated. The con- dition of the specimens--for instance, the presence of bubbles and the condition of drying of the plate--will have an important effect upon the transmission loss. For this reason, all the F6. 3. View of experimental set-up looking from the receiving room toward the generating room. F6. 4. Damped oscillation of a glass plate. SOUND PREVENTION MECHANISM 79 60 100 200 500 1000 2000 4000 FREQUENCY IN CYCLES PER SECOND FIG. 5. Mechanical vibration and transmission loss of a glass plate. 80OO specimens were prepared at one time and these were naturally dried extending over a period of about a month. The physical dimensions of these 50-cm square specimens as well as their respective natural frequencies are all listed in the following Table I. The weight of unit area of each plate is rather uniform and the reason for the irregularity of the natural frequencies with respect to the thick- ness is most probably due to the boundary conditions of the plate, i.e., the differences in the tensile force acting. The results from the experi- ment and the computed value from Eq. (8) are graphically shown in Figs. 6-10. From these results, it can be said that the greater portion of the reduction factor of a plate is caused by mechanical diaphragm action since the amplitude of vibration decreases for high frequencies. Broadly speaking, the transmission loss of a nonporous material is proportional to the loga- rithm of its weight per unit area, but as the transmission loss is also a function of the ex- citing frequencies, the value becomes somewhat different near f0. Consider Eq. (9) for definite value of w0 and w, TABLE I. No. THICKNESS 14 21 30 40 50 VrEIGHT (G/Ct 2) 1.50 2.18 3.15 4.10 5.15 NATURAL FREQUENCY (c.p.s.) 95 101 101 93 85 DISSIPATIVE RESISTANCE (C/SEC.) 72 111 146 228 262 putting ws(1 -woS/w2) 2 =k, (10) 4R 2 then Eq. (9) rewritten as T.L.(db): 10 log10 (1 +kmS), (11) if krn2>> 1, then the former equation becomes T.L.(db): 10 log10(km s) or T.L.(db): 10 log10 k-+- 10 log10 ms. (12) The condition krnS>>l is satisfied when the exciting frequencies are far from the natural frequency. Taking f0-100 cycles and f- 1000 cycles, the relation between the transmission loss and weight per unit area calculated from Eq. (12) is shown in Fig. 11. If the curve of 10 log10 krn s is analyzed, it is evident that this curve is the summation of the curves 10 log10 k and 10 log10 m s and the value 10 log10 k is the amount of reduction which is primarily due to the exciting frequency, and 10 log10 rn 2 is the reduction factor due to the mass. Next consider the case when krn becomes com- parable to 1, this being the case when m becomes very small or when w approaches w0, then the approximate calculation of Eq. (12) indicates negative transmission losses, an evident contra- diction which is due to the approximate calcula- tion, and the dotted line showing 10 log0 (1 q- krn ) is the real transmission loss. In our present experiment m changes from 1.55.15 g/cm s and f0 from 68101 cycles. For convenience of computation it has been 80 SADAO KAWASHIMA J )__5, -- )--4 ... TTMISSION LOSS ./AMPLITUDE . rr" . 0 60 100 200 500 10o0 2000 4000 8000 FREQUENCY IN CYCLES PER SECOND Fro. 6. Mechanical vibration and transmission loss of a plaster plate (thickness 14 mm). 7O (0- -6 40-- -4 - ß ß .< DE :r ø 60 1 200 FREENCY IN CYCLES PER SECOND Fro. 7. Mechanical vibration and transmission loss of a plaster plate (thickness 21 mm). qRANSMISSION LOSS 30--3 20--2 < , 1 0 60 100 2:) 5(2' 1000 2000 4000 8000 FREQUENCY IN CYCLES PER SECOND FIG. 8. Mechanical vibration and transmission loss of a plaster plate (thickness 30 mm). SOUND PREVENTION MECHANISM 81 70 z m z J-TRANSMISSION LOSS z 50 5 o 40 4 30 3 m 20--2 m ½ ½ ITU 0 6b lOO 260 lO 2000 FREOJJENCY IN CYCLES PER SECOND Fro. 9. Mechanical vibration and transmission loss of a plaster plate (thickness 40 mm). z 60-- -6 -. z N LOSS z 50-- 5 o40 4- o 30 20---2 z 0 I 100 2 5 10 2 8000 FREQUENCY IN CYCLES PER SECOND FIG. 10. Mechanical vibration and transmission loss of a plaster plate (thickness 50 mm). 6O %: 20 i- 10 0001 0.02 004- 0.06 01 02 04 06 1 2 4 6 8 10 WEIGHT PER UNIT AREA( FI6. ! 1. Transmission loss versus weight per unit area. 82 SADAO KAWASHIMA FIG. 12. Filtration overtones. of (a) (b) (c) assumed that all of the plates have a constant natural frequency of f0 = 100 cycles for all thick- nesses and that the exciting frequency is 1000 cycles; then the computed values of 10 log10 m 2 are shown in the lower right hand part of Fig. 11, while the plotted points are the values obtained by deducing 10 log10 k from the experimentally measured values shown in Figs. 6-10. (See also Table I I.) The reduction factor due to a certain mass, however, will bear a constant relation to the transmission loss, while the values of 10 log10 k are affected by the boundary conditions. There- fore, the slope of 10 log10 m 2 as shown in the right-hand lower part of Fig. 11 represents the trend of transmissibility of all nonporous ma- terials when the natural frequency differs from the exciting frequencies. But if this slope is compared with those based on the experimental results of other investigators, it is a slightly steeper slope. This is reasonable as the experi- mental values contain attenuation or dissipation values, but this trend becomes meaningless in the case when the exciting frequencies approach the value of the natural frequency. The question of the filtration of noises will now be briefly discussed. As shown in Figs. 6-10 the amount of the sound reduction varies over a wide range of frequencies causing the filter- ing out of sound containing the overtones. For TABLV. II. NO. WEIGHT[ 1000 (G/CM') ] (DB) '.s0 2.18 [ 40 3.15 [ 46 4.10148 5.15 I 51 10 LOG10 k 37 37 37 I37 37 10 LOG m - =T.L. --10 LOG10 k 1 3 9 11 14 instance, for a 30-ram thick plaster plate, the wave forms of complex sound before and after transmission are shown in Fig. 12. This figure shows (a) the actually recorded wave form of the sound source, (b) the mechanical plate vibration and (c) the sound wave after being transmitted. From the above, it is clear that the quantities of high frequencies in the receiving room are considerably reduced while those of lower fre- quencies are not appreciably reduced. This means that the gypsum plaster plate acts as a low pass filter, and the reason for the distortion of sound which we actually experience becomes apparent. CONCLUSION On the basis of the present experiment, it is evident that in the case of elastically restrained nonporous thin materials, the principal part of sound transmission mechanism is traceable to diaphragm action. It is clearly evident that this transmission mechanism is composed of the following two parts: (a) the effect due to the relation between the natural and exciting fre- quencies, (b) the effect due to mass. Therefore, in the expression of the transmission loss of building materials, not only the weight per unit area of the material but also the boundary conditions play a very important role which should be given full consideration. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Acknowledgment is made to the Japan Society for the promotion of Science for the financial assistance in conducting this research, to Pro- fessor Dr. T. Satow for stimulating advice and criticism, and to Mr. S. Nagata for performing most of the experimental work.
Qualitative Spectrochemical Analysis in Agriculture and Geochemistry Stanley S. Ballard Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 11, 750 (1940); doi: 10.1063/1.1712732 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1712732 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/11/12?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Orientation of Topaz Crystals for X Ray Spectrochemical Analysis Rev. Sci. Instrum. 36, 1377 (1965); 10.1063/1.1719912 Laue Spectrometer for Multichannel XRay Spectrochemical Analysis Rev. Sci. Instrum. 31, 23 (1960); 10.1063/1.1716783 Modern Spectrochemical Analysis J. Appl. Phys. 14, 619 (1943); 10.1063/1.1714939 Spectrochemical Analysis of Sheet Steel at the Great Lakes Steel Company J. Appl. Phys. 11, 452 (1940); 10.1063/1.1712795 Accessories for Spectrochemical Analysis J. Appl. Phys. 10, 556 (1939); 10.1063/1.1707342 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 10:19:55Qualitative Spectrochemical Analysis in Agriculture and Geochemistry By STANLEY S. BALLARD* University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii OF the several physical instruments that are employed in the chemical analysis of materials, the spectrograph is perhaps the most firmly intrenched and the most widely used. The current literature of analytical chemistry contains an increasing number of references to what is known as spectrochemical analysis. Quantitative methods are now being emphasized particularly, but this should not cause one to overlook the value of a good qualitative technique. It is the purpose of this article to outline quali tative analytical methods applicable to the fields of agriculture and geochemistry and to give illustrations of their use. The general advantages of spectrochemical analysis are well known-the speed, the ade quacy of very small samples, and the high sensitivity for many elements. Marked advan tages of a spectrochemical technique for quali tative analysis are the following: first, a single analysis serves to determine many elements, including all the metals, and the nonmetals silicon, phosphorus, boron, arsenic, and fluorine (in the presence of calcium); second, the tech nique is adaptable to any type of sample, be it liquid or solid, metallic or nonmetallic; third, permanent records in the form of the original spectrograms are obtained, which can be con sulted later for additional information not desired at the time of making the original analysis. An example of this occurred recently, regarding the presence of lead in Hawaiian soils; all spectrograms of soils taken since the estab lishment of the laboratory in 1931 could be consulted readily, and lead was found to be a rarely occurring trace soil constituent. The fourth, and final advantage is that semi-quanti tative estimates can be made with little added * Assistant Profes~or of Physics. The present paper is an outgrowth of the activities of the writer as Consultant in Spectroscopy in the Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association, 1937-40. 750 work, giving results that are much more valuable than those of the "present or not present" type of qualitative analysis. The estimates are made on a logarithmic scale and should be accurate to the nearest factor of 10. The fact that only small samples are used in spectrographic analysis is a great advantage when working with samples difficult to obtain. But, curiously enough, the smallness of the portion needed for testing may be a disadvantage if a large amount of material is at hand, when a difficult problem of sampling results. Since the maximum amount of material that can be used in an analysis is about SO milligrams, consider able difficulty is encountered in obtaining a representative sample of this size from a ten-acre soil plot or a lava flow that may cover a fraction of a mountain side! The analytical methods about to be described have been found most useful in two types of investigations. The first is the determination of the approximate composition of a totally un known sample. In the course of one hour to one working day, depending on the complexity of the sample, the spectroscopist can determine the identity of the major, minor, and trace arc sensitive elements present. This information should be of considerable value to the chemist who may wish to obtain quantitative data on certain constituents. An example which can be quoted here concerns a white, crystalline in crustation deposited in areas of solfataric activity on the crater floor of Kilauea volcano. This incrustation had been designated as "gypsum" to the writer by geologists. The spectroscope immediately revealed, however, that there was entirely too much silicon present for this to be a pure gypsum. In Table I is given the composition estimated spectrographically, and the accurate quantitative elemental composition recomputed by K. T. Mau from the subsequent gravimetric JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 10:19:55chemical analysis. The spectrographic estimation was too low for calcium, and included traces of magnesium, manganese and sodium that were npt detected chemically. Chemical analysis re vealed the presence of a small amount of phos phorus, an amount below the spectrographic threshold (for the technique employed). The chemical results also revealed 36.52 percent S03, and 13.60 percent H20. These data, combined with the results of a mineralogical examination, indicated that the substance was a gypsum (CaS04·2H20)-opal (Si02·nH20) combination along with some other silicate mineral containing the excess of 503• These results are discussed elsewhere by Mau and Payne.! The second field of especial usefulness of the spectrographic technique is the determination of the identities and estimation of the amounts of minor and trace elements in samples whose major constituents are known. Indeed, a com parison among the amounts of trace elements in substances of similar major composition can readily be made. Good examples of this can be drawn from geochemistry, since 99 percent of the earth's crust is made up of only ten elements.2 The spectrograph appears to be an ideal instru ment for learning the composition of the re maining one percent. Experimental Technique The experimental work described in the present paper was carried on in the spectroscopic laboratory of the Chemistry Department of the Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association, in Honolulu. In this laboratory, spectra are excited by the direct current arc and are produced and photographed by a large quartz Littrow spectrograph (Bausch and Lomb). This technique is perhaps the best for most agricultural analyses, since the direct current arc method is particularly applicable to the nonconducting powders so often encountered, and an instrument of high resolving power is necessary due to the abundant iron in Hawaiian soils. Direct current is supplied by a 3-kva motor generator. The striking potential for the arc is 250 volts. Sufficient resistance is put in series to hold the arc current at a desired value within VOLUME 11, DECEMBER, 1940 TABLE I. Elementary metallic composition of a white in crustation, as estimated spectrographically and as determined chemically. ELEMENT Silicon Calcium Iron Magnesium Manganese Sodium Phosphorus SPECTROGRAPHIC ESTl MAHON, PERCENT more than 10 more than 1 approximately 0.1 approximately 0.01 approximately 0.01 approximately 0.01 less than 0.1 CHEMICAL DETERMI NATION, PERCENT 15.31 12.2 0.14 not found not found not found 0.07 the range 4 to 10 amperes, whereupon the voltage drop across the arc is of the order of 30 to 50 volts. The arc current selected depends upon the volatility of the sample and the exposure time desired. In work of this sort, electrodes of the highest obtainable purity should be used. It is now possible to obtain graphite electrodes that contain only occasional impurities -copper, boron and silicon. Copper electrodes free of boron and silicon, but with traces of lead, tin, iron, nickel and silver can be obtained. Therefore, only copper remains as a possible contaminant, and is of importance only when it is present in the sample in concentrations of less than one part per million. Electrodes must be prepared with extreme care to avoid inad vertent contamination. The steps employed in this laboratory are described elsewhere.3 A bare electrode strip is photographed on the plate for each pair of electrodes used, in order to be sure that no accidental impurity is present. Lower electrodes are now prepared with a conical cavity, the ratio of the diameter to the depth of the cone being 2 to 1, 1 to 1, or 1 to 2 for small, medium, or large samples, respectively. Experiments showed that the arc ran more steadily when the lower electrode was of positive polarity. This arrangement has the added ad vantage (at least when refractory samples are being arced) that the positive electrode gets much hotter than the negative. For these two reasons the lower electrode is always made the positive. Figure 1 shows the plateholder end of the spectrograph, and various accessories. Two different techniques are available, and the one chosen depends upon the sensitivity and reproducibility desired. For the highest sensi tivity a short arc of 2-mm length is used, and 751 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 10:19:55the arc is focused on the spectrograph slit by a spherical quartz condensing lens. The effective instrumental speed is regulated by the use of rectangular apertures over the condensing lens. As described elsewhere,3 this allows the speed to be changed during the course of the exposure, as is important in the detection of traces of the volatile elements, whose sensitive lines may be lost unless the photographic speed is high during the first few seconds of exposure. When com paring samples of similar general constitution in order to note minor differences of composition, a technique of lower sensitivity but better reproducibility is employed. A longer arc, 4-5 mm, is focused on the collimator lens of the spectrograph by the condensing lens. Speed regulation is effected by the use of rectangular apertures placed over the collimating lens. These apertures cannot be changed during the course of the exposure. When high reproduci bility is desired, it is important that each sample shall be entirely volatilized, as emphasized by Slavin4 and others. In order to photograph sensitive lines of all arc-sensitive elements with the large Littrow instrument, it is necessary to take two spectro grams, one in the wave-length range 5900 to 3100A and the other in the range 3100 to 2360A. In the former range, Eastman spectroscopic plates type I-D are used, and in the latter, type 1-0. Plates are developed in Eastman high contrast developer D-19 and are fixed, washed and dried in the conventional manner. Analysis of Spectrograms Plates are analyzed by comparing the unknown spectrograms in a Judd Lewis comparator (Adam Hilger, Ltd.) with standard plates upon which are marked the ultimate and other sensi tive lines of the various elements. We have a file of some 60 of these plates, each of which, of course, was taken with one or the other of the two regular instrumental settings. The use of comparison spectrograms of Hilger's "R. U. Powder" that show the "raies ultimes," or ultimate lines, of three or four dozen of the common arc-sensitive elements has not been found practical in this laboratory, since sensitive lines of trace elements may so easily be confused with weaker lines of the more abundant elements. 752 Much time is saved by using a pair of "elimina tion plates," on which are photographed and identified all the stronger lines of the elements common in agricultural materials, namely, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, alumi num, manganese, copper, boron, silicon, phos phorus, and iron. To this list might well be added strontium and barium, in trace quantities. Lines are dotted with colored ink as they are identified, and the symbols of the appropriate elements are written in the margin. Of course, for provisional analysis the plates can be in spected while still washing, and the presence or absence of the sensitive lines of a dozen or more elements can often be noted without delay. Because of the occurrence of seeming coinci dences of spectrum lines, to the non-uniform wave-length sensitivity of photographic plates, to the wave-length range available, and to the virtual obliteration of certain regions by cyanogen bands, the "raies ultimes" are not always the most sensitive lines, from the point of view of TABLE II. Estimated composition of a meteorite-like metallic specimen, and the average composition of iron meteorites, as given by Watson.!3 ELEME::-.lT Iron Nickel Silicon Cobalt Phosphorus Calcium Copper Magnesium Manganese Chromium Zinc Molybdenum Sodium Tin Aluminum Sulphur Carbon SPECTROSCOPIC ESTIMATION approx.90% approx. 1 % approx. 5% strong trace weak trace trace strong trace trace strong trace not found weak trace trace trace trace trace not detectable not detectable CHE:MICAL AVERAGE, IRON METEORlTES. PERCENT* 88.3 8.15 0.76 .53 .15 .05 .05 .03 .03 .03 1.70 0.04 * Watson (reference 13, p. 430) states: "Many elements present only as traces in meteorites have been omitted as being relatively un .. important. tt practical spectrochemical analysis. We have found that in general the "best lines for trace analysis" are those listed by Milbourn.5 Semiquantitative estimates may sometimes be made by com paring the unknown spectrum with that of some substance of analyzed compo- JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 10:19:55FIG. 1. Plateholder end of spectrograph. The hood draws off fumes from the arc. Note the arc stand (with short graphite electrodes in place), the arc height indicator, the rack with copper and iron electrodes, the prepared graphite electrodes (protected by inverted test tubes), and the reversing switch in the arc electrical supply line. sltIon. For example, it was desired to analyze a piece of iron pipe for copper and molybdenum. The spectrum of this sample was compared with that of Hilger's "H.S." brand analyzed iron electrodes, and it was reported that copper was present in the sample in amount exceeding 0.1 percent, while molybdenum was present in amount exceeding 0.01 percent. Subsequent chemical analysis showed 0.2 percent copper and less than 0.05 percent molybdenum. If no analyzed substance of appropriate composition is available it is still possible to make semiquantitative estimations, on a some what a priori basis. The two steps are: first, to estimate the relative amount of the element present, in terms of the strength of its sensitive lines and the degree of development of its spectrum; and second, to weight this information in view of the known spectroscopic sensitivity of the various elements. In arriving at a judg- VOLUME 11, DECEMBER, 1940 ment of the first point, one must have a knowl edge of the behavior of the spectrum of each element as increasing amounts of the element are present. This, therefore, requires considerable practical experience founded on a knowledge of the fundamental theory of spectrum analysis. Thus equipped, the experienced spectroscopist will have no difficulty in making these judg ments, reporting them on a fivefold scale such as "high, medium, low, trace, not detected." The writer has found that he can reproduce such judgments with only minor changes after months or years have elapsed. The relative arc-sensitivity of the various elements has been given by Ryde and Jenkins. 6 It has been found that each step in sensitivity of a factor of 10 corresponds approximately to one of the steps in the scale-of five given for the development of the spectrum. Combining the original estimate and the weight ing in terms of spectral sensitivity, the final 753 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 10:19:55percentage of the element can be estimated. Table I gives an example of the results obtained by the application of this method, as do Tables II and Ill. Applications to Agriculture Chemical methods are used regularly and succe,?sfully in agriculture to determine the major plant nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and so forth. The use of the spectrograph is, therefore, rele gated ordinarily to the determination of the so-called minor elements: those that are essential to normal plant growth but are needed in only minute amounts. Hoagland7 has recently given a good review of this subject. He favors the term "micronutrient elements." Boron, copper, manganese, and zinc are now accepted as "minor" essential elements, and others such as molybdenum have been suggested. Traces of cobalt are essential for animal nutrition, so its presence in plant material is of interest. It should be noted that the beneficial effect of certain of the minor elements changes to a toxicity when they are present in only 5 or 10 times the concentration necessary for normal plant growth. Therefore, not only the lower but also the upper limit of concentration should be determinable. In an article entitled "The role of the spectro graph in the analysis of agricultural materials"8 the writer has set forth the principal advantages of the spectrograph in this field, and has given a number of examples of its use. An all-important point, when analyzing such materials for trace elements, is to reduce the chance of accidental contamination by giving the sample the mini mum amount of treatment. The methods of preparation of various types of materials for spectrographic analysis will hence be outlined: (1) SOILS Fusion analysis of soils to determine the total amounts of the various nutrients present is almost a thing of the past, since it is now known that the availability of the element is far more important. However,an exception to this general rule is found in the case of the minor elements, where total amounts are still deter mined. In addition to determining these "micro- 754 nutrient elements," the agriculturist often wishes to have data on certain other elements, such as arsenic, lead, and fluorine, that may be toxic if present in too large amounts. The soil sample is first air-dried, then broken up with a wooden mallet until it wil1 pass through a 2-mm screen. It is then spread out on a large piece of wrapping paper, is mixed thoroughly, and is quartered repeatedly, until a representative sample of about 10 grams has been withdrawn. The IO-gram sample is ground in an agate mortar until it will pass through a lOO-mesh screen. A representative sample of a few milligrams can then be taken from this finely ground material. (2) FERTILIZERS The spectrochemical analysis of fertilizers is useful in detecting the presence of minor and of toxic elements, and traces of major nutrient TABLE III. Spectroscopic estimations and subsequent chemical determinations for four lava samples. All figures are percent of total. BLACK YELLOW GRAY RED ELEMENT SPEC. CHEM. SPEC. CHEM. SPEC. CHEM. SPEC. CHEM. -------------- Silicon 10 24.21 10 33.52 15 23.73 5 12.06 Aluminum 1 8.12 0.1 0.33 5 7.51 1 13.66 Iron 5 6.79 0.01 0.07 5 8.01 1 14.49 Calcium 10 7.51 0.1 0.074 10 7.59 0.01 0.11 Maq;nesium 1 3.58 0.01 0.006 1 4.05 0.1 0.048 Sodium' 0.01 1.53 N.F. 0 0.01 1.56 0.001 0.19 Potassium 1 0.32 <0.1 0 <0.1 0.72 <0.1 0.10 Titanium 0.5 1.53 10 6.53 1 1.26 0.5 2.16 Zirconium N.F. 0 0.1 0.10 0.05 0.04 N.F. 0 Phosphorus <0.1 0.09 <0.1 0 <0.1 0.10 <0.1 0.12 Chromium 0.1 0.039 om 0.025 0.05 0.050 0.05 0.138 Vanadium 0.1 0.037 N.F. 0 0.01 0.040 N.F. 0 Nickel 0.01 0.035 N.F. 0 0.01 0.013 0.01 0.018 Copper 0.1 0.079 0.01 0 0.1 0.053 0.1 0.055 Manganese 0.5 0.112 N.F. 0 0.5 0.255 0.1 0.107 Strontium om 0.017 N.F. 0 0.01 0.025 N.F. 0 Barium N.F. 0 N.F. 0 0.01 0.009 N.F. 0 Cobalt 0.001 I 0 N.F. 0 0.00,5 0 0.005 0 , See discussion in text of low sodium sensitivity. elements. In many cases the soil may receive certain minor elements only from fertilizer applications, and, therefore, it is a matter of some importance to know their trace composi tion. This situation has been of greater impor tance in recent years, since synthetic fertilizers of rather high chemical purity are being substi tuted for the natural products that have a large trace element content. The writer has analyzed a dozen of the common commercial fertilizers used in Hawaii in order to determine the identity JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 10:19:55of their major, minor and trace metallic con stituents.9 Fully twenty-one elements were de tected in this investigation, although the spectro scopic methods were not the most searching. The method of preparing fertilizers for analysis is similar to that for soils, except that the sampling procedure is ordinarily not so laborious. (3) PLANT MATERIALS In order to concentrate the mineral portion of plant materials, they are ordinarily ashed, there by destroying the organic matter. This ashing is done in platinum dishes, and at low tempera ture so that the more volatile elements will not be driven off. Wet ashing may be faster, but it involves the use of reagents, whose trace im purities must be carefully determined, and should be checked from time to time. In quali tative spectroscopic analysis the use of reagents should be kept down to the minimum, since the impurities in the reagents may be the very elements concerning which information is desired. Examples of the analysis of sugar cane have been given elsewhere8.n by the writer. One series attempted to determine the distribution of mineral elements throughout the sugar cane plant by comparing ash samples of leaves and various parts of the stalk. A preliminary surveyl0 indicated that the lower part of the stalk contained the highest concentration of minerals. It was then realized that this state of affairs was doubtless more apparent than real, due to the variation in ash content of different parts of the plant. The older stalk material is heavier in sugar and, therefore, gives a much smaller ash than does any other part of the plant. In an effort to overcome this difficulty, the spectra of ash samples of different weights were compared, the weights being those representing equal weights of oven-dry material. Data furnished by A. S. Ayres, Assistant Chemist, Experiment Station H. S. P. A., were used in making these computations, and final analyses were made on samples taken from a single stalk of 16 months old sugar cane. 1.0 mg of dry leaf cane ash (24 hours at 300°C), was compared spectro graphically with the following ash weights: 1.6 mg of green leaf cane, 4.4 mg of nonmillable top, and 6.2 mg each of green leaves and dead VOLUME 11, DECEMBER, 1940 leaves. Chemical results for the major elements phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and silicon, and spectrographic results for nine minor and trace elements, are presented and discussed elsewhere.!l This type of comparison, which involves different weights of the various samples and hence quite different arc-burning conditions, doubtless pushes the present technique to its very limits. (4) MISCELLANEOUS AGRICULTURAL MATERIALS Analyses of a number of these are given in the article already referred to.8 Liquids require no preparation for analysis, for they can be tested directly by soaking the ends of the electrodes in the solution, or by transferring a droplet into the lower electrode cavity with a pipette. Aqueous solutions can be concentrated by evaporation in platinum over a hot plate or a water bath. The mineral content of a more viscous liquid, such as a sugar sirup, can often be concentrated by low temperature ashing, perhaps preceded by caramelization over a hot plate. Applications to Geochemistry Rock samples are ordinarily analyzed by the chemical methods recommended by Washington, Hillebrand, and others. The ten elements oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potas sium, magnesium, hydrogen and titanium ac count for over 99 percent of the earth's crust, according to Clarke and Washington.2 In order to achieve sufficient accuracy, these elements must be determined chemically, as must phos phorus, which is not sensitive spectroscopically. The less abundant elements chlorine, carbon, sulphur, and perhaps fluorine cannot be deter mined with the present spectroscopic technique, hence other methods must be used. The chemical method for manganese is straightforward and accurate. However, the minor metallic elements barium, chromium, zirconium, vanadium, stron tium, nickel, copper, etc., are present in amounts of less than 0.1 percent in the "average igneous rock," and hence lie within the accurate ana lytical range of the spectrograph. Chemical determinations for these elements are laborious, and larger samples must be used. It is here 755 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 10:19:55that the spectrograph has a great advantage, since with a single 20-mg sample of finely powdered material the spectroanalyst can estab lish within a few hours the identity of all of the metallic trace constituents. Entirely unsuspected constituents are as likely to be found as are the well-established ones. The knowledge of what elements are present in trace amounts should certainly shorten the work of the chemist, and he need not run his samples at all for the metals not found by the spectroscopist. Furthermore, the semiquantitative spectrographic information will allow him to adjust his methods in order more accurately and readily to make these sometimes difficult quantitative determinations. Indeed, if the amount estimated spectroscopi cally is equal to or less than 0.001 percent, the actual amount present will probably not have to be determined at all, since even with an allowable error in estimation of a factor of 10, the amount present would not exceed 0.01 percent, and the element would ordinarily be termed a chemical "trace." It is the writer's considered opinion that one who has performed a number of such spectrochemical analyses on samples that have previously been analyzed chemically for major, minor and trace elements could give for similar samples semiquantitative estimations on trace elements which should not be in error by more than a factor of 5. In fact, rough quantitative spectrographic methods, in which the average error should not exceed 15 to 20 percent, could be introduced with only a small amount of additional work. (Certain major elements already determined chemically could serve as "internal standards.") However, this matter is outside the scope of the present paper, which is concerned only with qualitative and semiquantitative methods. It should be remembered that "not detected" may have different meanings for different ele ments, since the "detection threshold quantities" differ considerably. For many elements this threshold is far below the common 0.01 percent "trace" designation. Quoting Hillebrand12 re garding the advisability of the determination of trace elements: "If present in little more than traces, that knowledge alone may suffice, for it is often more important to know whether or not an element is present than to be able to 756 say that it is there in amount of exactly 0.02 or 0.06 percent." An added advantage to the analytical chemist of the present rapid spectrographic technique is the possibility of testing precipitates for traces of elements concentrated therein. The chemical tests may have failed to reveal them because such small amounts were present, or because their presence was unsuspected and they were not sought. Or they may have been incompletely removed in previous steps of the chemical procedure. Of course no geological sample will have exactly the "average composition of the litho sphere"! Nor will it always be true that the identity of all the major constituents will be known. An example of benefits of determining what major elements are present is the case of the "gypsum" mentioned above (Table I). Another example of the identification of the major elements occurred when the writer was asked to analyze a ferrous material which appeared to be a meteorite. The estimated composition of this sample is shown in Table II, along with the average composition of iron meteorites as given by Watson.13 The analyzing of such a sample, with iron strongly predominant, is quite different from that discussed above for soils and plant materials, where silicon, calcium, aluminum and the like were the dominating elements. In the first place, the iron may have a different effect on the burning of the arc, so that a priori estimates of amounts of other elements present in the sample cannot be reported with confidence until experience has been gained through the use of chemically analyzed samples. In the second place, the complexity of the iron spectrum gives the spectrograms a quite different appearance, and many of the familiar lines of other elements are masked by some of the thousands of iron lines. Analyses must be made by using the few lines that are not blends with iron lines, and so judgments of "the degree of development of the spectrum" become very difficult. Table II shows that the spectroscopic estima tion for the sample and the chemical average for iron meteorites agree fairly well, except for silicon and nickel. It might be instructive to determine the specific gravity of the sample, as JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 10:19:55a rough check of its silica content. Examination under the metallographic microscope might also give interesting information, but this is outside the writer's field. Estimates of amounts of the various trace elements are not given, due to lack of experience with ferrous samples. The spectrograms indicated that the five elements not reported by Watson were present in amounts ranging from 0.001 to 0.01 percent. I t was noted that when this specimen Was cut or ground so as to expose a fresh metallic surface, there appeared slowly on the surface a viscous liquid exudate, which turned into a brownish powder. This powder was spectrographed, and seemed to be of about the same composition as the parent metal, with the exception that the metal was stronger in phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese, while the powder appeared to be much stronger in zinc. Another example of the value to the chemist of preliminary spectroscopic analysis is the study recently completed by Mau and Payne! of the accelerated decomposition of Kilauea lava by solfataric gases. A visual examination of the various specimens, namely the parent rock, the rock tha twas decom posing in the presence of steam and carbon dioxide, and the rock decom posing in the presence of steam, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide, showed clearly that wide spread changes were taking place and that the 502 gave a different result from the CO2 and steam alone. Preliminary spectrographic exami nations of the various samples were made by the writer, and these showed the process of disinte gration to be accompanied by the concentration of certain elements and the depletion of others, many of them behaving in a totally unexpected fashion. The amounts of all constituents present, as shown by the spectrograph, were estimated, and these data were found to be of great use to the chemists in selecting and adjusting the quantitative analytical methods. As an example of the accuracy that can be expected from such estimation, these spectroscopic estimates are given in Table III along with the accurate values (reduced to element percentages) found subsequently by Mau and Payne. The "black" and "gray" samples are the parent, undecom posed material, and are almost identical in composition. The "yellow" is the decomposition VOLUME 11, DECEMBER, 1940 product of "black" lava attacked by steam, CO2 and S02, while the "red" resulted from the decomposition of "gray" by steam and CO2 only. The "gray and red" samples were spectro graphed approximately six months after the "black and yellow" ones, and with a somewhat modified technique. Nevertheless the spectro scopic estimates for the constituents of the similar undecomposed samples agree more closely than by a factor of 10 in practically every case. Only the arc-sensitive elements are listed in Table III, so the various columns will not total 100 percent. The total time consumed in ana lyzing the pair of spectrograms for the "gray" and "red" samples, and making the estimates given in Table III, was four hours. Some twenty other minor elements, in addition to those listed in Table III, were specifically sought, but their sensitive spectrum lines were not found. The chemists did not report amounts less than 0.01 percent, but labeled these "0," which gives no indication of the sensitivity of the various chemical methods. In the spectro scopic columns the abbreviation "N.F." signifies "not found." As conservative estimates of the threshold sensitivities for these experimental conditions, "N.F." for sodium, nickel and cobalt means "less than 0.001 percent," while for zirconium, manganese, vanadium, strontium and barium it means "less than 0.01 percent." Judging by the figures for phosphorus, the limiting spectroscopic sensitivity has been set a bit too low. On the other hand, it is probable that the thresholds just stated for cobalt and nickel are conservatively high, since 0.0001 percent, or one part per million, of these elements can ordinarily be detected with certainty spectro graphically. However, the technique employed in the present analyses was of low sensitivity, at least for such volatiles as sodium and potas sium. The instrumental speed was very low, and therefore such fast burning elements did not register proportionately; it appears that in subsequent low speed analyses of refractory samples the estimated percentage for sodium should be multiplied by 100. The fact that potassium was detected in the "black" but not in the "gray" sample is explained by the heavy background on the "gray and red" plate. A dark background effectively conceals many of the 757 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 10:19:55weaker lines, and in this case invalidated the "gray" analysis for potassium. Fortunately, a number of elements each have some sensitive lines in one instrumental range and other sensitive lines in the other range. Thus the uneven or incomplete burning of a sample in the exposure in one range is discovered and can be allowed for. If all the lines of the elemen t lie in one range, as do those of potas sium, exposure variations will not be detected, and duplicate plates or duplicate exposures with fresh electrodes should be taken. The present analysis was not run in duplicate, and poor burning of the arc in the case of the "red" sample for the visible range plate is suspected, since the spectra of the major (and refractory) elements, silicon, aluminum, iron, titanium, and particularly calcium, were very weak. In conclusion, attention is drawn to an application of spectroscopy to petrology. Stand ard chemical methods have proven the presence of various trace elements in lavas but have given no indication whether they are distributed uniformly throughout the rock or are concen trated in certain of its mineral constituents. Information on this distribution is of particular importance to a petrologist who is studying the process of magmatic differentiation. The spectro graph is an ideal analytical instrument for use in this connection, because of its extreme sensi tivity for many metals and its ability to handle minute amounts of material, such as fragments of phenocrysts laboriously separated by hand from a crushed rock specimen. An example of the successful use of the spectrograph for this purpose is a series of analyses performed recently on samples of the groundmass and of various phenocrysts of a Haleakala lava. Nickel was shown by semiquantitative spectrographic anal ysis to be highly concentrated in the olivine phenocrysts. Vanadium is restricted to the pyroxene, but was found in both larger pheno crysts and smaller groundmass crystals. Acknowledgments Thanks are d~e K. T. Mau and Dr. J. H. Payne for permission to use their analytical data in Tables I and III. The writer wishes to ac knowledge the aid of P. L. Gow, Assistant Chemist, Experiment Station H. S. P. A., who was in part responsible for the development of many of the features of the analytical technique reported here. The enthusiasm and encourage ment of Dr. F. E. Hance, Chemist, Experiment Station H. S. P. A., under whose cognizance the experimental work was carried on, have been greatly appreciated. Bibliography 1. K. T. Mau and J. H. Payne, article to be submitted to J. Geol. 2. F. W. Clarke and H. S. Washington, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 8,108-115 (1922). 3. S. S. Ballard and P. L. Gow, J. App. Phys. 10, 556- 557 (1939). 4. M. Slavin, Ind. Eng. Chern., Anal. Ed. 10, 407-411 (1938). 5. M. Milbourn, J. Soc. Chern. Ind. 56, 205T-209T (1937). . 6. F. Twyman and D. M. Smith, Wavelength Tables for Spectrum Analysis (Adam Hilger, London, 1931), p. 130. 758 7. D. R. Hoagland, Science 91, 557-560 (1940). 8. S. S. Ballard, Hawaiian Planters' Record 44, 35-48 (1940). 9. S. S. Ballard, Hawaiian Planters' Record 42, 185-195 (1938). 10. S. S. Ballard, Phys. Rev. 53, 689A (1938). 11. S. S. Ballard, Hawaiian Planters' Record 44, 183-186 (1940). 12. W. F. Hillebrand, The Analysis oj Silicate and Carbon ate Rocks (Bull. 700, U. S. Geol. Sur., 1919), p. 23. 13. F. G. Watson, Jr., J. Geol. 47, 426-430 (1939). JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 10:19:55
Lifetime of Fluorescence in Diacetyl and Acetone G. M. Almy and Scott Anderson Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 8, 805 (1940); doi: 10.1063/1.1750584 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1750584 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/8/10?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Effect of Temperature on the Lifetime of Fluorescence of Solid Acetone J. Chem. Phys. 18, 432 (1950); 10.1063/1.1747655 Mean Lifetime of the Fluorescence of Acetone and Biacetyl Vapors J. Chem. Phys. 18, 427 (1950); 10.1063/1.1747654 The Quantum Yield of Diacetyl Fluorescence J. Chem. Phys. 11, 188 (1943); 10.1063/1.1723826 The Fluorescence of Diacetyl J. Chem. Phys. 8, 37 (1940); 10.1063/1.1750564 Fluorescence of Diacetyl: Quantum Yield and Quenching by Iodine J. Chem. Phys. 7, 973 (1939); 10.1063/1.1750356 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:53:19OCTOBER, 1940 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 8 Lifetime of Fluorescence in Diacetyl and Acetone G. M. ALMY AND SCOTT ANDERSON Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois (Received July 3, 1940) The mean lifetime of the fluorescence of diacetyl vapor has been determined by direct measurement with a phosphoroscope to be 1.65 X 10-3 sec. Quantitative meas urement of the diffusion of the excited molecules from a beam of exciting illumination, at different pressures, has also been made and the results are compatible with this lifetime. Integration of the absorption coefficient over the band associated with the fluorescence leads, on the other hand, to a lifetime of the excited state of 10-5 sec. To explain this discrepancy and other facts known about the fluorescence various mechanisms are considered, of which the most satisfactory seems to be this: Following light absorption, X ---A, the diacetyl molecule goes without radiation into a long-lived state M, lying near A. Fluores- THE study of the fluorescence of polyatomic molecules may lead to information about their behavior after absorption of light which is of fundamental importance in understanding photochemical processes. The fluorescence of the diacetyl molecule offers such an opportunity for several reasons. First, the fluorescence of diacetyl occurs in water solution as well as in the vapor.1 Second, similar fluorescence occurs in several I I compounds containing the O=C-C=O group, e.g., benzil in solution,2 indicating that properties of diacetyl obtained from a study of the fluores cence may be to some extent common to a large class of molecules. The same fluorescence is found to occur in the vapor of other compounds containing acetyl radicals (CHaCO), e.g., ace tone, when they are radiated with light which will decompose the molecules.1·3 Third, the fluorescence is strongly quenched by oxygen,! the oxygen being consumed. Thus a process of photo-oxidation can be studied by means of the fluorescence. Fourth, there is the practical reason that the green diacetyl fluorescence is especially easy to study. It is excited intensely by the Hg arc groups of strong lines near AX3650, 4047, 4358 and it can readily be observed cence occurs only upon return to A. M may correspond to a tautomeric rearrangement of the molecule. Acetone, radiated with ),3130, shows fluorescence identical with that of diacetyl radiated with >.4358, but the fluorescence grows with time. It can be produced immediately with high intensity by adding diacetyl. The growth curve has been determined and is of form, 1,=10 (l-e-kt). Diffusion experiments show the lifetime of the fluorescence in acetone to be equal to that in diacetyl and that the life time, or rate of decay, is independent of exciting intensity. The conclusion is that the same molecule, presumably diacetyl, is responsible for the fluorescence in both cases. Possible mechanisms for the excitation of diacetyl in acetone are discussed. by visual, photographic or photoelectric methods. In a previous study! several properties of the fluorescence were observed and could be ac counted for by the assumption of a simple fluorescence process. Rough estimates of the lifetime of the excited molecule were compatible with this model. Further experiments, which are the subject of the first part of this paper, have led to more accurate determinations of the lifetime of the fluorescence, which proves to be much longer than the rough estimate, and also much longer than one would estimate from the probability of the transition between the states involved in the absorption leading to the fluores cence. Various possible implications of these facts have been considered and the most satis factory interpretation is the introduction of a long-lived state, with approximately the same energy as the state reached on absorption, into which the excited molecule can go for a time, before returning to the original excited state to emit the fluorescence. In the second part of the paper some experi ments are described which have to do with the fluorescence of acetone and acetone-diacetyl mixtures. They establish further the identity of the emitting molecule, very probably diacetyl, 1 Almy, Fuller and Kinzer, J. Chern. Phys. 8, 37 (1940). in the fluorescence of diacetyl and acetone 2 P. R. Gillette, Master's Thesis, University of Illinois, vapors. They throw some light on the question 1939. 3 Matheson and Noyes, J.Am. Chern. Soc. 60, 1857 (1938). of the process of excitation in acetone. 805 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:53:19806 G. M. ALMY AND S. ANDERSON FIG. 1. Phosphoroscope arrangement to measure the lifetime of the fluorescence. A, high pressure water-cooled mercury arc. 52 and 53, radial slots in the disk D. C, fluores cence chamber, PI, reversing prism. V, visual photometer. DIRECT MEASUREMENT OF LIFETIME WITH PHOSPHOROSCOPE To obtain a direct measurement of the mean lifetime of the fluorescence we employed the phosphoroscope shown in Fig. 1. It consisted of a disk D, 30 cm in diameter, with radial slots 1 mm wide spaced every 4° around the cir cumference, rotated by a direct-current motor whose speed was varied by a resistance in the primary. The speed of the disk was measured with a tachometer. The arc at A was a General Electric high pressure water-cooled arc with a quartz envelope. This was focused through a filter onto the slit 51 which had its image focused upon a slit in the disk. An image of the latter was formed in the Pyrex chamber C into which the vapor was introduced. The fluorescence oc curring at F was focused on a slit 53 opposite 52 by means of the prisms PI (for reversing the image), P2, and the lens L4• This lens was pro vided with a calibrated scre~ adjustment. The point of focus could be arranged so that when the disk was turning at a constant velocity, one could view the fluorescence through 53 a measur able time after the exciting light was cut off at 52. Thus by measuring the intensity of the fluorescence coming through 53 with the visual photometer V, the intensity of the fluorescence still left at measured times after excitation could be determined. The photronic cell at M enabled us to check the variation in the intensity of the exciting arc, which proved .to be negligible. The voltage on the bulb in the visual photometer was kept constant. Employing this phosphoroscope we measured the decay of the fluorescence in diacetyl at room temperature (26°C). It was found that the decay was exponential in time; when log It! 10 was plotted against delay time a straight line was obtained, of which the negative reciprocal of the slope is the mean lifetime (7). The data for six runs gave a mean lifetime for the fluorescence of 1.65±0.2X10-3 sec. at 26° C. There was no perceptible variation with pressure. To study the variation of the lifetime with the wave-length of the exciting light we inserted filters at Fl. For light of the longer wave-lengths we employed a Corning N oviol glass which transmits about 5 percent of 3800A increasing to 70 percent at 4400A. The Corning 986 glass was inserted to transmit wave-lengths less than about 4000A. There was no appreciable difference in the two lifetimes measured and they were each in agreement with the measurement previously made with the full arc. It should be noted here that in both of these cases the intensity of the incident light was much less than when employing the full arc as in all the previous measurements. This indicates that the lifetime is independent of intensity; a point which is verified in experiments on diffusion of the fluorescence to be described later. The lifetime for the fluorescence of diacetyl in an aqueous solution was also determined. The results of one attempt, with a concentration of 1 part in SO, revealed a much shorter lifetime of the order of 6 X 10-· sec. ' DIFFUSION OF FLUORESCENCE An altogether different means of gammg information concerning the lifetime of fluorescing molecules is a quantitative study of the diffusion of excited molecules before fluorescing. Heil4 and Almy, Fuller and Kinzerl performed such an experiment to secure qualitative values of the lifetime for fluorescence of N02 and diacetyl, respectively. We have refined this experiment by making a quantitative measurement of the fluorescence intensity and hence of the distribu tion of the excited particles since the intensity is proportional to concentration of the excited particles. From an analysis of the diffusion 4 Heil, Zeits. f. Physik 77,563 (1932). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:53:19FLUORESCENCE IN DIACETYL AND ACETONE gO, pattern, the product of the diffusion coefficient (D) and the lifetime (r) is obtained. Thus, as suming a reasonable value of D, we can calcu late r or, conversely, using the value of r meas ured directly with the phosphoroscope, D and thus the collision cross section of excited against unexcited particles, is determined. These meas urements were carried out on diacetyl. The experimental arrangement is shown in Fig. 2. The high prt!ssure mercury arc was placed at A. A uniformly illuminated slit at S was focused in the center of the Pyrex chamber C. The beam of light in the chamber as seen by the camera had the dimensions shown in the inset at (A). At low pressures of diacetyl the excited molecules diffused out into the shadow before fluorescing. The resulting fluorescence pattern was photographed. The distribution of intensity in the diffusion pattern was obtained by photo graphic photometry. The interpretation of these diffusion patterns is as follows. Consider a beam of excited mole cules initially between the infinite planes x = 0 and x= -b. The rate at which the concentration will vary in space if these molecules are per mitted to diffuse out of the beam is given by the usual diffusion equation (1) subject to the boundary conditions that at t=O c-fa for -b<x<O -lO for x>O and x< -b, where C is the concentration of excited mole cules. These boundary conditions correspond physically to the situation in the chamber about 10-2 sec. after illumination begins, i.e., the con centration of excited particles in the beam has come to equilibrium but no diffusion has oc curred. A solution of this equation under these BANTAM CAMERA (A) 1-~-cNl ]~T 1--3.6 CN-i DIMENSIONS OF IMAOE AT 1 FIG. 2. Apparatus for studying the diffusion of the fluorescence. A, high pressure arc. C, Pyrex chamber. F2, Wratten 12 filter. The inset (A) gives the actual dimen sions of the image at I with high diacetyl pressure in the tube. conditions is seen to be (2) Therefore, if t represents the elapsed time since the molecules were excited and q represents the number per cc that are excited per second in the beam, then under equilibrium conditions the contribution (dC) to the concentration at x from molecules having been generated in the previous interval of time between -t and -t+dt is given by the expression (2) if a is set equal to qdt. If the excitation of the molecules takes place only when they are in the beam, the fraction that will still be excited at time t is e-t/T, where 'f is the mean lifetime of the excited molecules. Now in the steady state the molecules at x may have received their excitation at all previous times between 0 and CIJ. Therefore the concentration of excited molecules (C*) at x after the equilibrium is attained is given by the equation q foo {1eXH)/2eDt)i 1"/2eDt)! } C*=- e-t/T e-fJ'd{3- e-fJ2d{3 dt. Y'll" 0 0 0 (3) Performing the integration with respect to {3 by parts, we have qr 100 e-x2/4Dt-t/T qr(x+b)foo e-ex+b)2/4Dt-t/T C*=-x dt- - dt. Y'll" . 0 4yDt! Y7T 0 4yDti (4) If m the first integral we let t/r=A2w-2, where A2=X2/4Dt and in the second let t/r=B2ur2, This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:53:19808 G. M. ALMY AND S. ANDERSON where B2= (x+b)2/4Dr we get (5) Therefore qr, , C* =_e- x/(DT)'(l_e- b/(DT)'). (6) 2 Since the intensity of the fluorescence at any point is proportional to the concentration of excited particles at that point, we can write log C*/Co*=log 1/10= -x/CDr)!, (7) where Co* is the concentration at the edge of the beam, 10 the intensity of fluorescence there, and I the intensity of the fluorescence at any point x. If we reduce this to atmospheric pressure we have log 1/10= -x(P/760D or)!, (8) (A) 15.11. 0.13 •• OJ5 •• 0.02 WII ~ 0.01 •• 0.15 •• FIG. 3. Microphotometer traces of diffusion pattern of fluorescence in diacetyl at the pressures indicated. A, pat tern at high pressure; B, C, D, used to determine DOT in Fig. 4. E and F used to show T independent of exciting intensity. F (IS-second exposure) obtained with nine times intensity used in E (3-minute exposure). where p is the pressure of the vapor, and Do is the diffusion coefficient at atmospheric pressure at the temperature of the experiment (26°C). Thus, plotting (760/p)t log 1/10 against x, we should get a straight line, the negative reciprocal of whose slope should equal (Dor)!. If by an independent measurement one or the other of these two quantities is known, the other is determined. Microphotometer traces of" the diffusion pat terns for four diacetyl pressures are shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 4, (760/p)! log 1/10 is plotted against x, the distance from the edge of the illuminated beam, which is sharply defined at high pressures. The data at three pressures are used and all fit reasonably well on the same straight line, as predicted. The slope of the line is l/(Dor)!, according to Eq. (8). From the estimated slope one finds Dor=5.34X10-6 cm2• No value of Do for diacetyl is available, for the diffusion of either excited or unexcited molecules. Neither has the coefficient of viscosity been measured from which D, equal to 1// p could be estimated. For several somewhat similar mole cules 1/ is about 10-4 c.g.s. units; for acetone it is 0.95 X 10-4• Assuming 1/=10-4, Do is 2.7XI0-2 and r=2.0XlO-3 sec., in good agreement with the lifetime measured with the phosphoroscope.5 Conversely, assuming r = 1.65 X 10-3 sec., the value found by the phosphoroscope method, we calculate the value for Do to be 3.2 X 10-2 cm2/sec. as the diffusion coefficient of excited diacetyl molecules among unexcited ones. Using the kinetic theory relation between the diffusion coefficien t and collision cross section (S), 6 we calculate a value of S=11.2X10-15 cm2 which for spherical molecules is equivalent to a col lision diameter of 5.9A. This is roughly what one would expect for unexcited molecules of this mass and structure. This apparatus was well suited for detecting any change in lifetime for fluorescence under different intensities of excitation. Since the diffusion pattern is determined by the product Dor, any change in r would be reflected in the • From visual observation of the fluorescence pattern (reference 1) the lifetime had been estimated to be 10-· sec., or longer. The quantitative measurements show the visual method to be unreliable. 6 See, for example, Kennard, Kinetic Theory of Gases (McGraw-Hill, 1938), p. 194. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:53:19FLUORESCENCE IN DIACETYL AND ACETONE 809 diffusion pattern. With a given pressure of diacetyl in the chamber we took pictures of the fluorescence with different intensities of the exciting light. Since the intensity was lowered by the interposition of screens at Fl, the time of exposure of the films was increased by such an amount that the maximum blackening was the same on all plates. Fig. 3 shows the micropho tometer traces of two such plates for which the intensity of the exciting radiation differed by ninefold. It is obvious that the two traces are almost identical, showing that the lifetime does not depend upon the intensity of the exciting light. LIFETIME ESTIMATED FROM INTEGRATED ABSORPTION COEFFICIENT To shed more light on the processes associated with the fluorescence of diacetyl, the lifetime of the state reached on absorption was determined from the absorption coefficient integrated over the band which is connected with the fluores cence. In a molecule the complete band system arising from a single electronic transition corre sponds to a single line in an atomic spectrum. If the spectrum is continuous or consists of lines so close together as to overlap throughout the absorption band, the integrated absorption coefficient, fkvdv, can be obtained by measuring ku at various wave-lengths, plotting it as a function of wave number, and integrating graphically over the band. The lifetime is calculated from the relation7 n 1 T =--g' / g"---, 871"cv2 fkudV (9) where n=2.7X10l9 molecules per cc; kv=ab sorption coefficient, defined by Iu=Ivoe-kul, l being the path in cm of gas at O°C and one at mosphere pressure; v = wave number, cm-l; g', g" = statistical weights of upper and lower states. To obtain the absorption spectrum of diacetyl vapor we employed the same high pressure mercury arc used in the other experiments. The various regions of the spectrum were selected by the use of a quartz monochromator whose 7 See Mulliken, J. Chern. Phys. 7, 14 (1939) for a summary of intensity relations. O~--------------------------~ Ll .0IMM Q.02MM X .13MM Q," '534 X lo-bl . -" -50 :; -100 .J -150 A o~ A o -200~--------~~--------~~~----~IA X IN eM FIG. 4. Plot of data from the diffusion of the fluorescence. Data taken with three pressures of diacetyl, 0.01 mm, 0.02 mm, and 0.13 mm, all at temperature of 26°C. Slope of straight line equals -lj(DoT)!. . exit slit was focused through a Pyrex cell con taining the vapor onto a potassium hydride photo-cell. Each setting of the monochromator admitted a spectral range of approximately 100A. The plot of kv against v is given in Fig. 5. The area under the curve is 7340 cm-2• The assumption was made that the spectrum could be treated as continuous. This assumption was tested (1) by showing that Beer's law holds over a pressure range of 43 mm to 0.01 mm and (2) by comparing the integrated absorption coeffi cient with that obtained from data taken by Lardy8 for diacetyl in hexane solution, in which case the lines of the band system should be considerably broadened. The area under the curve from Lardy's data is 7265 cm-2• This is subject to an increase of about twenty percent on account of a correction factor (no2+2)2/9no, . where no=the index of refraction of the solvent, which must be applied in the case of absorption spectra of solutions. 9 The agreement is certainly close enough to justify the use of f kvdv of the vapor in calculating the order of magnitude of T. 8 Lardy, Dissertation, Zurich (1924). 9 Chako, J. Chern. Phys. 2, 644 (1934). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:53:19810 G. lVI. ALMY AND S. ANDERSON Substituting our value of fkvdv in Eq. (9), T comes out to be 8.5 X 10-6 second, if we assume g' / gil = 1. There may be a large error in this last assumption but in any event the order of magnitude of the lifetime of the upper state of the absorption transition required by the in tegrated absorption coefficient is 10-5 sec. This is a hundred times smaller than the directly measured mean life of the fluorescence. DISCUSSION OF DIACETYL FLUORESCENCE The most important facts concerning the fluorescence of diacetyl vapor from the present and previous work can be summarized as follows. The fluorescence is produced by absorption within the band extending from }"3500 to },4650. The fluorescence consists mainly of three bands, with fine structure, with maxima at }"}"5120, 5610, 6135. There is a gap between fluorescence and absorption in which both are very weak, if present at all. The spectrum of the fluorescence of diacetyl vapor is independent of pressure (0.1 mm to 60 mm), temperature (10° to 100°C), exciting wave-length (X3650 -A4358) and the pressure of added gases. The quantum yield of the fluorescence is about 0.035 at A4358, 0.03 at X3650. The yield at },4358 is independent of the exciting intensity and pressure. Henriques and Noyes!O find that at X3650 the yield is enhanced by increasing the pressure. The mean lifetime of the fluorescence in the vapor is 1.65 X 10-3 sec. On the other hand, the lifetime corresponding to the integrated absorp tion coefficient over the band associated with the fluorescence is about 10-5 sec. The lifetime of the fluorescence is independent of pressure and exciting intensity as shown by both phos phoroscope and diffusion experiments. The lifetime and the quantum yield both decrease as the temperature is increased, but with different temperature coefficients. The radiation which excites the fluorescence (at least up to A4358) is also capable of decom posing the molecule, eventually into CO and hydrocarbons. 10 Henriques and Noyes, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 62, 1038 (1940). In view of the available experimental facts, what is the most likely mechanism of the fluores cence emission? Three sorts of process have been considered. (1) Simple fluorescence, that is to say, absorption, followed by vibrational redis tribution and then, reemission. (2) Delayed fluorescence, in which absorption (call it X~A) is followed by transition into a long-lived state (M) lying near· state A. Fluorescence occurs only when the molecule is returned by collisions to a state, presumably A, which can combine with the ground state. The long-lived state might be a tautomeric form of the diacetyl molecule. (3) Processes involving the recombina tion or reaction, of radicals, or radicals and molecules. Of these three types of mechanism, (1) and (3) can be shown to be very improbable. Simple fluorescence, while adequate to account for many of the observed facts,! will not admit the results of measurements of lifetime. The mean life of the fluorescence is 1.65 X 10-3 sec. ; the quantum yield is only 0.035 which means, on this mechanism, that while the molecule IS in the excited state a competing process is ~~------------------------------, 2, -HEXANE SOLUTION(LARDY) . __ ••• VAPOR 2,1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2,6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3..0 -u IN CM-1 X 10·' FIG. 5. Absorption spectrum of diacetyl. Solid line plotted from data taken by Lardy on diacetyl in a hexane solution. Broken line determined for diacetyl vapor. kv, absorption per cm path at atmospheric pressure. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:53:19FLUORESCENCE IN DIACETYL AND ACETONE 811 about 30 times as probable as the fluorescence. I t is, therefore, the competing process which is mainly responsible for the observed rate of decay; the lifetime against fluorescence must be 30 times that observed, or about 0.05 sec. On the other hand, the lifetime against the same transition, estimated from the absorption coeffi cient, is 10-5 sec. This large discrepancy rules out this simple process. The third type of mechanism involving the recombination of radicals or the attack of molecules by radicals might conceivably occur in many different ways. Of these, emission ac companying a recombination of radicals IS excluded by the following arguments: (1) It has been shownl that the density of radicals under the conditions used cannot be great enough to account for the observed rate of decay. (2) In such a bimolecular process, the rate of decay of the fluorescence should be smaller the lower the initial concentration of radicals, that is to say, the lower the exciting in tensi ty. It was observed, however, especially in the diffusion experiment, that the rate of decay was inde pendent of intensity. A ninefold change in intensity caused no change in the form of the diffusion pattern, hence no change in the rate of decay. In such a process, moreover, the decay curve should not be exponential, as observed. (3) Dilute aqueous solution (e.g. 1 : 200) of diacetyl fluoresces strongly. Under these condi tions the recombination of radicals (except of those just separated) should be greatly hindered. (4) The slow growth of the identical fluores cence in acetone (described below), as contrasted with its immediate appearance in diacetyl is difficult to understand if the emission is a recombination spectrum. It should not require minutes or hours in one case, about 10-3 sec. in the other, to establish equilibrium between production and recombination of the same radicals. The first three of these arguments apply also against a process of chemiluminescence, in which the energy released in a bimolecular reaction between radicals excites a third mole cule. Argument three (occurrence of fluorescence in dilute aqueous solution) also applies against chemiluminescence caused by the energy re-leased in a radical-diacetyl reaction going to excite another diacetyl molecule. This argument is against any process which involves the diffu sion of radicals before reaction. Still another possibility of this type is the formation of an excited molecule by a sticking collision of a radical and a diacetyl molecule, which compound molecule later emits the fluorescence. If the slow rate of decay measures the rate at which effective collisions of this type occur the rate should depend upon the pressure of diacetyl; no variation of lifetime with pres sure is observed (Fig. 4). If, on the other hand, the effective collision requires only a short time, say 10-7 sec. at 1 mm pressure, the problem of accounting for the long observed lifetime has merely been transferred to another molecule. The second mechanism suggested, delayed fluorescence, is capable of accounting for all of the observations. In this process diacetyl ab sorption (X~A) is followed by a transition without radiation into a long-lived state M, which may be a tautomeric form of the molecule, separated by a potential barrier from state A. The chemical reactions which have been ob served, decomposition and photo-oxidation if oxygen is present, may occur while the molecule is in either state A or M. Fluorescence occurs when the molecule returns to a state, presumably A, which can combine with the ground state X. The state A reached on absorption is the one described by McMurry and Mullikenll as forbidden by electronic selection rules to com bine with the ground state. The lifetime of 10-5 sec. against this transition, which we com pute from the absorption coefficient, is com patible with this assignment. This mechanism is similar to the one proposed by Henriques and Noyes.1° They introduce three excited states: BO, corresponding to state A here, the state reached on absorption; BI, analogous to our metastable state M; and B2 from which fluorescence occurs and which in our model is a low vibrational level of electronic state A. At }.36S0 they find the fluorescence intensity increases with increasing pressure. This may be due primarily to the rapid removal of vibrational energy by collisions, reducing the 11 McMurry and Mulliken, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 26, 312 (1940). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:53:19812 G. M. ALMY AND S. ANDERSON FIG. 6. Plate showing growth of green fluorescence in acetone under X3130 radiation. Spectra 1-6, density marks. Spectra 7-15, consecutive one-minute expo sures during first nine minutes of excitation of static acetone. Spectrum 16, taken during 10th minute of radiation with glass plate transmitting only X>3400A before arc. Spectra 1-16 on Eastman 40 plate. Spectrum 17, mixture of 14 mm diacetyl and 99 mm of acetone, five-minute exposure with X3130 excitation. Spectrum 18, same as in 17 with glass plate as in 16. Spectrum 19, flowing acetone with mean pres sure of 108 mm, five-minute ex posure with X3130 excitation. Spectra 17, 18, and 19 all on Eastman 50 plate. probability of chemical processes, such as decomposition, and thereby enhancing the chance of fluorescence. When the molecule is excited with M358 the initial vibrational energy is much less and the effect of pressure in shifting the relative probabilities of chemical processes and fluorescence may be negligible. The simplest adequate form of our proposed mechanism is one in which it is assumed that the processes competing with the fluorescence for the excitation energy all occur in state A, rather than M. In this case the fluorescence quantum yield is given by Itlh=kv/(kv+kc) where kv is the probability of fluorescence and kc is the probability of the occurrence of a competing process. The lifetime is then de termined primarily by KMA, the rate of return from M to A. This mechanism allows the intro duction of two activation energies: Ec in kc and EMA in kMA, which control the temperature dependence of the competing chemical process and lifetime, respectively. From the roughly measured dependence of yieldl2 and lifetime 12 Unpublished measurements of Almy and Gillette. Also measured by Henriques and Noyes (reference 10) who found a somewhat more rapid change with temperature. (l/kMA) on temperature, from the observed quantum yieldl3 (0.035) and kv (l05 sec.-I), one can calculate, Ec= 2100 cal. per mole, EMA =3900 cal. per mole, kc = 28 X 105 sec.-I. One can easily write down the kinetic equa tions for the case in which chemical changes occur in both states A and M, with rates de pending on temperature. No simple interpreta tion, as in the above case, can be inferred from the more complicated expressions for yield and rate of decay. EXPERIMENTS WITH ACETONE It has recently become clear that the green fluorescence observed when acetone is radiated with X3130 is identical with the fluorescence of diacetyl when radiated with X4358. Not only do the same three broad bands appear in the spec trum in both cases, but the finer superimposed structure is identical.I Matheson and Zaborl4 have also shown that several compounds con taining the radical CH3CO, e.g., acetaldehyde and methyl ethyl ketone, have a similar fluores cence spectrum. In addition there is chemical evidence that diacetyl is present in acetone after radiation with X3130.I5,16 If the fluorescence in acetone is due to the accumulation of diacetyl under the action of light the fluorescence should grow from zero intensity with continued radiation, To de termine the course of growth of the fluorescence, ~ ______________ ~o.o 4 TOTAL EXPOSURE TIME IN MINUTES -10 = -20 ..i :;;. -3.0 ~ -4.0 o -' FIG. 7, Typical growth curve of green fluorescence in acetone radiated with X3130. Points determined from Fig, 6 by taking the integrated intensity of each successive interval as the intensity for the midpoint of that interval. Full curve: intensity of fluorescence, If, Dotted curve: log (1-IJI 10), 10= final intensity. 13 Fuller, Phillips and Almy, J. Chem, Phys. 7, 973 (1939), 14 Matheson and Zabor, J. Chem. Phys. 7, 536 (1939). 1. Spence and Wild, J. Chem. Soc, 352 (1937). 16 Barak and Style, Nature 135, 307 (1935). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:53:19FLUORESCENCE IN DIACETYL AND ACETONE 813 ~ (Al 165MM .27MM (8) .26MM FIG. 8. Microphotometer traces of diacetyl, and diacetyl acetone mixtures. (A) 150 mm of acetone plus 15 mm of diacetyl, one-second exposure; (B) 0.26 mm pressure (1 part diacetyl, 10 parts acetone), ten-minute exposure; (C) 0.27 mm of diacetyl, fifteen-second exposure; (D) same vapor as in (B) with exciting intensity reduced to 1, thirty-minute exposure. A, Band D, ,,3130 radiation; C, M358 radiation. thoroughly outgassed acetone was flowed through a Corex fluorescence chamber where it was radiated with light from a quartz mercury arc, filtered by an aqueous solution of the iron-free sulphates of nickel and cobalt which transmitted principally the ),,3130 line. The fluorescence spectrum was photographed with a Steinheil spectrograph equipped with one glass prism and an f: 3.5 camera. After getting a spectrogram of the fluorescence of the flowing acetone, the flow was arrested and a series of consecutive ex posures was taken of the fluorescence of the static acetone. A series of such exposures is shown in Fig. 6. From a study of a number of such plates the following facts appear: (1) With rapidly flowing acetone radiated principally with ),,3130, a negligible amount of green fluorescence is produced. Practically all the fluorescence is in the blue beginning at about 4700A and extending toward the ultra violet. (2) When the flow of acetone is stopped the intensity of the green fluorescence grows from a very low value towards a maximum as is shown by the successive exposures. With the aid of the density marks the intensity of the fluorescence in the successive exposures in Fig. 6 was determined and plotted against time in Fig. 7. The justification for plotting the curve through the origin is obtained from a comparison of exposures 7 and 19. The former is an exposure taken during the first minute of radiation of static acetone; the latter is an exposure of five minutes with flowing acetone at a pressure about i of the first and on a plate much faster in the green. This comparison shows that the average intensity of the green fluorescence in the first minute of radiation of stationary acetone is ten to one hundred times stronger than in a flowing system and that, therefore, one is justi fied in plotting a point of sensibly zero intensity at zero time in Fig. 7. In the same figure the straight line shows that the fluorescence grows ac cording to the relation 1/=1o(1-e-kt) where 10 is the final intensity, approached asymptotically. (3) When a little diacetyl is added to the acetone the green fluorescence appears immedi ately with full intensity upon radiation with )"3130 (exposure 17). Furthermore, this fluores cence is not due to the direct excitation of diacetyl by a small amount of blue light which might pass the filter. This is demonstrated by the disappearance of the fluorescence when a glass plate transmitting only light of wave lengths longer than 3400A is interposed. (4) The blue fluorescence present in a system of flowing acetone grows weaker on continued radiation of the static vapor (exposures 1-9). We attempted in a second experiment to detect the formation of diacetyl in acetone radiated by }'3130 by measuring the absorption of light of wave-length 4358A which is absorbed by diacetyl but not by acetone. The few rough trials gave positive evidence of absorption at ),,4358 suggesting that a small amount of di acetyl was formed, but at most no more than a partial pressure of a few tenths of a mm. Further more, apparently an equilibrium between its creation and decomposition was soon established for one could get as much absorption of ),,4358 after fifteen minutes of radiation as after several hours. In addition to these experiments, we measured the lifetime for the fluorescence in acetone by the method of the diffusion of the fluorescence. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:53:19814 G. M. ALMY AND S. ANDERSON This we did by comparing the diffusion patterns of an acetone-diacetyl mixture radiated with X3130 and diacetyl radiated with X4358 at equal pressures. As seen from Fig. 8 the mictophotom eter traces of the photographs are identical. This shows that the lifetime in the two cases is nearly the same since their diffusion coefficients surely are not greatly different. We also de creased the intensity of the exciting light by a factor of three and compensated by increasing the exposure time by three and found that the diffusion pattern is unaltered, indicating (1) that the lifetime in the case of acetone, as in diacetyl, is unaltered by the variations in the intensity of the exciting light and (2) that, as suming photographic reciprocity, the intensity of the green fluorescence in the acetone-diacetyl mixture is proportional to the intensity of the exciting light. In this experiment there was present much more diacetyl than occurred in radiated acetone, even on long radiation. In conclusion, what can be said about the origin of the green fluorescence in acetone? What is the molecule which emits it and by what process i's it excited? The fluorescence spectrum is identical in acetone excited by X3130 and diacetyl excited by XX3650, 4047, 4358. I t does not appear in pure acetone flowing rapidly. It appears when diacetyl is added or when, on continued radiation, diacetyl has accumulated in the tube. The presence of diacetyl appears to be necessary for the production of the fluorescence and the simplest assumption is that the diacetyl molecule is the emitter. Further relations between acetone and diacetyl fluorescence are seen in the diffusion experiments. At the same total pressures the diffusion patterns of pure diacetyl and acetone plus a small amount of diacetyl are identical. This means that, as suming the same diffusion coefficients, the life times are identical; a ten-percent difference could easily be detected. This constitutes a further check on the identity of the emitter or emitting process in the two cases. RecomQina tion or chemiluminescence processes are ruled out by arguments given in the discussion of diacetyl fluorescence. The fluorescence must be due to a long-lived molecule, presumably di acetyl, excited while in the illuminated region. The process by which the diacetyl molecule is excited must involve a reaction between an excited molecule and diacetyl. Diacetyl does not fluoresce with appreciable intensity when radi ated with X3130 unless acetone is present. Hence, the simplest picture of the excitation of diacetyl is a collision of the second kind between excited acetone and diacetyl. It cannot be that a diacetyl producing reaction between excited acetone and another molecule or radical leaves the diacetyl produced in a condition to emit the fluorescence, for in that case the fluorescence in pure acetone should be present almost immediately with full intensity. The simple nature of the growth curve of the fluorescence should shed some light on the processes of production, excitation, and dis appearance of the diacetyl. However, just be cause several steps are involved between ab sorption by acetone and the appearance of the fluorescence, there is no series of processes which will uniquely account for the growth. QUENCHING EFFICIENCY OF OXYGEN The fluorescence of diacetyl is apparently strongly quenched by oxygen,l but recovers in time, indicating that the oxygen is consumed. It was shown that an oxygen pressure of 0.013 mm brought the fluorescence to one-half in tensity. Assuming a collision diameter of 3 X 10-8 cm, a lifetime of the' excited molecule of 10-5 sec. was required to make fluorescence and quenching collisions equally probable. We now find, however, that the molecule actually re mains in an excited state 10-3 sec. Therefore, abou t 100 collisions (to wi thin 3 X 10-8 cm) be tween excited diacetyl and oxygen occur, on the average, before a quenching collision takes place. The quenching process thus owes its apparent high efficiency to the long lifetime of the excited molecule. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:53:19
Growth Conditions for Single and Optically Mosaic Crystals of Zinc C. A. Cinnamon and Albert B. Martin Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 11, 487 (1940); doi: 10.1063/1.1712799 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1712799 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/11/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Thermal Degradation of Single Crystal Zinc Oxide and the Growth of Nanostructures AIP Conf. Proc. 1250, 43 (2010); 10.1063/1.3469702 Growth of Bi doped cadmium zinc telluride single crystals by Bridgman oscillation method and its structural, optical, and electrical analyses J. Appl. Phys. 107, 093501 (2010); 10.1063/1.3275054 Growth and characterization of pseudomorphic single crystal zinc blende MnS Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 2690 (1995); 10.1063/1.114294 Growth of Zinc Sulfide Single Crystals J. Chem. Phys. 20, 1343 (1952); 10.1063/1.1700758 Mosaic Crystals of Zinc J. Appl. Phys. 5, 1 (1934); 10.1063/1.1745205 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 18:51:52for quantitative spectrum analysis shows that the radiation of all of them is determined by only one quantity which is either the gas tem perature or the electron temperature, the latter of which is in some cases higher, in others equal to the gas temperature of the discharge. The excitation energy is therefore distributed among the excited states of the atoms statistically, and the number of atoms in the various energy levels is determined uniquely by the electron or gas temperature. Consequently the intensity ratio of two lines is related to the intensity ratio of two others. A "correlation method" is described, which permits one to work at nonstandardized conditions (variation of the shape of the elec trodes, influence of extraneous elements, etc.) while reducing the measurements to "normal" (standard) conditions. The method may also be profitably used under standard conditions to improve the accuracy of an analysis while eliminating errors due to accidental fluctuations in the light sources. In conclusion, the author would like to express his sincerest thanks to Professor Mark W. Zemansky for many helpful discussions and suggestions. Growth Conditions for Single and Optically Mosaic Crystals of Zinc C. A. CINNAMON AND ALBERT B. MARTIN* Physics Department, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyomitig (Received January 30, 1940) A modified Kapitza method used in the study of conditions favorable to the growth of single crystals of zinc (99.99+ percent pure), shows that the ratio of the temperature gradient (across the interfacial boundary between the liquid and solid phases) to the rate of growth of the crystal must be maintained within an optimum range of values, depending on the angle of orientation. Optically mosaic crystals give no indication of a preferred region of growth and can be ob tained over a much wider range of conditions. INTRODUCTION THE modified Kapitza method of growing single crystals of zinc as described by Cinnamon! and used by other investigators 2-4 has met with a fair degree of success. However, a . more recent application of this method has resulted in the production of a large number of optically mosaic crystals5 compared to the num ber of single crystals.6 In this respect difficulties arise quite similar to those experienced by investi- * Now at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. 1 C. A. Cinnamon, Rev. Sci. Inst. 5, 187 (1934). 2 W. J. Poppy, Phys. Rev. 46, 815 (1934). 3 H. E. Way, Phys. Rev. 50, 1181 (1936). 4 G. E. M. Jauncey and W. A. Bruce, Phys. Rev. 50, 408 (1936). 5 A description of optically mosaic crystals of zinc and photomicrographs of natural cleavage surfaces are given by H. K. Schilling, Physics 5, 1 (1934). 6 A single crystal, when properly cleaved, is characterized by a single, flat and mirror-like cleavage surface in contra distinction to the optically mosaic crystal having a "broken" cleavage surface consisting of discontinuities caused by two or more slightly inclined areas. VOLUME 11, JULY, 1940 gators7•8 employing the Czochralski-Gomperz method. The study of factors influencing the growth of single-crystalline zinc, as initiated by Cinnamon, was but partially completed, in that only the lower limit to the region of favorable growth had been determined. The existence of a lower limit region was later qualitatively confirmed by Poppy2 and Way,3 who used the same method and procedure for crystals of approximately the same size and degree of purity. The growth con ditions imposed by J auncey and Bruce4 also agree reasonably well, considering the difference in cross-sectional area and the possibility of differ ences in impurities. Poppy, also, found indica tions of an upper limit to the favorable conditions as predicted by Cinnamon; however, his data were not extensive enough to set a definite 7 H. K. Schilling, Physics 6, 111 (1935). 8 J. S. Kellough, "Growth conditions for some zinc-rich alloys," Thesis, University of Iowa, 1937. 487 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 18:51:52boundary line. It therefore appeared significant to investigate the upper limit and to determine as far as possible the complete range of favorable growth for single and mosaic crystals of zinc. MATERIALS The material from which the crystal specimens were-grown was obtained from two SO-lb. slabs of Horsehead Special zinc (99.99+ percent Zn). A spectrographic analysis of the two lots, made by the New Jersey Zinc Company9 to determine the relative amounts of the iron and cadmium present, gave the following results: Lot I con tained 0.0018 percent cadmium and 0.0017 percent iron; lot II contained 0.0010 percent cadmium and 0.0010 percent iron. PROCEDURE The procedure was the same as that used by Cinnamon with the following modifications. It was found more convenient to substit!lte for the transite cover a thickness of 3 to 4 mm of asbestos paper placed under a thin sheet-iron strip of 0.7 mm thickness. This assembly of the same width and length as the mold could be held firmly thereto by means of a few single turns of fine iron wire. The thermocouples were placed at S-cm intervals along the mold and stem. On the basis of this length, from preliminary observa tions, a calculation of the probable error in the measurement of the ratio of temperature gradient to rate of growth gave ± 1.3 percent. With this degree of precision a S-cm section was considered sufficient to represent the crystal unit under test. The temperature gradient and rate of growth were controlled over each S-cm section. These quantities were measured over the section that included the interfacial boundary between the solid and liquid phases. The temperature gradi ents impressed across different sections extended from 3.4°C/cm to 12°C/cm. The rates of growth imposed on the different sections extended from 0.07 cm/min. to 0.34 cm/min. The crystals grown were approximately one sq. cm in cross section 10 and varied in length from 9 The authors acknowledge with gratitude the kindness of the New Jersey Zinc Company in rendering this service. 10 During the course of the investigation two molds were used; the first, 0.7 em' and the second, 1.2 em'. An examina tion of the data indicated that the effect of such a variation 488 Scm to 60 cm. A lS-cm length required constant attention and control for 8 hours; a 60-cm length required 14 hours. An improvement in technique was accom plished by etching the specim~n in a 10 percent concentrated HCl solution for a period of 2 to 2t hours. The etching made evident any change in the angle of orientationll of the crystal as well as the origin of any superficial mosaic structure. This technique proved very helpful in the location of mosaics in crystals of high orientation. Al though the presence of striations on the etched surface could be taken as proof that the specimen was mosaic, the absence of such markings was not conclusive evidence that mosaic structure was lacking. This was found to be the case for the crystals of low orientation, where it became difficult to observe variations in the character of the etch. As a final confirmation, all of the single crystal specimens were cleaved and examined both optically and by the sun test, as described elsewhere.1 The cleavage technique was improved by first cooling the specimen in a mixture of dry ice and alcohol. ANALYSIS OF DATA In the course of the investigation 81 specimens were grown. Of this number, 39 startea growing in the main groove of the mold as good single crystals, while 42 were optically mosaic through out their length. Four of these 39 crystals experi enced an abrupt change in the angle of orientation and continued as single crystals of higher orientation. Four continued as single crystals for the entire length of the groove, while the re maining 31 crystals changed to various types of optically mosaic, as described by Schilling.5 Oc casionally some of these mosaics later changed in orientation. This occurred in approximately 20 percent of all the mosaics grown. Almost in variably the resulting mosaic was of higher orientation. An analysis of these results was obtained, by taking as the crystal unit, the S-cm section of the specimen included between the adjacent thermo- in the cross section of the specimens amounted to less than the scattering of points along the boundary due to the slight variation in the impurities of the materials. 11 The angle between the normal to the basal plane and the length of the specimen. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 18:51:52160 140 '" 0 + / / + + / 0 +V~ 00 0 120 v 0 0 + ( 0 <'P ~ r'\ + 0 let v <co 0 f" @ 0 ( ~ 00 ~o ~: ---0 -I:> ~ v ...... C 0 8 o < 8°~ 0 0 0 + 0+ + rn- + u~ 40 + +++ + (!) ~. + + + + zo + o o ZO 40 60 80 ItJO O,.ienlolion-(deqree.s) Osinq/e crljstol(Jcn.); + chal7<fC from sil7'1/e 10 mo",alc;.o. chQl'ICfe of oriientt:llJDn. FIG. 1. Graph showing the effect of the temperature gradient (G) and the rate of growth (R), on the propagation of single-crystalline structure. couple junctions. If the entire 5-cm section re sulted in a single crystal, this unit was said to be "good" and the temperature gradient and rate of growth imposed over this length were said to be "favorable." A section in which the single crystal experienced an abrupt change in orienta tion was said to have "failed." The temperature gradient and rate of growth imposed over this unit were said to be "unfavorable" to the crystal of the original orientation. Such failures were identified as type (1). Also, each section in which a single crystal changed to mosaic was said to have "failed" and the corresponding temperature gradient and rate of growth over this unit were considered "unfavorable." Failures of this kind were identified as type (2). The effect of the temperature gradient (G) and the rate of growth (R), on the propagation of single-crystalline structure was revealed by plotting different functions of these two variables VOLUME 11, JULY, 1940 against the angle of orientation. The most sig nificant function proved to be of the form, Gm I Rn. Plotting the simplest form, GIR, against the angle of orientation for each 5-cm section of "good" single crystal, together with the corre sponding data for each section that had failed, there resulted a distinct separation of points. The plot is shown in Fig. 1. Each circle represents a section of "good" single crystal; each triangle, a section in which the crystal experienced a failure of type (1), and each cross, a section wherein the crystal experienced a failure of type (2). The smooth solid lines shown were placed by inspec tion and indicate the approximate boundaries to the region of successful growth. Other forms of the function, G2 I Rand G I R2, also gave a distinct region of favorable growth (graphs not shown), but were not markedly distinguishable from the plot of G I R. The first form gave a slightly better definition of boundaries than was obtained for GIR, while the latter gave boundaries slightly less defined. Although the distinction appeared genuine, it is evident that a far greater range in the values of G and R will need be imposed, than were used here, in order to make this difference markedly pronounced and of practical significance. The boundaries to the GI R function are sufficiently exact for practical work and can be readily used as a guide during the process of growing a crystal. Functions that gave no indication of a regional separation of points were (G), (R) and the product (GR). All the data for the single crystals, together with that of resulting failures, are represented in Fig. 1. The data show that temperature gradient and rate of growth are significant factors in the growth process of single crystals. They also show a region of preferred growth, depending on the angle of orientation. Crystals of high orientation can be grown over a much greater range of values in GIR than those of a lower orientation. Plotting the corresponding data of GIR for mosaics (crystals that originally started mosaic from the seed nucleus or in the stem and the mosaics originating from the failures of type 2) resulted in no indication of preferred growth con ditions (graph not shown). Failures appeared at random, with a maximum frequency of failures for mosaics orientated between 25° and 60°. The results indicate that mosaic crystals are not 489 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 18:51:52restricted by limiting values of GIR, and all orientations can be grown over a wider range than for single crystals. In this respect, mosaics are more similar in behavior to polycrystalline zinc than to monocrystalline zinc. This incon sistency is in agreement with their erratic thermal and electrical resistivity properties.2•12 CONCLUSIONS In agreement with the experience of others7• 8.13 the present investigation shows that single crys tals must be grown under special conditions. The structure sensitive properties of such crystals are known to be consistent with definite crystal lographic relations2.3. 12.14 and thereby indicate that single crystals approach in reality the crystal lattice continuum in agreement with the contention of Buckley.1s Furthermore, these crystals appear to be free of the lineage structure proposed by Buerger.16 It is evident that the factors, effective in propa gating the single-crystalline structure, change with the angle of orientation and depend on the relation of the temperature gradient across the solid-liquid phase boundary to the rate of growth of the crystalline formation. For a particular angle of orientation the optimum conditions fall between a definite maximum and minimum value of G I R. Such restrictions on the growth of single crystalline zinc, as compared to the relatively greater range for mosaics, show definitely that unless the optimum conditions are imposed, the crystals obtained are very likely to be mosaic and thereby lacking in the properties that charac terize single crystals. It is to be understood that the results obtained are for zinc crystals of the size and degree of purity stated and under the conditions imposed by this method of growth. A modification in method, as used by Hasler,11 apparently yields 12 C. A. Cinnamon, Phys. Rev. 46, 215 (1934). 13 A. G. Hoyem and E. P. T. Tyndall" Phys. Rev. 33, 81 (1929). 14 E. P. T. Tyndall and A. G. Hoyem, Phys. Rev. 38, 820 (1931); A. G. Hoyem, ibid., 38, 1357 (1931). 15 H. E. Buckley, Zeits. f. Krist. 89, 221 (1934); 93, 161 (1936). 16 M. ]. Buerger, Zeits. f. Krist. 89, 195 (1934). 17 M. F. Hasler, Rev. Sci. Inst. 4, 656 (1933). 490 different limitations on temperature gradient and rate of growth. An investigation of the scattering of points about the lower and upper boundaries (See Fig. 1) revealed in all cases, with two exceptions,18 that the crosses falling out of place represented specimens grown from one slab of zinc while the corresponding circles represented crystals grown from the other slab. Apparently, the cause of the scattering is due to the slight differences in the purity of the two slabs of zinc. The increase in the iron content over that in the zinc used by Cinnamon appears to be responsible for the predominance of mosaics that originated in the stem of the mold where the same technique was used as formerly. 1 It also appears to be responsible for the great number of failures of type (2) compared to the relatively few failures of type (1). The lower boundary in Fig. 1 is entirely determined by failure~ of type (2), while the lower boundary obtained by Cinnamon was solely determined by failures of type (1). It is interesting to note that the two boundaries fall in approximately the same region of the graph. Although observations on growth conditions in general are incomplete, the present findings warrant at least two speculations on the probable significance of temperature gradient and rate of growth. (1) The temperature gradient and rate of growth, jointly or separately, must have a direct internal influence on the system of atomic forces at the interfacial boundary between the liquid and solid phases. (2) These factors, jointly or separately, must have an external effect by changing the direction of the temperature gradient across the interfacial boundary. Crystals of low orientation would be more influenced by such changes due to the smaller magnitude of the atomic forces along the direction of growth, while crystals of high orientation would be less influenced due to the greater atomic forces in this direction. 18 The cross in the upper limit in the proximity of 42° and the triangle in the proximity of 60° constitute two failures that cannot be definitely explained. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 18:51:52
The Effect of Wall Materials on the Steady-State Acoustic Spectrum of Flue Pipes C. P. Boner and R. B. Newman Citation: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 12, 83 (1940); doi: 10.1121/1.1916076 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.1916076 View Table of Contents: http://asa.scitation.org/toc/jas/12/1 Published by the Acoustical Society of AmericaJULY, 1940 J. A. S. A. VOLUME 1 2 The Effect of Wall Materials on the Steady-State Acoustic Spectrum of Flue Pipes C. P. BONER AND R. B. NEWMAN University of Texas, Austin, Texas (Received March 2, 1940) HE role of the naterial of musical instru- ments in determining tone quality has long been a source of argument among musicians, instrument makers, physicists, and the public. Much has been said and written on the subject, often without foundation. On the one hand, strong claims have been made for certain materials, on the ground that those materials gave the tone certain desirable characteristics. On the other hand, others have claimed, as did Lavignac in his book, Music and Musicians, that the only function of the body of the instrument is to contain the air. The authors of this paper have been interested in this problem for several years, the interest originating largely as a result of field contacts with men of the pipe organ industry. Many of these men, including pipe voicers, manufacturers, and maintenance men, are of the opinion that the material used in an organ pipe has a profound effect on the tone quality. For example, pipes of wood are popularly supposed to give a tone that may be described as "woody," "warm," "mellow," and the like. Tones of metal pipes with a high percentage of lead (common metal) are generally described as "solid," "founda- tional," "massive." If the metal has a high percentage of tin and the walls are thin, the tone is often thought of as "keen," "stringy," "biting," or "incisive." The fact that general descriptive terms that are used to describe timbre are indefinite has, perhaps, led observers to persuade themselves that their conclusions regarding the effect of materials are valid, even in the absence of logical bases for the conclusions. Thus, one need only read the comments of Schafhautl, as he described the tone of a paper trumpet as "papery" and the tone of a lead trumpet as "heavy," to discover a foreshadowing of opinions on the effects of materials that continue down to the present. Experimentally, the problem is definite. The C. v. Schafhautl, Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung 14, 593 (1879). problem calls for outdoor analyses of the acoustic spectra emitted by the individual pipes, with proper controls of spurious reflections and of variables in the pipes other than the nature of the material used in the walls. This paper de- scribes the measurements taken in an attempted an, swer to the question, the precautions observed, and the results obtained. HISTORY OF THE PROBLEM Miller 2 gave a rather complete account of work done and opinions rendered prior to 1909; and his account serves admirably for a summary of early work done. Thus, Blot (1817) proposed that the quality of each substance might be due to varying relative harmonic intensities. Boehm (1871) stated that hardness and brittleness of the material used had a major effect on tone quality. He was of the opinion that pewter tubes gave a soft, weak tone;German silver a brilliant, shrill tone;silver a brilliant and sonorous tone; and wood a "literally wooden" tone. On the other hand, Mahillon, in his treatise entitled Elements d'A coustique, Musicale et Instrumentale, criticized Boehm for his statements regarding the effect of materials. Mahillon believed that only the air vibrated in wind instruments; in fact, he built a wooden cavalry trumpet that sounded like the ordinary brass trumpet. Lavignac (1899) agreed with Mahillon and referred specifically to pasteboard organ pipes that had been used by certain organ builders. Helmholtz 3 expressed the opinion that wooden pipes produced tones of different quality from metal pipes, when he declared: "Wooden pipes do not produce such cutting windrush as metal pipes. Wooden sides also do not resist the agitation of the waves of sound so well as metal ones, and hence the vibrations of higher pitch seem to be destroyed by friction. For these D.C. Miller, "The influence of the material of wind instruments on the tone quality," Science 29, 161 (1909). a L. Helmholtz, Sensations of Tone, Ellis translation (1930). 83 84 C. P. BONER AND R. B. NEWMAN reasons wood gives a softer, but duller, less penetrating quality of tone than metal." Savart 4 constructed numerous resonating bod- ies of different materials and found that when he made the bodies of paper or parchment the tone was usually more agreeable and lower in pitch than when harder materials were used. He also found that if the tension and stiffness were gradually diminished the frequency was reduced. Impregnating the material with water vapor produced this effect. He pointed out that the analogies between the musical instruments and the membranous cavities of the human voice mechanism is poor. He said' "In the musical instruments the air contained in a cavity is set into vibration by the solid walls surrounding it; on the contrary, in membranous cavities, it is the air which is the body set directly into vibration and which communicates then its vibrations to the containing walls." Liskovius 5 found that if the material used was parchment, tightening or stiffening of the walls raised the pitch. Miller 2 used pipes of wood and of zinc of the same internal dimensions. He found that the zinc pipes were more than two semitones lower in frequency than the wood pipe and that the tones of the zinc pipe were sensitive to pressure on the walls from the outside. When water was filling the space between one of the pipes and an outer cylinder, the pitch, quality, and vibrational mode excited all varied. Miller discussed at some length the role of materials from the standpoint of his experiments and from the traditional point of view of the manufacturer; and he expressed the opinion that the material had a decided effect on tone quality. Gronwall 6 showed theoretically that, in the case of longitudinal vibrations of an elastic tube filled with liquid, the velocity of wave propaga- tion is reduced due to vibration of the walls of the tube. Richardson 7 declared that if the walls of the instrument are yielding or absorbent, the pitch is lowered and the tone is weak and strongly 4 F. Sayart, Ann. chim. phys. 30, 64 (1825). 5 K. F. S. Liskovius, Pogg. Ann. 57, 497 (1842). 6 T. H. Gronwall, Phys. Rev. 30, 71 (1927). ? E.G. Richardson, Acoustics of Orchestral Instruments and of the Organ (Edward Arnold & Co., London, 1929). damped. As a basis for his conclusion he stated that when a papier mach( horn is grasped firmly, the tone becomes louder. This observation, if intended to be general in application, is in conflict with that of Miller. 2 Richardson stated that increased rigidity causes increased efficiency. He also stated that the natural frequencies of the walls might be such as to cause reenforce- ment of certain notes of the instrument. Barnes s states that: "The thickness of the metal has also much to do with the development of the harmonics, or the reverse. Thick metal causes the tone of pipes made with it to be more foundational. Pipes made with thin walls have greater harmonic development." Jones 9 states that: "The material of the walls has little effect on pitch or quality so long as the walls are hard and smooth and are fairly rigid. But if the walls are thin or flexible the material does become important." Press 1ø treated the problem of energy flow through the walls of a tube. He found that this flow requires the generation of a progressive wave along the walls of the tube and a change in the phase velocity. Cotton 11 found: (1) That the resonant fre- quency of a soft-walled cavity is higher than in the case of rigid walls; (2) that the partials in soft-walled cavities are inharmonic; (3) that soft walls reduce radiation from the resonator. Lottermoser 1 found extra maxima in the spectrum from organ pipes of metal, these addi- tional maxima being due to excitation of weakly damped resonance modes of the metal tube. These modes, he stated, modulate the tone from the air column and produce audible beats. The particular harmonic that is thus modulated, according to Lottermoser, will ordinarily be a high harmonic since the material is such that resonance of the metal is at a higher frequency than that of the lowest partials of the air column. 8 W. H. Barnes, The Contemporary American Organ (J. Fischer & Bro., N.Y., 1933). 9 A. T. Jones, Sound (D. Van Nostrand, 1937). 0 A. Press, "Theory of sound in voice tubes with radiat- ing walls," Physik. Zeits. Sowjetunion 5, 616 (1934). 11j. C. Cotton, "Resonance in soft-walled cylinders," J. Acous. Soc. Am. 5, 208 (1934). 15 W. Lottermoser, "The influence of the materials of metal organ pipes on their tonal structure," Akustische Zeits. 3, 63 (1938). EFFECT OF WALL MATERIALS ON ORGAN PIPES 85 ...--- 5 4 cm 4 FIG. 1. These metal tones also affect the transient state of the pipe, in his opinion. Jones, 3 in discussing the paper of Lottermoser, pointed out that the modulating frequencies necessary to produce the lines in the spectrum presented by Lottermoser are far below any modes of the pipe wall. Certain results of the present paper will bear on this point. SCOPE OF THE PRESENT STUDY In making a study of the effect of materials on the acoustic spectrum, it is extremely important to maintain all factors other than material strictly constant. Thus, all dimensions of the pipe in the vicinity of the mouth must be un- changed, especially mouth dimensions and posi- tion of the languid (Fig. 1). A change of a few hundredths of a millimeter in the height of the languid will make a decided difference in the 3 A. T. Jones, "Recent investigations of organ pipes," J. Acous. Soc. Am. 11, 122 (1939). spectrum. For example, raising the languid nakes the pipe slow in speech and decreases the ampli- tudes of the partials. Mouth height, wind pressure, inside diameter of the tube, and other physical factors all influence the tone of the pipe. Any test of the effect of materials that calls for several pipes geometrically identical is likely to lead to erroneous conclusions because of almost unavoidable differences in factors other than materials. Only by microscopic setting can the languid be set at the same relative positions in all pipes with sufficient accuracy for an accurate measurement. If the material of the lip is changed, the curvature of the edge will change and the tone will be different. Consequently, in the present work the structure and material at the mouth of the pipe was kept the same by using only one pipe, while the spectrum was measured as a function of the material of cylinders joined to the lower portion, as shown in Fig. 1. Analysis before and after placing the collar showed that the collar had negligible effect. METhOD OF AN^L¾SS Free-field analyses were made, by the method previously described. 4 It is particularly im- portant to note, in a test of the effect of a single variable, that the sound field at a point is the resultant of all emissions from the pipe, and that the intensity will, therefore, vary from point to point. If emission is solely from mouth and top of the pipe, then the interference pattern in the sound field can be roughly predicted by considering the mouth and the top as single sources of sound. For odd-numbered harmonics, emissions from mouth and top should differ in phase by approximately mX (m=0, 1, 2, 3, etc.), because the distance between the two sources is approximately nX/2 (n-harmonic number). For even-numbered harmonics, emissions from top and mouth should differ in phase by approxi- mately (n- 1)X/2. Thus, at a point on a line per- pendicular to the axis of the pipe, passing through the pipe midway between "mouth" and "top" sources, the intensity of odd-numbered harmonics should be a maximum and the in- tensity of even-numbered harmonics should be a 4 C. P. Boner, "Acoustic spectra of organ pipes," J. Acous. Soc. Am. 10, 32 (1938). 86 C. P. BONER AND R. B. NEWMAN I 2 3 5 6 7 8 I0 II 12 13 Id, 5 HARMONIC NUMBER Fro. 2. minimum. Measurements lnade in this labora- tory have shown this to be the case for the first four harmonics, although higher harmonics obey a more complex rule. Measured amplitudes near mouth and top are of the same order of magni- tude; hence, amplitudes of second and fourth harmonics at the measuring point described are smaller than would otherwise be expected. It has been experimentally shown in this laboratory that if radiation from the mouth of the pipe is suppressed, the amplitudes of even-numbered harmonics are markedly increased at the meas- uring point, as would be expected, and the tone of the pipe is thereby made totally different from that of the unaltered pipe. The resulting spec- trum can be made much more regular, by this device, than those of normal flue pipes as pre- viously described. TM In the light of this interference effect, analyses made at a point as described above will be sensitive to amplitude and phase effects and, in addition, to effects of wall vibration and emission through the walls. As the material of the tube is changed it might be expected that emission from the tube walls would change, as well as amplitudes and phases of emissions from mouth and top. MATERIALS USED Seven cylinders were used, as follows' NUMBER MATERIAL Common pipe metal Galvanized iron Steel Shellacked paper Light copper Medium copper Heavy copper Pine WEIGHT IN POUNDS 2.20 O.7O 2.20 0.15 0.30 O.5O 0.90 O.88 THICKNESS IN THOUSANDTHS OF AN INCH 50 25 7O 8 5 13 29 312 EFFECTS OBSERVED Some of these cylinders exhibit curious effects. The paper cylinder, for example, was of ordinary wrapping paper and was therefore porous. When first formed, the resulting pipe refused to speak, except in that it emitted unstable noises. As the shellac that was later placed on the paper began to dry, continued improvement in speech was noted over a period of three or four days. At the end of that period, the speech was apparently perfectly normal, as compared with the cylinder of regular pipe-metal (largely lead). Clearly, the shellac gradually sealed the pores and, as EFFECT OF WALL MATERIALS ON ORGAN PIPES 87 I 2 3 4 .5 6 7 6 9 I0 II 12 13 14 1.5 HARMONIC NUMBER Fro. 3. Lavignac would possibly have said, the pipe began to "contain the air." If the finished paper pipe is grasped by the hand, vigorous vibrations of the cylinder are felt and the tone rapidly changes as the grasping pressure is increased. Any sensible deformation of the pipe from a true cylinder cause large tonal changes. If a de- pression is made in the cylinder the tone ceases; increased blowing pressure will then produce a tone of considerably higher frequency than the original tone. These results are in accord with the observations of Miller and others. The light-weight copper pipe exhibits an inter- esting transient effect. When the blowing pres- sure is suddenly cut off, the pipe continues to emit sound for a second or two, the tone having two basic frequencies: one very close to the original, steady-state frequency and one at a slightly lower frequency. Beats are clearly audible during the decay period, and the effect is some- what like an organ Flute Celeste. This effect might be pleasing in an actual organ stop, par- ticularly since the beats are not present in the steady state. The effect is possibly related to the effect described by Lottermoser, TM but his expla- nation (see Jones 13) could hardly suffice for the effect noted in the present paper. If this thin copper pipe is tapped with the finger (the pipe not being blown), the same beating tone is heard as in the case of the removal of the blowing pressure. There are, in addition, other tones produced, one of them having a frequency of approximately 200 vibra- tions per second. Each of these modes appears, in most cases, as a doublet, and the beats heard are beats between the members of the doublet. When the pipe is speaking normally, by being blown in the usual manner, only the customary harmonic series (singlets) is found, provided the blowing pressures are normal for the particular pipe. When the blowing pressure is suddenly cut off, the doublet series of the wall-and-air-column acoustic system is excited and a beating series of tones is heard. During normal blowing, this doublet series is too weak to be heard. The doublet series, further, is less highly damped than the normal vibration of the blown system. Contrary to the experience of Lottermoser, in- crease of blowing pressure fails to elicit the beat- ing tones in the steady state. The beating effect under strong blowing, as described by Lotter- moser, is characteristic of slightly overblown flue pipes and is produced, as will be shown by the authors in a paper now in preparation, by beats 88 C. P. BONER AND R. B. NEWMAN between members of a doublet or triplet series of partials. It is, therefore, possible that the result of Lottermoser was, in part, due to excess pressure and was not completely determined by resonance of the tube. EFFECT OF MATERIALS ON STEADY- STATE SPECTRUM In Figs. 2 and 3 is plotted the r.m.s. sound pressure in db (zero db equals 1 dyne per square centimeter at the measuring point previously described, 17 feet from the pipe under test) against harmonic number. To aid in presenting results, the points are joined by straight lines, although there is obviously no energy at fre- quencies other than the harmonic frequencies labeled. One striking result is the fact that lst-har- monic amplitudes produced by all materials are nearly the same. The paper pipe has the lowest value, but it is only 1 db below the wooden pipe and 3 db below the steel pipe. Second, fourth, and extreme upper harmonics of the paper pipe are materially lower than for other materials, but harmonics of the paper pipe other than these are nearly as strong (less than 5 db difference) as those of the metal pipes. The wooden cylinder, instead of producing what some would anticipate as a "woody tone," is virtually as strong in harmonic development as the metal cylinders. The common-metal (largely lead) exhibits the most intense lower harmonics, while the steel tube exhibits the most intense upper harmonics. The galvanized iron pipe is intermediate between steel and common-metal. However, maximum differences among these three are of the order of 3 db. For convenience, the spectrum may be divided into three groups: Group A--harmonics 1-7, inclusive; Group B--harmonics 8-11, inclusive; Group C--harmonics above 11. GROUP A In Group A the common-metal pipe shows greatest harmonic development. It is surpassed by the wooden pipe on harmonic numbers 6 and 7, by the heavy copper pipe on harmonic No. 6, and by the light copper pipe on harmonic No. 7. The differences, however, are very small. Galva- nized iron is superior to steel, is substantially equal to heavy copper, and is superior to light copper. If copper is used by a manufacturer to secure higher harmonic development in Group A, it would seem that his efforts are not particularly fruitful. Arranging the cylinders in descending order of harmonic development in Group A gives the following tabulation: 1. Common pipe metal, 5. Steel, 2. Wood, 6. Paper, 3. Galvanized iron, 7. Medium copper, 4. Heavy copper, 8. Light copper. GROUP B In this group of harmonics, steel is supreme, except at the 9th, where wood excels and at the 8th, where copper excels. The paper pipe is uniformly low in this group, although its de- ficiencies are less than 4 db except at the 11th. A rating, similar to that in Group A, gives: 1. Steel, 5. Medium copper, 2. Wood, 6. Light copper, 3. Heavy copper, 7. Common-metal, 4. Galvanized iron, 8. Paper. GROUP C The order in this group would be: 1. Steel, 5. Heavy copper, 2. Medium copper, 6. Light copper, 3. Galvanized iron, 7. Common-metal, 4. Wood, 8. Paper. With the exception of the paper cylinder, it must be concluded that the material of the cylinder above the upper lip of a flue pipe has very little effect on the steady-state spectrum of the pipe. The amplitude deficiencies of the paper pipe are, in fact, not particularly great. Listening tests made on these pipes showed very small audible differences. It is, moreover, particularly shocking to hear a good diapason tone from a pipe with its cylinder made of wrapping paper. Grasping a thin-walled pipe and putting dents in a pipe both cause considerable reflection at the resulting discontinuity and a corresponding change in the acoustic impedance at the mouth. This change exhibits itself in marked changes in frequency and spectrum. Frequently, in practice, a pipe that is tending toward overblowing may EFFECT OF WALL MATERIALS ON ORGAN PIPES 89 have its speech steadied by applying an external constraint at the proper point. The physical lengths of these pipes, to give the same frequency, are as follows: Steel 57.8 cm, Heavy copper 57.5 cm, Common-metal 57.7, Medium copper 57.5, Galvanized iron 57.7, Light copper 57.3, Wood 57.5, Paper 56.9. These variations, although small, are in agree- ment with the general observations of Savart 4 and Richardson, 7 but are much smaller than variations reported by Miller. 2 The small amount of frequency variation found indicates a minor effect of cylinder material on the reactive com- ponent of pipe impedance, even though the thin- walled cylinders exhibited large amplitudes of vibration in comparison with the thick-walled cylinders. Thus, one would expect a minor effect of cylinder material on phase differences between emissions from mouth and top. Hence, since the amplitude differences at the observation point in the sound field were small, in most cases, particularly at the 2nd and 4th harmonics for which there is partial cancellation, it may be concluded (except for the paper pipe) that cylinder material has a negligible effect on generation and emission of sound at mouth and top of the flue pipe and that emission from the walls is probably small in comparison with that from mouth and top. Further studies of the paper pipe should reveal the exact cause of the low values of the 2nd and 4th harmonics, by making measurements on phase difference between mouth and top, emission amplitudes at mouth and top, and sidewall emission.
An Apparatus for the Measurement of AlphaParticle Range and Relative Stopping Power of Gases M. Y. Colby and T. N. Hatfield Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 12, 62 (1941); doi: 10.1063/1.1769827 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1769827 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/12/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in An experiment to measure range, range straggling, stopping power, and energy straggling of alpha particles in air Am. J. Phys. 46, 742 (1978); 10.1119/1.11392 AlphaParticle Irradiation Apparatus Rev. Sci. Instrum. 29, 962 (1958); 10.1063/1.1716067 An Undergraduate Experiment for the Determination of Alpha-Particle Range Am. J. Phys. 21, 307 (1953); 10.1119/1.1933429 An Easily Constructed Alpha-Particle Range Apparatus Am. J. Phys. 20, 374 (1952); 10.1119/1.1933239 A New Method of Measuring the Stopping Power of Several Materials for AlphaParticles Rev. Sci. Instrum. 20, 394 (1949); 10.1063/1.1741552 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:48:15FEBRUARY. 1941 R. S. 1. VOLUME 12 An Apparatus for the Measurement of Alpha-Particle Range and Relative Stopping Power of Gases M. Y. COLBY AND T. N. HATFIELD* University of Texas, Austin, Texas (Received October 8, 1940) A description is given of an apparatus which has been developed for measuring the extra polated ra~ge of .alpha-particles in gases by the method of specific ionization. The improved apparatus IS designed after the Curie-Naidu apparatus but increases the specific ionization current about one hundredfold without increasing the thickness of the alpha-particle source. INTRODUCTION A VARIETY of methods has been devised for determining experimentally the range ?f alpha-particles in gases. These may be grouped mto three general classifications: (1) the method of individual particle counts, (2) the cloud-track method, and (3) the ionization method. Holloway and Livingston1 have made a comprehensive investigation of range methods and they have pointed out that range determinations should be based on ionization measurements. The two general methods of making ionization measure ments are (1) the measurement of the total ionization by the Geiger, or sphere, method and (2) the measurement of the specific ionization with a thin chamber. It is with this latter measurement that the present work is concerned. The extrapolated range as determined from specific ionization measurements is the most reproducible characteristic of the ionization curves and there are two types of thin chambers used in determining this range. The perpendicular thin chamber, as used by Bragg and Kleeman2 and later by others, includes a wire grid as the front face of the chamber, the grid being perpen dicular to the beam of alpha-particles. The parallel type chamber as used by 1. Curie,3 Naidu,4 and others has thin electrodes parallel to the alpha-particle beam. The advantage of the latter type is that errors due to particles reflected from the wire grid are avoided. The specific ionization current obtained by investigators with * 9? leave from Louisiana State University, University LOUISiana. ' 1M. G. Holloway and M. S. Livingston Phys Rev 54 18 (1938). ' . ., 2 W. H .. Bragg and R. Kleeman, Phil. Mag. 8, 726 (1904). 31. Cur~e, Ann. de physique 3. 299 (1925). 4 R. Naldu, Ann. de physique 1, 72 (1934). 62 the parallel type thin chamber is of the order of 10-15 amp., while the total ionization current obtained with the sphere method is of the order of 10-12 amp. Because of the difficulty of meas uring accurately the specific ionization current much of the recent work on range measurement~ has been-carried out by the sphere method. The apparatus described here gives a specific ioniza tion current of the order of 10-13 amp. The advantages of using a thin source and having the alpha-particle beam well collimated were pointed out by Naidu and both these are retained in the present apparatus. DESIGN OF THE ApPARATUS Since the results of the work of 1. Curie and R. Naidu are considered the most accurate data, to date, on alpha-particle ranges, their type of ~pparatus was used as the basis for the apparatus m the present work. A diagram of the general form of the apparatus used by Naidu is shown' in Fig. 1. The alpha-particles leaving the source S are collimated by the slits cc and the beam, on reaching the ionization chamber, produces ions which are collected on e. The ionization chamber u~ed was 2.6 cm .high and 7 cm deep, the collectmg electrode bemg 3 mm wiqe. The measured ionization current was that produced by the alpha-particles in the 5.46 cc of gas above the collecting electrode. The general form of the FIG. 1. General form of the Naidu apparatus. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:48:15MEASUREMENT OF ALPHA-PARTICLE RANGES 63 FIG. 2. Diagram of the chamber: 1-Glass ring; 2-Bakelite post; 3-collecting electrode; 4-guard rings; 5- glass plate; 6-amber post; 7-sylphon bel lows; 8-source and collimator; 9-upper electrode. Scale Ii? em present apparatus is that which would be generated by rotating the Naidu apparatus through 3600 about an axis through the source and in the plane of the paper (Fig. 1). The collecting electrode thus becomes a circular ring about the source and the straight collimating slits form circular slits which give a disk of collimated alpha-particles. The volume of the gas above the collecting electrode is thus greatly increased and the small source is stretched ou t into a circular band. The source-to-electrode distance is no longer variable but the effective distance is varied by varying the pressure of the gas in the chamber. The chamber, a diagram of which is shown in Fig. 2, consists of a glass ring of 29.7 cm inside diameter and 3.85 cm height capped on the ends by half-inch plates of Duralumin. The composi tion bushings shown in the upper plate insulate it from the bolts and lower plate. The collecting electrode is an aluminum ring approximately 4 mm wide and 11 cm inside radius mounted on ·three amber posts in the lower plate. It is held in position by small pins in the posts, one of the pins making contact with an outside lead through the post. The guard rings are mounted directly onto the lower plate. The space between the guard rings and collecting electrode does not exceed one-quarter mm at anyone place. The upper electrode is mounted on three Bakelite posts and the distance between the upper and lower electrodes is 2.56 cm. With this electrode spacing and the wide guard rings, the field is sensibly uniform at the collecting electrode and perpendicular to it. The collimator consists of two half-inch brass plates 6 cm in diameter machined out so as to form two rings of diameters 3 cm and 6 cm, respectively, which, when fitted together as shown in Fig. 2, form two circular slits. The lower collimating plate rests on three leveling screws and the upper plate is fitted with three slit adjustment screws which rest on the lower collimating plate. The slit edges are made sharp (less than half a mm) to avoid errors due to "tube collimation." A photograph of the chamber with the upper plate removed is shown in Fig. 3. The alpha-particle source consists of polonium deposited on a thin band of silver which has been chemically deposited on a 6-mm glass tube. L. Miller' has investigated the deposition of polonium from half-normal hydrochloric acid solutions onto metals, obtaining the best results by depositing on silver which has been chemically deposited on glass. The tube on which the polonium is deposited is one cm long and is held by a shallow cup cut into the lower collimating plate as shown in Fig. 2. The brass cap shown fits over the source to avoid contaminating the 5 L. Miller, "The range of alpha-particles from polonium in various gases," Master's Thesis, The University of Texas, 1939 (unpublished). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:48:1564 M. Y. COLBY AND T. N. HATFIELD FIG. 3. Chamber with top removed: A-Slit adjustment screws; B-source cover; C-collimating slit; D-collect ing electrode; E-Dershem electrometer; F-standard condenser. chamber when the apparatus is not in use. The sylphon bellows arrangement allows one to uncover the source by raising the long pin which runs through the tube and is attached to the brass cap. In view of the work by Naidu6 on diffusion of the alpha-particles, range measurements in air were made with the present apparatus using various slit widths to determine whether the measured range was influenced by the geometry of the apparatus. The slit widths used were 0.028, 0.052, 0.074, and 0.1 cm. No variation was found that could be attributed to the use of too wide a slit up to the one-mm width. However, to be certain that the range measure ments were not affected by diffusion, a slit width of 0.085 cm was adopted for the apparatus. This gives an alpha-particle beam-thickness of 1.02 cm at the collecting electrode (assuming geometrical projection), lacking 1.54 cm of being as thick as the distance between electrodes. Since all alpha-particles are not emitted normaIly from the source, the source-to-electrode distance cannot be taken merely as the radius of the electrode minus that of the source. The average distance traveled by all the particles must be calculated. First consider the variation of the source-to electrode distance with the angle which an emitted particle makes with the horizontal. From the geometry of the apparatus it is easily shown that the emitted particle making the largest possible angle with the horizontal will 6 R. Naidu, Ann. de physique 1, 77 (1934). have a source-to-electrode distance which is less than one-tenth of a percent greater than that of the particles traveling horizontally through the slit. Considering this smaIl variation and the fact that fewer particles travel in the "penumbra," (i.e., make the larger angle)the variation from the horizontal source-to-electrode distance can be neglected here. Assuming, then, that the particles are emitted horizontally from the source (forming a colli mated disk), the source-to-electrode distance for a particle emitted at an angle cp with the normal to the source is represented by PA =x in Fig. 4. In this figure ss is a section of the source, and ee is the collecting electrode center. The radius of the source is taken as r and the distance to the center of the coIlecting electrode as R. We desire to calculate the average value of x. From the figure, we have: x= (R2_r2 sin2 cp)!-r cos cpo (1) The number of particles emitted in the angle dcp is proportional to dcp under our assumption of no vertical spread. Thus, for the average distance we have: 7r/2 71"/'2 X = i xdcp / i dcp o 0 (2) e s '~---l'--...l.-_~ B FIG. 4. e or x= 2:[i~/2 (1-:>in2cp YdCP-~J (3) In the present apparatus, R= 11.238 cm and r = 0.305 cm, giving x= 11.042 cm. (4) The ionization current is measured by the This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:48:15MEASUREMENT OF ALPHA-PARTICLE RANGES 65 Townsend7 compensation method, a Kohlrausch slide wire and a Dershem electrometer being used in the circuit with a 50p,p,f cylindrical condenser. The advantages of using this method are pointed out by Naidu. The larger currents obtained with the present apparatus, however, eliminate the necessity of using a Compton electrometer and the special resistances used by Naidu. The gas pressure in the chamber is measured with a closed manometer and a cathetometer. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The chamber is first washed with the gas to be used. Then as the gas is introduced at various pressures, readings on the ionization current are taken. Best results are obtained by applying the compensating voltage for 30 to 50 seconds. This is done by having a potential difference of 0.6 volt across the slide wire, and turning the slide through a counted number of turns. If the capacity of the condenser is C, and the compen sating voltage V is applied in t seconds, then the current is given by I'=CV/t. (5) However, since the mass of the gas ionized is proportional to the pressure, this current must be corrected to some reference pressure. Thus 1= (CV/t)· (76/P), (6) where P is the pressure, and I is the current which would be produced if the mass above the collecting electrode were that which would be present at a pressure of 76 cm Hg. Figure 5 shows examples of I plotted against P. The straight line portion of the curve has been extended to the axis to give the "extrapolated pressure range" p' at the temperature T. Plotting the latter portion of the curve to a larger scale affords a better determination of p'. GAS TABLE I. Straggling parameter and range of air, argon and H.S. y .424 em .366 em .31 em .23 cm .17 em .12 em r (PRESENT WORK) 3.850 em 4.16 em 2.58 em r (NAIDU) 3.868 cm 4.20 em 7 J. S. Townsend, Phil. Mag. 6, 598 (1903). The extrapolated ionization range r at 15°C and 76 cm Hg is then calculated by r= 11.042 X (p'/76) X (288/T). (7) The apparatus in its present form is probably not suitable for precision measurements of absolute range. The instrumental straggling is large and empirical range formulae as given by Holloway and Livingston and others may not apply here. The authors are at present investi- {{J ---- -I # -~ '" ,.. ~.--1----~ -l/-- t-- ):t J2 V ~ W N f1i ---4-_ .. 1I l---' ~ t-"" ~ idt' ~\ ~ I I t--~ ~ -~ '--I~ t-- <> ..., --I - ~: ~~ z -~ f--~' 16~ -.~ ~ lZ~ ~- ~ I-;~ .-j--If r-- t-I~ OJ. 1-I~ ~. ~YIi~ I~, t\ rl" )::( fli I .. 41-./ I" 246 8maH~MMllUSM.~~ PreJ.Jure In em H9 FIG. 5. Examples of the specific ionization curve obtained with the apparatus. gating the use of a source of smaller diameter and a narrower collecting electrode which, it is hoped, will result in steeper ionization curves and increased accuracy in range measurements. Although the straggling parameter, a, is larger than the range straggling parameter generally reported (0.052 to 0.067 for air), the extrapolated ionization range as measured with the present apparatus is in general agreement with that reported by others. The results of measurements on air, argon and H2S are given in Table I. The value of y given is that obtained from the curve as shown in Fig. 4 (reduced to cm at 760 mm and 15°C), and the value of the straggling parameter a is that calculated by the Livingston and Holloway formula:8 a=0.917y-0.160. (8) The value of the range given is that obtained from an average of several measurements. By making several measurements on a given 8 Reference 1, p. 35. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:48:1566 F. C. NIX AND D. MACNAIR gas, some of the measurements being taken as long as 10 days apart, the precision of the appa ratus has been checked. It is found that the "ex trapolated pressure range" as measured by this apparatus checks to better than one-half of a percent for the gases measured. By measuring the range in two different gases, and then in mixtures of these gases, a check is obtained on the validity of the measurements. The stopping power of a gas relative to air is calculated from the ratio of the ranges: Or, since the source-to electrode distance is constant, the relative stopping power may be calculated from the "extrapolated pressure range." Thus the appa ratus affords the measurement of the relative stopping power of gases by a method which is quite easy to carry out. The authors have used the apparatus described in measuring the relative stopping power of several gases. The additive law is verified for all gases measured, including nitrous oxide, a gas for which Schmieder9 has reported that the law does not hold. 9 Karl Schmieder, "Bremsvermogen und Tragerbildung der Alpha Strahl en in Gasen," Ann. d. Physik 38, 445 (1939). FEBRUARY. 1941 R. s. 1. VOLUME 12 An Interferometric-Dilatometer with Photographic Recording F. C. NIX AND D. MACNAIR Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York, New York (Received November 12, 1940) An interferometric-dilatometer for the temperature range from + 750° to -190°C with photo graphic recording. The method is illustrated by results obtained on quartz perpendicular to the optic axis. RECENT studies on the nature of order disorder transformations in alloys have shown the need for a dilatometer with great sensitivity, permitting measurements of volume changes, accompanying the transformation, to be made at very slow rates of heating or cooling, in order to achieve thermodynamical equilibrium in the interesting region near the critical ordering temperature. The slow rates in turn demand a dilatometric apparatus with automatic recording. Both requirements have been met by an interferometric method which in a cruder form dates back to Fizeau.l The interferometer (de picted in Fig. 1) is of the same general form as described by Merrit,2 and used in more recent investigations by Austin.3 In this instrument three pieces of the material whose expansion is to be measured rest between two optically polished fused silica disks. The 1 V. Valentiner, Handbuch der Experimental Physik 8. Part 2. p. 1. 2 G. E. Merrit, Sci. Pap. Bur. Stand. 19,357 (1924). 3 J. B. Austin, Physics 3, 240 (1932). lower and upper disks are 27 and 10 mm in diameter, respectively. The material to be studied is cut into the form of small pyramids some 3 or 4 mm in height, with a diameter of 2 or 3 mm. The three specimens of almost iden tical height are then placed on the lower disk as indi cated in the section view of Fig. 1, and on top of them is placed the second disk. This disk is cut in l. .................................. __ -' FIG. 1. The plan view shows typical ap pearance of the two sets of interference fringes. The vertical view shows the speci mens between the fused silica disk. The cross and arrow serve as fiduciary marks. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:48:15
SteadyState Solutions of Electromagnetic Field Problems. I. Forced Oscillations of a Cylindrical Conductor J. A. Stratton and L. J. Chu Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 12, 230 (1941); doi: 10.1063/1.1712899 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1712899 View Table of Contents: http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/JAPIAU/v12/i3 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Additional information on J. Appl. Phys. Journal Homepage: http://jap.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://jap.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://jap.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://jap.aip.org/authors Downloaded 10 Sep 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsSteady-State Solutions of Electromagnetic Field Problems I. Forced Oscillations of a Cylindrical Conductor J. A. STRATTON AND L. J. CHU Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (Received December 9, 1940) The object of this investigation is a study of the current distribution in or on the surface of a conductor and its associated field under the influence of a localized e.mJ. Steady-state solutions of the field equations are found for conductors of simple geometric form. The results clarify many electromagnetic problems involving localized sources, especially in the u-h-f region, for which ordinary circuit theory fails to give a satisfactory quantitative explanation. Part I treats the p~oblem of a straight cylindrical conductor and shows the relation of the principal and complementary waves to the nature of the exciting field. A driving point impedance is calcu lated for the case of an external field applied over a vanishingly short section of conductor. The driving point impedance is infinite for a conductor of infinite length and perfect conductivity. Likewise the case of a conductor of finite length bounded at either end by an infinite, perfectly conducting plane is discussed. This problem bears a direct relation to that of a hollow pipe excited by a linear antenna. THE object of this investigation is a study of the current distribution in or on the surface of a conductor and its associated field under the influence of a localized e.m.f. Solutions of electro magnetic field problems are ordinarily con structed from wave functions satisfying a homo geneous set of equations, which in rationalized m.k.s. units can be written VXE+iw/-,H=O, VXH-(O+iWE)E=O. (I) (II) It is assumed here that all quantities contain the time in the form of a factor exp (iwt). The field intensity E is measured in volts/meter, H in ampere-turns/meter, and conductivity CF in mhos/meter. In free space J.!o =411" X 10-7 henry/ meter, EO= 10-9/3611" farad/meter. When the usual boundary conditions are applied in an appropri ate coordinate system, (I) and (II) reduce to a set of homogeneous algebraic equations whose determinant must vanish. The. complex roots of this determinantal equation fix the frequencies and damping of the allowed or free modes of oscillation. The amplitudes, however, are com pletely arbitrary and will be determined by the nature of the exciting source, to which (I) and (II) give no clue. Exact steady-state solutions of eleCtromagnetic problems have been found in a number of simple cases, such as that of a plane wave incident upon 230 a cylinder or sphere. The equations relating the coefficients of the various particular solutions are now inhomogeneous; hence the amplitudes of the excited modes are uniquely determined and the system oscillates with the frequency of the impressed field. In such problems the diffracting body is entirely enveloped in the incident wave. Quite as numerous as these problems of purely optical interest are those in which the impressed field is applied as a local e.mJ., confined es sentially to a small domain of the conductor. The applied field intensity will be designated by the vector E' measured in volts/meter. E' is a specified function of position and time but is not necessarily analytic. It represents the intensity of any external force, of whatever origin, acting on the free charges of the conductor. It may be introduced by a mechanical or chemical agency, by the motion of an external magnet, or by a shielded transmission line. In the latter case, which is the common and practical one, it is obvious that the entire problem is modified to some extent by the presence of the line. It is reasonable to assume, however, that in most cases the effect of the leads on the current distribution in the principal conductor or upon the field at a distance is small and that the perturbation can be taken into account by a second approximation. I t will be assumed in the foIlowing that a JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS Downloaded 10 Sep 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsconducting body is embedded in a homogeneous dielectric medium and that the external e.m.f. is applied within or on the surface of the conductor only. The grounds for the latter assumption are, perhaps, open to some question, since an applied field at the surface of a conductor must inevitably extend into the neighboring dielectric and thereby effect its polarization; but the effect on the total field of such additional dielectric ,displacement currents is small relative to that of the con duction current, and its neglect seems entirely warranted. Hence the field within the dielectric is governed by Eqs. (I) and (II). If the conductor is metallic the displacement current term is negligible, and since the current density J is proportional to the resultant field intensity, J=cr(E+E'), we have to satisfy in this domain the inhomogeneous system V'XE+iW/-LH=O, V'XH-crE=crE'. (I) (II-a) Analytic continuation of the solutions from one domain to the other is insured by the boundary conditions which call for a continuous transition of the tangential components of E and H. Note, however, that the transition of E' across a bound ary is arbitrary and in general discontinuous. It was shown by Sommerfeld that the system admitted a principal wave propagated with negligible damping and a velocity approaching that of light, together with an infinite series of complementary waves associated with damping factors so great as to result in immediate extinc tion. In dielectric wires or hollow pipes, on the other hand, no principal mode occurs and for sufficiently high frequencies the complementary waves are propagated with relatively little attenuation. These are free modes of oscillation whose amplitudes are determined by the initial conditions and which are responsible for reso nance phenomena. A "surface impedance" was also defined by Rayleigh and used as a basis for the discussion of the alternating-current resist ance of linear conductors. It differs from the driving-point impedance to be observed at the point of application of an external e.m.f. We shall assume that E' is parallel to the axis of the conductor and is uniform over the cross section. In Fig. 1 the axis of the conductor is shown coinciding with the z axis of the coordi nate system and the impressed e.m.f. is intro duced in the neighborhood of z = 0. Particular solutions of (I) and (II) in cylindrical coordinates r, cp, z appropriate for the dielectric domain r>a can be taken directly from Sommerfeld's discussion.2 nX(E 2-E1)=0, qX(H 2-H1)=0, (III) Thus for r>a where n is a unit normal vector drawn from medium (1) to medium (2). The normal will always be drawn outward from a metallic surface into the dielectric. There is, of course, nothing new in these equations and they are discussed in most of the older texts on electromagnetic theory.l The pur pose of the present work is to show that in many cases they are easily integrated and that the solutions can be of greater practical interest than those giving simply the transient oscillations. As a first example we consider the propagation of waves along a single, infinite conductor of circular cross section. The classical treatments of this problem are due to Rayleigh and to Sommerfeld. 1 M. Abraham, Theorie der Elektrizitiit (Teubner, seventh edition, 1923); O. Heaviside, Electrical Papers (Macmillan,' 1892). VOLUME 12, MARCH, 1941 Ez=AH~2)(p2r) } Er= (iU/P2)AH~2) (P2r) ei",t-iuz, • (2) Hq,=(1,WE2/P2)AHl (P2r) (1) h= (k22-U2)!, k22=W2E2!J.2' (2) where H~2) (P2r) is a Hankel function of the second kind insuring proper behavior of the field at infinity. Inside the conductor Ex' =Ey' =0, Ez' =E'(z), (3) where E' is a prescribed function of z and t. 2 A. Sommerfeld, Ann. d. Physik 67, 233 (1899); also in Riemann-Weber, Differentialgleichungen der Physik, Vo!' 2, (Vieweg, 1935) eighth edition. 231 Downloaded 10 Sep 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions==:: -------E' ~Z FIG. 1. Section of infinite conductor of circular cross section a embedded in dielectric medium E2, 1'2. Equations (1) and (II-a) now reduce to aET aE. ----+iWJ.l.IHq,=O, az ar aHq, --+O"IEr=O, az Eliminating Er and Hq, one obtains If now we place a2E' =iwl-lwIE' ---. az2 F=E.+E' (4) (5) (6) and note that the field is finite on the axis, !t is apparent that for r<a particular solutions of (5) must be constructed from the functions F=BJo(Plr)eiwt-iuz, (7) PI= (kI2-U2)~, k12= -iWJ.l.IO"I, (8) where JO(Plr) is a Bessel function of the first kind. The impressed field E' is a prescribed function of z. For the moment we shall assume only that E'(z) and its first derivative are piecewise con tinuous and that the integral exists. Under these circumstances the impressed field can be represented by the Fourier integral E' = G(z)eiwt = (eiwt/27r) L:dU l:dCi G(a)eiu(a-.). (9) The coefficients A and B of the particular solutions (1) and (7) are now considered to be functions of a parameter a. Upon integrating with respect to u and Ci the field at any point is 232 represented as a superposItIOn of cylindrical waves. Thus for r>a while for r < a (11) These equations are next subjected to the boundary conditions (III) at the surface r =a. There results the algebraic system (2) B Jo(pla)-A Ho (p?p)=G(a), (12) 0"1 ~WE2 (2) . -B JI(PIa)--A HI (p2a)=0 PI P2 from which we obtain (2) x Jo(x) y Ho (y) Z(u) =---' ------ (13) O"la JI(x) iWE2a H(2)(y)' I x=PIa, y=P2a. In the absence of a driving force G, the natural modes of propagation are given by the roots of Z(u) = 0, exactly the conditi.on found by Sommer feld. This condition has an interesting physical interpretation. By definition the wave impedance of a cylindrical wave in the radial direction is -E./ Hq,. The rule for the algebraic sign is that of the Poynting vector. The ratio is positive when the components of E and H follow in cylindrical order.3 It is clear that apart from a sign the first term of Z(u) is the radial impedance of the cylindrical field within the conductor, while the second term expresses this impedance in the external medium. Z(u) is the difference of the two impedances at the boundary. The free oscillations 3 S. A. Schelkunoff, Bell Sys. Tech. J. 17, 17--48 (1938). JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Downloaded 10 Sep 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsof any system of bodies embedded in a homo geneous medium follow from the condition of equality, or "matching," of the normal com ponents of wave impedance across the bounding surfaces, expressed in the present instance by the vanishing of Z(u). Let us now calculate the current passing any cross section of the conductor. Since Jz=u1(E z+E'), we find for the current I at any point z ioo g(u) I =aeiwt(27r)i --e-iuzdu, -00 Z(u) where (14) g(u) = (1/(27i")!) i:G(u)eiUada (15) is the Fourier transform of the applied field G(z). The zeros of the impedance function Z(u) occur at the values of u corresponding to the propagation constants of the principal and com plementary natural modes, and all are complex provided U1 is finite. Z(u) is symmetric in u and the roots lie in the first and third quadrants, with none falling on the real axis. It follows, moreover, from the asymptotic behavior of the Bessel and Hankel functions that as U---HXJ, Z(u)-t 00 as (1/1T1+1/iwf2)U. Hence the path of integration along the real axis may be closed by a semicircle of very large radius in the upper or lower half plane according as z is greater or less than zero. This is illustrated in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b), the dots indicating schematically the location of the zeros. We assume the transform g(u) to be ana lytic everywhere within the closed contour and properly bounded at infinity. Let Un designate the roots of Z(u) =0. Then 1= ±a(27r) !eiwt27ri :E bn, (16) n where bn is the residue at the pole Un and the plus or minus sign holds as z is less or greater than zero. To determine the residues we need only the first term in the Taylor expansions of Z(u) about the poles. Z(U)=(U_Un)(dZ) +"', (17) du u=u,. and hence g(un)e-iun I=a(27r)!e iwt27ri:E -----------. (18) n (dZ/du)u=un VOLUME 12, MARCH, 1941 Thus the source excites all modes and these travel along the line with the propagation factors determined by Sommerfeld's analysis. The ampli tudes are uniquely determined by the form of the exciting function g(u). It will be recalled that if the radius of the conductor and its conductivity are not too small, the propagation factor of the principal wave is given approximately by The effect of a finite conductivity is to introduce a very small imaginary part and a corresponding attenuation. The attenuation of the comple mentary modes, on the other hand, is exceedingly large and so for all practical purposes (18) reduces to (20) To calculate the denominator in (20) note that If we write k1=al-i{h it follows from the asymptotic representations of the Bessel func tions that while from the first term of the series expansions of the Hankel functions in the neighborhood of y = 0 it is easily shown that (2) (2) • Ho (y)/H 1 (y)-ty In ('Yy~/2) as y-tO, (23) where 'Y = 1. 781. From this it follows that dZ/du-t2ia(JJ.df2)lln ('Yyi/2) as U-tk2' (24) 2<0 (a) 2>0 (b) FIG. 2. Closed contours of integration in u plane. 233 Downloaded 10 Sep 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsand the current at any point on the line is The ratio of V to the current at the midpoint is now g(k2) . . 1= 27r(7rEd2.u2)I e,wt-,k2Z• In ('Yyi/2) (25) Vll(O) = 120 (dkdsin dk2) In ('Yyi/2), (33) In case the external dielectric is air, the first factor reduces to 211"(EO/ ,1.10) 1 = 1/60. For the sake of example consider the case of an applied field whose form is represented by the "impulse function." 2 2 Eo e-Z /2d G(z)=----- (27r)! d with the property L:G(Z)dZ=Eo, (26) (27) where Eo is a constant and d a parameter. Its Fourier transform is Eo 2 2 g(k ) =-- e-d k2 /2. 2 (211")1 (2.8) By definition the applied voltage is 1"'0 V= E'dz=Eoeiwt• -00 (29) The ratio of this voltage to the current at the point z=o depends in general on the parameter d, which measures effectively the length of the segment to which the driving force is actually applied. In the present instance 2 2 • V /1(0) = 120 ed k2/21n ('Yy~/2). (30) In the limit as d~O the region of application reduces to a point and the ratio represents the true driving-point impedance of the line. Zi=lim V/l(O) =120 In ('Yyi/2) ohms, (31) d-+O assuming the external medium to be air. Practi cally, it is only necessary that the region of applied field be small relative to the wave-length to justify the concept of a voltage V applied at a . definite driving point z=O. In this limit the impedance is independent of the exact functional form of the applied field. This is easily verified for the case of a "rectangular" distribution defined by 234 G(z) =Eo when G(z)=O when Izl <d, Izl >d. (32) which reduces to (31) in the limit d=O. One will note that u is exactly equal to k2 and y equals zero only in the case of a perfectly con ducting wire. In these circumstances the driving point impedance of the system is infinite, a result entirely comprehensible from the fact that the wire is of infinite length. Sommerfeld's solution has shown how currents, established in an unspecified manner, are propagated. We now see how these currents are related to the source and it appears that a finite current in a perfect con ductor of infinite length cannot be established by a finite voltage. If the conductivity of the wire is finite, the input impedance is large but bounded. A current enters the wire and the inflowing energy is eventually dissipated in heat. It is of some interest to consider the case of a wire of finite length, although it has no direct bearing on the free antenna problem to be dis cussed later. The procedure followed above will give us, by a slight modification, the driving point impedance at the center of a linear, vertical antenna bounded at either end by horizontal, perfectly conducting planes. The problem is thus related indirectly to the establishment of waves in hollow pipes. The applied field is now represented by a Fourier series in place of an integral. Let the transverse, perfectly conducting planes be located at z=l and z= -l. The tangential component Er must vanish over these surfaces and hence in place of (1) when r>a we construct a solution of the form 00 (u nw Ez=eiwt L: An Ho (P2r) cos -(z+l), n=O 21 (34) where A is the wave-length in the dielectric. The JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS Downloaded 10 Sep 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsapplied field is expanded in the series '" n1r E'=ei"'t L Cn cos-(z+l), (35) n=O 21 so that the field within the wire is represented by The boundary conditions at r=a lead to X Cn 1 B,,=--- U1a J1(x) Zn (36) (37) in which Zn is formally identical with (13) but with u restricted to the discrete set of values n1r/2l. The current at any point on the line is now DO Cn n1r 1= haei"'t L -cos -(z+l). (38) n=oZn 21 Assume next the rectangular distribution of applied field defined in (33). E' is then a sym metric function of z, so that all odd coefficients of (36) are zero, while for the even coefficients one obtains d Co=--Eo 1 ' 2( -1)n . n1rd C2n = Eo Sill --, n1r 1 (n=1,2,···). (39) The input impedance at the central point of the wire is again found by taking the ratio of the applied voltage to the current at z = 0 and passing to the limit as z-'>O. 1 '[ 1 00 1 1 Zi=-1/ -+2 L --, 1ra Zo n=1Z2n (40) or for the admittance (41) VOLUME 12, MARCH, 1941 where Yn=1/Z n• Let us assume for the moment that the conductivity of the radiating cylinder is infinite. Then Yn reduces to ~ Y2n= -(1_tl,,2)}(e dJL2)! Hi2 )[ (ha/X)(1- fln2) I] X (42) H~2l[ (ha/X) (1-tln2)!J' where fjn = nX/21. If tin> 1, the ratio of Hankel functions is a pure imaginary. Hence if X> 21, all admittance terms with the exceptions of Yo have susceptance components but no conductance. The complex power associated with these terms is purely reactive. If now X is decreased, a critical wave-length is reached .at which Y2 assumes a nonvanishing conductance. Further decrease of X introduces successively in step-wise fashion the conductances of higher modes, and with each entry there is a corresponding increase in real power input representing outward radiation of a higher order wave. It will be noted in passing that the sum of these terms fails, in the present instance, to approach a limit, due to the as sumption of a voltage concentrated at a mathe matical point rather than over a small but finite segment of the cylinder. This matter will be referred to later. The term Yo has a nonvanishing conductance at all wave-lengths and represents the principal wave. Its field is strictly two dimensional, there being no variation along the z axis. The com ponent Er is zero everywhere and energy flows radially outward from the cylinder. Such a mode is possible because of the absence of any further boundaries transverse to the conducting planes. It will be recalled that the principal wave is completely suppressed in hollow wave guides of finite cross section. . In case the conductivity of the cylinder is finite the term xJO(x)/J1(x) in (13) contributes a small conductance to each admittance com ponent at all wave-lengths, accounting for the dissipation of a certain amount of energy in heat. 235 Downloaded 10 Sep 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions
A Correlation Method for the Elimination of Errors Due to Unstable Excitation Conditions in Quantitative Spectrum Analysis Saul Levy Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 11, 480 (1940); doi: 10.1063/1.1712798 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1712798 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/11/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Analysis of the statistical errors in conditioned real time path integral methods J. Chem. Phys. 99, 5087 (1993); 10.1063/1.466224 Efficient elimination of basis set superposition errors by the local correlation method: Accurate ab initio studies of the water dimer J. Chem. Phys. 98, 2170 (1993); 10.1063/1.464195 Sonic ranging systems to eliminate errors due to variations in the sound velocity in the medium J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 69, 1234 (1981); 10.1121/1.385628 Elimination of errors due to sample polishing in refractive index profile measurements by interferometry Rev. Sci. Instrum. 47, 885 (1976); 10.1063/1.1134770 The Elimination of Errors due to Electrode Polarization in Measurements of the Dielectric Constants of Electrolytes J. Chem. Phys. 10, 609 (1942); 10.1063/1.1723628 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:40:03Contributed Articles A Correlation Method for the Elimination of Errors Due to Unstable Excitation Conditions in Quantitative Spectrum Analysis SAUL LEVY* Perth A mboy, New Jersey (Received January 10, 1940) THE quantitative determination of the com position of substances by spectroscopic means (quantitative spectrum analysis) is not very old. Its development required not only the improvement of spectroscopic equipment but also a better understanding of the phenomena which accompany the emission of spectral lines. At the present time, quantitative spectrum analysis has achieved a high degree of perfection as far as ~peed and accuracy are concerned. The methods employed in this field are finding more and more applications in industrial laboratories and still greater application is to be expected in the future. Quantitative spectrum analysis, however, is still attended by some difficulties which retard its development and expansion. The difficulties at the present time are not so much in the field of intensity (or density) measurements, the technique of which is near to perfection, but in a certain instability and insufficient reproduci bility of line-excitation. In other words, the difficulties lie in the light sources. Workers in this field have suggested various improvements in equipment to overcome these difficulties, the best known of which is the so called Feussner1 method with synchronous inter rupted discharge. Although increasing the stability and improv ing the standardization of excitation conditions are very desirable, nevertheless improvements in equipment alone can hardly remove the diffi culties in a radical way. The reasons for the instability of "burning" of the arc or spark are various. All the electrical parameters: voltage, current, self-inductance, capacitance, and resist ance have an essential influence on the intensity * Formerly member of the Physical Institute of the Universitvof Moscow. 10. Feussner, Archiv. f. Eisenhuettenwesen 6, 551 (1933). 480 relations of spectral lines. But while it is not difficult to maintain the constancy of these parameters, there are many other factors, not so easy to control, which influence the discharge and, therefore, the intensity relations. Particularly important is the influence of the shape and structure of the electrodes on the dis charge. A solid electrode gives a different result than do chips or powder; moreover, with solid electrodes of definite shape, the analysis is not always accurate. Sharp edges or l~ttle defects in the electrodes, such as holes or insertions of particles of other metals, can cause a noticeable change in the discharge; in fact a spark dis charge can, in this way, be transformed into one similar to an arc discharge. The length of spark or are, which is not always equal to the distance between the electrodes, has also an influence on the intensity relations. The discharge is moving from one place to another, and its length is changeable. This cannot and should not be avoided, because it is desirable in most cases to make use of a considerable surface for getting a good average. There are many cases, too, when it is im possible to give a definite shape to the electrodes, as for example when they are very small and cannot be made up in a mechanical way (grain of gold, etc.), or when they are ready-made objects. The application of standard working curves (relations between concentration and intensity ratio under standard conditions) is in all these cases questionable, for they are obtained usually with electrodes of other shape. On the other hand, the preparation of standard working curves for different shapes of electrodes would be too laborious. The influence of extraneous impurities has to be mentioned separately. This problem has been JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:40:03discussed in the last few years in many papers, and the influence determined in many cases. Twyman, Duffendack, Breckpot, Brode and many others2 investigated the influence of ex traneous metals on relative line intensities. Such influences have to be tested in every given case separately, and if stated, many working curves have to be made for different concentrations of the extraneous impurity. Each working curve, however, requires a series of repeated spectro grams, and takes much time. Besides, one has to know what kind of extraneous impurities there are and in what quantities. These considerations show that improvements in equipment alone cannot remove some of the difficulties of quantitative spectrum analysis. Therefore an attempt is made in the present paper to indicate another way of eliminating these difficulties. This procedure is essentially the same that was applied by Naedler3 in the determination of platinum and rhodium in silver where the change of excitation conditions was caused through the various shapes of small electrodes. It is the opinion of the author under whose supervision this method was elaborated (in the laboratory of Professor Landsberg of Moscow University) that it should be useful in many other cases, including the influence of extraneous impurities. Although the method has its greatest application to widely varying excita tion conditions, it may also be profitably used under "normal" conditions to improve the accuracy of an analysis. The method is a simple and natural develop ment of the fundamental principles of quantita tive spectrum analysis as given by Gerlach and Schweizer. 4 Let us first outline the method of Gerlach and Schweizer: 1. The concentration of the "impurity" is determined by measurements, in the same spec trogram, of the intensity (or density) ratio of a line of the impurity and one of the main sub stance. These two lines are chosen to satisfy the condition that they react approximately in the 2 See W. Brode, Chemical Spectroscopy (John Wiley & Son, 1939). 3 W. W. Naedler, Comptes rendus de l'Acad. des Sciences, U. R. S. S. 4,23 (1935); Tech. Phys. U. S. S. R. 4, 553 (1936). 4 W. Gerlach and E. Schweizer, The Foundations and Methods of Chemical Analysis, etc. (Adam Hilger, London, 1930). VOLUME 11, JULY, 1940 same way when excitation conditions are changed. They were therefore called by Gerlach the "homologous" pair. 2. The constancy of excita tion conditions is checked by means of observa tion (without actual measurement) of a "fixation pair" ; i.e., of a pair of lines of the main substance whose intensities are equal under the desired working conditions, but which react in a different way when the conditions change. When the two lines show different intensities, it is a proof that the excitation conditions have deviated from the standard, and the spectrogram is to be rejected. The method of Gerlach and Schweizer is suffi cient for an accurate analysis, if and when it is possible to maintain constant conditions, but this is not always possible, as we have seen above. The method which will be described below in detail, consists of a combination of actual meas urements on two pairs of lines, the working pair and the fixation pair. We choose as the working pair any two arbitrary lines, one from the main substance and one from the impurity, which may or may not react in the same way when excitation conditions are changed. For the fixation pair, two lines from the main substance are chosen which react in a different way when excitation conditions are changed. As we shall see, there is a definite correlation between the intensity ratios in both pairs, which does not depend on that particular factor which has caused the change of excitation; i.e., on the change of electric param eters, or the shape of electrodes, or the distance between them, or the influence of extraneous elements. This correlation can be easily de termined by deliberately changing one of those factors, for instance by varying the self-induct ance of the spark circuit. The analysis is then made with the aid of both the correlation curve and the working curve. The method is based on some known facts concerning electrical discharges in gases, which are briefly summarized in the following paragraphs. Low PRESSURE DISCHARGE The investigations of Langmuir5 and his col laborators have demonstrated that, in the posi tive column of a discharge, even at relatively low 5 I. Langmuir and E. Mott-Smith, Gen. Elec. Rev. 26, 731 (1923); Phys. Rev. 28, 727 (1926). 481 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:40:03current densities, an approximately Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities is formed which depends on the gas pressure. Between the quantity T., which has in the Maxwell ex pression the same meaning as the temperature in the corresponding gas kinetic formula, and the average velocity of the electrons V (in volts) is the relation: eV=!kT., where e is the electronic charge, k is the Boltz mann constant, and Te is called the electron temperature of the discharge. Te at low gas pressures is of the order of 20,000o-40,000oK, and decreases when the pressure increases. The reason for the formation of a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities is the collisions between the electrons and the atoms. It can be expected, therefore, that the inelastic collisions which excite the atoms will lead to an analogous distribution of the potential (excitation) energy of the atoms. In fact, as Kopfermann and Ladenburg6 have shown, the numbers of excited atoms in the various energy levels correspond to a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, the tempera ture of which is equal to the electron temperature (about 20,0000K) while the gas temperature of the discharge (from Doppler-effect) 7 is 300- 400oK. The measurements were taken in a neon discharge tube at about 1 mm pressure and about 1 amp. per cm2 current density. Kopfer mann and Ladenburg also deduced theoretically that the assumption of a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities in conjunction with "col lisions of the second kind"8 leads to a Maxwell Boltzmann distribution of the atoms among the energy levels. Let Nk be the number of excited atoms in an upper state k, Ni the number in a lower state j, which may also be an excited state. Then for statistical equilibrium, Nk/ Ni=Ae-",/kT" where hI' is the energy difference between the two states, Te is the electron temperature, and 6 H. Kopfermann and R. Ladenburg, Naturwiss. 19,513 (1931); R. Ladenburg, Rev. Mod. Phys. 5, 243 (1933). 7 R. Ladenburg and S. Levy, Zeits. f. Physik 65, 189 (1930). 8 See A. C. G. Mitchell and M. W. Zemansky, Resonance Radiation and Excited Atoms (University Press, Cambridge, 1934), p. 57. 482 A is a constant equal to the ratio of the statistical weights of both states. In other words, the energy levels are occupied by the atoms in the same relative number as in the case of thermal excita tion at the corresponding temperature. FREE ARC Similar conditions exist in the positive column of a free arc discharge (at a pressure of 1 atmos.), as was shown by Mannkoppf. 9 The difference is only that in the arc because of the high pressure, the electron temperature is practically equal to the gas temperature. Therefore we can say that the excitation in that part of the arc is a thermal excitation. In the cathode layer of the arc the conditions are very differen t from those of the other part.10 I t is usually acceptedll that the excitation there corresponds to a high electron temperature, but, as far as the author is aware, no investigations have been made concerning the distribution of the excitation energy of the atoms in that layer. It is possible that there is no statistical equi librium due to the lack of time (few collisions). Therefore the cathode layer has to be treated separately. However, as Mannkoppf and Peters have shown, the excitation in this layer is remarkably stable-much more so, in fact, than in the positive column. FREE SPARK Photographs by Kaiser and Wallraff,12 taken with the aid of a rotating mirror in a manner first described by Fessenden, show with par ticular clarity that the radiation of a spark in air at atmospheric pressure consists essentially of two parts: the radiation of the purely periodic discharge with a lifetime of from 10-6 to 10-5 sec., and the radiation of the hot vapors with a lifetime up to 10-3 sec. This latter part of the radiation is the more important one and repre sents the greater part of the total light. It is pure temperature radiation. Kaiser and Wallraff demonstrated further by means of an oscillo- • R. Mannkoppf, Zeits. f. Physik 86, 161 (1933). 10 R. Mannkoppf and E. Peters, Zeits. f. Physik 70, 444 (1931). 11 See W. Rollwagen, Spectrochimica Acta 1, 66 (1939). 12 H. Kaiser and A. Wallraff, Ann. d. Physik 34, 297 (1939). JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:40:03320 .300 2M / 260 / 2¥0 220 .., :too / V ~ .. 180 (... ~ 160 ,. "<:: / / II I ~ 11/0 120 / I 100 J / 80 00 ¥O V / '1800 Te",~eMfqre ill rler ..t FIG. 1. Graph of e-hp/kT against T with hp equal to 4.24 X 10-12 erg, corresponding to p equal to 6.5 X 1014 sec.-!. graph that the spark discharge is really a high frequency arc of low voltage (about 50 v). It is highly probable that the radiation of the first part of the spark discharge is also temperature radiation, like the radiation of a free arc, where the electron temperature is equal to the gas temperature. However, even if it is not so, we can be sure that the excitation energy in the first part of the discharge is also distributed statistically because of the high pressure of the gas. DEGREE OF IONIZATION The degree of ionization, as is well known, can be calculated from the equation of Saha,13 which gives the ionization as a function of the temperature and pressure. Langmuir showed that in a discharge at low pressure there is no one temperature for particles of various kinds, 13 M. N. Saha, Zeits. f. Physik 6, 40 (1921). VOLUME 11, JULY, 1940 but many "temperatures" for each kind. The ionization therefore cannot be calculated in a simple way, unless complete thermal equilibrium exists. We see now that this calculation is possible in a free spark or arc, and not possible in a Geissler tube at low pressure. Therefore we can say that the neutral and the ionized atoms in a spark or in an arc at atmospheric pressure are in a thermal equilibrium, which may not be true in case of a discharge at a lower pressure. The curve e-hp/kT showing the relative numbers of atoms which occupy two energy levels with energy difference hll=4.24XlO-12 erg (11=6.5 Xl014 sec.-1), as a function of the temperature in the interval between 4000 and 54000K is shown in Fig. 1. The relative atom number for T=4500oK is 1 : 1000. We see that over a relatively large temperature interval this ratio changes almost linearly with temperature. A change of temperature of 1000K causes a change in the ratio of about 20 percent.14 So long as the intensities of spectral lines are proportional to the number of atoms, the in tensity ratios are proportional to the Boltzmann factor plotted in Fig. 1. This is true for radiation from a small volume element of the gas in which reabsorption does not take place. Intensity rela tions are altered when one is dealing with the radiation from a finite volume (large concentra tion of the atoms in the lower states, great probability of transition). The ratios are not represented by the Boltzmann factor any more, but are still a function of the temperature. The influence of a change in thickness of the emitting layer will be discussed later on. Strictly speaking, there is no one temperature that may be associated with an arc or spark, but rather a distribution of temperature, for the outer parts of the discharge are cooler, and we have in a cross section of the discharge a superposition of many Boltzmann distributions. Summarizing we can say that the intensity relations of the lines in a spark and in an arc (except maybe for the cathode layer) are deter mined by the temperature. This is true as well for the radiation of neutral atoms as that of 14 The change of temperature of 2000K at 90000K causes only a 4 percent change in the ratio. This is one of the reasons why the spark, whose temperature is much higher than that of the arc, is more stable. 483 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:40:03~------J-~----~--~~-------K FIG. 2. Concentration of an impurity in percent of the main substance. A typical working curve. Ratio of the im purity line to that of the line of the main substance plotted against concentration of the impurity. ionized atoms. In a Geissler tube it is true only for the radiation of neutral atoms at high current density.l5 Therefore, we can change the intensity relations only through variation of the temperature. Mannkoppf has expressed this very clearly with regard to the influence of an extraneous element on the arc by pointing out that the only influence of an extraneous element is a change of tempera ture, and that therefore the "sensitized fluores cence," discovered by Franck, i.e., a selective mutual influence of certain energy levels, is impossible in an arc at atmospheric pressure. We can add now that this is also impossible in a free spark. As to the Geissler tube, the same statement may be made at least with regard to the radiation of the neutral atoms at high current density. The fluctuations in the light sources caused by any factor are accompanied by the change of temperature. These considerations justify the application of the following procedure: DESCRIPTION OF THE CORRELATION METHOD The working pair may consist of arbitrarily chosen lines (of the impurity and the main sub stance) which are convenient for photometric measurements. The choice of the fixation pair is determined only through the condition, that the energy difference of the two excited states should be large enough to cause a noticeable change of 15 The higher the excitation potentials, the higher is the necessary current density. The excitation potentials for neon are about 16-18 volts, whereas, for metallic elements they are 5-10 volts. 484 intensity ratio while the temperature is changing. This condition can be always satisfied if one of the lines belongs to neutral atoms and the other to ionized atoms, although this is not necessary. In an arc or spark the use of "spark" lines for one of the lines is justified; in a discharge tube at lower pressure it is questionable. The working curve is to be found in the usual way. Let h= Fa/ Fm be the intensity ratio of the working pair (h pair), which is a function of the concentration k of a in m (see a typical working curve in Fig. 2), and f= Fd F2' the intensity ratio of the fixation pair (f pair). It does not matter whether we work with the actual intensity ratios or with some function of them which is better to measure. The f ratio has to be kept constant while taking the whole series of spectrograms for the working curve:f = fo = const. It is convenient to choose an fo value for that purpose which is approximately in the middle of the values corresponding to the extremes of temperature which can be expected. The determination of the relationship between the intensity ratios in both working and fixation pairs while the temperature is changing has to be made in the following way: Let us vary one (or many) of the parameters which have an influence on the discharge and therefore on its temperature, for instance, the self-inductance of the spark circuit, preserving at the same time the concentration of the impurity in the elec trodes, say k = k1. To each value of the varying parameter we will get a pair of values of f and h. f. f, f-r,; FIG. 3. Correlation curves for various concentrations. Intensity ratio of the working pair plotted against the intensity ratio of the fixation pair under continuous varia tion of excitation conditions. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:40:03We plot the h values against the corresponding f values and get in this way the "correlation curve" for the concentration kl (Fig. 3). For other concentrations k2' k3, etc. we obtain curves which naturally differ from one another. Then we take from one of the correlation curves, say for the concentration kl' a pair of corresponding values of f and h, say II and hI. We see by means of the working curve in Fig. 2 that, because of the change of temperature indicated by fl' we would obtain the value hI instead of ho• This value of hI corresponds to the concentration kl +~kl instead of kl' making a relative error D.kdkl which may be positive or negative. Hence, in order to obtain the right result, we have to divide our result by a reduction factor R where R= 1+~kdkl. Since to each f value (i.e., to each temperature value) belongs a certain R, we can plot R= 1 +~k/k as a function of J. In this way we get the "reduction curve" (Fig. 4). I t has to be stressed that the reduction curve for a certain working curve does not depend on that particular concentration by means of which the correlation curve was made (see section, Dis cussion of the Method). Nevertheless, in order PIO /.20 ~~ {z% ... /.00 ..... A 11: 1"'/0 O.60L--_-L._---I. __ .l.-_-.L._--I':- __ 0.8 0.9 UJ 1./ t~ FIG. 4. Example of a reduction curve. Reduction factor R = 1 +Llk/k plotted against the intensity ratio of the fixation pail. to increase the accuracy of the reduction curve it is useful to plot it by means of many correla ti(;>n curves. Since the correlation curves are practically straight lines,16 it is sufficient to take only two points in order to plot the whole curve. The correct determination of the concentration of an impurity in an unknown sample is made as follows: the hand f ratios are measured on the 16 The ratio of two spectral lines (see Fig. 1) is within certain limits an almost linear function of the temperature, consequently the connection between! and h is also linear. VOLUME 11, JULY, 1940 + •• '11) ~ C.20 .. ~ ~ ~ 0 f=% ~ ~ ~ 0.20 ~ 0.'11) 0.8 <>.9 /.0 1./ /.2 FIG. S. Correction curve from Naedler's paper. Llk/k (equivalent error produced by a change in excitation conditions) plotted against the intensity ratio of the fixa tion pair. The dots are the actual measurements for plotting the correction curve. spectrogram, then the concentration determina tion k (in the first approximation) is made by means of the h ratio and the working curve in the usual way, and then R is determined by means of the f ratio and the reduction curve. The correct result is k/ R. As an example, a typical curve is shown in Fig. 5 taken from Naedler's work on the determi nation of platinum and rhodium in silver. The light source was a spark and the photometric measurements were made with a logarithmic sector. The silver electrodes were very small and of different shapes. f= Ft! F2 is the intensity ratio of two Ag lines 2744A and 2722A ("fixation pair"), ~k is the corresponding correction to the analysis in percent for platinum. The curve was used in conjunction with the working pair 3043A Pt and 3099A Ag. The mean error of a single determination of Pt before the correction was ± 18 percent; after the correction (using the same spectrogram) ±9 percent; whereas for Rh, the mean error before correction was ±21 per cent and after correction ± 13 percentY DISCUSSION OF THE METHOD The correlation curves obtained at different concentrations have different slopes because of reabsorption, which depends on the concentra tion. Therefore the change of the relative number of atoms does not cause a proportional change of the intensity ratio. But the slope of the corre- 17 The remaining rather large error was mostly due to the -unsatisfactory quality of the photographic plates and un sufficient accuracy of the measurements with the logarith mic sector. 485 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:40:03sponding part of the working curve depends on practically the same reabsorption. IS If the slope of the correlation curve corresponding to the concentration k2 is smaller than that correspond ing to the concentration kl' then the corre sponding I:lk/k will still be practically the same, because of the smaller slope of the working curve at k2• Therefore, the value of I:lk/k corresponding to a certain f value is the same for all concentra tions. This is rigorously true so long as I:lk/k is small, i.e., so long as the slope of the working curve in the interval I:lk does not change very much. A value of I:lk/k equal to 0.3 or 0.4 can usually be regarded as "small." This is the range of values brought about by the influence of the temperature variation that usually occurs in spectroscopic practice. Otherwise, when I:lk/k is very large, one reduction curve for all concentra tions can no longer be used, and one has to use the corresponding correlation curves. The intensity ratios are in fact not only a function of the temperature, but also of the "thickness" of the emission layer (because of reabsorption), when one is dealing with a con siderable concentration of atoms in the lower states or with great transition probabilities of the lines. Furthermore, a substantial change of the conditions (great variation of current density, etc.) can cause a change in vapor density which also influences the reabsorption. It is important to know the extent to which the correlation curves are affected by a change of reabsorption, in other words, to know the limits of the method. This question can be answered only through experi ment in every doubtful case. The method is applicable so long as the correlation curves do not change appreciably. In general, the change of the vapor density on the correlation curves will be an effect of the second order. It is not necessary to measure the intensity of four lines in order to plot and to use the working and the correlation curves. One can avoid the fourth measurement and use only three lines. For instance, Fm. can be equal to Fl or F2• Moreover, two lines of the impurity can also be used for the "fixation pair." For the concentration determination one usually uses more than one working pair. An 18 The temperature influence on the reabsorption is negligible. 486 average is usually taken from the results from two or more h pairs from the same spectrum. This procedure is correct, if the divergence of the determination by both pairs is caused only through accidental errors of the measurements. I t is not correct, when the divergence is caused by a change of excitation conditions. The corre lation curve can be taken in this case with the aid of two lines of the impurity. The average of the results should be taken only after the correc tion. The advantage of using the lines of the impurity for getting the correlation curves is that no more measurements are required than before. Application to a "normal" analysis The correlation method permits one to work under nonstandardized conditions with satis factory results. It will also diminish the mean error while working under standard conditions by eliminating the fluctuations of the light source. As well known, the mean square error R of the result depends on the partial mean errors rl, r2, ra, ... according to the equation R2=rI2+r22+ra2+ .... Assuming that the irregularities of the photo graphic plate cause an error of analysis rl of about ±1.5, and a photometric error r2 of about ±1.5, then with a total error R= ±5 percent,19 we get for ra, the error due to irregularity of the source, about ±4.5 percent. We see therefore that the main error of the analysis in this case is caused by a change of temperature in the source and perhaps through insufficient homo geneity of the sample. The correlation method permits us in this case to eliminate ra and sepa rate it from r4, the error due to inhomogeneity. After ra is found as the mean correction from the reduction curve, we determine r4, which charac terizes the influence of the inhomogeneity on the accuracy of the particular method of analysis. SUMMARY It is pointed out that some difficulties associ ated with quantitative spectrum analysis cannot" be removed through improvements in equip ment only. A survey of the most important light sources 19 See for example J. A. C. McClelland and H. Kenneth Whaley, Spectrochimica Acta 1, 21 (1939). JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:40:03for quantitative spectrum analysis shows that the radiation of all of them is determined by only one quantity which is either the gas tem perature or the electron temperature, the latter of which is in some cases higher, in others equal to the gas temperature of the discharge. The excitation energy is therefore distributed among the excited states of the atoms statistically, and the number of atoms in the various energy levels is determined uniquely by the electron or gas temperature. Consequently the intensity ratio of two lines is related to the intensity ratio of two others. A "correlation method" is described, which permits one to work at nonstandardized conditions (variation of the shape of the elec trodes, influence of extraneous elements, etc.) while reducing the measurements to "normal" (standard) conditions. The method may also be profitably used under standard conditions to improve the accuracy of an analysis while eliminating errors due to accidental fluctuations in the light sources. In conclusion, the author would like to express his sincerest thanks to Professor Mark W. Zemansky for many helpful discussions and suggestions. Growth Conditions for Single and Optically Mosaic Crystals of Zinc C. A. CINNAMON AND ALBERT B. MARTIN* Physics Department, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyomitig (Received January 30, 1940) A modified Kapitza method used in the study of conditions favorable to the growth of single crystals of zinc (99.99+ percent pure), shows that the ratio of the temperature gradient (across the interfacial boundary between the liquid and solid phases) to the rate of growth of the crystal must be maintained within an optimum range of values, depending on the angle of orientation. Optically mosaic crystals give no indication of a preferred region of growth and can be ob tained over a much wider range of conditions. INTRODUCTION THE modified Kapitza method of growing single crystals of zinc as described by Cinnamon! and used by other investigators 2-4 has met with a fair degree of success. However, a . more recent application of this method has resulted in the production of a large number of optically mosaic crystals5 compared to the num ber of single crystals.6 In this respect difficulties arise quite similar to those experienced by investi- * Now at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. 1 C. A. Cinnamon, Rev. Sci. Inst. 5, 187 (1934). 2 W. J. Poppy, Phys. Rev. 46, 815 (1934). 3 H. E. Way, Phys. Rev. 50, 1181 (1936). 4 G. E. M. Jauncey and W. A. Bruce, Phys. Rev. 50, 408 (1936). 5 A description of optically mosaic crystals of zinc and photomicrographs of natural cleavage surfaces are given by H. K. Schilling, Physics 5, 1 (1934). 6 A single crystal, when properly cleaved, is characterized by a single, flat and mirror-like cleavage surface in contra distinction to the optically mosaic crystal having a "broken" cleavage surface consisting of discontinuities caused by two or more slightly inclined areas. VOLUME 11, JULY, 1940 gators7•8 employing the Czochralski-Gomperz method. The study of factors influencing the growth of single-crystalline zinc, as initiated by Cinnamon, was but partially completed, in that only the lower limit to the region of favorable growth had been determined. The existence of a lower limit region was later qualitatively confirmed by Poppy2 and Way,3 who used the same method and procedure for crystals of approximately the same size and degree of purity. The growth con ditions imposed by J auncey and Bruce4 also agree reasonably well, considering the difference in cross-sectional area and the possibility of differ ences in impurities. Poppy, also, found indica tions of an upper limit to the favorable conditions as predicted by Cinnamon; however, his data were not extensive enough to set a definite 7 H. K. Schilling, Physics 6, 111 (1935). 8 J. S. Kellough, "Growth conditions for some zinc-rich alloys," Thesis, University of Iowa, 1937. 487 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:40:03
Temperature Radiation Emissivities and Emittances A. G. Worthing Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 11, 421 (1940); doi: 10.1063/1.1712790 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1712790 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/11/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Temperature-dependent field emission of flexible n-type silicon carbide nanoneedle emitters Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 133106 (2014); 10.1063/1.4897000 Field emission behavior of carbon nanotube field emitters after high temperature thermal annealing AIP Advances 4, 077110 (2014); 10.1063/1.4889896 Room temperature generation of terahertz radiation from a grating-bicoupled plasmon-resonant emitter: Size effect Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 061105 (2007); 10.1063/1.2459879 Emission characteristics of ultrathin layer solid-state emitters, temperature, and thickness dependence J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 21, 1616 (2003); 10.1116/1.1591752 Synchrotron radiation photoelectron emission microscopy of chemicalvapordeposited diamond electron emitters J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 13, 1111 (1995); 10.1116/1.579595 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41Temperature Radiation Emissivities and Emittances * By A. G. WORTHING University oj Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Introductory THE word emissivity comes from the Latin "emittere" meaning to send out. In accord with that primary meaning, an emissivity for a given material is a measure of the ability of a body made of that material to send out radiant energy. Such an ability might be expressed in 'terms of the rate of emission per unit of surface area. Some use the word emissivity in this sense and speak of an emissivity of 50 watts/cm2, for instance; but general usage now expresses this ability differently. A comparison is made instead with a like ability of a complete or perfect emitter, a blackbody, at the same temperature. In the interior of an opaque body of uniform temperature throughout, at distances from its surfaces yielding practically complete absorption for entering radiation, blackbody conditions are found. If the body is a blackbody, the rate of emission of radiant energy from its surface will correspond to the unhindered passage of radiant energy from such an interior. If the body is a nonblackbody, the rate of emission will be lessened because of the 'hindrance, in the way of reflection, occurring at the surface. With these facts in mind, it is natural to express a sending out ability, that is an emissivity, for nonblack material as a ratio, that for an opaque body composed of the nonblack material to the corre sponding ability for a blackbody at the same temperature. In accord with the usage that an ivity ending shall denote a characteristic of a material, the term emissivity is limited to a comparison with a blackbody under conditions where the individual characteristics of bodies composed of the material under consideration, are eliminated. Since the radiating characteristics of a body depend in part ... Presented at the American Institute of Physics Sym posium on Temperature, Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry, New York, November 2, 1939. VOLUME 11, JUNE, 1940 upon its opaqueness and the roughness of its surface, these features must be considered in the forming of an acceptable emissivity definition. Ease of specification and of reproduction are the obvious reasons for requiring that the emissivities of materials shall refer to comparisons made with opaque specimens whose surfaces are polished. Accordingly the emissivity of a material is defined as the ratio of a rate of emission of radiant energy by an opaque body with polished surface composed of that material as a conse quence of its temperature only, to the corre sponding rate for a blackbody at the same temperature. Thus a rate of emission of radiant energy per unit area by tungsten at 20000K is 23.7 watts/cm2, the corresponding rate for a blackbody is 91.8 watts/cm2, and the total hemispherical emissivity of tungsten at 20000K is 0.258. There are several types of emissivity. Two other terms, namely emissive power and emission factor, have been and are still used to some extent to indicate what we now mean by emissivity. It is also true that, to some extent, as stated above, the term emissivity has been and is used to designate the quantity now called radiancy. In accord with the usage that an ance ending shall denote a characteristic of a body or of a portion of a body rather than of the material composing it, an emittance for a body at some constant temperature is defined as the ratio of a rate of emission of radiant energy by the body in consequence of its temperature only to the correspondi~g rate for a blackbody at the same temperature. The condition of the surface of the body, polished or not, oxidized or not, and the condition as to opaqueness are immaterial. For a tungsten filament at 20000K whose surface has been roughened greatly a hemispherical total emittance of 0.5 in contrast with the corre sponding emissivity of 0.258 is not impossible. If 421 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41the body is opaque the emittance has the emissivity as its lowest limiting value. For a glass rod at lOOOoK, however, due to its nonopaqueness, one expects emittances less than the emissivities. In place of a normal spectral emissivity for visible light of about 0.96, one may obtain a corresponding emittance of say 0.10. Often the emittances of composite bodies, as of a shellacked piece of steel, are of interest. Their probable values range from zero to unity. Types and Definitions There are various standpoints from which a nonblackbody's radiating ability may be con sidered. The two most common are the total heating effects per unit area taking account of all wave-lengths of radiation, and the spectral heating effects taking account of only a very limited range of wave-lengths. Corresponding thereto we have total and spectral emissivities. If the standpoint is one of visual effects rather than of heating effects produced by the radiation, we obtain a luminous, or visible, emissivity. Corresponding to a comparison with a blackbody, not at the same temperature but at the same visual color instead, we speak also of a color emissivity. Other emissivities such as an ery themal emissivity might be defined but the writer is not aware of their actual use. For each of the foregoing types of emissivity, at least two subdivisions are to be recognized, a normal and a hemispherical emissivity. The cause for this is the departure from Lambert's cosine law exhibited by the radiation from nonblackbodies. Illustrations of such variations are shown in Fig. 1 spectrally for tungsten44 and in Fig. 2 totally for platinum. 2 One might, if one wished, speak also of an emissivity at any prescribed angle with respect to the normal. Such emissivities are not commonly listed, however. In giving precise definitions for the various emissivities, we need, in describing radiation sources, to make use of three well-recognized terms and a fourth which is not well recognized. They are8 radiancy, steradiancy, brightness, and "luminous radiancy." The radiancy of a source of radiation is its rate of emission of radiant energy per unit of area. It is commonly expressed in watts/cm2. The steradiancy of an element of a 422 source of radiation in a given direction is its rate of emission of radiant energy in that direction per unit area and unit solid angle. It is commonly measured in watts/(cm 2 steradian). The bright ness of an element of a source of radiation in a given direction is its rate of emission of light in that direction per unit area and unit solid angle. I t is analogous to steradiancy and is commonly expressed in lumens/ (cm2 steradian) or in candles/cm 2. The "luminous radiancy" (the not well-recognized term) of a source of light is its rate of emission of light per unit of area. It is analogous to radiancy and is expressed in lumens/cm,2. We are now ready to give precise definitions for the various emissivities, each of which is defined for an element of polished surface of an opaque body at constant temperature. A hemispherical total emissivity, Eht, for the polished surface of art opaque portion of material 12 -- -~ --- " /" l-/' v-' B>+8, M~ I--------- -p ~~ B> - / 1- B / II / / .7 / / J 1./ p '" /v / S< _t--/ r------ .¥ ---", / ~ ll" J V ~B" 2 / I'j, / "- -, V " "'. r---v I~ ", 0 '0 0 10 0 ANGLE IN D£GRHS FIG. 1. Showing for tungsten, at temperatures ranging from 17500K to 2470oK, relative spectral brightnesses (X=O.66S}") for the principal polarized light components B~ and BII and the natural light B~ +BII and the polariza tion of the natural light P. The variation from Lambert's cosine law is shown by the B ~ + B II curve, as well as the variation of the emissivity <eA with angle of emission. The B ~ and B II curves show similar emissivity variations for the two corresponding polarized components. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41at constant temperature is the ratio of its radiancy to that of blackbody material at the same temperature. A normal total emissivity, Ent. for the polished surface of an opaque portion of material at constant temperature is the ratio of its normal steradiancy to that of blackbody material at the same temperature. A hemispherical spectral emissivity, Eh~, for the polished surface of an opaque portion of material at constant temperature is the ratio of its spectral radiancy to that of blackbody material at the same temperature. A normal spectral emissivity, EnX, for the polished surface of an opaque portion of material at constant temperature is the ratio of its normal spectral steradiancy to that of blackbody material at the same temperature. A hemispherical luminous emissivity, EM, for the polished surface of an opaque portion of material at constant temperature is the ratio of its "luminous radiancy" to that of blackbody ma terial at the same temperature. A normal luminous emissivity, En!' for the polished surface of an opaque portion of material at constant temperature is the ratio of its normal brightness to that of a blackbody material at the same temperature. A hemispherical color emissivity, Ehe, for the polished surface of an opaque portion of material at constant temperature is the ratio of its "luminous radiancy" to that of blackbody ma terial having the same color as viewed visually. A normal color emissivity, Ene, for the polished surface of an opaque portion of material at constant temperature is the ratio of its normal brightness to that of blackbody material having the same color as viewed visually. In use there has been considerable confusion due to a failure to distinguish between hemi spherical and normal emissivities. This has been particularly true of total emissivities. Emissivities, both spectral (Fig. 1) and total (Fig. 2), vary with the emission angle. The definitions for the various types belonging to this group are obvious. They may be designated by EOX, EOI, EO., and EOe• Types of emittances are equal in number to the types of emissivities, and we properly speak of the hemispherical total emittance of a body and of its normal spectral VOLUME 11, JUNE, 1940 emittance. Emittances will be distinguished by primes, thus En/, Eh/, fhA', etc. Closely connected with the terms emissivity and emittance, in theory and practice are the terms reflectivity and reflectance, and ab- 2.0 >- ~ ..: 1.8 C; ..: a: w I <J1 ~ 1.6 g w ::: I- ::s 1.4 w a: o :z ..: ~ ~ 12 l I <!) cr <D W >-f= ..: -' It! o __ o 1\ / \ I I 1 , / I I I I I / I I I , I I / , I I I I I I I I L ~ , I , I \ I \ I \ I -,I " " ,I II J. 20 40 60 80 ANGLE OF EMISSION IN DEGREES FIG. 2. Showing for platinum, at incandescence, the vari ation (a) of total steradiancy, and (b) of spectral brightness in the red with angle of emission. sorptivity and absorptance. A reflectivity is de fined for an opaque, polished portion of material as the ratio of a rate of reflection of radiant energy from its surface to the corresponding rate of incidence of radiant energy upon it. An absorptivity is defined for an opaque polished portion of material as the ratio of a rate of absorption of radiant energy by it to the corre sponding rate of incidence of radiant energy upon it. Since all of the radiant energy which is incident on an opaque element of. surface is necessarily either absorbed or reflected, the sum of a reflectivity and its corresponding absorp tivity is necessarily unity. As with emissivity, we speak of spectral and total, normal and hemi spherical reflectivities and absorptivities. For an opaque-walled cavity which has a uni form temperature throughout and is therefore in equilibrium, it is easy to show that a body in the 423 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41interior is emitting radiation from its surface at just the rate that it is absorbing radiation from the walls which is incident on its surface. Not only is this true for total hemispherical rates of emission and absorption, but it is also true for the normal and the spectral rates for the con- P Q M": s' ·HH --ffr--0J -n-B-E--'" (9.--0---------m __ ----EJ f d III. ~\:{ ~ ,-", S / ~( FIG. 3. Arrangement of apparatus for obtaining spectral emissivities by a reflectivity method in the visible region. S is a nearly enclosed light source, M a lamp containing a ribbon filament whose reflectivity is to be measured, Q a Rochon double image prism, L a lens imaging S on the rib bon filament, P a disappearing filament pyrometer with pyrometer lamp at I, absorbing screen at a, limiting di aphragm at d, and colored pyrometer glass filter atf. S, L, and M are supported on a rotatable mount with a vertical axis at the center of M. S' and L' are positions correspond ing to Sand L for the determination of the unreflected brightness of the image of S. ditions described, generally known as blackbody conditions. We may therefore write (1) the subscript T at the right indicating that not only the ~, the a, and the r are for the tempera ture T, but that the incident radiations also are such as occur in a blackbody cavity at the temper ature T. The equation then holds separately for each type of E, a and r. If, however, the incident radiation has a spectral distribution different from that charac teristic of a blackbody at the temperature of the element of surface in question, the simple rela tions given in the equation no longer hold for the total emissivities. The corresponding spectral values for E, a and r are, however, as one will perceive, independent of spectral distributions and are therefore completely interrelated at all times by Eq. (1) as shown. To illustrate, for tungsten at 2000oK, EnX at 0.665M is 0.435 and the corresponding absorptivity and reflectivity values are 0.435 and 0.565. The value of Ekt for the same temperature is 0.260, but what the values of aht and rht are cannot be stated unless the spectral distribution of the incident radiation is known. If it is that of blackbody radiation corresponding to 2000oK, akt and rht are 0.260 and 0.740. 424 Measurement oj Spectral Emissivities OPTICAL CONSTANTS METHOD In texts on physical optics, there are shown (1) the dependency of the reflectivity and the emissivity of a material on its optical constants, that is upon its index of refraction and its absorption coefficient, and (2) how these con stants may be determined experimentally. For further details regarding the optical constants method, such texts should be consulted. REFLECTIVITY METHOD FOR OBTAINING EnX This method for obtaining a spectral emissivity depends upon the relation (2) or upon the corresponding relation in case EhX is desired. In either case, the experimental pro cedure involves three determinations of spectral brightness or of spectral steradiancy. To illustrate, suppose that one wishes to de termine EnX for tungsten, say at 1500oK, in the visible region. As the tungsten specimen, let him select a uniform, polished ribbon mounted in a glass lamp bulb which is either evacuated or contains an atmosphere which does not react chemically with the tungsten, and, as an arrange ment of apparatus, that of Fig. 3, except that the double-image Rochon prism Q may be eliminated if one is not interested in polarized components. Let BX1 be the spectral brightness of the mirror resulting from its own high temperature, BX2 that of the source S in position S' as seen, with M slightly displaced, through the bulb containing the polished tungsten ribbon, and BX3 that of the source in position S as seen reduced by reflection from the mirror ribbon, superposed on the spectral brightness which results from the mirror's own high temperature. The reflectivity rnX, as a first approximation, is then given by (3) Strictly speaking, one obtains thus an rex where 0 is half of the angle between the iine SM of Fig. 3 and the axis of the pyrometer. The correction to be applied to yield rnX when not negligible may be obtained by extrapolation. Eq. (2) serves for obtaining EnX. Inspection shows that no correc tions need be made for absorption of light by the JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41glass of the bulb enclosing the mirror M. For accuracy it is desirable that Bn shall be con siderably less than Bxa. The method described has been much used by the writer44 not only for determining EnX, but also Eex for various angles of emission and for the two normal polarized components of emitted light as well as the light taken as a whole. Langmuir,19 applied this method to tungsten at its melting point. In a molten terminal of a metal arc, there may be seen mirrored images of several orders, the first being that of the op posing terminal, the second that of the first terminal mirrored in the second, etc. Spectral brightnesses just inside and just outside such a first-order image for terminals just alike and at the same temperature, yield as above the rXn and then eXn. M3 ~ I' I' I 'I ' I ~ \ \ 1\ \ I I , \ 1\ \ \ I, ,\ I I ,\ I \ , I I \ \ B I I '\ fill I' \ \ , \ \ , I 11 \ \ " I I \ \ I' 1\ \ \ ,I " ' \ " II \ \ 1: \1. \ \ I, II \ II L' M II \ ,W II ". \, ~I / :\ 'v' II ,\ \ I 1\ II , \\\ "I \ I I \ ~ '\ \ \ \ I I '\ \. \cr '-'-, : : \, '\ \~'I\ \\,\, II :, '\ T "I \ 't "II ~ \\' \ \ . \' '--1\ \' \' I' '~ '\" \ I \' ,\ , ~ ,,:::..., \1 \\ \ \ I I \, ~{:\ \' \ ,I , '\ \\ ,I~' \\ \ ~\I . \\ II '::',\\ \I~_ \\ \ ,-'" :.---\' I, '~ \ \~,\ 'HI; M+ 'y.- ~ M~ L FIG. 3a. Diagram showing apparatus used by Weniger and Pfund, reference 42, in the determination of normal spectral emissivities EnX in the infra-red. VOLUME 11, JUNE, 1940 s, * n L, l ~~. 5, * FIG. 4. Apparatus for the determination of a hemi spherical emissivity in the visible region. U, Ulbricht sphere, T, polished hemispherical target, M, plane mirror, SlS2 light sources, L1L2lenses, N, opaque screen with opening to just include the image of T formed by L2• P, photometer head, F, filter for yielding approximately monochromatic light of the desired wave-length. Shackelford,aa using a somewhat open helical coil of polished tungsten ribbon which was heated electrically to a uniform temperature, measured likewise the spectral brightness of the ribbon within the coil just inside and just outside an image. Values for EnX, as in the case of Langmuir's measurements, followed simply. Obviously the procedure outlined may be used in the infra-red region as was done by Weniger and Pfund42 (Fig. 3a). Of course a receiver responding to the thermal effects of radiation was substituted for the pyrometer. REFLECTIVITY METHOD FOR OBTAINING EhX To obtain a hemispherical spectral emissivity by a reflection method is equally simple in theory, though not so in practice. A most direct method for the visual region employs the Ulbricht sphere of spherical photometry with its inner coating of highly reflecting and highly diffusing paint. A small polished hemisphere T, (Fig. 4) of the material being studied with the convex surface symmetrically oriented with respect to the photometric axis replaces the ordinary target. The source S supplying the light within the sphere should be so located that initially as much as possible of its utilized luminous flux shall be incident on a small portion only of the inner surface of the sphere back of the target T on the axis of the system at o. Insofar as the paint is perfectly diffusing, the remainder of the inner surface, except for the two small openings, will then be uniformly bright and will illumine the hemisphere uniformly. Under these conditions, the ratio of an average spectral brightness of the small hemisphere as viewed by the reflected light, less its own natural spectral brightness, to the corresponding spectral brightness of the inner 425 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41surface of the large sphere, yields a corresponding rh"A and finally by means of Eq. (2) the €h"A sought. An appropriate filter, F, of Christianson or other type, yields the wave-length desired. An aver aged spectral brightness for the hemisphere, IBhA is assured by having its image just fill the opening in screen N. Comparisons are made in the standard manner with the auxiliary source 52. An ordinary optical pyrometer cannot be used FIG. 5. Mendenhalls open-V, blackbody wedge. because the hemispherical surface ordinarily will not be uniformly bright. However, a photoelectric cell with a sufficiently large aperture placed back of N may be safely used. A determination of the brightness of the Inner surface of the large sphere involves replacing the hemispherical mirror by a plane mirror of knownrn"A with axis slightly tilted with respect to the photometric axis. The screen opening at N is then completely filled with light reflected from the inner surface of the sphere. A comparison of this image at N of spectral bright ness, 2Bh"A with the auxiliary source 52 is made as before. It follows that €hA = 1-rh"A = 1-IBhX/2Bh),. (4) The foregoing method has not actually been used so far as the writer knows. Perhaps there has not been sufficient need for the emissivity thus measured. An approximation to this method how ever, has been used by Prescott and Morrison32 in a determination of the surface temperature of an oxide-coated filament. Because of the varia bility of oxide coatings for filaments in practice 426 and because of the low thermal conductivity of the oxide layer, measurements with an optical pyrometer of the temperature of a coated tubular filament with its wall pierced by a small hole are not satisfactory. In place of the sphere, Prescott used a cylindrical tube lined with white fluffy cotton which was lighted up by two automobile headlight lamps at opposite ends of the tube. A lamp with the oxide-coated filament was mounted with filament along the axis of the tube. An optical pyrometer was used to measure the spectral brightnesses (t) of the oxide surface with the headlight lamps unlighted, (2) of the oxide surface with the headlight lamps lighted, and (3) of the cotton lining with the headlight lamps lighted. The further procedure for ob taining an rH and an €h"A is evident. Strictly the emissivity obtained was neither normal nor hemispherical since the average brightness was for a cylindrical surface. To obtain in a similar way a hemispherical spectral emissivity wherever desired in the infra red, using receivers responding to the thermal effects of radiation, would seem quite practicable. Inner surface coverings for the sphere such as a diffusing aluminum paint which are generally highly reflecting and highly diffusing throughout the infra-red, and selectively reflecting materials for filter purposes are both available. DIRECT BRIGHTNESS AND STERADIANCY COMPARISONS In accord with the definition of an emissivity, these methods employ direct comparisons of a spectral brightness or a spectral steradiancy of the body (a nonblackbody) with that of a blackbody at the same temperature. Often but not always the material of the non blackbody also forms that of the blackbody and in such instances the condition of a common temperature for the two bodies is easily attained. Le Chatlier according to Burgessb was the first to use the blackbody characteristic of a cavity in determining the brightness temperature 5"A, true temperature T, relations for a non black body. Since 5A and T are connected with €"A by the relation (5) JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41a relation such as Sx = f(T) leads at once to EX as a function of T. It was Mendenhall,26 however, who in 1911 first proposed the open-V wedge device as a practical method for assuring equality of temper ature for the black and the nonblackbodies which were to be compared. The procedure was simple and a considerable impetus to the study of high temperature radiations was given thereby. For polished material, as is evident from Fig. 5, the brightness viewed along OA is a composite brightness, being the sum of the natural bright ness of A for the direction AO, the natural brightness of B once reflected, that of C twice reflected, that of D three times reflected, that from C directed toward D four times reflected, etc., in all seven terms. In equation form this yields for the spectral brightness of the wedge opening wBx «.Bx = nBx(1 +rx +rx2+ ... rx 6), (6) where nBX is the natural spectral brightness of the wedge material. Though strictly speaking nBX varies with the angle of emission, that variation is immaterial here. Were the series of Eq. (6) infinite, the right-hand member would represent the spectral brightness of a blackbody at the temperature of the wedge, bBX. In the case of a lOa-wedge, the departures of the wedge opening from blackness ebBX -wBx) I bBX amount, re spectively, to 0.0001, 0.0016, 0.018, 0.16 and 0.40 for spectral reflectivities of 0.60,0.70,0.80,0.90 and 0.95. Such a wedge is seen to be suitable for a blackbody, if the spectral reflectivity is of the order of 0.75 or less; and, where such is the case, the spectral emissivity EnX may be taken as the ratio nBX/ wBx, the nBX being measured in the direction PQ (Fig. 5). This method was con siderably used by Mendenhall and Forsythe,27 Spence,3! McCauley25 and others. The open-V wedge fails if the surface is not polished, but polishing ordinarily does not repre sent a serious difficulty. There are certain real difficulties, however. If the wedge is formed from a single sheet of material, a bulge will form on the inside at the sharp edge. If formed from two sheets instead, a slot is quite likely to be produced when the wedge is heated. Both effects are very serious so far as blackbody conditions are concerned. VOLUME 11, JUNE, 1940 The best method for obtaining blackbody radiation whose temperature is the same as or very nearly the same as that of the material under study, where the heating is done electrically, seems to be that of shaping the material into a FIG. 6. Diagram showing how radiation through it small hole in the side wall of a uniformly heated tube builds up to form blackbody radiation. uniform tube with small holes through its side wall. This was done first by the writer45 (Fig. 6) in a study of the radiation characteristics of tungsten. In this case the tungsten tube was formed by extruding through an annular die, tungsten powder which had been mixed with a binder. The holes were punctured shortly after the extrusion. The blackening of the radiation for a somewhat slantwise angle of emission from such a hole is nearly complete and independent of the polish which mayor may not be present on the inner surface of the tube. If the thermal conductivity of the material is known, correction may be made for the diffe.rence in temperature between the internal and external surfaces of the tube wall. An emissivity, obtained by comparing an external surface brightness with that of an adjacent hole, would seem to be free from error of method. In some instances, as for Pt, Pd, Au, and steel, small tubes may be purchased from supply houses. With small holes properly drilled, these tubes are equally as satisfactory as those just described. The methods described for obtaining tubes with small holes in the sidewalls are not always convenient or possible. In that case, one may use a ribbon with small holes drilled through it, as has been done by Wahlin39 and his co-workers,43 and roll it around a mandrel to form a complete tube with opposite edges of the ribbon touching 427 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41along a line parallel to the axis of the tube. Such tubes would seem to be nearly if not quite as satisfactory as the tubes which have been described. Still another method of obtaining a tube consists in winding a narrow ribbon, such as may be obtained by rolling down a circular wire, on a mandrel to yield a tightly closed spiral. 02 a 5 0 VI / ~J / 5 // 1 1/ / .500 V ) c ~ ~/ to / V> " // ~/ ~/ V /;7 1000 TEMPERATURE IN OK 1500 !Y ~/-a 2000 FIG. 7. A composite plot showing total emisslvltles, normal En. and hemispherical Eh. for platinum; (a) theoret ical curve for En' derived by Foote, reference 11; (b) curve representing average of two sets of observed values of En. obtained by Foote; (c) curve representing values of En. obtained by Lummer and Kurlbaum, reference 22b; (d) theoretical curve for Eh. derived by. Davisson and Weeks, reference 9; (e) curve representing observed values obtained by Geiss, reference 12, and separately by Lummer, refer ence 22; (f) curve representing observed values obtained by Davisson and Weeks, reference 9. Previous to the winding, the edges of the wire should be notched slightly to yield the desired holes leading to the interior. This method was used by the writer46 in a study of the emissivities of Mo. Such blackbody tubes are definitely inferior to those previously described. When .the spectral emissivity of one metallic substance is known, that of a second metallic substance may be obtained by direct comparison. In making such a determination for Ta by com parison with Mo, the writer fused end to end two equally sized filaments, one of Mo and one of Ta, mounted them as a lamp filament, heated them to incandescence, observed their spectral bright nesses as functions of the distances from their 428 junction, extrapolated such brightnesses for short distances to the junction, and computed the emissivities for the tantalum on the basis that the extrapolated spectral brightnesses corresponded to a common temperature. This is not recom mended as a primary method because of the alloying action of the metals while being fused as well as afterwards when the junction is at a high temperature. The results obtained for Mo by this method checked well with those obtained otherwise. Thus far tubular blackbodies have been used chiefly for visual studies probably because of the larger holes in the sidewalls, the larger tube and consequently the larger heating currents that would be demanded for receivers other than the eye. Spectral emissivities for a material are also obtainable from comparisons of spectral radiancy curves of the substance at a given temperature. Assuring, where incandescent temperatures are concerned, that the two temperatures involved are precisely the same is the main drawback to this method. Could one rely upon the Mendenhall open-V wedge to yield blackbody radiation, as was hoped for by McCauley25 in his studies, such methods would be highly satisfactory. For tem peratures which can be measured and regulated precisely with the aid of thermocouples, the general method is acceptable now. HEMISPHERICAL SPECTRAL EMISSIVITIES BY AVERAGING Given for a material at some one temperature, a normal spectral emissivity En). and the variation with angle of emission (J for spectral emissivities of the same wave-length Ee)., one can compute the corresponding hemispherical spectral emissivity Eh)'. By zonal integration, taking account of the fact that the projection of an element of area varies as cos (J, one obtains 1,,/2 E&).271" sin (J cos (Jd(J o Eh).=---------- 11(12 271" sin (J cos (Jd(J o (7) The first precise measures of variations of Ee). with 0, seem to have been made by Bauer and JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41Moulin2 in their study of polished platinum. Similar measurements have been made by the writer, on the variations of EO}" for tungsten, (Fig. 1) molybdenum, tantalum and carbon. From these studies, it has been found that the ratios of Eh}"/ En}.. for Pt, W, Mo, Ta, and C in order are 1.045, 1.044, 1.062, 1.042, and 0.92~ While certain general conclusions seem indicated, the results are really too few in number to justify their statement. Measurement of Total Emissivities METHOD OF COMPUTATION BASED ON E}..=j(A) I t is obvious that if EnA = j(A) is known, one may obtain Ent by the relation made the predicted values were generally slightly too low. O.6,----,-----,---~---r----r-----, O.5r-~;2'I;::__--t---t_---j---t-----j , , ',-O.Ir---t---"" ........ :::l---t---"i''<:""""--t-----j ----2100'K 1700 'K 1300'K 300'K 01>0 ---'---;1.;'0 ---'----t.20,----'-----;3.0 WAVEUNGTH IN MICRONS Ent=---------(8) FIG. 8. Observed normal spectral emissivities for tungs- It is equally obvious that, if EhA=j(A) is known, one may obtain Eht in an exactly similar manner. Drude, assuming Maxwell's electromagnetic theory, deduced the well-known relation (9) where p is the resistivity of the material and A 1 a constant having the value 0.365 ohm-i. Using this relation, Aschkinass 1 derived for the total emissivity of a metal the relation (10) This equation was tested for platinum by Lummer22 and by Weber.41 Deviations were assumed as due to the failure of the theoretical relations to take account of the variation of platinum from the Lambert cosine law. In 1915 Foote,ll using the more accurate radiation constants then available, extended Aschkinass' relation to include the second-order approximation term. He obtained for platinum Ent=Aa(Tp)t-A4(Tp), (11) A3 and A4 having the values 0.5736 (ohm em KO)-! and 0.1769 ohm em KO. In the region lOOOoK to 15000K where measurements were VOLUME 11, JUNE, 1940 ten as a function of wave-length for several temperatures, and expected variations ( ... ) as a function of wave length were the Drude relation general. Sti11later Davisson and Weeks9 taking account of the variation in EOA, expected in accord with electromagnetic theory, arrived at the following expression for the Eht for platinum (TP)! (Tp) Eht=0.89920hm-!;; -0.90470hm-1;; (TP)! (Tp) +1.1490hm-!;; -1.2450hm-2;;, (12) of which C2 is the second radiation constant for which 1.432 em KO was accepted. As shown in Fig. 7, computed values for Eht for platinum are greater than the observed values for tempera tures below 70o.°K, and less for temperatures above 700oK, the difference increasing with increase in temperature. Fig. 7 also shows that both the computed and observed values for Ekt are greater than: the corresponding Ent. Davisson and Weeks concluded that the deviation between computed and observed results at the higher temperatures could readily be explained by the well-known failure of the Drude relation in the region of the near infra-red the visible and the ultraviolet, evidence for which is shown in the observations for tungsten (Fig. 8). 429 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41FILAMENT IN VACUUM METHOD This method of measuring eht is particularly applicable to metals which can be mounted and heated as incandescent lamp filaments in vacuum. It is also applicable to substances which, in the form of thin opaque coatings, can be applied to such filaments. Temperature measurements in such instances represent the greatest sources of uncertain ty. a b FIG. 9. Showing (a) a single filament mount with poten tial leads and (b) a two-filament mount with filaments of different lengths, for use in the filament-in-vacuum method of measuring E ht. The filament-in-vacuum method requires, for the particular temperatures concerned, that one shall be able to associate a definite heating current, and a definite potential drop with a definite length of filament whose known tempera ture from one end to the other is sensibly uni form. Two methods of mounting filaments for this purpose are shown in Fig. 9. In the method shown at (a), the portion of the filament chosen is that between the places of attachment of the fine potential leads. In the method shown at (b), the central portion of the longer filament is so chosen. Its length is the difference between those of the two filaments. The potential drop used is the difference between the two drops for the filaments taken separately. One has always to assure one's selfby some means that the filaments are sufficiently long so that uniformity of temper ature may be secured for the central portion of the longer filament. Given a filament of length I, of circular cross section of radius T, maintained at a uniform 430 temperature T, by energy supplied electrically at the rate IV in an evacuated space whose dimen sions are large in comparison with r and whose boundaries are at the temperature To, one can determine an EM for the filament material at the temperature T. The condition of a steady state yields In order the terms represent, per unit of surface area of the filament, the rate of supply of energy to the filament electrically, the rate of supply of energy to the filament by absorption of radiant energy incident on its surface, and the rate of emission of radiant energy from the surface of the filament. It is often assumed that ah/ is equal to EM, but such is not the case. The radiant energy incident, since To the temperature of the surroundings will be different from T, will have a different spectral distribution from that charac teristic of a blackbody at temperature T. How ever, if T differs but little from To, one may assume equality and solve for an approximate Ekt which later may be adjusted if additional deter minations at other neighboring temperatures show that such is necessary. If, on the other hand, T is considerably in excess of To, the term containing ah/ tends to become negligibly small and a precise value for it becomes unnecessary. In many instances that term may be neglected altogether. Generally for metals, if not always, the aht' will be less than the €ht for any particular case. The foregoing method has been used con siderably in determining hemispherical total emissivities of metals through wide ranges of temperature. Corresponding emittances of bodies, whose surfaces are not polished or whose partially transparent surface layers differ from the under lying layers, may be determined by this method. TOTAL RADIATION PYROMETER METHOD There are various forms of total radiation pyrometers. Which one is used is not material here. For this work, however, it is essential that the calibration of the instrument shall show directly or through computation the instrument response as a function of the net rate of receipt of radiant energy. If the temperature of the JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41surroundings To is uniform, this net rate is k(E/uP-uTo4), of which u is the Boltzmann radiation constant and k a constant depending on the detailed dimensions of the set-up. To obtain the En! of some material at some specified temperature T, one needs first to expose the pyrometer to the radiation from a properly prepared body of that material held at the temperature T. The body should be opaque, have a plane polished surface oriented with its normal directed toward the pyrometer, and in size be such as to fill completely the opening in a radiation-limiting disk which is fixed with respect to the pyrometer. The instrument response d, possibly a galvanometer deflection, is noted. Next with conditions in all respects the same, except that a blackbody also at te"mperature T replaces the body whose Ent is desired, a corre sponding response do is noted. In accord with the above given expression for the net rate of reception of radiant energy, it follows that whole of the hemisphere and no more onto the blackened disk of a thermocouple receiver or a total radiation pyrometer. By a slight shift of the hemisphere sidewise, the mirror, in effect, will image instead a portion of the wall on the total radiation receiver. FIG. 10. Diagram of apparatus for the measurement of hemispherical total emissivities at low temperatures using the method of total reflection. and that Et=~+(1_!_)(To)4 do do T If the receiver and its surroundings are also at (13) temperature To and if the reflectance of the hemisphere for blackbody radiation characterized by the temperature T is sensibly the same as for (14) blackbody radiation characterized by tempera ture To, it may be shown that In case (ToIT) is small compared with" one or dido approximately equals one, the ratio dido may be taken as the total emissivity. If the solid angle subtended at the receiving element of the pyrometer by the aperture of the limiting disk is small, the observed Et is an Ent. If the solid angle is approximately hemispherical, it becomes an Eht. Emittances are measured by this method as well as emissivities. In industry normal total emittances are very often measured. METHOD OF TOTAL REFLECTION This method does not seem to have been used, though it possesses certain features tending toward precision. As shown in Fig. 10, the material under study is shaped as a hemisphere, water cooled to a temperature To, and mounted at the center of a large sphere kept at a higher temperature T. A concave mirror outside, re ceiving radiation from the hemisphere through a small hole in the large sphere, serves to focus the VOLUME 11, JUNE, 1940 where d is the receiver response for the conqition where the hemisphere is centrally located and do that for the condition where the hemisphere is somewhat displaced. It has been tacitly assumed that the reflectivity of the concave mirror and the absorptivity of the receiver are both unity. However, taking into account the deviations therefrom in no way affects the equality between the first and the last members of (15). PARALLEL PLATE METHOD This method described recently by the writer48 is based on the proposition that the rate of transfer of energy by radiation between two paral1e\ plates is a function of their hemispherical total emissivities It seems not to have been used for actual measurements though the underlying equations are well known and have been con- 431 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41siderably used in industry. In an opaque-walled box (Fig. 11) held at temperature To and with dimensions large in comparison with those of the contained device, there is mounted an electrically heated metal plate A with surface kept at a temperature T' as determined by thermocouples. Let its surface have a known hemispherical total emissivity, fht which is preferably high and a reflectivity which is as nearly perfectly diffuse as possible. Near to this plate and parallel to it on one side, there is mounted a smaller circular plate B with one surface covered with the material to be studied and protected by a guard ring. The mass, the dimensions, and the specific heat of plate B must be known. The temperature of its surface as well as that of the guard ring must be measurable, preferably by a resistance ther mometer or a thermocouple. The space between the plates and presumably inside the box should be evacuated. The procedure follows. Initially by means of a cooling device not shown in the figure, plate B is brought to a temperature lower than To while plate A is maintained at temperature T'. Then with the cooling device removed, one observes the temperature T of plate B as a function of time. From a plot of such data, one is able to determine the time rate (dT/dt)o at the instant that T becomes To. From this, the mass of the plate, its specific heat, and the area presented toward plate A, one determines the net rate of transfer per unit of area, of energy from plate A at T to plate B at To by radiation. Call this rate W. Consideration of the various processes of emission, absorption and reflection between plates A and B for the above specified charac teristics for the surface of A, together with the assumption that the absorptance of B for the radian t energy inciden t on the A side is essen tiall y equal to its emissivity-this would be very nearly true if T' differs but little from To-leads to the relations 1 W= , (qT4-qT o4) 1/ lEht+ 1/ 2Eht-l (16) and to (17) All of the terms on the right-hand side of the 432 equation are directly measurable. If precise measurements for the hemispherical total emis sivity of a material of the corresponding emittance of a body in industry is desired the above would seem to be a fairly simple and precise method for the determinations. The factor 1 is used in industrial calculations for the transfer of radiant energy between surfaces. McAdams24 refers to it as an "emissivity factor." Luminous Emissivity This term has often been called visible emis sivity. It applies to luminous radiations and can have significance only for materials raised to incandescence. An EZ may obviously be obtained (1) by comparing with a photometer the bright ness of the material at some temperature with that for a blackbody at the same temperature. FIG. 11. Diagram of apparatus for the parallel plate method of measuring hemispherical total emissivities. The ratio of the two brightnesses is the EZ sought. An EZ may also be obtained (2) by computations based on known measured values of EA' The formula is JOURNAL OF ,ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41J'" EXL,.),-5(ec2/XT -1)-ldA o El=----------- J"'LxA-S(ec2/xT -1)-ldA o (18) where Lx is the spectral luminosity or luminosity factor of radiation. Evidently an El is a weighted average of EX'S. To the writer's knowledge lumi nous emissivities have been determined only for such substances as tungsten, tantalum, and molybdenum. Color Emissivity Like luminous emissivity, this term can have significance only for materials at incandescence, and then only when their radiations may be color matched with those from a blackbody at some temperature. Strictly speaking an Ec is not an emissivity at all, since radiations for the material at one temperature are compared with those for a blackbody at another temperature. It is, how ever, a convenient term. An Ec may obviously be obtained (1) by comparing with a photometer the brightness of the material at some temperature with that of a blackbody at a temperature such that its color matches the material being studied. An Ec may also be obtained (2) with the aid of an optical pyrometer whose color filter can be changed so as to yield at one time an effective wave-length Ar, in the red, say, and at another time as desired an effective wave-length Ab, in the blue, say. When obtaining the Ec for a given material at a temperature T, one seeks for a blackbody at temperature Tc whose spectral brightness in the red bears to the corresponding spectral brightness for the material a ratio which is exactly the same as that for the blue light. This ratio is the Ec sought. An Ec may also be obtained (3) by computations based on known spectral emissivities for two wave-lengths in the visible say EXr and EXb for wave-lengths AT and Ab. For this computation, it is customary to substitute the Wien spectral radiancy equation for the Planck equation. For most practical cases the error is very small. By definition EXe-C2/XT Eo =---- = EXe-(c 2/X)(1/T-I/T c) = const. (19) e--c2/XT, VOLUME 11, JUNE, 1940 1"- "-.3 6 "- 6 ~ r--- ~ I'" HtH/ I' f·C V- i'-. ~ ~K V 2 "-1/ I~ V t'---w. +- w 0 +- ,",5 1"1'<1 ,... r--- I 1-1-.211 1000 1000 I_ 1600 Temp.erature 1600 2000 K Curve Author Year A Hand K Holborn and Kurlbauml1 1903 0.651' WandB Waidner and Burgess40 1907 .66 LandM Laue and Martens20 1907 .63 F and C Fery and Cheneveau10 1909 .629 H Henning 14 1910 .665* M Mendenhall" 1911 .658 Me McCauley" 1913 .658 S Spence34 1913 .658 HandH Henning and Heuse11i 1923 .647 W Worthing47 1925 .665 SI Stephens" 1939 .665 * Interpolated from results for 0.6801' and 0.627,.. FIG. 12. Published spectral emissivities of platinum for red light at incandescent temperatures as obtained by various experimenters. The constant must not vary with the wave length in the visible region. Choosing two wave lengths AT and Ab, we may write therefore or EAT In -=c2(1jT-1jTe)(1jAT-1jAb). (21) EXb For tungsten at 2500oK, 0.665JL and 0.467 JL as selected values for Ar and Ab, and 0.425 and 0.462 as the corresponding EXT and £Ab, we obtain with the aid of Eq. (19), 2557°K as T" and with the aid of Eq. (19), 0.356 as Ee. Color emissivities have been determined mainly for metals such as tungsten, molybdenum, and tantalum in the field of i11umination. Measurement of Emittances I t is obvious that emittances are measured hy exactly the same methods as are emissivities. There is the exception that the reflectivity methods are applicable only when the body whose emittance is being sought is opaque. This is in accord with the fact that, when the body is opaque, has a polished surface and is composed of a single material, an emittance of the body is the corresponding emissivity of the material. 433 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41TABLE I. Normal spectral emissivitiesfor metallic elements and alloys at temperatures generally above lOOOoK. Room tem perature values are given in a few instances where they, along with values at higher temperatures, form a connected series and where the values given for the higher temperatures depend on those given for low temperatures. * AUTHOR Prescott, and Hincke31 Whitney" Stubbs" Bidwell' Burgess and Waltenberg< Burgess' Holborn and Henning!' Stubbs and Prideaux37 Bidwell' , Burg"". and Waltenberg' Worthing47 METHOD Tube Tube Spectrophotometer Spectrophotometer Couple and pyrometer Contact with Pt pyrometer pyrometer Spectrophotometer Spectrophotometer Couple and pyrometer Contaet with Pt Contaet with Pt Tube, reflectivity RED GREEN BLUE IR AND UV T IN OK A IN }L, En"-A IN Il. EnX X IN p., En>.. }.. IN IL, En>. 1600 0.66 0.89 2500 0.66 0.84 1600-2500 0.66 0,374 0.66 0.11 0.66 0.15 900-2100 0.66 0.105 1275 0.66 0.105 Carbon Columbium Copper 1350 0.66 0.120 0.55 0.38 1375 0.66 0.15 0.55 0.36 1450 0.66 0.14 0.55 0.32 1500 0.66 0.13 0.55 0.28 Gold 0.66 0.127 < 1336 0.665 0.120 0.535 0.410 0.495 0.531 > 1336 0.208 0.405 0.473 1100-2020 0.66 0.125 1275 0.650 0.145 0.550 0.38 > 1336 0.650 0.219 0.550 0.38 1275 0.665 0.140 0.535 0.448 0.460 0.632 Iron Bidwell' Couple and pyrometer 1000 0.66 0.27 1480-1500 0.66 0.29 Burgess and Waltenberg' Contact with Pt 1480-1500 0.65 0.37 MiIIi." Pyrometer Mendenhall and Forsythe" Open-V wedge Burgess and Waltenberg' Worthinp;'6 f tube, reflectivity, con-} \ tact with tungsten Whitney" tube Reflection 1200 0.665 0.43 1300 0.658 0.44 2000 0.38 2750 0.39 2300 0.650 0.43 300 0.665 0.420 1300 0.378 2000 0.353 2750 0.332 1300-2100 0.667 0.382 Henninfl14 Bidwell' Coupleand pyrometer 1200 0.660 0.250 1700 0.660 0.215 0.660 0.215 Konnl Molybdenum Nickel Contact with Pt 1200-1700 0.66 0.36 0.55 0.44 , 0.66 0,37 0.55 0.46 0.467 0.425 0.395 0.380 0.365 Burgess and Waltenberg' Worthing" 1200-1650 0.665 0.375 0.535 0.425 0.460 0.450 Palladium Waidner and Burgess" 1275 0.66 0.35 1725 0.31 Burgess and Wallenberg' Contaet with Pt 1805 0.650 0.33 0.55 0.38 1830 0.37 • For many recommended emissivities see Int. Crit. Tab. 5, 242. Highly Outgassed Solid Liquid Solid and liquid Solid Solid Liquid Liquid Liquid Solid Liquid Solid and Liquid Solid Liquid Solid Solid Solid and liquid Solid and liquid Highly outgassed Solid Solid Liquid Solid Liquid Solid Solid Liquid REMARKS When the surface of a body is polished, there is no doubt as to how one shall determine the surface area that enters into radiancy and steradiancy measurements and hence into emis sivity and emittance determinations. What shall be done in the case of roughened surfaces is not so obvious. The general rule seems to be that when the roughened dimensions are small compared with distances to the receiving instruments and its dimensions, the area that is taken as source area is a projected smooth area which follows the general outline of the body. This is the case which is generally of importance. For opaque bodies, of some one material, the emittances in such cases are never less than, but instead always greater than the corresponding emissivities of the material. In some instances, as in the case of projection lamps containing crimped or zigzag-shaped ribbon filaments of tungsten, advantage is taken of this principle to attain an emittance considerably in excess of the emissivity of the tungsten. 434 How the normal total emittance Ene' of a polished piece of copper is changed in the region JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41AUTHOR Whitney" Henning 14 Bidwell' Burgess and Waltenberg' Stubbs" METHOD Tube Spectropyrometer Couple and pyrometer Contact with Pt Spectrophotometer Mendenhall and Forsythe" Open-V wedge McCauley" Worthing47 Spectrobolometer Reflectivity. tube, con tact with Wand Mo UtterbachandSanderman 38 Open-V wedge Malter and Langmuir" Tube Whitney" Tube Pirani 29 Open-V wed!!e Mendenhall and Forsythe" Open-V wedge Burgess and Waltenberg' Pirani and Meyer'" Langmuir1' Shackelford'" Hulburt" Worthing45 Weniger and Pfund"} and Co blent.7 Henning and Heusel' Lax and Pirani2l Zwikk .... • Hamaker l3 Wahlin and Whitney39 Contact with Pt Helix Helix Helix Helix Photoelectric compo Tube {Spectrobolometer} Reflectivity Cavity in sphere Tube Reflectivity Tube TABLE I.-Continued. RED GREEN BLUE IR AND UV T IN OK A IN p... En>.. ).. IN fJ.. EnX }.. IN IL, En>.. ).. IN 1./., En>.. 1300-2000 0.667 0.242 0.66 0.077 1000-1700 0.66 0.055 1215 0.650 0.044 1255 0.072 0.66 0.072 1400 0.658 0.61 2100 0.49 2800 0.47 1400 0.658 0.59 2100 0.47 2800 0.46 300 0.665 0.493 1400 0.442 2100 0.415 2800 0.390 1400 0.667 0.49 2100 0.40 1200 0.665 0.459 2100 0.417 2800 0.394 1300-2000 0.667 0.380 1200 0.64 0.46 1700 0.48 1375 0.658 0.45 3175 0.66 2044 0.65 0.39 Platinum (See Fig. 12) Rhodium Silver Tantalum Thorium Tungsten 0.532 0.44 1400-3000 0.664 0.46 0.537 0.485 1900 0.656 0.456 0.467 0.565 0.505 0.460 0.493 0.470 Highly outgassed Solid and liquid Solid Liquid Liquid Highly outgassed Obnously in error I~arge variations 2300 0.445 1800 0.54 0.465 0.452 0.46 0.488 0.34 0.501 0.496 0.492 2200 2800 300 1200 2200 {:~~t1 1700 2100 0.665 0.470 0.452 0.431 0.411 0.438 0.476 0.424 0.45.; 0.467 0.505 0.482 0.466 0.452 2000-3200 0.647 0.49 0.536 0.49 0.650 0.45 1.27 0.335 2.00 0.335 0.335 0.335 0.100 2.50 0.162 0.187 0.212 5% uncertainty REMARKS 0.062 0.129 0.155 0.179 { 3001 0.650 0.453 0.550 0.469 0.450 0.492 0.230 0.423 0.300 0.505 0.350 0.476 0.800 0.466 1.000 0.424 1200f 0.444 0.458 0.477 00411 .493 0.471 .434 .388 2000J 0.436 0.448 0.463 0.400 .483 0.467 .405 .355 1200-2200 0.669 0.46 Highly outgassed of low temperatures by the addition of thin coats of lacquer, by tarnishing and by painting with aluminum is shown by certain results obtained by Heilman13b (Fig. 13). For the temperatures in volved, it is obvious, (a) that polished copper has very low total emissivities, (b) that tarnished copper has much higher emittances than has polished copper (the increase in the very bright new copper curve in going from 300°F to 500°F is undoubtedly due to the appearance of tarnish), (c) that the total emissivities of polished alumi num are greater than those for copper, (d) that the total emittances of unpolished aluminum are greater than the corresponding emissivities, (e) that the thin coats of lacquer were not opaque, and (f) that the white iacquer when opaque is nearly black. Emissivity Results SPECTRAL 'EMISSIVITIES Spectral emissivities for various materials mostly metals are shown in Table 1. Except for a few cases where a room temperature value has been one of a group showing E).=j(T), the room temperature values have been omitted. A survey of results, including much that is not in Table I, VOLUME 11, JUNE, 1940 435 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41seem to point toward certain general tendencies though the data are too meager really to make sure in certain cases. As such tendencies we Hun (I)!T WHIte JOQl1Dl ON BRIGHT OOlT'PDl 8URP'.A.Cr o. 9 -----... 8 ~ 1 'l'HIN COA'1' WHITE UOQUER OR BRlOH'l' OOPPi1\ SURFACE o 7 --I I I -2 THIN OOATS ctEA'R LACQ,UER - o. ON TARNISHED (x)PPER SURrAdE "-::..... I I 1 6 r-..... -'---1 !~I~~~ ~LA=:JEON _ 2 THIN OUTS CLEAR LACQum 5 ON BRIGHT (l)PPDl stllIFAOE I -'1'ARHISHEl) OOPPER --r-- 4 1 THIN OOAT CLEAR LACQUER -ON BRIGHT OOPPER stJ.R1'ACE 1 (X)A'l ALUU. PAINT (UNPOLISHED) ON BRIGJ{'1' OOPFm SURFACE --:::c- , --, , 0.3 2 (l)AT. ALUU. PAINT (POLISHED ALOIl.) ON BRIGHT COPJIm. SURFACE I I V --02 o lEFty BRlGj NEW OOPPj o 100 200 300 400 500 SURfACE TEMPERATURE Of 600 FIG. 13. Normal total emittances at low temperatures for pieces of bright newly polished copper when uncoated and when variously coated, as determined by R. H. Heilman, reference 13b. seem to have: (1) The Drude spectral emissivity relation E}.n=A(p/~)t (Eq. (9» where p stands for resistivity, holds well for metals at wave-lengths beyond a rather indefinite "Drude limit" in the near infra-red. (See Fig. 8.) (2) Spectral emissivities for metals on the short wave-length side of the "Drude limit" increase with decrease in wave-length to a maxi mum generally in the ultraviolet. (See Fig. 8.) (3) Spectral emissivities for metals that are not highly outgassed seem at least in certain regions on the short wave-length side of the "Drude limit" to decrease with increase of temperature. (See Table I.) (4) Spectral emissivities of highly outgassed metals seem not to vary with temperature in the visible region. (See Table I.) 436 (5) Spectral emlsslvltles obtained using the tubular filament method are generally lower than those obtained by other methods. (See Table I.) (6) On account of deviations from the Lambert cosine law, hemispherical emissivities for metals are generally greater than corresponding normal emissivities. (See Fig. 1.) (7) On a<;:count of deviations from the Lambert cosine law, hemispherical spectral emissivities for the semi-conductor carbon is less than for the corresponding normal spectral emissivity. Total emissivities for various materials, as re ported by Professor Hottel of Massachusetts In stitute of Technology, are to be found elsewhere.24 There also seem to be certain general tendencies with respect to the total emissivities. Some of them are: (1) The total emissivities of metals increase with temperature. (2) The total emissivities of metals seem to be less than those of nonmetals. (3) The total emissivities of certain nonmetals decrease with increase of temperature. (See Fig. 14.) (4) The total emissivities of metals are gener ally greater than what would be expected were they to obey the Drude law. (See Fig. 8.) (5) The appearance of a nonmetal in visible light is no guide as to its probable total emissivity. (See Figs. 13 and 14.) (6) The total hemispherical emissivities of metals on account of deviations from Lambert's law are greater than the total normal emis sivities. (See Fig. 2.) ~ -:;. O.1f---+--~ """"""ol--t---t--t---t---l ~ '" 'E 0.6 f--+-+-+--"'~;:-1~-+--+--+--1 UJ O.5f--+---+--+--+--f-~~ ,L--+---j OAf--+--+--+--1--4--+---'i'-" O-~Ob;O:-;;4.,!;OO---T.60b;oC--;s;;!;or;o -;;;IO:k:OO"I,;jZO"'O:-O;I40~O oiiv<-","""",,;;;;', TemperaTure ~ F FIG. 14. Some total emittances reported by R. H. Heilman, reference 13a. . JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:57:41Bibliography 1. Aschkinass, Ann. d. Physik 17, 960 (1905). 24 .. McAdams, Heat Transmission (McGraw Hill, 1933), 2. Bauer and Moulin, J. de phys. et rad. 9,468 (1910). Chapter III. 3. Bidwell, Phys. Rev. 3, 439 (1914). 25. McCauley, Astrophys. J. 37, 164 (1913). 4. Burgess, Bull. Nat. Bur. Stand. 6, 111 (1909). 26. Mendenhall, Astrophys. J. 33, 91 (1911). 5. Burgess, Comment made at the 1919 Temperature Symposium. 27. Mendenhall and Forsythe, Astrophys. J. 37, 38 (1915). 28. Millis, Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh 6. Burgess and Waltenberg, Bull. Nat. Bur. Stand. 11, (1933). 591 (1915). 28a. Ornstein, Physica 3,561 (1936). 7. Coblentz, Bull. Nat. Bur. Stand. 14,312 (1918). 29. Pirani, Physik. Zeits. 13, 753 (1912). 8. Committee on Radiation, Rev. Sci. Inst. 7, 322 (1936). 30. Pirani and Meyer, Elektr. u. Masch. 33, 397 and 414 9. Davisson and Weeks, J. Opt. Soc. Am. and Rev. Sci. (1915). Inst. 8, 581 (1924). 31. Prescott and Hinke, Phys. Rev. 31, 130 (1928). 10. Fery and Cheneveau, Comptes rend us 148,401 (1909). 32. Prescott and Morrison, Rev. Sci. Inst. 10,36 (1939). 11. Foote, Bull. Nat. Bur. Stand. 11,607 (1915). 12. Geiss, Physica 5, 203 (1925). 13. Hamaker, Doctor's Thesis; Univ. of Utrecht, Holland (1934). 33. Shackelford, Phys. Rev. 8, 470 (1916). 34. Spence, Astrophys. J. 37, 194 (1913). 35. Stephens, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 29, 158 (1939). 36. Stubbs, Proc. Roy. Soc. A88, 19-5 (1913). 13a. Heilman, Trans. Am. Inst. Chern. Eng. 31,165 (1934) 37. Stubbs and Prideaux, Proc. Roy. Soc. A87, 451 (1912). plus additional materia!' 38. Utterbach and Sanderman, Phys. Rev. 39, 1008 (1932). 13b. Heilman, Heating Piping Air Condo 5,458 (1933). 39. Wahlin and Whitney, Phys. Rev. 50, 735 (1936). 14. Henning, Zeits. f. Instrumentenk. 30, 61 (1910). 40. Waidner and Burgess, Bull. Nat. Bur. Stand. 3, 163 15. Henning and Heuse, Zeits. f. Physik 16, 63 (1923). (1907). 16. Holborn and Henning, Ber!' Ber. 12, 311 (1905). 41. Weber, Ann. d. Physik 54, 165 (1918). 17. Holborn and Kurlbaum, Ann. d. Physik 10,225 (1903). 42. Weniger and Pfund, Phys. Rev. 14,427 (1919). 18. Hulburt, Astrophys. ]. 45, 149 (1917). 43. Whitney, Phys. Rev. 48, 458 (1935). 19. I. Langmuir, Phys. Rev. 6,138 (1915); 7, 302 (1916). 44. Worthing, Astrophys. J. 36, 345 (1912); J. Opt. Soc. 20. Laue and Martens, Physik. Zeits. 8, 853 (1907). Am. and Rev. Sci. Inst. 13, 635 (1926). 21. Lax and Pirani, Zeits. f. Physik 22, 273 (1924). 45. Worthing, Phys. Rev. 10, 377 (1917) and Zeits. f. 22. Lummer, E. T. Z. 34, 1428 (1913). 22a. Lummer, Verflussigung der Kohle, (1914), p. 42. 22b. Lummer and Kurlbaum, Verh. Deut. Phys. Ges. 17, 106 (1898). Physik 22, 9 (1924). 46. Worthing, Phys. Rev. 25, 846 (1925). 47. Worthing, Phys. Rev. 28, 174 (1926). 48. Worthing, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 30, 91 (1940). 23. Malter and D. Langmuir, Phys. Rev. 55, 743 (1939). 49. Zwikker, Proc. K. Akad. Amsterdam 28, 499 (1925). VOLUME 11, JUNE, 1940 Special Issue on Temperature A word of appreciation is due to many who have contributed to the preparation of this issue. The principal papers have been taken from the Symposium on Tempera ture, sponsored by the American Institute of Physics in New York, November 2-4. The success of that Symposium was due pri marily to the work of the members of the Program Committee, and particularly to that of the Chairman, Dr. C. O. Fairchild. Dr. W. E. Forsythe, our Associate Editor, was of great assistance in choosing the papers to appear in this issue. Finally, we express our appreciation to a large nu.nber of manufacturers who have contributed in formation for the Directory of Commercial Temperature-Measuring Equipment. 437 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. 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A Silica Gauge for Measuring Thickness by Means of Interference Colors Katharine B. Blodgett Citation: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 12, 10 (1941); doi: 10.1063/1.1769772 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1769772 View Table of Contents: http://rsi.aip.org/resource/1/RSINAK/v12/i1 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Additional information on Rev. Sci. Instrum. Journal Homepage: http://rsi.aip.org Journal Information: http://rsi.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://rsi.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://rsi.aip.org/authors Downloaded 15 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions10 KATHARINE B. BLODGETT Certain impassable limits seem indeed to have been reached. It would be a huge surprise to hear of a substance more conductive than silver,* denser than osmium, or possessed of a greater magnetic moment at saturation than the already known alloys of iron and cobalt. Yet twenty-five years ago it would have been a huge surprise to hear of a substance with a magnetic permeability hundreds of times as high (at suitable field strengths) as the purest iron then known, and such are now common, being obtained by the arts of purifying, alloying and heat-treating used sep arately or together. Many properties of metals * Supraconductors excepted! have been developed or enhanced in these ways, but much of the credit should probably go to metallurgists rather than physicists. Chemistry also may lay claim to many new substances, such as the "plastics," now so wonderful in their vari ety. To physics even in the narrowest sense should go the credit for two new categories of substances: single crystals of metals large enough for meas uring all the qualities which hitherto have been measured only on polycrystalline aggregates (and in some cases large enough for practical use); and radioactive isotopes of literally all the ele ments of the Periodic Table, many of them suit able for use as tracers or for therapeutic purposes. (To be continued.) JAKUARY. 1941 R. s. 1. VOLUME 12 A Silica Gauge for Measuring Thickness by Means of Interference Colors KATHARINE B. BLODGETT Research Laboratory, General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York (Received August 20, 1940) Details are given of the construction of a gauge for measuring the thickness of monomolecular films by means of the interference of light. The intensity of monochromatic light reflected from a thin film of a transparent material varies with the thickness of the film according to a cosine curve. When light strikes a film at an angle of incidence i = 15°, the variation of the logarithm of the intensity with thickness is greatest at thicknes~es 0.75>../4n and 1.282>../4n, where n is the refractive index of the film. In order to bring the thickness to this critical value a silica film was developed on lead glass by treating the glass with HNOa• Monolayers of various substances can be deposited on top of the silica film, and the thickness of the monolayer determined from the change in intensity of reflected light produced by the added thickness. The change of intensity can be determined very accurately by a method of measuring the "match angle" at which two steps of different thickness reflect light of equal intensity. When this angle can be measured with an accuracy of ±1O' the thickness of the added monolayer is known with an accuracy of ±0.76A. Equations are given for calculating thickness. SEVERAL workersl-6 have studied the inter ference of light reflected from surfaces of lead glass and barium glass after the glass was treated with acid. The acid treatment dissolved the lead or barium from the surface of the glass, 1 Harold Dennis Taylor, The Adjustment and Testing of Telescope Objectives (T. Cook, York, England, 1896). 2 F. Kollmorgen, Trans. Soc. Ill. Eng. 11, 220 (1916). 3 F. E. Wright, Ordnance Department Document No. 2037, p. 76. 4 K. B. Blodgett, Phys. Rev. 55, 391 (1939). 5 A. Vasicek, Phys. Rev. 57, 847 (1940). leaving a residual film of silica. The depth of the silica film depended on the concentration and temperature of the acid, and on the type of acid used. The refractive index of the film was found to be approximately 1.46. Since this value of refractive index is considerably less than that of lead glass or of barium glass, films of this type on the surface of lead or barium glass reflect vivid interference colors when the films have suitable thicknesses. Downloaded 15 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsA SILICA GAUGE FOR MEASURING THICKNESS 11 This method of making silica films can be employed to make gauges with which to measure the thickness of molecular films by means of interference colors. The glass is treated so as to produce films of two different thicknesses, 1 and 2, which are called "steps." The graph in Fig. 1 illustrates the principle which is used to deter mine the choice of thickness of these steps. The graph is drawn for the case of a sample of lead glass having a refractive index n=1.757. The reflection of light from this type of glass was measured by Mr. Malpica, using polarized sodium light. The polarized ray R. was used, that is, the ray having the plane of polarization perpendicular to the incident plane. He obtained the values given in Table I for the intensity of the reflected light, the intensity of the incident light being taken as unity. The curves in Fig. 1 show the variation in intensity of reflected sodium light with the thickness of the silica film. As a result of inter ference between the light rays reflected from the upper and lower surfaces of the film, the intensity of the reflected light varies with the film thickness in a series of alternating minima and maxima of intensity. Figure 1 shows the first minimum of the series for a family of curves H, J, K. This minimum occurs for each of the curves at a thickness given by the equation (1) where n. is the refractive index of the silica film, and r is the angle of refraction of light in the film. In the case of a film of an isotropic sub stance, cos r can be calculated from i by the equation cosr=(1-[(sini)jnJ2)l, (2) where i is the angle of incidence of light illumi nating the film. The curves in Fig. 1 were calculated for the case of a silica film for which n. = 1.46. The ANGLE OF INCIDENCE i TABLE I. REFLECTION FROM ONE FACE OF tJNETCHED GLASS 0.0806 .1017 .1499 REFLECTION FROM ONE FACE OF CLASS ETCHED TO GIVE MINIMUM REFLECTION 0.0146 . 0218 .0371 .3 .2 I .08 ~,06 c;;.05 ,. ~.04 ~ .03 .02 .01 I I r--.... '-..." V y_ Lj45" ··+i ). K / V i= 15" ~ "" ~~ Irf I I f--Vh I \-'" \ Ft. V! i I \ Q Q"", +-1-- 1\ \ ~ li2 p 1\ ./ o 1.0 2.0 THICKNESS (IIULTIPLES OF AI" ns) FIG. 1. Plot of intensity of R.-polarized sodium light reflected by a silica film on lead glass as a function of the thickness of the film, for angles of incidence, i= 15°, 30°,45°. minima occur at thicknesses tM given in Table II. The calculated points were plotted on a semi logarithmic scale, since it is the percentage difference of reflected light which determines the visibility of two different intensities to the eye. The slope of curve H is greatest at the points 1 and 2, that is, at thicknesses which are 0.75Xj4n. and 1.282Xj4n •. The points corresponding to these thicknesses lie at equal distances on opposite sides of the intensity minimum and therefore these thicknesses reflect equal intensi ties. In other words, the steps match when seen by monochromatic light at an angle of incidence i= 15°. Thin films such as monolayers of fatty acids, proteins or other substances may be deposited on top of the silica gauge. The graph in Fig. 1 shows that if a film having a thickness 0.048Xj4n. is added to both steps, bringing the thicknesses of the steps to O. 798X/4n. and 1.330X/4n., these steps will then have intensities corresponding to the points P and PIon curve H, to Q and Q' on curve J, and to Rand R' on curve K. It is seen that the steps then reflect the intensities 0.0219 and 0.0292 when illuminated at i = 15°, and therefore have a difference in intensity of 33 percent. When illuminated at i = 30° the steps match, both steps having an intensity 0.0333. At i=45° the intensities are 0.0589 and 0.0439 . Figure 2 shows how the intensities of the steps change as the angle i is varied. The contrast Downloaded 15 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions12 KATHARINE B. BLODGETT .0 8 .0 7 .0 6 R .05 V 4 ./ ./ ...... VR' .---W ~ !--i-- p' st~ L-- 3 -m ~/ 2 .0 .0 10 20 30 40 Angle of incidence i FIG. 2. Plot of intensity of R.-polarized sodium light reflected by silica films as a function of the an~le of incidence. Steps 1 and 2 have thicknesses correspondmg to points P, Q, R and pI, Q', R', respectively, in Fig. 1. diminishes to zero as i is increased to 30°, and then reverses and increases at higher values of i. The increment of thickness 0.048X/4n 8 which changed the match-angle from i=15° to i=300 was the difference between the values of tM corresponding to i = 15° and i = 30° given in Table II. The following method is employed for meas uring the thickness of a thin film such as a deposited monolayer. The silica gauge is mounted on a spectrometer table with the boundary between the steps in the axis of rotation of the table. The gauge is illuminated by polarized sodium light, using the R8 ray. The angle io is measured at which steps 1 and 2 match. The gauge is then removed from the spectrometer, and the monolayer which is to be measured is deposited on the surface of the gauge, coating both steps. The layer can be deposited by any of the methods commonly employed in the handling of monolayers, such as deposition from a water surface or adsorption from solution.6-9 The gauge is then replaced on the spectrometer and the angle ia measured at which the steps match. The thickness of the monolayer is calculated in the following way. From Eq. (1) we have n.i8( cos ro). = X/4, (3) where the subscript s refers to the silica film and 6 I. Langmuir, Trans. Faraday Soc. 15, 62 (1920); reprinted in Gen. Elec. Rev. 24, 1025 (1921). 7 K. B. Blodgett, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 57, 1007 (1935). 8 I. Langmuir and V. J. Schaefer, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 59, 1406 (1937). • I. Langmuir, V. J. Schaefer and H. Sobotka, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 59, 1751 (1937). (cos rO)8 is the value of cos r calculated by means of Eq. (2) for the case i=io and n=n8• When the silica is coated with a film of thickness if and refractive index nj, the angle at which the minimum occurs increases from io to ia and Eq. (1) becomes (4) where (cos ra). and (cos ra)1 are the values of cos r corresponding to the refractive indices n. and nf respectively, calculated by means of Eq. (2) for the case i =ia. Since in the case of a deposited monolayer the second term on the left side of Eq. (4) is small compared with the first term, this equation may be written (n8t.+nlif) (cos ra).=X/4. (5) The error introduced into the calculations by writing the equation in this form is usually less than 1 percent. It follows from Eq. (3) and Eq. (5) that nlif= (X/4)[1/(cos ra).-l/(cos ro).]. (6) The curve in Fig. 3 gives a plot of l/(cos ro). as a function of i, calculated by means of Eq. (2). Values of nltl are calculated by reading the values of l/(cos r). corresponding to io and ia from this curve, and substituting these values in Eq. (6). This method of measurement is similar to the methods previously used for measuring mono layers by means of step-gauges made of barium stearate.8 The silica gauge has the great ad vantage over the stearate gauge that a deposited monolayer can be wiped from the silica surface with a cloth without injuring the silica film. Therefore the gauge can be used repeatedly for a large number of measurements. In the case of a stearate gauge, the monolayer cannot be removed without injuring the stearate film, and therefore a new gauge is usually needed for each measurement. The steps of the gauge were made by the TABLE II. CURVE ANGLE OF INCIDENCE i H 15° J 30° K 45° Cos r 0.9842 . 9395 . 8749 1.016Aj4n. 1.064X/4n • 1.143 Aj4n • Downloaded 15 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsA SILICA GAUGE FOR MEASURING THICKNESS 13 following method. A plate of glass was used which was 1 X 2 inches in size. The glass was one-quarter inch thick and had a slight green color. The back of the plate was painted with black paint in order to reduce reflection from the back and thus make the interference colors more readily visible. The glass was polished with yellow rouge (Goldite No. 34) on a rotating disk covered with fine billiard cloth. One end of the glass was then dipped to a depth of t inch in a solution of polystyrol dissolved in toluene in a concentration about 10 percent, and was sus pended in an oven at 70°C for 10 minutes to allow this coating to dry. The glass was next immersed in 1 percent HNOa at SO°C until the uncoated glass reflected a blue color. The polystyrol formed an acid-proof covering so that the coated glass was not etched. The progressive increase of thickness of the silica film formed by the etching action of the acid on the untreated glass was observed by watching the change of interference colors while the glass was in the acid bath, the glass being illuminated by white light. The colors progressed through the series which is characteristic of films having thicknesses in the neighborhood of the first order minimum: yellow brown, red brown, purple, deep blue, medium blue. The color reached a medium blue in 1 minute, 30 seconds. The glass was then taken from the acid, rinsed in a beaker of water and plunged while wet with water into a dish of toluene where the polystyrol was removed with one or two strokes of a cotton swab. It was then plunged into a dish of water and the toluene removed with a single stroke of a swab. If the glass was swabbed vigorously the subsequent etching of the glass took place in a manner which was uneven over the surface. The glass was then immersed again in 1 percent HNOa at SO°c. At first the area which had been brought to a medium blue color (step 2) was seen to be dark by sodium light and the fresh area (step 1) was bright. As the etching progressed, step 1 became darker and soon matched step 2 in intensity when the glass was seen at the angle i = 0 (perpendicular light). The etching was carried beyond this point in order to obtain steps which would match at angles greater than i=O. The additional etching was also needed to allow for the shrinkage of 1.3 / 1.2 1/ -II I II / I V / / / --V 0" 10" 20· 30· 40 50" 1.0 Angle of incidence L FIG. 3. Plot of calculated values-of 1/(cos r), as a function of angle of incidence i, for n, = 1.46. the film which took place during subsequent heat treatment. The extent of additional etching which was needed was learned by experiment and was readily reproduced by the following method. The angle i. was determined at which the steps matched in the acid bath when they had been etched to the required depth. A strip of metal was bent into a V-shape having an angle 90°-i. at the apex. It was fastened to the glass with one side of the V lying against the face of the glass. The other side then served as a sight by means of which the glass could be viewed at the angle of incidence i •. This angle was found to be i. = 40° for the glass used in the present experiments. After the glass was etched it was rinsed in distilled water and placed in an oven at 70°C for S minutes for the water to evaporate. During the second etching, step 2 increased only slightly in thickness, while step 1 was rapidly etched. This was in accord with previous experiments4 with lead glass in which it was found that the rate of etching decreased greatly as the thickness of the film increased. With the type of lead glass used in the earlier experiments the thickness of the film increased with the 0.37 power of the time. Barium glass was found to differ greatly in this respect from lead glass. Two samples of barium glass were studied, and both gave the result that the thickness of the film obtained by etching was proportional to Downloaded 15 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions14 KATHARINE B. BLODGETT the length of time in the bath. Measurements were made until the film reached a thickness }../n., and were not carried beyond this point. The silica films which were formed on lead glass had the striking property that they were rendered almost completely impermeable to acid by being heated at 70°C for 5 minutes. This could be shown by the following experiment. When a freshly polished piece of glass was placed in an etching bath a thin layer of silica was formed on the surface in a few seconds. If the glass was then heated at 70°C for 5 minutes and was placed again in the same etching bath, no further etching took place. For example, glass which had been freshly polished was etched by acid to a depth of 1.4}../4n. in 1 min., 30 sec.; whereas if the same type of glass was etched to a depth of 0.9}"/4n. and was heated for 5 minutes and then placed again in the acid for 3 minutes, no further etching occurred. The test to find whether any etching occurred was made by lowering only one-half of the glass in the acid bath. After it was removed from the acid no difference could be detected between the areas which had been above and beneath the acid surface. An increase of 0.02}"/4n. could have been readily detected, since the interference color reflected by a film changes rapidly with increase of thickness in the region of thickness from 0.9X/4n. to }"/4n •. An exceedingly thin film was sufficient to form this type of protective covering. Films which were too thin to reflect any inter ference colors and therefore had a thickness not greater than 0.1}"/4n. were found to be as effective in preventing etching as the thicker films. The first gauges that were made were found to be not sufficiently hard, for when the films were rubbed very vigorously with a cloth they became gradually thinner. They lost approxi mately 0.002}"/4n. in thickness each time they were rubbed for a few seconds. This fault was remedied by heating the gauges in a furnace at 350°C for 5 minutes. The heat treatment caused the film to become very much harder. The film shrank a few percent in thickness while it was being heated. The difference in hardness was made very apparent if the gauge was polished with rouge until the film disappeared, the film heated to 350°C being far more resistant to the action of rouge than the film heated to 70°C. Measurements of the thickness of monolayers of various substances, made with a silica gauge, will be published in a later paper. The addition of a monolayer of thickness t, = 25A and re fractive index n,= 1.50 produces a change in match angle which can be calculated by means of the equation [l/(cos ra).-l/(cos ro).J=0.02546 (7) derived from Eq. (6) for sodium light X=5893A. Calculation shows that when io=30°, the match angle obtained with the added monolayer is ia=35° 30'. Therefore measurements of angle made with an accuracy of ±10' will yield an accuracy of ±0.76A in the determinations of film thickness. The match angle is determined by rotating the film to and fro through a small angle, from an angle at which step 2 is slightly brighter than step 1 to an angle at which the contrast is equal and reversed. The match angle then lies halfway between these two angles, since Fig. 2 shows that in the neighborhood of the match angle (Q'Q) the logarithm of the intensities of the steps varies nearly linearly with the angle i. An accuracy of 10' can be obtained when the match angle is measured by the eye, but the measure ments have to be made at the lowest limits of contrast that are visible to the eye and are therefore tiring to make and their accuracy can sometimes be doubted. Apparatus is being built in which a photoelectric cell will be used to measure the light intensities reflected by steps 1 and 2. Downloaded 15 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://rsi.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions
The Photolysis of Acetone in Presence of Mercury Kenneth W. Saunders and H. Austin Taylor Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 9, 616 (1941); doi: 10.1063/1.1750963 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1750963 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/9/8?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Photolysis of Acetone in the Presence of HI and the Decomposition of the Acetyl Radical J. Chem. Phys. 36, 2196 (1962); 10.1063/1.1732851 Photolysis of Acetone in the Absence of Mercury J. Chem. Phys. 24, 618 (1956); 10.1063/1.1742560 Photolysis of Methyl Bromide in the Presence of Mercury J. Chem. Phys. 22, 1929 (1954); 10.1063/1.1739943 The Photolysis of Mercury Dimethyl in the Presence of Hydrocarbons J. Chem. Phys. 21, 1723 (1953); 10.1063/1.1698651 The Photolysis of Acetone in Presence of Hydrogen J. Chem. Phys. 6, 119 (1938); 10.1063/1.1750211 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:30:53AUGUST, 1941 JOURNAL OF CHE:'vlICAL PIlVSICS \" 0 L U i\l Ie <J The Photolysis of Acetone in Presence of Mercuryl KENNETH \V. SAUNDERS AND H .. \USTI~ TAYLOR Department of Chemistry, New York University, New York, New York (Re('eived May 21, 1941) The photolysis of acetone in the region 2600-2900A has been studied at temperatures from 100-275°C, alone, in presence of liquid mercury, mercury vapor and mercury dimethyl. From a comparison of the products formed in each case and the effect of temperature thereon a mechanism is suggested which indicates that mercury methyl, if not mercury dimethyl, is formed by reaction between methyl radicals and mercury atoms suggesting a greater stability of the mercury methyl radical than hitherto believed. DESPITE the rapidly increasing amount of data being accumulated on the reactions between organic radicals and metals by the mirror method, relatively little is known con cerning the reactions in the vapor phase. Leighton and Mortensen2 reporting on a quantum yield for the photolysis of lead tetramethyl of 1.11 de creasing to unity in presence of oxygen conclude that the observed yield may represent a balance between a considerable chain length and a considerable recombination. A somewhat similar reduction of quantum yield was observed by Linnett and Thompson3 for mercury dimethyl photolysis in presence of nitric oxide. The in creased rate of decomposition of mercury di methyl in presence of hydrogen was accounted for by Cunningham and Taylor4 on the basis of a chain reaction involving hydrogen atoms formed by reaction between methyl radicals and hydrogen. TaylorS and Burton drew attention to the neglect of a consideration of any recombina tion between mercury and methyl radicals and indicated on this basis a possible alternative explanation. The observation by Heidt and Forbes6 that the pyrolysis of azomethane was unaffected when 100 mm mercury vapor were intentionally introduced was not confirmed by analysis of the reaction products. 1 Abstract from a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at New York University, March, 1941. 2 P. A. Leighton and R. A. Mortensen, ]. Am. Chern. Soc. 58, 448 (1936). 3 J. W. Linnett and H. W. Thompson, Trans. Faraday Soc. 33, 501, 874 (1937). 4 J. P. Cunningham and H. S. Taylor, J. Chern. Phys. 6, 359 (1938). • H. A. Taylor and M. Burton, J. Chern. Phys.. 7, 675 (1939). 6 L. J. Heidt and G. S. Forbes, ]. Am. Chern. Soc. 57, 2331 (1935). Since it is generally agreed that the photolysis of acetone proceeds through a primary step involving the production of methyl and acetyl radicals, if reaction can occur between methyl radicals and mercury atoms the products of acetone photolysis in presence and absence of mercury would be expected to be differen t. Furthermore, acetone photolysis in presence of mercury dimethyl would be expected to be similar to that of acetone and mercury. To simplify the interpretation of the results the radiation has been restricted to wave-lengths 2600-2900A since mercury dimethyl absorbs below 2600A while acetone gives its maximum radical concentration below 3000A. The tem peratures used were restricted to the range 100-275°C since, above 100°, no diacetyI forma tion is observed in acetone while above 275°C mercury dimethyl pyrolysis becomes measurable. EXPERIMENTAL Materials Acetone obtained from the sodium iodide complex compound was dried over calcium chloride and fractionally distilled. The middle fraction boiling at 55.8-56.0°C was further purified by distilling twice in vacuum from an ice-water mixture to dry-ice-toluene. Mercury dimethyl was prepared by the method of Marvel and Gould7 from mercuric chloride and Grignard reagent, dried over calcium chloride and fractionally distilled. A fraction boiling at 90.5-91.0°C was further distilled in vacuum from phosphorus pentoxide at room temperature and collected at dry-ice-toluene temperature. 7 C. S. Marvel and V. L. Gould, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 44, 153 (1922). 616 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:30:53PHOTOLYSIS OF ACETONE 617 When not in use acetone and mercury dimethyl were protected from light and stored in dry ice. Radiation The light source was the General Electric Type H6 lOOO-watt, water-cooled, high pressure quartz mercury arc which emits relatively little resonance radiation. The lamp intensity varied considerably with use. Deposits of ferric oxide on the water cooler and quartz filter were re moved daily. The quartz filter made according to the suggestion of Bowen 8 consisted of two compartments, the first 3 em in depth contained chlorine at 1 atmos. pressure, the second, 1 em in depth, through which an aqueous solution containing 45 g HgCl 2 per liter flowed con tinuously. The whole filter was water-cooled. Photographs of a low pressure mercury arc showed transmission by the filter from 2652 to 2967A. Reaction system A quartz reaction vessel of approximately 200-cc volume was connected by a graded seal to a Pyrex mercury manometer and to a Crist9 valve, the latter eliminating contact between acetone and stopcock grease. In the experiments with acetone alone the reaction system was protected from mercury vapor by gold-leaf traps. The absence of change in the photolysis when these were removed eliminated the possibility of any mercury photo-sensitization having occurred, while at the same time showing that the low vapor pressure of mercury gave too small a concentration of mercury to show a measurable reaction with acetone decomposition products. The reaction vessel was placed in an electric furnace carrying a two-inch aperture faced with a thin quartz plate at each end. The temperature was controlled manually and temperature gradi ents were minimized by having an air stirrer in the furnace. For the experiments with mercury present about 0.5 cc mercury was added to the reaction vessel. The mercury refluxed continu ously into the vessel from the cooler connecting tube outside the furnace during the experiments. In the runs in presence of mercury vapor, the 8 E. J. Bowen, J. Chem. Soc. p. 76 (1935). 9 R. H. Crist and F. B. Brown, Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed. 11, 396 (1939). manometer was removed and the Crist valve replaced by a mercury V-tube cut-off filled from a reservoir below. The arm of the V connected to the reaction vessel was heated throughout its length with resistance wire and thermally insu lated. A thermometer in the mercury in the V-tube indicated the temperature of the mercury and thus the partial pressure of mercury vapor in the reaction system. Particular care was taken during these latter runs to see that no liquid mercury could be present in the reaction vessel. Procedure The reaction cell was evacuated overnight before each run by a mercury vapor pump backed by an oil pump. Just prior to the run the cell was flushed out three times with acetone vapor and filled to a pressure of 90 mm. The Crist valve was then closed; the pressure on both sides of the valve being the same any leakage was minimized. Exposure to the arc was then made for the required period. At the conclusion of the run, the light was turned off, the pressure permitted to reach a steady value and the Crist valve was opened slightly to permit the gases to be drawn slowly through a trap in liquid nitrogen into a liter Toepler pump. From here the gas was pumped into the analyzer. To obtain complete fractionation it was sometimes necessary to remove the liquid nitrogen allowing the trap contents to melt and then refreeze and pump out residual noncondensible gas. A second fraction containing residual methane and C2 hydrocarbons was obtained by pumping the condensate in the trap cooled to -131°C by melting sec-butyl chloride. As before the last fractions of the gas were recovered following vaporization and condensation. In a few tests a minute quantity of gas was obtained between -131° and -115°C and slightly above -l1Soe acetone itself began to come through. Two frac tions only were therefore collected and the volume of each was measured at low pressure in the gas analysis apparatus. Micro gas analysis Since, under the experimental conditions, an exposure of 30 minutes yielded seldom more than 0.6 cc gas for analysis a micro method This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:30:53618 K. W. S A IT 1\ J) E R SAN n H. A. T A Y LOR To vacuwn K M A :: FIG. 1. was essential. A technique was developed capable of analyzing for hydrogen, carbon monoxide, ethylene, methane and higher saturated hydro carbons which was much less tedious than, yet at least as accurate as, the methods of ManninglO and H. S. Taylor and his associates,n features from both of which were adopted. The method involved some modifications of that of Haden and Luttroppl2 and used a measurement of the pressure at constant volume, rather than the actual volume of the gas. Fig. 1 is a plan of the apparatus used. A, the combustion chamber whose volume plus connect ing capillary was 2.67 cc was equipped with a standard ground joint (size 14/29) carrying two tungsten lead-in wires 1 mm in diameter insulated in small glass tubing. A small platinum coil of six to eight turns was spot-welded to the tungsten electrodes. During operation the upper tube was filled with water and surrounding A was a water jacket (not shown) which prevented the trace of grease on the upper part of the joint from flowing. 10 W. M. Manning,]. Am. Chern. Soc. 56, 2589 (1934). 11 Morikawa, Trenner and Taylor, ]. Am. Chern. Soc. 59,1103 (1937); H. S. Taylor and C. Rosenblum,]. Chern. Phys., 6,119 (1938); H. S. Taylor and W.]. Moore, ibid., 8, 396, 466 (1940). 12W. L. Haden ]r. and E. S. Luttropp, ]. Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed. In press. B, this tube contained gold foil to prevent mercury vapor passing into A. C, is a series of tubes to hold reagents for various tests carrying 7/15 interchangeable ground joints. The volume of one such tube plus the capillary tube was 2.83 cc. D, is a stopcock designed so that both A and C may be evacuated simultaneously through M and that by proper manipulation either A or C may be connected to R. The volume of the capillary in D was 0.14 cc. E, F, G, permanent markings. The volume from E to D was 0.48 cc, that from F to D was 2.95 cc. Any small error in these volumes is immaterial since all measurements are differences of two readings. The volume from G to D was 549 cc. K, R, H, is essentially a Toepler pump so designed that when the mercury level is at F the pressure of gas in F-D can be read from the difference in levels in K and F. The reading is independent of atmospheric pressure. The distance H-F should be as short as possible. In this appa ratus it was about 45 cm. L, is the inlet tube for the gas to be analyzed; it was 2 mm bore capillary. S, is a two-way stopcock connected to a pump and through a capillary leak to the atmosphere used to manipu late the mercury levels. Before use the system is evacuated through M and L for about two days to remove gases from the grease around the stopcock. Picein was found suitable as a lubricant. The gas to be analyzed is brought into the evacuated system through L, the mercury level raised to F and the pressure of the gas is determined by reading the level in K. From the known volume of the system and the recorded pressure and tempera ture, the volume of the gas at S.T.P. may be calculated. It is assumed in all cases that the gases are ideal. The stopcock D is then opened to the proper chamber according to the test to be made and after due time for reaction to occur the mercury level is lowered to G and the stopcock closed. The pressure is again observed after the level is raised to F. The process is repeated until constant pressure readings are found. The difference before and after is the contraction when allowance is made for the residual gas left in the reaction chamber; the latter is easily calculable from the volume ratio of A or C and R. Since the conclusions drawn from the work depend on the analyses of the products of acetone photolysis it has been thought advisable to outline the methods used in some detail and indicate the precision available. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:30:53PHOTOLYSIS OF ACETONE 619 Analysis of hydrogen Pure hydrogen was prepared from tank hydro gen by passing it through a trap in liquid nitrogen, then over a platinum Grillo catalyst at 200-300° to remove oxygen and finally through a dry-ice trap to remove water. It was analvzed in three ways; (1) by direct combustion ~ith oxygen on a heated platinum filament, (2) by combustion in oxygen on a platinum Grillo catalyst heated to 250-300°C, and (3) by oxida tion on copper oxide at 300°C. For the latter, copper oxide wire as used in organic micro combustion methods was placed in C and sepa rated from it by glass wool was some anhydrone. A small furnace raised the temperature of the copper oxide to 300° where it was evacuated for one hour. Oxidation of hydrogen at the pressures here used (50-200 mm) then occurs readily within two minutes. The shortness of this time is advantageous not only as a time saver but also in reducing the possibility of the liberation of CO2 which was found to be adsorbed tena ciously by copper oxide even at 300°C. A sum mary of the results obtained is given in Table I where for convenience volumes are expressed as the pressures observed. Analysis 'of carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide was prepared from sodium formate and concentrated sulfuric acid and dried by passing through a trap in a dry-ice-toluene mixture. The silver oxide method used by Blacet13 proved extremely slow, and gave inconsistent METHOD Combustion Grillo catalyst and anhydrone CuO and anhydrone TABLE 1. mm HzTAKE:-; 50.6 48.2 44.6 125.1 163.0 81.8 115.1 93.1 97.5 94.2 80.4 86.7 mmH2FoUND %H, 50.7 100.1 48.5 100.6 44.9 100.5 124.8 100.2 164.0 100.5 82.8 100.2 114.3 99.4 92.9 99.8 96.9 99.1 93.8 99.6 79.9 99.5 86.4 99.6 13 F. E. Blacet and P. A. Leighton, Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed. 3, 225 (1931); 5, 272 (1933); 6, 334 (1934); F. E. Blacet and D. H. Volman, ibid., 9, 44 (1937). results and its use for carbon monoxide-methane mixtures rendered the remaining methane in some way passive to complete oxidation by the explosion method. Tests were therefore made using iodine pentoxide at 175° and copper oxide at 300°C. In each case solid potassium hydroxide was used in front of the oxidizing agent to absorb the carbon dioxide formed. The reproducibility of the methods is shown in Table II depicting analyses of a carbon monoxide-methane mixture. TARLE II. mmCO-CH. mmCO METHOD TAKE:< Fomm %CO 145.9 89.0 61.0 133.3 81.3 61.0 102.2 62.1 60.7 154.2 94.1 61.0 CuO 126.9 79.7 62.8 137.0 84.8 62.0 139.9 87.7 62.8 The discrepancy between the two methods was not investigated further since the copper oxide was known to work well and could be used also for hydrogen. Analysis of ethylene The method used by Morikawa, .Trenner and Taylorll of hydrogenation of ethylene on a nickel catalyst at 100°C was found adaptable. From 8-10 milligrams of catalyst prepared according to their specifications was used. It was found necessary even with this small amount of catalyst to use only a slight excess of hydrogen owing to its adsorption. After hydrogenation the excess hydrogen is determined over copper oxide at 300°C. Table III lists some analyses on two different samples of tank ethylene passed over KOH and dried. It is seen that the per centage ethylene based on the observed· con traction is always high, due presumably to hydro gen adsorption. Analysis of methane The usual combustion method on a hot plati num filament was used. Anhydrone was placed in C to absorb the water produced. This was later replaced by KOH to absorb CO2• Preliminary analyses always showed a greater absorption o~ KOH than expected. The answer is believed to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:30:53620 K. \-V. S,\UNDERS AND H. fl.. T/\.YLOR TABLE III. mm mm Co,,- TOTAL mm % C2H. (:,H. H, TRAC-II, BY H, C,Hn TAKE.:\'" ADDED nON CuO USED FORMED CO:':T~. C2H" 49.2 65.9 50.7 15.4 66.1 49.0 101.8 100.4 3.l.X 53.X .H .. I 18.9 53.4 34.1 102.2 100.9 32.8 47.6 32.4 15.1 47.5 32.3 98.8 98.5 30.2 49.0 30.6 18.0 48.6 30.4 101.2 100.8 be due to ozone formation while the oxygen is being passed over the hot platinum coil, for, although the low pressures would favor decom position of ozone, the surrounding walls of A are cold and tend to stabilize it. Ozone reacts with KOB to form potassium tetraoxide K204• In one experiment pure oxygen passed successively over the hot filament and then KOH several times during four or five hours showed a total contrac tion of 32 percent. It was also observed that KOB can adsorb oxygen. This latter error is eliminated by using minimal amounts of recently pulverized KOH. The ozone error could not be eliminated and depends on the amount of oxygen remaining after combustion, the filament temperature and the number of passes over the filament or time of contact with the filament. These latter two factors can be kept reasonably constant and an empirical correction (0.5-1 mm) was subtracted from the apparent CO2 contraction depending on the amount of residual oxygen. Examples of the effect of this correction arc shown in Table IV on tank methane from two sources. Table V exemplifies the effect of the correction when a mixture consisting chiefly of methane, carbon monoxide and hydrogen was analyzed. Analysis of ethane Analysis of ethane by the combustion method was found to give contraction values in general hig;her than carbon dioxide values. The reason for this has not so far been traced. The observed hydrogen values have been arbitrarily reduced by four percent. The effect of this correction, in addition to the correction to the observed carbon dioxide based on the residual oxygen as' men tioned previously in methane analysis is shown in Table VI. It is seen to be small and would in no way affect an interpretation of a mechanism based on such analyses. Table VI presents the results of several analyses of a mixture of ethylene and ethane. Since attempts to analyze mixtures containing hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, ethylene and ethane were without success, fractionation was employed. The first three constituents pass through liquid nitrogen, ethylene and ethane being retained. In some of the runs enumerated later, hydrogen and carbon monoxide were de termined directly and the methane by difference. Since only rarely was ethylene found, the fraction of gas between -194° and -131°C was usually ethane. The formula for it was not determined in all cases, particularly in check runs, the volume alone being noted and recorded as CxHy. RESULTS The principal products found in all the work were methane, carbon monoxide and ethant'. Traces of hydrogen and of ethylene were found in acetone photolysis at 250°C. The sec-butyl chloride fraction from acetone alone which was principally ethane gave carbon values higher than two. This has been interpreted as indicating TABLE IV. S~, CH4 BY ~:{ CH4 FROM % CH4 FROM CO:;-.rTRACTION C020BS. C02 CORR. 95.5 96.7 95.0 95.5 96.0 95.2 95.0 96.3 95.0 99.4 101.0 100.2 99.8 102.2 100.1 99.7 99.7 98.9 TABLE V. 1 2 " VOL. GAS A~ALYZED IN CC 0.426 0.556 0.3.19 % H2 (by CuO-anhydrone) 17.6 17.4 16.5 % CO (by CuO-KOH) 49.8 49.5 49.5 % CH. from contraction 30.4 31.8(?) 30.4 % CH. from CO2 obs. 31.7 30.6 31.1 % CH. from CO2 corr. 30.3 30.2 30.4 TABLE VI. VOL. CrHy CxHy cc S{' C2H4 (OBS.) (CORR.) --~~. 0.114 31.6 C1.96H6.18 C1.92 H,.88 0.116 31.0 C2.0• Husc'!) C,.OI H(?) 0.120 32.7 C1.9• H6.1• C1.91 H,.8. 0.104 30.1 C2.08 H6.2< C2.0; H,.97 0.128 31.1 CZ•OB H6.40 C,.O' Ho.o7 0.097 28.6(?) Cz.o• H6.32 C,.OI H6.oo This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:30:53PHOTOLYSIS OF ACETONE 621 TABLE VII. ACETONE TIME l>P VOL. IN CC mm min. mm TOTAL LIQ. N, -131° Temp.200aC 180 20 2.1 0.543 0.459 0.084 180 20 .517 .447 .070 90 30 2.6 .652 .514 .138 92 30 .631 .483 .148 46 30 0.9 .367 .272 .095 27 60 2.6 .513 .357 .156 180 30 1.7 Temp. 1000e 0.417 0.248 0.169 180 30 2.7 .640 .366 .274 90 30 1.6 .344 .192 .152 45 30 0.7 .245 .135 .110 25 30 0.3 .131 .073 .058 26 60 0.7 .287 .151 .136 the production of some propane by acetone photolysis. Assuming one molecule of carbon monoxide is formed for every molecule of acetone decomposed, the carbon found in all the hydro carbons produced should be twice that in the carbon monoxide. Actually it is found to be less. This percentage carbon deficiency was calculated as follows: 2 (% CO) -(% CH4+x· % CxHy) -----------X100. 2 (% CO) I ts value, which is quite specific for the particular system studied, whether acetone alone, acetone and mercury, or acetone and mercury dimethyl, indicates the production of a compound or com pounds whose carbon to carbon monoxide ratio is greater' than two. In Table VII are recorded data showing the variation in the percentage composition of the products of acetone photolysis as a function of the pressure at two temperatures. Since from the above table it can be seen that there is a less rapid change in the percentage products at pressures above 90 mm acetone all subsequent experiments were made at this pres sure. Tables VIII-XI, which are self-explanatory, give the data found for the four systems ex amined at various temperatures. For comparative purposes the data in Tables VIII-XI have been collected in the composite graph shown in Fig. 2 which illustrates very simply the similarity of behavior of the three systems when mercury is present in one form or other and the' difference from that of acetone C/ ,c % CARBON CO CH, CrHy CxHy DEFICIENCY 44.2 40.3 J5.5 2.03 6.10 19 43.7 42.8 13.5 2.1.3 6.85 18 49.2 29.6 21.2 2.24 6.40 22 47.2 29.4 23.4 50.1 24.0 25.9 2.28 6.73 17 51.7 17.8 30.4 2.07 6.06 22 49.0 10.5 40.6 1.91 5.88 10 48.4 8.7 42.8 2.02 6.10 2 49.3 6.4 44.3 2.10 6.21 0 50.6 4.5 44.9 2.22 6.23 0 51.5 3.8 44.3 2.09 6.17 7 49.3 3.8 47.4 2.12 6.18 0 alone. Fig. 3 shows the variation of the carbon deficiericy with temperature and although the actual values cannot be too accurate the general trend of them signifies a distinction in the be havior of the systems studied. DISCUSSION For purposes of discussion of the above results it will be convenient to set down a number of reactions which appear to be the major ones occurring in the various systems. The energies of activation of several reactions have already been estimated; the appropriate references are given with these values. System I. Acetone Eact. Ref. 1. CH,COCH, '!!'. CH,+CH,CO 2. CH,+CH,CO ~ CH,COCH, ~ 17 3. CH,+CH,CO ~ C,H,+CO (j 4. CH,CO +(CH,COCHa) ~ CH,+CO+(CH,COCIla) lR IS 5. CH,+CH,COCH, ~ CH. +CH2COCH, 16 17 6a. 2CH,COCH, ~ (CH2COCH,), 6b. CHaCO +CH,COCH, ~ CH,COCH2COCH, 7. CHa+CH,COCH, ~ C,H,COCH, 8 17 8. CH, +C,H,COCH, '--> CH.+C,H.COCH, <16 9. C,H,COCH, '!!'. (CO. C,H" C,H" C.HIO) 11 System II. Acetone plus mercury 10. CH,+Hg --> HgCH, II. CH,+HgCH, --> Hg(CH,), 12. CH,+HgCH, --> CH.+HgCH, <13 13. CH,+HgCH, ~ C,H,+Hg System III. Acetone plus mercury dimethyl 14. CH,+Hg(CH,j, ~ CH,+Hg(CHa)CH, 13-14 15. CH,+Hg(CH,j, ~ C,H6+HgCH; together with 10, 11, 12 and 13. If reactions 1 to 9 above represent the mecha nism of acetone photolysis it is apparent that for each molecule of acetone decomposing (ex cluding the reverse reaction 2) one molecule of carbon monoxide is formed either by reaction 3 or 4. Regardless of which reaction predominates the VOllll1W of carbon monoxide produced should This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:30:53622 K. \V. S.\ U N D E R SAN D H. A. T.'\ Y LOR TABLE VIII. Variation of the composition of products with temperature from acetone. Pressure of acetone ,....,90 mm, time of radiation ",30 min. VOL. I:S-CC '70 CcH!/ o/c. CARBO:\' TI;:l\IP. TOTAL LIQ. N2 -1310 CO CH. CxHII x Y DEFICIE~CY ~.--.---~~--.- -~------- ... --- 250 0.869 0.765 0.104 44.2 43.9 12.0 1.93 5.94 24 225 .998 .812 .186 46.7 34.7 18.6 2.19 6.52 17 225 .568 .487 .082 46.2 39.5 14.4 225 .913 .743 .169 46.7 34.8 18.5 200 .652 .514 .138 49.2 29.6 21.2 2.24 6.40 17 200 .631 .483 .148 47.2 29.4 23.4 14" 175 .445 .322 .123 48.9 23.6 27.6 2.33 6.45 175 .548 .384 .164 48.6 21.5 30.0 150 .575 .370 .204 51.2 13.4 35.4 150 .544 .352 .192 50.6 14.2 35.2 2.22 6.51 9 100 .344 .192 .152 49.3 6.4 44.3 2.10 5.94 0 • Calculated using x =2.2 in CrHlI• TABLE IX. Acetone photolysis in presence of mercury. Acetone pressure ~90 mmr time of radiation ~30 mm. VOL. IN cc S-'c, CrH. % CARBO'; TEMP. TOTAL LIQ.N, -1310 CO CH. CrH. x y DEFICIE~CY ----_.- 250 0.652 0.597 0.055 43.4 48.4 8.3 25" 225 .611 .535 .076 45.0 42.6 12.4 2.06 6.16 25 225 .520 .452 .068 45.0 42.0 13.0 24" 200 .276 .236 .040 47.5 38.1 14.5 1.88 6.03 200 .510 .405 .105 48.1 31.4 1'0.6 25" 200 .551 .433 .118 47.8 30.8 21.4 23a 175 .587 .416 .171 49.8 21.2 29.2 1.97 6.25 20 175 .527 .378 .149 48.1 23.8 28.3 17a 150 .617 .396 .221 49.6 14.6 35.8 2.02 6.10 13 100" 49.8 5.0 44.0 71~ -- .-~----- a Calculated using x =2.0 in CxHy• b Extrapolated from experiments not summarized here. TABLE X. Acetone photolysis in presence of mercury vapor. Acetone pressure ",90 mm, mercury pressure ~ 30-35 mm. TIME VOL. IN CC % CxHy % CARBO'; TEMP. min. TOTAL LIQ. N, -13\0 CO CH. CrHy x y DEFICIEXCY 275 60 0.454 0.437 0.017" 39.0 57.3 3.7 181. 250 30 .354 .328 .026" 42.1 50.8 7.3 231, 250 60 .584 .544 .040" 41.7 51.6 6.8 22" 235 45 .999 .871 .128 44.7 42.5 12.8 1.92 5.88 24 227 60 .818 .718 .100 44.7 43.1 12.3 2.08 5.92 24 225 30 .495 .428 .067 45.5 41.0 13.5 2.12 6.39 24 • Too small to analyze. b Calculated using x =2.0 in CrH •. TABLE XI. Acetone photolysis in presence of mercury dimethyl. Acetone ",90 mm, Hg(CHa)z ~ 10 mm, radiation time ~30 min. TEMP. 250 250 225 225 225 225 200 200 200 175 175 150 VOL. IN CC TOTAL LIQ. N, -1310 0.790 .540 .549 .590 .648 .527 .640 .558 .690 .490 .673 .504 0.676 .480 .463 .493 .537 .445 .489 .432 .520 .351 .452 .319 0.114 .060 .086 .097 .111 .082 .151 .126 .170 .139 .221 .185 a C'akulat("d using x =2.0 in c.! H.II' CO 40.2 39.4 42.7 42.4 43.0 41.2 45.4 44.6 45.4 45.8 46.7 48.3 ()-;' IC CH. 45.4 49.4 41.6 41.3 39.8 43.3 31.0 32.8 30.0 25.8 20.5 14.0 C;t:HlI 14.0 11.1 15.6 16.4 17.1 15.6 23.6 22.6 24.6 28.4 32.8 36.7 1.95 6.23 2.09 6.23 1.96 6.03 2.01 6.12 1.99 6.02 % CARBO" DEFICII~~CY This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:30:53PHOTOLYSIS OF .'\CETONE 623 27~ 2,0 22, 0" j 200 i {! 175 1,0 12, 100 Acetone --------- Acetone and l.eereury ( vapor and ,surface ) ~~~------------.-- Acetone and Mercury Vapor· ----- Acetone and Mercury Dimethyl 10 20 30 40 50 60 FIG. 2. be constant and independent of temperature. The variations in light intensity of the lamp used in this work preclude a definite test of this, though the lack of any trend in the volumes of gas formed gives it support. On this assumption the relative quantities of hydrocarbon formed together with a fixed quantity of carbon mon oxide have been calculated as a more desirable basis for comparison. The values are shown in Fig. 4. The CHy fraction in acetone alone has been taken as a mixture of ethane and propane and although it is unlikely that all of the propane is pumped from the condensate at -131°, the trend of the CoH8/CO ratio with temperature is comparable with the results of Moore and TaylorY They found a maximum percentage of propane in the photolysis of methyl ethyl ketone at llD-120°C. The propane shows a maximum here around 140°C. The primary source of ethane in acetone photolysis has been taken to be reaction 3 rather than a combination of two methyl radicals14 for if the energy of activation of the latter is 8 kcal. 14 See A. Gordon and H. A. Taylor, J. Am. Chern. Soc. In press. 275,--.-----------------,.-, \ 225 OU '00 175 150 C)Re co 125 0.0 O,? 0.' o.~ 1.' ,: Hydrocarbon / f Carbon ::onodde o --- Ace-ton. • ~ - - --Acetone jl,nd Mercury • --_ .. Acetone and Mercury Dimethyl )0 10 100 FIG. 4. reaction 3 would offer effective competition. The energy of activation may be estimated by Eyring's method15 using the C -C bond strength in acetyl as compared with the C - H bond strength in methane. The activation energy of the \Valden inversion in methane was shown by Eyring to be 37 kcal. The C - C bond in acetyl was found by Gorin and by Herr and Noyes16 to be about 18 kcal. and taking 95 kcal. as the C -H bondgivesE 3=37 X 18/95 = 7 kcal. Burton, Taylor and Davis17 have calculated Es as 5.8 1. Gorin, Kauzmann, \Valter and Eyring, J. Chern. Phys. 7, 633 (1939). 16 E. Gorin, J. Chern. Phys. 7, 256 (1939); D. S. Herr and W. A. Noyes, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 62, 2052 (1940). 17 Burton, Taylor and Davis, J. Chern. Phys. 7, 1080 (1939). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:30:53624 K. W. S:\ tT ;\ j) E R S .\ ~ D H. .~. T ,\ Y LOR kcaL as the probable chain ending-reaction ill the decomposition of acetaldehyde indun'd hy methyl radicals. The lower value 5.8 kcal. as compared with the calculated 7 kcal. is probably the better value since in Eyring's calculation the Walden inversion involved a C -H bond. formation in methane whereas here the weaker bond C -C in ethane is being formed. Methane production by reaction 5 for which 16 kcal.l8 seems to be a reasonable value would offer little competition to ethane production at low temperatures. It is observed that ethane predominates over methane at lOO°e. Taking E4 as 18 kcaI. the increase in rate of reaction 4 with increasing temperature with its consequent in crease in methyl radical concentration can ac count satisfactorily for the decrease in ethane and increase in methane as the temperature rises. The production of acetonyl acetone was demon strated by Rice, Rodowskas and Lewis19 in the thermal decomposition of acetone at 3S0-400°C when one percent of mercury dimethyl was present. I ts presence in the products of photolysis might explain the white deposit which is always observed in the condensation trap and which slowly sublimes. At the same time the ratio CH4/CO must attain a value greater than unity at higher pressures at temperatures about 200°C judging by the trend of the results in Table VII. This can only occur if the acetonyl corresponding to CH4 produced retains its CO in some such form as in acetonyl acetone and the CO does not appear in the gas phase. The carbon deficiency observed is accounted for by reaction 7 with the formation of methyl ethyl ketone. The presence of this has recently been reported by AIlen20 in the high temperature photolysis of acetone. A carbon deficiency can only occur with the formation of a compound in which the carbon to carbon monoxide ratio is higher than that in acetone. The presence of propane in the products from acetone photolysis follows from reactions 7 and 9. Moore and H. S. Taylor have shown that propane is the pre dominant hydrocarbon in reaction 9 below 18 a. F. O. Rice and K. Herzfeld, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 56, 284, 488 (1934). b. Haden, Meibohrn and O. K. Rice, J. Chern. Phys. 8, 998 (1940). 19 F. O. Rice, Rodowskas and Lewis, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 56, 2497 (1934). 2°A. O.Allen, ].Arn. Chern. Soc. 63, 708 (1941). 200°C. .\t the same time they point out that methane is formed more readily (reaction 8) from methyl ethyl ketone than from acetone suggesting that E8 is somewhat less than 16 kcal. Qualitatively the suggested reaction scheme 1 to 9 seems adequate to account for the observa tions. Quantitatively it is not completely satis factory since the complexity precludes a com plete calculation of the stationary free radical concentrations, and the relative importance of the subsequent reactions is difficult to establish. Inspection of the data in Table VII at 200°C shows that at higher pressures the ratio of CH4/CO varies approximately as the two-thirds power of the acetone while the C2H6/CO ratio varies inversely approximately as the one-third power. This would require that the methyl radical concentration was roughly proportional to the two-thirds power of the acetone, a not impossible eventuality. Turning now to the system in which mercury or mercury dimethyl is present, it is evident that a greater similarity in behavior exists be tween them than between anyone of them and acetone alone. Particularly is this true so far as methane formation is concerned. The increase in the CH4/CO ratio probably indicates new meth ane forming reactions other than 5 or 8. Since reaction 14 is the probable cause of methane formation from mercury dimethyl it would seem that this reaction or its alternative, reaction 12, must be proceeding in system II, acetone plus mercury, necessitating reactions 10 and 11. This is borne out by the observed greater carbon deficiency in the acetone-mercury system wherein methyl radicals are removed from the system as mercury methyl and thus do not appear as hydrocarbons. Further confirmation appears in the lesser carbon deficiency in the system con taining mercury dimethyl wherein methyl radi cals have a chance to react producing hydro carbons, greater even than in acetone alone. The absence of propane in detectable amounts in systems II and III shows a more efficient methyl removal than ill system I reducing thereby the possibility of reaction 7 to form methyl ethyl ketone. The small differences in the CH4/CO ratios in systems II and III can probably be traced to differences in mercury methyl and dimethyl concentrations. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:30:53PHOTOLYSIS OF ACETOKE 625 Considering the ratio C2Hu/CO, it is observed that the value is greater in the mercury dimethyl experiments. This is to be expected since the mercury dimethyl concentration is relatively large favoring reaction 15. Conversely in the mercury experiments since methyl radicals are removed by reactions 10 and 11, their concentra tion is lower. There is some doubt concerning the source of ethane in these systems. Cun ningham and Taylor4 have suggested reaction 15, even attributing the value 1.5 kcal. obtained from the rate of increase of ethane production with temperature to its energy of activation. Simply from analogy with acetone, reaction 13 would seem to offer an even easier path. Although a Walden inversion type calculation as made above with acetone might not be quantitatively reliable, qualitatively it is significant. The Hg -C bond in mercury dimethyl is given by Terenin21 as about 40-50 kcal. The bond in mercury methyl is probably considerably less, and thus ethane formation might be expected to be easier by reaction 13 than by 15. A decreasing concen tration of HgCHa with increasing temperature would account for the low value 1.5 kcal. found by Cunningham and Taylor. The crossing of the curves for the acetone and acetone-mercury systems at higher temperatures can be accounted for by the fact that if the 2I A. Terenin and N. Prilezhaeva, Acta Physicochim. U.S.S.R. 1, 759 (1934). propane found in acetone photolysis arises from methyl ethyl ketone decomposition, there would also be produced according to "Moore and Taylor an approximately equivalent amount of ethane at these temperatures. If the total ethane found in the acetone system is reduced by an amount equal to the propane found, no crossing of curves would occur. It then follows that ethane is probably produced more easily by reaction 13 than by reaction 3. From the data in Fig. 4 an approximate value of the relative activation energies of reac tions 5 and 14 for methane production can be obtained. The CH4/CO ratio for the acetone mercury dimethyl system is about 1.2 times that for acetone alone in the temperature range 200 to 225°C. The ratio of acetone to mercury dimethyl in the former is 9 : 1. Hence approxi mately 1.2=1/9.exp (6.E/RT) whence 6.E=2-3 kcal. If ED is 16 kcal. then E14 is about 13-14 kcal. Since the ratio of mercury methyl to acetone in system II must be less than 1/9 the energy of activation of reaction 12 must be less than 13 kcal. In conclusion it seems certain that mercury methyl, if not mercury dimethyl also, is formed by reaction between methyl radicals and mer cury. From the general agreement of the results using liquid mercury with those where only mercury vapor is present, the reaction must involve mercury atoms. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:30:53
The Reaction of Hydrogen Atoms with Butane E. W. R. Steacie and E. A. Brown Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 8, 734 (1940); doi: 10.1063/1.1750809 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1750809 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/8/9?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Kinetic Theory Analysis of the Reaction of Hot Hydrogen Atoms with Propane, Butane, and Butene1 J. Chem. Phys. 41, 2159 (1964); 10.1063/1.1726220 Hydrogen Exchange Reactions of the Butanes in Sulfuric Acid J. Chem. Phys. 17, 418 (1949); 10.1063/1.1747271 The Reaction of Atomic Hydrogen with Acetylene J. Chem. Phys. 16, 1057 (1948); 10.1063/1.1746724 The Reaction of Hydrogen Atoms with Acetone J. Chem. Phys. 13, 554 (1945); 10.1063/1.1723993 The Reaction of Atomic Hydrogen and Azomethane J. Chem. Phys. 8, 1 (1940); 10.1063/1.1750546 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 08:02:37SEPTEMBER, 1940 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 8 The Reaction of Hydrogen Atoms with Butane E. W. R. STEACIE AND E. A. BROWN Physical Chemistry Laboratory, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (Received June 21, 1940) The reaction of hydrogen atoms, produced by the Wood-Bonhoeffer method, with butane has been investigated over the temperature range 35° to 250°C. The activation energy is 9±1.5 kcal. The products consist solely of methane at low temperatures. At high temperatures ethane is also formed. It is concluded that the results indicate a mechanism in which a series of "atomic cracking" reactions play the main role. The main steps in the postulated mechanism are: Primary process H +C,H,o-C,H e+ H2• Secondary processes at low temperatures H+C.H9-C sH7+CHa -2C 2H6 H+CsH..-C2H6+CHI H+C2H6-2CHs H+CHs-CH,. Additional secondary processes at higher temperatures C,H9-C2H,+C2H6 H+C2H.-C2H6 CaH..-C2H.+CH I H2+C2H6-C2He+H H2+CHs-CH.+H. INTRODUCTION "A TOMIC cracking" reactions of the type H + C2H5--t2CHa, first suggested by Taylor,l have assumed con siderable importance in connection with the mechanism of the elementary reactions of the hydrocarbons. 2 Strong evidence for the occur rence of reactions of this type was furnished by the work of Steacie and Parleea,4 on the reaction of hydrogen atoms with propane. They found that at low temperatures the only product of the reaction was methane, and concluded that its exclusive formation could only be explained by the postulation of an initial abstraction of a hydrogen atom H + CaHs--tCaH7+ H2, followed by a series of atomic cracking reactions H+CaH7--tCH3+C2H5, H+C 2H5--t2CHa. 1 H. S. Taylor, J. Phys. Chern. 42, 763 (1938). 2 E. Gorin, W. Kauzmann, J. Walter and H. Eyring, ]. Chern. Phys. 7,633 (1939). a E. W. R. Steacie and N. A. D. Parlee, Trans. Faraday Soc. 35, 854 (1939). • E. W. R. Steacie and N. A. D. Parlee, Can. J. Research B17, 371 (1939). In view of the importance of the results wi th propane, it was considered of interest to extend the work to butane. The only previous work on the reaction of hydrogen atoms with butane is one run made by Trenner, Morikawa and Taylor5 in the course of another investigation. EXPERIMENTAL The reaction was investigated by the Wood Bonhoeffer method, atomic hydrogen being pro duced by an electrical discharge. The apparatus was similar to that used in a number of previous investiga tions. 3,4.6 Hydrogen was taken from a commercial cylinder and passed through a tube containing platinized asbestos at 500°C. The gas then passed through a blow-off trap, a liquid-air trap to remove water and other impurities, and entered the discharge through a capillary flow meter. Butane was obtained from the Ohio Chemical and Manufacturing Company. It contained no impurities detectable by the analytical methods used. Variations in the flow rate of both gases 6 N. R. Trenner, K. Morikawa and H. S. Taylor, J. Chern. Phys. 5, 203 (1937). • E. W. R. Steacie, Can. J. Research B15, 264 (1937). 734 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 08:02:37REACTION OF HYDROGEN ATOMS WITH BUTANE 735 TABLE I. Reaction of hydrogen atoms with butane. Pressure =0.35 mm. BUTANE HYDROGEN PRODUCTS OF THE PER- FLOW, lI'LQW, REACTION, CENT TEM- ATOM MOLES MOLES MOLES PERCENT'" OF PERA- CONCEN- PER SEC. PERBEC. C,RlO RUN TUBE, TRATlON, ATNTP ATNTP RE- No. ·C PERCENT Xl()& XI0' C.RlO CR. C,}{. ACTED ---- ----- 1 35 5 0.332 2.03 63.8 36.2 0.0 12.2 2 35 5 0.326 2.03 65.8 34.2 0.0 11.8 3 35 5 0.332 2.03 66.2 33.8 0.0 11.3 4 100 5 0.334 2.03 73.6 19.6 6.8 10.0 5 100 5 0.306 2.03 72.4 20.2 7.4 10.4 6 100 5 0.282 2.03 72.5 20.1 7.4 10.5 7 100 5 0.277 2.03 72.0 19.2 8.8 11.5 8 100 5 0.243 2.03 70.0 23.6 6.4 11.4 9 170 3 0.325 2.03 70.2 12.9 16.9 145 10 170 3 0.300 2.03 71.5 10.7 17.8 13.8 11 170 3 0.303 2.03 68.2 12.5 19.3 15.5 12 170 3 0.300 2.03 71.8 12.6 15.6 12.8 13 250 (l)t 0.303 2.03 70.8 9.1 20.1 14.8 14 250 (l)t 0.282 2.03 70.6 9.2 20.2 15.1 15 250 (1lt 0.288 2.03 72.4 7.4 20.2 14.8 • Together with traces of unsaturates and higher hydrocarbons at higher tem peratures. t Roughly. The accuracy of the determination of these small values is poor. were accomplished by varying the pressure on the supply side of the capillary flowmeter. The hydrogen was passed through a straight Pyrex discharge tube of 2.5 cm bore, about 30 cm long, to which were sealed side tubes con taining cylindrical aluminum electrodes. The electrodes were pinched on to stout platinum wires which passed out through the glass by means of capillary tubes and De Khotinsky seals. The discharge was operated with an applied voltage of 3500 across the tube and a 5000-ohm resistance. The operating current of 200 milli amperes was kept constant by means of a rheostat in the primary of the transformer. The reaction vessel was situated as close as possible to the discharge. It consisted of a Pyrex cylinder 7 cm in diameter and 30 cm long, and had a volume of 1370 cc. It was surrounded by a removable electric furnace. Two tubes entered the reaction vessel from below, one of which served as an inlet for propane, while the other was a thermocouple well. The walls of the apparatus were "poisoned" in the usual way with phosphoric acid. At higher temperatures, the efficiency of the poisoning fell off owing to the dehydration of the phosphoric acid. After a number of preliminary runs, it was found that although the effi~iency of the poison ing had fallen off considerably, conditions were extremely stable. The system was therefore used in this condition, although the atom concentra-tions were t.hus lower than those usually em ployed (1-5 percent). The atom concentration was measured by means of a Wrede diffusion gauge of the usual type. The size of the reaction vessel and the speed of the pumps were such that the contact time was of the order of one second. After leaving the reaction vessel the products passed through a liquid-air trap which removed butane and higher hydrocarbons together with most of any TABLE II. Average values of analyses. PERCENT BUTANE Co>!- VERTED TO TEMPERA- TOTAL TURE, PERCENT °c CH, C,H. REACTION - 35 11.8 0.0 11.8 100 7.9 2.8 10.7 170 5.8 8.3 14.1 250 4.4 10.5 14.9 ethylene or ethane present. The remainder of the gas passed through a fast three-stage steel diffusion pump. After leaving this the low boiling products were removed by a trap containing silica gel at -180°C. The unadsorbed gas passed out of the system through a Hyvac pump. At the end of a run, which normally lasted about two hours, the traps were allowed to warm up, and the products were pumped into a port able mercury gas holder by means of a Toepler pUlpp. Trials showed that all the ethane and ethylene and virtually all the methane were trapped by the silica gel. A small amount of hydrogen was also retained by the gel. The products of an average experimen t amounted to about 500 cc of gas at NTP. The gas was analyzed in a low temperature distilla tion apparatus of the Podbielniak type. In the distillation methane and hydrogen were taken off together, and this fraction was analyzed by combustion. In addition to the distillation analysis, occasional checks on the fractions were made for unsaturates by conventional methods. RESULTS The experimental results of runs made at four different temperatures are given in Table I. It is noteworthy that the sole product of reaction at room temperature is methane. There is no doubt, as shown by blank runs, that ethane This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 08:02:37736 E. W. R. STEACIE AND E. A. BROWN would have been detected if it had been present to the extent of 0.5 percent. Ethane is formed in considerable amount at higher temperatures, but the absence of propane over the whole tempera ture range is surprising. Higher hydrocarbons were not present in detectable amount, but a slight oiliness on the surface of the mercury in the Toepler pump indicated that traces must be present. The trend of the products with temperature is best shown by the data of Table II. Table III gives the collision yield and the activation energies calculated on the assumption that the steric factor A in the equation Collision yield =Ae-E1RT .0 .. o -20 Ie t f 10 is equal to 0.1. In the table ZC,HlO• H represents the number of collisions of one butane molecule with hydrogen atoms in the reaction time. In making this calculation, the diameter of the butane molecule was taken as 4.8 X 10-8 cm,7 and the diameter of a hydrogen atom as 2.14 X 10-8 cm.8 FIG. 1. Collision yields of the individual products. Methane-full black circles, ethane-open circles, total half-black circles. In Fig. 1 the collision yields of the individual products (i.e., the number of molecules of each product produced per collision between a hydro gen atom and a butane molecule) are plotted against temperature. This gives the most un-ambiguous picture of the results, since the use of collision yields automatically corrects the results for variations in atom concentration, reaction time, etc. Comparison of the collision yields with those of Steacie and Parlee for propane shows that butane reacts with hydrogen atoms considerably faster than propane. This agrees with previous 7 T. Titani, Bull. Inst. Phys. Chern. Research (Japan) 8,433 (1929). 8 K. F. Bonhoeffer and P. Harteck, Photochemie (Leipzig, 1933). TABLE III. Calculation of collision yields, etc. TOTAL FLOW. CORRECTED FOR PRESENCE PARTIAL ZC,HlO.H of ATOMS. PRESSURE OF RUN TEMPERA- MOLES PER SEC. REACTION HYDROGEN IN REACTION No. TURE.oC X 10' TIME, SEC. ATOMS. MM TIME 1 35 2.46 1.01 0.016 4.81 X 106 2 35 2.46 1.01 0.016 4.81 3 35 2.46 1.01 0.016 4.81 4 100 2.46 0.84 0.016 3.62 5 100 2.43 0.85 0.016 3.66 6 100 2.41 0.86 0.016 3.70 7 100 2.41 0.86 0.016 3.70 8 100 2.37 0.87 0.016 3.76 9 170 2.42 0.72 0.0093 1.71 10 170 2.39 0.73 0.0093 1.73 11 170 2.39 0.73 0.0093 1.73 12 170 2.39 0.73 0.0093 1.73 13 250 2.35 0.63 0.0031 4.57X 10' 14 250 2.33 0.63 0.0031 4.61 15 250 2.34 0.63 0.0031 4.59 ACTIVATION ENERGY. KCAL. PERCENT COLLISION ASSUMING REACTION YIELD A =0.1 12.2 2.45x 10-7 7.9 11.8 2.45 7.9 11.3 2.35 7.9 10.0 2.76 9.5 10.4 2.84 9.5 10.5 2.84 9.5 11.5 3.11 9.4 11.4 3.03 9.4 14.5 8.49 10.3 13.8 7.98 10.3 15.5 8.97 10.2 12.8 7.41 10.4 14.8 3.32X 10-" 10.7 15.1 3.28 10.7 14.8 3.23 10.7 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 08:02:37REACTION OF HYDROGEN ATOMS WITH BUTANE 737 investigations which indicate increasing reaction with increasing molecular weight of the hydro carbon.5•9 The present experiments. show no formation of propane. This is not in agreement with the results of the run made by Trenner, Morikawa and Taylor, who reported three percent propane in the products at 110°C. In their experiments, which were made with deuterium atoms, the propane formed was not deuterized. This is difficult to understand, since the only possible way for propane to be formed and not deuterized would seem to be by the reaction D +C4H lo-+CaHs+CH 2D, and all recent evidence seems to be against the occurrence of hydrocarbon chain breaking re actions of this type. Apart from this the results are in excellent general agreement with those of Trenner, Mori kawa and Taylor. DISCUSSION The main facts to be explained are (a) the occurrence of methane as the sole product at low temperatures; and (b) the occurrence of ethane at higher temperatures. The primary step For the primary step the possibilities are H+C4HIO-+C4H9+H2, (1) H+C4Hlo-+CaHs+CHa, (1a) -+CaH7+CH4, (1b) -+C2H6+C2H5. (lc) If (la) or (lc) occurred, propane and ethane should be found even at low temperatures. Since they are not found in the products at room temperature they may be ruled out. (lb) can be ruled out by analogy with (la) and (lc). The primary step must therefore be reaction (1). Secondary reactions at low temperatures The only way in which methane can be the exclusive product at low temperatures would appear to be by a set of "atomic cracking" reactions. H +CH9-+CaH7+CHa, (2a) -+C2H5+C2H5, (2b) H +CaH7-+C2H5+CHa, (3) 9 W. Frankenburger and R. ZeU, Zeits. f. physik. Chemie B2, 395 (1929). H + C2H5-+2CHa, H+CHa-+CH4. (4) (5) Reactions of hydrogen molecules with radicals can be ruled out at low temperatures, since these would lead to the formation of propane and ethane. Also (7a) does not occur measurably below l60°C.10•1l Radical recombination reactions can also be ruled out since they would lead to the formation of ethane and propane, and in any case the con centration of atomic hydrogen is so much greater than that of any radical that reaction (5) will outweigh other recombination reactions. Secondary reactions at higher temperatures At higher temperatures two additional types of reaction may be expected to make their appearance: (a) decomposition of radicals C4H9-+CaH6+CHa, -+C2H4 + C2H5, CaH7-+C2H4+CHa. (6a) (6b) (6c) (b) reactions of radicals with molecular hydrogen H2+CaH7-+CaHs+H, (7a) H2+C2H5-+C2H6+H, (7b) H2+CHa-+CH4+H. (7c) The increasing formation of ethane IS un doubtedly to be ascribed to two causes. In the first place the concentration of ethyl radicals rises due to (6b) and to the hydrogenation of ethylene produced by (6b) and (6c) by the reaction (8) This reaction is known to be very fast, since the presence of ethylene causes a rapid removal of hydrogen atoms. In the second place reaction (7b) comes into play at higher temperatures. It is further favored by the diminished hydrogen atom concentration which results from the occurrence of (8). The absence of propane requires explanation, since it would be expected that (7a) would lead to its formation. Its absence is apparently due to the fact that (7a) only becomes appreciable at 10 H. S. Taylor and C. Rosenblum, J. Chern. Phys. 6, 119 (1938). 11 K. Morikawa, W. S. Benedict and H. S. Taylor, J. Chern. Phys. 5, 212 (1937). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 08:02:37738 L. R. MAXWELL AND V. M. MOSLEY temperatures at which (6c) is fast enough to destroy the propyl radicals before they can react. Any propylene formed by (6a) will presumably be immediately hydrogenated by the analog of (8). CSH6+H~CsH7. '(8a) It should be emphasized that the most im portant feature of the mechanism is the fact that the products of the reaction can only be ac counted for on the assumption that "atomic cracking" reactions play the major role. This work, therefore, furnishes further strong evidence for the occurrence of such reactions as H+C2Hs~2CHs H +CSH7-C2Hs+CHs and adds to the list the reactions H +C4H9-CHs+C3Hi H+CH 9-2C 2Hs. The activation energy of the reaction Over the temperature range of this investiga tion, the value of the activation energy of the over-all reaction rises from 7.9 kcal. at 35°C to 10.7 kcal. at 250°C. Since the primary process in the above mechanism is the only butane con suming step, and since practically no substances other than transitory ones are consumed in secondary processes, the above activation energy may be assumed to be that of the primary step. The variation in E from 7.9 to 10.7 kcal. with rising temperature is presumably to be ascribed to uncertainties in the concentration of atomic hydrogen. In the first place the values of the atom concentration at 250°C are only approxi mate. Secondly, the measurements of atom concentrations can only be made in blank runs with no butane present. At the higher tempera hIres the collision yield increases and since the main steps in the process involve the consump tion of hydrogen atoms, the atom concentration must be appreciably reduced. The lower value of the activation energy, therefore, is probably the more reliable one. We may therefore take the value of E as 9± 1.5 kcal. This is somewhat lower than the value found for propane, 10±2 kcal. The difference is undoubtedly significant, since the collision yields are definitely higher for butane than for propane. SEPTEMBER. 1940 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 8 Molecular Structure of Nitrogen Dioxide and Nitric Acid by Electron Diffraction 1 LOUIS R. MAXWELL AND V. M. MOSLEY Bureau of Agricultural Chemistry and Engineering, Washington. D. C. (Received May 13, 1940) New electron diffraction photographs have been taken of N02 extending the region previously investigated to in clude larger angles of scattering. An interference ring was found at (II>') sin to=0.49 followed by another ring ap pearing at 0.94 as determined by visual measurements. The outer portion of the pattern consists of two rather broad rings and two well-defined minima. Theoretical intensities of scattering were computed for various nitrogen valence angles, assuming the positions of the two oxygens to be equivalent. The best fit, and probably the correct structure. gives the angle O-N-0=130±r with the N-O dis tance 1.21 ±.02A. Photographs were obtained from pure nitric acid vapor at 70°-85°C. The interference maxima were measured visually as far out as the eighth maximum INTRODUCTION PREVIOUS electron diffraction work2 on N02 showed certain nitrogen valence angles to be 1 For a preliminary report on this work, see Phys. Rev. 57, 1079A (1940). 2 Maxwell, Mosley, and Deming, J. Chern. Phys. 2, 331 (1934). at (1/>.) sin !O= 1.83; a prominent minimum was seen at 1.54. Theoretical intensities were computed for various likely models, disregarding the scattering by the hydrogen atom. Good agreement was obtained for a planar model having an NOz group with the same structure found for nitrogen dioxide. The third oxygen atom 0' is located at a distance of 1.41 ±0.02A from the nitrogen atom and equi distant from the other oxygen atoms. A model having the nitrogen atom slightly out of the plane containing the oxygen atoms also gave good agreement with the experi mental results. This model however is considered less probable in view of Raman spectra data which apparently require a planar structure for 0' -N02• inconsistent with the experimental results ob tained; however, sufficient data were not avail able to provide an accurate determination of the molecular structure. Considerable workS has been done on the interpretation of the infra-red 3 Sutherland and Penney, Proe. Roy. Soc. A156,678 (1936). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 08:02:37
Gaseous Heat Capacities. III G. B. Kistiakowsky and W. W. Rice Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 8, 618 (1940); doi: 10.1063/1.1750723 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1750723 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/8/8?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in The Heat Capacity of Gaseous Butadiene1,3 J. Chem. Phys. 12, 458 (1944); 10.1063/1.1723891 The Gaseous Heat Capacity and Restricted Internal Rotation of Diborane J. Chem. Phys. 8, 981 (1940); 10.1063/1.1750614 Gaseous Heat Capacities. II J. Chem. Phys. 8, 610 (1940); 10.1063/1.1750722 The Low Temperature Heat Capacity of Gaseous Ethane J. Chem. Phys. 6, 18 (1938); 10.1063/1.1750118 The Experimental Determination of the Heat Capacity of Gaseous Ozone J. Chem. Phys. 2, 294 (1934); 10.1063/1.1749466 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 05:05:38618 G. B. KISTIAKOWSKY AND W. W. RICE impossible unless a complete vibrational analysis is available and the Third Law Entropy data are preferable for this purpose in case of more com plex molecules since the vibrational contribution to the entropies is relatively small. But only by combining such entropy data with experimental heat capacities can one be assured of a reasonably accurate vibrational assignment and hence of a reliable as well as a precise value for the internal potential. It is a pleasant duty to thank Professor E. B. Wilson, Jr., for his interest and many valuable contributions to this work. We would further like to express our appreciation to Mr. E. E. Roper of this laboratory for the use of his equation of state data before publication. AUGUST, 1940 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 8 Gaseous Heat Capacities. 1111,2 G. B. KISTIAKOWSKY AND W. W. RICE Department of Chemistry, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts (Received May 8, 1940) The present paper presents a continuation of measurements on the gaseous heat capacities by the adiabatic expansion method. The apparatus and the experimental procedure are exactly the same as described in the previous papers denoted herein as Part I and Part II. The com pounds with which the present paper deals are dimethyl ether, ethylene oxide, dimethyl acety lene, cis-butane·2 and trans-butene-2. For the correction of the experimental data to the ideal gas state several procedures had to be used, as discussed in Part II. FOR dimethyl ether critical data are available3 and they were put into the Keyes equation of state4 to obtain the second virial coefficient (B) and its derivatives. As pointed out in Part II, the resultant correction of the heat capacity data to atmospheric pressure (Cp) comes out too low, by as much as 10 to 2S percent, and therefore we do not list this heat capacity in the following tables. In the further correction to the ideal state (CpO) the error is fairly welI compensated. For ethylene oxide only the critical tempera ture3 is known and the following somewhat dubious, procedure was resorted to. Maass and Boomer5 have determined the gas density of ethylene oxide at several temperatures and pressures. Their data are not of sufficient accuracy to evaluate the second virial coefficient (B) as a series expansion in temperature but a satisfactory average value of (Va-RT/P) could 1 Part I, G. B. Kistiakowsky and W. W. Rice, J. Chern. Phys. 7, 281 (1939). 2 Part II, G. B. Kistiakowsky and W. W. Rice, J. Chern. Phys. 8, 610 (1940), preceding article in this issue. S Int. Crit. Tab., Vol. 3. 4 F. G. Keyes, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 60, 1761 (1938). • Maass and Boomer, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 44, 1726 (1922). be obtained. This, together with the critical temperature, was substituted into the Keyes equation2 and the correction to the ideal state thus calculated. The critical pressure calculated on this basis is found to be 49.1 atmos. as a weighted average. For dimethly acetylene also only the critical temperature T =489°K is known.6 We have used the plot of critical temperatures vs. critical pressures given in Part II to estimate the latter as 31.3 atmos.7 Accurate equations of state were available for both butene-2 isomers8 and were used directly. For these latter gases, therefore, the errors due to the correction are quite small, but in the other' cases also, the final data should be accurate to better than 0.1 cal./mole degree, except perhaps in the neighborhood of the boiling points. In the following sections the gases will be considered one by one. 6 Maass and Morehouse, Can. J. Research 11,640 (1934). 7 Osborne, Garner and Yost (J. Chern. Phys. 8, 131 (1940)), estimate this by a different procedure and find 41 atmos. 8 A. B. Lamb and E. E. Roper, J. Phys. Chern. (to appear shortly) 1940. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 05:05:38GASEOUS HEAT CAPACITIES. III 619 The sample of dimethyl ether used in these measurements was taken from a cylinder having a stated purity of 99.95 percent and obtained from the Ohio Chemical Company. It was sub jected to repeated vacuum distillations to eli~i nate small traces of air and moisture which might be present. The following Table I gives a summary of the experimental results obtained. As emphasized in Part II none of the completed experiments have been di~regarded in forming the averages of this table because of too large deviations from the mean. The same is true of other heat capacity tables given in this paper. In Table I, TAv OK is the average temperature of the gas before and after expansion for each series of runs. The column headed (range of f1P), gives the maximum and minimum values of the pressure drop of the gas upon expansion. Pfinal~ v. is the average barometric pressure for the senes of runs. The temperature coefficient of resistance of the Wollaston wire thermometer is given in column five. Column six records the radiation correction (see Part I). Column seven shows the apparent heat capacity of the gas (C/) calcu lated as in Part I, and finally the last column gives the heat capacity of the gas at zero pressure (CpO) which is to be used for comparison with the theoretical calculations. Crawford and J oyce9 have studied the infra red spectrum of dimethyl ether and combining this with the available Raman data have given a tentative assignment of the vibrational fre quencies: 2900(6), 1466(6), 1180(4), 1122(1), 940(1), 412(1); all but the lowest frequency 412 cm-1 were taken from the infra-red spectrum. The numbers in the parenthesis indicate the statistical weights attached to each frequency. Two degrees of freedom are allowed for the rotation of the methyl groups. ., We have calculated the theoretical heat capaci ties on the above assignment, at the temperatures of the experimentally determined heat capacities, assuming the harmonic oscillator and dassical rigid rotator as the molecular model. The results are shown in Table II. In Table II, the third column gives the theo retical heat capacities calculated from Craw ford's assignment exclusive of the internal rota tion of the methyl groups, (Ci.r.). Column four gives the contribution to the heat capacity due to the internal rotation of the methyl groups, "'r Co -(CO -Ci.rJ. The last column .., P(exp) P(calc} • gives the contribution to the heat capacity for two methyl groups calculated from Pitzer's tables10 for a barrier of 2500 cal./mole. The moments of inertia used were: Ixo=21.666, Iyo = 82.474, J.O= 93.604 and 5.18, the latter bei~g for the methyl group. These moments are m units of gcm2 X 1040 and were calculated on basis of the dimensions given by Pauling and Brock way.ll 1.° is the moment of inertia about the axis through center of gravity and perpendicular t.o the carbon plane. Iy, the moment about aXIs bisecting the C -0 -C angle in carbon plane. Ixo=moment about axis through center of gravity and perpendicular to Y +Z axis. The cor relation with experimental data is seen to be excellent if a potential of 2500 cal./mole is taken to restrict the rotation of the methyl groups. TABLE II. Internal rotational heat capacity of dimethyl ether. CpO Ci.r. calc TOK (EXP.) (CpO-Ci.r)calc Ci.r. (V =2500 CAL./MOLE) --- 272.20 14.82 10.79 4.03 4.20 300.76 15.75 11.59 4.16 4.24 333.25 16.81 12.63 4.18 4.20 370.42 17.96 13.89 4.07 4.12 TABLE 1. Heat capacity of dimethyl ether. (C2H60). No. OF RANGE OF Pfinal RUNS TAv OK AP MM AVERAGE MM 5 272.20 37.609-33.882 757.10 6 300.76 38.385-33.611 759.73 5 333.25 38.168-32.864 760.80 5 370.42 37.163-30.563 746.60 9 B. L. Crawford, Jr., and L. Joyce, J. Chern. Phys. 7, 307 (1939). dR OHM RAD. CORR. CpO dT DEGREE PERCENT Cp' CAL./MOLE DEG. ----- 1.1182 0.107 14.52±.02 14.82 1.1108 .113 15.49±.02 15.75 1.1008 .141 16.59±.02 16.81 1.0871 .174 17.77±.02 17.96 10 K S. Pitzer . Chern. Phys. 5, 469 (1937). 11 P~uling and 1rockWay, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 57, 2684 (1935). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 05:05:38620 G. B. KISTIAKOWSKY AND W. W. RICE TABLE III. Heat capacity of ethylene oxide (C.H.O). No. OF RANGE OF Pfinal RUNS TAv oK tlP MM AVERAGE MM 5 307.18 36.712-30.090 762.05 4 337.04 37.778---31.342 763.70 4 371.23 37.010-33.173 764.30 The only significant deviation of calculated from experimental values is at the lowest temperature (272°K). Here, however, the correction to the ideal state is least certain and the discrepancy may be due to this cause. It has been shownI2 that the more complete calculation involving the consideration of the coupling of the angular momen ta of the top and of the whole molecule may give results differing appreciably from the values given in Pitzer's tables for the heat capacity contribution due to restricted rotation; therefore the value of the restricting potential used in Table II should be regarded as pro visional. ETHYLENE OXIDE (C2H40) The sample of ethylene oxide used in these measurements was a commercial sample ob tained from the Matheson Chemical Company and had a stated purity of 99.9 percent. The sample was subjected to repeated vacuum dis tillations and pumping to remove traces of air and moisture. Only the middle portion of the sample was used for actual measurements. Since ethylene oxide boils at 10.7°C, the heat capacity was determined at only three temperatures. Table III gives the experimental results. The infra-red and Raman spectra of ethylene oxide have been investigated by LinneW3 who has given the following tentative vibrational assignment: 3000(2), 1494(1), 1122(1), 1270(1), 811(1),1453(1),1163(1),868(1),3062(2),1172(1), 673(1), 807(1), -(1), em-I, with the 811(1), 1172(1), and a frequency which may be corre lated with the methylene rocking motion being uncertain. We have calculated the theoretical heat capaci ties for ethylene oxide assuming, as suggested by Linnett, a value of 1350 cm-I for the missing methylene rocking frequency. The following Table IV gives the results. It is seen that the 12 B. L. Crawford, ]. Chern. Phys. 8, 273 (1940). 13]. W. Linnett,]. Chern. Phys. 6, 692 (1938). dR OHM RAD. CORR. C.' dT DEGREE PERCENT C.' CAL.jMOLE DEG. 1.1090 0.157 11.57 ±.01 11.80 1.0994 .183 12.57±.01 12.79 1.0868 .219 13.76±.03 13.96 agreement between the experimental and the theoretical values is not good. The discrepancy cannot be attributed to an error in the correction of the experimental heat capacities to the ideal state, as it is around 0.4 cal./mole degree, whereas the total gas correction as shown in Table III is only around 0.25 cal./mole degree and its uncertainty is at most about 0.1 cal./mole degree. We have changed therefore the 811 cm-I frequency to 1100 cm-I because it is only a matter of conjecture as to whether there are two frequencies at 807 and 811 cm-I or only one. The other two uncertain frequencies namely 1172 and 1350 cm-I remain unchanged. Column four in Table IV gives the corrected calculations. The agreement with the experimental data is seen to be quite good but until heat capacity data over a larger temperature range are avail able, one cannot be sure that the new assignment is substantially correct. DIMETHYL ACETYLENE (C4H6) The dimethyl acetylene used in these measure ments was part of the same material which was prepared and used in the heats of hydrogenation by Kistiakowsky and co-workers.14 The material was vacuum distilled before introducing it into the expansion chamber. Because of the high boiling point of dimethyl acetylene, the heat capacity was determined at only two tempera tures. The experimental results are given in Table V. TABLE IV. Statistical heat capacity of ethylene oxide. C.' C.' C.' LINNETT'S NEW TAvOK (EXP.) ASSIGNMENT ASSIGKMENT 307.18 11.80 12.16 11.80 337.04 12.79 13.18 12.78 371.23 13.96 14.34 13.94 14]. B. Conn, G. B. Kistiakowsky and E. A. Smith, ]. Am. Chern. Soc. 61,1868 (1939). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 05:05:38GASEOUS HEAT CAPACITIES. III 621 TABLE V. Heat capacity of dimethyl acetylene (C4H.). No. OF RANGE OF Pfinal RUNS TAv oK aP MM AVERAGE MM 5 336.07 40.796-33.643 771.55 6 369.46 40.102-34.384 770.90 Crawford15 has studied the infra-red and Raman spectra of dimethyl acetylene and has given an assignment for the vibrational fre quencies of this molecule: 725(1), 1380(1), 2270(1), 2916(1), 1126(1), 1380(1), 2976(1), 213(2),1050(2),1468(2),2976(2),371(2),1029(2), 1448(2),2966(2). Crawford and Rice16 using this assignment and the heat capacities given in Table V have calcu lated the contribution to the heat capacity due to the internal rotation of the methyl groups relative to each other and find the restricting potential to be at most 500 cal./mole. Table VI reproduces these calculations. The experimental results for (C.r.), the contribution from the internal rotation, are in good agreement with the value 0.99 cal./mole degree expected for a completely free rotator, or a restricting potential of zero; 500 cal./mole is undoubtedly the upper limit. Recently Yost et aU have published measure ments on the third law entropy of dimethyl acetylene, from which they also conclude that the restricting potential in this molecule is very low, possibly zero. Their conclusion is less de pendent on a correct vibrational assignment than the evidence given here and together the two studies offer indisputable proof of a practically complete absence of hindrance to the rotation of the methyl groups in this molecule. It seems to us that the theory of restricting potentials offered some time ago by Gorin, Walter and T ABLE VI. Internal rotational heat capacity of dimethyl acetylene. CLr. calc Cp' (V=500 TAvoK (EXP.) (Cp' -CLr)calc C' CAL./MOLE) l.r. 336.07 20.21±.1 19.14 1.07 ±.1 1.16 369.46 21.43±.1 20.47 .96±.1 1.14 15 B. L. Crawford, Jr., J. Chern. Phys. 7, 555 (1939). 16 B. L. Crawford, Jr. and W. W. Rice, J. Chern. Phys. 7,437 (1939). dR OHM l:tAD. CORR. Cp' dT DEGREE PERCENT Cp' CAL.(MOLE DEG. 1.0998 0.162 19.41 ±.03 20.21 1.0874 .200 20.76±.04 21.43 Eyring17 will find it rather difficult to account simultaneously for the existence of a rather high potential in dimethyl ether and the absence of same in dimethyl acetylene. CIs-BuTENE-2 (C4H8) The sample of cis-butene-2 was part of the original material prepared by Kistiakowsky and co-workerslS for the determination of the heats of hydrogenation. The sample was vacuum dis tilled several times before being introduced into the expansion vessel but after the experiments were carried out it was found that a small trace of water vapor remained in the sample. Because of this the heat capacity values given in Table VII may be 0.1 to 0.2 percent too low. The experimental results are shown in Table VII. TRANS-BuTENE-2 (C4Hs) The sample used was also part of the material prepared by Kistiakowsky and co-workers.18 It was subjected to the usual vacuum distillations and was definitely freed of water vapor. The experimental results are shown in Table VIII. No vibrational analysis of the two isomeric butenes has been suggested as yet, although Gershinowitz and Wilsonl9 have studied the infra-red and Raman spectra of these molecules. The important conclusion which can be drawn from their work is that the spectra of the two molecules have very different appearance and the present measurements, which show a differ ence in vibrational plus internal rotational heat capacities of as much as 12 percent, bring convincing evidence that the fundamental fre quencies of the two isomers are significantly 17 Gorin, Walter and Eyring, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 61, 1876 (1939). 18 Kistiakowsky, Ruhoff, Smith and Vaughan, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 57, 876 (1935). 19 Gershinowitz and Wilson, J. Chern. Phys. 6, 247 (1938). . This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 05:05:38622 G. B. KISTIAKOWSKY AND W. W. RICE TABLE VII. Heat capacity oj cis-butene-2. (C.Hg). No. OF RANGE OF Pfinal dR OHM RAD. CORR. Cp' , RUNS TAv OK tlP MM AVERAGE MM dT DEGREE PERCENT Cp' Cp CAL.jMOLE DEG. 5 298.58 38.424-26.831 759.20 1.1114 0.135 18.47 ±.05 20.06 19.39 5 332.85 38.088-32.972 769.00 1.1009 .164 20.37±.03 21.54 21.09 5 371.24 38.554-32.275 769.40 1.0868 .157 22.46±.05 23.30 23.01 TABLE VIII. Heat capacity oj trans-butene-Z. (C.Hg). dR OHM No. OF RANGE OF Pfinal RAD. CORR. CpO RUNS TAv OK tlP MM AVERAGE MM dT fiEGRiiE PERCENT Co' Cp CAL./MOLE DEG. 6 298.60 38.472-35.244 766.50 1.1114 0.13 20.04±.03 21.55 20.98 5 332.90 38.350-33.436 767.75 1.1009 .14 21.96±.03 23.06 22.69 5 371.50 38.322-36.302 765.95 1.0866 .17 23.97±.04 24.78 24.53 different. The neglect to allow for such differ ences in the schematized frequency assignments occasionally proposed20 leads evidently to sig nificant errors in the comparative values of the calculated thermodynamic functions. A different approach to this problem of the thermodynamic functions of the more complex organic molecules is through a frankly empirical set of recursion type formulas derived from ex- 20 K. S. Pitzer, ]. Chcm. Phys. 5, 473 (1937); M. Huggins, ibid. 8, 181 (1940). perimental measurements on the gaseous heat capacities. The data collected in the first three articles of this series show indeed the possibility of setting up such equations but we prefer to await the accumulation of a little more experi mental material on heavier hydrocarbons, the work now in progress in this laboratory, before claiming their general validity. Professor E. B. Wilson, J r. has advised us on several phases of the present work, for which we wish to express to him our appreciation. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 05:05:38
Shock Waves in Air and Characteristics of Instruments for Their Measurement L. Thompson Citation: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 12, 198 (1940); doi: 10.1121/1.1916093 View online: https://doi.org/10.1121/1.1916093 View Table of Contents: http://asa.scitation.org/toc/jas/12/1 Published by the Acoustical Society of AmericaJULY, 1940 J. A. S. A. VOLUME 1 2 Shock Waves in Air and Characteristics of Instruments for Their Measurement* L. THOMPSON Naval Proving Ground, Dahlgren, Virginia (Received May 21, 1940) I OUND waves of very great condensation may become shock waves, as a result of propaga- tion phenomena, even if the disturbance does not initially have the abrupt form characteristic of shock. Shock is a kind of asymptotic condition which finite condensations in air generally tend to assume because the velocity of propagation is greatest for the zone of greatest condensation. So far as any distinction by direct physical test is concerned, the wave surface of a shock of great intensity is a surface of discontinuity of density and acceleration. Other characteristics of waves of finite amplitude which distinguish this type of sound, in addition to the quality of changing shape, are the finite velocity of air flow set up at the instant of transit of the wave surface and the extraordinarily short duration of the compression cycle. If the intensity is great the wave velocity may be many times the normal velocity of sound, and the velocity of flow may be almost as great at the wave surface. No direct-measuring pressure gauge is fast enough to follow the rise to maximum pressure. Because of the shortness of the interval of condensation the accumulation of energy in one or more of the molecular degrees of freedom is probably small and the effective specific heats are there- fore abnormal. The cycle is not adiabatic. Dating back to the studies of Rankine and Hugoniot it has been known that the mechanics of the system cannot be represented by the static- adiabatic law used for the range of infinitesimal sound but requires a pressure-density function allowing for dynamic effects. The dynamic- adiabatic law of Rankine and Hugoniot for pressure-density variation was derived to repre- sent the shock cycle and its use is justified at the present time as the best basis available for computation. However, even the definition of pressure (as well as of temperature) is ambiguous when applied to a surface of shock, and it appears * Presented at the 23rd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Washington, D.C., April 29, 1940. that no general equation of condition may exist in the sense of those for systems in equilibrium. Sufficiently qualified, there is a definite maximum pressure associated with the wave surface and of course a definite density on both sides. This pressure may be many atmospheres on the con- densed side. Referring to a scale of intensity or of "loudness" values as used in normal acoustic systems, the shock pulse may have ratings so great that severe mechanical action would be expected. Close to sources of shock waves, the mechanical action may actually be sufficient to deform rugged structures but in these zones the action is usually accompanied by other agencies of destruction still more severe, so that the net effect of the shock is difficult to isolate. For example, near a detonating charge of TNT the shock pressure may be several hundred atmos- pheres but the expanding gases produce dynamic pressures much greater. For this reason blast damage is not usually thought of as an acoustic effect though, occurring alone, the acoustic effect might be serious enough. In fact at considerable distances from a detonating charge, beyond the zone of impact with the gases from the charge, the shock wave may be of intensity sufficient to cause damage to ordinary buildings and to personnel. This is plainly the case when very great charges go off, as in accidental detonations of storage units. Mechanical action from shock in air is less than might be expected from the order of pressures at the wave surface because the times of application are so short. A shock wave of intensity 104 watts/cm 2, about 80 db above the threshold for feeling and almost 200 db above the threshold for hearing of sound of periodic nature, may have less effect on the ear and body than a sustained sound of intensity 10 - watt/ cm 2. The ear and all mechanical structures are essentially "ballistic" as gauges responding to shock disturbance. Near the muzzle of a large gun, the sharp "crack" which should be present as a result of the shock wave preceding the gas 198 SHOCK WAVES IN AIR, MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 199 jet and the projectile, is masked in its effect on the ear by the long-period "boom," although the maximum pressures in the shock waves are much greater than the pressures elsewhere in the dis- turbance at the muzzle. II The classical theory of finite waves proceeds from the concept of a continuous cycle of con- densation in which the maxima of pressure, velocity of air particle and density are attained in small but finite intervals of time after the boundary of the disturbance first passes a point in the medium. Poisson, Riemann, Rayleigh 1, and others have developed the theory of velocity from the standpoint of a superposed wave travel- ing over a moving medium, with a result stated in the form ß v=u+(,'½)) in which ½(p) is the pressure-density function applicable to the cycle and u the effective velocity of the flow at the wave surface. In the work of Riemann 3 the cycle was taken to be adiabatic and, using Earnshaw's result that log p Riemann obtained the formula v=a 1+ g--1 g-1 X normal density, 4 which can be written v=a(1-+-k/r)« (r being distance from source). Our experimental results have indicated that a modification of this formula is satisfactory for the velocity field of a wide range of sources' ....... (.5) v a lq (½-+-x) Lord Rayleigh, Proc. Roy. Soc. London 484, 247 (90). ' H. Bateman, Bull., Nat. Research Council, Number 84, Part IV. 3 B. Riemann, Abb. Konigl. Ges. der Wiss. G6ttingen 8, 43 (1860). 4 (a) L. Thompson and N. Riffolt, J. Acous. Soc. Am. 11, 233 (1939). (b) L. Thompson, J. Acous. Soc. Am. 11, 245 (1939). in which ( Va-a ) C= (+1) 3, Va boundary velocity, a a characteristic constant, x = gr, K being the radius of an equivalent spherical source (one having same boundary velocity). The latter formula for velocity leads to the definition of a "reduced" time of wave displace- ment. Experimental results for reduced times and velocity were presented in an earlier paper. Though in the classical approach to the theory of shock waves the condition of shock is supposed to develop as a kind of limit condition as the wave becomes steeper, the theory does not admit ever reaching perfect abruptness. A permanent regime is possible, as shown by Rayleigh, when a certain balance is maintained by virtue of dissipation in heat conduction and from viscous forces. All of the steps in the classical theory presume a continuous process of change in a system in equilibrium. The alternative approach by Hugoniot's results for a true discontinuity offers certain advantages. Hugoniot initiated such a theory by studying the rate of propagation of a surface of discontinuity of the second order (a discontinuity in acceleration). He found that the equations of motion could be treated by means of his dynamic and kinematic conditions of compatibility, with the result that the velocity of the disturbance is v = (ap/ap). A full treatment of the subject is given in Hadamard's book, and an abridged discussion in Webster's book. It will be noted that this velocity refers to the rate of displacement with respect to the air particles on one side of the discontinuity, and that the velocity on the other side is given by the equation of continuity of flow. The difference in interpretation of the velocity obtained by this analysis, comparing the formula of Riemann, arises from the fact that velocity of the air particle is not subject to dis- J. Hadamard, Lecons sur la Propagation des Ondes (A. Hermann, Paris, 1903). A. G. Webster and S. J. Plimpton, Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics (B. G. Teubner, 1927), p. 280. 200 L. THOMPSON continuous change at the wave surface even though acceleration and density experience "jumps" at that surface. Hence the wave velocity is taken here as referring to the undisturbed medium. Using the Hugoniot velocity for the shock wave (the surface of discontinuity of accelera- tion), in combination with the dynamic equation of condition, the equations for pressure and density have been given in terms of wave velocity. 4b It is possible to make some calcula- tions applying to sound waves of finite amplitude without encountering directly the difficulties in handling the differential equation when the assumption of small condensations is not legiti- mate. The work done in condensing the gas in the head of the wave, per unit volume, is (using the Hugoniot-Rankine equation of con- dition) = fpd w= J'pav - = 4p0f v pdp Ep(+ -4a2 -- Lp(+l)+p0(--l) ----+log 2 2p0 and the energy in the pulse of effective thickness X per unit area is WX. Therefore the rate of transmitting energy through unit surface is WX WX t X/v where bt is time or condensation and v is wave velocity. The power per unit area of such a source may be taken, however, as P=bp.o/Ot and bp is known from the equation for the pressure at a surface of discontinuity, where O/Ot is the maximum particle velocity at wave boundary in terms of velocity' hence O/Ot= Wv/bp, the maximum particle velocity. If one chooses to think of the amplitude of particle displacement as the displacement ac- quired at the condensation maximum, corre- sponding to this point as the first fourth of a complete oscillation, it is possible to obtain rough values by substitution Taking for n the value 2- 2- Oi/,rv at 4X/v mx= ß 2X Results for max and O/Ot by these formulas are not sufficiently reliable to justify including them in Table I. However, it is of interest that dis- placements / so obtained are extremely small even for waves of great intensity. Their smallness is the result of the excessively short times (excessively great equivalent frequencies), being perhaps 10 -a or 10 -4 cm for the conditions listed below. The table contains numerical estimates of certain characteristics of shock waves at various distances from sources of great intensity. Using the Rankine-Hugoniot equation for pressure-density, we may state the equation for plane waves as O po( 2 ) Otl at oo ax p0( p0 1- (- 1)s/2 Ox This identifies the effective velocity in terms of the ordinary sound velocity a and the condensa- tion s, as l+s ) u--a 1-(- 1)s/2 +1 2-1 ) =a 1+ s+----s+ ... . 2 4 The static-adiabatic law usually given, defines by same procedure, +1 --1 ) v=a(1-}-s)(+l)/=a 1 + s+- s+ "' , 2 8 SHOCK WAVES IN AIR, MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 201 TABLE I. Shock pulse, typical conditions. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) DISTANCE FROM SOURCE HALF- COM- DIAM. CONDEN- PRES- OVER-ALL POWER EQ. TIME OF SATION a SION ACOUSTIC INTENSITY WAVE OF SOURCE SOURCE CONDENSATION 8=P--P0 P--P0 POWER WAVE b SOURCE VELOCI (ORDER OF) METERS X *t P0 p0 P (P/ARm) NOTES . . . Cal. 0.30 bullet 750 m/sec. 2 or 3 hp At 1 About 10 -o sec. 1.5 5. -- 106 to 107 Data for nose only (in air) nose (X About 10-5 cm) watts/cm 2 i.e., rate of d. issi.pating energy m air __ . _ Largest projectile 750 m/sec. 104 hp At I AbOut 10 -o sec. 1.5 5. 106 to 107 Comparing columns (3) (in air) nose (X About 10 -5 cm) watts/cm 2 (9), the effective areas ot condensation at nose (ot bullet and projectile) < 1 mm 2,1 cm2, respectiveb Spark 750 m/sec. -- -- -- About 10 -0 sec. 1.5 5. -- 106 to 107 (X About 10-* cm) watts/cm2 _ 16" Gun fire 1500'- 107 hp Gas jet I 10 -11 sec. 2.4 20. -- About 107 Gun fire also accompanie 1800 m/sec. (for 0.05 sec.) muzzle watts/cm 2 by other sounds of finit( amplitude which have greater effect on ear. 16" Projectile ira- -- 108 hp -- I Comparable pact on heavy (for 10- sec.) with explosion armor . 10 lb TNT 5000 m/sec. 109 hp Surface 1 10 -n to 10 -x2 sec. 2.8 50. 106 to 107 108 watts/cm 2 Boundary value of ve!ocit 1350 m/sec. (for 3X10-* sec.) 0.8 10 10-o sec. 2.0 10. hp (for of shock equals detonatin 390 m/sec. 8.1 100 10-sec. 0.4 0.7 10-1Osec.) 10a to 10 velocity of explosive fm watts/cm -ø sources of great brisance. _ 1000 lb. TNT 5000 m/sec. 10 o hp Surface 1 10 -1 to 10 -2 sec. 2.8 50. 107 to 108 10 s watts/cm2 1350 m/sec. (for 10- sec.) 3.7 10 10 -1ø sec. 2.0 10. hp (for 390 m/sec. 37 100 10- sec. 0.4 0.7 10 -o sec.) 10 a to 10 watts/cm 2 Condensation approaches maximum value depending on g (ratio specific heats). See references 4 and 8a. For example, for =5/3, s=.ap/oo--'3-3a/v (a velocity of sound). b Threshold for feeling at very high frequencies is about 10-a watt/em2 (of order 102 dyne/cm2). The intensity values of table are therefore'of order 100 db to 120 db above threshold for feeling (for oseil!atory source). Yet the ear, and entire body, acting as ballistic "receivers" are not affected to a corresponding extent because of the extremely short times of action. Disabling effects are not likely to be experienced by personnel exposed to shock from detonation beyond the x--' 100 distances noted above. Boundary velocities for various high explosives do not differ enough to change this limit (appreciably) among the available explosives of high brisance. while the result using Eq. (1.6) 4 is ß v--a 1----'S 2 --ls+ ... ). 2 (1.63) For large values of s the above procedure based on the wave equation is not valid. III Characteristics given in the table, except for velocity sequences, are estimates of a rough nature not well enough checked by actual experiment. Because of greater precision, it is often preferred to measure velocity of wave as an index of intensity (i.e., use velocity apparatus as a blast meter). In some cases relative pressures by "gauge" have been measured by a piezo- gauge and by condenser microphone, (the latter at great distances from source). In general, the calculations depend on assumptions which are of doubtful validity though apparently leading to results of the right order. Experimental work is being conducted for the purpose of measuring simultaneously the condensation and compres- sion ratios for typical conditions, using methods which can properly be considered absolute or capable of quantitative calibration. With simul- taneous measurements of both amplitudes it is believed possible to extract empirically from the results, by statistical procedure, not only the effective ratio of the specific heats for these cycles but also that equation for pressure-density relation which describes the conditions existing in these transient states. The methods available are not very different from those sometimes employed in experiments with infinitesimal sound, though the fact of great intensities makes certain techniques suit- able which are less suitable for infinitesimal 202 L. THOMPSON waves because of their lack of sensitiveness. This is a fortunate circumstance since other methods, depending on the occurrence of a steady state such as the Rayleigh disk, the radiometer, and A. G. Webster's technique with tuned units, cannot be used for measurements of single-pulse amplitudes, at least not in the customary manner. The following outline refers to the principal available experiments for measurements of shock waves. A. Condensation Density can be measured by refractometric methods: (1) An optical circuit may be set up to show the accumulated deviation of a ray of light passing through the surface of a shock wave nearly tangent to the wave. The best procedure is that of Dvorak's spark photography giving shadow records. Hilton 7 has recently published some results and a discussion of an analytic technique for reduction of the measurements to values of condensation in terms of index of refraction and the geometry of the system. These researches were concerned with shock waves in the field of a rotating propeller. (2) Propagation of shock through an inter- ferometer field. This method is probably best for the study of intense waves. The path of the ray which includes a section of a shock wave system travels an equivalent distance D-t-nX and the condensation is Ap nk p0 D(u- 1) where D is the actual distance intercepted by wave, X the wave-length, and n the number of fringes in the observed shift at the point. Spark photographs have been published by Cranz, 8b showing the pressure field near projectiles in flight, and an optical circuit well adapted for density exploration of shock wave areas. The procedure is an absolute one in the sense of absence of effect of the measuring apparatus on the wave field. It is possible to obtain quanti- tative values of condensation in terms of the 7 W. F. Hilton, Proc. Roy. Soc. A169, 174-189 (1938). 8 (a) C. Cranz, Innere Ballistik II (J. Springer, 1926), p. 171; (b) III (1927), p. 271. geometry of the fringe pattern of the system and index of refraction t for light of wave-length used; Cranz used a magnesium gap. Measurements given by Cranz for one case contain sequences in quite good agreement with those of Table II of reference 4b. For example, at a point 2 cm behind the nose of the bullet and 1.28 to 1.44 cm normal to axis of flight Cranz gives the values ap/p=0.24, (ap/p)(calc)=0.34. Table II gives about Zp/p=0.22 for zp/p=0.35. The corresponding wave velocity (Eq. (1.71))4 is 1.05a. The equivalent x value is about 175. (3) Measurement of the velocity of air flow set up at the wave surface. The displacements avail- able are so small that optical methods for ob- taining rates of change are not very promising. Tests of a filament microphone have been made with the hope of obtaining velocity directly, though the problem of setting up a sufficiently light filament to follow the stream is a difficult one. The ordinary velocity microphone is not satisfactory since the basis for its application with infinitesimal waves no longer holds with waves of great intensity. Assuming that particle velocity can be measured, the condensation can be obtained from the equation for continuity of flow. It will be noted that none of the above- mentioned techniques is capable of measuring pressures or displacements directly. Their use to obtain pressure, as in the work of Cranz and of Hilton, is through some assumed equation of condition and accordingly the results are not reliable for shock waves of great intensity. But the identification of condensation, itself, is just as important for a complete experimental solu- tion of the problem as the measurement of pressure, even though it does not itself provide the complete solution offered in the case of waves of low intensity. B. Compression Pressure amplitude can be obtained directly by: (1) Mechanical gauges operating as "ballistic" instruments. These are satisfactory as over-all blast gauges, in which case the effective mean pressure is made up of two components, the SHOCK WAVES IN AIR, MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 203 L FIG. 1. second being the dynamic pressure from air flow. Here, as in all cases, it is necessary to know something about the relation between mean pressures and maximum pressures, and to be able to calculate separately the dynamic pres- sure, if the results are to be used for estimates of compression. A good form of ballistic meter is a "swinging door" type, with the door mounted in a baffle support. (2) Piezoelectric gauges. These are also bal- listic, as far as measurements of the development of pressure in shock pulses are concerned, even when the crystals are mounted for direct expo- sure to the wave. The interval of compression in the wave surface is several orders shorter in time than the interval of propagation of the wave through the thinnest practicable crystals. However, the gauges made up of single crystals of tourmaline, Rochelle salt or quartz, so mounted, are the best available pressure gauges. Satis- factorily calibrated, they will give maximum pressures, although Rochelle salt is not very suitable because of its sensitiveness to tempera- ture changes. It will be noted that for shock waves of considerable intensity, a crystal of any practicable size constitutes an approximately perfect reflector and therefore permits identifica- tion of compression as half the observed change of pressure after subtracting the dynamic pres- sure. To obtain the dynamic pressure it is necessary to have the data for condensation (either by measurement or by calculation) and the wave velocity. One of the most extensive programs being developed in this country for the measurement of pressures by piezoelectric technique is that of the Aberdeen Proving Ground, where excellent results have been ob- tained by Kent and Hodge in the determinations of gun pressures. Their recording and calibration systems have been described recently in the Transactions of the A roerican Society of Mechani- cal Engineers. ø Gun pressures, cycles of which may be considered similar to those for shock- pressures but with time range many orders greater, are obtained by cathode-oscillograph recording of potentials developed on stacks of quartz crystals mounted in rugged holders. Pres- sure is applied through a piston. A similar gauge was also used by Kent for the measure- ment of blast pressures from explosions. In one case his result of 75 lb./in. 2 at a distance of 24 feet from 25 lb. of TNT corresponds to a value of Pc calculated in reference 4b as about 55 lb./in. 2. Our work on the relative pressures in shock waves was done initially with open crystals of Rochelle salt (cut 3_ to electric axis, 45 ø to the other axes). Records by cathode oscillograph were calibrated at point of mid-range of intensity by calculations described in reference 4b. At the present time a method is being developed to accomplish calibration by a dynamic experiment described below. (3) The Hopkinson bar. An interesting tech- nique was invented by Hopkinson ø in which the pressure of shock was estimated by a steel bar suspended to swing in a vertical plane, having a small bar of same diameter stuck on at one end with vaseline. A source of shock near the other end sets up a wave of compression which travels to the opposite end and is reflected as a wave of tension. When the tension at the junction ex- ceeds the compression of the tail end of the wave the "time piece" flies off with momentum equal to the product of time for wave to travel twice the length of rod and the mean force transmitted by the wave. Length of time piece about 1". Measure velocity of piece with ballistic pendulum. Results are therefore measure of pressure de- livered by source during first (condensation) phase of its action. (4) The condenser microphone. The standard technique with the condenser microphone has 9 R. H. Kent and A. H. Hodge, Trans. A.S.M.E., April, 1939. o Marshall Explosives III (Blakiston, 1932), p. 156. 204 L. THOMPSON been used by Schneider u for measurements of pressure in shock waves at considerable distances from the source. The method might not be satisfactory at points fairly close to the source, primarily because of lack of a satisfactory inethod of calibration. Possibly a device similar to the one described below for piezo-gauges could be adapted. In any case the results would be those of a ballistic unit. Schneider measured the pressure of the shock pulse from a detonating charge of 1 kg TNT at 160 meters to be 2.7 g/cm . The value obtained by first computing b v = a(1-i- C/ ( ,-i-x)2) for x (=3200) used, as v=l.00017a and then substituting in Eq. (2.31) is-Pc'-14p0. (0.00017) -' 2.4 g/cm 2 (neglecting small term in V,). Use of K=7/5 is apparently justified for waves so weak. Calibration of piezo-pressure gauge The apparatus shown in Fig. 1 was designed to provide a dynamic calibration for a crystal or for other pressure gauges which can be mounted in the position C. The gauge "standard" at the other end is an optically recording spring system of very high natural frequency. Pressure curves are obtained on a moving film on which are superposed standard timing lines. The crystal records by cathode oscillograph, using a resistance-capacity coupled amplifier of good response to about 30,000 cycles/second. Pressure is applied by dropping a weight of 25 to 50 lb. on the vertical piston. The weight and guides for control of impact on -P1 are not shown. The chamber is filled with glycerine (which has the lowest com- pressibility among available liquids and permits getting high pressure cycles of very short dura- tion). It is necessary to use care in filling to insure satisfactory freedom from small air bubbles; valve V is opened slightly, pouring glycerine in a narrow stream through the piston holders H. The procedure in calibration is to take simultaneous records with the optical standard and the gauge C. 1 W. Schneider, Zeits. f. das gasamte Schiess u. Spreng- stoffwesen, December, 1939, pp. 329-31. The advantage in using the optical standard, which is an adaptation of a gauge for gun pressures developed in 1919 by Webster, Thomp- son and Riffolt, s is that it provides at once both the time interval necessary for computing the mean pressure for calibration and the relation between mean pressure and maximum pressure (as well as relative pressures at any other point in the cycle). The reflection coefficient applicable to the gauge for specific pulse cycles can probably be identified. Calibration tests can be carried out with intervals possibly as short as 10 - second. While this interval is several orders longer than the interval of condensation in shock waves, the characteristics shown over a wide range of available intervals should provide a satisfactory check of calibrations for short transients. IV By simultaneous use of methods A (2) or A (3) and B(2) one may hope to obtain parallel sequences of values of K for typical sources of shock at several points in the field. Equations similar to those of reference 4b, set up on any assumed equation for pressure-density will then lead to unique values of , the ratio of specific heats, applicable to the cycle in question for each of the conditions. There will be two inde- pendent equations, each giving a value of , one between wave velocity and p and one between wave velocity and p. That equation of condition (pressure in terms of density) which leads to the same value of by the two independent sets of data, may be taken as the correct function in the sense of definition by these experiments (i.e., as applicable to the time and condensation ranges of a specific test). The procedure is one of successive approxima- tions, which constitutes a kind of empirical extraction of an equation of condition without involving any assumptions as to the actual condition of the system. I am indebted to Mr. Nils Riffolt for super- vising the construction of the calibration unit and for collaboration in its design; also to Mr. Milton Lipnick for contributions to the develop- ment of a filament microphone. 12 Proc. Nat. Acad. 5, 259 (1919)' J. Opt. Soc. Am. X, June, 1925; U.S. Naval Inst. Proc. 58, March, 1932.
Abstracts from the Conference on Applied Nuclear Physics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 28–November 2, 1940 Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 12, 296 (1941); doi: 10.1063/1.1712911 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1712911 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/12/4?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Preface: Proceedings of the 56th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, October–November 2011 J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07A101 (2012); 10.1063/1.3693617 Abstracts from the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, Evanston, Illinois, October 24–28, 1982 J. Rheol. 26, 571 (1982); 10.1122/1.549693 Conference on Applied Nuclear Physics: October 28 — November 2, 1940 J. Appl. Phys. 11, 448 (1940); 10.1063/1.1712793 Advisory Council on Applied Physics of the American Institute of Physics. Report of Meeting New York, October 28, 1936 J. Appl. Phys. 8, 98 (1937); 10.1063/1.1710274 Report of Conference on Applied Physics Rev. Sci. Instrum. 7, 113 (1936); 10.1063/1.1752092 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59Abstracts from the Conference on Applied Nuclear Physics Cambridge, Massachusetts October 28-November 2, 1940 A GENERAL Conference on Applied Nuclear Physics, sponsored by the American Insti tute of Physics in cooperation with the Massa chusetts Institute of Technology, was conducted during the week of October 28-November 2, 1940, at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. The rapidly increasing number of applications of methods and apparatus characteristic of nuclear physics in the fields of biology, radiology, chemistry, geology, and industrial physics has long em phasized the usefulness of a joint conference between physicists and their colleagues in other fields of science. The purposes of the Conference were to bring together investigators who may be widely sepa rated geographically, and to provide a forum for assembling and correlating present knowledge and difficulties, and for directing attention toward fundamental lines of research which should be the subject of future investigations. The week's activities were divided into sepa rate sessions on applications to biology, chem istry, radiology, metallurgy, geology, and to general sessions relating to the production and use of radioactive and stable isotopes, and the protection of workers from radiation. The individual sessions were extremely well attended, and the total number registered ap proximated 600 persons. The Committee in Charge of the Program was as follows: Robley D. Evans, Chairman, Massa chusetts Institute of Technology; Elmer Hutchis son, Secretary, University of Pittsburgh; Henry A. Barton, American Institute of Physics; Edw. U. Condon, Westinghouse Electric and Manu facturing Company; Lee A. DuBridge, Uni versity of Rochester; G. Failla, Memorial Hos pi tal, New York; Clark Goodman, M assach usetts Institute of Technology; Ernest O. Lawrence, University of California; and Harold C. Urey, Columbia University. The order of the abstracts has been somewhat changed from that in the original program; hence the numbering of the abstracts which follow is not consecutive. Instead, the papers have been classified according to the fields in which the work occurs. Geology I Techniques and Standards in Terrestrial Radioactivity Measurements Chairman: DR. LYMAN J. BRIGGS, National Bureau of Standards 1. The Rate of Emission of a-Particles from Uranium and the Relative Activity of Actinouranium. ALms F. KOVARIK AND NORMAN I. ADAMS, JR., Sloane Physics Laboratory, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. In The Physical Review of 19321 we published determina tion of the rate of emission of a-particles from uranium. During similar experiments with thorium, the apparatus was improved to give a greater resolution of close counts of a-particles. Subsequent observations on uranium gave slightly greater rate of emission than the original experi- 296 ments. The same two specimens used in 1932 and two new specimens of U.O. were used in the experiments. The weighted mean from all experiments involving about 106 counted a-particles gives 25.010 X 103 a-particles per second per gram of uranium, i.e., for U I, U II and act.inouranium. The 1932 value is 24.770 X 103• The uranium used was pure UsO. prepared by the late B. B. Boltwood. Attempts have been made to obtain relative activity of actinouranium, in this material, by a method similar to the "step" method used in the study of thorium and its JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59products.2 It has been found that such a method is appli cable, but with the apparatus used the results were affected by changes of atmospheric pressure so that the desired accuracy has not yet been obtained. However, the results show that the ratio of the activity of actinouranium to that of U I is of the order of 5 percent. More accurate deter minations are in progress. I Phs. Rev. 40, 718-726 (1932). , Phys. Rev. 54. 413-421 (1938). 2. The Certification of Radioactive Standards. L. F. CURTISS, Physicist, National Bureau of Standards, Wash ington, D. C. The National Bureau of Standards is cooperating with a Committee of the National Research Council on stand ards of radioactivity in a program intended to make available standards which will be useful in determining the radium and thorium content of minerals and ores, in the study of radium poisoning, and in the field of artificial radioactivity. Types of standards which have been considered to date are as follows: (1) Radium standards containing 10-9 and 10-11 g of radium, suitable as sources of known amounts of radon. (2) Radium standards containing from 0.1 to 100 X 10~s g of radium, suitable as gamma-ray standards. (3) Rock samples of known origin which have been analyzed for radium and thorium content as well as chemical and mineral constitution. (4) Thorium standards containing suitable amounts of thorium as sources for known amounts of thoron. (5) Beta-ray standards con sisting of electrolytic deposits of Ra D on platinum. The general procedure for preparing the radium stand ards is well known. It consists simply in dissolving a radium salt of known content and, by dilution, obtaining solutions so that a given volume will contain the desired amount of radium. Precautions must be taken to insure that the radium stays in solution throughout the process. This paper describes the procedure which has been fol lowed at the National Bureau of Standards in preparing two series of standard radium solutions, one to be used as radon standards and the other as gamma-ray standards. The radon standards consist of 100 ml of solution in sealed Pyrex flasks, one group containing 10--9 g of radium and the other 10-11 g of radium. The gamma-ray series consist of sealed Pyrex ampoules holding 5 ml of solution with the following radium contents; 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, I, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 X 10-6 g. The 0.2, 2 and 20M g ampoules are available in pairs so that complete sets of 13 ampoules are available. Certification of these radium standards is based upon the work of Madame Curie and later of Honigschmid, who prepared carefully purified and weighed samples of radium and sealed them in glass tubes to serve as gamma-ray standards. These are the primary standards by which the radium content of preparations for medical purposes are usually determined, in terms of their gamma-radiation. For the preparation of the standard solutions radium bromide was used. The sample available was found to contain 16.394±0.005 mg of radium by comparisons with the National Primary Standard. The value of this standard VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 is certified by the International Radium Commission to 0.5 percent. Therefore, in preparing the solution, methods of dilution and pipetting were adopted which would be certain to introduce no errors greater than this percentage. The resultant standard solutions, after suitable checks on uniformity, may therefore be certified directly in relation to the National Primary Standard. The radium content of the rock samples is determiJ4ed by the emanation method, using standard radium solutions for comparison. The measurements for certified standard samples are complicated by a number of factors. Therefore, the committee has decided to submit samples of rocks to at least two laboratories equipped to make such deter minations and to base the values in the certificates on the results of these measurements in addition to those made at the National Bureau of Standards. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution are cooperating in these meas urements. The work on thorium standards and beta-ray standards has not progressed to the point where methods of certifi cation can be discussed. 3. Measurement of Terrestrial Radioactivities. ROBLEY D. EVANS, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. For uranium or radium analyses, radon can be separated from rock samples either by the carbonate fusion or the direct fusion furnace. Ionization chamber and electrometer techniques are satisfactory for the measurement of 10-12 curie or more of radon, while recording a-ray pulse counters are preferable for weaker samples. The actinium series can also be evaluated from radon measurements on rocks, because of the constant value of the actinium and radium series activity-ratio. For thorium analyses on rocks, chemical separation of ThX provides a parent solution from which the short-lived gas, thoron, can be liberated and flowed continuously through an ionization chamber. Recording a-ray pulse COllntels again offer the highest sensitivity for detection. Frequent recalibration, using accurate radioactive standards having about the same activity as the samples being analyzed, should be made on all detection apparatus. The National Research Council's Committee on Standards of Radioactivity is continuing to develop new standards of all types. Standard radium solutions, and accurately analyzed standard samples of the principal types of rocks are now available for distribution by the National Bureau of Standards. Standard thorium solutions are in preparation. Results obtained in various laboratories on identical rock samples have now been com pared directly by exchange of samples. This international interchecking program has been in progress for about four years, and has brought about substantial improvements in analytical techniques and in the proper use of standards. Much of the data on terrestrial radioactivity, especially in the older literature, requires revision. Determination of the geologic age of an igneous rock primarily involves the measurement of the total helium content and the total rate of production of helium (rate of emission of a-particles) 297 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59per gram of specimen. The latter can be calculated for the U, Th, and Ac series from the radon and thoron content. A direct physical method, independent of standards, decay constants, and possible samarium interference, is provided by counting the a-rays emitted from very thin layers of rock sample. This requires a-ray pulse counting apparatus having a very low background. The U, Ac, and Th content of a rock sample can be computed from a comparison of the total a-ray count and a separate radon analysis of the same material. The marked inhomogeneities which occur in some rocks must be evaluated by repeat analyses on the same material. Gamma-rays can be measured by discharge counters if rock samples of about a kilogram or more are available. Such observations represent the combined effects of potassium and of all members of the U, Th, and Ac series. Gamma-ray surveys of oil well drill holes have become a significant new geophysical tool, especially in locating stratigraphic variations. The mean radioactivity of the different rock types is needed for calculations on the earth's internal heat. Mean values of radium content, in 10-12 g Ra per g rock, and the ratio of thorium to uranium concentration, for specimens analyzed recently, are as follows. Radium: 1.7 ±0.2 for 26 acidic rocks; 0.51 ±0.05 for 7 intermediate rocks; 0.34±0.03 for 41 basic rocks; 0.70±0.12 for 13 sedimentary rocks. Ratio of thorium to uranium: 4.3 for 16 acidic rocks; 2.6 for 6 intermediate rocks; 4.0 for 35 basic rocks. 4. Requirements for a Primary Thorium Standard and Progress in Its Preparation. JOHN PUTNAM MARBLE, Division of Geology and Geography, National Research Council, Washington, D. C. No primary standard for the thorium series exists, so far as is known. Thorium preparations and radioactive measurements in the thorium series have usually been checked against a sample of a mineral of known thorium content. Different workers have used different source materials. An adequate standard should, we find, consist of a preparation of a thorium salt, made from a mineral whose thorium and uranium content is known, and from which the radium (and its congeners) have been quantitatively separated on a known date. This will enable the correction curve for the growth of radium from the ionium present, and for the subsequent members of the uranium series, to start from a definite zero point, and thus increase the accuracy of the thorium activity measurements. Preliminary work by Kovarik and Marble, aided by others, has indicated the type of mineral most desirable for lise; the practical limits of chemical analysis; the method of preparation to be followed; the means by which reagents of adequate radioactive purity may be prepared; and the difficulties involved in the quantitative separation of radium as of a given date. Geology II Geochemical Applications of Radioactivity Chairman: DR. S. C. LIND, University of Minnesota 8. Radioactivity and Geochemistry. ROGER C. WELLS, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. Thorium is found in monazite and thorite, which occur in pegmatites, and in some columbo-tantalites. It has also been found in augite syenite. Uranium is found in granitic rocks as uraninite, and also in samarskite, and as the phosphates autunite and torbernite and in several other similar minerals. Carnotite occurs in sedimentary sand stones. For a semiquantitative estimate of the abundance in the crust of the earth of these two radioactive elements (which seem to have a fairly definite abundance ratio to each other) it is necessary to find some common element to which they are related in abundance. Such an element is potassium (which is also slightly radioactive), and the abundance of potassium in different kinds of rocks is definitely related to the density of the rocks. Studies of the velocity of earthquake waves and of isostacy enable us to arrive at provisional conclusions concerning the density-altitude gradient in the earth and therefore offer a means of estimating the abundance of thorium and uranium in the outer ten-mile crust at least. Following Williamson and Adams the writer assumes the existence of a basaltic substratum of density 3.3 at a depth 298 of about 37 miles below sea level. Sub-oceanic rocks are about 0.14 more dense than continental rocks on the average. Surface continental rocks have a density of about 2.76 and therefore sub-oceanic rocks must have a corre sponding density of 2.90. Taking account of the relative areas of continents (including continental shelves) and seas the average surface density is about 2.85. With these figures as starting-points it is possible to compute three different figures for the abundance of thorium and uranium, assuming that: (1) the composition of rocks continues essentially unchanged from the surface to the level of equal pressure (about 37 miles); (2) the density gradient rises uniformly from the surface to the depth of compensation; and (3) as it is not thought possible for the average density of this layer to exceed 3.1 the other possibility is the density gradient rises rather rapidly to about 3.05 and then continues almost unchanged to a depth of about 29 miles, whence it rises to 3.3 at 37 miles. With these density gradients it is possible to make an estimate of the abundance of thorium and uranium in the ten-mile crust. The effect of sedimentary rocks and the ocean is only a minor correction. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59The first method of calculation gives a maximum, the second a reasonable mean, and the third a minimum figure for the content of radioactive elements. According to the first method there is no change in the radioactive content down to 10 miles below sea level. This conclusion is not supported by the known tendency of rocks to segregate by gravity and hence it seems more likely that density in creases at least somewhat even in the "granitic" layer. The second method yields a decrease of about 42 percent in the radioactive content in a distance of ten miles. The third method yields a rather improbable decrease of 50 percent in the same distance. 9. Radioactivity and Oceanography. C. S. PIGGOT, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D. C. The radioactive relations in the ocean and its sediments are complex in comparison with the simple relations for the igneous and sedimentary rocks that form the continents. This is because neither in the ocean nor in the upper layers of the ocean bottom are elements such as uranium, ionium and radium in radioactive equilibrium. In discussing radioactivity and oceanography the dimension of time is therefore of prime importance. The sediments underlying the deeper portions of the ocean provide suitable material, correlated with this dimension, for studying the growth and decay of these elements. Such studies have established the distribution of the radioelements between the ocean and its sediments, but little is known of the biological, chemical and physical processes which may be responsible for this complex distribution. 10. Pleochroic Haloes and Radioactive Chemistry. G. H. HENDERSON, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. In the course of an extensive study of pleochroic haloes six distinct types have been recognized. In the two most familiar types the original radioactive elements or parents are uranium I and thorium, respectively. These elements are so long-lived that halo formation could proceed in almost any manner consistent with geological requirements. Four other types of haloes, tentatively designated as A, B, C and D, have rings whose radii indicate that their parents are probably intermediate members of the uranium radium family. The half-lives of these parents being exceedingly short on a geological time scale, the problem arises as to how a quantity of one of these parents, sufficient to form a halo, could be segregated in the mica. Radio active evidence thus restricts the possible modes of forma tion of these haloes and the most probable hypothesis seems to be that they arose from diffusion through the mica of hydrothermal solutions from which the parents were deposited at certain points constituting the halo nuclei. Such an hypothesis appears to satisfy the physical requirements of these types of haloes and if supported by geochemical evidence, throws light on problems of mineralization. Geology III Radioactive Methods of Geologic Age Determination Chairman: DR. A. C. LANE, Tufts College 15. Radioactivity and Geochronology. CLARK GOODMAN, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. The structural and paleontological methods of corre lating geological time are inherently unable to give more than a qualitative indication of age. It is well recognized that a number of important results accrue from the establishment of a quantitative time-scale. The systematic disintegrations of the geologically long-lived radioactive elements provide methods of measuring broad expanses of time, but at present there is some uncertainty in the interpretation of the observations on lead and helium ratios. A direct comparison of these two methods on the same geological materials is complicated by the nature of the disintegration products and the resulting vastly different concentrations in which they occur. Accordingly, no reliable direct comparison has yet been made. If there is a clear-cut stratigraphic relationship between the geologic occurrence of a radioactive mineral, suitable for dating by the lead method, and a rock body, suitable for helium age studies, an indirect but sharp comparison may be possible. In general, however, we are dependent upon VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 separate geologic dating of the radioactive minerals and the igneous rocks. Hence, the comparison must be based upon the interdigitation of time scales containing numerous lead and helium ages covering a wide range of geologic time. While the revised helium time-scale is not nearly as com plete as the lead scale, sufficient reliable measurements have been made to establish that helium ages, as formerly applied to igneous rocks, are substantially lower than the corresponding lead ages. This disagreement has stimulated a reinvestigation of the fundamental assumptions under lying these radioactive methods. The retentivity of rocks for helium has been found to be extremely variable and is the major source of uncertainty in the application of this method. Metamorphosed rocks are definitely unsuitable for helium age measurements. Recent researches on separate mineral components indicate that, with only a few ex ceptions, helium ages obtained on rocks as a whole, even fine-grained, unaltered mafic rocks, can only represent minimal values. Certain minerals, notably the feldspars, appear to lose a large fraction of their radiogenic helium. On the other hand, certain of the mafic minerals, pyroxene and magnetite in particular, have a much higher retentivity and show helium ages which approach the values to be 299 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59expected from the lead time-scale. Thus, all helium ages made on rocks as a whole represent mean values dependent upon the proportion and helium retentivity of the mineral components. It is anticipated that further research on selected rock minerals will yield helium ages suitable for the establishment of a new helium time-scale in substantial agreement with the present lead time-scale. 16. The Lead Time-Scale. JOHN PUTNAM MARBLE, Division of Geology and Geography, National Research Council. The lead time-scale is based primarily on the value of the ratio PbjU+k·Th, where the correct value of Uk" and a proper choice of constants enable us to transform this ratio into years. Since lead exists in nature (apparently) as a stable element, as well as the end-product of radioactive decay, suitable tests must be made to distinguish between radiogenic and common lead in a mineral which carries U and Th. One of these methods, mass-spectroscopy, also gives us an apparently independent check on the "lead ratio," as the "isotope ratio" Pb206 : Pb207 is also a function of the age of the mineral. Furthermore, a consistent "lead ratio," after correcting for common lead---or, to a lesser degree, without such correction-for minerals of differing ThjU ratio from the same geological formation, affords a valuable second-order check. It is most important that adequate geologic, mineralogic, and petrographic studies accompany the chemical and physical analyses. The identical sample should be used for all the studies. Unfortunately, lack of material sometimes makes this impossible, and some of the material studied earlier is no longer available. Where only uranium or thorium (except for very small amounts of the other) are present in a mineral, a deter mination of the chemical atomic weight of the lead will also indicate the common lead impurity. It is also still worth while to use this value as a check on the isotope ratio. Among other suggested checks may be mentioned the "oxygen ratio," or ratio of U02/UO. in a mineral. Theo-. retically, under certain conditions, this should be of value, but studies so far made do not, in general, lead to a close agreement with the age as otherwise determined. From the geological side, we can sometimes place an igneous formation which bears radioactive minerals in the relative age-scale. This is truer of formations in post-pre Cambrian time, but not very frequently the case even here. For the vast extent of the pre-Cambrian we have little confirmatory evidence available, as fossils are absent, and stratigraphic correlations are extremely difficult. A review of the literature indicates a comparatively small number of determinations which may be given high ran~ing as possible fixed points in the lead time-scale. These are discussed briefly. Assuming the validity of the present values for the radioactive constants, and hence of the formulae based on them, a tentatively revised lead time scale is presented. The complexity of the problem as a whole, and the diffi culties involved in the various fields should be emphasized. Analytical methods for the determination of Pb, U and Th,as they exist in minerals, need further study. The proper 300 value to assume for the isotopic composition of common lead, and the various forms of common lead are still under discussion. Further work needs to be done on the relative leaching and weathering of the three elements involved. 17. Helium Retention in Common Rock Minerals. PATRICK M. HURLEY, Department of Geology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. In the helium method of age determination the age of the materia! to be tested is given by the ratio of the content of helium to the content of radioactive elements in the material. The application of the method involves the following basic requirements: (1) A known, systematic rate of disintegration of the radioactive elements; (2) absence of disintegration product as a primary constituent; (3) accurate sampling and measurement; (4) no addition or subtraction of the disintegration product or its source during the history of the material. The first three condi tions may be satisfied, it is believed, by careful selection of material, and by cross-checking of measurements by differ .. ent methods of analysis. A program of work was under taken, designed to test the fourth requirement. The radioactive elements commonly occur in the mafic minerals of a rock in larger proportion than in the salic minerals. In an unaltered igneous rock, where, presumably, the minerals are of the same age, it would be expected that the distribution of helium in the various minerals should correspond with the distribution of the radioactive ele ments, if the fourth basic requirement is satisfied. In each mineral the ratio of helium to radioactivity should be the same. This was found not to be the case. Pyroxene, feldspar and magnetite were separated from six samples of Triassic diabase. Age measurements on each yielded a mean "age" of 103 million years for the pyroxene samples, 104 million years for the magnetite, and 36 million years for the feld spar. The "ages" were closely grouped about the mean value in each case. Measurements on unseparated samples of the diabase gave "ages" between the feldspar and pyroxene in approximately the correct proportion for the mineral composition of the rock. It appears that pyroxene and magnetite retain most, if not all, of their helium, while feldspar loses a part of its helium. It is concluded that age determinations made directly on rocks containing feldspar are likely to be in error, but that possibly correct helium ages may be obtained by separation and analysis of certain mineral constituents in rocks. Pyroxene and magnetite at present appear to be satis factory minerals. An age of slightly over 100 million years is indicated for the Palisade diabase of New Jersey. 18. Lead Isotopes and Geologic Time. ALFRED O. NIER, Department of Physics, University of Minnesota, Minne apolis, Minnesota. The computation of the age of a mineral from its lead to uranium or lead to thorium ratio requires a knowledge of the amount of common lead contamination. Ordinarily, this may be readily found from a measurement of the atomic weight of the lead. An isotopic analysis of the lead gives this same information, and, in addition, in the case JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59of uranium minerals may offer a second method by which the age of the mineral can be checked. A recent investigation of112 different samples of common lead indicated that in spite of the nearly constant atomic weight the relative abundances of the isotopes Varied from sample to sample. This opens the question as to how to correct for common lead in the radiogenic lead samples. Recently 12 more samples of common lead have been analyzed and variations essentially as large as the previous have been found. In addition to the above results, isotopic analyses of a number of radiogenic lead samples will be given. The Pb207/Pb206 ratio method2 of measuring geologic age will be fully discussed. 1 A. O. Nier, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 60, 1571 (1938). • A. O. Nier, Phys. Rev. 55, 153 (1939). Geology IV Geophysical Applications of Nuclear Physics Chairman: DR. L.' H. ADAMS, Carnegie Institution of Washington 31. Radioactivity as a Geophysical Tool. LYNN G. HOWELL, Humble Oil and Refining Co., Houston, Texas. Measurements of radioactivity in geophysical studies have been made both on the surface and in the subsurface of the earth. On the surface, German workers, in several localities, have found high contents of radon in soil gas samples taken over faults. On the Gulf Coast of this country, no correlation between faults and radon content of soil gases has been found. As to gamma-ray intensity measurements made in situ on the surface, little if any change in activity has been observed over faults by the German geophysicists; significant variations over out cropping formations have been found only when the weathered layer is very thin or absent. In the subsurface, in early work done on samples from wells and ·tunnels, no great geological significance was attached to the data. However Anbronn found interesting changes in radioactivity in samples extracted in the neigh borhood of oil-bearing sands in a well. In Russia, Spak and others made point-to-point measurements of gamma-ray intensities by using a Geiger-Mueller counter inside bore holes. On the Gulf Coast of this country, we made point-to point measurements of gamma-ray intensities inside bore holes using an ionization chamber containing nitrogen under high pressure. Pulses proportional in size to the ionization current were produced by periodically grounding the grid of an electrometer tube connected with the insu lated electrode of the chamber. At the surface, these pulses were amplified and the throw's of an output galvanometer were observed. The curves obtained in the producing section of several oil wells showed correlation with the electrical properties of the formations as found on com mercial electrical logs made in these wells. Following these measurements, a continuously recording apparatus was built using a Geiger-Mueller tube, the am plified pulses from which were fed to a thyratron-controJled frequency meter. The output current of the frequency meter was recorded photographically as a function of depth. In the beginning, two Geiger-Mueller counters were used with separate amplifiers and frequency meters, whereby two independent curves could be recorded simul taneously. VOLUME 12,' APRIL, 1941 The "gamma-ray logs" disclose a striking correlation with commercial electrical logs made in the same wells, the latter showing the variation of potential of a moving elec trode in the well with respect to a fixed electrode and also the variation of formation resistivity or a similar quantity. Through years of use, electrical logs have become a very important tool in correlating geological formations. An obvious advantage of the gamma-ray over the electrical method, is that logs can be made inside wells cased with iron pipe, which offers too much shielding action for elec trical measurements but does not seriously absorb the penetrating gamma-rays. In general, sands are low in radioactivity in comparison with shales. So far, no marked characteristics have been found which distinguish oil-bearing from water-bearing. sands. A different application of this technique of measuring radioactivity in wells has been found in the location of cement which has been pumped behind the casing in a well. Carnotite, a radioactive ore, was added to the cement before it was pumped out through perforations or through the lower end of the pipe. The presence of the carnotite was detected by measuring the variations of gamma-ray in tensity with depth inside the casing. 32. The Internal Heat of the Earth. L. B. SLICHTER, Department of Geology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. The most important factors in the problem of the earth's internal heat are taken to be the following six: (1) The gain of heat from radioactive sources throughout the interior; (2) The loss of heat as measured by the upward heat flux in the earth's crust; (3) The original heat of the earth, as represented by the initial temperautre distribution when the crust first solidified; (4) The value of the thermal con ductivity, and its change with depth; (5) The presence or absence of significant heat transport by convection currents in the interior; (6) The large heat capacity and thermal inertia of the earth. 1. The recent measurements by Evans and his co workers are adopted as affording the most reliable values for the heat generated in rocks. If these results be used to 301 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59compute the heat generated in an earth-model such as proposed by Washington, it results that the total heat being generated is about tenfold greater than that being lost. This result is typical of others, deduced from other proposed earth models. Several reasons are presented for believing that the estimates of the heat-gain based upon these models may far exceed that actually occurring in the earth. 2. Measurements by Ingersoll, Bullard, Benfield and others indicate that the mean value of the heat loss in continental areas is not far from 1.2 X 10-6 cal./cm2/sec. 3. Fundamental difficulties preclude satisfactory esti mates of the original temperatures in the earth. No satis factory data are available from which to estimate the change of melting point of rocks with pressure. Hence the original temperature gradients in the solidified earth are unknown. 4. It is possible that the thermal conductivity at depth differs significantly from its surface values. It is well to admit a generous range of possible values for the thermal conductivity at depth. 5. If they exist, thermal convection currents having a velocity as small as one kilometer per million years, would transport about a hundred fold more heat than would the thermal conductivity. I t is conceivable that convection may exist and may maintain an essentially adiabatic tempera ture distribution at depth. 6. The enormous heat capacity of the earth is significant. Indeed, the observed rate of heat loss could be maintained throughout the earth's lifetime with only a small percentage decrease in internal temperatures, and without any con tribution from radioactivity. Because of the size and heat capacity of the earth, temperature decreases at depth must occur exceedingly slowly. Without radioactivity, a decrease of the order of I"C in 10 to 50 million years may be ex pected. With radioactivity, a net increase of at least 30" per million years is indicated, provided the minimum values of radioactivity observed in available surface samples are realized at depth. It is shown that heat sources of considerable magnitude may exist at depth without being detected by thermal observations at the surface. It is uncertain whether the earth is heating, or cooling at depth. Geological evidence supports no distinct trend either in one direction or the other. It is of interest" then, to examine the middle possibility; namely, the equilibrium temperature state. Steady-state temperature distributions are computed for a number of different distributions of the radioactivity and of the conductivity. In summary, it is obvious that thermal evidence alone does not suffice to yield definite results about thermal con ditions in the interior. However, evidence from independent sources is sometimes available and helpful. For example, the large increase in electrical conductivity at depths below 500 km deduced from studies in terrestrial mag netism has significance. More accurate knowledge of the variation of seismic wave velocities in the mantle may prove helpful. The fluidity of the earth's core, as deduced from several types of geophysical evidence, obviously has important thermal implications. Finally, future contribu tions from atomic theory conceming the probable mechan ical and thermal constants of rock-materials in the' deep interior would distinctly advance our deficient under standing of the problem of the earth's internal heat. 33. Earth Heat and Geological Processes. DAVID GRIGGS, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. The internal heat of the earth is the only known reservoir of energy which is sufficiently large to have served as a source for the primary processes of geology which formed the surface features of the earth exemplified by our mountain chains. In choosing between the various physical hypotheses of the mountain-building mechanism, the two most important considerations are: (1) the distribution of temperature within the earth, and (2) the proportion of the surface heat loss which is due to the primary heat of the earth compared to that due to .radioactive heat. The answer to both these questions depends on knowledge of the distribution of radioactivity within the earth. It is the purpose of this paper to reexamine the hypotheses of mountain-building in the light of recent measurements of physical constants and estimates of the radioactivity in the earth. Metallurgy I Tracer Studies of Metal Diffusion Chairman: DR. F. SEITZ, University of Pennsylvania 5. The Importance of Diffusion in Physical Metallurgy. R. F. MEHL, Metals Research Laboratory, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is the purpose of this paper to present a discussion in an informative and descriptive rather than an analytical manner-of the metallurgical phenomena in which diffu sion plays an important or a dominant role. This abstract will merely list these phenomena. 302 The freezing of alloys; segregation; solid solution and heterogeneous segregation; annealing of ingots and forg ings, homogenization, and diffusion; directional properties in forgings; banding. Treatment of alloys of the age-hardening type; the process of age-hardening; ingot segregation; ingot break down and homogenization anneal; solution heat-treatment; quenching and precipitation hardening; concentration JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59fluctuations and diffusion in the solid solution; theory of nucleation; particle growth; time-temperature relations in aging; interaction and activation energies. Steel-treating and quench hardening; constitution of annealed steel at room temperature and at high tempera tures; constitution of steel on slow cooling, on quenching; a Fe, FeaC, 'Y Fe, pearlite, austenite, martensite; rate of solution of carbides on high temperature annealing; forma tion of pearlite, nucleation and growth, effect of austenite grain size and of alloy content; interlamellar spacing, rate of formation of pearlite; rate of diffusion of carbon in austenite; martensite and hardening; decomposition products of austenite, diffusion and nondiffusion reactions; tempering of martensite and spheroidization of pearlite. Diffusion in solid-gas systems; carburizing of steels, depth of carburizing, rates and variables; dezincing of brass on annealing, calculation from rates of diffusion, effect of grain size; nitriding and diffusion of nitrogen in a iron; oxidation of metals and alloys, constitutional relationships, nature of oxide films and scales, rates of oxidation, mechanism of diffusion through oxide films and scales, variation of rates with crystal orientation, temper ature, time, and gas pressure, effect of alloy content, scaling-resistant alloys and mechanism of oxidation internal oxidation, embrittlement of copper. Metallic diffusion coatings; chromizing, siliconizing, sherardizing; structure and properties. Veneer metals and bimetallic strip; diffusion bonding. Powder metallurgy; preparation of alloys by annealing of mixed metal powders; diffusion. Annealing of multiple electrodeposits; types and thickness of phase layers and rate of formation of layers. Self-diffusion; processes in single metal phases analogous to self-diffusion; recrystallization, nucleation and growth of recrystallized grains, rates and activation energies; creep and activation energies; crystal plasticity and forming operations. 6. Atomic Mechanisms of Diffusion. R. P. JOHNSON, Research Laboratory, General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York. The conventional diffusion coefficient D(T,c) for a binary alloy is a measure of the rate of disappearance of an infinitesimal chemical nonhomogeneity in the alloy. Its value depends on the detailed mechanism of atomic place-changes, but so many other factors enter that it is practically impossible to use the measured diffusion coefficient for deciding among various possible models of the motion of atoms past one another. On the other hand, if one marks (by means of radio activity) some of the atoms of one element of the alloy and studies the diffusion of these marked atoms, keeping the chemical composition of the entire specimen at all times homogeneous, one can calculate directly from the measured diffusion coefficient the average number of elementary moves made by an atom of that element during the time of the experiment. This is a quantity that can be predicted theoretically, once a model for the place-change mechanism has been adopted. A comparison VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 between the observed number of moves and the predicted number will test directly whether the imagined mechanism is satisfactory. The temperature and the composition of the homogeneous binary alloy can be varied, and at each temperature and composition two quantities, the average number of moves made in unit time by each of the two components, can be measured and compared with predicted values. In principle it is possible by the same method to measure the motility of any element in any homogeneous surroundings however complicated. This use of tracer-atom techniques yields direct informa tion about the mechanism of atomic migration, which can be had by no other means. It is not to be confused with the use of radioactive atoms in diffusion experiments of the conventional type, where they serve merely as convenient indicators of the concentration of inert nuclei of the same chemical kind. 7. Radioactive Methods in Diffusion. P. H. MILLER, JR., Randal Morgan Laboratory of Physics, University of Penn sylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In the measurement of diffusion in solids using radioactive indicators (either artificial or natural), a sample is used which has a non-uniform distribution of some radioactive isotope and the change of di!'tribution is determined as a function of time. For mathematical convenience it is con venient to have an infinitesimal and plane layer of radio active material placed upon an inactive sample as the initial distribution. This has been accomplished by electroplating, evaporation and the collection of radioactive disintegration products from a gas. These procedures have the disadvantage that the exact conditions at the surface of contact are unknown. Secondly, samples have been pre pared by rolling together an inactive metal foil with an active one of finite thickness. Finally, radioactive isotopes have been formed in the sample itself by bombarding it with neutrons; other nuclear particles could be used. This method of activation has the advantage of being simple and avoids any possibility of the existence of a boundary disturbance between the active layer and the bulk of the sample. There are various methods of measuring the change in distribution which is a result of the diffusion process. If Dt, where D is the diffusion coefficient and t the time for which the sample is kept at high temperature during which the appreciable diffusion takes place, is greater than 10-5 cm2 the sample can be cut into sections (say 4 X 1O-a cm thick), mechanically and the activity of each section measured. This is the most direct method for the surface effects can be eliminated and Fick's law ac/at=DCJ2c/ax2 which is 'as sumed in all the other methods can be checked. It has the disadvantage that each sample can be used only once. The activity is measured with a counter or electroscope and in the case of a-particles by counting scintilations on a zinc sulphide screen. Since the particle radiation is strongly absorbed the activity of a sample will fall off as the radio active atoms diffuse into the interior, and the activity of the inactive side of the sample which is usually made slightly thicker than the range of the emitted particles will 303 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59increase. This method has been used for values of De greater than 10-10 cms. Here the absorption coefficient and the half-life of the radioactive isotope must be accurately known. Since the range of the recoil atoms is extremely short they provide an even more sensitive method and can be used for values of Dt greater than 10-18 cm2• The recoil atoms are collected on a charged plate and in cases where they are radioactive their number determined from this property. The diffusion of lead in ionic crystals under the influence of an electric field has been investigated for certain lead salts and has given valuable information as to which ions are transferring the charge. The use of artificially radio active atoms will extend this method and give much useful information. Measurements of diffusion in liquids have been made using radioactive indicators but there is no practical advantage in this method except in the case of self-diffusion. Metallurgy II Metallurgical Applications of Nuclear Physics Chairman: DR. C. S. BARRETT, Carnegie Institute of Technology 11. Radiography with Gamma-Rays. JOHN T. NORTON, Department of Metallurgy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Gamma-rays from radioactive sources are used in in dustry for the inspection of heavy castings and weldments. The radiograph is in effect a shadow picture of the object, recorded photographically, and defects which represent a change in thickness of the object are shown as shadows on the film. The technique is simple and straightforward. Since radiographic inspection depends upon the absorp tion of the radiation in the object, the wave-length distri bution and conditions of scattering of the radiation are of primary importance. The very short wave-length of gamma-radiation results in a low absorption in the object so that large thicknesses of metal can be examined. At the same time, the low absorption permits the examination of a considerable range of thicknesses at a single exposure. For many classes of work this is of the greatest practical im portance. On the other hand, the low absorption reduces the ability to detect the smallest defects in the object and this is a very real disadvantage. The scattering of the radiation within the object is not particularly troublesome in the case of gamma-radiation. It is of interest to compare the practical application of gamma-ray inspection with that carried out by means of x-rays. In the case of x-rays generated at 200 to 300 kv, the two methods really fall into separate classes. The x-ray method is capable of greater sensitivity in detecting small defects and requires short exposures. The gamma-ray method will handle much greater thicknesses of metal, has a greater latitude in recording differences in thickness of the object, and has the advantage of excellent portability of the radiation source. If the x-rays are generated at 1000 to 1250 kv, the physical characteristics of the radiation are similar to gamma-radiation but the very much greater intensity makes the exposure a matter of seconds rather than hours. In this case, one would have to balance the greater complexity of the radiation source against the material saving of exposure time. The industrial use of radiographic inspection always involves some sort of compromise to obtain optimum 304 working conditions. This compromise can be made to the best advantage if the fundamental factors underlying the problem are understood. 12. Tracer Studies in Metallurgy. WILLIAM A. JOHNSON, Westinghouse Research Laboratories, East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Radioactive materials have not enjoyed an extensive application in metallurgical studies, but a number of experiments have been reported which indicate an in creased use of them in the future. Such experiments may be divided roughly into three groups: the measurement of rates of self-diffusion; the determination of changes in surface and internal structure by the Hahn emanation method; and the detection of segregation and cracks by contact photographs. The first measurements of the rate of self-diffusion were made by von Hevesy in 1920, using ThB as an indicator in lead. Recently, other metals have been studied, using artificially radioactive isotopes: gold by Sagrubskij and McKay; copper by Rollin and Steigman, Shockley and Nix; zinc by Miller and Day, and Banks and Day; and silver by Johnson. Several experimental procedures have been employed. The active isotope may be electrolytically plated on the nonactive isotope; a thin foil of active ma terial may be rolled onto the nonactive base; and an active layer may be produced on a stable base by direct bom bardment by particles of low penetrating power. Two general methods have been used for determining the diffusion coefficient after heat treatment. The earlier method, and the one of more use when short-lived isotopes are employed makes use of the absorption of ionizing particles by the metal into which the active atoms diffuse; the diffusion coefficient may then be calculated from a knowledge of the decrease in activity of the active surface after diffusion, and the absorption coefficient of the metal for the particles emitted (usually i3-rays). This method suffers from the disadvantages that there is no check on the quality of the interface between active and inactive layers, and that quite small errors in measuring the activity may produce large errors in the diffusion coefficient. In the JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59second method, the diffusion specimen is cut into thin layers parallel to the original interface, and the activity of each layer is determined. The diffusion coefficient is then easily calculated from ,standard equations. Self· diffusion measurements have not been very satisfactory in the past, but more careful attention to detail, and the use of the sectioning method should yield better results in the future. The Hahn emanation method has been applied to metallurgical problems by Werner, Seith, and others. An active material (usually thorium X) is introduced in very small amounts into the metal under investigation by melting, electrolysis, or diffusion. The noble gas thoron produced in the disintegration of thorium X diffuses out of the specimen and may be measured. It is found that the activity of such specimens increases smoothly with temper ature; if structural changes occur in the metal-recrystal lization, polymorphic transformation, welding of pressed powders-there is a sudden change in the emanation from the specimen. Such changes may be detected with good accuracy by this method, but its advantages over other methods have not yet been clearly demonstrated. Tammann has used thorium B to reveal segregation and ingot structure in cast metals. A small amount of active material (10-6 weight percent) is incorporated in a specimen by melting and, after polishing, a photographic plate is placed on the smooth surface. An exposure time of 24 hours is sufficient, and after development, dark areas on the plate reveal the position of the active material in the specimen. This procedure clearly reveals the segregation and dendritic structure of castings and should become a valuable tool in the future. Kaiser has recently described a very similar method for locating fine cracks in polished surfaces. The active material is carried in a grease which is forced into the invisible cracks by high pressure. After removirig all excess active grease, a plate is exposed, which, upon development, shows the position of cracks. This procedure has not been sufficiently refined to compete with the Magnaflux method for ferrous materials, but may prove important for nonferrous materials. 13. Outlook for Use of Neutron Scattering in Studying Ferromagnetic Substances. F. BLOCH, Department of Phys ics, Stanford University, Stanford University, California. The fact that neutrons, although carrying no charge, have a magnetic moment has been experimentally verified and the neutron moment has been measured. Being about a thousand times smaller than ordinary atomic moments it is, nevertheless, big enough to contribute essentially to the scattering of slow neutrons in magnetized bodies. This is due to the interaction of the neutron moment with the amperian molecular currents which cause magnetism. Any quantitative prediction of this so-called "magnetic scat tering" of neutrons has to make rather detailed assumptions as to the size and distribution of the amperian currents. It is feasible, on the other hand, to use it as a tool to obtain more detailed knowledge about those characteristic fea tures of magnetism, particularly of ferromagnetism, which do not show up in the magnetization curve. At the present VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 moment two rather separate groups of problems seem tall gible and of interest. The first group centers around investigations of the amperian currents themselves. As in the determination of "atomic form factors" by means of the scattering of x-rays the dependence of the magnetic scattering on the energy and the angle of scattering of slow neutrons must yield a characteristic "magnetic form factor." The determination of this quantity would make it possibleto trace the amperian currents within the elementary magnets and should clearly exhibit the role that valency electrons may play in ferro magnetism. This seems to be particularly interesting with respect to those ferromagnetic alloys which consist of nonferromagnetic elements. The second group is suggested by the discovery that the magnetic scattering shows a sharp increa~e and subsequent saturation within the last few percent of the magnetic saturation. It is most likely that this phenomenon is due to rather macroscopic features of ferromagnetic substances. Since the magnetization curve exhibits the result of the "turning in" of the various Barkhausen regions the ap proach of saturation must mean that practically all these regions have found their proper orientation. One can understand, however, that a very slight deviation from . saturation will still offer enough space within the substance practically to destroy the polarization effect of the mag netic scattering by rapid precession of the neutron moment around the direction of the magnetic inductance. Thus this last lack of saturation, hardly noticeable in the mag netization, seems to be very pronounced in the magnetic scattering of neutrons. If so, single crystals should, in this respect, behave very differently from polycrystalline materials; the further investigation of this effect will furnish more information about the relation between grain size, mechanical treatment, etc., and the saturation of ferromagnetic substances. 14. Neutron Studies of Ordef in Fe-Ni Alloys. F. C. NIX, Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York, New York; AND H. G. BEYER AND J. R. DUNNING, Columbia Univer sity, New York, New York. Neutron transmission measurements are used to study order in Fe-Ni alloys. The difference in neutron trans mission between fully annealed and quenched alloys when plotted against the nickel content displays a broad peak around Ni3Fe and falls to vanishingly small values near 35 atomic percent Ni and pure Ni. The higher the degree of order the greater the neutron transmission. The substitu tion of 2.3 atomic percent Mo or 4.1 atomic percent Cr for Fe in the annealed 78 atomic percent Fe-Ni alloy caused a decrease in the neutron transmission, relative to the annealed 78 atomic percent Fe-Ni alloy, of 15.6 and 21.2 percent, respectively. The cold working of an annealed binary 75 atomic percent Ni alloy, a treatment known to produce disorder, gave rise to a decrease of 20.6 percent in neutron transmission. These results demonstrate that neutron techniques serve as a useful tool to study order in Fe-Ni alloys, and suggest that they can be extended to study other solid state phenomena. 305 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59Chemistry I Tracer Techniques in General Chemistry Chairman: DR. H. S. TAYLOR, Princeton University 19. Radioactive Methods in the Study of Co-precipitation and Adsorption. KAsIMIR FA]ANs, Department of Chemistry. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The paper consists of two parts. In the first part, a brief review is given of the development of the subject since the early days of radioactivity. In the second part, are de scribed experiments, as yet unpublished, which, by use of artificially produced radioactive isotopes, help to clarify the m chan ism of the adsorption of dyestuffs. The precipitation rule (Fajans and Beer, 1913) and the adsorption rule (Paneth and Horovitz, 1914) emphasize the insolubility as an important factor for the elimination from the solution of an element present in extremely small concentrations. Investigations with von Beckerath (1921) and Erdey Gruz (1931) and those of Hahn (1926) have demonstrated that the adsorption of a radio-element increases when the adsorbent has a charge opposite in sign to that of the. element and is decreased, but not always excluded, by a charge of like sign. These results when applied with Hassel (1923) to the adsorption of organic dyestuff anions and cations on silver halides led to a new type of indicators for volumetric analysis, named by Kolthoff adsorption indicators. The dyestuffs can be measured in small concentrations because of their intense color, which imparts to them properties of indicators or tracers, as radioactivity does in the case of elements. The combination of both types of indicators has been applied, e.g., for the determination of the area of the adsorbent surface (Paneth), investigations of the aging of precipitates (Kolthoff), indirect estimation of relative adsorbability of ions (with Erdey-Gruz). Two main mechanisms of adsorption of ions were dis cussed: 1. The attachment of the adsorbed ion to the oppositely charged ion of the lattice surface: addition mechanism. 2. The replacement by the adsorbed ion of a lattice ion of the same sign: exchange mechanism (applied by Kolthoff especially in case of dyes). The two mechanisms lead to different expectations in the case of adsorption of dye anions in the presence of an excess of lattice cations. Experiments with Gretchen Mueller (1939) have shown that the saturation values for the ad sorption, e.g., of eosin on silver bromide increase consider ably with the silver ion concentration. This supports the addition mechanism and cannot be reconciled with Kolthoff's theory. Further experiments were performed with Amos Newton, using radioactive indicators. Eosin and erythrosin were adsorbed on silver bromide precipitates containing radioactive bromide. In case of eosin an excess of silver ions was used. No increase of the activity of the solution was found, showing that no notice able exchange of the dye anion with the bromide ions of the 306 lattice surface takes place. Thus the adsorption must be due predominantly or wholly to the deposition of eosin ions on the silver ions of the adsorbent. In the case of erythrosin, which is adsorbed considerably even in the presence of an excess of halogen ions, no excess of either ion was used. It was found that for each adsorbed erythrosin ion about two bromide ions are brought from the adsorbent to the solution. This result is not a proof for a direct exchange between the adsorbed erythrosin ion and the bromide ion of the lattice. In fact, the solubility of silver erythrosinate is 1 X 10-6 m, that of silver eosinate 5 X 10-5 m. The considerable adsorp tion of eosin on silver bromide from a solution containing only 1 X 1O-~ m eosin and silver ions can be formally con sidered as 3. two-dimensional precipitation of silver eosinate below its normal solubility product. Thus in the presence of the adsorbent the solubility product of silver eosinate is diminished. This mean~, when applied to silver erythrosinate, that its "solubility" in the presence of silver bromide is diminished below 1 X 10-6 m and thus becomes of the same order of magnitude as that of silver bromide itself (5 X 10-7 m). In such a case the precipitation of erythrosin from the solution containing no excess of silver ions must be accompanied by dissolution of silver bromide and it is this secondary phe nomenon which causes the radioactive bromide ions of the adsorbent to appear in the solution. For different reasons, e.g., because of the results of light absorption measurements with Marie Farnsworth (1937), the addition mechanism appears to be the most probable also for the primary adsorption of erythrosin ions. By using radioactive sodium it was found that the ad sorption of eosin and erythrosin on silver bromide is not accompanied by an adsorption of the sodium ions. This agrees with similar results of Kolthoff (1935) obtained in other cases. 20. Measurement of Vapor Pressures and Solubilities of Certain Thorium Compounds by Radiochemical Methods. RALPH C. YOUNG, Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massa chusetts. Radiochemical methods are being devised on an ever increasing scale for the study of many hitherto unsolved problems in inorganic and physical chemistry. Reference is here made to the measurement of vapor pressure and of solubility. Thorium 3cetylacetonate can be sublimed readily at 1600 at a pressure of 1 film. It is similar in many respects to the acetylacetonates of the rare earth metals. These, how ever, decompose below a temperature at which any marked rate of sublimation occurs and consequently this property has not been used for their separation. At 100° the rare JOURNAL OF A,pPLmn PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59earth acetylacetonates are, in general, stable and their vapor pressures would likely be of the same order of mag nitude as that of the thorium compound. Because it is so low, this value could not be obtained by the usual pro cedures, but a radiochemical method was found adaptable. A known volume of inactive nitrogen was saturated with thorium acetylacetonate by being passed through a long column of the compound maintained at 100°, and was subsequently directed into hydrochloric acid where the vapor of the acetylacetonate was converted into thorium chloride. The vapor pressure was calculated by use of the perfect gas equation, P V = nRT, and the molal quantity of the thorium compound in the gas mixture obtained by means of its radioactivity. A comparison of the alpha-count of a deposit from an aliquot part of the chloride solution with that from a standard solution of thorium chloride prepared from a known weight of the acetylacetonate pro vided data for the necessary calculation. The alpha-counter used was of the parallel plate condenser type with photo graphic recording device described by Finney and Evans. A rapid stream of nitrogen was passed through the ioniza tion chamber in order to prevent the accumulation of thoron. From measurements of the deposits of the standard solution it was found that 1 X 10-6 g of thorium acetyl acetonate gave an alpha count of 7.3±0.7 per hour 10 months after the preparation of the compound from thorium nitrate. The value at equilibrium was calculated as 9.0±0.9. The theoretical count based on ! of the total activity of four alpha-emitters is 10.9. By means of the foregoing standardization and the alpha-counts of deposits from solutions derived from the sublimed acetylacetonate, which gave 50 to 100 alphas per hour above a background of 20, the vapor pressure of the thorium compound at 100' was calculated as 3.2±0.3XI0-' mm. Thorium pyrophosphate, a salt of two tetravalent ions, has long been used in the analytical chemistry of thorium. The effect of salts on the solubility of a salt of this type is of great interest to those engaged in the study of solution theories. Because of the great insolubility of thorium pyro phosphate a radiochemical method has been used for this study. Salt solutions were allowed to pass at rates which insured saturation through a thermostated cell containing a long column of the thorium compound. Deposits were made from these solutions on small copper dishes which were subsequently covered with a cellulose acetate glyptal film, the purpose of which was to retain the thoron but allow passage of the alpha-particles. To convert the alpha counts of such deposits into grams of thorium pyrophos phate, it was necessary to obtain an alpha-absorption co efficient for each salt. This was accomplished by compari son with the alpha-activity of deposits of a standard thorium chloride solution with and without added salts. The solubility of thorium pyrophosphate was found to be 6.1 X 10-6 g per liter at 25°. The added salts have a very marked effect on the solubility. For example, in a solution of copper chloride containing 13.5 g per liter, the pyro phosphate was over 100 times as soluble as in pure water, and about 170 times as soluble in a solution of copper sulphate containing 16 g per liter. These results are in accord with the theory of Debye. VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 21. Use of Stable Oxygen Isotopes in Tracing Reaction Kinetics. IRVING ROBERTS, Weiss and Downs, Inc., New York, New York. The production at Columbia University of sizable amounts of water containing an increased concentration of the oxygen isotope of mass 18 made possible the discovery of a new series of reactions, namely, oxygen exchanges between organic compounds and water. The kinetics of such reactions are interesting because they proceed at measurable rates with no change in medium, and because they exhibit acid and basic catalysis. In addition, their mechanisms are related to those of well-known organic reactions, and may shed some light on the latter. For example, in the exchange of oxygen between benzoic acid and water, the reaction in dilute solution is found to be first order in the difference of 018 content of the reactants and independent of the concentration of benzoic acid. An equation expressing these kinetics may be derived from a consideration of the nature of the reactions and the sta tistical factors involved in the system. In addition, it is observed that the rat~ of the reaction is proportional to the hydrogen ion concentration in the reaction mixture. A comparison of this reaction with those of acid catalyzed ester hydrolysis and esterification shows the following similarities: (1) The reactants and products are structurally similar. (2) All three reactions are catalyzed by acids. Esterification and ester hydrolysis are known to exhibit general acid catalysis. (3) The rates of all three reactions are of the same order of magnitude. (4) Heavy oxygen studies have shown that in all three reactions, the same linkage is broken, namely, the carbon-oxygen bond of the acid or its residue. On the basis of the above, it is concluded that the three reactions are similar in mechanism, and that these mecha nisms will be symmetrical ones, i.e., that the reverse of the mechanism for esterification will be a mechanism for hydrolysis which is similar to it. The mechanism of the exchange reaction will of course be symmetrical. From the existence of the equilibrium relationship moles ester X moles water K moles alcohol X moles acid it is argued that the esterification and hydrolysis are first order in alcohol and water, respectively. While equi librium data do not generally prove kinetic dependences, a comparison of this particular system with the exchange reaction indicates this conclusion to be very probable. In addition, there are some kinetic data which show a first order dependence of esterification rate on the alcohol concentration. Granting that the exchange, esterification and hydrolysis reactions are general acid catalyzed and first order in alcohol or water, there are three possible mechanisms which fit these requirements. Two of these consist of a series of bimolecular steps, and the third is termolecular in nature. At the present time, there seems to be no method of dis tinguishing among these possibilities. However, it is evident that the combination of the results of heavy oxygen studies with previous kinetic data has 307 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59resulted in the elimination of the many possible mecha nisms which may be proposed, down to three which are most probable. 22. The Thermal Exchange Reactions of Mg, Cu, Mn, Fe, CI, Br, I and Hg Studied by Their Radioactive Isotopes. S. RUBEN, G. T. SEABORG AND J. W. KENNEDY, Depart ment of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California. Radioactive Fe59 (47 days half-life) was used to study some exchange reactions of iron. An immeasurably rapid exchange of electrons between ferrous and ferric' ions in 6N hydrochloric acid at room. temperature was found. No electronic exchange between aqueous ferrocyanide and ferricyanide ions was observed even after four days at room temperature. No exchange of iron atoms was observed between any of the following pairs of substances: ferric and ferricyanide ions, ferric and ferrocyanide ions, ferrous and ferricyanide ions. Two other instantaneous exchanges, which may also proceed by an electron transfer mechanism, were observed to occur in aqueous solution at room temperature. The 43-min. Hg197 was used to show that mercurous and mercuric ions undergo rapid exchange and experiments with the 2.6-hr. Mnss have revealed a rapid exchange between manganate and permanganate ions in alkaline solution. Radioactive CI'8 (37-min.), Br8' (34-hr.) and p31 (S-days) have been used to study the measureable rates of exchange between these halogens and their corresponding halo genates in acid solution at room temperature. The 10.2-min. Mg27, 47-day Fe59 and 12.S-hr. CUM have been used to measure the exchanges at room temperature between the corresponding metallic ions and some metal organic compounds. There was no exchange in 40 min. between magnesium ions and highly purified samples of either chlorophyll a or chlorophyll b in a buffered SO percent acetone solution. The exchange between mag nesium ions and the magnesium compound of S-hydroxy- . quinoline proceeds rapidly in aqueous ethyl alcohol solution. There is no exchange between ferric ions and ferrihemoglobin in aqueous solution or between ferric ions and ferriheme in ethyl alcohol even in experiments lasting several weeks. Th~ exchange between copper ions and copper acetylacetonate in chloroform is complete within 2 min. Some of these results are rather surprising in view of other evidence concerning the bonds in these metal organic compounds, and hence give additional valuable information about these bonds. Chemistry II Tracer Techniques in Analytical Chemistry Chairman: DR. H. C. UREY, Columbia University 34. Use of Isotope Tracers in the Study of the Compo sition of Proteins. DAVID RITTENBERG, College of Physi cians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York. The analytical chemist is able to analyze a mixture only when he has available a specific reagent for the substance to be determined. This reagent must give a reaction, either a precipitate, color, or other indication, with only one con stituent of the mixture. Proteins when hydrolyzed give rise to a mixture of from 15 to 20 alpha-amino acids. For some of these there are known specific reagents which precipitate them. For others there are known reagents which give color reactions which can be made quantitative. For the majority no such reagents are known. To make a quantitative determination of the amount of such an amino acid present in a mixture one must isolate all of the amino acid in a pure state by some suitable fractionation procedure. The two conditions are, in practice, mutually contradictory. One can isolate all of an amino acid in animpure state, or some of the amino acid in a pure state. The isotope dilution procedure requires the isolation of only a pure sample of the substance to be determined, the yield being unimportant. 308 If, to a mixture of amino adds, is added x grams of glycine containing Co atom percent excess of N15 (or CIa), this glycine will mix with the glycine already present and form an inseparable mixture. If, now, glycine is isolated and found to contain C atom percent excess of N15, then the original amount (y) of glycine in the amino acid mixture is given by Eq. (1), y=[(Co/C)-I]x. (1) As, by this method, only a small sample need be isolated, merely enough for an isotope analysis (about 5-15 mg), large losses may be permitted during the purification process. By the proper choice of experimental conditions the error of the method may be reduced to about one percent. All the amino adds with the exception of glycine exist in two enantiomorphic forms. In protein, the I-configuration is found almost exclusively. By the addition of a dol mixture and isolation of both the I and d components or of the I and dl components, the amino acid content of both the I and d can be calculated. By this method the extent of racemiza tion of glutamic acid of normal and tumor tissue has been found to be very small. The same method can be employed in the estimation of fatty acids in fats. JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59This method can be so modified that even though the amino acid isolated is quite impure (contains 10 percent impurity), the analytical result will not be in error by more than one percent. 35. Applications of Radio-elements in Analytical Chem istry. CHARLES ROSENBLUM, Prick Chemical Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. The sensitivity with which radio-elements may be detected and quantitatively measured makes them admi rably suited for use as isotope indicators in analytical chemistry. In general such indicator experiments fall into two groups, one which depends upon the chemical insepara bility of isotopes once mixed, and a second in which a change in ratio of active to stable isotope occurs. When the isotopic ratio remains constant, the indicator is a true "tracer" element; and its radiations reveal the presence and concentration of the inactive form throughout a given system. Most analytical applications belong to this group. Those applications in which the isotope ratio varies are of equal interest in that frequently they cast light upon the mechanism of processes of fundamental importance to the analytical chemist. The relatively limited reproducibility of electroscope and counter measurements when compared with that of the usual quantitative analysis restricts the use of radio elements to the field of microchemistry. However, here their usefulness is amply illustrated by solubility determi nations on certain lead-, cobalt-and phosphorus-containing compounds, as well as by s: udies of adsorption and coprecipitation phenomena at low concentrations. Even in ordinary analytical chemistry, when a gravimetric separa tion is uncertain or undeveloped, the activity of a com ponent containing a radioactive isotope furnishes a simple and rapid means of locating it, and permits one to work out proper precipitation conditions. Going a step farther, it is evidently possible to determine just how far an analysis is in error and to make the proper correction. Furthermore, a whole system of radiometric microanalyses, based on precipitation reactions with thorium B, has been proposed by Ehrenberg. Generally speaking, the radio-elements are so sensitive to detection that it is possible to test the limit of validity of any analytical procedure, be it the efficacy of washing a precipitate, the completeness of a precipitation reaction, or the lower limits of applicability of fundamental laws. Thus the distribution of a solute between phases, so important in crystallization and extraction processes, has been studied, in addition to the law of mass action and the Nernst electromotive force law. Indeed, the latter has been shown to hold for bismuth in concentrations as low as 10-12 normal, and has been suggested as the basis for determining minute quantities of this element. Aside from being useful in routine analytical procedures, radio-elements have proven to be of service in examining the mechanism of certain fundamental reactions as well as in studying the nature of a number of common analytical VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 precipitates. They have disclosed unsuspected changes which take place during the aging of precipitates such as lead sulfate and silver bromide. Such observations have led to a better understanding of the perfection processes which occur during this period of change and which are often characterized by a liberation of contaminating impurities. Not only have the external surfaces of such solids been measured by means of radio-elements, but the easy accessibility of ions at the interior of fresh precipitates has been demonstrated. Judging from the above examples it is evident that analytical chemistry offers a fertile field f~r further indicator researches. 36. The Contribution of Artificial Radioactivity to the Completion of the Periodic System. EMILIO ~EGRE, Radia tion Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, Cali fornia. At the time of the discovery of artificial radioactivity, four elements with atomic number lower than 92 were still unknown, viz., elements 43 (eka-manganese), 61, a rare earth, 85 (eka-iodine) and 87 (eka-caesium). Element 87 has been found by Mlle. Perey1 as a rare branching product in the natural radioactive actinium family. Perrier and Segre2 found element 43 among the products of neutron and deuteron bombardment of molybdenum; element 61 has probably been produced by the bombardment of neodymium with deuterons," but, because of the well-known difficulties connected with the separationof the rare earths, no chemical studies have been undertaken on 61. Corson, MacKenzie and Segre4 have prepared element 85 by the bombardment of bismuth with alpha-particles. The essential contribution of artificial radioactivity to the discovery of new elements is that these substances, with the exception of element 87, can be artificially pre pared by transmutation and can be easily detected through their radioactivity. The amounts of these elements which can be artificially produced is extremely minute (10-10 to 10-14 gram), but using the methods of radioactive chemistry it is possible to attain a fairly complete knowledge of their properties. This information makes it possible to predict geochemic ally the probable ores in which these elements could be found, should they exist in nature, and to devise suitable methods for their concentration. Moreover, the use of the artificially prepared element as a tracer would make it possible to check directly each step of the extraction. These points are of considerable importance since it has been found in certain instances that the chemical properties suggested by the analogies of the periodic system are significantly different from some of the observed properties of these new elements. These differences between the predicted and observed chemical properties of element 85 are sufficient to invalidate the past attempts to isolate this element from natural sources, which were based upon a strict analogy between iodine and 85. Should 85 be present as a branching product in natural radioactivity, its isolation would not offer great difficulties. 309 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59In the case of element 43, most of its characters resemble very closely rhenium, and it seems natural to assume that geochemically it would be associated with it and not with manganese. The enrichment process used by Noddack for rhenium should also have concentrated 43. A final separa tion between these two elements can be performed by distillation in hydrogen chloride current under controlled conditions. 1 M. Perey, Comptes Rendus 208, 97 (1939). , C. Perrier and E. Segr~, J. Chem. Phys. 5, 712 (1937); Nature 143. 460 (1939). • M. L. Pool and L. L. Quill. Phys. Rev. 53, 437 (1938) . • D. R. Corson, K. R. MacKenzie, and E. Segre, Phys. Rev. 57, 459 (1940). Chemistry III General Chemical Problems Involving Tracers Chairman: DR. J. B. CONANT, Harvard University 57. Synthesis in Vitro of Radioactive Organic Sub stances. A. K. SOLOMON, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Earliest applications of artificial radioactive tracers to biology made use of the radioactivated atoms in their elementary state, or in the form of some inorganic com pound easily derived from that state. Shortly, the necessity of synthesizing more complex organic molecules from the simple radioactive atom became apparent. As is well known, these complex molecules can not be made radio active by the process of simple bombardment; the recoil of the radioactivated atom usually suffices to break the bond which holds it to the desired molecule. Synthesis of radioactive organic molecules has as its aim, in common with normal syntheses, the highest possible yield; that is the highest concentration of radio activity in the synthesized product. The first step towards this goal is the complete separation of the activity from the bombarded target. If the new artificial radioactive element is different than the bombarded element, the problem can usually be solved by ordinary analytical methods. If on the other hand, the new element is isotopic with the bombarded element, these means fail. However, the method of Szilard and Chalmersl which takes ad vantage of the fact that radioactivation means release of the struck atom in a highly reactive state, has been employed with great success. After concentration which is sometimes combined with one of the succeeding steps, comes the problem of the synthesis itself. For this purpose, radioactivities can be divided into two general classes; those like phosphorus whose long half-life (14.3 days) permits the use of ordinary laboratory methods practicaIly unchanged, and those like carbon whose rapid disappearance (half-life = 20.6 minutes) requires the development of new syntheses in which speed is the most important factor. For example, any step which increases the over-all time of the operation by 20 minutes must justify itself by a twofold increase in yield. To meet these conditions a synthesis' has been developed to produce purified lactic acid from raw carbon in one hour and three-quarters. Other syntheses and general methods are discussed. 1 Szilard and Chalmers. Nature 134, 462 (1934). • Cramer and Kistiakowsky, unpublished manuscript. 310 58. Synthesis in Vivo of OlganiC Molecules Containing Radioactive ·Carbon. M. D. KAMEN AND S. RUBEN, Radiation Laboratory and Department of Chemistry, Uni versity of California, Berkeley, California. Under the conditions of bombardment, radioactive carbon is obtained as CO (ultimately CO2). Since it is undesirable to dilute the C* excessively with inactive carrier, the quantity of labeled carbon usually amounts to 2 cc or less (S.C.T.P.). If, in addition, the short-lived carbon is used, the investigator is faced with the problem of synthesizing quickly, and in good yields, various organic molecules from avery smaIl quantity of CO2. Micro syntheses of vital organic material from CO, in vitro is at a definite disadvantage when compared with in vivo methods involving the use of micro-organisms which can be chosen and manipulated to produce quickly and in high yield from CO2 almost any organic molecule needed as a starting material in metabolic tracer studies. Of course, in vivo synthesis also makes possible production of labeled vital principles of unknown composition (i.e., photosynthetic intermediates), a desirable result un- attainable by in vitro techniques. . To iIIustrate more definitely the power of the in vivo approach, attention may be drawn to some recent studies on the production of acetic acid, propionic acid, succinic acid, methane, etc., from CO2.l-a In experiments with methane bacteria, 40 minutes of exposure to about 2 cc of C*02 resulted in the production of a large fraction of administered C*02 as active methane. P. pentosaceum reduced 80 percent of a similar quantity of C*O, in the presence of glycerol to propionic and succinic acids in 30 minutes. Clostridium acidiurici in fermenting uric acid reduced appreciable quantities of C*02 in 15 minutes to active acetic acid. Using hypoxanthine as substrate, 80 minutes sufficed to convert nearly all the C*O, to acetic acid. It was found that both methyl and carboxyl groups were labeled. Photosynthetic organisms can be used for the production of carbohydrates from CO2. Although hexoses or reducing sugars cannot be synthesized from green algae,4 it is possible to transform about 20 percent of a given quantity of CO, to sugar if barley is used.6 The method is seen to be capable of practically unlimited extension to the synthesis of a vast number and variety JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59of important organic compounds when it is remembered how many micro-organisms with diversified metabolic synthetic processes are available. Further studies on the above-mentioned and other systems will be presented. 1 Carson and Ruben. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 26,422 (1940). 2 Barker, Ruben and Kamen, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 26, 426 (1940). 3 Barker, Ruben and Beck, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., August (1940). • Ruben Kamen, Hassid and DeVault, Science 90. 570 (1939). 'Ruben: Hassid and Kamen, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 61, 661 (1939). 59. The Synthesis of Organic Compounds Containing Stable Isotopes as Tracers. R. SCHOENHEIMER, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York. This review will be limited to a discussion of such methods as have proved useful in the preparation of substances applicable to biological work. A. Deuterium Only compounds with deuterium bound to carbon (methyl, methylene, and methane groups) can be employed for tracer studies. With some exceptions (hydrogen in compounds of low molecular weight, or hydrogen involved in tautomeric equilibrium reactions as in enolisation), such carbon bound hydrogen is "stable." In exceptional cases, namely when the rate of enolisation is very slow. even compounds with deuterium neighboring carbonyl groups may be employed for biological tracer work. The more commonly employed procedures are: a. Catalytic hydrogenation with D2 of unsaturated com pounds in nonpolar solvents or heavy water.-As the rate of the platinum catalyzed exchange reaction between H2 and H20 is considerably slower than that of the hydrogenation of some organic compounds, the hydrogenation with D2 may be carried out in H20 as a medium. The resulting compound will have a deuterium content below theoretical. A number of isotopic fatty acids, amino acids, and steroids have been prepared by hydrogenation. b. Replacement of halogen atoms by deuterium.-Various deutero methanes have been prepared from the corre sponding halogen derivatives. c. Catalytic labilization of carbon bound hydrogen at elevated temperature with D~O. or active platinum in heavy water.-According to Ingold the treatment with concentrated D2SO. of a number of aromatic and hydro aromatic hydrocarbons results in hydrogen exchange. The method has been employed for the preparation of biological fatty acids and amino acids with "stable" deuterium. Aliphatic fatty acids and aliphatic amino acids thereby acquire deuterium only at the alpha-carbon atom. Aro matic amino acids (phenylalanine) also exchange the hydrogen of the ring. Polanyi and Farkas have shown that active platinum or paladium at elevated temperatures may labilize hydrogen of some hydrocarbons. This reaction has now been employed for the preparation of isotopic fatty acids. In the presence of alkali and platinum, aliphatic fatty acids exchange carbon bound hydrogen with that of D20. The presence of hydroxyl and amino groups in the compound interferes with the exchange, i.e., the procedure does not seem applicable to alcohols or amino acids. VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 d. Various methods applicable for the preparation of specific compounds.-(I) decarboxylation in D20; (2) hydration of unsaturated compounds, etc.; (3) deutero methylalcohol, prepared from CO according to Zanetti has been employed by du Vigneaud and collaborators as starting material for methylated compounds (methionine, choline). e. Biological synthesis.-Animals when given heavy water to drink or plants grown in heavy water synthesise compounds with stably bound deuterium. A large number of such substances have been isolated. The method, while theoretically unlimited is restricted in practice by the cost of heavy water. More economical is the biological conver sion of one deutero compound into another. B. Isotopic. nitrogen Most substances reported were prepared for biological tracer work. They were synthesised with isotopic ammonia as starting material. In view of the value of the isotope the known procedures of amino acid synthesis had to be modified so as to furnish good yields when calculated on the basis of ammonia rather than the carbon chain. The recovery of nitrogen should be quantitative. Three methods of amino acid synthesis have been employed so far: (a) The phthalimide procedure of Gabriel; (b) the catalytic hydrogenation of keto acids in the presence of ammonia; and (c) the reaction of coumaric acid-hydroxy nicotinic acid-pyridone-piperidone as starting material for ornithine and proline. Isotopic guanido compounds (arginine, creatine) were obtained with isotopic cyanamide, prepared from cyanogen bromide. Isotopic urea may be prepared by the copper catalysed reaction of diphenylicarbonate with ammonia. Biological synthesis of a large number of compounds has occurred in all experiments when isotopic ammonia or amino acids were given to animals. The isotope content of the newly formed substances is low. For tracer work it is frequently necessary to employ amino acids with 2 independant isotope markers in one preparation, i.e., deuterium as a tracer for the carbon chain and N16 for the amino group. Several such amino acids have been prepared. 60. Production and Properties of Long-Lived Carbon. S. RUBEN AND M. D. KAMEN, Department of Chemistry and Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California. The recently~2 discovered long-lived radioactive isotope of carbon has been identified as C!4. It has been found that the radiations emitted are low energy negative electrons with an upper energy limit of 145 ± 15 kv. No gamma-rays ( < 1 percent) could be detected. Two methods of produc tion have been investigated. The first involves the bom bardment of carbon by deuterons with high energy deuterons accelerated in the Berkeley cyclotron. The reaction is .Cl3+1H~6C'4+1Hl. The yield at 3 to 4 Mev (saturation energy for thin target activation) is about 3 X 10-6 microcurie per microampere 311 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59hour. Using Pollard's estimate for the cross section of this reaction and fitting an Oppenheimer-Phillips curve to the yield data for the C12(d, p)C13 reaction at lower energies (0.5 to 2 Mev), it has been possible to calculate a value for the half-life of approximately 1000 years. This can be taken as a lower limit. A sample of the active carbon has shown no appreciable decay «1 percent) in eight months, placing the half-life value at certainly no Jess'than 25 years. Since the transition from C14 to N!4 by beta-emission appears forbidden from these observations, it is necessary to assume that the ground state of CI4 possesses several units of angular momentum. This conclusion is not what might have been expected from the analogous case of He6 decaying to Li6• The fact that nucleus He6 exists in an S state would lead on the most straightforward arguments based on present picture of n-p forces to the supposition of a ground state of little or no angular momentum for C14. The second method of production is based on the disintegration of nitrogen by neutrons, viz.: 1NI4+nol ..... 6CI4+IHI. This reaction is exothermic8 by about 500 kv and so can take place with slow as well as fast neutrons. This process in all probability has a high cross section for slow neutrons. A saturated solution of ammonium nitrate in ten gallons of water when exposed for about six months to neutrons from the 60-inch medical cyclotron at Berkeley yielded a sample of the long-lived carbon, giving about 10· counts/min. as measured in a screen-wall counter. The total inactive carbon in which this activity was distributed could be kept lower than one mg. However, ammonium nitrate is not the best material to use from the standpoint of nitrogen and hydrogen content, and moreover there exists the explosion hazard. By using substances such as urea, guanidine, cyanamide, etc., and making full use of the available space around the cyclotron, it should be possible to increase the present yields 100·fold. Such samples, when obtained, will allow dilutions of 100,000·fold without falling below the limit of detectability. The many advantages of neutron activation (i.e., low carrier content, convenience, economy, etc.) indicate it to be the most advantageous method for the production of tracer carbon. It has been found that nearly all the active carbon can be recovered from the nitrate solution as volatile material (C02, CO, and possibly CH4). Thus, the extraction of the active carbon from large quantities of nitrogenous material can be easily accomplished by pumping off the vapors and subsequent oxidization to CO2• The nature of the recoil carbon activity in a variety of nitrogen compounds other than nitrate is now being studied to determine the optimum conditions for production of C!4 by neutron bombardment. It is certain that the shielding of neutron sources can profitably be turned to account by use of nitrogenous compounds which can also produce C14 as a by.product of the operation of the apparatus. This is a consideration of some importance in view of the rapidly increasing number of such machines. cn will be applicable as a tracer in biological studies as is the heavy isotope 03 but will be especially useful in 312 researches where high dilution factors are encountered and where it is inexpedient or impossible to use the C13. The technique for detecting the radiations with special reference to elimination of errors due to self-absorption is being developed and a description of the apparatus now in use will be given. ! Ruben and Kamen, Phys. Rev. 57, 549 (1940). • Kamen and Ruben. Phys. Rev. 58. 194 (1940). 'T. W. Bonner and G. Brubaker. Phys. Rev. 49, 778 (1936). 61. Chemical Effects of Nuclear Transitions. R. S. HALFORD, W. F. LIBBY AND DON DEVAULT, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California. The results of many workers taken together show that neutron capture and conversion electron emission both induce dissociation of the molecules in which the radioactive atom is bound. The processes appear to be nearly 100 percent efficient in this respect under all conditions, al though reformation reactions usually occur, causing an apparent decrease in the efficiency of ejection. Dilution of a substance undergoing such a process with another which cannot react with the hot ejected fragments results in increase in the fraction ejected to 100 percent in the limit. For example, slow neutron irradiation of CBr, in the following various forms gave decreasing percentages of the total induced radioactivity which could not be removed by aqueous extraction: solid CBr4, 60 percent; 1.2 mole percent solution of CBr, in C2H.OH, 28 percent; 0.74 mole percent, 13 percent, 0.45 mole percent, 2; 0.06 mole percent,O. The problem therefore assumes three phases. One is the existence of thermal interchange between the original substance and the ejected fragments. A second is the nature of the rupture that occurs, e.g. whether ions or free radicals are ejected and the constitution of these fragments. The third is the reactions of these energetic fragments marked with radioactivity with the molecular environment. A rather extensive literature exists on thermal interchanges at present. Results are to be presented indicating a rule that in these violent ruptures the electrons in the bonds broken are distributed among the fragments about as they are thought to be distributed in the bond. For example, Cl08-is probably reduced as a result of the ejections following neutron absorption by the Cl, while MnO. -quite definitely retains the +7 oxidation number for manganese when it is exposed to slow neutrons. The reformation reactions appear to obey reasonable rules in view of the high energies of the reacting particles. For example, in the case of the alkyl halides, activity is found in more highly halogenated fractions but the main portion of that which returns to the organic molecules is found to be identical with the original substance, pre sumably because of the higher probability of energy loss by collision of the excited radioactive halogen atom with another halogen atom of the same mass bound in the molecule. This results in a replacement of the nonradioactive atom by the radioactive one. This process will in general form the new RX* molecule in a somewhat excited state which may allow certain reactions to occur with other JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59substances which might not occur with the normal unex cited molecules. These reactions may result in the liberation of the radioactive atom, so the effect is a net increase in the extractable halogen radioactivity. Lu and Sugden have shown that aniline accomplishes this effect for organic halides. The generality of the principle is obvious and the applications may prove to be of considerable practical importance in the future. They should result in higher yields of concentrated radioactive materials from neutron irradiations. Transitions of one nuclear isomer into another, usually by the emission of an internally converted K-or L-electron, result in efficient ejections also. The mechanism apparently involves partial utilization of the excitation energy of the electronic shells resulting from K-or L-electron emission and leaves the ejected ions in very reactive states. These transitions may be of use in reaction kinetics because they probably are capable of furnishing atoms at a known rate, each marked radioactively. For example, a solution of Br*03-with the bromine activity of 4.5 hr. life will. have Br*-of 18-min. half-life furnished to it at a constant rate and any reaction occurring in this system involving Be should give a product containing 18 min. Br* providing Br-and the product do not interchange rapidly thermally. Biology I The Study of Animal Metabolism with Radioactive Tracers Chairman: DR. J. H. MEANS, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University 26. Radioactive Iodine as an Indicator in Thyroid Physiology: Observations on Rabbits and on Goiter Patients. SAUL HERTZ, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. This report summarizes a series of cooperative experi ments started in the fall of 1937, on the metabolism of iodine in relation to thyroid function. The only radioactive isotope of iodine then available was 1128, with a half-period of 26 minutes. The earliest experimentsl demonstrated that the collection of iodine by the thyroid was extremely rapid, the amount present in the gland within 10 minutes after intravenous injection not being exceeded within 90 minutes. Hyperplastic glands collected more iodine than did normal glands, the injections being equal. A systematic study was then undertaken of the relations among the dosage of administered labeled iodine, the time of collection, previous iodine administration, and the functional state of the thyroid as indicated by its size. The results2 indicated that the thyroid took up a larger proportion of a small dose of iodine than it did of a large dose. Curves showing these relations were established for normal animals, animals treated with anterior pituitary thyrotropic hormone, animals on an exclusive cabbage diet, and animals injected with methyl cyanide. Previous iodine administration caused a marked decrease in the collection of subsequent doses. When strong samples of the newly discovered long lived isotopes of iodine became available, further lines of investigation were undertaken. These were the extension of experiments on thyroid iodine collection to patients with Graves' disease, the chemical investigation of the partition of iodine among various iodine fractions in the thyroid, and the introduction of a new technique, multiple labeling,2 for the study of different doses of iodine at the same time. The multiple labeling technique showed that the collection from a second dose of iodine is almost invariably less than VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 that from the first dose. This led to the suspicion that the routine pre-operative massive iodinization in Graves' disease might be unnecessary. It has now been shown that the response to a single dose is clinically indistinguishable from the response to protracted iodinization. At the same time, a more complete correlation of iodine collection with the known measures of thyroid function, viz. basal meta bolic rate, thyroid size, histologic appearance, and with the time and method of preparation of the subject was carried out using rabbits. The experiments upon patients with Graves' disease were at first concerned with measuring the amount of iodine in the thyroid (as obtained at operation) which remained from a single initial labeled dose of varying size, administered at various times during the course of iodinization and at varying intervals before operation. In addition, the chemical fate of the iodine was investigated and the urinary excretion followed. As in rabbits, maximum collection was found within a short time after administra tion, and collection was relatively largest from small doses of iodine. Chemical analysis in the main confirmed previous findings. In a recent series of experiments, an externally placed counter was used to measure the relative activity of labeled iodine in the thyroid as a function of time. By means of a single absolute determination after surgery, it was possible to calculate the absolute content at any pre vious time. The initial thyroid collection in previously un treated Graves' disease patients approximates 100 percent for small doses (0.2-5.0 mg), while the initial collection of previously iodinized patients, normal controls, and the collection of all patients from larger doses is considerably smaller. These results are not inconsistent with the smaller collections obtained by Hamilton and Soley3 from larger doses. This initially collected iodine rapidly leaves the thyroid in the untreated patients given small doses, less than a third remaining after a week, with a slower decline 313 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59thereafter. A series of experiments on the behavior of thyroids isolated and surviving in a perfusion apparatus has been instituted, and it has been shown that the behavior of the thyroid in collecting iodine from the perfusion fluid is directly comparable to the results in vivo. 1 Hertz, Roberts and Evans, Proc. Soc. Exp. BioI. Med. 38, 510 (1938). 'Hertz, Roberts, Means and Evans, Am. J. Physiol. 128,568 (1940) 3 Hamilton and Soley, Am. J, Physiol. 127, 557 (1939), 27. Distribution of Radio-Iodine in Normal Rabbits. H. C. HODGE, W. MANN AND 1. ARIEL, University of Rochester, School of Medicine, Rochester, New York. Following intravenous injection of radioactive iodine, there is an immediate distribution to the various tissues from the blood with considerable fluctuation in the relative amounts found at the various periods observed. The thyroid takes up a relatively large percentage of the injected dose. The radio-iodine appears promptly in the urine. Up to 30 percent of the dose may be excreted in nine hours, The lung and kidney tissue contain relatively high percentages of the radio-iodine dose; liver, spleen, heart, bile, and submaxillary gland contain intermediate amounts; and muscle, skin, diaphragm, and testicle have low per centages. 28. Studies in Physiology of Normal and Diseased Thyroids of Human Beings by the Use of Radioactive Iodine. JOSEPH G. HAMILTON AN:D MAYOH. SOLEY, William H. Crocker Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California and the University of California Medical School, San Francisco, California. A radioactive isotope of iodine (PSI) has been used as tracer to study various phases of iodine metabolism in normal subjects and in patients with thyroid diseases, The rapid absorption and excretion of iodine has been con firmed, Toxic goiters in 16 patients who had received pre viously large amounts of ordinary iodine were able to take up considerable quantities of radio-iodine, but less than the nontoxic goiters in 8 patients who had not received iodine prior to these experiments. Radio-iodine was given to 2 patients with carcinoma of the thyroid and it was observed that the cancerous tissue did not have the ability to accu mulate more than small traces of this element. The iodine metabolism of the thyroid glands of normal subjects and of patients with several types of thyroid disorders (who had received no iodine previously) was studied in the intact individuals fonowing the oral adminis tration of radio-iodine. A Geiger-Muller counter was placed over the thyroid gland and the amount of accumulated radio-iodine was determined by the measurement of the gamma-rays emitted from the gland. This procedure re vealed that the thyroids of 5 normal subjects, of 2 patients with nontoxic goiters, of 10 patients with toxic goiters, and of 4 patients with hypothyroidism but no goiters, concen trated and released iodine in a characteristic manner for each condition described. The thyroids of the normal individuals stored the radio-iodine slowly, the maximum uptake of from 1 to 5.5 percent (average of 4.5 percent) was 314 observed at the end of 48 hours, but these thyroids retained over 80 percent of their accumulated radio-iodine at the end of 30 days. A similar pattern was observed in the thyroids of the patients with nontoxic goiters, but these glands took up more than twice the amounts stored in the thyroids of the normal subjects. The thyroids of the patients with toxic goiters took up the radio-iodine very rapidly so that the maximum uptake of from 7 to 30 percent (average of 14 percent) occurred at from 1 to 4 hours after administration. At the end of 24 hours the content of radio-iodine in these glands diminished to the extent of one-half to one-fifth of the maximum uptake. Thereafter the loss of radio-iodine from the glands was much less, but was greater than was observed in the normal subjects and the patients with nontoxic goiters. The thyroids of the patients with hypothyroidism had a limited capacity to accumulate the administered radio-iodine; the uptake in these patients at the end of 48 hours ranged from 0.02 to 0.08 percent (average of 0.05 percent), Radio-iodine has been employed to investigate the rela tionship between the deposition of radio-iodine in thyroid tissue and its histological structure. Two days following the administration of the radio-iodine the thyroids were removed and thin sections prepared from the glands. These sections were placed against photographic films and after a suitable period of exposure the films were removed and developed, and the sections were stained. The areas of darkening on the films, which were produced by the action of the radio-iodine beta-particles, indicated the regions of the sections in which the largest accumulations of radio iodine had taken place. The sections and their correspond ing radio-autographs were compared under a microscope in order to correlate the deposition of the radio-iodine with the microscopic anatomy of the thyroid tissue. Thyroids from patients with toxic goiters, nontoxic goiters and car cinomas of the thyroid were studied by this technique. The results of these studies indicated that the radio-iodine was stored predominantly in those areas of the thyroid in which the greatest degree of functional activity appeared to be. The cancerous thyroid tissue had no demonstrable ability to accumulate the administered radio-iodine. A comparison of the uptake of radio-iodine and element 85 (eka-iodine) by normal and hyperplastic thyroids of guinea pigs revealed that this newly discovered halogen is taken up by these glands in a manner similar to iodine. The rates of excretion of these two halogens were observed to be almost identical. A single experiment with element 85 administered to a patient with a nontoxic goiter revealed that approximately 10 percent was accumulated in the gland at the end of 24 hours and the uptake curve was similar to that of radio-iodine. 29. The Use of Radioactive Iron in the Study of Prob lems of Iron Metabolism and Experimental Anemia. P. F, HAHN AND G. H, WHIPPLE, University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York. There are many opportunities for the employment of the artificially radioactive isotope of iron and studies have been JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59carried out in the following fields: (1) The factors involved in the regulation of absorption of iron with especial atten tion to the mechanism regulating the acceptance or refusal of iron when administered orally; (2) the amount of iron excretion and the pathway of this process; (3) the factors governing the rate of uptake of iron by the immature red blood cell and the state of maturation at which the iron is incorporated in the cell; (4) the means of transport of iron in the body and the form in which the element occurs in combination during transport; (5) the proof of the existence of iron in the form of hemoglobin in the red blood cell within a few hours following the administration of the radioactive isotope by mouth; (6) the lack of exchange of iron in the plasma with iron of the hemoglobin molecule as a purely physico-chemical exchange reaction; (7) the distribution of iron in the various tissues following its oral and parenteral administration; (8) the origin of iron in the bile and the factors regulating the amount of secretion by this route; (9) the rate of turnover of irOn in the metabolism of muscle hemoglobin iron; (10) the use of radioactive iron as a means of tagging hemoglobin and red blood cells in the study of the volume of red blood cells in circulation and the total volume of red cells in the vascular system. Other possibilities are presented such as the study of the respiratory enzymes containing iron (e.g. cytochrome) but the studies of these substances would be better deferred until higher potencies of the isotope are available. The various fields of clinical research in the anemias and nu· merous diseases involving dyscrasias of iron metabolism have been approached but further information awaits the use of the isotope among a wider variety of controlled experiments which in turn depend on the availability of large amounts of the radioactive material. It has been demonstrated that the anemic animal de ficient in iron stores will absorb considerably larger amounts of iron than the normal animal. The mechanism of this unusual physiological reaction has been studied from a number of angles. Among the most enlightening experi ments was one in which a normal animal was shown to have absorbed only 1.3 percent of the dose of 130 mg of iron containing the radioactive isotope. When this animal was rendered acutely anemic by the removal of about two· thirds of its total circulating blood during the course of a few hours, and twenty-four hours later given the same dose of radioactive iron, the amount of absorption was about the same as before, within experimental limits. After being allowed to return to a near normal range of circulating hemoglobin at the expense of the body stores of iron, and again fed radioactive iron at about the same dosage level, the amount of absorption was 10 percent instead of less than 2 percent. This would suggest that the level of anemia per se did not influence the amount of the metal absorbed but that rather the amount of tissue iron, probably one of the iron fractions of the mucosa, was the determining factor. The question as to the site of iron absorption is of con siderable interest. It has been possible to show by means of an anemic dog with a complete gastric fistula that con· VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 siderable absorption of the iron containing the radioactive isotope takes place i the stomach, in fact, as much was absorbed from such a pouch during a two·hour instillation period as one might expect from the oral administration of the same amount of iron to a standard depleted anemic dog. Experiments are in progress to determine whether the amount of absorption in such an intact pouch may be altered by the maintenance of a high level of tissue iron. It is also being investigated whether a dog with a low level of tissue iron but a normal blood picture in every respect (normal saturation of hemoglobin in red cells and normal plasma iron) will absorb iron as well as a depleted anemic animal. It is felt that a number of fundamental processes under lying the metabolism of iron may be much better under stood by the continued use of the radioactive isotope in these and similar studies. 30. Studies with Radioactive Copper. * M. O. SCHULTZE AND S. J. SIMMONS, Departments of Chemistry and Physics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Physiological studies with radioactive copper require material with a very high radioactivity and a low content of total copper because (1) radioactive copper has a short half-life (12.8hours), (2) very small amountsof copper elicit a physiological response, and (3) copper is toxic in large doses. With radioactive copper prepared by bombardment of nickel with protons these requirements can be met. Some of the samples at our disposal yielded an activity of 2 million counts per minute per mg of total copper 48 hours after bombardment, as measured in the form of a copper sulfate solution by a dipping counter. Radioactive copper was fed to anemic copper deficient and iron deficient rats. After 24 or 48 hours the distribution of the cOPP\tr in various tissues and organs was studied. From 100-200 micrograms of total copper fed only 3-7 pcercent were retained in the tissues (exc,luding the gastro intestinal tract). The tissues of anemic copper deficient rats retained more copper than those of anemic iron defi cient rats. The kidneys and the liver had the highest con centrations of retained copper. A small fraction of the copper was found in the bone marrow of the copper deficient rats. This is of special interest in relation to blood formation because marked changes in enzyme activity associated with hematopoietic activity of the bone marrow have been demonstrated as early as 24 hours after copper therapy of deficient rats. Copper can be extracted quantitatively from aqueous solutions by converting it into the copper complex of diphenylthiocarbazone (dithizone) which is soluble in car bontetrachloride. This reaction was used for the isolation of the copper from solutions of the bombarded nickel and of ashed animal tissues prior to counting the activity in a Geiger-Muller counter. It also permitted concentration of the radioactivity in small volumes, aliquots of which were used for counting. * The cooperation of the Department of Physics. University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, is gratefully acknowledged. 315 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59Biology II The Study oj Animal Metabolism with Radioactive Tracers Chairman: DR. J. C. AUB, Collis P. Huntington Memorial Hospital, Harvard University 40. The Permeability of Cells to Cations. WALDO E. COHN, Collis P. Huntington Memorial Hospital of Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts. The radioactive isotopes of sodium and potassium afford a direct method for measuring the permeability of cells to these ions. After intravenous injection of Na24 or K4Z, in the form of the chloride, the radioactive isotope disappears rapidly from the plasma, reaching a relatively constant low level in an hour or two. This then falls but slowly. From a study of such curves, coupled with direct analyses of certain tissues, information can be obtained as to the relative permeability of the tissues of various animals to these cations. From such a study in normal dogs, it appears that in jected Na24 distributes itself uniformly throughout extra cellular water within 100 minutes. No appreciable amount enters the intracellular phase, with the exception of the erythrocytes. These undergo a slow exchange of sodium ions with the plasma, requiring about a half-day for 50 percent completion of the process. The rate of this exchange seems to be proportional to the difference between the plasma and erythrocyte Na24 concentrations. After the intravenous injection of K4ZCI into dogs, the plasma radioactivity falls more rapidly than is the case with Naz" and reaches a lower plateau concentration in 60 to 100 minutes. From the value of this concentration it can be calculated that only 4 percent to 4! percent of the injected K4Z is then present in the extracellular phase. The remainder (less that excreted) must be present in the intra cellular phase at a concentration 10 to 12 times that in the plasma. This represents about a 40 percent exchange of intracellular K within this time. After this rapid exchange, there seems to be a secondary slow exchange requiring two or three days to approach completion. The erythrocyte K is apparently exchanged in a similar manner. Intraperitoneal or oral administration of these isotopes to rats leads to conclusions that are qualitatively the same but quantitatively different. The distribution of NaZ4 throughout the various tissues conforms to that expected from the amount of extracellular water in each. There is no storage of orally-administered Na24 by the liver, as is the case with K4Z. The rate of entry of K42 into muscle cells and erythrocytes is apparently much lower than that observed in dogs, and the initial rapid entry of K4Z seems to be lacking. At the end of four hours, the exchange of muscle K seems to be only 4 percent completed. These relatively slow exchanges are comparable to those observed in rabbits by other investigators. Experiments on human subjects lead to the tentative conclusion that tissue cell and erythrocyte exchange of K is here also a relatively slow process. Small exchanges within the first few minutes are noted, and within two 316 hours the intracellular K42 concentration is 3 to 5 times that in the extracellular phase, representing a 10 to 20 percent exchange of K. As time goes on, this seems to rise slowly. The erythrocytes at first behave as though the K42 is evenly distributed throughout all the water of the blood. Although human red blood cells contain much more K than those of the dog, these results are quite similar to those obtained on the latter. These results, in conjunction with those of other in vestigators, make it apparent that the peculiar distribution of cations between intra-and extracellular fluids cannot be ascribed to the classical semipermeable membrane. What ever mechanism is postulated must permit an exchange of cations between intra-and extracellular fluids. 41. The Distribution of Radioactive Potassium, Sodium and Chlorine in Rats and Rabbits. WALLACE O. FENN, University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York. The animals were killed at various times after injection and the tissues were sampled. The samples were dissolved in concentrated nitric acid. After measuring the radio activity the same solutions were analyzed chemically for the element concerned. The potassium experiments were performed by Dr. T. R. Noonan and the author with the collaboration of Miss L. Haege. From the results calculations were made of the tissue of plasma "activity" (percent of injected counts per gram) and of tissue or plasma "potassium activity" (per cent of injected counts per millimol of potassium). The potassium activity in the plasma rises rapidly to a maximum and then falls asymptotically to a low level indicating complete mixing. The tissues may be classified according to their behavior into two groups. The first group, consisting of liver, gastro intestinal tract, kidney and heart, shows a rise and subse quent fall of potassium activity similar to that of plasma but with the peak delayed to varying degrees. A result similar to this would be expected as a result of rapid ex change of radioactive potassium for normal potassium. The second group consists of skin, muscle, testes, brain and red cells. In this group the rate of exchange is so slow that the potassium merely rises slowly to a maximum value equal to the final low level reached in the plasma at the time of complete mixing (4 to 10 hours). The results could also be explained by a mass movement (without exchange) of highly active potassium if that movement were greater into the tissues of the first group than into those of the second group. There is evidence of a difference of this sort between liver and muscle. It is impossible from the present data to distinguish between mass movement and exchange as factors in this experiment, but both are certainly involved. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59Stimulated muscles of rats take up radioactive potassium more rapidly than resting muscles, but this is probably due to an increased circulation because the same acceleration is found on merely denervating a muscle and because isolated frog muscles stimulated in Ringer's solution do not show this effect. Rat red blood cells in vivo exchange 55 percent of their K in 10 hours and 79 percent in 18 hours. Human cells in vitro exchange 12-14 percent in 10 hours. Without evaluating the thickness and the surface area of the mem branes a pseudo-diffusion coefficient can be calculated. Values in min.-' of 0.2 to 0.25 X 10-3 for human, 0.32 to 0.66 X 10-3 for rabbits and 1 X 10-3 for rats were calculated.' Using rats and rabbits injected with radioactive Na or CI, Dr. Jeanne Mahery with the cooperation of Dr. Bale has compared the tissue to plasma ratio of Na and CI determined by chemical analysis with the same ratios for Na2' or cras determined by the radioactivity. The time necessary for the Na2' or Cl3s ratio to reach the correspond ing ratio for the normal isotopes is taken as a measure of the rate of penetration. In most tissues penetration of Na24 was complete in 1 hour and nearly complete in 8-15 min., but was delayed in brain, testes and femur. Likewise radio active chloride completely exchanged with normal Cl within 8-10 min. in most tissues of both rats and rabbits. In testes both Na2' and Cps penetrate quickly only about 20 percent of the tissue (presumably extracellular space) while the usual Na space is 30 percent and the usual chloride space is 45-50 percent. 1 See Dean. Noonan. Haege and Fenn. J. Gen. Physiol.. in press. 42. The Use of Radio-Sodium and Radio-Potassium in the Study of Adrenal Physiology. EVELYN ANDERSON, MICHAEL JOSEPH AND HERBERT M. EVANS, Institute of Experimental Biology and the Division of Medicine, Uni versityof California, Berkeley and San Francisco, California. The role of sodium and potassium in the physiological mechanisms of the adrenal cortex is still obscure, as is also our understanding of the essential function of this endocrine gland. Two very important facts on the relation of sodium and potassium metaholism to adrenal cortical physiology have been well established in the last few years, namely: (1) that the removal of the adrenal gland causes a lowering of the sodium and an increase of the potassium levels in the blood serum, which is associated with a wastage of sodium in the urine and a retention of potassium by the kidney; and (2) that the administration of sodium chloride to adrenalectomized animals considerably delays the onset of adrenal insufficiency. The first of these observations has been extended recently by Harrison and Darrow who have shown that the selective reabsorption of sodium and po tassium by the kidney tubule is seriously impaired in the adrenalectomized animal. The use of radio-sodium and radio-potassium has greatly facilitated the investigation of the relation of these two electrolytes to the function of the adrenal cortex. We have been able to confirm observations (1) and (2) as stated above and also to extend these findings. A summary of our studies shows the following: VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 1. Adrenalectomized rats fed a standard diet and given tap water to drink show an increased rate of excretion of administered radio-sodium and a diminished rate of excre tion of radio-potassium. The rate of excretion of these "tagged" electrolytes can be correlated with the excretion of body sodium and potassium. The giving of a 1 percent sodium chloride solution to adrenalectomized rats instead of tap water to drink corrects the wastage of sodium and the retention of potassium so that these animals excrete the electrolytes in the same proportion as normal animals. 2. Removal of the posterior lobe of the pituitary in adrenalectomized rats also prevents the wastage of sodium. 3. Rats which have been reared on a low sodium diet excrete radio-sodium more rapidly than normal rats and retain radio-potassium in greater amounts than normal. In this respect they resemble untreated adrenalectomized rats. Rats reared on a low potassium diet excrete radio sodium at a normal rate, but retain radio-potassium. 4. In the first 24-hour period after operation, adrenalec tomized rats show a significant increase in the rate of excretion of an administered dose of radio-sodium and a retention of radio-potassium. This early change in electro lyte excretion is accompanied by changes in carbohydrate metabolism. 5. Rats will survive and continue to grow for several months after adrenalectomy without hormone therapy provided an "optimum" amount of sodium chloride is given. The animals so treated at first excrete the adminis tered radio-sodium at the same rate as normal animals, but later they show sodium retention which is in marked contrast to the sodium wastage of untreated adrenalecto mized rats. The excretion rate of radio-potassium is the same in these animals as in the normals. 6. The administration of adrenal cortical hormone to normal rats causes a retention of radio-sodium and an increased excretion of radio-potassium. A given dose of adrenal cortical hormone causes an increased excretion of radio-potassium to a more pronounced degree in the partially depancreatized rat than in the normal animal. 43. The Intake of Radioactive Sodium and Potassium Chloride and the Testing of Enteric Coatings. K. LARK HOROVITZ, Department of Physics, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. The intake of radioactive NaCl and KCI has been measured' using the activity measured in the hand as an indicator. The salts have been administered orally in aqueous solution or in a soluble capsule to study the intake from the stomach and by using capsules with enteric coatings for absorption through the intestines. For com parison the salts have also been injected and the intake from aqueous solutions applied to the skin and mucous membranes has been studied. The absorption in the stomach detected after two minutes in the hand shows a steady rise, reaching a constant level in a few hours which is kept for over thirty hours as already observed by others. Using two counters simultaneously, one to measure the activity in the hand as indicator for the appearance of the salts in the body and one to follow the capsule containing 317 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59the salt on its way through the digestive organs, we can decide whether the capsule dissolves in the stomach, de velops a leak, letting the salt slowly escape, or whether it breaks in the small intestines. In this way it is possible to locate the capsule on its way through the intestines quite definitely, to test the efficacy of the enteric coating, and to observe the difference in behavior when the salt is taken up from either the stomach or the small intestines. If taken up from the intestines, the measurements in the hand indicate a strong initial absorption marked by a temporary rise of the sodium level in the blood stream which is equalized again by back diffusion. This temporary rise is similar to the one observed after injecting the salt, in which case the back diffusion is indicated by a strong activity of the gastric juice. For a quantitative evaluation of the measurements in the hand these have been compared with the activity of blood samples taken at different intervals either from the finger tips or from the vein. It has been found that the amount of sodium, potassium, and chlorine found in the blood increases with increasing dosage of the salt taken. While the rate of intake obtained from the measurements of the blood samples is similar to the one observed in the hand, the amount of salt found in the blood indicates a different mechanism of intake for Na and K. Assuming a total blood volume of 4 to 5 liters, the total amount o~labeled Na and CI found in the blood is much larger than one would expect if all the Na and CI in blood, tissues, bones, and muscles could be freely exchanged; the K content of the blood on the other hand is much smaller than to be expected. In agreement with those observations, the activity measured in the hand after the intake of K corresponds to a larger blood equivalent than in the case of Na and the absorption takes place much more slowly. Most of the K activity in the hand must be due to the uptake of labeled ions in the tissues, bones, and skin. To distinguish between the uptake in the serum and the blood corpuscles, the blood samples taken from the vein have been centrifuged and the activity of the separates determined. The ratio of labeled ions in serum and cells shows that while over 80 percent of the sodium content of the red cells can be exchanged, only 10 percent of the potassium can be replaced. These values have been reached both for the intake of salts from the stomach and from injections. With the activities used so far an uptake from aqueous solutions by the skin and mucous membrane directly has not been found.2 1 These experiments have been carried out during the last few months with H. Leng (now A.A.V.W. Research Fellow for 1940-41 at Pnrdue University). 2 Recent experiments by Johnson and Leng at Purdue University have shown that a definite intake of Na takes place through .the skin from ointments with a lanolin base. 44. Tracer Studies with Radioactive Isotopes of the Metabolism of Calcium and Manganese in the Animal Organism. DAVID M. GREENBERG, Division of Bio chemistry, University of California Medical School, Berkeley, California. Calcium.- The preparation of labeled calcium salts will be described. The essential procedure is to scrape off the 318 active portion of the calcium target, free it, from con taminating radioactive scandium and then by repeated precipitations as the oxalate and ignition obtain the calcium as the carbonate from which it is readily converted to any desired salt. Measurements of the very soft ,,-radiation of calcium have been carried out with the Libby screen wall counter tube. This gives very accurate results, but is time con suming. The subject of biological study has been the absorption, excretion, and distribution of orally administered calcium by the normal rat. Differences in the metabolic picture when the chloride, lactate, and gluconate of calcium are employed will be brought out. More than 90 percent of the retained calcium is stored in the bone and teeth. This distribution of the labeled calcium in the different struc tures of the bone and the teeth will be pointed out. Manganese.-Radioactive manganese Mn64 of fairly high specific activity was obtained from iron bombarded in the cyclotron by separating it from radioactive iron, cobalt, and other impurities. The radioactivity of the manganese in the biological material can be suitably measured with a metal wall counter tube. The results obtained show that radioactive manganese, MnM is suitable for "tracer" studies on the metabolism of manganese. On a normal diet, manganese is very poorly retained by the rat. Over 90 percent of a one mg dose was excreted when administered either by stomach tube or by intra peritoneal injection. There is a preferential excretion via the intestines, only a trace is excreted in the urine. Liver, bone, and muscle take up appreciable quantities of the absorbed manganese. The results of a comparison study of the manganese metabolism of normal chicks and chicks suffering from perosis will be described. 45. ~iological Investigations with Radioactive Calcium and Radioactive Strontium. Simultaneous Production of a Radio-Strontium for Therapeutic Bone Irradiation and a Radio-Yttrium Suitable for Metallic Radiography. CHARLES PECHER, William H. Crocker Radiation Labora tory, University of California, Berkeley, California. Radioactive Ca46 and Sr8., produced by the bombard ment of calcium and strontium with 16 million-volt deu terons of the Berkeley 60-inch cyclotron have been used as tracers for mineral metabolism studies. The low yield of Ca46 and the softness of its beta-rays compells the use of a screen-wall counter as detector. The yield of Sr8> is high, and its beta-radiation is easily measured with an electroscope. When a tracer dose of radio-calcium lactate is injected intravenously to mice, 45 to 70 percent (average: 58 percent in 30 mice) of the dose is recovered in the skeleton after 20 hours. When the dose is given orally, 13 to 30 percent is recovered in the bones. The activity of the soft tissues is negligible. 33 percent (average of 35 mice) of a tracer dose of radio-strontium lactate when administered intravenously JOURNAL OF APPLmD PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59and 11 percent (average of 25 mice) when administered orally is retained in the bones of adult mice 20 hours after administration. The excretion of the radio-strontium during the first day is larger than that for radio-calcium, but the distribution of the activity among the different tissues is almost the same for Ca* and Sr". Uptake of both radio calcium and radio-strontium is highest in the trabecular bone, lowest in the liver and fat. Table I compares the TABLE 1. Percent of dose per gram wet weight. SKIN AND BONE MUSCLE HAIR DIG. TRACT LIVER Ca" 22 0.33 0.20 0.36 0.12 Sr'" 12 0.17 0.15 0.23 0.07 p32 5.2 1.4 0.75 1.3 2.1 activities of some tissues 24 hours after intravenous ad ministration of three radioactive agents. Tracer doses of radio-calcium and radio-strontium, ad ministered intravenously to mice, are excreted both in the urine and feces-generally more in the feces. Uptake in the bones of the chloride, lactate and gluconate of strontium has been compared when the dose is injected intravenously and when it is introduced into the stomach. In a group of 60 mice, the uptake has been found to be independent of the anion for both ways of administration. Calcium metabolism during pregnancy.-In mice, a large fraction (5 to 25 percent) of the radio-calcium (or radio strontium) previously fixed on the mother's bone migrates to the foetus during the last days of the pregnancy and to the milk during the first days of the lactation period. The specific activity of the calcium in the whole body of the newborn mice is higher (1.1 X 10-3 the specific activity of the injected solution) than the specific activity of the mother's bone (0.67 X 10-'), although the activity of the newborn mice issues from the mother's bone. So it appears that the last calcium fixed on the mother's bone is the first to be removed. When radio-strontium is given intravenously to mothers during the lactation period, a large fraction of the dose (20 percent) is recovered in the offspring after two days. The excretion of radio-strontium in the milk of two cows intravenously injected with radio-strontium lactate has been studied by Dr. Erf and the writer. 7.9 and 10.0 percent of the injected dose have been recovered in the milk during the four days following the injection. The selective fixation of radio-strontium on the bones, its ease of production, the suitable energy of its beta-rays (1.5 X 10' ev), its convenient half-life (55 days), the innocuousness of small doses of strontium, have suggested its use as a specific method of irradiation of the skeleton. (Applicable in multiple myelomas, giant cell tumors, polycythemia, some metastatic bone tumors, etc.) The first clinical experiments have been started by John H. Lawrence and the writer. Incidentally, there was found as a secondary product in the preparation of radio-strontium a large amount (13 milligra s radium eq ivalent per 1000 microampere hours deuteron bombardment) cf long life (100 days) radio yttrium (y86). It emits a penetrating gamma-radiation nearly identical to radium gamma-radiation and may be used instead of radium as a gamma-ray source. It has produced successful metallic radiography. * Fellow of the Belgian-American Education Foundation. Biology III The Study of Animal Metabolism with Radioactive Tracers Chairman: DR. J. G. HAMILTON, University of California 65. The Use of Radioactive Tracers in Biological Investigations. GEORGE HEVESY, Copenhagen. Read by title. 66. The Phospholipid Activity of the Liver as Measured with Radioactive Phosphorus. I. PERLMAN AND I. L. CHAIKOFF, Division of Physiology of the Medical School, University of California, Berkeley, California. The problem of fatty livers has received considerable attention both· experimentally and clinically. Thus far, however, little success has been attained in arriving at an explanation for their production or cure. Attempts have been made to obtain insight into the mechanism of fat mobilization to and from the liver by analyzing the lipid constituents of normal and fatty livers. The results of such investigations have shown that the lipid composition of VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 normal and fatty livers usually differs only in its levels of triglycerides. Relevant to the present study is the fact that the total phospholipid content remains relatively constant when a liver goes through a cycle from the normal to fatty and back to normal state. Recent studies from this laboratory have shown that under the conditions investigated the level of liver fat depends upon the rate of phospholipid turnover. Since tae total quantity of phospholipid remains relatively static this could only be shown by labeliI;lg the newly-formed phospholipid molecules, in this case, with radioactive phosphorus. It was found in general that the ailministration of a substance which prevents or cures fatty livers in rats results in an accelerated phospholipid turnover. Cholesterol feeding, on the other hand, which accentuates the produc tion of fatty livers, depresses the phospholipid turnover in the liver. 319 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59The above conclusions were based on the following experiments: Choline.-Rats maintained for several days on a high fat and low protein diet received radioactive Na2HPO. as a labeling agent and the effect of choline administration upon the turnover of phospholipid was determined at several intervals. Livers removed 1 hour after choline administration had the same labeled phospholipid content as those from rats which received radioactive phosphorus but no choline.' At the 3-and 6-hour intervals the phos pholipid activity of choline-treated rats exceeds that of the controls by 30---40 percent but by 12 hours this effect of a single administration of choline had largely disappeared. It was also observed that a graded increase in phospholipid turnover results from successively increasing the amount of choline administered. Betaine.-Experiments of the same type were carried out with the betaine of glycine. Qualitatively the results were similar to those of choline but whereas 10 mg of choline chloride produced a definite acceleration of phospholipid turnover, over 50 mg of betaine chloride were necessary to produce a comparable effect.2 This is in keeping with the relative lipotropic activities of choline and betaine. Amino acids.-In keeping with its lipotropic action, methionine produced an elevation in phospholipid turnover of the liver.3 Of all the other amino acids investigated only cystine and cysteine behaved similarly. Glycine, alanine, tyrosine, glutamic acid, asparagine, proline, serine, as well as creatine, sarcosine, taurin and di-,B-hydroxyethyl sulfox ide had no effect.4 eholesterol.-When a few hundred mg of cholesterol were ingested along with butter over a 30-hour period, the level of newly-formed phospholipid in the liver was depressed.6 This may be a factor in the production of fatty livers by cholesterol. Choline administration to cholesterol-treated rats resulted in a marked increase in the phospholipid turnover. Summary.-With the aid of radioactive phosphorus it has been found possible to measure the phospholipid ac tivity of the liver under a variety of experimental condi tions. A theory is presented which indicates that one of the factors involved in the fat balance of the liver is the phospholipid turnover. If an increased phospholipid turn over is induced (other factors remaining constant) the lipid content of a fatty liver is reduced. 11. Perlman and I. L. Chaikoff. J. BioI. Chern. 127. 211 (1939). • 1. Perlman and 1. L. Chaikoff. J. Bio\' Chern. 130. 593 (1939). 3 1. Perlman. N. Stillman and 1. L. Chaikoff. J. BioI. Chern. 133. 651 (1940). • 1. Perlman. N. Stillman and 1. L. Chaikoff. J. Bioi. Chern. (in press). • I. Perlman and 1. L. Chaikoff. J. BioI. Chern. 128. 735 (1939). 67. Phospholipid Metabolism Studies Using Radioactive Phosphorus. FRANCES L. HAVEN, Department of Bio chemistry and Pharmacology, School of Medicine and Den tistry, The University of Rochester, Rochester, New York; and the National Cancer Institute of the United States Public Health Service. The two biological tracers which have been the most widely used in studies of phospholipid metabolism are elaidic acid and radioactive phosphorus. Since elaidic acid 320 is a solid unsaturated fatty acid while most solid fatty acids are saturated, it can be traced among the fatty acids of the phospholipids and in this way serves as a marker. By feeding elaidin, Sinclair found that the rate of turnover of elaidic acid was rapid in the liver phospholipids and slow in the muscle phospholipids. Similar results on the phos pholipids of these tissues were obtained by Chaikoff and by Haven using radioactive phosphorus. Phospholipids are essential constituents of tumor cells, being more abundant in malignant than in benign tumors. By feeding elaidin to rats bearing Carcinosarcoma 256 Haven found that the tumor phospholipids resembled muscle rather than liver phospholipids in their rate of turnover. However, when radioactive phosphorus was used to study the phospholipid metabolism of this tumor, the rate of turnover was found to resemble the rapid rate of liver phospholipid rather than the slow rate of muscle phospholipid. Sinclair has recently pointed out that kidney phospholipid shows a similar difference in rate of turnover as measured by him using elaidic acid (slow turnover), and as measured by Artom and co-workers and by Chaikoff and co-worke~s using radioactive phosphorus (rapid turn over). These divergent results obtained by the use of the two indicators seem to show that phospholipids may have at least two different functions, one concerned with fatty acid, the other with phosphoric acid metabolism. Radioactive phosphorus has also been used to measure the rate of turnover of the individual phospholipids, lecithin and cephalin, of Carcinosarcoma 256. Rats bearing this tumor were killed from four hours to twenty days after receiving by stomach tube a solution of disodium hydrogen phosphate containing radioactive phosphorus. Tumor phos pholipids were isolated and the lecithin and cephalin frac tions separated by means of absolute alcohol. The degree of separation was measured by choline determinations on the total mixed phospholipid and on the lecithin fractions. The radioactivity of the lecithin fraction expressed as percentage of dose per gram of phospholipid was greater even at four hours than that of the cephalin fraction. While the activity of each fraction increased with time, that of the lecithin fraction did so at a faster rate than that of the cephalin fraction until the peak in activity was reached at 24-30 hours. After this the activity of the lecithin frac tion decreased while that of the cephalin fraction continued to increase, reaching its peak at 40 hours. The activity of each fraction then decreased at approximately the same rate. The faster rate of turnover of the lecithin fraction of the tumor constitutes a further resemblance between the phospholipids of this tumor and those of liver. Moreover, it may mean that cephalin is formed from lecithin. 68. Radio-Phosphorus Studies in the Chemistry of Anaerobic Muscular Contraction. JACOB SACKS, Laboratory of Pharmacology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. In contraction of striated muscle under anaerobic condi tions, the principal chemical reaction is the formation of lactic acid from glycogen. There is associated with this a decrease in the amount of phosphocreatine; part of the phosphate thus lost is found as inorganic phosphate, and JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59part as hexosemonophosphate. There is usually no change in the quantity of adenosine triphosphate. Studies of the enzyme systems present in cell-free muscle extracts have resulted in an interpretation of the chemistry of anaerobic contraction which considers that the phosphate changes are associated with the formation of lactic acid. According to this formulation, generally known as the Embden-Meyerhof schema, lactic acid is formed by a complex series of reactions which involves interchanges of phosphate groups between all these compounds and various others which appear as intermediates. From studies of the reactions taking place in the con tracting muscles themselves, a different formulation has been developed. In this it is postulated that the formation of lactic acid is independent of reactions involving the phosphorus compounds. This formulation regards the hydrolysis of phosphocreatine as serving primarily as a source of alkali to neutralize the lactic acid formed, and considers that the formation of hexosemonophosphate is a supplementary reaction in contraction, rather than an intermediate one in the formation of lactic acid. Radio-phosphorus offers the possibility of determining whether the formation of lactic acid does involve the postulated interchanges. If a differential distribution of radio-phosphorus among the four compounds of muscle can be obtained in the animal body, the changes in this dis tribution which accompany the formation of lactic acid in contraction will establish whether the interchanges do take place. Using cats under amy tal anesthesia, it was found that radio-phosphorus, injected as Na2HPO., underwent such a differential distribution. The inorganic phosphate of the resting muscle had ten times the relative radioactivity of the phosphocreatine P. The relative radioactivities of the adenosine triphosphate and hexosemonophosphate P were even lower than that of the phosphocreatine P. In companion muscles stimulated so as to produce large amounts of lactic acid, the differential distribution of the radio-phosphorus was retained. The observed distribution was that which would be anticipated if the only reactions involving phosphate compounds which took place were the hydrolysis of some phosphocreatine and the conversion of an additional amount to hexosemonophosphate. There was no evidence of participation of phosphocreatine, adenosine triphosphate or hexosemonophosphate in the formation of lactic acid. From this it is concluded that the Embden-Meyerhof schema does not represent the mechanism of lactic acid formation used by the contracting muscle, and that the mechanism of lactic acid formation used by the muscle is radically different from that which has been described in cell-free extracts. The author is indebted to the Department of Physics of the University of Michigan for the supply of radio phosphorus used in these experiments. 69. Studies on Permeability of Tissue Cells to Phos phorus. AUSTIN M. BRUES, ELIZABETH B. JACKSON AND WALDO E. COHN, Collis P. Huntington Memorial Hospital of Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts. A technique has been developed whereby the uptake of radioactive substances by cultures of cells can be measured. The cells are grown on a coverslip 0.15 mm in thickness attached to one side of a roller bottle. By placing the bottle in a suitable position, the radioactivity in the cells, inde pendently of that in the perfusing medium, can be meas ured without removing them from their environment. With this method, it is possible to measure the permea bility to and concentration of substances in isolated groups of cells. The effects on permeability of altering the con stituents of the medium and other environmental factors can thus be demonstrated. In the course of experiments, parallel observations are made on the morphology and behavior of the cells by direct high-power microscope ob servations, and on chemical changes in the media brought about by cell metabolism. We have studied by this technique some of the conditions attending the uptake of inorganic and some organic radio phosphate compounds. Certain embryonic and adult tissue cells and tumor cells accumulate radio-phosphorus to a higher concentration than that in the extracellular medium. Growing cells take it up in significantly higher amounts than those which are surviving but not growing. The rate of uptake is most rapid in the first few hours. Cultures allowed to remain in the same medium until cell death occurs then release radio-phosphorus into the surrounding fluid. In this way, the behavior of cells towards radio phosphorus can be used as an indicator of their viability. Various effects of altering the constituents of the media, of growth inhibitors, and of specific enzyme poisons, on transfer of phosphate are being studied. Biology IV Biochemical Studies with Stable and Radioactive Isotopes Chairman: DR. S. L. WARREN, University of Rochester Medical School 73. Nonphotochemical Reduction of CO2 by Biological Systems. S. RUBEN AND M. D. KAMEN, Department of Chemistry and Radiation Laboratory, University of Cali fornia, Berkeley, California. Experiments with short-lived carbon (CIl) have shown a number of heterotrophic systems assimilate small VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 amounts of CO,l-4 lending support to the view that CO2 reduction is not exclusive to photosynthetic and chemo synthetic autotrophic organisms.5 It seems reasonable to suppose the formation of reduced radio-carbon from labeled CO2 is not due to simple interchange but rather that CO2 is used as a specific oxidizing agent in one or 321 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59more steps in the respiratory mechanism. To elicit further information concerning the manner in which the CO2 is utilized, an investigation of the metabolism of varied types of organisms using labeled carbon as a tracer has been inaugurated. In addition to the heterotrophic organisms in which a net absorption or net evolution of CO2 occurs during respiration (yeast, rat-liver, B. coli, ground plant roots, P. pentosaceum, clostridium Acidi-Urici), some autotrophic organisms which show a net absorption of CO2 have been studied (M. omelianski and Methanosarcina methanica). A dark pick-up of CO2 has also been observed with photo synthetic organisms. 6 In studies with yeast! attempts to identify chemically the radioactive molecules resulted negatively. Most of the active carbon was extractable with boiling dilute acid. No acitivity was found in pyruvate. While the active material could be precipitated with Ba++, very little could be decarboxylated. The chemical nature of the active molecules in yeast is apparently quite different from that observed in the dark pick-up by a photosynthetic organism such as Chlorella. The reversibility of the yeast CO2 assimilation is being investigated. The methane bacteria2 have been found to reduce CO2 to CH. as a result of the fermentation of methanol. An appreciable portion ("-'10 percent) of the radioactivity appeared in nonvolatile cell ma erial. The propionic acid bacteria2 w ich utilize CO2 during fermentation of glycerol transformed 80 percent of the labeled carbon assimilated to propionic and succinic acids, the propionic acid being three times as active' as the succinic. The re mainder ("-'20 percent) of the C*02 was incorporated in cell material. Glycerol enormously increased the CO2 up take as well as the ratio of C* in the two acids. A mecha nism based on these experiments will be discussed. The uric acid bacteria' ferment uric acid, xanthine and hy poxanthine to acetic acid, ammonia and CO2 anaerobically. Evidence was obtained for the production of active acetic acid. C* was found in both the methyl and carboxyl groups. The active volatile acid produced from uric acid appeared to be almost entirely acetic acid. The hypothesis of CO2 as an oxidizing agent in fermentation seems to be born~ out in these experiments. The researches with C*02 are being continued, and it is expected much useful information bearing on the mecha nism of CO2 reduction will be obtained. 1 Ruben and Kamen. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 26. 418 (1940). 2 Carson and Ruben. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 26. 422 (1940). 3 Barker. Ruben and Kamen. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 26, 426 (1940). • Barker, Ruben and Beck. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., August. 1940. 5 Van Niel. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 6. 606 (1937); Gaffron. ibid. 7. 986 (1939). • Ruben. Hassid and Kamen. J. Am. Chern. Soc. 61. 661 (1939). 74. Biological Studies with Radioactive Carbon. A. BAIRD HASTINGS AND G. B. KISTIAKOWSKY, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. The fate of carbon compounds in the body has long engaged the attention of biochemists. Prominent in these numerous studies have been the attempts to elucidate the steps involved in the metabolism of carbohydrate. Al though many steps concerned in the breakdown of carbo- 322 hydrate are now quite well understood, the steps involved in the synthesis of glycogen from simple 3-carbon com pounds are still obscure. It has been demonstrated (confirming the work of Cori and Cori) that within 2 to 3 hours after feeding sodium lactate to a starved rat, there is a marked increase of liver glycogen, corresponding in amount to about 30 per cent of the administered lactate. However, the exact origin of the carbon of the newly formed glycogen cannot be established by chemical means. The possible sources of the glycogen carbon include: (a) the 3 carbons of the original lactate molecule; (b) the 2-carbon residue left after de carboxylation and oxidation of the lactate molecule; (e) other glycogen precursors already present or formed in the organism; (d) carbon dioxide produced by metabolic activity. With radioactive carbon (CIf), experiments have been performed in an effort to determine from which of the above carbon source, or sources, the liver glycogen originates. Lactic acid containing radioactive carbon in the carboxyl position was prepared by Dr. R. D. Cramer by a rapid synthesis requiring only it to 2 hours (see paper by Dr. A. K. Solomon). This lactic acid, in the form of sodium lactate, was administered orally to rats; and, after a lapse of 2t hours, the liver glycogen was isolated. The expired CO2 was collected over the 2t-hour period and was found to contain about 15 percent of the radioactive carbon administered. The biochemical procedures were carried out by Dr. F. W. Klemperer and Dr. B. Vennesland. The radio activity of the glycogen represented only a small fraction (1.6 percent) of the radioactivity administered, whereas the amount of glycogen formed corresponded to 30 per cent of the lactate administered. This result precludes the possibility that the carbon of the glycogen originated directly and solely from the 3 carbons of the administered lactate molecules. It is also highly probable that the glycogen was not derived from any single category of the four carbon sources enumerated above, but rather had its origin in more than one source. 75. The Use of Organic Compounds Containing Stable Isotopes for the Study of Intermediary Metabolism. R. SCHOENHEIMER, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York. Work on the biological fate of organic compounds con taining C, H, 0 and N is restricted to the use of stable isotopes, as with the exception of 0" no radioactive iso· topes with a sufficiently long lifetime is available for such experimentation at present. The experiments are generally carried out in 4 steps: (1) The compound to be investigated is prepared in the laboratory in such a way that one or more (stably bound) atoms are present in the form of the heavy isotopes. The synthetic methods employed are presented in another paper. (2) A small amount of the compound is added for short periods to the ordinary diet of normal animals. The value of the compounds has restricted the work to small animals such as mice or rats. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59(3) A number of pure compounds are isolated from the excreta and, after killing the animals, from their tissues. (4) The isotope concentration of the isolated samples is determined, Nl. by mass spectrometry and D by density or mass spectrometry. The methods will not be discussed. If after administration of an isotopic compound A, an isolated compound B contains the isotopic tracer, this is an indication that A was either converted into B or A has been in chemical interaction with B. The isotopes have furnished, for the first time, a tool for the investigation of occurrence and rate of chemical reac tions going on among the tissue constituents of normal adult animals, i.e., of living organisms that keep constant the total amount and composition of their components. Almost all compounds investigated so far, even the large molecules, fats and proteins, were found to be involved in rapid and complex chemical reactions. By adding small amounts of various isotopic (D) physiological fatty acids to the normal diet of animals it was found. that there occurs a continuous interconversion of one type of physiological fatty acids into others. Some are dehydrogenated while unsaturated ones are hydrogen ated; the chain of some acids is shortened by 2 or 4 carbon atoms and the chain of others is elongated by the same number of carbon atoms. Aliphatic alcohols (cetyl alcohol) seem to be intermediates in these automatic reactions. In addition to the interconversion, there was observed a continuous synthesis from small molecular units simultaneous with a destruction of an equivalent amount of others. The newly formed fatty acids are intro duced into fats; ester linkages open and close continuously. All these rapid reactions are so balanced that they do not lead to ultimate changes of total amount or composition of the animal fats. The highly unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic and linolenic acids. known to be indispensable food constituents, are exceptions; they are not involved in these processes. Even more complex automatic reactions were found to occur among the amino acids of the proteins of living animals. The addition of small amounts of isotopic amino acids (N16) to the normal diet, results in the presence of various isotopic amino adds in protein linkage. The result reveals the occurrence of continuous opening and closing of peptide linkages, deamination at alpha-position of tem-porarily liberated amino acids and simultaneous amination of nitrogen free substances, and the replacement of the amidine group in the arginine of the proteins by nitrogen from amino acids. Besides this continuous transfer of nitrogen among the constituent of proteins. the carbon chain of some amino acids is converted into that of others: ornithine is continuously coriverted into arginine, into proline. and into glutamic acid and phenyl-alanine into tyrosine. The amino acids newly formed by the various reactions replace the same type of amino acids in the proteins. Almost all proteins of the animal are involved in these extensive rearrangements; even the specific antibody of the serum of immunized animals. Only few compounds e.g. the amino acid lysine. do not take part in these proc esses. All these rapid reactions like those observed with fatty acids are so balanced that the total amount and structure of proteins is ultimately unchanged. The nitrogen excreted by the animals is not that of the food. but a sample of the mixture originating from the extensive chemical interaction of the dietary amino acid nitrogen with the relatively large amounts of reactive nitrogen in the organ proteins. The application of N15 and deuterium to normal animals in different laboratories has established the source of all parts of the creatine molecule. The glycine part is derived from glycine of the proteins and the amidine group is transferred from arginine of the proteins. Du Vigneaud and collaborators have synthesized methionine with an isotopic (deuterium) methyl group. Its administration resulted in the presence of isotopic creatine and isotopic choline. The methyl groups of both compounds are thus derived from methionine. The experiments with the isotopic fats and proteins seem to show that all chemical reactions that the animal can perform are carried out continuously at a rapid rate. The opening of peptide. ester. and other linkages of the large molecules liberates active groupings which take part in metabolic cycles. Additional evidence for this theory is the finding that isotopic ammonia given to birds results not only in the formation of isotopic uric acid, which is excreted, but also of isotopic purines (adenine and guanine) which are introduced into nucleo-proteins. The purines of the nucleo-proteins thus seem to be involved in the process of uric acid formation. Biology V The Study of Animal Metabolism and Radioactive Tracers Chairman: DR. D. W. BRONK, Cornell University Medical School 82. The Use of Radioactive Sulfur, S35, for Metabolic Studies. HAROLD TARVER AND CARL L. A. SCHMIDT. Division of Biochemistry. University of California Medical School, Berkeley. California. Next to nitrogen, the element sulfur is most commonly used as an index to protein metabolism. This is due to the VOLUME 12, ApRIL, 1941 fact that most proteins contain one or more of the sulfur containing amino acids: cystine. methionine. and djenkolic acid. Many biologically important compounds contain sulfur. The fate of these compounds in the animal body is often determined by following the transformation and the form in which the sulfur appears in the excretory products. 323 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59Radioactive sulfur, SM, with a half-life of 90 days, is particularly well adapted for studies dealing with sulfur metaboiism. Thus, when methionine containing this isotope was fed to rats it was possible to isolate cystine containing S" from the hair and tissues of the experimental animals, indicating the transformation of methionine to cystine. While the mechanism of this reaction is still not wholly clear, a tentative hypothesis is advanced to account for the facts. Experiments of the above type often necessitate a new technique for the synthesis of a particular sulfur-containing compound. A simplified technique for the synthesis of methionine is presented. The rate of the appearance of SM in the proteins of egg white was determined by feeding methionine containing radioactive sulfur to hens. S35 was first found in the egg white on the second day and reached its maximum value on the fourth day. Preliminary experiments on the appearance of radio active sulfur in p-bromophenylmercapturic acid, when bromobenzene and 535 containing methionine were fed, are also reported. The experiments cited above serVe to indicate that radioactive sulfur is a particularly useful tool in studies dealing with the fate of sulfur-containing compounds in the animal body. It will probably be especially usefui in the determination of rates of certain reactions that occur in living matter. 83. The Fate of Inorganic Arsenic in Certain Animals and in Man. F. T. HUNTER, Massachusetts General Hospi tal, AND A. F. KIP, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Subcutaneous injections of radioactive potassi um arsenite were given to 37 albino rats, 2 guinea pigs and 2 rabbits. The daily dose per kilo of body weight in all animals was about the same order of magnitude (minimum 0.3; maxi mum 1.6 mg). After a series of daily injections, usually four in number, the animals were killed at varying time inter vals. During life, daily blood arsenic determinations Were done and after death the arsenic content of the liver, kidneys, spleen, and in a few instances the brain, were made. Rats.-The highest concentration 'of arsenic was found in the blood, the measurable amount being confined to the red corpuscles. I t appeared to be attached to the hemoglobin molecule and on fractionation the globin portion yielded twice as much as the heme fraction. No arsenic was found in association with the stroma of the cell. In all cases the maximal concentration in the blood occurred 24 to 48 hours after the last injection, and at this time the total arsenic in the blood accounted for 50 percent to 60 percent of the total amount injected. The spleen showed the highest, the kidney the lowest concentration. Regardless of the daily dose, the concentration in these organs was maximal 24 to 48 hours after the last injection. Two animals previously given considerable amounts of ordinary arsenic showed somewhat higher blood levels of radio arsenic than controls. Splenectomy performed prior. to 324 injection did not appreciably alter the distribution of the metal. Because our animals were all infected with bartonella muris and since this organism is localized within the red cell and is affected by certain arsenicals, some of the experiments were repeated on bartonella-free animals. This group of animals showed somewhat higher concen trations of arsenic in the liver and somewhat lower concentrations in the spleen, but the kidney concentrations were a great deal higher than in infected animals. The amount of arsenic excreted daily by these animals, as measured on mixed samples of urine and stool, showed a constant relationship to the blood concentration while arsenic was being given, but when arsenic was stopped, the excretion dropped rapidly to zero. Guinea pigs and rabbits.- Two specimens of each type were studied. In all animals the blood arsenic was migli gible. In contrast to rats, the liver arsenic of the guinea pigs was considerably greater than that of the spleen. The figures on the organs of rabbits have little significance since the livers of both animals showed heavy infestation with coccidia. Studies on humans Normal humans.- Two normal humans received 1.5 mg per day for four days. No arsenic could be demonstrated in the blood. Of the daily excretion via kidney and intestinal tract, 99 percent was excreted in the urine and only 1 percent in the stools. In both cases, 24 hours after the first dose, 50 percent of the amount injected had been excreted. This percentage excretion of the accumulated dose re mained approximately constant until 24 hours after the last injection, when excretion dropped precipitously to less than 2 percent. Leukemic humans.-One case of untreated chronic myeloid leukemia and one case of untreated lymphoblastic leukemia were studied. No arsenic could be measured in the blood. Excretion took place almost entirely via the kidneys, but 24 hours after the first injection, only 20 percent of the injected dose was recovered in the urine. As the experiment continued, the percentage excreted of the accumulated dose rose gradually to about 40 percent. Twenty-four hours after the last injection, the excretion via the kidneys began to fall and fell gradually, over three days, to about 2 percent of the total injected. The case of lymphoblastic leukemia came to autopsy and complete determinations of the arsenic content of all the organs were made. 84. Metabolism of Arsenic Compounds. OCTAVIA DU PONT, IRVING ARIEL AND STAFFORD L. WARREN, Strong Memcrial Hospital, The University of Rochester, Rochester, New York. Small volumes of solutions containing small subtoxic amounts of radioactive arsenic in the form of pentavalent arsenate were injected into the rabbits' ear vein and the animals sacrificed at various intervals from 5 minutes to 168 hours after injection. Radioactive arsenic content was JOURNAL OF ApPLmD PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59determined on from 15 to 25 different organs in each of the 25 rabbits by the usual Bale technique. The expected widespread distribution and prompt excretion in the urine occurred quickly. After the first hour the blood concentration slowly fell to almost disappear by the 168th hour. The concentration in the liver, lung, muscle, bone, and tumor rose to a peak rather quickly by the third hour and fell by the 12th hour. Almost 50 percent of the total injected may be excreted in the urine by the 12th hour. For the liver and kidney where the concentration rises to the highest levels per gram of tissue, the critical period from the single dose apparently begins at the third hour, and is much less hazardous by the 12th hour. Storage in muscle, bone, tumor, and lung also seems to parallel the changes in concentration although at a lower level. There is a considerable amount of variation from animal to animal but the relative values are comparable. Concentrations in various glands and other organs are low and in some cases (brain) surprisingly so. The high values in the tumor are apparently not directly related to its blood content. This work is the basis for further studies with complex arsenical compounds. 85. The Course of Vitamin BI (Thiamin) Metabolism in Man as Indicated by the Use of Radioactive Sulfur. HENRY BORSOOK, JOHN B. HATCHER AND DON M. YOST, Gates and Crellin Laboratories of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. Exp2rimental methods.-For the quantitative measure ment of the low activity of samples of radio-sulfur, which emits beta-particles with the low energy of (0.107 Mev), the coincidence method was used. The two sulfide-coated copper Geiger counter tubes were enclosed in a large, partially evacuated bell jar and the samples were carried to position in front of the slots in the counter tubes by an externally operated chain belt arrangement. The amplifiers, utilizing the standard Rossi coincidence circuit, had time constants of 3 X 10-4 second and single counts of the two counter tubes as well as the coincidence counts were scaled by thyratron type scales-of-eight and recorded on Cenco recorders. Many of the weaker samples were measured over a period of days, the background and sample measurement being alternated for short periods. The activity of the sample and the satistical error of the measurement were calculated from the total number of counts; a run was discarded unless the short period counts of sample or background agreed to within their probable errors. The sulfur from the original material was precipitated as barium sulfate, converted successively to barium sulfide, hydrogen sulfide, and finally to elementary sulfur. The final samples for measurement being made from the elementary sulfur made into films of known area and "infinitely thick" to the weak radiation (greater than 15 mg/sq. em). Depending upon the sample the over-all absolute errors of measurement of quantity of radio-sulfur varied from 1.2 to 30 percent. VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 Results.- Thiamin synthesized from radio-sulfur was injected intramuscularly in two series of experiments, using a human subject on a normal and on BI-free diet. Determi nations of the free (unphosphorlyated) BI in the urine were made by the thiochrome method, and the radioactive sulfur of the feces and of the inorganic sulfur, ethereal sulfur, and neutral sulfur compounds in the urine were determined. Rapid destruction of the injected thiamin was indicated in both experiments by the appearance of the radio-sulfur in the inorganic fraction of the urine, in amounts increasing to about 15 percent of that injected daily. No radio-sulfur was found in the ethereal fraction. In the neutral sulfur fraction of the urine the excreted radio-sulfur during the period of injections was less than that corresponding to the free BI found, indicating the rapid interaction of the injected material with that already present in the tissues, and the displacement of pre-existing thiamin. After 36 days of the BI-free diet the injection of 8 mg of radio-BI over a period of three days resulted in the excretion of 0.8 mg of pre-existing thiamin. On discontinuing the injections the destruction of BI was again indicated by the appearance of quantities of radio-sulfur greater than that corresponding to the free BI. On the normal diet a total of 61 percent of the injected thiamin was recovered from the urine and 11 percent from the feces over the period of the experiments. Of the urinary radio-sulfur recovered, 25 percent represented destroyed thiamin appearing as inorganic sulfate and 18 percent destroyed thiamin appearing with the neutral sulfur compounds. 86. The Use of Radioactive Elements in Insect Physi ology. RODERICK CRAIG, Division of Entomology and Parasitology, University of California, Berkeley, California. In the study of insect physiology we are not only inter ested in normal physiology but even more in derangements of the normal produced by toxic materials, since man's chief interest in the insect where toxins are used is to destroy it. Our fear of insects is more than justified when one considers that insects are responsible for malaria, which causes more loss than any other disease, and several other important human and ani~al diseases. No less important is the agricultural damage caused not only by the feeding of insects but by their transmission of plant virus diseases. A knowledge of insect physiology is essential in understanding the role of the insect as a vector of animal and plant disease and equally essential in understanding the mode of action of poisons used to kill the insect. The insect is so small that in most cases the presence of a toxic material cannot be determined by ordinary analytical methods. Since public health hazards have necessitated the limitation of insecticide residues on foods, new insecticides have been sought, many of them organic compounds. The increasing importance of organic insecticides will require more study of toxicologic action which can often be carried out by use of tracer elements. Many problems in insect physiology are unsolved today because no adequate technique has existed. Such general problems as absorption, excretion, distribution of substances 325 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59and intermediary metabolism have had to await analytical procedures delicate enough to determine fractions of a microgram of material. The technique used with tracer elements is the same as that in larger animals. The radioactive element is either fed or injected parenterally. If the distribution of the material is the principal object, the insect is sectioned with a freezing microtome and radio-autographs obtained. If quantitative studies are desired, the portions of the insect are ashed and the activity determined in the usual way with either an electroscope or Geiger counter. In 1935 M. A. Hamiltonl used polonium to show the amount of material removed from a plant by a feeding aphid and also the amount of the ingested material returned to the plant during the next feeding period which was of the order of 0.1 mm3• This sort of work might be extended with profit to a study of insect vectors of human disease. Patton2 in 1939 used radioactive sodium to show the path of ex'Creted material in the yellow meal worm. In this case the volume of fluid being studied is about 1 mm3• At the present time the role of phosphorus in metabolism, the rate of circulation of the insect blood and the rate of absorption of simple substances are being studied. Since we know that phosphorus is present in the blood of insects in amounts of 5 to 20 times that found in mammals and since during the developmental period of most insects large quantities of fat are stored, one would expect the role of phosphorus to be very important and easily studied. Preliminary studies by means of radio-autographs of the tissue of insects fed on radioactive phosphorus as phosphate have shown that the phosphorus is largely concentrated in the actively metabolizing cells. The rate of circulation of the blood cannot be directly studied because of the open circulatory system, but the time required to give a uniform distribution of a substance in the blood can be estimated. Much work will be required to determine the normal limits and factors affecting rates of distribution. The absorption of phosphorus and sodium from several regions of the alimentary tract of insects is being studied by the same technique as used by Patton in his work on excretion. 1 M. A. Hamilton. Ann. App. Bioi. 22, 243-258 (1935). 'Patton, J. Exp. Zoo\. 81, 437-457 (1939). Biology VI Studies of Plant Metabolism with Radioactive Isotopes Chairman: DR. D, R. GODDARD, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 87. Studies in Photosynthesis with Radio-Carbon, M. D. KAMEN AND S. RUBEN, Radiation Laboratory and Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California. The short-lived radioactive carbon, Cll (half-life=21 minutes), has been used to study the reduction of C*02 by green plants. 1-. The bulk of the work has been carried out with the unicellular green alga, Chlorella. Chlorella, as well as higher plants (sunflower and barley) assimilates 2 small quantities of CO2 in the dark. The dark pick-up exhibits the same sensitivity to various inhibitors (HCN, phenyl-urethane, ultraviolet light) as does normal photosynthesis and is not associated with the respiratory processes. It is reversible and independent of chlorophyll concentration. Simultaneous measurements on the rate of CO2 reduction in the light by manometric methods and the radioactive technique give identical results within the experimental error. Hence, exchange reactions can account for very little of the CO2 reduced in the light, Chemical tests on the water soluble material formed in the light and dark indicate the presence of at least one alcoholic hydroxyl and one radioactive carboxyl group in the active molecules. Attempts to identify the active compound as one of a large number of organic substances known to exist in plants (i.e., sugars, aldehydes, ketones, proteins, etc.) were unsuccessful. In particular, the presence of such intermediates as formaldehyde or low molecular weight organic acids seems to be excluded. 326 The major part, if not all, of the C*02 taken up in the dark was found in carboxyl. A smaller but appreciable fraction of the light reduction products was in -COOH groups. From measurements of the diffusion constant and sedimentation velocity, the molecular weight of both light and dark reduction products is in the close neighborhood of 1000. While no radioactive reducing sugars are formed in Chlorella even after 100 minutes of exposure to C*02, about 20 percent of the water soluble activity from the higher plants can be recovered in this form after exposures of an hour. The experiments performed with radioactive carbon suggest a tentative mechanism for photosynthesis in which the first step in CO2 reduction is a reversible non photo chemical process with the formation of carboxyl, viz.: R H+C0 2pRCOOH Here, R is a large molecule-in all probability a part of an aggregate of very high molecular weight. Several analogous reactions are known in organic chemistry. The light reaction can be written: R COOH+H20~R CH20H+0 2• The energetics and advantages of this approach will be discussed. 1 Ruben, HasSid and Kamen, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 61, 661 (1939). , Ruben, Kamen, Hassid and DeVault, &ience 90, 570 (1939). 'Ruben, Kamen, Hassid, J. Am .. Chern. Soc., in press. • Ruben, Kamen, Perry, J. Am. Chern. Soc., in press. 'Ruben and Kamen, J. Am. Chern. Soc., in press. JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:5988. Use of Irradiated Elements as Tracers in Investi gations of Mineral Movement in Plants. F. G. GUSTAFSON, Department of Botany, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. For many years plant physiologists have been investi gating the path of the upward movement of minerals in plants. In most of these experiments the different tissues have been analyzed for the particular mineral under investigation, and this is not easily done. With the preparation of artificial radioactive chemicals by means of the cyclotron, a new method 6f approach to this problem was made available. The irradiated elements could be used as tracers, and, as small quantities can be detected, short intervals of exposure to the chemicals could be used. As far as is known to the writer, only three groups of investigators have thus far made use of this method in this country: Gustafson and Darken at Michi gan, Bennett and Stout and Hoagland at California. The elements potassium, phosphorus, sodium and bromine have been used in these experiments. The first two are found abundantly in plants and are, therefore, well suited for such experiments. The procedure has been to use intact plants rooted either in solution or sand medium. The roots have been uninjured. Gustafson and Darken applied the irradiated phosphorus as a 0.5 percent solution of KH2PO., while Stout and Hoagland have incorporated their active material in carefully balanced nutrient solutions. The activity in the plant has been determined either by an electroscope or a Geiger counter. The length of the exposure to the radioactive material has varied from a few hours to three days. The set-up has varied a little with the different investi gators. All investigators have used experiments in which a section of the bark was separated in the middle from the wood and the amount of active material present in different sections of wood and bark determined. Gustafson and Darken also set up experiments in which a ring of bark was removed from one plant and a section of wood of the same length from another plant, and the amount of active phosphorus above the cut compared with a third plant intact, or they removed all of the wood leaving a strip of bark to which were attached several leaves, and determined the amount of irradiated phosphorus in the bark or/and leaves. In an experiment with Bryophyllum lasting 40 hours, Gustafson and Darken found that phosphorus was present in the bark which had leaves attached to it but was itself attached to wood only at the base. They found active phosphorus as far as 23 cm above attachment, and, in experiments where leaves were tested, they also contained active material. In other experiments where wood or bark was removed there seemed to be no appreciable difference in the amount of activity found some distance up the stem either in the wood or the bark. In other experiments where a section of bark was loosened from the wood they found that there was active phosphorus in all parts of the bark, which was attached to wood only at the ends. From these and other experiments they came to the VOLUME 12, APRIL, .1941 conclusion that minerals are conducted upwards in the bark as well as in the wood. With a set-up similar to the last mentioned, Stout and Hoagland used cotton, willow and geranium plants. The time the plants were in solution was shortened to only a few hours, but with bright sun and wind movement the transpiration was quite active. Their published report shows that the middle sections of the bark, which was separated from the wood, had the least activity and that the two ends, which were in contact with the wood, had the most. Therefore, their interpretation is that the activity in the middle sections was partly due to downward diffusion. From their experiments they came to the conclusion that minerals move upward only in the wood of a stem. They explain away the difference between their findings and those of Gustafson and Darken as being due to difference in the length of the experiment. In experiments lasting for a longer time they maintain there is more of an equilibrium obtained and pure diffusion may play a much greater part, masking the relatively rapid movement of materials in the transpiration stream. In a more recent paper Gustafson shows that much less material is con ducted into the upper part when the wood is cut than when the bark is cut, but he still believes that there may also be some upward conduction in the bark. In these investigations the radiated elements have proven themselves of great value, because by their use tedious analyses have been avoided and much shorter periods of experimentation have been permitted. 89. Applications of Radioactive K, Rh, Na, P, and Br to Studies of the Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. P. R. STOUT, Division of Plant Nutrition, University of California, Berkeley, California. Radioactive indicators have been used by a number of the staff members of the Division of Plant Nutrition at the University of California at Berkeley in studies per taining to plant physiology, soils, and plant and soil interrelationships. Potassium and phosphorus are essential elements for the nutrition of higher plants. Sodium, although not recognized as essential, is often absorbed in large amounts from soils containing it, and frequently plays a predominate role in the physical condition of arid and semi-arid soils. Normally rubidium and bromine do not occur in plants or soils in amounts detectable by usual analytical methods. The latter however, when made available to plants, are readily absorbed without interfering seriously with their metabolism. Consequently, rubidium and bromine have been used as indicator ions in investi gating the process of absorption, accumulation, and translocation of mineral nutrients by plants. Since radio active isotopes have been made available to investigators at the University, it has been possible to run experiments using the elements physiologically required by plants. In addition to the obvious experimental advantages of tagged ions involved in normal physiology of plants, the extreme sensitivity with which the isotopes can be detected has permitted observations to be made of small sections in 327 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59relatively short periods of time. Various problems investi gated will be reviewed and discussed under the several categories by which radioactive isotopes take their place as new and indispensable research tools for biological investigations namely (1) where the nature of the experi ment requires an indicator ion of the element in question, and direct evidence can be obtained in no other way (2) where the number of plants required for an appropriate statistical treatment of "control" versus "treatment" would be so great as to be difficult if not impossible to achieve experimentally, and (3) where the sensitivity permits analyses of small amounts for which suitable chemical methods are not at present available. Of great interest to the investigator is an unexpected revelation that comes from new techniques. Removal of ions from the root environment to the tops of plants eight to ten feet high in 15 minutes, a very rapid lateral transfer of solutes from the wood to the bark, and the outgo of potassium from roots during the process of accumulation are cases in point. Slides of radio-autographs showing the distribution of phosphorus in various plant tissues will be shown. 90. Ion Movement in Living Protoplasm. S. C. BROOKS, University of California, Berkeley, California. The experimentally or naturally induced changes in the ion content of protoplasm are important in mainte nance of its integrity within tolerable limits. Small changes in physical aspects are probably a factor in controlling the amount and direction of metabolism. Salt effects on metabolism are known. Without changing the total salt content to a cell it is possible to readjust the proportions of ions in cells to changing salt environments, i.e., to set up a statistical equilibrium between cells and environment for all ions. This implies ionic exchange. Using tracer ions it is possible to show that this equilibrium is approached enormously faster than suggested by traditional experi ments. Work has been done with Na+, K+ and Rb+, and Br-and HPO.-(all radioactive); an alga (Nitella), marine eggs, a fresh water amoeba and other forms were used. Nitella was studied most carefully. The proportion of protoplasm in representative samples was determined. The sap and protoplasm were separated and, utilizing the proportion found, determinations were made of the concentrations in each portion of the isotope in question after various intervals of immersion in dilute solutions of salts of radioactive isotopes. During the first few hours no salt reached the vacuole, but within 2-5 minutes the radioactive isotopes penetrated into the protoplasm in concentrations greatly exceeding the external concentra tion, e.g., O.OOSM K*CI. This ion cannot be only in the plasma membrane; the latter can combine with only about 1/100 or less of the observed amount of the ion. This amount is a considerable fraction of the total com bining capacity of the total protoplasm· for comparable ions. It is believed that the entering (tracer) ion displaces similar ions (e.g., Na* for Na+ and K+) and also hydrogen or organic bases. The amounts of different ions in the protoplasm were found to differ so that Rb>K>Na. This can be predicted on the basis of colloid chemistry. This ion entrance, called induced accumulation, can be reversed by replacement of the isotope containing solution by salt solutions (Li, Na, K, Rb or Cs chlorides, O.OlM) but only very slowly by distilled water. Hence, ion ex change is necessary for the movement of ions in this process. Following induced accumulation there appears to be loss of the isotope followed by alternating further intake and loss phases. Losses appear to involve loss of total salt content, i.e., simultaneous exit of cation and anion. Changes in ion content would themselves alter the proto plasm, possibly accounting for permeability changes and hence losses. The later intake may lead to ion contents still higher than the previously noted maxima. Both loss and intake depend at least partly on metabilism, as shown by the disappearance or reduction of these changes in cells killed by heat or narcotics. Cyanide is ineffective. Compatible results were obtained with other algae and Amoeba proteus. Marine eggs show relatively slow ion exchange, thus agreeing with findings of other workers on erythrocytes, muscle, etc. A possible correlation is suggested of high permeability with a normal salt-poor environment. In Nitella, protoplasm alkali metal ions move with rates comparable with water and small non electrolyte molecules (10-r·G·cm-2·hc1) rather than the traditional rates of 10-9-10-8 established by determina tions of total salt content or made on vacuolar sap. Radiology I General Aspects of Cancer Therapy Chairman: DR. G. W. HOLMES, Massachusetts General Hospital 24. PathoiQgical Analysis of the Action of X-Rays and Radium on Tumors. FRED W. STEWART, Pathologist, Memorial Hospital, New York, New York. It is impossible to summarize the subject matter of this discussion in a few words. The complexity of the field of human tumors and the different morphologic mechanisms 328 involved in their behavior toward x-rays and radium permit no satisfactory generalizations. The subject is still in the stage of descriptive analysis, best discussed in terms of examples of behavior of various individual tumors as they occur in different individuals. An effort is made to discuss the subject under four JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59topics:-(l) Evidences for direct action of physical agents on the tumor cell or portion thereof; (2) effects on the connective and supporting tissues and their influences on the behavior of the tumors; (3) alterations produced in the circulatory pattern and their effect on the cancer; (4) undefined differences in individuals which seem to alter the relations between tumor and host. Various morphologic changes in tumors are individuaized and attempts made to discuss them in terms of physical theory and to estimate their importance in the regression of individual tumors. The insufficiency of current physical theory in accounting for the various processes seen to have occurred in radiated human cancers is emphasized. By insufficiency in theory is not meant necessarily that theory offers an erroneous concept of how radiation affects tumor cells,-not a denial of the fundamental ionizing effect of x-rays and radium in cells and their surrounding media but a lack of knowledge as to why different lesions do or do not show morphologic changes compatible with theory. The morphologic factors involved in radiosensitivity are emphasized as complex phenomena requiring individual analysis, and determination of the probable radiosensitivity of a tumor is believed to be only possible from observations on group behavior, individual lesions occasionally varying widely in their response. 25. Chronological Factors in Radiation Therapy. HENRI COUTARD, Chicago Tumor Institute, Chicago, Illinois. The chronological factors may be defined as the time which separates the beginning of the treatment and the moment of its effect upon the cells. Treatment thus dissociates and characterizes the cellular types so well that the differences of radiosensitivity between two groups of cells become measurable by their chronological factors. This chronological factor may also constitute a physiologic relationship between the conditions of a treatment of minimum intensity and maximum effects. \Vhen the chronological factor is of short duration, one to six days, the action on the cells has been considered as one of direct and individual destruction, because all irradiation, even slight, awakens or accelerates the cellular processes of multiplication, all the more strongly as the cells are less differentiated. Cellular fragility is thus increased and destruction is facilitated. \¥hen the chronological factor is of longer duration, more than 13 days, the action of the rays cannot be considered as a direct and individual one. An inter mediate factor intervenes, which is the underlying soil or tumor bed. Under the influence of daily irradiation, when they are reaching a certain threshold, there is produced through the intermediary of the irradiated substrata, a grouping and concentration of the moments of cellular multiplication. The moments of cellular disappearance which sooner or later follow them become simultaneous and of short duration. They are, for example, of 2 or 3 days duration for the mucosal and skin, which have their moments of disappearance from the 13th to the 15th day for the mucosal, from the 26th to the 28th day VOLUME 12, ApRIL, 1941 for the skin, after an intense series of irradiation given from the 1st to the 7th day. The collective chronological factors, under the influence of substrata, are substituted for the individual chrono logical factors. An indirect effect is substituted for one which was considered as a direct effect. If, instead of a treatment of 12 days, one irradiates the mucosal and the skin throughout 40 days, with small daily doses, the moments of grouping of concentration and of disappearance are of longer duration-5 to 6 days. They are incomplete, a small number of cells participate in this disappearance. But this is repeated at varying intervals. One thus causes chronological factors to appear which always have a collective tendency but also a periodic character. Cellular disappearance attains its greatest height at fixed moments, which are precise and repeated on'the 13th, 26th, 39th and 52nd days for the mucosal, and on the 26th and 52nd days for the skin. This method of continuous and prolonged irradiation when using higher daily doses has demonstrated its efficacy on cancers moderately differentiated. If we compare continuous treatments, which were terminated, respec tively, on the 12th, 26th and 39th days, we see that they have given us a proportion of five-year survivors three times greater than when they have terminated between the moments of the periods, on the 19th, 33rd and 46th days, and using doses comparatively equal. The total dose can thus be reduced when the treatment ends at the moment of a period. At this moment cellular fragility reaches a maximum. Larger doses, on the contrary, are inefficacious, if the treatment ends between the moments of the periods. The effects produced under these latter conditions are anti physiologic, accompanied by local and general disturbances. There is an opposition to the concen tration of the 'time of multiplication. To obtain satisfactory results in more differentiated cancers, it is necessary to increase the daily dose, all the more so as the differentiation is more marked. Continuous treatments do not permit, without grave danger. sufficient daily dose to allow the substrata to group and closely concentrate. Thus we must use treatments which are not continuous, of short duration, but intense, in series, utilizing the times and moments so that the effects are produced at the moments of the periods, when the cellular fragility is maximum. For certain cancers it has been sufficient to cause the time of irradiation to coincide with the periods, which simplifies the problem. The most simple and effective treatments have been those in which the number of series and the daily doses were increased parallel with the degrees of differentiation. as in the three following examples: (1) Cancer slightly differentiated-two series of 6 days separated by 14 days without treatment. Daily doses 500 to 700 r. Doses of the series 3000 to 3500 r. Total doses 6000 to 7000 r. Duration 26 days. (2) Cancer moderately differentiated three series of 3 days separated by 7 and 10 days without treatment. Daily doses 800 r. Doses of the series 2400 r. Total dose 7200 r. Duration 26 days. (3) Cancer very differentiated-four series of 2 days separated by 9, 11 329 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59and 11 days without treatment. Daily doses 800 to 1000 r. Doses of the series 1800 to 2000 r. Total dose 7600 to 8000 r. Duration 39 days. Thus the chronological factor has become, in the case of skin and mucosal, and of cancers arising on these teguments, a factor both collective and periodic whose period corresponds to that of the larger physiologic phenomena having to do with cellular multiplication. The cutaneous period which reappears every 26 to 28 days corresponds to the ovarian period. Its duration of 2 to 3 days corresponds to the duration of the elimination of utero-vaginal epithelium. The chronologic factor of the mucosal corresponds to the half-period of the ovary. It is remarkable that the phenomena of cellular elimination, which appear monthly under the influence of physiologic factors, can appear artificially with the same period, under the influence of irradiation. If these are due in the first case to the products of complex hormonal glandular secretions, it is possible that they are due, in the second case, to physiologic factors, little different from the preceding, but localized and activated by the action of the rays on the substrata and surrounding tissues. Radiology II Radium and Roentgen Therapy Chairman: DR. G. E. PFAHLER, University of Pennsylvania 37. The Present Status of Radium Therapy. DOUGLAS QUICK, New York, New York. This discussion of radium therapy will be concerned chiefly with its place in the field of cancer plus a few closely allied or border-line conditions. Few of the malignant neoplastic diseases are manageable to best advantage by one agent or method alone. Radium has certain peculiar advantages to offer in the various combinations of therapy found best suited to the individual case, in the present state of our knowledge of the subject. Inasmuch as it does not afford the sole means of treatment in most of the major groups of malignant disease, it does not seem wise simply to enumerate its relative importance in the various groups ordinarily discussed by clinicians. The various special advantages will be suggested and their adaptation to certain fields of cancer presented. In ordinary practice, there are three general methods of application, external or surface, intracavitary, and inter stitial. The surface applications, usually in relatively small amounts, are used for skin lesions, while large amounts at substantial distance from the body surface, usually referred to as telecurietherapy, are used for depth doses in deep seated tumors. In this one particular, its approach to a parallel or competitive position with x-ray therapy will be discussed. The peculiar adaptability of radium to intra cavitary application approaches more nearly its real place in irradiation therapy. It affords a source of powerful energy in small bulk which can be placed in the body cavities for intense local irradiation. Probably the best example of this is in treatment of the uterine cervix and fundus. This principle of intense local irradiation at or near the center of the malignant neoplastic area is carried one step further in interstitial irradiation. Sources of radiant energy are implanted in and about the tumor bearing area: For this purpose radium salt in metal needles or radon in small celled metal containers (seeds) is employed. The relative values of each will be discussed and their wide range of application, especially in conjunction with opera tive surgery, will be pointed out. 330 It is rather generally accepted that the gamma-radiation is the all important factor. While this is probably true in large measure, the present trend of the day toward pro duction, electrically, of shorter and shorter wave-lengths may be carrying us away from an important quality of radiation, even though its field of usefulness is limited. At least, the question of the value of beta-rays of radium will be raised. In its intimate application within tissues, radium has never, in a practical way, gotten beyond the interstitial implant. At one time it was visualized as a possible consti tutional agent and certain clinical experimental work carried out. Ordinary table salt was exposed to radium emanation, dissolved in sterile water, and injected intra venously. A pronounced effect was noted in the leukemias, but the difficulties and hazards of the work caused it to be abandoned without publication of a report. It is now of interest in view of the radioactive substances made avail able through the agency of the cyclotron. To date, the therapeutic advances with radium have depended largely upon adaptation of the various physical factors to the individual problem. Dosage, for the most part, has of necessity been the maximum that the normal tissue structure would tolerate. There has been no secondary or complementary agent, either biological or chemical, which would render the tumor tissue more sensitive to irradiation or aid in retaining more of the ionizing radiation within the tumor bearing area. The use of colloidal lead a few years ago was transiently regarded as a possible "sensitizing" agent, but failed to prove ultimately of value. Some of the more recent experimental work, particularly that reported by Failla of injecting sterile water into the tumor immediately following irradiation by x-rays, seems more encouraging. It is hoped that, by setting forth the shortcomings of radium, rather than its accomplishments, before a mixed group of scientists, effort may be stimulated toward solving some of the problems which would enable radium to embrace a wider field of usefulness. The tremendous advances made during the last few years in the development of equipment for x-ray therapy JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59have rather overshadowed the older source of radiation radium. Its adaptability in conjunction with x-ray therapy should be more carefully borne in mind by all clinicians, especially the roentgen therapists. It should also be noted that far too many physicians having a limited knowledge, or no knowledge, of the principles of radiation therapy, are coming to dabble in the use of radium. Such practice not only does irreparable harm to the patient but discredits both radium and x-ray therapy. 38. The Present Status of Roentgen Therapy. U. V. PORTMANN, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. The remarkable progress and extending usefulness of roentgen therapy for many inflammatory and malignant diseases have been the result of the collaboration of engineers, physicists, and biologists with the physicians. Different types of apparatus have been developed to furnish irradiation in a wide range of quality and in adequate quantities. Means have been provided so that radiologists can administer treatment safely with con siderable accuracy, and they can estimate the tissue reactions which will be produced. Consequently, the results of roentgen therapy are improving constantly. However, roentgen therapy has limitations. Some of the clinical difficulties are inter-related and include those that are technical or attributable to the anatomical location and extent of the diseases being treated. and also to a lack of sufficient information about normal and pathological cellular functions. Clinical problems which may be solved by investigation in biophysics and biochemistry will be presented for consideration. 39. Supervoltage Roentgen Therapy. RICHARD DRESSER. Collis P. Huntington Memorial Hospital of Harvard Uni versity. Boston, Massachusetts. A discussion of supervoltage roentgen therapy naturally resolves itself into a comparison between results obtained with wave-lengths produced in the neighborhood of 200 kilovolts and those obtained at higher potentials. Many radiologists have made the observation that the shorter wave-lengths are more effective in the treatment of certain types of malignant disease. Radium has been extensively used for superficial application, but it is available in such small amounts that the effective dosage at some distance below the surface cannot be obtained. Thanks to the efforts of physicists and engineers, x-radiation approximating in wave-length the gamma-rays of radium is now available in huge intensities. The output of one supervoltage x-ray machine is equal to several times the intensity which might be obtained from all the refined radium in the world. The physician may now avail himself of the penetrating qualities of these supervoltage roentgen rays and may place the source of radiation at a distance sufficiently great from the patient so that the effect of the inverse square law in the dosage delivered to deep-seated malignant neoplasms becomes negligible. There are two important requirements of a therapeutic x-ray machine. First. it must be mechanically reliable so that a preconceived course of therapy can be carried out VOLUME 12, APRIL. 1941 without interruption. Second. the output of radiation must vary within narrow limits. The period of mechanical instability of the electrostatic belt conveyor type of supervoltage apparatus developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been incredibly short. The original unit installed at the Huntington Hospital operates with the reliability of a commercial 200-kv machine. The apparatus is now being run routinely at 1000 kv. 1 milli ampre, 70 cm distance, filtration 3! mm of lead plus 8 mm copper. The radiation thus produced has a half-value layer of 1O! mm of copper or 4 mm of lead. The intensity is 70 roentgens per minute. This output could be nearly tripled if the machine were operated at its full amperage capacity. Since the unit is chiefly used in the treatment of deep seated malignancies, it is of interest to compare depth doses obtained at 1000 kv with those obtained at 200 kv. This comparison is shown in the Table I. Million-volt radiation is found to possess several advantages: there is less scattering; the intensity below the surface (depth dose) is greater; the depth dose is largely independent of the size of the portal of entry. Moreover, clinical and animal experiments have shown that the tolerance of the skin to supervoltage x-rays is considerably increased. The results obtained from the medical use of superhard radiation have been entirely in accord with what was anticipated from physical measurements. The response of a new growth to radiation is primarily dependent on three factors: first, the radiosensitivity of the growth; second, the total amount of radiation given; third, the rate at which radiation is delivered. A neoplasm which is not affected in any'degree by 200-kv rays does not usually respond to the shorter wave-lengths. The lack of scattering, the greater penetration, and the employment of small portals of entry without appreciable effect on the depth dose result in better tolerance of supervoltage roentgen rays on the part of the patient. The total dosage can be increased, and the time of administration decreased. Two hundred-kilovolt treatment is usually limited in amount by the tolerance of the skin. At 1000 kv the factor of skin tolerance becomes TABLE I. 1000 KV 200 KV 70 CM 70 CM 3.5 MM PB tMMCU 8MM Cu PORTAL OF ENTRY % % 100 sq. em Surface back scatter 24 6.5 Depth dose-5 em 67 77 Depth dose-l0 em 34 49 Depth dose-IS em 17 29.5 Depth dose-20 em 8 18 225 sq. em Surface back scatter 26 9 Depth dose-5 em 71 78 Depth dose-l0 em 42 50.5 Depth dose-IS em 22 32.5 Depth dose-20 em 10.5 21 400 sq. em Surface back scatter 33 11 Depth dose-5 em 77 79 Death dose-l0 em 45.5 5.3 Depth dose-IS em 25 36 Depth dose-20 em 12.5 23.5 331 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59negligible and one is concerned with the reaction in the deeper structures. The combination of these factors has resulted in better regression of deep seated neoplasms than has hitherto been observed, and the results are improving as we gain greater knowledge of depth dose technique. The one outstanding disadvantage of superhard radiation is in the treatment of superficially located tumors. The production of a sufficiently intense superficial reaction may result in damage to underlying vital structures. Even this could be technically overcome by shortening the distance from the source of radiation to the patient, but we have found it easier and perhaps as effective to use the longer wave· lengths in such instances. I am indebted to Mr. Bernard Cosman and Dr. Milford Schulz for their collaboration in making depth dose measurements. Radiology III Neutron and Artificial Radioactivity Therapy Chairman: DR. R. H. STEVENS, Detroit, Michigan 62. Neutron Beam Therapy. ROBERT S. STONE AND JOHN C. LARKIN, Division of Roentgenology. University of California Medical School, San Francisco, California, and The William H. Crocker Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California. The production of fast neutrons in sufficient quantities for clinical use was first accomplished with the 37-inch cyclotron in 1938. In September of that year, treatments commenced on a series of 24 patients using neutrons pro duced from eight million-volt deuterons striking a beryllium target. Treatments were given once a week. Large total doses were given in a single sitting. It was found that approximately 200 ngiven to the face and neck produced a well-marked erythema, whereas doses as high as 270 11: did not cause blistering. Doses as low as 70 n on the flexor surface of the forearm produced just visible reactions. Tumor regressions were obtained. In November, 1939, the new 60-inch cyclotron producing 16 million-volt deuterons became available for clinical use three times a week. The average intensity of the beam of neutrons has been 5 n per minute. Up to September 10, 1940, 47 patients have been subjected to fractionated treatments. The patients were selected from that group of cases usually too advanced for treatment with x-rays, radium, or surgery. All the head and neck cases had metastatic involvement of the cervical lymph nodes. The lesions of the breast and prostate were inoperable, and some had distant metastases. The location of the lesions were as follows: breast (primary or recurrent) 6, prostate 5, stomach 1, head and neck 32, brain 1, and ovary 1. The general plan of treatment was to use 50 n per field using 7X7 em, 10XIO cm, and 1OX15 em ports in much the same manner as with x-rays. This was decreased when a patient showed too severe reaction or when the apparatus was not running at a maximum efficiency. The total doses have averaged 425 n to two opposing fields in 45 days. The maximum given was 775 n to one field in 40 days. The average total elapsed time including the first and last treatment was 45 days. The shortest treatment was 12 days and the longest 61 days. The average number of treatment visits for each patient was 15, the minimum being 7 and the maximum 20 when the full courses were given. Some 332 treatments were unduly prolonged when the apparatus was shut down for repairs. In treating the prostate cases, one anterior and two posterior fields were used but only two were treated in a single day. The skin reactions produced varied from mild erythemas to marked epidermitis. but all to date have healed satis factorily. In general they have tended to be dry with thick, heavy incrustations especially over the face and neck. In several cases large numbers of subcutaneous abscesses have formed. Subcutaneous edema and thickening of the tissues of the neck are constant sequelae. The anterior fields of the prostate cases showed marked reactions to 425 n in 33 days or 525 n in 45 days, but the gluteal fields withstood 650 n in 61 days. The mucosal reactions resembled those following x-ray, but have usually been patchy. The patients treated about the face and neck developed dry mouths and lost their sense of taste. Nearly all the primary lesions have shown some re gression, and when ulcerated have healed remarkably well. The metastatic glands also have regressed considerably and usually leave a smaller, hard, indurated area. Some metastatic glands have undergone necrosis. The necrotic material was usually thick and not watery. Microscopic studies of some of the treated tissues show necrosis and fibrous reactions. In conclusion, it is obvious that malignant tissues regress under fast neutron ray treatments. Normal tissues do not seem to be irreparably damaged by the doses necessary to produce tumor regression. Improvements in technique and operating conditions will undoubtedly produce better results. The recurrence of cancer and the rate of recovery of tissues from neutron therapy are, of course, not known at this early date. 63. Utilization of Slow Neutrons for Therapeutic Pur poses. P. GERALD KRUGER, Department of Physics, University of Illinois. Urbana, Illinois. Studies1 of the effects of the disintegration products from the nuclear reaction .Blo+on.' ...... sLF+ 2He4, on mammary carcinoma, lymphoma and sarcoma, show that the ioniza tion produced by these disintegration products is sufficient to cause lethal effects in vitro. JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59In the in vitro experiments small pieces of the neoplastic tissues were immersed in a boric acid solution and then irradiated with slow neutrons. In this way the boron nucleus is disintegrated in the environment of the tumor cells, and the dissipation of the energy of the disintegration products produces an intense ionization in the cells. After implanta tion in mice, the growth of the irradiated samples is com pared to the growth of tumor particles immersed in boric acid solution but not irradiated before implantation. A comparison of these data with those from other experi menters using fast neutrons, shows that the lethal effects observed after the slow neutron irradiation, are produced by the boron disintegration products. Since all elements which appear in tissue with an ap preciable concentration have a cross section for slow neu tron capture which is small compared to that for boron, no strong ionization can be produced in tissue by slow neutron irradiation unless boron or some other nucleus having similar characteristic is introduced into the tissue. Thus it may be expected that results similar to those observed in the in vitro experiments may be obtairied in vivo if sufficient boron, in some suitable form, can be applied to tumors in vivo. The localization of ionization by this method, when applied to in vivo work, will remove the danger of skin burns and similar disturbing factors which are prevalent in x-ray, 'Y-ray and fast neutron therapy. Before in vivo experiments of this type may be performed, with hope of success, it will be necessary for the chemist to supply the biologist or the physicist with suitable organo boron compounds, i.e., they must diffuse through tissue slowly, or be decomposed by chemical reaction in tissue in such a way as to deposit the boron in the tissue, and they must be nontoxic. Such a problem does not seem to be hopeless from the chemist's standpoint. From the data obtained in the in vitro experiments it is possible to calculate the approximate amount of energy which must be dissipated in a cell or in its nucleus to cause lethal effects. The results of such a calculation indicate that approximately 650 Mev per cell or 80 Mev per cell nucleus are required to kill mammary carcinoma cells. 1 P. Gerald Kruger, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 26, 181 (1940). 64. Intracellular Irradiation. J. H. LAWRENCE, L. A. ERF AND L. W. TUTTLE, William H. Crocker Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California. A. Yeast cells.-When Baker's yeast cells (Sacch Cere viseae) were suspended for one and one-half hours at 22°C in (a) glucose-salt, (b) fluoride glucose-salt, and (c) sustain ing salt mediae, to each of which radio-phosphorus (IOP32) in form of phosphate had been added, radioactivity was found only in those cells suspended in the first solution. The uptake of the radio-phosphorus varied with the con centration of glucose. Once the yeast cells had incorporated P32, it was not lost by resuspending the cells in a radio phosphorus-free media. These and other experiments indicated that the curve representing the uptake of radio phosphorus could be more or less superimposed upon the curve representing the metabolic rate of yeast cells and not upon the growth curve. VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 By the use of ice-cold five percent trichloracetic acid and hot ether-alcohol solutions, it was determined that ap proximately 80 percent of the activity was found in the acid soluble and 20 percent in the nucleoprotein fractions. (Approximately 40 percent of the activity of the nucleo protein fraction was present in the nucleic acids.) Iodoacetic acid decreased while cyanide increased the rate of uptake of radio-phosphorus in the nucleoprotein fraction. B. Mouse cells.-StrongA mice which have been inbred for nearly 80 generations and a very cellular, vascular lymphoma with lymphemic characteristics which has been transferred in about 80 generations, were used. The tumor takes in 100 percent of the mice inoculated and regressions have not been observed. After the intraperitoneal adminis tration of radio-phosphorus to both normal and leukemic animals, the retention of activity in the whole carcass of the leukemic animals was greater than in those of normal animals during a lOO-hour period. When the tissues were assayed separately, it was noted that the muscle tissue of the leukemic animals retained less activity than those of normal animals, however the bone and liver slightly more, while the lymph nodes and spleen retained much more during a period of lOO hours. These findings were thought to be due to the more rapid metabolism of the leukemic cells and to their varied infiltration in organs and tissues. The liver, spleen and lymph nodes of normal and leukemic animals were then fractionated into three broad groups of biologically active phosphorus compounds: phospholipids, nucleoproteins and acid soluble fractions. Leukemic in filtration of these organs was accompanied by an increase of several-fold in the uptake and retention of actjvity. by the nucleoprotein and acid soluble fractions over the normal organs. The phospholipid metabolism of spleen and lymph nodes was but slightly altered by leukemic infiltra tion, while that of the liver was depressed the first day after administration of P32. C. Human cells.-With the realization that radio phosphorus concentrated more rapidly in the nucleoprotein fraction of transmitted leukemic cells than in normal mouse cells, in addition to the marked concentration in bone and bone marrow, it would seem to be an ideal method of giving selective irradiation in leukemia. It has now been ad ministered orally and intravenously to approximately 200 cases of leukemia, Hodgkins, myeloma, melanoma, osteo genic sarcoma, polycythemia, and to four normal indi viduals. The rates of absorption (blood and biopsies of various tissues) and of excretion (urine and feces) have been determined in approximately 40 cases. As was found in the mice, the greatest concentrations of activity occurred in the nucleoprotein fraction of leukemic cells, while lesser concentrations occurred in normal blood cells during a period of one week following administration: Activity assays have been made of autopsied tissues of 30 cases. In those patients to whom radio-phosphorus had been ad ministered many days before death, the concentrations of radio-phosphorus were greatest in the osseous tissue, while in those to whom p32 had been administered just previous to death, the concentrations were greatest in such tissues as bone marrow, spleen and liver. This indicates that the more rapidly metabolizing tissues quickly utilize available radio- 333 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59phosphorus and that later it is probably stored as a calcium salt in the bones. The therapeutic results were quite encouraging. In the group of 16 cases of various types of chronic leukemia untreated by any other method such as x-ray or arsenic and which have been treated with radio-phosphorus only during the past two years, only five have died, and three of these were moribund at beginning of treatment. The others continued to respond well to treatment. Advantages of this form of therapy include (1) simple method of giving localized whole body irradiation in a single cocktail or intravenous injection; (2) absence of irradiation reactions. Radiology IV Dosage M easuremenis Chairman: DR. EDITH H. QUIMBY, Memorial Hospital, New York 70. Measurement of Short Wave Radiation in Roent gens. LAURISTON S. TAYLOR, National Bureau of Stand ards, Washington, D. C. A brief review will be presented covering the more im portant attempts to measure megavolt x-rays and gamma rays in roentgens. Particular emphasis is laid on the labora tory standardization measurements. The measurement 9f x-rays in roentgens up to 300 kv can be done in a straight forward manner involving no difficult assumptions or corrections. However, for higher excitation voltages, measuring instruments become unwieldy, with the result that indirect methods of measurement are employed. Some methods, such as those employing the thick-walled thimble chamber may involve certain assumptions as to the counter-balancing effects of different components of the ionizing radiations and absorption and scattering in the chamber walls. While such chambers are to be considered as fairly satisfactory, they cannot be considered as abso lute in their measurements. Extension of the useful range of free air ionization chambers through the use of high pressures, avoids some of the assumptions involved with thimble chambers but in turn involves corrections in the current measurement itself through the presence of columnar recombination effects. Simple enlargement of the chamber dimensions may apparently avoid both of these difficulties but the chamber itself becomes so large that the exclusion of other secondary effects is uncertain. Conse quently there is something to be desired in all the methods used thus far for the absolute measurement of the roentgen. Practical measurement of the roentgen, as in water phantoms, becomes more complicated in the higher voltage and gamma-ray regions when using secondary chambers which have been calibrated under standardized laboratory conditions against some sort of primary stand ard. The mode of comparison with the standard is to some extent dictated by the purpose to which the secondary chamber will later be applied. 71. Determination of Energy Absorbed Per Gram of Tissue. T. N. WHITE, National Cancer Instit{lte, Bethesda, Maryland. There will be reviewed the conditions under which one may ascertain the energy absorbed in tissue in terms of the 334 ionization which occurs in a gaseous cavity introduced into the tissue. This method has been thoroughly discussed and tested by L. H. Gray in the case of the filtered gamma rays of radium with its decay products. Both Gray and Zimmer have given some attention to the application of the method with fast neutrons. In essence the method depends upon the behavior of ionizing particles in matter, and an attempt will be made to express the conditions which should be fulfilled without making any direct reference to the source or exact nature of the ionizing particles. The purpose of this mode of presentation is to facilitate perception of the range of applicability of the method. The proposed conditions are summarized as follows: (1) It must be necessary to evaluate only that energy which is absorbed in the tissue on account of deceleration by the tissue of the motion of ionizing particles. (2) In any gas of low atomic number, the average number of ion pairs formed per small decrement of energy should be practically independent of the kinetic energy of the ionizing particles. (3) The rate of loss of energy in tissue by the ionizing particles should bear to the rate of 10O's of energy in the gas of the cavity a ratio which is practically independent of the kinetic energy of the particles. (4) On an average, the energy absorbed in the cavity from any ionizing particle must be small in comparison with the energy with which the particle traverses the cavity. (5) The number of primary ionizing particles of any specified energy traveling in any specified direction should be practically the same at all points throughout the tissue within which the cavity is introduced. It is considered that in any case where the above condi tions hold the energy absorbed may, for practical purposes, be expressed by means of Gray's formula: E=dWJ where E is the energy absorbed per gram of tissue adjacent to the cavity, W is the average decrement of energy of ionizing particle per pair of ions formed in the gas of the cavity, J is the number of ion pairs formed per gram of gas in the cavity, and d is the ratio stated in (3) above (rates being expressed as energy loss per gram cm-2). JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59The consequence of failure to meet certain of the condi tions will be discussed. Some attention will be given to the applicability of the method in cases where tii'sue is irradiated with an externally produced beam of ionizing particles, and where a small amount of radioactive material is uniformly dispersed in the tissue. Insofar as time permits, pertinent data will be summar ized and experimental technique will be discussed. REFERENCES (partial list) : G. Failla, Radiology 29,202 (1937). G. Failla and L. D. Marinelli, Am. J. Roent. 38, 312 (1937). L. H. Gray, Proc. Roy. Soc. London A122, 647 (1928). L. H. Gray. Proc. Roy. Soc. London A1S6, 578 (1936). L. H. Gray and J. Read. Nature 144. 439 (1939). c. C. Lauritsen. Brit. J. Radiol. 11. 471 (1938). G. C. Laurence. Can. J. Research A1S. 67 (1937). W. V. Mayneord, Brit. J. Radiol. 13,235 (1940). K. G. Zimmer. Strahlentherapie 63.517 (1938). 72. Distribution of Ionization Produced in the Human Body by Different Methods of Irradiation. PAUL C. AEBERSOLD, * William C. Crocker Radiation Laboratory, Physics Department, University of California, Berkeley, California. Nuclear physics has resulted in two new methods of irradiating lesions within the human body, the use of beams of fast neutrons and the administration of induced radioactive substances. Comparisons of the distributions of ionization produced in the human body by these new methods with those achieved by x-ray and radium irradia tion are being made in our laboratory by means of both physical and biological tests. Comparisons have also been made of the distributions produced by different qualities of x-rays applied in various ways. As yet it is not possible for all qualities and kinds of radiation to give absolute values of the energy expended in ionization at points in a body, i.e., absolute tissue dosage. However, an approximation to the tissue dose can be attained under certain conditions by measuring the ioniza tion produced in a tiny gas cavity or chamber of special properties introduced in the body and then applying the Bragg-Gray relationship for the ionization in such a cavity. The validity of this procedure for x-rays, gamma-rays and fast neutrons will be considered. For administered radio elements that emit only beta-rays, the absolute energy expended per unit volume of tissue can readily be calcu-lated if the average energy of the emitted beta-particles is known and an assay is made to determine the number of particles emitted in the unit volume. In general there are uncertainties in these determinations that will need to be cleared up before absolute dosages can be stated for this type of irradiation, but in most cases good approximations can be made. Assuming that a distribution of ionization can be meas ured that will approximate tissue dosage, it is nevertheless inadequate to compare a few such physical measurements, e.g., percentage depth doses, in comparing the relative efficacy of one type of irradiation over another. The density of ionization along tracks of secondary protons resulting from neutron irradiation is very different from that along electron tracks resulting from x-and gamma-irradiation, and it will vary with the energy of the neutrons. Also radio-elements may deposit selectively in certain cells, or even in parts of cells, and give rise to a submicroscopic picture of ion distribution different from that occurring under x-irradiation. The different submicroscopic distribu tion of ionization resulting from the use of these new irradiation methods can produce different biological effects even when the physical measurement of volume ionization is the same. Consequently, before the ordinary volume ionization measurements can be used for indicating relative biological depth doses the relation between the ionization measurements, and the biological effects sought must be investigated over the range of qualities acquired by the radiation in the body. Moreover, the relative recovery factor of different tissues, such as normal and neoplastic tissue, may be different for neutrons than for x-rays. Also, the relative recovery of tissues must be considered for the slow rate of dosage that can be used with adminis tered radio-elements. Although no such exhaustive investigations have yet been made, tests show that the depth doses achieved by the fast neutron beam of the 60-inch cyclotron are as good as those achieved by high voltage x-rays, and this is born out by clinical observations. Also clinical results on pa tients administered radio-elements show selective radia tion effects found from physical and biological tests. It appears that these new methods of irradiation may be favorable adjuncts to present radiation therapy. * Fellow of the Finney-Howell Research Foundation. Radiology V Radiobiology Chairman: DR. CHARLES PACKARD, Columbia University 76. The Relation of Tissue Phosphatase to the Deposi tion of Radioactive Phosphorus in Bone Tumors. HELEN QUINCY WOODARD, Memorial Hospital, New York, New York. When radioactive phosphorus enters the body it is held temporarily in high concentration in storage organs such as the liver. After a variable period of storage it is released for metabolism in other regions. Since all tissues contain VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 phosphorus, the radioactive isotope, like the normal one. is taken up to replace catabolized material and to build new. The rate of uptake by different tissues depends on their phosphorus content and rate of metabolism. The phosphorus content of bone is high, and bone produces an enzyme, alkaline phosphatase, which aids in making phosphorus available for deposition as calcium phosphate. Hence available supplies of radioactive phosphorus tend to 335 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59localize in the skeleton. Bone tumors which are growing rapidly and have the capacity to calcify contain abundant phosphatase. In these tumors, as in normal bone, the rate of deposition of radioactive phosphorus usually is a function of the phosphatase activity. Many, although not all, of the metastases from bone tumors have the same high phosphatase activity as the primary lesions. There is a tendency for radioactive phosphorus to localize in these metastases. Radioactive phosphorus thus appears likely to be a valuable therapeutic agent in the treatment of phosphatase-producing bone tumors. It may prove to be useful as an adjuvant to external irradiation of the primary tumor. It may also be found to be effective as a pro phylactic agent to inactivate metastatic deposits before they become established. As alkaline phosphatase usually appears in large quantities in the serum of patients with phosphatase-producing tumors, the serum phosphatase readings may be taken as an indication of the suitability of a patient for radioactive phosphorus therapy. This work was carried out in cooperation with Mr. L. Marinelli and Dr. John Kenny of this Hospital. The radioactive phosphorus was obtained through the courtesy of Dr. E. O. Lawrence of the University of California. 77. Some Experiments on the Localization of Lithiated Dyes in Tumor Tissue and Their Bearing on the Possibility of Slow Neutron Therapy. PAUL A. ZAHL AND F. S. COOPER, Memorial Hospital, New York, New York; The Haskins Laboratories, New York, New York. In a paper by Zahl, Cooper and Dunning! experiments were described in which mouse sarcomas were injected hypodermically with slowly diffusing suspensions of boron or lithium salts and then subjected to slow neutron irradiation. Resulting tumor regressions were considered to be due to the nuclear capture reactions which occur between lithium or boron atoms and slow neutrons with the release of very high energetic particles. However, for the possible utilization of this nuclear reaction in the clinical treatment of cancer, hypodermic injection of lithium or boron materials is not considered feasible. The authors have therefore interested themselves in seeking other devices for localizing slow neutron capturing ma terials in tumor tissue. It has been found that certain diazo dyes (most of which are sodium salts of the disulphonic acid complex) have the property when injected intravenously of localizing in greater concentration in tumor tissue than in normal tissue. Similar salt dyes were prepared in which lithium (because of its proximity to sodium in the alkali series) replaced the sodium. Such lithiated dyes were injected intravenously into tumor-bearing mice, and after suitable periods quantitative spectroscopic analyses for lithium content were made on the tumor tissue as well as on the other tissues of the body. Similar tests were made using simple binary lithium salts. It was found that considerably more lithium accumulates in the tumor tissue than in the normal tissues. The ac cumulation occurs rapidly, reaching a maximum at be tween four and seven hours following injection. The maxi mum concentration is sustained for a relatively short 336 period and is followed by slower drainage and excretion. At between 24 to 48 hours after injection lithium is no longer detectable in the system. Maximum concentrations attained in tumor tissues ranged at 0.03 percent of ele mental lithium for wet tissue. The concentration of lithium in the tumor tissue was approximately twice that found in the liver and kidneys, and an even higher differential exists for the other tissues. Results to date of this work will be presented together with a discussion of the implications of differentiallocaliza tion of slow neutron capturing materials considered in relation to the problem of cancer treatment with slow neutrons. t Zahl, Cooper and Dunning, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., October, 1940, in press. 78. Relative Effect of X-Rays on Resting and Actively Secreting Kidney Tubules. ROBERT CHAMBERS, New York University, New York, New York. The investigation was made on explanted fragments in tissue culture of the chick mesonephric proximal tubules. The cut ends of these tubular segments heal over in a few hours and the closed segments continue to function, their lumina becoming distended with a fluid secretion. In the usual plasma medium of the culture the distension is relatively slow but, when phenol red is added to the medium, the distension is accelerated, the lumina becoming intensely colored with phenol red. MgSO. was found to have a similar effect of inducing distension. The difference in the rate of distensibility of the tubules was taken as a criterion for the active and relatively inactive state of the secretory cells in the walls of the tubules. Explants of the tissue c.ultures of 48 hours incubation were exposed to x-rays of various intensities and the effect of the irradiation noted on the ability of the closed seg ments of the tubules to become distended with secretory fluid. The tubules in the explants were found to be extra ordinarily resistant to irradiation, the tubules being able to accumulate phenol red in the normal manner if the phenol red is added at any time after an irradiation dosage of 25,000 roentgens. With dosages from 40,000 to 60,000 roentgens evidences of deterioration appear after about 50 to 60 hours of incubation and within 5 days the majority of the proximal tubules have undergone necrosis, However, the few which remain intact appear as healthy as the controls and equally able to accumulate phenol red. Within the 50 to 60 hours after an irradiation of as high as 60,000 roentgens the addition of phenol red to the me dium at varying times shows that the tubules develop progressively increasing ability to function normally in the accumulation of phenol red in their lumina, Thus, 3 hours after the irradiation the pick-up is much less than that of the controls, at 20 hours it is improved and at 28 hours it is at its best. Later, the number of healthy active tubules diminishes, until at 5 days there are very few, but the few tubules which have survived are as good as the controls. There is a marked difference in the susceptibility of the tubules to irradiation according to whether the tubules are JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59irradiated in the presence or in the absence of secretion inducing substances, e.g. phenol red or MgSO •. The normal culture medium for these tubules was blood plasma which, apparently does not contain substances to be' secreted in sufficient quantity to induce more than a mild activity of the tubular cells. On the other hand, when phenol red or MgSO. is added to the medium the cells of the proximal tubules are greatly stimulated to activity and distension of the tubules is accelerated. Under these conditions the toxic effect of the irradiation is more pronounced. The tubules start to distend but in a few hours undergo progres sive degeneration which, several days later, becomes wide spread. In conclusion, these experiments indicate that healthy, "resting" proximal tubules of the chick mesonephros in tissue culture are far less susceptible to the toxic effects of x·rays than when the tubules are being stimulated to accelerated secretory activity during the irradiation. Tubules, irradiated in the "resting" condition, require time to recover from the effects of the irradiation. If the tubules are stimulated to secrete at or within a few hours after being exposed to x-rays they tend to succumb. On the other hand, the longer they are allowed to remain in the "resting" condition after the irradiation the better able are they to resume functional activity. 79. Some Effects of Germ Cell Injury Produced by X-Rays. PAUL S. HENSHAW, Research Fellow, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland. How radiation acts on the cells of living matter to bring about biologic change and cell death is of importance not only in the treatment of malignant disease and the under standing of general biologic behavior but also in the pro tection of the offspring of those who work with radiation. Information bearing on these points may be obtained from a study of the injury induced in germ cells by x-rays. Recently it has been our privilege to observe irradiation changes produced in a number of kinds of sperm and ova (the gametes of the marine worm, Nereis limbata; the marine clam, Cumingia tellinoides; the fly, Drosophila melanogaster; the sea urchin, Arbacia punctulata; and the common frog, Rana pipiens). In general the procedure was to expose one or the other gamete to x-rays, after which fertilization was allowed to occur and subsequent behavior observed. It was found, (1) that without exception the motility of sperm and their ability to activate the ovum was not im paired by doses of radiation far in excess of those which would cause extensive abnormalities in later development; (2) that in one case (Nereis) extensive swelling of the fertilization membrane occurs when the ovum is exposed to the radiation; (3) that delay in cell division and interrupted phase relationship of cleavage mitoses occurs in sea urchin material when either gamete is treated; (4) that in the sea urchin material, multipolar cleavage may be induced by the exposure of either gamete to a dose of around 20,000 r (observations (3) and (4) will be illustrated by moving pictures); and (5) that in the case of both frog and Drosophila material quite normal cell proliferation and cleavage may be observed after exposure of sperm to VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 radiation, whereas little or very abnormal differentiation is found to occur. These findings indicate (a) that injury of a variety of types (sometimes extensive as death) may be transmitted to offspring by changes produced in mature sperm or ova by high energy radiation; (b) that extensive abnormalities in development may result from irradiation changes produced in what is essentially half a normal cell nucleus a sperm; and (c) that since abnormal distribution of chromatin material resulting from multipolar cleavage usually leads to cell death, this may be pointed out as one means by which radiation causes death in cells. 80. Effects of High and Low Temperatures During Roentgen. Irradiation on the Susceptibility of Skin of Young Rats. TITUS C. EVANS, Departments of Radiology and Zoology, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. One-day old rats were irradiated at 0-5°C and at 30° with dosages ranging from 300 to 3000 roentgens. In all cases it was found that the skin of the rats irradiated at the higher temperature was injured more than that of the rats treated at 0-5°. The animals were kept at these tempera tures only during the time required to give the x-ray treatment. The radiation (130 kv, cardboard filter only) was delivered at an intensity of 100 r per minute. The experi ments were begun with a treatment of three minutes and in each following experimentthe dosage was increased by 300 r. The young rat was taped to a sheet of lead containing a 2 X 4 mm port which was placed over the region to be irradiated. The animals were kept near 0° during the irradiation by packing snow or crushed ice around them. Immediately after the treatment the animals were placed at 30° and as soon as they regained their ability to breathe and move, they were placed back in the cage with the mother. In each experiment a litter-mate of the same size and sex (only males were used) was irradiated at 30° and moist cotton was substituted for the snow. Controls were kept at 0-5° and at 30° during the time the experimentals were being treated. Only periods of 30 minutes at 0° ap peared to be near the limit of endurance, and once a rat resumed breathing the recovery was complete. The animals were killed and photographed when they were two weeks of age. The injury was evident externally by the degree of epilation produced. In all experiments the epilation was more severe in the animal irradiated at 30° than in the one treated while cold. A dosage of 3000 r was required to produce an area completely devoid of hair whereas a treatment of only 1000 r had the same effect on exposed skin of the animal irradiated at the higher temperature. Histological examination revealed even more of a differ ence in the effect produced at the two temperatures. At the lower temperature 3000 r of radiation did not destroy many of the deeper follicles and very little tissue reaction was apparent. The effect of the same dosage at the higher temperature was extreme. Not only was complete epilation and excessive desquamation evident, but the epidermis exhibited injury closely resembling hyperkeratosis. The slight tissue injury of the skin irradiated at the low temper- 337 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59ature was comparable to that of the rat treated with only 300-600 r at 30°. This biological material is peculiarly well fitted for a demonstration of this kind. The metabolism of rats of this age is inhibited quickly and perhaps completely by low temperature. The skin is relatively undifferentiated and growth is rapid. Thus metabolism and cell division were at a minimum during the irradiatiOli at 0-5° and were near a maximum during and following treatment at 30°. 81. The E1fect of X-Rays on Bacteriophage. FRANK M. EXNER, Department of Cancer Research, AND HELEN ZAYTZEFF-]ERN, Department of Surgery, Columbia Uni versity. New York. New York. The rate of inactivation of a virus by x-rays gives a basis for calculating the size of the radiosensitive portion of the virus corpuscle for comparison with the size given by ultrafiltration and ultracentrifuge methods. The calculation is based on the so-called "hit" theory. Application of this theory to these simplest known self-reproducing entities should help in determining the extent to which the theory is applicable in other biological problems. While plant viruses have been employed in x-ray investigations for some time (Gowen). a definite action of x-rays on bacteriophages (viruses parasitic on bacteria) has only recently been reported.1 The work here described represents an independent investigation of the suitability of bacteriophages for x-ray studies. The effect observed was the x-ray inactivation of bacteriophage corpuscles suspended in 1 percent yeast extract broth containing 0.5 percent NaC!, pH 7.6 to 7.8. Concentrations of about 10' corpuscles per em' were employed. Anticoli and antistaphylococci bacteriophages were used with their homologous strains of bacteria. To determine the concentration of corpuscles high decimal dilutions of bacteriophage suspension are made and mixed with an optimum number of the homologous strain of bacteria. 0.01 em' pQ1"tions of these mixtures are evenly spread on 1 percent agar plates. After incubation clear spots (plaques) in the otherwise uniform bacterial growth represent colonies of bacteriophage derived from individual corpuscles. which can thus be counted. X-ray dosage measurements are based on a Victoreen ionization chamber. Corrections including absorption and scatter probably total under ±15 percent and are omitted. Most of the exposures were made at the rate of about 1000 r/min. with copper half-value layer of 3.5 mm corre sponding to about 425 kv on a tungsten target. with 0.6 mm copper filtration. The ratio N I No of corpuscles surviving exposure was followed from unity to about 10-6• Over this range the data fit well on a curve N IN 0 = e-aq where q is the dose in r. The value of a is 2.5 X 10-6 r-I for the staphylococcus and 3.0 X 10-6 r-I for the B. coli bacteriophage. This great range of exponential inactivation. together with a number of special tests, points to a direct action of the radiation on the bacteriophage as against an indirect action through the medium. The volume of the radiosensitive portion of the corpuscle is obtained from the probability a that this volume will be "hit" by an exposure of 1 roentgen. This requires a knowl edge of the number of ion pairs per hit. From the known gross size of bacteriophage corpuscles it is apparent that in this case the clusters of secondary ionization along the recoil electron tracks (3 ion pairs per average cluster) will act as units.2 Omitting minor correction.factors which tend to cancel, a mean diameter for the two bacteriophages comes out 4.5 X 10-6 cm (45 mIL) in agreement with the range of sizes (50-80 mIL) obtained with related strains of bacteriophages by filtration and centrifuge methods. One experiment with 200 kv x-rays showed no significant difference from the harder radiation. This is contrary to unpublished results with tobacco mosaic virus (J. W. Gowen and F. M. Exner). Irradiation of these materials with fast neutrons is planned with the hope of helping to clarify the rale of ion distribution in different types of biological response to radiation. 1 E. Wollman and A. Lacassagne. Ann. de \'lnst. Pasteur 64, 5 (1940). E. Wollmau, F. Holweck and S. Lauria, Nature 145, 935 (1940). • D. E. Lea, J. Genetics 39. 181 (1940). General I Production of Radioactive and Stable Isotopes and of Penetrating Radiations Chairman: DR. EDW. D. CONDON, Westinghouse Research Laboratories 46A. The Production of N eutroDs and Artificial Radio activity. M. A. TUVE, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D. C. Information and personal opinions are being collected on the points indicated in the following outline, with particular reference to obtaining active discussion and arriving at a reasonable estimate of the present situation 338 relating to the average operating performance and costs of nuclear physics laboratories. Outline (A) Introduction Spheres of usefulness of the electrostatic generator, and the cyclotron: General <omments (ll Voltages and currents (2 Yields of neutrons and artificial radioactivity (3 Advantages of each for special purposes (4) General cost comparison (5) Radium comparisons JOURNAL OF ApPLmn PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59(B) Neutrons (a) Nuclear reactions of most use (b) Intensities obtained (I) Electrostatic generators now in operation (2) Small cyclotron (3) Medium-size cyclotrons in operation at various in stitutions (4) Large cyclotron (oo-inch) (5) Possible extensions of each technique (c) Qualifications on these intensities (1) The need for and disadvantages of intensity monitors (2) Total flux of neutrons versus useful flux for various cases (3) Fast neutrons; energy and space distributions (4) Slow neutrons; useful flux, collimation, fast neutron accompaniment. blur of source (5) Homogeneity of energy (6) Modulated neutron source for mono-energetic slow neutrons; energy range available now; possible ex tensions of this technique (d) Neutron sources for biological use (I) Victoreen units (Zimmer, Gray, Aebersold) (2) Intensities used or needed (3) Practical considerations; collimation, time schedules, operating reliability (C) Artificial radioactivity (a) Important radioactive elements and reactions; typical uses to date. and amounts required (b) Electrostatic generators (I) Yields obtained; voltages and currents used (2) Use of weak sources for laboratory studies (3) Indirect production using neutrons (4) Costs (c) Cydotrons (1) Yields; comparison of production by direct bombard ment and by absorption of neutrons (2) Actual amounts produced in various laboratories; maximum; usual; average; over-all production dur ing one or two years past; typical sources available (3) Costs per millicurie; direct· costs; costs allowing for time of staff and losses of operating time; over-all costs, including overhead and depreciation (d) Possible extensions of these techniques (1) Electrostatic generator; developments and expecta tions (2) Cyclotron; developments and expectations (e) Chief troubles (1) Electrostatic generators (2) Cyclotrons (D) Cost Data (a) Electrostatic generator (1) Capital investment and construction time to useful operation (a) Open air type generators (b) Small pressure type generators (c) Large pressure type generators (d) Building space costs (2) Maintenance and improvement costs; staff; running costs (3) Percentage of operating time; reliability; discounts (4) Best present judgment for a recommendation now (b) Cyclotron (1) Capital investment and construction time (a) Small (b) Medium, 32-inch to 45-inch units (c) Large, oo-inch and up (d) Building space costs (2) Maintenance and improvement costSj staff; powerj repairs and replacements; supplies; institutional costs (3) Percentage of operating time; reliability; dependence on objectives and changes (E) Reasons given for installing nuclear physics equipment (a) Teaching laboratories; supply and demand (b) Research laboratories in physics; industry (e) For fundamental research in biology and chemistry (d) For medical studies and use The above outline covers the topics indicated by others as desirable for this discussion, particularly with reference to anticipated future equipment. The topics which actually will be covered are to be determined by the group present. Vigorous discussion and contribution by those present is expected. 46B. The Production of Neutrons and Artificial Radio activity. * M. S. LIVINGSTON, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Representatives of various laboratories have contributed data pertaining to the yield of neutrons and p82 radio- VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 gm Eq. Ra-Be 6000 o 1500 1000 500 NEUTRON YIELD/).Ia Seq+ d1 _ s'" + n' U. of ROCHESTER . HARVARD 5 10 15 DEUTERON ENERGY (MEV) FIG. 1. P"YIELDo..ah p'+ d' ~ P"+ p' CARNEGIE . HARVARD . U.ofCALIF 20 U.ofCALIF. 100 I NST. U.of ROCHESTER x 0~~~~5~~~~I~O~~--~15~~--~2~O DEl,.ITERON ENERGY (MEV) FIG. 2. activity from disintegration apparatus, and also installa tion and operation costs. These data are tabulated in Tables I and II. For comparison with neutron therapy costs data from x-ray and radium-pack installations have been included. The headings are as follows: 1. Instal1ation. 2. Size: pole face diameter for cyclotrons, sphere diameter and air pressure for e1ectrostatic generators. 3. Energy (Mev): working energy for deuterons or electrons, in mi11ion electron volts. 4. Installation cost: complete replacement cost including apparatus, housing, shielding and salaries of technical and supervisory staff during construction. 5. Operations crew: supervisory and technical staff required for opera- tion and maintenance. . 6. Operating cost/yr.: salaries for operations crew, overhead and maintenance costs, 4 percent interest on capital investment, 10 petcent building depreciation and 20 percent apparatus obso lesCence charge per year. 7. Average operation: except where noted an average figure of 7 hr./day, 2400 hr./yr. has been used to compare relative costs, due to present lack of performance data. S. Operating cost/hr. 9. Deuteron beam (""): the figures in parentheses are estimates of a proper yield for instruments not ful1y developed for quantity production, as indicated by results in other laboratories. For the x-ray installation electron currents in microamperes are used. 10. Operating cost/I'l' hr. 11. "" hr./mC P": reported deuteron bOmbardment in microampere hours to produce one millicurie of P" from P (d, p) reaction. Figures in parentheses are estimates or produced by slow neutrons. 12. Cost/mC pat. 13. Neutron intensity: reported fast neutron intensity in the forward direction per microampere of deuterons in terms of that from 1 g Ra mixed with Be. 339 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59TABLE I. Cyclotrons. LARGE MEDIUM SMALL BABY 16 MEV 8-12 MEV 3-7 MEV 1-2 MEV 1. Typical installation U. of Calif. Harvard & M.I.T. Rochester Corneil 2. Size 60 inch 42 inch 27 inch 16 inch 3. Energy (Mev) 16 11.5 4.5 1.4 4. Installation cost $182,000 $60,000 $25,000 $6000 5. Operations crew 15 6 7 2 6. Operating cost/yr. $60,500 $25,000 $20,000 S5000 7. Average operation (hr./day, hr./yr.) (7/2400) (7/2400) (7/2400) 4.5/1500 Operating cost/hr. 8. $25.20 $10.40 $8.30 $3.33 9. Deuteron beam (/La) 200 20 (100) 4 (SO) 25 10. Oper. cost/ /La hr. $.125 $.52 ($.104) $2.07 ($.166) $.133 11. /La hr./mC p32 5 10 (200) (750-n's) 12. Cost/mC p32 $.625 $5.20 ($1.04) ($207) ($16.60) $100 13. Neutron intensity (g Ra-Be Eq'//La) 6000 3000 (200) 40 14. Effective neutron int. ("n" units/min. @ 100 cm) 7.5 0.38 (1.9) (0.005) (0.0625) 0.006 IS. Cost/"n" unit of n's $.056 $.47 ($.087) ($28) ($2.20) 19.25 16. "r" units/min. (for therapy) 30 @ 100 cm 1.5 (7.5) (0.02) (0.25) 17. Therapy cost/loo "r" SI.40 Sl1.50 ($2.30) ($690) ($55) TABLE II. Electrostatic generators. PRESSURE LARGE AIR SMALL AIR X-RAY 3-5 MEV 2-3 MEV 1-2 MEV 1 MEV RADIUM BOMB 1. Carnegie M.LT. Carnegie Mass. Gen. Hosp. Memorial Hosp. 2. 18' @ SO lb. 15' @ atmos. 8' @ atmos. 2' @ 150 lb. 4 g radium 3. 3.5 2.5 4. $75,000 $45,000 5. 3 3 6. 120,000 $17,000 7. (7/2400) (7/2400) 8. S8.30 $7.10 9. 15 (SO) 500 elect. 10. $.55 (S.17) ($.014) 11. 1000 12. $550 ($170) 13. 100 14. 0.02 (0.07) 15. S6.90 (S2) 16. 0.08 (0.28) 250 @ 100 cm 17. $17 (S6) S.05 14. Effective neutron intensity: conversion from g Ra Be equivalent to ionization in a Victoreen 100 r thimble chamber on the basis of the Carnegie Institution's corrected figure of 0.005 "n"/min. at 5 cm. Neutron yields in the forward direction from cyclotrons are reduced by a factor of 4 to give the average or effective intensities. 15. Cost/"n" unit of neutrons. 16. "r" units/min.: to compare therapy costs of neutrons, x-rays and gamma-rays, neutron "n" units are multiplied by a factor of 4. an average value for their relatively greater biological efficiency. 17. Therapy cost/loo "r" units. The yields of neutrons per microampere in the Be (d, n) reaction and of p32 radioactivity per microampere hour in the P (d, p) reaction are plotted against deuteron energy in Figs. 1 and 2. Although the relative accuracy of points on the curves may be poor, these excitation functions show a more rapid increase with energy than would be expected on the basis of the increased penetration of deuterons into the target. Increase in yield due to range alone would vary with Ei. The points indicated by crosses are computed for this variation from the value at 3.5 Mev. * This paper was substituted for 46A. originally scheduled for this place in the program. 47. The Separation of Stable Isotopes. HAROLD C. UREY, Department of Chemistry, Columbia University, New York, New York. In the separation of the isotopes of elements other than hydrogen which will not be discussed, all methods which have been used have certain similarities. In one way or another countercurrent streams of compounds containing the element to be separated, having different isotopic 340 1.2 1.25 $7500 $20,000 $100,000 3 1 1 13800 $6500 $4000 (7/2400) 7£:2170 16/5500 $1.60 3.00 $.73 10 500 elect. $.16 $.006 7 4 0.0008 0.00005 $33 $240 SO @ 70 cm 5 @ 10 cm S.10 $.24 compositions, are established. The differences in composi tion are produced by rather widely different methods. These may be listed as follows: (1) Diffusion through porous membranes or gaseous substances, (2) the differ ences in composition produced by thermal diffusion, (3) differences in composition produced by differences in chemical and physical properties, such as exchange re actions and distillation. Very marked changes in the relative abundances of isotopes were produced by the two varieties of Hertz diffusion method. In the first of these, diffusion takes place across a solid membrane, and in the second, through mov ing gas streams. The speed of these methods is limited by the speed with which diffusion through porous membranes or gas can take place, which is relatively slow in the first case, since the membrane must support the difference in pressure on the two sides. This method has been used to produce very substantial separations of the neon isotopes, and some separation of the carbon and nitrogen isotopes. The thermal diffusion method introduced by C1usius and Dickel is probably the simplest, from the standpoint of operation, of any method that has so far been devised. In this case use is made of the difference in composition established between a hot and a cold wall, provided the law of force between the molecules does not approximate closely to the inverse fifth power law, in which case no JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59effect is secured. If vertical heated and cooled walls are placed near each other convection is set up, and a stream having an increased concentration of the heavy isotope moves downward while a stream having increased concen tration of the light isotope moves upward. Large concen tration differences can be secured in this process with lengths of tube which are easily constructed and main tained in scientific laboratories. The method is applicable to a wide range of substances, depending only upon the necessity of securing the substances in a gaseous form, the substances being stable when heated, and not reacting with the walls of the vessel. The theory of this method has been given in detail by Furry, Onsager, and others. The method has been applied to secure practically complete separation of the chlorine isotopes and to secure substantial separation of the carbon isotopes and, perhaps, others. The chemical distillation methods depend upon differ ences in composition resulting from slight differences in the chemical and physical properties of isotopic compounds. In these cases differences in composition between two phases are established, and the two phases are then trans ported relative to each other in a suitable apparatus. The systems used so far consist of: gas-liquid systems where the usual type of distillation column is used, the liquid-liquid systems used in the case of concentration of lithium iso topes by exchange between a mercury amalgam and an alcohol solution of the lithium salt, and between solid liquid systems using zeolites and salt solutions for partial separation of the isotopes of lithium, potassium and nitrogen. There are certain important features of all of these methods which must be considered in order to decide which is the best for a given situation. Important factors to consider are: (1) The change in concentration that can be secured in a given apparatus, (2) the time that it will require the apparatus to come to a steady state so that the maximum concentration can be produced, and (3) the rate of production of the isotopic concentrate. All methods mentioned can produce desirable changes in concentration of isotopes. Thermal diffusion or Hertz diffusion systems can be expected to come to equilibrium in the course of hours or, at most, a day or so. The chemical and distillation methods require weeks to reach the final steady state because of the larger amount of working material' in the system. In general, it can be said that the Hertz diffusion methods or the thermal diffusion methods can produce in the neigh- VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 borhood of 1-10 milligrams per 24 hours of such a con stituent as CI3 in the usual sized apparatus. The chemical methods are capable of producing about one gram of material per 24 hours. Thus, in the region where the chemical methods will work, and if isotopes are needed for experiments on a rather large scale, they are the best. This includes oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and sulfur at the present time. However, the use of the chemical method is strictly limited to elements of low atomic weight, and hence the thermal diffusion method is particularly good for elements of high atomic weight or in cases where only small amounts of material are required for experiment. The mass spectrograph method of separation is capable of producing only small amounts of material, and cannot be considered seriously as a method for securing tracer materials. The ultracentrifuge method, on which prelimi nary experiments have been made, is too much in the development stage for one to be able to make any pre dictions. It would seem doubtful that this method will be as good as thermal diffusion because of the expensive character of the apparatus required. 48. Production of High Voltage X-Rays. JOHN G. TRUMP, Department of Electrical Engineering, Massachu setts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. A brief discussion will be given of those properties of high voltage x-rays which account for the present tendency toward higher voltages for therapy and for industrial radiography. Several types of x-ray installations in the million-volt range which have appeared in recent years will be reviewed. It appears that the compressed-gas insulated low frequency resonance transformer and the constant-potential Van de Graaff electrostatic generator are the most compact and economical voltage sources for the production of very penetrating x-rays. The operating principles and essential features of both these voltage sources will be discussed. Because of the low current capa city inherent in the method, the electrostatic generator is limited to the higher voltages but is relatively free from an upper voltage limit. Hospital installations of both types of x-ray generators have been made, and preliminary evidence indicates 'effective and reliable performance under continued use. Further gains in compactness and simplicity, arising both from improved design and from more effective insulation, are expected. An account will be given of work now under way directed at greater com pactness and portability in million-volt units, as well as at the extension of such x-ray sources to several megavolts. 341 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59General II Measurement of Radioactive and Stable Isotopes and of Penetrating Radiations Chairman: DR. K. T. BAINBRIDGE, Harvard University 49. Measurement of Relative Abundances of Stable Isotopes. ALFRED O. NIER, Department of Physics, Uni versity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The use of separated, stable isotopes of elements such as carbon and nitrogen as tracers in chemical and biological problems requires rapid and accurate measurements of relative abundances. One of the most effective methods of making these measurements is by means of the mass spectrometer. Various types of mass spectrometers can be employed in this type of work. Large solenoids, electromagnets and permanent magnets have been used to produce the mag netic fields needed in these instruments. A discussion will be given of the relative advantages and disadvantages of the various instruments. Special attention will be paid to the control equipment and power supplies needed. Difficulties encountered in operating mass spectrometers will be discussed. Slides will be shown. 50. The Measurement of Radioactive Isotopes. ROBLEY D. EVANS, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. For reasonably strong samples an electroscope is usually the simplest and most rugged detection apparatus, al though care must be taken to avoid the temperature fluctuations to which electroscopes are usually sensitive. Prompt discrimination can be made between alpha-, beta-, and gamma-rays by means of filters. The limiting sensi tivity of the best electroscopes usually lies near 10 beta rays of about 1 Mev energy entering the electroscope per second. The more complicated ionization chamber and vacuum tube electrometer combinations offer a somewhat higher ultimate sensitivity, and are easily adapted to photographic registration. The use of pressure ionization chambers and obs~rvations by the rate-of-drift method give this combination about 5 to 10 times the sensitivity of the best electroscopes. Maximum sensitivity, for the detection of beta-and gamma-rays, is offered by Geiger Muller discharge counters. These are about 20 times as sensitive as the best electroscopes. For gamma-ray detec tion screen-cathode counters are several times as sensitive as solid-cathode counters. For the detection of soft beta rays, the sample must either be placed inside the vacuum jacket of the counter, or a very thin window must be provided in the counter jacket. S. C. Brown has shown that counters filled with helium, or helium and alcohol vapor, may be operated easily at atmospheric pressure. In this case windows may be made very thin or even eliminated entirely. A wide variety of amplifier and recorder circuits is available for discharge counters. Deviations from exact 342 linearity of response are most readily evaluated by observa tions on the additive effects of a group of constant gamma ray sources. Recording systems for low counting rates (10 to 100 per minute) usually employ a message register. For high counting rates a scaling circuit is used, or the scaling circuit and message register may be replaced by a counting rate meter whose output may be easily recorded photographically .. Observational uncertainties due to purely random fluctuations in the counting rate are inherent in all measurements and cannot be reduced by the choice of amplifier circuit. Measurement,s on weak sources (down to 10-13 curie) emitting alpha-rays may be made readily with either ionization chambers, or for slightly higher sensitivities, with pulse counters employing a vacuum tube electrometer or a linear amplifier. Detection arrangements depend on whether the sample is gaseous, liquid, or solid. In every case it is essential to provide a reproducible geometry of source, windows, and detector, so that strictly comparable observations may be obtained on the background, the source, and the radioactive stand ard to which the activity of the unknown source is referred. The National Research Council's Committee on Standards of Radioactivity is preparing standards for use in all types of radioactivity studies. Standard radium solutions, and absolute standards of gamma-ray intensity, varying from 0.1 to 100 micrograms of radium gamma-ray equiva lent, are now available through the National Bureau of Standards. Absolute beta·ray standards are also being prepared. 51. Measurements of Neutrons. J. R. DUNNING, Department of Physics, Columbia University, New York, New York. Neutron investigations at present are principally con cerned with the energy spectrum ranging approximately from 0 to 20 Mev. In general, most measurements involve a determination either of the absolute or the relative nu~ber of neutrons per second which pass through a given area, and which have energies within some more or less definite band. No one technique is applicable to the entire spectrum. "Fast" neutrons with energy greater than 50 kev are effectively detected through the ionization produced by projected nuclei. Various types of ionization chambers, when connected to linear amplifiers which in turn operate scaling mechanical recorders or photographic oscillographs, provide the most satisfactory methods for measuring both neutron flux and neutron energy distributions. Pro portional counters are useful where pulse size is not im portant. Under proper conditions, cloud chambers and also photographic plates possess some advantages for determining momentum and energy of individual neutrons. JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59Ionization chamber-electroscope systems which respond to integrated general ionization, and also photographic plates, are convenient for such work as neutron therapy, hut the cqntribution of gamma-rays is difficult to deter mine, and quantitative interpretation not always readily possible. Isotopes which become radioactive through n-p, n-a, or nc2n reactions are often useful for selective detectors, since in general each type of reaction responds only to neutrons above some threshold energy. When more than one reaction occurs with a given isotope, or when more than one isc;>tope is present, the interpretation must be made carefully. No very satisfactory methods exist for neutron detection in the intermediate region from 1 to 50 kev as yet, but proportional counters, secondary emission multipliers, and some radioactive detectors offer possibilities. The spectral distribution of the so-called "slow" neutrons which have diffused through hydrogenous material is approximately that of a Maxwell distribution appropriate to the temperature of the material, and a high energy tail in which (above 1 ev) the number of neutrons per unit energy interval should be proportional to 1/ E. The neutron capture processes in Li and B obey the l/v law and yield energetic heavy particles. When connected to linear amplifier-recording systems, ionization chambers lined with these elements or filled with BF 3 gas under pres sure provide very satisfactory detectors, especially for neutrons in the thermal region, from 0 to 0.2 ev. Propor tional counters using BF 3 at reduced pressure posses excellent stability but are less sensitive. Neutron beams collimated by B, Cd and paraffin may be used with cyclotrons or other artificial sources for precision experi ments when used with an integrating monitor system hav ing accurately parallel characteristics. The general problem of absolute neutron flux determinations and of precision monitoring will be discussed. Elements such as Rh, In, V, I, Br, and others which become radioactive through resonance neutron capture over a comparatively narrow energy band (or bands) serve as excellent selective detectors and filters. Collimated neutron beams using shielding of paraffin +B+Cd+same element as detector, when combined with a parallel monitor, make possible accurate studies with defined neutron energies. Methods for production and detection of neutron beams with sharply defined and continuously variable energy are essential. In the low energy region, the electrical velocity selector of Alvarez is considerably more satisfactory than the mechanical selector, and should be applicable from ~O to ~1O ev at least. The neutron crystal spectrometer now further developed by Thiessen offers possibilities, especially in the region less than 1/20 ev. The wave-length of thermal neutrons of 1/30 ev is 1.6A, which is comparable with atomic spacings in solids. Inter ference phenomena thus play an important role in neutron interaction with solids, somewhat similar to x-rays, as shown by recent work. The need for more accurate investi gation of neutron interaction as a function of energy is thus emphasized, both from the standpoint of nuclear research and for the application of neutrons to solid state studies. General III Protection of Workers from Injurious Effects of Radiation Chairman: DR. G. FAILLA, Memorial Hospital, New York, New York 52. Biological Damage and Precautionary Tests. STAF FORD L. WARREN, Department of Radiology, University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York. The exposure hazards to those working with cyclotrons are not well known, but the potential hazards are in creasing since equipment is becoming more and more powerful. So far very little known damage to personnel has been observed partly because of the precautions which were taken by the early workers and partly because of the relative weakness of the output of the present cyclotrons. Immediate reactions from direct, accidental exposures to the cyclotron beam have been confined to the skin, and to date have not been serious. They resemble a severe reaction to ultraviolet radiation in many respects, except for the slowly receding superficial edema and erythema, and the minimum of exfoliation. There is no evidence yet available as to their possible sequelae. Exposure to gamma- and beta-radiation bears the same VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 hazards as that to workers who handle radium and x-rays, and is well known to workers in this field. Long-time exposure of the body to relatively small amounts of gamma-radiation has cumulative effects which are prQbably most marked upon the blood forming elements of the bone marrow. Neutrons and the protons arising from them may cause damage in any portion of the body. If we speculate that their cumulative and possibly harmful effects will be found in those tissues of the body most susceptible to x-rays when the whole body is exposed, then the blood forming organs will be probably among the first to suffer. Accidental localizations may of course alter the situation. Hence routine blood examinations (white blood cell count and hemoglobin as a minmum) should be done, certainly every m~nth on all those working with a cyclotron to obviate .the possibility of accidental and unpredictable exposure, even though every effort is made to design the apparatus in such a way as to prevent this. If any fall in 343 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59the white blood count is noted, that person should be removed from all exposure and a thorough physical examination and complete blood study made to determine the cause of the leukopenia. Frequent blood examinations should then be made and the individual should not return to work until he is normal. Many intercurrent infections of very mild character may produce the same result so that considerable clinical judgment is necessary at times in evaluating the status of the individuals. Vacations should be adequate and should total at least one month in the year. A senior physician should be made responsible for the supervision of the medical status of all of the personnel. Since most cyclotron laboratories are connected with universities, such arrangements can often be simply made with physicians having experience with radiation effects in allied or university hospitals. It might not be out of order to suggest periodic tests of the working area with a Geiger counter-ionization chamber to detect unsuspected gamma-radiation, and also to stipulate that the personnel wear the common dental film, one-half shielded on both sides by 2 mm lead.· This should be examined every week. Enough exposure to darken the film and show an image of the shield edge within a week probably represents a hazardous amount of radiation exposure. A condeJ)ser type of ionization chamber (foun tain-pen size) should also be worn when "beam" adjust ments are being made. In speculating as to the probably acute and chronic damage that may be brought about by these radiations and particles, it is probably wise, and certainly safer, to predict a 10-20 times greater hazard than experience has shown to be present from equivalent quantities of other radiations. 53. Genetic Changes. M. DEMEREc, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Genetic changes are usually taken to mean changes which are transmitted from parents to their offspring. In one sense this is correct, since only changes transmitted to the offspring are able to persist through generations. However, since as a rule every cell of an organism possesses identical genetic material, the same genetic changes may occur both in germ cells which transmit these changes to the olfspring and in somatic cells which do not. Since germ-cells and somatic cells have identical genetic consti tution both are used in the studies of genetic changes. In a very few branches of biologic science, the funda mental principles are as applicable to all living organisms as they are in genetics. It is a well established fact that fundamental principles discovered on plants hold for animals and vice versa. Man is no exception to that rule. Hereditary material in the cells is present as differ entiated regions called genes located on thread-like structures called chromosomes. The number of genes in every organism is large, it is estimated that the vinegar fly, Drosophila, has between 3000 and 5000 different genes which are present in every cell of the body. Many of them play an exceedingly important role in life processes and if any of these are missing, the organism, or even individual 344 cells are not able to persist. Every chromosome has a differentiated region called centromere which is essential in order that at the division of a cell a chromosome may be passed to the daughter cells. If a chromosome breaks, only the segment with the centromere will be transmitted while the other segment is soon lost. With this general background in mind, the effect of radiation on heredity may now be considered. It is known that irradiation in the regions about O.OlA to 2.4A and about 2300A to 3000A is able to produce changes in genes as well as breaks in chromosomes. It is well known that a great majority of gene changes are either lethal or injurious to the organism. Breaks in chromosomes may result in either losses of segments, or if several breaks are induced in the same cell, broken points may fuse and thus a reshuffling between chromosome segments may result. In the organisms like Drosophila losses of segments are almost invariably lethal and reshufflings give rise to aberrations some of which are lethal while others behave in a manner similar to that produced by changes in genes. As an illustration of the genetic effect of irradiation the results of a series of experiments with Drosophila may be used. If males are treated with 5000 roentgens, the sperm in the testes is irradiated. Such males copulate readily and are able to impregnate females. The sperm so transferred is alive and functional, it fertilizes the eggs. However, about 90 percent of individuals arising from such fertiliza tions die before reaching adult stage, most of them in the early embryo, but some in later stages of development. Of the individuals which live to adult stage about 40 percent carry chromosomal rearrangements and about 12 percent lethal changes. I t seems very likely that an exceedingly small number of them escape some detrimental hereditary change. Experimental evidence indicates that there is no thres hold for genetic changes. They are proportional to the dosage used. At very low dosages changes are induced but with a very low frequency. J. G. Carlson has shown that as Iowa dose as 7.8 roentgens produces 0.34 percent of breaks per treated chromosomes in the neuroblast cells Of grasshoppers. It is a well-substantiated fact that there is no recovery in hereditary changes, neither genic nor chromosomal. Therefore the effect of irradiation is cumulative. This holds true for individual cells, but not for a dividing tissue. The rate of cell division is slowed down in affected cells and an appreciable number of them is eliminated from the tissue. Therefore the proportion of affected cells in dividing tissue wi\l decrease with the length of time which elapses after the treatment. For example, if a Drosophila male is treated with 3000 roentgens, the sperm which was mature at the time of treatment carries about 60 percent of dominant lethals, while the sperm which develops later carries only about 10 percent of dominant lethals. In this case, the larger portion of lethal changes were eliminated during two cell divisions which occurred between irradia tion and the maturity of the sperm. Geneticists are interested in the mechanism responsible for genetic changes and have accumulated a large body of data on the dosage frequency relationship, wave-length JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59dependence, and biological behavior. However, considering the tolerance dose for protective purposes in addition to these data the selective effect of cell divisions plays an im portant role. The data on that effect are not yet available. 54. Protective Measures Against X-and ,,-Rays. LAURISTON S. TAYLOR, National B"ureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. Protection against danger from x-or -y-rays may be had for the asking, the degree of complication and expense depending upon whether protection from direct or second ary radiation is sought. For protection against direct radiation it is desirable to place the barrier as close as possible to the source, where in most cases the increase in thickness of barrier is more than offset by its decrease in total mass. In experimental work canalization of the direct radiation is usually possible. Observers by remaining away from the beam may then be very economically protected by various means. A wide variety of protective materials may be used, depending upon circumstances,-these include lead, lead shot, concrete, mercury, copper-tungsten alloys, barium compounds. Illustrations of the use of these will be given. 55. Protection from Neutron Rays and Other Products of Nuclear Transformation. PAUL C. AEBERSOLD, * William H. Crocker Radiation Laboratory, Physics Department, University of California, Berkeley, California. So rapid has been the expansion both in the production and in the uses of nuclear transformation products, particularly neutrons and induced radioactive substances, that it is tiItely and highly desirable to call attention to the protection necessary to avoid injurious effects upon those exposed to the radiations involved. To physicists accustomed to very delicate methods of detecting nuclear products the realization comes slowly that quantities of radiations and radioactive substances are produced by present bombarding apparatus that necessitate serious consideration of the problem of protection. Inasmuch as the nature and penetration of some of the radiations are different from those dealt with previously, it is necessary to proceed with caution in arriving at rules of safe practice. Therefore, without claim to specifying a set of protection rules, as are now possible for x-ray apparatus and radium, this paper proposes to give only some of the considerations used in arriving at protective measures for the Berkeley cyclotrons. The average daily tolerance limit of exposure adopted for the gamma-rays encountered from cyclotron bombard ments and radio-elements is the same as that adopted by radiologists for x-rays and radium, namely 0.1 r/day. Should another value seem desirable the following values would be changed accordingly. For fast neutrons a toler ance dose is assumed that is biologically equivalent to 0.1 r of x-rays. This equivalence was originally determined by experiments on animals and other organisms. Because of the application of neutrons in cancer therapy, equiva lence can now be based on reactions of human tissues to neutrons. VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 An arbitrary unit, called the "n," has been found useful and expedient in measuring neutron dosage. It is the exposure of neutrons that will cause in the Victoreen x-ray r-meter chamber (100 r, 0.5 cc size) the same reading as an exposure of 1 r of x-rays. A marked human skin reaction corresponding roughly to that caused by 1000 r of x-rays is produced by 200 n of neutrons. Taking, as for x-rays, the daily tolerance to be 10-4 of the single dose for epithelial reactions (such reactions being used by radiologists as guides in avoiding permanent tissue damage) the value for neutrons would be 0.02 n/day. Since on some organisms 1 n was found as effective as 10 r, the tolerance we have adopted is 0.01 n/day. This allows for the possibility that the sensitivity of some tissue in the body with respect to that of skin may be twice as great for neutrons as for x-rays. Although there is a possibility that the recovery of normal human tissues from repeated minute doses of neutrons is much less than that for x-rays, experience with neutron therapy indicates no large factor need be considered on this score. In actual practice, the average daily exposure of workers in the laboratory falls below the above limit. Table I gives approximations' of the intensities involved and the distances or water shielding necessary for protec tion. The n intensity per curie source strength is an upper limit based both on calculations and available data. Measurements show that the 37-inch and 60-inch cyclo trons operate at curie strengths of more than 106 and 106, respectively. The safe working distances are merely calculated by inverse square decrease and take no account of absorption, scattering, and secondary radiation. Rigor ous calculations of the penetration of neutrons through water shields are complicated, but a sufficient approxi mation can be made assuming exponential absorption. Values are given which assume that an appreciable fraction of the neutrons have mean free paths as large as 15 and 20 cm. Using neutron indicators in water shields around the 60-inch cyclotron, X= 12 cm was found applicable for neutrons from 16-Mev deuterons on beryllium. However, the thicker shields calculated on the basis of X= 15 cm are advisable because of secondary radiation created at depths in the shields. The following things are recommended for shielding a 60-inch cyclotron: (1) the emergent ion beam directed CURIE STRENGTH OF SOURCE 1 10 10' 10' 10' 1()' (37 -inch cyclotron) 10' (60-inch cyclotron) 10' 10' TABLE I TOLERANCE WORKING N PER 8-HR DISTANCE DAY AT 10 IN METERS METERS NO SHIELDING 10-' 1 10-' 3.2 10--' 10 10-1 32 1 10' 10 320 10' 10' 10' 3200 10' 10' THICKNESS OF WATER TANKS IN CENTIMETERS FOR TOLERANCE AT 10 METERS e-r/11i e-f,/20 0 0 0 0 0 0 34.5 46 69 92 103.5 138 138 184 172.5 230 207 276 345 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59away from working quarters, (2) completely surrounding walls of water at least five feet thick, (3) a roof and -floor equivalent to at least three feet of water, (4) a minimum of openings through the shielding, (5) additional shielding provided wherever possible between the magnet coils directly around the target and vacuum chamber, and (6) a concrete-walled control room over ten meters away. * Fellow of the Finney~Howel1 Research Foundation. 56. Protective Requirements for Shipping Radioactive Substances. L. F. CURTISS, Physicist, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. During the last five years the shipment of radioactive substances has been given considerable attention. This was brought about by the discovery by the Post Office Department that photographic films were fogged in transit by radium preparations shipped in close proximity. An order excluding radium and similar radioactive sub stances from the mails followed. The express companies were willing to continue to handle shipments of radium if methods could be worked out which would preclude damage to films. Conditions under which these companies handle shipments are more flexible than those under which the mails are handled and regulations have been drawn up by the express companies which are the result of tests at a number of lab'oratories and conferences between the manufacturers of photo graphic films and the principal shippers of radium. The factors entering into the fogging of films are: (1) the strength of the radioactive preparation; (2) the time that the film is exposed to the preparation; (3) the distance between the radioactive sample and the film; (4) the thickness of lead screening on the radium; (5) the sensitivity of the film. In the practical solution of the problem, the distances are determined from the conditions existing in the average express car. The maximum separation of packages con taining films and radium in such cars is approximately 20 feet. Therefore, the table used is based on x-ray films, which are most sensitive to radium, placed at 20 feet from all packages of radium. This table shows the relation between the amount of radium, the thickness of lead and the permissible number of hours in transit. This is shown in Table I. * In order to make this arrangement workable it is necessary that all packages of photographic films and of radium be clearly marked as to contents. In addition, a label stating the amount of radium contained in a package and the thickness of lead surrounding it is required by the express companies. Although this table includes shipments up to 600 mg of radium, the express companies accept shipments only up to 100 mg without previous consultation with the local agent. This is to permit special arrangements to be made in handling the larger shipments so that they may be carried in cars not containing photographic films. The lead screening required by these regulations is much greater than was required formerly. Some examples of the way in which this problem has been solved by individual shippers will be discussed. Allowable Time of Tran.it for Radium (Table 1 uf Abstract Nu. 56) QUANTITY OF RADIUM: THICKNESS OF LEAD-INCHES Milligrams 1 1! 2 2t 3 31 4 Allowable hours in transit Under 15 mg. 40 60 110 15 mg and under 25 20 30 55 110 25 mg and under 35 14 20 36 73 146 35 mg and under 45 10 15 28 55 110 45 mg and under 55 12 22 44 88 170 55 mg and under 65 10 18 36 73 142 65 mg and under 75 16 31 63 122 75 mg and under 85 14 27 55 106 85 mg and under 95 12 24 48 95 95 mg and under 100 indo 11 22 44 85 170 200 mg 11 22 43 86 172 300 mg 14 28 56 112 400 mg 11 22 44 88 172 500 mg 8 17 34 68 136 600 mg 14 28 56 112 Minimum weights of lead. pounds 3i 9: 9! 36 58! 346 JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59General IV Contributed Papers* Chairman: DR. ROBERT ]. VAN DE GRAAFF, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 91. The Significance of the Hit Theory of Radiobiological Actions. UNO FANO, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Numerous experimental radiobiologists are still in doubt as to whether their results agree with the so-called "hit theory" and especially whether they yield any definite evidence supporting it. An attempt has been carried out to examine critically the logical structure of the hit theory and its bearing on the known experimental facts. Simple, quantitative-perhaps unduly schematized biological reactions have been taken as indicators of the radiation effects under physically controlled conditions; dose-action curves and their dependence upon the charac teristics of the irradiation have thus been studied. The hit theory offers a simple interpretation of various results of these experiments. It seems, however, that such results do not necessarily require the hypothesis of the theory itself (the evidence is more convincing in the "single hit" case than in other cases). It is difficult to obtain any better evidence through further experiments of the same type. For instance the behavior of dose-action curves is critically affected by the theoretical assumptions only in the hardly accessible ranges corresponding to exceedingly low or exceedingly high dose. Further evidence should be obtained through experi ments involving more detailed observations of the bio logical reactions. Results available at present show that the complication of some phenomena considerably exceeds that of their previous interpretations on the basis of the hit theory. Some theoretical considerations, which might stimulate further experiments, can be put in a general form so that they are still valid even if the usual restrictive assumptions of the hit theory are rejected. 92. The Effect of Fast Neutrons on the Chromosomes of Tradescantia. NORMAN GILES, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Fast neutrons were produced by bombarding a beryllium target with ll-Mev deuterons in the Harvard cyclotron and their effects on the chromosomes of Tradescantia during microspore development have been investigated and com pared with the effect of x-rays. Qualitatively the results are the same as those produ·ced by x-ray treatment, and consist of chromosome breakage and the refusion of broken ends. Quantitatively, however, neutrons appear to differ con siderably from x-rays in their effect on chromosomes. For equal total doses in terms of ionization as measured with a Bakelite Victorcen ionization chamber neutrons are from 16 to 17 times as effective as x-rays in producing chromatid dicentrics-an aberration type known to result from a * Proofs of the abstracts printed in this section were not read by the authors. VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 single x-ray hit. Also, exchange break aberrations, pro ducing chromatid and chromosome rings and dicentrics, are found to show an approximately linear relationship to dosage instead of the exponential relation found with x-rays. An attempt is made to explain these differences between neutrons and x-rays in terms of the great difference in the types of ionization paths which these two radiations produce in tissue. 93. Magnetic and Metallurgical Studies with the Aid of Neutron Phenomena. OTTO HALPERN, Department of Physics, New York University, University Heights, New York. The magnetic moment of the neutron gives rise to a large number of additional scattering phenomena occurring during its passage through magnetic material. Theories have been developed which permit to obtain information from neutron experiments, on the magnetic, crystalline and elastic structure of the materials used. This new evidence refers among other things to the domain structure of ferromagnets, to the dependence of the domains on the crystalline state of the material and the external or in ternal stresses, and to the influence of external magnetic fields on the size of the domains. For paramagnetic ma terials information concerning the inter-atomic magnetic coupling can also be gained. Even for nonmagnetic ma terials, experiments with neutrons sometimes lead to results, concerning the crystalline arrangement of alloys, which cannot be gained from x-ray studies. Examples are discussed. 94. Preparation of Radio-Arsenic for· Biological and Chemical Experiments. JOHN W. IRVINE, JR., Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam bridge, Massachusetts. Radio-arsenic, 33As74 with a 17-day half-life can be produced by a d-n reaction on ger!Jlanium.1 The arsenic so formed is in a mixture of germanium, copper, tin, lead, and minor impurities. To free it from these impurities and reduce the element to a form in which it can be used, the following procedure is used. The target is dissolved in aqua regia, some carrier arsenic added, and the solution evaporated to dryness. This removes the excess HNOa and most of the germanium. Concentrated HCl and a small amount (5 ccl concentrated HBr are added and distilled into a chilled receiver. The HBr reduces the AsH to As+3 which passes over with the HCI and Br2 as AsCIa. This distillation is repeated after the addition of more acid to the residue. To the combined distillates an excess of NH4H2P02 is added, and the solution warmed to 900e for five minutes. Metallic arsenic precipitates, and is filtered out through a porcelain micro-filter crucible. From this point the arsenic can be converted to any form suitable 347 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59for its use. In our work it is oxidized to As,03 and dissolved in KHC03 to make Fowler's solution. Yields of 65-75 percent are obtained by this method when 1 to 10 mg of carrier are used. By carrying out the distillation in a stream of hydrogen chloride, the yield can be raised to 95-100 percent. • Sagane. Kojima and Ikawa. Phys. Rev. 54. 149 (1938). 95 .. Effects of Inhaled Radon on Mice. MEL YIN L. J ACK SON, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. A system consisting of an animal house with provision for a continuous supply of radon-laden air has been used in subjecting 60 male mice to an atmosphere of ca. 2 X 10-6 Curie per liter since July 2,1940. The continuous exposure is interrupted only for removing dead animals or at ap proximately weekly intervals when 12 blood specimens are taken, weights recorded, and food and water replenished. The average blood counts with their probable errors are shown in the table. Erythrocytes are given in 10G/mm', total leukocytes in lO'/mm'. See Table I. TABLE 1. Days 6 12 18 25 33 41 52 62 71 Erythrocyres 9.4 9.4 9.7 9.6 10.4 11.1 10.9 11.1 11.7 10.4 Probable Error ±0.2 ±0.2 ±0.3 ±1.0 ±0.2 ±1.1 ±0.2 ±0.2 ±0.2 ±0.2 Leukocyres 10.1 12.8 12.3 9.1 9.7 9.2 8.5 7.6 14.8 9.6 Probable Error ±0.8 ±1.1 ±1.1 ±0.8 ±1.0 ±0.8 ±1.0 ±0.7 ±1.0 ±1.1 All of the mice were between two and four months old at the beginning of the experiment. At the end of 6 weeks, of 8 deaths none could be attributed to the effects of radon inhalation, although pathological changes similar to those due to x-rays were noted. Two pregnant mice gave birth to 11 offspring 12 hours after being placed in the animal house. These mice are being raised in the radon atmosphere. These inhalation experiments, conducted by a group in cluding Professor R. D. Evans of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Dr. J. C. Aub and Dr. Eugene Wiege of the Collis P. Huntington Memorial Hospital, are still in progress. 96. The Effect of 200-kv X-Radiation on the Extraneous Coats of Arbacia Eggs. M. J. KOPAC, New York University and the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massa chusetts. Mature sea-urchin eggs possess several extraneous coats, including an outer jelly layer and a vitelline membrane which covers the protoplasmic surface layer. On sperm or chemical activation, the vitelline membrane separates from the surface layer, elevates, stiffens, and becomes the fertilization membrane. A few minutes later, a hyaline layer is secreted by the egg and this coating lies on the protoplasmic surface layer. The latter coating is of interest since it eventually becomes an intercellular cement which binds together the blastomeres of the developing larva. Evans' has shown that high voltage x-radiation greatly accelerates the dispersal of the jelly layer. The vitelline membrane is also affected by similar radiation. The action of x-radiation on the vitelline membrane can be traced by measuring the coalescency of the eggs with oil drops.2 348 This method permits the evaluation of the tangential rigidity of the protoplasmic surface layer as well as extraneous coats. Coalescency determinations on eggs were made at various times after irradiation. Dosages of 1000r produced no change during the first hour, but at 6 hours the tan gential rigidity dropped to 0.7, and to 0.17,24 hours later. Dosages of 1O,000r caused a decrease in tangential rigidity to 0.25 of the control value during the first hour, to 0.14 at 6 and 24 hours. These two dosages did not produce any appreciable stickiness of the vitelline membranes. Dosages of 50,000r caused a drop in tangential rigidity to 0.67 during the first hour in about SO percent of the eggs, with no significant change at 6 hours and a drop of 0.1 after 24 hours. These eggs showed no visible membranes but all exhibited a pronounced stickiness to glass and to oil drops. Oil drops pulled away from the egg's surface, usually carried with them a small pinched-off portion of the egg, resembling in this respect the behavior of unfertilized eggs immersed in 0.34M CaCl, solution. About SO percent of the eggs irradiated with 50,000r developed tight-fitting fertilization membranes and a fully formed hyaline layer. The perivitelline space was essentially non-existent. In all cases, including nonradiated controls, the vitelline mem brane is slowly dissipated and this shown by the low tangential rigidities as measured 24 hours after irradiation. • Evans. BiD!. Bull .• in press. , Kopac. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia. 1940. in press. 97. Radioactive Comparison of Meteoritic and Ter restrial Potassium. WILLIAM M. LEADERS, Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam bridge, Massachusetts. The relative abundance of the beta-active isotope K40 has been determined by radioactive measurements in potassium chloride obtained from the Pultusk meteorite and the earth. The results indicate no difference within the limits of the statistical error. Thus, according to the basic assumption for age deter mination; namely, all elements have the same isotopic abundance ratios at the time of formation, there is no difference in age between the Pultusk meteorite and the earth within the limits of statistical error. The potassium recovered from the meteorite corresponds to 0.28 percent K20. The purity of the potassium chloride, obtained with the aid of the perchloric acid alcohol method is not less than 99.25 percent with the major impurity being calcium and not more than 0.15 percent rubidium present. These percentages are based on spectroscopic analyses. The terrestrial potassium chloride was not less than 99.94 percent pure and contained no detectable rubidium. The samples of potassium chloride were mounted as a fine powder. This technique greatly facilitates the deter mination and makes it possible to obtain around eight weight versus activity measurements per day. This method could advantageously be employed, therefore, for rapidly determining the activity of weakly active substances obtainable in weighable quantities. JOURNAL OF APPLmn PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59The numerical comparisons of the activity of the two samples of potassium were obtained by extrapolating the experimentally obtained specific activity versus weight curves to the point of zero sample weight. 98. The Interchange of Uncombined Oxalate Ions with the Oxalate of Several Complex Oxalate Ions. F. A. LONG, Department of Chemistry, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Radioactive potassium oxalate has been synthesized from radio-carbon (20 min. half-life). This radioactive oxalate has been used to study the interchange of uncom bined oxalate ions with the oxalate present in complex ions of the type M(C,O')3=' The interchange has been studied for ferri-trioxalato, aluminum-trioxalato and co balti-trioxalato ions. The cobalt complex shows no inter change and thus is similar to the previously studied chromium complex ion. The other two complex ions, however, show complete and rapid interchange of their oxalates. These experimental results can be correlated with the expected bond types for the four complex ions. The results have direct bearing on the problem of the reported optical activity of salts of these complex ions. The conclusion is that the rapid interchange makes optical activity very unlikely for the ferric and aluminum compounds although it does not suffice to exclude entirely such optical activity. 99. The Use of Radioactive Isotopes in Studies of the Permeability of the Human Erythrocyte. ALEXANDER W. WINKLER, ANNA J. EISENMAN AND PAUL K. SMITH, Department of Internal Medicine and the Laboratory of Pharmacology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut. Studies recently completed in these laboratories have made use of the radioactive salts of sodium, potassium and phosphorus to determine whether these elements as they exist in the human red cell are in equilibrium with the same elements in the serum. It has been shown that no equilibrium develops in vitro between the intracellular and extracellular potassium either at body temperature or at 7°. Some transfer of sodium did occur, but the degree of radio-sodium penetration was so small that it could not be shown whether an equilibrium existed. Phosphate entered rapidly at body temperature but not at 7°. At 38° there was active synthesis and break down of organic phosphorus compounds. This was inter preted as evidence that the penetration of phosphates into the red cell depends upon an enzymatic process. To determine whether the chloride in the cells is in equilibrium with the chloride of the serum, lithium chloride was used. Human blood was defibrinated and centrifuged, the dried salt dissolved in the supernatant serum and the cells recombined with the serum. The samples were placed for definite periods of time in large tonometers and rotated slowly in a water bath at 38°. Hematocrits were determined with Daland tubes. Part of each specimen was set aside for whole blood analyses, the rest being centrifuged to obtain the serum for analysis. Radioactivity was determined by the use of a Geiger Muller counter tube that dipped into the solution to be analyzed. The whole blood was hemolyzed with saponin before counting. The exact time of each count was noted to permit correction for the rapid decay of Cps. Chloride in the whole blood and serum was determined chemically. The concentrations of chloride and radio-chloride in the cells were calculated from the hematocrits and the whole blood and serum determinations. Under these circum stances equilibrium between chloride' in and out of the cells exists if the ratio of radioactivity to chloride in the cells is equal to the ratio of radioactivity to chloride in the serum. Our experiments indicate that when radio-chloride is added to human blood in vitro at 38° an equilibrium is quickly established between the chloride of cells and of serum. Equilibrium was usually complete in one hour and in some cases in fifteen minutes. All radioactive samples were prepared by Dr. Ernest Pollard of the Sloane Physics Laboratory, Yale University. AUTHOR INDEX TO PAPERS Adams, Norman I., Jr.-see Kovarik, Alois F ....... 296 Chaikoff, I. L.-see Perlman, I. ................... 319 Aebersold, Paul C.-Nos. 55, 72 .............. 335, 345 Chambers, Robert-No. 78. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 336 Anderson, Evelyn, Michael Joseph and Herbert M. Cohn, Waldo E.-No. 40 ......................... 316 Evans-No. 42 ................................ 317 --see Brues, Austin M ......................... 321 Ariel, I.-see Hodge, H. C ........................ 314 Cooper, F. S.-see Zahl, Paul A ................... 336 --see du Pont, Octavia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 324 Coutard, Henri-No. 25 .......................... 329 Craig, Roderick-No. 86 ......................... 325 Beyer, H. G.~see Nix, F. c. ..................... 305 Curtiss, L. F.-Nos. 2, 56 .................... 297, 346 Bloch, F.-No. 13 ............................... 305 Borsook, Henry, John B.Hatcher and Don M. Yost- Demerec, M.-No. 53 ........................... 344 No. 85 ....................................... 325 DeVault, Don-see Halford, R. S .................. 312 Brooks, S. C.-No. 90 ........................... 328 Dresser, Richard-No. 39 ........................ 331 Brues, Austin M., Elizabeth B. Jackson and Waldo E. Dunning, J. R.-No. 51. ......................... 342 Cohn-No. 69 ................................. 321 --see Nix, F. C ............................... 305 VOLUME 12, APRIL, 1941 349 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:54:59du Pont, Octavia, Irving Ariel and Stafford L. Warren -No. 84 ..................................... 324 Eisenman, Anna J.-see Winkler, Alexander W ...... 349 Ed, L. A.-see Lawrence, J. H.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 Evans, H. M.-see Anderson, E.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 317 Evans, Robley D.-Nos. 3, 50 ................ 297, 342 Evans, Titus C.-No. 80 ......................... 337 Emer, Frank M. and Helen Zaytzeff-Jern-No. 81 .. 338 Fajans, Kasimir-No. 19 ......................... 306 Fano, Uno-No. 91 .............................. 347 Fenn, Wallace O.-No. 41... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 Giles, Norman-No. 92 .......................... 347 Goodman, Clark-No. 15 ......................... 299 Greenberg, David.M.-No. 44 .................... 318 Griggs, David-No. 33 ........................... 3)2 Gustafson, F. G.-No. 88. . . . . . . . . . . 327 Hahn, P. F. and G. H. Whipple-No. 29 ........... 314 Halford,R. S., W.F. Libby and Don De Vault-No. 61 312 Halpern, Otto-No. 93 ........................... 347 Hamilton, Joseph G. and Mayo H. Soley-No. 28 ... 314 Hastings, A. Baird and G. B. Kistiakowsky-No. 74. 322 Hatcher, John B.-see Borsook, Henry ............. 325 Haven, Frances L.-No. 67.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 Henderson, G. H.-No. 10 ....................... 299 Henshaw, Paul S.-No. 79 ....................... 337 Hertz, Saul-No. 26 ............................. 313 Hevesy, George-No. 65 ......................... 319 Hodge, H. C., W. Mann and I. Ariel-No. 27 ....... 314 Howell, Lynn G.-No. 31 ........................ 301 Hunter, F. T. and A. F. Kip-No. 83 ............... 324 Hurley, Patrick M.-No. 17 ...................... 300 Irvine, John W., Jr.-No. 94 ..................... 347 Jackson, Elizabeth B.-see Brucs, Austin M ........ 321 Jackson, Melvin L.-No. 95 ...................... 348 Johnson, R. P.-No. 6 ........................... 303 Johnson, William A.-No. 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 Joseph, M.-see Anderson, E ..................... 317 Kamen, M. D.-see Ruben,S ................. 311, 321 --and S. Ruben-Nos. 58, 87 .............. 310, 326 Kennedy, J. W.-see Ruben, 5 .................... 308 Kip, A. F.-see Hunter, F. T ...................... 324 Kistiakowsky, G. B.-see Hastings, A. Baird ........ 322 Kopac, M. J.-No. 96 ............................ 348 Kovarik, Alois F. and Norman I. Adams, Jr.-No.1. 296 Kruger, P. Gerald-No. 63 ....................... 332 Lark-Horovitz, K.-No. 43 ....................... 317 Larkin, John C.-see Stone, Robert S. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 332 Lawrence, J. H., L. A. Ed and L. W. "Tuttle-No. 64. 333 Leaders, William M.-No. 97 ..................... 348 Libby, W. F.-see Halford, R. S ................... 312 Livingston, M. S.-No. 46B ...................... 339 Long, F. A.-No. 98. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 349 350 Mann, W.-see Hodge, H. c. ..................... 314 Marble, John Putnam-Nos. 4,16 ............ 298, 300 Mehl, R. F.-No.5 .............................. 302 Miller, P. H., Jr.-No.7 ......................... 303 Nier, Alfred O.-Nos. 18,49 ................. 300, 342 Nix, F. C., H. G. Beyer and J. R. Dunning-No. 14. 305 Norton, John T.-No. 11.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 Pecher, Charles-No. 45......... 319 Perlman, I. and I. L. Chaikoff-No. 66 ............. 319 Piggot, C. S.-No. 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 299 Portmann, U. V.-No. 38 ......................... 331 Quick, Douglas-No. 37. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Rittenberg, David-No. 34. . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 Roberts, Irving-No. 21.. . . . . . . . . . 307 Rosenblum, Charles-No. 35. . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Ruben, S.-see Kamen, M. D ................ 310, 326 --and M. D. Kamen-Nos. 60,73 .......... 311, 321 --, G. T. Seaborg and J. W. Kennedy-No. 22 .... 308 Sacks, Jacob-No. 68 ............................ 320 Schmidt, Carl L. A.-see Tarver, Harold. . . . . . . . . .. 323 Schoenheimer, R.-Nos. 59,75 ............... 311, 322 Schultze, M. O. and S. J. Simmons-No. 30 ........ 315 Seaborg, G. T.-see Ruben, S ..................... 308 Segre, Emilio-No. 36. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 309 Simmons, S. J.-see Schultze, M. O ............... 315 Slichter, L. B.-No. 32........ ...... .... ... 301 Smith, Paul K.-see Winkler, Alexander W ......... 349 Soley, Mayo H.-see Hamilton, Joseph G ........... 314 Solomon, A. K.-No. 57 .......................... 310 Stewart, Fred W.-No. 24 ........................ 328 Stone, Robert S. and John C. Larkin-No. 62 ....... 332 Stout, P. R.-No. 89... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 Tarver, Harold and Carl L. A. Schmidt-No. 82 ..... 323 Taylor, Lauriston S.-Nos. 54, 70 ............. 334, 34S Trump, John G.-No. 48 ......................... 341 Tuttle, L. W.-see Lawrencp, J. H. . . ........ 333 Tuve, M. A.-No. 46A ........................... 338 Urey, Harold C.-No. 47 ......................... 340 Warren, Stafford L.-No. 52. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 343 --see du Pont, Octavia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 324 Wells, Roger C.-No.8 .......................... 298 Whipple, G. H.-see Hahn, P. F ................... 314 White, T. N.-No. 71 ............................ 334 Winkler, Alexander W., Anna J. Eisenman and Paul K. Smith-No. 99 ............................. 349 Woodard, Helen Quincy-No. 76 .................. 335 Yost, Don M.-see Borsook, Henry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 325 Young, Ralph C.-No. 20 ......................... 306 Zahl, Paul A. and F. S. Cooper-No. 77 ............ 336 Zaytzeff- Jern, Helen-see Exner, Frank M. . . . . . 338 JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. 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The Theory of the Plastic Properties of Solids. IV Frederick Seitz and T. A. Read Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 12, 538 (1941); doi: 10.1063/1.1712937 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1712937 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/12/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Theory of NonNewtonian Flow. I. Solid Plastic System J. Appl. Phys. 26, 793 (1955); 10.1063/1.1722098 Theory of the Plastic Properties of Solids. III J. Appl. Phys. 12, 470 (1941); 10.1063/1.1712927 Theory of the Plastic Properties of Solids. II J. Appl. Phys. 12, 170 (1941); 10.1063/1.1712891 Theory of the Plastic Properties of Solids. I J. Appl. Phys. 12, 100 (1941); 10.1063/1.1712880 The Plasticity of Solids J. Rheol. 1, 45 (1929); 10.1122/1.2116292 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10The Theory of the Plastic Properties of Solids. * IV By FREDERICK SEITZ Randal Morgan Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania AND T. A. READ Westinghouse Research Laboratories, East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Part B~ Polycrystals1 INTRODUCTORY DISCUSSION THE properties of polycrystals are influenced by two separate factors-first by the intrinsic properties of the single crystal con stituents or grains, and second by the restrictions neighboring grains exert on one another. If it were not for the second influence, all properties of polycrystals could be derived by taking some simple average of the properties of corresponding single crystals for various orientations. This simple procedure is possible in a few simple cases, of course. For example, the elastic moduli and electrical resistivity of pure polycrystals may be approximated closely2 by taking the appropriate averages f~r single crystals. On the other hand, many properties of polycrystals, such as shear strength and internal friction, are affected by the discontinuities in structure that occur in a way that cannot be explained simply by treating the system as a set of disoriented isolated single crystals. We shall refer to the additional factor as grain boundary influence and shall attempt to unify present knowledge of this factor in the next section. It should be borne in mind that by grain boundary influence we mean not only the effect arising from the atoms in the transition region between two grains, but also the effect that neighboring grains exert on one another. On the whole, the amount of purely scientific curiosity that has gone into the experimental * The previous installments of this series appeared in the February, March, and June, 1941, issues of this journal. 1 The analytical conditions used in mathematical treat ments of practical problems in plasticity will not be sur veyed here. They are discussed in the book by A. Nadai, Plasticity (McGraw-Hili Book Company, New York, 1931), and that by M. Gensamer, Strength of Metals Under Com bined Stresses (American Society for Metals, Cleveland, 1941). 2 See, for example, E. Schmid and W. Boas, Kristall plastizitiit (Springer, Berlin, 1936), Section 81. 538 study of polycrystals is far less than that expended in the investigation of single crystals. This fact will be evident at many points in the following pages, for only in a few cases is it possible to draw conclusions from available experimental work comparable with those that may be drawn from the basic experiments on single crystals. 7. GRAIN BOUNDARY INFLUENCE a. The grain hound aries as harriers for therlllal and electrical flow Since different grains presumably grow from different nuclei, it follows that grain boundaries will naturally be the regions where insoluble impurities will tend to aggregate. For this reason, the grain boundaries may act as barriers for thermal and electrical conductivity, particu larly in more impure materials. We shall see later that this fact has an influence on the internal friction of polycrystals. h. The nature of the transition layer he tween grains Even if the material of which polycrystals are made is very pure, or if all impurities are highly soluble, we may expect an abnormal arrangement of atoms in the immediate vicinity of the boundary between grains. That is, we may expect a transition layer of atoms which occupy positions resulting from a compromise between the forces of the atoms in both grains. These atoms will not be so tightly bound as the atoms in the interior of the grains and, as a result, may be expected to be more mobile at a given temperature than interior atoms. This does not necessarily mean that slip will occur more easily along grain boundaries than within grains for, as we have seen in the previous sections, slip is ordinarily determined by the ease of formation JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10and motion of dislocations rather than by the ease with which individual atoms may move. At most we may conclude that the diffusion of a given atom would take place more easily3 at the grain boundaries than inside of grains. In fact, it is possible that, as a result of irregularities occurring in the intergranular regions, it would be difficult for dislocations to move through them. The width of the transition region between grains in very pure crystals is not known from experimental work. We know from other sources, however, that the forces between atoms in solids are of short range, extending with appreciable intensity only over a few atom distances. For this reason, it seems safe to conclude that the width of the intergranular region is of the order of five interatomic distances at most. This conclusion is not valid, of course, in materials containing a high percentage of insoluble im purities, for in such cases a large fraction of this material may be localized at the grain boundaries. POLYCRYSTAL ~6 o FIG. 51. Slip in a single crystal of zinc bounded by a polycrystal. (After Miller.) The heavy contour is the shape of the specimen after slip, the dotted line the shape before. The line AD marks the boundary between the single crystal and polycrystal. Slip has not occurr!!d in the region OAD neighboring this boundary. The light lines in this region designate the position of the latent slip planes, and show the orientation of the basal plane in the entire single crystal before slip. Simple slip has occurred in the regions OBA and in the part of the specimen lying to the left of BD, but the latter region has been bent relative to the plane BD. The light lines show the slip bands in this region. It may be noted that slip occurs by bending in the region OeD, which contains planes previously intersecting AD. From a study of the behavior of very pure tin at temperatures near its melting point, Chalmers 4 has concluded that the grain boundary material has a slightly lower melting point than the bulk material. This conclusion was drawn 3 It does not necessarily follow that bulk diffusion occurs more rapidly along grain boundaries, for the total amount of intergranular material is probably very small in a pure polycrystal. 4 B. Chalmers, Proc. Roy. Soc. A175, 100 (1940). VOLUME 12, JULY, 1941 from the fact that grains separate along their boundaries at temperatures somewhat below the melting point. The difference between the separation temperature and the true melting temperature for any pair of grains turns out to be independent of the relative orientation of the two crystals and of the amount of impurity, providing it does not exceed 0.02 percent. For high purity tin the measured temperature difference was 0.14°C. These results are appar ently in good accord with the conclusion drawn previously that the transition layer of atoms is thermodynamically less stable than interior atoms. There is considerable evidence that the bond at grain boundaries is very strong at tempera tures not too near the melting point, in spite of this lower thermodynamic stability. For example, fracture occurs most commonly5 through grains rather than at their boundaries in rupture tests well below the melting point. On the other hand, intercrystalline fracture is common near the melting point. At first sight, observations of this kind seem to support the view that the iritergranular material actually is stronger than the bulk material at low temperatures and weaker at high temperatures. However, an alternative explanation of these facts is as follows. At low temperatures the grain boundary material is somewhat weaker than the grains and rupture starts at grain boundaries. The difference in strength is not so great, however, that a crack will automatically follow grain boundary surfaces regardless of their inclination relative to the plane of greatest tensile stress. In fact, once started, a cliack will occur in the plane of greatest tensile stress even if this plane cuts through grains. At high temperatures it is possible that the greater relative instability of grain boundaries increases and a crack will follow such boundaries. Indeed, Chalmer's experiments indicate that the grain boundaries are extremely weak just below the melting point of the bulk material. The observation that low temperature fracture is principally transcrystalline rather than inter- 5 See, for example, the discussion in the book by Z. Jefferies and R. S. Archer, The Science of Metals (McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1924), p. 67. 539 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10granular was first explained by Beilby6 on the assumption that each grain in a polycrystal is surrounded by a thick coating of brittle amor phous material having much greater strength than the interior of the grains at temperatures not too near the melting point. Apparently this notion must be almost completely discarded, for investigation 7 of the electrical behavior of evaporated films of many common metals indi cates that crystallization can occur at tempera tures near lOOoK. Thus amorphous coatings many atom layers thick would be highly unstable under ordinary conditions. More direct evidence against a thick transition layer hypothesis has been given by Chalmers6 from a study of the critical shearing stresses in bicrystals of tin. He investigated cases in which the axis of tension was symmetrically disposed relative to the two grains in the specimen, so that the stresses were the same in corresponding crystallographic planes in each grain. Results showed that the critical shearing stress increased continuously as the relative orientations were changed, starting from the case in which they were the same (i.e., a single crystal). Thus he concluded that there is no essential discontinuity in the nature of the grain boundary in passing from a single crystal to a polycrystal, as would follow if the thick transition layer theories were correct. The origin of the increase in shearing stress with increasing disorientation will be discussed below. c. Grain boundaries as the seal of stress magnification and dislocations If block boundaries in single crystals can contain weak spots for stress magnification, as experiments on slip and rupture indicate, we may expect grain boundaries to have similar properties. Thus we may expect grain boundaries to be the source of dislocations. Excellent evidence for this may be derived from experi ments on internal friction of the type discussed in Section 2 Part d. If single crystals and course grained polycrystals of very pure copper are 6 A survey of the theories of intercrystalline bonding is given by E. H. Bucknall, Metals Industry 311, 369, 396 (1929). See also B. Chalmers, Proc. Roy. Soc. A162, 120 (1937). 7 R. Suhrmann and G. Barth, Physik. Zeits. 36, 841 (1935); Zeits. f. Physik 103, 133 (1936); R. Suhrmann and W. Berndt, Zeits. f. Physik 115, 17 (1940). 540 carefully annealed, both have very low decre ments, of the order of J.0-5. Now we saw in Section 2 that, in the case. of single crystals, this type of internal friction is very sensitive to mechanical treatment, presum ably because the number of dissipating centers (dislocations) is increased as a result. It is found that the coarse-grained polycrystals are much more sensitive. For example, the internal friction of an ordinary sized single crystal of copper is scarcely affected when the specimen is dropped on a wooden surface from a height of one inch, whereas the internal friction of an otherwise identical polycrystal is raised by a factor of about ten. This result indicates that grain boundaries are a ready source of dislocations and implies, in turn, that slip nuclei are easily formed there. Whether this is due to the fact that there are larger numbers of weak spots at grain boundaries or to other causes cannot be said at present. d. Slip interference at grain boundaries Neighboring grains exert a strong restricting influence on the amount and kind of slip that 16 '" ~ j ........ ~ 8 £ III III III ~ Iii 00 r---ALNEA~ED ~LYCR~STALLNE INC I CRYSTAL 80 160 240 320 400 EXTENSION PERCENT FIG. 52. Comparison of the stress-strain curves for single crystal and polycrystalline specimens of zinc. (After Elam.) may occur within the grains. A significant experimental investigation of this effect has been carried out by MillerS on specimens of zinc consisting of a large single crystal bounded by a poly crystal (Fig. 51). Measurements were made on specimens extended at 180°C since slip occurs smoothly at this temperature. Miller found that those slip planes of the single crystal that intersect the polycrystalline region cannot oper ate as freely as those which do not intersect. Thus iIi: the typical case illustrated by the figure, 8 R. F. Miller, Trans. A. I. M. E. 111, 135 (1934). JOURNAL OF ,ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10stresses sufficient to cause slip in the uninhibited regions of the crystal were not sufficient to cause slip in the region OAD immediately bordering the polycrystal. Although slip occurred in the region OBA which does not border the poly crystal, the deformation was highly restricted by the presence of the unstrained region in that rotation of the slip planes was not permitted. Similarly, slip occurred in the region OeD but was limited to the amount allowed by bending on the plane BD. Miller states that the total slip in this region is somewhat less than that occurring in the unrestricted part of the single crystal. The fact that slip can occur in region oeD makes it seem surprising, at first sight, that slip is absent in OAD, for if the shearing stress there had the same value as in the rest of the specimen, we might expect some bending, as in OeD. A reasonable explanation of this fact is as follows. Initially, the shearing stress is uniform through out all slip pla,nes (exclusive of microscopic fluctuations), but after an undetectab.ly small strain has occurred in OAD, the stress becomes redistributed in such a way that the shearing stress is lower in this region. This evidently requires that the polycrystalline region exert a transverse tensile stress on the material to the left of the boundary AD, thereby reducing the shear in the slip planes. A condition sufficient for this is that slip does not occur in the inter granular surfaces along AD. Naturally, the transverse tension across AD will diminish if the polycrystalline material becomes deformed, but it is clear in any case that the slip occurring in OAD and in the polycrystalline region must be closely correlated. Now if a single crystal grain is favorably oriented for slip and is entirely surrounded by less favorably oriented grains, as occurs in the interior of a polycrystalline specimen, stresses similar to those occurring in Miller's cases will be exerted across the boundaries of this grain and slip will be permissible only when the stress is sufficient to allow all grains to deform. Natu rally, the more numerous and more randomly oriented the planes of easy slip are, the more probable it will be that one of the easy slip planes of an arbitrarily chosen grain is favorably oriented for deformation. Thus the stresses VOLUME 12, JULY, 1941 12 r·, . 1/ . \ 10 I 9 / V-'\ {./ .""."..---1-- ,-;' 'POL YCRYSTAL V 8 7 / r---\/ V" -, ' .. I ~ k---.. . I • , I h l • . • 1 If . I • . 4 3 I 2 I o 20 40 60 ELONGATION FIG. 53. Same as Fig. 52 for aluminum. In this case the po)ycrystaIIine curve is intermediate between extremes of the curves for variously oriented single crystals. (After Schmid and Boas.) 541 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10needed to produce a given deformation should be smaller for cubic crystals, which have many easy slip planes, than for hexagonal crystals, such as zinc, which have only one. Figures 52 and 53 bear out this conclusion by showing that the difference between the stress-strain curves for single and polycrystalline specimens is much greater in zinc9 than in aluminum,lo which is a face-centered cubic crystal possessing four equiv alent planes of easy slip. It is natural to ask at this point whether or not the actual stress-strain curVes for polycrystals can be explained quantitatively by regarding them as a cluster of single crystals subject to a simple constraint, such as that there shall be no relative motion at grain boundaries. This prob lem has not yet been subject to careful analysis so that it is not possible at present to say that the constraining condition is a simple one. We shall return to this topic briefly in the next section. One of the facts indicating that the strength of polycrystalline specimens cannot be derived with the use of a simple constraining condition is that the Brinell hardness,l1 the form of the stress-strain curves, and the breaking strengths of poly crystals seem to vary with grain size12 in a range in which the grain size is much smaller than the dimensions of the specimen and of the ball used in the test. For example, Fig. 54 shows the variation of the hardness of brass with grain size. Results of this kind are very surprising if taken at their face value, for if the width of the grain boundary region is as small as we have supposed, we should expect the mechanical properties of polycrystals to be independent of grain size as long as the size is small compared with the dimensions of the specimen and of the device used in measuring the hardness. A possible explanation of this discrepancy lies in the fact 9 Taken from C. F. Elam's book, The Distortion of Metal Crystals (Oxford University Press, 1935), p. 53. 10 R. Karnop and G. Sachs, Zeits. f. Physik 41, 116 (1927). 11 The Brinell hardness is determined by measuring the size of the indentation produced when a 1-mm ball is pressed into the specimen with a specified load. (See A. S. M. Handbook (1939), p. 112 et seq.) 1. Investigations bearing on this point have been carried out by the following; G. Masing and M. Polanyi, Zeits. f. Physik 28, 169 (1924); W. H. Basset and C. H. Davis, Trans. A. I. M. E. 60, 428 (1919); Wood, Phil. Mag. 10, 1073 (1930). See reference 9, p. 52. 542 that specimens must be treated in different manners in order to obtain different grain sizes and it is possible that this treatment has a profound effect upon the mechanical properties, particularly if the materials are not perfectly pure. Good evidence for this viewpoint has been . given by Corson13 from a study of very pure copper. He found that the tensile strength and hardness of coarse-grained ingots of very pure copper are practically the same as the corre sponding properties of fine-grained specimens and concluded that the weakness ordinarily observed in large-grained materials is to be attributed to the influence of gaseous impurities. His results suggest that the gaseous impurities congregate at the grain boundaries and, for reasons not yet completely understood, weaken the bond between grains. In coarse-grained specimens the total amount of grain boundary area is small compared with that in fine-grained materials so that the impurity is more concen trated and has a larger effect. It should be noted at this point that the con straints provided by the intergranular material possibly are not the only factors contributing to variations of stress within polycrystalline ma terials on a scale of dimensions of the order of grain size. In this connection, Barrett and Levenson14 have shown that the deformation within individual grains in compressed poly crystalline aluminum and iron is not uniform. In particular, the relative orientation of different parts of the grains changes progressively as compression proceeds. For example, in the case of aluminum the spread of orientation ranged from 7° to 10° for 10 percent compression, from 15° to 25° for 30 percent compression and from 35° to 45° for 60 percent compression. This variation in orientation was accompanied by the appearance of narrow bands on either side of which the orientation was different. These deformation bands were also observed when single crystals of aluminum were compressed by 50 percent between carefully lubricated plates. In these cases the difference in orientation on either side of the band was of the order of 3 0. The origin of the bands has not yet been given a 13 M. G. Corson, Trans. A. I. M. E. 128,398 (1938). 14 C. S. Barrett and L. H. Levenson, Trans. A. I. M. E. 137, 112 (1940). JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10satisfactory explanation. It seems possible, how ever, that they are regions such as the line BD ill' Fig. 51 at which bending takes place. If so, their appearance indicates that the stresses are not uniform throughout individual grains. This would not be surprising if the bands were ob served only in the polycrystalline specimens for the non-uniformity could then be interpreted as being related to the influence of different faces of the grain. However, the observation of bands in single crystals indicates that the grains them selves are inhomogeneous on a scale of distance much larger than that of the spacing between slip bands. 8. SLIP IN POL YCRYSTALS It is a natural scientific desire to hope to base a general discussion of the behavior of poly crystalline solids in various deforming processes, such as tension, compression, rolling and torsion on a few primary empirical laws. Present knowl edge of the basic principles of slip in grains was outlined in the early sections of this series of articles. Although this knowledge cannot be said to be complete, inasmuch as the role of such factors as deformation bands is not yet under stood, we at least have a qualitative formulation of the laws of plastic flow in single crystals. Unfortunately, as we saw in the preceding section, present knowledge of grain-boundary influence is not sufficient to complement the work on single crystals and provide· us with a good foundation for treating polycrystals. In spite of this, we shall outline briefly the principal experimental facts concerning slip in polycrystals. a. Crystalline orientationl5 When polycrystalline specimens in which the grains are randomly oriented are subject to uniform but directional deformation several im portant and probably closely related changes occur. In the first place, the orientations of the grains become altered. This reorientation fre quently occurs in such a way that the resultant distribution of grains is no longer random, but exhibits preferred arrangements. The degree of preferred orientation is never nearly as sharp as in a single crystal and usually depends both upon the material of which the specimen is made 15 This topic is discussed in reference 9, Chapter V. VOLUME 12, JULY, 1941 14 00 1200 1000 00 00 v- 200 x 0 L--I ". r/ x V I/It- ~ • 45 47 HARDNESS rl J il . f " fl. / V 49 51 FIG. 54. Variation of Brinell hardness of brass with grain . size. (After Elam.) and upon the method used to produce the deformation. For example, when face-centered cubic metals are placed in tension, there is a tendency for both the (111) and (100) directions to become oriented parallel to the direction of tension. In aluminum the existing evidence indi cates that most of the grains become oriented so that the (111) direction is along the axis of tension, but both orientations occur in other metals having the same structure. Similarly, in compression the (110) direction of face-centered cubic crystals tends to become aligned normal to the plane of compression. In some cases the final orientations of the grains in polycrystals appear to be similar to those occurring in single crystals that have been subject to the same deformation, but more often they are not. This fact indicates once again the importance of the grain boundary influence in determining the actual stresses within the grains. For example, in tension tests with single crystals of aluminum, the (110) direc tion tends to become parallel to the axis of tension, whereas the (111) direction tends to become aligned in this direction in polycrystals. The reorientations occurring during rolling are of particular practical importance since much 543 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10useful metal is fabricated by this procedure. The stresses occurring in this process are more complicated than in simple tension or com pression tests, because the surface of the rolled specimen is subject to normal stresses, and to shearing stresses both in the direction of rolling and at right angles to this direction. Although strong preferred orientations ordinarily are pro- STRAIN (POLYCRYSTAL) - o 01 02 03 04 05 6 I.e-' V : .....- x ! f----i--. VI( i )/ I t7 I 7 f : ~ ! -----9- ---I I ~ P i V i i , 3 ~ o .... 2 V ~l o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 STRAIN (SINGLE CRYSTAL) FIG. 55. The upper continuous curve is the computed stress-strain relation found by Taylor for aluminum using single crystal data. The crosses and plus signs represent experimental values. The lower curve is a representative stress-strain curve of a single crystal of the same material. duced by rolling, the results are greatly de pendent upon the conditions of rolling and cannot be summarized in terms of a few concise laws which could be conveniently discussed here. Apparently rolled orientations can sometimes be duplicated in compression tests in which the specimen is constrained so as to spread in only one direction in the plane of compression. One of the interesting effects of extensive deformation on polycrystalline materials is the development of fiber structure. This structure results from the elongation of individual grains in the direction of the deformation, which gives them the appearance of fibers of woven fabrics. During the elongation neighboring grains appear to maintain close adhesion at their boundaries, for the rupture strength of the materials is not reduced except in extreme cases of working. This fact indicates once again the great strength of the intergranular bond. Moreover, it shows that such elongation takes place under great 544 restrictions. It can be shown that the develop ment of fiber structure would not be possible in hexagonal crystals if slip in the basal plane were the only possible means of producing deforma tion. Actually twinning seems to provide the additional degree of freedom in such crystals. It is also possible that inner-crystalline deforma tion of the type observed by Barrett and Levenson is an important means of deformation in many materials. h. Work hardening Polycrystals harden with cold work, as may be seen from the stress-strain curves shown in Figs. 52 and 53. Undoubtedly work hardening of the type observed in single crystals is a very significant factor in polycrystals for the latter, like the former, may be softened by heating. It is possible, however, that additional factors related to the' presence of grain boundaries enter into the hardening of polycrystals. For example, there are indications16 that complete recovery in polycrystals requires recrystallization of the specimen. In contrast with this, we have 1.2 t 1 I. I -'" V .... [7 10 I l-- V V"" V ----- I I 20 30 t -40 MIN. 50 FIG. 56. Creep curve for polycrystalline cadmium. (After Andrade and Chalmers.) seen in Section 2 Part g that single crystals can recover completely far below their recrystalliza tion temperature. It is not unlikely, of course, that the temperature accompanying recrystal lization and not the change in structure is the important factor in determining softening. Since polycrystals recrystallize at far lower tempera tures than single crystals, it is plausible to expect that polycrystals happen to recrystallize in the temperature range effective for softening, which is the same for single crystals and polycrystals. A highly interesting treatment of the stress strain curve for polycrystalline aluminum has 16 See reference 9, p. 161. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10been given by TaylorP Briefly, he computed the stress-strain curve on the basis of the following assumptions: (a) The strain is uniform in all grains of the material. This evidently contains implicitly the assumption that no slip occurs at grain bound aries, but it is obviously far more stringent. (b) The deformation takes place in each grain by slip on the octahedral planes, as he and Elam had found for single crystals, and in such a way that the energy required is a minimum. The second part of this assumption is essentially a statement of the principle of least work. On the basis of these assumptions, Taylor was able to compute the stress-strain curve for a polycrystal of randomly oriented grains with the use of curves for single crystals. The upper con tinuous curve of Fig. SS is the theoretically derived one and is accompanied by experimental points. It may be seen that the computed curve agrees substantially with these points. Unfortunately, the study carried on by Barrett and Levenson14 on the orientation of grains in "homogeneously" compressed polycrystalline specimens of aluminum indicates that assump tion (a) is not correct and thus detracts from the significance of the agreement found by Taylor. Moreover, Barrett and Levenson found that the average change in orientation of the grains during compression was frequently different from that predicted on the basis of Taylor's treatment and thus opens assumption (b) to question. The constructive implications of Barrett and Leven son's work have not yet been determined, but it seems definite that Taylor's theory must be modified in some essential respects, at least in the case of compression. c. Impurity hardening The hardening influence' of soluble impurities in polycrystals seems to be qualitatively the same as in single crystals and indicates that the hardening is basically intragranular. 9. TWINNING Although twinning has been extensively in vestigated in polycrystals, none of this work seems to have been carried out with the view of 17 G. 1. Taylor, J. lnst. Metals 62, 307 (1938). VOLUME 12, JULY, 1941 8 Xl I ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ III 6 -..... Q. 4 l&J l&J It:: (.) ~ 0 l&J x .... ~ 2 l X c/ x---x-----x------------~ o 200 400 STRESS (GISQ MM) FIG. 57. Dependence of the creep rate upon stress for a bicrystal of tin. (After Chalmers.) finding differences between the behavior of poly crystals and single crystals. 10. CREEp18 Just as in the case of single crystals, the elongation versus time curves for polycrystals may be divided into a transient and a steady state part. Such a curve is shown in Fig. S6 for polycrystalline cadmium19 and the possibility of a division of this type is clearly indicated. The dependence of the steady-state creep rate upon both temperature and stress has been investi gated by a number of workers20 and seems to be 18 For helpful discussions of this subject we are indebted to Drs. W. Kauzmann of the Westinghouse Research Laboratories and A. Lawson of the University of Penn sylvania. 19 E. N. da C. Andrade and B. Chalmers, Proc. Roy. Soc. AU8, 348 (1932). 20 An analysis of available experimental data is given by W. Kauzmann, Trans. A. 1. M. E. (February meeting 1941), Tech. Pub. No. 1301. S4S [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10governed by a function of the form R=A exp (-(e'-blT)jkT), (1) where A and e' are constants, IT is the applied stress and b is dependent upon temperature, but not upon stress. It is to be emphasized that this law is derived from a study of results corre sponding to the practical range of stress, which is of the order of magnitude of 1 kgjmm2. This is from ten to a hundred times larger than the range of stress employed in the creep experiments on single crystals of tin described in Section 3. Figure 57 shows the creep rate as a function of stress for a bicrystal of tin, as determined by Chalmers.21 This result indicates that Eq. (1) fails in this case for stresses of the order of 100 gjmm2. Figure 57 should be compared with Fig. 44 for single crystals, for it indicates that there is a distinct difference in the creep behavior of single crystals and polycrystals at low stresses. In particular, there seems to be a limiting stress for creep in the case of the bicrystal whereas there is none in the case of single crystals. Extension versus time curves for polycrystalline specimens of tin stressed in the range of Fig. 57 are shown22 in Fig. 58. It may be seen that the steady-state rate is practically zero for stresses below 200 g/mm2 and becomes finite in the range from 200 to 300 g/mm2. A similar effect has been observed by Chalmers23 in polycrystalline lead but it has not been studied in other metals. Values of the constants appearing in Eq. (1) as determined by curve fitting of experimental results are given in Table IX. The values of b are found to vary with temperature in the manner B exp (aT) in which B and a are con stants; the range of b shown in the table gives the variations over a several hundred degree tem perature range. On general grounds we might expect two sources of creep in polycrystalline materials: First, a creep analogous to that occurring in single crystals and arising from relative motion within grains and second, creep at grain bound aries. Slip corresponding to the second type of motion does not seem to be observed near room temperature in any of the metals that have been 21 B. Chalmers, Proc. Roy. Soc. A1S6, 427 (1936). 22 B. Chalmers, ]. Inst. Metals 61, 103 (1937). 23 B. Chalmers, Proc. Phys. Soc. 47, 352 (1935). 546 studied up to the present time. However, if it did exist we should expect to observe it just in the range in which creep ordinarily is measured. If this type of creep did occur, it presumably could be separated from inner-granular creep by investigating the dependence of creep upon grain size, for we should expect it to play a larger role in fine-grained specimens having a comparatively large amount of grain-boundary surface than in coarse-grained specimens. Ac tually there does not seem to be any conclusive evidence indicating that there are two contribu tions to creep. It will be seen in Section 12 that there is indirect evidence that intergranular flow occurs in zinc in the range from room tempera ture to 100°C; however, in lieu of more definite evidence, we shall discuss creep on the basis of dislocation theory. We saw in Section 3 that two simple mecha nisms of creep may be considered in discussing creep on the basis of dislocations. First, we may 4r-----------------------~------__, FIG. 58. Upper two curves: extension versus time curves for specimens of tin stressed at 300 g/mm2 and 200 g/mm2. The lower two curves give the subsequent contraction when the stress is released. (See Section 13.) (After Chalmers.) consider creep as caused by the relatively slow migration of dislocations, in which case dSjdt=v)..N, (2) where N is the density of moving dislocation lines, v is their average velocity of motion and ).. is the slip distance associated with the passage JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10of one dislocation. In the steady state, N is a temperature-dependent constant so that the tem perature dependence of creep rate is determined by the dependence of both v and N. It was also pointed out in Section 3 that there is evidence that the activation energy for motion of dislocations is small in a well-annealed speci men, for which N is small. The same conclusion cannot be expected to hold during a practical creep test, since N may then be much larger. Thus it is difficult to analyze the constants appearing in Eq. (1) in terms of the quantities appearing in (2). However, we shall attempt such an analysis in the following way. We shall assume that the rate at which dis locations are generated is given by an equation TABLE IX. Empirically determined creep data for metals. (After Kauzmann.) (The values of " are given in ev, those of A in units of sec.-1 for specimens of unit length. b is given in units of Aa. Pb{0.17 0.1-0.35 Su 0.23 Brass (60 Cu 40 Zn) 0.6 Steel (0.4%C) 1.2 of the form LOGIOA -8 -7 to -5 -4 -4 -3 b -5X10' 103-10' 5.103_5X10· 1Q2-5 X 10' 103-104 where No is the number of generating centers, and that the rate of annihilation is where N is the number of dislocations present. Then in the equilibrium state where (6) In addition, we shall assume that d v =-e-'d/ kTeadu/ kT, (7) Td where d is the distance between neighboring equilibrium positions for the dislocation, Td is the relaxation time for passage of a dislocation from one equilibrium position to another, and VOLUME 12, JULY, 1941 TABLE X. Tensile strengths of annealed pure polycrystals. (The values are given in units of kg/mm2.) TENSILE TENSILE STRENGTH STRENGTH METAL OBS. CALC. METAL OBS. CALC. Al 9.2 372 Pb 1.1 261 Au 12.0 782 Pd 14. Ca 6.4 Pt 12. 125 Cu 22.6 885 Sn 1.4 357 Mg 9.2 Zn 13. 580 Ni 32. the exponential coefficients give, respectively, the influence of temperature and stress on the probability that the dislocation will jump. For small stresses, the second function presumably should be a hyperbolic sine of the same argument, but we shall consider the practical range of stresses. Substituting (5) and (7) into (2), we obtain dS Xd Ta -=-N o-exp (-(E' -bu)/kT), (8) dt Td Tg where Now Ta and To presumably are of the same order of magnitude, since they are associated with inverse processes. Moreover, >.d is of the order of magnitude 10-15 cm2, so that we obtain by comparison of (1) and (8) (No/Td)10-15=A. (10) We are at loss for a precise estimate of No, but it seems reasonable to assume that this quantity is of the same order of magnitude as the number of blocks per unit cross section, namely 108• The values of Td required to account for the observed values of A vary between 10 and 10-4 sec. for all of the cases listed in Table IX. The larger of these values of Td agrees in order of magnitude with that obtained in Section 3 from a similar analysis of the rate of creep of single crystals of tin on the basis of Eq. (2). We note again that if Eq. (2) is correct, it seems to imply that the natural relaxation time for motion of dislocations is very long compared with an atomic oscillational period. A second possible simple mechanism for creep is based on the notion that dislocations move very rapidly a distance L from the point at 547 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10which they are generated and then become stuck. The corresponding equation was discussed in Section 3 and is dSjdt=XLdN jdt. (11) As we have seen in Section 3, the purely transient creep observed in single crystals of tin, zinc and cadmium at low stresses can be explained more suitably on the basis of Eq. (2) than on the basis of (11), but it is possible that Eq. (11) is valid in the practical range of creep. Substituting into (10) from Eq. (3), we obtain dS No -=XL- exp (-(Eg-agu)jkT). (12) dt Tg Thus in the present case A = 10-8LNgj Tg• If L is of the order of magnitude 10-4 cm, as is assumed III Taylor's theory of hardening, we obtain A = 10-12NojTo• In the cases listed in Table IX, N oj T 0 varies between 109 and 104• If our previous estimate of Ny, namely 108, is valid, we obtain the result that To varies between 10-1 and 104 sec., which seems to be much too large to be reasonable. In other words, the parameter values derived from the use of Eq. (2) seem to be more reason able than those derived from (11). It must be admitted, however, that the evidence in favor of Eq. (2) is far from satisfying. At most, we may say that the theory of dislocations seems to provide a rough semi-quantitative means of correlating creep data. Comparing Eqs. (1) and (6), we see that the quantity b in (1) is composite if Eq. (2) is correct. It is interesting to note that the experi mental values of b are so large that bu is of the order of 1 ev for stresses near 1 kgjmm2• This implies that either ao or ad in Eq. (9) may be large. In the first case, it would be concluded that there is very large stress magnification near the slip nuclei and in the second that dislocations have lengths of the order of 10-6 cm. It is not easy, however, to understand the strong de pendence of the experimental values of b upon temperature. Kauzmann20 has suggested that 548 this dependence is related to an increase with temperature of the lengths of either slip nuclei or dislocations. Additional evidence for such a variation possibly is furnished by the difference between the values of r we have obtained above from comparisons of Eqs. (2) and (11) with Eq. (1) and the value we might expect to obtain, namely 10-13 sec. According to Kauzmann's sug gestion the increase in the length of dislocations with temperature gives rise to an increase of the activation energy with temperature. If the creep data were analyzed on the basis of Eq. (1), taking into account a temperature dependence of e', a value of A larger by a factor of 1010 could be obtained. In this case T would come out to be of the order of magnitude of 10-10 sec. 11. RUPTURE IN POLYCRYSTALS It was pointed out in Section 7 that rupture is transcrystalline except at temperatures just beI'ow the meiting point. This indicates that grain boundaries are not sources of great weak ness at sufficiently low temperatures and we might expect to correlate the breaking strengths of polycrystals with those of single crystals. Such a correlation is made difficult for several reasons. In the first place, stresses within grains are not the same as the applied stress because of grain boundary influence. In the second place, specimens of the same material prepared in different ways will extend differently during a rupture test and hente will usually have different orientations when fracture occurs. Fortunately, the second factor may be eliminated to an appreciable extent by comparing specimens which already possess the maximum degree of preferred orientation of the type that would be produced during the rupture test. Now we saw in Section 5 that each crystallo graphic plane of a single crystal appears to possess a characteristic tension stress at which it will rupture. Moreover, evidence was cited which indicates that this stress is independent of previous deformation. Reasoning from this we should expect the rupture stress of a polycrystal line metal to be independent of deformation as long as the deformation does not produce widely different orientations. This expectation seems to be borne out in the case of copper. Figure 59 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10shows24 stress-strain curves for specimens of copper wire prepared from the same material. Prior to the test the wires were drawn to different diameters, during which process comparable degrees of preferred orientation presumably were attained. The specimens were then subjected to tension stress and the strain was measured in terms of the contraction in cross section. The specimens began to neck at the stress corre sponding to point 2, and fracture occurred at the points 3. It may be seen that the breaking ~ w 0: l(/) 00 20 40 60 80 100 CONTRACTION IN AREA 0/0 FIG. 59. Stress-strain curves for variously worked speci mens of polycrystalline copper. It may be seen that the rupture stresses are closely the same in each of the cases. The strain is measured in terms of the contraction in cross sectional area. stresses are nearly the same in all four cases, which indicates that the previous strain had little effect on the breaking stress .. 24 J. v. Mollendorf and J. Czochralski, Zeits. Verein. deuts. lng. 54, 931 (1913). VOLUME 12, JULY, 1941 Just as in the case of slip, there seems to be evidence that the grain size has an important influence on the breaking strength even when the crystal size is small compared with the dimen sions of the specimen. As was pointed out in Section 7, this result is inexplicable unless it is assumed that the different treatment required to produce various grain sizes results in different distribution of impurities at grain boundaries. This interpretation of the effect is supported by the experiments of Corson, discussed in Section 7. A comparison of experimental breaking strengths and those computed from Polanyi's equation with the use of experimental values of the surface tension is given in Table X. It may be seen that the experimental values are smaller than the theoretical ones by a factor of the order of a hundred or more, just as in the case of single crystals. There is a slight indication that polycrystals are somewhat stronger than single crystals, but this effect may be related to the redistribution of stresses resulting from the in fluence of grain boundary restrictions. 12. INTERNAL FRICTION The principal source of internal friction in non ferromagnetic single crystals seems to be inti mately associated with plasticity, as we have seen on Part d of Section 2. The same source is sometimes important in polycrystals, but, as was first pointed out by Zener,25 is often com pletely masked by another. The second source has been extensively studied by Zener and his co-workers and arises from the thermoelastic effect in the following way .. When a crystal is stressed suddenly its tem perature changes, heat being generated or ab sorbed, depending on the sign of the dilatation. The change in temperature is proportional to the stress and reverses its sign if the sign of the stress is reversed. Since the stresses in a poly crystal are not uniform but vary from grain to grain, it follows that the temperature resulting from the thermoelastic effect will vary from point to point. Now if the stresses vary slowly compared with the time required for heat to flow 2. C. Zener, Phys. Rev. 52, 230 (1937); 53, 90 (1938); W. Otis and R. ~uckolls, Phys. Rev. 53, 100 (1938); R. H. Randall, F. C. Rose and C. Zener, Phys. Rev. 56, 343 (1939); C. Zener, Proc. Phys. Soc. 52, 152 (1940). 549 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10between regions of different temperature, the temperature will remain constant and the trans fer of mechanical energy into heat, and vice versa, takes place reversibly. In this case the net amount of heat generated during a complete cycle is zero and there is no contribution to the internal friction. Similarly, if the variations in stress take place so rapidly that no heat flows during a stress cycle, the process is said to occur adiabatically since each region of the material behaves as if it were thermally isolated. It follows that the net conversion of elastic energy into heat during a complete cycle also is zero in this case. However, if the frequency or the thermal conductivity are such that the process is neither isothermal nor adiabatic, the conversion will not be reversible and there will be a finite contribution to the internal friction from the thermoelastic effect. Zener has pointed out that if the average applied stress is uniform throughout the speci men, the critical distances for thermal diffusion in a polycrystal should be the dimensions of the grain, for stresses should vary relatively abruptly from one grain to another. Reasoning from this on the basis of dimensional analysis, he suggested that the internal friction should depend on the dimensionless quantity IId2jD. Here d is the grain diameter, II is the frequency and D is the thermal diffusion constant defined by the equa tion thermal conductivity D=-------- (specific heat) (density) In other words, for a given material the rela tive value of the internal friction, should be a universal function g(IId2jD). Figure 60 shows schematically the manner in which this function should depend on its argument. It has a peak near the value unity and decreases to zero on either side. This type of dependence of internal friction has been verified in brass. If the average stress is not uniform throughout a specimen, as during the transverse vibration of a reed, there will be an additional contribution to the thermoelastic internal friction resulting from the variations in temperature across the specimen. This contribution is determined by a function similar to that shown in Fig. 60, the argument being IIVjD in this case, where L is 550 the distance between the points of maximum temperature difference, which is the thickness of the specimen in the case of the vibrating reed. The thermoelastic internal friction was first discovered and studied systematically in in homo geneously stressed systems of this type. The factors contributing to the absolute value of the thermoelastic internal friction have been investigated by Zener, but will not be discussed here since they would lead us too far afield. This work shows that in general we should expect the internal friction arising from stress variations between grains to be smaller the more nearly elastically isotropic the material is. We might expect to find peaks of the type shown in Fig. 60 in single crystals as a result of stress variations either from domain to domain or between larger regions. The first of these cases corresponds to an effective grain size of 10-4 cm and would produce a peak in the mega cycle range of frequency. This type of internal friction actually seems to be negligible in Read's experiments. It should be mentioned that the value of D will be dependent on the ease with which heat 1 t VIBRATION ~ d NEARLy I ~ lScrMRMAL ~ VIBRATION I\£ITHER NEARLY ISOTHERMAL NOR NEARLY ADIABATIC VIBRATION "'-EARLY ADIABATIC FIG. 60. Relative value of the internal friction as a function of the dimensionless variable pdt/D. (After Zener.) The function has its peak in the region where the argument is unity and decreases on either side. flows across grain boundaries and is not neces sarily an average of the values for single crystals. Actually, the influence of grain boundaries has not been studied. The separation of the internal friction of plastic origin from the thermoelastic contribution can be carried out in several ways. For example, if measurements are carried out for frequencies extending in to the adiabatic or isothermal regions, the residual value of plastic origin will appear as JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10an additive constant on a function of the form of Fig. 60. The range of frequency needed for this evidently will depend upon d and D. Thus in the case of three specimens of brass of different grain size,26 a residual decrement of 0.15.10-6 was determined by extrapolating to the region of low frequencies. Barnes and Zener27 carried out a similar separation at fixed frequency in zinc (impurities 0.5 percent). Measurements were made on speci mens of four grain sizes for various temperatures in the range from O°C to 100°C. The values of /ld2/D at the frequency used were O.OOB, O.OOB, 0.02 and O.B for the four specimens. In the first three cases the internal friction varied with temperature in the manner A exp (-E/kT), the constant E being the same in all cases and the constant A varying inversely as the square of the grain size. In the fourth case, in which the thermoelastic internal friction should be near its maximum value, the internal friction was ex pressible in the form (1) in which C was independent of temperature and equal to 44.10-6, E was the same as in the other three cases, and the ratio of A4 to the values of A occurring in the other cases varied inversely as the grain sizes. The investigators conclude that the temperature-dependent term had its origin in the plasticity, whereas the constant in (1) corresponds to the thermoelastic dissipation. They also conclude from the dependence of the coefficient of the Boltzmann factor upon grain size that the source of the temperature-dependent internal friction lies on the grain boundaries, rather than in the interior of the grains. 13. SECONDARY PLASTIC EFFECTS In addition to the primary plastic effects, slip, creep, twinning and rupture, there are a number of interesting secondary effects which, like fatigue, undoubtedly find their origin in the primary effects. Some of these are observed only in polycrystals; others are observed in single crystals as well. We shall discuss both here. 26 C. Zener and H. Randall, Trans. A. I. M. E. 137,41 (1940). 27 A. H. Barnes and C. H. Zener, Phys. Rev. 58, 87 (1940). VOLUME 12, JULY, 1941 a. Creep recovery If a specimen of polycrystalline material is extended by creep, it is found to contract slowly with continually decreasing rate when the applied stresses are removed. The lower two curves in Fig. SB show this effect for two specimens of polycrystalline tin. In these cases the ordinate gives the decrease in length as a function of time after the specimens which yielded the upper two curves were unloaded. The rate of contrac tion is rapid at first and then decreases to zero. This effect did not occur in the single crystals studied by Chalmers, which indicates that it is primarily a polycrystalline one. The effect is also observed after practical creep tests. This type of creep recovery apparently can be given a satisfactory explanation on the basis of a principle first proposed by Masing.28 He pointed out that the type of extension occurring in different grains of a polycrystal during any deformation will be different because of differ ences in orientation. Some grains will deform almost entirely as a result of slip whereas others will deform elastically. For small deformations, such as those dealt with in Chalmers' experi ments, we may expect a continuous range between grains which are deformed almost en tirely elastically and those which have deformed almost entirely as a result of plastic flow. Con sequently the actual stress in the interior of the metal will vary from a maximum value in those grains which have undergone the least plastic deformation to a minimum value in those which have undergone the most. Thus when the ex ternally applied load is removed and the average stress reduced to zero, some of the grains will be stressed in tension and some in compression, the latter being those which had previously flowed. If the temperature is sufficiently high, these stresses will cause creep and the specimen will be observed to contract in the manner of Fig. 5B. h. The Bauschinger effect If the previous interpretation of creep recovery is correct, we might expect that just after a polycrystalline specimen has been unloaded, following an elongation or compression, there are forces present in some of the grains which would 28G. Masing, Wiss. Siemens Konzern 3,231 (1924); 4, 74, 244 (1925); 5, 135, 142 (1926). 551 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:1020 18 16 2 ANNEALED 50(/'2 HR I ----t I I I I I I i I I i i~ 'v ! I I , I i I I I I I I i I I I I I I I i i i ! ! I I I PREVIOUSLY EXTENDED I i-f----- , Ii " , Ii It If I; , , : , , I I , PREVIOUSLY COMPRESSED I I / / / / / / / £ I I I ANNEALED AFTER EXTENSION I i I I ~ V I i I I I , I I I ! I FIG. 61. Illustration of the Bauschinger effect in fine-grained polycrystalline brass. (a) shows the extension versus stress curve for the virgin material. (b) is the stress extension diagram obtained after previous extension. (c) is the same curve obtained after previous com pression. It may be seen that the elastic range is very small, illustrat ing the Bauschinger effect. (d) is the stress-strain curve similar to (c) obtained when the specimen is an nealed at relatively low tempera tures after compression. The hard ness remains but the Bauschinger effect is gone. I ~ o D.2 a 0 0,2 0.4 0 D.2 0.4 D.6 a8 0 Q2 a4 . D.6 D.6 1.0 EXTENSION IN PEI!CENT aid in producing a deformation of opposite sign. Thus we might expect the critical stress required to produce plastic compression following a small elongation to be lower than the critical com pression stress in the virgin state. An effect of this kind was first discovered in polycrystals by Bauschinger29 and was explained qualitatively in the basis of :vIasing's principle, discussed in part a of this section. Figure 61 shows30 the Bauschinger effect in fine-grained brass. Figure 61 (a) is the stress-strain curve obtained during an extension of a virgin specimen of the material by a few percent. The critical shearing stress is about 10 kg/mm2. Essentially the same value would have been obtained if the virgin specimen were compressed rather than extended. Figure 61 (b) shows the stress-strain curve for com pression following the extension. It may be seen that the critical shearing stress for this deforma tion is very small for the range of compression corresponding to the original extension. Figure 61 (c) shows the type of stress-strain curve ob tained if the specimen is further extended (with out compression) after the original extension, and exhibits the usual effects of work hardening. The last figure shows the stress-strain curve obtained in compression after annealing the originally extended specimen at 1500 for several hours. The Bauschinger effect has disappeared, but the hardness remains, showing that the factors contributing to the Bauschinger effect are not immediately connected with the hardening. A quantitative development of Masing's theory of the Bauschinger effect was carried out by Heyn,31 who showed that curves of the type of Fig. 61 (b) could be obtained for polycrystals in a reasonable manner on the basis of the theory. It is unfortunate for the simple theory that a well-defined Bauschinger effect has been ob served by Sachs and Shoji30 in single crystals of brass. A typical example of their results is shown in Fig. 62. In this the ordinate is stress and the abscissa is strain, the positive and negative directions corresponding, respectively, to tension and compression. The curve obtained in a stress strain cycle starting with a virgin specimen is somewhat reminiscent of a magnetic hysteresis curve. The segment Dl of the entire curve represents the stress-strain curve obtained in the first extension and rises sharply in the elastic region, as in Fig. 61(a). When the tensile stress was relieved, the elastic contraction to the point A occurred. Following this, the specimen was compressed and the curve D2 was obtained. It is evident that the decrease from the point A is much more gradual than the original rise from the origin, showing the Bauschinger effect. If this part of the curve were inverted about the point 2.]. Bauschinger, Ziviling. 27,289 (1881). 31 E. Heyn, Festband Kaiser-Wilhelm Gesellschaft 30 G. Sachs and H. Shoji, Zeits. f. Physik 45,776 (1927). (1921), 131. 552 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10A, it would bear the same relation to DI that Fig. 61(b) bears to Fig. 61(a). The main differ ence between the polycrystalline and single crystal specimens appears to lie in the fact that the latter are somewhat softer, as may be seen by comparing the ordinates in Figs. 61 and 62. The curve Da represents another stress-strain curve for extension following the compression D2• A summary of the experimental facts obtained from this type of investigation on single crystals of brass is as follows: 1. The primary stress-strain curves obtained in tension or compression for virgin materials are nearly identical. 2. The Bauschinger effect is observed in the opposite deformation following the primary one, regardless of the sign of the primary one. We shall call the deformation following the primary the secondary one. The secondary curves are very nearly identical if the primary extensions or compressions are identical. 3. Secondary curves, and curves such as Da obtained by later deformation, are very nearly alike as long as the over-all extension and com pression remains fixed in each cycle. The prin cipal difference lies in the fact that a gradual work hardening takes place; that is, the curves rise to larger absolute values of the abscissa. 4. If at any period in a sequence of cycles, a deformation larger than the preceding is carried out, the Bauschinger effect will be more clearly marked in the deformation immediately fol lowing. 5. Annealing for two hours in the range from 250°C to 400°C removes the Bauschinger effect for the next deformation, but does not appre ciably affect the work hardening. 6. When correction is made for the slightly greater hardness of polycrystals, the Bauschinger effect in single crystals of brass may be said to be fully as well defined as in polycrystals. At first sight, the existence of a well-developed Bauschinger effect in single crystals seems to be in contradiction with Masing's theory. Actually, there are two ways of interpreting the results: (a) In the first place it is possible that the single crystals of brass on which the measure ments were made actually are far less homo geneous than the best single crystals of mon atomic substances. Thus it is possible that the VOLUME 12, JULY, 1941 ~--r---l-, I +4~'.:=- , I ~L 1i I I I ;r J/D1 I! I II ' +2(---1!~ II +1 I I I f---_j fA 0.3 -.2 -0.1 0 +0.1 +0.2 +q3 /, I I II Ii --r -I I / I l I -2 / I I I I -3 r V D, J I J -=:: L- -- DEFORMATION IN PERCENT FIG. 62. Stress-strain diagram for single crystal of brass obtained during a cyclical deformation process. Negative strains correspond to compressions, positive to elongations. D, corresponds to the virgin material. deformations are not homogeneous and that parts of the crystal undergo almost purely elastic deformations. This possibility could be tested by more extensive investigations of single crystals of other materials. Apparently, pure monatomic crystals are not well suited for tests of this type because of their great softness. It should be added that Sachs and Shoji made measurements on single crystals of aluminum-copper alloys, but' found the effect smaller than in brass and did not extend the investigation. At the present time, this interpretation seems to be the most plausible one. (b) In the second place, it is possible that there are two contributing causes for the Bausch inger effect in polycrystalline materials-one being the effect suggested by Masing, and the other an effect that occurs even in single crystals. Since Heyn' s work indica tes that Masing's theory is sufficient to explain at least the magnitude of the effect in polycrystals, we must conclude that if two co-existing effects occur they are of com parable importance. 553 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10~ ~ z t--j---+----i-,..L=+--+-+------cU---f---~ ~ ! ~ I ~ 'r-74--+-+-+-+-l-/--t--" ~ . J_L ...... ~02 ~O~ Q,Oof O.OS 0.08 OD7 0.04 0.011 COMPRESSION IN PERCENT FIG. 63. The elastic after effect in a compressed single crystal of brass. It has recently been suggested by Masing that the theory of dislocations may contain features usable for an explanation of the Bausch inger effect in single crystals. In particular, he has proposed the possibility that dislocations which have moved into the crystal as a result of the action of a given stress move backward under a lower reverse stress than is needed to make them move forward. According to Masing, this unidirectional hardening is a consequence of the fact that the newly formed dislocations will encounter dislocations of opposite sign, generated on the opposite sides of the particular block in which they are moving, if they continue to pro ceed in the direction in which they were started. They will not encounter these dislocations if their direction of motion is reversed. This picture seems difficult to justify on the basis of the theory of dislocations developed here for we should either expect the positive and negative dislocations in the same block to attract and lower the shearing stress for motion in the same direction, or we should expect them to become in termixed in the manner suggested by Taylor and form a lattice that possesses equal rigidity in either direction. The following, how ever, is an alternate possibility. In discussing resoftening of work-hardened crystals, it was pointed out that newly formed dislocations near surfaces are subject to a strong attractive "image" force which drops off as the first power of the distance from the surface. It is readily seen that this force operates in just such a direction as to contribute to the Bauschinger effect. Evidently a quantitative estimate of the magnitude of this contribution is necessary be- 554 fore we can draw a definite conclusion as to whether the mechanism is a likely one. The fact that the Bauschinger effect can be completely removed by an annealing process that does not produce complete resoftening seems to indicate strongly that dislocations are not primarily responsible for the effect. c. The elastic after effect Another interesting secondary effect observed commonly in poly crystals and in some single crystals, such as the brass specimens used by Sachs and Shoji, is the elastic after effect illus trated in Fig. 63. It is found that the stress strain curve obtained when a specimen is un loaded and then reloaded, following an extension, is not a single-valued function but has the form shown in the figure. This effect may readily be explained in a qualitative manner on the basis of Masing's principle of inhomogenous strain. We may postu late that when the specimen is first unloaded the contraction is entirely elastic. As soon as the elastic forces in the regions that have undergone the most extensive plastic deformation are re leased, the remaining regions will exert on them stresses of such sign as to reverse the original deformation. These stresses increase as the un loading proceeds and cause a small amount of irreversible plastic flow, analogous to the flow occurring during creep recovery (Fig. 58). In fact, it seems likely that such creep recovery actually would have been observed on the single crystal specimens of brass used in obtaining Fig. 63. Evidently, the questions that arise concerning Masing's theory and the existence of the elastic after effect in single crystals of brass are basically similar to those discussed in connection with the Bauschinger effect in single crystals. If we grant that all three of the secondary plastic effects presented in this section have similar origin, we may conclude from the fact that single crystals of tin do not show appreciable creep recovery that they would not show a Bauschinger effect or elastic after effect com parable with that observed in brass. From this viewpoint, then, it follows that the brass crystals on which Sachs and Shoji made their observa tions were not as homogeneous as the single crystals of tin studied by Chalmers. JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:10
Theory of the Plastic Properties of Solids. I Frederick Seitz and T. A. Read Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 12, 100 (1941); doi: 10.1063/1.1712880 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1712880 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/12/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Theory of NonNewtonian Flow. I. Solid Plastic System J. Appl. Phys. 26, 793 (1955); 10.1063/1.1722098 Theory of Plastic Flow versus Theory of Plastic Deformation J. Appl. Phys. 19, 540 (1948); 10.1063/1.1698170 The Theory of the Plastic Properties of Solids. IV J. Appl. Phys. 12, 538 (1941); 10.1063/1.1712937 Theory of the Plastic Properties of Solids. III J. Appl. Phys. 12, 470 (1941); 10.1063/1.1712927 Theory of the Plastic Properties of Solids. II J. Appl. Phys. 12, 170 (1941); 10.1063/1.1712891 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40Theory of the Plastic Properties of Solids. 1* By FREDERICK SEITZ, Randal Morgan Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania AND T. A. READ, ** Westinghouse Research Laboratories, East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania In troduction FROM the standpoint of direct experimental observation,l the plastic properties of solids may be classified into five categories, namely: (a) slip, (b) creep, (c) twinning, (d) rupture, and (e) fatigue. Slip is one of the fundamental ways in which crystals may deform inelastically. It consists, at least from the gross experimental standpoint, of the displacement of one part of a given crystal relative to another along a definite crystallo graphic plane (Fig. 1). What actually is observed in a practical experiment with a single crystal is as follows. Let us suppose that the specimen is placed under stress in a tension machine and that its elongation is measured, the machine being able to detect Cl. certain minimum rate of elonga tion of the order of 10-5 em/sec. Starting with very small stresses, it is found that the elongation initially occurs practically instantaneously, is proportional to the stress, and is exactly reversed when the load is removed. This is the region of stress in which Hooke's law is valid. When the stress reaches a critical value,' about which more * The writers wish to express their deep indebtedness to Dr. C. S. Barrett of the Carnegie Institute of Technology and to Drs. A. Nadai and S. Siegel of the Westinghouse Research Laboratories for many informative discussions on this topic. ** Westinghouse Research Fellow. 1 Extensive accounts of experimental work in this field may be found in the following books and periodicals: C. F. Elam, The Distortion of Metal Crystals (Oxford University Press, 1936). E. Schmid and W. Boas, Kristallplastizitat (Springer, Berlin, 1936). A. Nadai, Plasticity (McGraw-Hili Book Company, New York, 1931). Reports of the International Conference in Physics 1934 (Cambridge University Press, 1935), Vol. II. "Report of a conference on internal strains in solids," Proc. Phys. Soc. 52, 1 (1940). S. L. Hoyt, Metals Progress, 38, 659 (1940). 100 will be said later, the elongation continues relatively slowly after the first instantaneous rise. If the stress is released after such a deformation, only a part of the elongation is reversed and the specimen has received a permanent increase in length. Within limits (Section 2), this increase in length is greater the longer the load is applied and the further the stress lies above the critical value for which it began. An examination of a single crystal specimen which has undergone an elonga tion of a percent or so shows that parts of the crystal have been displaced relative to one another along particular crystallographic planes (Fig. 2). These planes may be detected by the presence of step-wise discontinuities on the sur face of the specimen which are called slip-bands. In many instances these bands run continuously around the crystal, their spacing and orientation depending greatly upon the conditions surround ing the experiment. In the simplest cases they are parallel to one another and are spaced by distances of the order of a micron. We shall defer additional discussion of the details of the slip process until Section 2. Creep is a temperature dependent type of plastic flow that occurs when the solid is stressed below the critical stress mentioned in the pre ceding paragraph. Its detection generally re quires a more sensitive type of instrument than that used in detection of slip. A separate desig nation for this more gradual type of flow was introduced originally because of the fact that its measurement required a particularly designed apparatus. Actually, it appears that the funda mental atomic motions occurring during slip and creep are identical in single crystals of many substances. As we shall see in Section 3, the JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40continuity between creep and slip has been established fairly definitely in zinc, cadmium and tin. Twinning resembles slip in that it is another of the fundamental ways in which plastic deforma tion can occur. As in the case of slip, the end result of twinning is the relative displacement of neighboring planes of atoms. However, the im portant difference is that in twinning millions of successive, neighboring planes may be displaced relative to another by a fixed distance that is not an integer multiple of a lattice spacing, whereas in slip parts of the original crystal appear to move relative to one another with a transition region whose width is less than the resolving power of optical microscopes (about a micron). Thus the end result of twinning in a single crystal is the production of a region, namely that in which the relative motion has occurred, in which the atoms hav~ perfect crystalline arrangement, but in which the crystalline orientation is usually very different from that of the parent crystal. The end result of slip in an ideal case is the A --:--:-~-:-~-:-:-:-:-~-:--:-~-- 8 • .. • • • • * • • • • • • A -:-~-.-:-. -.-:-:-~-.--:-:--.------ B b FIG. 1. Schematic representation of the atomic displace ments resulting from slip. The lines of atoms shown in (a) are displaced in the manner shown in (b) as a result of slip in the plane A-B. production of a poly crystal consisting of a num ber of identically oriented single crystals that are separated by the slip bands. Rupture is the process by which solids break when placed under static stress, whereas fatigue is the breaking induced by periodic stress. This division of the topic of breaking is important because solids will break under periodic stressing for smaller maximum load than in static stressing. VOLUME 12, FEBRUARY, 1941 FIG. 2. A photograph of a zinc single crystal which shows slip bands. The slip bands are ellipses formed hy the intersections of the slip planes, which are perpendicular to the hexagonal axis of the crystal, and the cylindrical surface of the crystal. In treating each of these topics, we may recognize four types of crystalline textures, namely pure single crystals, single crystals of alloys, pure polycrystalline materials, and poly crystals of impure materials and alloys. The last two types of texture have the greatest practical interest and naturally have been used most ex tensively in experimental testing. Cnfortunately only a very minor part of the results of this work seems to have value for understanding the funda mental mechanisms involved in the plastic prop erties of solids. In fact this fraction of the work dealing with polycrystals is relatively small com pared with the work on single crystals in which we shall be interested. For this reason the largest part of this article will deal with the properties of single crystals. \Ve shall proceed with a concise discussion of the experimental material relating to the plastic properties of solids and accompany this with a presentation of the theory suggested by this experimental work. This procedure will be fol- 101 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40lowed first for single crystals and then for polycrystalline materials. It should be borne in mind that in its present state of development, this theory is far less complete than the theories of many other properties of solids. For this reason the present series of articles should be viewed entirely as an attempt to plot an orderly course in a field in which extensive changes in View point will undoubtedly prove necessary. Part A. Single Crystals 1. THE ELASTIC RANGE* Before proceeding with the plastic behavior of solids, itis appropriate to survey the relationships in the range of stress and strain in which Hooke's law is valid. Careful experimental work seems to indicate that a certain amount of plastic flow occurs at all stresses. However, it is unquestion ably true that for sufficiently small stresses and sufficiently low temperatures the stress-strain relation is practically linear and reversible. Since such topics as internal friction and plasticity may be introduced by discussing deviations from this idealized linear relation, it may be said to be the foundation of all discussions of stresses and strains in solids. Let us consider a homogeneous medium that is under stress. In order to describe its state of stress completely, we should know the stresses acting on each infinitesimal component. To do this conveniently, we may refer the medium to a Cartesian reference system and subdivide it into rectangular parallelepipeds whose faces are de fined by the coordinate planes of the Cartesian system. The state of stress at a given point is then completely described by giving the forces tha t act across each of the faces of the infinitesimal rectangular cell surrounding this point and having edge-lengths dx, dy and dz parallel to each of the coordinate axes (Fig.. 3). Since the cell is infini tesimally small, by assumption, the forces on opposite faces will be equal to within infini tesimals if the stress variation is continuous. Hence there are no more than nine independent components of force; these correspond to the forces acting on three mutually perpendicular faces of the cell. We shall designate the three ~ This section should merely be skimmed for its quali tative content by a reader not interested in the details of elasticity theory. 102 components of the force per unit area acting on the cell across the x face by 0"11, 0"12, 0"13 in an obvious notation in which the subscript 1 refers to the x component, 2 to the y component and 3 to the z component. Similarly the components of the force per unit area acting on the cell across the other two faces will be designated by 0"21, 0"22, 0"23 and 0"31, 0"32, 0"33, respectively. These nine quantities constitute the stress tensor, the indi vidual components being the stress components. It is clear from Fig. 3 that 0"11,0"22,0"33 correspond to forces normal to each of the three faces of the cell and hence are compression or tension stresses, whereas the other six stress components corre spond to forces lying in the plan faces and hence are shearing stresses. Now it is easy to show2 that in ordinary static stress distributions the shear components satisfy the following relations, which imply that the stress tensor is symmetric, Thus there are only six independent stress com ponents. For simplicity these are usually desig y 1 0"22 '. _at -_~-:-: --1---;:;:----",., -t-rt-==--~: ....,......:::::.==...£!.,- I : 023 ~ lL~1 '"IJ ~3: I I I I I _-.-1.--------- ---------x ~L --Z ---I I r--- dx -----, FIG. 3. The infinitesimal paral\elepiped in terms of which the stress components are defined. nated by a one-subscript symbol O",(i= 1,2, ... , 6) in accordance with the following relations 0"1 = 0"11, 0"2 = 0"22, 0"3 = 0"33, 0" 4 = 0"12, 0"6 = 0"23, 0"6 = 0"13· (2) The strains in a medium may be described in a manner analogous to that used for stresses. Let us suppose that in the strain-free state the points of the medium are designated by coordinates 2 See, for example, A. E. H. Love, The Mathematical Theory of Elasticity (Cambridge University Press, 1927). JOURNAL OF ApPLmD PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40x, y, z relative to a Cartesian reference system, and that after straining has occurred the point previously at x, y, z has been displaced to the point x', y', z'. We may assume for simplicity that the point at the origin of coordinates has not been displaced for we could always translate the origin of coordinates to the new position if it had. Since Hooke's law is valid for small deformations, we may consider this special case and write the relation between x, y, and z and x', y', and z' in the form X' -x = S11X+S12y+S13Z, y' -y=S21X+S22y+S23 Z, Z' -Z=S31X+S32y+S33Z. In general the Sif, which are known as the com ponents of the strain tensor, are functions of position; however, the homogeneous case, in which they are constant, is an important one. As in the case of the stress tensor, the practically interesting situations correspond to symmetric strain tensors, that is to tensors in which the shearing strains are related by the equations S12 = S21, S23=S32, S31=SI3. (3) Thus there usually are only six independent components of the strain tensor. It is frequently convenient to designate these by the six one subscript symbols Si(i = 1, 2, "', 6) in accord ance with the relations SI=S11, S2=S22, S3=S33 S4=S12=S21, S.=S23=S32, S6=S31=S13. (4) In this case the components S11, S22, S33 give the fractions by which the medium is extended or compressed along the three coordinate directions, respectively, whereas the other six components give a corresponding measure of the relati-:e amounts by which coordinate planes are dis placed parallel to themselves along the coordinate axes (i.e., sheared). In the region in which Hooke's law is valid, the stress and strain components are proportional to one another, that is the following relations are satisfied 6 (fi= L CijSj i~l TABLE 1. The elastic constants of crystals. (The values are given in units of 10-12 cm2/dyne.) METAL Cll C .. Face-centered cubic Al Au Ag Cu Pb 1.59 2.33 2.32 1.49 9.30 -0.58 -1.07 -0.993 -0.625 -4.26 Body-centered cubic Fe 0.757 -0.282 Na 48.3 -20.9 K 83.3 -37.0 W 0.257 -0.073 HEXAGONAL Cll Cn C13 C" Mg 2.23 -0.77 -0.45 1.98 Zn 0.84 +0.11 -0.78 2.87 Cd 1.23 -0.15 -0.93 3.55 LoWER SYMMETRY Cll C" C .. C .. C" ------------ Sb 1.77 3.38 4.10 -0.38 -0.85 Bi 2.69 2.87 10.48 -1.4 -0.62 Sn 1.85 1.18 5.70 -0.99 -0.25 ALLOYS ALLOY Cll C12 100 Ag-O Au 2.32 -0.993 75 Ag-25 Au 2.07 -0.891 50 Ag-50 Au 1.97 -0.852 25 Ag-75 Au 2.05 -0.909 o Ag-IOO Au 2.29 -1.04 CU3Au 1.34 -0.565 72 Cu-28 Zn 1.94 -0.84 50 Cu 50 Zn 3.88 95 AI5 Cu 1.5 -0.69 IONIC CRYSTALS SALT Cll C,. NaCI 2.27 -.476 KBr 3.17 -.462 C .. 3.52 2.38 2.29 1.33 6.94 0.862 16.85 38.0 0.660 C .. 5.95 2.64 5.40 C14 -0.80 +1.6 C66=13.5 C .. 2.29 2.05 1.97 2.06 2.34 1.508 1.39 3.7 C .. 7.89 16.1 The Cii and eli are not independent, of course, for the two sets of Eqs. (5) are simply algebraic inverses. We need not be concerned with the detailed relations here. Since there are six 11'/ and six S;, it follows that at most thirty-six constants 6 Si= L eijCTi i~l (i = 1, 2, "', 6). (5) enter into either of the sets of equations. Not all of these elastic constants are independent however, for it may be proved by means of the first law of VOLUME 12, FEBRUARY, 1941 103 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40thermodynamics2 that the following relationships exist Cij= Cii, Gij= Gii• Thus only twenty-one elastic constants are independent at most. Further relationships occur in crystals having particular symmetry. For example, there are only three independent constants in the case of cubic crystals such as copper, iron, rocksalt, etc., and v o FIG. 4. Schematic form of the potential energy of an atom in a lattice. The abscissae represent the positional coordinates of the atom. This potential is essentially parabolic in the vicinity of the minimum 0, which is the normal equilibrium position of the atom. there are only five in hexagonal crystals such as zinc, cadmium, wurtzite, etc. Experimental values of some of the measured C;i are given in Table I for several well-known crystals. We shall find these constants useful in the following sections for making estimates of stresses for which plastic flow should begin in solids. I t should be added that they are independent of the previous history of a specimen to within a factor of about one percent. It is interesting at this point to consider the facts concerning the interatomic forces that give rise to Hooke's law. Any atom in a solid is under forces exerted on it by its neighbors, and in an ideally perfect crystal, translation ally equivalent atoms are under identical forces. The form of the potential well in which an atom moves is shown schematically in Fig. 4, the minimum point being the equilibrium position at absolute zero of temperature when the crystal is not under external stress. At temperatures above absolute zero, the atom will oscillate about this equilib rium point with varying amplitude in accordance with the laws of statistical mechanics. Since the potential energy is a quadratic function of displacement relative to the position of minimum 104 energy, in first approximation, the forces restoring the atom to its equilibrium position will be proportional to the displacement for small dis placements. Thus if the ideal crystal is placed under stress, we may expect the atoms to be displaced relative to one another by an amount proportional to the stress as long as the displace ment is small compared with interatomic dis tances; that is, we should expect Hooke's law to be obeyed. Elastic constants computed on the basis of this atomic mechanism3 with the use of quantum mechanics and the assumption of ideal lattices are in excellent agreement with experimental values in a number of cases. Now these computations, and similar ones involving molecules rather than solids, show that the quadratic approximation is usually accurate for displacements of the order of ten percent of the interatomic distance, so that we should ex pect Hooke's law to be valid in an ideal crystal for stresses in which the strain is less than one tenth. Thus, using values of the elastic constants given in Table I, we should expect the law to be valid in the materials listed for stresses at least as high as 1010 dynes/cm 2 (or 100 kg/mm2). As we shall see below, large deviations from Hooke's law actually occur for stresses a thousand times smaller than this in carefully grown, weIl annealed single crystals of practically all pure metals and many salts, even at temperatures in the vicinity of absolute zero. Thus, although the elastic constants are determined by the bulk properties of the ideal solid, we must conclude that deviations from the ideal state occur and are in some way responsible for deviations from Hooke's law. 2. THE THEORIES OF SLIP a. Basic concepts The most easily detected phenomenon associ ated with breakdown of Hooke's law is the process of slip. As was mentioned previously, this is characterized by the irreversible motion of one part of a crystal relative to another along a definite plane (Fig. 1). The motion is usually made evident by the appearance of bands on the 3 See, for example, the survey of this topic in F. Seitz, The Modern Theory of Solids (McGraw-Hili Book Com pany, New York, 1940). JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40exterior of the specimen which correspond to the intersection of the slip planes with the boundary surface. An actual representation of the slip bands in a single crystal in which slip has occurred along a number of parallel planes is given in Fig. 2. This situation is typical of both zinc and cadmium in which slip occurs most prominently in planes normal to the hexagonal axis (basal planes). The slip system is usually not as simple in cubic crystals since symmetrically equivalent planes are not necessarily parallel. Before interpreting slip in the light of the remarks made at the end of the preceding section, we shall summarize several of the laws obtained as a result of the rather extensive experimental work on slip. (1) The rate at which slip occurs in a given plane in a given specimen is determined primarily by the component of shearing stress in the plane. In general, the slip rate is very slow for a range of shearing stress extending from zero to a more or less definite value (for the particular specimen and plane) at which it becomes measurable in somewhat standardized laboratory equipment. A readily measurable rate of shearing strain is 10-6 seC.-I. In practical work, this stress at which the rate of slip becomes readily measurable with comparatively crude equipment is called the critical shearing stress. We shall find it very convenient to follow the practical procedure in the present section and reserve the word "slip" for the plastic flow occurring for stresses at least as large as the critical shearing stress. The less rapid flow for smaller stresses will be treated in the next section under the heading "creep." As was mentioned in the introduction, the two types of flow are intimately connected so that this division of the topic is mainly one of convenience. (2) The critical shearing stress is different for different types of crystallographic planes. In some cases, such as zinc and cadmium, cited above, the critical value is so much lower for one set than for all others that slip is observed almost exclusively in that system of planes. It seems to be a general rule in the case of metals that the planes of easiest slip are the most nearly c1ose packed ones. Thus the basal planes are the easiest in close-packed hexagonal crystals, whereas the four types of (111) planes (octahedral planes) are easiest in face-centered cubic lattices, such as VOLUME 12, FEBRUARY, 1941 copper and aluminum. Moreover, when slip is observed in other planes, such as in the (100) planes of aluminum, these are also planes of relatively high atomic density. There are several planes of nearly equal atomic density both in the body-centered cubic lattice and in white tin. Andrade' and his co-workers have found slip in the (112), (110) and (123) planes in several body centered cubic crystals, whereas Obinata and Schmid5 have found slip in the (100), (110), (101), and (121) planes of tin for nearly equal shearing stresses. In addition to this rule that the planes of easiest slip are the most highly packed planes in simple substances, it is found that the direction of slip is usually in the direction of lines of greatest atomic density. Thus slip occurs in the (101) direction in the (111) planes of face centered metals and in the (1120) direction in zinc and cadmium. Andrade' has suggested that this rule is even of more fundamental importance than the rule concerning the density of atoms in the slip plane, for whereas there are several slip planes in body-centered cubic lattices, the slip direction is along the body diagonal in all cases. A list of easy planes and directions in metals is given6 in Table II, along with measured shearing stresses. Among the salts, slip has been investigated most fully in those having the sodium chloride structure and it is found that in all of these cases the slip planes are the six systems equivalent to (110) and the slip direction is (110). A few other salts whose properties have been investigated less thoroughly, are not listed in the table. Although the (110) planes in the sodium chloride lattice are not the most close-packed planes, the slip direction is that of greatest atomic density. It is clear from the values of the critical shearing stress given in the table that slip usually occurs in pure metals and salts for stresses not appreciably larger than 107 dynes/cm2, which is smaller than the value to be expected for ideal lattices by a factor of about a thousand. As we 4 E. N. daC. Andrade, Proc. Phys. Soc. 52 (1940);-and Y. S. Chow, Proc. Roy. Soc. 175, 290 (1940);-and L. C. Tsien, Proc. Roy. Soc. 163, 1 (1937). 6 I. Obinata and E. Schmid, Zeits. f. Physik 82, 224 (1933). 6 These data are taken principally from the references of footnote 1. A careful treatment of the geometry of slip is given by M. J. Buerger, Am. Minerologist IS (1930). 105 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40mentioned at the end of the preceding section, we must conclude that actual solids do not possess ideal structures and that the imperfections are in some way responsible for this type of weakness. Before continuing the discussion of slip, we shall survey the present evidence for lattice imper fections. h. Types of lattice illlperfections There is considerable evidence for the following types of lattice imperfections in siqgle crystals. (1) Thermal oscillations. The fact that the atoms in crystals oscillate about their equilibrium positions at temperatures above absolute zero is indicated by so many sources of evidence that we need not discuss them in detail. In addition, atoms undergo the quantum-mechanical "zero point" oscillations even at the absolute zero of temperature. However, these quantum-me chanical fluctuations are so very small for the heavier atoms, with which we shall be almost exclusively concerned, that we need not be con cerned with them here. (2) Defects extending over regions of the order of atomic dimensions. There is abundant evi dence7 from investigations of diffusion and ionic conduction in solids that all crystals have many small-scale imperfections. In the simplest cases these consist of interstitial atoms not present in a perfect crystal and vacant lattice sites (Fig. 5). It is believed that these defects are generated as a consequence of the thermal fluctuations and play an essential role in many types of transport phenomena in solids. We shall have occasion to consider special types of defects of this kind in part c of the present section. It should be mentioned at this point that small scale defects of this type do not give rise to observable x-ray diffraction patterns because of their small size. Or expressed in another way, their patterns are so diffuse because of their small size, that they appear in the general background of the Laue or Hull-Debye-Scherrer x-ray pat terns of crystals and are not measureable. They do scatter x-rays, however, and in consequence should detract from the intensity of the ordinary diffraction lines. We shall be concerned with this effect in another part of the present section. 7 See, for example the book referred to in footnote 3, and the book by N. F. Mott and G. W. Gurney The Theory of Ionic Crystals (Oxford University Press, 1940). 106 (3) The mosaic structure.8 The widths of the x-ray lines scattered from small regions of crystals TABLE II. Data concerning slip in solids. PURE METALS (KG/MM') IMPURITY I SUP CRITICAL METAL CONTENT PLANE DIRECTION STRESS CU 0.001 (111) (101) 0.10 Ag 0.0001 (111) (101) 0.060 Au 0.0001 (111) (101) 0.092 Ni 0.002 (111) (101) 0.58 Mg 0.0005 (0001) (1120) 0.083 Zn 0.0004 (0001) (1120) 0.094 Cd { 0.00004 (0001) (1120) 0.058 (1100) >0.03 { (110) Na (112) (111) (123) Mo { (112) (111) (110) K (123) (111) W (112) (111) K (123) (111) { (110) Fe (112) (123) { 00001 (100) (001) 0.19 fJ-Sn (110) (001) 0.13 (101) (101) 0.16 (121) (101) 0.17 Bi ",0.001 (111) (101) 0.221 Hg ",10- 8 Complex 0.007 ALLOYS CRITICAL SLIP SLIP STRESS COMPOSITION PLANE DIRECTION (KG/MM') 99.4 Zn 0.006 Cd (0001) (1120) 2.7 6.8 Al 93.2 Mg (0001) (1120) 1.4 85 AilS Zn (111) (101) 8 72 Cu 28 Zn (111) (101) 1.5 AuCus (ordered) 2.2 AuCus (disordered) 4.4 IONIC CRYSTALS NaCl (110) (110) ",0.2 AgCI (110) (110) • rvO.l KCI 1 KBr (110) (110) KI f RbCI 8 Evidence for the mosaic structure is surveyed in the Report of the International Conference on Physics, 1934 (University of Cambridge Press, 1935), Vol. II. Additional evidence has been given by A. B. Focke, Phys. Rev. 46, 623 (1934), who showed that polonium precipitates from bismuth on planes separated by about 1/01. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40indicate that the size of the coherent domains of actual lattices are of the order of 10-4 cm. Similarly, microscopic examinations of the etch patterns of crystal surfaces indicate that most crystals consist of a mosaic of blocks of the order of one micron in size. Beyond these facts, there is very little experimental information concerning the nature and origin of the mosaic structure. The most reasonable interpretation9 is that of Smekal and of Buergers, namely that the blocks arise as a result of accidents of growth during the formation of the single crystals, the block boundaries being either places where some of the impurities present in the melt congregated during solidification or boundaries between regions that started from different points on the growing crystal surface and have become slightly out of line by accident. In agreement with this picture is the fact that some natural crystals that undoubtedly required geological times for growth show practically no evidence of mosaic structure.10 The factors leading to imperfections should be a minimum in such cases because there is ample time for the forming crystal to be at complete equilibrium with its melt at all stages of growth. (4) Slight variations in lattice spacing either from domain to domain or over regions com parable with the domain size. The contribution to line widths arising from this type of variation in lattice spacing can be separated from that arising from the actual existence of domains by studying the change in width from one order of the x-ray diffraction pattern to another.ll The magni tude of these variations is greatly dependen t upon the amount of mechanical working the specimen has received, as we shall see below. (5) A coarser texture extending over regions of a millimeter or more. Simple observations8 of the optical reflection of fresh cleavage faces of most single crystals show that such faces are rarely perfectly flat and that variations take place over regions of the area of one square millimeter. X-ray examination shows that this is not a superficial effect, but the crystallographic axes are rotated in passing from one of these regions to another, 9 See footnote 8; also M. J. Buerger, Zeits. f. Krist. 89, 195 (1934). 10 R. M. Bozorth and. F. E. Haworth, Phys. Rev. 45, 821 (1934). 11 This topic is surveyed by U. Dehlinger and A. Kochen dorfer, Zeits. f. Metallkunde 31, 231 (1939). VOLUME 12, FEBRUARY, 1941 the angle of rotation commonly being as much as several minutes. The amount of distortion of this type does not seem to be directly related to the existence of mosaic blocks, for it may appear strongly even in cases in which the domain broadening is almost absent. Thus even though the distortion may arise in a manner closely resembling the origin of the mosaic structure, the • • • • • • • INTERSTITIAL • • • • • • ATOMS .... ..---- ---~'7 • • • • • ./ ./ • • • • • • (0.) • • • • 0 • ,~ VACANT --~ • • • • • • SITES // ---------- • • 0--;--• • • • • • • • (b) FIG. 5. Types of lattice imperfections that play an important role in atomic transport phenomena in solids such as diffusion and ionic conductivity. (a) Interstitial atoms; (b) vacant lattice sites. determining factors are probably different in the two cases. For example, the coarser structure may be related to impurity or concentration gradients in the melt whereas the mosaic structure may be related to temperature gradients. c. Three hypothetical IllechanisIlls of slip Three outstanding mechanisms for the slip process have been suggested in the course of development of the theory of this topic. We shall discuss each of these and attempt to evaluate them critically. 1. Becker's theory.-Since atoms in crystals are continually oscillating at temperatures above absolute zero, it is natural to consider the possibility that these oscillations influence the shearing strength. A theory of this type was first given by Becker.12 He pointed out that the stress at any point in the crystal will not be constant at 12 R. Becker, Physik. Zeits. 26, 919 (1925). 107 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40finite temperatures, but will fllictuate as a result of thermal oscillations. Occasionally the local fluctuations should become sufficiently large to cause groups of atoms to slip past one another and produce a small amount of slip locally. Thus the observed slip could be explained as the end result of many such local slips. A criticism of this theory requires that we look into its quantitative aspects. The elastic energy per unit volume in a region where the shearing stress is u is equal to (6) where C. is the shear modulus. Thus in the absence of an externally applied stress, the rela tive probability that a given small volume Vof the crystal will be under the stress u as a result of thermal fluctuations is,13 according to Boltz mann's theorem, exp (-Vu2/2C.kT). (7) If the atomic planes can slip past one another in time T when the stress reaches a critical value uo, the rate r at which slip will occur in the volume V is approximately 1 r=-exp (-Vu02/2C.kT). (8) T For an otherwise perfect lattice, we should expect Uo to be of the order of 1010 dynes/cm2• We need not be concerned with the numerical value of T in the following, although we might expect it to be of the order of an atomic oscillation period, that is, about 10-13 sec. Now let us consider the case in which the average applied stress is u'. For slip to occur in the direction of the applied stress, it is only necessary that fluctuations add a stress of amoun t (uo-u'), if it is assumed that the external stress acts constantly on all atoms. Hence (8) is changed to 1 r(u') =-exp (-V(uo-u')2/2C.kT). (9) T This equation was derived by Becker in a manner essentially equivalent to that employed here. 13 This equation is only approximate, for its use involves the implicit assumption that the entropy of the crystal in the stressed state is the same as in the normal state. 108 In spite of its exponential character, Eq. (9) predicts that the critical shearing stress should vary relatively slowly with temperature, for in ordinary static slip tests, slip is said to occur when r reaches a more or less constant observable value (see part a of this section). The condition for this is (uo-u')/Tt=a, where a is a constant. Thus the critical shearing stress Uc should vary with temperature in ac cordance with the equation (10) As we might have expected, Uo should be the value of the critical shearing stress at the absolute zero of temperature. The temperature dependence predicted by (10) is in qualitative agreement with the observed dependence in zinc and cadmium, as may be seen from Fig. 6. Unfortunately, the value of Uo obtained by extrapolating the observed points to absolute zero is of the same order of magnitude as the values of Uc at room temperature, namely 107 dynes/cm2• As a result, we may conclude that the imperfections introduced by thermal fluctuations are not sufficient to account for the low values of the shearing strength. Q~----'-----r----'----~----.---~ N ~ 0.1Dt-----t-"'--,.;:----+=c--+-----+------+-----l 0-" z -0.05 b 400 TEMPERATURE -0" _ 500 FIG. 6. Temperature dependence of the critical shearing stress for slip in zinc and cadmium (after Schmid and Boas). The relatively slow dependence is in qualitative agreement with equation (5). The ordinates are given in units of kg/mm2• 2. Smekal's theory.-SmekaP4 has suggested that the weakness of actual crystals is intimately related to the existence of the mosaic structure. 14 This work is reviewed by Smekal in the reference of footnote 8. See also Handbuch der Physik, vol. XXIV 2. JOURNAL OF APPLIED:PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40According to his picture the mosaic boundaries are essentially weaker than the interior of the blocks and this weakness is the source of the low plastic strength of solids. In general this weakness has two mutually assisting effects: (a) The blocks may move relative to one another more easily than parts of the material within the blocks and (b) the variations in structure allow for variations in stress from one region to another when the crystal is placed under stress, so that the values at some regions may be considerably higher than the average value. The second point may be fully appreciated by considering a simple example first considered by Griffith.15 If a bar containing,a long cylindrical crack with an elliptical cross section is placed under tension so that the direc tion of the applied force is normal to the cylinder axis and the major axis of the ellipse (Fig. 7), the stress at the edge of the major axis is larger than the average value by the factor 2a/b, where a is the major diameter and b the minor diameter of the ellipse. Thus the stress magnification at the edge of a long thin crack may be very large. Even if the correctness of Smekal's viewpoint were to be granted, it would seem very difficult to develop these ideas into a systematic theory of plasticity, for our reliable knowledge concerning the mosaic structure is extremely small. In its most elementary form, a theory of this type would presumably go as follows: Slip takes place along the block boundaries which have an inherent shearing strength about a thousand times lower than that of perfect crystals; this type of slip may be aided by temperature fluctuations in a manner similar to that postu lated in Becker's theory, so that an equation similar to (10) is valid. Although the evidence against a simple picture of this kind is by no means overwhelming, it does face several diffi culties, which may be summarized: (a) It is difficult to understand why the slip bands can extend as uniformly through single crystal specimens as they appear to do. This difficulty may be associated with our ignorance of the nature of the mosaic pattern, of course, for it is possible that it is very regular. (b) It is difficult to interpret the fact that crystals soften with annealing, for we should 1. A. A. Griffith, Trans. Roy. Soc. 221, 163 (1921). VOLUME 12, FEBRUARY, 1941 expect the weak regions to become more nearly perfect as a result of heating and the crystal to be strengthened thereby. (c) Crystals may be hardened by the addition of soluble impurities, whereas insoluble ones have b 1 FIG. 7. The concentration of stress at the edges of an elliptical crack in a solid. In avoiding the crack, the lines of stress concentrate at the edges, the stress magnification factor being 2a/b. a much smaller effect [see a later part of this section (next installment) for additional details]. Since the soluble impurities enter the interior of the blocks, whereas insoluble ones presumably should tend to congregate near the block bound aries, one would expect the latter to have a greater influence if the simple picture given above is valid. (d) As we shall see in a later section, the boundaries between crystal grains in poly crystals appear to furnish resistance to shear rather than to aid it. Unless the block boundaries have entirely different nature from intercrystalline boundaries, it is difficult to reconcile this fact with the foregoing picture. For these reasons, or at least until our knowl edge of the mosaic structure is more complete, it seems most fruitful to assume that the role 109 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40played by block boundaries is at least secondary, if not actually minor. Masing 16 has pointed out that one of the major objections to Becker's theory, namely the fact that it does not explain the weakness at absolute A FIG. 8. A schematic picture of a dislocation of the type considered in the theory of slip (after O~owan). Within the circular region there is one more atom in the line of atomic cells above A-B than in the Itne below. In the text it is assumed that the region of dislocation extends indefinitely in a direction normal to the plane of the paper, so that this figure represents a normal cross section of a line dislocation. zero of temperature, is removed if we postulate that the block boundaries operate to furnish a stress magnification factor of about a thousand at some point of the solid, for then Becker's slip processes could start at these regions for values of the mean applied stress much lower than 0'0. In the formal equations derived above, this would mean that, in all of the equations in which it appears, the applied stress 0" is to be multiplied by a factor q equal to about a thou sand. Equation (10) would then become 1 O'c=-[O'o-a(T)iJ. q (11) Although this result of the juxtaposition of the Smekal and Becker concepts has fewer objections than either scheme alone, it leaves unexplained the mechanism by which slip travels from the regions of high stress magnification to those of low magnification and why soluble impurities play an important role. (3) The theory of dislocations.-A theory of slip that appears to meet many of the strongest objections of the preceding theories has been developed as a result of independent contribu tions of a number of workers. We shall present the essential points of this theory from a unified 16 G. Masing, Zeits. f. Metallkunde 31, 235 (1939). 110 viewpoint and then scrutinize it from several different angles. Let us postulate the existence of a type of lattice imperfection having the following three properties: (a) The region of imperfection may move through a large part of the lattice without a given atom shifting by more than a single lattice distance. (b) The end result of the motion of the imperfection across a crystal is to translate the part of the crystal on one side of a plane by a unit lattice distance relative to the other part. (c) In an otherwise perfect crystal, the shearing stress required to make the region of imperfection move is about a thousand times lower than the stress required to cause slip in an ideal lattice. If such imperfections can occur, it is clear that any amount of slip can be produced as a result of the motion of a sufficiently large number of them. A type of imperfection that possesses the properties (a) and (b) was apparently first considered by PrandiJ17 in connection with a theory of internal friction in solids and later by Dehlinger18 in a theory of recrystallization. The o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 000 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 a POSITIVE DISLOCATION o 0 0 0 0 o 0 000 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 e NEGATIVE DISLOCATION FIG. 9. Generation of dislocations at crystalline bound aries (after Taylor). In cases (a), (b) and (c) a positive dislocation is generated at the left-hand side of the crystal and moves to the right, whereas in cases (d), (e), and (£) a negative dislocation moves to the left. The end result is identical in the two cases. credit for its use for the theory of slip belongs to Orowan,19 Polanyi,2° and Taylor.21 Let us con- 17 L. PrandtI, Zeits. f. angew. Math. Mech. 8, 85 (1928). 18 U. Dehlinger, Ann. d. Physik 2, 749 (1929). 19 E. Orowan, Zeits. f. Physik 89, 634 (1934). 20 M. Polanyi, Zeits. f. Physik 89,660 (1934). 21 G. I. Taylor, Proc. Roy. Soc. 145, 362 (1934). JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40siderrPthe type of lattice distortion shown in Fig. 8. In this case, the part of the lattice above the line A -B contains one more atomic cell within the region indicated by the circle than the part below the line. We shall call this type of imperfection a dislocation. Taylor has pointed out that dislocations of this type may be gener ated at the surface of a lattice in the manner shown in Fig. 9. In the upper set of figures, the dislocation starts at the left-hand side of the lattice with the compressed region above and the extended region below and moves to the right, whereas the converse occurs in the lower set of figures. It is clear that the end result of the motion of the first of these types of disloca tion from left to right and of the second from right to left is slip by a unit distance along the plane containing the dislocation. The direction of slip would be reversed if the dislocation moved in the opposite directions in the two cases. Following Taylor, we shall call a dislocation of the first kind positive and one of the second kind negative. In addition, Orowan has pointed out that dis locations of the same type may be generated pairwise in the interior of a crystal in the manner A B FIG. 10. If dislocations are generated in the interior of crystals, it is necessary that pairs of this type be generated simultaneously. If the members of this pair move out of the lattice in opposite directions, the end result is the same as that shown in Fig. 9. shown in Fig. 10. If the members of a pair of this type move to the surface in opposite direc tions, it is clear that the lattice will undergo a unit of slip. Since this type of generation of dis locations requires the production of pairs simul taneously, whereas generation at surfaces re quires only single production, it seems almost beyond question that surface production requires least energy. It should be clearly understood that in the VOLUME 12, FEBRUAR~ 1~1 A ATOMIC COORDINATES (0.) A ATOMIC CooRDINATES (b) B' MAXIMUM SI.OPE // B' ATOMIC COORDINATES -B FIG. 11. Curves showing the change in energy of a lattice (a) during shear in an ideal lattice; (b) during formation of a dislocation; (c) during the motion of a dislocation. The abscissae represent schematically tbte atomic coordinates that are changed during these processes. In case (a) two parts of an ideal crystal move past one another along a slip plane. The point A represents one equilibrium position, the point B another in which one unit of slip has occurred. The critical shearing stress (at absolute zero) is determined by the maximum slope, that is, the slope at C. Figure (b) represents the change in energy during the formation of a dislocation. A corre sponds to the perfect crystal, whereas B' is the equilibrium state in which a dislocation is present. The maximum energy change El in going from A to B' is the activation energy for formation of the dislocation. This is dependent on where the dislocation is formed. Figure (c) shows the periodic changes in energy during the motion of a disloca tion through the lattice. The shearing stress required to move the dislocation (at absolute zero of temperature) is determined by the slope at C', which should be much smaller than the slope at C in (a), if dislocation theory is valid. The energy E2 is the activation energy for motion of a dislocation. 111 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40models of dislocations shown in Figs. 8, 9 and 10, it is implied that the dislocation extends in definitely in a direction normal to the plane of the paper and that this entire line of dislocation moves as a unit. We shall refer to these as line dislocations. More will be said concerning the actual length of dislocations in a later paragraph. The change in energy induced in a crystal by the presence of dislocations is illustrated sche matically by means of Fig. 11 in which the energy of a portion of the crystal is shown as a function of the atomic coordinates. Naturally a many-dimensional diagram would be required to represent the effect of moving all atoms in the crystal, so, for convenience, the atomic coordi nates are represented by a single variable. In an ideal crystal, these coordinates possess values corresponding to an absolute minimum of energy such as the point A. If the atoms are displaced relative to one another from these values, the energy rises, the change in energy varying quadratically with change in relative spacing for small displacements. If two parts of the ideal crystal are sheared past one another along a slip plane by an amount equal to a lattice spacing, the energy will rise to a maximum and then fall to another absolute minimum B as the atoms again come into perfect lattice positions. The critical shearing stress (J'i required to bring about this change is measured by the maximum slope of the curve leading from A to B, that is, the slope at the point C. The energy of the crystal is raised in the manner shown in Fig. l1(b) when a dislocation is formed, for the atomic configura tion is no longer that of an ideal crystal. The system is still relatively stable, however, since the energy has the relative minimum value B'. We shall call the energy El required to form a dislocation the activation energy for the disloca tion. This energy will depend, of course, on whether the dislocation is formed near a surface or in the interior of the crystal. As the dislocation moves through the crystal from one equilibrium position to another, its energy will pass through successive maxima (Fig. U(c)). The critical shearing stress (J'd required to induce this motion is again measured by the maximum slope. The success of dislocation theory requires that CTd be many powers of ten lower than CTi. 112 The question of the ease with which disloca tions of the type considered above can move through the lattice has not yet been investigated with a degree of thoroughness worthy of the problem; however, there is little question that they can move far more easily than atomic planes in a perfect crystal. A qualitative way of seeing this fact is given in Fig. 12. We consider a schematized lattice consisting of two lines of atoms in which there is the dislocation shown. For simplicity, we shall assume that the forces exerted on the lower row of atoms by the upper row may be represented in terms of the sinusoidal energy curve. In an ideal lattice the atoms in the lower row would be opposite the minima of this curve; in the dislocation they are not. However, they are still at equilibrium under the combined action of the forces exerted by the atoms in the upper row and the forces they exert on one another. It may be seen from the figure that the forces exerted on atoms 2 and 8 by the upper row of atoms are in opposite directions, as are those on atoms 3 and 7, and on 4 and 6. Hence these forces tend to compensate one another when the dislocation moves from one equilibrium position to another. The situation obviously would be very different in a perfect lattice, for then the forces exerted on all of the atoms in the lower line would be identical and there would be no compensation during slip. It should be emphasized at this point that different amounts of energy generally will be t E • • . . • 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FIG. 12. Illustration of the fact that the critical shearing stress for motion of a dislocation is less than that for an ideal lattice (see text). The upper curve represents the interaction energy of the lower row of atoms in the field due to the upper row. required to produce dislocations that move in different planes, and that the shearing stress required to make dislocatiqns move in different planes should be different. The easy plane of slip presumably is that for which this shearing stress is lowest. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40PeierIs22 has m?-de a rough attempt to estimate the size and critical shearing stress for a disloca tion using a simplified model in which the forces between atoms on a given side of the slip plane were treated by regarding the material as continuous and isotropic, and the interaction forces between the two sides were approximated by a sinusoidal function, the amplitude of this function being determined approximately from the shear modulus. The results of this work indicate that the dislocated region extends over only a few atomic distances in the direction normal to the line of the dislocation. In addition, it was found that the ratio R of the shearing stress required to move the dislocation to the stress required to cause slip in a perfect lattice is given by the equation 41r R=-[5.8-log (1-p)J exp (-41r/(1- p», I-p where p is Poisson's ratio for the material. This leads to values of R of the order of 10-6 or smaller for values of p applicable to continuous media. t: • A ATOMIC COORDINATES- FIG. 13. Schematic illustration of the effect of an applied stress on the activation barrier for production of a disloca tion. The upper curve represents the energy in the absence of a stress; the lower curve represents the energy in the presence of one. It may be seen that both activation energie~ are lowered from values El and <2 to El' and <2', respectively. More accurate computations of this type based on more rigorous principles of atomic mechanics are well within the range of feasibility at the present time. It is to be hoped that such com putations will be carried out in the near future. Although the energy required to form a dis location has not been computed even for a simple hypothetical lattice, we may expect values of the 22 R. Peierls, Proc. Phys. Soc. 52, 34 (1940). VOLUME 12, FEBRUARY. 1941 BLOCK 3 ~ A FIG. 14. Schematic representation of the "nucleation" and growth of a dislocation. The dislocation starts as a small slip at A, and grows by elongation in successive stages to a full length dislocation 3. At stages 1 and 2, work must be done at regions such as B, where the dis location meets the surface in order to elongate the dis location line. order of one electron volt23 per atomic plane along the length of the dislocation since the energies associated with interstitial atoms and vacancies (Fig. 5) are of this order of magnitude. An important obstacle to dislocation theory seems to arise at this point. If the previous expectation concerning the formation energy per plane in a line dislocation is correct, the total energy in a dislocation that runs through a block about 10-4 em long is about 104 ev. This energy is so enormous when compared with the activation energy for ordinary atomic processes that it is out of the range of possibility to expect such line dislocations to be generated spon taneously by temperature fluctuations. There are two factors that could operate to remove this difficulty: (a) The activation energy for formation of a dislocation could be much smaller in the presence of an ,applied stress than in. the unstressed crystal. (b) It is easily conceivable that dislocations start over very small regions near the surface of crystals and become elongated as they proceed through the crystal. In this event,. the activation energy required to produce th~ initial dislocation 23 One electron volt is equal to 1.60,10-12 erg, 113 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40could be far smaller than the energy of the final dislocation. The principles behind the first of these possi bilities are illustrated in Fig. 13. The upper curve of the pair shown illustrates schematically the variations in the energy of the crystal during the formation and migration of a dislocation in an unstressed crystal, and is a combination of Fig. l1(b) and (c). Now since the external forces do work on the crystal as a result of the strain occurring during the formation and migration of a dislocation, it follows that the energy curve for the system is altered when stress is applied. This effect may be taken into account by super imposing on the upper curve of Fig. 13 a curve giving the variation of energy with strain due to the external forces. If the stress acts in such a direction as to cause the system to move from left to right in the sense of the diagram, the added function decreases uniformly from left to right and leads to the second curve shown. Thus both the activation energy for the production of dislocations and that for their motion are lowered. The second effect was postulated pre viously, of course, when we assumed that a dislocation could be made to move even at the absolute zero of temperature for stresses of the order of magnitude of 107 dynes/cm2, for this effect corresponds to lowering the activation energy to zero. Now it is only reasonable to suppose that the stress required to produce a change in the activation energy El (Fig. 11) for the production of dislocations that is comparable with El should be of the same order as the stress required to produce slip in a perfect lattice. This follows from the fact that the strain involved in producing a dislocation is closely like that occurring during this kind of slip, as may be seen from Fig. 9. Since the applied stresses required to move dis locations are only of the order of 107 dynes/cm2, we must conclude that they are not sufficient to affect the barrier El appreciably unless large stress magnifications occur at some regions of the crystal. The possibility that the original dislocated area covers only a few atomic dimensions seems to be well within the range of reasonableness, particularly if dislocations start at block bound- 114 aries where the surfaces of the blocks may be somewhat irregular (Fig. 14). Once the disloca tion has started, it will prefer to move in the direction determined by the applied stress since the system gains energy when it does so. There will then be two retarding factors: (a) The activation energy required for motion of the dislocation without extension of its length; (b) the activation energy required for extension of length. According to the previous discussion, the first of these is very small. There is no reason for supposing that the second is nearly as large for an extension by an atomic length as the activation energy for production of the first small dislocation area. Nevertheless, there is no reason for expecting it to be as small as (a). Moreover, there is no reason for expecting a particularly large stress concentration at the end of the dislocation, at least for the model of a dislocation we are using. Hence it appears to be necessary to postulate that thermal fluctuations supply the activation energy required to extend the length of a dislocation. Thus the process of forming a full-length dislocation would appear to be analogous to the process of forming a crystal of a new phase during the transformation of a metal from one phase to another. That is, the process of forming the first small dislocated area is analogous to the formation of the nucleus of the crystal, whereas the process of extension of the length of this region is analogous to the growth of the crystal from the nucleus. In the present case the driving force for the "reaction" is the applied stress, whereas it is the difference in free energy of the new and old phase in the case of the phase change. Thus we see that even if stress magnification of the type postulated by Smekal were to playa role in the formation of the first dislocated region (our knowledge of mosaic structure seems to be too fragmentary to argue this point one way or another at present), there is no reason for sup posing that such stress magnification could play an equally important role during the elongation of the dislocation. We seem to be forced to the conclusion that dislocations probably cannot be formed at absolute zero of temperature and that any slip that occurs at extremely low tempera tures must involve the use of dislocations formed JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40before cooling. Moreover, according to our picture, the formation of a full length dislocation also requires the presence of an applied stress to direct the process of elongation and supply the free energy for the reaction. We now pause to summarize the foregoing discussion by giving the following outline: (a) It seems most probable that slip takes place through the volume of blocks rather than simply at their surface. (b) The properties of line dislocations seem to be sufficient to provide us with a mechanism for the slip process, provided their existence can be made plausible. (c) It seems most probable that dislocations are nucleated in small regions near the crystal surface or at block boundaries by the production of small regions of slip, and that line dislocations grow from these by extension. I t is perhaps worth adding at this point that there are reasons for supposing that dislocations would be most effi ciently produced in pairs at block boundaries. These reasons will be discussed in part (e) of this section. (d) The initial slip-nuclei may be produced almost entirely as a result of thermal fluctua tions; stress can play a primary role in this process only if stress magnification factors of the order of loa are possible. (e) Even if stress plays a primary role in the formation of slip nuclei, it seems most probable that an appreciable activation energy is required for extension of these nuclei and that this energy is provided by thermal fluctuations. The applied stress plays a guiding role during extension by providing a preferential direction in which the extension-process should take place24 and furnish ing the free energy required for the process. One of the fundamental problems concerning slip that does not receive an obvious or satis factory answer in the foregoing picture of the slip mechanism is the fact that the slip bands are separated by distances equal to many lattice spacings. Andrade4 has pointed out, for example, that the slip bands of many metals are separated 24 The electrostatic field plays a similar role in the case of ionic conductivity in solids. The conducting particles are made mobile as a result of thermal fluctuations, and the field simply provides a preferential direction for their motion. VOLUME 12, FEBRUARY, 1941 by distances of the order of 5 microns. A possible explanation of this fact is that each of the observed slip planes is formed by dislocations generated from a single weak spot. However, if this were true, and if the weak spots were more or less randomly distributed, we should expect the slip bands to be closer in large crystals than in small ones because of the greater number of ~ IT I I L I COPPER SINGLE CRYSTAL 4 I ! r\T L>£ALEO_ 0 I /' L V I • I~ / 1 ..00-y-- --j---- I-~-- 4 ANNEjAL~ 00 .. L I. <.' STRAt'II AMPLITUDe: oX 10& FIG. 15. The decrement as a function of amplitude of oscillation in a single crystal of copper before and after annealing. These curves are reversible functions of strain at room temperature. weak spots. There seems to be no evidence bearing on this poin t. We shall return to this question later on. d. Internal friction If any solid is set into oscillation, it will eventually dissipate its vibrational energy even if it is so completely isolated from its surround ings that sound loss and similar effects are negligible. Since the elastic energy reappears as heat in' the crystal, this dissipative effect is called internal friction. It is very convenient to express the magnitude of the internal friction in terms of the decrement .6., defined by the relation where .6. W is the energy dissipated per cycle and W is the total vibrational energy. As we shall see in a later section, one of the largest sources of internal friction in polycrystals is the intercrystalline thermal currents arising from temperature differences between crystals which, as the work of Zener shows, originate as a 115 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40result of the thermoelastic effect.26 This type of internal friction is apparently not observed in well-made single crystals at frequencies in the kilocycle range for which measurements are ordinarily made. Instead it is found that a type of internal friction having very different characteristics occurs. In brief, the decrement resulting from the observed internal friction of a specimen is dependent upon amplitude instead of being constant as is the decrement arising 6XO·· 4 40 80 TIME IN HOURS 120 B, 160 200 FIG. 16. The variation of the decrement with time for a single crystal of zinc. Curve A: before annealing; Curve B: after annealing. from thermal currents. In addition the decrement decreases with frequency in a manner unlike that of the friction related to the thermoelastic effect. From the nature of its behavior, which will be described presently, Read26 has concluded that the internal friction of single crystals is closely related to slip and has its origin in plastic flow within the crystaf as a result of the stresses present during vibration. If this interpretation is correct, we should expect to explain some of the properties of the decrement with the aid of the theory of dislocations developed above. Let us begin by considering the internal friction in a single crystal of copper. The varia tion with strain amplitude of the decrement before and after annealing is shown27 in Fig. 15. The first striking fact is that the internal friction decreases very much as a result of anneal. In addition, the decrement increases with increasing 25 C. Zener, Phys. Rev. 52, 230 (1937), et seq.; Proc. Phys. Soc. 52, 152 (1940). The thermoelastic effect, as its name implies, is the phenomenon in which the temperature of solids is changed as a result of the application of stress. 26 T. A. Read, Phys. Rev. 58, 371 (1940). 27 Based on unpublished work by T. A. Read. 116 strain amplitude. This change with amplitude is completely reversible in the range of strain shown, although it would not be if the strain were larger by a factor of a hundred or so. These results may be simply explained in a qualitative manner with the following assump tions: (a) The internal friction arises from the mo tion of dislocations already present in the crystal under the action of the stresses that occur during oscillation. It is clear that the stresses do irreversible work on the dislocations when the dislocations move, for the elastic energy of the solid is decreased without a corresponding rise in the mutual potential energy of the atoms. It is also clear that the decrement should increase with increasing number of dislocations if we assume that the stress required to make them move does not increase proportionally with their number, for then there are more dissipating centers. (b) The number of dislocations in the un annealed specimen is higher than in the annealed one because some of the dislocations diffuse out of the crystal during the heat treatment. With this, we must assume, of course, that the dis locations present before anneal were introduced as a result of handling. If this concept is true, we should expect the decrement of the annealed specimen to rise when strained sufficiently, as is the case. (c) Not all dislocations move with the same ease in the range of stress employed in these experiments. If we grant this, the increase in o 30 , FIG. 17. The increase of the decrement with time for an annealed single crystal of zinc during oscillation at constant strain amplitude (about 10-6). This indicates that dislocations are produced in zinc at room temperature by very small stresses. decrement with increasing amplitude is easy to understand since dislocations will move as the amplitude of oscillation increases. This postulate is entirely reasonable, for as we shall see below, dislocations may impede one another So that the JOURNAL OF APPLmD PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40ease with which they move should be different in regions of differing dislocation density. In addition, the stress for which dislocations that are in the process of formation move should be higher than that for fully formed ones (see the preceding part of this section). The fact that the decrement of single crystals can be raised by stressing them sufficiently at room temperature implies, according to our picture of internal friction, that dislocations can be generated in copper at room temperature. Now we saw in the previous part of this section that there is good reason for believing that dislocations can form completely only if assisted by temperature fluctuations. Thus a good test both of this picture of internal friction and of the picture of dislocation formation would be obtained by studying the effect of stresses on the decrement at very low temperatures where thermal processes in metals and ionic solids are practically halted. Evidence from the study of work h~rdening of metals, to be discussed later, indicates that dislocations are not formed under these conditions, but measurements of internal friction should provide a much more sensitive test.28 On the other hand, the fact that the internal friction of copper does not vary with time at room temperature when the crystals are not stressed implies that the dislocations in this . metal are not sufficiently mobile at this tem perature to migrate completely out of the crystals of their own accord. The situation that occurs in zinc at room temperature seems to be very different from that in copper. In the first place if the decrement of a previously annealed single crystal of zinc is measured as a function of time for relatively small but constant vibrational amplitude (say, a strain amplitude of 10-7), and if the measure ments are started soon after the crystal has received the strain incident to ordinary handling and cutting, it is found that the decrement con tinuously decreases. This effect is shown by curve A in Fig. 16. It may be seen that the decrement asymptotically approaches a very small value, the initial rate of decrease being 28 In such an experim~nt it would b~ necessar y to cool the specimen sufficiently slowly to avoid the high stresses that accompany thermal gradients. VOLUME 12, FEBRUARY, 1941 rapid compared with that attained at the end of several hours. If the specimen is removed before it has reached a steady state and is annealed, the decrement then rapidly drops to a very small value, as is shown by curve B in Fig. 16. It is not possible to say whether the asymptote of curve A is the same as that of curve B. The fact that the decrement at the start of run B was nearly as high as at the completion 2 4 X 10-7 STRAIN AMPLITUDE FIG. 18. The variation of the decrement of a single crystal of zinc with amplitude. The lower curve represents measurements made at successively increased strain amplitudes. The upper curve was obtained by making the measurements in the reverse order. of run A is related to handling received during; mounting prior to taking measurements. We may interpret the facts contained in Fig. 16 very easily by assuming that the dislocations present when the measurements were started gradually diffuse out of the crystal. The fraction that are in process of formation would naturally diffuse out more rapidly since they are nearest the surface, and would thereby account for the initial rapid decrease in decrement. This exodus of dislocations is greatly speeded by annealing although a comparatively small number of dis locations are produced when the specimen is mounted. These are near the surfaces, however, and disappear very rapidly. That there should be a large difference in the room temperature internal friction of zinc and copper is not at all surprising for many changes take place in zinc at room temperature that normally occur in copper only at temperatures of the order of 200°C. For example the effects of work hardening disappear in zinc at normal temperatures whereas a high temperature anneal is required for copper. An extension of these experiments on zinc shows that the internal friction of a well annealed specimen increases with time when the 117 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40crystal oscillates at constant amplitude (Fig. 17). This implies that very small stresses are required to promote the growth of dislocations at room temperature. In accordance with this, it is found that the increase of decrement with amplitude, such as is illustrated in Fig. 15 for copper, is not reversible in the case of zinc if measurements are made in a time comparable with that re quired to induce the change shown in Fig. 17. Decrement versus amplitude curves obtained during increase and subsequent decrease of amplitude are shown in Fig. 18. It should be mentioned in passing that experi ments with variously oriented zinc crystals show that for given amplitude of oscillation, the larger the decrement the larger the shearing stress in the slip plane. This fact illustrates further the close correlation between the type of internal friction considered here and the slip properties. Thus we may summarize this discussion by saying that experiments on the internal friction of single crystals may be satisfactorily correlated in a qualitative way on the basis of dislocations of the type postulated in the previous section. We shall continue with a discussion of the theory of dislocations and its applications in the next installment of this series of articles. Calendar of Meetings February 21-22 American Physical Society, Cambridge, Mas sachusetts 21-22 Optical Society of America, Cambridge, Massa chusetts March 3-7 American Society for Testing Materials, Washing ton, D. C. 4-5 Inter-Society Color Council, Washington, D. C. 30-Apri15 American Ceramic Society, Baltimore, Mary land April 1-3 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, At lanta, Georgia 4-5 Southeastern Section of American Physical Society, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 7-11 American Chemical Society, St. Louis, Missouri 16-19 Electrochemical Society, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio 23-25 American Society of Civil Engineers, Baltimore, Maryland 28-30 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C. 30-May 3 American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C. 118 May 1-3 American Physical Society, Washington, D. C. 5-7 Acoustical Society of America, Rochester, New York 5-7 Society of Motion Picture Engineers, Rochester, New York 12-15 American Foundrymen's Association, New York, New York 12-21 American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Chi cago, Illinois 19-23 American Society for Metals, Los Angeles, Cali fornia 27-29 American Society for Refrigerating Engineers, Cin cinnati, Ohio June 20-21 American Physical Society, Providence, Rhode Island 23-27 American Association for the Advancement of Science, Durham, New Hampshire JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:35:40
An Experimental Study of the Near Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of Benzene W. F. Radle and C. A. Beck Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 8, 507 (1940); doi: 10.1063/1.1750702 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1750702 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/8/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in The Effect of Pressure and Temperature on the Absorption Spectrum of Benzene in the Near Ultraviolet J. Chem. Phys. 21, 2041 (1953); 10.1063/1.1698739 Near Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of Liquid Benzene from 2795 to 3560A J. Chem. Phys. 18, 1416 (1950); 10.1063/1.1747495 An Experimental Study of the Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of Pyrimidine J. Chem. Phys. 9, 777 (1941); 10.1063/1.1750841 The Near Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of Heavy Benzene J. Chem. Phys. 8, 705 (1940); 10.1063/1.1750741 The Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of Benzene J. Chem. Phys. 5, 609 (1937); 10.1063/1.1750086 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:58:47THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 8 JULY, 1940 NUMBER 7 An Experimental Study of the Near Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of Benzene* W. F. RADLE AND C. A. BECK Department of Physics, The Catholic Univenity of America, Washington, D. C. (Received April 23, 1940) The wave numbers and relative intensities of 500 of the absorption bands of benzene vapor in the 2600A region have been determined. A detailed study has been made of the variation of intensity with temperature of the main band of the A, B, and D progressions. These three bands have been assigned to the ground state, the 606-cm-1 and 2 X 606-cm-1 vibrational states, respectively, by Sponer and collaborators. The experimental data are in good agreement with a statistical calculation of the population factors for these states. INTRODUCTION THE known electronic spectrum of benzene lies in two regions of the ultraviolet, one at 2600A and the other at 2000A. The latter is the stronger and has been investigated in absorption by Henril and Carr and Stiicklen2 and more recently by Price and Tutte.3 The last two investigations show that the 2000A region, in reality, consists of two regions, one at 2040A and a very strong one at 1850A. The 2600A region has been studied in emission,4 fluorescence,5 and absorption,!·6 the latter in * A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (1940) at the Catholic University of America and reproduced here in a partly revised and extended form by the permission of the university authorities. 1 V. Henri, J. de phys. et rad. (6) 3, 181 (1922) and Structure des Molecules (Hermann, Paris, 1925), p. 108. 2 E. P. Carr and H. Stucklen, J. Chern. Phys. 6, 55 (1938). 3 W. C. Price and W. T. Tutte, Proc. Roy. Soc. 174, 207 (1940). • J. B. Austin and I. A. Black, Phys. Rev. 35, 452 (1930). 6 G. B. Kistiakowsky and A. Nelles, Phys. Rev. 41, 595 (1932); G. R. Cuthbertson and G. B. Kistiakowsky, J. Chern. Phys. 4, 9 (1936); C. K. Ingold and co-workers, J. Chern. Soc. p. 912 (1936). 6 R. Witte, Zeits. f. Wiss. Photo 14, 347 (1915); K. Schulz, Zeits. f. Wiss. Photo 20, 1 (1920); G. B. Kistia kowsky and A. K. Solomon, J. Chern. Phys. 5,609 (1937); A. Ionescu, Comptes rendus Acad. Roum. 2, 39 (1937). both the liquid and vapor state. This band system in absorption is a relatively weak one. In contrast to the diffuse character of the absorption bands in the vapor at 2000A, those in the 2600A region exhibit considerable structure. Henril has published the wave-lengths of about 75 of the stronger bands. Almasy and Shapiro7 list about 110 bands between 35,346 cm-l and 38,121 cm-l obtained at higher vapor concentrations. Kronen berger8 has extended the investigation of benzene absorption to the solid phase at -2~9°C and has measured the wave-lengths of about 250 of the bands. A theoretical study of the electronic levels of benzene has been made by Hiickel,9 Pauling and Sherman,lo Sklar ,11 and Goeppert-Mayer and Sklar.t2 They have investigated the nature and 7 F. Almasy and C. V. Shapiro, Zeits. f. physik. Chemie B25,391 (1934). 8 P. Pringsheim and A. Kronenberger, Zeits. f. Physik 40,75 (1926); A. Kronenberger, ibid. 63, 494 (1930). 9 E. Huckel, Zeits. f. Physik 70, 204 (1931); Zeits. f. Elektrochem. 43, 752 (1937). 10 L. Pauling and A. Sherman, J. Chern. Phys. 1,606,679 (1933). 11 A. L. Sklar, J. Chern. Phys. 5, 669 (1937). 12 M. Goeppert-Mayer and A. L. Sklar, J. Chern. Phys. 6,645 (1938). 507 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:58:47508 W. F. RADLE AND C. A. BECK TABLE I. --- WAVE WAVE WAVE WAVE NUMBERS INTEN- ASSIGN- NUMBERS INTEN- ASSIGN- NUM:BERS INTEN- ASSIGN- NUMBERS I:S-TEN- ASSIGN- (VAC.) SITY MENT (VAC.) SITY MENT (VAC.) SITY MENT (VAC.) SlTY ME~T 36,158 1 (a) 37,568.9 4 38,580 55 (b) 39,230.8 55 36,174 1 (a) 37,611.7 10 38,607.5 620 } ___ Aoo 39,236.0 150 } . D," 36,233 1 (b) 37,616.8 85 ....... A_," 38,612.2 7500 39,239.4 40 ... 36,254 1 (a) 37,626.2 4 38,640.2 9 39,248 25 (b) 36,317.2 2} F"B I 37,632 4 (a) 38,649.0 25 39,255.1 170 36,334.6 1 .... ", -, 37,640 4 (a) 38,655.0 25 39,265.5 170 36,342 1 (a) 37,651.4 10 38,673.0 10 39,272.1 140 } 36,351 1 (a) 37,656.5 4 38,691.5 15 39,281.4 170 .... C,I 36,387.8 2 37,663 4 (a) 38,694 25 Ca) 39,287.7 130 36,413.7 2 37,678 5 (a) 38,699.5 12 39,330.6 350 ...... B," 36,478.0 3 } F o. B 0 37,714.1 12 38,713 7 (b) 39,371.2 750} A I 36,496.2 4 .... 0, -1 37,766.8 25 38,718.7 12 39,376.1 510 .... , 36,510 1 Cb) 37,795.4 12 38,728 7 (b) 39,393 55 (a) 36,526 1 (b) 37,814.0 7 38,738.1 12 39,398.9 130 36,538 1 (a) 37,822.8 9 38,746.2 15 39,408.6 55 ....... Eol 36,624.7 3 ........ A_,o 37,836.9 12 38,753.1 9 39,423.1 160 36,657 1 (a) 37,878.5 9 38,758.3 15 39,440.1 160 I 36,668 1 (a) 37,915.6 6 38,766.9 21 39,445.3 ~~n' .. C,o 36,699 1 (al 37,926.8 35. ..... .Hoo 38,773.1 7 39,451.0 36,750 1 (a) 37,944.8 7 38,777.7 7 39,468 55 (b) 36,772 1 (a) 37,956.5 18 38,783.1 7 39,473 55 (b) 36,823.7 2 37,962.6 12 38,790 9 (a) 39,487.1 55 36,834 2 (a) 37,967.8 25 38,796.8 9 39,529.6 1200 } .A,o 36,841 2 (a) ..... Bo' 37,976 7 (a) 38,801.4 9 39,534.2 7000 .. 36,857 1 Ca) 37,981 7 Ca) 38,811 7 (b) 39,541.2 35 36,866 1 Ca) 37,990.8 18 38,828.1 9 39,552.2 55 36,886 1 (a) 38,000 5 (a) 38,839.7 35 39,560.8 335 36,899 2 (a) 38,009 4 (a) 38,851.5 35 39,565.3 35 } 36,905.9 2 38,021.4 9 38,867.8 25 39,568.7 250 ., .. Eoo 36,925 1 (b) 38,029.3 9 38,870.8 12 39,571.9 12 36,990.7 8 38,043.8 30 38,875.8 18 39,577.5 25 37,000.9 8 ........ B03 38,053 5 (a) 38,880.1 21 39,604 25 (a) 37,016.1 4 38,064 5 Ca) 38,883.6 15 39,614.4 25 37,048.1 5 38,084.1 55} ..... B,' 38,891.3 25 39,622.2 25 37,057.3 5 38,089.4 12 .. (origin) 38,914 12 (a) 39,627.6 15 37,064 5 (b) 38,112.9 30 38,919.9 55 39,632.1 15 37,068 5 (b) 38,118.0 25 38,927.0 55 } ... Gol 39,638.2 335 37,071.4 4 38,121.8 iq ..... A03 38,929.5 35 .. 39,648.0 12 37,076 4 Ca) 38,125.4 38,943.7 18 39,651.2 12 37,081 4 (a) 38,133.2 35 38,952.8 18 39,656.4 25 37,156.8 ~n ... .. Eo' 38,141.3 30 38,967.0 30 39,669 12 (a) 37,160.4 38,154.0 30 ..... .. D,I 38,985 12 (a) 39,678 12 (a) 37,216.7 18 38,171.1 21 38,995 12 Ca) 39,685.9 12 37,230.2 ~1 } .... .Dol 38,182.5 25 38,999.5 25 39,689.6 12 37,234.1 38,190.5 35 39,010 25 Ca) .' .B,' 39,697.2 25 37,237.9 6 38,204.3 55 39,038.6 170 39,706.4 25 37,289.9 9 38,210.0 55 39,047.0 25 } 39,715.1 25 37,296 5 (b) 38,245.4 160 } E I 39,056 25 (a) .. A 13 39,765.4 190 37,303 7 (a) 38,253 21 Ca) .. I 39,063 25 (a) 39,774.3 25 37,316 9 (a) } 38,281.1 230 } 39,073.1 30 39,783.2 250 . 37,321.1 140 ., .Bol 38,285.2 210 .... A o· 39,082.0 250 } 39,793 15 (a) 37,326.8 12 38,292.3 170 39,086.8 250 .... Goo 39,806 12 Ca) 37,330.0 4 38,316.6 130 ...... D,o 39,092.3 25 39,814 15 Ca) 37,335 4 Ca) 38,335 35 (b) 39,100.2 25 39,836 15 (a) 37,350 4 (a) 38,343.3 190 39,104.5 25 39,841.5 55 37,366 4 (a) 38,350.0 140 } 39,114.9 35 39,847.3 45 37,387.8 ~5 } ..... Doo 38,359.7 250 .... Col 39,122 25 (b) 39,850.7 70 37,392.9 38,365.2 160 39,124 25 (b) .. .. CI' 39,868 21 (a) 37,402.4 38,377 25 (b) 39,134.2 130 39,889.0 15 ....... E'ol 37,452.5 25 38,401.8 55 l B 0 39,138.8 12 39,894.1 55 37,457.3 12 38,407.0 550} .... I 39,147.2 21 39,906.3 21 37,476.1 25 } 38,448.4 950 A I 39,159 12 (b) 39,916.1 15 37,481.9 420 ... .Boo 38,452.4 950 .... 0 39,163.1 21 1 39,921.3 15 37,489.7 30 38,478 25 (al 39,168.5 130 .... E,I 39,927.6 12 37,498 4 (a) 38,491.2 70 39,173.7 25 39,962.1 120 37,524 7 (al 38,517.5 210 } 39,204.5 280 39,971.9 70 37,527.4 4 38,523.0 620 .... Coo 39,209.3 230 .... AI' 39,981.0 40 37,532.6 4 38,529.3 210 39,215.6 140 39,997 55 (al 37,544 7 (a) 38,562.4 140 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:58:47NEAR ULTRAVIOLET OF BENZENE 509 TABLE I.-Continued. WAVE WAVE NUMBERS I~TE~- ASSIGN- NUMBERS IKTEN- ASSIGN- (VAC.) SITY l\IE~T (VAC.) SITY MENT 40,004.8 140 } 40,604.0 25 40,010.2 160 . ... Glo 40,616.8 25 40,015.4 25 40,627 12 (a) 40,023.6 40 40,636.8 25 40,039 40 (a) 40,648.8 18 40,050.2 190 ...... B'oo 40,686.5 170 40,056.2 55 40,696.8 35 40,069.6 25 40,704.8 335 40,079 25 (b) 40,724.5 25 40,084.8 ~n·····Bal 40,735.9 25 40,090.8 40,762 25 (a) 40,109.1 85 40,770.6 25 40,131.5 230 } .... A22 40,786.4 25 40,137.3 55 40,800.9 25 40,154.4 55 40,812.2 55 ..... .. B'II 40,159.9 210 40,835.4 18 40,177.7 230 40,840.1 25 40,186.8 140 40,862.2 12 40,193.5 65 } 40,883.3 30 40,202.5 140 .... C21 40,894.5 30 40,208.4 55 40,903.5 55 40,224.5 25 40,915 25 (a) 40,248.3 160 } .Bao 40,920 25 (a) 40,252.5 160 ... 40,927.3 55 40,261 55 (b) 40,930.4 55 40,273 55 (b) 40,968.5 230 .... .. B'lo 40,286 55 (b) 40,978.0 35 40,292.8 510} A 1 41,002.3 190 40,297.7 350 .... 2 41,014 25 (a) .... A'OI 40,313.1 55 41,028.5 55 40,319.8 130 41,053.9 55 ..... .. Aa2 40,327 25 (b) 41,075.9 120 40,328.7 35 41,081.7 120 40,333.2 55 41,099.7 140 40,344.7 160 41,107 18 (a) 40,361.4 35 } 41,114.7 35 40,366.4 420 .... C20 41,121.5 35 40,372.0 230 41,128.3 35 40,383.4 55 41,160 25 (b) 40,387.0 55 41,165.3 450 40,426 55 (b) 41,168.4 30 40,445.6 950 } 41,173.5 55 ... .... A '00 40,450.1 550 ... A2° 41,218.4 350 .. .... Aal 40,456.0 6500 41,239.9 75 40,473 140 (a) 41,253.9 25 40,482.7 335 } 41,266.6 140 40,489.4 325 '" .Elo 41,276.3 35 40,492.6 30 41,280.4 35 } 40,509 25 (a) 41,285.7 210 .... Cao 40,525.5 55 41,291.1 65 40,535.0 25 41,303.9 55 40,543 35 (b) 41,366.0 375 } 40,550.6 25 41,370.8 375 ... Aao 40,558.9 250 41,377.9 3500 40,576.8 35 41,399.2 170 } 40,590 25 (a) 41,402.3 170 .... E2° 40,598.1 15 41,409.9 190 value of the electronic terms and Sklar has predicted that the transition responsible for the 2600A region is a forbidden one but, in accord ance with the selection rules of Herzberg and Teller, becomes weakly allowed due to the interaction of non totally symmetrical vibrations WAVE WAVE NUMBERS INTEN- ASSIGN- NUMBERS INTEN- ASSIGN- (VAC.) SITV MENT (VAC.) SITY ME~T 41,446.5 85 42,658.2 140 41,473 30 (a) 42,683.1 21 41,478.6 350 42,704 12 (a) 41,497.2 25 42,800.9 130 ...... B'ao 41,508 12 (a) 42,845.0 130 41,524.1 25 42,872 25 (a) 41,536.4 25 42,892.1 40 41,572.3 15 42,919.0 30 41,576.8 15 42,940 21 (a) 41,606.6 140 42,954.3 25 41,624.3 325 43,009.3 325 ...... A'20 41,634 12 (a) 43,032.0 85 41,648 12 (a) 43,056.0 25 41,682 25 (a) 43,114.8 12 41,700.1 55 43,122.2 12 41,718 12 (a) 43,199.2 ~~ L ... A.o 41,731 25 (a) 43,204.2 41,741.0 140 43,215.8 300 J 41,760.9 70 43,235.5 40 41,824.1 25 43,245.9 30 41,837 12 (a) 43,284 18 (a) 41,851 12 (a) 43,314 15 (a) 41,873 12 (a) 43,409 21 (a) 41,884.5 160 ...... B'2° 43,461.2 21 41,923.9 160 43,475.8 12 41,947.0 30 43,540.9 25 41,952.2 30 43,573.7 170 41,974.1 140 43,600.9 9 41,997.0 35 43,623.5 9 42,002.3 25 43,716.6 35 42,018.9 55 43,765.6 25 42,035.3 35 43,781 12 (b) 42,088.0 100 ...... A'!o 43,791 12 (b) 42,111.8 70 43,808.9 25 42,129 30 (a) 43,836.4 18 42,137.6 85 ...... . A,l 43,929.1 160 ...... A'ao 42,157 25 (a) 43,952.9 40 42,187 18 (a) 44,032.6 12 42,194.6 30 44,133.0 35 ....... A.o 42,204.1 55 44,301.8 5 42,211.8 18 44,319 7 (a) 42,221.6 25 44,459 6 (b) 42,286.6 25°1 A" 44,488.8 30 42,297.7 950 .... , 44,683.0 9 42,318.3 160 EO 44,724.9 8 42,328.2 40 .... a 44,753 6 (a) 42,365.4 35 44,847.9 35 ....... A',o 42,396.9 55 44,869.8 25 42,415.8 18 45,050.4 18 ....... A7° 42,443 17 (a) 45,083.2 7 42,456 17 (a) 45,221.6 4 42,488.2 18 45,402.9 13 42,494.4 18 45,766.1 12 42,525.1 25 45,786.5 9 42,544.2 110 42,565.4 18 42,621.1 55 of the proper symmetry. This was confirmed in the most recent analysis of the spectrum by Sponer, Nordheim, Sklar, and Teller.13 They have identified most of the important bands in the 13 H. Sponer, G. Nordheim, A. L. Sklar, and E. Teller, J. Chem. Phys. 7, 207 (1939). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:58:47510 w. F. RADLE AND C. A. BECK system with transitions between vibrational levels whose frequencies are known from the analysis of infra-red, and Raman spectra. The appearance of the bands as a whole is due to two main progressions, a strong one A and a weak one B situated 1126 cm-1 from A toward longer wave-lengths. The members of each progression are spaced 923 cm-1 apart and extend toward shorter wave-lengths. The origin of the B pro gression has been disputed. Kistiakowsky and Solomon14 have determined in absorption the intensities of the first member of each progression at various temperatures. With the exception of the value of the intensity of Boo at -15°C which was rejected because of an assumed lack of temperature equilibrium between the absorption cell and the benzene reservoir, the data show that the intensity of both bands continually decreases with increasing temperature. They interpret this as evidence that the population of the level from which each of these bands starts must be con tinually decreasing and attributed the behavior, in this case, to the vibrationless ground state and consequently assigned the origin of both bands to this state. This assignment of the BoO band to the vibration less ground state is in disagreement with the results of Sponer and collaborators, who assign it to a transition from the excited 606 cm-1 vibrational level in the ground state. Theoretically, it is evident that the intensity of a band originating in the vibrationless ground state decreases in intensity with an. increase of temperature while the intensity of a band starting from an excited vibrational level at first increases with temperature up to a certain point (which might be called an inverting temperature) and then decreases. This is so because the more the temperature is increased. the more molecules leave the ground state, but for the first vibrational state, for example, molecules are at first entering it but later as many leave it for upper states as reach it from the ground state. At even higher temperatures the loss of molecules to higher states is greater than the gain from lower ones. This is especially marked at ordinary tempera tures, if there are many close-lying levels lying above due to vibrations and combinations of vibrations and not so many levels below the one 14 G. B. Kistiakowsky and A. K. Solomon, J. Chem. Phys. 5, 609 (1937). in question. This is especially true in the case of benzene.* Because of the inherent difficulty in the experi ment of Kistiakowsky and Solomon, it was decided to repeat the investigation as a second part of this work. The purpose of the first part is to provide a more complete table of wave lengths of the absorption bands of benzene in the 2600A region. GENERAL ApPARATUS All spectrograms were taken with a 5-meter concave aluminized grating spectrograph in the first order, with a dispersion of about 3.4A per mm. The source was an all-quartz hydrogen tube operating from an a c. transformer at approximately 0.9 ampere. Ballast and control resistances were introduced into the high voltage leads to give greater stability. Under these conditions the tube current did not fluctuate more than one to two percent during an exposure of about six minutes. The absorption cell was 50 cm long and 25 cm in diameter and of fused quartz throughout with the exception of the benzene reservoir which was of Pyrex and con nected to the cell by means of a graded seal. The authors are indebted to Dr. W. T. Ziegler for a very pure sample of benzene having a boiling point range of only 001 DC. PART I Determination of wave numbers and the estima tion of relative intensities in the wave number tables Due to the fact that the absorption bands differ greatly in intensity it was necessary to take exposures at different concentrations of benzene vapor in order to obtain spectrograms suitable for more complete wave-length measure ments. The amount of vapor in the absorption cell was controlled by varying the temperature of the side-arm containing a small amount of liquid or solid benzene. An exposure was taken at every 10° C interval as the temperature of the side-arm was varied from -70°C to 50°C while the temper ature of the absorption cell was kept constant. Adjacen t to each exposure was the iron spectrum * Cf. Sponer, etc., reference 13, p. 213. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:58:47NEAR ULTRAVIOLET OF BENZENE 511 obtained from an arc operating at 4 amperes on 220 volts d.c. The plates were measured on a comparator reading to 0.001 mm and fitted with a telescope equipped with interchangeable objectives. The method adopted was to set the comparator single hair parallel to the short wave-length edge of the absorption band such that a little light above the general background illumination was visible be tween the short wave-length edge of the absorp tion band and the single hair of the comparator. The accuracy with which the single hair could be set on a band depended on the appearance of the bands. Some were about as sharp as lines, others were broad with a sharp short wave-length edge while a few, designated by (a) in Table I exhibited a diffuse character. Some of the latter appeared to be two or more close-lying bands, while others seemed to be broad and washed out and quite different in appearance from the other measured bands. At the concentrations used in these measurements, some of the bands were scarcely visible and are indicated by (b). The error for the (a) and (b) bands is about ±2 cm-I, while bands with a well-defined edge have a probable error of 1 cm-I, these being given to tenths which may be justified especially for close differences. In the same table are given the relative in tensities estimated from a plate on which many exposures were taken at different concentrations at room temperature. The band that was just visible at the highest concentration was assumed to be of unit intensity. Then for any other band one determined at what concentration it was just visible. From the concentration factor the rela tive in tensi ty of the band was determined as suming that Beer's law holds and the bands have the same shape. The assignments of SNST are given to the stronger bands. The relative intensities of the satellites accompanying many of the bands vary in a somewhat erratic manner as one goes through a progression. It is, accordingly, not possible at present to distinguish in an unambiguous manner between the origin of a band and its branches. Hence, in some cases, we have grouped two or three bands together, one of which is almost certainly the origin. For a group of three, a strong central one is presumably the origin. PART II The influence of temperature on band intensity Apparatus.-This investigation required a method of varying the temperature of the ab sorption cell and maintaining it reasonably con stant during an exposure. This was accomplished by surrounding the cell with a jacket consisting of an electrical heating unit and a cooling unit made from i-inch copper tubing through which alcohol cooled by solid carbon dioxide could be rapidly circulated. The entire assembly was designed to keep the temperature of the absorp tion cell as uniform as possible at any tempera ture from -50°C to several hundred degrees centigrade. Intensity marks were recorded on the plate by means of a rotating sector disk with six equally spaced slots subtending an angle of 40° each. The disk was driven at a speed of 1200 r.p.m. by means of a synchronous motor connected to a reduction gear. The pha.se of the disk was adjusted with the help of a stroboscope so that a slot appeared in front of the slit of the spectro graph when the hydrogen tube was luminous during each half-cycle. The six intensity marks were obtained by blocking out the slots in suc cession. Thus the highest intensity mark corre sponded to six open slots, the next to five open slots, etc., and to one open slot for the weakest intensity mark. PROCEDURE Since the two bands of interest (AoO and BoO) differ widely in intensity a different vapor con centration was required for each to give a satisfactory microphotometer trace. For the stronger of the two bands (A 0°) a side-arm con taining solid benzene was kept at -50°C for about thirty minutes and then sealed off from the absorption cell. The first exposure was taken with the absorption cell at -35°C and then at convenient intervals up to and including 2S0°e. While it was possible to take exposures at higher temperatures, these were avoided because of evidence of photochemical decomposition. In some preliminary work an exposure was taken at 300°e. After several hours a film formed on that part of the window of the absorption cell where This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:58:47512 W. F. RADLE AND C. A. BECK the light from the hydrogen discharge entered. The absorption band of the film extended over the entire region of investigation. For this reason the exposure time was kept as short as possible and the observations were restricted to 2500e and below. As a check, observations were made from low to high temperatures and then re peated, on the same plate, from high to low temperatures. There was no evidence of photodecomposi tion. The above procedure was repeated at a higher concentration of benzene vapor, which was neces sary for the study of the Boo band. In this case the side-arm was maintained at a temperature of -200e for some time before it was sealed off from the absorption cell. In this part the temper ature of the absorption cell was not allowed to go below -15°C. Microphotometer traces* were obtained for the Aoo, Boa, and Doo bands. A calibration curve for each absorption band was obtained by plotting the effective absorption coefficient a, obtained from the readings for the six intensity marks, against galvanometer deflections. The effective absorption coefficient a is equal to log (lIT), where T is defined as the ratio of the transmitted to the in.cident light. The value of the coefficient a at several points on the microphotometer trace was plotted against v, the frequency. The area under this curve is proportional to the intensity of the absorption band. This area was obtained by means of graphical integration.** Unfortu nately, it represents only approximately the in tensity of an absorption band because of the overlapping of neighboring bands especially at TABLE II. Absorption intensity of the Boo band. Toe ~4i Ap i!. (M.LT.) -15 9.5 9.2 5.9 32 12.4 11.0 8.5 100 14.1 12.9 9.0 150 10.0 10.0 6.0 200 8.1 5.9 4.8 250 5.0 3.8 * The authors wish to express their thanks to Dr. Hibben of the Geophysical Laboratory and to Dr. Johnson and Dr. McAllister of the Smithsonian Institution for their kind assistance and permission to use their Moll recording microphotometers. ** For BoO this included the two longer wave-length members of the group, while for Aoo ano Do" all given memhers were taken. TABLE III. Experimental and calculated intensities. 606 (BoO) 2 X606 (DOD) GROU"D (00) Exp. TOC CAL. (AVER.) CAL. Exp. CAL. Exp. ---------------- -35 100 100 -15 75 68 23 9 32 97 89 51 44 69 89 100 100 100 88 68 42 49 150 85 71 100 100 27 39 200 66 52 97 96 17 23 250 48 32 83 58 10 10 the higher temperatures. If, on the other hand, one limits the integration to a fixed frequency interval, there will be some error due to neglect of part of the band. In both cases, the ratios are more reliable than the individual readings. RESULTS AND THEIR INTERPRETATION The resul ts of the in tensi ty measure men ts on the BoO band are given in Table II in arbitrary units. The first column A i gives the total area under the a VS. II curve while in the Ap columns the integration has been limited to a fixed fre quency interval of about 80 em-I. In the last column, the data were obtained from measure ments on the micro photometer traces oc'another plate with a different microphotometer.t The data clearly show that the intensity of the BoO band has a maximum. The variation of the intensity of a band with temperature can be calculated from statistical mechanics. Except for oyerlapping bands, the area of an individual band' at different tempera tures is proportional to a factor dependent on the Boltzmann distribution at each temperature. Hence we can write for each band area A i an expression of the form, piNgie-(hv,lkT) where Pi is a proportionality factor which in cludes the transition probability, gi the de generacy of the absorbing state, Vi its frequency, and N the total number of molecules, the Lk to be taken over all vibrations and combinations of vibrations in the ground state. This expression t The traces were recorded on 35-mm film by the record ing wave-length microphotometer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:58:47ABSORPTION OF PHENYL MUSTARD OIL S13 for A i can ue showll to be equal to provided the vibrations are simple harmonic as seems to be approximately the case in benzene. The 20 known fundamental frequencies of ben zene in the ground electronic state were substi tuted in the IIj• The above expression was evaluated for the vibrationless ground state, the 606-cm-1 and 2 X 606 cm-1 vibrational states, which are, respectively, the low levels of the A, B, and D progressions. The results of the calculation for the 606-cm-1 vibrational level are compared with the intensity of the Boo band in columns 2 and 3 of Table III (the figures· are relative to the value at the temperature in the table for which the intensity is a maximum). In each case the maximum intensity. is taken to be one hundred. It is clearly seen that the results are in qualitative agreement with the assignment of the Boo band to the 606-cm-1 level by Sponer and collaborators. In columlls 4 and 5 the calculated intensities of the 2X606-cm-1 level are correlated with the experimental in tensity data for the Doo band. The agreement is sufficiently good to verify their assignment of this band to a transition from the 2 X 606-cm-1 vibrational level. The theoretical intensity of ground state transitions at different tempera tures are given in column 6. The measurements of the intensity of the ADo band are recorded in column 7. The agreement is an additional con firmation that the Aoo band is due to a transition from the vibrationless ground state. * The authors wish to express their appreciation to Professor H. Sponer and Dr. A. L. Sklar for suggesting the problem and to Professor K. F. Herzfeld for his constant interest and advice. * The results for the Aoo and Boo bands agree fairly well with the trend of those of Kistiakowsky and Solomon. Their discarded point at -15°C is relatively lower than that of the authors. JULY. 1940 JOURKAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 8 The Absorption of Phenyl Mustard Oil in the 4.8y. Region DUDLEY WILLIAMS University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida (Received March 16, 1940) An intensive study of the 4.81-' band of phenyl mustard oil has shown this band to have three components. Although these components have not been completely resolved, the present work indicates the frequencies involved to be 2130, 2080, and 1950 em-I. The two highest frequencies have counterparts in the Raman spectrum, but the frequency 1950 cm-1 has not been observed by Raman methods. Fermi resonance is discussed as a possible explanation of the observed spectrum. Re-investigation of the spectra of the methyl, ethyl, and phenyl nitriles and isonitriles failed to reveal complexities in the region of 2100 em-I. RAMAN studies! of isothiocyanates have re vealed the presence of two lines of approxi mately equal intensity in the frequency range in which N == C frequencies are active. Badger2 has sought to explain this so-called "splitting of the N == C frequency" in terms of a Fermi resonance between the N == C vibration and some other normal vibration of the molecule which is a sub multiple of the N ==C frequency. In the spectra 1 Complete bibliography: J. H. Hibben, The Raman Effect and its Chemical Applications (Reinhold, 1939). 2 R. M. Badger, J. Chem. Phys. 5,178 (1937). of ethyl and isobutyl mustard oils appears a Raman line of frequency of 1070 cm-t, approxi mately half the 2100-cm-1 N ==C frequency. Badger has suggested that further infra-red study of the mustard oils* might be desirable. * Note: The formula for phenyl mustard oil or phenyl isothiocyanate generally accepted by the organic chemist is q,-N = C =S. However, two alternative structures q,-S-N=:C and q,-N+""C-S- seem to be more in accord with the spectroscopic evidence. The first of these is similar to the fulminic acid structure suggested by Langmuir. In the present paper the symbol C "" N is used to refer to the bond in the normal thiocyanates and the symbol N ""C to refer to the modification of the bond in the mustard oils. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:58:47
Studies of Equilibrium Solid Solutions in Ionic Lattices Systems: KMnO4–KClO4–H2O and NH4Cl–MnCl2–H2O Alexander L. Greenberg and George H. Walden Jr. Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 8, 645 (1940); doi: 10.1063/1.1750735 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1750735 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/8/9?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in A versatile electrochemical method to produce nanoparticles of manganese oxides by KMnO4 electrolysis AIP Conf. Proc. 1586, 124 (2014); 10.1063/1.4866744 Magnetic structure of KMnPO4H2O J. Appl. Phys. 69, 6016 (1991); 10.1063/1.347797 A proton magnetic resonance study of the motion of NH+ 4 in dilute solid solutions of NH4Cl in RbCl and KCl J. Chem. Phys. 67, 5335 (1977); 10.1063/1.434712 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Antiferromagnetic KMnCl3·2H2O J. Chem. Phys. 54, 3438 (1971); 10.1063/1.1675362 Electron Spin Resonance of Mn2+ in the Ternary System NH4Cl–MnCl2–H2O J. Chem. Phys. 41, 1486 (1964); 10.1063/1.1726094 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:51:18THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 8 SEPTEMBER, 1940 NUMBER 9 Studies of Equilibrium Solid Solutions in Ionic Lattices1 Systems: KMn04-KCI0 4-H20 and NH4CI-MnCb-H 20 ALEXANDER L. GREENBERG AND GEORGE H. WALDEN, JR. Columbia University, New York, New York (Received June 20, 1940) 1. The systems, potassium permanganate-potassium perchlorate-water and ammonium chloride-manganous chloride-water, have been studied at equilibrium conditions by phase rule and x-ray diffraction methods. 2. The system potassium permanganate-potassium ~rchlorate water yields a continuous series of solid solutions having orthorhombic crystal symmetry. For these, the components of which are of similar crystal and chemical structure and of identical valence type, Vegard's additivity law is followed by the ao and Co lattice constants, but the bo con stant shows a definite deviation. 3. A method is described of obtaining homogeneous crystals with a particle size which gives excellent powder diffraction photograms in cases where heat annealing is not feasible. 4. A method of analyzing for ClO.-is given. 5. The danger of making serious errors is pointed out in the use of rapid precipitation by chemical reaction or from supersaturated solutions as a method of preparing solid solutions for the study of the relationship between their lattice constants and composi tion. 6. The system ammonium chloride-manganous chloride-water shows three solid solution series; the crystals INTRODUCTION EXPERIMENTAL demonstration of the ex istence of solid solutions rests mainly upon two differen t kinds of evidence: (1) phase rule investigations, and (2) the determination of the variation of the lattice dimensions of crystalline solid phases with change in composition by x-ray 1 Dissertation submitted by Alexander L. Greenberg in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Pure Science, Columbia University. Publication assisted by the Ernest Kempton Adams Fund for Physical Research of Columbia University. obtained in the first series have cubic symmetry, while in the others the symmetry is tetragonal. 7. The mechanism of the formation of the "anomalous" solid solutions be tween ammonium chloride and manganous chloride is given. Experimental and other considerations verify it. 8. It is shown that Vegard's law is not followed by the first solid solution series in which the components are of dissimilar chemical and crystal structure and dissimilar valence types. The curve for the relationship between the lattice constants and composition rises to a maximum and then falls off. Reasons to explain why this law does not apply to these solid solutions are given. 9. The existence of a new "compound," 6NH.Cl· MnCl,· 2H,O, is demon strated. This and the known compound, 2NH.Cl· MnCl,·- 2H,O, are considered to be examples of "compounds of variable composition." They are tetragonal with ao= 15.256 ±0.004A, CO = 16.008±0.007 A and ao = 7.5139 ±0.0005A. co=8.245±0.003A, respectively. The structure of the latter is that of 2NH4Cl· CuCl,· 2H,O which belongs to space group D4J4h or P4mnm. diffraction methods. Numerous experimental investigations have been made by both methods. One result of the x-ray investigations is Vegard's additivity law,2a which states that the unit cell dimensions in a continuous solid solution series vary linearly with the mole fraction of solute present. The validity of this rule rests upon measurements made by Vegard2a.c and others,3 '(a) L. Vegard, Zeits. f. Physik 5, 17 (1921); (b) L. Vegard, Zeits. f. Physik 43, 299 (1927); (c) L. Vegard and H. Dale, Zeits. f. Krist. 67, 148 (1928). 3 R. J. Havighurst, E. Mack and F. C. Blake, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 47, 29 (1925). 645 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:51:18646 A. L. GREENBERG A~D G. H. WALDEN, JR. almost exclusively on crystals of cubic symmetry. Many deviations from this law have been ob served in alloys.4 The only deviations, in the literature, among ionic lattice crystals are those observed by Walden and Cohen, 5a and by Walden and Avere1l5b in precipitates of barium sulphate with barium nitrate and with permanganic acid. Since the proof that these precipitates were contaminated through solid solution formation rests upon the observed change in the unit cell dimensions which did not follow Vegard's law,6 we have investigated by the x-ray method some systems of both isomorphic and nonisomorphic mixing where the solid solution nature of the solid phases could be demonstrated by simul taneously carried out phase rule studies to obtain further data on Vegard's law in ionic lattice crystals. Precision x-ray data on solid solutions formed in equilibrium with their aqueous solutions has been lacking up to the present time. The work done in recent years by Vegard and his co workers,2 Grimm and his associates7 and others too numerous to mention, in which the solid solutions were formed from water solution either (1) by precipitation of insoluble substances by chemical reaction or (2) by crystallization from supersaturated solutions with little or no attempt at equilibrating the solid phase thus obtained, can safely be called nonequilibrium studies. Coupling this with the statement by Vegard2b that "the additivity law is the limiting case of slowly precipitated solid solutions," showed the necessity for studies of solid solutions formed in equilibrium systems so that the experimental conditions would be reproducible. We have attempted to choose systems for investigation resembling as closely as possible the barium sulphate precipitates referred to above. The nearest approach would be a system with com- 'E. R. Jette, Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng. III 75 (1934). ' 6 (a) G. H. Walden, Jr. and M. U. Cohen, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 57, 259 (1935); (b) G. H. Walden, Jr. and P. R. Averell, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 59, 906 (1937). 6 F. Schneider and W. Rieman, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 59 354 (1937). ' 7 (a~ H. G. Grimm and G. Wagner, Zeits. f. physik. Chemle 132, 131 (1928); (b) G. Wagner, Zeits. f. physik. Chemie 2B, 27 (1929); (c) H. G. Grimm and G. Wagner, Ze~ts. f. anorg. allgem. Chemie 220, 31 (1934); (d) H. G. Gnmm, C. Peters and H. Wolff, Zeits. f. anorg. allgem. Chemie 236, 57 (1938). ponents of identical space group symmetry as barium sulphate, limited range of solid miscibility, and with a sufficiently high solubility in water to permit accurate phase rule study. We have not been able to find such a system. Therefore two systems were investigated one of which KCl0 4-KMn04-H 20, will serve to show how isomorphic crystals behave in forming a com plete series of solid solutions, and the other NH4Cl-MnCb-H 20 will demonstrate the be havior of two nonisomorphic solids in a limited series of solid solutions. This work will concern itself, then, with one of each of the main types of solid solution possible (1) complete miscibility (2) incomplete misci bility. Under (1) the system has components in the solid solutions of similar crystal and chemical structure, of identical valence type and not too different lattice constants. Under (2) the system studied has components of dissimilar valence type, chemical structure, and crystal system; of the type whose solid solutions have been termed "anomalous." The KMn04-KCI0 4-H20 system, for (1), had been described by Muthman and Kuntze8 and Barker9 as a system which yields a complete series of solid solutions. Muthman and Kuntze worked out the isotherm at 7° while Barker showed by crystallographic methods that as the weight percent of potassium permanganate in the solid phase increased, the interfacial angles for the crystals increased in a fairly linear fashion. The two salts are orthorhombic and belong to the same space group V16h. Except for qualitative studies by Vegard2a on one sample of potassium sulphate-ammonium sulphate orthorhombic solid solutions, the low precision x-ray studies of Wagner7b on the non equilibrium barium sulphate-potassium per manganate complete series of solid solutions and the precision studies on limited, nonequilibrium solid solutions of barium sulphate-barium nitrate and barium sulphate-permanganic acid men tioned above no other x-ray data are available for solid solutions one or more of whose components is orthorhombic. For (2) the classic system of NH4CI-MnCl 2 -H20 was selected. This system has been the 8 Muthman and KUntze, Zeits. f. Kri"t. 23, 375 (1894). • T. V. Barker, Zeits. f. Krist. 43, 529 (1907). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:51:18SOLID SOLUTIO(,;S IN IONIC LATTICES 647 subject of much controversy. The formation of "anomalous" solid solutions between the cubic ammonium chloride and the monoclinic MnCb· 4H20 has interested investigators for the last sixty odd years. Lehman10 first showed the solid solution character of the solid phase sepa rating from the mother liquor in the ammonium chloride region of the system. Foote and Saxton,ll by means of phase rule studies of the 25 ° isotherm and calorimetric data on the solid solutions formed, check this. Clendinnen and Rivett12 extending this work at 60°C and repeating the 25° isotherm, agreed as to the solid solutions formed. Benrath and Shackman13 state that no solid solutions are obtained when ammonium chloride solid is shaken together with a saturated solution of ammonium chloride and manganous chloride; that furthermore if the solid phase is formed by precipitation from the supersaturated solution the percentage of manganous chloride in the solid will decrease to zero if the solid is shaken with the mother liquor for a sufficient length of time. Kuznecov14 concludes from x-ray data that a contraction in the unit cell size of ammonium chloride takes place when this and manganous chloride form a solid solution. EXPER~MENTAL: KCl04-KMn04-H 20 The x-ray apparatus was essentially the same as described by Walden and Cohen,5a the pre cision focusing cameras were the same as de scribed by them. The method of computing the lattice constants from the films is that described by Cohen.15 Chromium radiation was used in taking the x-ray photograms. The values of the wave lengths16 of the Kal and Ka2 used in the compu tations are KaJ = 2.285,03A, Ka2= 2.288,91. Each of materials used in the preparation of the solid solutions was recrystallized twice. This 10 O. Lehman, Zeits. f. Krist. 8, 438 (1883). 11 H. W. Foote and B. Saxton, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 36,1695 (1914). 12 F. W. J. Clendinnen and A. C. D. Rivett, J. Chern. Soc. 119, 1329 (1921). la A. Benrath and H. Schachman, Zeits. f. anorg. allgem. Chemie 221, 418 (1935). 14 V. G. Kuznecov, Comptes rendus Acad. Sci. U. R. S. S. 15,469 (1937). 16 M. U. Cohen, Rev. Sci. Inst. 6, 68 (1935); M. U. Cohen, Zeits. f. Krist. A94, 288 (1936). 16 Int. Tab. Kryst. Best. Vol. 11. p. 586. precaution was taken because of the large amount of manganese dioxide in the reagent grade potassium permanganate and the presence of chloride ion in the potassium perchlorate. After this treatment the permanganate when dissolved and filtered through a sintered glass funnel showed no sign of manganese dioxide, while the perchlorate showed no trace of chloride Ion (against silver nitrate in nitric acid). The thermostat used in equilibrating the samples was held at 25.0000±.055°. The ther mometer used was checked against a plati num resistance thermometer calibrated by the National Bureau of Standards. The samples were prepared by making solu tions at an elevated temperature of such concen tration as to be supersaturated at 25°C. These solutions were placed in glass stoppered bottles, allowed to cool to room temperature, sealed with paraffin, and brought to equilibrium at 25°C in a thermostat while being continuously tumbled end over end. The approach to equilibrium was followed by determining the Mn04-content of the liquid phase at intervals. The process required about It months and produced a solid phase which was coarsely crystalline and did not give sharp x-ray diffraction patterns. Grinding the solid made matters much worse in this latter respect. Annealing at temperatures sufficiently low to avoid decomposition was found to be without effect. The following procedure was found to produce solid phases which gave satis factory x-ray patterns, and at the same time to accelerate greatly the approach to equilibrium. By this procedure samples were prepared as above and allowed to equilibrate for a few days, after which time the solid phases were filtered off on sintered glass filters, dried by drawing air through them, crushed in an agate mortar to below 100 mesh and returned to the mother liquor. The bottles were then replaced in the equilibrating machine. Equilibrium was found to be established within two weeks. Sampling of the liquid and solid phase For removing samples of the liquid phase for analysis, a modified form of the weight-pipette described by Kiehl and Manfriedol7 was used. 17 S. J. Kiehl and E. J. Manfriedo, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 59, 2118 (1937). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:51:18648 A. L. GREENBERG AND G. H. WALDE~, JR. This permits the taking of a sample of the solution without removing the bottle from the thermostat; to prevent the solid phase from being drawn into the pipette, a sintered-glass filter plug was sealed on to the tube used for sucking up the sample. Schreinemakers' wet residue method18 was used in the analysis of the solid phase which was separated from the mother liquor by filtration through a sintered glass funnel but not dried. A portion of the wet solid was transferred to a weighing tube and delivered from there to flasks by means of a platinum spatula. The remaining solid was dried on the funnel by sllcking air over it for x-ray analysis. Methods of analysis The determination of the Mn04-was carried out by adding 0.1M ferrous sulphate solution to a slight excess and back-titrating with standard 0.1M ceric ammonium sulfate solution to the o-phenanthroline ferrous complex end point. After trial of many of the methods given in the literature, a modification of the method proposed by Rosenberg19 was evolved for the determi nation of Cl04-. The Cl04-was reduced by passing sulphur dioxide over the surface of a solution of the sample in 25 ml of water con taining 2-3 ml of 1M sulphuric acid. The excess sulphur dioxide was boiled off by evaporating to a small volume, the sample was then diluted to a volume of 25 ml and 50 ml of concentration. Sulphuric acid was added and the air displaced with carbon dioxide. Blank runs were made at the same time as the sample runs (with 25 ml of distilled water and 50 ml concentrated sulphuric acid). After the air was removed, approximately 25 ml of titanous chloride solution (approxi mately 0.25M, made up in 1M sulphuric acid) was added to the sample and 15 ml to the blank (approximately the amount to be determined in the sample flasks after the reduction of the Cl04-). The flask was heated for two hours so that there was gentle refluxing, during which time carbon dioxide was continuously passed through at a slow rate. After this time, the flask 18 F. A. H. Schreinemakers, Zeits. f. physik. Chemit' 11, 81 (1893). " A. Rosenberg, Zeits. f. anal. Chemie 90, 103 (1932). TABLE 1. \VEIGHT 0/0 \VEIGHT ~{; \VEIGHT '/0 Kl\1nO. KCIO. KMnO,IX SOLID PHASE (EXTRAP. ON SAMPLE LIQUID SOLID LIQUID SOLID TERNARY No. PHASE PHASE PHASE PHASE DIAGRAM) --------- I 0.4712 1.032 1.868 76.21 1.2 2 2.065 7.075 1.381 82.15 7.7 3 2.651 10.59 1.230 77.64 11.8 4 2.628 10.71 1.245 75.77 12.0 5 4.009 22.28 0.9777 58.49 26.8 6 4.573 32.76 0.8434 52.07 38.2 7 4.864 38.12 0.7816 46.83 44.4 8 5.698 60.29 0.5872 28.21 68.0 9 5.i32 62.70 0.5548 26.48 70.2 10 6.333 76.94 0.3582 13.96 84.5 was allowed to cool to room temperature with a stream of carbon dioxide going through. The sample was then diluted with 25 ml of air free distilled water and standard 0.1M ceric ammonium sulphate solution was added to a slight excess, while a current of carbon dioxide was passed over the surface of the solution in the flask. The excess was back-titrated with 0.lA1 ferrous sulphate solution, by using o-phenanthro line ferrous complex indicator. The end point is extremely sharp at the concentration of sulphuric acid present in the solution (approximately 9M). The reason for. making up the titanous chloride solution in sulphuric acid rather than in hydro chloric acid is to avoid the large amount of HCl which boils off from the solutions during the heating and which, when used, gave us erratic results. All volumetric apparatus and weights used in the analytical work was calibrated. The ceric ammonium sulfate solution was standardized against National Bureau of Standards sodium oxalate according to the method described by Walden, Hammett and Chapman.20 Results of analysis The results of the analysis are given in Table 1. Each value is the mean of two analyses on each sample of the liquid and of the wet residues for both Mn04-and Cl04-. The precision measures for the deviation from the mean of the liquid phase determinations were 2 parts per 1000 for Mn04-and Cl04-, for the solid phase 5 parts per 1000. 20 G. H. Walden, L. P. Hammett and R. P. Chapman, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 55, 2649 (1933). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:51:18SOLID SOLUTIO~S IN IONIC LATTICES 649 FIG. 1. The values for the solubility at 25°C of pure potassium perchlorate and potassium permanganate, which are plotted are given by H. H. Willard and G. F. Smith 0. Am. Chern. Soc. 45, 286 (1923)) and H. M. Trimble 0. Am. Chern. Soc. 44,451 (1922)), respectively. These results are plotted on the triangular diagram Fig. 1, weight percentage is used in order to show the tie-lines to better advantage; and by weight percen t of potassium permanganate in the liquid phase against weight percent of potassium permanganate in the solid phase (obtained by extrapolation on the ternary dia gram) in Fig. 2. X-ray results Every measurable line on the x-ray photograms was used in the computation of the lattice constants of the solid solutions, but no fewer than ten and as many as twenty-six pairs of lines were used in anyone case. The range of the probable errors on the individual films was: ao= ±O.004-0.03%, bo= ±O.OOS-O.04%, Co= ±O.003-0.02%. However, since the values of the lattice con stants obtained from different films for a single substance did not always check within these probable errors, the values given in Table II are mean values of all films taken on each sample and the a. d. given is the average deviation from the mean of the lattice constants obtained from the different films. These results are plotted against weight percen t of potassium permanganate in the solid phase (extrapola ted from the ternary diagram) in Fig. 3. Discussion of results From the ternary plot Fig. 1, is seen that a complete series of solid solutions of potassium This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:51:18650 A. L. GREENBERG AND G. H. WALDEN, JR. TABLE II. Lattice constants (A). Mean values 23-29°C. SAMPLE MEAN No. OF ao bo Co KClO. 3 films 8.837±.003 5.6521 ±.0004 7.240±.002 1 5 films 8.843±.003 5.6531 ±.0007 7.243±.001 2 2 films 8.859±.007 5.6574±.0008 7.255±.001 3 2 films 8.866±.003 5.6590±.0005 7.260±.001 4 2 films 8.865±.000 5.6596±.0006 7.265±.002 5 I film 8.902 5.6690 7.294 6 1 film 8.931 5.6777 7.311 7 I film 8.955 5.6803 7.320 8 2 films 9.007 ±.001 5.6940±.0016 7.360±.000 9 2 film'i 9.015±.001 5.6958±.0013 7.363±.001 10 3 films 9.054±.001 5.7030±.0008 7.389±.001 KMnO. 3 films 9.099±.002 5.7076±.0003 7.411 ±.OOI permanganate and potassium perchlorate are formed. This is also shown by plotting the results differently, as in Fig. 2. Also, from Fig. 2 we see that the liquid phase always contains a larger percentage by weight of potassium permanganate than the solid which, according to Roozeboom's21 classification of solid solutions, places the system under Type I. Our work at 25°C does not show the presence of either a congruent point or of a definite crystallization end point as shown in the paper by Muthman and Kunzte8 at 90 mole percent potassium permanganate on their 7° isotherm for the system, but since this region was not investigated thoroughly our evidence does not eliminate the possibility of its existence. Figure 3 demonstrates conclusively that the solid solutions formed in this equilibrium system follow Vegard's additivity law quite exactly in the case of the ao and Co constants but for the bo constants a small deviation is observed, the curve being slightly convex. It may be pointed out that there is great danger of making serious errors in studying solid solutions prepared by rapid precipitation through chemical reaction or from supersaturated solu tions to determine the relationship between the lattice constants and composition. In such solid solutions, homogeneous distribution of the com ponents is not to be expected, as shown by Hahn's discussion22 of the results obtained by his co workers. In our work it was shown that the 21 H. W. B. Roozeboom, Zeits. f. physik. Chemie 8, 521 (1891). ' ... (a) O. Hahn, Applied Radio Activity (Cornell Uni versity Press, Ithaca, N. Y., 1936), p. 70 on, for complete discussion and bibliography. crystals, which were first formed on cooling the supersaturated solution while this was being tumbled in the thermostat, gave very poor x-ray diffraction patterns, the lines being broad and diffuse. But after being crushed and returned to the mother liquor for equilibration over a period of two weeks or more, the crystals obtained gave sharp x-ray diffraction lines. This is in complete accord with the results given in the papers by Mumbrauer et al.,22 which describe the conditions for obtaining homogeneous solid solutions. In rapidly formed solid solutions which are not further treated to homogenize the components, then, the best that can be expected is to get experimental indications that the lattice is ex panded in a more or less regular fashion by the en trance of con taminen t. Inhomogeneous crystals will, of course, never give a true relationship between the weight percentage composition (as determined by analysis of the entire crystal) and the lattice constant (determined by x-ray re flection from the first few hundred surface layers). This seems to be indicated by the work 0/) I- Z « I- 0/) Z b. 0 U '" 0 l- I-« ~ a. 5.710 UIIO 5.670 '.ISO '.030 ""0 "UO~o----=~~--7.~.---·.~o--~.~o~~~ WEIGHT PERCENT KMnO~ DASH(O LINE t~ THEORETICAL fOR '1[GARO" lA.W FIG. 3. KMnO,-KCIO,-H.O. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:51:18SOLID SOLUTIONS IN IONIC LATTICES 651 TABLE III. %) MnCb % Cl- % NH.Cl (CALC.) TIME IN SAMPLE THERMO· LIQ- LIQ- LIQ- No. STAT UID SOLID UID SOLID UID SOLIn ---- -~ -------- 2 3 weeks 19.28 53.02 2().22 78.31 3.3()5 1.968 4 4 20.12 43.74 23.53 61.49 8.026 5.292 5 5 .. 20.67 46.71 22.04 63.43 10.76 8.267 6 2 .. 2\.35 43.22 20.89 56.58 13.32 10.14 7* 8 .. 21.43 50.74 20.27 65.54 14.19 12.94 7-3 3 .. 21.51 4\.40 20.25 45.60 14.36 19.82 7-2 3 .. 21.30 39.89 19.81 43.26 14.50 19.90 7-1 3 .. 21.34 38.88 19.72 41.30 14.66 20.41 7-A 3 .. 2\.33 43.98 19.51 47.52 14.91 22.15 8 5 months 2\.32 44.55 19.07 48.13 15.40 22.44 10 4 21.42 47.42 18.09 50.64 16.73 24.58 12 3! .. 21.60 42.70 17.10 44.03 18.21 23.98 14 3t .. 21.78 42.08 16.31 41.13 19.46 26.28 16 3! .. 22.18 38.19 15.94 34.70 20.62 26.94 18 3t .. 22.32 44.59 15.04 38.93 21.91 33.33 22 3t .. 22.41 48.35 13.90 39.30 23.42 39.57 26 2 weeks 22.52 42.06 10.22 29.30 27.95 40.16 29 2 23.44 45.43 5.8QO 30.62 34.70 44.61 31 2 .. 24.81 I 46.72 3.977 31.05 39.34 46.38 33 2 .. 26.29 33.66 2.978 1.387 43.16 58.11 * Sample No. 7 was shown to consist of ~wo solid phases •. one iso tropic and the other birefringent. when. examIned under the '.mcroscope between crossed Nicols. The second sohd phase was present In so sma.ll an amount that no new lines were observed on x-:ay photo~rams of thls sample, only lines corresponding ~o th~ amm~mum chlo~lde. structure were found. This sample fixes the lnvanant pmnt on the hquldus curve (marked b. Fig. 4) for the condensed system at ronstant temperature. of Walden and Avere1l5b where rapid precipi tation was the method used for the preparation of the solid solutions. Furthermore, in Vegard's paper2(b) on the mercuric bromide-mercuric chlo ride solid solution series is presented evidence for this hypothesis, in that the crystals formed by rapid precipitation gave lattice constants which scattered badly when plotted against the weight percentage composition, while crystals prepared by slow precipitation gave consistent values for the lattice constants which corresponded almost exactly with those predicted by the additivity law. Vegard explained the discrepancy of the results for the rapidly precipitated crystals, on the basis of "uncompensated" surface atoms in the much finer solids obtained in this way. He attributed the increase in line width on the x-ray diffraction patterns given by these crystals to smaller particle size. From consideration of the above, we are inclined to explain the deviation from the additivity law and the line broadening on the x-ray films for these crystals to inhomo geneity of the solid solutions. EXPERIMENTAL: NH4CI-MnCl 2-H20 U sing the triangular phase diagram bf the 25 ° isotherm of the NH4Cl-MnCl 2-H20 system as given by Clendinnen and Rivett,12 supersatu-rated solutions of ammonium chloride and man ganese chloride in water were prepared to give approximately 8 g of solid phase to 400 ml of liquid phase when cooled to 25°C. The points chosen were well spaced to cover the entire range of the first two solid solution regions as shown by their diagram. Analytical reagent grade am monium chloride and MnCh·4H 20 were of suffi cient purity for the work without recrystalliza tion. FIG. 4. The same procedure, used for the KMn04 -KCI04 -H20 system, was followed in regard to thermostating the samples, crushing the solid phases to below 100 mesh and then replacing in the mother liquor, determination of achievement of equilibrium, methods of sampling and so forth. Only one change in the procedure under sampling was adopted; after removing sufficient moist solid phase for analysis by the Schreine makers method, the remaining solid was washed with alcohol and then with ether (which had no effect on the x-ray photograms obtained as shown by films taken on air-dried samples and the same samples dried by alcohol and ether) and then quickly dried by sucking air through the filter. For studies of the compounds and the low angle reflections of the first solid solution series in this system, a vacuum type Debye-Scherrer camera was used. Methods of analysis Manganese was determined by the bismuthate method of Park.23 The permanganate was titrated to a slight excess of O.lM ferrous sulphate solu- 23 B. Park, J. Ind. Eng. Cht'l11. 18, 597 (1926). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:51:18652 A. L. (~REENBERG AND C. H. WALDEN, JR. tion and this in turn back-titrated with standard O.1M ceric ammonium sulphate solution using o-phenanthroline ferrous complex indicator. Am monia was determined by distillation from strong alkali solution into standard O.lM hydrochloric acid solution. The total amount of chloride was determined by the Volhard method as modified by Caldwell and Moyer.24 The determinations were always run in duplicate for Mn++ and NH4+ while triplicate samples were used in the CI determina tion. Results of analysis It was found that the analysis of the samples for all three ions; CI-, NH4+, and Mn++, was unnecessary since the checks were good, so the analysis for Mn++ was not continued and only NH4+ and CI-were determined except in the case of the compounds formed where complete analysis was desired. Table III gives the results obtained for the analysis of liquid and moist solid phases. Figure 4 shows these results plotted on a triangular diagram. In Fig. 5 is plotted weight 24 J. R. Caldwell and H. V. Moyer, Ind. and Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed. 7. 38 (1935). z. 2~ 24 IIJ of) «22 :J: Q.. 020 5 3" Z -16 U • :r 14 z .... Z 12 W I,) 15 10 Q.. ~a .., jjj ~~ 4 F E 2 o 10 %0 percent ammonium chloride in the solid phase (obtained by extrapolation to the MnCI 2·2H20 base line on the ternary plot) against weight percent ammonium chloride in the liquid phase (from analysis). To establish the state of hydration of the compounds shown on the phase diagram, Fig. 5, namely D, E and F, complete analyses were run in duplicate on the solid phases of samples 7A, 26 and 33, respectively (dried by washing with alcohol and ether and then sucking air over them). Table IV gives the results of these analy ses in weight percent. The results shown in Tables III and IV and plotted in Figs. 4 and 5 demonstrate the following features of the system: 1. Starting with pure ammonium chloride (point A) there is a solid solution range which terminates at point B. At point B a second solid phase appears and initiates a new short solid solution range at point C which terminates at point D. This series belongs to Type IV, Rooze boom's classification,21 BC (Fig. 5) being the boundary between the two conjugate solid solutions. c o 100 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:51:18SOLID SOLUTIONS IN IONIC LATTICES 653 TABLE IV. Complete analysis of the substances at D, E and F.* POINT SAMPLE TOTAL WT. % H,O BY THEORETICAL FOR THE ON PLOT No. WT. % CI-WT. % NH.+ WT. % Mn++ % FOUND DIFFERENCE COMPOUND D 7A 58.60±.14 22.21 ±.03 11.43 ±.001 92.24 7.76 6NH.Cl· MnCI 2• 2H20 = 7.46 E 26 52.99±.06 13.74±.01 19.89±.01 86.62 13.38 2NH.CI· MnCb· 2H2O = 13.40 F 33 37.51 ±.01 28.31 ±.04 65.82 34.18 MnCl 2·4H2O=36.42 I * The analytical data of Foote and Saxton, reference 11, have been accepted as fully proving that whenever a mole of manganous ion enters the solid solutions (A-B, Fig. 5), 2 moles of water go in also. This situation holds across the 25° diagram from point A to point E, as shown by the analysis of the solid phases at D and E, given in the table above. 2. The solid phase at point D is a double salt having the formula 6NH4CI,MnCI 2· 2H20. This compound exhibits incongruent solubility. 3. Between points D and E is a third solid solution range. This series belongs to Type II, Roozeboom's c1assification.21 4. The solid phase at E is a second double salt having the composition 2NH4CI, MnCI2· 2H20, This compound also exhibits incongruent solu bility. 5. At point F the solid phase is the hydrate MnCI2·4H20. Our phase diagram while bearing great simi larity to Foote and Saxton's,l! and CIendinnen and Rivett's12 exhibits certain marked differences. Our boundary (B-C) between the first two series of solid solutions is shifted towards the am monium chloride end. Then there is the recog nition of a short series of solid solutions (C-D) and the hitherto unobserved compound at D, 6NH4CI· MnCI2· 2H20 which the previous workers missed. The solid solution series, D-E, is a complete one between the 6NH4CI· MnCI2· 2H20 and the 2NH4CI· MnCI2· 2H20. The remainder of the diagram checks very closely with that of Clendinnen and Rivett12 at 25°C. The solubilities of ammonium chloride and MnCI2·4H20 as determined by them are used on our plots and, as can be seen, fit in extremely well on the liquidus curve, Fig. 4. All the solid phases prepared in the phase rule investigation were studied by means of x-ray powder diffraction methods described above. This investigation disclosed the following facts: 1. The solid phases in the solid solution range AB have an ammonium chloride lattice, no other lines appearing on any of the films. The lattice constants as computed from precision camera films are shown in Table V and are plotted in Fig. 6 against the weight percent of MnCI2· 2H20 (obtained by extrapolation on the ternary plot). This shows that the change in the lattice con stants does not follow Vegard's law but increases with addition of MnCI2· 2H20 to a maximum and then decreases slightly. The variation of lattice constant with composition is small, O.OB percent maximum at a concentration of 13 weight percent MnCI2· 2H20. The range of the probable errors on the indi vidual films is ao= ±0.0015 percent to ±O.OOB percent. As in the case of the KMn04 -KCI04 solid solutions, the values for the lattice constants obtained from all the films on anyone sample were averaged and the mean values are those given in Table V. The average deviation given is the a.d. of the mean lattice constant and not the probable error. The radii of the circles on Fig. 6 gives the a.d. of the mean. 2. The solid phase appearing at C has a lattice of lower than cubic symmetry. Visual exami nation of the films shows no differences between any of the solid phases from C to D. 3. The compound D is tetragonal, ao= 15.256 ±0.004, Co= 16.00B±0.007, co/ao= 1.05 from a Debye-Scherrer film taken with calcium radia tion. Further elucidation of the structure must TABLE V. Mean values of the lattice constants of .first solid solution series. Temp. 25°-29°. \ WT.% ao MnCI,'2H,O SAMPLE No. (MEAN VALUE) MEAN OF (PLOT) NH.CI 3.8680±.0003 6 films No.2 3.8687 ±.0003 5 films 1.9 No.4 3.8691 ±.0003 15 films 3.7 No.5 3.8699±.OO05 2 films 8.5 No.6 3.8714±.0001 2 films 9.1 No.7 3.8708±.0007 4 films 16.0 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:51:18654 A. L. GREENBERG AND C. H. WALDEN, JR. z o 00 ~"TO~----~Z~-----4+-------.~----~a~----~IO~----~IZ~-----1~4------~1~6--- WEIGHT PERCENT MnC/z.2HzO IN CRYSTALS OBTAINED l!IY EXTRAPOLATION ON TERNARY PLOT FIG. 6. Lattice constants of solid solutions A-B against weight percent MnC1 2·2H20. await the preparation of single crystal diffraction films. We were unable to prepare these since we could never obtain single crystals. All attempts to grow single crystals resulted in samples which, while they resembled crystals macroscopically, were found to be complicated structures resulting from multiple twinning when examined under the microscope between crossed Nichols. 4. Samples in the solid solution range between D and E gave rather unsatisfactory films with weak and diffuse lines. They appear to exhibit a gradual transition from the diffraction pattern of the compound 6NH 4Cl·MnCI 2·2H20 to that of the compound 2NH 4Cl· MnCl 2• 2H20. S. The compound 2NH4Cl·MnCI 2·2H20 is tetragonal, ao= 7 .S139±0.000S, co= 8.245±0.003, col ao = 1.09 from a precision camera film taken with chromium radiation. The compound is isomorphic with and has the same structure as the compound 2NH 4Cl· CuCh· 2H20 as is shown by the comparison data in Table VI, obtained from Debye-Scherrer films taken with calcium radiation. Interpretation of results A very revealing light is shed upon the complex ities of this system by consideration of the struc ture of the compound 2NH4Cl· MnCb· 2H20. As noted above the structure is undoubtedly that of the corresponding cupric compound which was determined by Hendricks and Dickinson,26 and is shown in Fig. 7. It will be seen that this 26 S. B. Hendricks and R. G. Dickinson, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 49, 2149 (1927). structure is obtained from that of ammonium chloride in the following manner: Consider two ammonium chloride unit cubes having a common face and with chloride ions at the corners. A manganous ion is placed in the common face in the center of the four chloride ions. Water molecules are substituted for the ammonium ions in the body centers. This arrangement is shown in Fig. 8. The structure in Fig. 7 will be seen to be an alternation of this arrangement with the unmodified ammonium chloride arrange ment. In such a unit the Mn++ would have a coordination number of six. TABLE VI. CALCIUM RADIA nON 2NH.C1 'CuC!' '2H,O ao =7.S83±O.OO2 co =7.9S0±O.OO2* 2NH.C1 ·MnCI, '2H,O ao=7.S14±O.OOl Co =8.247 ±O.002 (SAMPLE No. 26) PLANE REL. PLANE REL. LINE AND Exp. INTEN- LINE A~D Exp. INTEN· SlN28 SITY No. SOURCE SIN' 9 SITY No. SOURCE 1 lOla 0.09272 9 3 lOla 0.09105 8 2 110a .09722 6 4 110a .09881 4 3 002a .1772 5 5 002a .1654 6 5 112a .2755 6 6 112a .2643 4 6 121a .2888 6 7 121a .2907 4 7t 202/3-202a .3732 4 8 202/3-202a .3640 5 8 220/3-220a .3902 5 9 220/3-220a .3990 6 9 202a .3731 10 10 202a .3642 10 10 220", .3914 10 11 220", .3980 10 13 222a .5697 8 15 222", .5638 9 14 123", .6453 6 16 123", .6197 5 15 231", .6810 8 19 231a .6885 8 17 400", .7827 10 21 400a .7958 10 * Our values for the lattice constants of this substance obtained from this film agree with those given by Hendricks and Dickinson as ao=7.S8 and co=7.96. t In all such tables in this paper the Kfj reflections have been con verted to the equivalent Ka, by multiplying sin' 9 by (XKajXKfj)'. which for caldllm rrJc1iation is 1.18 157. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:51:18SOLID SOLUTIONS IN IONIC LATTICES 655 The structure of this compound points clearly to the mechanism by means of which increasing amounts of MnCh· 2H20 are taken up by ammonium chloride. In the solid solution series A -B, the interstitial inclusion of Mn++ in the ammonium chloride lattice and the simultaneous substitution of H20 for NH4+ occurs at random. After the phase boundary Be is crossed the solid phase gives a new diffraction pattern corre sponding to tetragonal symmetry and greatly increased cell size. It should be noted, however, that the axial ratio is very close to unity and that the length of the cell edge is very closely four times that of ammonium chloride. While we are not able to give a definite structure for this solid phase, the change in symmetry must be due to the appearance of an ordered arrangement of the altered ammonium chloride cubes. The continuous solid solution series between D and E is very interesting because of the very large foo"~----a.·7.514 -----J., . FIG. 7. Small open circle, Mn++;. triangle, NH.+; solid circle, oxygen (water); large open circle, Cl-. Hidden and interior atoms are designated by dashed lines. changes in the diffraction pattern due to the fact that the edges of the unit cell at D have twice the lengths of the corresponding edges at E. We can see no explanation for what happens except the assumption that, as more and more manganous chloride is included, an ordered arrangement of the altered ammonium chloride cubes having tetragonal symmetry is maintained and this basic pattern contracts as the proportion of ammonium chloride decreases. - - -- - / / / / / / - - NH." NH •• H,O ~,; H,O /-1/ / / /-}' - FIG. 8. That the process described above would be expected to cause little change in the chloride ion lattice is apparent from the following con siderations: (a) The value for the radius of Cl-, 1.86A, in ammonium chloride· where each Cl-is coordi nated with 8 NH4+, is obtained by increasing the value, 1.81A, for the radius of Cl-with a coordination number of six26 by a factor27 of 3 percent. Figure 9, showing the Cl-positions on the unit cell side of pure ammonium chloride is drawn to scale using ao=3.868A obtained above, and this radius for Cl-. The space available at the face center between the chloride ions would accommodate an ion having a radius of approxi mately 0.87 A. The value26 for the radius of Mn++ with a coordination number of six is 0.80A and is drawn on Fig. 9 in a dashed line circle. No great change in the chloride ion lattice is to be expected from this source. (b) The radius of NH4+ with a coordination number of 8 is 1.52A, calculated, as above, from the 6 coordination numbered radius given26 as 1.48A. In ice, the positions assigned to each oxygen atom, from crystal structure work28 is such that each oxygen atom is tetrahedrally surrounded by four other oxygen atoms at a distance of 2.76A. This holds for water of crystallization as shown by the work of Beevers and Lipson29 on BeS04·4H20, the work of Keggin30 and of Bradley and Illingworth31 on H3PW 12040, 5H20, H3PW 12040, 29H20 and re lated substances. The radius of a water molecule is, therefore, 1.38A at a coordination number of 4. 26 Linus Pauling, Nature of the Chemical Bond (Cornell University Press, 1939), pp. 326 and 330. . 27 L. Pauling, reference 26, p. 334. Also sec V. M. Gold schmidt Geochemische Verteilungsgesetze der Etemente. 28 L. Pauling, reference 26, p. 281: see also J. O. Bernal and R. H. Fowler, ]. Chern. Phys. I, 515 (1933). 29 C. A. Beevers and H. Lipson, Zeits. f. Krist 82 297 (1932). ' 30]. F. Keggin, Proc. Roy. Soc. London A144, 75 (1934). 31 A. ]. Bradley and ]. W. Illingworth, Proc. Rov. Soc. London A157, 113 (1936). - This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:51:18656 A. L. CREENBERC AND C. H. WALDEN, JR. 386S FIG. 9. NH,Cl. Increasing this by a factor of 5.8 percent, and then by 3 percent (Goldschmidt27) there is ob tained 1.50A, the value for the radius of water having a coordination number of 8. The radius of the NH4+ and of water are then practically the same and substitution of NH4+ by water in the unit above should give only very small changes in the chloride ion lattice. These considerations of ionic size alone should not be taken as exact as is shown by the fact that the body diagonal distance between NH4+ and CI-in NH4CI calculated from the x-ray data from the relationship Cv3/2)ao gives 3.35A while the sum of the ionic radii gives 3.38A. Con sideration of the changes in the electrostatic fields of force when NH4+ is replaced by a water molecule and the polarization effects when Mn++ is inserted between the chloride ions would be necessary for a complete picture of all that happens. Such an analysis will not be attempted here. Densities of the solid solutions, A -B, and the compounds at A, D, and E To provide further evidence for this mecha nism, density determinations on the solid phases in the series A-B and of the substances at A, D and E were made. The method used was that of Jette and Foote.32 Duplicate determinations were performed in three instances to determine the precision of the results. This is indicated in Table VII and Table VIII where the data ob tained are summarized. The densities for the solid solutions were calculated from the x-ray data given in Table V for the cases of substitutional solid solution of MnCI 2• 2H20 in the lattice of NH4CI, of interstitial solid solutions and for the case where the water molecules substitute for the 32 E. R. Jett and F. Foote, J. Chern. Phys. 1, 29 (1933). ammonium ions, while the manganous ion is inserted interstitially. These values are shown in Table VII under the heading Density calc. I, II and III, respectively. The calculated densities of the compounds at D and E given in Table VIII were computed for the unit cell size given above with 8 molecules to the unit cell of the 6NH4CI· MnCh· 2H20 com pound and with 2 molecules to the unit cell of the 2NH4C1· MnCI 2• 2H20 compound. The mechanism of solid solution postulated above, where a substitution of water molecules takes place for NH4+ while Mn++ is interstitially inserted, is borne out by the experimental deter mination of the densities of the solid solutions in the range A-B, see Table VII. For when these values are compared with the densities calculated from the x-ray data for this mechanism they are found to be in good agreement (Table VII, column III) while the densities calculated on other postulates (columns I and II) are not. The densities for the compounds found experi mentally are checked by the values calculated from the x-ray and analytical results obtained above as shown in Table VIII. Discussion of results The results· given by our investigation show that solid solutions are formed in the NH4C1 region of this system, see Fig. 4 and 5, points A to TABLE VII. Solid solutions A-B. DENSITY (CALCULATED FROM X-RAY DATA) DENSITya (EXPERI- SAMPLE MENTAL) I II III NH,Clb 1.S19±.001 1.525 1.525 1.525 No.2 1.508±.004 1.546 1.557 1.535 No.4 1.528 1.563 1.583 1.543 No.5 1.557 1.616 1.667 1.569 No.6 1.586±.007 1.621 1.676 1.571 No.7 1.610 1.706 1.814 1.610 a The density determinations were made at temperatures between 25.0° and 28.0° while the x-ray films were exposed at temperatures between 25° and 29°. b Tbe I. C. T. give the density of NH,CI calculated from x-ray studies as 1.528 and from experiment as d,"'=1.536, =1.526 (Vol. I, p. 108; Vol. III, p. 43). Our results check these values. TABLE VIII. Compounds at D and E. SAMPLE No.8 (6NH 4CJ·MnCl,·2H,O) No. 31 (2NH 4CJ·MnCI,·2H,O) DENSITY DD1SITY (CALC. FROM (Exp.) X-RAY DATA) 1.701 1.913 1.711 1.906 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:51:18SOLID SOLUTIONS IN IO~IC LATTICES 657 TABLE IX. Relative intensities of lines on Debye-Scherrer films for solid solution series No.1. LINE No.1 2 3 4 .5 ij 7 8 9 SAMPLE PLANE 100a 110/1 110a 111a 200/1 200a 210/1 210a 211/1 -------------- NH.Cl 4 6 10 3 3 9 2 9 9 4 3 .j 10 3 2 8 2 9 9 5 3 5 10 2 1 8 1 8 8 ij 3 5 10 3 2 9 0 7 7 7 2 5 10 3 1 9 1 7 7 B, which is in complete agreement with the work of Foote and Saxton,ll and Clendinnen and Rivett.12 The solid phases obtained were homogenous, as shown by x-ray diffraction studies, after being rotated for a minimum of two weeks and as long as 8 weeks (see Table III for time in thermostat) in contact with the liquid phase till equilibrium was established. The results do not, therefore, bear out the contention of Benrath and Schack manl3 that these solid solutions eventually rid themselves of all the MnCb· 2H20 if shaken for a sufficient length of time. As can be seen from Fig. 6, the lattice of ammonium chloride is expanded very slightly from one sample to the next in the first solid solution series, A-B, but the trend is marked and there is no doubt that the expansion takes place. The plot does not exhibit a linear relationship between weight percent composition and the lattice constant. The curve reaches a maximum and then begins to fall off between point 6 and 7 at about 13 weight percent MnCI 2• 2H20 in the solid phase. This phenomenon has been observed in metallic solid solutions33 but this is the first time that it has been reported in crystal systems. The solid solution series, A to B Fig. 5, does not follow Vegard's additivity law, nor should it be expected to, for as shown by J ette34 this law may be considered analogous to Raoult's law of liquid solutions. It has been well established that Raoult's law holds for solutions only when the molecular species involved are very much alike chemically and physically. Therefore, Vegard's law should be applied only to cases of solid solution in which the components are similar in chemical and crystal structure. This is borne out by the previous work of Walden and Cohen,5. in which the solid solutions formed did not follow this law. If the MnC!Z· 2H20 is in an ordered arrange ment in the ammonium chloride lattice, new 33 E. R. Jette and F. Foote, Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng. No. 670 (1936). "' E. R. Jette, Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng. 111,75 (1934). reflection lines should be observed on the x-ray films for these solid solutions or at least the relative intensities of the reflection lines should change.35 Debye-Scherrer and precision camera films taken for each sample in this solid solution series showed no new lines. Furthermore visual examination of the films revealed no marked change In relative intensities of the lines, see Table IX. Therefore, the distribution of TABLE X. CALCIUM RADIATION 6NH.Cl·MnCJ, '211,0 NH.Cl (SAMPLE No.8) PLANE LINE AND No. SOURCE 100" 2 11013- 110" 3 110" 4 Ill" 6 200" REL. PLAKE REL. Exp. INTEN- LINE AND Exp. INTE!'\- SIN20 SITY No. SOt::RCE SI:-.l"2 (} SITY 8 004" 0.1744 .) 0.1859 4 9 400" .1931 2 .3754 6 .3756 13 .5627 3 .7505 9 13 40413-" .3676 6 14 44013-" .3854 6 15 404" 16 440" 17 444" 22 008" 23 800" .3684 10 .3859 10 .5615 8 .7019 8 .7733 10 TABLE XI. CALCIUM RADIATION 2NH.Cl·MnCJ, '2H,O NH.Cl (SAMPLE No. 26) PLANE REL. PLANE REL. LINE AND Exp. INTEN- LINE AND Exp. INTEN- No. SOURCE SIN2 (J SITY No. SOURCE SIN2 (J SITY -----------------1 100" 2 11013- 110", 3 110" 4 111" 5 20013- 200" 6 200" 8 210" 0.1859 4 .3754 6 .3756 10 .5627 .7509 .7505 .9388 3 3 9 9 5 002" 0.1654 6 8 20213-" .3640 5 9 220~-a .3990 6 10 202" 11 220" .3642 10 .3980 10 15 222" .5638 9 18 40013-" .7958 3 21 400" 22 204" 25 402" .7958 10 .8602 5 .9599 10 35 M. von Laue, Ann. d. Physik 78, 167 (1925). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:51:18658 A. L. GREENBERG AND G. H. WALDE!';, JR. MnCIz· 2H20 must be entirely random in the solid solutions. Much has been written in regard to double salts as to whether or not they were "true" compounds or merely a portion of a solid solution series which corresponds to a stoichiometric relationship, e.g., C1endinnen and Rivett12,36 con cluded from their work that these double salts are really eolid solutions. In line with this, the results of our investigation on the substances present at D and E, Fig. 5, indicate that there exists grounds for reasonable doubt for calling these "true" compounds. The existance of the complete series of solid solutions between D and E makes it impossible to definitely demonstrate a finite existence range for either end member. If such an existence range is to be used as the criterion of a true compound then these end members cannot be definitely so designated on the basis of the existing data. We have, neverthe less, used the'term compound for these substances throughout this paper on the basis that they correspond to simple formulae (see Table IV for complete chemical analysis), that they give distinctly different x-ray diffraction patterns from NH4C!· MnCIz·4H 20 and each other, and that they do appear to have existence ranges as indicated by the somewhat vertical portions of the curve at the corresponding compositions of these substances. It would perhaps be better to call these' 'compounds of variable compositions"37 in accordance with a similar procedure used in the metallic systems where the formation of superstructure lines is now attributed to "inter mediate phases" rather than intermetallic com pounds. Many examples are now listed in the literature of compounds having variable compo sitions.37 This has been discussed by Hagg in a general way.3S The picture of such compounds has been extremely useful in explaining the structure of silicates, as for example, the forma tion of NaAISi0 4 from Si02 by the substitution of aluminum for silicon and the interstitial addition of sodium.39 The regular distribution of the MnCl 2• 2H20 in the ammonium chloride lattice increases the axial 36 F. W. J. C(pndinnen and A. C. O. Rivett, J. Chem. Soc. 123, 1634 (1923). 37 C. W. Stillwell, Crystal Chemistry (McGraw-Hill, 1938), pp. 154-157,201-203,330-333. 38 G. Hagg, Zeits. f. Krist. 91, 114 (1935). 39 T. F. W. Barth and E. Posnjak, Zeits. f. Krist. 81,376 (1932) . ratio of the unit.cell from 1.00 to 1.05 and then to 1.09 which are just off-cubic. The unit cell is then tetragonal and the diffraction lines of ammonium chloride are split into two for planer indices containing (hkl) with two unlike numbers, such as 100, 110, 120, etc., but remains single for (hkl) all similar, (111) planes. This is apparent from Tables X and XI in which ammonium chloride diffraction lines are compared with those of the two "compounds." Kusnecov14 undoubtedly made the mistake of using one set of these tetragonal lines from which he computed the lattice constants and found a contraction of the ammonium chloride unit cell. For, if one system atically picks out all the lines which appear displaced from those of ammonium chloride towards higher angles of reflection (larger sin2 () values), it will be found that these can be indexed on the assumption of cubic symmetry and there will be shown a contraction of the ammonium chloride lattice. Thus, in Table X or XI, if we used the 400,440, 800 plane reflections or the 220, 400, 402 plane reflections, respectively, for the 6NH 4C!· MnCI 2• 2H20 and 2NH 4Cl· MnCI 2• 2H20 we could calculate out a unit cell side which is smaller than that of ammonium chloride. How ever, if we chose the other set of lines, 004, 404, 008 and 202, 204, respectively, we could equally well demonstrate an increase in the unit cell side. Kusnecov14 in his x-ray studies missed com pletely the slight expansion of the ammonium t:hloride lattice with entrance of MnCI 2• 2H20 which exists in the solid solution series A-B. The decrease in lattice constant of ammonium chlo ride that he found at concentrations 11.6, 27.6, 32.8,47.0 weight percent manganous chloride are undoubtedly due to measurements, at least from 27.6 weight percent and up, on diffraction lines of the tetragonal compounds and their solid solu tions, on the mistaken assumption that they were ammonium chloride diffraction lines. The possi bility of making such an error has been pointed out above. It illustrates quite clearly the danger of using only a few of the diffraction lines on an x-ray photogram for the purpose of computing la ttice constan ts. We wish to thank Professor Paul F. Kerr of Columbia University for his invaluable help in the microscopic examination of several of our samples, and Mr. Morris Krasnoff for his assistance in drawing the plots and diagrams. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:51:18