I like Strogatz Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos. It won't drag you though all kinds of mathematical PNing, but it does have sufficient structure and rigour that it's possible to do a self-study from it. "It Can't Be Just About Us" 250 US$? You're being ripped off. I didn't pay more than 70 US$ (although that was back when the US$ was half again as expensive as it is now...). Call it a round hundred in today's exchange rates. Eh? This one? £30 from Amazon.co.uk? But hey, it's worth what I paid for it, so why am I complaining? That appears to be the original edition, and there's a 2nd edition out, and yes the hardcover is indeed $265. On further investigation, I find the paperback's also available though, at $95. Hmmm, no used editions. It'll have to wait then. I have lots of other reading lined up.
This gamekeeper sprints for his life after disturbing a hungry hippo while it was stuffing its face. He fled as the angry three-ton beast – which can hit speeds of up to 30mph – charged at him, still with a mouthful of grass. The keeper only managed to escape a nasty end with an impressive 100m dash – in flat work shoes. via Curb your hippo! – mirror.co.uk. Twins born 51 hours apart… Wait. What? After giving birth to her son Ryan, Hayley Phillips thought it wouldn’t be too long before his twin brother followed. In fact, it took a further 51 hours – and a second labour for Miss Phillips – before Lewis eventually made his way into the world. The twins – who as well as being born on different days also have different star signs – are now set to mark their first birthday, with Ryan, a Leo, celebrating tomorrow and Lewis, a Virgo, two days later on Tuesday. via Twins who were born 51 hours apart Mail Online. August 23, 2009 Posted by oldstersview | astrology, Strange | Sun Signs, twins | Comments Off on Twins born 51 hours apart… Wait. What?
Expert help for those who are seriously overweight. Obesity is a disease, not merely a symptom of something else like diet or lack of exercise. Many factors are associated with the disease of obesity, including physical, nutritional and psychological indications. That is why our program provides fully integrated, multidisciplinary services and staff to help our patients lose weight and live life. Our experienced multi-disciplinary team includes a nurse practitioner, clinical dietician, psychologist, and fitness instructor. Every patient receives an individualized plan that includes a range of nutritional and counseling support as well as fitness services. These are the tools needed for patients to be successful in their quest to improve their quality of life and overall health. We offer three weight loss surgery techniques, medically-supervised programs and a strong support system to help patients maintain their new weight. Obesity is a disease. We are the cure. East Orange General Hospital’s importance as a New Jersey community hospital and as an emerging premiere urban medical center has taken on increasing significance as neighboring communities have suffered the loss of their hospitals and more face financial difficulties in the region. The hospital has received full accreditation as a result of a survey by The Joint Commission, one of healthcare’s leading accrediting bodies. The accreditation is a national seal of approval that the Hospital meets high performance standards in quality, patient safety, treatment and services.
Attitude is like a mental window of your life. Through which you can see the world. If you have a muddy window then you will face adversity in your life and blame your rotten luck. In reality, the problem was not in your rotten luck. It was in your faulty imagination. The best way to live your life is to keep cleaning your mental window. Example:“Sara went to the coffee shop. A few minutes later, Sam walked into the same coffee shop. Sam sat down at a table a few feet away from Sara. The same waitress served Sara and Sam. Each customer waited about the same amount of time before the waitress took the order. Each of them received their meal around the same time but that’s where the similarities ended. You are a Human Magnet. Like attract like, we all know that. It is same with the mind. Your mind will attract the type of folk and circumstances, according to your dominant thought. The thoughts you keep repeating in your mind throughout the day become your dominant thought. These thoughts lead your life, attracting similar folks and circumstances to you. To develop a positive attitude. You have to change dominant thoughts but you cannot change thought by saying ten seconds positive talk and the remaining hours putting garbage in your mind. A little positivity does not get the job done. Make a habit to think positive and constructive thought. It is the best way to change your faulty imagination or thought process. Picture your way to success. Visualization in the powerful key to produce thought in reality. Visualization is the process of creating a mental movie in your mind. It aids you to determine: type of relationship you want, a degree of success you want to achieve, the money you want to accumulate. Unfortunately, we are not aware of it and playing the same mental movie from our childhood that ruins our life. Make a Commitment and You Will Move Mountains. To achieve something outstanding. You have to make a commitment. Making commitment helps you to pave your way towards your destination, and through hard work and persistent you can grasp the goal you set. Once you committed to achieving something huge. You will create a mental movie of your success, which in turn attract people, event, and circumstances that help you to reach your goals. Adversity taught us to make certain changes in our life. In the meantime, we suffer from this changes but we do not know. It is blessing in disguise. Some habits you would accumulate through adversity. Adversity encourage us to make necessary changes in our life. Adversity aid you to withdraw hidden potential within you. Adversity teaches us to be grateful for the small things. Adversity teaches us to look world differently. Adversity helps us to build self-esteem and confidence. Your worlds Blaze a Trails. Do you think words can alter your life? In reality, words have hidden potential in it. The choice of words you made define your personality. Words have the ability to make your carrier or to destroy it. Depends upon the type of words you chose on daily basis. The first step to change your life is to look the words you used on the daily basis in fields: Relationship, finance, Career, and health. Example: “Tom has a thought, ‘I am not very good when it comes to sales.’ Now, let’s remember that he does not have this thought only once. He is run it through his mind on a regular basis, maybe hundreds or thousands of times in his life. How do you feel when someone (in your friend) pours all of his negativity onto you? I know what you are thinking. You would never try to meet him again. You should be aware of, the complaints you made. Complaints do not work in our favor instead of; it works against you in three ways. No one wants to hear negativity. Complains attract complains and it increased your pain. Complain distract you from the constructive actions. The folk you hang out with defining your future. That’s why. In childhood, our parents are much concern to meet with our friends. As they know, friends can greatly influence our life. Confront Your Fears and Grow. Stretch yourself. Adopt a mindset that helps you acquire what you want. Remember, repetition is the key, like any other muscle. It will build up and encourage you to do something great. Get Out There and Fails. To wear the crown of victory on your head! You must be willing to be failed. Successful folk knows to achieve something astounding. You must willing to fail and keep on doing something until you reached your destination. Here are the ten golden rules, you should pin in your mind. Effectively participate in a group or organization. Do not stop the flow of messages(keep in touch with each other peer). Congrats folk for their accomplishment. Make new friends in your field. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living Summary.
Cybercrime is on the rise and recent reports show an increase in law firms and clients being targeted by scammers, particularly in relation to conveyancing and probate fraud. At Pinkney Grunwells, we are committed to protecting both you and our business from becoming victims of fraud. We are satisfied that our procedures are as robust as they can be and are placing increased focus on warning clients about the risk of cybercrime and ensuring staff are fully trained to identify the potential warning signs. For more information and general tips on how to stay safe online, follow the links below or speak to the solicitor dealing with your case.
Despite several recent advances, Streptococcus pneumoniae is still a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among very young, elderly and immunocompromised individuals all over the world. Pneumococcal surface adhesin A (PsaA) is a multifunctional lipoprotein present on all known serotypes of S. pneumoniae and is significantly involved in bacterial adherence and virulence. Mutations in PsaA reduce growth, virulence, and adherence of pathogen. Moreover, this protein inhibits complements activation, binds lactoferrin, and elicits protective systemic immunity against pneumococcal infection. Identification of PsaA peptides that optimally bind human leukocyte antigen (HLA) would greatly contribute to global vaccine efforts, but this is hindered by the multitude of HLA polymorphisms. We used an experimental data set of 28 PsaA synthetic peptides and in silico methods to predict peptide binding to HLA and murine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II. We also characterized spleen- and cervical lymph node (CLN)-derived helper T lymphocyte cytokine responses to these peptides after S. pneumoniae strain EF3030-challenge in mice. Individual, yet overlapping peptides, 15 amino acids in length revealed residues 231 to 268 of PsaA consistently caused the highest IFN- γ , IL-2, IL-5, IL-17 responses and proliferation as well as moderate IL-10 and IL-4 responses by ex vivo stimulated splenic and CLN CD4 + T cells isolated from S. pneumoniae strain EF3030-challenged F 1 (B6 x BALB/c) mice. IEDB, RANKPEP, SVMHC, MHCPred, and SYFPEITHI in silico analysis tools revealed that peptides PsaA231-268 also interact with a broad range of HLA-DP, -DQ, and -DR alleles. These data suggest that predicted MHC class II-peptide binding affinities not only correlate with T helper (Th) cytokine and proliferative responses to PsaA peptides, but when used together with in vivo validation can be a useful tool to choose candidate pneumococcal HTL epitopes.
Should Applying for a US Passport Renewal Be on Your Fall To-Do List? It’s finally fall. Summer’s over, kids are back in school, and it’s time to start thinking about the holidays. Should getting a US passport renewal be on your to-do list this fall? Possibly-check the expiration date, and keep in mind that the US Department of State recommends applying for a US passport renewal 9 months before your current passport expires. All of Europe is on holiday in the summer, it seems-which makes the fall a particularly nice time to visit. Say “Ciao!” to long lines, crowds and stifling heat, and enjoy a quieter, more relaxed European vacation. With world-class ski facilities like Whistler in British Columbia, Canada is an excellent place to hit the powder this fall and winter. Ski season in Canada generally begins in November and ends in April, so if you’re planning to go this year, now is an excellent time to apply for that US passport renewal. Under the WHTI, passports are required for US citizens flying into/out of Canada. When driving into/out of Canada, you need a passport, a passport card, an enhanced driver’s license, or another form of WHTI-compliant ID like a NEXUS, SENTRI or FAST card. If you can’t bear to let go of that summer sunshine just yet, why not follow it? After all, September may mark the beginning of fall in the US, but great beach weather can still be found in the Caribbean, South America, or even further afield, in Thailand or Australia. Are you dreading the upcoming hustle and bustle of the holiday season? Sometimes, the best way to appreciate the holidays is to experience them somewhere else. Whether you just want to see the way another culture celebrates the holidays or you’d prefer to go all Ebenezer Scrooge and avoid them entirely, apply for a US passport renewal now and you’ll be all set!
If your website is not fast enough, people who are visiting it will feel and act in the exact same way that you and I would. Meaning, there will be a dose of irritation, which will convert in impatience. Those emotions will evoke action. Namely – bounce. Except in the cases where you really, really want or need to enter a website, you will most probably bounce, if it doesn’t load in, say, 4-5 seconds. There are studies that show all this is caused by the high-speed internet and the way that all of our modern technologies work. Which, in essence, are reinforcing the craving of instant gratification, that all of us have. But wait, there is more! The loading speed of your website is also crucial for your SEO. The search engines are trying to give their customers the best experience, so they are striving to put the most relevant and faster-loading website on the higher positions of their result pages. You already know that you have to take care of the loading speed of your WordPress website, so let’s not waste time and dive into the WordPress Performance Optimization. There are a lot of reasons to use WordPress Hosting. And if you are about to create a website on WordPress probably the best thing you can do is to do so using WordPress Hosting. Doing so will optimize the performance of your WordPress website. Start your blog in less than 20 minutes! When you visit a website, your browser (most of them) is caching the content you see. Meaning, it temporary stores web documents like HTML pages and image. This information technology is used in order for the server lag to be reduced. Yet, WordPress’ pages are dynamically built every time someone visits your website. That results in a bit of lag because the CMS has to request from the database the information need for the page to be constructed and displayed. To overcome this lag, you’ll need to install a plugin. And as probably all of the features that you can add to your WordPress, there are a vast number of plugins that you can use. My personal preferences are leading me towards WP Super Cache. Mainly because it’s easy to set it up and yet, the result is noticeable. Keeping your WordPress updated is as much important for the security of your site, as it is for its performance. By keeping up to date you’ll get all the new features of the CMS but will also make it reliable and faster. Of course, not all updates are making your website faster, but every once in a while an update will address that, and your website should be updated when that happens. This is one more thing you can do to optimize your WordPress performance. Images are really important part of your content and the overall look and feel of a website. But if they are not optimized for web, you’ll have a hard time retaining visitors on your website. Images have two main metrics to be observed. Size of resolution and size of the file. An image, if optimized, can have nearly the same resolution as its original but the file size could be shrunk enormously. This is an important step because no matter how big an image is, in sense of resolution, if it is not optimized, in sense of file size, it could delay the delivery of your content to the visitors. And we all know, delivery delay is always annoying. There are a lot of ways of optimizing images. One of which is, of course, Photoshop. I would recommend you to use. JPEG file format. But if you are not familiar with Photoshop, you can use other tools. Some of them are free and a lot simpler than Photoshop. When you are creating posts or pages, and you are constantly updating (and saving) your work, all the revisions are saved in the database of your website. As you can guess, all these revisions of your content are taking up space and loading time, so you will be better off without them. There are, of course, plugins that can and will take care of all those revisions, but you can simply add a line of code into your wp-config.php file and achieve the exact same result. Plus, you won’t install a plugin. Thus, the space liberated from the revisions won’t be taken from the plugin. It will limit your WordPress Installation to save only the last 4 revisions of each post or page and delete all the previous ones. Learn more about how WordPress works. Check out AwardSpace’s WordPress Tutorials. The loading speed of your website is crucial to the success of all you do online. Thus, you always have to take care of your WordPress’ performance. There are tools that will allow you to track your WordPress Hosting performance. Optimizing your WordPress website is an ongoing process that you have to take care of, on regular basis. Thus, you can follow the guidelines above, and track the performance afterward. Doing so will make your website visitors thankful and your projects will flourish.
A once-in-a-decade upgrade to our wireless systems is coming this year. The technology world is already abuzz with excitement about the transition to 5G in 2019. But those of you who might not be as tech-obsessed may have some questions about what 5G is and why it’s such a big deal. We break it down for you in this week’s Tech on Tuesday. Fifth-generation cellular networks, or 5G for short, is a set of technical ground rules which define the workings of a cellular network. This includes the radio frequency used and how things like computer chips and antennas handle radio signals and exchange data. Engineers from various companies have been meeting to agree on new specifications for cell networks since the first cellphones were demonstrated in the 1970s. But it doesn’t just affect your smartphones. Other devices like industrial robots, security cameras, drones and cars that send traffic data to one another will all see the impact of 5G. It’s safe to say 5G will be noticeably faster than our current 4G, but just how fast will that be? Qualcomm, the wireless chip maker, told the New York Times it had shown peak 5G download speeds of 4.5 gigabits, but expect initial median speeds of about 1.4 gigabits. That is about 20 times faster than the current 4G experience. Users will especially notice the 5G speeds in higher-quality streaming video. Qualcomm says downloading a standard movie at the median speed will take 17 seconds with 5G, as opposed to six minutes to download for 4G. When will we see 5G in the U.S.? While the precise timing is unclear, smartphone users in the United States should see 5G by the second quarter of 2019. AT&T has already switched on mobile 5G service in 12 cities, but right now smartphones aren’t ready for a direct connection to 5G networks. Until then, AT&T will market a 5G hot-spot device to funnel wireless broadband connections to nearby phones and computers. Right now, the first Samsung smartphones for AT&T’s 5G network is expected to be available in the first half of this year. Apple users may have to wait a little longer, as analysts predict iPhones with 5G capabilities won’t arrive until 2020.
A hot day spent at the Shuttleworth RAF 100 which was rather disappointing when the visiting modern aircraft were parked along the crowd line really restricting the view. Then of course there was the damage done to property and to people hit by flying debris when a foresaid modern plane G-ILZZ open both engines up to turn round, not once but twice. ​They really need to plan this far better as what could have been a really enjoyable day was spoilt by, ............ the equivalent to Boy Racers.
11 lisinopril dosage levels Rev. J. Spear, Bargentown, Gloucester couRty, N. J. 14 lisinopril 10 mg recall attendants or family. The operation was performed by Dr. 17 side effects of stopping lisinopril hctz 456-471. Also, transl. : Deutsche iiied. Wchnschr., Leipz.
RE/COVER Green is made of high-grade ecological elastomers and 90% regenerative raw materials like castor and rapeseed oil. With there being a growing demand of acting in an ecological and sustainable manner within the Architecture and Interior Design industries, Vorwerk Carpets has launched a new Organic Elastic Flooring named ‘RE/COVER Green’. RE/COVER Green is made of high-grade ecological elastomers and 90% regenerative raw materials. One basic component is castor and rapeseed oil from the seeds of the tropical castor oil tree. The Organic Polyols extracted from castor and rapeseed oil replaces the PVCs which are used for conventional flooring design. German ecological products and technologies are innovative, reliable and assume a pioneering role on an International scale. The organic flooring is extremely durable and resistant to wear and tear. This makes for an excellent choice for heavy-duty workload areas such as offices, retailing, healthcare, hotels or public-access buildings. There are 60 unique styles and designs, providing a wide variety of ecological and unique floor options to fulfil high aesthetic standards. Plain Hued Styles: The Plain Hued styles are Monochrome, giving a discreet sparkling effect. This is inspired by a water surface in motion and a lively appearance as it slightly reflects the surroundings. Printed Styles: Interpretations of woods, stone and metal. Parts: Available in three different sizes and allows various plank formats to be combined. The textures interpret materials from nature and the environment in different degrees of abstraction. RE/COVER Green fulfils all ecological specifications and a combination of seals for quality approval.
Enjoyment doesn’t need reasons per se and I’m sure most of the house parties see the wee hours of the morning. So when you have friends over at your place, it is obvious for you to munch on some snacks and grab some Beers, right? Oh no… give the beer a pass and bring in some mouth watering Rum Cocktails! Rum is available in various types like white rum, gold rum, dark rum, spiced rum, flavored rum, overproof rum, and premium rum. These are sure to meet the taste buds of every kind of person. So enliven your party with some of these Rum Cocktails and make the party worth remembering. Let’s indulge in some Rum Therapy with these easy cocktail recipes. Mix up all the ingredients in a highball glass filled with ice. Garnish with lime wedge. Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice cubes and serve in chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with half lime slice. Pour the white rum into a pitcher, add the powdered sugar, and stir well to dissolve. Add the finely chopped mango, orange and lime juice, and stir well to combine. Put 4 ice cubes and a spoon into each glass, pour in the drink, making certain that the mango pieces are divided equally and serve. Pour all ingredients into shaker filled with ice. Shake well. Pour into highball glass, filled with ice. Garnish with cocktail cherry and pineapple. Blend all the ingredients with crushed ice until smooth. Pour into chilled poco grande glass, garnished with a pineapple slice and serve. Mix up the mint sprigs with sugar and lime juice. Add rum and top it with some soda water. Garnish with sprig of mint leaves, served with a straw in a collins glass. Memorise these recipes and flaunt your enviable rum mixing skills! Leftover Dal Recipes to Give Your Taste Buds a Treat!
This new music video is for Nas’ single Bye Baby. This song appears on the recently released album Life Is Good You can download the album here. Below is Big Shug’s War In The Club track produced by Lee Bannon. This song appears on the recently released I.M. 4-Eva album: You can download the album here. The American People Just Don’t Like Mitt…Republicans Trying To Lose? Rapsody dropped a visual for her single Kind Of Love [produced by 9th Wonder]. Rapsody’s latest project The Idea of Beautiful is currently available on iTunes.
* Action to send a note to the specified user. The code is not updated, i will update now. Sorry, my mistake. * Action to load all the users notes given by admin/moderators. Ah, my bad! Thanks Fuhrmann - Up and running again now! That's true. Thanks ragtek. Always helping!
Olemme kumppanoituneet alan parhaiden ratkaisuiden ja tuotteiden valmistajien kanssa voidaksemme tarjota asiakkaillemme korkealaatuiset välineet tietoturvauhkien kartoitukseen, riskien pienentämiseen ja hallintaan alati digitalisoituvassa ja verkottuvassa maailmassa sekä tehostamaan toimintaa ja tietotekniikan monipuolista käyttöä päivittäisessä toiminnassa. Centrify is a leader in securing enterprise identities against cyberthreats that target today’s hybrid IT environment of cloud, mobile and on-premises. Centrify helps protect against the leading point of attack used in data breaches―compromised credentials—by securing an enterprise’s users as well as its privileged accounts. Bitrix24 is a collaboration platform launched in 2012. Bitrix24 provides a complete suite of social collaboration, communication and management tools for your team, including CRM, files sharing, project management, calendars, and more. Bitrix24 is available in cloud and on premise. F-Secure is a European cyber security company with decades of experience in defending enterprises and consumers against everything from opportunistic ransomware infections to advanced cyber attacks. Its comprehensive set of services and award-winning products use F-Secure’s patented security innovations and sophisticated threat intelligence to protect tens of thousands of companies and millions of people. F-Secure’s security experts have participated in more European cyber crime scene investigations than any other company in the market, and its products are sold all over the world by over 200 operators and thousands of resellers. Kaspersky Lab is a global cybersecurity company founded in 1997. Kaspersky Lab’s deep threat intelligence and security expertise is constantly transforming into security solutions and services to protect businesses, critical infrastructure, governments and consumers around the globe. The company’s comprehensive security portfolio includes leading endpoint protection and a number of specialized security solutions and services to fight sophisticated and evolving digital threats. Over 400 million users are protected by Kaspersky Lab technologies and we help 270,000 corporate clients protect what matters most to them. Most tested. Most awarded. Kaspersky Lab Protection. Today, Lenovo is a US$34 billion personal technology company and the world’s largest PC vendor. We have more than 33,000 employees in more than 60 countries serving customers in more than 160 countries. A global Fortune 500 company, we have headquarters in Beijing, China and Morrisville, North Carolina, U.S.; major research centers in Yokohama, Japan; Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan and Shenzhen, China; and Morrisville; and we have manufacturing around the world from Greensboro, North Carolina and Monterrey, Mexico to India, China and Brazil. We make the best known PC notebook in the world. It’s a ThinkPad—and in 20 years, more than 90 million of them have been sold. IBM, frequently referred to as “Big Blue,” got its start in hardware and prospered in that business for decades, becoming the top supplier of mainframe computers. Over the years, the company shifted its focus from hardware to software and services. By the 2010s, IBM further modified its business mix to emphasize such fields as cloud-based services and cognitive computing. IBM Watson, a cognitive system, has become the company’s high-visibility offering in the latter technology segment. IBM, while still a major IT player, has lost the dominance it enjoyed during the mainframe era. The company, as of October 2016, had seen 18 consecutive quarters of revenue declines amid its transition into new technologies and lines of business. IBM had a 2015 revenue of $81.7 billion compared with $106.9 billion in 2011.
We build custom software to unleash your business. You know what your business needs. When your needs call for custom software development, you may not have the expertise to design and build software systems in-house. We do, and we deliver exceptional results. We’ll sort out your software design & development needs. We couple best practices with holistic innovation and apply it to your domain, so you can focus on other important things. We’ll help you launch your own SaaS offering. We’ll build custom software for your enterprise. Need help doing something specific with OACC? Why get support for an open-source framework? OACC - pronounced [oak] - is our advanced open-source Java™ Application Security Framework that provides a rich API to both enforce and manage your authorization needs. OACC is a permission based authorization framework for Java™ applications. In a nutshell, OACC allows your application to enforce security by answering the question: Is entity 'A' allowed to perform action 'p' on entity 'B'? Because OACC is a complete access control framework it does not require DIY implementation to enable the programmatic and dynamic modeling of fine-grained authorization. It features a fully implemented RDBMS-backed data store for its security model, which the API manages for you behind the scenes. Copyright © 2007-2016 Acciente LLC. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
n. 1. (Anat.) A muscle which surrounds, and by its contraction tends to close, a natural opening; as, the sphincter of the bladder. a. 1. (Anat.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a sphincter; as, a sphincter muscle. A round muscle that opens and closes to let fluid or other matter pass into or out of an organ. Sphincter muscles keep the bladder closed until it is time to urinate.
The Michigan State Spartans have announced a future football series called “Celebrate the State.” Between 2011 and 2020, the Spartans will face Central Michigan, Eastern Michigan and Western Michigan four times each. The Spartans will host the Eagles in East Lansing in 2012, 2014 and 2016. In either 2018 or 2020, the Spartans will travel to face the Eagles at Rynearson Stadium. Michigan State is 8-0-0 all-time against Eastern Michigan. Michigan State will host Central Michigan in East Lansing in 2011, 2015 and 2018. The Spartans will travel to face the Chippewas at Kelly/Shorts Stadium in 2012. The Spartans are 4-3-0 all-time against the Chippewas. The Spartans will host the Broncos in East Lansing in 2013, 2017 and 2019. In 2015, the Broncos will host the Spartans at Waldo Stadium. Michigan State is 8-2-0 all-time against Western Michigan, and the Spartans have won the last 6 meetings.
This Episode offers 2 exclusive DJ Sets. On Demand streaming is enabled. The music is wonderful!! Please, enjoy! Gabriel Filip began his journey in music from a young age in Romania where he always had an interest drawn towards electronic music. This was due to the influence he aspired from his social surroundings and friends, who at the time were involved in this particular style. At the age of 14 his inspiration was sparked after visiting a friend who was also involved in electronic music and had developed his skill to be able to show Gabriel various programs, techniques and styles directed on the working process of developing this style of music through various softwares. A year after being involved in this working process, he then decided to form a band in the city with another two members and named the group ‘Electric sound’. After a valuable time in broadening his knowledge in all areas of part-taking in an electronic band, the group decided to go there separate ways and follow their individuality. Although this was a slight turning point, he never lost his passion for music and continued to pursue his passion and practice his skills in producing music and always maintained positive feedback from the tracks he produced. In 2010 Gabriel officially moved to Cyprus after a five year time period of visiting the country, where he met Aristos Vattis at Limassol Marina’s roof bar who was a DJ/Producer playing at the time, who is also the founder of Airland music. After discussions on their mutual, common shared interest, Gabriel joined the team and was given the opportunity to show his talents. His style has developed to be a combination of deep house/dark chill-out. His first tracks were released in collaboration with Airland music studios in 2017.
InfoWorx has experience developing direct response radio commercials from writing radio ads to radio commercial production. When you work with InfoWorx, you can be confident that your direct response radio ads are created by professionals who know how to communicate in an audio only environment. Long-form infomercials (30 minutes) are also produced for radio. These infomercials are often formatted like talk radio-with hosts, guests and callers. Radio infomercials can be very cost effective. They are relatively inexpensive to produce and media buying costs are significantly less than television. Radio infomercials can be produced in a shorter time and can get to air quickly. This medium is perfect as a start up direct response medium and an additional sales channel. Radio long form infomercials are perfect building blocks for categories that work in a talk show format.
Poovar Island Resort is an explorer’s haven where an island of almost indescribable beauty awaits you, just 30 KMS away from Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city of Kerala. So far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, hidden amidst swaying coconut palms, endless golden sands and lush vegetation, a boat cruise along the palm-fringed shores of bewitching backwaters And you have arrived at the Poovar Island Resort. A place where nature is at her enchanting best; picture-perfect, Swaying coconut palms, endless golden sands, deep blue sea, emerald green backwaters, red-orange sunsets and verdant green vegetation. Nature has used all the colors of her palette to create this dreamscape around the Resort. Blue sea meets the green backwaters here and time stands still. Peace and tranquility reigns. Stress, tension, deadlines, and pressure become mere sounds, words without meanings. Rush hour traffic is just a rumor. Poovar Island Resort, A place to lose yourself and to reinvent the finest moments of life, an experience that is truly out of this world. Poovar Island Resort, A place to lose yourself and to reinvent the finest moments of life, an experience that is truly out of this world. Guest Relation Executive or similar staff . Yes you can divide the amount and pay on any mode. there is no tax waiver. PAYMENTS & CANCELLATION POLICY Confirmation of Cottages against advance payment only, Payments may be made by VISA and MasterCard. Payments may also be made to our bank account in Trivandrum via cheque payable at par / demand draft. HDFC BANK A/C No. 00632000001783 Poovar Island Resort, Trivandrum. For cancellations received 30 days or more 100% refund; 14 days or more 50% refund; less than 14 days of arrival no refund No refund for cancellations on bookings from 20 Dec '15 to 10 Jan '16.
Info about Hudson Falls Music members are listed below. Everyone listed below participated in Music when they went to high school. Registering allows you to be listed with your fellow Music members. Looking for Hudson Falls alumni who participated in Music but are not listed? Classmates.com® has hundreds of more Hudson Falls alumni listed.
Thank you very much to Chicken House for choosing 'The Firefly Cage' as the winner of this year's The Times / Chicken House Children's Fiction Competition. It definitely has not yet sunk in at all that my book was chosen as the winner and I expect normal reality to resume sometime soon. Being involved in the competition has been a pleasure. Thanks to all those involved in the organisation and the judging. A big thank you and congratulations also to all the short-listed authors (Janine Barnett-Phillips, Tracy Darnton, Julie Mee and Jamie Smith) who have been on this journey with me and to whom I wish every future success.
The Defendants’ case as to the scale on which Jews were gassed to death at camps excluding Auschwitz and the extent, if any, of Hitler’s knowledge of and complicity in the killing. The oral and written statements made by Irving which are relied on by the Defendants for their contention that he is a Holocaust denier and the evidence relied on by the Defendants for their assertion that Irving’s denials are false. Holes in the roof of morgue 1 at crematorium 2? Transcribed from the trial documents into HTML by Addison-Wesley, and translated into XML based on the HTML and print editions by the Beck Center staff. project description :Trial transcripts, expert witness documents and other material used in Irving vs. Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt have been encoded in XML using the TEI Guidelines, and made available for scholarly research and educational purposes. editorial declaration :Obvious errors in spelling or punctuation have not been corrected in any way. The canonical source document is the trial document. In some cases material was added or deleted from the versions of the documents that became the html version, and in other cases, authorial changes were made to the trial documents. These sections are noted with add or addSpan elements for additions or del or delSpan elements for deletions. Paragraphs including q or quote elements indicate material that is in a block quote. Where the title of a work is italicized, it is marked with a title element, both in the text and in footnotes. Pages are numbered at the bottom of the page. bottom blockquote blockquote italicIn the judgment, the pages are numbered at the bottom of the page. All quotes are replaced with straight quotes.
Big Boys Hobbies and Garrett Metal Detectors is pleased to announce a new special for this fall, the ACE 250 Adventure Pack. This limited-time package offers your buyers an impressive group of accessories to go along with their ACE 250 purchase. ACE 250 Adventure Pack Fall Special (# 1139010) MSRP $339.95 Savings value of $61.60. Family Treasure Hunting field guide (#1546300). The package price MSRP is a savings of $61.60, compared to the MSRP of buying an ACE 250 and the eight acces- sories individually.
iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus: Which should I upgrade to? Before finally seeing Apple making its foray into the phablet market I had been waiting for a number of years now. One of the greatest innovator of our time, Steve Jobs, once famously stated the iPhone size that was original was the ideal form factor. A cellphone with screen size smaller in relation to the iPhone was said to not be good. Anything will be big. For many years now, Apple’s close rivals have been releasing larger screen smartphones and the strategy seems to be going very well with smartphone users. I thought it was the final opportunity that I’m giving to Apple this year. If they’re not releasing a bigger iPhone, I was all set to produce a switch away from the iPhone. For quite a while now, I ‘d been excited to get the Galaxy Note 3 but it was because of my despise for Samsung that I ‘d not been making the switch. Now the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus had been formally unveiled, it leaves me in a situation that is difficult to make my pick. I know there are millions of people out there who’d similar predicament as me. The massive size of the iPhone 6 Plus is definitely an appealing factor. But not long after it was made available, there had been tonnes of reviews and reports that uncover a possible design flaw with the iPhone 6 Plus. Referred to some as the ‘bendgate’ scandal, when you place it in your back pocket iPHone 6 Plus had been reported to be bendable. It has been several years now since I’ve been needing to upgrade from my iPhone 4. All the hypes and dilemmas leave me in doubt if it’s the very best time to get the iPhone 6 Plus now or is it better to go with the smaller iPhone 6 instead. Is the screen size of the iPhone 6 large enough. I am thinking if I’ll regret my decision for getting the smaller screen. It makes me wonder whether the screen size is all there is that we have to consider when picking between the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. I’m really not sure. I’m still looking for that someone to enlighten me on this issue. Putting on a hat can tell a good deal regarding a person. The hat is able to unveil the wearer’s occupation, the style quotient of the individual, or perhaps the hat may be worn to protect you from the bright sun light. Hats were once an important part of a woman or man’s wardrobe and, although those days have passed, hats are actually seeing a small come back in the fashion world. There’s a wide selection of hats for women and men available in the market plus both may select in accordance with their preference. They are able to choose hats produced from different types of materials like wool or felt or straw or cotton or canvas. Coming from a dapper fedora to a lady’s pill box hat, you can find one to match any situation. There are actually occasions in which it is popular to wear hats that are stylish or outlandish. One such popular event where hats take up an important role for the fashion conscious is the Kentucky Derby. It is somewhat like a custom to wear hats during the derby season and individuals that keep to the traditions are pretty serious, while on the other hand few individuals seize the chance to experiment with the design by wearing hats which are produced from fake flowers, feathers, fruits or other one of a kind designs. Whenever you might be selecting a hat to get, you ought to usually try it on, not only for size, but to see how well it goes along with the shape of your face as well as your complexion. You need to choose a hat that is of bold color as it goes well with the color of your hair and skin. By no means pick a round hat if you possess a round face. It will make your face seem to be shorter and plumper. Sun hats having wide brims are available in many different designs and colors for spring and summer. There usually are styles which tend to be designed to end up being worn at the pool together with your swimming costume or even some wide brim hats tend to be best to put on with a sundress whenever you decide to go out to lunch with close friends. Wide brim hats are also extremely practical. Moreover hats safeguard your neck and face area along with head from becoming tanned when you are gardening or are simply lying on the seaside. The brim functions as a shield and in addition to protecting from the sun rays also helps to keep you much cooler. The majority of brimmed hats tend to be designed to offer shade, however for highest protection, you need to select those that have a larger brim. An additional thing to consider is the material that the hat is made. Whether they happen to be idling in your closet or perhaps on a coat tree, hats accumulate airborne dirt and dust and if you purchase hats made from fabrics like wool, suede or felt, you might need to have them cleaned professionally. Straw can be very easily cleaned and you may be able to toss a cotton or canvas cap directly into the washer to be cleaned. Hats for men and women can be a very exciting accessory and you need not be very serious about selection of any one of them. It is a gloomy day to most of us who have come to know this man through his adrenaline-pumping books and novels. The passing of Tom Clancy marks a loss to guys like yourself and myslef who have been exposed to (and grown old) with his intriguing espionage stories and close to real-life art of works. I am writing this piece as a mini tribute to one of the biggest writer that I have known to have ever lived. I have read every single book authored by Tom Clancy. My ultimate favorite is ‘Red Storm Rising’. I’m sure every one of you has your own favorite, so just feel free to share yours in the comments below. The discussion about Casio G-Shock watches is virtually equivalent to the discussion about tough watches. A decade has passed since its first production but no other watch could replace G-Shock from the career of king of tough watches. However, there also a number of tougher watches than Casio G-shock Brand which you can easily reach. It is only that neither of the alternative watch makers has their focus solely on making the world’s most solid watches. You’ll be surprised that even in markets like military uses, there are a number of choices available. The timekeeping procedure is followed all around the world and so there are endless uses of watch. You can also see the apparel style or dress code which is appropriate to your own watch may be distinct from now and again. Watches for armed forces should be created with some consideration about the uniform’s shade. Here is the chief reason for which watches G-Shock military inspired series are of the colors like like grey, olive green, navy blue. Some watches that are specially designed to wear along with glamorous gown should have some sparkle color, for example silver and gold. Where to purchase your demanding watch is dependent on your own taste. I know some people still love going to their local watch store to buy their watches. If you are the sort of shopper who needs to physically touch and see an item prior to buying, then online shopping may not be your cup of tea. The reason for which I want to buy my tough watches online is the reality that I get to do plenty of research work through the reviews of other users prior to buying. In addition, with hundreds of online stores at your disposal, I normally have a higher possibility of finding small versions such as G-Shock military inspired series online. It is important consider the several things before deciding to buy a tough watch. The most crucial considerations are watch movement and the strap material. There are few different materials that are usually used to make the strap of tough watches. Titanium and stainless steel are popular watch materials; although they enrich the look of tough watches they are not the best for the military niche. That is why most G-Shock military inspired series use resin sort of material that can take on different camouflage colors. The watch movement is very important because poor quality movement will not last particularly during a fall. It is necessary to read rough watches review before making a choice of purchase. It is impossible to get the toughest watches if you do not read and compare the watches available in the market. Finding the finest watch that will match your character can be difficult for you, particularly should you not know how exactly to do it. It is vital to go through the critiques of tough watches so you have access to the widest change of accessible tough watches. Make sure you are clear about your own personal demand so that you understand what issues to look out for. G-Shock group should be the first name that occurs for most buyers looking for the toughest watches in the world. In case that you don’t like the look of Casio G-shock, then there are other options available from different manufacturers. But do not equate military watches as the toughest watches since they’re not. As a last note, a tough watch will last you for a long time so do not attempt to skimp on this one. Should there be one thing that unites the various cultures and cuisines together, it’ll be coffee. Today, Coffee remains the world’s most loved drink. This is regardless of numerous efforts to highlight the disadvantage of caffeine which have been conducted through various types of studies. You are able to go to common sites like Mc Cafe and grab a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Despite the popularity of such institutions, I was astonished to learn that when given a choice, most coffee drinkers prefer to brew their own cup of coffee. Household appliance makers are quick to identify this growing market segment which explains why we’re seeing a wide variety of form of coffee makers in the market. As consumers, we may genuinely believe that more options always mean better. On the contrary, the task of finding the Best Coffee Maker is made difficult as a result of the aggressive marketing campaign used by the many manufacturers. That is why getting hold of good coffee maker reviews is essential. Whenever you are buying a coffee maker, there are many factors to consider. While capacity of your coffeemaker is essential, don’t forget about other factors including the ease of maintenance and price. Selecting the most appropriate capacity that fits to your need is very important because of few reasons. If you are brewing for group consumption, the best coffee maker for your case is those with larger capacity such as 4-cups coffee makers instead of single serve coffee makers that are more suitable for individual consumption. The brewing time taken by a single serve coffee maker is faster than the time required by a 4-cups coffee maker. Furthermore, expect smaller water tank capacity when you are buying single serve coffee makers. The size range of most coffee glasses is between 4 to 8oz. It is logical for 4-cup coffee makers to take on greater dimension. Understanding the maintenance effort required out of the coffeemaker that you are purchasing can be important. Some coffee machines have rinse functionality. Using the press of a button, this feature allows you to clean the filter after each use. Your coffeemaker budget might range between less than $100 to more than $1000, depending on the features and brands that you are buying. Rich set of features are found in higher priced coffee machine models but only few of them are really useful. For that reason, to avoid investing in features which is of little use to you, it’s very important to carefully examine the usefulness of each feature. Having an excellent espresso machine and highest quality coffee beans are not the only part of the equation to making great brew of coffee. A espresso maker may be excellent but unless you learn how to use it, you will not gain the most from it. The exact same can be said of premium quality beans. If you bought a pack of coffee bean, whether it’s from Dunkin Donuts or Green Mountain, it’s very important to understand what level of coarseness is the bean best suited for. Certain beans are suitable for more coarser setting while some are ideal for finer grinding. You will then have to check if the espresso machine that you have can make great coffee with all the coarseness of your pounded beans. Just then, you’ll have the whole ingredients into making a perfect coffee. Espresso as a drink, will continue to attract new followers and caffeine use will remain a controversial issue. There’s nothing more satisfying than being able to brew your own cup of coffee even when this means you’ve to put in more effort. To obtain the most out of your coffees, you have to grind them right before brewing and that is why having coffee grinder at home is essential. Cost isn’t the single factor in determining the best coffee maker but good quality coffee makers don’t come cheap so that you have to be really careful in selecting one. The greatest sound solution for your living-room at present is definitely a sound bar. Sound bars are now produced by a great number of electronics and sound companies. The end result is that We now have numerous sound bars to choose from, to test, and naturally have fun with. Because there are a great number of sound bars, sound bar reviews grow to be vital when reaching conclusion to buy one. Lately, sound bars have displaced home theater in the box as the utmost prominent music solution in the family area. I am not disappointed considering that sound bars pack quite a value for this cost and the simpleness. The greatest advantage of a sound bar is definitely it’s simpleness. A sound bar is very easy to put together, but it really produces superior quality audio reproduction. Thanks to sound bars, you don’t need to setup the rear speakers, hence it’s simpleness and cost reduction to achieve a surround setup. Without having rear speakers, sound bars make it easy for perhaps even beginner audio enthusiast to achieve fantastic surround installation without the need of help. Without rear speakers, sound bars permit straightforward living-room installation: no more back audio speakers wiring together. Sound bars eliminate all these problems linked to the home entertainment solution setup at your home. Today everyone can have a good surround installation without having to pay out big cash. When one buys a brand new sound bar, there are several factors to consider. Acoustic quality is the most important consideration accompanied by product suitability and price tag. Since acoustic quality is very important, you have to select the manufacturer that uses superior quality parts and implements the most effective algorithms. To begin with, you should browse the sound bar reviews available in online. If you do not go though proper soundbar reviews and evaluations, choosing the right type would have been a struggle. System suitability is by today mostly settled by the manufacturers. Nonetheless, checking the fittings that you require continues to be necessary. The less costly sound bars might not support a lot of digital connections. Your sound bar purchase can cost you between $100 to $600, based on your requirements. Please check your allowance prior to making your decision. Sometimes you can purchase sound bars for a substantially lower price tag. You may buy sound bars for slight price cut during Cyber Monday and Christmas period. But the brands often drop the price for the duration of February to May period as these would be the so-called slow-moving calendar months. You could watch for discounts, however, I will locate discount rates all the time online. Cyber Monday and Christmas would be the time for everybody to purchase gift items meant for others. There is absolutely no best time to purchase a little something for your own. Therefore generally Allow me to shop around to get the best price tag in certain time period. Amazon’s price are generally very good, especially throughout price cut time frame. You should set your allowance as you can blow big cash getting sound bar. Last but not least We highly recommend for you to research for sound bar reviews when you are deciding. You can buy a great sound bar provided that you keep to a reputable company. You should search for the perfect acoustic quality according to your allowance. The majority of the cutting edge sound bar versions produce great acoustic quality. Stay with quality brands, and you will definitely do good. Don’t get sound bars from less reputable company even though they are extremely economical. Sound bars not coming from respectable manufacturers, in my opinion, generate lower sound quality. Sound bars are also thought to be attractive family area equipment, therefore try to get complimenting designs with the tv and wall color. You can actually enjoy your sound bar as both the quality audio equipment and as the visible adornment for your living room area. Sound bar reviews are important as there are many brands out there manufacturing sound bars. Christmas is the day when all Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus. Nowadays, X’mas has turned into a virtually universal festivity celebrated by millions of people from all walks of life – Christians and non-Christians. The reality that X’mas falls just few days prior to the current year is coming to a finish helps promote the fun and holiday spirits. In the end, it’s a rather good reason to have sometime off from the usual busy days. If there is one single thing that makes every Christmas so different from the rest of the celebrated occasion, it has to be the amazing decorations and lights that people in various corners of the planet has developed. There are an incredible number of ideas around this time of the season and here are some great ideas which will help you this time round. When discussing elegant Christmas decorations, you’ve got to distinguish between outdoor vs indoor. Ideally, everybody loves to see both inside and outside of the house to be beautified for the holidays. Frequently, the lack of time and budget stop homeowners from achieving this. The theme and decorations necessary for indoor and outdoor Christmas decorations are totally different. For one, with indoor ornaments you’ll not have to worry about the weather, as opposed to outside ornaments where you must consider whether it’s sturdy enough to withstand chilling temperature, rays of the sun or snow. Shining decorations for indoor can help liven the mood of the dwelling in it. On another hand, decoratives designed to be put on the yard are usually pre-lit so they are visible during the night. Have you ever pondered why sometimes when you visit friends and relatives during the holiday season, you’ve good feeling when entering some houses but not the remainder? I come to understand that what separates elegant Christmas decorations from typical ones has got to do with the theme that is used. The choices and combinations of color, shape and decorative variety have to be blended as one theme. Through the years, we can see enhancement in terms of creativity from house owners in regards to Christmas decoration theme. Rustic Christmas decoration is well-liked by those who are obsessed with something oldies. Recently, the geeks came up with their very own geeky subjects. One of these is a Xmas tree that has been dressed up using icons taken from today’s popular social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram. Of all the corners of the home, outside is where things will get really enjoyable and exciting to even both adults and kids likewise. Before beginning, remember to set your-self a budget though. Decoration manufacturers have been wonderful in regards to creativity and I can let you know how frequent I have been left ga-ga with all the decoration offering that just blow my imagination away. If budget isn’t an issue, you are able to change your garden to the land of magic that is full of assorted hues lighting populated with popular Christmas figurines. Inflatable characters from Disney are popular among kiddies, particularly one where Donald gets himself dressed up in Santa costume. Xmas decoration can be described as a exciting thing though to produce elegant Christmas decoration, it is not at all something that everyone can be guaranteed of, especially if no planning is involved since the beginning. If you’re a handicraft lover, you would not want to get your ornaments from the store no matter how convenience it may be. Christmas wreaths are some of the many decors which you could do yourself, and you can hold up to you want in various places in your property. Finally, make sure to set a budget and stick to it closely should you not want to end up footing huge credit card debt immediately after the holidays. The raging debate on the importance of air purifiers has been on-going for a relatively long time. Just like the nature of air that people breathe in every second where it is always there but it is always not visible to us. Until we’ve an apparatus that measures the quality of the air, it’s nearly impossible for ordinary people like you and me, to distinguish the air quality before and after having a purifier is dispatched. For that reason, in shopping for the best air purifier, we have to rely a lot on the air purifier ratings reviews written by real users who’ve experienced significant benefit of using an air purifier. Fundamentally, there are only but two main types of air purifiers on the market today; always make certain that you use this directive as you read air purifier reviews. The initial category is filter-based and the second category is ionizer-based. Obviously, filter-based purifier is the older technology among both but by simply looking at the increasing quantity of ionic air purifier reviews, you can tell how popular ionizer-based air purifier among consumers. Regarding which of the two is more superior than the other, my take is it is dependent upon what you expect from the air purifier. It’s important to note that when you eventually buy filter-based air purifiers you’ll have to frequently change or replace filters. Ionizer-based models don’t require regular replacement however the plate used to attract the dust needs to be cleaned regularly if you’d like your unit to work effectively. The first important step that you’ve to-do when trying to find an air purifier is to consider the reason you need one. This will avert circumstances where you make an assessment of the air purifies but basing on a wrong assessment process. For example, if you are a pet owner and pet hairs is the priority, you would then have to be looking out for the best air purifier for pets. If you’re experiencing Asthma and have been recommended by your physician to obtain an air purifier, then you need the best air purifier for asthma patients. The basic fundamental on what air cleanser works remain the same however it is the component specifications which make the difference. For that reason, if you’re clear concerning this right from the start, you may save a great deal of time. It’s proposed to have a clear-cut objective about what you really should make your best air purifier ratings reviews research easier. When you know what you need and what you do not, you can make reference to the list of best air purifiers for 2013 and simply see which types accomplish your requirements checklist. This is the recommended approach to jump start your air purifier hunt as it will save you both time and money. Once you’re able to narrow down your option, you should also be sure that you purchase the latest design because you are perhaps not able to purchase the older models from the industry when these old models are sold out. The festive mood should be here sooner than we have thought. I understand this isn’t the very best economic time we are at, but I think we all would still be forking out a tiny sum presenting gifts to your loved ones. I have to state that I’m fortunate enough to be able to afford few gifts, at the least to those that are most significant in my life. That was the easy part. Now, the hard part is, in case you have to decide on a present to your nearest and dearest, what shall it be? I know the selections are unlimited but here are 3 items which top my list this year. From the beginning of time, the use of backpack had always been widespread and it is one that is used irrespective of race and civilization. Given the numerous uses of backpacks in several aspects of our life, it is a fact that’s not astonishing at all. If you’re say somebody with obsession for traveling and used to doing it on your own (free-and-easy), you know how a great backpack can conveniently store all type of belongings, from clothing’s to equipment’s to invaluable. If you’re attending school, you know the value of having an excellent backpack as you use it to transport all of the large textbooks and in these days, laptops. Backpacks aren’t limited by these use cases and fashion lovers have made use of backpack as a form of beautiful vogue accessories. One crucial thing to do if you want to purchase a new backpack is to to define the precise reasons that your backpack is going to be employed for. Your shopping – whether it is for the best backpacks for college or others – is going to be a good deal easier if that is obvious to you since the beginning. I am saying this simply because backpack is a general term and you can find so many backpack manufacturers to choose from, with each likely to have its own market dominance in specific needs or niches. And so the next time you are looking for the strongest hiking backpacks, you have to consider brands like Stansport as opposed to Jansport. This implies that you can straight away zoom in your selections and target only those ranges that you will probably end up buying anyway. Of course buying a backpack is as simple as stepping into a store, just grab one that is most gorgeous looking and make your payment. There is nothing wrong with this process but you have to understand that it’d take at the minimum several iterations before you find yourself with one that you’ll ultimately use for at least the following few years. If you prefer to boost the chances of choosing the best backpacks for your specific purposes, then it is very important to go through backpack buying guides. A great backpack opinion piece must discuss at the minimum few fundamental features including the level of comfort (pressure that the bag is putting to your back), durability, internal designs and few options that fall within similar price band. One big section of the backpack industry is the university students. Remember this market segment often lumps both high school and college together though. Throughout my study years, I still recall clearly that I had a need to carry many large books and very often, these were significantly more than what my backpack could cater to. How time passes and the huge wave of adoption of mobile computing (with tablets and slimmer laptops) is really disrupting the classroom teaching paradigm. One of the change is actually towards e-textbooks in place of hard printed books. On initial thought, it seems that lighter backpack would be the natural result as it’s no longer required to carry these weighty textbooks to school. Things didn’t turn out as what many students would have wished for. While e-book carries no weight, laptop is almost compulsory for every single university student and 17-inch laptop, that is becoming popular these days, might weigh up to 2kg. How everybody else wish that all notebooks will be as slim and as weightless as the Macbook Air but its price is still beyond the reach of many college students. Adventure fans make up a important market segment of the general backpack market. The word outdoor is very universal and it encompasses such niches as professional mountain climbing to camp fire to light trekking. I am aware the first brand which will appear to most people’s thought when discussing backpack would be Jansport. While it’s certainly one of the fine manufacturer, it’s good to keep in mind that they are known in large part due to their college backpack rather than adventure. In this regard, Teton will be the name that a lot of outdoor enthusiasts will be going for. Be warned however that the best outdoor backpacks, say a backpack that is best for mountain climbing,, won’t be one that comes with the best physical appearance. Based on these facts alone, I believe backpack is something which will always maintain its relevancy. But despite this, I am confident to say that that changes (in terms of dimension, design and style) will continuously take place. Are we going to see the size of student and professional backpacks shrinking later on?It is because the answer is dependent upon the size that future computing devices will need. When the talk of collapsible (or bendable display) becomes a reality, the size of notebooks may shrink to half or maybe a quarter of its current dimension. When this becomes a reality, it’s time for backpack manufacturers to start producing smaller backpacks.
It gives a great first impression. A clean office will put your customers in the right frame of mind as soon as they step into your office. Happy workers. Your workers will feel happy to come to work in a pleasant environment, therefore they will be more productive! Healthier environment. A clean workplace is much healthier for everyone concerned. You, your workers and your customers. Given the above, each one of us would love to have a shiny and sparkling work place. It brings in a great positive energy, makes everyone feel bright and ready to take on the world! This is why regular cleaning is important, but who is going to do the cleaning? This is where the help of professional cleaning services come in to it. Professional cleaning services such as GreenKleen can turn even the dirtiest work place into a sparkling clean and fresh work place. Regular cleaning creates a much healthier work place and reduces the possibilities of allergies and other related respiratory problems. Professional cleaning services does not let the dust accumulate which will reduce the risk of your staff or customers being exposed to these kind of allergies. It also ensures that there are no bacteria either in the air or left behind on any surfaces, that can cause any harm. GreenKleen offer a wide range of all sorts of professional cleaning services, so you will have no problem finding the right cleaning package for your office. By hiring professional cleaning services, you no longer need to worry about anything to do with the cleaning of your office or work place. They do it all for you! Once you have worked out your cleaning requirements with your professional cleaners, they come and do the job just as agreed. No need to worry about keeping track of when they are coming, or whether it’s time to clean the carpets again. Professional cleaning services will monitor the cleanliness of your workplace and also run quality audits from time to time. The cleaning staff are professional and discrete, so your work place can be cleaned with minimum distraction to your workers. They can also come at a time that is suitable for your you. Professional cleaning services also create that professional image for you that we mentioned earlier. A clean workplace conveys a professional business to your clients. A main benefit of hiring professional cleaning services is that they have the latest and greatest cleaning equipment. This equipment allows them to be able to do a thorough job in the least amount of time. It’s even better when your professional cleaning services are eco-friendly! As well as specialised cleaning equipment, GreenKleen use eco-friendly cleaning methods and products. Their products are biodegradable and ensure a high quality cleaning result every time! Professional cleaning services are fully trained and have years of experience. They have the know-how to understand every aspect of their cleaning job. They know what product is right for the job and they know how to expertly handle delicate surfaces and materials. Even when it comes to your carpets and upholstery, or special hard floors, the experts at GreenKleen know exactly what to do. As well as knowing which products are right, they fully understand the importance of using the right cleaning methods. This ensures maximum sparkling results are achieved every time, without causing any damage or harm. With regular professional cleaning services by GreenKleen you will never have to worry about cleaning again. They strive to provide excellent customer service, high quality cleaning results and have the added benefit of being eco-friendly. Therefore, you have the peace of mind that you are doing your part to lessen your carbon footprint on our precious planet earth. Contact GreenKleen today to find out more about what they can bring to your business.
How Does DNA Do It? Last time we left you with the mother of all molecular cliffhangers: how can it be that the simple four-letter code of DNA can carry the information to make all life? Early in that piece we’d thrown in the fact that the human genome (i.e. our DNA) is made up of three billion letters. As Watson and Crick showed 53 years ago, it’s actually two intertwined molecules, each with three thousand million letters – but it’s the number that’s important because that carries all that’s needed to make you and me. But, if you’re like me, you have real problems grasping the meaning of numbers much above 100 – so that ‘millions’, yet alone ‘billions’, come across simply as ‘lots’– and we’re left shaking in our head in bewilderment as to how it works. To get some sort of a grip on the scale of information that genomes can carry, it might be helpful to look at DNA from the other end, so to speak. This approach started five years ago among a group who work on applying computer technology to handling biological data – i.e. how to acquire, store, analyse and interpret the tsunami of genetic information now being produced. It’s a new field called bioinformatics. What set the bioinformatics bods thinking is a point that will have occurred to you as an internet user (and who isn’t?). How can we deal with the unimaginable amount of info we want to store? That includes everything from your holiday snaps to the tons of scientific data, including the continuing flood of genomics. If ‘millions’ leaves you boggling, how about the estimate for the global digital archive of 44 trillion gigabytes by 2020 (I think that’s 44 followed by 21 zeros). That’s a 10-fold increase from 2013. Whatever the numbers are, they’re unimaginable but, aside from being boggled by the facts, a slight problem is that storing that amount on conventional memory sticks would use at least 10 times the amount of available silicon. So, as they say, we have a problem. Use trit code to make DNA (0, 1 or 2 translated into a base, A,T,G or C, that differs from the one just used. One of the first experiments encoded Shakespeare’s sonnets in DNA, which showed that the idea was feasible – what scientists call a ‘proof of principle’. Of course, that’s only a beginning. There are big problems to overcome, like being able to make DNA strands cheaply and quickly enough and to be able to access the data required with the ease we’re used to with hard drives and flash memories. On the flip side, DNA preserved in permafrost has been sequenced from woolly mammoths tens of thousands of years old and from horses entombed for 700,000 years, so we know that as a storage medium it’s rather more durable than anything currently in use. The key point here is that, at the moment, DNA appears to be the only option if we are not to grind to a halt on the information storage front. Regardless of solving the problems involved, that alone gives a new perspective to the coding power of those four little bases, A, C, G and T. Extance, A. (2016). How DNA could store all the world’s data. Nature 537, 22–24. Goldman, N. et al. (2013). Nature 494, 77-80. Orlando, L. et al. (2013). Nature 499, 74-78.
Where should these go so that FETCH attachs to the proper places so that we can have a mac person upload information to our site? I'm not quite sure about "Site name" but my guess is that it is not actually part of the information needed to access the server, it's just a nickname that you give to make locating the information easier. So Fetch users do not need to enter that. "Address" would go in the "Hostname" field of Fetch. "Username" and "Password" go into the fields with the same names, that is, "Username" and "Password". "Port" usually doesn't need to be entered in Fetch, unless you are using a special port for your server. If the Port is 21, then that is the standard port and a Fetch user does not need to enter it to connect to your site. If this still doesn't work for you, let us know and we'll advise further.
Let’s focus on how can you optimize your website, and to do so, we’ll hear from the specialist who created e-commerce software to run an online store, Oferer.com. Why is a high ranking position in Google so important? If your online store and your products are visible on Google, this will bring more traffic to your website. It will also positively affect profits. Don’t forget that a majority of customers look for products on Google by using the appropriate keywords. And here’s how to have your site found for those keywords. We will start with the optimization of the entire store for SEO. Make sure that the online domain matches the name of your store. Therefore, when you choose the name of your company, check whether the domain is available. In addition, the domain of the online store should be simple, so that the customers can easily remember it and could enter it in the search engine. Domains with the ending “.com” are the best. Unique product descriptions are very important. Remember not to copy descriptions from other websites! A common mistake among online stores owners is copying descriptions from suppliers. This phenomenon results in what Google calls Duplicate Content and has a negative impact on positioning. Therefore, stand out from the competition and optimize your store! Write in a simple and understandable language. Speak the language of benefits and indicate why the customer should purchase your item. In addition, divide the description into several parts. Indicate the general aspects of the product and create more detailed information about the stock or collection. Finally, enter the technical specification of the product such as parameters. The last tip is the implementation of keywords. As mentioned above, the keyword itself can be the domain of the online store. It is important that the title of the item includes its name, model, additional parameters, e.g. color. In the detailed information, also include keywords – preferably in the intensity of 3% to 7%- when it’s more you can get the opposite effect. The store’s optimization is very important and positively affect your profit.
This callback is called right before the game is about to quit. Use it to perform any cleanup you need to do. You can also return a "truthy" value from this callback to abort quitting. abort boolean Whether quitting should be aborted.
Using German archival records and letters and diaries of both civilians and soldiers during WWII, The German War – A Nation Under Arms, 1939–1945 by Nicholas Stargardt is a fascinating book that illustrates the strong civilian support for Germany’s armed forces right up until the end of the war. At the same time, the book shows how the ordinary German (civilian and soldier) rationalized atrocity and genocide as necessary for the good of the nation. For a several decades after WWII, the myth of “good” Germans vs. the “evil” Nazis was maintained in post-war Germany. It wasn’t until the mid-1960s that the next generation began seriously questioning their parents about their role in the war. Finally, at the turn of the 21st century, a traveling German exhibition regarding the role of ordinary soldier (Wehrmachtsausstellung) showed beyond doubt the culpability of the ordinary soldier (not just the SS) in atrocity and genocide. In 1985 the German President Richard von Weizsäcker delivered a speech to the Bundestag acknowledging WWII Germany’s evil deeds and proclaiming May 8, 1945 as the day of Germany’s liberation from despotism rather than surrender and occupation. Subsequently, reluctance to examine the facts about the Third Reich faded and critical inquiry expanded. In my view, Japan has yet to come to similar realization regarding the terrible atrocities committed by its armed forces on enemies and civilian populations all over Asia. (Part of this fact may have paradoxically been due to the fact that much of Imperial Japanese history was skipped over in new textbooks during the reconstruction of the Japanese educational system by America educators after the war). It was true that Western imperialism had abused and hobbled many Asian countries before the war. And certainly the decision to firebomb most Japanese cities in 1945 and ultimately drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki left powerful moral questions about targeting civilians in wartime. But Imperial Japan’s assertion that it was acting as a “big brother” to lead Western-colonized nations into the light of freedom was patently disingenuous. Imperial Japanese occupation of Asian countries was uncommonly cruel and rapacious.
In order to assess the extent to which tidal stream environments are exploited by a range of seabird species a series of boat-based surveys were carried out at the FoW site. A total of 101 zig-zag and vessel-based transects were performed using the Marine Scotland Science research vessel FRV Alba-na-Mara. During transects, the vessel moved against the prevailing horizontal currents. This unconventional design allowed the vessel to maintain a reasonably consistent trajectory despite the fast horizontal currents, and also sustain speeds suitable for recording foraging seabirds (5–15 km). Transects were spread across different tidal states to capture variance in the location and extent of hydrodynamic features. Transects were only performed when the sea state was less than 3 (Beaufort scale) and visibility was at least 300 m. During transects, two observers sat 5·6 m above sea level at the bow of the vessel and only recorded seabirds seen on the water surface. Flying seabirds were not recorded as they would not be actively foraging. Survey methods were based upon those outlined within the European Seabird at Sea (ESAS) methodology. To provide accurate positions, observers recorded seabirds seen on the sea surface into 1-min intervals, and only when they were perpendicular to the bow. Whenever seabirds on the sea surface were seen flushing before they were perpendicular to the bow, observers noted their approximate distance ahead of the vessel. Each observer covered one side of the vessel, and it was noted on which side seabirds on the sea surface were observed. These approaches enabled the position of any seabirds seen on the sea surface to be quantified with an estimated accuracy of approximately 300 m in most cases. Observers also recorded the behaviour of seabirds seen on the sea surface to discriminate between those which were actively foraging (diving or searching) and those which were resting. For further details on the methods and results of the survey refer to the following link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2664.12646/full. The study was performed across a total of 6 and 8 days in May and October, respectively during both 2012 and 2013, with May representing breeding seasons and October representing non-breeding seasons. EMEC Fall of Warness Boat-Based Wildlife Surveys (RESPONSE Project) is located in United Kingdom.
Andrea S. Keogh Art & Design, LLC, is pleased to present the first exhibition dedicated exclusively to Joan Mitchell prints in over six years. The collaboration between Mitchell, America’s pre-eminent Abstract Expressionist woman artist, and celebrated print-maker Ken Tyler of Tyler Graphics, produced exciting, vibrant and compelling work. These large, expressive and colorful prints have found their way into many museum collections and major private collections both in the United States and abroad. Mitchell’s prints are becoming increasingly rare and so it is exciting to feature twelve of her works in Visual Poetry: An Exhibition of Abstract Prints by Joan Mitchell. Opening night is Friday, September 9 from 6-8 pm and the exhibition will run through Sunday, November 27, 2016. Gallery hours are Thursday through Saturday 11-5 and Sunday 12–4 at the gallery on Litchfield’s historic town green, next to the well-known West Street Grill, and by appointment or chance. For those of you who are unable to come to Litchfield, Connecticut, to experience the beautiful fall foliage and Mitchell’s prints, all the works can also be viewed on our website 24/7 at www.akeoghartandesign.com as well as on ARTSY.
Armie Hammer has been one of Hollywood’s rising stars since his performance(s) as the Winklvoss Twins in the award-winning movie, The Social Network. It was a role, or roles, that secured him a nomination for the Most Promising Performer by the Chicago Film Critics Association, and the award for Best Supporting Actor by the Toronto Film Critics Association. From there Hammer went from strength to strength, earning a Best Supporting Actor nomination from the Screen Actor’s Guild for his role as Clyde Tolson in Clint Eastwood’s J. Edgar biopic. Most recently Hammer has wrapped production on Mine, produced by The Safran Company, and is filming The Birth of a Nation, about Nat Turner, a former slave who lead a liberation movement in 1831 to free African-Americans in Virginia. However, while nobody could argue that Hammer isn’t bringing some serious acting chops to The Man from U.N.C.L.E., he knows his way around a big action sequence as well, having starred in The Lone Ranger, directed by Gore Verbinski and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, and Mirror, Mirror, where he starred as Prince Alcott, opposite Julia Roberts and Lily Collins. During the filming of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Hammer was quick to get his hands dirty. Preparing for a motorcycle chase during the film, Hammer was keen to bring his experience as an avider rider since childhood to bear. However, he soon found he had a lot to learn from the stunt coordinators.
How do I get to the March? All MTA bus routes stop near Public Square via Music City Central. To find the route that is best for you, use the MTA map or use the MTA’s Trip Planner. Several taxi services operate in Nashville. For your convenience, we have provided some of their numbers. The March for Science and Climate Nashville is not affiliated with any taxi service. Or use your favorite rideshare app! We highly recommend using the bus, taxi, or rideshare as your transportation to our march. Not only is parking limited in this part of Nashville, but it will reduce our carbon footprint! If you do drive, please carpool! Public Square is on the corner of Union St. and 3rd Ave. N. – please use the map below to find directions from where you are!
2012-09-30 Submit your work to the next edition of the PriMed! To be held in the framework of the celebrations of Marseille-Provence 2013 European Capital of Culture! Download the PriMed 2013 application form! - Grand Prix “Mediterranean Challenges” (6,000 €): this prize is given to the best film (documentary or current affairs film) on a current Mediterranean subject, lasting more than 30 minutes. It picks out productions which improve our understanding of the present situation in the Mediterranean and rewards a director’s skill at questioning events and putting them into perspective, as well as his capacity to listen to the principal characters. - “Mediterranean Memories” (5,000 €): this prize rewards the documentary lasting more than 30 minutes, which – with or without archives – most successfully places in a present-day context historical events concerning the Mediterranean, stories of men and women, whether individual or collective, or places of symbolism and memory. - “First Film” (5,000 €): this award recognizes the talent of a film maker who made no more than three films. Works produced as part of a school or training can also compete. Running time must exceed 30 minutes. - “Mediterranean Art, Heritage and Cultures” (5,000 €): this prize rewards the documentary film lasting more than 30 minutes, which highlights the region’s artistic life (music, plastic arts, live theatre, visual arts), its heritage (sites, monuments, works of art, archaeology, architecture) and other instances of Mediterranean culture (folklore and traditions). - “Investigative Documentary” (5,000 €): this award is for the best currents affairs film, the best investigation which gets to the heart of an event, past or present, within the Mediterranean region. The duration of the work must exceed 30 minutes. - Special Jury Award (5,000 €), all categories together. This prize rewards a film that has not received any other prize but which the jury considers of special merit. - Young Persons Award (5,000 €), given by a jury of schoolboys. It rewards one of the films chosen between one of the category of the PriMed (category to determine). - “Mediterranean Short Doc” (2,500 €): this award is for a documentary or a currents affairs film – lasting less than 30 minutes – whose subject is about Mediterranean area. - “Mediterranean Multimedia” (2,500 €): this prize rewards the web-documentary or POM (Petite OEuvre Multimédia / Little Multimedia Object) about Mediterranean subjects. A web-documentary is a documentary production made for and available on the Web, using pictures, texts, sounds, videos, in an interactive dimension. The POM (Petite Oeuvre Multimédia / Little Multimedia Object) is a video production which combines photographer, filmmaker, web designer, sound designer and illustrator. This is a video editing animating the images, giving them a third dimension and with a direct approach to the subject. These awards are for the directors and authors of the work concerned.
2019 is set to be an incredibly interesting year for the Fintech community globally; 50% of ICOs have unsurprisingly gone south, Bitcoin’s price has dipped considerably and GDPR has taken its toll on the collection of data in Europe. With that said, it’s not all doom and gloom especially as the implementation of PSD2 means that banking services are more available than ever. With the possibility of a no-deal Brexit in the UK as well as a technical recession in South Africa, marketing is more imperative than ever to stimulate economic growth and that’s no different for the financial services sector. One of the standout companies for me in 2019 will be Starling Bank, which has effectively become a PSD2 marketplace for consumers who have different financial products but want one place for them all to live. One of the trends that Starling is capitalising on, is being a mobile-only app for banking. Lending Times reckons that 2019 will be the year in which payments and mobile banking will be worth £92 billion. A mobile-first approach to banking and advertising is definitely here to stay! A buzzword in most industries at the moment is artificial intelligence and I feel like we’re only really scratching the surface of what can be achieved. We’ve had our clients queueing up to try out AI chatbots with the view to automating their sales processes but as with all new technology, there’s no best practice rulebook on how to increase conversions using chatbots. So far the results globally have been underwhelming. We implemented an AI chatbot called Drift for our client Hasteepay and the promise is that Drift’s conversational marketing platform allows businesses to transform their marketing with real-time one-on-one conversations and chatbots that qualify leads and book meetings for their sales team. The only issue with this so far has been that there are only a handful of routes that you can predefine with this AI, and so it’s not fully optimised to deal with HasteePay’s user experience. We feel like the best chatbots will integrate fully into the user experience and need to be flexible enough for user experience designers to work with them. With that said, we feel like artificial intelligence will be at the centre stage of anti-money laundering, fraud detection and customer analytics in the years to come. Asian Fintech is going crazy because of the growing middle class and a booming economy. Fintech also doing well in emerging markets – I would be remiss not to mention BitPesa in Kenya and Luno from South Africa which are the darlings of the African continent. Startupbootcamp, which has had some successes in European fintech is also starting in South Africa so there’s definitely interest. As a London mentor for Startupbootcamp, I often see really great startups coming out of South Africa and this year was no different. Our client, Aerobotics, is using drones to analyse crops and provide analytics in order for farmers to better insure their crops. They’ve had major bank interest from the likes of Nedbank and this clearly shows the trend of how traditional banks are teaming up with startups to bring innovation into their offerings. Hopefully, their marketing takes on a similar level of innovation because we’re still seeing large offline spend in emerging markets where mobile is becoming the de facto way of accessing the net. Speaking of Insurtech, I’m seeing the on-demand economy driving massive investment in insurance startups that help consumers insure their valuables over the short term. Two companies that I think are doing this really well are Dinghy which helps freelancers insure things like computers as well as Zego which is offering on-demand insurance for scooter drivers. One thing they’re both doing incredibly well is working their marketing messages back towards their mission which is to change the insurance sector in line with how the nature of work is changing. This is incredibly smart and is a trend worth following. And finally, a shoutout to our client Luno which has just been voted as the UK’s fastest growing startup by PRNewsWire. Although Bitcoin’s price has stalled somewhat, there is still increased buying of both Bitcoin and Ethereum and we’re happy to have helped them make this easier online.
Early versions of the TFSI petrol engines found in the A4, A5 and Q5 have an manufacture design flaw which leads to high consumption of oil. The Piston rings inside the engines when built were the wrong size/ not sealed in correctly, this would allow small amounts of oil to leak around them. The oil would get into the cylinders and then burn off and lead to high consumption. Black exhaust tips – the oil eventually burns out the exhaust system, mine were as black as my A3 TDI! It seems that in 2015 Audi officially recognised this as an issue and started fixing on the quiet. Off the back of this i do feel sorry for anyone prior to this paying for this to be fixed or worse just living with this issue! After a call to Audi UK i found out that Audi has an official stage process to this to get it fixed. Firstly you need to get the official usage figure recorded by Audi, for this i used my local dealer. I left my A5 with them for a day whilst they drained the car of oil, changed oil breather (uprated design) and flashed the Engine ECU software to cope with the new design breather. The oil will be topped up to a specific measured amount and you will be asked to drive few hundred miles or when the oil light comes on. In my case i drove about 500 miles and it used about 3/4 of a litre according to the MMI gauge, i took it back and got the measurement – just prior to going away with the car. The Audi dealership you use will then report the findings with Audi UK (or your regional main Audi). I was asked various questions about where the car was purchased from and if it was under warranty. Your service record will also be photocopied and sent across, for me mine was 55K miles and nearly full audi service history – 2 independent garages did a a service, however they were Audi specialists so i assume this helped. After just over a week i was contacted by my dealership that Audi UK have agreed to do the work covering the cost in full. They will get the car in, take engine out strip it all down and replace the pistons, piston rings and con rods. They have said this will take about 3 days. The cost of this if paying would be about £4000! If when the engine is stripped down and damage is noticed inside the only option is to replace the engine and this of course will fix the issue.
Actor Prithviraj Sukumaran made his Indian cinema debut just over a decade ago for the Malayalam film "Nandanam", made his Tamil debut a few years later in the 2005 film "Kana Kandaen". He has since starred in a number of South Indian films, including Mani Ratnam’s "Raavanan" in 2010. The actor made his foray into Bollywood last year with the film "Aiyaa" opposite Rani Mukherji, and is currently working on "Aurangzeb", which is being produced and distributed by Yash Raj Films – one of the largest Indian entertainment and production houses. Rumour has it that Prithviraj has been roped in for "Happy New Year", a film by choreographer-turned-director Farah Khan. Bollywood stars Shah Rukh Khan and Abhishek Bachchan have been confirmed as being part of the film, but Prithviraj’s role is yet to be officially confirmed. Speaking to The Hindu last week, the actor revealed that he had been involved in preliminary talks with the film’s team, but has not yet confirmed anything. It would certainly be a good look for the actor to be in a film alongside two of Bollywood’s biggest stars, especially as "Aiyaa" didn’t do that well at the box office. Keep it locked on Thamarai.com for further updates!
Located on the northwest corner of West Broadway and Bayswater Street in the heart of Vancouver’s Kitsilano neighbourhood. This area of West Broadway , known as “Broadway Village”, is famous for its shopping, services, and its close proximity to the beach as well as downtown Vancouver. This location boasts excellent exposure to vehicular and pedestrian traffic, as well as ease of accessibility via all forms of transportation with a high level of transit services running along West Broadway. This disclaimer shall apply to CBRE Limited, Real Estate Brokerage, and to all other divisions of the Corporation; to include all employees and independent contractors (“CBRE”). The information set out herein, including, without limitation, any projections, images, opinions, assumptions and estimates obtained from third parties (the “Information”) has not been verified by CBRE, and CBRE does not represent, warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the Information. CBRE does not accept or assume any responsibility or liability, direct or consequential, for the Information or the recipient’s reliance upon the Information. The recipient of the Information should take such steps as the recipient may deem necessary to verify the Information prior to placing any reliance upon the Information. The Information may change and any property described in the Information may be withdrawn from the market at any time without notice or obligation to the recipient from CBRE. CBRE and the CBRE logo are the service marks of CBRE Limited and/or its affiliated or related companies in other countries. All other marks displayed on this document are the property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.
This is a rectangular Lincoln Highway porcelain sign. This particular Lincoln Highway sign is red, white, and blue. It reads, “Lincoln Highway” in blue text.
Ticket Nest specializes in Hollywood Theater - MGM Grand Tickets and other Theater, Sports and Concert Tickets. Ticket Nest specializes in providing tickets for Hollywood Theater - MGM Grand arena. Ticket Nest is an independent company and is not associated with Hollywood Theater - MGM Grand. For Event Schedule and available tickets for Hollywood Theater - MGM Grand please click buy button below. Ticket Nest guarantees one of the lowest prices for Hollywood Theater - MGM Grand tickets anywhere. But we don't skimp on service and support. We know that you want the lowest price and our large volume of ticket sales justifies the lower margins. We pass on the savings to you, our valued customers. It is our strong hope that you will buy our tickets only after comparing our value of service as well as our low prices. We want to hear from you if your experience is anything less than PERFECT. We pledge to provide you cheaper Hollywood Theater - MGM Grand. These Hollywood Theater - MGM Grand tickets can be purchased via our secure server. The tickets will be sent via Fed-EX. The inventory for the tickets is updated as fast as our server allows. However, on rare occasions, your ticket may not be available. We will contact you and try our best to accommodate you. Q:Can i make a cash payment for david copperfield ticket mgm? A:No, Hollywood Theater MGM Grand Tickets can only be purchased by American Express, Visa, Master Card and Discovery.
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Alain Resnais (b. 1922–d. 2014), born in Vannes, France, is one of the great cinematic innovators of the 20th and 21st centuries. In a career that spanned nearly seventy years and included nineteen feature films and more than twenty documentaries, Resnais produced an exceptional range of films that encompass a cross-section of genres and time periods. From the early commissioned documentaries, including Toute la mémoire du monde (1956), to his later explorations of the genres of the melodrama in Mélo (1986) or the musical in On connaît la chanson (1997), Resnais consistently engaged with, and moved beyond, cinematic conventions. Perhaps his most well-known works resist generic classification altogether: Hiroshima mon amour (1959) and L’Année dernière et Marienbad (1961) can be described as works that treat the question of memory, and of cinematic time itself. Resnais’s work is resolutely engaged with the political and social contexts of his time, and many of his early films tackle the most grimly iconic atrocities of the 20th century: the bombing of Guernica (Guernica, 1950), the Holocaust (Nuit et brouillard, 1955), the bombing of Hiroshima (Hiroshima mon amour), and the question of torture during the French-Algerian War (Muriel, 1963). These films treat the complex intersections of memory and trauma that marked France and Europe after World War II, and they are infused with a profound pathos and ethical sensibility that is particular to Resnais. This article charts the different facets of Resnais’s work, adopting a broadly chronological approach that highlights the major films, as well as Resnais’s relation to the New Wave, philosophy, and intermediality and collaboration. There are many useful overviews of Resnais’s work. Armes 1968, Kreidl 1978, Sweet 1981, Prédal 1968, and Bounoure 1974 treat the early films, up to and including the 1960s and 1970s, while Prédal 1996 and Wilson 2006 also examine the films of the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. Some of these monographs adopt a thematic perspective: Benayoun 1980 and Monaco 1978 consider the question of imagination, and Wilson 2006 looks at memory and the senses in Resnais’s work. Resnais gave many interviews about his work over the course of his career, and many of these are collected in the Goudet 2002 Positif dossier, which also contains many excellent short readings of various films. The special edition of Contre bande (Special Issue: Alain Resnais) also brings together a range of French criticism on the director. Liandrat-Guigues and Leutrat 2006 adopts an all-encompassing approach that successfully situates Resnais’s work within his broader interests in literature, cartoons, theater, painting, and music. A concise early work that provides some useful biographical information and close readings of Resnais’s work, from the early documentaries to Je t’aime, je t’aime. The book also includes a detailed filmography, films stills, and on-set photographs. Benayoun, Robert. Alain Resnais: Arpenteur de l’imaginaire. Paris: Stock/Cinéma, 1980. A lively and meticulous account of Resnais’s work up to 1980, paying great attention to biography, form, and intertextuality. This book usefully includes an appendix of interviews with Resnais and Rémo Forlani, among others. Bounoure, Gaston. Alain Resnais (Cinéma d’aujourd’hui 5). Paris: Seghers, 1974. An accessible, convincing, and subjective early account of Resnais’s work up to the mid-1970s, with useful sections comparing the themes of Resnais’s documentaries with motifs found in later works. Goudet, Stéphane, ed. Positif, revue de cinéma: Alain Resnais. Paris: Gallimard, 2002. A comprehensive, indispensable anthology of the cinema journal Positif’s writings on Resnais from 1956 to 2002. It includes a fascinating selection of writings on Resnais’s filmic career, including the later films, with sections by François Thomas, Robert Benayoun, and Jean-Louis Leutrat, as well as several interviews with Resnais about his films. Kreidl, John Francis. Alain Resnais. Boston: Twayne, 1978. An impressively detailed early work that traces the evolution of Resnais’s cinematic style through the major fiction films. It devotes two chapters to the history and politics surrounding the creation of Muriel. Liandrat-Guigues, Suzanne, and Jean Louis Leutrat. Alain Resnais: Liaisons secrètes, accords vagabonds. Paris: Cahiers du Cinéma, 2006. An expansive and somewhat personal book on Resnais, replete with rich color photographs of on-set filming, written by two of the most renowned French critics of his work. The authors adopt an all-encompassing approach that successfully situates Resnais’s work within his broader interests in literature, cartoons, theater, painting, and music. An early writing on Resnais that offers a clear and readable overview of his major films. The book also presents an interesting discussion of Resnais’s “nonfilms,” works the director planned but never completed. Prédal, René. Alain Resnais. Paris: Lettres Modernes, 1968. A useful work that adopts a broadly psychoanalytic and thematic approach to Resnais’s work and addresses the significance of silent cinema, musicals, and cartoons to the director’s vision. It also includes some excellent interviews with Resnais conducted by Jacques Belmans and Jacques Sternberg. Prédal, René. L’Itinéraire d’Alain Resnais. Paris: Lettres Modernes, 1996. A detailed and memorable formal and thematic delineation of Resnais’s work, with excellent close readings and a fine discussion of the later films. Special Issue: Alain Resnais. Contre Bande 9 (2003). A special issue of the journal bringing together some incisive French criticism of the director. Sweet, Freddy. The Film Narratives of Alain Resnais. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Press, 1981. A clear and accessible early work that takes into account the significance of Resnais’s collaborations with Alain Robbe-Grillet and Jean Cayrol. Wilson, Emma. Alain Resnais. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2006. A far-reaching, thoughtful, and accessible approach to Resnais’s oeuvre, and currently the most up-to-date overview monograph. Wilson adopts a chronological approach, and combines detailed close readings with more general reflections on the political, ethical, and aesthetic implications of Resnais’s works, with a particular focus on memory and the senses.
In addition, he writes that whoever contemplates this while reciting the Adon Olam in the morning is guaranteed not to have any misfortune befall him on that day; he’ll have a great day! The ten verses of Adon Olam correspond to the sefirot, in order. The verse corresponding to the sefirah of victory is “He is my G-d and my living savior, and the rock of my birth-pains in a time of crisis.” Let us take a look at the words “a time of crisis.” In Hebrew “a time of crisis” equals 765. 765 is the “minor part” (that in mathematics would be called the least significant digits) of the current Jewish year, 5765. In Jewish culture it is customary to use only this part in referring to the year on a daily basis. One of the most well-known teachings of the Ba’al Shem Tov is that by meditating on a Hebrew word while praying (for instance, when reciting the Adon Olam), one can rearrange the word’s letters and hence change its meaning. The example he gives is using exactly these words “a time of crisis.” By rearranging its three letters “crisis,” in Hebrew, becomes “tzohar” the word for “threshold” or “radiance” (“tzohar” is one of the 13 synonyms for “light” in Hebrew, bringing to mind the image of “a light at the end of a tunnel”). Indeed, using the verse “Oh, for that day is great, there is none like it; and, it is a time of crisis for Jacob, and from it he will be redeemed” (Jeremiah 30:7), the Ba’al Shem Tov teaches that the crisis itself becomes the source of the redemption; the crisis which seems to signal “the end,” becomes a threshold for a new beginning of the good. According to Chassidic teachings, contemplating words in this manner has a real effect on reality, allowing us to clear our minds and to reformulate our understanding of where we are and what it is that we are doing. Suddenly, from this new perspective, opportunities present themselves and the Almighty helps us fashion them in a positive way. So, though this year may be a year of crisis, it is also a threshold for a new level of good and prosperity, a new level of Divine radiance. In Kabbalah, the process of transforming the negative into the positive is known as “hamtakat hadinim beshorsham,” or “the sweetening of the judgments at their root.” Without going into the Kabbalistic meaning of this process, let us note that the root of the “judgments” can also refer to a word’s grammatical root in Hebrew. The root of the word for “crisis,” in Hebrew is: . But if we take this same word for “crisis” and treat it as if it were a root itself (that is, we are figuratively bringing it to the “root”) then as it turns out, there is only a single word that stems from this root: the word for “balm,” in Hebrew: . Balm is associated with healing and is considered a homeopathic remedy par excellence in the Bible. Jeremiah says: “Is there no balm in Gilad; is there no physician there? Why then is the health of my people not recovered?” (Jeremiah 8:22; see also Ibid. 51:8). Thus, elevating crisis to its root yields a remedy. In practical terms this means that elevating one’s consciousness to focus on G-d Himself in a time of crisis transforms the crisis into a threshold for healing and growth in the radiance of G-d. For more on homeopathy in the Torah, see Rabbi Ginsburgh’s Body, Mind, and Soul, pp. 178ff. For more on elevating consciousness to focus on G-d Himself see Ibid., pp. 192ff.
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This Basil Pesto Pasta with Broccoli and Mushrooms is an easy dish that’s full of flavor. Tender pasta is tossed with basil pesto, sautéed mushroom, and fresh broccoli. It’s simple to make and is perfect for busy weeknights! It’s time for another 30 Minute Thursday recipe! Get excited, because I know I am! There are days when I need easy meals, and then there are days when I need carbs and easy meals. And today just happens to be one of them. The hubster and I just moved into our new house last weekend, so I’m pulling out all of the easy meal ideas that I can get my hands on! The kitchen was the first second room that I organized since I now have a ton of cabinet space and a gorgeous island! And my pantry…I could stare at it for hours, it’s so big that I need to buy more food to fill it! Ok, so that’s an exaggeration, but you get the point. I actually organized my walk-in closet first, because, you know…I love clothes and shoes, so I had to claim almost the entire closet, sorry to the hubster. But that’s ok, we have three other bedrooms to spare with lots and lots of closet space. And in case you didn’t notice, I love organizing! Shelves, closets, drawers, pantries…you name it! I also love cleaning and am a bit of a neat freak, so my kitchen always sparkles. But anyways, because we’ve been so busy unpacking, cleaning, and getting organized, easy meal ideas are definitely needed around here. And that’s when I had the brilliant idea to put my love for pasta, mushrooms, and pesto to good use. Remember when I shared this Easy Basil Pesto a few weeks ago? Well, I’ve been making it non-stop and freezing some jars so that I always have some whenever my cravings strike. And it really comes in handy since it’s already prepared, which is perfect for this 30 minute meal. If you adore pesto like I do, then this pasta is just begging to be made. And really, this dish couldn’t get any easier to prepare. Because, remember, I’m all about the simple dishes here at Pumpkin ‘N Spice. And when it’s summer and the weather is hot, I definitely don’t want to be standing around a hot stove all day. You’ll simply cook some pasta according to the package directions and set aside. I chose to use cavatapi noodles because I love their shape, but any pasta works in this dish. While the pasta is cooking, sauté the broccoli in some olive oil, and then add in some baby bella mushrooms to the same skillet. When both veggies are tender, add in the pasta and pesto, and stir to combine. And that’s it! Told you it was easy! You can use a store-bought pesto sauce for convenience, but if you have the time, please make this pesto…it’s SO easy and so good! One bite and you’ll be hooked on the tender veggies and zesty pasta. It’s flavorful, simple and perfect for busy weeknights or lazy weekends! This Basil Pesto Pasta with Broccoli and Mushrooms is an easy dish that's full of flavor. Tender pasta is tossed with basil pesto, sautéed mushroom, and fresh broccoli. It's simple to make and is perfect for busy weeknights! Cook pasta until al dente, according to package directions. Drain and set aside. While pasta is cooking, add olive oil to a large skillet. Add broccoli and sauté until just starts to become tender, about 4-5 minutes. Add mushrooms to same skillet and sauté until tender, about 5-6 minutes. Add more olive oil, if needed. Season with salt and pepper. Once broccoli and mushrooms are tender, add noodles and pesto to skillet. Stir to combine. You can never go wrong with pesto and pasta! I can add just about anything to that mix and my family will devour it. Love this easy dinner idea! Take ALL the closet space, Gayle. Leave him none!! We gals need it more. You know, for the shoes. Such a delicious, fresh pasta dish! I'm so into mushrooms in pasta. Happy dance! Meals like this are ideal for when you have moved house, or generally busy. Pasta pesto is a staple for use during busy times too. Yes! Definitely great for busy times, Dannii! Gayle - This pasta sounds (and looks) delicious. I planted a ton of basil in my garden and can't wait to make this dish in the summer months! Thank you, Erin! Fresh basil is SO perfect for this dish! I like unpacking and organizing. But I don't like cleaning. I need someone to do that part for me! Glad to hear you two are getting settled. It always seems to take forever to get things all in order. I still haven't hung up all my artwork and I've lived in my house for a year now. Lol! Love this pasta. Carbohydrates and an easy dinner FOR THE WIN! Thank you, Liz! I'm slowly but surely getting there! And yes, carbs and easy meals for the win! I'm always a fan of pesto with pasta! Love this easy meal! Basically everything we have moved to the new house has been dropped just inside the front door....and we have lawn chairs in the living room. Red neck much?! hahaha! I am so envious of your moving skills! I am SO good when I have a plan but I haven't been able to formulate one...I just kind of put things in the car and then go drop them off. lol! This pasta looks AMAZING! I need good easy dinners like this this month! Haha I love the lawn chairs! We still have a lot to do as far as working on our basement, repainting, stuff like that, but for the most part, all of the big things are unpacked, and I feel a lot more settled. I'm just that type that can't relax until I have things my way, which isn't a good thing! I can't wait to see pictures of your house! And thanks for the pasta love, Annie! We moved in over 2 months ago, and I JUST organized my walk-in closet last week! The kitchen was my first thing to organize and I said the same thing about buying more food to fill up my cabinets! There is just nothing better than tons of cabinet space! Easy meals are definitely a necessity during a move and this pasta looks just perfect. I am SO loving my cabinet space! I know I will have it filled up quickly though, because they say the more space you have, the more stuff you acquire! :) Thanks for the pasta love, Keri! Good luck organizing Gayle! It is so much fun! I would totally start with the closet, too! This dish looks perfect! So easy to make and delicious! Have fun organizing, Gayle! The walk-in closet and kitchen are the perfect places to start :) Easy and flavorful meals like this are so helpful when you just move. Looks delicious and I love that you used basil pesto here! Pesto basil pasta sounds incredible, Gayle! Love that this meal is so quick and easy. I'm so happy to hear you are getting settled into your new place! Thank you, Denise! It's so nice to have more space...I'm loving it! :) And thanks for the pasta love! Gayle, I just love this 30 minute Thursdays idea! What a wonderful theme for you and few other blogger friends. :) Goodness knows, we all need a bit more convenience to help us with our crazy schedules. Also, go you on organizing the walk-in closet first for the new house! Lol. I would so do the same thing--well, maybe a debate between the closet and the kitchen. Ha! Looking forward to more updates on the new house. Loving this basil pesto pasta! <3 Pinning, of course! Thanks for the kind words, Demeter! Aren't 30 minute Thursdays so much fun? :) I pretty much organized my kitchen right along with my closet...the two most important tasks! haha I took over pretty much the entire closet at our house too. The husband is always asking if he can have another shelf. Um nope, no you can't! lol This pasta sounds delicious! I can never get enough broccoli! Haha no more space for husbands! :) Thanks for the pasta love, Ashley! Easy meals are a must when getting organized in a new house, and Gayle, these are some of your prettiest photos! I love those close-ups -- I just want to dive in! These ingredients are all some of my very favorite, and carbs are always a bonus! Thank you for the kind words, Marcie! I'm in love with this pesto pasta! Mmm 2 of my favorite veggies in my favorite pasta sauce! It can't get any better! Love it! Thanks for the pasta love, Manali! That last picture definitely has me hooked! This is a perfect meal any night of the week - but especially on nights when you're as busy as you are these days! Happy Organizing!! Gayle, love this dish! I LOVE a good pesto in the summer and love the broccoli and mushrooms!!! Thank you, Alice! Broccoli and mushrooms make this dish so much better! Congratulations on the new house! I'm sure you are having tons of fun organizing! I love a pesto pasta and this mushroom broccoli version is so creative and looks amazing! Thanks for the kind words, Rachelle! So glad you liked it, Elda! Thanks for stopping by. What a great way to use the pesto. I seriously need to make a big batch of that. I like having things like that on hand for fast recipes. Sounds great! Congrats on getting settled in your new house, Gayle! That is so exciting! It feels good to get things organized, especially when you have more space to work with. :) This pasta is my kind of dinner! I love all of the veggies that you've packed in here, and I bet the pesto really brings all of the flavors together! Thank you, Kristine! It definitely is a great feeling to have more space! :) And thanks for the pasta love...the pesto just makes this dish even better! Pesto pasta is one of my favourite things, but I don't make it too often cause the rest of the family doesn't love it quite as much. Love the mushrooms and broccoli - this is calling my name! We move in a couple of weeks too so I'll be making it for sure! Good luck with getting all the moving stuff done! 30 minute meals are always good to have on hand! I'm a big pasta lover and this basil pesto version sounds soon delicious! Gayle! This looks amazing! I love that it only takes 30 minutes!! So perfect for summer! xoxo Cailee! Thanks for the pasta love, Cailee! Congrats on the new move!! 30 minute meals are CRUCIAL right now for sure. This pasta looks so delicious by the way - I'm loving the broccoli, mushroom, pesto...everything! Thank you, Jessica! This is one of my favorite, easy meals! This looks like the perfect easy dinner idea! I also think it is just light enough that it is perfect for summer! And cheers on moving to your new place! Whenever I move the kitchen is always one of the first things to get organized! So exciting about your new house! This looks like a great meal for busy nights! Another great recipe to try. My favorite pasta shape! Thanks also for the basil pesto recipe. BTW, I have made the honey garlic chicken - fantastic! I added a couple drops of Sriracha, just to give it a little "bite". Isn't cavatapi pasta the best? It's my favorite shape, too! :) And I'm so glad that you liked the honey garlic chicken. I will have to try adding sriracha the next time I make it...such a great idea. Thanks for sharing and having a great weekend, Jeannie!
Recently, we launched a formal client satisfaction survey effort using a third party. Here's how we did. This week we welcome a new addition to the team. Cathryn Wile, who currently resides in Denver, will be joining us to lead our marketing efforts.
Some clients may have insight into how their childhood has affected their adult life, however some clients are unaware of the connection. Much more than a new edition, this is a true re-visioning as only Judith Rubin could do. For a client to understand the connections of their history to their present actions, therapists can help the client establish a roadmap of how they got to where they are in life today. It will also find a receptive audience within the larger research community where there is a rising commitment to expanding the theory and practice of research. In addition to the strength of the theoretical overview, this new edition offers many new chapters including those on cognitive-behavioral therapy and person-centered therapy. This momentum could stall if the client wants to consciously or unconsciously avoid specific problems. He illustrates how practitioner-researchers can become involved in art-based inquiries during their educational studies and throughout their careers, and shows how new types of research can be created that resonate with the artistic process. Offering a rich array of sources and resources, the book will be of interest to clinicians and teachers in many fields, such as psychiatry, psychology, social work, counseling, art, and education. Approaches to Art Therapy, 3rd edition, is an essential resource in the assembly of any clinician's theoretical and technical toolbox, and in the formulation of each individual's own approach to art therapy. Mentalization Based Art Psychotherapy Dominik Havsteen-Franklin B. An Eclectic Approach to Art Therapy Harriet Wadeson Conclusion Index Series Title: Responsibility: edited by Judith Aron Rubin. Gussak describes the role of the art therapist as an expert witness in a murder case, the way to use art as evidence, and the conclusions and assessments that professionals can draw from a defendant's artworks. The third edition of Approaches to Art Therapy brings together varied theoretical approaches and provides a variety of solutions to the challenge of translating theory to technique. Approaches to Art Therapy, 3rd edition, is an essential resource in the assembly of any clinician's theoretical and technical toolbox, and in the formulation of each individual's own approach to art therapy. Art therapists at all levels, as well as any mental health professional utilizing art in their clinical work, will find this new edition of value and interest. Art therapy can be very useful in these situations because the client can engage in creative expression and self-expression and not feel pressured to formulate insightful verbal insights. The counselling approach that is chosen should best suit the client and their needs along with the skillset you have developed. Some have limited evidence and some have copious amounts of evidence. Moreover, a therapist will also be influenced by their first place of employment when deciding which counselling approach to use with their client. He examines the effectiveness of expert testimony as communicated by the prosecution, defense, and court, and weighs the moral, ethical, and legal consequences of relying on such evidence. Cognitive-Behavioral Art Therapy Marcia Rosal 18. Moreover, for all of the evidence in support of the effectiveness of the therapy, there is usually a component of criticisms directed towards the effectiveness of the therapy or the scientific approach taken to analyzing its usefulness. I honestly do not think I understood the integrative approach to art therapy until I picked this book up and started reading it and it was not my first semester of art therapy classes. The third edition of Approaches to Art Therapy brings together varied theoretical approaches and provides a variety of solutions to the challenge of translating theory to technique. Detailing an outstanding example of the use of forensic art therapy in a capital murder case, David Gussak, an art therapist contracted by the defense to analyze the images that were to be presented as evidence, recounts his findings and his testimony in court, as well as the future implications of his work for criminal proceedings. Jungian Art Therapy Nora Swan-Foster 9. Art therapy has commonly followed more psychodynamic and humanistic approaches. I have kept it and reread it many times and I highly recommend it for anyone in the field of art therapy—student and therapist alike. Clinical examples and nearly 100 illustrations are employed as the authors present the creative and effective treatment of patients. Much more than a new edition, this is a true re-visioning as only Judith Rubin could do. Chapter Five continues the theme of violence within families, and Chapter Six, 'The Cycle of Healing,' includes a discussion of resilience illustrated by a variety of stories from an integration of family and art therapy. Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy Laury Rappaport 16. This book is a wonderful contribution to efforts to encourage the highest standards of professional competence in art therapy. The E-mail message field is required. Commentaries by well known art therapists follow each section of the book. Object Relations and Art Therapy Arthur Robbins 7. Discovery and Insight in Art Therapy Judith Rubin 5. This exciting new volume contains a diverse selection of chapters written to examine the current transitional phase of the profession where new paradigms of thinking and research methods are emerging due to the continued examination of old assumptions and development of new knowledge. The creator of seven books and thirteen films, she serves on the faculties of the psychiatry department at the University of Pittsburgh and the Pittsburgh Psychoanalytic Center in Pennsylvania. This book is packed with data on theory and practice with case material and art exercises. Gestalt Art Therapy Janie Rhyne 12. Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy Natalie Rogers 13. A Theory-based Approach to Art Therapy draws on the latest research in the field and will be a valuable text for art therapy theorists, educators, students and researchers, as well as for other social practitioners interested in understanding how to integrate the arts into their practice. The introduction begins with a brief introduction to Randy and his Dad and Stepmother. The therapist and client work together to formulate a future vision for the client and then determine the series of steps it will take to achieve that vision. Therapy can help explore how these perceptions and thoughts influence current behaviour. This book provides a theory-based approach to research, teaching, and practicing art therapy, including verbal and arts based techniques, settings, art processes and analyses, and the principles of supervision, evaluation, and research.
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I had (notice past tense) an extensive list of photos tagged and cataloged on Pinterest. But then life came crashing in and I stopped posting. My email changed and voila, I was no longer able to access my Pinterest account. Oh, it’s still there, just languishing and underfed. To rectify this, I created a brand new Pinterest account and starting following myself (that would be my old account). Therefore I can repin all my old photos (the 1000s) onto my new site. Tedious? Yes. But something I can do while in line at the grocery store. Here are some sample pins, currently centered around my debut novel, Tarot: The Magician. I love the mystery of this photo. It’s called “Discovered” by David Dallilet. This reminds me of the Black Plague suits doctors would wear. This painting, called “All Seeing” reminds me of Guiermo Del Toro’s work. Although the painting is by Sarah Jones. Yes. I also adore books. In 2005, Swiss artist Jan Reymond began constructing elaborate installations each year, made of the old, unsold books as a last hurrah for the soon-to-be discarded objects. This entry was posted in Art and tagged pinterest. You have a very disturbing Pinterest, if these are just a few samples. Granted, the style of writing you do, but whew….. 😛 Glad you figured out a way to ‘save’ your pins! Creative. I looked back and you’re right. On the blog I mostly posted bizarre images. Those were the ones that were the most striking. Except, wow, that does paint an interesting picture of me, doesn’t it? The book installation looks really cool. I like the overall look and that books were repurposed into something else, at least for awhile. I remember seeing a show about the middle ages where they had a black plague mask/suit similar to the painting. The All Seeing is actually pretty cool too. Yup, I’m drawn to all things books so the book installation is awesome. Click over to the Pinterest site for a whole lot more book related art.
T74.22XD is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. The 2019 edition of ICD-10-CM T74.22XD became effective on October 1, 2018. This is the American ICD-10-CM version of T74.22XD - other international versions of ICD-10 T74.22XD may differ. T74.22XD is applicable to pediatric patients aged 0 - 17 years inclusive. T74.22XD is considered exempt from POA reporting.
Keep your entire face toasty, recite your favorite breathy Bane quotes, and pretend you are the League of Shadows on cold wintery days (or suffer for your craft and sweat all summer long). Each knitted mask is handmade to your specifications so, you’re assured a custom fit if you’re a little guy or as big as bane himself. If you want to go off script, you can have the beanie designed in any color combination you’d like. The Bulgarian seamstress even created a Sub-Zero style mask for her Mortal Combat fans so, bring your imagination, the possibilities are endless.
The following standards are designed to provide for a systematic method of appointing qualified counsel to indigents in criminal cases. These standards address principles of eligibility and certification for trial, writs of habeas corpus, revocations of probation and counsel on appeal. Because Navarro County counsel as well as out-of-county counsel available for indigent criminal appointment numbers fewer than twenty individuals, the judges of Navarro County are completely familiar with the proficiency levels of all local counsel. These guidelines provide for a high level of discretion to be exercised by judges, based upon their almost daily review of the conduct of a small number of attorneys. Navarro County indigent practice has always incorporated considerable judicial discretion in the appointment of attorneys, and the jurists of Navarro County, historically, have used utmost care in balancing the rights of indigent defendants and varying levels of attorney proficiency to achieve adequate representation. No doubt, the great majority of judges who comprise the rural judiciary have executed the same care. vi. If the magistrate is not authorized to appoint counsel and if the accused requests appointment of counsel, the magistrate shall transmit or cause to be transmitted the magistrate form and any other forms requesting appointment of counsel to the Indigent Defense Coordinator. (the appointing authority) The forms requesting appointment of counsel shall be transmitted without unnecessary delay, but not later than 24 hours after the person arrested requests appointment of counsel. 3. An attorney shall submit by October 15th each year a statement that describes the percentage of the attorney's practice time that was dedicated to work based on appointments accepted in this county for adult criminal cases and juvenile delinquency cases for the prior 12 months that begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The report must be submitted through the online form to the Texas Indigent Defense Commission/form prescribed by the Texas Indigent Defense Commission to the court administration office in the county. 3. An attorney must have experience as 1st or 2nd chair in at least 3 felony case(s) tried to verdict before a jury. At least 3 of the trial(s) must have been felonies. The styles and cause numbers of these cases must be listed in the District Courts appointment application form. C. Removal from Appointment List - The judges and Indigent Defense Coordinator will monitor attorney performance on a continuing basis to assure the competency of attorneys on the list. An attorney may be removed or suspended, as appropriate, from one or more appointment lists by a majority vote of the judges. iii. If an indigent defendant is arrested in another county based on this county’s warrant, counsel will be appointed within three working days of the Indigent Defense Coordinator's receipt of the request for counsel. v. If a defendant wishes to request counsel prior to the initial appearance, the forms required to request counsel may be obtained at the Texas Indigent Defense Commission’s website at http://tidc.tamu.edu/public.net/ or from: the District Clerk's office or Indigent Defense Coordinator. The defendant may submit these forms to: Indigent Defense Coordinator. 1. If no case has been filed in the trial court, the appointing authority for misdemeanors is Indigent Defense Coordinator. 2. If no case has been filed in the trial court, the appointing authority for felonies is Indigent Defense Coordinator. 3. If the case has been filed in the trial court, the appointing authority is Indigent Defense Coordinator. ii. The attorney fee voucher must be submitted within seven days of disposition of case with any supplemental documentation to be attached for fees exceeding the schedule.
A special thank you to Deb S. for chairing the Lenten soup suppers. Also, a big THANKS to all who volunteered their labor and the delicious food! This time of fellowship is a wonderful part of Lent! Thank you! This entry was posted in Home Page News, Thank you. Bookmark the permalink.
Please plan accordingly. Thank you for your patience and understanding with this matter. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us prior to January 31st at 5 pm at CSRInfo@CalRetirees.org.
During my last trip to Kyiv, Dnipro and Donbas, I’ve been in several closed-door meetings with military staff and international strategists. The following text lists some of my observations and things I was told about realities of the war in Ukraine. All information was provided under Chatham House Rules, so it is much more straight forward than what you would hear or read from official briefings and politicians’ statements. For the same reason, I won’t name any source, naturally. Right now, Ukraine faces some 36.300 separatists (most of them Ukrainians) at the front. While 2016 saw around 9.000 Russian troops in eastern Ukraine, this number declined to 3.000. “The problem is that they left their equipment all behind. High tech equipment.” Military academies and (Ukrainian) separatist army training bases work “highly efficient”, some still under Russian army command with many trainers being Russian-trained Ukrainians by now. They are now training “the 3rd generation” of fighters, meaning Russian-trained Ukrainians educate new Ukrainians. Separatist troops are trained on traditional weapons as well as state of the art Russian Army electronic warfare equipment, the invaders left-behind. This results in a well-trained enemy army. However, over the past months, Russians have reduced logistic and military support in Donetsk and Luhansk. The DNR/LNR military and political leaderships are panicking about this and consider having their own offensive operations against Ukraine, fearing Russia might look for “diplomatic solutions” in which they might cease to exist. Right now, separatist/Russian forces of the first and second army corps have 478 operational tanks, 848 APCs and 732 artillery pieces inside Ukraine. Approximately the same amount of equipment is located directly on the Russian side of the occupied territories and can be deployed to the territories within less than one day (with Russian soldiers operating most of the weapons systems). What the Ukrainian army needs at the front – and hopes to receive from the US – is “night vision equipment, jamming systems, radio intelligence tools and secure communication systems, especially to operate UAVs”. One quite bold argument why drones must be equipped with night vision and laser targeting equipment was, that Ukraine wants to see where it returns fire. “70% of their artillery and mortar positions are located in close proximity to civilian structures in urban areas. Most of the shelling occurs at night. If we return fire, we would like to see what we hit. This would reduce the risk of hitting civilians.” The officer said that Ukraine must strike back if the pro-Russian fire in violation of Minsk threatens the lives of their forces. They do this almost daily, “endangering our own civilians” (in the occupied areas). They want to change the situation, but need more foreign support to do so. Also, separatists occasionally use entrenched BMP-1 some km from the front as “ballistic weapons”, using their main gun to shell the Ukrainian front “like mortars”. This tactic is used to avoid being spotted by OSCE monitors. It also only very seldomly causes damage or casualties. The European Union, also Germany, deny Ukraine the military support they want, because the EU wants the Ukrainian army “to punch below its fighting weight”. It knows Putin is the aggressor but also has no full trust in Ukraine’s commitment to the Minsk agreement. It fears, nationalist forces could win the upper hand via democratic elections or within the military structure and launch a surprise offensive to regain what belongs to Ukraine in the east. Some figures within the Ukrainian political and military sphere see this as the only chance as Minsk does not seem to return any square meter to its rightful owner. At the same time, the Ukrainian army feels – and is – much stronger than in 2014 and could throw its weight into the battle to see if it can recapture entire Donbas. However no one thinks that Poroshenko would order such an attack as another defeat would mean the end of his political career. To make sure, nobody in the Ukrainian leadership does, the EU wants Ukraine to remain under-equipped to a certain degree. Also it is afraid that IF Ukraine’s army became a proper opponent to what Russia can send it at any moment, the conflict could spiral out of control. The Ukrainian army position on the diplomatic initiative is: “Russia suffers under the sanctions, keeping them in place is the only way to eventually solve the conflict due to negotiations”. Some experts think that this implies, lifting the sanctions against Russia could make the Ukrainian government and army turn to “Plan B” as mentioned above. Asked about OSCE observations that the Ukrainian army sometimes advances into the grey area, officers made it clear that they regard the – signed also by Russia! – September 19, 2014 contact line as the real one, according to Minsk. This means the army sees advances into the grey zone “to supply our citizens in it” and possibly take new positions as its full right. The grey zone, meaning points behind what Ukraine holds now but what it regards as on its side of the September 19, 2014 contact lin,e reaches “between 200 meters and 7 kilometres” into not-held territory, sometimes held by separatists, sometimes held by nobody. Thus, it includes “hundreds of settlements” which Ukraine regards as under its protection according to the first Minsk agreement. The army denies that entering these areas violates Minsk and left open, whether it could install permanent positions inside this area. For now, only temporary advances are on the agenda. Russian-speaking people could turn to Russia, fleeing to it or even rise up in the eastern and southern regions, trying to make those areas part of Russia. By the way: All experts agree that Russia is not better off economically, just more successfully creating that image with its propaganda, also received among many “neutral” Ukrainians. Because of all this, economic experts assume that Ukraine is “too big to fail” and must be economically secured at any price. So the fight against the economic downturn is closely connected to the fight against Russia’s hybrid war on the country and the fight against corruption. Against the backdrop of an – again – escalating war in Eastern Ukraine, it was revealed today that Russia extended its “support for the rebels” or rather: supply of its troops by a further mean, namely by a direct train connection from Russia into occupied Donbas. Given the fact that the Russian invasion command did everything to conquer the important railway knot of Debaltseve and seeing a steady escalation in Russian-led violence in Eastern Ukraine over the last weeks, the assumption that full-scale hostilities will resume until summer seems rather obvious. Thus, it is no surprise that the Russian army needs to create a strong and steady supply line to its forces in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Rumors that such line was established popped up here and there over the last 2 months, however, solid evidence was missing so far. This changed today, when the Ukrainian Twitter user “Lenz Gottfried” uploaded a picture of two Russian “hybrid” troops, hugging at an undosclosed train station in front of what seemed to be a (state-owned) Russian Railways cargo train, packed with ammunition boxes. According to the uploader of the picture, the boxes contain ammunition for the «Акации» / 2S3 Akatsiya self-propelled artillery, however this type of artillery system is not known to have been deployed by Russian forces so far. While this description might be a (rather unimportant) mistake given the clearly military cargo inside the wagons, the exact geolocation of the picture inside Ukraine was crucial to verify the claim that the scene played inside Ukraine. This process needed no less than 2 hours, in which I matched more than 50 train stations inside occupied Donbas with the picture, searching for a facility with the properties and objects that can be seen in it. Finally, I found the right one and was able to confirm that despite the small ammunition type error, the scene indeed shows what it claims, namely a direct Russian army supply line into Ukraine’s Luhansk region via railway, more precisely the town of Sukhodil’s‘k, around 10 km from the border with Russia. The below picture shows the analytical chart that verifies the location as well as the way, the train probably took to get there. As it can be seen in the chart above, the train likely entered via the Russian-occupied Izvaryne border crossing, which (despite claims to have done so) the Ukrainian army was never able to reach since the start of the invasion in April last year. Thus, it served as a safe passage for Russian troops and equipment, crossing it in vehicles as well as the notorious “humanitarian aid convoys”, since then. However its use for the illegal entry (aka invasion) of Russian army-organized and -stuffed trains hasn’t been proven so far. This changed today. The emergence of the train in Sukhodil’s’k, 18 kilometers of tracks into Ukraine, is – for sure – only the tip of the iceberg. At this very location, no Russian arms are needed right now and the town only serves as a transit point for that kind of carriage. Instead the tracks, lead towards the front near Stanytsia Luhanska in the north and practically endlessly towards the west, where fighting increased over the last 4 weeks. More such deadly cargo, transported by train, should and will be found along these axes, then however, probably not in Russian Railways wagons anymore. Finally, the first appearance of Russian state trains, filled with ammunition, inside Ukraine, is another stark reminder that this conflict is far from over. Instead the Russian side takes a – well-documented – deep breath to come back with all its “hybrid” force and take more territory inside Ukraine; probably before this summer. The usage of Russian trains to facilitate that carefully and long-planned move is just another logical step in Russia’s escalation ladder and thanks to the “media friendly” invasion troops, its revelation was just a question of time. Eight days after the fall of Debaltseve (article), many analysts still believe, the worst in terms of fighting might be over in eastern Ukraine and Russia’s thirst for more territory appeased. Fighting activity continuously decreased during the last days along the border of occupied Donbas and yesterday was the first day of no Ukrainian fatalities since the signing of the Minsk 2 agreement on February 12. Still, this impression deceives. The prediction, I stated in my last article, that large parts of the offensive Russian forces which were active in and around Debaltseve moved south after their victory there and will soon turn up in the greater Donetsk area as well as near the southern coastal city of Mariupol was meanwhile confirmed by multiple analysts, including several sources on the ground in southern Donetsk region. However, what seems not to have been realized by analysts and international media organizations yet is that the question, whether or not an attack towards Mariupol will take place or not has already been answered. It started the moment, Debaltseve fell to the invasion army. In early February, Ukrainian national guard forces from Regiment Azov were not willing to obey the suicidal “defense only” strategy by the military and political leadership in Kiev and decided to go on the attack (article), amid a weak Russian / local separatists-held frontline east of the city (as most forces were active around Debaltseve). Within 2 days, they recaptured around 120 km² of Ukrainian land and established new fortified positions in a number of towns, some 10-15 east of Mariupol.The below (professional) map gives a good impression of what could be regained and put back under Urainian control during this offensive. But the joy was only brief. 5 days later, on February 16, Russian forces started massive attacks on the front, pushing Azov troops out of Shyrokyne and to the town’s eastern outskirts (geolocated) in a first stage of their counterattack. Several days of relative calm followed, but on February 23, their offensive gained pace again, using all kind of weapons – of course – forbidden in the Minsk 2 agreement – and even Russian air force surveillance planes over the occupied territory. The below detailed map shows what was used where and what the initial situation in terms of territorial possession at that time was. Due to the (anti!-)Ukrainian strategy of adhering to the Minsk 1+2 agreements, defending Azov troops could only fight back with small arms and mortars, by far not strong enough to resist the fresh Russian push, executed by forces coming from central Donbas via Telmanove as well as via Novoazovsk and thus directly from Russian army and invasion bases across the border (article). Reports from the Information Resistance group say up to 600 invasion forces stand ready to take part in the offensive as well as dozens of tanks and armored fighting vehicles, not to speak of heavy artillery and MLRS systems. As a logic consequence of the uneven (allowance to use) force, Ukrainian troops initially had to withdraw from Kominternove and shortly after from Pavlopil and its tiny suburb Pyshchevyk, meaning a loss of some 70% of the territory, Regiment Azov liberated earlier this month. Not even today, as the Ukrainian ministry of internal affairs report the use of Russian army T-72 tanks to attack Regiment Azov positions near Shyrokyne, the Ukrainian army command would give its troops the needed artillery cover. The below map shows the situation as it appears according to all available reports on February 25. Last but not least, many people keep asking if Russian forces will attack Mariupol itself and capture it in another step to build a land corridor to (also-)occupied Crimea. There should be doubt about that for the coming weeks at least. While some analysts believe, the Russian army and local separatists might directly attack or bypass and encircle the town, the cost for that move might be massive and possibly too high for both sides, especially taking into account that – different from Debaltseve – here both sides will have a steady streeam of resupplies and reinforcements until cutting the opponent’s supply lines with extreme force. Thus, the more likely scenario in the short term is that Russian forces will try to get back into the comfortable situation of controlling all smaller settlements east of Mariupol, being able to attack military and civilians targets in and around the town like it was the case between September last year and January 2015. Doing this, they would be able to inflict constant smaller casualties on the fixed Ukrainian line of defense, keeping the conflict boiling on a low but steady flame. At the same time, it would enable them to raise the stakes (attack Mariupol itself) whenever their supreme command in Moscow feels to do so, without having to move larger contingents of men and material (more than 5 kilometers). Finally what we might see during the next weeks and probably months will rather be an offensive towards and not on Mariupol. However, this offensive is already happening as we speak, kept dead quiet by both, the Russian and the Ukrainian government, but painfully felt by mostly volunteer Ukrainian defenders on the ground as well as civilians, coming back under Russian rule or – like so many others – being forces to flee to Mariupol itself or other safer regions in Ukraine.
JFH News: Integrity Music Announces Paul Baloche's "Ultimate Collection" Every believer has signposts for the journey in faith. For Dove Award-winning worship leader Paul Baloche, the journey is marked by songs, personal prayers that have become global anthems for Christians from all walks of life. Integrity Music, Baloche’s label home for two decades, now offers 15 of his most beloved compositions with Paul Baloche Ultimate Collection, available globally February 16. And the church has responded to this “worship pastor of worship pastors” whose songs have been featured on recordings by Matt Redman, Michael W. Smith, Casting Crowns and Phillips Craig & Dean to name but a few. Baloche is one of the contemporary church’s most acclaimed songwriters, penning standards such as “Hosanna (Praise is Rising),” “Our God Saves,” “Your Name,” “Glorious,” “Above All” and “Open the Eyes of My Heart.” In short, Baloche writes songs that the whole church sings. In addition to being a prolific songwriter, Baloche has developed a variety of resource videos for worship teams and he facilitates LeadWorship training workshops around the world. His critically-acclaimed recordings include Your Mercy, The Same Love, Christmas Worship (Volumes 1&2 and Live From London), Our God Saves, A Greater Song and the French albums Glorieux and Ovuvre Les Yeux De Mon Coeur. He is also the author of the books “God Songs: How to Write and Select Songs for Worship” and “The Same Love: A Devotion.” Additional information is available at LeadWorship.com and Facebook.com/PaulBaloche or by following Baloche on Twitter and Instagram @paulbaloche. For more info on Paul Baloche, visit the JFH Artists Database.
Brad Neuberg is credited with starting the coworking movement in San Francisco in 2005 with the idea to combine the independence of freelancing with the structure and community of an office space. To do this, he invented the word “coworking” with no hyphen. Unlike a traditional office, coworking spaces consist of members who work for a range of different companies, ventures, and projects. Because there is little direct competition or internal politics, they don’t feel they have to put on a work persona to fit in. Working amidst people doing different kinds of work can also make one’s own work identity stronger. In 2017, there were 13,800 coworking spaces globally. The Cooperative Venture Workspace is proudly one of them in Portsmouth, NH. This is more than office space for rent. It’s a decision that has direct benefits for you and your business.
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・A true to size classic t-shirt for everyone. ・Shorter in length than our classic cut t-shirt, this modern boxy sillhouette is perfect for the shorter of us who still want the classic cut without the bulk of extra length. *This is made to order. It will take 3-5 days.
Nestled on the hillside. Sheltered from the wind! This loving family home oozes character and style. 3 bedrooms all with cupboards and en suite bathrooms. Lovely spacious open plan living areas with excellent flow to covered patio, over looking Fish Hoek, with views of the mountain and the ocean. Open plan kitchen with fitted hob, extractor and a separate scullery/laundry area. The Garden is terraced and the pool is sparkling! The property has access to Outspan road making summer fun easy as pie with just a 2miuite stroll to the beach.
The school council consists of 10 school council members that represent Years 1 and 2 and Mrs Goodman who leads the meetings. Every class in Key Stage 1 have two school council members that hold their post for a term. At the beginning of every term new school council members are selected through an election process. In order to be on the School Council children must deliver a short speech on what they would like to improve at the school. They are then voted for by the members of the class and two children are chosen to be the representatives. The School Council team meet up every Thursday lunchtime and discuss the topic of focus. Last year the School Council supported Children in Need, Sports relief and our Anti-bullying week. They helped raise money at the summer fete and helped guide the school into looking after their playground and the toilets more responsibly. The School Council has a mission statement which is displayed next to their board in the school. A copy of this can be found below. Our School Council will include children who set a good example to follow and encourage the school values. They will listen to all pupils and help give them a voice to share opinions. The school Council will help to make everybody feel included, a part of our community and feel happy and safe.
A man is to stand trial accused of the murder of former University of Lincoln graduate Grace Millane. Backpacker Grace, 22, from Essex, was last seen "with a male companion" at 9.41pm on December 1, 2018 at the Citylife Hotel, in Auckland. Her family became concerned when she failed to respond to birthday messages the following day. Police found Grace&apos;s body on December 9 in the Waitakere Ranges, 10 metres away from the road. A 26-year-old man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared in the High Court in Auckland on Wednesday, January 16. He pleaded not guilty to murder and will face trial on November 4. Family and friends remembered Grace at a funeral service at Brentwood Cathedral on January 10. It began with a procession from her family home. Grace was vice-captain of the university hockey team, whose members raised almost £6,000 for Lincoln cancer charity Candles and the Lucie Blackman Trust, which supports British nationals in crisis overseas, with a charity match and an online campaign . Her disappearance sparked a frantic search by New Zealand police and her father flew out in a desperate bid to find her. Grace&apos;s two brothers, Michael, 29, and Declan, 26, and their mother, Gillian, said Grace had a "passion to see the world" and revealed she had been planning a second long-haul trip to Asia. Michael told the Sunday Times : "She had decided, &apos;once I&apos;ve done this bit, I want to go to the other side&apos;. "She had a passion to see the world before she settled into a job. Her mind was set that she wanted to do this thing." He also revealed the family had received almost 1,000 messages of sympathy and support from around the world - many from complete strangers. Michael said: "I read one from Mexico last night on Facebook. It&apos;s been reassuring reading the condolences, the nice messages that people have been sending. "[It is often] random people taking the time to write a letter to us - to someone they don&apos;t know from across the world." The family also issued this statement: "Grace went off to travel the world in mid-October and arrived in New Zealand on November 20. The family also paid tribute to investigating officers in New Zealand. They said: "We would like to thank the people of New Zealand for their outpouring of love, numerous messages, tributes and compassion.
Get the CBSE Class 10th Mathematics Chapter 1, Real Numbers: Important Questions & Preparation Tips. Get the CBSE Class 10th Mathematics Chapter 1, Real Numbers: Important Questions & Preparation Tips. This will provide you with a very clear idea about what type of questions are being framed for the exam and from which topics. The pattern in which the Question Paper is set is quite different from the style in which the course structure is actually defined. Consider the below mentioned points/questions at the time of preparation. Given positive integers a and b, there exist whole numbers q and r satisfying a = bq + r, 0 ≤ r < b. Step 1: Apply the division lemma to find the whole numbers q and r such that, a = bq + r, where ; 0 ≤ r < b. Step 2: Now if r = 0, then the HCF of given numbers is b. If r ≠ 0, then apply Euclid’s lemma again to b and r. Step 3: Continue this process till the remainder comes out to be zero. The divisor at this stage will be HCF (a, b). Also, HCF(a, b) = HCF(b, r). The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic: Every composite number can be expressed (factorised) as a product of primes, and this factorisation is unique, apart from the order in which the prime factors occur.
Spent Friday driving from Branson to Pigeon Forge. Definitely a long haul. Forgot about switching back to Eastern time so lost an hour on top of that. It seemed my virtually rain-free trip would be spoiled, morning forecast called for 60%+ chance of thunderstorms on Saturday. Miraculously, the park got virtually no rain, the storm system veered just west of Pigeon Forge. Got there around 9:15 and boarded at Tram Stop B. "B is for Butterfly." Walking through the front areas before rope drop there is a very nice fountain. Also, due to the threat of rain, there weren't many people here at opening. The duck population on the midways outnumbered the people population. Unfortunately, all of the ducks were holding park maps and headed the same place I was. Oh c'mon, those baby ducks aren't even tall enough to ride. Wild Eagle. The theming is well done. There's an awesome massive eagle statue at the entrance, and Dolly herself recorded a special song just for the ride. Flyyy Eagle, Flyyy Eagle, Wild Eagle Flyyyy.... (thankfully there is more than that). The trains themselves have eagle heads with wings spanning the middle of each row. Eagle's zero-g roll, which comes right after the first loop, was my favorite element here. You really do feel like you're flying. I preferred the back. This one's worth doing front seat at least once though, there are some great legchopper effects there in the second half that had me pulling my knees up. From a pure ride standpoint, now having ridden all 3 of B&M's US Wing Coasters, GateKeeper is better, but I enjoyed Wild Eagle quite a bit more than X-Flight. I wouldn't classify any of the 3 as "intense" but that's not really a negative in my book. It's a solid crowd pleasing design, they are fun to ride, and they have a certain -- dare I say -- majestic quality, which isn't an adjective I'd use to describe many other coasters. After 4 laps on Eagle (max 10 minute wait this early in the morning), Tennessee Tornado was nearby so walked on. One of the last Arrow loopers, and now my second favorite of its type (Loch Ness is still first, those interlocking loops are so pretty.) Fairly smooth with virtually no headbanging and the tunnel drop is sweet. Rode it a second time. Next was Blazing Fury. Nearly identical to SDC's Fire In The Hole (the former was based on the latter), even the ride ops were serenading departing trains with a shout of "Fire in the hole!" However, this one has no splashdown, apparently they took it out a couple years back. Still a fun dark coaster. Walking back through the upper half of the park, did Mystery Mine twice. This ride is disorienting in a good way and hard to describe. Part indoor, part outdoor, and very unique. But bangs your head around in a couple spots. Kept going to Thunderhead. A very solid woodie, no single element is outstanding (the station flyby is slick though) but has some good airtime moments throughout its lengthy course and keeps up a good rate of speed. Went back to Thunderhead, max 10 minute wait so got 4 more rides on that, 2 more on Eagle, 1 more on Tornado. For a Saturday I sure am riding a lot. Then took a swing on Barnstormer, funny this was my first S&S swing of the season. The "giant barn" theme fits this ride type well (SDC's swing is similarly themed). I passed on dessert before but was wanting some now. Exiting Barnstormer, I walked to the nearby Grist Mill and -- a la Toucan Sam -- followed my nose inside. Cinnamon bread. Oh goodness this is delicious. You get a decent sized loaf served warm and fresh, there's enough to share, or in my case take some home. I then headed to Celebrity Theater for the Great American Country Show. Shows aren't really my thing -- my last was way back in 2008 (CP's Misadventures of Molly and Maverick) -- but considering Dollywood's reputation, I made an exception. I don't feel qualified to critique in detail, so I'll just say the production values were top-notch and I liked it. But given a do-over (or hopefully if I visit Dollywood again!) I probably would have selected a "smaller" show. Looking back I think the Country Show is Dollywood's "biggest" this season in terms of scale. There were a couple hours left til close, and all I really wanted was a couple night rides on Eagle. I took some time to walk around the Village and Country Fair sections, as I hadn't been though them yet. Rode the train, which actually travels a bit outside the park boundary through some heavily wooded areas. Rode the nearby carousel after the train ride. Then started walking back towards Wild Eagle (hit Blazing Fury again on the way) and got there around 9 PM. Got 4 more rides in before closing at 10. This thing is even sweeter after dark. No lighting here, helps that much of the course is surrounded by trees. As a bonus, they were doing fireworks at 9:30. Soaring on Eagle in the dark while watching fireworks? EXCELLENT! And a pretty fitting finale to cap my vacation!
CARACS, Venezuela (AP) — In life, Venezuela's exuberant leader Hugo Chavez often captivated supporters by bursting into song, even the occasional dance. Now that he's gone, supporters are turning to the musical arts to help immortalize him. A state-sponsored biographical ballet premieres on Saturday, with dozens of performers recounting Chavez's life, from humble roots, to failed coup, to international fame as leader of Venezuela's socialist revolution. The hour-long show, presented by Venezuela's National Dance Company, blends classic and contemporary choreography, and draws on a range of music including Venezuelan folk melodies, African rhythms and symphonic scores. Performers use simple dances to depict Chavez's childhood in a humble house with a mud floor, and his days roaming the streets selling homemade papaya sweets known as spiders. The ballet, entitled "From Spider-Seller to Liberator," shows him shelving his dream of being a major league baseball pitcher to join the army at age 17. Then audience sees a disillusioned Chavez dancing against the background of the country's 1989 riots, in which several hundred people died in the streets. At a climactic moment, Chavez storms the Venezuelan political stage like a hurricane in 1992, leading failed coup attempt. Chavez was imprisoned, but not before scoring a few precious moments of airtime in which he grabbed the nation's attention, telling followers he had failed "for now." The ballet is debuting on the 22nd anniversary of the failed coup. Six years after being sent to prison, Chavez he came to power and remained at the helm of the country until he died of cancer in 2013. The ballet ends with Chavez converted into a disembodied force of justice and socialism. On the street outside the theater, passersby were unsurprised that the late leader has gotten another commemoration. "Chavez has become mythic, whether you like it or not," said 23-year-old student Carlos Lozada. "He'll be here as long as the Chavistas remain in power."
Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. As an “alpha” global city, Mexico City is one of the most important financial centers in the Americas. Colonia Centro is the business, banking, and historic center of Mexico City. Within Colonia Centro, is Centro Histórico. Here you’ll find historic landmarks, important public buildings, the partially unearthed Aztec ruins of the Great Temple, and numerous museums. This is our guide to the best places to run in Mexico City, Mexico. Within Colonio Centro is Chapultepec Forest (Bosque de Chapultepec) — is Mexico City’s largest oasis and one of its running highlights. It is divided into three sections, and home to forests, lakes and several important sights and attractions. In between Colonia Centro and Chapultepec Forest lies Zona Rosa, which is one of the city’s most touristy areas. South of Zona Rose lie the Roma and Condesa neighborhoods. These bohemian neighborhoods feature the city’s hippest cafes and bars, from cutting-edge restaurants to offbeat shops, art galleries, and nightclubs. Other running highlights in Mexico city are the Coyoacan and San Angel neighborhoods. Not far from the city, El Ocotal, Cuemanc, Bosque de Tlalpan, and Forest of Aragon are worthy running destinations. There are two obstacles when running in Mexico City: altitude and pollution. Located at an altitude of 7,350 ft in the Valley of Mexico (a large valley in the high plateaus at the center of Mexico), it is important to allow yourself to become acclimated to the elevation before pushing yourself. Pollution is also a reality in Mexico City. Try planning your runs in the morning or the evening, and the air quality will be better. **Big thanks to Go! Running Tours for their help outlining the best running routes in Mexico City**. Mexico City is huge but there are various forms of public transit to help you get around. The quickest form of transportation is the metro system, consisting of 12 lines with 195 stations. All lines operate from 5am to midnight weekdays, 6am to midnight Saturday and 7am to midnight Sunday and holidays. Peseros (also called microbúses or combis) are gray-and-green minibuses operated by private firms. They follow fixed routes, often starting or ending at metro stations, and will stop at virtually any street corner. Route information is randomly displayed on cards attached to the windshield. The city’s bus rapid transit line is the Metrobús. The metrobús stops at metro-style stations in the middle of the street, spaced at three- to four-block intervals. Buses and peseros operate from around 5am till 10pm daily, depending on the route. Electric trolleybuses generally run until 11:30pm. “Bosque de Chapultepec” (Chapultepec Forest) is the largest city park in the Western Hemisphere and is often referred to as Mexico City’s "lungs". We've mapped out a 3.6 mile park loop, and 5k loops of El Sope and Minor Lake. Centrally located park located in the trendy Condesa neighborhood provides an urban oasis for runners. A loop of the trails and paths is about 1 km, so you'll have to do some laps. This is a 6.2 mile tour of some of Mexico City's most important and historic sites, starting from the Zócalo metro station. Note that on Sundays, Reforma Avenue is closed to traffic until mid-day -- a special bonus for runners! A 3 mile tour of Coyoacán, a quaint neighborhood is known for its cobblestone and bohemian flavor. Includes some parks, pretty residential streets, and some sites including Templo de San Juan Bautista and the Frida Kahlo Museum. A stunningly beautiful neighborhood of cobblestone streets, Colonial-Era homes, as well as several worthwhile museums south of the city center. Mexico City’s Secretary of Tourism named the San Angel neighborhood a Barrio Magico (Magic Neighborhood). A forest in the Cuajimalpa delegation in Mexico City. The best time to visit is on the weekends, when it is bustling with runners and walkers. There are native tree species such as fir, ash and pine. A running circuit of about 2.15 miles is very popular. Canal Cuemanco, in the eastern part of the city, was the venue for rowing competitions in the 1968 olympic games. A paved 5K path around the canal makes for a great place to run away from Colonia Centro. Great views of volcanoes and mountains. The Bosque de Aragón is a park located in the Gustavo A. Madero, near the International Airport of Mexico City. There is a 2.5 km paved path surrounding a fountain and a second 5 km dirt path around the perimeter of the park. Forest of Tlalpan is perhaps one of the best known by runners, athletes, and nature lovers who live south of Mexico City. The five different running tracks, and natural beauty make this forest one of the favorite places for exercise. Accessible by public transport. Mexico City enjoys mild, pleasant weather (great for running) year round. It’s climate is classified as subtropical highland due to its tropical location and high elevation. The average high is between 70 an 85 (21 to 28 12 to °C) throughout the year. Nights can be cool, as low as 5C in thw winter months. October through May is the city’s dry season, and from June through September is considered the “rainy season”. During the summer months it rains on average once a day, though the rain rarely lasts longer than a few hours. Due to the city’s location near the equator, there is not great variation in daylight length. There are numerous options for lodging in Mexico City. Some of the most reasonable places are in the Centro Histórico, while more luxurious accommodations, are concentrated in Polanco and the Zona Rosa. Staying in Centro Histórico and Zona Rosa provides access to the Historic Downtown route from your front door. Similarly, staying in Polanco (bordering Chapultepec Forest), has easy access to running routes in the forest. South of Zona Rose lie the Roma and Condesa neighborhoods. These bohemian neighborhoods feature the city’s hippest cafes and bars, from cutting-edge restaurants to offbeat shops, art galleries, and nightclubs. Condesa is close to the Chapultepec Forest routes, whereas routes from Roma are accessible through Metro transportation. There aren’t as many specialty running shops in Mexico City as in some other cities, but here are a few. Todos a Correr Anzures and Santa Fe Locations. Specialty Run Store. Group Run Saturday 8:00am from the Anzures Store. Trailsport Carries a wide variety of specialty items for running, triathlon and cycling. Minimuri Location varies. Running club with free trainings. Total Running Location varies. Running club with free trainings. Mexico City Half Marathon July. Rock ’n’ Half Marathon March.
Tom Smith’s own performing career peaked on NBC Coke Time with Eddie Fischer and Debbie Reynolds in the 1950s (American Royal Ball, Kansas City with the Future Farmers of America National Chorus). Tom believes that when you get music under your skin as a child, it’s there forever and that Fort Collins Symphony’s maestros, Will Schwartz and Wes Kenney, and the music of the world’s best, is life-altering and a valuable asset to our community. Tom chaired the FCS Board of Directors from 1985 to 1986 and chaired the 50th anniversary committee that brought on Wes Kenney. He is in real estate at Berkshire Hathaway, Rocky Mountain Realtors. Tom has been married to Suzie for 50 years and they have three adult “kids,” plus spouses, and resulting offspring of treble like numbers.
To view the SAP results on individual units, click on the links below. SAP (Standard Assessment Procedure) is the method used by the Government to assess and compare the energy and environmental performance of dwellings and is used to demonstrate a dwellings compliance with Part L of the Building Regulations. Follow the links to read more about SAP, view Villavent data and view Systemair data.
"It's man jewelry. If you're going to wear a nice watch, you should wear a nice belt," says Rusty Estes, former college golfer and now the head of business development for Atlanta-based belt maker House of Fleming. For more than a decade, Estes has slapped leather onto some of golf's biggest stars, including Phil Mickelson, Ian Poulter and Jason Dufner. He's the guy who can tighten up your Tour look. IT STARTS WITH NAILING YOUR BELT WIDTH… "You need an inch-and-a-half American alligator belt. That'll fit 90 percent of our golfers," Estes says. "Everyone above 5' 7" and under 6' 7". Outside those extremes, bump it up or down." …THEN COVERING YOUR COLOR BASICS… "Medium brown, dark brown and black. To take it next-level, go dark gray and dark blue. From there, the sky's the limit. Yellow, sky blue, red—that's when you really make a statement, like Justin Thomas wearing a pink belt while shooting a 63 at the U.S. Open. How cool was that?" …AND THEN KEEPING ON TREND… "Every year certain themes take over. Lately it's what we call "California casual"—grays, off-whites." …WHICH NO LONGER INCLUDES WHITE. "White belt? Its best days are behind it." BUT, OF COURSE, SIZE MATTERS… "When all else fails, get the right fit. You should always wear your belt in the third hole. No exceptions!" …WITH THE BUCKLE, TOO… "A few years ago, there was a trend with big buckles. They're more subdued now." …AND WHO'S BIGGER THAN DJ? "If you want to look like Dustin Johnson, give us a call—we make his belts!" House of Fleming belts range in price from $300 to $650, depending on size (width and length) and type of buckle. Available at houseoffleming.com.
By: Surf ColletiveFiled under Fashion, Features, Photography, Surf Collective, Surf Collective Magazine, Womens Fashion. Tagged Aaron Austin, BRUNA GOMEZ, FASHION, JOSEPH LICATA, PHOTOGRAPHY, Surf, Swimwear. Bookmark the permalink.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 by: Isabelle Z. (Natural News) Other toxins might be deadlier, but lead remains hugely concerning to many people given its prevalence in our surroundings and the fact that no amount of it is safe for humans. Despite being banned for more than two decades, people are still coming into contact with it regularly in older products and buildings. It was once used in paint, building components and gasoline, and people can still be exposed through dust, contaminated soil, and deteriorating paint.
What the troop balance on Russia's northwest border will REALLY look like. This Bloomberg graphic is being extensively shared on social media by NATO-supporting journalists and writers working for American state media. It purports to show that Russia is being "aggressive" by proposing new battalion numbers along its western borders. If the information is accurate, it will mean a total of around 30,000 troops split into three divisions. At the same time, NATO wants to send 4,000 soldiers, mostly American and British, to the Baltic States and Poland. This graph is being used as a propaganda tool to make it appear that 4,000 'defensive' NATO personnel are facing off against 30,000 "aggressive" Russians. For starters, the Russian units will be stationed exclusively in Russian sovereign territory. The concept of a country keeping armed forces on its own soil is hardly revolutionary. By contrast, these American and British servicemen and women will be very far away from home. Also, the figures are completely misrepresented. As the image below shows, it is Russia which is outnumbered. And vastly so. It seems NATO's fans in western media are "weaponizing information" to deliver misleading messaging in their "hybrid war" against Russia. "The menace of unreality" indeed.
Quantification of physical phenomena and assessment of uncertainties in the IPSN level 2 PSA. B. Chaumont, J.M Evrard, B. Roussel, M. Durin, Fith International conference on probabilistic safety assessment and management (PSAM 5), 27/11, 01/12 november 2000, Osaka (Japan). The paper describes the general methodology used in the IPSN level 2 PSA first version for quantifying the physical phenomena and assessing the uncertainties. This methodology is based on “physical modules” which definition is given. An evolution of this methodology towards the use of fast simplified physical models has been undertaken.
Finally after a month of mostly rain and 0 to 5 degrees Celsius it got a bit colder yesterday. All the way down to minus 8 degrees. Still no sight of snow though and they promise warmer temperatures for next week. Last year we started the ice skating season on New Year’s Eve. Might have to wait a bit longer this year.
Join us to learn how to manage Agile projects in this 9 hours Agile Project Manager training and workshop. Register now - only 3 seats are still available. What will you gain by attending this training & workshop? Certification of attending Agile Project Manager training and workshop Thorough understanding of Agile project management methodology Hands-on Agile workshop Networking with fellow business professionals Professional portfolio created during workshop 9 PDUs for PMP / PMI-ACP recertification 9 SEUs for CSM Recertification This is a two days training and workshop. Gain the full benefit of training (day 1) and workshop (day 2) by attending both days. Agenda: Tuesday, April 2nd - two hours Agile Project Management training Starts at 6 pm – ends at 8pm Networking session – up to 10 minutes Learn Agile project management methodology – approx. 1.5 hour (1 break + 1 interactive Planning Poker game) Team assignments – 5 minutes Q&A – 15 minutes (until 8pm) Saturday, April 6th – seven hours Agile Project Management workshop Starts at 8:00am – ends at 3:30pm Networking session – 10 minutes Introduction to workshop's objectives – 10 minutes Experience five 1.5 hour sprints designing a hands-on product Workshop's retrospective – 15 minutes Certification ceremony - 5 minutes Closing at approx. 3:30pm Our Vision is to help you become a better professional. We offer innovative and in-person training and workshops that are based on current market trends that will help you excel at what you do best. Read more about Blue Ocean Workshops on our https://www.blueoceanworkshops.com/about-us/.
Revealed today, the first sketch of the new motorcycle by Revolt Intellicorp Pvt. Ltd. Designed by Shivam Sharma, Chief Designer- Revolt Intellicorp Pvt. Ltd., this will be India’s first AI-enabled motorcycle, and looks nothing like any other electric two-wheeler in the market. The fact that the vehicle is electric, doesn’t compromise on the performance, form factor or aesthetics of conventional ICE machines. A close look at the sketch shows that the vehicle has been designed keeping in mind the aerodynamics to ensure performance at par when compared to an ICE. The smart-motorcycle sports design language and features that are intrinsic to conventional two-wheeler enthusiasts and users. The design reflects and company claims the need of the new consumer- making urban commute convenient, cleaner and sustainable.
On November 6th, people from across the country voted in their state’s Midterm Elections. Up for vote were 34 Senate seats, all of the seats in the House, and 36 gubernatorial seats. The Republicans have 53 seats in the Senate, 199 in the house, and 25 governors. The Democrats have 45 Senate seats, 223 house seats, and 23 governors. The other two Senate seats, which are the Florida and the Mississippi, are both leaning Republican as are the other two gubernatorial races. In the House, 6 seats are leaning Republican and 4 are leaning Democrat. This means that the Republicans have a majority in the Senate and will most likely have a majority among governors, whereas the Democrats have the majority in the House. Just looking at the numbers, this would not seem to be a win for the Republicans as they lost the House, which they recently controlled. However, if you look at previous elections, this is a victory for them. In 2010, which was the first midterm election under President Obama, the Democrats lost 6 senate seats and 63 house seats. In 2002, however, the Republicans kept both Houses under President Bush. This makes sense, given the political climate at the time and the war just beginning in Afghanistan. In 1994, during President Clinton’s first term, the Democrats lost 9 Senate seats and also lost 54 House seats. Given the history of first-term midterm elections, President Trump gaining seats in one of the chambers is a victory for the Republicans. Also, keeping the Senate is arguably more important than keeping the House. With control of the Senate, Trump can get his court appointments confirmed. The biggest problems with not having control of the House is the possibility of impeachment and a block of any future tax cuts. However, Trump has already gotten his big tax cut through, so he isn’t looking to do another one very soon. Also, impeachment isn’t a problem because the Senate has to remove the President from office, which won’t happen with a Republican Senate. Keeping the Senate will be more important for Trump than keeping the House because he can still get his appointments confirmed by the Senate. This is why this was a victory of the Republicans. They beat history and gained a few seats in the Senate. However, they lost the House. The was a lesser evil for Trump, because he can do more with a Republican Senate than a Republican House. Even though the Democrats gained the House, this year was not a victory for them. It was still a decent election for them, because they took control of one of the chambers, but the Republicans still got what they needed to achieve their goals. The House – With California’s 21st Congressional District, the last undecided race of the 2018 midterms, and the vast majority of election wins certified, the numbers are in: Democrats gained 39 House seats, securing a solid 234-seat majority for the next session. Central to their victory was the political shift among sparsely populated suburban areas that voted solidly Republican in 2016, delivering a net Democratic gain of 15 seats. Likewise, densely populated suburban districts that voted solidly Democrat in 2016 shifted more Democratic, with 12 more seats flipping. Overall, the shift was most profound in districts that voted for Romney and Trump in previous elections, accounting for one-third of Democratic pickups – a sharp rebuke of Republican policies that have ostracized many independent and conservative voters alike. The Senate – In the Senate, Democrats fared better than expected, losing only 2 seats for a 53-seat Republican majority against a brutal electoral map: 74% of senate seats up for election were held by Democrats, the most seats any non-presidential party had to defend in midterms since 1914. In addition, Democrats overperformed in nearly every state, beating even partisan leans of 25+ points in states that voted overwhelmingly for Trump, like West Virginia – which he had previously won with a 36% margin. The Voters – Both parties’ bases were highly motivated, with voter turnout increasing nearly 10% from the 40% national average; in Texas alone, voter turnout increased 14% to 46% total. Democrat Beto O’Rourke came to within 3 points of Republican Ted Cruz by winning over burgeoning urban voters that already, in five counties alone, encompass 43% of Texas’ population. The combination of high urban population growth and continued high voter turnout is projected to make Texas a swing state by 2024, and much more competitive in 2020, when Senator John Cornyn’s seat is up for election. The Future – The recent news about Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian interference and current Democratic control of the House and its Judiciary Committee suggest more conflict ahead. It is necessary among Democratic and Independent voters to protect the Special Counsel – himself a lifelong Republican, former Marine, and 12-year FBI director – from executive interference. However, many Americans expect legislative gridlock in the coming session to stall policy-making at a time when national debt interest, accruing faster due to a recent tax overhaul and spending bill, will surpass defense spending. Moreover, the international status quo increasingly demands unified action. My Opinion – Keeping in mind the above, the American people have delivered their most resounding verdict yet on the current status quo – one of bitterness, partisanship, and sociopolitical division ordained by populist demagoguery – by voting for checks and balance, rule of law, and reason in candidates professing different views than a Republican contingent that seems bent on abandoning its foundations of fiscal responsibility and constitutionality for political expediency, all the while championing the burning effigy of moral integrity. Its base, the Great Silent Majority of working-class, suburban, law-abiding taxpayers readily abandoned the vitriol and incessant scandals ushered in by this administration in favor of either tepid enthusiasm or the Democratic party. At a time when both parties are becoming more radical, and younger generations are expressing apathy or disdain for the democratic process, the solution is not to set fire to the opposing camp – calling upon an army of horrors, “trigger-words,” slippery slopes, or straw men – but to recognize the true enemy of any self-governing people: fear itself.
Interra Global – A Bulk Desiccant Provider. Interra Global provides customers around the world with material sourcing solutions. Our team is dedicated to meeting the unique material sourcing requirements of our customers and providing the highest level of customer service and support. Interra Global has clear and direct contact with manufacturers on a regular basis. This unparalleled presence and communication allows Interra Global to strategically choose suppliers and to develop lasting relationships. We believe choosing the right supplier is more than finding the lowest price. Quality and consistency are at the top of our list when determining who can meet our standards and your high expectations. We know it’s easier to ask for a better price from a quality source than it is to ask for better quality from a low bidder. We have been proudly providing high-quality industrial adsorbents to customers around the world since 2008. Our international team has developed a business model that works. We look forward to becoming a valued partner to your company and we promise to continuously strive to meet your high expectations.
Under what’s known as a contingency fee arrangement, your attorney receives a fee only if you receive monetary compensation, in the form of an out-of-court settlement or an award after trial. The contingency fee will be a percentage of your total compensation. If you don’t get any money, neither does the attorney. When hiring lawyers for wrongful termination in Oakhurst, Florida agree to work on your case for a contingency fee, the percentage they’ll charge can vary quite a bit—from less than 25% to more than 40%—depending on where you live and the individual attorney. Often, they’ll ask for an up-front “retainer” (a sort of down payment) against the hourly fees. Then they’ll withdraw the fees as they earn them and give you an accounting of any balance. As enforced through the at-will rule, wrongfully does not refer to the termination being mean or the boss singled me out because he did not like me. The termination must violate a protected class or fundamental public policy. Despite the fact that the worker had previously been late only once, the boss terminates the worker, stating that she has a right to do so pursuant to the employment at will doctrine. The boss’s assertion is incorrect. By passing out the memo, she created an implied employment contract, and the worker can bring a claim for wrongful termination. This is known as a constructive discharge. If the employee had a contractual right to continued employment, the employer can be held liable. The concept of a constructive discharge is really just a way for the legal system to hold employers accountable when they try to get rid of employees in a disingenuous manner. This is in stark contrast to the Wrongful Termination in Oakhurst in other countries, which requires employers to have a sufficient reason for terminating an employee.
City Closet Storage College Point – Having a youngster, one simply can not think of any well-organized house. Kids are by nature very naughty. They wish to throw their stuff all around and keep their stuff disorganized. If you want your residences to be sorted out as well as you want your child to learn the right behavior of organizing his stuff in a genuine great way, then surprise him a wardrobe organizer. The closest brought should be solely dedicated to your son or daughter and not for you or other people. Make him create a sense of possessiveness towards his new wardrobe like his toy. You’ll find many closets designed on the market. But here you can’t make a blind choice for a wardrobe organizer. As it is likely to be a surprise to your child, it ought to be a kid’s wardrobe system. The appearance of the wardrobe also should be considered a child’s favorite. The color shouldn’t be too bright, make an effort to paste images of cartoons, of stickers of your child’s favorite toys and games etc in order to make his wardrobe organizer little more attractive and his favorite. Make sure that the wardrobe organizer has enough areas in it. As your child will be having hundreds of varieties of stuff, it ought to be simple so that you can plan them easily. Make an effort to categorize the things of your child first. Devote some sections of the closet limited to his toys. You can see a sub category here. You could place very fragile toys in one area of the wardrobe and delicate toys and games in some other area of the wardrobe. Hence this might help him access his toys and games quickly. Now next job is to devote some compartments of the wardrobe system to keep your child’s clothes. You must be well aware of your child’s favorite clothes. So you can place them in one section and other clothes in another section. The sneaker rack of the kids closet organizer can be used to place your child’s shoes in a mannered way. Make it a point to make these closets as easily accessible. Your child should not struggle to open his wardrobe system. It would be better if you select a wardrobe of less locking system or an available wardrobe system. Also, make sure that you make your child to follow the essential rules to maintain the closet. The size of your kid’s wardrobe should be small and stylish.
Just what is ‘authenticity’ in a brand? To find out, let’s take a look at a craft that places authenticity as its holy grail. Acting. Brands and actors actually have a lot in common. Both play a character, tweaked and interpreted to be as affecting and engaging as possible. This character can be fictionalised, dramatised, or even wholesale made up, but at the core of a great performance for both is a point of undeniable human truth. This is the anchor that allows us as audiences and consumers to believe the character. For most of history, the actor’s craft emphasised clarity. It had to, because when performing in front of a crowd, the people at the back needed to be able to see and hear what was going on. An actor needed to enunciate loudly and gesticulate wildly, not just to perform the play, but to have any kind of show at all that the audience could follow. Then Konstantin Stanislavski came along. He was the originator of the cleverly-named Stanislavski system, which itself would spawn method acting. You’ve probably heard of it. Essentially, it tells actors that their performances could be more authentic and engaging by experientially recreating the character’s emotions in themselves. They have to really ‘feel’ the role. For example, if the character’s father just died, the actor should bring back the emotions they felt in their own life when a loved one had died, and the performance should flow naturally from there. Most of your favourite actors today subscribe to these techniques in one way or another. A handful might even take it to extremes. We’re looking at you, Leo. The System and The Method were actually developed for stage, but they just happened to coincide with the rise of film—and work out really well for it. Suddenly they had camera angles, speaker systems, editing and multiple takes. With all the constraints of live theatre gone, they could guarantee the same experience for the whole audience and drive an explosion in opportunities for nuanced, realistic performances. We bring this up because the craft of advertising is very similar to acting and developed in an almost identical way. We as brands and advertisers take on a role—a character. Take a look at early advertising and you’ll find it as hammy as theatre actors of the 1910s. It was loud, blunt, and almost comically overstated. It’s harder to pinpoint exactly when advertising began to mature, but Bill Bernbach’s (The ‘B’ in DDB) work would be a solid choice. His ‘system’ doesn’t have a name, but centred around creativity to engage audiences, rather than the exaggerated hard sell that dominated until that point. He argued for uniqueness, believability, and consumer insight in advertising. In other words, examining what to say and how to say it, over how loud to yell. It wasn’t enough that customers hear and understand the message. They had to ‘feel’ the brand in order to believe it. And in order for them to feel it, the people behind the brand have to as well. Almost all of us accept this to some extent. Bernbach’s most famous work (probably Volkswagen and Avis) was in print, but his system happened to work out even better with the rise of television. In much the same ways that the big screen opened up tone and nuance for actors, the small screen followed suit for advertising. What can we learn from this parallel? We can take away that the bridge between actors and audiences is the character, with the most affecting performance built on a shared commonality between them. In the same way, a shared experience between advertisers and consumers through the brand makes it believable and engaging. We need to ask that more. That’s what drives authenticity. Both the disciplines of acting and advertising took coincidentally similar paths to their golden ages, which we still feel today. Both revolutions were triggered by the rise of screens, but the 21st century saw a new screen join the fray. Join us next time to find out how these paths diverge, and advertising has only just begun to recognise it.
Innovative and worldclass products have been developed by Thales Air Defence Ltd (TADL) in Belfast, through a longstanding commitment to leading-edge product research and a strong global focus, Ian Pearson, MP, Minister responsible for Enterprise, Trade and Investment at the Northern Ireland Office, said today. The Minister was speaking during a visit to the TADL plant at Castlereagh in Belfast, where the company develops a range of missile systems including the unique Starstreak air defence system, the most advanced weapon of its type. Their products have been sold to 58 Armed Forces in 32 countries. The Minister said: “The most recent example of this company’s strong focus on research is the decision to establish a centre of excellence in missile systems integration, including sophisticated electronics and laser guidance under the joint Invest NI, Department of Employment and Learning and EU-backed Research and Technology Development Programme. “This £4.5 million investment carries forward the company’s focus in this area which began in 1996 and has so far contributed to their success in securing six major contracts totalling over £400 million. This new investment will position the Belfast operation for further growth in terms of its product portfolio and overall business. “This investment is another significant endorsement by Thales - a global leader in defence electronics - of Northern Ireland as a international technology centre,” he added. Ian Pearson said TADL’s achievements supported Invest NI’s strategic focus on encouraging more companies to invest in R&D as a route to sustainable growth. The Minister was welcomed by Millar Crawford, TADL Chief Executive Officer, and met other members of the management team during his visit. Mr Crawford said: “Our research efforts benefit enormously from the supportive approach of the Government, the range of R&D programmes provided by Invest NI and the excellence of the two universities here in key disciplines such as electronics engineering and software. “These factors underpin our position as the centre of excellence for missile design and manufacture within the Thales Group and have enabled us to extend our expertise from air defence into other key sectors,” he added.
Apart from the custom work, rebuilds and semi custom bikes that we build are the restoration projects that we take on. Over the years we have brought back to life everything from a 1948 Elgin, that had been stored in a barn for two decades and run over, to a Schwinn Stingray and A vintage Peugeot Team Race bike. Take a look below at some of the pictures and if you have a classic project yourself that needs bringing back to life, contact us or stop in for a chat. Don't let that trusty old steed of your youth rust any longer. A ladies 1953 Schwinn step through before restoration. 1953 Schwinn after the clean and restoration. Close up of the skip link chain and crank. This 1958 Huffy made by the raleigh bicycle company of Nottingham England. Another barn find, this time a trike. Frame after shot blast and repaint. Original decals applied. Ready to race once again. Close up of high flange hub and we even tied and soldered the spokes and put on tubular tires. Same Elgin after complete restoration and paint.
In this issue: Honor Harrington returns, a tramp freighter crewmember takes a stand for freedom, and John Lambshead explores the nature of intelligence. All that, plus a new short story set in the Jao Empire series. The Mesan Alignment has a plan to remake the galaxy and genetically improve the human race—its way. Until recently, things have gone as scheduled. That was before they came face-to-face with the Star Empire of Manticore. Now, the Alignment has engineered a war in order to undercut Manticore’s galaxy-wide reputation. But even the best laid plans can have unintended consequences, and one of those consequences may just be the dawn of a new bright day of freedom for oppressed star nations everywhere. Angie Kaneshiro was a veteran of the Freehold Forces of Grainne, but was now crew on board a tramp freighter. Then the war with Earth started. The UN forces may hold most of the stations, the docks, and the jump points, but war is complicated, and heroes can be forged in its crucible—even if the hero turns out to be a tramp freighter crew-woman willing to fight for the freedom she loves. For as long as Vikram Bannerji can remember, the alien Jao have ruled the Earth. Just four years old when the invasion began, Vikram has grown up hating the alien overlords. But now something has changed. The Ekhat, once thought to be nothing more than a Jao myth, have launched an attack on Earth. And the Ekhat are far worse than any Jao. Now Vikram must make a choice: let years of anger and blind hatred rule his life . . . or choose a nobler path. Read “Bringer of Fire” by David Carrico here. And check out the latest novel in the Jao Empire series, The Span of Empire by Eric Flint and David Carrico, here. Baen Books is proud to present a new epic poem, serialized in ten parts. Written by celebrated poet Frederick Turner, Apocalypse examines the effects of catastrophic climate change—and the men and women who do whatever it takes to save the planet. Over the next weeks, a new section of this novel-length work will be posted on the Baen Books main web site, and then collected complete as an ebook that will appear when the serialization is done. So watch every Thursday from now until the end of September 2016 for new installments! It seems every so often there’s a news article heralding a new, bold step toward creating an Artificial Intelligence. Some futurists believe we’ll have AI within our lifetimes. Not so fast, says Dr. John Lambshead. Sure, you can simulate intelligence. But, as Dr. Lambshead points out, you can also simulate rain—“but no one gets wet.” So what differentiates true intelligence from the science fictional artificial variety? The answers can be found in this month’s free nonfiction essay. Read “Quantum of Consciousness” here. Coming soon to the Baen Free Radio Hour: Les Johnson discusses near future science fiction novel On to the Asteroid, the sequel to Back to the Moon by Travis S. Taylor and Les Johnson. Rick Boatright and Kerryn Offord on 1636: The Chronicles of Dr. Gribbleflotz; and David Drake discusses his landmark science fiction novel Redliners which is now out in an all-new 20th Anniversary Edition with an essay by Drake and supplemental new material. Missed past episodes? No problem. We’ve got every episode archived for your listening pleasure. To coincide with the release of The Year’s Best Military and Adventure SF 2015, Baen Books is pleased to announce the second annual Year’s Best Military and Adventure Science Fiction Readers’ Choice Award. The award honors the best of the best in this grand storytelling tradition, and its winner will receive an inscribed plaque and a $500 prize. And YOU are the judge! Choose your favorite story from the contents of The Year’s Best Military and Adventure SF 2015 and reward its author for excellence. Voting closes August 31, 2016. The Mesan Alignment has engineered a war in order to undercut the Star Kingdom of Manticore’s galaxy-wide reputation. But even the best laid plans can have unintended consequences, and one of those consequences may just be the dawn of a new bright day of freedom for oppressed star nations everywhere. From Robert A. Heinlein’s “Ordeal in Space,” in which the merest kitten confers the gift of courage on his human, to Cordwainer Smith’s “Ballad of Lost C’mell,” which answers the very question of what would be the outcome of the melding of human and cat, we offer here sixteen reasons why space is truly the feline frontier. The laws of Xylar decreed that a king could only reign for five years, after which he would be beheaded. King Jorian, however, had different ideas. When his half-decade was up, he made a run for it. But his beloved wife was left behind. Now, with the help of the wizard Karadur, he’ll mount a rescue. This collection of transcribed conversations delves into all aspects of Silverberg’s life, such as his extensive travel, passion for film, opera and classical music—as well as his decades-spanning career in SF. These inventive and compelling stories contain tales of transcending cyborgs, shapeshifting bears, sentient hands, rogue GPSs, superhero moms' groups, zombie chipmunks, and a story told from the point of view of a paddle in Pong. Dave Crowell is a hero of the eight worlds of the Union, but he doesn’t want fame or fortune. These days he just wants to run his private detective business with his partner and forget about the Ultras, the insidious aliens that attacked the Union, then vanished. But a client turns up dead under mysterious circumstances, and Crowell knows the Ultras have not gone away. A man is found murdered and brutally impaled near the Seattle waterfront, and during the investigation, private detectives Dave Crowell and Alan Brindos come face to face with an alien drug known as RuBy. This collection brings together alien encounters, classic fantasy creatures, and strange magic; stories with heart, of people making their ways in the world the best they can, however strange and hostile those worlds might be. All this, now brought together in the first widely available retrospective collection of Vaughn's work. This debut collection from Nebula-nominated author Caroline M. Yoachim showcases a wide-ranging selection of dark and beautiful stories, fiction that explores human nature against vividly imagined speculative backdrops. When the alien Saurons invaded, they killed billions—and enslaved the remaining human population, forcing them to build mysterious temples. Now, former government bodyguard Jack Manning finds himself at the center of a conspiracy. The temples are far more dangerous than ever imagined. Manning will face a choice: save himself and the woman he loves or risk everything to mount a resistance. Rebellion is in the air, and the fight for freedom is spreading far and wide, from the center of activity in Washington to the distant lands of Guatemala. A diverse group of rebels, including an ex-FBI agent, a doctor inside the heart of enemy territory, and the president will have to band together with a host of other insurgents from across war-torn Earth to overcome impossible odds if they're to save what's left of humankind. Davi Rhii helped his enslaved people fight for their freedom and earn equality, but now that they are equal, they’ve found freedom and acceptance don’t necessarily go hand-in-hand. A madcap, satirical race among the factions of humanity who rush to the center of the galaxy in order to respond to an invitation from God. By the New York Times bestselling coauthor of Dune: House Atreides. Dyan’s mother is held prisoner and scheduled to be executed for letting her daughter live. Rescuing her will push Dyan and Jak to the limits, unveiling to them the dark secrets at the heart of Buza System. The apocalypse is rough, even on the angels. Raphael, Bearer of the Word and sometimes rebel, is offered a chance to redeem himself, but to win his restoration he has to cross a shattered America to find and call a new . . . and different sort of . . . prophet. All three volumes in the high-octane military SF series, The Fifth Foreign Legion. Includes March or Die, Honor and Fidelity, and Cohort of the Damned. Against the odds, Jelani and his friends are still alive. But vampires stalk them, and the claws of death close in. Survival seems impossible, but Jelani must fight; if not for himself, then for the people he loves.
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Many take a loan to finance their purchases. It can be a financial leverage, a perfect tool to create holdings provided one is careful that indebtedness is only a transitional phase before making the capital gains on one's purchase. Common sense imposes to evaluate carefully the limits of one's investment capacities such as having noted the various existing loans before committing to a real estate operation with credits. The bridging loan or loan for purchase and resale is offered to the owners who wish to purchase a new property before having sold the property put on the market. Taking a bridging loan offers the option to receive from the bank an advance on the future proceeds of the sale. The funds released thanks to this transition loan on short term enable the purchaser to have the time necessary to sell his/her previous lodging without having to sell it off cheap. Moreover, it is generally difficult to have the dates of purchase and sale converge. This formula suits the purchase of a new property with a value inferior or equal to the property sold. In this case, the bank offers a "dry" bridge, that is to say a simple financial advance reimbursed by the sale of one's own property. Here, the advance shall thus be on short term: one year maximum and the borrower only reimburses monthly the interest of the loan. If the amount of the bridging loan is not sufficient to finance the purchase of a new housing, the borrower thus has to cover the remaining amount by a property loan. As long as the first property is not sold, the borrower reimburses the loan interest every month of his bridging loan, in addition to the monthly instalments of his usual property loan. It is thus possible in this case to benefit from a differed payment: here, the interests are not paid back monthly but are capitalized. They thus increase progressively the amount to reimburse at the time of the sale of the property. The instalment thus much relieved but the total amount to pay back in the end shall be heavier by as much as the sale is executed late. 3 - The Bridging loan with a "total allowance" This option is granted for a term of 24 months. In this case, the borrower does not reimburse the loan interests during the first 12 months. If he/she sells his/her property before then, he/she pays back the capital of the bridging loan and the interest for the past months. If the borrower has not sold his/her property in the first 12 months of the bridging loan, from the thirteenth month he/she pays back the loan's interest as well as those of the first month. The redeemable credit is the most common loan solution in France with individuals to finance properties. As its name suggests, it enable each taker of this sort of loans to pay amortize at the same time the capital owed as well as the interest in the same instalment. As time goes by on your loan, the lower is the share of the interest, leaving space for more amortization of capital. We commonly say that we pay the interest of the loan during the first part and the capital in the second part. On each instalment we owe less and less capital to the bank, we "amortize" thus the property this way. However, depending on the terms of the contract, the instalments can also be decreasing or increasing if the instalments are flexible. Every year, on the anniversary date of the credit, the instalment can vary by more or less 30% depending on the wish and the capacity of the client. Finally, the interest rate of the redeemable credit can be fixed or flexible. If it is fixed, the borrower will lose out if the rates decrease and win if they increase. More often the borrowers favour the fixed rate for more safety. The flexible interest rate consists in a reference index and a margin. It is in general more attractive but revisable. During the whole term of the loan, the borrower only pays back monthly the interest of the loan or this capital borrowed is only reimbursed that the end of the loan, in one instalment. The bank verifies the borrower's capacity of repayment imposing him a monthly payment on a savings product (a life insurance for example) for a pre-determined amount. This saving progressively supplied up to the capital borrowed represents a guarantee of reimbursement at the maturity of the loan. The main advantage of this loan is on a tax point of view: the investor can deduct the loan interests from his income, the total amount of which is higher than for a classic loan. Do not forget that, to take a property loan, the bank demands that the borrower takes a life insurance covering death and invalidity to cover its instalments and the capital borrowed. Despite its cost, this security offers some advantages: if the borrower dies during the term of the loan or were to become an invalid, this life insurance will reimburse the bank. Himself or his heirs will then have a house fully paid and a life insurance subject to the regime of the transfer outside of the inheritance. In case of a partial invalidity, the coverage will be in proportion with the level of incapacity. In the scope of a purchase via a Civil Company in Real estate (SCI) the same personal documents should be provided for each partner.
Data on sold house prices, such as the results above for Allensmore Hereford HR2 9AP, is supplied to us via monthly updates from the Land Registry for England and Wales and from the Registers of Scotland for Scotland. There may be a delay of up to 3 months from when a property is actually sold to when it becomes officially recorded with Land Registry and/or Registers of Scotland. We provide data on house prices for information only, on an 'as is' basis as supplied to us and accept no liability for any errors or omissions. If you have identified any incorrect information in, please Report an error.
One of my Style B 10$ Mix-you-own commissions. Bery good in the outfit looks like on of thoes ladyes fom cabarets. Très chouette avec le style 20's. Je valide ! Je te "stamp" ton dessin ! Old timey reporter gal! WOOOO! Great picture! They really had style back then, didn't they? Oooonn jojo je l'adore! Elle est vraiment belle ton dessin est sublime! :3 you are most welcome!
Mare Collection’s Pollino design seamlessly melds charm with style and functionality. The gently curving and triangular-inspired washbasin and the counter it sits on are crafted from a natural mineral blend and bonded with a small amount of resin. The handmade, natural wood veneer cabinet features decorative wood grains that provide visual contrast with the washbasin. A single, wide shelf sits atop an oversized drawer for ample storage space.
Although I’ve hired a lot of people, I’d never been asked that question before. Bob made me think about what they all have in common and I have no doubt that passion is the first criteria I look for when I interview a candidate. But ‘passion’ is a very subjective term. How do you define it, identify it and select for it? Yes, I look for people who know their subject, but they must also be willing to learn and go the extra mile. Passionate people talk about their purpose in life before talking about their qualifications. They are enthusiastic, contagiously positive – they make you feel good! The opposite is the recipe for disaster. The damage an incorrect hire can wreak is huge. So, as an interviewer, how can you encourage a candidate to show their passion? I always find it very helpful to start by articulating the purpose of the company and articulating my own enthusiasm for the job I do. Passionate people react immediately to concept of purpose because it’s what drives them. If your purpose resonates with them, you’ll see it straight away, not just in what they say but also in their body language. This spark and this connection are what I look for in a potential candidate. Hiring the wrong person can be a disaster. It’s not just the work that’s at risk, it’s also the morale of the rest of your team, not to mention your reputation as a manager. Hiring requires full focus, great preparation and lots of time! Many managers don’t invest enough time for such crucial part of their job. Approach hiring the way you would approach giving a presentation to your boss or speaking in front of an audience of important people. Preparation and thoughtfulness at every stage of the process is essential. It begins with the job description and posting. You can’t expect your HR team to support you in finding great candidates if you provide a vague or inaccurate description of what the role will entail. Have I clearly defined the job specs? Have I clearly articulated my requirements to the HR team? Go back to question 1, then rinse and repeat until you are ABSOLUTELY CLEAR! I’ve heard managers say: “Well, if they are too clever, I risk losing my job.” Don’t EVER think this way! Don’t settle for less, don’t be scared about driving a team of really clever and dedicated people; be proud of it. Your employees will make you better, they will make you believable and stronger as a manager. As long as you believe in your team, they will believe in you. Be genuinely interested in them, coach them to give their best and offer a clear sense of purpose. The results will be magical. I’ve been fortunate enough to work with and hire amazing teams: energetic, passionate and always ready to improve themselves. I’d like to thank them and encourage you to make passion a priority the next time you’re hiring. Because, for a manager, there’s nothing so satisfying as building an outstanding team. Having been part of Luciano’s Team, I second all that! Veramente notevole Luciano, avrei voluto farti conoscere qualche manager italiano. ‘Improve’ e’ una delle mie parole preferite…. Bellissimo articolo! Mi piace tantissimo l’originalità con la quale vesti le tue idee! Bravo e grazie per averci coinvolto con la forza della passione!
Rule #1: FERPA recognizes a person enrolled in post-secondary education as a "student" and provides that individual certain rights, regardless of age. Therefore, a parent does not have an inherent right to access his/her child's educational records. Exception: The Cashier's Office, and the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, may disclose financial information without written consent to the parents if the student is a "dependent student" as that term is defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code. Please contact or refer the parent to one of those offices as appropriate. Rule #3: Educational records are considered confidential and may not be released without written consent of the student, with the exception of unrestricted directory information. It is the responsibility of faculty, staff and student employees to verify that student directory information is not restricted before releasing it. Reminder: Student directory information can be restricted with a FERPA hold. SOLAR will display this privacy shade when viewing restricted student data.
Local company, Rescued Tails™ offers custom gifts and educational tools for pet lovers. Rescued Tails™ pet portraits are available in various color pallets with the options of bright, pastel, natural or custom. In addition to printing and/or framing your illustration, you can put your best friend on a tee shirt, mug, etc. Rescued Tails’s motto is to “Warm hearts, save lives” ©. This local company will warm hearts by creating a gift like no other while serving a mission to help hundreds of dogs that were rescued off the streets of Mexico to find homes. Rescue Tails’ mission saves lives by donating $1 from each product sold to animal charities. Visit rescuedtails.com for other pet resources too. Rescue Tails offers educational tools on their website. Each piece is custom made with the specific animal in mind. From cowboy hats and horseshoes to hearts and colorful dog-prints, the essence of each animal portrayed is captured expertly. For more samples designs and information, please visit http://www.rescuedtails.com or contact Wendy Rall directly at woof@rescuedtails.com or 951-704-3374.
Having a DisplayPort with you at your house will always keep you entertained if you love gaming and live to stream. The cables fit perfectly in a monitor, projector, laptop or tablet. There are many products in the market you can choose from, but you have to do proper research to avoid purchasing a wrong product. This is the perfect cable for your laptop or desktop that is equipped with a display port. You can also use it to enjoy your movies where you can also expand your laptop for better view or when you are presenting at school. It provides you with quality and high-definition audio and videos from your laptop. This cable is gold plated, and this helps to resist corrosion or resist any damage and enhance durability. This kind of plating also ensures a perfect signal transmission. This display port connector provides a secure connection where it has a release button that is always lowered before unplugging. The display port is also portable where you can carry it anywhere with you. This mini display port cable can give you quality transmission of videos and audios. You can connect it to your computer or tablet to get HD videos. Has gold plated connectors, copper conductors, and foil-and-braid shielding where all these provide enough energy and convenient connection. This cable measures a maximum of 10 feet and gives an easy time when connecting it to your laptop. The cable has a sleek design that gives you an easy time to carry and store the cable. It is secure and reliable where it will provide you with a good connection when you need it. If you are looking for a perfect cable for video streaming and gaming, this is the perfect fit. It has a construction design that prevents the cable from cracking or any damage. It contains gold-plated connectors and multiple shielding where this prevents any damage and enhance the durability of the cable. The cable provides you with free non-interfered data transmission from any time and position. Provides a secure and reliable connection where you only plug and play without struggling. You can directly connect the display port that is equipped to your desktop for high definition videos and clear audios. This is a convenient cable that connects a display port cable directly to a projector or HD monitor with display port unit. This cable is portable and mobile where you can use it anywhere. It features gold-plated connectors that with copper connectors and braid shielding where they all combine to provide powerful cable performance reliable connections. It transmits high definition videos and clear music from your computer to a monitor for gaming or video streaming. It provides a secure connection where it has a button that is always lowered before unplugging. This cable is 10 foot long, and this gives you an easy time when using it from any position. This cable has gold-plated connectors that resist corrosion and any form of damage. The gold connectors also enhance reliable and increased connectivity. It features inner braided foil that reduces interference and increases video and audio quality. The 6 feet cable connects a display port enabled computer to an HD monitor or projector with DP port unit for audio and video streaming. The cable gives you the best and quality video resolution you need. The DP has a latch that provides a secure and reliable connection with the port where the latch must be pressed down before unplugging the connector. This is perfect for extended display or mirrored displays. The cable supports resolutions of up to 3840 by 2160 and high-definition videos. This display port provides you with a secure and reliable connection any time you need it. It has pure copper conductors and triple metal shielding that enhance a perfect performance. This cable transmits both high definition video from your computer or tablet to an HD display. It has gold-plated and copper conductors that protect the cable from damage and improve its performance. Has foil and braid shielding that helps in reducing electromagnetic interference. It has an ergonomic design where it has secured grips for easy plugging and unplugging. The cable measures 6 foot and supports a high video resolution. This cable provides you with a high-quality connection no matter where you are. This is a perfect choice when you need quality and clear videos and pictures. The cable provides you with a high video resolution. The cable is 10 foot long to provide you with enough and secure connection from any position. The cable is gold-plated for preventing corrosion and providing a secure connection. Has a release button that is always lowered before unplugging. Has a slim design where you can fold it easily for easy carrying. This cable has latching gold-plated connectors for providing a secure and reliable connection. The gold plating also helps in resisting damage, and this enhances the durability of the cable. Features braided copper conductors for providing a reliable signal from source to display design with foil design for an uninterrupted connection. The display port provides you with a secure connection where it has a release button that must be lowered before unplugging. It transmits HD audio, and video from you’re your computer to a monitor for video streaming and gaming. You can also connect and configure your monitor for an extended monitor display. This cable is easily connected to a display port that is equipped with a desktop to an HD monitor or projector for easy streaming and gaming. The cable transmits high definition video and audio from your computer to a monitor where it also convenient for gaming and live streaming. It supports it provides you with a high video resolution. It can work with various display port modes for providing you with deep color depths and sharp images. It is gold plated for increasing providing quality connection where the plating also prevents damage. The cable has an available price that will favor your pocket. Flexibility: Before buying any cable, you ask yourself the questions like what type of install is the cable going into? Is everything fixed? You need to find a cable that is flexible enough such that it is mobile to be used everywhere and in different scenarios. A flexible will always give you the freedom of using the cable everywhere provided the cable has a slim design for easy carrying and storage. Durability: Buying a durable display port cable means you will keep yourself out of the shops buying new products time by time. Consider buying a cable that is plated with strong material that prevents corrosion or any form of damage. There are other cables that are made from strong materials that are strong enough to enhance the durability of the cable. You have to do better research on the product you want to buy because there are many products in the market and buying a durable cable can be a tiring job. Cost: Consider buying a port that is very well priced and a cable that will suit your pocket. Mostly, the high-quality cable is costly than the low-quality cables. You can still buy the low priced cables where they perform their function efficiently. Buying an expensive or low costing product only depends on the strength of your pocket. Avoid buying a product that will affect your budget, but if you are financially stable, you can spend on the expensive cables. Design: A good cable should always have a perfect design that will make its use simple. It should have a slim design for easy carrying and storage. A foldable cable is always portable, and this makes it best to use in any position. A cable that is molded with good design will always provide you with the best results you want. Quality: Consider buying a cable that is of high quality and a cable that will suit your needs very well. If you purchase a low-quality cable, you will be forced to return it to the shops or buy a new one, and this will be costly. To avoid all these problems, do proper research on the product you want to buy. Choosing the best Display port on the market can give you stress because the products are numerous in the market and you have to do proper research before buying any cable. You have to consider many things to avoid buying a product that will not suit your functions. Consider the products in the guide above because they are of high quality and well researched to suit your functions.